HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_StormwaterCovenant_220830_v120170320000474 CITY OF RENTON COV 79.00 PAGE-001 OF 007 03/20/2017 12:49 KING COUNTY, WR 5!?S'(TV::Gl c RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK'S Ok'FICE CITY pF RENTON ' 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON,WA 98057 DECLARATION OF COVENANT FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF FLOW CONTROL BMPS Grantor: AS y/R 6.4 /S QGD,E. Grantee: City of Renton Legal Description: S!/Y 3 24h/ '¢ , j+, Additional Legal(s)on:_ /-./-r.' S Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: y 2 ''`J q j IN CONSIDERATION of the approved City of Renton(check one of the following) f8'residential building permit,O commercial building permit, clearing and grading permit, O subdivision permit,or short subdivision permit for Application File No.LUA/SWP, relating to the real property("Properry")described above,the Grantor(s),the owner(s)in fee of that Property,hereby i covenants(covenant)with City or Renton,a political subdivision of the state of Washington,that he/she(they)will observe,consent to,a d abide by the conditions and obligations set forth and described in Paragraphs 1 through 8 below with regard to the Property. Grantor(s)hereby grants(grant), covenants(covenant),and agrees(agree)as follows: l. Grantor(s)or his/her(their)successors in interest and assigns("Owners")sha11 retain,uphold, and protect the stormwater management devices,features,pathways,limits,and restrictions,known as flow control best management practices("BMPs"),shown on the approved Flow Control BMP Site Plan for the Property attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. 2. The Owners shall at their own cost,operate,maintain,and keep in good repair,the Property's BMPs as described in the approved Design and Maintenance Details for each BMP attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B. 3. City or Renton shall provide at least 30 days written notice to the Owners that entry on the Property is planned for the inspection of the BMPs. After the 30 days,the Owners shall allow the City of Renton to enter for the sole purpose of inspecting the BMPs. In lieu of inspecrion by the City,the Owners may elect to engage a licensed civil engineer registered in the state of Washington who has expertise in drainage to inspect the BNIPs and provide a written report describing their condition. If the engineer option is chosen,the Owners sha11 provide written notice to the City of Renton within fifteen days of receiving the City's notice of inspection. Within 30 days of giving this notice,the Owners,or the engineer on behalf of the Owiiers,shall provide the engineer's report to the City of Renton. If the report is not provided in a timely manner as specified above,the City of Renton may inspect the BMPs without further notice. 4. If the City determines from its inspection,or from an engineer's report provided in accordance with Paragraph 3,that maintenance,repair,restoration,and/or mitigation work is required for the BMPs, The City shall notify the Owners of the specific maintenance,repair,restoration,and/or mitigation work Work)required under RMC 4-6-030. The City shall also set a reasonable deadline for completing the Work or providing an engineer's report that verifies completion of the Work. After the deadline has Z passed,the Owners shall allow the City access to re-inspect the BMPs unless an engineer's report has been provided verifying completion of the Work. If the work is not completed properly within the time frame set by the City,the City may initiate an enforcement action. Failure to properly maintain the BMPs is a violation of RMC 4-6-030 and may subject the Owners to enforcement under the RMC 1-3,including fines and penalties. 5. Apart from perfornung routine landscape maintenance,the Owners are hereby required to obtain written approval from the City or Renton before performing any alterations or modifications to the BMPs. 6. Any notice or approval required to be given by one party to the other under the provisions of this Declazation of Covenant shall be effective upon personal delivery to the other party,or after three(3) days from the date that the notice or approval is mailed with delivery confirmation to the current address on record with each Party. The parties sha11 notify each other of any change to their addresses. 7. This Declaration of Covenant is intended to promote the ef icient and effective management of surface water drainage on the Property,and it shall inure to the benefit of all the citizens of the City of Renton and its successors and assigns. This Declaration of Cavenant shall run with the land and be binding upon Grantor(s),and Grantor's(s')successors in interest and assigns. 8. This Declaration of Covenant may be terminated by execution of a written agreement by the Owners and the City of Renton that is recorded by King County in its real property records. 3 IN WTTNESS WHEREOF,this Declaration of Covenant for the Maintenance and Inspection of Flow Control BMPs is executed this day of F(bu Y E,t'd YY ,20. 0.S Y'r a I l GRANTOR,owner o the Property GRANTOR,owner of the Property STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF K1NG ss. On this day peisonally appeared before me: to me known to be the individual(s)described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed,for the uses and purposes therein stated. Given under my hand and official seal this y of -,. ,2p I 7 t T n /a c:A r7 j t. Printed name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at os.SG adt, tU ,P Iuft 5 7 My appointment expires -v/ - /-7 4 S/TE' E 6A v.r,pTe no THE WEST 75 FEET OF THE EAST 375 FEET OFTHEWEST1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF TME SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTlON 34,TOWNSWIP 24 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST,W.M.IN KIN GOUNTY,WASHINGTON LYING SOUTH OF THE THOMAS RRUSE COUt+(TY ROAD(ALSO KI iOWN AS 50UTHEAST COALFlELD WA17 AND THE NORTH OF THETHREADOFMAYCiZEEK G SS T/y/ ,l cAk'>l . 5' E'E7' 7"`•+s L'."o.r D,L l'A7.1 d,. Pv,4'/' /frf T aC s.51Y. S X.l/8/ 7 'A y y llEY,O_ Dl/t/Eri'>' S!'LAf./ t',f CA,7"'/ DOWNSaGL's" J BA.f/NS CLD A7/dNS w T`'S Apf/2DX.) o iE'I z s ,D/e Z2''-- 1'P i/1/i.7"c'E D Sa e'i0 T u', IDUS.E D RA/NAc E N\ Q Z F' fl' I'/ui 1 EXHIBIT S BASIC DISPERSION MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTiONS Your property contains a stormwater management flow contral BMP(best management practice)calied basic dispersion,"which was installed to mitigate the stormwater quantity and quality impacts of same ar all of the imperviaus surfaces ar non-native penrious surfaces on your properly. Basic dispersion is a strategy for utilizing any available capacit}r of onsite vegetated areas to retain, absorb, and filter the runoff from devefoped surfaces. This flow control BMP has two primary components that must be rnaintained: (1)the devices that disperse runoff from the developed surfaces and(2)the vegetated area over which runoff is dispersed. Dispersion Devices The dispersi o 'devices used on your prope mc{ude the following as indicated on the flow controf BMP site plan: 'splash blocks, rock pads, °'gravel#illed trenches, sheet flow.The size, placement, composition, and downstream flowpaths af these devices as depicted by the flow control BMP site plan and design details must be maintained and rnay not be changed without written approval from the GtyofRenton. Dispersion devices must be inspected annually and after major siarm vents to identity arad repair any physica!defects.When native soii is exposed or erosion channels are present,the sources of the erosion or co centrated flow need to be identified and mitigated. Concentrated flow can be mitigated by leveting the edge of the pervious area anc!/or realigning or repEenishing the racks in the clispersion device,such as in rock pads and gravel Iled trenches. Vegetated Flowpaths The vegetated area over which unoff is dispersed must be maintained in good condition free of bare spots and obs#ructions that wou9d concentrate filows.