HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-07-027_Misc• - ; ' ~ -a.-n.s ""'° tile 1e1Jaio, Ida a1ro w ud&,,s a ... , al fOl' :lllgnU, .,..... ii\ili..S.. °"'' Mid s,ucel. (b) and Oftr ti. UOl'tb 20 fNI of aa,,,i -l (a), -- I• -.ri 20 teet of Ibo -~ 272.7 fNt of N1d -l (a). . . ,_....,, ..... Mcmnct. ..... lf.._..llld ,. ... _ _,Jla""'y_,JJl,,,__ __ __,,c_~...,""'--- ·-···--·----~-----~· ". .'1 -.. "'"••--'!"""'-Dl!lld L, lllAS IDll 'lOBQM D. IIWI' ........ 11 ................. oCQll,taCUflld ........ ,...... ............... ..... tW \., ....... _.. . their' -i..RC1;....;,,..Ml~ ........ _111111...,_ -- .t, !: J 0 J § ! .. \-' I! . .... ':-1 I;:, -... " 11&7, 1966 . .§ii.1.:.8.:.:.tz:.t. ---....::-=='-------- J I I I I I I I I I ! I . ... Ju l ; I ' I 'tl J 11 [· ; .JJ I i I ! i.~; ~ . ; I J I i , .. J ! ~ I ; a §W · 1~ I .,_ ... ~~ ~ li WHEN RECORDED ImrlJRNTO KIETPHUNO 48161AKBPIACES0UIH#A RENTON, W.ASllINCIT'ON 980SS Jfll~lillllllllllil 20050818002441 ~~? Ji~J4 IJO U.M 14/18/2006 14:e& KING COUNTY, WA E2147793 t18/JI/Z'00S 14·9%· ICING COUNTY, UA JE: ,,s3,47e.,e 9:1,ffl,N PAC£1e1 OF Nt ~.... --'8002441.001 'ii' _CHI_CA_G_O_T_r_nE_IN_su_RAN __ c_E_co_M_PAN_·_Y_,.,.-_--.i_ \el STATUTORY WARRANIT DEE~i 1146559J Dated: AUOUS'fl.S, 2005 TIIBGRANl'OR KBLLA G. SVBllCH. TRUS'lBB oPnmsvmar LIVING TRusr DATED OCTOBER 14, 200'J for and in OOJ1$ldcntion of TENDOUARSAND O'IHBROOODAND VALtiABLE CONSJDKRATION' in hand paid, CODVC)'& and warranta to IOBI'l'HUNO AND ROSBONO, HU&BAND AND WlPB the foU~ descrlbed real estati: situated in the County of KING TaxAccou.nt Nuniber(a): 344982-0450-09 State of Washington: Im 4 5, HONEY CREEK RIOOE DIVIS ION NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLA.T THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUMS i78 OF PIATS, PAGE(S) 76 THROUGH 78, INCLUSIVE, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SUBJEcr TO: EXCEPTIONS SET FORTH ON ATI':ACXEI> EXHIBIT. •Aft AND BY THIS REFERENCE' MADE A FART HEREOF AS IF FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN. , . 2-...~ • .s18002441.002 ~~ATE~ CALIFORNIA 6S COUNTY I CEJtrfu THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY BVIOENCE THAT KELLA G. SVETICK IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED BEFORE: ME, AND SAID PSRSON ACKNowiEOOED THAT SHE SIGNE:0 THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS TRUSTEE OF TilB SVETICH LIVING TRUST'DATEO 10/14/2002 TO BE THE FREE: AND VOLTJNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY POR nm USES AND PURPOSES MENTIOOED IN THE INSTRUMENT. ~ SIONA: i PRINTED NAME, {;tk1,fn.4µ \ • ~.s L NOT.MY PUBLIC Ill AND~ 7~; OF CALIR!IIA RESIDING AT T41lt'.l) • . MY APPOIN'll!EIIT EXPIRES Iv :<.. 'i 1'1\ (, , , ' 21,,.. ,d18002441.0<r.l CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP ANY EXHIBIT A Esc:rowNo.: 1146559 EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: R.ESERVED BY: / PURPOSE: AREA. AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: DEIMAR L. MAAS AND JOHANNA D. MAAS, HIS W!Ff!: INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES NORTH 20 FEET AND EAST 20 FEET MAY 13" 1966 6030176 EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF': DISCLOSED BY: IN FAVOR OP; PURPOSE: APPECTS: RECOIUl!ID, RECORDING NUMBER: REAL ESTATE-CONTRACT JOHN W. FRI EDMMm ANO URSUI.A FRIEt»tANtii, HIS WIFB PUBLIC WATE1t SUPPLY 'l'}{E DESCRIPTIOO CONTAINED THEREIH' IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO DSTERMINE ITS EXA.C'l' LOC!ATICtl WITHIN THE PROPERTY HBREIN DESCRIBED. SEPTEMBER 29, 19S8 4949855 COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED Ill INSTRUMENT, BUT Q.flTTINO ANY COVENAN'fS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION·, SEX, SEXI.IAL ORIE2fl'ATI0N_, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, fWIDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOMS, AS SBT FORTK IN APPLlCFlBLE STATS OR FEDERAl.i LAWS, EXCEPT TO Tim EXT8NT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRIC'J'.ION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: JANUARY 14 1 1991 RECORDING NUMBER: 9101140961 ./ COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASE:MENTS AND LIABILITY FOR ASSE:SSMENTS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, BUT OMITTING ANY COVEWiNTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY 1 BASED UPCti RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIEN'I'AT!ON, r'AMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICA.P, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OP INCOME, AS SET PORTH IN APPLICABLE $TATE OR PEDER.AL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT rnAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION rs PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RSCORDEO: RECORDING NUMBER: JULY 13 1 1995 9$07131262 AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION OF SAID RESTRICTIONS: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: NOVEMBER~' 1997 97ll060770 / COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS. IF ANY,. sET PORTII IN OR DELINEATED ON SAID PLAT. NOTICE OP CHARGES FOR SANlTARY SEWER SERVICE OONTAINEP IN cln Qp" . RENTO'N OP.DI:tlANCE. NUMBER 4 025: ' 20, .. "18002441.004 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RSCORDEI): RECORDING m.JM88R: AFFECTS: EXHIBIT A ( continued) EsaowNo.: 1146559 DE~ER 3, 1986 8612031455 _. INCLUDES OTHER PROPERTY RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS GRANTED !N DEED: ./ GRANTEE: RECORDED: REC'ORDINO NUomF;:R: CITY OF RENTON JULY 13, 1995 9507131258 exhibitc/rlm/121196 A portion He>ney of the N.E. KlNG COUNTY APPROVAIS S(ATl\.t / «MG (.OlHTY HE~lM 0£PJ.lmlOIT £.tAW!NED ANO APf'RO'om MS ..11!:._ OAY CF "5< SN lltE'B ,19~ ..,q. (t Li%&, c ?be. SHEET 1 OF 3 """' SIG:NA~ HOTAAT PU8UC WY "''<>OHMSNT 1'11£1',111.EC19'1': 00.EY ENGINEERING COt,.,P~ -5 • 5'..IRVE'«JIIS • U.,O '°''--et$ 121S CnfTIIIAI.. AVE. S.. Sll'l'E: 133 KEWT, ~ ll8032 PMONE; uom 115,,11 -9),4,11 F.u:. U06) as.a-_, L __ _ / ~ -----~ ·-. ----. ------------------~------------------0 Honey Creek Ridge Division ~o. 3 A portion of the N.E. 1/4 & N. W: 1/4, Sec. 4, City of Renton, King County, A replat of portions of BJoc.ks •A• •.. B'. &: ·c·, and all of Blocks '"D"' &: LUA-96~137-FP _!!:!_ ~th-_,ST°',-4-,oS,'=£''-'Joolh_ ST. \ 1 UlD-10-0323 ~ -Q 01v1SlO ' M.w; CORPO OF IHt 5CV1ffll:Sr ('.) • Fl: l D G £ • CVllff DATA TABU' VEjUJTj 00.Tlt. jRACNU$jl.£NGTH ·' C-15 IO 111'S,4'1r 25.00' lS.74' c,..tfi 10 06'06'50" JJ0.00' JS.2l' c-17 11 09~·os· J.J0.00' :w;.o7'w · C-18 12 Hl"46'so" 330.00' 62..09'"0 C-HI 1J 02"15'29" lle:oo· 1J.e1·: • -20 1:; on0''4" 270.oo' !>.56'G ~ c-21 ..... 21~,rw vo.00·10J.2J";:: I C-22 15 T9"S4'1S"° 270.00' 9J.(IO'CI ... C-23 11!1 101'27'0t" 25.001 44.27':z: C-24 20 31"51'17" 105.00' 58.3T C-25 fll-a IT2.Y00-105.00' 22.'l~' C-26 'Ill-I M"IB'oe'" 15.00' 41.15' C-27 TR-fl 9''3J'01" 55.00' 91.72' C-28 7'I 55"4752" 55.0CI' .53.56,' C-29 22 J1"2.T24" 55.00' 30.20' C-30 2$ 31115'33" 55.00' .JO.OS' c-J1 24 c-:12 25 C-ll 25 C-J4 :ZS C-JS 26 Jr.»'29" 55.oo· J1.21· 2J1rsr ss.oo· 22.27' os,:r()(I" 125.00' 13..57' 2e11'24• 125.00' 61.50" ,_,. " _,. _,. _ .. 27 00"48"14" J.JO.oo' 4.7J' 27 !IOWOO'" ,s.oo· J0.27' » *',n,,· ,-s.oo· 15.55• \....1/4 Of'~ *1RK"5l 1/, • 1 '?0, N 05"'3"36· E '( ~ 4. UJN.. a.x...C';i:;Ei'C ~.',g . :; 37.?2'. . Hor,.1£"!'. ; N 79",U'oo'f r, '1'. _~~;!!~p!..-,,,1~'!9f·""!!-' ~~~ t~O-N '79",l, I. •40" 'E 12-00· ,oq.00' 11 .79· "!,C).oo· c-, c-, ,_, • c-, ' c-10 • C-11 • c-12 • C-IJ • C-14 " 461>0'04" 2s.oo· J6'S2'Jf· ,._.,. Jl"J1l'12· "·'" JF"J!n2· SS.00' 40'23"30" 55.00' 111"4J"06" SS.00' 29'50'12" SS.00' 58"09'4&" 2!1.00' 15"48'1J" 275.00' M"l6's1r 21!>.00' ... "' '£ . , ..... •. ~ 61.2J' 26.76' 20.07' JS.CO' ,.,,, JO.J9" J8.7T 107.24' 2B.64' 2S.J8' 1B2.0I' 25 V '!: . C-J2 e-,3 C-,4 C-41 C-'2 ,_.., » J1·3nr 55.oa :,oyy :1t 1~ lJ Jl°20'J2" 55.0Cf' J2.01' I / ll.2... IN _ .. ,_ .. ,_ .. -,0 _., C-,3 _,. C-55 J4 34'06'0!" 55.00' J2 73' , '/ 1t2.25' J5 J1"Jll'W 55.oo• .J0.38 ,is :,,~·"r s5.00' J.4.'IT J7 41"00'36" 55.00' JO.lT Slli.fl' - l7 ~"31'.21" 25.00' 32.115' J9 11'211"'15" 25..00' 311.11' JS 12"-W'!T. 210.ocr so.~· 40 12"30'03" 27tl.OO' sa.111" 't; 05'28'21" J00.00' 28.6S' 11 10,2·ss· JJO.ocr ,-s.a-4• \ 411"511°22"' 130.0CJ' 140.65' !;(1"'14'01" 100.011' 106.00' H S8"'19'3r W / LEG£N!I , H.C.R. * HCIHEY CREEtc RIDCE (R) _;, RA()IAL GRAPlUC SCALE t. -J i i r ) NOTE: SEE SHEET J or J roR .MlMOUAt LOT ADORESSES. SHEET 2 OF 3 17 , , , / / , ' , , '> , r / . , ~ , . // --\-- • ) r 0 :r,-• • " }-- ) I ~ <.0-DI r~ •• • iii 00 ,-- ~ .. N 88'20"09" W 140. lo!" ...... 7J.24' [) . ~ ~El'AAm ..... DALEY ENGINEERING COMPANY ~---..--1215 CDt.-. M'DtUIC 5oUft<. 5Ul'TE: 1.» KOil, -TDM llaCISt -[D) .,.._;s.,..o FNf. (20&} 1154.:..u&J • 7 i ' ;L---·--------~~---'--.i ' 2 ~ • • 7. • • •• A portion ~ a N60"1s'1nr 150.00' ~ .. : SUOOMS<>H "' SECn0N ,f;, T-23N, R-5£, W"..11. PER Pl.AT OF HONEY CREEK RIDGE DIV: No. ~ 17J/98-100 BASIS OJI' BEARINGS ll'ESt UNE. SOUTHWEST OUlrRTER ~ la~ia~-~ W.M. ''"'"''""'"' " ' 25 2107. 26 2101 27 3501 H.£. 28 7 H.£. UH ,.,. Jt J52S N.[. .32 35.JI N " .l.5J2 J526 NL 2.lrd COURT 20 NL Z.Jr!I COURT JS T 4 N 2""' COURT .lSOS N.£. 2.lrd COlRf .1502 N.£. 23rd ZJIO OL'l'1,,lf'f,I. AVE. ff 16 ot.YMPM N<£. N.£. 1 2.32.of. Ol. N. ,,42 25.JO LTNHWOOO A HL IIJ 2:i,40 LTNHWOC() A "'.£,. 2S52 L~ A\IE. N.[. 5 2604 l A'o'E. N.E. l., c-10 c-n C-12 C-ll t. & M.oo' 30.39' 7 55.00' 36. 71" 9 ~.O(I' 107.H' !I 55.00' 2S..64' t zs.oo· 2s.,e· 11 275.oo' 75.85' GRAPHIC SCALE -.J· 2;> i (---·Pm'J. 1-=*-Mll. 15'48'1J" SHEET 3 OF 3 \ AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE lH(" LOTS CREATED f£R(N F...U. WllHIN ZONC 2 OF R£HTON'S AOIM'£/t PROl'ECJJCW AREA NIJ AA!. SIBJ£CT TO TiiE R£0VIRfu£NTS OF" THE'. CITY OF' R£HT0N OROIHANC£ Ho. 4367. THIS cm"s SOU: S0URCt: OF 1>RINKllfi 'lt'l,fD'! IS SUPPUED FROM' A SIW.l.OW AOUIF'D'I I.INOfR THE CITY SURFACE. ,P::TF!EM( aRE SH0!4D 8£. EXERCISED Mi£N ~WG OF" ANY UOUIO St/BSf#ICE OTHER 1HM4 W.,,T[R TO PROtrcT FROM COOT.<Cr WITH Tl£ GftOtMO 51.RF"ACE. fT IS TH£ HOMEOWNERS ltESPONSl8IUTY lO PffOT'EJ;f THE ClfY"s: ~INC ll'AWl. ... _q·· ;-._ ~ 't, 8 ~tif. 1: .. ~· \ u:GEHD E) i.lONUMan SEl' PER CITY Of R£Ntl:X,,t S1'AHCWm$ $ CITY OF" RENTON SlANOARO MONWEffT F0UN0 REBAR/CAP /PU> 229G2/SCT/AU. LOT ta!HERS R.'C.R. • HONEY CREEK ROCC . _:_~.:tRr..,:...RAOI"'" ,.,._ I!"', £ ,... DALEY ENGJN£ERINQ COMPANY ~---.,..C,~ ,i,s ain-. ollWtNUt soin,.,, ~ •» -----P'HDHE (20P) --g:,« ~~ (ZIM) -"""'"" " I!; N ' • ~ i r I .l ,. a I I I ~,·r,; .. ' • ., . \'rim.. ttmru:,ro tuiTlJRN tot om{% ol lhct ety am 1 .. Rl!:nton Munkt;::wal Build111g · :.oo Mm Avmtu! South , Ren.ion, WA ro:!55 ( DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, . Di::C:"1"0if"'T'lf'l1'l~ ANQ i::A<r::.:=Rn!=NTS FOR l'\.l-,T..Jll'-t.....,,.1!"-'"1'11-,,....,, •• _,..,.._._~~-' , HONEY CREEK RIDGE THIS DECLARATION is made on this/3fhlay of JU /_J, . . . · . 19 '1~ by the undersigned ("Declarant") who is the owner of certain real property situated in the State of Washington, located in Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. City of _Renton, in King County, and known as the Plat ofHoney Creek Ridge. DESCRIPTION OF DECLARATION Declarant desires to develop Honey Creek Ridge as a residential community. Declarant also desires to piovide for the maintcna..,ce ofl.mdsciiping, fencing, street lights, and related items, and also for maintenance of the Storm Water Retentir· Facility and Bio Filtration swale until such time as the City of Renton adopts an ordillMlce providing for public maintenance of said facilities. · and to provide for the preservation ct: the natural values in Honey Creek Ridge. This Declaration establis,,es a plan for the private ownership oflots and the buildings constructed thereor.., for the dedication of certain areas to municipal corporations, and for the beneficial maintenance through a n_onprofit corporation of all the remaining land and related easements, hereafter defined and referred to as the 11 Conunon Areas." The nonprcifit corporation is the HONEY CREEK RIDGE HO!v!EOWNERS ASSOCIATION(' Association"), to which shall be delegated and assigned the duties and powers of maintaining and administering the Common Areas, administering and enforci:i.g these covenants, conditions. and restrictions, and collecting and disbursing the assessment~ and charges hereinafter creatCd. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby covenants, agrees, and declares that all of Honey Creek Ridge, as defined herein and described in Exhibit A hereto, and the buildings and structures hereafter constructed thereoo are, and will be, held, sold, and conveyed subject to and burdened by the following covenants, conditions, restrictions, and easements, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of Honey Creek Ridge for the benefit of the Owners thereof; their heirs, successors, ~an! ,es. and assigns. All provisions ofthis Declaration shall be binding upon all parties having or acquiring any right, title. or inten~::;t in Honey Crc:ek Ridge: or any part thereof. and shall inure to the benefit of the Owners thereof and to the benefit of the Association and are intended to be and shall in all respects be regarded as coveoants running with the land. • ARTICLE I -DEFINITIONS Section 1.1-Architectural Control Committee 11 Architec~ural Control Committee" shall mean and refer tot.he duty appointed Comminee ofthC Association as further described in Section 2.7 ~as sor-~es referred to herein 3.s the .. Committee." . " M v.., 0 SIH!C.Jll! ALJiOOJ !lltl)I Wd no=.1.t=·20 a;2'T-£Tt~ 1 . ' ' '~ ] j ' I I I • I . I ---: ( I ' Section 1.2 • Association "Asscciatior.' shall mean.and refer to the Honey Creek Ridge Homeowners Association, a Washingion nonprofit corporation, its successors and assigns. · Section 1.3 -Association Action 'Associatior. Action' (ACE) shall mean and refer to a written corporate act.ion of the Association in the form o.f either a bylaw or resolution duly passed by either the Board or the Owners. Section 1.4 • Board "Board" shall mean and refer to the board ofdireCtorS of the Associatio·n.· Section 1.5 -Building Setback Line "Building Setback Line' shall mean and refer to the various lines designated as 'BSBL' on the face of the final plat, short plat, or other analogous recorded plan or map, beyond which no structures, filling, grading or other obstructions are pennitted as set forth in Section 5 .2 hereof. Section 1.6 • Comr.,on Arens "Common-Areas• shall mean and refer to all easements 1 and Tracts and any improvements thereto that are owned or maintained by the Association, for ,he benefit of the Lot Owners, and subjected to this Decl2.ration by an-approp1 iate recording. Tracts reserved for access to a particular Lot or Lots and not owned by the Association shall not be considered part of the Conunon Areas. The Common Areas in Honey Creek Ridge are listed in Exhibit B which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Dec!arant may add to the Common Areas during the Development Period by recording an amendment to this Declaration or by recording a Supplementary Declaration. Section l. 7 • D•clarant "Dcclarant' shall mean and refer to !.AKERIDGE DEVELOPHENT, INC. , a Washington corporation; its successors and assigns if such successor$ or ·a...~signs .should acquire_ all or substantially all of the then undeveloped ponions of Honey Creek Ridge from. Declarant for the purpose of development (excluding Participating Builders). Section 1.8 · Declaration "Declaration" shall mean and refer to this instrument, as the same may be supplemented or· amended from time to time. · · Section 1.9 • Development Period "Development Period" shnll mean and refer to that period of time beginning on the date of this Declaration 111d ending whenever any of the following first occurs: · (i) 4 years from the date hereat; or (ii) upon receipt of written notice from Declarant to the Association in wluch Dech.-ant elects to terminate the D_evelopment Period. z • .. j ·! ·, ' . ., ~.-: .")~1 ~ 'f_ ~·· ,. ( ' Section 1.10. Governing Docum,nts . . "Governing Documents" shall mean and refer to this Declaration, Supplementary Declarations, and the Article~ of Incorporation, Bylaws of the Association, rules and r.egulations, and rules and procedures of the Architectural Control Committee as any of the foregoing may be amended from time to time. . . . .Sectio.n .1:11. Honey Creek Ridge Divisio.; I and Subsequent Divisions· . "Honey Creek Ridge' shall mean and refer to that certain real properly known as 'Honey Creek Ridge' which is indicated herein on Exhibit A attached hereto, and such additions thereto as may · herea.."tei be brought ~'::thin the:: terms arid conditions hereofb}' an appropriate recording: · . ·. . . . . . ·. Section 1.12 -Lot . . . . . "Lot" shall mean ana· refer to any legally segmented and alienable portion of Honey Creek Ridge created through subdivision or any other legal process for dividing land and subjected to this Declaration·by an appropriate recording, with the exception of dedicated rights of way and Tracts designated as Common Areas or reserved for access to a particular Lot or Lots. Section 1.13 • Mortgage "Mortgage' shall mean and refer to any recorded mortgage or deed of trust encumbering one or more of the Lots. "First Mortgage" shall mean and refer to a Mortgage with priority over other Mortgages. 