HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA02-143 b [ 'iiNNIfhi . of FILE FlLE TITLE SEE DRAWINGS) I. a q Wayne Miller Mr.Richard Wagner Jack Alhadeff 19611 SE 192 Street Baylis Architects JDA Group LLC Renton,WA 98058 10801 Main Street,Suite 110 95 South Tobin,#201 Bellevue,WA 98004 Renton,WA 98055 Chris Anderson Jon Stewart Joseph Franklin 602 Taylor P1 NW 309 NW 6th Street 311 NW 6th Street Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055-1006 Kelly Swanson Kevin Krycka Roberta McDonald 209 NW 6th Street 217 NW 6th Street 216 NW 5th Street Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Janet Flatten Greg Erickson Ethel Woodward 210 NW 6th Street 301 NW 6th Street 8816 S. 122nd Street Renton,IWA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98178 Sharon I.Neglay Melford&Josephine Flatten Dr.Rolland Dewing 656 Lind Ave.NW 210 NW 6th Street 210 NW 5th Street Renton,,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Mary Jo Carlson Alan&Theresa Barash Mary Ann Ellingson 215 N 5th Street 206 NW 6th Street 300 NW 6th Street Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Margaret Feaster Cary Wright Eric Hanczyc 264 Stevens Ave.NW 564 Stevens Ave.NW 670 Taylor Ave.NW Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Sandra Chin Christine Zabloudil Bruce&Sue Gregg 670 Taylor Ave.NW 8809 S. 121'Street 207 NW 5th Street Renton,WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98178-4529 Renton,WA 98055 Vickie Russett Marvin&Isobel Taylor Shirley A.Jude 602 Taylor Place NW 465 Stevens Avenue NW 501 Stevens Avenue NW Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Janet Flatten Randy Walker 210 NW 6th Street 8814 S. 121"Street Renton;WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98178 a*toinlaaalOta•ara.1•Va,... 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JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 600 1200 s, 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) -Vicinity Map 1 : 7200 G? o� Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning ®• Alex Pielsch,Administrator G.Del Rosario Study Area *ii 14 July 2003 — — Corporate Boundary r j y i 1 STEWART TITLE NATIONAL TITLE SERVICES GUARANTY COMPANY I PREPARED ESPECIALLY FOR: JACK D. ALHADEFF 11661 SOUTHEAST FIRST, SUITE 203 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT FOR: JACK D. ALHADEFF PURCHASE OF 601 RAINIER AVENUE NORTH RENTON, WASHINGTON • "Enhancing the Real Estate Transaction Process"TM 700 Fifth Avenue,Suite 5500•Seattle,Washington 98104 206-223-1505.877-530-1505•Fax:206-269-4916 a Stewart Information Services company • NYSE:STC • www.stewart.com • •- • ;j C7C 6 • L �I • ' NATIONAL TITLE SERVICES STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY • VIA U.S. MAIL' April 16, 2001 Jack D.Alhadeff Dorothy Meyer 11661 Southeast 1st, Suite 203 14611 Southeast 267th Street Bellevue, WA 98005 Kent,WA 98042 Holman Real Estate Services, Inc. Richard Giovi Attn: Jack D.Alhadeff Patricia Giovi 11661 Southeast 1st, Suite 203 . 26724 195th Avenue Southeast, Space 34 • Bellevue, WA 98005 Kent,WA 98042 Michael R. Bradley Associate Broker Coldwell Banker Commercial 875 124th Avenue Northeast, Suite 202 • Bellevue, WA 98005 y I RE: Seller/Purchaser: MEYER-GIOVI/ALHADEFF Property Address: 601 Rainier Avenue North Renton,Washington NTS File Number: 01200037 Ladies and Gentlemen: • This will confirm that our office will serve as escrow closer for the above-referenced transaction, and that Stewart Title Guaranty Company will serve as the underwriter In connection with this transaction we are enclosing a copy of preliminary title commitment order number 200113526,together with.a set of recorded document copies for your review and approval. In addition,we are enclosing an APR 12 Disclosure to Parties for your signature and return. This document may be signed in counterparts. A return envelope has been provided for your convenience. • ,l I "Enhancing the Real Estate Transaction ProcessTM 700 Fifth Avenue,Suite 5500•Seattle,Washington 98104 206-223-1505•877-530-1505•Fax:206-269-4916 • a Stewart Information Services company • NYSE:STC • www.stewart.com Jack D. Alhadeff Dorothy Meyer Richard Giovi Patricia Giovi Michael Bradley April 16, 2001 Page 2 of 2 Mr. and Mrs. Giovi and Mrs. Meyer,we also enclose a property information form requesting information for the current loans secured by the property. Please complete and return the form to our office at your earliest convenience. We will keep you advised of our progress as the closing progresses. We look forward to working with you. Very truly yours, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY anessa . organ National Closing Specialist (206)770-8814; Fax: (206)269-4916 enclosures • MEP STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY • NATIONAL TITLE.SERVICES 700 Fifth Avenue,Suite 5500 Seattle,WA 98104 )11.. Phone(206)770-8700 Fax(206) 748-0536 DISCLOSURES TO THE PARTIES UNDER APR 12 • April 16, 2001 RE: Escrow No. 01200037 Seller: Dorothy Meyer, Individually and as Trustee of the Eugene R. Meyer Testamentary Trust, and Richard Giovi and Patricia Giovi, husband and wife Buyer: Jack D.Alhadeff Property Address: 601 Rainier Avenue North Renton, Washington The documents for this transaction have been prepared by a Limited Practice Officer admitted by the Nashington State Supreme Court to the Limited Practice of Law under APR 12. Under this Rule: 1) Your Limited Practice Officer may select, prepare and complete documents in a form previously approved by the APR 12 Board; 2) Your Limited Practice Officer is not acting as the advocate or representative of any of the parties to this.transaction; 3) The documents prepared by your Limited Practice Officer will affect the legal rights of the parties of this transaction; 4) Your interest in these documents may differ from the interest of the other parties to this transaction; 5) You have the right to be represented by a lawyer of your own selection; and your Limited Practice Officer cannot give you legal advice as to the manner in which the documents affect you or any other party to this transaction. The Limited Practice Officer is only permitted to select and complete documents which have been approved by the Limited Practice Board in accordance with a written Purchase and Sales Agreement which contains all of the basic terms of the transaction. The Limited Practice Officer is not permitted to negotiate terms which are not included in the written Purchase and Sales agreement. The Limited Practice Officer is not permitted to practice law. In this transaction,your Limited Practice Officer is Vanessa Morgan, LPO No. 2709 Stewart Title Guaranty Company 1 National Title Services BY: Vanessa Morgan, LPO No. 2709 I have received and read a copy of the Disclosure, and understand its contents this ' c-_ day of , 2001. Buyer(s) Jack D. Alhadeff I have received and read a copy of the Disclosure, and understand its contents this day of , 2001. Seller(s) Dorothy Meyer, Individually Dorothy Meyer, as Trustee of the Eugene R. Meyer Testamentary Trust Richard Giovi Patricia Giovi EXHIBIT"A" • _scrow File No.: 01200037 Title File No.: 200113526 Buyer(s): Jack D. Alhadeff Seller(s):. Dorothy Meyer, Individually and as Trustee of the Eugene R. Meyer Testamentary Trust, Richard Giovi and Patricia Giovi LIMITED PRACTICE BOARD FORMS SECTION 1: MORTGAGE LENDING DOCUMENTS All documents approved and designed for use by the Secondary Mortgage Market, including Notes, deeds of trust and riders. The Secondary Mortgage Market is defined as federally related institutions such as FNMA, FHLM, and GNMA except Regulation"Z". SECTION 2: ESCROW DOCUMENTS '.- X LPB No. 10 Statutory Warranty Deed LPB No. 11 Statutory Warranty Deed (Fulfillment of REC) LPB No. 12 Quit Claim Deed LPB No. 13 Seller's Assignment of Contract and Deed LPB No. 14 Buyer's Assignment of Contract and Deed LPB No. 20 Deed of Trust(Short Form) LPB No.21 Assignment of Deed of Trust LPB No. 22 Deed of Trust(Long Form) LPB No. 23 Request for Full Reconveyance LPB No. 24 Request for Partial Reconveyance LPB No. 25 Promissory Note-Monthly Installments LPB No. 26 Promissory Note—Interest Included—Due Date LPB No. 27 Promissory Note—Interest Extra LPB No. 28 Promissory Note.-Straight LPB No. 29 Request for Notice LPB No. 30 Bill of Sale LPB No. 35- Subordination Agreement LPB No.44 Real Estate Contract(Short Form) LPB No.45 Real Estate Contract(Long Form) LPB No. 50 Mortgage (Statutory Form) LPB No. 51 Satisfaction of Mortgage LPB No. 52 Partial Release of Mortgage , LPB No. 60 Satisfaction of Lien LPB No. 61 Partial Release of Lien LPB No. 62 Satisfaction of Judgment LPB No. 63 Partial Release of Judgment LPB No. 64 Waiver of Lien LPB No. 65 Partial Waiver of Lien LPB No. 70 Special Power of Attorney(Sale) LPB No. 71 Special Power of Attorney(Purchase/Encumber) SECTION 3: U.C.C. FORMS All U.C.C.filing forms including Security Agreement Forms SECTION 4: EXCISE AFFIDAVIT FORMS X Washington State Forms SECTION 5: FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION FORMS All documents approved and designated for use by the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers Home Administration in connection with closing a FmHA residential property. INITIALS: INITIALS: '11) American Land Title Peenri,tion commitment-1 spS..,,, --� • i COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY KW= 0 Sanctity of Contract® STEWART TITLE® GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy orpolicies oftitle insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A,as:owner or mittgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred_to in Schedule A,upon`pay dent Of.the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and`B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. ' This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of,the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy • or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A.hereof by the.Company, either at the time of the - issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. ,`: This Commitment is pteliminary to the issuance of such polipy or policies of title insurance and all liability and ' obligations hereunder shall cease and terminatesix months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or • policies committed for shall issue,whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. Signed under seal for'the Company, but this Commitment.:shall not be valid or binding until it bears an autho- razed Countersignature. ,. . : ;..0 a: : F i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be j hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. I STEWART TITLE® Jab.` GUARANTY COMPANY i I/Mil% 0114a r- 06 1 0141/0 I Chairman oft a Board ' • "" ,t 1 s4'. - President l Countersigned by: ri Q coaPo��r� I Ili —*— `': rp.t e d _ __...) % ;:„.. ... ...; TEX PS - Honied Signatory i Company City, State IIEW - STEWART TITLE 18000 International Boulevard South, Suite 510 1041311 SeaTac, Washington 98188 Title Officer: PAUL OSTROM PHONE: (206) 770-8711 FAX: (206)770-8703 ' Title Officer: SUNNY JOHNSON PHONE: (206)770-8723 FAX: (206)770-8703 Title Officer: CYNDI PEDERSEN PHONE: (206)770-8708 FAX: (206) 770-8703 Reference: MEYER/GIOVI Order Number: 200113526 SCHEDULE A 1. Effective Date: February 26, 2001 at 8:00 a.m. 11 t 2. Policy Or Policies To Be Issued: '' (X )ALTA OWNER'S POLICY, (10/17/92) 4;? Amount: $1,350,000.00 (X ) STANDARD ( ) EXTENDED ) Pre_mium:• $2,773.00 COMMERCIAL RATE �\����'�� /Tax: $238.48 Total: $3,011.48 Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED Q47) -1 Amount: . TO BE DETERMINED (X )ALTA EXTENDED LOAN POLICY, (10/17/92) , y# Premium: SIMULTANEOUS ISSUE RATE Tax: Total: $ 0.00 Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: FEE SIMPLE 4. Title to said estate or interest in said land is at the effective date hereof vested in: DOROTHY MEYER, AS A SEPARATE ESTATE, DOROTHY M. MEYER, AS TRUSTEE OF THE EUGENE R. MEYER TESTAMENTARY TRUST AND RICHARD GIOVI AND PATRICIA GIOVI, HUSBAND AND WIFE 5. The land referred to in this commitment is described in Exhibit"A". Page 1 Order Number: 200113526 SCHEDULE B -SECTION 1 THE FOLLOWING ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE COMPLIED WITH: ITEM (A) PAYMENT TO OR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORS OF THE FULL.CONSIDERATION FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED. ITEM (B) PROPER INSTRUMENT(S) CREATING THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED MUST BE EXECUTED AND DULY FILED FOR RECORD NOTE: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, AND PURSUANT TO AMENDMENT OF WASHINGTON STATE STATUTES RELATING TO STANDARDIZATION OF RECORDED DOCUMENTS,THE FOLLOWING FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE RECORDER. FORMAT: _ MARGINS TO BE 3" ON TOP OF FIRST PAGE, 1" ON SIDES AND BOTTOM, 1" ON TOP, SIDES AND BOTTOM OF EACH SUCCEEDING PAGE. FONT SIZE OF 8 POINTS OR LARGER AND PAPER SIZE OF NO MORE THAN 8 1/2" BY 14". NO ATTACHMENTS ON PAGES SUCH AS STAPLED OR TAPED NOTARY SEALS, PRESSURE SEALS MUST BE SMUDGED. INFORMATION.WHICH MUST APPEAR ON THE FIRST PAGE: TITLE OR TITLES OF DOCUMENT. IF ASSIGNMENT OR RECONVEYANCE REFERENCE TO AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER OR SUBJECT DEED OF TRUST. NAMES OF GRANTOR(S)AND GRANTEE(S)WITH REFERENCE TO ADDITIONAL NAMES ON FOLLOWING PAGE(S), IF ANY. ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT, BLOCK, PLAT NAME OR SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE AND QUARTER QUARTER SECTION FOR UNPLATTED). ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S) RETURN ADDRESS WHICH MAY APPEAR IN THE UPPER LEFT HAND 3"TOP MARGIN Page 2 Order Number: 200113526 SCHEDULE B - SECTION 2 GENERAL EXCEPTIONS THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY. • A. TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE RECORDS OF ANY TAXING AUTHORITY THAT LEVIES TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS ON REAL PROPERTY OR BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. B. ANY FACTS, RIGHTS, INTEREST, OR CLAIMS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS BUT WHICH COULD BE ASCERTAINED BY AN INSPECTION OF SAID LAND OR BY MAKING INQUIRY OF PERSONS IN POSSESSION THEREOF. C. EASEMENTS, CLAIMS OF EASEMENT OR ENCUMBRANCES WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. D. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, OR ANY OTHER FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY WOULD DISCLOSE, AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. E. (A) UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS, (B) RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS IN PATENTS OR IN ACTS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; (C)WATER RIGHTS, CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER; WHETHER OR NOT THE MATTERS EXCEPTED UNDER (A), (B) OR (C)ARE SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS, (D) INDIAN TRIBAL CODES OR REGULATIONS, INDIAN TREATY OR ABORIGINAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING EASEMENTS OR EQUITABLE SERVITUDES. F. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL THERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. G. ANY SERVICE, INSTALLATION, CONNECTION, MAINTENANCE, CONSTRUCTION, TAP OR REIMBURSEMENT CHARGES/COSTS FOR SEWER, WATER, GARBAGE OR ELECTRICITY. H. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIMS OR OTHER MATTERS, IF ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OR ATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIOR TO THE DATE THE PROPOSED INSURED ACQUIRES OF RECORD FOR VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGES THEREON COVERED BY THIS COMMITMENT. END OF GENERAL EXCEPTIONS Page 3 Order Number: 200113526 SCHEDULE B - SECTION 2 CONTINUED SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 1. EASEMENT RIGHTS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS, IF ANY, FOR UTILITIES WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN RESERVED IN VACATED STREETS AND ALLEYS. 2. PERMIT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: RAY N. LATIMER AND: STATE OF WASHINGTON RECORDED: MAY 29, 1940 RECORDING NUMBER: 3103931 PURPOSE: RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND PERMIT TO REMOVE AND/OR PLACE AND DEPOSIT EARTH MATERIAL IN THE EXTENSION OF SLOPES OF EXCAVATION AND/OR EMBANKMENT 3. RESERVATION OF PERPETUAL RIGHT, PERMIT, LICENSE AND EASEMENT TO USE AND OCCUPY THE PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAINTAINING HIGHWAY SLOPES IN EXCAVATION AND/OR EMBANKMENT, CONTAINED IN DEED FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 27, 1956 RECORDING NO.: 4733794 AFFECTS: PORTION ABUTTING PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 2 • 4. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: APRIL 9, 1984 RECORDING NO.: 8404090614 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION FOR: CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING, ALTERING OR RECONSTRUCTING UTILITIES AFFECTS: THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7 IN BLOCK 2 AND THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF BLOCK 5, WOODY GLENN ADDITION AND THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF LOT 19 IN BLOCK 22 OF LATIMER'S LAKE PARK ADDITION Page 4 Order Number: 200113526 5. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: NOVEMBER 14, 1991 RECORDING NO.: 9111140883 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON,A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES AFFECTS: A 15 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND LYING PARALLEL AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LOT 4 IN BLOCK 17 OF. • LATIMER'S LAKE PARK ADDITION; TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OVER LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 OF BLOCK 17 OF LATIMER'S LAKE PARK ADDITION • 6. EASEMENT AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN AS RESERVED BY: ORDINANCE NO.: 3455 APPROVED ON: JULY 28, 1980 RECORDING NO.: . 8011030532 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON FOR: UTILITY AFFECTS: PORTION ON VACATED-NORTHWEST 7' STREET 7. EASEMENT AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN AS RESERVED BY: ORDINANCE NO.: 4357 -- APPROVED ON: JUNE 15, 1992 RECORDING NO.: 9206181901 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON FOR: UTILITY AFFECTS: AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT B OF SAID INSTRUMENT 8. RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, DEDICATIONS, NOTES, EASEMENTS AND PROVISIONS DELINEATED AND/OR DESCRIBED ON THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 91 AND 92 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (AFFECTS PORTION IN WOODY GLEN ADDITION) 9. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SURVEY RECORDED MARCH 23, 1989 UNDER RECORDING NO. 8903239001. 10. LIEN OF THE REAL ESTATE EXCISE SALES TAX AND SURCHARGE UPON ANY SALE OF SAID PREMISES, IF UNPAID. AS OF THE DATE HEREIN, THE EXCISE TAX -k)'\ RATE FOR CITY OF RENTON IS 1.78%. • • Page 5 Order Number. 200113526 11. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER APRIL 30T". THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER OCTOBER 31sT. YEAR: 2001 AMOUNT BILLED: $1,946.14 AMOUNT PAID: $-0- AMOUNT DUE: $1,946.14, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT LEVY CODE: 2100 • TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 956480-0007-05 ASSESSED VALUATION: LAND: $162,000.00 IMPROVEMENTS: $-0- NOTE: KING COUNTY TREASURER, 500 4T"AVENUE, 6T" FLOOR ADMIN. BLDG., SEATTLE, WA 98104 (206) 296-3850 12. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER APRIL 30T". THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER OCTOBER 31sT. YEAR: 2001 AMOUNT BILLED: $424.93 AMOUNT PAID: $-0- AMOUNT DUE: $424.93, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT LEVY CODE: 2100 TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 956480-0106-05 ASSESSED VALUATION: LAND: $35,000.00 IMPROVEMENTS: $-0- NOTE: KING COUNTY TREASURER, 500 4Th AVENUE, 6T" FLOOR ADMIN. BLDG., SEATTLE, WA 98104 (206)296-3850 Page 6 Order Number: 200113526 13. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER APRIL 30T". THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER OCTOBER 31'. YEAR: 2001 AMOUNT BILLED: $544.85 • AMOUNT PAID: $-0- AMOUNT DUE: $544.85, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT LEVY CODE: 2100 • TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 956480-0110-09 ASSESSED VALUATION: LAND: $45,000.00 IMPROVEMENTS: $-0- NOTE: KING COUNTY TREASURER, 500 4TH AVENUE, 6TH FLOOR ADMIN. BLDG., SEATTLE, WA 98104 (206) 296-3850 14. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER APRIL 30Th. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER OCTOBER 31 sT. YEAR: 2001 AMOUNT BILLED: $2,077.31 AMOUNT PAID: $-0- AMOUNT DUE: $2,077.31, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT �` LEVY CODE: 2100 TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 956480-0175-01 ASSESSED VALUATION: LAND: $172,000.00 IMPROVEMENTS: $ 1,000.00 NOTE: KING COUNTY TREASURER, 500 4T"AVENUE, 6TH FLOOR ADMIN. BLDG., SEATTLE, WA 98104 (206) 296-3850 Page 7 Order Number: 200113526 15. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER APRIL 30TH. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER OCTOBER 31sT. YEAR: 2001 AMOUNT BILLED: $508.75 AMOUNT PAID: $-0- AMOUNT DUE: $508.75, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT LEVY CODE: 2100 TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 956480-0070-07 ASSESSED VALUATION: LAND: $42,000.00 IMPROVEMENTS: $-0- NOTE: KING COUNTY TREASURER, 500 4T"AVENUE, 6T" FLOOR ADMIN. BLDG., SEATTLE, WA 98104 (206)296-3850 16. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER APRIL 30Th. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER OCTOBER 31sT. YEAR: 2001 AMOUNT BILLED: $9,455.74 AMOUNT PAID: $-0- AMOUNT DUE: $9,455.74, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT LEVY CODE: 2100 TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 956480-0170-06 ASSESSED VALUATION: LAND: $640,800.00 IMPROVEMENTS: . $148,400.00 NOTE: KING COUNTY TREASURER, 500 4T".AVENUE, 6T".FLOOR ADMIN. BLDG., SEATTLE, WA 98104 (206)296-3850 Page 8 Order Number. 200113526 17. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER APRIL 30TH. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER OCTOBER 31 ST. YEAR: 2001 AMOUNT BILLED: $2,177.89 AMOUNT PAID: $-0- AMOUNT DUE: - $2,177.89, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT LEVY CODE: 2100 TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 420240-1210-04 ASSESSED VALUATION: LAND: $181,400.00 IMPROVEMENTS: $-0- NOTE: KING COUNTY TREASURER, 500 4Th AVENUE, 6T" FLOOR ADMIN. BLDG., SEATTLE, WA 98104 (206)296-3850 THE ABOVE TAX PARCELS COMPRISE THE TOTAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED ON SCHEDULE "A" AND OTHER PROPERTY WHICH IS THE NORTHEASTERLY HALF OF VACATED SOUTH 123RD STREET ADJOINING LOT 3 IN BLOCK 1 OF WOODY GLEN ADDITION. 18. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: EUGENE R. MEYER AND DOROTHY M. MEYER, HIS WIFE; AND RICHARD GIOVI AND PATRICIA GIOVI, HIS WIFE TRUSTEE: TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BENEFICIARY: PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON AMOUNT: $150,000.00 DATED: MAY 13, 1971 RECORDED: JUNE 2, 1971 • RECORDING NO.: 7106020138 19. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: EUGENE R. MEYER& DOROTHY MEYER, HUSBAND AND WIFE AND RICHARD GIOVI & PATRICIA GIOVI, HUSBAND AND WIFE TRUSTEE: TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BENEFICIARY: PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON AMOUNT: $50,000.00 DATED: JUNE 20, 1980 • RECORDED: JUNE 26, 1980 RECORDING NO.: 8006260225 •. • Page 9 Order Number: 200113526 20. UNRECORDED LEASEHOLDS, IF ANY, RIGHTS OF VENDORS AND SECURITY y` AGREEMENT ON PERSONAL PROPERTY AND RIGHTS OF TENANTS, AND SECURED PARTIES TO REMOVE TRADE FIXTURES AT THE EXPIRATION OF THE • TERM. 21.THE COMPANY REQUIRES EXECUTION OF THE ENCLOSED.OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT PRIOR TO CLOSING REGARDING UNRECORDED LEASEHOLDS, MECHANICS LIEN - RIGHTS, PARTIES IN POSSESSION AND SURVEY MATTERS. FURTHER • REQUIREMENTS, IF ANY, WILL FOLLOW BY SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT UPON REVIEW OF SAME. 22. MATTERS REGARDING EXTENDED MORTGAGEES COVERAGE HAVE NOT BEEN CLEARED, UPON NOTIFICATION OF A BONA FIDE PURCHASER, THESE MATTERS WILL BE DETERMINED BY AN INSPECTION OF SAID PREMISES. 23.ACCORDING TO THE APPLICATION FOR TITLE INSURANCE, TITLE IS TO VEST IN PERSONS NOT YET REVEALED AND WHEN SO VESTED WILL THEN BE SUBJECT TO MATTERS DISCLOSED BY A SEARCH OF THE RECORDS AGAINST THEIR NAMES. NOTES: NOTE A: IN ORDER TO ASSURE TIMELY RECORDING ALL RECORDING PACKAGES SHOULD BE SENT TO: STEWART TITLE 18000 INTERNATIONAL BLVD., SUITE 510 - SEATAC, WASHINGTON 98188 ATTN: RECORDER NOTE B: THE DESCRIPTION CAN BE ABBREVIATED AS SUGGESTED BELOW IF NECESSARY TO MEET STANDARDIZATION REQUIREMENTS. THE FULL TEXT OF THE DESCRIPTION MUST APPEAR IN THE DOCUMENT(S)TO BE INSURED. PTN. BK. 1, 2, 3, 5 &6, WOODY GLEN ADDITION, VOL. 47, PGS. 91-92 AND A PTN. OF BK. 17 &22, LATIMER'S LAKE PARK ADDITION, VOL. 18, PG. 63 • END OF SCHEDULE B • CLE Page 10 Order Number. 200113526 Copies to: STEWART TITLE/NTS-SEATTLE 700 5TH AVENUE,#5500 SEATTLE,WA 98104 ATTENTION: VANESSA MORGAN Page 11 Order Number: 200113526 Order Number. 200113526 EXHIBIT "A" THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 1, LYING SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF THE CENTER LINE OF VACATED SOUTH 123RD STREET; • EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING NORTHERLY OF A LINE WHICH IS 110 FEET SOUTHERLY FROM AND PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF SOUTH 122ND STREET; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1, LYING WESTERLY OF THE CENTER LINE OF VACATED SOUTH 123RD STREET; AND TOGETHER WITH LOTS 4 AND 7, BLOCK 1; EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF VACATED SOUTH 123RD STREET; AND TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 150 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 2: THE WEST 61.72 FEET OF THE NORTH 150 FEET OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2; THE NORTH 125 FEET OF THE EAST 28.28 FEET OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2; THE NORTH 125 FEET OF LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 2; THE NORTH 125 FEET OF THE WEST 14.99 FEET OF LOT 6, BLOCK 2; THE NORTH 140 FEET OF LOT 6, EXCEPT THE WEST 14.99 FEET THEREOF, OF BLOCK 2; AND ALL OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2 AND TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, AND ALL OF LOT 8, BLOCK 3; ALL OF BLOCK 5; BLOCK 6; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 192 FEET THEREOF; ALL IN WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF BLOCKS 13 AND 22, LATIMER'S LAKE PARK ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 18 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WHICH LIES EAST OF SAID WOODY GLEN ADDITION AND WEST OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH AND 50 • FEET WESTERLY WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES AND/OR RADIALLY FROM THE CENTER LINE OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2 (RAINIER AVENUE), AND EXTENDING FROM HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 80+30 SOUTHERLY TO. HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 88+75; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EAST OF THE SOUTH 192 FEET OF BLOCK 6 OF THE PLAT OF WOODY GLEN; • ' Order Number: 200113526C) s . - -• . . .• • _ •. . --; . _ • AND TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 THROUGH 6, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 17, LATIMER'S LAKE • PARK ADDITION,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 18 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON; EXCEPT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 956173 AND 2032137; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED NORTHWEST 7Th STREET AS • VACATED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 3455, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING - NUMBER 8011030532, WHICH, UPON VACATION, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW; AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED SOUTH 123RD STREET AS VACATED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 4357, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9206181901, WHICH, UPON VACATION, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. i EilF/11111 ORDER NO. Z o �a 113 5Z siamilliall Section Township Range Sanctity of Contract Short Nat Rec.No. STEWART TITLE Volume Page 43[1: ,,,,, ,,,,.,, :4-, ,..t_.i A.-__,v,kz-1-0---11,z 2., A. -,,,. .. A F - /A' 4 477 1. - ® .... la„,re m..L4thf'*1 Z r•'S` ,p,SWiNTO(� • vat. 6/701. hV 4 • ' ��,:r PI' 1 �'d�y N fi. �ATOMER S LAK��,�N , _�� ,•''°'� _;,'=42o440a .. =zo I 7a , M r - .M7�7 f 1 (o• r =NG .•+rraw Or) 71W'!t 0 1 3 S. 122NO 3, 3 , l titian 7. 3 1 wo •t`rr as+s =`racy "1 .C.( r 1.. W �s Q%1 ill aG ;�, Ir"'' 071i2twosy eLar tiy+>� �a+ �u'12: < •zz4isk •^•:� 2 . �,3. °0 fL..-, :aen3P 2s ss „ Q 15 , .+ .. .t rr :, 76tOI. t- _+ate:'wsz r�7„13 3 ri l . ! Q . is oT s a. T r • 4 .•w y ,i�w ti •4 /sti°. ?.47.y' N7�• 3 a vi 11� T,a • „. .••- V - 1.5 !•` • W� dirt . 1 \ 4 ado I •7 f ,�.. 7.".. �wy� 6 'mt \OpZ nt 0it. e a .r % 1 p • k e ‘a • A f` ....-ryc' • 011 . I 4... 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I1 "+ iiiii Se •J ♦ ° :, / 16- oe cp, i ,5•• „ 1 . . 4,3,5 /rel.,,17• -▪‘4. 3 _7 .z=P 3 )7 ,! :a-.o+�:+c S. 126TH�5T. 1 - ✓� a. la .\i L•Cat •.•1 :� J •, :J...rs �t ate: �_0. 13 3 s•--;•1,a . t'j . 1 •-- 4 ,ss'v ' •.:0 1 :".:.. I r_- a. zit • This sketch is provided without charge for your information. It is not intended to show all matters related to the property including,.' but not limited to area,dimensions,easements,encroachments or location of boundaries. It is not a part of,nor does it modify,the commitment or policy to which it is attached. The company assumes NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this sketch. Reference should be made to an accurate survey for further information. • • \. 0 • Rdum char WediCain'PS _ 332 Fiat Sand NE Arun WA 96002 Q 0 Oaaaaar TIM: QUIT CLAIM DEED •«•r~N FILED 6. .. 11 �,..•».............. cn RahlaeCa Waal:7107000120 (g1S3p— — Oador: Roney M.Motor.Pomona RapeaerldM at tM Einar d Eugene R.Anind.deoerad a a Oradea DU.,Y Maya,as Tama due Eugene R.layer Tadaaw4ay Taw Mci 1 a7 Laud OaalptlfC T1e1 parka of Lai 1 rd 2.Block I,ling wawa and achy d calm an,d vended Sadh t23'Seed EXCEPT Id prom thereofdiva rae*,/d a Ni.which is110 I-ewfhry a Iran l r0 par Loth,'paha,mita al Seth l Shed• 11d penes d la3.tMrt 1.lava ado*d Oa after Ire d Heeled Saar I ZY Shea C • Lob 4 and 7.Bbdr 1.EXCEPT 61d pa0m yang n=ONO end adrlp d ward Saar 123'r m Shea dr The Nara I50adaltat ad eat Wed 0172 fad dOe Hann 150 feat anal 3:ALL in aka 2. .1 TLr Na h I Z IGd d he Ead 2112d ial d tall And • 16 C .The Noah 125 had data 4 WM 5.and Said e)wen Med far The Nath 125 Nil at the Well 14.99 Nei at ear O. rimed by Peek Kotthwe 1 Me es ALL n rock t"onry IL has 1°1 are•' The Nara1tl fold tat EXCEPT tin Wed14.99 ir. Bias 2.ALL anal T.IRoc 2 allanad is to proper aEOculiOn C: The ea lw i 100lad of 1a17•sM d d Late.Bi at 3. I ID M e15Id Man eMe. ALL al flack 5. moo 6,EXCEPT In Saar 192 fah Owed. ALL In Or PY Wady Gin AddliaE emadlrcp n per noadedn vaaare 47 at Pere,page 92,to 00nu Coati.Mangan • ALL Ian paam d Mocks 13 ad 22,Iddaw'.lee Perk Adana%ecasdq lo pY nomad it Vaime 16 d Pee,pope 63.In pq Casty.Wa linptar.wNr6 Ins aid at Ie Per d Woodp GMn • and Wed d a Ye darn wad Mr Ind 50 pad asleep when neaued d ripM aqa rarer nrdy Mom Ma fear l at Privy Sii ilprwp Na.2 MRdrd Manua EXCEPT Id prim Mad lava awl alas south 192 fed d 13ba O d lr Per d Woody Gin Las 1 b e ndwwa 6toet 17.Lames Una Pat Addtna waning a per mania n wane 16 at Pld..peps 01 in King Cc ark Wadalplon:EXCEPT pain err e►ed i Wag Casty ad iced d ad papaw by dada armada war merle la Nee 993173 aM 203217 ALL aisle In Yap Candy,Sere d Wa hiram to Papal 100: 420210.121004.9564110967413.966460007047:955460410 505 • 11564604110 0.9564500I7001,and 956430.017541 r' ...._.......... f>YM Cleat) Il r \rM f THE GRANTOR Omani U War.Palma ReprararMe at the Eras d Ewan R.Moan,daoand.ltsq Canty Sum as Cad Cars No 117-401 4lafr ;- 1 d and M orearalon d mike d Ictr purwa i lad W11 and Taawrwa • OUR CLAM GEED Paps 1 d 1 ftdds2baprlpiUts1104Icr$od _ r_ • • • • • • corrals and qd Mims to DauOry M.Meyer,as These dins Eepue R Maw TeeeeeOry IRO,the McMurdo a+ueeid ene4ersr aemuey Merest in V.eeessd robed red able.Modem,In the Caup of ptn0. SbY of WoMinsios.together wa loft wired Ills al Ms Gorky Mersin. DATED Me�, ` �'-� —dry d Atot 1109. Darelgy Roam etine d ale)d E . R.Msyv.demesd./Ong Court Sttprm Cast Cane No 914. 0t2fb7101T Oder of Sarong peed March 11.1007 STATE OF WASHWGTON M Gaudy d/Ong I AeaW carry Met I know ar hs o eeletaday evidence the Dorothy M.Mery Y le paean nee eppnpd setae de. • end said paean edoesedld Mel w scald Ms eetruneR,an GEM d!d V.de is eehahed to eeaee h enstnesM art schnoolodgelle r the �al Ms Estate et Eugene R Meier.decssd.o / ure ad puppies me/rrd leasinaruet DATED this dsy of Apra 1900. Ct�o, ma N ' • " "�` 4�' SmdWWe�d. r: ,. 1u- t Z eppoibatewes 1$(,0% 6-UBUC �` / 1t' OWSk, C E! - GIRT CLAM DEED Pepe 2 ot 2 tldste2Yagetptabols11 04eae,gcd . ' -- - -- • :- :.A-••--,7. ____• ..." 1:ri ,• • _ • ---_-.-402.-v.•••• •_ _ ,.:...,-...........„.„ .., • • .---,•:!. ..477,•••••..4 • .- - ,. • A • . , ,'.......1-::....''`...,.... I 1.4 I •-•Art' ...7.-:... r •2 : • • .- /141 1 • —. ;,,,•-_,",.,.:1.':-.-,-1•-%, --.—s-4 . . •!:....'-;c..I 1 --- • 4 1 • • ,. . . : :::•;., x ,., . 1 i ' I i' ' . • . • "-.•,•:"•:--:."--, 0, ?.... I'..• 1 , ; a ..i I ! . .• . .. . • I i .=.?!2 , I i. . ; I .... .. .. .... .. . . ! 2) ! ; g . •• _ . • • •.. .. 1 -,.1-!,q. . 0 • I 1 -8 1 ,. . cltli ! .... _. . _,s , • - - . ^1-. - • • . 1 • - : . . ., . • n:.i bli •-- • • . C12 J • •••._ • ( - ;. ..,4--• i .- ,. - • .. . • . . . , •.• VI*se\--• ; i • • e, ,.. • . : . . -... ,_ • . . 6 0 . . . . . . .,... . i • 1 A r-4.,_,, ,..=;‘ sipeckd vialrantr . .. i. .. .. . ,... -"..q.,.,,. .... - • .,.... . 1 - . . . . . • .. . . . . TEE GRANTOR • Robert L. Edwards and wife. Una I. .f, • •• ‘9 . • ke for shalmoloidolgus of One Hundred and Forty Six Thousand and no/100 * • -• -- 1 • . . . ... N (I 146.000.00 ),le lead paid.ism .beads .ad, .COMM? r lod Imam In Eagesaa R. Meyer I • . _ . ' . . and wife. Dorothy; Richard GLOW/and wife, Patricia: Robert 13. st, and wife, ..". • 14 Ao • , . ... the Wowing tissaihed rad saute,sitestsl la the Canty of King 1,1Cit. • • • , Wasibgteet . ki . . . . - - . .. . • ..•' • ,,:-.;„ ; . . • .:-.... u ... • • . - . . . That portion of Lots 1 and 2 Block 1 lying southerly an easterly of*utter line of • - ., ...,. ..; . . • vacated.iouth 123rd Street EXCEPT that portion thereof lying northerly of a which is 110 ft. southerly from and parallel to the southerly margin of South 122nd Street. --• . . • - ,.. , That portion of Lot 3, Block 1, lying westerly of the center line of vacated South • - ' - 123rd Street. , .,., •.... .1,- ....--: • , 2 Lots 4 and 7. Block j.„ EXCEPT that portion lying north sly and easterly of Vacated . .. . • . . ' ' ,oi• .. South 123rd Street. - ..- if . • • • 9 . The north 150 feet of Lot 2; and the West 61.72 feet of the north 150 feet of Lot 3; .• . • , - . . ALL in Block 2; . The north 125 feet cf due east 20.29 feet:of Lot 3; and . _ .. , . - The north 125 feet of Lots 4 and 5; and. ..; • The north 125 feet of the west 14.99 feet of Lot 6; ' A_LL in Block 2; : •- The r.ur•It 14C feet of Lot 6, EXCEPT the west 14.)9 feet. Block Z; •.* • -- . ALL of Lot 7, BL.c.k Z. . • .• • . , • • The scutherly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot EL Block 3; . .. ' . ALL OF Block 5; . . •Block 6, EXCEPT the south 192 feet thereof; .- .. . . I ALL in the Plat of Woody Glen Addition, according to plat recorded in Volume 47 of • • .• . ••• • I plats, page 92, in King County. Washington.' • Il 'ALL that portion of Blocks 13 and 22, Latimer'. Lake Park Addition, according to . • i lat recordedpn v--lume 19 of pits, page 63, in King County. Washington. which . _ 111! •-•.... ' .lies east of the Plat of Woody Glen and west of a line drawn parallel with a —__. : • ad 50 feet westerly when measured as right angles andier radially from the center line of • •'-• Primary State Highway No. 2 (Rainier Avenue); •: .- . -CCEPT that portion thereof lying east of tie south 192 feet of Block 6 of the Plat of ray Glen. . • e • • .: :•• ' '' .,'''. . I , • -I. •:'"•• .:i I :4 a Lor.lustve. Block 17, Latimer's Lake Park Addition, according to pia: • ... •. . .. :.:cor 7..'ett in Voi.rne 16 of plate, page 63. 3.n eCing Co•--.?..y. Waetiing,on: EXCEPT / •._ . ••..... • . --- --.-. '. ?or 1.1.3n .7.3 nye:y ere: to King CatLaty, for road purposes '..y•de•Ids recordel =der il •:-,-..7,:%;---:--• 956:73 A.•:.c1 202217. I ..:--:L''.!•'!'.:;%:<.: • I ' H.•.^-445''; '‘6. . , 'v.....Se••••"-4,- • - 1 •-_...• "•"°:••'"'le•ctig : I ••=-•-• ,..-1.'.......:.-..... ) _ '-:.::. ::•;.-".: en• •.• - 3.7tie 1 --) ;--vs 83n i Kr.,..,4ed t-f- °Ptrt, ' .- . 1 . 1•;AA. , ti - '''' • • i I ' ,. •5.... •••,-.:.t .. _ . .. ..- • —.`•• •'• .1..k.. . *.- - ...!.•. . . . •I . . . . . 1 ... • •,,,..- -..-...• 4-...,,,... • ...,..._:,...,..,.,,, , ..._:...,.... .„...., . . .. ..... ......... , ,,,....• - -i. .• • : • :,_ _..• _ ...,.. . ... ..„.. ....,.......• . . . .. . . . • .. ... . ..... . . , •,, . ... p . . . . . . . • _.. • . . • 1 . . . , . ... _ . . ..... , • ••• . •1 e• . •.i'• .'-. _ - :i • 1 :Z. .•. • p...: t. 1 , _• .. — . . .. ,t.'uvi..., ,12; ii:-, .,„,,„„..----..e:r. , r-•-v4.,...,...., ....: ..,,,.......,•....,4140._.4 :L.:•:— -.i • • _ . :. ,,, . 4 <-,i,...:•;_t. .i:fis . -s -I — : ::: ., e. ,....;.. :-;r.illy -t, _., 4 a r. , VS": .:. 01"..... _ -• __ S ..., ...-. •-• "..,,'.i ..... _. . ...% . mic. — • •. ! 'flaulo•: tzt - 7„. ,,,,,,ss •• .21,...lentiv0 ,4 pc. : e,.:..S.,,..: .... ..tr-- tit:L. 24— . ,..- .. .. . ; 6. ... .. - •- .1• . I o%.1111),I. The Gramm s for thorns elve a sad hie their -suconscars in interat do by tbeme pretests . • .•- . . !'...,"•., •, .-, expressly limit the covenants of the deed te,thoin beefs=moot and occlude all covenants art or to• .... i :AP.. ' • 2:61C. .by statutory.or other' Las bareby caveasa t that spinet all perms whom:stayer lawfolly !. . :e••••• ,i it• it:tdog at to claim by,ttlksicett,n tat , mdotherwha,they ws,11 fare.er wansat and i.' -‘. •:.- - • ..„.‘- .• ..,',. 1..- . r• ___ ±--Ir 1..- .. 1.1,1 • ...., . DatSpa\-•••t Vitt i:.b. day of May.,-) .A-D.19 65 ::i .i‘t Iii:11_111 ' II / . _—. . • : Vil.tik.14604% --' I '( t/t,-It/I-e -/ . ‘-,isba4 . . k.C•t. (wit) e•,: -4. • . • --.:. ,C. „.••• _• 1•11,• ,"A•po - es•••C- ..,••••• te-ic--e.,?C.:L..1" _Out) .. .••./ ,./ . • tATE OF WA.Sdir J ig - . •• - •. • County of Kill . , •• . II) ..JO On this day Pera:canY aPprod before me Robert I.. Edwards and Jane I. Edwards • - to r-- ine•wo to Sr :be individuals des,rated in and wbo esecuted the within and foregoing instrument. and . • . 11 '. ' 3f 1: ••^zed that they signed the same as the..r free and voluntary mat and deed,for the • •I:1r ••pows the!••:n:motioned. - • .• i.i%c.:4 under my band and ufficial sail this day of,-)„.„,)„.7...............I •" - • • •. ik • ..- . ,...C. . . • . • .. t,.. . I .,.7 ' -7o-g-".. cry ' we sad•or th•Stair W 1 of ask.ocior • , -:-*•„,”;•••- • :: •T• ... 14!I i ti,..,.. " " /r;:144 • . •• '.'41.16.:-•:a112 • -.1 I . " • . . . . ..• , . . I I. I , : I • lb... . •... . I • . • • , i , I • .. . • 1,....,:,,••...7. . •,.: .0.4.7 al• 4. I I ....t.",..."• . ... .•: '..."......' .4;........ . 1 I .... 11....... ...m.........:. ........... ...L.,. ........ . : .. . ...•.• • I '... •' • ,' :i I Fiief.i ty W 7 1 .5..;...-Iti....... . . :-.1..:...,e,•,='!..-:- • �� ! • ". ' ' •fIII:�G•y.lf 1 Vie`,-•=�. , — .. a: r/10 rj 7 1 Y; r,r r I i.——.4 4.►h .. :i2CR7 WARRANTY DEED Z ,:..y I'd Ol�7. AUEA sad A!!ML 2(. STRELIStAtJEA, pN GRANTORS PO@EAT D. ST1tE1.IH Q� his wife, for and in consideration of Ten Dol • lars s•d other good • and valuable consideration in hand paid. convey and warrant to 1► EUGENE R. DYER and DOROTHY MEYER. his wife, and RICHARD GIOVI and "'-- PATRICIA GIOVI, his wife, en undivided one-third interest in the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, V N. State of Washington: %' That portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, lying southerly and N easterly of center line of vacated South 123o Stleeset y EXCEPT that portion thereof lying northerly • which is 110 ft. southerly from and parallel to the southerly i +S Agin of South 122nd Street. . That portion of Lot 3, Block 1, lying westerly of the center line of vacated South 123rd Street. Lots 4 and 7, Block 1, EXCEPT that portion lying northerly and easterly of vacated South 123rd Street. The north 150 feet of LotA2; dL in8thlock West 61.72 feet of the north 150 feet of Lot 3; The ..orth 125 feet of the east 28.28 feet-of Lot 3; and The north 125 feet of Lots 4 and 5; and ' The north 125 feet of the west 14.99 feet of Lot 6; • A_., in Block 2; The north 140 feet of Lot 6, EXCEP the west 14.99 set, a ' Block 2; ALL of Lot 7, Block 2. . The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot 8, Block 3; • ALL of Block 5; to plat Block 6, EXCEPT the south 192 feet thereof; eL in hn Plat of 47 Woody plats,, pagelen o92, in King County, recorded in Volume . Washington. ark , ALL that portion of Blocks 13 and 22, Latile�s Lake Paks, Addition, according to plat recorded winiVh lies eaof pf page 63, in King County, Washington, st the Plat of Woody Glen and west of a line drawn parallel with and SO feet westerly when measured at right angles . and/or radially from the center line of Primary State Highwey No. 2 (Rainier Avenue); y EXCEPT that portion thereof lying east of the south 192 feet of Block 6 of the Plat of Woody Glen. •Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, Block 17, Latimer's Lake Park Addition, according to plat recorded in Volume 18 of plats. page 63, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT portion conveyed to King County, for road purposes by deeds recorded under • auditor's file Nos. 956173 and 203.217. Page One s v 3. fit t S� =1. •' i . ` _. .f �,� f • ij..,v : ': . •.• • I •GT. • • This deed is gip in falfi��•ant of that cart real estate • gtreat between the parties hereto, dated the day of 0 r+ can 40 R'. , 1970, and conditioned for the conveyance of the above described property, and Jbe covenants-of warranty herein • contained shall not apply to any titl.►-interest or encumbrance • arising by, through or under d the purchaser in said contract, and - lf shall notapyl.o any taxes, assessments or other charges levied, • assessed or bens due subsequent to the data of said contract. Re EttittIC.A1.11 Tax was _paid on this sale on the / day of sG 17 70, Rec. No. g1.7.. 