HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-08-011_Misc, - . : . TACOMA. SEATTLE Preliminary Technical Information Report · PREPAR ED ··FOR: ColurnbiaBank c/o · Zenczak&Partners Architects, AlA 4545 5 uniOn Avenue, Suite 200 · Tacoma l WA 98409-4528 · PROJECT: Columbia Bank -Renton City of Renton, Washington 207533.10 PREPARED BY: GlennC. Hume, P.E. 'ProjectEngineer REVIEWED BY: Sean M. Comfort, P;E. Principal November 2007 . Civil Engik~ers.--'. '~tructuraJ Engir'ief!rs • Landscape Archite~ts • Commu~ity Planners ... LaridSurvejors • Neigfib6rs: .. '. • I hereby state that this Preliminary Technical Information Report for Columbia Bank -Renton has been prepared by me or under my supervision and meets the standard of care and expertise that Is usual and customary In this community for professional engineers. I understand that the City of Renton does not and will not assume liability for the suffidency , suitability, or performance of drainage fadlltles prepared by me. Preliminary Technical Information Report PREPARED FOR: Columbia Bank c/o Zenczak & Partners Architects, AlA 4545 S Union Avenue, Suite 200 Tacoma, WA 98409-4528 PROJECT: Columbia Bank -Renton City of Renton, Washington 207533.10 PREPAREO BY: Glenn C. Hume, P.E. Project Engineer REVIEWEO BY: Sean M. Comfort, P.E. Principal November 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 Project Overview ................... " ................................................................................. 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................ 1 1. 2 Existing Conditions ........................................................................................ 1 1.3 Post-Development Conditions ......................................................................... 2 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary ..................................................................... 2 2.1 Core Requirements ........................................................................................ 2 2.2 Special Requirements .................................................................................... 4 2.3 Preliminary Plat and SEPA Conditions .............................................................. 5 3.0 Off-Site Analysis ...................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Downstream Analysis .................................................................................... 5 3.2 Upstream Analysis ......................................................................................... 5 4.0 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design ........................................ 5 4.1 Water Quality System .................................................................................... 6 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and DeSign ................................................................... 6 6.0 Special Reports And Studies ...................................................................................... 7 7.0 Conclusion ................................ " ...................... , ...................................................... 7 APPENDICES AppendixA Figures A-1 .................. Vicinity Map A-2 .................. Soils Map A-3 .................. Existing Conditions Map A-4 .................. Developed Conditions Map A-s .................. Downstream Drainage Map A-6 .................. FEMA Flood Map Appendix B TIR Worksheet Appendix C Hydrologic Analysis C-l .................. Drainage Basin Map C-2 .................. Existing Conditions Basin Summary C-3 .................. Existing Conditions 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph C-4 .................. Developed Basin Summary C-s .................. Developed Basin 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph C-6 .................. Treatment #1 Basin Summary C-7 .................. Treatment #1 Hydrograph C-8 .................. Treatment #2 Basin. Summary C-9 .................. Treatment #2 Hydrograph C-10 ................ Treatment #3 Basin Summary C-11 ................ Treatment #3 Hydrograph C-12 ................ Catch Basin Stormfilter C-13 ................ Existing Bioswale Basin 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Purpose and Scope This report accompanies the site development application for the Columbia Bank -Renton project. The project site is located In the City of Renton In the northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. This Site is located at 225 Southwest 7th Street (see Appendix A, Figure A-1 for Vicinity Map). The Columbia Bank project Is located on a leased portion of parcel 19230S9072 with the proposed developed area totaling approximately one acre. The project proposes the construction of a two story commercial building totaling approximately 8,600 square feet. The project site is accessed from the existing commercial approaches from SW 7th Street as part of the larger existing commercial development. The project will include paved surface parking, stormwater management systems, sewer, water, and other utilities required for the new development. The design for this project meets or exceeds the requirements of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), which establishes the methodology and design criteria used for this project. 1.2 Existing Conditions The Site has previously been prepared as a commercial pad as part of the 'Bonnell Property Proposed Retail' project. The proposed project area is predominately gravel surfaced with areas of existing concrete curb, Sidewalk, and asphalt paved aprons entering the Site. The existing project site has been previously graded for drainage. Existing stormwater runoff from the site sheet flows towards several existing catch basins where it is collected and discharged to the existing stormwater conveyance system. The majOrl~ of the project site Is direct discharged to the public conveyance system located in SW 7t Street. A portion of the existing site runoff Is conveyed by underground pipe to an existing bloswale west of the project site. The bloswale provide treatment prior to the stormwater runoff being discharged to the existing storm system in SW 7th Street. An existing sanitary sewer main enters the site from the east. There Is an existing 12-lnch water main north of the Site In SW 7th Street and a water main located south of the project Site. Power and other utilities are located adjacent to the project site. The NRCS Solis Map Indicates that Urban Land (Ur) Is the predominant soil class on the site. For stormwater modeling purposes, Urban Land Is considered a Type C soil. The site lies within the Black River sub-basin of the Duwamlsh-Green River Basin Washington (Appendix A, Figure A·5 for the Downstream Drainage Map). 1 _sa 1.3 Post-Development Conditions The Columbia Bank project Is located on a leased portion of parcel 1923059072 with the proposed developed area totaling approximately one acre. The project proposes the construction of a two story commercial building totaling approximately 8,600 square feet. The project site is accessed from the existing commercial approaches from SW 7th Street as part of the larger existing commercial development. The project includes 32 proposed asphalt paved parking spaces with required circulation aisles. Pedestrian facilities provide connection to the sidewalk along SW 7th Street as well as to the Internal pedestrian circulation system of the larger eXisting commercial development. A Proposed project area summary is provided In Section 2.1.3 of this report. 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 2.1 Core Requirements 2.1.1 C.R. #1 -Discharge at the Natural Location Currently, runoff from the project site flows to several existing catch basin where It Is collected and discharged to the storm system In SW 7th Street. This flow pattern will be matched in the developed conditions. 2.1.2 C.R. #2 -Off-Site Analysis AHBL staff performed a Levell off-site drainage analysis In November of 207. The analysis Included: • Defining and mapping the study area; • Reviewing available information on the study area; • Field Inspecting the study area; and • Analyzing the existing drainage system Including its existing and predicted problems, If any. The downstream conveyance system consists of an eXisting storm drainage system located In SW 7'h Street. The existing 60-lnch diameter storm main Hows to the west for a distance greater than V. mile downstream from the proposed project. To our knowledge there are no existing downstream restrictions and the project site will only slightly Increase the Hows through this system. Therefore, the downstream conveyance system should have adequate capacity to convey the additional flows from this project. 2.1.3 C.R. #3 -Runoff Control The lOO-year, 24-hour existing conditions and developed peak runoff rate are 0.657 cfs and 0.793 cfs, respectively. This Is a difference of 0.136 cfs. The increase Is less than 0.50 cfs for the lOO-year, 24-hour storm event; therefore stormwater quantity control facilities are not required for this project. The 2 liM- 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 existing condition and developed peak runoff rates were determined based on the following project area breakdown. Existing (ac) Proposed (ac) eN Sidewalk 0.022 0.044 98 Asphalt 0.016 0.492 98 Gravel 0.801 -89 Roof Area -0.200 98 Landscape 0.126 0.229 86 Water quality will be provided by a combination of catch basin stormfilters and the existing bioswale. C.R. #4 -Conveyance System the proposed project Indudes the construction of minimal new conveyance systems. Runoff from the site will be collected In a series of catch basins and conveyed via underground pipe to the existing conveyance system. Conveyance system calculations will be provided as part of the final engineering submittal. C.R.'#S -Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan A preliminary erosion and sediment control plan has been included with the Site plan submittal package. A final erosion control plan and report will be included with the final engineering submittal. . C.R. #6 -Maintenance and Operations A maintenance plan for the storm water management system will be provided as part of the flnal engineering submittal. C.R. #7 -Bonds and Liability This project will provide for a Drainage Facilities Restoration and Site Stabilization Financial Guarantee and a maintenance and defect bond. C.R. #8 -Water Quality Water quality Is proposed to be provided through a combination of proposed catch basin stormfilters and the existing bioswale west of the project site, Detailed discussion of the water quality system is provided in Section 4.1. 3 j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j 2.2 Special Requirements 2.2.1 S.R. #1 -Critical Drainage Areas The project does not lie within a critical drainage area. 2.2.2 Compliance with an Existing Master Drainage Plan The project does not lie within an area covered by an approved Master Drainage Plan. 2.2.3 Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan The project does not meet any of the conditions requiring a Master Drainage Plan. 2.2.4 Adopted Basin or Community Plans The project does not lie within an area with an adopted Basin or Community Plan. 2.2.5 Special Water Quality Controls The project does not meet any of the conditions requiring special water quality controls. 2.2.6 Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators The project does not meet any of the conditions requiring a coalescing plate Oil/water separator. 2.2.1 Closed Depressions The project does not discharge to a closed depression. 2.2.8 Use of Lakes, Wetlands or Closed Depressions for Peak Rate Runoff Control The project does not use lakes, wetlands, or closed depressions for peak rate runoff control. 2.2.9 Delineation of 100-Year Floodplain To our knowledge, there are no floodplains associated with the project Site. 2.2.10 Flood Protection Facilities for Type 1 and Type 2 Streams The project does not meet the any of the conditions requiring flood protection facilities. 4 2.2.11 Geotechnical Analysis and Report The project site does not include steep slopes. A geotechnical engineering report has not been prepared for the project site. 2.2.12 Soils Analysis and Report The soils underlying the project have been accurately mapped by the NRCS; an additional soils analysis and report has not been prepared. 2.3 Preliminary Plat and SEPA Conditions To be determined. 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 3.1 Downstream Analysis The downstream conveyance system consists oran eXisting storm drainage system located In SW 7th Street. The existing 50-Inch diameter storm main flows to the west for a distance greater than v. mile downstream from the proposed project. To our knowledge there are no existing downstream restrictions and the prpject site will only slightly Increase the flows through this system. Therefore, the downstream conveyance system should have adequate capacity to convey the additional flows from this project. 3.2 Upstream Analysis The project site does not receive 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND QESIGN As stated earlier, stormwater peak discharge controls are not required per the 0.5 cfs increase exemption. Stormwater quality control systems are provided for the project. The stormwater components of this project were analyzed with the aSSistance of StormSHED'". The following Is a summary of the assumptions made and data used In the conveyance, treatment, and detention calculations. Methodology: Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) Rainfall Distribution: Type lA Rainfall Depth: Treatment = 0.67" 2-year, 24-hour = 2.00" lOO-year, 24-hour = 3.90" 5 4.1 Water Quality System In order to evaluate/size the water quality system, the project is separated Into five sub- basins. The following Is a description of each of the sub-basins. Treatment Basin # 1 -This basin consists of the eastern parking area. Stormwater runoff from this basin is proposed to be treated by use of a catch basin stormfilter. Treatment Basin #2 -This basin consists of the northern vehicle circulation drive. Stormwater runoff from this basin is proposed to be treated by use of a catch basin storm filter • Treatment Basin #3 -This basin consists of the western parking area. Stormwater runoff from this basin Is proposed to be treated by use of a catch basin stormfilter. Treatment Basin #4 -This basin consists of the southern vehicle circulation drive. Stormwater runoff from this basin is proposed to be discharged to the existing bioswale east of the project site for stormwater treatment. The existing bioswale was designed to Include approximately 4800 square feet of Impervious area from the proposed project site area, see Figure C-13. This project proposes to discharge runoff from 3,270 square feet of Impervious area and 1,460 square feet of landscape area to the bloswale through the existing conveyance system. The proposed basin area Is less than the original design area. Treatment Basin #5 -This basin consists of the roof area of the proposed building. The projected roof area is approximately 8,728 square feet. Runoff from this basin Is considered 'clean'. The runoff will bypass the proposed treatment systems and be discharged directed to the downstream conveyance. Stormwater water quality control for Treatment basins #1 through #3 is proposed to be provided by catch basin stormfilters as diagramed In Figure C-12. The following table provides a breakdown of the treatment basin areas and the treatment design flow. Each single-cartridge stormfilter can treat up to 15 gallons per minute (0.033 cfs). The following table shows that the peak treatment flow rate for each of the three basins is less than 0.033 cfs. Therefore, the single-cartridge units provide the required treatment. Asphalt (ac) Sidewalk (ac) Landscape (ae) Peak Runoff (cfs) rreatment # 1 0.154 0.029 0.045 0.022 rreatment #2 0.080 -0.066 0.010 reatment #3 0.168 0.017 0.071 0.022 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The proposed project Includes the construction of minimal new conveyance systems. Runoff from the site will be collected in a series of catch basins and conveyed via underground pipe to the existing conveyance system. Conveyance system caieulations will be provided as part of the final engineering submittal. 