HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Reid Comment_240307.pdf�iy � kVA E 4 n IN AM Tiff February, 2024 ,� Dear Mayor ?;3V I City Council Members, Alex Morganrot and Vanessa eell 0 r1 am goClearly COMmunicate m opposition to the proposed Logan 6 development. 1 plan on attending and voicing my concerns at an upcoming council meeting and wanted to proactively brief you on the �II � concerns 1, and other North Renton ievhb rg a s (whom you'll also e earin from alon orhood Association, have been voicin sinc with the North Renton g e the first public meeting that took place virtually during COVID in ; Jl Spring of 20220 � Oar goal andLntent7tons are to preserve the North Renton COMMUnication, and thoughtful cons�de�ation ofthe nei Neigo. We are looking for transparencopen lines of ghborhood and its residents, We are dumbfounded that this development has reached the currentbuildin& stage of consideration. Between the potential of ,plusthe negative impact we've already seen and experienced regarcing Top Golf traffic, another r , " proposed multi -unit building within 250 yards of this proposed development (A" Wayand fYet anathe� proposed multi -unit project on S Williams Avenue near the Cedar River- the impats to the a in addition to t � residential neighborhood can not be absorbed by the infrastructure currentiy�n lace,dfoining traffic, parking, etc. You wi11 also see mentioned p without negative impacts to f ' below the impact from the Sartori School, located in the heart of the neighborhood. Concerns &Recommendations: iE • The negative impact this size o f a project will have on traffic and parking in the sur 100-unit building with 1-, 2-Ill and 3-bedroom units. Hothe parking allotted doeunding areasLogan 6 is a number of potential residnot ac ants/drivers. 100 spaces are absolutely inconceivable for this size of X.Or tThe - initial guideline for the ratio of parking to units was established when Renton transitsystems along thwic e Logan Avenue orridor. Since those transit systems were not rea ing to have improved etc), the ratio no longer serves the residents of North Rent -on and the impact on parkingW���ed (Sound Transit, be adverse. RIC • Traffic (with emphasis on N 3,d St, N 4th St, and Burnett) adverse) P A and creates an unnecessary burden for homes on Burnett and ot er near Y t eeNorth Renton Neighborhood 'overflov� of traffic/parking will be especially bs �w����ams, Wellsetc U1 , r r * Twould access the building on either the South ents. As currently pnoposed residents no access via North Logan Avenue. This drives rills dents ntoNhe North Ren t) orth 41h boundaries of the property, W�th purpose of intensified zoning along N Logan Avenue. The intensified use is inked ohborhood, Which is riot the the development or the traffic analysis does not provide for access on N Lo an Av the N Logan corridor, and if Pre9plo-seal deve%pent is not the right land use for this g enue, then property, perhaps the 40 We are a/so f vequesting an increase tG 1.75 adequate for units with more than one bedrspaces per unit. A one parkings p;ac:je 11 "loot one person, and it is likely most units will have oreover, for many uniis certa'nihe�e wi11 be mochczmore /ike/y more than 2pp cars, will need more h an one Person. This rneans more than 150 ears, and one park��8 Space per unit does not seem Parking estfro and t is will drive vehicles toparkA oposed development AsNorth Renton Neighborhoodas thereis no east all the property, �n the downtown" /oration, with amenities perking on N Logan, N 3�° Street, or N 4th Stree,-t. Also, kw%s is riot a be using their vehicles to access ($tores, restaurants) vvFthin walkingistance, sosidents wo1local services. � We aye concerned that while the City. in its City Center Com JPk CAW r°' ��otectond�nhQncN the neighborhrnunity Plan (2011, updated in 2017), oods in the rity Curer" and to "enhance measures (such as setk�+c�cks, x -- r x I }� r i ": restrictions to protect edges o singleva,amily areas from adjacent • 0 ,,,fprs, 1GndSCL7PLW JLOF ening and height no actiorl development , r has �n taken. requ ffiurvey be conducted. This request has been voiced at mashy we are ;..R� it �` n�,r unc)erbt,d"d41 ing rhPis isOr'11Curring, but we request that a revised traffic study/.analysis Mt CLI111 5JO provided as a precursor to any further cotninuation of the review process. L,% *ka 1r1+.. �f Ronton Resolution ..ts►a 111ta tr unnprstz�iu w��y ���c ...