37 - I o � +DATED this +T v y of 1970. • - suer • Acm e 4 32‘1 :" ./11€ef..7-•' 111111 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF K I N 6) On this day personally appeared before me ROBERT D. SSRELLNAUER • and ANNE N. STRELLNAUER, to me ]mown to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and • acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary Feed, for the uses and purposes therein -bentioned. • w - •• • . -i .�• under my hand and official seal this day of,.,„! ! • - er.•t �"......410,-- 1/0411rY, / ,r y 1 %c in an• e, are •f Y •n, resid at f6f7�s-' - PV ' • Page Two d ' -' - ''''', t T. :'• t�•',R:••. �..• - --- - . , , . . • . .. . . . . . .. - •. ._ • ' - . . • .. .1 . . . • . . . . .. • • • ' . .) • ' 1 . • - - . ... . . .. . . • • . . . .•- . . 'zif--•-:....... .1f44.-iiir'''....‘ `'-'• •: -'-ep-. !....:: .;.; -.,••-Yr • .`- . • . . 1 • .-:;•:-.-•,....c.:•7 l•• :•-•':-•i:_t. "00.- -•'"-.•-•'-2.'-i-•• 'F.••- .._ ... .. -. . . .. . . • - .1; • 15,.:‘i2. .123.2 ir-71k• • , . I . • 11 6it. 77,7 ,off %.%t244tA / ' • I.;•• 2.-•••.:,•4.se„, ..9,7,/$0,/,',/ . . I... . _ . \ •k4,. ; Zr------------- .• ••-••,,19 7,), . • k . 't lib.1 . ........ • . . .. i • • . - ! 1 •/ ,...._ • • . ''• . i • •,.- . - . . • . • . . .• I • ti • . . . . i • 1.. - . . . .. 1 . . • • • . .. . . . , . P• _. .... _ ...-. . . •- . . ...... & i ft. • e" .., .. . __ . ._. ... • . . . i • . - ! let ' p " .- - - ' • ; t • . .!,70.: . :.-..-- lilettic,.....,.1* ' •. ! .:ifir • or ! . . , I • • --9s. . ; .. . . • : -:,..•Pvidtt i• . .... 4! 8 iv., ;•-:,...:7, , -I _•••-•;. -.: .7•• Dan.... --""`CT:- • . ... . ... . ..nr.r...ore!.7. .....-._. . . . . ,. • ?(--- ..! g . . . ... • •-: :- . ...f 1.:. ••'.:• .11Eit.....v, . : --.-.. : - .... • - ......... .'..:•-';•&C ',....- :VC 4:4.:: 7 • 4 . .. -..'... ...17.;.%:"` ..---::G.: :-.7:- • • •‘. i ...• " . .... . i 7.:.*.i.: -:: ;J:T•zrz3:•.•-zut cqz spy. .:4•-re•7 - • . ••.. , . 71...„ • _ . • , '. • • r - . • . .........---..- . • - , - ...) •::-. - •• • - -....-.. : ::;r:• -,-...e • - --, . — ! •. 0 G 1--... t :.-..,-.. .....--_----......,,.-,- .-,,,.7--- .:.-----..-:,. • .,, .•. , •.----,•i-_,_,,,-..-Fs..,..r.: —,. ... 1- --.,. — .J . .;.::::•-:::;:r" .. -,..2.1: :-••'•:•:• --.---,..-•-- - _ ', . -.• - _-:*,-- !,,....1' ,;:',.,--t•tnef..,t .. •:r•-' . - ••• -!...611?-4•:. -'—'4,iii.";'-'s. -..:......,.........• . —.,- ....• . , • ._, ,..• • _•. _.• - -• . . •.. j ..• ... .. -..- - . . c• . , ‘ •, . . • .P.. . ' . . it t.• . ... . •. . . ' . . • . . • '.. -.., . . . . . . .. . - . . ..... - • . . . . . • v, , . . .. . . . . . . . . • `"*: -..•• s.r.•..r .rsia�... k.' -" '�: it'il....4.�s, .. ..1- \ - r �_ :f..;-•." _ r r, 1. '':: I.%.V_,• ,'- M. -` • • ;IL .. • :.. - - !.•�.r .. t. om,:41'...,...i.;.:- ..�i f .,„,. • - ' •i• II �( ' l1IA -i Card fitaw t` Fsf . • •�. 1274. between BOBt1T D. sod Z• = -..ti, ..• ', _ _ - �-. his wife, to -�sinatter twilled the • • ...... } ':r ; WZ a- NETL2 and 0010Tti ntlfA his Slits, mod ` `- ! e Kt't� Y_ : ,� aid PATRICIA ;TORT. his wife, berelnefter ceI s/ the • ii•r -- # e•s,- • i VTT2R3*LTIf !het the seller agrees to sell too the ` ' +w • old tea 7aa c2ary agrees is iges from the aaliaar t • t s y w _. .-..-_ �� i as-taird iatea+R Laths following i� f vast .,e„O,k , ,� i Cho • V King ohs �* s! ••. s'• ' t Jar•, .. last portico of Lots 1 ass,! 2 Sleek 1 lying aorthsrip old p easterly of seater aces, la et • .eased Borth 122rd Street itjr =MT them portico rhos, •f lying esetherly of a lime which it 110 ft. southa..y fro[ 164 parallel to t- u '�' southerly arrgin of South .72ad 3est. li �a •.That portion of Lot 3. Block I. lying westerly of tile - - Center line of sated South I22 Street. Lets • and 7 !._:ck d 1. EXCEPT that portion: lyt•.g norther and saate+•ly of vacated youth 123rd Street. y The north 1S0 fe-• of L t 2; and the Hest 61.72 feet of • i / the north ISO to. .: Lot 1. ALL in Block 2: the north _7S feet of the east 79.26 feet of Lot 3; and --'' The nosh 12S !est of Lets • end St and • the north 12S feet of th. west 1e.V9 feet of Lot 6 : -11111 •tL:. in •look 2; :h. north :s0 fo.t ,f Lot 6, EXCEPT the vest 1a.21!loot feet. �1" :. ALL of L. 7. Block 2. A f h y nooksl00 feet or Lot 7, and all of Lot S. B1.o 36 • t • Bloc* 6. L7tCLrt the south 1!7 feet thereof; f ALL is the Plat of Woody Olen Addition. according to plat 1 - records.. is,, Volume s• of plats. pass 17. in Xing County. Vaehington. Ai.:. that port-on of sloe; a '..1 and 22. Latimer'. Lake P A''''••an, ecc r:'-a to plat record..: -- - .n 'l . e of late page J. in Xing :J:.nty, Wa•Rington, which 1.4s,east gf • t`• :at of Woody :le:+ and vest of a line ;yawn par...1 1 • -1 • - r►t. an.: S,. ee, veat.r:y Wh.r --Y1':r.: 11• rl:*t anLl.e 4 41� an.1 - rY.,,•l-y _•r:n ,-e - . -. ..r. .-wry State _ \ Y; _ l+a:n-es, Pv.e:.:e , • - .6 !:, `-a . r t••-r--• •• :n; seat •;f the lout.: 192 feet - SIR •• -P:4: -! . .:y .her.. _ r. �:.7a to s :r. :,a:•ie s1:•c. 17, Latis+.r'e Peaks Park i r �4 f _ P::. _1-, a:-•sr:i q t_ ;Iv: r-:)r:.d in 7n: >e it a: :are_ _:.- plats. St : . ri'i�1 .v, :as.inc:in. Ex.:ZP portion conveyed , ��� a ••' !. r•,.r' p :•;l+•I 2y d. .Rs .^ecnr•7.R ands- tie. 3'• a-. 12:7. - fdditlonal aheeta • • • I /EP101970i :, � - •i r' t _ a ,•i ' • ,moo,,•_ �; • : • • '.. to• _7itis` '''� ii •�+ " `.� � „ '!ter :: .y- : t - •. �� aR i. tit-I E. e. 1 .F,.• .. 7.1 - �- - +,.,. f e• a ,yam,-, : •. ' e.iSedL .O aG!•eents• tea . I t. ev :slip .f reamed sod that cesiaii envisage •o vs en the sseribel'pt'�aes w►erein �'es satiamal tl.. . of MeaLLtg4.a is the menses a shill sertiage . . • S t• purchssers hereto ammo and agree to pU ao.•raiK to _ ic S i • • • its terse and osaditi ms• The teems aid follow:egad/time of this eoatsmat are as . ' • . r,� is hew.ttr Flea Thousand Dollars a 7114 1.W The purchase i.e credit i. sum purchaser + has ''= rK• ($75.9O0.60) against whf+ nts on toe the following items. to-wit: Seller's stare of Dew o ri - t.�a aforestated mortgage heretofore paid s Seller's behalf by liar. in the sum of Teo .lousand •w and -h!rty- •,.a nts ltl.7fe.S1lI. flue seller's � a Tour Dollars and Thirty-` share of real estate taxes on the aforedesteribed propel here- it the nom of /i._e tofore .aid on seller's behalf Dy purchaser : Sundred and Twenty-Sa-en Dollar• ($127.00). autd plus Ten Thousand • - 1! : Six !Dadra: Seventy-.Four Cents Ninety-Nine Dollars end i.+enty-Founta i 111 (1:C.699.7a). being one-third of 'he present balance des on the L afarestated mortgage. (b) The balance of said p.rchase price. less credits •„s a 41 to purce,tsar as noted at p+r!. ih (A1 aD .v•, in tree tt:-a1 S_ of Sixty Thousand Six Rundred c;.d Thir'y-Eleit Dollars an. , t60,6:a.5• Ra11 be p+i,1 a• fo::a•s: t xi,►eey-�o'�r cent• (. Twenty Thousand Dollars CS:0,00. .9:) as of the date of •Y•eut:o' ey . 1'4 an,: Thova.anA !o liars CS:1.?"01 on or ✓t Tven'vof this ..ss'r'�rt• •. •rom •fat• of •snout:on of 'this before ninety :iDi Zav?urchaa.r ft:rt'•^' +term to pay to*•rest nn t`•s A:nststi•r.t. �jf1 •ua of Fift•®n T!•ouaenf x Nur.1r+ . a.+d TRSNinety-Fuser C•r.ts iS15 ,, • - : .t •^ . . a. wars wine: .a • (�5.7C0.00I .ems that. the , • • tat : + . • and On the Sir:^tsRin: ,a on . ' / . • • k • '. a elr I. I I:" I. ,; i ,.. ir: �' '. sf isiMt 1,;r ``''JJ t . • ' .� ..w•.• .f Kit••y. _ _ • .• • `,v, tide s arms.., stash isterlst eel Mal.waa tia 41100042414 `. first arr•-t) •ry fsileutlata rt.- ;.ve aft r_acstiao K•tDis.iasts e d ,, tj Jatarsst only is wired to to paid by 7"ashaser I .. of 1SrM :t) years Shcarly tL es s4 (2 p t �t T!a'M . as q =!slab Dollars (420.004.H) ptusvia .or aiaw• fs44 istsreaB y_:• _ t shall he paid annually at or before the ari srsaa7 deft oat sari ' I t ' Ott♦.t�)' = amend pit of !treaty Thousand Ds11a'o 020. alter. tho srai.'l+K l..tnaipal sun of Tbwsty thessand Ilia sat • aa4 thirtr-sidit Dollars asd rusty-rssr tests 020.431.94) .bail •1•o- • be paid as tellers:: sir Malrsd Os`lers (�aa4.Da) or can's at .• • - . / I p taasr•s M Met)ow or bk:ors the first t) day A : coats - .1. is: fcUOsing the a:piraties of the throe (1) peas' iatsrstt ported r • - :resided for abase. and Six Ducdred Dollars (per•aa) or errs '' • •. P at purchaser's ogticn until this balance of said parolees* price and interest seal' have bean fully paid. Interest shall 1 • a 1 'alance of ear. >'acuctad from ea,:h Lnstal3Mnt payment and the • , f I payment applied in reduction of pt.ncipal. Lt is specifics?ly ' agreed the' there thai1 be no penalty lc:* prepayment by purc:.as•r 1 ' at any time during the life o! tttl• conttvc:• • 2. 1l: •ay—ants to be made hereunder shall be mode _t • 1 7} a(►s 'y1 l��., �'cf/�'124_�p,wf &U/rL. or at such r `f 'r�. other eLacs as the ■saber may direct in writing- 3_ As referred to in this contract, 'date of :losing' • shall be the date this inseraasec. ' t I it. T"'.s r•urchaser assumes and agrees to pay before delinquency • and grantee 1 all taxes and as+• .•senCs that saw as Datfoen jrantCT . — hereafter bozoa.e a lien. on sat: r.ac es-ate; and if by the terse - al tic ha. .assue!'S • • no_ e, af Mid cor.t_•ct the ?urch.a yxnt o• af+Y "gag •r a, a,s*j Y� c.;n;^s i 3r �',er one.:�hrar. ^. p• ant Of or Iraair.. ;u^-na.. ,-;'-'• . •r taxes or asessssent' n,•., a 14 lien 3n sailreal es' , t`., ; -r.-haser atr_es . pay f :ha s&M a, —1- • '1 Daf,no de:in•.�--ency ., 11 • _ 1 - • I - ' i ... - SEP 1019i0 ® _ _. • ' ; pe : .. : • ' - • • tm .a\.ra. . • ,r+� + , . • f peaift� ' . • d • •v. •. 'tie pershassr aasasss all lessees sf s.. df at _*.s. • - 1 • .. said seal estate er aq part thereof Ai lt� r earl l earwig ,``f%* . that M sesh fie, destsaatiem se' taking shall sesatitsts ..- e foil.e 3 .70asiG::a:L..._ .• :a.e a,%f ;Net. J. . - .. estate it taigas for 10.441!a the. the poetis e at the soademm+tlom • T'= • .i.. ansg•t ro.ai:4ai attar pgeest of rwasaaIs agssss s! I• imi . the .awe shall be paid to the seller hat applied ea payment - 4 pries liaises.iaas the sa2lar' *loots to allay 1 'c : the pere:.assr to apply all Sr * parties of emoM condemnation _ 112, Meord a the rabeildiali er rastseatiaa of ace iaproareeat$ seaap ss avai taking. 1 . • t. Me seller agrees, upon reeel+iag full payment of the a e purchase price and interest aka. she mene'ar abn•e s: l .eified. to , ememele and deliver to purchaser • statutory warranty *sad tc : 0 saist real estate. .xcs7_ini any part thereof hereafter taken I for ?Public use. free of encumbrances escort any the- may attars! ;. after date of closing throw'+ any person other than the seller. j i • mad subject to the follow Eaeerents. restrictions. 1 reservations and assessments presently of record, and that cartels 111 . mortgage on the pr- _see w!arein ?soples Ma.ional Lank of e Yaahingt::n is the :••,rt �' . - 7. TT.e purchaser ••-e •nts to pay all service. inetallat.cr. • or construct:co ._harges fo •.ate. :ever. electricity. garbage or other utility services turn:.. _ s::. real e.+•at. +.'ter r the dace purchaser is entitled to possess::n. + S. In aeee the purchaser fa:_s to r:••_ ...:y paym.nt .`..:•_. 1 provided the seller May eve s..r.` .ay=..n! . an! any a ti••_^'+ .•, _i paid by the self , -net'-: .r...'. _-tere-i' a• ...a re'• c! ten • percent (1011) per annua She:•-.. fr,a :ate _ .:f pays ^t unt.. :spa:-. ' shall be repaya�.. �y pur'!'..as%. .. :.er a daean , a:1 .. . ... 7 sa.:er a.; .1.ave t'•y r... - pre�udir to any r right _... s :� sty.h de!au. r • - . • . - • il . .. e . .t:•.I• r . e EPA O 197O -- - - -- • a r - a ....1 - :V . . .. . , . - _b • .. .. �.+ . , • I Y " s* : •'v; . '• 4- — f,* 1 4 - • •-, ` • • - :•ot �'L . ..: - •j . -,.s• — . . 0 p Tea,jas� .�J. - �•,� ..• • ► • , • • Zi ":, -:- -'?"...• . ---r.'-';" - . "'-• ! .•- ":_ . • S. Tian ins! Oa easeams s! /hi• osetaroct, and IT •'f^`4. .' IPf• ' agreed tlrst is ease that D.•- :14... ...t1 lest to easel, tiitiaS•;r; _.' .wrote' r! afteditims or agreement helmet/ or to sat INV p Mat--.1 . a ••. lm_o,ired smeenndoa• pdan_ly at ties Use aid Ls the sMias'1 rialt .;-• r•fe, _ • *squired. the seller may elect to de' bale all tanplabamsr's - . dots lere.oder tell a nails and spar 1is 'lag all, all pagjueate" t mode ty the purchaser Aersueder mod all lap oeemeets placed apes }�•i • •_. .. i 3!e real estate dual be ter-felted to sailer as li�ki+dtast - • damadee, mod the seller shall hese right to re�estas asd take __. -4.• '- 1 :ram t possession of the renal estate; are no vole sr by the seller of . • • any b•ault on the part ::f the purediamer Amu be 3oestrw -)d as - • s • a uai.er of any subsequent dmtealt. ._. - U. larvi a wpm -•ss•ehaser of all demands. notices or other .1 pspere with respect U. forfe'ture and tersiaatioo of purchaser's -'r rights may Da made by Unite- 3t.tag nail. postage prepaid, return • r S » �a receipt reqursted, directed to the purchaser at him address last known to the seller. r it :" 11. Upon seller's 'election to br'-.g outt to enforce any nor aant. of this 0.1tr•et. 'hc'luding au't to collect any payment . -equired h.re:.:.de the purchaser agrees tat pay a reasonable i 2 A a; attorney'■ foss and all eoece and impenses _n coon..../ion with suc1. s.sit. which seas shall be incluaed in any judgment or 1 1 d.crss entered in such suit. . 17. :f the 'eller shall bring suit to procirn an adjudication ,,' the termites:i. o' the purchaser's r:g.'.ts hsreunCer, a-'.. 1 ., • ;,.., sent :s io ..sere: tie purch:•e- alre.n to psy • peasenable • +F• s 'm as artorns':'s lees err.: •il cos-s sat:•: espens:s in conn.Ctior w:... s..:n .,. it. ant al3 the ressc.^.._ ':at of searching records a tr, leterJ:"e •:`e _an•1i.i.3n •. s- ..ate s..h suit is t -- a► r + - eomoer.ce-•. vh: - .�, s`.s.. b. .a.... . .. a'v ,r•'gsent or ;;. i . 1 _ Q . S - -.,E? 4 01970 •" .- . . ,� Rs . t .. s, •-. - ' . • . " L. ,I_•1 w - a.... •�.r�..r.�.r.tea•���_ �l�wr�i•�r - 1 • -F • • '•.j ti . • - • , . isteses a week emit.. . r: at • • iirm r 'DT. this rr•ise Arno 's+• .,.c'�/!sd Z3!s :1' � ..•t't 1t as of ties 4ts ::Pet yr:erso a3ore. - .. r. l s. • • ,, . / ailsofteiciiiia......„ • r J,r • t . y .. ' . • 1441111. • i . "••• Iriiiiellte 23 AR .• . 41111 - �AZ OF MAfa LItGT^+i? -• • 14 CDU:ST( or IC r ? sa• _ it .: _ . A0a tA:s day ?..:venel:Y -09wir4 be! and AlCrE K. STit:11.1if.rt• se )rn..ww1 t a be t1• i+41•fidusla br j • 1.12.^. end •', :+s instrument and .. scinwleC= 1” • -,, . +y ■iane! t! san• .s their fr ee end ro2t.ntary ar.0 :so !c: rr.e •:ses anC purposes heir 1 • _ 1 oe L crtad. _ �e s. �e :• Cal O' • • • 0!-11(sl • ataL• y or STATE JF iA'HZ�G:CM) 'i// [tt`'s a: { la.: per!::1:1i • aft _ .•�`. ' • _..1 .i _ a`EYE1t ` - - , •r 1- •.. .. 1.♦- ••r • t-•• 1 .. t:' . try 1:-'L ,- �--- ,. - - a - VI. _ _ _J a '.. _:- ' r . -0 r �f _ . Ley 310:5931 / • ns I-40 5. any ben E,ta ,,eattl. to Aanton Section In the matter or rrimary „rate nwy No a •ray '.Latimer, Naval A1r 5tatiot, tensaaola, Flor'ua 4 to .+Late of . eshington a'p hby groat to sp the rt priv and permit to remove and/or ' a 1.. place and deposit earth matvfrom and/or upon the hintafter des lds adJaoend to the tiny in ,.he exta of slopes of excavation and/or embankment; as surveyed over and across ' Lots I and 2 Blk 16 Lots 1-2-3 and 4 Blk 22 .r(.H.Letimer's Lake Bark Add (Vol 18 of plate pg 63) The specific details concerning all of woh are to be fo•.tnd within tint certain map of definite location now of rec add on rile in the off of the air of Hwys at tilympTe, and bearing date of approval . - Feb 8-38 Slope lines revised Feb 6-40 kl The rt, priv and permit of ingress and egress to and from sd Id for the purp tin spectf and for the purp of maintaining ed slopes is nby grani.e. ttsy N.Latimer Bacambia Co Florida, ,.Lay 1-40 by day N.Latimer, bet F.M. xc",rt np far Florida rem at Pensacola ns Fab 17-41 . (Fld by Dept of Heys) --- Y j kermit -ay 29-:0 0131039327 . May 7-40 ?l. and ben dcova Tn tha mattar of Primary state 11;4 No a -eat le to 'entan - 1 C Steve T.Merrill, by esse.t b-ing the owner and holder of a certain mtg ooverinb the hit_ifter dc.. Ids of ;;lallam CO W3 to State of eashington - --- sm as 931 - A at: . of Id sit in 'sax being all tint stn of Lots 5 and o Blk 2 ' in the td and rec plat of Dixon's +-mks rerk First Add as kbown on pg 9 in vol 24 of plats rec of 'scn lying and being nely ' ' ill - of a In drawn plw and 60 ft dint swly, when meas':rea et rt angles-from the oe0ter In survey of sd hwy. The specific details --- form to sig --- It is hby understood tint this permit is greaten oy the undersigned only as his lots in si_ Ids nay appear as ntgse Steve 'r.rerrill clallan Co Wn may "-4.; oy stave &.Merrill, bet :ear-matte Davis, fa] , Jeannette rldweli np for sw res at tort Ang les ns :.ey 29-..i ." (Yid oy ..opt or Heys) --- / , 2 ) PPM -ay 24- /,/J 31J39J3 t -.ay 7-40 7a1 rend !ef ( " In the natter of Primary state Hwy No 5 Seattle to 0e.ntoh • Steve T.Lierrill, oy assmt - to Cassie P..mell, indiv and as excx a: :ne est•of rrsox L. 0 ll.,ma , deed li Fp ab- rsl and dis faun the ilea �.r -ne i.ts dtd ',fay 1-36 ex: oy I, sp tap of a2J00. art int and rec in tee ao of Mow en Apr 30-36 in vol ' 'b3 of ntca pc toe and file -•0 2d95699 the fol des ata of tan ntged pram 9 is in :tow , f na f ;.rip of id seine el'_ tat ptn of Lot9 nl 5 Blk 2 in toe fld ip • and rec :,tat of Axon's ..a:ta . a_�c :ire! -was to an pg • - in vol 2. of plats rec o: xcw lying a x: _a_r.z ce:y of a In :sip I p1w am w.: ft di st awly, •wLen neesuref et rt _:._les Prom tn. ••` 11 • • center lc _utvcy �f sd way. ` i;te specie]- O-.tsils s..acerniog all a' n n ere tJ be found wi tain \ ! tint aer loin _ap of aefinite , icatiaz .-a- or ran an.i on file in tie off . tne .,ir of Hwys nt Cis_pl , -ass _• nearing dots of approval,: c-SS ar-u revised _eb :-4:: • of _7c ...er.ril _ xi ..la_iaa .a ..c .ay ,-4„ 4steva .--r.._-, --. asnette -Avis*` .'..Fly ..irnet•-e .,ictell, nn for s•a re. at ,r. •neei-s na ...Zp 2'-40 f (:ice - of ...'sy5, i •. • C • IL law MI MAP STEWART TITLE 18000 International Boulevard South, Suite 510 SeaTac,Washington 98188 Phone: (206) 770-8700 Fax: (206) 770-8703 ORDER NUMBER: 200113526 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS FOR PROPERTY ADDRESS: li -. - _ Permit 1.ay 29-40 > ;'4.4 °3'10.5931 / 5!1' ny e40 r5. and ben :rota -..eettl. to +Lenton section In the matter or rrimary .,rate rwy tie o , • . .ray :.Latimer, Naval Air Station, rensaoola, rlor!ua • to .+tote of eashingtoo ip hby grant to op the rt priv and permit to remove and/or a :' place and deposit earth matvfrom end/or upon the hinafter dee Ida adjacen6 to the ray in the ezta of slopes of excavation and/or • embankment; as surveyed over and across Lots I and 2 Blk 16 C • ' Lots 1-2-3 and 4 Blk 22 +l.i.Latimer'a -eke rark Add (Vol 18 of plats pg 63) The syecifto details concerning all of weh are to be found wi`hin . , tht certain map of definite location now of rem add on rile in 0 the off of the sir of Buys at Ulymp;a, and bearing date of approval - Feb 8-38 Slope lines +revised Feb 6-40 . "t" i'he rt, priv and permit of ingress and egress to and from sd Id for the purl tin spectf and for the pump of maintaining 34 slopes is aby grantee. aay N.Latimer Bscambia Co Florida, dray 1-40 by day N.Latimer, bef F.Y. to'.,rt np for Florida res at Pensacola as Fab 17-41 (Fld by Dept of FIwys) --- Y / - " Ill' *• eermit -ey 29-i0 1�� J 31039327' • May 7-40 ?]. and ben nova _ 'n the matter of Primary Jtate n::] No o -sattle to aenton { - Steve T.Eierrill, by asset b-ing the owner and holder of a certain ate covering the hir_ifter db: ids of ;;lallam Co Wj : Lo State of enshingtoa -- -- sm as 931 - . - A etr of Id sit in sure being all tht eta of Lots 5 and o '.ilk 2 in the fld and rec plat of Dixon's Like rark F1rst •'id as khown on pg 9 in vol 24 of plats rec of kcw lying and Deing nely - of a In drawn plw and 60 ft dint swly, when measured at rt , angles from the men tar In survey of sd hwy. . The specific details --- form to sig --- :t is hby understood tht this permit is grantee oy the undersigned - only as his iota in et: Ida may appear as atgee Steve r.=errill k;lallam Co :ea .ay 7-4c by stave •.Merrill, bef Jeannette Davis, fm1 • Jeannette nldwell np for sw res at sort nag lee ns yay 29-do (Fld by ..apt or dwys j --- f/_ ) :d.; ..Pay 29-4w /G'l / 3103933 /' - _ v- 1 ; „ay 7-40 al recd 1 ' In the matter of Primary otate Ewy :!o 5 oeettle to Kenton - steve r.LEerrill, oy esamt . • to Cassle ?...nail, indiv and as exr.x Lae est.of :rank L. ,mall, decd i. p aby rel and die frim the liar 1..f _ae _tg dtd May 1-36 ex: oy • sp tap of 42000. ar.i int and rec in Lae - o of taw on •►pr 30-36 1 in vol .' `b3 of mtgz pc 2;,6 and file ..o 25956P9 the tel dee ptn _ of tab mtged pram s is In xcw e' r strip of id oeinb all tht mto of _ocs sni 6 ilk 2. in tee fld -' ` . and :etc olat of Axon's ...die _a.ec sir?: ••.:J ds Shown on pg ' ' qq In vol 2•! of plats ran o: xow lying a:s: -stet nely of a 1n :awn 4"J pica and 4a ft diet scaly, *Lea neasuref e: rt m:alas 'from th. '\ center In survey •.f sd awy. e the specif!- ("stalls :wane nine all o' .ca s-a to be found within \ a- tht oertaIn map of definite . Ncstioc . o•+ :_ rec and on file in cne off or t.^.e .1: o' ±wy3 zt Clyepl , 3!a a..n nearing date of approval en _-38 :-eviyed _eb --ice 7 _ -^ . n-•r: r.-.err Lil xi -la_lan Co ..c ..yy 7-4 •:y ateve ..-=:rill, car eannette levies '.:_Ly .agnaet.e .,derail, en for s- re at .r, ••eta:-s :s ..e.y 2'-40 :1.''. _ -tit of .:wyal . .::- is ri . , -. - .,. r V s ee. V Al • - .. • . • i `' • 4733794, 111 D Sep 27-56 Sep 13-56 0 state of Washington To Robert L. Edwards and Jane I. Edwards, hus and wf 400 In the matter of Primary State Nighway No 5, Seattle to Renton (Bryn Nawr-Black River fp , for andin oonsidenation of a oyanoe to theStateof lanai required for Highway purposes 41 hry oy and qo to sp all its right, title R® lint,aioept e• as hrinafter set forth in and to the fig esod in 0ovt lots 6 and 7, leo 7-23-5 EWN , ' ® State Highway No. All that ptn of be existing r/w of Primary 5, Seattle to Renton, in lots 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 40 30, blk 13 and lots 1, 2, 3, 17, 18 and 19 blk 22, N. H. Lat iaer 's Lake Park add, lying Wlyof a In 'own plw and 50 rt Wly, when meas at rt angles and/or radially, frm •' the cents(' In or ad highway and extendingfrm Highway engr 's ; • highway en i s station 88475, the station 80+30 Sly to g y g specific details oonoerning all ofwoh are to he found within' • that certain map of defiite locution now of rood and on file in theoffioeof the Director t►: Highways at Olympia and bearing dt of approval Feb 8-38s li . Sub however, to thsperpetual right, permit , license and east in the grantor t • uss nd 000upy tbspty oyd hrin • - • - i r , 1 r r • 4733794-2- • .: • "or the purpose of constructing and ssintaining highway slopes • • in exoavationand/or embankment ; xoept that g in the avant the grants's, his heirs or assigns, shall excavate and/or plies an asbankment upon the • area covered by this slope cant to the level of the . grade of t hsebv mentioned highway abutting thron, all rights of the State shall cease and terminate. • Xoept as hrin set forth, tbelends abv desod ere not rquired for state highway purposes and ars oyd pursuant to theprovisionsof Chapter 384, laws of 1,55 and in • anoordanoo with a judgment and decree entered in the BC of KCW cause 491927 • • xon ok; •®igned by Arthur B. Langlie and Earl Coe •. ,., r • 'J M1 to Robert L. Edwards Bo 149, Renton fld• by 9To o 404110 ' • 1• • ' • + 1 1 r VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII fC .. C. M0614 REsD i_ ,•�++++a.00 -- CA�HSL UTILITIES 33 - — EASEMENT • NT made this OZI%O.ketPJ2N(.79.'041?1- 81147aF-1441 i day of 25. THIS INSTRUMENT/made Gra' and between AG I II Auto �es, Inc. hereinafter caked 'Grantorr(s).' and the CITY OF RENTON. a Municipal Corporation of King i County. Washington, hereinafter called.'Grantee'. WITNESSETN: I That said Grantor(s). for and in consideration of the sum of paid by Grantee, and other valuable consideration, do by these presents. grant, bargain. sell. convey, and warrant unto the said Grantee its successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water and sewer) with necessary appurtenances over, through. across and upon the following described property in King County. Washington. more particularly described as follows: ;8 LOCATION: SW and Block 5 of the Woodyer Section 7. To'nship Glen dition,ge and Lot 19,u Block C 22 Latimers Lake Park (Auditor File Nos. 956480-0070 and 956480-0170 respectively) 0303 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT MO. 7 LOT 7. BLOCK 2 WOODY GLEN ADDITION SWLY 100 FT. BLOCK S AND LOT 19 BLOCK 5. WOODY GLEN ADDITION AND POR LOTS 24 THRU 30 BLK 13 AND LOTS 1.2.3. AND 19 BLOCK 22 LATIPIERS LAKE PARK LY WLY OF 6N PLW ANO 50 FT WLY OF C/L OF PRIM. ST. HAY - NO. 2. i_. PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT: LOT N0. 7 THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY 10 T OF THE PREVIOUSLY U (AUDITOR FILE NO. 956480-0070) BLOCK 5 AND LOT 19 THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF BLOCK 5 WOODY GLEN ADDITION AND THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF LOT 19 BLOCK 22 LATIMERS LAKE PARK OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROPERTY (AUDITORS' FILE NO. 956480-0170) Said heretofore mentioned Grantee, its successors or assigns. • shall have the right, without prior notice or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described permanent easement for the purpose of constructing. maintaining. repairing, altering or reconstructing said utilities, or making any connections therewith. without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefrom, provided, that such construction, maintaining. . repairing. altering or reconstruction of said utilities shall be I accomplished in such a manner that the private improvements exjsting in the easement area shall not be disturbed or damaged. or they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the aforedescribed premises, including the right to use the surface of said permanent easement if such use does not interfere with installation and maintenance of the BLEB FOR RECORD At RE St O • lE f3il tlli IN- '7/�o L �j' . -:_ .ice:.J_ . . iMIE., s=MLlIL_ t \ .joie .I.L. I . utilities. However. the Grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over. under or across the permanent easement during the existence of such utilities. . This easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall i be binding on the Grantor. its successors, and assigns unless or until such time as the aforedescribed premises become abandoned with respect to said use for public utilities at which tine the full rights of 4 ownership without encumbrance of easements shall revert to the Grantor. its successors. and assigns. Grantors convenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and Ilawful right to execute this agreement. In witness whereof• the said Grantor(s) has executed this easement. - / G (� Gated this `3\.CT, day of .Gl'..1 -. 19O�at 1\�-LT' �l • Washington. '�/ r ,' • Ll,j-cL�CY )2,A•z-- and ✓�CvLL.�� '.e ' -T/ '_.,_ 1,-/iT��,i/ 'and c rt2Se4.P Cpaa4mATE FORM: V4 CO STATE OF Opp J ) SS C COUNTY OF KtD Cr— ) er c co On this A \ day of 19 6�before se, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of 1i Pr , duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared a-tAOLiJ taut and «` E`� to nee known a __ the and , respectiveT of leAQTI.14;p10-t the aerpseat•iaw-that executed the foregoing instrument. and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes II therein mentioned, and on oath stated that —1`11y_ authorized to execute the said instrument and that t e seal affixed is O;he cQJvgr+ite seal of said corporation. ,II . . S Irr1E$S my had and official seal hereto affixed the day and year • Iii S fl'*iir,certificate above written. •.2-Si. - • yea Note y ubilic n and or the tate of Ix l . residing at p 1�.I • r O • • .I t Said heretofore mentioned grantee,its successors or assigns,shall have the right.without prior not{ee or - proceeding at law,at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of constructing,maintaining,repairing,altering or reconstructing said utilities,or making any connections therewith,without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefore.provided,that . such construction,maintaining,repairing,altering or reconstruction of said utilities shall be ' accomplished in such a manner that the private improvements existing in the right(s)of-way shall not be disturbed or damaged,they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. -. tThe Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the aforedescribcd premises,including the right to retain the right , to use the surface of said right-of-way if such use does not interfere with installation and maintenance of • the utilities. However,the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over,under or across the right• of-way during the existence of such utilities. '' This casement,shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding an the Grantor,his • • successors,heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they arc the lawful owners of the above properties - and that they have a good and Lawful right to execute this agreement. 1• Signatures of Grantors: r }�.�.-.-e � uJr . .i and - . • �� I ��'✓ and • , •y and and • IT OIv1DUAL FORM a?ACXNrhw.EQ�F]NFM •i STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ti ) SS • COUNTY Or KING ) i cc' I certify that I know or have satisfactory entente that 4 iA,'A l t and it r//Zt u.�t,f • ` signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her(} free/and v cary act for the usesrnd ? purposes mentioned In the instrument. -! Dated /e/2/gj r%/ , rj`%%\l\llh: N4A/2-Lez,111,0(..e.,4 I'ubIie in mad far the fate F / 1 .•'' sE .Syttthy of Washingtontesldingat ��P.fetf .L1JC� t� ;a'•y".,�(� // My appointment expires 1-7-gS t 444!`��`taS 4'A.y- //// _ 11T'TAR/. Q e • 'd A,,f. 0 ; j 9 s r' J Utleta fiscmcnt a /•� % • •h .4r..S Sheet 2a2 '1 .1 4��'..,.... •. IadlrfduaIFatm II t•,::: `•\ 0 , i 1 _ v rAc•• Z \z. 1. 1 $o 1 M J �1 M 1 W ab ; 426820 yt�° II e ' r# sty nqCI � = RACTS�VOL37/�6 O �lo� iipc a J� ; _ENZ FAR METT^ To y 90 ,Q° o Al 32 0 /dQ y 4 p°y°5 901/4 'Oa `9bt ha VP -9�,8 '°09 95 �'�IQ�/�u' . I'1° �e o12 7 �ti ° l •-; _ 70 3Z�— i661ib 5 ad.s7-/3c__7/C J L' /f0.9J , 56•z 3. v _ PPt.rrow sr) 12IST ST. at 4oQ 70 I 70 I 50 2OI 40 . 30 70 ( /00 lUtt 3O .,o AOr " s -+ G0 d 1-•.-/Vf � rm .�° C M 0 1 �r 1 ' o /� 10 L ti y� Iss M fT1 4. a� to i a 0b A�� o ho',°t ^® la po V t7 o I° t�� O ,.., .4 ev \ ., A- 0 se•%.—A.s., —A___ l'' ... .. ... A .2... Io 2 9°0, :ry 0°ale ct t 43 k .-••7� 41 ��� ° LAT VOL. 6/TON mg �i�� I ^ ° gS�iINTON � . . 1!4 H. LATI ER S LAKES sy ,67°O 4L,�,4204400WI �� 70 70 SO ZO1 r40 30 10 ` /00 30 )per A 7:0 • 1 11 � 7 : "1 S. 122ND ST. 74•85 ,°Vac-oa°.3455 elf �"— (,h /4 E .4161i•53.32at rs.P) "" 37•09 .�rN _ v�,!° 3•C0 r. ...:_` ,?EN 7Gw 0,20. /ao/ — r.r. o ••,,.-AC. ° Z ° � . i '.5 S2.:52 7s.°3 i . o i ' 6s I y {Ai ���S `/I 7. • ^d • a �/ a • �, I 3 '2core;car ; * i�' a ' JSS ' a it ° 5a"t.RENSPot=26-76 "ir ': :%r� tt1124 ° /ss r••-c, ' is rr°/1 z5 0i` 7610190753 • 6s C 5 9�,O�ts „ •� ° . p,„ l „o 101E ! ,-- ...16.43.3EL ! • • .• •0, - + GS' SL-f. 7s•03 07si A 6 ` /49.70 °a ° r /__ 4 I Neb_ • `•d 3 b7°�i5 J A.." 9 6 �6 LV ri `_, _�. . i \\ 30 a , a a° �+� \ 4 C 7 3 5`,ro •. 0 . 0°' d MO 6° + I 4 0�g°'•\ °Q ire,43 Q. 5 • 4.1 e ., °� ''>c,r�*o t1' 7� NI, •' 30: i $ 50 Cod ,...7 �s °° O��pf .,.... 0 .•—.--, -4,4. , .0;5 ‘. i , ' r' O �T 4o.a_ n.tso IIVI-9I V a V 5 26.5.04 p159.13.16'II/ 164.67 4,-r ..- _.,,�...-... _ ..... . Sn 0 • • • WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: { 7 Oftks of doe Clip Clerk • ' Renton 200 Mille'A, uesouh Utilities Remo,,WA aeons EASEMENT .. THIS INSTRUMENT,trade this 2nd dayof October 19 91 ; by and between Oorethv Meyer and f nna Mayer ..1 (pert WV aroma i and ; and • and i hereinafter called••Grantor(s),'and the CTIY OF RENCON,a Municipal Corporatiun of King County, .1 Washington,hereinafter called'Grantee.' _ 'That said Grantor(s),for and in consideration of the sum of$One Dollar and 00/100($1.00)paid by • •. Grantee,and other valuable consideration,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,do by these "•�' r presents,grant,bargain,sell,convey,and warrant unto the said Grantee,Its successors and assigns,an : 1 'casement for public utilities(Including water and sewer)with necessary appurtenances over,through, . • ' across and upon the following described property in King County,Washington,more particularly : ._: described as follows: • That portion of Lot 4,Block 17,Latimcrs Lake Park Addition as recorded in Volume ;'Th : 18 of Plats, Page 63, Records of King County, Washington, more particularly •:-: described as follow �1 s: EA 15 foot wide strip of land lying parallel and contiguous to the northerly boundary -it •et of said lot 4; : :o :'ai. accept any portion lying within State Highway No.2(Rainier Avenue North). •• S' CT: :i Together with a temporary construction easement described as: All that portion of lots 1,2,3 and 4 of Block 17,Latimers Lake Park Addition as recorded in volume 18 of `- Plats.pages 63.Records of King County,Washington: .1 Except that portion within State Highway No.2(Rainier Avenue North). i • Said temporary construction casement shall remain in force during construction and until such time as the utilities and appurtenances have been accepted for the operation and maintenance by the Grantee but not later than one year from the date of execution of this document. • Mika E secant FXOI*IfRX REQUIRED 0212 rsi ici sa4133V ALM:ATA Nei damp 0 Q-firers -- 11n } III r ..�...� • __fig • • . . . •• ^! ". tti CRSHSL .� CITY OF Rffi9TON,•WASHINGTON r• •00 1 -.�� :' ~ AS�IGTON i z ORDINANCE �1 ` � NO. 3455 l: • AN ORDINANCE OF '.•• THE CITY OP EENTON, WASHINGTON, CCr) VACATING A PORTION OF N.W. 7TH STREET (VAC-3-d0- - �7 DICKSON) •:a 1 O :} t' WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of N.W. 7th Strut, -� .• <-,-•, �, Renton, King County, Washington, was duly .. with the City Cleric on or about may7 1980, ,'23, and said petition having been signed by•owners represer••ng more than ::.1,..i..0-;:'.- :F ":',� two-thirds of the property 'abutting upon such street soughtbe vacated; and •_•••'••1:t. WHEREAS the CityCaunehl `'' •:,by Resolution No. 2343 passed and approved on :� �'� June 9, 1980, and after due investigation, did fix and determine the 14th day of July, �� T',;3_ 1980, at the hour of 8:00 P.H. in the City Council Chambers •of the City of Renton •'•:• --,`= •-•-'. to bs :hs '.i:n and place fora public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk having given " :• t. • _ •'.`+ due aoti:e of such hearing in the mannerprovided by -• '��t law, and all persons having been heard ai+peari:g in favor or in opposition thereto- and _,~ WHEREAS the Department of Public Works and the Planning Department . .-:�••x ' of t::e City of Renton having duly considered said petition for said vacation,and having found :.me t,- be in the public interest and for the public ' �i benefit, and no injury or . , an:. person or properties will result from such vacations; r.. 4 NCW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON � ' .,"' damage to W AL'HI::3TON. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ��=f• ' ' 3Et LION I. The following described portion of street, to-••'> Sec Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a t . "' as :f fully set forth herein. part hereof i . :,; 8E AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VA'CAT-ED SUBJECT to an easement over, across, .1:i :undo: and on all of the aforedescribed property in favor of the City for utility and :elated purposes. • - t- ,,;���` -:� yTI- iEC'•IION A: The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee of one-half -';•L'4'7.. if $1.2 l pe: s•pare foot to Petitioner-Owners, said amount not exceeding one-half of • i .• :•:yam";.;~ -- • he ;it_.' iFpraisal of the right-of-way interest herein vacated, and such charge being r' •''""`'`� roast ne. e is -ra t_ -;c Z•. arirE OF WASWNiras :, ,! fO'Nnt•OF/ONC ; {y. _�' '.L't.'. . ...s�'YlC.e.i]...,Gap Met r wd b -• • .. ,, : [. Ypv-in.I.w. .:o^gnat cgtdt Mr Me tanaoirt a►ben"d coma — :.r•• pi, 'n•r t•::•.rant.tb 1.•=y� .y tM .-' FILED for Recor at Request:oi...ld tang cgmt teat'he t�'.,n A.:MC" ` : r w � ;; .: Ns .. •. "•trot W!w►al I ,ignr.b aw x= "�Yl 1 ."►oar w Mead k.. '�^' t ".rt a Rama,,tA.r._ " _O,t d. .J, ttM real d aka • •. •�,_ ,. —'� /% ` . ^e+� •-! emu•sue. -, anon•. by .,s . G I a• s . .____ pt. •-•"•11. I ••- • ? .• •••••.Laari.....•. -jiralT-ii.6' ;Tea...•....' •••!. . . ••.:%!......... T.•::.•...... .14 EXHIBIT 'A• , N.Y. 7th.Street VAC-3-80 • All that portion of N-Y. 7th St. (S. 122nd St.) having a Width of 60 ft. - . .'c'' lying southerlyr' of Block 4 N. Y. Latiaes Lake Washington plat as re- corded in Voluae 6 of plats, page 70 records of King County Washington . . . N and that portion of vacated 90th Ave. S. adjacent; northerly of the north y el lines of Blocks 16 and 17, Latiaer's Lake Park Add.. as recorded in • • -.-•. it" Vol. 18 of Plats, Page 63 records of Xing County Yashi gton, extended; c� easterly of the easterly right-of-may line of Taylor Ave. N.Y.. extended from the N.W. corner of Lot 1, Block 16 said plat of Latimers La ' Park Ai - - Add, across Northwest 7th St. to the northerly right-of-way line thereof; . and westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of Rainier Ave. N. (State m Highway No. 2) extended. As situated within the S.W. 1/4 of Section 7, Township 23 N., Range 5 E.. , } W.M. .7114111,. .. . ' • I :t . •• • Y11) i'"1_. '•jr'Lc �t'AF� S ".' "1• 1} • -• • • .y : t • • :J r. i • �`L./- v . 0 • • WHFH RECORDED RETURN TO: ' Mita the G7O • ReoNnMuMdpat sag •( I 7m tall Avenue East Rama;RYA 9e055 t 2➢ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4357 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, NASSIHGTOH, VACATING A PORTION OF 123RD STREET (METER/DORSET - VAC 001-91). WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating a portion of 123rd g Street located in the 600 block of Rainier Avenue N. was duly filed 14 with the City Clerk on or about November 5, 1990, and said petition having been signed by the owners representing more than two-thirds s ` t1 N (;; (2/3) of the property abutting upon such street sought to be Gvacated; and N CIWHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 2834 passed and � approved on March 11, 1991, and after due investigation did fiat and CD cD determine the day of April 15, 1991, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Fj OZ - GI City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place 11 T for a public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk having given due ri notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law, and all c?.?. • persons having been heard appearing in favor or in opposition 4� thereto, and the City Council havincj-considered all information and r arguments presented to it; and WHEREAS, the Hoard of Public Works of the City of Renton having duly considered said petition for said vacation, and having found same to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result from such vacation, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 • 0 - • • • • • • • ORDINANCE NO. 4357 j ( SECTION I. The following described street, to wit: Sec Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as _ if fully set forth herein be and the same is hereby vacated subject to an easement over, across, under and on all that portion as described on Exhibit •B" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein in favor of the City for utility and related purposes. SECTION II. The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee of $5,100.00 to the petitioner-owners, said amount being 50% of the City's appraisal of the right-of-way interest herein vacated, and such charge being reasonable and proper. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its Gpassage, approval, and thirty days after its publication.CI A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the Q Office of Records and Elections, and as otherwise provided by law. � .I PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this Sth day of June 1992. Marilyn . P ersen, City Clerk • • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 15 ay of June , 1992. • Ea Clymer, Mayor/ � • Approve s to fop', I , Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney 2 .• .• • - • . . • • .• • • • • • • • .. • • ORDINANCE NO. 4357 . /1 Date of Publication: June 19. 1992 ORD.238-5/28/92-as. 4 . • 1.4 0 • ct) rml 0 cr) 6. I I I, 3 • • ••• • • .• • 7:777- • rn rte. • I .••• .•. 0 i • a r_ 1 , I EXFIIBI T"A" i That portion of street right-of-way known as Ohio Plasm and Cambridge Boulevard(also(mown as South I23rd Street).as shown on the Plat of Latices Lake Park Addition,as recorded in Volume 18 of Pints,Page 63,Records of King County.Washington,said Oat situated in a portion of the • Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Scction 7,Township 23 North,Range S East,W.M., _ King County,Washington,said right-of-way being bounded as follows•. 13 Ohio Prate; n 11 A) lying southerly of the south right-of-way margin of vacated Northwest 7th Strut F. (as vacated by City of Renton Ordinance 3455)shown as Binghanapton Street an •i said Plat of Latimer's Lake Park Addition(also known as South 122nd Street); B) lying westerly of the westerly lot foes of lots 1 through 6 iaciusive,Block I7,of S= said Plat of L timer's Lake Park Addition; • C) lying easterly of the most easterly lot lines of Lot 1.Block 16,said plat,sad ; • easterly of Lots 5,6,and 7,Block I of the plat of Woody Glen Addition,as l• recorded in Volume 47 of Plats,Pages 91 and 92,Records of King County, • f Washington; fl wi O :l R • O D) lying northerly of the northerly boundary of Block 5,of said Plat of Woody Glen CD Addition; • ' �- CI O Cambridac Boulevard as shown on the Plat of said Latimers Lake Park Addition: •`: 01 :Fag ' k A) lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of Rainier Avenue North, also . km oo as State Route l67(�orni�ly known as State Route 2); V ll '.. . B) lying southerly of the southeasterly lot line of Lot 6, Block 17 said Plat of t" Latimer's Lake Park Addition; - 142 i, C) lying northerly of the northerly boundary of Block 5 said Plat of Woody Glue Addition; • D) lying easterly of the most easterly lot lines of Let 7, Block 1 of said Plat of li • Latimer's Lake Park Addition. t ' ... As shorn on the attached map. , t naszoor MD04 j , . i . il , • i .. ' ` .• : x-•. . .: C: '✓sip'• .•1 • •.-- - • '- . . /!C......,--1 ;d fl • . . _ , , • ' . .. • , _ . . . . • • ‘ . •• •. . . I • • • • .T.'-.Z . . • • • - • .. . • . . •.• . - :-.1 ••. 