HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Pre-App Land Use Report_052523_ v1DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division | 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200 |www.rentonwa.gov PREAPPLICATION MEETING FOR Change of Occupancy 805 SW 10th St PRE23-000145 May 25, 2023 Contact Information: Planner: Andrew Van Gordon, 425.430.7286, avangordon@rentonwa.gov Public Works Plan Reviewer: Yong Qi, 425.430.7439, yqi@rentonwa.gov Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425.276.9582, cthomas@RentonRFA.org Building Department Review: Rob Shuey, 206.550.8523, rshuey@rentonwa.gov Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use and/or environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Development Engineering Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 25, 2023 TO: Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner FROM: Yong Qi, Civil Engineer III, Plan Review SUBJECT: Castle Auto Sale Tenant Improvement 805 SW 10th St PRE23-000145 NOTE: The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary is preliminary and non- binding and may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official City decision-makers. Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. I have completed a preliminary review for the above-referenced proposal located at parcel# 2423049025. The following comments are based on the pre-application submittal made to the City of Renton by the applicant. WATER COMMENTS 1. The project is within the City of Renton’s water service area in the Valley 196 hydraulic zone. 2. There is an existing 12-inch water main located in SW Grady Way that can deliver a maximum flow capacity of 4,700 GPM (Record Dwg: W-190402). There is an existing 12-inch water main located to the west of the project site that can deliver a maximum flow capacity of 4,700 GPM (Record Dwg: W-042002). There is an existing 12-inch water main located in SW 10th St that can deliver a maximum flow capacity of 4,700 GPM (Record Dwg: W-02390F). The approximate static water pressure is 75 psi at a ground elevation of 22’. 3. Below is a summary of the existing fire hydrants in the vicinity of the site. Please refer to the Fire Authority for fire hydrant requirements: a. One southwest of the building within the north side landscape area of the SW Grady Way (Hydrant ID No. HYD-SW-00539). b. One northeast of the building within the north side landscape area of the SW 10th Street (Hydrant ID No. HYD-SW-00072). 4. There is an existing 1.5” domestic water service and meter (Facility ID No. MTR-016409) serving the existing building. A new 1.5” reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) is required behind the meter, and it needs to be installed in an above ground heated enclosure per COR Std. Plan 350.2 or in a suitable location interior to the building with a drain. Locations interior to the building need to be approved by the Water Utility. 805 SW 10th St– PRE23-000145 Page 2 of 4 May 25, 2023 5. If the project proposes to upsize the water meter or additional meters are needed, the development will be subject to applicable water system development charges (SDC’s) and meter installation fees based on the size of the new meters for domestic uses and fire sprinkler use. Current fees can be found in the 2023 Development Fees document on the City’s website. c. The SDC fee for water is based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the project. The current water fee for a single 1-inch meter is $4,850.00 per meter, 1-1/2-inch meter is $24,250.00, and a 2-inch meter is $38,800.00. d. Water Service installation fee is $2,875.00 per 1-inch service line, $4,605.00 per 1-1/2-inch service line, and $4,735.00 per 2-inch service line. e. Drop-in meter fee is $460.00 per meter for a 1-inch meter, $750.00 for a 1-1/2-inch meter, and $950.00 for a 2-inch meter. f. Credit will be applied to the 1.5’’ existing service if abandoned. g. Final determination of applicable fees will be made after the water meter size has been determined. SDC fees are assessed and payable at construction permit issuance. The full fee schedule can be found at: https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/DocView.aspx?id=10067870&dbid=1&repo=Cityof Renton. SEWER COMMENTS 1. The project is within the City of Renton’s sanitary sewer service area. 2. There is an existing 8-inch gravity wastewater main located within SW 10th Street (Record Dwg: S-009107), which discharges to the 108-inch gravity King County Wastewater Main along the north property line within SW 10th Street. 3. There is an existing 6-inch PVC sewer stub and 6-inch PVC side sewer serving the property, which is connected to the existing 8-inch sewer main within SW 10th Street. 4. Based on the information provided with the pre-application submittal documents, the property is adequately serviced, and no developer’s installed sewer improvements will be required to provide sewer service to the development. 5. The auto sale building floor drains will need to be directed to an oil/water separator system prior to connecting into the City’s Sanitary Sewer system. Installation of an oil/water separator will be required if there is not an existing one. The oil/water separator shall be sized in accordance with standards found in the latest edition of the Unifor Plumbing Code (UPC). The oil/water separator shall drain by gravity to the sewer main and shall be located so that it is accessible for routine owner maintenance. 