�� ....---•---- ---- - 2708, relating to the preselvation of the North VYC �J �In�. 4v ••••�•-' -'_ _ . . � � __a.l_.....w�.:ww .nrw4wwfiAr� n� *i1AlA Renton neighborhood (and Kennydale) assingle-family neighbornooas, WiL(1 int: LILY.-MOKIIIX-Pru�c�i���� V� ������ netiazhb-orhoads a priori is not being abided by. The proposed cor►�Qlex on Logan, with the use of traffic accessing N 3rd and N 4th:seems quite counteor, "ntuMve ta a settlement agreement toigne�dd by Larry 1Narrenp attorney, and earl Clymer, then Renton City may agreed Upon with legal COUnsel and representatives from the North Renton neighborhood (illcluding former C,ouncilmemler Theresa. ymer and Neighborhood President Marge Richter) at that time,. A full disclosure of information shoula be shared with the Hearing Exa at any hearing can this topic referenced above.. miner, along with any records provided at the ty d,d Conduct relCrOSpectives: It VWnras evident at a North* Renton Neighborhood Association meeiinare valuabte� essons, not r-nnduct i retrospectirre an the impact of Sartori Zchool redevelaprYrent.'fi believe there hp- a n*Int of costa silos for the neighbors. vve're asking at especial�y because inizz uevcrUN�F«���--- as new developments are proposed, we ook at current e, conduct retrospectives, and that both long- an Short-term impacts e considered. • Since the Renton Compre�ensive Plan is currently under review, we would like the city to present the detail of this plan to tf�e North Renton Community Association at an upcoming meeting. In closing, I understand that th gan 6 project is once again on hold, as it was in September 2022 and then aga+n in ember 2023 andis c ntly Stitt ors t�o ld. It is possible that the City Planning team put the project on hold after atter►di,ng our 4cto 2023 North Renton Ne*ghborhood ssociation meeting. 0 e are hopefuthat city staff are listening to concerns expressed y neighbors inthe Ntorth Renton band act'on- NN and .._ we also are hopeful the ci ncil will listen to and hear our concerns about this ro both our behalf and an behalf of the city. incerely, A concerned citizen of the North Renton Neighborhood Name (printed) (N� Address 0�7 February, 2024 Dear Mayor Pavane, city cot1fic nicate myopposition to te proposed Logan 6 development. 101 Members, Alex Morganroth and Vanessa D lbee: 4 and vOlciwin8n'Y C°ncerns at I plan on attendnghftenton neighbors concerns I, and other Nor-t have beenvoicing Neighborhood Association), an upcoming council meeting and wanted to proactively D rief you on thW10 you'll also be hearing from, along with the North Renton since the first public meeting that took pi ace virtually during rOVID in Spring of 2022. dons are to preserve the North Renton Neighborhood. We are looking for Our goal and lonten � `M���Qhtful consideratiOn of the neighborhood and its residents. transparency, open lines of communication, a,,o ����--a We are dumbf0unded that this development has reached the current stagy of consideration. Between the potentsia� of building. p��+s the negat've impart We ve ;,Iready seen andex enenced regarding Top Golf traffic, another this 100-wunit d development (Airport Way and Logan Ave), in a0 e t ddition to P roposed multi -unit bulldtng within 25� Yards of this proposed multi-unit project on S W1111the nfeast uctar th C d ure currently nue ne e arin place, v�i ivermw the hout�negatilve to the adjoining yet anotherbsorbed by residential neighborhood' � cannot lso see mentioned below the impact from the Sartori School, located n heart f t1111111e traffic, Parking, e neighborhood. Concerns & Recommendations: • The negative impact this size of a project will have on traffic and parking in the surrounding areas. Logan 6 is a 100,"unl'pt building with2111111111111111111�,,and 3-bedroom units. However,, the Parking allotted does not account for the number of potential res'I'dents/drivers.100 spaces are absolutely inconceivable for this size of complex. The indiptial guideline for the ratio o parking to units was established when Renton was expecting to have improved transit systems along the Logan Avenue Corridor. Since those transit systems were not realized (Sound Transit, '0 etc), the ratio no longer serves the residents of North Renton and the impact on parking will be adverse. • Traffic (with emphasis on N 3nd