6 rr; 4 Exim3rrs- :5 ••., An easement for the purpose of utilities situated within the parcel descnIal in Exhibit A. ts.7.1 attached hereto,being more particularly dm:tribal as follows: N • BEGINNING at the Northwest==of Lot 4, Block 17, Latimer's Lake Park Addition as t - recorded in Volume 18 of Plats,Page 63,Records of Eng County,Washington; 1:7 .t . Thence North 0°34'44'West along the westerly extension of the north boundary of said Lot 4,a :... LI distance of 15 feet more or less,to en intersection with the easterly boundary of Lot 6,Block I, Woody Glen Addition,as recorded in Volume 47 of PLats.Pages 91 and 92, Records of King I F County,Washington; .14 ri Thence South 0°34 44'East along said easterly boundary of said Lot 6,a distance of 20 feet; .14- •.:4 Thence easterly along a line parallel with and 20 km southerly of said westerly extensioa of the I North line of said Lot 4,a distance of 15 feet,more or less,to the westerly boundary of said Lot 4, ,.4 Block 17,Iatinter's Lake Park Addition; '44. :• Thence northerly along said westerly boundary of Lot 4 to the POINT OF BEGINNING. g [ 1 As situated in the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 7,Township 23 North,... Range 5 East,W.M. ..4 F 0 cr) 1.1 924.13.170=ID s DIti 1 . I-- r . . to t. 0 6 . . CR 1.... . -, . 1........' . ..i 1_ .i I 1 . . 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C7�t.J• a.a `iS ., vtaf.a'{f•a Ss.Jy.t•.•a .a:: sate.t _ .i�.1t,e7{i i4•LSt IS?1!Mil!al ,i as�t •►. ,a •:.i +t.M w,• r - -.~ 5 ft:•.:.SS.:.t•`•.r' aa.4.It.\aa..•.004., •p �.a-a.r••' .6C:r `,. »Ja: 'Lr:a• _ J ttt Pitt.: SYa.�b. ,s i:i%.:11.4 A.:: •.S1,33 sJ ,:_. • ./ t .1 s•a.+•...:.r .S\I is ..-..S Si' ..N'47 I •...a.- /._-\ - rev r -ea .•.. .r a•a..•I. /r•a•.. • •� •.:..,To._j?� �..r•:: :..r .i .J.ai. -. .r{• •.. .•, ja.a i.f .:•••a••r 1_ I•+.• :a..: •. i?•ija s.a.as 1 ate'.{. • :.a.aaa• to,:...�_a ••_ant»t:a4. ...• r.. •.a . ., •Isi _ •• w a.•I. r•:.: a...mot.t . . •;.tea �•: 't.w a a1J .a.a.Try i-s a.as-~1..44.4 a.:•..•.e.a. .s tr.• ..be•.t 4 • I .•.0. .•a .. I•J..••••. r.. .r.�.s..:41,.......t..• :Y y:\it•ems. 1' •.a f--►—a\ta.'1:{r X�7 : .�i- a {. ■r.. ••• a a.. 1.aa..1. a:.:•-• ..a /••G t-aa•- 84.•I..I.s Pa, ..•l ._1.:\ � I .-r.ts1 a� at.a.•l.te> `• _ :_s ,i t.._ ,.••.. �i 7'.•.• •i•.....is:.. ♦•�'• • I ;a. .. i• .i' :i is -s.• SS • • ••.s.a . ..:' t .'i 1 j UOLWibs30 Scs,..a7 • I , • RD lb ./ .\. -.. ©Cc' .i of \a s. • ... rlt,` ff AI' • 0 'r11 ,}SIR-rre • �; lil)r "I" I. ,. \,t‘.._—l NO•N Nj1 •. ' ...„.00 f■ •.Illi / r . • i ! ;. • PI'. /� r `I ; N 11 ;1 IS" 1 I1M « ill_. _ �lfe a. _ ; {JIA �Kpal lif'fi1•t . MN M all. 1: M 1 N , lif 1, ii i •e 1004 .. T 1 I t M/'Ms.ir t' r a .% r. 1 • II i r L • 1'r .13 _ 1! •' / a Y �r 1 • r } I�iKf s r scoff- J 1 ,I v. • 1 4ti : i? • } 'l r 1Y}1'•„M \ \ SI . • .•/ 1. • . NON • .1 1kti lvlc • 'O _ O'd�� 3 \..4161:•. zN -., r.�NlV�i • • - T•- --- / I RECORD OF SURVEY • PORTION OF THE NE I/4 SW 1/4 OF SECTION 7 , TWP. 23 N ., RGE. 5 E ., W.M. h'IO323'U, SE I/4 SW I/1 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 67o A • LEGAL DESCRIPTION H • M,I,p•r.P.B•WI •Aso 1 AA• •. gr.. IarlWt.,/1 0 II1.IA11 1.,14I 41•'•• • • ,;•,1• .•N w •4••1IO 10•.I• 0111 v4flr. • (•,f.r MN mono., ,.IA/do•IAB .O.I.I411 0 AIA, ••.•'1•41 r(f1 w0.14„ •1• IA' .!• Ilpr11 IN•. Mn KUIIf1 w/K!WAIN•..1A.•0' N✓,.VI•I IAIo1. y4 J N.T. e.tII) I MA/ 4NL0... Ili I 1110.1 1.WPM•IIWIII r 1W I VI Iw/w 44(41(0 ri's 197IA•fr, • I gin,A .r4n r rec4 .. fled? MII ro4I101 II40*O1M1211 IN I411f... 0. " 1/1 41•I 1MUII0 AI4M III llrfl. pY /14) 1.1 40411 M.111Y wr I.44•MI RIM 4 rI ril, I AI 4194VY•N Off1 Or,Y 1 • am. I. • I • ;1 �MA1(N I1Nl • Si? JNIII• 1_ • _ M/ I. YI Pill or ow OOP wn NIP w WI I, ..n AI .BN.'II rn' _ -_ u/l 4 A•1 1. A40 MI 4041 11 nor Y Af•I11 M 11 TV r d Id 4 A O•I ... ...�... .. _.� ... ... _.. AI •411• MI Nil Of.r/I, I MI WV w M K/, WV.. lode 440 III r AN r•MD he. J, \ ri Y nv JN.I.I41 r,r rwr r M(IF P. A 4u Ir 411 I. *or', , RE AI Y 0.0/9 1. 4.0 \ 41 Of 4A14. I1.IIr roc AwII 91 WI'!wan. v1 111 AN w /K 441 Of..111' 641 4001104. AODI0144 10 IM AA, *Mary 41,04/1.'. [.i o r0111W II Y 4401,Nell 11 440 Si,es VA L1W0rl. 44141w01f.. S }{�1 r` • V • 4/ M4r,I..4104 4 rn(11 II ASO Si.III.N/1'i gist Ne.AOdn04,6,4406,• • • I s� •J �er, 7'41 AM AI+(w 410WVn w IYIVNe 4r Y AIII.woe U.A Ni N/wA. V.7 .Al•144,04, Owes,I.fl MI?M IA AA/w IIW/e/I4 AO•//roY I+D NV Br+ . ',� I111 p41.Y1•IAA•III Pr.?. 4.01.4 WI./11M4I •q4 IIUJw10 Al 10er 4w: .-•:14 (• .I•(MrV/c 1•M1••✓W.•r1 'lb a o0/Or 4M.4/1r r10N M((M/1V,✓1 p'Mrl4Ir$'4?t*arm,IO I •N•4 I• • •A•l• y\. ., •r I/Nll p11 INf•f0 •,T 49/•04, over? Mr ANI.O.IKA(0'1r141 IAII•.wr HNe•N Kf1.411..1.. •'t..% i1. •1 1 11•' Y B.ME A41 a area NM 400•I:OM. _'� �'1.t 91 e 4 10.1 , ro 4• w4✓Yrf. *Boo .I Nr•N14Juv M4•AOD.00.• 4149401•re r•I AA• Mor/w vm4w0•• wIH•1I n Y AA7.Mal M.A 11.1 Ona•I,w•I•.i'..• v. ` „4 Oslo'? /D1/w•(O.I0,10 10 0104 OMIT MI AA40 IFI•NY! SI'UM 4I(0.0/O CURVE DATA . t$ L\ `1\ v,lvo 4100401N.4/Ntl(41 /14•JJ 4.0 01111 ♦ (f.•. r WWI 11.IIW _ ; • �\ • • N'.1 N' T ea /111 J i, 1 i ..•1 --..- avow :.1, 91.7_ .•II)• ulro -7 : I,,., . SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1. .4 __-- AWN 1• M'e• C... .•.....I119 ...torIM• • 1.149 w10 __ - Jwr I41 r 1• emm 11 •• M r.Q wf 110114 w trb.w•a0 ••-iN' w•N•' WM ISO K1MO 1I'4IAN Mn f.4' ..Ie Ief ..1Mrf.•.1. N III 1URVI • .A• ;oar dIn 'Il//A//•I4 mu •ICO.OINS ACT M 1•e I...al e/ •1.1• w'A 4' ;oar U/l •Mn I'.•'Ow.Ir1 IN•IW4I 111 1 wl w4 _V ` /w1•r1J•Ha4•Y M1M10 �.w1 4)'Ir rye *CO - NY /.7 I. M1K4 r loll A --- wtp -- ►w lC JlAflr awwl 4I•»N NOW .e 14 `, Ma J NI"mvIII r 4 nor of #-� ,1• /�Io •A' rue+ fro - wii• -- - - .. ....:H .I�•t- IY1 N' NI QB NO WV • •Ii(f'/f 44•' .A• we, li•J•M' we*"- Tail IS1•JI•I X •w• N'41 II' lea _M I/ A Yon w/•••JJ• •' 44Isar MIII. Mil I.1 •a.. .•K, ado 44. . NOTES Ii/I. .0l4I M'/.P. 40M f/1% •1 weld Or wA4.•41.1 at aim 1. •InNI41 1IV M4.IA••'0.• nor, _• j°� .R41 _ IN OD • --- I INIr dJI1rIroYI.O IAVN fN]Alt AD. J11w4+1 I.nr mere..? u• 6.11 0 Im✓,,•( AI I4 (P' 1N4 4O I.Jl1 dr(O 1fI 0o.I JI 'Io ..0 W4 NYw1•W1 1 .BA\ 1..../ RECORDING CERTIFICATE d i.T- q'.w Mee N N_ }►A/Nl.ru w AInY Pf S/Aln,nw • riled 1.r re... 19.9_eq •I�___ •.AI /I pa m 01.4 C4l1 I we/N 1r I,Mal a I/11 Ai *Aka1 _N M N I. V __•l 1. .•r%fn1 .Il'wm• KO fa AU II 11 r•Illf? IV w AY U1(Ni4I 10 MI 3/4II Or '4Y 4100 14 1J•. •I,•.II S.PAWS .�i 0SUIY,,, .• ►•l4 •, le. el .041 144409' 10062/ 1494_ odor••. Sid. II Of 1400/A11A•I MIS 4001111•KA dif•,•./A,weiOINd. qR\ �', •1 4.'•J -- • ..., /►/IOr_- ape, rM f_ fl wait, A I.I4YMf.I I.A/f.1J 0/N••1nN KA AY••I (•.••I.AJ .4*0(•f/' ti 9 Y4w.fo •rT 1�r O..N.. • .l,•i 1•••.M rea rMY PM 4 1MIM.d HO M4441o1 K4 ••00••00•I I1/l1 44114 V(N!'..•.YO AI+Ir.ni.• w Y'..in .11,r I[•19 41 1•411(I PO I/0YJ ry614,410,w MI WWI r1 M/AY d •NAY•?BI01 �C r, PSI..1••r ,1• .''I•. w'••M' NOW WWM .AIrl'M1. 4/4NN40 f01 /1l/1 4.0 vn411 w.1MN/ O Y f/ CI ' / M j;.,r_• •Fray �B Tama II 1✓I,f(r I. M/ IOW 01 A, Tr.( 41 VW M(111441 .,IOA1 Ant u•r1 B4 1• IN01M�� •,,, ,N,N -_. _ I.UI 11 II( VI1nVW/ ,N.B.•+1 INO1..d /4o JrVIIJ Il rep.N//, 1r ISO , All Or •wOr1O1 YI1 100•IrO. -TA il.•1� I..A lid ••I.N•-- Nr/ ...rl II•.I•• 41 No 199, I.1►1.r11 AN II VI Sells 100 e es Nw W o•�- sofa NA II[p10M,wA/N1MO1001 MOSS Wes or sofa wa liVila..... IIOIIIfI III• "1i�_ .4. _. nl_• -�;' roe of , w_. -•Nl rI• 1" Iy.r 'rii% .i•! ...\.•S�.i: ,r 1. _ro..4 , •...vH f1 i�i•- iw,iri I 1. • I I s• •—• -- -- SURVEY = n --- - --- RECORD OF S • PORTION OF TIIE NE 1/4 SW1/4 OF SECTION 7 , TWP. 23 N ., RGE. 5 E ., W.M. • SE I/4 SWI/4 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON {1 rf•••r•••In • ..'Jr AIR 'Na(♦' ryM. I•I /• e.g.WI MN II VFW, •Op\r•41t1J.P.T•JI• • 1w.1 •r•'- J,..y!MIT I _• 8903239(J I ,� • • \ •r'lr.'.: ■f a r.a• P Ir i 11•/ MM /f.Wl .. `` G�D /CAI.E • Imo•fDf?, -, r•.r rlyl /Y®IU••I 7•I WO, PPP ` -.a PI � ' lif JI•.w• .•I ,�' w YI., • 1 1 ,I �aN _IIR i. ;I U IOO [OO •X1U 1 l i 'f I-.J, ••iirr • .. j t• `�a IX. i .n I [ '1 �: . �i' I '• e L[G[ND ow; •, • {• ' •.�\ .•., Sal. •� �•./III • .rr•YM w••r•• a.w,••W 1J•If•1'1/ Y �• • / •I•I•/i 1 /M:f • +, ,\ A� ••j '.1.. • •n,i ry4r n •.Nf .,Y 4.11.N•'1. • .••v'(••rr•Ir r.r er.r N••• MOW 1 WO f II • *' 1 . •1In..r.r0•rr.d rt/s.rod Ar'.•r/• �� fir• / :.••.N 9 .W.rSga .tW'MN .�� t ,• �R /I �® w•••• M.I. U�rfA (•Y s••.D "al"CZ'1 VII R•• _.f\ Raul A.V••••/r••L.•lV•rr.W'41 TRf 1•f'M•\VI, rr R4!' 1 , :p f •�er•w.r1•M AY AI/l,r.•1r Y •) 4MMI Yt•••• �Mr••r•r•Sari WO IIN.•Y _ yyy A•.11(4 J/fJ/II. I \ 4....a.., ,t, • I I 1 .Sal out r■•.IT.\Vv RSJ"0.Al.MI •O ! • Iw'AO/MK,vr V/ •I •.OPP ma..f.1 •I�. ! ► •..lr.n/.■.41/I A7•• JArr,f V 11•l w YR �4/►1/ •f\ " ..0 ••Yr J / •••Mn1 yr. •rnO Ion M. 0 t w 4• PIP II II 1•/ff n \ • Own-4 .,- . /1\,I'• \. r• n'1 r 1910 dr Wry ED a iluatt/' •• �p1 �ir* /I/ p 440~4 i et * �:f I .,1 I a•� ti a 1 I \ ;; ;t 'raft MY 1 I PLC*RP MI'Al, /l• I01f0• '• \ �'t°'• r r I II 4� • SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, NOTES AND CURVE DATA '�. � r IK�r 1Fi'; rrF: i1.•i///�' R7:�'�b/7:, i•i TT: "_�1• .'r \ �.. ;.A ON SWEET It t. .11,V .. 11. (1..‘WRY( •S I P. I I r� Jl/Ilf #J Le ••1 ` r� Os SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE /• JI/ll F ra ` b.• eV-- \ + • -.. •,- t �l • - dire .t• •.r.••111 r••r,•••.• • *door .•M• S. •/■a T-S" • r uwl 1a ■'_ •nf/ J• \ .w q .. .• mar ., un1..• . .�I..a.0 r•r Sari I A•, I POW".R//f•r/ `\ f 11 .11• IM ••r,. .r .1 w. 7VV•1f �� •PP'r'�~"K"I j it ` \,�•1,• ,, • ■f CO1101Y• .Cf M M rM...l •1 M•U"VIM_ •fM•fIr I I11%• \ 0 MCI ' 1\• .�ai „,�I moo• �. ._, .1... , 9--- \� •,:• • . . ., . \ :It 4frl~1-. fr va ra: ify"�ls ..p., 'L I 'ref, 'a \l-:IM M m 1Tf M rplrl R G\ ` • -` •'P fT j� �.�IR'9h6./Z N, ' ,Sal � •\ ,, w/, ••�� t �1 •nt'w uYf•M•.►•• ;13 elder) Mr r4r b - jri •w•tTnt7-- t'w••r• ..r \\ \ lJ 1 i t ,0. `fP •r • _-_--.-CIt?1 " ; • •A fI• f.l RECORDING CERTIFICATE Mad !•r rr , I.I. • • •Ai• .►4�, .l A /'w`t ■ •• r r. vI__rr t �• 't!r•,. - •rUy 7 •. ►r,• •I lM firer, r1 I.:^L• RD r M I mite lN. /• REP •••• e VF• 1!s /pr ��,r1/1J• R•.r w'rrr la ,. • aa ` ■s• /••rI. .l•�OT-*.T be 't• •errmt ' San' ••t I14 • --. ■....u•e .• _.... .. p Saw/can r.r•■•, _,L. • C�4 -POMP PP w el.ovrt , _ _.._ --- _ ■■_ II szartr •••\ �•f IARA 31E,9 Jfl,Irrl el I / � •. /Af1M•t In Re••n,•.f'l.r■n r•.••••1 Oil►•.•N I•o Olt Son.too • -,rAM/1V JRVlf ITT .I•UPI a/POW'Ni •■•tI•'r MOOS ..'�->ru ..•./...r! 1�/1 r~....'Mi;' tea: ... —...—....---...\--.-... _ 1 _ �•1•TR f,.1 JN l/YI/ I KO•• IN I CPO Sate /■V, /1,1 r...-I.�I,.fi •t J W./ _- I. . 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'—'a Ilk.?" .:‘,:-NH Y PIA!!II" Ill..nd(•.,•h.•.41..1, •I VrI...hens..•••,• Renton u . .• 1 . 1 1 - 'f,-- dr • o Y • • f1 .•,. . / • .. . 1- "",Attachment A • That portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, lying southerly and easterly of center • line of vacated South 123rd Street EXCEPT that portion thereof lying northerly of a . ' line which is 110 ft. southerly from and Parallelto the southerly margin of South 122ad Street. That portion of Lot 3, Block 1, lying westerly of the center line of vacated South +• t 123rd Street. Lots 4 and 7, Block 1, MCEPT that portion lying northerly and easterly of vacated •j L ) South 123rd Street. - N N The north 150 feet of Lot 2: and the West 61.72 feet of the north 150 feet of Lot 3: ALL in Block 2: ;V The north 125 feet of the east 28.28 feet of Lot 3; and i` 1 The north 125 feet of Lots 4 and 5: and is J The north 125 feet of the west 14.99 feet of Lot 6: m ALL in Block 2: The North 140 feet of Lot 6, =Cr"PT the west 14.99 feet, 1 Block 2: ALL of Lot 7, Block 2. 1 r• . The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all ;of Lot 8, Block 3: • ALL of Block 5: 1 Block 6, '.CCIT the south 192 feet thereolif: j_ ALL in the ?lat of Woody Glen Addition, according to plat • reccrded in 7olune 47 of plats, page 92, in King County, Washington. that portion of Blocks 13 and 22, Latimer's Lake ^. Addition, ac•.-":.g to plat recorded in '71olu:a 18 of y__.a, page 63, in King County, Washington, which lies east of i.'.. the Plat of Woody Glen and vest of a line drawn parallel •;`. with and 50 feet westerly when measured at right angles and/or radially •.r from the center line of Primary State aighway No. 2 (Rainier Avenue): f• t ECC?T that portion thereof lying east of the south 192 feet of Block 6 of the Plat of Woody Glen. 1 • Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, Block '7. Latimer'Is Lake Park Addition, according to I. plat recorded in Volume 18 of ?fats, page 63, in King County, Washington; aCm,r portion conveyed to King County, for road purposes by deeds recorded under f auditor's file Nos. 956173 and 203217. • R_ 1 . '-. '/,- , K. // '�/.-'- I. R !� /i� ! •,/ �/:. . •. ; `tit 1 • r f r CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: April 24, 2009 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: ` Comp Plan Amendment & Rezone LUA (file) Number: LUA-02-14_1 ECF, CPA, R Cross-References: LUA02-139, 02-140, 02-141, 02-143, 02-144, 02-149 AKA's: JDA Group CA Rezone Project Manager: Gil Cerise Acceptance Date: August 1, 2003 Applicant: JDA Group, LLC Owner: Same as applicant Contact: Richard Wagner, Baylis Architects PID Number: 9564800007; 9564800070; 9564800106; 9564800110 ERC Approval Date: September 9, 2003 ERC Appeal Date: September 29, 2003 Administrative Denial: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: JDA Group, LLC has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from RSF for 1.25 acres and from RR for 5.6 acres to RPN. Concurrent with this requiest is a requested rezone from R-8 to R-14 fro the entire 6.89 acres of prpoerty. The applicant also submitted a Comp Plan Text Amendment that is a necessary precursor to allowing the CPA and rezone. The text amendment would allow for areas between 6- 20 acres in size to be converted to RPN if the property is within 1,000 feet of an employment area or center, and a "major arterial." Current mapping criteria requires at least 20 acres and adjacent to employment areas, centers, and major arterials. Location: between Rainier Ave N, Taylor PI NW, NW 7th St & NW 5th St, E of cul-de-sac of NW 6th St & SW of Rainier Comments: 9/12/03 - Applicant requested a suspension of the project. Project placed on-hold. As of last correspondence dated 6/9/04 no further action has been taken on this project. • • Proposed Response to Jesse Tanner, 361 Taylor Avenue NW Renton Dear Former Mayor Tanner: Thank you for your email this morning regarding"LUA-02-143/JDA Group R-14 Rezone. Apparently there is some confusion regarding what is proposed under this land use action number and the current notification postings along Rainier Avenue in the vicinity of the former site. LUA-02-143,regarding the JDA Group's proposed R-14 rezone is on hold,having been suspended at the request of the applicant in September 2003 pending clarification of their application and its consideration in the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle. In fact, the applicant has not formally amended their application nor was it considered in this year's Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle. When the JDA Group initially applied back in 2002 they had two applications, one for the rezoning of their commercial frontage along Rainier Avenue South and the other for the rezoning of the residential properties uphill to the west. In 2003,the properties along Rainier Avenue South, in the former request,were rezoned from R-8 to CA. The current public notices on display in the area are for the proposed parking lot expansion for Chang's Restaurant(505 Rainier Avenue N). The land use action number for this request is LUA-04-093. Under this request the applicant( hang's Restaurant)is proposing to construct a new 28-space parking lot to serve their existing restaurant. This request and the notification associated with it is in no way related to the JDA Group's former R-14 request of 2002. Our apologies for any confusion this public notice may have caused you. We will definitely notify you and the other parties of record if or when the JDA Group decides to reactivate their R- 14 Rezone request(LUA-02-143). I hope you and Mrs. Tanner are enjoying retirement, Don Erickson cc: Barbara Morgan Craig Groshart ,•. F' • CIT `' OF RENTON Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Alex Pietsch,Administrator Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,Mayor June 9, 2004 Mr. Richard L. Wagner, ALA Baylis Architects 10801 Main Street Bellevue, WA 98004 Re: JDA Comprehensive Plan Amendme It 2003-M-11 Dear Mr. Wagner The City of Renton is initiating the process of reviewing Comprehensive Plan amendments that were put"on hold"in 20031 This letter is sent to request verification that you do not wish to pursue a Comprehen ive Plan amendment for the JDA Group Townhorries property located west of.Rainie Avenue North and-north and south of NW 6th Street in the City of Renton. We would appreciate a letter for our file withdrawing the application, or a telephone call informing us that you do wish to proceed with the application as previously submitted. As you may know, Mr. Gil Cerise has left the City of Renton and because of this,the file for your project has been assignedIo me. My telephone number is 425-430-6576. I look forward to hearing from you at your conveni-nce. • Thank you very much. Sincerely - //Za6 eft. , Elizabeth Higgins, AICP Senior Planner cc: file 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE .5 This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer y Cr" :- OF RENTON ..IL F. ,> Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Jesse Tanner,Mayor Alex Pietsch,Administrator September 29,2003 Party of Record List JDA Townhouse CPA,Text Amendment, and Rezone SUBJECT: JDA GROUP TOWNHOUSE,LUA 02-143,2003-M-11 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AND TEXT AMENDMENT,AND REZONE Dear Party of Record: On September 11,2003,the City received a letter from the applicant placing this application on hold for the 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle. No further work will be done on this application this year. The applicant stated in his letter that the JDA Group Townhouse application in question will be suspended until such time as the application is modified for re- submittal during the City's 2004 Comprehensive Plan cycle. Since you have requested to be a party of record for this project,I will retain your name and address on the party of record list for next year's Comprehensive Plan cycle. At that time,you will be notified when the amended application is available for public review and of any public comment opportunities as they arise. Staff anticipates work to resume on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment applications in the Spring of 2004. The two JDA Group commercial Comprehensive Plan Amendments and rezones (JDA Group Commercial#1 -Project#LUA 02-140/2003-M-9, and JDA Group#2—Project#LUA 02- 142/2003-M-10)located near Rainier Avenue North will both proceed with processing this year. They are scheduled for a public hearing at the Planning Commission meeting on October 15, 2003 at 6:00 pm at the 7th Floor City Council Chambers in Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA. If you have any further questions on any of the JDA Group Comprehensive Plan Amendments and rezones,please feel free to contact me at(425)430-6578 or gcerise@ci.renton.wa.us. Sincerely, Gil Cerise, Senior Planner cc: Alex Pietsch,EDNSP Administrator Rebecca Lind,Planning Manager • H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2003UDA Alhademletter to por.doc\p R E N T O N 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 AHEAD OF THE CURVE C. This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer CITY OF RENTON OURRENTP.�;.�ANNING`°'DIVISION<•::::< .:. :.. • ;: AFFIDAVIT OF::SERVICE:BY:MAILING>: ';; Oln the It day of Sep le , 2003, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing J 1 e Akin h )01 c rEn4- �[�i_dcvl t io r 4- ( opV � n 0 r�Lo documents. This information was sent to: Name I - Representing i A kr_A U�� A p;1 e- ..,,44- 7-1),4 6 cep D tADhPr 1 dtt v s c-KP !'n Cf Par-Fie-Ps t? CP? AA JlecI 1 7 5 4- J 4 � � �i (Signature of Sender) e l,��i,�, .o NOT�R r 9.'• • s• STATE OF WASHINGTON N PUBLIC' ?I SS y�� '••.6 28-c�••' �= COUNTY OF KING ) �'y 0R WpSN�v I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,#n f/� ( r-ah. ,- 1� gibliL�this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntarct for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Date.J',r.. 3 0, ce `--% f� � ��-414--e Notary Pub' in and for the State of%Washington Notary(Print) MARILYN KAMCHEFF My appointmeG1ENTEXPIRFS Project Name: f Project Number: LAKA - 1�3 CPA LCF NOTARY.DOC s Wayne Miller Richard Wagner . n Alhadeff 19611 SE 192 Street Baylis Architects JDA Group LLC Renton,WA 98058 10801 Main Street,Suite 110 95 South Tobin,#201 Bellevue,WA 98004 Renton,WA 98055 Chris Anderson Jon Stewart Joseph Franklin 602 Taylor P1 NW 309 NW 6th Street 311 NW 6th Street Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055-1006 Kelly Swanson Kevin Krycka Roberta McDonald 209 NW 6th Street 217 NW 6th Street 216 NW 5th Street Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Janet Flatten Greg Erickson Ethel Woodward 210 NW 6th Street 301 NW 6th Street 8816 S. 122'd Street Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98178 Sharon I.Neglay Melford&Josephine Flatten Dr.Rolland Dewing 656 Lind Ave.NW 210 NW 6th Street 210 NW 5th Street Renton!,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Mary Jo Carlson Alan&Theresa Barash Mary Ann Ellingson 215 N Sd'Street 206 NW 6th Street 300 NW 6th Streit Renton,!WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Margaret Feaster Cary Wright Eric Hanczyc 264 Stevens Ave.NW 564 Stevens Ave.NW 670 Taylor Ave.NW Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Sandra Chin Christine Zabloudil Bruce&Sue Gregg 670 Taylor Ave.NW 8809 S. 12151 Street 207 NW 5th Street Renton,WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98178-4529 Renton,WA 98055 Vickie Russett Marvin&Isobel Taylor Shirley A.Jude 602 Taylor Place NW 465 Stevens Avenue NW 501 Stevens Avenue NW Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Janet Flatten Randy Walker 210 NW 6th Street 8814 S. 1215`Street Renton,;WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98178 •'• CITY F RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department t7 Greggimmerman Administrator Jesse Tanner,Mayor gg P.E., September 12,2003 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 10801 Main Street, Suite 110 Bellevue,WA 98004 SUBJECT: JDA Townhouse 2003 CPA, Rezone, and Text Amendment (a.k.a. Rainier Mixed Use-Residential)/ LUA-02-143,CPA,ECF,R Dear Mr.Wagner: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC)and is to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project. The ERC issued a threshold Determination of Significance(DS). Please refer to the enclosed notice for complete details. Subsequent to the Determination of Significance, a letter was received from you, requesting a suspension of the application until such time that it can be amended for consideration in the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle. Therefore,the application will be placed"on-hold"and scoping for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)will not occur until the application is removed from"on-hold"status. At the time that you intend to reactivate this application, please notify staff in writing of your intent. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. September 29,2003. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office at(425)430-6510. This information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at(425)430-6578. For the Environmental Review Committee, Ce4 . Gil Cerise Senior Planner cc: JDA Group/Owner Parties of Record Enclosure RENTON dsletter.doc 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 C�� AHEAD OF THE CURVE . This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer BAYLIS. 11111 ARCHITECTS PRINCIPALS September 11, 2003 Brian Brand, AIA Richard L. Wagner, AIA Thomas Frye,Jr., AIA • Johan Luchsinger, AIA Michael D.Chaplin, AIA City of Renton .� Planning/Building/Public Works Department ECEp ED 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 S E P 1 2 2003 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHAttention: Mr. Gil Cerise, Sr. Planner AND STRATEGIC PLANNING RE: Rainier Avenue Mixed-use JOB NO.: M2-0589 Subject: Suspension of Application Rainier Mixed Use—Residential / LUA-02-143, CPA, ECF,R Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2003-M-11 /JDA Group Townhomes Dear Mr. Cerise: By this letter,written in behalf of Jack Alhadeff of the JDA Group,we request that you suspend our application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment, City Code Text Revision and Rezone for the parcel located west of Rainier Avenue North and north and south of N.W. 6th Street. We ask that any further work by Staff and the Environmental Review Committee also be suspended. Further,we ask that this suspension be granted for a period until such time as the applications are • amended for consideration in the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle. Based on numerous conversations with staff,it is apparent that the Owner's intent for the project expressed more than a year ago to the City has not been understood,including his intent to restrict - development to only 16 dwelling units and including his offer, as encouraged by Staff and expressed in a letter to the City on August 12, 2003, to enter into a Development Agreement for the project. With this lack of understanding of the applications,it is clear that a suspension is the most appropriate path to allow the time necessary to clarify the application. 10801 Main Street Bellevue, WA 98004 T 425 454 0566 F 425 453 8013 www.baylisarchitects.com City of Renton/ Mr. G. Cerise September 11, 2003 Page 2 Thank you for acting on this request immediately. Sincerely, BAYLI ARCHITECTS hard L. Wa er,AIA Principal Enclosure: -Letter, City of Renton,Mr. Gil Cerise for PlanningCommission, dated August 12, 2003 � - Letter, City of Renton,Mr. Gil Cerise for ERC, dated August 12, 2003 I II cc: Jennifer Toth Heming—City of Renton Neil Watts,Environmental Review Committee—City of Renton Planning Commission Jack Alhadeff RLW:amp I • y . B A Z' L 15_. A R C H 1 T E-C fi 5 PRINCIPALS August 12, 2003 Brian Brand, AIA Richard L. Wagner, AIA Thomas Frye,Jr., AIA Johan Luchsinger, AIA City of Renton Michael D. Chaplin, AIA Long Range Planning • 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor • Renton,WA 98055 Attention: Mr. Gil Cerise • RE: Rainier Avenue Mixed-Use JOB NO.: M2-0589 • Subject: LUA 02-143—Comprehensive Plan Amendment M-11 • Dear Mr. Cerise: • In behalf of Mr.Jack Alhadeff, owner of the subject property,we wish to modify the referenced Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA). As was identified at the meeting of the Planning Commission on August 6, 2003, the intention of the property owner is, and always has been, to develop only 16 single family attached residences on Parcels C and E-1, leaving all other residential parcels in open space as shown in the sketch given the Commission and included here. The current application for RPN/R-14 was made with the understanding that only through such an application could the development concept be advanced under the current land use regulations. At the meeting of August 6th,with the understanding that only 16 homes are intended, Commissioners noted that they would rather consider a proposal that; 1) did not apply citywide, and 2) preserved the woodland character of the site as much as possible. The Owner is in full agreement with this goal. To facilitate this preferred option, please know that the applicant would agree to execute a Developer Agreement,including the following conditions: j 1) All portions of Parcel A, the currently zoned R-1 parcel of 5.2 acres,will be donated to the City of Renton,Parks Department for use as passive recreational trails, active recreation and open space. No Native Growth Protection Easement will be granted. 10801 Main Street Bellevue, WA 98004 T 425 454 0566 • F 425 453 8013 www.baylisarchitects.com ,I ' !I li City of Renton/ G. Cerise August 12, 2003 Page 2 2) All residential development will be limited to Parcels C and E-1,both of which are currently zoned R-8. 3) The total number of dwelling units for all the residential parcels will be limited to a maximum of 16. 4) All dwelling units shall be on individual lots for fee simple ownership. 5) All lots shall be a minimum of 1,500 SF. We encourage the Commission and the Council to consider approval of CPA M-11 with the modifications proposed here. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, BAYLIS ARCHITECTS • chard L. Wagner, • Principal • Enclosure: Development Concept, dated 8-6-03 cc: Jack Alhadeff—JDA Group • RLW:amp " II l , • BAYLIS ARC H I "i E .0 1 3 PRINCIPALS August 12, 2003 Brian Brand, AIA Richard L. Wagner, AIA Thomas Frye,Jr., AIA City of Renton Johan Luchsinger, AIA Planning,Building,Public Works Department Michael D.Chaplin, AIA 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton,WA 98055 Attention: Mr. Gil Cerise RE: Rainier Avenue Mixed-Use JOB NO.: M2-0589 Subject: Rainier Mixed Use—Residential WA-02-143, CPA,ECF,R Dear Mr. Cerise: Thank you for the notification of the ERC meeting on August 26, 2003 on the referenced project. As a supplement to the information being provided to the Committee,please include the enclosed letter to staff, dated August 12,2003,regarding the Developer Agreement. Also,please include the enclosed sketch titled "Development Concept," dated 8-6-03,which was given the Planning Commission on that same date. Thank you for your.attention. Sincerely, BA S ARCHITECTS • hard L. Wagner, Principal Enclosure: -Letter to Planning Commission, dated August 12,2003 -Development Concept, dated 8-6-03 cc: Jack Alhadeff—JDA Group RLW:amp 10801 Main Street Bellevue,WA 98004 T 425 454 0566 F 425 453 8013 www.baylisarchitects.com • • . ______j 1 1 / '' : L P F.,.1.:\\\,, \ Alt-- 7Ti ' \ \ iI ,4 II: 1 ' 1 -6 ' r. i — , F . 1 , I I tr' 1 _ ° 7 .s z y r�# I -'----'.4- fo,::::\ ....____________:__1 (Th 1 iL-- , ' (7 IT I i . .....41,10,,,,N • I I 6,j • , i ,,._ _,,,-----Ti,, ;, 1 ! 1---7 1 _ r • .\\,,_,-(-) .1„ I MI I __ MEM ,I —•— __� _ _ Development Concep _ \� �` _ 1 _ C I r August 6, 2003 1) 1 � _ 1 _1) - ( --r- -! I --] s, JDA Group Tow' nhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 J03-M-11 (LUA 02-143) - Erosion Hazzard Map ' '``''''"'``"' 1 : 3600 Gtiz O Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning 4. .. Alex Pietsch.Administrator Corporate Boundary G.Del Rosario Study Area It:R f l4 July 2003 — -- Erosion Hazzard Boundary STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL Allison Prohn,beingfirst dulysworn on oath that she is a Legal Advertisingleastp 20 acres and adjacentr to DETERMINATION employment areas, centers, and Representative of the ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW major arterials. Location: COMMITTEE Between Rainier Avenue N., RENTON,WASHINGTON Taylor P1. NW, NW 7th Street, King County Journal The Environmental Review and NW 5th Street. Committee has issued a Scoping: Agencies, affected tribes Determination of Significance for the and members of the public will be a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general following project under the authority given an opportunity to comment on of the Renton Municipal Code. the scope of the EIS.Specifically,fur- circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date PROJECT NAME:JDA they notification will be given regard- of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language TOWNHOUSE 2003 CPA& ing the time, date and location of continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King REZONE scoping meetings to be held in the CountyJournal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper order of the PROJECT NUMBER: nearltefuture. You may comment u os, PPby LUA-02-143,CPA,ECF,R alternatives, mitigation measures, Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. DESCRIPTION: JDA Group, probable significant adverse impacts, LLC has requested a and licenses or other approvals that The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Comprehensive Plan Amend- may be required. Your comments King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly ment (CPA) from Residential must be submitted in writing and distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed Single Family (RSF) for 1.25 received before 5:00 p.m. on October acres and from Residential Rural 6,2003. notice,a: n (RR)for 5.6 acres to Residential Appeals of the environmental Nor,C E 0A- FAN vi/G Of /f�f F./N/ A L Planned Neighborhood (RPN). determination must be filed in writ- Concurrent with this request is a ing on or before 5:00 p.m.September v/Ew requested rezone from R-8 and 29, 2003. Appeals must be filed in 7 R-1 to R-14 for the entire 6.89 writing together with the required was published on: I�0 N• 9 /S� J acres of property. The applicant $75.00 application fee with: Hearing / has also submitted a Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 Comprehensive Plan Text South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. Amendment that is a necessary Appeals to the Examiner are gov- precursor to allowing the CPA erned by City of Renton Municipal The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum and rezone. The text amend- Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional Of $ /y/ 00 at the rate of /5- 00per inch for the first went would allow for areas information regarding the appeal between 6 20 acres in size to be process may be obtained from the publication and /�/4 per inch for each subsequent insertion. converted to RPN if the property Renton City Clerk's Office at (425) is within 1,000 feet of an 430-6510. tg- employment area or center,and a Published in the King County , 7� major arterial." Current Journal September 15,2003.#844142 Allison Prohn mapping criteria requires at Legal Advertising Representative,King County Journal \\\ 1111l""Ill/I/I Subscribed and sworn to me this /J5Th day of 56P , 20 `0 N. M EA / 2 v. ; iAy, ,� O • o. ` gs �F ;A DE vE\ • ' LOAM Tom A.Meagher _= r - NOTA r N ;= i CIry O E A —• _ F C NIN,N Notary Public for,}he State of Washington,Residing in Redmond,1V tii•ngty�B��G '2 Ad Number: ?J yy/(/ P.O.Number - �,'•%,,, ;•',�O OCT Q & 1r., Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavit surcharge. %'%'F ...1).2, 2°.•• O N;. Lta"� ////°F IWASNV •� RECEIVED En mfrrnn R. ion Nauman Non iJ !iTII UMuiifn!! -�®� nni 11Iiiiivan ::t ._®�■ ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ill uminni.r Rt m plouimili 1' N z. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE(DS) 1il illilli!el! illm(n —POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION �Vti�IZ JDA TOWNHOUSE 2003 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT,REZONE,AND TEXT AMENDMENT i!i liSco - LUA-02-143,CPA,ECF,RrMI in� :�IA._�� . Description:JDA Group,LLC has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)from Residential Singlei9iIYl Family(RSF)for 1.25 acres and from Residential Rural(RR)for 5.6 acres to Residential Planned Neighborhood ��"'© �� r R !1i (RPN). Concurrent with this request is a requested rezone from R-8 and R-1 to R-14 for the entire 8.89 acres of !A r i -3 nun_ property. The applicant has also submitted a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment that is a necessary lJ j_ i11PU11�Mj� > precursor to allowing the CPA and rezone.The text amendment would allow for areas between 6-20 acres in size au rill: iC„(/;'t i� to be converted to RPN if the property is within 1,000 feet of an employment area or center,end a"major arterial" ma Current mapping criteria requires at least 20 acres and adjacent to employment areas,centers,and major �ii�j���l� o arterials. '�� i o Ci '�11_111P �� ��� _J THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE(ERC)HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED Ed;111i11Iii ACTION DOE HAVE ASIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. JIIiiIi�.Y N 6th St. PROPONENT:'JDA Group,LLC ., I ll15th $t.- _ C011111, •ra LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Between Rainier Avenue N.,Taylor Pl.NW,NW 7"Street,and NW 5'"Street, Via- , 1 E of Cul-de-sac of NW 61°Street and SW of Rainier l \ �; G�W � EIS REQUIRED:The lead agency has determined this proposal Is likely to have a significant impact on the environment. •��_ •�—y An Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)Is required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c)and will be prepared.An ' C�. — environmental'checklist,or other materials indicating likely environmental Impacts,can be reviewed at our offices, ] •,,�,. — = '-\ — LEAD AGENCY: Environmental Review Committee 1 ,.: — City of Renton . The lead agency has identified the following areas for discussion In the EIS: — — Land Use,Population/Employment/Housing,Traffic,Public Services/Utilities,Economics(as examples) -- ja SCOPING:At the time the Scoping for the EIS commences,Agencies,affected tribes,and members of the public will be > c......il= i Invited to comment on the scope of the EIS.You may comment on alternatives,mitigation measures,probable significant r-- ¢ __ adverse impacts,and licenses or other approvals that may be required.Note:the applicant has requested that this application be placed"on-hold".Therefore,following the completion of the appeal period for the DS,the application will rn "�" be placed"on-hold"until re-activated by the applicant.Soaping for the EIS will commence when the application is o removed from Ion-hold'status. : ao ar I — Airport Wa co r�r�Air Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee 1 P, i - Development Planning Section I I i,. .,,, i J I I I r-i I �C 1 ■ Planning/Buiiding/Public Works Dept JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA&Rezone o 600 1200 s, 1055 S.Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 2003-M-11(LUA 02-143)-Vicinity Map Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Shalaa,s Planning 1 7200 Akx Pinch. °""' nor APPEAL:You may appeal ibis Determination of Significance,in writing,pursuant to RMC 4.3016,accompanied by a � is w,"M, — sway Area non-refundable$75.00 appeal fee,no later than 5:00 PM September 29,2003,to: —— Corporal.Boundary Renton Hearing Examiner City Clerk's Office 1055 S.Grady Way - Renton,WA 98055 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ' To appeal this•etertnination,you must fileyour appeal document with the hearingexaminer within fourteen(14)days ofAT NOTICE(42 78. PP PP Y DO NOT REMOVE THIS WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION the date the Determination of Nan-significance is final or the Determination of Significance has been published in the official city nevJspaper.See City Code Section 4-6-23,RCW 43.21C.075 and WAC 197-11-680 for further details.There I Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file Identification. shall be only one appeal of a Determination of Non-Significance or Determination of Significance,and if an appeal has - _ _. - _ __.-• _ already been filed,your appeal may be joined with the prior appeal for hearing or may be dismissed if the other appeal I %%%%%%%%%%%I "-- -- has already been heard.You should be prepared to make specific factual objections.Contact the above office to read or �; 111 1 ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. • V `.\$SIO'. CIA, it �. � R+. � v NOTA gy 9m: i ip.aalla V)• i IP PUBLIC CERTIFICATION �� z •�;C0 4. 1'\6:29.0 . ,S litOtitF WAS I, Cic I. i ,hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in J conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on '"cl'' e r' SJ ebb . • Signed: Q44-1.LLJ tt.) ATTEST:Subscribed and..sw9rn efore me,a Notary Public,in and for the IS to of _ Washington residin in •LLi ,on the�, /)yh' day of `���� • • MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 1 CITY OF RENT4N :. . ::::: ::CURRENT .LANNING`DIVISI.O AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Er MAILING. • • On the 15.- day of ,pp f'rn10'e,c , 2003, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing/ c[ �[ kin-4 i C'e C l/ '�2rrY]:b_/�,'�-LOb �"� gId icirunce Cla --i s(�{nd-kre �JAee/ .. documents. This information was sent to: `J Name Representing l tv o ay ; ,o[ S eP_ _ (Signature of Sender) 44 P,-l�l.�,� 6/1,0 -r1 t �oTARy (U ; s.. N• • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) y N G PUBL� i4 A 0 . COUNTY OF KING ) SS 1,4�F•.•29-0�... zr 4 OF WASNa'= I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,\\, G-ram,(„er '`��tsigmeeht1 is instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary a�t for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instru ent. Dated: a,�-f 30, 3 ���7`� U N4 otary P bli in and for the State of asffinB ton Notary(Print) MARILYN KAMCHEFF My appointment ekirgera011RES6-29.97 Project Name: -� I\cLt I er 171'keet. L SP Project Number: L~AI\off,- /(43, 6-PA ECF, 12. NOTARY.DOC AGENCY(DOE)LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology* WDFW-Stewart Reinbold* Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. * Environmental Review Section do Department of Ecology Attn. SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 3190 160th Ave SE 39015— 172"d Avenue SE Olympia,WA 98504-7703 Bellevue,WA 98008 Auburn,WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region* Duwamish Tribal Office* Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program * Attn: Ramin Pazooki 14235 Ambaum Blvd. SW—Front A Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 Burien,WA 98166 39015 172"d Avenue.SE PO Box 330310 Auburn,WA 98092-9763 Seattle,WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers* KC Wastewater Treatment Division* Office of Archaeology&Historic Preservation Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Stephanie Kramer Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin PO Box 48343 PO Box C-3755 201 S.Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Olympia,WA 98504-8343 Seattle,WA 98124 Seattle,WA 98104-3855 Jamey Taylor Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia,WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. &Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent 1 Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom,AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW1 Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton,WA 98055-1219 13020 SE 72"d Place 220 Fourth Avenue South �. Newcastle,WA 98059 Kent,WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Liason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Joe Jainga 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street PO Box 90868, MS:XRD-01W Tukwila,WA 98188 KSC-TR-0431 I Bellevue,WA 98009-0868 Seattle,WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utili#ie - Real Estate Services Eric Swennson ' ` 700 Fifth Avenue,,Suite Seattle;WA 98104-5004 -Note::If.the'Notice,of Application states that it is an"Optional DNS",the marked agencies and citieswill needJtote sent a copy of the checklist, PMT s, and the notice of application. Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices he gets his from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork. Last printed 07/22/03 9:40 AM 140-1110E ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE(DS) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION JDA TOWNHOUSE 2003 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT,REZONE,AND TEXT AMENDMENT LUA-02-143,CPA,ECF,R Description:JDA Group, LLC has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)from Residential Single Family(RSF)for 1.25 acres and from Residential Rural(RR)for 5.6 acres to Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN). Concurrent with this request is a requested rezone from R-8 and R-1 to R-14 for the entire 6.89 acres of property. The applicant has also submitted a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment that is a necessary precursor to allowing the CPA and rezone. The text amendment would allow for areas between 6-20 acres in size to be converted to RPN if the property is within 1,000 feet of an employment area or center,and a"major arterial." Current mapping criteria requires at least 20 acres and adjacent to employment areas, centers, and major arterials. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE(ERC)HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. PROPONENT: JDA Group,LLC LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Between Rainier Avenue N.,Taylor PI.NW,NW 7th Street,and NW 5th Street, E of Cul-de-sac of NW 6th Street and SW of Rainier EIS REQUIRED: The lead agency has determined this proposal is likely to have a significant impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)is required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c)and will be prepared. An environmental checklist,or other materials indicating likely environmental impacts,can be reviewed at our offices. • LEAD AGENCY: Environmental Review Committee City of Renton The lead agency has identified the following areas for discussion in the EIS: Land Use,Population/Employment/Housing,Traffic,Public Services/Utilities,Economics(as examples) SCOPING:At the time the Scoping for the EIS commences,Agencies,affected tribes,and members of the public will be invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. You may comment on alternatives,mitigation measures,probable significant adverse impacts,and licenses or other approvals that may be required. Note:the applicant has requested that this application be placed"on-hold". Therefore,following the completion of the appeal period for the DS,the application will be placed"on-hold"until re-activated by the applicant. Scoping for the EIS will commence when the application is removed from"on-hold"status. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee Development Planning Section Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. 1055 S.Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 APPEAL: You may appeal this Determination of Significance,in writing,pursuant to RMC 4-3016,accompanied by a non-refundable$75.00 appeal fee,no later than 5:00 PM September 29,2003,to: Renton Hearing Examiner City Clerk's Office 1055 S.Grady Way • Renton,WA 98055 To appeal this Determination,you must file your appeal document with the hearing examiner within fourteen(14)days of the date the Determination of Non-significance is final or the Determination of Significance has been published in the official city newspaper. See City Code Section 4-6-23,RCW 43.21 C.075 and WAC 197-11-680 for further details. There shall be only one appeal of a Determination of Non-Significance or Determination of Significance,and if an appeal has already been filed,your appeal may be joined with the prior appeal for hearing or may be dismissed if the other appeal has already been heard, You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the above office to read or ....;, ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. iiv` 1 twil owning wii :1`I1..16 REFIT - lin ■I.i181■t! ■C !mil I.I'1 11111 111 t- =.1...ii .. . • Min .WIIIIII.LII ■1■NS o II,. .7i7!IiIN " _ s• nIn I.HII .Ills aura ZI..� lia1 mown .nmu1m MN ii! Ii.. .WOM NI z a1i 1111111© mill EUU1i1 . • ii . i. 1 si :0i ma 0 7 .11 ! E■1111111.wili tT la 11111111q _'1111 PI Anon a�� 11. 1�111.11�m .� N 6th St. ill 1 i11 1.11..1� 1 uuuIuI�! N'f 3�'i1'� . Inattatilli k villirik 0.4 . no .. Iiira kilia -ate,k,-X s-l1..1.1,'1%.-4._ _r11TII.ffil• • i rl6itI lNe-giEjm MaN.mMi.E *"441 d L■ 4, ❑ NINE ■ ■■ En . ii La . , - ma Bra _ isar��ll � pc■ will. 141 liraiM la al 2,01.4, so ma im A or: rAA l' �',W* is iui a . IiP �„ \II a Airport Waym s■ _ r ` minim nom1uI== �� -I fib. . JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 600 1200 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143)-Vicinity Map 1 :7200 • Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning 1 +.® Y� Alex Pietsch.Administrator — Study Area G.Del Rosario — Corporate Boundary i • FOR-FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)430-6578. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include th'e;pro ect;NUMBER:v6fien caliin 'fd io e►"file)klenfifiCafion.: • '.I CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE AND REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON SCOPE OF EIS APPLICATION NUMBER(S): LUA02-143, CPA, R,.ECF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: JDA Group, LLC has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) from Residential Single Family (RSF) for 1.25 acres and from Residential Rural (RR) for 5.6 acres to Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN). Concurrent with this request is a requested rezone from R-8 and R-1 to R-14 for the entire 6.89 acres of property. The applicant has also submitted a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment that is a necessary precursor to allowing the CPA and rezone. The text amendment would allow for areas between 6-20 acres in size to be converted to RPN if the property is within 1,000 feet of an employment area or center, and a "major arterial." Current mapping criteria requires at least 20 acres and adjacent to employment areas, centers, and major arterials. Location: Between Rainier Avenue N., Taylor PI. NW, NW 7th Street, and NW 5th Street. PROPONENT: JDA Group, LLC LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: E of Culdesac of NW 6th Street and SW of Rainier EIS REQUIRED: The lead agency has determined this proposal is likely to have a significant impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) is required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c) and will be prepared. An environmental checklist, or other materials indicating likely environmental impacts, can be reviewed at our offices. LEAD AGENCY: Environmental Review Committee City of Renton The lead agency has identified the following areas for discussion in the EIS: Land Use, Population/Employment/Housing, Traffic, Public Services/Utilities, Economics (as examples) SCOPING: Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. You may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses of other approvals that may be required. Your comments must be submitted in writing and received before October 6, 2003. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee Development Planning Section Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. 1055 S. Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 APPEAL: You may appeal this determination of significance, in writing, pursuant to RMC 4-3016, accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 appeal fee, no later than 5:00 PM September 29, 2003, to: Renton Hearing Examiner City Clerk's Office 1055 S. Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 Documentl To appeal this Declaration, you must file your appeal document with the hearing examiner within fourteen (14) days of the date the Declaration of Non-significance is final or the Declaration of Significance has been published in the official city newspaper. See City Code Section 4-6-23, RCW 43.21 C.075 and WAC 197-11-680 for further details. There shall be only one appeal of a Declaration of Non-Significance or Declaration of Significance, and if an appeal has already been filed, your appeal may be joined with the prior appeal for hearing or may be dismissed if the other appeal has already been heard. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the above office to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. PUBLICATION DATE: September 15, 2003 DATE OF DECISION: September 9, 2003 SIGNATURES: 0 3 Gregg Zil�ma Adminsator ATE Departme f PI nning/Building/Pu lic Works 1 �' 611 Dennis Culp, Administrator D E Community Service Dep ment 7-.°772 9/9 70 `-; Lee Whee er, Fire C DATE Renton Fire Department Documentl ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE SEPTEMBER 9, 2003 tl i To: Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Dennis Culp, Community Services Administrator Lee Wheeler, Fire Chief From: Jennifer Henning, Development Planning Meeting Date: September 9, 2003 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 Agenda listed below. JDA Townhouse 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone (Cerise) LUA-02-143,CPA,R,ECF JDA Group, LLC has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA)from Residential Single Family(RSF)for 1.25 acres and from Residential Rural (RR)for 5.6 acres to Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN). Concurrent with this request is a requested rezone from R-8 and R-1 to R-14 for the entire 6.89 acres of property. The applicant has also submitted a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment that is a necessary precursor to allowing the CPA and rezone. The text amendment would allow for areas between 6-20 acres in size to be converted to RPN if the property is within 1,000 feet of an employment area or center, and a"major arterial." Current mapping criteria requires at least 20 acres and adjacent to employment areas, centers, and major arterials. Location: Between Rainier Avenue N., Taylor Pl. NW, NW 7th Street, and NW 5tn Street. WSDOT 1-405 Remnant CPA (Erickson) LUA-01-166 ,CPA,R,ECF Proposed non-project action Comp Plan Amendment/Rezone to change the land use designation shown on the Land Use Mapi for this 21,000-square foot site from the Center Office Residential (COR)designation with RC zoning to Residential Rural (RO)with RC zoning. The site was rezoned from P-1 to RC in early 2002. The existing COR land use designation is believed to be an earlier mapping error. The site is part of an access road right-of-way into City properties to the east designated Residential Rural and zoned RC. Location: The site is located just east of the 1-405 right-of-way and south of the Cedar River. cc: J.Tanner,Mayor J.Covington,Chief Administrative Officer A Pietsch,EDNSP Director® J.Gray,Fire Prevention N.Watts,P/B/PW Development Services Director ® F.Kaufman,Hearing Examiner L.Rude, Fire Prevention J.Medzegian,Council S.Meyer,P/B/PW Transportation Systems Director R.Lind,Economic Development L.Warren,City Attorney STAFF City of Renton REPORT Department of Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE: 9/09/03 Project Name: JDA Townhouse 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone Project Number: LUA 02-143, ECF, R, CPA Project Manager: Gil Cerise Project Description: JDA Group, LLC has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA) from Residential Single Family(RSF) for 1.25 acres and from Residential Rural(RR) for 5.6 acres to Residential Planned Neighborhood(RPN). Concurrent with this request is a requested rezone from R-8 and R-1 to R-14 for the entire 6.89 acres of property. The applicant has also submitted a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment that is a necessary precursor to allowing the CPA and rezone. The • text amendment would allow for areas between 6-20 acres in size to be converted to RPN if the property is within 1,000 feet of an employment area or center, and a "major arterial." Current mapping criteria requires at least 20 acres and adjacent to employment areas, centers, and major arterials. Project Location: Between Rainier Avenue N., Taylor Pl. NW, NW 7th Street, and NW 5th Street Exist. Bldg.Area gsf: N/A Site Area: 6.89 acres B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON—SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. X Issue DNS-M with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES None. This is a non-project action. As a non-project action no new physical development is anticipated because of this text amendment. Subsequent development allowed as a result of these amendments will go through environmental review as the project level. ERC Report 02-143 modified.dot City of Renton EDNSP Department Envirc ital Review Committee Staff Report JDA Group Townhouse Comprehensive Plan ,;,,,,,dment/Rezone LUA-02-143,ECF,R,CPA REPORT AND DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 9,2003 Page2 of 2 D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The site includes steep slopes regulated by the City's critical areas regulations. In August 2003, the applicant submitted a technical report asserting that some of the steep slopes on the subject site are"man-made"and not subject to the City's critical areas regulations. The City is conducting a third party review of the technical report. The results of this third party review may increase the development capacity of the subject site. The applicant's Comprehensive Plan text amendment may be attractive to property owners with steep slopes and lower densities, similar to the applicant. The text amendment allows applicants with as little as 6 acres (may be in different ownerships)to redesignate to a Residential Planned Neighborhood (R-14 zoning)designation. This allows 100% attached units, allowing the applicant to consolidate development on a smaller piece of their property, impact less steep slope area. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall be required to complete the third party review of steep slope analysis. Nexus: SEPA 2. Water Impacts: Citizen comments from the area indicate that there may be wetlands present on the site. Since the City's River, Stream, and Wetland map does not show a wetland on this parcel, an applicant to a land use action must provide a wetland delineation report with any development application. The report must either show where the wetland is located, or confirm that there is no wetland on this parcel. Staff recommends that a note to this effect be recorded on the City's Sierra Permit system by parcel number for future land use actions. Mitigation Measures: The applicant for future development will be required to conduct a wetland assessment or reconnaissance at the time of development proposal. Nexus: SEPA, RMC 4-3-050M 3. Transportation Impacts: The proposal is a non-project action. However, if approved, the density potential for this property would increase allowing future developments between 34 and 59 new townhouses. The applicant assumes a 5.8 trip per average weekday for townhouses. Staff compares this to the 9.6 vehicle trips per average weekday anticipated for the approximately 10 detached dwelling units that are allowed under maximum density in current zoning. The overall potential increase in trips is between 101 and 246 vehicle trips per average weekday. However, as a non-project action, the applicant has not stated how many townhouses would access Rainier Avenue, NW 6th Street, and 87th Avenue. The applicant's Comprehensive Plan text amendment could have far-reaching effects on the City's transportation system. Although townhouses are estimated to have a smaller demand per unit than detached housing, the text amendment opens up Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN)designations to larger areas of the City, allowing increased numbers of dwelling units per net acre and concentrating trips more. The text amendment allows property owners to redesignate properties to RPN (and R-14 zoning)with approximately a fourth of the land area as is currently required. In addition, properties no longer need to be adjacent to major arterials, increasing demand on the City's local streets and collectors accessing those major arterials. On August 26, 2003, ERC asked for further information on transportation impacts of the Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. Staff used Buildable Lands assumptions and the ITE Trip Generation Manual to see what type of city- wide impacts the text amendment may produce. Using the assumption that only less intense residentially-zoned properties would be applying for a redesignation to RPN under the proposed text amendment. The end result was an increase of approximately 3,752 average weekday vehicle trips using the one-acre or larger parcels found within the City in RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, and R-10 zoning. It should be noted that this projection uses Buildable Lands assumptions that have been aggregated city-wide and then re-segregated to parcel-level data, causing some margin of error. Also, there is an inherent assumption that all parcels of one acre or larger in less intense residentially zoned designations would convert to RPN designation with acceptance of this text amendment. Using Buildable Lands assumptions on the 6.89 acres of JDA Group property in this application, staff came up with a potential increase of approximately 139 average weekday vehicle trips for the 6.89 acre site. A comparison between the applicant's August 12th modified proposal, offering to build 16 townhouses and potential trips under what is allowed under existing zoning on the R-8 portion of the JDA Group property results in an increase of approximately 16 average vehicle trips. However, it should ERC Report 02-143 modified.dot City of Renton EDNSP Department Envirc dal Review Committee Staff Report JDA Group Townhouse Comprehensive Plan h,,..„dment/Rezone LUA-02-143,ECF,R, CPA REPORT AND DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 9,2003 Page3 of 2 be noted that the applicant has not proposed a policy and code mechanism through which the August 12th modified proposal would be carried out. Mitigation Measures: None proposed at non-project stage. However, applicant will need to provide a detailed plan of how each stage of development will access nearby streets and arterials at the development stage along with other required transportation information. Nexus: N/A 4. Wildlife Habitat Impacts: The City received written comments from neighboring residents stating that this area includes heron and eagle habitat and possible nesting sites. Heron and eagle are listed as a priority species by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. On August 26, 2003, the ERC requested that a qualified biologist conduct a habitat survey of the JDA Group property considered for townhouse development. Ken Raedeke of Raedeke Associates, Inc. in Seattle, WA conducted this habitat survey on September 3, 2003. In the survey, Mr. Raedeke found heron inhabiting an abutting property, including a potential nest, located approximately 250 feet from "...the nearest edge of the proposed townhomes...". The reconnaissance found no evidence of bald eagle habitat or nests. See attached letter from Ken Raedeke for further information and a map showing the approximate location of the heron's tree. Mitigation Measures: None at the non-project stage of development. Further habitat studies and/or mitigation may be required at time of project action. Nexus: N/A 5. Public Services Impacts: This is a non-project action. However, if approved, the CPA and rezone would add potential density and potential additional dwelling units to this property which could potentially have an effect on Parks, Emergency Services (Fire and Police protection), increased demand on utility services, and schools. The applicant's proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendment has a much more far-reaching and potentially greater impact on all of these public services, as it allows property owners to more easily assemble parcels to create new areas of Residential Planned Neighborhood (R-14 zoning)within the City limits. The increase in density allowed could be anywhere from 1.38 times (R-10 zoning)to 180 times (RC zoning)the existing capacity in areas expected to take advantage of this text amendment. Mitigation Measures: None at the non-project stage of development. Nexus: N/A E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. X Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Airport 1. Airport staff have request that an avigation easement covering each separate lot be created if the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezone are approved. ERC Report 02-143 modified.dot I i City of Renton EDNSP Department Envirc ital Review Committee Staff Report JDA Group Townhouse Comprehensive Plan n..wi,dment/Rezone LUA-02-143,ECF,R, CPA REPORT AND DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 9,2003 Page4 of 2 Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on September 26,2003. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. • ERC Report 02-143 modified.dot 09/05/2003 10: 01 2065262880 PAGE 01 FACSIMILE COVER LETTER Date: September 5, 2003 Total Pages Sent: 4 pages including cover sheet To: Attn: Mr. Gil Cerise City of Renton FAX: 425-430-7300 From: Kenneth Raedeke Raedeke Associates, Inc. FAX: 206-526-2880 Email kraedeke@raedeke.com Re: Alhadeff Uplands Wildlife reconnaissance Dear Mr. Cerise: Attached is a copy of my letter summarizing the wildlife reconnaissance of the Alhadeff Uplands site in the City of Renton. The original will follow in today's mail. Please ca if you have any questions. Sincer- Ken #:edeke RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC 5711 Northeast 63rd St, Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 525-8122 09/05/2003 10:01 2065262890 r7-1at nZ ' hildmail==Rik12411"Nakr September 4, 2003 Mr. Jack Alhadeff JDA Group LLC 95 Tobin Street, Suite 201 Renton,WA 98055 Re: Wildlife reconnaissance of Alhadeff Uplands, Renton Washington Raedeke Project 2003-029-001 Dear Mr. Alhadeff: As you requested, I conducted a wildlife reconnaissance of the Alhadeff Uplands project site located in the City of Renton, Washington. The project site consists of approximately 6 acres located west of Rainier Ave. South, south of NW 7` Street, east of Stevens Avenue, and north of NW 5`h St. if extended to Rainier Ave. So. as per the JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA Rezone figures provided by Baylis Architects. The specific objective of the survey was to respond to the August 26, 2003 letter from Mr. Gil Cerise of the City of Renton, Item 1 regarding the presence of herons and bald eagle habitat or nests on the subject site. My reconnaissance was conducted on the morning of September 3, 2003. At the time, the weather was clear and warm,with only a mild breeze,thus offering excellent conditions for observation of wildlife on site. The reconnaissance was conducted by scanning the site from Rainier Ave. South,NW 5th, 6th,and 7th Streets with binoculars, and traverses across the site down the ridge slopes, and up the two draws. My observations are summarized below by species of concern. Bald Eagles No bald eagles or bald eagle sign was observed on the project site or on the surrounding lands. No bald eagle habitat has been mapped for the area by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in the Priority Habitats and Species program inventory. The closest bald eagle habitat is the nest and associated territory on the south end of Mercer Island. RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC 5711 Northeast 63rd St. Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 525-8122 09/05/2003 10:01 2065262690 rr�ut nd Mr. Jack Alhadeff September 4, 2003 Page 2 Given the lack of conifer trees of sufficient size or configuration for nesting or roosting, the high degree or urbanization and disturbance in the area, and the lack of foraging areas in the vicinity,the area does not provide any habitat for bald eagles. The few larger conifers that are found on the site are generally rooted in the lower areas of the site, and do not provide the type of access that eagles prefer. Also, the immature tops do not provide adequate branches to support a nest structure. An occasional transient bald eagle may be seen in the area, such as is common for most of the region,but this site would not provide any of the life requisites for eagles. Great Blue Herons No great blue herons, heron sign, or nesting sites were observed on the site. Again,the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in the Priority Habitats and Species program does not map any great blue heron nesting habitat on the site. The wetlands on the site likely do not provide substantial foraging areas for great blue herons, as they do not contain the hydrologic conditions conducive to supporting amphibians and other prey for herons. In addition,the wetlands are overgrown with exotic vines and shrubs that would make foraging by herons very difficult. Four great blue herons were observed to the south of the site, 75 to 100 feet northeast of the east end of the NW 5th Street(see attached figure). At least one of the herons was an adult. The herons were observed sitting and flying into a western hemlock tree within sight of the eastern most house on the north side of NW 5`h Street. The tree is located about halfway up the slope. The tree in which the herons were observed is approximately 250 feet from the nearest edge of the proposed townhomes, and likely would be out of site of the development. It is approximately 50 to 75 feet from the closest house on NW 5th Street, and would be in • clear view in the spring when the trees do not have their leaves. No nests were observed, however it is likely that one or two nests are present in the tree as local residents reported seeing nesting herons in this location. If nesting occurs at this location, this is likely a temporary satellite nesting area for herons that are periodically forced to abandon the Black River colony when the bald eagles attack. Similar temporary colonies have been found in other areas to the south, and they are eventually abandoned and the birds return to the main colony at the Black River site. The current 09/05/2003 10: 01 2065262880 rout G4 Mr. Jack Alhadeff September 4,2003 Page 3 site is very marginal great blue heron nesting habitat due to the extensive disturbance in the area and the lack of substantial foraging areas nearby. If you have any questions about the results of this reconnaissance, please feel free to call me at 206-525-8122 at your convenience. Sincerely, RAEDy ASSOCIATES, INC. • IOW K- th J. Raedeke,Ph.D. Wi =ife Biologist 09/05/2003 10: 01 2065292880 PAGE 05 . —•--) 1 Z S L II, Fr \ . L _J (.rr<-„-a—) \ W 7 ,. .S . .... 1 . i . , _ , _ , _ 1 „ 1 , _ 1 -Al�� .1 ._ Ht,H . ... .._ ii ,.... \\\\. \ , , __ . u-) ,,,,„,.v . ..,,, ._ IP 25, , :_._. __, . ...... am.i lAdommil"i„...e.t..1,j101 \ . 111.11116ft SVIIIIM4 Heron Tree ( INE ,--- -, ._ ii, ..-- 6 IN ii*I" . • 0 ...L EN . 0,-ff.A..... **411 err min mill * lip i -- .... le rH i \1/4\ -- •- • 1 ._..,(\sil..., —_.._1 I L 1 'JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 • 600 J03-M-11 (LUA 02-143) Erosion Hazzard Map ''`" '`'' O Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning 1 3600 Alexe�4ch,ndmini6vartr Corporate Boundary G.Del Resale, - StudyArea - Ha 141uiy 2003Erosion Hazzard Boundary CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: September 5, 2003 TO: Environmental Review Committee Members FROM: Gil Cerise, Senior Planne' SUBJECT: Further Information on JDA Townhouse Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Relating to Traffic Impacts (LUA 02-143) BACKGROUND: On August 26th the Environmental Review Committee requested further information on transportation impacts of the developer's proposal, and specifically potential city- wide impacts resulting from the applicant's Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. City staff developed some numbers based on Buildable Lands assumptions, the developer's proposal and using the potentially redeveloped parcels shown in the map entitled"RC-R10 Zoned Parcels One Acre or Larger." The calculations are shown on the attached table entitled"Potential Difference in Dwellings and Trips Related to Modifying Residential Planned Neighborhood Mapping Criteria." City-wide Impacts Analysis: Staff took a look at the larger impacts to the City using the assumption that only property owners with less intense residentially-zoned properties will want to obtain redesignations that will result in R-14 zoning. If all of the parcels shown on the "RC-R10 Zoned Parcels One Acre or Larger" were able to combine into 6+ acre combinations allowing Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) designations of R-14 zoning, then there would be a potential to add 5,690 new dwelling units to the City, using Buildable Lands methodology. This is an increase of 2,643 dwelling units over that allowed under existing zoning designations. An analysis of trips generated under each scenario shows that 33,004 average weekday vehicle trips would be generated if these parcels all were converted to R-14 zoning, an increase of 3,752 vehicle trips over those projected under current zoning assumptions. The number of new vehicle trips is mitigated by the lower per dwelling unit trip generation number for townhouses compared to detached dwellings. JDA Townhouse Property Only Analysis: An analysis using Buildable Lands methodology for the 6.89 acres of property in the JDA Townhouse CPA and Rezone application shows that the applicant would be able to achieve approximately 47 new dwelling units on the property in question under R-14. This is an increase of 33 dwelling units over what existing zoning would allow. The new trips generated under the R-14 scenario would be approximately 274 on an average weekday. This is 139 vehicle trips more than would be produced under current zoning. JDA Modified Proposal of August 12, 2003 Analysis: The applicant's modified proposal of August 12`i' proposes to limit development to 16 townhouses on the R-8 portion of the JDA property shown in the CPA and rezone application. Achieving maximum zoning density for the R-8 parcel would provide the applicant with 8 dwelling units. These dwelling units are estimated to produce 77 vehicle trips on an average weekday. The developer's proposal would double the number of dwelling units. However, there would only be an increase of 16 average weekday H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Arnendments\2003\JDA-Alhadeff\Further traffic information JDA townhouse.doc\p 1 vehicle trips assumed using the lower per dwelling unit townhouse trip generation rates for the modified development proposal. cc: Alex Pietsch,EDNSP Administrator Neil Watts,Development Services Director Rebecca Lind,Planning Manager Jennifer Henning,Principal Planner H:\EDNSP\Comp P1an\Amendments\2003\JDA-Alhadeff\Further traffic information JDA townhouse.doc\p 2 POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE IN DWELLINGS AND TRIPS RELATED TO MODIFYING RESIDENTIAL PLANNED NEIGHBORHOOD MAPPING CRITERIA City-wide Net Acres Buildable Existing New New Trip Generation Difference In (Developable Lands Potential New Trip R-14 Buildable Potential New Dwelling Under R-14 Difference in New Trips Zone Acres) Factor Dwelling Units Generation Lands Factor Units under R-14 Assumption Dwelling Units Generated RC 32.27 0.5 16 155 12.68 409 2,373 393 2,218 R-1 4.66 2.6 12 116 12.68 59 343 47 226 R-5 71.8 6 431 4,136 12.68 910 5,280 480 1,145 R-8 230.55 6.7 1,545 14,829 12.68 2,923 16,956 1,379 2,127 R-10 109.48 9.53 1,043 10,016 12.68 1,388 8,052 345 (1,965) TOTAL 3,047 29,252 5,690 33,004 2,643 3,752 Detached Dwelling Trip Generation 9.6 Townhouse Trip Generation 5.8 JDA Townhouse CPA&Rezone Property Only Net Acres Buildable Existing New New Trip Generation 1 Difference In (Developable Lands Potential New Trip R-14 Buildable Potential New Dwelling Under R-14 Difference in New Trips Zone Acres) Factor Dwelling Units Generation Lands Factor _ Units under R-14 Assumption Dwelling Units Generated R-1 2.65 2.6 7 66 12.68 34 195 27 129 R-8 1.08 6.7 7 69 12.68 14 79 6 _ 10 TOTAL 14 136 47 274 33 139 JDA Modified Proposal -August 12,2003 Net Acres Existing New Potential New Dwelling New Trip Generation Difference In (Developable Potential New Trip Units under modified Under R-14 Difference in New Trips Zone Acres) Dwelling Units Generation proposal Assumption Dwelling Units Generated R-8 , 1.08 8 77 16 93 8 16 9/5/2003 Disclaimer: Based upon buildable lands data that has been aggregated and then re-segregated into parcel level data. 1 1 _____-o i ! b o ,o- I I , I — - -- T Viiii -- o `-�---- i "I" o , ! S —›--- < ' 7 i o ------)i----' — _ -, , _ 4 imil n , 1St * . 0 - / 5 - /Th c 1 IA. . . , to. C I � o ,_, 1 , , . o...„ ) 11 -viril -_- _3_, FA a _ _... . J r 1 ,. ..,,., . 0 .. ,:. _I. .... __ _ ........ . . . . ..... ,.. _iiir___ . :i...., ,wl IP' Co - ,, . �. , JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone o 300 600 ,s, 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) - Aerial Map avf 0,6 Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning I : 3600 + + Alex Pietsch,Administrator Corporate Boundary G.Del Rosario Study Area ' Arr0 14 July 2003 li ----- -\) / .17 - \ l < I , ,viiii ' amp < i__ L_____ ... -.I—. ,____ _IP t ._ 4 _ ____ - yin 1J \ • -a porawil 1 t o7 o , ' r li \i\I h o t lik , . ,„1. , , 1 N. 01"i-i , 1 __ 1 Eli At IN 4 1,14 ea _ 014 1111111111111 - o = — o 0 i o I I-o JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 ,s, 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) -Aerial Map : 1 : 3600 GtizY o,�, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning ♦( ♦ Alex Pietsch,Administrator Corporate Boundary ,per`, . G.Del Rosario Study Area tNTO 14 July 2003 ) I — ;' \ ' 1 II Cr)- lirikh -_,,_ ,_ , al , i 1 , /' 1 1 - i— ' I 1 :11 AI 1 i 1,is&i: . c 25 _ ,,, s , ,,,, . r - viii. __ 04 :,, . . 0 — \ , - III \\N n s , .. \ . :. - - ., . • • . _ _ ill , , ......,-_-_,, , , . ,, - I, N, , „ ., , 16, 1,101 . •... • . 4,. hi --€)- 011111111111111 ----\ t * En 11111 _.�_ __ -------- Sit I _ 1 � r1- 1 „Imp cr _r.. . JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 s, 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) -Aerial Map 1 : 3600 c;v1 0,4, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning • Alex Pietsch,Administrator Corporate Boundary .,f,- �, . G.Del Rosario Study Area F}O 14 July 2003 1. 1 1 f.,_____ ______Li, i____ 11141111_;,!riiiii \J 1 _ , I .I 1 -----) - . VI 1 . 1%w . _ i _ ,,. , Ilippowilloilli ,, .. ___ , , ilA _ , , , ,L. , • r Ma (----)\ _7N, \N , I - ivi r O r , 1\---- 1 ' . , „ :..,.., -\ It - - MI mom l_l_ 1 . rw l e1 1 400 t o - I :. JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 s, 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) -Aerial Map Luwatud 1 : 3600 GN. Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Alex Pietsch,Administrator N. — Corporate Boundary G.Del Rosario Study Area 4>,-NT•- 14 July 2003 ______ —�) / fir , - I i _ -�- - m j IP 1114 .fir _ _. _-- d 41 1 lAim r______ -----3 ____— r I 4 iiuii 1 It 25tnS;H • r - h ,_ , . . .., ______T\ VV O, _, L , , , , , 46...... . . f� ,, c , 10--- 1211—' a —. .. . . ______ 1 1 _ f * ,_ * _ • . _tau. i!! . O I i _ - I ;+•..t JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone o 300 600 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) - Aerial Map GY 0 Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning 1 : 3600 Alex Pietsch,Administrator Corporate Boundary • �. G.Del Rosario Study Area • .rO 14 July 2003 --7-1 , I _5 / s (,___ I_ L_ i --q\-- ' ! nilT t� � I Ir. 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Alex Pietsch,Administrator — — Corporate Boundary G.Del Rosario Study Area '.,• i•- 14 July 2003 �_)I i L I ' ) C hiIfEIII: Ti± _- — I I __- -L ,UM 1 C � ,------3 __ MM. 4_____ I 1 m ________P lir r- 8 1 ii rimy } 0 __ 11.----N \N h , L '0 _______ i __,_, 4 11% 100 • C . lei lip IIIII } - rill6111 1 ___ _ _ — I 11 1 i • i „II ti I {` l 4 JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) -Aerial Map 1 : 3600 &'ci 0 Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning •Q• Alex Pietsch,Administrator — — Corporate Boundary G.Del Rosario Study Area .r 14 July 2003 � — c IIJ liTal i Cl). 41,AL 111110 ____ r s__-- lik6he►- ti1/4 . 1 dili. ( .1 . 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A ........... .--c). co ......., 1 co --. .-/-------,. ...___, A JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 = Employment Area Commercial 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) - Existing and Proposed Landuse Designation n Employment Area Industrial •.:.:.:..:...::.�.:.:. .:.:..;:; o Employment Area Office Gtic O Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Residential Multi-Family Infill 1 : 3600 ♦Q♦ Alex Pietsch,Administrator n Residential Planned Neighborhood G.Del Rosario Study Area Residential Rural FNiO. 14 July 2003 — — Corporate Boundary I I Residential Single Family Existing Proposed s ` � R � �-8� I J Z II ____L.__ iR- --- millinillins 111111/111m- ----- < - C 77----------8U 1 , fE :- _ R -8 R — 4 C A ilk t , \v R — ........_ . CA ......._. . , co ' N iiiii . .....- W W_____,z... 0 . 3 - ,\\0 Rv- I I A ......., A T.-,- , i2 , E JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone o 300 600 ,, r.,, t Employment Area Commercial 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143 Existing and Proposed Landuse Designation o Employment Area Industnal .. ....ill i _''''' ''"'''' ''''i .... Mil Employment Area Office cjti-CY Gs, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning ® Residential Multi-Family Intill 1 : 3600 ♦ ♦ Alex Pietsch,Administrator O Residential Planned Neighborhood G.Del Rosario Study Area NON Residential Rural • 14 Jul 2003 T• Y — — Corporate Boundary 1 I Residential Single Family Existing Proposed J Z S L R-8 J / S , r-8 _\1 I 1 • iR- --- undraniNim ______ C C R-8 r I ,,, - ___ -- G ) a ) / 1 , R-8 :.:'''' — C A 1 -) R-8 R 4 C A i I 0 \v M , , co ._. \ c R A, co S,___ AW .J S ,_ " 3 \0, 3 0 .. RV-I i RM-I _ ___,..,,,,\„.., ___ CY /----\ A c, . ., ,Th.,..., . , . , . , .....„ A 71 '\\ ,___,- 1 CC JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 i = Employment Area Commercial 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143 Existing and Proposed Landuse Designation o Employment Area Industrial ______ `'`"'t' ""' ' ' ' '""' 't''t''''' t ® Employment Area Office 1 ci Q,e, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning ® Residential Multi-Family Infill 1 : 3600 1' ♦ + Alex Pietsch,Administrator i I Residential Planned Neighborhood G.Del Rosario Study Area ® Residential Rural 11 '' NTo 14 July 2003 -- - - Corporate Boundary I I Residential Single Family Existing Proposed L S ‘ R-8 L . R-8iii-------11. . I 111110ftwilimi jR— : , I R — . --Qin EMI ' = �, R-8 v C ) **' --- R _ • R-;8R 4 CA 0 Wilk _,_ • R _ ilk_ \___, • _.2\.. - - w —_ ...,- R ,— ., s N \I\I ,„ > ____- - . ., , cy .,---- - N D ,. , 3 . \o, ., 3 0 \...„, Rv—I . R'l— I c, ,Th A J l ...._, A JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 J, i I Employment Area Commercial 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) - Existing and Proposed Landuse Designation i I Employment Area Industrial aaiii ___ NMI Employment Area Office tag o{, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Mil Residential Multi-Family Will 1 : 3600 1 . , Alex Pietsch,Administrator O Residential Planned Neighborhood G.Del Rosario Study Area NM Residential Rural To 14 July 2003 Corporate Boundary O Residential Single Family Existing Proposed J Z S � tliRs 8\ F l J Z S � R—8 R- ----.__t_y_ aglikillopm ---- makillillms ' = R.._-8 ._...... 1 , m- 440'c.3___ - 4. _____ R 1 4 c A ‘_ . R., . —__... ,Ijkiiii ,_ 4 t 4 .,._,_...,_ i. A ) co W o,----, o� � v-I 3 !raw R v1 I ,,,„\,... ,. . LL ,, ,--• A . ....._ ,___. A ._...., .... , .....___, \ ....p, ....__, -n --,-e co , JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143 Existingand Proposed Landuse Designation Employment Area Commercial ) - p g O Employment Area Industrial Employment Area Office GtiT o� Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning 11 Residential Multi-Family Will 1 : 3600 ♦ � Alex Pietsch,Administrator 1 1 Residential Planned Neighborhood • G.Del Rosario Study Area I• Residential Rural 'L' To 14 July 2003 ---- Corporate Boundary I I Residential Single Family Existing Proposed L o , R- 1 J / , - -8 o jilititillillikkikt- inignon -cp___ ___cli_ ..........mmum >__ o ' o R-8 .. v co 0 Q ) Cl ) 1 , 1 , R-8 R ' 4 CA .o ip viii 1 R - - - o A \c° Q. Wog A RV-I RV-I \c?„, AA 3• -- 3 .\97--, cz „__. ... , , o• 0o o: o CEO %: ..__, JDA Group Townhorne 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 1 0 Employment Area Commercial 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143 - Existing and Proposed Landuse Designation 0 Employment Area Industrial ........ _ iiii NM Employment Area Officeit- ti Y O� Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning NNE Residential Multi-Family Will 1 : 3600 Alex Pietsch,Administrator C Residential Planned Neighborhood G.Del Rosario Study Area Residential Rural 44. To 14 July 2003 — -- Corporate Boundary I I Residential Single Family Existing Proposed / CL � . R-81 J / s ` R-8I F----- _1_1 111111/11110 kllalillIllall — C - R-8 r R-8 R 1 4 CA f) . ,„„ sot. X • 0T IIIIM t , • \,. . ,2\ ,._. ..R 6 \ . 3 ,. , � v-I ---)J34 ----N- TRv- I H .\° E: ......._..., '.,,, ,,--\ A - - _... 7 C0 ...._, A ; ) � CO . _.II JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 1 i Employment Area Commercial 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) - Existing and Proposed Landuse Designation O Employment Area Industrial _ > ______;�s.�_I MI Employment Area Office 1 0.1 06 Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning ® Residential Multi-Family Infill 1 : 3600 . + Alex Pietsch,Administrator Cl Residential Planned Neighborhood G.Del Rosario Study Area Residential Rural o 14 Jul 2003 T Y -- — Corporate Boundary I I Residential Single Family Existing Proposed J 1Z S1 AR- : I J Z SL : R-8 i l __J _ ______ - si 1 L , --ct)._ or _______ nimim >___ -,- __________ __ R 8 R_-8 ..._- U) r Cf) ..„............. —E — 0 s Ri � � 1 1 'J R 8 , C A ) R 8 - 4 A 0 ,_ l' 1 4. , VVV VVV . t..._.......... _ _ _ .. R • . ....,-Ai ; 1 co \1\I , N ,_ 4 1 \ _N \N ---------77--, -Y ,(.' c, .._„.. .-.-- - --, 3 O O R v-I 3Rv- I N ..._...„ T---iz,..\-- .._.,, A 1 , , , ,--. A ._. „_... .... . co , --1 .._ _... f, 4. Oa �. JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 i. = Employment Area Commercial 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) - Existing and Proposed Landuse Designation O Employment Area Industrial Employment Area Office Uti 0� Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning ® Residential Multi-Family Infill 1 : 3600 ♦ ♦ Alex Piecsch,Administrator O Residential Planned Neighborhood G.Del Rosario Study Area NM Residential Rural 4.