6 The calculations will show that the proposed conveyance system has adequate capacity to convey the 25-year, 24-hour and the 100-year, 24-hour runoff events. The conveyance basins will be based on full project build out areas. A minimum scouring velocity of 2 feet per second will be provided in all pipe reaches 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES No special reports or studies have been prepared at this time. 7.0 CONCLUSION This project is designed to meet the 1990 KIng County Surface Water Design Manual guidelines for stormwater management. This analysis Is based on data and records either supplied to or obtained by AHBL, Inc. These documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared utilizing procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry. We conclude that this project, as proposed, will not create any new problems within the existing downstream drainage system. AH~ ~Ienn C. H me, ... p.J."E'.V'-....... '.JC Project Engineer GCH/sca November 2007 Q:\2007\207S33\WORDPROC\REPORTS\2007l119_Storm_llR_207S33.doc 7 APPENDIX A Figures A-l .......... Vicinity Map A-2 .......... Soils Map A-3 .......... Existing Conditions Map A-4 .......... Developed Conditions Map A-S .......... Downstream Drainage Map A-6 •.••••••.• FEMA Flood Map VICINITY MAP SCALE 1"=1/4 MILE .. ----- "'--1fr======9~~ ~ ..... - 5 2111 Sf T A COM A SeA TTL E "1------,iii=~~~:'&.------___j111 2215No1t13011Sw.1,Wt3OC,T.x....,WAIIM03 253.333.2422 TeL II '-ICW'. , .... 1200SbfI*-"StUII,8uilJICJ,SIIIIIe,WA8!l101 2IlI.2612425 Ta ........ A-1 -------TACOMA' SEATTLE mSNIdI:IDI!IhII.a...IQO,T-.WAtI403 ~m. lJ1OSIII""'WI,W.I&3I.SMft.WA_1OI 2GU6f.2'2i Ttl IOU IIAJI A-2 I I ' , I I I I I .1' " " 1 I', I 'I I ~ : I l I i ',I [', Me )) / TACOMA, $EAT.TLE m5Mcd1 ..... MXll.T-.WA.." mJIUIZ!lR ...... 8dI. ......... wtr..,0! ailtXlllEL I ,I : I 1 I' 1 ! 1 1 ,I A-3 .1 I • r II A-4 A-S lIT! , CITY OF RENTON 530088 APf'fIOXlMATE SCALE IN FEET 500 ===0 ~ ~-,~ -~, --_r __ IAn .• U a CD • c a I~! I f I ~~ II ! J Ii ~. =Ir :h .~ u ;~ oq ujl ~~~ · , APPENDIX B TIR Worksheet King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Project Owner: Columbia Bank Mr. Hugo Vanderwaal Address: 1301 A Street, Suite 800 Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone Project Engineer: Glenn Hume, P.E. Company AHBL, Inc. Short Subdivision X Grading X Commercial Other ________ _ Community Green River Valley Drai nage Basin Project Name: Columbia Bank -Renton Location Township 23N Range 5E ............. Section NW!4, 19 DFW HPA COE 404 DOE Dam Safety FEMA Floodplain COE Wetlands Shoreline Management Rockery Structural Vaults Other Black River/ Duwamish-Green River River Stream __________ _ Critical Stream Reach Depressions/Swales Lake ____________ ___ Steep Slopes ________ _ Floodplain ________ _ Wetlands _________ _ SeepS/Springs High Groundwater Table Groundwater Recharge cnher __________ __ B-t X X X X X X Soil Type Ur Slopes 0% Additional Sheets Attached REFERENCE Additional Sheets Attached MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION Se.dimerrtation Facilities Stabilized Construction Entrance Perimeter Runoff Control Clearing and Grading Restrictions Cover Practices Construction Sequence Other Erosion Potential Slight to Moderate Erosive Velocities LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION X Stabilize Exposed Surface X Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities X Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris X Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities X Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas Other B·2 Grass Lined Tank Infiltration Method of Analysis Channel SBUH Vault Depression X Pipe System Flow Dispersal Compensation/Mitigati Energy Dissapator on of Eliminated Site Open Channel Wetland Waiver Storage Dry Pond Stream Regional Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation Stormwater runoff is collected in a series of catch basins and discharged to the existing conveyance system on, and adjacent, to the project site. Treatment is provided for a portion of the site through three proposed catch basin stormfilter type units. Roof area will be discharge directly to the storm conveyance system bypassing treatment. A portion of the site will discharge to the existing conveyance system tributary to the existing bioswale for treatment. Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Cast in Place Vault Retaining Wall Rookery> 4' High Structural on Steep Slope Other Limitation X Access Easement Native Growth Protection Easement Tract X Other Utilities lor a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have viSited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. B-3 APPENDIX C Hydrologic Analysis C-l .................. Drainage Basin Map C-2 .................. Existing Conditions Basin Summary C-3 .................. Existing Conditions lOO-year, 24-hour Hydrograph C-4 .................. Developed Basin Summary c-s .................. Developed Basin lOO-year, 24-hour Hydrograph C-6 .................. Treatment #1 Basin Summary C-7 .... ~ ............. Treatment #1 Hydrograph C-8 .................. Treatment #2 Basin Summary C-g .................. Treatment #2 Hydrograph C-10 ................ Treatment #3 Basin Summary C-ll ................ Treatment #3 Hydrograph C-12 ................ Catch Basin Stormfilter C-13 ................ Existing Bioswale Basin 1 1 , 1 1 I 1 ,I' , 1 I 1 :1 1 ~ 1 I 1 1 ,I 1 M-I 1 1 1 I r 1 1 1 I I III--f':;i 1 1 I 1 1 I II .1 I • i I I I 'I I; I I '.~ .1 I 1 I IA8III1AP C-1 EXISTING CONDITIONS Event Summary rr---f--------~ft".-.---.------~i·-J .. -··'·' .. -·-....... , ....... _-------·'1--------,_ .. __ m_.~ .. ,.n_-._, !ifu'en!Jiteak q (ct.:s):i!,eak '! (~~!J[l!rd-"!lljll:~tl)I~!_~i'!Clil~~ll!J.li.!!!y~J 1~@~JI. __ 8·01 __ :CI~I~:~~jl~~[~~ Record.Id: EXISTING CONDITIONS I II . I i II I Ii I C-2 • C·3 • • DEVELOPED Event Summary ~;~~j~~k Q-(~~~~.TQ;!Sj[H~d_V~!J~C:f![I~~~i~JIM~~~~II~;;jn~ei l~l_~~~1_.JL~.:-.-()()_ . .JD:??J7. __ I._~Qjl~~L~Y!.~ Record Id: DEVELOPED 0.7931 cfs -0.6572 cfs = 0~1359 cfs (less than 0.50 cfs; therefore, detention is not required) C-4 • • c·s • • TREATMENT #1 Event Summary ll!!en~lPeak _9 (cfs)Jlpl!ll~j_(h~i:ru;[v,;;n~cftjlIA~~.(~C)j[~;th~!~~t,,;jl I~I 0.0218 i[ 8.~ 1 ._o:.oO!~.j 0:228D.JlliUI:Ijr~:PEl~j, Record Id: TREATMENT #1 . --. .. _,._ .. --_.-" ....•. " .. , -.. -. -J~~ali-~-'-----"."._----... -- I[Design Me~od -- _II SBUH J TYPElA~ .--~.---_ ....... ,--- IH~dIntv __ oj[ 10.00 min ilPeaking Factor ~L484.00 I I I J __ __ JAbstra.::tion Coeff il 0.20 ! --.... -.~. ,'---". ., ....... -----.. IPervious Area (AMC_ 2) ___ ._._ ___ !I_-0.05 ac jDCIA II 0.18 ac I IPervious CN ie 86.00-IIDC CN --- II ] 98.00 _. --'.------~ -::=J[ Ipervious TC ·'i-------[P. 5.00 min i -.--_; _. 5. OO.lllin i DC TC_ --~ ---_ .. - I[ .-.J Pervious CN Calc -... .. ~-.---.. -._ .. __ ." ._. . ----.. .-.... _-.. I[ _Descri.p.!ion ___ .. I. SubArea _.;[--_. Sub en I , II . _-_. ----.--. ....... _ ... .. --~.~~.---.. _ .. --~~-. .--. .J LANDSCAPE jl 0.05 ac iL 86.00 [ ._- IL P~rviou~ Composited _CN (AMC 2) -IL 86,00 _ I IL -_._"u._~ -_. -- 1 Pervious TC Calc -----jl. ----_ .. - II Type iL Description ._J _l:ength _~lope !I Coeff jL_ Mise II TT _J , --Il!:Eted I[None Ente~~d " ....J~.OOmin I -... J -..-.. --. .. -.--- !I Pervious TC J[ 5.00 min I --. .,.,------, -"----_. _.-_. ------_. -._ .... ----.. .J ----. __ . - I[ D!rectIy Col1.n..e.£led CN C&!~_ I -.. -._-..-I! ![ Description JL SubArea ~L Sub cn [I I[ -... - J[ -.JL Proposed Asphalt 0.15 ac 98.00. I: ---, .. ----,--,----- I[ .Proposed Sidewalk I[ 0.03 ac I[ 98.00 II .-. -II I DS: 0>m!'.ositedCN (;we 2) lL_. __ 98.00 .---.-._. .-._-_ ... -~-.---... ----JI -- I[ -_. -,-_. .. _pirectly C()'Jlnected ~C 9Ilc ___ >.A",""_ ,--,---_. ---..J i[ Type I[ Description IL. Lengtb t.§Jope LCoeff ![ Mise II TT I .. --' I .---.J I!:..ixe~ I[j-Ion,e Entered. __ --C._. ___ • __ ~o ... __ ·_."._· _.-.. _ ..... ... ... . ------_]?,OOmin -J I Directly Connected TC JL 5.00min I I ---.~ .. -.- C-6 • ID: TREATMENT #1 -Treat I i C-7 TREATMENT #2 Event Summary '~ventl~9 !cfS)!~i_{~2:I~id.~~I~cft):I~~~,<a~llf~etb.,!d!~~~: ~L.i0095 . L.'!2Q_:[JJJJQ3~jl_QJ~[i;!~'ijlti~J Record Id: TREATMENT #2 1Fn::===== .. ====;...... . ...... -.... . ... J!)es!gn Method .. 1. S~UH JlRainfall type .II TYPEl A ! IHyd Intv .. .l IO,QQ.min !Ipeaking Factor II 484.00 J 1:=1 ===.== ... ~"' .. ""."" .. "' ... = ... =_.= ... _=~J~i . ..mJ~bstra~()n C~ .. _ .. _.J!. O.2~ ... ....! IPervious Area (AMC 2) . _._ f 0,07 a" JIDCIA.. ... _ __ II 0.08ac I IPervious CN.. .lL 86.00 _J!&fN 3L 98.00 ..J I§====~~============c_~~ ~ IPervious TC . 'i .. 5.00 n:!!' i~C TC ....... ..iL . .2,OO min--.J Ipr=======·=·==D~'·=~~-ri=·p=ti=~~~==== ... ~ .. ~ ... ~p~~~'=~~'=::~U~T".~ilr.C~ .. =.N~~C:a1:C:~~=~:b=.=A:rea::~'=~.=.=~: .. =·='·~.=:'~·=wil~L:::s:;:b·=~~=·=·-=~=_='~~·~j'llillll II ..... -'--"LANDSCAPE . ... 0.07 ac II 86.00 II II .. . Pervious Com]Josi~~dc:;NJA~C 2) ...--JL 86.00 . j .-. . -, .. , -_ . Fixed :~ne Entered .... 'n'" J~.OOmin Ji _.-.JI-. _._---... __ .. _. . -_." -. . . Pervious TC -..11 5~00 min. r Description il Length il Slope I[ CoetT JL Misc II JI TT II IlL--_ .. .....J D~~ectry C:;0I1nected CN Calc II Description il SubArea ...-JI Subcn .-..1 --._._._._.-. -'L P~posed Asp~~~ . JI. 0.08 ac II 98.00 J .. _. ... --.. ,I DC Composited eN CAMe 2) II 98.00 I --,-, ... -.. I Directly Connected TC Calc I L~ ![ ~ri~on 1:. Len;ili .JI.S!o~.J CoetT JL.M.isc.J[ TT ] •. . IIFixed iINo~~ Entered -...JI .. IIS.OOmin ] II . .~--.-.. -.. Directly S:onnecte~ 'Ie .-. •.... __ ....• ."~.-~-~-.. -, J[_ S:Q.Dmin .J I c-s • • TMENT #2 . Treat I C·9 • TREATMENT #3 Event Summary [E;~I~~~_Q ~~s)!I!,eak. i.ih~~iH;d:Y.~j . .(~.cft2IAi~ (~~~IM~th~i~~j~ 1~[._<!:!l~~.J_.~:2Q.._J __ .Q:Q277 ...... ' IQ~!UI~I!~!:!.'I!Y!,~l~! Record Id: TREATMENT #3 IHyd Intv _ II .10.00 ffiiiJlPeaking Factor II 484.00 II [ ..... ...... JI..m··jc[A,::bS:c'tro=a=cti=o=.II=.C=Oeff=·=···=··~==1!rL=:=:o',::,2°==011 IPervious Area (:AMC 2) .' L.o,Q2 ac J~cD=:C=:IA~=.=_= ... =_ =._=. =_=., ===\J r[=0:,:.1=:9=:ac==iJI IPervious CN :[. 86.00 I\DC CN JI 98.00 i IPervious TC _ JL ~OO min JDC TC ......JI 5.00 min-.J [ Pervious CN Calc -------.-.- .... .. !>.~ .. tion .m_ ...•.•.. _... 1 .. m. Sub.~!ea .. _ .•.. _... .JL_ Sub cn LANDSCAPE ........ l . 0.07 ac -..J[ 86.00 Perv~ous Composited CN (AMC.?) ][ 86.00 .. 1 f L I, ~I [ . Pervious TC Calc Ii l/jIfue Entered. .. .._.J [ ...... . .. .. __ • _ _ J15.00 min II --II Iii ,I I Type Pervious TC ]I_5.00min L Directly Connected CN Calc I 1 II .. Description.. ~_JL_ SubArea. II Sub CD I! II Proposed Asphalt ._ .. wJL ... _ 0.17 ac _ 0]1 98.00 JI II Proposed Sidewalk .. JL 0.02 ac II 98.00 II t. ..... ..~~CompositedCN(A..MC 2) ..... _._ _ .. ___ .iL.... 98.00 .I! ---," - I . ._.. d •• __ Direct!y ColIll.ected TC Cal~ 'n' _ ... _ _o_::J 'II Type IL Description II Length 0fiPe II Coeff II MIse II TT II . !Eed Jl~~ne Entered.. . Di;l!lY Co~n~ct~~ TC .. -.-.--".--........ -....... .. ir:9.0 5~mi~"'-11 ColO ID: TREATMENT #3· Treat C-lt • • --.--,., ... .....-. etA #ltimall m UEeLCATCHMSIN S avlLl"ER PlANt MD IECTID'II '-'lEW'S SiIlNOARDDETAlL·1 CJa1RDGEUHIT C-12 • I ~ T .... COMA SEATTLE ----~-- 2215M1rt1D .. SulItXlO,J-. ... ..03 2!3.3WC2TEL IltillSIdIA\IIIukUll.s.a'ao. .... WII.101 1III52I1~ TEl .-.. ~ .. ~,-. (",~" n_""!:1 , ~,~.~~.~ : ".1'o"'~"i'" •• J, r I I ~;. ,- . ..j .. ~ T C-13 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefore; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Exclusions from Coverage (appearing herein) and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault ofthe Company. In Witness lWlereof, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this commitment to be signed and sealed as of the date of policy shown in Schedule A, the policy to become valid when countersigned by an authorized signatory. Issued by: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFI'H AVENUE, #3400 SEATTLE, WA 98104 (206) 628-5666 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BY: ~}~L President BY: ~c/JI /~ CMJACKTl/RDA/0300 CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The tenn "mortgage," when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in &hedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by fallule to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adven;e claim. or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accord.ing1y, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred punuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Companyunder this Commitment shall be only to tbe named proposed Insured and such parties included under the defmiti01l of Insured in the fonn of policyor policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good fai~ (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to elimimatc: exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount slated in Schedule A for the policy Or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions, the Conditions and Stipulations, and Exclusions from Coverage of the fonn of policy ettpolicies committed for in favor of the proposed Insuxed where are hereby incmporated byreferem:e and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Companyarising out of status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon c~red by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. EXCLUSIONS NOTE: THE FORM OF POLlCY COMMl'ITBD FOR MAY BE EXAMINED BY REFERENCE TO FORMS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMMISSlONERORBY INQUIRY AT THE OFFICE WHICH ISSUED THIS COMMITMENT. The Exclusions from eovt:rage referred to in Paragraph 3 of the Conditions and Stipulations are as follows: ALTA OWNER'S POLICY FORM 10-17-92 The following matter;s are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Companywill not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expense.s which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any Jaw, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but Itot limited to bullding and zoning Jaws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in OWrtezship or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or anypattel of which the land is orwas a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or govemme.ntal.regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encu.m.bran'Ce resulting from a VioJation ett alleged violation affectin~ the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) AJtygoverrunentai police power not excluded by (<I) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a noticf7 ofa defect, lien OJ' encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land bas been -recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior \0 Date of Policy-which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matter,;: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclooed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss OI damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. CMJACKl'2{RDA/moo 4. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the Insured the estate or interest insured by thLs polit:}', byrea.son of the operation of federal bankruptt:}', state insolvency, or similar credito:r.;' rights laws, that is based on: (i) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance Or fraudulent transfer; Or (ii) the transaction creating the esta~e or interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfex results from the failure: (a) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or ajudgment or lien creditor. ALTA LOAN POLIcY FORM 10-17-92 The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Companywill not pay 10S8 or damage, calts, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise byreason of: 1. (a) Any llIW, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the [and; (iii) a separation in ownership or a clJ.ange in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel ofwhich the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of anyviolation of these ia'WS, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of POlicy. (b) Any govemmentalpolice power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of PoJicywhich would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) Dot known to the Company, not recorded in the publiC records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no 1005 or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of POlicy (except to the extent that this policy insures the priority of the lien of the insured mortgage over any statutolj'" lien for services, labor, or material); or ( e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage. 4. Unenforceabilityof the lien of the insured mortage because of the inability or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inability Or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to complywitb applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any con.sumer credit protection or truth in lending law. 6. Any statutory lien for service.s,labor or materials (or the claim or priority of any statutory lien for.services, labor or materials over the lien of the insured mortgage) arising from an improvement or work related to the land which is contracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and is not financed in whole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured n:aortgage which at Date of Policy the insured has advanced or is obligated to advance. 