HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFQ Details - City Hall Lobby Remodel
Request for Statement of Qualifications
Architectural and Design Services for City
Hall First Floor Remodel for
Public Works Department
January 2024
CAG No. TBD Page 1 31 January 2024
Section Table of Contents Page No.
1.0 SOQ Invitation ............................................................................................................... 1
2.0 SOQ Requirements ....................................................................................................... 1
3.0 Contract Overview ........................................................................................................ 3
4.0 SOQ Submittal Instructions ......................................................................................... 5
5.0 Selection Process ......................................................................................................... 5
6.0 Negotiation Process ..................................................................................................... 5
7.0 Socioeconomic ............................................................................................................. 5
8.0 System for Award and Management ........................................................................... 5
9.0 Certification Regarding Federal Debarment and Suspension Status ....................... 6
List of Exhibits
A: Scope of Work
B: City of Renton A&E Professional Services Agreement Template
C: Project Approach Chart
D: Statement of Qualifications Certification
E: Forms
F: SOQ Evaluation Criteria
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1.0 SOQ Invitation
A. The City of Renton requests Statement of Qualifications from firms interested in
providing services described in the Scope of Work, (see Exhibit A).
SOQ Due Date:
26 February 2024
4:00 PM (no later than)
SOQ Submittal: Email to Project Representative
Pre-SOQ Conference: 19 February 2024, 09:00, First Floor City Hall
This conference is not mandatory.
Interviews, if applicable: Week of 4th of March
Primary Contact: Debbie Boodell, dboodell@rentonwa.gov, 206-556-5026
Backup Contact: Jeffrey Minisci, jMinisci@rentonwa.gov, 425-766-6159
First Ad Date: 1 February 2024
Contract Type: Project Specific
Estimated Price: $150,000
Estimated Period of
Performance: 9 months
2.0 SOQ Requirements
A. SOQ Submittal. Proposers shall submit the SOQ to the City of Renton per the process,
time, and date set forth above. Late SOQs will not be accepted or considered.
1. The City of Renton reserves the right to reject any and all SOQs at any time.
The City may cancel this procurement at any time, even after the issuance of
the Notice of Intent to Award.
2. All costs incurred in the preparation of a SOQ and participation in this SOQ and
negotiation process shall be borne by the proposing firms.
B. Clarifications and Addenda. The Project Representative is the City’s single point of
contact regarding this solicitation. Submit all inquiries in writing via email to the Project
Representative and the Backup Project Representative at least four business days before
the SOQ Due Date. No verbal answers by any City personnel or its agents will be binding
on the City. Clarifications by the City will be in the form of a written Clarification.
Clarifications will be transmitted to responders. Changes to the SOQ will be in the form of
written Addenda. Addenda will be posted.
C. Notifications. Proposers must notify the Project Representative of any changes to their
SOQ throughout the period it is under consideration, until the contract is executed.
D. Direct all questions to the Primary and secondary contacts.
E. Organizational Conflicts of Interest. An organizational conflict of interest is a situation
where because of activities, relationships, or contracts, a consultant may possess an
unfair competitive advantage. If an organizational conflict of interest exists, the City may
prohibit consultants, subconsultants, and/or personnel from participating in this
procurement/project. Firms that believe there may be a potential conflict of interest
because of previous or concurrent work with The City of Renton (or any other related
third- party work) may seek a written determination from The City of Renton regarding
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the firm’s eligibility to propose. City of Renton’s written response will be binding.
1. Submit written requests to the Project Representative identified in Section 1 .0 -
SOQ Invitation).
2. Subconsultants to potential prime proposers may seek similar determinations, but
the required information must be submitted to The City of Renton through a
potential prime consultant. Written requests must include the following information:
a. A detailed description of the specific scope of the previous or concurrent
work and how it relates to the specific scope of work to be performed by
the firm for upcoming work.
b. The identification of any personnel that will be used on the current scope of
work that also were involved in the previous or concurrent work and their
respective roles on each.
c. A detailed explanation regarding why the firm believes there is no
conflict of interest that would preclude the firm from performing the
scope of work; and
d. Any internal measures that the firm proposes to implement to
eliminate any potential or perceived conflict of interest that would
preclude the firm from performing the work.
