HomeMy WebLinkAboutParcel 8 (dipGroup Northwest RECEIVED Acquisition and Relocation Services APR 0 1 2020 Trrnsporualion Systems Division Transmittal Memo To: Flora Lee,Project Manager,City of Renton CC: Cindy Clark,P.E.Parametrix From: Kristina Guzman, RES Group NW Date: March 23, 2020 Project: Duvall Avenue NE Parcel No.: 8 Owner: Raymond Buong—Leong Sia and Shu—Ling Huang, Ms. Lee, Enclosed in this transmittal are the following documents: 1. Offer Letter emailed to owner 3/2/20 2. Temporary Construction Easement(signed 3/6/20) 3. Real Property Voucher 4. W-9 5. Vendor form 6. Negotiator's Diary and supporting documents(signed 3/23/2020) 7. AOS l (signed by the City 11/8/19) Sincerely, Kristina Guzman, SR/WA RES Group NW 1913 6th Street Kirkland, WA 98033 Armondo Pavone III Iwo, Mayor a� Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman, P.E.,Administrator OFFER LETTER January 22, 2020 Raymond Buong—Leong Sia and Shu—Ling Huang PO Box 20805 San Jose, CA 95160 RE: Project Name: Duvall Avenue NE Tax Parcel No: 143765-0230 Dear Mr. Sia and Ms. Huang: As you likely are aware,the City of Renton is proceeding with the Duvall Avenue NE Project. As part of the project,the City needs to purchase a part of your property and/or certain property rights related to the property located at a Vacant Lot in Renton and identified as King County Assessor's tax parcel number 143765-0230.A copy of the map or"Right of Way Plan" is attached. By law the City must pay you for the property and/or property rights acquired from you, unless you choose to donate the land the property to the City.The purpose of this letter to explain to you the basis for the City's offer in order to reach an agreement with you regarding the purchase of the property needed for this project. In those cases where property rights being acquired involve a payment of less than $10,000,the City administratively establishes the amount offered. This administrative offer is based on market research performed by a person having sufficient understanding of the local real estate market. An administrative offer of$6,600.00 is being made for your property or property rights.This offer consists of: • $6,600 for 2,730 SF Temporary Construction Easement for street improvements. The basis for this offer is contained in the attached report. Payment for your property and/or property rights will be made available to you approximately 30 to 45 days after you accept the City's offer, provided that there are no delays in closing the transaction. You may wish to employ a professional appraiser or realtor to evaluate the City's offer. If you do so,we suggest that you employ a well-qualified evaluator so that the evaluation report will be useful to you in deciding whether to accept the City's offer.The City will reimburse up to$750.00 of your evaluation costs upon submission of the bills or paid receipts. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov Mr.Sia and Ms.Huang Page 2 of 2 January 22,2020 Please understand that every effort will be made to come to an agreement regarding this offer. However, if mutual agreement cannot eventually be reached through a voluntary negotiation,the City acting in the public interest, may use its right of eminent domain to acquire the property rights for the public use. In conformity with the Washington State Constitution and laws,the City's legal counsel will file a condemnation suit to obtain a "Court Order of Public Use and Necessity",and a trial will be held to determine the just compensation to be paid for the property and property rights acquired. This action is taken to ensure your rights as an individual property owner and the rights of all City of Renton's taxpayers are equally protected. If you have personal property presently located on the property being acquired by the City that will need to be moved, however the City will reimburse you for the cost of moving it through the Relocation Assistance program. We have attempted by this letter to provide a concise statement of our offer and summary of your rights.We hope the information will assist you in reaching a decision. Please feel free to direct any questions you may have to the City's representative from RES Group Northwest, Kristina Guzman at(206)459-7694.We look forward to working with you and we would appreciate a response to this offer at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Gregg Zimmerman, P.E. Public Works Administrator Receipt of this letter is hereby acknowledged. I understand that this acknowledgement does not signify acceptance or rejection of this offer. Date: Signature Enclosure: Administrative Offer Report • 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov After recording return document to: City of Renton City Clerk's Office 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE • Grantor(s): Raymond Buong—Leong Sia and Shu—Ling Huang Grantee(s): City of Renton Legal Description: Track A,Castlewood Ranchettes,Vol 129 of Plats,page 13,King County Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 143765-0230 Reference Number of Related Documents: N/A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Duvall Avenue NE Project This Temporary Construction Easement (the "Construction Easement"), is made and entered into this t0 day of March , 202.0 , by and between Raymond Buong—Leong Sia and Shu—Ling Huang,husband and wife, ("Grantor"), and the City of Renton,a municipal corporation ("City" or"Grantee"), its successors and assigns. For Good and Valuable Consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor, as the owner of that certain real property legally described on Exhibit "A" — Entire Parcel ("Property"), attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, does hereby grant to the City, a two thousand seven hundred and thirty(2,730) square foot temporary easement area for minor clearing and grubbing and excavation and fill and construction purposes in, on, over, through and across that portion of the Property described on Exhibit "B" (Easement "Area") and depicted on Exhibit "C", which are attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, for the purpose of Temporary Construction Easement., protecting existing public and private improvements in the immediate vicinity of the Project area; and repairing, restoring and/or reestablishing any improvements disturbed while undertaking the Project activities described above. The temporary rights granted in this Construction Easement shall be effective upon execution by the parties. Grantee and/or its contractors shall provide forty-eight (48) hours notice to the Grantor of its intent to commence construction. The temporary rights granted to the Grantee shall automatically terminate and be null and void(i)twenty four(24)months after Page 1 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 143765-0230 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT the execution of this.easement or (ii) upon restoration of any existing improvements disturbed b the Grantee within the temporary easement area,whichever is later,but in no event later than ,er7 , 20 -. The Grantee agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the Grantor from and against any and all claims,losses or liability, for injuries,sickness or death of persons,including employees of the Grantee, or damage to property, arising out of the exercise of Grantee's rights .under this Construction Easement or any willful misconduct or negligent act, error,or omission • 'of the Grantee, its officers, agents, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, or employees, in connection with the Grantee's activities authorized by this Construction Easement, provided, e • however, that: (a) The Grantee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless shall not extend to injuries, sickness, death or damage caused by or resulting from the sole willful misconduct or sole negligence of the Grantor; and (b) The Grantee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless for injuries, sickness, death or damage caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence or willful misconduct of the Grantee and the Grantor, or of the Grantee and a third party other than an officer, agent, contractor or employee of the Grantee, shall apply only to the extent of the negligence or willful misconduct of the Grantee (including an officer, agent, contractor or employee of the Grantee). Grantee shall, at its sole cost and upon completion of the work within the Easement Area, fully restore the surface and subsurface of the Easement Area and any public or private • improvements disturbed by or destroyed during the execution of the work, as nearly as practicable, to the conditions as of the effective date of this easement. • It is the intention of the parties that this document be strictly limited to and for the purposes expressed. This Construction Easement and covenants herein shall be recorded with the King County Recorder,shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, heirs and assigns. .Grantor covenants that it is the lawful owner of the above-described property and has authority to convey such easement. It is understood and agreed that delivery of this Construction Easement is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the City of Renton, unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing by the City of Renton. • Page 2 of( 7 )rages Parcel No. 143765-0230 PLEASE M KENOMARKINTilEMARGINSPACE-Ent"EDrOR COUNTY RECORDERS USE ONLY. PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FUR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Dated: p4v2 , 20 Zd Grantor: GL. Raymon uong—Le ng Sia u- Accepted and Approved ti City of Renton By Its • Date Page 3 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 143765-0230 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. I _ PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FUR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT STATE OF ss. COUNTY OF , On this day personally appeared before me Raymond Buong— n 'is and Shu Ling Huang,to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the.': in and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as his/her/their free In. oluntary act and deed,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. DATED this day of ,2 (SEAL) Notary Public Printed Name Residing at My appointment expires Page 4 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 143765-0230 PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. I m PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ............................. ... .................. ,.1� KING.COUN Yq!' P'1�.iii'i'i�::::. (P'ER:STATUTORY:WARRANTY:.DEE, RECORDED UNDER'AUDITOR:S; F4LE I O 1'99812Q443.916) TRACT A;:•CA$TLEWOOD::.RANCHEEfTES;'ACCORDING TO;:THE!FIAT T tEREOF N:VOLU 3E :129;:::::::: -:OF•.PLATS, PACE 13, 'IN K(I G`COUNTY,.I�ASI INGTOl,9 ' Page 5 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 143765-0230 • L. • PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE.-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. • • PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT • ...':...:.'TEMP: R RY.COt STRU TION EA5 MENT DESC;IRIPTION • fjjj ��yy��pp .'/ems I���[ `/��: • ' [ MII _ E A: 1�..'�t V .I t'y:; ►' V 5 E , W. R' " .'.' '.. ..' : ...-'CITY OF RENT.ON,:KIN : . 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Page 7 of(7)Pages Parcel No. 143765-0230 I PLEASE MAKE NO MARK IN THE MARGIN SPACE-RESERVED FOR COUNTY RECORDER'S USE ONLY. 1 ♦ •• ♦ V • CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 rsn ,s,, .nt�c >u,..;.. nt,.3� ., ,.. .._.,.�:� ...:.�,�:z,>_r"#�.,..n*���:n. :s<.3�:..<,,.::.'_�r„:cr_fi..,., .M£.,... ,...:�..;;.,.:.<n�,. _,.?v3f,:Rf•';-:�. ..r.:'x:.,=.. A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California County of SAO- 6b4a,_ On Ma vbL ) 2-O 2,0 before me, UV QA s���,t___. ( J , Date Here Insert acne and Title of the OP fficer personally appeared �',mould 1CA�G,� Qv Nam (s)of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evt6ence to be-the person(s)whose name(s).irs/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that l,ef lie/they executed the same in hislbnr/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hie er/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the WERING SHEN laws of the State of California that the foregoing W>f � NotaryPublic-California paragraph is true and correct. Santa Clara County Commission N 2271990 WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Comm.Expires Jan 16,2023 Signature Place Notary Seal and/or Stamp Above Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: T: w►po retry CrtVIA. 0Y\ Ed.gjp/►Pri.�__ Document Date: /�, / I,-�� � � � ZoTA _Number ofPages:_gkl/?M _ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: 'Va c4- 'zi�Xtnl1✓ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ky otavA �il�nN �il� Signer's Name: S1t Lir (--trnal ❑ Corporate Officer—Title(s): .J 0 Corporate Officer—Title(s)' ❑ Partner— 0 Limited 0 General 0 Partner— 0 Limited 0 General i;rilndividual 0 Attorney in Fact individual 0 Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: Signer is Representing: 02018 National Notary Association M1304-09 (09/19) REAL PROPERTY VOUCHER AGREEMENT IAGENCY_NAMEI 1 hereby agree to the terms and conditions listed below and hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the items and City of Renton amounts listed herein are proper charges,that the same or Renton City Hall any part thereof has not been paid,and that 1 am 1055 S. Grady Way authorized to sign for the Claimant: Renton,WA 98057 (Sign in c) Phone: (425) 430-6400 GRANTOR:or;CLAIMANT" By: Raymond Buong—Leong Sia and Shu—Ling Huang Owne uthorized Representative !PO Box 20805 Date: ' San Jose,CA 95160 Re: City of Renton-Duvall Avenue NE TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 143765-0230 PROJECT PARCEL NUMBER: 8 In Full,Complete and Final Payment and Settlement for the Title or Interest Conveyed or Released,as Fully Set Forth in Attached Documents: AMOUNT Temporary Construction Easement Dated: 3'c 12o z0 For All Lands Convey: +$00.00 Fee N/A +$00.00 Easement: TCE 2,730SF @$15.