6. If the existing sewer service will be reused, no sewer system development charges are applicable. If the domestic water meter size is required to be upsized or additional meters are required as a result of the project, applicable sewer SDC fees would be required. Credit would be provided for the existing meter size. STORM DRAINAGE COMMENTS 1. A drainage review complying with the current 2022 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM) will be required if construction is proposed exterior to the existing building. No drainage review shall be required if there is no construction proposed exterior to the existing building. 805 SW 10th St– PRE23-000145 Page 3 of 4 May 25, 2023 TRANSPORTATION/STREET COMMENTS 1. In accordance with RMC 4-6-060, if the site improvements and/or proposed building additions exceed an overall valuation is greater than $175,000, the project site(s) shall be required to meet the City’s Complete Streets Standards. 2. In accordance with RMC 4-6-060, if the site improvements and/or proposed building additions exceed an overall valuation is greater than $175,000, the project site(s) shall be required to meet the City’s Complete Streets Standards. a. Since the overall exterior remodel and construction valuation is estimated to be less than $175,000, in accordance with RMC 4-6-060, no street frontage improvements or right of way dedication are required. However, if during Land-Use review it is determined that the exterior additions exceed an overall valuation of $175,000, the project may become subject to further transportation review. 3. An accessible route of travel meeting American’s With Disabilities Act’s requirements (ADA) from the public right of way to the building is required and will be reviewed in conjunction with the building permit submittal. The existing onsite ADA parking and landings will also be reviewed. 4. Since the project is proposing a change in use that may result in additional traffic, a traffic study meeting City of Renton traffic study guidelines is required at the land-use submittal. If the result of the study is more than 20 new trips in the AM or PM peak hours, a traffic impact analysis will be required. 5. The development is subject to transportation impact fees. Fees will be assessed at the time of a complete building permit application. The 2023 transportation impact fee for net new pm peak hour person vehicle trips is $8,031.94 per trip. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All existing and proposed utility lines (i.e., electrical, phone, and cable services, etc.) along property frontage or within the site must be underground. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton inspector. 2. Additional Building Permit Applications will be required for the following: a. Any retaining walls that exceed 4 feet in height, as defined by RMC 4-4-040. b. Detention vaults for storm water flow control. c. Demo of any existing structures on the project site(s). 3. Fees quoted in this document reflect the fees applicable in the year 2023 only and will be assessed based on the fee that is current at the time of the permit application or issuance, as applicable to the permit type. Please visit www.rentonwa.gov for the current fee schedule. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 25, 2023 TO: Pre-Application File No. 23-000145 FROM: Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Change of Occupancy – 805 SW 10th St (Parcel number 2423049025) General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision- makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available online at https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Renton/. Project Proposal: The project area is located at 805 SW 10th St (Parcel number 2423049025). The project proposal is to establish a used car dealership. Access would be maintained from SW 10th St. No improvements to the site are proposed. City of Renton’s (COR) mapping system indicates the site is within a High Seismic Hazard Area. Current Use: The property is the site of a Washington State Emission Testing facility with associated surface parking and stacking lanes. It is unclear if the facility is still operating in any capacity. Zoning/Land Use: The subject property is located within the Medium Industrial Zone (IM) zoning classification in Auto Mall Area B. The purpose of the IM zone is to provide areas for medium- intensity industrial activities involving manufacturing, processing, assembly, and warehousing. Uses in this zone may require some outdoor storage and may create some external emissions of noise, odor, glare, vibration, etc., but these are largely contained on site. Compatible uses that directly serve the needs of other uses permitted within the district are also allowed zone wide. A used car dealership would be classified as small vehicle sales. Small vehicle sales is defined as: Motor vehicles including, but not limited to, motorcycles, passenger cars, light trucks, vans, and similar size vehicles which have gross vehicle weights less than ten thousand (10,000) pounds. Small vehicle sales is a permitted use within the IM zone. Change of Occupancy Page 2 of 7 May 25, 2023 Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-130A, Development Standards for Industrial Zoning Designations effective at the time of complete application (noted as “IM standards” herein). Building Standards – The IM standards permit a height of 50 feet (50’). Heights may exceed the zone’s maximum height with a Conditional Use Permit. Revisions to the height of the existing building are not proposed. Compliance with requirements would be determined at the time of building permit review. Setbacks – Setbacks are the minimum required distance between the building footprint and the property line. The required setbacks for the IM zone are: minimum front yard and secondary front yard: 20 feet (20’) from Principle Arterial streets, 15 feet (15’) from all other streets, except 50 feet (50’) is required if a lot is adjacent to or abutting a lot zoned residential; minimum side yard and rear yard: none, except 50 feet (50’) if lot is adjacent to or abutting a lot zoned residential. In no case shall a structure over 42 inches (42”) in height intrude into the 20-foot (20’) clear vision area defined in RMC 4-11-030. Per COR Maps, the existing structure would meet setback standards. Compliance with requirements would be determined at the time of building permit review. Access/Parking: Access is proposed via the three (3) existing driveways from SW 10th St. A vehicle sales use requires a minimum and maximum of 1.0 stalls per 5,000 square feet. The sales area is not a parking lot and does not have to comply with dimensional requirements, landscaping or the bulk storage section requirements for setbacks and screening. Any arrangement of motor vehicles is allowed as long as: • A minimum five-foot (5’) perimeter landscaping area is provided; • They are not displayed in required landscape areas; and • Adequate fire access is provided per Fire Department approval. Driveway width shall not exceed an aggregate of 40 percent (40%) of the street frontage. There shall be a minimum of 18 feet (18’) between driveway curb returns where there is more than one (1) driveway on property under single ownership or control and used as one premises. The width of any driveway shall not exceed 30 feet (30’). There shall be no more than one (1) driveway for each 165 feet (165’) of street frontage serving any one property. For each 165 feet (165’) of additional street frontage another driveway may be permitted. Maximum driveway slope shall not exceed eight percent (8%). The Administrator may allow a driveway to exceed eight percent (8%) slope but not more than fifteen percent (15%) slope, upon proper application in writing and for good cause shown, which shall include, but not be limited to, the absence of any reasonable alternative. To exceed fifteen percent (15%), a variance from the Administrator is required. Bicycle Parking –The number of bicycle parking spaces shall be equal to 10 percent (10%) of the number of required off-street vehicle parking spaces for all uses except attached dwellings. A change in use triggers parking requirements. A site plan for the project was not provided, so it is unclear where the vehicle sales area would be located. Per the King County Assessor, the existing building is 4,196 square feet. A minimum and maximum of one (1) parking stall is permitted. There are three (3) driveway access points on SW 10th St. The property has approximately 540 lineal feet of frontage along SW 10 th St and SW Grady Way. The frontage length allows for three (3) driveways, but it is unclear the distance between the driveways or Change of Occupancy Page 3 of 7 May 25, 2023 the width of the driveways. Compliance with requirements would be determined at the time of civil construction permit review. Please review RMC 4-4-080, Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations for the full requirements. Automall District: The project is subject to RMC 4-3-040, Automall District. The project is located within Auto Mall Area B. The following requirements are applicable for dealerships within Auto Mall Area B. DEALERSHIPS IN AREAS B SERVICE AREA ORIENTATION Service areas shall not face public street frontage. LANDSCAPING – STREET FRONTAGE LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS for lots that abut Lind Avenue S.W., S.W. Grady Way, Talbot Road S. (SR-515), East Valley Road, or Rainier Avenue S. A 15-foot-wide landscape strip along these street frontages. This frontage requirement is in lieu of the frontage requirement listed for the zone in chapter 4-2 RMC. Unimproved portions of the right-of-way may be used in combination with abutting private property to meet the required 15-foot landscape strip width. The landscaping shall include a minimum 30-inch-high berm and red maples (Acer rubrum), or other equivalent tree species required or approved by the Administrator on the City’s Approved Tree List per RMC 4-4-070L, planted 25 feet on center. LANDSCAPING – MINIMUM AMOUNT AND LOCATION Minimum 2.5% of the gross site area shall be provided as on- site landscaping. Landscaping shall be consolidated and located at site entries, building fronts, or other visually prominent locations as approved through the site plan development review process. Minimum landscaping may be reduced to 2% of the gross site area where bioretention, permeable paving, or other low impact development techniques consistent with the Surface Water Design Manual are integrated. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AND TREE REMOVAL All landscaping is subject to maintenance pursuant to RMC 4-4- 070P. WHEEL STOPS If frontage landscaping is relocated, then permanent wheel stops or continuous curbs must be installed a minimum of 2.5 feet from sidewalks to prevent bumper overhang of sidewalks. Where these requirements differ from the requirements of the Change of Occupancy Page 4 of 7 May 25, 2023 DEALERSHIPS IN AREAS B parking, loading and driveway regulations of chapter 4-4 RMC, these requirements shall govern. CUSTOMER PARKING Customer parking shall be designated and striped near entry drives and visible from public streets. Where possible, customer parking shall be combined with abutting dealership customer parking and shared access. Where these requirements differ from the requirements of the parking, loading and driveway regulations of chapter 4-4 