F. Ex Parte Communications. Proposers are expected to conduct themselves with
professional integrity and to refrain from lobbying activities. During the procurement
process, commencing with the issuance of the SOQ and continuing until the award of a
Contract for the project (or cancellation of the procurement) no employee, member,
agent, vendor, advisor, or consultant of any Responder shall have ex parte
communications, directly or indirectly, regarding this procurement with any representative
or elected official of the City involved in this procurement, except for communications
permitted by this SOQ. Any verified allegation that a Responder or team member has
engaged in such prohibited communications or attempted to unduly influence the
selection process may cause the City to disqualify a Responder or a member of a
Proposer’s team from participating in this process, all at the sole discretion of the City.
G. Commitment of Firms and Key Personnel. The City expects all firms and Key Personnel
proposed will be available to provide services for this contract. When a member of the
Proposer’s team is no longer participating in the SOQ, a Responder must notify the
Project Representative in writing and provide a detailed explanation and proposed
remedy for the lack of availability. The City shall thereafter make a determination as to
whether that Responder may continue to compete in the selection process. Any
substitution request considered by the City may require a rescoring and/or re-ranking of
the SOQ. The City will only consider substitutions based on circumstances beyond the
Proposer’s control.
H. Public Disclosure of SOQs. All submittals/SOQs received will become the property of
the City and are considered public records and subject to the Public Records Act,
Chapter 42.56 RCW.
3.0 Contract
A. Example contract.
1. Exhibit B contains the City of Renton A&E Professional Services Agreement
template which will be utilized for this scope of work.
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4.0 SOQ Submittal Instructions
A. SOQ Submittal.
1. The Responder shall email the SOQ to the Project Representative as a single
document in PDF format.
B. SOQ Format.
1. The SOQ shall comply with the following format requirements:
a. SOQs should be concise, legible, and provide all the information requested.
b. Page size of the SOQ shall be 8½” by 11”. A “page” is defined as one
single-side of a document that has written text or graphics. The Project
Approach Chart (PAC) shall be completed using the Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet provided, and then inserted into the SOQ as a PDF, (see
Exhibit C). The PAC and Project Schedule shall be separate 11” by 17”
pages. For purposes of the page count, the 11” by 17” PAC shall count as
one page; the 11” by 17” Project Schedule shall count as one page. No
additional written text or graphics shall be included on the PAC or Project
1) No written text or graphics shall be incorporated on dividers
used to organize the SOQ.
2) Indexes or tables of content shall be included in the page limit.
c. SOQ shall be limited to a maximum of 15 pages. All pages that exceed
the specified page limit will be removed prior to evaluation.
1) The following parts of the SOQ are not included in the page limit:
• Cover of the SOQ
• Transmittal Letter
• Resumes
• Statement of Qualification Certification form (Exhibit D)
• Exhibit E Forms
d. Each resume shall not exceed two pages. All pages of a resume that
exceed the specified page limit will be removed prior to evaluation.
e. The City may waive minor informalities and irregularities in the format of
a SOQ.
C. SOQ Contents
1. SOQ Transmittal Letter. The SOQ Transmittal Letter is not included in the page
limit. It should contain the following information:
a. SOQ title and number.
b. Proposer’s name, mailing address, contact person, email address,
and telephone numbers.
c. Proposer’s Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number and Unique Entity
d. Complete list of proposed subconsultants, if any, with each firm’s
mailing address, contact person, email address, and telephone
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number; and
e. Name and contact information of person who will be providing
requested financial documents if awarded the contract.
2. Statement of Qualifications Certification. Submit Exhibit D, Statement of
Qualifications Certification, signed by an authorized representative of the
Proposer. The Certification is not included in the page limit.
a. Failure to include a signed Statement of Qualifications Certification shall
deem the SOQ non-responsive and will be rejected.
3. Response to Evaluation Criteria. Address the evaluation criteria and provide
all information identified in Exhibit F, SOQ Evaluation Criteria.
4. Exhibit E, Forms. Complete and return the forms identified in Exhibit E with
the SOQ, as applicable.
5.0 Selection Process
A. All responsive SOQs will be evaluated by an Evaluation Panel in accordance
with the criteria specified in Exhibit F, Evaluation Criteria. As part of the
evaluation process, The City of Renton may contact references and consider
responses provided.
1. At the City’s option, interviews may be held.
a. The City may choose to use different criteria for the interview.
b. Failure of a Responder or any proposed team member to
participate in the interview process may result in the
Proposer’s disqualification from further consideration.
c. If interviews are conducted, combined SOQ and interview
criteria will determine the final ranking.
B. The final selection, if any, will be the firm which in the opinion of the City, best
meets the requirements set forth in this SOQ and is determined to be the most
highly qualified.