@ 16% • +$6,552.00 For All Damages: +$00.00 Less Special Benefits: Statutory Evaluation Allowance • JUST COMPENSATION $6,600;00(R) Legal/Administrative: +$00.00 Other Items: 'Deductions: FINAL SETTLEMENT.;`: $6,600.00.. SUBTOTAL $6600.00: TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE PAID: $6,600.00 Right-of-Way Agent: Kristina Guzman Si 131Z0 20 Date The City of Renton agrees to the terms and conditions listed above. By: Date Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the 'Form '(Rev.October2018) Identification Number and Certification requester. Do not Department of the Treasury send to the IRS. Internal Revenue Service ►Go to www.irsgov/FormW9 for instructions and the latest information. 1 Name(as shown on your income tax return).Name is required on this line;do not leave this line blank. RP/MON 0 2 Business name/disregarded entity name,if different from above 3 Check a ro riate,boz'forfederal tax classification of theperson whose name is entered on line 1.Check onlyone of the 4 Exemptions(codes apply onlyto FP P P� Pp Y m following seven boxes. certain entities,not individuals;see a instructions on page 3): Individual/sole proprietor or ❑ C Corporation ❑ S Corporation ❑ Partnership ❑Trust/estate C single-member LLC Exempt payee code(if any) 4:60 0 ❑ Limited liability company.Enter the tax classification(C=C corporation,S=S corporation,P=Partnership)► c r Note:Check the appropriate box in the line above for the tax classification of the single-member owner. Do not check Exemption from FATCA reporting .•- 0 LLC if the LLC is classified as a single-member LLC that is disregarded from the owner unless the owner of the LLC is ( Y) O. v another LLC that is not disregarded from the owner for U.S.federal tax purposes.Otherwise,a single-member LLC that code If an is disregarded from the owner should check the appropriate box for the tax classification of its owner. El Other(see instructions)► (Applies to accounts maintained outside the U.S.) d 5`Address umber,street,and apt.or suite .)See i tructions. Requester's name and address(optional) 23 69CLetslfrL.)v0 ' 6 City state grid ZtP`co e o1/1/1" (2te) C43 12 U • 7 List account number(s)here(optional) Part I Taxpayer Identification Number(TIN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box.The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid 'Sociareecuritynpmber• backup withholding.For individuals,this is generally your social security number(SSN).However,for a resident alien,sole proprietor,or disregarded entity,see the instructions for Part I,later.For other 3 - f - �J o Q 7 entities, it is your employer identification number(EIN).If you do not have a number,see How to get a ! V TIN, later. or • Note:If the account is in more than one name.see the instructions for line 1.Also see What Name and Employer identification number Number To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter. ;Part II Certification Under penalties of perjury,I certify that: 1.The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number(or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me);and 2.I am not subject to backup withholding because:(a)I am exempt from backup withholding,or(b)I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends,or(c)the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding;and 3.I am a U.S.citizen or other U.S.person(defined below);and • 4.The FATCA code(s)entered on this form(if any)indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions.You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return.For real estate transactions,item 2 does not apply.For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property,cancellation of debt,contributions to an individual retirement arrangement(IRA),and generally,payments other than interest and dividends,you are not required to sign the certification,but you must provide your correct TIN.See the instructions for Part II,later. Sign :Signature.ot: � Here _us:person►' bate to, J 6- -it,2v General Instructions •Form 1099-DIV(dividends,including those from stocks or mutual funds) Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise •Form 1099-MISC(various types of income,prizes,awards,or gross noted. proceeds) Future developments.For the latest information about developments • Form 1099-B(stock or mutual fund sales and certain other related to Form W-9 and its instructions,such as legislation enacted transactions by brokers) after they were published,go to www.irs.gov/FormW9. • •Form 1099-S(proceeds from real estate transactions) Purpose