HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-07-010_Report 1~-· TOTAL AREA= C, 456 M;. P~ED NO. OF LOT'S• 3 ZONl~=R-,8 cam GROSS AREA = 6,998 SF ACCESS EBNT • 1,400 SF NET AREA = 5,5811 SF ""'' GROSS AREA= 6,llll2 SF ACCESS ESMT = 1,400 SF NET AREA • 5.592 SF LOTl/3 GROSS AREA= 5,990 SF NET AREA• 5,9~ SF DENSI--Y PROPOSED• 4 -8 DU/AC DENSI-Y PERMITIED = 4 -8 UUIAC 8URYEY 6 ENGIJIIEERINGI MRK ENGINEERING PlLC 14218 SE 101H STREET BELLEVUE. WA 98007 PH: 206-1119-1078 . .........,__ RUB~~EN 3133 NE 18TH PL RENTON,WA91:1D56 PH: 206"280-48&6 Sm! LOCAT10NI 782 MONROE AVE NE IENTON, WI',, 98066 CHEN SHORT PLAT NW 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 9, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. KING COUNTY PARCEL NO.: 801110-0010 762 MONROE AVE NE :~,, ~j • • ; -' RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY FILE NO.: INDEX OF DRAWINGS: 1 • COVER SHEET 2 • EXISTING LOT 3-PROPOSEDLOTSLAYOUT ... 'ZJl-$1" ¢r,#'-if-l' /i l l ,, ii j! i ' SITE ·1"'= ~l!T, __ ,,.. ~:~:/ NEni-u;r. ~/ --wftE.I!!:iPI. ~i I ) N,..-rM9T ' \ /.--. ' -~-------------)--~~~-- 6c) VICINITY MAP ~Ql_,_r,_, NT'S LAGAl.. DDCIUPTIDNa LOT 2, 111..0CK 1,.S'IEWARTS HIGHI..Nm ACRE 1llACTS ACCORDINO TO TIE PLAT THEREOF RECOftDED IN VOt.UIIIE 43, OF PLATS AT PAGE 17,RECORDS OI' KlilG COUNTY WA8taNOTON. U.SIII OP BUJtlNG: 111E IIA8l8 Of 8EAlllrtG FOIi 11118 IIUR\IEY 18 TIE IIONLIIIENTcl) CEN'TEla,.a!IE OF MONROE AVE IIORfl£AST IKJRlrl ~ WEST BEJWEEN TIE SOUTH DIE QUARTER CF SECTION 9, TUMIISHIP Z3 NORTH, RANGE i EA8T, W.111. MD TIE MONUMENT AT THE INTERSECJlON OF MONRO: AVE NQR1ltEAST AND NORTH EAST 1111 COURT. ................ TllE VERTICAL DATUM USEO FOR THIS 8URVEV IS NORTli AMERICAN VERTICAL DAT\JM OF 1913, REFERENCE ELEVATION IS TI-IE CASED YONUIIIENT AT THE INTEMEC'nON OIF Jrloim-EAST 7TH STREET AND MQl<jRQE AVE MORT11EAST MONUMENT BEi,«; A COPPER TACK SET IN TttE TOP IJF A CONCRETE JltONUMENT RECESSED a.i' BELOW THE SURFACE. ELEYATIOH • 3111.80 U.S. SURVEY FEET. ........... RECORD Of 8UR\IEY A.F .'81111111G11 CITY OF RElffON 9HORT Pl.AT A.F .aDO'INOnOOOOI CITYDF RENTON I.AND UBE ACTION {8HORTPI..AT] A.F"'21104~ ANICE'U.D (SHORT PUl.1') crT"I" tF ~ LAND USE IICT10N A.F#lllltttllCIOODSI KING COUtfTY AAENOR8 JrlAP SOIITllEASTQUARTEROF SECTION OI, TOWNSHIP Zl NCl!ffli, RANGE 05 EAST. SlJ'lVEYOR'S CERTIRCATE TlllS IMP CORREC11. Y REPRESEtm, A SURVEY tMDE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION 1111 CONFCIRMANCEWITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF Tl-IE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF RUBEN CHEN IN APRIL 200B. r:.~· -~~y~:,~· ,_ .. ·1,1 w ""'i"' J ,,-~,';~;!'.,\ ~L TIMM,F'L5 CERTIFICATE NO. 41037 MRK EIIIGIIIIEERIIIIG PU.C 14218 SE 10Tl-l STREET BELI.EVUE, WA 98007 PHONE: 2£1S..355--2484 TD 1 o, !~i i IC 1,' , Ii ~ ,1-1 " e --.-+-L-Li i I! -: ++___LJ 'I"'' 111,i I '!!! i!•'i !•'11· 1ii_1, ,, ih 111,: 1!,••i I '·' ! ,.o. Utj m!l 1m1 ~--- &-- " ' ~ '-. ,... < " '-. ~ ~ ~ t.J ShCC § ----- ~ ~ 0 ' ~ ~;,, ~1]'2 '.i~~ ~~6 ~:-..,,, ~i~R '='ct',-- ii *-~ ::::.:::'.'<cJZ::. 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The City of Renton approved the above referenced short plat on March 20, 2007. This approval is ordinarily good for two years only, with the possibility of an additional one year extension from the Planning Division (RMC 4-7-070M). For a period oftime, an additional two year extension was available per ordinance 5452. Our records indicate a one-year extension and the two-year extension under Ordinanc.e 5452 were granted on August 26, 2010 extending the expiration period to September 10, 2013. Unfortunately, no further extensions of the filing deadline are possible. As of September 10, 2013, your short plat has expired, therefore, the short plat approval has become null and void and you will need to resubmit all application materials and meet current codes. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7286. Jennifer Henning, AICP Current Planning Manager cc: Kayren Kittrick; Plan Review Supervisor Carrie Olson, Engineering Specialist Nikki Snow, CED Intern Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton;Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov September 4, 2013 Ms. Jennifer Henning City of Renton Ruben Chen 3133 NE 191h PL Renton, WA 98056 Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Subjet: Request for Extension of Project's Period of Validity Chen Short Plat/ City of Renton File LUA07-01 O Dear Ms. Henning; It is my intention to complete the Chen Short Plat (LUA07-010} in one year. Due to financial difficulties I am unable to complete the project by the September 10, 2013 due date. The economic downturn made it very difficult to perform any type of construction work required for recording this project. I am requesting a one year extension for Chen Short Plat (LUA07-010) which is expiring September 10, 2013. This time will allow me to secure necessary construction funding required to complete the work and record the project. If you have any questions feel free to call me at 206-396-8792. Ruben Chen '-~y o CIT )F RENTON :~~ R ~ Department of Community and ,. Economic Development ~ -~ Denis Law, Mayor Alex Pietsch, Administrator ~N~o;,o-~~~~~~~~~~---~~---~~~~~~~~~ September I 0, 2008 Mohammad K. Jalalyar, P.E. MRK Engineering 1954 Union Ave NE Renton, WA 98059 SUBJECT: CHEN SHORT PLAT (LUA07-010, SHPL-A) Dear Mr. Jalalyar, Thank you for your letter of June l 51h in which you request clarification regarding the status of the Chen Short Plat. On March 20, 2007, the short plat was approved subject to conditions. One condition required that the lots meet the minimum size requirements of a restrictive covenant, or remove the restrictive covenant from the plat to allow for a three-lot subdivision. As the restrictive covenant has been voided by the action of the Renton City Council, you may proceed with the project as a three-lot short plat. Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached at: (425) 430-7286. Sincerely, '\~-Cfthl{-evl CY. J Jennifer Toth Henning, AICP Current Planning Manager -------,o-55_S_o_u_th_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y---R-en-to_n_, W_as_h_in_gt-on-98-0-57 _______ ~ @ :This paper contains GO% recycled matenal, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE _MRK engineering pile -~19~54 Union Ave Renton, wa 9805.~9 ____ (206) 799-1379 June 15, 2008 Ms. Jennifer Henning Planning Manager Development Services Division I 055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Subject: CHEN SHORT PLAT Parcel No.: LUA-07-010, SHPL Dear Ms. Henning: The project is located in the NW 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 9, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M., in King County, Washington. The site is located at 762 Monroe Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. The entire site covers an area of approximately 0.46 acre and zoned Single-Family Residential RS (5,000 SF/Lot). The site consists of an existing house and a garage. The project proposes to subdivide this lot into three single-family lots through a short plat process. The preliminary short plat was approved on March 20, 2007 as two lot because of the Hilands Tract restrictive covenant binding lot size to a minimum of 6000 square feet. On the short plat approval Report and Decision letter states that the applicant shall shall remove the restrictive covenant from the face of the plat to allow for a three lot subdivision. The Plat of Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts, Vol. 43 of Plats, Page 17 has the following restriction: "No lot or portion of a lot shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership change or transfer whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than 6,000 square feet for suburban S-2 use, with a minimum lot width of 60 ft. " It is our understanding that the on April 2008, the City of Renton City Council has removed the above stated restrictive covenant. With the removal of the restrictive covenant the proposed short plat approved on March 20, 2007 has meet the City's approval requirements. We are requesting that the proposed project should be allowed to proceed as a three lot short plat. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 206-799-1078 or email at kazim _ mrk@yahoo.com. Mohammad K. J lyar, P.E. MRK engineering pile 1_!l_54 U!JiQ_n Ave Renton. June 15. 2008 Ms. Jennifer Henning Planning Manager Development Services Division I 055 S. Grady Way Renton. WA 98055 Subject: CHEN SHORT PLAT Parcel No.: LUA-07-010, SHPL Dear Ms. Henning: wa 98059 ----C_2_06) 799-1379 The project is located in the NW 1/4, SW 1/4. SEC. 9, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M .• in King County. Washington. The site is located at 762 Monroe Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. The entire site covers an area of" approximately 0.46 acre and zoned Single-Family Residential R8 (5,000 SF/Lot). The site consists of an existing house and a garage. The project proposes to subdivide this lot into three single-family lots through a short plat process. The preliminary short plat was approved on March 20, 2007 as two lot because of the I lilands Tract restrictive covenant binding lot size to a minimum of 6000 square feet. On the short plat approval Report and Decision letter states that the applicant shall shall remove the restrictive covenant from the lace of the plat to allow for a three lot subdivision. The Plat of Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts.Vol. 43 of Plats, Page 17 has the following restriction: "No lot or portion of a lot shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership change or transfer \1'hereby the ownership of any portion of !his plal shall be less than 6, /JOO square feetfr>r suburban S-2 use. with a minimum lo/ width o/60.ft. " It is our understanding that the on April '.2008, the City of Renton City Council has removed the above stated restrictive covenant. With the removal of the restrictive covenant the proposed short plat approved on March 20, 2007 has meet the City·s approval requirements. We arc requesting that the proposed project should be allowed to proceed as a three lot short plat. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 206-799-1078 or email at kazim mrk@yahoo.com. CIT~ OF RENTON r~".<{Y ~~ I..,~~ + ~ >+-+ Office of the City Attorney ~ -~ Kathy Keolker, Mayor Lawrence J, Warren ~~1\T'l'O)'--.;....---------------------- October 19, 2007 Fred Kaufinan, Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 S, Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Re: Chen Short Plat/Voght Appeal~ LUA 07-010. SHPL-A Dear Mr, Examiner: senior Assistant City Attorneys Mark Barber Zanetta L. Fontes Assistant City Attorneys Aon S. Nielsen Garmon Newsom II Shawn E. Arthur The above-referenced appeal was previously continued and is currently scheduled to reswne on Tuesday, October 23, 2007, The City of Renton ("City") had requested a continuance to look into several issues and having done so, the City is now prepared to report the following to the Examiner: The City issued is Administrative Decision on the Chen Short Plat on March 20, 2007. The appeal period for this decision passed with no appeals filed. The Applicant then sent a letter to the City dated July 17, 2007 seeking clarification on an issue in the Administrative Decision. The Development Services Director Neil Watts then send a response to this July 17, 2007 letter dated July 24, 2007. Appellant Voght then filed an appeal based on the answer contained in Mr. Watt's July 24, 2007 letter. After careful review, the City has determined that the July 24, 2007 letter was advisory in nature, and therefore, should not have given rise to an appeal. Therefore, Mr. Watts is now retracting that letter which effectively negates the appeal. He will be contacting Mr. Voght to inform him of this. The status of the Chen plat now remains with the decision and conditions set forth in the March 20, 2007 report, which were never appealed. 1 1 The Chen Administrative Report Decision's #4 states: 'The applicant shall revise and resubmit the short plat plan as a two-lot subdivision, thereby ensuring lot sizes of 6,000 sq. feet (net) and a minimum 60' width; or, remove the restrictive covenant from the plat to allow for a three-lot subdivision." This provision dictates the current status of the Chen's short plat. Presumably, the likely desired outcome sought by Mr. Voght in this appeal (to prevent the platting of the 3 lot short plat) would now result with the withdrawal of the letter and subsequent dismissal of the appeal As to the advisory "interpretation" of gross vs. net issue set forth in Mr. Watt's letter, the City anticipates that this issue will arise again in a new subsequent case which contains similar issues. But, those issues will be addressed in the Administrative Report and assuming a timely appeal is liled against that Report, this gross vs. net issue can be properly addressed before the Hearing Examiner al a later date. -P-o-st_O_ffi_c_e~B-o-x-62-6---R-en_t_on-, _W_as_hin ___ gt_o_n_9-80_5_7_--(4--2-5)-2-55---86_7_8_/ F-AX--( 4-25_)_2-55--5-4-74-~ @ This paper cantar'"1s 50"/" rr:r:yr:10.d material 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THF. CURVE Chen/Voght Appeal October l 9, 2007 Page2 Assuming the Hearing Examiner concurs with this assessment, there will be no need to hold the continued hearing on Tuesday. Accordingly, the City respectfully requests that you strike the scheduled hearing. Ann Nielsen Asst. City Attorney cc: James L. Voght, Appellant Mohammad Jalalyar, PE Gregg Zimmerman Neil Watts Andrea Petzel Larry Warren ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov September 25, 2007 Mohammad Jalalyar, PE MRK Engineering, PLLC 1954 Union Avenue NE Renton, WA 98059 Dear Mr. Jalalyar: Thank you for your letter of September 4, 2007. regarding the removal ofa restriction on the face of the plat of Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts, Volume 43 of Plats, Page 17, Records of King County, Washington, Tax Parcel No. 801110-0010. It is my understanding you spoke with Ray Florcnt, regarding this issue within the last two weeks. Following your conversation, Ray spoke to Andrea Petzel, of the City of Renton, to discuss the county's position on this matter. According to Mr. Floren!, he later called to let you know what was discussed. The restriction you quote is a typical zoning restriction placed on most, if not all, of the plats of this era. It noted the zoning in place at the time the subdivision was approved, and stated the lots within the subdivision could not be divided any smaller than that specific zoning would allow. This restriction obviously would have been enforceable under the then current code. However, today, King County cannot enforce older codes or restrictions that have been superseded with the codes in effect today. Our position is consistent with Court Decision 155 Wash.2d 112, 118 P3d 322. It is common for this note to appear as a title encumbrance on many of the plats and short plats applied for within our department. We have consistent] y ignored this restriction and proceeded toward preliminary approval. If you have any additional questions, please contact Ray Floren!, Chief Land Surveyor, Engineer Review Section, at 206-296-6790. Sincerely, :i?Miles~------- Division Director cc: Raymond E. Florcnt, PLS, Chief Land Surveyor, Engineer Review Section Andrea Petzel, Planner, City of Renton /:' --) ; '. 1~ ~~' \/.---·-.... _.,. \ i.~(~R -~~·-} Planning/Buuding/PublicWorks Department .-;~:(;-';,· ,:.l_' =K_a_,h_y_K_e_oi_k_e,_, M....;ay_o_, ___ .""="""-"''"'-.... "'~"··•. -------G-re_g_g_z_i_m_m_•-r_m_a_n=P_._E_., :::::~:~:~~~~:-·-=-• """ i./ ___ ... September 12, 2007 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Subject: CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON SEP I 3 2007 CITY &1:1iE~)t8FFICE Please see attached new plats that have Just been addressed. Please add these addresses to your City directones and maps. Amanda Court Short Plat Blakey Townhomes Short Plat Chen Short Plat Garden of Eden LLA Honey Brooke West/Sagecrest Plat Langley Ridge Plat Ng Short Plat Rainier Station LLA Jan Conklin Energy Plans Exammer Development Services D1 vision Telephone: 425-430-7276 #1:platadd Barbee Mill Plat Brctzke Rogers Lothne adjustment Conner Puget Colony Short Plat 2 Highlands Park Plat Houvener Short Plat Brewis/Meadow Ave Short Plat Puget Colony I Short Plat Renton Prop Short Plat 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98057 ~ 'WONW.',,' ! ~ ~ ::t:. ~ ~ 30.00 • • z 0 0 0 :SI "l ::, ff;.' :,;I "' ' N' I s: I :,,I N "' p g z ., '/' /t 'I " ' . !<....--'l-. /~r-c.) / \ •.- 3C 0~ -. -,'' . , ~ ·1·~ ·1·· _·_ g,·. 'J l . !O.·~· ----!"J. *·'. .. ~·I ---------- i IW , q .' 11 l:1 'i I ) 1' I 1 LOT#1 n I; 1 76 LOT#2 6Tss'sF I _J~ I 6,992 SF "' "' BUILOING I ~I~ I BUILOING 1,600 SF 1,600 SF FF= 469.00 .J I! L FF= 469.00 I ~ ... --------- p:i 70.03' l) < --N 88°54'08" W 200.03' - CONCRETE BLOCK WALL EXISTI~ HOUSE"" I 10.QQ' !S. 3SB1• ~. -~·----~ ! r----------- gJ' ' :..OT #3 I I : 598981= Z I ! o I ' 1°' I \~~\ J~l~~--- 8, BUILDING 1.600 SF FF • 469 00 EXIST•~G C::CG t-,·:J1;S~ 20' BSBL 60.00' -r). <~ .. ,-.. j ,-,, __ , . ,~(;<~(:_..,/·! -,';,,' I ' < I I ' ,' ; ;. ,·.' I~ a, J~ IZ ('.1/0 -.. TCP ., -4:0~ ~-.~ SO--:-"395.43 '6:)/ //() 001 <) TOP = 401 OC SOT = 395 15 RETAtMNG WAl..L BY OTHERS TQP = ~:'.::\ :.::,:: ---------80' ::: 397 4 7 . ,I';. ~.):,$T'l"¥.j ·~·-'x l Iii ii ~ ~ 7~'2.. ~ A-41,NE t 1--l -~~ ;11 ~ r&r :/H)z NE 1TH ST. 9·q(i,; 7( \ ~ --:- /' ST ATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on September 8, 2007. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$79.80. ~ ·;w),,;l~ Linda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 10'" day of September, 2007. .\1\IU_!lflftt ,,, (" .-, •\i ·1·· .. ''I' ..._\ ~,;-'\I 'l t::· i'., ,, 0 ········· {.,)";', /-'JJ:) O:.a];f;z,d(rrJ f ~~~;,)sSION <'~'.;~~("% B D Cantelon ~ : NOTARY "': = Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Kent, w_Mt4i\,gton PUBLIC J 2::: PON b ·~· ·O~ . . um er: -;~ "/, ··~ 0 __ () / f..:.. ~ --:-... ~-··::(01/20\._+···.Q.r,$" ~,.... (! ...: ··~--·"· ,(\::,_ , .... . ,,~.., ~ /-.. \I\-',, CY-.._ ,,, ""?i r,.._. \ · 1nun 1,~\' NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON. WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington1 on September 18, 2007 at 9:00 AM to consider the following petitions.: Appeal of Director's Determination for the Chen Short Plat LUA07-010, SHPL·A Location: 762 MonrooAvenue NE. Description: An appeal of a Direct.or's Detennination that, for the purpose of subdividing the Chen Short Plat, an existing restricth·e covenant requiring a minimum lot size of6,000 squarf' feet shall be mrt by gro~:-; lot e;ize, rat.her than net lot size. AH intern~ted persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Questions should be dircded to the• Hearing Examiner at 425-430-6515. Published in the Renton Reporter, September 8, 2007. #864056. .. ~ James L. Voght 716 Monroe Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Re: Chen Short Plat Appeal LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Voght: CI'r~ OF RENTON Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufmau The appeal hearing in the above matter has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. The hearing will take place in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. The address is 1055 S Grady Way in Renton. If this office can provide any further assistance, please address those comments in writing. Sincerely, Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton FK/nt cc: Larry Warren, City Attorney Garmon Newsom II, Assistant City Attorney Neil Watts, Development Services Jennifer Henning, Development Services Andrea Petzel, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Ruben Chen, Owner Mohammad K. Jalalyar ----J-0-55_S_o_u_th_G_r-ad_y_W-ay---R_e_n_to_n_, W-as-h-in-gt_o_n_9_8_05_5_·_(4_2_5_)4_3_0_-6_5_15 ____ ~ AHEAD OF THE CURVE Mohammad K. Jalalyar MRK Engineering 14218 SE 10th Street Bellevue, WA 98007 tel: (206) 799-1379 (contact) Updated: 08/14/07 PARTIES OF RECORD CHEN SHORT PLAT LUA07-010, SHPL-A Ruben Chen 3133 NE 19th Street Renton, WA 98056 (owner/ applicant) James Voght 716 Monroe Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 tel: ( 425) 255-2528 (party of record) (Page 1 of 1) ~y 0 CIT't OF RENTON o~"t¢:: + ~ + Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department ~;; o'<:r--K-•-th_y_K_e_o_lk-er_,_M_•y_o_, _______________ c_,_•_gg_z_im_m_e_rm_a_n_P_.E_._,_A_d_m_i_m_·st_r_a_to_r __ ~·Nrt August 12, 2007 Mohammad K. Jalalyar MRK Engineering 14218 SE 10th Street Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Chen Short Plat -Covenant Restrictions LUA 07-010, SHPL Dear Mr. Jalalyar: This letter is sent as a follow-up to the Director's Determination dated July 24, 2007. The lots of the Chen Short Plat are bound to a King County restrictive covenant requiring a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 60 feet. The short plat was approved on March 20, 2007 with the following condition: Condition #4: "The applicant shall revise and resubmit the short plat plan as a two- lot subdivision, thereby ensuring lot sizes of 6,000 square feet (net) and a minimum of 60' width; QI., remove the restrictive covenantfrom the plat to allow for a three-lot subdivision. " The approval and associated conditions were not appealed. Following that decision a determination was made that the 6,000 square foot minimum can be met by gross, rather than net, lot size. However, based on the conditions for Short Plat approval, the restrictive covenant must either be removed or the plat plan revised to be a two-lot subdivision. If the covenant cannot be removed, another option is for you to resubmit an application for three- lot Short Plat because the condition of approval binds you to a two-lot subdivision. A new application for a three-lot short plat could be approved administratively without the condition of removing the covenant because of the recent Director's Determination that the requirement for 6,000 square foot lots could be met by gross, rather than net square footage. Please contact me if you have any questions at (425) 430-7270, Sincerely, Andrea Petzel, Pia Development Services Division cc: City of Renton File LUA 07-010 Ruben Chen, Owner Ann Nielsen, City Attorney's Office James Voght, Party of Record Neil Watts, Development Services Director -------J-0-55_S_o_u_th_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y ___ R_e-nt-o-n,-W-a-s-hi-ngt-on_9_80_5_7 ______ ~ @. Thispai:,ercontains 50% recycled material, 30°.