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LUA-08-014_Report 1
. /. Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 15th Avenue NE Stanwood, WA 98292 tel: (206) 409-0755 eml: ttsquared@gmail.com (applicant) Skyler Walda I DMSL Construction Inc. 20902 67th Avenue NE ste: #357 Arlington, WA 98223 tel: (360) 435-7144 (party of record) Updated: 03/20(08 • PARTIES OF RECORD WALGREENS ON NE 4TH ST LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirment Trust PO Box 667 646 NW Madras Hwy Prinville, OR 97754 tel: (541) 416-5238 (owner) Car Wash Enterprises, Inc. 3977 Leary Way NW Seattle, WA 98107 tel: (206) 274-2603 ( owner) • (Pagelo~1) Department of Community !"":C,:,·. & Economic Development ........ _. Citv,..f ..... ~ 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 ,. ~)F.JC-\....'"'· -ell'! 01' kto" , . IJ C,\ \ f, t~ \1_ RE.CE.\\fEfJ I j' '~ L-j-",-.",;'~' . -, .~.',,, ),,'_ ""~.f-·~:·,;h rJi~~1' ,", ,-' _sf j '.) Ute . .'>·f k Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirment Trust PO Box 667 ~ Prinville, OR 9 ~LXIE 970 9F J no I_n'LO/l2 Ft: 1 UEN f 0 -~t_t-.,jDE.H--, . ,.!, ( ~QT DtLrVERA~LE AS ADDRESSED ~~AaLE TO fORWARD ~~~0~!~21L~~ *!~1~-~~!4b-10-43 .3 IRSOj··.jj-·iP 97754 q oR 0 S 7 ((11 -;> 1. 7 II,b!,'!,!!" .,:,I,!" ,I,! 11",1 ,I,! II,!! i, I, I ,I" I.i. ,,,iii Denis Law Mayor October 3, 2.012 Robert Sherry PECO NNN-West 4717 Masters Newberg, OR 97132 Department of Community and Economic Development CE."Chip"Vincenr, Administrator Subject: Request for Second Annual Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Walgreens on NE 4th St. Mitigation Project City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Sherry: This letter is to inform you that the second annual monitoring report for the wetland mitigation project at the NE 4th Street Walgreens was due to the City on August 25, 20l. As of the date of this letter the report is 39 days past due as the City has not received the report. Two copies of the required report should be submitted to my attention by October 17, 2012. Thank you for your timely assistance in this matter. If you have any questions I can be reached at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Senior Planner cc: Car Wash Enterprises, hie;, t~s Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust / Owners Tom ThompsonAIA/ Contact City of Renton File LUA08-014 Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way , Renton, Washington 98057 '. rentonwa.gov Department of Community & Economic Development __ $ r' ... ~c _ ~ 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 - i I ·?<.e\: L(e( ·v" /{'LAA1~ "r n~; "'~~ ~g It;.;,:. ,.,f-;;.. ~ ii!ftl, ,6:';{ ,,-' '~J'~~ ~ .. ,~:.l~ Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirment Trust PO Box 667 646 NW Mad"~C HIAIV Prinville, OR N! X!E 9.70 ~E"1 A3.n RETURN TO SENDER ~ 00.43 3 A01'0/23/1.~ NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED UNABLE TO FORWARD Be: 98057323255 *2929-04579-23-40 :3 I F'9a:e~r~3? 'i':f5,;.j 1111 tI tlll\I\III,\,\,II'!' '\'1 \1'1 111.1'111111'1111111 I"jllil ill Denis law Mayor October 16, 2013 Robert Sherry PECO NNN-West 4717 Masters N.ewberg, OR 97132 . Department of Commtinity and EconomiC Development . C.E:Chip"Vincent,Admlnistrato(. . SUBJECT: Receipt of Fourth Annual Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Walgreens on NE 4th St. Mitigation Project City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Sherry: I received and reviewed the fourth annual Ma'intenance and Mbnitori~g Report for the Walgreens, on NE 4th Street, mitigation proJec't. The project appears to be meeting its established performance standards and is considered in compliance With the exception of the northern and southern-most ends of the fence. As Ilreviously note'd, the southern-mostend of the fence in the mitigation area had prior damage and since has sustained further damage and is now completely fallen down. The northern-most end of the fence in the mitigation area has also sustained damage and is now fallen down. Repair of the fence was noted in the last monitoring letter, dated November 9, 2012 and '. was not completed. Now that the fence has completely fallen down, it is required to be repaired immediately .. ' The repair should be. completed within two months .and verification of completion shall be provided to the Planning Project Manager, Vanessa Dolbee, by December 10, 2013 .. The northern end of the mitigation area contains an excessive amount of invasive plant species. During maintenance of the mitigation area this' area should be included as it contains the highest percentage of invasive plant cover. In addition, please take the necessary measures as recommended by your wetland biologist to secure the survival of the plantings. The next. monitoring report shall include a follow-up statement stating compliance with these measures. Provided the above mentioned maintenance is completed and .the project meets the performance measures in the next annual report, the five year mbnitofingperiod will be completed and the surety device can be released. Two copies of your next scheduled maintenance and monitoring report are dueto the City by August' 25, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430- 7314. Sincerely, , ~-DJbeJL Vanessa Dolbee, Planner . Planning Division cc: Car Wash Enterprisesi Inc., les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust I Owners Tom Thompson AlA / ~Contact Renton City Hall. 1055 South GradyWay • Renton,Washington 98057 • rentonwa.goy ~ ffi o o Z <I: Cf) ~ z z o t> :::> ~ 8 , •• 11:> ,," 90 = -' I !I , -I { '. ; -J / f .: .' - '". -=:--"--;, ~. 1 0, ,«I~ .;:.;-,-- Otl'l&l ON ear 3 :1"8 -.' I "---~~t---- (f) .-J ~ o Z <! (f) 5 z 5 F o ::::> a: tn z 8 --- _L . .Ji __ . 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I j, ,I ,I . J ' ;[. " ,:}lIlltljlllill g ~.i.' =~r. '!Ic---'-'----- ,,, -. .1 ;,Illilil!!H. ~" . __ ._ ..... ""-",> " ~ ~, I ----'---:-;: r-_-, : I -1 . I . I , ,..,J,.. I ~4-r' I. I I I' ~. ~I I ': I . !if I. I .. I . I ( _-' I I I OV(;t;l ON oor "3:J S I II ! , I I I i •• i 'I' .~ J . ~ -~-- > • NO.Li\3:l:I .!fO ,\1IJ ~l ~' -'. ; U '," -i--'->' I j I, I I, \ 1 I I 1 z j a.. ...J ~ Z ~ w :::?! o w en 5 ~ w a..: :::?! w I- . , . .., go ·1 -~ " , -"-' "~,-. --: -. ,-- ___ --0-... ; I I ' i I I j , I I . I L. ------i+-~~-=, .~.==- ! ! ! , , i , , , , , , , ! ! ! ! , I , , -, I i , ! ! 8 C.E JOB NO. 13240 ! i i I j j i , , , l d i I , '" ! , I , . ~ , i ! • ! ! ~" J '. r!\ 7 I II ,Ii; ~ " , , • < " , ' • Walgreen Company Construction & Facilities Management 106 Wilmot Road MS 1603 Deerfield IL 60015 Attn: Bill Brzycki, Regional Facilities Manager Transmitted by electronic email to: Bill.llr/\cki1VWalgreens.com RE: Buffer Mitigation Year-S Monitoring Report Walgreens #12497 410S NE 4th Street City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Brzycki: WAQ8-0/'j TES TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES November 3, 2014 Touchstone EcoServices (TES) completed the Year-5 monitoring at the Walgreens #12497, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington (see Attachment A). The monitoring schedule is in c,ompliance with the City of Renton's permit requirements for this Walgreens location. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. wetland and stream buffer restoration area, situated in a narrow border along the east side of the Walgreens parking lot, was installed in April and May of 2009. As-built conditions were documented by TES in May 2009 and approved by the City of Renton. Four quarterly monitoring reports were completed as required for the Year-I monitoring from August 2009 through June 2010; and the annual reports for Years 2, 3, and 4 were completed in mid to late August of201 L 2012; and 2013. This letter-report serves as the Y ear-5 annual monitoring report. It documents site conditions observed during TES' July 8, 2014 monitoring site visit and evaluates those conditions based on the success criteria presented in the Final Wetland and Stream Bufler Mitigation Plan (dated November 2008). As instructed by Walgreens, TES has submitted three hard copies of this report to Vanessa Dolbee at the City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development the week. Introduction Meeting or exceeding the success criteria specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Blfffer Mitigation Plan will demonstrate that the goal of enhancing buffer habitat as compensatory mitigation is met this year. Specific characteristics evaluated during this visit included: 125 N. 16Wh Street Shordin~. v,.: '\ 9~! 3.1. Phon~: 206~801-7154 • Cell Phone: 206-1-:Q·9536 j j j j j j j j j J j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j I j • Percent cover of native, invasive and exotic vegetative species within established monitoring stations and throughout the site. • Wildlife use of the mitigation area. Three attachments enclosed with this letter provide detailed information about site conditions: • Attachment B: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations • Attachment C: July 8, 2014 Photographic Documentation • Attachment 0: Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Monitoring Method During Years-l and -2 of monitoring, success criteria for both plant survival and percent cover was collected. Beginning in Year-3, data has been collected only for percent cover. Preliminary visual observation of the overall mitigation area clearly indicated that the Year-5 success criteria of at least 15 percent woody native plant cover was exceeded throughout the mitigation area; thus percent cover data was considered to be an accurate evaluation of the success of the site. In addition, because native plant recruitment and growth has been so vigorous it would have been nearly impossible to distinguish each individual plant from the other; thus time was not spent attempting to count individual plants. Percent cover of planted and volunteer native vegetation was documented at the three monitoring stations established in 2011. Percent cover of invasive species was also documented at each station. One station is situated in the south portion of the mitigation area, one is in the central portion and one is in the north portion. The stations (see Attachment C) were placed in the least vegetated areas in 2011. Sample plots included the entire width (east to west) of the mitigation area and extended fifteen ft. to the north and south of the center of each station. A visual estimate of the percent cover of each observed species within each sample plot was recorded as a cover class estimate. This nine-increment scale, known as the Octave scale, enables close observation of small changes in vegetation cover. The Octave cover class table and percent cover by species within each of the three areas are presented in Attachment B. Photographs taken at the establishment photographic stations are presented in Attachment C. Field data collected during the July 8th site visit was later evaluated in the office, comparing current site conditions to the success criterion for survival (see page 4). Monitoring Observations Woody Plant Cover During the July 2014 monitoring visit nine native shrub and tree species were documented; the same number of species as observed last year. Red alder (Alnus rubra), a volunteer species found in each of the three areas, is now predominantly trees rather than shrubs. The majority of this species occurs in the north and central areas and range from 8 ft. to 15 ft. in height with a few new volunteers ranging from 1-to 3-ft. tall. Continued thinning of the alder where it was growing the most densely has remove crowding of the other native trees and shrubs. Planted woody vegetation is thriving this year. Walgreens -Renton 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-5 Annual Monitor Rpt Compared to last year's data, three of the five tree species showed a slight increase in percent cover in the central area: including big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), Douglas fir (Psuedotsuga menziesi!), and Pacific willow (Salix lucida), All of the trees in the south and north areas remained approximately the same in percent cover as recorded from last year. As was found last year, overall tree cover this year varied widely in each portion of the site and is assumed to be due to the amount of sunlight each area receives. The south area receives little sunlight due to the adjacent overhanging forest and currently has approximately 26.75-percent tree cover. Because the central area extends beyond the shade of the adjacent forest, tree cover in this area is higher at approximately 66-percent. The north area is completely exposed and has 82-percent cover (due to conifers growing under the canopy of the taller alder and willow). Two of the four species of planted native shrubs showed a slight increase in percent cover over last year in the southern area. Nootka rose (Rosa nootkana) and Indian plum (Oemlaria cerasijiJrmis) increased by approximately 12-pcrcent each. Shrubs in the central and northern area remained the same with the exception of Tall Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium); which decreased by approximately 3 percent in the northern area. Even though the areal cover of native woody species has not shown a marked increase, all species are much taller with fuller branching and greater leave production this year. Shrub cover varies less than that of tree cover throughout the mitigation area. Shrubs average just over 50-percent cover with the least cover occurring in the central area. This is presumed to be due to the shade created by the red alder grove in that area. Attachment B documents the percent cover of all vegetation observed in the three monitoring plots. The overall cover of woody native species is estimated to be greater than 100 percent. The south monitoring station had nearly 1 DO-percent cover of native woody vegetation, an increase of approximately 14-percent from 2013. The central monitoring station had approximately 91-percent cover; an increase of approximately 9-percent. The northern monitoring station had 169-percent cover (including the low-growing shrubs under the taller shrubs and trees); a decrease of approximately 3-percent due to the reduced cover of Oregon grape under the densely-growing Scouler's willow. The difference in cover appears to be due to the full sun aspect of the north area as opposed to the shade conditions present in the south and central areas. The central area has the highest density of red alder saplings and the southern area is shaded by the adjacent forest. No one woody species comprised more than 50-percent total cover throughout the mitigation area. Scouler's willow had the highest cover at approximately 35-percent cover, overall. Indian plum had the lowest cover at 4-percent, overall. While there is no success criteria for groundcover this year, data was collected on ground layer species and is presented in Attachment B. The shady conditions in the south area resulted in the lowest percent cover of non-invasive groundcover at less than 3-percent cover. The central and north areas had approximately 70-percent and IS-percent; respectively. Overall, areal cover of herbaceous species is estimated to be 29-percent. This decrease in groundcover is expected as the shrubs and trees mature and provide more shade. The photographs in Attachment C illustrate current conditions on July 2, 2013. They show the vigor and increase in height of installed and volunteer native woody plants. The plants are healthy and are expected to increase in cover and biomass over the long term. Walgreens -Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-5 Annual Monitor Rpt Invasive Species Invasive species control has been conducted throughout the mitigation area and only a minor amount of invasives were observed. The one exception is English ivy (Hedera helix) along the east edge or the central area which increased in cover by approximately 6-percent. Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) and birds-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) were observed in trace amounts throughout the mitigation area this year. Attachment B shows the percent cover for invasive species in each area. These species occurred in small patches and overall had less than 3 percent cover over the entire mitigation area. Wildlife Use English sparrows were observed in the mitigation area at the time of the site visit. No signs of other wildlife were observed. This is expected because of the very narrow dimensions of the mitigation area and its location immediately adjacent to a well-used parking lot. While wildlife is not expected to use the mitigation area directly, this site serves as part of the mitigation corridor into and along the adjacent stream. Success Criteria Evaluation A) The re-established buffer will achieve either 85 percent survival or 25 percent areal coverage of native installed and recruited woody vegetation by the end ofYear-5. While no survival data was collected this year, the overall areal percent cover of native woody vegetation throughout the entire mitigation area exceeded 100 percent; significantly exceeding the Year-5 success criterion. This success criterion is met. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 10 percent areal cover during Year-5. Invasive species comprise less than 4-percent areal cover over the mitigation area as a whole. This success criterion is met. C) Noxious weeds will be removed within the mitigation area after each monitoring event. Removal will occur according to the King County noxious weed list, including Class A, B, and C noxious weeds. This success criterion does not pertain to those species classified as nuisance weeds. Noxious weeds have been removed regularly since the mitigation installation, as documented in list of maintenance tasks completed in Allachment D. The Contingency Plan section (see below) outlines additional maintenance tasks for the remainder of 2013 season and in spring 2014. This success criterion i.~ met. Note: There are no cover requirements for herbaceous vegetation in Years 4 and 5. Contingency Plans The contingency plans that were recommended from August 2013 through July 2014 (as listed in the Year 4 Monitoring Letter-Report dated August 26,2013) included I. Continued control of invasive, exotic and nuisance plant species. All are to be bagged and removed from the site. 2. Removing all trash in the mitigation area. Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-5 Annual Monitor Rpt 3. Allow all volunteer native species to remain in the south area; this includes red alder, red-osier dogwood, snowberry and any other native woody species (see Attachment C for a map showing the south, central and north areas). 4. Remove all red alder seedlings from the north and central areas (see Attachment C for a map showing the south, central and north areas). 5. Thin the red alder saplings in the northern-most portion of the mitigation area where the alder is still very dense. Leave all other native species, including the willow which looks very similar to the alder. 6. Replace the fallen sections of the fence at south end of mitigation area. 7. Continue to irrigate the mitigation area through October 15th (or whenever the seasonal rains begin, whichever is sooner). Next year, the irrigation does not need to be turned back on unless the plants are stressed and dying. The store manager may access the site for irrigation needs. All maintenance and contingency tasks I isted in the Year-4 report have been implemented. During this past year, continuing maintenance has kept invasive and weedy species cover below 5-percent cover. A small amount of trash was observed in the mitigation area and was removed during monitoring. It is not known whether irrigation was provided in 2014. Ongoing maintenance over the past year is documented in Attachment D. A few select alder saplings were removed in the north area to allow the other native plants to continue to increase in density. It does appear that the shade provided by the planted native vegetation has served to reduce red alder germination as there were only a few new alder seedlings/saplings throughout the mitigation area. The fence at the southern-most end of the mitigation area has been repaired and the fallen portions of the fence replaced. (see photos in Appendix C). There are two recommended on-going maintenance for the mitigation area; I. Continue to control the English ivy in the central area to ensure that it does not affect the health of the established trees and shrubs 2. Hire an experienced arborist to trim back the willows and other trees that are spreading into the drive way to the west of the mitigation area. Inappropriate pruning of these trees can lead to death ofthe trees or a growth response that will exacerbate the tendency of the trees to grow into the drive way. An experienced arborist will be able to prune the trees to control their lateral growth. Walgreens -Renton 5 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-5 Annual Monitor Rpt Use ofthis report This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Walgreen Company and their specific application to the buffer mitigation at Walgreens Store #12497 in Renton. The use by others, or for purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. The findings presented herein are based on generally accepted monitoring methods for critical area restoration and on Touchstone EcoServices' experience and understanding of restoration work within critical area boundaries. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, the findings presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted critical area investigation principles and practices in this locality at the time the report was prepared. Touchstone EcoServices makes no other warranty, either express or implied. Please let me know if you have questions or want further information about the observations documented in this letter. Sincerely, ~\~J.- Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 ATT: A -Vicinity Map B -Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations C -July 2, 2013 Photographic Documentation D -Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Walgreens . Renton 6 Buffer Restoration Y r-5 Annual Monitor Rpt Touchstone EcoServices TES TOCCHSTO~E ECOSER\1CES § l>:l)1,. -<""f 'q"!- " ~ .-v 9111 h , ~ {~ 6 ., , c. ~ ~ l ~ t~ ~ , j ./ OJ' ~~ ., Walgreens Store #124 97 Buffer Mitigation Monitoring 4105 NE 4th Street Renton , WA Ii ~ ~ m:ntn.5t N( I lin Pi ~6thP "' ... >0 .~ M I ut ~! ~ .. Nt 5th PI 5th Cl N Not to Sca le Vicinity Map Att A Attachment B Walgreens Store #12497: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations 2014 Observed Vegetation Monitoring Stations South Central North Scientific name Common name Cover percent Cover percent Cover percent classl cover2 classl cover2 classl cover2 Trees Acer macrophyllum Big-leaf maple ------5 6 5 6 Alnus rubra Red alder 2 0.75 6 12 7 24 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir 7 24 6 12 5 6 Salix lucida Pacific willow ------6 12 ------ Salix scoulerinna Scouler's willow 3 1.5 6 12 9 82 Shrubs Mahonia aqll1folillm Tall Oregml_gral'c 3 1.5 3 1.5 4 3 Oemlaria cerasiformis Indian plum 7 24 ------------ Philadelphus lewisii Mock orange 7 24 6 12 ------ Rosa nutkana Nootka rose 7 24 7 24 8 48 , Total percent cover of trees & shrubs 99.75 91.5 169.0 , Emergents & Grasses , Agrostis stolonifera Creeping bentgrass 3 1.5 4 3 ------I Carex leptopoda Taperfruit shortscale ------5 6 ------I sedge Daucus carota Queen Anne's lace 0 trace I ------------ Epilobium ciliatum Watson's willowherb 0 trace 2 0.75 ------I Equisetum arvense Field horsetail ------7 24 6 12 , Festuca rubra Red fescue ------2 0.75 ------I Holcus lanatus Common velvetgrass 2 0.75 2 0.75 3 1.5 I Hypochneris radicata Hairy ca l' sear ------4 3 2 0.75 I Lactuca sp. Wild lettuce 1 0.25 2 0.75 2 0.75 I AHachmentB Walgreens Store #12497: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations 2014 Observed Vegetation South Scientific name Common name Cover percent class1 cover2 Emergents & Grasses, continued MedicaKo sativa Black medic 0 trace Ranunculus repens Creeping buttercup ------ Taraxacum officinale Common dandelion 0 trace Trifolium pratense Red clover 0 trace Trifolium repens White clover - ---- - Vida sativa Common vetch 0 trace Total percent cover of emergents & grasses 2.5 InvasivejWeedy Species Hedera helix English ivy ------ Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot trefoil ----- - Rubus armeniacus Himalayan blackberry_ 0 trace Total percent cover of invasive/weedy species trace Percent Cover of Bare Earth ~. I 7 Notes: 1: Cover class was based on the Octave cover class ranges; see chart below. 2: Percent cover is the mid-point range of the Octave cover class. Monitoring Stations Central Cover percent class1 cover2 ------ 7 24 4 3 1 0.25 1 0.25 4 3 69.5 5 6 1 0.25 0 trace 6.25 I I 0 - OCTAVE COVER CLASSES (Gauch 1982) Cover Class Percent Cover Mid-Point Range Cover Class Percent Cover 1 0-0.5% 0.25% 5 4-8% 2 0.5-1 % 0.75% 6 8-16% 3 1-2% 1.5% 7 16-32% 4 2-4% 3% 8 32-64% 9 64-100% North Cover percent class1 cover2 ------ ------ 0 trace ------ - - ---- ----- - 15.0 ----- - ------ 3 1.5 1.5 I 0 Mid-Point Range 6% 12% 24% 48% 82% Source: Gauch, H.G. 1982. Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. i Attachment C: Walgreens -Renton Monitoring and Photographic Stations ---------------------------~-~~~--- N WAl.GREENS Los Scnwab UI'lMrntm Tr!trut,1lory (el"'''''' 4 SV"'3"m) .\!\4-i 0","4 Sttv4fflBurtffl' ____ Ti~!I12l!t@ti(lD (PS) 3 shows direction of photo) Central Monitoring PS7~ Landscape IslSld ~ _ North Monitoring Station , 4"'(north) & 6 (south) if"" CENTRAL AREA -'" 2 (south) & 5 (north) ml&---SOUTH AREA -....."0'.... Monitoring Station / ///.(0 //~4:-/// Base figure source: Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan (November 2008) Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 8, 2014 Pholo Stalion (PS) I: Lookin g norlh from th e so uth end o f the miti ga ti o n area. PS 2 -Lookin g so uth a lo ng Ih e so uth e nd . PS 3 : Loo king so uth rrom the n o rlh e nd . PS 4: Looking north at the north end. Wal g reen s Store # 12497 Yr-5 Monitorin g Rpt PS 5: Looking north & northwest at widest (central) mitigation area. c -I Touch sto ne Eco se rvic es Walgreens Store # 12497 Yr-5 Monitoring Rpt Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 8 , 2014 PS 6: Thi s photos was not tak e n in 20 14. !\ner light pruning to re m ove ove rhanging branches in the lire lane. thi s area looks th e same in 2014 as it did in the 2013 photo shown here. --... PS 7: Panorama of mitigation area. looking east from parking lot. C-2 Touchstone Ecoservices Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 8, 2014 Mock orange in center or plot Big leaf maple in center of plot Looking north at South Area Monitoring Plot Wa lgreens Store # 12497 Yr-5 Monitoring Rpt Looking east at North Area Mo nitoring Plot C -3 Sign marks mid-point or plot Touchstone Ecose rv ic es Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 8, 2014 2 01 3 Ph o to: Loo kin g cast at No rth Area M o nit o rin g Pl o t as co mpa red to th e 2 01 4 ph o to on pa g e C-3 " .,. • It' ,~;;, "Q ~~;1. ... ,. '\;;!I .~ . ., rl , ! " .;,~, ,. '~1,' ~ ~,';".' ,'I' ~(! ..... ~ ." . ..!< . t-t. ., • " . . -,,' ~-.. " .~;.:~" .. ' . ., .. -.. t..i:"' ~ -_ ~ "~, ~I :t::.t "~~'."'-'''''';''''' ~ ", ~. -::-' IIll'! -.; -.... " ~ -,. ....... ~ ... ~ , . ,. - -~ .. _ • .)...1 .. ~. • ... III ~ ... +- --:.. .... , . ;j;,,~-......... -; ,IY;'~ .., ... ~--.. --.. II;! ' .. ... ,. ~ '" --OJ ... Re-built fencing at s outh end of mitigation area Straightened fence in south end. All fence photo s taken October 23 , 2014 Walgreen s Store # 12497 Yr-5 Monitorin g Rpl C-4 Touch stone Eco se rvi ces ..... r:'.~ New fence post in central area. Wa lgre en s Store # 12 497 Yr-5 Monitorin g Rpt Attachment C Walgrcens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 8, 2014 C -5 Touch stone Ecoserviccs Attachment D: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens Store #12497 -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site 2009 Maintenance Visits and TasksC(lmplj}~ per Visit (work done by EnvironmentalSystems) • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. June 19 • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. August 5 • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. August 24 • Assessed plants for adequate watering. .. • Mechanical cutting of Himalayan blackberry encroaching from off site to the east. • Dug up misaligned sprinkler head and adjusted spray head to improve head-to-head cover. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pUlling. • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. November 3 • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Removed trash from site. • Installed one 2-gallon Acer macrophyllum .. .. ..•... ... 201~Mll.i!t~~~c" V~i~ aDd'fasksComp~ per Visit (,!,orkt,t~eIJYfDV!~.,mentaJSyste~s) . February 14, 20 I 0 • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Repaired fence at the north end of the mitigation area April 15,2010 • Tree in central area was staked up. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. ...... Walgreens Store #12497 Yr-5 Annual Monitoring Rpt Touchstone EcoServices .. August 15,2010 October IS, 2010 Attachment D: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens Store #12497 -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site o Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. o Trash removed from site. o Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pUlling. o Trash removed from site. 2011 Maiutellauce Visits aud Tasks C:;()IIIpleted per Visit (work, doue by Euviroul1lelital ~y~tems) April 21, 2011 0 Trash removed from site. 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds June 1,2011 0 Trash removed from site. 0 August 10, 20 I I 0 Trash removed from site. 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds October 6, 2011 0 Trash removed from site. April 19,2012 o Trash removed from site. • Re.mnven nlli,,~ncp. and noxious weeds June 13,2012 o Trash removed from site. o 2013 Mail1~~ViSib .•• d.t~skSClll1lpJeted per Visit Ongoing- approximately monthly Work done by Walgreens' Landscape Contractor in north area: o Trash removed from site. o Removed nuisance and noxious weeds bv hand grubbing and Work done by TES in central and south areas: July 2,2013 Walgreens Store # 12497 Yr-5 Annual Monitoring Rpt o Trash removed from site. o Removed nuisance and noxious weeds bv hand grubbing and Touchstone EcoServices Attachment D: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens Store #12497 -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site 2014 Maintenance V~itH\nd Tasks Completed per Visit .. Ongoing-Work done by Walgreens' Landscape Contractor in north area: approximately monthly 0 Trash removed from site. 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Work done by TES in central and south areas: July 8, 2014 0 Trash removed from site. 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling in south and central areas. Walgreens Store #12497 Yr-5 Annual Monitoring Rpt 0 Thinned red alder in north area. Touchstone EcoServices Denis Law ~ ---=~~Ma~YOr~ __ ."."",." .. e.· r O~tober16, 2013...!. ''....;!,...,.rF. .. ~,'''''''~;;;,;II"'W~ .. Robert Sherry PECO NNN-West 4717 Masters Newberg, OR 97132 . Department of Community and EconomiC Development CE."Chip"Vincent, Administrator" SUBJECT: Receipt of Fourth Annual Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Walgreens on N E 4th St, Mitigation Project City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Sherry: I received and reviewed the fourth annual Maintenance and Monitoring Report for the Walgreens, on NE 4th Street, mitigation project. The project appears to be meeting its established performance standards and is considered in compliance with the exception of the northern and southern-most ends of the fence. As previously noted,' the southern-most end of the ~fence in the mitigation area had prior damage and since has sustained further damage and is now completely fallen dciwn. The northern-most end of . the fence in the mitigation area has also sustained damage and is now fallen down. Repair of the fence was noted in the last monitoring letter, dated November 9,2012 and was not completed. Now that the fence has completely fallen down, it is required to be repairediinmediately. The repair should be~ completed within two months and verification of completion shall be provided to the Planning Project Manager, Vanessa Dolbee, by December 10, 2013. The northern end of the mitigation area contains an excessive amount of invasive plant . species. During maintenance of the mitigation area this' area should be included as it contains the highest percentage of invasive plantcover~ In addition,please take the necessary measures as recommended by your wetland biologist to secure the survival of the plantings. The next monitoring report shall inclUde a follow-up statement stating compliance with these measures. Provided the' above mentioned maintenance is completed and the project meets the performance measures in the next annuarreport, the five year monitoring period will be completed and the surety device~ can be released. Twocopies of your next scheduled maintenance and monitoring report are due to the City by August: 25,2014. If you have any questioris, please contact me at (4.25) 430- ~ 7314. Sincerely, ~-EJoI~ Vanessa Dolbee, Planner Planning Division cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retireme,nt Trust I OWners Tom Thompson AlA / "Contact Renton City Hall. 1055 South GradyWay • Renton,Washington 98057 • rentonwa.goy Walgreen Company Construction & Facilities Management 106 Wilmot Road MS 1603 Deerfield IL 60015 Attn: Bill Brzycki, Regional Facilities Manager Transmitted bv electronic email to: Bi II. B,'z\ eli a'V,algreells.col11 RE: BulTer Mitigation Year-4 Monitoring Report Walgreens #12497 4105 NE 4th Street City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Brzycki: TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES August 26, 2013 Touchstone EcoServices (TES) completed the Year-4 monitoring at the Walgreens #12497, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington (see Attachment A). The monitoring schedule is in compliance with the City of Renton's permit requirements for this Walgreens location. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. wetland and stream buffer restoration area, situated in a narrow border along the east side of the Walgreens parking lot, was installed in April and May of 2009. The as-built conditions were evaluated by TES in May 2009 and approved by the City of Renton. Four quarterly monitoring reports were completed as required for theY ear-I monitoring from August 2009 through June 2010; the Year-2 report was completely August 16,2011, and the Year-3 report was completed August 3, 2012. This letter-report serves as the Year-4 annual monitoring report. It documents Year-4 site conditions observed during TES' July 2, 2013 monitoring site visit and evaluates those conditions based on the success criteria presented in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan (dated November 2008). As instructed by Walgreens, TES has submitted three hard copies of this report to Vanessa Dolbee at the City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development the week of August 25, 2013. Introduction Meeting or exceeding the success criteria specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan will demonstrate that the goal of enhancing buffer habitat as compensatory mitigation is met this year. Specific characteristics evaluated during this visit included: • Percent cover of native, invasive and exotic vegetative species within established monitoring stations and throughout the site. • Wildlife use of the mitigation area. Three attachments enclosed with this letter provide detailed information about site conditions: • Attachment B: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations • Attachment C: July 2,2013 Photographic Documentation • Attachment D: Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Monitoring Method During Years-I and -2 of monitoring, success criteria for both plant survival and percent cover was collected. Beginning in Year -3, data has been collected only for percent cover this year. Preliminary visual observation of the overall mitigation area clearly indicated that the Year-4 success criteria of at least 15 percent woody native plant cover was exceeded throughout the mitigation area; thus percent cover data was considered to be an accurate evaluation of the success of the site. In addition, because native plant recruitment and growth has been so vigorous it would have been nearly impossible to distinguish each individual plant from the other; thus time was not spent attempting to count individual plants. Percent cover of planted and volunteer native vegetation was documented at the three monitoring stations established in 20 II. Percent cover of invasive species was also documented at each station. One station is situated in the south portion of the mitigation area, one is in the central portion and one is in the north portion. The stations (see Attachment C) were placed in the least vegetated areas in 2011 and these stations were still the least vegetated areas in 2013. Sample plots included the entire width (east to west) of the mitigation area and extended fifteen ft. to the north and south of the center of each station. A visual estimate of the percent cover of each observed species within each sample plot was recorded as a cover class estimate. This nine- increment scale, known as the Octave scale, enables close observation of small changes in vegetation cover. The Octave cover class table and percent cover by species within each of the three areas are presented in Attachment B. Photographs taken at the establishment photographic stations are presented in Attachment C. Field data collected during the July 2"d site visit was later evaluated in the office, comparing current site conditions to the success criterion for survival (see page 4). Monitoring Observations Woody Plant Cover During the July 2013 monitoring visit nine native shrub and tree species were documented; the same number of species as observed last year. Red alder, found in each of the three areas, are now considered to be trees rather than shrubs. The majority of red alder occurs in the north and central areas. The volunteer red alder (Alnus rubra) range from 8 ft. to lOft. in height with a few new volunteers ranging from 6 inches to 3 ft. tall. The thinning done in 2012 served to remove crowding of the native vegetation and the planted woody vegetation is thriving this year. Walgreens -Renton 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-4 Annual Monitor Rpt Based on data documented at the monitoring stations, three of the five tree species showed a slight increase in percent cover over last year. Red alder is beginning to move into the south area with a few widely scattered seedlings beginning to establish. Alder showed no change in cover in the central area and an increase of approximately 12-percent in the north area. Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and Scouler's willow (s. scouleriana) showed an approximately 12- percent increase in cover in the south area with no change in cover in the rest of the mitigation area. The other two species, Big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) and Pacific willow (Salix lucida), showed no change in cover. Overall, tree cover varied widely in each portion of the site and appears to be due to the amount of sunlight each area receives. The south area that gets little sunlight through the adjacent overhanging forest has approximately 36.75-percent tree cover. Because the central area extends beyond the shade of the adjacent forest, tree cover in this area is somewhat higher at approximately 45-percent. The north area is completely exposed and has over 100-percent cover (due to conifers growing under the canopy of the taller alder and willow). All four species of the native shrubs also show a slight increase in percent cover over last year throughout the mitigation area. Mock orange (Philadelphus lewisii) had a small approximately 6-increase in cover in the central area with no change in cover in the south and north areas. Nootka rose (Rosa nootkana) decreased by approximately 12-percent cover in the south area and increased in the north and central areas by approximately 24-and 12-percent cover; respectively. Tall Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium) and Indian plum (Oemlaria cerasiformis) increased slightly by L5-percent and 6 percent, respectively, in the south area. These two species showed no change in cover in the central and north areas. Even though the areal cover of native woody species has not shown a marked increase, all species are much taller with fuller branching and greater leave production this year. Shrub cover varies less than that of tree cover throughout the mitigation area. Shrubs average approximately 50-percent cover with the least cover occurring in the central area. This is presumed to be due to the shade created by the red alder grove in that area. Attachment B documents the percent cover of all vegetation observed in the three monitoring plots. The overall cover of woody native species is estimated to be approximately 100 percent. The south monitoring station had approximately 86-percent cover of native woody vegetation, an increase of approximately ll-percent from 2012. The central monitoring station had approximately 82-percent cover; an increase of approximately 16- percent. The northern monitoring station had In-percent cover (including the low-growing shrubs under the taller shrubs and trees); an increase of approximately 10-percent. The difference. in cover appears to be due to the full sun aspect of the north area as opposed to the dense shade conditions in the south and central areas. The central area has the highest density of red alder saplings and the southern area is shaded by the adjacent forest. Noone woody species comprised more than 50-percent total cover throughout the mitigation area. Scouler's willow had the highest cover at approximately 35-percent cover, overall. Indian plum had the lowest cover at 4-percent, overall. While there is no success criteria for groundcover this year, data was collected on ground layer species and is presented in Attachment B. The shady conditions in the south area resulted in the lowest percent cover of non-invasive groundcover at approximately 4-percent cover. The central and north areas had approximately 76-percent and 27-percent; respectively. Overall, areal cover of herbaceous species is estimated to be 36 percent. WaIgreens· Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-4 Annual Monitor Rpt The photographs in Attachment C illustrate current conditions on July 2,2013. They show the vigor and increase in height of installed and volunteer native woody plants. The plants are healthy and are expected to increase in cover and biomass over the rest of this growing season. Invasive Species Invasive species control has been conducted throughout the mitigation area and only a minor amount of invasives were observed. English ivy (Hedera helix) and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) were observed in trace amounts this year. Less than I-percent cover of birds-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) was observed. Attachment B shows the percent cover for invasive species in each area. These species occurred in small patches and overall had less than 1 percent cover over the entire mitigation area. Wildlife Use English sparrows were observed in the mitigation area at the time of the site visit. No signs of other wildlife were observed. This is expected because of the very narrow dimensions of the mitigation area and its location immediately adjacent to a well-used parking lot. While wildlife is not expected to use the mitigation area directly, this site serves as part of the mitigation corridor into and along the adjacent stream. Success Criteria Evaluation A) The re-established buffer will achieve either 85 percent survival or 15 percent areal coverage of native installed and recruited woody vegetation by the end ofYear-4. While no survival data was collected this year, the overall areal percent cover of native woody vegetation, including installed plants and healthy volunteers (recruited native plants that were at least 12 inches tall was approximately 100 percent. The percent cover significantly exceeds this success criterion. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during Year-4. Invasive species comprise less than 1 percent areal cover. This success criterion is meL C) Noxious weeds will be removed within the mitigation area after each monitoring event. Removal will occur according to the King County noxious weed list, including Class A, B, and C noxious weeds. This success criterion does not pertain to those species classified as nuisance weeds. Noxious weeds have been removed regularly since the mitigation installation, as documented in list of maintenance tasks completed in Attachment D. The Contingency Plan section (see below) outlines additional maintenance tasks for the remainder of 2013 season and in spring 2014. This success criterion is met. Note: There are no cover requirements for herbaceous vegetation in Years 4 and 5. Contingency Plans The contingency plans that were recommended in the Year 3 Monitoring Letter-Report (dated August 2, 2012) included controlling invasive, exotic and nuisance plant species; removing trash from the mitigation area; repairing the fence at the south end of the mitigation Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoSenrices Buffer Restoration Yr-4 Annual Monitor Rpt area; thinning red alder seedlings in the north and central areas while leaving the few alder sapling volunteers in the south area; and continuing irrigation during the dry summer months if the native plants appear to be stressed. During this past year, continuing maintenance has resulted in a reduction in invasive and weedy species. A small amount of trash was observed in the mitigation area and was removed during monitoring. Irrigation was provided in 2012 and was also being provided in 2013. Ongoing maintenance over the past year is documented in Attachment D. Select alder saplings were removed in the central and north areas to allow the other native plants to continue to increase in density. It does appear that the shade provided by the planted native vegetation has served to reduce red alder germination as there are far fewer new alders throughout the mitigation area. The fence at the southern-most end of the mitigation area was not repaired and has now completely fallen down into the mitigation area (see photo in Appendix C). The fence needs to be replaced in order to protect the mitigation area from human intrusion. Maintenance visits should continue to be conducted this year. Tasks to be completed include: I. Continued control of invasive, exotic and nuisance plant species. All are to be bagged and removed from the site. 2. Removing all trash in the mitigation area. 3. Allow all volunteer native species to remain in the south area; this includes red alder, red-osier dogwood, snow berry and any other native woody species (see Attachment C for a map showing the south, central and north areas). 4. Remove all red alder seedlings from the north and central areas (see Attachment C for a map showing the south, central and north areas). 5. Thin the red alder saplings in the northern-most portion of the mitigation area where the alder is still very dense. Leave all other native species, including the willow which looks very similar to the alder. 6. Replace the fallen sections of the fence at south end of mitigation area. 7. Continue to irrigate the mitigation area through October 15th (or whenever the seasonal rains begin, whichever is sooner). 8. Next year, the irrigation does not need to be turned back on unless. the plants are stressed and dying. The store manager may access the site for irrigation needs. If the maintenance contractor or his staff have any questions about this contingency plan, they may call Diane Brewster at 206-251-9536. Walgreens -Renton 5 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-4 Annual Monitor Rpt Use ofthis report This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Walgreen Company and their specific application to the buffer mitigation at Walgreens Store #12497 in Renton. The use by others, or for purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. The findings presented herein are based on generally accepted monitoring methods for critical area restoration and on Touchstone EcoServices' experience and understanding of restoration work within critical area boundaries. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, the findings presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted critical area investigation principles and practices in this locality at the time the report was prepared. Touchstone EcoServices makes no other warranty, either express or implied. Please let me know if you have questions or want further information about the observations documented in this letter. Sincerely, ~I~..L Iliane E1rewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 ATT: A -Vicinity Map 13 -Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations C -July 2, 2013 Photographic Ilocumentation Il-Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Walgreens -Renton 6 Buffer Restoration Yr-4 Annual Monitor Rpt Touchstone EcoServices Im ;,ndYP;!fk TES TOl-CHSTO)JE ECOSER\lCES Belt ue '''''' A·.,.., ~ ,l:-'" :~ Walgreens Store #1 24 97 Buffer Mitigation Monitoring 4105 NE 4th St reet Renton , W A FaiCrty Nll2lh51 -NE 2 8 ~ ! NI St z HE 61h P NE61h >0 ri~ ~:i Project J~Location N > ., H NE 7~ 100nS I '"'! NE 81n ~ .. \~ NE NE ~< SIn PI !llh Ct " ~ '" ~ ~ ~ L , ~ > ! ~ .~ .. z 60: Not to Sca le Vicinity Map AU A AHachmentB Walgreens Store #12497: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations 2013 Observed Vegetation Monitoring Stations South Central North Scientific name Common name Cover percent Cover percent Cover percent class! cover2 class! cover2 class! cover2 Trees Acer macrophyllum Big-leaf maple ------4 3 5 6 Alnus rubra3 Red alder 2 0.75 6 12 7 24 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir 7 24 5 6 5 6 Salix lucida 3 Pacific willow ------6 12 ------ Salix scouleriana Scouler's willow 6 12 6 12 9 82 Shrubs Mahonia aqui[oIiunz Tall Oregon grape 3 1.5 3 1.5 5 6 Oellllaria eerasifor11lis Indian plum 6 12 --- --------- Philadelphus lewisii Mock orange 7 24 6 12 ------ Rosa nu Ileana Nootka rose 6 12 7 24 8 48 Total percent cover of trees & shrubs 86.25 82.5 172 Emergents & Gras/ies - A~roslis stolonifera Creeping bentgrass 3 1.5 3 1.5 ------ Carex leptopoda Taperfruit shortscale ------5 6 ------ sedge Epilobium eilialum Watson's willowherb ---trace 2 0.75 ------ Equiselum arvense Field horsetail ------8 48 7 24 Festuca rubra Red fescue 1 0.25 2 0.75 ------ Holcus lanatus Common velvetgrass 3 1.5 2 0.75 3 1.5 Hlfpochaeris radicata Cat's ear ---trace 4 3 2 0.75 Lactuca sp. Wild lettuce 1 0.25 2 0.75 2 0.75 - Medicago sativa Black medic ---trace ------------ Attachment B Walgreens Store #12497: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations 2013 Observed Vegetation South Scientific name Common name Cover percent class1 cover2 Emergents & Grasses, continued Ranunculus repens Creeping butterct1£ ------ Taraxacum officinale Common dandelion ---trace Trifolium pratense Red clover ---trace Trifolium repens White clover ------ Vicia sativa Common vetch 1 0.25 Total percent cover of emergents & grasses 3.75 InvasivejWeedy Species Hedera helix English ivy ------ Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot trefoil ------ Rubus armeniacus Himalayan blackberry ---trace Total percent cover of invasive/weedy species trace Percent Cover of Bare Earth 10 Notes: 1: Cover class was based on the Octave cover class ranges given in the chart below. 2: Percent cover is the mid-point range of the Octave cover class. MonitorinK Stations Central North Cover percent Cover percent class1 cover2 class' cover2 5 6 ------ 4 3 ---trace 4 3 ------ 4 3 ------ ---trace ------ 76.5 27 I ---trace ------ 1 0.25 ------ -- -trace ------- 0.25 0 - 0 0 --- 3: This is a volunteer native woody species that was at least 12 inches tall and in good health at the time of monitoring OCTAVE COVER CLASSES (Gauch 1982) Cover Class Percent Cover Mid-Point Range Cover Class Percent Cover Mid-Point Range 1 0-0.5% 0.25% 5 4-8% 6% 2 0.5-1 % 0.75% 6 8-16% 12% 3 1-2% 1.5% 7 16-32% 24% 4 2-4% 3% 8 32-64% 48% 9 64-100% 82% Source: Gauch, H.G. 1982. Multivariate Analysis in Conununity Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. \, ';-'-':';:1 Les Schwab Attachment C: Walgreens· enton Monitoring and Photographic Stations Mari.:-wooo C Central Monitoring St"ti<>o PS7~ Unoarnt'd Trlbl..itary [CI.u.!!. 4 Stream) ~~~ti4)n (PS) 3 shows direction of photo) . /NORTH AREA orth Monitoring Station 4-:(north) & 6 (south) ......... CENTRAL AREA .i,{ 2 (s'6uth) & 5 (north) 1'!:7.1\?--~ SOUTH AREA Landscape Island ---...,.~~ . ~s Sr.:h'.'.lt: Monitoring Station ! /L///jP//"~. / N Ra.">e figure soun.x' Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigaticm Plan (November 2008) Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation I>hotognlphs July 2, 2013 Ph o to Stati on (I'S) I : Look in g no rth from the so ulh e nd oflhe miti gat io n a rea. PS 4 : Look in g north at t he no rth e nd . Wal gree ns Store #12497 Yr-4 Monitor in g I'S 2 - Looking so uth a lo n g th e sout h end . I'S J: Looking so uth !i'O Ill th e nort h e nd . I'S 5: Looking no rth & northwe st a t w ide s t (central) miti gatio n a rea. c -I To uc hs to ne Eco se rv ice s Wa lgre e ns Store # 12497 Yr-4 Monitoring Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Critica l Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 2, 2013 _.f .,~;., ~ ,,.,.v , _. ~ ...... ~,'J .,... , .... ~~~ .. ~: .... " ...... . .. ... , '. "':~. ...:t~~\ ~ .. ~~. ," .' .~,,,, .. :,,,:~,~ , .... I'. ~ .' f 'Vi'· ~ " , . .::~-~. ,~" -~ . ~ -J&';"'" ~ ... t:. . .,),,-. , ,,".!-:.;' " " -<.: ---".~.-, ,.... .. • > ."",-' ~l' ~:;l<o"" -' -.,!>.'~ , .. ~::-_~.:.~~.:t -:-"",:'f:;"" .. • .. _. _;; r: ." :I. ,. ,_."" .. -,,-,,'''' . _ .' .,' ., _ :\..:., ," _ . .' ''''''''iiII 'f ~ .-,~ "'",'-- -. -...... .-f{J-.-1' --' '" ""~'~" "'-... , ---, ' ... , .,..' ",-. ~,~ , ,,'~ .:.." .•.. "-. y ~" '~ '. --./"-" ~",-.-. \ J~ " " ""..-: ' .. .-'" , ' '.~ ,# "~ ~~ ,~ • ' ,/ .", <" ... ~, ' ~ .. " PS 0: Luok in g so uth a t w ide s t (ce nt ral) miti ga ti o n area. PS 7: Panorama o fmiligat io n area. lo o k in g eaSl fr o l11 parkin g lo t. C·2 Touchs tone Ecoserv ices Attachment C Walgreen s Store #12497 : C ritical Arc a Buffer Mitigati on Photograph s July 2 , 2013 Moc k ora nge in ce nt e r o f pl o t B ig leaf ma p le in ce nt e r of -----] pl ot ~ , I.ook in g no rth at So uth A rc a Mo n it or in g Plo t I.o ok ing no rt h a t Ce nt ra l Arc a Mo n ito r in g Pl o t Wa lgree ns Store # 1249 7 Yr-4 Mo nit or ing Loo ki ng e ast at No rth A rea Mo ni to rin g Pl o t C -3 To uchsto ne Eco serv iccs Fallen portion of fence Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Ruffer Mitigation Photographs July 2,2013 201 2 Ph o to : Loo kin g cas t at No rth A rea Mo nit o rin g Plot as compared to th e 2 01 3 photo Oil pa ge C -3 Protective fencing at south end of mitigation area -had started to lean in 2012 and ha s now completely fallen down_ Wal grecn s Store # 1249 7 Yr-4 Monitoring C-4 Touch s tone Eco services Attachment D: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens Store #12497 -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site Visits and Tasks done by June 19 August S August 24 November 3 February 14,2010 April IS, 2010 Walgreens Store # 12497 Yr-4 Annual Monitoring Rpt • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and Dulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. • Inspectcd site for maintenance requirements. • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Mechanical cutting of Himalayan blackberry encroaching from off site to the east. • Dug up misaligned sprinkler head and adjusted spray head to improve head-to-head cover. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Removed trash from site. Installed one 2-gallon • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Rp.nairp.tl fence at the north end of the mitigation area • Tree in central area was staked up. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds bv hand grubbing and Touchstone EcoServices August 15,2010 October 15, 2010 April 21, 2011 June 1,2011 August 10, 20 II October 6, 20 II April 19, 2012 June 13,2012 Ongoing- approximately monthly July 2, 2013 Attachment D: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens Store #12497 -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Trash • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Trash removed from site. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and • Trash removed from site. • Trash removed from site. • • Trash removed from site. Work done by Walgreens' Landscape Contractor in north area: • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds Work done by TES in central and south areas: • Trash removed from site. • nuisance and noxious and and Walgreens Store # 12497 Yr-4 Annual Monitoring Rpt Touchstone EcoServices Walgreen Company Construction & Facilities Management 106 Wilmot Road MS 1603 Deerfield IL 60015 Attn: Bill Brzycki, Regional Facilities Manager Transmitted by electronic email to: ,~, oc_, _'-_ VdJWalgreens.com RE: Buffer Mitigation Year-3 Monitoring Report Walgreens #12497 4105 NE 4th Street City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Brzycki: TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES August 2,2012 At your request, Touchstone EcoServices (TES) completed the Year-3 monitoring at the Walgreens #12497, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington (see Attachment A). The monitoring schedule is in compliance with the City of Renton's permit requirements for this Walgreens location. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. wetland and stream buffer restoration area, situated in a narrow border along the east side ofthe Walgreens parking lot, was installed in April and May of 2009. The as-built conditions were evalualed by TES in May 2009 and approved by the City of Renton. Four quarterly monitoring reports were completed as required for theYear-1 monitoring from August 2009 through June 20 10; the Year-2 report was completely August 16, 2011. This letter-report serves as the Year-3 annual monitoring report. It documents Year-3 site conditions observed during TES' July 4, 2012 monitoring site visit and evaluates those conditions based on the success criteria presented in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan (dated November 2008). Walgreens will need to submit three hard copies to Vanessa Dolbee at the City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development by August 25, 2012. Introdnction Meeting or exceeding the success criteria specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan will demonstrate that the goal of enhancing buffer habitat as compensatory mitigation is being met. The data collected during the July 2012 monitoring visit was used to evaluate the Year-3 success criteria (see the Success Criteria Evaluation section on page 4). 125 N. 168 th Street Shoreline,· :. _; ~ Phon!;:: 206-S01-7154 • Cell Phone: 206·251-9536 Specific characteristics evaluated during this visit included: • Percent cover of native, invasive and exotic vegetative species within established monitoring stations and throughout the site • Wildlife use of the mitigation area Three attachments enclosed with this letter provide detailed information about site conditions: • Attachment B: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations • Attachment C: July 4, 2012 Photographic Documentation • Attachment D: Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Monitoring Metbod Monitoring during previous years included success criteria for both plant survival and percent cover. This year, data was collected only for percent cover. Preliminary visual observation of the overall mitigation area clearly indicated that the Y ear-3 success criteria of at least 10 percent woody native plant cover was exceeded throughout the mitigation area; thus percent cover data was considered to be a reasonably accurate evaluation of the success of the site. Secondly, because native plant recruitment and growth has been so vigorous it would have been nearly impossible to distinguish each individual plant from the other; thus time was not spent attempting to count individual plants. Percent cover of planted and volunteer native vegetation and of invasive species was documented at the three monitoring stations established in 2011; consisting of one station in each of the south, central and north areas. The stations (see Attachment C) were placed in the least vegetated areas in 2011 and the stations were still the least vegetated areas in 2012. Sample plots included the entire width (east to west) of the mitigation area and extended fifteen ft. to the north and south of the center of each station. A visual estimate of the percent cover of each observed species within each sample plot was recorded as a cover class estimate. This nine-increment scale, known as the Octave scale, enables close observation of small changes in vegetation cover. The Octave cover class table and percent cover by species within each of the three areas are presented in Attachment B. In addition, dead plants were noted. Photographs taken at the establishment photographic stations are presented in Attachment C. Field data collected during the July 4th site visit was later evaluated in the office, comparing current site conditions to the success criterion for survival (see page 4). Monitoring Observations Woody Plant Cover Observations during the July 2012 monitoring visit found nine native shrub and tree species; two fewer species than observed last year. Missing species were the volunteer species observed in the south area in 2011; including one red-osier dogwood and six common snowberry. While red alder was found in the north and central areas, this species was also missing from the south area; 10 individual plants had been recorded in this area in 2011. Overall, big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllllm) and Douglas fir (Pselidotsliga menziesil) in the mitigation area had a slight increase in percent cover over last year. Scouler's willow (Salix Walgreens -Renton 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-3 Annual Monitor Rpt scouleriana) had a 70 percent increase in cover in the north area, but stayed at the same cover in the other two areas. Native shrubs showed the greatest increase in cover throughout the mitigation area; particularly the mock orange (Philadelphus lewisii) and Nootka rose (Rosa noo/kana). The volunteer red alder (Alnus rubra) seedlings had not been thinned as designated in the 2011 contingency plan and were crowding many of the planted native shrubs and trees in the central and northern areas at the time of this monitoring site visit. The saplings ranged from 4 ft to 8 ft. tall and, because of their density, they were obscuring and crowding the planted native vegetation. Red alder saplings were thinned to approximately 20-ft. on-center during this site visit prior to collecting monitoring data. The only exception was the northern-most 30 feet of the mitigation area where the red alder was not cleared (as can be seen in Attachment C; PS-3). Thus, the cover of red alder for 2012 does not show an increase between 2011 and 2012. Attachment B documents the percent cover of all vegetation observed in the three monitoring plots. The overall cover of woody native species is estimated to be 90 percent. Compared to last year, the south and central areas had the lowest increase in native woody species cover. The south monitoring station had 75 percent cover of native woody vegetation, an increase of approximately 8 percent. The central monitoring station had 66 percent cover; an increase of approximately 2 percent. In contract, the northern monitoring station had 162 percent cover (including the low-growing shrubs under the taller shrubs and trees); an increase of approximately 45 percent from 20 II. This difference appears to be due to the full sun aspect of the north area vs. the dense shade conditions in the south and central areas. The central area had the highest density of red alder saplings and the southern area was shaded by the adjacent forest. No one woody species comprised more that 50 percent cover in the mitigation area. Scouler's willow had the highest cover at approximately 34 percent cover, overall. Indian plum had the lowest cover at 2 percent, overall. While there is no success criteria for groundcover this year, data was collected on ground layer species and is presented in Attachment B. The shady conditions in the south area resulted in the lowest percent cover of non-invasive ground cover at approximately 9 percent cover. The central and north areas had approximately 73 percent and 25 percent; respectively. Overall, areal cover of herbaceous species is estimated to be 36 percent. Only one dead plant was observed in the south area. Approximately five additional plants observed throughout the mitigation area had died to the ground, but were growing back from the roots at the time of this site visit. The photographs in Attachment C illustrate current conditions on July 4, 2012. They show the vigor and increase in height of installed and volunteer native woody plants. The plants are healthy and are expected to increase in cover and biomass over the rest of this growing season. Invasive Species Invasive species control has been conducted throughout the mitigation area and only a minor amount of invasives were observed. English ivy (Hedera helix), which had occurred in trace amounts in each area last year. was not observed at all this year. No everlasting peavine (La/hyrus lalifolia) was observed and only trace amounts of birds-foot trefoil (La/us Walgreens -Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-3 Annual Monitor Rpt corniculatus) and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) occur in the mitigation area. Attachment B shows the percent cover for invasive species in each area. These species occurred in small patches and overall had less than I percent cover over the entire mitigation area. Wildlife Use English sparrows were observed in the mitigation area at the time of the site visit. No signs of other wildlife were observed. This is expected because of the very narrow dimensions of the mitigation area and its location immediately adjacent to a well-used parking lot. While wildlife is not expected to use the mitigation area directly, this site serves as part of the mitigation corridor into and along the adjacent stream. Success Criteria Evaluatiou A) The re-established buffer will achieve either 85 percent survival or 10 percent areal coverage of native installed and recruited woody vegetation by the end ofYear-3. The overall areal percent cover of native woody vegetation, including installed plants and healthy volunteers (recruited native plants that were at least 12 inches tall was approximately 90 percent. This success criterion is met for both survival rate and percent cover. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during Year3. Invasive species comprise less than 1 percent areal cover. This success criterion is met. C) Noxious weeds will be removed within the mitigation area after each monitoring event. Removal will occur according to the King County noxious weed list, including Class A, B, and C noxious weeds. This success criterion does not pertain to those species classified as nuisance weeds. Noxious weeds have been removed regularly since the mitigation installation, as documented in list of maintenance tasks completed in Attachment D. The Contingency Plan section (see below) outlines additional maintenance tasksfor the remainder of the 2012 growing season and in spring 2013. This success criterion is met. Note: There are no cover requirements for herbaceous vegetation in Years 3, 4 or 5. Contingency Plans The contingency plans that were recommended in the Year 2 Monitoring Letter-Report (dated August 16, 2011) included controlling invasive, exotic and nuisance plant species; clearing tall-growing grasses and clovers from the drip line of al\ plantings; removing trash from the mitigation area; thinning red alder saplings in the north and central areas while leaving the few alder sapling volunteers in the south area; removing the staking on the dead Douglas fir tree while leaving the dead tree in place; and continuing irrigation during the dry summer months if the native plants appear to be stressed. During this past year, continuing maintenance has resulted in a reduction in invasive and weedy species and the drip line of all plantings is free of completing groundcover vegetation. Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-3 Annual Monitor Rpt Only a very small amount of trash was observed in the mitigation area. In the central area, both the dead Douglas fir and the stakes were removed. Irrigation was provided in 2011 and was also being provided in 2012. Ongoing maintenance over the past year is documented in Attachment D. It appears that the red alders were not thinned in the north and central areas; however, this was done during the monitoring site visit for all but the northern-most portion of the mitigation area. The alder should be thinned to 20-ft. on-center in this northern-most area. In addition, it will be important to start removing all new red alder seedling in these two areas. As the other native plants continue to increase in density, the shade they provide will serve to reduce red alder germination over the long term. Conversely, it appears that all the volunteer native species were removed from the south area, including red-osier dogwood, snowberry and red alder. Since there is now much less blackberry and English ivy in the south area, it is assumed that the native volunteers were removed along with the invasives. It is important to leave all native volunteer vegetation in this area because the shade from the adjacent forest severely limits the recruitment of native vegetation. Additionally, the fencing at the southern-most end of the mitigation area is falling inward and needs to be repaired. Maintenance visits should continue to be conducted this year in August and September; and next year in April, June, August and September. Tasks to be completed include: o Continued control of invasive, exotic and nuisance plant species. All are to be bagged and removed from the site. o Removing all trash in the mitigation area. • Allow all volunteer native species to remain in the south area; this includes red alder, red-osier dogwood, snowberry and any other native woody species (see Attachment C for a map showing the south, central and north areas). o Remove all red alder seedlings from the north and central areas (see Attachment C for a map showing the south, central and north areas). • Thin the red alder saplings to a spacing of20-ft. on-center in the northern-most portion of the mitigation area where the alder is still very dense. Leave all other native species, including the willow which looks very similar to the alder. • Repair mitigation fence at south end of mitigation area. • Continue to irrigate the mitigation area through October 15th (or whenever the seasonal rains begin, whichever is sooner). o Next year, the irrigation does not need to be turned back on unless the plants are stressed and dying. The store manager may access the site for irrigation needs. If the maintenance contractor or his staff have any questions about this contingency plan, they may call Diane Brewster at 206-25 I -9536. Walgreens . Renton 5 Touchstone EcoSeIVices Buffer Restoration Yr-3 Annual Monitor Rpt Use ofthis report This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Walgreen Company and their specific application to the buffer mitigation at Walgreens Store #12497 in Renton. The use by others, or for purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. The findings presented herein are based on generally accepted monitoring methods for critical area restoration and on Touchstone EcoServices' experience and understanding of restoration work within critical area boundaries. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, the findings presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted critical area investigation principles and practices in this locality at the time the report was prepared. Touchstone EcoServices makes no other warranty, either express or implied. Please let me know if you have questions or want further information about the observations documented in this letter. Sincerely, ~i~J.- Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 ATT: A -Vicinity Map B -Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations C -July 4, 2012 Photographic Documentation D -Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Walgreens -Renton 6 Buffer Restoration Yr-3 Annual Monitor Rpt Touchstone EcoServices s/f. I. rW.tl'1dyP';rl TES TOCCHSTOC(E E COS ER\lCES .. Bell flee n "'"" . c \\ ;, , Walgreens Store #12497 Buffer Mitigation Monitoring 4105 NE 4th Street Renton , WA N; Itrr' \ r _ t.l foil P 5Z , . > -," M !i Il S >c ; ~ ~~ Project ~. J,~Location N ~ < g f. > , )C N ollO Scale Vicinity Map Att A Attachment B Walgreens Store #12497: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations 2012 Observed Vegetation South Scientific name Common name Cover percent class' coverl Emergents & Grasses, continued Ranunculus repens Creeping buttercup ------ Trifolium pratense Red clover ------ Trifolium repens White clover ------ Vicia sativa Common vetch 3 1.5 Total percent cover of emergents & grasses 9.25 InvasiveJWee<ly Species Hedera lrelix English ivy --- --- Lathyrus latifolius Everlasting peavine ------ Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot trefoil ------ Rubus armeniacus Himalayan blackberry 0 trace Total percent cover of invasive/weedy species trace Percent Cover of Bare Earth I J 22 Notes: 1: Cover class was based on the Octave cover class ranges given in the chart below. 2: Percent cover is the mid-point range of the Octave cover class. Monitoring Stations Central North Cover percent Cover percent class' coverl class' cover2 5 6 ------ 5 6 --- --- 5 6 ------ 1 0.25 1 0.25 73.25 25.25 ---trace ------ ------------ 1 0.25 ------ ---trace ------ 0.25 0 I _I 5 1 0 ----- 3: This is a volunteer native woody species that was at least 12 inches tall and in good health at the tinte of monitoring OCTAVE COVER CLASSES (Gauch 1982) I I 1 Cover Class Percent Cover Mid-Point Range Cover Class Percent Cover Mid-Point Range 1 0-0.5% 0.25% 5 4-8% 6% 2 0.5-1 % 0.75% 6 8-16% 12% 3 1-2% 1.5% 7 16-32% 24% 4 2-4% 3% 8 32-64% 48% 9 64-100% 82% Source: Gauch, H.G. 1982. Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. I , 1 N df n u 10·· , I I .. ! Attachment D: Walgreens -Renton Monitoring and Photographic Stations ,)!J!!Qtm~ti'~n (PS) 3 Central Monitoring S~tiOD PS7~ landscape Island ~r-----i ..... NORTHAREA /,I"ur'," Monitoring Station 4(~orth) & 6 (south) AREA 2 (south) & 5 (north) SOUTH AREA 'i;ou:lh Monitoring Station Base figure source: Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan (November 2008) Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497 : Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 4, 2012 Photo Station CPS) I: L uoking north from the south e nd of the mitigation area . PS 2 -I ,ooking south a lung the south e nd . PS 3: Louking s outh from the north end. Piles of vegetation were the thinned red alder Walgreens Store # I 2497 Yr-3 Mon itor ing c -I Touch s tone Ecoservices Walgreens Store #12497 Yr-3 Monitoring Attachmen t C Walgrecils Store #12497 : Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs .1 uly 4, 2012 ........ .. ~ "'J"1o."t PS 6: Looking sou th at wi de st (central) mi ti gatio n area. PS 7: Panorama of mitigation area, looking east from parking lot. c -2 Touchstone Ecoservices Walg reens Store II J 2497 Yr-3 Monito r in g Attachmen t C Walgreens Store #1 2497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 4, 2012 Mock orange in ce nt er of p lot Big leaf maple in ce nt er of --- p lo t Looking north at C entral Area Mon it oring Plot Looki ng east a t No rth Area Moni to ri ng P lot C -3 Touchstone Ecose rvice s Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Critical A.rea Buffer Mitigation Photographs Ju ly 4, 2012 marks the mid-point of the plot 201 1 Photo: I ,ook ,ngcast at Nort h Ar~a Moni to rin g Plo t as compari so n 10 the 2012 phOlO on page C-J Protective fencing at south e nd of mitigation area is falling over. Walgreens Slo re 11 12497 Yr-3 Monitoring C-4 Touch s tone Ecoservices Attachment E: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens Store # 12497 -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, W A Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site 2009 Maintenance Visits and Tasl<s Completed per Visit (work done by Environmental Systems) • R~moved nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and pulkd weed~ that had seed or fruit were removed from site. June 19 • Inspected site for maintemLnce requirements. • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • T,'ash removed frem site. • R~moved nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. August S • Grubbed and pulled weed, that had seed or fruit were removed from site. 0 R~moved nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. 0 Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. 0 Inspected site for maintenance requirements. August 24 0 Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Mechanical cutting of Himalayan blackberry encroaching from off site to the east. • Dug up misaligned sprinkler head and adjusted spray head to improve head-to-head cover. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. 0 Inspected site for maintenance requirements. November 3 • Assessed plants for adequate watering. 0 Removed tras'1 from site. • Installed one ;~-gallon Acer macro[!hJ'llum 2010 Maintenance Visits and Tasks Completed per Visit (work done by Environmental Systems) February 14,2010 April IS, 2010 Walgreens Store #12497 Yr-3 Annual Monitoring Rpt • • • • 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Repaired fence at the north end of the mitigation area Tree in centra .. area was stakec up. Trash removed from ste. Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Touchstone EcoServices August 15,2010 October 15,2010 2011 April 21, 2011 June 1,2011 August 10, 20 II October 6, 20 II April 19, 2012 June 13,2012 Attachment E: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens Store #12497 -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site o Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pUlling. o Trash removed from site. o Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. o Trash removed from site. 0 Trash removed from site. 0 Removed nuisanc 0 Trash removed from site. 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds bX hand grubbing and 0 Trash removed from sitc. 