6.0 Negotiation Process
A. After the selection of the most qualified firm, the City will enter into negotiations with that
firm to finalize the Fixed Professional Fee, Scope of Work, Project Schedule, and Total
Price. If the City is unsuccessful in negotiating these matters with the selected
Consultant, the City reserves the option to terminate negotiations and proceed with
another firm.
B. All necessary information and forms for the negotiation process shall be provided to the
Consultant by the Project Representative after the Notice of Intent to Award has been
issued. Such information shall include but not be limited to: Consultant Disclosure Form
(if applicable), IRS W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification,
financial documentation, Level of Effort template, and Scope of Work.
7.0 Socioeconomic
A. Prime Consultant Requirements: If subconsultants are to be let, the prime consultant is
required to take all necessary steps identified in 2 C.F.R. § 200.321(b)(1)-(5) to ensure
that small and minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus
area Consultants are used when possible.
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8.0 System For Award Management
A. To become a prime consultant for this project, the Consultant shall be registered with the
System for Award Management (SAM) prior to the award of this contract. The
Consultant shall maintain an active and up-to-date SAM registration throughout the
duration of this contract.
B. The Consultant is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of their SAM
registration. Any changes to the registration information must be promptly updated in
SAM. Failure to maintain an active and accurate SAM registration may result in contract
non-compliance and may impact the Consultant's eligibility for award, continuation, or
payment under this contract.
9.0 Certification Regarding Federal Debarment and Suspension Status
A. “Consultant affirms that neither it nor its principals nor its subconsultants and their
principals: (1) are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared
ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the award of contracts by any federal department
or agency; (2) have within a 3-year period preceding any partially or wholly federally
funded contract been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for
commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to
obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) contract or subcontract; been in
violation of federal or state antitrust statutes, or been convicted of embezzlement, theft,
forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or
receiving stolen property; or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental
entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in (2)
above; and, (3) have within a 3-year period preceding an award of any partially or wholly
federally funded contract, had one or more contracts terminated for cause or default by
any federal or state agency. Consultant further promises that if it or its principals in the
future are debarred or suspended from eligibility of award by the federal government that
it shall within 3 days notify the City of such change in status.”
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Exhibit A - Scope of Work
CAG No. TBD 4 December 2023
Project Overview
The City of Renton – Public Works Department, (“City”), is soliciting Statement of Qualification for
Architectural and Design Services for the remodel of the City’s, City Hall building first floor. The City Hall
building is owned by the City and is located at 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98057. The
City’s requirements are outlined in the following Request for SOQ (SOQ).
Customer Service Center
The City desires to undertake development and evaluation of concepts for the redevelopment of the City
Hall first floor as well as space programming services for the entire City Hall Building to be used for future
remodel projects. The City would like to see a standardized specification for furniture, fixtures, and
finishes for all future projects within City Hall.
The City Hall Building houses the following Services and Programs:
City Attorney Mayor
City Council Municipal Court
Community & Economic Development Parks and Recreation
Equity, Housing, and Human Services Public Works
Executive Services Police
Finance Cafe
Human Resources Gym
Risk Management
The City envisions the remodeled first floor to be a "one-stop shop" for many of the most-requested
services offered by City as well as a reception area for other visitors doing business with the City.
Some potential facilities could include:
A. Xray/Screening.
B. Reception counter.
C. Common Use Service Counters for Finance and Community & Economic Development.
D. Weapon Lockers.
E. Space for Electronic Home Detention application.
F. Workstations for Finance (1) and Community & Economic Development (2).
G. Secure space for Finance safe.
H. Two (2) conference rooms (sized for four to six (4-6) people).
I. Two (2) courtrooms (seating for 80) with jury deliberation space and dedicated restroom.
J. Council Chambers (seating for 70, space could be combined with courtroom and used for larger
conference space).
K. Police Department reception.
L. Cafe retail space.
M. Permitting
N. Utility and licensing payments.
O. File police reports and pay traffic fines and tickets.
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Request for Quotation Information
The City proposes the following major milestone schedule:
Milestone Date
Issue RSOQ 1 February 2024
Pre-SOQ Conference and Site visit 19 February2024 10:00AMat Renton City Hall
Questions due 12 February 2024 4:00 PM
Responses posted 14 February 2024 4:00 PM
Responses due no later than 26 February 2024 4:00 PM
Conduct Consultant Interviews/Site visits Week of 4th of March
Select Consultant 18 March 2024
Contract Finalization 1 April 2024
Kick Off Project 8 April 2024
Reference Documents
• 2018 Renton City Hall Floor Plans
• Renton City Hall Topographic & Boundary Survey
Scope of Work
Goals and Objectives
The selected firm will provide all necessary professional design services. Initial services will include
programming and development of 3 concepts for the first floor of City Hall including cost estimating.