(o post consumer AHEAD OF THE r.nRVE D Cash D Check No. CITY OF RENTON City Clerk Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 425-430-6510 D Copy Fee %Appeal Fee Receipt N_ 0926 Date <?,/zlzoo7 71 D Notary Service D _________ _ Description: 1/tf<'.D / Iv f/t::,-, ,-,/; j e,x~/.q'l•--L('V L-v,1-0·7-0/Cl, SHr ' Funds Received From: Name Address City/Zip , f O v l•(fl S //t!J /1 I. 71/o ltlery, rtJ-f //vi" !1//Z I Amount$ 75: OC) "<' >'·(' "r I • x· James L. Voght NOTICE OF APPEAL -1 716 Monroe Ave. NE Renton, WA 98056 Tel: 425-255-2528 August 6, 2007 City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 TO THE HEARING EXAMINER OF THE CITY OF RENTON Regarding an Appeal of a decision by the Renton Development Services Director Appellant: James L. Voght, Party of Record CHEN SHORT PLAT LUA-07-010-SHPL-A NOTICE OF APPEAL ri.t:Cl::::1vi::u -r:rn,: Ct_ ~RI<''<; 0i::1 .. :1(';;;- 2 ,"Cl, f'1t/ 6 James L. Voght, as a Party of Record and who lives within 300 feet of this project, appeals the decision of the City of Renton Development Services Director regarding an administrative decision, dated July 24, 2007; that Plat Restrictions for lot size can be met by gross, rather than net, lot size. A copy of the above appealed d~cisi~n is attached (July 24, 2007) .• S/,f.. 3 of 3 01 SA ..L A copy ofletter from MRK engmeenng (July 17, 2007) c/.i/.P/ .5 ho.· f Pl"' I r /<',,,-, «et A copy of City definition of Lot -Page 11-23 (Revised 12/05) A copy of CITY'S REPORT AND DECISION is attached (March 20, 2007) RELEVANT FACTS Legal Description of the Chen Short Plat -LUA-070-SHPL-A is as follows: Lot 2, Block 1, Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts as recorded in Vol. 43 of Plats, Page 17, records of King County, Washington. Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts, Vol. 43 of Plats, Page 17; has the following restriction on the face of the plat. "RESTRICTIONS No Lot or Portion of a lot of this plat, excepting those lots which are hereinafter restricted to business use, shall be divided and sold, or resold, or ownership changed or transferred, whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than the area required for the use district stated on this plat, namely 6000 sq. ft. for suburban use, with a minimum lot width of 60 feet. All lots in this plat are restricted to S-2 Suburban use. " Renton Municipal Code, page 11-23 (Revised 12/05) -[LOT: A fractional part of divided lands having fixed boundaries, being of sufficient area and dimension to meet minimum zoning requirements for width and area, excluding private access easements. The term shall include "tracts" or "parcels."] Report and Decision -J. DECISION: 4. The applicant shall revise and resubmit the short plat plan as a two-lot subdivision, thereby ensuring lot sizes of 6,000 square feet {net) and a minimum 60' width; or, remove the restrictive covenant from the plat to allow for a three-lot subdivision. 3/20/07. NOTICE OF APPEAL -2 The Report and Decision was to be appealed by 4/03/07 or it would be final. There is a letter to MRK engineering from the City ( 4/13/07) stating the decision above is final as no appeals have been filed to date for this Short Plat. The letter from MRK engineering requesting this appealed administrative decision gives their opinion of the reason for the restriction on the face of this plat. The letter incorrectly refers to "an existing King County Covenant". The issue is a Restriction on the face of a Recorded Plat. I. At the time ofrecordation of this plat, King County did have jurisdiction to require compliance with their Codes in effect at that time. Most Plats have covenants and restrictions. 2. This project only meets the City ofRenton's R8 Zoning by being revised to a 2-Lot Short Plat as previously determined OR REMOVE THE RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FROM THE PLAT. 3. The City's approval ofLUA-03-067 SHPL was consistent with the Zoning and Lot definitions at that point in time, but has no bearing on this Short Plat. 4. Considering the gross lot area for each lot is prohibited by the Renton Municipal Code's definition of a Lot. The restrictions on the face of this Plat have not been removed. As an owner of property in this Plat, I have not even been contacted for an attempt at removal of any restrictions. My understanding is that the restrictions and covenants on the face of Plats of Record are binding until they are removed by a judicial decision. The Project as a 3-lot short plat still does not meet the City's Single-Family Residential R8 Zoning at the present time and will not until such time as the City revises their definition of a lot and/or decides to remove plat covenants from consideration by planners, surveyors and engineers. The appealed administrative decision dated 7/24/2007 {"For purposes of subdivision, the City has determined that the 6,000 square foot minimum can be met by gross, rather than net, lot size."} is in direct conflict with the City's previous decisions and the RMC. Based on the foregoing facts and arguments, Appellant James L. Voght, requests that the Hearing Examiner enter an order that this administrative decision be overturned. V . .• . Respe,~tfully yours~, _. ,/ /, . ;;:'t· 1 /Ia, ~-- James L. Voght, PLS Appellant 5 fc, c v T,;r /'t> ,; I ' 60 ,, Y1, t z u,,, 1fv'7, "" I.;. 0 5/ve-S (_ f ·~v ci·///c I MRK eflgjneering pile 14218 se 1dh street bellevue w._.a..___.,_98=0._..,0"'-7 ____ ---'-(.,_.20=6! Z99-107f3 July 17, 2007 Ms. Andrea Petzel Development Services Division City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Subject: CHEN SHORT PLAT PL-A Dear Ms. Petzel: The project is located in the NW 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 9, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M., in King County, Washington. The site is located at 762 Monroe Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. The entire site covers an area of approximately 0.46 acre and zoned Single-Family Residential R8 (5,000 SF/Lot). The site consists of an existing house and a garage. The project proposes to subdivide this lot into three single-family lots through a short plat process. The preliminary short plat was approved on March 20, 2007. On the short plat approval (Report & Decision) letter, city required to resolve an existing King County Covenant "No lot or portion of a lot shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than 6,000 square feet for suburban S-2 use, with a minimum lot width of60 feet." We have communicated with Beth Cheshier (206-296-7187), DDES, King County on June 20, 2007 regarding the covenant. She stated that the covenant references the King County Zoning that was in effect at the time the plat was recorded. Once the area was annexed to the City of Renton, the King County zoning does not apply. Since the site is within the City of Renton, City's zoning applies. King County does not have authority over the city zonings. In 2004, City of Renton has approved and recorded in King County a 4-Lots Short Plat #LUA- 03-067 SHPL (King County Recording No. 20041025900004) abutting Chen Short Plat in the north. This short plat was within the same restrictive covenant as Chen Short Plat is. The city has allowed the gross area for this short plat for each lot area. The gross area included the access easement and PSE easement. Chen Short Plat meets the requirements of the above restrictive covenant as follows: • King County does not have any zoning jurisdiction over City of Renton therefore the county suburban S-2 zoning does not applies anymore. Page 1 of2 MRK engineering pile • Project meets the City ofRenton's Single-Family Residential R8 (5,000 SF/Lot) zoning. • The city has approved a 4-Lots Short Plat #LUA-03-067 SHPL (King County Recording No. 20041025900004) abutting Chen Short Plat in the north with same restrictive covenant. • Considering the gross lot area for each lot, the project meets the restrictive covenant stated above. Please consider the above stated facts and allow the project to proceed for construction plans approval and final recording of three (3) lots short plat. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 206-799-13 79 or email at kazim mrk@yahoo.com. Existing Covenant.doc Page 2 of2 MRK engineering pile '\,~y 0 ~~~ CITY ~~<, Kathy Keolker, Mayor ~N'fo,y.........; __ ...;... _________________ _ Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator July 24, 2007 Mohammad K. Jalalyar MRK Engineering 14218 SE IO'h Street Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Chen Short Plat -. _LUA 07s0I0, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Jal al yar: This letter is in response to your request for a determination from the City regarding the restrictive covenant for lots in the Stewarts Highland Acres Tract. These lots are bound to a King County restrictive covenant requiring a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 60 feet. Specifically, the restrictive covenant states: "No lot or portion of a lot shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than 6,000 square feet for suburban S-2 use, with a minimum lot width of 60 feet. " For purposes of subdivision, the City has determined that the 6,000 square foot minimum can be met by gross, ratherthan net, lot size. This administrative decision will become final if not appealed to the Hearing Examiner by 5:00 p.m. on August 7, 2007. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please contact me or the project manager, Andrea Petzel, at (425) 430-7200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ?J~(utait Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division cc: Ruben Chen, Owner Andrea Petzel, Associate Planner Jim V oght, Party of Record WA 07-010, SHP{;A -------l-05_5_S_o_uth_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y ___ R_e_nt-01-1,-W-a-sh-i-ng-to-n-98_0_5_7~-----~ @ This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHF.AD OF THE CURVE i LOT:.·. irnctional part of divided land ving ii.ttd b~ndaries, being of sufficient ak-and di- . mension to meet minimum zoning requirements for width and area, excluding private access easements. The term shall include "tracts" or 'parcels." See LOT TYPES. LOT COVERAGE: The horizontal area measured within the outside of the exterior walls of all prin- cipal and accessory buildings on a lot including all ,:overed decks and porches. LOT, DEVELOPED: (This definition for RMC · ,1 1-130, Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regula- 1,.,ns, only.) A lot or parcel of land upon which a -.r,ucture(s) is located, which cannot be more in- ',·11sely developed pursuant to the City Zoning , ode, and which cannot be further subdivided ,,,irsuant to City subdivision regulations. lOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: A lot line adjustment is ""·' adjusting of common property line(s) or r" >11ndaries between adjacent lots, tracts, or par- ., ·Is for the purpose of accommodating a transfer ,,, Lind, rectifying a disputed property line location, , , freeing such a boundary from any difference or ., crepancies. The resulting adjustment shall not , •,·ate any additional lots, tracts or parcels and all "'' onfigured lots, tracts or parcels shall contain ,.,lficient area and dimension to meet minimum ,,., fl,irements for zoning and building purposes. I OT LINES: The property lines bounding the lot. IOT MEASUREMENTS: A Lot Depth: Depth of a lot shall be considered I 1,c the average distance between the foremost ,. , 11fs of the side lot lines in front (i.e., the points .,,, ·re the side lot lines intersect with the street 11 -23 right-of-way line) and the most points of the side lot lines in the rear. In tne case of pipestem lots. the pipestem portion of the lot shall be ig- nored for purposes of the calculation of average depth. 8. Lot Width: Width of a lot shall be considered to be the average distance between the side lines connecting front and rear lot lines, except for pipestem lots, where the pipestem portion of a lot shall be ignored for purposes of calculating the average width. LOT, PARTIALLY DEVELOPED: (This definition for RMC 4-4-130, Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations, only.) A lot or parcel of land upon which a structure is located and which is of suffi- cient area so as to be capable of accommodating increased development pursuant to the Renton Zoning Code; or which may be subdivided in ac- cordance with the City subdivision regulations. (Revised 12/05) I ., z g z ii: UJ 0 I ' 4-11-120 1. An application for a project permit or other governmental approval required by law be- fore real property may be improved, devel- oped, modified, sold, transferred or used, but excluding applications for permits or approv- als to use, vacate, or transfer streets, parks, and other similar types of public property; ex- cluding applications for legislative approval such as area-wide rezones and annexations; and excluding applications for business li- censes; 2. An interpretive or declaratory decision re- garding the application to a specific property of zoning or other ordinances orrules regulat- ing the improvement, development, modifica- tion, maintenance, or use of real property; 3. The enforcement by the City of codes regulating improvement, development, modi- fication, maintenance or use of real property. However, when the City is required by law to enforce the code in a court of limited jurisdic- tion, a petition may not be brought under RMC 4-8-11 o. LAND USE ELEMENT: A plan designating the lo- cation and extent of use for agriculture, timber production, housing, commerce, industry, recre- ation, open spaces, public utilities, public facili- ties, and other land uses as required by the Growth Management Act. LANDFILL: Creation or maintenance of beach or creation of dry upland area by the deposit of sand, soil, gravel or other materials into shoreline areas. LANDS COVERED BY WATER: Lands underly- ing the water areas of the state below the ordinary high water mark, including salt waters, tidal wa- ters, estuarine waters, natural watercourses, lakes, ponds, artificially impounded waters, marshes, and swamps. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: A professional land- scape architect licensed to practice by the State of Washington. LANDSCAPE BUFFER: An on-site strip abutting a property line which provides a physical, visual, and/or noise buffer and transition between land use of varying compatibilities and/or the street. Landscape buffers consist primarily of natural landscaping and selected hard surface elements, when deemed appropriate by the reviewing offi- cial. (Revised 12/05) 11 · 22 LANDSCAPED VISUAL BAlllllf N t ,~,, trees, and/or evergreen ~;1111111·. r,,-,,·,J:h-~4 lent buffering, planted to fHov1d41 ;1 1,....,,., dense screen within thre<' i:i, ,, of planting. LANDSCAPING: The inst.,11.,1,, ,,, shrubs, flowers, ground covP1 .,.;,! '"~ enhance a property's attrnct1vP,w · j ..... sion, improve security or 101 ·,n,, i,P 1 •·p LICENSED ENGINEER: AP'"''... , , • licensed to practice in the S1;,1, · , ,, .', , .. ,, LIGHT DEFINITIONS: The loll<>·,. , are utilized in the Exterior 011:;11,· 1 lations, RMC 4-4-075: A. Cutoff: The point at whicli .,,; led by a light source are compl, ,1, ·'. , (cut off) at a specific angle abov, · "" B. Cutoff Angle: The angle '""'" , · drawn from the direction of light,.,, source and a line perpendicular lo 11 « from the light source, above which 11, • ted. C. Cutoff Type Luminaire: A ""'' , ,, lion with elements such as shield:;,,,.,,, retractor panels that direct and cut"" ·1 , , a cut off angle less than ninety deq,,., D. Light Trespass: The shining 011,,,. duced by a light source beyond the 111", · the property on which it is located. \ E. Luminaire: The complete lighti11•1 "'. · ilil'<' eluding the lamp, the fixture, and oth, ,, , ._,.,, LOADING AREA: A specially designed," , place intended to be used by vehicles 1, ., iting and/or receiving passengers and""' .,, LOCAL SERVICE UTILITIES: Public <11 1, , .-;; / utilities normally servicing a neighborho, "1 "., '*' telephone exchanges; sewer, both stor111 ·""' .'k sanitary; distribution lines, electrical less 11 ..... ...;:, five (55) kv, telephone, cable TV, etc. )A LONG-RANGE WASTEWATER MANAGf MENT PLAN: See RMC 4-6-100. LOT: A specifically described parcel of la11d ... ., · boundary lines defining the extent of the lrrl ,. a given direction. t ' > I OT: "'f\S .•1Wi ,11se1 LO the t101 eel of I or dif CrE re, SU re, L( L( A to pc w MJ~K engineering R.f[c __ 14218 se 1d" street bellevue wa 98007 __ __ _ (206) 799-1078 July 17, 2007 Ms. Andrea Petzel Development Services Division City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Subject: CHEN SHORT PLAT LUA-07-010-SHPL-A Parcel No.: 801110-0010 Dear Ms. Petzel: The project is located in the NW 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 9, T. 23 N., R 5 E., W.M., in King County, Washington. The site is located at 762 Monroe Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. The entire site covers an area of approximately 0.46 acre and zoned Single-Family Residential RS (5,000 SF/Lot). The site consists of an existing house and a garage. The project proposes to subdivide this lot into three single-family lots through a short plat process. The preliminary short plat was approved on March 20, 2007. On the short plat approval (Report & Decision) letter, city required to resolve an existing King County Covenant "No lot or portion of a lot shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than 6,000 square feet for suburban S-2 use, with a minimum lot width of 60 feet. " We have communicated with Beth Cheshier (206-296-7187), DDES, King County on June 20, 2007 regarding the covenant. She stated that the covenant references the King County Zoning that was in effect at the time the plat was recorded. Once the area was annexed to the City of Renton, the King County zoning does not apply. Since the site is within the City of Renton, City's zoning applies. King County does not have authority over the city zonings. In 2004, City of Renton has approved and recorded in King County a 4-Lots Short Plat #LUA- 03-067 SHPL (King County Recording No. 20041025900004) abutting Chen Short Plat in the north. This short plat was within the same restrictive covenant as Chen Short Plat is. The city has allowed the gross area for this short plat for each lot area. The gross area included the access easement and PSE easement. Chen Short Plat meets the requirements of the above restrictive covenant as follows: • King County does not have any zoning jurisdiction over City of Renton therefore the county suburban S-2 zoning does not applies anymore. Page 1 of 2 MRK engineering pile • Project meets the City ofRenton's Single-Family Residential R8 (5,000 SF/Lot) zoning. • The city has approved a 4-Lots Short Plat #LUA-03-067 SHPL (King County Recording No. 20041025900004) abutting Chen Short Plat in the north with same restrictive covenant. • Considering the gross lot area for each lot, the project meets the restrictive covenant stated above. Please consider the above stated facts and allow the project to proceed for construction plans approval and final recording of three (3) lots short plat. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 206-799-1379 or email at kazim _ mrk@yahoo.com. Existing Covenant.doc Page 2 of2 MRK engineering pllc CHEN SHORT PLAT CO~DITIONS OF APPROVAL LUA07-010 Project Condition Source of When Compliance is Party Condition Required Responsible The existing house shall be Administrator Prior to recording Applicant removed, and a final inspection completed prior to short plat recording. A demolition permit shall be obtained from the Building Department of the Development Services Division. A detailed landscape plan shall Administrator Prior to recording Applicant be submitted to the Development Services Division Project Manager, which includes the 5-foot landscape strip along :Monroe A venue, NE, two ornamental trees in the front yard of each lot. and replacement options based on a 1: 1 ratio for the thirteen harvested conifers. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of Administrator Prior to recording Applicant $75.00 per additional Average Daily Trip shall be paid prior to recording of the short plat. The total for tv.io ne\v single- family lots is estimated to be $1,435.50 The applicant shall revise and Administrator Prior to recording Applicant resubmit the short plat plan as a two-lot subdivision, thereby ensuring lot sizes of 6,000 square feet (net) and a minimum 60' width; Q!~ remove the restrictive covenant from the plat to allow for a three-lot subdivision. The front yard for Lot 1 shall Administrator Prior to Recording Applicant face west toward Monroe A venue, NE. The front yards for Lots 2 and 3 shall face north. This shall be noted on the face of the short plat prior tu recording. The applicant shall pay an Administrator Prior to recording Applicant estimated $976.00 Fire Mitigation Fee (based on $488.00 per new lot) prior to the recording of the short plat. Notes Chen Short Plat Conditions of Approval Page 2 of2 Temporary Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained for the duration of the project in accordance with the Department of Ecology Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements (Vol. II) and staff rev1e\v. Administrator CC: City of Renton File LUA 07-010 Craig Burnell Jennifer Henning Arneta Henninger Kayren Kittrick Larry Meckling Rocale Timmons Neil Watts 1·11roughout construction Applicant & Contractor CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/ BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: April 13, 2007 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office . . · Project Name: LUA (file) Number: Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Acceptance Date: Applicant: · Owner: . Contact: PIO Number: ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: · Date Appealed to HEX: . By Whom: HEX Decision: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Mylar Recording Number: Chen Short Plat LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Andrea Petzel February 9, 2007 Ruben Chen Ruben Chen Mohammad K. Jalalyar, MRK Engineering 8011100010 March 20, 2007 April 3, 2007 Date: Date: Project Description: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 0.46 acre parcel into three lots for the development of three new single family homes. The existing house would be demolished. The site is zoned Residentlal-8 (R-8) du/ac. Access is via a proposed 20'x140' private access easement. , No critical areas exist onsite. Thirteen significant trees were cut down prior to applying for the · : short plat process. Location: 762 Monroe Avenue NE Comments: d~k CIT' OF RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P .E., Administrator o~~Y o~, ~ :! ; Kathy Keolker, Mayor ~"N'fO;,------------------------------- April 13, 2007 Mohammad K. Jalalyar MRK Engineering 14218 SE IO'h Street Bellevue, WA 98007 SUBJECT: Chen Short Plat LUA07-010, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Jalalyar: This letter is to inform you that the appeal period ended on April 3, 2007 for the Administrative Short Plat approval. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and you may proceed with the next step of the short plat process. The enclosed handout, titled "Short Plat Recording," provides detailed information for this process. The advisory notes and conditions listed in the City of Renton Report & Decision dated March 20, 2007 must be satisfied before the short plat can be recorded. If you have any questions regarding the report and decision issued for this short plat proposal, please call me at ( 425) 430- 7270. For questions regarding the recording process for the short plat, as well as for submitting revised plans, you may contact Carrie Olson at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, ~~!IJ Andrea Petzel, Planner Development Services Enclosure(s) cc: Ruben Chen I Owner -------l-0-55_S_o_u_th_G_r-ad_y_W-ay_-_R_e_n_lo-n.-V..-'a-s-hi-ng_t_on_9_80_5_7 ______ ~ ,en. ·\HE1\D OF THE CUKV.E Mohammad K. Jalalyar MRK Engineering 14218 SE 10th Street Bellevue, WA 98007 tel: (206) 799-1379 (contact) Updated: 02/06/07 PARTIES OF RECORD CHEN SHORT PLAT LUA07-010, SHPL-A Ruben Chen 3133 NE 19th Street Renton, WA 98056 (owner/ applicant) (Page 1 of 1) • ..& • CIT' OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator ~~~ . / -,> Kathy Keolker, Mayor ~~'N"\'O"~----------------------------- March 26, 2007 Mohammad K. Jalalyar MRK Engineering 14218 SE lO'h Street Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Chen Short Plat City of Renton File LUA 07-010 Dear Mr. Jalalyar: As per the notation in the Report and Decision dated March 20, 2007, enclosed are the comments from the City's Property Services Department. These comments will guide you in the preparation of the short plat for recording. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7270. Sincerely, !: : 0v~~ft/!_ Andrea Petzel, Planner Development Services Division Enclosure cc: CityofRentonFileLUA07-0JO Ruben Chen, Owner -------10_5_5_S_ou-th_G_ra_dy_W_a_y---R-en-to_n_, W-a,-h-in-g-lo_n_9_8_05_7 _______ ~ @ This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post r:onsumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE . . DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 7, 2007 Andrea Petzel Sonja J. Fesser;fi Chen Short Plat, LUA-07-010-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant regarding the preliminary short plat: Note that the indexing information is not correct as currently presented. The subject short plat property is located in the NW 14 of the SE 14 of Section 9, not the NW 14 of the SW 14. Revise all drawing sheets as needed. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-07-010-SHPL and LND-20-0482, respectively, on the drawing sheets, preferably in the upper right-hand corner. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. The second drawing sheet (Sheet 2 of 3) is not needed for the final short plat submittal. The existing configuration of the lots is not necessary for recording purposes. Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network, and directly tie the subject property to said Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties have been provided. Note the date the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150, and what was found. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. \H:\File Sys\LND -Lund Subdivision & Surveying R¢cunb\LN[).20 -Short Plats\0482\RV070307 .doc ,, March 15, 2007 Page 2 Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing, if any. Note the plat name and tract numbers of the properties to the north, south and east of the subject parcel. The city will provide addresses for the proposed lots as soon as possible. Note said addresses on the short plat drawing. On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to sidewalks, concrete block walls, and other items not directly impacting the subdivi.sion. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. Also, remove the hatching. striped lines, and other patterns shown on Sheet 3 of 3. Remove the building footprints and the square footages of the new houses on all three lots. Remove all references to building setback lines. as noted on the short plat lots. Setbacks will be determined at the time that building permits arc issued. Remove all references to zoning and density on the final short plat submittal. Do show encroachments. The City of Renton Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works is the only city official who signs this short plat. Provide an appropriate approval block and signature line. Pertinent King County approval blocks also need lo be noted on the drawing. All vested owner(s) of the subject short plat need to sign the final short plat drawing. Include notary blocks as needed. Include a declaration block on the drawing. Note that if there are casements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(,) arc to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat will be recorded first (by King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) are to be referenced on the short plat drawing. Provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. The new 20' easement for ingress, egress and utilities is shown on the drawing for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots. Note on the drawing the following statement: "Area for new private 20' ingress, egress and utility casement". Since the new lots created via this short plat are H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Recmd,\LNI >-20 -Short Placs\0482\RV070307.doc\cor March 15, 2007 Page 3 under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no new easements established until such time as ownership of the lots is conveyed to others, together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing, if the previous paragraph applies: DECLARATION OF COVENANT. The owners of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new easement shown on this short plat to any and al/future purchasers of the lots, or of any suhdivisio11s thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. The private ingress, egress and utility easements require a "New Private Easement for Ingress, Egress and Utilities Maintenance Agreement" statement. Note the attachment on the drawing. Pursuant to the recently revised WAC 196-23-020, the surveyor's expiration date now needs to be applied manually. Any final document must contain the seal/stamp, handwritten license expiration date by the licensee[,] signature and date of signature of the licensee who prepared or directly supervised the work. For the purpose of this section "document" is defined as plans, specifications, plats, surveys[,] as-built documents prepared by the licensee[,] and reports. Correct the spelling of the street name :VIONROE (Sheet 3 of 3). NOTE: The use of a revision block for a Record of Survey document is inappropriate. ROSs can only be revised via an Affidavit of Correction. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. H:\Filc Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Ri:crml,\LND-20 -Short P!ats\0482\RV070307.doc\cor .. ,, Title for both of the following paragraphs: NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HA VE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the following paragraph if there is one lot subject to the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. .. PROP~TYS CES FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIOr lo. 2007 -_...,0'7""-'-- APPLICANT: C)-IE'LI ) ::eit JJP'5F'bL RECEIVED FROM ______ _ (date) JOB ADDRESS: 7<i22 lvbb IP<:>E AY&Z bJE W0#_7_,__,7..,7w/L.7f----------- NATURE OF WORK: a-1 aJ: ~ P 49=(cHEt, I 6H~' ~) LND # ao • 0482 ~ PRELIMINARY REVIEW Qt SUBDIVIS1oN BY WNG PLAT, NiifuMomhNFORMATION: " LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. PID #'s • VICINITY MAP • FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOT AGE • OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECTPROPERTYPARENTPID# 801 J JO~oolC, )( NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice, that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and dctennined by lhc applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Perm.it/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ____ SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The followino-nuoted fees do NOT include ins-tion fees side sewer permits, r/w nermit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DlSfRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DlSfRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS Latecomer A-eement '-vt\ WATER Latecomer A-eement '-vt) WASTEWATER Latecomer A=eement '-vt) OTHER S--ial Assessment District/WATER ~T 1"11!1,..1"JC~ 11-1'; • 1~" l"lr"JC I!. m-·----.v, .. ··--. 2. S-ial Assessment District/W ASTEW A • Joint Use •-ement "'"'TRO) Local Jmnrovement District Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP. CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION FUTURE OBLIGATIONS I SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated #OF UNITS/ " Pd Prev. • Partiallv Pd /Ltd Exemotionl -Never Pd SO.FTG. Slnele familv residential $1.956/unit x ,, - Mobile home dwelllne unit $1.956/unit In nark Aoartment. Condo $1.174/unlt not In CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.273/sa. ft. of property (not less than $1,956.00) x Boeing, by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER " Estimated · Pd Prev. -Partiallv Pd fT td ExemPtlonl -Never Pd Sln•le familv residential $1.017 /unit x ,, Mobile home dwellin• unit $1-017/unit x Anartment-Condo $610/unit not In CD or COR zones x Commerclal/Industrial $0.142/so. ft. of oro=rtv xfnot less than $1,017.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SURFACEWATER .. Estimated -Pd Prev. " Partiallv Pd fT .td Exemption) -Never Pd Sin~le familv residential and mobile home dwellin• unit $759/unit x ,, AU other properties $0.265/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $759.001 I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ , )Dc~)1)., C ~f,oot,k..) -P/,ea/07 OR FEE -Jr, • SDCFEE ~.,.-..,.,..., e ..,._ m~--""-.. .<II I ""'8.0d ... 8;097.<;;0• "' 0 0 .., Signatur"U;vieifg Au~ity 'DA1E •If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un~paid status. Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor 1s map and are subject to change. ! • • Current City SDC fee charges apply to------------------g EFFECTIVE January 2, 2006 City,.· .. enton Department of Planning I Building IP , Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: P(f'Oer:+ .. 1 SJ, c_: COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 23, 2007 ' -APPLICATION NO: LUA07-010, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 9, 2007 APPLICANT: Ruben Chen PROJECT MANAGER: Andrea Petzel PROJECT TITLE: Chen Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 19,980 sauare feet BUILDING AREA lnrossl: N/A LOCATION: 762 Monroe Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77717 ·:. -, . _ SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Three lot Administrative short plat from one existing lot in the R-8 zone. The exi~lTrl~'t,otis~\.iM%e demolished and three new homes will be built. Access to the rear two lots is through a proposed 20'x140' private access easement. No critical areas exist onsite. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable Mon, Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Uaht!Gfare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transnnrtation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Culturaf Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POL/CY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed lo properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 20 1h day of March, 2007, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Administrative Short Plat Report & Deciision documents. This information was sent to: Name Representina Reuben Chen Owner Mohammad Jalalyar / MRK Engineering Contact (Signature of Sender)'-:---------------------- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) CONCURRENCE DATE 290-1""""0.;, NAME G-~ °"''"""'" ' 12 1 ~· ,~ A) W~jJ_:, ~$:~:r ). 11'."L'li'l,V'·"\ REPORT City of Renton IL (.j-17 o 1 Department of Planning I Building I Public Works ~ f:fMj£/ ,h,/ d] & . --··· .. -- DECISION ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: REPORT DATE: March 20, 2007 Project Name Chen Short Plat Owner! Applicant! Contact: Ruben Chen, 3313 NE 19th Place, Renton. WA 98056 File Number LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Project Manager Andrea Petzel, Assistant Planner Project Description Applicant proposes to subdivide a 0.46 acre parcel into three lots for the development of three new single family homes. The existing house would be demolished. The site is zoned Residential-8 (R- 8) du/ac. Access is via a proposed 20'x140' private access easement. No critical areas exist onsite. Thirteen significant trees were cut down prior to applying for the short plat process. Project Location 762 Monroe Avenue, NE Project Location Map AdminRPT_ChenShorlP/al.doc '·, REPORT City of Renton Deparlment of Planning I Building I Public Works & DECISION ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: REPORT DA TE: March 20, 2007 Project Name Chen Short Plat Owner/Applicant! Contact: Ruben Chen, 3313 NE 191 h Place, Renton, WA 98056 File Number LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Project Manager Andrea Petzel, Assistant Planner Project Description Applicant proposes to subdivide a 0.46 acre parcel into three lots for the development of three new single family homes. The existing house would be demolished. The site is zoned Residential-8 (R- 8) duiac. Access is via a proposed 20'x140' private access easement. No critical areas exist onsite. Thirteen significant trees were cut down prior to applying for the short plat process. Project Location 762 Monroe Avenue, NE Project Location Map AdminRPT _ ChenShortPlat.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. 2. Owners of Record: Zoning Designation: Ruben Chen, 3133 NE 19'" Place, Renton, WA 98056 Residential -8 du/ac (R-8) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Single Family (RSF) 4. Existing Site Use: Existing single family residence to be demolished 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) East: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) South: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) and Industrial Light (IL) West: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) 6. 7. Access: Site Area: Via private access easement off of Monroe Avenue, NE 19,980 square feeV0.46 acres C. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Annexation Comprehensive Plan Zoning D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A Ordinance No. 1475 5099 5100 Date 3/16/1954 11/1/04 11/1/04 Page2 Water; The site is within the City of Renton water service area. There is an 8-inch watermain within the existing roadway (Monroe Avenue, NE). The project site is located in the 656-water pressure zone. The site is outside of the Aquifer Protection Area. Fire flow available to the site is approximately 3,000 gpm. Static water pressure is approximately 77 psi. Sewer: There is an existing 8-inch sewer main adjacent and available to serve the site. Surface Water/Storm Water; Storm drainage pipelines and conveyance systems are located within the existing roadway. 2. Streets: There is currently a paved and partially improved public right-of-way along the frontage of this site. 3. Fire Protection; City of Renton Fire Department E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-070: Landscaping Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations AdminRPT_ ChenShortPlat. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A 3. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 4. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Section 4-7-070: Detailed Procedures for Short Subdivisions Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots-General Requirements and Minimum Standards 4. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element -Residential Single Family 2. Community Design Element G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. Project Description/Background Page 3 The applicant, Reuben Chen, proposes to subdivide a 0.46-acre (19,980 square foot) parcel into three tots for the development of three new single-family homes. The existing single-family residence would be demolished. The site is zoned Residential-8 (R-8) dwelling units/acre (du/ac), and is located east of Monroe Avenue, NE and north of NE 7'" Street. Proposed net tot sizes are: Lot 1-5,598 square feet, Lot 2-5,592 square feet, and Lot 3-5,990 square feet. The proposal for three new lots would arrive at a density of 7.7 du/ac (net). Access to the proposed lots would be provided via a private access easement from Monroe Avenue, NE, extending across the depth of Lots 1 and 2. The project site is essentially level, with less than four feet of topographic relief. An approximate 4-foot-high ecology block watt across the depth of the lot retains fill soils for the back yards of two abutting residences along the north margin of the subject parcel. The site was vegetated with many large fir trees (22-40 inch diameter), which the applicant removed prior to the application for short plat process. An existing restrictive covenant on parcels within the Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts Plat states that: "No lot or portion of a lot shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than 6,000 square feet for suburban S-2 use, with a minimum lot width of 60 feet." The restrictive covenant references the King County zoning that was in effect at the time the plat was recorded with the county. In order to remove the restrictive covenant, the applicant would need to seek approval from the other property owners in the plat, or prove that the intent of the County was to comply with whatever the applicable zoning was in place at the given lime. otherwise, the applicant must meet the covenant requirements. As proposed, the Chen short plat does not meet the covenant requirements for 6,000 square foot tots, but does meet the requirement for 60-foot width. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions NIA AdminRPT_ChenShortPlatdoc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Page 4 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. Consistency Short Plat Criteria Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation The site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Lands in the RSF designation are intended for quality residential detached development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that larger subdivision, infill development, and rehabilitation of existing housing be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Community Design Element policies: Policy LU-147. Net development densities should fall within a range of 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. The proposed project for three lots would arrive at a net density of 7.7 dwelling units per net acre, which is within the density range permitted. Policy LU-148. A minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet should be allowed on in-fill parcels of less than one acre (43,560 sq. ft.) in single-family designations. Allow a reduction on Jot size to 4,500 square feet on parcels greater than one acre to create an incentive for aggregation of land. The minimum Jot size is not intended to set the standard for density in the designation, but to provide flexibility in subdivision/plat design and facilitate development within the allowed density range. All of the proposed lots exceed the minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet. Policy LU-152. Single-family lot size, lot width, setbacks, and impervious surface should be sufficient to allow private open space, landscaping to provide buffers/privacy without extensive fencing, and sufficient area for maintenance activities. The proposed new lots would meet the required lot size, width, and setbacks to create sufficient front, rear, and side yard areas. The existing house on Lot 1 would be demolished, and future structures would comply with setback requirements. Policy LU-154. Interpret development standards to support new plats and infill project designs incorporating street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes that address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. The proposed lots are rectangular in shape; each lot would be oriented such that all of the lots would have access to a public right-of-way via a private access easement. Approval of this application would not decrease the quality of life for residents in the immediate vicinity. Policy CD-1. Integrate development into natural areas by clustering development and/or adjusting site plans to preserve wetlands, steep slopes, and notable stands of trees or other vegetation. Natural features should function as site amenities. Use incentives such as flexible lot size and configuration to encourage preservation and add amenity value. The applicant's lot contained a notable stand of sixteen mature conifers, thirteen of which were logged prior to applying for the short plat process. Staff will recommend that the remaining trees be preserved as they do not interfere with the development process, and that replacement trees are added to provide screening for neighboring properties. AdminRPT _ ChenShortP/at. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Page 5 Policy CD-12. Infill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, should be encouraged in order to add variety, updated housing stock, and new vitality to neighborhoods. The proposed short plat would subdivide an existing parcel into three lots. It is anticipated that new residences would be constructed on all three lots, updating the housing stock in the existing neighborhood. b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is zoned R-8 on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would allow for the future construction of three new single-family dwelling units. The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 4.