HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-07-056_Misc.... (/) -0 4.99 AC, 658.9S ® 50 S,06At . @) DEVELOPME:..NT rLANNIM., CITY OF R~r,rrrn,, MAY 2 5 2007 RECEIVEfJ 3.84Ac. @) .8'2 2ou1 $ I I 9 : ~1 I m-, I 10 I I I ,~zj i • !!: I ,..Q... I ;&..: 1::f! 1------ 1~ I I .i 17 - ,. ,; Renton City Limits Parcels ~ -1,000 SCALE 1 : 16,480 -I 0 1,000 FEET http ://rentonnet.org/MapGuide/maps/Parcel.mwf Renton J 2,000 3,000 I (<;,t n: .. N A EXHIBIT 2 St. 8 R-8 R-8 S 34th St. ZONING P/B.IPW TECHNICAL SEB.VICJ!S 01/28/07 G4 • 20 T23N R5E W 1/2 RM-F R-8 R-8 R-8 C£l Q) C£l > UJ en <i:: ..c: Q) ~ ........, > UJ l.() <i:: 0 <l.) ........ ..c: ........, ;:> co <i:: 0 ........ ..c: ........, co 0 ,--< SE 172nd St. SE 172nd S 14 • 32 T23N RSE W 1/2 Renton City Limit,, 1,.~800 SE 173rdS t ---, --~ • 1 ~! l I I , 29 T23N R5E EXHI BIT 3 ZONING MAP BOOK 7 92 93 455 f \ 82 · 83 · B . 456 8 ·--. .i 26 T24N R4E 25 T24N R4E 30 T24N R5E 29 T 24N R5 28 T24N R5E 81 94W 455W 1457 ! 458 C1 C2 c4 C5 · 35 T24N R4E 36 T24N R4E 31 T24N RSE 32T24N R5E 306 307 ,~.sw "ae8 ' 309 3 \.- 102 D3 \D4 · o§ D1 2 T23N R4E 23N R4E T23N RSE 4 T23N R5E E2 12T23N R4E 0 32b'"' 326 -F 1\" -"f2J ',' ·. \ 4 T23N R4 E \ 13 T23N R4E 334 \335 ' G1 G2 3T23N R4E 24 T23N R4E 44 34 "~2 I 25T23r\lR4E / ~o ~351 : ) _.'.L_ _____ - 1 12 36 T23N A4E 607 J2 18T23N RSE 336 G3 19 T23N RSE 600 H3 ~- 30T23N RSE 603 _--IB I 31 T23 RSE 369 E4 E5 8 T23N RSE 9 T 23N R5E 328 370 F4 -F5 17 T23N RSE 337 32T23N RSE 16 T23N RSE 371 15 0 33T23N R9E 6 08 i 609 610 J3 -:_. ~4-··· J5 459 i ...__ __ _ 86 1.AKBIIOQF.S 27 T24N ASE 460 464 ! -------.J C6 -c7 35 ik4N RSE 801 7 810 8!M -~·-n 14 T 23N RSE 816 820 821 , H6 H7 27 T23N RSE 26 T23N ASE 825 826 '17 34 T23N RSE 35 T23N RSE 632 833 J7 22N R4E 1 T 22 N A4E 6 T22N ASE 5 T22N RSE 4 T22N R5E 3 T22N RSE 2 T22N RSE RESIDENTIAL ~ Resource Co n serve.lion ~ Residential 1 du /ac g Resi dential 4 du/ac B Res ide oUal 8 du/ac ~ Residential Ma nuh.c l ured HomcR ~ Re,idenlial 10 du/ac MIXED ust· CENTER EJ Center Village ju:-M I Urban Cent er -North 1 !uc-t.2j Urban Center -No rth 2 ~ Cenle r Do wntown• ~ Commerc i al/Office/Re s ide nlia l CO MMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL W [nduslria1 -Heavy 0 lndu1trial -Me d ium 0 lnduslrial -Lighl <P> Publicly owned -----Renton City Limil.8 -·--·-Adjacenl Ci ly Limits 2, E 25 8 lA 3€ s t.A ,nx· 1 T, 8 Retiidtmlial 14 du/$C ~ Commerc ial Arteria l• ~ Commerc i al Office• -Book Pages Boundary I R.oit-r l ResidenUaJ MulU-PamUy jRM-T I Residential Multi-Family Trad jtional IR"i-u j Re1!!1i denUe.l Mu l U-Fa.mily Urban Center• Printed by Print & Mail Services, City of Renton ~ Commer oia.l Ne ighborhood • May inolude Overlay Dis trict.JI. See Appendlx maps. For addiliocal r e&ulaUons in Overlay Di•trlc~. pl ease see RIIC 4-3. KROLL PAG E PAGE# INDEX SECT'TOWN:'RAHGE Renton City Limits Parcels SCALE 1 : 2,060 Renton 100 0 1 00 F EE T 200 300 \\ I AU-f:hS f'e 1..-T o .J P P.o P E-12--,Y http://rentonnet.org/MapG uide/maps/Parcel . mwf EXHIBIT 4 ~ :; ::, ~ s l i j ~-~ ~,xC:: i~-1 ·~:) -z~ PETAi. OF ntl! IIWJal' --:ll!:oltC: ,._ Jd BENSON RIDGE A POR110N OF THE Nrr 1/4 OF THE SIY 1/4 SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY. 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I Lor/151 I ~ /I 1 1 ,V../ ,' ,' ,' ji ,' H/ i ~ I I I// ':w' O ,V / ,' I ,'ii ,' ·. / i' "" ... = = 0 ,., ::;"" ,' 11 I *-/ / I/ / I J:,.,; I I/ / I I .. ,,, / i ,' ,' ,' ,' / ,I / I I I I I ft,' I 1,11/-f"K' ,i' ,' 1 I / I l I ---_, / / \ ' • ' ' ' ,LOT' 6 ii ' 'j • ' ' ' , , K~) ~ , ' .~ ,U' , LOT' 5 ' ' ' £ l ii o' '' ' ' I I ' ' 8 ~ NS8'22'onl:c ' \LOT 1 4 \ I \l •-0 ~2 ~B ~ ~ " l:' '"C :,: N () Ul () ~ .. r-< "' ' ' \ _\ J..1,;\ ' z " ~ ----~ > is PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning I Building I Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: September 4, 2007 Project Name: Owners: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Summary: . Project Location: Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat Steve Pelton; 3020 Issaquah-Pine Lake Rd SE #256; Sammamish WA 98075 Ray Sled; 3401 Benson Dr S; Renton WA 98055 Evergreen Home Investments; 3020 Issaquah-Pine Lake Rd SE #256; Sammamish WA 98075 Jim Hanson; Hanson Consulting; 17446 Mallard Cove Ln; Mt Vernon WA 98274 LUA-07-056, ECF, PP Project Manager: Elizabeth Higgins, AICP The applicant* is requesting Preliminary Plat approval for subdivision of 2 parcels of land totalling 1.72 acres into lots suitable for single-family residential development and one tract. The property is located on Benson Drive South (State Route 515) at South 341" Street. The land is currently used for two, single-family residential houses. All existing structures on the property would be removed. The proposed subdivision would create 9 lots suitable for single-family residential development. The lots would range in size from approximately 4,851 sq ft to 8,584 sq ft. The density of the plat would be 6.1 dwelling units per net acre, which is within the range allowed by the prevailing Residential 8 zone . 3401 Benson Dr Sand 3451 Cedar Ave S * Note: "applicant" is the project proponent and applicant for the current land use action. References to future responsibilities of the "applicant" should be interpreted to mean future landowner, developer, or project proponent. Development approvals and conditions of approval are associated with the project'property and not individuals. City of Renton P!BJPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056 ECF, PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Page 2of 13 8. HEARING EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Neighborhood Detail Map (aerial photograph) Zoning Map (dated 02/16/06) Site Conditions (aerial photograph) Site Plan Tree Inventory Landscape Plan C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owners of Record: Steve Pelton; 3020 Issaquah-Pine Lake Rd SE #256; Sammamish WA 98075 2. Zoning Designation: Ray Sled; 3401 Benson Dr S; Renton WA 98055 Residential -8 (8 dwelling units per net acre) Residential Single-family (RSF) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: Residential (two single-family houses with associated outbuildings) 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Winsper II; single-family residential, Residential 8 Zone East: Benson Drive South (SR 515) South: Winsper II; single-family residential, Residential 8 Zone West: Winsper II; single-family residential, Residential 8 Zone 6. 7. Access: Site Area: Benson Dr S via new public street 1. 72 acres (74,862 gross square feet) D. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Lot Line Adjustment Annexation Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use File No. LUA06-117, LLA NIA NIA NIA Ordinance No./Recording No. 20070125900018 4476 4760 4760 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards HEX report Benson Ridge.doc Date 01/25/07 10/26/1994 04/21/1998 04121/1998 City of Renton PIB/PW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations Section 4-4-070: Landscaping Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP Page3of13 Section 4-7-050: General Outline of Subdivision, Short Plat and Lot Line Adjustment Procedures Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-160: Residential Blocks -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-220: Hillside Subdivisions 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Community Design Element: New Development; Site Planning; Architecture; Landscaping; Streets, Sidewalks, and Streetscape Objectives and Policies 2. Housing: Objectives and Policies 3. Land Use Element: Residential Single Family Objectives and Policies. G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The proposed Benson Ridge Plat would be located in south Renton, west of Benson Dr S. (Exhibit 2) The site consists of 2 tax parcels of 37,622 sf (0.86 A) on the north and 31,026 sf (0.71 A) on the south. There are single-family residential structures, a swimming pool, and outbuildings on the lots. The properties were developed in the late 1950s and mid-70s, prior to annexation into the City of Renton. The density of the 2 lots. at about 5.24 dwelling unit per net acre (du/a), is lower than recent development in the vicinity. The Windsper II subdivision is within the Residential 8 zone (R-8), which allows up to 8 du/a. The project site is also zoned R-8, which implements the Single-family Residential Comprehensive Plan land use designation. (Exhibit 3) The site is 74,862 gsf ( 1. 72 acres) in size. Critical areas, consisting of slopes up to 40 percent or more, would be excluded from the gross site area and would be delineated within a 3,553 sf tract (Tract A). A public street would be provided for direct or indirect access to Lots 1 through 6, 8, and 9. The public street area would be 6,021 sf and would be deducted from the gross site area, as would 1,689 sf of area for private access easements. (Exhibit 4) The net area remaining for development would be 63,59g sf. The density of the proposed 9 lot development would be 6.1 du/a. The proposed subdivision would result in 9 lots with an average lot size of 8,720 sf. (Exhibit 5) Lots would range in size from approximately 4,851 sq ft to 8,584 sq ft. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELJMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF. PP Page 4 of 13 About half the lots would be irregularly shaped including 2 that would have pipestems. The others would be generally rectangular. The proposed project abuts the Winsper Division II subdivision on the north, west, and south. Benson Dr S (State Route 515) abuts the project site along the east. The area is developed with single-family houses and is zoned for single-family residential use to the north, west, and south. The area to the east, across Benson Dr S is unincorporated King County. Access would be from Benson Drive South, abutting the east side of the site, and from an access easement granted by the Winsper II development. A public street, S 34th Street, dead- ends to the west side of the site. The site slopes down from east to west at an average grade of about 23 percent. Trees are located primarily along the east side. Benson Dr S is a managed-access state route (SR 515). A modification has been requested to allow this street to be built within a 42 foot right-of-way, which is below the adopted street standards. Lots 3 through 6 would front on the new public street. Shared driveways and access easements would connect Lots 1, 2, 8, and 9 to the new public street. Lot 7 would be accessed from Cedar Ave S by a 10 foot wide existing access easement and parallel 10 foot wide tract (Tract 'C' of Winsper II). Cedar Ave S very closely parallels Benson Dr S. Connection to an existing street to the west, S 341" St, would not be feasible due to steep slopes. Utilities may be located within the steep slope tract, but no other work is proposed where slopes are regulated. A tree inventory indicates approximately 127 trees on the site, of which 83 percent would remain following development. (Exhibit 6) Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for roadways, utilities and building pads. A conceptual landscape plan was submitted. (Exhibit 7) 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21 C, 1971 as amended), on July 30, 2007 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat. The DNS-M included six (6) mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on August 6, 2007 and ended on August 20, 2007. No appeals were filed. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of the probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M): 1. The applicant will be required to comply with the recommendations included in the geotechnical report, "Preliminary Site Evaluation," by Bergquist Engineering Services, dated August 25, 2006, with the exception of any revisions included in the required report update. 2. A revised report or letter from the geotechnical consultants shall be required prior to issuance of construction permits, taking into consideration the enlarged site area, changed alignment of the access road, and more detailed information about the site plan HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP Page 5 of 13 and either revising the original recommendations or verifying the recommendations in the original report. 3. The applicant shall be required to provide a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements outlined in Volume II of the most recent Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual. 4. This project shall comply with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control -a.k.a. Level 2) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CRITERIA: Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following preliminary plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the subdivision. (a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan The objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan form the basis for zoning and development regulations for land use and building construction. Although all elements of the Comprehensive Plan apply, the most applicable elements for review of this preliminary plat are Community Design, Environmental, Housing, and Land Use. ~ o-6rr {" ~ - Community Design Element -New Development 1} ~ _ Site Planning Objective CD-D: New neighborhood development patterns should be consistent with Renton's established neighborhoods and have an interconnected road network. The access street is perpendicular to Benson Dr S, but is not connected to S 34th St on the west due to slopes in excess of 40 percent. Policy CD-15: Land should be subdivided into blocks sized so that walking distances are minimized and convenient routes between destination points are available. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056 ECF PP Page 6of 13 Staff recommends pedestrian access be provided to the S 34th St street-end. Although the slope is too steep for a road, pedestrian access to the west would be feasible. Policy CD-16: During land division, all lots should front on streets or parks. Discourage single-tier lots with rear yards backing onto a street. Due to the irregular shape of the property prior to subdivision, and the steep slopes, only half of the proposed lots would front directly on the new public street. Policy CD-19: During development, significant trees, either individually or in stands, should be preserved, replaced, or as a last option, relocated. Approximately 17 percent of the existing 127 trees would be removed during site construction. Policy CD-26: Streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian or bike paths should be arranged as an interconnecting network. The use of.cul-de-sacs should be discouraged. A grid or "flexible grid" pattern of streets and pathways, with a hierarchy of widths and corresponding traffic volumes, should be used. The new public street would not connect to an extension of S 34th St due to steep slopes. A cul-de-sac is not proposed. Landscaping Policy CD· 50: Trees should be planted along residential streets, in parking lots requiring landscaping, and in other pervious areas as the opportunity arises. Trees should be retained whenever possible and maintained using Best Management Practices as appropriate for each type. The Residential 8 zone requires a minimum of two trees per lot in the front yard setback or within the abutting public right-of way of each lot. A conceptual landscape plan was submitted indicating this requirement would be met. Objective CD-K: Site plans for new development projects for all uses, including residential subdivisions, should include landscape plans. Landscaping is required along street frontages and all pervious areas of lots in the plat. Landscaping along Benson Dr S would be required, but is not shown on the conceptual landscape plan. Although the landscaping is required by Renton Municipal Code, staff recommends submittal of a detailed landscape plan be made a condition of approval indicating all areas required to be landscaped. Installation of the landscaping prior to occupation would be a requirement of the project. Policy CD-53: Landscape plans for proposed development projects should include public entryways, street rights-of-way, stormwater detention ponds, and all common areas. The detailed landscape plan should include proposed landscaping of all public rights-of- way. Policy CD-55: Maintenance programs should be required for landscaped areas in development projects, including entryways, street rights-of-way, stormwater retention/detention ponds, and common areas. Maintenance of common areas would be the responsibility of a Homeowners' Association. Maintenance of landscaping is required by Renton Municipal Code. Staff recommends that formation of a Homeowners' Association be a condition of approval. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Streets, Sidewalks, and Streetscape Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner L UA-07-056, ECF, PP Page 7 of 13 Objective CD-M: Develop a system of residential streets, sidewalks, and alleys that serve both vehicles and pedestrians. Policy CD-60: Criteria should be developed to locate pedestrian and bicycle connections in the City. Criteria should consider: a) Linking residential areas with employment and commercial areas; b) Providing access along arterials; c) Providing access within residential areas; d) Filling gaps in the existing sidewalk system where appropriate; and e) Providing access through open spaces and building entries to shorten walking distances. The proposed preliminary plat would encourage pedestrian and bicycle use by means of a connection to the west. Unfortunately, Benson Dr S is not served by public transportation within walking distance to the project site. Metro route 169 stops at S 21'1 St and Benson Dr S, approximately one mile north. This route runs north-south along Talbot (west of the site) and east-west along Carr Road (south of the site), but there are no through pedestrian connections to these streets. Policy CD-61: Residential streets should be constructed to the narrowest widths (distance from curb to curb) feasible without impeding emergency vehicle access. The streets are planned to be the narrowest allowed by a requested modification of City code. Policy CD-62: Landscaped parking strips should be considered for use as a safety buffer between pedestrians and moving vehicles along arterials and collector streets. Renton Municipal Code requires a five foot (5') landscaped area parallel to and abutting public streets. Policy CD-66: Sidewalks or walking paths should be provided along residential streets. Sidewalk width should be ample to safely and comfortably accommodate pedestrian traffic. Sidewalks would be provided abutting the public streets. Policy CD-71: All utility lines should be placed underground. All utility lines would be placed underground. Housing Element Moderate and Middle Income Housing Objective H-D: Encourage the private sector to provide market rate housing for the widest potential range of income groups including middle-and moderate-income households. Policy H-24: Disperse moderate-income housing in all areas of the City that have vacant land. By approving subdivision of 2 parcels of land into 9 lots, more moderate income housing should be available. Land Use Element The Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat has the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Residential Single-family (RSF). HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Residential Single-family Land Use Designation Preliminary Report ta the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF. PP Page Bal 13 The objective established by the RSF is to designate land for quality residential single-family development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. The intention is that large subdivisions are carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments. The proposed plat is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies for Residential Single-family Land Use. Objective LU-FF: Encourage re-investment and rehabilitation of existing housing, and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods that: 1) Are planned at urban densities and implement Growth Management targets; 2) Promote expansion and use of public transportation; and 3) Make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. The project would provide 9 residential Jots, which would further Growth Management targets. Policy LU-147: Net development densities should fall within a range of 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per net acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. The 9 Jots within the R-8 zone would be at a density of 6. 1 dwelling units per net acre, after the required deductions, and is within the preferred density range of the R-8 zone. Policy LU-148: A minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet should be allowed on in-fill parcels of less than an acre in single-family designations. Allow a reduction in lot size to 4,500 square feet on parcels greater than an acre to create an incentive for aggregation of land. The R-8 zoned portion of the site is larger than one acre, therefore the R-8 lots can be smaller than 5,000. All Jots are 4,500 sf or larger. Policy LU-149: Lot size should exclude private sidewalks, easements, private road, and driveway easements, except alley easements. Lot areas do not include access easements. (b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation. The 1. 72 acre site is zoned Residential -8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development allows for the future construction of up to 9 dwelling units along with associated plat improvements. Density -In the City of Renton, residential density is based on the gross land area less public streets, private access easements, and critical areas. The Benson Ridge property contains approximately 6,021 sf of public streets, 1,689 sf of access easement area, and 3,553 sf of critical area. After the deduction of 11,263 sf from the 74,862 gross square foot parcel (74,862 gsf site -11,263 sf= 63,599 net sf (1.46 A), the proposed plat would have a net overall density of 6.1 dwelling units per acre. (9 units/ 1.46 acres= 6.1 du/ac). The allowable density range in the R-8 zone is between 4 and 8 du/a. The proposed project would be developed within the allowable density range. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP Page 9of 13 Lot Dimensions and Sizes -The minimum lot width in the R-8 zone is 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots. The minimum lot depth of 65 feet. Lot sizes would be between 4,851 sq ft to 8,584 square feet. The plat would create 9 lots and 1 tract with the following sizes and access: Lot Table Lot Area (net square Proposed Access feet) 1 8,584 Shared driveway 2 5,858 Shared drivewav 3 5,501 Public street 4 4,851 Public street 5 5,551 Public street 6 6,331 Public street 7 8,200 Access easement 8 4,896 Public street 9 5,800 Public street and access easement Tract A 10,777 Critical areas Setbacks -The R-8 zone requires minimum front yard setback of 15 feet for the primary structure and 20 feet for attached garages, which access from the front yard street. Side yard setbacks along a street or access easement are 15 feet minimum and 20 feet for garages accessed from the side yard street or access easement. The interior side yard setback is minimum 5 feet. The minimum rear yard setback is 20 feet. There is adequate area on each lot for the Preliminary Plat plan and appear to comply with the setback requirements. The setback lines are not indicated, however. Staff recommends the project applicant submit a plan indicating the setbacks for each lot prior to the issuance of construction permits. The applicant should note that the side yard building setbacks for Lots 3, 4, 6, and 7, which have side yards abutting streets and/or access easements, would be 15 feet. All setbacks would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. Building Standards -The R-8 zone permits one single-family residential structure per lot. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. The 9 proposed lots would support one primary structure on each lot. Building height in the R-8 zone is limited to 2 stories and 30 feet for primary structures and one story and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. Maximum building coverage in the R-8 zone is 50 percent for lots less than 5,000 sf in size and 35 percent or 2,500, whichever is greater, on lots 5,000 sf or greater in size. The proposal's compliance with each of these building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of building permits for each individual structure. Landscaping -The R-8 zone requires off-site landscaping where the plat abuts public streets. The Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat would abut Benson Dr S and a new public street interior to the plat. A five foot wide irrigated or drought resistant landscape strip must be installed and if there is additional undeveloped right-of-way in excess of five feet, this additional width HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Deparlment BENSON RIDGE PREUMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Reporl to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECt=: PP Page 10of 13 must be landscaped. Additionally, a minimum of two trees of a City approved species with a minimum caliper of 1 Y, inches per tree must be planted in the front yard or planting strip of every lot prior to final building occupancy. Landscaping is required for this subdivision (RMC 4-4-070). General landscape requirements include: on-site landscaping along all street frontages, except for walkways and driveways; when rear or side yards are along property lines abutting a street. a minimum of five (5) feet of planting area in the public right-of-way; landscaping of all pervious areas in the Plat including detention ponds (which may be located on the abutting plat), and installation of underground irrigation systems or use of drought resistant plant materials. Specific landscape requirements are also applicable to the preliminary plat including those related to: trees, soils, drainage, plants, and berms as outlined in the landscaping regulations. A tree planting plan was submitted with the application. It indicates planting along public streets. Approval of a detailed landscape plan will be required prior to recording the final plat. (c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangement: Side lot lines are to be at right angles to street lines, and each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private access easement per the requirements of the Street Improvement Ordinance. The side lot lines of the proposed lots are at right angles to street lines. All lots would have direct or indirect access to public roadways. As proposed, lots generally comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Lots: The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Lots 2 through 6 and 8 would be rectangular or nearly so. Lots 1, 7, and 9 are irregular shaped due to the shape of the original parcel (Lots 1 and 7), which is somewhat triangular, or slope (Lot 9). Although the proposed lots appear to have sufficient building area for the development of detached single family homes, a condition of approval is that the Preliminary Plat plan be resubmitted indicating setback lines for each lot showing potential building envelopes. Property Corners at Intersections: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of 15 feet. The proposed subdivision would create Lots 3 and 6 to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way. This lot corner would have a radius equal to or greater than 15 feet. (d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access and Street Improvements: Primary access to the site is proposed via a new public street off the already-improved Benson Dr S. A condition of approval is recommended prohibiting access to lots directly from Benson Dr S. Staff considered the potential connection of S 34th St to Benson Dr S. If S 34th were extended, however, it would cross a slope of approximately 40 percent, which is considered a critical area in the City of Renton. If the street was built at the allowed maximum grade of 15 percent, retaining walls on each side would make the abutting lots inaccessible from the public street. Therefore, a "hammerhead" turn-around has been approved for the street end within the plat. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Page 11 of 13 Street improvements for all public roads including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting are required. A pedestrian connection to the west would be required to further City policy requiring vehicle and pedestrian connectivity (Community Design policies 15, 26, and 60). This access, for pedestrian traffic only, would be located between S 34th S and the Benson Ridge Plat public street. Provision of this pedestrian connection would be a condition of plat approval. Approval of the dimensions and location of this connection would be required prior to recording the Final Plat. Topography: The site has an average slope of approximately 23 percent across the site from east to west. This requires review with the criteria of RMC 4-7-220, "Hillside Subdivisions", which are applicable for sites having an average slope greater than 20 percent (see below). There are steep slopes, up to and possibly exceeding 40 percent within Tract A. Trees, shrubs and grasses, as well as residential landscaping, are present on the site. An inventory submitted by the applicant indicates approximately 127 trees, of which 17 percent would be removed for building, utility, and road construction. The applicant has indicated that sitework would consist of removing cut material from the site and the import of structural material for street and utility bedding. Relationship to Existing Uses: The subject site has two residences and outbuildings, which would be removed. The surrounding neighborhood is comprised of new single family properties. (e) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staffs indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements and fees. The Environmental Review Committee imposed a Fire Mitigation Fee in order to mitigate the project's potential impacts to emergency services. Recreation: It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate additional users of existing City park and recreational facilities and programs. As required by the Environmental Review Committee, a Parks Mitigation Fee will be required prior to the recording of the final plat. Schools: The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District No. 403. Based on the student generation factor, the proposed plat would result in approximately 3 additional students (0.44 x [9-2] = 3). The schools would include: Talbot Hill Elementary (within walking distance), Dimmitt Middle School (transportation by bus), and Renton High School (transportation by bus). The school district has indicated that they would be able to handle to additional students coming from the proposed development. Storm Drainage/Surface Water: Drainage improvements would include curbs, gutters, catch basins, and pipe network for collection of surface water on-site. Runoff would be directed to a combined detention / water quality pond located on Tract 'A'. Landscaping of stormwater tracts is required by RMC 4-4-070. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The proposed development is within the Soos Creek service area. A Certificate of Water Availability would be required. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton P/8/PW Deparlment BENSON RIDGE PRELJMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Reporl to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF PP Pago 12of13 6. CONSISTENCY WITH HILLSIDE SUBDIVISIONS REGULATIONS The following criteria have been established (RMC 4-7-220, "Hillside Subdivisions") to assist decision makers in the review of subdivisions proposed for sites having average slopes greater than 20 percent. The project, as proposed, would meet the requirements of the Hillside Subdivision requirements as noted below. 1. Information concerning the soils, geology, drainage patterns, and vegetation shall be presented in order to evaluate the drainage, erosion control and slope stability for site development of the proposed plat. The applicant must demonstrate that the development of the hillside subdivision will not result in soil erosion and sedimentation, landslide, slippage, excess surface water runoff, increased costs of building and maintaining roads and public facilities and increased need for emergency relief and rescue operations. A geotechnical report evaluating the surface and subsurface conditions at the site was submitted with the application. This report indicated that the site would be suitable for the proposed development and that development of the site would not result in soil erosion, sedimentation, landslide, slippage, excess surface runoff, increased costs of building or utility construction and maintenance. The Environmental Review Committee has required that the recommendations included in the geotechnical report be followed during site and building construction on the site. 2. Detailed plans for any proposed cut and fill operations shall be submitted. These plans shall include the angle of slope, contours, compaction, and retaining walls. A grading plan was submitted for the project. 3. Streets: a. Streets may only have a grade exceeding fifteen percent (15%) if approved by the Department and the Fire Department. b. Street widths may be less than those required in the street standards for streets with grades steeper than fifteen percent (15%) if parking prohibition on one or both sides of the street is approved by the Administrator. Streets would not have a grade in excess of 15 percent. 4. Lots: Lots may be required to be larger than minimum lot sizes required by the Zoning Code. Generally, lots in steeper areas of the subdivision should be larger than those in less steep areas of the subdivision. Lots would meet the requirements of the code. 5. Erosion Control Requirements: Any clearing or grading shall be accompanied by erosion control measures as deemed necessary by the Department. Erosion control in conformance with the most recent Department of Ecology requirements is a mitigation measure of the Environmental Review Committee determination. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 H. RECOMMENDATION: Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP Pago 13 of 13 Staff recommends approval of the Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat, Project File No. LUA-07- 056, ECF, PP subject to the following conditions: 1. Pedestrian access shall be provided across Tract 'A' from the new public street to the end of the public street to the west. South 34111 Street. The width and alignment of this walkway shall be approved by the Development Services Division prior to issuance of a construction permit. The walkway shall be constructed prior to recording the Final Plat. The maintenance of the walkway shall be the responsibility of the homeowners' association. 2. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Development Services Project Manager for review and approval prior to final plat recording. 3. A homeowners' association shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. including, but not limited to landscaping outside lot boundaries. Tract A. and the pedestrian walkway to the property line. A draft of the document shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. 4. A plan of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Development Services Division for review indicating the required setbacks for each lot prior to the issuance of construction permits. 5. A note shall be recorded on the face of the plat prohibiting access to lots directly from Benson Dr S. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Preliminary Plats (PP): Five (5) years from final approval (signature) date. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc Renton Renton City Limits Parcels SCALE 1 : 16,480 1,000 0 1,000 2,000 FEET 1ttp://rentonnet.org/MapGuide/maps/Parcel.mwf 3,000 A EXHIBIT 2 R-8 ~ ZONING ~ = TIIClllOOAL BBllVlCBS R-8 RM-F ; R-8 :r-) ll ;a' I! 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SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: September 4, 2007 Project Name: Owners: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Summary: Project Location: Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat Steve Pelton; 3020 Issaquah-Pine Lake Rd SE #256; Sammamish WA 98075 Ray Sled; 3401 Benson Dr S; Renton WA 98055 Evergreen Home Investments; 3020 Issaquah-Pine Lake Rd SE #256; Sammamish WA 98075 Jim Hanson; Hanson Consulting; 17446 Mallard Cove Ln; Mt Vernon WA 98274 LUA-07-056, ECF, PP Project Manager: Elizabeth Higgins; AICP The applicant* is requesting Preliminary Plat approval for subdivision of 2 parcels of land totalling 1. 72 acres into lots suitable for single-family residential development and one tract. The property is located on Benson Drive South (State Route 515) at South 34th Street. The land is currently used for two, single-family residential houses. All existing structures on the property would be removed. The proposed subdivision would create 9 lots suitable for single-family residential development. The lots would range in size from approximately 4,851 sq ft to 8,584 sq ft. The density of the plat would be 6.1 dwelling units per net acre, which is within the range allowed by the prevailing Residential 8 zone. 3401 Benson Dr S and 3451 Cedar Ave S .. Note: "applicant" is the project proponent and applicant for the current land use action. References to future responsibilities of the "applicant" should be interpreted to mean future landowner, developer, or project proponent. Development approvals and conditions of approval are associated with the projecUproperty and not individuals. City of Renton PIBIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056 ECF. PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Page 2of 13 B. HEARING EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Neighborhood Detail Map (aerial photograph) Zoning Map (dated 02/16/06) Site Conditions (aerial photograph) Site Plan Tree Inventory Landscape Plan C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owners of Record: 2. Zoning Designation: 3. Comprehensive Plan Steve Pelton; 3020 Issaquah-Pine Lake Rd SE #256; Sammamish WA 98075 Ray Sled; 3401 Benson Dr S; Renton WA 98055 Residential -8 (8 dwelling units per net acre) Residential Single-family (RSF) Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: Residential (two single-family houses with associated outbuildings) 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Winsper II; single-family residential, Residential 8 Zone East: Benson Drive South (SR 515) South: Winsper II; single-family residential, Residential 8 Zone West: Winsper II; single-family residential, Residential 8 Zone 6. 7. Access: Site Area: Benson Dr S via new public street 1. 72 acres (74,862 gross square feet) D. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Lot Line Adjustment Annexation Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use File No. LUA06-117, LLA N/A N/A N/A Ordinance No./Recordinq No. 20070125900018 4476 4760 4760 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards HEX report Benson Ridge.doc Date 01/25/07 10/26/1994 04/21/1998 04/21/1998 City of Renton PIB/PW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations Section 4-4-070: Landscaping Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Page 3 of 13 Section 4-7-050: General Outline of Subdivision, Short Plat and Lot Line Adjustment Procedures Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-160: Residential Blocks -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-220: Hillside Subdivisions 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Community Design Element: New Development; Site Planning; Architecture; Landscaping; Streets, Sidewalks, and Streetscape Objectives and Policies 2. Housing: Objectives and Policies 3. Land Use Element: Residential Single Family Objectives and Policies. G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The proposed Benson Ridge Plat would be located in south Renton, west of Benson Dr S. (Exhibit 2) The site consists of 2 tax parcels of 37,622 sf (0.86 A) on the north and 31,026 sf (0.71 A) on the south. There are single-family residential structures, a swimming pool, and outbuildings on the lots. The properties were developed in the late 1950s and mid-70s, prior to annexation into the City of Renton. The density of the 2 lots, at about 5.24 dwelling unit per net acre (du/a), is lower than recent development in the vicinity. The Windsper II subdivision is within the Residential 8 zone (R-8), which allows up to 8 du/a. The project site is also zoned R-8, which implements the Single-family Residential Comprehensive Plan land use designation. (Exhibit 3) The site is 74,862 gsf (1.72 acres) in size. Critical areas, consisting of slopes up to 40 percent or more, would be excluded from the gross site area and would be delineated within a 3,553 sf tract (Tract A). A public street would be provided for direct or indirect access to Lots 1 through 6, 8, and 9. The public street area would be 6,021 sf and would be deducted from the gross site area, as would 1,689 sf of area for private access easements. (Exhibit 4) The net area remaining for development would be 63,599 sf. The density of the proposed 9 lot development would be 6.1 du/a. The proposed subdivision would result in 9 lots with an average lot size of 8,720 sf. (Exhibit 5) Lots would range in size from approximately 4,851 sq ft to 8,584 sq ft. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton P/8/PW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP Page 4 of 13 About half the lots would be irregularly shaped including 2 that would have pipestems. The others would be generally rectangular. The proposed project abuts the Winsper Division II subdivision on the north, west, and south. Benson Dr S (State Route 515) abuts the project site along the east. The area is developed with single-family houses and is zoned for single-family residential use to the north, west, and south. The area to the east, across Benson Dr S is unincorporated King County. Access would be from Benson Drive South, abutting the east side of the site, and from an access easement granted by the Winsper II development. A public street, S 34th Street, dead- ends to the west side of the site. The site slopes down from east to west at an average grade of about 23 percent. Trees are located primarily along the east side. Benson Dr Sis a managed-access state route (SR 515). A modification has been requested to allow this street to be built within a 42 foot right-of-way, which is below the adopted street standards. Lots 3 through 6 would front on the new public street. Shared driveways and access easements would connect Lots 1, 2, 8, and 9 to the new public street. Lot 7 would be accessed from Cedar Ave S by a 10 foot wide existing access easement and parallel 10 foot wide tract (Tract 'C' of Winsper II). Cedar Ave S very closely parallels Benson Dr S. Connection to an existing street to the west, S 34th St, would not be feasible due to steep slopes. Utilities may be located within the steep slope tract, but no other work is proposed where slopes are regulated. A tree inventory indicates approximately 127 trees on the site, of which 83 percent would remain following development. (Exhibit 6) Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for roadways, utilities and building pads. A conceptual landscape plan was submitted. (Exhibit 7) 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on July 30, 2007 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat. The DNS-M included six (6) mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on August 6, 2007 and ended on August 20, 2007. No appeals were filed. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of the probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M): 1. The applicant will be required to comply with the recommendations included in the geotechnical report, "Preliminary Site Evaluation," by Bergquist Engineering Services, dated August 25, 2006, with the exception of any revisions included in the required report update. 2. A revised report or letter from the geotechnical consultants shall be required prior to issuance of construction permits, taking into consideration the enlarged site area, changed alignment of the access road, and more detailed information about the site plan HEX report Benson Ridge.doc • City of Renton PIBIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PIA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056 ECF PP Page 5 of 13 and either revising the original recommendations or verifying the recommendations in the original report. 3. The applicant shall be required to provide a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements outlined in Volume II of the most recent Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual. 4. This project shall comply with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control -a.k.a. Level 2) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530. 76 per new single-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CRITERIA: Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following preliminary plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the subdivision. (a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan The objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan form the basis for zoning and development regulations for land use and building construction. Although all elements of the Comprehensive Plan apply, the most applicable elements for review of this preliminary plat are Community Design, Environmental, Housing, and Land Use. Community Design Element -New Development Site Planning Objective CD-D: New neighborhood development patterns should be consistent with Renton's established neighborhoods and have an interconnected road network. The access street is perpendicular to Benson Dr S, but is not connected to S 34th St on the west due to slopes in excess of 40 percent. Policy CD-15: Land should be subdivided into blocks sized so that walking distances are minimized and convenient routes between destination points are available. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056 ECF PP Page 6of13 Staff recommends pedestrian access be provided to the S 34th St street-end. Although the slope is too steep for a road, pedestrian access to the west would be feasible. Policy CD-16: During land division, all lots should front on streets or parks. Discourage single-tier lots with rear yards backing onto a street. Due to the irregular shape of the property prior to subdivision, and the steep slopes, only half of the proposed lots would front directly on the new public street. Policy CD-19: During development, significant trees, either individually or in stands, should be preserved, replaced, or as a last option, relocated. Approximately 17 percent of the existing 127 trees would be removed during site construction. Policy CD-26: Streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian or bike paths should be arranged as an interconnecting network. The use of cul-de-sacs should be discouraged. A grid or "flexible grid" pattern of streets and pathways, with a hierarchy of widths and corresponding traffic volumes, should be used. The new public street would not connect to an extension of S 34th St due to steep slopes. A cul-de-sac is not proposed. Landscaping Policy CD-50: Trees should be planted along residential streets, in parking lots requiring landscaping, and in other pervious areas as the opportunity arises. Trees should be retained whenever possible and maintained using Best Management Practices as appropriate for each type. The Residential 8 zone requires a minimum of two trees per lot in the front yard setback or within the abutting public right-of way of each lot. A conceptual landscape plan was submitted indicating this requirement would be met. Objective CD-K: Site plans for new development projects for all uses, including residential subdivisions, should include landscape plans. Landscaping is required along street frontages and all pervious areas of lots in the plat. Landscaping along Benson Dr S would be required, but is not shown on the conceptual landscape plan. Although the landscaping is required by Renton Municipal Code, staff recommends submittal of a detailed landscape plan be made a condition of approval indicating all areas required to be landscaped. Installation of the landscaping prior to occupation would be a requirement of the project. Policy CD-53: Landscape plans for proposed development projects should include public entryways, street rights-of-way, stormwater detention ponds, and all common areas. The detailed landscape plan should include proposed landscaping of all public rights-of- way. Policy CD-55: Maintenance programs should be required for landscaped areas in development projects, including entryways, street rights-of-way, storrnwater retention/detention ponds, and common areas. Maintenance of common areas would be the responsibility of a Homeowners' Association. Maintenance of landscaping is required by Renton Municipal Code. Staff recommends that formation of a Homeowners' Association be a condition of approval. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton P/8/PW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Page 7 of 13 Streets, Sidewalks, and Streetscape Objective CD·M: Develop a system of residential streets, sidewalks, and alleys that serve both vehicles and pedestrians. Policy CD-60: Criteria should be developed to locate pedestrian and bicycle connections in the City. Criteria should consider: a) Linking residential areas with employment and commercial areas; b) Providing access along arterials; c) Providing access within residential areas; d) Filling gaps in the existing sidewalk system where appropriate; and e) Providing access through open spaces and building entries to shorten walking distances. The proposed preliminary plat would encourage pedestrian and bicycle use by means of a connection to the west. Unfortunately, Benson Dr S is not served by public transportation within walking distance to the project site. Metro route 169 stops at S 21'' St and Benson Dr S, approximately one mile north. This route runs north-south along Talbot (west of the site) and east-west along Carr Road (south of the site), but there are no through pedestrian connections to these streets. Policy CD-61: Residential streets should be constructed to the narrowest widths ( distance from curb to curb) feasible without impeding emergency vehicle access. The streets are planned to be the narrowest allowed by a requested modification of City code. Policy CD-62: Landscaped parking strips should be considered for use as a safety buffer between pedestrians and moving vehicles along arterials and collector streets. Renton Municipal Code requires a five foot (5) landscaped area parallel to and abutting public streets. Policy CD-66: Sidewalks or walking paths should be provided along residential streets. Sidewalk width should be ample to safely and comfortably accommodate pedestrian traffic. Sidewalks would be provided abutting the public streets. Policy CD· 71: All utility lines should be placed underground. All utility lines would be placed underground. Housing Element Moderate and Middle Income Housing Objective H-D: Encourage the private sector to provide market rate housing for the widest potential range of income groups including middle-and moderate-income households. Policy H-24: Disperse moderate-income housing in all areas of the City that have vacant land. By approving subdivision of 2 parcels of land into 9 lots, more moderate income housing should be available. Land Use Element The Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat has the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Residential Single-family (RSF). HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELJMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Residential Single-family Land Use Designation Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056 ECF. PP Page Bof 13 The objective established by the RSF is to designate land for quality residential single-family development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. The intention is that large subdivisions are carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments. The proposed plat is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies for Residential Single-family Land Use. Objective LU-FF: Encourage re-investment and rehabilitation of existing housing, and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods that: 1) Are planned at urban densities and implement Growth Management targets; 2) Promote expansion and use of public transportation; and 3) Make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. The project would provide 9 residential lots, which would further Growth Management targets. Policy LU-147: Net development densities should fall within a range of 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per net acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. The 9 lots within the R-8 zone would be at a density of 6. 