RMC, these requirements shall govern. AUTOMALL RIGHT-OF-WAY IMPROVEMENT PLAN COORDINATION Development shall be coordinated with the adopted right-of- way improvement plan which addresses gateways, signage, landscaping, and shared access. AUTOMALL IMPROVEMENT PLAN COMPLIANCE All development shall coordinate with the Automall Improvement Plan adopted by Resolution No. 3457. The plan addresses potential street vacations, right-of-way improvements, area gateways, signage, landscaping, circulation, and shared access. Full plans were not provided. Of note, service areas cannot face SW 10th St or SW Grady Way. Compliance with requirements would be determined at the time of civil construction permit review and building permit review. Landscaping: With the exception of critical areas, all portions of the development area not covered by structures, required parking, access, circulation or service areas, must be landscaped with native, drought-resistant vegetative cover. The minimum on-site landscape width required along street frontages is 10 feet and shall contain trees, shrubs, and landscaping. Street trees in the ROW planter will also be required. Landscaping may include hardscape such as decorative paving, rock outcroppings, fountains, plant containers, etc. Minimum planting strip widths between the curb and sidewalk are established according to the street development standards of RMC 4-6-060, Street Standards. Street trees and, at a minimum, groundcover are to be located in this area when present. Street trees shall be planted in the center of the planting strip between the curb and the sidewalk at the following intervals; provided, that, where right-of-way is constrained, irregular intervals and slight increases or decreases may be permitted or required. Additionally, trees shall be planted in locations that meet required spacing distances from facilities located in the right-of-way including, but not limited to, underground utilities, streetlights, utility poles, traffic signs, fire hydrants, and driveways; such spacing standards are identified in the City’s Approved Tree List. Generally, the following spacing is required: i. Small- sized maturing trees: thirty feet (30') on center; ii. Medium-sized maturing trees: forty feet (40') on center; and iii. Large-sized maturing trees: fifty feet (50') on center. Perimeter landscaping is Change of Occupancy Page 5 of 7 May 25, 2023 required for all parking lots with interior landscaping required for surface parking lots with more than 14 stalls. Changes in the use of a property or remodel of a structure that requires improvements equal to or greater than 50 percent (50%) of the assessed property value trigger landscaping requirements. On-site street frontage landscaping is required along SW 10th St and SW Grady Way minus driveways and pedestrian connections. If required, frontage improvements would include street trees and a landscaping strip along SW 10th St and SW Grady Way. Interior parking lot landscaping is required. A conceptual landscape plan shall be provided with the civil construction permit as prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect, a certified nurseryman or other certified professional. All landscaping shall meet the requirements of RMC 4-4-070, Landscaping. Significant Tree Retention: When significant trees (greater than 6-inch caliper or 8-caliper inches for alders and cottonwoods) are proposed to be removed, a tree inventory and a tree retention plan along with an arborist report, tree retention plan and tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land use application as defined in RMC 4-8-120. The tree retention plan must show preservation of at least 30% of significant trees. Please refer to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations for further general and specific tree retention and land clearing requirements. In addition to retaining a minimum of 30% of existing significant trees, properties subject to an active land development permit shall comply with minimum tree credit retention requirements of a minimum of 30 credits per net acre. Tree credits encourage retention of existing significant trees with larger trees being worth more tree credits. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS New small species tree 0.25 New medium species tree 1 New large species tree 2 Preserved tree 6 – 9 caliper inches 4 Preserved tree 10 – 12 caliper inches 5 Preserved tree 12 – 15 caliper inches 6 Preserved tree 16 – 18 caliper inches 7 Preserved tree 19 – 21 caliper inches 8 Preserved tree 22 – 24 caliper inches 9 Preserved tree 25 – 28 caliper inches 10 Preserved tree 29 – 32 caliper inches 11 Change of Occupancy Page 6 of 7 May 25, 2023 TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS Preserved tree 33 – 36 caliper inches 12 Preserved tree 37 caliper inches and greater 13 Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; significant trees over sixty feet (60') in height or greater than eighteen inches (18") caliper; and trees that shelter interior trees or trees on abutting properties from strong winds, which could otherwise allow such sheltered trees to be blown down if removed. Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and other significant non-native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. The Administrator may require independent review of any land use application that involves tree removal and land clearing at the City's discretion. The Administrator may authorize the planting of replacement trees on the site if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that replacement requirements in RMC 4-4- 130H1e can be met. Tree retention standards shall be applied to the developable area, as defined in RMC 4-11-040, Definitions D, of a property. A formal tree retention plan and tree retention worksheet prepared by an arborist or landscape architect would be reviewed at the time of the civil construction permit review. Fences/Walls: Within industrial zones the maximum height of any fence, hedge, or retaining wall within the front yard and secondary front yard shall not exceed 48 inches (48”) in height within 15 feet (15’) of the front yard or secondary front yard property line or within any part of the clear vision area. Fences, hedges, or retaining walls shall not exceed 48 inches (48") in height within fifteen feet (15') of a rear yard property line that abuts a public street. The maximum height of any fence, hedge or retaining wall shall be eight feet (8'). Barb wire fences are permitted in all industrial zones; barbed wire may only be used on top of fences at least six feet (6’) in height. See RMC 4-4-040, Fences, Hedges and Retaining Walls for full requirements. Refuse and Recyclables: All new developments for commercial uses shall provide on-site refuse and recyclable deposit areas and collection points for collection in compliance with RMC 4-4-090, Refuse and Recyclables Standards. These areas shall not be located within required setbacks or landscaped areas and shall not be located in a manner that hauling trucks obstruct pedestrian or vehicle traffic on-site or project into public right-of-way. The size of these areas shall be dependent on the size and number of the proposed uses. Change of Occupancy Page 7 of 7 May 25, 2023 A refuse and recyclable collection area is not shown on the drawings. Full compliance will be determined at the time of construction permit review and building permit review. Critical Areas: According to COR Maps, the property is within a High Seismic Hazard Area. Development within high seismic hazard areas require a geotechnical study completed by a licensed professional. A geotechnical report will be required addressing seismic issues. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ascertain whether any critical areas or environmental concerns are present on the subject property prior to development and/or construction. Environmental Review: The proposal would require environmental review pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The project is a change of use in an existing building that exceeds 4,000 square feet, and therefore WAC 197-11-800(1) does apply. An Environmental Checklist must be submitted with the proposal and the City’s Environmental Review Committee is required to issue a Threshold Determination prior to any issuance for permits on the site. An environmental checklist will be required at the time of civil construction permit and building permit submittal. Permit Requirements: The proposal would require a building permit and Environmental (SEPA) Review. Building permit fees are based on the valuation of the project and work completed. The average time frame for processing of an Environmental Review application is typically six (6) to eight (8) weeks. The 2023 fee for an Environmental Review would total $1,890.00 ($1,800 Environmental Review + $90.00 Technology Fee (5%) = $1,890.00). Each modification request is $290.00. A 5% technology fee added to the total cost of the reviews would also be assessed at the time of land use application. All fees are subject to change. Detailed information regarding the land use permit application submittal requirements can be found on the Master Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements checklist. Other informational applications and handouts can be found on the City’s Digital Records Library. The City requires electronic plan submittal for all applications. Please refer to the City’s Electronic File Standards. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction fees, impact fees would be required. The fee in effect at the time of building permit issuance will apply. For informational purposes, the 2023 impact fees are as follows: • A Transportation Impact Fee assessed at $8.031.94 per net new PM Peak House Person Vehicle Trip. A handout listing Renton’s development-related fees is available on the City of Renton website for your review. Next Steps: When the formal land use application materials are complete, the applicant shall have the application materials pre-screened prior to submitting the complete application package. Please contact Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner at avangordon@rentonwa.gov or (425) 430-7286 for an appointment. Expiration: It is the responsibility of the owner to monitor the expiration date. From: Robert Shuey Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 1:30 PM To: Matthew Herrera Subject: PRE23-000145 • Building Review - Pre App/Pre Sub • Pre-Application Meeting Submittal v1 Matt, As this is a change of use and a change of occupancy classification, a new certificate of occupancy is required for the new use. The owner must obtain a building permit for the change of occupancy. Submittal documents for the permit shall show that the building is in compliance with Chapter 10, sections 1002 through 1011 if the currently adopted 2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC). Please note that currently the State of Washington plans to adopt the 2021 IEBC on July 1, 2023. Thank you, Rob Shuey, Building Official, CBO Development Services Director City of Renton | CED | Building Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 Virtual Permit Center | Online Applications and Inspections D: (425) 430-7290 | M: (206) 550-8523 | rshuey@rentonwa.gov