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre. Net density is calculated after the deduction of sensitive areas, areas intended for public right-of-way, and private access easements. A total of 2,800 square feet will be deducted for an access easement across Lots 1 and 2, reducing the net area to 17,180 square feet (0.39 acres). The proposal for three lots on 0.39 acres arrives at a density of 7.7 dwelling units per acre, which falls within the permitted density range for the R-8 zone. Lots over 5,000 square feet in the R-8 zone are allowed lot coverage of 35 percent or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater. The existing house on Lot 1 will be demolished, and the lot coverage for all three lots would be verified at the time of building permit review. It appears that the three proposed lots have adequate area to meet building lot coverage requirements. The required setbacks in the R-8 zone are as follows: front yard is 15 feet for the primary structure and 20 feet for an attached garage, side yard is 5 feet, side yard along a street (including the access easement) is 15 feet for the primary structure and 20 feet for an attached garage and the rear yard is 20 feet. An existing house is located onsite, across the proposed lot line for Lots 1 and 2. Staff recommends that the applicant obtain a demolition permit to remove the existing structure and final inspection prior to recording the short plat. The parking regulations require that detached dwellings provide a minimum of 2 off-street parking spaces. As proposed, each lot would have adequate area to provide two off-street parking spaces. Compliance with the parking requirements will be verified at the time of building permit review. The R-8 zone permits accessory structures only when associated with a primary structure located on the same parcel. c) Community Assets The entire site is vegetated with grass, shrubs and several large coniferous and deciduous trees. However, prior to submitting for short plat approval, the applicant removed 13 mature coniferous trees. RMC 4-4-13001 "Prohibited Activities" states: "There shall be no tree cutting or land clearing on any site for the sake of preparing that site for future development unless a land development permit for the site has been approved by the City." The regulations regarding tree protection and retention require that trees on lots proposed for development are maintained to the maximum extent feasible. The regulations permit the City to require the replacement of trees that would implement the intent of the regulations. The Development Services Director has made a determination that in order to comply with these requirements, 25 percent of all protected trees shall be retained or replaced. As a condition of short plat approval staff recommends requiring replacement trees to be replanted in accordance with RMC 4-4-140J. In addition, Staff recommends that the applicant submit a revised landscape plan that includes options for replacement trees on a 1-1 ratio, given the particular confines of space and building area. The City's landscaping regulations require the installation of landscaping within the public right-of- way. The minimum amount of landscaping required for sites abutting an arterial public street is 5 feet provided that if there is additional undeveloped right-of-way in excess of 5 feet, this shall also be landscaped. A determination has been made that if no additional area is available within the public right-of-way due to required improvements, the 5-foot landscaped strip may be located within private property abutting the public right-of-way. The landscaping proposed shall either consist of drought resistant vegetation or shall be irrigated appropriately. In addition, the applicant will be required to plant two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1-1/2 inches (deciduous) or 6 - AdminRPT _ ChenShortPfat. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Page 6 8 feet in height (conifer), within the 15-foot front yard setback area for the proposed lots. Existing landscaping may be used to augment the required landscaping. A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the short plat application. A detailed landscape plan is required to be submitted with future building permit applications. The detailed plan will need to include plant species for the 5-foot landscape strip along Monroe Avenue, NE; two ornamental trees, with the locations revised to be in the front yard of each proposed lot; and, the thirteen replacement conifers. All landscaping would be installed prior to final recording. If applicable, fence details should be included in the landscape plan. Allowable fence height is 48" in the front yard (42" in clear vision areas), and 72" in the rear and side yards. Side yards begin fifteen feet back from the front property line. d} Compliance with Subdivision Regulations Streets: No new public streets would be created as part of the proposed short plat. Monroe Avenue, NE is classified as Minor Arterial on the City's Arterial Street Map. There is a paved and partially improved public right-of-way along the Monroe Avenue, NE. Currently, no sidewalk, curb, or gutter exist onsite. Street improvements including, but not limited to additional paving, sidewalks, curb, and gutter will be required along Monroe Avenue, NE. The proposed short plat is anticipated to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. In order to mitigate transportation impacts, staff recommends a condition of approval be placed on the project requiring a Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per net new average daily trip attributed to the project. Two new lots (credit given for the existing residence) are each expected to generate approximately 9.57 new average weekday trips. The fee for the proposed short plat is estimated at $1,435.5 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 2 lots= $1,435.50) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Blocks: No new blocks will be created as part of the proposed short plat. Lots: The size, shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the development standards of the R-8 zone. Each of the proposed lots would have access to a public street (Monroe Avenue, NE) via a private access easement. The minimum lot size in the R-8 zone is 5,000 square feet. Lot area is calculated after the deduction of private access easements and pipestems from the gross lot area. The proposed lot sizes are 5,598 square feet for Lot 1, and 5,592 square feet for Lot 2, and 5,590 for Lot 3. The proposed lot sizes meet the minimum lot size requirements. However, while the lot confirms to the current lot standards of 5,000 square feet, it is bound by a King County restrictive covenant for the Highland Acre tract that states: "No lot or portion of a lot shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than 6,000 square feet for suburban S-2 use, with a minimum lot width of 60 feet." As a condition of approval staff will recommend the following: Resubmit the plat plan as a two-lot subdivision, thereby ensuring lot sizes of 6,000 square feet (net) and a minimum 60' width; QL remove the restrictive covenant from the plat to allow for a three-lot subdivision. Based on the restrictive covenant, two lots would be the maximum permitted. The minimum lot width required in the R-8 zone is 50 feet for interior lots. Proposed Lot 1 has a width of 79.99 feet, Lot 2 has a lot width of 79.93 feet, and Lot 3 has a width of 60 feet. The minimum lot depth required in the R-8 zone is 65 feet. Proposed Lot 1 has a lot depth of 70.03 feet, Lot 2 has a depth of 70 feet, and Lot 3 has a depth of 99.82 feet. The dimensions of the proposed lots meet the minimum width and depth requirements and are compatible with other existing lots in this area under the same R-8 zoning classification. In addition, the lots appear to contain adequate building areas for the construction of suitable single-family residences when taking setbacks and lot coverage requirements into consideration. These requirements will be reviewed at the time of building permit application. Based on the proposed subdivision, Staff recommends the following conditions regarding lot orientation: The front yard for proposed Lot 1 would face west towards Monroe Avenue, NE; the front yard for proposed Lot 2 would face north towards the access easement; and, the front yard AdminRPT _ ChenShortPlat. doc City of Renton PIS/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Page 7 for proposed Lot 3 would also face north. The rear yard for each of the lots is required to be opposite the front yard. The proposed lots would be able to meet setback requirements, and would be verified at the time of building permit review. e) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: Each lot would have access to a public right-of-way (Monroe Avenue, NE) via a 20' access easement. 12' of the access easement must be paved. Topography: The topography of the subject site slopes gently to the east in the vicinity of proposed Lots 2 and 3. Relationship to Existing Uses: The properties surrounding the subject site are single-family residences and are designated R-8 dulac on the City's zoning map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code, which encourage residential infill development. f) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements and fees. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $488.00 per new single-family lot with credit given for the existing single-family residence, is recommended in order to mitigate the proposal's potential impacts to City emergency services. The fee is estimated at $976.00 ($488.00 x 2 new lots = $976.00) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Schools: According to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992), the City of Renton has a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single-family residential dwelling. Based on the student generation factor, the proposed short plat would result in 0.88 additional students (0.44 X 2 lots= 0.88) to the local schools. The Renton School District has stated that it can accommodate any additional students generated by this proposal at the following schools: Highlands Elementary, Dimmitt Middle School and Renton High School. Storm Water: The proposed short plat would be exempt from detention and water quality improvements per the 1990 KCSWM. Roof drains shall be tightlined to the storm system whenever feasible. Infiltration is allowed if the soils are acceptable. The Surface Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $1,956.00 per new single-family lot and is estimated to be $3,912.00 ($1,956.00 x 2 new lots=$3,912.00). Payment of this fee will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. A temporary erosion control plan will be required and shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. The first order of business shall be installation of a silt fence along the perimeter of the site that is to be disturbed. The silt fence shall be in place before clearing and grading is initiated. This will be required during the construction of both off-site and on-site improvements as well as building construction. Due to the potential for erosion to occur during project construction, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the project be required to comply with the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as outlined in Volume II of the current edition of the Stormwater Management Manual. Utilities: There is an existing 8-inch water main within the existing roadway (Monroe Avenue, NE). The project site is located in the 565-water pressure zone and is outside the Aquifer Protection Area. Fire flow available to the site is approximately 3,000 gpm. Static water pressure is approximately 77 psi. The required fire flow for single-family residences is 1,000 gpm, and a fire hydrant is required to be located within 300 feet of all single-family residences. If the building square footage (including garage area) exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to a minimum of 1,500 gpm and requires 2 hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. New water service stubs to each lot must be installed prior to recording of the short plat. Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $1,956 per new single-family lot. Payment of fees is required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. AdminRPT_ ChenShortPlat. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Page8 H. Findings: There is an existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main adjacent and available to serve the site. Short plats shall provide separate side sewers stubs to each building lot prior to the recording of the short plat. No dual side sewers are allowed. Each new lot must be served with an individual side sewer at a minimum slope of 2 percent. Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges are based on a rate of $1,017.00 per new single- family lot. Payment of this fee will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. In addition, there are East Renton Interceptor Sanitary Sewer fees for this parcel, totaling $633.60. Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant has requested Administrative Short Plat Approval for the Chen Short Plat, File No. LUA-07-010, SHPL-A. 2. Application: The applicant's short plat application complies with the requirements for information for short plat review. The applicant's short plat plan and other project drawings are contained within the official land use file. 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designations of the Residential Single Family (RSF) land use designation. 4. Zoning: The proposal as presented complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the R-8 zoning designation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. However, the Highlands Tract restrictive covenant binds the plat to lot sizes of 6,000 square feet and a minimum width of 60 feet. All three lots do not meet the minimum lot size, but they do meet the 60-foot width requirement. Because of the restrictive covenant, two lots is the maximum permitted. 5. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal complies with the requirements established by the City's Subdivision Regulations provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with. 6. Existing Land Uses: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8); East: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8); South: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8) and Industrial Light (IL); and West: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8). 7. Setbacks: The setbacks for new residences in the R-8 zone would be verified at the time of building permit review. 8. System Development Charges: A Water System Development Charge, a Surface Water System Development Charge and a Sewer System Development Charge, at the current applicable rates, will be required for the each new single-family residence as part of the construction permit. 9. Public Utilities: The applicant will be required to install individual sewer and water stubs to serve the new lots. In addition, any existing and new fire hydrants must be fitted with 5" quick disconnect Storz fittings. I. Conclusions: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Single Family (RSF) comprehensive plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the R-8 zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with. However, the proposed three lot short plat violates the Highlands Tract restrictive covenant binding lot size to a minimum of 6,000 square feet. Because of the restrictive covenant, two lots is the maximum permitted. 3. The proposed three lot short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by City Code and state law provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with. AdminRPT_ ChenShortP/at. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Page9 4. The proposed three lot short plat complies with the street standards as established by City Code, provided the project complies with all advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein. J. DECISION: The Chen Short Plat, File No. LUA-07-010, SHPL-A, is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The existing house shall be removed, and a final inspection completed prior to short plat recording. A demolition permit shall be obtained from the Building Department of the Development Services Division. 2. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Development Services Division Project Manager, which includes the 5-foot landscape strip along Monroe Avenue, NE, two ornamental trees in the front yard of each lot, and replacement options based on a 1 :1 ratio for the thirteen harvested conifers. This revised, detailed landscape plan shall be submitted prior to recording of the short plat. 3. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per additional Average Daily Trip shall be paid prior to recording of the short plat. The total for two new single-family lots is estimated to be $1,435.50. 4. The applicant shall revise and resubmit the short plat plan as a two-lot subdivision, thereby ensuring lot sizes of 6,000 square feet (net) and a minimum 60' width; QL remove the restrictive covenant from the plat to allow for a three-lot subdivision. 5. The front yard for Lot 1 shall face west toward Monroe Avenue, NE. The front yards for Lots 2 and 3 shall face north. This shall be noted on the face of the short plat prior to recording. 6. The applicant shall pay an estimated $976.00 Fire Mitigation Fee (based on $488.00 per new lot) prior to the recording of the short plat. 7. Temporary Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained for the duration of the project in accordance with the Department of Ecology Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements (Vol. II) and staff review. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURES: ~lwjo·7 decision date AdminRPT_ ChenShortPlat. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A TRANSMITTED this 2d' day of March, 2007 to the Applicant/Owner/Contact: Reuben Chen 3133 NE 191 h Place Renton, WA 98056 Contact: Mohammad K. Jalalyar MRK Engineering 14218 SE 101h Street Bellevue, WA 98007 TRANSMITTED this 2a" day of March, 2007 to the Parties of Record: No Parties of Record TRANSMITTED this 20'" day of March, 2007 to the following. Larry Meckling, Building Official Larry Rude, Fire Marshal Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Jan Conklin Carrie Olson Renton Reporter Land Use Action Appeals & Requests for Reconsideration Administrative Land Use Action Page 10 The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075 (3); WAC 197-11-680). RECONSIDERATION. Within 14 days of the effective date of the decision, any party may request that the Administrator reopen a decision on a short plat. The Administrator may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the Administrator finds insufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the following appeal timeframe. APPEAL. This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on April 3, 2007. City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Examiner. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. EXPIRATION DATE: The Short Plat approval will expire two (2) years from the date of approval. An extension may be requested pursuant to RMC section 4-7-080.M. AdminRPT_ ChenShortP!at. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED March 20, 2007; PROJECT LUA-07-010, SHPL-A Page 11 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning 1. The parcel is zoned R-8 du/ac and subject to the King County Highlands Tract restrictive covenant that binds the plat to lot sizes of 6,000 square feet and a minimum width of 60 feet. 2. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 3. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 4. The minimum amount of landscaping required for sites abutting a public street is 5 feet provided that if there is additional undeveloped right-of-way in excess of 5 feet, this shall also be landscaped. A determination has been made that if no additional area is available within the public right-of-way due to required improvements, the 5- foot landscaped strip may be located within private property abutting the public right-of-way. The landscaping proposed shall either consist of drought resistant vegetation or shall be irrigated appropriately. 5. Two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1-1/2 inches (deciduous) or 6 -8 feet in height (conifer), shall be planted or retained within the 15-foot front yard setback area for the proposed lots. 6. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted at the time of building permit application. The landscape plan will Include ornamental trees in the front yard of each lot and the 5' foot landscape strip. Property Services 1. To be sent under separate cover. Fire 1. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. 2. Fire department access roads are required to be 20 feet wide, 12 feet of which must be paved. Dead end roadways over 150' in length are required to have an approved turnaround. 3. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 sq. ft. in area (including garage), the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. Plan Review -Sewer 1. There are East Renton Interceptor Sanitary Sewer fees owing for this parcel. The total amount is $633.60. 2. The Sewer System Development Charge is $1,017 per new single-family residence. This fee is due with the construction permit. Plan Review -Water 1. In accordance with the Fire Department requirement (prior to recording the subdivision), at a minimum, one hydrant within 300 feet of any proposed single-family structure is required. Additional fire flow and hydrants are required if the total square footage of the new single-family structures are greater than 3600 square feet. 2. The Water System Development Charge is $1,956.00 per new single family residence Plan Review -Surface Water 1. Surface Water System Development Charge is $759 per new dwelling unit. This fee is due with the construction permit. 2. Drainage requirements must meet the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Plan Review -Streets/Transportation 1. Per City of Renton code this short plat is required to install curb, gutter, streetlights, and sidewalks, along the frontage of the parcel being developed. 2. All new electrical, phone and cable services must be underground. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording of the short plat. 3. The traffic mitigation fee of $75 per additional generated trip shall be assessed per additional single family home at a rate of 9.57 trips per day. This fee is payable at time of recording the plat. Miscellaneous 1. Separate permits and fees for side sewers, water meters, and storm drainage connections are required. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for securing all necessary public and/or private easements. 3. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Under Grounding Ordinance. If three or more poles are required to be moved by the development design, all existing overhead utilities shall be placed underground. AdminRPT_ ChenShoFtPlat. doc MR K engJiieeri!]g______p/j_t;_ ___ _ 14218 se iolh slreel, bellevu~,, -.,-,a-oo-, ph: (206) 799-1078 fax: 'RO POSE!) i,07S 1,A JV{fT ::c__:_:~ _ __l_ ____ J....LL -~c~-.. ---, .. -· illl CII m .: ' l !8:) I I I i I ~ ----~---J I I I i !6; I iii i ~ I ~ ;j i !. = a<> i §~ §z i 111! .. i I ii i 'ii i • I I i i i i 0 0 :1 ·""' ~"' ' m () 0, .,, :,,. oor O:,,r 'm ... "' " -< ~Oc U, C:,,. 