'Mortgagee" shall mean and refer to the holder or beneficiary of any Mortgage and shall not be limited to Institutional Mortgagees. As used herein, the teml "Institutional Mortgagee' or "lhstiiutional Holder' shall include banks, trust companies, insurance companies, mortgage companies, mortgage insurance companies, savings and loan associations, trusts, mutual savings banks, cre<lit unions, pension funds, Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan.Mortgage Col]loration, all co1]Jorations, and any agency or department of the United States Government ·or ofany state or municipal government. . . Sectio.n 1.14 -Native Growth Protection Easement . "Native Growth Protection Easement' shall mean and refer to an area in a Lot or Tract so designated on the final plat, short plat, or other analogous recorded plan or map, in which the · removal of trees and significant natural ground cover, as well as the conduct of other activities, are restricted pursuant (;o the provisions of Article 5 herein. · · Section 1.15 -Owner "Owner" sh:ill mean and refer to the record owner (whether one or more persons or entities) ofa fee interest in any Lot, ir!cluding the Declarant ano Participating Builders but excluding Mortgagees or other persons or entities having such interest merely as security for the.· performance of any obligation. · Section 1.16. Participating Builder . . ".~articipat~ng Builder" shall mean and refer to a ~rs.en or entity that acquire$ a ponion of HonCi' Creek Fjdge for the purpose of improving such portion for resale io individual Owners. Section 1.17 · Phase or Division • '::.~· ·~·. ')\ '{j Ii ii :1 }.3 } .i J . .., .~ '~ .. ~ .. ·;· . ' { I ! l l ! \ I ' . , . .• . C ( . • I Phase or Di;,faion shall mean and refer to any portion of Honey Creek Ridge that is subject to this . Declaration from time to time by Declarant by an approp,iate recording .. Section 1.18 -Singlt l"ami!y 'Single Family' shall mean and refer to a single housekeeping unit that includes not more than 4 adults who are legally unrelated.· · . Section 1.19 -Supplementary Declaration . . . "Supplementary Declaration' shall mean and refer to any recorded. declaration ·of covenants. conditions, restrictionsand easements which extends the provisions of this D.eclaration to a Phase. Section 1.20 -Traci . . . ''Tract' shall mean a,od refer to any legally segmented and alienable portion of Honey Creek Ridge created through subdivision or any other legal process for dividing land and subjected to this Dec!larati.on.by an appropriate recording, with the exception of Lots and dedicated righis of way .. ARTICLE 2 -HONEY CREEK RIDGE HOMEOWN.:. ,?S ASSOCIATION . Section 2.1 ~ Description of Association The Association is a nonprofit CO!}loration organized and existing under the Laws of the State of Washington charged with the duties and vested with the powers prescnoed by law and set fo :h in the Governing Documents, as they may be amended from time to time; provided, however, that no Governing Documents other than this Declaration. shall f.or any reason by amended .or otherwise changed or inte!}lreted so as to be inconsistent with this Declaration. Section 2.2 -Association Board During the Development Period the Declarant shall manage the Association and shall have all the powers of the Board set forth herein. The Declarant may, from time to time, select a temporary. , board ofnot fewer than 3 persons who need not be Owners to ir.anage the Association during the Development Period .. The temporary board shall have the full authority to manage the Association under the Governing Documents and shall be subject to all provisions of the Governing Documents; provided that, after selecting a temporary board, Declarant may at any ·time terminate the temporary board and reassume its management authority under this Section 2.2. or select a new temporary board. Upon termination of the Development Period, t.he tertns of the temporary Board selected by the Declarant, if any, shall terminate and the Board shall manage the Association as provided herein. The Board shall be elected from among the Owners, as provided in the Bylaws of the Association. The Board shall elect officers of the Association from among the Board members, which shall include a president who shall preside over meetings of the Board and meetings of the A.ssociation. Section 2.3 -Votes Appurtensnt to Lots Every Owner shall be a member of the Association and shall be entitled to cast one vote in the Association for each Lot owned. A vote shall be appurtenant to and held and owned in the same· manner as the beneficial fee interest in the Lot to which it relate. A vote shall not be separated from ownership of the Lot to which it relates; provided, however, that when more than one entity i ' l I I i j l 1 l I I . . I I I •• F . ·-·., ,_, ... , .·. ·l:'l-,-·q.~"'1-~-~r~·""'·'~-.J0":-· ' .. ,•·,'20:ttittf st,,:1:·"~ri' t aw. ··-~ • I ( C holds the beneficial fee interest in any Lot, the vote therefor shall be cast as the Owners among themselves detennine, but in no event shall more. than one vote be cast with respect to any Lot; and if the sever.al Owners of a Lot are .unable to agree as to the casting of their vote, such vote shall not be counted. IfaLot is further subdivided as provided in Section 5.1 hereof, the Owner of each additional Lot created shall be entitled to -0no vote in the Association for each Lot owned. Section 2.4 -Initial Number of Votes; Additional Phases or Divisions From the commencement of the existence of the Association11 there shall be a total of3~. outstanding votes in the Association. During the Development ?ericd, the Declarant shall be e:ntitlP,d to c~~t 34 vote.,i;.J le.~~ one vote for each Lot then owned by an Owner other than · Declarant Upon the addition of additional Phases to Honey Creek Ridge during the Development Period as provided in Section 9.1 hereof, the nwn!ier of votes in the Association shall be adjusted ,o reflect the increased number of Lots, and Declarant shall be entitle<! to cast all such votes, less one for each such Lot owned by an Owne.r other than the Declarant . • Secti.on 2.5 -Owner's Compliance with Governing Documents By acceptance ofa deed to a Lot, (recording ofa rca. estate contract convoying title to a Lot), or any other means of acquisition of an ownership interest, the Owner thereof covenants and agrees, on behalfofhimselfand his heirs, successors, and assigns, to observe and comply with all terms of the Governing Documents and all rules and regulations duly promulgated pursuant to Association Action. Section 2.6 · Rules and Regulations . The Board on behalf of the Association shall have the power to adopt, modify, and amend rules and regulations governing the use of Honey Creek Ridge, provided that such rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with this Declaration. The rules and regulations shall apply uniformly to all Owners, except as specifically provided herein. The Board shall have the power to enforc.e the rules and regulations on behalf of the Association and may pre.scnoe penalties for the violation of Such rules and regulations, including but not lim.itetl to suspe"lSion Of the right to use the Commo~ Areas or portions thereof. Any such rules and regulations shall become effective 30 days after· promulgation and shall be mailed to all Owners prior to their effective date. A copy of the rules and regulations then in force shall be retained by the secretary of the Association. The Declarant on behalf of the Board may adopt the initial rules and regulations: Section 2. 7 · Ard:itectural Control Committee Within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Declaration, Declarant shall appoint an. Arol\itectural Control Committee of three (3) or more persons. The members of the Committee need not be members of the Association. One member of the Committee shall be appointed for a term of one (!) year, one member shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years, and the third member shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years. Thereafter, members of the Committee shall be appointed for three-year terms. A.'ler termination oftheJ)evelopment Period, the Board. shall appoint members to the Committee, who need not be members of the Association, as · vacancies occur. · · · Section 2. 7 .~ -J·urisdictfon and Purpos~ 5 -!- \ J , ' ' ., ., .l ' ., .: ' ' ' l l J l j ) I I l ! 1 I I I I I l I I ! I l . . • ' ,, (_ The C'~mmittee shall review proposed plans and specifications for construction of all residences and other structures within Honey Creek Ridge, and including any additions, exterior alterations, landscaping, clearing, painting and excavation. The Owner shall submit architectural and landscaping plans and specifications to the Committee for its review, together with a site plan for .the Lot, including locatio,, and type offencing. · · , Section 2.7.2-Approval Procedures . , . . . An application for approval must be submitted in writing by the Owner to the Committee at the registered office of the Association. The Committee shall review the application in accordance with the provisions of this Section 2. 7 as soon as possible after a complete application .ha_s been filed. The decision ofa majority of the members of the Committee shall be the decision of the. Committee. One copy of approved plans will remain in the Committee's files. All aisapproved plans will be , etumed to the Owner. . . Section 2.7.3 -Failure of Committee to Take Action Except as provided in Section 2.7.5 below, in the event that the Committeefails to respond to an Owner's complete and properly submitted appli.;..,ion within twenty (20) days after the Committee has notified the Owner that the application is complete, formal written approval will not be required, and the provisions for approvai shall be deemed to have been fully complied with, provided that the minimum requirements as set fonh herein have been met. Section 2.7.4 -Committee's Obligation The Committee, in its deliberations and in the discharge of its obligations hereunder, shall act objectively and fairly in making decisions concerning various plans, specifications. plot plans and landscape plans submitted to it by various Owners for consideration in accordance with the pfovisions of this Declaration. Further, the determinations of the Committee as to noncompliance shall be in writing, signed by the Committee, and shall set fonh in reasonable detail the reason for noncompliance. The Committee may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove an application or any part thereof. In all cases, the ultimate responsibility for satisfying all lncal building codes and governmental requirements rests wiih the Owner. The Committee shall be held harmless from building requirements not complied with. Section 2.7.5-Exemptions and Variances from Committee Requirements The Committee may, upon application, grant exemptions and variances from the rules and procedures of the Committee and the requirements of this Declaration when the party requesting such exemption or variance establishes to the satisfaction of the Committee that the improve;nent or other matters which are desired by the applicant are aesthetically as appealing, suited to climatic conditions, and compatible with the overall character of the development as are ~milar· improvements or matters which conform to the requirements of this Declaration. Requests for an exemption or variance shall be submitted in writing to the Committee and shall contain such information as the Committee shall from time to· time require. The Committee shall considef applications for exemption or variance and shall render its decisions within thirty (30) da•· after ·notice to the Owner of proper submission. The failure of the Committee to approve an c ,cation for an ·exemption_or variance shall constitute disapprovr 1 ,'"'1.f s1_1-i application. .~:. ''."•: .. ·,~-·:.::_-':~~·~-::;~·· -: . t ....... , ·:'.'~ •,· '-:_"" . . · .. A.f :ff:ftftt"e. ., •:.1 . \ ..!iallil, .,. ., .,. • • ( i Section 2.7.6-Failure of Owner to Comply Failure of the Owner to comply with the rules and procedures of the Committee or the final . application as approved by the Com,rjttee shall, at the election of the Association's Board exercised after thirty (30) days written notice to such Owner, constitute a violation of this Declaration. In that event, the Board shall be empowered tu assess • penalty commensurate with the violation which shall constitute a lien against such Lot, enforceable as provided herein and/or pursue ·any other remedy at law including, but nOt limited to an action f~r specific pe~ormai1ce. · · ARTICLE J -ASSOCIATION BUDGET, ASSESSMENTS, AND LIENS · Section 3.1 -Owner's Covenants to Pay Assessments By acquisition of any ovmership interest ir, a Lot, the Owner ther~f covenants and agrees , thereby, on behalf of himself 2nd his heirs, successors, and assigns, to pay the Association, in · advance, all general and specific assessments levied as provided herein. · Section 3.2 -Association Budget The Association shall prepare, or cause the preparation of, an operating budget for the Association at least annually, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The operating budget shall set forth all sums required by the Association, as estimated by the Association, to meet its annual costs and expenses, including but not limited to all management · and administration costs. operating and mai:i.tenance expense$ of the Conimon. Areas. and seIVices furnished to or in connection with the CoITLmon Areas, including the amount of all taxes and assessments levied against, and the cost of liability and other insurance on; the Common Areas, and including charges for any services furnished by or to the Association; the cost ofutilities and other services; and the cost of funding all reserves established by the Association: The funds . required to meet the Association's annual expenses shall be raised from a gen"eral assessment against each Owner as provided hereafter. The Association may revise the operating budget after its preparation at any time and from time to time, as it deems necessary or advisable in order to take into account and defray additional costs and expenses of ihe Association. · · Section 3.3 • Levy of General Assessment In order to meet the costs and expenses projected in its operating budget, the Association shall by. Association Action detennine and levy in advance on every Owner a general a:'1essment. The amount of each Ownei--s _general assessment shall be the amount of the Association's operating budget ·divided by the sum of the number of Lets. The Association shall ,,,a'· ·easonable efforts to determine the amount of the general assessment payable by each Owner for an assessment period.at least 30 days in advance of the beginning of such period and shall at that time prepare a roster of the Owners and the general assessment allocated to each, which shall be open to inspection by any Owner upon reasonable notice to the Association. Notice of the general assessrnent shaJI thereupon be sent to each Owner; provided. however. that notification to an Owner of the amount of an assessment shall not be necessary to the validity thereof. The omission by the Asso.ciation, before the expiration of any aSS"'"-<t~ment period, to ·fix the amount of the general assessment hereunder for that or the next period, shall not be deemed a waiver or modification in any respect of the provisions of this Article or a release by any Owner from the _~,_;1::>~:,/'"f.'