7. Any claim., which arise:s out of the transaction creating the interest of the mortgagee insured by this policy, by reason of the operatiOD of federal bankruptcy, state j~o.IveJtcy, or similar creditors' rights laws, that·is based on: (i) the transaction creating the interest of the insured mortgagee being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or Oi) the subordination of the interest of the insU1'Cd mortgagee as a resuit of the application of the doctrine of.equitable subordination; or (iii) the t:ransactio.n creating the interest of the insured mortgagec being deemed. a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: (a) to timely record the instrument of transfer, or (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. OPJACIcr'C/IIDAlO3OO CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, /13400, SEATILE, WA 98104 AL.TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A SECOND COMMITMENT Order No.: 1235365 Title Unit: U-06 Customer Number: THE BONNELL FAMILY LLC Phone: (206)628-5610 Buyer(s): COLUMBIA STATE BANK Fax: (206)628-9717 Officer: SA VIDIS/CAMPBELL/MINOR/EISENBREY Commitment Effective Date: JUNE 25, Z007 1 . Policy or Policies to be issued: at 8:00A.M. ALTA Owner's Policy 1992 STI\NJlARD Amount: $2,200, 000 .00 Premium: GENERAL SCHEDULE RATE Proposed Insured: COLUMBIA STATE BANK Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Loan Policy Proposed Insured: Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Loan Policy Proposed Insured: Tax: Amount: $0. 00 Premium: Tax: Amount: $0. 00 Premium: Tax: 2 . The estate or ,interest in the land which is covered by this Commitment is: FEE SIMPLE 3 . Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the effective date hereof vested in: BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C., A WASHINGTOK LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 4 . The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT COMMA805/KLC/tt.l.OS CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 1235365 Your No_: TB~ BONN'BLL FAlfiLY u.c LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (paragraph 4 of Schedule A continuation) THAT PORTION OF LOT 1 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-027-SHPL (BILLY MCHALE'S SHORT PLAT) RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20040503900002, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF. SAID LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 89°10' 29" EAST 99.14 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 89°10'29" EAST 305.43 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE; THENCE SOUTH 00·56'07" WEST 138.53 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°45'24" WEST 306.13 FEET; THENCE NORTH oro 13' 39" EAST 13 6 . 3 0 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CLTACMAf./RDA/0999 CHICAGO llTLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB Order No.: 1235365 Your No.: TBB BommLl:. ~AKXLY LLC Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed ofto the satisfaction of the Company. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Rights or claims of parties in possession, or claiming possession, not shown by the Public Records. B. Anyencroaclunent, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. C. Easements, prescriptive rights, rights-of-way, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the Public Records. E. Taxes or special assessments which are not yet payable or which are not shown as existing liens by the Public Records. F. Any lien for service, installation, connection, maintenance, tap, capacity, or construction or similar charges for sewer, water, electricity, natural gas or other utilities, or for garbage collection and disposal not shown by the Public Records. G. Unpatented mining claims, and all rights reiating thereto; reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or eqnitable servitudes. H. Water rights, claims or title to water. 1. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, create~ first appearing in the Public Records, or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed Insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOLLOW WlTACOMB bk 05/17/07 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 001235365 Your No.: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AP 1. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. AO 2. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. AR 3. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. H 4. UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM A RIGHT OF WAY 10 FEET IN WIDTH AS CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTED, EXTENDED OR RELOCATED ACROSS SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY OCTOBER 16, 1980 8010160469 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTURES OVER SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT EN~ANGER THE UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. M 5. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. • 6. TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF AN EASEMENT CREATED BY INSTRllMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9602010476 FOR ROADWAY AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, AND FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR PEDESTRIANS· AND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC, OVER PROPERTY ADJOINING ON THE SOUTH. AT 7. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTEWrIONALLY .OMITTED. I 8. BXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIO~S CONTAINED IN. DEED, FROM, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY (FORMERLY NAMED BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND ALSO SUCCESSOR IN INTERESTS TO THE FORMER PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY), A DELAWARE CORPORATION DECEMBER 22, 1987 8712220298 CLTACMEI1/RDA/CPm CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 1235365 Your No.: THE BONNELL l"AKnY LLC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AS FOLLOWS: ALL OF THE COAL, OIL, GAS, CASINGHEAD GAS AND ALL ORES AND MINERALS OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE UNDERLYING THE SURFACE OF THE PREMISES HEREIN CONVEYED, TOGETHER WITH THE FULL RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND LICENSE AT ANY AND ALL TI~S TO EXPLORE, OR DRILL FOR AND TO PROTECT, CONSERVE, MINE, TAKE, REMOVE, AND MARKET ANY AND ALL SUCH PRODUCTS IN ANY MANNER WHICH WILL NOT DAMAGE STRUCTURES ON THE SURFACE OF THE. PREMISES HEREIN CONVEYED, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF ACCESS AT ALL TIMES TO EXERCISE SAID.RIGHTS. JAFFECTS: A WESTERLY PORTION OF SAID PREMISES K 9. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND LIABILITY FOR ASSESSMENTS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR' RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: MAY 7, 1996 9605071277 L AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION OF SAID RESTRICTIONS: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: APRIL 25, 1997 9704250174 AU 10. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. AV 11. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. AN 12. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. AX 13. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. AT 14. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. CLTACMB'l/RDA/D999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Cantin ued) Order No.: 1235365 Your No.: THe: BONNXLL l"AKn.Y LLC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS u 15. UNRECORDED LEASEHOLDS, IF ANY, RIGHTS OF VENDORS AND HOLDERS OF SECURITY INTERESTS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY INSTALLED UPON SAID PROPERTY AND RIGHTS OF TENANTS TO REMOVE TRADE FIXTURES AT THE EXPIRATION OF THE TERM. MATTERS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MORTGAGES, DEEDS OF TRUST, ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES GIVEN AS SECURITY, FINANCING STATEMENTS AND OTHER SECURITY INTERESTS AF?ECTIKG THE RIGHTS OF LESSEES ONLY. "" 16. THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. Y 17. PAYMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX, IF REQUIRED. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SITUATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY OF CITY OF RENTON. PRESENT RATE OF REAL ESTA'rn EXCISE TAX AS OF THE DATE HEREIN IS 1.78 PERCENT. ANY CONVEYANCE DOCUMENT ~ST 3E ACCOMPANIED BY THE OFFICIAL WASHINGTON STATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVcT. THE APPLICABLE EXCISE TAX MOST BE PAID AND THE AFFIDAVIT APPROVED AT THE TIME OF THE RECORDING OF THE CONVEYANCE DOCUMENTS. AA 18. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) , YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, ASSESSED VALUE-LAND, ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS, GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES, 2007 192305-9072-01 2110 $ 3,676,900.00 $ 1,000.00 BILLED, $ 40,527.40 PAID, $ 20,263.70 UNPAID, $ 20,263.70 CLTACMB2/WA/0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 1235365 Your No.: THE BONNBLL PAKILY LLe SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AB 19. IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION WILL INVOLVE THE INSURANCE OF A LEASEHOLD ESTATE WHICH HAS NOT YET BEEN ESTABLISHED OF RECORD. DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO CREATE SAID INTEREST MOST BE SUBMITTED FOR OUR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. IF ONLY A MEMORANDUM OR SHORT FORM OF LEASE IS TO BE RECORDED, THE FULL INSTRUMENT, TOGETHER WITH ALL AMENDMENTS, MUST BE SUBMITTED. AI 20. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT FOR BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C .. A~ NOTE: A COPY OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY, MUST BE SUBMITTED . .u: 21. ANY CONVEYANCE OR MORTGAGE BY BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C., MUST BE EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT AND BY ALL THE MEMBERS, OR EVIDENCE MUST BE SUBMITTED THAT CERTAIN DESIGNATED MANAGERS/MEMBERS HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO ACT FOR THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY . AD 22. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMEl1>lT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMJ:NG TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. NOTE 1: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE .DOCUMENT EY THE COUNTY RECORDER OR IMPOSITION OF A $50.00 SURCHARGE. FOR DETAILS OF THESE STATEWIDE REQUIREMENTS PLEASE VISIT THE KING COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE WEBSITE AT WWW.METROKC.GOV/REUELEC/RECORDS AND SELECT ONLINE FORMS AND DOCUMENT STANDARDS. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: PORTION OF LOT 1 SHORT PLAT 20040503900002 CLTACMB2/RDA1m9 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 1235365 Your No.: TO: BONNELL FAKILY LLC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS END OF SCHEDULE B CLTACMB2/IWA/W1'151 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COYIMITMENT SCHEDULEB ( Continned) Order No.: 1235365 Your No.: 'l'K!: BONNBIaL J'AlaLY LLC' SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AQ THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS COMMITMENT: COLUMBIA STATE BANK FnCILITIES DEPT. P.O. BOX 2156 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98401 MARY MCCONE/DON LISKO 1/1 DRM PROPERTIES, LLC 806 NW ALEXANDER STREET P.O. BOX 1336 COUPEVILLE, WASHINGTON 98239 DOUG MCFADYEN 1/1 (360) 720-2269 INSLEE, BEST, ATTORNEYS 777-108TH AVENUE N.E., SUITE 1900 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 WILLIAM LINDBERG (425) 455-1234 GORDON, THOMAS, HONEYWELL 12Q1 PACIFIC AVENUE SUITE 2100 P.O. BOX 1157 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98401 WILLIAM HOLT 1/1 (253) 572-5050 1/1 CLTACMB2{RIJA/fB99 • ./ i CHICAGO TIlL .1QSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFI'H AVENUE, #3400,SEA'ITLE, WA 98104 IMPORTANT: This is not a S1ItVcy. It is furnished as a con'l'enience to locate the land indicated hereon,.;u, reference to streets and other land. No liability';'. assumed by reason of reliance hereon. ,,,.,, . ~. - ~" ~ .. ... ......... .. /.2\ \)/ "1:._._-r·--··--------- \i(.::" !'--;i!.;;-.---!!:::"!:..Ju:, b.~;\ !WI \ ~ ", . - , \ \ " , \ i ! -'" -._"" __ J40503900002 1!.:·~ .... iUJ.-!1.1U-IU lI~lIlms 111-»-111 _ •• , .. l!i _- i! : ~ I' , IE : ~ '~""" =.' L01I! ... -&.0 ........ ' "i"0i~1"""-{: ~ .\. " I ~ . .4 j I '. ! " , ; , DE'.:'r::! :)rt~.!';-::HT Pl.AN~·m\JG (" _. ':~~'~TOi'~ JAN 3 1 ";,n::.1 [.'...,.,'0 PUtJET EMEMENT FOR 1 :NllF:Rr.ROUND F.I.F.CTRIC !-;YSn~M r~~: .:;~ ,~'" :'.,~, ~~, \' ~~: n POWER LIQUIDflTING tRUS'C n ...... v~llI ii.aiOor FRANK BERNARO BONNELL, JR ~ BARBAM JOAN HOLT, as the ir interests may appe<3.r: and BAZA'R, INC.,("~ Oregon ,=orporation; and BILLY HCHALE'S BAR-~-Q RANCH. INC., a ~ashington corporati~ni and PEOPLES N~~IONAL BANK OF -[~Sll}":N'~T6NI as '~~iciary under Deed of T"Lust, recorded under.: ~~g .~ .... _~O.?60S0132, n>ilnlm" h,·r"inl. )!r.\IlI~. ':.,n\·,'~"" ,n101 ll"oITr.lt1l.. I" !'ll(~l'.T :-i(l! ·:-.ill l'(\l\,l':H .~ I.IC! rr COM1'ANY. ;\ WMhinlltnn r.nr· I~n:;n"n !"·Cr.I,.h·.··· h"To·inl. ,"r ,11.· l"lrp".'·' l",r"111.,!"·r ~"I [",Ii; .1 1"'rr"'I",,: 1·;".'nWlll IIl1dr·t. "r;f,,"'. 'n,1 oW'r Ihll fnl. 1'''''i'l)! d .. ~r:rjl,,·,1 r, .• ,1 :""I"'rl; 11],,· "')''''1'''' I, 1"''''\1\1 King I:"",· 1\. 11',,~hin~I"n, 'I11e north 300 feet of the east 970 feet of GoveI'T11Terlt Lot 1 in Section 19, ~hlp 23 North, Ra~ 5 East, \·,'.~1.; EXCEPT the south 270 feet of the easterly 170 feet; and EXCEM' the north 30 feet thereof. sit.uate in the City of ~ntnn, County of I'il:q, State af Washinqtoo. AJ.E), l:'ortion (.)1: li<M:UIlf!t2:nt. wI;. 1, 1~.in<.J !:'!LUI uf. t~.ll.U1!:!.L"1l I?ac.i.flr.; Pa.i.lW4i' CJtL~JdHY right o)f way in Section 19, 'J'o;.mship 23 North, P.a.ngre 5 East, W.M.; EXCEPT the north 300 feet; EXCEPT t.ha "-Cst 360 feet; EXCEPI' portion in nncl Avenue South and P.S.H. ~. 5; situated in the City of Penton, County of King, State of washington. F.lr:.lpl "'~ m~~' h" nlh(1r""~'l ~<11 lfOrlh h,·",in Cr:ln:"r"~ ri}!I0!~ ~1o"I1)", ""'rd~"d "1'''1'1 Ihall'"rlinn nl Ih,~ I'rnp."lrly (tho: ··'UII")- nl W,w"' hM.,illl rl"i"r.!'il\,·d n< rul1nW~' (\ Ri)!hl-nI.W;'~'. 10 1,-.'1 In wlrllh 1", ... i'1~ 5 I,~'!I 01 ~1II:h wirllh lin "~r.h sill .. ol;! ... .(lntr.r. The centerline of GranteG' s facili t.ies as presently constructed or to be constructed, extended or re~ocated, lying within the above described property. ';',1', . 1(, ). ;:,."1'. ~ ., ,,' ,I ' , , I. 1'1irptl1.,. (~rllnl"" ~hall h;I'·" Ih,' r;,:hllll ':(ln~lr' 11:1. "I"'r.l!'~. 111;11111;1 III r"IFIII. "')lI.II:'~ ;rnd '~nl~r,lll' ,1n Ilnrl"rJUfllInd r1lnr.trir. 1I';II'~!Tli.".i"l\ ;llld/"r ,1i.~lrilllTli'm .~r!;It'lii 111"111 ,000d 1111110" Ih" H,~hl."I.\\·", 1"~"lh"1 wilh :d! n,~o,,q;ilry or oonl'l1nl"nl al'. I'lIrT"'lI"II~"lIlh'·,...·("r, .... hir,h mil)" II,dml,' tllil ,Ir" ""I limilr'rl II' II", fllll"I,'nl~. tllIrI"r),'rmlnr' r.l1mhtH~.I:,'h'.~, r.nmmtlnlr.ntilln hl1".~: 1':1I1II.~, IIl1mh"!1:~, ~\\'IIr:l1l'~. 1II"llr;ln.f"rrl".r~ .. 'nrl.~"ll1i-h ... i,~d "r )."(I'ln<llll""nl,·rI ra,_dlli,,~. Fl1l1nwln~ lim il'ililll r,on- sTr'''~;''1l "f i('. l;u:ilili".~. Cr.ln"'" lIlay lroall rin", tro Ii",., ,",,\."lIn,,;, "".It ;"Llili"".d r'l<:ilili,,~ II~ il mlly tHtlIlITl!. l. .... DeCn. (~rnl'1l(1l: 5hnll hnvt, Ih'l rif.!hl nl nr:t:'~'~ rll Ill<' Rillhl.n/.\V.IY UI'"r ""d ,'r.rn".~ Ihll PtUl'O:M)' In r.nnhlr. (franlr.c 10 r.xt~r. dKo' II,. ri,llhJ~ h,'rl!l'nd"r. tU·/I\."j,I,,!1. !n;11 (;r;\nl'~~ ~hnll r.<l1ll1"·n.'III', I ;,;,nlor fur i1 nl riam;,.I.'t' ILl Ih!l Ilrtolu!rlv flUlIMd In' Ihc mu~r. r.iso' "f IIOrill l'I1lhl ,,/ n':'~-~ . • J, Qhs1ructlonl; 1.anJ_plng. Cr;lnl,·,' ll1a~' lrum lim,~ lu Tim" I'~m"\'" Ir,·,~~, IoI!~h".I. nr ulhr.n.I""lnll:lion!! wilhin thr. RI)/hl- "f.W:l~· alltl m.'