1 dwelling units per net acre, after the required deductions, and is within the preferred density range of the R-8 zone. Policy LU-148: A minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet should be allowed on in-fill parcels of less than an acre in single-family designations. Allow a reduction in lot size to 4,500 square feet on parcels greater than an acre to create an incentive for aggregation of land. The R-8 zoned portion of the site is larger than one acre, therefore the R-8 lots can be smaller than 5,000. All lots are 4,500 sf or larger. Policy LU-149: Lot size should exclude private sidewalks, easements, private road, and driveway easements, except alley easements. Lot areas do not include access easements. (b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation. The 1.72 acre site is zoned Residential-8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development allows for the future construction of up to 9 dwelling units along with associated plat improvements. Density -In the City of Renton, residential density is based on the gross land area less public streets, private access easements, and critical areas. The Benson Ridge property contains approximately 6,021 sf of public streets. 1,689 sf of access easement area, and 3,553 sf of critical area. After the deduction of 11,263 sf from the 74,862 gross square foot parcel (74,862 gsf site -11,263 sf= 63,599 net sf (1.46 A), the proposed plat would have a net overall density of 6.1 dwelling units per acre. (9 units 11.46 acres = 6.1 du/ac). The allowable density range in the R-8 zone is between 4 and 8 du/a. The proposed project would be developed within the allowable density range. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP Page 9 of 13 Lot Dimensions and Sizes -The minimum lot width in the R-8 zone is 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots. The minimum lot depth of 65 feet. Lot sizes would be between 4,851 sq ft to 8,584 square feet. The plat would create 9 lots and 1 tract with the following sizes and access: Lot Table Lot Area (net square Proposed Access feet) 1 8,584 Shared drivewav 2 5,858 Shared driveway 3 5,501 Public street 4 4,851 Public street 5 5,551 Public street 6 6,331 Public street 7 8,200 Access easement 8 4,896 Public street 9 5,800 Public street and access easement Tract A 10,777 Critical areas Setbacks -The R-8 zone requires minimum front yard setback of 15 feet for the primary structure and 20 feet for attached garages, which access from the front yard street. Side yard setbacks along a street or access easement are 15 feet minimum and 20 feet for garages accessed from the side yard street or access easement. The interior side yard setback is minimum 5 feet. The minimum rear yard setback is 20 feet. There is adequate area on each lot for the Preliminary Plat plan and appear to comply with the setback requirements. The setback lines are not indicated, however. Staff recommends the project applicant submit a plan indicating the setbacks for each lot prior to the issuance of construction permits. The applicant should note that the side yard building setbacks for Lots 3, 4, 6, and 7, which have side yards abutting streets and/or access easements, would be 15 feet. All setbacks would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. Building Standards -The R-8 zone permits one single-family residential structure per lot. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. The 9 proposed lots would support one primary structure on each lot. Building height in the R-8 zone is limited to 2 stories and 30 feet for primary structures and one story and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. Maximum building coverage in the R-8 zone is 50 percent for lots less than 5,000 sf in size and 35 percent or 2,500, whichever is greater, on lots 5,000 sf or greater in size. The proposal's compliance with each of these building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of building permits for each individual structure. Landscaping -The R-8 zone requires off-site landscaping where the plat abuts public streets. The Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat would abut Benson Dr Sand a new public street interior to the plat. A five foot wide irrigated or drought resistant landscape strip must be installed and if there is additional undeveloped right-of-way in excess of five feet, this additional width HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PIA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Proliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056 ECF, PP Page 10of13 must be landscaped. Additionally, a minimum of two trees of a City approved species with a minimum caliper of 1 Y, inches per tree must be planted in the front yard or planting strip of every lot prior to final building occupancy. Landscaping is required for this subdivision (RMC 4-4-070). General landscape requirements include: on-site landscaping along all street frontages, except for walkways and driveways; when rear or side yards are along property lines abutting a street, a minimum of five (5) feet of planting area in the public right-of-way; landscaping of all pervious areas in the Plat including detention ponds (which may be located on the abutting plat), and installation of underground irrigation systems or use of drought resistant plant materials. Specific landscape requirements are also applicable to the preliminary plat including those related to: trees, soils, drainage, plants, and berms as outlined in the landscaping regulations. A tree planting plan was submitted with the application. It indicates planting along public streets. Approval of a detailed landscape plan will be required prior to recording the final plat. (c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangement: Side lot lines are to be at right angles to street lines, and each Jot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private access easement per the requirements of the Street Improvement Ordinance. The side lot lines of the proposed lots are at right angles to street lines. All lots would have direct or indirect access to public roadways. As proposed, lots generally comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Lots: The size, shape and orientation of Jots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Lots 2 through 6 and 8 would be rectangular or nearly so. Lots 1, 7, and 9 are irregular shaped due to the shape of the original parcel (Lots 1 and 7), which is somewhat triangular, or slope (Lot 9). Although the proposed lots appear to have sufficient building area for the development of detached single family homes, a condition of approval is that the Preliminary Plat plan be resubmitted indicating setback lines for each lot showing potential building envelopes. Property Corners at Intersections: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of 15 feet. The proposed subdivision would create Lots 3 and 6 to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way. This lot corner would have a radius equal to or greater than 15 feet. (d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access and Street Improvements: Primary access to the site is proposed via a new public street off the already-improved Benson Dr S. A condition of approval is recommended prohibiting access to lots directly from Benson Dr S. Staff considered the potential connection of S 34th St to Benson Dr S. If S 34'" were extended, however, it would cross a slope of approximately 40 percent, which is considered a critical area in the City of Renton. If the street was built at the allowed maximum grade of 15 percent, retaining walls on each side would make the abutting lots inaccessible from the public street. Therefore, a "hammerhead" turn-around has been approved for the street end within the plat. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELJMINARY PLAT Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner L UA-07-056, ECF, PP PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Page 11 of/3 Street improvements for all public roads including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting are required. A pedestrian connection to the west would be required to further City policy requiring vehicle and pedestrian connectivity (Community Design policies 15, 26, and 60). This access, for pedestrian traffic only, would be located between S 34th S and the Benson Ridge Plat public street. Provision of this pedestrian connection would be a condition of plat approval. Approval of the dimensions and location of this connection would be required prior to recording the Final Plat. Topography: The site has an average slope of approximately 23 percent across the site from east to west. This requires review with the criteria of RMC 4-7-220, "Hillside Subdivisions", which are applicable for sites having an average slope greater than 20 percent (see below). There are steep slopes, up to and possibly exceeding 40 percent within Tract A. Trees, shrubs and grasses, as well as residential landscaping, are present on the site. An inventory submitted by the applicant indicates approximately 127 trees, of which 17 percent would be removed for building, utility, and road construction. The applicant has indicated that sitework would consist of removing cut material from the site and the import of structural material for street and utility bedding. Relationship to Existing Uses: The subject site has two residences and outbuildings, which would be removed. The surrounding neighborhood is comprised of new single family properties. (e) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staffs indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements and fees. The Environmental Review Committee imposed a Fire Mitigation Fee in order to mitigate the project's potential impacts to emergency services. Recreation: It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate additional users of existing City park and recreational facilities and programs. As required by the Environmental Review Committee, a Parks Mitigation Fee will be required prior to the recording of the final plat. Schools: The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District No. 403. Based on the student generation factor, the proposed plat would result in approximately 3 additional students (0.44 x [9-2] = 3). The schools would include: Talbot Hill Elementary (within walking distance), Dimmitt Middle School (transportation by bus), and Renton High School (transportation by bus). The school district has indicated that they would be able to handle to additional students coming from the proposed development. Storm Drainage/Surface Water: Drainage improvements would include curbs, gutters, catch basins, and pipe network for collection of surface water on-site. Runoff would be directed to a combined detention / water quality pond located on Tract 'A'. Landscaping of stormwater tracts is required by RMC 4-4-070. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The proposed development is within the Soos Creek service area. A Certificate of Water Availability would be required. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELJMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, EC1' PP Page 12of13 6. CONSISTENCY WITH HILLSIDE SUBDIVISIONS REGULATIONS The following criteria have been established (RMC 4-7-220, "Hillside Subdivisions") to assist decision makers in the review-of subdivisions proposed for sites having average slopes greater than 20 percent. The project, as proposed, would meet the requirements of the Hillside Subdivision requirements as noted below. 1. Information concerning the soils, geology, drainage patterns, and vegetation shall be presented in order to evaluate the drainage, erosion control and slope stability for site development of the proposed plat. The applicant must demonstrate that the development of the hillside subdivision will not result in soil erosion and sedimentation, landslide, slippage, excess surface water runoff, increased costs of building and maintaining roads and public facilities and increased need for emergency relief and rescue operations. A geotechnica/ report evaluating the surface and subsurface conditions at the site was submitted wffh the application. This report indicated that the site would be suitable for the proposed development and that development of the site would not result in soil erosion, sedimentation, landslide, slippage, excess surface runoff, increased costs of building or utility construction and maintenance. The Environmental Review Commfftee has required that the recommendations included in the geotechnical report be followed during site and building construction on the site. 2. Detailed plans for any proposed cut and fill operations shall be submitted. These plans shall include the angle of slope, contours, compaction, and retaining walls. A grading plan was submitted for the project. 3. Streets: a. Streets may only have a grade exceeding fifteen percent (15%) if approved by the Department and the Fire Department. b. Street widths may be less than those required in the street standards for streets with grades steeper than fifteen percent ( 15%) if parking prohibition on one or both sides of the street is approved by the Administrator. Streets would not have a grade in excess of 15 percent. 4. Lots: Lots may be required to be larger than minimum lot sizes required by the Zoning Code. Generally, lots in steeper areas of the subdivision should be larger than those in less steep areas of the subdivision. Lots would meet the requirements of the code. 5. Erosion Control Requirements: Any clearing or grading shall be accompanied by erosion control measures as deemed necessary by the Department. Erosion control in conformance with the most recent Department of Ecology requirements is a mitigation measure of the Environmental Review Committee determination. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc City of Renton PIB!PW Department BENSON RIDGE PRELIMINARY PL.AT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 H. RECOMMENDATION: Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-07-056, ECF, PP Pago 13 of 13 Staff recommends approval of the Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat, Project File No. LUA-07- 056, ECF, PP subject to the following conditions: 1. Pedestrian access shall be provided across Tract 'A' from the new public street to the end of the public street to the west, South 34th Street. The width and alignment of this walkway shall be approved by the Development Services Division prior to issuance of a construction permit. The walkway shall be constructed prior to recording the Final Plat. The maintenance of the walkway shall be the responsibility of the homeowners' association. 2. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Development Services Project Manager for review and approval prior to final plat recording. 3. A homeowners' association shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements, including, but not limited to landscaping outside lot boundaries, Tract A, and the pedestrian walkway to the property line. A draft of the document shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. 4. A plan of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Development Services Division for review indicating the required setbacks for each lot prior to the issuance of construction permits. 5. A note shall be recorded on the face of the plat prohibiting access to lots directly from Benson Dr S. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Preliminary Plats (PP): Five (5) years from final approval (signature) date. HEX report Benson Ridge.doc Renton Renton City Limits Parcels SCALE 1 : 16,480 1,000 0 1,000 2,000 FEET 1ttp://rentonnet.org/MapGuide/maps/Parcel.mwf 3,000 A EXHIBIT 2 R-8 B' ~ ZONING ~ = TZCIINICAL DILVICJ!S G4 • 20 T23N ll5E W 1/2 RM-F R-8 14 • 32 T23N RSE W 1/2 -----Renton City Limtt,il R-8 "RM-F " 0 20° Po 1:4800 r;:--------1 29 T23N R5E EXHIBIT· 3 Renton Renton City Limits Parcels 100 0 SCALE 1 : 2,060 100 200 FEET 1ttp://rentonnet.org/MapGuide/maps/Parcel. mwf 300 <;,v ~I") (" F-Or' F-, IZ--rY t: I T ,' l.-1 !'111 f:A~e..MEN~ re I,., r (.) ,J p rz.o r E,[Z.. T'( EXHIBIT 4 ~ ~ I ~ u ~ ., ~~ N t ' I •• ,1,1 • f -~ N " .• t l \', "' " ,I I : ' ' aa,i .a,J , Gol$1a l ~.iOJl"W~J:WIM ~j \ fit, ' I IOotilla A JVW Gd \. O'-'' \ JIG'DSY.I' .m70I" ,ca ,D,I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' \ ' ' fl' J.01 \ \o,\ I J01: ' ,.,, : i: J.01 ~1)1>\ ' ,,_ ' ' h -t"~ I • ~<+ d ~ ~-~ I. ii >-< '<c, ~ CQ Hf!f >-< tr) I ::c: :>< I ; ~ ... ii ~~ i u, I ~, I:.:! I g ,101 ~~~ . ""' S:J' ~i ~I ••• U 101 I ~ ! .. I RI f J tf\tA.1,Alllt,.111.u .,-• -• w ~ ~ " < tJ ~ ~ N f/l ~ 5J I~ ~ ~ ~1 c., ,, ~ ~ . • • " ' ' ,1 ~ ~ \ • ' ' • ', ' ' ' < 1.101 I ' ' ' ,\ t\.1011 ,,..,.,.. ~ ' I ' ' '' d z ' ' ' " z " § -w ~ - , ' ' ,,_ - • I ' ' ' ' ~ , ' ' ' ' ' !i d.01' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '-Q', ' ' ~ ' ' ' , ' ' ' : (Oi ' ' ' ' ' ' E-s -I ( ? • ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' g \ .1.<fll ' ' ' ' L \0 ,/ / I i I / / '" "' z V, ~ '3 "' < "' V, () C --\ :I l I I I I , _ ,, ,, i I I ! ' i i I I i f I i i i \ I f I [ I ' I ' I I i i i I 1 I l ! ' i j l I I ! I I ., f, 1! ' r rr _ I it E'li\----;==== 1~-.~-. _--.. -~111 i --· · ' I I : i : I ~ \ I .r fl I t ! r I f [ I.H " ,,, ' .. tn h 11 I ' , ... ! ! !H! ! !l 1 I ll "' 111 l ' COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING September 4, 2007 AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Benson Ridge Preliminary Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-07-056, PP, ECF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat approval for subdivision of 2 parcels of land totalling 1. 72 acres into lots suitable for single-family residential development and one tract. The property is located on Benson Drive South (State Route 515) at South 34th Street. The land is currently used for two, single-family residential houses. All existing structures on the property would be removed. The proposed subdivision would create 9 lots suitable for single-family residential development. The lots would range in size from approximately 4,851 sq ft to 8,584 sq ft. The density of the plat would be 6.1 dwelling units per net acre, which is within the range allowed by the prevailing Residential 8 zone. HEX Agenda 9-4-07.doc 1 • • PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY MAY 2 5 2007 RECElVED OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.com) Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Charlie Bell (charliebell@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206) 343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 Hanson Consulting Title Order No. 650359 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, Washington 98274 Attention: Jim Hanson Your Ref.: PELTON GENTLEMEN: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: As on Schedule A, page 2, attached. IS VESTED IN: STEPHEN w. PELTON and ALICIA M. PELTON, husband and wife, by deed which recites joint tenancy with full rights of survivorship SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE: TAX: $250.00 $ 22.25 TOTAL CHARGE: $272.25 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: May 3, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF w Mike Sharke Senior Title Officer Unit No. 12 • PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A Page 2 • Order No. 650359 The land referred to in this certificate is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows: Lot 2, City of Renton Boundary Line Adjustment recorded under King County Recording Number 9602169002, being a portion of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress, egress and utilities 20 feet in width as shown over Lot 1, City of Renton Boundary Line Adjustment recorded under Recording Number 9602169002. \ END OF SCHEDULE A I • GENERAL EXCEPTIONS, PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B • Order No. 650359 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. • SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 • Order No. 650359 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Public roadway The east 30 feet of said premises April 11, 1975 7504110355 2. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN SHORT PLAT, COPY ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: May 16, 1975 7505160528 3. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN SHORT PLAT, COPY ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: March 21, 1980 8003210741 4. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN SHORT PLAT, COPY ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: February 16, 1996 9602169002 5. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER l, IF UNPAID: YEAR: 2007 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 292305-9161-01 2130 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land, $130,000.00 Improvements: $168,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $3,284.07 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.59 $9. 98 TOTAL BILLED: $3,295.64 PAID: $1,647.82 TOTAL DUE: $1,647.82 (continued) • • • PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 3 • Order No. 650359 6. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Alicia M. Pelton, wife of joint tenancy with full rights of survivorship Joan H. Anderson, EVP on behalf of Flagstar Bank, FSB Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for American Northwest Mortgage, Inc. $196,000.00 April 19, 2004 April 20, 2004 20040420001562 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the terms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Jeff Olsen Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. TW/20040420001561 • ··, • • 20070227001781 .001 Mer Rcc:ordiqlwum To: COUW1'Jtnm)K SONI 1.0ANS-INC. MS SV ... 79 DOCUMBNT PR0C&SSIMG P.O.-10423 \'.Jtl )fuya, CA 9Hl0-0423 _..l'ln:el«kcounlNmllbec 9'9574-0460-09 /9tfrS7'f -()'/,ri1-t,r Alfflrillod Lepl Deocdpcloo: LT A, Cl'l'Y OF R£H'rON LOT LINE. ADJ'U'S1)(2NT NO WA-06-111-1..l.A ft.._ ]II--1D()1.ti I .:1..s-9 O()() I ,Y [IHWl.fal. Mxk llldp]11 ct' ac:m ... _..., ....... PuDlciol~-.. -3 -J.S 7['ZLB <lr WASR[IIGTON Addilioaal 0-localodOII- --------CS,...U-..TlllliDIJ'u~lliltilJ 6395795 [E..crov/Clgsing II DEED OF TRUST 00015955115802007 lDac ID II MIN 1000157-0007469633-3 Wonls_ln_ple_o(llllisdocon>cnt ... de6ncdl>clowlllCl-.....is .. deftaedloSccdom3, 11, 13. 18, 20111d 21. Olllia Nl ... ptdiog lhc ._ or wonk -la dlil -.. -po9ldod la -16. (A) "s-i!J -•r 11101118 lido--~ wlli<:b is -&'QRUAJtr 15, 2007 , ,ogedler -·-., .... -(B)-• RAYMONC I SLED, A M71RR[BD M.\N AB HIS SOLE .Ii SffNtA'?B PROl'mtn° •• -lalllo-mdct111io5eclrily- (C)-i, COUMftt!Wm& BCNS UWl'S, :tNC. Leader 11, <XlRPOIIA710II (llp,bcd 11111 ....... -llle)lwa of -YORK WABI.IDl10JJ .... .....,_,..... .......... lill llac;i UN.FORUJNSllllal!NTWffltll!RI Pap1d'11 Cl-MIWAIP,,2).01 CHL{IIMIIJ(O) VMPMo __ ...__._ COINNA 1•11 •1s1s,1158000DG2tD9A" MAY 2 5 2D07 RECEIVED • • • 20070227001781.l)02 DOC ID f; 00015S551l5802001 l<odot'II-.. it 4500 Part Granada HSHf 9VB-3l~, Calabil!SA3, CA 91302-1613 (D)-·11 LS :rtn.B or W>.SffXIIGTOIII 2107 COLBY AVB SUin. ll18, EVBRBT?1 WA 98201 , (E) "Ml!IIS" it Mortpgc-ic Replrl!IOD Sy,1Cms, Inc. MllRS Isa ·---1 lhol ll ICliJI& ,olol] • a IIIJllliDoe !or I.-..11111 Loodcr'a ncccuon 11111 llllgna. MEIIB lt Ille b 11 :11<1111 -11,lt S.--, -L MERS Is~ 11111 czinPg """"' 11,e -olDolawa.,ad Im• -11111 lelqlllaoo-ofP.0. Bw. :z&l6, l'linl, Ml 48501-2026, Id. (888}6'l9-MBIIS. (P) "Nole" lnaml lloo ...,......, -oignod by Bonvwot 11d daled 1'£BXUUY 15, 2007 • Tllo __ .... __ Lender TDES ammmm EIGHTY FOU1t. THOUSAND and OD/100 (J) "Appllablt Law" means all coatrolJing applicable fcdiwal. *'*' and Joca1 SIIIIIIOI. IIOpl•I! w -ad --rulel orul omcrs (ll!at !>ave Ibo oll'eol of llw) u ...U • ID ai,pliclble 11m1, ---jadldal Cjllnloos. (I} "0-I J AIID. fanJ>aa,...,.aul A .ea.Iii• mewaU die,.'"" h lllldOlher dlllprlbMan,impooedonl!onoworC>"lbol'ropcrlyby ·---...-·--Mh Cl'simillr(•llli .... (L)---·-an,.....toro/lollda,-lhMa••-~"1-. draft, m similar,-.........,., wbldo io ;.,;,;,..,i lhroagh • olecovmc -..., 1eloplloolc -- com-, or lllllpOlic llpO oo as 11> "*t, .,.._, or-• --II>-or C!Odll • -Sooh lmD ilohldel, bul is -limited IO, point-of ..... -----....-illilialedbytdopboot. win,lmlSfm,and-cleorlnabouso-. (M) ._ _.. .._ lhooe ilcmo 1hlit an: dcocribcd m Section 3. (N)"M!eeella I l ,._ • ._..-,....,_..;on, .. 111..-1,-ol~or ,.....a,poklby ..,, -,...,. ,_ ............. pnx:oed, pe;d ........... --in -S) b: (l} """'"8< IO, or-of, Ille"'-'>'; (ril "'""1omnalion ... -ltl:hig ot all orllllJ pott "'"' "'-' (Ill)"*'••,...., In li<II of coadOlllllllicm; or l)v) ~ of, ot-• lo. 111c .--.. ...-of ... Piq,erty. (0)---------~l.codet.-,,itbe--of, .. -oo, .... I-. (P) .._...,_. meam lhe '"**1Jl t<:beduled _., !or© prinoipol Md--lllo N'*,pla (lJ) IIIJ'IIDOUlltll,_Scclicn 3 of (h;s Seeurlty In-. ((» "!U!Sl'A".....,. tlio Rool Botole --Act (12 U.S.C. Soo1bi 2601 el,_..) 11111 it1 hllJ)lemeotlna ...... tioo, Repitd<m X (24 C.1'.R.1'1113.lOO), • _,. ..... bc .-fnn dmo lO lhno, or 111J1 -ot....,.... Jesj,l<doo w --that -lho -Rl,Joot "*""· Ao -la tltla --'RllSPA" .-10 all ,oqo;........ m>d --111M uo ..,.._. .. -to• ·-.uy ..---· .... 11 lhe U>ol> doeo not q..ilfy • •-,_., ---· UlldorllBSP.\, i.)"8 la-of-mewM:,pa,ty dw•-tidolOdoe"'-lo,-oiDOI --... --.obll ....... ....,.lhe--.... ~- TRAllSJIBRCIPRIGBTS IN'l'IIB:!ROPIIRTY Tho -. T of lllio 8-it)' lnatnlmeol ia MBRS (,oldy as oomloee r« 1-al ~•- 11111 _,..) 1111d ll>e SIICOe!ISCD Mid ...... o/MBRS. n,;, Securi1J' --lo IAuder. (l} dlo repoymem ollloc 1-. and ... -.-.... and --of lho Noto; 11111 (ii) Ille pwfo.11-"" of 1..-. -..., __ .. """" 11w, s.c..;iy -..-i ISld tbo Nolo. For tllis ,.._ -lrmooably p,n11 11111 eoo,oya ., Tmooco. m -. witl1 -of...., die l'olk,,ring - -k><llodlo Ibo COONTY of ltIIIG rr,,. ......... ,_ _ .. __ PagiJ2oll1 ..... __ ' . • POC ID tr OG0158~5115B02007 DB L11XD REJ'!!RRED to IR ?HIS CO~Il'MEN'l' IS J)ESCRIBED AS FOlJ..OWS: LOT CS) A, CrIY Of' RBN'fON UJ7 LlHE 1'DJ:USTMEN7 NO. UJA-06-111 .. LI.A,, URDU RBCQRt).mG NUMBER 200701259000181 Sit'UATSD JN THE CITY OF RBKTON, C0UNrY OF KIMG1 S"lATE OF tlASBINGl'ON, 3401 B.BNSDN DR S, RBN'JON (8~) Waallnilca98055-5455 ("PlqlertyA<ld!wj: """"""' TOOBTHliR wrrHlll ,..~•aoworhereaflotelfflod CM ll>o-. andlll - appwloUa ... , and lbtute,..,. or IMno!'l,t • part<,! lhe -,.. All rq,loc_. llld l<fCllliono ,hall allo be co,aed by lhls Sccorlty ID-All ol lbc: ror.coi,,g 111-..., ,o ia tMo Seoorily -• Ille 'Propedy.' B---and ,.._ Iha! MBRS lloldl oaly lepl lillc IO lbc: ia-gtlOled by --io11!1& Soewity ..,,_ M. il"""""'Y to comi,IJ wkh r... "'-MBRS (as lllllBloee for l<ndcr ,nd Lendon -and a,oipo) ,... Ibo right to wrdlc ID)' "' Ill o/ -;,,-.1ncludmg. bul 11CM. liml"d ... ""' righl to -Ind ,ell lbc: Property; Dd ID -ID)' -.,qa;,.d o/ ~ ioc:lodi1lr. 1"Jt m1 limiltd io. ..ieuiaa..., cancdiag m;. secu,Jty i- BORROWBR CO\ll!l'IANl'S lbatBanowor ii hwlully Mlood of 111o ...... hetcby.....,.... lllld ._ loo opt to pa1 md convoy u.c Prq,cay IDd 11-die Pfflfllld1 ii weincmti.:d, except ftt ~ Of ---11111 will -gonenlly !ho lide IO die~ opiraall dalnand domanc!s, ..;...toooy __ .,_ THIS SIICI.IRJl'Y ffiS'l'RllMBNI' combmos unil'om -lbr .--and .......it'<xm -wllh fimdod variall'"" by piodic,ion to COOSV1Ute a w,trom, ......, -COYtling al -· IJNIPORM COVENANTS. B...,_and 1-iet=-and-11- l.~tof Priodpal,-,,-.,,. J...,1, ~0....,audLateClaarps. B- nll JJOJ -due lbc: pd..,;p,I ol, and in ...... cm, Ille del,c evidenced by ... -and ..,. '".,,., ..... d,aiga ad lale .... due -Ibo Nole. Barrow« shall allo poy fuodo lbr -...... -.. So<tiuu 3. ~ due !Dior ... Nole and 1Ms Security -1111811 be llllldo in U.S. OWl'IIIOJ. -.,., If ony dloot ar 01hor Ulllnllll0Dt =eiml by Leoder• JJOJDIOlll .....,...,. No!o., 1h11-, ""-"' ls -to Lencler Jmj1UII, Lender may .mqauo 11111 lily c, .0 .. ~ -due 1lllder lhoNaooaad 1hia _,,_be made m ... "' .... o1111o lbllorri11$ fcnua. • ld<ctod by Loudec Wcaob;(b)'""""l'cc&,,; (eJ...iiliodd>od<, -•--1cllocl:c,Clllllrier'schect,po.idodaoy socll dN::ct JsdrawallJl(lrt, a lnstilDlim w.baec, ~ n inamdby a fcdtQ1 ageiac,y, iwbm ,rrity, or <l1lily; c,(d) ___ _ i..,-,IS .. dcemedncel'ocdl,y Lender whcJi rcccivcd II ... looatiandeslpa10d lo111o-or•IUdo ____ .,..,.._byLondorln -,..-.,wi. ... -~·-•s. 1.tmor may m!:Dm any payment or pMiW P1J1DC111 it the paymern or plltial JIIY)DeOUl aQ i:s:s.:,mdeal 10 bring tbe LCloa -L<ader m,,y """l'l llll' _. or portlal --to Ima b Loon -wi-...i-or...,. ,;pi.-orpr,jo<!ioe 10 im riJh" IOnfuoo--or)*loll ~In 1he filoore, bot l.mde, b "°'obllpo,d IO lll'!PIY such pay.,..o Bl Ille --.-,--"""l*d. If cac:11 -p-i. -.. at ill -due-. """ L<ader -... pay-· ... -,pllod fllnds. l.<mor may llold -a,applled-"'1tll l!()nOwo, --ID 1,riag Ibo Loa-. II ~ doea OOI do 00 within I "'8alftlble·JICriod of limo, Lendor -either apply· IIIICb f1lndo CS ltlUm lbem ID 8-, II 1IOI applied eader,...., funds w;,, bo """ied'D die ...... ,ding pdoeipll -1llldor lho-~ prio,to-e.Noorllolcrdahn wlllcllllenvwwmirht-..,..c,in lho- tplllal.endet-..U.V.Boaow<r-...tingJJIYlKIIII dllo111111orlbc:Nolearid lhis8ecurit7- orpafon1 .. 11,e-,. auc1-""""" by d>b Sea.rily-. 2. A~ oll\tj>meuil .. -~ M otlietwilo --in Ilda Scctloo 2, all,.,._ """l)cod .... Oppllod l,y Leodor -be applied ia Ille lblloq ...... of J>riorit1: (I) -tl>c llllder lbc: N(lle; (1,) prmcipoJ doe -lho Noto: (c) """""'" due under s..tkm 3. Sud! ...,...,. lllall be IIIPllod 10 -...._ Payme,11., u.o m1or 1n _ 1,-due. AJYJ ......,;.,g ....... •o be OJiJ>licd fi111., .... ---to Iii)' Olbcr-1>due-"'"' Secority ........... """ ....... ..-... p,iaeipal 11e .... o1 ... Noto. II L<ader .-... a_. -B°""""' lbr a~ Pai<,d;c ~I which loclodos • IIDffician .....,., IO /JOY any .... e'°'F llite, Iii<.,...._ 1!11)' be llpJllied ID Ibo delitqoool ,.,,_. and dio ......... ,,., • • 20070227001781.004 DOC ID It 000l585,ll5S02001 Jtte.._. If .... N OOCPwioclcl'lymom i, OUllllllllfill& Ulldor-lJIPly Ill)'--- -IO Ibo npll)'IIIOlll of lllo l'tao4Bc ~ jf, llld 1> lllt ct-lhat, --... be pold i11 full 1'0 Ibo eotlenl 1MI Ill)' --after lllo -Ii, applied ID Ibo fuD -of one or - Periolfic ~ iaoh""""' mq bo applied IO..,. ]ale dwp:s duo. V-, pr-II Bl>all l,o applledfftO>ayJlft'J"l)'IMllt-.,. ad lheo"' deac<l'bed in llloNIM. ;.,,y ,pplioalioo of ptl)'DlaJls, lmlnn« ptococdo, "'M'--.. prinq,al duo-lllo Nolo shall •ot""1Cnd .. _ lk..,. date, "'cJm,g< lhe ........ of lfloPmioc&o J>-. 3.-lorBlmnr-llomlwe, shallpoy 10 l.tndorClllllle dayl'l:riodo~ ....... undo, Ille Noto, 1llllil Ille Note ls paid ill 11111, 1 nm (me ""'"""'J 10 pruvillo for,.,_ of -..., fer. (1) nxea wl wee ata and other it=-wbich -can aualn ,Ptiodly Ola" 1llil Skalay laMnaanl ., 1 b or _,blanco oa Ibo Pn,porly; (b) i....i.ild paymenls or 8fOaod -'"' lllo f'rot)c,V, if aoy; (•) -- !ar mr, ..iaD-,equlaod byLeaduaaduS..Cdon 5: ..i(d)-._......_.pmniamo,1!..,.,"' "'1 ,-payable by BllffllWOr ,o Lender in lieu or mo _. ot M.....,. -.... ~ ;,, ............ lrilh 0., pnmoiollll or Sectiol 10. Tbcsc ilems on, calecl ._ -"Al orJclno!loo O< at Ill)' -dllriq • oonn of Ille Loea, Leodu may ,.q,,;,. 1MI c.,-,;,y Amodatioo o-, ir-, """ -iflll)', l>omowtd byBolrowcr, .. ~ .... --and• ·-..... l••-- llom>wu "'811 promplly-10 Loador all OO!ico, of lDlOOldli lO be [Jlil llllller dils Soctlon. B-Bl>all poy Leode< tho-. u Bsorow 1-mil= l'..eode< wah<:S a.......-. ollliplioo to poy Ibo -!u any "'111-1-. '--....,.. B°""""'' obUgatlon 10 poy ,o Lendor-ror-, or aD - I-It my limo. Any !IIOb -m'>' Ollly be in writing. la Ibo OTe!il of -wol-, --flll1 1111:ody, wbm ood _..,...,Ibo....,..,. doe fio< any &e..w lleDa b 'IVlddl _ of_ Im brm waned by L<adcr aid, if Lendor........, 3h~l ~miall 10 Lallfer rooolj>u .,idoaci.C IOdt .-,-w-IUClt lime paiod as Loader may aequiro, Bom,wo,'1 obftpdon 1D -..... _.. ... IO pro-ride JecciFa lholl for ID -be -.i 10 be a <oVCna11t Oild -"""'8ia<d ill this Saomi'1 1-ar Ibo..,.. • .,._ ad qrooment";, med la Sectkm 9.lrBotrowmisoblipted101/f&'f l!ocrow -dinx:dy, _..IOI wolver, ond llom,wer -Ill JIil' the -d,Je for 111-.,.. bo,», l..a>de,..., -it, rigt,111 ador Scotio, 9 and poy --,od 11oaow,r oball llleo be olilipral 'lllldct section 9 U) 1ep1y ID Laldct my mch amonm. Lender may lll'fclt Che waiver as to any Cl" all EICAJW IIOato II oaydmo by •-gl-illliCCOnlimoc Mth S..b 15 liild, ----- pay 10 L<nder.a Fuods, liild la-llll>Otllll$, that an, lhoa ffl!lllnd-tbb Soo&ico 3, L<ader 11111)1, • IIIY tlato,calloctllldltold l'lmlls man lllllOlbll(a) ..m.... 10 pennltl..oaderlO"(iplylha -at Iha dme ,peci6ed -RBSPA. and (b) not m <:>:1"'911 tho.....,... ...... a -Con mp,ko -RBSPA. Leader ""8 -Ibo IOIO!int of Foads d1io oo Ibo bmls or_... doai liild -li!o -of OlljiC>ldiia'" ocruia.s-1 ..... orlllhorwioom ..... .-. widlAppHcableI.ow. ThePndsoltal)bc beldlnm lnnlmlion WMOed<,j>oQII IR-byafedcnl-,~. or <r>tlly (""1udioa Latdcr. If Lead,, is ., hilti...., wltc>JC deposl1t 111 ,o inotllod) w ID any l'<idml - Lou Bank. Loader sball apply tllO Pundo IO !1'111 tbo Bo<,ow 1-00 lalcr Iha llte tlmo ,._-..., Wider RBSPA. la>dor ,hall not dtarp lloaoww fot holdin$ liild app1J01110., l'llntll, 111111111'7....,.... lllo .,_ -or~tbo&cl01vlloa, .....,Lco<b l"'Y'llatnMia'-... .. thel'nntl, ad~ Low pormito 1-le< ,o 1111b -a olt8'llc, unie., • -lo made It,.,..... or Applloablo Low n:qukoa .-.. bep,i<I 00 thel't,ocis,wdttollall notbe ~IOpay _ _, _ O<eomurp oa ... l'ondo. Boaower aoo Lender cm~ in writing, bo-.1!111 --l>o pold m Ibo-. Ullderlboll gi'ICtD-. -~ an......i rnllltc oflbe l'lmdaa, l'CC[li,odliyRBSPA. If-~ a ou,pl\ls OC Flmc!B blild iD escrow, ,. ddined Dttdet Rl!SPA. under oltlll -IO Bcmm,r !u !be,.-, -in --with RBSPA. If domo b a-,. OCPlmds lioltl ln -. • do6Red -R!!SPA. Ullder -notify Bom>wcr as rcguin:d by RBSPA. end 8-""'11 pay 10 Lendor Ibo --10 -. ., the .-,. ;. lC<Oldance will! Rl!SPA. bur la "° _. .... 12 urondlly -If°""' b a ddlcieoey of Plmm lldd in =w, • domed -RESPA, under -notify llonowo, as r<qob<d by RESPA, l!ld lkllrowu sball !1'11110 Lender Iha -.-Y IO -IP 1k tW!Cieat:ym-witbRBSPA,bmirinom0t01hoal2-.y- Upoa Jill,,_ ID fuD of all-.......i by th~ Secwrity """-Lenderoltall ~ -IO -..., __ l,yLendor. 4.~Llem.--po,, ...................... -.... inipoa;--blo IO llrol'mpenywlllcll ... ...., priority-Ibis Securily 1-leooelloldPIJIIIIIOISO< g,oll!ld .-111 the Piope,ty, if.,., and CODDUl'li.ty Aa&ocialioo Duos, Fees. aad Art&VHIQ, if-,. 'To die ex1eDt ... dleao -... ----poythemlndleDllmlUproyidodht-3. Borrower lliaJI promptly dbclllrp Ill)' llai wbicb has prmty -11118 S...ity fllmtmeru ....,. BomJwct: (a) .,.... iii writing ,o the _. or die oblip6oa ICClln:d by the llea iii,.,_. l<CO]lOlble ID Lm-. bm only oo '°"' M Borrower is potfum,mg ...,. ...-(b) ....-111o Uoo la a,,ocl faith by, ..- -,plaot onJ'OIOomeat OClbo liaa lo, lop! proocedings whldo bluadn opWoo opontto to pro_ die ..,......._ oc the lica wMle -..-.,gs .., J"'1dinl; bu1 llllly attlil m:1t p,o,;mlinp an, omcltrded; or (o) -fmnt 111c holder or the Hen .. ~· salisfaomq to under -tlo: the lion ., tbk Socurity -If Lertder -. !hat ony port or the Propeny Jo ...,... 10 a lion -caa •IWn priori!)' o= 1bit Sewrlty lnlllumenl, ~may pve llom>w<r11101icoidcuclfylng Ille lieo. Wilhill lOdoys oftbe-onwhlt:hlhatnotlcelo~Bmrowersballaali,fylbollclltl'tabano«._oftbo...-JOt kdl litlowjl/ll .. Sectka 4. ............. • • 2IXl70227001781.D05 DOC ID t: 000158,5115802001 Leodcr my ,equ;,e ll<lnlwm IDpil/ a on .. time cl>ari<> !oreroal -11D<-mllor~ IIOrnCIOllRllbyLendorio-li<law!thtbial.oaa. 5.1',opatJ Innr-. -.r,boll Iceei, the ii,,,., __ ~ or lieraflor """'""oo Ibo l'rol)c,IJ insmed .,....1ou by fire, ---.... -·--· ..., ,,,, --............ bot DOI B-10. Wlhq..., and floodl, for -Lendor ,oqubo l...,..._ TM, .........,. sllall be ...........i Jn lllo ...,,..,. (inclucli"i -levtla) and lot 1llo perioO, !Ml Leildor ffl111)reo. WbolLoldcc~ -IO !be p,m,diog IIOll'-8 -ci.. dlwq 1h, -of Ille 1-. 'llllo -...,. ..,..,. J>RMdlilc !be ...,,.... shall be ..._ by n-ool!lo<i ,o 1-ler'o liglll IO dl&.¥,Ho,e B__,,a ollolce, which dgbl shill ru>I be w,,¢,od _....,. loader moy ..... BIJm>WOI" IDJ>II)', iD cc f.n wtlb tllol.ooo, eilller: (a) a ono-dmedlqe fotllood ..... --. ooni1icalbi ..i ncldA& -or (b) • ono-timo cbarJo fO< flood ,_ oellffllDlation 111d --ic<a and IUbleqllCOI '*"Pl eocb limo H116JIPl'88 or Bimilu Cllllllgc.t oecur wlllcb ~ mlpJ lllecl - "" ........ -8-ol,oll -be--lbt1hc-of., fi,u lmpooed by Ibo Fod<nl Bmer-,. M-1 ,._ In_..., wilb Ibo -d 111]1 llood zmo do-.n ,aolling fnman objo<tlon by llom>wer. If llom>w<r filib 10 fflldn!Ui any of lllO -· -b<d -.. Lendor -, obtain i-.ce -.. Lomlt:r's opoioo Uld ~. -· Leader is -... obllpdoo .. p,m:liooe.,, patic:ltlat typo ... -of -Tl>mofoto. "'"" .., ....... ,hall """ l.oldct, bot lllipl .. mlll>I ""' - -· -oqulty m Iha ~. o.-lho oon,_ of 1be l'rol)c,IJ, ..., 1111 rllt, -..- Bablllly and mi&bt p<mdo -• louot .._ --~ in----.... M h, COIi of Ille -...,. .._ IO obmiiltd mlgbl o;soi-, ......, die COIi of -tlllt B--•vooblain<d.A.,-<ii-byLoodc,111111orlillSeetlm5-beooolca- dobt o/B«mwe,OOCilfedby Ibis 8-aty!n......,,.., n,., ..-ohall --111hoNooa-- lbe ml< d diabiJl ... kDI Uld 1111D be p,yabJ<. -"""' -~ -OOllce -Lendor 10 :S-~-All .......,. polic:ioo IOCjllilod by Lcoder and -· of .... pollcdoa llioll be lllll!jocl .. Laida's ri&l>t ., ~ -polic:iel, llllll laclado • llanderd morlgap clnoe, --..... Lendor ............ -• ao Oddlcionol loaJll)'W. 1--llhall UYC iho rlgh1 IO llold the p(llk:leo•-ca_ If Lendor i,qm,e,, 11c:m>wer -J>O),.,cly Ii>< co 1.oD<1u o11,..,;,,. or paid J11011U111D1 llld _. ......._ lf -.r oblain, "11'/ fom. of -co,-. DOI ollicrwiac ...,..... by loader, for~ IO, or -...... of. !be~.""" polloyabal) -·----and-..... r..-. __ .... _loOI_ In die evcol of km, Bonower-pva pompt i!Olicc 10 lhe lanmoce ca.rior ..i Laldor. Lender -Y -poool of loaa Jf 1101 -JIRllOPd1 by Bonower. u.Jea I...-and B--...,. -ln wriO<g, ., -_..,., -... ""' die undc,lyinJ """"""' 11'11 .......,i "7 Lender, -be IIJIJlliod IO ........... or ,q,oir of !be Ploi>cny. if !be """"1llioJ> • lfl)llr ls '<-~ -aad Le.ido'a omirily is ............. 1>.,..-ii rcp.;, and res10lllloa pciiocl, l..mder llball .... 111c daht 10 - ..... ---J:.oador 1111 liod .. _..,;iy., ilapocl-l'Jq,<tly .. -... wort .. bl<G '°"""""" IO Londer• .-, ponded Illa! IIICb ln,peo1loo 1111111 bo --_.,_ I..- --• -40 fot lhe lepoia and-ll11 al;!lo 1",-«Ina -d...,_ _... ., 1k Miil:;, o,,qldod. Uakss Iii -ii Olldein wrilll1J <r A..,iieoble Law ffllUim......, IO be paid oo _..,..._....,....,I..-llllall 001 be mqOH'Od., poy -""7 -er....,.., oo -pmccedl. "-r..-fd>lic o<ij-., or Olhe< Illini po,,te,, -by ._ s11111 IIOt k poid out of lhe ...,,.,.,. proceeds ..i 111111 bo the tole obliga6on of --· If !be -or RjlOlr ls ""' .......,1oa11y fcosit,je o,-.....ity would be leaene<i. lloo........,. pron,odo oholl be appllod IO lhe 1ii11111......S by lb;, Secorily I-whelho-°'"'" ihon doe, wilh mo-ilaoy,poid toBoaowr:1. s.a--. prvcoeduillll be 8j)pllod ln lhe <>nlcr provided l'o< Iii s-. 2. lfBarronr illiondcoo lllo i'rape,1y, Lmdct .. y file, ,qOliab: an!l oellk ony anllol,lo -olllm llld tdalod -. If Bmrowc. °""' "°' IO,p<»d wilhin lO days 10 o -l'lm Lade, lml *--., -baa-.. -. claim. .... ~-ncgotio1e and -.......... 'lllD 30-dly period ..m boaiD wlMm lhe oodce iii a;-. In ollbor ......, o, if Lendor ""film die Prop,rv -Seetlm 2:1 or __ ......,,. ....... ,ol'..co,Jo,(o) Bonowcrarlputo-,--ln .. - not,oczccccllhc -,,_.i-llio Nclc or dllo Securi.1y _ ..... lb)IIIJ-of:e.,a,,,,en riglill (olher!llln lhc rip! .. ,,.,.-o1_Jli=l111111 poidby Boauwcr)_all _ J)Olidcs ......., ae l'ropcily, inlofar • .... Jia,blo,.. ~ble .. Iba.._ or the"-· Lender may ... 1bcluannco _ei_10.....,iror-mc l'ro!)crty ""' pay-wpoicl llllllorlbe Nolo or lhls Socoril.Y lmll....-wllcllicror ... lhondoc. f. ~. --OCCUJ>l', estab1isi,, m,d me lhe i'lq,<lly • B...,_,, pluolpd _ -. ro""" a11cr 111c .....,... or_... s..,.111y """"°""'""" 111o11 -"'OCCUJ>l' .,. ,,_ .. -. prioolpel ~ ror .. --year Iller ""' -or-· -Lender--IA w.dlios, wbloll-""'11 .,.be uorca,on,,bly ,.;dlldd, or-oi-.niJIJ cho-enl ..-... 1,eyonc1_,_ 7 • .l'Neenatloll, Malad ..:e _. Protedloa or ille Prtfett1; larJ rtS,-Jk:mww Jball not -,, ~ .. impair the l'n>J>at7, llllow lhc Propcny to de!ulonlla Cit--oo lhe Pmpeny. Wbollioranotl!onoweril l>blW>f in Ille Prq,ort). Bomn,or--lbeP_,, 111 ...... ., _ ~i5of11 • • 20070227001781.006 DOC IO f; 000158$5115902007 w ._., _ .... rionlllw& or-gm vallle doe o, •oondieioL IJJ>leal•il--0> Soedaa 511111 tq>lirar-nD01ecmomicoUy r....il>lo, BMowe< ,i,B11~ iq,oi,llo..._., ;r ~ IO 8'0ld --.. or damogc. II i•-·•r -P""=I .. paid ii c..----lO, or lbc fWDI o~ the Propony, -ahall be ._,,.. for rq,airq or -.,, Ibo P,-,;y ooi,, ;n.-111o n:1-proceed, ror nch-. Leader--...- for dlo npoio, IAd .-;on 11 • lio&J< l"l""<II' or in a llOlioa or_... ...,_ 11 • -ii comploood.11 ... -., _joo poocods .. not lofficlonl o, lop,lr or"*"",.. l'lojlcrly, llclavw<tnnot..&...iuf-...,ollligatiooforthoeompleli(IG<Jf..,.,JOpoiror- l<mdet or Ill --.-mt10011bie entries upon n iAopcclloos of ... l'lopcdy, Ir It ltat -...... Leader-~ dlo inralot or lbc im, .......... "" lbc ~-Leodcr llllall ghc ll.,.....,-11 lbc lime of ocprlor O, IUCb 111 interior lnspocdclo ....,ityioc llllCh--. I. .,_.. Lon Applicllioa.--et,all beia-.U If, duri11& moi-~ - -or IIIJ' -« amiica 11:tiDg ar the duocuon of Boorow« or 111d, B_., lamwlod&< or -,... ~ lalae, ,.._., o, uu,oc:,nta illfOtnlioo or ,_ IO Lcodor (or foiled o, pn,,iclc t..dor will, -inlormalion) in <onncction with ... i-. M>omal --Include, 1'11 mo llDI limUi>d 10, ._...-cooce,na,g Bonowds ~ or Ille "'-11 u B_., prlocipol -,. ,. ••• cu..., [.ala,',_ .. .,,. Pro,...., and Rlgh Under fllfl 8ecadly -It(-> JIOfflJWV liib to,_ Ille_..., -Q --in llllo Sccmlly 1-0,) -!tr. lcpl procoedJns 11111 mlab< alpificaady ,mo, Leoddl in,_ lo 1M Pn,peny lllllllor ripll -Ibis Sealrilf -(Neb • • pnxeedlog in banlnip<cy, ........_ for co,-ar f-. • -of I Hal .tJicb llllY 1111m priority o,cr this 8-li:, l...._.t ar IO -Int ot ,.,.i,,;o,,,). or (c) -bu -Ille Property, thcn Leader 11117 do 111d 1fl1 for -!tr -or.,_.."'-~ """"'io lbcPr1JIICII)' lllldrlghls1Uldu !Ms Secarllf ...._, ..,.....,. ~ -.r .....,..111e ..... of Ille l'loJi«IY, llld.....,. -,q>llilma Ille l'Jopt,ly. London --lnc:lado, bat llO n limt<d to: (a)J'6Ymg ay --1,y I lien -Im pliadty .,,.. u,i, Snnw,;q l':nMr-.-.; 0,)--511& i,, i:omt; and (c) l"lfDI! -~ ~ ID ...-11o -in !be 1-lf -qj>ls -this Security lnarrmn<ol, ~ ita -.d pooitioo in I l>oatmpmy Fl'OCI fOJ. 8ecmlioe !be Proj10fly loclolles. bm is not llmlled CO. -., lllo P,ope,t,. 10 - ,q,oJm. ~ locb, repi-or-,.. coon and wmdoM, dlaln -r ... pipeo, el-bolldblS or -code -or~ coadib~ ODd have utilitico -oo ar mr. AllhoDgb Lender-IOl<c IICtion under dlit Seclian 9, Lender -oor llav, to do an ODd la IIOt uncle, ""1 duly or~ to do to. h is l-1IIIIIX-W-.111>lisllilily foraot 111mg 1111)' onD ,c&onsadoori2ed-U.. Seclioo 9. 11,q.....--..,.Lender-tblaSoetioo9 ohaD--clobtor-.i-.......r by Ollis S-,IIJ' lllslnlmedl. --,hall bear-II Ibo --Crom !be -oldis-alldllmll ha~ wt111111Cbin--aoocoliomLeoderto:Bonvnr,........._.. If llil Seemly -..... leuehokl, ~ -""'"M' widt all rbo po:,,;,iom ol llto -- If Booowor _... foe tlllo 10 llln~. the 1,...,;d anll Ibo fee dllo ""'1""' --Lender _ ..... _ .. ~_ 10. Mm1-_ ,r1-J<qwed M<.lpge 1......,. • • CClldltioo or...., .. i-. lkln<l,n:r,t,a11P1Yllle ......... fflllirt40,mainrain lllcM--lnetrect. If; for-,._ tbe ----i<qUired "7 Lendet _ .. 1o bo --Ille --.... ~ JllOYlded """ -""'ilo<rom, ..... _.... to -__., ......-- -!be'""""'""' .... __. --Bmow<, "111] Pl!' lhe ~ n,q,,i,od .. ---...iatly eqo;-to llloMcapp-.....p,evloosly in<lfOOl.11•-~-.,il-"'llto _.,B_at""'--"-'""•;oo,iymel!eot,_oo ___ _ b)'1-.l!~eqamlatt~-e_.,.,!trDOl1.....,,..__lhalloootim,o IOJJllY tol.eodotll>o-atllle-lelyde_ltd_dlll ..... doe_ tho __ _ ,.ham-. teod«will l<CtJII, -.... -. --......... -... -..In n..o1_.,...--.Soc1tlooa,_.. ohall be non............,~ lboDClthMtbe1- II ~ pa;d In fnll, alld Lender -.. be J"'!um:d ., py Boaowot 1111' i-n.. or comlnp "" """ .... -· Lonclot -""....,._km .......... ,.,..., ;r ~ --(in .. ..,_ ad for lllo pcdod ..... Lender .....,;res) provided by aa --.ed 1,y Leodct .... - aYlllablo. is-..J. ...iuar....,. _.,.ty do:,iplOd JIIJ"""" IOlftld lbe pr-... ror M<WIPP -I{ l.eoclor reqalted ---... eoo<Ntloo "'-.. lllo Lolll llld -- n,qob,d 1D -__.,. "'8lpalod _ .. ,ow,nj the ........ "" ----ablD Jllll'lbc ..-.,.Rqllited o,-Monpgc 1118lirancc in oUect, or 11 ~•-blo Joa ,...,,,., unlil I-....,.._ fu-Mortpgo ln,urmce eodo ill actu-with an:, -- bot....., 8-lllld Lender pmitlioa for mh tenninalioo or -""'-J1 tt<pliled by Ai,pliAllle Low.NadlqiaU..SocdoalO--,obllpcioo,oPIYillltRlllllllcratoJllO'llcfodlnlbcNooo. "'""---Lender (er IIIJ)' entity"""""""""' 1M Note) llr......, -lt-mcm U'Borrowudoetm.;iq,,q 1hc Loin u agreed. BOD'OWCt iS'DOl a,pan;y lo lhe ~ Jnaunnce. --- • • 20070227001781.Gl!7 DOC ID I: 00015855l1S80200~ Mortgeip QIAlren evllaate mcir kJilal risk OD al sucll inswance .iR forte from dme: m lime. and may enta Into•-"• willl oilier pulica.tbat-or mocfify IJ,c;, rill<. or --n...o .,._ ••.., """8 oncl -lhal MO llllilfocluy 10 lhe mO<tns< ;....., ood 1116 -porlJ (or panico) 10 --. '111coe-m7reqa1"'""'-•m.....-10.-_,....,...,,....,..,_ lhal Ille-----· (wlllc:ll ""l' inclodofimda -.,,dfrom M--prea,imns). A,·-of-_, Lniler, "'Y........,. dllle NolD, --. Ill)'-. Ill)' -cadly, "' ay affillao, of.., of Ille !w<goina, moy ..,.. .. (~ or lndkoc"1) ...,..,. IIIOl dedvo fn>m(ormigl,I be-oo)apoOio,, otBcxrow,;t>•-CorMonpp-.-, 1o...._!or lhadoc or mocllf]liog Ille ~ ........, d,t, or rodoCH1C loll01, If IIUCll -~ IIIOl an -of Lo,cler -• -of tlle -· ri,k in e:«h-for • -of ............ pold"' Ille iuorer,1he-·--·ap41 .. ...,......,.,._._ (o)A"lndl .... -wll .. al!ect the-...................... IOtJOJIM"Mottpp -,....,, ..... ....,of .. Lou.&d..,rm....,11111_._ ... __ wil ------llldlMJwlll"°' .. dlleB0<ro-loll'1- (I,),.., -·--w.111 mt -... rlpts lllml-..... Ir..,, --...,... .. Ibo Mortpce. &8mMace -..lier ... Eh r I ALJ.!'I Proltdioa Act of D'8 .. _, .... law. n. ~ .. , __.. Ole daM to NOllft ..,. diedo &ti\ to ngwt Ud *ala g s»u ti e.e ~ I o. tolia.e a...Mertppl w Ul"llaidated:auk:tllaf" Ry, ..W., 10nie.m I nfmd ofay Mortp .. -.......--..... ..........i., ... _., ___ ......... __ lL ,\wlpz;f t of --, JI-All -Procted, .,. 11orebJ •ipod ll>axl ohall bepold,o~ JrlhePn>J><l'Y it tllmleed, -M...n,,..,.,. Proceeds -be ,AJlled., _or...,.. of Ibo l'lq,ony, If llH:""101111k,q .. ..,., liOOllllomically -blc '""Laidet's ~ is BOt "'-<4. Dmin& -,epoit,o(lro,-,odod,Lomlo<lbollba .. il>orirhl., bold _____ I..-_ hid .. --1 IO~-~ 10....,. !be wurt r...1-completed O> Laidot'a-. provided ""'-~-be -promptJy. uade<...,. pay rcr 111e c,paiq .... -... • a l1n&le dbla:•1•11 or in 1 _.. of llftllt'e18 p&}'mall:s es lbc wart la com.Pl*d,. Unhls an IIIUllnall ii -lo wrilil8 "'Applloal,lo La,, Rqalroa mt=.! to be po;<! oo -•r C •oos l'IO<ads, Lmda shal Dot be seqlircd 1D JB1 llt1ffOWCl' ..,. illelela or earnings oo aocli M1sa:Aweoos Proc:ecdl, lt Ibo Je110111ioa or rcJJlir la,.. eoooomicolly -or Leodel'a oecmity would be klaenod. 1llo Mlsce._.. l'roceal, ol,oll be ,wiled to 1lle ,.... .......i by 1llil !lecortty 1ns1ro-. whelller or IIOI 1llen due. wllll Ibo......._ If IIOJI, pald10B..-.Sooh-Pn>ocedtshallbeawfiodio1llecnlerpro,idedlorlDSeellm2. la tho cvw of a lnlal IOl:hlc.-oo. '"Joa in ..ine ot Ille "-'Y, ... Miocellaneooo l'loccall shall be ,ppliod ID !be -.......i 1,y tllill Secoril)I 1.........., -u ooc !hen doo, will, Ibo.._, If "'l' ......... - la die mmof • panial latillC, dcomlClion, or Joa in ..i .. ot.,. Pn,perty m v.lildi lhe l"eir-va1ao or tho Propmty ._..ll!IJ bct!n lbe .,..,.. llklng, dcoltUClioo. or looo ill va1ao is-1 "'or -111m 1lle am-t of ... _ eecoml 1>, t11i11 Soaority -inin>odlltdy botln lbe JlUlilll tatiog, demlctioo, or bl ID ,-. ..ia, Bamwer IOCl lador otbenriae ogt<e lo writlo& llto --t,y.., Scoudty --be-lly .. -o( ... ___ mnltipioclllyb:r.-i,,g- (8) 11te...,.,..... or 111e....,, _ lmmcdiolcly.before tho putill atloa, ...._"' io. 1n - dmded lly (b) Ille fait--of 111el'ropmty .....iiaa,Jybefbte tllcjlUlial llkllts,-., or lclll ;,,-.. Art1bolaoceob1Dbepid,o-.,. lo Ibo °""'of. pi;al ~ -a.,ti ..... 1oir;,, ..... ollhePi-,, ia wlddo lho --- of lllo Ptcpetly ~ -... p,,t;aJ IOking, -... "' loll In ..... is .... tltott .... -of 1lle ..... ........S lmmedlltoly belGrt ... putiaJ takiDg, deatraolloo, or loA io nluo,...,-..,.. ond ~ Cllho,--.ia, -lo Milin& die MiloellaneollS Proceeds -be lff)lled o, ... ..., -bl' 11m Socmity--arlOlllte,mm *"' .... doe. l! lhe Proporty is ol+w• d lly Bclm>tver, ar ff, allot"'*"° by Loaoor 10 Borrow,, dlat die Oppmiq Piny (M deftaod lll lhone:<1...-) offcn tomoua award.,.-., cilim fordllllapl, lloaowerfalla IO ...,.... "'l.codc<witi>h, 30-,.lllor lbodo1e lhe noac,;, s1-1---10-• ...,..,, the --oitbor 10 -... ·., _.-of the Proporty cr., 1lle -->y thlo SCCttllly --~ -.. ""'1hao doc. "Oppoaing Patty' ......... Jillt,I prwty ........ -~ Proa,eds or the PldJ apiml WhOID Borrow~ Int• ripJ. d eciiCIII: ill ,ep,d IO Meoo1ltetons -BDffllftt aWI be lo -If aa, IClioo or J"OCCO<linr, wlletltor ciYil or almlttol. ii besPn Illa~ iD Looden.,.._~ -.....,., -.,. of lbc Proporty.,...,., _ lmpai,tttenlof .....,.,., ......,. in die Propmy or ripu.., dns sec.ilJ' hasl:ruJK:nL BODOWa" aa cme aucb a d8fawt-. if ttcok:tltai ----• povidod bt Section 19. by cauang Ille 11C11on °' p,o-8tt& o, be di.lmloacd -• JUJlog .... iol..Mdot'ojocl ___ fotfeitmeof ... Pr-,. .. odter lllllclill ~oft:-. .-i• 11,c Prop,rty or llJJ>II -tills Socurlty -'lllo p,oc,,eda of 11DJ aww or daim ro. da-...... -..... llllplimloot olt.ffldcr'I ;-ill Ille "'-"'7 .. bercby &1"1s,,ed ond .!boll be pod IO Loctt!a. fonrl 381111/01 • • 2007022700171tl.008 DOC ID fl 00015855115802007 An-:Pmc:eocl, lhat.,.nolapplied 10 ....-lioo i,,......,_of lbe 1'1-")' ohollbe"l'Pllld• thecrcia p,ovidodl'orill Seed• 2. 12. --NII RdCMld; Fur-Bf r...a,,-1'IGt • Walm. -of !be d010 b -1"6modificatioo ol-ollhe sum, -by Ibis Socarilylntnncmpanledby Leaduto B-oranyS.C.-io-olllolrowcrahall•OI-IOreloue!holla1>1111),af-WIIII)' Sli<coaau1;,, .._ ol llonw<r. Lender sbaJl oot be ~ 10 ....-.., procoedi11p llpkllt my S-h1Joton,1tof!1orm...r..-1o-u, e>:tondtimc r...,.,,....orolhorwloomodi!y mortlzlliouof tile --..I by lll>I Socurity l..-by muoo of any demaod -by lllo olipDal Bor1orir w uy SPCCCIIRNl 111 -· of Boavwer. Aay ro,,,.,,..occ by Lco<!<r iB ......i.ma-, ngbl or RmOdy ~ -limllllion, l.aldccl --· of Pl')'llHllll> from dutd---"'s-in -of -arm -loa llilll lfle .,._ !hon doc, ,ball not be a -af m .,.-lbe-..orany rip1or-,edy. 13.JolodudSnonl l.lal>lilj,; CH!gaera;-...... Mlllao----... -°"" s ...... obliplloq 1111d liobilhy shall be Jolllt ... ......i. -· IIIJ' --.......... Scomlty-but-llOI .......... Nole<•·~ (I) Ii OCHipll,w .. Secarily -cni,10-.-,..i ... ..,. ..... .....,~-mdle~-...,"""""'lbb Sowiity "'"'mwwwt; (b) ia not peaonally oblipted 10 poy lhe -.......i by 1h11 S=rit)' ~ w (c) ._ 11111 ~ ...a 1111)' Olbtt Borrower .,. -lo °'IOlld, modi!y, -or ,.. 1111)' w .,.. • witJ iqlld lO Im -.. or tllis Seaari1y lmlJumml. o, the Nole wilhoal Im ~ -Sllbjccl,olho~ofSectioo !8.anyS""""""'mlnlaatol:ao..o....wl,o-- oblipllom-lbis ~ -In-... uxl isllJIPIV"'4bylador.oboll-olol- ricl* and bc:nofill-lhl, Sec,mr, 1-m,a,L B0110W<r ohdlllOt be"*-<l tomlklm>l,a'I~ and llabilllyaderlbiss...,;i,-.nnJ"' Lcnder-10-IClealolll,mq. "11le-and -ollllloS<aJdlyl--bind(=J>tUJlrol'idcdillSc<doa20)aodbmefitdle- and .... oll.endor. 1.4. 1-0arpo. Lender may cbl<ge B-fceo for ...-peafmned m <>IJIIIIO<tlao wilh Bcinvw.n default. ror 111o -or JlftlloCtiRll '-"""' -;,, ..,. ~ and rips -r11, Soa,ri1y Id--... bot,.. Bmiltd ro, IUOlllcyl' foe,,-fnlpoctim MCI -11,oa. l1I Jt.8"d 1o.,., Olbort.ea.111• -or..,.... -oar, in lhis s-il!' .........., IO.,,_ a specific re. 10 lknowor llllall aoc be-uaprollil)ilioo .. "•clla!Jlmaofncb ..... Lcodermay oot charpf ...... ,..~ pn,lllhltod by this Soomlly lmOUmenl or by App!icahle Law, If Ille i-b llllljoct ID l law wlllch -maximmn looo clap,,.., 11111 law i,, .l!nall)' ~ oo ii. Ule-orolh« loon~ -..i °' 1o be -io ....,...,. wilh Ule Z-......, Ille pa,mUod linlMo. ll>m>: (I) ay sacb Joanclwp Bll>D be ...i.ocdby Ille--, 10.-lho cbltp 10 llloJlOIDillod 611111; and(b) any_,.~ collcctodfrom ______ lmiU will be ""1nlded lO -· Lcndet -cboooc .. make 11,ls ..r-11,y ......... tbe plioclpal owed -Iha -0<bylllll.lllS1<1rectpoymonc10Bonowc,.Jfa"'1md-pri,,dpol.llloiedocdoowillbe""""'• a pirlial I F JW wltbool OIIJ -dwq<, (whelhr:r II" IOI• pq,a,W chaao la p,wlded for -Ibo -i BcinowwB -d '"Y mch .-.d -by -_..,,.., B""""°' will -·-clflllyrighlof-Boaowunught-..... oatofncb.........,.. Is.-. An nodcea giffll byBmrowet a, Lcndet in WiitAtiw wid> thlt-,. 1W ,_ be la wrillog. .A,q 1IOlico ID Bolrowor Pl """""''""' ,.;tb tlb Secorily --bo deemed ID ,-, booo »-11> Bmower wlleo mollcd l,y f,m cla11 .,.;i or -""""°' doll-, ., llolrowcr'a ....,. -W-1,yOObor--.Nolioou,any ... B°"'"""olloll.......__loaDl!arrowm- ~ Law o:q,realy n,qllirea Olllavnsc. The ooCicc .-liaR be 1be ~ Addff:a - B-. llaa ooqllll<d a -toll> -addtcal l,y notico 11> Lendor. ----,17 IOlif)' Leader or-.._ of-If l.ondcr,pccifies a~ for lq,otll,oa -..,, obaop or -. ---""'1-•~ or.-l!Doqh 111e1~pococ1uro.111en,..., be ooly ... d<apalo(ITIOli<e--lhio Secarily '-" .,. ... llmo.Ally100li<e lO Laadelllllll be giYmJ by dolTerlar h or l,y odq hl,y fin< clus mail ID l.cndcr'1-.. 111toc1 be<ai ..i... Laadel boo ......-i..--..1,ynodce IO Bom>w.,,, A-,..,... .. ......_, -lhlt Secon,y- -.. be doancd ID .... -given ,ol.onde< nnlil ac10ally lOCe!Wd l,y l,.endor. If lllf-toqm,w,,, lllli Socurily-b mo ..,,....r under Applicable Low, dio AfJplcabk, Law rcqul,ornea1 will Jlllilfy tbc--ldial......--lhis-ty- 1', a....... Law;Se-111 ..... <I.,..,__ 'lbil-ty ---............ by -.i law and Ibo Jaw at Ille jmbdlcaoo in whlcb Ibo Ptapon)' lo .......,_ AD ripU and ob&a,,llom ........i III u.. s..,.;r, -..... " .. llie<I ,. 