.D;·•,i<· .. -,, ·, . i . - ·tw ·: · ~· tr!imrrmirs: ·r:" , t ! ! l i ·~ • • ' ,--11\1, ;•,"•"CC·'> . •• ( obligation to pay the general assessment, or any iustallment thereof, for that or any subsequent assessment period, but the general assessment fixed for the preceding period shall continue until a_ new assessment is fixed. Upon any revision by the Association of the_ operating budget during the assessment period for which such budget was prepared, the Association shall, if necessary, revise the general assessment levied against the Owners and give notice to each Owner. · Section 3.4 .. Psyme:nt of Gt-ne-ul.Assessment . Upon Associ,.tion Action, installments of general assessments may be collected on a monthly, ouarterly. semiannual, or annual basis. Any Owner may piepay one or more in.stallments on any ,. JScssment levied by the Association without penalty. · Section 3.5 -Nondiscriminatory Assessment .. Except as provided Section 5 .15 hereof, no assessment shall be made at any time which may unreasonably discriminate against any particular Owner or group of Owners in favor of other Owners. However, a special assessment may be made against a particular Owner by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board if, after notice from the Association offailure to maintain such Lot in a condition comparable to the other Lots has bet11 ,.iven, the Association elects to expend funds to bring such Owner's Lot up to such comparable ;tandard. Section 3.6 ~ Commencement of Assessments Liability of an Owner for assessments shall commence on the first day of the month following the date upon which any instrument of transfer to suc·h Owner becomes operative (such as the date of a deed or the date of a recorded real estate contract for the sale of any Lot or, if earlier, the first day of the calendar month following Owner's occupancy of such Lot); provided, however, that a . Participating Builder shall not be liable for any assessments with respect to a Lot acquired from Declarant for a period of one year from the date of acquisition. The Declarant. its successors and assigns. shall not be liable for any assessments with respect to any Lot unless such Lot is · occupied. The Association may in its rules and regulatlorni provide for-an admlnistratively ·convenient date for commencement of assessments that is not more than 90 days after the effective date established above. The due dates cf any special a!Sessment payments shall be fixed by the Association Ac_tion authorizing such special assessment. Section 3.7 -Certificates of A,sessment Payment Upon request, the Board shall furnish written certificates certifying the extent to which assessment payments on a specified Lot are paid and current 10 the date stated therein. A reasonable charge may be made by the Association for the issuance of such certificate. Section 3.8 -Special Assessment, In addition to the general assessments authorized by this Article, the Association may, by Association Action, levy a special assessment or assessments at any time: applicable to that year only, for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction or · reconstruction, inordinate repair, or replacement of a capital improvement located upon or forming a part of the Common Areas, including necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto,_ or for such other purpose as the Association m_-.. consider appropriate; provided, • ; ' ; l ~ ' ; ' .- ( (. however, that any such speciaJJlll:!Sment in excess of $250 per Lot must have the prior favorable vote.of two-thirds ofthe Ownes. Section 3.9 • Effect ofJIIPayment of Assessment If any assessment payment is ~e in full within 30 days after it was first due and payable, the unpaid amounts shall constitutdi:n against the Lot assessed and shall bear interest from such due date at a rate set by the !lGlilii its rules and regulations which shall not exceed the highest rate then permitted by law. By-=i:>tance ofa deed to a Lot, reeording of a real estate contrach therefor, or any other means oflllcisition of an ownership interest, and whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed-'6er instrument, each Owner shall be deemed to grant thereby to the Association, its agents ..,.,ployees, and to Declarant during the D~velopment Period, the right and power to uring alili>ns against such Owner personally for the couection of such assessments as a debt, and to~ the liens created by this Declaration in favor of the. Association by foreclosurt oftl,:Cntinuing liens in the same form of action as is then provided for the foreclosure of a mo~ real property .. The liens provided for in this Declaration shal! be for the benefit of the Ass~ and the Association shall have the power to bid. at any lien foreclosure sale and to acquitt, 1111, lease, rr,c. ,gage, and convey the Lot foreclosed against ... Section 3.10-Lit,D toliillD1' Payment of Assessments Dedarant hereby creates in the'AIS>dation perpetually the power to create a lien in favor of the Association against each L,,t, lf!llllre to the Association the payment to it of all assessments, interest, costs, and attorneys' i,;s;1nd Declarant hereby subjects .U Lots perpetually to such power of the Association. Su,;11'11'.Shall arise in accordance with the terms of this Declaration without the necessity of any jjjjlt'action by the Association, and any such lien when created, shall be a security interest in ~re of a mortgage in favor of the .Association. Such lien shalt become a continuing lien in tMflltlnt stated in the assessment from the time of the assessment, but expiring pro rata as the a511111Cnt pa,ments are made, and shall also be the personal obligation of the person or entl!l'fio is the Owner of the Lot at the time of the assessment. The personal obligation to pay a piillSessment shail not 9ass to successors in interest unless expressly assumed by them; jMllild, however, that in the case of a sale or contract for the sale · of any Lot which is charged .-, payment of an assessment, the person or entity who is the Owner immediately prior to dllill: of such sale shall be personally liable for the amounts of the montaly installments due priorlllid date, and the new Owner shall be personally liable for monthly installments becoming,lton or after such date. The foregoing limitation on the duration of the personal obli~f an Owner to pay assessments shal! not. however, affect the validity or duration of the c~ lien for unpaid assessments against the respective Lot.· Section 3.11 -Suspmllfor Nonpayment of Assessment If an Own-.r shall be in arreanili' payment of any assessment due, or shall otherwise be in default of the performance ~ of the Governing Documents of the Association for a period of 30 days, said Owndllllling rights ,hall without the necessity of any further action by the Association, be suspendeiQll'Pt as against foredosing secured parties) and shall remain . suspended until all paymenu.iillfing interest thereon, arc brought current and any other default is remedied. No Owner is r<illlfofiiability for asse"-'!lents by nonuse of the Common Areas or by abandonment of a Lot. · q .. r . ' i i l ' ! j j l ·i i I. ! l • ! ~ I i i ! ' . ·, l ( ( Section 3.12 • Reserves for Replacement· As a common expense, the Association shall establish and maintain • reseive fund for replacement of the Common Areas and any improvements thereon, Such fund shall be deposited with a · banking institution: The reserve fund shall be expended o:tly for the p·Jrpose of effecting the replacement of the Common Areas and >ny improve.,nents and community facilities therecn. major . repairs to the Welcome Lake dam, and to any sidewalks, parking areas, or pathways developed as. a part of Honey Creek Ridge, equipment replacement, and for operating contingencies ofa nonrecurring nature. The Association may establish such other reserves for such other purposes . as it may from time to time consider to be necessary or appropriate. The proportional interest of any Owner in any such reserves shall be considered an appurtenance of his Lot and shall not be . separately withdrawn, ·assigned, or transferred from the Lot to which it appertains. Section 3.13 • Certain Area, Exempt The Tram a,id all portions ofHoney Creek Ridge dedicated to and accepted by the City of Renton or other public authqrity shall be exempt from assessments by the Association. ARTICLE 4 -SUBORDINATION OF LIENS .. Section 4.1 -Intent of Provisions The provisions of this Article 4 apply for the benefit of each Mortgagee who .lends money for purposes of construction or to secure the payment of the purchase price ofa Lot. Section 4.2 -Mortg2gee's Non!iability The holder ofa Mortgage shall not, by reason ofits security interest only, be liable for the payment of any assessment or charge, nor for the observance or performance of ar,y c,:,venant or restriction, excepting only those enforceable by equitable relief and not requi.ring the payment of money, and except as hereafter provided. Section 4.3 -Mortgagee's Rights During Fol'eclosure During foreclosure ofa Mortgage, including any period ofredemption. the holder of the ··· Mmtgage may exercise any or all of the rights and privileges of the Owner of the encumbered .Lot, including but not limited to the right to vote ir, the Association to the exclusion of the Owner's exercise of such rights and privileges. . . S~ction 4.4 -MortgF,ee as Owner · . · At such ume as a Mortgagee shall become the record Owner of the Lot preV1ously encumbered by . the Mortgage. the Mortgagee shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Declaration, including the obligation to pay for all assessments and charges in the same manner as any Owner. · · .... SecHon 4.5 • Mortg,gec's Title Free ,nd C!tar of Litns A Mortgagee or other secured party acquiring title to a T ot through foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or equivalent m,:thod, shall acquire title to the encumbered Lot free and clear of any· lien authorized by or arising out of the provisions of this Declaration, insofar as such lien secures 10 I I I I • I I I l i i ~ I ( ( the payment of any assessment due but unpaid before the final conclusion of any such proceeding, including the expiration date of any period of redemption. The Association may treat any unpaid assessments against a Lot foreclosed against as an expense of the Association pursuant to Section 3.1 . Section 4.6 -SurviVat of Assessment Obligation After the foreclosure of a security interest in a Lot, any unpaid assessments ~hall contin~e to exist and remain as a personal obligation of the O.vner against whom the same ·was levied, and the Association shall use reasonable efforts to collect the same from such Owner. Section 4.7 .. Subordination of Assessment Liens . The liens for asse,sments provided for in this Declaration shall be subordinate to the lien of any first MOngage or other security interest placed upon a Lot as a construction loan security interest or as a purchase price security interest, and the Association \Vi.II, upon demand, execute a written subofdination document to confinn such priority. The sale or transfer of'any Lot or of any interest therein shall not affect the liens provided for in this Dedaration except as otherwise specifically provided for herein, and in the case ofa transfer ofa Lot for purposes of realizing a security interest, liens shall arise against the Lot for any assessment payments coming due after ~~ :;, the date of completion of foreclosure. N ..-4 c-:, ,.-,4 ~ " ,/) O') ARTICLES -USE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS Section 5.1 -Authorized Uses Lots in Honey Creek Ridge shall be used solely for residential purposes and related facilities normally incidental to a residential community. During the De..,·elopment Pe_riod, no Lot shall be further subdivided without Declarant's prior written approval. Thereafter, no Lot shall be further subdivided, except as·pennitted in this Declaration and any s~p!)Iementa_J Declaration, without prior approval coilferred by Association Action. · Section 5.2 ~ A,pproval of Building or Oearing Plans Required No building, fence, deck, patio, wall, kennel, or other strucrure shall be commenced, erected, or niaintained upon a Lot or any other portion of Honey Creek Ridge, nor shall any exterior additional to or change or alteration therein be made, nor shall a Lot be cleared or excavated for use, nor shall. any tree of 12 inches or more in diameter on any Lot, meaSured o:ie foot above ground level, be cut, until after the <lctai!s and written plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, colors, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee, Any structure so approved must be completed as to external appearance, including finished staining, within nine (9) months after the date construction is conunenced unless the Committee elects to grant an extension. Although the Committee shall have full authority to approve or disapprove ofartv specific proposal, the fo!lowing restrictions shall apply to Honey Creek Ridge in general: Stction 5.2.l • Building Setbacks No structures, filling, grading or obs-iruction, shall be pennitted beyo~d the Building Setback Line, or within any drainage easement area as shown on the face of the final plat or within any "-,·A• I l 1 j i l l , ' ,, • \ ( ' Native Growih Protection Easement unless otherwise apµroved by the Committee and by the City of Renton. Section 5.2.2 -.Building Materials Each home constructed on a Lot shall be built of new materials except, with approval of the Architectural Control Committee, decorative items such as used brick, weathered planking. and · similar items. AU visible n>.1Soruy shall be native stone, .brick or stucco. Aluminum or. 'T-111' siding and ·aluminum window frames are not permitted. Vinyl windows and LP siding may be approved. by the committee Types and colors of exterior paint and stain must be submitted to the Committee for approval. · Section 5.2.3 -L.ndscaping and Fencing From yards shall be fully landscaped within nine (9) months after the date construction of the home commences unless extended by the Committee. Side yards and rear yards shall be landscaped or left in their natural state. No trees outside the building footprint which are greater than twelve (12) inches in diameter when measured one '"Ot abcve ground shall be cut without the approval of the Committee. No fence erected within Honey Creek Ridge shall be over six (6) feet in height. No barbed wire, chain link or corrugated fibergiass fences shall be erected on any Lot. All fence!, open and ·solid, are to meet the standards set by the Committee and must be approved by the Committee prior to construction; Section 5.2.4 -Floor Area Only one Single Family home not to exceed two (2) stories in height plus basement ,.nd a private garage shall be permitted on each Lot. If a home is built on a Lot, it must include a garage for not · less than two (2) cars which is fully enclosed; the garage may be attached or detached (no carports). The foregoing provi;ions shall not exclude construction cfa private greenhouse, storage unit, private swimming pool or a shelter or porch for the·protection of such swimming pool, .or for. the storage of a boat and/or camping trailer kept for i,ersonal use, provided the location of such structures is in confomtlty with the applicable municipal regulations, is compatible in design and decoration with the residence constn;.:ted on suchLot and has been · approved by the Architectural Control Committee, The minimum allowable square footage ofany residence within Honey Creek Ridge shall be as follows: Rambler homes shall include no less than 2,100 square feet ofliving space. Two story homes shall include no les.s than 2,500 square feet of living space. "Living space' shall not include porches, decks, balconies, garages, or outbuildings. The Architectural Control Committee may accept variances from the floor area requirements of this Subsection. Section 5.2;5 -Contractor No home may be constructed on any Lot by other than a contractor licensed as a general contractor under the statutes of the State of Washington without the prior approval of the Architectural Conirol committee. · . Section 5.2.6 -Driveways . . . All driveways and parking areas shall be paved with exposed agg.egate concrete, or other material approved by the Architectural Control Committee. l l j .j I I I l '"ii: ~ .. f 'i: ,,. \;)., (. . . Section 5.3 • Leasing Restriction, No Lot may be leased or rented by any party for a period of fewer than 3 0 days, nor shall less · than the whole of any Lot be leased or rented. Each lease or rental agreement shall be in writing and shall by its terms provide that it is subject in all respects to t,1e provisions ofthe Governing Documents. Any failure by a lessee to comply with the wms of the Governing Documents shall be a default under the lease, whether or not it is so expressed therein. Other than the foregoing. there is no restriction on the right of any Owner to lease his Lot. See.Joli· 5;4--Animals · . · · . · : . , . No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on Lots less tha•: one acre in size; provided, however, that dogs, cats, or other conventional small household pets may . be kept if they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes. No domestic pet may be kept ifit is c ,·rurce of annoyance or a nuisance. The Association shall. have the authority to determine whether a particular pet is a nuisance or a source of annoyance, and such determination shall be final and conclusive. Pets shall be ~ttended at all times and ~hall be registered, licensed, and inoculated from time to time as required by law. When not confined to the Owner's Lot, pets within Honey C1cek Ridge must be leashed and accompanied by a person . responsible for cleaning up any animal waste. Section 5.5 • Commercial Uses No commercial enterprise, including itinerant vendors, shall be permitted on any Lot; provided, however, that the Association may permit specified home occupations to be conducted if such · occupation will not, in the reasonable judgment of the Association, cause traffic congestion or other disruption of the Honey Creek R: :lge community; and provided further that no signs or advertising devices of any character shall be permitted. Section 5.6 -Vehicle Storage No storage of goods, vehicles,. boats, trailers, trucks, campers, M:reational vehicles or other equipment or device shall be permitted in open view from any !.ot, except this shail not exclude temporary (less than 2.4 hours) parking of vehicles on the designated driveway areas adjacent to garages on the Lots. Upon 48 hours notice to the owner of an improperly parked or stored vehicle, boat, .or other equipment, the Association has authority to have removed at the Owner's · expense any such items visible from the street that are parked on any Lot or within the public, right-of-way for more than 24 hours. Section 5. 