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand ImIbbin<! and 0 Trash removed from site. o Trash removed from site. o o Trash removed from site. o hand Planning on going out again in August and Walgreens Store #12497 Yr-3 Annual Monitoring Rpt Touchstone EcoServices Denis Law Mayor November 09,2012 Robert Sherry PECD NNN-West 4717 Masters Newberg, DR 97132 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent, Adm in istrator SUBJECT: Receipt of Second Annual Wetland Maintenance'and Monitoring Report Walgreens on NE 4th St. Mitigation Project City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Sherry: I received and reviewed the second annual Maintenance and Monitoring Report for the Walgreens, on NE 4th Street, mitigation project. The project appears to be meeting its established performance standards and is considered in compliance. However, as recommended by your biologist, thinning of the red alder saplings on the north and central areas as specified in my last letter sent on Sept. 16, 2011, has not been completed and shall be completed immediately. As well, it should be noted that the fence along the South area is starting to lean over and may be in need of repair in the future. In addition, please take the necessary measures as recommended. by your wetland biologist to secure the survival of the plantings. The thinning of the red alder saplings in the north and central areas shou Id be to a spacing of approximately 8-ft on-center. The next monitoring report shall include a follow-up statement stating compliance with these measures. Two copies of your next scheduled maintenance and monitoring report are due to the City by November 09,2013. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430- 7314. Sincerely, . . ~-DJ~ Vanessa Dolbee, planner Planning Division cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc'l Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust I Owners Tom Thompson AlA / Contact City of Renton File LUAOS-D14 Renton City Hall • 1055 .South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov "', Brianna Holt From: Sent: To: Diane Brewster <touchstoneeco@comcast.net> Wednesday, November 07,20124:36 PM Brianna Holt Cc: Vanessa Dolbee Subject: Re: Walgreens #12497 Hi Brianna- The red alder is a volunteer species -I always welcome new volunteer species in mitigation areas, The only problem with red alder is that it is a very aggressive pioneer species that can shade out both invasive species and the desired planted native species. The red alder was starting to do that in this mitigation due to its density, However, over most of the mitigation area, the alder was thinned to a density that provided more species richness while still allowing the other species the sun and water they need to remain healthy. The one exception is the northern-most end of the mitigation area where the red alder saplings still need to be thinned to at least 20-ft. on-center, So, for now, the only area that is need of alder thinning is the northern-most end of the mitigation area. Although, I am pretty certain that additional alder seedlings will continue to need to be controlled for a few rnore years until the native understory grows in densely enough to naturally control alder germination, My apologies about not being clear in the report, Please let me know if this explanation clears up your question and concerns. Best Regards, Diane Brewster --.:~ ()rigin~l. Messa~.~--:-;~tl:im;;Bri@rla'l'lqW' ,,' .. "uiii:ls':'ik".j,.:rm!!!lilllIm. To: 'touchstoneeco@comcast.net' Cc: Vanessa Dolbee Sent: Wednesday, November 07,20121:53 PM Subject: Walgreens #12497 Hello Diane, I am emailing in regards to the Walgreens #1247 Monitoring report sent on August 02, 2012. I am unclear about the information on page 3, paragraph one: The volunteer red alder (Alnus rubra) seedlings had not been thinned as deSignated in the 2011 contingency plan and were crowding many of the planted native shrubs and trees in the central and northern areas at the time of this monitoring site visit. The saplings ranged from 4 ft to 8 ft. tall and, because of their density, they were obscuring and crowding the planted native vegetation. Red alder saplings were thinned to approximately 20-ft, on·center during this site visit prior to collecting monitoring data. The only exception was the northern-most 30 feet of the mitigation area where the red alder was not cleared (as can be seen in Attachment C; PS-3). Thus, the cover of red alder for 2012 does not show an increase between 2011 and 2012. I am confused on whether the Alders currently need to better maintained or if they are being maintained properly and meet the mitigation requirements, Please respond at your earliest convenience, Thank you for your time, Brianna Burroughs, 1 • Community and Economic Developm ... partment City of Renton ____ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 7670 (20121107) The message was checked by ESET Smart Security. http://www.eset.com 2 Denis Law Mayor October 3, 2012 Robert Sherry PECO NNN-West 4717 Masters Newberg, OR 97132 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E. "Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: Request for Second Annual Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Walgreens on NE 4th St. Mitigation Project City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Sherry: This letter is to inform you that the second annual monitoring report for the wetland mitigation project at the NE 4th Street Walgreens was due to the City on August 25, 201. As. of the date of this letter the report is 39 days past due as. the City has not received the report. Two copies of the required reportshould be submitted to my attention by October 17. 2012. Thank you for your timely assistance in this matter. If you have any questions I can be reached at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Senior Planner cc: Car Wash Enterprisesz h'ic;, tes Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust I Owners Tom Thompson AlA I Contact . City of Renton File LUA08-014 Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonw •. gov Denis Law Mayor September 16, 2011 Robert Sherry PECO NNN-West 4717 Masters Newberg, OR 97132 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch,Administrator SUBJECT: Receipt of First Annual Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Walgreens on NE 4th St. Mitigation Project City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Sherry: I received and reviewed the first annual Maintenance and Monitoring Report for the Walgreens, on NE 4th Street, mitigation project. The project appears to be meeting its established performance standards and is considered in compliance. However, as recommended in the last Quarterly Report, the staking on the dead Douglas fir was to be removed. This action has not been completed and shall be completed immediately. Please remember all dead trees should be left in the mitigation area. In addition, please take the necessary measures as recommended by your wetland biologist to secure the survival of the plantings. These tasks include, but are not limited to, standard maintenance that should be conducted in September and next year in April, June and early August and September, in addition to the thinning of the red alder saplings in the north and central areas to a spacing of approximately 8-ft on-center. The next monitoring report shall include a follow-up statement stating compliance with these measures. Two copies of your next scheduled maintenance and monitoring report are due to the city by August 25, 2012. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, ~-DD~ Vanessa Dolbee, Planner Planning Division cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust I Owners Tom Thompson AlA / Contact City of Renton File LUA08-014 Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Walgreen Company Construction & Facilities Management 106 Wilmot Road MS 1603 Deerfield IL 60015 Attn: Bill Brzycki, Regional Facilities Manager Transmitted by electronic email to: BiJUtr'\cki,vWalgreens.com RE: Buffer Mitigation Year-2 Monitoring Report Walgreens #12497 4105 NE 4th Street City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Brzycki: TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES August 16, 20 II CitYot 0 PI . qeotoo annlfiO O' .. ~ IVISlon AU· G 1 9 LUll At your request, Touchstone EcoServices (TES) completed the Year-2 monitoring at the Walgreens #12497, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington (see Attachment A). The monitoring schedule is in compliance with the City of Renton's permit requirements for this Walgreens location. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. wetland and stream buffer restoration area, situated in a narrow border along the east side ofthe Walgrecns parking lot, was installed in April and May of 2009. The as-built conditions were evaluated by TES in May 2009 and approved by the City of Renton. Four quarterly monitoring reports were completed as required for theYear-1 monitoring; from August 2009 through June 2010. This letter-report documents site conditions observed during TES' July 19, 2011 monitoring site visit and evaluates those conditions based on the success criteria presented in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan (dated November 2008 and prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc). This letter-report serves as the Year-2 annual monitoring report. Walgreens will need to submit three hard copies to Vanessa Dolbee at the City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development by August 25. 20 I I. Introdnction Meeting or exceeding the success criteria specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan will demonstrate that the goal of enhancing buffer habitat as compensatory mitigation is being met. The data collected during the July 2011 monitoring visit was used to evaluate the Year-2 success criteria (sec the Success Criteria Evaluation section on page 3). 125 N. 168'" Street Shoreline. W.\ 9X I.n. Phone: 206-801-7154 • Cell Phone: 206-251-9536 Specific characteristics that were evaluated during this visit included: • Counts of planted woody vegetation and native volunteer woody vegetation that was at least 12 inches tall and in good health • Percent cover of native, invasive and exotic vegetative species within established monitoring stations • Wildlife use of the mitigation area Four attachments enclosed with this letter provide detailed information about site conditions: • Attachment B: Plant Survival Data • Attachment C: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations • Attachment D: July 19, 20 I I Photographic Documentation • Attachment E: Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Monitoring Method Because this mitigation area is so small and narrow, both success criteria (for plant survival and percent cover) were used to evaluate the site. To document plant survival, the entire mitigation area was walked. All native woody plants in good health that were taller than 12 inches were counted by species and condition (live, stressed or dead) and information was recorded on the project-specific field data sheet (see Attachment B). In addition, percent cover of planted, eligible volunteer vegetation and invasive species was documented at three monitoring stations; one in each of the south, central and north areas. The stations (see Attachment D) were placed in the least vegetated areas to augment evaluation of the success criteria. Sample plots included the entire width of the mitigation area located within fifteen ft. to the north and south of each station. A visual estimate of the percent cover of each observed species within each sample plot was recorded as a cover class estimate. This nine- increment scale, known as the Octave scale, cnables close observation of small changes in vegetation cover. The Octave cover class table and percent cover by species within each of the three areas are presented in Attachment C. Photographs taken at the establishment photographic stations are presented in Attachment D. Field data collected during the July 19th site visit was later evaluated in the office, comparing current site conditions to the success criterion for survival (presented later in this report). Monitoring Observations Woody Plant Survival Observations during the July 20 II monitoring visit discovered 255 surviving trees and shrubs, plus 602 volunteer native, healthy woody plants. A total of eleven native woody shrub and tree species were documented. Most of the volunteers were young red alder saplings with approximately 400 individuals observed in the central and north areas. The second most prevalent volunteer species was Nootka rose with approximately 118 volunteers that have spread from the planted stock. The combined voluntcer and surviving plants totaled 863; giving this site Walgreens -Renton 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-2 Annual Monitor Rpt a survival rate of 295 percent (see Attachment B). This survival rate is not considered to be beneficial as the large number of red alders wi II out-compete the planted species. Recommended control measures for the red alder are addressed in the Contingency Plan section presented later in this report. Ignoring the volunteer plants, the site still has an 87 percent survival rate for the planted woody material at the end of Year-2. Attachment C documents the vegetation observed in the three monitoring plots; one each in the south, central and north areas. The south area had the lowest cover of native woody species at 60 percent cover. This is presumed to be due to the greater amount of shade that this area experiences. The central area had approximately 64 percent cover of native woody species and the north area had approximately 79 percent cover. Overall, the percent cover in the mitigation area is estimated to be approximately 45 percent. No one woody species comprises more that 50 percent cover in the mitigation area. Scouler's willow has the highest cover at approximately 22 percent cover overall. Big-leaf maple and Indian plum had the lowest cover at 2 percent overall. The shadier conditions in the south area also resulted in low percent cover of non- invasive groundcover at approximately 10 percent cover. The central and north areas had approximately 70 percent and 85 percent; respectively. Overall, areal cover of herbaceous species is estimated to be 55 percent. The attached photographs illustrate current conditions on July 19, 2011 (Attachment 0). The photographs show that the installed and volunteer plants have a significant percent cover compared to typical Year-2 mitigation conditions. The plants are healthy and are expected to increase in cover and biomass over the rest of this growing season. Invasive Species An insignificant amount of four invasive species was observed in the mitigation site. Species present included birds-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), English ivy (Hedera helix), everlasting peavine (Lathyrus latifolia) and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus). Other herbaceous species that can out compete native groundcover were also documented, including hairy cat's-ear (Hypochaeris radicata) and western dock (Rumex occidentalis). Attachment C shows the percent cover for each of the invasive and weedy species in the south, central, and north areas of the mitigation. These species occurred in small patches and overall had approximately 4% cover over the entire mitigation area. Wi/dUte Use No wildlife was observed in or around the mitigation area and no signs of wildlife were observed. This is expected because of the very narrow dimensions of the mitigation area and its location immediately adjacent to a well-used parking lot. While wildlife is not expected to use the mitigation area directly, this site serves as part of the mitigation corridor into and along the adjacent stream. Success Criteria Evaluation A) The re-established buffer will achieve either 85 percent survival or 5 percent areal coverage of native installed and recruited woody vegetation by the end ofYear-2. Walgreens -Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-2 Annual Monitor Rpt The documented survival mte of planted material at this Year-2 monitoring was 87%. Inclusive of healthy volunteers (recruited native plants) that were at least 12 inches tall, then more native plants arc present than were originally planted. The overall areal percent cover of native woo,ry vegetation was 45%. This success criterion is met for both survival rate and percent cover. B) The re-established buffer will achieve 50 percent cover by installed and recruited non- invasive herbaceous vegetation by the end ofYear-2. The documented cover of non-invasive herbaceous vegetation varied widely between the shaded south area and the sunnier central and north areas. Averaging the percent cover for the site overall, herbaceous vegetation had approximately 55%. This success criterion is met. C) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during Years 2 through 4. Invasive species comprise approximately 4% areal cover. This success criterion is met. D) Noxious weeds will be removed within the mitigation area after each monitoring event. Removal will occur according to the King County noxious weed list, including Class A, B, and C noxious weeds. This success criterion does not pertain to those species classified as nuisance weeds. Noxious weeds have been removed regularly since the mitigation installation, as documented in list of maintenance tasks completed in Attachment E. The Contingency Plan section (see below) outlines additional maintenance tasks for the remainder of the 2011 growing season and in spring 2012. This success criterion is assumed to be met. Contingency Plans The contingency plans that were recommended in the fourth-quarter report (dated June 1, 2010) included removing the staking from the dead Douglas fir in the central mitigation area and leaving the tree in place, and continuing to provide on-going maintenance to remove invasive species and trash. The staking has not yet been removed from the dead tree, but continued maintenance has been on-going as documented in Attachment E. Maintenance visits should be continue to be conducted this year in August and September; and next year in April, June, early August and September. Tasks to be completed include: • Controlling invasive, exotic and nuisance plant species. All are to be bagged and removed from the site. • Clearing invasive plants and any tall-growing grasses and clovers from the dripline of all plantings. • Removing any trash in the mitigation area. • Thinning the red alder saplings in the north and central areas to a spacing of approximately 8 ft. on-center. Do NOT clear the alder saplings in the south area. • Removing the staking on the dead Douglas fir tree (leave the dead tree in place). • Even though we had a wet. cool spring and summer to this point, the site still needs to be irrigated for the rest of the summer; at least until October 15th (or Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-2 Annual Monitor Rpt whenever the seasonal rains begin, whichever is sooner). The irrigation system needs to be checked monthly to make sure all heads are functioning and providing head-to-head cover. • Next year, the irrigation does not need to be turned back on unless the plants are stressed and dying. The maintenance contractor and wetland biologist will access the site for irrigation needs. • Any re-growth of already pulled blackberry can be treated effectively by re-cutting the blackberry stems that are coming up and immediately swipe the tips with a glyphosate solution. No herbicide should be used before July 2011. Use ofthis report This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Walgreen Company and their specific application to the buffer mitigation at Walgreens Store #12497 in Renton. The use by others, or for purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. The findings presented herein are based on generally accepted monitoring methods for critical area restoration and on Touchstone EcoServices' experience and understanding of restoration work within critical area boundaries. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, the findings presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted critical area investigation principles and practices in this locality at the time the report was prepared. Touchstone EcoServices makes no other warranty, either express or implied. Please let me know if you have questions or want further information about the observations documented in this letter. Sincerely, ~.I~J.- Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 ATT: A -Vicinity Map B -Plant Survival Data C -Vegetative Cover D -July 19, 2011 Photographic Documentation E -Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Walgreens -Renton Buffer Restoration Yr-2 Annual Monitor Rpt 5 Touchstone EcoServices sf Ie T E S T Ol"CHSTO"-iE ECOSERYICES .1 e Bell ue S')n\m,It'l'~h , e ~Ia M.p " _. ~:/i :.{ Walgreens Store #1 24 97 Buffer Mitigation Mon itor in g 4105 NE 4th St reet Renton , W A N /liE IlIh 51 "' IClne. " , NE 9 1h!.i n l1~ ~ ;; M . , . ! /Ill ~ ~ ~ NEBth !.I: fiE blh P N[ 6 1h >0 ~~ ~, ~~ ~ l! ~ to,!: Nl 51h PI 5 ,,, CI 1\(411 .. ~ M:::2ndSI /'[3 ~ P. • flo( 2ndP! ,~ 1 ~\ p\ Project ,,::L ocation ~:;,: • " -~ J §~ E<r <i; ~ ~ ~ < < , ~ > ! ~ ~ , • , ~ No t (0 Sca le Vicinity Map Att A Attachment B : Plant Survival Data Walgreens -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton , WA Walgreens Store #12497 Date : July 19 2011 Field Staff : Diane Brew ster & Robert Hughes Plant Spedes • • # Obsen'etJ Sp~cifil'o.I In stalled Weiland BufTer AceI' MacrophyllwIJ 20 12 Livt:-8 B;~ Leaf Map le Stresscdf1)ead -0 MallOflIo aqwfolia 25 28 Live-19 Tall OreRon jlrape StrcssedIDead -0 Oem/ana ce ra.l'lforml s 25 26 Live -26 In dian olum Stn:ssedIDcad . 0 Phi/ade/phlls leWISII 75 73 Liv e· 48 mock orang~ Stressed · I , Dead· 0 P,medols lIKo m ell=te,HI 20 20 Luc-19 Doug las lir Sm:sscdlD~aJ -0 RUja 1II/1/."lIIa 77 7X Ll\c-l96 NOQtki1 flJSt.: Slr..:ss..:J/Dcad -0 ,""al,x ,\"Ul/lenOllil 47 5(, I I\'C-62 Scouler WllIo\l Stressed -6, Dead -0 Volunteer Species (must be It ktast 12 Inches tall and In good health): Alnus rl/bra red alder Comus sericea red-twiQ dogwood Salix Illeida Pacit1e wil low Symphoricarpos a/bus common snowberry Total s Wa lgreens Store #1 2497 Yr -2 Annua l Mon itorin g Rpt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 289 293 Total Found 7 19 26 49 19 1% 68 410 I 62 6 863 Tot a l % C omments U,,·c S un:h's l (location of missing or dud plants. cause of stress, etc.) 7 58% N o dead maples were obst:rved. Ass um e Ihm dead siems/missing p lant s wer< removed from res torat ion area. 19 68% No dead Orq~on g rap e were ob se rved . Assume that dead sterns /mi ss ing plants wen removed from restorat io n area 26 100% 49 67 % f\:fo st of the mi ss ing plant s were located in central & northern a reas 1') 95°0 ,~) ,,knd I }t11lglas lir \\..:r!.! nhs~nl;'d A""lIm~ that dead "1~llll11l1 SSlJlg plant Ita' rC!llnvcd li'olll restoration area 196 251°.., The adduion<ll])!anl, an.' all \ulunte!.!rs Ihat h;\\..: s pread from the original])lannngs rhl 'lS p":C1CS occurs IhrOllghou lt hc 1ll1\1):!,allOlI ar..:a oR 121 <:1 " ;\Jdltlonal plants an; \o Jun lt:..:r'i St res'icJ phlllL .. oc!.!ur In Ih~ northern area \\ he re al the li \l: ~teills tiled bu t the \\·1I 1uws an: rC.:g[OWIIlJ! ldgorolls1v frolllthc rool comments 410 --MaJorit) of these occu r III th e ce ntral lind north ern areas Onl y 10 were observed in the south area , I --Observed in south area , 62 ---Ali nfthesc occur in the central area, 6 --Ail were located in the so uth portion oflhe hufler, The overall percent survival shown IS fo r live native woody vegetation (i ncludmg bo 863 295% pl anting s and native volunteers that are at lea st I n, tall and healthy ) compa red tu the number of plants ins talled The surv ival rat e without vo lunt ee r plant s IS 87%, Tou chstone EcoServices Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations 2011 Observed Vegetation Monitoring Stations South Central North Scientific name Common name Cover percent Cover percent Cover percent classl cover2 class' cover2 classl cover2 Trees Acer ma crophyllum Big-leaf maple ------4 3 4 3 Ps eudotsuga men zies ii Douglas fir 6 12 5 6 4 3 Salix lu cida 3 Pacific willow --- ---6 12 --- --- Salix sco ulerinl1G Scouler's willow 5 6 6 12 8 48 Shrubs AI IIIl S mbrn 1 Red alder 4 " 6 12 6 12 :J Ma/wllin aqlllfolilllll Tall Orego n grape 4 3 3 1.5 3 1.5 Oe lll/nr in rernsifonllis Indian plum 5 6 --- --- --- --- Philadelphus lew isii Mock orange 6 12 5 6 ------ Rosa nutkal1a Nootka rose 6 12 6 12 6 12 Total percent cover of trees & shrubs 60 64.5 79.5 Emergents & Grasses A:;:rostis st%ni/ern Creeping bentgrass 5 6 --- --------- Cn rex leptopoda Taperfruit shortscale ------3 1.5 4 3 sedge Epilobium cilintwl1 Watson's willowh e rb ---trac e 3 1.5 Equisetum arvense Fi e ld horse tail ------8 48 9 82 Festu cn rubra Red fescue 2 0.75 --- --- --- --- Holcus lanntus Common velvetgrass 3 1.5 --- ------trace Hypo chneris radi cntn Cat's ear 2 0.7 5 2 0.75 ------ Medicago sati v a Black medic 3 1.5 --- --------- Plnllta:;:o lan ce o/ntn English plantain ---------trace --- --- Attachment C Walgreens Store #12497: Vegetative Percent Cover at Established Monitoring Stations 2011 Observed Vegetation South Scientific name Common name Cover percent class! cover2 Emergents & Grasses, continued Ranunculus repens Creeping buttercup ------ Trifolium pmtense Red clover ------ Trifoliltm repens White clover ------ Vicia sativa Common vetch ---trace Total percent cover of emergents & grasses 10.5 Invasivef\'Veedy Species Hedem helix English ivy - --trace Latill/TUS latifolius Eve rlasting peavi.ne ---trace Lotus comiculatus Birdsfoot trefoil ------ Rubus ann eniacus Himalayan blackberry 4 3 Total percent cover of invasive/weedy species 3 Percent Cover of Bare Earth 27 Notes: 1: Cover dass was based on the Octave cover class ranges given in the chart below. 2: Percent cover is the mid-point range of the Octave cover class. Monitoring Stations Central North Cover percent Cover percent class! cover2 class! cover2 5 6 --- --- 2 0.75 --- --- 6 12 --- --- ---trace --- --- 70.5 85 - - -trace ---trace ------------ 5 6 2 0.75 ---trace 4 3 6 3.75 1 0 3: This is a volunteer native woody species that was at least 12 inches tall and in good health at the time of monitoring OCTAVE COVER CLASSES (Gauch 1982) Cover Class Percent Cover Mid-Point Range Cover Class Percent Cover Mid-Point Range 1 0-0.5 % 0.25 % 5 4-8 % 6% 2 0.5-1 % 0.75% 6 8-16% 12% 3 1-2 % 1.5 % 7 16-32% 24% 4 2-4% 3% 8 32-64% 48 % So urc e: Gauch, H.G. 1982. Mu ltivar iate Analys is in Community Eco logy. Cam bridge Unive rsity Press, Cambridge, England . /Tj, )', \/ , i jl J J 1 I' t I I } --""*..2;.:h. N Attachment D: Walgreens -Renton Monitoring and Photographic Stations ====:~-' ::JC-~ " < 1 WALGREEI 1 I .=...,.;.-~ t M'pl. ""0':)<1 Central PS 7{: Ur,Il,"'h .... 1 rcib .. t.,1)' 1tl.'"'' 4 S"f'.,m', Trro;,LW.l!,o~st!l!ation (I'S) 3 , /NORTH AREA f' /North Monitoring , , J • 1::::: S tation ,S 4'{north) & 6 (south) CENTRAL AREA , . I- S 2 (south) & 5 (north) So uth Monitoring S tation Base fi g ur~ source: Fi lial Wetland allli Stream Buffer Miligation Plan (Novcmlx:r 2008) Attachment D Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 19, 2011 Photo Station (PS) I : I.ooking north from the south end of the mitigation area. PS 4: Looking north at the north end. Walgreens Store # 12497 Yr-2 Monitoring PS 2 -Looking south along the south encl. PS 3: Looking south frol11 the north end. PS 5: Looking north & northwe st at widest (ce ntral) mitigation area. c -I Touchstone Ecoserv ices Attachment D Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 19, 2011 PS 6: Looking sou th at \\·id es t (centra l) mitigation a rea. Walgreens Store # 12497 Yr-2 Monitoring PS 7: Panorama of mitigation area, looking east from parking lot. C-2 Touchstone Ecoservices Attachment D Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 19,2011 Den se red a ld er seedling s Volunteer red alder compet in g wi th planted natives Pea vint' in southern area Wa lgree ns Sto re # 12497 Yr-2 Monitorin g Big leaf maple in center of Plot C -3 Tou chsto ne Ecoserv ices Walgreens Store # 12497 Yr-2 Monitorin g Attachment D Walgreens Store #12497: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs July 19,2011 Mock orange in center of Plot Plot is adjacent to the Landscaped island C -4 Touc hs tone Ecoserv ice s Attachment E: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens Store #12497 -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site 2009 Maintenance Visits and Tasks Completed per Visit (work done by Environmental Systems) 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. 0 Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. June 19 0 Inspected site for maintenance requirements. 0 Assessed plants for adequate watering. 0 Trash removed from site. 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. August S 0 Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. 0 Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. 0 Inspected site for maintenance requirements. August 24 0 Assessed plants for adequate watering. 0 Mechanical cutting of Himalayan blackberry encroaching from off site to the east. 0 Dug up misaligned sprinkler head and adjusted spray head to improve head-to-head cover. 0 Trash removed from site. 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. 0 Inspected site for maintenance requirements. November 3 0 Assessed plants for adequate watering. 0 Removed trash from site. 0 Installed one 2-gallon Acer macrol1hyllum 2010 Maintenance Visits and Tasks Completed per Visit (work done by Environmental Systems) February 14, 2010 April IS, 2010 Walgreens Store #12497 Yr-2 Annual Monitoring Rpt 0 0 0 0 0 Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Repaired fence at the north end of the mitigation area Tree in central area was staked up. Trash removed from site. Removed nuisance and noxious weeds bv hand grubbing and pulling. Touchstone EcoServices August 15,2010 • • October 15,2010 • • Attachment E: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens Store #12497 -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Trash removed from site. Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Trash removed from site. lOll Maintenance Visits and Tasks Completed per Visit (work done by Environmental Systems) April 21, 2011 • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. June 1,2011 • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbinll and pUlling. Planning on going out again in August and October Walgreens Store # 12497 Yr-2 Annual Monitoring Rpt I Touchstone EcoServices Denis Law -r· _________ ~M:a:~:r ................... --.. t July 6, 2010 Departme= c~o~m~m~un~i~ty~a~n~dlEc:-:~~~~:~:t Robert Sherry PECO NNN-West 4717 Masters Newberg, OR 97132 Alex Pietsch; Administrator SUBJECT: Receipt of Fourth Quarterly Maintenance and Monitoring Report . Walgreens onNE 4th St. Mitigation Project City of Renton File LUA08-0~.4 Dear Mr. Sherry: . I received and reviewed the fourth Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report for the Walgreens, on NE 4'hStreet, mitigation project. This report fulfills your obligation for quarterly monitoring for the first year; you are now required to monitor on a yearly basis for a minimum of four more years. The area must be successfully monitored and maintained for a minimum oj Jive years to assure the success of the wetland mitigation project . . Please take the necessary measures as recommended by your wetland biologist to secure the survival of the plantings. These tasks include, but are not limited to, standard maintenance that should be conducted in June, early August, and September, in addition to the removal of the staking on the dead Douglas fir, which should be undertaken immediately. Please remember all dead trees should be left in the mitigation area. The next monitoring report shall include a follow-up statement stating compliance with these measures. As a reminder, if atany time in the next four years the mitigation project does not meet' the established performance standards, the monitoring period will be put on hold until compliance is achieved. Subsequently, the monitoring timeframe will be restarted and you will once again be required to provide quarterly reports for the first year and annual reports thereafter (for a minimum of five years). On June 30, 2010, the City received a letter from the project Biologist, Diane Brewster, requesting an adjustment in the annual reporting deadline to August2S'h. Based on the reasons provided within Ms. Brewster's letter the City has approved the request to change the reporting date to August 25 th . As such, three copies of the first annual Renton City Hall 0 1055 South Grady Way 0 Renton, Washington 98057 0 rentonwa.gov JU~~~. . Receipt of Fourth Quarterly Maintenance and Monitoring Report Page 2 monitoring report are due to the City by August 25, 2011. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, ~~oIbetL Vanessa Dolbee, Planner· Planning Division cc: Car Wash Enterprises. Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust I Owners Tom Thompson AlAI Contact City of Renton. File LUA08-014 H:\CEDIPlanningICurrent PlanninglWetlandsl Walgr~ NE 4thlQ4 Rec<ipt_ Walgreens.doc June 30, 2010 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 Attn: Vanessa Dolbee Transmitted by electronic email to: vdolbeeiaJ.rentonwa.gov RE: Walgreens on NE 4th St Wetland & Stream Buffer Mitigatiou City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Ms. Dolbee: TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES City of Renton Planning DiviSion JUN 30 lUlU This letter follows up our phone conversation earlier this month regarding the annual monitoring report deadline for the mitigation installed at the Walgreens store, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington. While discussing the deadline for the Year-I fourth- quarter monitoring report, you had mentioned that the city currently has a June 11th deadline for the Years 2 through 5 annual monitoring reports. However, you also indicated that the deadline could be adjusted if that change would be beneficial to determining the success of the mitigation area. This letter requests a change in the annual report deadline to August 25 th each year that a monitoring report is due. Typically, Touchstone EcoServices conducts annual mitigation monitoring during the month of July when plant biomass is at its greatest during the year and any maintenance problems are evident. Monitoring completed earlier in the growing season typically does not always accurately represent the percent cover of native species; particularly herbaceous species. In addition, an earlier monitoring effort may show a large percent cover of volunteer native species that appear to be doing well in the Spring, but that die or wither in the heat of the summer. And lastly, monitoring before July will often miss issues associated with maintenance as the typical summer drought has not yet set in and many invasive species have 125 N. 168'" Street Shoreline, \VA 98133. Phone: 206-801-7154 • Cell Phone: 206-251-9536 not yet grown to their full potential. It has been my experience that monitoring during July allows for a more accurate portrayal of the mitigation success. In addition, in the case that contingency plans may be needed in any given year, the August deadline provides enough time to plan for and carry out any adaptive management before the end of the year; from additional invasive species control to installation of additional plantings. Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you have questions or want further information about this, you can call or email meattouchstoneeco@comcast.net. Please let me know if you find the new deadline acceptable. Best Regards, ~,,-I~.t- Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 CC: Robert J. Sherry; PECO Development, LLC Leslye Winslow, AlA; Walgreen Company Walgreens -Renton 2 Annual Rpt Deadline Adjustment Touchstone EcoServices Phillips Edison & Company 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Attn: Robert 1. Sherry Planning Division JUN - 9 1010 Transmitted by electronic email tobshclT.-cipllillipsedison.com RE: Year-l Fourth-Quarter Monitoring Report Wetland & Stream Buffer Mitigation at Walgreens City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Sherry: TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES June 1,2010 At your request, Touchstone EcoServices (TES) completed the Year-l fourth-quarter monitoring at the Walgreens store, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington (see Attachment A). The monitoring schedule is in compliance with the City of Renton's permit requirements for this Walgreens' location. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. wetland and stream buffer restoration area, situated in a narrow border along the east side of the Walgreens parking lot, was installed in April and May of 2009. The as-built conditions were evaluated by TES in May 2009 and approved by the City of Renton. As part of the required Year-I monitoring, three previous quarterly monitoring reports were completed in August and November 2009 and February 2010. This letter-report documents site conditions observed during TES' May 5, 2010 monitoring site visit and evaluates those conditions based on the success criteria presented in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan, dated November 2008 and prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. This letter-report serves as the fourth quarterly report for Year-I monitoring. Phillips Edison & Company will need to submit three hard copies to Vanessa Dolbee at the City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development by June 11,2010. Introduction Meeting or exceeding the success criteria specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan will demonstrate that the goal of enhancing buffer habitat as compensatory mitigation is being met. The data collected during the May 2010 monitoring visit was used to evaluate success criteria for this quarter (shown below). A) There will be no more that 15 percent of plant mortality during any Year-I monitoring event, or 20 percent plant mortality overall at the end of the first year will be acceptable. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during any quarterly monitoring event. 125 N. 16R 1M Street Shoreline. \\ "<.;!,, ~ Phone: 206-801-71S4 • Cell Phone: 206':251~9536 Phillips Edison & Company 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Attn: Robert J. Sherry Transmitted by electronic email tohsherr~ilphillipsedison.com RE: Year-l Fourth-Quarter Monitoring Report Wetland & Stream Buffer Mitigation at Walgreens City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Sherry: TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES June 1,2010 At your request, Touchstone EcoServices (TES) completed the Year-I fourth-quarter monitoring at the Walgreens store, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington (see Attachment A). The monitoring schedule is in compliance with the City of Renton's permit requirements for this Walgreens' location. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. wetland and stream buffer restoration area, situated in a narrow border along the east side of the Walgreens parking lot, was installed in April and May of 2009. The as-built conditions were evaluated by TES in May 2009 and approved by the City of Renton. As part of the required Year-I monitoring, three previous quarterly monitoring reports were completed in August and November 2009 and February 2010. This letter-report documents site conditions observed during TES' May 5, 2010 monitoring site visit and evaluates those conditions based on the success criteria presented in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan, dated November 2008 and prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. This letter-report serves as the fourth quarterly report for Year-I monitoring. Phillips Edison & Company will need to submit three hard copies to Vanessa Dolbee at the City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development by June 11,2010. Introduction Meeting or exceeding the success criteria specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan will demonstrate that the goal of enhancing buffer habitat as compensatory mitigation is being met. The data collected during the May 2010 monitoring visit was used to evaluate success criteria for this quarter (shov.n below). A) There will be no more that 15 percent of plant mortality during any Year-I monitoring event, or 20 percent plant mortality overall at the end of the first year will be acceptable. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during any quarterly monitoring event. 1251\. 168(h Street Shoreline. \\ \ \!," I \:: ~ Phone: 206 w 80 1 w 7154 • Cell Phone: 206-251-9536 Specific characteristics that were evaluated during this visit included: • Counts of live and dead planted woody vegetation • Counts of native volunteer woody vegetation at least 12 inches tall and in good health • Percent cover of invasive and exotic weed species • Wildlife use of the mitigation area Five attachments enclosed with this letter provide detailed information about site conditions: • Attachment B: Plant Survival Data • Attachment C: May 5, 2010 Photographic Documentation • Attachment D: May 29,2009 Photographic Documentation (for comparison) • Attachment E: Percent Cover of Invasive Species • Attachment F: Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Monitoring Method Because this mitigation area is so small and narrow, the entire mitigation was walked. Plant survival was determined by walking the entire mitigation area with one person calling out the species and condition (live, stressed or dead) of each woody planting encountered. A second person recorded the information on the project-specific field data sheet (see Attachment B). Photographs of the mitigation area were also taken (see Attachments C and D). As the survival count was conducted, the original planting plan was also reviewed to determine whether any of the plants observed were volunteer plants. Any native plants in good health that were taller than 12 inches were recorded on the field data sheet as volunteers. This method of documenting plant survival and eligible native volunteers is a change from the original plan to install permanent monitoring plots during the first year after installation. Monitoring plots typically cover only a percentage of the mitigation area and are best used to evaluate the percent cover of each species present within a discrete area. Using monitoring plots, data collected from a portion of the mitigation site is extrapolated to provide a reasonable estimate for the entire site. The method of walking the entire mitigation area was used because recording the condition of each and every plant provides the most precise representation of actual plant conditions. In larger mitigation areas, it is usually necessary to use monitoring plots as it is not feasible to count every plant. However, the small size and linear layout of this mitigation area allows for an accurate count of all plantings. The precise count of all live plantings provides an accurate evaluation of the Year-J success criterion for plantings, which is based on percent survival and not percent cover. In Year-2, the success criterion for plants changes to percent cover. At that time, permanent monitoring stations will be installed and data on cover by species will be documented. Field data collected during the May 5th site visit was later evaluated in the office, comparing current plant conditions to the number of specified and planted woody vegetation (by species) in order to determine if any of the planted material was missing and to calculate the Walgreens -Renton 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l Fourth-Qtr Monitor Rpt percent survival. This information was used to evaluate the success criterion for survival (presented later in this report). Percent cover for invasive species was also recorded. The mitigation area was divided into three parts: south portion, central portion, and north portion (see Attachment E). Within each portion, a visual estimate of the percent cover of each invasive species was recorded as a cover class estimate. The cover class system uses a nine-increment scale known as the Octave scale, which enables close observation of small changes in vegetation cover. The Octave cover class table and percent cover by species v,ithin each of the three areas are given in Attachment E. Percent cover for non-invasive herbaceous vegetation was not recorded during this monitoring visit because much of the herbaceous vegetation that had died back last winter had not yet re-established at the time of this site visit. Evaluation of the ground layer vegetation will resume at the next summer monitoring date. Monitoring Observations Woody Plant Survival Observations during the May 2010 monitoring visit discovered 266 surviving trees and shrubs, plus 55 volunteer native, healthy woody plants. The combined volunteer and surviving plants totaled 321 plants for survival rate of 110 percent (see Attachment B). Ignoring the volunteer plants, the site still has a 9] percent survival rate for the planted woody material at the end of the first year after installation. All of the live plants had leafed out at the time of this monitoring visit. A small number of plants that had died since the February visit were observed including two big-leaf maple, one mock orange, and one Douglas fir in the central portion of the site; and one Scouler willow in the northern portion of the site. All dead trees should be left in mitigation area. The attached photographs provide a comparison of current conditions on May 5, 20 I 0 (Attachment C) to the conditions following installation on May 10, 2009 (Attachment D). The photographs show that the installed and volunteer plants have a significant percent cover for typical Year-I mitigation conditions. The plants are healthy and are expected to increase in cover and biomass this summer assuming they receive irrigation. There continues to be more native shrubs and trees in the mitigation area than were originally planted due to the colonization of native woody species. Most of the planted shrubs survived with observed volunteers of black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), Nootka rose (Rosa nutkana), red alder (Alnus rubra), willow (Salix sp.) and snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus). Invasive Species An insignificant amount of five ll1vasive species was observed in the mitigation site. Species present included common tansy (Tansy vulgare), birds-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), English ivy (Hedera helix), and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus). Other herbaceous species that can out compete native groundcover was also documented, including lady's thumb knotweed (Polygonum persicaria), spiny sow thistle (Sonchus as per) and western dock (Rumex occidentalis). Attachment E shows the percent cover for each of the invasive and weedy species in the south, central, and north areas of the mitigation. These species occurred in small patches and overall had approximately 3% cover over the entire mitigation area. Walgreens -Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l Fourth-Qtr Monitor Rpt Wildlife Use No wildlife was observed in or around the mitigation area and no signs of wildlife were observed. This is expected because of the time of year and because of the very narrow dimensions of the mitigation area and its location immediately adjacent to a well-used parking lot. Success Criteria Evaluation A) There will be no more that 15 percent of plant mortality during any Year-I monitoring event, or 20 percent plant mOliality at the end of the first year will be acceptable. The mortality rate of planted material at this fourth-quarter monitoring was only 2% since the February visit and only 9% since the initial plant installation. If healthy volunteers that were at least 12 inches tall are included in the survival count, then more native plants are present than were originally planted. This success criterion is met. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during any qUaJierly monitoring event. Invasive species comprise approximately3% areal cover in the restoration area. This success criterion is met. Contingency Plans The contingency plans that were recommended in the third-quarter report (dated February 23, 2010) included staking up the leaning Douglas fir in the central mitigation area and moving the parked trailer away from the mitigation area. On April 15, 20 I 0, the Douglas fir was staked up, trash was removed from the mitigation area, and general weeding of invasive species was done. The irrigation system was not tested at this time. It will be tested during the next site visit in June. Attachment F shows maintenance tasks completed by date. In addition, the trailer that extended into mitigation area during the February site visit was parked in the adjacent lot and was not near the mitigation area during this site visit. While the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan (November 2008) called for having the landscape architect replace all dead plants at the end of Year-I, no plantings are recommended. Fifty-five volunteer native shrubs and trees that are taller than I ft. and in good health are establishing in the mitigation area. Many more volunteer native plants less than 1 ft. tall and in good health were also observed during this site visit. The volunteer plants were equally distributed throughout the mitigation area. Given that the number of these volunteers (55+) exceeds the number of dead and missing plants (22), any additional plantings will only crowd the mitigation area. In addition, the volunteer plants are acclimated to the conditions in the mitigation area and are expected to be more successful than new plantings. Maintenance to be done includes removing the staking on the dead Douglas fir tree (and leaving the dead tree in place). Maintenance visits should be conducted in June, early August and September this year. Tasks to be completed include: Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-I Fourth-Qtr Monitor Rpt • Weeding invasive, exotic and nuisance plant species. • Clearing invasive plants and any tall-growing grasses and clovers from the drip line of all plantings. • Removing any trash in the mitigation area. • Staking up any trees that are not standing straight. • The irrigation needs to be turned back on by June 15th (or earlier if the weather gets hot and dry earlier in the spring) and checked monthly to make sure all heads are functioning and providing head-to-head cover. • Any re-growth of already pulled blackberry can be treated effectively by re-cutting the blackberry stems that are coming up and immediately swipe the tips with a glyphosate solution. No herbicide should be used before July 2010. Use of this report This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Phillips Edison & Company and their specific application to the buffer mitigation at the Walgreens store in Renton. The use by others, or for purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. The findings presented herein are based on generally accepted monitoring methods for critical area restoration and on Touchstone EcoServices' experience and understanding of restoration work within critical area boundaries. Within the limitations of scope, schedule. and budget, the findings presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted critical area investigation principles and practices in this locality at the time the report was prepared. Touchstone EcoServices makes no other warranty, either express or implied. Please let me know if you have questions or want further information about the observations documented in this letter. Sincerely, "". '1 • ; .-:',".,,-,,>:'_ (~,-,-,-... ,.,J '--- Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 ATT: A -Vicinity Map B -Plant Survival Data C -May 5, 20 I 0 Photographic Documentation D -May 29, 2009 Photographic Documentation (for comparison) E -Percent Cover ofInvasive Species F -Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Walgreens· Renton 5 Buffer Restoration Yr-l Fourth-Qtr Monitor Rpt Touchstone EcoServices TES TOlTHSTO);E ECOSERYICES ,- .-,-" -' ~ , ~ ?;, " Walgreens Buffer Mitigation Monitoring 4105 NE 4th Street Renton, WA ~~ A N o- M '~lhSI ~ Nl 1 \~h 1'1 !liE 2nd Sl Project 3,~'Location MSlh ~I ~ , ~ 9 ~ ~ ,; ~ Not to Scale Vicinity Map Att A Attachment B: Plant Survival Data Walgreens ~ 41 05 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Date: Mav 5, 2010 --._. ---Field Staff: Diane Brewster & Robert HUQbe~ , Plant Species • • # Observed Total Total % Sp«"ififfi Installed Found Live Survival Wetland BulTer Acer Macrophylilim I Live-9 20 12 Stressed-I 12 10 83% Rig LcafMaplc Dead-1 Mahollia aquifolia Live-25, includes 2 volunteers 25 28 Stressed-I 30 26 93% Tall Oregon grape Dead -0, plus 4 missing OemJaria cemstfol'mis Live-25 25 26 Stressed-0 25 25 96% Indian plum Dead-0, plus! missing -_. _ .. I'll/fOlie/pIli/.\" h.!lr1SI1 Livc-53 75 73 Strcssed-10 70 li3 86% n1(l~'k OJ'<nlgc Dcad-4. plus 3 missilll! t-~ --- l'slletiolslIgulI/(,IC/(,MI Livc-I:; 21) 21l Stressed-4 20 1" 95°/,\ Douglas III Dead-1 Ro.w nu/kana Live-103, includes 31 volunteers Nootka mse 77 78 Stressed-0 108 103 132% Dead-0, plus 5 missing Salix scou/cl'iana ; Live-59, includin.e; 9 volunteers 47 56 Strc::ssed-3 63 62 111% Scouicr willow Dead-I, plus 2 missing Volunteer Species (must be at least 12 inches tall and In good health): A/nus rubra red alder --3 3 -- Populus halsamifera --I I -black cotlonwood Symphol'icGl'pos a/bus ---9 9 --common snow berry Totals 289 293 341 321 110% Notes: Eight additional Scoulers wi110w were installed to substitute for eight oflhe big lcafmaplc during the initial plant installalion walgreens -Renton Yr-1 4th-Otr MonitOring Wetland Buffer Mitigation Comments (location of missing or dead plants, cause of stress, etc.) Both dead maples are located in the central area, The stressed maple is growing bacl from the base. Several volunteers v,,'ere observed in the northern area and are included in the live count. No change in the dead/missing plants. No change from the February 2010 visit -.~ ... -- 0]0 change in dead/missll1g plants from the focbruary 2010 visit There IS an increase 111 sln~sscd plants Ihis quarter. No change lIl1he dead/missing plants "!\vo stressed plants arc Il)ca\ed in the central area: two arc ill the northern <\fed, ,md one is in tht: southern area. The dead tree is 10 the central area. Volunteer plants are coming up throughout the mitigation area. No change in the dead/missing plants. The stressed willows occur in both the central and northern areas. The dead willow i~ in the northern area comments These were located in the central area. This was located in the central area. Ail were located in the southern area. Overall percent survival shown includes live native woody vegetation (both plantings and native volunteers that are at least I n. tall and healthy) compared to the number of plants installed_ The survival rate without volunteer plants included is 91%. -~ Touchstone EcoServices Attachment C Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 5, 2010 10to Station (PS) I: Looking north from the ~)uth end of the miti gat ion area. PS 2 -Looking south along the south end. PS J: Looking so uth from the north e nd. ~ 4: Looking north at the north end. PS 5: Looking north & northwest at widest (central) mitigation area. 'a lgreen s -Renton Touchstone Ecose rvi ces r-I 4 th Otr Monitoring Attachment C Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 5, 2010 Staked up. but dead Douglas jir ;; 6: Loo ki ng so uth at w id es t (ce ntral ) miti ga ti o n area, PS 7: Panorama of miti gation area, looking east from parking lot. 'algreen s -Renton 2 r-I 4t h Qtr Mon it oring Touchstone Ecoservices Attachment C Walgrcens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 5, 2010 Stressed Douglas fir in sout h end Stressed Douglas fir in north end 'algreell s -Renton 3 1"-1 4t h Qtr Mon itorin g To uch sto ne Ecose rvic es 'a lgre en s -Renton r-I 4th Qtr Monitoring Attachment C Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 5, 2010 Staked up , but dead Doug la s fir in central area 4 Touchstone Ecoservices 10to 4: Looking north at the north end. ·a lgreens -Renton r-I 1 "-Q tr Man it oring Attachment D Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 29, 2009 (l't Qtr) Photo 2 -Lookin g s outh a lon g th e south e nd . Photo 3: Lo oking s outh from th e n o rth end . Photo 5: Looking north west at widest mitigation area. Orname ntal tree still in p lace , but to be moved by June 2 nd Blackberry cleared along east edge. Touchstone Ecoservices Attachment D Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 29, 2009 (1 Sf Qtr) 10to 6: Looking so uth at w id est mitigation area. S lope ha s )een repaired on eas t rence line and blackberry c leared. Photo 7: Panorama of mitigation area, looking east from parking lot. 'a lgrcc ns -Renton r-I 1 "-Q tr Monito ri ng ~-------- 2 Touchstone Ecoserv ice s Atta lent E: Invasive Species Per It Cover Walgreens -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Invasive Species Cover by Area Percent Cover by Area 1 Species Observed Northern Area Central Area Southern Area Bird's-foot trefoil trace trace --- Lotus corniculatus common tansy . Tanacetum vulqare -----trace English ivy -----trace Hedera helix Himalayan blackberry 3% 3% 3% Rubus armeniacus Totallnvasives Cover by Area 3% 3% 3% Overallinvasives Cover 3% Notes: 1 = Percent cover is given as the range midpoint value for the Octave cover class recorded in the field. See cover class in table below. ---= None of this species was observed. Octave Cover Class /Gauch 1982) Cover Class Cover Range Range Midpoint 0 <0.5% trace 1 0.50% 0.25% 2 >0.5 -1% 0.75% 3 >J -2% 1.50% 4 >2-4% 3% 5 >4 -8% 6% 6 >8 -16% 12% 7 >16 -32% 24% 8 >32 -64% 48% 9 >64% 96% Source. Gauch, H.G. 1982. Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Walgreens -Renton Yr-1 4'h-Qtr Monitoring Touchstone EcoServices V / ----- tachm<:11 t E; Walgreens -Reo Per(,(,nt Cover Areas Map UnnalTl9d Trlbl.;t<try (CI:t~<; 4 SI«(';'II)'I) " I / ~'.; '/ .. ) !Northern Are~ N Attachment F: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site 2009 Maintenance Visits and Tasks Completed per Visit (work done by Environmental Systems) • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. June 19 • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. August 5 • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from sileo • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. August 24 • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Mechanical cutting of Himalayan blackberry encroaching from off site to the east. • Dug up misaligned sprinkler head and adjusted spray head to improve head-to-head cover. • Trash removed from site. • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. November 3 • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Removed trash from site. • Installed one 2-gallon Acer macrop/lJ;llum 2010 Maintenance Visits and Tasks Completed per Visit (work done by Environmental Systems) February 14. 2010 April 15, 2010 Walgreens -Renton Yr-I 4th_Qtr Monitoring • • • • • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Rej"laired fence at the north end of the mitigation area Tree in central area was staked up. Trash removed from site. Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbingilfld pullin~ -_.- Touchstone EcoServices Denis Law Mayor April 1, 2009 Department of Community and Economic Development Robert Sherry PECD NNN-West 4717 Masters Newberg, DR 97132 . Alex Pietsch, Administrator SUBJECT: Receipt of Third Quarterly Maintenance and Monitoring Report Walgreens on NE 4th St. Mitigation Project . City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Sherry: This letter is to inform you that on March 8, 2009 we received the third quarterly monitoring report for the mitigation project at the Walgreens on NE 4th Street. The project appears to be meeting. performance standards; however, all recommendations on page 4 of the report should be undertaken as soon as possible. Specifically in the second quarterly report, TES indicated that a Douglas fir was leaning and needs to be staked. This recommendation appears again in the third quarterly report, indicating this issue has not been resolved between reporting; please address this issue as soon as possible. Furthermore, the TES report indicates that a trailer has been parked adjacent to the mitigation area that may cause damage to the mitigation area. The provided images show the trailer intruding beyond the fence into the buffer area. Vehicles are not permitted in a native growth protection area as such; this trailer would be ih violation of the recorded Native Growth Protection Easement and the City's Critical Areas Regulations. Please take action to prevent vehicular intrusion into the wetland buffer area. The fourth quarterly monitoring· report should include. a follow up statement that the recommendations have been completed, including but not limited to the staking of the Douglas fir and relocation of the trailer. Three copies of the fourth quarterly monitoring report are due to the City by June 10, 2010. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (425) 430- 7314. Sincerely, . . ~-DJ~ Vanessa Dolbee, Planner Planning Division cc: Car Wash Enterprises1Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing RetlrementTrust/ Owners Tom Thompson AlA I Contact . City of Renton File LUAOS.lJ14 Renton City Hall _ 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Phillips Edison & Company 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Attn: Robert J. Sherry Transmitted bv electronic email tobshcrrv@phillipsedison.com RE: Year-! Third-Quarter Monitoring Report Wetland & Stream Buffer Mitigation at Walgreens City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Sherry: ,-UAo8 -01 Lt TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES February 23,2010 City of Renton Planning Division MAR - 8 1010 At your request, Touchstone EcoServices (TES) completed the Year-I third-quarter monitoring at the Walgreens store, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington (see Attachment A). The monitoring schedule is in compliance with the City of Renton's permit requirements for this Walgreens' location. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. wetland and stream buffer restoration area, situated in a narrow border along the east side of the Walgreens parking lot, was installed in April and May of 2009. The as-built conditions were evaluated by TES in May 2009 and approved by the City of Renton. This letter-report documents site conditions observed during TES' February 14, 2010 monitoring site visit and evaluates those conditions based on the success criteria presented in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan, dated November 2008. This letter-report serves as the third quarterly report for Year-I monitoring. Phillips Edison & Company will need to submit three copies to Vanessa Dolbee at the City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development by March 11,2010. Introduction Meeting or exceeding the success criteria specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan will demonstrate that the goal of enhancing buffer habitat as compensatory mitigation is being met. The data collected during the February 2010 monitoring visit was used to evaluate success criteria for this quarter (shown below). A) There will be no more that IS percent of plant mortality during any Year-I monitoring event, or 20 percent plant mortality at the end of the first year will be acceptable. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during any quarterly monitoring event. 125 N. 16R 1h Street Shoreline, W,\ 0;--;iJ3. Phone: 206-801-7154 • Cell Phone: 206-251-9536 Specific characteristics that were evaluated during this visit included: • Counts of live and dead planted woody vegetation • Counts of native volunteer woody vegetation at least 12 inches tall and in good health • Percent cover of invasive and exotic weed species • Wildlife use of the mitigation area Five attachments enclosed with this letter provide detailed information about site conditions: • Attachment B: Plant Survival Data • Attachment C: February 14,2010 Photographic Documentation • Attachment D: November 3, 2009 Photographic Documentation (for comparison) • Attachment E: Percent Cover of Herbaceous Species and Invasive Species • Attachment F: Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Monitoring Method Because this mitigation area is so small and narrow, the entire mitigation was walked. Plant survival was determined by walking the entire mitigation area with one person calling out the species and condition (live, stressed or dead) of each woody planting encountered. A second person recorded the information on the project-specific field data sheet (see Attachment B). Photographs of the mitigation area were also taken (see Attachments C and D). As the survival count was conducted, the original planting plan was also reviewed to determine whether any of the plants observed were volunteer plants. Any native plants in good health that were taller than 12 inches were recorded on the field data sheet as volunteers. This method of documenting plant survival and eligible native volunteers is a change from the original plan to install permanent monitoring plots during the first year after installation. Monitoring plots typically cover only a percentage of the mitigation area and are best used to evaluate the percent cover of each species present within a discrete area. Using monitoring plots, data collected from a portion of the mitigation site is extrapolated to provide a reasonable estimate for the entire site. The method of walking the entire mitigation area was used because recording the condition of each and every plant provides the most precise representation of actual plant conditions. In larger mitigation areas, it is usually necessary to use monitoring plots as it is not feasible to count every plant. However, the small size and linear layout of this mitigation area allows for an accurate count of all plantings. The precise count of all live plantings provides an accurate evaluation of the Year-l success criterion for plantings, which is based on percent survival and not percent cover. In Year-2, the success criterion for plants changes to percent cover. At that time, permanent monitoring stations will be installed and data on cover by species will be documented. Field data collected during the February 14th site visit was later evaluated in the office, comparing current plant conditions to the number of specified and planted woody vegetation (by species) in order to determine if any of the planted material was missing and to calculate the percent survival. This information was used to evaluate the success criterion for survival (presented later in this report). Walgreens -Renton 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l Third-Qtr Monitoring Percent cover for invasive species was also recorded. The mitigation area was divided into three parts: south portion, central portion, and north portion (see Attachment E). Within each portion, a visual estimate of the percent cover of each invasive species was recorded as a cover class estimate. The cover class system used a nine-increment scale known as the Octave scale, which enables close observation of small changes in vegetation cover. The Octave cover class table and percent cover by species within each of the three areas are given in Attachment E. Percent cover for non-invasive herbaceous vegetation was not recorded during this monitoring visit because much of the herbaceous vegetation dies back in the winter. Evaluation of the ground layer vegetation will resume at the next spring monitoring date. Monitoring Observations Woody Plant Survival Observations during the February 2010 monitoring visit discovered 274 surviving trees and shrubs, plus 33 volunteer native, healthy woody plants. The combined volunteer and the surviving plants totaled 307 plants for survival rate of 105% (see Attachment B). Ignoring the volunteer plants, the site still has a 95% survival rate for the planted woody material. Indian plum had leaves and flowers and N ootka rose was starting to leaf out at the time of this monitoring visit. The other plants were still dormant; however, a live determination was made when the plant had live buds and flexible (rather than brittle) stems. A small number of plants that had died since the November 2009 visit were observed including one Indian plum, two mock orange, and one Sitka willow. The attached photographs provide a comparison of conditions on February 14, 2010 (Attachment C) to the conditions on Kovcmbcr 3, 2009 (Attachment D). Because the plants were still dormant at the time of the February site visit, it appears that there is less plant biomass than in November. However, the plants are healthy and are expected to increase in cover and biomass in the spring. There continues to be more native shrubs and trees in the mitigation area than were originally planted due to the colonization of native woody species. Most of the planted shrubs survived with volunteers of big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), Nootka rose (Rosa nutkana), red alder (Alnus rubra), and snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus). Invasive Species An insignificant amount of five invaSIve species was observed in the mll1gation site. Species present included common tansy (Tansy vulgare), birds-foot trefoil (Lolus corniculatus), English ivy (Hedera helix), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) and Scots broom (Cytisus scoparius). Other herbaceous species that can out compete native groundcover was also documented, including lady's thumb knotwced (Polygonum persicaria), spiny sow thistle (Sonchus asper) and western dock (Rumex occidentalis). Attachment E shows the percent cover for each of the invasive and weedy species in the south, central, and north areas of the mitigation. These species occurred in small patches and overall had approximately 6.3% cover over the entire mitigation area. Walgreens -Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l Third-Qtr Monitoring Wildlife Use No wildlife was observed in or around the mitigation area and no signs of wildlife were observed. This is expected because of the time of year and because of the very narrow dimensions of the mitigation area and its location immediately adjacent to a well-used parking lot. Success Criteria Evaluation A) There will be no more that 15 percent of plant mortality during any Year-I monitoring event, or 20 percent plant mortality at the end of the first year will be acceptable. The mortality rate at this third-quarter monitoring was only 1% since the November visit and only 5% since the initial plant installation. If healthy volunteers that were at least 12 inches tall are included in the survival count, then more native plants are present than were originally planted. This success criterion is met. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than IS percent areal cover during any quarterly monitoring event. Invasive species comprise approximately 6.3% areal cover in the restoration area. This success criterion is met. Contingencv Plans The contingency plans that were recommended in the second-quarter report (dated November 19, 2009) included repairing the fence at the north end of the mitigation area near NE 4th Street, staking up the leaning Douglas fir in the central mitigation area, and winterizing the irrigation system. The fence was repaired at February 20 \0 visit. However, the Douglas fir in the central area still needs to be staked upright. The irrigation system was not tested at this time to ensure that it is still functioning. It will be tested during the next site visit in May. Attachment F shows maintenance tasks completed by date. In addition, there was a long trailer parked adjacent to the mitigation area that extended into and across nearly the entire planting area (see photos on page 3 of Attachment C). It was bending several of the shrubs over and if it is allowed to remain parked there, it will interfere with spring growth in the mitigation area. Several plants from the adjacent ornamental planting strip were tom out and crushed into the trailer's frame. The trailer was moved manually during the monitoring to create easier access within the mitigation area. However, I suggest that the site be checked regularly to find the owner of the trailer and make sure that it is not backed up into the mitigation area. General maintenance reminders for 20 \0: • Weeding and other general maintenance should be done during the growing season of 20 lOin April, June, early August and September. • The imgation needs to be turned back on by June 15th (or earlier if the weather gets hot and dry earlier in the spring) and checked monthly to make sure all heads are functioning and providing head-to-head cover. Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l Third-Qtr Monitoring • The dripline of all plantings should be kept clear of any invasive plants and any tall-growing grasses and clovers. • Any re-growth of already pulled blackberry can be treated effectively by re-cutting the blackberry stems that are coming up and immediately swipe the tips with a glyphosate solution. No herbicide application should be used before July 2010. Use of this report This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Phillips Edison & Company and their specific application to the buffer mitigation at the Walgreens store in Renton. The use by others, or for purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. The findings presented herein are based on generally accepted planting methods for critical area restoration and on Touchstone EcoServices' experience and understanding of restoration work within critical area boundaries. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, the findings presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted sensitive area investigation principles and practices in this locality at the time the report was prepared. Touchstone EcoServices makes no other warranty, either express or implied. Please let me know if you have questions or want further information about the observations documented in this letter. Sincerely, ~i~J- Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 ATT: A -Vicinity Map B -Plant Survival Data C -February 14, 2010 Photographic Documentation D -November 3, 2009 Photographic Documentation (for comparison) E -Percent Cover of Invasive Species F -Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Walgreens -Renton 5 Buffer Restoration Yr-l Third-Qtr Monitoring Touchstone EcoServices TES TOL'CH ST O ~c E COS ER\lCES Walgreens ,. ". " .. ~ , . . - Buffer Mitigation Moni toring 4105 NE 4th Street Ren ton, WA Project ,,;Location s( S""1'r , N Not to Scal e Vicinity Map Att A Attachment B: Plant Survival Data Walgreens -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Date· Februarv 14 . 2010 Field Staff: Diane Brewster & Robert Huqhes 1'1:1111 SI)ccics # # # Ol.lsct·\'c d Total Tofal % Sp(·rlfiNI In st all ed Found Li vc S Un'i\'al Weiland Butlct· Aeer Alocrophylflllll , Live -II, p lu s I volunteer 20 12 S ire ssed-I 13 1 J 108% lJig Leaf Map le Dead-0 A.la/lOnia (l{luf/o/ia Live-24 25 2~ Stressed-0 25 24 ~6% Ta ll Oregon grape Dead -0, p lus 4 mi ss in g Oellllaria c(,:l"Osi/i:mllis Live-25 25 26 Slressed-0 25 25 96% Indi an plu m Dead-0, p lus I IlllSSlIlg j'!;ilmlclpJ!II.\ 1{,11"1.\·ii I.ive -(l() 75 n Stressed-0 70 Cdl 90% moc k O!"all gt: Dead -4 , p lus::; mi ss illl; FSllei/ollllgllllll'lcin·ii Live -lY 2ll 20 Slh .. ~:.sed-I 20 20 100% Do ug la:. fIT Dead-0 Rusa fllllliw/({ L ive-72, plu s 10 vo lu nteers Nootka rose 77 7R Stressed-0 R3 83 106% Dead-0 , plus 5 missin' , L iv e-5 4 Salix sco u /crim/({ 47 56 Stressed-0 54 54 96% Scou ler willow Dead-0, p lu s 2 mi ssing Volunteer Species (must be at least 12 inches tall and lngood health): A/I/w· ruuro n:d "IJeT ... 1 1 ... Popufus ba/"·Ollli/f:m ... 13 13 . .. bla c k cottonwood SYlllpho/·ic m]Jo.\" a/blls 8 8 common snowbc rry ... . .. Total s 289 293 312 307 105 % NOles: Eig ht additional Sconiers willow were installed to substitute for ei ght of the b ig leafmaplc during the illitia l plant ill s tallat ion. Walgreens -Renton Yr -' 3rd Qlr Monito ri ng Wetland Buffer Mitigation Commcn ts (Ioration of Jlli ss in~ 01' d ea d ,ll n nls, causc ofsll'Css, Clc.) T he one big leaf maple id'd as dead in Nov. '09 has started to regrow from the base & is now shown as li ve. The volunt eer m a pl e occurs in th e central area No changes since Nov. '09 . Assume that the four miss ing pl ants were removed frolll restoration area . Assume the miss ing pl a nt ha s been removed from restorat ion area . C ali s e o f dead plants is not apparenl. As s um e that the miss ing pl an ts were removed from res toration a le a. Dead pla n ts located ill ce ntra l & Il orl hnn arl-as. The stressed plant is loc at ed in the centra l area . This tree is leaning at about a 4 5 degl ce all gk Ten of these plants are vo lu nteer plants comi ng up throughout the mitigation area. A ss ume the miss ing plants we re removed from the restoration area . A.ssulIle th e mis s in g plants were removed frOIll the rest oration area. comments This was located ill the central portion of t he buffer. One was loc ated in the sou th portion, and twe lve we re in th e central p0l1ion of th e bulTer. A ll werc located in the sou th p 011 ion ofthc buffe r. The overall percent survival shown is for li ve nalive woody vegetat io n (i ncl uding bo p lantings and nat ive vo lun tee rs that are at least 1 ft. ta ll and healthy) compared to t he number of pl ants insta ll ed. The s ur v iva l rate withoutlhe volu nl eer pl a nl s inc lu ded comes to 95%. Touchstone EcoServices ',I:: ~.,., Sf a Les Schwab L Attachment C: Walgreens -Renton Photographic Legend ,.,-/ / J -- Unnam\!d Tri bu tary ICla"~.4 Stre.~m ) J~-f..1 CI,l~4 Struam..BI.I!,tl r._ , ,;,,,o:'!(ne,-I -' /,,/ / \. / " ,{; 2 (south) & 5 (north) N 1 Base figur e so ur cc: Fma l WeIland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan (November 2008) AHachJllcnt C Walgreens -Renton C ritical A"ca Lluffcr Mitigation Photographs Phot" St at io n (PS) I: Look in g no rth rrom the sO llth end orlhc Illili g'llioll area. PS 4: Lookin g north atth c no rth cnd. \Va l gree ns -Renton Yr · I 3rd Qtr Monitoring Fchruary 14,2010 I'S 2 -Lookin g so uth along thc so uth c nd . PS 3: Loo kin g so uth rr o mth c north c nd . , , l... .----.~:\\. ........... _ ......... '.t __ A J ~ . Loo kin g north & no rth wcs t at widcst (ccntral) mitig a ti o n arca. Touch s tone Ecosc rvi ccs Attachment C Walgrecns -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation I'hotog,-aphs Jecb n,ary 14, 2010 PS 6: Lookin g south at widest (ceillral) mitigation area. PS 7: Panorama of mitigation area, looking east from parking lot. \Valgrce ns -Renton 2 Yr-1 3rd Qtr Mo nitoring Touchstone Ecoservices Attachment C Walgrcl'ns -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs FeIJnwry 14, 2010 , t.. 4 ....... ±' .... " Long Trailer backed into buffer area Another view of trailer in buffer area Note: Trail e r was moved manually to the west s ide of the parkin g lot to allow for easier monitoring. Thus, the trailer does not show up in the photo s on pages I & 2 of thi s attachmcllt. \Valgrcclls -Renton 3 TOllchslOne Ecoserviccs Yr-I 3rd Qtr Monitoring Attachlllcnt D Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Bulfel' Mitigation Photographs Novclllber 3 , 2009 (fol' cOlllparison with F'cbnllll'Y 2010 Photos in Attachlllent C) Ph o t o Sta tion (I'S) I: L ooki n g n o rth from th e south end or the mitigation area . I'S 2 -Looking south alollg the so uth cncl. r s 3: Looking south /i 'o m th e Ilorth cncl. I'S 4 : Looking north at th c north cnd. Walgreens -Renton Yr-J 3r<I _Qtr Monitoring rs 5: Looking northwcst at widcst (ccntral) mitigation area. Touchstone Ecoservi ces Attachment D Walgrcens -Rcnton Critical Arca Buffer Mitigation Photographs Novembu 3,2009 (for comparison with February 2010 Photos in Attachmcnt C) PS (" I.oo k ing SOl llh al w id esl (cc nlral ) m ili ga lion arca. PS 7: Panorama of mitigation arca, looking cas t from parking lot. \Valgrec ns -Rent on Yr-J 3 rd _Qtr Moni tori ng 2 Touchstone Ecoservices .1-/.~ Attachment E: W algreens -Renton Perc e nt Cove r Areas Map ~ ___ .-.J ./ JO-I-I. (t ... ".";~ t-•• ' .. m..~"I - Unnan"""" r r(lll.t:.r't (eLl". s,r'C!:>rn; /. ICentral A rcaf----_~ .. ~'~f!'