of Form •Form 1099-K(merchant card and third party network transactions) An individual or entity(Form W-9 requester)who is required to file an •Form 1098(home mortgage interest),1098-E(student loan interest), information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer 1098-T(tuition) identification number(TIN)which may be your social security number •Form 1099-C(canceled debt) (SSN),individual taxpayer identification number(ITIN),adoption •Form 1099-A(acquisition or abandonment of secured property) taxpayer identification number(ATIN),or employer identification number (EIN),to report on an information return the amount paid to you,or other Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S.person(including a resident amount reportable on an information return.Examples of information alien),to provide your correct TIN. returns include,but are not limited to,the following. If you do not return Form W-9 to the requester with a TIN,you might • Form 1099-INT(interest earned or paid) be subject to backup withholding.See What is backup withholding, later. Cat.No.10231X Form W-9(Rev.10-2018) • Vendor Setup Form , ,nt City of Renton—ASD/Finance .. 1055 South Grady Way-5th Floor Renton,WA 98057 • - •� .. .• .i • www.rentonwa.gov, Instructions:Complete all sections of this form and return this form by fax(425)430-6957,U.S.Mail or email. • Failure to submit a W-9 cdn'creafe a-delay in bur payments to you,and your payment(s)could be subject to the IRS required back up withholding Vendor Information RA/at,/0 Name EIN Rift'# 01t) �/k Check Payable to if different than above Accounts Receivable Contact I)0 SOX °c6p C (6)33 2-- 2� Address Accounts Receivable Phone Number �� C of5/6o Please Provide a Current W-9 form City State Zip https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf Business Information Please check all that apply: City of Renton Business license is required by City of ❑ Renton municipal code, Business regulation#5-5-3. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise ❑ Minority Business Enterprise ❑ Women Business Enterprise Renton Business license# Who is your contact person at the City of Renton? State of Washington UBI# City of Renton Department you are working with? Questions?Contact Business Licensing at https://rentonwa,gov/businesslicensi ng Electronic Funds Transfer Account# / +6' (�l Routing# (2i99 000 7- Please attach a voided check or direct deposit letter from your bank I/we hereby give the City of Renton the authority to make EFT direct deposits to the bank account described above.I/we understand that if this EFT agreement is to be changed or canceled in any way that I/we must provide 30 day advance written notice to the City of Renton at the above address. Sign • �^. 2-7— 7�2 D" , n Printed Name / Date Finance Accounts Payable Team Natalie Wissbrod,Accounting Asst. Casaundra Commodore,Accounting Asst. Jen Becht, Finance Supervisor (425)430-6919 (425)430-6930 nwissbrod@rentonwa.gov ccommodore@rentonwa. ov ibec rerito5 g jbechtCa�rentonwa.gov 40 Group Northwest Diary of Right of Way Activities ® Acquisition ❑ Relocation Assistance Property Management R/W No.: 8 Phone No.: Owner: (408) 332-2399 Raymond Sia Tax Parcel No.: Other: Business: 143765-0230 Location of Subject: *no site address* Vacant Land Mailing Address of Subject: PO Box 20805, San Jose, CA 95160 Date Activities Parcel assigned to Kristina Guzman, Senior Right-of-Way Agent with RES Group Northwest. 2/4/2020 Becky Gilberg (BG). Mailed out request for contact letter to the PO Box address above. Researched and called several phone numbers. 2/24/2020 Kristina Guzman (KG). Mailed two additional requests for contact letters, to 6965 Lenwood Way, San Jose and PO Box 20805, San Jose, CA 95160. Researched additional contact phone numbers and left messages. 2/26/2020 KG. Requested the City of Renton to mail request for contact letters on City letterhead to the two address,which they did. 3/2/2020 KG.Email from Ray Sia stating he has received several mailings regarding his property in Renton. I responded stating I have tried to reach him,and the project needs a 5' temporary construction easement along the frontage of his parcel, I sent him the ROW plans and asked if I could email him the offer package. He responded stating I could email him the package. Emailed Ray Sia the offer package which consisted of the offer letter, offering $6,600 for 2,730 square feet of land for a 24-month temporary construction easement. The offer letter also described the$750 statutory allowance. The temporary construction document,AOS package and voucher was also included in the email. 