Dependent upon the City’s direction following concept evaluation, the selected firm may be engaged to
undertake some or all of the necessary architectural and engineering design, permitting (including
entitlements) and construction administration for City Hall. This work would be added to the contract with
an amendment.
Task 100 – Project Management
The Consultant shall organize, manage, and coordinate the disciplines required to accomplish the work.
The Consultant will be expected to coordinate its work with efforts performed by City staff and other
consultants or contractors. The Consultant shall provide project management and project coordination
services to facilitate efficient progress of the work. The Consultant shall provide Project Management and
Coordination Services including but not limited to:
1. Progress reporting, including a status update of the active work with comparison of planned
versus actual schedules, planned versus actual expenditures, and earned value.
2. Project management and coordination.
A. Perform general administration tasks.
3. Meeting organization, facilitation, and documentation.
A. Facilitate four monthly project meetings, one meeting monthly with three (3) Consultant
team members in attendance per meeting.
4. Develop overall project schedules, budgets, and work breakdown structures (WBS).
A. Perform scheduling functions, including preparing and maintaining critical path method
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(CPM) schedules, schedule reviews, schedule variance reporting, cost and resource
loading of schedules, and regular schedule updates.
B. Schedule is to be created and maintained in Microsoft Project software.
C. Perform earned value (EV) management planning and reporting, including determining an
efficient way to track EV.
1. City will provide a level one schedule as a starting basis.
1. Four monthly progress reports, including description of work accomplished and percentage
completed. Budget revision recommendations. Earned value reports.
2. Team organization charts and phone contact lists.
3. Meeting agendas and notes, with revisions as required.
4. Schedule updates, Schedule analysis/variance reports, prepared using MS Project software.
Task 200 – Programming Study
Conduct a space needs programming study for all departments and entire building, in order to define the
future overall space requirements.
This task shall include:
1. Meeting: Core Team: Conduct one (1) project kickoff meeting at City’s office to initiate the
Programming Study.
2. The Consultant will attend and facilitate the meeting. This meeting will serve as:
A. A project initiation meeting to introduce the team with point of contact, communication
flow, project tasks, and process.
B. Review of the developed preliminary project schedule. Major milestone dates, meeting
target dates, and next steps to be reviewed and identified.
C. Baseline budget establishment. Review of the existing project scope understanding,
phasing, and initial budget baseline for the project will be discussed, which will outline
early anticipated Hard and Soft Costs for the project. At the conclusion of the meeting, the
baseline costs for the entire project will be established and utilized in subsequent
discussions to guide project scope, programming, and overall budget alignment.
D. Presentation, Meeting Minutes and Action Items for this meeting will be prepared by the
3. Discovery: Provide up to one (1) discovery session with City and the key City stakeholder groups
(at City’s office) to establish a thorough understanding of the project vision, goals, and objectives,
and allow for initial staff engagement. We will facilitate dialogue with staff to identify opportunities,
challenges, and big picture goals for the project. This meeting is anticipated to lead into
programming and can occur as a standalone meeting or just prior to programming workshops.
The Consultant will attend and facilitate the meeting.
4. Meeting: Core Team and Key Stakeholders: Provide up to twelve (12) – one-hour workshops (one
per department at City’s office) with City-identified key staff for program interviews. We will issue
a program questionnaire in advance of the programming workshop and facilitate review of the
building components in detail including confirmation and refinement of program elements and
their relative size and space needs, support and shared space requirements, preliminary
adjacencies, and orientation on the site. The Consultant will attend and facilitate the meeting.
Presentation, Meeting Minutes and Action Items for these meetings will be prepared by the
5. Programming: Based on the programming workshops, the Consultant will develop a program
CAG No. TBD 4 December 2023
document and visioning summary to capture information from the initial discovery session and
staff interviews. The programming document will encompass staffing and program needs for
existing, immediate, near-term, and growth for a 20-year projection. Space allocations will include
space sizes, quantities, and unique requirements specific to individual and department needs. A
draft program will be released for City review. Include one (1) review meeting with the City. The
Consultant will attend and facilitate the meeting. Presentation, Meeting Minutes and Action Items
for this meeting will be prepared by the Consultant.