7 -Garbnge . No garbage, refuse, or rubbish shall be deposited or left in Honey Creek Ridge, unless placed in a su_itable covered container. Trash and garbage containers shall not be permitted to remain in public view except on days of trash collection. No incinerator shall be kept or maintained, and no burning of any trash, refuse, or scrap of any kind shall be pemutted. Section 5.lt -·Utilities Und-erground l • l I I I ···) ( ( Except for hoses and the like which are reasonably necessary in connection with normal lawn maintenance, no water pipe, sewer pipe, gas pipe, drainage pipe, -telephone, power. or television cable, or similar transmission line shall be installed or maintained above the surface of the ground. Section 5.9 -Mining Prohibited No portion of Honey Creek Ridge shall be used for the purpose of boring. mining, quarrying, or exploring for ·or removing oil cir other hydroCHTbons, minerals, gravel, or earth. Section 5.10. ~ Signs Except for entrance, street, directional, traffic control, and safety signs, and such promotional signs as may be maintained by Declarant and.participating Builders, or agents or contractors thereof, or the Association, no signs or advertising devices of any character shall be posted or displayed in Honey Creek Ridge; provided, however, that one temporary real estate sign not exceeding 6 square feet in-area may be erected Ufon any Lot or attached to any residence placed upon the market for sale or lease. Any such temporary real estate sign shall be removed promptly following the sale or rental of such Lot or residence. Political signs shall be allowed provided they· are removed immediately after the election for wiucll they were intended. Section 5.11 -No Obstruction of Easements No structure', planting, or other material shall be placed or pennitted to remain upon Honey Creek Ridge which may damage or interfere with any easement or the installation or maintenance of · utilities, or which may unreasonably change, obsiruct, or retard direction or flow of any drainage channels. No decorative planting, structure or fence may be maintained within !I" easement area unless specifically approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Section 5.12--Antennae No external short-wave or citizens' band antennae, freestanding antenna towers, or satellite reception dishes of any kind shall be permitted in Honey Creek Ridge. All television and/or FM radio antennae must be physically attached to a structure a.,d must comply with applicable governmerital standards and guidelines and any Association rules and regulations: Section 5.13 -Owners' Maintenance Responsibilities The maimenance, upkeep, and repair of individual Lots and homes shall be the sole responsibility of the individual Ovmers thereof, and in no way shall it be the responsibility of the Association. its agents, officers or directors. Q\vners shall maintain their·Lots and homes in good repair and in a . clean. sightly, and sanitary condition at all times. Without limitation as to the foregoing, each Owner shall be obligated to keep his Lot and home in a clean, sightly and sanitary condition and maintain the landscaping on his Lot in a healthy and attractive state and in a manner compar2!:;le to that on the other Lots in Honey Creek Ridge. No storage of firewood shall be permitted in front yards. After thirty (30) days' written notice to an Owner from the Association of such OWiler's failure to so maintain his home or Lot, and after approval of a two-thirds majority vote by the Board or other Association committee to which such oversight responsibility shall have been delegated, the Association shall have the right, through its agents and employees, to enter upon any Lot which has been found to· violate the foregoi. : standards in order to restore the· ' l I r i ,-_r t ,, ,-~-:::-' rit ( home or Lot to such standards. The cost of such ,:ork shall be a special assessment on such Owner and his Lot only. Section 5.14 -Nuisances Prohibited No noxious or offensive activity shall be conducted in any portion of Honey Creek Ridge, nor shall anything be done or maintained therein in derogation or violation of the laws of the State of WasrJngton, King County, or any other applicable governmental entity Nothing shall be done or maintained on any portion of Honey Creek Ridge whi• h may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood or detract from the va!Lo of the Honey Creek Ridge community. The Association shall determine by Association Actio_n whether any given use of a Lot or living unit unreasonably interferes with the rights of the other Owners to the use and enjoy,nent of their respective Lots and Living Units, or of the Common Areas, and such determination shall be final and conclusive. · · · Section 5.15 -Relief from C•rtain provisions In cases where an Owner has made a factual shov"~g that strict application of the provisions of Sections 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.10, and 5.12 only of this Article (regulating animals, commercial uses, vehicle storage, signs and antennae, respectively) would work a severe hardship upon him. the Board by Association Action may grant the Owner relief from any of such provisions; provided, however, that such relief shall be limited ~ its scope or by conditions to only that necessary to relieve the hardship; and provided further, that no such relief;hall be granted if the condition thereby created would in the reasonable judgment of the Board violate the provisions of Section 5. 14 of this Article. The decision of the Board in granting or denying such relief shall be final and conclusive. ARTICLE 6 -COMMON AREAS Section 6.1 -Mainttnance of Common Areas The Association shall maintain. repair, replace, improve, and otherwise manage all of the Common Areas so as to keep them in good repair and condition and shall conduct such additional maintenance, repair, replacement, construction, or reconstruction as may be determined pursuant to Association Action to promote the recreation, health, safety, and welfare of the Owners. Any action necessary or appropriate to the maintenance and upkeep of the Common Areas and im~rovements thereon. ARncLE 7 • 1NsuRANcE, CASUALTY Lo.<wES; coNDEMNA noN • Section 7.1 -Insurance Coverage The Association shall obtain and maintain at all times as an Association expense a policy or policies and bonds written bv companies licensed to do business in Washington require~ to provide: Section 7.1.1-General cOmprehensive liability-.in,uranc::e · \ ti .. r I ' I ! t ' I j ! ') ..:w,;,\ I,, .,·: . ,. ( C General comprehensive liability insurance insuring the Association, the Owners. and Declarant against any liability to the public or to the Owners and their guests, invitees, licensees, or tenants, incident to the ovmership or use of the Common Areas. Section 7.1.2 -Other Insurance Such other insurance as the AssoCiation deems advisable. ARTICLE 8 -ENFORCEMENT Section.8.1-Right to Enforce The Association, Declarant, or any Owner, shall have the right to enforce, by any appropriate proceeding at law or in equity, all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations. liens. and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Failure or forbearance by any person or entity so entitled to enforce the provisions of this Declarafam to pursue enforcement shall in no event be deemed a waiver n~ the right to do so thereafter . Section 8.2 -Remedies Cumulative Remedies provided by this Declaration are in addition to, cumulative with, and are not in lieu of. other remedies provided by. law. There shall be, and there is hereby created, a conclusive presurr.ption that any breach or attempted breach of the covenants, conditions. and restrictions herein cannot be adequately remedies by an action at law or exclusively by recovery of damages. Section 8.3 -Covenants Running with the Land The covenants, conditions, restrictions, liens, easements, enjoyment rights, arid other provisions contained herein are intended to and shall run with the land and.shall be binding upon all perst>ns purchasing, leasing, subleasing, or otherwise occupying any portion of Honey Creek Ridge, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, grantees, and '.:.Ssigns. All instruments granting or conveying any interest in any Lot shall be subj~ to this Declarati.on. ARTICLE 9 -AMENDMENT AND REVOCATION Scctiori 9.1 -Amendment by Dedarant or Association Declarant may, on its sole sign2.n.:;e, during the Development Period, arner..d this Declaration and record one or more Supplemeiltary Declarations to extend the provisions of this Declaration to additional Phas.!s which consist of adjacent real property owned by Declarant, its successors or .assigns. Upon the recording ofa Supplementary Declaration, the Governing Documents shall immediately become applicable to the real property described therein. This Declaration may also be amended at any time by an instrument executed by the Association for and on behalf of the OwnerS, provided, however, that such amendments shall have. received the prior approval of a · vote of the Owners having 60 percent of the total outstanding votes in the Association~ and provided, further, that no such amendment shall be valid during the Development Period without the prior wrinen consent of the Declarant. No~thstandi'"'? any of the foregoing; the prior \lnitt~n approval of 5.1 percent of all Mortgagees who have requested from the Association notification of amendments shall be required for any material amendment to the Declaration of the Association's \ lo l. l · ' • i j I I I l l J ! L t ' ~ ' 1 ; ' j ~ J 1 l ' ' j ",~ ...,,_.,_. ,... . ..,....- .. r~:-~~~.::1ii~<l.f~}:~.:-~·~·.·;-;_:·~. t =-...,,w;;.,>,; ····-·---·'""---'-' l l • I I ( Bylaws of any of the following: voting rights; assessments, assessment liens. and subordination of such liens; rtserves for maintenance, repafr, md replacerrient of Common Areas; insurance or fidelity bori:ts: responsibility for maintenance and repajr; reallocation of interest in the Common Areas, or rights to theiruse;·cdnvertibi!ity ofLots into Common Areas or of Common Areas into Lots; leasing of Lots other than as set forth herein; imposition of any res;rictions on the right of an Owner to sel 1 or transfer his Lot; a decision by the Association to establish self-management when professional management had b.een required previously by an eligicle Mortgagee; any action to · terminate the legal status of the Honey Creek Ridge Homeowrrers Association after substantial destruction or condemnation octurs; or any provisions which are for the expre"ss benefit of - Mortgage~ or eligible insurers or guarantors of First Mortgages. Section 9.2 -Effective Date Amendments shall take effect only upon recording with the King County Department of Records and Electio·ns or any successor recording office. ARTICLE 10-GENERAL PROHSIONS ;:;rction 10.l -Tax~ " Each Owner shall pay without abatement, deduction, or offset, all real and personal property ta.xes, general and special assessments, including local improvement assessments, and other ch,rges of every description levied on or assessed against his Lot. or personal property located on or in the Lot. Section l0.2-Transfer of Certain Utilities Utility Repair Easement. Declarant, ar.d the A.ssociation after the Development Period. may transfer and convey any sewer, water, storm drainage', or other general utility in Honey Creek Ridge to a public body for ownership and maintenance, toge:her with any necessary e,.sements relating thereto. and each Lot shall become burdened and benefited thereby. Sectiqn 10.3 -Non-Waiver No waiver of any breach of this Declaration shall constitute a waiver of any other breach. whether of the same ur any other covenant, conditior., or restriction. Section 10.4 -Attomcys' Fef:s In the event of a suit or action to erJorce lllY provision of this Declaration or _to collect any money due hereunder or to foreclose a lien, the unsuccessful party in such suit or action shall pay to the prevailing party all costs and expenses, including title reports, and all attorney's fees that the prevc1;1ing party has incurred in connection with the suit or action., in such amounts as the court may deem to be reasonable therein, and also including all costs, expenses. and attorneys' fees incurred in connection with any appeal from the decision of a trial court or any intermediat~ appellate court. Section 10.5-Ne Abandonment ofOblig2tion No Owner. through his non-use of any Common Area, or by abandonment of his Lot. may avoid or diminish the bu:-dens or obligations imposed by this Declaration. \l • . i ' ; I ' ' i '.l, 5 ,., 1 .> te;._ .. ~ ( # ... () S«tion·10.6-Internretation The captions of the various ~des, sections and paragraphs of this Declaration are for convenience of use and reference only and do not define, limit. augment. or describe the scope, content or intent of this Declaration or any parts of this Declaration. Sect;on 10.7 • Severabili:y . . Invalidation of any one of these covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, or provisions by · judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other of the same, all of.which shall remain in full force and effect · Section I 0.8 • Notices . . . . All notices. demands, or other com=nications ("Notices") permitted or re4uired to be given by this Declaration sb,,ll be in writing and, if mailed postage prepaid by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, shall be deemed given three days after the date of mailing thereof. or on the date of actual receipt, if sooner; otherwise, N!'"ces shall be deemed given on the date of actual receipt. Notice to any Owner may be given at any Lot owned by such Owner; provided. however, that an Owner may from time to time by Notice to the Association designate such other place or places or individuals for the receipt of future Notices. If there is more· than one Owner ofa Lot, Notice to any one such Owner shall be sufficient, The address ofDeclarant and of the Association shall be given to each Owner at or before the time he becomes an Owner. If the address ofDeclarant or the Association shall be changed, Notice shall be given to all Owners. \o l I .• ··v '· '• ,. r •·• t ( ~. Section 10.9 -Ap11licnble Law This Declaration shall be construed in all respects under the laws of the State of Washington,· In witness whereof: the undersigned declarant has executed this declaration the day and yeor first above written. · STATE OF WAS!IlNGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) ' On this _b2_ day of~ , 191) before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the Sta~on, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appenrec! Wm. Wayne Jones, Jr., to me known to be President ofLAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT, INC., tho corporation thlll executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, · for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execut<, the said instrument. I ' I • l ' \· . .·.-··· .. </: ( EXHIBIT "A" HONEY CREEK RIDGE () Lots 1/-34 ofHon~,y Creek Ridge, Division I and subsequent divis.ions as they are recorded • - I ( f .•·.. t Exhibit B -Common Areas HONEY CREEK RIDGE ( ) At the time of the recording of this document, the common areas are as follows; . l. Trac: "A" storm water detention/ retention pond and associated landscaping · 2 Tract "B" storm water detention/ retention pond and associated landscaping J, Street trees, planter strips, entry landscaping and their associated iragation systems. 4. . Street lighting system. 1,-\ 0 l>· {'- 0 . ' Return Address: Lakeridge Development, Inc, P. 0. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 SUPPLEMENTARY DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, · RESTRICTIONS, AND EASEMENTS FOR . FIL,-'. 3Y PNWT HONEY CREEK RIDGE W-.,?572-(( Rere;ence numbers ·or related documer. · 9507131262 Parties to the Agreement: LAKERJDGE DEVELOPMENT, INC., Declaran.t Legal pescription: . --·-;. Lots_ i-20 and Traci "'A" of Honey Cr~ek Ridge Division ~o. 2 as recorded in Volume 1_7'? of Plats. on pages 86 -87, Records of King County, WA -1,..ots 1-45 an~ Tract "B'' of Honey Creek Ridge Div"ision NO. 3_ as recorded m·· -Voluttle 178 of Plats on pages 76 -. 7_~. RecordS Of King cOll:"ty, WA_ Lou 2 &. 3, Block E, of Albert Balch's Sierra Heights No. 5.-as ~oided in v·olume 65 of Plats on pages 30 · 31, Records ofKillg County 1 -WA · . . . . . k'.sessor's Property Tu Parcel-Account Numbers: 1.2./s ·. · 344981-0010 344981-0110 344982--0010 344982-0110 344982-0210 344982-0310 344982-0410 344931-0020 344981--0120 344982-0020 344982-0120 344982-0220 344982--0320 344982-0420 344981.·0030 344981-0130 344982--0030 344982-0130 344982-0230 .344982--03)0 344982-0430 344981-0040 344981--0140 344982-0040 344982-0140 344982-0240 344982-0340 344982-0440 .344981--0050 344981·0150 344982-00Su 344982-0150 344982-0250 344982--0350 344982-0450 .. 344981--0060 344981-0160 344982-0060 344982-0160 344982-0260 344982-0360 344982-0470 )44981--0070 344Q81-0170 344982-0070 344982-0 i 70 344982-02·;~ 344962-0370 042800-0540 3449K 1-0080 344981-0180 344982-0080 344982-0 180 344982-0280 .344982-0380 042800-05SO 344981 '0090 34.4981-0190 344982-0090 ]44962-0190 344982-0290 344982-0390 · 3449B 1-0100 344981-0200 344982--0100 344982-0200 34498:'--0300 344982-0400. 