~· l<'I'"l anrl ,"'nrl,~ Ih,' ~i~hl.lIf.W;r)" In lilt' ":'CIr~nl I'I:.1<""l1nhl,· n"I'"':;,~.lr,· In c.lrr)· IUlt th .. flllrpollffll .'II'! {nrlh in l'lrn,rr:'l'h I hur .. ul. I""vlll",!. Ihlll '"II"wi").' ;In), ,.,,,:h Iwork fir;Lnlr'(' .• hnll. In Ih,! "~"mr r"II,,"n~h!y pmclir,nhlrl. rrn!lorc Ih,., R,,!!hI~\f.W;,~' In Ill<' '~'nt!ilil1" II wn~ ir1\ln",f[nh,ly i,tl", In ~lIr.h w"r~. Fl'>lIl'>win~ Ii .... in~lnl!nli<1n nr C:r::mh\Il'~ 1I11r!.,rI/fflUn!l 1:";lIoII"~ r~rnnlnr m~~' IInfj,~rlnk(, nn)' '1rr!innry iml'rn\"~m"nl~ In II',,, [;1nd~r.~pjnf1 nf Ih" RiJ.lhl~,r-Wny. rrnvirl..n 1h."1lnoI1"ll1!:'1llr ulhllr fll"nl~ ~h;1!1I,,~ !,lac:,~1 Ih",...·"n whir:h 1",,,1,1 1111 IIl1r,:a.~'IIl;lh[i" ,,~pr.n~il·" 111 i:nrtacllc.11 fur Gr~n[oo II') mmovt) ann n!~!lIro~. ~. ,Grnnlor's .UIC of RI!hl."F·Way, (;r;!IlI"r r'·~"r\""~ II", ri.llh' I" """ II! . Righi-of ,Wily rnr ;my p\ll"J~ lIot tnOOllsiatent \Viln Ih" rt,llhl~ h"To'1ll ~r;,n""[ 1""1\'1<1,,,1: Ihllll:r. ,[," ~h;111 nnl r:"Mln":1 "I ma. nlain 1I1l~' lmilrlinp; lit oll~nr ~Iruclul't' 1'>11 Ih!! Rj~l­ III-Wny whlr.h lI""ultilnll,rfr.m wilh Ih,' "~"rd. .. · III Ih" rillhl~ h,~r,:in Ilr:lnlnd: Ihnl no ,lIlUrinlf, tllnnQUn~ nt all'lcr fom of con • . ~trllr;1hJl\ 11f.!iI·il)· .h;d!Ir.! ,Ion,! "" Ill<' 1'rt1]H,rly whir:h w,lBld r!i~IIIlh Ih,' 1:l1mpnr.lilm or i,Jm!;\rlh Grllnlp.p.'s fncililies on Ihe RiW"oI-n{.Way, Uf "n'''''I~''r Ih'·],lh'T:II ~lIl',ulr[ lu ;<;,1<1 hu:ililir'll: :rnd Iha: 1'0 1,'la~li 111l.~h~lI hu dnnl! wilhin 1S IPo"" of Iltt! Ri~h:.Dr. Way. 5. Indenmlty. By accepUng lind f'ea)rolnlllhi' t)IIlemCnT. Granlec <I,r.:r~cs 10 ind~mnil}" and hold hannle. Grantor from any and aU claims lor inJuriellllnd/or dam81!1!Ii ~lIrf(:rllri h~ an)· !"'..,... ... ",hich may be c;,u"",1 II;!' 111 .. r.rar,It"C·S c~crt:hte bF Ihc rl.cthfl hel'1lin gl"lIl'11ed; !JI'ovirltlll, :hut Grnnlu.., ~hnl1 nOI hu rcapon,lb!u 10 Granlor [tlr an)" injurie" IInMor darnllR¢llto any pers:m CJ,ucd by ncb or omj,~ions n[ (;rnnlor •. .-.hanrloNn<ll:"t. Th" r;,I!hl~ h"rdn ,l!r"nh,,1 ~IHlIl fJlnlimll~ IInl,l slIr.h lir.w .,.~ Granl!.'<"! c.c~~ 1'111~r. Ihr. Ri¢l1-o'·W~v rnr a period "I 11\'0' r~1 .'IIr;c'·!<"Iiv.: )·Cil"'. in whiGh ,,\"!nt Ihi~ 1!;lS!lm!!nl ~hn" lfJrminnll' and Illl riphl~ hl~rellndr.T !!hall rr·/r.rl In' Gt,ln. Inr, pl.",j,\I,,( Ih~T nn nh"ndnnmf!l11 ~hlt!l h,' I"'''mr:r! In h;Ln, tlr.':"rr,,'] h)' "',1."":1 of (;rnnlr.'f~ hlihl!'() 1!'Ilnilially in!lilllll~ IlIdliltm, 1111 rh,' 1/Ij:ht-lIf-WlIY wllhin nllr I"'ri"rlilf tim" fmm Ihr! (/;110 h",,,ol " S\.ICCeIIOrJ and .... I$IKfJI. The ril!h15 :tlllll)hli,l!lIliont (If IhllllMti/'.~ shill! inll'" I" tho"! Ixmcfll 01 ilnd be hinrli~upon '"cir rtll'llI!I':!\Vfl '11I1'.I!.~"r:t nnd 1lMi,m~. 348973 FILED fOR RECORD AT Ai:QUEST OF: .... , , ... I' ~"!f<"'r',) Kllj44 PUGET PC';'/FR . "::,~ 1'1';' . ';'; .. P'-1319 REAL E"TJ,rF. DIVISION 11N)71·" puGET rOWER aLO;; .... / " 235/74 BEU.EVl.!E. W/~SHINGTON 98009 '''F6:;:":':t.~"-. C,~:j,:)' ATIENTION, YNE BR!:ssr.EIL_ \ , _ . ," '. ': '., ~; 't, ~ "~'. '. ': """\' . -~.... . , - '" ot' , ... •• • • ~ .' '. -:".' • S""Tf.t1!-'WAS!II:"\{;l'f);": !::~ CGII"TY UF Kin9 I On Ihi.< d;o~' 1"'f'!iIm .. n~ HII1"'lIn'" ['"f"", m,' ~a~~~r~ Jo<!.z:! ... ~l£~t._ .. ___ ", • __ .",_.,_., _. 10 mI' known t" h,' Ih,' imli\'l(luul ,t.~s!:ril,,~d in ,wri who ,",x'~r.!lI!l!llho withi" nlld rn~in~ instrument. 111111 udmnwlr.dJII~ll'hnt She ~iJ.:n,'(1 Ih" >Il,m.! "S her (r,~,.-;\nd vn]unlnry nr.1 .1"0 Oiled Inr Ihll Ulr../l ,,",I JlurpO!\r.~ Ihp.rIlln mr,nlirm(~(1. ,vi{ GIVE;..: "1II1"r my h,mll ;11\11 "rfidal ... ,.,llhiA .,.'. 4:. ':-oI"y III :-0'1',-'1'1'[0; (IF W t\!.;IIlNCTON , S}; I;/)II:><"I"Y (lJ-' I .1n~" .. ()n Ihi~ ,1;1\' 1,,!n;<,n;III~' Hi'I"·,,,,·,1 I"·rnr,, m,' . __ , ______________ .• _ •.. _~. '_, __ • III m" kll"wu In h!' Ih!' 1",111'11111:,1 !1(!N;,iI,,~lln ".,11 wh<> "x,'!!"I",l Ihr. wllhln nnel foro;mnlnJl IntltnlJneekaJ:lli\.i'..~aw\O~M4.\l;oal ~i~n, .. 1 II,,! snm.· iI~. . ..• fn~.! and \nhmlnry ;or.1 "nd nnlld rnr Ihe uana nnrl pUrp~(fhln~lfnbmiMIB. ________________ :JcLiE.Jo. Wi !M 'on, !-.1·An:1 W \\'M,IU;\.'C;1'():-'" CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT (:OlINT'r' OF Kin9 I. '" . /,/,-r' / O!'.~)~:?{,~. "'ay ,,( ~:~,,-,,.'.I A..:.. .... -. 1!l S:~). , h"fnN' me. Ihr. undp.MlI,llTloo, pcnoMlly appeared I'~ ',;;;: ~n'''\~·I~ -)O~ ~~ __ , :~~:I .. ~--, .. --.. _--'-_ ... _._._-: ti!~~" of .. ~~.q~4-EJi_ ~.~'l' lU.l'<l.a~_Wl~JS ...Qt,.t~.!~~UUJLIJl:OlL ___ !hl! r.nrprualion !hal !l'lICC!lI'~ !he forOllOlIlll (nslfUTl'lenl. ami "r:kn"\\"I,,,I~~'d Ih,! .,,1;,1 t"s!'um""ll" I .. , Ihn (flU' and \''liq~l~r~' ~r.1 nnd Ilw~1 of Mid r.llrrnr~'irn'1. f<'lt Ihn UACI ond pUry'I04e_lhe-rein m,'nllnrll:lt. and lin ,~'lh ~1'll.~llh," ._l...."'O\ .. ' ___ .. . ... __ iLuthnri'ed In r."C\lh, Ihr. $CLid Inslrument and that Itw, ~,'al ilHi~,·" i~ Ill!' r.<Irp"nlh· ~"'"1 flf .<ilid '~lqlnr.Uilln. S'rATE OF Oru-:OON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF MULTNOHAH) ON TlUS MY pcrso1\:llly "f'pcnl'cd bcfrlrc me W. T. Triplett, Jr'J to ml'. knoW'l\ to be the lntlivltlu.:l1. clcsc.ri.bccl i.n ;"\Ml 1.l\O CXl'.Cll~t~tI the ..... i.thi ... and fore- CIVEN UNDF.R my 11.1110 .:Inti o££ic.i.11 se31 thU: _..L/~Z,-::(c'C(_ d:."ly of ___ ''"V~;'-' "4,,,,--_, \ 'J80, I / Ie 'a ':)!? (//" I" ;':c,d n·"'; FILED FOR RECORD PUGH pC'.-IER 00tary PuhLic in :.ITtcl .for the StnU! or Oregon ~k Cllmmi!,.o;ion expil-D.l> June 10;· AT REOUEST r~l: nEAL E:S'l"i.TI: DIVISION PUGET r:)WER BLDG. 9 BEu..E\"UE. WASHIHGiON 9800 AmNTlON. WAYNF, BnESSlB' FILED FOR RECORO AT RWUEST ( PUG!::!" pey:I::R nEAl. E'iTI,1E OIVISlml hT,I.TE! I~.' \\":\SH1:-':(~TON PUC: 1'.1 r~wE.~ BLf)~· S:i sa'LE,,'\JE. WASt~I:~G"iON 9800tORPORATE ACK!-:OWLEDGMENT COli,T~ OF ~ng I I" ~ ATI£NTION: WAYNE BRESSlLFI 0" I:,i~ .L1-11.,\' of -.~.e:~,.2..+--.-------. 1!l Y..::....,., hd,)ro~ ma.lhe undp.r~igntJiI. per~onal1)' "ilP~~r"lt 2D JOl!!LJl ... ....llO!mL~ . nl'ld ~l£1LC McOONM·O ...r 1(1 m" knnwn In htl thl.' _~IDENT nnrl ..JLlcr:....~.ENl' _____ . rp.spettively. of 55 ~~AL.&.:..S---....ehB-B-Q RAijCH INC (he r;orpM3tiofl Ihat I.'xer.uleu the fMoROinS in!ltUmoiOI. al\d ~~k;vlwl~ti"d the ~id in~tTllmenl to be the Ire<! lind voluntar;.· act ~nd deed of sa;.d corporation, for lhe us~., and purposeJtb~l'tin o l'fI.mli,'""'1, and lin r:~lh 'l~tl!rllhal t~_ aUlhorized 10 ~lIetull! lhe ,~id instrument and \l1a\ lhe a fotInl affil!;!)'] il th .. eoq'J!)r~I~_ ~!nl of S.1id CIl!llnra1ian. o:J Wlln"~! :n~' hand and nWell1 ~ .. al h,relO Ilfli.'Ced the day And yenr hrsl ahlwe wrilten. __ .. _--.L;.~ ,. ";';''/'~"L-.. ____ _ :';o:~r)" F'I~llc i ... .11'(! {,J~ 'hp. Sial" o! W~:.h!l'IJI'on, Tf'lIidil'lg a: SeatHr ~\.f·;·. ,:·····ODI GINAL of \~: f\ .' },/)LIv;j 10; a .' ./" i'rJ.ei~ )(t~ARATION OF EASEMENT I: j :,' .",,il6,/idt·~ f&'1 EXTENSION ;~~LE STREET ., ",.".-' ~P-1/l.t< ;{StJacL "\'<""'"v"""~f ~~TION OF EASEMENT is made and executed by the BONNELL ,F A.MII!Y Iii;:c., a,W ~liDiij.ed liability coropany (hereinafter 'Bonnell"). .. ~ , , I ., .'. .. ClI l" ~ 0 "" 0 N Q I,D C'l ".;: ." ... /' -';', .. f .... ./-· " ":-:' .. : ::: .:' .:: /' -,: /"",: "," .,,:." ,/ .,," ,f" ,i i.;, i ,,~'1fC)~,,~ L S : . ..... ::: '.:~ •. ",'-,/ . (,:' -"''':'/ / ';j; A.'\ Bonnel,l'1s ~ o"~;thf tha(~rclir:jeal property located in Renton, WashinglOn, formerly knm\Ih..as.tlie ~ylr:~"SbopJ)ing C'iljtCr,$ite and legally described on Exbibit A attached IlereIo (the ·Payless S~'). ~t#e eri'iiirpI·b;s·ofWashington. hlC., a W"shington corporation, d/b/a Renton Honda ~m.en1bn fi:onda'»)S'~~urrent kiSec: of a portion of the Payless Site, legally described on E-xbiI,Jft AJitt~heq'herfto (Ilerdn,a.ftert1J,e/Renton Honda Property'). .:.,: .. : .. ;.;,::.,. ,,/.' .::,,:' t':: .,.~,.,-' '-')?. },: ./'-':":'::,.'~: B. Pursuant 10 the proVisi~11S of Iklnnell's lme' ~iib J:teDton Honda, a portion of the leased prew.ses were taken subject toari mi.n-eX~l~ive ea~_ t!l"uiflUl!1 maintajq .. a private " '., • .., ••••• ," '.' " c< f·'. road exte~<iit.qt Maple AveOlle running norUi and scitl~ ~~.a p6ltiqn,qf ~ ~ froperlY, and IIJn!iDg and riJ!.lning east and west along a ptJrtiglJ..dt ~ 119~ly .. b~i~··Of~ Renton Honda,'~, au as mOre specifically described bel\?W ...... ,/ .... /' .. / /,' . .," . '. . :: , .•.. -" ,;' .~. /' C/ ,B~ll desires 10 execute and record this ~I~tiOrl.(;i'~;,tt tP~ !he pnrpose o(proV\ding tillicI!r'of die ~ of said easement, and to sei'f0rf4'wi¢ ~i:tiCity tile terms. sOndi~.~ p,rO,yiSrODS'~Jating thereto. "-.. } i,," ., NO\V.(:Q{ .. :JfrORt, Bonnell hereby makes the following ~~n: 8, '.~.~ . .-LLail:n)~t';:~m~rit. Bo!lllell hereby declares, grants and conveys a ~ \l' non-exclusive ~al.~·'for:fhe))epet'itof the Payless Site over. under, and across the ~ I &sement Area foi"\he'p1upOSC!!rof: (i)t()[)strugjng,;)~ving and maintaining a roadway, and ~ !\:Ij underground utilities (im:luding;'.llut!illt niess;ii;lyiu:ii4edto, electricity, water, sewer, drainage, ~ 01 natllral gas, telephone. CATV and,~ ligblil)a, ptov,ide4 that the street ligbtlDg poles and ", !; ~~! fixtmes themselves shall be a1l<we.,gtou.nd); ~nd (0) PrOyj~:PubI4: access via ingress am! egress i~ ~~ ;:~a:::~:":;~s~T!~'~~:~c;e:~f:eU:: " 1;:; IS the dominant estate and wlll be deemed tO,be a benefit l"Ul'!nmIPvi,.th th.e land. ,;~,,"',.. ~ ~ Notwithstaroing the fact that the &se~nt desWi~'1er~ i$'~i.x~;;:~~;.'~ &sement ~ is intended to and does provide 24 hours a day, 7 days iWeek:,PenJ)~iient~s~eg~ and access to the PayIess Site. Further. Renton HoIKIa, and its Mirs,/~o~"'mJ"ass!hli sb#1lOt, ~ lIIIdertake or engage in any activity which would impair. limit oi'~is~,I~tilli1f ¢e 89l)JlC or' ,,,,,,/ ..... '} ! use of the Easement. ·.C, """""'" -" .:: .. ,,, .. , ... ,,/',, .' :,:" .,;. .:' ~ ~. " '1\; ¥f .' " :" "::;.:-.," i Dfllail:A.l( 1tJ5f REQ.!JIREpi'/' /tl 1< C:\DOCS\031S11OO910102161.02 01105196 ~J r:::tyi'" .... :'" . ,I -1-> ~.i~ ~ '(Q .;", .• ~."l-;~~o;.;;,~~,..-. l,q-,:-,: .. :.':;';~ . '.' ~.'.,... .\,~ Y .'; .:.' .,~ . ,J 2. EASement Area. The legal description of the portion of the Renton Honda J>topeW which is the subject matter of the Easement (berein the "Easement Area") is as set forth ~:Ol\.UIIlllIT A. ,. .. .:~,:'. ..,:. /" ~. I·: . '\" ...... ,.,,/ A'~ilills:::::: ::m:2 ::ached hetdo as Exmoit A: -_. 7 • .~" ;'~.': ,~~~.:.~ ~';'CArp,.. BonneU shall have the full and complete k' respolisibiUtY f6t . .aixl ~)ia1Irbear,~'JUiure!!Osts,,~expenses in connection with the improvement .• ~ and co~on of.~ ~DLiYea fo} ~P,¢Poses and ~es des~n"bed herein. including aU ~ costll and expenses-·tleCe~}O obtaID the'apprQvals and pemuts required by the Cuy of Renton ~ and olber gOV~~ +rH,ies h,avin~ ju.rlsdit.tion in connec, ,.,lion with sucli improvement. m Bonnell agrees to 'ncIPn!,!,fy aIJil sa:ve l3-entqn I;Jo~'''b;lrmless .!i~ any and aU such costs or .......,., '.'.' .:. .;. ¥.\ expenses. .' ':., ,.:? ~ '. ~~ p ',' . ri 4'. Malntcnanre 3ll1fbir/ From.iInd afteico.k;¢rlon of the improvements to the .~ Easemcnt.4:I:ea • the maintc;nance andie{lair.:of ~~F .¥U ~ ¥·ObligA!.~on of~. ; t.D S.~'·.Subordjullfjop of I.ease. BYl'.YWJtlDg·.th!S ~ .. ~e~ HO~,ias lessee ..':it !; of the Renton:f1QDda Property hereby subordinllt~in4sul!i«!&·its.l~~'s~inteil:stiimder said ~ 0 lease ,rb 1he.'!!lI1I11i'; conditions, and provisions of this ~.nt. In .. Ws rePr<g" R~on Honda rt' S hereJ;y 4n0'Yled~S and consents to the temporary d~i1IPti.~n 0(~.busi¢s~i6n.ducred on the -~11 ~ RepIDn ifon~ Property as may be reasonably required in conDc.ctiori with,~,i;:onstruction of the ~,~ tI:) i~rovi!mentS to the Easement Area. Bonnell agrees to use reuon,ableietfurtsilo minimize the I a) .disrupfion ,of ReDt01lJI~'s business during the coorse of such coUs~oon{ I~:·\'·'~:·· .",·/~'1('~ l~df"JQitv. Bonnell does hen:by release, ~ and promise to defeiXlm:fSav,g ~'HOJ#ia,,atidlis'S)lccessors, assigns, agents and employees harmless from and against anY', and.alf lia9%, lo..~, dainage, expense, actions and claims (including costs and i reasonable att<ltpeys' fe,e5)/~jiig bpI .sf ,k'in connection with: (i) BonneU's and Bonnell's '~ employees, agemS"or..~ constfuctitin. qi impIyvernents to the EasemenJ Area, (il) the use ~ of the Easement Area. iru:1w1irig.thI: use6f the ~ Area by the general public; provided, "~" .' however, that this paragra\'ltl does #OtpiJ~rt k,i' ~Jy.Renton Honda against liability for ~ damages aris:ing OIlt of bodllylnjm1 to Pers\ins (ji' cIafilaSe tq,'.J!lto)limy to the extent caused by or resulting from the negligence of Ren1,,:m Htm.liI or iW'inv,., liC:e.~s, CII5tomers, ageors or employees. :.:." /. .,.' ... ;.f:' . ":';. . .\. :"' ........ . , ..... : .... / .;:.. .'.,.:; .' .~."""." 7. Mjsc:eUaneous. " .... ,.: .. /' '''.,.'' ./ .•.. :: .. 7.1 IIM'''l'''ation by Ref.,..,....,. The ~its,i1tta~&.~II.;¢~'are~[po,ra1Ed .1~;1 herein by this reference and form a part hereof as if set foi:ih iu.'·tiJlf :,: ........ / ... :" .:> .......... ::. I --of~ ':="::l:: ~"::I~~iitJ !l'(; ~ assigns. ..... .../.. .ii /,"/ .~fu .. ,:{ .. ,. ;i of ~ I \~ C:IDOCSI031SllOO9\Ol02l6L.02 01l{)51% -2 -"., /. . '.'. \ .... , ~ "".'.·.i7.'-J ';"'" .' ~1 ':~j! ~cr;;",;~::;'f!,·(![7~'·":r;...J~ :'.: ., ... ~.!-.... .' '.';:;-.~;: .. ~,.. , .. ~.... .. ·.'ll.,: ',':~ .: ......... ~. •. .f· .. '. ,;' ;'., .... / ', ..... ' ./ ~>--...... . ·····1:. '\; . . ' .,' ,'.' .•..... ".' .{ }' . ,~ '. ,c ~ ~ j '\::;:~./ .\.:: ., .. /" :: C:\DOCS\OOl5l\009\0102161,02 01/051')6 -3-...... ,.~. U" '·'1·' .. ' ,>" ':"::"'~ :; .,: /' -1-:,/';'/' .. ' STATE OF WASHINGTON .• ' n' .,' .: .... : .. 'I!! i .i· .COUN;IY.qF KING ) ) ss: ) ~ '::.-'" /'} ... ,' j,../',: /'la:nify that I know or bave satisfactory evidence that Frank Bernard Bonnell, Ir. is the __ ~.~.'. __ ·"',,,,",, ... ~.·'''''perSOn :#ho,~'b!;;fere me •. w:~ said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument. = .. / 0.\1' oatJi s~'thatJ~ w~ au,tl#lzed.:,te execute the instrument as a General Manager on behalf ~ ··.·Ily BONNIitL f.AMIL y' 4t:<:· ",a.;jimi~.liability company pursuant to. the provisions ef the =.~."'-l·iimi.ted JialillitY coplpa¥Y4ireenl9I1f. 9f saidfliyllted liability company and acknowledgec) said 'D< instrimient:1O be".tIIe ~ Fd y~Jiyif!iry ~tor ¥ limited liabiltiy company f()r . '~ purposes mentioned .iil saiil insirfuhenl.'-.' i ··I>l'_w,,·-.. , ., .. ,'""-,,,./ ./ ,{ )} ., .. ,~;; .,' ••••• ,/.. >" ';',. 'I '·,,0 "r' '~~~~I .~ (,C.;' ;~Al m ~ ~ ~. ~ o ~ o N :;J Cb C1l .' ." /':,:. .': ... ,:',. .}/':~":; .,' .:\. )' ::; .. ,:/ .:' ./ :.. i ;:" ,/ / ."-"<"" .... .. ' '=;~~ /J ." ij [ certif)i:thah'kno~/ilu;ye~atisfactoJ:yevidence that Robert D, Lanphere is the person who appeared ~re Illf"';" a!'id s;lid ~C!h aclcii.bwledged that he signed this instrument, en oath Slated that he was iiUthOrizCd t6. executetlli:: inStrutrieot and acknowledged il as the Chairman ef the Boord of LANPHERE ENtERPlUSES OF WAsHiNGTON, INC.. d/b/a Renton Honda, to be the free and voluntary ~. of S¢hiorp6rat¢n ~ci~ the'~. and pUlpOses mentioned in the instruInent. ""'"" .. :" ::' ;:' /: .:;' .::: .:;.:" . "'::" .•.. . ~ .... Nolary Pub&ih ~. fql~ s.m~'bf j ,.:Z/· Wasbington. .' .•. ,;" :7' .;2. d. ~ .. ,,,{ Ii ,"-.,.:.,~" .. ,/"""7 Commissien Expires: ". '7"." 1 4' .,' "';, " -.\ " .. ,,/ .•.. 'i:".""" ",:. ",;.:: C:lOOCSI03151IOOJ\OlIl2161 .. 02 01105196 -4- ...•• '*' .. '~'''' .~. " " ; i !~ /\:/ :1 }' .. : .. , ........• . ~./ .. ' .' .( .~. ,/ .,' .. .'. EXHIBIT "An Legal Description of ·Pavless Site' ':.pIW" ': :':'liE SOU'Tli :"10 rtE':' ::If nit NOit':'H :l::lO FrtT or nf£ tAST '170 T~!"":' or / .. ~j~r-!f.~ .. ~~-r 1 1M, ~_~:,IC"" 19, ':"OWMSMIP ~J ffOlt"!'X, R.UCt '!: EAST" • .::~ ':1([ ~EIlt..~, .. ~70 r~!:":' nn::u:of': :';' ., __ t,:" :: $~.l t ::: bJ s~' "!~"P'i' :;!'Iif stlc.rrn"l:.,r,' rcrr CF "f'M.t kOr.'1t 180 rtt:' -cr '['~;t WElT ::' u~ F~ OF yrK,t J:A51" .~'O F''E9'''''Tlti!:;tI,m1: :: ,II "-:'~ "':" _,' ,/ " ,I'jn~ CO!;'"". ':1f'E N~~:,;::iG t!.l"r~J:t[ClF" A.S COWVEYtD '!"J TH! C!'!'l Or.;:U&fQN ~-FcR ;so~'t'7fH S1i"c,t:' . .tile),," R£CQ1U:IINe ~O •• O~l .. ,,, : \:=\~'~' .:l~~.~"""".~~:g; <loc. STAn OF ~"K"OTO', T$t' POATl:Oa ot 'catciN:KDlT"~ 1 . .tUNC: HO'R't'H 01' TltE UAHDONO )lOR'rM1JUI .fo'\C:lrie R.UJMU ~JII'P"~U' il.ECK1'-Of' ... "A.f. IotH.Of M1Gtt.-:--Of-WU US IEDt':\$.HOl'T Pt.\Tno ~ CI"':''', Qt Itgmnt",;jKOIILT f'LAT::'iItqI. :1)0-'0, rGU.O't WAY·'¥.U"r $¢RT j;ll.UY" l.ft(D;tlt ptecRDt!(C. .. HO. 82,'401;001, :N SR"'l"11Im n. TCWtI5.~p :Z~H"O~. ~~ 5 l'Jt.5t". IC~M.; '~~;:;:.,./ !:la:2: THE 1tORTH'~ rrn,i-rn!1'lEot::: .,.",.' '.~. ", ~":";:: '~~:~;:72~2 .. .nu', ,.o:~·"~./~2~.;;"'~l"" " .~' ""':" <:Or.INTY BY DEED R.tCOJDm WOP! R.[c·ORD["'C""f.rI):~ 2n,=Ol. iNc .• f)oj f'RtMR¥:. .,' .,.