!l /7> ) , __ ..J / B.I:--l' fi:;lln: "'-ltlrc~: Filla! f! ~'{J{/'rd • mel Slrec;lI: i>:: .. ,. I, r 1':..:.:l wlI PII.lI1 ,:\{l\ ~'Ol r.l'r Northern Area -, \Southern A nil! / N Walgre en s -Renton T o u chslOn~ [c oS~r\'ic "s Attachment E: Invasive Species Percent Cover Walgreens -4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Invasive Species Cover by Area Percent Cover by Area 1 Species Observed Northern Area Central Area Southern Area Bird's-foot trefoil 0.75% trace ---Lotus comicu/atus common tansy 3% ---trace Tanacetum vulgare English ivy ------3% Hedera helix Himalayan blackberry 3% 3% 6% Rubus armeniacus Totallnvasives Cover 7% 3% 9% Overall Invasives Cover 6.3% Notes: 1 = Percent cover is given as the range midpoint value for the Octave cover class recorded in the field. See cover class in table below. Octave Cover Class (Gauch 1982) Cover Class Cover Range Range Midpoint 0 <0.5% trace 1 0.50% 0.25% 2 >0.5 -1% 0.75% 3 >1 -2% 1.50% 4 >2 -4% 3% 5 >4-8% 6% 6 >8 -16% 12% 7 >16 -32% 24% 8 >32 -64% 48% 9 >64% 96% Source. Gauch, H.G. 1982. Multivariate Analysis In Commumly Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Walgreens -Renton Yr-l 3rd _Qtr Monitoring Touchstone EcoServices Attachment F: Maintenance Schedule Walgreens -4105 NE 4'h Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site 2009 Maintenance Visits and Tasks Completed per Visit (done by Environmental Systems) • Removal of nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. June 19 • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Removed trash from site. • Removal of nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. August 5 • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. • Removal of nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. August 24 • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Mechanical cutting of Himalayan blackberry encroaching from off site to the east. • Dug up misaligned sprinkler head and adjusted spray head to improve head-to-head cover. • Removed trash from site. • Removal of nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. • Inspected site for maintenance requirements. November 3 • Assessed plants for adequate watering. • Removed trash from site. • Installed one 2-l!:allon Acer macrophyllum 2009 Maintenance Visits and Tasks Completed per Visit (done by Environmental Systems) February 14,2010 Walgreens -Renton Yr-I 3ffi-Qtr Monitoring • • Removed nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Repaired fence at the north end of the mitigation area Touchstone EcoServices • EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: January 4, 2010 TO: Carrie Olson, Engineering Specialist -CEO FROM: SUBJECT: Cindy Moya, Records Management Specialist C)l,t l \ Returned Recorded Documents: Deed of Dedication #20090901001616 (Walgreens on NE 4th St -LUA-08-014) The attached document has been recorded with King County and is being returned to you. Please forward copies to parties of interest. The original will be retained by the City Clerk's Office. Thank you. Attachment cc: lUA-08-014 Bob MacOnie h:lcityclerk\records specialist\correspondence & memos -cindy\recorded documents\deed of dedication -olson.doc '. Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 DEED OF DEDICATION Grantor(.): 1. E2406745 09/01/2009 16:S7 KING COUNTY, UA TAX $10.00 SALE $0.00 PAGE-001 OF 001 Property Tax Parcel Number: 518210-0008 & 0009 are on page __ ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated orfuli legal must go here. Additional legal on page ) A portion of Lot I, Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-011-88, recorded under Recording No. 88101 19002, and a portion ofthe Northwest Quarter ofthe N orwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, City of Renton, King County, Washington. (See complete legal description attached.l The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims. dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as Damed aOOve, the above described real estate situated in the County of King. State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted Bv: Grantor(s): INDIVIDUAL FOR.lf OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box Ma or Denis Law &m. ,..u:J uJ(?~ %4w CityCle,t BOnni~I. Walton STATEOFWASIHNGTml )SS ur/l '''Kc COUNTY OF !eNG ) 5 f'I L T <-rr c. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ J fl M E 5 Ii. S HI PM A-/II signed this instrument and r-- I acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes ~ - -NCnAtrt'puBuCn;;'t~1Jed in the instrument I I I LORNA KlMMU. 17341,e11~,!, HformslxxxFRMIAGREFJ13240.0 14.dOC\ b Page 1 FORM(J4 OOOlibh LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION That portion of Lot 1, Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-Oll-88, recorded under Recording No. 8810119002, and that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, City of Renton, King County, Washington, more particular1y described as follows: COMMENCING at the Section Comer common to Sections g, 10, 16 and said Section 15, being the center1ine intersection of N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E.; THENCE along the center1ine of said Union Avenue N.E. and the Section line common to said Sections 15 and 16, South 00' 57' 26" West, 42.01 feet to the Westerly prolongation of the South margin of said N.E. 4th Street; THENCE along said prolongation, South 88' 03' 12" East, 30.00 feet to the East margin of said Union Avenue N.E. and the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING South 88' 03' 12" East, 293.25 feet along said South margin to the Northeast comer of said Lot 1; THENCE South 00' 54' 03" West, 8.00 feet along the East line of said Lot 1 to a point on a line parallel with and 8.00 feet South of said Southerly right-of-way; THENCE North 88' 03' 12" West, 267.82 feet along said parallel line to a point of tangency; THENCE Southwester1y along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 25.00 feet. through a central angle of 90' 59' 22", and an arc length of 39.70 feet to said East margin; THENCE North 00' 57' 26" East, 33.44 feet along said East margin to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2,486 square feet, more or less. Project Name: Renton Walgreens April 21, 2009 13240L.004.doc BDGJjss Exhibit: 13240exh03-ded.dwg J' • : , 7 ~ No Scale Vicinity Map NE6THST ... z z Q :z ::> NE 5TH ST 4TIl PL NE 4TH ST 1~~fN<Jl:uu."I SITE NE 2ND PL NE 2ND ST HE 1ST PL SE 2ND PL f-6O' _9+1,::::0 =-...:.P,:.:.OI:.:.:.NT OF COMMENCEMENT NE 4TH STREET 16 15 S0"57'26"W SCALE: 42.0 l' S88"03'12"E 30.00' ~ ~ ~ p.o.B.£.l?(~·_~~~~Z:::CZ~S~88"ZZ03~'l~2~'E22~9~3.~25~'~~??~?22Z~Z2:~-~,t--: / .\-90"59'22" S8S'03'12"E 267.82' SO"54'03"W m" I 30' 30' R=25.00' 8.00' R/W DEDICATION 8.00' '" L=39.70' N0"57'2S"E 33.44' LOT 2 LOT 1 L.LA LUA-O 11-88 REC. NO. 8810119002 LOT 3 JOB NUMBER HORIZONTAL 1"=60' VfR7J~ N/A WALGREENS ~HAlI_ 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH RENTON For: 13240 ~ KENT WA 98032 1324aL.004.DOC , (4251251-6222 I-::':":"""-.....;.:~:....-~----F~.;..;..;.;;~ • • (425)251-8782 FAX Title: SHErr ~'i l! CML ENGINEERING, LAND RIGHT -OF-WAY ~~ENG~ ~:l~~E~~~CES DEDICATION EXH;,:.;.;;IB,.I:i-:T::-!1FFo;1~ofiij\'""" ... 1-----1 \JD~~~~~N~ro~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~C~H~~C~Kro~~~~~~~P~RO~~~D~ .. ~~~~~~~~-J I EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M 0 RAN DUM January 4, 2010 Carrie Olson, Engineering Specialist -CEO ,I Cindy Moya, Records Management Specialist C\I,I;, "- " Returned Recorded Documents: Water Utility Easement -#20090806000477 & Bill of Sale -#20090806000476 (Walgreens on NE 4th St. -LUA-08-014) The attached document has been recorded with King County and is being returned to you. Please forward copies to parties of interest. The original will be retained by the City Clerk's Office. Thank you. Attachment cc: LUA-08-014 h:\cityclerklrecords specialist\correspondence & memos -cindy\recorded documents\bill of sale -olson. doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 WATER UTILITY EASEMENT Project File #: U0800S3 Property Tax Parcel No.: 518210-0008 Street Intersection or Project Name: SEC of Union Ave. N.E. and N.E. 4th Street Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor{s): Grantee(s): 1. Renton-Northwest, LLC I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. The Grantor(s), as named above, for and in consideration of One Dollar (SI'(X)) and other valuable consideration, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell. convey. and warrant unto the above named Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for public water line with necessary appurtenances over. under. through. across and upon the following described property (rhe right-of-way) in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: A utility easement across a portion of the Northwest quarter of rhe Northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., City of Renton, King County, Washington. (See complete legal description attached.) , .)001-oot{5 1324D.009.doc\ Page I #12948.006.doc FORM 03 OOO9Ibhl For the purpose of constructing. reconstructing. installing. repairing, replacing. enlarging. operating and maintaining Water Line utilities and utility pipelines, tngether with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings nf taw and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities. Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditinns: I. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any wade. within the property covered by the easement. restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immedialely before commencement of the wade. or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, howev .... have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or b. Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root panems which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c. Develop. landscape, or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or eodanger the IateraI.upport facilities. e. Blast within fifteen (IS) feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement, By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the satne, This conveyance shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. 11- IN SS W , said Grantor bas caused this instrument to be executed thi.4-day Of~ 2O.Q':t. . ~ 13240.009.docl lLc INDIVlDUALFORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STA1EOFWASHINGI'ON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence thaii60b:e rt :s, f>heff~ signed this instrument and acknowledged t to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in an for the washin~on Notary (Print) Aw.h:f~ tt~n j=lDgrhQ. ...... My appointment expires: I \ Oct' Dated: u Page 2 #1 2948.006.doc FORM 03 OOO9Ibhl Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFWASHlNGfON lSS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _~~o:;u.b..,« .. c=1 ~ __ _ _________________ signed this insh'Ument and acknowledged it to he hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print)' _____________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFWASHINGmN )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ---,-----,--,---:c----:----:--:----signed this inSh'Umen~ on oath stated that helshelthey was/were authorized to execute the illSh'Ument and acknowledged it as the and ___ --:----: __ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print)' _____________ _ My appointment expires:, ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFWASHINGfON lSS COUNTY OF KING l On this It't'"' day of =t.,. Of' . 20~. before me personally appeared -v,OOoe.c±: T. :'>hert~ to me known to he 0. me ..... \'u _ of the corporation thai executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instnlment to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that helshe was authorized to execute said insh'Ument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. P:\I3000s\t324O\wordproc\docs\13240,009,doclPage 3 BeE # t 2948.006 R)RM 03 0008Jbh/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION WATERLINE EASEMENT A strip of land, 15.00 feet in width, over, under and across that portion of Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, City of Renton, King County, Washington, having 7.50 feet of such width lying on each side of the following described centerline: COMMENCING at the Section Corner common to Sections 9, 10, 16 and said Section 15, being the centerline intersection of N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E.; THENCE along the centerline of said Union Avenue N.E. and the SecHon line common to said Sections 15 and 16, South 00° 57' 26" West, 42.01 feet to the Westerly prolongation of the South margin of said N. E. 4th Street; THENCE along said prolongation, South 88° 03' 12" East, 30.00 feet to the East margin of said Union Avenue N.E.; THENCE CONTINUING South 88° 03' 12" East, 71.51 feet along said South margin to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of herein described centerline; THENCE South 02· 04' 01" West, 18.10 feet to the terminus. The sidelines of said strip shall be shortened or lengthened as necessary to intersect with said South margin. Project Name: Renton Walgreens Ap~1 23, 2009 13240LOO6.doc BOGljss Exhibit: 13240exhD4-WAT.dwg I I I ::: ~ x 1'-60' ~ 0 g ...J <5 9 10 NE 4TH STREET '" --16 15 S<T57'26"W ---742.01' S86'03'12"E ~ ~ I-L30.00' ~ 0 u <II '-S86'03'12"E m ::;; 71.51' -"' 15' WATERUNE a. EASEMENT 0 N 52'04'01 "W .;,: I 3D' 18.10' m 0 0 I ~ '" I '" :;,. ;,; I ~ .. -0 LOT 1 I Cl W I ~ Z "0 ~I ~ 3: I U"J 0 ~ I :r x I w 0 Z ~ ~ '" LOT 2 ~ I L.L.A. LUA-O 11-88 ----<: R£C. NO. 8810119002 " .. /' 0 ... '" LOT 3 '" /' 30' .. I 0 0 I I 0 '" I I ::: ;; ii: SCAL£: For: JOB NUMBER HORIZONTAL '-.60' V£RTICAL N/A WALGREENS 13240 ~Hl4.fI. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOllTH RENTON ~~'~-lJ240LOO6.DOC \ ~425l251-6222 _ _ 425 251-8782 FAX Title: SHEET \; !I CML ENGINEERING. LAND WATERLINE EASEMENT ..,.. PlANNING, SURVEYING, EXHIBIT 1 of 1 I>At ENG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DESIGNED IDRAWN BOG I CHECKED IJJS IAPPROVED W!:i. I DAn: '4-zz·-ml ..... ~ Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 BILL OF SALE I Project Name: Renton Walgreens Property Tax Parcel Number: 518210-0008 Project File #: U080053 Street Intersection: SEC of Union Ave. Address: 4111 NE 4th St. NE & NE 4th SI. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): t. Renton-Northwest, LLC Grantee(s}, 1. City 0 Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. The Grantor, as named above. for, and in consideration of mutual benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sells and delivers to the Grantee, as named above, the following described personal property: WATER SYSTEM: Length Size ~ L.F. of " WarerMain L.F. of " Water Main L.F. of " Water Main each of " Gate Valves each of " Gate Valves 1 each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Len%h S}ze . Type L.F. of " Sewer Main ---' . . . L.F. of " Sewer Main L.F. of " Sewer Main each of " Diameter Manholes each of " Diameter Manholes each of " Lift Stations STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length Size ~ ,£,1::. L.F. of [1-" " Cl~e. Storm Main L.F. of " Storm Main L.F. of " Storm Main each of " Storm Inlet/Outlet 7.-each of " ~ Storm Catch Basin 1::-each of " Manhole STREET IMPROVMENTS: (Including Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement) Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk 530 L.F. Asphalt Pavement: 300 SYor L.F. of Width STREET LIGHTING: # of Poles 3 )£J°Cf 00' Llf l/.,(!...,. By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or perSons, whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs. executors. administrators and assigns forever. P:\I3000s\l3240\wordprocldocs\13240.008.doc\b Page 1 12948.005.doc -....... . , IN has caused this instrument to be executed this Notary Seal must be within box :r;. '" <$ SJ,.:, "" .. '" free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes l ~ii~~;~~~~~~i:~~:~~~~;~:;::;~ signed this instrument and Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box O:\Forms\PBPW\BILLSALE2.DOC\bh REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF W ASIllNGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I .lG1ow or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ---,-.----cc-:-:-,-;------;----.-----;----;---signed this instrument, on oath stated that helshelthey was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and -,-----:---::----c--- of to be the free and voluntary act of such partylparties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print),_~~~~~ __ ~~~~ __ My appointment expires:. ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF W ASIllNGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) 00 this ___ day of ____ ~, 20~ before me personally appeared _______________________ to me known ro be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print),_~~~~ _____ ~_~_ My appointment expires.: ____________ _ Dated: Page 2 Denis Law Mayor December 18, 2009 Robert Sherry PECO NNN-West 4717 Masters Newberg, OR 97132 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator SUBJECT: Receipt of Second Quarterly Maintenance and Monitoring Report Walgreens on NE 4th St. Mitigation Project City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Sherry: This letter is to inform you that on December 2, 2009 I received the second quarterly monitoring report for the mitigation project at the Walgreens on NE 4th Street. The project appears to be meeting performance standards; however, all recommendations on page 5 ofthe report should be undertaken as soon as possible. The third quarterly monitoring report should include a follow up statement that the recommendations have been completed, including but not limited to the staking of the Douglas fir and repairing of the fence. Three copies of the third quarterly monitoring report are due to the City by March 10, 2010. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee, Planner Planning Division cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust I Owners Tom Thompson AlA I Contact City of Renton File LUA08-014 Renton City Hall • , OSS South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov • fJ~~ FilA iV\ lJJAU8-DI~ ~t-s November 30, 2009 City of Renton Vanessa Dolbee PHILLIP 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 RE: Walgreens Store No. 12497 4105 NE 4th Renton, WA Dear Vanessa, , ,', OJ N & COM PA N Y Please find enclosed three (3) copies of the Wetland & Stream Buffer Mitigation Monitoring Report, dated November 19.2009, prepared by Touchstone EcoServices, in Shoreline, Washington for the above mentioned property location. Should you have any questions regarding these documents please contact Bob Sherry at the information listed below. Please note and update your records that Chris Grzybowski is no longer with the company and that Bob will be the contact person going forward. Thank you in advance and please let us know if you need additional information. Sincerely, ~~ Robert Sherry PECO NNN-West 4717 Masters Newberg, OR 97132 bshcrry(cilphillipscdison.com Cell: (503) 550-1484 Fax: (503) 487-6653 175 EAST 400 SOUTH. SUITE 402 I SAL L·\I<f . ,~ ,_ T 8"" II I (801) 521-6970 FAX 1801) 521-6952 WWWPHILLIPSEDISON.COM I .... li ..... , Phillips Edison & Company 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Attn: Chris Grzybowski Transmitted by electronic email tocgrz\bo\\.kj-d)phillipsedison.com RE: Year-l Second-Quarter Monitoring Report Wetland & Stream Buffer Mitigation at Walgreens City of Renton, Wasbington Dear Mr. Grzybowski: TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES November 19,2009 City of Renton Planning Division DEC -2 7009 Touchstone EcoServices (TES) completed the Year-I second quarter monitoring at the Walgreens store, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington (see Attachment A) at your request. The monitoring schedule is in compliance with the City of Renton's permit requirements for this Walgreens' location. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. wetland and stream buffer restoration area, situated in a narrow border along the east side of the Walgreens parking lot, was installed in April and May of 2009. The as-built conditions were evaluated by TES in May 2009 and approved by the City of Renton. This letter-report documents site conditions observed during TES' November 3, 2009 monitoring site visit and evaluates those conditions based on the success criteria presented in the Final Wetland and Stream BuJfor Mitigation Plan, dated November 2008. This letter-report serves as the second quarterly report for Year I monitoring. Phillips Edison & Company will need to submit three copies to Vanessa Dolbee at the City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development by December 10,2009. Introduction Meeting or exceeding the success criteria specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan will demonstrate that the goal of enhancing buffer habitat as compensatory mitigation is being met. The data collected during the November 2009 monitoring visit was used to evaluate whether the second quarter Year 1 success criteria (shown below) were met. A) There will be no more that 15 percent of plant mortality during any Year I monitoring event, or 20 percent plant mortality at the end of the first year will be acceptable. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during any quarterly monitoring event. 125 N. 168 tl1 Strc-e-l Shoreline. W' ".:. i. i Jone: 206-801-7J54 • Cell Phone~ 206-251-9536 Specific characteristics that were evaluated during this visit included: • Counts of live and dead planted woody vegetation • Counts of native volunteer woody vegetation at least 12 inches tall and in good health • Percent cover of invasive and exotic weed species • Percent cover of herbaceous vegetation • Wildlife use of the mitigation area Five attachments enclosed with this letter provide detailed infonnation about site conditions: • Attachment B: Plant Survival Data • Attachment C: November 3, 2009 Photographic Documentation • Attachment D: August 5, 2009 Photographic Documentation (for comparison) • Attachment E: Percent Cover of Herbaceous Species and Invasive Species • Attachment F: Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Monitoring Method Because this mitigation area is so small and narrow, the entire mitigation was walked and each planting was accounted for. Plant survival was determined by walking the entire mitigation area with one person calling out the species and condition (live, stressed or dead) of each woody plant encountered. A second person recorded the information on the project-specific field data sheet (see Attachment B). Photographs of the mitigation area were also taken (see Attachments C and D). As the survival count was conducted, the original planting plan was also reviewed to determine whether any of the plants observed were volunteer plants. Any native plants in good health that were taller than 12 inches were also recorded on the field data sheet. This method of documenting plant survival and eligible native volunteers is a change from the original plan to install permanent monitoring plots during the first year after installation. Monitoring plots typically cover only a percentage of the mitigation area and are best used to evaluate the percent cover of each species present within a discrete area. Using monitoring plots, data collected from a portion of the mitigation site is extrapolated to provide a reasonable estimate for the entire site. The method of walking the entire mitigation area was used because recording the condition of each and every plant provides the most precise representation of actual plant conditions. In larger mitigation areas, it is usually necessary to use monitoring plots as it is not feasible to connt every planting. However, the small size and linear layout of this mitigation area allows for an accurate connt of all plantings. The precise count of all live plantings allows for an accurate evaluation of the Year-I success criterion for plantings, which is based on percent survival and not percent cover. In Year-2, the success criterion for plantings changes to percent cover. At that time, pennanent monitoring stations will be installed and data on cover by species will be documented. Field data collected during the November 3,d site visit was later evaluated in the office, comparing current plant conditions to the number of specified and planted woody vegetation (by species) in order to detennine if any of the planted material was missing and to calculate the Walgreens -Renton 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Y r-J First Qtr Monitoring , .- percent survival. This information was used to evaluate the success criterion for survival (presented later in this report). Percent cover for non-invasive herbaceous vegetation and invasive species was also recorded during the monitoring visit. While cover for herbaceous vegetation is not required for this late-full monitoring (the success criterion for non-invasive herbaceous cover is applicable only during summer monitoring in the first year), the percent cover of the herbaceous layer was documented to track the rate at which groundlayer vegetation is establishing in the mitigation area. The mitigation area was divided into three parts: south portion, central portion, and north portion (see Attachment E). Within each portion, a visual estimate of the percent cover of each species was recorded as a cover class estimate. The cover class system used a nine-increment scale known as the Octave scale, which enables close observation of small changes in vegetation cover. The Octave cover class table and percent cover by species within each of the three areas are given in Attachment E. Monitoring Observations Woody Plant Survival Observations during the November 2009 monitoring visit discovered 277 surviving trees and shrubs, plus 3 I volunteer native, healthy woody plants. The combined volunteer and the surviving plants totaled 308 plants for survival rate of 105% (see Attachment B). Ignoring the volunteer plants, the site still has a 96% survival rate for the planted woody material. The attached photographs provide a comparison of conditions on November 3, 2009 (Attachment C) to the conditions on August 5, 2009 (Attachment D). Because the plants were going dormant at the time of the November site visit, it appears that there is less plant biomass than in August. However, the plants have increased in height and width since the August visit. In spite of the very hot and dry summer this year, this mitigation area had a remarkable survival rate as compared to typical first year survival rates in mitigation areas. This is attributed to the irrigation at the site. Even though some of the plants had lost their leaves at the time of this monitoring visit, plants were easily determined to be alive based on the presence oflive buds and flexible (rather than brittle) stems. Some of the plants were missing and are assumed to have been removed from the mitigation area hy others as the maintenance contractor has removed only one replaced big leaf maple. During the August site visit, two of the big-leaf maples were identified as dead. Since then, one of the maples has started to re-grow from the base and is now recorded as live. The one Douglas fir identified as stressed during the August visit is recovering following the repair of the adjacent irrigation head. All of the needles are green; however it is smaller and less robust that the other Douglas fir plantings in the same area and is still identified as stressed at this time. There continues to be more native shrubs in the mitigation area than were originally planted due to the colonization of native woody species. Most of the planted shrubs survived with volunteers of black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) and red alder (Alnus rubra). Numerous Nootka rose (Rosa nutkana) volunteers are also spreading throughout the mitigation area. Walgreens -Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Y r-l First QIr Monitoring , -- Non-Invasive Herbaceous Cover Non-invasive herbaceous plants and grasses are establishing well in the restoration area. All of the herbaceous species observed are typical pioneer species in mitigation areas. Attachment E includes a figure demarcating the south, central, and north areas of the mitigation site and a table showing the percent cover for each herbaceous species in each area The northern area had the most extensive herbaceous cover. This is assumed to be due to lack of overhead trees that compete for sun and water in the other areas. Ground cover in this area is dominated by field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) with minor cover of eight other herbaceous species. Overall, the northern area had approximately 67% cover. The central and southern areas of the mitigation site were not dominated by anyone species. The central area had small scattered patches of eleven species with an overall cover of approximately 24%. The southern area also had scattered patches of herbaceous cover, with nine species observed and an overall cover of approximately 23%. Overall, the entire mitigation had approximately 38% cover of herbaceous vegetation. This is an increase of approximately 13% since the first-quarter monitoring visit. Invasive Species An insignificant amount of five invasive species was observed in the mitigation site. Species present included common tansy (Tansy vulgare), birds-foot trefoil (Lotus comiculatus), English ivy (Hedera helix), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) and Scots broom (Cytisus scoparius). Attachment E shows the percent cover for each of these species in the south, central, and north areas of the mitigation. These species occurred in small patches and had approximately 7% cover over the entire mitigation area. Wildute Use No wildlife was observed in or around the mitigation area and no signs of wildlife were observed. Because of the very narrow dimensions of the mitigation area and it's location immediately adjacent to a well-used parking lot, this lack of wildlife is expected in this first year when there is little to no available cover and food. Success Criteria Evaluatiou A) There will be no more that 15 percent of plant mortality during any Year 1 monitoring event, or 20 percent plant mortality at the end of the first year will be acceptable. The mortality rate at this second-quarter monitoring was only 4% for the planted material. if healthy volunteers that were at least 12 inches tall are included in the survival count, then more native plants are present than were originally planted This success criterion is met. B) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during any quarterly monitoring event. Invasive species comprise approximately 7% areal cover in the restoration area. This success criterion is met. Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l First Qtr Monitoring Contingency Plans The contingency plans that were recommended in the first-quarter report (August 31, 2009) had been completed at the time of the November site visit. A 2-gallon big-leaf maple was planted in the central mitigation area, the defective irrigation head was repaired, and invasive species control and trash removal were conducted regularly. Attachment F shows maintenance tasks completed by date. Specific contingency recommendations at this time include repairing the fence at the north end of the mitigation area near NE 4th Street (see the PS 3 photograph in Attachment C), staking up the Douglas fir that is leaning over in the central mitigation area, and making sure that the irrigation system is turned off and 'winterized' to keep pipes from freezing. General maintenance reminders for 20 10: • Weeding and other general maintenance should be done during the growing season of2010 in April, June, early August and September. • The irrigation needs to be turned back on by June 15th (or earlier if the weather gets hot and dry earlier in the spring) and checked monthly to make sure all heads are functioning and providing head-to-head cover. • The drip line of all plantings should be kept clear of any invasive plants and any tall-growing grasses and clovers. • Any re-growth of already pulled blackberry can be treated effectively by re-cutting the blackberry stems that are coming up and immediately swipe the tips with a glyphosate solution. No herbicide application should be used before July 2010. Walgreens -Renton 5 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration YT-! FiTSt Qtr Monitoring Use of this report This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Phillips Edison & Company and their specific application to the buffer mitigation at the Walgreens store in Renton. The use by others, or for purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. The fmdings presented herein are based on generally accepted planting methods for critical area restoration and on Touchstone EcoServices' experience and understanding of restoration work within critical area boundaries. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, the fmdings presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted sensitive area investigation principles and practices in this locality at the time the report was prepared. Touchstone EcoServices makes no other warranty, either express or implied. Please let me know if you have questions or want further information about the observations documented in this letter. Sincerely, '" 1 ( \,~.L.I~)~~ Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 ATT: A -Vicinity Map B -Plant Survival Data C -November 3, 2009 Photographic Documentation D -August 5, 2009 Photographic Documentation (for comparison) E -Percent Cover of Herbaceous Species and Invasive Species F -Maintenance Schedule and Tasks Completed Walgreens -Renton 6 Buffer Restoration Yr-l First Qtr Monitoring Touchstone EcoServices TES TOl-CHSTO:\c ECOSERYICES lr . 'r /; Walgreens .. ,." . " . : .... .< Buffer Mitigation Monitoring 4105 NE 4th Street Renton, WA C' M' ~Ih~l ;;: ~~ :I .. 0< N1 ~d~' Project J,~'Location N Not to Scale Vicinity Map Att A I Attachment B: Plant Survival Data November 2009 Walgreens ~ 4105 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA Wetland Buffer Mitigation Date: N ---ber 3, 20m Field Staff: Diane Brewster & Rob~rtHuah .JVt:'lL_ .. Plant Species • , # Observed Total Total % Comments Specified Installed Found Live Survival Wetland Buffer (location of musiDlz 01' dead' plants. cause of stress, etc.) I Live-11 One 2-gal. big leafmapJe was planted since the 1st Quarter Monitoring to replace Acer Macrophyllum 20 12 Stressed-0 12 II 92% one of the three dead plants. One of the maples id'd as dead in Aug '09 started to Big Leaf Maple regrow from the base & is now shown as live. Dead tree located in central area. Dead-1 Live-24 Mahonia aquifolia 25 Tan Oregon grape 28 Stressed-0 25 24 86% Assume that the four missing plants were removed from restoration area. Dead -0, plus 4 missin~ Live-25 Oemlaria cerasiformfs 25 26 Stressed-1 26 26 100% Stress on plant is not apparent at this time of year, it is assumed to be the same as Indian plum observed during the 1st Quarter Monitoring: heavy insect predation on leaves. Dead-0 Live-64 Philade/phus lewisii 75 73 Stressed-4 70 68 93% Cause of dead Illld stressed plants is not apparent Assume that the missing plants mock orange were removed from restoration area. Dead plants located in central area. Dead-2 plus 3 missing Live-19 Tilted irrigation head that was the cause of the stressed plant has been fIXed. The Psuedotsuga menziesii 20 20 20 20 100% stressed plant has recuperated and all needles are green (they were all yellow to Douglas fir Stressed-1 brown in Aug. '09); however. this tree has fewer needles and is less robust than the Dead-0 other planted firs in the same area Live-n, plus 10 volunteers Ten of these plants are volunteer plants coming up throughout the mitigation area. Rosa nutkana 7S 83 83 106% The stressed plant 5till had a few greelileaves -it had been ripped out of the groun( Nootka rose 77 Stressed-1 and was laying on the soil surface (it was replanted during this monitoring visit). Dead· 0, vlus 5 missing Assume the missing plants were removed from the restoration area. Salix scouleriana I Live-54 Cause of dead plant as not apparent. The stressed plant (due to the tilted irrigation 47 56 Stressed-1 56 55 98% head during the previous monitoring visit) is re-growing from the base. Dead plant Scouler willow located in southern area. Dead-1 Addttlonal".Volunteer Species (must be at·least 12 Inches. tall.and In good health): comments - Ainus rubra red alder ---1 1 -This was located in the central portion of the buffer. Populus balsamifera ---13 13 One was located in the south portion, and twelve were in the central portion of the black cottonwood -buffer. Symphoricarpos albus --7 7 All were located in the south portion oCtIle buffer. common snowberry - The overall percent survival shown is for live native woody vegetation (including Totals 289 293 313 308 105% both plantings and native volunteers that are at least 1 ft. tall and healthy) compare, to the number of plants installed. The survival rate without the volunteer plants included comes to 96% . '----_. _ ... _---. __ L. -------------- Notes: Eight additional ScouJers willow were installed to substitute for eight of the big leaf maple during the initial plant installation. Walgreens -Renton Yr-1 2nd Otr Monitoring Touchstone EcoServices " "',1 , '~ .. ' Attachment C: Walgreens -Renton Photographic Legend ,"~: r '" !-~ ...... ".~,,- UI d''<!TI''ct rdb"t"rt :CI.'~~ A :<\"',...,11n) ,\, ,,'F X ~'.~ >1-4 _"\: S 2 (s~uth) & 5 (north) , N Base fjgure source: Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan (November 2008) Attachment C Walgreens -Renton Cri tical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs Novemher 3, 2009 Photo Station (PS) I: Looking north from the s outh end of t he mitigation area . PS 4: Looking north at the north end. Walgreens -Renton Yr-l 2nd Qtr Monitoring PS 5: Looking northwest at widest (central) mitigation area. I Touchstone Ecoservices Attachment C Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs November 3, 2009 PS 6: Look ing south at widest (central) mitigation area. PS 7: Panorama of mitigation area, looking east from parking lot. Walgreens -Renton 2 Y r-J 2'd Qtr Monitoring I ~~ Touchstone Ecoservices Attachment D Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs August 5, 2009 (for comparison with Novembe r 2009 Photos in Attachment C) Photo I: Looking north ti'om the sout h end of the mitigation area, Photo 2 -Looking south along the south end . - Photo 5: Look ing north west at widest (central) mitigation area, The ornamental tree ha s been removed, Walgreens -Renton Yr-l 2"' Qlr Monitoring 1 Touchstone EcoServices J Attachment D Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs August 5, 2009 (for comparison witb November 2009 Pbotos in Attachment C) ~~ ~ Photo 6: Looking so uth at widest (central) mitigation area. Photo 7: Panorama of mitigation area, looking east from parking lot (Note: this set of photos was taken on May 29, 2009). Walgreens -Renton Yr-I 2"d Qtr Monitoring 2 ) Touchs tone EcnServices .... ,., t • Ii ' {':: ,'~ ;L .. 'I ~'';''~~ ~ ". t',:i: .l Attachment E: Wa lgrel'n, -Renton Percent Cove r Area .. \l ap 'J, J, .. I\1 .. ..t rrltll.l..,y :(~~" .. SI 'f':lm, )~ ... , , I.:.;...l~' .... ((,',." ~. J::::J.c:J...., 1 , i " ~t;... .. ~$'~¥<:':"i.~",~~:(~.~'~\l.<~~"'i;,\;"-":''i)~~ I ,!... __ -.J M,I' ....... o !>oC r ... ·~ w lll.ln fh..rkiJ(· ,\." )~".1"':>!"""'1 ""':> ICentral Arclll------_ ~ i{I-~'iSr~ J Ib .. ~, til!l 'fl.' '()lIr~~: Fillj/! II dI,l'" I r/ll,I.)'/lv/lm HII(lt", .lIifl.'..?,"II,JI' 1'/,11.' Northern Area 'I .' " ',. .. ,F \ ... ,-1 ' :... ... A N Walg r~cl1 s -Renton TOLIchstone Ec oScn';c", ~.;' Attachment E: Percent Cover Data for Herbaceous and Invasive Species Walgreens -Renton, Critical Area Buffer Mitigation November 3,2009 Non-Invasive Herbaceous Cover by Area Percent Cover by Area1 Species Observed Northern Area Central Area Southern Area bentgrass sp. 0.25% 0.75% ---Aqrostis sp. black medic 0.75% Medicaao IUlJina ------ common dandelion 0.75% Taraxacum officinale .. _---- common velvetgrass ------6% Holcus lanatus common vetch 3% 3% 3% Vicia sativa composite weedy Sp2 3% 3% 6% creeping buttercup 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% Ranunculus repens curly dock trace ------Rumex crispus Dewey's sedge ---trace ---Carex deweyana English plantain ---0.25% ---Plantaao lanceolata field horsetail 48% 3% EQuisetum arvens --- hairy cat's-ear 1.5% -----Hypochaeris radicata red clover 1.5% 0.75% 3% Trifolium pratense tall fescue 3% 3% Festuca arundinacea --- Watson's willowherb 3% 3% ElJilobium ciliatum --- white clover 6% 6% 0.25% Trifolium repens Total Cover by area 67.00% 24.25% 22.75% Noles: 1 = Percent cover is given as the range midpoint value for the Octave cover class recorded in the field. See cover class in table below. 2 = Includes species in the genus Crepis. Sonchus, Hieracleum & Matricaria Walgreens -Renton Yr-1 2nd Qtr Monitoring Touchstone EcoServices , .. - Attachment E: Percent Cover Data for Herbaceous and Invasive Species Walgreens -Renton, Critical Area Buffer Mitigation November 3, 2009 Invasive Species Cover by Area Percent Cover by Area 1 Species Observed Northern Area Central Area Southern Area Bird's-foot trefoil 0.75% trace Lotus comiculatus -- common tansy 3% ---trace Tanacetum vulaare English ivy ------3% Hedera helix Himalayan blackberry 3% 3% 6% Rubus armeniacus Lady's-thumb knotweed ---0.75% ---Polygonum persicaria Scot's broom trace 1.5% Cvtisus scoparius --- Total Cover by area 6.75% 3.75% 10_50% Notes. 1 = Percent cover is given as the range midpoint value for the Octave cover class recorded in the field. See cover class in table below. Octave Cover Class (Gauch 1982) Cover Class Cover Range Range Midpoint 0 <0.5% trace 1 0.50% 0.25% 2 >0.5 -1% 0.75% 3 >1 -2% 1.50% 4 >2 -4% 3% 5 >4-8% 6% 6 >8 -16% 12% 7 >16 -32% 24% 8 >32 -64% 48% 9 >64% 96% Gauch, H.G. 1982. Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Walgreens -Renton Yr-1 2nd Qtr Monitoring Touchstone EcoServices Attachment F: Maintenance Schedule at Walgreens Wetland Buffer Mitigation Site 2009 Maintenance Visits and Tasks Completed per Visit (done by Environmental Systems) June 19 August 5 August 24 November 3 ----------- Walgreens -Renton Yr-l 2nd Qtr Monitoring • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Removal of nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling . Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. Inspected site for maintenance requirements. Assessed plants for adequate watering. Removed trash from site. Removal of nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. Removal of nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pulling. Grubbed and pulled weeds that had seed or fruit were removed from site. Inspected site for maintenance requirements. Assessed plants for adequate watering. Mechanical cutting of Himalayan blackberry encroaching from off site to the east. Dug up misaligned sprinkler head and adjusted spray head to improve head-to-head cover. Removed trash from site. Removal of nuisance and noxious weeds by hand grubbing and pUlling. Inspected site for maintenance requirements. Assessed plants for adequate watering. Removed trash from site. Installed one 2-gallon Acer macrophyllum Touchstone EcoServices .l , Denis Law Mayor October 9, 2009 Phillips Edison & Company Attn: Chris Grzybowski 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Department of Community & Economic Development Subject: Receipt of First Quarterly Monitoring Report Walgreens on NE 4th St. Mitigation Project City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Grzybowski: This letter is to inform you that on September 21, 2009, the City received the first quarterly monitoring report for the Walgreens on NE 4th Street mitigation project. Each monitoring report should be a stand-alone document. In addition to the current monitoring results and general site conditions, each monitoring report should include sufficient information (monitoring methodology; vicinity map; site map(s) with locations of the mitigation area, monitoring plots, photopoints, etc.) to allow other biologists to perform the monitoring, and for the City to verify the monitoring. This information will ensure accurate continuation of monitoring in the event of staff turnover in the current applicant's biologist's firm or if the applicant chooses to change consulting firms. In addition to the information currently provided in the 1 st Quarter Monitoring Report, the following information should be included in future monitoring reports: 1. Provide site address, vicinity map, and project site map. On the project site map, include a north arrow and the locations ofthe mitigation area, transects/monitoring plots (if used) and photo points. 2. Provide a list of dates and description of maintenance activities. Include information on activities such as weeding, replacing mulch, plants replaced (numbers, species, sizes, mitigation section, etc.), etc. The monitoring repots should continue to include: 1. Information regarding the methodology of how the installed plants were counted. 2. Data sheets from monitoring area or each monitoring transect/plot that includes: plot location and dimensions; species present and percent cover by Renton City Hall -1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov • individual desirable native volunteer species and non-native invasive species; quantities and species of plants originally installed in the plot, installed plants currently present, and percent survival of installed woody plants; and overall percent cover by desirable native woody species (installed plus volunteers), herbaceous species, and non-native invasive species. Data should continue to be presented in tables. 3. General site conditions and observations, and other information included in the current monitoring report (such as the species and numbers of dead/stressed installed woody plants in the entire mitigation area, overall presence and cover by non-native invasive species, etc.). The project appears to be meeting performance standards, however, all recommendations on pages 4 and 5 of the report should be undertaken as soon as possible, specifically, the replacement of one big leaf maple tree and the continued regulation of invasive species. Two copies of the second quarterly monitoring report are due to the City by December 10, 2009. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee, Planner Current Planning Division cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Rertirement Trust / Owners Tom Thompson AlA / Contact City of Renton File LUAOS-082 < TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES Phillips Edison & Company 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 August 31, 2009 Attn: Chris Grzybowski CitYOfR Plan. enton nm90· . IVlsian Transmitted by electronic email tocgrzybowski@phillipsedison.com RE: Year-l First-Quarter Monitoring Report Wetland & Stream Buffer Mitigation at Walgreens City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Grzybowski: 5EP 21 lODY Touchstone EcoServices (TES) is providing this Year-I first quarter monitoring report at your request. The monitoring schedule is in compliance with the City of Renton's permit requirements for the Walgreens store, located at 4105 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. wetland and stream buffer restoration area, situated in a narrow border along the east side of the Walgreens parking lot, was installed in April and May of 2009. The As-Built conditions were evaluated by Touchstone EcoServices in May 2009 and approved by the City of Renton. This letter-report documents conditions observed during Touchstone EcoServices' August 5, 2009 monitoring site visit. Site conditions are evaluated in this letter based on the success criteria presented in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan, dated November 2008. This letter-report serves as the first quarter report for Year I monitoring and you will need to submit three copies to Vanessa Dolbee at the City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development by September 10, 2009. The evaluation of the mitigation site is provided below. Introduction Meeting or exceeding the success criteria specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan demonstrates that the goal of enhancing buffer habitat as compensatory mitigation for buffer averaging is being met. The data collected during the August 2009 monitoring visit allows for an evaluation of the first quarter Year I success criteria as shown below: A) There will be no more that 15 percent of plant mortality during any Year I monitoring event, or 20 percent plant mortality at the end of the first year will be acceptable. B) During the summer quarterly monitoring event, 25 percent cover of installed and recruited non-invasive herbaceous vegetation will be present. 125 N. 168'h Street Shoreline, WA 98133. Phone: 206-801-7154 • Cell Phone: 206-251-9536 C) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during any quarterly monitoring event. The mitigation site was evaluated by Touchstone EcoServices on August 5, 2009. Specific characteristics that were evaluated during this visit included: • Bare ground areas • Counts of the live and dead planted woody vegetation • Counts of volunteer native volunteer species that were at least 12 inches tall • Overall percent cover of invasive and exotic weed species • Wildlife use of the mitigation area The three attachments to this letter provide the detailed plant count data (Table I), photographic documentation collected during this site visit (Attachment A) and, for comparison, photographic documentation from the as-built inspection on May 29, 2009 (Attachment B). The results of these findings are summarized below. Monitoring Method and Observations The method used to document survival of planted material involved walking the entire mitigation area and recording each observed plant as live, dead, or stressed on the field monitoring form. This change, from the original plan to either install permanent monitoring stations or collect data along transects using the point-intercept method, was made because the small size and linear layout of the mitigation area allows for an accurate count of all plantings. The original methods would have collected data from a percentage of the mitigation area that would then have been extrapolated for the entire site. The method used presents a count of the actual plant conditions. In addition to counting and docwnenting the condition of observed plantings, total plants counts (by species) in all categories were compared to the original number of each species planted in order to determine if any of the planted material was missing. Volunteer native plants were also documented if they were in good health and vigor and were at least 9 inches taIl. After completing the first quarter field monitoring, it was discovered that there was a discrepancy between the plant schedule (Table I and Figure 3) and the planting plan (Sheet 1) in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan. The plant schedule specified 75 willows to be planted and the planting plan included only 47 willows. The actual installation used the planting plan to determine the number and placement of plants, so the lesser number of willows was installed. The entire mitigation area has plantings every four feet (or less) on-center. Typically, native shrubs are planted at four to six feet on-center. Thus, the nwnber of willows, as specified in the planting plan was appropriate for the area available for restoration rather than the nwnber of willows shown in the plant schedule. Adding any more willows would only serve to create competition for light and water at a rate that would result in unhealthy native plantings. Thus, the total nwnber of native woody plants installed came to a total of 286 (this count replaces the count in the as-built report that was based on the plant schedule rather than a count of willow symbols on the planting plan). The number of native woody plants were actually Walgreens -Renton 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l First Qtr Monitoring installed in the buffer restoration area (see the attached Table 1) slightly exceeded the approved planting plan; for a total of 293 plants. Woody Plant Survival Observations during the August 2009 monitoring visit discovered 282 surviving trees and shrubs, plus 25 volunteer native woody plants. The combined volunteer and the surviving plants totaled 307 plants for survival rate of 106%. Ignoring the volunteer plants, the site still has a 98% survival rate for the planted woody material. The regular irrigation of the mitigation area is evident in the health and vigorous growth of the observed plants. The attached photographs illustrate this and provide a comparison of conditions on August 5, 2009 to the as-built conditions on May 29, 2009. All of the stressed plants appeared to have been affected by the extreme heat that our region has experienced this summer. Irrigation has kept most of the plants alive and healthy. Missing plants are assumed to have been removed from the mitigation by others as the maintenance contractor has not removed any plants. Three of the 31 planted trees had died, all of which were big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum). All of these were in the central and north areas where the plants are more exposed to stress due to the sun and wind. One volunteer big leaf maple was observed along the east edge of the central area. All of the Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees survived and most were in good health. The one stressed Douglas fir was due to a mechanic problem with the irrigation system. One of the irrigation heads was tilted at an angle and the spray did not reach portions of the east planting row. As of the August 2009 site visit, there were more native shrubs in the mitigation area than were originally planted due to the colonization of native woody species. Most of the planted shrubs survived with additional volunteers of Nootka rose (Rosa nutkana) throughout the restoration area. Additional volunteer native shrub species that had not been planted included black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) in the central area and common snow berry (Symphoricarpos albus) in the southern area. Other volunteer species growing in the mitigation area that were not tall enough to be counted included red alder (Alnus rubra) and N ootka rose seedlings. Non-Invasive Herbaceous Cover As discussed in the as-built report, the native seed mix was not broadcast in the restoration area. Even though no seed was applied, herbaceous plants and grasses are beginning to establish in the restoration area. All of the herbaceous species observed are those that are typical pioneer species in mitigation areas. Ground layer plants in the northern section have more extensive cover than the other portions of the restoration area. This is assumed to be due to lack of overhead trees that compete for sun and water. Ground cover in this section is dominated by field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) with lesser cover of common velvetgrass (Holcus lanatus), common vetch (Vicia sativa), and a low-growing mustard species. The groundlayer in this area is comprised of distinct patches of dense vegetation; with an overall cover of approximately 25%. The central portion of the restoration area has approximately 5% cover of non-invasive herbaceous species that include the samc species as in the northern section and also Watson's Walgreens -Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l First Qtr Monitoring willowherb (Epilobium ciliatum), red and white clover (Trifolium pratense and T. repens), bentgrass species (Agrostis sp.), toad rush (Juncus bufonius), Dewey's Sedge (Carex deweyana), and broadleaf plantain (Plantago major). The southern portion of the restoration area has approximately I % cover of groundcover species that include nodding beggarticks (Bidens cernua), black medic (medicago lupina), bluegrass species (Poa sp.), common dandelion (Taraxacum officiniale), stinky Robert (Geranium robertianum), Watson's willowherb, creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens) and bent grass species. Invasive Species An insignificant amount of five invasive species was observed in the mitigation area. Species present included bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare), white sweetclover (Melilotus alba), English ivy (Hedera helix), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) and Scots broom (Cytisus scoparius). Overall, these species had approximately 5% cover. Wildlife Use No wildlife was observed in or around the mitigation area and no signs of wildlife were observed. Because of the very narrow dimensions of the mitigation area and it's location immediately adjacent to a well-used parking lot, this lack of wildlife is expected in this first year when there is little to no available cover and food. Success Criteria Evaluation A) There will be no more that 15 percent of plant mortality during any Year 1 monitoring event, or 20 percent plant mortality at the end of the first year will be acceptable. The mortality rate at this.!irst quarter monitoring was only 2%for the planted material. If healthy volunteers that were at least 9 inches tall are included in the survival count, then more native plants are present than were originally planted. This success criterion is meL B) During the summer quarterly monitoring event, 25 percent cover of installed and recruited non-invasive herbaceous vegetation will be present. Less than 25% cover of non-invasive herbaceous vegetation is present. This success criterion is not meL C) Himalayan blackberry, reed canarygrass and English ivy will comprise no more than 15 percent areal cover during any quarterly monitoring event. Invasive species comprise approximately 5% areal cover in the restoration area. This success criterion is meL Contingency Plans Recommended contingency plans based on the above findings include replacing one of the dead big leaf maple trees and repairing the defective irrigation head. Two of the dead big leaf maple trees were located in the central (wider) section of the mitigation area and the third one was located in the narrow northern section. No tree replacement planting is recommended in the northern section due to the density of trees and shrubs already establishing in that approximately Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l First Qtr Monitoring • 4-ft wide space. One replacement big leaf maple tree is recommended in the central area, to be placed in-between the two dead maples. For best survival, the tree should be a one-gallon plant planted this fall between October 1 st and November 15 th • The poorly functioning irrigation spray head responsible for the stressed Douglas fir planting has already been repaired in late August by the maintenance contractor. In addition, the irrigation system was checked to make sure that the entire restoration area now has head-to-head coverage. While the herbaceous plant layer has less than 25% cover in the restoration area overall, no contingency plan is proposed because the functions that an herbaceous layer would have provided are already being met. Given the restoration location and the depth and coverage of the existing mulch, it already serves to protect the soils from erosion due to rainfall during the rainy season and holds moisture in the soils during the drought season. Another function of herbaceous vegetation is to provide water quality improvement of runoff flowing into the buffer. This is achieved through adsorption of pollutants by the plants themselves, and slowing water velocity as it travels through the plant stems. Since the restoration area is situated behind the curb and above the parking lot elevation, and because runoff from the parking lot is collected and cleaned via Walgreens' stormwater system, there is no opportunity for the herbaceous layer in the restoration area to provide water quality improvement. Thus, there is no need to seed the ground in the restoration area. Rather, herbaceous plants and grasses can be allowed to volunteer and establish in the restoration area as possible given the amount of shade that is provided by the planted native shrubs and trees and the overhanging trees in the adjacent buffer. While not a contingency plan because invasive species control is an on-going task at the mitigation area, it is worthwhile to note the importance of regular invasive species control. While there is very little invasive and exotic plant species cover in the restoration area currently, the proximity of the heavily infested buller to the east will result in a continual encroachment in Walgreens' restoration area. At the time of the monitoring visit, the buffer to the east of the Walgreens mitigation area was overrun with Scots broom, Himalayan blackberry, bull thistle, white sweetclover, butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), English ivy, field bindweed (Convolvulus arvense) and Himalayan blackberry. All of these invasive species comprised approximately 75% of the critical area buffer to the east of the northern section of Walgreens' restoration area. English ivy and Himalayan blackberry were growing densely along the central and southern portions of the Walgreens restoration area. While the maintenance contractor for Walgreens' has been diligent in removing the encroaching invasive species, unless invasive and weed abatement is carried out on the buffer to east the invasives will continue to spread onto the Walgreens site. Because of the configuration of the Walgreens mitigation area, the narrow band of shrubs and trees will not provide enough shade to stop the encroachment of invasives over the long term. Signs observed along the eastern fence line signify that the buffer to the east is a mitigation area. Hopefully, that area is still under the monitoring and maintenance period so that the city can enforce invasive species control by the project proponent (this area also appears to have no functioning irrigation and the few planted native plants observed are stressed and being out- competed by the invasive vegetation which is much more drought-tolerant than the native Walgreens -Renton 5 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-I First Otr Monitoring • plants). Not only would invasive species control to the east ensure that the Walgreens mitigation area can be high functioning over the long term, it would also be in the best benefit for a functioning stream and wetland buffer as a whole. Use ofthis report This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Phillips Edison & Company and their specific application to the buffer mitigation at the Walgreens store in Renton. The use by others, or for purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. The findings presented herein are based on generally accepted planting methods for critical area restoration and on Touchstone EcoServices' experience and understanding of restoration work within critical area boundaries. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, the fmdings presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted sensitive area investigation principles and practices in this locality at the time the report was prepared. Touchstone EcoServices makes no other warranty, either express or implied. Please let me know if you have questions or want further information about the observations documented in this letter. Sincerely, ~{~J.- Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # In I ENC: Table I: Plant Survival; August 2009 Attachment A: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs; August 5, 2009 Attachment B: Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs; May 23, 2009 Walgreens -Renton 6 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration Yr-l First Qtr Monitoring LUA08-0(~ Walgreens -Renton Wetland Buffer Mitigation Date: August 5 2009 l'v/acrophyllllm , Leaf Maple aquijolia Oregon grape _ ~~~~~;,,~u_;~ 1<:II'islI fir men=lesli I 20 12 25 28 25 26 75 73 20 20 Table 1: Plant Survival August 2009 Field Staff: Diane Brewster & Robert Hughel # Observed 12 26 93% 24 92% l<"':tn'~~"'L ') 70 9h% I Stressed· 1 20 100% 90 115% 56 100% 2 7 307 106% Comments of the live plants is a 2 ft. volunteer along east edge in the central area. The Istressed plant, located in central area, looked sunburned. Dead plants: 2 look like heat and sun caused the mortality, the cause of the 3ed plant is unknown. of dead plant is not apparent. Assume that the two missing plants were Iremoved from restoration area. IStressed plant shows heavy insect predation ofleavcs. (Cause of dead and stn:ssl.!d plants IS not apparent Assume that the missing phlnts removcu Ii-om restoration area 11rrigaUOn spray is not reaching the stressed plant Irrigation head, 5th one up south end. is tilted down and doesn't deliver spray correctly. ofthese pLants are volunteer plants coming up throughout the mitigation larea. Stressed plants show signs of sunburn. Assume the missing plants were from the restoration area. r'LOe~"~" spray is not reaching the stressed plant. Irrigation head. 5th one up from . end, is tilted down and doesn't deliver spray correctly. found in central area percent survival shown is for live planted material. including the Ivolunteer species, compared to the number of plants specified in the mitigation The overplanting was done in anticipation of mortality that is typical in Imitigation projects. The survival rate without the volunteer plants included comes • \. - Attachment B LUA 08 -0 /L( Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 29, 2009 Photo I: Lookin g north from t he so uth end of the mitigation area , blackberry ha s been cleared. Photo 4: Looking north at the north end. Photo 2 -Look in g so uth a lo ng t he so ut h end. Blackberry ha s been cleared. Photo 3: Looking south from th e north end. Not ice mulch now leve l w ith c urb height and encroach in g blackberry h as been c leared. Photo 5: Looking north west at widest mitigation area. Ornamental tree still in place, but to be moved by June 2 nd . Blackberry cleared along east edge. -- Attachment B Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 29, 2009 Photo 6: Looking south at widest mitigation area. Slope has been repaired on east fence line and blackberry cleared. 2 U)AoB -O Il{ Ph o to I : Look in g no rth from th e th e mi t iga ti on a rea . Photo 4: Looking north at the north end. Attachment A Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photograph s August 5, 2009 Ph o to 2 - Look in g so uth a lo ng th e so uth end. Ph oto 3: Loo kin g so uth fro m th e n orth end. Photo 5: Looking north west at widest (central) mitigation area. The ornamental tree has been removed. Attachment A Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs August 5, 2009 ~ Looking south at widest (central) mitigation area . A 2 Denis Law Mayor August 20, 2009 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 15th Avenue NE Stanwood, WA 98292 Department of Community & Economic Development SUBJECT: Walgreens -Zoning Compliance 4105 NE 4th St. Renton, WA 98056 Dear Mr. Thompson: The Walgreens located at 4105 NE 4th St. Renton, WA 98056 is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The Commercial Arterial (CA) zone provides for a wide variety of retail sales, services, and other commercial activities along high-volume traffic corridors. Per the zoning use table, medical and dental offices are permitted in Commercial Arterial (CA) zones. A medical office is defined as any office used by physicians, dentists, and/or other medical professionals to examine, diagnose, and treat patients, and to administer day-to-day accessory office functions relating to the medical or dental practice. Retail business can operate 24 hours a day unless otherwise precluded by state or local regulations. This information is based on the regulations and codes in effect as of August 20, 2009. ~1J~0L Vanessa Dolbee, Associate Planner Planning Division cc: LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • ,entonwa.gov July 6,2009 Planning: Land Use Fee Schedule Revision CED: South Lake Washington & Port Quendall, Local Revitalization Financing Areas Development Services: Walgreens at NE 4th St, ROW Dedication, NE 4th St & Union Ave NE, SA-08-014 Finance: Bad Debt Write Off Airport: 2009 Airport Layout Plan Update CAG: 08-139, Runway 16/34 Resurfacing Project, FAA Grant CAG: 08-178, Downtown Wayfinding Signage Phase I, TubeArt Displays Police: SCORE Short-Term Loan Agreement UNFINISHED BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Library: King County Library System Interlocal Agreement Renton City Council Minutes Page 197 Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval to revise the current Land Use Fee Schedule to encourage annexation and adequately compensate permit processing costs. Refer to Planning and Development Committee; set public hearing on 8/3/2009. Community and Economic Development Department recommended assessment of South Lake Washington and Port Quendall as revitalization areas and leveraging of State funds for local revitalization financing. Refer to Committee of the Whole; set public hearing on 8/10/2009. Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Union Ave. NE to fulfill a requirement of the Walgreens at NE 4th St. project. Council concur. Finance and Information Services Department requested approval to write off bad debt in the total amount of $17,542.20. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of the 2009 update to the Airport Layout Plan. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment #1 to CAG-08-139, with the Federal Aviation Administration, to accept an additional $120,376, and approval of the related budget adjustment, in order to complete construction of the Runway 16/34 Resurfacing project. City's match $6,336. Council concur. Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-08-178, Downtown Wayfinding Sign age Phase I, and requested approval of the project, final pay estimate in the amount of $5,817.73, commencement of a 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $1,069.70 to TubeArt Displays, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Police Department requested approval of a short-term loan of $5 million at the current state pool rate to the South Correctional Entity (SCORE) to enable scheduled work to proceed prior to the issuance of bonds. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Council President Corman presented a report regarding the future of the Renton Libraries. The Committee reviewed the draft interlocal agreement with the King County Library System (KCLS) that defines the rights and obligations of the City and KCLS in the event annexation of the City into KCLS is approved by the registered voters of the City in a special election held prior to 12/31/2010. The Committee of the Whole recommended that: • The interlocal agreement with the King County Library System be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign; • The resolution recording this matter be presented for adoption; and • The administration prepare an ordinance stating that it is in the best interest of the City to join KCLS to be forwarded, upon passage, to the City of Renton Library Board for their review and recommendation, and to KCLS Board of Directors for their concurrence. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL I AI #: Submitting Data: Community and Economic For Agenda of: July 6, 2009 Development Dept/Div/Board .. Development Services Division Staff Contact ...... Arneta Henninger X7298 Agenda Status Consent .............. X Subject: Public Hearing .. Acceptance of right-of-way located on NE 4th St and Correspondence .. Union Ave NE to be dedicated to the City of Renton Ordinance ............. Resolution ............ Old Business ........ Exhibits: New Business ....... Deed of Dedication with legal description and sketch Study Sessions ...... Vicinity Map Information ......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur Legal Dept ......... X Finance Dept ..... . Other. ............. . Fiscal Impact: N/A Expenditure Required ... Transfer/Amendment ...... . Amount Budgeted ...... . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project .. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The recommendation is for approval of the dedication of the lot corner at the intersection of NE 4th St and Union Ave NE and additional right-of way on NE 4th St along the full frontage of the property being developed. This requirement was triggered by the offsite improvements process of LUA 08-014. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Deed of Dedication ofthe additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. Return Address: City Clerk '. Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 Tax Parcel Number: 518210-0008 & 0009 ..... page-_. must go here. on page ) A portion of Lot I, Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-011-88, recorded under Recording No. 88101 19002, and a portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Norwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, City of Renton, King County, Washington. (See complete legal description attached..) named above, the above described real eslate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Grantor(s): INDlVlDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Grantee(s): City of Renton Mayor City Clerk • f , urAI'1 STATEOF\\A:SfHlIGTml )SS 'AK'" COUNTY OF lffiffi ) 5 II L T .... IT = as r certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that. _______ _ Notary Seal must be within box r--. I I I I Hf""",,xxxFRMlAGREEl13240.0 14.doCl b P PM II-N signed this instrument and and voluntary act for the uses and purposes Pagel FORM 04 000 libb LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION That portion of Lot 1, Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-011-88, recorded under Recording No. 8810119002, and that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, City of Renton, King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Section Comer common to Sections 9, 10, 16 and said Section 15, being the centerline Intersection of N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E.; THENCE along the centerline of said Union Avenue N.E. and the Section line common to said Sections 15 and 16, South 00' 57" 26" West, 42.01 feet to the Westerly prolongation of the South margin of said N.E. 4th Street; THENCE along said prolongation, South 88' 03' 12" East, 30.00 fee! to the East margin of said Union Avenue N.E. and the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING South SS' 03' 12" East, 293.25 feet along said South margin to the Northeast comer of said Lot 1; THENCE South 00' 54' 03" West, S.OO feet along the East line of said Lot 1 to a point on a line parallel with and 8.00 feet South of said Southerly right-of-way; THENCE North 88' 03' 12" West, 267.82 feet along said parallel line to a point of tangency; THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the teft, having a radius of 25.00 feet through a central angle of 90' 59' 22", and an arc length of 39.70 feet to said East margin; THENCE North 00' 57' 26" East, 33.44 feet along said East margin to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2,486 square feet, more or less. Project Name: Renton Walgreens April 21. 2009 13240L.004.doc BOG/jss Exhibit: 13240exh03-ded.dwg f-60' ....... 9..Jol 0r:::::~p.::ol:::.m OF COMMENCEMEm 16 15 5<r57'26"W NE 4TH STREET ;; 42,01' 588'03'12''< 30.00' ~ ~~~~~~~~~2Z~S88'~ro~'ZI2~~~2913~.2~5~'~~~~~~2?~~-~.t--~B) -I ~-90'59'22' S88'ro'12"E 267.82' SO'S4'ro"W I 30' R=25.00' 8.00' R/W DEDICATION 8.00' L=39.70' NO'S7'26"E 33,44' LOT 2 30' I I SCU.E: HORllONTAL 1"=60' VERTICAL N/ A #HA~ 18215 72ND AVENUE SO\ITH ~ ,,~.~.= t! \ i425l251-6222 _. _ 425 251-8782 FAX ~. !I CML ENGINEERING, LAND ~ ~. PlANNING, SURVEYING, atG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DESIGN D WN For: Title: LOT 1 L.LA LUA-Ol1-B8 REC. NO. 8810119002 LOT 3 JOB NUMBER WALGREENS 13240 RENTON 1J24V/"004.DOC S/fE£r RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION EXHIBIT 1 of 1 ED APPROVED TE -1- ? ~ No Scale Vicinity Map NE 6TH ST Q z ::> NE 51H ST +TH PL NE 4TH ST ~ SITE ~N<Jl<lL\'lI NE 2ND PL NE 2ND ST NE 1ST Pl SE 2ND PL w z April 6, 2009 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 15th Avenue NE Stanwood, W A 98292 SUBJECT: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF CITY )F RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Next Steps: Wetland and Stream Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Dear Mr. Thompson: Thank you for submitting the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan for the subject project. At this time, the Final Mitigation and Maintenance and Monitoring proposal has been approved by the City of Renton. A site visit on, April 3, 2009, indicated that installation for the wetland mitigation has begun. Please see below for a detailed list of the remaining steps in the wetland mitigation/monitoring process: Next Step: Monitoring and Maintenance Surety Amount In order to provide you with the amount of security necessary for the maintenance and monitoring of the wetland mitigation plantings, signage, and fencing, we will need a copy of the signed maintenance and monitoring contract for this work. The scope of the contract mllst clearly cover the cost of plant maintenance and replacement as well. The contract should also ensure that "structures, improvements, and mitigation perform satisfactorily for a period of 5 years" (e.g. add proviSions for plant replacement and weed removal referencing compliance with the survival rates noted in the final approved wetland mitigation plan.) The contract must inClude quarterly monitoring reports for the first year and annual reports thereafter. Step Two: After installation of the mitigation is complete, please have your contracted biologist submit a letter verifying that the mitigation installation complies with the approved Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan. If any portion of the installed mitigation is different then the approved plan, please have your biologist submit an "as built" plan set with the compliance letter and a biological justification for the changes to the approved plan. Step Three: Once you have a final, signed, City-approved maintenance and monitoring contract for the subject work, the City will request a surety device in the amount of 125% of the approved contract. The date the City receives written confirmation from the contracted biologist and the 125% surety device, the minimum 5-year maintenance and monitoring period will begin. Step Four: RMC 4-3-050.M.7 and 4-3-050.EA.c requires that the wetland and stream buffer area be placed within a native growth protection easeinent. The permit holder shall establish and record a permanent and irrevocable easement on the property title of a Parcel or tract of land ------------1-05-5-s-o-m-h-G-r.-dY-w--~-.-R-e-nt-on-,-w-M-h-m-~-o-n-9-8-05-7------------~ 6iC) This paper cont<lins 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE containing a critical area and/or its buffer. Such protective easement shall be held by the current and future property owner, shall run with the land, and shall prohibit development, alteration, or disturbance within the easement except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of an enhancement project, which has received prior written approval from the City and from any other agency with jurisdiction over such activity. Please provide a draft of this language prior to recording, for City approval. Ortce language is approved, this easement shall be recorded and a copy shall be provided to the City for the official file. lt should also be noted that Condition of Approval #4, of the Site Plan Review requires that the "cross access easement" be recorded prior to fmal occupancy. Once this easement has been recorded, please provide the City with a copy of this easement for the official file. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430-7314. Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Rertirement Trust I Owners Skyler Waldall Party of Record Philip Hudgens I Building Inspector Chris Grzybowki I Walgreens Project Manager • CITY OF RENTO .