6. Existing Building As-Builts: The Consultant will verify the existing building as-builts and field verify
measurements for preparation of electronic Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Revit model.
An electronic BIM and Revit model will be required for planning, further design development, and
construction documents for the project. Site measurements and documentation to include
observable and accessible locations. All unobservable or inaccessible locations will utilize existing
available as-built or permit drawings to infer built conditions. The final BIM Revit model will be
provided to the City in native format as part of the closeout of this contract.
7. Stacking Plans: Content developed during programming and discovery will be utilized to perform
initial stacking plans to inform program feasibility (i.e., block diagrams of department assignments
to each floor) and to inform the pre-design cost estimate. A revised program and stacking
analysis will be issued to the cost estimator for pre-design estimating. Concurrently, content will
be issued to City for review and comment at the subsequent meeting. The Consultant will attend
and facilitate the meeting. Presentation, Meeting Minutes and Action Items for these meetings will
be prepared by the Consultant.
8. Meeting – Core Team: Meet once (1) with the Core Team with City (at City’s office) to review the
final draft program and Stacking Plans. Provide one (1) revision for final City approval. The
Consultant will attend and facilitate the meeting. The Consultant will attend and facilitate the
meeting. Presentation, Meeting Minutes and Action Items for these meetings will be prepared by
the Consultant.
1. Existing floor plans will be provided by the City.
2. As-built drawings will be provided by the City.
1. Draft and final Program and Stacking Plans.
Task 300-Concept Design Development shall include:
1. The Consultant will facilitate one (1) kickoff meeting at City’s office to initiate the Concept Design
Development. The Consultant will attend and facilitate the meeting. The Consultant will attend
and facilitate the meeting. Presentation, Meeting Minutes and Action Items for these meetings will
be prepared by the Consultant.
2. Develop up to three (3) conceptual floor plans, interior and exterior (including signage)
renderings. The Consultant will include a report for all three concepts that explains the different
configurations as well as identifying building code, fire code, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and
soundproofing modifications that will be required as a result of the remodel. The report will also
include an evaluation of each concept including estimated costs, evaluation and final selected
concept. Include one revision for two (2) of the interior renderings and one (1) exterior rendering
to assist in communication of ideas to the stakeholders.
A. Options to include:
I. Temporary solution to provide space for Finance and Community & Economic
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Development on the first floor.
II. Minimal floor plan adjustments which will keep entrance in current location but
provide space for five (5) common use customer service counters.
III. Concept plan to move entry to south side of building, move court, City council to
first floor, relocation of server room, police to north side of first floor, relocate
Equity, Housing & Human Services to third floor, and IT space to third floor.
3. The Consultant will facilitate one (1) meeting at City’s office to review concept designs. Provide
one (1) revision for final City approval. The Consultant will attend and facilitate the meeting.
Presentation, Meeting Minutes and Action Items for these meetings will be prepared by the
A. Host a meeting via MS Teams teleconference to review and approve the final concept
design and cost estimate.
1. None.
1. Draft and Conceptual Design
2. Draft and Conceptual Design Report.
TASK 400 – Cost Estimating Services
The Consultant shall provide concept cost estimating services including:
1. Provide cost estimating services as follows:
A. Cost Estimating will be performed for each concept design. To include the full cost of the
concept including consultant costs, material cost, permitting and construction costs.
B. Cost Estimates shall be in accordance with the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
2. Prepare basis of estimate document which documents the assumptions made, basis of
contingency and unit costs.
1. Order of magnitude cost estimates.
2. Basis of Estimate document.
Consultant Deliverable Standards
1. The Consultant shall deliver the following products, unless otherwise specified in a particular task,
and shall provide these deliverables in accordance with the following standards and
A. Draft and final of any design plans; technical reports; specifications; cost estimates and
technical memos.
B. Electronic copies of all reports, specifications, and technical memos will be in Microsoft
(MS) Office Suite software, Portable Document Format (PDF), and in Construction
Specifications Institute (CSI) format.
C. Electronic copies shall be submitted in both PDF and native formats such as MS Word,
MS Excel, MS Project, and current AutoCAD. PDF files shall be prepared in 600 dpi
D. Final Reports: Three (3) bound printed copies (hereinafter “Reports” include feasibility
studies, technical memoranda, design documents, study reports, and technical
specifications). Reports shall be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer
registered in the State of Washington.