111y n,qawww• and --or Aj,pllcablo Law. AJil,llc-Law lllialK eoplicilly o, iolplioilly allow tho pm,;,. I0-1,y -or~ miJbl bo _,, but aucli allenoe aboll nat be ..,.....,.. .. a prohibilioo ,p;,,., -by -. In 1ho •-lbol ray ...,-., clauoodtbil Seewity ._ or the Nol<-wilb AppllcoMo Low, ..... -- "'" -o1hor ~ ol lllio S.....,. lm""""'21 or the -wbioll OIII be gi.,.. -w-die ooolllcmlg p,omon. Ila -ill !bis Socority In-(a) woro, of the ....U.. po,!tr ""'11 -and inolndc """""°""' ..... words°'"""" of lbe C.,.,mu,c g<ndor; (b) -;,, ""alnpm mil ..... and - ... plDcal and --,ad (c) tho WDRI "may" g;..., 1olo di,,mioo -""l' obllplloo lo -Ill)' -__ ,.,,. • • 200711227001781.009 noc ID,, 000l5B55115B02007 ... -..~ Cop.r,llonowotllhall be givco mooopyoftboNoloaclallhll Security- 18, -of dot l'ropesv or• llmelldol 1Dtmn llo -· Aa med In Ilda 8-18, ,_ In ... Pn,per,y· -111)' lep] ... beneficial -· In dlo ,,_.,, lllcllldimr. bat not llmilcd lo, -----!nol>Oodfll<dccd."""""l'crdoad.-llloo.......ior......, .,,_tbcm1a11ofwhiehillbolnlllfuoltideby11om>wer11a,..,,,.dlloio•--· Uall or ooy patoC Ille Property a: ooy lnr=,1 in lhe Propeny lo IOld or_ (or lt-io 11111 •-peaoa ad a bcodicial-..iin llorrow« ~ oold .. lrw!<md)-~ pnm- """"'~ Leader may Rqllire -paymc,,t lo full of aD """' ICCWod by 11111 SCCllrlly -. -.11m .....,.111ian not llo--by LMder if such cwd.,e ii pmllibiled by APJilcal>lo I.ff. If i..-..-11m opdm, Lendec shall g;,e e...._ AOlice of--. 'l1le oodo:o lll>all JrOrido a period of not lus Iba 30 a,1 ho, Ille -the IIOlko io p,eo In ---Soelioo 15 -.iwhlcbllom>ws-payd-BOCW<llbyWsSc,wity _lf_1lltilllopay- -prior ID 1k eq,1"'1m o{ 1h11 podod. Lendet may -""I -pormitlod by 1h11 Securky --·--or-ooBormwc,. 1'.llwi0Wa'•ltfil'lle--A<Celeratim.H ___ coadldaw,lklra>o<er -haft tho ,igllt 1" -cal'on•>DCDI ot 11>1, Security -cilconJmuod a uy -prior IO lllo -of (~ fi'<o dryo befixe .... "'lllo Properly -"'ooy -of .. -ill 11do Secmey l-(b)--pedod .. Appllooble Law aust,l ,pocily !'er dlo-d ll<l<roMn Jipl ID ~ or (e)....,. ot 1j11d&,nonl-.,, tbis s.c,,,;1y lnlllnlmlllll. 'lbooc .-....... 11111 Boawr. (I) ,.,. Lendet an -• wllith 0-woold be duo -tbis Sa:miCJ, -...i 1l>o -• ii.., _... bad-, (bl ,...onydefml1ol'anyotbcr_. .. .,.._ (e)_d .._ -.ill ..ro..li,a 1h11 Seaui1J --lnebJclo:, ...... -lo, -.._.. ..... -, loo,c<lior> .... _ ..... nd Olbo, C,.,.mc,urcd lortt,; pwpa of pnJ!OCll!na Leadol'l - ltl lllo l'1opmly addpll-11,I, $-,uy Jnlllamtnl; 1111d (d) llbs IIJOh llC1ion II Loodr, __ , n,qui,< 1o ....,. 11111 Leodm'I 3-.ill lbc Propeny 111d dpu -tbis SCOllll<y --al -.,,, ol>llplloo., JIOY lllo llllllS ""'1IIOd by du, Secimcy hm-. lhaD -• I 11 Lad« may""'"'° Illa! :aoao-pay 111:b __ , ..... and cotJIClllCI in oao or-. of Ibo llJllowlor ta:mr, •-'1 ~ (~Ollh; (b)moooyorder; (c) cemficd ehecl:, --. -. dloct orcaollion cbocl. prorilled any -cllcot II dmw "F(lll an iorillltion whooo dopooi1J .. lmmed by a.lodoal-. -II' or-,; .. (1)-lc Pimd, Tranlfcr. Upoo -by-. 11111 Soourily -llld ol,Spl!..., IOCllrOd ......, oball lO!Nin lally d'reca.. u if m -la1 ocomnd. -· tllilrla"' IO ..in-shall•OIIIIIPIY in ... _ ol ___ 18. 21. Sale tlNole; a.up et 1.-Stnlcer, .Notico ot Grle,....._ TIie Nolo or• ponill -lo lhe Nole (!Oplhot-llli> Secori,y lflllroolen\) c:on be so11 one or...., --pior aodce"' a-. A lole mi&blmall ii a di""" ill lllo eodly (known u lho "Loon setvictt') lilll ecllocl>l'eaiodic ..._ doe-lhe-M-.1 lhio SeomhJ, .........,.Mdpedorms ___ .....i....,b•: · •UDCI« Ibo Molo, 1111& Socurlly lAllnllnml~ 111d Aj,pi<able Law. Tboro allomipl be ooo or--.., of Ibo 1- Scnicer -.cl 10 a ale of Ibo Nole. If lbcre;, a chaDgo of doi Lolll Sonicc, :aom,..,,, wlll bog;.. --of111c CUIIO wllm will-lbCIIBIIIC llld acldrea ofdloDOW Lolll -, Ille-IO wbldi -llhoal1 be llllde 111d M'f olher lnrormatioo RESPA ,..;...1a < IMl -·-of .....,.of-., If lhe Nololl ,old lod -lhe Lolll lo """"""1 by a Lolll--lbon Iha ,._,ol Ibo.Nola, lbo_.....loa..,,.;<ing obUplioos .,-..,will....., willl lbol.on- o, bo -10 a-......1-Scn!t:cr and.,. aot -by lhe ------· p,OYldo<lbylhe-...-. Ne!lher-.., -~ -coom,caco, jOIO, a: be jolDod to M'f ju1l<ial -Coo dlkr • lndividoal liliatntordlo........,ofaelm) that-from lheolber_.. __ II> 11m s-ilJ' -... lhal alloge, 1h11 lhe Olbor -... i..a.hed ony Jlflfflllool of, or ay lloly -by -of, dlllSeauUy rm.-, undJ -B-or londor 1w nolificd lheodlor-(11'i!h ""'11-si-• ................. ,,.._ of_ !5)ol .. c:1o all~---.... ---· -period alter die gl>qof-ooiice lO -......, ... -If Applicab1o uw--. lb, poriol .dilch-~ before ............. CII be IOUl>, lhll-l"'iod will be -IO be....-l'cr-of ll,l, _ The_ ol _ mxl __ lO __ ., __ to Soetlan 22 llld 1k llOllte., _ .. gjycn 10 ---b 9-18 lll>alJ bo-10 111111y111onoticomc1-..,;,y10lll1mocm<1ivoacooop,:,,i-oflhilScc11ca20. it. B .,_ !+ftrres. >.a IUOd»l lhiii: Section 21: (a) "Huatdona hl t r •.,. dlcJIO 111illlmDol -• lOXio or ---poll•-o, ......, by e, ........ oai I.aw ae1 lbc ,-.... -a-ioc, krootne, odlot--.ieor <rue~....-. IDXic pclllcidoollldbcli)iddor, vololile IOlvonll, lllll<riala OOJ>lai,dog """""" or fum,al1ehyde, ud tlldiqlcllYO --(b) "Banilom •• Law" mew fcdcn1 11w, and law, of 1be jwiai:licdon nee lhe Plq,el'rJ i.! IOcated: 1Dt nlMI: ., lallla, ..roty a: en•i........,. ..-.;oo; (c) --Cleaaop" -My ._. ICllon, -oodoo..,......,.. oelim,. -io Bi,,-..., Law; .... (d). "llli, __ Condidoa" nm 1 ~ 1h11 can came,~ a>. or Olhc:rwitc lligpr Id &n.:hoaa.lC:alll Oeanup. :aoao-lllalJ not c:aaoe"' pe,mlt 1le --. ""· <lispcool, ,......, or,._ of my - Sa-.. or-lOO m,._..., lla2atdowi Sut.-. on ori11die Property. -..111a1111111c1o, ... -..,_else lo do,..,...,. -lille lbc l'ropel\)' (a) !hat b"' -of •Y Blnk ... ....i uw. (b) whh:b mialol 1111 ~ Coodilica,. or (c) whi~ due IO 1he p,uenc:o. IISt cw J'Cleae ol a :Haz.nloN PagrltM11 --1111 • • 20070227001781.0,0 DOC II> I= 00015855115802007 SU-.......,•-llllll-ly af!ett3 die ..i.o or111e ~-Thopoec,:db,s two...,_,. -... app1y., 111e-. ...... _ 00111, Prope,ty or....u --or--""' ... s-lll1,...,.,_ ID bo ~kl"""""' midonde] ........ tJ IM-cfdlo""""1 (lnc1Udmg.1""1101llmilodl0,--in-~ -lllall i->J"IY she Lendea wrillal noci<e of (t> my..........,,....._ dcmtod. 1awtait or --by Ill}' ao,eaw,1111 or Iqllll•IOIJ agency or p;.-pony lnYohlq dlo ~ and ony --or-lI.awofwblch»-lias-ol~(b)ony&vh........i Condition. iPalndmlr ... IIOI Hniiold 10, "'Y ,pilling, lcl>Qllf, -._ -or -of -of MY _ _....,.,...,(,Janycoodillon-bylbe,__ .. _ofa--... whlcli atml80ly-. w....,,. oCdlol'rope<ty. Irl!om,wezlt:amo.or isllOllllccl by Ill}',.,_..., or replaror, ll1lbority, Cl' 1n, Jlffl'IIO PIii)'. that imy removal or oo.cr mm f-etk-ot my 8-adoaa ~cs ,lfccxinrd!eP1opatyis~.--prompc1y•.n-.-.-.. - w11111lo,_ Law. "Notil>J bon,io aholJ ..-ony obl;pda,l oo Lelldcr re,-• liDY-Cloanop. NON-tJNll'ORMCXlVBNANl"S. Baorowttandi.<ndcr---,..,...,_ n_....,.,., ..... .-.. .... g1,. .. ...,.to_,....., _ _,. ............. -or ony -.,. -m 11111 Benri11 -rt I'"" aoi pdor le ---18-App&e,,W.Low~--}. De--~(•) Ille-; (II) tlie-nplnd lo-. Ille dolnl~ (e)a dolo, ..ilNf-3' ...,._ tlie-tlie -is al_ to_, '7-tliedclaalt-be c.nt1;-(d)M-to..,. a.- • R' befert IJae date llfl'ldlieil QI Die notice DUIJ' nmJt ill a 2? lb fl .. W ..... 1aiJ tlrils S-U., --ad .... Ol:llle .....,...., al pal>lic .. -at 1 -ao1 ... -121 dorl ..... ----,.,.0..-llomnnrofllie riptlo ___ ..., lllerlplto briaa I """' liClloo to -tlie -zxlolaice of I .... or--, o0ior -tf -111 -tionaod..r.,aod...,-malien._ind kl be-lo•-"7 A--Lanr.D ... -• ............... -. .. date opedliod in 111e-. Lend,r al Ill ........ -,oq,,l,e -1e~1afllllor.n __ .,.11ms...t1,-·--..-""" _ .. _ tlie ,._., .... IIDd/ur IIIJ' olliOS' -pmdllld)1 Appllalolt WW, IMder-llo ..uilled to-.......... -.. pDl"IIINII Ille -~ i.11111-.. :H,lnclodlat. bod110U111ll1dll,t ---,..'r...ood"°"'of~lle-. D~-... -ot-.i:....i..iiliallam--toTl--.orlheoccuuweor oaffll>l ol-•4ot-.i-to .-O.ePf-'1 la•llllil. -llldl.oadu- ---npnlla&-or•lad-gl,.ladl-la-... lo--• Appllool,lo Law -, nq,,ln. Aflw llit Cimo ~ lJf Applalile Low """ -,a-lloa or tlie DOiier Gllllle,-. "Iii--on B<lm>wa, ohal oel 111e l'rop,rlJ at ,.U. •-C. Clio .,..... _al Ibo -and plact"""•..,... Ille lera d Sa • .., In,..-· of Ollo ID w Gr_.. Pofflllae41oaa,orderbaMM I,. Tnid«""'1"-lllootlhe~lbr1pedocl..- pertado ,.._.., AppllcaMe Lawllf p,,l)llc-at ... --ploee-lnllle-al-~orlla...,._-, .......,,llle~•·--,aa1o. Tnoloe rliaD-tollio,...-n-.-'a daN.,....,...lhel'roperlJ_ony_ ......... .,, __ .. ....-..i.--lD Ilic Ttwl<o~ ---prima--of tlie lnllllttlheale4 I -llienia,-aboll'JIPiy ... _...af ...... lDllle---- (a) Coal -oltlieoal,,i-., lllltnot 11m11a1 ro, ,_ w, _.,""" --,.· rwi Iii> lo 1111-....... •1 Wo ~ -eat; ood (<) DJ -• ... _or,..... i...., ...:1u.a ., 1t ... 1e ,.. -or a. '-"" -or Clio ...,. 1o -111e .... -,._ 23, • """ -UJ>oo 1'11""'" ot an """' .......i by llis Seco,;IJ--. ~ ohall - 'lm,teo oo ""'On'"7 O.e ~ ind ..U l1llffll<lct Ibis SecodCJ-ldd oil ..... o,klocoing del>I """"" by lhio Secmily -Co -Thuloe ,hall .-e)' ""'l'rope,1)' ,vi--ID Ibo ....... <Jt -leplly -.. IC. Such -Of --Pl)' 1111)' ·-..... ood lho Trultee'1 foe lfx J:ftPllil& 1k rsc:on-,o, ancc. 24, --hi -with Applicable Law,~ Dill' --to lime appo;,,i a ~ lnllee m eoy TnslN -.,poinced bcrooftd"' 'Witt> hall coued 10 MlL W'llholrl CODNJWIC8 DI lbe ~ • .,,. ____ toall dl• ,;,i.,,....,_. _____ _ aocl by Appli<:ablo law. 25. u. or~. :n.e.._., .... -J>b"O;pQl]y.,. .,.dcol-- "-A-..,., .r-. i..o.w :t>all b< tnllilod Ill"""'"';,,,..-.-,.· r.o, IIICI C1011t hi 1111)' ....., or PIO<Ocdlnc "' -or ocf .... 1111)' """mu.. s...,.;,y ,_ Tllo toon • .......,.. fl<o.' -....uaodlo 11,it Sec:wll)' l-&hlll lncludo wi1houtilldtadon-..,., roe."""""' by Lmle, In any llanlaup1eJ Poeeediic orcm apJIOII. DJIAl. AG!lllEllll!NlS Olt OltAL COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONBY, DTIND CRltlll'l', Olt TO POQKAlt JP.OM BNFORCING Jll!PAl'MIINr OJ" A DIIIIT ARB NOO' ENl'OllCIWll.ll tlNDEll WASIIDIGTON LAW. Papa,10¢11 ...... .... ,..,, • • 200/D22i001l81.011 . "(tC ID f: 00015855115802007 BY SJGNlNO BBLOW, Boaower a=ptB •nd ~ o, Ille 10m11 Mid..,_.. -in dllo Semiy-ancl b> aaylUderlmOlltCd by:S.,.,,....a,,d,eco,ded willlll. (SOIi) ---------------.- ------------~{Seal) - P89'1' 11 af11 • • 20070227C01781.012 LOAN f: 158551158 FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER (L1BOR One-Year lldel (As l'lbliahod In 7llt Wall Stn,et JOlfflll) • Raio Cape) TIIISPIXED/ADJtlS'l'ABLBRATB RIDER ls rnmlo dli.t FIFtEENTR day of FEBRUARY, 2007 , and is ilcorponoled inlo and shall bo deaned b amend and sapp!IIICIII die Martpgt, Deal o( Ttual, Of Seemity Dem (lbc 'Seclllity 1-') o( Ibo -llalO gifto by tie undmlpcd ("Bmowor") b-Bonwcr's Fix,d/Adjnm,blc Raio Nole (Ille 'Nole") to COONTRXllIDE HONE LOANS, INC. ("Lc:ndel"J of 111c -date and coft!iBg !be property described in lhe Secarity lilsmJnal and b:lll<CI at 3401 BENSON DRS REN70N 1 WA 98055-5455 [Property Alldrc,a] TBKNOTEPR<Ml>ISFOllACHANG£lNBORROWlll'81'1DllJl'l'IUll:nRATE TO AH Al)JIJSTABLE IN'.l1!Rr.sT RATE. THE NOl'! LIMlTS 'l1D: AMOll!\T BOIJIOWER'SAl)Jm'ABLIINfERFSI' RAT.ll CAN CJL\NGI AT ANY ONITJMII AND TBI MAXIMUM li'l1: l!ORROWEll MUSI' PAY, ADDfflONAL COVENANTS. ID addiliDII to die cOl'QIII and ~ llllde in 111c SCCllity lnsrtumcnl. Bomwer and 1,a,dcr fu!1hcr llOVfflllll ind egree 11$ ~ A. ADJUTJABLII RAT!! AND MONTIIL Y PA YMENI' CIWIGl!S TIie Nole proyidcs Air an ililial filed iniemt rme of 6.625 I. 'l'lleNolouo pvfidoa ha dagt in llle initial fixed nte II> an a<fill8lable iDtaal 11111, • followa: 4. AWVST.l8LI INJUIS'1 RATB AND MONTIILY PA DUNT CBANGl'S (A) Cliqe».... TIie illililll filfll lnllfflll Ille I will pay l'lill chage to an~ illetllt Ille DI dJo first day of MARCH, 2012 , and lhe ad"JIIS!lble interest rme l ,.;n J11Y 1111 ~ GIi Iba! day ffl'1 121h..,.,, ~. Tbc d&<11 wllidl my inilial fixed inMetlllccbugeg lG• ~inlel'CSl llle, a eacll dale Oil 111,id> 11!f alj"'1lll,le inlcm,t Ille cook! cll>nge. ii callcda 'Qqellalo." •flXED/ARM Rider IJllellllll Fiat/Ow/ UBOR One-Year llliex 1E460-US (1lV05)(d) Page 1 0!5 1• I '16866!161000001E480' • • 2007022700178'r.OT3 LOAN f: 1S8551158 (B) '11,e bda: ~ with 111e i.. 0iagc Date, my adjll.!lablc .-111e will be lilled m 111 1m nc ~· is the a-,e of inled!ank olfered !1llell fot ono-yew U.S. dollr,-4laominaled clepolitl III U.: London martel ("LIBOR'), 81 publislled in 77Je Wall Sireet Jaornal. 'lbe-ltCIQ! Jadtx fi&uie available u of Ibo date 45 ""'8 befotc eaci1 ~ Dale is called the "Cllmm Ind••.' If die Im is oo '°'Cf, miJule, tbe N~ lloldor "'ll choose a -mdo< lbol ls booed IIJIOD ~ iafcrmalioo. The liille Holder will g; .. .,. l1llliceoflMI cl!oi,,e. (C}CabJlalioura...,.. Ba eaoh Cflqe lla1e, Ille Neto Holda will caltulMt my new mtcmt 111o by adding TWO & ONE-<)UART ,..._,.. pointJ ( 2. 250 %) 10 tlle Comal Index. 1116 Nole Holder will lllenlllleld llle.ll:llllt of dis addlliClo In the nearest ODe-eiihtll of OJI& pen:eniqe poinl (0.125%). Subject 1n lbc limilll lla!od in SdJn 4(D) below, Ibis rounded ll!llOlllll will be my new inlatll Ille 11111il lbc net1 Olatgt DIii. '!be Note lloldet will than detominc the amoont of Ibo IIOl!lbly paymi:nL For pa,-t adjUIDIICll1I ocomri,g bctQR Ibo ~ Piiacipel 11111 ~ Paymcol Dile Date, Ille IIDIOIIIII of my lllOlllhly peynlOIII will be llll!licitm 1n ,q,ay al ""2ocd inll:lcll each ononlh oo !he wpul prilcipal II the n inleM iare. If I 1111b l voillDy JJllymeDI of plncipal bef()rc lhe F'll1lt Priocipfll 11111 lnterm Pa,-t Duo Dale, my pa,--rw Ill ..... peymaie will be reduced to the -neccaa, In RiJll1 an llCCIIICd inmrt Ill Ibo mlaccd principal bai.a at 1he C.trelil inlm8I Ille. Rlr payment ad~ ocaining Oil er a/let die Fl!:!I Prillcipal .i Jn1e1t11 P'aymcot Due Date, the -of my lllOllll,ly payment will be Slllfleia IOrepaJ 1l!lplid ~ md .....,, that I am expecied IO owe ill ftlll on Ibo Malllril)' Da1o II U.: ~ hllcrosl llle in suballially • pa)'IIICl1ls. (D)Llmllsoaldaelllllea.,... The mleml !Mel amreq~ IO P1Y II the fim Change Date wil IIOI be &aW lllall 11. 62 5 1' or lea dnin 2 .250 I. 'l'b«callrr, my adjuBlable ill!fflll nite will nmr be.incRaed or dccRaed oa-, • Olaale DIii: bymoie t11a11 iwo pm:enrag. J)Oin1s rro.. t11e 111e of nomI 11m 1-P1YiDz for the ..-,.1:i lllCladls. My _..111nill neve, be pellor Ihm 11. 625 !'. (E) medi1s DalulQap, My new inltrt!I Jl1e wil NC10111e cff<:cli" °" ~h Oian,e lla1e, I will pay Ibo IIIXM8I of my nn, moathly payllall ~ oa lbe fiat dKllllhly paym1111 date after die Cllqe Dale 11111il lflo llllOOlll of llll' lllilalblypaymtnl QlgelJ ... (1) Netice of a,..,. ~ the offccl!Ye dolo ol ay cbqe ln my interest nlle llldlc:r IIOlllhly payme111, the Noto llclilcr will do6n er ,.;,r lo me a notice of-, ellan£e. The IIOlice wiD iacble illfc:rmalkll! reqund by 1111' In be given IO me 111d abo Ibo lido ..i IOlephoDe nombtr of • petBOO who trill -my question I raay llaYe te8l!llil& Ille nOlicc. B. TRANS1Ell or THI! 1'lOl'lll1'Y OR A BINl!FICIAL lN'l'ERl!ST IN BORROWER I. UnliJ my illilial fillOd int=! .l8le cbangcs lo an lldjUSl9ble •-lllO under !lie 1rm8 IIMed i,i SCCllon A above, UnV'ull Coftllllll 18oflbc Sccwity lnstrum<al diaJI ad asfdlows: • FIXEOIARM Rider ITimsl Fi'sl/Onlf l.llOR Ont-Year Im 1 E,lf;Q.US (1 (W5) P8lJ8 2 Of 5 • • 20070227001781.D14 LOAN#: 1585Sll58 ,......, 1/11lle l'NiperlJ II' 1 llmelicial hllertlll ii llorrDwer. AA med in dtia Secb 18, '1-ii lbe Propelly' mean& any legal or bcnmcl.al mai ii Ille Prq,ctty, lncbliag, boil DOI limited to, lhoao l,eadiaal inltlCSIS trmletted iD • 11C111C1 b dood, -fllr deed, U11lallmern ales C0011aC1 or -agrcemen~ the illlml of wllicb 1s lbe lnm&fu of litlo by 8-111 flDe dart JO I pm,:bascr. If all Ol'IIIIJJ1811af lbcl'nlp,ny or any lntmst iD Ille Proj)eny ii di orlllmlfcned (or if llcm)oott ia IIOI I 18111111l pmaDI m,d I beneficial ~ D llcnvvm i.f aoJd Qr 11.rtmd} win Lellder's prior lWittell CIJl!Oll~ Leodcr may ...,... inunedialli ~ ill 11111 ol 1111 IIUIDl acc:uml by dB! Scrorlly Insrroment. However, this op1kuhall m1 be widsed by Lendlr jf • wrciae is ]JIVln'ldled by Appllcable Law. Ir Lcmd,r eradaoo Ibis OJJli<m, r..rui.r shall gift Borrower IIOlioc or ac:celenrm n. nocice dJalJ proridc I ptliod of not Jelll dl!m 30 days J'nn Ille dale Ille oo1ice Is ptca ii accorda,,ce 'll'i1h Seccicll 15 lrijjn wbicli Borrower n:alt pay d llllDIS """"""by Olis 8-lly I-If 8-f6 lo JJIY lhe8e 111111 pm 1o Che apin,lioo af lhis period. Lendc:r ma, ilolle 117 atmedic,a pcrminld by this StcOliy ln8ll\Jme!lt vAlho1II fUlllJer llOlicc or dmnud Oll Bumwer. 2. WJir.n lllJ' ililial med in1allt Ille chansc,a co an lqlllld,le lnlm:!I Ille undtr lbe ICIQ Med Jn Staion A aro,e, Unibm CcYtnill 18 of the Secmi1y lnslnmieill de8albed in s.cti11a B.1 lllmo 8ball IIIOII cca lo be ill effecl, 111d 111D pom,M of UmfumJ eo-11 18 of doe Secmily imlnlnocll sllall be IIIIClllkd a, ltld ts lllllows: Tnldr ,t 1lle PrclperlJ ar a lmefldal IDlertll ta llarnrnr. k IIICd in thia Seedon 18, 'lnlelal in 1k Pnip,ny' lllOIIIII ""Y leg,,! or bendJcial mtercat in Che Propedy, la:bhg. but BOl lilued ID, b l>enelicla1 in!CEeslB ~ ii I bold for deed, C!MCI for deed, ilslallrnem ala~ or mow a~ lbe in1a11 of wllidl ii Ille lltrls!a ol lide by J!c>oowet•1flame1atocoa~. If all or uy J1811 of at Pmpetty or any lnttte!t ill lho Property ii di or 1IJIIS&md (« if Bmonr is not a IIIIQI J.'Cl8llll rnd a 1xaefitial illlnt in Bonower ii sold or lramfcncd) dDI Leoda'• prior ,,,;a.,n consent, Lcodu may toqoit imllcdjafe pt,-i in Ml of aD 111111-,td by llli.r Smn:ily 11111nlmtDL However, this oplira sblll 1IOI be e.Clf.iocd by Lam if slCh ~ ii prohihilcd by Applicable Law. Lender also llhaJI DOI e.etmse 1111a ll!)liml IC: (a) lluNwcr CIIIIIOI IO be IObmillecl to Lcnd<t inftlmullion ,oquied by Loode, JO ...... 116 intelldcil ~ • if a new loan """' bc:lng made IO lhe .IIIIISW; and (bl I.aider retlSOlllll,ly delenninos dial I.aider's IOOl!ity will nOI be iq,aml by lbe loan .....,... llld dial lbe .rs of a bl'cllcli of aay roYWlll or~ in Ibis Scct,rity 1-ot ii accq,t,ble toteadct. • FIXEll/AIIM Rlael lderest Flt8VOtt, LIBOR Qne.Year Index 1E48().US (10/06) Page 3 of 5 • • 20070227001781.1115 LOAN f: 158551158 To tile· uten1 pttnillt.d by J.wlicable Law, I..ador 118)' cllarge a ~ fee • a Clllldilioa II) LcA!cr'l c:Gllmlt I> iu loaa ll!8lllllplion. I.alder tl!o 1111)' icqui,; die lllDol,oo 10 aign a 11111111plioo agreen,eat 1k is acceplable ID Leader 1111d IUI ~ tbe 1rlllsb 10 lap al Ille promis,s 1111d apemeol8 mldo la tbc -aad la Im, Secwity lnsfnllle«. Bolrower will COdia II) bo obllgated 1lllder the Nole 1111d tlm Secmily lnobumea untss Leldlr idcl&l l!ommr ill ,mmg IC Leader oxan:ia tbe oplioll ID roguire immodille po~ ill lilll, Lendet all gm Jl«lllwelllQliQC ohccelrnlioo. Tho notice shall providta pcriodoCDGl.lesa ihlll 30dl}alrom 1ho data tbe alli:e ir gmo in ICCOl1laace with Seclioo !5 ulliD which ~ 1111111 Pl1 aO IUlllll aa:nl by tllis Stctny lnlt!lllllenl. If l!Olrowet fai'la tu pl)' lbese -pn lo tM e,pntioo oCtllis l)Cliod. Laid« may .invoke any romedlespormilled by'-Secnray ~ wllllwt fnlllllr l10lico or demand OB Bom>wer. , FIXED/ARM Rldef ll'lllffll Frst/Ony UBOR One-Year nlex 1E.f80.US(10r'05) Page4of5 • 20070227001781.016 LOAN t: 158551158 BY SIGNING em.ow.11-accq,ls 811d agreee 10 lhe _, and CO'lenll!IB cQllliacd ln dis Pb:al' Adjuslablc Rafe Rider. _/_,.,,,..,..,,, .,,,_f__..?....,$/'--"---_____ (Scall RA~ E. SLED ·Borrowlr ____,,,\1u,~w--'-· -'-------(Seal) TERI SLED _________________ (Seal) ·l!oa'ow _________________ (Seal) ·l!oa'ow •RXEDIARM Rider lllleml Fht/Orjy UBOR One-Year llldeX 1 E400-0$ (10>'06) Page 5 ol 5 • AfltrR-ng Relwn TO< C0QlfnU1IICJB HOME I.OANS, INC, KS SV-79 OOCOMENl' PROCESS1111G P.Q.Boz 10423 Van Wuya, CA 91410-0423 • --"'--9485'4-0 .. 0-09 /(J,f,S-?40¥.1'0-()S---l.epl Deaoriplioo: f . LT .l,, CITY or R!H'lON LOT LINB 1.DJUSTNBNr NO WA-06-117--LJ.A ,e,.,, R' _,t.t,(){) 70/.2.J-&/D{){) f,f' ' LS !ITia or WASHIHGTolil ~--------_A .... ,,.,U.. .... _o.) --------- 6385795 IBserow/Cloe.f.mJ IJ DEED OF TRUST (us of Cn,d;t T"'1 Doecl) 00015855116602007 IDoc ID ii) MIN1001337-000l882607-6 TIDSDBl!DOl'TRUST,-FEBRUARY 15, 2007 ,lsllelwea RAYMQHD B SJ.BO, A MMRIBD KM AS HIS SOLE Ii BBPARA'l'& PROPERTY TICOfl TITU; COMPANY his illad fi&clOanad a1 ram•• .-.,.. ====i: 3401 BENSON DR. S, REMTOR, NA 980!i$-S4S5 .. docunlnl tlloponcm orponoasslgomf ss •aamlOl(,)"below ud bmoioaftor Jefcmd .,u . ...,. "C1al." « "'11(' ..a u 1'l'lLZ or asaIMG'.rON u hllco-1 kftinafter n:lc:aal to II tbe ~ .. with an addleN 11: 2707 COLBY AVB SOU'E 1118 BVBRET't, WA ~8201- l'or the bellollt or MORTGAGE l!UlCTRONIC REGISTRA1'1Cti SYS'n!MS, ~. ("MBRS") a - ...,.....,.,_ witll n acldm!a or P.O. lklll 2026. Flin~ MI 48501-2026, t>l. (888) 679-Ml!RS. MDS fl Ille ,-.,·.....,. ..... 11oe• orTrat llld is"""" ,o1o1y as ....... ror COUlfTRffIDZ: HOME LO.UJS, %NC. ("Leodet' at "yco") 1111d ha-Ind .,.;gne. with .. -of 4500 Park Gr•nada MSNf SVB-114, Calabasas, CA 91302-1C13 3401 BENSON DRS, REll?OH lsc..~I JUNG Wuhir.igt(Q1 !U05!5-5.IJ5!> (the "'PralnsN"). "-ZIP 11•1 • 1 6 a e • 1 1 e e D D D o o 2 e ~ a 4 • • • 20070227001/8ZW2 l)OC ID t, D0D158551l6602007 anclfortbcr-1,odts; TH! LANO RBrDRE0 70 IN DIIS COMHITME!fl IS DESCaJBE?> AS FOLLOWS: L07(S) A, Cl'fY 01" RBNTOB LO'l' I.lNS ADJUS'T)ltNr NO, J.UA-OG-111-LLA, IJNO£R R.ECOP,OiltG IKJMHI\ 200701259000181 SI!UATED rn :rRE cirr OF REIITOK, COOlll'Y or KING, STA7E 0~ 1'ASBIHG:r0N. Tho em.-. -Ill br.ildiDp erulolllc:<impw,_ -°'lo ... _ oo tbc-ca mil all dgbls mll--dcriveflomoor_P._0<_.,.cf ... l'Rm!oca•n1hll-- The -... IIOt .. ed pdDelpall7.h agrioulrotal otlmnilc- Wl! IJNl>BKSl'AND mil-... Ml!RS ls a ---"'1ing oolely,.,,....,.. ,.,Lendor .... Lem!et'I -aid ISOlps, Md holds onfy ltpl 11111 IO du: -~ l,y .. in lh!, Dool d 'l'nlll, llol, If-, IOcon>p!y wilh I,... or -MERS ( .. -b-Leodcr 111d Leodm'a _,, ..i ...,;po> .... Ibo ,!pt to ......,. any o, all of ,_ hi-. lnc:lodioi, bol no1 llmi<ed IO, tho tirM 1o ,-11111 JdJ lllo l'tllporzy, ..i m-any IIClioo mp;,.~ oU......, loc:ID:!q. but not llmilod io, JtlaHio& .. ~lldaDeeddn..L T'.ERM,'l'llo......,lellllofllloN<Moia2Sycam,incloiling111y-or........,._ LOAN, nialloed ot'l'mR ,,;u _.,-,Joan""";. th• principal-cf$ 10•, ooo. oo .. ., --.. ...,. ... __, ... __ JlmclOlimelD RAYMOND E. SLBD . tho~,-... Home l!qail)' C..dlt Lloe ..._...., --Sia-(Ille "Nale")- FB!IIUAIW 1', 2007 ,pllts-and COIi!, late <"-omd oil -cbagco n:lalelt tothc Jom.1111 of whicll lU!lll ---ooc""'"1a 10 Ibo Nolt. This Deed cf n. will alto""""' Ille ,,..a,,...,. of d of Ibo""""'°"""' IP •• -1,y-.. Odd =h Bouower tnl ~-... -.1111 of_.....,.. ""' •-1n ... Dooc1 or Trusl. 1111)' m,,o.;on~ r......r.. .... .,,_.,, 14,. ... 11111 - ~ of 1bo Nolo, ml ID)' --..,. yoo -tbc -of tbc ... liml of .... Deed of Trost oab'lled •o., ~ To Yoo." Low IDHlor lbe Nole DIil' bo ""*• rq,ald aoo ---to Jin,ola--llie-olllieNoloaod1Ubjco11olbeQ..&ILimllae1-io11>effole. OWNl!RSlllP: Wo .. Ille OlleOMICl(oj of llu, l'lffllil<& We have tbclqol D&ill ID....._._ .... _ tbcl'nrDlooa _, ... _ BORROWl!R'S IMl'OR'l'Am OllUOATIONS: (I) PAYMENT AND l'lllU'Ol!MANOl We will J)I}' Ill )'Oa oil --by flu Docd ofTna a thoy-.,.doo. IOd nlll mclly po,ton,, ourobligadons. (b)'rAXBS: Wo wll l'"l' aU Ml-mea, .......,...., watt.t doafl!<S and.....,""" tolalilJ lO 1llo -wkll tlloy l>o<GM dao. Wo will aotclalm 1111)' <n!dil oo, or --fro,n, Pio --... Noto...._,....,_ lbOS ond-.,._ Wewm ~ yoowhll proof of Pl)'lllelll ""'"'._c. (<) MAJNl'BNANCB: Wo will -lh• boiklillg(1) oo ... __ lll J~ -Wo lrill ,.. mal:e in,,jcrclloops In lie buildlng(l) CXCOIII for .......r rq,oi,J. Wo will ooc toor llown aay oflho bo!1tliog(a) on the h,aatt 'Widlol.ltftnt IC1inl :,oureomcaL We will noc. condna GI' ponnil any nul...co G' ._ on or 10 Jtte Premiait, Wo will noc w 1fle Praailca Wegany. lf this Deed of 'llillt .is Dll I llllk in a c.oudr:Atal.QwN ar • plam>ecl unit do......._ we slllll )IO!btnall of our obligllioDa llOdcr llie doclalllioo or-... .....in, or 8')Y<llliDC doe ... I -+ • ., planned ...i. devcloomon<. 1ho "7-lawund ...-,. of doe .. ' · ·au er pl.....iaoild, .. ..,-onc1--... (cl) INSllRANCI!: w. will i:..., 111o liolldm,(•) .., lh< --d 111 an -lgu,o& ""8 111 fil't, flood ond 1111)' -....,.JOU -, ,peo/lty. Wo may choooe tho-...._, bw our dtolcoll ll!lbjeo< IO )'Clllr JCUOAl11t l!Pfl'O'II. 1'k ~ lfllN be lot Bl kasl the lb'DOUDtl Ind the~ pcdods dat you apec:ify. Wo will dell..,. to,.... opm ,a,,._, lllo Pofic;ica « °""' proof of°'"'-..... TIie po1i<les -- you as • ... 11ape• and "lofa..payee• ao lll8t )'OIi wilJ rcoehc J)IJmlllt. on llf inlanDce eWtM. to lh:: meas d youri--Gllsllocdt>fTraa, -. ... do. Tho-po---"'°'""" lhltyuul,osJ ... • • 20010221 Ou I 11%.003 llOC ID f: 00015855116602007 oot lca llm 10 dllYs p<icr vniuon nodco of 1111J -or-..,.,,._ ro,-,-. Vpoo ,eqoeat, we sllall ddMr Ille pOli<ieo. cordlicat'3 or o<hc, cvldeoco or-.... IO -Ill Ibo.,... of ba or cbunoac IO 111c-. we will ...,,edi*1y nooly yo,, in writing and !!lo a -,o{IOla wldl Ille-. Yw moy file a Jll'IOl'of loa on -bollolf ifwo fail or 10moe IO do ,o. You my oloo sip -_,. any chock. -or _order for 111c JlOYDlOnl of...,..... p<Wood! ln lho evenl of lcM or....._ IO lb<-. If yoc .recei.ft Pl)'IDCllt of a cllim. you will haw lhc riSfit to choo,c: to aee tbe mane, c:ilbtr-10 ..,._. die l'.reali1t1 or tO -lho-owiogon the Nole. (o) CONDl!MHAnoN: W• ..,.. le you Ille proooeda of 11117 -or clllm for ......... -or oor ; Atial, hi ctn ·ci., w.ilh ay COD<lelmatl0n or other uititz; or the Prcmiaol. or J)lllt dlen,of. w for __. ill Iica of c , • unNioO, Ill of which lhall be paid to JOI>, Sllbi«t 10 Ibo...., ohuy Prlor Deed of ,.,.._ It) GOVIIRNMH)ITAL REQUIRBMENTS: We wiB coq,I)' -all lalYI, -., and ,eplalicas ll'Pllelhlo o,,.. _ or """"Jl'IIOY oftlle-._ (&) SEaJRrrY llffl!lUlST: We wiO Join Mlh you in .;g,,!111 and lifiD& -11 llid, al ow-lo ...... -..,..-... ._ lo perfi:cl 11Dd-llle p,d'o,,tioll ot:i-lleo ..... aecorily- 111 Ibo P-. h la .,...., tllll t1'o l.alcb-shall be submpUd IO die oWa and B,.. of "11 pde, ,...,. cloicmorlxasaro~arpoidwli!>tl>cpro<;oedsoflhc ~-""""1. 00 OOR AtmlO!UrY TO YOU: If ,.. fall co ...--obliplions -Ibis Deed of 'l'1uor, yoo cn,y, if,oo oltooae, pcdoan oar obllp<ioM and pay 8UC1, ""'8 and.._.. Yoe wlll ldd.,. _,.. -IOllo._owmgmclhoNolt, oowWclcyoc ..;u-,.-aidlo-t"""IOl-mlbo Noto. If, !for......,..,,,. fall lo-.. our prom;,.. 10........,........., 111 em:c.. or,o JlO)' lillngfoea. Imes or die .,,.. --, 10 bop Ille -m good OClliliJut 1IDd Jqllir m 10 podOIDI 1117 of -- og. rll-JOII, Y011 -· ifyoc---llllJ-IO tNlafy llll' ofom "11--l'OO ad ................. -..._ .... ....,,_,.,_in lboNole. Thia J)ccdo(Tat-d illldl ...._ Y-Jll1R'Odl on _behalf wm not ccre Ol>T!ailwt loperfom>our..,,_. in,-Dccd of Tn>sL Any ,opllcconJocll -lhar )'OU oWl,i 10 '°"' '"" or ..._ lo 111c l'wocniaN -, be llmllod lO Ibo -"""" Oil lbol'bo pa the_., any P,ior lJe«ls of Tncot. (i) PRIOR DBIID OPTIU!ST: If llcoprovim..,, of lhl, panipaph.. ,pl~od, this Deod of 'l'tos< lc ,obJe<:I Hid..-10 • prior-or ... illllod aoc1 ai-by • !for the -of ~~~).l.lolo1..1:';f-oo\1-!\ ,. ~.;,, die aoginal -or$ (Ibo .._ Dood or n."). wo -... In-.....Sm modify llloPciorDeed of To¥< wllbool yom prior wrillon -11111-........... of auy 11'ritloa-rnm die lloldr<of llco Ptior Dorxl of Trnol pt'Ollllllly .,._ a copy of ouch..,...., ,a,. W. .lball !*1 aod Jl"1bma oil of om~· onder lhe Prior J)ood of 'l'nlll II llltl -ffqDl,od-llle Pdcr Deedofrn.t (j) HAZARDOUS SlJBSl'ANC!!S, Wo ,1w1 not..-oc pomilt Ibo-·-, di,poool,-. or ..-or-,-s.-. ... arhl the--. w. ........ do,..,,ollowanyoncoilc.,do, aa,tilll affo<lq .. Promloeo 11111 ls Jn vlolalion of any -Low. Tho JilOCOdlnl IWO - ohall nccapplrtolho-. -.or-on die-or....n qllllli1iecloflfazlidolcl-llill .., p,cet>lly _.;...i I> bo app.,,.wo 10 normal -Jiol -...t IO m.i.-of Ibo l'lmiloL A1 1IIOd ID llcis J>UIIAPll. -Sil -· ore lboao --IS liWc ar-111-by-Law andlhe-., ........ , pooljne, -.-s..-or10Xic .,.....- p,odoc:lt.lilliic:]JOlllic.to&Nld ~ vobililoaoh<nla, --..-... bmalildl)do,llld --._ A, llOOd lo llcil ~ "Bo•-I.aw' --1 .... lllld law:, of 11111 j,mclie1lco-•-... looalod lltlltelale., bcaldl, ~......... ·-- (1:,) SAIJ! OP PREMISl!S: We wll! 11D1 aell, -c,wn,,liclp of, -u .,.._ dilpooe of - -in llco l'mlliltB, ID wbolc orb, put, or petmil auy odlcc lien or c:1a1m....., tho 1'nmllcl wi11K"11 _. pdor-- (1} INSP11C'flON: Wo Mil pon,t11 you tu lmpcot lice l'muiJesll auy -- NO LOSS OP RJOR'l'S: Tho -ond llcis Dood of 'l'n>st may be DOJodidod er awpod by yoa w!- ,.i..;,,g en nr Iha-. Yoo ..., ldd °' release any pc,aon or-obliplod uaclo< llco 1'fole lllcl "'- Dood ofnmt-1 looi,,g yoor riP!I in llco .,.,.., ... llEPAIILT: Bz-• may bo prohil>iled by IPJ)licabk law, and ""1,joc:<., ooy --and c,n ,,..iod ll .roqund by "l'J'lkable raw. If any .-cr corodmon or dd>nll II dac:nl>ed ID me Noto -. lice - -, -•J>OD lllil Doell or 'l'ro&t by ....., aod sa1, ., may ,-Jadl<lolly, lo elk -ID --11111 o, tho -poYNlod by law. You may bid II auy pubic aahl me Ill or 1111)' ponio,I oflllll P.Sof5 • • DOC ID t: 000158S5ll6602D01 "-· Ill addllioa, :,on or Ille Tnulee may. 1, --·wiu, olJllliCoblc law. Ii) ..... Cd and take .,_..;.., ol lhc l'Jemiloc; (1,1 eollect lhe '""'81 _ ... ioduding--mllll _ ... dhtollJ tivm -tr. (m)-lhc ~ and (IY) Olp. ctnecl aoul...,.1-. Wo ..,..111a1,,,,, _ ra1D IOI -.. lho?loco will cominue bem aad aftts. default....,. of o~aod -o,JIUbli<: Alo.In addllloa. you sllall be Olllitlcd to oollect oll ...,ooal>lc f<e& and -..a,,lly -by )'OU ill J>l1lCeedmt 10 f-ot ID Jdlljo aJo, lflcluctinJ, but DOI iinnted k>, ....... ,-. ....... ble .-..,. !tOI (wllclhct Ill' IIOl llltso ia •judicial,...,_.,, aod coor, of documontary .-.-and litlo - ASSIGNMI!lff OP Rl!NTS; APPOINIME>IT OF R.llCBIVBR: Ji:, -~. wo ...;p to Yot1 Ille rmts of'IMPrcmiaos. You or• reooi.-.cr tppOn'IU:C:l by Ibo~ nll be ertlided IOcnter'uptn. late ,os,e 11·aa olaad-die Praolacitand oollectlhe rents oltbo_ htcWlas _pottduo. WA!YBRS: TolOe_. pcm,il«dby 11FPlicabklltw, we Wliftllld-"'1CfflWordefec11 ln..-,,go to -llola Dood of Tml attd baoby war,o 11te bcoofit of Ill)' -or -.1aws povJdini for 111Y of n""'°1t, .. -of limo, """"lil'm&oo, .uadt™l.levyood..ie _. lloa t tcxrmpdoo. BINDJNO lll'Pl!CI': lflclt of a, -i., fally ....,...;Ille for ,u oltM _.... ond _ls in lltisDood of -r-. u..11 die --boco paid lo ftlll and yoar obligation to---oader lllo Noto Im --. the pov;ai<,oo of lltis Deed of Trual will be-.. ......... 1op ~ --.... .u-. ..-of dto l'm!,ioos.1lil Docd otTrtlBl m 111r ,...beoclll ...i b-lllo-. 111.,...., whom )'Otl -..... b. T.lpoo-in fall of all -owJnr 10 )'OU 1111Cfer lho-and dos Dood of ,-. and pro,ldod uy obllpl!a, to.,... ftuU>cr ..i-wider tile Nole ltol kn · ort. lltis Docd of 'ltc .... ,....lipllinllle __ _ NO"Jd: l!a<COjlt fot Ill)' 110000 ~ Ul>der llpplicoblc law 10 be~ Jn IOOlfte,-, (-> ll1I)' POllco to • p<0"""1 for lo lltis Deccl of TnlSI -be v,<a by deJiYorillg k 0, by ,aaJliq hldt IKltioo by ,......111\!t ci... IDlil -to• at dto loll-., ePl)C'lring in ,oor -or al SD<lt...., -•we...,. dooiptllc by_ to,..·---.. and()) any noeic<to ,.,.-be FY"' by c:atllled mail, n,bll l,eq,t-lod,ID-,--M PorMBRS: P.O. Box 2026, PliDI. Ml 41SOl-2026 Po,Lcodo,: 4500 Pa.rt oraaada NSBt !Va-31'., Calabuae., CA '1302-1613 <r to O»Clt olher -• ,,,. may lleaipalc by tJOlic:o to.._ lutJ ltOli<e pnnided l'ar In lhil lloed of '1""'1 lhallbedcomod10llfle-ai,..1Dusoryouwh«tgim,inlho_....,...odltfflin. BELllAS1!: llJ)Oll ...,_i of oil --.d by Ws lloed of 'boot ml pv,icled ,.,,.. Glili&atloo "' molo, ---tbo-Ills .........i, the 'ln,toe sbaJI dlsdmp lillllDoodof'l'rull-dtarg,o IO .., -tlw we lllwf pay Ill)',.,. l'ar m:crting oh,..,.,,...,._ ol lMI Deccl of'lml. sBVERAlm.ll'Y: If ..., p<MJloll in lflis llad of ~ ;,, bold -.aJld o, unaol'arccablo, lho remail!m, pro-allall-ltoMI fon:cllld<4« GENBRAL, y.., or llto ,._ can -or dell)' enfoo:mg ..., ., .,_ rigbD -dlis Dad of,._ wi-looiDI ....._ A,fy waiY<r by l'Ott of aoy proVioonl of ddl Deccl ofT-will IIOI be• ....-ol lhot or ..,_,..,_OIi.., __ SUBSlTIUlll TlWS"l1lll: ~ -· -limo to ..... appoint • ---by • ----~ bytottdecond~ in 111o ccm,1y ln-11111 Deed ot'.lntBlm-. m:I ---tile --,i,111 -·-widl 11to -powem. n&:i*. -and 8"1bmir)'oflho'l'loelocwilb lho--a,ifon,mallymado--. MBROBR: Thtn -.II be DO 1l'JelBClr' oldie ~tc.rc51 or CltMe ~ \,y mis Deed of Traat with 8JO' ----.. -..... -.. .., -lleld by you o,lo<yom __ , __ _ OIIAL.t.GRUMKN'l'S OJI OliLCOMMil'MENTS TOLOANMOMKY,DDND CRElllT, Oil TO FOJUl&U EROM ENFORCING Rl!PA\'MltNT OP A DDT ARB NOT INP'ORCEilLI! IJNDBll WABBING"l'QN 1A W, ' . • • 20010227001182.0W DOC ID f, 00015855116602007 'nlJS OEBD Ol'llUISTbU beonliped byeacho(.,.UDC!er .... °""'°'*f••--· - ~5of5 { ' • ' Rehmt .Addrea: James Jacques 6833 Ripley r.-North Renton WA 98056 • 20070307002341.001 11111111111111 200 03 700 341 PACll'lC !!1 III liM U,11 :cJffi1.ff ffT44 ICING c&fv 1 1M SANITARY SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT I P. Tu Para! Number: CJl.li'S'N• . ProiectFilct: f -~arPro.J=Namo: • - RefereneeNamber(1) ofDocuments assigned or released: Additional mer=cenumbcrsareon """'--· Gruto.r(s): Gl'lllltH(S): I. James Jacques I. Raymond Sled 2. n. Graalor(o), .. -abow; filr and bl comidmllion ofmllhml bcnclila, do by ll1esc ...-, gnnl, borpm, sell. con'")', and--a..aboYe-...i Graatee, ils....,....,.. and OSlips, 11anpcnry-, filr-«my sewer wilh .. _ appudllllllCIII owr, under, througb, aoross ""d upa, 11,e i,llowlng described propony (the right.-'IY) in KiDg Counly, Wtshill&IOD, aun pmticullwly desttibod a:, follows: Tl!< o,ci,tlog side •<wcr lo .. tlon \\ithin the...., I$ li."1 of Ille south 90 fOCl ofl.ot B of City of Renton Lot L:, . Vi '""•""' LUA05-,l l7,LLA. Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. Lt!A-06-117-LLll LND-30- 0320, recorded 1Ulder Recording Number 20070125900018, aaid lot line adjw,tment more particularly defined as foll<>W; Lot 45 and Tract B, lfinsper II, according to the plat thereof reco:rded in Volume 184 of Plats, pages 77 through 80 incluei"" in King county, washingtoa. -' ' EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED ~~~ Page I of2 ' • 20070307002341.002 .. .. For the purpooe of rq>amn& n,placfn& oponitlng ond mainlainlna an cxistil1g side aewerllliUty pipoline, togetaer with Ibo rigltt of lngnso and eg,.sa tb=lo without prior inslitulloJI. of any suit or proeeedinp of law and without incurring any legal obllgation or liability th=li>re. Thia -is giankd ~ to 1lle following terms and condi1icm: J. The flnml<e shall, upoa complCliCIO. of any work within Ibo J'lllPert;)I COWRd by Ibo _<PIii........, tho IIUl1acc of lbc .........r, ml ony priwle lmproyeua .. dioturbod <>rdel11v,•cfducini .,..,.-or11>e wodc, u.....i, • pradlcoblo lo the condllioo lliey-. iu immediatoly bdore COllllllClKZlllentofdlc woik or CllllJ' by die Onmloe. 2. Gmolar shall,... the riglllto me die ourfl,c;cofthc .-os lollgasmdl ucdacsllOI iarmbcwilh 11,e......,.., ripls ~ to die Gn,n1ee. ThcGnn!or sball also hon, 1l>e right to idooate lllo ilcle-81 Gmrtt<:cs -if ne«tod lo ..,.. tho mstiag bouso aad install it at anotber bmlott ""as DOC lo lnla1eae will\ lllt IIIM COlll!rllCllon of ho,ires by die Oraoloc. Al which lime a pcnn,u,ent ...-wllJ be g,anted llJr tho DOW side -Jocarfoa '"1d 1flc ta,apo,ory-will tcnnillllc. lftbc cxistin5 houoe lOM<l ll)'lbcside,._ ls,anow:d this........, wlU IOlminalo. $6,000.00 Is bCU1Cheld la escrow lo cover all or pen ollbe olde-rolocalcn if-s.d. lflhe exisling homo lo.....,.,.. IIDdtho side,._.;, abandoned the $6000.00wlU bc-1011>c <lnmleo. Any .......i p<J<tlan out needed Iii< lbe tcloc:ation will be l<l1Jmed lo dlc Gnaloo. This •as=nm llhall nm wi1h !he land described lwn,in, and sball be binding 11poc1 !he pm1ies, their heirs, IUC l!CHOIII In ~ and assigns. Granto,, covenant !hat 1bey m lhe lawfid -ofthe -properties 111d 1hat Ibey llaYe a pod and lawful right to .-.ue 1lll$ ~ By Ibis COllYOYIIIIOC, 0-will warrant and <lcl'ead the sale :hereby made 111>1o lhe Orantic against aU and -.y person orpersom. wltomsoe-, lawfillly claiming or to olalm !he-. This CODW)"lllC<I shall bind !he heirs, ~ ldminislfallxsandastipaforever. f..71l J.A#Q. ~. IN WJ1'NllSB WHBREOF, lllid Orantor 1w caused tbis """'"""'• to be c.ucured Uus_day of'',. .. -~-· /NJJIY/DUAL FORM OF ACXIW)WLEDGMENT Nota,y 8eol ""'31 be willrin boo< STAIE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KlNG ) -.,.--~-~~,--,e,-,--~~--~P_-lhis • Olltand a<:knowlcdgcdittobe~Jreond'folanlll)'octlbrd>euseslllld~mpooes lllClllionedinlhc- D ~------·----- ,---~ I '3 • Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM -e Station Id :EACR 20040420001561.001 KING,WA APTER RECORDING MAIL TO STEPHEN W. PELTON 2530 232ND AVE SE SAMMAMISH, WA 98075 ~JJ~llll~JIII FIDELlTY NATIO UD 21 et ... I"' OF '!' 94/ llZH4 1 , 5& KIN CQUNTV I l,IJ:I E2032299 t4/2eJ/~4 l 1 , 39 F.tlcd for Record at Request of Sammamish Escrow, Inc EserowNum.bcx 0402615 Kf~ C ll:3~1 H SAL.E ,2la, tee e, PAG'EH1 OF 191 Statutory Warranty Deed Grantor(s) KATHI L. PETTIT, STEPHEN PETTIT Orantee(s)· STE?HEN w. PELTON, ALICIA M EDELMAN PELTON Abbre',oiatedLegal LOT 2, BIA 9602169002, records of KING County, WA Addl.Uoual. legal(s) on page· 2 Assessm''s Tax Parcel Number(s} 292305-9161-0l THE GRANTOR KA.THI L. PETTIT, also appearing of record of KATHI L, HIPF and KA.THR'tN C. BARTLEY and STEPHEN PETTIT, wife and husband forandmconsiderabonof TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION mhandpatd,conveysandwarrantstoSTEPHEN w PELTON husbandof and ALICIA M. PELTON, wife of, JOINT TENANC~ WITH FULL RIGHTS or SURVD/ORSHIP. the following de sen bed real estate, situated m the County of KING , Sta.Ce of Waslungton LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO, WHICH BY THIS REfERENCE IS MADE A ~ART HEREOF. Rccc-C:cd at the request of FIDELITY N,\TIONAL TITLE o,dec#]l;:lo 11-.,_ Subject to all Basements, Rcstncuons, Reserva.uons, Condn10os and Convenants of Record as shown on BxbJ.btl •A· att;a;;«t hereto Dated this _f_X-day of B By _______________ _ ~the person _, __ who appeared bcfor~ , ]lne~1i;l'" _!Wn _, __ acimOwledged that they SJgned Uus 10SUUIIlCDt and acknowledge 1t to be theu~, · free:-arul voluntary act for the uses and purposes mennoned m th.ts mstrumC11t Dated· Apnl~004 Ll'll-10 Page 1 of3 Document: 2004.0420001561 MAY 2 5 2@7 REGEIV::'D Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:35 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 -· Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id : EACR 20040420001661.002 ., ' KING,WA LEGAL DESCRIPTION· PARCEL A: Lot 2, City of Renton Boundary Line Ad)ustment reco:ded under Recordlng No 9602169002, records of King County, Washington Situate in the County of King, St~tc of Washington PARCELB: An easement for ingress, egress and utilities 20 feet in Wl.dth as ebown over Lot l, City of Renton Boundary Line AdJustment recorded under Recording No 9602169002 Situate 1n the County of King, State of Washington. Page 2 of3 Document: 2004.0420001561 Printed on 51412007 2:36:37 PM Branch :PNK,User :0DB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM Station Id :EACR 20040420001661.003 ' KING,WA EXHIBIT "A" EASEMENT AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THKREIN, AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMENT Apr:i.l 11,1975 7504110355 Roadway Recorded Reco:rding No. Purpose Affecte So~theasterly portion of sa1d premises COVEW>.NTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS AND BASEMENTS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF SHORT PLAT NUMBER 275022 Recorded. Recording No. May 16, 15'75 7505160528 COVENANTS, CONOITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED m DBCIJ>JlATION OF SHORT PLAT NUMBER 275022R Recorded May 21, 1980 Recording No 8003210741 CITY OF RENTON BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF Recorded. February 16, 1996 Record:i.ng No 9602169002 Page 3 of3 Document: 2004.0420001561 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:39 PM .. ~602..lb- Jl.711'(11) \ 1'111"~35... 1$i,.001Y) "IHI I !~p~-• ,r; ! i 1·1 ! ~- ,. 9602 lt>1/2..B5 Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 •• Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.001 • KING,WA After Recording Return xo, FLAOSTAR BAHK 5151 CORPORJL'l'B DRIVE 'l'R.OY, Ml 48098 FINAL DOCUMBNTS, MA.IL STOP W-530-3 AsseS$Or's Parcel or Account Number 292305-9161-0l Abbreviated Legal Descnpbon, LEGAL DESCRIP'rION ATTACHED HERETO ANO MADI A PAM HEREOF !Include lat, block and plat or uct1on, 1ovmllh'111nd range] Full legal descnptlon located on page ___ _,1.,1~---- ~:i.u:1 at t w ;-c11~c!li uf F1DELlT'..' NATTONAL TITLE _v_, _""_CI> __ LOAB __ •_•_•_••_•_>_o_,~,spat• AboV~;h~:~: ~ort:::: ~:~: _____ tl>_\~?>-1---- DEED OF TRUST I MIN 100052550006309610 DEFlNITIONS Words used m multiple sections of thts document are defined below and other words are defined 1n Sections 3, 11, 13, 18, 20 and 21 Certam rules regarding the usage of words used in this document are also proVICled 1n Section 16. (A) "Secunty lnatrumenf' means this document, which 1s dated APRIL 191 r 2004, together with all Riders to this document (B) "BortOWlillr" 1$ S'l'EPHEB W PEl4'0N Husband of and ALICIA. M :PELTOl!I th .. fe of, JOINT TEBANCY WITH FULL RIGHTS OP SURVIVORSHIP. Borrower 1s the trustor under this Secunty Instrument (C)"Lender"ls AMERICAN HORTBNEST MORTGAGE, INC, , ,t I Lender IS a CORPORA'lIOll, laws of WASBlNG'.roB. 9119 124TH AVE NE, 207, ~, ~ 98005. WASHINGTON-Sing\$ F111111y-FaM18 Mawf'relld1e Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT G 1999-2002 Onlm• Document3. Inc Page 1 of 11 04-19-2004 12:34 organized and eX1stmg under the Lender's address 1s IniUal~'i? Form 3D48 1/0, WAEOEEO 0211 Page 1 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:40 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 -· Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.002 KING,WA Vl WBCD LOAN I 500063096 (D) "Trustee" IS JOAII H. AlmBRSOB, EVP ON BEHALF OF FLAGS'I'AR BARlt, FSB. (E) ''MERS0 ts Mortgage Electronic Reg1stratton Systems, Inc MERS ts a separate corporation that 1s acting solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns MERS 1s tho beneficiary under this Security Instrument MEAS is organized and existing under the laws of Delawar•, and has an address and telephone number of P O Box 2026, Flint, Ml 48501-2026, tel (888) 679-MERS (F) "No1•" means the promissory note signed by Borrower and dated APRIL 19, 2004, The Note states that Borrower owes Lender ****.*ONE BlJNDRED NINBXJ' SIi. TBOUSAHD ADD H0/100********************************************************************* Dollars (US $196,000 .oo ) plus interest Borrower has promised to pay this debt 1n regular Penochc Payments and to paythedebtm1ull nottaterthan MAY 1, 2034. (G) "Property'' means the property that 1s described below under the heading "Trans1erofRights m the Property " (H) "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charge& and late charges due under the Note, and all sums due under this Secunty Instrument, plus IJlterest (I) uRlders" means all R1dert1 toth,s Securrty Instrument that are executed by Borrower. The following Riders are to be executed by Borrower Jchec:k box as appbcable] CiJAdJustable Rate Rider Dcondom1nium Rider Dsecond Home Rider 0Balloon Rider DPlanned Umt Development Rider DOther(s) (specrfy} [iJ 1-4 Family Rider D B1Weekly Payment Rider (J) "Appllcable Law" means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and adm1n1strat1ve rules and orders (that have the effect of law) as well as all apphcableflnal, non-appealable Jud1c1al opmtons (K) "Community Association Duea, Feea, and Aasossments" means all dues, fee,, assessments and other charg8$ that are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condomm1um assoc1abon, homeowners assoc1abon or s1mllar orgamzat1on (L) "Electronic Funda Transfef'' maans any transfer of funds, other than a transaction ongmated by check, draft, or similar paper mstrument, which 1s initiated through an electronic termrnal, telephonrc instrument, computer, or magnetic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a flnancaal institution to debit or credtt an account Such term includes, but 1s not l1m1ted to, point-of.sale transfers, automated tellermachrne transac11oris, transfers 1n1t1ated bytelephone. wire transfers, and automated clear1nghous. transfers (M) "Escrow Items" means those Items that are described 10 Section 3 (N) uMJscellaneoua Proceeda"means any compensabon, settlement, award of damages, or prooe8ds paid by any third party {other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages descnbed m Section 5) for. (1} damage to, or destrucbon of, the Property, (11) condemnabon or other taking of all or any part of the Property, (111) conveyance 1n beu of condemnation, or (1v) misrepresentations of, or om1ss1ons as to, the value and/or condrtlon of the Property (0) "Mortgage lnaurance" means insurance protecting Lender agamst the nonpayment of, or default on, the Loan (P) "Periodic Payment" tneans the regularly scheduled amount due for (1) pnnc1pal and interest under the Note, plus (11} any amounts under Section 3 of this Security Instrument (Q} "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C §2601 et seq.) and its 1mplement1ng regulation, Regulation X (24 C FA Part 3500), as they might be amended from bme to tme, or any addrt1onal or succes.aor legislation or regulation that governs the same sub1ect matter As used m this Security Instrument, "RESPA" refers to art requirements and restnct1ons that are imposed 1n regard to a ''federally related mortgage loan" even If the Loan does not qualify as a ''federally related mortgage loan• under RESPA. (R} "Successor m Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken trtle to the Property, whether or not that party has assumed Borrower's obhgat1ons under the Note and/or this Secunty Instrument TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY The bene11c1ary of this Secunty Instrument 1s MEAS (solely as nommee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) and the successors and assigns of MEAS This Secunt)' Instrument secures to Lender. (1) the repayment of the Loan, and al1 renewals, extensions and modlflcattons of the Note, and (11) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Secunty Ins rument and Initials1:;i:11f:...."f~ WASHINGTON-Single Fanuly-Fann1e Mae/Freddie Mac UNI FOAM INSTRUMENT Form 30481/01 c, 1999·2002 on~ne Doc::umerrtt. Inc Page 2 of 11 04-19-2004 12134 Page 2 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:42 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.003 KING,WA Vl WBCD LOAN f 500063096 the Note. For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, 1n trust, with power of sale, the follcw1ng descnbed property located 1n the COUNTY · jfypt;, ol F\Gcordl'lg Jumdic:tlQ',J of King !Name of Rar;,:)fl!ing JunsdicbonJ° LEGAL DBSCRI PTrOR AT'rACKED HERB'l'O llD MADE A PAR'I' HEREOF APJ!l ii 292305-9161-0l wh1oh currently has the address of 34!iil Cedar Ave s, Renton, (SlllNlt] (Cty] Washington 98055 (Zip Codit) TOGETHER \\1ITH art the 1mprovemen1B now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered byth1s Secunty Instrument All o1 the foregoing ,s referred to In this Secunty Instrument as the "Property." BorrO'Ner understands and agrees that MEAS holds only legal t!lleto the Interests granted by Borrower m this Secunty lnstnJment, but, If necessary to comply with law or custom, MER$ (as nominee fOr Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) has the nght to exercise any or all of those interests, including, but not bmrted to, the nght to foreclo,e and sell the Property; and to take any acbon required of Lender includ,ng, but not •mrted to, releasing and canceling this Security Instrument BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower 1s lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the nght to grant and convey the Property and tha1 the Property 1s unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record Borrower warrants and will defend generally the trtle to the Propiarty against an cla1ms and demands. subJ8CI to any encumbrances of record THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unrform covenants for national use and non•umform covenants with l1mrted vanabons by Junsd1cbon to constitute a unrform secunty instrument covering real property UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows· 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Chargaa, ahd La1o Charges, Borrower shall pay when due the pnnc1pal of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for E&crow Items pursuant to Section 3 Payments due under the Note and thts Secunt)' Instrument shall be made 1n U $ currency However, rf any check or other instrument rece1ved by Lender a1, payment under the Note or this Security Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument be made m one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender· (a) cash, (b) money order, (c) certmed check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provtded any such check 1s drawn upon an 1nst1tutlon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity, or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the location designated In the Note or at such other locatlon as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notice proV1s1ons 1n Section 15 Lender may return any payment or partial payment If the payment or parbal payments are 1nsuff101ent to brmg the Loan current Lender may accept any payment or parttal payment insufficient to bnng the Loan current, wrthoutW6.Jver of any nghts hereunder or pre1ud1ce torts nghts to refuse such payment or partial payments 1n lhe future, but Lender 1s not obligated to apply such payments at the Ume such payments are ae<::epted. If each Penod1c Payment 1s applied as of Its scheduled due dii:te, then Lender need not pay interest on unapplled funds Lender may hold such unappl1ed funds untll Borrower makes payment to brin.g the Lean current lf Borrower does not do so wrth1n a reason.able period of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. If not applied earlier, such funds will be applied to the outstanding pr1nc1pal balance under the Note 1mmed1ately pnor to foreclosure No offset or claim which Borrower tnlgh1 have now or in the future a9a1n$t Lend91" shalt reheve Borrower from making payments due under the Note and this Secunty Instrument or petform1n9 the covenants and agreements secured by this Security Instrument 2. AppllcaUon of Payment. or Proceeds. Except as otherwise described 1n this Section 2, aff payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied 1n the following order of pnonty (a) interest due under the Note, (b) pnncipal due under the Note: (c) amounts due under Section 3 Such payments shall be apphed to each Penod1c Payment 1n the order in which 11 became d1.1e Any rema1rnng amounts shall be applied first to late charges, second to any other amounts due under this Security Instrument, and then to' reduce the pnnc1pal balance of the Note WASHIN.GTON-SIT'lgle Fam1ly-Fannla Mae/Fr.dd1e Mtic UNIFORM lNSTflUMEITT Init1als1~~ Form 30481101 v' ICI 1998·2002 Onbne Ooeumen1$, Inc Page 3 of 11 WAEOEED 04-19-200i 12134 Page 3 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:44 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.004 KING,WA Vl WBCD LOAM i 500063096 If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Penodie Payment whtch rncludes a sufficient amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be appl!ed to the delinquent payment and the late charge If more than one Penad1c Payment 1s outstanding, Lender may apply any payment reeerved from Borrower to the repayment of the Penod1c Payments 1f, and to the extent that, each payment can be paid m fuU To the extent that any excess exists after the payment IS apphed to the full , paymentofoneormore Periodic Payments, such excess may be applied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayment.$ shall be applied flnit to any prepayment charges and then as descnbrad in the Note My apphcatlon of payments, 1nsuranco proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to pnnc1pal due under the Note shall not extend or postpone the dusi date, or change the amount, of the Penodic Payments 3. Funds for Escrow lt•ms. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Penod1c Payments are due under the Note, untll the Note IS pa1d in fu11, a sum (the "Funds"} to provide for payment of amounts due for (a) taxes and assessments and other Items whtc:h can attain pnonty over thts Secunty Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Property, (b} leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, tf any, (c) premiums for any and all insurance required by Lender under Section 5, and (d) Mortgage Insurance premiums, rf any, or any $Urns payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums 1n accordance wrlh the prov1s1ons o1 Section 10 These items are called •Es.crow Items. n At origination or at any time dunng the term of the Loan, Lender may require that Community Assoc1ation Dues, Fees, and Assessments, 1f any, be escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow Jtem Borrower sha\\ promptly furnish to lender aO notices of amounts to be paid underth1s Secbon Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items Lender may waive Borrower's obbgation to pay to lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at any bme Any such waiver may only be tn wnt1ng In the event of such waiver, Borrower shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow ltemsforwh1ch payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, If Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts eVLdenc,ng such payment w1thm such time penod as lender may require Borrower's Obhgatlon to make such payments and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed to bea covenanl and agreement contained an this Secunty Instrument, as the phrase Kcovenant and agreement" 1s used m Section 9 If Borrower 1s obligated to pay Escrow Items directly, pur,uantto a waiver, and B0rrowerfa1ls to pay the amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its nghts under Section 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Secbon 9 to repay to lender any such amount Lender may revoke the WaNer as to any or an Escrow II ems at any time by a notlC8 given 1n accordance with Section 1 S and, upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to lender all Funds, and In such amounts, that are then required under this Section 3 Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount {a) suff1c1entto permit lender to apply the Funds at the time spectfled under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed the maxtmum amountalend&rcan require under RESP A Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with Applicable law The Funds shall be held m an mstrtution whose deposits are msUted by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity (1nclud1ng Lender, If lender 1s an institution whose deposits are so insured) or ITT any Federal Home Loan Bank, lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no later than the time speclfled under RES PA lender shall not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually anatyzmg the escrow account, or venfy1ng the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and Applicable law perm1\$ Lender to make such a charge Unless an agreement 1s made 1TI writing or Applicable Law requtres interest to be paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds Borrower and lender can agree in wnting, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds Lender shaU g1wto Borrower, wrthout charge, an annual accounting of the Funds as required by RES PA If there 1s a surplus of Funds held m escroW, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for the excess funds m accordancewlth RES PA. If there 1s a shortage of Funds held m escrow, as defined under RES PA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and BorrowershaU pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the shortage 1n accordance wrth RESPA, but 1n no more than 12 monthly payments If there is a deficiency of Funds held tn escrow, as defined under RESPA, lender shall notify Borrower as req1.nred by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency ITT accordance with RESPA, but 1n no more than 12 monthly payments Upon payment 1n full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender :4. Charges; Uens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, hnes, and 1mpos1t1ons attnbutable lo the Property wh1ctl can attain pnonty o\ler this Secunty Instrument, leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, If any, and Community Assoc1at1on Dues, Fees, and Assessments, 1f any To the extent that these Items ere Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them 1n the manner provided in Section 3 Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower (a) agrees m wntmg to the payment of the obilgatlon secured by tt,e lien m Init1.als.1 WASHINGTON-S.,gl, Fll.flllly-Fanm, MH(Fr.ddl9 Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form i04a 1/01 ?ltf--"f"--- 0 19W-2002 On~n• Oocumante, lne Page 4 of 11 WAEDEEO 04-19-2004 12134 Page 4 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 514/2007 2:36:46 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.005 KING,WA Vl WBCD _LOAN I 500063096 acceptable to Lender, but only so long as Borrower l$ performing such agreement, (b) contests the lum m good faltil by, or defends against enfaorcement of the lien in, legal proceedings wh1eh 1n Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforcement or the hen while those proceedings are pending, but only until such proceedings are concluded, or (c) secures from the holder of the hen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subord1natmg the lien to thrs Security lm,trument If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subJectto a hen Which can attain pnonty overth1s Seounty Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice tdenbfymg the hen Wrthtn 10 days of the date on Which that nottce IS given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above 1n this Section 4. Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-tune charge for a real estate tax venflcation and/or reportmg service used by Lender in connection with this Loan 6. Property Insurance Borrower shall keep the improvements now emt1ng or herellfter erected on the Property insured aga1nstloas by fire, hazards included wrthm the tenn "extended coverage,• and any other hazards including, but not l1m1ted to, earthquakes and floods, for which Lencklr requires insurance ThlS insurance shall be maintained 1n the amounts (mcludmg deduetJble levels) and for the periods that Lender requires What Lender requires pursuant lo the preceding sentences can change dunng the tam, of the Loan The 1nsurancecamer providing the insurance shalt be chosen by Borrower subiect to Lender's nght to disapprove Borrower's choice, whtch right shall not be exercised unreasonably Lender may require Borrower to pay, m connectlon wrth this Loan, either (~) a one.time charge for flood zone determination, certlficat10n and trackmg services, or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone determination and certmcatton services and subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes occur which reasonably might affect suoh determ1nat1on or cerllficatlon Borrower aha II also be responsible for the payment of any fees 1mp0$ed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency 111 connection With the reVlev.' o1 any flood zone deterrmnat1on resulting from an obJ8c1:lon by Borrower If Borrower fails to main tam any of the coverages described above, Lender may obtain insurance coverage, at Lender's opbon and Borrower's expense Lender JS under no obligation to purchase any particular type or amount o1 coverage Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, butm1ght or m1ghl not protect Borrower, Borrower's equity 11 the Property, or the contents otthe Property, agamst any nsk, hazard or J1ab1hty and might proVlde greater or lesser coverage than was previously 1n effect. Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the insurance coverage so obtained might s1gnrficantly exceed the cost of insurance that Borrower could have obtained Any amounts disbursed by Lender underth1s Secbon 5 shall become addrtional debt of Borrower secured by this Securrty Instrument These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, With such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment All insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of such pohc1es shall be subJectto Lender's nght to disapprove such pohc1es, shall 1nclude a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee Lender shall have the nght to hold the policies and renewal certmcates If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender alt receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any form of msurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage to, or destruction o1, the Property, such policy shall mclude a stftndard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortga9ee and/or as an addrtlonal loss payee In the event of loss, Borroworshall grve prompt notice to the insurance earner and Lender Lender may make proo1 of loss rfnot made promplly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrowerotherw11e agree in wntlng, any 1nsuranCC1 proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall be applied to restorabon or repair of the Property, If the restoration or repair 1s econom1caHy 'feasible and Lender's secunty 1$ not lessened Dunng such repair and restoration penod, Lender shall haw the nght to hold such insurance proceeds umll lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to el'lSure the work has been completed to Lender', aatl&facllon, proV1ded that such 1nspect1on shall be undertaken promptly Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a senn of progress payments as the work 1s completed Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires n,tere:st to be patd on such nsurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay BOl't'OW'er MY mterest oream1ngson such proceeds Fees for public adjusters, or other thud parties, retained by BorrO\IVel' shall not be paid out of the lllSUrance proceeds and shall be the sole obl1gat1on ofBorroWer If the restoration or repair' IS not econom1callyfeaslble or Lender's secunty would be lessened, the msurance proceeds shall be apphedto the sums secured byth1s Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due, wrth the excess, IC any, paid to Borrower Such insurance proceads shaH be appbed in the order provided for tn Section 2, lf Borrower abandons th& Property, Lender may11!e, negotiate and settle any available insurance cla1m and related matters If Borrower does not respond w1th1n 30 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance earner has offered to settle a clatm, then Lender may negotiate and settle U,e claim The 30- day period will begin when the nobce IS gMln In either event, or rf Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or othelWISe, Borrower hereby asS1gns to Lend er (a} Borrower's nghts 'to any insurance proceeds man amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and (b) any other of Borrower's nghts (other than the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrowef} under all insurance policies covenng the Property, insofar as such nghts are applicable to the coverage of the Property. Lender may use the insurance proceeds erther to repair or re:store the Property orto pay amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, whether or no t en duo Init1.als1 WASHINGTON-5mgle Family-Fanni• MH/Freddi. Mae UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 30481/01 ci 199'1,2002 Online Oocumli'llls. Inc Page 5 of 11 WAEDEED 04-19-2004 12134 Page 5 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:48 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 •• Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.006 KING,WA Vl WBCD LOAN f 500063096 6, Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, estabbsh, and use the Property as Borrower's pnnc1pa\ residence within 60 days after the executton of this Security Instrument and she.II continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at lee.st one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees m writing, which consent shall not be um&asonably wrthheld, or unless extenuabng e1rcumstances exist which ere beyond Borrower's control 7. Priaservatlon, Maintenance and Protection of U,e Property; Inspections. Borrower shal not destroy, damage ot 1mpa1rthe Property, allow the Property to detenorate or commit waste on the Property Vvhether Of not Borrower 1s res1dng 1n the Property, Borrower shall mamtam the Property n order to prevent the Property from detenorattng or decreasing m value due to rts condrtlon Unless It IS determined pursuant to Section 5 that repalf or restorabon 1s not econorrncallyfeas1ble, Borrower shall promptlyrepairthe Property If damaged to avoid further detenorauon or damage tt insurance or condemnation proceed$ are pBld m connectron With damage to, or the talmg ot, the Property, Borr aw er shall be responsible for 19pall'V'IQ or restonng the Property only If Lender has released proceeds for such purposes Lender may disburse proceeds fortherepalTS and restorabon n as1nglepayment or 1n a series of progress payments as the work IS completed If the nsurance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repair or restore the Property, Borrower IS not relteved of Borrower's obhgation for the completion of such repair or restoraoon Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property If rt has reasonable ceiuse, Lender may inspect the intenor afthe improvements on the Property Lender shall give Borrower notloo at the trne of _or pnor to such an 1ntenor inspection specrfy1ng such reasonable cause 8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default If, dunng the Loan apphcauon process, Borrower or any persons or entltl&S ectmg at the d1rect1on of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consent gave materially 1a1se, m1,lead1ng, or inaccurate information or statements to Lender {or failed to provide Lender wrth matenal information) in connection with the Loan. Material representations include, bu tare nothmlled to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's pnnc1pal ros1dence. 9 Protection of Lender's Interest In the Property and Rights Under this Security ln11-trument It (a) Borrower falls to perform the covenants and agreements conta1Md m this Secunty Instrument, (b) there 1s a legal proceecllng that might s1gnihcantly affect Lender's mterest In the Property and/or nghts under this Seeunty Instrument (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forte1ture, for enforcement of ei hen which may attain pnonty over this Secunty Instrument or to enforce laws or regulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay tor whatever 1s reasonable or appropnate to protect Lender's interest m the Property and nghts under thts Secunty Instrument, including protecting and/or assessing the value of the Property, and secunng and/ or repa1nng the Property Lender's actions can include, but are not limited to {a) paymg any sums secured by a hen which has pnonty owr this Security Instrument, (b) appeanng m court, and {c) paying reasonable attorneys' fees to protect Its interest 1n the Property and/or nghts under this Security lnstrument.1nc~d1ng rtssecuredposrbon 1n a bankruptcy proceeding Securing the Property includes, but 1s not hmrted to, entenng the Property to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and wmdows, dram watertrom pipes, ehmma1e building or other code v1otat1ons or dangerous cond1bons, and have utllrtles turned on or off Although Lender may take action under this Sect10n 9, Lender does not have to do so and 1s not under any duty or obligation to do so It 1s agreed that Lendar incurs no hab1hty for not taking any or all actions authonzed under this Section 9. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become add1t1onal debt of Borrower secured by this Seeunty Instrument These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, wrth sueh mterest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesbng payment If this Secunty Instrument 1s on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply With all the pl'OVIStons of the lease Borrower shall not surrender the leasehold emte and interests herem conveyed or terminate or cancel the ground lease Borrower shall not, wllhout the express written consent of Lender, alter or amend 1he ground lease It Borrower acquires fee trtle to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger m wnt1ng 10. r,Jlortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condmon of makmg the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effect If, for any reason, the Mortgage Insurance ooveragerequ1red by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer that previously provtded ,uch insurance and Borrower was requ.red to make separately des,gnated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage substan'bally equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equ1Valent to the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance pn11J1ously in lilffect, 1rom an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender lf substantially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage IS not available, Borrower shaU continue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designated payments thatwero due when the 1nsurancecoverage ceased to be m affect Lend et WIii ~pt, use and retain these payments as a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, notw1thstand1ng thef;;ct that the Loan 1s utllmately p&d m full, and Lender shall not be req1,.11ted to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve Under can no longer require loss reserve payments rt Mortgage Insurance coverage (m the amour-it and for the penol~pt Lender lnitials1 ~~ WASHINGTON-Sngle Fam,fy-Fann1e Mae/Fr.ddle Mae UNIFORM INSTRUMENT F«m 30481101.......- 0 \Q89-200,:! Onll'le Documents, Inc Page 6 of 11 WAEOEED Ot-19-2004 12134 Page 6 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:50 PM Branch :PNK,User :0DB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.007 KING,WA Vl WBCD LOAlil' # S00063096 requires} pro'llded by an insurer selected by Lender again becomes available, IS obtained, and Lender requires separately designated payments toward the prem1umsforMortgage Insurance If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condlbon of malang the Loan and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the prermums required tomantatn Mortgage Jnsu ranee 1n effect, orto provide a non·retundable loss resetW, until Lender's requ1rementfor Mortgage Insurance ends 1n accordance with anywntten agre;mentbetween Borrowtll'and Lender proVlding for such term1na1Jon or until tenmna'bon 1s required by Apphcable Law Nottmg m this Section 1 O affects Borrower's obligation to pay interest at the rate provided 111 the Note Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or any entrty thatpurchases the Note) 1orcertam losses rt may ncur rt Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower ts not a party to the Mortgage Insurance Mortgage msurers evaluate their 1otal risk on all such insurance 1n force from bme to lime, and may ent&r mto agreements with other parties that share or modify the,r risk, or reduce losses These agreements are on terms and condillons that are satlSfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other party (or parties) to these agreement, These agreements may require the mortgage insurer to make payments using any source of funds that the mortgage insurer may h,we available (which may include funds obtained from Mortgage Insurance premiums) As a result of these agreements., Lender, any purchaser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, any other entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may receive (d1rec!ly ormd1rectly) amounts that donve from (or might be charaetenzed as) a portion o1 Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, m exchangetorshanng or modifying the mortgage insurer's nsk, or reducing losses lfsuoh agreement provides that an afflhate of Lender takes a share o1 the insurer's risk in exchange for a share o1 the premiums paid to the insurer, the arrangement 1s often termed "captive reinsurance• further. {a) Any such agreements wDI not affect th• amounts that Borrower hu agreed to pay for Mortgage lnsurancq, or any other tenna of tho Loan. Such agreements wlll not increase the amount Botrow•r wlll owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they wlll not entllle Borrower to any refund (b) Any such agreements will not affect the rights Borrower has -1f any. with respect to the Mortgag•lnsurance undertt,e Homeowners Pro'blotlon Actof1998 or any other law. These rights may Include the right to reoelve certain dlsoloaures, to request and obtain canceltatlon of the Mortgag• lnsuranca, to have th• Mortgage Insurance tlilrmlnat1£1d automatically, and/or lo receive a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premlums that were unearned at lhetlme of such canc11>Uatlon or termination. 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to and shall be paid to Lender. If the Property 1s damaged, such M1Scellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair ottt,e Property, rlthe restoration or repair is econom1callyfeas1ble and lender's secunty is not lessened Dunng $UCh repair and restoration penod, lender shall have the right to hold such M!Scellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had an opportumty to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been eompleted to Lender's satisfaction, provided thatsuch mspect1on shall be undertaken promptty Lender may pay for the repairs and restoration m a single disbursement or m a senes of progress payments as the work is completed Unless an agreement 1s made in writing or Apphcable Law requires interest to be paid on such M1SCellaneous Proceeds, lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnmgs on such Mmcellaneous Proceeds If the restoration or repair 1s not economically feasible or Lender's soeuntywould be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be appbed to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, rf any, paid to Borrower Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied 1n the order provided for 1n Section 2 In the event Of a total taking, destn.1ct1on, or loss in value of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, If any, pa1d to Borrower In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss m value of the Property m whtch thefa1r market value of the Property 1mmed1ately before the partial laking, destruction, or loss 1n value IS equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument 1mmed1ately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss 1n value, unless Borrower and lender otherwise agree 1n wntmg, the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument shall be reduced by the amount ol the M!Sce\laneous Proceeds mult1phed by the following fraction (a) the total amount of the sums secured 1mmed1at'lllly before the partial taking, destruction, or loss m value dMded by (b) the fair market ,..alue of the Property1mmcid1ately before the parbal taking, destruction, or loss 1n value Any balance shall be paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fa1rmarket value of the Property 1mmed1ately before the partial laking, destruction, or loss 1n value JS less than the amount of the sums secured 1mmed1ately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and lender otheiw1se agree 1n wntmg, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument whether or not the sums are then due If the Property IS abandoned by Borrower, orlf, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the Opposmg Party (as defined 1n the next sentence) offers to make an award to settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to lenderwtthin 30 days after the date the notice 1s given, Lender ts authonzed to collect and apply the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Property or to e sums Initi.111la1 WASHINGTON-Slllgkl Fam1ly-Fani11• Mun'r.ddu:i Mac UNlFORM INSTRUMENT Form 30481/01 c 1;w.2002 Onhne Docurnenlli, I~ Page 7 of 11 WAEOEEO 04-19-2004 12134 Page 7 of 18 Document: 2004.042000 l 562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:51 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM -· Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.008 KlNG,WA Vl WBCD LOA!T f 500063096 secured by this Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due "Opposing Party" means the third party that owes BOfrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has a nght o1 action m regard to Miscellaneous Proceed.a Borrower shall be m default 1t any action or proceeding, whether crv11 or cnm1nal, I$ begun that, 1n lender's Judgment, could result m forfeiture of the Property or other mat&nal 1mpa1rment of Lender's interest m the Property or nghts under this Secunty Instrument Borrower can cure such a default and, rf accaleratton has occurred, rem state as provided 1n Section 19, by causing th8 action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's Judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or oUler matenal 1mpa1rment of Lender's interest 1n the Property or nghts under this Seeunty Instrument The proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the impairment of Lender's 1J1terest 1n the Property are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied to restoration or repair of the Property shall be apphed m the order provided for 1n Section 2 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the trme for payment or mod1ffcat1on of amort1Zatton of the sums secured by Uns Security Instrument granted by Lender to Borrower or any Suocessor m Interest of Sorrower shall not operate to release the lrab1lrty of Borrower or any Successors m Interest of Borrower Lender shall not be required lo commence proceedings against any Successor 1n Interest of Borrower or to refuse to extend ttme for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security I nstrumentby reason of any demand made by the ong1nal Borrower or any Successors m Interest of Borrower. Any forbearance by Lender m exerc1smg any nght or remedy including, Without hm1tabon, Lender's acceptimce of payments from third person$, entrttes or Successors 1n Interest of Borrower or 1n amounts less than the amount then due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise or any right or remedy 13. Joint and Several Uablllty; Co-<sl9nera; Successors and AsSlgns Bound. Borrowercove,nants and agrees that Borrower's obl1gat1ons and hab1llty shall be 101nt and several However, any Borrower who co•slgns th IS Security Instrument but does not execute the Note (a "co-signer") (!!.) 1$ co--s1gmng thrs Secunty Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey the co-signer's interest m the Property under the terms of thm Secunty Instrument, {b) 1s not personally obligated to pay th11 sums secured by this Secunty Instrument, and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower can agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodattons WI.th regard to the terms of this Secunty Instrument or the Note without the co-signer's consent Sub,ect to the prov1s1ons of Section 18, any Successor 1n Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's obllgatlons under this Secunty Instrument in wntmg, and 1s approved by lender, shall obtain all of Borrower's nghts and benefrts under this Secunty Instrument Borrower shall not be released from Borrower's obhgat1ons and II ability underth1s Security .Instrument unless lender agrees to such release m wntmg The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind (except as provided in Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender 14. Loan Charges Lender may charge Borrower fees tor services performed m conneetion with Borrower's default, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and nghts under this Security Instrument, mclud1ng, but not l1rr11tedto, attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees In regard to any other fees, the absence of express authonty m this Security Instrument to charge a specrhcfee to Borrower shall not be construed as a proh1b1t1on on the charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees that are expressly proh1b1ted by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law lf the Loan is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law IS finally interpreted so thatthe interest or other loan charges collected orto be collected in connection with the Loan exceed th~ permitted limits, then (a} any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the perrmtted llmlt, and (I:>} any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted hm1ts wait be refunded to Borrower Lender may choose ta make this refund by reducing the pnncipal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower lfa refund reduces prmc1pal, the reduction WIil be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge 1s provided for under the Note) Borrower's acceptance o1 any such refUnd made by direct payment to Borrower will consbtute a waiver of any nght of action Borrower might have ansmg out of such overcharge 15. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender 1n connection with this Secunty Instrument must be in wntmg Any notice to Borrower 1n connection wrth this Secunty Instrument shall be deemed to have been grve-n to Borrower when maded by first class mail or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice address If sent by other means Notice to ;imy one Borrower shall constitute noboo to all Borrowera unlsss Applicable Law expressly requires oth8fWJSe 1he notice address shall be the Property Address unless Borrower has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender Borrower shall promptly notify lender of Borrower's change of address If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting BorTOW$r'S change of address, then Borrower shall only report a ehange of address through thatspec:med procedure There may be onty one designated notice address under thlS Secunty Instrument at any one time Any nobce to Lender shaU be grven by de•venng rtor by ma1bng Jt by first class mall to lender's address stated herem unless Lender has designated an01her address by notice to Borrower Any notice m connecbon With this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have been g1ven to Lender untll actually rec~(t 1:der lnitials1 ~ WASHINGTON-Single Farnily-Fannte MH/Freddh• Mac UNIFORM IN.STRUMENT Form 30481/01 <ei UIS11·2002 Online Oocuinants, Inc Page 8 of 11 WAEOEEO 04-19-2004 12134 Page 8 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:53 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM -· Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.009 KJNG,WA Vl NBCD LOAN i 500063096 If any notice required by this Seoonty lMtrument ts also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy U'le correspondlflg requirement undor th1s Security Instrument 16. Governing Law; Sevr;rablllty; . Rules of Construction This Security Instrument shall be govemad by federal law and the law of the JUnsd1cbon in which the Property 1s located. All nghts and obligations contained m this Secunty Instrument are subJect to any requirements and hmitattons of Applicable Law Applicable Law might explicitly or 1mpt1c1tly allow the parties to agree by contract or rt mrght be silent, but such silence shall not be consb"ued as a ~roh1brt1on agamst agreemenl by contract In the event that any proV1s1on or clause of this Secunty Instrument or the Note conf11ots wrth Apphoable Law, such conflict shall not e.ffect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given eflect without the confhctmg provision As used in ttus Secunty Instrument (a) words of the masculine gender shall mean and include corresponding neuter words or words of the feminine 9ender, (b) words 1n the singular shall mean and include the plural and vice versa, and {c) the word "may" gives sole discretion wrthout any obbgabon to take any action 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copyofthe Note and o!thts Secunty Instrument 18 Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest In Borrower. As used tn this Section 18, ·tnterest 1n the Property· means any legal or beneftclal interest in the Property, including, but not l1mrted to, those beneficial interests transferred 1n a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intent of which 1s the transfer oft1tle by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser If al! or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Property 1s sold or transferred (or If Borrower IS not a natural person and a benefic1BI interest 1n Borrower IS sold or transferred) without Lender's pnorwntten consent, Lender may require mmed1ate payment n full of all sums secured by this Securtty lnSb'Ument However, this option shall not be exercised by Lander 1f such exercise 1s proh1brted by App,cable Lew If Lender exerc1ses this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration The notice shall prOV1de a penod of not less than 30 da~ from the date the notice rs given m accordance wrth Section 15 wrthm which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Secunty Instrument If Borrower falls to pay these sums prior to the exp1rabon of thlS penod, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. 19 Borrower's Right to Reinetate After Acc&leratlon., If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the nght to have enforcement o1 this Security Instrument d1scont1nued at any time pnor to the eat11est of (a) fJVe days betore sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained m this Secunty Instrument, (bl such other penod as Applicable Law might spectfy for the termination of Borrower's nght to reinstate, or {c) entry of a Judgment enforcing lh1s Securrty Instrument Those conditions are that Borrower. (a) pays lender all sums which then would be due under this Secunty Instrument and the Note as rr no acceleration had occurred, (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements, (c) pays all expenses incurred m enforcing this Security Instrument, 1ncludmg, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, property 1nspect1on and valuation fees, and other feras incurred for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest 1n the Property and nghts underth1s Secunty Instrument, and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that Lender's interest in the Property and nghts underth1s Secunty Instrument, and Borrower's obllgatton to pay the sums secured by ttus Secunty Instrument, shall continue unchanged Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expem;es 1n one or more of the following tonns, as selected by Lender. (a) cash, (b) money order; (c) certrfled check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check 1s drawn upon an tnstrtutlonwhose deposits are insured by a federal agency, mstrumenta11ty or entity, or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and obhga11ons secured hereby shall remain fUlly effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this nght to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18. 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance The Note or a partial interest in the Note {together With this Seourrty Instrument) can be sold one or more times wrthout prior notice to Borrower A sale might result in a change m the entity (known as the "Loan Servicerw) that collects Penod1c Payments due under the Note and thtS Security Instrument and performs other mortgage loan serv10-mg obllgat1ons under the Note, th1S Secunty Instrument, and Applicable Law. There also might be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note If there 1s a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the change which will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer, the address towh1ch payments should be made and any other information RESP A requires 1n connection with a notice o1 transfer of serv1c1ng If the Note IS sold and thereafter the Loan 1s serv1ced by a Loan Sel'Vlcer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obhgat1ons to Borrower will remain With the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Note purchUl,l;J Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, J0111, or be Joined to any 1ud1e1al action (as either an 1ndMdualllt1gantorthe member of a class) that ans es from the other party's actions pursuant to this Secunty Instrument or that alleges that the other party has breached any proV1s1on or, or any duty owed by reason of, this Secuntylnstrument, unt1lsuch Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (wrth such nobcegJVen 111 comphance w11h the requirements or Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the other party hereto a reasonable penod after the giving of such notice to take corrective action If Apphcable Law provides Initials~~ WASHINGTON-Single F..-rnly-Fannl• Ma0/h$dd1e Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 30481/01 e ,w;.2002 Onlme Documents. Inc Page 9 of 11 WAEDEEO 04-19-ZOOt 12134 Page 9 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:55 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.010 KING,WA Vl WBCD LOAN f 500063096 a bme penod which must elapse before certain acbon can be taken, that time penod wi!I be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph The not1ee of accelerabon and opportunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the nobce of accelerat1on given to Borrower pursuant to Section 16 shaU be deemed to satisfy the nobce and opportunity to take correcbve action pl'O'lls1ons o1 this Section 20. 21 Hazardous SUb8taMC9$, As used in this Section 21 · (a} "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as tOXJc or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by Envronmental Law and the following substances gasoline, kerosene,. other flammable or toxic petroleum products, 1oxtc pestleides and herb1ctdes, volatile solvents, me.tenals contarrnng asbestos or formaldehyde, and rachoe.cilve matertals, (b) "Environmental Lawn means federal laws and laws of the JUnsd1ct1on where the Property IS located that relate to health, satety or envronmental protecbon, (c:) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any f9$ponse action, remedial action, or removal action, as defined in Environmental Law, and (d) an ~En,.,ronmental Cond1t1on ~ means a condrtlon that can cause, contnbute to, or otheiw1se tngger an Envronmental Cleanup 6om:M'4i!lr shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release or MY Hazardous Substances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances, on or ln the Property Borrower shaH not do, nor allow anyone else lo do, anything affeC1mg the Property (a) that 1s in VIOlatJon or any Environmental Law, (b) which creates an Environmental Cond1tlon, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release or a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely affects the value otthe Property The preoec:hng two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of amal quanbbes of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropnate to nonnal res1dentlal uses and to mamtenance of the Property (1ndud1ng, but not hm1ted to, hazardous substances 11 consumer producb) Borrower shall promptly give Lenderwntten notice of (a) any 1nvest1gat1on, clam, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party mvotving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental U.w of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Environmental Cond1t1on, including but not limited to, any sptlhng, leaking, dtscharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any cond1t1on caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower learns, or IS notrhed by any governmental or regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property 1s necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions 1n accordance with Environmental Law Nothmg herein shaTI create any obhgation on Lender for an EnVJronmental Cleanup. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows· 22. Acceleration; Remed1H, Lander shall give no11ce lo Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower'& breach of any covenant or agreement In this Security Instrument {but not prior to acceleration under Section 18 unlen Appllcable Law provides otherwln). The notice shall specify. (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default, (c) a data, not leM than 30 daya from the date the notice Is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that tmlure to cure the default on or before the date specified in tho notice may resuH 1n acceloratton of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property at pubhc auction at a date not ten than 120 days In the future. The notice shall further mfonn Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration, the right to bring a court action to aaaer11he non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleratlon and aale, and any other mattera required to be Included In the notice by Appllcable Law. If the default Is not cured on or before the date specified 1n tho notice, Lender at l1s option, may r&qulre Immediate payment In full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrumellt Without further demand and may Invoke the power Df sale and/or any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entHled to collect all expenses Incurred In pursuing the remedies provided ln this Section 221 lncludlng, but not llmlted to, r&l!ISonable attorneys' fees and cost.a of title evidence. If Lander Invokes the power of sate, Lender shall give written notice to Trustee ofthe occurrvnce of an event of default and Df Lender's electlon to cause 1he Property to be aold. TrustH and Lender shall take such action rogardlng notice of .sale and shall give such notices to Borrower and to other parsons as Applicable Law may r.qulre. After the time required by Appllcabla law and after publloabon of the noUce of sale, Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sall 1he Property at public aucllon to the highest bidder at the lime and place and under 1he terms designated In the notice of sale In one or more parcel a and In any order Trustee dliiltormlnea. Trustee may poatpono sale of the Property for a period orpertoda pannltted by Applicable Law by publlc announcement at the time and plac• fixed In the noUce of a.ale. Lender or lb deslgnee may purchase the Property at any sale. Trustee shall deliver to the purchuer Trustee's deed conveying the Property without any covenant or warranty, expressed or Implied. The recitals in lh• Trustee's deed aha II be prlma facfe ovldenca of the truth of the statements made the rem Trustee shall apply the proceeds otthe aale In the followlng order (a) to all expansei, of Iha sale, lncludmg, but not hmhad to, reasonable Trustoo's and attorneys' fees, (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to 11 or to lhe clerk of the aupenor court of the county In which the salo took pll!loe. 23, Reconvayance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to recon'/ily the Property and shall surrender this Secunty lnstrume~t:Wnotes Initials ~~ WASHINGTON-Sin<;ile F!ll'Tllly-Fannle Ma~dd11J Mai;: UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form :!ID48 1/01 tO 1999-2002 Onlln• Dacumentt. lne Page 10 of 11 WAEDEED 04-19-2004 12t34 Page 10 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:57 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001662.011 KING,WA Vl HBCD LOAN i 500063096 evidencing debt secured by this Secunty lnstrumen1 to Truste8 Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty to the person or persons legally entitled to 1t Such person or persons shall pay any recordat1on costs and the Trustee's fee for prepanng the reconveyance 24. Substitute Trustee In accordancewtth Applicable Law, Lender may1rom tlmetotlme appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder who has ceased to act Without conveyance ot the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon lrustee herein and by Applicable law 25. Use of Property. The Property IS not used pr1nc1pally for agncultural purposes 26, Attorneys' fan. Lender shaU be entitled to recover its reasonable attomeyt' fees and costs in any action or proceeding to construe or enforce any term of this Security Instrument The term ~attorneys' fees, ~whenever used 1n this Security Instrument, shall 1ncludewrthout hmrtabon attorneys' fees incurred by Lender 1n any bankruptcy proceeding or on appeal. ORALAOREEMENT$0RORALCOMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT, OR TO FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEBT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW, BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained m this Secunty Instrument and many Rider executed by Borrower and recorded With It =e~~.:::::,,a.2=,u.+?=-~--<••"') S~. PELTCfu.J5E. State On to,.. execu My Appointment Expires on1 ,A~,___ · WASHINGTON-Single Family-Fannie Maa/F d:cNlf M INSTRUMENT Form 30481/01 Ci 1~002. Onlsie Documel'llfl. Inc Page 11 of 11 04-19-2004 12134 Page 11 of 18 KIHG SS1 aot WAEDEED Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:36:59 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.012 • KING,WA LEQAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A: Lot 2, City of Renton Boundary Line AdJustment recorded under Recording No 9602169002, records of lung County, Washington.' Situate in the County of King, State of Washington PARCELB: An easement far ingress, egress and utilities 20 feet in width as shown over Lot 1, City of Renton Boundary Line AdJustment recorded under Recording No 9602169002 Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. Page 12ofl8 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:37:01 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001662.013 KING,WA Vl WBCD LOAN t 5000630516 MIU f1 l000S2S50006309610 ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER WITH INTEREST-ONLY PERIOD (UBOR Six--Month Index (As Published In The Wall Street Joumal)-Rate Cl!ipe) THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER wrth Interest-Only Period is made this ,..,. day of APRIL, 200, and 1s incorporated into and shall bedeemedtoamend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed ofTrust, or Security Deed (the 'Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned ("Borrower") to secure Borrower's Ad1ustable Rate Note with Interest-Only Period (the "Note") to AMBRICAH NO.,,.WEBT MOR'l'GACJE, IlilC,, A WASHINlnON CORPO~IOR' ('Lender'') of the same date and covering the property described in the Secunty Instrument and located at 3451 Cedar Ave s, Renton 98055. THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT BORROWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE BORROWER MUST PAV. ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made 1n the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES The Note provides for an 1mt1al Interest rate of s. s1s1. The Note provides for changes m the interest rate and the monthly payments, as follows 4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES (A) Change Dates The ITT1:erest rate I will pay may change on the 1sT day of MAl', 2001 and on that day every 6'l'B month thereafter Each date on which my interest rate could change 1s called a ~change Date." (B)The Index Begmning withthehrst Change Date, my interest rate will be based on an Index The 'Index" 1s the average of Interbank offered rates for 6 month U.S dollar-denominated deposits 1n the London market ('UBOR"), as published m The Wall Street Journal. The most recent Index figure available as of the first business day of the month 1mmed1ately preceding the month m which the Change Date occurs 1s called the ~current Index n If the index 1s no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index that 1s based upon comparable mformat1on The Note Holderw11J g1veme not1ceofth1s choice (C)Calculatlon of Changes During the Interest-Only Pertod (as this term 1s defined 1n the Note), 1f I make any partial Prepayments of Principal, the Note Holder will detem,ine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to pay the interest which accrues on the unpaid Pnnc1pal of my loan. The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding -rHREE percentage po1nt(s) ( 3 .0001 ) to the Current Index The Note Holder will then round the result of this add1t1on to the nearest MULTISTATE INTEREST-ONLY ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER WITH INTEREST•QNL Y PEFIIOD-S1ngki Family Fla91tar Fonn# 3812 5toa Flagstar m11dd1,d vtrtllln of F1nmg, Mae Uniform IMVUm1nt Form 3138 Onlm Documents. Inc; Page 1 of 3 In1t1als~C.,~ J~outos 04-19-2004 12134 Page 13 of\8 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:37:03 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM -· Station Id :EA CR 20040420001562.014 KING,WA Vl HBCJ> LOAR I 500063096 one-eighth alone percentage point (0.125%) Sub1ect to the limits stated In Secbon 4(D) below1 this rounded amount will be my new interest rate unbl the next Change Date The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay the unpaid pnnc1pal that I am expected to owe at the Change Date m full on the Maturity Date at my new interest rate in substantially equal payments The result of this calculatton will be the new amount of my monthly payment (D)Llmits on Interest Rate Changes The interest rate I am required to pay at the first Change Date will not be greater than s. 875\ or less than 3.ooot. Thereafter, my adJustable interest rate will never be increased or decreased on any single Change Date by more than on percentage point(s) ( 1. 000% ) from the rate of interest I have been paying for the preceding 6 month(s) My interest rate will never be greater than 10. 8751, (E) Effective Date of Changes My new interest rate will become effective on each Change Date I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the first monthly payment date after the Change Date until the amount of my monthly payment changes again (F) Notice of Changes Dunng the Interest-Only Period, if I make any partial Prepayments of Pnnc1pal 1 the Note Holder will deliver or mail to me a notice of the change 1n my monthly payment before my next scheduled monthly payment date The Note Holder will deliver or mail to mea notice of any changes m my interest rate and the amount of my monthly payment before the effective date of any change The notice will include 1nformat1on required by law to be given me and also the title and telephone number of a person who will answer any question I may have regarding the notice B. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTERESTIN BORROWER Uniform Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument rs amended to read as follows Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest In Borrower. As used m this Section 18 1 ~Interest 1n the Property" means any legal or beneTic1al interest 1n the Property, mclud1ng, but not hm1tedto, those benef1c1a11ntareststransferred 1n a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intent of which is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser If all or any part of the Property or any !nterest in the Property 1s sold or transferred (or 1f Borrower rs not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower 1s sold or transferred) without Lender's prior wrrtten consent, Lender may require 1mmed1ate payment in full of all sums secured by thls Security Instrument However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender 1f such exercise 1s prohibited by Applicable Law Lender also shall not exercise this opt1on if (a) Borrower causes to be submitted to Lender mformat1on required by Lender to evaluate the intended transferee as 1f a new loan were being made to the transferee; and (b) Lender reasonably determines that Lender'ssecuntywill not be impaired by the loan assumption and that the nsk of a breach of any covenant or agreement 1n this Secunty Instrument is acceptable to Lender To the extent permitted by Applicable Law, Lender may charge a reasonable fee as a cond1t1on to Lender's consent to the loan assumption Lender also may require the transferee to sign an assumption agreement that 1s acceptable to MULTISTATE 1NTEREST-ONL Y ADJUSTABLE RATE FIIDl!:R WITH imEREST-ONL Y PERIOD-S1ng)t F.amdy Flagat.ar Form# ~B'12 S/02 flagstar mot1111ed v11r1ion ol Fannie M111 Uniform ln1trum,n1 Ferm 3138 On~ne Oo,:iJmentf, Inc Page 2 of 3 Inltiab-;#t ~f.: P514 RDU 04-19-2004 12134 Page 14 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:37:05 PM Branch :PNK,User :0DB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM • Station Id :EACR 20040420001662.016 KING,WA Vl WBCD LOAN f 500063096 Lender and that obligates the transferee to keep all the promises and agreements made m the Note and fn this Secunty Instrument Borrower will continue to be obligated under the Note and this Security Instrument unless Lender releases Sorrower 1n wntlng If Lender exercises the option to require 1mmed1ate payment in full, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice 1s given 1n accordance with Section 15 wrth1n which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument If Borrower fails to pay these sums pnor to the exp1rat1on of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Adjustable Rate Rider _'<...,..,.h.L__,_ _ _;_.Z ___ · Q+-z-'=-----(Seal) s.l.~~PELT:.J= (Seal) MULTl&TATE INTEREST-ONLY ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER WITH INTEREST-ONLY PERIOD-Single Famdy Flagstar Form# 3S12 5/02 Fla11mr modd1ed ven1or1 o1 Panme Mae Umtonn l,istrumen1 Form 3138 Onkne Documents. Inc Page 3 of 3 Page 15 of 18 P5t47RDU 04-l~-2004 12134 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:37:06 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 •• Title Officer: 12 Order: 6503 59 Comment: SLM •• Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.016 KING,WA 1-4 FAMILY RIDER (Assignment of Rents) Vl WBCD LOAJII i 500063096 MIN t, 100052550006309610 THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDER 1s made this 19TH day of APRIL, 200, and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed o!Trust, or Secunty Deed (the "Secumy Instrument') of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower"} to secure Borrower's Note to AMERICAN BORTHWES'l' MORTGAGE, INC,, A WASHIRGTOH CORPORA'l'IOR (the "Lender') of the same date and covering the Property described in the Security Instrument and located at 3451 Cedar Aves, Renton, WA 96055. 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In add1bon to the covenants and agreements made 1n the Secunty Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows A. ADDITJONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT. In addrt1on to the Property described m Security Instrument, the followmg items now or hereafter attached to the Property to the extent they are foctures are added to the Property descnpt1on, and shall also constitute the Property covered by the Security Instrument building matenals, appliances and goods of every nature whatsoever now or hereafter located 1n, on, or used, or intended to be used m connecbon with the Property, including, butnotllmlted to, thoseforthe purposes of supplying ord1stribut1ng heating, cooling, electnc1ty, gas, water, air and hght, fire prevention and ext1ngu1shmg apparatus, security and access control apparatus, plurnb1ng, bath tubs, water heaters, water closets, smks, ranges, stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, disposals, washers, dryers, awnings, storm windows, storm doors, screens, bhnds, shades, curtains and curtain rods, attached mirrors, cabinets, paneling and attached floor coverings, all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, sha!I be deemed to be and remain a part of the Property covered by the Seculity Instrument All of the foregoing together with the Property described. 