8:o-< u, -"' C) MRK /:NCl)IJ:sRJ)lt; PllC I ,., I l ' • I ii i' r'-.. ~· 1, ·--I ___ ,,,._,,,. \ 1111 " i.tj~ ti I ii l!l 1,, jil l !.I ~1~ '·' !,i "' ,1,il !I ) I : I• \ !! I ill' 111111 I ii ~ ii 1111 I ! I ii, I 'I ! ii I II I !I ii I ---- 111i1111Ilj11 111 1 ·i• ·1 I 11•1 • I 1,11,1 11J111 l I l•I I I 'I ! !j.1 1 1l·lll !l1ill 11l11i •ii i '! -----1 ' C 0 2 , ;; ~ I j ! I • I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 • ~ > C " ~ i I I I i i ~ i ~ i i I I i i i I i i i ,.. !pl II i,li 11 11 'j!, l.j· 111! ,. ~o co,, l> oar O:x,r 'm ,. "' "' -< f' Oc O>C)> 0, -< 0, 0 (I> 0, ci \ ' I ii i I 1" .. .l" ; • • i I II I ii I I ! I I I -. Ii Ii J !I I - I; ll I 111 I Ip I I 1 k or, -~ ;t~ :.!: ~~ ,.._, ..... if?:~ ~ ~f " ~~ l , R-10 RM-F M-F RM-F R-8CP) D5 · 4 T23N R5E W 1/2 CV 0) I Q CV "' w I "' (]) 0 .... ~ 0 ::;;: (]) ~ (]) 0 .... ~ 0 ::;;: R-8 RM- .--------, NE 4th St. CA CA CA CA ~ ZONING ~ = 'l'ICIINICAL SBllVlCBS F5 • 16 T23N R5E W 1/2 ----Renllln ctt., Uu.ful o 200 w E5 1.4.800 9 T23N R5E W 1/2 5309 City !enton Department of Planning I Building IP . .: Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: T COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 23, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-010, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: F --0 ~, APPLICANT: Ruben Chen PROJECT MANAGER( Andr:a Petzel '\ ) PROJECT TITLE: Chen Short Plat -.~, PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson __,., SITE AREA: 19,980 sauare feet BUILDING AREA lnross\: N/A [ (,)o LOCATION: 762 Monroe Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77717 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Three lot Administrative short plat from one existing lot in the R-8 zone. The existing house will be demolished and three new homes will be built. Access to the rear two lots is through a proposed 20'x140' private access easement. No critical areas exist onsite. A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable Mo,e Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housino Air Aesthetics Water Liaht!Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Trans(}(1rration Environmental Health Public Services ...... Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Auth~&~re!~ve '~ l-01 Date PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC \VORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 23, 2007 Andrea Petzel TO: FROM: Mike Dotson <-' ,', ,'Jv-, SUBJECT: Chen Short Plat, LUA07-010, SHPL-A The following Utility and Transportation comments concern the Environmental and Development Application review for the subject project, EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER -The site is within the City of Renton water service area, There is an 8-inch watermain within the existing roadway (Monroe Ave NE), The project site is located in the 565-water pressure zone. The site is outside of the Aquifer Protection Area. Fire Flow available to the site is approximately 3,000 gpm. Static water pressure is approximately 77 psi, SEWER-There is an 8-inch sewer main adjacent and available to serve the site, STORi'Yl -There exist stonn drainage pipelines and conveyance systems within the existing roadway. STREET -There is currently a paved and partially improved public right-of-way along the frontage of this site. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER J, In accordance with the Fire Department requirement (prior to recording the subdivision), at a minimum, one hydrant within 300 feet of any proposed single- family structure is required. Additional fire flow and hydrants are required if the total square footage of the new single-family structures are greater than 3600 square feet, 2. The Water System Development Charge is $1,956.00 per new single family residence SANITARY SEWER I. The Sewer System Development Charge is $1,017 per new single-family residence, This fee is due with the construction permit, !:\Plan Rcvicw"\Plan Review 2007\Chen GF.doc Page 2 of2 SURFACE WATER l. Surface Water System Development Charge is $759 per new dwelling unit. This fee is due with the construction permit. 2. Drainage requirements must meet the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. TRANSPORTATION 1. The traffic mitigation fee of S75 per additional generated trip shall be assessed per additional single family home at a rate of9.57 trips per day. This fee is payable at time of recording the plat. 2. All new electrical, phone and cable services must be underground. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording of the short plat. 3. Per City of Renton code this short plat is required to install curb, gutter, streetlights, and sidewalks, along the frontage of the parcel being developed. CONDITIONS I. Temporary Erosion Control shall he installed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology Standards and staff review. 2. A Traffic Mitigation Fee ofS75.00 per additional Average Daily Trip shall be assessed. The total for 1 new single-family lot is $717.75. l:\Plan Review\P[an Review 2007\Chen GF.doc Cit: Renton Department of Planning I Building/ I " c Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: (llr[,1 JJ,cv1/'1.0 COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 23, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-010, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 9, 2007 APPLICANT: Ruben Chen PROJECT MANAGER: Andrea Petzel PROJECT TITLE: Chen Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 19,980 sauare feet BUILDING AREA lnross): N/A FEB I 2 2007 LOCATION: 762 Monroe Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77717 Bl Ill DING DIVISION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Three lot Administrative short plat from one existing lot in the R-8 zone. The existing house will be demolished and three new homes will be built. Access to the rear two lots is through a proposed 20'x140' private access easement. No critical areas exist onsite. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinn Air Aesthetics Water L/nht!Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use utilities Animals Trans rtation Environmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic/Cutruraf Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ·~ ,L:.d~ 2-3 1 ZooJ /,· We have reviewed this apf?IJr;a~k?n with particular attenUon ta those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional iryf6rmatiym is needed to properly assess this proposal. ~ ::__~ 2./z7/o7- Signature of Director o'r-A'uthorized Representative Date I 1 I KayrenKitt~ick-TransportationMitiga1ion Fee:doc .· . . . --c, Page 1 I r I I Project Name: Project Address: Contact Person: Permit Number: Project Description: Land Use Type: ,¢Residential o Retail o Non-retail Calculation: Method of Calculation: al-ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7"' Edition o Traffic Study D Other ( Z.i '" ) si:-I,:'_ 'I s 7 / ct u-......, 3 -\ -,)__ y: q . S 7 °' \ C\ • 1 Y ,1\1') I Transportation Mitigation Fee: Calculated by: $1, lJ~'\ ')C Date: Date of Payment: --------------------------- j Ci!J ienton Department of Planning I Building IP Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 23, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-010, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 9, 2007 APPLICANT: Ruben Chen PROJECT MANAGER: Andrea Petzel PROJECT TITLE: Chen Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 19,980 s uare feet BUILDING AREA ross : N/A LOCATION: 762 Monroe Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77717 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Three lot Administrative short plat from one existing lot in the R-8 zone. The existing e will be demolished and three new homes will be built. Access to the rear two lots is through a proposed 20'x14g', ~~\lilte_.,i;i:ess easement. No critical areas exist onsite. UILUINl.:i UIVISION A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water LiohtlG/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet ~\I-S,1;Gt:1 !:J 7~/L( --1:: ~ ..) / 11...)ll L-T r B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS l..'J , We have reviewe~Jhi...s application with particular attenUon to those areas m which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where ad}i;fionaj inti rmation is needed to properly assess this proposal. -'711~ rd,, . Signature of Director or Authorized Representative ?/zx/01 Date J ,_ FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 12, 2007 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MITIGATION ITEMS: Andrea Petzel, Associate Planner /JP James Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal~ j\;(J- Chen Short Plat, 762 Monroe AvitlE 1. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single- family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to a minimum of 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. Fire department access roads are required to be paved, 20 feet wide. Dead end roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. 3. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. i:\chensperc.doc City 1entan Department of Planning I Building IP · Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: \-1r('. COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 23, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-010, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 9, 2007 APPLICANT: Ruben Chen PROJECT MANAGER: Ahdrea Petzel . ---· .... PROJECT TITLE: Chen Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson r-·-·-- SITE AREA: 19,980 square feet BUILDING AREA larossl: NIA LOCATION: 762 Monroe Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77717 f-tlJ -9 2007 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Three lot Administrative short plat from one existing lot in the R-8 zone. The existing house will be demolished and three new homes will be built. Access to the rear two lots is through a proposed 20'x140' private access easement. No critical areas exist onsite. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Nan-Cade) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housino Air Aesthetics Water Liaht!G/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utifities Animals Transnrirrafion Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natura( Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet .U) B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS c; ~ ~tpl Cit} . Renton Department of Planning I Building I I c Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 23, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-010, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 9, 2007 APPLICANT: Ruben Chen PROJECT MANAGER: Andrea Petzel PROJECT TITLE: Chen Short Plat ., ,.Le' PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson rc.u ....... SITE AREA: 19,980 sauare feet BUILDING AREA lnross\: N/A LOCATION: 762 Monroe Avenue NE CITY..,, ., -' -····-RK ORDER NO: 77717 '. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Three lot Administrative short plat from one existing lot in the R-8 zone. The existing house will be demolished and three new homes will be built. Access to the rear two lots is through a proposed 20'x140' private access easement. No critical areas exist onsite. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code} COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable Mo,e Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Liaht!Gfare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transnortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Histon'c/Cuttural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with part! ular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is need to properly assess this proposal. '-...----·/, Date r I Cit, . 1enton Department of Planning I Building I I , , Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 23, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-010, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 9, 2007 APPLICANT: Ruben Chen PROJECT MANAGER: Andrea Petzel PROJECT TITLE: Chen Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 19,980 s uare feet BUILDING AREA ross : N/A LOCATION: 762 Monroe Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77717 ilUILDING DIVISION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Three lot Administrative short plat from one existing lot in the R-8 zone. The existing house will be demolished and three new homes will be built. Access to the rear two lots is through a proposed 20'x140' private access easement. No critical areas exist onsite. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housma Air Aesthetics Water Lioht!Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transnri"afion Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. We have reviewed this application with particular attenhon to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ere additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. ·' - Date NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has bean riled and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City ol Renton. The following briefly describes the appl1cat,on and the nece11sary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUM8ER: r::1-bll :",·, ,•t tl~I UA07-c·o. SHPL-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: lhreP I-~· t..cr-,a.s:rat,ve short plal from one ex,sl,n~ lcl 1n lhe R-a zone The exsst,ng house w,11 oe dernol,shed anj lhree ,sew "o,,es w1.I be built Access le the rear two ,ots ,s ct-rough a proposed 20'x140 Dmate access easemenl N:, cr,t,tJI vrc;,, ~",;\ ons,te PROJECT LOCATION: PUBLIC APPROVALS: A-1 ·,,n st,a:i.e SI-<> Plat approva: APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ·,iorarnmad Jalalyar MRK Engineer,ng. Tel {2061 799-1379 Comments on the above ,pplication must be submitted In writing to Andrea Petzel, Asalstent Planner, Development Services Divleion, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5;00 PM on February 23, 2007, 11 you have quest,ons aboul \t,is worn~~' .-,, "'"I' ·o he nrnde a party of record and recer;e addrt1onal not1f1cat1on by mail. contact '.he ProJecl Manager at (420, 4CC--/77( f..·1,r.n~ "M submits wnt!er, coi,menls w11' automatically become a party of record and w,11 be no~f,ed or any ·1~, ;-;,,, ,.,. lh,s wqe,1 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: January 24, 2007 February 9, 2007 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: February 9, 2007 ,,.. • ....:.s..... t OIT~ ~--~~. II JOU would l,ke lo oe made a par.1 cl rewrd :u rece,ve l.irther information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to City of Renton De,·eloo,~,&nl P an~1rg • G55 South GraQ"I Way. Rertcn. WA 98055 F,le Name, No Chen Short P1a11 111.;c,;.,:,1r. SHr .~ NAME MAILINGADDRESS ______ _ TELEPHONE NO CERTIFICATION r, Sfi!'Tlt G~ , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above g_~-~11,111 were posted by me in~ conspicuous places or nearby the described prj~f~'/Jc'!':~~~11,\ DATE: 2-"{-q SIGNED: 7 G,t.. r:;;.~·,6=·'i!'t§ -1:': 1 ."~1-,f~ ATTEST: Subscnbed and sworn before me, a !\otary Publ!C, m and for the State of Washington rc~~'ln ,_·:;f.lta\.f..J j~ f ~I "I~. i'-j 9-\ t) f-T" :: . ,~.., .:: -\J + ct1, r ( I ~ C''.-:1;~ ,on the day of \::'i.:--.:.. ·tc...-..J~6 .< •. /1,"Y\ • LA VL,,y,....yi_ ~..r-' NOTARY PU LIC SIG . t . - CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 9th day of February, 2007, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter, NOA documents. This information was sent to: Name Mohammad Jalalyar Ruben Chen Surrounding Proeperty Owners -NOA only (Signature of Sender): At,(,/_ J-:/>:, >' I STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Reoresentina Contact Owner See attached I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Q-g-1 L.---1.\. ,/- Project N;ame: Chen Short Plat Project Number: LUA07-010, SHPL-A .. --... 780920007009 BREES LOUIS D+E WINIFRED 717 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 801110001006 CHEN RUBEN C+LAM TRANG N 3133 NE 19TH PL RENTON WA 98056 780920006506 FUENTES EUFEMIA SORTO+KARLA 809 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 801110000602 LE TRUNG 3315 NE 7TH CT RENTON WA 98056 092305916709 MACIAS MAX G 770 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 801110009504 OLIVER CATHERINE+RICHARD M 685 NEWPORT CT RENTON WA 98059 042450002508 SCHAEWE JEFF & STEPHANIE 16537 121ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 042450004009 VARNADORE GREGORY+STEPHANIE 3317 NE 8TH ST RENTON WA 98056 801110000404 WYSOCKI DORI PO BOX 507 RENTON WA 98057 801110002004 CAREY JOEL 3322 NE 7TH ST RENTON WA 98056 780920008007 CHURCH LATTER DAY SAINTS RENTON 02080-010 PO BOX 18469 SEATTLE WA 98118 042450003506 KIRBY MARILYN E 3323 NE 8TH ST RENTON WA 98056 801110000701 LOBODUK ROBERT +RUTH M 3321 NE 7TH CT RENTON WA 98056 801110000503 MILO-SAM VENTURES LLC 608 GRANT AVE S RENTON WA 98055 042450002003 PATTEN RONALD C MR & MRS 3407 NE 8TH ST RENTON WA 98056 042450009602 SHERRARD RONALD D 3318 NE 8TH ST RENTON WA 98056 801110007706 VOGHT JAMES L & HEJFA 716 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 780920007504 CHAN LISA 711 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 801110007607 COTHRAN TRACY L+VOLNEY 3301 NE 7TH ST RENTON WA 98056 801110002509 LAMP KAREN L PO BOX 59323 RENTON WA 98058 801110003002 LUEDKE NORMAN L TRUST 3408 NE 7TH ST RENTON WA 98056 042450001500 NIX E G 3413 N E 8TH ST RENTON WA 98055 042450003001 ROSE KEVIN C+RUTH E 3329 NE 8TH ST RENTON WA 98056 801110001501 SLUYTER CHARLES V 758 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 092305916808 WOO VICTORY 808 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 '-,'\'.Y 0 ~~~ ~~< ~~N-ro NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Chen Short Plat/ LUA0?-010, SHPL-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Three lot Administrative short plat from one existing lot in the R-8 zone. The existing house will be demolished and three new homes will be built. Access to the rear two lots is through a proposed 20'x140' private access easement No critical areas exist onsite. PROJECT LOCATION: PUBLIC APPROVALS: 762 Monroe Avenue NE Administrative Short Plat approval APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Mohammad Jalalyar, MRK Engineering; Tel: (206) 799-1379 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Andrea Petzel, Assistant Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on February 23, 2007. !f you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7270. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: January 24, 2007 February 9, 2007 February 9, 2007 lf you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name/ No.: Chen Short Plat/ LUA07-010, SHPL-A NAME MAILING ADDRESS:------------------------------ TELEPHONE NO.: --------------- February 9, 2007 Mohammad K. Jalalyar MRK Engineering 14218 SE 10'h Street Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Chen Short Plat LUA07-010, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Jalalyar: CI' T OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7270 if you have any questions. Sincerely, (~!.~ Project Manager cc: Ruben Chen / Owner _______ 10_5_5_S_o_uth_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y ___ R_e-nt-on-,-W-a-s-hi-ng_t_on-98_0_5_7 _______ ~ AHEAD OF THE CURVE ...... ···--------··---""' ... ·'·"--·---· "'"' ---·----·--- '\,~y O ' o~~ ~~; Kathy Keolker, Mayor &'N?fO February 6, 2007 Michael Fortson Department of Transportation Renton School District 1220 N 4th Street Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Chen Short Plat LUA07-010, SHPL-A CIT"' :>F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator DEVFt~~ MAR 02 2007 RE.CE\VEO The City of Renton Development Services Division has received an application for a 3-lot single- family subdivision located at 762 Monroe Avenue NE. Please see the enclosed Notice of Application for further details. In order to process this application, the Development Services Division needs to know which Renton schools would be attended by children living in residences at the location indicated above. Please fill in the appropriate schools on the list below and return this letter to my attention, Development Services Division, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055 by February 23, 2007. Elementary School: ____ --,,.7l""'. o:.i.,-;:..· ~·· -~-'-'-----'(-~'-'\"""~) ''"'''-''-~___.[._.·.,.L=«.c.l_L:=c·. ~"-'_,,L""------- Middle School: _____ __.A .... 'k'--.1_. -·~~'-r,_,,___.ll'-' _(_,(_li_' _f_c_c __ ._::_cc·1v-'-·,' _· -_=_/_' ----- High School: ....... I - Will the schools you have indicated be able to handle the impact of the additional students estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes .><-No __ _ Any Comments: ___________________________ _ Thank you for providing this important information. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact me at (425) 430-7270. Sincerely, Andrea Petzel Project Manager Encl. _______ I0_5_5_S_ou_t_h_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y_--R-er-llo_n_, -\,-'a-sh-i,-,g-to_n_9_8_05_7 _______ ~ @ This paper r;nntnins 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: ADDRESS: 1, \ 1, 3 N £ I q"'""' ? \ . TELEPHONE NUMBER: APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: COMPANY (if applicable): ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON NAME: I-'\ 0 'h.o.. VVI VVl "-(\ K . j ,._ \ ,.J " o..Y- J COMPANY (if applicable): 1--\ R 'h Ent:1, V\ ~<1..1" ~ n.,, ., _) • • ; .", ' • <:f CITY: ·~. . . . ! \ · B~~\.\.e~ u-1~ ZIP: '\'1500 7 . ·,-'·' •,, """ TELEPHONci.NUMBEf'l P:#D E-MAIL ADDRESS: 1. o(o -7'j.i:f'-13 7q Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: C...he,I"\ Sher+ ?\a..+ PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 16~. Monroe. A,\/e. tJE Re..n-+on 1 LUA-'\'&>$"Co KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): <c;o\\\Ooo\o EXISTING LAND USE(S): SfR. PROPOSED LAND USE(S): s F '2- EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: RsF PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): I EXISTING ZONING: R-<o PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): tJ/A SITE AREA (in square feet): l G\, C\ 'lo SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: /Vo'I\Q., SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: z.,goo PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): 1.r..1 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 3 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 3 07/29/05 PRO .. -~T INFORMATION (continue..,, ,....:-.:.:..:...:.