3/5/2020 KG. I received a call from Ray and his wife Shu. They had questions regarding the offer and stated this is the first time they have been through a purchase like this. I explained this a 24-month temporary easement needed to construct the improvements in the right of way, so that the contractor can step on their property. They asked if the sidewalk would be on their property and I explained it would not.They asked if I felt that$15 a square foot was fair for the property and I stated the property has been evaluated by a licensed appraiser. They asked about the language in the TCE document, which I went over the indemnification language and the easement will be returned to the previous condition as nearly as practicable.Ray asked which documents would need to be signed and I explained I would need the TCE signed and the original mailed back to my office, which I would email him instructions and the address. Shu wanted to know where the tree was that would be removed,and I told her I would send her the demo plans showing that detail. Ray asked if he should just sign the documents or have someone look at them. I told him he would need to do what he felt comfortable with. I further explained this is only a temporary use. Shu asked who they could have review the documents in Seattle and asked for a list of names. Ray said he will probably get the documents signed and back to me next week. I emailed the documents that needed signature, TCE, voucher and W9 with signing instructions,the demo plans and a list of attorneys that I search on google. I also told them the list of attorneys is not a recommendation but simply those I found online. 3/13/2020 KG. I received the signed documents in the mail. 3/23/2020 KG. This file is considered complete transmitting to the City for payment and recording. I hereby cert fy that the written instruments secured and forwarded herewith embody all the considerations agreed upon between me and the property owner; agreement on said instruments was reached without coercion,promises other than those shown in the instruments, or threats of any kind whatsoever by or to either party;I understand that the parcels are to be secured for use in connection with a Federal aid highway project;I have no direct or indirect present or contemplated future personal interest in the parcels or i ny benefit from the acquisition of such property. 3 lZ2IZo ri tina Guzman Date From: Kristina Guzman To: Ray Sia Subject: RE:TCE Date: Monday,March 9,2020 8:46:00 PM Hi Ray, The short answer is no, because you have already signed the documents. In addition, I am not sure $750 would cover the cost of an appraisal. Thank You, Kristina Guzman RES Group NW Cell: 206-459-7694 Email: kristinaPresgnw,com From: Ray Sia <raysia@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 9, 2020 9:57 AM To: Kristina Guzman<Kristina@resgnw.com> Subject: Re:TCE Just curious, Do we still able to do an appraisal for the property with the$750 allowance? Not going to change anything but just wanted to know what is the real value of the property. Thanks, Ray Sia On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 9:13 AM Kristina Guzman<Kristinaiaresgnw.com>wrote: Great! Thanks for getting that do me so quickly. From: Ray Sia<raysiagmail.com> Sent: Friday, March 6, 2020 11:28 AM To: Kristina Guzman<Kristinahresgnw.com> Subject: Re:TCE Package will be shipped today via USPS Priority Mail tracking number: 9405528206335084785969. Ray On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 12:44 PM Ray Sia<raysiaPgmail.com>wrote: Thanks. We will get these back to you either today or tomorrow. Ray On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 12:32 PM Kristina Guzman <Kristinal@resgnw.com>wrote: Hi Ray, Yes you are correct this is the same document used and signed by he other owners. Thank You, Kristina Guzman RES Group NW Cell:206-459-7694 Email: kristinaCWresgnw.com From: Ray Sia<raysiaPgmail.com> Sent:Thursday, March 5, 2020 12:30 PM To: Kristina Guzman<Kristina(@resgnw.com> Subject: Re:TCE Hi Kristina, I read the documents and did not find anything out of ordinary. My guess is, everybody signed the same documents right? Sincerely, Ray Sia (408) 332-2399 On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 11:49 AM Kristina Guzman <KristinaPresgnw.corrl>wrote: Hi, It was very nice talking to both of you. I have attached the three documents you would need to sign and instruction below: Temporary Construction Easement (TCE)—Sign and notarize Voucher—One person sign top right corner W9—Fill out and sign highlighted area Mail back to: RES Group NW Attn: Kristina Guzman 2450 Sixth Ave S,#202 Seattle,WA 98134 Also attached is the demo plans. Your property is located on the bottom right