1n the Secunty Instrument (or the leasehold esta1e if the Security Instrument 1s on a leaseholdi are referred to in this 1·4 Family Rider and the Secunty Instrument as the "Property B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek, agree to or make a change 1n the use of the Property or its zoning classlf1cat1on, unless Lender has agreed 1n wnting to the change Borrower shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and requirements of any governmental body apphcableto the Property C. SUBORDINATE LIENS. Except as permitted by federal law, Borrower shall not allow any hen 1nfenor to the Security Instrument to be perfected against the Property wrthout Lender's prior written perm1ss1on D. RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shall maintain insurance against rent loss in addrt1on to the other hazards for which insurance ls required by Section 5. MULTISTATE 1-4 FAMILY RIDER~Fann1• M .. /Freddl8 Mac UNIFORM INSTRUME.ITT lnitials1~ Forms1101¥ Cl 1999-2002 on•ne Ooct.tm~ 111c Page 1 of 3 FsmlROU 0205 04-19-2004 12134 Page 16 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:37:08 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.017 KING,WA Vl HBCD LOAH f 500063096 E. "BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE"' DELETED. Section 19 1s deleted F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and B0rrowerotherw1se agree in wrrt1ng 1 Seetlon 6 concem1ng Borrower's occupancy of the Property 1s deleted G. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lender"s request after default, Borrower shall assign to Lender all !eases of the Property and all security deposits made 1n connection with leases of the Property Upon the assignment, Lender shall have the right to modify, extend or termmate the ex1st1ng leases and to execute new leases, 1n Lender's sole d1scret1on As used in this paragraph G, the word "lease" shall mean •sublease" 1f the Security Instrument 1s on a leasehold. H. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS; APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER; LENDER IN POSSESSION. Borrower absolutely and unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenues ("Rents") of the Property, regardless of to whom the Rents of the Property are payable Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the Rents, and agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's agents However, Borrower shall receive the Rents until (1) Lender has grven Borrower notice of default pursuant to Section 22 of the Secunty Instrument and (11) Lender has given notice to thetenant(s) that the Rents are to be paid to Lender or Lender's agent This assignment of Rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for addltlonal security only If Lender gives notice of default to Borrower. (1) all Rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trustee for the benefit of Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument; (11) Lender shall be entitled to collect and receive all of the Rents of the Property, (111) Borrower agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agents upon Lender's wntten demand to the tenant, {1v) unless apphcabla law provides otherwise, all Rents collected by Lender or Lender's agents shall be applied first to the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and co/lect1ngthe Rents, including, but not l1m1ted to, attorney's fees, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds, repair and maintenance costs, insurance prermums, taxes, assessments and other charges on the Property, and then to the sums secured by the Secunty Instrument, (v) Lender, Lender's agents or any Jud1c1ally appointed receiver shall be hable to account for only those Rents actualty received, and {vi) Lender shall be entitled to have a receiver appointed to take possession of and manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits denved from the Property without any showing as to the inadequacy of the Property as security If the Rents of the Property are not sufficient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and of collecting the Rents any funds expended by Lender for such purposes shall become indebtedness of Borrower to Lender secured by the Secunty Instrument pursuant to Section 9 Borrower represents and warrants that Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the Rents and has not pe,1ormed, and will not perform, any actthatwould prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph Lender, or Lender's agents oraJud1c1ally appointed receiver, shall not be required to enter upon, take control of or ma1ntam the Property before. or after g1vmg notice of default to Borrower However, Lender, or Lender's agents or a Jud1c1ally appointed recetver, may do so at any time when a default occurs. Any application of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or 1nva11date any other right or remedy of Lender. This assig nrnent of Rents of the Property shall terminate when all the sums secured by the Security Instrument are paid in full I. CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's default or breach under any note or agreement 1n which Lender has an interest shall be a breach under the Secunty Instrument and Lender may invoke any of the remedies permitted by the Secunty 1 nstrument. MULTISTATE , ..... FAMILY RIDER-F•M••Ma,a/Frtiddle Ma; UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Initials~ Form::s1701 O 1999.2,002 Online Documenta, ITic Page 2 of 3 F317CIROU 0,-19-2004 12t34 Pagel7ofl8 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:37: 10 PM Branch :PNK,User :ODB2 • Title Officer: 12 Order: 650359 Comment: SLM -· Station Id :EACR 20040420001562.018 KING,WA Vl WBCI> LOAR f 5000630~6 BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and provisions contained in this 1-4 Family Rider ~Q_, . .../LL=!"L=c.=t,=--D,F==------(Seal) sJ.7,iw. PELTt'== MULT1STATE1-4 FAMILY RIOER-fa11me Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form31701/D1 i; 1999-2002 Qn-na Doeumente., Inc Page 3 of 3 FS170ROU 04-l9-200i 12134 Page 18 of 18 Document: 2004.0420001562 Printed on 5/4/2007 2:37: 12 PM > . "' U1 .., 0 ---.-- ~tcJTJls or US£JIDT ----· .. --- f·· ": ~ f I I'. I. .. ..._., _Rtr ••rw1!, bi!-.-Mt~. necu.a,n ao5 aulpt, ~\ tn U'e "1!11it the ~m'1' of llnf dll lletd a torul dedlu\lon or • pa.Mic n~ onr aod a.erou Ille Eu\ w.....,. 00) lee\ of Ille followirw: &ft:rlbed fn>p!r\n ~ '. ~- . tlMi Is.a\ 66o• o I. the Sn.th ),ol ot ui.. S:>•\11. ODe.11.all of u..e JbTUlw.tl. o6e. .,i.rtet or Ula 9n\ht,e'1\ one q11Ht.er of. Seet».,t?. lo~. U Jbrtlt, !ante S hs\_. V.lf., ~ Jlng ICOm\1, Vtsll.1lf'loo. U..S3 u.e .so.,u,, l:,O' or Uae tu, lfO' \hlt'ft)f. tbe ..aent,Ged p,art,1 ~r ihd.r1.-· ~·~n.mdi a11lru., will .:,Oln lo the aeeiS -».hr dedic.at.loo.11 for-m ~I.er)" •couHen\loD, Or ui, ro~ 1i. qdl ·Ur.e as tu ~~ of \M; Oou'7 ._. ~ Ol:~'1.tiedl 'a:a6. the cue &rid aata.t.eDiote or nca. ro.an.,-hl1 tem· U9mledl 11:, 111« ro.i,. or lite• ~uu._ot 11 \Qll'.'i;(,lOS. ; ..._, 'llf_llD(: ____ • ~r... 0. ,1.i .. cL.,-~nooa!ly ~-rca,--rd! btt..., _. __________f~loe~_k~-------- •-bo ... 11 •l'I' .1'ot _.,.id..a1_~'\-<.r,bt.J n ..,J tlot•,""..wddw •..r\oi-. ....J .._,i·~,,i-,. Uw~• ...f a.;l-lcdp,1 • -'1o• fl!! ~i,:ffJ 1k ,sw u-1!fL_•c~ _, ,ol.-., at ...t &t1 ;b • 11.\1! ~~ 6ft •• ----d. '" •••••> >•l,,,.,f,-,:j]J .... m;t·/ '--J·#;!Mt.JftYL-, .,JS ./K~y./?.-Ld-- "·'~,. • ..,,,. ... -"""''' 1, ..... ,,, •• ..,. ... , ..... "*'·-'11:t..t ... ~------- PFECOT<tA 1.....,..¥\:9 Cc,--c,.,.,. -,.,~u·c-.ut:,1 -~ .. , \ I \ , • I l i ! . i i I ' ·, . -. ~: .. "' "' . ... 0 .... ... "' <.o "' ... .. .. 0 0 0 ••• I'? ::: tll.W !or Ret0rd at RIQ\l8ll o t .,,, "i"2,at:t<c(lA1} _ . '. •'. ! I I I .. I I J I I I l ' - ' .J. ., ·~" 1 I. . ! • ·•· ', .. ~ -::, ·D • . p L A T N O ----'2"-'7.::.50::.::2c::2...;Rc........~- S . ..2!L T . ..21- .• SHORT KI NG COUNTY, WASHINGTON This ap•ce ~oservea tor record11_z.' 1 u•e APPROVAL ·Department of P.lann.inq and l.:nrmunit~ Developme-nt Building and ~nd Develo~t Division Eram.ined and approved this 1¢ day ot ~ ,19-.::;fo __ ~,4.. 4-· '-----Nana9er, Building, Land Develo,paen\t Divisio;.Jiv I I ·1 , "L·· • ... ••. ·; 1.1. :.:, i, ._: l•II' :. i:-," Department ot Public licrks I I I I Filed for record ~t ch~ req Ut,!S t of: JACK & ESTELLE NEWTON PHILLIP & JUDY BOREEN .. ,.. Return to: Euildi,.,..e & I.ar.i Devetcpment 4,0 XC Ac!mi<is:ratior. Bldg Seattle, Was~ir.gtcm 98104 EA.:imir.ed .tnd approved th.is /(2,t,J,, day of 'fb~--. _// , _, D.irectcir Exam..:ned and approved this ------ / r--... ~. -·· .: / ./ -~, .-'" ~=- ,;ssessc,r ' ....... - Depu: 'i Assessor d1y of LEG'-L OESCRIPTlON TOTAL AREA Tha~ portion of the East 660 feet of the South Half ofthe Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. n. in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the South 130 feet cf the East 160 feet thereof; ALLLYING Westerly of S.R. 515 right-of-way. (being know as Lots A, B and C of King County short Plat No.275022 as recorded under King County File ~o. 7505160S28. LOT 1 ne South 195 feet of tt.e South Half of the South Half of the East 660 feet of the Northw~st Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range ~ East, W.H., in King Cour.ty, Wu:hington: EXCEPT the South 130 feet of che East 160 feet thereof. LOT 2 The South 123 feet of the Ease 317 feet lying Southwesterly of S.R. 515, of the North Half of the East 660 feet of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Ouarte~: AND The South Half of the South Half of the East 660 feet of the ~orthwest Quarter cf the Southwest Quarter, AU. in Section 29. Township 23 North, Range 5 East. W.M., in King County, Wa.shington ; EXCEPT the South 195 feet thereof; EXCEPT portions conveyed to the St2 ti:! of l-?ashington for S. R. 515. LOT 3 The North Half of the ~ast 660 feet of the South Half of the North- west Quarter of the Southwc~t Quarter of Saction 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, 'W.X., in King f.cunty, Washingtcn. lying Southweste::ly of S.R. 515; EXCEPT the South 123 feet of the East 1~7 feet thereof. lying Southwesterly of S.R. 515. Miip on Fil• tn Vault ,age I ot L "-----·-.. . --------~---·---··---··=---- • • _; . ' ,...,., 475-• ------------..------~ NmtTtf LINE S 1/1 NW V4 SW 1/4 rt--H~OO -'<t-r-. 0 N 8 0 co 8 .. , ~ ., ... .£ UIVL' A' 2~7'-fllt Alff~, JN/'4 .$~"t". 29.-23·.§ PROPERT1' 80tJPd>AR'I" ~ \r ---~-.-&.....------\. I y,' 207' I I .I ... .ff'. L,'~~ £.. /fl'.?· ..w'Y~ 0 ..;,ll"y,, Jt"C ZP-.i!S-S ~ ---_ ... _________ ..;~l,'.;•t..., __________ ..JL- SNTH (..IN£ NW tl.f SIi' t/i 2?--2~-0~ S. £ 112nd ,c ,,., l" = 100' 0 Short Pla C l:o :_.,2 .. 2c.s .. o,.2 .. 2wB1-_____ _ • : .... . :,:,4 :.;,, " •,I. ,; -• .. ' • l I• '<I" r--- 0 N 8 0 <O • (lodNidul:} STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNHOflos )i..,,~•S_______ ss. ()n __ .d3.aM4...-i N, ... tfL, '--f· . ----, -· •.• . • -.• u,; ere n:c. fht undn?>1p,cd, 11 NQQty Publ~ in and for said Statt, pct!,ON.lly appennd! ·-- -----·----·-.. .=" -p;:;;;-;::-· :-.. 1--..~ .. -.:.~-s-r.-.: ,----;:.:;--;..;:··...:.;·-c:;,_· .....;;.;......:....:..::=-- \ : .1,,oown tom; to b:: the penon_'":::;_,...ho,e Rafflt ___ ij_ ___ ...... MJl»cribcd to the 11i1hin in!>lrumenr and :adincra·ltd~o!d 1b:1L ~h_'t '------ ex~td Ille same. wrrses my han,,1-nci olficia.t ~L OHICIAt StAl 0,ROl A. ll:ftl Y • NOf,1,IY PUIIW::, CA11•0•"4•A ,IIN(•••t OfJ•Cf I .. lC'; A1~GUI~ COJ~1 • Mp co .. ..,;.,;~., E1~>e1 , .. 1,,...., ... 17, Ill&;) 3 - ~ ·:""•• • i ·,.J .... . , . ! r j .. . ···--·~-·-.-.. ·--· -. ·e ---,.------. ·------.,......-. ~10N1 ~ . A~ llflN e. theae preaenta, ~hAt we, the ""~~reigned, owners in fee ~l• (and contract p~chuer(si 1 of the lan?_ ne_r_ein deecribed, do here- . l>f ,.v1,e Snort Subdivuion 1.rplication No, . ) r-. v ,.,. .;._ · . aa r,,- oorded under Recorcling No, ti;f·; /(.,c,' 't··o, , Records of !ling couotyo Wuhington, and bys aevlaed s ort Subdivision theraof pursu- ut to aal 58.17 .060 declare thia revised short plat to be the guphic repruentltion of the •ame, and that said revised ahort aubdi vJ.aion ia made with the trae con.ant, ud in accordance wl.th the deaire of the. 011Mr(a), c ~~F lf~.!_~l:. our ,.-· " . ' .__ . _ _,,, N , - hands an/ala, l,;;(/. f i .. t. .. No.inf C\.l . 'er, 0 0 <O NQ.·:-a;by L ST.1<'11! OF llASJ!INGl'ON,!, ,;./ !"- County-of ~= ...... 1 ,,. ' . (.Jl.:-tt' Name Name On th.is day personally appeared be.fore .me ----'---'------------ to ae k:n:otm tQ be the individual described in and wh,;, 1!utecut-d the within and Eoregoi.119 instrument, and aeicnOl,rledged that s.igt:ied the same as free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses a.,d puLp:>ses therein 1!16ntioned. GIVEN under mg hand and officia.l seal this _ da!f o! ______ ,,,. __ • . --\\i~ :/,q;;;:· ... Not.:J.ry PubUc in and for the Stace of Nuhjngt;on, residinq ,rt ,:• STATE OF WASHINGTON,\"· Countr:, of,_;,1· ... .,_ __ On this dlasi pe.rsonall!,' appeared beiore n,e .... ~:.-:·, <72~.- .;,;1ck n. ;1ewton and Estelle J. :~l:'wton to me Jc:nown to .be tbe ind.ividual described fo "1ld who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged th.it signed the saal!f as tbois free and voluntary act and deed, tor the uses and _purp;ioe.S thereir, me:: • .:ioned. GIVEN under n., hand and official seal this ~ d,a.y of .;A:.,Pc;'c:i;:.l ____ ,, JJ_9 _. " ' l .~. ,· ~-------. Nota.y Public jn and f:.r the State at Washing-ton, cesiding at Shelton Sbort Plat Number 275022 R Page~of_±_ • ' . ..... • -----.---~· eu<'Wli.\ tor ••neU, ~r M"1n • .noceaon and autt•• ~\ ID tlie tftllt Use ·~iennt,' of IJnf tnll ,...,, a fol'Nl d!dlu\lo-a or a pe\illc roahq on:r .-)d IIClQU UJ.e lat\ W.r\7 00) fee\ 1>t u. rollow11W &urlbed propertJJ .. _ ~~- n.e ru\ 660• of· the S:i•~ ),o.l of uie Sc>•~ O!II!. 1i.all _,of tbe librUlw~ OM ~r ot Ula 9n'Unfe•l one qu1ter of. Sect.b.,29, •-w.,. U ibrlh.1 !.aa[e S tu\, v.w ... -" lbg C6mt.J 1 Vuli.li11\ain, USS \he S.,11U. 1)1)1 Of~ tu\ 1Eo• lller9:>r. ._.-_ .. ~ _.n1ped pa)'\JJI her helrl;.-~-~n.a\dl &Ul,:M.., wlU ,.'",ctln la the 4Seed IOJ/,r dedlc.itioD.1 lor-m ~\al')" o:ieddera\So•, Of sat, ro..,_ .t. .-..c1li Ur.e as_ tk O>PeAI: of the. O>wiali,' IL.as ~ o~t.6e4 if:D6 I.be ean md 1tclat.eoaDe.e or nc1, nedw.,-bs h:m" usaed ti," Uw O>mii ol Ii~. 'iiT.IH. 01 'l~HIS(..!O,.. t,.,._ c-·-} of_BII(: ____ I 0., 11".i, Uy r,tr\OCl.a!ly llfi1"C"~d 'ldorir ar ___j'~Jo.c~.kc__ _______ _ ~-l.:ra.Nl.., ~n,li-.idrr,ia,l_,!.oHr,btJ.i,m ~.f•\on.u.-,ldiot -~ l!Mi1,,U·(l<.i.11t:iHtf'-"M ...f ;acba'lt.kd.rd • _. 6"• fhe: J.iJ,,._J l'lw:-1,w H_.ML__ .. 1r -1,oi-..,: ac, MJ&r:floo . dll J'lil'l'OH~ die. •• -•KOtd.. -------------- ,,, •-•••, ·-1 ••'••>••1n~"' l:/.'1-f;fMf . .JftJC-. ,..JS -/~~. V~~Ld-~ ? ,,, "-,,...,p,,,1.1,,, •• ..,J,-,.,,, \1 ... ,,,11•"""'~""-"' ,.._c;JLt_ts..,.-,,,_ ___ _ $Af(00Ta f-,.....,. ~ ... , -AC«t,,OIIIL{O-,U(lill.T -~111'1 .. l I \ J I I I i 1. l I . ~:... ' ' ;• ... ... I "' "' . .... 0 ... ... :z C.' "' .... .. .. 0 0 0 l.;J •'. I r ·, I I ! I, ' ' I I ' I ) I I -.-. -----· ·----. ---------- . ;.:i :z • ' ·-. "' w l M '" Lo-, ... "" ... L", " " .... ~ <> ~ 0 0 ~ :':! ~ I ' ' •• • • SHORT PLAT NO. ,.sou KING COUNTY WASHINGTON !I Thi5 s9ace reserved tor record111.r•s use •ECOROEil ••••• OF •••••••. _ •••• REQU£ST :.1, I 9l'i 11AY ic; PM I 2'1 I i I '---------' i i Fl.Ced for record at the Te'1Ue5t r:,f; I ~De I Depdrt111ent of co-1nH¥ , Environaenta.! O.V.Zo,Pflll!nt. Divisicn of Land Use .Nanar,e~t l:Mmined and approved this J£ dd!/ of Director, Ci.iv!s.ton of Land Use Hana~111mc -~L...=~~---------·· ,,7~- ,ir~t/: Ll lieturn to, U.11d C:se ,'Ja.tW!.fl:l~t Div. iill5. ,rj,·w Co-Court.house Seattl~. Wash1n!7t0n 98104 Deput;; J.ssessor LECAL DESCRIPTION th-, !. 660' of the ? l :>! th~ !fli i of the 5W i -:,f S:-,c 29 1 Tvp 231', Bf 5 :.if!:, in K'iDf. County ii"as!'l.in,tan, LE~= the ? 1)01 of the ::. 160' t.hen,:if, All. Lil!li iri"!.Y of El/il for~ !I: 515. Map on File in Vault . ------~---------- . . ' ---·--· -----· DECLAIIATl!ll: Know all aaa. by these preaenta tbat we. the unde,-..iped, on.er(s) 1D fee aimi,le . .I ud contract purcbuer(s)J of the land here1D described clo berebJ make a short eubdlvision tbereof pursuant to Ra 58.17~060 and declare tbie abort plat to be the gn.phic representatioa of aame, and tb.at said short s@d1v1&1oa. is ma.de with tbe free consent and in. accord&n.ce with the· desire of the wner(a). h witness whereof we h&ve set our ha.nds and aetls. ' -. Name ·, Name J ~ -: . · I-lu ~ 7 :. STATE OF W~H-1~-~0N,l ss. count11 of ,. ~ . -. { On chis day parscnally Appeared before me ~f'.~·,~~i~'..c'~/~/~,1,._· ~~-~--~,;~,-~·~•~u~·~1~cc...·~r~·--- GIVEN under ,a,;, hand and otricial seal cha~ 41-!l of .f, .I/ :, - STATE OF WASHINGTON.t ss. count~ ot _____ _ "" Short Plat ::wrber _ __:'..c'";C;::>c,> __ Not.azy Publli:l.fo 411, re5idinv at ~ · ;A, ·. • ' "' :0 .:, N N .,, .. ~ ..0 "' " "' .. ~ .., ,-., ;, .., " •I~ ,I .. ... ~ "' _ __, Wf57 L.INE f'I,() .Sh #W .!. SW.!.. 2.,·Z3-S" · I !IS'.!. 0 /CW '* JUE .S: f ., "' . .., .. llS'.t. 0 ., • 0 ., "' ,. {l, ~ ~.., ~ "~ -~ ~N z ::.~ " .., E llllE. f.1QS·. ...f 5 k,NW.!. SWt, ~ SE( z,-2.3-S / Map on File in Vault Pirection:S .. Sc.le: ,~ : 100' so 0 so /DO S/';ort Pl•t ~>o: __ <_1_S_O.;ctc;z:__ _____ _ "' "' ~ " ,-N "' " ~ ... ,-n •• ,. ~ ~ ,. "' ,c .., .. ~ .-- _,,d''/ 1-- w I • N E ISO IJJO 250 .. ' -~ --.• .,~ I, • ! • . . .... ·. ;r :.: S.-29_ T.-23-R • .lli_ n SHORT PLAT NO -~27:..c,5""02""2'---'-'-R~- K I N G CO U N T Y, WA S H _I N GT O N APPRC7111.L Xhis .space ce5~rvec:t tor recorda.r.' .s us~ l>epartment of P.l.nni.nq and ~.;uaiun.ity Deve~opmen.t Buildin9 ,llll(f £and lllrvelo~t Division Eram.ined and approved this /" da9 of ~ , 19._,..fo __ ~4-,/,-~ ---Manager. Building & Land .Developaenl DivisiOJifJV I';" :,lcil J ,G I I Dep.artttnc ot Public Wcrks I Ex•mic.od ""d appn,ved this /()~ da• of _'?9tUd.,.. ' I I I I LEGAL Filed tor record dt the refll.H!St of: JACK & ESTELLE NEWTON I PHILLIP & JUDY BOREEN ..... Return to;; M tdin.g & Lani Deve fopment 450 KC AC>r.ir.ia=.raticn Bld~ Seattle, Washir.g-ton 98104 DESCRIPTION TOTAL AREA .---/ Di.rector / / / ( "" . .,-:-,,.' !' Dep,art:aent of AssessC31?11lS e;icatlt!ned and appro,·ed th.is ------ / ., -.... ~ -~r-r~::. .liissessc.,.r '-. _ _. 4-lh· 1,aa da1,1 of J9d .... · That portion of the East 660 feet of the South Half ofthe Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the South 130 feet cf the East 160 feet thereof; AU.LYING Westerly of S.R. 515 right-of-way. (being know as Lots A, B and C of King County short Plat No. 275022 as recorded under King County File ~o. 7505160528. LOT 1 ~e South 195 feet of the South Half of the South Half of the East 660 feet of the Northw~st Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range S: East, W.M .• in King Cour:.ty. Was-hington: EXCEPT the South 130 feet of the East 160 feet thereof. LOT 2 The South 123 feet of the Ease 317 feet lying Southwesterly of S.R. Sl5, of the North Half of the East 660 feet of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Ou~iter: A.'lD The South Half of the South Half of the East 660 feet of the r{orthwest Quarter cf the Southwest Quarter. AL~. i.n Seer ion 29, Township 23 Xorth, Range 5 East. ~,J'. M. , in King County, Washington : EXCEPT the South !95 feet t~ercof: EXCEPT portions conveyed to che St.:?te of Washington for S.R. 515. LOT 1 The ~orth Half of the ~2st 660 feet of the South Half of the North- west Quarter of the Southwc ,;t Quarter of Section 29. Township 23 North. Range 5 East, W".:-1., in King r:ounty, Washingtcn, lying Southweste::ly of S. R. 515, EXCEPT the South 123 feet of the Ease ~~7 feet thereof. lying Southwesterly of S.R. 515. Map on File in Vault ~age 1 of L :...... ___ ._ .. • ~tt~-:&k&" ,: ... .~ •• ..-~· •' ,;. . ' 1 f ' "· J SCA\.f.' 1•.: J.Q£! --_________ ...,;;47~5';,,;· ';...-------~ HORTH Ll!flt S 1/1 NW J/1-IW 1/4 -~ .:, r-... ~ 0 ~ (\/ ~· 8 0 0 "' "' (l) ... 0 "' "' f. vAIE A' Z.:Jl'Jl'z NH'~. JH/r, JCZ'. 2~.-23-3 PROPEF'tTl' BOilt.iDAA.,.~ ',.r ---_,.....,..L----,----\. I 207' J I 2 NORTJt LINE' $OIJTH J95' S V'2 NW t/4 SW 1/4 660'! / ... d L,,N'~ .E. /U' ,u,r~ .,o JN'Y. ~ ZP-Zl-.5 I .:£ L/N, J>Y~ ..:tGc: zy-z7..s-~/ J -·-L___J._ Map On Fil• ;n V,ull ¥ lt! r, .. ct :. ---..----- 100' 0 ~· Short Plat No , _ _.2 ... 7_5o.0,.2,.2....,,B~----- ... • ..• .;. •. ~ I ;. ~ r-- 0 N 8 g i • • I i .. .l.no,,,ntome to be tbi: p:l'IOSL..'"=--.Yo"hose namc, ___ u --~llb'iCribed to the ""ifhin ir11.1ruinm1 :iond :ic:l.ncm·Jtd~ lh3L ~h...~ '-- u~led the same. wrr;-.a.s my han1hnd olfu;W sc:r.L • 0''1CIAI S~Al .- CARr::>l A. i<:mY N()?Ll'I' "V•U:: • i!Al••OI .... A ,t1"1(••.a, Of''Cf , .. tC~ "•lvl!lU COl.l!'!I• •, (o,,,11:il1;:,,, fspi~ fr\:,...,.... 11, •HO 3 - \ : .~ •. -~"==--=--------... , - ---------...... ---•- . ' . (; f i j ' ,,,,,.~ION• .. ·· ~ MEN P .. these presents, that we, the und~rsign.ad, o,.,,ners in fee t:1• [ud contract purchuer(sj J of the lan,:l._he_r!'in described, do here- · II¥ .. v1oe Short Subdivision 1.rplication No •. .-,)/'·, l ,_, ,J.. · . as re- oorde.cl. undar Racordin9 Ho. 1'.j1'·; /(,,(,' ·:i.·:>, , Records of King C01111ty, Waahington, and by this Revised Short Subdivision thereof pursu- ant to 1ICII 51.17.060 declare this revised abort plat to be the gr~phic r.pxuentation of the aama, ud that said raviaed abort subdivision ia aade with the free conaent, and in accordance vi#, the desire of the. owner(a). -~S~F We~ ~~tour hands and,)leala. . ' ( . I I \.-" ·--. __.., · _...;,lw.r,.w·' '...:.' l;:;...· ~i; ..... : ____,,lc""",l ·:..:..· -:..:.1:..:..· ·:..:..· -,-- N • ·. N.:inf C\1 ' C'"l 0 .::, ro NGf ,,i;p,.; i P''-0.Y) STATE OF 1IASlllNGl'ON,1· .... 1/ ss. Count:!I of /~= . ,7 _, • • (1, .JL,:tl" I(.~.,,_.._\ c·,, It I f . Name Name On this day pe.rsona.119 appeared :be.fore :me ----'--"------------- to • known to be t:be .indiv.:idua.l described in .wd who executed the .. 1th.in and foregoing inst.nment, and ac:icnowledged that signed the same as free and 'IOluntaty act. and deed, ~or the uses ~d puz-poses therein mentioned. GIVEN under 119 hand and official seal th.is da!I of ,19 __ • .-·;t\;~:· /: Pi/· .. -:• // . !. ·. -·. / ,/·-.· /. .,,.. ,, ~'c f::'l-•• tr ,· ·..: -r . Not~~ PWf.#c in arid for ::he Stace of Nuhinqton, residing a.t ·,/ ·-, ,( ._ .-c~~- STATE OY USl!INGTON ·\ .,_ count!{ of_ .... _,.. __ _ On this day personall.g a.ppea.red bet:"ore n,e .;ack D. :let>"ton and Estelle J. ~">ewton to me Jcncwn to be t:he individual described in and who executed the within and fore~ing instnmsnt, ,.1.nd acknowledged that signed cile sw as thoi r free and volutJtaey act and deed, for the t1Se:s and pLirposeS the.r~ir. me: • .:ioned- GIVEN W1der DIJ hand and official seal this ~ 48.:J o:£ ...;Ac,P;;cr.:;ilc.._ __ _,, 1J_9 _ • Short Plat Number 275022 R . ' '' . '·"' '. Notii-"':i Public ,in and f:.r the State of Washington, residing at Shelton Page~of~ • TO, Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard cove Lane Mount Vernon, WA 98274 Attn, Jim Hanson • 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 MA~ 7. 5 2007 RE.Cf..\VEO SUPPLBMEN'l'AL REPORT #1 OF PLAT CBRTIFICATB PNllT order Number, 626158 CBRTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSBD ~T The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Pull 'Opdate of the PLAT CER'l'IPICATB from August 22, 2006 through May 8, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • The legal description has been llJDended to read as follows, Lot A, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-06-117-LLA LND-30- 0320, recorded under Recording Number 20070125900018, said lot line adjustment mere particularly defined as follow; Lot 46 and 'l'ract B, Winsper II, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 184 of Plats, pages 77 through 80, inclusive, in King County, Washington. • Paragraph ll & 12 of the commitment is/are out, 2006 tax•• are paid in full. • The following paragraph(s) of our preliminary colllllitment has/have been el:lainated, 13 & 14 • The following has been added as paragraph 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 : 15 . COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RBSTRICTIONS AND EASBMl!lNTS COll'l'AINED IN LO'l' LINE ADJUSTMEN'l', COPY ATTACHED : RBCORDED: RECORDING NOMBER, January 25, 2007 20070125900018 (continued) • • • SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE RBPORT Page 2 Order No. 626158 16. Matters disclosed on a Lot Line Adjustment recorded under Recording Numher 20070125900018, a copy of which is hereto attached. 17. SANITARY SEWER UTILITY .Bl\.SEMENT AND AGRBEMENT AND 'l'BE TBRMS AND CONDITIONS TBEREOF: BY: RBCORDED: RBCORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: James Jacques and Raymond Sled March 7, 2007 20070307002341 Terms involving a beneficial easement on adjoining property 18. Gl!NBRAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINOU:BNT MAlr 1, IF ONPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVBMBER 1, IP UNPAID: Yllllr TAX ACCOUIIT BWIBBR: LEVY CODE: AFFECTS: 2007 948574-04'0-09 2130 Lot A CURRBNT ASSESSED VALUB: Land: $135,400.00 Improvements, $224,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GBNERAL TAXES: $3,960.73 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.59 $9.99 TOTAL BILLBih $3,972.31 PAJ:Ds $1,985.16 TOTAL DOB: $1,986.15 19. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGBS: FIRST HALF DBLINQUENT MAY 1, IF ONPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, :IF UNPAID: YBARs TAX ACC01lJIIT ffllJIIIBlh LEVY CODE: AFFECTS: 2007 948574-0U0-05 2130 Lot B CURRENT ASSESSED VALUB: l.and: $35,100.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GBNERAL TAXES: $386.81 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1. 50 $9.98 '1'0TAL BILLBDo $398.29 PA:ID: $16.99 (continued) TOTAL DUS, $381.30 • • SUPPLEMENTAL TITI.B REPORT Page 3 Order No. 62615B 2 0. DBED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THBREOF: TRUSTEE: BENEFICil\RY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: Raymond E. Sled, a married man as his sole and separate estate LS Title of Washington Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. $384,000.00 February 15, 2007 February 27, 2007 20070227001791 Lot A The amount """ sec,ured by said Deed of '!'rust aDd the teEDIB upo11 which the saae c,an be disc,harged or assuaad should be ascertained from the bolder of the iDdebtedness aa=red. 21. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRJ\NTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: Raymond B. Sled, a ma:rried man as bis sole and separate estate LS Title of Washington Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely a& nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. $109,000.00 February 15, 2007 February 27, 2007 20070227001782 Lat A The amount now aecured by aaid Dead of Trust and the tar,u upon which tha sama can be discharged or aa,n,mad should be ascertained f:rca the holder of tha iDdebta<lll••• aec:urad. 22. Right, title and interest of Teri Sled presumed from the execution of instrument recorded under Recording Number 20070227001781 & 20070227001782. (continued) '• • STJPPLEl'JE:NTAL TITLE ~PORT Page 4 • Order No. 626158 • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since May B, 2007, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabave. Dated as of May 11, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. cb PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: Curtia Goodman i'itJ.., Officer Phone Humber, 206-343-1327 . ' • • PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.com) Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Charlie Bell (charliebell@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206) 343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 Hanson Consulting Title Order No. 626158 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mount Vernon, Washington 98274 Attention: Jim Hanson Your Ref. : Sled GENTLEMEN: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: As on Schedule A, page 2, attached. IS VESTED IN: RAYMONDE. SLED, as his separate estate SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE: TAX: $250.00 $ 22.00 TOTAL CHARGE: $272.00 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: August 22, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. n t ar::a M '" . ~enior Ti e O ficer unit No. 12 ___...,-····:=;.,· <=---....-- . . • PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A Page 2 • Order No. 626158 The land referred to in this certificate is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows: Lot 46 and Tract B, Winsper II, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 184 of Plats, page 77 through 80, in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A • GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B • Order No. 626158 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. 4. 'Any lien, or right to a lien 1 for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen 1 s Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. • SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 • Order No. 626158 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation Construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge an underground electric transmission and/or distribution system A 10 foot wide strip as constructed over said premises and other property January 13, 1978 7801130836 ,,,,, 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: King County Water District No. 58, a municipal corporation Water mains and appurtenances South 30 feet of Lot 46 July 18, 1984 840718096fY--- 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, a municipal corporation Installing, constructing, operating, inspecting, maintaining, removing, repairing, and using Sanitary sewer line(s) and appurtenances thereto Westerly potion of said premises October 6, 1998 9810061369 v (continued) • PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 3 • Order No. 626158 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, GRANTEE, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington Water Northerly portion of Tract B October 6, 1998 9810061370 - 5. EASEMENT PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN SAID PLAT AS FOLLOWS, An easement is hereby reserved for and conveyed to City of Renton, Puget Sound Energy, Inc., U.S. West Telephone Company, T.C.I. Cablevision Company and to their respective successors and assigns over, under and upon the private street(s), if any, and the exterior ten (10) feet of all lots, tracts and spaces within the plat lying parallel with and adjoining street(s) and the Grantee's facilities as now constructed and/or to be constructed, extended and/or relocated within the plat in which to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace, enlarge and extend overhead and underground pipes, conduits, cables and wires with all necessary or convenient overhead, underground or ground-mounted appurtenances thereto for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, gas, telephone and other utility service, together with the right to enter upon the street(s), lots, tracts and spaces at all times to (sic) the purposes herein stated. 6. NOTES CONTAINED IN SAID PLAT AS FOLLOWS, The lots at issue are being developed as single family. All lots within this plat shall be subject to condition of approved geotechinical report. All lots and tracts created by this plat are subject to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded under King County Recording Number~~~~~~~~~ 7. RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND LIABILITY TO ASSESSMENTS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, AS HERETO ATTACHED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, March 10, 1998 9803101069 ~· (continued) • PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 4 • Order No. 626158 AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION OF SAID RESTRICTIONS, AS HERETO ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: September 29, 1999 19990929000469 8. NOTICE OF ESTABLISHMENT OF A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR WATER SERVICE AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GIVEN BY: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: 9. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND BY: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: The City of Renton March 26, 1984 8403260504 CONDITIONS THEREOF: Gary L. Hill and Water District No. 58 July 6, 1984 8407060725 Providing water service 10. Right of the public to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon said premises in the reasonable original grading of streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat. 11. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: AFFECTS: 2006 948574-0460-09 2130 Lot 46 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $164,000.00 Improvements: $202,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $4,404.72 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.59 $10.00 TOTAL BILLED: $4,416.31 PAID: $2,208.16 TOTAL DUE: $2,208.15 (continued) • PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 5 • Order No. 626158 12. DELINQUENT GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: AFFECTS: 2006 948574-0480-05 2130 Tract B CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $500.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID GENERAL TAXES: $6.02 $0.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1. 50 $0.00 $10.00 $0.00 TOTAL BILLED: $17.52 PAID: $0.00 TOTAL DUE*: $17.52 PLUS INTEREST *CONTACT YOUR TITLE UNIT OR THE ASSESSORS OFFICE FOR A PAYOFF FIGURE THAT WOULD INCLUDE ALL INTEREST AND PENALTIES THAT HAVE BEEN ASSESSED. SAID FIGURE WILL INCREASE ON A MONTHLY BASIS. 13. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE, BENEFICIARY, AMOUNT: DATED, RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Raymond E. Sled, an unmarried man LS Title of Washington Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. $384,000.00 October 10, 2005 October 17, 2005 20051017000212 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the terms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. (continued) • PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 6 • Order No. 626158 14. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Raymond E. Sled, an unmarried man LS Title of Washington Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for Countrywide Bank, N.A. $96,000.00 October 10, 2005 October 17, 2005 20051017000213 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the terms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Jim Isom Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. D0/20051017000211 ' ' • • WINSPER II VOL 184 PGS 77-80 i__ o,o• •~ • ~-r-+--~!!'l'l!l!"'"'"mr"lil)l)m- ' \J ~ ~~ ., ~· '\ ,., ,~ ~ 95 I ".P \ ~ ~~~~,~ < \ \ ' . -----\5 ______ _ PACIF1C NORTiiWEST TITLE Order No. 626158 Company of Washington, Inc. IMPORTANT, This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. \ N WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO RAYMONDE. SLED 3401 BENSON DIUVESOUili RENTON, WASHJNGTON98055 E2162212 t0/t1/201~ 19~1 l(tl COUH,1 :141.11 PAG'ilB\ Of eel SJ:ILli: $4 D ,91111,et \ fi' _C_H_IC_A_G_O_TI_TL_E_IN_s_·u_i-_AJ_'I_C_b_C_O_M_P_AN_Y~.......:l:s..k.L!)~~ \e, d I mms , II STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Dated: OCTOBER 11, 2005 THEGRANTOR CYl'm-llA KARTES, AN UNMARRJED INDMDUAL, E'RESEN11,.Y AND AT ALL TIMES SINCE OCfOBER 25, 1999 for and in consideration of TEN DOUARSAND OTHBR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION in hand paid, conveys and warrants to RAYMOND B. SLED, AN UNMARRJED MAN the following de.scribed real estat<:: 5,ituated in the County of KING Tax Account Number(s): 94ll57404o009;948.574048005 State of Washington: LOT 46 AND TRACT B, W!NSPER II, ACCORDING TO THE PI.AT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 184 OF PLATS, PAGES 77 THROUGH 80, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SUBJECT TO: SEE EXHIBIT 11 A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF S\VD/lt.DA/Ollllll STATE OF WASH~".'N ss COUNTY OF~-<~_.,,-"'/------ ON THIS /( DAY OF (}:/pf)y , 2005"BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY I ~Ip,S.IONEU ~D SWORN' PERSONALLY APPEARED .1/,,r,Kt;, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE INOIVIDUAL(S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEOGEO THAT --2iM__ SIGNED AND SEALED THE SAME AS htr FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES HEREIN MENTIONED. NOTARY SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME, L/4:.e,!lc::'/Ud:...c:..._µ:..___u_;_IUf_,_ ____ _ THE STATE OF WASHINGTON NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR RESIDING AT f<.tn f- MY COMMISSIO-N~Ec..X_P_IR_E_S_O_N ____ -_y-;_·-_,· fc..1~-~0_'!~- CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT A Escrow No.: 1172525 UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS ANO CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AS CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTED JANUARY 13, 1978 7801130836 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTURES OVER SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT 8NDANGER THE UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 WATERMAINS WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THE NORTH 30 FEET OF LOT 18; THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF LOTS 19, 28 AND TRACT 8 JULY 18, 1984. 8407180964 WATER EASEMENT AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: OCTOBER 6, 1998 9810061370 AFFECTS: TRACT B AND OTHER PROPERTY COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND LIABILITY FOR ASSESSMENTS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMIITED BY APPLICABLE I.AW: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: MARCH 10, 1998 9803101069 AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION OF SAID RESTRICTIONS: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 29, 1999 19990929000469 AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: GARY L. HILL KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 JULY 6, 1984 8407060725 &.vv-, O V I f UUU4 I I ,U\rt' e CI-IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY REGARDING: EXHIBIT A EscrowNo.: 1172525 ( continued) WATER SERVICE AND CHARGES RELATED THERETO AFFECTS: TRACT BAND OTHER PROPERTY AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RE:CORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: GARY HILL KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 FEBRUARY 18, 1984 8407180963 WATER DISTRICT CONNECTION CHARGES AFFECfS: TRACT 8 AND OTHER PROPERTY RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER SR515 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: JULY 16, 1974 7407160319 AFFECTS: TRACT BAND OTHER PROPERTY exhibitc/rlm/121196 .~ ' 0 U) r- -· e •• .!,._ - {711.ll ,~ .. CASEMENT FOR UNnERGROUNU ELECTRIC SYSTEM CURTISS R._f0LL~ER 1 MIKE LaVALLEY, GARY HILL and WILLIAM COIISINEAU, ( i...,,K._) ----------------------------------------------- f"Orrunor" hl'rt'lnJ. ir1tnts. COIYl'l')'S ilnd WRrrants to PlH.iET .'-<)L:\'U POWE~ & I.IGt!T COMPANY. 11 Wa5hln,1Z.ton <.·orpon1t!u11 ( ··cnull~··· herelnJ. for tht'J1Urposesherelnar1er set forUJ ti P•'!lH:tuul t·H~\!ffll•nl umkr, ucross and ovt•r lhl' follow!nJ,l ckst·raht•d rHl 1,rvpNl}' (tt1~· "l'roµt>ny"' hendm King Cc11.:11ty. \\'jjsh!•1i,:1.,n. That portion of the South 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of ~ection 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, whic~ :ies westerly of proposed SR 515. F..xcent as may bt· oth1:rwlst· st'i rorlh hl'reln Urllflh .. ·'s rl,i::hL~ i;hull Ix· 1:xt•rrl!>L"'! u11on lhut por\lori or thl.' l'ropt•rty 1tlw "Rl&IU·o(-Way·· hNt'lt11 rksn!bt-d ai. follows· A P!i,:.h:·i..!·Way _ __l_Q ft'el In 1ddlh l,uviri~ 5 The ce, .. :rline of rr~ntce's facilities as presently constrt1cted or to be construct~d upon '..:he above! de.scribed Property. I. P\ll'""pOH. Gram~ sJ1a.JI hi1se lhE rlF)ll to cuns1n.ict. opNote. maintain. rt1JBlr. rt-place arid (.'fllBrg,i an undl.'rJlrouml f": ...... --:.,ic transmission and...-or dlstrlbutloo system upon and v00f:'I' Ll1.::-R!Wll·ol·Way IOJl~Lht'r 11;Jth 11.Jt n1."CesS1 ry or con~·~r,iLflt a;.,pur-.:enances lht're!or, -..·hlch maiy lnc:lude bul are not llmi!t."'d \u tl1 .. ll•llt,.,.,iriti undt'q,:rwnti t'Ollduiu,;, cable:;, communication lines; .,aults. manholes, swltclles. and transformers; and st.>mi-burlL-d vr ground mountt'd racltitlt-i;.. Fol::, .. !:If( \J:1.' Initial coo- struc1lon or Its racUJtJ .. s. Gra.nt~ moy from 1lme to time t'Ons1n..1ct such addltlcmal rac.:llttles a~ !1 m11y rK1Uire 2. Acce11r.. Grllllll* shall ha~·e thl;! rlR}ltofs.cresi;tr, the RlghHJf-W;;y o~'eT nnd 111•roi;i:; lhf.' Property 10 l!fl.llble (irantt-<' to t>xi:rcise Jrs rtghls her('lJnde,r. pr(l',"ldtd.thatGranlt"eshallcompl'tl~\t-(.··11r;1or for any damll,,l!e to tt.c l'ropcr1y CIIUSl-d t,y th1.• t-xercl$f' or said rlghl of acCl'"ss J. Ob,tnicrlons: Landscaping.. Grantet> may from llrrw w timl' r,·move trt..-e-s, bushes, or othi!r 01J~1ruc110011 within liw RJght•ot•Wa> and ma)· le>Vt'I 11M ,11rade the Rl.efll·ot•Wo}· to the eXtl·nt reasonnhly necessary to enrry out t.'11.· purpt1M,!! o,c•t for.Ji In pan,traph I hert-or. prcr.-ldl'IU, that followtl)J,! n.ny i.-udl work. Grrum.•e shaJI. to tht• t!XlL'fll rt'a~ubly prnct1t·ahl1.•, restore the-RIW,l•ot•Wa)' lO the condition II was imrnt<llatcly prier lo such ,,.,.ork. Following tht> ln1nnlh1.11on or Gr11n1t·l·•~ •.rndt"rgr~nd feclJIUt!"I.I, CirMlor ma:,, urw:leruUi.e MY ordlnnry lmprovl·menlti 10 1JK, landscaplni: or the Rlldll•or-W.oy. pr•JYlch:od U"lat no 1rees or other plant:, i;.l"u1l1 l>t: plnct>d tht!r~n whlc.h would bt• unrca!>Un11hly CXJl(.'l"ISh't!" or lmprllclkal for (irB/11,'1' to rtmO'>·e &1..d res to re 4. Grlllllor'a. U~ of Rigt.1-of·Wa,-. Gra.ntor rt-scrv1~s tht.• rl,Vlt to u~,: 1h1.• Hli,:hl·of·Wny ror IUl)' purpo:w 01.11 int•r.mi,ii,lt·'ll •·JUJ the rl,tits hereln 1rwned. ;,ro,·lded· U\al Grantor 5111"11 not COflHtruct or motmaln nny tNildlnA or otht•r i,trucw.n• on 1Jw R!ghl·ttf·Way which would lnlerfere •·Ith the exercise of the rlj/)lL'l hHl.'ln t,:r11nt1.-d; thol no <llx.xinit. lunnl.'!inli or oUwr form of roostructlon •ctl\"11)" Ylall be don!!! nn lhe Properly ,1,hlct! would d!.'>turb !he compaction or 1JJ)('or1.h (iranll.'1'·~ rac!Jille!i on tht! Rl~l-of•Way. or ~anger the laieraJ ~rl to said fr1clll(lr:-s: nnd thu\ no blnst!ng.5™1Jl bl' donl' within 1r, h·t."l or thr~ RIR}l1-of·Way 5. lndemn1r,·, 8)' •cc~tlog and r@('(lrdlng this rast-m1.'l"lt. (irar11t·t· 11s_rtt~ to Lndemnlry and hold hsrmlt-~s Gramor from any and all C"lalm:i; for damages suffered by &n)" perSlJfl -..·hid, may l>e caus.t'tl t,)· Grantt~·s exercli.1.• or the ni;:tlls ht:rl.'ln B,rtnled; provld<'.'d, that Cr8Jlt~ shall nor be responslbloe \ri Grilfl!C1r far any damal,!>.!"5 rl!5Ultlog from inJurl(.'S to an:, p-erf-On causM b>· acts or om!i.i;;Jon.,; or GrMtor. 5. AbaaionmemL The rijthl!. here,!n granted shall continue un!ll such Umc as Grant1:1.• c1:asl'"S lo USl' thl' P.ight·ot·"Yoey for a period or five 151 wecessh.·e ~-ears. ln wh\di even! this 11:>asement !>hall 1crmi!iale and ail ri,ll),Ls hl'n"!Jndl.'r st->all n~·l'rt t,, Grantor, pro,..lded du11t !"'.O abandonment shaJi be dt'erned to hav<> OCC'Jrrt'd tw rea!-0:i of Gran14:t-·s hllun• to initlail~ !n~LB!l Its h1c!lltles oo the Rl~11·o/-Way ""hhln any period or tlm~ fro!!1 t.h':" dim· h""ri."Of or t.'w parties shall lnur'! \..0 the btndir of w-.d t,-E: b1n.;1ln,g upon flLED ro;; RECORD AT REQUfi£,,-(M: '·C"'.... t::.;:·.1[ ;_.;·;i'.::,IOhl P. 0. BU'. S:63 8(LLEVUE, \'JASHINGTON (,,,/.5 J-1hrv' .?;Q. 1.-( '( l~ j ., I I 1 1 j ! i ' l ! - :"'-. STA.TE OF WASHINGTON } "· COVNTY OF zr;,, l•J ! /I ) ' On tht. do:, p6nona.lly IPP•red bt:Cor• m• ~/ ;.( (1 ; I <U ,d, to me knoWn to W the llllffvldu&J ~-· described ln and •ho_ 11sea1ted UM within aid rore,olnl lrotrument, and QC\noWledaed U'l~t...,'""1';1 •1gned the l&ffl~ . .-U __ freo and voluntary act and daed for the 11a. and purt)08N therein ma1t!onod. : , GIVEN UNDER MY HA.ND ANO OFP'IC:AL SF.AL th.I• LIL d4Y vr / /;,,-, zrtLt.r-<~ 19 U. r ::i/. ,,,, ..,.,,.,. . , . . . .·· --< J', c,/ ~-a<· .. · . ~ .. · NO Affy PUBLIC yr e_nd for the ~te cl Wuhtni'tiill~''''' rcsldlnc al )t·,. t r 7 C (:(f , , ,.v ....... ST ATE OP WASHINGTON C'l'JUNTY OF---- 0.1 thl• day of ·-· ltl _, ~!oce m01 tba underslped, pcnonally app.lQ.l"od ----·---- ------, .. ,! , 'lD mt! lrnc,ir,11 to b,i! th~ and------- ~eily, ol ·-----· tr.to oorvoni.lion tt-..st ea:oc:1.1Vld me turoaolna: lnalJ"U.ttlffll, and ~I· cdaed the •IILJ lntU'\lmenl 1.o be the ,ree ao.i volunlar)' ect o.nd Jer.?1 d 1141d eoq,or...:Son. for :be USM L"ll purpot,CII therein ment!anul, er,d on oalh aw..:! U\at . -------authorized tc exto.ate the said lnstrum:ml .vd that the iseeJ affbeed I• \ho corporate ~ ot .aid co.""J)Ot'l!llt10iL WITNESS MY HAND AND UFF'IOAL SEA.L b•nto i!f/lxcd too day Uld year rlnt aboVe ":Tritten. NOTARY PUBLIC .ln an:6 for tho -.;ate of Wddnl:tori, rosldln,s •'--------------- " ~ ·-'"'" '= w :c 0 = ·~ -· "' "' ..., "' w ~ . ., e 0 '° ~ n c, r"' "' ,::0 C 0 ~ '-' r. .... .... -, « .... 0 ro r- "' ,a ... 0 0 ..., a:, ,.,. ,.., ..... ::, "'J /., e FIU::D FUR RECORD Kr 111E REQUEST Ol': KING OJOOY WA1ER DIS1RICT N::l. 58 10828 S. E. 176th Renton, Wa.shingcc,, 98055 c::c 0 ::.:. EASEMENT FAS!:Y£N1' N::l, 29-23-5-16 PP.DJECT Method 4 -Gary Hill C<•r, ~,,..,rsf ~r~·· ~·r- '11, /', )/ I~~.-. , By Ct/ .)"' : (',), .: '' ·. ' ~~-~---.. ,:; nns INDENTURE, made this d 7 ~ d,3.y of Ll"'-U!../ between KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58, a municipal co~o;.ation of , 19£!!:.._, by and King County, Wash- ingcon~ hereinafter termed the 11 Grantc.e" and. __ ---=G~fl~f/.~y __ ;-(=/~L=L~-------------' hereina.t:ter tet1I1ed the "Gran tors"; W I T N E S S E T H That the. c;aid Granters for a valuable consideration -o -, ::cceipt of whicb is hereby ac.knovll:!.dg:~d by the Grantee, docs by these presents convey, grant and .... arr.ant unto the Grantee a perpetual/ temporary easement for vater mains ancT. appurtenances under, through, above, across t:he following des,_i:ibed properly situated in King County, Washington, together with all after ~cquired title of the Grantor5 therein, and Qorc par- ticularly described as follows: The South 30.00 fe t of Lot 4 King County Short Plat No. 577051 as recorded under King County Recording No. 79020807':l~".07-'18 #0964 D RECD F 5. 00 CRSHSL ttutt*1 lf<5 .. 00 22 The Crantor warrants that their tit.le is free and clear of nll encumbrances c.xccp t =----~''--h''-'o"'-"'5,,E:"----""'"F'---"tf~F._,¢4""'.cR,_,,L),_ _________________________ _ If the property of the Crancors at the. ti.me of granting this attcd but is platted prior co the recording of this document, then the authorize the Grantee to add to this acrcement the designation (volume such plat. easement is unpl- Grantors do hereby and page, etc) of The. Grant.or ack.novlcdges that part of the consideration being paid b'y the Gran- tee is for any and all damage resulting to or resulting hereafter from the possible in- terference of the natural flow of surfcce waters by Grantee's digging of pipe lines ~hich may disturb the soil composition ~ithin said easement, The said Grantee shall have the right vithout prior institution of ,11ny suit or proceeding ac lnv, ae Guch time as may be necessary, to enter upon the casement for the purpose of constructing, repairing, alt~ring or recon&truccing &aid water m.iins, or mak- ing any connections h•:?Xewith, without inc\1rring any legal obligation or liability there- for, provided: · (1) The Cr.antce, Water District No. 58, uill restore Crantora property to a condition ns good .n.s or better than the prcmioes \lCrc prior to entry by thC! Cr,i.ntcc, Water DiGtrict No. 58; (2) The Diat.rict will c.xcrcioc itu bc.ut cfforto not to drunngc:i ony prlvatc. improvcu;c.nta on the cnoc.mc?nt herein, but if it doeR ~o, it r.hAll rcpait: llnd/or rcplncc 11a.id imJ)t'OVCrntlnt:i.j ···.~ .. i j l' ( l l j ! I j I j I ' I I ( (J.)Rcsto~atlon-rcplaccmcnt--rcpair:--9hall be complctc.C. vithin 90 days of the date of any entry by the DiGtl:'ict and c;u.id rcatoration--rcpL1cemcnt--or repair \Jill be of n qu.:i.lity and/or q\L.1,ntity t:h:,.t 1.!l comp.1.rablc or be.teer th.:m existed prior t.o the Grantcc'o, Distrir:t'o, entry upon the casement. (it) The above. oet forth condttion5 shall apply not only to thi:?: initial construction but nloo to auy rr:-cntry by the Water District th.1.t bccomc!J necessary for l:'cpair and tn..:i.intcaancc of thtl vat<!r 11.nc oa. said cascmcnt. (5) Any dam..,gC?: and/or rcmovul of any orna..oental trc.e, shrub, fc.ncc, or rockery &hall be rcylaccd .within the nforcmcntioned 90 day pex.i..od by the District.. The Grant.or shall· re.to.in the right to U$C the surface cf the easement if such use does not intet"fere 1.1ith installation of the wate.r main. However, the gr.1.nto-c shall not erect buildings or structures of a permanent nature on the easement during the ex- istence of caid casement. The c;).sec:ient, during its c.xis tencc, shall be :, covenant running and cho.ll he binding on the succ:cs~ors, hci"t"s, and assigns of both of the «< 7 l!. WITNESS WliEREOF, ~c have set our hands and 6cals this --------->c;?f'1,",,"''"'"'-) __ . 19f?'/-- IN ',T,\'I'E OF 'WASUIHCTON ) GG COU~TY OF KING ) uith the 1.and parcici; hereto. day of ON this day pcrcon.."tlly appc.:ircd before rac -~~cc.:!fiL~""}V'----6',LL'-'ILe-.=L--c::... _________ _ o.nd -----------~-~--~--------• to me known to be the individual des- cribed in and '"'ho executed the "'ithin and foregoing instrument 1 and acknoulcdccd that -4_ =:::t,;., free and volunt:iry act: nnd deed, for the uses and purP~ signed ch~ same as cencioocd. CIVEN under cy haad and official STATE Olt ~ASHINCTON ) COUNTY CF KING )"' 19i'.1f. of Washing- On this da.y of ---------' 19 ___ , the undersigned, a Notary Public in and (or the State of WaGhington, duly comm.i.ssioncd and sworn, personally appeared and·------------------------to me kno\./Tl to be the President and Sccrct3~y, rcsp~ctivcly, of -------------------• the coi:pora.tion th.at executed the forcgoinr, instt"UJQcnt, and .'1Ckno'IJ1.edgcd the caid instrument co be the !rec and voluntary ace and deed of said corporation, for the useG nnd purposc.i:; therein mentioned. ~ITHESS my h~nd and offi~inl seal the. dny r.nd year first above writ~en. NOTARY PUllI.IC rcsidir.& nc .'-._,.: -·.\_-~-. · ASSESSOI~ /f!j, 1 i'f S!ll G 1?11 IN 111!1 am llli lll!l 18 111 PROPrnTY IJ{:J is -NOT,,CU;RA.if'TEl':ll TO SHOW ACC~RATE MEASUREME~TS. ,.;.j NW 29-~3-!5 N S9° 16' 32" E e," p.· I I I ' ' 0 ~· --~_J ' ., ' ' I I ,i; I l \ J: f-,ii <t .; • ,n i' • l • 0 e • Lf5./-1,S·, • ~ Flied for Record Bl the requeBt of SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT P.O. Box 58039 ~{ -St 14616 S.E. 192nd Street Renton, Wsshlngton 98058 Easement No.: 29-23-5·S1032R Project: WINSPER II • ONSITE SEWER Tax Parcel IOI: 292305-9040, 9104, 9124, 9161 & 9167 Grantorls): lliOMAS C. O'CONNOR WALTER & ILSE STIEGMAN, by MALCOLM S. HARRIS, Attorney in Feet JACK & ESTELLE J. NEWTON Granteels): SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT SEWER EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, mode this //~ day of ~ 1994'" , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that THOMAS C. O'CONNOR, WALTER & ILSE STIEGMAN, by MALCOLM S. HARRIS, Attorney In Foot ond JACK & ESTELLE J, NEWTON, owners of land at opproxlmataly 3401 Benson Drive S. in Renton, In the County of King, State of Washington, legally described as follows: [Parcel Al: The Plat of Wlnsper II, according to the Plat thereof, recordad In Volume JH of PIiis, __ Paga ..J2._ through..J!ll..., Inclusive, records of King County, WBShlngton; TOGETHER WITH IPorcel Bl: the north 330 feet of the south hall of the no<thwest quarter of the aouthwest quarter of section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M .. In King County, Wahington; LESS the 8111 660 feet thereof. p,..,.caf ~ ,,, o.,..._,,.I I,., O'C.111101'" --t N....-t... p..,.Jp, ,.s ,..,,._ iy ff,·'1-'-s, ,;,.. ..w_11.o<K: Paoe 1 ot e OMMM § ij n . 3S -lf S t, Tr, 13 I • ... • • • 0 • • Easement No.: 29-23·6-S1032R In consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.