--'.::c..::..:..:c=-:c:::...:c::::..,__ _______ ---, NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: \ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): '-\~OD SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): t.J/f+ 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE - SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): tJIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): L 1 /4 -, NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL) /JUILDINGS (if applicable): N A, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): /JIit- O AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO O FLOOD HAZARD AREA CJ GEOLOGIC HAZARD CJ HABITAT CONSERVATION o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES O WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ___ f,q.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information Included) SITUATE IN THE Iv l.v 'J'l,~%,QUARTER OF SECTION~. TOWNSHIPM RANGE~, IN THE CITY ' OF RENTON, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. $~".\-vk,t S lOOO. oo 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP ·-:-'\ ,; I I, (Print Name/s) kv<ix:n Ut:(v . declare that I am (please check one) \/'the current owner of the property involved in this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answe~-~~ cootained__p the infonnation herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ~ief. ·:_>/ .,, I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that -· ~ ---·/-:"' //~ /7 signed this instrument and acknovdedged it to be hislh-e-r/lh-ei-r ,-re-e-an_d_v_ol-un_ta_ry_a_ct_f_or_the _..---;&;...o___-uses and purposes mentjoned in the instrument (Signature of owner/Representative) (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc 77 ; rz 1_.c.1 I ( I /) 1-,. )1wµ.J<JY/ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) .---, /}1 A-I<-\j /.<!. l)o" c I 10 I' / My appointment expires: J 2 07/29105 DEvaoPMf.i:NT crrv OF REf'MN0 NiNG '"' N DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT JAN 2 4 ;:J? M E M O R A N D U M RECEIVED May 11, 2006 Valerie Kinas!, Associate Planner ~ James Gray, Assistant Fire Marsha Chen Short Plat, 762 Monroe Ave. Fire Department Comments: I. A fire hydrant with I 000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single- family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. 3. Fire department access roadways require a minimum 20-foot wide paved roadway. Fire department turnarounds are required for roads over 150 feet in length. 4. AlLbuilding addresses shall be visible from a public street. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. i:lplat2.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June I, 2006 Valerie Kinas! Mike Dotson,# PREAPP No. 06-059-Chen Short Plat-762 Monroe Ave NE NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT: The following comments on development and permitting issues arc based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works aud City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. I have reviewed the preliminary application for the subject short plat. The following is general information concerning the public utilities in the vicinity of the subdivision. WATER I. The modeled fire flow available at the site is over 3000 gpm. Static Water pressure is approximately 77 psi. 2. The proposed project is located within the 565-water pressure zone. 3. If fire sprinkler systems are necessary, then a separate fire sprinkler permit will be required. 4. All new single-family construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and must be located within 300 feet of the structures. There appears to be an existing fire hydrant in the vicinity that meets the fire protection for this project. This would be subject to verification. In addition, any existing sub-standard hydrants will need to be replaced and/or retrofitted with a quick disconnect Storz fittings. 5. A Water System development Charge of$1,956.00 per new lot is payable at time of issuance of a construction permit. 6. All short plats shall provide a separate water service to each building lot prior to recording of the short plat. SANITARY SEWER I. There is an existing 8-inch sewer main in Monroe Ave NE. 2. From our records, there is an existing sewer stub to the existing home (see attached side- sewer sketch(s)). l:\Plan Review\Plan-Revicw 2006\Chen short plat.doc ' • ~ D ~ - Rentar. Fire Hydrants Water Mains -196 220 --270 -~300 -320 -350 --360 -370 -395 --435 -~490 -495 --520 -565 -590 --79 FICT/OUS -WELL Water Service Meters Renton City Limits Parcels Renton Aerial ~-~ SCALE 1 : 1,284 e--i==-~~~===r=:!,~-.......,...,...,...,~I 100 0 100 200 FEET ------~ 300 p://rentonn et .org/MapG u ide/maps/ ;7;,c·c:2' .rnwf N r TL...---..,_ CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM DATE: June 1, 2006 TO: Pre-Application File No. 06-059 FROM: Valerie Kinast, Associate Planner, ( 425) 430-7270 SUBJECT: Chen Short Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Public Works Administrator, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall. Project Proposal: The subject property is located on the east side of Monroe Ave. NE, north of NE 7'" Place, at 762 Monroe Ave. NE. The proposal is to subdivide the lot with a total of 20,000 square feet (0.46 acres) into two lots, for future development of an additional single-family residence. The existing 1,460 square-foot house would be retained. The property is zoned Residential -8 dwelling units per acre. The proposed lots are 5,020 square feet and 10,723 square feet. The houses would share a 20-foot wide access easement for access to Monroe Ave. NE. Lot 1 would front on Monroe Ave. NE and Lot 2 would be located at the rear of the parcel. Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is located within the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zoning designation. The density range required in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 4.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac). A density calculation of the two-lot Chen Short Plat was not submitted by the applicant. The net density would be approximately 5.53 dwelling units per acre after subtracting an estimated 4,237 sq. ft. of access easement area from the 20,000 sq. ft. gross area of the parcel. This would fall within the permitted density range. If the applicant is creating one small and one very large lot in consideration of future platting of the large lot, staff would like to point out that a third lot would increase the density to 8.29 units per acre, which would not be permissible. Development Standards: The R-8 zone permits one residential structure/ unit per lot, detached accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 is 4,500 square feet for lots greater than 1 acre in size and 5,000 square feet for lots 1 acre or less in size. A minimum lot width of 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 65 feet, is also required. The total area of the proposed subdivision is less than 1 acre; therefore the minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet. Lot 1 is proposed at 10,723 square feet and Lot 2 is proposed at 5,020 square feet, so both would meet the minimum lot size requirement. Both lots would also meet the lot width and depth requirements. Building Standards The R-8 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. Building height is restricted to 30 feet and 2-stories. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 Chen Short Plat Pre-Ap June 1, 2006 Page 2 of3 ion Meeting feet and one-story. The gross floor area must be less than that of the primary structure. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. The existing house does not appear to exceed any of these limitations. Setbacks -Setbacks are the minimum required distance between the building footprint and the property line or private access easement. The required setbacks in the R-8 zone are 15 feet in front for the primary structure and 20 feet in front for the attached garage, 20 feet in the rear, 5 feet for interior side yards, and 15 feet for side yards along streets (including access easements) for the primary structure and 20 feet for side yards along streets (including access easements) for attached garages. It appears the existing house would meet the setback requirements. The applicant included building setback lines for Lot 2 on the submitted short plan drawing. The side and front yard setbacks along the access easement are not shown accurately. They must be measured from the edge of the access easement. This will decrease the size of the buildable area for Lot 2 from what it is shown as on the pre-application submittals. The doghouse at the south lot line does not meet setback requirements. It is also an encroachment issue. It would either need to be removed or the lot line would need to be moved to resolve the issue prior to short plat recording. Access/Parking: Street improvements, including curbs, gutter and sidewalks, are required along of the frontage of properties when they are subdivided. If these are not in place they would need to be constructed. Both lots would access from Monroe Ave. NE via a 20-ft. wide shared access easement. Lot 1 would front on Monroe Ave. NE and Lot 2 would be located behind Lot 1. Each lot must allow for the parking of two vehicles on the site. Landscaping: A 5 foot wide irrigated or drought resistant landscape strip is the minimum amount of landscaping necessary for a site abutting a non-arterial public street. A 5-foot landscape strip will be required in the right-of-way, where possible, and on the lots themselves where there is not enough space for the strip in the right-of-way. The tree requirement for short plats is at least two trees of a City approved species with a minimum caliper of 1 1/2 inches in the front yard or planting strip on every lot. The trees must be planted prior to building occupancy. A Conceptual Landscape Plan, showing the two trees per lot and the plantings in the five foot landscape strip, as defined in RMC 4-8-120D must be submitted at the time of application. A Detailed Landscape Plan will be required at submittal for final plat review. Critical Areas: There are no known critical areas on the site. If there is any indication of critical areas on the site, this must be disclosed to the City prior to development and appropriate studies must be undertaken. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The existing development is located within the Residential Single Family (RSF) Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The following proposed policies are applicable to the proposal: Land Use Element Objective LU-FF: Encourage re-investment and rehabilitation of existing housing, and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods that: 1. Are planned at urban densities and implement Growth Management targets, 2. Promote expansion and use of public transportation; and 3. Make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. 06-059 Chen SHPL (R-8, 2-lot).doc Chen Short Plat Pre-App mn Meeting June 1, 2006 Page 3 of 3 Policy LU-147. Net development densities should fall within a range of 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. Policy LU-148. A minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet should be allowed on in-fill parcels of less than one acre (43,560 sq. ft.) in single-family designations. Allow a reduction on lot size to 4,500 square feet on parcels greater than one acre to create an incentive for aggregation of land. The minimum lot size is not intended to set the standard for density in the designation, but to provide flexibility in subdivision/plat design and facilitate development within the allowed density range. Policy LU-149. Lot size should exclude private sidewalks, easements, private road, and driveway easements, except alley easements. Policy LU-150. Required setbacks should exclude public or private legal access areas, established through or to a lot, and parking areas. Policy LU-152. Single-family lot size, lot width, setbacks, and impervious surface should be sufficient to allow private open space, landscaping to provide buffers/privacy without extensive fencing, and sufficient area for maintenance activities. Policy LU-154. Interpret development standards to support new plats and infill project designs incorporating street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes that address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. Community Design Element Policy CD-12. Infill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, should be encouraged in order to add variety, updated housing stock, and new vitality to neighborhoods. Policy CD-13. Infill development should be reflective of the existing character of established neighborhoods even when designed using different architectural styles, and/or responding to more urban setbacks, height or lot requirements. Infill development should draw on elements of existing development such as placement of structures, vegetation, and location of entries and walkways, to reflect the site planning and scale of existing areas. Permit Requirements: Short plats are processed administratively within an estimated time frame of 4 to 6 weeks for preliminary short plat approval. The application fee is $1,000.00. The applicant will be required to install a public information sign on the property. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal is provided in the attached handouts. Once preliminary approval is received, the applicant must complete the required improvements and satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before the plat can be recorded. The newly created lots may be sold only after the plat has been recorded. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording of the plat. • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project: and, • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single-family residence. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees in attached for your review. Expiration: Upon preliminary short plat approval, the preliminary short plat approval is valid for two years with a possible one-year extension. cc: Jennifer Henning 06-059 Chen SHPL (R-8, 2-lot).doc RM-F . R--:-10 .. R-BCP) IL:CP) a, .:::: a, 0 H ~ 0 .. R--:-.8 -·R-B! . / _ ·w:En7thf PI 0 RM- ::::. 1------1 CA NE 4th St. ZONING P/BIPW TBCHNICAL SBR.VJCES Oll'.6/06 F5 • 16 T23N R5E W 1/2 ----Renton City Limit. e '---------·--.-----------'--~-· CA CA CA o 200 .. oo E5 , ..... 9 T23N R5E W 1/2 5309 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Calculations, Colored Maps for Display 4 Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND 4 Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication , Density Worksheet 4 Drainage Control Plan, Drainage Report , Elevations, Architectural aANo, Environmental Checklist , Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy), Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) , Flood Hazard Data• Floor Plans 3AN0.11 Geotechnical Report>AND, Grading Plan, Conceptual , Grading Plan, Detailed, Habitat Data Report 4 Improvement Deferral 2 Irrigation Plan 4 King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site, Landscape Plan, Conceptual, Landscape Plan, Detailed, Legal Description, List of Surrounding Property Owners, Mailing Labels for Property Owners , Map of Existing Site Conditions, Master Application Form, Monument Cards (one per monument) , Neighborhood Detail Map 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forrns\Planning\waiver.xls WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: Vk-, ',.-i.,J -:-,__. ) vL V \J _, (~(\ VI/, PROJECT NAME: DATE: ~_,. -hve .. ,_ I ;, ~1 5-,.,,/ r.~ ·, j. ' ~ J'b&r+ /Jw Jl0.e, /,' ~~MENTPI.J\NNfNG OF RENTON JAN 2 ~ 2007 RECEIVSU.,2oos DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS . LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis , Plan Reductions (PMTs), Plat Name Reservation , Postage, Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 .. Public Works Approval Letter 2 Rehabilitation Plan 4 Screening Detail 4 Site Plan ,AND• Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 Vi(__,/ Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 Street Profiles , -~ Title Report or Plat Certificate • Topography Map, Traffic Study 2 Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 Urban Center Design Overlay District Report 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands MitiQation Plan, Final 4 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 ,r t.L, Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND, Map of View Area 2 AND, Photosimulations 2 AND, This requirement may be waived by: . 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME:-------------- 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: _____________ _ 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls 11/04/2005 DENSITY WORKSHEET °'=VELOPMENT CITY OF RE~~iNING JAN 21 2007 RECEIVl=n City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets** Private access easements** Critical Areas* Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: square feet 2.6.M square feet square feet 2. 2-900 3. )1,/'ffO square feet square feet square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. 0, 3 9 :I acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. t-z. 61 = dwelling units/acre *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\density.doc Last updated: 11/08/2004 1 PROJECT NARATIVE Date: January 24, 2007 Prepared for CHEN SHORT PLAT 762 Monroe Ave Renton, Washington Prepared by MRK ENGINEERING PLLC 14218-SE lO'h Street Bellevue, WA 98007 (206) 799-1078 CHEN SHORT PLAT PROJECT NARRATIVE The project proposes to subdivide this lot into three single-family lots through a short plat process. The existing house and the garage will be demolished and three new homes will be constructed. An access driveway from Monroe Ave will provide access to the proposed lots. A sidewalk will be contracted in front of the property along the east side of Monroe Ave NE. 1. Chen Short Plat site is located in the NW V. of SW V. of Section 9, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M., in City of Renton, Washington. The site is located at 726 Monroe Ave NE. The entire site covers an area of approximately 0.46 acre. 2. The required Land use permit for the proposed project is to Short Plat. 3. The property is zoned Residential -8 dwelling unites per acre (R-8). 4. The existing site consists of a single-family home, a shed. There 1s no additional improvement on the site. 5. The subject site is not in a wetland area, along a designated stream, within the 100-year flood plain, within an erosion hazard area, within a landslide hazard area, within a seismic hazard area, nor a coalmine hazard area 6. Bordering properties include a single-family home to the north, south and east; the subject property borders Monroe to the west. The topography indicates that no offsite runoff is flowing to the property from the adjacent properties. There is no sensitive area on the property. The U.S. Soils Conservation Service has classified the soils as Alderwood soils (AgC). The subject site is not in a wetland area, along a designated stream, within the 100-ycar flood plain, within an erosion hazard area, within a landslide hazard area, within a seismic hazard area, nor a coalmine hazard area. The project proposes to subdivide this lot into three single-family lots through a short plat process. The existing house and the garage will be demolished and three new homes will be constructed. An access driveway from Monroe Ave will provide access to the proposed lots. A sidewalk will be contracted in front of the property along the east side of Monroe Ave NE. The total existing impervious surface is 4120 square feet. The proposed access driveways will be approximately 2800 square feet of impervious surface; the proposed house will be 4800 square feet. The net total added impervious surface will be 2455 square feet, which falls within the limits for Small Site Drainage Review. This project meets the small site drainage criteria. • Parcel smaller than 22,000 sq. ft. (19,980 sq. ft.) • Less than 10,000 sq. ft. new impervious area (7,600 sq. ft. total, 4,120 sq. ft. net new impervious) All stormwater flows will be tight lined to existing storm drain system on Monroe Ave. NE. To avoid saturation of soils near the foundation of the house, roof runoff will be tight lined via downspout to the existing storm drain. 7. The proposal is to subdivide the existing parcel in to three Jots, for future development of thee additional single-family residence. The existing house and the garage will be demolished 8. The proposal is to subdivide the existing parcel in to three lots. The proposed Lot I net area (7926 SF), the proposed Jot 2 net area (4748 SF) and the proposed lot 3 net area(. 9. The new houses would be accessed via privet access road directly from Monroe Ave. NE. 10. Street improvements on Monroe Ave NE: Sidewalk will be constructed along the frontage of the parcel being developed. A 5 ft. landscape strip would be constructed. 11. The total estimated construction cost of the off site improvement would be $5,500.00. 12. The estimated fill quantity of the proposed project is 460 CY. 13. The project is not removing any three at this time. 14. The project is not dedicating any Right-of-way 15. No job shacks, sales trailer and model home are proposed. 16. No modification has been requested. 2 Date: January 24, 2007 Prepared for CHEN SHORT PLAT 762 Monroe Ave Renton, Washington Prepared by MRK ENGINEERING PLLC 14218-SE 101h Street Bellevue, WA 98007 (206) 799-1078 - CHEN SHORT CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION The project proposes to subdivide this Jot into three single-family lots through a short plat process. The existing house and the garage will be demolished and three new homes will be constrncted. An access driveway from Monroe Ave will provide access to the proposed Jots. A sidewalk will be contracted in front of the property along the east side of Monroe Ave NE. • The proposal is to start construction in of the frontage and off site improvement in July 2007 and end in October of2007 • The construction operation would be Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. • The estimated fill quantity of the proposed project 1s 460 CY. Haul/transportation rout has not been determined. The contractor would be required to submit the haul rout to the city for approval. • It is not anticipated that this project would not generate dust, mud, noise and erosion. Pacific measures have not been considered. If BMP,s are required the project would implement the appropriate BMP,s. • Night or Weekend construction or hauling work is not proposed. • Work on City Street is not anticipated. "' I ""I f.. I " I ~I ::. I 11'! ~ 1~ I I I I "I I l I I I lqA I I h I ~ I ~ I ~ Q; CEN1 1-/ ~ "i ~ .... .... ~r tl ..... ~ •· ~,. ~ '"' ·c:i .... ~, .,; "' 10TH ST. ,, ..., re""1.::,. ::r -re-.,::=,-:c · ·--c~-··,: ·&?;:::J·t.9.u •'§,~ :I \ . ~ ~'° 1~~ P~tis~J ~ 'lt'.I • J z _., 1 I r 5 '.