St, N 4th St, and Bu rnett) adversely impacts the North Renton Neeghbofiood and creates an unnecessary burden for homes on Burnett and other nearby streets (Williams, Wells, etc). The 'overflow' of traffic/parking will bees ecia urdensome for these residents. As currently proposed, residents would access the building on either the South (3rd Street) ���pIIIIIIIr North (4"� Street) boundaries of the property, with no access via North Logan Avenue. This drives residents*Into the North Renton Neighborhood, which is not the of intenstfied zoning along N Logan Avenue. The intensified use is linked to the N Logan corridorifPurpose, and the development or the traffic analysis does not provide for access on N Logan Avenue, then perhaps the proposed development i*s not the right land use for this property. � We are also r uestin an increase to 1.75parki*ngspaces per unit. A one parking space per unit is not eq g adequate for units with more than one bedroom. Moreover, for many units it is certain there will be more than one person, and it is likely most Units will have more than one person-8 This means more than 150 cars, and more likely more than 200 cars, will need parking from the proposed development. As mentioled ab � havin he one parking space per unit does not seem realistic, and this will drp '0 ive vehicles tO park east of the prope North Renton Neighborhood, as there is no parking on N Logan, N 3rd Street, or N 4th Street. Also, this is not a Wntown" location with amenities (stores, restaurants) within walking distance, so potential residents would e using their vehicles to access local services. upd4i n2017), calls for te We are concerned that hile the Cityin its Clty Center Community Plan 2011, Cf� to ��Protect and enhance the neighborhoods in the City Center' and to "enhance measures (such as setbacks, ?� � �'. '0��`�f "i �t� .41 �* ��1 � ',' 1 � � i� ' � �� !� ('' '' ��. ��j��� it 4A I ? Q�d height restrfctionsto protecf edges of singlefamiy Areas romad scfan�$cape screeningJ ers,tan has been taken. r ve�QP�'�nt , no i nesting oean UPd traffic survey be conducted. This request has been voiced at m� f W� ire req his is occurring, but we request thaE a revised traffic studys benderstand�n�� continuation of te review process. providerecUrs r We#d like to understand Why the C�tY of Renton Resolution 27�8, relating to the preservation of the North Renton inetg�barh006 (and Ke�nYdale� aSsingle-family neighborhoods, witW111111- h the city making nrotection oft ese �nrorhoang abided ftel by. p m lex on Logianix wuse otraffic accessing N 3� and N 4� seems quite counterintuttivve to The proposed co Py City Mayor, and a setdeS,gr�Qd by tarry Wrre111111 ttorney, end Ea�rf C! mer, then Renton � upon��t��gCounsel and representatves fra�m t�e Nc►rth Rchten atthat tiig �d including former JTf C,,0un(f11mem�er Theresa Clymer and Neigi�barhood President Mae A full disclosure of information should be shard with the Hearing Exarr�►iner, along with any records provided at any hearing on this topic referenced above. Conduct retroSpectives: it was evident at a North Renton Neig�b�nc��Qd �►ssaciation meeting, that the city did 0 not conduct a retrospective on the impact of Sartori 5chaol red�veto p�trrent. I believe there are va'uable lessons, especially because that development continues to be a point of conten.-ian for the neighbors. Were asking that as new developments are proposed, we look at current state, conduct trospectives, and that both long- and short term impacts be considered. • Since the Renton Comprehensive Plan is currently under review. we would like the city to present the detail of this plan to the North Renton Community Association at an upcoming meeting. In closing, I understand that th gan 6 project is once again onold, as it was in September 2022 and then again in September 2023 and is C tly still on hold.. it is possible that.. e CitYy Planning team put the project on hold after attending our Oct r 2023 North Renton Neighborhood Association meeting. We are hopeful that city staff are listening to concerns expressed by neighbors in the North Renton neighborhood, and we also are hopeful the cRtIty (:0unci! will listen to and hear our concerns about this proposed development, and act on .-- both our behalf and an behalf o e city. S-A incerely, J& A concerned citizen o e o enton Neighborhood Nprin edf 2 Address