corner on page 1 and the top left corner of page 2. You will see on page two there is a call out to remove the tree, it is indicated with a circle around the number 1. i ! � Attorneys- I did a quick search for attorneys that deal with Eminent Domain on the internet, listed below. As stated the City will reimburse you up to$750 for any out of pocket expense. This list is not a recommendation and I suggest you do you own research in finding an attorney to review your documents if you whish to. I can also go over the documents over { the phone again, if that is helpful. Catherine Clark Jeffrey Beaver Daryl Deutsch John Paul Turner Thank You, Kristina Guzman RES Group NW Cell:206-459-7694 Email: kristinaaresgnw.com From: Kristina Guzman Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 6:16 PM To: Ray Sia <raysia(@gmail.com> I j Subject: RE:TCE Subject: Hi Ray, Attached is the offer package, please let me know if you have any question or would like to further discuss over the phone. Thank You, Kristina Guzman RES Group NW Cell:206-459-7694 Email: kristinaaresgnw.com From: Ray Sia <raysiaPgmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 11:46 AM To: Kristina Guzman <KristinaC@resgnw.com> Subject: Re:TCE � I I 1 I Yes. send me the package via email. On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 11:30 AM Kristina Guzman <KristinaPresgnw.com>wrote: Hi Ray, Thank you for reaching out. The City of Renton is making improvements to Duvall Avenue. The project will repave the road, install center medians with landscaping and complete the existing patchwork of curbs/gutters/sidewalks for a consistent streetscape. The City needs to use a portion of your property, a 5'strip along the frontage. I have attached a map showing your property parcel 8 on the bottom right hand corner of the first page and the upper left hand corner of the second. This is only a temporary right to allow the contractors to step on your property so they can install the new sidewalk. I have an offer package I need to send you, would email work? Thank You, Kristina Guzman RES Group NW Cell:206-459-7694 Email:kristinaCWresgnw.com From: Ray Sia <raysia @gmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 10:02 AM To: Kristina Guzman<KristinaPresgnw.com> Subject:TCE Hello Kristina, We have been getting several mail regarding our property at Renton (143765-0230). Can you provide more information regarding this? Sincerely, Ray Sia I I II ADMINISTRATIVE OFFER SUMMARY- PARCEL 8 Project City of Renton-Duvall Avenue NE Plan Sheet 10 of 73 Plan Approval Date: 6/19 Revision Date: N/A Federal Aid Number. N/A Tax ID No: 143765-0230 Owner. Raymond Sia Location: NEC Duvall Avenue NE/NE 9th Street Before Area: 183,485 SF After Area: 183,485 SF Acquisition Area: Fee: 0 SF TCE Easement 2,730 SF (area) (type) (area) Current Use: Vacant Zoning:• Residential 8(R8) Highest and Best Use: Develop with SFR plat Effects of Acquisition: The subject consists of a rectangular-shaped vacant/heavily treed parcel located on the east side of Duvall Avenue NE.The proposed acquisition consists of a five-foot TCE along the westerly property boundary,a total of 2,730sf.The acquisition is necessary to allow contractors access to the site while constructing street improvements within the abutting Duvall Avenue NE right-of-way for a period of 24 months.The TCE is valued at 8%/year,or 16%for the full term.Project maps indicate clearing and grubbing will be located primarily within the existing right-of-way except for a minor area that will require a small amount of fill.One large tree that straddles the property line/right-of-way will be removed Sales relied on: Sales 5-6 contained in data package dated: 7/17/19 Subject sold within the last 5 years No If yes,is sale included in data package? N/A If no,explain why not ACQUISITION COMPENSATION Land in Fee: 0 $0.00 $0.00 (unit value) Easements: 2,730 TCE $15.00 16% $6,552.00 (area sp (type) (unit value) (%) (unit value) (%) • Improvements: sf sf (type) (square feet) (unit value) Damages: Total: $6,552.00 Worksheet Date: 7/17/19 Total(Rounded): $6,600.00 Prepared By: (V,riVg.., C m,--- Date: 7/17/19 1 I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and 1 have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. 2. My compensation is not contingent on an action or event resulting from this report • 3. I affirm that the valuation problem is uncomplicated. I concur in the value estimate herein. I authorize an Administrative Offer be made in said amount as Just Compensation. '3i l n' /1 r'/J///Lr� Date: ____11/3.45. This farm is prepared in conf6rrr once with Federal and State policy and procedures,under the Uniform Relocation Act. It does not constitute an SUBJECT PARCEL 8 V '� � }., • . N c„ r , + a • �s j f • � w _ Photo F*-.