344981-0210 . I . , ........... , ................. .;.,..'. ;:·· !'i . -~ • SUPPLEMENTARY DECLARAT.ION OF. . ··,-- . COV:F.NANTS, CONDITIONS; . . RESTRICTIONS, AND EASEMENTS FOR HO:NEY CREEK RIDGE THiS SUPPLEMENTARY DECLARATION is made this ·4-'fff day of . J!J,h,,,.,.... b,,r · , 1997. by Lakeridge Development, Inc;, hereinafter referred to as Declarant WHEREAS: Oi. , about July 13, 1995, Declarant established a Declaration <if Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Honey Creek Ridge, hereinafter referred to as . the Declaration, which was recorded with the King County Auditor's Office under File No. 9507131262; . Section 1,6 of Article I of the Declaration provides that Declarant may add to the Common Areas during the Development Period by recording an amendment to this Declaration or by recording a Supplementary Declaration; Section 9 .1 · cf Article 9 of the Declaration provides that Declanmt may, on its sole signature, during the Development Period, amend this Declaration and D::clarant may, on· its sole signature, during the Development Period, ·amend this Declaration and record one or more Supplementary Declarations to extend the provisions of.this Declaration lo. · additional Phases which consist of adjacent real property owned by beclarant, its s·ucce~scirs or assigns; :;uid . . The date of this Supplementary Declaration as set forth above falls Within the · De,velopmerit Period as defined in Section 1.9 ofArticle I of the Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, Declaran(hereby extends the provisions of the Declaration ti:> additional Phases as · set forth .in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and shall be effective as of the da:e specified above; and . . . . Declarant hereby i::Kpands the Commo.i keas as defined in·the Declaration to include those common areas as set forth in Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and sha11 ·• : be effective as of the date specified above. · +tt•MSM, t ' . :.. . ."': ~'t ;i a e . All other provisions of the Declaration of Covenants; Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Honey ·creek Ridge shall remain in full force and effect. · [N WITNESS WHEREOF, tb.e parties hereto have executed this instrument the · CUIY and year.first above set forth, · STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KINCJ. ) . Onthis~day~f ~ ,1997,beforeme,theundersi~ed, . a Notary Public in and for the StaorWashington, duly commissioned an_d sworn, . . · personally appeared Wm. Wayne Jones, Jr., to me known to be President of . LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT, !NC., the corporation that executed the foregoing i'nstrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and de<:tl of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated thai he was authorized to execute ·the said instrumenL · WITNESS MY HAND AHD OFFICIAL SEAL hereto affixed the day and year first above written. · My commission expires. "1'-/f.i, ~. ' -':\ ..• ,· .,~ il •• ---: EXHIBIT "A" HONEY CREEK RIDGE . . . . . · The provisions of the Declaration are extended to the following additional Phases: . . . . - Lots I through 20 of Honey Creek Ridge Division No. 2 as recorded in Volume 177 of Plats on pages 86 -87, Records of King County, Washington. Lots I through 45 of Honey Creek Ridge Division No. 3 · as recorded in Volume 178 of Plats on pages 76-78,. Records of King County, Washington. Lots 2 and 3, Block E, of Albert Balch's Siena Heights No. 5 a.s recorded in Volume 65 of Plats on pages 30 -31, Records of King County, Washington. Note: Extending the Declaration to include these two lots is not intended to extinguish the restrictions, easements and agreements for Albert Balch 's Sierra Heights No. 5 coniained in the document recorded under · Auditor's File No. 5854355 asperiain to Lots2 and 3. · · __ .,'i#M&&++ ,.;;1111 144-C . --· ~-. ·-_-....... ..__.. . .... EXHIBIT "B" HONEY CREEK RIDGE The Common Areas as.defined in the Dedaration are expanded to include the following additional Common Areas: . . · Honey Creek Ridge Division 2 · ... Tract "A" storm water detention/retention po~d and associated· landscaping · Street trees, planter strips, entry landscaping and their associated irrigation systems · .. Street lighting system Honey Creek Ridge Division 3 . Tract ''B" Puget Sound Power & Light Company easement tract · and associated landscaping · · · Street trees, planter strips, entry landscaping and their associated irrigation systems · · · · · Street lighting system . . . . A typographical error contained in Section 3.12 of Article 3 of the Declaration; which · relates to the establislunent of a reserve fund for replacement of the Comnion Areas and any improvements thereon, is hereby corrected to clelete reference to Welcome Lake dam. . . . . . . ii!JZ 6 ' \ ' ' -, 1=· fllED FOR RECORD At REQUE$1 Uf OfflCE OF THE CITY CI.ERl\ ' "' R6fTO!I MUNICIPAL BLDG. 200 Mll.L ~VE. SO. DECI.ARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT ""!TON, \'IA 98055 A-C0!-90 ECF·OBJ-90 LAAEIIIDGE OE\/El.OPMENT, INC.. !hair hairs. SUCCOSSO/S Of assigns, for and In --Of amGlolllon lo !he CITY OF ROOON an -oped portion of Al.BERT BALCll'S SIERRA HEIGHTS Na. 5, do dedan, and covenant that The Im-o1 existing planed lolll wllhln Al.BERT BAI.CH'S SIERRA HEIGliTS Na. 5 shal eonform to TIie 1V-8ul!ding Fl8gulallons, Cl1apw 12.su!JdMslon O!dlnanca and amen:lmomls. and Oll1et Cllrol Renton Oldlnoncas In fon:e at Iha llrnt ll!Jllllcll!lon for Jmprovmnents ls motl&. The confomanca 10 Cfty cl Rento11 standards Include,, bl.II ls not llmlled to, -...Y improvemtnll, Ullllles, l!<Xm dtalnago, 11!8 end safe!)' vehfda ""'8ss and olhol' aspocts al plat ln,p<ov9mon!. construclion and zoning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Thal portla1 d Ille-• quartet of the northeast qua,ter of Section 4, TCMnShlp Zl North, Range 6 East, W.M. ~ County, W8'hlngton. lying weal al lhelolowfng dBSCIIJedllne: Corm,anck1g at the iiorthwost comar ot .. Id eo-qomter, thence -. along the norlh lino U.....,,, 10 a point ao the flOllhe,ty axtanslan ol lhe -h al Bloolc "A', -Balch .. Slam Halala No. 5, ICCGftffng lo !he plat lharaol recacded In Vduma 65 al Plall,-Pages oo alld 31, Reconls al king Cotioly, WashinglOO and lo !he IQ polrt DI beginning; tllanca aodherty, along Aid ""'1hody llXl9nslon and along lhe -line OI l!lac:b ~· and 'E",·IOU.. BOlllheasl -al I.at I, -Bfoclc 'E": lhence -y sq U.. IOCllh 11no DI Aid I.at 3, lo Ille -comer lhar8al; lhoncs scutherly. along lheweat h OI -Blodc 'E"IO lhe-llno al the IOIIIIMaOI -al Iha ""'1hwesl quarter or Iha -quarter cl said 5eellon 4; lhenc:e sauUi. o1ong oak! out 1no, ., the souttwas1 -of the IIOl.llhwest qll8III< or Ille """"-qua,t,t or Iha l10llheast quarter of oald Secllon 4 and lo lhe tmmlnuo d ,okl dascrlbod line. 0 Togelhar W!lh ll1o l10llhwasl quarter of Iha northwest quanar cl Iha soulheast querter of said Sm:llon4, and Toged,ar WIiii Iha SOUlhw!!st quarter of lhe northw..t quarter DI the ,i,ulheast qua,ter of said Sedlon 4, axcepl lhe aouUl 440.00 feel ltlereof, and Together -lh• west hall ol lhe southeast quarter ol lho northwast (!!larlor DI Iha soulhasst quarter of said Set1fon4. 8"cepl Iha soulh 440.00 feet lhereol. and Together with lhe -llalf ol lhe ,outltaast quarter of Ille Mlthwest qua,tar of lhe -hoast querter of said Sedlon 4, and ?.;Q ~ Together \'11th lho "951 half of the southwest qtlalter of the northeast quarter of the .i!iti\taa:!t quarter of said s.ctlon 4, and · '",,a ~ . a .. -r Togalher wtU, fhe IIOUUl.t5.0C!""1t of 1h• west hall Olfhe northwest quarter of frl\Odhoast' C(U8llorol !he aixrfhw .. quartor ol salc! Sadlon i, and ;. . · !! . . :; -- T~wtth Iha west 210.00 !eot cl the .. st 555.64 Ifft of Iha south 392.70 lee!ol itJ<i~ 785.40 feet of tha l'Ulttheast quai:ter ol tha northwest quarter of ssJd SedkJn 4. ~~ ~ =! STATE OF. WASHINGTON COUITTY OF /(fllJ C., ) ) ... I 9'?...-0J.,..J4 RE'r.O F RECFEE CASHSL BEl) ANO SWOiUI lo be before me •• Notmy p~ S1ala of Wa;hlngton, ~~} · .ontho 3o dayof_: ,19.£B r_. ~,~ ~'t!.~.1/ 1loi,uyiiik: ~> .. ~ !t~!~ .. t· ! '. 1 R-014-84, PPUD-015-84 RESTRI~TIVE COVENANTS COMES NOW_-MICK c. SANTA. and Associates _.a-n'<i do hereby .impose · Covenants: BOB TOMERG of Honey Creek _the ·following Restrictive There shall be no development, site plan or planned unit development approval upon the property withOU:t the City being provided with geotechnic~l studies regarding the site and fire and police services are provided. · on the proptrty legally describ~1d as follows: "B" & "C" See Exhibit ~Aft/attached heret~ as if fully set forth herein. and made a part hereof T:!.iS Covenant is a covenant running with the land and is· bindi~g upon all succese::·rS in interest to the subject property. Dated: STATE 0~ WASHINGTON COUNTY OF K:NG. 1.0. 00 . ss I certi;fy that I kno1,: or have satisfactory evidence that Mick C.-Santa and Bob Tomberg signed this instrument an·d acknowledged it to be their free and vohmtary act for · the uses and pu •:pose·s mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Macch..Lf:__, 1988. ?hu2,,,,,,,_,,~ Notary Pui?.i.,ts/for the State Washington . ~/ appointment CITYS:06/2/26/88 . ..., . ~0270 0 l'- N 1 0 ~ l'-., -f ! -~ 0 J O'l ,, . co ,. EXHIBIT "An HO~EY CREEK REZONE phase I PARCEL A -R-2 zor,ing That portion of Section 4, To~nship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, ·washington,··more partiCularly des:ribed as follows: Conm~ncing at the Southwest corner of the South.east 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said. Section 4; Thence South 88°19'25" East a distance of 839.97 feet;. Thence North 0"47'11'' West a distance of 203.69 feet; Thence Nortn 83"06'22" We5' a distance of 100.00 feet to the ,rue Point of Beginn··ng; Thence continuing North 83"06'22' West a di.stance of 400.00 feet; Thence North 48"06'22" ~est a distance of 228.60 fee,; Thence North 0"53'38" East a distance of 437.58 feet; Thence South 88"15'15" East a distance of 280.00 feet; Thence South 34"58'05" East a distance of 481.65 feet; TheTice South 1 "D6'22" East a distance of 235.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Page 1 of 1 lF.H.3.12,AJH:mf 11/13/87 ~-~~ : . ·~--. ;.-. = = = ·i,..: ff ,· _;"..· _., ... b:~. ~(· ff j ::-:.: ~,,. ~·-· '-'.: ~:., ,·:·· . t-. ~t··. f i: •:.· • ; -.·-.:~~J;.,~ EXHIBIT "B" HONtY CREEK REZO•::: phase I PARCEL C R-1 :·,ning That portlon Sec~lon ~, Township 2J North, Range 5 Ea~t, w.H. King County, Washington, mer~ particularly described as follows: ccmmenclng at the Southwe~t corner or the southeast l/4 or the ~orthwest 1/q or s~l~ section 4; Thence South 88"1~'25" East a distance or l28B.90 feet along the South line ·or said southeast 1/4; Thence North 1"15'59" East a d.l.st11nce or 10:54.74 feet to the True Point or Seglnrdng; Tnence south 57"15'5? .. West • dls tance or :520.01] r~et; Tl".:nc~ South Cl "4'2 1 58 11 Wec:t • distance or Jll, l) ref:t: Thence North J2"l4'D0" West a distance or J.3'0.00 ·reet; Thence ).iorth :'.'11"14' 00" West a dish.nee or 700,00 feet; Thence North l "H' GO" East • d'.stance of 2os.oo reet; Thence South B8"15'J.S" East • •.:!lstance or 500.IJQ reet; Thence South 1·15•;9 .. west • distance or :,92.10 feet: The rice S::iuth 88"15'36ll East • distance or 555.6::i feet; Theri.ce south l"l5';i9" Wi?St • dlstaf'lce or 480.00 teet to the T:-ue F 'l!nt or acglnr"lnf,• TOGE.TH~R •,qTH That .Purtlc1f'\ or 'Section 4, Townthlp 23 North,. Runge 5 .East tt'.M. KJ:"lg Cour"lty, Washir"g.ton, more partl.ct.1la:-ly described as t'ollows: ~ommencing at the nrorementioned ~outhwest Corner; Thence s~uth sa·11•2J~ F~st a distance ·or l288.9C reet alorig the South line or said southeast 1/~; Th~nce North 1"15'59" E~st a distance or 114.74 feet to the True ~o!nt or Beg!rinlng; Thence North 88"19'25" West e d!sta~ce of 28~.00 feet; Thence North 9'08'5.S" west a distance ot 514.84 t'eet; Thence North 37"1S'59" East a .dish.nee or ,t.:SO.CQ fee~i Jh~nce South 1"15'59' West a distance or ,,a.~o. reet; to the T:ve Point or Beginning. Pag'!lor2 j:~_:. . .w:.·.· L;i!"~ '"""·· v,~·· i I. ; i ;. ,. 1.· ··- ( TOCETHEP. ~!TH Th-at J:JOttitir, or Section If, Towr,shh.'23 No-rth, Range S £u-t, W.M. King c·'>ur'lty, We:shlngtor,1 more particularly described as rollows: Commenclng at the Southwest ·corner or t~e Southeast l/4, or the Northwest 1/4 or said 5ection ~i The,-.ce North 0·5,•JB" East a dls!:.1,1tce or 6~0.DO reet to the True Point Thence continuing North 0•53•Ja" East a distance or ·sJ8.2S ~eet; Thence South 46.06'22R East a distance or 34S.OD reet; Thence so~th 11"06'22" E~st a distance or 1-05.00 r~et; Thel'lce North 86"15 1 15" West • distance or 110.00 feet; Thence South 0'53')8" West a· distance or 43T.5B feet; Thence South 49•06 1 22" East a distarice or 228.60 feet; Thence so"uth 63'06'22" .East a distance or 500.00 fe~t~ Thence Sou~h 0°47 1 11" East a d!starice or 20J .• 69 feet; Ther,ct• North ao·19•2s" We:st a distance or 779.99 feet; Theric·, North 0•53•J8 11 East a d!st!l.nce of' t>J0.00 feet; Ther,ce North 88'19'25" west a dls~ance of 59,98 reet to the 1rue Pol~t lr.H.,.11.~JH:Qf 12/11/87 i:. ,, ,._ ,,. ;·. I ' ' ! • I ' _,..,. EXHIBIT "C" ~0NEY CREEK REZONE phase T PAR . .EL a G-1 zoning That portion of Section 4, To\tmship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.~. King County, Washir.::1ton 1 more particularly de·scribed as follows: Cornmenci119 at the Sout:1we~.t cor.ner of the Southe·ast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of' said Section 4; Th!nce South sa·19 1 2S 11 East a dis.t;,nre of 839.97 feet to the Tr 1Je Point of Beginning; Thence North 0'47' 11" West a distance of 203.69 feet; Thence North 83'06'22" West a distance of 100.00 feet; Thence Ncrth l'o6'22" West a distance of 235.00 feet; Thence North 34'58'05" West a distance of 481.65 feet; Thence North 88'15'15' Wes, a distance of 170.00 feet; Thence North 11'06'22" West a distance of 105.00 feet; Thence North 46'06'22" West a distance of 345.00 feet; Thc;,;ce South 88'15'15 11 East a distance of 185.29 feet to z..n intersection ~\th the East line cf the West 135.29 feet of the East .1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of s,lid Section 4; H,ence North along s;,i9 East line of the West 185.2~ feet of the East 1/2 of theNonhwest 1/4 of said Section 4 to the South Right-of-Wa,y Line of S.E. 97th Street (120th Place S.E. and also kMwn as Oevils Elbow); Thence ,Southeasterly alor:c; sai.d .Ri.gh:.:-of-Way Line to a point of. curve, said curve being concave to the Northwest with 3· radius of 80.00 f.eet, and a center whi,:;;h bears North 38.15'25 11 East; Thence Easterly and Northerly along said curve an arc distan~e of 213.84 Thence Northwesterly along the Easterly Right-of-W.1;1.y line of sai.d 120th Plact S0uthe1st a dis~ance of 260.3 feet to a ·point of curve, said cun·, being conCave to ti1e Northeast with a radius _.of 125.0 feet and a center which bears. North 65"06 1 50 11 East; The,nc·e Northerly along said curve and said Easterly Right-of-Way Line an arc d1siarice of 72.3 feet to th~ point of re·verse curve, said curve bei'n:g concave to the Southwest and has a radius of 134.35 feet; Thence Northwesterly along said curvt and sa1d Eas-terly Right-of-Way Line to a point of tangency an arc distance of 135.2 feet; Page 1 c:.f 2 i /:. I , .. t· j_' ·~ L I i I I: r· I • i. ' ; f ' 1 ~ ' t· I t ~'O:tt,?ztr@fff:f~1~ffi.jij~:~ei::~~~~:,If . ~;. . :~ :--o.-.: ,. r: .· -'. ( Thence North 49•23 1 20 11 West ·along said East~rly. Right....:of-Way Line a distMCe of 15.8 feet to a point of curve, said curve be1.ng concave to the Northe,st with a radius of 60.0 feet and a center which bears North 40"36'l0" East; Thence Northerly along said curve and said Easterly Right-of-Way LinP. to an intersection with the West Line of the East 1111.28 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 4; TheOce Northerly along said West line to the Southwest corner of the P~at of Paradise Estates, as recorded in Volume 95 of Piats 1 Page 93, records ~· King Cou~ty, Washington; Thence South as·is 1 36 11 East a distance of 55.60 teet; Thence South 1"16'00" West a distance of 205.00 feet; Thence SmJth 24°l•'·'U0 11 East a distance of 700.GO feet; Thence Squth 32'14 1 00" East a distance ·of 330.00 feet,; Thence Horth 81"42 1 58 11 East a distance of' 311.13 feet; Thence North 57"15 1 59 11 East a distance of 320.00 feet; Thence Sau'.h 1°15'59" West a distance of 160.00 feet;: Thence Som::h 57°15 1 59 11 West a distance ,.,f 450.GO feet; Thertr:e S~;.ith 9°08'56 11 East a dfat,;1nce of 514.84 feet; Thence South aa·19 1 2S 11 East a distance of 280.00 feet; Thenc• South 1"15'59" West a distance of 114.7-1 feet; Thence North ~8'19'25' West a distance of 448.93 feet to the True Point of Beginning. lF.3.21.~cH:mf 01/18/88 Page 2 of 2 l~~l~,.;:,,,'}f;~"';'':f'./'V'''Y,Ctllf~l't~i!~--:- I I· .. · t> ·-_: ,. -1··_·. . [ .