()01 and other valuable COI\Slderation, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter "District"), and to its IUCC88SOJS and assigns, an &8$8rnant over. across, under, and through the following described real property: That portion of the above-described p•cels of land further described as follows: The front 4.00 feet of lots 1 through 9 and Lots 39 through 45 of said Plat adjecent to South 36" Street: TOGETHER WITH the front 4.00 feet of Lots 10 through 13 and lots 16 through 34 of said Plat adjacent to Main Avenue South; TOGETHER WITH the front 4.00 feat of lots 14 and 16 of said Plat adjacent to South 34" Street; TOGETHER WITH the front 7.00 feet of Lots 36 through 38 of said Plat adjacent to South 36" Street/Main Avenue South: TOGETHER WITH the weat 4.00 feet of the east 96.99 feet of said Parcel e adjacent to proposed Saulh Wells Street; All as shown on page 7 of 7 heraln. Said easennent Is for the purpose of Installing, constructing, operating, lnapactlng, maintaining, removing, repairing, replacing and using sanitary ..,.,..., llns(sl and appunenances thefeto, together with the non-exclusrve right of ingreu to and egrass from seld portion of Grantor's prcperty for the foregoing pur_.. This easement Is granted subject to the folOWing terms, condttiona and covenants: 1. THE USE OF PROPERTY BY GRANTORS. The Granter haa title to said real property and Is authorized to grant, oonvey and warrant thia euement to the District. The Grentor shall not ef9CI bulldinga or structurea of a permanent nature, or any other impnovementa, or trees or large ahrubbery which nnsy In any way Interfere with the District's Installation or maintenance of the sanitary ..,...r linelsl and appurtenancaa. The Grantor may use the aurfece of the aaaement for paving, small acele landscaping, or other uses which do not Interfere with the Oiatrict'a use Of the e...,ment, Grantor shall Ila reapooolble for any costs Incurred by the Distr1ct In removing atructuras, trees, or large shrubbary which interferes with the Diatrlct'a use of the easement. 2. RESTORATION. Upon entry Into the easement area by the Olllrlct, the Grantor's property will be rastorad to a conattlon as good as or batte< than the promises were prior to the entry by the Dlatrtct. Whara possible, photographs will be taken prior to conatructlon on said property to auure the complatansaa of restoration. Final restoration will Include, but not be llmhed to, aod replacement In P1ga 2 of 7 - - - - ' ' • •••• . . ~. ·-.· -'···•;.,;.,' . .., .. _., . .-·~'-'' ..• ' ..... . .............. · --.~ •• .!,>_. .......... '·' ..... ' • • -. -.... , .......... -~~-'---· ----.-......... -.......... '-' ... -·-'--""""' ..... ------ Easement No.: 2&-23-6-S1032R existing lawns, hydrooeeding In unimproved er-. replanting of exlatlng ahNbl end bulhol or replacement of the aama, whore auch will not lmerfanl with the Dlllrlcl'a use of the •-nt. Lerge trwa that exist within the pe""*1lflt euement area may be removed during conatructlon unleal othorwlH noted In thil easement dOOJment. Fencea, rockerlell, end concrete, uphelt end/or greval drivewayl which do not Interfere with tho Dlattk:t's use of tho e-ment will be repaired or replaced. 3. ATTORNEY'S FEES. In case suit or action la cc,mmanoed by either perty, or their succeuors. halrl or -lgna, to enlorcl eny rights under this easement, or regarding an encroechmlnt on tho -mant, In addition to ~ provided by ttatvte, the aubstantlalty pnMIIUng party lhell be entitled to en award of attorney'• leu In auch aum IS tho Court deeme juot and rusonable. 4. EASEMENT TO BIND SUCCESSORS. Thll easement II permanent end shell terminate only upon agreement al the panlel hereto, their IUCC8MOd SKI/Or c,i ISSlgns. Thia easement, during Its eldat8nce, shall be I covenant ruMlng with the ~ land end 111\111 be binding on the ...,._,oro, helre and mlgns ol the Grantor ~ herein. 8 .-4 i ... ,.. ....... -....... ft.tlOC l'IOl 3 of 7 - • - - l .: i ' I J l ,. . --•-··· -.'<r-· ._;, .• , • .,.:.'i'-~":C·.>:,-:., -·-...... ,_., • •• • • -.. ·-~--··· ........ _,...,.,...., --~--.... ---·~,.,--·-------"""--·-· ... ·"-·' . ---···---·-------·····-•--""-·-·-· ·-------..• Easement No.: 29-23-6-S1032R IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the GrentorCa) has euc:uted this agreement ttim _lL day of ..,,,, , 199.f... cl-s O e.lJ &,,ttl) THOMAS C. O'CONNOR STATE OF WASHINGTONI COUNTY OF ICING )11 On 11111 //ti, day of ffl-,,d , 19 f ~ , before me po11C111811y appeared TttOMAS C. 0,CONNOR, to me known to be the ln<IMduall delO"lbld In and who executed the within and foregoing lnatrumant, and actnowlldVld lllkl instrument to bl the free and vCJluntarv ect and deed of aald Granton, for the .,... and purpclMI thalwln mentioned, WITNESS my hind end offlc:1111 l8al herato '1llxed the day and year elxwa written. Pogo 4 al 7 - - - l • 0 • • -• ••'""• "'""• , ..... • "• • • ,.,,~.-•-••,..,,..,.,,.. ......... ~,_,, __ ..-.-..,, ____ ...... _ ,& > M - Eaaement No.: 29-23-&-S1032R IN ~ERE;OF, the Grentor(sl has 8X8CUled this agreement thlo JI 1'(day of , 199!.f. (e'Jldt Jit,-9. 1 « ~ ~ WALTER STIEGMAN.iv MALCOLMYHARRIS, Attorney In Fact p&J(I .:H',~· 1 ' J, ~ Ai( ALCOLM S. i?ARRIS, Attorney In Fact STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING )ss On this //#, day of @aru, , 19...!f...., before me p..-.ono!ly appel!9d WALTER STIEGMAN, By MALCOLM S. HARRIS, Attorney In Fact and ILSE STIEGMAN, By MALCOLM S. HARRIS. Attorney In Fact, to me known to be the Individuals described In end who executlld the within and foregoing lnltJUment, and «:knowladged 11111d Instrument ta be Iha free end voluntsy act and -of Aid Grentoni, for Iha uua and pu,_ theieJn me~. Wl"INESS my hand and official 1eal hereto affixed the day and 'IN' llbave written. 1, ,4[.,~.., NOTARY 1C In and! State of Wahington, realdlng ai..$11122"- My c:ommlulon oxplres: ~thl"." I .,_ .... T ..$':J ... ~ ...... ..J ,;1 .. ______ ft.DOC Pqolaf7 - l • -"'.ci. -.... , ... • - ·--. ____ _. .......... .r.,.,.,~ ....... -·-·-----· Easement No.: 29-23-5-51032R IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor(s) has exearted this agreement this /~day · of Ma. er-'> . 199~. ~Lt= J NEWTON f? a-ix 1:-S~ I w RI ;rt.,,• ) STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING 111 On Ihle l Dtl,_ dey of M,,,o;t, , 19..'.!L_. befD1'8 me pe11on1Uy ap_..i JACK NEWTON and ESTal.E J. NEWTON, to me knOWn to be the lndlvlduala cleacribed In end who uecutecl the within and foregoing lnettument, and acknowtedged 1181d Instrument to be the free and voluntary act S1d dNd of 181d Gnlnt018, for the UHi and purposae thenlln mentioned. wrrness my hand and official 1811 hereto 1ffba1d the day and year above wnttan. :!t~~~-of W on, residing at ~ ~ My commlalon uplree:j,o I ,,110o,, __ ., .... __ 1Lll(N;; l'aQl8of7 - - • 0 ·-• • • - EASEMENT NO, 20•23-l•B1032R I . j = \ -I ' \ ~ C m I "' . i ' I Q. "', z ~ "' ~ . 0 ~ < . ~ -· . . N•;:_ " "i.\/ .u.-C ,( •• • I J I '~ ~ :1 : t t J..:_ -· 1: ~ f ti 11 rf ,__, i. --'.J __ .aL .-•---.. -~-' ~-~l -,·* --. ·ij WIN8Pf.R 11 EASEMENT NO. H•28•!•810S2R PA.CE 7 Of 7 • l • Filed for Record st tho request of SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT P.O. Box68039 14616 S.E. 192nd Street Renton. Washington 98056 Easement No.: 29-23-5-W1033R • Project: WINSPER 11-ONSITE WATER 0 • • Tex Parcel lDI: 292306-9104, 9124, 9161 & 9167 Grantor(s): THOMAS C. O'CONNOR JACK & ESTELLE J. NEWTON Grsnteetsl: SOOS CflEEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT WATER EASEMENT AGREEMENT .• ~ TIii$ AGREEMENT, mode this ...J.L_ day of MAL , 199.2.J'., KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that TIIOMAS C. O'CONNOR, and JACK & ESTB.1.E J. NEWTON, owners of lend at apprOJCimetely 3401 Banaon Drive S. In Renton, In the County of King, State of Waehlngton, legally deacrlbad as followl: Toe Plat of Wlnsper I~ according to the Plet thereof. recorded In Volume ...1E_ al Plata, __ Pages ..12.... through~ , lnclulhHI, records of !(Ing County, Wahington: In conslderetlon of tho sum of One Dollar (11.00) and other valuable canaldaratlon, receipt ol which Is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a Munlclpll CorporatiOn of the State of W81hlngton therelnaftar "District"), and to Ila successors and assign&, an Easement over, across. undaf, and through the following dencrtbed real property: That portion of the above-ducrlbed parcel of lend further described as follows: PAOE 1 Of& - • : '·---~ .. :· "W~_,_ • .;..~ .·" ,• ,. ·~ .. :.1£~:i~;i{:;~ ,-... Lt5. 5 0 I r JI, \ 2-_ 1S ~/,~ ,·-g Ir • 0 • • Easement No.: 29-23-6-W1033R TOGETHER WITH the north 3.00 feet of the we&t 45.00 feet of Tract "8" of said Plat; TOGETHER Willi that portion of said Tract ·e· desctibed as fallows: A 10.00-foot wida strip of land lying soothwesterly of and adjacant to the following described line; Beginning at the northeast corner of said Tract "B"; 1l1ence south 88°57'45" wast 25.60 feet along the north line thereof to the l'rue Point of Beginning; Thence southeasterly to a point on the east line thereof lying south 18"22'25" oast 28.00 feet from said northeast comer and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH the north 10.00 feet of the west 5.00 feet of Lot 18 of said Plat; TOGETHER WITH the south 5.00 feet of the west 5.00 feet of Lot 12 of said Plat: TOGETHER WITH the north 6.00 feet of the west 5.00 feet of lot 11 of said Plat; TOGETHER WITH the south 6.00 feet QI the east 5.00 feet of Lot 6 of said Plat; TOGETHER WfTH the south 5.00 feet of the west 5.00 feet of Lot 5 of said Plat: All as shown on page 6 of 6 herein. Said easement is for the purpose of installing. constructing, operating, Inspecting, maintaining, removing, repslring, replacing and using water line(sl and appurtenances thereto, together with the non-e;Kcluslve right of ingress to and egress from said ponlon of Gramor's property for the foregoing purposes. This easement ia granted subjeCI to the fallowing terms, conditions end covenants: 1 . USE OF PROPERTY BY GRANTORS. The Grantor h.. title to said real property and Is authorized to grant, convey and warrant this easement to the Olstricl. The Grantor shall not erect buUdlngs or 1tructures of a permanent nature, or any other Improvements, or tr-or large shrubbery which may In any way interfere with the Distrlct.11 lnstallation or maintenance of the water llne(1) and appurtenances. The Grantor may usa the surfaoe of the e01emeot for paving, smsll 1cale landscaping, or other u-which do not Interfere with the Diatrict's usa of the easement. Grentor lhall be responsible for any costs Incurred by the Oil1rict in removing structures, trees, or large stwubbery which Interferes with the District's use of the easement. 2. RESTORATION. Upon entry Into the e...,ment area by the District, the Grantor's j>rope,ty will be restored to a condition as good ss or batter than the premises were p,,or to the entry by the District. Where poealbla, photographs will be taken prior to conatructlan on said propeny to 8"ure tha completenas of restoration. Anal reatoretlon win Include, but not be llmlted to, IOd replacement in existing lawns, hydrosaedlng In unimproved areas, replanting of •-Ing ahrubl and bushel or replacement of the same, Where such wUI not Interfere with the PAGE2 OF 6 - ··:····:-~~":"~~,., ""~~, ., ' " C.:i.\J:..ctl.:i,:;dli • • • • ........ ,. ··--·-··-.... --........ ,,.. ___ ,__.,., __ Easement No.: 29-23-5-W1033R In removing atructures, trees, or large lhrubblry which lnterfenui with the Dlatrlct'a ... of the ..-nent. Z. RESTORA 110N. Upon entry Into lhe _,,.nt area by the a.trlct. the Grantor's propeny will be restored to I condl1ion as good as or bellllt then the prem-were prior to the entry by the District. Where posalble, photogrephl will be taken prior to conauuctlon on Aid property to auura tha completeneA of restoration. Flnlll restoration wlK lnclucle, but not be llmlta<I to, 1od ~ In exlstlng lewnl, hyd(oeeedlng In ll/1IJl!p<Dll9d .,..., replantlng of eJdatlng slvubl and bual1es or replacement of the Pffll, whl<I such will not lntamn with the Olltrlct'1 u• of the .-m. Lsgs treM thlt aJdat within the permanent 1as1fflll 1l a,ea may be removed during c:onatructlon unleu othorwlle noted In this -document. Fencu, rocurlea. and conc:,eta, asphalt and/or g.-1 drtvewaya which do not inl<lrfere with lhe Diltrlct'• u• of tho -wll be repend or replaced. 3. ATIORNEY'S FEES, In '*8 1Ult or 1C11an m commenced by either party, or their IUCCNICIIS. hlirl or assigna, to onklrce any rights under thla ~ or regarding .. ....,._ on the ,.,-. In addition to coa11 provided by 118M8, the l<lbitantlally pn,valllng psty lhlll bl entitled to an award of a1tornay'1 fess In IUCh IUffl. the Court -jull and--· 4. EASEMENT TO BIND SUCCESSORS. ll1la aasament u, pennanant and lhall tennln.ie only ._, ag-..nt of the portloo hereto, their -and/or IINlgna. 1l1lt -· during Ila eidllence, lhell be a euv11nent rumlng with the land and 1hall bl binding on the •IC'AIIOII, helro and euigna of the Orantor -· PMIIEI OF I - - - t l • a --····_,·-•··-.,, .. ,,,~.,- • • ··-~-~-~,--. -----~~-~-~· . ...,=-· -~------------- Easemem No.: 29-23-6-W1033R IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho Grantor(sl hm eJ<8cuted this agreement thia...11-day of "'"' , 199.l_. r~-,a e..ul!,. , /) MASC. O'CONNOR STATE OF WASHINGTONI COUNTY OF KING lu On this //H, clay of h14,,rf4 , 19..!i'.., befooi me pe,aonelly appeared THOMAS C. O,CONNOR, to ma known to be the lndlvicluall cleeerlbed In end who aX8CUted the within end foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged Aki lnl!Nment to be the free ,-,cl volunta,y act and dead of said Grantont, for the u.. and purposa thlnln mentioned. WITNESS my hand and offlclal ...i hereto affiMd tlla day and year above wrlttan. of PACIHOf f - - ' ' • --- • • . -~ ·-----~-~-~~----~····--"'·-.... ·-----------...... -----,--·--·-··-- Easement No,: 2S-23-5-W1033R IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantorlsl haa ""8CUted this agreement this / 61 '"day of d)\ <>-£0t) • 199.i_. ~/,,.£; JAC"4EWTON -w..u, ,,~,,~)- ESTBilJ. N N ST A TE OF WASHINGTON} COUNTY OF ICING I .. On this I D'-111 day of 1 /\1c.a:.A . 19..i.L, before me perlOl\llly oppearwd JACK NEWTON and ESTaLE J, NEWTON, to me known to bl the lndlvtduels deactlbad In and who BMQJted the within and fONgGlng inllNment, and IICkMwtedged sel4 lnatrumant to be 1he free and voluntary IOI and ~ of Uld Grant<n, for 1he usw and purpoue therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and offlclll seal hereto affixed the dey and .,.... above written. of PAOEIOFI - - - • I I I I I .. " 0 • • EASEMENT NO. :a:a-2:s-1 .. w10SJR ,~ " .. \ I ~~ ~ ... ... N I I I ,-------J---oi, ,-------" \ 1 I I I ,. " H " ' ' ' _., -" ' ' ,-• ' ' ' ' ·-' .. ,-, ' ' ' ' L-l r---i ' ' ' ' \..--J 1 \ ' \ \\ f --, \ ' ' ' ~==Jj~~:;:~~~~~~~f-j---°"'=--:.·'~--;::::::,--\' \ -~-=±~-~-~-C.---------,1 ---y.-•------r --r r---~ \_ ' ' ' -••j• L---J \'i, /, 8. 34T 8T, ~ HACI •1: WINSPER 11 ~ ! .~ .. .. r--r \\ ... __ ., ~,r~_ •• , ' ' " ' ' " PAIX 6 OF 6 ' J.------~ r----'"' ' ' "- EA8iMENT NO. 2'•H·S·WIOHR • I I I I • ! I WINSPER II NW 1/4, SW 1/4, SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILl.AME'ITE MERIDIAN, CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SBD:l' l OF 4 Uf.t-98-002-PP 1 UCD-::1~ ', LIGAL DBSCBIP'J'JON -AT TIit ~ CQllla OF '!IC £A$1 -nrr OF TtlE 90IJ1H H.\11' er ;}I( MCf!THWl:ST U.:.:11'11:11 Of' 1ME 9CUWftUr OJNt1DI OF 9EC'IION 2t. N'M'l9II' 2J MOllllt, IWIO[ .S UST bF 'II€ 'IIIUAl,ll(nt ..,._...,., C ' KM o 2 'IS:Sf. ,,, -~-; ·; . '··.' t;&::h;. ,; IIIOfCC -'48';,i"I: tM.46 FEET. lO 'II£ ~ C0111ER (IF &IIDc SUIIOMSION; THOocE N!l8'.a'34"[ 146.97 !'tU, Al.ONG lHE _... UPI[ OF !!Ml ~ 11J 'It£ !ICVffAff COIICII fK llU,Cf '9"" PU.T OF W!!l'fR llfV. 3, AS KIXIIOlll " ~ 14 OF l'lJ(IS "' ,-.54-5'. ~ OF -Ol:UNTY, ~ lletU NDl~,4%"l :,:a.41 FUT, lU 1IIE -LIi[ CF 111F: !i1U1H -.,-IIF 'IHI: --.itEAST QUAR'1EI CF lltt~-1EIIIOF111E~IU'llf'IIIJl1FSMJ~2!1,/Nl-~"M;~ OCIIIIO OF SAD 1MCT '1'1 1N!MX ~ ,am FUT; ~ SMI *R1t1 Ul'I[ 'I!! 1HE ~y 11ARG1N OF SJAT! 1911£ 11D. IH,O ~ IILJ:MI: SM! asioa.T -'H: ~ ~ Sllr.l5'-40"'lr ll(UI fUT; S11rztzn: -~ ~ IS., flET: s,n:rzn;. 21~ n:1:1'; saJ'ltERI.Y 811.51 Rn. ~ lH( MC (F A ~ 11:1. 'It£ WT, IUI-A -17 111111.DD fl;(T /NJ 'Nl<;UG( A a;)fflL<I. ANl:;U OI' 3'3?'21"; ~ w-SMJ ~,-. ~ :arz.q n:£T; ll9Q: 5111·~38"W 1~00 nlT: ~ ~ ... DJ !UT, 10 11£ tu!DI.T -(If" SM> $TA'lt "'1J1E IIO . .SU: 1tlE)IC£ sru--.Y, IIUNG 51111 ~T-O..n ,ttt, IUNl-TIit I«!; OF A --TNICDIT Cl!IM: 11J 1HE WT, IIIIWIC A ll!Hal$ OF 111111.tlll n;a, ll£ (9111W. ~ tr 9mi IIIIEIIR$ N!lll'-l(l'D't; NO THIICll!Gl A aJfflW. NG.£ CF 3'U'215", 'ID 1Ht ~ ._.., OF 1HE: SIXl1IEASI" QIIM"IDI CF 11£ IIOIITINES'T OUART1:!I Of' .:, ( .. IJTY Ill' IIDmlN ~ , --/ PUaJC W!IIICS ~ --APPRIMD 1Hl5 ~IIAY OI' A1Aas.H: -.,v~ Servi::e;·.:;~ THt ~ W1«'IIJI tF SMI SR'JllJII; ~ ,or<l8'..-. IU-J'I FIET, l,llWG J.lilD EAST lK TO THE ~ LIi[ Of 1M[ -.mt llO.fXI fUT Of' ~ ~ ~ t81W41"W 1110.$4 rtIT, P,t,R./,UEL 'll'IH 1Hi: $Olll1 LIi[ W SM) watl\1511JN 1D 1HC -Ul'I[ Of' 1M[ IEIIST III0.00 ,nT Of' SAil SUD~: 1tmlCI!: Sll1'4&'31i"w t::10~ l'f:[T. PJIRIUE.. S1H 'IHE $All ~ l,N: 10 THt $Olll1 LH.: OI' SAil Sl.llllMSlal; 1tlO«x sasm'41"W ,ol.111 fUT lU '&tE: WIIJlt PmtT IF-. S.n!Aff: If 1Ht OTT OF fl!lmJN. CQllf1T OF IINI:, 5TA'II: Of" w.s.tG'Tat. ( l£GAl -fUII 111( IN'UnlD l'OltlllM; OF ~ 8ENJ l:EDICA1ED TO 1HE Clf'r Of RENTON Al!fOIIIHEEllOF4) . · DBDlCATION/CD"J'IrlCA'DON IClllllf ALL JIUFU: ff 1ltOt: -'IIUI.T.: 'lH[ UIIJElt$aQEJ 09IEll5 It FU: saFL.E a 1IIE L»ll HEREIIT PlATlED ClY a' IEMTI>I IJTY COlltCL €XA*O -~ MS5"_!ir,,,,y <:Jf -==·'_)s oFt -1..ANJ 09EI$, S!u.ut IHJ III..IDI, tE1U1Y IEICAlt TO 1IIE PUilJC, llY 1IIE REca!Cl9fG a Tll[S P\JIT,'Alm tEIOT t1W..N11: 1NS Fl.,\t, NIil N(fl[tl -~ NIil la.ID, IHJ PUllCAlt/t:tRTFY m 111E llSE OF" ltlE PUBLIC rtlRE'IO. A1.L 51llttl5 NE A-.6 ~ -AIC 'lH[ L1!ii: 1HiJIIIEIII' R;II NJ. -.JC lflGI-IWAY l'\!IIF'O!£S; MS) '!HE RIGtlt TO IIM( NJ. ~ s.DPIE!i fOII DJt5 NIil AJ.5 UPQII DIE um; Alm a.OCKS -OM 'MS Pl.AT IN 'lH[ -..._ IOEA5llN,IIIJ: alADltC r1r 'IHE 51lltt1S AIC A-.:5 -IIEJIUIII, HaJo FURTHIJI: DallC.O.TE/!D!lFI' TO 'lH[ list OI' lHE ~ ALL 1IIE £.UDIOIT5 -ON THIS ,U,T '1111 AI.L "8.JC f'IJMl'OStS AS NIICAlID THEll£1JN. NallllltG IIUt HOT U!ITttD ,-, U1UllE3 -DltMIA«,. UltlDS SJQt &.SDGffl; //#IE. :sntlFICAl.l.Y lt1DflFm OM n6 Pl.AT "'5 l!JDltC :~Jr.::.r~"TOW..:-~ = ~~"'="..: ~~"\r~m,~ omc;.,.lt{ ..,..,,....... ... ,c,,, .... .,.,,.,_ ON MS~Y OF" PENMlfB , lttZ. BEFORE WE PERSa>IAU.Y N'l'£MIW Tlt<MO.S C. o'CCUIOR roR ~ AtlD /IS$CICIAltS, U..C. m Ill -m 8[ 1IIE OFFICCRS or 1IIE OORPOAA'!ION 'Pl.o.T E)(fci.mD TH( ~lHIII ,\ND fOREGOING INSTRVIIIENT. NfJ ACKNOIIUOIEI SAID INS'IRUUEMT TO 8[ THI: flltE NE \IOLIIHTARY ACT NC,11al) OF" SAID COl!PllRATIOH, !'QR lHE \!$ES -"-IIIPOSD 1l'IEIION MOOIOIIED. ANO OM OATH $l'Alt THAT HE Wft!i (f,1£/91[ .,,AS)f™EY wr.R(J M/'IHOllll2m TO DUUlt SM> iNSlftUMEHT. IN .. 1"[5:S -.-i:ir. SM> ~"'!ION HAS C""5EII TIIS 1"5fflJMENT TO BE EQ:CUTED DY IT'S" f'ROl',:R Of'flC[RS THIS....JlDi.._0.0.Y Of l!Vtffl' • 1,U. NOTARY PUii.JC IN 1K.1 fOI! ll<E SMl{ ('If ""519'1GTON, RE5IDINC AT CDGE'IIOOI> ...,,...,,......., SfAlt<J'._. __ St:OTTL-_ .., __ ,_....,,_ ON lHIS--1!!!!...._D.o.r Of MIDIKB , 1m 9UVft'. ME PERSDNAUY APl'(AA(O UllQll 0. SlOIO, SR. W::C PltDllOEHT or w.+.$1111CUIN fU>ER~ S1,\$HQS 9- TO ME ~ TO II[ ff OFFICERS OF" 'lltE COla'ORAMN 11t,.T Elll!CIJTED It£ IWMN' NIQ lllREGOING INSTRUMENT, ANO ACl<IMl'IIUl)Q! MIO~ TO I![ 1IIE flU'. -YOWNTARY ~· -UEID <J'" SM! CORPOIV,m)N, roo 11ft 11$1;$ NE PUIPOSES 1MEIIDI lolDITIQolED, AND Ot,I o,i,:111 STAlt 'Pl.o.T ff WAS (Ht/SH( WAS)/THEY ll{:1'£} AlllHC;IIIZO) TU El(EOJ'III; SAID IN5TRIMENT. IN 1'<11Hi:SS lll'IER£0F", SAID CUlf'ORAfl(W IIAS CAVSEl) 1HS ltSlll\MJ,ll TO BE EXt:CU1tO 8Y IT'S" PROPER OfftCDIS 1Ml5..JE!L.._OAY OI' DJCQIIIER • 111117- IN •TNESS IIIHEREOf. I IIA\IE tE'IEMTO SET NY HNCI /<ffJ fDIED IIIY lffJCIAI. SEAi. lHE 0.0.Y A11C1 'TUIR ffflll "80\IE WI!~ ~OlARY F".9IJC 1H. /<ffJ fllll lHE 5fA1£ OI WASIMGlOII. RESIOINC M EOOallOOII STIil£ OI Wt.$HHG:'ION ) )A OOUN1Y IF lit ,"'(ii ) MS IS TU a:RlFI' JltAl ON TIIS -1!.!!:L..OAY Of" DEffYl'EB 1W, , 8UOR( ME l'>I!: -A NOTARY PUii.ii:. POISIIHAI.LY N'P(.OA[O UITFB $JlllWN BX M!iffiH S HARRI§ ATm!N[Y IN ~ACT Nll:J lSI' Sll£CMM pv U&lmH 5. HNIIIIS:, &TlORl£Y pt FACT -T<.l tJE Tl<[ l'OISllOI MIO Elll:CUIED 1HE roRl;OCNI, ~TIDH, NII ~ Tl\ NE 111,0.T n1EY SIGHED Ml: ,-AS THOR '111D: N«l YOUINTAln' ACT ANO IIEED FOIII 'IHE PU!POSE5 nE!EII YDITIONEll. IIITMCSS NY 1UHO AMII omcu.1. stH. fH£ OAY NII\ 'CM FIRST ~ ,al'IBI. STATE IF WA5HIND'Rlll ) ecutrr Of" PiUU") ss. HOTARY P'taJC II Altll FUI ntE STA'lt OF" W~ -Al fDCCllOOD IOC'TNTT""'9J<; STAll<J'.._..., S,::,TTLT>ttll"5 ..,_ ...... ,-.... ,.,_ TIIS 15 lO ctR1lrY 'Pl.o.T OM lNS llnM 11,1,,y OI' P(Jl9)! 1997 • !1£FORE 11E THE -,. NOTMY P'l,IIIJC, F'tll$(NAI.LY Af'P(Allfll w••m J WI£! IIOTNTTP\.QJO STA1t<J'-1tlll 9:XITT L 'IHtlUS llr_,,_,,..,.._w.,,,, ... TIIS 1$ l() CEJl'IIN 1\U,l OIi MS 111111 DIIY Of ..,__.., 1"7 , 8EFOl'IE ME lHE Ul«ll9Gt1Ctl A IIOTMY PUIIUC. Pf3!$0IUJ.l.T N'PEAIIEII d:!,Q( R NEWTil! Nf) f$IDif J lffWJOO CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CER'DPICATI I '1ERUIY a:Rllfl IH,O.l lH£flE ME ~ PEtJNQJEl(J SPEC1Al. AS5E$SKHT5 MIi lHAT 1'IJ. $PCel.ll --n COITl'IED lO lHE (UT ~ flll'I t'Oll,(C1IOII Oli NIT PROP(RTT H£RbN CONTMC DClc,,:rm fOfl: 9111ttT1 ..UOS OR 01ll(ll PIJQJC USES Nl£ P/IID tt flJU.. IHIS.lK.OAT Of-&(, ,1P~ J,cY-r,~u KING COUNTY APPROVAI.S sv,.nu; I KINC C(UlJY IICA'IH IID'ARJIIOIT EXAlffiEII Nm APPIKM;U TIIS ~OAY IF ~111 ~ -a~.,01,. "-•-IN~D "WO ~o:,,u) TMIS,a!DAY OF" {h ~i.C.,4 . ••..!!_ Jc.« NoJU,, ·· A&·SZISolt s i .-.··, •• ·~ IINOWH Tll l!Ell!El'ERSOll ""10 E:i.l:ClflfD lHE~ll09Nl,fXIJICll1KH, /,UJ ... ~ TOM: ll!ATlHETSIOl,IEO 111( S,1,1,1£ AS lH!JR "'ff AIICI '«ll.lMTARY &CT All) Dao rat lHE PIR'05D llOEl'I IIEHllOIIUI. 'Mll€S$11lllAIIO"lfl\°"1C1,l,I.SEAl.111EDAYMftJ'TtAl'lmsTAIO'flE~ ""'"'""-,,:; 51·~1)1"~ SCOTT L lHOl,I.O,S HOT MY PVBUC IN ,f,NO rOR lHE 5T,.'lt 01 "1 _..,\ [>opho llo,-1. •- scon L THOMAS, PJU:ff:S!l~M. I.Nf[I SUll:'l'ElUII corn,1e11tt. NO. 1a1:,o THOllAB UNI> SUJlVfflNG ""'1 11SOSI 4ffR STRD'J' UBI' ..;i IDGffOOD, WA H3'72 WASHINCrnlN. lltSIDIIO AT EDGEl'l'XIO PHONE: 263-888-2321 WINSPER II NW 1/4, SW 1/4, SECTION 29, TOllNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, 111U.AMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SIID1' a or • rilA.~98-002-JP !c~~ ... ,·. ,:_::-,., -.. .. ~t~, ... _', \! NOTIS: ,. "Ml: L01ll "l ISSUE NI£ ll8NQ ~ "5 9G.E ,-.r. Z. ALL I.DTS lll1HN MS fV.l MAY 8E -T 10 OC1G110N Of 'Ill[~ G[(lf[OHCAI.~. :,. AU U1t5 ,,,-, TIIAC1S CIIEA10> BT TillS Pl.Al NIE !IJB,.l:CT '° 1tlE l:EQ.NU."IION OF" ~ c;DtDl'IDIS ,,,-, ~ AEC01t001 UQ:11 -OtlUNTT RECOROIKI ------- LEGAL DBSCRIPTIONS: "!II[ -™ lJO ftI:T Of" "Ml: 511.JlH Kit£ Of "Ill[ IIOll"IMllCST IIUNIIEJI Of' 1tlE SWltflOT QUN1181 IF 2C1DI Z1. ~ 2J ~ l!ANGI; 8 lto\St, a, TH£ ........,.,........, DUPT lllE u.sT &IIO ,u;r "IIElm'. lillUAllC .. "Ml: OClJM1T Of-. S"fj\l[ OF" - "TH!: SOVlH 130 nl:T OF THE EMT 111111 fEE"T Of MRTlfflEST OJNl1UI W lllE $UIJlHWl!STWM1t11:0FSECTIOll2t,-:C~RNIGIE!IEMTOf lHE MLJrf«m llfMll.r,H: snw.Tl IN lH[ COUlm" o, ~ fflll: IF -- ,,. I I ~ I ""' "'' I ~ I ...,. ' ,ms._ IT -· K ~IMIIAVE.S -· ' 12JlSl!lllsr -~· ~ .JIG5-AV£.S .. ~. ' IUI Sa., ST -· D 3'11 IIMI AW. I =• • 1220 S .sw, ST -· " l'll1 KMI AVE. S B112F • 1214 $ J5lt, IT MH' D 31ZI 11,1,!N AVE. S ...... • tZ06S l5III ST ..,,. D 3303 -"VE. S MN• ' 1:ta,.S ~ ST -.. ~ DIII-AW:S ""· • 1120 S ;ll5lf, ST -· • .»!S-AW:S -· • 11149.J;S9'ST 11611 SG ~ 34U111.1ft AVE. S sm IF • J424 -AVE. I D :J4'1311MI "VE. S SIOI F " 3"11WMl#t'tlE5 47UF .. _KMl,.VE.S -· " :M1Z IIMI AW: S "". M 3'IH IWM AYE. S -· " l40II IIMI j\W. S -· " .l4l'I IIMI AVE. S ~a " J.41JOIIMIAW.S "". ~ 110! I ;,l5lt, ST _ .. " 1117SM,ST " 1107 S ;mo, IT ·-" ,. 1123 s 34111 ST "" .. " 1111,..,sr _ .. .. 11111 S -ST ..... M l11tSM1Sf ~·· • 1n•1:M111sr -· • 1121$3111,SI" -· " ~1-AW.S .. l~llltl:h'IT -· " :lllOIIMlj\W:S ...... ~ 120t S ;,stt, Sf -·· " 3:»t-AYf.S -· .. 1211 I :J5III. !IT -· " lllllilMfAVE.8 Zl7!1F M 1221 S -st =" " :,,,o IIMI AYE $ 41111 !IF ~~-Dlil ....... • l1UWMI j\\11:S -.. 10IIJ.Sf " :S,lllUIN"VE.S ..... "'""T 44111'!/F " 3112 ...... AVE. S =• -~ flllT SF f • , ,"-..,·-,.? . ,\(·: : 1,Q ~,2fi. T..::;1,~/.:. ~ ~ 2 lrlll :S'~~T -~· ·= ~-SJWN%flllli$S -~,-ltQ.30' Of UE M -~"' Potl'UlfO,-~-~ ' DIY. z. f'MI 1-1-...... ,.,,.. 2Ul.ll'(PI - ~ .. -·" N!CCIIIIW1/4 • ' ~ ~ "5 l'Ol l'UIT OF" ~ -..9POI DIV, 1 I . " ---~ . ih.. ,, 9f 5 -1 Ej ii • SEallll[1/4,SW1 ....... ...... 115 Pot Pl.AT Of ,:n,.12' 1l'IR.ll" i D1Y 2 tcHC IIOII HO. .• It "Ml.01' All ,_,_ ; 11Ml)3'41"C • ~ ~I ~ ~ 1:D).24' ' ....... {I') I 1 4 CCIII _ ...... CIAM: OA.TA -"' ' ~n ,_ -,N. -~n ,aoo " ,em ~00 ,im aoo ~ -R.n -~n ,. -11.oe -n -J1.0I -,--x.n ---J7.77 -,.,: -,..,. -~ 00 xa = -i" 00 " ,OS ' •.m -< -1 ,47 -00 " -·-~ RM RM '·" ' . K 46 TBOIW!I LAND SUKRYINC 11309 48'1'11 STBl'.IT BlST liDGDOOD, Y.l 98378 PRON'I 253-88S-231U " " ' " " ' • " e " ' ~=..~. -- 8 • " B ". i • 8 • • 8 • ~ • "0 I 2 l I 11~1':,,'1110119" 3 1 N00'51 JI ,~· ' 4 ~ • ' IOOO'S'l'JI .. 114.11' ~ !1:1111 ewr . ...-\ 5 NOO'll"JI .. ·=· 6 """ ... """"" -· ..oo"S1"J1"W ,n,,. '51.119' nn· e 1\ I 18 IS I DETM. .,.. WINSPER II NW 1/4, SW 1/4, SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAME'ITE MERIDIAN, CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ,,ainn: 2UUa'{I'} l!IUll"(P) SBBIT 4 OF 4 u,a.:98-002-FP ( 1.HD-='lit--CIOB ' ' -' =-~~ASmk -~,Plill Pl.AT or WISPPl,', · .!"a 1 -•-"" .. ·~ .. . · . ~ I. $' 11 lo' WA'fflt l-1'1[ -·---n 'j fO !I( ll(DCll.lfl) fO 111!: (Jl'Y(F IIPl11JN s,1-,. -1tl5 Pl.AT ~ !I TD.PCftMY aA. 11£ SAi; EASEMENT TO BE MJlOUAllt:AU.'I' VACA18l MUI Ill"'" AY[ 5. IS Dr1U«ED --V if ~:'\'.·! /· ti ' ~~ J .. .,,. ,jl~ i' .. L-5-~--- ORTH !" =50' ~· r - LOT 10 ........ TBOIUS tilND SUBTEYJNG 11SOCI 48TH STRBIT UST :mGDOOD, WA. "372 PBOMI 263-803-2321 f ;; U:GBND: """ .. .__DIV.2 • a I • ; i • i • 7J.IO' • 25 • SB6"57'4l!"'II 73,11' ,, .1 26 '1 I SM'!,745"11 73-12' I I 8/ •1 27 I S1111'S745"'fl 73-14' 1- I I ' .1 01 IIASIS(FIIEAll,IUIS 'll.:PlATOf'-DIV, I I.$ M1TA18l fO MADID, AS pt:,r aTY Of' IIPIQI l)A'JUl,,I A OOltfRDL $I.MVEI' WA!i -IICTaUII l'018l F'(ll,.tj(l ~ [QIFIIEKT usm ro -JIIS !lll\O' WAS P'ENTAll l'TS I BIii 1UW. SfA.__ $,.MOIUIENfASIEIUJ ••SO ~----DISK \ I i 1\ \ ...... ,~ I I ~ ' "' I I I I ~ Ii I I • \ I I ~ \ ~ I \ \ .• ~· ~ ~ ""' QO • OD 0 - .. 8 i;j Ii s • . ... &turn Address: City Clerk's Office Cily ofllenlon 200 Mill Avenue South Renton WA 980SS-2189 PlcaJC print ort)'pe infonnalion Documtnt THle:(1): ·' D~claration of Protective Covenant•, ~9trictions, Limitations. Conditions and Avre--e-.. ~ w' .. " Reanect to the Plat'. of Winsner II ~rennce Number(t) vi l>ocummtl w:lpcd gr Rltatcd: Ion poge __ .r doamienl(s)J Granlor(s) (Last :name lim. then fim name and initiab): I. Hu.ltqubt Homes, Inc. 2. 3. 4. a Additional names on pagc_of docwnuil Grant~) (Lui name fim. then first namc:and irtilials): l. C 1 ty of Renton 2. 3. ~-a Additional names on paJe;_or documr:nl Ltgal Descrip1ion (abbtevialed: i.e. IOI, block. plat or KCtion, towruhip, mnge): That portion of Section 29, iovnship 23 N. Range 5 E, W.M. - r/ AddJlional legal ii OD pqc_l_of do<:umeat Assessor'• JI niptrtr Tu Parut/Acctant Kllmber. 292305-9124; 292305-9104 D Addirioaal lepl Is OD .. a,\_of_l The Aodltor~ ..tu NlJ ee 1llo WOffllllicl1l ..-,.ion the form. The -ril Ml NOd tllo documc:at to ,retif'v 1he. .,_, ___ or --~tdtoel:I of the lnde,dnv information nrovlded bffl:ln. ·- .... ·. :t\ ,.,. . " ...,...,.:1-:-»: i...:: .. ·. ',/·•'·\· ·~· •'• ~ . ' tt-:=,;\K,.' !Y··!:;:.} ::,;./;\ - .... ' ,. '.' .d ·. ,·.,·.-·. ' ' ' .• '.' ·-·: .. ;~ij_}l_i_:~_,:~12"' ,-... ..... . . ·,-''.;-_;,.-'·, • ,.,-i.- DECLARATION or PROTECTIVE COVENANTS. RESTRICTIONS, LIMJl'ATIONS, CONDmONS AND AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PLAT OF WINSl'ERil IT IS HEREBY MADE KNOWN lhat HULTQUIST HOMES, INC., a Wuhina,on Coq,omion (hminaftcr n:rcm:d IO .. the "Builder") does by the,e pn:scnts and"' orthe dab: se1 forth below mm, eJlablish, confinn and imJ)l<JS upon the rolloWDl8-described properly which comprises the Plat of WINSPER U reconlcd under Rec<,nling No. ffo , re ce .2,,y , records or King County, Washington (which property is hminafter mened to "' WINSPER II), the following ...ariclivc covcnanlS IO run wilh the laod and do baeby bind the Builder and all its graotces, mignecs and s~ to said covenants for Ille term hereinafter stated. The real property which is, and shall be, held, tnnsferrod, sold, conveyed and occupied subject IO this Dechntion is IOOl!Cd in King County, WuhinglOn, and is legally dc.<ribed as: 02/1°"91 ,..,.1 LOT 1 lliAT PORTION Of SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE S EAST, W.M., IN KlNO COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE EASTERLY 660 FEET OF THE SOUTII HALF OF TI!E SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER LYING WESTERLY OF 51\515; EXCEPT THE SOUTH llOFEETOF THE EAST I~ FEET THEREOF; ALSO EXCEPTTHENORTH 13SFEETOFTHEEAST660FEETTHEREOF; (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT I KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT No. 27SD22R, RECORDED UNDER RF.cORDING No. aoom omi SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF klNG, ST A TE OF WASHINGTON. LOT2 THE EAST 317 FEET OF THE soum 123 FEET OF lllE NORTH HALF OF THE SOIITII HALF OF THE EAST fi60 FEET OF THE NORTI!WEST QUARTER OF THI! SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST J17 FEET OF THE NORlll 32 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE EAST 660 FEET OF THE NOR IBWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, lUWIISHIP 23 NO ft TH, RANGES EAST, W .M" IN KING COUNTY, WASHINOTON; WOCllPTTIIATl'OllTION LYING EASTERLY OJ' 'OlE WElill!IU,Y~ Qf U. SIS RIGHTOFWAY: .... SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, OOUNTY OF KING, AND STATE OF WASHINOTON. LOT3 fOflllMled • Wordf'or'Wlodowl9' Yen:ion7..0.~ ', \ [ ' ~ ~•i,· ..... t· _.,, ',, i.i ' ·/1 t.,-. ;:I . l' . '--·r·-·: .. :·. ' -.v .. ~ ._•,·-=~~--~ ,--. . -... =r • .~ .... , •.... - ' THE EAST 660 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE S EAST. W.M., IN THE COUNTY OF KING; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 195 FEET THEREOF; ALSO EXCEPT THE EAST 317 FEET OF THE SOUTH 12) FEET OF THE NORTH HALF or lllE SOUTH HALF OF THE EAST 660 FEET OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER; ALSO EXCEP7 THE EASTI 17 FEET OF THE NORTH 32 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE EAST 660 FEET OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER; ALSO EXCEPT ANY PORTION LYING EASTERLY OF THE WESTERLYMAROINOFS.R.Sll RIGHT OF WAY: SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, Al<lJ STATE OF WASHINGTON. L 0 T 4 ... ' r ,: LOT 4, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT No. 577051, RECORDEO UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING No, 79020807)6, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE l EAST, W.M. SITUATE IN TIIE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. ~ I,·,, .. ,. ' t. GENERAL PROVISIONS 02/10/911 Paae:? A. These restrictive covenants shall run whh the: lllnd and shall be binding upon the Builder, its grantees, assignees and successor&, and all pcGOns owning Lots in WJNSPER 11 or claiming under th~m 11ntil January I, 2010, at which time said restrictive covenants shall be a11tomatically eX1ended ror ,~ive periods of Io years unleu the owners of a majority of the Lots, by an instrument or instruments in writing, duly signed and acknowled&ed by them, tcnninatc or amend said restrictive covenants insofar as they pertain to Rsidential lots. Tennination of restrictive covenants wiU not end the Home Owners Association '1 re,ponsibility toward maintenance of Common Properties. Said ttnnination or amendments shall become efTectin upon the filing of such instrument or .....-of,-d In die Off'ICI oflhe Raoor,lerofKiaa <Mny, Weeh ...... Sud! imlrumcnl or i191N II shall CGA&ain Pft11* relefwa to lbe reconlt of Mid office by VOUH and pagenwnberofbodl lho m:onlin&oflho WINSPER II plat and lhe rec«dln&ofdlis lnslnlmen! in which these remictJva covenants an, sec forth. and lo the recording of all amendments hereof. B. Jflhe Builder. the OwnaJ of Lots iP WlNSPER II or any ofthern or theirhein or assigns. shall "Yiolllr or aa.mp1 to violllt IRf oflM ~ ham. it shall ba lawful fer .. , penon o, F~ u Word for Windows 9S Venion 7.0adocwncat ' :, ' . -----"--~------...... - .. · .. · - . ,. ......... -,~ . . . ..• ~ . .... " .. --···~-- .:, . ,: ' pmons owning any real property sinaated In WINSPER II to bring suil against the peBOD or persons violating or anempting to vialllte any such covenm,1 either to p~vent said pcrson or persons from so doing or to mxwer damages or other payments for such violation, or obtain 111y other relief or rancdy avm1ablc ll taw. 2. DEEINITJQNS 02/10,'JI .... ) A. "The Auoclalion" shall mean WINSPER II HOMEOWNoRS' ASSOCIATION.a Wuh.ing10n nonprofd corponition to be established puNuant to the provi,ions of Pangr,ph 17 hereof, its sucuuon and usigm . e. "Builder" lhall -HULTQUIST HOMES, INC., a Washington Corporalion Md any assigns of its inlacsCs in WINSPER JI. C. "Properties" shall mcan lhal ccruin real proper,y compri,ing WINSPER II and leplly dc:Kribed in the preamble hereof and additions thereto as arc subject 10 lhis Da:.lararion or any supplemental dee.Int.ion. D. "Conunon Properti,s" shall mean Ill real propeny owned by the Auoclatlon ro, lhe c:ommon Ult: and enjoyment of members of lM As,oi;iation and 5N.11 not include any strfels or o1her.,... dcdi<aled 10 publl< -· The Commoo Pn>pcnlcs for WINSPoR II .,. p,rtitubrrty de,cribed .. follows: To< lo!.,.. and detention vault; Lot 24 Basketb<II.,.. (Nole: Loi 24 will be rctainod by O'CoMor &. Ats0e..,LLC until such time as ii becomC:9 available for buitdlng and the temporary tum-t.round is no longer needed. Until ,ldi time, a basketball hoop will be lns1alled 10 be mainwned by lhe WINSPER II HOMEOWNERS" ASSOCIATION,); SOUlh ,Ide of Sotnh 35th s .... -Cedar S_, u, Lot 45 We,t prupll1y lino: f!nlry Monument .,_ {if ll'ly ). E. "Lo1· shall IDIBII IID)' ploc of land shown upon any recorded plat or subdivilivu m,p of the Properties with lhe exoeplloll of lhe Common Propcrlles and """"oi· Dlher ..... dodk:alCd U, public use. F. "Member" shall manc:vwy person or entity who hold Dlffllbenhip in the Association u provided In Pangraph 17 hereof. 0. "Owner" ahall mean the l<COl1I owner, whether one or mo'" ponron., or entiti .. and ,pecifically Including the Builder, of a fee simple tide lo any Lot 0, Lou wlriol, .. poitoftbo ~ iacllldift&-oellen, .... .. e1uc1.,._ho•N111 .....,.._.__.y uJC<Urity for the perfum,nce of any obligalion. H. "The deVelopmenl period' llhall lllNll lhat period of time from !he dm of....,rdlng of the Declamion until Jamwy l, 2001. P.......ia Wonl f«Wllldowl9l Venlon ?./Jo- -- . ~·-: .::_;-; "' . ir:. . h':' . . · i; "'; -~-..... ,j: -+ilt,l,•~ -·• . .J!1.···· ~-:~? .',"'.',·, .... ,,: .i . ..... . . ---L.-·- .. ,, - ' ; ,,,.,-~,-· .. -,,,, .. ~ ... • 3. PI/J!,PINQ RESTRJCTIQN§ 02/10/91 ..... A. All lots shall be known and described e "residential lots". A "building site" shall tomist of one residential lot. 8. No buildins or struclWe shall be erected. constructed, or maintained or permiued upon such raidential lolS, CJ1CCpt on a building site as herein above def med. No building or '1n1Ctun: shall be erect<d. co1151rucled, maintained or penniued upon a building site except a sinpe detached dwelling house to be ocr.upied by no more than one family and aaendants or domestic servants of that J'amily. C. The total finished an:aoflhe main '1n1Cture or building of the single detached dwelling house, exclusive of one story open pon:hes, decks, patios and prages, shall not be less than 1,000 square feet for a one story dwelling or less than l,SOO ,quarc feet for a dwelling of more lhan one story. D. No utility lines, pipes or wires for-the transmiMlion of power. plumbing, television. telephone, or any other utility lhall be constructed, placed or permitted to be placed upon any roidcnti&I Lat outside the buildings thereon unless the same shall be underground or 1n conduit auached 10 a building. No television or radio aerial or antenna lhall be m><tcd or placed on any ..,idential lot which ii mo,. lhlll 6 feet in height above the highesl point (exclusive of chimney,) on lhe building or structure upon which it is cm:.1Cd. No satcllit.c dish antenna whatsoever lhall be comtructcd on any ,esidcntiaJ lot unless such dish antenna lw a diameter of 4 feet or Jess and Is lm1alled in the back yard ofa re.,idential lot and screened from view on ldjKc:nt Jots. E. All oidewalb, driveway, and pamng...., construc!cd on die Lots altall be constructed of expo,ed aggn:gate oonc..ie .. ccpt where local building authority requires diJT ... ntly. F. Al1 fcnca must be eonstrUCted of wood or other natun.l nmeriala in a uniform fence atyle dctennined by the Builder. Any fonca, bcdga or othor boundary wall, mUJI be IIJIPIOYed by the Building Committee prioc to their c.onsuuction. 0. The wa;.,, <Olor ...,._ ohJJ-plKcd 1><1!.ola.11111Abo . approved by the Building Committee prior to their """"1'u<lion. H. All roof coverinp.,. to be «n1illn.<IINI of <edar ohake or tile, or :ZS ,_ an:hltcctunl composite. F ......... mWonlb-9'V,nioo7.0.- ·- - ...... .i 4. < I. Each building lot shall have a minimum of2 ornamental trees at least 6' tall planted al time of home conmvc.tion. At least one ofth6e trees to be planted in the street rront of eac:h lol. L OCATION OF STRUCTURES A. No structure shall be located on any residential lot nearer to any lot line than the minimum building setback lines 1hown on the ruordcd pJal or as otherwise requ.ircd by applicable law. In any event. no structure shall be: located on any lul nearer than IS feet to the front lol line, or nearer than S feet to any side or 20' to mir lot line. 8. For the: purposes of this covenant, eaves, steps, decks, patios, and open pon:hos shall not be oonside!Od as a part of a ,trucrure; provided, however, that thi5 :shall not be consttued to permit any portion of a Slr1lclU1e on a Lot to encrooch upon anod1er Lot. s. APPROVAL Of PLANS BY Blll!,DING COMMITTEE A. All buildings or other improvcmcnb, including garages, sheds, de4.:ks, open pon:hes, patios, fenees and swimming pools, shall be approved by the lluilding Commitue, established pursuant to ParaBJ'BPh 6 herein. Ulmplctc plans and specifications of all proposed building, structures, and exterior alterations, inc.luding exlerior color, to1,ether with detailed plans !hawing the proposed Jocation of the sunc: on the particular building aitc, :1h1II be submitted to the Building Committee before consrruction or alteration is started. and such construction or alteration shall not be started until written approvaJ thereof is gi\'en by the Building Commiltee. B. All plaM and ,peoifioalions for approval by the lluilding Committee must be submin.d, in duplicate, 11 least 30 days prior to the proposed eon.mucdon Slarting date. C. In addhion, each submitted plan must have a plot plan anached showing the following information ( I J Loe Dimensions; (2) House pll<CIIICnl on Lot; ()) Elcvatloll .,..._ ond main l1eon with-to,..... .. an; (4) Elcmleft of hi ..... ridp lme: 11111 (5) Exterior color ad,eme. (6) Landacape Plan 01110/91 Pa,c:$ formlled as Word for Windows 9S Vmion 7.0. doc::umeaC ·• ,,,. . . '. ,. 11. 1. ::·-t "'~_., ... "\\.::::.,:, -- 1• '. ,, ••• .. • --.~!~ ,,,,....... ,-i,~-......... -.• ~-~. .. ,,~~···:·-....... As to all construction or alterations in WlNSPER IT, the Building Committee shall have the right to deny approval when such conslnlction or alten1ions arc not suitable: or dcsi111ble, in the Building.Committee's opinion, for 1my ruson, aesthetic or otherwise. In so passing upon any such application, the Building Committee shall have the right lo lake into consideration lhc suitability to the building she of the proposed building or other stn.lcl\lR; the material of which ii is lO be built; the exterior color scheme; the hannony thereof with the surrounding; how lhe building or other structun= or alterations as planned will look from the adjacent or neighboring Lots; lhe affect or impainnent that said structure or building will have on the view of the SlllTOunding 1.-0ts; and any and I lJ other faclOrs which, in the Building Committee's opinion, :s:bsll affect the desirability or suitabilily of such proposed ,;ons&ruction or alteratiomi. D. The Building Committee shall have the diS<:rction, as to any Lot, to waive strict compliance with the ratrictions set fonh in Paragraphs 3 and 4 herein ir the BuildingCommittff dc:lermines that the spirit and intention of the Paragraph 3 111d 4 rulrictioM are mti.sfied and if waiver of strict compliance therewith is not detrimental to any other Lot Owner. 6. BUILDING COMMITTEE The Building Committee shall initially be composed of two pcrsoru 1elecl.cd by Builder and/or any additional person or persons appointed from time to time by Builder, its succcuon or assigns. In the event of lhe death, disability, or resignation, or inactivity in tommittec work of any initia) commiac:e member, the Associ11ion shall be authorized to appoint sucussor members of the Building Committee. Afu:r January I, 1999, the Building. Committee shaJI be eomposcd of not less than 3 and not more than S individuals. Building Committee to be selccled by the: Association or by the Ownen of the majority of Lots in WINS PER II. All lots shal I be completed as to ap..,.....,., including finished exterior painting, front lawn, or comparable larabcaping, withi1n 6 months after the date of commencement of construction; provJded, however, that the seeding and regular mowing of side yards and bai;:k yards .shall be completed within 8 months after thic dale of commencement of construction. 7. EASEMENTS Easements for in1t111ation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved u shown on lhe rec:orded plat of WJNSPER II. Within these ...._ no --, plMliaa or - malcrial lhall be pl,a<,d or pcm)ia.d lo ICDlain wbi<b may damasc o, inlOfforw wilh lhe inlloHolion and maintenance of utilities or which may change the dire.ct ion of now of drainage channels in ~ casemeni.s. or which may obstruct or reaard the flow of water through drainage channels in the ca,c:ments. Thal portion of any Lot whioh cornaim sud, casemenl and 111 impmvemOflts thereof .slulli be maintained continuously by the Owner of the Lot except for lho.c improvements for which a publlc authority or utility company is responsible. Al1y and all drainage colleolod or ,uftl,icndy 62/lorJI Pop6 110!1lllfed a WonlforWindowt 9J Vmion 7.0adocurncnt . .. •• , .. ,.· ... - - ' ~-- • concentrated to create aosion pmblems on any Lot in the opinion of lhc Building Conunittcc shall be piped at the Lot Owner's a:x.pense to the nearest underground public storm sewer line or stree1 gutter. Plans and ,pecif1CJtions ror such undcqp-ound piping must be approved by die Building Committee II tho time lhc building plans uc appmvod for corutruction, as pro>ldcd in Paragnph S herein. I. NOXIOUS USE OF PROPERJX A. No noxious, illegal or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any Lot not shall anythi111 be done thereon which may be, or bcoomc • .an annoyance or nuisance to the Owners of any Loll, in WINS PER II. No Lot Owners shall, at any time, conduct, or pennit., be conduetcd on any retidenliol lot. any trade or buli..., which i1 illegal, offensive or a public. nuiuncc. No firearms, whedicr for hunting or target practice, shill be disdiargcd in WINSPER 11. B. No b'Uh, prbage. llhe& or other n:f'we, junk vehicles, underbrush, or other unsightly growths or objects, ahall be duown, dumped or allowed IO occumul~ on any Lot. In the event any such oondition shall exist upon any Lot, any person or penons owning any real property 1ituated in WINSPER ll may use any legal pawess, including those Kl fonh in Pangraph I herein, to alleviate ,uch oondition,. C. No rcercational vehicle, tr.ailer, bacment, tent shack, garage, barn or other oud,uildlng or lemporary "'""""ro or vehicle of any kind crocled or altuatcd In WINSPBR n shall, at any time, be wed u a residence. OWnm of WINSPER I! Jots shall not park any vehicles on du: sbeels. No trailer or n,croational vehicle, shall be vi,lble liom the streell. Vehicles owned by vl1ilors 111d guest.I of WINSPER II Lot Owncn llhlll nut be po,l<cd on the struts for mm< than a 24-hour period. No vehicle shall be diomaotled or repaired outside or .. y building or approved fence or penniued ac=aory buildiog on any lot, 11<00 any stnet adjacent to a lot. 9. ANIMALS No animals, liv-k or poultry of any kind ahall be Pi,cd, brod or kepi on any Lot, except that dop, cats or olher houlehold poll may be lcepc; provided, 11111 they aro not bpi, bred or m&in1ained for 00111111CrCial JlUlPONI, and furdlor provided 11111 they do not become • publu: nuillflCC. 10. MAll. BOXES No private mall boX<& will be installed. U.S.P.S provided community boxa will be butalled tlwvupout the plat. I I. QARl!AOf! CANll AND Bf!PU!B l2JSPOS1\L ovum Pap7 Famallda WORI rot Wladowl9' Vmloo1.0.aumellt ' . . .. ... -..... -, , . ...... <··'-··-. ,-5~\'f,/ - = • :>· .• ·' .•,e •• -~ .. , . ' Trash. garbage and other waste shall nol be kept except in sanitary containers. All incinaatorS or other similar equipment shall be kept. in a clean and sanilal'Y con.dition. All conlaincn for tram,. garbage or other waste must be screened ,o u not to be visible from any met or adjac.enl lots or residences. 12.~ No sign of any kind shall be di9playcd to the public view on any Lot c;11:1;ept one prores:sional sia.n of nol mon, lhan 3 ,quar,, feet and eKUpt for ,igm de,ignating the enlnm« to WINSPER II and tho$(: temporary signs used by the Builder, builders and sales agents during lhe construction or sale of any residence on any Lot. 13. CLOTHES LINES No exterior clothes lines may be i;onstructed or uxd that can be seen from any street, Lot or raidenc:c in W!NSPER II. 14. ELECTRIC UTILITY INSTALLATION All pemwx:ntelc<tric utility syllcmuhall be inslallcd exclusively unders,ound. 1 l. ANNEXATION OF ADDJilONAL PROPERTIES A.Annexation of additional properties into WJNSPER II siu,J J require the....,,,. of SI pcr<ent of !he members of the Associalion al a meeling duly called for thil purpose, written notice of which shall be sena to all members 001 less than 30 days nor mote chan 60 days in advance of the meeting aetting forth lhe purpo,e of the meeting. B.Notwithstanding lhe provisions of Pangnph IS.A above, if, within, IS yun of the date of n,cording of dtis Declanlion, Builder should develop additional lands sdjaccnl IO WINSPER II, ,uoh landa may be ln!ICl«d to WINSPER U by Builder without lhe conaent of the members of the Assoeiation. 16. INCORPORATION Of THE ASSOCIATION The Atoociltion shall be .....,..-al ,... dme u Builder ,hall, ill ;,. mlc .tiur cw, determine; provi<W lhal1hl A....illDOllftH, it,anyevent, l>o •-p<H-110iar•1n1- on which 2/3 of lhe hou,.. to be c:onstnlClcd on the Loll are occupied. The Auociation shall be incorpo,md as a nonprofit corpon,tion under the laws of the Slate of Watllington by Builder, its 1genl 01 l'y lhe Ownen. 17. MEMBERSHIP JN UiE A$SOOATI0N 02/10/91 ...... FOIIIIMed u Word for Wiadowl 9' Version 7.01 doauaenl ... .· •.:. 1~ .,..,,,. ..... .({\· .· "''" f~:1r;·_ - ' :.'i .. _.,; .. ·,,·.· • ,,-·.,,c-_,, .·;-. • ,.,,. .. , .. --· -,-....:.o-.\o~-.. ~.-...----·-------·-----"",;.;.-.,.,;.;,.._.. __ _ ' • Every Ov.ncr shall be a member or the As,ociation; provided however, thal if any Loi is held jointly by 2 or more persons. the several Owners of .such interest ,hall desipate one of their number as the "membern. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownuship of a.ny Lot which is subject to assessment by the Builder or the Association. 18. VOT(NO I\IQJill A. Classes of Voting Mcmbct1hiP, The Association shall have two classa of voting member,hip: (a) Class A membcn shall be all Owners excopt the Buildor. Class A members shall be cnLillcd ll> one v°"' for aoh Lot owned; (b) The Cius B mcmbcn ohall be the Builder, which 1hall be entitled to three (3) votes for each Lot owned. The Class B memben:hip shall cease and be convened to Cla.s.s A membership on the hawmin1 of the fi.m of the following events: (1) when the total \lotes outstanding in the Class A mcmber>hip equal the ll>tal votes ouutanding in the Class B membcnhip, or (b) the datA: when the development period ends. In determining whether any given proposition shall have been approved by the membership, the total number of Class A and Class B votes shall be combined and the appropriate percentage applied against that combined number. B. Numbero[\lotes Except as provided above, the total voting power of all Owners shall equal the number of Lots at any given time and the total number of votes available lo Owners of any one Loi shall be one (I) votA:. 19. PROPERTY RJG!ITS IN WE COMMON PROPERTIES 112/IOl'Jt P'°"'9 A. Membea' Easement o[ Eniomumt E\'ery member of the Association shall hive a right and cucmc:nt of enjoyment in and to the Common Propcrtica and such casement shall be appurtenant IO and shall pus with the title lo every Lot, subj«! to the following provisions: (I) The right of the As.soc.iation to limit lhc number of guests of Membcn; (2) The right of the Auoc:iation to eharge reuonablc admiuion uad other fca for the use of any recre1Uonal facility situated upon the: Common Properties; ()) The ri3h1 of the Asaol:iation, in o=irdance with its Articles and By-lows. ll> bonow IDOflO)' for Ibo pwi-of impcovin& lhc em.-P._u. 18d facililiu and in oid ~ to monaqc Ni<I C-l'lllpalioa, but lbe righls of ouch mortgagee in uld Common Properties shall be subordinole IO the ri3hts of the Memben ..... under. (4) The risht of the Auociation IO tab wch """' u on, 1U10111bly necea,ary"' protect any such mortgapd property aplnsl ft>reclos=, lntludln1, but not Fonnacd a, Word Cot Wlodow19! V"'lon 7,0, .,,.,..,_ ' .. . j ·- ·,'. l e • • . ,., ,,. ·--~ ,_ ... , ........ ~-----·. _ .. , ---··•"•""·· ... , ... ,,_, .,.,,._._ ........ _______ ~ ... limiled to, the righl lO eharge admission and other fees as 10 condition co continued enjoyment by the Membmi and, if necuwy, to open the enjoyment of such Common Propcr1ies ta I.he public; (5) The right of the Asaociation to suspend the voting rights and right to use the Common Properties and the recreational fac.ilities by 1111y Member for any period during which any asseument against his Lot remains unpaid and for a period not to exceed JO days ror any infraclion of lhc Assoc:ialion's published rules and regulations. During the development period, the Assotiation shall be required lO exercise ilS right to suspend the voting rights of and lhc right to the use of the Common Properlies and the recreations I facililies by a Member for nonpayment of an aneament. upon the req~ of the Builder. (6) The right of the Assotiation to dcdic.alc or transfer all or any part of the Common Propcnics to any £0Vtmmental unit or public agcncyt authority or utility for such purposes and subject lo such conditions as may be agreed to by the members. No Ach dcdic.lion or transfer shall be effective unless an instrumenl signed by 2/3 of the members entitled to vote has been recorded. •P"ing to such dedication or trvlSfer, and unless wrinen noliee of lhc proposed action is sent to every member not lcs.s than 30 dayt nor more than 60 days in advance. (7) During the development period, tho exercise of all of tho rights and powers set fcl1h in Paragnphs 19.A(I) through (6) shall require tho prior approval of the Builder. B. Dc1e11alion of Use. Any member may delegalc:, in a.ccordanee with the Bylaws of the Association, his rights of enjoyment of the Common Properties and facilities to tM members of his funily, his tenants or conll'act purchasers who re1ide on dac Lot, and, subject to regulation by the Association to his temporuy guests. C. Title to the Common Propcrtig. Builder hereby con nan ts that it will eonvey fee simple. title to the common Properties to lhe Association, free and clear of all encumbrances and liens upon rcconiation of this Declll'l.tion ud incorporatitm of the Aslociation. 20 COVENANT FOR MAJNIENANCE ASSESSMENT OU\0191 P11ClO A. Crptiog of the I im NNI Psoootl Oblieelioo of Aveumw, The Buikllr. for acb Lot owned wilhio u,, Properlics. homby <OHOIDU, and -OWOll of Ml' Lolor Lola by acceptance of a deed therefor, whelheror not it shall be so ex.pressed in any such deed or olher conveyance, is deemed to covenant and ~ 10 pay to the Builder until the AS10<i1tion i, incorporwlcd, and theralur to the As,ociation, u provided herein: ( I) Annual asscs.smcnts o, charges; and (2) Special ..,..,ments for capital improvements, such assessments to be fixed, established, and collected from time to tlme as pn1'ided Fomialfll:I a Word ro, Windows 9' Venion 7.0adocwnent ·- •· --.. · .. ::··>.-··' . . • ... ~· .. "(,..· • -•• ·•-··• • -,,.-...... ~.....__ . ..,.,,-~~~~•-• ~•n•.---o.