~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: November 26, 2008 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to faCilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office . Project Name: Walgreens on NE 4th Street LUA (file) Number: l.UA-08-014, ECF, SA-A CroSS-References: CLUAOS:l""i 1'\)\ ~ AKA's: walgreens Drug Store #12497 Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee Acceptance Date: February 13, 2008 Applicant: Thomas Thompson, Consulting Architect Owner: Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust & Car Wash Enterprises, Inc Contact: Thomas Thompson, Consulting Architect PID Number: 5182100008; 518200009; 518210010; 5182100016 ERC Approval Date: March 24, 2008 ERC Appeal Date: April 14, 2008 Administrative Approval: August 13, 2008 Appeal Period Ends: August 27, 2008 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant Is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft. site In the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The site Is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) There will be four access points; two from NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. The existing Site contains a gas station; the associated underground tanks for this existing development w111 be removed. There Is 2,849 sq. ft. of wetland and stream buffer on site. The Intervening parking field between the subject parcels and the existing Les Schwab wlH be revised as a joint parking facility. When combined with the Walgreens site, the two developments w111 jointly provide a total of 93 oarkino soares. Location: 4105 NE 4th Street Comments: Denis Law Mayor June 16, 2009 Chris Grzybowski Phillips Edison & Company 175 East 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Department of Community & Economic Development Subject: City Acceptance of Surety Device for Maintenance and Monitoring Walgreens on NE 4'· Street City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Grzybowski: This letter is to confirm the City of Renton received a surety device in the amount of $57,248.45 to cover the cost of a minimum five years successful maintenance and monitoring (receipt enclosed). The money was received by the City on June 10, 2009; this date marks the beginning of your minimum 5-year maintenance and monitoring period. As a reminder, reports are due quarterly for the first year and annually thereafter. Your first quarterly monitoring report is due to the City on September 10, 2009. Please send three copies of the report to my attention. In order to assure the quickest possible release of your surety device, please ensure prompt monitoring and maintenance are performed for the duration of your monitoring period. The mitigation project shall be monitored lor a period necessary to establish that performance standards have been met, but not for a period less than five (5) years. If at any time during your minimum five-year monitoring period the mitigation project falls below performance standards, the monitoring period will be placed on hold. Once the mitigation project regains compliance with approved performance standards, the maintenance and monitoring timeframe will restart for a period necessary to establish that performance standards have been met. I look forward to receiving your first quarterly maintenance and monitoring report. Sincerely, f~-{)~ Vanessa Dolbee, Associate Planner Current Planning Division cc: Tom Thompson! LUA08-014 Contact City of Renton File LUA08·Q 14 Amber Hoffman, Secretary n Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Subtotal: Subtotal: Incoming Fedwlre(s) Doll $57,248.45 1 Incoming Fedwire(s) $57,248.45 Target Balance Credit(s) Dollar Amount $96,743.33 1 Target Balance Credlt(s) $96,743.33 Cash Vault Deposit(s) Dollar Amount $487,773.75 $97,112.03 $1,690.00 Activity Date: 06/09/2009 Transaction Details PAR NUMBER: 090609022323 FED REF: 008172 DATEfTIME RECEIVED: 06/09/2009 03:04:34 PM ORIGINATOR: 1005800313453 PHILLIPS EDISON & CO SHOPPING CTR OPPORTUNITY FUN D II LLC 11501 NORTHLAKE DR CINCINNATI OH 45249-1669 ORIGINATOR BANK: BOFAUS3N SENDING BANK: 026009593BK AMER NYC BK AMER NYC RECEIVING BANK: 125000105US BANK WASHINGTON BENEFICIARY: 1153500698326 CITY OF RENTON RENTON RENTON BENEFICIARY REF: 2009160003085 ORIGINATOR TO BENEFICIARY INFO: CASH BOND PHILLIPS EDISON AND COMPANY IMAD: 20090609B6B7HU4R008172 Transaction Details IMMEDIATE FUNDS: 8,888.711 1 DAY FLOAT: 79,560.761 2 DAY FLOAT: 8,153.861 3 OR MORE DAY FLOAT: 140.001 FUNDS TRANSFER FROM DDA ACT 153500698375 Bank Reference: I-GEN109060900002254 Transaction Details IMMEDIATE FUNDS: 0.001 1 DAY FLOAT: 487,773.751 2 DAY FLOAT: 0.001 3 OR MORE DAY FLOAT: 0.001 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT Bank Reference: KB2008 PDX4231238912 IMMEDIATE FUNDS: 5,694.951 1 DAY FLOAT: 32,766.861 2 DAY FLOAT: 58,650.221 3 OR MORE DAY FLOAT: 0.001 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT Bank Reference: KB2008 PDX4231238745 IMMEDIATE FUNDS: 1,225.001 1 DAY FLOAT: 240.001 2 DAY FLOAT: 225.001 3 OR MORE DAY FLOAT: 0.001 CUSTOMER DEPOSIT Bank Reference: KB2008 PDX4231238739 Page 5 of 8 Printed on 06/10/2009 at 10:14 AM CDT PAYEE: Pfll /1, ;J REFUNDING ADDRESS: S .... cCIAL DEPOSIT TRANSMITTAL /j ( D DATE: &-/[-oCi RECEIPT # : FINANCE RE-C-. #":':':--'----------- AMOUNT: $ 57. m£3.9S - wo#: • FUNCTION #: _____ _ CITY: ':"e,tf' LAKE sh~: --1.lrZIP: ['I./}) I PROJECT NAME: I ,,)CI h (C' {'J'\ cO }l£. LI"':.\f(j- ADDRESS LOCATION: .:l;..;./I.L{::"'.:2.::-,..., LL/I:liLIJ:.,A/C!;tc..' ..1L/_"_f!_'.c.lu' ':-.'"'-' ..!.f_: _ PERMIT#: ie/Ai ~: (I'i TYPE OF DEPOSIT; BUILDING o 90 DAY TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY PERMIT o LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE o SIGN DEPOSIT o STREET CLEANING DEPT. CONTACT: ..!:V,-,':..:"::..'_' _-'i"',"'II.:.... ""!:' _EXTN: '1 7 , I (. PUBLIC WORKS DPW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SPECIAL DEPOSIT CONDITIONS: PROPERTY SERVICES o LATE COMER FEE (To BE RETURNED TO LCS HOLDER) o STVAC (APPRAISAL FEE DUE APPRAISER) BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS o BPWDEF (BPW DEFFERAL) (WO# 89150 FN# 5190 TRANS CODE #7054) ..oa:OTHER: /1/' .->. ,_ ,-,../ If I/{ .' l; l /-;'1)' i{( t __ f/)r( Orv~IOtl-5\OEVELOP SE~\DEV&I'lAN,IHG\BLOG DEPT. fOINSUSC. BULDING oocs\ra.FUlTESIsPEC DEP'ClSIT WHITEANOYELLOWTO FINANCE. RETAIN PINK FOR PBPWRECORDS .~/ ,;. / /I,},/ --------RENTON ,".c." ' ., .... C"itl' of f{sntun ('.!i.-,Ii'! , i 'c'rI t omia . gov 1 RU"llon f' ~ nance 0916020-1 Ub/1O!2008 BRl [35 I'led JUll1U,iO()9 04:49PM Trans#1?-12 '-$'I"~' 45 B -, ,. B 1 iL '~),f. ,j, ullOlng -.ui ding GL: e 65",[;00000.000.2370,0000,00.0;)0 Item Amt: $57248.45 1 JTEI~(S): TOTM,: $51248.40 0; reet Dep P.4IO $57248. 4S Thankicu Return Address: Kyle V. Leishman Jones Waldon Holbrook & McDonough 170 South Maln Street, Suite ISOO Salt Lake City. UT 84101-1644 ~=--~I .fi EllS 54... Cf v' le/23~ 15'Z5 J(ING , WI Doculllellt·TItIe(s) (01' trallSaedons _taiDed therein): I. c ...... Eueaent Agreement 2- 3. 4. Refereaee Number(s) of Docu .... ts assigned or released: (on pap __ of docum"'tadoD(s» Gnntor(s) (LIst ...... e first, tben Drat name and initials) I. Renton-Nortbwest LLC 2. LeI Seb_b ProDt Sharing Retlremeat Trust 3. 4. 50 Addidon.1 "'01 on pap _'_ of docnment. Gn.tee(.) (Last name first, tbea first ume and initials) I. Renton-Nortbwest LLC 2. La Seb_b Profit SbariD& Redrement Trust 3. 4. 50 Addldonal .... _ on pap ___ of document. JUN -it 2009 L •. > FILED FOR RECORD ATTHE REQUEST OF .... " LandAmerica _ Commerclal 5eNiCeS I " ., ,3 II '( ". ** .... *.******* ••• *** ..... * •• *** •• ***.***** •••••••••• * •••• *** •••••••••••••••••••••• * •••••••• **** •• ** ... Lepl Description (abbreviated: Leo lot, block, plat or section, toWDshlp, nap) Lots I, 1 and l of Renton LLAa No. 011-88. Rec. No. 881011!1OOl Additloullepl Is on pap 10 Ind 11 of documeat ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ** •• * ••••••••••••••• *** •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ** •• Assessor's Property To: hrcellAeeout Number: 5181160008, OOO!I, 00111, aDd 0016 Additlclllal Tax hrcellAccouot Numbers on ,.. of doeume.t •••••• ** ...... ***** •• ****** ••••••• *** •••• ******* ........................... _-----.......... . ....... -.. TIle AuditorlReeorder wiD rely 01\ the informatloa pro\'lcled o. the form. n. starr wiD not read .... documeat to verify tbe _rIleY or eompletenas of the Iadeslnl iDformadon provided lIereiL ............. _ .............•.......... _ .................. -............................... _ .. •••••••••• \: :'Y' '\.: ~,~ '~ -J"':',_ -~ .• :':~ ;;.:0 " ;~ .. ,. .. ",:!~~ .. ~rI~';:!'1I· RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Kyle V. Leishman Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough 170 South Main Street, Suite 1500 Sa~ lake City, UT 84101-1644 CROSS EASEMENT AGREEMENT . THIS CROSs-EASEMENT AGREEMENT, (hereinafter referred to ~ this 'CEA~iS ade and entered into as of the date of the last execution hereof, which date is the :2 -V day of • , 2008, by and between RENTON -NORTHWEST LLC, a Delaware limited liab ity company =('R=-e....,.nton~ Northwest"), and LES SCHWAB PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST (,Les Schwab") (Individually, a "Party' and collectively, the "Parties"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Renton Northwest is the owner of that certain tract of real property located In King COUnty, State of Washington as more particula~y described on Schedule I attached hereto and depicted as the "Renton Northwest Parcel' on the Site Plan attached hereto as exhibit A (the 'Site Plan'); and WHEREAS, Les Schwab Is the owner of that certain tract of real property located adjacent to the Renton Northwest Parcel as more particularly described on Schedule II attached hereto and depicted on the Site Plan as the "Les Schwab Parcel"; and WHEREAS, the Parties de$lre to reconfigure the improvements on the Renton Northwest Parcel and the Las Schwab Parcel as depicted on the Site Plan and In connection the~ the Parties desire to grant for their mutual benefit reciprocal easements for Ingress and egress, parking, signage construction and maintenance as more particularly set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby declare, agree, covenant and consent that the Renton Northwast Parcel and the Les Schwab Parcel shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the easements and covenants set forth herein and which shall bind and benefit the respective panoels to run wlth the land and be binding on and inure to the benefit of all parties having any right, tiUe or Interest in the described parcels or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns. Further, In consideration of the premises, the egreements and the covenants of the Parties hereto, the mutual benefits and advantages accruing to them, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby aCknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I BASIC DEFINITIONS Section 1.1. 'Owner' shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of fee Simple title to the Renton Northwest Parcel and the Les Schwab Parcel, but excluding those having such Interest merely as secu rity for the performance of any obligation. Section 1.2. 'Perm1ttees' shall mean tenants and subtenants and the occupants, contractors, customers, agents, licensees, guests, employees, and invitees of an Owner, its tenants and subtenants. 1 ROIItoIl ARTICLE II EASEMENTS Section 2.1 shall apply: Mnitions and Documentation. For the purposes of this Article II, the following (A) An Owner granting an easement is called the "Grantor", it being intended that any such grant of an easement shall !hereby bind and include not only such Owner but also the successors and assigns to a fee interest in the Parcel of such Owner. (8) An Owner to whom the easement is granted Is called !he "Grantee", ~ being intended that the grant shan benefrt and Include not only such Owner but its successors, assigns, and Permittees. (C) All easements granted herein shall be non-exclusive and perpetual. In the event an Owner transfers or conveys a portion of its Parcel, those easements granted under this Article II which benefit, bind, and burden the remainder of the Parcel not transferred or conveyed shall benefit, bind, and burden !he portion of the Parcel so transferred or conveyed, and !hose easements granted under this Article II which benefrt, bind, and burden the portion so transferred or conveyed shall benefit, bind, and burden the remainder of the Parcel of which it was a part (D) No Owner shall extend for the benefit of any other real property the benefits of any easement granted hereunder. Section 2.2 Easements for Use of Acm, and ParIsi!!! Area Each Owner hereby grants to the other Owner a non exclusive easement in and to the • Access and Parking Araa" depicted on the S~e Plan on such Granto(s Parcel for Ingress to and egress from such Owner's Parcel for the passage of vehicles and pedestrlans and for vehicular parking. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all parking in the Access and Parking Araa may not be used for employee parking. Sec!jon 2.3 Initial Development Work. The Parties acknowledge that !he configuration of !he drive aisles and parking area on !he Las Schwab Parcel existing on !he date of !his Agreement Is not as depicted on !he Site Plan and that Renton Northwest intends to reconfigure the entrance from Union Street into the Les Schwab Parcel and the parking area over a portion of the Las Schwab Parcel. In connection therewith, Renton Northwest shall have the right to scarify, asphalt overlay and re-stripe the drive aisles and the parking areas located on the Les Schwab Parcel and to relocate the existing Les Schwab sign to the south of the MW entry (collectively the 'Initlal Development Work'). Renton Northwest agrees that the Initial Development Work shall be performed pursuant to (i) plans and specifications approved by the applicable govemmental authority and Las Schwab, (iO a construction schedule approved by Renton Northwest and Les Schwab; (iii) in accordance with current Industry stendards, and (vi) as set forth on the Site Plan. Las Schwab hereby grants Renton Northwest a license to enter on the Las Schwab Parcel to perform !he Initial Development Work. Las Schwab acknowledges that the Initial Improvement Work may require the temporary closure of the existing entrance drive Into !he Les Schwab Parcel and hereby consents to such temporary closure. Renton Northwest shall ooordinate the Initial Development Work ~h !he Las Schwab or their tenants and shall use its best efforts to minimize any disruption of the existing businesses located on the Las Schwab Parcel In constructing the Initial Development Work. Renton Northwest shall defend, indemnIfY and hold Las Schwab harmiess from and against any and all liens, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and reasonable attomey's fees on appeal), incurred in connection with the construction of the Initial Development Work, except to the extent occasioned by Las Schwab's negligent or willful wrongful act or failure to act. PECO ___ LaScbwabA<:<Cto_AJreem<D,(2).DOC 2 Section 2 4 Sign EMemen!. Renton Northwest hereby grants to Les Schwab an easement for InslaUatiOn, maintenance, repair and replacement of a sign to be located in the location depicted on the Site Plan. les Schwab shall be responsible for the costs of constructing such sign in compliance with all applicable govemmental requirements. SecI!on 2.5 UtJUIy Easement Each Owner hereby grants to the other Owner a perpetual, non-excluslve easement for the installation, maintenance, use, operation, nspalr and nsplacement of utility lines and appurtenant services over, under or through the Access and Parking Area, provided that the right!; granted pursuant to such easements shall at all times be exercised in such a manner as not to interfens materially with the normal operation of a Parcel and the businesses conducted therein. ARTICLE III MAINTENANCE, TAXES AND INSURANCE 5ec!jon 3.1 Insurance, Each Owner will at all tJmes maintain or cause to be maintained with nsspect to its Parcel and all buildings and improvements thereon: (i) commercial property insurance against loss or damage by fins, lighting and other risks customarily covered by an special form all-risks policy of property insurance for the full replacement cost of the Building(s) and Improvements located thereon and (iI) commercial general liability insurance (including contractual liability coverage) against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage occurring on, in or about such Owner's Parcel in the combined single limit amount of not less than TWO MIlliON DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence. Nothing hensln shall be construed from prohibmng an Owner which itself, or in combination wilh its perent corporation or group of affiliates which together maintain a program of self Insurance, has a net worth in excess of TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS ($200,000,000.00), as determined by generally accepted accounting principles, from self-Insuring for such insurance coverage, nor shall It prohibit an Owner from providing such coverage pursuant to a 'blanket" policy of insurance. Section 3.2 Cross lndemnitv. To the extent not covered by the insurance policies described above, each Owner (the 'Indemnitor") will pay, and indemnify and save harmless each other Owner (the "Indemnitee') from and against, all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses (including attomeys' fees and expenses), causes of action, suits, claims, demands or judgments of any nature arising from: (Q any Injury to or death of a person or loss of or damage to property occurring on the Indemnitor's Parcel; (ii) any use or condition of the Indemnitor's Parcel; and (iii) any negligence or tortious acts of the Indemnitor or any of its tenants, licensees, invitees, customers, agents or employees occurring anywhere in the Common Area. except to the extent that such causes of aotiOn, suits, claims, demands or judgments arise out of the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Indemnitee. 5ecI!on 3.3 Majntenance of Access and Parking Area. The Owner of the Renton Northwest Parcel shall maintain the Access and Parking Area In good order and condition and stste of repair In accordance wiIh the standards of first class shopping center operation Including (but not limited to) sweeping and removal of trash, ntter and refuse, painting and striping of parking ansas, repair and replacement of paving as necessary (but in no event more often than once every seven (7) years unless the Owners shall agree otherwise), and removal of ice and snow from driveways and parking areas. The Owner of the Les Schwab Parcel shall reimburse the Owner of the Renton Northwest Parcel for twenty- five percent (25%) of the nsasonable cost of such maintenance for the Access and Parking Area. All reimbursements must be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice with nsasonable documentatiOn of the costs. In the event that the Owner of the Renton Northwest Parcel fails or defaults In its maintenance obligations as set forth in this Section 4.1, which falluns continues for a period of thirty (30) days after nsceipt of written notice thereof specifying the particulars of such failure, such failuns shall constitute a breach under this Easement Agreement and the Owner of the Les Schwab Parcel may thereafter perform such maintenance obligations, in addition to such Owner's other remedies. The Owner PECO_RaUon_ .... ScIIwab __ IApeement(2).DOC 3 of the Les Schwab Parcel shall then invoice the Owner of the Renton Northwest Parcel for the expenses Incurred as set forth herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Owner may take whatever action is reasonably required In the case of an emergency and without the requirement of notice to the other. ARTICLE IV DEFAULT, REMEDIES Section 4.1 ~. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events shall consUtute a breach of this CEA by the non-performing party (the "Defaulting Owner"): (A) The failure to perform any obligation of Article II, III or IV hereof and to cure such failure within thirty (30) days after the issuance of a notice by a non-defaulting Owner (the "Non Defaulting Owner") specifying the nature of the default claimed (unless such default is a non-monetary default that is not capable of cure within thirty (30) days and the Defaulting OWner has commenced to so cure such failure within the reasonably thirty (30) days and diligently prosecutes such cure to completion thereafter); (B) The failure to make any payment required to be made hereunder within ten (10) business days of the due date after the issuance of a notice by a Non-Oefaulting OWner specifying the amount due, or (C) The failure to observe or perform any other of the covenants, conditions or obligations of this CEA or to abide by the restrictions and requirements herein provided, other than as described In (A) or (B) above, which shall be a breach under this CEA after expiration of thirty (30) days after the issuance of a notice by a Non Defaulting OWner specifying the nature of the default claimed (unless such default Is a non-monetsry default that is not capable of cure within thirty (30) days and the defaulting Owner has commenced to so cure such failure within the thirty (30) days and dHigently prosecutes such cure to completion thereafter). Section 4.2 Remedies for all Owners. Each Non Defaulting Owner shall have the right to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against any Defaulting Owner or any other person for breach of any easement or restriction benefiting such Non Defaulting Owner. Such proceeding shall include the right to restrain by injunction any such violation or threatened violation and to obtain a decree to compel performance of any such easements or restrlctions. No Permittee shall have the right to bring any action to enforce any provision of this CEA and no enforcing Owner shall have the obligation to join any Permittee in any action to enforce this CEA. SectIon 4.3 Right to Cure. With respect to any default under Section 5.1, any Non Defaulting OWner shall have the righ~ but not the obligation, in addition to any remedy available at law or equity, to cure such default by the payment of money or the performance of some other action for the account of and at the expense of the Defaulting Owner; provided, however, that in the event the default shall constitute an emergency condition Involving an immediate and imminent threat of substantial injury or harm to persons or property, the Non Defaulting OWner, acting In good faith, shall have the right to cure such default upon such advance notice as is reasonably possible under the circumstances or, if necessary, due to such emergency, without advance notice, so long as notice Is given es soon as possible thereafter. To effectuate any such cure, the Non Defaulting Owner shall have the right to enter upon the Parcel of the Defaulting Owner (but not Into any Building) to perform any necessary work or furnish any necessary materials or services to cure the default of the Defaulting OWner. Each OWner shall be responsible for the non-performance or default of its Permittees. In the event any Non Defaulting Owner shalt cure a default, the Defaulting Owner shall reimburse the Non Defaulting Owner for all out of pocket costs and expenses incurred in connection with such curative action, plus interest at the Default Rate, within ten (10) business days of receipt of demand, together with reasonable documentation supporting 4 Renton the expendHures made. For purposes of this Section, Default Rate shall mean the prime rate as provided by Wells Fargo National Bank plus two percent (2%). Section 4.4 ~. Costs and expenses accruing and/or assessed pursuant to Section 5.3 above and the amounts described In Section 5.1 shall consti1ute a lien against the Defaulting Owner's Parcel. A lien under this Section 5.4 shall attach and take effect only upon recordation of a claim of lien in the applicable real estate records office of the county in which the said Parcel is located, by the Non Defaulting Party maklng the claim. The claim of lien shaH Include the following: (a) the name and address of the lien claimant; (b) a statement conceming the basis for the claim of lien and Identifying the lien claimant as a non defaulting party; (c) an identification by name and address (if known) of the Owner or reputed Owner of the Parcel or interest therein against which the fien is claimed; (d) a description of the Parcel against which the lien Is claimed; ( e) a description of the work performed which has given rise to the claim of lien; (I) a statement itemizing the total amount due, including interest; and (g) a statement that the lien Is claimed pursuant to the provisions of this CEA, reciting the date, book and page of recordation hereof. The notice shall be duly acknowledged and contain a certificate that a copy thereof has been served upon the Owner against whom the lien Is claimed, by personal service or by mailing pursuant to SectIon 5.3 below. The lien so claimed shall attach from the date of recordation solely in the amount claimed thereby and may be enforced in any Judicial proceedings allowed by law, including without limitation, suit In the nature of a suit to foreclose a mortgage or mechanic's lien under the applicable provisions of the law of the State in which the Parcels are located. Section 4.5 Cumulat!ye Remedies. All of the remeOlEIS permitted or available to an Owner under this CEA or at law or in equity shall be cumulatlye and not alt8fnatiye, and invocation of any such right or remedy shall not constitute a waiver or election of remedies with respect to any other permitted or available right or remedy. Section 4.6 No Waiver. No delay or omission of any Owner in the exercise of any right accruing upon any default of any other Owner shall Impair any such right or be construed to be a waiver thereof, and every such right may be exercised at any lime during the continuance of such default No waiver by any Owner of any default under this CEA shall be effective or binding on such Owner unless made in writing by such Owner and no such waiver shall be implied from any omission by an Owner to take action in respect to such default No express written waiver of any default shall affect any other default or cover any other period of time other than any default and/or period of time specified in such express waiver. One or more written waivers or any default under any provision of this CEA shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default in the performance of the same provision or any other term or provision contained in this CEA. Section 4,7 No Termination for Breach. No breach, whether or not material, of the provisions of this CEA shall entitle any Owner to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this CEA, but such limitation shall not affect. In any manner, any other rights or remedies which any Party may have hereunder by reason of any breach of the proviSions of this CEA. SectIon 4,8 Umltation of Liability. Notwithatanding the foregoing, any person acquiring fee or leasehold title to a Parcel, or any portion thereof, shall be bound by this CEA only as to the Parcel or portion of the Parcel acquired or possessed by such person. In addition, such person shall be bound by this CEA only during the period such person is the fee or leasehold Owner or occupant of such Parcel or portion of the Parcel; and, upon conveyance or transfer of the fee or leasehold Interest shall be released from liabilitY hereunder, except as to the obligations, liabilities or responsibilities that accrue prior to such conveyance or transfer. Although persons may be released under this SectIon 6.8, the easements, PECO_R<DIon...IA _Access EuemonlAp=nt(2).DOC 5 covenants and restrictions in this CEA shall continue to be benefits to and servitUdes upon said Parcels running with the land. SectIon 4.9 Attorneys Fees. In the event of a breach hereof, the non-prevailing Owner shall pay the reasonable attorney's fees (and the reasonable attorneys' fees on appeal) of the prevailing OWner. ARTICLE V MISCELLANEOUS Sec!ion 5.1 Teon and Perpetuity. The agreements, conditions, covenants, and restrictions created and imposed herein shall ba effective upon the date hereof and shall continue in fuD force and effect, to the benefit of and being binding upon all OWners, their Permittees, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, successors-in-title, and assigns unless terminated by the consent of all the Owners pursuant to a writing recorded in the real property records of the county and state in which the Parcel is located. Said agreements and restrictions shall be unaffected by any change in the ownership of any real property covered by this CEA or by any change of use, demolition, reconstruction, expansion or other Circumstances, except as specified herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the easements contained herein binding and benefiting the Parcels shall be perperual and shall run with the land. Upon termination of the agreements, conditions, covenants and restrictions of this CEA, all rights and privileges derived from and all duties and obligations created and imposed by the provisions of this CEA, except as related to the easements cited and mentioned herein, which are a legal necessity shall terminate and have no further force or effect SectIon 5.2 OWners. Amendment This CEA may be amended with the written consent of all of the Section 5.3 Notices. Any notice or invoice required or permitted to be given under this CEA shall ba in writing and shall be deemed to have been given upon deposit in the United Slates Mail as Certified Mail, Rerum Receipt Requested, postage prepaid or deposit with a nationally recognized overnight delivery service, and addressed to the Party baing notified at the address given below (or such other address which any party may designate for itself from time to time hereafter by written notice to the other Party): Renton Northwest: lesSchwab: James P. Shipman 175 East 400 South, Suite 402 SaH Lake City, Utah 84111 Mr. Dave Husk Director of Development Las Schwab Tire Centers P.O. Box 667 646 tlW Madras Highway Prineville, OR 97754 SectIon 5.4 Seyerablfrtv. In the event any provision or portion of this CEA Is held by any court of competent Jurisdiction to be Invalid or unenforceable, such holding will not affect the remainder hereof, and the remaining provisions shell continue in full force and effect to the same extent as would have been the case had such Invalid or unenforceable provision or portion never baen a part hereof. PECO ___ La Sdlwab __ Agr<cmentO).DOC 6 Renton, SectIon 5.5 No Public Dedication. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or implied to be a gift, grant or dedication of any Parcel or any portions thereof, to the general public. or for any public use or purpose whatsoever. Except as may be specifICally provided herein, no right, prMleges or immunities of any Owner hereto shall inure to the benefit of any third-party, nor shall any third-party be deemed or considered to be a beneficiary of any of the provisions herein contained. Section 5.6 Counteroarts. This CEA may be executed In one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all such counterparts shall constitUte one and the same instrument Section 5.7 Relationship of the Parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed or Interpreted as creating a partnership, Joint enterprise or joint venture between or among the Parties hereto or the Owners. It Is understood that the relationship between the Parties hereto and Owners is an arms length one that shall at all times be and remain that of separate owners of real property. No Party hereto nor any Owner shall have the right to act for or on behalf of another Party or Owner, as agent or otherwise, unless expressly authoriZed to do so by separate written instrument signed by the Party or Owner to be charged or bound, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and delivered this CEA as of the day and year first written above. [Remainder of Page Left Intentionally Blank; Signatures on Followlng Pages] 7 Renton Signature Page for Renton Northwest: STATE OF 01110) COUNTY OF HAMIlTON ) ) ss. RENTON NORTHWEST: Renton -Northwest LLC, :~~~ .. r~oom_ . ame::so..w.,qs I" _ ~r>\.~ Tille' . VICE PRESIDENT ON THIS <+~ day of 5 r:iAI2... --t ,200 before rT\8) . the u[ldersigned, a Nota/y Public In and for said County and State, per'SOhally appeared ;:'I" .... "55-~ , to me personally knaoNn to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing iIiS~ being ~l]18first . duly sworn, stated that he/she Is the VICE PSESlQENT of ~ ~ t../,.C ~iiQii~ii:4l_:g;,~and that heiMe-executed such instrument on behalf of said eeF!lOlstisR by ?'oI#I;Fitf Dfe..t...~ ill ~gaFi sf lIi~, and said person foIpknowledged to me that he/she executed such instrument as the I act and deed of said QIIFPorptjan. ~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal the day and year last above written. A ~ . of Notary Public ~ dpli12 Printed Name: My Commission Expires: 8 Signature Page for Lee Schwab: STATE OF OREGON )ss. County of Crook This instrument was acknowledged before me on Av~v.st ~ q ,2008 by Sleven L Bjorvlk as Trustee of the Les Schwab Profit Sharing ReUrement Trust 9 OFACIAL SEAL BONNIE M MCCOY NOTARY PIJBUC-orr,,::,: ',-., COMMISSQN NO. Il'ii ..... L-.::MY~COM=M;::tS:;::S\O:.:;:.:..N EX;:;;;"P1;;,;;RE~~22~: ~ •. ' Schedyle I Legal Description Renton Northwest Parcel PARCEL A: LOT 1 OF SHORT PLAT NO. SH-PL-084-83, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 840n39001; (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1 OF LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA-Il11-88, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8810119002); SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCELB: THE SOUTH 140 FEET OF THE NORTH 182 FEET OF THE EAST 160 FEET OF THE WEST 190 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W. M., RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON 10 Schedule" Legal Description les Schwab Parcel LOTS 2 AND 3 OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 011-88, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8810119002, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY AUDITOR; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON 11 · . = --- PARCEL NO. 5182100016 TAX PARCEl NO. 5\821000\0 LES SCHWAB PARCEL ~SSSI. 1<777='7777$'7777.7'777;_"" buffer EXISTING LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE 120' ~ ___ I WALGREENS -LES SCHWAB [J:!l o 30' 60' RENTON. WA Wli 1" = 60' , I Denis Law Mayor June 1, 2009 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 15th Avenue NE Stanwood, WA 98292 SUBJECT: Surety Device Amount Walgreens on NE 4th Street City of Renton File LUA08-014 Dear Mr. Thompson: Based on the two contracts (attached) I received for maintenance and monitoring for the NE 4th Street Walgreens mitigation project, the total amount of your surety device is $57,248.45. The specific breakdown is as follows: Maintenance (Environmental Systems) Monitoring (TES) TOTAL @125% $19,248.76 $26,550.00 $45,798.76 $57,248.45 This amount is deemed sufficient to guarantee that structures, improvements, and mitigation required by permit condition will perform satisfactorily for a minimum offive (5) years after they have been completed. Please come to the 6 th Floor of Renton City Hall to pay the surety device. Thank you for your diligent work in protecting Renton's critical areas. Once I have received a receipt for the surety device, I will issue a letter signaling the start your five- year monitoring program. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee, Associate Planner Current Planning Division Enclosure cc: City of Renton File LUA08-014 Amber Hoffman, Secretary II Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov , -------------.... _ ...... . Proposal for Phillips Edison & Company Environmental Systems (ES) Proposal for Renton Walgreens Annual WetJand Buffer Main1lmance Proposal Date: May 25, 2009 (Revised) 1.0 lIiDanc:lal Ofter S1DDIIUU')' DEVELOPMENT PLA( . "'," ClTY OF RENTO JUN 01 2Ot, RECEIVED Provided is breakdown oflho cost as defined below for service to be provide far the Renton Wals-ns as called far in the 4'" & UDiOD ConceptoaI Buffer Mitiglllion Plan.. 1.1 WIItwIDa of IDstalIed Native Trees and Shrubs as ueeded. The site bas an insIaIIed spmy irrigation system; ES will monitor plants for signs of streas and recommend increase in watering using the existing system. ES will coordinate with genenllmdscape majotcmance contraetorfarirrigation sysIImi opeIatinginstructions. If the system becomes non-operational ES will truck water into site for plants. It is anticipated that the closo proximity of the paved parIdng area to the buffer strip will result in hot and dry conditions for the plants noquiring addition water. Monitoring ofplaut80vay 2 weeks from lune 15to October 15. $Ipclude<' in Anona] M,Wtm"P Cost Walering of plants r:very 2 weeks from Il1De 15 to October 15, using, existing irrigation sysIIm1. S 25.00 per hgur Watering of plants way 2 weeks from June 15 to Octobec IS, using truck to water. s 100.00+ Water !Xl!!t 1.Z Remcmll ofNailllace WeecJa. Removal of nni_ weeds by band grubbing and pulling and removal from site during the months of April, June, August. October. The adjacent off site wetland and buffilr are eumatIy badly overgrown with Himalayau blackbeay Qlubus tIi8ctJIq,) and can be expected to encroach on the Walgreems aim. Nulsance Weed Control (4x in growing season) Nuiaaoce Weed Control additional visits 1.3 Remcmll ofNolliou Weeds. $lprlnded in Annpa1 Mein1M'P9' Cost Removal of DOldous weeds by band grubbing and pulling and removal from am. during the mon1hs of April, luoe, August. October. The lIljacent off site wetland and buffer are not being majutainod and tho following King County Noxious Weeds were observed: Sulia-cinquefoil (Potmtilla recta) and ScotlI broom (CyItf8u.r 6COpQI"hI8) and 0IIIl be expected to encroach on the WaIpens site. ErwIronmentaI System8 PropoeaI !or RenIon Walgreens. Weiland Buffer Ma!nlenance. -_._----------------_._._-_ ... Noxious Weed Comrol (4x in growing season) Noxious Weed Comrol additional visits 1.4 Removal of Garbage and Debris. $IpglndM in ApmWl 'MBjpten.PM Cost R.emoval of garbage and debris from site during the \JIOII1hs of April, JUDe, August,. October R.emoval of garbage and debris (4x in growing -!on) R.emoval of garbage and debris additIogal visits I.S Alma" Maiateure SIm'm"" in Annu•l Wntrmm20 Cost Meillte".""", ofWetIand Buffer area to iDclude $' 1.1. 1.2.. 1.3. and 1.4. ~ will. be ... . proYided four (4) times during the growing _ the (;outlld.d prices. AMjtjonaI, maintmancc visits will be billed at a time and IIIIIlIIrial rate as • Regular malntiman.,. will take place duriog . the montha of Apri1, JUDe, August. and Ootobet. j Amma1 Maitunance (4x in growing season) 1.6 PIIIIlt ltepIaft tnt Gaaraatee. Roplacemoat ofllb trees aad sbmba withiD the area based ou survivabilily. P1anting of contoiDerized plant material (2 gal. trees and 1 gal. sllrullIi) will take place in the filii fuIlowiDg monitoring 8IId coontinaIian with biologist. hpIacamrmt cost ODe time full repJecement cost and contingency .. 1.7 I'ayJoeat SeJaedale. The payment sohed1uo fur Ammal Maintenance l'rojP,am (1.5) is OttO payment of$7oo.oo in April, and three pay!IICIIlB of S6OO.oo (hmo, August. and Octo*"). Plant repJecement cost will be biIJed as necesaary following fillllIlOIIitoriDg. I AddiIional1lJllChednlecl majntenanco will be biIJed atjtime of service at tho coubllelllioi prico for time and 1IlIIIaIals. ' 1.8 PrIee Proleetloa. -' • Environmontal Systems price quote is firm for thl' first two years. Futuro rates for years beyond will not exceed 3% per year. Tho contract price maybe: adjusled at the conclusion of year two and each subsequent year provided that a 3O-day written notioo is given. 1.9 Contract Period. Tho initia1 COlI1ract period shal1 be for five (S)years and run from May IS, 2009 through October 31, 2013. Amwal Contract period shal1 run from May to April each calendar year. 2.0 DeIIverables. Environmenta\ Systems will maintain record of inspection and servioos for coordination with biologist buffa-moni!ori!Ig e1;f~.. " ", "". 2.1 Major RepaIrt md Replaeemllllts. BnvuOiUilEil1llll Systems shall report and receive approval of owner before undertaking any repair or replacemeot of irrigation system, fence, or replacement of plant material, 2.2 Labor. Too" and Supplies. BnvironmaJt!!! Systems shall provide all labor, tools, supplies and supervision for the execution and comp1etion of this contract. 2.3 5-Year Maintenance BoudiDg Cost Tho five (5) year required maintenance and plant replacement oost iDclndlng price increases in years 3-5 is $19,248.76. See break down below. Year Malpteu1nce Coat Plant Replacement Total Cost 1-2009 2,500.00 6,289.69 58,789.69 2-2010 2,500.00 N/A $ 2,500.00 3-2011 2,575.00 N/A $2,575.00 4-2012 2,652.25 N/A $ 2,652.25 5-2013 2.731.82 NlA $2731,82 12,959.07 6,289.69 $ 1.9,248.76 To eDI:1Ite WI pIaN lip ud return the followfDg sIpature page. EnvIronmenIII Sysfaml Proposal for Renton Walgreens. WeUsncl BuftiIr Maintenance. Aareemeat·lJetIr_ EmroameataJ. System.IIDdPhIDIpa EdiIoD & Compaay for Wedalld Buffer MaiDteaaJu:e at the Reutoa WaebiDgtoD WaJgreeus located at 4* and Ullioa. '. . : " .. . J:mrIroumeatlll. 8yItems 'IriII provlde services .. deseribed ID the atIaclaed propoaL ~. (p,OI,oq Date C; . 'l.'! -ctl ~l&' ~~1e-1 • , , I May 8,2009 Phillips Edison & Company 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, lIT 84111 Transmitted by electronic email tocgrzybowski@Phillipsedison.com TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAY 262009 RECEIVED HE: Proposed Scope (or Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation MOnitoring -Revised Walgreens -Renton City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Grzybowski: Thank you for asking Touchstone EcoServices (rES) to provide this proposed scope and budget for the buffer mitigation monitoring proj ect at the new Walgreens store, located on the southeast corner of the NE 41h StreetlUnion Avenue NE intersection in the City of Renton, WashIngton. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. mitigation area is located within the NW \4 Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5E, Willamette Meridian. This scope of work is based on infonnation you provided in emails and during our phone conversations, and in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffor Mitigation Plan prepared by Shannon and Wilson, Inc., dated November 26,2008. I understand that you need to monitor this mitigation area for 5 years in compliance with the City of Renton' s muoicipal code (RMC). This proposed scope presents the tasks and budget for the 5-year monitoring period. The City of Renton requires a minimum of 5 successful years of monitoring and maintenance, and has the discretion of increasing the monitoring period if the performance standards presented in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan are not met in any year. This scope covers only the first five years of conducting field monitoring and preparing the annual monitOling reports as described below. Any additional tasks that the city may require during the five year monitoring period or any additional years of monitoring can be completed under a separate scope and budget, as needed. Field work will be done with at least one field biologist in addition to myself. And additional help may be used during report preparation as needed. 125N.16B·Street Shoreline, WA 981330 Phooe:206-801-71S4 • CeIlPhone:206-251-9536 This scope does not include the as-built inspection, which is addressed in a separate scope and budget. Scope of Work This scope of work provides a brief desCliption of the monitoring tasks. The RMC chapter 4-8- 120.D.23 requires that monitoring be conducted and reports submitted quarterly for the first year and, after that, annually for years 2 through 5. Specific tasks to be implemented during monitoring are specified in sections 7, 8, 9 and lOin the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan. The field monitoring will be done by establishing lO-ft diameter sampling plots every 30 ft. along a longitudinal transect that runs the length of the mitigation area. This sampling method will provide information of the percent cover, survival and health of vegetation that is used to determine whether the success criteria are being met This method is different than the point-intercept method specified in the Final Wefland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan. In a phone conversation on May 6, 2009, Vanessa Dolbec at the City of Renton indicated that the monitoring methodology may be changed as long as the data collected was sufficient to detennine whether the success criteria are met The method that I use is one that has been used for decades for monitoring projects under the scrutiny of the US Army Carps of Engineers with success criteria similar to that required for this buffer mitigation. It requires much less time to collect vegetative data and will save some cost during the field monitoring effort. In addition to collecting vegetative information, wildlife use within the mitigation area will be documented and any conditions that could be detlimental to the success of the mitigation will be recorded. Task I; Year One -Quarterly Monitoring; Four field visits will be conducted during the first year of monitoring. Prior to field monitoring, the initial field forms to be used each monitoring visit to record plant species observed, percent cover of alI native plants and invasive species within sample plots, notes on survival and health of planted material, and notes on potentisl problems throughout the site such as invasive species, erosion issues, herbivory, etc. During the ftrSt site visit, the permanent vegetation sampling transects and photogrsphic stationa will be established (by plscing short stakes at each station) and each planted shrub and tree will be flagged for ease in identifying installed plants in subsequent monitoring visits. Buffer MonitoringIWa1greens_S-21-09 2 Touchstone EcoServices As required by the city, field monitoring will be conducted quarterly and the associated monitoring report will be prepared quarterly. Unless otherwise directed, Touchstone EcoServices will deliver the report to Phillips Edison & Company so they can deliver it to the city for their quarterly submittsl. Each quarterly monitoring visit will include re-flagging planted material if needed and documenting conditions for: • Percent woody plant survival • Percent cover of grasses and herbaceous vegetation (during S1IIll1Iler only) • Percent areal cover of noxious wceds • Photographs at established photo points If any of the success criteria for Year-One are not met, Touchstone EcoServices will contact Phillips Edison & Company to discuss the implications and possible contingency measures. At the end of Year One, a comprehensive plant count will be completed to document plant mortality through the buffer area. This mortality count will be provided to Phillips Edison & Company so that the landscape contractor who installed the material can replace dead vegetation. Replacing these plants will be integral to the success of the mitigation area. Task 2: Years Two through Five -Annual Monitoring Only one field visit will be conducted each year, as specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan. However, I strongly encourage you to have the maintenance contractor conduct a field check of the site each April to identify any problems with herbivory and invasive species. While not required by the city, this informal monitoring can identify problems early in the year and allow adverse conditions to be addressed through maintenance or contingency actions before they become a major detriment to the success of the mitigation area. This is particularly important for invasive species control as your site is so small and it requires vigilaoce and regular maintenance to ensure that you meet that success criteria. In late summer, Touchstone EcoServices will conduct formal monitoring at the site. Conditions documented will include: • Percent woody vegetation survival within the sampling transects • Percent areal coverage of vegetation, including both installed and volunteer vegetation • Percent areal coverage of noxious weeds • Wildlife using the mitigation area Buffer MonitoringlWaigreens_S-21-09 3 TouchsooneEcoSenn~ • Annual photographs at established photo points • Conditions detrimental to the success of the mitigation area The annual monitoring report will be prepared each year and will include data evaluation of vegetation and percent cover colleeted at the monitoring transects, photographs taken at photo stations, invasive species presence and extant throughout the site, a description of any problems at the site and contingency options to rectify adverse conditions. Each year the collected infonnation will be evaluated using the success criteria specified in the mitigation report to verifY the evolving success of the mitigation. If any of the success criteria for a given year are not met, Touchstone EcoServices will contact Phillips Edison & Company to discuss the implications and possible contingency measures. Touchstone EcoServices will send one copy of each annual report to Phillips Edison & Company. This scope also includes the final meeting at the end of Year Five with regulatory agencies during the acceptance process of the successful mitigation. Assumptions My assumptions in preparing this scope and cost estimate include the following: • Phillips Edison & Company will set up a separate contract with a Landscape Contractor familiar with native restoration projects to do the maintenance necessary to ensure the mitigation area meets the perfonnance standards. • If any of the success criteria for a given year are not met, Touchstone EcoScrvices will contact Phillips Edison & Company to discuss the implications and possible contingency measures to include in the annual monitoring report. • Unless directed otherwise, Touchstone EcoScrvices will deliver one hard copy of the monitoring reports to Phillips Edison & Company and Phillips Edison & Company will submit the report to the city. Estimated Schedule After receiving notice to proceed from Phillips Edison & Company, work under this scope can commence following the as-built inspection. Buffer MonitoringIWalgreens_S-21-09 4 Touchstone EcoServices , .1 Terms and Conditions Services will be provided on a time-and-expense basis in accordance with the attached Compensation Schedule and General Conditions, which are hereby made a part of this agreement. The estimated fee for this scope of services is described in the table below; reimbursables are included in each task budget. The estimated fee under this scope and budget is $26,550; which includes cost-of- living increases. ESTIMATED FEE Task 1: Year One Monitoring (4 qtrly visits and reports) Task 2: Years Two through Five Annual Monitoring Wetland Services Total $10,650 15,900 $26,550 If project requirements change, or unforeseen conditions are encountered that require services beyond the scope outlined above, I will bring these to your attention and seek approval for modification to the scope of services and budget, as appropriate, Authorization If you agree to the scope of services described above, please sign the authorization below and return a copy to me. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project, Please give me a call at 206- 801-7154 or on my cell phone at 206-251-9536 if you have questions regarding this proposal or need any additional infonnation. Sincerely, Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Biologist, cert. # 1721 Touchstone EcoServices Attachments: Compensation Schedule General Conditions ButTer MonitoriDglWa1grccns _5-21-09 5 Touchstone EcoServices AUTHORIZATION FOR WETLAND SERVICES FOR THE BUFFER MITIGATION MONITORING RENToNW ALOREENS NE 4TH STREETIUNION AVENUE NE The scope of services and estimated fees described in this May 21, 2009 scope and budget and the attached general conditions and compensation schedule are accepted. date 6 Touchstone EcoServices June 1,2009 Phillips Edison & Company 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Attn: Chris Grzybowski Transmitted by electronic email tocgrzvbowski@phillipsedison.com RE: Addendum to As-Built Evaluation Letter (dated May 24, 2009) Walgreens -Wetland & Stream Buffer Mitigation City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Grzybowski: TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES This letter serves as an addendum to the As-Built Evaluation letter dated May 24, 2009, regarding installation of the wetland and stream buffer mitigation area at the Walgreens, located on the southeast comer of the NE 4th StreetJUnion Avenue NE intersection in the City of Renton, Washington. Since the writing of the May 24th evaluation letter, the recommendations presented in the letter have been implemented. On May 29, 2009, Touchstone EcoServices conducted a second site visit with the landscape contractor and construction manager present to review the actions implemented in the mitigation area. The mitigation area now meets the approved installation specifications provided in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan, dated November 2008. The recent mitigation actions are summarized below. Attachment A presents photographs taken during the latest site visit. 1) The mitigation design called for 317 plantings using seven native tree and shrub species. While three plants were missing as shown on the planting plan, there were extra plants installed in other parts of the mitigation area. A total of 324 native plantings were observed during this as-built inspection, (see page 7 in Attachment A for locations of missing and extra plants). Recommended Action: None. May 29'! Action: None needed. 2) Five of the mock orange plantings appear to be dead at this time. Recommended Action: None. Wait until the first monitoring visit this summer to see if the plants re-sprout from the base. If they do not, they can be replaced at that time. This recommendation is contingent on the City being in agreement that some mortality during the first monitoring visit is acceptable as long as the plants are replaced prior to the fall monitoring visit. 125 N. 168m Street Shoreline'. \1',\ 'lX11'. Phone: 206-801·7154. Cell Phone: 206-251-9536 May 21)l!! Action: None needed. 3) Nine Scouler willow were used to substitute for big-leaf maple in the southern portion of the site. Recommended Action: None. This substitution is acceptable as the willow will provide tree canopy structure to the buffer and will provide the same shade and wildlife habitat in the buffer as the maple would have. Pages 1-5 in Attachment A indicate the location and species of substitutions. May 21)l!! Action: None needed. However, approximately 3 stressed maple trees were replaced with healthy specimens. 4) An ornamental tree has been planted in the wide portion of the buffer mitigation area. It is a Fraxinus penn. 'Summit Ash', the same tree that was also planting in the parking lot beds. Recommended Action: Only native species may be planted in the mitigation area. This tree will need to be removed. May 21)l!! Action: The ornamental tree was still in the mitigation area at the time of this visit. However, the landscape contractor indicated that the tree will be removed by June 2 nd and soil/mulch will be placed in the resulting hole. 5) Due to the close proximity of the plantings, wood chip mulch was placed throughout the mitigation at the specified 3-inch depth. Mulch was placed directly against the trunks and stems of the woody vegetation. This can result in mildew and/or fungus growth; which causes the eventual death of the plant. Recommended Action: Pull the mulch away from plantings and leave at least 3" of space around the stems and trunks of planted vegetation. May 21)l!! Action: This action was implemented throughout the mitigation area. 6) No hydroseed or broadcast seed mix (as specified in the mitigation plan) was observed in the restoration areas. Recommended Action: None. Due to the close proximity of the planted vegetation it is likely that the trees and shrubs will quickly shade out any grasses. The depth of the existing mulch and leaf cover of existing plantings will serve to protect soils from erosion due to rainfall in most of the mitigation area (the only exception being the area adjacent to offsite steep slopes, which is discussed below). May 21)l!! Action: None needed. 7) Permanent irrigation lines were placed along the length of the mitigation area. However, the spray heads (only a few inches above the soil surface) will likely not be talI enough to deliver the water over the entire restoration as the plantings grow in height. At the time of this inspection, the store was closed and Touchstone EcoServices was not able to test the installed irrigation system. Walgreens -Renton Recommended Action: Raise the spray heads at least two feet. Test the irrigation system by June IS'h at the latest to ensure it will function to provide water throughout the entire mitigation area by July. May 21)l!! Action: The irrigation system was tested at the time of this visit and spray heads were adjusted to provide head-to-head coverage. The current heads rise 6 inches and the irrigation was raised approximately 2 to 6 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration As-Built Addendum inches throughout the site. In addition to raising the system, the rotating spray heads will serve to provide water throughout the mitigation area as currently installed. The irrigation system will be tested annually during years that irrigation is required to ensure that the system is working properly. 8) Fencing and signage required by the city has been installed. Recommended Action: None. May 29'h Action: None needed. 9) Touchstone EcoServices dug shallow soil pits at various locations to see whether soil amendments were implemented as specified in the mitigation plan. Soil preparation did not meet specification over most of the mitigation area. Each area is described below: a. Soils in the northern portion of the mitigation area (soil pits A & B) -One inch or less top soil was placed and only 1 to 3 inches of mulch was placed over fill material consisting of sand, gravel and cobbles. The curb along the west edge of the mitigation area is raised high enough that the required one foot of topsoil could have been placed in the mitigation area. The concrete footings for the fence posts are exposed above the mulch surface in the mitigation area. Plants in this narrow strip have been planted directly into fill material, which has no apparent organic matter. The plants installed in the fill material currently look healthy. But as soon as the summer drought occurs, no amount of irrigation will support a healthy plant community that will meet the success criteria for Yr 2 (see Criteria B on page II of the mitigation report). Recommended Action: Pull out the plantings, add 12 inches of topsoil, re-plant the plantings and replace the mulch. May 29'h Action: Top soil was added through the northern portion of the site and plants re-placed in the top soil. In addition, jute matting was placed over the top soil and pinned along the resulting slopes from the fence line along the east side of the mitigation area down to the native soils to the east of the mitigation area. At least 3 inches of mulch was placed over this portion ofthe mitigation area. b. Soil in the widest portion of the mitigation area has the specified soil amendments in most of the area. Along the east fence (Soil pit C), adjacent to the steep slopes, no jute matting was placed, very little top soil and 3" of mulch was placed. Soils immediately adjacent to the slope have started to shift downhill and the root balls on several of the willows are exposed. Recommended Action: Replace top soil along the east edge of the mitigation area to cover plant's root balls. Place jute matting over the top of the soil and mulch along the east edge of the mitigation area (next to the steep slopes) and extending east one to two feet into the adjoining property (and placed around the existing plant stems on the adjoining property). Use metal pins at least I ft. long to pin down the jute mat, pin every 2 ft. on-center. May 29'h Action: Top soil was replaced along the east edge of the mitigation area and jute matting was pinned to the top soil from approximately 18 inches within the mitigation area and extending at least 2 feet down the slope east of the mitigation area. Mulch was replaced. c. Soil in the southern portion (soil pits D, E and F) -Top soil and mulch were placed as specified. However, numerous chunks of concrete and asphalt (up to 5"X 2" X 3") and Walgreens -Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration As-Built Addendum small pieces of rebar are mixed throughout the soil. In addition, a large pile of concrete and asphalt appears to have been recently placed in the buffer just east of the mitigation area (see page 5 in Attachment A for location and dimensions). Since Touchstone EeoServices did not see the site prior to construction, the City will need to determine whether the pile of construction debris is new and, if so, what the required action will be. Recommended Action (within the mitigation area): None. It will be important to observe the plants in this area regularly to determine they need additional irrigation due to the debris in the soil. The top soil will provide the nutrients the plants need and it is anticipated that the plant roots will around the debris in the soil as long as they receive sufficient water. May 21)l!! Action: Construction Manager indicated the pile of debris had been present prior to Walgreen's construction. No action needed. In addition to these recommended actions, Himalayan blackberry encroaching into the mitigation area was also cut back. It is important to note that the mitigation area to the east ofthe Walgreens' mitigation area is over-run with blackberry and Scot's broom. Because the north portion of the Walgreens' mitigation area is so narrow, even with thorough invasive species removal, shade from the planted trees and shrubs will not be sufficient to control invasives encroaching from the east. It will be important for the health of the entire wetland and stream buffer area to have the owner of the buffer to the east (of Walgreens) implement regular and efficient control of the Scot's broom and Himalayan blackberry on their site and to provide sufficient water to the trees and shrubs they have planted in order to help shade out the invasive vegetation. Please let me know if you have any questions about the information presented in this addendum. Sincerely, ~i~J..- Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 ENCL: Attachment A -Current Site Photographs Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration As-Built Addendum Attachment A Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 29, 2009 Ph oto I: Look in g nort h fro m the south end or the mitigation area. b lackberry ha s been c leart-d. Ph o to 4: Look in g north at the north end. Ph o to 2 - Look in g sout h a lo ng th e so uth encl. Blackberry has been clea red. Ph o to 3: Looking so u t h fr o m the nort h end. No ti ce mulch now level wit h curb he ight a nd enc ro aching blackberry h as been c lea red. Ph o to 5: Looking n o rth west at wide s t mitigation area. Ornamenta l tree s till in place, but to be move d b y June 2 nd Bl a ckberry cleared along cast edge. Attachment A Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 29, 2009 . , ~ .... Photo 6: Looking so uth at widest mitigation area. Slope has Photo 7: Repaired s lope to east of mitigation area adjacent Lo creek. been repaired on east fence line and blackberry cleared. Photo 8: Panorama of mitigation area , lookin g east from parking lot. 2 Proposal for Phillips Edison &; CmJpmy Enviromnental Systems (ES) Proposal for Remon WaIgecms Annual WetIand Buffer Maintenance PlOposal Date: May 25, 2009 (Revised) 1.0 FiuDcial Offer SIDIIDIlIrY DEVELQPMI;NT PLAN~/lNO CITY Of-RENTON JUN 01 2009 RECEIVED ProYicled is breakdown of the oost 88 defined below for service to be provide fer !he Renton Wa\greenB 88 called for in the 4'" &; Unicm Conceptual Buffer Mitigation PIan.. 1.1 WatertJaa oflDltalled Native Trees RDd Shmhl .. Deeded. The aile bas an installed spray irrigation system; ES will nvmitor plaats fer signs of IIIress and recommoad me-. in WIIIIIrins using the "'"sting system. ES will cocrdinate with genenllandscape maintJmlD ce conIi'Ictor fer irrigatIcm sysIem Opeiilting instructions. 1f1he IystIIm hecomes IIOIl-OpOI1Itio BS will truck WIdK into lite for plaats. It is anticipated that the clolle poximity of!he paved paddDg area to !he buflir IIIrip will reIIIIlt in bot and dry conditions for the plllJlB roquiring addition wmr. MonitoringofpIIIJIB overy 2 weoks from June IS to October IS. $InclpdM in Ammel Mfpinttg"!90 Cost Walaing ofplllJlB every 2 weeks from June IS to October IS, using. existing irrigation sysIrm. $ 2S,oopcrbow WIlKing ofpllDll every 2 weeks fromlune 15 to October IS,IlIiDgtndtto water. $ 100,00+ WaIq!l2!t 1.Z llnumd ofN1IiIuc:e Weed& Removal of nni_ weeds by band grubbing and pulling and romovaI from site during !he mon1hs of April, lUDe, Aagust, October. The adjacent off site wetbmd and buflir are cummtIy badly overgrown with Himalayan blackbeny (Rubu.s di8color) and can be expected to CIICI'08ICh on the Wa\greenB site. NulaaDce W-t Coatrol (4x in growing season) $Ipr.1pdod in Annual MeintegpGC! Cost NulaaDce W-t Coatrol additional visi1J 13 RemcmIIofNo:douWeeda. Removal of noxious weeds by band grubbing and pulling and romovaI from site during the mon1hs of April, 1-. Aagust, October. The ..:ljacant off site wetbmd and buflir are DOt being majntained and the fo11owin&King County Noxious Woods were observed: Sulfer cinquefoil (PotmtlIla recIa) and ScoIB broom (ey.tInt8lCOp<11'h18) and am be expected to encroach on the WaIgJ=ruI site. EmIIalJli'Wio1ll9j:"',. PIOpoeaI for RenIon Walgreen •. Wetland Butrer Malntenl!lilce. I ---------------- Noxious Wood CoDIrol (4x in growing season) Noxious Wood CoDIrol additional visits 1.4 RemcmU of Garbage aDd Debris. SIpgl"dod in Annu.) MeinmnM9' Cost Removal of garbage and debris from site during the months of Apri1, JIIIlO, August. October R.emovaI ofgarbage and debris (4xin growing season) Removal of garbage and debris add.itiooa1 visits $Ipp1"dM in ARDP'l M'j"""npM Cost 1.5 Almul MaiP .. • .... MainIeiiaDCe ofWetland Buffer ..... to iDcJude paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4. ~ willbo proYidod four (4) timet during the growing season at the umtrided prices. Additioaa1, majntmanM visits will be billed at a time and mmrial rate as indicated. Regular majnterumce will1llke p1ace during - 1ho months of Apri1, hme, August, and October. AnmW Main .... moe (4x in growing oeason) $ __ ~b~500~.OO~ ______ _ R.ep1acemeat of like trees and sbrubs wiIhin the buffer area based 011 survivability. PlaDt!og of coutaincrized plant IIIlIIarial (2 gal. trees and 1 gal. shrubs) willlllb p1ace in 1ho fall following monitoring and coordiDatiOJl with bioJosist. hplacement cost is for OlIO time fill) rep) .......... cost and cmrtinrcy .. TASK ASSOCIATED COST 40 trees (OF, BLM) and installation ($37.50 each) 3+ft, 2-ga)lon $ 1 500.00 75 trees (SW) 8IId 202 shrubs (IP ,MO,TOG,NR) and in.atal!ation i$12.75 each) 12+' -'-l-willon 1)01: $ 3,531.75 SUB-TOTAL 55031.75 25% 51,257.94 PLANT REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE TOTAL W; "JIG",!, 1.7 Paymaat Sclaedllle. The payment schedule for Annual Maintenance Program (1.5) is ODe payment of$700.00 io Apri1, and threepaymemaofS600.00 (hme, August, and October). Plantrerlacemeotcostwill be billedu necessary following fall monitoriDg. AddlIional UDBChednled majrrtnumce will be billed at time of aavice at the c:onIracIed prico for time and 1IIIIIeriaIB. 1.8 Price ProDctIOII. Enlllronrr1.m.I ~ PropOI8I for RanfDn We/greeno. Wetland Buffer MalnI8nanoe. " • BnviroDmol1tal SystemI price quoto is finn for the first two years. Future rates for years beyond will not exc-I3% per year. Tho contract price maybe IUljusIed at tho conclusion of year two and each subsoquent year provided that a 3O-day WI"ittrn naIico is givllll. 1.9 Colltraet Period. The ini1ial con1rICtperiod shall bo for five (5) years and run from May IS, 2009 throughOctobor 31, 2013. Annual ContIIIct period shall run from May to Apri1 each calendar year. 2.0 DeUverabIeI. BnviroDmol1tal Systems will m.inlain =oro of inspection and services for coordiDatiOll with biologist buffer 1IIOIIi1ori!Ig~. , ' ,_ .". . 2.1 MaJor.Repaln and Replacemeats. En"noiljueulBl Systems shall report and receive approval of owner boforo undenIking my repair 01' replacemem ofirription system, feaco, 01' replacement of plant material, 2.2 Labor, Tools and Sapplhs. Enviromnmtal Systems shall provide all labor, tools, supplies and lIIlpe!"\'ision fOl' the execution and compl<llioo of1his COIltract. The five (5) year required majntenancvl and plant repla-' coat including price mer-in years 3-5 is $19,248.76. Soo break down below. Year MalateIwK:e Cost Plant Repla.-t Total Cost 1-2009 2,500.00 6,289.69 $8,789.69 2-2010 2,500.00 N/A $ 2,500.00 3-2011 2,575.00 N/A $2,575.00 4-2012 2,652.25 N/A $ 2,652.25 5-2013 2,731.82 NlA $2,731.82 12,959.07 6,289.69 $19,2476 To Gee1Ite tbis plaH lip aDd ntunl the followIDg slpatare pIIIIe. ApwmeatlletwMD EJmroJuautal Syatems and PhlIIIpe Ec\iaoD '" Compuy lor Wetlud Batrer . Malnlunce at the lUufOll W8IbJDatoa WalgreeDB loafed at'" and Ullioa. '. , : " .' , ElI'ffroameatal S)'WIemI will proricle services as described In the attaclIed propMal. -tJe.J. Date C; . 'l-, ·cfl ~. ~i~1e...\ Er1't.raI ..... ,1aI ~ PmpooaIiIr Renton Walgreens. Wetland I!uII8r MIIInIenance. I May8,2009 Phillips Edison & Company 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Transmitted lrv electronic email tocmybowski@ohillipsedison.com TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAY 2 62009 RECEIVED RE: Proposed Scope (or Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Monitoring -Re~sed Walgreen, -Renton City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Grzybowski: Thank you for asking Touchstone EcoServices (TES) to provide this proposed scope and budget for the buffer mitigation monitoring project at the new Walgreens store, located on the southeast corner of the NE 4111 StreetlUnion Avenue NE intersection in the City of Renton, Washington. The approximately 4,600 square-ft. mitigation area is located within the NW \<\ Section IS, Township 23 North, Range 5E, Willamette Meridian. This scope of work is based on information you provided in emails and during our phone conversations, and in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan prepared by Shannon and Wilson, Inc., dated November 26, 2008. I understand that you need to monitor this mitigation area for 5 years in compliance with the City of Renton' s municipal code (RMC). This proposed scope presents the tasks and budget for the 5-year monitoring period. The City of Renton requires a minimum of 5 successful years of monitoring and maintenance, and has the discretion of increasing the monitoring period if the perfonnance standards presented in the Final Wetland and Stream B,q[er Mitigation Plan are not met in any year. This scope covers only the first five years of conducting field monitoring and preparing the annual monitoring reports as described below. Any additional tasks that the city may require during the five year monitoring period or any additional years of monitoring can be completed under a separate scope and budget, as needed. Field work will be done with at least one field biologist in addition to myself. And additional help may be used during report preparation as needed. 125 N. 168* Street Sho"'line, WA 98133. Phoo", 206-801·7154 • Cen Phone: 20&-251·9536 llris scope does not include the as-built inspection, which is addressed in a separate scope and budget. Scope of Work. llris scope of worle provides a brief description of the monitoring tasks. The RMC chapter 4-8- 120.D.23 requires that monitoring be conducted and reports submitted quarterly for the first year and, after that, annually for yesrs 2 through 5. Specific tasks to be implemented during monitoring are specified in sections 7, 8, 9 and 10 in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan. The field monitoring will be done by establishing 10-ft diameter sampling plots every 30 ft. along a longitudinal transect that runs the length of the mitigation area llris sampling method will provide information of the percent cover, survival and health of vegetation that is used to determine whether the success criteria are being met. llris method is different than the point-intercept method specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan. In a phone conversation on May 6, 2009, Vanessa Dolbee lit the City of Renton indicated that the monitoring methodology may be changed as long as the data collected was sufficient to determine whether the success criteria are met. The method that I use is one that has been used for decades for monitoring projects under the scrutiny of the US Army Corps of Engineers with success criteria similar to that required for this buffer mitigation. It requires much less time to collect vegetative data and will save some cost during the field monitoring effort. In addition to collecting vegetative information, wildlife use within the mitigation area will be documented and any conditions that could be detrimental to the success of the mitigation will be recorded. Task 1: Year One -Quarterly Monitoring: Four field visits will be conducted during the first year of monitoring. Prior to field monitoring. the initial field forms to be used each monitoring visit to record plant species observed, percent cover of all native plants and invasive species within sample plots, notes on survival and health of planted material, and notes on potential problems throughout the site such as invasive species, erosion issues, herbivory, etc. During the first site visit, the permanent vegetation sampling transects and photographic statiODll will be established (by placing short stakes at each station) and each planted shrub and tree will be flagged for ease in identifying installed plants in subsequent monitoring visits. Buffer MonitoringIWalgreens _5-21-09 2 Touchstone EcoServi""" As required by the city, field monitoring will be conducted quarterly and the associated monitoring report will be prepared quarterly. Unless otherwise directed, Touchstone EcoServices will deliver the report to Phillips Edison & Company so they can deliver it to the city for their quarterly submittal. Each quarterly monitoring visit will include re-flagging planted material if needed and documenting conditions for: • Percent woody plant survival • Percent cover of grasses and herbaceous vegetation (during summer only) • Percent area1 cover of noxious weeds • Photographs at established photo points If any of the success criteris for Year-One are not met, Touchstone EcoServices will contact Phillips Edison & Company to discuss the implications and possible contingency measures. At the end of Year One. a comprehensive plant count will be completed to document plant mortality through the buffer area. This mortality count will be provided to Phillips Edison & Company so that the landscape contractor who installed the material can replace dead vegetation. Replacing these plants will be integral to the success of the mitigation area. Task 2: Years Two through Five -Annual Monitoring Only one field visit will be conducted each year, as specified in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan. However. I strongly encourage you to have the maintenance contractor conduct a field check of the site each April to identifY any problems with herbivory and invasive species. While not reqnired by the city. this informal monitoring can identifY problems early in the year and allow adverse conditions to be addressed through maintenance or contingency actions before they become a major detriment to the success of the mitigation area. This is particularly important for invasive species control as yoor site is so small and it requires vigilance and regular maintenance to ensure that you meet that success criteria. In late summer, Touchstone EcoServices will conduct formal monitoring at the site. Conditions documented will include: • Percent woody vegetation survival within the sampling transects • Percent area1 coverage of vegetation, including both installed and volunteer vegetation • Percent areal coverage of noxious weeds • Wildlife using the mitigation area 3 Touchstone EcoServices • Annual photographs at established photo points • ConditiOllB detrimental to the success of the mitigation area The annual monitoring report will be prepared each year and will include data evaluation of vegetation and percent cover collected at the monitoring transects, photographs taken at photo stations, invasive species presence and extent throughout the site, a deacription of any problems at the site and contingency options to rectifY adverse conditions. Each year the collected information will be evaluated usiog the success criteria specified io the mitigation report to verify the evolving success of the mitigation. If any of the success criteria for a given year are not met, Touchstone EcoServices will contact Phillips Edison & Company to discuss the implications and possible contiogency measures. Touchstone EcoServices will send one copy of each annual report to Phillips Edison & Company. This scope also iocludes the final meeting at the end of Year Five with regulatory agencies during the acceptance process of the successful mitigation. Assumptions My assumptions in preparing this scope and cost estimate include the following: • Phillips Edison & Company will set up a separate contract with a Landscape Contractor familiar with native restoration proj ects to do the maintenance necessary to ensure the mitigation area meets the performance standards. • If any of the success criteria for a given year are not met, Touchstone EcoServices will contact Phillips Edison & Company to discuss the implications and possible contingency measures to include io the annual monitoring report. • Unless directed otherwise, Touchstone EcoServices will deliver one hard copy of the monitoring reports to Phillips Edison & Company and Phillips Edison & Company will submit the report to the city. Estimated Schedule After receiving notice to proceed from Phillips Edison & Company, work under this scope can commence following the as-built inspection. 4 Touchstone BeoServices Terms and Conditions Services will be provided on a time-and-expense basis in accordance with the attached Compensation Schedule and General Conditions, which are hereby made a part of this agreement. The estimated fee for this scope of services is described in the table below; reimbursables are included in each task budget. The estimated fee under this scope and budget is $26,550; which includes cost-of- living increases. ESTIMATED FEE Task 1: Year One Monitoring (4 qtrly visits and reports) Task 2: Years Two through Five Annual Monitoring Wetland Services Total $10,650 15.900 $26,550 If pft!iect requirements change, or unforeseen conditions are encountered that require services beyond the scope outlined above, I will bring these to your attention and seek approval for modification to the scope of services and budget, as appropriate. Authorization If you agree to the scope of services described above, please sign the authorization below and return a copy to me. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please give me a call at 206- 801-7154 or on my cell phone at 206-251-9536 if you have questions regarding this proposal or need any additional infonnation. Sincerely, Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Biologist, cert. # 1721 Touchstone EcoServices Attachments: Compensation Schedule General Conditions 5 Touchstone EcoScrvices AurnORIZATION FOR WETLAND SERVICES FOR THE BUFFER MITIGATION MONITORING RENTON W ALGREENS NE 4TH STREETfUNION AVENUE NE The scope of services and estimated fees described in this May 21, 2009 scope and budget and the attached general conditions and compensation schedule are accepted. date Buffer MonitoriDg/Walgrcens_S-21-09 6 Touchstone EcoScrvices May 24, 2009 Phillips Edison & Company 175 E 400 South, Suite 402 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Attn: Chris Grzybowski Transmitted by electronic email tocgrzvbo\\s~ifa)phillipsedison.com RE: As-Built Evaluation for the Wetland & Stream Buffer Mitigation Walgreens City of Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Grzybowski: TOUCHSTONE ECOSERVICES DEVELOPMENT PLAN;";-- CITY OF RENTOI'-' MAY 262009 RECEIVED Touchstone EcoServices (TES) is pleased to provide this evaluation of the as-built conditions at the wetland and stream buffer restoration area at the Walgreens, located on the southeast comer of the NE 4th Street/Union Avenue NE intersection in the City of Renton, Washington within the NW V. Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5E, Willamette Meridian.. The restoration has been done to meet critical area buffer requirements in compliance with the City of Renton's (City's) code. A site visit was conducted at the recently installed mitigation area on May 23, 2009 to observe and document the as-built conditions. The mitigation plan and installation specifications had been prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. in the Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan, dated November 2008. The planting layout and specifications presented in that report were used to evaluate the plants, plant layout, and soil preparation at the mitigation site. A brief discussion of Touchstone EcoService's observations is provided below. Where existing conditions could interfere with meeting the success criteria, recommended actions are listed. Attachment A presents a hand sketch of the plant and soil conditions observed during the May 23, 2009 site visit. Attachment B presents photographs taken during the site visit. I) The mitigation design called for 317 plantings using seven native tree and shrub species. While three plants were missing as shown on the planting plan, there were extra plants installed in other parts of the mitigation area. A total of 324 native plantings were observed during this as-built inspection, (see page 7 in Attachment A for locations of missing and extra plants). Recommended Action: None. 125 N. J68 1h Street Shoreline. \~.\ YSI.1.1. Phone; 206·801·7154-• Cell Phone; 206-251-9536 2) Five of the mock orange plantings appear to be dead at this time. Recommended Action: None. Wait until the first monitoring visit this summer to see if the plants re-sprout from the base. !fthey do not, they can be replaced at that time. This recommendation is contingent on the City being in agreement that some mortality during the first monitoring visit is acceptable as long as the plants are replaced prior to the fall monitoring visit. 3) Nine Scouler willow were used to substitute for big-leaf maple in the southern portion of the site. Recommended Action: None. This substitution is acceptable as the willow will provide tree canopy structure to the buffer and will provide the same shade and wildlife habitat in the buffer as the maple would have. Pages 1-5 in Attachment A indicate the location and species of substitutions. 4) A ornamental tree has been planted in the wide portion of the buffer mitigation area. It is a Fraxinus penn. 'Summit Ash', the same tree that was also planting in the parking lot beds. Recommended Action: Only native species may be planted in the mitigation area. This tree will need to be removed. 5) Due to the close proximity of the plantings, wood chip mulch was placed throughout the mitigation at the specified 3-inch depth. Mulch was placed directly against the trunks and stems of the woody vegetation. This can result in mildew and/or fungus growth; which causes the eventual death of the plant. Recommended Action: Pull the mulch away from plantings and leave at least 3" of space around the stems and trunks of planted vegetation. 6) No hydroseed or broadcast seed mix (as specified in the mitigation plan) was observed in the restoration areas. Recommended Action: None. Due to the close proximity of the planted vegetation it is likely that the trees and shrubs will quickly shade out any grasses. The depth of the existing mulch and leaf cover of existing plantings will serve to protect soils from erosion due to rainfall in most of the mitigation area (the only exception being the area adjacent to offsite steep slopes, which is discussed below). 7) Permanent irrigation lines were placed along the length of the mitigation area. However, the spray heads (only a few inches above the soil surface) will likely not be tall enough to deliver the water over the entire restoration as the plantings grow in height. At the time of this inspection, the store was closed and Touchstone EcoServices was not able to test the installed irrigation system. Recommended Action: Raise the spray heads at least two feet. Test the irrigation system by June 15 th at the latest to ensure it will function to provide water throughout the entire mitigation area by July. 8) Fencing and signage required by the city has been installed. Walgreens -Renton 2 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration As-Built Evaluation Recommended Action: None. 9) Touchstone EcoServices dug shallow soil pits at various locations to see whether soil amendments were implemented as specified in the mitigation plan. Soil preparation did not meet specification over most ofthe mitigation area. Each area is described below: a. Soils in the northern portion of the mitigation area (soil pits A & B) -One inch or less top soil was placed and only I to 3 inches of mulch was placed over fill material consisting of sand, gravel and cobbles. The curb along the west edge of the mitigation area is raised high enough that the required one foot of topsoil could have been placed in the mitigation area. The concrete footings for the fence posts are exposed above the mulch surface in the mitigation area. Plants in this narrow strip have been planted directly into fill material. which has no apparent organic matter. The plants installed in the fill material currently look healthy. But as soon as the summer drought occurs, no amount of irrigation will support a healthy plant community that will meet the success criteria for Yr 2 (see Criteria B on page II of the mitigation report). Recommended Action: Pull out the plantings, add 12 inches of topsoil, re-plant the plantings and replace the mulch. b. Soil in the widest portion of the mitigation area has the specified soil amendments in most of the area. Along the east fence (Soil pit C), adjacent to the steep slopes, no jute matting was placed, very little top soil and 3" of mulch was placed. Soils immediately adjacent to the slope has started to shift downhill and the root balls on several of the willows are exposed. Recommended Action: Replace top soil along the east edge of the mitigation area to cover plant's root balls. Place jute matting over the top of the soil and mulch along the east edge of the mitigation area (next to the steep slopes) and extending east one to two feet into the adjoining property (and placed around the existing plant stems on the adjoining property). Use metal pins at least I ft. long to pin down the jute mat, pin every 2 ft. on-center. c. Soil in the southern portion (soil pits D, E and F) -Top soil and mulch were placed as specified. However, numerous chunks of concrete and asphalt (up to 5"X 2" X 3") and small pieces ofrebar are mixed throughout the soil. In addition, a large pile of concrete and asphalt appears to have been recently placed in the buffer just east of the mitigation area (see page 5 in Attachment A for location and dimensions). Since Touchstone EcoServices did not see the site prior to construction, the City will need to determine whether the pile of construction debris is new and, if so, what the required action will be. Recommended Action (within the mitigation area): None. It will be important to observe the plants in this area regularly to determine they need additional irrigation due to the debris in the soil. The top soil will provide the nutrients the plants need and it is anticipated that the plant Walgreens -Renton 3 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration As-Built Evaluation roots will around the debris in the soil as long as they receive sufficient water. Although not officially required for the as-built inspection, it was observed that Himalayan blackberry is encroaching into the mitigation area from the east throughout most of the mitigation. In addition, blackberry is re-establishing in the southern and central portions within the mitigation area itself, and is already nearly exceeding the success criteria threshold for invasive species cover. Invasive species control will need to be implemented immediately to ensure that success criteria is met at the time of the first monitoring visit. When controlling the blackberry, care should be taken to avoid the common snowberry shoots that are already volunteering in the mitigation area as this native species will contribute to the percent cover desired vegetation. Following through with each of these items will be necessary to meet success criteria for the mitigation area. The City has the discretion to require additional years of monitoring and implementation of contingency actions whenever success criteria are not met in any year. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Phillips Edison & Company and their specific application to the buffer mitigation at the Walgreens store in Renton. The use by others, or for purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. The findings presented herein are based on generally accepted planting methods for critical area restoration and on Touchstone EcoServices' experience and understanding of restoration work within critical area boundaries. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, the findings presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted sensitive area investigation principles and practices in this locality at the time the report was prepared. Touchstone EcoServices makes no other warranty, either express or implied. Please let me know if you have questions or want further information about the observations documented in this letter. Sincerely, ~iLJ.- Diane Brewster Professional Wetland Scientist, cert. # 1721 Walgreens -Renton 4 Touchstone EcoServices Buffer Restoration As-Built Evaluation Walgreens Buffer Mitigation •. _n NE 4th Street and Vnion Avenue ""," Renton,WA \ \ \ 1 J N· ~ 1 \ \ \ 2 Match Line 1 ~~~~~~~ I" ~lck \.. \tot f:,c),l Ii' + ~Il. 'M6~\ Match Line 2 j i \ \ t-4C~cl~~ N\a~ ~J.J~t-6 'JI't---*~ ~,\ p-o~" 3 ;"~ ef' tt>(' 1>O-,l ~l 1'1:>.t.n»ct."""\, '\O\.U .... *(>L ~ ~ £'i.l\ou:. ~ ba\,\s ant.. 4;1. ~. , N , Match Line 4 Match Line 3 2." ..... u\o,\.. \'1." -\oct-k>.l "",itt.. eo·...-cnJ,e....,~~alt a...J 'mQ...~ "",,\'Ud. ""'. J N ~ Match Line 4 5 Match Line 4 ~v\t.r \C,,~ !:.",'.:6\;;~ {O ... ~-~~ --- I I I \ ~~L ~~I.u~ Cor ~-\&J ~i'\a.. ___ t )-- • ;Sf &:1.0. _ ~ --- - PROPOSED WAlGREENS t"7/77m/77/7T/m7/7J77/7~it ~ a --~ a-; l .. SGtowab a r ~ -, ~L4L~<t&'.uUL;::L£.(.L//j 1...-._ . ------ = ---_._---,,-=-..-:..=..:._---------------- 6 Match Line 1 Match Line 3 Match Line 4 1 N l English Name Latin Name Quantity* Size Condition Spacing ~ Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 20 >3-feet 2 gallon 9 feet on center @ Big-leaf maple . Acer macrophyl/um ;0'1\ >3-feet 2 gallon 9 feet on center 0) Scouler willow Salix sCQu/eriana V5s<:> 12+ inches 1 gallon 4 feet on center 0 Indian plum Oem/eria cerasiformis /6Z(" 12+ inches 1-2 gallon 4 feet on center ~ Lewis' mock orange Philadelphus lewisii ~13 12+ inches 1-2 gallon 4 feet on center (t» Tall oregongrape Mahonia aquifo/ium ;i5z.s 12+ inches 1-2 gallon . 4 feet on center 11 Nootka rose Rosa nutkana 77 12+ inches 1-2 gallon 4 feet on center ----------------- * Quantity based on revegetation of 5,912 square feet of area. "--ac. \-uaJ 1i-',;, i'> I.a..r.\....d The planting plan is designed to establish native, non-invasive plant species in the reestablished buffel". The plant species selected for Ibis area are native to the project area and have displayed a high degree of success in similar restoration projects. See Table 1 for the plant species selected and Table 2 for the native seed mix that should be applied The planting plan calls for the installation 0017 native woody plants to be placed throughout the reestablished buffer. Planting should be done by hand in natura\, randomized clusters. All vegetation should be installed the Same day the plants are obtained. Plants that cannot be planted within one day aller arrival should be "heeled in" for protection against drying. For best results, planting should occur dnring the fall or winter seasons (October to February) when piants are most donnant and have Ibe greatest potential for survival. The seed mix should be applied at 80 pounds of pure live seed (PLS) per acre. Based on the area of proposed reestablished buffer (3,030 square feci), this would equal approximately 6 pounds of seed mix required This seed mix will help encourage the introduction of native grass and herbaceous species throughout the reestablished buffer. Seeds must be thoroughly mixed before being hand broadcast throughout the reestablished huffer. For best results, seeding should occur between June and August, assuming irrigation is provided. 7 Benn . ,. Plantlng Mulch Depth -Equals 4 Inches CONTAINER PLANTING DETAIL SEED SPECIFICATIONS FOR RESTORATION AREA English Name Latin Name California brome Bromus carinatus Blue wild rye E/ymus g/aucus Red fescue Festuca rubra ~ Scnsltlve Areas SlgnagefTemplate to be Provided by the City and Reproduced on Aluminum Backing Percent by Weight, PLS· 10% 60% 30% ·PLS = Pure Uve Seed 1--Minimum or Two Gatvanlzed or Stainless Steel Wood Lag Bolts 10 Firmly Secure Sign ---6'±-----· 1'",- I I 2L'-S" A ~I.,. lJ tJl I_I 3" I" I I A K:" '.' A ~ U I: . lJ tJ I_I I_I """ "-12-Conaete FOOlIng. Typ. ~ I'l ~95l\ Compacted SOOg .... or Undl • ....,ed Native Sol SPLIT -RAIl FENCE WITH SENSITIVE AREA SIGN 8 Sources: Shannon & Wilson, Inc. November 26, 2008. Final Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan for Proposed Walgreens at NE 4th Street and Union Avenue in Renton. Washington. Seattle, WA. 21 pp. and: en SHANNONiWILSON. INC. FINAL WETLAND AND STREAM :J: DIllE:; NoW-iit _ GkIt<td'rilcalw'" E~if71f""'" CunHPlnia m OIIAWN: IiiII 400 Norih 341n ~ Sub 100 BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN· m CHECKED: ~I S_.~n9Bl03 -I p.o. eo< lXl303 DETAILED PLANTING PLAN ,ICI!I NO. h=1:1aHtt!11 (2Il6) 63U02(l FAX: (2(16) ~m - 9 Attachment B Walgrccns -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 23, 2009 Phot o I : Loo kin g n o rth fr o m th e so uth e nd of t he miti gati on area. Photo 4: Looking north at the north end. Ph oto 2 - L oo kin g so uth al o ng th c s o uth e nd . Noti ce e ncr oac hin g blackbe rry. Ph o to 3: Loo kin g so uth from the no rth c nd. Not ice cu r b hei g ht to a ll ow fo r spe cified to p soi l ovcr lilll11 ate rial a nd e nc roac hin g blackberry. Photo 5: L o oking north west at widest mitigatIOn area. s peci es. Blackberry is encroaching a lo ng eas t edge . Attachment B Walgreens -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 23, 2009 Photo 6: Looking so uth at widest mitigati o n area. See soil Photo 7: Blackberry re-establi s hing in mitigation area in so uth end. s lumping on east fence line and blackberry encroachment. mitigation. mitigation. (soil pit F) 2 Attachment B Walgrecns -Renton Critical Area Buffer Mitigation Photographs May 23, 2009 Ph o to II: Metal debri s in so il pit F. Photo 13: Fill material (with a little mulch) at north End. Plantings installed directly int o fil l. Phot o 12: A sphalt swept into no rth e nd miti gati o n area from drain con s tructi o n in parking lot. 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in thc exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on March 29, 2008. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $121.80, ~ ;W7?//4 Lfrid<i M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 31 st day of March, 2008. 7 !t£~uh~'~~ate of Washington, Residing NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASffiNGTON The Environmental Review Comminee has issued a Detennination of Non- Significance-Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. Walgreens on NE 4th Street LUA08·014, SA-A, ECF Location: 4105, 4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Avenue NE. The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq. f1. drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 sq. f1.. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq.ft.) There will be four access poinLe;; two from NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. The existing site contains a gas station, the aswciated underground tanks for this existing development will be removed. There is 2.849 S4. fl. uf wetland and stream buffer on site. The intervening parking field between the subject parcels and the existing Lcs Schwab will be revised as a joint parking facility. When combined with the Walgrcens site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 93 parking spaces. Appeals of the environmental detennination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on April 14. 2008. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Remon, 1055 South Grady Way, Remon, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. AdditionaJ infonnation regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office. (425) 430-6510. Published in the Renton Reporter on March 29,2008. #61548. ""'\\11\111 ,-' 1/ .,::. ........ 0 Y DA( \ ~~:1\ ... ",'\\11\11111 Q'A"\ II -,"e.&ION ~i.!ll'~ 'l = ,::.--... \~ ""..,-, " \)' / = .#"~ ... OTA~ ~'~ ~ : t8 ~ J. ~~ s ~c.n%.o ff ~ ~ -' ~ UB\.."" ff <' _ ~ 'Y.,>.""/V"19~'\\ ........ .£ 1....°.: /. .L\. 1/1 -,......... r£ _ I, ""-11 1\\\\\\\', ... ~v , 11// 0,," WASylX ",_ , j I , ,,' ,,,-"- - · ... """0 . .;'; ,r .:.' :~. < -,' ' •• r ' I\j I' i '-1 Ii; r{'j-; SEP 08 ; WH~NRECORDED MAIL' T(i' . " .' :;. I{~li~. i~~an ,,,,.,'Jones Wii140 Hcilbrook & McDonough P.( . '. ,.,,/ 110 South Main StIelit; Suite 1500 ""SaltLake:(:itY; trr 8410 i .. /' ;:" .' '. ..' ..... :. .' .,' .,' ',; ':: ("::oi: ./ .; .. >"" •• ,,-':./ ,,:., /' .. "., ..... . ~. .' ~ . '.' <: :: :<) .:: '" .r .,:::.' .. ~:, :} ./":;" TERMINATIONANDiA.Q'ANl>O'NMEN'fOF IUGHTS, EASEMENTS AND INTERESTS ':;:'. .,,,.' .,' .• ~::/ i,.'. "-,:,. ::;.;: .... /: ~,. $ THIS TEruMNAnol'-i AND ABANDoNMENT Q~ ,1PGHTS, EASEMENTS AND INTEru::STS (this "TertJ1iW¢on qlRi~6ts'~), et~?:ve'a!I,~f~·4, 200~ (~e "Effective f'" Date''), 18 made by RENTON f-NORTHWE8.T LLC, 'Il Dela~ Imllted hablhty company ("Renton Northwest"), and LE~ SCi-IWABP~OF~r'SHAiUNG''RETIREMENT TRUST ("Les Schwab") (individually, a "Party"ahd,col1~ti~ely/the ",p~~"):::' ...... '. "1" .'. ./ .. ''':, ... .... ",,\.: .' ..... Re~tms":""i .. ' ...,.·"...··:".i/',> ¥ ,RentQn Northwest is owner of certain"reaIprQjie~·tOt:ated· inking Cqimty, State of Washingt~li:1!S m~re particularly described in Schedllle l' (t}je "Rentpn N~rt~We~{Property"); and .. /' . ·:,r .i' ... " f ;/' l};/LeSiSc~~P is owner of certain real property·t(j"ca~d.bdJa~n.t'to the Renton NOrthwest propeJ,1'yaild more. particularly described in Schedule II (tlief'Les S~hwab Property"); lihd.. . "., .. ' .' .:. .,' . ')' .-""'\ " .. ;' "':':'., . .i :.~' .;: c:'·" ~t$lt ,to t)ia~/certirin. Easement Agreement recorded under King County Recording Nos. S609~.J,040t'·~d 8810261102 which easements are also described in the City of Renton Lot L~ Adjus~¢nt .No. 00986;"j'llCorded under King County Recording No. 8609229010 and CitY .• of.·ReiJ.ton'Lot tine Adj~ent No. 01188, recorded under King County Recording No. 8810119000~, all. b~ing a portigit o(City of Renton Short Plat No. SH-PL-84-83, the eastern twenty-four feef94'fofthe itentrin N6rth1il~tI>roperty. and the eastern twenty-four feet (24') and southern tweiity~foW"feet (44')r;if the Les :SChwab Property are subject to an Easement for Ingress, Egress andlitilities (th~~()rigin!!,l'AcCess Easement"); and ":':, , . ./ f .(""\: i;...·····,···.:. D. The Parties intend to reeonfigurei·the inJjlro\iernents on':. the Renton Northwest Property and the Les Schwab Property arid.jJi c!'\MI).6tioli th¢reWithiiesire .to terminate the Original Access Easement and replace it with aCr~~ ,A.~~ E!I~!~nt~~~ent,. .: \; ...•.. :. Termination and Abandonment of·~~e~ent-i~ighti· ': .. -' / f.,: ... ". For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and~~ffici~nc~~f::;G.~h is'h~rebi Ji"'/"~)" acknowledged, Renton Northwest and Les Schwab, for themselves·&n4, ... ontiel1alf o.f tbr.ii: ,.~:, ') .' 3':~:./ .' /' " .' .; ./ :";' :: " ~}. ';. .~ :~·.l -,'. " ::.' .... .... /'suc~sS<:lrs and assigns, hereby unconditionally and forever terminate, relinquish and abandon all o(tIlefr d~t,..title and interest in and to the Original Access Easement as of the Effective Date. / ,/' .~. .:',."'" '. ,it .::': .,"'". \",,, .• '''' ,. ", . .' Siinattire page for,Renton Northwest: .,' '", . ,", :. ':', '::'. ".',', .... ,. ;'; ./ .: ,"" " .,' , .... RENTON NORTHWEST: . "Rep.ton -Northwest LLC, , ;~v: eY2 .. liobilRy -- ,> '?&;fx~f. S;~~f<""" " nile:"', / "'i' '::", .. ~,.,.". :".::::,;;. STATE OF _"..:.c", . .".--I.OJlI-(:u.IOw-_ ':;':. HAMILTON ) ) SS, ) , "", vtce PRf;t:lIDENT .... '" :: :;.':';"';' / "',.;.." ./ ":' "'1' , .. ; .... -;' ~."': .. .t .-.\: I :" ,~:'. .:':: ':;" ./' "'::/ ..... ./ ~::'I .~,'''. \'_ :( ./ ',. '",:,,,, .. " """"-.:: t \" ,-,,-' . .'" .,' :.;; -: .~. "., ... ' ':".. . .. ~"-.. :: ,;: ,," ,.:" //Ol'{,~J t!~day of $. p+ , 20~~:fo~ ~~;·th~ wid~~igri~d, a Notary Public in.and for sajd County and State, personally appeared k M ,., ~ St ,Ipa '" , to:-lne ~rs~~ly,~Wii'to. be the person described in and who"ex~¢ \he foregoing in~trunl(ilit;,who~.,b~g brmeTrrst duly sworn, stated that heJshe is the \.ttqF P~ES'9E~/T of~<I!~toJ...-~. LLLL , and that heJ. executed such mstrument on behalf'ofs.aid~*~~$l'ity~fits 'e;;;'EI ofdiree*91'1l, and said person acknowledged to me that heJslie ex:~~,~ch,.~irum~nt as. the act and deed of said CeFf)eftHi9ft, Q.I.l--+i +..j , IN WI~ WJIE~Of:"~ ~itv~,hei~~ set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last abovci'Writt¢n. .', ....• i" ;". ,-,-' . ':, ... '. Notary Pl,Iblic / . Printed Narrrt( My Commission Expires: ,': ." .. ,. ;: ..... , ..... "'., ,- "" .. '-.... ". .. .. .;f ). 3"~;.,/ .~' .;: :'Sig1l~t~ Page for Les Schwab: .-" ,;' -' . :;. ..,l -'\,. _I"" . "" .......... . ,' : "" .... ,:' ... , . .. ,.,. :: .J ," .. ~: .' j' -::. ./' STATE OF Ot&OOfi' County of Crook <,) .....• / •. ) :' .-"" .. ,: .,Y .•.. .;..' .' :: sst ....... Steven L. Bjorvik, ~ Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust, Pursuant to Resolution of Trustees Recorded on February 11, 2008, as ·Jns.trument 1'10.:2008-0211000907, King County, Washington ,: " ':', ,,~' .:, ..... :. ;; . This instrument was acknowledg~ be.foni ~~"~uii~J~~~~rrui-""c;;:', Bjorvik as 1;r)I,Stee of the Les Schwab Profit " ,-':., '.' -.::. .,' "., .... , NotarY Pubiic -State} / " .:' . ,,/" :; ".,.' ;:' ,: .: .:: . .-' ... ".,., ..... ' " . . :. ".,.,.". -:'.- /"''''''''r {'~,i' .. . ' ;' :.~~ . . ~~ .,' .r PECO _ Renton_ Los Sohwob_ Termination Agreement (recd from David 2_20) (2).DOC Schedule I Legal Description Renton Northwest Property PARCEL:A: ....•. ,/ .•. .i ., .... tor 1 PFSij'ORJ>P~AT JIlQ( SH-pot-084-83, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RBCORDU'i(;iNQ-; 84972~9001;::" .. . .... (AI,so'KNoWNi A~'LQtl,OF LOT,LINEA.PWS1MENT NO. LLA-Oll-88, RECORDED UNDER kINo COUNTY RECOR[nNG NoiRS 1(119002); ',~ ./." -./'" ," \': .. j' SITUATE IN TIm,di-y.6F ~NT6N,C.6¢NTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON ~. '. . :,' PARCEL B: .•..... c/... .:' .,' ,.... i"""", THE soum 140 FEET OF THENOItTfll8i FEET OF TIm .ikAST 160 FEET OF THE WEST 190 FEET OF THE NORTHWESTl/4 Of,"'TflE NORtHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGES BAS), W. M'., RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; ;':::;::'" -.::::, ~-: \:"":.'::"" .: •. ,..'" ./:: ~""""'''.''''''''':'':;\.:,. ,/::":::. SITUATE,IN m.E CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OFKING,.STA'fE .. Of WASHINGTON . ," . /' :.';' -,:,.,.: -;', '.' /' '/ .:.' .. ' .-" , .--,'- -:: . . :: .... ',." .. ".- .... '" .. ,:'. :",.-", ., ... '.":"'., ....... ,.~,,' . .!' . ;: :"',./ s .. ,.----:.: '., -:; . '. ",-."- . : ... ,,,,, ..... :t .i: )" .~: .:": " .", .•.. , -"', .~ ..... ..... , .. . }" .' .·"1. '" /" ': . : .... ":. ';"'.. ~. "':.,:,/ "':"":'~:'. PECO _ Rem'''L Leo Schwab_ Tennination Agreement (reed from David 2_20) (l).DOC -," ...... "~:~' ';; /.~,) .,r !' ''\'' .{ ,,' .•.• , ./ Schedule II ,', "". , .... : .. Legal Description Les Schwab Property "'-.. , ... _,,'" t:OT$ 2/ANP .. {'OF'ClTY OfRE:t-iTON LOT LINE ADnJSTMENT NO. 01l-88, AS ,~CORDED'l.1ND.ER RECQl3flINGiNO. 8810119002, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY Auim,0.R:" :",' ',' ,.' , ,~' ,i" ,., ... ",' v " /" """'" sITU~+EnJTHkCiTY'b~"k:N16N:'Co~,N~OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON "". ,/,' ," .' -:.' "\'" f .:; .... ::;:, ./" .' /f .' ....... ,./ "" /'."" " .... ".::." .. -'. / ,', ...- ". .,' ",' .," ,,' . "~' .:. "\ .-.::,. ,.,." PECO_RenIon_ LesSchwab_ Tmnination A&r<ement (reed from Oavid 2..21» (2~OOC " ,,' ~-" .. ..... -;':-, ':,. ~~\:,:","""" """"""""""",,/ ".." :/ :: .: •... ,.,-~ .. ' ......• '''''' .. '.:~' .:~.~ .. ,.... '"," : .. -,.-.•... ":. "',,,: :' f ,;' .:" ."". I~I' ... ",., ... ;:. '~'.~.) / WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Kyle V. Leishman Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough P.C. 170 South Main Street, Suite 1500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 TERMINA nON AND ABANDONMENT OF RIGHTS, EASEMENTS AND INTERESTS THIS TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT OF RIGHTS, EASEMENTS AND INTERESTS (this "Termination of Rights"), effective as of January , 2008 (the "Effective Date"), is made by RENTON -NORTHWEST LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Renton Northwest"), and LES SCHWAB PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST ("Les Schwab") (individually, a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties"). Recitals A. Renton Northwest is owner of certain real property located in King County, State of Washington as more particularly described in Schedule I (the "Renton Northwest Property"); and B. Les Schwab is owner of certain real property located adjacent to the Renton Northwest Property and more particularly described in Schedule II (the "Les Schwab Property"); and C. Pursuant to that certain Easement Agreement recorded under Kjng County Recording Nos 8609230401 and 881Q~(jll02 which easements are also described in the City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. 00986, recorded under King County Recording No. 86092290 I 0 and City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. 01188, recorded under King County Recording No. 88101190002, all being a portion of City of Renton Short Plat No. SH-PL-84-83, the eastern twenty-four feet (24') of the Renton Northwest Property, and the eastern twenty-four feet (24') and southern twenty-four feet (24') of the Les Schwab Property are subject to an Easement for Ingress, Egress and Utilities (the "Original Access Easement"); and D. The Parties intend to reconfigure the improvements on the Renton Northwest Property and the Les Schwab Property and in counection therewith desire to terminate the Original Access Easement and replace it with a Cross Access Easement Agreement. Termination and Abandonment of Easement Rights For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Renton Northwest and Les Schwab, for themselves and on behalf of their Tl:R .. IINXFlQN Elf' Tl:HP9R.\RY YTII.IT'· Et 5EMENl ACREEMffi"t successors and assigns, hereby unconditionally and forever terminate, relinquish and abandon all of their right, title and interest in and to the Original Access Easement as of the Effective Date. Signature Page for Renton Northwest: STATE OF __ ..... O ... ""culO"""--_ COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) ) ss. ) RENTON NORTHWEST: Renton -Northwest LLC, :l~"'",m~"mpm, ame:Tk""!." Sh,~ ... .-J Title: VICE PRESIDENT ON THIS ~day of §..y;rl-, 20~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ~ Po St....'~.p..' , to me personally known to be the person described in and who executede foregoing instrument, who, being by me first duly sworn, stated that helshe is the VICE PRESIDENT of'1.-ev..!ak~ ~r4.~st-L-La.. , and that he/. executed such instrument on behalf of said c,,*;aU~gf, IltiIheFit:!' gf its eaarEi of clireeteri, and said person acknowledged to me that he/sHe executed such instrument as the act and deed of said 06fJ!6l'fltiSft, ~ +i +.; . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public Printed Name: My Commission Expires: PECO_Renton_ Les Sehwab_ Termination Agreement (reed from David 2_20) (2).DOC 2 Signature Page for Les Schwab: STATE OF OREGON County of Crook ) ) ) S5. This instnnnent was acknowledged before me on A\J~ t)S t ;1.9 Bjorvik as Trustee of the Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust. , 2008, by Steven L. ~~_~c~. Notary Public -State Jf Oregon C ,~ OFFICIAL SEAL ~~~ BONNIE M MCCOY .~~~.~ NOTARY PU8L1C-OREGON ~~../ COMr\'~ISS!ON NO. 4171132 MY COMMISSION EXP!RES JULY 10, 2011 PECO_Renton_ US Schwab_ Tennination Agreement (reed from David 2_20) (2).IX>C 3 ---------- Schedule I Legal Description Renton Northwest Property PARCEL A: LOT 1 OF SHORT PLAT NO. SH-PL-084-83, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8407239001; (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA-01l-88, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8810119002); SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCELB: THE SOUTH 140 FEET OF THE NORTH 182 FEET OF THE EAST 160 FEET OF THE WEST 190 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST \/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W. M., RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PECO_ Renton_Les Sc:bwah_ Tennination Agreement (recd from David 2_20) (2). DOC 4 • Schedule II Legal Description Les Schwab Property LOTS 2 AND 3 OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 011-88, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8810119002, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY AUDITOR; SImA TE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PECO_ Rem",,_ Los Scbwab_ Tenninalion Agrtcmenl (reed from David 2_20) (2).DOC 5 / RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Kyle V. Leishman Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough 170 South Main Street, SUite 1500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101.1644 CROSS EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS CROSS-EASEMENT AGREEMENT, (hereinafter referred to ~ this "CEA"1 ~ade and entered into as of the date of the last execution hereof, which date is the :2 -V day of S, . =......,-_' 2008, by and between RENTON -NORTHWEST LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Renton Northwesf), and LES SCHWAB PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST ("Les Schwab') (individually, a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Renton Northwest is the owner of that certain tract of real property located in King County, State of Washington as more particula~y described on Schedule I attached hereto and depicted as the "Renton Northwest Parcel" on the Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Site Plan"); and WHEREAS, Les Schwab is the owner of that certain tract of real property located adjacent to the Renton Northwest Parcel as more particularly described on Schedule II attached hereto and depicted on the Site Plan as the "Les Schwab Parcel"; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to reconfigure the improvements on the Renton Northwest Parcel and the Les Schwab Parcel as depicted on the Site Plan and in connection therewith the Parties desire to grant for their mutual benefrt reciprocal easements for ingress and egress, parking, signage construction and maintenance as more particula~y set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby declare, agree, covenant and consent that the Renton Northwest Parcel and the Les Schwab Parcel shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the easements and covenants set forth herein and which shall bind and benefit the respective parcels to run with the land and be binding on and inure to the benefit of all parties having any right, title or interest in the described parcels or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns. Further, in consideration of the premises, the agreements and the covenants of the Parties hereto, the mutual benefits and advantages accruing to them, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I BASIC DEFINITIONS Section 1.1. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of fee simple title to the Renton Northwest Parcel and the Les Schwab Parcel, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of any obligation. Section 1.2. "Penmittees' shall mean tenants and subtenants and the occupants, contractors, customers, agents, licensees, guests, employees, and invitees of an Owner, its tenants and SUbtenants. PECO_ Renton_ Les Schwab Access Easement Agreement (2).DOC Renton. ARTICLE II EASEMENTS Section 2.1 shall apply: Definitions and Documentation. For the purposes of this Article II, the following (A) An Owner granting an easement is called the 'Grantor", it being intended that any such grant of an easement shall thereby bind and include not only such Owner but also the successors and assigns to a fee interest in the Parcel of such Owner. (6) An Owner to whom the easement is granted is called the "Grantee', it being intended that the grant shall benefit and include not only such Owner but Its successors, assigns, and Permittees. (C) All easements granted herein shall be non-exclusive and perpetual. In the event an Owner transfers or conveys a portion of its Parcel, those easements granted under this Article II which benefit, bind, and burden the remainder of the Parcel not transferred or conveyed shall benefit, bind, and burden the portion of the Parcel so transferred or conveyed, and those easements granted under this Article II which benefit, bind, and burden the portion so transferred or conveyed shall benefit, bind, and burden the remainder of the Parcel of which it was a part. (D) No Owner shall extend for the benefit of any other real property the benefrts of any easement granted hereunder. Section 2.2 Easements for Use of Access and Parking Area. Each Owner hereby grants to the other Owner a non exclusive easement in and to the "Access and Parking Area" depicted on the Site Plan on such Grantor's Parcel for ingress to and egress from such Owner's Parcel for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians and for vehicular parking. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all parking in the Access and Parking Area may not be used for employee parking. Section 2.3 Initial Development Work. The Parties acknowledge that the configuration of the drive aisles and parking area on the Les Schwab Parcel existing on the date of this Agreement is not as depicted on the Site Plan and that Renton Northwest intends to reconfigure the entrance from Union Street into the Les Schwab Parcel and the parking area over a portion of the Les Schwab Parcel. In connection therewith, Renton Northwest shall have the right to scarify, asphalt overlay and re-stripe the drive aisles and the parking areas located on the Les Schwab Parcel and to relocate the existing Les Schwab sign to the south of the new entry (collectively the 'Initial Development Work"). Renton Northwest agrees that the Initial Development Work shall be performed pursuant to (i) plans and Specifications approved by the applicable governmental authority and Les Schwab, (ii) a construction schedule approved by Renton Northwest and Les Schwab; (iii) in accordance with current industry standards, and (vi) as set forth on the Site Plan. Les Schwab hereby grants Renton Northwest a license to enter on the Les Schwab Parcel to perform the Initial Development Work. Les Schwab acknowledges that the Initial Improvement Work may require the temporary closure of the existing entrance drive into the Les Schwab Parcel and hereby consents to such temporary closure. Renton Northwest shall coordinate the Initial Development Work with the Les Schwab or their tenants and shall use its best efforts to minimize any disruption of the existing businesses located on the Les Schwab Parcel in constructing the Initial Development Work. Renton Northwest shall defend, indemnify and hold Les Schwab harmless from and against any and all liens, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and reasonable attomey's fees on appeal), incurred in connection with the construction of the Initial Development Work, except to the extent occasioned by Les Schwab's negligent or willful wrongful act or failure to act. PECO_ Renton _ Les Schwab Access Easement Agreement (2).DOC 2 Renton Section 2.4 Sign Easement. Renton Northwest hereby grants to Les Schwab an easement for installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of a sign to be located in the location depicted on the Site Plan. Les Schwab shall be responsible for the costs of constructing such sign in compliance with all applicable govemmental requirements. Section 2.5 Utility Easement Each Owner hereby grants to the other Owner a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for the installation, maintenance, use, operation, repair and replacement of utility lines and appurtenant services over, under or through the Aooess and Parking Area, provided that the rights granted pursuant to such easements shall at all times be exercised in such a manner as not to interfere materially with the normal operation of a Parcel and the businesses conducted therein. ARTICLE III MAINTENANCE, TAXES AND INSURANCE Section 3.1 Insurance. Each Owner will at all times maintain or cause to be maintained with respect to its Parcel and all buildings and improvements thereon: (i) commercial property insurance against loss or damage by fire, lighting and other risks customarily covered by an special form all-risks policy of property insurance for the full replacement cost of the Building(s) and Improvements located thereon and (ii) commercial general liability insurance (including contractual liability coverage) against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage occurring on, in or about such Owner's Parcel in the combined single limit amount of not less than nNO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence. Nothing herein shall be construed from prohibiting an Owner which itself, or in combination with its parent corporation or group of affiliates which together maintain a program of self insurance, has a net worth in excess of nNO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS ($200,000,000.00), as determined by generally aooepted accounting principles, from self-insuring for such insurance coverage, nor shall it prohibit an Owner from providing such coverage pursuant to a "blanket" policy of insurance. Section 3.2 Cross Indemnjly. To the extent not covened by the insurance policies described above, each Owner (the "Indemnitor") will pay, and indemnify and save harmless each other Owner (the "Indemnitee') from and against, ailliabliities, losses, damages, costs, expenses (including attomeys' fees and expenses), causes of action, suits, claims, demands or judgments of any nature arising from: (i) any injury to or death of a person or loss of or damage to property occurring on the Indemnitor's Parcel; (ii) any use or condition of the Indemnitor's Parcel; and (iii) any negligence or tortious acts of the Indemnitor or any of its tenants, licensees, invitees, customers, agents or employees occurring anywhere in the Common Area, except to the extent that such causes of action, suits, claims, demands or judgments arise out of the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Indemnitee. Section 3.3 Maintenance of Access and Parking Area. The Owner of the Renton Northwest Parcel shall maintain the Aooess and Parking Area in good order and condition and state of repair in accordance with the standards of first class shopping center operation induding (but not limited to) sweeping and removal of trash, litter and refuse, painting and striping of parking areas, repair and replacement of paving as necessary (but in no event more often than once every seven (7) years unless the Owners shall agree otherwise), and removal of ice and snow from driveways and parking areas. The Owner of the Les Schwab Parcel shall reimburse the Owner of the Renton Northwest Parcel for twenty- five percent (25%) of the reasonable cost of such maintenance for the Aooess and Parking Area. All reimbursements must be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice with reasonable documentation of the costs. In the event that the Owner of the Renton Northwest Parcel fails or defau~s in its maintenance obligations as set forth in this Section 4.1, which failure continues for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice thereof specifying the particulars of such failure, such failure shall constitute a breach under this Easament Agreement and the Owner of the Les Schwab Parcel may thereafter perform such maintenance obligations, in addition to such Owner's other remedies. The Owner PECO_ RenIOn_w Schwab Ac=s Easement Agm:mcnt (2).DOC 3 Renton. of the Les Schwab Parcel shall then invoice the Owner of the Renton Northwest Parcel for the expenses incurred as set forth herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Owner may take whatever action is reasonably required in the case of an emergency and without the requirement of noHce to the other. ARTICLE IV DEFAULT, REMEDIES SacHon 4.1 Default The occurrence of anyone or more of the following events shall constitute a breach of this CEA by the non-performing party (the 'Defaulting Owner"): (A) The failure to perform any obligation of ArtIcle II, III or IV hereof and to cure such failure within thirty (30) days after the issuance of a notice by a non-defaulting Owner (the 'Non Defaulting Owner") specifying the nature of the default claimed (unless such default is a non-monetary default that is not capable of cure within thirty (30) days and the Defaulting Owner has commenced to so cure such failure within the reasonably thirty (30) days and diligently prosecutes such cure to completion thereafter); (B) The failure to make any payment required to be made hereunder within ten (10) business days of the due date after the issuance of a notice by a Non-Defaulting Owner specifying the amount due, or (C) The failure to observe or perform any other of the covenants, conditions or obligations of this CEA or to abide by the restrictions and requirements herein provided, other than as described in (A) or (B) above, which shall be a breach under this CEA after expiration of thirty (30) days after the issuance of a notice by a Non Defaulting Owner specifying the nature of the default claimed (unless such default is a non-monetary default that is not capable of cure within thirty (30) days and the defaulting Owner has commenced to so cure such failure within the thirty (30) days and diligently prosecutes such cure to completion thereafter). Seclion 4.2 Remedies for all Owners. Each Non Defaulting Owner shall have the right to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against any Defaulting Owner or any other person for breach of any easement or restriction benefiting such Non Defaulting Owner. Such proceeding shall include the right to restrain by injunction any such violation or threatened violation and to obtain a decree to compel performance of any such easements or restrictions. No Permittee shall have the rig ht to bring any action to enforce any provision of this CEA and no enforcing Owner shall have the obligation to join any Permittee in any action to enforce this CEA. Section 4.3 Right to Cure. With respect to any default under Section 5.1, any Non Defaulting Owner shall have the right, but not the obligation, in addition to any remedy available at law or equity, to cure such default by the payment of money or the performance of some other action for the account of and at the expense of the Defaulting Owner; provided, however, that in the event the defau~ shall constitute an emergency condition involving an immediate and imminent threat of substantial injury or harm to persons or property, the Non Defaulting Owner, acting in good faith, shall have the right to cure such default upon such advance notice as is reasonably possible under the circumstances or, if necessary, due to such emergency, wijhout advance notice, so long as notice is given as soon as possible thereafter. To effectuate any such cure, the Non Defaulting Owner shall have the right to enter upon the Parcel of the Defaulting Owner (but not into any Building) to perform any necessary work or furnish any necessary materials or services to cure the default of the Defaulting Owner. Each Owner shall be responsible for the non-performance or default of its Permittees. In the event any Non Defaulting Owner shall cure a default, the Defaulting Owner shall reimburse the Non Defaulting Owner for all out of pocket costs and expenses incurred in connection with such curative action, plus interest at the Default Rate, within ten (10) business days of receipt of demand, together with reasonable documentation supporting PECO_ R.emon_ Les Schwab A(XUS Easement Agreement (2).DOC 4 Renton. the expenditures made. For purposes of this Section, Default Rate shall mean the prime rate as provided by Wells Fargo National Bank plus two percent (2%). Section 4.4 Liens. Costs and expenses accruing and/or assessed pursuant to Section 5.3 above and the amounts described in Section 5.1 shall constitute a lien against the Defaulting Owner's Parcel. A lien under this Section 5.4 shall attach and take effect only upon recordation of a claim of lien in the applicable real estate records office of the county in which the said Parcel is located, by the Non Defaulting Party making the claim. The claim of lien shall include the following: (a) the name and address of the lien claimant; (b) a statement concerning the basis for the claim of lien and identifying the lien claimant as a non defaulting party; (c) an identification by name and address (if known) of the Owner or reputed Owner of the Parcel or interest therein against which the lien is claimed; (d) a description of the Parcel against which the lien is claimed; (e) a description of the work performed which has given rise to the claim of lien; (f) a statement itemizing the total amount due, including interest; and (g) a statement that the lien is claimed pursuant to the proVisions of this CEA, reciting the date, book and page of recordation hereof. The notice shall be duly acknowledged and contain a certificate that a copy thereof has been served upon the OWner against whom the lien is claimed, by personal service or by mailing pursuant to Section 5.3 below. The lien so claimed shall attach from the date of recordation solely in the amount claimed thereby and may be enforced in any judicial proceedings allowed by law, including without limitation, suit in the nature of a suit to foreclose a mortgage or mechanic's lien under the applicable provisions of the law of the State in which the Parcels are located. Section 4.5 CumulatiVe Remedies. All of the remedies permitted or available to an OWner under this CEA or at law or in equity shall be cumulative and not alternative, and invocation of any such right or remedy shall not constitute a waiver or election of remedies with respect to any other permitted or available right or remedy. Section 4.6 No Waiver. No delay or omission of any OWner in the exercise of any right accruing upon any default of any other Owner shall impair any such right or be construed to be a waiver thereof, and every such right may be exercised at any time during the continuance of such default. No waiver by any OWner of any default under this CEA shall be effective or binding on such OWner unless made in writing by such OWner and no such waiver shall be implied from any omission by an Owner to take action in respect to such default No express written waiver of any defautt shall affect any other default or cover any other period of time other than any default and/or period of time specified in such express waiver. One or more written waivers or any default under any provision of this CEA shall nolbe deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default in the performance of the same provision or any other term or provision contained in this CEA. Section 4.7 No Termination for Breach. No breach, whether or not material, of the provisions of this CEA shall entitie any Owner to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this CEA, but such limitation shall not affect, in any manner, any other rights or remedies which any Party may have hereunder by reason of any breach of the provisions of this CEA. Section 4.8 Limitation of Liability. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any person acquiring fee or leasehold titie to a Parcel, or any portion thereof, shall be bound by this CEA only as to the Parcel or portion of the Parcel acquired or possessed by such person. In addition, such person shall be bound by this CEA only during the period such person is the fee or leasehold OWner or occupant of such Parcel or portion of the Parcel; and, upon conveyance or transfer of the fee or leasehold interest shall be released from liability hereunder, except as to the obligations, liabilities or responsibilities that accrue prior to such conveyance or transfer. Although persons may be released under this Section 6.8, the easements, PECO _ Renton_ La Schwab 'Access Easement Asr=nent (2).OOC . 5 Renton covenants and restrictions in this CEA shall continue to be benefits to and servitudes upon said Parcels running with the land. Section 4.9 Attomevs Fees. In the event of a breach hereof, the non-prevailing Owner shall pay the reasonable attomey's fees (and the reasonable attomeys' fees on appeal) of the prevailing Owner. ARTICLE V MISCELLANEOUS Section 5.1 Term and Perpetuity. The agreements, conditions, covenants, and restrictions created and imposed herein shall be effective upon the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect, to the benefit of and being binding upon all Owners, their Permittees, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, successors-in-title, and assigns unless terminated by the consent of all the Owners pursuant to a writing recorded in the real property records of the county and state in which the Parcel is located. Said agreements and restrictions shall be unaffected by any change in the ownership of any real property covered by this CEA or by any change of use, demolition, reconstruction, expansion or other circumstances, except as specified herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the easements contained herein binding and benefiting the Parcels shall be perpetual and shall run with the land. Upon termination of the agreements, conditions, covenants and restrictions of this CEA, all rights and privileges derived from and all duties and obligations created and imposed by the provisions of this CEA, except as related to the easements cited and mentioned herein, which are a legal necessity shall terminate and have no further force or effect. Section 5.2 Owners. Amendment. This CEA may be amended with the written consent of all of the Section 5.3 Notices. Any notice or invoice required or permitted to be given under this CEA shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given upon deposit in the United States Mail as Certified Mail, Retum Receipt Requested, postage prepaid or deposit with a nationally recognized overnight delivery service, and addressed to the Party being notified at the address given below (or such other address which any party may designate for itself from time to time hereafter by written notice to the other Party): Renton Northwest Les Schwab: James P. Shipman 175 East 400 South, SUite 402 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Mr. Dave Husk Director of Development Les Schwab Tire Centers P.O. Box 667 646 NW Madras Highway Prineville, OR 97754 Section 5.4 Severability. In the event any provision or portion of this CEA is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding will not affect the remainder hereof, and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect to the same extent as would have been the case had such invalid or unenforceable provision or portion never been a part hereof. PECO_ Rent<>n_Lcs Schwab Access EasemcntAgrcement (2l.DOC 6 Renton Section 5.5 No Public Dedication. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or implied to be a gift, grant or dedication of any Parcel or any portions thereof, to the general public, or for any public use or purpose whatsoever. Except as may be specifically provided herein, no right, privileges or immunities of any Owner hereto shall inure to the benefit of any third-party, nor shall any third-party be deemed or considered to be a beneficiary of any of the provisions herein contained. Section 5.6 Counteroarts. This CEA may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 5.7 Relationship of the Parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as creating a partnership, joint enterprise or joint venture between or among the Parties hereto or the Owners. It is understood that the relationship between the Parties hereto and Owners is an arms length one that shall at all times be and remain that of separate owners of real property. No Party hereto nor any Owner shall have the right to act for or on behalf of another Party or Owner, as agent or otherwise, unless expressly authorized to do 50 by separate written instrument signed by the Party or Owner to be charged or bound, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and delivered this CEA as of the day and year first written above. [Remainder of Page Left Intentionally Blank; Signatures on Following Pages] PECO_ Renton_ Lcs Sehwab A= EasemenlAgreement (2).DOC 7 Renton. Signature Page for Renton Northwest: STATE OF ---eOIHII~\Or-) ) 55. COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) RENTON NORTHWEST: Renton -Northwest LLC. ~~ ... '~'~--"' ~~~ P. S~~~ Title: VICE PRESIDENT ON THIS 4-* day of 5 "',12 -t . 200 before rT]8,the u!'dersigned. a Notary Public in and for said County and State. perSOfl8l1y appeared ~4"" c c S· ~ . to me personally known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrU~.~ be~first . duly sworn. stated that he/she is the VICE PRESIDENT of ~ ~ ~ 4-C ::-;:bQii~~b~.;and that he/sAe-executed such instrument on behalf of said eeFjlOl'l!llieR by 2y\horil)' ef.e.L-lU,... iIa beard af di~. and said person fl~knowledged to me that he/she executed such instrument as the I act and deed of said ;QlfloratiQn. ~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal the day and year last above written.~ " ~! Notary Public ~ JI, 02f2 Printed Name: My Commission Expires: 8 I Signature Page for Les Schwab: STATE OF OREGON )88. County of Crook This instrument was acknowledged before me on AV~lJSt ~ 9 . 2008 by Steven L. Bjorvik as Trustee of the Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust. g~ VVvj . LiAA C~ Notary Public -State of o'rilg~'l . ~ cJ 9 OFFICIJ\L SEAl. BONNIE M Me.:'-'" ~-;OTA~Y p·)aLiC··~':·. COMMISSiON 1':0. ~-.": MY COM:v1ISS!ON EXP~R~2~~ I Schedule I legal Description Renton Northwest Parcel PARCEL A: LOT 1 OF SHORT PLAT NO. SH-PL-084-83, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8407239001 ; (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. lLA-D11-88, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8810119002); SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCELS: THE SOUTH 140 FEET OF THE NORTH 182 FEET OF THE EAST 160 FEET OF THE WEST 190 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W. M., RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON 10 Schedule II Legal Description Les Schwab Parcel LOTS 2 AND 3 OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 011-88, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8810119002, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY AUDITOR; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON 11 ~ ""t ! ' I' ,,"'",~ I r_ , .. Slzc, ... Y GROSS LOT AREAS: WAlGflEENS: "')i(lIISfrBORE OEDK:Al"' .... oU.5BSF +/. AFTER DI'OICAnON l.Eli SCHWAS: M 816 Sf TOTALSIIlA.t&.: IOI.3l4Sf.1- TOTAL kDG AREA: 26.mSf' COVERAGE: 26.4 ptIINfJEIl.AN)5CN'E: 7,#11 Sf ~1...Io1«l5UJ'E ~ 101 ..... ~: '.al0SF.'-'~OfGIIOSS5ITe TOTIILIMPUvlOUS: "..57~Sf w~ ItlOO Sf GKI$S _~ IUI£A llA»SI'rCTlSAI. • D.AIlOO-fI MAlI"~.Ii1~lOcooe .........:;; I'IIQ'oIDtDOH WMGIIEEN LOT-)5 EXISTING LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE II.flDl.r. G1I05S UONCAIIEA " .. SF SHOWItOOM • 0 .... '00. 20CAIS ~1S351' NltO SERVCle .251100 .. 13 CAlIS 3JMOSF""'~. 1/15UI. 3CIIRS MAl! 'AlDtGACCOIIOtIG 10 CODE .:),1, TOTALAm.II!tOTO LnSCIiW ..... 54 ICtAl P"'IK»IG 0tI JOt4l O(Vf'LoPM&IT W" et EXISTING LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE lAX PARCEL NO. 5162HXlOlO I \ \ , \ , \ , \ , \ / / ( / I / f9 ---.. ~ --== ==-~ - .... "Iii ~w -'" ".t;; "'.<:< ~~~ =w:i C!)zo _",0-<oZ :>_w ;>0"-'" ~ iii ~ i w ~ .!! I i I ~I \ ' I ,_ II! t I 1111 .,!IT --=--" ?I. " \ I AREAS ~ \ I I 08-26-08 September 4, 2008 Thomas Thompson AlA Consultin~ Architect 29619 1St Avenue Stanwood, W A 98292 SUBJECT: Walgreens on NE 4th Street LUA08-014, ECF, SA-A Dear Mr. Thompson: CIT OF RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator This letter is to inform you that the appeal period ended April 14, 2008 for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) .Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated and September 27,2008 for the Site Plan approval for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed on the ERC determination and the Site Plan approval therefore, these decisions are final and application for the appropriately required permits may proceed. The applicant must comply with all ERe Mitigation Measures and Site Plan Conditions of Approval inust be adhered to during construction and prior to final inspection. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7314. Forthe Environmental ReviewCommittee, Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner cc: Los Schwab Profit Sharing, Car Wash Enterprises, Inc. /Owner(s) Skyler Waldall party(ies) of Record ------------IO~5-5-S0-U-fu-G-n~d-y-W-a~Y--R-e-m-on-,-w-as-h-in-~~o-n-9-80-5-7~--------~···~ * Thi~ ~r contains 50% recycled material, 30% post oonsumer AHEAD O,F THE CURVE. REPORT & DECISION City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ADMINISTRA TIVE LAND USE ACTION SITE PLAN REPORT AND DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Project Name: Owner: Applicant/Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Walgreens on NE 4'h Street Car Wash Enterprises, Inc. 3977 Leary Way NW Seattle, WA 98107 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 IS'h Avenue NE Stanwood, W A 98292 LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Vanessa Dolbee, Associate Planner The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed one-story 14,820 square foot drugstore wifh a drive through window on a 49,508 square foot site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Located in the southeast comer ofthe intersection ofNE 4th Street and Union Avenue NE. The site is made up of two lots, parcel #5182100009 (27,106 square feet) and #5182100008 (22,400 square feet) There would be four access points; two from NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. There is 2,849 square feet of wetland and stream buffer on site. The intervening parking field between the subject parcels and Les Schwab will be revised as a joint parking facility. When combined with the Walgreens site, the two developments wouldjointly provide 89 spaces. 4105 NE 4'h Street, Renton, WA 98059 Location Map Walgreens Administrative Site Plan REPORT & DECISION City of Renton Department olCommllnity & Economic Development ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION SITE PLAN REPORT AND DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Project Name: Owner: Applicant/Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Walgreens on NE 4!h Street Car Wash Enterprises, Inc. 3977 Leary Way NW Seattle, W A 98107 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 15!h Avenue NF Stanwood, WA 98292 LUA08-014, SA-A, FeF Vanessa Dolbee. Associate Planner The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed one-story 14,820 square foot drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 square foot site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Located in the southeast comer of the intersection ofNE 4th Street and Union Avenue NE. The site is made up of two lots, parcel #5182100009 (27,106 square feet) and #5182100008 (22,400 square feet) There would be four access points; two from NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. There is 2,849 square feet of wetland and stream buffer on site, The intervening parking field between the subject parcels and Les Schwab will be revised as ajoint parking facility. When combined with the Walgreens site, the two developments would jointly provide 89 spaces. 4105 NE 4!h Street, Renton, W A 98059 Location Map Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com ;ty & Economic Development Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13, 2008 Page 2 of 15 B, GENERAL INFORMATION: Owners of Record: Car Wash EnteIprises, Inc. 3977 Leary Way NW Seattle. WA 98107 Zoning Designation: Commercial Arterial (CA) Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial Corridor (CC) Existing Site Use: The site is currently fully developed with a Brown Bear Car wash on parcel 115 1821 00009 and a closed convenience store gas station on parcel #5182100008 (Exhibit 2). Both these existing faculties will be demolished in order to build the new Walgreens. Currently the convenience store gas station, Brown Bear Car Wash and the adjacent Les Schwab facility all have separate ingress and egress points with individual parking lots. These three sites are separated by landscaped islands. Neighborhood Characteristics: The property is primarily surrounded by 1 story commercial uses which include but are not limited to: North. Shell gas station, Subway, Taco Time, Hollywood Video, and Safeway shopping center in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone (across NE 4th Street). East: Maplewood Creek its associated wetlands and a currently vacant lot in the CA zone. South: Beyond Les Schwab, is a small strip mall; including services such as a spa, hair care, and credit services in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. West: Jiffy Lube, Floor Covering and plumbing services in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone (across Union Avenue NE). Access: Vehicular access to the site on NE 4th Street is changing from four full movement accesses to two right-inlright-out access locations. Vehicubr access from Union Avenue NE is reducing from four full movement accesses to two full movement access points. Site Area: Walgreens -49,508 Lcs Schwab -54,876 Project Data: Area Comments Existing Building Footprint: 3,527 sq. ft. New Building Footprint: 14,820 sq. n. New Building Gross Square Footage: 14,820 sq. ft. Total Impervious Area: 91,574 SF (87.73%) C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Incorporation Comprehensive Plan Zoning Walgreens Administrative Site Plan Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A To be demolished Retail Retail Impervious area is calculated for the combined site (Walgreens & Les Schwab) Ordinance No. 2308 5099 5191 Date 311311967 1110112004 2116/2006 City of Renton Department of Com ify & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13, 2008 D. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. Project Description and Background Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 30t 15 The applicant is requesting an Administrative Site Plan Review for a 14,820 square foot Walgreens drugstore with drive-through pharmacy window at 4105 NE 4'" Street (Exhibit 2). The subject site consist oftwo parcels 518210008 and 518210009; that total 49,508 square feet (Exhibit 3). The applicant has indicated that the two parcels would be consolidated prior to construction. The proposal also includes a redesign of the parking field and access points between the proposed Walgreens and the existing Les Schwab; in order to obtain greater efficiency and circulation as a joint parking facility. The project will impact two Critical Area Buffers; a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland. The site is currently fully developed with a Brown Bear Car wash on parcel 5182100009 and a closed convenience store gas station on parcel 5182100008. Both of these existing faculties would be demolished in order to build the new Walgreens (Exhibit 11). Currently the convenience store gas station, Brown Bear Car Wash and the adjacent Les Schwab faculty all have separate ingress and egress points with individual parking facilities. These three sites are separated by landscaped islands. The Comprehensive Land Use designation is Commercial Corridor and the zoning is Commercial Arterial (CA) (Exhibit 6). Retail sales are permitted provided that they meet the size restrictions ofRMC 4-2-120A. The property is located within the NE 4th Street Business District and is, therefore, subject to Development Standards specific to this overlay district. All the properties surrounding the subject parcel are also zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). The proposed Walgreens contains 11,655 square feet of net retail floor area (Exhibit 10), with a drive through pharmacy located on the south side of the building. The building would be one story and 28.08 feet high with a flat roof which would be architecturally compatible with the surrounding uses. The building would be faced with block materials in white and brick. The northwest corner of the building has an entry tower with the Walgreens' logo over a glazing system on both the north and west facades (Exhibit 7). The building entrance is proposed to be located on the northwest comer of the building. The entrance is proposed to be set at an angle to face NE 4th Street und the proposcd parking lot. Horizontal modulation breaks up the scale and bulk of the building along this fa"ade. This modulation would be created by equidistant vertical block material with windows and brick between. The proposed windows would be approximately 7 feet above ground with canopies above. The face of these facades would also contain a red Walgreens script sign that would be intemal illuminated and two individual letter signs that state, "photo" and "pharmacy" (all signs shall be applied for under a separate sign permit). The north fayade would be designed the same as the west fayade although; this fa,ade does not have an entrance proposed. In place of an entrance on the north fa,ade there would be a large opening in the wall that allows visibility of the entrance located on the west fa,ade. The canopies along this fa,ade would project over the proposed sidewalk into the right-of-way ofNE 4th Street, under these canopies the applicant has proposed a bench and refuse area in the vicinity of the existing bus·stop. The south elevation would be blank with no windows or modulation, This [a,ade faces the existing Les Schwab and would contain the drive through window for the pharmacy. The drive-though window's canopy would project 6 feet off the side of the building to cover the majority of the drive-through lane. The west elevation would be blank with no windows or modulation. This side of the building would be used for refuse collection and loading, secondary accesses to the building for employees only, the compactor enclosure and gas meter. In addition, two intemal roof drains would be attached to this side of the building for drainage collection. There would be continuous sidewalks providing pedestrian access to the entrance from NE 4th Street, pedestrian access from Union Avenue NE is proposed via" combination of 60-inch wide crosswalk and sidewalk through the parking lot, which would be defined by pavers, changes in texture or changes in composition of the paving Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13, 2008 Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 4 of 15 (Exhibit 4). Pedestrian access from Les Schwab to the proposed Walgreens will be via the sidewalk along Union Avenue NE to the previously mentioned cross walk area. Vehicular access to the site on NE 4th Street would be changing from four full movement accesses to two right- in/right-out access locations. Vehicular acccss from Union Avenue NE would be reducing from four full movement accesses to two full movement access points. The existing combined site provided 51 surface parking stalls; four of which were associated with the Brown Bear Car Wash, eight associated with the gas station and the remaining with Les Schwab. The parking field for the Les Schwab and the proposed Walgreens would be reconfigured to create ajoint parking facility. This would allow for increased circulation and efficiency for both parking lots. To facilitate this arrangement a draft cross easement agreement has been proposed. The joint parking facility will provide 89 surface parking stalls, four of which are to be accessible. Walgreens maximum and minimum required parking is 47 stalls and the Les Schwab requirement is 36 parking stalls; as such, a request for the approval of 6 additional parking stalls was included in the application. At completion, the combined Les Schwab and Walgreens sites would contain 87.73 percent impervious material. The loading dock would be located on tbe west side ofthe structure. In order to provide the minimum clear area for ground level loading doors, wetland and stream buffer averaging of 2,849 square feet of buffer area to 3,030 square feet is proposed. The proposed project would result in a total of 128 net new daily vehicle trips, assuming credit for the existing gas station and car wash that would be removed. Of these, the proposed development is estimated to generate 18 new trips during the weekday PM peak hour. The site is served by Metro Transit route III. All existing landscaping is proposed to be removed from both the Walgreens and Les Schwab sites, except the landscaping along the southern property line of Les Schwab's parcel, would remain (Exhibit 8). The combined sites has a total of nine protected trees, four of which would be retained, all four of these trees are located on Les Schwab's property along the southern propeliy line. New landscaping would include the street frontage ofNE 4th Street and Union avenue NE along with a 1000 square foot public plaza located in fhe northwest comer of the parcel at the intersection ofNE 4'h Street and Union Ave. NE. There is new landscaping proposed in the parking field and surrounding the northeast comer of the new Walgreens building. Directly east of the subject site, an unnamed, seasonal tributary of Maplewood Creek runs southward, parallel to the property boundary before its confluence with Maplewood Creek. The off-site reach of Maplewood Creek is bounded by a wetland. Maplewood Creek and its tributary are considered a Class 4 stream and the off-site wetland is considered a Category 2 wetland. The buffer for a Class 4 stream is 35 feet and the buffer for a Category 2 wetland is 50 feet. Permanent weIland buffer impacts will be mitigated, by re-establishing the wetland and stream buffer along the eastern portion of the site. The proposed Walgreens has been located away from the culverted portion of the stream; therefore, no stream mitigation was proposed. 2. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various City departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the appropriate recommendations have been incorporated into this report. 3. Environmental Review a. Environmental Determinatio/l Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.2IC, 1971 as amended), on March 25,2008, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Walgreens on NE 4th Street project. The DNS-M included four mitigation measures. The 14-day appeal period end on April 14, 2008 and no appeals were filed. Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com..,_nity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision WA08-014, SA-A, ECF REPORT OF August 13, 2008 Page 501 15 4. h. Mitigation Measures Based on an analysis of probable impacts [rom the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Detennination of Non-Significance -Mitigated: 1, The applicant shall be required to comply with the recommendations included in the geotechnical report, "Geotechnical Engineering Report, Prepared for Mr. Robert Sherry, Phillips Edison & Company," by The Riley Group. Inc. Bothell W A, dated November 14, 2007. 2. The applicant shall be required to comply with the recommendations included in the "Revised Conceptual Wetland and Stream Buller Mitigation Plan" for Walgreens at NE 4th Street and Union Avenue NW, by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. Seattle WA, dated March 17,2008. 3. The applicant shall pay a transportation impact fee of$75.00 per each new weekday trip attributed to the project, which is estimated to be $9,600.00; the fee would be required prior to building permits. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee $.52 per gross square feet of building area estimated at $9,976.00. This fee is to be paid prior to securing the Building Permits for this project. Exhibits Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Exhibit 10 Exhibit II Exhibit 12 Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the revie\v of the project. Neighborhood Detail Map ALTA I ACSM Land Title Survey Walgreens Site Plan (updated 5-2-08) Grading and Stoml drainage Plan City of Renton Zoning Map Exterior Elevations (updated 4-4-08) Landscape Plan (resubmitted 7-16-08) Preliminary Water and Sanitary Sewer Plan Fixture Floor Plan Demolition Plan Temp_ Erosion Sedimentation Control Plan 5. Consistency with Site Plan Approval Criteria In reviewing the proposal with respect to the Site Plan Approval Criteria set forth in Section 4-9-200.E of the Site Plan Ordinance and Development Standards from RMC 4-3-040A, the following issues have been identified by City Departmental Reviewers: a. Conformance with the Comprehemive Plan, its Elements and Policies; The property is located within the NE 4th Street Business District ofthe Commercial Corridor land use designation. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are applicable to the proposal: Objective LV-GGG: Guide redevelopment of land in the Commercial Corridor designation with Commercial Arterial zoning, from the existing strip commercial urhanforms into more concentratedforms, in which structures and parking el'Olve/rolll the existing suburban form, to more efficient urban configurations with cohesive site planning. ./ Policy Objective Met _ Not Met Policy LV-346: Support the redevelopment of commercial business districts located along principal arterials in the City, ./ Policy Objective Met Not Met Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of COl WALGREENS on NE 4th ity & Economic Development Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUAOB-014, SA-A, ECF REPORT OF August 13, 2008 Page 6 of 15 Policy LU-347: Implement development standards that encourage lively, attractive, medium to high-density commercial areas. V' Policy Objective Met U Not Met Policy LU-348: Encourage consolidation o{'individual parcels to maximize flexibility of site design and reduce access points. V' Policy Objective Met I I Not Met Policy LU-349: Support developmel1ll'icllls incorporating thefollowingfeotures: 1) Shared access points anil./i'm'J' curb cuts; 2) Internal circulation among adjacent parcels; 3) Shared parkingfacilities; 4) Allowance jor juture transition tu structured parkingjacilities; 5) Centralized signage; 6) Unified development concepts; and 7) Landscaping and streetscape that softens visual impacts. V' Policy Objective Met Not Met Policy LU-350: New development in Commercial Corridor designated areas should be encouraged to implement uniform site standards, including: I) Minimum lot depth of 200/eet; 2) Maximum height often (10) slories within office zoned designations; 3) Parking preferably at the rear o{tile building, or on the side as a second choice; 4) Setbacks that would allow incOIporating a landscape buffer; 5) Front setback withoutjronlage streel or driveway between building and sidewalk; and 6) Common signage and lighting system. V' Policy Objective Met iJ Not Met Policy LU-357: Public amenityIcalllres (e.g. plazas, recreation areas) should be encouraged as part of new development or redevelopmel1i. V' Policy Objective Met Not Met Policy LU-358: Parking areas shollid he landscaped (including street trees, buffers, berms), especially along roadways, to reduce visual impacts. V' Policy Objective Met I! Not Met In addition, the following objectives and policies are specific to the NE 4th Street Business District: Northeast Fourth Corridor Discussion: The Northeast Fourth Corridor is an active commercial area located at a gateway to the City. ltfeatures a wide variety of retail <11,,1 sen'ice IIses and several different structuralformsfrom small professional offices to large-scale strip malls with major grocery anchors. Objective LU-PPP: A special commercial area should be designated along Northeast Fourth Street. The purpose of this area would he to enhance Ihe commercial environment to increase revenue of local businesses and the City's tax base. V' Policy Objective Met I I Not Met Policy LU-387: Within the Northeasl FOllrlh Corridor, the "Business District" should be bounded by Queen Avenue NE (on the west) and Field Ave N£ (on the east). V' Policy Objective Met I I Not Met Policy LU-388: The policies of the Commercial Corridor designation and the Northeast Fourth Corridor Business District should be implemented by Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning. Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com. .. _ . .ity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13, 2008 ./ Policy Objective Met .. Not Met Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 7 of 15 Policy LU-391: To the extent possihle, IIndeveloped parcels and pads andlor redevelopment in the Northeast Fourth Corridor Business District should feature streef.jacing buildingfaeades located a maximum of!ifieen (15) feet setbackfi'uill the non-curb edge o.