#ilI i ... :,4 2 ; .. k ~§i !!fil It;; ~ I 1~1 91..ao r-~~i "® 'I twi~ l.52 A.r.. r==t ~%1 ·~ m'.SfJ.~ ~I ~~it~',..,n .. \ ,~..,~~-~2 ~ ,,1 l'l,· ! A ' ... s 1_ . ~-~;!fe ,.,.l(\,._~~t1tt:;:.,.,_ .;.,"' ~ 1:1 11 I 'ill!''! ~~.l~t=i, Jkffi,_jj • re~'trlt\..11r~ ~~ ~L'8"~1 7 ~ 8 i 9 ,. I • !il ~\ [i)N M 7TH. "' j~ "'NI :LI~~ l®i 7 i)~~~' i ~ ~ ! 10 II 12 13 m :;; "'• " -4 ;a:,, ~ 14 NI ~: "flffll~ltltl~li • g -----~ I .so ' u I II I " ' II t II I " I .!!_ t " I u I ao ' c::t /_&085 I I I I I ~ ~1 197.41 .... --------~ ·I --------- • MO .. -,l "'' l'.ll ;. I Kiwanis • Pa r k 150 ~ ! " I • I "' ~I ~-------~f j {805W 34~· 33 ID1). 3z Ifill• :lJ m 0 m ~ C t ~ ' % 'i l, :tl < 0m -r--<o <.,, 03:: 'Tim ill~ ~s; zf ,. z ~ G) L" ' •. TICOR TITLE COMPANY 600 SW 39th Street, #100, Renton, WA 98055 (425)255-7575 FAX (425)255-0285 Ruben Chen and Trang Lam 3133 NE 19th Place Renton, WA 98056 Policy No. 6347276-1 Customer Reference: Dearmin/Chen & Lam/45786 Enclosed, please find your policy for Title Insurance. Thank you for using TICOR Title Company. TICOR TITLE COMPANY SCHEDULE A Policy No. 6347276-1-TicorTitle-WA-HomeownersSimPolicy Amount of Insurance: Date of Policy: March 31, 2005 at 02:31 PM Premium: Sales Tax: 1. Name of Insured: Ruben C. Chen and Trang N. Lam, husband and wife 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: Fee Simple 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: Ruben C. Chen and Trang N. Lam, husband and wife 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: $ 307,000.00 $ 870.00 $ 76.56 Lot(s) 2, Block 1, Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 43 of Plats, page(s) 17, in King County, Washington. Owners Policy Schedule A SCHEDULE B Policy No. 6347276-1 EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: FOR: DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Guy and anchor July 12, 1962 5451730 The south 5 feet of the west 5 feet of said premises 2. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: FOR: DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation Guy wires and anchors and necessary appurtenances December 16, 1985 8512160874 The south 5 feet of the west 25 feet of said premises 3. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: FOR: DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: Washington Natural Gas Company, a Washington corporation Gas pipeline or pipelines and necessary appurtenances July 8, 1994 9407080875 As constructed within said premises 4. COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (a) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (b) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS: RECORDED: September 23, 1947 RECORDING NUMBER: 3726728 5. RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN SAID PLAT AS FOLLOWS: No lot or portion of a lot shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than 6000 square feet for suburban S-2 use, wi1h a minimum lot width of 60 feet. All lots in this plat re restricted to S-2 suburban district use. 6. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Homeowner's Policy Schedule 8 COMPANY: SCHEDULE B Policy No. 6347276-1 (Continued) Reserving and excepting from said lands sc much or such portions thereof as are or may be mineral lands or contain coal or iron, and alsc the use and the right and title to the use of such surface ground as may be necessary for mining operations and the right of access to such reserved and excepted mineral lands, including lands containing coal or iron, for the purpose of exploring, developing and working the same. RECORD NUMBER: 241450 NOTE: No examination has been made to determine the present record owner of the above minerals, or mineral lands and appurtenant rights thereto, or to determine matters which may affect the land or rights so reserved. 7. Easement for grading of street slopes, as necessary, over portion of premises adjoining any street or alley as dedicated in the plat. 8. NOTICE OF SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION CHARGE: GIVEN BY: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: City of Renton June 21, 1996 9606210966 9. General property taxes and special district charges, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent on May 1st; 2nd half delinquent on November 1st) Total Taxes for Year 2005 Amount Billed: $2,676.52 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $2,676.52 Tax Account Number: 801110-0010-06 Levy Code: 2100 Current Assessed Value: $113,000.00 Improvements: $112,000.00 10. DEED OF TRUST, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: ADDRESS: LOAN NO.: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: Homeownor's Policy Schedule B Tang N. Lam and Ruben C. Chen, wife and husband Ticor Title Company Boeing Employees' Credit Union 12770 Gateway Drive, MS 1052-1, Tukwila, WA 98168 45786 $276,300.00 March 25, 2005 March 31, 2005 20050331002713 END OF SCHEDULE B N.E, 8TH, ST. d ' 30 ," ," l!J 16 j51 ,o ~o~* ' ' ~">..~r:J ' ,,,, <\;<> I 2 ~~~ 0 ' "' .. , N 0 ~, ,o "' ·1 ' "' °', '106~7' ~~?.,c w "', "', .;.~Ell'T'J ~i§' I 3B I 0 I ' "' ," ' 3 ' ' Q~~"<? I ' ~"" I 8 l 5 20732 S e 20726 S 7 30515 SF i 002ll 0030 0335 ' 207 ' 0 "' ---------- !I: 0 N. E. 7TH. ST. • "' !I 4 8 ::; g: ,o "' ® ' ,• <&,">.oX) " o':;; o"' 0 ~-"' 0, N ," ' 3 "'°#' 28737 s, 19EIB7 OC8) 0085 16.05 " o"' o" ~ <&"' " o"' ,,o 0 0 g.fl oj "'. . ., I'--~~ 0 i$>o of ~, ~~~ ,~ '""o ~· ~ ~ N 0, " "' " "' Ol20 Olli OIi) 005 OD) " "' OC8) COiii 5 7 0 N.E. 7TH, !'L, "' e ____ s1_p. 0 ------ 0 i (7TH PL) "' ' ' ' ' ' 0 o"' o" " o" "" o"' 0 0 ~" ' 0~ o,to cf .~ ' oJ$" ol/;"' .~., ~o o•' ' ' ~-...~o ' "o' "'o' "'o' ~"> 0 ' 0 0 0 " " " ' 0 ' 5200 s 5'200 S 5200 S200 S ' 5500 9 5200 S 5200 5200 ' : Oll5 OIIO 11175 ' Olll) Oll5 Ol5l5 OIIO OMS ' ' ' ' 1io ~" ' 0 ~o 1~0 19 ,,?° ~ 11,o" 1\o0 ' ' t~ ' ' ' c:,t>,./' {,,':$," \>.")c;::.~ (). ... ~ "t;.~40 t>">,'l,,fo ,.,.-.;~ ' "'o' "'o"' "'o"' """' "o'l' "'o"' "'o'l' ' 0 ' -=.,v,n <:: Fo:Jnn <:: ' HOME OWNER'S INFLATION PROTECTION ENDORSEMENT Issued by TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Attached to and forming a part of or Policy of Title Insurance No. 6347276-1 The Company, recognizing the current effect of inflation on real property valuation and intending to provide additional monetary protection to the insured Owner named in said Policy, hereby modifies said Policy, as follows: 1. Notv.-ithstanding anything contained in said Policy to the contrary, the amount of insurance provided by said Policy, as stated in Schedule A thereof, is subject to cumulative annual upward adjustments in the manner and to the extent hereinafter specified. 2. "Adjustable Date" is defined, for the purpose of this Endorsement, to be 12:01 a.m. on the first January 1 which occurs more than six months after the Date of Policy, as shown in Schedule A of the Policy to which this Endorsement is attached, and on each succeeding January 1. 3. An upward adjustment 'Aili be made on each of the Adjustment Dates, as defined above, by increasing the maximum amount of insurance provided by said Policy (as said amount may have been increased theretofore under the terms of this Endorsement) by the same percentage, if any, by which the United States Department of Commerce Composite Construction Cost lrdex for the month of September immediately preceding exceeds such Index for the month of September one year earlier; provided, however, that the maximum amount of insurance in force shall never exceed 150% of the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A of said Policy, less the amount of any claim paid under said Policy which, under the terms of the Conditions and Stipulations, reduces the amount of insurance in force. There shall be no annual adjustment in the amount of insurance for years in which there is no increase in said Construction Cost Index. 4. In the settlement of any claim against the Company under said Policy, the amount of insurance in force shall be deemed to be the amount which is in force as of the date on which the insured claimant first learned of the assertion or possible assertion of such claim, whichever shall first occur. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, this endorsement shall be effective only if one of the following conditions exists at Date of Policy: a. The land described in this policy is a parcel on which there is only a one-to-four family residential structure, including all improvements on the land related to residential use, in which the insured Owner resides or intends to reside; or b. The land consists of a residential condominium unit, together with the common elements appurtenant thereto and related to residential use thereof, in which the Insured Owner resides or intends to reside. This Endorsement, when countersigned below by an authorized signatory, is made a part of the policy and is subject to all the terms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifes any of the terms and provisions of the policy and prior endorsements, if any, nor does it extend the effective date of the policy and prior endorsements or increase the face amount thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused its corporate name ard seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers. INFLATION PROTECTION ENDORSEMENT Reorder Form No. 7686 TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ENDORSEMENT Issued by TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Attached to and forming a part of Policy of Title Insurance No. 6347276-1 1 . This Endorsement shall be effective only if at Date of Policy there is located on the land described in said Policy a one-to-four family residential structure, in which the Insured Owner resides, either at Date of Policy or 1Mthin one :,<>ar of Date of Policy, as the insured owner's principal residence. For the purpose of this Endorsement the term "residential structure" is defined as the principal dwelling structure located on the land, together with a garage or carport used for storage ofnoncommerical vehicles. The term "residential structure" shall net include detached outbuildings (other than a garage or carport as defined herein), driveways, walkw.ays, boat ramps, docks, recreational facilities of any kind, subsurface lines, pipes, tanks, septic system and/or drainfields, plantings of any nature, perimeter fences or perimeter w.alls, or any other improvements which are not an integral part of the residential structure. 2. The Company hereby insures the Insured Owner against loss or damage which the Insured Owner shall sustain by reason of: a. the existence at Date of Policy of any unrecorded statutory liens for labor or materials attaching to the estate or interest arising out of any work of improvement on the land in progress or completed at the Date of the Policy, except those I kens arising out of a work of improvement for which the insured has agreed to be responsible. b. the removal of the residential structure or interfarence 'Mth the use thereof for ordinary residential purposes as the result of a final Court Order or Judgment, based upon the existence at the Date of Policy of: (1) any encroachment of the residential structure or any part thereof onto adjoining lands, or onto any easement shown as a special exception in Schedule B of the Policy, or onto any unrecorded subsurface easement; (2) any violation on the land of enforceable covenants, conditions or restrictions provided that this coverage shall not refer to or include the terms, CO'ltenants and conditions contained in any lease, sublease or contract of sale referred to in this Policy; (3) any violation of applicable zoning ordinances to the extent that such ordinances regulate (a) area, 1Mdth or depth of the land as a building site for the residential structure; (b) floor space area of the residential structure; (c) setback of the residential structure from the property lines of the land; or (d) height of the residential structure. c. damage to the residential structure resulting from the exercise of any right to use the surface of the land for the extraction or development of the minerals shown as an exception in Schedule B, or excepted from the description of the land. For purposes of this endorsemen~ the words "cownant,'' "conditions" or "restrictions" shall net be deemed to refer to or include any covenants, conditions or restrictions relating to environmental protection, except to the extent that a notice of 'Aolation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy and is not excepted in Schedule B. This Endorsemen~ made a part of the policy and is subject to all the tenms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, It n,;ther modifies any of the terms and provisions of the policy and any prior endorsements, If any, nor does it extend the effective date of the policy and prior endorsements or increase the face amount thereof. HOME OWNER'S ADDITIONAL PROTECTION ENDORSEMENT-WA Form F. 7683 (Rev. 12.95) Authorized Signatory August 28, 2006 File No. 06-113 Mr. Ruben Chen 3133-NE 19th Place Renton, Washington 98056 Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Report 762 Monroe Avenue NE Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Chen, PanGE@ I N < 0 R • 0 R A T • D Geotechnica/ & Earthquake Engineering Consu/fanls DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Cl1Y OF R!':NTOI! JAN 2 4 2007 RECEIVED As requested, PanGEO Inc. completed a geotechnical engineering study for the above parcel. Our geotechnical engineering study was performed in general accordance with our proposal dated June 13, 2006, which was subsequently authorized by you on July 7, 2006. In summary, our service scope included reviewing readily available geologic data, performing a reconnaissance of the parcel, excavating two exploratory test pits at the site, and developing the conclusions and recommendations summarized herein. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Your property is located at 762 Monroe Avenue Northeast in the City of Renton, Washington (see Figure 1 ). As indicated on the Site and Exploration Plan (Figure 2), the property is approximately 20,000 square feet in size. It measures about 200 feet east-west and 100 feet north-south. An existing house currently occupies the approximate west half of your property. We understand that you plan to subdivide the property into two lots for construction of a new single family residence on Lot 2 (see Figure 2). The new Lot 2 will be rectangular in shape and measures about 51 feet east-west and 100 feet north-south, and occupies the eastern V. of your property. Access to Lot 2 will be through a proposed 20-foot-wide driveway easement along the north margin of the property. We understand that an at-grade single-family residential structure with a building footprint of about 1,400 square feet will be constructed on Lot 2. We also understand that the existing residence on Lot I (west of Lot 2) will remain, and our geotechnical engineering evaluation is limited to Lot 2. . __ \\ \ ,:·>. Ir, Geotechnical Report 762 Monroe Avenue, Renton, WA August 28, 2006 The project site (Lot 2) is essentially level, with less than about 4 feet of topographic relief between the west lot line and the northeast lot comer. An approximately 4-foot-high ecology block wall retains fill soils to the north for the back yards of the adjacent residences along the north margin of the subject parcel. The site is vegetated with grass with several fir trees (22-to 40-inch diameter) dotting the site. Based on our review of the King County Sensitive Areas Ordinance, the property is not located within a mapped sensitive area. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS TEST PIT EXCAVATION Two test pits (TP-1 and TP-2) were excavated at the site on July 20, 2006, to explore the subsurface conditions. The test pits were excavated to depths ranging between 7Y, and 8\1, feet with a rubber-tired backhoe owned and operated by Northwest Excavating & Trucking Co., Inc., in Mill Creek, Washington. The backhoe was equipped with a 30-inch-wide bucket. Representative soil samples were obtained from the test pits. The density and consistency of the subsurface soils was estimated by probing the soil with a Yi-inch-diameter steel T-probe and by the difficulty of excavation. Each test pit location was subsequently taped from existing site features and the approximate test pit locations are indicated on Figure 2. A geologist from PanGEO was present during the field exploration program to observe the test pit excavation, collect soil samples, and to describe and document the soil samples obtained from the test pits. The soil samples were described using the system outlined on Figure A-1 in Appendix A. The summary test pit logs are also included in the Appendix A, following Figure A-1. Once the subsurface conditions in the test pits were documented, the test pits were backfilled immediately with the excavated soils. LABORATORY TESTING Two representative soil samples (3 feet in TP-1 and at 4Y, feet in TP-2) were selected for sieve analysis to determine their grain size characteristics. The tests were completed by Analytical Resources, Inc. of Seattle in general accordance with the ASTM D 422, Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analyses of Soils. The test results are presented in Appendix B. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on our review of the Preliminary Geologic Map of Seattle and Vicinity, Washington (Waldron, et al., 1962) and the Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington (Mullineaux, 1965), your property is underlain by Quaternary Vashon Glacial Till. 06-113 Report.doc 2 PanGEO, Inc. Geotechnical Report 762 Monroe Avenue, Renton, WA August 28, 2006 In general, glacial till is a poorly drained, heterogeneous mixture of silt, sand and gravel. The Vashon glacial till has been overridden by glacial ice and is very dense. In summary, the soils observed in the test pits confirm the presence of Vashon glacial till underlying approximately 3 feet of colluvium/disturbed soil. The following is a description of the soils encountered in the test pits: UNIT 1: Colluvium!Disturbed Soil -Approximately 3 feet of colluvium or disturbed soils were encountered in the test pits. This unit generally consists of loose to medium dense, brown and red-brown, slightly gravelly to gravelly, silty sand. Abundant roots and iron- oxide-staining was observed within this unit. In our opinion this unit is not suitable for supporting structural elements. UNIT 1: Vashon Glacial Till-Dense to very dense, gray, slightly silty to silty, gravelly sand was encountered in both of the test pits, directly below Unit 1. We interpret this unit as the Vashon Glacial Till as shown on the reviewed geologic maps. The till observed in the test pits is massive with a very compact, friable texture below a depth of 5 feet. Several 3-to 5-inch diameter roots were observed to a depth of 5 feet below ground surface. This unit is anticipated to exhibit relatively low compressibility characteristics, and is considered adequate for supporting conventional footings if free of roots and organics. Based on the grain size analysis, this unit is relatively free of fines (i.e. less than 15 percent fines). Groundwater was not encountered in the test pits to the maximum depth excavated at about 8V, feet. Evidence of perched groundwater was observed in both test pits in the form of red-brown iron-oxide staining between depths of I Y, and 3 feet. It should be noted that groundwater elevations are likely to vary depending on the season, local subsurface conditions, and other factors. Groundwater levels are normally highest during the winter and early spring. GEOTECHNlCAL RECOMMENDATIONS INFILTRATION RATE OF ON-SITE SOILS We understand that your designer is considering the option of on-site disposal of surface water by infiltration. The test pits excavated at the site encountered dense to very dense, weakly cemented glacial till at a shallow depth of about 3 feet. Although the glacial till is quite sandy and contains less than about 15 percent fines, we consider the infiltration rate of the glacial till to be negligible based on its density and soil texture. Therefore, it is our opinion that on-site disposal of surface by infiltration is not practical at this site. Other alternatives such as detention should be considered. 06-113 Report.doc 3 PanGEO, Inc. Geotechnical Report 762 Monroe Avenue, Renton, WA August 28, 2006 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS We anticipate that the seismic design of the proposed structure may be accomplished using the 2003 International Building Code (IBC), which specifies a design earthquake having a 2% probability of occurrence in 50 years (return interval of 2,475 years). The following parameters, which are consistent with the 2002 USGS seismic hazard maps, are recommended for the seismic design: Table 1. 