HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Hanbey Public Comment_230723.msg CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. HI, Alex: When we met about the proposed Logan 6 development, there was discussion about applicability of the Renton City Center Plan. I looked through the plan, and collected references to the neighborhoods to the north and south. See attached reference Maps and specific mention of "Single Family Residential Neighborhoods'. The plan calls out these areas -- one of the city center plan goals is to "protect ... the neighborhoods in the City Center" -- The first (1.1.1) goal of the plan includes, in part, "Particular attention should be given to design standards ... for transition areas between zones" -- The goal is related to Goal 4.3 "Ensure measures (such as set-backs, buffers, landscape screening, and height restrictions" to protect edges of single-family areas from adjacent development. While this makes things more complicated, I hope it does clear up that the City Center plan does apply not just to the core retail and high-density housing downtown, but also to the neighborhoods to the north and south of downtown. Matt Hanbey