~ /" . '-:;'A't£ KlCHWA'f trO, 5, U eoNVrl[:) 't9 1'M! $'T,;t.t Of' W"'SHI,Ni~. ~~· . .o.ttD \:. ../ .,l .;'" Ric9RDIO UKDER RECORnIt-iC ,"0, ~q]I"i.&.o~ / .. ::''/ .. ...,... \" '.~ ~ .' .'J: .• Im \7 ........ '1'1I.A't POHlar-t. if Al-/y. LY;~'c"w'~oi~ 0;/" .t!·i·~~~'·~~'C·Rl\~tD / .~,/ ,/" . . /' ,:·~:tl FQ'~t.oMS: ':: .. ,. { .. .. "'~":! .:'.' .• ,' . .r .' ~ECOlr~"llfC. A.T Tnt: HQntlE""ST CO.Ui"EII Of' Ttft HO~'1' :~~fJ-~tR #'-... ", .,;" :.:' i't.~~",,~~ ;.:.t~~ ~~iLO: S~'J~r;,<~.!: A .. llIST~:~~,i"/ .:--.' or Ito rEtt~ . ........ ~ " .' .,.-.. TKaiCr: ~Y AHD PARA1..UL -:-0 THt" wGT t.IIIIE 0,. CCl/ERJIII"ID..+ ~ 1/ :: .. Ql~~ 01\100 RtT TO 'tHt UoltTIAL ronrr or SA.ID LlNt.-·''-':·,.,.,:' .:' .... ':':. ",\.,.",.,. ==:~~f 7:~ti:~YK~~O o:t.~;;~t.TQ ~ ::J~w:-r TI~EtN"EO::; jr ":"':.:. ;.-ft.uG1Pf 91' S·.,lD ~lI1'JfllUl PACIfIC 1U.1LWlaY COftPMY RIGHT-OF-WAY ANti:: .,. ,/ -nci: 't"£r~;i"Jltnr OF infO Lur,£: ... ,",.,,, ...... / .tD "&,, rt~tP'/:':'1I',;f-;:~~·:t~,. TnCRtor DESCRIBt:) "'$ rot-LOwS: ~~u~ A.t' ,f1£.t tlOJt1'KDST ·.coanER Of' SA.II) COVEIUIM£:t1' L01': TH.!HCt SCI'III'1i f·7:.· ... ~/'¢ST A1P~ .. TME.::r:,lIst,.:.rlft "MtOmr "'.2 FtET. ~AE OR ~s, TO Tl't~" N9RTKW.~$.V IfINr.: .. ,·o-r .. ,:Tlt[ .. OItTKER. ... PAtlrtc: R;..,J:;t •• AOAO ue.r.r-O'-Wf.t' " .,' .. :,...... .: ft~·,a:)l:rtH '1'j .. ~ .. ~jlJ· 1oI'[S'['::'..r'LO~ s.u~ RIGlrr~O'-wAt LINt $t. 'l nET 'to nu: WEST fU.Ilc;tt aF MUll EFI ."-4U'EIW£: S~!oIIST A.Nb 1'IIE TR1JE poeill'" 0,. 1l1Xii[HJ'Z"lCGj ::. .\, .... ,".,.. .... ..' :. -:,. 't'ItDU;:!!: e<nf!'t~.NG SOt.n'H:···17·2.f·4''!:~£S'T::8'.'6 r:I:CT: TNDft::£ HDAT2t 1~ ),.,. ~ n. 00.;: 1'"tET.( ~ ,:' .... ~:. 'fIIMCt ItOA-nt 1.·!U-·tl·,':'tsT:·5Q.~·'" fEU; .' .," .~"'., 'tllIlfC£ IIOJn'H 1·U.j' ...... '·tAs-r.:·:l:16.:QO F'££--!-: .' " 'I'tIDIC~ SOU'rH 8.·~1I· 1.1. D$T !.!i':' .:1:1,0 6ft :"0 1!lU: wiS; ~.IH or '.l,ro AVDlUE Scnmr:: ' .' . , .... ,.. ."'-- 'MIoes: SOltfM l·al' " .. 1(r:::n: ALOI/W-,. SA[D' w!;:ST MA'RCI~ T'O ~ pcJ"~ ON SUD "'~ M.\ItG't!'i or SUt.IHID· ... A;teloit.:: S~"er.' .. ·' SAl'; POr~ OI:uu;. 011 A. "6.J P'OOT RADIUS euJlVE cciJiqivE Tel TlfE 1A'i1' ... ' RAD-t-.\l.-AT :5~UO JoeII"'" 8rAJUJfG SOUTH 1'5-'" oe" us-r' ,:'.: ." :; .:':: ' 1'1lDfCI SaVrtn:SU.Y ALOJiIG SA-ttl ct.'R ... £ ~ NJtClr:l,h75 • .{4 ,.ar,. ~ A P.i:i:HT.··M """ •• ,:. or '!'AtlCEHCY; " .' . . :, ',r" . "n!D'CE..sc:IIl1TH l·~)f4.'" WEST .u.o~;c .5.AID -wCn .. .tWct.tf 1&;:..j,:! dt":' t·:).::,",£: "";:. nntt POlin-OF BE.CURIIN'. .:. .:' .': .(":::. srrw.n: ]N' nI.[ CI':'Y c, Ittl'rro!~, l;Clt.::rry OF KW':'. ·:s.:.ai~ ~~; w;.~i~4~TtI:f.;: ~::~"\{; f p"rt'" r; .....' . "':: . ... ;.... :; ·t.:" l rEJ:T or TK.t WES":' l~C ;'J;ET ';;}""\" T2t! SQU'I'1I no nCT or THI: !-lORTII 7"!tE EAST 2'\10-nrr or COVEJl*E:Ni NORTH, ~E 5 EAST. W.".: : iJO LOT 1 IN SECT[O:f n. Tow.Sif.~.P H .• ,;;:-.• ':.:", ... , ..... "' . ........... --1"K£ 1tOIf1lf HI rEI:":" 'Ill"£R.mr AS C"Ol'lVa"to -:-:: TH!: CITY '01'" l'I:orrOrl FOIl $0U11tW~ ''n( s1'lttrr-UNDt"R .R~RDn,jC; 1'0. ~O"IC."; Sl'lUl~E: IN TilE CITY' or Rr.rrtItl. CQf.wrt ot JCIKC'. SI'ATE OF wA$}tlXGTCI~. Page 1 of S ,:: .:. . i ,r ,;: . ' .. ' .... .r ...... " " .1'" ,,' :',; . .',. . ,' ." .;: . t ." .:~: .. . / .:' . ., . ." ;: ", i EXHmIT "A" Legal Description of "Payl..ess Site" (continued) purr, Q: •• ~'!'Pto\T. ;poRTrOIt or C.:JVER!01:CiT ~ ! : It' s~taJ/ n. "'i'OWl'I$~UP n "., uttC.!i.!i t.\.!i'l" w.,.. .. OC:;:R.:uu:n AS f:1I .. 1.O"S: ';.. N'ORtN. Page2of5 " ,., •• " •. ~., .. , ..... ,~~.,~ •. ',010_";/' .• • ........ • T·, '.' .. -.. ",,' .. -.. '. i.' '1i'l .$:.:' ...... :':. " EXHffiIT "A" ~" .~ t .i· ./ Lega! Description of "Renton Honda Property" ;.,~ .•.... .f ;~" ./ ' .• "> .' .~~ "::...", ./ -'...'fJ .... "'" .......... . " .:' "~.-"' .. ,. ';. " .," ,/' ~ .~~ . .., ...... "/:. ./ :.:' ,/: .J:" /"':,:_, ::: rl-,/,01'" ./ Nt plition Qf G.:iVenimetiI ~r l •. $~!ion 19. Township 23 Nonh. Range 5 East. \V.M., in King Couj1iy ,iWaSJuqgton/ ~ribid, as rollow$': 'g; .~ 'r~~ ~ ! i ~ i .-.; ~l '" :~ . .>,~ :~, ;:'::: .... ,f /// ~./' .' .f>":"':/ .", .... l }i::;~"\ Co~ing at,the No~'corne':of s4!d~ubdivision, tbence South 01°23'12" West 87:hl,j"feet4iong' the .East l\rie"tJii'fof to the Northwesterly line of the former Nonhern./PacWli: RlilIro¢·'+jiht~'f.way; thence Soutb 77"27'29' West 51.51 feet along"'SlIW"NoJ'lliwe~lerli lilli' to"the,:Wes[ margin,.of Rainier Avenue South; thence coni1nu~ SotitI!77.~2"l"29' wii's1, 89.6,6 tJiet: thence Nonh ... 01'23'12" East 61.00 f~I,·~tice .N<frth !\8~36·48· Wtsv'SO.OO feet; thence NOM 01°23'12" East 99:ilJeet;,'\be'nce.North sS°:!(VOS" West 239,73 feel; !beJ\te South 00·56'57' west"7.iz feet ~ tile U:U'h ~in(of b~ginning; thence ' .. N#88,~58'31" West 519.05 f~t; ~~'N~ ~&~5~/«tWest"4PO feepQ the East Il!!e of that ttac! described in.Qeed !p'iliigh . .s. Fc:~ ai\!:l J4 AI .. Ferg1i$pn recorded under King County ~eiNo/7~.l1t'16331~ .~,'Solllli "OI·.t'4'~" West 94.72 feel along last said east ~,~. t¥' So,~t cqt'nef·of,.!ilUd c.' F~Qn ttaI:t and the North line of thaI tract dC&cribed :in Deed.tO ~l!jdge, ,.' ltiC" ~rdtd under King County Recording No. 76Qn20424;'!b¢hce'South .i.89·~O'29~/~·31.~6 feel along said Nonh line 10 the N'o~'·a.iTnefof said < Me1ridgc:"ua'ct; tbe~ South 01°14'37" West 162.82 feet al!ibg' t!iC calit line of ':" said ~Irldg; .. 'l?fct ~ said Northwesterly line: !heIIce North i1~,1i'29" Easl ""549:92 (eel ~o~Sai4'Nqnnw~s[erlY lillC to a point wl1k:h bears South 01'14'51" West frilm ~ ¢ue ~)nfof beg~; thenoe North 01°14'SI" East 128.43 feet to /he tzi:.e pOw o~·'¥ginlling. :.. .'. ':;:';' ,.t,l-,/ /~. \:.) /:'-'~""'" Situate in the City'·'~lIientOn. :JGng C~dntr. ~~n. . '\:,.,J,. '. .:' ":; ':. .:: ;'L .... ,J/ :: " ., .:. ", . " .~ ...•... ... " .••• "+ •• " '.'- '1".;.'- ;: . ,' " .... ';-,. ;/ ....... ' .. ~.: . . ,~~,:l .f ':' .. Page 3 of 5 ..... ~ .. ,: ... ... ;,:" .i' i. .' .' .... . /'._ ·r " .~ : .... if .f ;' •. " ':"!~ . /' . " .: ..... " ';'" ;: .,' .,' -.. :r .-EXHIBIT "An < ,r Lezal Description of "Ea!!!4!!t'CQt Area" , :~. Page 4 of 5 .. -~.' " ".-'!' '" . •.. ';:. '\ ....• '.,., •...... '\ .•.... "~. ;: ~: .oF "" .. : . .?""""",::' /"':/ .,' 'I~ '1;.. .' .' .,' .,'-,. ._-._ .... EXHIBIT "A" Graphic Illustration of "Easement Area" ITON MU'...., ... Page 5 of 5 ' .. ' ." " .. ': .. ' ,;.; .t.;: .. ' ". 't // KiNGCOUf~ '->. . EXCIS::: TA.JC PAlO 'V,~.',?.:r ) 'iOEC21m7 -=-rc(:, ;- '~Q!:.I-!~ ... . ..,. ne l 1,·1 .... 7.(11) : 1 QUITCLAIM DEED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY (formerly n,med Burlington Northern Inc. and also successor if I interests to the furmer Pacific Coast nallroad COITij)any). iii Delaware corporution, G· ·mtor, for Tf!n and No!lOO Dollars (UO~OO) and other good and valuable consideration. conveys and quitclaims, without any covenants of warranty whatsoever and without recourse to tho!! Grantor. its successors and assigns, to 1:UGEItE HORBACH dba E&H Proper·des, of P.O. 80x 598, Bellevue, Washington 98109. Grantee. all its right. title and interest, 11 any, in real estate more particu1ariy described on Exhibit MAR which 1S attached hereto and made iii ~art hereof, Situated in the County of King, State of Washington, together \·,ith all after acquired title of grantor therein. SUBJECT, however, to a·11 existing interests, including but not limited to all reser',ation, rights-of-ltay and e.!lsements of record or otherwisf!. EXCEFTlNG ANO RESERVING, however, unto s.!Iid Grantor, its SUCCf!ssors and aSSigns, all of the coa-I, (111. gas, casinghf!ad gas and all ore-s Ind minerals of every kind and nature underlying the surf,lce of the prem1Sf!5 herein ("onveyed, together with thl! full right. prlvilege and 11cense at any and al1 times t., explore, or dr111 for and to protect, conserve, mine, take, remove and mark.et any and all such products in any manntu w~.1ch ' ... 111 not damage structllres on the surface c,f the pT[l"ises herein conveyed, together with the right of IIcc:es!> at a11 time:; to exercise said r1ghts, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. tog,dher with a 11 the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the sald Grantee, his heirs and 15S19"5, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOf, BLrlington Northern Rallroad COfilIany has caused Hs corporate name to h~ hareunto signed by Glacier Park Company. its attol'ney-1n-fact.1 by a ~e President and the corporau seal to be hcroeto affixed this !/IJ-'IL C2 fI-day of t 19.z..:~ BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY by Glacier Park pany, 1 Oelaware corporat'l ,itt net-in-fact. BY----I~~,d;~::.-__ \"1-C. POImua Vice PreSident ~; ... ~ ..... , . .,.; \ '., .. ~ . rtJ STATE OF WASHINGTOII l os. COUNTY OF ~' -Mt !?t On this ;2. -day of / t .~ I 19 t before me personally appeirei. ugene Harbach, t me noWn 1.0 be the person hat executed the foregring instrument and ack.nowledged said instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes thr.:'ein mentioned. eM Witness my hand and official seal N above written. § .... ayulen i...... State of WashfJ).g't Q'j Residing at:-'1/6<~"~~~~~~i~~~ My cor.m1ssion exp res: STAlE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ". COUHTY OF KING ) On this ?I~ d.y of 4kJr4!/r1f. . 19B'7. before me personallyappeare-W. C. Portiu5, and nfa~ 'is, to .ne-rn--own to be the Vice President, i'lnd Ass1stllnt Secretary, respectively, Of G1acier Park Canpany. a Delaware corporation. the corporation that executed the foregoing 1nstrutM.:~,t u a atto:"ney-in .. fact for Burlington r~orthern Railroad Company, a Oelawilre corporat1on. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act ~nd deed of said corporation. for the uses and purpose~ therein mentioned. anJ on oath stated that they are authorized to execute satd fnstrument and t~at the seal affixed 15 the corporate s~~l of sftfd corporation. IN WITNESS WHEReOF. I have her~to set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first ebo'.''=! written. GP 8955 B.Q~.4 EXHunT A Th.t pcrticn oC the aouthe.at quu·t$r c<C the ~outh.".eat q!H~ter, be1nG .. portion oC COvernment Leta 13 and 14 in section 18, Townahlp 23 Kerth, aanqe 5 E •• 1:. H.M .•• n4 ot Tr.ct. 8 and 9 of S.cond Suppltllltnt .. 1 Klp o( Rent.on Shorel.nd. in X1nq County. W • .hinGton, de.cribed ... tollo"'.' C~er.cin9 .t the .~th qu.rter corn.r at .aid section lB; thence north 89°11'12-wellt alonG tha l.oLlth line ('( ... id SlIo1:io:'l 10 .. dlltanee of 910,00 teet; thfln~e north 01'40'53-ea.t 40.00 te.t to the north m.rqin ot Seutbwcat Seventh Street and the tru~ point of tcqinninq; thfln~' r.ortl\ e9·11'12· ", •• t a10n., .aiel. north ",:o.rqln 29.JO foeti thence north 01°40'S3' ••• t 42.00 teet to the beq1r,nlnq o( • C'llrve to the 'cCt, the r.dhl:l poir.t of which be,U', north SS'19'55" ",.at a dhtan';e ot 301.00 t.etj th.t.ea nortl\\of ... terll 41101'19 t!1a arc ol a.1I1<:i eur ... e throuqh a c.ntrAl an.,l. ~l S9'59'~9~ lor .. h .rc lenqth of 472,73 (eet to the southerly mar;in ot th .. flciCle Coa.t Railroad Co~p.ny r19ht-ot-~ay and ~,e be.,1nn1n9 or .. curve to ~. lett. the rediu. point ot ",hlen bear. n--rt.h S-:n't3 R a •• t A d1.tanee oe 1815.00 Ce.tf tharw: .... hrly 1101'19 .dd .outherly JurQ1n and alOtlq tha He oC .aid curve throuqh • central anql. oC ~ ·32'00" lor an arc lon.,th ot 14S,19 h.t to the beg-inl'l!n; ot a curv. to th" r.\9ht, th .. nd':"u. p.,int tiC '\Ihleh b.u~. AOUth 27·4S'1$· "'fI.t • di.tu,,,,,, of J31.00 C •• t, thanca .outhea.tarly &101'19 the arc ot "aid curvo tnJ;'ou\jh a centr.l ,Inola oC 59'lS'18-f;)1' an lire lan9th tlf 342.~2 (U.tl th .. ~. _outh Ol·40'~3~ ",e't 6&.24 le.t to th~ tr~_ point o( b"Q'lnnlnq. 'IIRC!;' 2, Th.t pOl,tion at Ooverruaont Lot 1 in Section 19, To .... n.hJp 2~ Harth. !hn .... S E.at, W.M., in 10n'1 (.ounty, Wallhlnqtcn, dltllcribed ... to110 ..... , eo",,,,anclnljl .. t the northvilit cornar ot .. aid Slet10n 19; thane •• o~th 89'10'25-e ... t 11101'11" the north lin. ot .. 1a SectIon 1,098.12 teet to the eut Un. oc LJnd. Av.nu, Southllut .11 conveyed to the City ot Renton by P.ed rocord~d under Kinq County Reeordinq Numbtr 62544361 thanee south 1"U'10 R ..... at alonljl •• id e .... t Unc ?41.0 t.at to ";h. northw •• t corn.r or th.t cart.in tr.ct of tand eonV.yed by ~1t Clailll O .. d fro,," Burl1n<;lLon North.rn, lne., to 1oI .. \rld",a. Inc., £il.d undar ~lnQ County kaeor~ln., Hu~er 7607220424j th.m;. &ouU\ 89'10'25· ••• t a.lonQ' the north I1na ot •• HI M .. lrid911 tract 2'\17.0 t.at to ~. ,outhe •• t corna .. ot t.hat c.rt.ln tract o( l.r.d cOlwayad by W .. rr .. nty Da.ed trOlf! 8\1r11n9tol'l Northern, Ine., to 1fuqh 5, rerqu.on and 3ana A" tllrljl\l.on, t11&4 under XinG County I!.tcordiT\9 H\llIber 7212:110331, .. nd the tnl. point of btQ'inninql thenc. (lontlJlu. aouth 89·10'25" •• at. .101'1'1 tho n<H·th 1ina. or .!laid, Me1dd,,,,. trAct J2.23 teot to tha .uterl), Une ot th.rt certdn tuct o( land conYa.yad by apeci .. l warrAnty d •• d tram rr&n~ B. Bonna11 lind PeopLe' N.tiona1 •• nk at Wa .. hin9t:on 1n llaatth t .. Pl.eific Coa.t R.ilroad CoJI'IPany. {iled under Kinq County R.cordlr .... Numb.r S6A1SllJ th.ne. northarly par.1lel with the We.t l1na ot •• ld Covarnmant Lot 1 .nd a10n9 •• td a •• terly line and 1t. northerly projecticn 901 teat, .ore or 111 •• , to the aouth 11n. of $04th"' •• t SeVllnth Street •• conv.y.d to the City ot R.nton by D.ed riled under Kinq County RecordinG NLlMer 62So1-436j th~nce nOrth 89°\01~5· Wa.t .1~n9 •• id ~outh Ijne 32 £a.t, ~or. or 1 •••• 1:G the MrUla •• t com ... r o( th.t c;;tl,rtain tract ot 1.,...<3 conv.yed lJy t:arnnty Deed £ro. heilic Cont R.Ht"I. ... d Comp.ny to D .... itt Hyd. Chick t:nd C.r-ola Hubbard Chick, filed ul'ldar )l:in\1 ,':ounty R..cord.ift9 l'MIb<Ir ,308364-, thenee .0utJ\ 1-13'10· \ofa.t .10nq the ."llt Una. of •• id Chic)!; tr.ct .nd it. aouth.l!'ly proJacU.:.n 901.0 f •• t to the hue poil'.t or ba'llnn.inq, GP 89SS-RantOD WA Sal. to JUI.na Harbacb dba E&B Properties .1 . -• EASEMENtS WITH COVFJIANTS AND RESTRlCI10NS AFmCTING LAND ("ECR"J THIS A.GIlEllIIIENT is _. [J,;, 2t!. day of FdmIary. 1996 __ BONNEll. rAMIL Y L.L.c., oqao;",d IIIIII<:r Ibc ~ws of !be Stale ofWosIIiDgtmI. _ ..-to os o...Jot>er. aD! WALMAlIl' STORES. INC. •• Delawaml:lltpOlUiOll. _..-'" os WaI-Mart. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS. Developer is Ihe 0","" ofT_ l. 2 :md 3 (-r""'"l. aD! of 0u!paIuIs '"OP's") A. B. C "'" 0 ("0 __ ") " dcpict<d on Exhilnt A .-:md -= "' bcrtin by re-'Ihe IepJ -.;plion of said T_ aOO 0UIpan:ds. as id<mili<d am ... forth C11 !JdIibit B _: :md WHEREAS. WaloMan bas """"" mro • ""'" wi!b Developer for Ihe kase by Wa!oMan of Tract 1. said Itaso belngdalalFdmlary lL 1996.'-'" _by ref""",,.;md bereafter mmec110 as .Lea5~.: alii WHEREAS. WaI-Man aDd Devel_ desire !hat !he TractS be deveklp<d in ~ wi!b c:aclI adler l""\I3Ilt to a general plan of ;",pro_tO fonn. COIIIIIlI!lciaI teail sbcppiDg CCIIf<r. said T""" aDd ~ being sometimes ..remd ro _ as "SboppiDg ea..r". and _ desu.1bat!he OP',;md Tncts be subject '" the -. c:oveDIItIIs, cotditicas am __ • as oppIicable '" ,;aid TractS aDd 0uIpam:1s. as _ SClIi>rtb: am WHEREAS. !he ........... CO!>iitiollS. """""'"'. m1resttict1oos oct fonh heroin sba1l ... with:md be a _fit II> or _ upon tile T"", am 0uIpmds. as provided hcn:iD.:md sba1l be of • _ am shall be effective for such limo " !he Lease is _ aDd WHEREAS. Exhibil> A and B ha" been ioitia1ed by Wal-Man "'" DeveIoper:md_ wit.b die same _ u lbe eifeaive wit berrof: am WHEREAS. Ibis ~""'Y be ref.ned 10 _aDd in die Lease,,1he "ECR". ·ECR,'s· err ~ECRls)·. aDdsudt rcr~ shall refer mea ml ~ Exhibils as idemificd.:IIId refermc<d bcI<iD: aDd NOW. THEREFORE. in tOnsil1er.Won or the premises. easemr:ms. ccnr=mls. CODditiOllS. ~ aM eDCUmbrarx:es contLiDed berein. as in considermon of said lcasl:. the sufIicicucy ofCllll5idcntion being hettby aclolowlcdp. WaloManand Ilevdopcr. do b=by _gr=. Jl'3IL convey .and wamnt. as roUows: [. Prfiojtjons: .. "Building At<as' "used ber<inshall ..... 1bat ponionof!be T_ aod 0Wpai:<els as sbown on ElhibiI A. thai: have dn. .... aod depi:rcd _ ""'" labeled as 'Building Area", Said "Building Alas" _ tile pbysiW "-Within wllidl buildings can e:d$t now. or bmafter. 