2003 IBC Seismic Design Parameters Spectral Spectral Design Control Design Site Spectral PGA Acceleration Acceleration Periods Site Coefficients Response (Sm/2.5) Class at 0.2 sec. (g) at 1.0 sec. (g) Parameters (sec.) Ss s, F, F, Sos Sm To Ts C 1.41 0.48 1.0 1.31 0.9 0.42 0.09 0.45 0.38 HOUSE FOUNDATION AND DESIGN PARAMETERS Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the test pits, it is our opinion that conventional spread footings are suitable for the proposed single family residence. Footing design parameters are outlined below: Allowable Bearing Pressure -We recommend that all footings be founded below Soil Unit 1, and on native, dense to very dense glacial till soils (Unit 2). The depth to the competent soil unit 2 was approximately 3 feet below the existing ground surface in our test pits. As a result, depending on the design elevation, some overexcavation may be required. The overexcavation may be backfilled with properly compacted structural fill, lean-mix concrete or Control Density Fill (CDF). Footings constructed as discussed above may be sized using a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. For allowable stress design, the recommended allowable bearing pressure may be increased by 1/3 for transient loading conditions such as wind and earthquake. All footings should be founded at least 18 inches below the finished grade and at least 18 inches wide. All footing excavations should be trimmed neat and footing subgrades should be carefully prepared. Any loose or softened soil should be removed from the footing excavation, including nominally compacted test pit backfill, if one of the two pits should be located below a proposed footing. Footing excavations should be observed by PanGEO to confirm that the exposed footing subgrade is consistent with the expected conditions and adequate to support the proposed building. The depth of overexcavation, if needed, is also expected to 06-113 Report.doc 4 PanGEO, Inc. Geotechnical Report 762 Monroe Avenue, Renton, WA August 28, 2006 vary, but should not exceed 3 feet. We recommend that footing over-excavations, if needed, be backfilled with structural fill. Total and differential settlements are anticipated to be within tolerable limits for footings designed and constructed as discussed above. Under static loads, we anticipate the footings to settle less than about Y, inch and differential settlement should be less than about Y. inch. Lateral Resistance -Lateral forces from wind or seismic loading may be resisted by the combination of passive earth pressures acting against the embedded portions of the foundations and by friction acting on the base of the foundations. Passive resistance values may be determined using an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pounds per cubic foot (pct). This value includes a safety factor of about 1.5 assuming that properly compacted granular fill will be placed adjacent to and surrounding the footings. A frictional coefficient of 0.45 may be used to determine the frictional resistance at the base of the footings. This coefficient includes a factor safety of approximate 1.5. Footing Drain -We recommend that footing drains be incorporated into the design and construction of the project. The footing drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated drainpipe behind and at the base of the perimeter wall footings, embedded in at least 12 inches of clean, free-draining sand and gravel. The drainpipe should be graded to a suitable outlet to direct water away from the buildings. CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE FLOORS It is our opinion that the concrete slab on-grade floors are appropriate for the site. We recommend that all disturbed soils, including Unit 1 soil and roots in the Unit 2 soils, be removed from within the footprint of the structure, and replaced with structural fill. In addition, we also recommend that interior concrete slab on grade floors be underlain by a capillary break consisting of at least of 4 inches of %-inch, clean crushed rock (less than 3 percent fines), pea gravel, or other approved materials, compacted to a firm and unyielding condition. The capillary break should be placed on subgrade that has been compacted to a dense and unyielding condition. A I 0-mil polyethylene vapor barrier should also be placed directly below the slab. We also recommend that construction joints be incorporated into the floor slab to control cracking. STRUCTURAL FILL AND COMPACTION Structural fill is defined as compacted fiJI placed under buildings, roadways, slabs, pavements, or other load-bearing areas. Based on our understanding of the project, we do not anticipate the need for large quantities of structural fill. However, where needed, structural fill should be moisture conditioned to within about 3 percent of optimum moisture content, placed in loose, 06-113 Report.doc 5 PanGEO, Inc. Geotechnical Report 762 Momoe Avenue, Renton, WA August 28, 2006 horizontal lifts less than 8 inches in thickness, and systematically compacted to a dense and relatively unyielding condition and to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined using test method ASTM D 1557. In our opinion, the on-site soils may be reused as a source of structural fill during the dry season. If use of the existing soils is planned, the excavated soil should be stockpiled and protected witb plastic sheeting to prevent softening from rainfall. If the on-site soils cannot be adequately compacted, imported structural fills, such as City of Seattle Type 17 materials or Gravel Borrow (WSDOT 9-03.14(1), should be used. Recycled concrete may also be used as structural fill in lieu of natural aggregates. WET WEATHER EARTHWORK Portions of the surficial site soils contain a significant percentage of fines, and are considered to be moisture sensitive. Any subgrade soils that become softened either by disturbance or rainfall should be removed and replaced with properly compacted granular structural fill. General recommendations relative to earthwork performed in wet conditions are presented below: • Site stripping, excavation and subgrade preparation should be followed promptly by the placement and compaction of clean structural fill, capillary break material or base course material. • Footing subgrades must be protected from softening from rainfall. • The size and type of construction equipment used may have to be limited to prevent soil disturbance. • During wet weather, the allowable fines content (material by weight passing the #200 sieve) of the structural fill should be reduced to no more than 5 percent, based on the portion passing %-inch sieve. The fines should be non-plastic. • The ground surface within the construction area should be graded to promote run-off of surface water and to prevent the ponding of water. • Bales of straw and/or geotextile silt fences should be strategically located to control erosion and the movement of soil. SURFACE DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONSIDERATIONS Surface runoff can be controlled during construction by careful grading practices. Typically, this includes the construction of shallow, upgrade perimeter ditches or low earthen berms to collect runoff and prevent water from entering the excavation. All collected water should be directed under control to a positive and permanent discharge system such as a storm sewer. 06-113 Report.doc 6 PanGEO, Inc. Geotechnical Report 762 Monroe Avenue, Renton, WA August 28, 2006 Permanent control of surface water should be incorporated in the final grading design. Adequate surface gradients and drainage systems should be incorporated into the design such that surface runoff is directed away from structures and top of slopes. Potential problems associated with erosion may also be reduced by establishing vegetation within disturbed areas immediately following grading operations. Vegetation with deep penetrating roots is the preferred choice, since the roots tend to maintain the surficial stability of slopes by mechanical effects and contribute to the drying of slopes by evapo-transpiration. ADDITIONAL SERVICES To confirm that our recommendations are properly incorporated into the design and construction of the proposed construction, PanGEO should be retained to conduct a review of the final project plans and specifications, and to monitor the construction of geotechnical elements. King County, as part of the permitting process, may also require geotechnical construction inspection services. PanGEO can provide you a cost estimate for construction monitoring services on a later date. We anticipate that the following additional services will be required: • Review final project plans and specifications • Monitor erosion control • Observe footing subgrade • Verify structural fill placement • Verify subsurface drainage installation if appropriate • Other consultation as may be required during construction Modifications to our recommendations presented in this report may be necessary, based on the actual conditions encountered during construction. CLOSURE We have prepared this report for use by the project team. Recommendations contained in this report are based on a site reconnaissance, a subsurface exploration program, review of pertinent subsurface information, and our understanding of the project. The study was performed using a mutually agreed-upon scope of work. Variations in soil conditions may exist at locations away from the explorations and the actual conditions underlying the site. The nature and extent of soil variations may not be evident until construction occurs. If any soil conditions are encountered at the site that are different from those described in this report, we should be notified immediately to review the applicability of our recommendations. Additionally, we should also be notified to review the applicability of our recommendations if there are any changes in the project scope. 06-113 Report.doc 7 PanGEO, Inc. Geotechnical Report 762 Momoe Avenue, Renton, WA August 28, 2006 The scope of our work does not include services related to construction safety precautions. Our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractors' methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. Additionally, the scope of our work specifically excludes the assessment of environmental characteristics, particularly those involving hazardous substances. We are not mold consultants nor are our recommendations to be interpreted as being preventative of mold development. A mold specialist should be consulted for all mold-related issues. This report has been prepared for planning and design purposes for specific application to the proposed project in accordance with the generally accepted standards of local practice at the time this report was written. No warranty, express or implied, is made. This report may be used only by the client and for the purposes stated, within a reasonable time from its issuance. Land use, site conditions (both off and on-site), or other factors including advances in our understanding of applied science, may change over time and could materially affect our findings. Therefore, this report should not be relied upon after 24 months from its issuance. PanGEO should be notified if the project is delayed by more than 24 months from the date of this report so that we may review the applicability of our conclusions considering the time lapse. It is the client's responsibility to see that all parties to this project, including the designer, contractor, subcontractors, etc., are made aware of this report in its entirety. The use of information contained in this report for bidding purposes should be done at the contractor's option and risk. Any party other than the client who wishes to use this report shall notify PanGEO of such intended use and for pernrission to copy this report. Based on the intended use of the report, PanGEO may require that additional work be performed and that an updated report be reissued. Noncompliance with any of these requirements will release PanGEO from any liability resulting from the use this report. Within the limitation of scope, schedule and budget, PanGEO engages in the practice of geotechnical engineering and endeavors to perform its services in accordance with generally accepted professional principles and practices at the time the Report or its contents were prepared. No warranty, express or implied, is made. We trust that the information presented herein meets your need at this time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. 06-113 Report.doc 8 PanGEO, Inc. Geotechnical Report 762 Monroe Avenue, Renton, WA August 28, 2006 Sincerely, William D. Nashem William D. Nashem, L.E.G. Project Engineering Geologist Enclosures: Figure I Figure 2 Vicinity Map Site and Exploration Plan Appendix A Summary of Subsurface Data Siew L. Tan, P.E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer Figure A-I Terms and Symbols for Boring and Test Pit Logs Summary Logs of Test Pits TP-1 and TP-2 (2 sheets) Appendix B Summary Laboratory Test Results Figure B-1 Grain Size Curves, TP-1 and TP-2 06-113 Report.doc 9 PanGEO, Inc. Geotechnical Report 762 Monroe Avenue, Renton, WA August 28, 2006 REFERENCES International Building Code (IBC), 2003, International Code Council Mullineaux, D.R., 1965, Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington: U. S. Geological Survey GQ -405, 1 :24,000 scale. Waldron, H. H., Liesch, B. A., Mullineaux, D.R., and Crandell, D.R., 1962, Preliminary Geologic Map of Seattle and Vicinity, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I -354, I :31,680 scale. 06-113 Report.doc 10 PanGEO, Inc. \ Approx. Scale: 1" = 1/2 mile PanGE@ I • C O a P O A A T E D Geotechnical Engineering Report 762 Monroe Avenue NE Renton, Washington I < ::. 1 "'"'~ •· ;v-1-! - .,,:, i ~ i{, -< • ~,.I \ /'2 '!. ... ,..'\ ... , •· o,'<-. m ... :r >> << "'"' SE 1JJRO Mt. If VAi I r y TRI VICINITY MAP Figt,re No 06-11 3 06-113 Sile and Expl0<ation Plan.pp( 8128/2006(10:24 AM) WON i - " . I ~. I I I '°"' I I I I 1 -,<MIR .,.._ l,OUO,C r.x.«n.OG'f' lllOO<WAU. ..,.,_ HCMlt -F---........... ...... -----fC~.&.----• -._.,, • . __._,, --.-•. ,..:iii' N ----• .,._ • \\'· -~"·01 TP 1 ~' . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. ---s~-• ~ ~\: -• ss.-· • • . -ss ----s~ -·· . E;IJ ~. . ~r~~ ..... • • -__ ,. •• -lrillr$1'Df'W} -• '\.TOP •ffttl 90, •• , ; ~ :,. ~- ~ A 'T' ""' I I ,. ...... I I ~· ~ p •... J • <1~ I . lot #1 . / .. ,~, .,..,..., .,>EC ..,.,.. . bl I -~, I ,,,, -~ •, :CCWAI..IC ~ ~ .0·11 •438'9~ -~-- l OTU "JP"JY l .ldl'll'IC 0£(.lf f ~,~. > g ,~ I I LOT IQ ...... r-"""""''" -l,,t(JOIJ fl ..... 00 JOP•d!IC IIOT•CI I. ~ ~ I I ----:........_rtlf"•••a 1()1 ·-- . .,.,. -----..!--..i..::..'2' ____ _ • • ---;:;'11"Ti:i11rw ,oo ,;,-1:JOSl'M: • •, ,/ ......... -IX)Q."(IUSE ex""°"""' \ / - '-. l / ''/ \ °""'""' ...... " ' ·,\ \ \ \ Lot#2 (Project Site) Legend: Ii) Approx. Test Pit Location 'i, /' ' / O Approx. Limits of Proposed Structure '-. / '-· / trc)Tf : J>e PIIIPOIS)BIAmc.SA PG.! fMA. '( M:90!.NCE.. PanGE@ INCO RP ORAT •D 0 \O'l"I-< C lfAFMr: SCAIF ·~ ,· ,?O' Geotechn ical Engineering Report 762 Monroe Avenue NE Renton, Washington l I Approx . Limits of Subject Property , (Lot #2) Pre: P'cl ~c Note : Base map adapted from Chen Sh ort Plat survey, dated May 5. 2006. provided by Mr . Kazim Ja la lyar on June 12, 2006. SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN Q§_-113 T''1our0 No 2 APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS >-0 <.!) ci w <.!) ~ REL E DENSITY / CONSISTENCY SAND/GRAVEL SILT I CLAY Density SPT Approx. Relative Consistency SPT Approx. Undrained Shear N-values Density(%) N-values strength (psi) Very Loose <4 <15 \ Very Soft <2 <250 Loose 4to 10 15-35 \ Soft 2 to4 250 • 500 Med. Dense 10 to 30 35.65 : Med. Stiff 4 to 8 500 • 1000 Dense 30 to 50 65-85 : Stiff 8to 15 1000 • 2000 Very Dense >50 85 • 100 : Very Stiff 15to 30 2000 · 4000 Hard >30 ><\000 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS Gravel 50% or more of the coarse fraction nuined on the f4 sieYe. Use dual symbols (eg. GP-GM) for 5% to 12"h fines. GRAVEL (<5% fines) : GRAVEL (>12% fines) GROUP DESCRIPTIONS . ~~L.~~~1.-g.r:ad~ -~~~~~-........................... . GP : Poorly-graded GRAVEL .............................................................. GM: Silty GRAVEL GC: Clayey GRAVEL ······································································ :::::::: ··s,i/··w~·1i:g~~d·~·5.4N·o································ Sand : SAND (<5% fines) ·.·.·.· ..... · ; .. · .... · .. · • ...... · .... · ........ · .............. · .... .. 50% or more of the coarse . ~~. j_ -~~o~y~~~~. ~~~-............................ . ~::.r~~:l~h(~;t~~I :................................... . SM : Silty SAND for 5% to 12% fines. : SAND (>12% fines) · · · · · ... · · · · · · · · ·,,,.,, ....................•..•....•....•..•. SC : Clayey SAND ML: SILT : Liquid Limit< 50 CL : Lean SILT Slit and Clay 50'!.or more patting 1200 sieve ................................... === .?L.]. o.r.ga~ic.~J~~.~.~~~ .......................... .. MH : Elast ic SILT .............................................................. ..... , ..................................................... . CH : FatCLAY ( Liquid Limit > 50 OH : Organic SILTor.C.~Y ........................... .. Highly Organic Soils "' PT : PEAT Notes: 1. Soil exploration IOQs contain material descriptions based on visual observation and field tests using a system mod ified from the Uniform Soi l Classification System (US CS). Where necessary laboratory tests have been conducted (as noted in the ·other Tests· column), unil descnptions may inclu de a classification . Please refer to the discussions in the report text for a more complete description of the subsurface conditions. 2. The graphic symbols given ab011e are not inclusive of all sy mbols that may appear on the borehole logs. Other symbols may be used where field observations indicatea mixed soil constituents or dual constituent materials. DESCRIPTIONS OF SOIL STRUCTURES Layered : Units of material distinguished by color and/or composition from material units above and below Laminated: Layers of soil typically 0.05 to 1mm thick, max. 1 cm Lens : Layer of soil that pinches out laterally lnterlayered : Alternating layers a differing soil material Pocket: Erratic, discontinuous deposit of limited extent Homogeneous: Soil with uniform color and composition throughout Fissured : Breaks along defined planes Slickensided: Fracture planes that are polis hed or glossy Blocky : Angular soil lumps that resist breakdown Disrupted : Soil that is broken and mixed Scattered : Less than one per loot Numerous: More than one per foot BCN: Angle between ~ding plane and a plane nonnal to core axis COMPONENT DEFINITIONS COMPONENT SIZE / SIEVE RANGE COMPONENT SIZE / SIEVE RANGE Boulder. > 12 inches Sand Cobbles: 3 to 12 inches Coarse San d: #4 to #10 sieve (4 .5 to 2.0 mm) Gravel Medium Sand: #10 to #40 sieve (2 .0 to 0.42 mm) Coarse Gravel: : 3 to 314 inches Fine Sand : #40 to #200 sieve (0.42 to 0.074 mm) Fine Gravel : 314 inches to #4 sieve Silt 0.074 to 0.002 mm Clay <0.002 mm TEST SYMBOLS for In Situ and Laboratory Tests listed In "Other Tests" column. CBR California Bearing Ratio Comp Compaction Tests Con Consolidation DD Dry Density DS Direct Shear %F Fines Content GS Grain Size Perm Penneability pp Pocket Penetrometer R R-value SG Specific Gravity TV TONane TXC T riaxial Compression ucc Unconfined Compression SYMBOLS Sample/In Situ test types and Intervals f'\/1 2-inch OD Spfit Spoon, SPT ~ (140-lb . hammer, 30" drop) ~ 3.25-inch OD Spilt Spoon ~ (300-lb hammer, 30' drop) I] Non-standard penetration [I test (see boring log for details) I Thin wall (Shelby) tube ~ Grab [] Rockoore m VaneShear MONITORING WELL '5l.. Groundwater Level at time of drilling (A TD) ~ Static Groundwater Level Cement/ Concrete Seal Bentonite grout I seal Silica sand backfill Slotted tip Slough Bottom of Boring MOISTURE CONTENT Dry Dusty, dry to the touch Moist Damp but no visible water Wet Visible free water ' <'<1-------------------------------------------------t ~PanGE@ "" <.!l I N C O R P O R A T • D g Phone: 206.262.0370 Terms and Symbols for Boring and Test Pit Logs Figure A-1 Loe OF TEST PITS 762 MONROE A VENUE NE RENTON, WASHINGTON TP-1 A t El .pprox1ma e evation = 464 ft Depth Range (ft) Description of Subsurface Conditions 0 -1.5 Loose, brown and dark brown, silty, gravelly SAND; dry to moist; grass at surface, abundant organic fragments (roots); (Colluvium/Disturbed Soil) SM. 1.5 -3.0 Medium d ense, red-brown, slightly gravelly, silty SAND; moist; scattered roots ; (Colluvium/Disturbed Soil) SM. 3.0 -5.0 Dense, gray , s ilty, gravelly SAND; moist; scattered 3-to 5- inch-diameter roots to 5 feet ; (Vashon Glacial Till) SM. 5.0 -7.5 Very dense, gray, silty, gravelly SAND; moist; massive; (Vashon Glacial Till) SM . Notes: I) No groundwater seepage encountered in TP-1. 2) Test pit TP-1 was terminated at 7 .5 feet below ground surface. 06-113 Figure A-2TP.doc Figure A-2 (Page 1 of 2) LOG OF TEST PITS 762 MONROE AVENUE NE RENTON , WASHINGTON TP-2 A ,pprox1mate El t eva 10n = 467 ft Depth Range (ft) Description of Subsurface Conditions 0.0 -1.5 Loose, brown and dark brown, silty, gravelly SAND; dry to moist; gra ss at surface, abundant organic fragments (roots); (Colluvium/Disturbed Soil) SM. 1.5 -3.0 Medium dense , red-brown, slightly gravelly, silty SAND; dry to moist; scattered roots; (Colluvium/Disturbed Soil) SM. 3.0 -6.0 Dense, gra y, s ilty, gravelly SAND; moist; roots to 4.5 feet; (Vashon Glacial Till) SM. 6.0 -8.5 Very dense, gray, silty, gravelly SAND ; moist; massive ; (Vashon Glacial Till) SM. Notes: I) No groundwater seepage encountered in TP-2. 2) Test pit TP-2 was terminated at 8.5 fe el be low ground smface. 06-113 Figure A-2TP.doc Figure A-2 (Page 2 of 2) APPENDIXB SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 06-113 Site and Exploration Plan.pp! 8/28/2006/10:43 AM) WON ANALYTICAL. RESOURCES INCORPORA'tl!D --------------~-1 Grain Size Distribution by Hydrometer Silt I Clay rrtt-F~--: --+-i-4~L _ _ 100 Gravel Sand -f -1~~~~-1 : I I!: I ! -·· I. -I lf! -' : I I ~~~~Ll--~,i:' I--~ 1 • · ' --,-• ' ] 1 i -~ I ' ! • •. I ' trrITTiH 1t1cf++---_L, :1' I ,-,, ; i I +-+ 1 I I I , 1 ' I II I ~-· -1 60 50 -----1-40 30 20 10 0 r' I I j I 'lffi --r --~-_'._. i r : i : 1 i I I 100000.0 10000.0 1000.0 100.0 10.0 1.0 Particle Diameter ----·------·---------------i---+-TP-1 S-1 (3.0") -------·----------------tl-TP-2 $-1 (4.5') ------ < • -" ... " ~ < ii: J ThnGE@ Geotechnlcal Engineering Report GRAIN SIZE CURVES, TP-1 AND TP-2 I N C D R ~ 0 R A T • D 762 Monroe Avenue NE Renton, Washington iPrn1<:,ct No IFiy,n, Nr, 06-113 B-1 AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) duly sworn on oath, deposes and says:J being first 1. On the QdNdday of ~() __ \\UC\.~~,~{. I installed l public information sign(s) and plastic fryer box~ on the property located at :J \..,:, 2 cY\b D CC f 4,u.,.o 012:: for the following project: C \"-JLV\ s \r\oA---P\Cot Project name C R.u \'.) en \i\-e v\ Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 7 Title 4 of Renton Municipal Code. ____ ll (}lC i. -2.:? O·cl/7/,, ,/_y , . ,;i_i'C1 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this~ day of ~;,t-t-.c..n.·~ . . / / .k , C/J .. , ~ /(c ;. t' t -;:Lt_ L-•ylJ 1/}1 L'.LLJ!..~.L ., J NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the Sta of Wa1>t:tjngton, \ residing AJ:!e-<2 '07~~ at My commission expires on Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\pubsign.doc08/27/03 · Jnst,ollor. lnst,u:tfor.,: .::~~· flJIJJll'~ th!, i,ot~ ~ tile ,i9n does not . ' .... ;:·-. _,f),J'>'-_,-,_-;:,,:: ~...--~-.., ,~'-;'.')f"~'\} -t·;~" {-'i,,-:;-·'.\,·; -:, ·:. . ex¢e~ fa'· W&fu;;,::g;ttiiur. -· · y,, · ·· • •• ':NOTl:S: ~ 'I" X 'I' X 12'. POSTS US!> .. ' xll'XtJPP!.Ylfi'OOP .. 1:l:!M/2" x3•·~V. C:MlfWlll,. WIVVAS!ii;RS IJi.TT,l;RJNG: · tie HELVf'l'W-A !.En:ERING, atAl:/K ONViitl~~~OVNO. TITU: 3' All CAP!i OTljllR 1 112" CAFS .. a,11!11' ~(i~ CASI; Q:IWEBIPWIDEVSERV\Forms\Planninglpubsign.docOS/27/03 • ... • 0 "' _J ;.. - • l'.f ,j lo .. z :i ~ I I I ~ ' ~ ,; CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Printed: 01-24-2007 -------------------------DEVELOPMENT pl.ANNING CITY OF RENTON Payment Made: Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07-010 Receipt Number: JAN 2 ~ 2C07 RECEIVED R0700301 Total Payment: 01/24/2007 03:26 PM 1,000.00 Payee: RUBEN CHEN TRANG & NGOC DAI LAM Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat Payments made for this receipt Trans Description Payment Check 1136 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 FUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000. 345. 81. 00. 0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.l Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 Amount 1,000.00 Jl.rnou.n.t 1,000.00 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00