(sidewalks abutting the principal arterial . ./ Policy Objective Met i·i Not Met h. Conformance with existing lalld use regulations; The subject site is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). The purpose of the Commercial Arterial Zone (CA) is to evolve from "strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning, incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities and boulevard treatment. The CA zone provides for a wide variety of indoor and outdoor retail sales and services along high-volume traffic corridors. Limited residential uses may be integrated into the zone if there are permanent physical connections to commercial uses. The zone includes five designated business districts with development standards designed to encourage concentrated commercial activity, a focal point of pedestrian activity along the corridor, and visual interest. The C A Zone is intended to implement the Commercial Corridor Comprehensive Plan designation. Lot Coverage -The CA zone allows a maximum building coverage of 65 percent, or 75 percent if parking is provided within a building or within an on-site parking garage. Site data submitted for the purposed development indicates 29.9 percent site coverage by the building. The percent site coverage for both the Walgreens and Les Schwab site combined is 26.4 percent; which is within the allowable range for building coverage for the CA zone. Setbacks -The front yard setback is required to be a minimum of 10 feet. The front yard setback may be reduced to zero through the Site Plan Review process. The maximum front yard setback in the NE 4'h Street Business District is 15 feet. The proposed building would have a zero setback from NE 4'h Street at the NE corner but the building is not parallel to the right-of-way, as such the setback from NE 4'h Street is approximately 9 feet at the building's northwest corner. The north fa9ade of the proposed Walgreens would provide modulation as described above in the project description. In addition to the proposed modulation, the applicant has proposed to provide a planting strip along the north side of the building to sotten the edge between the sidewalk and the wall of the building; as such, staff recommends approval of a zero setback along NE 4'h Street. Projecting off of the north side of the building would be canopies; these would project into the right-of-way and would require a right-of-way usc permit. The side yard along a strect setback is required to be a minimum of 10 feet. This setback may be reduced to zero through the Site Plan Review process. As proposed the Walgreens has a 130 foot setback at its closet point along Union Avenue NE. There is no minimum rear and/or side yard setback requirements. As proposed, the project complies with the required CA zoning setbacks prescribed by City Code. Landscaping -The CA zone requires a 10-1'001 landscape strip along street frontages, except where reduced through the Site Plan Review process. The development standards require that all pervious areas be landscaped (RMC 4-4-070). A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the application that indicates compliance with the landscape requirements ofRMC 4-4-070 and the CA zone. The 10-foot landscaping strip requirement is proposed to be reduced along the frontage of NE Forth Street, where the structure is closer to the edge of the property then 10 feet. and reduced to five feet along Union Avenue NE. The applicant has proposed 30-inch high masonry screening walls within the five foot landscaped area along Union Avenue NE to screen the parking area from the street. Staffrecommends approval of the landscape strip reduction to 5-feet due to the provided screening for the parking area. Within the proposed surface parking lot, 25 square feet of landscaping per parking space would be required for parking lots with 51-99 parking stalis. Based on the proposal for 89 surface parking stalls, a minimum of 2,225 square feet of landscaping would be required within the surface parking areas. The submitted landscape analysis indicates that a tolal of 3,292 square feet of landscaping would be provided. As Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Cor WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13, 2008 ity & Economic Development Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUAOB-014, SA-A, ECF Page 8 of 15 proposed the landscaping exceeds the minimum requirement. Additionally the NE 4'h Business District requires no more than six (6) consecutively clustered parking stalls without an intervening landscaped area of a minimum of five feet (5') in width and the length of the stall. As proposed the parking area would comply with this requirement. In addition, when parking lots front public rights-of-way or streets, street trees shall be required at a minimum rate of one tree every thirty lineal feet of street frontage. The provided conceptual landscape plan proposes seven street trees, two on NE 4'h street and five on Union Avenue NE. The existing landscaping along Union Avenue NE for Les Schwab is proposed to remain and is not included within the conceptual landscape plan. The proposed lineal footage along Union Avenue NE would be approximately 220 lineal feet of which 40 lineal feet is existing Les Schwab landscaping, 40 lineal feet would be for ingress and egress, and approximately 20 additional feet for the vision clearance triangle resulting in a total of 120 lineal feet for street trees. At a rate of one tree every 30 feet, four would be required. Five street trees are proposed along Union Avenue NE exceeding the requirement for street trees along Union Avenue NE. Along NE 4'h Street approximately 293 lineal feet exist of which, approximately 60 lineal feet would be for ingress and egress, approximately 40 lineal feet for vision clearance triangle, and approximately 115 lineal feet for the Walgreens building; resulting in a total of 78 lineal feet for street trees. At a rate of one tree every 30 lineal feet three trees would be required along NE 4'h Street. Two street trees are proposed which is one less then required. The applicant has indicated that the proposed Walgreens canopies would cause conflict with street trees as a result the applicant has requested the approval of two street trees along NE 4'h Street. Staff has reviewed the proposal and recommends approval of two street trees along NE 4'" Street instead of the required three. In addition to street tree requirements, the following parking lot landscaping would be required: at least one tree for every six parking spaces within the lot interior, and shrubs are to be planted at a rate of 5 per 100 square feet of interior landscape area. Thc provided conceptual landscape plan (sheet L-l) and site plan (sheet AD.I) have many conflicting numbers atld calculations. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant provide plan sets with consistent parking and landscaping calculations at building permit review. Due to the inconsistencies within the separate plan sets, the following calculations are based on the drawing on sheet L-l. The parking lot proposed would have 89 parking stalls at a rate of one tree for every 6 stalls (89 parking stalls/6 stalls = 14.8) 15 parking lot trees would be required. As proposed, the applicant has provided 15 parking lot trees, which would meet the requirement. The total interior landscaped area is 3,292 square feet at a rate of 5 shmbs per 100 square feet of landscape area (3,292 sq. ft. landscapingilOO sq. ft. * 5 = 164.6) 165 shrubs would bc required. The conceptual landscape plan indicated 97 shrubs within the interior landscaped area falling short by 68 shrubs. Staff recommends as a condition of approval, that a detailed landscape plan, providing 165 shrubs within the lot interior and an irrigation plan be submitted to the Department of COIllmunity and Economic Development, Planning Division, project manager for review and approval prior to building permit approval. The proposed landscaping would largely consist of Evergreen Shmbs (including Lily-of-the-Valley, Strawberry Bush, White Rockrose, llicks Yew, Drooping Leucothoe and Compact Oregon Grape), Deciduous Shrubs (including Gold-I.ear Japanese Barberry, Dwarf Red-Leaf Japanese Barbarry and Dwarf Purple Osier), Perennials (including Berginia, Bishops Hat and Gladwin Iris) and Kinnikinnick for groundcover. The proposed trees are Chanticleer Flowering Pear, Summit Ash and Service Berry. Underground sprinkler systems are required to be installed and maintained for all landscaped areas. The sprinkler system shall provide full water coverage of the planted areas specified on the plan. The entire site including the Les Schwab property there are 10 protected trees. Although, for this project staff has evaluate tree removal and retention based on clearing limits for the new development. Renton Municipal Code requires that 5 percent of the trees on site be retained. There are six (6) trees within the clearing limits for the new development of which 0.3 trees are required to be retained at the 5 percent retention rate. A tree inventory submitted by the applicant indicates zero trees would be retained. If the applicant does not retain any trees, it would result in the retention of zero percent of the existing trees, which is less then the required 5 percent retention rate. The applicant has proposed 23 new street trees and parking lot trees, which far exceeds the required replacement 3.6-inches; although, all the new trees are 1- Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Comn,unity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13, 2008 Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 901 15 3/4-inch caliper and the minimum rcquiremcnt for replacement trees is 2-inch caliper. Staff recommends as a condition of approval, that a finallandseape plan be submitted indicating a minimum of two of the proposed trees to be 2-inch caliper or greater in size. Height -The CA zone allows a maximum building height of 50 feet. The tallest point ofthe proposed building would be 21 feet 7 :4-inches to the flat roof. The tallest roof element, a comer tower, would be 28 feet 1 inch. Maximum Gross Floor Area -In the NE Fourth business district the gross floor area is restricted to 65,000 square feet The proposed gross floor area would not exceed this maximum. Parking/Circulation -The parking regulations require a specific number of off-street parking stalls be provided based on the amount of square footage dedicated to certain uses. The following ratios would be applicable to the site: Use Square Footage a[ Use Ratio MiniMax ReQuired Svaces Retail Sales 11,655 SF 0.4 spaces 1100 SF 47 Walgreens Showroom 4,880 0.4 spaces I 100 SF 20 Vehicle Service and 5,153 SF 0.25 spaces 1100 SF 13 Repair Warehouse and Indoor 3.840 SF I space I 1500 SF 3 Storage ---- Based on these use requirements, 83 parking spaces would be required to meet code. The applicant proposed to provide 89 spaces. In the NE Eourth Business District, the maximum number of parking spaces provided for uses within the corridor designation is limited to the minimum requirement in RMC4-4- 080FIO, Number of Required Parking Spaces. The applicant has requested a parking modification for the additional 6 spaces. Fourteen of the proposed 89 parking stalls are located over an existing access easement recoding number 8609230401 and 8810261102 on Les Schwab's parcel. Staff recommends as a condition of approval the applicant shall be required to remove the access easement from the property. The minimum width for drive ais!c associatcd with 90" parking head-in parking is 24 feet. The proposed parking plan conforms to the minimum requirements for drive aisle and parking stall dimensions. The parking regulations specify standard stall dimensions of 9 feet by 20 feet, compact dimensions of gy, feet by 16 feet. ADA accessible stalls must be a minimum of 8 feet in width by 20 feet in length, with an adjacent access aisle of 8 feet in width fix van accessible spaces. Compact parking spaces are not to exceed 30 percent of the total provided parking. The applicant has proposed 89 parking stalls of which 15 stall are proposed to be compact, which would result in 16.85 percent of the provided parking. It should be noted that the proposed compact spaces would be 9 reet by 19 teet, which is larger then the required 8Y, feet by 16 feet. The proposed ratio of standard parking stalls to compact parking stalls complies with the parking requirements. The number of required ADA parking stalls is based on the number of total parking spaces proposed. For parking lots with 76 -100 parking stalls, 4 ADA spaces would be required. The applicant has proposed 4 ADA parking spaces which would comply with the ADA parking requirements. According to the parking regulations, the loading space standards require adequate permanent off-street loading space shall be provided iftbe activity in such building requires deliveries to it or shipments from it of people or merchandise. The minimum clear area for ground level loading doors is 45 feet in front of each door. The clear space proposed on the east elevation of the new building is 45 feet. The applicant has requested driveway and parking modifications they are as follows: a) To exceed the maximum driveway width of 30 feet permitted by RMC 4-4-0801.3.c; and b) To exceed the maximum number of'pmking stalls permitted by RMC 4-4-080F.IO.e and RMC 4-3- 040F.l.d. Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com., .... ,ity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13, 2008 Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUAOB-014, SA-A, ECF Page 10 of 15 Section 4-4-080Fd allows the Development Services Division to grant modifications from the parking standards for individual cases provided that the modification meets the following criteria (pursuant to RMC 4-9-25002): 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and 11. Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity; and 111. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and IV. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and v. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(s) in the vicinity. Analysis: 1) Will meet the objectives and safety . .!imction, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by tile Code requirements. based upon sound engineeringjudgment. The applicant contends that reducing the number of driveways to half the historic number serving the subject three lots and relocating two ingress/egress points; they show compliance with city preferences on driveway location and integration with off-site traffic patterns. In addition, the contiguration of the driveways is indented to properly integrate traffic movements into and out off the site; as to provide maximum safety to the public, superior function, and maximum opportunity for landscaping. The applicant indicates that sound engineering is the sourced ofthe design for each driveway. The applicant contends that slightly exceeding the City's parking requirements would provide for convenience and safety to the public. In addition, the corporate preference of Les Schwab and Walgreens indicate that g9 parking spaces is the optimal number for their customers. The applicant contends that Walgreens is a national builder and knows it's parking needs and is concerned with the convenience and safety of their customers. The "overage" of parking is essentially on the Les Schwab site and has much to do with their historic use of their lot and with the nature of their business. Les Schwab being established at this location for a lengthy period their building and parking have been expanded to where it is today to meet the needs in the local market. All parking is deemed required and may exceed city code due to the nature of service (tire and repair work) whcrc customcrs leave cars for attention and staff parking is somewhat higher than simple everyday retail space. Statlhas reviewed the proposed requests. Based on the information submitted, it appears that the requested driveway width of 40 feet would provide adequate access for the deli very trucks visiting the site, while protecting the landscaping that would be installed along the street frontage and within the parking area. In addition, the increased parking numbers would allow Les Schwab to maintain the level of service they had previously with out hindering safety, function, and appearance. Therefore, the proposed modification would meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the driveway design standards. 2) Will not be injurious to otlier properly(s) in the vicinity. The applicant contends the proposed driveway locations, widths, and configurations as well as parking layout are not detrimental to neighboring properties, uses, or the neighborhood at large. In addition, the aspects of this proposal improve the existing condition and significantly upgrade the relationship of the property to thc neighborhoods by providing adequate on-site parking and safe and convenient access. The applicant has indicated that they anticipate traftie and congestion to increase in the future and the need for increase internal circulation and parking would be required. Staff concurs that the additional parking and driveway width modifications would not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com",unity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13. 2008 3) Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code. Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 11of15 The applicant contends that the requested moditication complies with the intent of the code. In addition, the applicant has indicated that the code provides fOf administrative consideration of circumstances that the code cannot possibly address in all possible fmIDs and variations that may anse. Staff has reviewed the proposed modification; the CA zone indicates the incorporation of efficient parking lot design and coordinated access as part of its purpose statement. As such, staff concurs with the applicants conclusions that the requested modification complies with the intent of the code. 4) Can be shown to bejustlfied and requiredfor the use and situation intended. The applicant contents the requested modifications are justified and necessary for the overall developments proper faction and properties integration into the fabric of the neighborhoods. Staff concurs that the proposed driveway width and parking increase are justified and required in this situation as it would result in fewer traffic disruptions to the surrounding properties and maintain historic parking levels wile providing for enhanced internal circulation. 5) Will not create adverse impacts to other property(.,) in the vicinity. As stated under criteria number 2, the proposed driveway width would not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity of this site. Based on the information provided by the applicant, the proposed width would provide better access for trucks accessing the project site than the 30-foot maximum width permitted by code and the increase parking would allows Les Schwab to maintain historic parking levels. Staff has review the request and has determined that the applicant has demonstrated good cause for the reqnested modification. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the requested driveway and parking modifications. Pedestrian Connections -The NE Forth Business District requires a minimum of one pedestrian connection to be provided to the entry or entries of each detached building to the street in addition to sidewalks required in RMC 4-6-060F. A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided from each parking field located on the back and/or side of a building to the entry or entries. A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided from caeh side of a property or development abutting or adjacent to commercial and/or residential nses. The proposed site plan proposed to provide pedestrian connections from NE 4'" Street to the building entrance via a concrete side walk. The pedestrian connection proposed from Union Ave NE is via a combination of sidewalk and crosswalk across the parking field. The proposed walkways will be identified with a change in texture, pavers, or changes in composition of the paving. The purposed pedestrian connections meet ADA requirements. Staff recommends that as a condition of approval the pedestrian walkways shall be defined with pavers, change in texture or changes in composition ,,['the paving to define their location. The Northeast Fourth Business District requires no less then a 1,000 square foot public plaza that shall be located at the intersection ofNE 4'" Street and Union Avenne NE. The proposed site plan and landscape plan indicate compliance with this req uirement. Refuse and Recyclable Deposit Areas -The City's refuse and recyclable standards for a retail development require a minimum of 5 square feet per every 1,000 square feet of building gross 1100r area for recyclable deposit areas and a minimum of 10 square feet per 1,000 square feet of building gross 1100f area for refuse deposit areas. Based on the proposed gross floor area of 14,820 square feet for the new building a minimum of74.1 square feet of recyclable deposit areas would be required and a minimum of 148.2 square feet of refuse deposit areas would be required. The approximate location of the refuse and recyclable areas are shown on the submitted site plan, and would be located at the rear of the existing building and screened from view of the surrounding prope11ies behind a natural cedar screen with secure, locked access gates. The Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13, 2008 Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 12 of 15 applicant requested a modification for refuse and recyclables which states that the facility would provide an interior access hopper into a mechanical compactor placed on the outside of the building. The compactor bin is designed for removal and replacement so that refuse is never exposed nor made accessible. They also requested a waiver for recyclables because the facility has no needs for recycling pickup. The applicant stated that the facility will only create cardboard recyclables and this will be compressed and stored inside the store. The removal of the cardboard will be handled by their private contractor. Staff has reviewed the request and has determined that the applicant has demonstrated good cause for the requested modification. Therefore, staff recommends the approval of the requested modification of Refuse and Recyclables for the subject project. Signage -Signage will be reviewed under a separate permit. c. Mitigation of impacts to surroundillg properties and uses; City staff does not anticipate any adverse impact on surrounding properties and uses. The project is located in an area of commercial uses. All the surrounding parcels are zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). Commercial/service uses are abutting/adjacent to the subject site in all directions except the east. To the east is a parcel containing a wetland and stream, this is a vacant lot. If the future proposal for this lot would contain residential units, then they would be buffered from the subject development by the required stream and wetland buffers. The building is sited along NE 4th which provides visibility from the street. The building entrance is angled to address NE 4th Street and Union Avenue NE parking area. This design allows the building entrance to address both the street and the parking area. The building will meet all required setbacks from property lines and it will provide more than the code requires for a side yard setback along the west property line. The proposed commercial use is anticipated to be compatible with future surrounding uses as permitted in the C A zone. The existing site has historically been used as a commercial property. This proposal does not change the historic uses of the site. The redesign and redevelopment of the site would have positive impacts that would far outweigh the potential negati vc impacts. The proposed project would improve the north side of the block by providing landscaping and canopies for rain protection. It also would improve the west side ofthe block with landscaping and a public plaza with benches and lighting at the intersection ofNE 4th Street and Union Avenue NE. The impacts of the building scale and blank walls that face NE 4th Street would be mitigated, somewhat, by the purposed landscaping along the street frontages and the modulations in the fa9ades created by vertical block facing and high windows. Ii. Mitigatioll of impact' of the proposed site plan to the site; The scale, height, and bulk of the proposed building is appropriate for the site, and is anticipated to be architecturally compatible with the future development in the project vicinity. The Walgreens site is 49,508 square feet and would have a building lot coverage of29.9 percent of the site. The proposed building complies with the size and bulk requirements of the CA zone and NE Forth Street Business District. The proposal provides for 10,303 square feet of landscaped area, 7,0 II is perimeter landscaping and 3,292 interior landscaping on the combined site. The parking field is broken up with landscape islands no less then 5 feet wide and the length of the stalls at a minimum of every 6 stalls. Because the east edge of the site is within a wetland and stream buffer, this p0l1ion of the site would include natural vegetation. The remainder of the site would be impervious areas. Parking is proposed along the south and west sides of the building within surface parking lots. Pedestrian connections would be provided to connect the main entry of the building to the public sidewalk along NE 4th Street, Union Avenue NW, Les Schwab and the parking lots. e. COllservation of area-wide proper(y values; The proposed development is expected to conserve and possibly increase property values in the vicinity of the site. The development of the site provides improvements to infrastructure, landscaping and lighting and additional employment opportunities. Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com, r ,unity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13, 2008 f. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUAOB-014, SA-A, ECF Page 130f15 The parking field for the Les Schwab and the proposed Walgreens would be reconfigured to create a joint parking facility. This would allow for increased circulation and efficiency for both parking lots. To facilitate this arrangement a draft cross casement agreement has been proposed. Staff recommends as a condition of approval, that the draft cross access easement be finalized and recorded with the King County Assessors Office. The joint parking facility would provide 89 parking stalls, iour of which are to be accessible. Walgreens maximum and minimum required parking is 47 stalls and the Les Schwab requirement is 36 parking stalls; as such, a request for the approval of 6 additional parking stalls was included in the application. Vehicular access to the site on NE 4'" Street is changing from four full movement accesses to two right- in/right-out access locations. Vehicular access from Union Avenue NE is reducing from four full movement accesses to two full movement access points. This arrangement of circulation will allow the fewest points of ingress and egress along the public streets used for accessing this site. The proposed circulation system is designed for maximum safety and efficiency. g. Provision of adequate light ami air; The single-story building would not have a significant impact on light access or air movement on adjacent properties. The use of the project is not iniluenced by factors of light or air. According to code, parking lot lighting tixtures are to be non-glare and mounted no more than 25 feet above the ground. This is to help minimize the impact onto adjacent properties, Staff does not anticipate that exterior lighting would become an issue due to the siting ofthe building provided code requirements are met. A lighting plan was not submitted with site plan application, therefore staff recommends as a condition of approval that a lighting plan be submitted with the building permit application tor review and approval by the Development Services Division project manager. h. Mitigation of noise, odors alld other harmful or unhealthy conditions; Noise and odor impacts would occur for a short period of time during building and site construction The contractor would be limited to hauling according to "Haul Hours" (RMC 4-4-030C2) and construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. Odors expected to be produced from the proj eet would consist of vehicle exhaust, which may be less then existing conditions created from a car w3sh and gas station. The building is proposed to be heated. Renton Municipal Code regulates screening of surface-mounted or roof-top mechanical equipment (RMC 4-4-095) i. Availability of public services andlucilities to accommodate the proposed lise; Public services are currently available to the site. The project is within the City of Renton water service boundary. There is an existing 8-inch water main located in NE 4'" Street and an existing 16-inch water main located in Union Avenue NE. In addition, an existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main and storm drainage facilities are located within both NE 4'" Street and Union Avenue NE. Additional right-of-way along NE 4'" Street is required to be dedicated; the applicant has indicated this dedication. In addition to the right-or-way dedication, the project needs to relocate the traffic signal pole, new longer mast arm, power pole and junction box. City of Renton Code requires commercial projects that are 10,000 square feet and more in size shall provide full pavement width per standard (so that the face of curb is 33 feet from NE 4th Street right-of-way centerline), curb, gutter and sidewalks along the full frontages of the parcel being developed on the project side, In addition to parking lot lighting mentioned above, street lighting is required for the subject project along street frontages. j. Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight. The architectural design and landsc3ping of the site would ensure that the property would make a positive contribution to the physical condition and visual aesthetic of the area. No deterioration or blight is expected Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF REPORT OF August 13, 2008 Page 14 of 15 to occur as a result of this proposal. As long as design standards are maintained, the development would be compatible with the existing commercial arca. E. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: I) Request: The Applicant has requested Administrative Site Plan Approval for the Walgreens on NE 4th Street, LUA 08-014, SA-A, ECF. 2) Environmental Review: The City's Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has reviewed the proposal and issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated (DNS-M) and imposed four mitigation measures. 3) Site Plan Review: The applicant's Site Plan Review application complies with the requirements for information necessary for site plan review. The applicant's plans are attached to this report. 5) Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies for land use. 6) Zoning: The Site Plan as presented complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Commercial Arterial zone and NE 4'" Street Business District provided all conditions of approval are complied with. 7) Modification: The applicant has requested two site plan modifications, which are as follows: I) To exceed the maximum driveway width of 30 feet permitted by RMC 4-4-0801.3.c and 2) To exceed the maximum number of parking stalls penllitted by RMC 4-4-080F.l O.e and RMC 4-3-040F.I.d. F. CONCLUSIONS I) The subject proposal complies with the policies and codes of the City of Renton, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 2) The proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies for commercial development in the CA Zone, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 3) The City'S Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has reviewed the proposal and issued a Determination ofNon-Significancc-tvIitigated (DNS-M) and imposed 4 mitigation measures. G. DECISION: The site plan for Walgreens on NE 4th, Project File No. LUA 08-014, SA-A, ECF is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. A Parking Lot lighting plan shall be submitted with the building permit application for review and approval by the Department ofComtrlunity & Economic Development, Planning Division project manager. 2. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted, to the attention of the Department ofCommnnity & Economic Development, Planning Division project manager prior to issuance of a building pennit, indicating the final landscaping and irrigation of the project site. 3. Pedestrian walkways shall be defined with pavers, change in texture, or changes in composition of the paving to define their location. A site plan indicating the change in texture and proposed materials shall be submitted to the Department of Community & Economic Development, Planning Division project manager prior to issuance of a building permit. Walgreens Administrative Site Plan City of Renton Department of Com. .. _nity & Economic Development WALGREENS on NE 4th REPORT OF August 13. 2008 Administrative Site Plan Report and Decision LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 150'15 4. The applicant shall finalize and record the "cross access easement" with the King County Assessors Office prior to building's final inspection. 5. The applicant shall revoke the existing access easement, recording number 8609230401 and 8810261102, on Les Schwab's parcel prior to building pennit approval. 6. The applicant shall provide at building permit review, plan sets with consistent parking and landscaping calculations to the Department of Community & Economic Development, Planning Division project manager for review and approval. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: ;~~J~ " C. E. Vincent, Planning Director TRANSMITTED this 13 111 day of August 2008 to tht! A/Jpficant/OlVneriContact: Thomas Thompson AlA ConslIltin& Architect 296191511 AvenueNE Stanwood, WA 98292 Les SclJ1l'ob Prrdi! Sharing Retirement Trust P.D. Box 667 646 "Vf-V i'vfadras H~~y Prinn"/le, OR 97754 TRANSMITTED this 1 Y" day o.fAllgust 2008 to the Parties oj"Record: Skyler Waldal DMSL Construction Inc. 20902 67 th Avenue NE Ste: #357 Arlington, WA 98223 TRAlI/SMITTED this 13'11 day oJAugust 2008 to t/rcj()//()\Iing: Larry Meckling, Building Official Neil Watts, Development Services Director C. E. Vincent, Planning Director Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Kayren Kittrick, Development Services Fire Marshal Renton Reporter Land Use Action Appeals & Requests for Reconsideration q('310'/ , Decision Date Car Wash Enterprises. fne. 3977 Leary Way NW Seattle. WA 98107 The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). RECONSIDERATION. Within 14 days of the effective date of the decision, any party may request that the Administrator reopen a decision on a short plat. The Administrator may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found Of if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the Administrator finds insufficient l:vidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the following appeal timeframe. APPEAL. This administrative land nse dedsion will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on August 27, 2008. City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 0 governs appeals to the Examiner. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office. (425) 430-6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner. City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. EXPIRATION DATE: Site Plan Approval witt expire two (2) years from the date of approval. An extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-080.M. Walgreens Administrative Site Plan '" ... « ::e '" ... 0 « '" ::e 13 ... '" ~ '" « >-c .. c Z :> 0 0 0 U :z: ~ '" 0 z ... ;;;; :z: ~ E iii 0 Z ... ., ~ .. - L~' , , ". -- , ,[ N I-.... a:I .... ::c >< w r'(Wl~II'S"1II. 10 llYlS · ... lN11OO 9t<IIlI 'NOlN311 JO .uO "' .•.. 3'».~ "N5:l 'dill <C f- --.J <C ~I ':lJS JO ~/LMN 't/LMH JHl JO NOI1~ --"'-_ .. -__ ID __ t ___ _ A3AClns 311U ONVl rcsJl' / 'v'llY :II11!1 - -~ IfM 'NOlN]tJ 13]mS 41; ]N t;OLt IV ]115 ::m 'dn01t) NOSI0.3 SdllllHd ..... --~ ~-.' -~-:..oj _-_ 311S :RIOlS ~n~a SN]]CI~TVIt\ 03S0dO!:ld , ! 1 X'tJ Wt-,;t(0) utJ-Io;;z(0) 1:tOifi.'JNl)I IW(IS :J'IIOI\Y QIIU CLZliI ! I ; ;1 " V I-.... '" co « .... ~ ::c :r: U >< . 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J7" 8 22NR4E 1T22N'R4E 6T22NR5E .:: S-T22NR5E 4~R5E :::::"'3T22NR5E 2 T22NRSE lT2 RESIDENTiAl ~ (RG) Resource Conservation ~ (R-1) Residential 1 dulac ~ (R-4) Residential 4 dulac ~ (R-8) Residential 8 dulac ~ (RMH) Residential MarJJfactured Homes E§] (R-10) Residantial10 dulac I R-H I (R.14) Residential 14 dulac I R~-FI (RM-F) Residential Multi-Family I'RM-T I (RM-T) Residential Mulli.Family Traditional I RM-U I (RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Urban Center MIXED USE CENTERS ~ (CV) Center Village luc-,..] I (UC-N1) Urban Center .. North 1 IUC-I'l21 (UC-N2) Urban Center' North 2 ~ (CD) Center Downtown COMMERCIAL §] (COR) Commercial/OfflceJResidential ~ (CA) Commercial Arterial [§J (CO) Commercial Office ~ (CN) Commercial Neighborhcod INDUSTRIAL ~ (IL) Industrial .. Ug,1 o (1M) Industrial· Medium ~ (IH) Industrial .. Heavy _____ Renton City Limits ____ Adjacent City LimlUi KROll PAGE PAGE# INDEX i ~ , , !- I I , I I , , , ~-" ~-. --" ." -.' ANV dWQ:J .. 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All lots are separately titled. 49,508 (Walg) + 54,876 (Les Schwab) = 101,384 S.F. C-STORE/GAS STATION (CLOSED) on Lot 5182100008 BROWN BEAR CAR WASH on Lot 5182100009 LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE on Lots 5182100010 & 5182100016 14,820 S.F .. (GROSS) DRUG STORE w/ Drive thru 11.655 S.F. NET RETAIL FLOOR AREA 4880 SF SHOWROOM. 5.153 SF AUTO SERVICE, 3840 SF WAREHOUSE COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) within the NE 4th Street Business District. ALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES ARE CA. THIS SITE IS CURRENTLY FULLY DEVELOPED. MOSTLY PAVED WITH USES THAT CATER TO THE SERVICING, FUELING AND WASHING OF AUTOMOBILES. AN ADJACENT WETLAND TO THE EAST IMPACTS THIS SITE AND IS ADDRESSED IN THE ATTACHED BIOLOGIST'S REPORT AND BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN. SOIL TYPE: PROPOSED USE: ACCESS: THE SITE IS GENERALLY UNDERLAIN BY 5 TO 10FT OF FILL OVERLYING MEDIUM DENSE TO VERY DENSE SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL. A GEOTECH REPORT IS INCLUDED IN THIS SITE PLAN REIVEW SUBMISSION. GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED DURING THESE EXPLORATIONS. THE LOTS FRONTING NE 4TH STREET ARE TO BE UTILIZED BY AND FOR A WALGREENS DRUG STORE AND IT'S CODE REQUIRED PARKING. THESE WALGREENS LOTS, PARCELS 5182100008 & 5182100009 WILL BE CONSOLIDATED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW IMPROVEMENTS. THE EXISTING LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE IS TO REMAIN ON IT'S SEPERATEL YTITLED PROPERTY YET THE INTERVENING PARKING FIELD IS TO BE RECONFIGURED FOR EFFICIENCY, REVISED ACCESS AND CIRCULATION AS A JOINT PARKING FACILITY. THE WALGREENS PROPERTY OWNERS AND LES SCHWAB WILL PUT A CROSS EASEMENT AGREEMENT IN PLACE TO FACILITATE THIS ARRANGEMENT. A DRAFT OF THIS AGREEMENT IS INCLUDED IN THE SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMISSION. THIS PROPOSAL CALLS FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE GAS STATION, CAR WASH AND THEIR ASSOCIATED LOT IMPROVEMENTS THIS PROPOSAL WILL ALSO DEDICATE UP TO 8 FT OF NE 4TH STREET FRONTAGE FOR THE ULTIMATE WIDENING OF NE 4TH BY THE CITY OF RENTON. A DRAFT OF THIS DEDICATION IS INCLUDED IN THE SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMISSION. THE EXISTING 4 FULL MOVEMENT ACCESSES FROM 4TH ARE BEING REPLACED WITH TWO RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT ACCESS/EGRESS LOCATIONS. THE EXISTING 4 FULL MOVEMENT ACCESSES FROM UNION ARE BEING REDUCED IN NUMBER TO TWO. THE ACCESS AT LES SCHWAB'S SW CORNER REMAINS AS IS BUT THEIR ACCESS IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE LES SCHWAB STORE IS BEING RELOCATED AND WIDENED APPROX 40 FT NORTH TO BE USED AS A OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: JOINT ACCESS TO THIS DEVELOPMENT. IN SHORT, 8 EXISTING ACCESSES ARE BEING REDUCED TO 4. WITH THE DEDICATION OF UP TO EIGHT [8)FT OF FRONTAGE FOR THE WIDENING OF 4TH STREET; THIS DEVELOPMENT WILL INSTALL A NEW SIDEWALK, CURB,GUTTER. AND PORTION OF ASPHALT ROADWAY TO BLEND WITH THE EXISTING PROFILE OF NE 4THST. THE REVISED ARCHITETURAL SITE PLAN INCLUDED FOR THIS SITE REVIEW SUBMISSION INDICATES COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF RENTON'S ULTIMATE DESIGN FOR THE NE 4TH RIGHT-OF-WAY AS REPRESENTED IN THE CITY'S DOCUMENTED STUDY. WE ARE PROPOSING TO MODIFY THE EXISTING RADIUS CURB/SIDEWALK CONFIGURATION AT THE SE CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF NE4TH AND UNION ON THE BASIS THAT THE TRAFFIC SIGNALS REMAIN AS IS BUT ONE (1) ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION POLE IS BEING RELOCATED. THE CIVIL SITE PLAN. ALSO INCLUDED IN THIS REVISED SUBMITTAL PACKAGE. IS MEANT TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN CHANGES. THE CIVIL SET OF PLANS REPRESENT THE "EXISTING" CONDITIONS AND CURRENT APPEARANCE OF THIS ROAD WAY. THE SIDEWALK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON PUBLIC PROPERTY AS PART OF THE WALGREENS CONTRACT WILL BE BLENDED TO A SIDEWALK APRON ON PRIVATE PROPERTY PROVIDING A SPACE FOR A BUS STOP BENCH AND REFUSE CONTAINER. THIS REVISION OF THE SITE PLAN/LANDSCAPE PLAN ALSO ALLOWS FOR LANDSCAPING TO THE PRIVATE PROPERTY AREA BETWEEN THE BACK OF THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK AND THE NORTH FACE OF THE WALGREENS BUILDING. THE BUILDING CANOPY WILL PROVIDE WEATHER PROTECTION OVER THE PROVIDED BUS STOP BENCH. THE SPACE BETWEEN THE BACK OF THE PUBLIC WALK AND THE FACE OF THE PROPOSED DRUG STORE'S NORTH WALL IS TO BE LANDSCAPED AS REPRESENTED IN THE FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN. ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: THE WALGREENS BUILDING IS PROPOSED TO HAVE A "0" SET-BACK AT THE BUILDING'S NE CORNER AND EXTEND WEST, TAPPERING AWAYFROM THE RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE, TO A MAXIMUM SETBACK OF APPROXIMATELY 9'-9" AT THE BUILDING'S NW CORNER. ALL CURRENT EASEMENTS WILL REMAIN AS IS WITH THE EXCEPTIONOF THE TWO 24 FT WIDE ACCESS EASEMENTS (5182100013, & 8609230401) RUNNING PARALLEL AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE SOUTH AND EAST PROPERTY LINE OF THE LES SCHWAB LOT AND THE EAST BOUNDRY OF THE PROPOSED WALGREENS LOT. THESE COMPRISE AN EASEMENT PATH FROM UNION TO NE 4TH STREET. INCLUDED IN THIS SITE PLAN REVIEW ARE DRAFT(S) OR QUIT CLAIMS TO REMOVE THESE ACCESS EASEMENTS THE DEVELOPER WILL BE WORKING WITH THE CITY ON THE CALCULATION OF OFF-SITE IMPACT FEES AND AS PAYMENT IN LIEU FOR WORK BEYOND THE NEW CURB LINE. IN ADDITION TO THE NEW WALGREENS STORE, PARKING LOT & LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS THIS PROJECT WILL PROVIDE A 1000 S.F. PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN PLAZA AT THE INTERSECTION OF 4TH AND UNION COMPLETE WITH LANDSCAPING, SEATING & BOLLARD LIGHT FIXTURES. ALSO PROVIDED FOR AESTHETIC REASONS ARE 30" HIGH MASONRY SCREEN WALLS WITHIN THE LANDSCAPE STRIP FRONTING UNION; AND WETLAND MITIGATION ALONG THE ENTIRE EASTERLY BOUNDRY LINE. THE WALGREENS LOT IS BEING PROVIDED WITH LANDSCAPING THAT IS IN EXCESS OF CODE AS PER THE TABULATED LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS ON THE REVISED L-I LANDSCAPE PLAN DATED 04-01-08. INTERNAL PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING IS 215% MORE THAN REQUIRED. THE NEW LANDSCAPING ON THE LES SCHWAB PORTION OF THE SITE ALONG UNION IS CONFINED TO THE PORTION OF FRONTAGE MADE AVAILABLE BY RELOCATING THE ACCESS TO A COMMON LOCATION AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. THE BALANCE OF NEW LANDSCAPING TO THE LES SCHW AB SITE IS APPROXIMATELY 70% OF CODE HOWEVER ADDITIONAL LANSCAPING IS PART OF THE WETLAND MITIGATION ALONG THE FULL LENGTH OF THE EAST PROPERTY LINES OF BOTH LOTS. WE NOTE. AS WELL. THAT WHERE CODE REQUIRES THAT WE PRESERVE ONE (1) OF THE EXISTING TREES. WE PRESERVE FOUR (4). THE LANDSCAPING PROVIDED ON THE REVISED DESIGN EXCEEDS THAT PROPOSED ON THE FIRST SUBMISSION BY APPROXIMATELY 1000SF. IT IS IMPORTANTTO NOTE THAT WHILE THE EXISTING OVERALL DEVELOPMENT SITE. COMPRISED OF THE GAS STATION. THE CAR WASH AND THE TIRE STORE, THERE IS NOT A STORMWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT SYSTEM AS HAS BEEN REQUIRED BY CODE FOR SOME TIME. THE CURRENT SYSTEM SIMPLY GATHERS STORMWATER AND PIPES IT TO THE EXISTING ADJACENT MAPLE CREEK WATERWAY. OUR SITE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL INCLUDES FOR AN UP TO DATE DETENTION VAULT AND TREATMENT SYSTEM THAT MITIGATES THE STORMWATER'S IMPACT ON THIS NATURAL WATERCOURSE AND THE CITY'S INFRASTRUCTURE. ALSO, IT IS DEEMED AS A CONSIDERABLE IMPROVEMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT THAT THE REPLACEMENT OF A GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AND A CAR WASH WITH A DRUG STORE PROVIDE FOR A CONSIDERABLE LESSENING OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. THE IMPROVEMENT TO THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT CANNOT BE EXAGERATED. FREE-STANDING SIGNS: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS: LANDSCAPE: IN ADDITION TO ON-BUILDING SIGNAGE AS INDICATED ON THE PROVIDED BUIDING ELEVATION SHEET, THIS PROPOSAL INCLUDES FOR AN UPRIGHT PYLON SIGN FOR WALGREENS LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN. THIS SIGN IS APPROX. 25FT HIGH (LESS THAN THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE OF 40FT) AND COMPRISED OF APPROX 90 SQ OF SIGNAGE IDENTIFICATION (LOGO) AND 34 SF OF AN ELECTRONIC READERBOARD PANEL. THE TOTAL SIGN AREA FOR THIS PYLON IS 125 SF WHICH IS LESS THAN THE 300 SF ALLOWED BY CITY CODE. THE SIGN WILL PROJECT 6 FT INTO THE 10FT REQUIRED SETBACK AS PERMITTED AND HAVE A GROUND CLEARANCE OF 8 FT. THIS FREE STANDING SIGN FOR WALGREENS HAS BEEN RELOCATED ON THE NEW SITE PLAN TO BE WITHIN THE 1000 SF CORNER PEDESTRIAN AMENITY AREA. GIVEN THAT ONLY A POLE OF APPROXIMATELY 12 INCHES SQUARE PROJECTS FROM THE GROUND, IT IS NOT DEEMED TO BE INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE OF THE AMENITY AREA. A SIGN IS SHOWN ALONG THE UNION FRONTAGE TO REPRESENT LES SCHWAB'S EXISTING PYLON SIGN WHICH THEY MAY RETAIN OR REPLACE. IF TO REPLACE LES SCHWAB WILL APPLY FOR PERMITS AS REQUIRED BY CITY CODE. $2,000,000 PLEASE SEE THE NARRATIVE ABOVE FOR DESCRIPTIONS OF THE REVISED LANDSCAPE PLAN BEING SUBMITTED WITH THIS DOCUMENT.BASED ON THE ATTACHED TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF EXISTING CONDITIONS AND THE ATTACHED PROPOSED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN IT APPEARS 4 OF THE 8 EXISTING LIVING TREES WILL BE REMOVED. OTHERWISE, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE EXISTING LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE, THE EXISTING SITE IS, FOR THE MOST PART, ENTIRELY RE-DEVELOPED FOR STORM DRAINAGE, PAVING AND LANDSCAPING. THE LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN INCLUDED IN THIS APPLICATION CONTAINS THE LANDSCAPE CALCULA TIONS FOR THE OVERALL LOTS AS WELL AS PER THE REQUIREMENT FOR PARKING LOT INTERIORS. ALSO INCLUDED FOR IN THIS DESIGN PROPOSAL IS THE REQUIRED 1000 SF PEDESTRIAN PARK LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION. THIS PARK IS COMPLETE WITH PLANTING, SEATING AND ACCESS/BOLLARD LIGHTING. STREET TREES DO NOT CURRENTLY EXISTiNG ON EITHER FRONTING STREET. OUR DESIGN INSTALLS STREET TREES BUT WITH A REQUESTED DEVIATION ON SPACING AND PLACEMENT. REQUESTED DEVIA TlONS THE FOLLOWING DEVIATIONS FROM SPECIFIC CITY CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE REQUESTED: REFUSE RECYLCING: THE WALGREENS DRUG STORE HAS PARTICULAR NEEDS FOR THE HANDLING OF ITS REFUSE WASTE AS CAN WELL BE UNDERSTOOD. ALL WASTE IS DEPOSITED THRU AN INTERIOR ACCESS HOPPER INTO A MECHANICAL COMPACTOR PLACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING ON THE EAST SIDE. THIS UNIT IS CONCEALED BEHIND A NATURAL CEDAR SCREEN COMPLETE WITH SECURE, LOCKED ACCESS GATES. THE COMPACTOR BIN IS DESIGN FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT SO THAT REFUSE IS NEVER EXPOSED NOR MADE ACCESSIBLE. THERE IS NO NEED FOR STAFF TO LEAVE THE BUILDING TO DEPOSIT MATERIAL INTO THE COMPACTOR. THIS FACILITY HAS NO NEED FOR RE-CYCLING PICKUP OTHER THAN IN IT'S HANDLING OF CARDBOARD (EXPLAINED LATER IN THIS PARAGRAPH) AS THAT DOES NOT FACTOR INTO ITS RETAIL OPERATIONS. GARBAGE REMOVAL IS BY PRIVATE CONTRACTOR/SERVICE, HANDLED CORPORA TEL y, AND INCLUDES FOR THE REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED CARDBOARD THAT IS RETAINED PARKING: INSIDE THE STORE IN BALES COMPRESSED IN A HYDRALIC BALER. WE THEREFORE REQUEST RELAXATION OR DEVIATION FROM THE REFUSE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY CODE. CITY CODE LIMITS PARKING TO A MAXIMUM CALCULATION. PARKING CALCULATIONS FOR WALGREENS IS BASED ON THE NET RETAIL AREA AS PERMITTED BY CODE AND IS ALLOWED A MAXIMUM OF 47 STALLS: THE EXISTING LES SCHWAB FACILITY IS BASED ON GROSS FLOOR AREAS AND IS ALLOWED A MAXIMUM OF 36 STALLS. ALL CALCULATIONS ARE PROVIDED ON THE ATTACHED REVISED SITE PLAN. THE TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED ON THE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT SITE IS 89 OR 6 MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM CALCULATED TOTAL. WE THEREFORE REQUEST A DEVIATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE PARKING PROVIDED. IT IS OUR INTENTION TO NOT ERODE LES SCHWAB'S CURRENT QUANTITY OF PARKING WHICH THEY REGARD, BASED ON REAL TIME EXPERIENCE, AS NECESSARY FOR THEIR BUSINESS OPERATIONS. THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS PROVIDE CURRENT CODE CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE VARIOUS USES CONTAINED WITHIN THE LES SCHWAB FACILITY. OUR DESIGN INDICATES A SLIGHT OVER PARKED SITUATION BUT REQUEST THIS RELAXATION ON THE BASIS OF THE NEEDS OF THE OPERATOR AND THE NATURE OF THE USE. DRIVEWAY ACCESSES- CURB CUT: CITY CODE LIMITS THE MAXIMUM DIMENSION FOR THE WIDTH OF A DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO 30FT. WE REQUEST THE DEVIATION FOR TWO OF OUR 3 DRIVEW A YS TO 40FT FOR TWO REASONS: 1) FOR THE NEEDED MANOUVERING ROOM FOR LOADING TRUCKS, AND 2) TO ALLOW FOR ONE LANE IN-BOUND AND 2 OUT- BOUND. · . LANDSCAPING (PERIMETER): LANDSCAPING (INTERNAL) : AS THE MOST WESTERLY OF THE TWO DRIVEWAYS ON TO E.4TH IS A RIGHT-IN. RIGHT-OUT ONLY AND NOT SUBJECT TO TRUCK MOVEMENTS, 24FT IS ACCEPTABLE. THIS RE-DEVELOPMENT SCHEME REPLACES THE EXISTING 8 DRIVEWAY CROSSINGS WITH ONLY 5. WE ALSO SEEK DEVIATION FROM THE REQUIREMENT TO KEEP THE DRIVEWAY CURB 5 FT FROM A COMMON PROPERTY LINE IN THE CASE OF THE DRIVE IN THE NE CORNER OF THE SITE. THIS ACCESS IS PROPOSED TO BE IN THE SAME LOCATION AS AN EXISTING ACCESS WHICH DOES NOT MEET THIS 5FT SETBACK. WE WISH TO KEEP IT THE SAME. THE ADJACENT PROPERTY IS A WETLAND AND THIS RELAXATION DOES NOT HAVE AN IMPACT RELATIVE TO AN ADJOINING PROPERTY ACCESS DRIVEWAY. GIVEN THE PLACEMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS WE REQUEST DEVIATION ON THE EXACT NUMBERS & LOCATION OF STREET TREES AS PERSCRIBED IN CITY CODE. EXAMINATION OF THE CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN WILL GRAPHICALLY DISPLAY OUR INTENTIONS. WHERE THE WALGREENS STORE IS BROUGHT TO OR NEAR THE BACK OF THE SIDEWALK WITH OVERHANGING CANOPIES THAT PROVIDE PROTECTION TO PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY AS WELL AS BUS STOP PATRONS. PLACEMENT OF STREET TREES WOULD CONFLICT PHYSICALLY WITH THESE IMPROVEMENTS. THE REQUIRED PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING FOR THE "NEW" PORTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOT REGARDED AS WALGREENS MEETS CITY CODE B CITY CODE REQUIRES 8 PARKING LOT TREES AND 8 PARKING LOT TREES ARE PROVIDED. THE LES SCHWAB PORTION OF THE RE-STRIPPED PARKING REQUIRES 8 TREES IN THE PARKING LOT AREA, AND 7 ARE PROVIDED. WE REQUEST DEVIATION FROM MEETING CURRENT CODE INSOFAR AS EVEN IF ONE TREE SHORT, WE HAVE RETAINED 4 OF THE EXISTING TREES WHERE ONLY 1 IS SO REQUIRED FOR PRESERVATION BY CODE. WE ALSO BELIEVE THE NEW LOT LA YOUT IS SUPERIOR AND MORE BENEFICIAL TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC THAN THE ONE BEING REPLACED. BUILDING SETBACK IT IS UNCLEAR IN CODE BUT WE BELIEVE IT IS ALLOWED THAT A ZERO SETBACK FOR THE WALGREENS BUILDING ALONG EAST 4TH STREET IS ACCEPTABLE. WE LIST THIS AS A REQUESTED DEVIATION HERE SHOULD WE MIGHT BE READING CITY CODE IN ERROR. THE PROPOSAL IS TO BRING THE NE CORNER OF THE BLDG TO THE PROPERTY LINE BUT AS THE ANGLE OF THE BUILDING FACE IS NOT PARALLEL TO THE RIGHT OF WAY THERE IS A SETBACK AT THE BUIDLING'S NW CORNER OF APPROXIMATELY 9FT. LANDSCAPE SETBACK THE AREA BETWEENTHE CITY SIDEWALK AND THE BUILDING FACE WILL BE CONCRETE, UNDER A BUS STOP BENCH BUT LANDSCAPED ELSEWHERE. WE ALSO PROPOSE TO HANG OVERHEAD STEEL CANOPIES FROM THE BUILDING INTO THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE SIDEWALK. THESE ARE DEMOUNTABLE CANOPIES AND ARE APPROX 12FT OR MORE ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE SIDEWALK AND PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION TO THOSE WAITING AT THE BUS STOP. ALONG UNION: CITY CODE ALLOWS FOR THE REDUCTION OF A 10FT LANDSCAPE PERIMETER STRIP TO 5FT THRU THE USE OF ALTERNATE DESIGN AIDS. WE THEREFORE INCLUDE AND SHOW 30" HIGH MASONRY SCREEN WALLS WITHIN THE 5FT WIDE STRIP PROVIDED TO SCREEN THE FRONT OF PARKED CARS. WETLAND BUFFER: THE WETLAND/CREEK BUFFER DEVIATION IS PROFFERED BY THE CONSULTING BIOLOGIST IN THE ATTACHED STUDY AND REPORT. July 25, 2008 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 15th Avenue NE Stanwood, W A 98292 SUBJECT: Walgreens on NE 4th Street LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF "Off Hold" Notice Dear Mr. Thompson: CIT'\;&OF RENTON ~epartment ofConnnunity and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administ.rator Thank you for submitting the additional materials requested in the "Hold" letter from the City. Your project has been taken off hold and the City will continue review of the Walgreens project. The Site Plan Review is an Administrative Determination and therefore, will not be. heard at a public hearing. Once a determination has been made, the City will notify you of their decision and the associated appeal period. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, ~-DJ~ Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Rertirement Trust / Owners Skyler Waldal / Party ofRec9rd ~--~-------IO-5-5-S9-u-fu~G-rn-d-Y-W-a-Y---R-ffi-to-n-,w--as-h-m-~-oo-· -98-0-5-7~----~----~ ~ AHEAD OF THE CURVE \V Th;S: p~r contains 50% recycled mate.riaI. 30% post consumer Thomas July 18, 2008 Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner hornpson A I A JUL Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Walgreens on NE 4th Street LUA08-0 14, SA-A, ECF Dear Vanessa, Further to our Site Plan Review process we wish here to supplement the earlier submitted Narrative with this adjusted Modification Request according to the specific outline as listed in City code. DRIVEWA Y ACCESSES· CURB CUT: CITY CODE LIMITS THE MAXIMUM DIMENSION FOR THE WIDTH OF A DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO 30FT. WE REQUEST THE DEVIATION FOR TWO OF OUR 4 DRIVEWAYS TO 40FT FOR TWO REASONS: I) FOR THE NEEDED MANOUVERING ROOM FOR LOADING TRUCKS AS SHOWN BY THE TRUCK TURNING TEMPLATE SUPERIMPOSED ON THE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN AS·I, AND 2) FOR THE UNION STREET ACCESS ONLY, TO ALLOW FOR ONE LANE IN·BOUND AND 2 OUT· BOUND AS WELL AS FOR THE EXITING MOVEMENT OF THE WALGREENS LOADING TRUCK. THE STRIPING TO THREE LANES GREATLY ASSISTS MOVEMENT OF VEHICLES THRU THIS ACCESS DRIVEWAY AS EXITING TRAFFIC IS NOT CONJESTED DUE TO SOUTH BOUND EXIT TRAFFIC WAITING FOR A SAFE OPPORTUNITY TO EXIT ACROSS THE CENTER LINE; AND PROVIDING THE 29619 15 th Avenue NE, Stanwood, WA 98292 tS 9@att.net cell: 206·409·0755 phone: 360·629·3985 fax: 360·629·5435 ABILITY FOR NORTH BOUND TRAFFIC TO MOVE OUT UNAFFECTED BY THOSE WAITING TO TURN SOUTH. AS THE MOST WESTERLY OF THE TWO DRIVEWAYS ACCESSING EAST 4TH IS A RIGHT-IN, RIGHT-OUT ONLY AND NOT SUBJECT TO TRUCK MOVEMENTS, 24FT IS ACCEPTABLE. THIS RE-DEVELOPMENT SCHEME REPLACES THE EXISTING 8 DRIVEWAY CROSSINGS ON THIS COMBINED SITE TO 4, ONE OF WHICH IS UNCHANGED AT THE SW CORNER OF THE LES SCHWAB PROPERTY. THE OTHER THREE ARE MODIFIED IN DESIGN AND/OR LOCATION; TWO OF WHICH ARE RELOCATED ALL TO BEST SUIT THE SITE AT IMPROVED LOCATIONS ALONG THE TWO STREET FRONTAGES. TO THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION OF OUR DRIVEWAY DEVIATION REQUEST WE ADD THE FOLLOWING RESPONSES TO SPECIFIC APPROVAL MUNICIPAL CRITERIA FOR BOTH THE DRIVEWAY AND PARKING DEVIATIONS. A) OUR DEVIATION REQUESTS FOR BOTH DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING, WE BELIEVE, MEET THE OBJECTIVES AND SAFETY, FUNCTIONAL, APPEARANCE. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND MAINTAINABILITY AS INTENDED BY THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND SOUND ENGINEERING JUDGEMENT; RESPONSE: BY REDUCING THE NUMBER OF DRIVEWAYS TO HALF THE HISTORIC NUMBER SERVING THESE THREE LOTS AND RELOCATING TWO WE SHOW COMPLIANCE WITH CITY PREFERENCES ON DRIVEWAY LOCATION AND INTEGRATION WITH OFF-SITE TRAFFIC PATTERNS. THE CONFIGURATION OF OUR DRIVEWAYS, TWO SIGNED AS RIGHT-IN AND RIGHT-OUT ONLY AND ONE SHOWN AS HAVING A DEDICATED LEFT TURN LANE IN ADDITION TO ONE IN-BOUND AND ONE DEDICATED RIGHT ONLY OUT-BOUND SERVE TO PROPERLY INTEGRATE TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS IN-BOUND AND OUT-BOUND WITH THOSE ON-SITE AND ON CITY STREETS. THIS SERVES TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM SAFETY TO THE PUBLIC, SUPERIOR FUNCTION, MAXIMUM OPPORTUNITY FOR LANDSCAPING AND PROVIDING NO ENVIRONMENTAL NEGATIVES. INDEED, SOUND ENGINEERING DESIGN IS THE SOURCE OF DESIGN FOR EACH DRIVEWAY. THE PARKING STALL NUMBER, I.E. RATIO OF PARKING PROVIDED TO FLOOR AREA OF USES ON-SITE, CONTINUES THIS SENSITIVITY TO PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY BY SLIGHTLY EXCEEDING CITY RATIOS IN FAVOR OF THE CORPORATE PREFERENCES OF THESE TWO REGIONAL RETAILERS. CLEARLY, WALGREENS BUILDS NATIONALLY AND KNOWS WELL IT'S PARKING NEEDS AND IS ULTIMATELY CONCERNED WITH THE CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. THE "OVERAGE" OF PARKING IS ESSENTIALLY ON THE LES SCHWAB SITE AND HAS MUCH TO DO WITH THEIR HISTORIC USE OF THEIR LOT AND WITH THE NATURE OF THEIR BUSINESS. BEING ESTABLISHED AT THIS LOCATION FOR A LENGTHY PERIOD THEIR BUILDING AND PARKING HAVE BEEN EXPANDED TO WHERE IT IS TODAY TO MEET THE NEEDS IN THAT LOCAL MARKET. ALL PARKING IS DEEMED REQUIRED AND MAY EXCEED CITY CODE DUE TO THE NATURE OF SERVICE (TIRE AND REPAIR WORK) WHERE CUSTOMERS LEAVE CARS FOR ATIENTION AND STAFF PARKING IS SOMEWHAT HIGHER THAN SIMPLE EVERYDAY RETAIL SPACE. STAFF PARKING IS KEPT ON-SITE AND THEREFORE WILL NOT IMPACT NEGATIVELY ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD. B) THESE PROPOSED DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS AND CONFIGURATIONS AS WELL AS THE PARKING LAYOUT ARE NOT DETRIMENTAL TO NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES OR USES. OR INDEED TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD AT LARGE. SIMPLY PUT, THOSE ASPECTS OF THIS PROPOSAL IMPROVE THE EXISTING CONDITION AND SIGNIFICANTLY UPGRADE THE RELATIONSHIP OF THIS PROPERTY TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY PROVIDING ADEQUATE ON-SITE PARKING FOR THE UNIQUE NEEDS CONTAINED AND PROVIDING SAFE AND CONVENIENT ACCESS FOR NOW AND INTO THE FUTURE WHEN WE CAN ONLY EXPECT TRAFFIC CONGESTION WILL ONLY INCREASE. C) WE BELIEVE THESE DEVIATION REQUESTS COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE CODE IN SO FAR AS THE CODE PROVIDES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE CONSIDERATION OF CIRCUMSTANCES THAT THE CODE CANNOT POSSIBLY ADDRESS IN ALL THE FORMS AND VARIATIONS THAT CAN AND DO ARISE. D) BY THE DISCUSSION AFFORDED ABOVE WE BELIEVE WE HAVE SHOWN THE REQUESTED DEVIATIONS ARE JUSTIFIED AND NECESSARY FOR THE OVERALL DEVELOPMENTS PROPER FUNCTIONING AND PROPER INTEGRATION INTO THE FABRIC OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. E) THAT THESE DEVIATIONS WILL NOT CREATE ADVERSE IMPACT TO THE OTHER PROPERTIES IN THE VICINITY IS ANSWERED IN ITEM B'S RESPONSE ABOVE. We are submitting this Deviation Request brief directly and will follow in a day or two with the up to date plans in full and reduced form. Should you need anything attended to further please advise. We continue to appreciate your positive and constructive assistance in advancing us to permit. Thank you, Thomas Thompson, AlA Cit yo ... _nton Department of Planning I Building I Pub arks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET COMMENTS DUE: DATE PLANNER: PLAN REVIEWER: EXISTING BLDG AREA & 354 Union Ave NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA feet PLEASE RETURN TO VANESSA DOLBEE IN DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 6TH FLOOR SUMMARY OF The applicant is requesting a Administrative Site Plan Review for a 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. There are two existing buildings on the site that total 3,527 sq. ft. that will be demolished. The proposal site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) As proposed the eight existing access points will be reduced to four; two from NE 4th street and two from Union Avenue NE. The buffer of a wetland and Maplewood Creek exist on site; as such. a SEPAIEnvironmental Review will be required. No trees will be kept. Submitted with the project are the following studies: Stream and wetland mitigation plan (no delineation), Traffic Study Geotech. The applicant will install road, pedestrian and landscape improvements along 4th Street. Also included in improvements is an up to date detention vault and treatment system to mitigate storm water impacts. Modiftcations are requested to allow a wider curb cut than typically allowed for retail uses (40' vs. 30') and a modification to provide 11 off-site parking spaces at the Les Schwab Tire Store. When combined with the Walgreen's site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 94 spaces, 11 more spaces than permitted by the parking code. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinq Air Aesthetics Water Li htlG/are Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl Historic/Cultural Nalural Resources Presentation Airport Environment 10,000 Feel 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with panicular attention to those areas in which we have expenise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of ~~~uthorized Representative Date PROJECT LUA 08-014, SA-A, ECF Walgreen's on NE 4th City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET (Continuation) If there are payphones in the business complex, it is recommended they be outgoing use only. Public payphones tend to attract drug traffic and having only the ability to call out on payphones severely hinders this type of activity. All areas of this project need to have adequate lighting. This will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicle (one of the most common crimes in Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for customers of the complex. The structure should have a building number clearly posted with numbers at least 6" in height and of a color contrasting with the building. Unit numbers for the dwellings should also be illuminated so that they are easily located. This will assist emergency personnel in locating the correct location for response. Landscaping should be installed with the objective of allowing visibility -not too dense and not too high. Too much landscaping will make customers, employees, and tenants feel isolated and will provide criminals with concealment to commit crimes such as burglary. It is key for a business complex of this size to have appropriate lighting and signage. "No Trespassing" signs should be posted in conspicuous locations throughout the property, including entrances to the property and parking areas. I highly recommend that the developer have a Renton Police Crime Prevention Representative conduct a security survey of the premises once construction is complete. Walgreen's drive-up pharmacy should be located as close to the front area of the store as possible. This should be well-lit and open to view. Pharmacies that offer this type of service have a high risk of burglary and/or robbery due to the narcotics available on the premises. PROJECT LUA 08-014, SA-A, ECF Walgreen's on NE 4th City of Renton Department of Planning I Building I Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET (Continuation) POLICE RELATED COMMENTS 7 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually CONSTRUCTION PHASE To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The sitc will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain-link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy-duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1-1/2" throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter-resistant. I also recommend the business post the appropriate "No Trespassing" signs on the property while it's under construction (flier attached). This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours if suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. The use of off-duty police officers or private security guards to patrol the site during the hours of darkness is also recommended. COMPLETED BUILDING All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy-duty deadbolt locks, latch guards or pry-resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. Access to the back of the buildings should be limited, preferably with security fencing, as these areas could be vulnerable to crime due to the lack of natural surveillance by business customers or tenants. It is recommended that the commercial areas be monitored with recorded security alarm systems installed. It's not uncommon for businesses to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness. An auxiliary security service could be used to patrol the property during those times. It is important to direct all foot traffic into the main entrance of the building. Any alternative employee entrances should have coded access to prevent trespassing. April 28, 2008 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 296l9l5thAvenueNE Stanwood, WA 98292 SUBJECT: Walgreen's onNE 4th Street LUA08~014, SA-A, ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: . CITY -F RENTON Department of COinmunity and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Adminis.trator The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton .accepted the. above master application for review on Februay 2S, 2008, During the review process, staff has determined that additional information is necessary in order to proceed·further. The following information will need to he submitted so that we may continue the review of the above subject application: • Please submit three full size plan sets and one set of PMT's of the updated plans that include the changes and eliminate the inconsistencies that were presentin the plans submitted ApriI4,2QOS. At this time, your project has been placed "on hold" pending receipt of the requested information. Please contact me at (425) 430-7314 if you have l!Jlyquestions. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Rertirement Trust / Owners Skyler Waldel / Party of Record . . --~--------1~O-5S-S-0-U-ili-G-m-d-Y-W-a-y7--R-en-w-n-,W--as-hm-. ~--on--98~O-5~7------------~ ~--. ·'AHE"AD OF TH-E GU.RVE \V' Ttlis paPer contains 50% recycled matertal, 30% postconsumer ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: Walgreen. on NE 4'" Street PROJECT NUMBER: LUA08-014, SA_A, ECF LOCATION: 4105,4111 NE 4'" Street & 354 Union Avenue NE DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPAl Review and Admlni$tl'atlv~ Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with a drive through wlndQw on a 49,508 !Sq. ft. site In tile Commert:lel Arterlill (CA) zon ... Tn!;! site is made up of two lots, parcel 6182100009 127,ltHi sq. fL) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) There will be four access points; two from NE 4th Street ilnd two from Union Avenue NE. Th. existing site cantOlliM a gas station; the associated underground tanks fOl' tills slClsUng development will be removed. Theru is 2,849 sq. ft. of wetland and stream buffer on site. The Intervening parking field between the IIubject PillKAlts and the existing Les Schwab will be revised as a lolnt parking facility. When comblnlKl with the Walgreens Bite, the two developments will jointly provide a total of93 parking spaces. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the enVironmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on April 14, 2008. Appeals must be filed In writtng together with the required S75.0U application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renlon, WA 98057. Appeals to the Eumlns. e.a DOV1Irn>Jd by City of Ranton Munlc;:lpal Code Section 4-8.ll0.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process rnay be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (426) 430-6510. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. 00 NOT R.EMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. CERTIFICATION J, c'2\-.f,\t'?rf\ ---(Y'Y~ , hereby certify that -=s copies of the above were posted by me in =.s:::conspicuous places or nearby the described prc'pe:rt,: DATE: ?::>12lolcJO . on the d (. "''''day of -.-r\/...!h.:Q&1-1..CL· Jib::>..... ___ _ Seattle Public Utilities Chuck Clerkc. Director March 24, 2008 Planning/Building/Public Works Department Development Services Division Sixth Floor Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 RE: Notice of Application Walgreen's on NE 4th 5t LUAOB·014, SA·A, ECF To Whom It May Concern: , ""r:G ,~':;" IO~'\ MAR 2 ~ 2008 RECEIVED Thank you for sending Seattle Public Utilities a copy of your Notice of Application for this project. This letter is to provide notice that Seattle Public Utilities operates a 36" inch water transmission pipeline within Union Avenue in the vicinity of this project. This pipeline is one of our main water transmission lines which supplies water communities in Seattle and in various communities in King County. I have enclosed a copy of our map book sheet showing the approximate location of the 36" pipeline. If there is excavation, construction or operation of heavy equipment performed in the area of our pipe, "Consent" or "Permit" needs to be obtained from Seattle Public Utilities. Also, Seattle Public Utilities should be included in the pre-construction process, plan review and the actual construction If the pipeline area is affected. Information needed by SPU • Three copies of scalable Plan, Section and Profile drawings that show the planned improvements in proximity to our pipe. These plans will be reviewed for comment by SPU Operations staff & engineers. • The planned start and finish dates. Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 FiHh A\cnue, Suite 4900, PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98104 Tel: (206) 684-5851, TTY/TDD: (206) 233-7241, Fax: (206) 684-4631 [nlemet Address: http://www.seattle.gov/utll! An equal employment opportunity, affirmative action l:lllploycr, Accommodations for people with disabilities provided upon request. Information you may need • Record plans of our facilities can be obtained from the City of Seattle Vault which is located at the 4yth floor of the Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 5th Ave., Suite 4700, Seattle, 98124. The phone number there is 206-684-5132. • Any work in close proximity to our pipeline (including locating by potholing) must be supervised by SPU. Call SPU's Lake Youngs Headquarters at 206-684-3933 at least 48 hours in advance. • Pipe protection may be necessary if heavy equipment crosses the pipe. Typical temporary bridging would be timbers and steel plate. If anyone connected with this project should need additional information please contact me at 206-684-5969 or e-mail bob.gambili@seattle.gov. Sincerely, Effie Moody Sr. Real Property Agent Enclosure: Map book page 371, Kroll 810 showing approximate localion of the Union Avenue Supply Line Seattle Municipal Tower. 700 rifth A\'~TlllL'. Suite 4900, PO Box 34018 Seattle. WA 9Hl04 Tel: (206) 684-585\, TTY ITDD: (206) 233-7241 , Fax: (206) 684-4631. Internet Address: hnp:i/www,scattlc.goviutlli An equal employment opportunity, aflinnative action employer, Accommodations for people with disabilities provided upon request J't"CI ll'CUSH. 97,: 00 " \!"'Off<' I::NTO/'oo • "WMOYER U''-I 'Or A'll ./ lY·:;·7+ou ~""f'Lrwnor> , PL,I,,-lP STATlO,\i .. jO''V U ~-'a!E 'ONDUIT .U.M p~pt .r. PT~ ~OVER O\'ER Pl, .,"t" IIH ell' OVER: .j:;'S OF GY (I"V ~. i: ~,. :: il: I ~,: :, q 370 March 19,2008 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 15th AVenue NE Stanwood, W A 98292 SUBJECT: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street LUA08.014, SA-A, ECF "Off Hold" Notice Dear Mr. Thompson: CITY F RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Thank you for submitting the additional materials requested in theon hold letter from the City. Your project has been taken off hold and the City will continue review of the Walgreens project. The project has been rescheduled for ERC on Monday, March 24,2008 at 3:00pm. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, . ~b~ __ ~Jbe.tL Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Rertirement Trust fOwners ------------IO-S-5-S0-u-ili-G-~~-W-aY--~R-e-nt-on-,-w-as-h-m-~-00--98-0-57~.~--~-----,~ ~ , AHEAD -O'F THE CURVE, "%I :fhiS paper Contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 19. 2008 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Vanessa Do I bee Arneta Henninger X7298 ~r% WALGREENS ON NE 4TH ST LlIA 08-014 __________ ----'4"'1.::.:050.:, 4111 NE 4th St and 354 Union Ave NE [ have completed my review on the Walgreens Drug Store application located in Section IS, Township 23N, Range 5E and have the following comments. Existing Waler: This site is in the City of Renton water service boundary. This project site is located in the 565 Water Pressure Zone. The static water pressure at the street level is about 70 psi. There is an existing 8" watermain located in NE 4th St. See City of Renton water drawing W0240 AsBuilt for details. There is an existing 16" watermain in Union Ave NE. See City of Renton water drawing W0238 and W0245 AsBuilt for details. Sanitary Sewer: There is an existing 8" sanitary sewer main in both NE 4th St and in Union Ave NE. Storm: There are storm drainage facilities in NE 4th St and Union Ave NE. REQUIREMENTS Water • Per the City Fire Marshall, the preliminary fire flow for this site is 2250 aPM if sprinklered. Any new construction must have one fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 aPM and shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and additional hydrants (also capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 aPM) within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along the travel route. The number of additional hydrants required is dependent on the calculated fireflow, if it remains at 2250 aPM then 3 fire hydrants will be required. If the fire flow exceeds 2500 GPM the project will be required to install a looped watermain around the building. • Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. • The existing fire hydrants may need to be fitted with stortz fittings to bring them up to current City code. • The final location of the fire hydrants will be determined based on the final sidewalk location. • The proposal needs to show a DDCV A. Internal DDCV A for fire service must be designed per City of Renton water standards and detai I requirements. • The Fire Service fee amount is based on the size of the fire service water line. • Existing water meters shall be cut & cap per City of Renton standards. Walgreen~ on NE 4th St NE 4th 5t o The Water System Development Charge fees are based on the size of each and all domestic water meters. Sanitary Sewer o The applicant needs to show how to provide this private site with a commercial sidesewer. Please note that the project will need to replace the existing sidesewer from the right-of-way to the new structure if the existing pipe is other than PVc. o This site is located in the East Renton Special Assessment District (SAD). This fee is 13.7 cents per square foot of land and shall be paid prior to issuance of a construction permit. This fee is only triggered if a larger than the existing watermeter is installed. o The Sanitary Sewer SOC fees arc based on the size of any and all domestic water meters. Storm o A conceptual drainage plan and report has been submitted with the formal application for this commercial project. The project reports that the drainage control plan is designed per the 2005 King County Surface Water Manual as required. • The Surface Water SOC fees are $0.405 (but not less than $1012) per square foot of new impervious area. These fees are collected at the time a construction pcrmit is issued. Street improvements o Per City of Renton code property comers at intersection in commercial blocks all lot comers at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way shall have a minimum radius of25 feet. o AddItional right-of-way along NE 4th St WIll be required to be dedicated. o Per City of Renton code, commercial projects that are 10,000 sq ft and more in size shall provide full pavement width per standard (so that the face of curb is 33 feet from NE 4th St right-of-way centerline), curb, gutter and sidewalks along the full frontages of the parcel being developed on the project side. o The project needs to design and install a channelization plan to include but not limited to the bus pullout and a traffic curb to prevent left turns on NE 4th St. o Street lighting is required for a project this size along the frontage of the parcel being developed. o Traffic Mitigation fees will apply. This fee is $9,600. o There WIll be additional comments on the civil plans at the time of Plan Review. Transportation: o A Traffic Study has been submitted and it has been determined that the Traffic Assessment is acceptable. o As stated above under the street improvements additional right-of-way dedication is needed at the property comer; the project needs to relocate the traffic signal pole, new longer mast arm, power pole and junction box. Aquifer: o The site is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2 and may be subject to additional requirements per City code. Constructed secondary containment may be required if more than 20 gallons ofregulated hazardous materials will be present at the new facility (RMC 4- 3-050H2d(i». A fill source statement (RMC 4-4-060L4) is required if more than 100 cubic yards of fill material will be imported to the project site. Construction Activity Standards I :\Projects\ W A L< iREENSN E4THGF .doc\cor Walgreens on NE 4th St NE 4th St (RMC 4-4-030C7) shall be followed tf during construction, more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials will be stored on site or vehicles will be fueled on site. Surface Water Management Standards (RMC 4-6-030E2 and 3)--Biofilters, stormwater conveyance, and water quality ponds may require a b'TOundwater protection liner. Impervious surfaces shall be provided for areas subject to vehicular use or storage of chemicals. This is not intended to be a complete list of the AP A requirements nor does this information subshtute for the full ordinance, it is only intended to guide the applicant to the City of Renton code book. GENERAL: • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton draning standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. • All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and vertical Control Network. • Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permIts, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There will be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. cc: Kayren K J:\Projects\ WALe; REENSNE4 THGF .doc\cor s# 803 Project Name: Project Address: Walgreen's Drug Store #12497 4105 NE 4th Street @ Union Avenue Contact Person: Thomas Thompson Permit Number: LUA08-014 Project Description: 14,800 squ.ft. pharmacy/drug store with drive-in and three driveways Land Use Type: o Residential [gJ Retail o Non-retail Calculation: . T\i:AID" \1.'6 Add,noo..»~l.. 1:'A,\-Y r- .... \li"" rOO \,1~ l' lli 75 ;: I, ",Ov. Transportation Mitigation Fee: '* ", (.00. cO Method of Calculation: o ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition IZI Traffic study o Other Transportation Engineering NW (1/4/2008) (UI') 'YAAiM"''1! DRove) So-roiU3' Calculated by: j:!,~ ¥>. 