·· .. I I: .. I [-\c= '' I ' .. flLED FOR RECORD AT REQUES1 UI' OfACE Of 1HE cm CLERK h-001-90 ECF-083-90 IIE!fTON MUNICIPAL BLOG. DECIARATION OF RESTIIICTIVE COVENANT 200 Mill AVE. SO. ""ffi!N, VIA 98055 1.AKERIDGE DMl.OPMENT, INC .. th~r hairs. SU<CaSSO!S or assign,, !or and In c<>ll$!damllon of annexation lo Iha CITY OF RENTON an undeveloped pc,!llon of ALBERT llAI.CH'S SIERRA HEIGHTS No. S. do declare and covenant that: Tho-of axlsllng platted lolS Wlhln ALBERT BALCH'$ SIE~AA HEIGHTS No. 5 $1\aa coofrmn to TIUo IV,Buffdlng Ragulallont. Chapt0< 12-SubdMsion Ordinance and amondmonu, and other City ol Renton Oldlna11CG$ In Jarco at the lklle appllcallon for Jmprowments ls made. Tho conlonnan<:e to City cl Renton -rds tnctudea. but Is no1 llmtlod to. roadilay lmplOYOments, utffltlos, &loon dralaage. llnl and saf,ty veldcle access and other aspects of plat Jmprovement, construction and z:onlng. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SU8JECT PROPERtY: 0 That pc,tloo of the southwest quaner of Iha nar1hoaat qual1ar of Sadlon 4, Township 23 No~h. Range 6 East, W.M., King Councy, Wa!lhlng!on. ¥rig_ of the fcllcMlng d-tlne: Comma~ at Iha nonhwest comar of eald -quarter: thence easl, a1orQ Iha nal1h Rne -· to. point .. lhe l10lthedy -Of Iha -iln9 al Bloclc "A', Albert a.tell'• Siem. Helghll No. 5, llCCO!dlng to tha plat --tn Vdume 65 of P1at1. Pages 30 and 31, flacords of !Ong Counly, Woslmglnn and lo 11111nJo point Of beginning; thanca IICIJlhBlty, atcr,g said nOr1lterly ""enslon and~ the-tire of Bloclm "A" and ?, to tho - ccmer d Lot 3, sakf Block "E": thence wullfy along Iha south llns d -Lot 3, to Utt sauu-.t comer thereol; thence IO!Jharty, along lhewes1 ltne of aakl Block"E"lo the W1 llne Of Iha SOldhM>ot quarter of the....-quarter of lho norlhea,t quarter of said Sedlon ~ lhanco -along said east U.O. la the --of the sauthwesl -ol lhe, sootl!Wat qUarler ol the no"hea" quarter of said Ser:tlon 4 and to Iha lllmlnu, of said -Im Tage1hard Iha nO/lhwllSf quarter of Iha -quarter 01 the SOUlhaest -of said Section 4, and Tagethar with the soulhwast quarter al the -quanar al Iha aouthaasl -ol satd s.ctlon4, omptthe IIOUlh 440.00faelllwmd,and Tagerhar with Iha west half of tho-quartor Of tha -quar1er al lie ""'1heaSI quarl8r of said Sadlon 4, !IXcept Iha oouth 440.00 fael lhared, and Together d Iha east ho!! of Iha -quartor of the-quartar of tho SOlllhoa5I quarter of saJd Section 4, ind F;t:l ~ Together with Iha west half of Iha IOU1ltW95I -of Iha "°"'1oast quarter al tho ~ quanaratsatlSedlon4,and · ~"-?~:: ..t:.. ;:; "!'~ Together wllh the south 15.DO fe<>t of Iha -hall of the I\O!IIW$SI quarter of tt.·~ qum1erofthesoulheastquartorofeeld8ectlon4,-,d . · · ,. · ~ . : . : .. =. -- ToQolherwllh Iha...,.. 210.00 fael al the !111S1 655.64 feotOllhe aouth 392.70 fffl <il.uie"noiit 785.40 fael of the northwt quarwr Olthe nortlMISl quaOO< of said Soc11on4. ~~ ~ ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF /(111)"" ) )$S. ) 91,.01 .... )4 Rf'Cf) F RF.CFEE CASHSL 5.00 2.00 1:".i-.' I '• ., •':. ·~ ~:5/i2/03 1(1. (i(.' c.ITY,."-'~TON .. .~ 03 tw· -' ~(r.J·· r .!. . RECO _f=" WAS1iINGwi$HS1.: +.>i-"1''1 (,. ::,o 11 ,,.ORD1·tiill!c.E NO. 4C25 J,1ir: u••··._ ..• ;;1G1•li1.1 · 'Bl L ,,;:._ • L~' :~• • A.~ ORDINANt:;i\J~'(~ii.E:\icifriiY OF RENTON, WASH!NGT'.lN, ESTABLISHING A"PRbPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITI,RY SEWER SERVICE IN THE HONEYCREEK . INTERCEPTO!; SERVICE AREA AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGB UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECT-ION I: There is hereby created a sanitary. sewer sery-ice special assessment. district for the Honeycreek ?=,nterceptor area, in t~e northeast quadrant o·f the· CitY: of Renton Which a:rea is more part~cularly described aS 1:ollows: see Exhiblt "A" attached hereto and made ·a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. A map of the project area is attached as· Exhibit "B" and· made a part hereof as ·if fully set forth4) /"-'\ \'"\ SECTION II: Persons connecting to.the sanitary sewer facilities in· this Special Ase:essm1?nt' Dis.tr.ict. which proper~·i"es hav·e not.· been chargeo:l or assessea· wlth the cost of the sanitary sewer main, shall pay in aC!a.ition to the payment of the connection· perinit fee and. i.n addition to th_e general facility and trunk connection charge, the following ad-:9.i":.ional fees: A. Area Charges (See Exhibit •A• Ind •s•) Re_sidence dwelling uni ts, apartments or equivalents: $250~00 per dwelling unit Commercial DevelOpll\ent: -5¢. per square foot of gross site area · · B. Front ·Footage Charges: (See Exhibit 'C' and •o•)· There is hereby created a: subdistrict within the Honeycreek Interce51t"or Special .As5e~Smer,t Dls·trict consisting of prope~ties fronting on Interceptor Sewet: C£RTIFICATE 1, the~; Maxine E. Mot:or · 'Clef.;oftha city o1 Renton, w~ CCttfft tbd Ihle. 11 a true and ecn'idccp)"ef Ot11o,j,r~-'Jfo ·lio;'; Subscribed arod S..le<f !Ills' 2nd , ~ o1)e~~it .. 99~-. ':22 « r-r::W #'.e'Z:'~ ·(;ity. Cieri< . ~· .:· ' . r OP.DINANCE NO. 4.025_ The properties to be assessed !"·::-r fron..__ f6otagc are m~re parti~ularly described in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and :mllde a part hereof as if fully £.et forth. The front footage charge shall be $37.19 per frQntage foot, representing $74.38 p~r center line loot divided equally for property fronting. on each site of the center line foot4 SECTION III: · This Ordinance is effective upon its passage, approval and thirty {30) days· after publication. PASSED BY THE CIT':CCOUNCIL this ~7th day of November, 1986 .. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR t~is 17t?day of_:November, 1986. ?.... •. ~ JJ.,.. o;,,Q,n.,')OC..~ Barbara .Y.' Shinpo¢h, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, ~ity Attorne_y Date· ".)f Publicatic,n:~ November 21, 1986. -2- -------------------------------- ,.-----·--· I EXHIBIT lt.'EA CHARGES sr ·a· E X H I B I T OP..DllU, .. '-iCE NO. ~ ~ • • l· , ~ " 3-5 ·, ' ·' '" " ' v~----, ·~ / .. f EXHIBIT WA~ ,.'lEA CH.'JlGES ORDINANC:£ ;iO. 402S A parce1 of lcrt~ situatt:'d in Sections 2, 3, 4. 9J 10 arid 11 of Township 23 NOrth and Sections 33 and 3~ of ';owoship 24 ttcrth, J;11 in Range S fas:., W.M., more p~rticular1y de:sc;ribed as fol Jow:s: BC:GlNNlNG at a ooint on the Horth !Mrgin of H.E. 27th St., also known as S.E. 97th St. in said .Sectfon 4, distant 385.4 feet east of the West. line of .said Se·ction 4; thence North parallel to· ~aid west line and its extension into said Section 33 to ·the Thread of May Creek.; .thence Easterly along the Thread of May c·reek throuah said s~ctions 33., 34 and 3 to th! West margin of 148th A~e. s.E. i thence South a1on!l said liiest margin tlJ the north line of State Sign Route 9GC. also kr.~)ol!l u S.E. Renton Issaquah Read; thence Easterly along s,iid road t.o the interSection of the East line of the West quarter of said Section 2; .thence · South along said Eas.t 1 irie through ·section 2 and said Section 11 to the South line of the North half of said Section 11; thence west along said South line through Section 11 to the center of said Section 10; thence contlm.ring West along said South line of the North half to the Eost lllilrgin of 138th Ave. S.E., also known .. as Duvall Ave. N.E.; thence r.:ortherly along said East marg,in to the North line. of the South quarter of the. North half of so.id Section 10; thence West along said North line t-o the East margfn Of 132nd Ave. S.E •• a_lso known as Union Ave. N.£ .• i thence North· along sa·id East"ma:rgin to the .center lin_e of S.E.. !16th St., also kno\l{n as N.E. 10th St. and the Easterly ex.tension of the South line of the Plat of Brentwoot.:, Di-vision Z, aS recorded. ~n Volume 72,. ·page 46; records of King County, Wa.; thence West along said South line to the Southeast corner .of Lot" 16, Block 6 of said plati ·thence Nc:i~therly along. the East 1 ines of · Lots .16 th_ro1igh 11 1nc1usiv~ .to the South ma-rgin ~f N.E. 11th St.; thence Horthwesterly._ to the Southieast corr.er of Lot 10 in Block 3 of.said plat; thence Mcr!ti.~rly ~l!lng 'i:~~ Ei!~! lfo~s ·of L~t ~O'lh!"'Ju9h ~ i!1Cl1Js~v@ ~nd 1t~ •fxt~n$ion to the North margin of N.E. 12th St., thence West along said North margin to the· Sr.,rthea:st corner of the Plat of Soma.re as·. recorded in Volume 59, page 69,- records of said county; thence North· along the East line t~ereof to the North- east corne~ of said plat; thence West along the North line thereof 157.71 feet .to the Southeast corner of Queen Ave. right-of-way as described in Volume 3738 of Deeds· on page 76~ records of £ilid county;· thence continue West alOng said North line of sa:id plat 170.0 feeti thence North parallel w·,th the centerline of said Queen Ave. J..1~ its extension .to the Ncrth marg.in of State Sign Ro1:te 900, also known as N.£. Sunset Bllfd·oi thence Westerly along said ·North marg~n to the West line of the East 484.62 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said section 4; thence North along said West line to the South line of the Plat _of Honey Creek Park as recorded .in Volume 59 of. Plats .on ,page 57. records of ~aid county; thence East along the South line thereof to the Southeast corner of lot 9·, in 81ock 2 of said pli",t; thence North .and \rlest along the East and .North lines of Lot 9 .to the right-of-waj, line of N.E. 17th Pl.; then.c·e Northeast and Northwest along the Southeast and Northeas~ margin of said N.E. 17th· Pl. to the Southeasterly corner ·of Lot 11, in Block ·1 of said plat; .thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly line thereof to the Northeast corner.of said Lot 11; thP.nce Northwes.terly along the Northeasterly lines of Lots 11 through 7 inclu- si~e to the North line of said plat; thence West_ along the North line thereof to the Northwest corner of Sil.id platt thence Sou~h along the West .line thereof. to :the Southeast corner of th.e Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest. 1/4. of said .se·ctfon 4; thence West along the ,,1uth line of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest l/4, a dist,nce of 320.12 feet; thence 'l~·th 1307.0 feet to th·e North line of ;aid Southwest 1/4 distant· 322.20 feet West ·:Jf the NO.rtl':east corner thereof; thence lr.'est ahrng the South 1 ine of the' Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest !/.a: to the Southwest corne,r ther;::oof; thence North along the West lin! of s.e.id subdivisitn to the Northeast corn~r of the p·1at ·of Aloha Ranch No. 2 as recorded in Vo1ume B2. ;no;e 3, !'"?!!:Or·::!!: -~f :!~d CC!.!!'lty:' th4!'ri.t!' :/'!~t !!!16!'!~ t~"? r,!~rth H!~~ 1:~'!l'l""':'{lf t,:, the Northeast corner of the Plat of•·Aloha Ranch ·as recorded in VolumE: 77. page 7 ~ .records of soi d county; thence West along the North 1 i ne thereoi to the Southerly ext1;1nsion of the East l·fne. of the Plat of Sa·ndee Terrace as recorded irt Volume .67, page 2, records of z.aiC: couflty: thence NJJ:rth along said Southerly extension to the Southeast corn!r of said plat·t thence continue North alo,19 the East lin@ of said plat and the Northerly extension of said East line to the South ·margin of S.E. 97th St., also known as N.E-. 27th. St.-; thence Northeasterly to a poin,t on the North margin of said street distant .386~4 feet East of th~ ~est line of said Se.ction 4 and POINT OF BEGHIN!NG of this description. L3a2850/~ EXHIBIT ··------i EX111B!T '"t• r?.Di!T fOOTAGE CHAAG£S ORDIKA..~CE NO. 402S J.. parcel of 1and situi.ted in Section 4, Town!.Mp 23" Herth, Range S East. W,M., more partictlarly descri::..ed as follows: BEG!NNIN; at a point on the £,st n;arg1n of 120th Pl. S.E. at the intersection of the k'esterly exte_nsfon of the SorJth line of the Plat of_Pan,dise Estat~! a!: recorded in Volume 95 of Plats on Page 93, records of l':;r.g County, Washrngto~; thence East along said Westerly e>:t.?nsion and the South Hne the:eof to.a point 555.64 feet West of the East line of the Northwest quarter of sa1d Sect,on 4; thence South parailel to seid EJst line j~2.7 fert; thence East parallel to the South line of the Plat of ~ai~adise Estates. No. 2 as recorded in Volume 102 of Plats on Page 31, records of said County to the Eas.t· line of said r~orthwest . quarter; thence. South along said Eti.st line _to the center of said section; thence East a1ong the North line of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said section to the Northeast earner of said sub- division; thence South along the East line of said subdivision to the Southea.st corner thereof; thence East along the Horth line of the Southeast quarter of the· Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said section to the Northeast. ~orner of s~id subdivision; thence South along the East line_of said subdivision to the southeast corner thereof; thence East along the North line of the South .. east quarter of the Southeast quarr~r of_said section to the-East line of the West 3!0.57 feet of said subdivi.sioni thence South along said East Hne to the North margin of State Sign Route 900, also known as N.E. Sunset Blvd.; thence l:lesterly along said North margin to the West line of·said subdivi~ion; thence continuing: Westerly J.long said North ,nargin to· the· West lfne of the East 484.62 feet of the Southwest J/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said section 4; thence North blong said West line to the south iine ·of the Piat c:i Honey Ct't:ek ra.r-k ;;;.:. . recorded.in Volume 59 of Plats on Page 57, records of said co~nty• thence East ·along tne South line thereof to the Southeast· co:--ner of Lot 9, in Block 2 of · .s.aid plat; thence N·orth and West along the Ea_st and NOrth lines. of Lot 9 to the right-of-way line of N.E. 17th Pl.; thence Northeast and Northwest along the. Southeast and Northea.t margin of said N.E. 17th Pl. to the Southeasterly comer of Lot 11, in Block 1 of said p1at; thenc2 Northeasterly -a:long the Southe·asterly line thereof to the Northeast corner of-said Lot 11• thence Northwesterly along _the Northeasterly lines of Lots 11 through 7 inclusive to the North line of s.aid plat; _thence.West along the North line theraof to the Northwest corn·er of said· plat; thence South. a1ong the West _line thereof to·the Southeast_ corner of the N:ortheast 1/4 of the Southw-est 1/4 of said Section 4; thence West along the South line of said Northeast l/4 of the Southwest J/4, a distance of 320.12 feet; thence North 1307 .0 feet to the North line of said Southwest 1/4 distance 322.20 feet West of ~he Northeast corner·thereof; thence West·along the South i_ine of the East ha_lf of the Northwest quarter of said ;ecti_on to the Southw~st" corner thereof; thence North along-the West line of said East ·half to the South margin of S.E. 97th St.1 also known as N.E,. 27th St.; thence SoUtheasterly along said margi_n to the inters2ction of ti'le thread of Honey Creek, said intersection also being a point on the Southea::;tarly. margin of 120th Pl. S.E.; th!:!nc~ con· tin/Jing Easterly ar.d Northerly along the Ea_ster1y margin of said 120th Pl. S.E. to the intersection of the ~ester1y extension of the South line of said Plat of Paradise Estates and POINT OF BEGINNING of this descriptfon. L4•86510 E X H I B I T c--·--'- 'orunw.NcE NO. 40:!5 · El HI Bl T •o• FROOT FOOTA&E CHARGES . ' I; I • "I ,· ·~ I ;f " ... , " . ~ -~ : . ' . ··'I • • .. ~ J, ElttiBIT • C:'-. ·-·-·-···-···~--···· -. -:·~ -.... • J _...; ~· :, "'i ,. i.; • .. <j' WHEN RECORDED RE11.JRN To. Olfii:e of the ctty clerk / · · Renton Mwtldpal BulldUlg Z00fl.1ill Avcm:c Scuth ·, RECEIVED DEC O 1199, KING en; );\l(Y R,nton, WA 98055 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON . __ R~?-9£E_E_g __ _, ORDINANCE NO. 4482 AN ORDIHJ\llCE . OF THE CITY OF REHTOH, lfASHIJl'GTOlf, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE IH THE SIERIL~ HEIGHTS PORTiOH OF THE HOIIEY CREEK SUB-BASIN AllD ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPOH CONNECTION TO THE FACIUTIES. THE. CITY couw:rt·· OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. There is hereby Service Special Assessment District created a Sanitary Sewer. for the area served by the Sierra.Heights sanitary Sewer in the northeast quadrant of the City of Renton, which area is more pa:cticularly described in Exhibtt "A" (" attached herein, ..j' .n. map of the service area is attached as Exhibit 0 "B." N 0 The recording of this document is to provide Notification of N. Potential Connection and interest charges • While this connection ..-4 ~ . charge may be paid at. any time, the City does not require payment ::r, until such t.tme as the parcel is connected to and thus benefiting from the sewer facilities. The prop•,rty may be sold or in any other way change han.ds. without triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district .• SECTION II. Persc>ns connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment.District and which properties have _not been charged or asses~.ed with. all costs of the Sierra Heights Sanit<1ry Sewer, as detailed in thi& ordina.nce, shall pay in addition. to the payment of the connection permit. fee and in addition to the spec5.al utility connection charge, the following ~dditional fees: l\. Per Unit Charges. New connections of residential dwelling units or equj_valents shall pay a fee of $690. 35 per ... ~ rJ N * :;:! = = ;:, 9 al ~ ~. = l'i M = J !ii . ·' -'·· -l 1'I i 5! • . = ,, l ~ = ~ > -I 8 1 • ' 1 1 I ' ( I \ I 1 i ' I • 1 . " r -' ·'i • r tj' f'-~-!" 0 N 0 N .,..j "1° ::ri I ORDINAIICE NO, 4482 \ RECi::!V~J \ DECO 11994 l v·1 ,~ ,·,,·, •!-t..,.y ' fd_ ...... _--. "--'.'