0X<qJt filr<:q>allSioo as provid<d bercin., Qnopies may _from die Building Alas over !he Co<lllllOl1 Alas provid<d !he c:ampics do DOl __ tile.., of tile CotIIIDOIl Alas. mi III)' such cacroochiDg caoopi<s sbaII 001 be coosidered .. part of !he CommoII N.a. or im{Irovem.:Q15 within ~ Comouoo. Art:;.. but =u :: ~ as pa."t af !be _ willlin !he Building N.a.. b. "Common AI<a5" " osed ber<insball ..... all or !be TIXIS aDd 0u!patI:d! C aod D, except aod ClIOludiDg IheIdiomIllc IIui1diDg Alas "'" mept ard exdudiJlg Ihemtom die Icpl dcsI:ripciC11 of !hose pottioos ofir.JCIS 2 m1.l thal are now 5Ubjed to the termsoC tb;u.c:rt;\incxisting ..... by _ Family P:>mlcBIIip (Ilcvclopct beiDg die SIICC<ssot 10 -I - T f II !' .. ii ill • ii I i " ~ i ~ I - :- • Co eCol!lV'e:l:Sim to Common A1e:I ~ .sbaIl refier to portia of the BuDdiDg A= upon wbidl buildinss or "'""""" 0IIIIl0I be WIti1luatd ror;my n:asouam whi<h the 0=1_. __ ., T""" 2 and 3 """ 00Ipart0JJ C wi D. am Wd-Mart, wiIh _., Tnct 1. d""",;nes ID CODV<rtID Common A= by e=utiog 3D _ID Obis ~ ddiIliIIg dI31 patticular pornon of !be BIIiJdiDg ~ to Common .-\ma. If the Conversion to Common Ala. oc:cun substqueo1 in Umc ID !be time dI31 DMIoper improves the Common Alta. " provided borein. tbcn the: cost of lhe improvo:nems ID lbc CoutImion to Common Area. to then maJCb!be COIIlDlOn Am impto.dOOIIS. sbaIl be paid by 1he party COI1VmiDg said.,... Temporary ... o(!be ate3 on Exbibit A IabeIaI BuiIdio& AI<a ioc2led on r"" 2 OS:lll ate3 __ Devclqx:t may inidaI1y provide for parking amliHhliot! impt_ shall ,.,. ........ rhe ~ fD Common Area. II. '!'erim= Wall' ,baIl..rer 10 the _ surra.:. ofa wall ofa buildilJ& or a _ ~ to • building (excluding """Pies) 10C0I<d wibin the 8uiIcIing Alcis. c. 'Sbopping COllIer" sb:ill "'f" 10 the 0= CD:OIII(IaSSiDg Traas 1. 2 am 3 am Owpuccls CandO. f. eMUIUaI ComentA shall refer lD COIBeIIl to lbe aaiviI:y or manet. redIJc,ed. '" • .uiDg. <lefming aIld setting fonh !be ...... «>IISeIlIEd ID wiIh clarity and ~gIIIO! by Developer am Wal-Mart, g. 'Buildingts)" " I1S<d _ill sball ""'"" COIISIIIICIOd S1X\ICOIIO in !be Sbopping Cc_1hal is _ '" be oc:cupi<d. above or belo", gnde. by persons OIXII" pcrsooal propeny _ '" the use £or whiJ:h!be spu:o wiIhin tbt perim::tc:r walls of the ~ i:s iute:adcd 10 be used. 2. Us: Buildings sball be limited to collUlle!cial use am p!U:pOSeS of I te£ail., !IICtCIll!ilesl!opping cmer <ypeofuse Ihal wilhou! limituion iIJ:l1..tes IilwI:iaI _ offices • ..,...,. sbops. """ n:miI SID,... N_ilhstondilll the aCIICIaIity of tbe aIixesaid the following .... sbaIl 00' be permitted <=P' UjlCn mulUalCOllRnl: beaIIh cJub or .,"" Ibeaae: bowling alley: video game or billiard porior" 'imiJar pJace of'''_' or nishtclub. No afet<ria or -= .baIl OCCUpy ;my building!pICC, wbicb spa<e is locate:! .,iIbin two buD<In:d feet of the pcrimctcr wall of the bWIding """"""'" by Wal-Mm on TCia 1. """" tbe Building AIoa on 011""",,1 D (iDcIUIling .10% 0lIp0DSi0n of laid Building Area) and the vre:ttetllliKbt BuiJding Area. on Traer. 2 ate DOt subject to dais restridion. No> ~ ::;: =!....:.:.o:; ==rJ~ = tl:: ag:RgaIt: II:lOte than five ~IQ!VI _ feet of tbe.BuiIdiDg Am on Tract l. o,more tban4800 ....... feet .. 0u!parccI C or more than 6400 squan: feet on iluqlarW D iiocluding a 10% __ of said BuiJding Areas on OP C aIld OP D) will be aIlowal withou, IllUllIal co ...... NOIWilbstaJdioa any1hiDg to the coottuy ~ borein. it ~ exp=ly l.UldmI:ood CbaI: IlOtbiag eooIaiIIed in this Agrecmcm. shall be coa:strllCd 10 coomin a co'Vaaot. citbercxp!<5$ or iIIIpIied. tIw Wal-Mart will allltimlc" qx:ta,u business 011 Tract t. """PI 1 I, . -.. j- ., .1 • "' ... Wal-Man dots _1lI1t it will, _ U! said !.cose. """""'" alluildillg. _ ..... """" 1tt1ICIIII<S. of'-o:ly one _ tbin)r-tlm:c ___ sqam!to< _ _ rlIo IlaiJdmg Am, OD T""" 1. ee..!opIr ...... and _ledges _after _day ofn:tlil opmIiOD WaI- Mart may. at .. sale dilcmioa, cease rlIo llI=lionofils _ OD Tract 1. ataIllewlq>er ba.tJy waMs III!' legal ad!im for damages or for equiI3bIe !did which migb< be ....;IibIe ., ll<M:Ioper _ or.,,:I1_ of_ acUvily by WII-MIn. 3. CamlaiJI( Bp!iness am Dllndon gf Amrmnr IIe\cdoper CGVaIiiIIIS tbaC: as kmg as WII-MIn. or'.1IIbsidWy or _ of Wa1-Mm (affiliIe .....,;ng an..my dJat is oWDCdSOl' .rmmeby WaHdart). or.Snb-Lessee or AssigDceofWaI-Man~ in oa:oJdm:e willi Iho "'IOS ofrllo Lease. """Pies and _. __ n:tIil "-.... _ rlIo .... dI:pioed as Building Azea 00 Tcu:t I: .. 1 bo1 Do<eioper will DOt devclo\> my BuiIdiDp OD Tract 2 or 3. or OP I.- B. Cor D. or upon my real prnperIy dJat is I:IllOigaous., rlIo SIIopping C_ dlal is _;cqui!od and de><Iopod by Developer. for .... by • '" odr:r emily or person as , __ di:partmI:nt ""'" dJat is hqalhan 4O.OOIllqlW< fort.lfsuch use of Iho BuiIdiDg Azea 011 Tract 1 ., a __ dq>u"""" srom IIOZlIIizmIa for."",,",,-period or ., least """ (2) rem or rlIo Loose is 1I:tJDiDaII!d or 0XIiDauisb<d for l1li)' .,..". whatsocver.1hon the _1I!qqed by Ibis porapph 3 sIiall h!lSO aDill<rDlimI< and be of '" fmao aDildli:I:t. b. lbis ARr=>:III and rlIo ........... _ and condlIions. and an .:am _. sball be ill full fim:emhtr<ctupontbo_or!be 1 .... by boIb parIies. If sailloase .......... or is ...m,pkbed for l1li)' r·:ascm what:5ocvcr then this Agro::mem. and tbc: fIW:!!"!!I1'!$ n,m:i:tioas., .1Id COIIditions hl:mf sball '-and CXIiIIguisb alii! sbaIl be or", fim:e ,lid efIi:a. a. Inn am Cnnmyqi<in. 1'bc tmiIdicgs c:onstnICIed within tbc Buildin& JIIeIIS.ba11 be desip and 001",,,,,,I0Il so dlal .... .......,. __ of ,od! _ be _y and ..abcdaUy .""I" .. ble and so rbat tuildinR waIJ footings and undoqrowJd v1IlIts for _ sbaIl DOt ,_ from "'" Traa or Ouqrarcd OII!D _IIIIX or 00IIpmleI. I roYided Ih:tt (n OOI1SIIIIction of rlIo Wal-Matt I>liIdilIg 00 Tna I. in ,<CIXdaa;e with plans ",bmilIOd U! rlIo Cily of -.. is tIoreby 'IlPmvod. and (il) ill the ..... buildiIIg~..u footillgs or vwlts. 1IIII5l1irnD Ci design and cOll5tl"lll:lica srmIpoim,. cncroadJ. on anadIct Tnct or Clut\>OIt<l. despite ICISOIIabJe cflbns.,avoid rbat 'i rlIo \lIllY ''''''"'' said T..a or 0UtpanzI_ iIpolI sbaIl """'I"'"'" in good 1Wh. in gruItiIIg an ax:roacImar. pemUc or.....,.., 10 rlIo \lIllY wbose luildiog waIJ footings or vaul!s om:roadI, ID .... _the .... does oat IIIaCOriaIIy inIafm wicb the dcvdopaJ:at 0Cl rlIo Tract or 0aIp0rc0l c:DClUltbed upon. C 1) Design and co .......... sbaIl be of bigb quaIily as __ by the BuiIding co_ OIl Tract 1. ,2) No BuiIding _'-IhiIIy-IM!to< in baiIhI-1irnD the mean _.-of the porkins .... or Iho Sboppiog Center. =IudiDg .... saiI!Jci8IR COIIIpIIIliIion roof_ I>:acing. _on. air coodidoniI>g (IlV AC) c:qaipIn<IlIor saLdlitc disbos 00 sail aJildiq or pmpot or _ waI1s inIoD:!I:d in """'" oaid Iiv AC c:quipn<nL No building sbIi1_ one story or i:a:lude a nw:::zzaaine. - 3 - -' . . ----._--~ r· ··~I· J 1- 1_ , • (3) No Building !IlaIl have an"""" _ surface or. roof IIormlIDl or angl<d surf>celbal is _ Ul podcsaiaIIs_die SbJwio8 = tIIat bas. """'.-. < .... for fIasbiIIg IIIIII:riaI which will be paiIIIed or _ 10 I!IaIdldie_ IlI1iIdings rurf3a:). (4) No rooftop sign sball be _ OIl> BaiIdiDg. Tho BuiIdiDg OIl Trxt 1 sbaJl be pennitted 10 CCDIIm::t a sarcIIirE dish on lbe tOOl of said Building or elsewbac on TllICt 1. (5) c..uo. Ar<as man be ofupbalt or """""'...-. or_ apptOv.d SII%fuciIIg for parltiIIg of_. mipod. and slIaIl 11& .. IlgII!ng _. pl2llfng ...... sumo daiDage. ....,. and guam arowKllII< planling m:u milor ligbIing standanl ...... IS desip>o:d and set forthOl!Exbibit A. for die Cammon Areos. or IS may be __ bylllllll3l_ (6) AD d<sign and plans for BuIldIngs -=1'-ID be COIIStlUCIM CIp01II11< BaiIdiDg Ar<as of Ibe S!qIpiDr C<IIr<r shall be o:rbiIriftd to 1110 0Ibcr party _ and die polIies !IlaIl..uoaab!y __ in die plans and timing of IUCII_ Wal-Mart _ ha .. !be prior riglll Ul approve !be cbign and plans for die IluiIcIiq to be """"""'" on T"", 2. in orner to ...... 1haI1be BuiIdiDg """"" and parking IOC3Ifon for 1lIa! <ImlopaIcut do IIO[ _ _ !110 """"" and parking for Ibe Wa1-Mart Bui1ding OIl TOItI 1. '" long IS no <IemoUIioa or cho!!p: in Building Faolprin! is proposo;! '" 0C0Jr in 00_ -. Wal-MartsbaU ooIy be OlIIiIlcd '" prior -. nnO:e of plans and dos;gn (1IIt1Ildin8 pui<ing lot plans) for III< Buildings '" bo "''''''''"'''' Oil Traa 3 and Clu!pa!lXIs C and D; but Wal-Mm's prior """"" man be "'!IJittd for any devdopment plans for T= 3 l1IXI ~ C and D lbaI. roquire dcnolilfon or ~ in IluiIdio8 Foocprim. In 111< ..... !be to,""", or Wal-Idut is tequin:d bo=uxIer. Wal-Man sball be tequin:d '" re!p<lDd 10 • request for apptoVal_1hitty (30) days of=ip< orsucll_mlsucIl_ slIaIl no! be __ y wi1hbcld. Ncxwir!lsImliq mydIil>g beftin to !be canttarJI. 6mI_ o(die pImIs and dcsiIJ! for III< Building '" be """"""'" _III< Building AIea ofT"", 1 sbaI1 be" the sole <Iism:tioo ofWal-Man. b. 1=I1aD: No Building man be ~ _1lJo Shopping c.m.r. <ida as iDiIial ooosttudion and deveIopmoot or __ 1ISinn. =po: _,Ibe Building Aras am no ~_ or a1roraIioDs wbich _ subotuttially from lhosc: shown on ExhibiI A or p<IIIliI!L1I _ Ibis AgreImcm may be mad< witboItt!be prior ....... _ of Wal-M2rt mI[~. c. EiIl:..I~; Any BlliJding c""""""",, in the SboppiDg c-. man be """":uo:tIid and opm1cd in sucb a """"'" wbicll will ",,*,,"!he spriIII:lcd..., on III< 0"'" BuIldIngs in !he 5boppiDg Cco!u. P3"'"::: All ~~ !!qI.!!.."!d by me Rem!! t:gy C~ m1 tb!! ECP. fQr ""l' E>ik!ing sIJalI be located ..cIusimy on die Iraa or 0uIpuc0! OB .. hich said buililin!! is 1CCIUd. In !be ~ l1IXI use 0( die Tl3Ctt am <Iwparcd.s (c=priDg emtiug .... ofOP A alii 8 ponuan! '" existing 1=500, by Developer ofsaidpucc1s) <ICh T_at Ourpa=IslIaIl amtiIllfJUSIy provide aDd. maiDtIiD. a parfCDg ram DO SDCb Traer or CJuqxIltd(s) equal '" OlIO of!be following: -• I 1- r- [~ N ~ r- 0 til 0 '" ell • (I) _VI! 'i""'S for every CIllO __ fi= ofllltildiDa _ for any raIiIiInIIt or_ ... b3Yiag._ Mo!ago in "'"" of frio __ fool. 1be same ratio shall be (l<OVid<d for a Mdloaak!', .......... _-.w,g. IIIIlldiDg of loss Ibm frio __ It<!; (ii) DJ!IOaS for every ... thousand .square,.,. of Building for:my .......... or _ use less lbanfrlo -... _!'eo(lIII>i= ID Il1o AllIe McIlcmaId', e=pIioIl "" _ in (i) IhoYe; or (iii) frio ..,..,., pet..., _ square fi:ot oflluildiDa tor lIlY ollla: ... (proWled tlm. " tOIlg3S Il1o IIuiIdiDg au Tnc! 3 is lilt expmI<d or recaasuu:ted and does DOt iDcb:Ie a fleW re:stmram or .............. use, Il10.,.. in IIat Building shall be P"IIIiII<d ID maiJDin. in the aggregate, ......... partiDg ratio of 4.3-"" per "'"' _ squ= P:ct ofBuildiDg). S. t))'Pinu;l4' nrM!1nnmrnt= In addiIiou to the resui:tious set forIb c:lsewlxrc in dJis EO!. Ibc 0uqIan:ds <ball be cI=lopod _ 10 Ibc fbllawiDg g1IiddiDos: •• b. c. d. c. ...... w~ OInpotcd A is te=tly deYeJop<2I and_lease by Dovc/ql<t 10 U.S,}" _tewn. Wal-Mart _ 10 Ibc _ use and amfiamation or uiSlinS IIuik6Jlti> and,.".,.... __ .. of elm he=( and any._Ibat ... _ .. be ....... OPAbylbc_ Jl'ID1''''' .. said lease (ptovidod Ibat 0eveI0pct shall DOt_1bc """,,1lCIiaU of;my building _!haD _.fbe fi=1lld........,. in bcigb:_). To Il10= lbatlbc =isIiDc ..... Is __ for", _ Ibco any suMequeal'" _ shall comply wiII>_ guiSeJm. except that 3Jrf subsequem usc ·welJy the same as the currellt use oC OP A is ;qJprovcD by Wal-Mut.. (u. ase as a gasoliDe _, lite ""'" Illd <dalcd uses. inctcding ttmiI_sales_ to use as a gasolinc mtioa). auq"tcd B is amecdy wxIer Ieosc .. ~ Maroa, iDo.(Rcotoo- U",,,h) by !kvd_ m! Ibc _"'" _ aid lease is for DeW Illd used.;or smagc and sales. which pcrmio<d .., shall DOl be _ or """lied with<>u Ibc prior _ofWal-MarL Wal-Mmhas-'" and ~"'lQ1IM Ibc parking pl;m for 0Utp0rccl B asll!owD 00 _ A. BuilcliIlgS __ DO OP A shaIlllOtexcccd oae smry m! _,·five feet in bcigbl and BuiIdiDgs __ .. OP B shall .IOt _ ooc SUlry and J5 fi= ill boigbI, _ flail Ibc 1II1I3I1 _011 dcvatioo of Ibc Commoo Atea pa!tiIlg lot of Ibc Sboppicg C-r. No rooftop sign shall be _ ooSlldl BuiIdiq or IIuildirJgs """1)' rooftop ClIUit>m<r>t sh1lI be scrccor:d in a........, Dlisbry .. Ikvd_. Said bcight r=iaion shall lID! apply 10 any roof_ BY A': or = ~ 10 SCI'CCII said BY AC eqaipmcDI or 10 roof- anmtc:d SaJl::llite dishes. Buildings _ c:oosnu:rcd on Il1o ~ shall be _ in Ibc BuildDg A=!XI the ""P""i" p;uteI and shall proWIc ~ parkiDg _, in II<COrtbocc witll S<aion 4(<1), No I>~ ilcmi!icuioo sign may be ........ on OP', A Illd B ;ilbaltt W'C".-::l ci' De~,:!-t='. =! m ~ !:Y'!!!t sbe.!l die idtmffiCirinn »en =11bc bcightoflhcSboppiIJgCeloor (l)'ton signorsu_y btcel: ~ Yi~..lliy I}f ~ Bllilding cnnmu.:red. by Wal-Mart em Tnct.l. it b:iDg lOCIlgmd IIlat from pani<:uJar vi<wpoittIS some poI1ion oflbc BttiIding <OnStItlCIed by Wal-Mart may be _ by ""'" sips. /l«willot Uq lite fo",oiIJg. _signs", IiM:iliIaIe Ibc lieellowof-' tilt to ex<l:C<! frio feet itt bci8Jl!, of. _ rJPC, II< wtIIorin:d, subject 10 Ibc approval of o.veJap<r. -5- ". ~ ~-~.::i:,;:.;:~::-­ ~':~~r.""- r I , I -. I • I I 1- 1- f. • No B>ildiDss .mn be COIlStt1l<:t:d on "" Oo!paItels, ~ _ _smly, or .ubsl:uItiaIIy alt=!, _ * prior pIans.- Cmd>diDg sir!: layout. =rior boiIdmg _, colo!! aud pukiDg Iaj1ll1Q have been '!'Proved in writi"I by Devdoper, provided exisIiDa BaildiDgs 00 OP A aud parI:icg lot lay"" for OP B, .. CIIIlOIIIIy cIqri<!<d ooE:<IID>it A. ate approved ___ or_ to o..eloper. Buildings within tI>: Cluq>oIa!Is dIaIl DOt _ boyood tI>: IxNDlarics IIx=Jf. g. III lbo, ~ aud use of"" Cluq>oIa!Is (<oa:qlIiI>g ""'"" use of OP ~. am B pummill '" existing Ieascs by DeoeIopet of SIiI pmeIs), _ Outpmcl shall c:omiDuously provide am _. parI<q raIio .. SIlCh Ootpm:eIs{s) equal to "",,of* fi>IIowiDg: (iJ twelve spaa:s for cvay ____ r..t .fBuildillg spI<O for my I<SI>llrul or _ use having. ~ filaooge ill =cess of five IbotlSa.lld squaR!eet. lbe.same ratio sbaD be I!<tl"i<i>I for. McllooaJd's -. OOIwiIhsaDcIiJlalluilding of Icss !ban 5 .. tboosaud """'" feet: (ii) 1m 'PZ'" for ~ ... __ r ... of BuiIdIDg for my _or _ use less thaD JIYe _ square r..t(subjca to "" ...., McDonald's exctption set faith ill Ii) above; or [dJ) five $pII%S per.ne _ squano r..t of Building for my _use. o..el_ shall cause iandsclpiog ..... to be _ IS pon or said Ouq;utd develop""", ill c:oajull:tiaa with my Building or _ impn,,,,,,,,,,, co_ on !be Outpao:d(s).If * 0IIrpm:eIs ....... okveIoped Ib:n Developer.mn '""'" tba ..... to be kqII ..... ardcdy, aud ~ Iaodocaped. In _ said Iaudoape .... aud gnss .... IS pon _,flO be trimm<d_ developed withBuildi»gs or _-. h. 0uq>1ltds use shall, subj<tt 10 prior __ ofDeoelDper, with respect to my Building or impro __ be _ 10 ItIaiJ or comc:aercial purposes oaly~ acept DO BuildiDg or iwptow"*,,," sball be osa1 for ._. nigltt club. bowliDg alley, r...w. .. orbillianl parlor. No lluilding 00 !he Outpan:cl sba1I be 1IS<d as • _ ........... "" .. IJt' variety. or -dollar stcre-iftbe sam: ~ U:ntlnlsml square = ", .. lie. l.. The J~andlcr O~ ofrbeOurpm:el (orceaaars rbereofifoar provided by Ilc'ielopcr) !hall _ ~ puI>Iic IiabiIily j. ~, propctty <iamagc aud all rid: _ iaswm:e with _"' Il1o OUIpoo:d(s). Buildings _1bIeoo. __ tbo!<Ul, aud OIhertmpm""""'" 10C2led Ibet<oa. SudI........,. WIl (i) be arried with repurable co""""",, Iic=<d .. do WsiD:ss ill tbe _ of W~ (il) have limit< of .. least 6 .. _ doJIm for_ """""""', bodily injury m1 property ~ combiD<d; [m) sbaII DOt be subject to <bang •• cm:elJatioo or ___ at _ tbiny day;' prior wriaen notice 10 Developer. Devdopcr !hall " i. expcosc. im1aIl .... _ 0U!l>iDa .... _ iaqmJy~ iU p~T.:iA..rw-....as.,. c=pkr,=. ~ irMI!=es cr ~ _ ill my way wiIh Il1o ~ _ wiIh _ parI<q VaiOl' 3ii:iiij° to:: *'--:..= == ~~!!!Y ~ in rhf ~ne c-or oIIIor _ OP B. If, despilc Il<'Idoper's inmlIation of such _, WaI-Mm dcu:!min:s tbat 5IICb _ wocIosa! will> OP 8 ""putiDgoo T_l. _ Wal·MartmyrequimDom:loperto'" _ reaso""'~ stepS III I<III<dy Il1o problem. ·6· , ~ .. . , I ~ __ ~._ •• ~_r_ r i i- I_ • • 6. Cnnpnm Areas' :a. r"'2P' ofFJs:mmrs -.stq?pin2 c""rr: Wu.Martpaars to Devdopet. _ '" is immst" Lessee ofT .... 1. as. <m=r. alii DcwIopcr gr3III:J 10 Wal-Mm., as owner ofTraas 1. 2 m:I. 3 as aGmdor'? as a ImdenIlpOllIlm t<SpCdive.".". and ... _ '" IIIdr ~ ........ __ and_shaD '"" wid> 1IIe "'lI'diw ...... un be billding llpOo tile same. unID Ibcir ~ _. aJS1OIIIm. _. """"'= ......... un cmpto,ees of tile pIl1ics. ............ ..... ......... _. Ibmlgh. """'" andlllOlllldllldrrespcaive r ..... l.land l Car roodwIys. walkways. ingrcu un ....... pming of __ • IaodiIlg andlDIIoadiDg. ,ehiCnI.1r "'" _1nlIic. and tile use of facflitiIs iDstllIcd. f(lr the comfora; am a:meniax:c of ctISlI:meni. iavittos. """"'= ........ un omploy ... ofbasinosses and""""""" oCtile BuiIdiI>gs _ wilI>in!he Shoppiq o:m.r. wilbiDlho IIuildiq Alas <pa:ificd •• Exhibit A. l'uI1heI: ........... is pIIII:d by WaloMon ., ~ "'" Dev<loper I. W:II-Mm., iDstIJI wlagMWd_ &om !he...,... point 00 !be _ oftbe Sboppiag o:m.r. ID tile BuiIdiI>gs _ un to be 0005tI1Jatd _tile IIuiIdioa Areas dqlicralon ExlubiIA. plO'Iikd ..... .., __ sbaIl be_ ill !be BaiIdiog Areas. "'" unless ~ by tile •• II) sucb UIiJity shaD be _ above ground. <=pC -lIIIIIIiurIJl& devices. clan outs. aa::ess to vaults. power comecIiottsw.n:es, phooemnnerricm ___ co __ ....... be_or_._ ~ point for operation. njnren,!I!'e repair. mtoQIioa. or expaDSioa. !D serve tile BuiI<liDgs witbiIllho SboppiIlg o:m.r. Wal.MaJt sbaIlbawlho right to use !be """' ............. OP B n:conIed" l'iIeJ No.