• o 14 July 2003 -- -- Corporate Boundary I I Residential Single Family . III B A 'Y L l b ARC H I T E :C T S. PRINCIPALS August 12, 2003 Brian Brand, AIA Richard L. Wagner, AIA Thomas Frye,Jr., AIA City of Renton Johan Luchsinger, AIA Michael D.Chaplin, AIA Planning,Building, Public Works Department 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98055 Attention: Mr. Gil Cerise RE: Rainier Avenue Mixed-Use JOB NO.: M2-0589 Subject: Rainier Mixed Use—Residential WA-02-143, CPA, ECF,R Dear Mr. Cerise: Thank you for the notification of the ERC meeting on August 26, 2003 on the referenced project. As a supplement to the information being provided to the Committee,please include the enclosed letter to staff, dated August 12, 2003,regarding the Developer Agreement. Also,please include the enclosed sketch titled "Development Concept," dated 8-6-03, which was given the Planning Commission on that same date. Thank you for your.attention. Sincerely, BA S ARCHITECTS Richard L. Wagner, A Principal Enclosure: -Letter to Planning Commission, dated August 12, 2003 -Development Concept, dated 8-6-03 cc: Jack Alhadeff—JDA Group RLW:amp 10801 Main Street Bellevue, WA 98004 T 425 454 0566 F 425 453 8013 www.baylisarchitects.com • Jr • B A Y L I 5 ARC H I T E .0 T "S' PRINCIPALS August 12, 2003 - Brian Brand, AIA Richard L. Wagner, AIA Thomas Frye,Jr., AIA Johan Luchsinger, AIA City of Renton Michael D. Chaplin, AIA Long Range Planning 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton,WA 98055 Attention: Mr. Gil Cerise RE: Rainier Avenue Mixed-Use • JOB NO.: _ M2-0589 Subject: LUA 02-143— Comprehensive Plan Amendment M-11 Dear Mr. Cerise: In behalf of Mr.Jack Alhadeff, owner of the subject property, we wish to modify the referenced Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA). As was identified at the meeting of the Planning Commission on August 6, 2003, the intention of the property owner is, and always has been, to develop only 16 single family attached residences on Parcels C and E-i, leaving all other residential parcels in open space as shown in the sketch given the Commission and included here. The current application for RPN/R-14 was made with the understanding that only through such an application could the development concept be advanced under the current land use regulations. At the meeting of August 6th,with the understanding that only 16 homes are intended, Commissioners noted that they would rather consider a proposal that; 1) did not apply citywide, and 2) preserved the woodland character of the site as much as possible. The Owner is in full agreement with this goal. To facilitate this preferred option, please know that the applicant would agree to execute a Developer Agreement, including the following conditions: 1) All portions of Parcel A, the currently zoned R-1 parcel of 5.2 acres,will be donated to the City of Renton, Parks Department for use as passive recreational trails, active recreation and open space. No Native Growth Protection Easement will be granted. 10801 Main Street Bellevue, WA 98004 T 425 454 0566 F 425 453 8013 www.baylisarchitects.com • City of Renton/ G. Cerise - August 12, 2003 Page 2 2) All residential development will be limited to Parcels C and E-1, both of which are currently zoned R-8. 3) The total number of dwelling units for all the residential parcels will be limited to a maximum of 16. 4) All dwelling units shall be on individual lots for fee simple ownership. 5) All lots shall be a minimum of 1,500 SF. We encourage the Commission and the Council to consider approval of CPA M-11 with the modifications proposed here. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, BAYLIS ARCHITECTS chard L. Wagner, A • Principal Enclosure: Development Concept, dated 8-6-03 cc: Jack Alhadeff—JDA Group RLW:amp 11 I . 1 / LJp `"` 1 ---- -,! 1— • I ! ; I t t I i I ----, + i I , < 1 ! J ' / L---'-----,, i�I { / I I I yd' Z „ v f,a yyg pt �r L. = ,• ,t` f � n} Mu ' � tth^—�— _� C � ° � s y .ift�1 , \I)j I s f * n+ em -- I ,,---1 , ._' ----1-1r,, ,-,A.,: ---iraii- Ath, CA-- 1 \WtfiFoLigt.ti&r4,:ri ! ( ‘\ ,.,..----.\----.„ iII O-, , f hill%Ii*** , r , 4 -1( - 1 ', /7-in _I, _ , __) "\\ , 1 , 1 ini 1 I! -- - -- - _- I— Development Concept u ,\ _ _ -- August 6, 2003 — i j��JL--- ----II I JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 ,likt J03-M-11 (LUA 02-143) - Erosion Hazzard Map � a:';':;:.{:;::_ Y 1 : 3600 Gti� 1 at Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning e it u Alex PietNeh.Administrator Corporate Boundary •- G.Del Rosario Study Area 'PicNTo 14 July 2003 ----- Erosion Hazzard Boundary 4; CIT !. OF RENTON rilL Mayor Jesse Tanner August 18, 2003 Chris Anderson 602 Taylor NW Renton, WA 98055 SUBJECT: JDA TOWNHOUSE,PROJECT#LUA 02-143 Dear Mr. Anderson: • Thank you for.your letter of August 14th regarding the proposal to redesignate and rezone 6.89 acres of land from Residential Single Family(RSF) and Residential Rural(RR)to Residential Planned Neighborhood(RPN) allowing townhouse development. The proposal would amend the Comprehensive Plan text and redesignate portions of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning maps to allow townhouses to be developed on this property. As it is counter to this City's policy against allowing attached units in single-family zones, this Administration has drafted a report for the Planning Commission recommending denial of this application. We encourage you to confer with and organize your neighbors to become parties of record to this land use action. As a party of record, you and your neighbors will be informed of the upcoming public hearing before the Planning Commission,tentatively scheduled for October 1, 2003, and the subsequent City Council meeting necessary for approval or denial of the Planning Commission recommendation. By organizing your neighbors in opposition to this land use action, you will be supporting the Administration's recommendation to deny this proposal. If you have further questions on this proposal or its status in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process,please feel free to contact Gil Cerise in the Department of Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning by telephone at 425-430-6578 or via email at gcerise@ci.renton.wa.us. Sincerely, e:9,444.4. d:7101%., Jesse Tanner Mayor 03-059/AP/JT:mp cc: Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Alex Pietsch,Administrator,EDNSP Rebecca Lind,Planning Manager Gil Cerise,Senior Planner 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055-(425)430-6500/FAX(425)430-6523 RENTON �� AHEAD OF THE CURVE :-.* This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer . 1i RECEIVED _ AUG 18 2003 MAYORS OFOICE August 14,2003 Dear Mr. Tanner, I live about three blocks north of you on Taylor N.W. Concern about recent moves to make changes that will negatively affect our neighborhood prompted me to write you at home. I wanted to write to you as a neighbor. There is a plan going before the Planning Commission to rezone the east end of NW 6th St. and the Greenbelt area adjoining to allow high density housing. N.W.6th'is a nice small neighborhood of single-family homes on a cul-de-sac. Children play on our street.Neighbors stop to chat.It should be allowed to remain as it is.Not used as a driveway to an apartment complex. Allowing the zoning change would add a terrible traffic load to N.W. 6th and Taylor Ave.NW They are not meant to be high tray,ffic streets. .NW 6th St. is very narrow with hardly room for two cars to pass. I am sure I do not need to tell you about the traffic on Taylor. You know what it is like to get out of your driveway. Poor sight distances caused a child to be killed in front of my house not long ago. Imagine what a bunch of apartments would add to the traffic in front of your home and mine. , Stopping this zoning change will help keep our neighborhood as it is. 4Sicer lyl our neighbor, i )____________________ , Chris Anderson 602 Taylor N.W. Renton, WA 98055 I I I AUG 223LE3 Gil Cerise,Senior Planner Eco Cityof Renton Neighborhoods Strategicg ANDST gh Dods& Planning NTRAIL AND STRr'iT'EGi, . Our family would like to comment on the three applications for rezone filed by JDA Group,LLC in the area of NW 5th,NW 6th and NW 7th Streets. As it appears the applications for LUA 02-140 and LUA 02-142 are intended to provide street access to the larger property covered by LUA 02-143,we will direct our comments to the possible rezone of the latter parcel from Residential Rural and Residential Single Family to R 14,(apartments). We have lived in our house at 210 NW 6th Street since 1956. Much of the land covered by LUA 02-143 is the wooded ravine directly behind our house,between NW 6th and NW 7th Streets. This ravine has steep,unstable sides and a creek at the bottom of it which carries the drainage water from the neighborhood and the hills above. This year-round creek flows through a conduit that takes it under Rainier Avenue and eventually to Lake Washington. Over the years,there have been a number of landslides that have cost residents part of their backyards. Any major construction would destabilize the existing properties along the rim of the ravine. In addition,we are worried that the rezone would negatively affect the quality of life in the surrounding neighborhoods. NW 5th,6th and 7th Streets are quiet,dead-end streets with little traffic. Kids ride their bikes there safely. Where will the additional traffic be directed if apartments are built? We also have concerns about property devaluation,noise levels-the trees act as buffers for airport noise, and wildlife/wetland issues(herons and eagles regularly land here). Please take a close look at all of these issues before approving any of the rezoning proposals submitted by the JDA Group for this area. Concerned citizens, . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . — '•;',. .' .... '•:. • - . .• ., . - •— - - - -— ,.„,___... .. - . — -.- . . . . . • • . .. • .• . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • * . . • . . . . • . . . .. . . . • • . , • . ..'• • .• • . . • . . . . ,. . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . : . . • . . . . • - . ' • • . . . . . . . . . ,. . ., . .. . . . • • . ,. . • . . . . ' • . . ., . . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . . . • _ :. . • . - . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . '•. . • . . • . . . . . . ... • • . . . . • . . . . . • • • . _. . . ._... .., .. . - . ,..............,4,9aragsgr...t.606,45...V..-*...., ... . . 11111.111111111111114 111 T II 11 II I li II til ti Li i 11 t III it i VI I 7.7-7.::-4-.:ZrZtro-741 P. . . . . 5 50*10 v nil kA o__..vvr-s--d . . yl.v-v.A.) --N4.,kyl 0 G ssoi • . A°°\d• li--,q — \r-\--1. ---\- 0 c..3 . . ,,. . . vsn e 4111111b,.. ..,....,--.''''''''''•-•••-..,-.,.,.,..,...,-,..,..'' if-- 55 05110 ) "24-Yral ,,r. . _ _hr. ,..4: ,..„,._-_-------.....,.....„......... k-..;., V(./';.d -(:) • A 's i•z ' ,„,,-• v- •4:,'7 • .—\-s 99 cn N, _ • "s111/t•• - ••-°'"'"'''''''''''''' •—"'""-=....,..''''' 4‹....!....:•I , S-Wrali.-19 1 i --a VI.L. ,Arang 17E .. 11 011;/[ryy�L'y,_y'J, ,mow S r 300 NW 6th Street n Renton,WA 98055 • AUG 2 2 2003 August 22,2003 LUA 02-143 a AND s rtir •.... ,ry !,r`: • Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Renton City Hall—6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 Attention:Gil Cerise, Senior Planner Dear Gil: I have lived at this address since 1972. During that time there have not been many changes in this neighborhood. Most of the homes were built between 1950 and 1965. Since living here we have been visited by an owl,an eagle,a blue heron,crows, squirrels,raccoons,a possum and even a badger. They all seem to be from the gully behind my home and NW 7th Street. I would hate to see their habitat destroyed by a development. On January 1, 1997 after a snow storm and freezing conditions for a week the bank behind my home sloughed off and dropped part of my back yard by 26 inches. There are some trees in this area with curving trunks from trying to right themselves after conditions caused by land slippage left them leaning. It would be a wony to me if there were any land clearing operations taking place in this deep gully that more of my yard might go down. This street is now becoming a challenge to make a left turn from it onto Taylor Place NW due to the amount of traffic and the speed of that traffic. It is posted for 25 miles per hour but few observe that. More traffic would only make conditions worse for the neighborhood that is here now. Plus we have at least ten children living on the street and no sidewalks or anything to separate them from additional traffic. Storm drainage is lacking and the City has put in asphalt diverters to keep the water out of our driveways and yards. Sincerely, Mary �m Ellingson August 20, 2003 AUG 2 1 2003 Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, EDNSP _V&LOPSENT. 1055 Grady Way Renton WA 98055 We have been recently notified of the land use application under LUA 02-142 for a comprehensive plan amendment and rezone to an to an existing parcel from R8 to CA► in reference to LUA-o2-142 . We are writing this letter to respond to the SEPA checklist submitted with this application. In the SEPA checklist under B-3A "B- Environmental Elements; Surface Water" : It is 'noted that, "there is a small surface area on site" , in describing the "wet area" that is on the parcel . In the 48 years' we have lived in our residence, we have known this "wet area" to be a receiving point for waters coming off the West Hill -.of Renton. Upstream and adjacent to the "wet area" seeps and springs have been observed . These too feed the wetland. The project describes the "wet area as "damaged" ;Fully invaded by noxious ::weeds . In order to eliminate the noxious weeds , it is anticipated that the wet area will be eliminated . Is this Currently the City of Renton' s policy on eliminating noxious weeds? The proposal is to bring in 3 ,000 cubic yards of fill to address this "small wet area" . 500 dump truck loads of imported fill certainly constitutes more than a small area .on the site. In addition to the wetland, the spring and surface water fed stream which feeds the wetland, runs year round . There does not . appear to be any provisions to address the lost storage area for this runoff in filling the wetland nor does it address where this will be conveyed . During heavy rainstorms this stream is filled and the amount of water pouring into it from the east . of NW Taylor place is significant. We feel that the wetland not only provides a needed refuge to threatened species but also provides relief from surface water from existing west hill development . The proposed rezone allowing this site to be converted from wetlands to a parking area does not serve the . city, its residents nor the environment . Under B. Environmental elements . (5) Animals - Only songbirds and small animals are noted. In fact, since we can remember, this wetland has been home to small fauna, deer, herons nests , Ospreys , eagles ,hawks and owls have .. been seen on site over the years . Herons , eagles , and certain species of hawks are all listed as threatened or are considered as"species of concern.v. ( 1 ) Recent complaints have been called into Washington State Dept . of Fish and Wildlife regarding harassment of the heron nests . The harassment is presumwcd to be coordinated by the agents of the developer. I I We have Sciteiconcerns about land use application under LUA 02-143 Under environmental checklist item 14-g the proposed measure is to notifyiresidents of public transportation available via metro buses . Is this an acceptable answer? We are concerned about this issue because additional housing has ALREADY affected traffic on Taylor Way. Also drivers are turning onto 87th Ave S at Bryn Mawr because it is a shortcut to Wal — Mart and Fred Meyers . The residents of the proposed project would likely do the same. As I exit NW 5th St onto Taylor Way I usually have to wait I _ for several cars to pass . Increased traffic will only compound the situation. i ,gam- a, LL D Q Ronnie A, McDonald 216 NW 5th St Renton WA 98055- Phone 206-772-4977 I , i ! p I i I i it I I ; RECEIVED AUG 2 1 2003 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS, To: Gil Cerise, Sr. Planner AND STRATEC;iCP7AN,NING Ref: Land use action #LUA-02-143/LUA-02-140/LUA-02-142 From: Bruce W. and Sue A. Gregg 207 NW 5TH ST Renton WA 98055 phone: 206-772-0811 We have personally observed the following: Heron nests in'canyon NE of us. Increase of Ring neck doves from 2 to 8. Increase of Stellar jays and downy woodpeckers and Flickers. The trees which provide homes for the wildlife provide us with noise suppression from the airport and Rainier street. Increase in traffic on Taylor at all hours. Thoughts and questions: The people planned to live in these new dwellings; where are they working? Are these going to be State supported dwellings? Will there be any new through streets from Rainier to Taylor/87th? Signed: (A). AUG 2 1 2003 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. NEIGHBORHOODS, $d RP9r FTPATFGIC PLANNING August 18, 2003 Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, Economic Development LUA-02-143 Neighborhoods &Strategic Planning LUA-02-140 1055 S. Grady Way LUA-02-142 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Cerise: I would like to go on record as opposed to the changes proposed in the above listed Land Use Actions. Eagles and Heron use this area to live and feed. The•wonder of seeing a Bald Eagle sitting in a tree outside your window or seeing a Great Blue Heron fly up from your backyard is worth more than any development could ever be worth.Things like this are why I live in this neighborhood and this city. Do not let them be destroyed!! This is a nice quiet area of single-family homes. Most have small children. The streets are very small and narrow. The changes would create too much traffic for our neighborhood. Please do not allow this change. Sincerely, jave:).-0er-L.) Vickie Russett 602 Taylor PI. NW Renton, WA 98055 Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, August 19,2003 Economic Development Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning 1055 S. Grady Way Renton Wa. 98055 Re: THE LAND USE ACTION NUMBERS LUA-02-143/LUA-02-140/LUA-02-142 Dear Sir We are against the rezone of the greenbelt area east of Taylor Ave from what it is now to R-14. Stevens Avenue N.W.,and S 124th Street come onto Taylor Avenue just north of N.W. 6th street. This is a blind curve and very dangerous. There was a fatality accident in this area before. The traffic coming South from Rainier Avenue onto 87th Avenue and then onto Taylor Avenue N. W. to Renton Avenue is very heavy now. We feel these streets are not adequate to handle traffic from 300 apartments---how many cars? We are against this rezone. Sincerely At141;(1,N9A1 CA" 97/‘'').0101A-r Marvin L. Taylor Isobel A. Taylor 465 Stevens Avenue N. W. Renton WA. 98055 206 772 5609 %� y' O Shirley A. iffe e 501 Stevens Avenue N. W. Renton WA. 98055 206 772 5231 f CE 1 I AUG2Q 2003 L ECONOMIC.DEV'ELOPhd5NT. NEIGHPORnOnDc AND STR/TF""' i- August 18, 2003 Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, Economic Development LUA-02-143 Neighborhoods &Strategic Planning LUA-02-140 1055 S. Grady Way LUA-02-142 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Cerise: After receiving the current zoning maps from office I would like to make the following correction to my letter of August 6th. In my letter I-have-identified the lots on the end of the'cul-de-sac-on NW 6th as being currently zoned as R-1. I see these lots are zoned R-8. Additionally, the land described as being zoned rural residential is zoned R-1. The posted notice does not dearly identify the zoning of the specific properties in the LUA's. This in no way affects my opinion that the zoning should not be changed. Sincerely, Chris J. Anderson 602 Taylor PI. N.W. Renton, WA 98055 �,�,�II AUG 2 0 2003 B�U0�7ifOOAACEIDFW6LrpAhh6N1T INECGH{EoomoDFI ;� /Arilf RATEGIC PLA�dR'Ih: .aP August 18, 2003 Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, Economic Development LUA-02-143 Neighborhoods &Strategic Planning LUA-02-140 1055 S. Grady Way LUA-02-142 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Cerise: I would like to comment on the environmental concerns of these Land Use Actions. The property in question contains and/or is surrounded on three sides by sloes considered sensitive slopes. (See accompanying map.) This area has always been considered unbuildable due to the slopes and the area below them being a wetland area containing swamps and small ponds. Great Blue Herons feed daily in these areas. Eagles hunt here regularly. It is alive with smaller birds. Many animals live in this small woody glen. It is a beautiful natural spot. One of the few left on this side of Renton. This area should be protected from development. Si •:rely, 01!� Chris nderson 602 Taylor Pl. NW Renton, WA 98055 -7k ►gunO Ell zQ 'dn-1 - .,,�.0 ``1.^ li Sad OAS a.%&l J o O( 0 /7 v-)''o 1 _ ,-4.0 * V I I II i '°4\\-1 I II I TN Ili "k`*• -umk-7. 1'1° En *-1r r\‘•-h 'el1p 1 1m1o1p„11.4l1,.o___w....-.. .i ft 'h & , lilli , r t ,',‘Iii...1111111 i ill 1 .4911111 lauli: gliik-j74/91 1,..." c NOW Ili ,_. (---- --,, 4l,l 1, • RECERTFD To: Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, AUG 2 0 2003 Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning ECONOMIC DE'JELOPMEmT. 1055 South Grady Way NEIGHB? tlrjp�c AND STRF Renton,Wa 98055 From: Greg,Melody and Dominik Erickson 301 NW 6th St Renton,WA 98055 To Gil and any others concerned: We are writing in concern over the proposed zoning changes per LUA-02-140/-142/-143 that are under consideration. We hope you will deny this claim so that our neighborhood does not change. This neighborhood houses many families with young children who play with each other. They are often walking across the street to play with each other. If this were to change to an entrance to multi-family residential housing units,I fear that the children would no longer be safe to play and the families would need to move elsewhere. Our family would do so and has started the process of locating an area which will remain amenable to the family values which we had originally chosen this street for. We have been told that if this were to pass the area could be developed into rentals and this brings up more concerns. Concerns about the stability of our neighborhood. We have many families who have been here for over 50 years. With this stability comes a community that cares for each other. Without it we would be worried about our children's and our own safety. Along with the loss of the quality of life and the neighborly feel we currently enjoy in this single family area,the change from a small private dead end street to a major access for multi-family housing would negatively impact our property value and salability. This neighborhood also is where the local fire department trains for wilderness rescues. It is ideally suited for this. The greenbelt being considered for this zoning change is home to a variety of wildlife. Cranes,bald eagles,hawks,and flocks of many other birds live with deer,raccoons, moles,squirrels and other small animals. With the proposed multi-family concrete jungle of residential housing the animals would no longer have free access to the extensive network of greenbelts in this area. These greenbelts are currently one of the few areas on the west hill with the continuous green acreage necessary to support deer. Thank you for considering our thoughts and fears before making a decision on this zoning change. Greg,Melody and ominik Erickson . 1,... V: ,-------7.--,i,-. ;- 414(se 4 ci /I-- el. 2 _I El, " c Pig E c ; AUG, 2 I 2003 IECONOMC D: ANDNP,Wri,' -, j , . F,A,614) . kikte, e,t- 0 6,470- ?pi I ijeceti &V 61-0?- K-c-A-e). edie, 721412#4 0 cd-61 . L4A ‘,Leal:e&„ al-1 414)-)f.%, 8.c._± r--e- C4.ty4-4-- /t.o.. . -z._. . .. _ •r-JevCCEA-1-d-e- at a_14.-, C-67t_Mtlue_c' axed ie."... .r4_6(1_4,L, a- Lej -e-ftel LAMe-ei-er L-‘2( ket4—. or 9.,_g_e_it id.e..69 g_e_ .iv- .' cl fe-z,t,, &, .. eutee ..te-ceet, 0 i 82, Az.,..G.,e",,, ,ee.,,,e,_, ire,c,,,,I 771x i 1743-04,-, Awe) Ikreui-eAL. AA- //e41' 7 i 1,. R-41, eV --/e/e- 4ed Ga4901. ,e: u .i.,(- choiL-- • .R.1%-, -edett.d_. , - cZec,‘,-t_ ,,,z4 0-,2-tial-d- e3, -&--- k"-4tla ,Atiki„ hirose-cif 0//-6, /(..ez-eit,z_ " c 12/-ez-e-e_ 5/-0-i Yiazi // lezt4 „1-e-at,e ,a_.7/ ,..etz.e4L 61... -exr .440.7-A, -24., Cr);L Vag tae-e--, 7Z4- -A-C-12 ..!%- . 4- • i aA,6%-ailtd 1.,idLxit, L.-elta.A.,- ,..64 9119--t OL,S a-12- 441.-6.- • ! Ct- a-IA..6- . :, iva:64_ clizto". .p04,64.c.ei 04 ilit ,zw.,,,, ,%- 9 ev -e,-1- A< t&e, e)-- - ,..7:A4- ,8:,‘ .7Lez,J, k 'As .106-&-e-ei Sift'r--- i Zitil_, --- i cuv -1-acv-it. het A4-e_. ., of- co-ritzS iriwel."4-",,, , .i-e,,& fr. _. ,,0 /4". , 4.........,-, . . ifd 1003 1055 Sou RPM y e / -41nl v��c IL IS LA\n CoV\Scc.ov C( le, -l'o ec c- �-E) )�' c[-euzio piles -, cyY o ) /0. cZexesace ►s oF �(v� �� of � Na�ov�aQ �o�,:D„ s� �.c,� o �cAdL P.ln.Cf-off. 0. P`� u"`.peilickArkc-Q-- 0-Y (--u\- eif\es . Q9 �hal� U Z.JoLouc Christine Zabloudil 8809 S. 121st St. Seattle,WA 98178-4529 `i. Trees hts l ow11ti0tb0n _ �,roblem: I The A sharp increas in t , ting up . Cp )is a major The earth is hea n dioxler .has increased " atmospheric care° nose e began,and ., in the al age �� ` . , cause.CO2 industri ould double in by 25%since the -`•. ' _ z? that it c ens,the huge .4...11_ that h lPj g scientists estimate using°teens to .: the next century if elt,ca �,. '_ eves Heat --is will be ,J{ CO fpolar ice c lood coasts�es. K' will more � and�,eather patte K common, ldR,ide. �_ ,�+�: _ '• � .b� � O.disrupted wor �*' burned, the carbon _ -''.. ,,. _ _ _. ;, is are burned, in the ire eS j Burning fossil 46 t been r ��, '. �� fuels likega�solene "- { and coal adds ,, y �,g carbon dioxide to , `e atmosphere � r' ,/ f the f, , ,IF/ %' / , .� � #•' -- 'rj?" „. / ,f ,if t/1 it 1 _ fa t U al _ _' a + /MINty ?z .a J' /!* " I J ems.:.Si Et+. } ♦ /I L ?S; y� c , n z{{{ z, ro a b. 3 a The Greenhouse Effect g. The earth's atmosphere is a delicate balance of 2 gases that interact with the plants and animals i Mankind has destroyed a third of the world's forests,and they continue the biosphere to maintain temperature and to disappear at a devastating isture conditions bestor an abudance of li rate.Currently almost 100,000 acres of the As the percentage of O2f and therngreenhouse world's forests are burned and converted to other uses every day.Many forests are managed on a sustained-yield gases in the atmosphere increases,less heat is regularly g wined-yield basis:harvested areas are allowed to naturally dissipate into space.A Bang( vital if y replanted.Worldwide however,forests are shrinking.Halting ous global warming is the result. forest destruction is we are to slow the greenhouse effect. 4•ARBOR DAY•July/August 2003 rhe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was ©'ba j�,l ry arining chartered to advise the world's governments and incorporated the work of 2,500 leading climate scientists, has predicted that if net greenhouse-gas emissions are not reduced, the average surface temperature of the earth could rise by a best-estimate 3.5* F by the year 2100-about half as much as the planet has warmed since the coldest part of the last Ice Age. • `_ ..__,... -La_- Aka- Carbon dioxide(CO)is acne-way filter It lets the sun' CONSEIRVAIION 1RESni energy pass through but traps the heat rising from the earth- what scientists call the"greenhouse effect A Solution: •4-_-*- a w Massive tree planting on a world- wide basis can make a meaningful $ ., contribution to slowing the green- house effect. In its"Reforesting the . ¢1,,,{ _/ ' Earth"paper,the Worldwatch '' J►, • ` - , - - Institute estimated that our planet .- r ,,, , ,: f . - . needs at least 130 million hectares i'a ' 14'° `•• 7-=" _ ,, -„. `, ` _ planted to trees just to restore 9 t. pry- a d • ', and maintain the productivity ~ � ' ' _ -` of soil and water resources, " :-��e and to meet industrial and . 6. 04 t..y •• --'�4 „, _ fuelwood needs.Such a 1' ,� - ; -,, . planting would annually it �. �, '_ remove from the atmosphere 14 - roughly 780 million tons of a �, ,. q fr' -� .-, carbon as the trees grow. �' ' I ' 'A' .s• -v Planting trees for community A x `' a = ,., beautification,and forests for �, , _ wildlife and recreation,would *. • do even more.We need to cut ' f a_fii fossil fuel use,stop forest destruction-and plant trees. 'Frees can play a central role in Your Trees Can Make a fighting soil erosion . and maintaining Special Difference t clean,abundant water supplies. Trees you plant Imo= will be an important line of i Il t. ' 1 defense against " i f the greenhouse effect.Trees can shade your home i in summer and 4 ` - i slow winter wind " ''� E /� While your trees o �' Industrial wood demand can be absorb CO2 they .-- �,,,, ` , A billion people in / `.. met through a also reduce the developing countries earn combination of amount of fossil their living from the ,- accelerated tree fuel burned for production of three acres r` planting and cooling and heating.Trees planted in cities help.-- or less.Agroforestry the increased reduce the urban heat-island effect...a condition in systems on these lands, practice of which cities are several degrees hotter than the found mostly in the sustained yield surrounding countryside.Trees that cool cities would help cut fuel use for air conditioning. Because tropics,would absorb forestry massive amounts of CO2, of these factors,one city tree can be as effective as 15 forest trees in fighting the greenhouse effect. increase food production, a and enhance biodiversity. ARBOR DAY•July/August 2003• 5 ^«........+...»............_a..............o...x..............t..xr aa,,,,..ww„r.. ..,...,t.,.,«....... .,,...,.....,..a...caa.w.w.w.a...ax ,....s.....mw.......-............._....<.....,.........w.�... ....r.. :Gil Cerise-Zonir Land Use Information Request 9 From: <mailform@ci.renton.wa.us> To: <Inicolay@ci.renton.wa.us> -. Date: 8/19/03 9:57AM Subject: Zoning Land Use Information Request Dear Inicolay@ci.renton.wa.us, The user chose: first_last_name = Cary Wright st_addressl = 564 Stevens Ave NW st_address2 _ city_state zip = Renton, WA 98055 phone_number =206-772-3477 from = Carywright1@yahoo.com request location_= I recently received a letter in the mail stating that my neighborhood is possibly being rezoned. I understand that we are currently zonded as a single family residence. If I read it correctly we are proposed to be rezoned as a"RPN"? What does"RPN" mean? Can you define this and let me know what this all means? Thank you, in advance for your help on this matter. Cary problem_/_need_= Same required = problem / need_,request location_ ee4-0„2-/13 1 1 9 2003 t" AUGaqG August 15, 2003 Gil Cerise 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 998055 Re:Rainier Mixed Use-Residential Dear Mr. Cerise: I am the owner of the following parcels of land that would be affected by actions taken in regard to this request for a re-zone., Lot 3 and 4,Blk 14,Latimer's Lake Park Addition Lots 5 through 9,Latimer's Lake Park Addition Lots 1 and 2 Woody:Glen Add Por Northerly and.Westerly of c/l of vac S 123'L These are some of the questions and comments have regarding this rezone. 1. Who owns JDA Group? 2. Where have they developed similar sites? 3. Has anyone from the Planning Department gone out to see what quality homes are being built,provided they have other developed sites? 4. What assurances do we have that they do not intend to develop the northerly part of their property? Once the whole parcel is granted a rezone then, unless a certain part is excluded, how can they be stopped from further development? What about apartments? Could they change their minds and build apartments on the whole parcel instead of townhouses on part of it? 5. What happened to the pond that was always at the north end of their property? This has definitely been a wetland over the years.. 6. What do they intend to do about the runoff that is channeled through a large pipe which ends at the westerly end of Lots 3 and 4 of Latimer's Lake Park Addition? There is a huge amount of water that pours down there when it rains. It runs about down the center of this property and disappears under Rainer Avenue. That pipe would have to be continued to where it meets another pipe near Rainier Avenue. 7. What steps do they plan to take to ensure the integrity of my property that is about 70-80 feet above theirs? Some of my neighbors whose property joins the parcels in question have built on landfill. As such it has proved to be unstable over the years and we have witnessed many banks sliding into the gully. Those not built on landfill rely on trees and vegetation to keep their slopes from eroding. There is also the consideration of rain runoff that would occur directly west of the northerly part of the subject land. What steps would be taken to protect their own development from a heavy runoff? Not just from the culvert but from the slopes south and southeasterly where there is nothing to stop the water from gathering at the bottom and forming ponds. 8. Sixth Avenue is a residential street that was never meant to funnel the traffic generated by such development Traffic on Taylor/187t has increased considerably over the past ten years and the number of late night drag races has increased also. 9. If the only access is from NW 6", then in the case of an emergency requiring evacuation, there would be a virtual bottleneck at the entrance and access to Taylor Place NW. If NW 7`h were to continue to Rainier the slope of the street would probably prohibit fire engines from coining up. 10. If the northerly portion of this proposed rezone would be developed then the only access would be from Rainier Ave. or an already crowded NW 66. Cutting through NW 7`h was considered years ago and thought to be unwise. Besides being a residential street, it ends high above Rainier Ave. 11. The land all along to the west of Rainier Ave. has acted as a buffer zone between residential and business. As such, it enhances the value of the residential area. Looking down on a bunch of townhouses and apartments along with the traffic congestion would certainly lower my property value. That's all I can think of right now but I will be attending your Sept meeting with more comments that I can't think of now. Sincerely, Sharon I. Neglay 656 Lind Ave. NW Renton, WA I � REC AUGR.6n�'71: 12 ECONOMIC . NEIGHBOR 00DS Gil Cerise, AND STR�?Ft : F'•N�iF Senior Planner,EDNSP .:•....L 1055 Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 August 9,2003 A Notice of Application and Proposal Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)dated August 5, 2003,was received August 7,2003,with a deadline for comments August 22, 2003. The message indicated,"a DNS is likely to be issued,"and the DNS is associated with a proposal to rezone.57 A immediately adjoining my property on Northwest Fifth Street from Residential(R-8)to Commercial Arterial(CA). The permit application date was December 16, 2002. Although not stated in the notice,the apparent intention is to build a large apartment complex on the site. This proposed major change clearly does not meet the desires of our neighborhood. It is not a modest proposal and will not blend in or be in character with the existing environment. The presence of several hundred people literally adjoining my backyard will have a negative effect upon our safety, security, and the general ambiance of the area. If this same harmful proposal involved an affluent neighborhood,one wonders how far it would advance. What Serious economic hardship does the existing zoning regulation pose to the individuals proposing the change? It appears to be a venture intended to make a large profit at the expense of the existing neighborhood. An indicator of the group's lack of sensitivity to property rights of others was the detailed survey conducted on my lot without any communication--leaving a number of unexplained flags scattered around my property. This proposal additionally evidences a minimum of process equity at best. Bordering property owners should have been fully informed by January and provided full details of the plan. Instead,they are given two weeks to learn about the project and respond. Obtaining professional assistance,the only way to effectively deal with such a complex issue,is constricted severely. Sincerely, Dr. Rolland Dewing 4` Copy: File Attorney August 11,2003 Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, Economic Development Neighborhood & Strategic Planning 1055 S. Grady Way Renton,Wa 98055 Re: Land Use Action Number LUA-02 143/LUA-02-140/IUA-02-142.: (Rainier Mixed Use-Residential) Dear Sir: This letter is in regard to the RED NOTICE posted at the top of our cul-de-sac on N.W. 5th St.Renton, Wa 98055. Number one, it is very difficult to read and of course impossible for many senior citizens to try to decipher. I am hoping that each homeowner will be notified by mail with a map and much more detail as to what is actually in the planning for the property near our homes. I wish to state that I am a:homeowner in Renton for 48 years and we have struggled to keep our neighborhood clean and safe. I would like to register my PROTEST against any zone change in our area and the building of any housing units or apartments that are in the planning stage. It is my understanding we have a HIGH rate of vacancies within our city limits at this time. Common sense tells us that the drainage alone coming down the hill will be a very big problem. It already is because of new developments on the west hill above us. We need that green belt between our homes and Rainier Avenue. We already have the Renton Airport, Boeing,and Rainier Avenue traffic noises,which at times makes it uncomfortable to even sit outside on our patios and visit. The traffic on Taylor Ave. has tripled in the last three years, as people already use it as a short cut to the shopping center and downtown Renton. Our neighborhood should be considered an old and valued part of Renton,and not be subjected to this type of land use. Greenbelts are so very important for our environment and we do have heron nests in our area to be considered. There is definitely a LIKELY hood that this rezoning could have very high detrimental environmental impact on the surrounding area. Please list me as a "Person of Interest" and mail me detailed map and a fact sheet of the developers plans. Your late notice has left us little time to prepare our protest or hire an attorney if needed. Thank you. Mary arlson 215 N 5th St Renton,WA 98055-Phone 206-772-4271 cc: Renton City Council August 6, 2003 Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, Economic Development LUA O2=143 • Neighborhoods &Strategic Planning LUA-02-140 AUG 1 2W 1055 S. Grady Way LUA-02-142 Renton, WA 98055 Ec,or= AND ST.. _..- ,..:. ...,,tin...•._:.2 Mr. Cerise: I would like to go on record as opposed to the zoning changes being considered in my neighborhood. The land being considered adjoins a small, quiet neighborhood of single- family-residences. The lots now zoned R 1 are on the end of a small cul-de- sac that is much too small to accommodate the load of additional traffic that a zoning change to R-14 would create. Many small children play on and along this quiet street. The junction with Taylor Place NW is a dangerous intersection now as the sight distances are very limited. Imagine what it would be like with the cars from a large development added to the existing cars. The area zoned residential rural is a green belt area. When I moved to this neighborhood 20 years ago I was assured by the city that this area would remain as it now is as the area was too rough and steep to build in. Nothing has changed there to make the area any different. This area is so steep and wet that Great Blue Herons nest there and hunt in the small pond that forms at the bottom of it most of the year. If any area of this city should be considered a wetland and sensitive area this is it! Small wooded areas like this add so much character to this city. The few that remain should be saved from destruction. Please do not change the zoning of this area. Sincerely, Chris J. Anderson 602 Taylor PI. N.W. Renton, WA 98055 BAYLIS ARCHITECTS PRINCIPALS Brian Brand, AIA August 12, 2003 Richard L. Wagner, AIA Thomas Frye,Jr., AIA Johan Luchsinger, AIA Michael D.Chaplin, AIA City of Renton Long Range Planning 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton,WA 98055 Attention: Mr. Gil Cerise MI6 1 3 2003 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBOR!i7'D F!"(� :"!,t; ;;;.:> RE: Rainier Avenue Mixed-Use AND STRCFi,i( JOB NO.: M2-0589 Subject: LUA 02-143—Comprehensive Plan Amendment M-11 Dear Mr. Cerise: In behalf of Mr.Jack Alhadeff, owner of the subject property,we wish to modify the referenced Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA). As was identified at the meeting of the Planning Commission on August 6, 2003, the intention of the property owner is, and always has been, to develop only 16 single family attached residences on Parcels C and E-1, leaving all other residential parcels in open space as shown in the sketch given the Commission and included here. The current application for RPN/R-14 was made with the understanding that only through such an application could the development concept be advanced under the current land use regulations. At the meeting of August 6th,with the understanding that only 16 homes are intended, Commissioners noted that they would rather consider a proposal that; 1) did not apply citywide, and 2) preserved the woodland character of the site as much as possible. The Owner is in full agreement with this goal. To facilitate this preferred option, please know that the applicant would agree to execute a Developer Agreement, including the following conditions: 1) All portions of Parcel A, the currently zoned R-1 parcel of 5.2 acres,will be donated to the City of Renton,Parks Department for use as passive recreational trails, active recreation and open space. No Native Growth Protection Easement will be granted. 10801 Main Street Bellevue,WA 98004 T 425 454 0566 F 425 453 8013 www.baylisarchitects.com City of Renton/ G. Cerise August 12, 2003 Page 2 2) All residential development will be limited to Parcels C and E-1, both of which are currently zoned R-8. 3) The total number of dwelling units for all the residential parcels will be limited to a maximum of 16. i 4) All dwelling units shall be on individual lots for fee simple ownership. 5) All lots,shall be`a minimum of 1,500 SF. • We encourage the Commission and the Council to consider approval of CPA M-11 with the modifications proposed here. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, BAYLIS ARCHITECTS chard L. Wagner, A • Principal II Enclosure: Development Concept, dated 8-6-03 cc: Jack Alhadeff—JDA Group • RLW:amp • l! 1 L IIL I- t t I ` I . i , ,1 4 I w / ,,, jj .; I \ 1 _ i 1-1 1 F--- N I t — + ' • 1 I I ' I I,:c1,j I'w i 1 1 i 1 77—r k J . '1 ` i i t t; I Iri 1 1 `� • 1 • 1 1 I f 1 P 1 i t I� i • + •I 1 + I I ` __r -- '�-_ -T J • /, --N‘:T '(','‘ , IT . k 1 , 11 ,_ ..a .,,a- , . .. I -- / 2`- 1IN err-- - = \ IllaM 0 i . ___\_____ , 0 1 I It* I, *# <3 d‘..41.0" ----N r ,,,, 1 ,4$ ,\ , \ __/ , . �' i i,„; , I 1 1 1 " ..1 II I1Sop ' ent Concept r- \ ` \ I 1 August 6, 2003 dlo - 1� _ ilk1 Ilin ---,-- JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 J03-M-11 (LUA 02-143) -Erosion Hazzard Map uliiiir<:!:.!;:_:::`;;;::,.' 