·'. ' ;_~:7::~;? ;---- dwelling unit. Those properties to be assessed per unit charges are lega,ly described in Exhibit A and included within the boundary as shown on the map attached as Exhibit "B," B. Zoned Front Footage (ZFF) Charges. There is hereby created a sub-district within the Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewer Special Assessment District consisting 0£ properties fronting on the sewer. All par~els within this sub-district are subject to an additional connection charge as a fair share ~oat p~rticipation._for the sewer main fronting the parcel and to which the parcel will be connected . This additional charge shall be due, ih its entirety, at the time the parcel is connected to the se~ers. The foregoing notwithstanding, the parcel identified as the Hess Parcel on Exhibit "D" and described in Exhibit "E" will have the ZFF charge divided into fifteen ( 15) equal shares. Because .this parcel is large and subdividable, the ZFF ch~rge will become clue as a one-fifteenth (1/15) share at such time as each of the first fifteen { 15) units, as subdivisions of this parcel approximately 4.8 (M/L) acre in size, are connected to the sewers. At such time that the fift"~n (15) shares have been paid, the City will consider-the participation ·of the existing -parcel, in this assessment district, c?mplete. Any further development beyond fifteen { 15) units will not trigger additional charges under th.is S?Ction of Lhis Special Assessment District, Each of the fifteen ( 15) shares Will individually accrue interest as described in Section. III below. The properties to be chnrged upon the ZFF method are included withi.n the boundary described in Exhibit "C" attached herein. A ' i I I ! t -. ORDI!rn.NCE 110. 4482 map identifying the properties within the sub-district is attached as Exhibit ''D." The properties located within this sub-district are subject to both charges (Unit and ZFF). The amount of each ZFF cha:-ge against individual properties is on file with the City's Property Services .section, the Planning/Building/Publl.c Works Department, and the City Clerk's office. SECTION III. In addi tivn to the aforestated charges, there shall be a charge of 4. 73% per annum added to both the Per Unit Charges and Zoned Front Footage Charges. The interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (lO)·years from the date this ordinance be~omes ·effectiie. Interest charges will l>e simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION IV. This ordinance is effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE. CITY COUNCIL this 21'i.l;.. day of N0vember , 1994. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st Approved.as to form: ;;!~~, . ' ; ' .. '"""" Lawrence J, wat?~n, City Date of Publication: November 25, 1994 ORD.391:11/04/94:as. 3 / day of Nove"lber Clerk 1994. .. , :; :·11;;; ' . ' '· !'l:, • '• ii . . .. ' .. ;....-.~-- e> .,.-. ·~ EXHIBIT "A" SIERRA HEIGHTS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #9205 BOUNDARY The lands included within the Sierra Heights Special Assessment District boundary are contained within S!ction 4. Town.ship 23 "'urth, Range 5 East, W.M., · King County, Washington. The boundary for the district is described as follows:. Beginning at the SE corner of the NW 114 of said Section 4; TI1ence N 01° 15' 59" E, along the east line of said NW 114, a distance of 46.20 feet; Thence N 74° 35' 31" W, a distance of 2.88. 74 feet; Thence N 09' 08' 56" W, a distance of 514.84 feet; Thonce N 57' 15' 59" E, a distance of 162.50 feet; . Thence N 32' 44' 01" W, a distance of 158.55 feet; Thence S 81' 42' 58" W, a distance of248.54 feet; Thence N 32' 14' 00" W, a distance of330.00 feet; Thence N 65° 42' 26" E, a distance of 836.07 feet, to the east line of the NW 114 of said Section 4; Thence S 01' 15' 59" W along the east line of said NW 114, to the SE comer of the NE 1/4 of the NW 114 of said Section 4. Said SE comer also being the NW comer of the SW 114 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 4, and said common comer also being on the centerline of SE 100th Street; Thence easterly along the north line of the SW 114 of the NE l/4 of said Section 4 and .the centerline of SE I 00th St, to an intersection with the centerline of the iOO foot wide Puget Sound Power & Light transmission line ·easement; · · Thence.northcaste_rly along said transmission li~ centerline, having an approximate bearing of N 35' E, to an intersection with the west line of the NE 114 of the NE 1/4 of said .Section 4; Thence southerly ;.ilong said west line, to an intersection with a line which is 1320 feet riOrth of, as measured at right angles to, the south line of the NE 114 of said Section 4; . Thence easterly along said line which is 1320 feet north of, and parallel to, the south line of said NE I /4, lo an intersection with a line which is 400 feet west of, as measured at right angles to, the east line of the NE 114 of said Section 4; 94--642 .OOC/bt, 1 i/1194 '-; Tr I Thence southerly along said line which is 400 feel west of, and parallel to, the east line of said NE I /4, ro an inierscction with lhe north line of Block t, Sierra Heights. as recorded in . Volume 54 of Plats, Page 3, Records or King County, Washington; · 1l1encc westerly _along the north line of saicf Block 11 Sierra Heights, and its extension westerly, to an in~ersection with a line which lies 660. feet w1...;t of the east line of said NE 1/4; Thence S .01 ° 55' 59" W, along said line, a distance of 170 fe~t. to an intersection· with the north line of Lot 5, Jllock 4, said Plat; TI1cnce westerly along·t11e north line of said Lot S, to the NW corner thereof; Thence southerly along tl1e west line of said Loi S, to the SW corner thereof; TI,cnce southeasterly across SE 102nd Street (NE 22nd Place). to tl1e NW corner of Lot S, Block J of said Plat; Thence southerly along the west line of '°id Lot 5, to the SW corner thereof. Said SW corner al.,o being a point on· th~ ·s6uth line of said Pl_at: _ Thence easterly along the south lines of Lots 5 thru 12. inclusive of Block 3 of said plat, to the SE corner of Lot 12 .• Said SE corner of said Loi 12 also being the NE corner of Lot. I, King County SP I 177008, Recording No. 7805021039, and.a point on the westerly right-of-way line nf Union Avenue NE (132nd Avenue SE); TI1ence southerly along the westerly right-of-way line of Union Avenue NE (132nd Avenue SE), and the east line of said Lot I and Its southerly extension across NE 22nd Street (SE · 103rd Street), to the NE comer of Lot 22, Sierra Heights, Div. No. 2 as recorded in Volume 59 of Plats, Page 55, Records of King County, Washington; · · ·mence continuing southerly along the ea,t lines ·or Lots 22 and 52 of said Plat and the westerly right-of-way line uf 1 ·c.,un A,'"-""~ NE (132nd Avenue SE) and its southerly extension across NE 21st.Street (SE 104th Street), to an iritersection with the south line of the NE 1/4 of said Section 4, said south line also being the north line of the SE 1/4 of said Section 4: Thence continuing southerly along the westerly right-of-way line of Union Avenue NE (132nd Avenue SE), to an intersection with a line which lies 127 feet south of, as .measured at right. angles to, said north line of the SE 114 of said Section 4; · Thence westerly along said line which lies 127 feet south of, and parallel to, the north line of the SE 1/4 or. said Section 4, to an intersection with a line which lies 217.5 feet east of, as nieasurcd at right angles to. the west line of the l'lE l/4 of the NE 1/4 of U1e SE 1/4 of said Section 4~ · Thence ~nuthcr\y along said line whic;.h lies 217.5 feet east of, and parail.el to, the West liile of said subdivision. to an intersection with the south line of the N 1/2 of the N.E l/4 of the NE 114 of the s·E I /,I of said Section 4; · · <M (.42.l)'){"!l,h llm'->4. .t 'if • ' ; ' ' ., ·.t ,l ;}~ . I 1'1 I ) ' .. f ,.._,,, . . ... :,. . •. . ::-$= . '--..:• ... : ~ ·. " . f _, I . !! I r:1encc westerly along the south line of said subdlvision, to an intersection with the west line of the E l/2ofthe NE 114 oftk SE 114 of said Section4; TI1cncc soulherly along the \I. ·.:st line of said subdivistan and its southerly extension across NE 19th Street (SE 106th Street). to an intersection with the south line of the N 112 of SE 1/4 of s;1id Seclion 4; Thence westerly :1long 1hc .south line of said subdivision, to an intersection with the ezst line of the W 112 :if the SE : 14 of the NW 114 of tl1e SE 1/4 of s.:.id Section 4; Thence northerly.along the cast line of the W 1/2 of the SE 114 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, to an intersection v.-·i1h a line which lies 440 feet north of, as measured at right angles to, the :;l'uth line of 5aid subdivision; Thence westerl)' along said line which is 440 feet north of, and parallel to, the south line of the W I /2 of the SE 1/4 of ~,e NW I 14 of the SE l 14, to the west line thereof; The11cc northerly along said west line of the S[ '/4 of the NW l/4 of the SE 114, to the NW corner thereof. Said NW comer also being the SB comer of the NW 1/4 of the NW 114 of the sr, 114 of said Section 4; ·111cr1cc westerly alorig the south line of the NW 1/4 ·of ihe NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, to the SW corner U1cre·of; n,cncc northerly along the west line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of tl1e SE 1/4, to the NW corner thereof. Said NW corner al;.o being the SE comer of the NW 1/4 of .said Section 4, and the point of beginning. 94-64:" .....-,C/bh lln/9-: ' ' I • .. ·, . .:.A . •. ~ .. I. .. t:.... EXHIBIT 'B' UNIT CHARGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #92-05 SIERRA HEIGHTS SEWER IMPROVEMENT I ! \__.· __ ....;;.. Conveyance Lines I / ;; j ~~~~7~c~e;~kfir1:es . ' . I I ' ./. i , EXHIBIT "C' SIERRA HEIGHTS SPECIAJ., ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SUB-DISTRICT #92-13 BOUNDARY . AREA OF ZONED FRONT FOOTAGE CHARGE The lands included within the sub-district #92-13 boundary are contained within the northeist quarter and the southeast quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,·W.M., Y.ing County, Washington. The boundary for the sub-district is described as follows: · Beginning at the northwest comer of Lot 3, Sierra Heights, Div. No. 2 as-recorded in Volwne 59 of Plats, Page 55, Records of King County, Washington, within the northeast quarter of said Section 4. Said · northwest comer also being a point on the easterly right-of-way line of !28th Avenue SE (Queen Avenue NE); . . Thence southerly along the. west line of said Lot 3 and along the easterly right-of-way line of !28th .Avenue SE (Queen Avenue NE), to an intersection with the south line of the north 10 feet thereof; · Thence easrerly along s_aid line which lies IO feet south of, and parallel to, the north line of said Lot 3, to the east line of said Lot 3; Thence northerly along the east line of said Lot 3, to the northeast comer thereof; . . . Thence easterly· along the _north line of said plat; to the northeast corner of Lot I of said plat, said northeast comer of said Lot l also being the northwest comer of Lot I, Block 4, Sierra Heights, as recorded ,n Volume 54 of Plats, Page 3, Records of King County, Washington;. Thence southerly along the west Hne of said Lot I, Block 4, to an intersection with the south line of the north IO feet of Block 4; Thence easterly along said line which lies 10 feet south of, and parallel to, the north line of said Block 4, to an intersection with the east line of Lot 4, Block 4 of said plat at a point 10 feet southerly of the northeast corner thereof; · Thence southerly ,'.tl6ng th~ east line of said Lor 4, BI.o_ck 4, to the southeast comer thereof; Thence southeasterly across SE 102nd Street (NE 22nd Place) to th.e northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 3 of · ·said plat; Thence soutlJ_erJy alo~g tl_ie east _l_ine of said Lot 4, to the southeast co~er thereof; Thenc~ westerly along the south lines of Lots 4 thru :Z inclusive of Block 3 of said plat, to the. southwest corner of said Lot 2, said southwest corner of said Lot 2 also being the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 3 of said plat; · · · · Thence northerly along the east line of said Lot 1 to t..1:te north~ast comer thereof; Thence w~~t~Tfy .ilortg the. north line of said Lot 1. -Said nprth line Or said Lot l also being th~: southeriy right-of-way line of SE 102nd Street (NE 22nd Place), to the northwest comer thereof, said northwest corner of Said lot I also being a point on_the east line ofi.ot 6, Sierra Heights, Div. No. 2; Thence northerly aJOng the east line of said Lot 6, to the northeast comer·thereof; .. j ' ·!. r ' Thence westerly along the north line; of Lots 6 thru 4 inclusive of ,;,;id plat and along the southerly right- of-way line of SE 102nd Street (NE 22nd Place), to the northwest corner of said Lot 4, said north.we·st comer of said Lot 4 also .being_ a point of the easterly right-of-way line of 128th Avenue SE (Queen Avenue NE); Thence southerly along the easterly right-of-way line of 128th Avenus SE (Queen Avenue NE) ar.d its southerly extension crossing NE 22nd Street (SE 103rd Street) and NE 21st Street (SE 104th Street), to an· intersection with the north line of the southeast quarter of said Section 4; Thence easterly along the ·nor.th.:.Jine of said southeast quarter, to an intersection with the east line ·of the west one-half of the northwest·quarter: of the northeast quartet of the southeast quarter of said Section 4; Th~nce southerly along the east line of said subdivision, to an intersection with the northerly right•of~way line of NE 19th Strcer (SE 106th Street); . Thence westerly along said northerly right-of-)vay line of NE 19th Street (SE 106th Street), to an intersecti~n wi~· the east. line of the nor!hwest quarter of the soulhe3.St quarter of s_aid Section 4; Thence northerly along the cast. line of said subdivision, to an intersection with the sollth line of the north 280 feet thereof; · Thence westerly along said line which lies 280 feet south of, and parallel to, the north. line of the · northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 4, to an iniersection with the easterly line of the Plat of Sierra Heights, Div. 3, as recorded in Volume 61 of Plats, Page 53, Records of King County, Washington; · · · Thence northwesterly along said easterly line of the Plat of Sierra Heights, Div. 3, to the southeast corner of Lot 6 of said plat; · Thence westerly along the south line of said Lot 6, a1,d its westerly f!xtension across 126th Avenue SE, to the southeast corner of Lot 1 of said plat; Thence continuing ·.westerly along the south line of said Lot 7, to the southwest c_omer thereof, said southwest corner also _being a point on the east line of Lot 9 o~ said plat; Thcn_ce sotltherly alOng.-the east line of said Lot 9, to the southeast ~rner thereof; Thence westerly along the south lines of Lots 9 and 10 of said plat, to the southwest comer of said Lot 10, said southwest corner of Lot 10 also being a point on the west line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quartet of the southe_ast qu~rter of said Section 4; . Thence northerly along the west line of said Lot JO and along said westline of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter or the southeast' quarter Of said Section 4, to an. intersection with the north linC of the· southea.5t qu3.rter of said Section.·4-, Said north line also being the so_uth line of the northeast quarter of said Section 4 and the.centerline of NE 21st Street (SE 104th Street), said right-of-way being 60 feet in width; . . . . . Thence easterly along the centerline of NE 21st ~.reet (SE 104th Street), to an· intersection with the soetheasterly extension of the westerly line of Lot 7, Block E, Albert Balch's Sierra Heights No. 5, as recorded in Volume 65 of Pia.ts, Pages 30-31, Records of King County. Washington; 94:..640.DOC/bh i ! ;! j I . '. . ., \ i I 1 l f , I ' ! ' ' : ' . ' -;-',-- I Thence northwesterly along said southeasterly extension and the westerly line of Lot 7 of said plat, to the northwest comer the.reof, said northwest comer of Lot 7 also being the southwest comer of Lot 6 of said plat;· · Thence continuing northwesterly along the westerly line of said Lot 6, to an intersection with the northerly line of the southerly 24 feet thereof; · Thence northeasterly along said line which lies 24 feet northerly of, and parallel io, the southerly line of said Lot 6, to an intersection with the easterly line of Lot 6, said easterly line of Lot 6 also being the westerly line of the plat of.Albert Balch's Sierra Heights No. 4, as recorded in Volume 61 of Plats, Page 18, Records of King County, Washington; · Thence southeasterly along the westerly line of' Albert Balch's Sierra Heights No. 4, to the northwest . corner of Lot 9, Block 5" of said pla~; · · .. Thence northeasterly along the northerly line of said Lot 9, Block 5, to the northeast comer thereof; · Tlience southeasterly across 126th Ave~ue SE, to the northwest comer of Lot U, Block 2 of said plat;. Thence northeasterly along the northerly line of said Lot 11, Block 2, to the northeast corner thereof; Therice east_erly :;ici:oss a portion· of a Seattle City· Light-U'ansmission line ease~ent, an approximate· distance of 110 ·feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the west line of Block I of said plat, said point of intersection also meets with a line which lies 8ff feet south of, and parallel to, the north line of Lot 19, Block l of said plat; · Thence nc1*11westerly along the westerly line of said Block !, to the northwest comer of Lot 12, Block I of, id plat; Thence easterly along the north line of &;,id Lot I,, Block l, to tl1e northeast comer thereof, said northeast corner also being a point on the westerly right-of-wa;-line of !28th Avenue SE (Queen Avenue NE), said right-of-way being 60 feet in width; · Thence northerly along the east line of Block I of said p;;it and alon:;, the westerly right-of-way line. of 128th AVenue SE (Queen" Averiue NE), to an intersection with the westerly extension of the north linC of the Plat of Sierra Heights Div .. No. 2; · Thence easterly along the westerly extension of the north line of said plat, across !28th Avenue SE (Queen Avenue NE), to the northwest comer of Lot 3 of said plat and the point of beginning. 