E. Electronic copy (for monthly reports/invoices and for bound documents).
F. Computer-aided-design (CAD) files shall be prepared with AutoCAD Civil 3D, Architectural
3D, MEP, Revit, or current AutoCAD version. It is NOT acceptable to prepare CAD files
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with other software such as MicroStation and export to AutoCAD format. Civil 3D will be
used for utility profiles. Clash detection will only be provided for building design (not
G. CAD files, except the final versions, may be submitted on media via SharePoint, USB
drive or other electronic media, as approved by the Project Representative (PR).
H. Final CAD files shall be submitted via USB or other media approved by the PR.
I. Electronic copies of plans will be in both 3D AutoCAD and PDF. CAD files shall be
prepared for full-size printing in “D-size” or 22” x 34” format.
J. Drawings will be stamped and signed by a Washington State licensed
Engineer. Drawings will be stamped “NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION” or PRELIMINARY.
K. Technical Specifications and Cost Estimates shall be in accordance with the (Construction
Specifications Institute) CSI format.
L. Meeting agendas two (2) business days prior to scheduled meetings or workshops.
M. Meeting/workshop notes within two (2) business days following the event.
N. Updated Action/Decision Logs two (2) business days after each team meeting.
O. Permit applications two (2) weeks prior to scheduled submittal for review.
P. All survey elevation data shall be in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88)
Q. Project submittals shall be defined under each task.
2. The Consultant shall host cloud-based Bluebeam sessions for City’s staff to review and comment
on the design documents. The Consultant will provide documentation that all comments have
been addressed within fourteen (14) days from receipt of the comments. Each comment response
shall describe how the comment will be incorporated into the final document and the reason why
if a comment is rejected. Each comment response will be reviewed with City’s Project
Representative (PR) to reach consensus on resolution.
3. Consultant shall comply with City’s and other standards, guidelines, and requirements including
but not limited to the following:
A. Means Cost Estimating Guidelines in CSI Format.
4. Quality Assurance and Quality Control
A. The Consultant shall provide peer review at all levels. For each deliverable, the Consultant
shall maintain documentation of their internal review and mark-up of that deliverable as
preparation for submittal. A milestone submittal is not considered complete unless the
required milestone documents and associated internal red-line mark-ups are submitted.
City’s Project Representative will require the Consultant to submit the Consultant’s internal
mark-up (red-lines) or comments developed as part the Consultant’s quality control step.
When internal mark-ups are requested by City in advance, City, at its sole discretion, may
reject the actual deliverable should the Consultant fail to provide the evidence of quality
control. The Consultant shall clearly label each document submitted for quality assurance
as an internal mark-up document. The Consultant shall perform Quality Control/Quality
Assurance on all survey procedures, field surveys, data, and products prior to delivery to
City. If, at any time, during the course of reviewing a survey submittal it becomes apparent
to the State that the submittal contains errors, omissions, or inconsistencies, City may
cease its review and immediately return the submittal to the Consultant for appropriate
action by the Consultant. A submittal returned to the Consultant for this reason is not a
submittal for purposes of the submission schedule.
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Schedule of Values
The final agreement shall include all project costs, fee schedules and sub-consultant fee schedules.
Task No. Task Description Cost
100 Project Management
200 Programing Study 300 Concept Development 400 Cost Estimating
Total Cost
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Exhibit B – City of Renton A&E Professional Services Agreement
CAG No. TBD 4 December 2023
Exhibit C – Project Approach
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Exhibit D – Statement of Qualifications
Renton City Hall First Floor Remodel SOQ Request
for Architectural and Design Services
CAG No. TBD 4 December 2023
Statement of Qualifications
The undersigned is authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the Responder and
certifies on the Proposer’s behalf that the information presented in this Statement of
Qualifications is a complete and accurate statement of facts and that the Responder has the
financial capability, including obtaining the required insurance coverages to perform the work
which is the subject of this solicitation. The Responder further certifies that it knows of no
personal and/or organizational conflicts of interest prohibited under federal, state, and local law.
The Responder certifies that they have read the terms and conditions, and this Proposal is
submitted in accordance with this solicitation and all issued addenda, and that the Responder
agrees to be bound by the same.
Firm Name
Printed Name
Renton City Hall First Floor Remodel SOQ Request
for Architectural and Design Services
CAG No. TBD 4 December 2023
Exhibit E – Forms
Renton City Hall First Floor Remodel SOQ Request
for Architectural and Design Services
Exhibit F – SOQ Evaluation Criteria