1 : 3600 G;:c co, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Corporate Boundary . Alex Pietsch.Administrator —D Study Area �, G.Del Rosario RN.iO 1.1 July 2003 -- Erosion Hazzard Boundary I CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: August 5, 2003 TO: Yellow File FROM: Gil Cerise VC, SUBJECT: Rainier Mixed Use-Residential LUA-02-143,CPA,ECF,R I have reviewed the above referenced project and have found all acceptance documents to be correct. I am aware that the new revised Master Application is not signed; however, the Master Application date stamped December 16, 2002, is signed. This document has been retained in the yellow file along with the new revised version. This project is now ready to be mailed to the appropriate applicant, owner, surrounding property owners and agencies. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION • + + NOTICE OF APPLICATION REr„1111i1~• MI 2 iI AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF , .l ligSd1111.. NON-SIGNIFICANCE(DNS) *I 1 IN;l7pANruc DATE: August 5,2003 �, P. a . • LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-02-143,CPA,ECF,R - . •• �1■1 APPLICATION NAME: Rainier Mixed Use-Residential ,.F, Rt 1 ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: JDA Group, LLC has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment 1' �� REON (CPA)from Residential Single Family(RSF)for 1.25 acres and from Residential Rural for 5.6 acres to - ♦ ��' �� mar. �, Y Residential-10 fr Plannedh i 8.89oac(s of). Carty with this request al Is a requested rezone from R-8 and �,�����. ��� R-1 to R-14 for the entire 6.89 acres of property. The applicant has also submitted a Comprehensive Plan M f" Text Amendment that Is a necessary precursor to allowing the CPA and rezone. The text amendment would r����� a UM‘1044. allow for areas between 6-20 acres In size to be converted to RPN if the property Is within 1,000 feet of an J employment area or center,and a'major arterial? Current mapping criteria requires at least 20 acres and t �,����!� �l 1 70 adjacent to employment areas,centers,and major arterials. II ^ itfiw PROJECT LOCATION: Between Rainier Ave.N.,Taylor Pl.NW,and NW St.-NW 5'St. 4I+ 9 lIU!r1 OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE(DNS):As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has 3. I ! r I _ �_l�t'1. .. i�� determined that erthe RC environmental impacts afe Renton i Losing from the proposedproject.Therefore,ollce �J l� :y '�11�' as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,U,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give nonce that a DNS is likely to be Issued.Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a ti _;t,._, single comment period.There will be no comment period following the Issuance of the Threshold •Determination of Non-Significance .,cance(DNS).A 14-day appeal period will follow the Issuance of the DNS. �..� _ Ullr. - V t. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: December 16,2002 . ,I. y NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: August 1,2003 - L►—j M� I I I i APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Richard Wagner wlBaylls Architects;(425)454-0566 - ��� �, IIII r D i Permits/Review Requested: Environmental(SEPA)Review,Comprehensive Plan Amendment, �►,5,41: C ��: �,/� Rezone � . i� e I Other Permits which may be required: N/A �~ Requested Studies: N/A Location where application may Planning/Building/Public Works Department,Development Services ��1 111 ii— r I be reviewed: Division,6°1 Floor,Renton City Hall,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA • -J /1e • II 98055 I I t Will Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Gil Cerise,Senior Planner,Economic 1 !'.e� IIN I 1-- Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 - -4.- -�� PM on August 22,2003.If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receNe additional notification by mail,contact the Project Manager.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: GII Cerise;(425)430.65T8 • If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further Information on this proposed project,complete this form and return to:City of Renton,Development Planning,1055 So.Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. File No./Name:LUA-02-143,CPA,ECF,R/Rainier Mixed Use-Residential NAME: ADDRESS: • TELEPHONE NO.: • NOTICE OF MPLlcATtuN.Eoc I 0FAPPLIOATIMes • CERTIFICATION I, hpj ,hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on 4� S� 20 O 3 • �yN Kq ''1 • mo \ ,.....,!�1C h1 Signed Qg SIo If ��•e- NF-foy0.1'ATTEST: Subscribed a worn b fore me,a Notary Public,in and for he tate of r,� NOTgRy m�:-n Washington residing i ,on the 1 a- t-1- day of D`3 i NJ► AVBLIC ' MARILYN KAMCHEFF �fi,���'•.s 2g_CT. ••.�;�0 e.�. MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-n7 `G 'I44I- WASN`` �•. j. �. :.i :,L,I:.;I,: I: , , ,- „ it : d f twills IN gli : 9IrII1 , , yt. ,Y = � !'r :: � :,.:F : ; :.• .., ,,,,...,;,, „„:.....„..,...,.. ..' :: :.,.. -IP -,,,:„..,!:.„ .......,....,.. „,,......,....:,..„:„ r.11111111nitti , o F.r..,,,:f.;,:ii F.. M UN'‘1111Agio, 32 IN 1141 lop: , , . ., 1„.1.1.,„, mum ..,,,:. 7...= • -. ;..,.. ": ..,, A tatfilotir I, I,.... .: , , . .4m1174. ,,,,,,, I :tea , ..,..,•4 11 stiliJI , :: ., :anal2 tri..... lik , , x „„ 1,.:::,: h::: !f .".'' ''.:'.. : :. ''' ';',-,- ;:; "...d:'- ':-."'-' ;A:?, .-:.,„', , ::- ®,1111 Z I^ yt 'f J ' _la' Atik _0 4, , .. , ,......::,: ,., . ','...f:;.,:::$:•.',.:;::..:;:...•,'. ',.,:;:,.‘‘', :,, , ' ' : :: -::.=:'1.::'•,': 0 !,• ., , Iii;,... ,-. , •,,•,... -= ,,, .,,,.„ .....: ;.„,, , '‘1411131 11".„ ''''''''''''‘7""::::;; ''. '.7::::"466'. :: '.'..,:..f,' Mt.,''';., .?' ''''','' i' '.', • :. .... : , , YS l ': ; -: ' ! :,, .,:.,:i.:;,:'.:-;;:-:.:"I'' :,,,4 a I,. ,. , , ,.... .,....,,,,, ,,,,_1 egi — •••,,,,,,,, cif ., ".., (.'!`,:.; ',S•' ice— : • :,,,., ::::: : : • : :, ,J: , : c.. ; !i . . „ ,,..... , . , :, „: ,:.•:. .. -:..,-.: •:,...,...,,,,,,,„: ,,.. ; 1• J �Y O * + bu NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) DATE: August 5,2003 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-02-143,CPA,ECF,R APPLICATION NAME: Rainier Mixed Use-Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: JDA Group, LLC has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA)(from Residential Single Family (RSF) for 1.25 acres and from Residential Rural for 5.6 acres to Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN). Concurrent with this request is a requested rezone from R-8 and R-1 to R-14 for the entire 6.89 acres of property. The applicant has also submitted a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment that is a necessary precursor to allowing the CPA and rezone. The text amendment would allow for areas between 6-20 acres in size to be converted to RPN if the property is within 1,000 feet of an employment area or center, and a "major arterial." Current mapping criteria requires at least 20 acres and adjacent to employment areas,centers,and major arterials. PROJECT LOCATION: Between Rainier Ave. N.,Taylor PI. NW,and NW 7th St.—NW 5th St. OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE(DNS): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give notice that a DNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance(DNS). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: December 16,2002 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: August 1,2003 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Richard Wagner w/Baylis Architects; (425)454-0566 Permits/Review Requested: Environmental(SEPA)Review, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezone Other Permits which may be required: N/A Requested Studies: N/A Location where application may Planning/Building/Public Works Department,Development Services be reviewed: Division,6th Floor,Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA t I 98055 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to GII Cerise, Senior Planner,Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on August 22,2003. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail,contact the Project Manager.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Gil Cerise; (425)430-6578 NOTICE OF APPLICATION.doc CITY OF;RENTON C.I RRE�IT Pk ►NN I NG`DI ISI:O.I i:<::=;;;: :. ►FFIDAVIT OF.:SE V CE B:"; '° AI I : :: .,:..:;::...:;, On the A day of , 2003, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelopecontaining Noti o ppt;raMofr1 . (/mac I t ?f✓1T'� documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing `u. / bstA9olcieS z� (Signature of Sender) r /)z STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,d re e signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Otis �00 3 —Jim''' /1? •••. 4f b'., Notary Public and for the State of Wa lington ,o;�,eA1�S►ON' 0,$,•, F F••• #i o NOT4 ��:��4 Notary(Print) • N �.��' m My appointment expi A�HILYN KAMCI1EFI- .; AVBIIC y; MYAwwUINI MEN I txPIKESb-29-U./ •1�• Proje ,,rt sivA............ ii ctvwu =01- 103 c P) I',-C r / K6; e ill./ ne f i&-i s Project Numooei'.`�e��'' I NOTARY.DOC i, 1 AGENCY(DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology* WDFW-Stewart Reinbold* Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. * Environmental Review Section c/o Department of Ecology Attn. SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 3190 160th Ave SE 39015—1 72nd Avenue SE Olympia,WA 98504-7703 Bellevue,WA 98008 I Auburn,WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region * Duwamish Tribal Office*I Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program * II Attn: Ramin Pazooki I 14235 Ambaum Blvd. SW—Front A Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 Burien,WA 98166 39015 172nd Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn,WA 98092-9763 I' Seattle,WA 98133-9710 I 1 US Army Corp. of Engineers* KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Office of Archaeology&Historic Preservation* Seattle District Office ' Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Stephanie Kramer Attn: SEPA Reviewer I Ms. Shirley Marroquin ; PO Box 48343 PO Box C-3755 I 201 S.Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Olympia,WA 98504-8343 Seattle,WA 98124 Seattle,WA 98104-3855 ' Jamey Taylor Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 I Olympia,WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle i City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom,AICP i 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton,WA 98055-1219 13020 SE 72nd Place 220 Fourth Avenue South i' Newcastle,WA 98059 I Kent,WA 98032-5895 j Metro Transit 1 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Liason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Joe Jainga I 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street PO Box 90868, MS:XRD'01 W Tukwila,WA 98188 KSC-TR-0431 Bellevue,WA 98009-0868 Seattle,WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Eric Swennson 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite14900 Seattle,WA 98104-5004 1 I Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS",the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMT's, and the notice of application. * Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices he gets his from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork. • '' Lr,, 't J'w '.1..' Y. . ,.f • ♦' y. I I 1 Last printed 07/22/03 9:40 AM 1I tit :'3 DE:.:>a:.::: ` PME . ,:., : :'`_,: C :�; ?i:._'':: '':;`�" i < % `sa;c�`c i<``?!: i ' PROJECT NAME: NI IVI/y �'Pi4 - 1 APPLICATION NO: 1A" U2^/''13 f P C (—� The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. • • NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL G3 q/ / NUMBER k y l O�v c<0,0,�r e 67 eo (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) . . • i , (Continued) . . NAME ADDRESS , ASSESSOR'S PARCEL ' NUMBER • • . , • , . . • • ' NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON AMY K.HARTLMUELLER ,. My Appointment Expires July 11,2006 . - ' . , 1 i . .. L , • . , . ,. . •, .. Applicant Certification ' ,. 1, _Z--Prire/..tieritAt4/ ' , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property , . (Print Name) • ' , owners and their addresses were obtained from: ' - . /14 Title Company Records 0 King County Assessors Records Signed , .v .fle--04A.• .! Date ,i..... (Applicant) 1 . NOTARY ATTESTED: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, residing at 1 3e-IltutA.,--- on the -7 day of i---/Pe7 / , 20 Oa . ! i Signed . , . -4 -- , 1 - (Notary Public) 1 . ' . i.::.:iii,:i::.. .:y:::i:,:.i:,„ii: :i,.:i:i.:ii::•::ii,,,iii.:.:i.:.:::!:,;!: imi:i ::.:i•:]i.:::Mg]nN•Iitt.ftIPV5VeltVititilR:efittitiVt.:dM.!:.:II.:•.:::.::::i.;:::,:•::',:*•":::.] :::. •:: ,0.s-S-*100,cii..].:;;:,;,,I;M:iliii.gmigiE , ' ...........„,....................... CERTIFICATION OF .. .:: :.!;::::4:iuminfiii.i.::::.!,..;.;E:.,isi,:iii:.2.iTig:tii!:;:gi.ii!i;:f..i::iiiwilglisiiiiii,:iiigo:.iii:i.$1;1!iiiiii!iiiiEji:!: .:E::::;.,:i:!i.ii:;;:::::,:.!.i!i!::::::::..;iii:ii:::.I.,:i::.:ii::!:4,i.e..077ii,:i'i'i:i:q!!:lisk!o.:..t..:;iiiA::::f.!.:i;.i. •:.::"''f""'"3: -':::.:':'::D" ';:"•!."'i''.':',M . viiirlit'..iGii8ii8i:iiiec.:::15606.g4.*.p.i .opA,A98'4*.i.i, tc'.-.15.w.-:,•.--4i!i';':''', :!:::.:i,]...PPF9Aic! 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I _MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 1 2 ' I 1 , , - . troScan/King (WA) Parcel Number Owner Name Site Address YB Owner Phone 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1995 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1973 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1966 072305 9007 Bosair L L C • 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1987 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1961 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1973 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1999 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1943 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1943 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1975 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1955 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1991 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1971 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1971 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1971 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1960 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1977 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1977 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1947 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1963 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1977 072305 9007 Bosair L L C • 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1982 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1968 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1983 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1973 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1961 118000''6800 Geong Robert 8697 S 123rd St Seattle 98178 1998 118000 6980 Hill Priscilla 8556 S 123rd P1 Seattle 98178 1951 425-255-0348 118000'8273 Columbia Builders Inc *no Site Address* 118000 8275 Tso Tom W/Kimberly B 8553 S 123rd P1 Seattle 98178 1951 118000 8290 Nguyen Hung 8554 S 124th St Seattle 98178 1951 420240 0005 Neglay Sharon I 411 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1948 206-772-4921 420240 0010 Hertzog Elwood W&Cynthia R 670 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1945 420240 0011 Medina Jorge&Griselda Escamilla 666 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1945 206-772-7160 420240 0015 Green May A 660 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1928 206-772-5660 4202400025 Chen Cork;Riech Ra 654 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1950 4202400030 Ea Soklim 650 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1938 420240 00040 Neglay Richard V Pt 620 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1925 206-772-4921 420240 0055 Saffell Lester F Jr 610 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1948 206-772-5153 420240 0075 Henderson Hazel P 512 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1968 420240 0077 Rock Lawrence J/Brenda K 516 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1968 206-772-2799 420240 0078 Timnien Frederick L 520 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1968 420240 0080 Molina Marco Antonio;Urias Maria 556 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1925 206-772-3182 420240 0090 Molina Marco Antonine&Maria *no Site Address*Renton 206-772-3182 420240 0115 Wright Cary R 564 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1946 206-772-3477 420240 0135 HaydelShawn A/Debra L 515 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1968 420240 0149 Mcrae Kimberly D 509 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1948 206-772-0209 420240 0172 Mills John L Sr 426 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1979 206-772-5442 420240 0179 Halstead Robert F 460 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1963 206-772-5832 420240 0235 Nuss Steven G&Karla D 472 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1938 425-255-1130 420240 1055 Tezistrano Jay R;Rousso Marc L 317 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1932 420240 1070 Neglay Richard V Pt *no Site Address*Renton 206-772-4921 420240 1080 Neglay Sharon I 656 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1961 206-772-4921 420240 1105 Saffell Lester F Jr *no Site Address*Renton 206-772-5153 420240 1145 Sents Theresa M 211 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1953 420240 1155 Ducay Maria A/Catherine R/Arlene 217 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1940 206-772-9000 Information compiled from various sources.Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. 4Y rtroScan/King (WA) Parcel Number Owner Name Site Address YB Owner Phone 420240 1175 Pham Tung 676 Taylor Ave NW Renton 98055 1986 206-772-0875 420240 1210 Jda Group Llc;+ Rainier 123 Ave S Renton 420240 1255 U-haul Real Estate Company 12601 Rainier Ave S Renton 1965 360-357-3218 420240 1255 U-haul Real Estate Company 12601 Rainier Ave S Renton 1965 360-357-3218 420240 1255 U-haul Real Estate Company 12601 Rainier Ave S Renton 1962 360-357-3218 420240 1305 Christopherson R Lee 503 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1933 206-772-2544 420240 1500 Chang Brothers Inc 505 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1958 425-868-9001 420440 0005 Novak Walter V 12116 87th Ave S Seattle 98178 1940 206-772-6659 420440 0015 Gistarb Charles L/Anita D 8716 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1955 420440 0030 Johnson Ricky D&Kathleen L 8717 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1940 420440 0035 Sours David K/Karen K 8805 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1940 206-772-5363 420440 0036 Chambers Ronald/Olga/Susanne 8804 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1955 420440 0040 Barbosa Nora C 8722 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1960 420440 0041 Stark Myrna L 8721 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1942 206-772-6398 420440 0044 Harrison Gary L 8817 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1949 206-546-8187 420440 0046 Woodward Jerry R/Ethel I 8816 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1945 206-772-2809 420440 0048 Zabloudil Christine 8809 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1950 206-772-1292 420440 0049 Thomas Rachel L 8810 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1955 206-772-9050 420440 0056 Pfieffer Gerald R&Ann M 8907 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1940 206-772-5254 420440 0065 Abbott A F 8925 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1955 206-784-6030 420440 0068 Vu Hai Van *no Site Address*Renton 420440 0070 Bryant Jeremy R 8918 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1956 206-772-9210 420440 0071 Louie Angela/Donna *no Site Address*Renton 956480 0012 Harer Properties L L C II 301 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1923 206-772-8256 956480,0047 Raine Michelle D 308 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1958 956480 0051 Ellingson Henry L 300 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1961 206-772-4659 .956480 0066 Gerisilo Philip G&Deborah C 206 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 253-639-0834 956480 0075 Franklin Joseph M 311 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 956480 0080 Stewart Jon D/Patti J 309 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-5716 956480'0086 Madlock Tommie L 305 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-8155 956480 0087 Erickson Gregory J;Sauls Melody S 301 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-3884 956480 0090 Krycka Kevin C;Tanner Steven E 217 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-2002 956480 0095 Stinnett Maude F 213 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 956480 0096 Swanson Kelly R 209 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 425-255-2939 956480'0105 Sweeney Francine A 205 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-5544 956480'0106 Jda Group Llc;+ *no Site Address*Renton 956480,0115 Munger-scharff Jeffrey/Elizabeth 516 Taylor PI NW Renton 98055 1961 206-772-6745 956480'0116 Commodore Rufus 520 Taylor PI NW Renton 98055 1955 95648010125 Mcdonald Ronnie 216 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 206-772-4977 95648010126 Phan Than Lee/Thu-huong 304 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 956480,0135 Conwell Roy L&Gail M 301 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1955 253-630-7537 956480'0136 Carter Furman G/Violet M *no Site Address*Renton 206-772-4067 95648010140 215 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 95648010145 Nelson Emil&Rose 211 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 206-772-1752 956480 0150 Kebede Atsebha 456 Taylor PI NW Renton 98055 1961 206-772-9081 956480 0160 Rein William W/Betty Jo 207 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 95648010170 Jda Group Llc;+ 601 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1960 956480 0170 Jda Group Llc;+ 601 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1950 95648010170 Jda Group Llc;+ 601 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1960 956480'0176 Miller Wayne A/Debra J 515 Rainier Ave S Renton 98055 1940 425-432-2706 956480 0176 Miller Wayne A/Debra J 515 Rainier Ave S Renton 98055 1960 425-432-2706 Information compiled from various sources.Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. troScan/King(WA) Parcel Number Owner Name Site Address YB Owner Phone 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1995 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1973 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1966 072305 9007 Bosair L L C : 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1987 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1961 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1973 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1999 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1943 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1943 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1975 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1955 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1991 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1971 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1971 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1971 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1960 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1977 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1977 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1947 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1963 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1977 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1982 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1968 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1983 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1973 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1961 118000 6800 Geong Robert 8697 S 123rd St Seattle 98178 1998 118000 6980 Hill Priscilla 8556 S 123rd P1 Seattle 98178 1951 425-255-0348 118000 8273 Columbia Builders Inc *no Site Address* 118000 8275 Tso Tom W/Kimberly B 8553 S 123rd P1 Seattle 98178 1951 118000 8290 Nguyen Hung 8554 S 124th St Seattle 98178 1951 420240 0005 Neglay Sharon I 411 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1948 206-772-4921 420240 0010 Hertzog Elwood W&Cynthia R 670 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1945 420240 0011 Medina Jorge&Griselda Escamilla 666 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1945 206-772-7160 420240 0015 Green May A 660 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1928 206-772-5660 420240 0025 Chen Cork;Riech Ra 654 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1950 420240 0030 Ea Soklim 650 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1938 420240 0040 Neglay Richard V Pt 620 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1925 206-772-4921 420240 0055 Saffell Lester F Jr 610 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1948 206-772-5153 420240 0075 Henderson Hazel P 512 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1968 420240 0077 Rock Lawrence J/Brenda K 516 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1968 206-772-2799 420240 0078 Timmen Frederick L 520 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1968 420240 0080 Molina Marco Antonio;Urias Maria" 556 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1925 206-772-3182 420240 0090 Molina Marco Antonine&Maria *no Site Address*Renton 206-772-3182 420240 0115 Wright Cary R 564 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1946 206-772-3477 420240 0135 Haydel Shawn A/Debra L 515 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1968 420240 0149 Mcrae Kimberly D 509 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1948 206-772-0209 420240 0172 Mills John L Sr 426 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1979 206-772-5442 420240 0179 Halstead Robert F 460 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1963 206-772-5832 420240 0235 Nuss Steven G&Karla D 472 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1938 425-255-1130 420240 1055 Tezistrano Jay R;Rousso Marc L 317 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1932 420240 1070 Neglay Richard V Pt *no Site Address*Renton 206-772-4921 420240 1080 Neglay Sharon I 656 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1961 206-772-4921 420240 1105 Saffell Lester F Jr *no Site Address* Renton 206-772-5153 420240 1145 Sents Theresa M 211 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1953 420240 1155 Ducay Maria A/Catherine R/Arlene 217 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1940 206-772-9000 Information compiled from various sources.Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. .troScan/King(WA) Parcel Number Owner Name Site Address YB Owner Phone 420240 1175 Pham Tung 676 Taylor Ave NW Renton 98055 1986 206-772-0875 420240 1210 Jda Group Llc;+ Rainier 123 Ave S Renton 420240 1255 U-haul Real Estate Company 12601 Rainier Ave S Renton 1965 360-357-3218 420240 1255 U-haul Real Estate Company 12601 Rainier Ave S Renton 1965 360-357-3218 420240 1255 U-haul Real Estate Company 12601 Rainier Ave S Renton 1962 360-357-3218 420240 1305 Christopherson R Lee 503 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1933 206-772-2544 420240 1500 Chang Brothers Inc 505 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1958 425-868-9001 420440 0005 Novak Walter V 12116 87th Ave S Seattle 98178 1940 206-772-6659 420440 0015 Gistarb Charles L/Anita D 8716 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1955 420440 0030 Johnson Ricky D&Kathleen L 8717 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1940 420440 0035 Sours David K/Karen K 8805 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1940 206-772-5363 420440 0036 Chambers Ronald/Olga/Susanne 8804 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1955 420440 0040 Barbosa Nora C 8722 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1960 420440 0041 Stark Myrna L 8721 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1942 206-772-6398 420440 0044 Harrison Gary L 8817 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1949 206-546-8187 420440 0046 Woodward Jerry R/Ethel I 8816 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1945 206-772-2809 420440 0048 Zabloudil Christine 8809 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1950 206-772-1292 420440 0049 Thomas Rachel L 8810 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1955 206-772-9050 420440 0056 Pfieffer Gerald R&Ann M 8907 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1940 206-772-5254 420440 0065 Abbott A F 8925 S 121st St Seattle 98178 1955 206-784-6030 420440 0068 Vu Hai Van *no Site Address*Renton 420440 0070 Bryant Jeremy R 8918 S 122nd St Seattle 98178 1956 206-772-9210 420440 0071 Louie Angela/Donna *no Site Address*Renton 956480 0012 Harer Properties L L C II 301 NW 7th St Renton 98055 1923 206-772-8256 956480 0047 Raine Michelle D 308 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1958 956480 0051 Ellingson Henry L 300 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1961 206-772-4659 956480 0066 Gerisilo Philip G&Deborah C 206 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 253-639-0834 956480 0075 Franklin Joseph M 311 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 956480 0080 Stewart Jon D/Patti J 309 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-5716 956480 0086 Madlock Tommie L 305 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-8155 956480 0087 Erickson Gregory J;Sauls Melody S 301 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-3884 956480 0090 Krycka Kevin C;Tanner Steven E 217 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-2002 956480 0095 Stinnett Maude F 213 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 956480 0096 Swanson Kelly R 209 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 425-255-2939 956480 0105 Sweeney Francine A 205 NW 6th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-5544 956480 0106 Jda Group Llc;+ *no Site Address*Renton 956480 0115 Munger-scharff Jeffrey/Elizabeth 516 Taylor PI NW Renton 98055 1961 206-772-6745 956480 0116 Commodore Rufus 520 Taylor PI NW Renton 98055 1955 956480 0125 Mcdonald Ronnie 216 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 206-772-4977 956480 0126 Phan Than Lee/Thu-huong 304 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 956480 0135 Conwell Roy L&Gail M 301 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1955 253-630-7537 956480 0136 Carter Furman GNiolet M *no Site Address*Renton 206-772-4067 956480 0140 215 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 956480 0145 Nelson Emil&Rose 211 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 206-77.2-1752 956480 0150 Kebede Atsebha 456 Taylor P1 NW Renton 98055 1961 206-772-9081 956480 0160 Rein William W/Betty Jo 207 NW 5th St Renton 98055 1954 956480'0170 Jda Group Llc;+ 601 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1960 956480 0170 Jda Group Llc;+ 601-Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1950 956480 0170 Jda Group Llc;+ 601 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1960 956480 0176 Miller Wayne A/Debra J 515 Rainier Ave S Renton 98055 1940 425-432-2706 956480 0176 Miller Wayne A/Debra J 515 Rainier Ave S Renton 98055 1960 425-432-2706 • Information compiled from various sources.Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. .. �,.7;CCITY .,.F RENTON ..LL Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator August 5, 2003 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 10801 Main Street, Suite 110 Bellevue, WA 98004 Subject: Rainier Mixed Use-Residential LUA-02-143,CPA,ECF,R Dear Mr. Wagner: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on August 26, 2003. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me, at(425)430-6578, if you have any questions. Sincerely, C 9� l Gil Cerise Senior Planner cc: JDA Group, LLC/Owner 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE ., This paper contains50%recycledmaterial,30%postconsumer • B A Y L I S ARCHITECTS • . RECE�EVE 10801 Main Street rl Ql;�' ' 4�r pti23 Bellevue,WA 98004 BUILDINGT 425 454-0566 DI VISION F 425 453 8013 www.baylisarchitects.com TO ‘,t. d /ICZAfri*.i Mail JOB NO4//,.....,5,01 0 FAX RE I4441?Y ma . . 0 Courier FILE el/1- /feae.., ATTENTION Zvi Ze4.�se; X npfrid DATE --, ,5 i Enclosed 0 Copy of Letter 0 Prints FAX 0 Original ❑ Shop Drawing 0 Disk PAGES 1 COPIES DATED DESCRIPTION / 14 oe 7 G, 3 -#/- /1�n A� i /I e_.-2, D/ � f s '�jc 0 / . f 5 d /i 4 0/�."x /l" / It a " r' e s 's ,�1,p (�/�) 6 1)„x /7 2 - •.L 'gti l S fy ,aemefs G ,Apeo* These are transmuted as checked belowow 0 Four approval 0 As requested 0 Approval as noted 0 Correct and re-submit XFor your use 0 For review and comment 0 Approval as submitted 0 Forwarded without review Remarks I #'4-'.45 7 f A-AnAidifNAit # (�1p . v� 6� / . Copy to ��/f X MaiI ��%� 74/ • 0 FAX Signed ~ 0 Courier F • . . :t ::.: : ... €�€� �...... . USE:::.........:.::....:.::::..::.:::.::........... CATI . „„„,„„„„„„,„„:„,,,,„„„,„„„„„„„„„„„„„„,„„,„„„,„::„„„,„„„„,„„„„„,..„„„,:„: ............................................................... _ _ _ _ •• ••• ,„ , _ = „ . ..................... ......................... . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ........................................................... ... :....:..........._:::... . .....:::....... .............................................................................................................................................................. ... ....... ......:. . :...:.............. .:_......._::. :. .. ..:: :.::..... : ...: :.........:._ ::.. :....:.. .... €� AGMiF [:I :".:`. 0N.f............................. dall.:.�i • ?�. f�::fir+.ill...:..................................... ...... .... ... .... . ....... . .... . ..... ...... . . ... ......... . ... ..... .. . ... .. PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: JDA Group, LLC Rainier Avenue Mixed Use — Residential PROPERTY PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: • ADDRESS: 95 South Tobin, Suite 201 Eastern cul-de-sac of NW 6`I' Street Renton, WA 98055 CITY: Renton, WA ZIP. 98055 KING.COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 9564800007 Parcel A 9564800070 Parcel C TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 9564800106 Parcel D 891-1002 9564800110 Parcel E-1) EXISTING LAND USE(S): Nodevelopment current develo me n t • PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Property Owner Attached Townhouses EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: COMPANY(if applicable): �y Residential Single Family `4 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION(if applicable): (-%cQ Residential Planned Neighborhood • ADDRESS:. . - "� EXISTING.ZONING: ,2, Residential - 1 DU/Acre (R-1) Parcel A; -� Residential - 8 DU/Acre (R-8) or.Parcels CITY:. ZIP: �0 o C, D & E-1 { PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): TELEPHONE NUMBER:. (425) 454-0566. ' Residential - 14 DU/Acre (R-14) SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): c 3 ( 00 259 SF (6.89 Acres)es IMMUBIRIMMOMMINNWONVIA6ORRINNUNINIMMINNIMMINTIO :. .. :::.... .. BE DEDICATED TA OFRO ROADWAYS TO SQUARE FOO E G . NAME: ,Richard Wagner. FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE,LOTS OR MORE (if applicable):. N/A COMPANY(if applicable): Baylis Architects PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS.PER NET ACRE (if applicable). Minimum 8 DU/Acre ADDRESS: 10801 Main Street, Suite 110 Maximum 14 DU/Acre NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS(if applicable): •CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP: 98004 N/A NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS(if applicable): 16 DU in 1st Phase. TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 454-0566 (Remainder in future phases) I>iisi€ i€€<ii i€i€ii�i i i t ii iii:iiiiiiii iTii ils'iiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii xuk::�k;::s:`.::::::c::::<::G�: :�:x�:�: :. .:: ::::. � �.. ill :iii iii3���iii iiiii��Eia�:ilia?�iie�3 t��iiu�F:i:: :.,;.�.:.aa:ra;..:::•:,•..;:.:. .... :s.:a.;•; <. r:: a !` lima .':!k>:''si!k��'a$tii�!!Ez��e�!�!!>!3i!�S! ��i�tieiagi�.:.... � :::! .. ::.` r_!!i ". ::.:.: :,,.:.:.::.:....::.:.. ::.::::. .: .:.:. iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii iigE:!i!F33!�iEgiii{!E:yi:SFk3�:E;:EE��:E:�E:E�!:!!:'s!is3s_i(E�Ffiiii:E$i;:F:Bgi;:�:!:g¢43>{i¢::bo-k.;•E.>u�E:�Eiisii:i5�i�'iiii�iii:i��!i:3i:�_iiiii{s:::iEis�:i!z:�::x?ii!iii{::iiiii§`.'iii��;;�:,u�:i�;:::�:%. !i!i::.:;.:...:.:..i<...._.€!€iiiii:.>::.: ;.:.;iiiii... :.:.F ..::.:..€€ iii€ iii €! ~;iii €>!?!€iiii<i€i iiiiis €€ iijsii i€€ iii€ iiiii �y + Cv: IEEiii iii iii €jiiiij jiij iii:iii!iiiii iii iii iiiiiij iiiij siiii�iii iiiiiiiij iiiii€iiiii�iii €i�s I" iiiRll �l. .�. . .<::,:::�:.._:.�:..�:..:::_.:::,•,.::�..,,::�:.;;:::.iii:��:�iii�::::��::�::��: iiiiiiiii is��i�i�i��iii�i!€<��!�i iiiiii�iiiii°iiijii <iii� °i�iii<€i� �€ <�iii It1�i�IF#�. ......... i!iii:>;:::s�i�iii:;:��i�!ii i''r<ii!!iEi#iii _ANNEXATION .$ SUBDIVISION: X COMP. 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CU.YDS: ) 'PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTIONS: ) _PRELIMINARY _WAIVER $ _FINAL _WETLAND PERMIT $ • _ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ _ _BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _CONDITIONAL USE $ VARIANCE $ EXEMPTION $ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ REVISION '•iijti':.'"iia`?iiiii iiiii4CEiiEj ir.�.i �:y �!.ii!,iiii��iiiijjiiij iiiE[i:3.iii?;iii[:i'rF�iii€>:.:�:o>:•:...:.:<.„:�.: i:..'I��•`.••:•••.•.••. iii•0•./:iiiii;iiiii•..!••'iii'<�iij iij iiiS iiiii•::`iiiiiiiiii•iii�iiiiii•iii':iii`i�iieiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?ii'iii iiiii{ Y�!W+ ...i.:�.::. .:T::.:.:.:.:............:�a::.:.:..:..::.:::�.:.:..:,.�.iiiii:.>::.:.:.:.:.:a.:.::.:.::.:�<,.:.:.:.::a>::;:c;:::o:• ........ iiiii. :.iiiii iiiii. .. ..... ... ........:. ... .:.. .�. ��•i'1 I, (Print Name) , declare that I am (please check one) the owner of the property involved in this application; the authorized representative to act for the property owner (please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. TTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of residing at (Name of Owner/Representative) , on the—day of 20 (Signature of Owner/Representative) (Signature of Notary Public) s I! `iii!€ iii�°'s€€=�` zil!s>!'s '' ' ' €!i��`s'€ ii' !:! ii iii i ;iiiii is!:!iiiii iiiii:i:i:i:i :i:i:i:i:i:€iiiii:€ iiiii ) :<..�: ii .....................::::�:::::��:::,:. N��:!:�!. O M:�ki. ii`>:..i's:i::r:.!i:ii i:.!:i::iE Fe.;i! �i:::�iii rni.iiii.iiii.:.E:.:.>:::♦i:ii.�i•`i:«.:,i.ii:fi..�:...:..,.�:jµY.! �y.�.YR �{i..ii!i:�.:!: .".:. :��s;.iii.�Ei.: ;..i.i�i:j•:�<•�•::.:�i..!.�:.�<<.ij:._.€ii ..:.i.ii :;�:i:ii.ii�x.iiii :� : .! �:E•.E:: �:..:. :...:.: : a P:::Kfii.:.1 i a.:��.i.i`.'..f .:.iii..ii.i..i..€....:.. ...�.�y.: .�...i:.•.iii[..�.:..i.:.;.`.'r.:3.:'s.i .:i.i ..!.;ii..i:m :.i€ii.:.:.i:.iiE:i:i'y.i• �.iii.;i:{:..i.i.:�i:t•.�.i.i: :�i•i�.:ii:w.�i }iij...i iiij•�..i; >.:i•.ii;.:ii•.iir_ii.yi: C::g. 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A./•4aJJis[0 • . tom 3 If AP- f. -ft. -- -1- i -v m g0or%• a • o b .: ''R } I CITY CODE 1'EXT REVISION PROCESS Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department CityCode Text Revision p City of Renton Economic Development, Neighborhoods,and Strategic Planning 'y�/a A H 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,WA 98055 2O.1 Phone:425-430-6588 �ga, /1' G' APPLICANT: JDA Group,LLC PHONE: (425) 891-100 ADDRESS: 95 South Tobin, Suite 201 Renton,WA 98055 E-MAIL: alhadeffjack@hotmail.com FAX#: (425) 687-1405 A process has been created to allow you to suggest changes or identify deficiencies in the City's Development Regulations. Please complete the following information. If additional pages are needed, please attach. Code to be revised: Section 1 Title of Section Residential Subtitle of Section: Residential Options and Residential Planned Neighborhood Explain what you propose to change: The text revision proposes to modify the Residential Planned Neighborhood portion to include parcels between 6 and 20 acres in total area. Explain why you are requesting this change: The text revision is being proposed in order to encourage the development of attached single family medium density townhomes in Renton by allowing parcels between 6 and 20 acres in total area to be zoned Residential — . 14 DU/Acre (R-14), thus bringing greater housing density into Renton and stimulating the growth of neighborhoods. (PLEASE SEE ATTACHED TEXT AMENDMENT.) (OVER) 1 w CITY CODE 1'hXT REVISION PROCESS Submit to: PLANNING MANAGER City Use Only: EDNSP, 6th FLOOR Staff Initiating Request: 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY Concurrence of Dept. Administrator RENTON, WA 98055 or Designee: Phone: 425-430-6588 • Proposed amendments must be submitted to Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department (EDNSP) by December 15th for consideration the following year. • Proposed amendments to the City's Development Regulations shall be reviewed by the appropriate City departments. Those that also require a Comprehensive Plan amendment shall be considered pursuant to Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-9-020. • The EDNSP Department shall issue a staff response to all proposed amendments by the first business day of May. • EDNSP shall forward the City Council a report including all proposed amendments, comments and staff responses by the first business day of May. • Upon receipt of the title 4 development regulation amendment report, the City Clerk's Office shall mail written notice to all proponents of amendment requests. This notice shall include the schedule of dates for public hearings, committee meetings, and any other opportunities for public testimony on the current year's Title 4 development regulations update as well as information for petitioning City Council to consider additional amendments. • Title 4 amendment proposals that are rejected by the City shall not be reconsidered within two,years, unless a compelling case for changed circumstances can be made. Proponents of Title 4 amendment proposals shall be notified in writing, once the status of the proposal is determined. 