94---640. OOC:fbh i t . . . . - I l A I . -- { EXHIBIT 'D' ZONED FRONT FOOT CHARGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #_92-13 SIERRA HEiGHTS SEWER U.IPROVEMENT I '~'..,.-..--r~~-'*' ,--...,.__ ..........J---.--1M f---'-.r--k--,---,+.~ ---Collector Llnes Potential Benefit From Collec&.:,r Llnes I---, 1 Local · rmprovement l District ___ ..... .. '. ~Tr?t fl . ' .~11 .• , / . " ' '"'"-"f-:.. ;·"':, • .. ~ ' I I EXHIBIT "E" HESS PARCEL The west o~e-half of the·. northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southeast q_u.arter of Section 4, Township 23 Nonn, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington. Less County Road. · 94.(-.4J.D0C\,bb ;:, I ' J l ~ 1 i . ·} i i I i l i I I ··11 . _,-; ·. ·-·~ .....•. . . -·· . ! .. !.,:~ ..... .tr) '2· i ! I" I . ' "" ,.,. i ff' '1~ ' J i \p ! ' CJ'. ..... ~- . , .. Ptn'lf•d fM Dl1lributiot1 by Lowyers TIii• IMut= Coip.. Real. Es.i:ate Contract ntrs AGP..EEMENT, IM« ,nd ~1~~d ;,,rn this 29th rf1r ~ September, ).958 . ~~. ~ CHE:S'I'ER YARD and GLADYS WARD, his wife . ·,, , . . .t. . l=rinaft~ C11IW ,he "sdkr," and JOHN 11'. FRIEDKANN Altd URSULA FRIEDH.4.JtK, hi_~ ,i,ue· ht:ttinafttr c-alled the "purdw«," , wrTNESSETH: Tli1r rhe-!l('ll~ 1,11:rees 10 sd! to the pun::h2,;r 1nd the r,i.ttt"hu.er 1,11:l'ttS n, pun::bisc of th.: idler the follo'Wi"B: dc,1,CT1kd real cstne si1u11c in Kini, County, Stire of w~~hin,Rton, ro-wi1: South 392.7 feet o! the north 785.4 feet of the east 555,64 feet of the northeast quarter of the northWest quarter of section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., in Kine· county, Washington; 'IOGE1lDCR with the west 60 feet of the east 555.64 feet of the uort·b 392. 7 foet of the northeast quarter of the north- west quartor of said Section 4; EXCEPT county road. wi1h W q,pttncn:anccs. Oil l'~ ColJo.,ing ,~rms 1nJ conditions: TIie purchal' price fur said dcscribcd pmnim ii thr sumnf Ftve niousand and 001100 ---------------------•------Dolbtt. of which r~ 111111 of On:, 'Jbousand and 00/100 --------------------DoUan hu 1his d1r hem pzid, 1~ rftftpr whn-rof is h=br 1dcr.awledged, md the babt'I« of .. id purcltnc prin: in ,he tbllll of Four Thousand and 00/100 -------------------------· Doi'-& shall~ raid IS f'otlo-s: $40.00 Or more CU tbe 3Qtb··da1 Of October :1958 ''&ftd like sum or 1110re on the 30th day of each and every montb thereafter until paid .in full, eacH of such payments to include inti:reat at_the ~rate of 6 par cent per a.nnWll on the deferred_ pri:ncip:.l'.ba.lances.· Selltir aball forth- with deed·to purchaser tbe access strip abovo described (60x 392.7 feet) and the. west 1/3 of tha north l/2 of. 1:b.G a.bevc :!::::c:i~d 5, acre:,;. upon payment of each additional thousand dollars.upon principal, 9eller shall deed to purchaser by warranty deed an additional 1/6.ot said 5 acres. provided that each parcel releaGod aball be contiguoua with pre- viously :released parcel ii, , .,. .. , .. . . _ . . . ._ .. PU~cbaser and aeller each agree to ·give th.a other reasonable easement for public water supply when the aam.e becomes available •. Durinc the term of. thia co:tract purchaser may use the ~eceaa road·near the 60.foot strip above.described, and 1! the said road should be sold or obstructed during the term of this coatract, seiler shall clear and grade reaaon&ble accees. __ on the aforedeecribed 60 foot striPi provided that seller shall not be.responsible 1or erosion or the exi&ting road nor ob:tr~ction thereof by trowth of v3gGt~tion, PU.rchaser shall pay a.ddi tional legal fees &nd stamp taxes oc~si·oD9d by ~leeee of ac~s~~ •nd ~~~cytfQn of .deeds•• herein provided. ' i. I ' 1. 1 ·_, ,. ;-=-·· I I I J i ·i'".;;;. ___ ' . l_o_CT 2 ···~. v• .,, J .. ~--~.·.. ;:~:i,;_·,_~_;::..;_..;-:;_~~-~~~~-:;_:,,. .. ~::.~::.::-_~~ .::'.·~:.~-;;:~3F~:··.c·.:,~-·~;--:7--:_ ~·-·v:r~ ,-·"·:~ -,~_'.'""t;;r C'), 1imt ;. of1ht ~ of 1hl$ ~th~, .~din_ n1e.thc:··~u~~~~ :~i ~,,r~ !;;.::;~1:k~~~~'(;:? ·: ., . ··--t.-:---~. ~. pn,mp,lr at I~'* [h(' mnt:lh11J f.il] du.-, . .iJon'l:inbd~ 1J>«i.hed, lft'J'rtJfflf't]J to~ lfty C'O'l'Cftlffl DC'.~:~ ·: :·, .. :.~ men, 1(onnid. :he seller im1· d«t to ltffllln11e [his con1t:1c1_, ind "ran 111th d«tion being made tD rl&'btl ol the pur-. . \·::·· ',; chncr heraindcr shall cc:u(' and d~1~rminc, and 1ny p1ymrnu thctctnfure m~Je Mteut1drr br I~ purditltt 1httl K I .. . _ttui~Nf by the-1c:llcr in liquld..itiOfl of all d,m11:ci sumiml l,y-~JOII of suth failutc\ a~ no •aim br .. the .acllct ol :;~ :,., • Illy acf111J1 on 1'1(-r&l'I of d,e rurrlincr .Jul! be: con.trNNI n I. WIITCI' nf IIIJ Jll~t'!\f JcuuJt. · ....• ~~ ;_,;.,:._ I t/· r.,,_;:~ -:·"''··-· -• ~ •-,, • , •.•• : •• __ __.: ....... --.~ .... , __ ..... : .•. ___ :_,,,,_ .•.• _·,;.. -I• ..• _ .. _. · Sc"1« u!'O" r,irch~ or.'in -arn;;~,k;"roOrim ffl' rtd1CT riJ!tti"wirh "'~ ffl 1uch dttlartdon r,f-bfritatt and -. r 1 :.:.:·. !a"ffliniiion m,y b( ma& hr U.S. RcAiS1o:tC"d M:1il, 1en1 ttl f"ltChl$Cr u•dMWWLJ Ji~..!.7.2ll.S• I. .. '.· · 29th St, lfer_cer ta,'·. l'Alh_·"' 'H""h Othn .'dJrm _111 i:hc'-parchucr_ may in_ ~nna_ lndl= '° the acll<,:· :'J /!d <Ii n.e l'U«hill('r dull be ~,nid~ io ~$(:ision or~id Fr~~·~·~_; .. -~ .. · vdat:e· 'h8r8of ~ '~ ~ '' · .... ,"·,,i · '"":· · -i:~-.. ::· me! to tttai_n poueuioro 10 Ian, n purdm<T is nor in defaul,. hncur,clci, The putchi'Cf JJfCff IO kcq, 11,(' ltlrildillJI,. -' -r··-_:'~-- me! ocher i111provrmm11 oo the prcmi1,:s in ,i;<>O<I rcpur 2nd IIO( 10 pctfflil wutt 1od root IO 1uc the: pttmisr, lor 1nr. '.'..':'. :~:-::: ~tthi~ raif,'1n mah: •nr paymrnt ~ 10 in,uff" 1hr prc-~IH\ u i>cr..!11 rwn•td~ fo,, 1hc-,cl;er_·M~: f!{· IIUkc JUC"h (Q)'nt.fflt Of c:lfcrt :nach" ifl:lur,nCC', and IOr nnuunl ... r:,:iJ. \>y Ike' KIJcr, fogtthrt with iiltffClf It tb,e ,ntr . Vi}/. el 1i,q. re, lflnum rhcm:m from duC" of r,.ymcnt unii ~<l. 1h11] ~ dn'mcd a _rm of 1~ pun:h!lt price and !,«ow ' · . ., · · ~ lotth•frh. ·" wkt,oo, rrcjudke '" any nth<:r ri,l(h1 thC' :sc11i:r mi,l(hl h.m: lry fC'tot nr such default, . . n::--·: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, rht-pa:ni~ ~' have .nmncd this itmnirantt in durlkatr:: 1M' day and JC*I' fine hciein , e1f. wriitrro.-. ". '· ·.· .. ."r,'.--·,,,;.;;~'·d ·• :., -··: .. _. -.,· ,·, --·. _.. ·.,,_..·;_; .. _ .. ·,.-~'., ··:;:t:~-~,~---· ,,Jg?· ,LR::. J~i?:=?;,,1 . .:: ~ ,,. 'c';;::.:~,·· , .. -·-----~----~, l"i' ~~·O'. ~ (~· '" ·i#f iiif _r: :~-~-:~:::;:-! .. , r'.~- · :t.r;·· ·r; ::1.:,: i '''?·r.-,. \•; .,., .r·7 '.-. ·'·"'"':. 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Givro U:nd~ fflf)U:iid,..incJ_officfll ~f rhts··.~,;.t~t,·.:r~ ... C>t(·' septem.~· ·t1f68~ :., : .. r. '.r~ ·r ::~,,. ~ :,~ _'"•~ ... ·F·-~~l·~,i;::··_;,_:,,,"·'"· ~-;~-': ;•, ,,;;l'l.,/:; ,,_,rc,;;.V ~,r,1,·,1 WHEN :RECOR.Dc0, Rr.-nJRN' TO ~ .. .. Cl 0 u u .. n .a ;., ... ,,.,. John w. Friedm!.:.nn 7225 S. E. 29th St. Morcer Island, Washington ... ,: ;:_ -~.: .... " 'J···· ~-~-,. :· ,, (Jf': -: o· ::·~··, . . -~-·. )"' \. •. ,. i ' L :-_ ' ! 8 3 0;:Jled by WTI :...i-_· ·-· -'---------'----· _.;..;;· .,...,, ,;t.:.k~=.?-... ' ..... .,;,. ,,>,,/t-~-~.·•,_.·; AA·"*" l,29 MAM ZiZA!. ,WO. ;_q';_ ...~ .. ,;.,, .. ~~~· .. ~_:- ~?. OJ2 ¢ .j . ~ . f / 1 \fheh :rcc~ded, plco.sa return to: :-- ~1 .i I I> ."o. Box 146 QUIT-CLAIM DEED '11 I • Lydia Decastro Svetich 1c grniuor.--1ercnl--------····---.. ··--·-------·--________ .. _ .. ___ .. ___ _ for the c:onsitlcrn1ion or...t1:n...J2QUJM:a_[Sl.Q)_fi::.Q.the~nod & valuable consideration Dollars onJ also or bcmdi1s to occruc 10 .. , ___ _ ___ by rc;111on or laying out and u1ablishins a public ·----property, ;rnd •l1ich b l1crc-inaCtcr dcscribc:d, convc1-rclcaSe.-, and 11ui1•claim_10 dtc ~ity or ~""""'""'t0Jooo....----------S1a1c of Wasl1inston, for use of the PuLlic furc,cr, ui • rublic rondond hicllwny, oll interest in _die lollowing dc:sciribcd real Hlatc, including any ofter ncquif'Cd dclc. . . The west •ixty feet ot thet'.'east 555,64 teat of tli~·,90atl\ 392."70' teet o.( the north 78S.40 of the of.the ·Nor~ea_st ·quarter of the northwest quarte:r of Sec. 4''l'23H Range 5, East w.M. !a.nq County, Washington. - · STATEOFNEVADA ) l )Sa COUNTY OF__,,,Lwcb""'ui,:/:&,s..<.J~----) ., On ~,I( 25; 1gc, I personally appeared before me, a notary pubHc. ---- L::,iO.io, Dr t'od:rn "SYebcn . personally known ( or proved) to me10 be the person whose name Is subscnbed to the above instrument, who acknowledged that _;;a he_ execuled the above instrument I !!~Noa~c =LJ • !· 1 i E tocether wilh the rigb~ t:o make aU neemu1r7 elopea for cuts and 4Ua upon lhe abutting properl7 ud ao ~ eael Iida o! uid .deacribed rigbt-of•wa1, In conformit7 ,rU.h atandard plaue and. 1peoiflcaliou for blgh,r17 if. purpoaea, and to Ute ta.me e:r.teat. and.purpoaa u if the right. herein gm.led had bes aequind. b7 eoa.demnation t' r:i proCt!:edinga un•ler Eminent Domain. tb,tutca of the SU.te ol Wublnrton. I •ituated in lbo Count,' of Slate of Waa!aiagton. • ; ~WIT;:'.bl• 9 d,ror ~5 ... _ I J.--. ·'""7! ~ 1 ·. i ~-·. ..-r~~· ~ 0 0 • 0 0 • \ "' "' ' "' ... ' " 0 .. "' .. [; ... .. "' ' l ... :--·---·==~--~~=-~==:=~~:~:~~~---~=---~=----,. .. .S!S .. .i.:: ,J.t&, · ~'li'=W'."-'44/r-··,-~·...-: .. ·· .. ~ .. t ......... ~ =>ml -"I -, i ~ Ill ij .-t-e-, ~ {" 0 II) ~ 0 .. -:,· .... ~-;·- STATB OP WASHINGTON } ... COUNTY OP---·····-···-··-···-··-········ ind for tba State of Wuh~ct.oa. dat, eammhiloned a.nd sworn, p11nonallt 01.me--------·- ------------to mt Jmon lo bt tilt lnlll'!'ld•L-- dcecribed Jn and.--t!zaauhd the wHhln inltrumt111t uul aaknowledged to me th1L--·'pea &Dd 1aal11d the 11ms U--·---'""ree ud nhmb.rt ul and deed tor the 'Utlll and purpoH 1htre1A mentioned. WJtne11 m1 bud ud omcl11l 1eal the d17 and 7eat tlrtt abon wr:IUen. N1Jbl'J' Palilie In 11.ttd Im: th111 Stab of Wuhlnglon. rcddiuc •"'--------------- STATB OP WASHINGTON } . .. COUNTY OF-··-·-·······-··-·---········· . . 011 IIIC---·----d&J" of.------------lt--. Nfon me,,• NoWT Pul,lio :bl 1 111d [or the Stnle ar Wuhlngton. dulr eomminia_ned and ,woni. penonaU7 cam1----·----..,- j ) --···---------------· ta mt bon tG be tbt ladivlddaL- J deaeribed--in and -xeeuted the within instrument. and:acbowledged ta m11t thet · 11gned and 1enled the same .._ _____ ..,.._..tree ·and ,o!untarr ut and deed. for the uu ud purpon Uienla. mentionl!d. Witness ruy hand and offleinl 1e11I tlie cla7 and yetLl' lrat abo:,e written. . -·----------------· Notcar1 rublic ln. and for the Slate or Waahtaglon, ruklinc •L-·--------------- J i r A '1 • A ..... ·. -·-; ··.:: } ..• -: . '· f:·::• ,·;· ! ,:,•;. DEva.DPMe C,;y OF 'lJ_ p~I""' 'TC:N'fQty "U PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON. INC. MAR ~ 6 2007 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Fil:~1:,v-~o Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.com) I;, Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Charlie Bell (charliebell@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206) 343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 Baima & Holmberg 100 Front Street South Issaquah, Washington 98027 Attention: Cam Your Ref.: 2534-001 Title order No. 643624 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A GENTLEMEN: In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: As on Schedule A, page 2, attached. IS VESTED IN: KIET PHUNG and ROSE ONG, husband and wife SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE: TAX: $250.00 $ 22.00 TOTAL CHARGE: $272.00 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: January 22, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. PACIFIC NORTHWEST WASHIN~N, INC. Mike Sharkey Senior Title Officer unit No. 12 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A Page 2 Order No. 643624 The land referred to in this certificate is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows, Lot 45, Honey Creek Ridge, Division No. 3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 178 of Plats, pages 76 through 78, inclusive, in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Order No. 643624 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c} water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. Order No. 643624 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Easement provisions, covenants, conditions, restrictions, dedications, agreements, notes, and other matters, as contained in the plat of Honey Creek Ridge Division No. 3 recorded in Volume 178 of Plats, pages 76 through 78, in King County, Washington, as hereto attached. 2. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: IN FAVOR OF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: John W. Friedmann and Ursula Friedmann, his wife Public water supply The description contained therein is not sufficient to determine its exact location within the property herein described September 29, 1958 4949855 3. RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: March 17, 1988 8803170270 Said premises and other property There shall be no development, site plan or planned unit development approval upon the property without the City being provided with geotechnical studies regarding the site and fire and police services are provided. 4. RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, AS HERETO ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: January 14, 1991. 9101140964 (continued) SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 3 Order No. 643624 5. RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND LIABILITY TO ASSESSMENTS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, AS HERETO ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER, July 13, 1995 9507131262 AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION OF SAID RESTRICTIONS, AS HERETO ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: November 6, 1997 9711060770 6. Area charges, front footage charges, and connection fees for sewer service, as disclosed by City of Renton Ordinance Numbers 4025 and 4482, establishing a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District: RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBERS: December 3, 1986 and December 2, 1994 8612031455 and 9412020474 7. Right of the public to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon said premises in the reasonable original grading of streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat. 8. RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS GRANTED IN DEED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER, GRANTEE: July 13, 1995 9507131258 City of Renton (continued) SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 4 Order No. 643624 9. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE ON FEBRUARY 1511!: YEAR: AMOUNT: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2007 NOT YET AVAILABLE 344982-0450-09 2104 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $184,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 NOTE: General taxes for 2006 in the sum of $1,918.39 have been paid. NOTE: Special taxes for 2006 in the sum of $11.50 have been paid. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Jeff Olsen Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. CLS/20050818002441 TO• Baima & Holmberg 100 Front Street south Issaquah, Washington ~8027 Attn, Cam Ref.I 2534-001 21S Columbia Strecl Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT# l PNWT Order Number; 643624 The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • The following has been added as paragraph 10, 10. BASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, . BUT HOT l.IMITED TO, THE FOl.l.OWING: RES:sRVBD BY: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RBCORDBD: RECORDING NllMB.13R: Delmar l. Maas and Johanna Maas hiswife ingress, egress and utilities The north and east 20 .oo feet of the subject parcel and other property May 18, l.966 6030176 Note: Said easement is also delineated on the face of the Plat. • Except as to the matters reported hereinabove, the title to the property covered by this order has NOT been re- examined Dated as of February 7, 2007 at B:00 a.m. xx PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By• Xike Sharkey Title Officer Phone Humber, 206•343·1327 Honey Creek Ridge Div No. 03 178/76-78 15.0'5 150 , ~ ~ "' ,,;o .. ~ .... cf->"% Ill"' .... ~·.o, ?"~-"' " ' A .... ,7. ?2 .... <Sn PACIFIC NOR1HWEST TITLE Order No. 643624 Company of Washington, Inc. IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. N