� T `, : 11. ;-•---;-. —* ' " " ,' -- ....ie -,,,,,..•.,,,, 1 . i4 . .... , ... , , . t.„.tir;,.,. ,tt - .' i•I 0 . :411 ,111", -.,..- ' . • ..._.'f'- v ' . k.7-,,,,"*".4' *iffinitti,,.-- 14-# keiti,,,* 4 kihilairl: *liff 4 ;.,.`', lip if..t, • S • ►4 ,"4 iliv I: 7.' 1 #i '• • • C!II x e. f $ . I .� ° pry " _ i •,_ -N-.,,• ,' Pilr 7.1111r • L -' Aerial Photo/Map Market Data - Comparable Sale 5 (1)ADDRESS or LOCATION: 1128 Chelan Ave NE,Renton,WA 98059 (2)SALE SKETCH AND PHOTO ARE ON FOLLOWING PAGE (3) a. Access: Direct from Chelan Avenue NE with additional frontage on Duvall Avenue NE b. Use at Sale: Vacant,interim structures c. H&B Use: Single-Family d. Zoning: R8 e. Dimensions: Rectangular f. Site Area(sf): 50,965 g. Sale Date: 2/28/2019 h. Price: $800,000 i. Instrument Type: Warranty Deed j. Terms: Typical k. Ex.Tax#or AF#: E2975483 I. Seller. New Hope Development m. Buyer. Renton School District n. Confirmed with: Sue Liew Phone#: o. Confirmed by: Diane Quinn p. Date Inspected: 11/5/18 (4)LEGAL DESCRIPTION or TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 102305-9249 (5)PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS(description at sale,confirmation information,changes since sale,etc.): a. This is the February 2019 sale of a 50,965sf residential development site located between Chelan Avenue NE and Duvall Avenue NE.The property was purchased by the Renton School District based an appraisal.According to the broker of the prior sale,a porton of the property is impacted by a small sensitive area resulting in a usable area of about 35,807sf equating to about$22.34/sf. b. Confirmation Data and Comments: The property previously sold in late 2017 for$700,000. (6)ANALYSIS: ITEM Contribution Market Value Land: $800,000 $15.70 Building Improvements: $0 $0.00 Site Improvements: . $0 $0.00 Other. $0 $0.00 TOTAL SALE PRICE,5/SF $800,000 $15.70 COMPARABLE SALE 5 •,- vf,F. - ' 17.21'. P . r.;r♦f0 11. , r . w 4 S e ! r ,.14k• or ,,.•, 1..� —BL S ! ;+. r . 1 a II*. ett Photo r , j rt.4 2.a 11,4, -,..--- - 1,,,,...ig:,-4,,,:.‘,1.t.4.(:.:-,,,..:.' 'Ilk ' . . '4 ' .:-.1:.',l'*:. :4' ..bw r ' 'a ` r y``i i # t �. '4' Au : 'y ew '. '` ''C' 4 f„,,,-*- „,, .... , ,,v, . ..... _ „ itk , :,-, . Al �.K a ' ' �= r 0 1 4 '4 1ki, 4$0015, ,.. d i Aerial Photo/Map • Market Data - Comparable Sale 6 (1)ADDRESS or LOCATION: 5008 NE 2nd Street,Renton,WA 98059 (2)SALE SKETCH AND PHOTO ARE ON FOLLOWING PAGE (3) a. Access: Direct from NE 2nd Street b. Use at Sale: Residential c. H&B Use: Single-Family d. Zoning: R8 e. Dimensions: Rectangular f. Site Area(sf): 50,112 g. Sale Date: 6/15/2018 h. Price: $930,000 i. Instrument Type: Warranty Deed j. Terms: Typical k. Ex.Tax#or AF#: E2936513 I. Seller: Norman Green m. Buyer: Xavier Crossings LLC n. Confirmed with: Chris Foster Phone#: 425-218-1932 o. Confirmed by: Diane Quinn p. Date Inspected: 7/17/19 (4)LEGAL DESCRIPTION or TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 152305-9219 (5)PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS(description at sale,confirmation information,changes since sale,etc.): a. This is the June 2018 sale of a residential plat site located at the northwest corner of NE 2nd Street and Hoquiam Avenue NE.The site was improved with an older SFR that was considered of no or only minimal contribution.The site was purchased by a developer for five or six-lot short plat. b. Confirmation Data and Comments: (6)ANALYSIS: ITEM Contribution Market Value Land: $930,000 $18.56 Building Improvements: $0 $0.00 Site Improvements: $0 $0.00 Other. $0 $0.00 TOTAL SALE PRICE,$/SF $930,000 $18.56 COMPARABLE SALE 6 '47 --,---.4... - r•;:' • -;'..-411-...,. • -5,.... • • %( ,..- ,...,.- 4 ,... . . - . ...L.ii....„.,-..-,; _silit : ,vi k ,• i , "% • . , .'• • I, •ir 4 4' • -• .‘x AL,„ -7:--- - • 1,,, a • '" •, *. A 4., '• k.if ifiv .,, -1 - ,/7.41r: ,. 4 .‘• .., . - ..k. tr.' ... 'ilik - -, ...-• __• 1•61 1 - • . . ,, ,, .?,-' N., • ---, - + Alike 14‘ •11116. ''14• : • ilt• _ ‘. 'A ...... ..4rici.opiC. ...1 ''' . '''r '•‘ Aar. 4... ' ':,%. % -...D._ • . _ . •- 1 . ‘* . Photo . . , •.. ..., ,r...._,..,.... . , :,.. .„... . . .._.-- . ..,s - .../ .......„ ,...4.,.. . .....: ... r , .'.,,, , . ..-- ,., . ,... „,,e", :lb• ItIoliek.. 4,7 F• r• .• i. r " -., r......,... . ,,..„ ...',.-4,_, w10114.1t ....1 i , .110r it 4 • (4 ''. it i • ,' ' •.:,/,e.r -- --,,,,,_ 1 • A 4`',i . ..,- ,- - • . . • ' • .., 1 v. ` t0 '4' • . i ' . .T 0,.. . ' •' ii.,, ' . , . 1 ', ,...1, •'' ' y • J , „ .va ili •' '• t- itifiv • • .. 41.1.. - . ..,. t. . • NE 2nd St - ' _,Allikatiti1 i Aerial Photo/Map