2 Renton Comprehensive Plan April 4, 2003 PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL PLANNED NEIGHBORHOOD General Policies Objective LU-K Create new planned residential neighborhoods in areas mapped as Residential Options (RO) and Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) which include a variety of unit types designed to incorporate features from both single family and multi family developments, and to support cost efficient housing, infill development, transit service, and the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Policy LU-41 Provision of small lot single family detached unit types, townhouses and multi family structures compatible with a single family character should be encouraged provided that density standards can be met. Policy LU-42 A range and variety of lot sizes should be encouraged. Policy LU-43 Central place public amenities should function as a focal point within the development and should include features such as a public square, open space, park, civic or commercial uses. The central place should include passive amenities such as benches and fountains, and be unified by a design motif or common theme. Policy LU-44 The dwelling types, including detached and attached units, should be clustered and connected within the overall development through the organization of roads, blocks, yards, central places and amenity features to create a neighborhood with diverse housing types. Policy LU-45 Development should occur on a flexible grid street and pathway system to the extent feasible given environmental constraints, traffic flow, and the pattern of existing development. Policy LU-46 Condominium ownership may occur in any unit type. Policy LU-47 Townhouse development should provide either condominium or fee simple homeowner opportunities. Residential Options (not applicable) As this proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) does not propose any language changes for this zone, Policy Nos. LU-48 through LU-56 have not been included here. . Proposed Text Amendment for April 4, 2003 Residential Planned Neighborhood Page 2 Policy LU-57 Areas may be mapped Residential Planned Neighborhood on the Land Use Map where the site meets the following criteria: a. E part of a designation totaling over 20 acres (acreage may be separate ownership), and: a, 1. adjacent to major arterial(s); 13, 2. adjacent to employment area and/or Centers; c 3. site is buffered from single family areas or other existing incompatible uses; and e: 4. development within the density and unit type range is achievable given environmental constraints. b. part of a designation between 6 and 20 acres (acreage may be in separate ownership), and: 1. within 1000 ft. of a major arterial from which primary vehicular access is provided; 2. within 1000 ft. of an employment area or center; 3. site is buffered from single family areas or other existing incompatible uses;.and 4. development within the density and unit type range is achievable given environmental constraints. Policy LU-58 Density in the Residential Planned Neighborhood designation should be in the range of 8 to 18 dwelling units per net acre for designations totaling over 20 acres, and should be in the range of 8 to 14 dwelling units per net acre for designations between 6 and 20 acres. Policy LU-59 a minimum of 50% of a project in the RPN designation should consist of at least one of the following primary residential types: traditional detached, zero.lot line detached, or townhouses with yards which are designed to reflect a single family character. Policy LU-60 Townhouses building clusters which qualify as a primary residential type should be limited in size so that the mass and scale within the cluster retains a single family character. Limits on the number of units which may be attached in one cluster should be established in the development regulations. Policy LU-61 Longer townhouse building clusters or other multi family building clusters, considered secondary residential types, should be limited in size so that the mass and scale of the cluster retains a small scale multi family character rather than a garden apartment development style. Limits on the number of units which may be attached in one cluster should be established in the development regulations. Policy LU-62 The mass and scale of secondary residential types pursuant to Policy LU-61 should not preclude their location adjacent to primary residential types. Proposed Text Amendment for April 4, 2003 Residential Planned Neighborhood Page 3 Policy LU-63 Projects in a Residential Planned Neighborhood designation should have no more than 50% of the units designed as secondary residential types, i.e. longer townhouse building clusters, and other multi family buildings. Policy.LU-63.1 Development standards should reflect single family neighborhood characteristics and access to public amenities and services. Policy LU-63.2 a. heights, width and length of structures should be designed to resemble single family housing, with similar setbacks from the street as single family; b. parking should be encouraged in the rear or side yards or under the structure. c. structures should be located on lots or arranged in a manner to appear like a platted development to ensure adequate light and air, and views if any, are preserved between lots or structures; d. buildings should be massed in a manner that promotes a pedestrian scale with a small neighborhood feeling; e. each dwelling unit should have an identifiable entrance and front on streets rather than courtyards and parking lots; f. fences may be constructed if they contribute to an open spacious feeling between units and structures; and g. streetscapes should include green, open space for each unit.. Policy LU-63.3 Mixed use development in the form of civic, convenience commercial development, or other non-residential structures, may be allowed in the central places of development subject to compliance with criteria established through development regulations. Residential Options (not applicable) As this proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) dopes riot propose any language changes for this zone, Objective LU-L and Policy Nos. LU-64 through LU-69 have not been included. END OF PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL PLANNED NEIGHBORHOOD Ltd 02.-1`f3 9 i AMENDMENT 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) — JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA DESCRIPTION: JDA Group, LLC has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Single Family (RSF) to Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) for the 6.89- acres of property on four parcels located between Taylor Place NW/87t Avenue S. (to the west), Rainier Avenue N. (to the east), and between NW 5th Street (to the south), and NW 7th Street(to the north). Of the 6.89 acres total, 5.6 acres is actually designated Residential Rural with Residential-1(RR), (R-1) zoning. The remaining 1.25 acres on three parcels is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) and zoned Residential-8 (R-8) zoning. Concurrent with this request is a requested rezone from Residential-8 (R-8) and Residential-1 (R-1), to Residential-14 (R-14) for the entire 6.89-acres of land. The applicant has also submitted a Comprehensive Plan text amendment that is a necessary precursor to allowing the Comprehensive Plan map amendment and zoning map amendments mentioned above. Text Amendment The proposed text amendments would expand the mapping criteria for Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) from areas of property over 20 acres in size, to areas of property over six acres in size. The proposal also allows RPN to be designated if the property is within 1,000 feet of an employment area or center, and a `major arterial.' Current mapping criteria require the property to be adjacent to employment areas or centers, and `major arterials.' ISSUE SUMMARY: 1. What effect will the proposed text amendment have on potential redesignations to Residential Planned Neighborhood(with R-14 zoning)within the City? 2. Does the-proposed map amendments meet the locational criteria for Residential Planned Neighborhood? 3. What effect will townhouses have on the surrounding single-family residential area? 4. What effects will townhouses have on commercial along Rainier Avenue? RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: • Denial of the application changing the land use designation from Residential Single Family (RSF) and Residential Rural (RR) to Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) with denial of the concurrent rezone from R-8 and R-1 to R-14. • Denial of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. Staff feels that the proposed amendment opens up too much of the City to a redesignation to Residential Planned Neighborhood when the existing Comprehensive Plan is set up to protect existing single family neighborhoods and channel growth into other areas. BACKGROUND: 2003-M-11 Issue Paper.doc\ 1 Text Amendment Analysis The applicant proposes to open up redesignation of properties to Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) from those that are over 20 acres in size, whether in single or multiple ownership, to'those from six acres or more in size. In addition, sites between six and twenty acres in size need only be 1,000 feet from a major arterial from which primary vehicular access is provided; or within 1,000 feet of an employment area or center in order to be redesignated RPN. This reduces the burden of parcel assemblage for potential developers from assembling blocks of more than 20 acres, which are more likely to be undeveloped or redevelopments of large commercial or industrial spaces, to one where only six acres needs to ..be assembled. Six acres is still a fairly large area. An analysis of parcels of residentially- zoned property that allow densities less intense than that allowed in RPN, shows that there are 312 parcels of property larger than one acre in size within the City. Of course, smaller parcels could be assembled into a large enough block to be converted to an RPN designation. However, it is more difficult to assemble a large number of very small parcels. Having one larger parcel to build off of will make parcel assemblage into a large enough block to convert to RPN more likely. It should be noted that the applicant is building his application for 6.89 acres off of a parcel of 5.6 acres and three parcels of less than one acre each. A listing of total acreage and number of parcels in each zoning type is listed below, along with a map showing where these parcels are located. Zone Number of Parcels Over 1 Total Acreage in Parcels Acre in Size Over 1 Acre in Size Resource Conservation 29 145 acres (RC) Residential-1 (R-1) 18 61 acres Residential-5 (R-5) 21 80 acres Residential-8 (R-8) 200 543 acres Residential)10 -10 44 165 acres Places that are more likely to redesignate into RPN designations under this text amendment are large lot residential areas that have not been subdivided into small lots. Areas such as residentially zoned neighborhoods near the Centers along Sunset Boulevard and NE 4th Street in the Renton Highlands, or residential areas near the commercially zoned properties along Rainier Avenue, Puget Drive, or NE 44th Street may also be candidates for redesignation. The original intent of requiring more than 20 acres was to ensure that large single-family areas within the City were not inundated with townhouse redevelopment. The proposed amendment would allow pockets of townhouse development to occur in areas that are beginning development or redevelopment into single-family neighborhoods. Staff believes that this text amendment opens up too much of the City's single-family zoning to townhouse development. Staff recommends denial of the proposed text amendment. 2003-M-11 Issue Paper.doc\ 2 • Land Use The parcels that the applicant proposes to convert to Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) are currently Residential Rural (RR) Comprehensive Plan designation with R-1 zoning (approximately 5.6 acres) and Residential Single Family (RSF) Comprehensive Plan designation with Residential-8 (R-8) zoning (approximately 1.25 acres). Employment Area Commercial Comprehensive Plan designation with Commercial Arterial(CA)zoning exists to the east of the subject parcels, while RSF designation with R-8 zoning exists to the north, west, and south of the subject site. The commercially zoned properties abutting Rainier Avenue contain a variety of auto-oriented strip commercial land uses. Residential development surrounding the subject parcels to the north, west, and south tend to be single- family homes. Those homes built on NW 6th Street west of the subject site, were built in the late 1950's to early 1960's. Property located west of the R-1 zoned portion of the subject site is vacant and includes approximately 0.64 acres of vacant R-1 zoned property. Existing homes located north of the subject site are of a variety of ages with some homes built as early as the 1920's and some homes built as late as the 1990's. The subject site itself is vacant and covered with third growth vegetation according to the applicant. The subject parcels were part of an annexation to the City of Renton that occurred in 1953. Environmental Conditions The parcels under consideration are characterized by third-growth trees and undercover. Portions of the land have steep slopes that generally separate residences to the west from commercial uses along Rainier Avenue to the east. Transportation The area is accessed via a cul-de-sac at NW 6th Street which also provides access for 14 single-family houses. The properties can also be accessed at the backs of commercial lots that front on Rainier Avenue. Steep slopes in the area make automobile access to the site potentially problematic. The applicant states that "due to the sloping terrain, developing the total 6.89 acres under the current zoning would result in a significant amount of grading necessary to bring vehicle access and utilities to each lot..." The local streets surrounding the subject parcels (NW 6th Street, NW 7th Street, and NW 5th Street) do not include sidewalks. However, as dead-end streets, they also do not have high traffic volumes or speeding vehicles. These local streets feed into Taylor Place NW, which includes King County Metro route 107 with service between Downtown Renton and Raineri Beach. Rainier Avenue, to the east, is generally inaccessible to the subject site due to intervening commercial properties. Rainier Avenue has high traffic volumes and is considered a Principal Arterial in the City's Street Classification System. ANALYSIS: The most likely options available for this piece of property include: (1) Remaining Residential Single Family (RSF) with an R-8 zone and Residential Rural (RR)with an R-1 zone; or 2003-M-11 Issue Paper.doc\ 3 • f (2) Changing to a Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) designation with a Residential-14 (R-14) zoning designation based upon the new text amendment proposed by applicant. CAPACITY ANALYSIS: Modeled theoretical capacity for existing land uses is 7 dwelling units on the R-8 portion of the site, and 6 dwelling units on the R-1 portion of the site based upon the City's buildable lands analysis. Existing zoning would allow 13 dwelling units overall. Under the proposal to change this entire area to RPN with R-14 zoning, theoretical capacity would allow 47 dwelling units on the subject parcels. REVIEW CRITERIA(Find at least one) The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan,or The request supports the adopted Business Plan goals established by the City Council,or The request eliminates conflicts with existing elements or policies,or The request amends the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate new policy directives of the City Council The request does not support the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan (see discussion below). The request also does not support the adopted Business Plan goals established by the City Council nor does it eliminate conflicts with existing elements or policies. If the City Council finds that the Comprehensive Plan text amendment is valid,then it will provide a new policy directive from the City Council that significantly changes the Comprehensive Plan. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The City's Comprehensive Plan was purposely developed to protect existing single-family areas, making transition from these areas to more intensive uses more difficult. In addition, the City's Comprehensive Plan set aside areas with larger amounts of critical areas in the Residential Rural designation to help protect'and preserve those areas from more intensive development pressure. The applicant proposes to convert both Residential Single-Family and Residential Rural parcels to more intensive Residential Planned Neighborhood. Relevant policies include: Policy LU-11. -Future residential growth should be accommodated through: a. development of new neighborhoods'in environmentally suitable vacant land on the hills and plateaus surrounding downtown; b. development of vacant parcels in Renton's established neighborhoods; c. development of single family/multi-family mix neighborhoods in appropriate locations; d. new multi family development located in Renton's downtown, as infill in existing multi family areas, and in specified Centers; 2003-M-I I Issue Paper.doc\ 4 e. mixed use commercial/residential projects in employment areas. The subject parcels are vacant parcels surrounded by an established residential neighborhood to the north, west, and south, and an established commercial strip to the east. This policy supports development of vacant parcels in Renton's established neighborhoods. The type of development supported on vacant parcels is not specified in this policy. However, new multi- ' family development is to be located in Renton's downtown, in Centers, and as infill in existing multi-family centers. Policy LU-16. In established single family neighborhoods and new low density areas, encourage single family housing types. This policy encourages single family housing types in established single family neighborhoods and new low-density areas. The subject parcels are long-standing vacant parcels surrounded by established land uses. However, the fact that the parcels are surrounded on three sides by single-family neighborhoods lends an argument to ensuring that redevelopment on these vacant parcels be more in character with single family housing types. Policy LU-16.1. In areas bordering Center designations and in areas with an existing mix of residential use types encourage a mix of single family and small scale multi family housing types designed to look like single family development with ground related entries, i.e. duplex, triplex,fourplex. Policy LU-16.1 encourages a mixture of single-family and small scale multi-family housing in areas bordering Center designations. This area borders an Employment Area along Rainier Avenue. However, the policy is intended to be applied to centers such as the Center Downtown, the Center Village, the Center Suburban, or the Center Neighborhood. The policy is also applied to areas with an existing mix of residential use types. The area in question has basically one residential type: detached unit, single-family residences. There are no townhouses, or other types of attached multi-family dwellings in the area. In fact, the slopes on the property. in question serve as a buffer between the established single-family neighborhood and the commercial properties fronting on Rainier Avenue. Policy LU-18. The City should encourage large lot single family development in Rural Residential designations providing a more rural life style in environmentally sensitive, habitat-valuable, or agriculturally resource laden areas. The City should discourage more intensive platting patterns in these areas. Over five acres of the subject area is presently in the Residential Rural (RR) Comprehensive Plan designation. Policy LU-18 discourages more intensive platting patterns in environmentally sensitive areas such as the area in question. Although the existing application only discusses details of a Phase 1 townhouse development that does not occur on the existing RR property, the applicant will be able to develop only townhouses in future phases under the RPN designation,thus making more intensive platting patterns a necessity on this property. Residential Rural 2003-M-11 Issue Paper.doc\ 5 Policy LU-26.' Maximum development densities should range from 1 home per 10 acres to 5 homes per acre in Residential Rural except in areas with significant environmental constraints including but not limited to: steep slopes, erosion hazards, floodplains, and wetlands where density shall not exceed 1 home per acre. Policy LU-26 states that maximum development densities should not exceed one home per acre where significant environmental constraints exist, including steep slopes and erosion hazards. The,entire area in question is covered with erosion hazards on the City's critical areas maps, and steep slopes of 40% or more,cover large portions of the site. This policy argues against opening this area up to densities of 8 to 14 dwelling units per acre. Policy LU-28. To provide for more efficient development patterns and maximum preservation of open space, residential development may be'clustered in Residential Rural Designations. Policy LU-28 argues for clustering of development in areas currently designated RR in the City's Comprehensive Plan. The applicant's concept is to cluster development in areas that have less environmental constraints and to leave those areas with steep slopes and other environmental constraints alone. However, the;applicant is proposing to do this with attached dwelling units which are not allowed in RR or RSF designations. Residential Single Family Objective LU-J. Protect and enhance the Residential Single Family areas, encourage re- investment and rehabilitation resulting in quality neighborhoods, improve opportunities for better public transportation, and make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. The objective from the RSF portion of the City's land use policies encourages protection and enhancement of residential single family areas. 'The applicant proposes to place phase 1 of the housing, including 16 new townhouse units, at the cul-de-sac of an existing street. Total build-out of townhouse development on the site would be between 34 and 59 townhouse units. The applicant estimates that 32-40 people will reside in phase 1 of the development with 68-150 people residing in the project at complete build-out of the development. Although building heights should not provide much impact on neighboring properties due to the proposed townhouse development type (with 30 feet in height proposed), the portions of the site that are accessed via NW 6th Street and 87th Avenue South will provide transportation impacts on the single family neighborhoods on those streets. Using the applicant's assumption of 5.8 vehicle trips per townhouse per weekday,phase 1 of the development itself will create approximately 92.8 new vehicle trips per weekday on NW 6th Street alone. This could have significant effects on the existing 15 homes that front on NW 6th Street. The applicant does not estimate what percentage of homes will access NW 6th Street and 87th Avenue South at full build-out. However, a portion of the homes are also expected to access Rainier Avenue. It appears that the proposal, while providing more efficient use of utilities and other urban services, will not protect surrounding single-family residences from transportation impacts. Residential Planned Neighborhood 2003-M-11 Issue Paper.doc\ 6 III S Policy LU-57. Areas may be mapped Residential Planned Neighborhood on the Land Use Map where the site meets the following criteria: a. adjacent to major arterial(s); b. adjacent to employment area and/or Centers; c. part of a designation totaling over 20 acres (acreage may be in separate ownership); - d. site is buffered from single family areas or other existing incompatible uses; and e. development within the density and unit type range is achievable given environmental constraints. Under existing Policy LU-57, the subject site is not eligible for conversion to the RPN designation. The site is adjacent to an employment area along Rainier Avenue, the site is partially buffered from single family areas due to the slope, and the applicant makes a case for being able to achieve the minimum required density of 8 dwelling units per acre with a townhouse unit type. However, the site is not adjacent to a major arterial, is not part of a designation of over 20 acres, and there will be some impacts on surrounding single family areas that may not be able to be mitigated by slopes or other conditions. In fact,the slope may require that a significant portion of the vehicular access to the development occur along NW 6th Street and 87th Avenue South which will impact residential neighborhoods. Policy LU-59. A minimum of 50% of a project in the RPN designation should consist of the following primary residential types: traditional detached, zero lot line detached, or townhouses with yards which are designed to reflect a single family character. The applicant proposes to develop the site with 100% townhouse development in clusters of two to four units which will reflect a single-family character in appearance. Policy LU-60. Townhouses building clusters which qualify as a primary residential type should be limited in size so that the mass and scale within the cluster retains a single family. character. Limits on the number of the units which may be attached in one cluster should be established in the development regulations. The townhouse building clusters which are being proposed are to be limited to no more than four per cluster per the applicant's proposal. This should limit the mass and scale of the development to make it fit in more with a single family neighborhood character. Policy LU-63.1. Development standards should reflect single family neighborhood characteristics and access to public amenities and services. As mentioned above, townhouses will have a 30 foot maximum height and will be constructed in clusters of 2-4 units per building. This will limit the size and scale of the development, making it fit more in character with single-family neighborhoods. The developer proposes to leave the steep slope areas covered in natural vegetation, and the slope of the hill will help 2003-M-11 Issue Paper.doc\ 7 J t° hide some of the development from the single-family neighborhood to the west. However,the poor public transit service in the area, as well as the steep hill serving as a deterrent to walking and bicycling, make automobile dependence in this new development a practical reality. Traffic impacts on the surrounding single-family neighborhoods may be significant depending upon how much of the full development is accessed via Rainier Avenue. ZONING CONCURRENCY: A concurrent change from Residential-8 (R-8) and Residential-1 (R-1) to Residential-14 (R- 14)zoning designation is proposed. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION The proposed amendment meets the review criteria in 4-9-020.G (Comp Plan review criteria): i. The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan, or ii. The request supports the adopted Business Plan goals established by the City Council,or iii. The request eliminates conflicts with existing elements or policies, or iv. The request amends the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate new policy directives of the City Council. See above for how this proposal does not support the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan. Also, as earlier discussed, the proposal does not meet the adopted Business Plan goals established by the City Council; the proposal does not eliminate conflicts with existing elements or policies; nor does the,request accommodate new policy directives of the City Council that have been set forth prior to submittal. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set for the Comprehensive Plan, The property is classified at RR and RSF in the Comprehensive Plan. These designations do not support the R-14 zoning classification requested by the applicant. The proposal does not meet Comprehensive Plan map amendment criteria set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. At least one of the following circumstances applies: i. The subject reclassification was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning;or ii. Since the most recent land use analysis or area zoning of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone significant and material change. 2003-M-11 Issue Paper.doc\ 8 The RPN designation did not exist at the time that the Comprehensive Plan was developed in 1995. Therefore, the existence of this new Comprehensive Plan designation make it appropriate to consider at this time. However, the subject site does not meet the mapping criteria outlined in Policy LU-57, and staff is recommending rejection of the applicant's Comprehensive Plan text amendment that would alter Policy LU-57. CONCLUSION: The City's Comprehensive Plan is designed to protect existing single-family neighborhoods from encroachment by multi-family and commercial development. In addition, the existing Comprehensive Plan places properties with significant amounts of environmental critical areas in a designation currently known as Residential Rural (RR) and protects them by allowing no more than one dwelling unit per net acre on them. The applicant proposes a development which would convert approximately 5.6 acres of RR property, and approximately 1.25 acres of Residential Single Family (RSF) property into Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN), allowing up to 14 dwelling units per acre. Under existing mapping criteria, the applicant's proposal does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant proposed a Comprehensive Plan text amendment that the applicant felt would make their proposal compliant with Comprehensive Plan policies relating to the RPN, most significantly, the mapping criteria in Policy LU-57. The City proposes rejection of both the Comprehensive Plan text amendment and the proposed Comprehensive Plan map amendment and associated rezone. The applicant's Comprehensive Plan text amendment would allow RPN designation, and its consequent R-14 zoning in any area of six acres or more in size that are near to a major arterial from which primary vehicular access is provided as well as an employment area or center. The existing criteria requires at least 20 acres in size. The existing designation is designed to make it difficult to convert existing areas that are already developed to RPN designation. By requiring 20 acres, the City has basically limited RPN designations to greenfield developments that meet the remaining criteria, limiting secondary impacts of the new development on established neighborhoods. The applicant, by reducing the acreage requirement to almost one fourth that required in existing Comprehensive Plan policy, is opening up townhouse development to areas that have closer proximity to existing single- family neighborhoods. It should be noted that the existing and proposed policy language both allow the acreage to occur in separate ownership. Therefore, any combination of parcels that makes six acres.in size, and meets the remaining criteria, would be eligible for conversion to RPN. Since it is unlikely that commercial, center, industrial, or multi-family zones would be converted to RPN designations due to the higher densities and/or commercial values inherent in those properties, the net effect of the applicant's proposal is to allow conversion of lower density residential zones into RPN designations. This would have the effect of allowing townhouses in closer proximity to existing single-family neighborhoods than they have traditionally been allowed in the City. The applicant's proposal also removes the more stringent requirement in the revised LU-57 of requiring the properties proposed for redesignation to be adjacent to a major arterial and adjacent to employment areas and/or centers. The effect of this is to allow properties that are not abutting arterials and/or employment areas/centers to be redesignated to RPN with R-14 zoning. This will allow townhouse and other low-scale multi-family in many more areas of the City than currently 2003-M-11 Issue Paper.doc\ 9 4' I• allowed,removing some protections to both residential single-family properties and properties with zoning designations designed to protect environmentally critical areas. The applicant's own proposal may not even meet the criteria outlined in the Comprehensive Plan text amendment, since the applicant is proposing a development of which its entire Phase 1 will not be accessed via Rainier Avenue (a major arterial), but rather by NW 6th Street (a residential cul-de-sac). It is unknown how many of the units at full build-out, given the steep slope topography, would be able to access the major arterial of Rainier Avenue for vehicular access. For these reasons, staff recommends rejection of the Comprehensive Plan text amendments submitted by the applicant. The proposal does not meet the vision embodied in the City's Comprehensive Plan. As shown above,!the applicant has had to submit!a Comprehensive Plan text amendment in an attempt to make the proposal fit into the City's Comprehensive Plan. However, the applicant proposes to add 34 to 59 attached townhouses to 4.22 net acres of land (after subtracting critical areas from the 6.89 acres total), with between 68 and 118 people living in these townhouse units, creating 197 to 342 new vehicle trips each weekday. Even if the townhouse units blend in well with the surrounding neighborhood, the amount of traffic generated on cul- de-sacs and small residential streets that dead-end at the slope of this hill will have significant impact on the single-family residential community that currently exists in the vicinity of this proposal. The most specific plans that the applicant has provided at this time is of Phase 1 of development which will consist of 16 townhouses near NW 6th Street, with 32-40 people in residence, and approximately 92.8 new vehicle trips on NW 6th Street each weekday. Staff recommends rejection of the proposed Comprehensive Plan map amendment and associated rezone. 2003-M-11 Issue PaP er.doc\ • 10 :" 3-5iE' ' II 11111111 RI�1111Y1 � Amil -70 z Ild P I -1-E-31:-. E_______ ,. , _. , , c:, / ,. 41 : ' ' 111 n1 rai 1111 BO MI. 2 - ii: !: Ii . —— d �'�11 �w � � �� Q 1'IIIIIINip ___J !PIiiIM 'IJ MI 1 ) 1_4 \ • at ,, s , ,,,45,tn sk 0,,,,, Kiwi _aN � Wlik t. IIIIIV no Lk:, 4 MiltdiA ______ I 4*41 i ii1 ____— L_____ r * 1 ..._ ...., ..... , 1 - I _ a)" •._ I Il II _.) 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I I JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143) - Erosion Hazzard Map 1 : 3600 a4y- o�,, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning + * Alex Pitsch,Adminisvator Corporate Boundary ` G.Det Rosario Study Area �ANTo' 14 July 2003 Erosion Hazzard Boundary 11 J III i / 5 ` \ L 1 1 III o 1 VERY IGH — •.` �Oh .41 Y l 60 < F-___ 7 . cry — ________7-3 NM ‘11.-, ill .. IN im ___________ _ INN K/ ilk I\ imp!%iii, r\ 41111"0011A 25t ,Th st 1 . r ,--'- la Qlph ` t Ilk III \ \0_,11 "AI 44.11 , (.._.) L\---\ IllA L------- illgikk —Ill A • I IT" ip IGH ICI -----CT-1 0 i JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143)-Slide Hazzard Map GtiSY o,,,, 1 Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning 1 : 3600 Alex Pietsch,Administrator — — Corporate Boundary G.Del Rosario Study Area '-"Iwro$ la July 2003 • Slide Hazzard Boundary Existing Proposed lisommonlia R.—8- -MI 11 'A LIIIIIIION1611,,61111 R— : 1,01111/16".. IR- .,- Lin to Ku ilirimiliilleis -_- 11/111111. _ ._ __ ____ __ _ _, __..... _.._ , _______NIN R...-8 P ,.,,,,...„,, 101 . ..4...kr.',.\''''..:::,...,'A.,.,,,:. , ..... .... ......... • Ii R_8 �,ei . .... CI ) R 8 R 1 / .,....., C A - ' . ;4:r:_,a'y 3..fie.,,.. .L.^ti,,,,:v: ,r / Wk._ „ .., .. ., 0 . , - t ,, . lc I S SYa y 1 , ^"v - ,,,,.... ,,,,, \I\I ....::„.....„,„„,,,„ ::::, : :. :,.. Bs S :: r *, , N . : „,-,,', Sy... '" ,.rr .. . .._........ ., .. f ' , : 4 i . NiS , \ 1:. \ , ' ' " " " — • • 3 :. ...__. ,. „T, , ...• , s. .. ... . .. . ..: .. . : : : ./t.,: ,....‘,. .. .., —7c—_)- - .,--,, v^ .. ....... ' J ----.\ . V ... INN JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone 0 300 600 Employment Area Commercial 2003-M-11 (LUA 02-143 - Existingand Proposed Landuse Designation O EmploymentArealndustrial ` 'J"'"''"'�__ '"'''""`''"'''''`'"''''''"''' DEEM Employment Area OfficeS. UtiS o{ Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning lid Residential Multi-Family Infill 1 : 3600 Alex Pietsch,Administrator Residential Planned Neighborhood G.Del Rosario Study Area • Residential Rural ANzo$ i a Duly 2003 — — Corporate Boundary n Residential Single Family Rainier Avenue. Mixed-Use Renton, Washington December 13, 2002. April 4,.2003 Updated COMPREHENSIVE PLAN.AMENDMENT.-.RESIDENTIAL ITEM 9. PROJECT NARRATIVE Project Summary This project proposes a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone for existing R-1 and R-8 residentially-zoned property between N.W. 6th Street and Rainier Avenue North in Renton, Washington. Descriptions of the existing site and proposed changes are noted below. Project Site The project site is composed of four parcels of land located between 87th Avenue S./Taylor Place N.W. (to the west) and Rainier Avenue N. (to the east), and between N.W. 5th Street (to the south) and N.W. 7th St. (to the north), and labeled as Parcels A, C, D and E-1 on the attached Parcel Map. All parcels are vegetated by third growth trees and undercover, with no structures built to-date. Portions of the land have steep slopes - most of which have been created by man's intervention over 50 years ago — all with geologically stable hillsides. Project Goals - Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Text Amendment and•Rezone for Residential Attached Housing I . Due to the sloping terrain, developing the total of 6.89 acres under the current zoning would result in a significant amount of grading necessary to bring vehicle access and utilities to each • lot, plus a substantial amount of earthwork needed to fit house foundations into the slopes. This resultant loss of vegetation would not only be detrimental to the land and public sense of open space, but would create housing with high development costs, making units less' affordable for the local market. In an effort to build housing that has a minimal impact on the land, minimizes demands on public services, fits the residential scale of the neighborhood, creates a greater sense of community, and is more affordable, this project proposes to consolidate all housing in clusters, each located within 1,000 feet of a major arterial. The first phase of the project would occur on Parcels C & E-1 at the eastern end of,the cul-de-sac of N.W. 6th Street. The best suited housing would be duplexes and four-plexes formed in clusters. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Narrative Page 2 Since the R-1 and R-8 zones do not allow attached dwelling units, since no single family homes are proposed, and since the R-14 zone is the least intensive zone that allows such housing types, the project requests a rezone of Parcel A from R-1 to R-14, and a rezone of Parcels C, D and E-1 from R-8 to R-14. Further, since the R-14 zone is only allowed in the Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) Comprehensive Plan Designation, the project requests such change in designation. In the first phase, all units could be built with up to two stories plus basement and up to 30 feet tall, and cover up to 50% of the developed area with building area (no maximum set for ' overall impervious surface area). Drive lanes and utility access would come from NW 6th Street. By clustering all the housing on the site, environmentally critical areas (e.g. steep slopes) would remain undeveloped. In order to conserve land and shorten connections to City utilities and services, all housing would be attached as townhouses and located within 1,000 feet of a major arterial. The first phase would be located at the eastern end of N.W. 6th Street. In requesting a rezone of Parcel A from R-1 to R-14, and a rezone of Parcels C, D and E-1 from R-8 to R-14, this project would provide housing at a minimum density of 8 DU/acre, and a maximum density of 14 DU/acre. • Responses to Comprehensive Plan Amendment Decision Criteria A. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment(and any associated Rezone) bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety, or welfare. Response: This proposal will contribute to the public health, safety and welfare by providing additional market-rate housing in an existing single-family residential neighborhood. This addition of homes will help create a greater sense of community and preserve adjacent open space for all to see and enjoy. I, I Comprehensive Plan Amendment Narrative Page 3 B. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment(and any associated Rezone) addresses changing circumstances or the needs of the City as a whole. Response: In the past five years the region has experienced an increased awareness in balancing the needs for providing housing close to the downtown core, preserving open space and minimizing the impacts for increased public services. By providing new housing clustered on a small portion of the site, this project will preserve most of the existing open space: Impacts will be minimized for public services by locating the housing at the cul-de-sac of an established residential street. Utility connections will be kept to a minimum, as well as maintaining short access distances for fire and life-safety personnel. C. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment(and any associated Rezone)is compatible with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan or other goals or policies of the City. Response: This proposal is compatible with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan by •Enhancing the sense of community and neighborhood identity of an existing residential street. •Supporting public transportation and make efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. •Providing townhouse dwelling units that offer variety from the existing single-family houses. •Creating housing that is scaled to existing houses and is interesting in character. •Building clustered housing that is a visually attractive, safe, and healthy place to live. •Locating housing that supports an increased connection to the neighborhood—thus reducing any sense of isolation for new inhabitants. D. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment(and any associated Rezone)is compatible and not materially detrimental to adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods. Response:. This project proposes to locate housing adjacent to properties with R-8 and CA zoning. Separation of buildings will allow light, air, and views from the site to the street. The buildings will be respectful of the neighborhood scale by modulated building forms, gabled roofs, staggered building footprints, and maximum two stories in height plus basements. A buffer will be maintained between new housing and the existing R-8 zone to the north, west and south, and CA zone to the east. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Narrative Page 4 E. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment(and any associated Rezone)will not result in development which will adversely impacts community facilities, including but not limited to utilities, transportation,parks and schools. Response: In the first phase of the project, by clustering new housing at the cul-de-sac of an existing neighborhood street, any adverse impacts on community facilities will be kept to a minimum. The total number of 16 dwelling units will represent a density of 8 DU/acre for this portion of the site. Future phases will include development at a density between 8 and 14 DU/acre. . F. The subject property is suitable for development in general conformance with zoning standards under the proposed zoning classification. . Response: In analyzing the site conditions, including existing topography, vegetation, soils, neighborhood development patterns and available open space, it can be determined that the site is suitable for development under the proposed R-14 zoning classification.. END OF NARRATIVE • • rNEW • . 2Qa) 135Z� c` �` , Section--_•Township- • Range Short Plat Rec.No. Sanctity of Contract - STEWART TITLE.LE Volume Page__ ' el •, •0r//��A'A,`\\•Ir j J 0 2 _e\ 1 • o tip• w • ��q}e'eaC1 :z w © O i`V o 31 i 1ae i j AT. YOL g�7Ct• 4 i1 ,!• 0 ._ o z x,, :�,�,I. z p,S�11NTON 440 • T.�' A —1=:°®" -�'� ` AT1 ER K' ,,� s ,�°�•_ �42os �•11� • • �T 1 Tr •• t (orr.rc•+++reran/ar•) • S. 122ND ST. sl.n i -/s.s. — — o 3 37.oe . »• .. 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V-•lt .44 0 Pa.., v .J 17 `I• .. . . , "'Irl ° 1yaL /N '.-`'•1r 4 :tssr' nr. n•raTCy �` ¢tSy.;¢ • .:.I y 1 , W.+ arcs• 1 -t_= ,6 • • y ;Il ere.",• y� '••S. ,s "-.L ~ 0 `r 0 • 1�4 w a r. ' 6 a�� ..Z{ ,to-• r -IJ• �.h . ° �� ,a•� $ yr ,'.� _•; aF • '�I+ 1 9 . ter 0 6 •v�v .• s,• L :a..., _. ac.,_ . •, t.11 �r . . j+_ a. j r1` r3� "?• w, +•. •�'-��.rrs-,r.s• _. +a_ i•' • �_ + 12 :;:• • • •.,... 1 :6 '� r••`•,1� • o F1.'•vim ' �•� _ o s� �'..ry' la ▪ a%' • I 1 • O ! } •1• • e arT��� ° v .;' :r—e S. 126TH ,r,TJ l3 l ��a �� 17 o~. !3 c�.•5t' 0.4 _ i7•' '•�a.ra, t •r.... .7 •. • • ..• 1 .,:1 e1 ra•:rss r• w� :. Y ,7 ..a rt s�• ,ra.c✓ G 24 7. Al • - ° 3 �Oa • 13, si ^ y Is•{a i a ! -1 • provided without charge for your-information. It is not in ded to show all matters relateda of,nor does it odcludin but not is • but not limited to area,dimensions,easements,encroachments or loc on of boundaries. It is not a p { it commment or policy to which it is attached. The company assu s NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this sketch. Referee should be made to an accurate survey for further information. ,a l'.-.1 . P uSe f G,474v Isola pisL 11OT.Ppfir ' Rainier Avenue Mixed Use M2-0589 4-4-03 Comprehensive Plan Amendment See Property Map.for Parcel locations :Zontn Anal:,s t Extsttn :All9,3t50ensi } Existing Assumed Min.DU/ Max.DU/ Parcel Number Zone Gross Area" - Steep Slopes = Net Area Net Acre Required Net Acre Allowed Remarks A** 9564800007 R-1 227,500 SF - 116,256 SF = 111,244 SF 2.55 Acres — — 1 2.6 DU C 9564800070 R-8 18,572 SF - — = 18,572 SF 0.43 Acres 5 2.1 DU 8 3.4 DU D 9564800106 R 8 12,144 SF - — = 12,144 SF 0.28 Acres 5 1.4 DU 8 2.2 DU E-1 9564800110 R-8 42,043 SF - — = 42,043 SF 0.97.Acres 5 4.8.DU 8 7.7 DU Northern portion of parcel. 300,259 SF - 116,256 SF = 184,003 SF 4.22 Acres 8.4.DU 15.9.DU 6.89 Acres omn :Anal'sis�=:`Pro"osedAllowed-;Densi� ,�-ss<:; s-..:::5..%�•:.,.......w.t.w�..inw..x_..�.....e......i..S.....«:3::.,...e. 5 ......w......«+.:a:.a'._...e.:.��:..�..,_.w>..._,..._.._.._._- ...ti._....__.... .......—... ....... Proposed Assumed Min. DU/ Max.DU/ Parcel Number Zone Gross Area" - Steep Slopes = Net Area Net Acre Required Net Acre Allowed Remarks A** 9564800007 R-1 227,500 SF - 116,256 SF = 111,244 SF 2.55 Acres 8 20.4 DU 14 35.8 DU C 9564800070 R-8 18,572 SF - — = 18,572 SF 0.43 Acres 8 3.4 DU 14 6.0 DU D 9564800106 R-8 12,144 SF - — = 12,144.SF 0.28 Acres 8 2.2 DU 14 3.9 DU E-1 9564800110 R-8 42,043 SF - — = 42,043.SF 0.97 Acres 8 7.7 DU 14 13.5 DU Northern portion of parcel. 300,259 SF - 116,256.SF = 184,003.SF 4.22 Acres 33.8 DU 59.1 DU 6.89.Acres Footnotes * Gross parcel area from King County Assessor information. ** .Based on the Comprehensive.Plan Amendment(CPA)98-M-3,the area for Parcel A has been reduced by.18,000.SF,to account for the 90'x 200' portion of land redesignated to Parcel G. ` 1• I 1:1111:Ei:111:!ENviRiokiNim,FISI IT N ............................................................... PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can • , be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if questions do not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some. questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal. Even if you plan to do them over a period of ; time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. Environmental Checklist A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Rainier Avenue Mixed Use - Residential 2. Name of Owner: JDA Group, LLC Name of Applicant: Richard L. Wagner - BAYLIS ARCHITECTS 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 10801 Main Street, Suite 110 4. Date checklist prepared: December 13, 2002 April 4, 2003 Updated 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton, Development Services Division 6. Proposed timing or schedule(including phasing, if applicable): - Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Early 2003 - Begin construction for Phase 1 in Summer 2003 - Construction complete in Spring of 2004 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No. All construction will occur at one time. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. The site has been reviewed for location of any wetlands by B-Twelve Associates, Ecological Services, and for steep slopes, and determination of steep slope stability by The Riley Group, Geotechnical Engineer. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. There are no pending approvals or proposals 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. None. 2 Environmental Checklist 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. This project proposes to construct 34-59 attached townhouse dwelling units (DU) grouped in clusters on 6.89 gross / 4.22 net acres of land, with a density of 8-14 DU/net acre. The townhouses would be arranged as duplexes and four-plexes; two stories plus basement and up to a 30-feet height. To achieve this program, the property must change Comprehensive Plan Designations from Residential Single Family to Residential Planned Neighborhood, and must be rezoned from R-1 and R-8 classifications to R-14 zoning, using a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone with the City of Renton. The first phase would be clustered on and screened from the east cul-de-sac of N.W. 6th Street. Future phases would be identified on other portions of the site. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The site is located between 87th Avenue S./Taylor Place N.W. (to the west) and Rainier Avenue N. (to the east), and between N.W 5th Street Jto the south) and N.W. 7th St. (to the north), in Renton, Washington. This project has an eastern overlook of the Renton Airport. Please see the legal description and vicinity map in the enclosed package for the Comprehensive Plan amendment and Rezone application. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other The site is hilly with some steep slopes. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximately percent slope)? Steepest slopes on the site are approximately 60%. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Soils are generally loam and clay variety. 3 Environmental Checklist d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. Quite the opposite, the site has a history of being excavated in the 1950's for fill materials for the Renton Airport and construction of Interstate 405. The resulting hillsides -with manmade steep slopes - have been found to be geologically stable. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximately quantities of any filler or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The project site proposes a cut/fill balanced by materials on adjacent sites to provide suitable grading for the proposed townhouses and vehicle access. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe It is possible that some erosion could occur as a result of clearing and grading. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Final impervious area will be approximately 50% of net site area- compared with 35%-50% allowed under current zoning. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: We expect to reduce and control erosion using erosion-prevention practices as recommended by the project soils engineer and approved by the City of Renton. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During construction, emissions to the air would include occasional dust raised during the clearing and construction process, plus some diesel exhaust fumes from operating earth-moving vehicles and trucks. After the project is completed and occupied, emissions to the air would be those associated with general residential uses: exhaust from automobiles entering and leaving the site; exhaust venting of air from kitchens and bathrooms; venting of gas furnaces. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any. Kitchen exhaust fans would be filtered; venting of gas furnaces would be directed away from contact with people. • Environmental Checklist 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- ; round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There are delineated wetlands on an adjacent parcel of land located to the south and within the site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No. The wetlands have been identified within 200 feet of the proposed areas for development on the project site. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Does not apply. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Does not apply. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. Does not apply. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. Does not apply. C b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general • description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. Does not apply. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following • chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s)are expected to serve. No. Does not apply. 5 • Environmental Checklist c. Water Runoff(including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? With this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Storm water runoff will be collected from buildings and vehicular paved areas, held in an approved water detention vessel (e.g., underground tank), then filtered and gradually released into the City storm water sewer system. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. Does not apply. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: All exposed open land resulting from grading and construction will be landscaped with appropriate ground cover planting to hold the soil and . control any potential surface runoff. 4 PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: . x deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other x evergreen tree:fir, cedar, pine, other x shrubs x grass pasture crop or grain water plants:water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Trees and general lower canopy woodland plants will be removed for buildings and paving. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None. • d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Landscaping around the fronts of townhouses and in common pedestrian/vehicle areas will include ornamental shrubs and small areas of grass lawn. All other areas disrupted by construction activity will be planted with native vegetation to both provide suitable ground cover and visually blend into the surrounding forest. 6 Environmental Checklist 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other son birds Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver,other small fauna Fish: bass, salmon,trout, herring, shellfish, other none b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Of the non-impervious areas, emphasis will be placed on reintroducing native plants - grass lawn areas will be minimized. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Gas furnaces will be used for water and space heating. Electricity will provide additional power and lighting, etc. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. This project will allow more sunlight to reach adjacent properties to the west, giving them some potential to make use of solar energy. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The project will be constructed to meet the current standards of the Washington State Energy Code, as well as working with any energy conservation programs established by the City of Renton. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. Does not apply. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services are anticipated. 7 • Environmental Checklist 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: There are no environmental health hazards foreseen coming from this project. b. Noise: 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, aircraft, other)? The noise generated by airplane/jet takeoffs and landings at Renton Airport affect this site. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short-term noises will be generated from construction equipment, materials delivery trucks, and sound of houses being built. These noises would occur primarily Monday through Friday, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. On a long-term basis, noise would be generated by vehicles entering and leaving the site, plus the everyday sounds associated with people living in homes. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: During construction of each phase, this project will comply with all noise standards established by the City of Renton. Once the townhouses are occupied, the City of Renton residential noise standards will apply. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The entire site is currently undeveloped. There are residential properties to the north (R-8 zone), west (R-8 zone- existing single-family houses, and south (R-8 zone). Commercial properties (zoned CA)with some small-scale buildings occur to the east. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No. • c. Describe any structures on the site. None. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,what? None. 8 Environmental Checklist e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Current Zoning: - Residential - 1 DU/Acre (R-1); Parcel A - Residential - 8 DU/Acre (R-8); Parcels C, D & E-1 This checklist is part of an application for a rezone of all parcels to Residential - 14 DU/Acre (R-14) zoning. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Current Comprehensive Plan Designation - Residential Single Family This checklist is part of an application for a change of the Designation to Residential Planned Neighborhood. g. If applicable,what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Does not apply. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Steep slopes occur on the site which were created by previous road, utility and barrow activities. As described in Item 1d above, the slopes are geologically stable. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Assuming between 2-2.5 people per townhouse, approximately 68-118 (minimum) and 85-150 (maximum) people would reside in the project when all portions of the project are fully developed. Initially, the Phase 1 work proposes 16 townhouses, which would result in 32-40 people in residence. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None. Does not apply. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Please see the narrative portion of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment/ Rezone application package. 9 Environmental Checklist 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. The first phase of the project would provide 16 townhouses for middle- income residents. Ultimately, zoning density would allow for 34-59 dwelling units for the entire site. b. . Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None. Does not apply. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Townhouses will be approximately 30 feet in height. The buildings are planned to receive cement-fiberboard lap siding and shingles. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? No current views exist due to vegetation. After construction there will be some limited view created through the project to Lake Washington, the' Renton Airport, and into the open space. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any. For Phase 1, the main floors of the townhouses will be positioned around 8- 10 feet below the height of the cul-de-sac, thus reducing the apparent height and bulk of the buildings as seen from N.W. 6th Street. Existing vegetation will be retained on the perimeter of the property - rear of townhouses - to visually screen the site as seen from below along Rainier Avenue North. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? During hours of limited/no daylight, the project will produce light associated with residential properties: house lights, illuminated windows, and lights from vehicles entering and leaving the site. No glare is anticipated as a result of constructing the townhouses. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. See response to Item lob above. io Environmental Cheddist c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Light from the Renton Airport may affect this project. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: The project will use window treatments in townhouses to control light and glare impacts. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Walking and biking on residential streets. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so,describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. Usable passive open space and play areas. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None. Does not apply. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None. Does not apply. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None. Does not apply. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Phase 1 will be accessed via N.W. 6th Street. Future phases will be accessed from 87th Ave. S. and Rainier Ave. N. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The site is not currently served by public transit. Metro bus Route 107 is nearby on 87th Ave. S. and Taylor Place NW, with transit stops between 200-800 feet from the site. T Environmental Checklist c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Phase 1 will provide 30 parking spaces for residents and guests. There are no current parking spaces provided on the site. Future phases of construction would provide on-site parking as required under the proposed zoning. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Phase 1 will be accessed from the existing street: NW 6th Street. Only minor improvements to the street (e.g., sidewalk at the cul-de-sac) are anticipated. Future phases may connect to 87th Ave. S. or Rainier Ave. N. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. Does not apply. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. The project anticipates 5.8 vehicular trips per townhouse per weekday. Using the values noted in Item 9a above, this would total between 197-342 trips; 50% entering and 50% exiting. Peak volumes would occur during the weekdays from 7-9 a.m. and from 4-6 p.m. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Residents will be notified of public transportation available via Metro buses. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care,schools, other)? If so,generally describe. The addition of 16 townhouses for Phase 1 will create a small increased need for public services. The ultimate development of 34-59 DU (total for site) would generate an increased need for public services. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Th the townhouses ownhous s togect would ether. For ize direct hs impact nNW 6t1Stre t services the project willclustering make very efficient use of all public services. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities current available at the site: electricity, natural qas, water, refuse service, telephone,sanitary sewer, septic system, other. See underlined items above. 12 Environmental Checklist b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Electricity: Puget Sound Energy Natural Gas: Puget Sound Energy Water: City of Renton Refuse/Recycling:• Waste Management Telephone: Qwest Sanitary Sewer: City of Renton During construction, there will be a need for temporary electrical service, plus hooking-up permanent service for electricity, natural gas, water, telephone and sanitary sewer. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non- significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: • Name Printed: Richard Wagner Date: April 4, 2003 Updated ENVCHLST.DOC REVISED 6/98 13 CITY CODE TEXT REVISION PROCESS conomic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department City :Code Text Revisions City of Renton Economic Development, Neighborhoods,and Strategic Planning 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,WA 98055 Phone:425-430-6588 APPLICANT: JDA Group,LLC PHONE: (425) 891-1002 ADDRESS: 95 South Tobin, Suite 201 Renton,WA 98055. E-MAIL: alhadeffjacka,hotmail.com FAX#: (425) 687-1405 A process has been created to allow you to suggest changes or identify deficiencies in the City's Development Regulations. Please complete the following information. If additional pages are needed, please attach. Code to be revised: Section 1 Title of Section Residential Subtitle of Section: Residential Options and Residential Planned Neighborhood Explain what you propose to change: The text revision proposes to modify the Residential Planned Neighborhood portion to include parcels between 6 and 20 acres in total • area. Explain why you are requesting this change: The text revision is being proposed in order to encourage the development of attached single family medium density townhomes in Renton by allowing parcels between 6 and 20 acres in total area to be zoned Residential — 14 DU/Acre (R-14),'thus bringing greater housing density into Renton and stimulating the growth of neighborhoods. (PLEASE SEE ATTACHED TEXT AMENDMENT.) (OVER) 1 r • CITY CODE TEXT REVISION PROCESS Submit to: PLANNING MANAGER City Use Only: EDNSP, 6th FLOOR Staff Initiating Request: 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY Concurrence of Dept. Administrator RENTON, WA 98055 or Designee: Phone: 425-430-6588 ■ Proposed amendments must be submitted to Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department (EDNSP) by December 15th for consideration the following year. ■ Proposed amendments to the City's Development Regulations shall be reviewed by the appropriate City departments. Those that also require a Comprehensive Plan amendment shall be considered pursuant to Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-9-020. ■ The EDNSP Department shall issue a staff response to all proposed amendments by the first business day of May. ■ EDNSP shall forward the City Council a report including all proposed amendments, comments, and staff responses by the first business day of May. ■ Upon receipt of the title 4 development regulation amendment report, the City Clerk's Office shall mail written notice to all proponents of amendment requests. This notice shall include the schedule of dates for public hearings, committee meetings, and any other opportunities for public testimony on the current year's Title 4 development regulations update as well as information for petitioning City Council to consider additional amendments. ■ Title 4 amendment proposals that are rejected by the City shall not be reconsidered within two years, unless a compelling case for changed circumstances can be made. Proponents of Title 4 amendment proposals shall be notified in writing, once the status of the proposal is determined. 2 • Renton Comprehensive Plan April 4, 2003 • PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL PLANNED NEIGHBORHOOD General Policies Objective LU-K Create new planned residential neighborhoods in areas mapped as Residential Options (RO) and Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) which include a variety of unit types designed to incorporate features from both single family and multi family developments, and to support cost efficient housing, infill development, transit service, and the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Policy LU-41. Provision of small lot single family detached unit types, townhouses and multi family structures compatible with a single family character should be encouraged proyided that density standards can be met. Policy LU-42 A range and variety of lot sizes should be encouraged. Policy LU-43 Central place public amenities should function as a focal point within the development and should include features such as a public square, open space, park, civic or commercial uses. The central place should include passive amenities such as benches and fountains, and be unified by a design motif or common theme. Policy LU-44 The dwelling types, including detached and attached units, should be clustered and connected within the overall development through the organization of roads, blocks, yards, central places and amenity features to create a neighborhood with diverse housing types. • Policy LU-45 Development should occur on a flexible grid street and pathway system to the extent feasible given environmental constraints, traffic flow, and the pattern of existing development. Policy LU-46 Condominium ownership may occur in any unit type. Policy LU-47 Townhouse development should provide either condominium or fee simple homeowner opportunities. Residential Options (not applicable) As this proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) does not propose any language changes for this zone, Policy Nos. LU-48 through LU-56 have not been included here. Proposed Text Amendment for April 4, 2003 Residential Planned Neighborhood Page 2 . I . Policy LU-57 Areas may be mapped Residential Planned Neighborhood on the Land Use Map where the site meets the following criteria: a. e7 part of a designation totaling over 20 acres (acreage may be separate ownership), and: 1. adjacent to major arterial(s); , 137 2. adjacent to employment area and/or Centers; e 3. site is buffered from single family areas or other existing incompatible uses; and e: 4. development within the density and unit type range is achievable given environmental constraints. b. part of a designation between 6 and 20 acres (acreage may be in separate ownership), and: 1. within 1000 ft. of a major arterial from which primary vehicular access is provided; 2. within 1000 ft. of an employment area or center; 3.. site is buffered from single family areas or other existing incompatible uses; and 4. development within the density and unit type range is achievable given environmental constraints. Policy LU-58 Density in the Residential Planned Neighborhood designation-should be in the range of 8 to 18 dwelling units per net acre for designations totaling over 20 acres, and should be in the range of 8 to 14 dwelling units per net acre for designations between 6 and 20 acres. Policy LU-59 a minimum of 50% of a project in the RPN designation should consist of at least one of the following primary residential types: traditional detached, zero lot line detached, or townhouses with yards which are designed to reflect a single family character. Policy LU-60 Townhouses building clusters which qualify as a primary residential type should be limited in size so that the mass and scale within the cluster retains a single family character. Limits on the number of units which may be attached in one cluster should be established in the II development regulations. Policy LU-61 Longer townhouse building clusters or other multi family building clusters, considered secondary residential types, should be limited in size so that the mass and scale of the cluster retains a small scale multi family character rather than a garden apartment development style. Limits on the number of units which may be attached in one cluster should be established in the development regulations. Policy LU-62 . The mass and scale of secondary residential types pursuant to Policy LU-61 should not preclude their location adjacent to primary residential types. • Proposed Text Amendment for April 4, 2003 Residential Planned Neighborhood Page 3 Policy LU-63 Projects in a Residential Planned Neighborhood designation should have no more than 50% of the units designed as secondary residential types, i.e. longer townhouse building clusters, and other multi family buildings. Policy LU-63.1 Development standards should reflect single family neighborhood characteristics and access to public amenities and services. Policy LU-63.2 a. heights, width and length of structures should be designed to resemble single family housing, with similar setbacks from the street as single family; b. parking should be encouraged in the rear or side yards or under the structure. c. structures should be located on lots or arranged in a manner to appear like a platted development to ensure adequate light and air, and views if any, are preserved between lots or structures; d. buildings should be massed in a manner that promotes a pedestrian scale with a small neighborhood feeling; e. each dwelling unit should have an identifiable entrance and front on streets rather than courtyards and parking lots; f. fences may be constructed if they contribute to an open spacious feeling between units and structures; and g. streetscapes should include green, open space for each unit. • Policy LU-63.3 Mixed use development in the form of civic, convenience commercial development, or other non-residential structures, may be allowed in the central places of development subject to compliance with criteria established through development regulations. Residential Options (not applicable) As this proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) dopes not propose any language changes for this zone, Objective LU-L and Policy Nos. LU-64 through LU-69 have not been included. END OF PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL PLANNED NEIGHBORHOOD • �.� - �Z- �L13 . i :o-lV,•,i.lilt. E:.:..n. t?.::{. :?3. i!i"?!i'i!!+!!. i'.ill iifiQi,3:i 6i ii:E i:.?!,... i , { 1„ ,.,li . ! 3 it : I?'; ! Is ..i i,.. . '•!,'i'I i s!•'::•i:.,: rt ia:+;,:, s,1..+r,•••: 1,,i i I••• , i 'III:: I.. ? .a.,•I .i, i i .:i. :,.?... : .,s .•+I!,. i , , la.E, 'r! I : i..? !L,::l..l..•;,L ,I+I:!: I. L1,..1..;..;,,,. ..1 .I :�{ .,.!,..:.a EL .I. , rtS:. !i:l;,ii;i!„?{:r:,r,{IP;3'i :.I.....,L,,i i .l,i „I,,. ;{tE; n. ! •l.,,ll .,I.I., II,. ,lily!: l+:,•3 . ! ili : :.I?•i,4i,i',GI i Itl €•!•,i I,!ay,,:,ll:.,.....i,.3..:. 3i. 01 ::.:!!I:`,::.:.:I:!.!!+r. ..!! I ;II. I, i .I,.lI{.I•:.( y ., III. it '•I!I!i,... ('i I ,L.,,.! i'•. €'3,.', . .:,,.: 1,.l L..:t. . 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NAME: Richard Wagner • SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): N/A , COMPANY(if applicable): Baylis Architects PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE 1 (if applicable). , ADDRESS: 10801 Main Street, Suite 110 3.6 DU/Acre • NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS(if applicable): •CITY: Bellevue,WA ZIP: 98004 N/A NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS(if applicable):,,,,. 16 DU TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 454-0566 :•{i:'p 1. i' fil i. .nm.il3111tIEi ='!'". •'11V .i 3 '!A• .,'7'i'iU,11"-'+=••u• a,l•m'P{rm 'i ' "I ,im'!,3• , I ,limo€! I' ' 31 pi4'flt•il,.i!• €II oil d,mE. I•.I.. I,I !ii I.i :?i.., .I,i. S ij'1{€l1=111€!,rm,00•:;t ,31•!'E , I . L.E� ,,.m i r. 4 ,: If!i';'!i;im i ';'i•°! i:• !R {# €:.{;(!II,I i## '• (€ II#ail:: !•i I{al{. { :�I I I € I i #,,tl �I I I # I) € I :, :•#•€!i'.;Ls7#### { IIIE;{3,i#,€ :�,!,�#€ I I!.'iu,mEll!,t.,,f#€,I!n.�1,{{ii{i�€it €� II i i,i I IIi!h;ll #I!!€ E# i1, 3 ,i:±:s#:#,l! 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I. ..i#;:.•I IILII.I::m:1:::ter::ni::::. , ......i m....1..J;::: 4• ....... ...... ,iiini.... it:;€:4,im.::::mama Pacific Northwest Title Company 215 Columbia Street, Seattle,WA 98104 Phone: (206) 343-1323 /Fax: (206)343-1334 http://pnwt.com/CS@pnwt.com Prepared For: Jack Alhadeff JDA Group Prepared By: Matt Tregoning Date: 12/10/2002 Enclosed are the following per your request: _Property Profile Comparable Sales Parcel Map Document (s) Farm/Phone List Mailing Labels Search Parameters Parcel Number...109 420240 1240 420240 1305 420240 1500 420240 0055 420240 0045 420240 0040 420240 0030 420240 0025 420240 0015 - 420240 0011 420240 0010 . 420240 0005 , �� 4 420240 1055 420240 1070 • r �' Please remember to specify Pacific Northwest Title on your Purchase&Sale Agreements 'etroScan/King(WA) Parcel Number Owner Name Site Address YB Owner Phone 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1995 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1973 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1966 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1987 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1961 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1973 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1999 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1943 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1943 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1975 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1955 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1991 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1971 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1971 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1971 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1960 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1977 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1977 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1947 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1963 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1977 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1982 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1968 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1983 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1973 072305 9007 Bosair L L C 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 1961 072305 9064 Smith Ida M 8555 S 124Th St Seattle 98178 1956 118000 6980 Hill Priscilla 8556 S 123Rd P1 Seattle 98178 1951 425-255-0348 118000 6990 Cox Edward Kemp 8550 S 123Rd P1 Seattle 98178 1951 206-367-5632 118000 8273 Columbia Builders Inc *No Site Address* 118000 8275 Tso Tom W/Kimberly B 8553 S 123Rd P1 Seattle 98178 1951 118000 8290 Nguyen Hung 8554 S 124Th St Seattle 98178 1951 420240 0005 Neglay Sharon I 411 NW 7Th St Renton 98055 1948 206-772-4921 420240 0010 Hertzog Elwood W&Cynthia R 670 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1945 420240 0011 Medina Jorge&Griselda Escamilla 666 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1945 206-772-7160 420240 0015 Green May A 660 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1928 206-772-5660 420240 0025 Chen Cork;Riech Ra 654 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1950 420240 0030 Argon Gallardo M/Maura S 650 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1938 420240 0040 Neglay Richard V Pt 620 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1925 206-772-4921 420240 0045 Aaron Kenneth/Angela 616 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1959 425-277-0222 420240 0055 Saffell Lester F Jr 610 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1948 206-772-5153 420240 0090 Molina Marco Antonine&Maria *No Site Address*Renton 206-772-3182 420240 0115 Wright Cary R 564 Stevens Ave NW Renton 98055 1946 206-772-3477 420240 0135 Haydel Shawn A/Debra L 515 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1968 420240 1055 Tezistrano Jay R;Rousso Marc L 317 NW 7Th St Renton 98055 1932 420240 1070 Neglay Richard V Pt *No Site Address*Renton 206-772-4921 420240 1080 Neglay Sharon I 656 Lind Ave NW Renton 98055 1961 206-772-4921 420240 1145 Bowan-Howard Theresa;Aka Howar 211 NW 7Th St Renton 98055 1953 420240 1155 Ducay Maria A/Catherine R/Arlene 217 NW 7Th St Renton 98055 1940 206-772-9000 420240 1175 Pham Tung 676 Taylor Ave NW Renton 98055 1986 206-772-0875 420240 1240 Bauer Eddie 501 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1952 206-772-4814 420240 1305 Christopherson R Lee 503 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1933 206-772-2544 420240 1500 Chang Brothers Inc 505 Rainier Ave N Renton 98055 1958 425-868-9001 420240 1505 Christopherson R Lee 124Th Rainier Ave Renton 206-772-2544 420440 0005 Novak Walter V 12116 87Th Ave S Seattle 98178 1940 206-772-6659 420440 0015 Gistarb Charles L/Anita D 8716 S 122Nd St Seattle 98178 1955 Information compiled from various sources.Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. fetroScan/King(WA) Parcel Number Owner Name Site Address YB Owner Phone 420440 0030 Johnson Ricky D&Kathleen L 8717 S 121St St Seattle 98178 1940 420440 0035 Sours David K/Karen K 8805 S 121St St Seattle 98178 1940 206-772-5363 420440 0036 Chambers Ronald/Olga/Susanne 8804 S 122Nd St Seattle 98178 1955 420440 0040 Barbosa Nora C 8722 S 122Nd St Seattle 98178 1960 420440 0041 Stark Myrna L 8721 S 121St St Seattle 98178 1942 206-772-6398 420440 0044 Harrison Gary L 8817 S 121St St Seattle 98178 1949 206-546-8187 420440 0046 Woodward Jerry R/Ethel I 8816 S 122Nd St Seattle 98178 1945 206-772-2809 420440 0048 Zabloudil Christine 8809 S 121St St Seattle 98178 1950 206-772-1292 420440 0049 Thomas Rachel L 8810 S 122Nd St Seattle 98178 1955 206-772-9050 420440 0055 Tat Thanh K;Yun Yang X 8908 S 122Nd St Seattle 98178 1971 206-772-2345 420440 0056 Pfieffer Gerald R&Ann M 8907 S 121St St Seattle 98178 1940 206-772-5254 420440 0059 Mendoza Michael/Olga 8901 S 121St St Seattle 98178 1957 206-772-5900 420440 0060 Monillas Celso D/Teresita;+ 8820 S 122Nd St Seattle 98178 1943 420440 0065 Abbott A F 8925 S 121St St Seattle 98178 1955 206-784-6030 420440 0066 Abbott Albert *No Site Address*Renton 206-784-6030 420440 0068 Vu Hai Van *No Site Address*Renton 420440 0070 Bryant Jeremy R 8918 S 122Nd St Seattle 98178 1956 206-772-9210 420440 0071 Louie Angela/Donna *No Site Address*Renton 426820 0065 Holms Daniel E;Hoare J Anthony *No Site Address*Renton 956480 0005 Neglay Sharon I *No Site Address*Renton 206-772-4921 956480 0006 Shingola Amanda C;+ 313 NW 7Th St Renton 98055 1956 206-772-6090 956480 0009 Tomlinson Am 309 NW 7Th St Renton 98055 1956 206-772-5065 956480 0011 Bisconner Kerry L 305 NW 7Th St Renton 98055 1938 206-772-1627 956480 0012 Harer Properties L L C Ii 301 NW 7Th St Renton 98055 1923 206-772-8256 956480 0015. Mills Kenneth M;Price-Mills Anne 665 Taylor Ave NW Renton 98055 1995 956480 0020 Martin Rowland&Sally 661 Taylor Ave NW Renton 98055 1956 206-772-6290 956480 0026 Rainwater Shirley A 664 Taylor Ave NW Renton 98055 1956 956480 0031 Kruzich Boyd Wm/Angela M 658 Taylor Ave NW Renton 98055 1956 956480 0040 Anderson Christian J 602 Taylor P1 NW Renton 98055 1928 206-772-1255 956480 0046 Ballesteros Eduardo/Miriam N 304 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1960 206-772-3967 956480 0047 Raine Michelle D 308 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1958 956480 0051 Ellingson Henry L 300 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1961 206-772-4659 956480 0056 Morel First Family Limited Partnersh 214 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 956480 0061 Flatten Melford E 210 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-5120 956480 0066 Gerisilo Philip G&Deborah C 206 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 253-639-0834 956480 0075 Franklin Joseph M 311 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 956480 0080 Stewart Jon D/Patti J 309 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-5716 956480 0086 Madlock Tommie L 305 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-8155 956480 0087 Erickson Gregory J;Sauls Melody S 301 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-3884 956480 0090 Krycka Kevin C;Tanner Steven E 217 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-2002 956480 0095 Stinnett Maude F 213 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 956480 0096 Swanson Kelly R , 209 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 425-255-2939 956480 0105 Sweeney Francine A 205 NW 6Th St Renton 98055 1955 206-772-5544 956480 0115 Munger-Scharff Jeffrey/Elizabeth 516 Taylor P1 NW Renton 98055 1961 206-772-6745 956480 0116 Commodore Rufus 520 Taylor P1 NW Renton 98055 1955 956480 0125 Mcdonald Ronnie 216 NW 5Th St Renton 98055 1954 206-772-4977 950480 0126 Phan Than Lee/Thu-Huong 304 NW 5Th St Renton 98055 1954 956480 0145 Nelson Emil&Rose 211 NW 5Th St Renton 98055 1954 206-772-1752 956480 0160 Rein William W/Betty Jo 207 NW 5Th St Renton 98055 1954 956480 0165 Dewing Rolland L/Deloris M 210 NW 5Th St Renton 98055 1991 956480 0175 Jda Group Llc;+ 123 Rainier Ave S Renton 98055 956480 0176 Miller Wayne A/Debra J 515 Rainier Ave S Renton 98055 1940 425-432-2706 956480 0176 Miller Wayne A/Debra J 515 Rainier Ave S Renton 98055 1960 425-432-2706 Information compiled from various sources.Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. TY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Printed: 12-16-2002 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA02-143 Payment Made: 12/16/2002 03:14 PM Receipt Number: R0207244 Total Payment: 3,029.00 Payee: JDA GROUP LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 500.00 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 2,000.00 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 500.00 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 29.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 1041 3,029.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee .00 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees .00 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers .00 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat .00 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees .00 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review .00 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat .00 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat .00 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD .00 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees .00 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment .00 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks .00 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone .00 4. 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt .00 C>�� 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev .00 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval .00 ^�p, 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Special Permit Fees .00 � ? `40 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees .00 # 5 5023 0 .00 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee .00 "< 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend .00 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies .00 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) .00 5954 604. Special Deposits .00 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage .00 5998 Tax .00