•• _______ ..... _ ...... ~ ,. ___ _ herein.. The annual and special 15SCSSmcnts, together with such interest lhereon and ,costs of collection thereof (including '"50nable anomeys' fees) as provided herein, shall be a charge on the land and shall be: a continuing lien upon tht Lat against which each such assessmen1 is made. The Builder shall nol pay such annual and special assessments and such assessments shall noC be a lien upon any Loi owned by Builder. Each such assessment, together with such interest and cosrs of colleclion lhcreof (Including reasonable aoomcys' fees) shall also be lhc personal obligation of the Owner of such Lout the lime when the ........,..1 first becomes due and payable. The pcnonal obligation shall not pass to said Owners' successors in title unless rxpre~ly assumed by them; provided. however, Chat in the case of a sale of any Lot which is charged with 1he payment of an assessment or assessments payable in installments, the person or entity who is the Owner immcdia1cly prior lo the dale of any sud, •le shall be personally liable only for the amount of the installments due prior to said dale. The new Owner shall be personally liable for installments which become due: on and after the date of the sale B. Purchase of:':z:s,meQts. The assessmenls levied by the Builder or the Association as provided herein shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the m:ralion. health, safety, and w~ifare of the residents of the Properties inchxling, without limitation, the constructio~ establishment, improvement, repair, maintenance and preparation of and compliance with a Wetland Enhancement Plan for the Common Prepertics and services and facJlities related to the use and enjoyment of the Common Properties, and the payment of taxes and insurance on the common Properties. C. Amoun1 of the Annual AsscssmenlS The amount of the annual asse.,sments shall 07/IOl98 ..... be as follows: (I) During such time as title lo lhc Common Properties is held by die Builder, and subject to tho provisions of this Paragraph 20, each Owner shall pay lo the Builder as an utnual assessment the amount ofS1S0.00 per year pet Lot (subject 10 increase pursuant to UR: provisions of this Paragn.ph 20.C and Panllffll)h 20.D) which shall be wed for !he pu1J>OK5 provided in Panignph 20.B and for no others. TM exient of !he oxpcnditurm for the purposes specified shall be ddonnined by the Builder. When !he Association has been inc.orporated. the annual U9CSSfflfflt amount may be inercucd during the developmonl period by a vote or 51 p=ent of the member, of die Asaocialion votinB in person or by pr00<y, at • meeting duly c.Jlcd for such purpose, writt<n nolice of which shall be sent to all members not leas than 14 days nor more than 60 day, in adVIDOO or Ille IJlCdio&. (2) Upon conveyance of the Common Properties by the Builder ID die Associltion, each Owner shall pay to the Association an annual ISSCISIIICfft of SJS0.00 per y-per Lot (or in Ille event thal amoont bu._. in<nued u provided by Paragroph 20 hetein, the amount a, so increaaed) ltlbjoct lo the pn,visions of1hi1 Pmg,oph 20; provided, that said .......t 111 ''""' ,hall Form.std as Wotd for Windows 9' Vmkln 7.0. docwncn1 ·- .. , " ' ( i; ....... ·'l· - ~-•. o-·:,. ' ···' · . .,..:~ ./~ .. _.'.~--_: • • .. ~-. -· .. , ···-· -..... . • ., ....... ,• ., .......... a. • ..-.. ........ '"'-"."'""'•-......... -.-.-.-...-.~ .... H. 02/10/91 Page 11: D. E. be increased as pro'l'ided in Paragraph 20.D end may be incrused by the Assoc.ia1ion wilh the consent of.SI .percent of the members voting in person or by proxy, at a meeting duly called for such purposes. written notice of which ,hall be sent to all members nol less than 14 days nor more than 60 days in advance or the meeting. After consideration of current maintenance costs and future needs of the Association, the Board or Directors of the AS50Ciltion may fix the annual .usc.ssmcnt at an amount itss than the amount hcR,in Kt forth. Inflati9PIO' (ncrgae, Thrdollar amount specified in Sec1ion 20.C shall be increased proportionatclyea.::h yc:ar by the incruse in the CPI (as hereinafler defined) u, odjua for 111y deDation in the value or lhc dollar. "CPI" mean, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, All ltems (ScaUlc-Tacoma an,a) ( 1982•84 • 100) published by the United Slates Depanment or Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (the ·eurau"). Such dollar amounl shall be increased commeneing on lhe fint day of January, 1991, and on each successive fim day of January ID an amount derived by adding to the dollar amount in dfecl for the immediately preceding year an amount caJcuJated by: (a) muJtiplying lhc dollar amount in effect for the immediately precedina year by (b) the pmenllge i.....,., if any, in the CPI published for thedel< neares, preceding du: fim day of dR immcdi11.ely preteding year over lhe CPI published for the date IICSl<st pr<ecding the dale of adjustmenl If dte Bwoau diseonlinues pt1blishing 1he CPI, the adju!ru'Ilent shall be based upon the substitute index or comparable statistics on the cos1 of living for the King County IJ'Ca. U shall be c:.omputed by an agency of the United Statts or by a responsible financial periodical of rocognizcd authority scleoted by the Board. Snecial Assnsmenta for Cavital lmPWvcmcnts. In addition to the amual .... as.sessmcnts authorized above, the Association may levy special assessmenu for capital impr the Builder. F. Uniform Bib-o[A11eument. Both annual and special assessments ahall be fixed at a unifonn rate for all lots. G Quorum for Authorized Actjpn Ar the first meeting called, as providt.d in Parqraph 20.C benoin, lhc p«sence II the meeting of memben of dte A5SOCillion or o[Proxi subje<t I<> the notice requitemcnts set fonh in Pangnph 20.C herein, and the n,qulttd quorum al any IIICh IUbocqllatl rncctiq aball be 112 of tht: req»ind qtion1111 11 Ibo pm:cding meouna. No such lttb,equent mccting &hall be held more thin 60 days following the P"Ccding meeting. Date of Commencement of Arm111I :':ns:tt ~ Puc Dales 1u to all Lou 111t;ect to hia Declaration, the liability for the annUII auea.vncnts provided for in Paragraph 20.C Forma&cd u Word ror Windows 9~ Version tOa document ' ,.- - ' :·~ ·..:,: l O') '.I) 0 9-j 0 " g Cl) O') I. J. K. ' herein shall begin on lhc first day oflhe calendar month following the conveyance of the first Lot to an OwnCT. Effect oCNonoavment ofAmssmcnt , Rcmcdic-, Jf any a.ssts.sment is not paid wilhin 30 days after it becomes first due and payable, the assessment s.~all bear int<=! from the date on which it was due at lhe rate of twelve percent ( 12%) pe-r annum or the maximum rate allowed by Jaw, whi;hcvcr is less, and the Builder or Lhc: Association may bring an 8(:tiop at law against the Owner personally obligated to pay the same and/or fom:lose lhc lien apinJI lhc Lot. Interest, coses. and reasonable attorneys' fees of any such Ktion ahall be added to the amount of such IS9CSSment and all suc:h swns shall ht: i~ludcd in any judgment or dceroe entered in such suit. No Owner shall t,., relieved of liability for the asscssmenls provided for bcn:in by non-me of the Common Properties or abandonment of his Lot. Subordination of the Lien ofMrnturcs. The lien of the assessments provided for herein shall bo oubordilllle to the lien ofany fir.st mortpge (and to the lien of any sc:<ond mortgage given to secun: paymcn1 of the purchase price} now or hereafter placed on any Lot. Sale or tran:sfcr of any Lot shall not affect the: assessment lien. However, 1hc: sale or tram fer of any Lot which is i11Ubjec1 to such first mortgagt, or purchase money second mortgage, pursuant to a dccrw of fo~losure undtr such mortgage or in lieu of forcc:losure lhcrcor, shall extinguish the lien of such 1$5eS$Jl1Cnts as 10 payments chercof which become due prior u, sw:h sa~ or transfer. No sale or transfer shall relieve such Lot from liability for any 1SSCSSmi:nts thereafter becoming due or from lhe lien 'lhercof. Exempt Propmy. The following property .!ubject to this Declaration shall be exempt from the MMSIIDCnl created herein (I) All Properties dedicated IO and accepted by a public authority; (2) All Comrnon Properties, and (3) All Propertie, owned by a charitable or nonprofit organiza1ion exempt from llludion by the laws of the State of Wuhington. However no land or improvementa devoted lo dwelling use shall be: exempt from said wessmenta. 21. EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE The Builde:, lllllil die A,.,..ia•ion ii U100IJlOIOICd, ud lbmaftcr dto A,woialiun, Jltall mainlain all Common Propel1ica IIDd l"a<ililiu and aball prov ido 11111 malnlala. Ille landscaping or all open ,paees and buffer zones within WINSPER JI. Each individual Owner shall be obligated to provide elllCrior maintcnanoc of hi, own Loi and all SlnlC1lln:S thereon. Each individ..i 0.--, including an Ownor who baa pur<huod a Loi or ~ for the purpose of development and sale, shall, II ~l lime,, maintain hi• Lo! or Lota, wbelhcr OUI0/91 Pae< ll fonnaled11Wonll'orWlndows'llVmlon7.0.- ,~! .••. ·--·-·~-.~ .· " :1: .;.::· '~'~,~i· .. ,:~.'.I'• ·J ·, :n .•' :.-;:/ i-·.--,·. ' • improved er unimproved, includlna lhc mowing of grass and removal of any debris thcn:on. 22. LmQATION In the event of litigation arising out of enforcement of these restrictive covenants for WINSPER II, 111y penon or penons dotennined 1o have violated any proviaioiu hereof shall be liable for 1hc poJIIIICnl of all costs and cxpcnx,, including rcuonablc llllmne)'s' r-oflhc pn,vailing party. 23. PARTIAL JNV ALJDJIY If uy term. covenant or condition of th.is Dec;llfltion or the ,pplication lheteof to any pcraon or c~ ahall, ID 111y men~ be invalid or W1CT1forw,blc, the Rmaindcr of thi> Doclantion, or the: applicalion of auch lenn, covonant or condition to pcnons or ci_,_ -than those u ID which k is held invalid or unenfon:eablo, ahall not be alTcctod tboreby and oach lcrm, covenant or condition of this D«laralion shall be valid and be ooforcod ID 1hc fbllesl OX1t;nt dctcnnined by law. "': ... '. :1:\. \ . .. ,-.:.. .,..~ ;.~£}t] _ .. ll_'/{~ .. ,.,.. ·~f· -.... -.-.--,-, .. -~··---------... -..... ,_,.,_ ---. . ----~ ...... -1.., .. __ ..., 112/I0/91 ... 14 FOPQIIMd • WDtd hWlbilo'ld 9.5 VctslM 7.0ldocmneat .. --·~ .. -- - .... " ' ·h ,r:• • ··:·"··'-- ' .. :o ,,.. r . , ... ,.~.,-. - • IN WITI,ESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed its signature. DATED: ?/to{<,t BUILDER, HULTQUIST HOMES, INC. a Washingu>n co,ponllinn By:~!)~ David D. Hultquist llll'mident STA TE OF WASHINGTON) )os COUNTYOFKINO ) I c:c:rtify that I know or have satiafactory evidc:ncc that David D. Huliquist is the pennn who appem<d bcfOR me, and said person acknowledged tha1 be signed Ibis insttumen~ on oath Jlllled tbal be WIii audioriz.ed to execute the im1rumeol and acknowledged ii as lbe l'laidenl of HULTQUIST HOMES, INC. a Washington torponlion, to be the fiee and volunlaly act of such party for the uoea and puipo.., mcnlinned in the instrument. 9.2:. NOTAR.YPUBLIC .,;_.~ My Appoinbncnt expires:,:'.?/???+ tfA..,. ~ l'J/ W. ~JJ~ Q2/IOl91 Ptp15 ,....-., Wordb-9' VenlGll?,Oa- -' --""~'.""·-· : ,., .................... ~~-. . -... ·-··""""· { i / ' . / ... ~ . •,. / // ,;.,-, ·. . \~ __ ./.' i-j\fte.i;: recording return to: ' ;-/ -·>, /""\ '; 1 .. /·-:-- 'We,~iµ ,,~efJ\,F(!3~R, DEAN & FONTES, P. S. P .'fr. , 1iJ6X J{2f _ . RENTON/ WAS}llNGT©!<J 98057-0626 --~ r--' ,. / ' ... ;- ( ::' ~ •· <:>,:>C:; - ! . .. ,. FlRST lfflEltlCRH COV .... ::_,,./ .; ,..,..-~_ j I. 88 DOCUMBl>l.T>,.TI,+1.E:_c-Amendment of the Declaration of Protective Covenants, ,;Restlfit:tions, Limitations, Wins per II Plat/°? REFERENCE NUr,m'EROF',,RELATED DOCUMENT: 9803101069 1 / ;:, GRANTOR (S): 'Winsp'~fo}.I,:H.ome.·owners Association ( ( /d:,.-.);-... ADDITIONAL GRAN~ORtS1; opi-,,P~GE: N/A 1ST ~-@.}·1 ; GRANTEE (SI : City oL .. Rentpn-· { · , . / .r. ·, ,r 1 ADDITIONAL GRANTEE (S) ON' PAGE: N/A 4 01 Ljl.j I ··4-,,-, ( i /.< S:/-)1' • ' ·:_ ,._,, / . ~.t/ (...,-' \. ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of Section 29,·--./_ / ", J 1 '/ Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W. M., King County, Washington / ·· ! ...... ADDITIONAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON PAGE (S): N/A . /c, · ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER (S): 292305-9124; 292305-9104/· ... ' \_'-~./~/ / ·,.. I AMENffi'.lENT OF THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENAN'l1S/"'° /:>:_- RESTRICTI.OJJS;·-J.IMITATIONS, CONDITIONS AND AGREEMENTS WITH .RESl?Ji;C'I':, ·· TO /Tl;l"E/.fLAT OF WINS PER II, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ·,>-'/ ,"" \,~_.// __ .. --. ! .---• ... _.J AMENDMENT· 6,f") /th~Jr.qeclaration of Protective Covenants, Restrictions, Limi-ta'j:ie'.ffs,,-1.Qonditions and Agreements with respect to the plat of ~q-spe.;t-':r"l:, . a Washington corporation is hereby executed by the corpo:r.a,tli:H\, pursuant to the provisions of the bylaws and the ~~quirements of the J,te~~sed Code of Washington, as follows: ··· ·, ; 1. The_ .. -nam¢/··Qf the coq5drii!'tion that has approved this amendment is .'.''\-/.i'n,,peir: ___ ,II Homeowne'rs Association" (hereinafter "Association"). ,The.::·/.oeclaration of Protective Covenants, Restrictions, Limit~"il;i~SJOConditions and Agreements with respect to the plat of Winsper" II (hereinafter "Declaration") was originally recorded on Maiih 10, .. '.1998 under King County Recording Number 9803101069. ;·· r\}./: .,. " ~ ,_ i-~ 2. The following amendment ~~-wa·s· pfbFjerly approved by a unanimous vote at the meeting of the As·sb_c.i''.ttrion held on September 20, 1999. This meeting was conducted f-o~l<pwing proper notice to all of the lot owners of the Winsper II' plat pursuant to the requirements of the Bylaws of the Association and Washington State statute . 'REOORDINO ONilf- ~""" FOR VAU!ll'l'Y ANO I Cla 1 bPDF • www.fastio.com NO ...,.,, ...... ':.-"·""' BY •1n-+ l&lftl/'..Alil .A,GCURACY """u-'· ,... -~ 'l1'1UI JNBURA:NCI OOKMN1 , '. /./J (./, .,! l)r/ s:;i/ / /~./~h1e:·~rnen~ent approved is as follows: ' ' , . ; .. ../ Lo·t" (4·6' '6:fslwl::nsper II is now removed from the property that is .eh<;;.umbered '·<1Ii1a.·r~ti:!;:i\q.('il.d by the original Declaration. Lot 46 is : n-ci ·, longer re'st,i:::i::J;:t,e,rl/ or encumbered in any fashion by that / /b.eq~a.J;ation. All''-q);'l:lE1-i: property in Winsper II remains restricted '• ... '1:iy1 /1;1~:, o_riginal Declaration and there is no other modification to thf~;,})ki:a1cion. ........... .-! ... " ' ~- 4,;-j ;r~e! ¢ate of the adoption of this amendment to the Declaratioxf ±s';se2,t"7~_er 20, 1999. 1 '_? I> .-_,/ ·::-; j· .. ---~ ,/ ,/ ! ... ,1.· :.' . f F< .. ; / f. ... ~- DATED: Septem,t;i~j'/ .2£)';1 ~999. \~//,. ' ' • .~ / ,f {>'" .,......., / ·-·) "•J ; ' ) j .!/'"" </·-. ; . ,._/ : ,. '/~ ,,J /'-...,_ __ ......,,,.,-----\ // / /-E\ ), ~ (j ,...._, / / . .~~·,; > -' . : -·-~- --..._ . .--' . I STATE OF WASHINGTON , ss COUNTY OF KINq' ·-· _/ / ",. ,· I c"e·r.:tlty·, t~at., I, .... )mow or have satisfactory evidence that ·· Allen Fanchei:, isi1;n):i}J'iarr,. who appeared before me and who signed this instrument,. 'o'w ·qatn, Stated that the Winsper I I Homeowners Association had uria'f\i!lio.u,;-{f appro.ved this amendment at the meeting called for that purpb_,Se :_,and· . acknowledged it as the original Director of the ,l'<insper 'II iHomeowne_rs , .. P,,ssociation to be the free and voluntary act;·'Qf the Winsper.Il ~c;,fi)eowners Association for the uses and purposes·. njentioned in ·the ainendment. DATED: ~ .... ·' /,,-· -~._ Sep.teMer .. 20 , • ' , l ... -'--'"-- ~/? !/'i... . .) -. __ ..r. . ' OPDF · www.faslio.com 1999. -~~ No;tary Public inandi the St'ate 6f-W~shington residing at R.ent(fni, .>. _ ,,,_..,. .,, · .-,. . ,, r l STEPHANIE.' BAFIV My cppoih.j:~er._,t/expires: 'h'../ 1'1 {Q'I ') 11~1~1111~ ~I~ST AMERICAN COV ••• 19990929000469 PACE 8B2 or eez 09/29/1999 89 3e k I NC COUNT'!'. MA '-. I i ' ,. / C'.t.ITT JflC,;,£" . i, lco .,,,co:,'::,1.:c, /Jlll)(11Jfi 1£ • Ml Dn,/f!... C!o;,, of th~' ~dy of Rcn;on, V/oshinston, ~ertlfy that this ia I true end cotoact copy cf .. QtJ;/,1,1,Jl;tf;/,(.!f. ... h/.Q ... ."~.]9.';:) Subscriood and Sealed lllll ci,/_:: day~ ~J.'9.f.(. s,.,...,~ ~ ~-,· •,, . ·""''."'i:'.,· /ed(al,l'd' Dt!i;C' .... ~ .. .. °"Go-. ;i CITY OF RENTO!( WASHINGTON -~ ·,\ ~ ·. l . l:! ( ORDINANCE NO. 3790 , -:,,··.. i'~;..-,.: / ,,1 ;' AN Ol{])lNANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, 'ilASHINGtoft;/···· . . ·'.· ' .... ···,0. _. ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT l'OR -','~",/j'.)·),..),, WATER SERVICE IN THE SOUTH TALBOT HILL-VALLEY · GENERAL HOSPITAL AREA AND ESTABLISHIN(J)4ff!E'/26 .#0504 E AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO Rftm F 6 · 00 FACILITIES. CRSHSL **••*6, DO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: There is hereby created a water service special as&essment district for the South Talbot Hill-Valley Gene.al Hospital ar9~, which area is more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. A map of the benefited area is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. SECTION II: Persons connecting to the· water facilities in this Special. Assessment District which properties have not been charged or assessed with the coat of a trunk water main Ghall pay in addition ·to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the general facility and trunk connection charge, the f~llowing additional fees: Based on a net general a special benefit area charges result: benefit area of 345 acres an~ffOROFfl 1111S O~Y of 155 acres, the following !i,·,R 2S I I 40 AH 'B· Development wi.th l, 500 Area Charge -gpm fire flc·, <>r less: = $0.034 per square-foot ~ $16.00 per front foot ·"':' ·,; .. ::•:\ iSION Oi ., .·:'· '·. ·.:.: r;,v i,ii,C· ~:.1UNl Y Frontage Charge nm f9R m.oRD lT amm 1 QlliUfJflf !!' Wlilll -'") !!&1/4. .. ....... _ ....... -1- I I I I . I I I i , I ., I I j Developments with greater than l,SOO•gpm fire flow: Area Charge • $0.04S per square foot . Frontage Charge $18.00 per front foot LID's 324 and No. 325, although exempt from the front . footage charge, should still be subject to the applicable area charge. SECTION III: Thi. Ordinance is effective upon its passage, approval and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 6th day of Februl'.ry ,1984. ~-~if:~ M~e E. Motor ,tyer APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 6th day of Feb:rua;:-y,1984. Approved as to form: ~e~~A~torney Date of Publication: February 10, 1984 -2- i I 1 i ,1 ' . j I l :1 ' ' ,j ! t .. f f .,..·:· .... /''~lf that portion of Sect ton 29, 30 B'ld :n in Township 23 Horth, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Wash\ngton, described As follows~ Be~lnr. Ing 1t the souitritest cr.rner of ,ectlon 29, T~n. 23M., Rg. SE, W.M.; thence easterly •long the sc•th lino thereof I distance of r,eo feet more or less to the True Point of Beginning; ther.ce N 0°28'30" Ea distance of 329 f~ct more or less; thence« 87°08 1 J2~·E a distance of BO feet more or 1ess to a 11"e p1rallel with ind 660 .. feet eHterly, as ineasured at right angle frOl!I. the we.';t line of uid Section 29; thence northerly along said rorallel line to the south line of Lot 3, King toynty Short-Plat f R57705 recorded ·under AFI 7902060736; thenco ~•sterly along the south line cf said Lot 3 to th!! southwest corner thereof; thenco northerly 11009 the west line of uld Lot l to the nortt,,,est corner thereof; thanco easterly along the north lino of said Lot 3 to a llrwr,parallel with 1nd 660 feet easterly as measured at right Angle from the wast line of sold ;,oction 29; thenco northerly •1ong said paral1el line to the south 11ne of the plat of Victoria Park Ko. 3 as roc:-rded tn Vo1L!llle 95 -0f P1at,, pages 43 and 44, records of K1"9 tounty, W•shlngton, the south line of ••Id plot being olso tho north line of the Sovt""'•t quarter of s11d Sectinn 29; thenct westerly along the north \in~ of said subdivision and continuing ~,tG!rly along the north line of the Southoast quarter of Section 30, T,m. 23N, Rg. S[,,V.K,, to an intersection with tho ••tterly rlght-of-w•Y ,..rgln of Talbot Road South (SprtnQbroo~ Ro1d)1 thenco northerly 1long said ••~terly right-of-way 1114rgln to on intersection with the easterly production of the north 1ine of the Soutllwest quortar of the Northeast quarter of s,1d Section 30; th:-nt~ ~;te;ly alc,ng ttK, I\Orth line of said subdiv1s1on and its 11sterlt production to an 1r,tenect1on with a line that Ht-s concentric with and 340 fef!t IION or len •••terly1 as ""•sured r1d1a1ly fMllll, the e1starly rlght-of-,,ay 111rgln of the Valley F,._oy 15,R. 167); thl!nco southerly along ,,Id concontrlc line to an lntersectton with t~e north 1tne of lot~ of the p1at of Mance Addlllon •• rocordtu In ¥0111111 ti8 of Plat,, pe91 21, records of King County, W1shlngton; tl'lenco wa,tar1J a1ong the north 11ne of s•1d Lot 4 to the ao,t norU..O,Lerly corner thereof; th!nt::e !!!'uth!rly !long the rr.o:t w~~tody 11;.a of' ~nu ~tt1ou Lo t.h• R>St 5outh-- wester!y corner of said p1at; thence westerly along the westerly production of the south 11ne of satd Mance Additton, which south 1ine Is also the north 1ine of the East Valley Medical Park Short-Pl1t as l'<!<Ordod in Ktng County under AFS 7808151009 (SP-113-77) to tha nerti...,t corner tho!reof; thence southerly along the west line of said Short-Plat to the iouthwest corner thereofi · tll8nce westerly along a line p•rollel with and 250 feet 111re or less northerly of, as G?tlSURtd at r1ght angle from, the south line of ilid Section 30 1 to 1n tntersect1on with the oasterly right-of-way ..,,gin of the Volley Freeway (SR-167); :~ S011th0r1y 1long s1td easterly r1ght-of-~ay margin to an intersection with the westet"ly line of the Southeast quarter of s1id Section 31, r ... 23N, Rg. SE, W,M,; thence sout!!erly along the westerly line of sold subdtv1ston to an Intersection with the southerly 11ne of said Section 31; thence Ol1Ster1y 11ong said southerly lino of Section 31 to the southeast co.,.., thereof· thenca ,;.rtherly 11ong the ••sterly line rf said Section 31, which 111.crly line ls 1;110 the \Astarly 11ne of Section 32, Twn. 23N, Rg. 5E, w.M., to the south 11ne of tllt Nortt.wst q4 .. rt.1r of the Northweri.t quarter of 11,d Sectton 32i the"ce outor1y &lOllg the south 1 lne of nld 1Ubdlvl1t011 a distinct of 1i50 fnt, IIIPl'l) or 1Q§5, the~ l!!lrtlwlr1y on o 1111<1 p1ra11e1 with •nd 660 feet oostor1y, 11 ,..,ureci at rlflht an~lt froa, the wit line of S<lctton 32, to I point on tllt north ltnt of Hid 5ectloo 32, iold p,tnt botng 660 fo•t oo,torly of the nortllvltnt co•nor of 1110 Soctlei, S2; thonu tffl1terly along tho north 1100 of Hid SecttOII 32 which north line 11 1ho tht llOUth lt1t1 of 11ld Section 29, to, point 5811 foet eoro or 1e11·1csttrly of tllt IOlltllot:a\;t co"""' of told Soctlon 29 ,nd th:> True Point of 8a9lnnln9, .. r ··; ,j 'I I ,,. ' ii ' / 0 • .. ~--- ••• e I :&;l l.!2iL :\;+,··. _i~r~~~iJ}i~.-!i~~J ~~:~J\'J<.'~.1.1:~~i1,;·_f•ft:--d ~r-:Ji-!:-:;;·;;.,;,,. ··1"' '.; .•.... ; \; );I . .?···"····. '•· ;,}' i.,'.:. ' I l KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 110. 56 AGREEMENT FOR INTERIM WATER SERVICE METHOD NO. 4 ,,nlL 3.00 84/07/06 REC!) F Cl:CSHSL. >t:~:,+:>t:'5. 00 The undersigned, GARY L. HILL (husband and wife), owner(s) of the followir,g descr·:bed real property in King County, Washington: SEE ATTACHMENT "A" 22 for and in consideration of Hater District No. 58, King County, Washington, here- inafter ca llP.d 11 01!:i Lr'ict 11 , granting per-mission to connect a private interim water line to said property pursuant to the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 2055, as adopted or amended by the Board of Co:rmissioiers of said Water District No. ~s. does hereby agree as follows: 1. Hater service shall be for one single family home only. 2. The undersigned shall obtain all easements which may be necessary fer the-insta11ation of an interim service liri':!. 3. If required by the District and as part of the consideration for said pennissionr the undersigned have grcnted and conveyed or hereby agree to grant and convey to the District easements over, througt,, under, and across the above described property for water mains and appurten- ances for the implementation of tile comprehensive plan or for the improvement of the water supply system of the District. 4. The undersigaed agree to pay fot·thwith the meter and service instal la- t ion charge of$ 425.00 , the general facilities area charge of $ 200.00 ** and the contribution for the futuri= main installation of$ Z,586.0~ , and shall pay for water service at the prevailing rates of the D strict under the same terms and conditions as the other cus t9mers of the D1 strict.•• Requ!· res ~xecution of ~rea charge segr- egation agreement and po.yment of . 25.0u segregaton .tee, 5. The undersigned further agree to obtain and preser,t to the District written approval or waiver by the fire marshall at1d/or his duly authorized representative in the 1 oca le. This written authorization shall be on fne with the interim service agreement. This agreement shall be a convenant running with the land an~ shall be binding upon a11 parties and their heirs, ad;11inistrators, executors and assigns until the permanent water main to serve the above described property has been constructed and accepted by the District. !N WITNESS WHEREOF, I (we) have hereunto set my hand and my seal this ____ (~4-· _r.t, __ day of --"-G~1.,,~-· 19.f'LL . ;0-~~'!'HER WITH a tempory access eG&ement until construction cf SR 515 ls completed over the South 60 feet of the ~outh % of th:, llo,th ") of the No.-tl·.west. Ji; of th!? Southweae l.i: of Section 29, To>mship 23 No:rth, Ra:,~e 5 F.a•t, W.N., situate in K:!.ng C:curyty, \.111shin~ton, -s~1ich Hes easterly of or..,po,ed SR 515. SubJect to a roadway easen:er,t under King County Superior Court Cause 757556. · Su~Ject to an electr,cal easement Ynder ~uditor's file neo113oB36 . .. , ..•. , ,·.;,_,··.• .......... •,'<· .·,•,•,•, ...... ,·,:,·~·· .. , ... ' . ·.• "· AGREEMENT FOR INTERIM WATER SERVICE ?OR _ .. ..!J,v,.,_, .:?(', ,{,UL ·--==='~Ji'---":l..;__.<'.L:;:s;;;::_ _____ _ • ~1i~~<#J'~'.:~:'~~~; STATIC, OF W/\Slll N(;T(IV ) ss CO!!NTY Of' !ONG ) I' State ~! Washington, "si<iina cert if}, th~t on th:is -("/: !!: 3t da)' a.ppearac1 befo:r,.;.i me G-Ate.y a N'otr\ry Puhl i.c i.n and !or the Sf.../JTT L .f;;, • dv hel"Cby o( __ .. _ _.Tu/\/e:-191:!f, p,;?rsonally L.. H/LL to me kncwn to be the individual {s) describl=d hcT'ein ancl W'l.o executed the within instrument i'nd acknowledged tht\t signed and sealP.d the sa.1ne as a free and voluntary Act and deed for the uses a.no pur.poses therein mcnt ... ioned. GIVEN l'NDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL tnis ·m~ 9,. a#;~ Notary Publ iciandfor the Sta\.e of Wt.shingtcm, iesiding at 1:4a:tf: )/ .. .P" //,// AGREEMENT FOR INTERIM WATER SERVICE FOR . ,¥-_,-a<<-<i ,:>{ . /i(..(!.D -~~~....,J,...--~-~~=------ ,,,, .. r?~ rr ~~?\ ' .•' ' •' f'I ~,a / = ACS N0._'&~9_-_t.-__ FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUliST OF KING.COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO, 58 l082B S. E. 176th Renton, ~ashington 98055 .- ' _, ~ ., c, ,-:'; ::t:. 84/07/18 RECD F CASHSL 4.00 AGREEMENT AND COVENANT RELATING TO \<ATER DISTRICT COl'INECTI_ON CHARGE Tbe undersigned, Gar Hill NAME OF PROPERTY O#NER of 17007 -104th Avenue S. E. , Renton, WA 98055 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY ~ER does hereby covenant and ·agree with WATER DIS TRI Cl" NO. S8, of King County, Washington, a municipal corporation, as !ollows: #0963 D 1. The undersigned property owner is the owner of the real property herein describ~d under ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. 2. sa:d propel'ty owner does hereby request that the connection charge made by W~ter District No. 58 pursuant to RCW' 57.08.010 and commonly re- ferred to as the area conn~ction charge, be segregated as to said property; that p~operty o~ner be permitted to pay ~aid area connection charge as to Parcel A, and that the connection charge as to Parcel B be d~ferred and be payable when application is made for water service to said Parcel B. 3. The undersigned property owner understands and agrees that the area connection charge tor Parcel B \<:ill be levied at the rate applicable at the time application !or service is made. This Agreement is binding on the unoersigned, his heirs and his assignes, and is a covenant running t\•i th the land. ORIGINi1L DESCRIF'TION Lot 4, King County Short Plat No. 577051 as recorded under King County Recording No. 7902080736. NEl-1 DESCRIPTIO.'lS f·AP.CEL A SQUARE FOOTAGE, 10 000 AMOUNT DUE $2QQ QQ The North 100.00 feet of the South 130.00 feet of the Hest 100.00 feet of Lot 4, King County Short Plat No. 577051 as recorded under King County Recording No 7902080736, ' 1·'/\HCF.L... B SQUAl1E FOOTAGE, __ 6~8=3-'4.,_l __ ARC.A CH.ARGS TO BS LE.Vlt! AT ,\Pl 1 LlCAULB: RATE. Lot 4, Ktng County Short Plat No. 7902080736. LESS the North 100.00 feet of No. 5770$1 as recorded under King Count,, Recording tho the West 100.00 feet thernof. I j.'>-'''., t:~!.:(~~5~~ • STilTE OF \v/\S!IINliTO!'I) : ss COPNTY OF' !Cl NG On this ,f).,1 fl. rl."\y of LJuAf..t..,,, , H>.ff, b~fore me, The und~rsignt?d, a. Notary Public in anrl forThe-SJ:JHe of Washington, duly r:nmmi ssionC?d and sworn p~rsonally appeared .>/l¥±4 .Q;lL--~---,,---- to m~? known to ~he ir1e1ividual dC:!tCr- ibt~d i@d who e>:c~utcct the forei:,ioin<J ins trurn.::>nt. and as::nowledge:dto me th:i.t he sil)nP.d ,'.),r,d senled the s.J.id .instrument as ~ free and V<J\u-;;-;?ary act and deG-d fot" the us,;:-s and purposes therein m~ntioned. WITNESS my hanrt and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this c:er t.~.J . .ica te above w.r it t<:?n. . /:lJ,,,11;th,v Q. a,,~v ~-blic i~d tKthe State o! Washington residing at @~ Approved by:--....,,.,...--,---,--=--~-------- District Engineer Approved by=--~~·--,----,----------- Distrir:t Manager SEGREGATION FEE: fatbflV, iv-~ atui O~te Paid: &/;ijff ,, -.,.- Date _________ _ "uuo I v-11uuu.1n .::.vu·, After Recording Return To: COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, ~NC. MS SV-79 DOCUMENT PROCESSING P.O.Box 10423 2lll'1IIIJI II Van Nuys, CA 91410-0423 CHICAGO TITLE OT 47 ... PAGEOOI OF 110 1e111,2ees a1:3e KIN~ COUNTY, UA Assessor's Parcel or Account Number: 94 8 57 4-0 460-0 9 Abbreviated Legal Description: LOT 46 AND TRACT B, VOLUME 184 OF PLATS, PAGE 77 (Inelud11 lot, block and plat or seclion, township and nnp] Pull legal d~iption located on page 3 Trustee: LS TITLE or WASHINGTON Additional Grantees located on page -----------[Space Above This Llue For Recordlnc DU) 1172525-001 LGS (Escrow/Closing I] 00011532794410005 [Doc ID fl DEED OF TRUST MIN 1000157-000585895~ DEPINITTONS Words used in multiple se.ctions of this document are defined below and other words an:: defined in Sections 3, 11, 13, 18, 20 and 21. Certain rules regarding the usage of word, ui;cd in this document are also provided in Section 16. (A) "Security ln.slnunent" means this document. which is dated OCTOBER 10, 2005 with all Riderlt to this document (B) "Borrower" is RAYMOND E SLED, AN UNMARRIED MAN Bonower is the trustor under thi3 Security Instrument. (C) "Lendel'" is COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. Lender is a CORPOMTION org~d and existing under the laws of NEW YORK WAStflNGTON-Sngle Famny-Fannle Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSffiUMENT WITH MERS J1n Q Page 1 of 11 lnHiats:.Al,L , together .. -6A(WA) (0012).01 CHL (Oe/OZ)(d} VMP MORTGAGE FORMS· (800)521 ·7291 Fonn 3048 1101 ~ CONVNA • • DOC ID f: 00011532194410005 Lender's address is 4500 Park Granada, Calabasas, CA 91302-1613 (D) "Trustee" is LS TITLE OF WASHINGTON 2107 CO~BY AVE SUITE 1118, ~VtRETT, WA 90201 (E) "MERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, lnc. MBRS is a separate corporation that is acting solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and MSlgna. MERS is the beneficiary under this Security lnstnnnent. MERS is organized and ex.ii,Ling under the Jaws of Delaware, and ha,; an address and 1elephone nwnber of P.O. Box 2026, Flin~ MI 4850 t-2026. tel. (e88) 679-MERS. (F) "Note" means the promissory note signed by Borrower and dated OCTOBER 10, 2 0 05 . The Note states that Borrower owes Lender THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY FOUR THOUSAND and 00/100 Dollars (U.S. S 384,000.00 ) plus interest. Borrower ha.~ promised lo pay this debt in tegular Periodic Payments and to PllY the debt in full not later than NOVEMBER O 1, 203 5 (G) "Property" means lhe property that is described below under the heading "Transfer of Rights in lhe Properly." {II) "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus intetest, any prepayment chargc.'i: and late charge:. due under the Noie, and alJ sums due under this Security Im,trument, plus interest. (I) "Rtders11 mean:; all Riders to this Secudty Instrument that are executed by Borrower. The followlng Riders are to be executed by Borrower {check box as applicable]: I&J Adjustable Rate Rider §Condominium Rider D Second Home Rider 8 Balloon Rider X Planned Unit Development Rider D 1-4 Family Rider VA Rider Biweekly Payment Rider O Other(s) [specify] (J) 11 Applicable Law'' means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statule.'i, regulations. Otdinances and administrative rules and orders (that have the effe<:t or law) as well as all applicable final, non-appcalable judicial opinions. (K) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means ail due.,, fees, a.,i.essmenu and other charges that are imposed on Borrowet or the Property by a condominium a.'!.'i:OCiation, homeowners associalion or similar organization. (L) 0 Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, 01her than a transaction originated by check, draft, or similar paper instrument, which is iniliatcd through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, or magnetic tape so a., to order, instruct,. or authorize a financial institution lO debit or credit an account SUch tcnn includes, but is not limited to, point-of-sale transfers, automated teller machine transactions, transfas initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and automated clearinghouse transfers. (M) ''Escrow Items" means those items that are described in Section 3. (N) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any third party (other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Section 5) for: (i) dlUffllgt, to, or destruction of, the Property; (ii) condemnation or olher taking of all or any part of lhe Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or (iv) misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, the value and/or condition of the Properly. (0) 0 Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lendet against the nonpayment of, or default on, \he Loan. (P) "PeriotUc Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) principal and intorcsl under the Note. plus (ii) any amounts under Section 3 of this Security Instrument. (Q) "RESPA11 means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. Seed.on 2601 Cl seq.) and it., implementing regulation, Regulation X (24 C.P.R. Part '.3500), as they might be amended rrom time to time, or any additional or successor legislation or regulation that governs the same ,subject matter. As used in this Security lnstrumem, "RESPA" refers to all requiremenL~ and restrictions that are imposed in regard lO a "federally related mortgage loan" even if the Loan does not qua1ify as a ~federally related mortgage loan" under RE.SPA. (R) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken ti rte to the :Property, whether or not that party has assumed Bonowets obligations under the Note and/or this Security InstrumenL TRANSFER OF RIGIITS lN TIIB PROPERTY The bellefieiary of this Security Instrument is MERS (solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and .assigns) and the successors and w;signs of :MERS. This Seeurily Instrument secures 10 Lender: (i) the repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, extensioM and modifications of the Note; and (ii) lhe performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security lnscrument and the Note. For lhis purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys lo Tnistee, in trust, with power of sale, the following de.~btd properly located in the COUNTY of KING n)pci orRtcooling Juri$dicti.on) ~ -6A(WA) (0012).01 CHL (08/02) Page 2 of 11 (Name of Rt:eord.ing Jurisdiction] lnltlals:..&J. Form 3048 1101 ..:.vv~,u 11 uvv..:.1..:..uu-> • • DOC ID i: 00011532794410005 LOT 46 AND IRACT B, WINSFtR !Ir ACCORDING IO THE PLAT THE~EOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 184 OF PLATS, PAGES 77 THROUGH 80, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. which currently has the address of 3401 BENSON DRS, RENION \Slt(!el/Cilyl Washington98055-,4S5 ("Property Addres1;"): {Zipeed,;.] TOGETHER WITH all lhe improvements now or hereafter erected on che ptoperty. and all easements. appunenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacemenLS and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing ls referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." Borrower understands and agre~ that MERS holds only legal title to the interest,; granted by Boaower in this Security lTUJtrument, but, if nece.~sary to comply with law or custom, MBRS (as nominee for Lender and Lendcc's successors and a.<;.o;igns) has the right: to exercise any or a11 of those interests:, Including, but not limited to, the right to foreclose and sell Lhe Property~ and to take any action required of Lender including, but not limited to, releasing and canceling thi6 Security Instrument. BORROWER. COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the righc to grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except fot encumbrances of rcconl. Borrower wammts and wm defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances of record. TlUS SBCURI'IY INSTRUMENT combines unifonn covenants for national U$C and non-unifonn covenants wilh limited variations by jurisdiction to con1aitute a unifonn security instrument covering real property. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and ~te Char&es. Borrower shall pay when due the principal of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the NOle and any prep&)'ment charges and late ch,rg~ due undet the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3. Payments due wider the Note and this Security Ins1.rument shall be_ made in U.S. currency. However, if any check ot other instrument received by Lender a.,; payment under the Note or this Security Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or all aubsequent payments due under the Note and lhi3 Security InsUUment be made in one or more of lhe following fonns, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b} money order; (c) oertified che.ck, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposit.,; are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity; or (d) EJecrronic Funds Tramfer. Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the Jocation designated in the Note or al such other location as may be designated by Leader in accordance with the notice provisions in Section 15. Lender may rerum any payment or panial payment if the payment or partial payments are insufficient to bring t~ · Loan Clltrenl. Lender may accept any payment or partial payment iomifficicnt to bring the Loan current, without waiver of any rights hereundet or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or parlial payments in the future, but Lendet is not obligated to apply such paymenLS at the-llme such paynient,; are accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as ot its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay interest on unappJied fund&. Lender may hold such tmapplied funds until Borrower makea payment to bring the Loan current If Borrower does not do so within a reasonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. If not applied earlier, such funds will be applied to the outstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to foreclosure. No offaet or claim which Borrowet might have now or in. the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument or perfonning lhc covenants and agreemenL,; secured by this Security Instrument. 2.· Applicalion of Payments or Proceeds. Excepl a~ otherwise described in this Section 2, all payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the followjng order of prii;,rity: (a) inlere,;t due under the Nole; (b) principal due undet the Note; (c) amount.,; due under Section ;3. Such payment.o; shall be applied to each Petiodic Payment in the order in which it became due. Any remaining amounl6 shall be applied first to lale charges, second to any othet amounts due under lhis Security Instrument, and then to reduce the principal balance of the Note. If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a deJinquent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the lnitlalsM --6A(WA){0012).01 CHL (OB/02) Page 3 ol 11 Form 30481/01 .:::uu~ IU I IUUU" 1-'.UV'I> • DOC ID t: 00011532194410005 late charge. If more than one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received from Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic Paymen1s if, and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in full. To the extent that any excess existn after the payment is applied to the fl.Ill payment of one or more Periodic Paymenls, such excess may be applied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied fir,'it to any prepayment charge$ and then M de-'icribed in the Note. Any application of payment<i, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proeeeds to principal due under the Note shall not extend or postpone the due da1e. or change the amount, of the Periodic Payments, 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic PaymenL'i are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum (the ~Funds") lO provide for payment of amounts due for: (a) tax.es and aBSC,'iSlllents and other items which can attain priority ovet thi~ Security Imruumcnt as a lien or encumbrance on the Property; (b) leasehold payment.'> or grmmd rents on the Property, if any; (c) ptemiums !or any and all insurance required by Lender under' Sec1ion 5; and (d) Mortgage Immrance premiums, if any, or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage lnsurance premiums in accordance with the provisions of Si::ction 10. These items are called "Escrow ltemB." At origination or at any time during the tenn of the Loan,. Lender may req\llre that Community Association Dues., Fees, and Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, foes, and assessmenlS shall be an Esctow Item. Bonower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this Section. Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items unle.'ls Lender waives Borrower's obliga1ion to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrower's obligalioa to pay to Lender Funds for any or all &-.crow Items at any lime. Any such waiver may only be in writing. In the event of such waiver, Borrower shall pay diteedy, when and whe,c payable, the amounts due for any E.scrow Items for which payment or Funds ha'!. been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts e~dencing such payment wilhin such time period as Lender lll8)' require. Borrower's obligation to make such paymenl.8 and to provide receipts shall for all puq,oscs be deemed to be a covenant and agreement contained in lhis Security Instrument, as lhe phra.,e "covenant and agreement" is used in Section 9. If Borrower is obligated to pay &crow Items direel.ly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay the amount due for an Escrow Item. Lender may exert* its rights under Section 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Se<:tion 9 .to repay to Lendet any such amount. Lender may revoke the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items at any time by a notice given in accordance with Section 15 and, upon such tevocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and in such amount,;, that arc then required under this Section 3. Lender may, at any time., eollect and hold Funds in an amount (a) 11officicnt to permit Lender to apply the Funds at tho time specified under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed lhc maximum amount a lender can require under RESPA. Lender shall estimate the amount or Funds due on the basis or current data and reasonable estimates Or expenditur~ of ful.llre Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with Applicable Law. The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposils are iru1ured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is an institution whose deposits are so insured) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Fundc; to pay the Escrow Items no later than· the llme specified under RBSPA. Lender shall not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow ltems, unless Lender pay:r. Borrower interest on the Funds and Applicable Law pennits Lender to make such a charge. Unles.'> an agreement it made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Boaower and Lender can agree in wricing, however, that intereSt shall be paid on lhe Funds. Lender shall g.ive to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds as required by RESP A. If thete is a SUiplus of Fund., held in escrow, a., defined under RESP A, Lender shall account to Bonowcr for the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shorlage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA. Lender shall notify Borrower a,. required by RESPA., and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the shortage in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 month1y paymen&s. If there i, a deficiency of Funds held in e.,;crow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify· Borrower as required. by RF.SPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary lo make up the deficiency in accordance wilh RESP A, but in no more than 12 monthly payments. Upon payment in fuU of all sums /ICC\Hed by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Fund.8 held by I.ender. 4. Chara:es; Liens. Bonowcr shall pay all taxes, a.'lsessmenlS, charges, 6ncs, and impositions attributable to the Property which can auain priority over this Security lnstrument, lea.'iehold payments or ground rents on the Property, ir any, and Conununity Association Dues, Pees, and AMe&&ments, ir any. To the extent lhat these ilems are &crow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Section 3. Borrower shall prompdy discliarge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower. (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; but only so long as Borrower in performing such agreement; (b) conte.'its the lien in good faith by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion openle to prevent the enforcement or the lien while those proceedings are pending, but only until ii:uch proceedings are concluded~ or (c) secures from the bolder of the lien nn agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to lhis Security Instrument If Lender determines that any parl of the Property i'!. subject lo a lien which can attain priority over this Security Insirument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Within 10 days of the date on which that notice is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above in this Section 4. ···6A(WA} (0012).01 CHL (08/02) Page 4 of 11 lnlualsM Form 30481101 :lUUt>1 U1 /000212.005 • DOC ID t: 00011532794410005 Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for a real estate tax. verification and/or reporting llel'Vice us~ by Lender in connection with this Loan. 5. Properly Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvement., now existing or heieafter creeled on the Property insured against loss by fire, hazard'i included within the tenn Rextended coverage," and any or.her hazards including, but not limited to, earthquakes and flood!II, ror which Lender require.'i i118Urance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts (including deductible leveL'i) and for the periods 1hat Lender requires. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance sh.all be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right 10 disapprove Borrower's choice, which righl shall not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may requjrc Borrower 10 pay, in connection with this. Loan, either: (a) a one-time charge ror flood zone determination, cenification and tracking services; or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone determination and certification services and subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes occur whidi reawnably might affect such delermination or certification. Borrower shall a1so be re~ponsible fOI the payment of aiiy fee.-. imposed by lhe Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the review of any flood zone detennination resulting from an objection by Borrower, If Borrower fails to mainlain any of the coverages described above, Lender may obtain insurance coverage. at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligation to purch~ any particular type or amounl of coverage. The.refore, such coverage $h!III cover Lender, but might or might not protect Borrower, Borrower's equity in the Property, or the contents of the Property, againi;t any risk, hazard or liability and might provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in effect Borrower acknowledges that the coSl of the insurance coverage so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insurance lhat Borrower could have obtained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such in1erest, upon notice from Lender 10 Bonower requesting payment All Jnsurance policle,'!, required by Lender and renewals of such policie.-. shall be subject to Lender's right to disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall natne Lender 8$ mortgagee and/01 M an additional loM payee. Lender shall have the right IO hold the policies and renewal certificates. If Lender requires, Borrower sh.Bil promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any fonn of insurance coverage, not otherwise: required by Lender, for damage to, or dCIJtruct.ion of, lhe Property, such policy shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or a., an additional loss payee. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of Jos., if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Bonower othetWise agree in writing, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the rC$tor&lion or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not ~ed. During such ~pair and restoration period, Lender shall have lhe righl to hoJd such insurance proceeds until Lender bas had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure lhe work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repaid: and reslOration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires imerest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties, retained by Barrawer shall not be paid out of the insutance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation or Borrower. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's secudty would be Jes.'iened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security ln.'!,trumenl, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds :,:hall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. . If Borrower abandons the Property, Lender rnay file, negotiate and settle any available insurance claim and related mallers. ]f Bonower does not re,c;pond within 30 days to a notice from Lender thal lhe insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and settle the claim. Toe 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. ln either event, or if Lende( acquires lhcf Property under Section 22 OI otherwise, Borrower hereby usigns lo Lender (a) Borrower's rights to any insurance proceeds in an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and (b) any other of Borrower's rights (other than the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower) under all insurance policies covaing the Property, insofar as such right.~ are applicable to the coverage of the Property. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either IO repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts \lnpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. 6._0ccupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within 60 days after the execution of lhis Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Properly as Borrower's principal re.,idcnce for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which coMeJJl shall not be unreal'!onably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. 7, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not de8troy, damage or impair lhe Property, allow the Property 10 deteriorate or commit waste on the Property. Whether or not Borrower is resicting in the Ptoperty, Borrower shall maintain 1he Property in order to prevent ~ .&A(WA) (0012),01 CHL (08/02) Page5Qf11 lnlllals:../ej__ Form 3048 1/01 .(.UU:, I U I I VUU.(. I ~.Ut.lQ e DOC IO t: 00.011532?94410005 the Property from deteriorating or dcc.rea.c;ing in value due to its condition. Unle.~s it is determined pursuant to Seclion 5 that repair or restoration is not ecooomicany feasible, Borrower shall promptly repair the Propeny if damaged to avoid further deterioration or damage. If insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in connection wjth damage to, or the taking of,.lhe Property, Borrower shall be re.c;ponsible ror repairing or restoring the-Property only if Lender bas released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repalrs and restoration in a single payment or in a serie.c; of progress paymenrs as the work is completed. If the iMUrance ot condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repair or restore the Property, Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for the completion of such repair or ~toration. Lender or its agent may make reasonable enlries upon and inspections of the Property. If it has rea&onablc cause, Lender may iMpect lhe interior of the improvements on lhe Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to such an imedor inspection specifying such reasonable cause. 8. Bottower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application procw;, Borrower or any pe.rsorn: or enllties acting at the direction of Borrower or with Borrowe(s knowledge or consent gave materially false, misleading, or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with material information) in connection with the Loan. Material rePresentations include, but are not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy oJ the Property a,; Borrower's principal residence. 