~or ,dDCiIar ruxl p«Iestrim....,., &om T_ lID Gndy W..,. ~ shaD !ako all acboo """""Y .. p!O!«W!and_ sudI access easemeat. aDd DO modifi:Uion of sUi access ase:meDl shall be biDdiDc wiIhout!be priO! co",,",ofWal-Mut. b. Gram of P.aznrI1l5. -Qltpan;r;!s" Waf-Mart as CinDfor an hcbaIf' of ils Lessee',"""",, ill rta<! 1. "'" Devdqler." .,.....ofrl3dJ I. 2 andl un.fOWpan:ds A. 8. C. "'" DtapOdive1y. dobeleby palIIand "''''"I' ., Deve!oper. "'" its ""'"""" "'" assigns. for tbe _ of ~ A. B. C "'" D. "'" !D WaI-Man mI n..tlopor. andtbeiI sua:<:iSO! aDd wigns. for !be beocfit .fr ..... 1. 2 0IIIl3.1IDII .. an ........ dt<rimcm",!be Shoppiq CeDIer mI 00l!(IIl<ds •• ........wsm: ......... for v.-tar aDd p<d<:sttim ....... ioposs. '1P'SS.1IDII fat purposes of insWlation o( utili~ to me e:m:or: me s=e do DDf: imert:re wid> _. of BWldings. wiIhiolho BuiIdiD& Areas. subject .,!IlO ~!hat!b: utility =-CIOCS DOl """ _ or imptovemems above grouni. sub;:a. to tbt: SIIl1Ie ...."enH4S ;md taui:tiom: as set forth in pmgtapha. above, fortbe beoditml use 01 Tta<!s 1. 2 aDd lruxl 0u!pmeI A. B. C mI D. aaI __ • inviIccs. """"'=. !eCaIl!s. omploy<cs.r _. aaI 0CQIjl0lD of BIIildia&> 0< ._1IpOII said ShoppiDg CeDIer atItlIor 0ltpaI<d(s). PROVIDED HOWEVER. iIl .. .-sbaIl said ......... """"" or pmies beoeliru:d by !his _ be pamitn:d to ... !b: SboppiIIg Ceo!<r or cwpam:!s or U'f part tbe=f. lOr'-putiq 0< Ill)' odI:r purpose o<her !haD !IlO ingrcu mt opas mtOlhor rigbIs !~I g..--;u:.it:rl as set f~-;:" in :bis r-5 ...:.~. \j;i!i;; em ::';;,:-c"r--;: ~:= W~4:h...t!b!l!~ in tho IocaIiog am when: =<y. gtUIitlgofspo:cifically 1_ easements for the iDsta11ation, tqJIir. expaasiou. rcphCCOY'D' or ......... of ""no dnios. sewm. _lines. plIODo !laos, """""'"" lines. .-liD:s and _!S. o<her _ and odIcr proper_ """""'Y for !he o_y devdopmoot aD! opuatioo of tbe Sboppiog ·7· r I '- II. • Ca= UII! ... 0uqm<:eI(s). Developer UII! WaI-Man, UII! ....... of said respeaive parties. sbaD use tbeir besI etfcm to cause ~ jnftIIaricm of such 1IIi1ity UII! ..rn:.lin:s. " stIlOd. 10 oa:ur pdar "PO'" UII! 6Disbing of Common Area within ... Sboppillg CcaItt. No such 1IIi1ity or service lin:s sball be insIaIbI within "'1!uiIdiIl& Mo:I depi:Iod 00 Elbibit A loc2n:d on anotb:t p31't.'s paro:l.. I jmjptjmr; gn Ilg ofCnmmgn Arm: (1) Oll1nmrc;o IlcvcIoper ani Wal·Man sballuse -.. eff .... '" ...... Ibat 0ISIIlalen UII!""'" shallllOl be penDi!II:d 10 parle 00'" Common AI= of ... Sboppng CaRr excopIwbiIc sboppiag or tr.msacting tWocss em 1 ..... I. 2 ml3. ml Devdaper. as 0WII0r of 0uIp0rccb A. B. C and D. sball similarly use rasomble efforts. am sbaU. cause rmams, alSlOIDI:rS aDd ....... of the 0uIpaIteI(.) IIDt 10 parle 011 the Common Ala. (2) Emplgy""o o.v.Iopcr and Wal-Mut sball ... _ efforts to easure !hat omploycc< of _ of die SIIoppiDg c..... or of o.v.Iopcr or WaJ.MMt. sluIlllOl parle wiIIIin die Common Area ex<ept in mas designaJed 011_ A os '<mp!oy<e (IOrIciJII mas'. irany. (fOOllC "" do:sipaIzd _ saidompioyecs shaUbe requiIed 10 park" a poD<..,.. _ tium tlle BuiIdinc _ in the Shopping Ca= Ibey 0CClp)''' ... employee. o.v.Iopcr and WaI·Man may from _10 lime IIIIDalJy de$ipaIc aM ;qlptOvc. in 1I'liIiDz. designat<d '~Y"I' put!og areas' 00< shown 00 Exhlbit A. Em!>1oycc< of....,.. of 0Uql0rcd! A. B. C and D may IIDt use the CoaImoa Alas of III: Sbo\lpillg Cemer for parking .. any time. (3) Gm:IaIo ~o use shall be owIe of the Common Area othor dian iu prima,y I""JXI'C of provOliog parking IIId pr:dc:so;ian ml vehicle iDg!oss UII! =. and ..meillg. for """"""', _ UII! omploy ... of!hose businesses COIlducIiDg business wiII>in Ihe Building /=s. m! tlle serviciDg UII! "'!'Ply .. of such 1xlsiac=5. PROVIDED <lw (al with prior""" 10 WIl-MIrt ... Developer. in wriIing. selling fonb ......... dunIioo. mel purpose, aM """"Iiano:e wiIh II:mIS of any such "I'I'l"""I. '1'P'OvaI can be gmtted 10 Ihc _ 0(1_ 2 UII! 3 '" use III: Common Arct on a lim.ico:I space aDd. time !mil sa loDg as Ibc priJIIary lJIUI'O'C of III: Common Area "'"'" b DOl in!af=d wiIh. '" fee is clwged tbcr<fore.1IId III: _ dosIgou<d .... does ... UDduIy imrferemote wilhIhcCommonAls_ofTIlIClI IlDIIItJ=d 10 Tna 2 m! 3 or the ....... lIx:reof; UII! (b) WaI· Man shall be entitled. without prior 1IIJ!io:c. to opcmc_" _ sales ..... and _ SCISOOaI saIcs """ 00 Ihc Common Area of Tract l. or from _ to time OD a temporuy basis. parle ~ 00 Ihc Common Area of1C1ClI for III: purpose of storage of seasooal mercbarrlise as kmg 1$ such 5eBli~ IIaiIers do oot bloclc vicws Iiom Ihc adja«l< ....... of or a=ss 10 oIhcr Ilui!dings in Ihc Sbopp .. Ca=. _ may oa:ur " • -ru """"'IUCIJC of Ihc ,""",,,,,,,,"1CIiny i:r:al'ved in ==-.=i::; ~ ~'it!:in!he u. .. "",",,: .A..~. ~ improv ...... wiIhin III: COlIlIIlOO Area, _Ie to _ of ~ "designated m! _ OIl_A is penDi!II:d. wbcther dlle 10 J3uiIding>. cxpamioa.ofBuildiDgs""'Y be_. curt>s. guaen. drives and pa .... ·8· r I· • i- r 7. Dmloonm Lhimnpnz;uP Talcs' .. Dcw;1qmx:nt: j-(1) farkjng An:;) Ratio-Wal-Mart alii ~ qRC tbat u aU times tbere shall be ind , Ie cty IIWDI::aiDed em. t::ICb. ofTr.ac:t I, 2 aDd 3 _ partiDs "'" '" _"",fewer dIoDl!Ye car spoc:s for each ClDC _ scpwe fi:<tofBaildiDg _ m each Slid T ..... unIois ..,.. such paIciIIg shill be ~ by !be (lltlYisiClllS of this ECR. b. Majrqrmm:: (1) S!aIxIanI:i: Upon COID!'IeIion or !be impro_ 10 be """"""'" _ 11>: Commoo. _ m1 subjcz:t '" !be II!mlS of !be l=e. Wal-Man and ile'Ieloper sboIl_ tbeir ""l""'ive pcldioos of !be Common Me:!. (i. .. WaJ.Mart as '" Common Me:!. _ on Tn<:t 1 :u:d De1<kIper wiIh _10 Comom Me:!. _ on T= 2:u:d l aDd 0UIpm:els A. B. C "'" D. in goad CDIIlition and ~ and sbaIl, wiIh _'" sailllUp<CIIwo eo ...... Am<. repair. testnre. ~ !be improvome:D ... aDd wilen tbeir I<S[l<divt _ofObe Commoo.Me:!. is in_ II!ed thereof. and. sbalJ I:DIiDtaiD lbe same. rmjnrtnm:c 10 iDI:Jude:. boll \lOt be limited Ill: (0) MaiJIIainiDg _ in o level. -. aDd.-...!y <XlV<l<d IXIIldition wih !be IYP< of suta:iac _ originally inoU1lod or _ SIlhsIi!ulo as $llaIl in aD IapccIS be "PI ill !j1UliIy. use ml t-dwai>ili<y • r- t>.! (b) Cause!D be =,ed aD ttasb. filIh. -. papers. debris. os r:! tbesame am rm"'a1t:s within tb:: CcmmanArea wiahin tbcir 0 1<SpCCIi'. 1r.IC!s. :u:d III ""'" Ibe ...". to be lbo""i!b1Y ..... I/) using cflicictt cquipmem, to !be...... ta5OIIaI>1y 00C<SWy Ie 0 t.ep Ibe Common An:! in • dean and onIerly <Xl!Ilitiao. <D ~ (e) Replacing. ~in~.R[>lIciIIgany-..uy appro[lri.w: _ona! signs. _. :mol lioes. (d) 0pcra!iDg. and paying utility com IS "'!IIirod. wilen due. by _IIICIU. and repairing aDd n:plao:ing. wIIore mlwbeu """""'Y. bulbs miUglIIing _ ~ IdifioiaII/iIIlIio:i1irios as may be IClSOllably aca:ssaIY. (e) MaiJIIainiDg. "Placing. !eSI«ing. mowing. -.liq, ......... 1rimmiDg. alllacdscajle .,... wiIbin Slid partios IUp<CIIwo Common An:! • and makiq such n:p ............ 0{ _ "'" 0Ib0r lmIsoping as ~ """'"'Y. Q). Paims;u;r WallS: Waf-Mart. u to Buikfinp 011. Tnct 1 m1 Developer. as 10 BuiIdiDgs locmd 011 noelS 2"'" l ml 0\npaItels C and D. sbalI. as ml wbcn ~ -. dean. ~:;;;:in, n=pair. tt:StOre. repla::e as DCl::CSDl)'.1Il p::rimercr .-;or Building ...us. irUdiDJ r=iDiag walls. garden reIaiJ. ~ ~!!!rl U!!...~iPg ,.~. -. , • , Coo ~ Wal-Man as '" Tn<:t I 3Jl!1lr:Ydc(>er IS '" Trar:!s 2 "'" 3 "'" 0UIpm:els A. B. CandO. sball each pay. as and -due. any alii aD c;,cpecsc. c:osrs, fees. pc:anits. foe maimcDan:e oCdM:ir [e:spec;ti:vc Trac:ts. I '. PROVIDED lilrtllor rhat by _ agROIIl<I!Iof Slid panics. • !hinI party G;\BIt\W~ ·9· ,- '- J d. e. • may beoppaiDr<d. byalll!I3<:t. as an_of_ponies. .. _III< ComaIouAlUs" ~ _ in _ofa to fi>rsDl """"._y .gn:cabIe. IhaJ. will pay fi>r l1li provile aD supervision. ... ·aV"'""lIX<lIIItting, l1li_ com. _ and 00. 1ha! will lie paid by WaI-Man ror Tr.1Cl 1 and o...top:r forT_ 2 ml3. mI 0U1pIttds A. B, C aod D, 1lpOIl ""'" l1li coadiIiOllS as seI !bah in sDl __ roc said"";"', based upaa Il1o ...... &loage or"" 1mI .... OIl Taa 1,,, Il1o """ t=5 u>!be _sqaap: faaage or"" 1mI.,.. _III<SboppiIJg c.m.r, whloh will IleWa!-Man'. ponioo (wIIioh man be «PMI""u> S8.4l1», mI tbo_fuatageoflll< lmI_ou T ..... 2"'" 3 mI Clu!p=:Is C "'" D, ,,Il10 ..... bem 10111< _ """" bDge of the Iaad".. witbin Il1o Sboppiag c-r, wIIi:h will lie lloMIaper's porn .. (wbich shall beequinJallU> 41.6l1», imspocIiw of 1bo!p<Cific """ _ the Shopping c.-Comman .... fix wbich the _ or spttilic cxpcme was incumd. == Wo1-Mart ,ball pay, when due, Il1o 1IlIal3!llOUlltof..al property tws.1ir land and/or improvemems, mi>ll me IS oraoy IypO, 1<iad or...". tbat II< ~vicd against T .... 1. diredIy 10 the IUiDg 1 .. 11";<\1 or "'tliOdties. when due aDd shall_I, llcvdoper_ ..-or sucll payment, it beiDg aa-t ilia! T .... 1 wiIl_. """'"'" rax Inc Similarly DcvdO\1Cl' will pay. ""'" due, the fIItI! IIIIOWIt of rW property taxes., for land and. iqmw:mt:DlS. ard ill as 'N IdS. of any IypO, 1<iad or oaQII< Ihar. are levied against T ..... 2 mi 3 aDd ~ CandO dim:rJy "' !be W<iIIg _ty or _ am sIJaJl "'I'I'ly ~ of ""'" paymem to Wal-Mart. ~ beiDg aa-t IhaI TIOds 2and31111~CIIIIDwiIl""'_3_1U1oc. Eitber pony may in goad faiIh COOlest any _ til< ao Ibat party', prop:rty, mi lbel!:f"", withhold paymom of _ ...... "'lo"I" such __ "'" r=ltin!be _ .. O[forecl ..... or~ p..-fia&s asaillSt IhaJ. property, SoMjyjsj<m' WaI-Mm l1li Developer qtCC IhaJ. app_ will be made for:l bourdary riD: .wjustIIIeIX for Developer's real property. CODSistiog of T""" 1, 2 ml3 and Clu!p=:Is A. B. C mi D. mI_ of said TdCts am 0uqmce1s may as a result lhI:reo( aYe a separate IU Jot desiparirm (mI, au minimJm. Traa 1 ,ball baw a""","", ... Iot dcoipaIion). TIle "'" of obIaining said bcw>Iary lice adjus1mcat shall be _ as a "'" of DIII"O""'" of the Cammoo Area. Said baundaty lice ~ sba1I lie _ appro,ed by WaI-Mm" 10118 "III< same aar.s III< lots mi _"" lo~ fur Tr.Id I: T<>CtZmi OPC am 0:1_3; OP A: l1li OP II, aU " set forth mi d<pK:ted 00 s.bibil A. 8. SiiJIs: No sip sba1I bc la=:d within the CoaIImo Ala ort_ 1.2"'" 3 or of Ou!partcis C mI 0 mqx signs _rtising or listing bus ....... _ within the ShoppiDg Ctotcr. 'Ibeno man be oa rnare tb;m two signs withio the Cammon Ala _ on Tract 1. twO signs within me Common Area locatc:1 on Tract 3 am two sips wilhiD. me CaDIIIOlI A= _ witbin Tract 2 ODd 0u!part:eIs C "'" 0 tmolOgCthor. Sigos shall bc Ioc:a.ted and placrrl50 as net to obstruct the ingrt:u and egms Iccadoos to public. !tnCts.. as sbown on Exhibit A. No sigD Ioca1cd on T raas 2 :un 3 Of 0wparc:1 CorD may subswMially blocl: the .isibility o[!be Buildiag co_ by Wal-Matt .. Tlact I. oar _Il10 I>eigbt 0/ !be SboppiDg Ce=r pylou sica-If Wal·Ma!t caasttucts a pylon sip OQ Tract 1 iIl_tdm:e wilh the lenDS of !be u.s. Uld the D=I_ .~ !beD WaI-Man shall ha ... .,.,_ use of said pylon sigD. and DO other!enant or user in !he ShoppiDg CeIet shall bYe' aay rigbr.m iocm: OD WI.it: ~ykiil3ign. 9. [ndcpmjliatjgpllns.mnc;e: L fmfmmi'katjgp: WaI-Mart shall DOt be: n:spon$ihJc b loss ordami&e III "'Y person or property occurring in or""'" TtacIS 2 mi 3 mi r , I j i- 1- • 0u!pa=Is C and D and Developer sIIaII no< be....,..,;ble !or lou or damage to pctson oc property oa:miIIg In or abcM TCICI ~ &om my causes _. Cl<I%pt and to die ."...1iIIl_ injmy. damage. or loss is c:ausod by WaI-Mart or 1le'Idoper', JICIli&<D:e. £=pi 10 die ."... .. injury. damage or loss is c:ausod by "'" pony', IIeIIi&m:e. "'" pany ,ball ~ and .... _ die ooiIetpany &om my and all claims. _. """" of actioo, dmp. IiabiIiIi<l, _. suits, or judgm<uts arisiDg from pcrs<maI iqjuIy. -. or _ .,.",., w!lClb<t arising from "" oftbc _ or slid poI1ia _. ompIoy<cs. _ guest or ....... """",",," or !tom T"",I willi nspocl", WaI- Mart·, obfigarions """"""'r. or Tnd 2 and 3 and O!rq>m:ds C mI D wilhtapeetlO Developer',obligaioDs_. _jog die foregoing ioIcamity. in die .. eat of die """"""" DOgligeuco of said panfes or persoDS for w_ . part)' is 00"""", to pmvife said i""emnjtbrioo. which """"""'" """"'"'" ...... ill Injuty or damage ID poaoD5 0' property. dIeo !he _', obliPlim II> iDIomDiIy ...... _ -. sball be _ ., Ibo."... of said I"'!Y" aegIigcD:e. The i"ie!!!I!Ui • ..., OOfigariocs ... __ sbaIl "",be _ by any -... c:ompomatioo benc.li1S or d!soI>lll1y laws. mI. as _ Wol- Mart and Developer. "'" wai ... "'1 imImmity 1llq may ba .. _1fIc Indusrrialln<ur:ono: Act. Tille SI. or _ ...... _orsimibrtaas betaft:r emaed similar ID wrntets' beadil. disability or eompeneriM la\VS as DOW e.tist. WaI-Mart. on bebaJf of i!Self. if o:J! -. or its first pony ......"" poli:y carrier. and Developer. onbebalf ofils first_ iDsuIm:e corMr. !O !he e>Ia!t co_ ~ providod !or die beoeIl! of die pony sufI'erUIr _ injury, loss oc <Wmge. and .. bebaIC of said panks • ......ny rei .... each other from liability "'" waj,. aU rigll! of _ opiDst codt other. for any injury. loss or cIamoge "' my _ 1lIiIdiog. _. inv_IY. or tIlIgIb/e 01' ilraJrgiblo (IIi!5IXIal_ • ..- due m negiige!U or any olbc:r insuredc:aust. or due to a cause tba1 is self· _ fD:ludicg _Ies). if _ injuJ:y. loss. or damap: is c:aused by my of !he perils which are "'_ by • tim'\llllY iJIsuraJx:e polli:y. In deII:rmiIIiog w_ die pcriI is """ <0_ by _. poli:y and WaI- Man is self _. !ben !he provisioos of die poli:y or poIlcios cmiod by Devdopcr sbaJl. as betwa:lI die parties. be'-", set fi>rIh!lle coverage, rams aD:!. corditioos of a first pty irIsuaDte curicr policy applAble [(] the claim or Joss. h. ~: Th: _ obligations _ WaL-Mart and Develo!>cr an: set forth in !he L=c _ said ponies. and are iDanpoUdDi 1!aein by rdi:mI:.e. With "'P'd ., T""" 2 andl and IJurtlm=Is A. B. C mI D. Developer sbaII p= and _ in fiIlllixa: mI effect s-aL pubIiI: liability _ mI prop<r\)' damage ......." apimt claims lOr pcrs<maI injury. d<aIh or property damase Il«IIrriD& _ in or _!he ()wpan:ds in limiIs of nOt less _ five million dauar.1Or injury or death of sioglo person. and ID Ihc limit of "'" loss _ five million per """""""'. and to die limit of two miIlloa lOr properly damaae. DevdoF sball provide ID WaJ.Mart _ of said __ _ 10 time upon tciSOnable request to evidI::ra IhaJ: said insuraJx:c is in force whh ~i. iu ll&.l 1: m::1::l m1 or A.. e. c =. n. S=:!::. iDslIrm:e ""'Y be _ by IdditiDlla! [IImIises __ on my '"""'" policy: of iDsu::IDc: cmied by D<vdoper _ may cover «her property itt additiD. ID Ihc ()wpan:ds mI T_. Sldl iDsuIm:e sball provide IhaI Ill< same may Il1lt be canceI:d _ thitty daY" prior .na.n IIOIia: EO Wal-Man The waiver of SItIxopIion lid iDdaJmily provisicns set fix1h in paragrapIt L _ sIIalIl(lply ID die _ r I I, .. 1- ,- .~ , .. ", I I • 10_ fmjDl'!lJt Pmnajp· The rmns and provisions tdal:iIIg to mqr1mmatjou mI _ domain issues "" .. fOM ill !be Lease of Il1o parties. ""'are ........ &d II<r<iD by ..r..m:.. 11. Ri ehts am Obligarinm of (crdsr. The rmas ud 1'fOVisUms rqm1iDg rigba; of !calm. wboolloaliaa. priority of IiCIl aDdimeres1:s am .. _ ill Il1o Lease _Il10 panios ""'are iII""poraIIOd _ by I<fmoce. 12. Npmsjan of ShrlQlling O:ntrr. The parties qRe dan in tilt: tveDt the Sbcppiag c-is -<X[MIIkd. _ by DIlIIlIal"""""oc ~ _. dJird pmy. all of Il1o proYisioas of Ibis Agr==t sbalI apply., !be cspaIII!cd _ aod!be portiq ., IluiIdiDs _ ill 1IIe __ .... sDall ox be """ I!ian Ibat provided ill Pmgnpb 7a(2). 11. BMZ fmm [iabHjrv: A!J.y penon b=aftcracquiriag =or leasehold title ID TIJdS I. 2 or 1 orOWpa=ls Cor D. or any -"",of Il1o SboppiDg C<IIl:r __ ., Pampapb U or any ponioo _. sllaJl be _ by Ibis ~ DIlly IS ., Ihe "'" or parrloo of 1IIe IDa aoquir<d by S1JCh person. Snch pason5ball be _ by Ibis Agramom CIIIy duri!lg /lie period sud! person is !be fee or le:rsebold 0"",", ofwllllCtorparrloo oflbetract, e>cqlIlS ., obUgaIions. liabilities or I<SjXlcsibililioslbo1 o:aue dlIriDg said period aodIor are iJDt>oo«IOIl said pony by YiruJe of Ibe Lease wiIb /lie Developer. AlIIIougb _ ID3)' be __ ibis pongn(lb. Ibe _. <0'_ aDd _ ill ibis "-' sbaII __ ., be ~ ., aDd setVi!lJd<s "!'O" said ..... numiDg _!be 1aIII. 14. lI=h: !nlbeevemofbn:a<:bor __ oflbls~DIlIyaU recotd ~ or leaseboJd title Clwner.J: of Tr:td.l as a PIP. or all r=xd 0WDeIS afTrads 2 m;f. 3 as a group. or Wat-Mart so IoDg as it or :my affiIiale: lias an inraest as owoet' or Ic:ssec of Tract 1. or Developer so bag as it or any a:fIiIia.rt llas an. immstu owner or lessee ofTcxt 1. 