9. Protection of Lender's Interest In the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If (a) Bouower fails to perfonn the covenants and agreement.,; contained in this Security Inwument, (b) there is a legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender'.,; interest in the Pr0perty andfor rights under this Security Instrument (such aa a proceeding in bankruptcy, probale, for condemnation or forfeiture. for enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument or to enforce laws or regulation.c;), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is rca80nable or appropriate co protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under thii; Securicy Instrument. including protecting and/or a.'isessing the value of the Prnperty, and securing and/or repairing lhe Property. Lender's actions can include, but are not limited to: (a) paying any sums i;ccured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument; (b) appearing in court: and (c) paying reasonable auomeys' fees to protccl its interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including itn secured position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Property includes, but is not limited to, entering the Property to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drain water from pipes, eliminate building or other code violations or dangerous conditions, and have utilities turned on or off. Although Lender may take action under this Section 9, Lender doea not have 10 do so and is not under any duty or obligaUon to do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any or all actions authorized under this Section 9. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security lnstrumenL These amounts shall bear intere.,;t at the Note rate Crom the date of disbursement and shall be payable. with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Bouowet requesting payment. If this Securily Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrowet shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If BOitowcr a,cqujres fee tide to the Property, the leasehold and lhe fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees lO the mecger in writing. 10. Mortgage Insurance, If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition or making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effect. If, for any rea.'iOn, the Mortgage Insuran" coverage required by Lender ceases to be available from lhe mortgage insurer lhat previously provided $Och insurance and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward lhe premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage SUb$l8ntially equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect. at a cost substantially equivalent to the cost lO 13cnrower of the Mot1gage Insurance previously in effecl., from an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If subs1a11tially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall contim1e to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designated payments that were due when the insurance coverage · ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, use and relain these paymenrs as a non-refundable los.1 reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is ullimatcly paid in full, and Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lendet can no longer require loss reserve payment.c; if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amowlt and for the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer selected by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance SR a condition of making the Loan and Borrower was requited to make separately designated payments toward the premiums foe Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay lhe premiums required to maintain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non•refundable loss reserve, until Lendet's requirement fot Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender providing for such termination or until termination is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in Ibis Section 10 affects Borrower's obligation to pay intere.c;t at lhe rate provided in the Note. Mortgege Insurance reimbumes Lender (or any entity lho.l purchases the Note) for cerlain losses it may incur if Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the Morlgage hl$Urance. 0.-oA(WA) (0012).01 CHL(08/D2) Page 6 of 11 Initials~ fonn 304B 1101 :.::UUb1U1 /UUU:.!:12.007 • • DOC ID t: 00011532794410005 Mortgage in.wrtt.s evaluate their total risk on all such insurance in ro.rce from time to time, and may enter into agreements with other partie.'l that share or modify their risk, or reduce losse.c;. These agreement.CJ are on terms and conditions that are satisftlctory to the mortgage insurer and the other party (or parties) to ~ agreements. These agreements may require the mortgage insurer to make payments u·sing any source of funds that the mortgage insurer may have available (which may include funds obtained from Mortgage [n.-mrance premiums). , As a result of these agreemenL~. Lender, any purcha.~er of the Note. another insurer, any reinsurer, any other entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may receive (directly or indirectly) amounts that derive from (or might be characterized a.,) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for sharing or modifying the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreement provides chat an affiliate of Lender takes a share of the in.~urer's risk in ex.change for a share of the premiums paid co the insurer, the arrangement is of1en termed "captive reinsurance." Furlher: (a) Any such agreements will not affect the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insurance, or any oOter terms of the Loan. Such agreements will not increase the amount Borrower will o~ for Morta:age Insurance, and they will not entiUe Borrower to any refund. (b) Any such agreements will not affect the right.s Borrower has • ir any • with respect to the Mortea&e Insurance nod.er the Homeowners Protection Act of 19!*J or any other Jaw. These rights may include the right to receive certain disclosures, to request and obtain unccllation of lhe Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance tenninat~d au-tomatica11y, and/or to receive a refund of any Mortaaae Insurance premiums that were -0nearned at the Ume of such amcellatioo or termination. 11. Assignment of MiscelJaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds arc hereby assigned to and shall be paid lO Lende:r. If the Property is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to n:storalion or repair or the Property, Jf the restoration or repllll' is eeonomically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensuro the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such iru.pection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may pay for the repairs and restoration in a single disburstment or in a seriCB of progress payments M the work is completed. Unless an agreement i.,; made in writing or Applicable Law .requires interest 10 be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inlel'est or earnings on :mch Miscellaneous Proceeds. 1f the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security wouJd be lessened, the Miscellaneous. Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miseellaneous Proceeds shall be applied in tho ordet provided for in Section 2. In the event of a total taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proce«b shall be applied lO the S\llllS secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value or the Property iii which the fair market value of the Property immediately berore the partial taking, destruction, or lo.~s in value is equal ro or grealer than the amount of the 8llDlS secured by this Security ln.~trument immediately hero.re the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security lru;trumcnt shall be reduced by the amount of the MiscellanC0\.13 Proceed.~ multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the tolal amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction. or Joss in value divided by (b} the fWr market value or the Property immediately before the partial taking, de.,;truction, or loss in value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair marlr.et value of the Property immediately before the partial taldng, destruction, or loss in value is less than the amount of the mims secured immediatefy before the partial talcing, destruction, or lo.o;s in value, unle.c;s Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, lhc Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to lhe sums secured by this - Security Jnstnm1ent whether or not the i;ums arc then due. If the Property is abandone.d by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lende:r 10 Borrower that the Opposing Pan.y (as defined in the next smtence) offeffl to make an award to settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails lO respond to Lender within 30 d8}'S aOor the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply tho Miscellaneous Proceeds eilher to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. "Oppo.,;ing Party" means lhe third party that owes Bonower Miscellaneous Proceeds or lhe party against whom Borrower ha8 a right of action in .regard lO Miscellaneous Proceeds. Borrower shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in Lende(s judgment, could result in forfeiture of the Property or other malerial impainnent of Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. Borrower can cure liuch a default and, if acce1eralion has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by causing lhe action or proceeding to be dismis.\ed with a ruling that, in Lender's judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Properly or olher material impainncnc of Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the impairment of Lender's interest in the Property are hereby assigne.d and shall be paid to Lender. lnltlals..&J_ O,i.·eA{WA) (0012),01 Ctll. (08,02) Page 7 ol 11 Ferm 3048 1/01 "'vv::n V'I /VVU£"1£.UUD • DOC ID J: 00011532794410005 All Miscellaneous Proceed~ that are not applied to restoration or repair of the Property shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension or tile time for payment or modification of amortimtion of the sum.') secured by this Secuiity In~trument granted by Lender to Bol'tOwer or any Succe.,;sor in lnterest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of Borrower or any Successor.; in Interest of Borrower. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any Successor in Interest of Borrower or to refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or any Successors in Int~t of Borrower. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy including, without limitation, Lender's acceptance of payments from third persons, entities or Succe.,;so.rs in Interest of Borrower or in amounts less than the amount then due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerci:;e of aTiy right or remedy. 13. Johit and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Bonower covenants and agree.-1 that Borrower's obligation., and liability shall be joint and several However, any Borrower who co-aigns this Security Instrument but does not execute the Note (a ~co.signer"): (a) is CO·s.igning this Security IMtrument only to mortgage, grant and convey the co-signer's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; {b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument: and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower can agree· to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodation., with regard to the tenns of this Security Instrument or the Note wilhout the co.signer's consent. Subject to the provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's obligations under this Security Instrument in writing, and is approved by Lender, shall obtaln all of Borrower's rights and benefilS under this Security Instrument. Borrower shall not be released from Borrower's obligations and liability under this Security Inslrument unless Lender agrees to such release in writing. The covenants and agreemenltl of lhis Security Instrument $hall bind (except a'> pr0vided in Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees ror services pecfonncd in connection wilh Bonower's default, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Inatrumcnt, includrog, but not limited to, attomey:::' fees, properly inspection and valuation fees. In regard lO any other fees, the absence of express authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specific rec to Borrower shall not be comitrued as a prohibition on the charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees that are exp!C$Sly prohibited by this Security ln.-1trument or by Applicable Law. If the Loan is .subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that la.w is finally interpceted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection wi1h I.he Loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary lo reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limit.~ will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choo,~ to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is pr0vided for under the Note). Borrower's acceptance of any such refW1d made by direct payment to Bonower will constitute a waiver of any right of action Borrower might have arising out of such overcharge. 15. Notkes, All notice,; given by Borrower or Lender in connection with this Security Instrument must be in writing. Arry notice to Borrower in connection with this Sccuricy In.,trurnent shall be deemed to have been givBn to Borrower when mailed by fin.t cJa.<;s mail or when actually delivered lo Borrower's notice addnsss if sent by other means, Notice to any one Borrower shall com;titutc notice to all Bonowers unlc.si;, Applicable Law expressly requires olherv,ise. The notice addre811 shall be the Property Address unle.'iis Borrower ha$ designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of Borrower's change of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of · addrcM, then Borrower shall only report a change of address through that specified procedure. There may be only one designated notice: address under this Scc\lrity Instrument at any one time. Any notice to Lender shall be given by deJivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address Slated herein tmless Lender has designated another address by not.ice to Borrower. Any notice in connection wi!ll this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received by Lender. If any notice required by this Security Instrument is also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy the corre8p0Ilding requirement und.er this Security Instrument, 16. Governing.Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the jurjsdiction in which the Property is located. All rights and obligations contain¢ in this Security lnstroment are subject to any requircmcnll! and limitatiQns of Applicable Law. Applicable Law might explicitly or implicitly allow the parties to agree by contract or it might be silent, but such silence shall not be construed as a prohibition against agreement by contracL In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with Applicable Law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instroment or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. As used in thia Security Instrument: {a) words of the masculine gencler shall mean and include corresponding neuter words or words of !he feminine gender; (b) words in the singular shall mean and include 1he plural and vjce versa; and (c). lhe word "may" gives sole discre1ion withOl,lt any obligation to take any action. A'? l".'I. 0 lnltlab~ ·~ -OA{WA) (0012).01 CHL (08/0:Z) PageBof11 Form 3048 1,01 "vv:, I u I l uvv.i:. I "-UU,:P • DOC ID I: 00011532194410005 17. Borrower's Copy, Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. 18, Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. A.'> u.,;ed in this Section 18, "Intere.<;t in the Property" means any legal or beneficial interest fo the Property, including, but not limited to, those beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intenl of whieh is lhe transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Property is sold or transferred (or if Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lendets prior wriuen co11sent, Le11der may require immediate payment in full of all sums aecured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. lf Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleralion. The notice shall provide a period of not le:iJS than 30 days from Lhe date the notice is given in accordance with Section 1S within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies pennitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration, If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have enforcement of thi.'> Security Instrument discontinued at any lime prior to the earliest or: (a) five days before sale of the Property purnuant to any power of sale contained in Otis Security Ininrument; (b) such other period as Applicable Law might specify for the tennination of Borrower's right to reinstate; or (c) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Tho,<;e conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all S\UnS which then would be due under this Security lnsuumcnt and the Note as if no acoeleralion had oceurred.; (b) curea any default of any other covenant., or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to, reasonable auomcys' foes, property inspection and valuation fees, and other fees incurred for the purpose of protecting Lende(s interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument; and (d) takes such action as Lender may rcawnably rcqujre 10 assure that Lendet's interest in the Property and righlS Wlder this Security Instrument, and Borrower'.B obligalion to pay the sums 8CCUred by this Security Instrument, shall continue unchanged. Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement .~um,; and expenses in one or more of the following frums, as selected by Lender: (a) ca.<;h; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an instituti<m whose deposits are in.sured by a federal agency, instrumentality or enllty; or (d) Electronic Fund.'l Transfer. Upon.reinstatement by Borrowec, lhis Security Instrument and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right IO reinstate shaJl not apply in the ca~e of acceleration under Section 18. 20, Sale of Note; Chanze of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security Instrument) can be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bonower. A sale might result in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collects Periodic Paymcncs due under the Note and lhis Security Instrument and perfonns other mortgage loan servicing obligalions under the Note, this Scwrity Insuument, and Applicable Law. There also might be one or more changes of the Loan SCIViccr uncelaled to a sale of the Note. If there is a charige of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given wriucn notice of the change which will state the name and address of the new Loan Seniiccr, the add~ to which payments should be made and any other information RESPA requires in connection with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower will remain with lhe Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purcha.o;er unless otherwise provided by !he Noie pu«:haser. Nejther Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (a.,; either an individual litigant or the member of a cll\88) that arisen from \he other party's acllons pursuant to this Security Instrument or that aJleges that the 01her party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Inslnlment, until such Bonower or Lender has nollficd the other party (with such notice given in · compliance with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged brellCh and afforded the other party hereto a reasonable period after the: giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain action can be taken, that time period will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and oppormnity to cure given to Bouowcr put1uant lo Section 22 and the notice of accelc:.ration given to Borrower pursuant to Sect.ion 18 shall be deemed to satisfy lho notice and opponunity to take: corrective action provisions of this Section 20. 21, Hazardous Substances. AJ used in this Section 21: (a) •Hazardous Substances" arc those substances defined as toxic or haiardous substances, pollutant.,;, or wastes by Environmenlal Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, macerials containing asbestos or fonnaidehyde, and raqioaclive materials; (b) ·Envirrinmental Law" mew federal laws and laws of lhe juri.,ciiction where the Property is localed that relate to health, safety or environmental proltction; (c) ~environmental Cleanup• includes any response actioa, remedial action, or removal action, as defined in Environmental Law; and (d) an NEnvironmental Condition" means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup. Borrower shall not cause or pennit the presence, ui;e, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Subscances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Substsnce,;, on or in the Property. Borrower shaJI not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property (a) that is in violation of any Environmental Law, (b) which creates an Environmental Condition, or (c) which, due lo the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous .... A(WA)I0012).01 CHL(OB/02) Page9o111 lnlUals..m Fonn 3C48 1/01 ~VU::.,OJUI ,uuu~,~ . .., IV OOC ID I: 00011532794410005 Substance. creates a condition that adversely affect.,; the value of the Property. ~ preceding two sentences shaJl not apply to lhe presence, use, ot storage on the Property of $Jllall quantitie.,; of Hazardous Substances that are genenlly recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and 10 maintenance of lhe Property (including, but not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer products). Bc,rrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of (a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawimit or · other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Subs1ance or Environmental Law of which Borrower hM actual knowledge, (b) any Environmental Condition, including but not limited to, any ,,;pilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Subslance, and (c) any condition caused by the presence, use or relca.,;e of a Hazardoun: Sub.<;.tance which advenely affecl.'I the value of the Property. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take. all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: 22, Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrowj![' prior to acceleralion following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security lmitrument (but not prior lo acceleration under Section 18 unless Applicable Law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (b) ,he action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not Jess than 30 days from the dale the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default mu.st be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acte)era.tion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property at public auction at a date not less than 1:20 days in the future. The notice shaJI further inform Borrower of the right to rei115tate aner acceleration, the right to bring a conrt action to assert the oon•existence or a default or any olher defense of Borrower to acceleration and saJe, and. any other matter.,; required to be included in the notice by Applicable Law. If the default is nol cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender at ifs option, may requJre immediate payment in full of an sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and/or any other remedies pennlUed by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled lo collect all expenses incurred in porsuing the remedies provided in this Seclion 21, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs or title evidence. If Lender invokes the power ot sale, Lender shall give written notice to Trustee of the occurrence of an event of default and of Lender's election to cause the Property to be sold. Trustee and Lender shall take sucli action regarding notice of sale and shall give such notices to Borrower and to other persons as App]icable Law may require. After the time required by Applicable Law and afier publication or the noUce of sale, Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desi2D1:1ted in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of the Property for a period or perioda permitted by Applicable Law by public announcement at the time and place fixed Jn the notice of sale. Lender or its desigoee may purchase the Properly at any sale. Trnstee shall delh'er to tbe purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied. The recitals in lhe TI'U8tee's deed &ball be prima facle evidence of lhe troth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in Oae following order: (a) to aU expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable Trustee's and attorneyl'i' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entilled to it or to the clerk of the superior court of the county In which lhe .sale took pl:l!J.ce. 23. Rooonveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Jn.~uument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Prop«ty and shall surrender this Secutity Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by lhis Security lnstrument to Trustee. Trustee shaD reconvey the Property wilhout warranty lO 1he · person or persons legally entitJed to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs and the Trustee's fee for preparing the rcconvcyance. 24. Substitute Trustee. In accordnnce with Applicable Law, Lender may· from time lo time appoint a successor trustee to any TruBtce appointed hereunder who has ceased to act. Withoul conveyance of the Property, lhe successor 1111stee shall succeed co all the title, pQwcr and duties conferred upon Trustee hercin and by Applicable Law. 25. Use of Property. The Property is not ui;ed principally for agricultutal purpOSC8. 26. Attorneys' Fees. Lender .shall be entitled to recover iL~ reasonable attorneys' fees and costs in any action or proceeding to construe or enforce any term of this Security Instrument. The tenn "auomeys' fees," whene"'.er used in this Securlty lnstroment, shall include without limitation attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in any bankruptcy proceeding ot on appeal. · ORAL AGREEMENTS OR ORAL COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT, OR TO FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEBT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. 0,.--tiA(WA) (0012).01 CHL (08/02) Page 10 ol 11 lnltlals:,M Fomi 304B 1101 "'vu:;, 1v 11uuu.::: 1.:::.u1 ·1 • DOC ID I, 00011532794410005 BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the term., and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with iL Witness~: ________________ (Seal) ··- ______________ (Seal) ·Bon:owCJ _____________ (Seal) -Borrower } ss: STATE OF WAfi}DNGTON County of l<.JM! On lhis day persebally appeared before me E. Jfd to me known to be~ indMdual(s) described in a~"."ho executed the within and foregoing inslrumen1, and acknowledged tha she/they signed the same a~her/their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes there mentioned. · GIVEN under my hand and official seal this / / day of 0<.fo 6er J.o(l5 . My Appointment Expirc1ton /-/tf/ -oq @ 41 --GA(WA) (0012).01 CHL (08/02) Page 11 ol 11 Fonn 3048 1/01 t:UU:>1Ul /UUUt:1:.£.Ul:.l -----------{Space Above Thh Line ForRnonling Data)----------- FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER (LIBOR One-Year Index (As Published In The Wall Smm Journaf) -Rale Caps) After Recording Return To: COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. MS SV-79 DOCUMENT PROCESSING P,0,Box 10423 Van Nuys, CA 91410-0423 PARCEL ID #: 948574-0460-09 Prepared By: PATRICIA A. OYRES 1172525-001 LGS !Esccow/Closing II 00011532794410005 !Dae ID II THIS FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this TENTH day or OCTOBER, 2005 , and js incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage. Deed of Trust, Ot Security Deed (the "Security Instrument"} of the same date given by the undersigned ("Borrower") to SCCDre Borrower's Pixcd/Adjustable Rate Note (the "Note") to COUNT~YWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. ("Lender") of the same date and covering lhe property described in the Security Instrument and located at: 3401 BENSON DRS, RENTON, WA 98055-5455 [Prop,:,cty Add~ss) OONV • MULTISTATE FIXEOIAOJUSTABLE RATE RIDER. WSJ One-Ye11r UBOA • Single Famlly ltm:REST ONLY 2U798-XX (04/D2)(d) Page 1 o14 ..... .L£.S DOC ID i: 00011532194410005 THE NOTE PROVIDES FOR A CHANGE IN BORROWER'S FIXED INTEREST RATE TO AN ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT BORROWER'S ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE BORROWER MUST PAY. . ADDmONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Ini.trument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: A. ADJUSTABLE RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES The Note provide..-; for an initial fixed interest rate of 6 • 2 50 %. The Note also provides for a change in the initial fixed rate to an adjustable interest rate, as follows: 4. ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES (A) Change Dates The initial fixed interMt rate I will pay will change to an adjustable interest rate on lhe first day of NOVEMBER, 201 O , and the adjustable interest rate I will pay may change on char. day eveey 12th month thereafter. The date on which my inilial fixed inteteSt rate changes to an adjustable intere.'lt rate, and each date on which my adjustable intercet rate could change, is called a "Change Date." (ll) The Index Beginning with the first Change Date, my adjustable inlere.'lt rate will be based on an Index. The "Index• is the average of interbank offered rates for one year U.S. dollar-denominated depo:riL.-; in the London market rLIBOR"), as published in the Tht Wall Srreet Journal. The most recent Index figure available as of the date 45 days before each Change Date is callM the "Current Index." If the Index js no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index that is based upon comparable information. The Note Holder will give me notice ot lhis choice. (C) Calculation of Changes Before each Change Dale, the Note Holder will calculate my new inte.rcst rate by adding TWO & ONE-QUARTER percentage points ( 2.250 %) to the current Jndex. The Note Holder wm then round the result of this addition 10 the neare.,t one-eighth of one percentage point (0.125%). Subject to the limits stated in Section 4(D) below, this rounded amount will be ll'!Y new interest rate until the next Change Date, The Note Holder will then detenni.ne the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay the unpaid principal that I am expected to owe at the Change Date in full oil the Maturity Date at my new interest rate in substantially equal paymenu;, The re.1ult of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment. (D) Llmib on Interest Rate Changes The interest rate I am required to pay at the fif6t Change Date will not be greater than 11 . 2 50 % or · less than 2. 250 %. Thereafter, my adju::itable interest rate. will never be increased or decreased on any single Change Date by more than two percentage poinlS from the rate of interest I have been paying for lhe preceding 12 monlM. My interest rate will never be greater than 11. 250 %. · (El Effective Date or Chanaes My new intereat rate will be.come effective on each Change Date. I will pay the amown of my new monthly payment beginning on the first monthly paymen1 dale after the Change D;i.te un1il the amount of my monthly payment changes again. (F) Notice of Changes The Note Holder will deliver or mail to me a notice of any changes in my initial fixed interest rate 10 an adjustable interest rate and of any changes in my adjustable interest rate before the effective date of any change. The notice will include the amount of my monthly payment, any information required by law 10 be given lo me and also the tide and telephone number of a person who will answer any question I may have regarding the notice. CONV • MIJI..TISTATE FIXEDIA0JUSTA61.E RA.Te: RIDER. WSJ O!ie·Year UBOR. Single Family INTEREST ONLY 2U7118-XX (Q,U02) Page 2 ol 4 lnili&la:.M ,uu~ ,u 11uuu..::1..::.u·14 • DOC ID f: 00011~32794410005 B. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER 1. Until Borrower's initial fixed interest rate change.<; to an adjustable interest rate under the tcnn:; stated in Section A above, Unifrum Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument shaU read as follow~: CONV Transfer of the Property or a Beneflclal Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, hlntcrcst in the Property" means any legal or beneficial interest in the Property, including, bu.t not limited to, those beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contracl or escrow agreement. the intent of which is the transfer of tiUe by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or any Intere.,;t in the Property is sold or transferred (or if Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may require immediate payment in lull of all sums secured by this Security In.-;tro.ment. f{owever, this option shall not be exerci.\ed by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. If Lender exercJses this option, Lender shalt give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice $hall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given in accordance with Section 15 within which Borrower mu.'it pay all sums seemed by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay the6c sums prior to the expiration of lhi.<; period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Secnrity Instrument without further notice or demand on Booower. 2. When Borrower's initial fixed interest rate changes .to an adjustable inlcrest rate under the tetms stated in Section A above, Uniform Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument described in Section B 1 above shall then cease to be in effect, and the provisions of Unifonn Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument shall be amended to read as follows: Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, ~Interest in the Property" means any legal or beneficial inteieSt in the Propeity, including, but not limited to, those beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed. contract for deed. installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intem of which is lhe uansfe.r of litle by Bonower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or any Inlercst in the Property is sold or transferred (or if Borrower is l'IOt a nalural persoll and a beneficial interest in Borrower is i;old or ttansferrcd) wichou1 Lender's prior written consent. Lendet may requlre immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. Lender aJso shall not Q.ercise this option if: (a) Borrower cause.,; to be submitted to Lender information required by Lendet to evaluate the intended transferee a.s if a new loan were being made to the tran11ferce; and (b) Lender rea.~onably detennines that Lender's security wiU not be impafred by the Joan assumption and that the risk of a breach of any covenant or agreement in lhili Security Instrument is acceptable to Lender. To the extent pennitted by AppJicable Law, Lender may charge a reasonable fee as a condition to Lendets consent to the loan a1.~umption. Lender also may require the uan.,fcree to sign an assumption agreement that is acceptable to Lender and that obligalcs the transferee to keep all the promises and agreements made in the Note and in this Security InstrumenL Borrower will continue to be obligated under the Note and 1his Security Instrument unless Lender releases Borrower in writing. lf Leader exercii;cs the option to requite immediate payment l"n fu!I, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a pcrlod of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given in acCO!dance with Section 15 within which B0t10wer must pay all sums sewred by thL"I Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay the.,;e sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies penniltw by this Securjty Instrument without further nolice or demand on Borrower, • MlA.TISTATEFIXEO/AOJUSTABLE RATE RIDER· WSJ0ie·YearLJ80R. Single Family INTI:RESTOIIILY '""""'.m :ZU796-XX {04/02) Page 3 of 4 4'UU01U1 /UUU:.!12.015 • DOC IO f; 00011532?94410005 BY SIGN.ING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the tenns and covenants contained in this Fixed/Adjustable Rate Rider. coov --------------~(Seal) -·- ________________ (Seal) ........ ---------------<Seal) • Borrower • MULTISTATE FIXECWADJLISTABLE RATE RIDER· WSJ Orai·YeaJ LIBOA • Slngl• FamHy INTEREST ONLY 2\J786-XX 104/02) Page 4 ol 4 ' ;.:uuo1u11uwi1 J.001 After Recotding Return To: COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. MS sv-79 DOCUMENT PROCESSING P.O.Sox 10423 2WJlltlUlf Jiil CHICAGO TtTLI DT ' 37. H ...... w '" 1e11112e ta:3e Van Nuys, CA 91410-0423 KING t TY, UA Assessor'sParcelorAccountNumber: 9485740460 & 9485740480 Abbreviated Legal Description: LOT 46 AND TRACT B, VOLUME 164 OF PLATS, PAGE 77 [Inclu(U lot, block and plat ,:ir section, lown1Wp and nnp] Full legal dt$cription located on page 2 Trustee: LS TITLli OF WASHINGTON -----------{S~ Above This Llue For Recordinit Data] 1172525-001 LGS 1£scrow/Closlng II DEED OF TRUST (Line of Credit Trust Deed) C+j . \ \ :>r'Z.$2$. \\ 00011532795210005 IOoc IO II MJN 1001337-0000890275-4 TI!ISDBllDOPTRUST,d<ted OCTOBER 10, 2005 RAYMOND E SLED, AN UNMARRIED MAN , is between This document Is second and subordinate to Deed o!Tr~"" recorded concurrently h•••"'" ,. reslding at 3401 SENSON DRS, RENTON, WA 98055-5455 the puson or persons signing as 1'Gran1or(s)" below and hereinafter refetred to as "we." "our," or ·us" and LS TITLE OF WASHINGTON aa l1'U8tCC and hereinafter referred lo al! the "Trustee," with an address at 2707 COLBY AVE SUITE 1118, EVERETI 1 WA 98201 for the benefit of MORTGAGE l!Ll!CTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTl!MS, INC., ("MERS") a Delaware corporation, with an address of P.O. Box 2026, Pline MI 48501-2026, tel. (888) 679-MERS. MERS Is lhe "Benef'icl.ary" under this Deed o!Tnlst and is acting solely as nominee for Countrywide Bank, N.A. ("Lender" or '"you") and its SUCce.,$0!S and assigns, with an address of 1199 North Fairfax St. Ste.500, Alexandria, VA 22314 PREMISES: In consideration of the loan hereinafter described, we hereby mortgage, grant and convey to the Tru81Ce dle premises located at: KING c..n,, • MERS HELOC -Daod ol Trust :2E034-WA (11/04){d) 3401 BENSON DRS, R~NTON (State, Municipalltyl Washington 98055-5455 (the MPremises"). zn, lnllals:M.. Page 1 016 20051017000213.002 DOC ID I: 00011532795210005 and ful'ther described as: LOT 46 AND TRACT B, WINSPER II 1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 184 OF PLATS, PAGES 77 THROUGH 80, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The Premises includes all buildings and other improvemenL,; now or in the future on the Premises and all rights and interests which derive from our ownership, u.,;e or possession of the Premises and all appurtenances thereto. The Premises are nol used principally for agricultural or farming purpo1cs. WE UNDERSTAND and agree that MERS is a separate cotporalion acting solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's succes.o;ors and assigns, and holds only legal title to the interests granted by us in lhis Deed of Trust, but,. if necessary lo comply with law or custom, MERS (as nominee for Lender and Lender's succ~rs and fi,<;.,;igns) has the right: to exercise any or all of tho.~e interests, including, but not limited to, the right to foreclose and sell the Property, and to take any action required of Lender including, but not limited to, releasing or canceling this Deed of Trost. TBRM: The maximum term of the Note is 25 years, including any renewals or extensions thereof. LOAN: This Deed of Tru:n wm secure your loan to us in the principal amount of$ 96, ooo. 00 or so much thereof as may be advanced andreadvanced from rime to time to RAYMOND E. SLl!:O the Bonower(s) under the Home Equity Credit Line Agreement And Di8c108W°C Statemenf. (the "'Note") dalcd OCTOBER 10, 2005 , plus inle.res, and costs, late cbaq:es and all other charges related to the loan, all of which sums are repayable according to the Note. This Deed of Trust will also secure the performance of all of the promises and agreement, made by us and each Borrower and Co-Signer in the Note. all of our promises and agreements in this Deed of Trust, any extensions, renewal'!, amendmenL~ supplcmen&s and olher modifications of the Note, and any amounts advanced by you under the lcrms of the section of this Deed of Trust enlitlcd "Ont Authority To You." Loans under the Note may be made, repaid and remade from lime Co time in accordance wilh the terms of the Note and subject to the Credit Limit set forth in lhe Nole. OWNERSJUP: We are the soJe ownu(s) of the Premi1,es. We have the legal right to mortgage. grant and convey tho Premises 10 Ille Trustee. BORROWER'S IMPORTANT OBLIGATIONS: (a) PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE: We will pay to you all amounlS secured by this Deed ofTrosl as they become due. and shall strictly pe.rfonn our obligations. (b) TAXES: We will pay all real estate taxes, assessments, water charges and sewer rents relating to the PremiSCB when the:y become due. We will not claim any credit on, O! make deduction from. the loan under lhe Note ~use we-pay these taxes and charges. We will provide you with proof of payment u.pon request (c) MAlNTHNANCE: We will maintain the building(s) on the Premises in good condiEion. We will not make major changes in lhe building(s) except for normal repairs. We will not tear down any of the building(s) on tho Premises without fil'$t getting your consenL We will not conduct or permit any nuisance or wa.ne on ot to the Premises. We will not use the Prellllses megally. If this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, we shall perform all of our obligalions under the declaration or covenants creating or governing the condominium t1r planned unit development, the by-lawS and regulations of the condominium or planned unil development and constituent documents. (d) INSURANCE: We will keep the building(s) on the Premises insured at all times against loss by fire, flood and any other hazards you may specify. We may choose lhe insurance company, bul our choice is subject lo your reasonable approval. The policies must be for at leasl the amounts and the lime periods that you specify. We will deliver to you upoa your request lhe policies or other proof of the insurance. The policies must name you as "mortgagee" and "loss-payee" so that you will receive payment on all insurance claims, to the ex1ent of your interest under lhis Deed ofTrus~ before we do. The insurance policies mu!! also provid&J'.u be given • MER& HELOC. Died of TMI ... 11:ff: 2EQ3.4-WA(11/04) Pag92ol5 20051017000213.003 DOC ID f: 00011532795210005 not Jess than 10 days prior written notice of any cancellation or reduction in coverage, for any reason. Upon request, we shall deliver the policies, certificate.<:: or other evidence of insurance to you. In the event of loss or damage to the Premises," we will immediately notify you in wrlting and file a proof of loss with the insurer. You may file a proof of loss on our behalf if we fail or refu/i'e to do so. You may also sign our name to any check, draft or other order for the paymenl of insurance proceeds in the event of loss or damage 10 lhe Premises. Ir you receive payment of a claim, you will have the right to choose to use lhe money eilher to repair the Premises or to reduce the amount owing on the Note. (e) CONDEMNATION: We assign to you the proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation or other taking of the Premises, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, all of which shall be paid to you, subject lo the terms or any Prior Deed of Trust. (f) GOVERNMENT AL REQUIREMENTS: We will comply with all laws, ordinancc.'il and re.guJations applicable to lhe use or occupancy of the Premises. (g) SECURI1Y INTEREST: We will join with you in signing and filing dOC1.1ments and, at our expense, in doing whatever you believe i.'il nee~ to perfect and continue the perfection of your lien and security interest in the Premises. It is agreed that the Lender shall be subrogated to the claim.'il and liens of aJI parties whose claims or liens are discharged or paid. with the proceeds of tile Agreement secured hereby. (h) OUR AUTIIORlTY TO YOU: If we fail to perform our obligations under Lhis De.ed of Trust, you may, if you choose. perfOJJJl our obligation.~ and pay such costf; end expenses. You wm add lhe amounts you advance to. lhe sums owing on the Note, on which you will charge inlerest at the interest rate set forth in the Note. If, for example, we fail to honor our promise.~ to maintain insurance in effect, or IO pay fifing fees, taxes 01 the costs necessary to keep tho Premises in good condition and repair or to perfonn any of our other agreements with you. you may, if yon choose, advance any sums to satisfy any of our agreements with you and charge ns interest on such advancC6 at the interest rate /iet forth in the Note. This Deed of Trust secures all six:h advances.. Your payments on our behalf will not cure our failure to perfonn our promises in this Deed of Trust. Arry replacement .insurance that you obtain to cover loss or damages to the Premises may be limiled to the amount owing on the Note pion the amount of any Prior Deeds of Trust (i) PRIOR DEED OF TRUST: If the provisions of this paragraph are completed, this Deed of Trust is subjectandsubordinatetoapriordeedoftrostdated OCTOBER 05, 2005 and given by us for the benefit of COUNTRYWIDE a., beneficiary, in lhe original amount of$ 384,000.00 (the "Prior Deed of Trust"). We shall not increase. amend ot modify the Prior Deed of Trust without your prior written consent and shall upon receipt of any written notice from the holder of the Prior Deed of Trust promptly deliver a copy of such notice to you. We shall pay and perfOim all of our obligations under the Prior Deed of Trust 8$ and when required under the Prior Deed of Trust. (D HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES: We shall not cause or pennit the pre.'ICncc. use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances on or in the Premises. We :'mall noc do, nor allow anyone else 10 do, anything affecting the Premi.selJ that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two senlences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on lhe Premises of small quantities or Hazan:lous Substances that are generally .reoognii.ed IO be appropriate to nonnal residential uses and to maintenance of the Premises. As used in this paragraph, "Hazardowi Substances" are those substancc.'il defined as toxic or lu.-zardous substances by Environmental Law and the following substances: ga~oline, kerosene, ocher flammable or loxic pclroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or fonna1dehyde, and radioactive materials, ~ used in this paragraph, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Premises are located that relate to health, sarety or environmental protection. (k) SALB OF PREMISES: We will not sell, transfer ownership of, mortgage or otherwise dispose of our interest in the Premises, in whole or in part, or permit any other lien or claim against the PJCIJUses without your prior written c:oMcnt. (I) INSPECTION: We will permit you to inspect the Premises at any reasonable time. NO LOSS OF RIGHTS: The Note and this Deed of Trust may be negotiated or assigned by you without releasing us or the Premises. You may add or relea~e any person or property obligated under the Nole and this Deed of Trust without losing your rightll in the Premise.~. DEP'AULT: Except as may be prohibited by applicable law, and subject to any advance notice and cure period if required by applicable law, if any event or condition of default as described in the Note occurs, the Trustee may foreclose upon this Deed of Trosl by notice and sale or may foreclose judicially, in either ca.-;e in accordance with aud to tbe extent provided by law. You may bid at any public sale on all or any portion of the • MEAS HELOC • Deed of Trust lnlHals: td. 2EOJ4-WA(11/04) Page3 of5 20051017000213.004 DOC ID t, 00011532795210005 Property. In addition, you ot the Trn:s.tee may, in accordance with applicable Jaw, (i) enter on and take posse~on of the Pl'tllllse.,;; (ii) collect the rental payments, including over-due rental paymenL'il, directly from tenants; (iii) manage the Fremises; and (iv) sign, cancel and change leases. We agree that the inte.re!U rate set forth in the Note will continue before and after a default, entry of a judgment and foreclosure or public sale. In addition, you shall be entitled to collect all reasonable fees and cos~ actually incurred by you in proceeding to foreclw.urc or to public sale, including, buc noc limited to, trustee's fees, reasonable attorneys tees (whether or not there is a judicial proceeding) and COSL'il of documentary evidence, ab.'illlllCL'l and title reports. ASSIGNMENT OP RENTS; APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER: A3 additional security, we assign to you the rents of lhe Premises. You or a receiver appointed by the courts sha11 be entit]ed to enter upon, take pOssClision of and manage the Premises and collect the renL'l of the. Premises including thooe past due. WAIVERS: 1'0 the extent pennitted by applicable law, we waive and release any error or defcets in proceedings to enforce this Deed of Trust and hereby waive the benefit of any present or furore laws providing for stay of exectation, extension of time. exemption from attachment, levy and sale and homestead exemption. BINPING BFFeCT: Each of us shall be fully responsible for all of the promises and agreements in this Deed of T.rusl. Until the Noto bas been paid in full and your obligation to make further advances "Under lhe Note has been terminated, the provisions of this Deed of Trust will be binding on us, our legal representatives, our heirs and all fututc owners of the Premises. This Deed of Trust is for your benefit and for the benefit of anyone to whom you may assign it. Upon payment in full of all amounl.'I owing tQ you under Che Note and this Deed of Trust, and provided any obligation to make further advance.'i under the Nole has terminated, lhis Deed of Trust and your rights in the Premises shall end. NOTICE: Bxcept for any notice reqWred under applicable law to be given in anothe.r manner. (a} any notice to us provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by regular first class mail addressed lO us al the last address appearing in your records or at such other address as we may designate by notice to you as provided herein, and (b) any notice to you shall be given by certified mail, rerurn receipt requested. to your addrCS8 at PorMERS: P.O. Bo, 2026, Flin~ MI 48501-2026 PorLendcr: 1199 North Fairtax St. Ste.500, Alexandria, VA 22314 or to such other adchess as you may designale by notice to u,;. Any notice provided for in lhiS: Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given !O us or you when given in the manner designated herein. RELBASI!: Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trm:t and provided. your obligation lo make further advancc3 under the Note has terminated, the Trustee shall d.ischargG this Deed of Trust without charge to us, except that we shall pay any fees for recording of a re conveyance of this Deed of Trust. SBVBRABILITY: If any _provision in thi1> Deed of Trust is held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. GENERAL: You or the Trustee can waive or delay enforcing any of your rights under this Deed of Trust without losing them. Any waiver by you of any provisions of this Deed of Trus< will not be a Waiver of that or any other provision on any other occasion. SUBS'ITIUI'E 'IRUSTEB: Lender may, from time to time., appoint a successor trustee by an instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in the county in which this Deed of Trust is recorded, and upon such recordation the successor trustee shall become ve.~ed wilh the same powers, rights:, dutie., and authority of the Trustee with the same effect as if originally made Trus1ee hereunder. MBR.GER: Then:. shall be no merger of the interei,;c ot e.,;cate created by Ibis Deed or Trust with any other csta.tc or inlerC8l in the Premise., at any time held by you or for your benefit without your written consent ORAL AGREEMENTS OR ORAL COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT, OR TO FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEIIT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. • MERS HELOC ~ De&d QfTru$1 2E034•WA (11/04) Po1ge4of5 lnlttal$:t.d ~UUb1U1IUUU~13.U05 ' DOC ID t: 00011532795210005 TIIlS DEED OF 1RUST has been signed by each of us under seal on the date firi;t above wriucn. -Gnn7,",~'-,"'RA""',"--"'N_,1~DzEe,."""s1_E_,r_..,j;_M;.c-="'---------(SEAL) ------------------<SEAL> ___________________ (SEAL) Gn,nttt: --------------------(SEAL) Grantor: STATE OF WASHINGTON } ss: County of Ki/IA t1 [ ( /. _1 On this day poisbnaJly appeared before me _ __,_&z,.._,gz,i¥"~"-'M=--=---""di,.t'la..=------- to me known to be the iodivi,:!---dCJ;Cribed in and who ~tcd the within and foR:.going insll'Ufl\Cnt, and acknowledged dial . signed the same as Y1". free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purpo$CS therein mentioned. OIVBN under my hand and official seal lhi5 ( day of ocfthtr lh1na /h {l1t<-t Notj\9' Public in and for the State of Washington, resi(ling at !'--inf- My Appointment 8xphca on _f~-1~4~--o~q ____ _ • MEFIS HELOC • Deed of Trust 2E()34..WA (11/04) Page 5 of 5