2 .... 3 sbaII be ... tIed 10 iDstimre proc:ecdings for full aDd adequm !<lid from !he conseqa es of said 1m:acb. or threateDed. breath. The ~ party in any aaioa sbalJ. pay .,!he pmailiDg pony. rwonable SWJl for attolllOY's f .... wbi:b sbaII be deemed 10 ba", com""",,,,", EO a=oe 0Zl tbI: date.such aaiou was filed. 15. RiVU of SuC'cmgo: This Agm:menlshail biDd am iIIue 10 the bm:fi1oflbc ponies _. Iheir t<Sp<CIive rtt>=JlWives. Ies>ee. !UIXeSSOtS aDd assigns bul --. __ is _ 10 OImlW or _!be rights. _ aDd privilqes tdaIiI>I., >«ism-aodIor subkaiog as set forth in the Lease. The singular __ !be pIun! mI!be mao:uliDo gm!er iI>oludo:s tb: fenUnine aDd """"'. 16. Dpn'mmr ErcgnHm Mrxtjfjrjltjon and Cang;uatjw It is mkcsrood.md agr=d. Ibat umillbis _Is fully rucmed by bom Devdot>er mI Wal·Man IhO:e Is 1101 mI shall aor be an ~ of any kind _<en m. parties bemo "!'O" wbi:b any """"'"""" ID!er1aI:iog or obliptioo "" be fowxle<l. This Agr<cment (u.:IudiDg exbibils) may be modified or <:aIJi:e!ed CIIIy by tbo IIII10lal ogr=lCm of (a) Wal-Man" lema " it or ia subsidiary or affiliaIe bas any imetest as eit.bu an owner or Lessee of Tract 1. Dt its SIICCCSSOIS in iIIImst. and Ib) ee.doper. as long IS it or iIs affilize bas any ....... IS eilberOWlll:rar lcoIor TCICII. 2 or 3 or irs successors in intmst. L'7. Ngn Mc:m:r. So long as Wal-Mart. its wboIly owar.d. subsidiary or it! afilliate _;0\110 by Wal·Man, i< tes.:e ofT_I. Ibis ~shaIl 001 be subject.,!be Uoc:uiDc ui wctF' IS. ~ This.,= and til< """"""". rigbt>. dutks, and pri.nJ'!"' ... fonh _ shall eXIi:IId fOr tbo _. of !he Lease (UIC!udirlg sud> .... durlog wbi:lI Wal· Mart .,.y Ile C1lIIIcStiDg • _011 or expir.llioll of!be Lease). mI if said Lase is for any reasoo __ or eopiJcs wiIbow W,J·Man COIl!tSIiDg IIIICh ""'""""'" or expisali>n. Ibis Agrcom<m sbaIllapsc mille Il1ll mI roid .. opcion of Dovdoper. ",!be eveut Wal-Man ccmats suda U!:mliDaDon or c:xpiraion.. lbetl thi! ~ $haD DDt I:n:Ilioa1c.I1IIil a fiDaJ. I I . ..,.' "'-. ,·,;'*'&':1 - j- • ; 'J ' •• '.' •• : .'-:;i ,~. r _'~.'." • 1lIlIIppeOIab1e .............. l1li5 __ by l comt of _jlJriSdidXD 10 Il1o dfe:t IIIat Il1o Lease l1li5 _"" or <IpiIM; proWl<d IIIat WIWdaIt DII5t in ouch __ ..,.,. sail """"" in. ""'" of_jurioIiaion wiIbiD six (6) _ ofbeillg _ ill......,. by 1JeoItJoper IIIat ~ COIISideIl; 1be 1= _ or..p..d m11his Apemoot IIIIiJ IlId void. 19. lIcadiIIp: Tho beadings 1Iccin ... imct!rd ooIy as ....... of __ :III! ror ~ mI in !XI way -. Iimft or describe1be scope or _ of tills doa!mtct "" ill any way atb:t Il1o ...... mI provisioos """,r. 20. Enrirc A'"'C1"1't Tbr: parties do 1IOf.re1y upcm.my ~ promise or ~ IICt _~ or set _ in 1be l.ea!e, :III! tills Apemoot""",_ ODd deli ... sbaIllIDt be _ or a1rmd ilI:my o:spa:< """'" by • wriIiDg =cu"" mI _ in Il10 ............. u ICqIIiltd by this docmDom. 21. Har:is:a.: AD. DDti&:es. demauds ar other Ii ri required or desired shall be deli1Imd 10 Il1o _ pm)' by hand, or o...,,;gllt COIIIiorIllat _. r=ipr. <WIm:iD& deliv<ry, ,.UWdsw.. Ca1ified Mail or Us equivala1<. _10 Ile..!opcr orWal-Man ,,1be foIIowiDg _ or my ~ ~ specifio:d in _ givca ill _ willi this-'" Dryr:Igpcr With. oopy 10' Bonnell Family u.c. AlIcn!ioI< F_l3omzII.lr., Gezr.ol MaIlager 9631-S.E. 71bS- I!cIIevue, WasIiiJIgIoo 98IlO4 Wal-Man Sr=s, Inc. 702 SW EgbIb_ Bemonvillc, _ 72716 -"'-WaJ-Man Srctes, Inc. AlIct!ticlc WaJ-Man Propeny Manager 701 South waUoo __ Bemonville, _ 72716-3703 IN W\'I'NESS WIIEREOF, 1be parties ba .... _Ibis ''-Il10 day :III! year first _ above. BONNEll. FAMILY L.L.C., • Washington CIJIDIl'llY ~7t::{(f$i::~::1fA. :o=&;~ eoanoll Family w..c. r ! ... I srATBOF'W~ ) ) ... COUNTY OF KING ) ! ccnify dat ! _ or baYe!3lis£1clmy evidcu:c tIIIlFlmt B.1Ic>IID!II. Ir. is Ill< poDOll who appearaI betiJle .... mil said P""Il11 ac:kmwl<dged tIIIllz ""'"" lIDs imIrImouI. on_ 0>lI>l dat Iz .... __ ., = Ill< __ mI _.Ied&td l os Ill< £.~ " of _ FmiIy L.L.c. II> be Ill< ..... mI vobaIDy ... of _ "'",.,,"'" m1_ IIX:IIIioDcd in Ill< insttumr:or. n.!rd .2 -1'4-Sip (PrlDt Name) ·14 - , . ". " . :~:':, :\~·t';: ',;.-:; ' ... ...... . ,.," _.' . 1- .;. 1- ._,. Sf ATE OF AIIItANSAS ) ) ". COUNTY OF BENTON ) • NOTARY SEAl.· _s. __ ... -00uiy.-"-My a. .. ,_,_1lI21I2OOS ". • ,- • • ~ , , r--' , I I , i I .i Ii .£: 5t I=; • I. • 1 • I " I " I i' 1 \ I I! . I ~I Ii WI II ! .~ ! I I ; i ~I I I , "i .: • Ii I I i,: J t I ,~ t:· I ,. I I I T I " , I , , . ; I . , , I i I ill , " .1 Q . , , 'I " 1,111 , '-" " . " " I " -~ I L I I I, , I " I I I " ., I I '" I i I I I II; '" " I • I " I I " I I , I i 1" ;, I! I , i I: I! I '. • 1- • • 1- I , I I !g~~1 I :~~ Q I 0:!S1It!! I , I , , I I II 8 I J.~.t6.f!l. i ! I ";" ; . . ,"::' ' ';:~.' ",... . ..' , .. '~';:' ,- ]- • .--.-------'~.-.-----...• ,----_. E:XRIBIT B LEGALDESCRlYrtONEXRmlT (Pu:q:rapIt "cf SdledGle A Mlltin·pjce) f\dAAC::£t. A: r- ~"'tRE NOa'tH 300 FEEr OF nm PS'l" ,,.0 FEST OF ~ tar 1.. SEC'1'UIH 11, 'l"OWHSIID ~lJ HCl'rH. R)JCE 5 pSt', IItLLAHE't'rE KEIUZ):DUi. Dl lCI!IG c:omrrt. ~; ~ Elt:EPT 't8£ SOOTH :no nrr OF 'tH£ tASlSRLY no FEE'l': »cD Q Elc:tP'r UE NOJml .. 0 PGT ntS:R£OF; :.Q Q') i'UCEl. a, ~ ~ON OF ~ LO'r 1. S'EC"l'ION ~!3. TOWNSBlP 13 H01Ta. RNIGE S DS'f, ~Ll.AMI'tTE MSRIDIAN. m eNG CDON'N. 'IO.SKING"rOO'. t.YIHC 1I'JR'l1IERLY or 'tD HCll'l'BEIN ilAClnc aAIUlAY ~ UGllT' or ~'l; ~CEPT tKK.'T ~nO!l OESCSUBED AS rot.LOWS l :rHa:nCIOO 0I:i' nr£ :«:IR'%BEAS1' CORmB. OF THE BO~ QmUlDR OF SIC'fION 19 iBEING ":'Hi: NOR'l"HDST COtlNER. OF' SUD ~ LOT 1): ":HEIfCE WS":SllLY ALQtK; nm NORTH Lmt. OF SAID SEctION. A D:I.6DNCE OF "'0 FBEr: THmCE SOUTHEJU;r pAlALLJ1,. wnu 1m: KOR.'lHEJlt.Y EX1'IIlSICfl QP 'tD.1' POA'l"JQN OF THB WST t.nrE OF SA1D GCIVERlIHmtt LOT 1 .IBElNG THE !).$T t..IlG: OF ~ LOT 2. CIJ' S.uII SEr:rIOff Ul AS tsv.BLI$IISD BY smtVEY BY G1Ul!tlIlt. QUl)ND .. Kl'rC:BDC. SG:PmmD.. U41. " DISTAHC:S or 300 tEET '1'0 nn: nos ~mr OF BEGIlQI'IHGr ~ CON'rtMUllIG SOUTH:EllLY .\ND lfJ.R.A.t.LEL nTH SAID LiD A DtsT.MCI or ,.,0 PDr. ~R.£ OR toESS I TO A PODIT ON 'nIE NDR'l'lStL'l IWtCiDl OF tHE NOImIERII 'PACInC AAltNAY COKPAlf'{ RIGHT 01' VAY: THEtCI> W'£.S'l'DL't .u.oNG SAID NOIt'rlDLY MARGIN 'to THE 1IBST t.nm or SAm GO\I'EJUfIIG:NT i.OT 1: TRENCE NOR'l'KEIlLY ALCIrG SAID 'QST t.nm 1'0 A POINT taUc:B t.IES laO FUr scm::a: O!' 'tBB IlOlml r.nm OF SAID sttnOH 19; tRE:IfG EASTERLY 'tV 'tUB nttlE PODlT OF BEGINNING. PARa:L c: mAt' PORTION or GO\IEJUiIMENt' LOT 1 IN' SEC'nON 19, :n:nm5BIP lJ. KCIt'tB. R.qGE , DST. vt.t.LAKE"n'E HSJU:Z:IIJUf. IN ltDlG CCMJNTY. WA.a~. :msonm as !'O!.taNS: ea4MS2l'CDo"O AT 'TEE IIlImDIEST CORNER OF SAID SECTtON 1J; THDlC;&: sotrtB '&'·1.0'25-£MT ~ 't'H3 II02TS tIN!: OF SUJl SEc:'I'IQf A M$TlWCE OF l ,-, .- • • - 1- ,:- i .. t-• LEGAL DESCUPTIONEXBIDIT (PuscrapIa" afSc:heduL!: A tiM) .~ ~ . ... ~ . 1..0'8.32 FU't TO ':BE DST t.l:D (w LDm A'\IENtI£: $OTJ'DltllS'T AS CQINBYID 1'0 'tBS CItY OF iU:N'TOlf ay DEED RD:ORDED tJHDER IIECO!ttIIHC NOKBEI. '254411: TBENC£. .soom 01-13'10· WEST AlIltG SAID DST t.nm A:DXSD.Nt:I: OF '41..0 FEft 10 'tD. NORnIWEST c:mtHElt. OF t'lDI.:t' (3II,TJWf 'tRACT OF UAND o:JNVERD BY QOIT a.fUM DEED FROM r-aaat.:a«n'QI!f HOJt'l'BEIUI. me •• TO MBUIDGE:. me .• UCOIJlEl) milia UC'OIDtHQ IltI4Ba t'-"C'?220(24: "'.1 THENCE: sotJ'tI B!I-10'2S-EAST ALONG'1'BE NORTH t.nrl3: OF SAlD MIttJU:DQ:&: 'nU.CT A ~ DtSUNCI OF 29" ,0 FaT TO mE S'Ot7tR£AST CORNER. OF 'l.'BM c:mm.m TRAC'f OF I.MD r-cawrtED BY WAlUWm' DIm !'ROM BCRLINGTON NOlm!!JUf, INC •• TO BDaII .s. FEIlGIlSaI AND o J1IHE A. FERGUSa-I. UCORDEO tINDER RECORDnro NOMBEil lU2110311.. AND nm ntJE roM V)OF BtC~: OtHEmS COH'l'nctmCG scmH .'-1.0'25· EAST ALONG 'mE HOR':B LDm 01 SAIl) I'IELIt%DaS SQ,TUCr .a. DISDHCE 01 3:1.:U FEET 'TO THE EASTERLY :t.nrE OJ' 'l'HA'1' c:BRtlUK TltAC'T OF UNO ... 4c:owtYED BY SPiClN. 1IARRNI'rY tEED ~ PJWm. A, IIOIQI:ILL AND PIOnES NATlCllAI. UNK OF VUBlNQ"rQtI W SEA1'!L£ 'to PACll'lC CMS't ~ ~.t.Itt. R!CQIDED lDI2)D ncaR"""; ~ 5117511: 't'HENC:E NOR'tIIRl.'f ,AJALtSL wua 'l1!E WIST 1.l:N£ OF SAm OOUi1OIK£i;I1' tar 1 azm ALQliIO SJolD W'f'DLy LINE JHD ITS NI)R'PHFS!.LY no..r£c:TIQN A DI.S"rIHa OF '01 nzr. MOD CI1 LESS, TO 'DIE SCRmI LlHI OF SOV'tBWEST SiMlC'tB STIlET AS C!O!CWUD to mE CIT'( OP RDI'tOII BY DEID UCORDED tJHDD. GC)lU)tlC N'tI1BD US,,"lCJ ntDa tfOR.'m U-lO'ZS-NEST AEDNCi SAm sotn'lf LIRE A DIS'CUCa OF .12 PEEr. tl)U OR [.us, '('Q ~ NmtTHEA5T COIUIEll OF !KAT CER"'..A.lN '1'IIACT OF t.AKD (XlIitI."EYED at 'IIMD!n'Y CEED ntM pAC'Inc COAST RAttaaIUJ COMPANY TO DAVID IM:I. CIlIa. AND oaot. ImUARD QUo:.. RSCORDBD aNtIa RBCORDINC NtlI't8Elt 6J(lIl.)64; nIDtCE soant 01.-13 'U-W2ST A10NG THE SST LINE: OF SJ.ID aua: 1'RAC1' J.ND rrs sot1'1'&lll.Y noJECT1CJN A DrSTANCE OF 901.0 FEET TO 'rB 'titlE pClIJtt 07 GGINlfDG. ' . \~~.; . " . .;' --• I· i • ="'I,::~l I Wl!EN RECORDBD RB'l'tmH 'TO: Insl~e, Be6~. Doezie , Ryder Atl:.n: Kefde M. Powell Rainier Pl;lZil. SUite 19DO 777 10Bt:h A~enue M.B'. Bellevue, NA 980~9·9016 '. o • \ TITI.E INSURANCE COMPANY I~ -' rBl 1 AmEmc!raent to • Order NIUbbcr. 000453802 • 3 • REFERENCE NUMBER(s) OF DOCUMENT ASSIGNED OR AEU!ASED: 96050112'7 0 Additional refuonce numbere on page __ of docwnent Gl!AN'l'OR/sl: 1 Blnnell Family LLC ~O 1I1lE INS. co. a Kat-Mart Stores Inc. • REF# 53po1. lU""" t:I Addit,iolUll DaGles on page __ of dOC\Ullent. ORANTBB ,s~ : 1 public • 3 t:I Addi~ional nama on page __ of document ABDUVnTlm I.EGAL l!Ii(!HM',Qlh Lcf.Un/t: Block: Volume: Page; Section: 19 TOWI11IhIp: '3' Range: 58 Pcl1fon: Pte. Qov' t Lot 1 PlatNamo: a COmplete legal deseripUon is on page L-of document. ASSl!BSOR'S Pl!OPBM'l( ~AX PARCEL ACCOllN'l' Nl7IIBlIR(.J, 192]05·9048-02 Jl.dditional Tax Accounts are on page __ of doCUlllent Note: ThIs """"' _lis Jll&parecI loconto",," tho requl .. mel1l. of Chapter 143. Laws of ,_ Nothing on this Gheetallarsthenamas,legaldescrlJltlon or other Information lnthelUlact1ad documenL The only ~9 of this cover sheot Is to assist the audner In IndaxIng the document In conronnance WIth slalUte. The R9Ct1rder will relyon the Information ofrovk:lEld OJIthls fOrm. TheSlafl will nat read the document toverHylooaccuracyor COIlllf8teness the fndexftJg rntormaUonprovldad herein. \ , - I'· t _ .. • . , . - I - .--- "'r,' , ... II • \ ': . : ... j. ADDENDUM TO EASEMENT WITH COVENANTS AND RESTlUCI10NS EFFECI'ING LAND ("ECR'? NOllCE IS HEREBY GIVEN by Bonnell FlllIli1y LLC, hereafter refemd to as "Developer". lhat the certain dOCUDleDt and instrument entitled "Hasemems wilh Covenants and Reslrictiom Effi:cling Land ("ECR"), reco"led under KlDg County Auditor'. m. '. '- DO_ 9605071277 bas been amended by agreement belWcen Ikmnen Family LLC as D<ve1oper and Wal-Mart Stores Inc, as Wal-Mart. reference being made 10 said recorded document as if Intorporated filii bcrein. The amendm .... 10 said document recoroed under Auditor'. rde 9605071277 are auacbed hereto IIlIIIf<ed Exbibk A, reference being made Ihcreto as if incorporaled in full bereln, sald IlXI!ibIt A having bee. duly exeCUted by BonneD Family LLC and WaJ-Man Real Es .... Bwineso Trust, au entity aatlIorizcd to ex"'ule the ..... on bebaII of Wal·Mart StoleS Inc. Da .. d Ibis 29th Day ofMOIOh. 1997. BONNElL FAMILY LLC By: ,:)"""L "B ~ d FralJk B. Bonnell.lr. I Irs: Mamging Partner STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss: COUNTY OF KING ) I certify dill! I know or have satisfactory evidence that Fran!: B. Bonnell. lr. is the petao. who appeared before me. and said pe"". aclrnowledged that he '(good Ibis instrument. on oaUt Slated that he was authorized to execute the instrument as Managing: Partner on behalfofBonoell Family LLC. a limiled liability company. and acknowledged said instrumeJlllO be the free and ,ohmtary act f said IIml.ed liabilkY company for the uses and (llUp<J5eS mentioned in said inmument ... ",,, ~\OU~\ ~ NAME:.wA.~~~~,~i?-___ _ Notary Public ~the SlaIc of Washing'on. \ _ "t "',~ Colllllli"i.n Expire!: 01N't\ 0 I eN , ~ c:\OOCS\03U i\Ol2IDt32141 ,01 ------------------ \ , .-. ,~ . " J. :f I , 1·-· , • I - ! - '. :.., '. De=>bcr 10, 1996 •• G • KOEHLER McFADYm ",COMPANY \ John C. McCullough F~dlips McCuIIaugb Wdson HiU & FiIcso S.fIe 1130 EXHIBIT A 21!5 Fim AVCIIUO ~,!!ItIe, WasbWgton 98121·2100 Re: OCR Agrtem •• 1 W.~Mart SlDrosJIIo .... U Family I.L.C. RenIOll, Wash •• Dear Jack: " P·.r our dlscussioDS "gordiJla the ECR Agmmenl, Mr. Bonnoll would Uk. 10 receive signed ieknowlodgment fiom W.l·~;UI JegardiDg the .. q=d clarlf"",tions 10 Ibe ECR Agr=nenL The Easements with Covenarus and Restrictions Affecting Land ("ECR'? d_ dated, F:'xua.y 21, 1996, covers .... ment __ ments for parking and ...... betw«n Ibe various P"'_,:Is. On Page 6, Section SJ., co ..... parking between Oulparcels ("OP; B (Honda) and TIlICI I (WaI· Mart). W~Mart _ that employ ... from Honda or a Ntun: ...... 1, on OP B will use !he fifty (SO) sp=s designated for employee parking, which is Ioea"" on TllICt2, at the ..... of the WaI-M.rt building. These spaces were always designated as OP B employee paddag. and do not cvtrlap the parl<ing colUll for uses on the other parcels. The fifty (SO) sp=s &Ie marked on the aaached Exhibit A tD the: ECR Agtumcnl. The legal description of this area and a more 5pl!cific <!awing orlb.parking area ... also attached. On Pag~ 7. Section 6.3. and 6.b .• COYefS parking and attess beNo-etm oil oftheTmw and the Outparcels. These sections stile that there are non·e. ... clusive Tet:iprocal rasentenlS for parking and access between Tract 1 (WalAMart) and the other Tracts and non·exclusive reciprocal easements for access onlybetwcen Tract! and the OUlpilrcefs. Specifically, there is no reciprocal easement (Dr "",king between Ou!p_Is CandO. ODd Tr.lC! I, Outparc,l, C lUId 0 hove the "",king !1IIios as requiled by Wal-Mlut, whioh ... twelve (12) cars per 1,000 squ,", reel on Outporrel Dand len (to) ciltS per 1,000 sqLlilre feel on Outparcel C. Waf-Mart understands lbot non-.exclusive reciprocal parking is alJo\ ... -ed bc:!wecn Tract 2.and OUlpmceis C::md D. Tr.lCt 2. including Olllpan::els C and D. is ... ",,"'te la, p:ticel from Tl8Ct I (W,I-M,"). See the E:dtibit A from the ECR Agreement. which is atcachl.-d. \ , - I .. _-_._----------_~ ___ J , I'· ........ . :~ . , I . Jobn C. McCullough December 10, 111'16 AoSOZ .' ( ••••• KOEHLER M,F.'IDYEN I..COlYm\J.W \ .... ;,., ...... : .. . .. :.: .•. , ",";to; Please have Wal-Martacknowlcdge!his leiter in !he spooe proYided below. Thank yeu roryellrcoopemlion. Sincen:ly, ~~~K.~ Douglas R. Md'~ '" -- Wal-Mart Real Estate BUSi .... T~rust By: '"_ ,. [ts: VIC.,. .PM§tO!!'fl .tjl¢'1 Bonnell Family LL,C. By: Its: ..9.",. 4., 9! ~I/ frank B. Bonnell, Ir. Maneging Partner Date: _~:?~·:.JI'r...?r..'t.:iL1L.. __ _ .~'.~ G ' .. ~ •. , •.. _.7 ... :,:a,;as;;&:""''''M'',.·.O:·; • , . \ I'~-· I •• • • .. • , - \ .'----:. r ~,~i ! • " 9'7042501'74 ",.-.,,~ .. .,: . . . :, ... ~.: .... \ -:-_ .. -.-----~.' NeW .:.1 •• ~~::.'= : ~~I~ i ... ..u, ...... _ ..... . ~_oMM ........ . • tile .... ' -,_.0( ._ ... ........... " .., .... 'flU .. '*', • .. --""" .. " ............. .... 11 .. l"." ..... -.. ~ . .-. . .,.---'''''''''' ..... ,. . .......... .. ,toI_ • . , 'H - ! .. ~ • ~ • ' ... "',.' I _._:. '.e. ,~, • e ' .... • "~ I· - I • ,. '. ." \ 9704250174 WAL-MART -, .... \ 'e 18.00' -••• S 1J8'4~'24" ( ..•. " .... ,wID l11li1 1 • -."f :':,' I, I • .. , '. '". . .. ' .. .•. ,: .......... . , '.:, .. ",'. -. \ \ _~e .. -----'--.--"'1 THAT POIlTION OF COIlERtfMENT LOT " SEenON 19, TOWNSHIP" NORTH. RANCE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY/ WAS!1INGTON. o£SctcIBEOAS fOLLOWS: COMMENCINC AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER 01' SAID SU8D1V1S10", THENCE SOUTH 01'23"1' \loUT 873"5 fEET ALONC THE EAST liNE THEREO, TO THE NOItTHwfsTERl.Y UNE Of THE FOllMER NORTHEIIN PAOFIC&\ILRO>Jl RICHT-Of-WAY: ' THENaSOUTH 77"27'29' WEST 5'.5. FEET ALONCSA'DNDRlHWEST£RLY UNl;TD THE W"oST MARQ>I Of IWNWlNIENUE SOUTH; THENa CONTINUING SOUTH "'2ng' WEST 69.66 FEET; THENCE NOIfTH 01'23"1' EASY 6 • .00 fEET; THENCE NORTH !IS'l&'''''-WEST 5O.OD FaT; TH£NaNOlTH Dt~'12· EAST99.21 mT'; THEHCE NOImi 68'36'08' WEST 239.13 fEET; TH£NQ SOUTH 00'5&31"' WEST lOSE FEEi. 'lJ£HC! NOfCTH 8J"l)5'!7' WEST 7.82 FEET: THENCE NOtml68'18'lI' WEST 519.05 FEET. TO THE INTWfCTIOI'I Of' PARc:E15", 8. ANOe: THENCE "OI(lH 68·58· ... • WEST '2.52 ftETTO THE TRUE POINT OF 8£CINNINC; lJ£HC! NORTli 88·SS' ... • WEST 18.00 fEET; 'THErlfCE NOATH 0"'4'36'" EAST .tI1I8.50fE~; THENce SOUTH 88'45'24'"' EAST , B.oo F£ET; THiNCESOUTH 01·14"36· WEST 0498.50 FEETTO THETRUE POINT OF 6ECINNINCi. SITUAlt 11\1 THE em OF RENTON, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. ". ,. ; 1--· ,