1),);1\,,1.. )i2) Date: Date of Payment: _____________________________ _ City of • "nton Department of Planning / Building / PUb/I_ ... arks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: TRANSPORTATION COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 13, 2008 , :~ , ( "- APPLICATION NO: LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 28, 20~ f,' , APPLICANT: Thomas Thompson PLANNER: Vanessa Dolbee .... rn 0 I L.U L_ PROJECT TITLE: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street PLAN REVIEWER: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 49,508 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): 3,527 s~ileQlh!l3 LJI v ""V" LOCATION: 4105,4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Ave NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) 14,820 square feet WORK ORDER NO: 77870 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Administrative Site Plan Review for a 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. There are two existing buildings on the site that total 3,527 sq. ft. that will be demolished. The proposal site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) As proposed the eight existing access points will be reduced to four; two from NE 4th street and two from Union Avenue NE. The buffer of a wetland and Maplewood Creek exist on site; as such, a SEPNEnvironmental Review will be required. No trees will be kept. Submitted with the project are the following studies: Stream and wetland mitigation plan (no delineation), Traffic Study Geotech. The applicant will install road, pedestrian and landscape improvements along 4th Street. Also included in improvements is an up to date detention vault and treatment system to mitigate storm water impacts. Modifications are requested to allow a wider curb cut than typically allowed for retail uses (40' vs. 30') and a modification to provide 11 off-site parking spaces at the Les Schwab Tire Store. When combined with the Walgreen's site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 94 spaces, 11 more spaces than permitted by the parking code. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Mjnor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin Air Aesthetics Water U htlG/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use utilities Animals Trans rtation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl Histon'c/Cultura/ Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,QOO Feet B. POLlCY·RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date March 13, 2008 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 2961915thAvenueNE Stanwood, W A 98292 SUBJECT: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street LUA08-014, SA-A, EO' Dear Mr. Thompson: CITY ~FRENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pielscb, Administrator The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on Februay 28, 2008. During our review, staff has determined that additional information is necessary in order to proceed further. The following information will need to be submitted so that we may continue the review of the above subject application: . . • Amended Conceptual Weiland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan: o .clarifYing the inconsistencies in wetland category; o provide discussion of function and value; o assessment.ofthe possible impacts; and o evaluation of buffer adequacy before and after mitigation. At this time, your project has been placed "on hold" pending. receipt of the requested information. Please contact meat (425) 430-7J14ifyou have any questions; . Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner cc: CarW.sh Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Rertirement Trl.Ist IQwners ~------~~IO-5-5-S0-U-ili-Grn~.-d-Y-W~·~--~R-e-nt-on-,-W-~-h-m-~-on~98-0-57-'--~~-----~ *,ThispapercontajnS50%recydedmateriSl,3O%~Consumer AHEAD OF' THE: CURVE FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: 3/10/08 TO: CC: Ameta Henninger, Plan Reviewer Vanessa Dolbee, Planner FROM: David Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshal SUBJECT: LAU08-014, SA-A, ECF - W ALLGREENS Administrative Site Plan Review: Review of the material and plans submitted and an on site review of the Walgreen's Project was conducted and completed. As a result of this review, I hav" detennined. that the below noted Fire concerns need to be addressed: The Fire Comments and Concerns an~ as follows: I. The eight (8) Fire Condition> noted in August 21, 2007 Memorandum for the Walgreen's pre-ilpyliciltion meeting are still applicable to this project and shall be required to) be;. oet. A copy of the f!arljer noted pre-application comments 3hal1 accompany this ieport. KEY CONCER.~S & COMMENTS: I. The 3 abandoned tanks, which are currently in the ground, are to be removed by June 5, 2008. A Tank Removal P~rmit is to be obtained prior to removal of the tanks. 2. Initially these tanks were abandoned in place and inerted. Renton Fire Department requires that when tanks are inel1ed, that a site check be conducted every 90 days. We arc requiring that this b'e conducted immediately. 3. Copies of the Site filld Floor plans are to be provided prior to final occupancy being granted. They are to be sent to Julie Bray at jbray@ci.renton.wa.us. Please send in one of th~ fonnats attached to this document. 4. Fire Mitigation Fees - A Fire Mitigation Fee of $9,976.00 is required based on $.52 per square foot of the building. This fee is to be paid prior to securing th'l Building Permits for this project. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these comments please feel free to contact Assistant Fire Marshal, David Pargas at 425-430-7023. i;\city memos\08 final & prelim rev\lua08-014, sa-a, ecfwallgreens admin site plan rev .. doc CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 19, 2008 TO: Vanessa Dolbee FROM: Ameta Henninger X7298 SUBJECT: WALGREENS ON NE 4TH ST LUA 08-014 4105,4111 NE 4th St and 354 Union Ave NE I have completed my review on the Walgreens Drug Store application located in Section 15, Township 23N, Range 5E and have the following comments. Existing Water: This site is in the City of Renton water service boundary. This project site is located in the 565 Water Pressure Zone. The static water pressure at the street level is about 70 psi. There is an existing 8" watennain located in NE 4th SI. See City of Renton water drawing W0240 AsBuilt for details. There is an existing 16" watennain in Union Ave NE. See City of Renton water drawing W0238 and W0245 AsBuil! for details. Sanitary Sewer: There is an existing 8" sanitary sewer main in both NE 4th St and in Union Ave NE. Storm: There are stonn drainage facilities in NE 4th St and Union Ave NE. REOUIREMENTS Water • Per the City Fire Marshall, the preliminary fire flow for this site is 2250 GPM if sprinklered. Any new construction must have one tIre hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM and shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and additional hydrants (also capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM) within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along the travel route. The number of additional hydrants required is dependent on the calculated fireflow, if it remains at 2250 GPM then 3 fire hydrants will be required. If the fire flow exceeds 2500 GPM the project will be required to install a looped watermain around the building. • Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. • The existing fire hydrants may need to be fitted with stortz fittings to bring them up to current City code. • The final location ofthe fire hydrants will be determined based on the final sidewalk location. • The proposal needs to show a DDCY A. Internal DDCY A for fire service must be designed per City of Renton water standards and detail requirements. • The Fire Service fee amount is based on the size of the fire service water line. • Existing water meters shall be cut & cap per City of Renton standards. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM August 21, 2007 Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner Camille Walls, Lead Fire Inspector Project -Walgreens on NE 4th Street Fire Department Comments: I. The preliminary fire flow is 2250 GPM. A reduction has been given for the required sprinkler system. One hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and additional 2 hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of $9,976.00 is required based on $ .52 per square foot of building. A fire mitigation fee credit may be given for existing commercial buildings if the square footage of existing building on property is provided. 3. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation of the required fire alarm and sprinkler systems. 4. Fire department access roadways are required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum 20 feet in width with a turning radius of 45 feet outside and 25 feet inside. 5. Fire department dead end access roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved tum around. 6. Provide a list of flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are used or stored on site. 7. A site plan for Pre-Fire planning is required to be submitted for your project. This shall be submitted prior to occupancy, in one of the attached fotnlats. 8. Plans must be submitted and petnlits obtained for the removal of underground storage tanks on the property. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. c:\documents and settings\cwalls\desktop\cornrn.doc , Cit yo ... _nton Department of Planning! Building! Pub.,-•. 'orks;::-~--·--·---·:-· .--'--~-=- ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPL/CATIONREll)e~w.[;'5.iHgEr r~;11 , ' " .. -I ; REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: FIRE COMMENTS DUE: MARCH13i'!~OO~ ... " ..... Ii,' APPLICATION NO: LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 181 2068 LD ,\I lIJUO I~ APPLICANT: Thomas Thompson PLANNER: Vanessa Dolbee I T-·. PROJECT TITLE: Walqreen's on NE 4th Street PLAN REVIEWER: Arneta Hen ruo.aer I '\f I', ; .. ; r -- SITE AREA: 49,508 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (qross): 3,527 square feet LOCATION: 4105,4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Ave NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (qross) 14,820 square feet WORK ORDER NO: 77870 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Administrative Site Plan Review for a 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft. site in the Cornmercial Arterial (CA) zone. There are two existing buildings on the site that total 3,527 sq. ft. that will be demolished. The proposal site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27.106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) As proposed the eight existing access points will be reduced to four; two from NE 4th street and two from Union Avenue NE. The buffer of a wetland and Maplewood Creek exist on site; as such, a SEPA/Environmental Review will be required. No trees will be kept. Submitted with the project are the following studies: Stream and wetland mitigation plan (no delineation), Traffic Study Geotech. The applicant will install road, pedestrian and landscape improvements along 4th Street. Also included in improvements is an up to date detention vault and treatment system to mitigate storm water impacts. Modifications are requested to allow a wider curb cut than typically allowed for retail uses (40' vs. 30') and a modification to provide 11 off-site parking spaces at the Les Schwab Tire Store. When combined with the Walgreen's site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 94 spaces, 11 more spaces than permitted by the parking code. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Environment Minor Major Informa tion Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Earth Housing Air Aesfhetics Water LiqhVG/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Trans ortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS ?fi-a.s t' 4 vuw' A~//9cA."d r>~rI' ~a",/ A~VA'~ ~/J"TANT r/A!e Probable Probable More Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary ~ t:! .,L/~ /11? J4, .s <?I~~/ ~.;. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date , (03/18/2008) Vanessa Dolbee -Fwd: 4th &' I,ion Walgreens Mitigation Report -Revised ".-~~--------------" .. -,-.. --------~ --------------- From: To: Date: Subject: Attachments: Ms. Walter, Vanessa Dolbee Karen.Walter@muckleshoot.nsn.us 03/18/2008 11:30 AM Fwd: 4th & Union Walgreens Mitigation Report -Revised 4th & Union Walgreens Mitigation Report -Revised Here is the updated Wetland Report for The Walgreen's on 4th and Union LUA08-014. Vanessa Doolbee Associate Planner 425.430.7314 Page 1 -" ____ ,. __ ,, ___ .. ____ .. '0._-.. _,,_~ .. _, ______ ,_._ .. ___ ., __ ._ ... _. ___ .. __ ._._ ... _. (03/~ 7/2008) Vanessa Dolbee -Re: FW:W-'-~een's on NE 4th Str~~~:~~A~8-014, SA-A ECF, Notice of Application and PlIilllgeetJ. From: Vanessa Dolbee To: Walter, Karen Date: 03/17/200804:06 PM Subject: Re: FW: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street, LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and Proposed Determination of Non-Significance [Scanned] Attachments: 4th & Union Conceptual Buffer Mitigation Plan.pdf; 4th & Union Wetland & St ream Study. pdf Dear Ms. Walter, In response to your e-mail regarding the Walgreen's on NE 4th Street, LUA08-014. I have attached the electronic version of Shannon & Wilson's Wetland and Stream Study dated December 13, 2007 and their provide conceptual mitigation plan which is dated January 2, 2008. At this time the City has requested further information from Shannon and Wilson regarding their Mitigation Plan. If and when we receive an updated report I will send that to you at that time. If there is anything else you need do not hesitate to ask. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner 425.430.7314 >>> "Karen Walter" <Karen.\o'ialter@m1]ckleshool,r'!ULc> 03/17/200803:46 PM »> Ms. Dolbee, I apologize but it appears that I had an incorrect email address for you. The email that I attempted to send you last week bounced back, which I did not receive record of until today. I apologize for not getting the email below to you sooner. Sincerely, Karen Walter Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division From: Karen Walter Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 1:02 PM To: 'vdolbee@rentowa.qov' Subject: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street, LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and Proposed Determination of Non-Significance Importance: High Ms. Dolbee, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries DiviSion has reviewed the notice of application materials, including the environmental checklist for the above referenced project. We need some additional information to evaluate this project and its potential impacts to salmonids and their habitats. Therefore, we would appreCiate it if we could get a copy of the wetland and stream study (dated Dec 13 2007) and the wetland and stream buffer mitigation plan dated Dec 26 2007. These documents were both referenced in the responses to items 3.a.l and 3.a. 2 in the ----- (03/17!2008) VanessaE<JI_b~e:_~~:_FIJV~IJV-lgreen's on NE 4th Street, LLJI\O~~O~4, SA:A ECF, Notice of A~£I~c_,:t~n and Pr3!1geERJ, checklist. IF electronic versions of these documents are available, we v\'ould prefer this format. If not, please have the documents sent to: Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015 172nd Ave SE Auburn WA 98092 Attn: Karen Walter In the event that the City does not have extra copies of these documents, we would appreciate it if this email could be Forwarded to the applicant with a request to have them send these documents as soon as possible so that we can review them and respond with any comments that we may have, Thank you very much, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 253-876-3116 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: Walgreens On NE 4th Street PROJECT NUMBER: LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF LOCATION: 4105,4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Avenue NE DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) There will be four access points; two from NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. The existing site contains a gas station; the associated underground tanks for this existing development will be removed. There is 2,849 sq. ft. of wetland and stream buffer on site. The intervening parking field between the subject parcels and the existing Les Schwab will be revised as a joint parking facility. When combined with the Walgreens site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 93 parking spaces. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals ofthe environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on April 14, 2008. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4~8-110.B. Additional infonnation regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510, IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES ,1, ,I""""'!""",, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Pleil$e illcfud'$ the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification, March 25,2008 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 2961915thAvenueNE Stanwood, W A 98292 SUBJECT: Walgreens on NE 4th Street LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: CITY IF RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) to advise you that they have completed. their review of the subject project and have issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation -Meastrres. Please refer to. the . enclosed ERC Report and Decision, Part 2, Section B for a list of the Mitigation Measures .. Appeals of the environmental determination must-be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM- on April 14, 2008. Appeals must be filed in writing 'together with the. required $7~.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 SotlthGrady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton CityClerk'sOffice, (425) 43{)-6510 . .lfthe Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing date will be set and all parties notified. The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your _ project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desireclanfication of the above, please call me at (425) 430-7314. For the Environmental Review Committee, Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner . Enclosure cc: Les Schwab Profit SbaringRetirement Trust, Car Wash Enterprises; Inc. /Owner(s) Skyler Walda! / Party(ies) of Record ----"--~----,---------'-~--~-RE N T~N" 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 . . * This paper contains 50% recyc~ ~aterial, 30% post consumer - . AHEA"D OF THE CURVE CIT"\: :>F RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Denis Law, Mayor Alex Pietsch, Administrator March 25, 2008 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Deterinination Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on March 24, 2008: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED PROJECT NAME: Walgreens on NE 4th Street PROJECT NUMBER: LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF LOCATION: 4105, 4111'NE 4'" Street & 354 Union Avenue NE DESCRIPTION: The applicant is, requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 sqAt .. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and SHI.Zl00008 (22,400 sq. ft.) There wiU be four access points; two from NE 4th Street and two from .Union Avenue NE. The existing site contains a gas' statioll; the associated underground tanks forth!s exi'ting development will be removed. There .. is 2,849 sq. ft. of wetland and stream buffer on site. The intervening parkitig field between the subject parcels and the ,existing Les Schwab will be revised as ajoint parking facility. ' When, combined with the Walgreens siie,the two developments will jointly provide a total of 93 parking spaces: Appeals of the environmentaldetermination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on April 14,2008. Appeals must be filed in wriling together with the required $75.00 application fee. with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the, Examiner are govemedJ?y City 6fRenton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11O.B. Additional information regardihg the' apP<lal-process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Offiye, (425) 430-6510. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7314. For the Environmentlll Review Committee, Vanessa Dolbe Associate Planner Enclosure cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division WDFW, Stewart Reinbold David F, Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources WSDOT, Northwest Region Duwamish Tribal Office Karen Walter, Fisheries,M.{ckleshoot Indian Tribe ~ ------IO-S-S-So-u-th-Grad-'-. -y-W-ay---R-e-nt-on,-w-as-h-in-gt-on---,-98-0-S7----'-~--'-----RE N TO N (i)" Thispaperoontains 50% recycled material; 30% postconsumer AHEAD OF T.HE CURVE CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE·MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF APPLICANT: Thomas Thompson, AlA; Consulting Architect PROJECT NAME: Walgreens on NE 4th Street DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft .. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22.400 sq. ft.) There will be four access points; two from.NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. The existing site contains a gas station; the associated underground tanks for this eXist,ing development will be removed. There is 2,849 sq. ft. of wetland and stream buffer on site. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: 4105, 4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Avenue NE The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division . 1. The applicant shall be required to comply with the recommendations included in the geotechnical report, "Geotechnical Engineering Report, Prepared for Mr. Robert Sherry, Phillips Edison & Company, " by The Riley Group, Inc. Bothell WA, dated November 14, 2007: ' 2. The applicant shall be required to comply with the reoom!llendations incliJdedin the "Revised Conceptual Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan" for Walgreens atNE4th Street and Union Avenue NW, by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. Seattle WA, dated March 17,2008. 3. The applicant shall pay a transportation impact fee of $75.00 per tlach new weekday trip attributed to the project, which is estimated to be $9,600.00; the fee would berequired'prior to building permits . . 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee $,52 per gross square feet of building area . estimated at $9,976.00. This fee is to be paid prior to securing lheBuilding Permits for this project. ~RC Mitigation Measures Page 10fl CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF APPLICANT: Thomas Thompson, AlA; Consulting Architect PROJECT NAME: Walgreens on NE 4th Street DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and' Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq. It. drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft .. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The site is made up of two lots, p.arcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. It.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) There will be lour access points; two from NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. The existing site contains a gas station; the associated underground' tanks for this existing development will be removed. There is 2,849 sq. It. 01 wetland and stream buffer on site. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: 4105, 4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Avenue The City 01 Renton Department of Community & Economic DeveloPment Planning Division Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. eecause these notes are provided as information only, they are .not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pili, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at anytime if complaints are received. 2. Within thirty (30)-days of completion o!gr;:.ding work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur wi.thin ninety (90)-days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of thellermit. 3. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) aem. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays . . . Fire Department: 1. 'Copies of the Bite and Floor plans are to be provided prior to final occupancy being granted. They are to be sent to Julie Bray at jbray@ci.renton.wa.us. 2. The preliminary fire flow is 2250 GPM. A reduction has been given for the required sprinkler system. 3. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation of the required fire alarm and sprinkler systems. 4. Fire department access roadways are required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum 20 feet in width with a turning radius of 45 feet outside and 25.feet in~ide. 5. . Fire department dead end access roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turn around. 6. Plans must be submitted and permits obtained for the removal of underground storage tank~ on the property. 7. A li~t shall be provided to the Renton Fire Department that includes all the flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are us'ed or stored on site. ERG Advisory Notes Page 1 013 8. Prior to occupancy, a site plan for Pre-Fire planning is required to be submitted for your project 9. One hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and additional two hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. Public Works: Water 1. Per the City Fire Marshall, the preliminary fire flow for this site is 2250 GPM if sprinklered. Any new construction must have one fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM and shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and additional hydrants (also capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM) within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along the travel route. The number of additional hydrants required is dependent on the calculated fire flow; if it remains at 2250 GPM then three fire hydrants will be required. If the fire flow exceeds 2500 GPM the project will be required to install a looped water main around the building. 2. Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. 3. The existing fire hydrants may need to be fitted with stortz fittings to bring them up to current City code. 4. The final location of the fire hydrants will be determined based on the final sidewalk location. 5. The proposal needs to show a DDCVA Internal DDCVA for fire service must be designed per City of Renton water standards and detail requirements. 6. The Fire Service fee amount is based on the ,size of the fire service water line. 7. Existing water meters shall be cut & cap per City of Renton staridards. 8. The Water System Development Charge fees are based on the size of each and all-domestic water meters. Sanitary Sewer 9. The applicant needs to show I:!owloprovide this private.site with a commercial side sewer. Please note that the project will need to replace the existing side sewer from 'the right~of-way to the new structure if the eldsting pipe is other than PVC. 10. This site is located in the East RentonSpecial Assessmentbistrict (SAD). This fee is 13.7 cents per square foot of land and shall be paid prior ioissuance of a construction permit This fee is only triggered if a larger than the existing water meter is installed. 11. The Sanitary Sewer SDC fees are based on the size of any and allaomestic water meters. Storm 12. TheSurface Water SDC fees are $0.405 (but not less than $1,012) per square foot of new impervious area. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Street improvements 13. Per City of Renton code property corners at intersection incommercial blocks all lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way shall have a minimum radius of 25 feet 14. Additional right-af-way along NE 4th St will be required to be dedicated. 15. Per City of Renton code, commercial projects that are 10,000 sq ft and more in size shall provide full, pavement width per standard (so that the face of curb is 33 feet from NE 4th St right-of-wey centerline), curb, gutter and sidewalks along the full frontages of the parcel being developed on the project side. 16. Street lighting is required for a project this size along the frontage of the parcel being developed. 17. There will be additional comments on the civil plans at the time of Plan Review. Transportation 18. A Traffic Study has been submittedaTid it has been determined that the Traffic Assessment is acceptable. ERC Advisory Notes Page2of3, Aquifer 19. The site is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2 and may be subject to additional requirements per City code. Constructed secondary containment may be required if more than 20 gallons of regulated hazardous materials will be present at the new facility (RMC 4-3-050H2d(i)). A fill source statement(RMC 4-4-060L4) is required if more than 100 cubic yards offill material will be imported to the project site. Construction Activity Standards (RMC 4-4-030C7) shall be followed if during construction,more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials will be stored on site or vehicles will be fueled on site. Surface Water Management Standards (RMC 4-6-030E2 and 3)-- Biofilters, stormwater conveyance, ahd water quality ponds may require a groundwater protection liner. Impervious surfaces shall be provided for areas subject to vehicular use or storage of chemicals. This is not intended to be a complete list of the APA requirements nor does this informa.tion substitute for the full ordinance, it is only intended to guide the applicant to the City of Renton codebook. General 20. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 21. All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and vertical Control Network. 22. Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building a[ldconstruction permits, and the remainder when th.e permits are issued. There will be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. ERe Advisory Notes Page 3 of3 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: Thomas Thompson, AlA; Consulting Architect Walgreens on NE 4th Street DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq. It. drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft.. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq.ft.) There will be four access points; two from NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. The existing site contains a gas station, the assocaited underground tanks for this existing development will be removed. There is 2,849 sq. ft. of wetland and stream buffer on site. The intervening parking field between the subject parcels and the existing Les Schwab will be revised as a joint parking facility. When combined with the Walgreens site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 94 parking spaces. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: 4105, 4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Avenue NE The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on April 14, 2008. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services March 29, 2008 March 24. 2008 -7l1.Y/~ ~~~~c-----Date f-f . David Daniels, Fire Chief Date Fire Department 3J~yfo5- Date ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE March 24, 2008 To: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator I. David Daniels, Fire Chief Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator From: Jennifer Henning, CED Planning Manager Meeting Date: Monday, March 24, 2008 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 Agenda listed below. Wa/greens on NE 4th Street (Do/bee) LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft .. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) There will be four access points; two from NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. The existing site contains a gas station; the associated underground tanks for this existing development will be removed. There is 2,849 sq. ft. of wetland and stream buffer on site. The intervening parking field between the subject parcels and the existing Les Schwab will be revised as a joint parking facility. When combined with the Walgreens site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 94 parking spaces. cc; D. Law, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer S. Dale Estey, CED Director ® D. Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshall N. Watts, Development Services Director ® F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner C. Duffy, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal ® J. Medzegian, Council P. Hahn, Transportation Systems Director R. Lind, CEO Planning Manager L. Warren, City Attorney ® ERG REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: Project Name: Owners: Applicant/Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Cny of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT March 24, 2008 Walgreens on l\E 4th Street Car Wash Enterprises, Inc_ 3977 Leary Way NW Seattle, W A 98107 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 15 t " Avenue NE Stanwood, W A 98292 LUA08-014, SA-A, Eel' Vanessa Dolbee_ Associate Planner Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust PO Box 667 646 NW Madras Hwy Prinville, OR 97754 The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan approval of a proposed 14,820 sq_ ft_ drugstore with a drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ti .. site ill the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone_ The site is made up of two lots, pareel5182100009 (27,106 sq_ ft_) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq_ ft_) There will be four access points; two from NE 4th Street and two from Union Avenue NE. The existing site contains a gas station; the associated underground tanks for this existing development will be removed. There is 2,849 sq_ ft. of wetland and stream buffer on site, 4105,4111 NE 4'" Street & 354 Union Avenue NE, Renton, WA 98059 ------------------------------ Exist_ Bldg. Area SF: Site Area SF: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 3,527 sq_ ft_ Walgreens -49,508 Les Schwab -54_876 Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): Total Building Area GSF: 14,820 sq. fl. 14,820 sq_ ft_ 14,820 sq_ ft_ Staff Recommends tha t the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). Project Location Map ERe REPORT08-014.doc City of Renton CED -Current Plc'-'ng Division WALGREENS ON NE 4TH STl Report of March 24, 2008 II PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION I BACKGROUND ·onmental Review Committee Report LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 2 of9 The intervening parking field between the subject parcels and the existing Les Schwab will be revised as ajoint parking facility. When combined with the Walgreens site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of93 parking spaces. The applicant is requesting a 14,820 sq. ft. Walgreens drugstore with drive through phannacy window at 4105 NE 4th Street. The subject site consist of two parcels 518210008 and 518210009 that are a total of 49,508 sq. ft. in size. The two parcels will be consolidated prior to the construction of the Walgreens. The proposal also includes a redesign of the parking field and access points between the proposed Walgreens and the existing Les Schwab; in order to obtain greater efficiency and circulation as a joint parking facility (Exhibit I). The project will impact two Critical Area Buffers; a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland. The site is currently fully developed with a Brown Bear Car wash on lot 5182100009 and a closed c-store gas station on lot 5182100008 (Exhibit 2). Both these existing faculties will be demolished in order to build the new Walgreens. Currently the C-Store Gas Station, Brown Bear Car Wash and the adjacent Les Schwab faculty all have separate ingress and egress points with individual parking facilities. These fhree sites are separated by landscaped islands. The Comprehensive Land Use designation is Commercial Corridor (Exhibit 3) and the zoning is Commercial Arterial (CAl (Exhibit 4). Retail sales are permitted provided that they meet the size restrictions of RMC 4-2- 120A. The property is located within the NE 4'" Street Business District and is, therefore, subject to Development Standards specific to this overlay district. All the properties surrounding the subject parcel are also zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). The proposed Walgreens contains 11,655 sq. n. of net retail floor area, with the drive through phannacy located on the south side of the building. The building would be one story and 28.08' high with a flat roof (Exhibit 5). The building would be faced with block mutual materials in white and brick in copper. The building entrance is proposed to be located on the west side of the building. There would be continuous sidewalks providing pedestrian access to the entrances from NE 4'" Str~ct, pedestrian access tram Union Avenue NE is proposed via a combination of 60" wide cross walk and sidewalk through the parking lot. The parking field for the Les Schwab and the proposed Walgreens will he reconfigured to create a joint parking facility. This will allow for increased circulation and efficiency for both parking lots. To facilitate this arrangement a draft cross easement agreement has been proposed. The joint parking facility will provide 93 parking stalls, four of which are to be accessible. Walgreens maximum and minimum required parking is 47 stalls and the Les Schwab requirement is 36 parking stalls; as such, a request for the approval of 10 additional parking stalls was included in the application. Vehicular access to the site on NE 4'h Street is changing from four full movement accesses to two right-inlright- out access locations. Vehicular access from Union Avenue NE is reducing from four full movement accesses to two full movement access points. The loading dock would be located on the west side of the structure. In order to provide the minimum clear area for ground level loading doors, wetland and stream buffer averaging of2,849 sq. ft. of buffer area to 3,030 sq. ft. is proposed. The combined Les Schwab and Walgreens sites would contain 90% impervious material. The proposed project would result in a total of 128 net new daily vehicle trips, assuming credit for the existing gas station and car wash that will be removed. Of these, the proposed development is estimated to generate 18 new trips during the weekday PM peak hour. The site is served by Metro Transit route III. ERe REPORT OIl-O/4.doc City of Renton CED -Current PI ing Division WALGREENS ON NE 4TH STl Report of Mareh 24, 2008 . 'onmental Review Committee Report LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 3 of9 Directly east of the subject site, an unnamed, scasonal tributary of Maplewood Creek runs southward, parallel to the property boundary before its confluence with Maplewood Creek. The off-site reach of Maplewood Creek is bounded by a wetland, Maplewood Creek and its tributary are considered a Class 4 stream and the off-site wetland is considered a Category 2 wetland. The buffer for a Class 4 stream is 35' and the buffer for a Category 2 wetland is 50' (Exhibit 7). Permanent wetland butTer impacts will be mitigated, by reestablishing the wetland and stream buffer along the eastern portion of the site. The proposed Walgreens has been located away from the culverted portion of the stream; therefore, no stream mitigation is proposed. PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.2IC.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts ii'OJl1 the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measures I. The applicant shall be required to comply with the recommendations included in the geoteclmical report, "Geotechnical Engineering Report, Prepared for Mr. Robert Sherry, Phillips Edison & Company," by The Riley Group, Inc. Bothell WA. dated November 14, 2007. 2. The applicant shall be required to comply with the recommendations included in the "Revised Conceptual Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan" for Walgreens at NE 4'" Street and Union Avenue NW, by Shannon & Wilson. Inc. Seattle W A. dated March 17, 2008. 3. The applicant shall pay a transportation impact fee of$75.00 per each new weekday trip attributed to the project, which is estimated to be $9.600.00: the fee would be required prior to building permits. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee $.52 per gross square feet of building area estimated at $9,976.00. This fee is to be paid prior to securing the Building Permits for this project. C. Exhibits Exhibit 1 Walgreens Site Plan Exhibit 2 Boundary and Topographic Survey Exhibit 3 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Exhibit 4 City of Renton Zoning Map Exhibit 5 Exterior Elevations Exhibit 6 Landscape Plan Exhibit 7 Proposed Site Plan and Buffer Map D. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviell'ed by mrious City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. SlafTreviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The geotechnical engineering report prepared by The Riley Group, Inc. (dated November 14, 2007) states that the project site gently slopes down to the east with an overall elevation difference of 7 feet approximately. The site is generally underlain by 5 to 10 feet of fill overlying medium dense to very dense silty sand with gravel. The fill consists of loosc to dense sandy gravel to silty sand with some gravel and trace wood debris. The native soil is dense to very dense glacial till which consists of silty sand with gravel. It appears that the fill was placed previously during the site grading and utilities for the existing gas station ERe REPORT08-014.doc City of Renton CED -Current Pic " " "ng Division WALGREENS ON NE 4TH STl Report of Mareh 24, 2008 'onmental Review Committee Report LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 4 of9 and car wash on site. The soils will need to be compacted in order to support the proposed building foundations and floor slab. If loose fill is underlain the site it should be compacted and if organic soil is encountered it should be over-excavated and replaced with structural fill. The applicant estimates 90% of the joint site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction. The geotechnical report states that groundwater seepage was not encountered during testing; therefore the groundwater level seems to be deeper than the bottom of the test boring tennination depth. Although, based on soil condition, minor perched ground waleI' may be expected over the dense layer during the wet season. The Riley group report states that the potential of soil liquefactions during an earthquake event is low. To prepare the site for construction, the project purposes the demolished and stripping of existing building sand pavement. The surface stripping for rellloval of asphalt would be to depths of up to six inches. The geotechnical report did not include an estimate lor cubic yards of grading. Although the report concludes that the proposed project would be feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, the project proponent should follow the recolllmendations presented in the geotechnical study regarding site preparation (including demolishing, stripping depths, proof rolling and structural fill standards), foundation support (including placement and dimensions of tllOtings, bearing pressure, lateral resistance and foundation settlement tolerance), slab-on-grade (including construction support, capillary break layer, and thickness design standards), drainage and stonnwatcr (including drainage gradient, collection and disposal of surface water, and foundation drains), utilities and pavement. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall be required to comply with the reconunendations included in the geotechnical report, "Geotechnical Engineering Report, Prepared for Mr. Robert Sherry, Phillips Edison & Company," by The Riley Group, Inc. Bothell WA, dated November 14,2007. Nexus: SEP A, RMC 4-4-060 Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations. 2. Water a. Wetland, Streams, Lakes Impacts: No wetlands andlor streams are present on site however, Maplewood Creek and associated wetlands are immediately east of the site; as such, the buffer of both the Class 4 stream and Category 2 wetland cross the subject property. The site contains 2,849 sq. ft. of standard wetland andlor stream buffer. The proposed buffer-averaging configuration included 3,030 sq. ft., the proposed buffer take area is 1,394 sq. ft., and the proposed bulTer giveback area is 1,575 sq. ft. As part of the application materials the applicant submitted a wetland and stream study dated, December 13, 2007 and a Conceptual Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan originally dated January 2, 2008 and updated March 17. 200R. Pursuant to the aforementioned study, the site is predominantly paved with the exception of small landscaped amenities. According to the provided Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Report, the current standard on-site conditions of the buffer area have no natural biological support functions or overall habitat. However, the on-site standard buftcr docs provide moderate erosion/shoreline protection. The proposed buffer averaging site conditions will provide a band of buffer along the eastern edge of the site ranging from approximately 5 to 25 feet in width. The widest portion of buffer will be located near the outfall of Maplewood Creek. The proposed butfer-averaging configuration will provide improved functions and values relative to existing conditions. This includes providing moderate floodlstonnwater control, base flow/groundwater support, erosion/shoreline protection, water quality improvement, natural biological support. overall habitat support, specific habitat functions, and cultural/socioeconomic values. Therefore the proposed buffer-averaging configuration will result in a net increase in functions and values. ERC REPORT 08-014.doc City of Renton CED -Current PI ·ng Divisio/l WALGREENS ON NE 4TH STJ Report of March 24, 2008 'onmental Review Committee Report LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 5 of9 A tributary of Maplewood Creek extends under the NE comer ofthis site in an existing culvert which is protected by and easement #84707239001. Maplewood Creek, a Class 4 stream, has a 35-Ft. buffer that extends in to the subject site in two locations. A small portion of the buffer crosses the property line near the northeast side of the site and a larger portion extends into the site near the center of the east property line. Pursuant to the proposed site plan and buffer map provided by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. the stream butfer will not be changed andlor affected hy the proposed development. Also, the proposed Walgreens is proposed to be located away from the buried stream/culvert; therefore no stream mitigation has been proposed. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall be required to comply with the recommendations included in the "Revised Conceptual Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan" for Walgreens at NE 4th Street and Union Avenue NE, by ShamlOn & Wilson, Inc. Seattle WA, dated March 17, 2008. Nexus: SEPA, Critical Areas Regulations b. Storm Water Impacts: The project site drains to the Maplewood Creak, a sub basin of the Lower Cedar River Basin. The "Preliminary Technicallntlmllation Report," prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dated December 27,2(07) calls for all storm water to be collected, filtered, and stored in an underground detention vault and slowly released via hard connection to the existing site storm water system which connects to the above noted tributary. The estimated quantities are believed to be essentially the same as the current development which does not contain filter & detention. A conceptual drainage plan and report has been submitted with the fo=l application for this commercial project. The project reports that the drainage control plan is designed per the 2005 King County Surface Water Manual as required. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation needed Nexus: N/A Transportation Impacts: Vehicular access to the site on NE 4'" Street is changing from four full movement accesses to two right-inlright-out access locations. Vehicular access from Union Avenue NE is reducing from four full movement accesses to two full movement access points. The proposed redevelopment of this site will included a road dedication to NE 4th Street for the widening ofNE 4th Street. Although, additional right-of- way dedication is needed at the property corner: the project needs to relocate the traffic signal pole, new longer mast arm, power pole, andjunctiotl box. Also the project applicant needs to design and install a channelization plan to include but not limited to the bus pullout and traffic curb to prevent left turns on NE 4th St. The parking field for the Les Schwab and the proposed Walgreens is proposed to be reconfigured to create a joint parking facility. This will allow tor increased circulation and efficiency for both parking lots. To tacilitate this arrangement a draft cross easement agreement has been proposed. The joint parking facility would provide 93 parking stalls, four of which are to be accessible. Wall greens maximum and minimum required parking in 47 stalls and the Lcs Schwab requirement is 36 parking stalls; as such, a request for the approval of 10 additional parking stalls was included in the application. The proposed project would result in a total of 666 trips per day. This number is offset by the 538 trips for the existing uses being replaced resulting in 128 net new daily vehicle trips. Ofthese, the proposed development is estimated to generate 18 new trips during the weekday PM peak hour. The site is served by Metro Transit route 111. ERC REPORT08-014.doc City of Renton CED -Current Ph ·ng Division WALGREENS ON NE 4TH STl Report of March 24, 2008 onmental Review Committee Report LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 6 of9 Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay a transportation impact fee of $75.00 per each new weekday trip attributed to the project, which is estimated to be $9,600.00; the fee would be required prior to building permits. Nexus: SEPA, Transportation Mitigation Fee Ordinance No. 3100. 3. Fire & Police Impacts: Do to the existing C-Store Gas Station on site there are three abandoned tanks, which are currently in the ground. They are to be removed by .lune 5. 2008. A Tank Removal Permit is to be obtained prior to removal of the tanks. Initially these tanks were abandoned in place and inerted. Renton Fire Department requires that when thanks are inerted, that a site check be conducted every 90 days. The Fire Department will require that this be conducted immediately. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee $.52 per gross square feet of building area estimated at $9,976.00. This fee is to be paid prior to securing the Building Permits for this project. Nexus: SEPA, Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 2913, Ordinance 4527. E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report andlor "Advisory Notes to Applicant." .,/ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must he filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, Aprial14, ZOOS. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 O.B govems appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be tiled in writing at the City Clerk's office along with a $75.00 application fee. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton WA 98057. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as in(imnation on/yo they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3 :30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the rigbt to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. Within thirty (30)-days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any p0l1ion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90)-days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specitied in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1 st and March 31 st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 3. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock 9:00 a.m. and ei 'ht o'clock 8:00 .m. No work shall be ermitted on Sunda S. ERC REPORT OS-Ol4.doc City of Renton CED -Current PI 'ng Division F onmental Review Committee Report WALGREENS ON NE 4TH STl LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Report of March 24,2008 Page 7 of9 Fire Department I. Copies of the Site and Floor plans are to be provided prior to final occupancy being granted. They are to be sent to Julie Bray at jbray@ci.renton.wa.us. 2. The preliminary fire flow is 2250 GP\1. A reduction has been given for the required sprinkler system. 3. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation ofthe required fire alarm and sprinkler systems. 4. Fire department access roadways arc required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum 20 feet in width with a turning radius of 45 feet outside and 25 feet inside. 5. Fire department dead end access roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turn around. 6. Plans must be submitted and permits obtained for the removal of underground storage tanks on the property. 7. A list shall be provided to the Renton Fire Department that includes all the flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are used or stored on site. 8. Prior to occupancy, a site plan for Pre-Fire planning is required to be submitted for your project. 9. One hydrant is required within 150 feet or the structure and additional two hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. Public Works: Water I. Per the City Fire Marshall, the preliminary tire flow for this site is 2250 GPM if sprinklered. Any new construction must have one fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM and shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and additional hydrants (also capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM) within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along the travel route. The number of additional hydrants required is dependent on the calculated fire flow; if it remains at 2250 GPM then three tire hydrants will be required. If the fire flow exceeds 2500 GPM the project will be required to install a looped water main around the building. 2. Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. 3. The existing fire hydrants may need to be lltted with stortz fittings to bring them up to current City code. 4. The final location of the fire hydrants will be detennined based on the final sidewalk location. 5. The proposal needs to show a DDCV A. Intemal DDCYA for fire service must be designed per City of Renton water standards and detail requirements. 6. The Fire Service fee amount is based on the size of the fire service water line. 7. Existing water meters shall be cut & cap per City of Renton standards. ERe REPORT08-014.doc City of Renton CED -Current PI ing Division WALGREENS ON NE 4TH STl . 'onmental Review Committee Report LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Report of March 24, 2008 Page 8 of9 8. The Water System Development Charge fees are based on the size of each and all-domestic water meters. Sanitary Sewer 9. The applicant needs to show how to provide this private site with a commercial side sewer. Please note that the project will need to replace the existing side sewer from the right-of-way to the new structure if the existing pipe is other than PVc. 10. This site is located in the East Renton Special Assessment District (SAD). This fee is 13.7 cents per square foot of land and shall be paid prior to issuance of a construction pemnt. This fee is only triggered if a larger than the existing water meter is installed. 11. The Sanitary Sewer SDC fees are based on the size of any and all domestic water meters. Storm 12. The Surface Water SDC fees are $0.405 (but not less than $1,012) per square foot of new impervious area. These fees are collected at the time a construction pem1it is issued. Street improvements 13. Per City of Renton code property corners at intersection in commercial blocks all lot comers at intersections of dedicated public rights-or-way shall have a minimum radius of 25 feet. 14. Additional right-of-way along NE 4th St will be required to be dedicated. 15. Per City of Renton code, commercial projects that are 10,000 sq ft and more in size shall provide full pavement width per standard (so that the face of curb is 33 feet from NE 4th St right-of-way centerline), curb, gutter and sidewalks along the full frontages of the parcel being developed on the project side. 16. Street lighting is required for a project this size along the frontage of the parcel being developed. 17. There will be additional comments on the civil plans at the time of Plan Review. Transportation 18. A Traffic Study has been submitted and it has been detennined that the Traffic Assessment is acceptable. Aquifer 19. The site is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2 and may be subject to additional requirements per City code. Constructed secondary containment may be required if more than 20 gallons of regulated hazardous materials will be present at the new facility (RMC 4-3-050H2d(i». A tIll source statement (RMC 4-4-060L4) is required ifmore than 100 cubic yards offill material will be imported to the project site. Construction Activity Standards (RMC 4-4-030C7) shall be followed if during construction, more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials will be stored on site or vehicles will be fueled on site. Surface Water Management Standards (RMC 4-6-030E2 and 3)--Biofilters, stonnwater conveyance, and water quality ponds may require a groundwater protection liner. Impervions surfaces shall be provided for areas subject to vehicular use or storage of chemicals. This is not intended to be a complete list of the AP A requirements nor does this infonnation substitute for the full ordinance, it is only intended to guide the applicant to the City of Renton codebook. General 20. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. ERC REPORT08-014.doc City of Renton CED -Current PI W ALGREENS ON NE 4TH STl Report of March 24, 2008 . ing Division r . 'onmental Review Committee Report LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Page 9 of9 ,-~~~~--~~~~--~~--~-21. All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and vertical Control Network. 22, Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements, Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the penmits are issued. There will be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards, ERC REPORT08-014,doc i .00 I o i'IOWNIf./SV"" .:10 llVlS 'I.lNIl(l::J nNlli 'N01N3~ JO AlO """"" ""]5 "391J "NfZ "dIU "SI "::J3S .:10 t/W,N "t/WN 3HJ. JO NOUlIOd A3A.~ns :)IHd'9'~OdOl ONV A~VONn08 :'nu mrS Hnn '),UJ ])flfl n,s lO~ ]llns "HI nos OOt ISI/] <;;n J.NVdl'ID:J ON"I' NOSiQ] SdllllHd lC'I"J~II-I'iI:{~) i:m-Ig;(~) WJ8& •• ~ H.IIlOS 3f"IIGW Q<j~L SIZ81 City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map ED NSP PIBIPW Tec hn ica l Services MacOnie, Visnesk i Adopted Dece mbe r 10, 200 7 RE~Jl)ENT1AL D R."irl""'Lloi Low IkruJty D R,«idmtLlol Si"8l< F..ruly D R.",dm"al Mo dium lJemlLy D R.",d..,,,al Mulu.r>mLI)" CENTER DESIGNA T1()N~ D ('""r.,.Vill.go o lJrban ern'" [),,",,"'''''''''' D Urban Cen'"-i.",,h E:o.1PLOYMENT AREA DESI Gl"ATION S D Emplu)m"'" Area· Iot!u>tri.! D F.mplu~m<l1' A rea· VallO)' ('()~1:o.1ERCIAL DF_~IC;l'.'AT1()N~ D ('omm<reu,l ~.ighbrrlooOO D Lomm<re,aloOffi.-vR .. ,drnual C<.>mmen:,al Coni.;Jor City Limi .. lJrIwI G",wlh Hoondary CA RM~F RM-F R-l0 ~ R-B (D Z tel R-S . R::"'S .. -4 CA CA st. CA . NE 4th St. CA CA F6 . IS T23N RSE W 112 ~ ZONING o = TBCBN1CAL IBIlVICIS ... L.t.. 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I --------------- ----- • • I • • Les Schwab ---------- LEGEND ---------------- PROPOSED WALGREENS 35-Ft Class 4 Stream Buffer Maplewood Creek (Class 4 Stream) _ ----- \ r 1/ " , ./ " /;1 / . -0./= ---/ ---rx: 5011 7,- I Wf ""''''1'1 ~ A-\' ~.., AWf:1':~ ... \ \ Wetland A \ \ (Category ~ \ \ \ I z.. \ \ 1-~ ~ --I Standard Wetland and/or Stream Buffer o 60 120 1 _____ I (2.849 Square Feet) Proposed Buffer Averaging Configuration (3.030 Square Feet) Proposed Buffer Take Area (1,394 Square Feet) Proposed Buffer Give·Back Area (1,575 Square Feet) NOTE I I Scale in Feet 4th and Union Walgreens Wetland and Stream Study Renton, 1N"o",;noomn I PROPOSED SITE PLAN AND BUFFER MAP Figure adapted from drawing renton_11-29-07.dwg received 12-12-2007 and electronic files received 1-31-2007, used by permission of 4th Avenue Associates, LLC. City of ,,~nton Department of Planning! Building! PublJ" .. arks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ECONOMIC DEV COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 13, 2008 APPLICATION NO: LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 28,2008 APPLICANT: Thomas Thompson PLANNER: Vanessa Dolbee PROJECT TITLE: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street PLAN REVIEWER: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 49,508 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): 3,527 square feet LOCATION: 4105, 4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Ave NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) 14,820 square feet WORK ORDER NO: 77870 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Administrative Site Plan Review for a 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. There are two existing buildings on the site that total 3,527 sq. ft. that will be demolished. The proposal site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) As proposed the eight existing access paints will be reduced to four; two from NE 4th street and two from Union Avenue NE. The buffer of a wetland and Maplewood Creek exist on site; as such, a SEPA/Environmental Review will be required. No trees will be kept. Submitted with the project are the following studies: Stream and wetland mitigation plan (no delineation), Traffic Study Geotech. The applicant will install road, pedestrian and landscape improvements along 4th Street. Also included in improvements is an up to date detention vault and treatment system to mitigate storm water impacts. Modifications are requested to allow a wider curb cut than typically allowed for retail uses (40' vs. 30') and a modification to provide 11 off-site parking spaces at the Les Schwab Tire Store. When combined with the Walgreen's site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 94 spaces, 11 more spaces than permitted by the parking code. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Env;ronment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Guftural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet '/,JU rv B. C. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. f/!iJ0/Jd Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City 0 nton Department of Planning / Building / Pub arks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: CONSTRUCTION COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 13, 2008 APPLICATION NO: LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 28,2008 APPLICANT: Thomas Thompson PLANNER: Vanessa Dolbee , PROJECT TITLE: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street PLAN REVIEWER: Arneta Henninger R E C E , '/ :: D SITE AREA: 49,508 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): 3,527 square fefifP ')' . LOCATION: 4105,4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Ave NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) 14,820 square feet WORK ORDER NO: 77870 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Administrative Site Plan Review for a 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft. Site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. There are two existing buildings on the site that total 3,527 sq. ft. that will be demolished. The proposal site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) As proposed the eight existing access points will be reduced to four; two from NE 4th street and two from Union Avenue NE. The buffer of a wetland and Maplewood Creek eXlsl on site; as such, a SEPA/Environmental Review will be required. No trees will be kept. Submitted with the project are the following studies: Stream and wetland mitigation plan (no delineation), Traffic Study Geotech. The applicant will install road, pedestrian and landscape improvements along 4th Street. Also included in improvements is an up to date detention vault and treatmenl system to mitigate storm water impacts. Modifications are requested to allow a wider curb cut Ihan typically allowed for retail uses (40' vs. 30') and a modification to provide 11 off-site parking spaces at the Les Schwab Tire Store. When combined with the Walgreen's site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 94 spaces, 11 more spaces Ihan permitted by the parking code. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Infonnation Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin Air Aesthetics Water LiqhtlGlare Planis Recreation Land/Shoreline Use utilities Animals TransDoriation Environmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airpori Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this Qroposal. C-(Z, Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City 0 ton Department of Planning I Building I Pub arks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PARKS DEPT COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 13, 2008 APPLICATION NO: LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 28, 2008 APPLICANT: Thomas Thompson PLANNER: Vanessa Dolbee PROJECT TITLE: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street PLAN REVIEWER: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 49,508 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): 3,527 square feet LOCATION: 4105,4111 NE 4th Street & 354 Union Ave NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) 14,820 square feet WORK ORDER NO: 77870 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Administrative Site Plan Review for a 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with drive through window on a 49,508 sq. ft. site in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. There are two existing buildings on the site that total 3,527 sq. ft. that will be demolished. The proposal site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) As proposed the eight existing access pOints will be reduced to four; two from NE 4th street and two from Union Avenue NE. The buffer of a wetland and Maplewood Creek exist on site; as such, a SEPA/Environmental Review will be required. No trees will be kept. Submitted with the project are the following studies: Stream and wetland mitigation plan (no delineation), Traffic Study Geotech. The applicant will install road, pedestrian and landscape improvements along 4th Street. Also included in improvements is an up to date detention vault and treatment system to mitigate storm water impacts. Modifications are requested to allow a wider curb cut than typically allowed for retail uses (40' vs. 30') and a modification to provide 11 off-site parking spaces at the Les Schwab Tire Store. When combined with the Walgreen's site, the two developments will jointly provide a total of 94 spaces, 11 more spaces than permitted by the parking code. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non·Code) COMMENTS Element of the Environment Earth Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources Probable Minor Impacts Probable Major Impacts B. POLlCY·RELA TED COMMENTS More Information Necessary Element of the Environment ~~k;i)~7a~10 tS ~k C. CODE·RELA TED COMMENTS Probable Minor Impacts ~ a-v-M cA7VI/t~ ~ ~)~ Probable Major Impacts More Information Necessary We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is need to properly assess this proposal. / ~a=+-,-I!'4-R f---'/a..:<..£~ __ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 7 I February 29, 2008 Thomas Thompson AlA Consulting Architect 29619 15th Avenue NE Stanwood, W A 98292 Subject: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: CITY F RENTON Planning/BuildinglPublic Wories Department Gregg Zimmerman P .E., Administrator The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton determined that the subject application was complete according to submittal requirements and accepted for review on February 28, 2008. Additionally, it is has been tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on March 24, 2008. Although, during our review, staff has determined that additional inf{)rmation is necessary in order to proceed further. Please provide the following materials before March 14, 2008, so that we may continue the review of the submitted application: I) Standard Stream Study as per RMC 4-3-050L2.3.a. 2) Wetland Delineations as per RMC 4-3-050M3.a.i. Please find enclosed a copy of the City of Renton's Wetland/Stream Consultant Roster; which includes pre-qualified Wetland/Stream consultants to prepare the initial critical areas studies. If you have any questions feel free t() contact me at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner Enc1: Consultant Roster cc: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Rertirement Trust I Owners lennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager ------------lO-5-5-S-ou~ili-Gr-· -rury--w-a-Y-'-R-en-t-on-,-w-a-sh-m-.~-o-n~9-80-5-7--~--~-----~ . ~ -. AHEAD OF TIlE CURVE ~ This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% postoonsumer NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: FehrLlary 2B, 200a LANO USE NUMBER: lUAOS-014, SA-A. ECF PROJECT NAME: Walgreen's em NE 4'" Sireel PROJECT DESCRIPTION" The appllcant;s requesting a Administrative SIte Plan Re,,~'''' f)" J 1~,82J ~q It drU9~tore WIth drive through wondow 00 a 49,50B sq. 11 site 'I' the Commercial Arterial (CA) Wne Tt-gm Jrc: t"'~ ~x'SM'l buildings an the 511e t!\at total 3,527 sq It tt>at 1'/,11 t>e ojemolls~ed The proposal site is made up of t,~~ ,ct, p~rcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq It) and 513210000a 122,400 ~q. fI,) As pn,posed the e'ght ex'sMg access P0i1:" I",II:lc r'cd~ccj to jour, two 1ram NE 4th street a~d two from Union Avenue NE Ttte buffer of a weiland and Map G\·,o~d Creek eXl5: on site; as such, 3 SEPAlEnvlronmental ReVIew 'MIl toe reqUired No tr<;es wrll be kept Submitled ,,;:1-Ih~ projeu are the following ~ludles' Stream and _tland mlt<gatLon plan {no delll1e~llon:', Trafflc Study Geotech Tr-,e aD"',ca,,t ,,','!I! Ir,~lal road pedestrian and landscape imp'o~ements along 41h Street Aloo mcluded in improvements is ao .Jp to d21C dct"~:IO~ vault a~d lrealmenl sfstem 10 mitlgale storm water Impacts Mod,fi~atlons are requested to allow a "'ider cu-b cut than typ,eally allowed lor retail uses (40' V5 30') and a modlficallon to prov,de 11 off·site parking spaces al lt1~ L,," Sch,,'ab Ti-e Store When combmad with the Walgreen's srte, the two developments Wdl Jointly provide a tolal of g4 ~p3cas 11 more WaGes than permitted by the parking code PROJECT LOCATION: 4 1 U~.so 4111 NE 4'" Street and 354 Union A .. enue NE OPTIONAL OETl2RMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS.Ml: As the Lead Ag~ncy th~ Ci:,' 0' "<"r-,l,,,, has determrned thaI srgnrll<:ant env<ronmenlal rmpacts are u~llk91\, to result from the proposed prO!ECI 1 reref0r~, 3S permitted under the RCW 43 21C \ 10, the City of Renton IS using lhe Optional DNS-M process 10 ~ V~ ~ot.~e thai 3 lJNS- M IS tlke~ to be is~ued Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are Integraled I~t~, ? <;l'1gl~ C0nr-,ent penod, There Will be no ~ommenl period follOWing the issuance of the Threshold Delerm'nallon ~f Ijon ::;:gnli1cance- Mrllgated (DNS-Ml_ A 14-<)ay appeal period will foffa" .. the issuance of the DNS-M PERMIT APPLICATION DATE" February 13, 2008 NOTICE Of COMPLETE APPLICATION; February 28, 20M APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Thomn Thompson, AlA: Con&ultlng Architect; Tel: tZ061 409-0755: Eml: ttsquar~d@gman.com P8rmltslRevie .... Reque"ted; Environmental {SEPAl Review, Admlnsitrative SLte Ptan reV1CW Other Permits which may be required: Buildi"g ami Constructlo", P .. rmlts Requested Studies: Stt ... m .nd Wetland Mitlgatton Study, Traffic Study and Geot8chinical R~port Loc~tion where application may b~ reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Dopartment, Deyalopm~nt SerYites Dlyislon, Slxtti Floor Renton Cily Hall, 1055 South Grady Way. R~nton. WA 98057 PUBLIC HEARING: N/A CONSISTENCY OVERVJEW: Zoning/Land Use: Environmental Documents ltial Evaluate the Proposed Prolact: Development Regulation" Used For Prolact Mltlgallon: The subject srte is designated Commercial Conidor ICC:, en In~ Clly cf f.!enlcn Comprehensive Land Use Map and Commercial ArteriaIICA,' ~'n the i.A'/, Zoning Map. En~lronmen1a1 (SEPAl Checl<list The p'oje~l Wlil be ~ubjecl 10 the City's SEPA ordinance P.r.1C ~·3-J50 Crltlc,,1 Area Regulalions, 4-2-120 Commencat Artenai Deve(opmen: Stand"rds "nd olner applicable codes and regulations as appropriate Prof'osed Mitigation Measures: The fcllowrng MitigatIOn Me"5ures will likely be Imposed on the proposed project These recommended Mitigation Measures address project Impacls not ClJvered by exi~ting codes and regulallons as Cited abo~e Tne appiJt;~nl will ba raqurred 10 pay 11!9 appropn'ele Transportilrion MiligeUon Fge The applICant will be raquired 10 pay Ih" appropnate Fire Mlligat;on Fee: and The applICant will be reqUired to pay the appropnale P~rl<s M!llg~lion F~e PosliltJle Weiland mit!<Jlfjlron measures Pwslbte Siraam mitigafion ma8SUreS lor Maplewood Creek Comments on ttie above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Associate Planner, Development Services Olvl&ton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 9a057, by 5:00 PM on Mart:h 13, 2008. II you have questions aboul thiS proposal, or w.sh to be m3de a party of record "nd receive additional notitl<:a1ron b~ rnall. tOnta~t the Project Manager, Anyone who submIts written comments 'Mil aulomatl<:alr,o beClJme ~ party 01 record and Will be nelilred 01 any deCisiOn on thiS project. CONTACT PERSON: Vanessa Dolbee, AsSOCiate Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7314; Eml: vdolbe9@rentonwa,gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLlNG FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complele this form and return 10: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So Grat:ly Wey, Renton, WA 98057 Name/File No.: Walgreen's on NE 41h SlreetlLUAOB-014, SA_A, ECF NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO,: CERTIFICATION I, --,-"",-"",·",s",CL=-D=()",I",~-,efL.-,,-?<" __ , hereby certify that Z copies of the above document were posted by me in conspicuous places or nearby the described property on DATE:;( -.18 -2008 SIGNED:t6'n e h4f& -£l1~ ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Puhlic, in and for the State of Washington residing in ->"S.u/.lQO:.r.;tH&.!.<!.JPL-_" on the () q r" day of ';}4't!!!j NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: February 28, 2008 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA08-014, SA-A. ECF PROJECT NAME: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Administrative Site Plan Review for a 14,820 sq. ft. drugstore with drive through window on a 49.508 sq. ft. site in the Commercial Arterial (eA) zone. There are two existing buildings on the site that total 3,527 sq. ft. that Will be demolished. The proposal site is made up of two lots, parcel 5182100009 (27,106 sq. ft.) and 5182100008 (22,400 sq. ft.) As proposed the eight existing access points will be reduced to four; two from NE 4th street and two from Union Avenue NE. The buffer of a wetland and Maplewood Creek exist on site; as such, a SEPAlEnvironmental Review will be required. No trees will be kept Submitted with the project are the following studies: Stream and wetland mitigation plan (no delineation), Traffic Study Geotech. The applicant will install road, pedestrian and landscape improvements along 4th Street. Also included in improvements is an up to date detention vault and treatment system to mitigate storm water impacts. Modifications are requested to allow a wider curb cut than typically allowed for retail uses (40' vs. 30') and a modification to provide 11 off-site parking spaces at the Les Schwab Tire Store. When combined with the Walgreen's site. the two developments will jointly provide a total of 94 spaces, 11 more spaces than permitted by the parking code. PROJECT LOCATION: 4105 & 4111 NE 4th Street and 354 Union Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-5IGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS·M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the Issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: February 13, 2008 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: February 28, 2008 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Thomas Thompson, AlA; Consulting Architect; Tel: (206) 409-0755; Eml: ttsquared@gmail.com Permits/Review Requested: Environmental (SEPAl Review, Adminsitrative Site Plan review Other Permits which may be required: Building and Construction Permits Requested Studies: Stream and Wetland Mitigation Study, Traffic Study and Geotechinical Report Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Department, Development Services Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 PUBLIC HEARING: NIA CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mttlgation: The subject site IS designated Commercial Corridor (CC) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Commercial Arterial (CA) on the City's Zoning Map Environmental (SEPA) Checklist The project Will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4-3-050 Critical Area Regulations, 4-2-120 Commerical Arterial Development Standards and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. I Proposed Mitigation Measures: The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. The applicant will be required to pay tile appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee; The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee; and The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee. Possible Wetland mitigation measures Possible Stream mitigation measures for Maplewood Creek. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Associate Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on March 13,2008. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Vanessa Dolbee, Associate Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7314; Eml: vdolbee@rentonwa.gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renlon, Developmenl Planning. 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton. WA 98057. Name/File No.: Walgreen's on NE 4th StreetlLUA08-014, SA-A, ECF NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: I February 28, 2008 Thomas Thompson·AIA Consultin~ Architect 29619 1S t Avenue NE Stanwood, W A 98292 Subject: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street LUA08-014, SA-A, ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: CITY )F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively schedule.d for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on March 24, 2008. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425)430-7314 if you have any questions. Sincerely, . Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner cc: Car Wash Enterprises. Inc., Les Schwab Profit Sharing Rertirement Trust f Owners --'-----,----lO-5-5-S-0U~th-Gr-a-dY~w-. -aY---R-e-nt-on-,-w-a-sh-in-gt-o~n-9':"8-05-7---~-~-~ ,4\, , Al:i.EAD o~ tHE CURVE ~ !hIs paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% postcohs_umer February 28, 2008 Attn: John Lefotu and Ramin Pazooki Washington State Department of Transportation 15700 Dayton Avenue North PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 SUBJECT: Walgreen's on NE 4th Street LUA008-014, SA-A, ECF Dear Sirs: CITY )F RENTON Planning/BuildingIPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Enclosed is a copy of the TIA for the subject land use application along with a copy of the proposed site plan. If you have additional comments or concerns, you may either send them via mail or email them to me at vdolbee@rentonwa.gov. The Environmental Review Committee is scheduled for March 24, 2008. I would appreciate your comments prior to the meeting, preferably by March 13, 2008, if possible to incorporate any comments into the staff report. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Associate Planner cc: Project File Arneta Henninger, City of Renton -Plan Review --"t9HI"!,.\DOiiiVIvl'<tSIO"'1i",.SIr\D,.,ev""e"'I.~p~.s"'eir'll\E>"e""v&!tJpmlanTlI.iniil"'g\i'iFR~61tJE~eO'lr"'3\t1\88~-etHi*4.'fYm-all""cs;s:sar\!,S*671r'tN.,otMtifiiecaottii01o,T"l, L'othrl'8>&BoIlBl<iloilcd.d",oc..--~N' . 105SSouth Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 _ * Th~ paperconlains 50% recycled material, 00% pos1consumer ., AHEAD OF THE C{)RVE , • City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NAME: Car Wash Enterprises, Inc. Cell: 206-409-0755 ttsquared@gmail.com PROJECT INFORMATION ADDRESS: 3977 Leary Way NW PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: WALGREENS #12497 CITY: Seattle, WA ZIP PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 98107: 41054TH STREET, RENTON, WA TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206-274-2603 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 5182100009 NAME: Thomas Thompson AlA EXISTING LAND USE(S): COMMERCIAL -CAR WASH COMPANY (if applicable): Consulting Architect PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMMERCIAL -DRUG STORE ADDRESS: 29619 15th Ave NE EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: Stanwood 98292 NE 4TH STREET BUSINESS DISTRICT TELEPHONE NUMBER 360-629-3985 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): CONTACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL NAME: Thomas Thompson AlA PROPOSED ZONING Of applicable): COMPANY (if applicable): SITE AREA (in square feet): APPROX. 104,384 SF (total lot) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE ADDRESS: DEDICATED: 3,000 SF ALONG 4TH (full frontage all lots) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: CITY: ZIP: 4886 SF ON THIS LOT, EASEMENTS 860923041 & 8810261102 ARE TO BE REMOVED. • P JECT INFORMATION cont ed PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE ACRE (if applicable): NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 24 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: 2,000,000 (full project) IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): WETLAND BUFFER OF 2,849 SF PROPOSED FOR NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): BUFFER AVERAGING OF 3,080 SF. SEE WETLAND STUDY All ACHED TO SUBMISSION. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE BUILDINGS (if applicable): o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. fl. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. fl. BUILDINGS (if applicable): 14,820 SF 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. fl. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. fl. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): not on this lot 0 WETLANDS sq. fl. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): 11,687 SF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION _, TOWNSHIP _, RANGE_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (SEE ALTA SURVEY ATTACHED) TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. $1500.00 as calc'd by staff for full project. 3. Environmental 2. _Site Plan Review 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) , declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of OWnerlRepresentative) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that -:-.==.,....,.,.,.....,.-;-=-:-:== signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislheritheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington ----)JECT INFORMATION (cor ued • PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE ACRE (if applicable): NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 24 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: 2,000,000 (full project) IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable) ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): WETLAND BUFFER OF 2,849 SF PROPOSED FOR NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable) BUFFER AVERAGING OF 3,080 SF. SEE WETLAND STUDY ATTACHED TO SUBMISSION. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE BUILDINGS (if applicable): o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON·RESIDENTIAL o GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. BUILDINGS (if applicable): 14,820 SF o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON·RESIDENTIAL o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): not on this lot o WETLANDS sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON·RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): 11,687 SF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION _, TOWNSHIP _, RANGE_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (SEE ALTA SURVEY ATTACHED) TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. $1500.00 as calc'd by staff for full project. 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I. (Print Name/s) ~", ~£a'f'/,"""';:-. declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property '"""" "~,,,", ""-""'. '" ~ ~ •.• ""',, " .... ~'" .,0. ft""'" '",,,. '" """,, statements and ans rs her in cont' d a the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best my knowl."e;:);lief. ,1-Lie rtify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,.u"'. '~/IfA' ~ Signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and Yoluntl3.ry act for the ~ uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. "y"r'" Lev eX. ~ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Q:web/pw/devserv/fonnslplanninglmasterapp.doc 2 01/09108 PROJECT INFORMATION (cooti'ooed) (Signature of Owner/Representative) '\1 AA h ~ Gv--f 7. t-----Notary (Print)_~4W!=-"i::V=-----'.rV,--,-\_' _---'--=-_"'"':.....:VI __ My appointment expires: ___ l-'-_--=~'-_-_{J_g __ Q:web/pw/devserv/fonnsfplanninglmasterapp.doc 3 OlJ09/08 lit. :ll\\l 51 LEGAL DESCRIPTION "'~ Q.$; ~. NE 4TH ST MEUORIAl :K s;- Vicinity Map No Scale TAX PARCEL NO. 518210-0008 (COMMITMENT NO. RT-11057826) c Z ~ ~ iii THE SOUTH 140 FEET OF THE NORTH 182 FEET OF THE EAST 160 FEET OF THE WEST 190 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON TAX PARCEL NO. 518210-0009 (COMMITMENT NO. RT-l1057801) LOT 1 OF SHORT PLAT NO. SH-PL -084-83, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8407239001. (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA-011-88, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8810119002). SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. r:: .2 .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ z ~ o >-. Z to :r: W 0 ~ (/) >:t . « Ct::: ~ u 3: ::) ~ lQ bJ LL (J)~§LL .0 z::>O::::i!w o '" . ~ '" ~ """ 3: ~ f---~Q""""'" ~I--'" '" ~ w ,~ -z"'::> v, f---8 ~ :0> to oZ. 3I'1!: .>-o Q .... Wl-- lli 0 """ (') Z Z ~ ~ ........... a::: :::> «'g3: ~8 -.J 15 "'zz ~ '" I") (') ::::2: g15wN z (J)~~~o..::::.:::: U ~o 3:. «~:t~I--Z a ~ 0 '----~i~ § « ~ I--a::: 0; a::: QJ +-' f- f---w 0 LL -.Ji 0... 0 « ,-..,.1 >-I-- U , ~) , i-------------. TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPA· rll(D ~oo R~COAD .... 1 AtOl1ESl OF Car WdSh E.ntl'rpris~s, P,O. Bux lO5c27 seattle., Wa.s.hiIlt;to: STATUTORY THE GRASTOR GeOll:.e A. Saitb and L"t; tie, conSlde-ution of T'EI' MD I'OIlOG ft:' L'I .. P.3 p':lld, \:onveys and uarrants to r';lr ';,'p;il the foilolOillG: dl'scrjtu~d r""IlI C~-: W,lshlr,,;tnn: 1)j1~ ~rACE PROVIDED FOil "'eCCRO£R S U£oE ~·.:on COI"PlJ'rali(H1 :'...,,1:1), SJUtb, IIUfilbaod and Wife. for anr1 in AIffi OTHfR VAlll'ABU. CQ1ISIDlJtAnnPl. 1n ildlnd fctrrprise£. Inc. a WasbiD&tQD CDrporation. '.-j io the C{)unty of ~r¢~ State of Lot 1 of Short Plat Ro. SH-Pl.-Oc,!,.~, County Recoruin& No. f'lllD72l'JQOl; .~ l' L..t.A-(l11-88 recorded under R~cDn!lr:.,,,; !';f\ ~';f",-'r~iac: {O the Short Plat recorded under KiTl~ "'L,' •. lli Lot 1 of Lot Lin~ MjustateDt No. f);,IJll9002); Situat~ in tfle Cl.ty or ReatclO, I·Hlll~'. , r.' '",:;. Stat~ of W.asllin&ton. SUBJECT TO: As. attached bereto \<:1 rY_;ll~" ",>," and b~ this reference made a ",art heTcof fO(lr, 711&-~ t£ co 'i.' 'nc-~o~C' .!I. Saith and Delores Darby ~':Tlbe(! in iilnd uho f'Xecut{'d th~ ... ithii'"l ,,·tt tbey SltnE':t1 thf' same as their free (Urpo,'>l''s therein ~,(!nUon~d" ',:5 ~:~a)l of Jkr-_L~.,-, l~ C-1~j. o o " l- N OJ .. ru o " .. '" '" .. , '" N , <II .. .. ';' ",;. Wash January 9, 2008 To whom it may concern: Re: Affidavit of Ownership--4111 NE 4th Street, Renton, Washington (the "Property") This document shall serve as proof and verification that the undersigned has authority to execute the accompanying Affidavit of Ownership as the chief legal officer of, on behalf of the Property owner, Car Wash Enterprises, Inc. Vice President, General Counsel Car Wash Enterprises, Inc. Direct Tel. 206-274-2603 Facsimile 206-274-2641 City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) CITY: ZIP: NAME: LES SCHWAB PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: Cell: 206-409-0755 t1squared@gmail.com ADDRESS: PO BOX 667 646 NW MADRAS HWY PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: WALGREENS #12497 CITY: PRINVILLE, OR ZIP PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 97754: 41054TH STREET, RENTON, WA (PROJECT) TELEPHONE NUMBER: 541-416-5238 TIRE STORE ADDRESS: APPLICANT (if other than owner) 354 UNION AVE NE, RENTON, WA NAME: Thomas Thompson AlA KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 5182100010&5182100016 COMPANY (if applicable): Consulting Architect EXISTING LAND USE(S): COMMERCIAL -TIRE STORE ADDRESS: 29619 151h Ave NE PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMMERCIAL -TIRE STORE CITY: Stanwood 98292 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: TELEPHONE NUMBER 360-629-3985 NE 4TH STREET BUSINESS DISTRICT CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): NAME: Thomas Thompson AlA EXISTING ZONING: COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): ADDRESS: SITE AREA (in square feel): APPROX. 104,384 SF (total 101) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: NONE ALONG UNION AVE Q:weblpw/devserv/fonns/planninglmasterapp.doc 01115/08 .. PI JECT INFORMATION conti ed SQUARf: FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE . NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 15 4927 SF EASEMENTS 8407239001 9270 SF IN EASEMENTS 860923041 & 8810261102 ARE TO PROJECT VALUE: 2,000,000 (full project) BE REMOVED. IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE ACRE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): FOR FULL PROJECT: WETLAND BUFFER OF 2,849 SF PROPOSED FOR NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): BUFFER AVERAGING OF 3,080 SF. SEE WETLAND STUDY ATTACHED TO SUBMISSION. NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. fl. BUILDINGS (if applicable): 0 SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. fl. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): o WETLANDS sq. fl. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 11,980 SF NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION _, TOWNSHIP _, RANGE_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (SEE SURVEY ATTACHED) TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. $1500.00 as calc'd by staff for full project. 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Namels)Sf~ ~< _1-. 7?;" / 0/,-j:: I 1;" sin' . declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or ~ the authori'zed representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein Contained and the intonnation herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that >1.:."", .... L,~&b)( $ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hisl~ free andoluntary act for the £.::> uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ~O<_ (Signature of Owner/Rep' Q:web/pw/devserv/fonnslplanninglmasterapp.doc 2 Oll15/08 • (Signature of OwnerlRepresentative) O"IOIAL SEAL BONNIE M MCCOY NOTARY PUBLlC-OREGO" COMMISSION NO. 417162 ~OJECT I FORMATION (contini Notary (Print) ZOe/D r Ie 121. /J1 C CD Y My appointment expires 7 Ii 0 / Cl 0 I( , L MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 10, 201~ __ Q:web/pw/dcvserv/forms/planninglmasterapp.doc 3 01115108 Chapter 173-60 WAC Laureen Nicolay -Fwd: Les Schwab Authorization From: To: Date: ''Tom Thompson" <ttsquared@gmail.com> <ehiggins@ci.renton.wa.us> 0210712008 II :24 AM Subject: CC: Fwd: Les Schwab Authorization <lnicolay@cLrenton.wa.us>, <rtimmons@ci.renton.wa.us> -----------.. -......... . Elizabeth, before I make the trek into the city again with our intake package for Site Review Application; Please refer to the note below from the Owner's legal counsel about why original Les Schwab Trustee signatures cannot be made available. We have pdf copy(s) of signed document verifYing consent to application. Would you be kind enough to advise that you will accept without original given the circumstances. Clearly, all parties are on-board. Thaok you. Tom ----------Forwarded message ---------- From: KYLE LEISHMAN <KLeishrnan~(lj(1n.::..waldu_col1l> Date: Feb 7, 2008 10:28 AM Subject: RE: Les Schwab Authorization To: Tom Thompson <tts.quared@gmail.uHn> Cc: Bob Sherry <bs.herry@phillipsedison.l"<lm>, Jim Shipman <jshipman(ii;phillipse(liS(!D.com>, GLEN WATKINS <co W ATK INS(wjoneswaldo.com> Tom: There will be a variety of people that will need to rely on thiS resolution. Accordingly. it sounds like David intends to record IhlS document with the County. As such. he will need the or:glnal and it will not be available to provide to the City with the application. have to believe the City will accept this copy Let me know if you disagree. From: Tom Thompson [mailto:ttsquared@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 11 :25 AM To: KYLE lEISHMAN Cc: Bob Sherry; Jim Shipman; GLEN WATKINS Subject: Re: les Schwab Authorization Kyle, good news. Cao you have the "original signatures" forwarded to me. Thanks, Tom On Feb 7, 2008 10:21 AM, KYLE LEISHMAN <KI.Li,hl1lan·o.l""eswaldo.com> wrote: Bob: Attached is a copy of the Resolution of Trustees from les Schwab. I assume this is the last thing the City of Renton needs to process the applications? Glen and I had a good conversation ',vith Christine !Ida this morning and there are a number of things we need to discuss when you have a moment Specifically ihere seems to be some disconnect between the delivery dates. Christine also has questions regarding environmental issues, signage. parking and use restrictions. Let me know when you are available for a conference call with Jim and Glen. Regards 12/06/00 -• Tom Thompson <ttsquared@gmail.com> Renton, Washington KYLE LEISHMAN <KLeishman@joneswaldo.com> To: ttsquared@gmail.com, Bob Sherry <bsherry@phillipsedison.com> Cc: David.R.Gibson@lesschwab.com Tom. Lets see if the City can accept the Appication based on this history. If not, we will have to wait for the authorization. I agree with David that it is a ridiculouos requirement. --Original Message-- From: David.R. Gibson@lesschwab.com [mailto: DavId. R. Gibson@lesschwab.com] Sent: Friday, January 18,20084:08 PM To: KYLE LEISHMAN Subject: RE: FW: Renton, WaShington Kyle -I have no idea how that could be. As a corporate and finance lawyer for 14 years prior to undertaking all real estate representation here, I am con~nually amazed at the entire issue of incumbency and how ridiculous it is. To do what is needed here I will have to provide the trust instrument and a resolution signed by all nine ofthe trustees. Two are retired executives and travel frequently. I will try to track everyone down next week. David Gibson Corporate Counsel Les Schwab Tire Centers 541-416-5342 (direct) 541-416-5454 (facsimile) "KYLE LEISHMAN" <KLeishman@jonesw alda.cam> To <David.R.Gibson@lesschwab.com> cc to 01/18/200802:56 PM Fax Fri, Jan 18.2008 at 4:15 PM , City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(s) lELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NAME: Renton-Northwest LlC CelI:~515 tIaq .. red@gmall.com ADDRESS: 175 East 400 South, Suite 402 PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME; WALGREENS 112497 CITY: Salt Lake City, ZIP Utah PROJECTIADDRESS(S)A.OCATION AND ZIP CODE: 84111: 41054111 STREET, RENTON, WA TELEPHONE NUMBER: 801-983-6313 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S); APPUCANT (if other than owner) 518210000s NAME: Thomas Thompson AlA EXISTING LAND USE(S): COMMERCIAL -SERVICE COMPANY (If applicable): ConsuHing Architect STATION & C-STORE PROPOSED LAND USE(S); COMMERCIAL -DRUG STORE ADDRESS: 29619 15th Ave NE EXfSTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: Stanwood 98292 NE .. 11I STREET BUSINESS DISTRICT TELEPHONE NUMBER 360-629-3985 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION [If applicable): CONTACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING; COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL NAME: Thomas Thompson AlA PROPOSED ZONING [of applicable): COMPANY (If applicable); SITE AREA Qn"-", feeI): APPROX. 104,384 SF (total lot) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE ADDRESS: DEDICATED: 3,000 SF ALONG 4TH lfull frontage 811_) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: CITY: ZIP: No easements on Utls lot 01J07/08 P JECT INFORMATION contin' ." PROPOSED RESIDENTIAl DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET PROJECT VALUE: 2,000,000 (fuO project) ACRE (d applicable): IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (If appicable): ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (1f appicable): NUMBER OF NEW DWEWNG UNITS (d approcable): c:r AQUIFER PROTECllON AREA ONE c:r AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA lWO NUMBER OF EXISTING DWEWNG UNITS (If appticable): c:r FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq.1\. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENllAL c:r GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq.1\. BUILDINGS (If applicable): c:r HABITAT CONSERVAT1ON sq. It. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISllNG RESIDENllAL c:r SHOREUNE STREAMS AND lAKES sq. It. BU ILDINGS TO REMAIN (If applicable): [J WETLANDS sq.ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (If applicable): 14,820 SF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXlSllNG NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (If applicable): not on thIs lot NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (If applicable): 11,687 SF NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (If appHcable): 24 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal desc:ription on separate sheet with the following infonnation included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION --' TOWNSHIP _, RANGE--, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (SEE ALTA SURVEY ATTACHED) TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. $1500.00 as c:alc'd by staff for full project 3. Gl}v/,wNMf'NT"'At... 2. . $rTF f'lA>J ~ @W 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP Notary Public in and for the State ofl77 I L "Irt ~ 2 OIJ07mt1 __ WJECT INFORMATION (continue.., (Signotunt 01 ClM>erIRajI<esantative) Notary (Prinlll--'IVI"'-'-...... C--'QI.l(....!""':>11..L:"-"-'$.p.I"'A."""r->k'--'.;-l-.{ My appolnlment expiras,;; __ ....::t.!..~.:oz.5""=.!.(_'~C __ _ J 01107108 OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR RENTON -NORTHWEST LLC TIllS OPERATING AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") of Renton -Northwest LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Company") is made and en~d into as of November 30, 2007, by Phillips Edison Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership ("PELP"), Robert J. Sherry (''Sherry'') and James P. Shipman ("Shipman"). as the members of the Company ("Members"). ARTICLE! THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 1.1 Formation. The Members have formed a limited liability company (the "Company") subject to the provisions of the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act as cwrently in effect (the" Act"). 1.2 Filing. In connection with the execution of this Operating Agreement, a Certificate of Formation pursuant to the Act has been filed with the Secretary of State for the State of Delaware. 1.3 Name. The name of the Company is Renton -Northwest LLC. 1.4 Registered Office; Registered Agent. The principal office address of the Company is 11501 Northlake Drive. Cincinnati, OH 45249, or at such other location as the Company may designate. The initial Registered Agent and the Registered Office of the Company in the State of Delaware shall be CT Cozporation System, with an address at 1209 Orange Street in Wi1mington, Delaware. 1.5 Purposes of Company. The purposes for which the Company is formed are to acquire; own, operate. manage, develop. lease. finance and sell real property and to engage in any other activity within the purposes for which a limited liability company may be formed under the Act. 1.6 Events of Dissolntion. The Company shall continue for the maximum duration permitted under the Act, unless sooner dissolved by: (a) the affirmative vote of the Members holding a majority of the Membership interest in the Company by Sharing Ratio; or (b) any other event causing a dissolution of a limited liability company under the Act. ARTICLE 2 CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS The Members may contribute to the capital of the Company such amounts as they or any Authorized Officer deems to be necessary or appropriate to conduct the business or carry out the purposes of the Company. No Member shall be required to contribute capital to the Company, and Shipman is not expected to make a capital contribution. ARTICLE 3 PROFITS, LOSSES AND DISTRIBUTIONS 3.1 Profits and Losses. For each fiscal year or other period, the Company's profits shall be allocated to the Members in accordance with their respective percentage interests in the Company ("Sharing Ratios"). The Company's losses shall be allocated 100"/0 to PELP. The Company's "profits" and "losses" shall mean an amount equal to the Company's taxable income or loss for such year or period determined in accordance with § 703(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and in addition, shaU include all items of income, gain, loss or deduction required by § 703(a) of the Code to be stated separately and all income that is exempt from federal taxation and not otherwise taken into account in calculating taxable income or loss. 3.2 Sharing Ratios. The initial Sharing Rstios of the Members are set forth below: PELP Shipman Sherry Sharing Ratio 92% 4% 4% 3.3 Overriding Allocation Rules. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the provisions of this Section 3.3 shall govern as follows: (a) The allocation of income, gain, loss and deduetion arising from the sale, exchange or other disposition, depreciation, or amortization of property that has been assigned a Book Value (as defined in Section 6.2) upon revaluation pursuant to Section 6.2 that is different from its adjusted tax basis at that time shall be allocated among Members, (i) for purposes of determining capital account balances, as if the adjusted tax basis of the property equaled the book value, and (ii) for purposes of federal income taxes, in a manner that takes account of the variation between adjusted tax basis and Book Value in accordance with §§ 704(h) and (c) of the Code and the Treasury Regulations thereunder. (h) No allocation of income, gain, loss or deduction shall be made to a Member if such allocation would not have "economic effect" pursuant to Treasury Regulation § 1.704-I(hX2Xii) or otherwise be in accordance with its interest in the Company within the meaning ofTreasury Regulations § 1.704-1(h)(3) and § 1.704-1(hX4Xiv). This Agreement shall be deemed to incoJporate the "qualified income offset" provision of Treasury Regulation § 1.704-1(h)(2XiiXd), the "minimum gain chargeback" provision of Treasury Regulation § 1.740- 2 2(f) and the "chargeback of partner nonrecourse debt minimum gain" provision of Treasury Regulation § I. 704-2(i). The Members shaH make such determinations as are necessary to comply with this Section 3.3(b). 3.4 Distributions. At any times deemed appropJiate by an Authorized Officer, the Company shall distribute available funds to the Members in proportion to their Sharing Ratios. n Available funds" for this purpose means the Company's gross cash receipts, less the Company's expenditures and less the amount that, in the Authorized Officers' judgment, andIor as may be required by any approved budget of the Company, the Company should retain in order to fulfill its business purposes. 3.5 Special Distribution to Sherry and/or Shipman. It is anticipated that the Company will develop a single retail property for sale to the end user upon completion of construction thereof. It is intended that upon the closing of such sale, a distribution from the closing proceeds shaIl be made to Shipman andlor Sherry in consideration of his membership interest in the Company. The amount of the distribution to Shipman shall equal (1) the final adjusted proceeds of sale less (a) the total land cost to the Company (including due diligence and closing costs), (b) the hard and soft costs incurred by the Company for design and construction of the improvements, and (c) closing and miscellaneous transaction costs multiplied by their respective Sharing Ratio. The distribution pursuant to this Section 3.5 shall be made promptly following the closing. Upon payment in full of such distribution, Shipman's membership interest in the Company shall be automatically terminate. ARTICLE 4 MANAGEMENT 4.1 Limitation of Liability. No Member sball be personally liable for the debts, obligations or liabilities of the Company. No asset of the Company shall be transferred, encumbered or used for the payment or satisfaction of any personal or individual obligations or liabilities of a Member. 4.2 Management Powers; Officers. The Members, by majority vote on the basis of their Sharing Ratios, shall appoint officers ("Officers"), who shall have the powers set forth in Sections 4.3 and 4.4 below. The initial Officers of the Company shall be: Michael C. Phillips Jeffrey S. Edison R.MarkAddy Raymond D. Martz James P. Shipman Chairman and Treasurer President Vice President and Secretary Vice President Vice President 4.3 Authorized Officers. The persons at any time holding the offices of (a) Chairman and Treasurer, (b) President or (c) Vice President and Secretary, are designated as the "Authorized Officers" of the Company. The signature of any Authorized Officer shall bind the Company. The Authorized Officers shall have the power, on behalf of the Company, to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the business and affairs of the Company, including without limitation the power to: (i) purchase, lease or otherwise acquire any real or personal 3 property, including any par1nership interest or membership interest; (ii) sell, convey, mortgage, grant a security interest in, pledge, lease, exchange or otherwise impose of or encumber any real or personal property, including any partnership interest or membership interest; (ill) open one or more depository accounts and make deposits into and checks and withdrawals against such accounts; (iv) borrow money, incur liability and other obligation; (v) enter into any and all agreements and execute any and all contracts, documents and instruments; (vi) engage employees and agents, appoint officers, define their respective duties, and establish their compensation or remuneration; (vii) obtain insurance covering the business and affairs of the Company and its property and the lives and well being of its employee and agents; (viii) commence, prosecute or defend any proceeding in the Company's name; (ix) participate with others in partnership, limited liability companies or joint ventures; and (x) authorize distributions of available funds. 4.4 Authority of Shipman. James Shipman, or any other person at any time holding the office of Vice President, is hereby authorized on behalf of the Company to make decisions relating to the daily operation and management of the Company and the development of the real property owned (or to be owned) by the Company and to act as a signatory on behalf of the Company solely for the purposes of execution of all contracts, agreements, certificates, affidavits and documents in connection with such matters, but shall not exercise any other powers without express authorization to do so by an Authorized Officer. 4.5 Bank Accounts. The Officers shall be responsible for the safe keeping and use of all funds and assets of the Company. The funds of the Company shall not be conuningled with funds of any Member or any other person and the Officers shall not employ, or permit any other person to employ, such funds in any manner except for the benefit of the Company. The bank accounts of the Company shall be maintained in the name of the Company in such banking institutions as are approved by the Officers and withdrawals shall be made only in the regular course of the Company's business and as otherwise authorized on the signature of such Officer(s) and authorized agents as determined by the Officers from time to time. 4.6 Indemnification. (a) To the extent permitted by law, neither the Officers nor any Member shall be liable, responsible, or accountable in damages or·otherwise to the Company or to any Member for any act, omission, or error in judgment performed, admitted or made by him or her in good faith and in a manner he or she believed to be within the scope of authority and in the best interest of the Company; provided that such act, omission, or error in judgment does not constitute fraud, gross negligence, willful misconduct or other breach of fiduciary duty. (b) To the extent permitted by law, the Company shall indemnify and hold harmless the Officers and each Member from and against any loss, expense, damage or injury suffered, sustained or incurred by him or her arising out of any actual or threatened action, suit, proceeding or claim relating to his or her activities on behalf of the Company, or in furtherance of the interests of the Company, including, but not limited to, any judgment, award, settlement, reasonable attorneys' fees, and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with the defense or settJement of any actuaI or threatened action, suit, proceeding or claim; provided however, that the acts, omissions, or alleged acts or omissions upon which such actual or threatened action, suit 4 or proceeding or claim is based or admitted was undertaken in good faith in a manner believed by such person to be in the best interests of the Company and did not constitute fraud, gross negligence, willful misconduct or other breach of fiduciary duty. 4.7 Records at Principal Place of Business. The Officers shall cause the Company to keep at its principal place of business the following: (a) a current list in alphabetical order of the full name and last known business street address of each Member; (b) a copy of the Certificate of Formation of the Company and all certificates of amendment to them, together with executed copies of any powers of attorney pursuant to which any certificate of amendment has been executed; (c) copies of the Company's federal, state and local income tax returns and reports, if any, for the three most recent years, and all business records; (d) copies of any financial statements of the limited liability company, if any, for the three most recent years; and (e) a copy of this Agreement. ARTICLES ACCOUNTS 5.1 Capital Accounts. The Company shall maintain separate capital accounts for each Member. Each Member's capital account shall consist of that Member's initial capital contribution increased by (a) any additional capital contribution made by such Member and (b) such Member's share of profits on any items in the nature of income or gain allocated thereto. and decreased by ( c) distributions to such Member in reduction of Company capital and (d) such Member's share of losses on any items in the nature of expenses or losses allocated thereto. The capital accounts shall be maintained and adjusted as provided by the capital account maintenance rules of Treasury Regulation § 1.704-I(b)(2)(iv). For these purposes, property shall be valued pursuant to § 6.2 hereof. Allocations of profits. losses, income, gain, expenses and deductions under this Agreement for tax accounting purposes shall be used for putposes of detennining and maintaining the capital account balances. 5.2 Property Valuations. Company property (other than cash) shall be valued or revalued by the Company in compliance with § 704 of the Code and related Treasury Regulations whenever property is distributed in kind and at any other time that an Authorized Officer determines that a valuation or revaluation is necessary or appropriate (such as following a deemed Company termination under § 708 of the Code or a contribution of property other than money to the Company). Whenever there is such a valuation or revaluation, an Authorized Officer shall determine, as of the appropriate date, the Company's adjusted tax basis of the property involved (as the same may have been previously adjusted), and of its fair market value ("Book Value"). In addition, for purposes only of computing the capital accounts of the Members. the revaluation shall be treated as a sale by the Company of the property involved for 5 an amount equa1 to its Book Value, and the resulting deemed gain or loss shaJJ be allocated pursuant to Article 3. 5.3 Determination of Capital Accounts. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, whenever it is necessary to detenniue the capital account of any Member for purposes of Article 3, the capital account of the Member shaJJ be detenniued after giving effect to all allocations of profits, losses, income, gains, expenses and deductions of the Company for the current fiscal year of the Company, and all distributions for such year, in respect of transactions effected prior to the date as of which such detenniuation is to be made. 5.4 Transfers During Year. To avoid an interim closing of the Company's books, the share of profits and losses under Article 3 of a Member who transferred part or all of such Member's interest in the Company, or who became a Member, during the calendar year shall be detenniued by taking his proportionate share of the amount of the profits and losses for the year. The Members shaJJ make the proration based on the portion of the calendar year that has elapsed prior to the transfer. The Members shall allocate the balance of the profits and losses attributable to the transferred interest to the transferee of such interest. 5.5 Reports. The Company shall close the books of account promptly after the close of each calendar year and shall prepare and send to each Member a statement of such Member's distributive share of income and expense for federal income tax reporting purposes. 5.6 Tax Matters Partner -PELP shaJJ be the tax matters partner of the Company pursuant to §6231(a)(7) of the Code. Any Member designated as tax matters partner shall take such action as may be necessary to cause each other Member to become a notice partner within the meaning of §6223 of the Code. ARTICLE 6 ADDmONAL MEMBERS AND TRANSFERS OF MEMBERS INTERESTS 6.1 Additional Members. The Authorized Officers may authorize the issuance by the Company of additional membership interests to such persons or entities and on such terms and conditions as the Authorized Officers deem to be fair and equitable to the Members. No such issuance shall be effective, however, until it is approved in writing by Members who hold a majority of the Sharing Ratios. Upon such approval, the Members' capital accounts and Sharing . Ratios shaJJ be adjusted to refleet the contributions of the new Members. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, but subject to Sections 3.5 and 6.4 hereof, the issuance of any additional membership interest shall in no event reduce Shipman's Sharing Ratio below 2%. 6.2 Restrictions on Transfers. No Member may sell, gift, hypothecate, pledge, transfer, assign or convey, either directly or indirectly (a "transfer"), all or any portion of such Member's interest in the Company, which includes such Member's capital account and interest in the profits and losses of the Company, without the express written consent of Members holding a majority of the Sharing Ratios. Upon the making of such gifts, transfers, assignments or conveyances, in accordance with the terms hereof, the Members' capital accounts shall be adjusted as necessary to reflect such gifts, transfers, assignments or conveyances and the 6 Members' Sharing Ratios shall be adjusted accordingly. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, a Member may assign his interest in the Company to a revocable trust or similar vehicle for estate planning pUIpOses. 6.3 SubstitutioD of Permitted Transferee as Member. In the event of a transfer permitted by this Agreement, or upon the death of a Member, no transferee, designee or legal representative of a Member shall become a substitute Member of the Company without the consent of a majority in interest of the non-transferring Members. In the event that such a consent is not granted. the transferee has no right to participate in the management of the business and affairs of the Company and is entitled only to receive the share of profits or other compensation by way of income and the return of contributions to which the transferring Member would otherwise be entitled. As conditions to admission as a substitute Member (a) any transferee, designee or legal representative of the Member shall execute and deliver such instruments, in form and substance satisfactory to the Members, as the Members shall deem necessary or desirable to cause the transferee to become a substitute Member, and (b) such transferee, designee or legal representative shall pay all reasonable expenses in connection with admission of a substitute Member, including but not limited to, the cost of preparation and filing of any amendment of the Operating Agreement or the Articles of Organization necessary or desirable in connection therewith. 6.4 Termination of Sherry andlor Shipman's Interest. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Sherry and/or Shipman's membership interest in the Company shall terminate upon the occurrence of either of the following: (a) termination for cause of employment by any affiliate of PELP; or (b) voluntary termination of such employment. Upon the occurrence of either of (a) or (b) above, and without any payment or consideration to Sherry and/or Shipman being required. (i) their respective membership interest and all rights in and to the Company shall be automatically redeemed and terminated, (ii) his position as an Officer shall likewise be automatically terminated. and (iii) he shall have no remaining rights to distributions under Sections 3.4 or 3.s hereof. The aforesaid shall not apply to any instance in which their employment terminates without cause upon the initiative of the employing entity, in which case their membership interest in the Company shall continue in effect, subj eel' to the other terms of this Agreement; provided, however, that in such circumstaoces he shall continue as an Officer of the Company only jf expressly confmned in such capacity by an Authorized Officer. ARTICLE 7 DISSOLUTION AND TERMINATION 7.1 Final Accounting. In case of the Company's dissolution, a proper accounting shall be made from the date of the last previous accounting to the date of dissolution. 7.2 LiquidatioD. Upon the Company's dissolution, the Officers or some person selected by them shall act as liquidator to wind up the Company. The person acting as liquidator shall act pursuant to the terms of the Act. The liquidator shall have full power and authority to sell, assign and encumber any or all of the Company's assets and to wind up and liquidate the Company's affairs in an orderly and prudent manner. After payment or provision for all valid claims against the Company or its assets, all remaining assets of the Company shall be 7 transferred and conveyed to the Members proportionately in accordance with their capital account balances until such balances are zero, and the excess, if any, in proportion to the Sharing Ratios. 7.3 Distribution in Kind. If the liquidator shall determine that a portion of the Company's assets should be distributed in kind to the Members, the liquidator shall distribute such assets to them in undivided interests as tenants in common proportionately in accordance with their capital account balances until such balances are zero, and the excess, if any, in proportion to their Sharing Ratios. 7.4 Articles of Dissolution. Upon the completion of the distribution of Company assets, the Company shall be terminated and the Members shall sign and otherwise cause the Company to execute and file any documents and take such other actions as may be necessary to terminate the Company pursuant to the Act. ARTICLES AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT Any amendment to this Agreement and to the articles of organization may be proposed by any Member. The Member proposing such amendment shall submit to the other Member any such proposed amendment. The Members may vote for or against such amendment at a meeting of the Members, or otherwise as the Members determine. A proposed amendment shall become effective at such time as it has been approved by Members holding a majority or more of the Sharing Ratios, but no amendment may adversely affect the economic interest of any Member without the written consent of the affected Member. ARTICLE 9 NOTICES 9.1 Metbod for Notices. AIl notices hereunder shaIl be sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the Company or any Member, as the case may be, at its address as shown in the Company's records and shall be effective on the date of receipt or on the fifth day after mailing, whichever is earlier. 9.2 Computation of Time. In computing any period of time under this Agreement, the day of the act, event or default from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. The last day of the period so computed shall be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, in which event the period shall run until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. ARTICLE 10 GENERAL PROVISIONS 10.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement (a) contains the entire agreement among the parties, (b) except as provided in Article 9, may not be amended nor may any rights hereunder be waived except by an instrument in writing signed by the party sought to be charged with such amendment or waiver , (c) shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of 8 Delaware, and (d) shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective personal representatives, successors and assigns, except as above set forth. 10.2 Construction Principles. Words in any gender shall be deemed to include the other genders. The singular shall be deemed to include the plural and vice versa. The headings and underlined paragraph titles are for guidance only and shall have no significance in the interpretation of this Agreement. 10.3 AUomeys' Fees. In the event of a dispute hereunder, the non-prevailing party shall pay all costs and attorneys' fees incurred by the prevailing party in enforcing this Agreement or in seeking any other remedy whether at law or equity. 10.4 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. (SIGNATURES FOLLOW ON NEXT PAGE) 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned make and execute this Agreement as of the date first above written. MEMBER: PHILLIPS EDISON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A Delaware limited partnership, By: Phillips Edison & Company, Inc .• . eralPartner By:: __ ~~-+~~~~~ __ ~ __ __ t and Secretary James P. Shipman Robert J. Sheny IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Wldersigned make 8IId execute this.Agreement as of the date fust above written. PHJLLlPS EDISON LIMITED PARlNERSHIP, A Delaware limited partnership, By: Pbillips Edison & Company, IDe., its 0eneraJ. P8IIner By:. __ ~~~~~~~~ __ ~ __ __ R. Mark Addy, Vu:e President 8IId SeCietlliy p.Shipmm Robert 1. ShIuy ----_., -------------.-_ ... _-------. __ .-...... _ . ..., -.-... -----.. ~ IN WITNESS WHERF.OF.1he undenigDed moire _ execute1hls AgJ_ .. Ollbe dole 6nt ~ 1IIIiIIaI. . M£MIJElb PHILLIPS BOlSON LJMrrED PAR1NI!ltSHIP. A Delaware limhed par-.hip, By: l'bilJips &Iioan&CoItIpom)', lac.. its GeBonol Pal1Der IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned make and execute this Agreement as of the date first above written. MEMBER: PHILLIPS EDISON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A Delaware limited partnership, By: Phillips Edison & Company, Inc., . era! Partner James P. Shipman Robert J. Sherry ~. IfI t r.;: ~ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~It QV ~ NE 4TH ST MEIDML Vicinity Map No Scale TAX PARCEL NO. 518210-0008 (COMMITMENT NO. RT-11057826) ~ ~ ii1 SI THE SOUTH 140 FEET OF THE NORTH 182 FEET OF THE EAST 160 FEET OF THE WEST 190 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON TAX PARCEL NO. 518210-0009 (COMMITMENT NO. RT-11057801) LOT 1 OF SHORT PLAT NO. SH-PL -084-83, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 840723900 1 . (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA-011-88, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8810119002). SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. c: .2 .~ : } ~ l; ~ ~ Z ~ >-c.:> • Z W c l[) -> ~ ~ :c (f) 0:::" . <: =>~i~ ~ (f):::> (f) III l.L. W~iil~~O ~~~.q-~~ _ ~ fil::::-~ ~ I-8~:>W(f) o :>-l[) O ~!EZ • .>- Z ~ -.i' t5 I- <:( ~ ~ .......... 0:::: Z .....J-....Q~ => z (1) ~ .0 oZ' U ~ " Z 2 g ~ w I") c.:> (f)!I;!~:cNZ U I-'~ ~ c 0... <:(~~l.L.~ • cClOI-Z -..... z 0 ........ ~~z I- ~2 0 Z (]) +-' i-= <:( I-W I-0:::: 0:::: .....J 311 0 l.L. <:( 0... 0 "I >-I- U EXHIBIT "A" ~1.."-4(AL ~tr.J-NM7?ffiJC'" L/J, Order No. RT -11057826 THE SOllTH 140 FEET OF THE NORTH 182 FEET OF THE fAST 160 FEET OF THE WEST 190 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGES fAST, W. M., RECORDS OF KING COUN1Y; SIlUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STAlE OF WASHINGTON. • VL/Vb!LVV~ LL.OV ~HA If] VV I/VVIj " ' .-.~\ REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT 646 I'#V Madras Hwy • P.O. Box 667 • Prineville, OR 97754 541.447.4136 Office' 541.416.5454 Fax Facsimile Transmittal To: Kyle Leishman Fax: 801.32B.0537 Date: February 7, 200B From: David Gibson, Corporate Counsel direct dial 541.416.5342 Total number of pages Including this sheet: 8 Comments: Kyle: Here is the resolution you requested. We will record this with the County and thereafter be able to reference it whenever a signature of a Trustee Is required. PLEASE CALL 541.418.5342 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES OR IF YOU HAVE QUeSTIONS CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE TIlle ,. .. lmlle transmisSion (and anr documents accompanying I!) may GOntillln conlldentlallnformallon belonging to thi. sender """ellis Pi _ by the -,. ... II.nt prlvllege. The Infonnllllon I.'nlenlled only for the use of thelndlvldll8l or enIIly n .... ed ........ If JOU .... not the iPtond.d recipient, you are hel1lb\' nodfIeeI \IIIrt any disclosure. copying, dlstr1buHon or Ihllalclng of any action In reliance on the contento 01 thle Informalio!1ls strlGlly prohlbi18d. If you haVI received lIIis Irlnomls&lon In error, please immediately noHfy uS I>y "lephone 10 arrange for mum of the doeumenl9, Thank you. • 19J VV~I VVI:' LES SCHWAB PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST RESOLUTION OF TRUSTEES RECITALS: A, The undersigned, being all of the trustees of the Les Schwab Profit Sharing Retirement Trust (the "Trust") find that it is in the best interests of the trustees to participate with third parties to redevelop property adjacent to the real property owned by the Trust at 354 Union Avenue in Renton, Washington (the "Property''), which Property is described on Emibit A hereto, B. To facilitate expedient processing of all documents and instruments necessary to effect the redevelopment, including a realignment of. the Property and conveyance of easements, the Trustees desire to authorize a single trustee to act on behalf of all trustees in these matters, TERMS: The Trustees hereby resolve as follows: I. Until Janwuy 1, 2011, any single trustee may act on behalf of aJ1 trustees with respect to any and all matters concerning the redevelopment of the Property, including the execution and delivery of all applications to any governmental agency, the granting or amendment of easen1ents, and the conveyance of any portion of the Property, provided that no single trustee can convey all of the Property without further approval by aJl trustees. Dated: January 18,2008 TRUSTEES: Signatures and notary acknowledgements appear on succeeding pages. I • IIIJ OO~/OO~ G,~ G. Phillip Ick STATE OF OREGON ) ) 55. County of Crook ) ~<k1tJ Y ,2008, (9, Phi \lIp lA),ctknOWledged to me that he signed the above document with I authority to do so. OFFICIAL IlEAL 0 BONNIE M MCCOY NOTARY PIlIll.JC..OFEGON COMMISSION NO. 417162 MY COMMISSION EXPflES JULY 10, 20" Michael D. Doyle STATE OF OREGON ) ) S5. County of Crook ) On.1w U &.-~ ~d. , 2008, Michael D. Doyle acknowledged to me that he signed the above document with n'l.ll authOrity to do so. OFFICIAL SEAl BONNIE M MCCOY NOTARY pueuC-OI1EGQN COMMISSION NO. 4171e.2 MY COMMISSION exF'IRES JULY 10, 2011 2 02/06/2008 22:51 FAX AiC-1UX\GL STA1E OF onEGffil County of.Qeek P, n AL ) ) SS. ) ~ 004/008 O~t1 HQ..k./&:t5" ,2008, Tom Freedman acknowl ed to me that he signed the above doc ent with 1 authority to do so. ' otary Public for 9 1889B At:.! una..- STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Crook ) On Jow(,hi"'~ 'J-l ,2008, J. A. Goad, Jr. acknowledged to me that he signed the above document with full authority to do so. OPPIOIAL SEAL BONNIE M MCCOY "IOTAFIY PUBlJC.<lIl830N COMMISSION NO. 417182 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 10. 2011 ~t.%,~,c, otaxy Public for Oregon ...:: 3 02/06/2008 22:52 FAX Il!I 005/008 . , .... STAlE OF OREGON ) ) 5S. ) COWlty of Crook i On Jaw~, , 2008, Steven 1. Bjorvik acknowledged to me that he signed the abov~ document with authority to do so. I kmii~-~c('~ OFFlCIAI. SEAl. BONNIE M MCCOY NOTARypUBU~E~ON COMMISSION NO. 417162 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 10.1011 Notary Public fOrOfc%on '- 4 1&1 VVO/ VVO Justin T. Phillips STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Crook ) onJJNllilrfAi;2/ , 2008, Justin T. Phillips acknowledged to me that be signed the above document with 1 authority to do so. I OFFICIAL SI;AL BONNIE M MCCOV NOTARY PueuCoOREOON COIA",SSION NO. 41716" L~~!!:!!:~~~~:!!:!..:!2:!2~"1' STATE OF OREGON ) ) $S. County of Crook ) -c~ OnJ.JrJI.!..1t'itu~r ,2008, Shane E. Morgan acknowledged to me that be signed the abo document with authority to do so. DPI'Io/AL SEAl. BONNIE III MCCOY NOTARY PUBUC.()flOGON COMIAISSION NO. 4171~ MY COMMISSION CXPIflES JlII.Y 10, 2011 5 ll!IOO(!OO~ r Steven M. Fisher STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Crook ) anJ'J\Tl)cjl"'!L~ ~ ,2008, Steven M. Fisher acknowledged to me that be signed the ahoy document with'1'ull authority to do so . .------O-I'F1-~-AL-S-EAl---·· N~d, !!tJ/:nutcG;r ElONNIE M MCCOY NOTAAYPUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO_ 417182 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 10, 2011 6 IgI vvtJ/ VVtl EXHIBIT "~' PARCEL A: Lots 2 and 3 of city of Renton Lot Line Adjust.ent No. 009 6, recorded under King county Recording No. 8609229010; AND PARCEL B: An easment for ingress, egress and utilities located over across the South 24 feet of Lot 1 and the East 24 feet of at 1 as disclosed by City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment NO. 00986, recorded under King county Recording No. 8609229010, ALL being a portion of Short Plat No. SH-PL-84-83, record under King County Recording No. 8407239001; being a porti of the NorthWest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., in King County, Washington. (ALSO KNOWN AS a portion of Tract 1 of MARTINS ACRE TRACTS, according to the unrecorded plat thereof.) Situate in the city of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. , Pre-application meeting for the ... ,.' ..., Walgreens on NE 4th Street IT£:' \ '" J 4105 NE 4th Street PRE07-081 City of Renton Development Services Division September 6, 2007 Contact information Planner: Elizabeth Higgins, AICP, (425) 430-7382 Public Works Plan Reviewer: Arneta Henninger, (425) 430-7298 Fire Prevention Reviewer: Camille Walls (425) 430-7012 Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell, (425) 430-7290 Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects and contractors who work on the project. Pre-screening: When you have the project ready for submittal, have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Public Works Administrator, and City Council). DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM August 21, 2007 Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner Camille Walls, Lead Fire Inspector Project -Walgreens on NE 4th Street Fire Department Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 2250 GPM. A reduction has been given for the required sprinkler system. One hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and additional 2 hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$9,976.00 is required based on $ .52 per square foot of building. A fire mitigation fee credit may be given for existing commercial buildings if the square footage of existing building on property is provided. 3. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation of the required fire alarm and sprinkler systems. 4. Fire department access roadways are required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum 20 feet in width with a turning radius of 45 feet outside and 25 feet inside. 5. Fire department dead end access roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turn around. 6. Provide a list of flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are used or stored on site. 7. A site plan for Pre-Fire planning is required to be submitted for your project. This shall be submitted prior to occupancy, in one of the attached formats. 8. Plans must be submitted and permits obtained for the removal of underground storage tanks on the property. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. c:\documents and settings\cwaJIs\desktop\comm.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: September 4, 2007 TO: Elizabeth Higgins FROM: Ameta Henninger X7298 SUBJECT: W ALGREENS ON NE 4TH ST PREAPPLICATION 07-082 4105 NE 4th St NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONT AlNED IN TIDS REPORT: The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre- application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. I have completed my review on the Walgreens Drug Store preapplication located in Section 10, Township 23N, Range 5E and have the following comments. WATER: • • • • This site is in the City of Renton water service boundary. This project site is located in the 565 Water Pressure Zone. The static water pressure at the street level is about 70 psi. Pressure reducing valves shall be installed at the domestic meter ifthe pressure exceeds 80 psi. There is an existing 8" watermain located in NE 4th St. See City of Renton water drawing W0240 AsBuilt for details. There is an existing 16" watermain in Union Ave NE. See City of Renton water drawing W0238 and W0245 AsBuilt for details Per the City Fire Marshall, the preliminary fIre flow for this site is 2250 GPM if sprinklered. Any new construction must have one fIre hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM and shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and additional hydrants (also capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM) within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along the travel route. The number of additional hydrants required is dependent on the calculated fIreflow, if it remain at 2250 GPM then 3 fIre hydrants will be required. If the fIre flow exceeds 2500 GPM the project will be required to install a looped watermain around the building. Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. Walgreens on NE 4th St preaf NE 4th St • ~vt-"Co PITlI,.JC<! \ • C OJfle{ c.M) J.--? The existing fire hydrants may need to be fitted with stortz fittings to bring them up to current vt,?", City code. • The Water SDC fees are $0.273 per square foot of property but not less than $1956.00. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Please note that any parcel that currently has water and or sewer service is eligible for a prorated system development charge. Your project will be reviewed to determine how much redevelopment credit applies. ,.J ~ J_.II:<(L ~ tJGW ,'1*'----SANITARY SEWER: • A commercial building permit will trigger a separate review. • The applicant needs to show how to provide this private site with a commercial sidesewer. Please note that the project will need to replace the existing sidesewer from the right-of-way to the new structu.::, is the existing pipe is other than PVc. ' • This site is Jocated in the East Renton Special Assessment District (SAD). This fee is 9.7 cents per square foot ofland and shall be paid prior to issuance of a construction permit. This fee is only triggered if a larger than the existing watermeter is installed. • The Sanitary Sewer SOC fees are $0.142 (but not less than $1017) per square foot of property. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Please note that any parcel that currently has water and or sewer service is eligible for a prorated system development charge. Your project will be reviewed to determine how much redevelopment credit applies. This fee is triggered if a larger water meter is installed. STREET IMPROVEMENTS: • Construction of a commercial buiJding will trigger a separate review. • Per City of Renton code, commercial projects that are 5,000 -10,000 sq ft in size shall provide full pavement width per standard, curb, gutter and sidewalks along the full frontages ofthe parcel being developed on the project side. • Street lighting is required for a project this size along the frontage of the parcel being developed. • A Traffic Study will be required. • Traffic Mitigation fees will apply. These fees are calculated per the ITE Manual, 7th edition. • The driveway approach from NE 4th St will be required to be a right in right out only. TRANSPORA TION: Transportation has looked over the proposed layout and it appears to have fully accommodated _ .A"1.':'" the NE 3rdl4th Corridor Plan. The two right-inlright-out driveways on NE 4th Street look 1" ~9-{ , acceptable. .,,~ Specific comments: The narrative states that "the required road widening along NE 4th will be on the order of 6 fin. This is the minimum required additional right-of-way dedication needed. The width of the physical roadway widening will be greater as there is currently no bike lane or bus pullout. To accommodate the physical roadway widening, the sidewalk and curb return will move, likely requiring the relocation of a signal pole and a transmission line power pole. 1:~eclS\WALGREENSNE4THPA.docloor Walgreens on NE 4th St pre. NE 4th St A 6ft right-{)f-way dedication will end up at the back of sidewalk. We would recommend an additional 2 ft of right-of-way dedication to allow for street lights behind the sidewalk, rather than on easements. (Street lights, signal poles and utility poles are not shown on this layout). Additional right-of-way back of sidewalk is needed at the corner to allow for traffic signal poles and junction boxes. This right-of-way could be "squared oft". Transpiration recommends coordination with KC Metro regarding the bus stop on NE 4th Street. Metro may request the bus stop be located east of the westernmost driveway, rather than west of this driveway as shown. We in Transportation are willing to help facilitate this discussion, or at the least would like to be included in this coordination with KC Metro. STORM DRAINAGE: • A conceptual drainage plan and report is required to be submitted with the formal application for a commercial project. A drainage control plan designed per the 2005 King County Surface Water Manual is required. • The Surface Water SDC fees are $0.265 (but not less than $759) per square foot of new impervious area. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued .• EROSION CONTROL MEASURES • All erosion control shall be per the DOE manual. AOIDFER: • The site is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2 and may be subject to additional requirements per City code. Constructed secondary containment may be required if more than 20 gallons of regulated hazardous materials will be present at the new facility (RMC 4- 3-050H2d(i)). A fill source statement (RMC 4-4-060L4) is required if more than 100 cubic yards of fill material will be imported to the project site. Construction Activity Standards (RMC 4-4-030C7) shall be followed if during construction, more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials will be stored on site or vehicles will be fueled on site. Surface Water Management Standards (RMC 4-6-030E2 and 3)--Biofilters, stormwater conveyance, and water quality ponds may require a groundwater protection liner. Impervious surfaces shall be provided for areas subject to vehicular use or storage of chemicals. This is not intended to be a complete list of the AP A requirements nor does this information substitute for the full ordinance, it is only intended to guide the applicant to the City of Renton code book. GENERAL: • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. • All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and vertical Control Network. • Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. cc: Kayren K I :\Projects\ WALGREENSNE4 THP Adoc\cor DATE: TO: CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM September 6, 2007 Pre-Application File No. PRE07-081 FROM: Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner, (425) 430-7382 SUBJECT: Walgreens on NE 4th Street General: We have completed a preliminary review of the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Development Services Director, PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Administrator, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall and are available on the City of Renton website (www.rentonwa.gov). Project Proposal: The subject property, consists primarily of two tax parcels. The site is located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection ofNE 4th Street and Union Avenue NE. It abuts NE 4th St to the north and Union Ave NE on the west. The proposal is to develop the parcels for a Walgreens retail store/pharmacy with surface parking. A portion ofthe abutting property to the south (Les Schwab tire store) would be utilized as well for additional parking to meet parking requirements and to provide a portion of the queuing area for the drive up window. The tire store would remain, but the site entrance and parking would be reconfigured. Current Use: The parcels total approximately 1.14 acre, not including the portion of the abutting property to the south. The west parcel (22,400 sf, #5182100008) is currently developed with a convenience store/service station (vacant). The east parcel (27,106 sf, #5182100009) is a Brown Bear Car Wash. The Les Schwab tire store consists of 2 parcels totaling 54,733. The existing building straddles the tax lot line and parking is located on both parcels. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: The property is located within the NE 4th Street Business District of the Commercial Corridor land use designation. Applicable Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies are: Walgreens on NE 4th Street Prel September 6, 2007 ation Meeting Page2of6 Objective LU-GGG: Guide redevelopment ofland in the Commercial Corridor designation with Commercial Arterial zoning, from the existing strip commercial urban forms into more concentrated forms, in which structures and parking evolve from the existing suburban form, to more efficient urban configurations with cohesive site planning. Policy LU-346. Support the redevelopment of commercial business districts located along principal arterials in the City. Policy L U-347. hnplement development standards that encourage lively, attractive, medium to high-density commercial areas. Policy LU-348. Encourage consolidation of individual parcels to maximize flexibility of site design and reduce access points. Policy LU-349. Support development plans incorporating the following features: 1) Shared access points and fewer curb cuts; 2) Internal circulation among adjacent parcels; 3) Shared parking facilities; 4) Allowance for future transition to structured parking facilities; 5) Centralized signage; 6) Unified development concepts; and 7) Landscaping and streetscape that softens visual impacts. Policy LU-350. New development in Commercial Corridor designated areas should be encouraged to implement uniform site standards, including: 1) Minimum lot depth of 200 feet; 2) Maximum height often (10) stories within office zoned designations; 3) Parking preferably at the rear of the building, or on the side as a second choice; 4) Setbacks that would allow incorporating a landscape buffer; 5) Front setback without frontage street or driveway between building and sidewalk; and 6) Common signage and lighting system. Policy LU-352. Development within defined activity nodes should be subject to additional design guidelines as delineated in the development standards. Policy LU-357, Public amenity features (e.g. plazas, recreation areas) should be encouraged as part of new development or redevelopment. Policy LU-358. Parking areas should be landscaped (including street trees, buffers, berms), especially along roadways, to reduce visual impacts. In addition, the following objectives and policies are specific to the NE 4th Street Business District: Northeast Fourth Corridor Discussion: The Northeast Fourth Corridor is an active commercial area located at a gateway to the City. It features a wide variety of retail and service uses and several different structural forms from small professional offices to large-scale strip malls with major grocery anchors. 07"()81 Walgreens (CA, NE 4th Business District).doc\ Walgreens on NE 4th Street Prea ation Meeting September 6, 2007 Page 3 of6 Objective LV-PPP: A special commercial area should be designated along Northeast Fourth Street. The purpose of this area would be to enhance the commercial envirorunent to increase revenue oflocal businesses and the City's tax base. Policy LV-387: Within the Northeast Fourth Corridor, the "Business District" should be bounded by Queen Avenue NE (on the west) and Field Ave N.E. (on the east). Policy LV-388: The policies of the Commercial Corridor designation and the Northeast Fourth Corridor Business District should be implemented by Commercial Arterial (CA) zomng. Policy LU-391: To the extent possible, undeveloped parcels and pads andlor redevelopment in the Northeast Fourth Corridor Business District should feature street- facing building facades located a maximum of fifteen (J 5) feet setback from the non-curb edge of sidewalks abutting the principal arterial. Zoning: The property is located in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The proposed commercial/retail use would be permitted and the drive-up window allowed as an Accessory Use to the pharmacy. In addition to CA development standards (RMC 4-2-120 "Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations") special requirements applicable to the NE 4th St Business District, RMC 4-3-040, "Commercial Corridor Business Designations," must be met. "l:nvironmental Review: The proposed project is not exempt from Washington State , Envirorunental Policy Act (SEPA) review due to the potential size of the building and number of parking spaces, Therefore, an environmental checklist is a submittal requirement. An envirorunental determination will be made by the Renton Environmental Review Committee. This determination is subject to appeal by either the project proponent, by a citizen of the community, or another entity having standing for an appeal. Site Plan Review: Projects that are subject to SEPA review located within the Commercial Arterial zone are subject to Site Plan Review. Based on the project size, the review would be done administratively (no public hearing). The submittal requirements for Site Plan Review e included with the preapplication memo. Encroachments and Easements: If there are any encroachment issues with neighboring lots, we recommend that the applicant address these prior to commencing to develop the property. A property survey, which is required with the land use master application submittal, should indicate such encroachments. A "Joint Parking Agreement" would need to be recorded for shared use of the Les Schwab property. Critical Areas: There are no known critical areas on the site. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide information verifying this assumption. A geotechnical engineering report 07-081 Walgreens (CA, NE 4th Business DistJict).doc\ Walgreens on NE 4th Street Prea September 6, 2007 Page 4 of6 tion Meeting that includes subsurface exploration and construction recommendations may be required prior to obtaining a building permit. Development Standards: RMC 4-2-120A, "Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations" apply to new development on the site. A copy of the development standards, RMC 4-2-11 OF, can be found in the packet given to the applicant at the pre-application meeting. Lot size--The propo~opment narrative does not indicate that the property will be subdivided jptoindividuallots. If/ots are formed, the CA zone requires a minimum lot size of 1,2qo...sr. An application for subdivision would also be required at the time of e~nmental and site plan review application. In the NE 4th Street Business District, development standards limit the gross floor area of any single office building or commercial use on the site to 35,000 sf (except grocery stores). The total gross floor area of office and commercial uses cannot exceed 50 percent ofthe gross square footage of the site. Some flexibility in this standard is provided, however, and Conditional Permits may be issued if necessary (see RMC 4-2-120C note 2). The proposed project does not appear to approach these dimensions. Lot coverage -The CA zone allows a maximum building coverage of65 percent, or 75 _ percent if parking is provided within a buildIng or within an on-site parking garage. Site data submitted for the preapplication conference indicates 29.9 percent site coverage by the building. Setbacks -Setbacks are the distance between the building and the property line or any private access easement. The front yard setback is required to be a minimum of 10 feet. The front yard setback may be reduced to zero through the Site Plan Review process. The maximum front yard setback in the NE 4th Street Business District is 15 feet. Parking is not allowed within the setback area. The side yard along a street setback is required to be a minimum of 10 feet. This setback may be reduced to zero through the Site Plan Review process. There is no minimum rear yard setback. The setbacks appear to be adequate as proposed. Building height -The maximum building height is 50 feet. The proposed height is 30 feet. Refuse and Recycling Areas: Refuse and recycling areas must be screened (RMC 4-4-090) and accessible to waste management vehicles. Tree Preservation: An inventory of existing trees will be a submittal requirement. Trees to be preserved and/or removed must be indicated on a plan submitted with the land use master application. Twenty-five percent of the significant trees on the site must be retained, or replaced with suitable equivalent trees at a ratio of I: I and no smaller than 2 inches in caliper size (dbh). 07-081 Walgreens (CA, NE 4th Business District).doc\ Walgreens on NE 4th Street Prea ation Meeting September 6, 2007 Page 5 of6 Landscaping: The development standards require that all pervious areas be landscaped. All landscape areas are to include an underground irrigation system. Refer to landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070) for further general and specific landscape requirements. Parking lots and parking areas are to be landscaped. See RMC 4-4-080F7 for parking area landscaping requirements. A conceptual landscape plan and landscape analysis meeting the requirements in RMC 4-8- 120D, shall be submitted at the time of application for Site Plan Review. Access: Access would be from both NE 4th St and flfilS:ton Ave NE. Attention should be paid to coordinating the location of the project entry driveway with the location of existing curb cuts on the adjacent project (east of Bremerton), so that a public safety issue avoided. Parking: Parking for nonresidential uses is based on the net square footage of the specific use. See RMC 4-4-080 for general parking regulations, including dimensions of parking areas, and RMC 4-4-080FI 0 for number of spaces required based on use type. The total parking requirement would be based on the sum of the requirements for the various uses that would share the parking area between the existing Schwab building and the proposed Walgreens. In the NE 4th St Business Corridor the maximum amount of parking allowed is the same as the minimum allowed in the CA zone elsewhere. The minimumlmaximum parking ratios are as follows: retail (Walgreens) 0.4 space for every 100 sf of net floor area; warehouse (Schwab) I space for every 1,500 nsf; and on-site services (Schwab) 0.4 space for every 100 /\ ~ ~,~ Based on information provided and obtained elsewhere (King County tax records) it appears the proposal would meet the joint parking requirements. lfthe proposed building is 14,800 net square foot of retail space (59 spaces required) and the Schwab building has 4,832 nsfof warehouse area (3 spaces) and 8,468 nsf of on site service area (34 spaces), the total required would be 96 spaces, which is the amount shown on the proposed plan. A stacking space requirement for the drive-up window is applicable. The stacking requirement is for 5 spaces per window. The spaces cannot obstruct parking spaces, ingress/egress to the site, or the public right-of-way. It appears adequate stacking area would be provided, however the Transportation Division should comment on potential conflicts between the loading bay area and the pull out from the drive-up window. The ratio of accessible spaces for 59 parking stalls is 3, but the number for 96 parking stalls is 4. Three accessible spaces are shown on the plan. This would meet the requirement for the ratio of spaces required for the Walgreens, but would leave the Schwab building with no accessible spaces. The redesign of the Schwab parking area would require modification to provide one accessible space. 07-081 Wa1greens (CA, NE 4th Business District).doc\ ~~"'- Walgreens on NE 4th Street Prea ation Meeting September 6, 2007 Page 6 of6 Special Development Standards for the NE 4th Street Business District (RMC 4-3-040): In addition to the above mentioned development standards, some of which are specific to the NE 4th Street Business District, the following also would apply: • ~. Public Plaza: A public plaza must be provided at the comer ofNE 4th St and Union Ave NE. The minimum size is 1,000 sfwith a minimum dimension of20 feet on one side abutting the sidewalk. A sign is located at this corner, which is approximately 750 sf not including the sidewalk area. This corner would have to be redesigned. • • Pedestrian connections are required from building entries to sidewalks. The proposed plan appears to comply. ~~ r C!lv~crl' • A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided from each side of a property or development abutting or adjacent to commercial and/or residential uses. The proposed plan appears to comply. Pedestrian connections must be a minimum 5 feet in width (see RMC 4-3-040Fl eii for additional design standards). ~\ • Commercial space must be reserved on the ground floor of all mixed-use buildings, at a minimum depth of thirty feet along the street frontage on the ground floor (proposed plan is not a mixed-use development) • Parking lots shall be oriented (0 minimize their visual impact on the site. The proposed plan partially meet this requirement since most of the parking is toward the rear of the lot. Landscaping, which is required, would screen the parking somewhat from abutting public streets Permit Requirements: Site Plan Approval, Environmental Review, and building permits will be required for the project. Walls at heights 48 inches and greater require separate building permits. Please contact the main counter of the Development Services Division at (425) 430-7200 for building permit information including fees. Fees: Impact fees and fees for building and utility construction permits would be charged. The following mitigation fees would be required prior to utility construction permit issuance or building permit issuance: • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. • A fire mitigation fee of $0.52 per sf commercial Please see the comments from the Fire Prevention plans reviewer and Public Works plans reviewer for a breakdown ofthe fees. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees is also attached for reference. In advance of submitting the full application package, applicants are strongly encouraged to bring in one copy of each application item for a pre-screening to the customer service counter to help ensure that the application is complete prior to making all copies. 07-081 Walgreens (CA, NE 4th Business District).doc\ Renton City Limits Parcels sd<-w~ '5l f't.1 tlDO liP 21 \ 1 '2.0 ?f" ~~ '11 'is' Z-I "0 0 \ 0 77"t.ol':7 ~ . (:7; I ~t?t:J 1'1 <;of- 100 0 SCALE 1 : 1,255 100 FEET http://rentonnet.org/MapGuide/maps/Parcel.mwf Renton N 200 300 1 A Tuesday, September 04,20077:41 AM 4-3-0401 I. NE 4TH STREET CORRIDOR BUSINESS DISTRICT: \= ~ jfE£t ~ r-----v; f= f::j 't:: ~ 5§'~ I- ~ I fTt:: ~ r= I- 'n'n ~ [j I-'--l-I". -/ 1".1/ '" I- ~ I r ~ tf V'<[ '-'U >--G Fr 11-t-rrr ;Irg I-~ ,,~ f=I 1 < :=JI f-L f-f-I-- r -"--ri-ffif5 ~I-~ J' '---- ./ 1= ?5 U) ,N ah1 uo~ !) .IS: \--Yj - c-~C~ fIi2: /=F j I-' y :L:J t-:--f--i 'rh ""'" ~ ',.:",!--' X:-'IT\. r/ <r f--? ~ ~ u h ~ -L f::h Il-J! 111111 ).4 ~IE( =t-!;i ~ '-;:: r-, rrl Z3 I-I&l -t:~ ~ f2 ,1'-.> f-" 11111 1 T-tbJti I 11 (-R 1 ~ I-BI !,,!n '--~ en t-I-eD ~til[R i~b11 CJ~ -u... ~~~H 1.f.14!I ~ I r <[ 1-1 ::E I u O! l ~I ~ ww t ~ I~ -H (/) /-t::3/'ToT "0 c: t ~t2 'IU ;<1; '" w :,; z r. I~ il*Iroe ~ ~ L.J ~ Ave ::D 3 aAV -II v;!- I Kirkland Av~. NE ~ ~ :::\ II Il>.~ !z!1 --I rl~ 'V ~ ~ ~I t~l~ --' l~ 4\ f.-il\.~~ ftl~ «i ;-l trl I It:l::I~ 'j ) t TI' ---\ \\ 1O::m ill ffi I II 1111 1=:f~~~~ lH11 >l!A II il II BET ;; (Ord. 5191, 12-12-2005) (Revised 3/06) 3 -12.4 1:5 ·C +J (j) .-o (j) (j) (]) C .- (j) ::J CO E6 • 10 T23N R5E W 112 --j-f)lE4th St. ; i CA:-...-..-' .... I , i--"" "1""--"'""'''' ! R-10i(P) -----R"dl ~L s ->:: o ~ RMH ~ ~ r--~R-,--'-B---'---L ~ 10 ---... • RMH (P) -----".. ---! RC(P) '. , , ,==---=-u G6 • 22 T23N R5E W 112 ~ ZONING ----....... " .......... ~ :, TBCIOOCAL BnVICBI CA' R-10 R-B R-8 L ·-----.'-··---'1-, ,"" i ! i NE; 2~B~ SE 142nd St. o 200 pO F6 1~DO 15 T23N R5E W 11;15 Zf"1NING MAP 8001.( m§IMNTUL ~ .. oure. COIIRFft.UOD ~ RIImdBDtial 1 dulac ~ Bllllidential ... dulac ~ RuldBDtiaI 8 dulac ! RfIH I IW.tdenUal Yllllulactured Hom_ 11-10 I ReDdential 10 do/ac !IH.I BuidenUal 1. dn/ac I RM-f"1 IluidenUal Yulti-FIIIIllIy !RN-T I IWBideDUIIl lIulti-PuniIJ' TndiUOll8l h~M-U I Residential lIulU-hmUy Uno Cerater"' Pmted by PrInt & Mall SeMoN, CIty of Renton YIXRD 'ISE C£NDB ~ Center ViII.,. IUC-NII UrbllUl CeIltel' -North 1 ~ Urban Center -North 2 [E!J Cenw Do'IJUtown- I aR I CommUCilll/OffieejRaidential OOMMrprUI o CoDlDUll"Cial Arlmialt [§J Commercial omc.- ~ Commlllrcial Nel(bborhood INDJffl1'RlAL W bulu..trt.l -Be • ..,. o IDdWltrial -Medium. o IDdu.trial -lJtht (f') Publ1clJ cnrDe4 __ ReDIoIl City Ltmib __ Adjaoent City Limitl KROU PAGE • Kay include o.erlay Df.t.riob. See Appendis maIM' FDr additional rBfUhot:.iou in Overl..,. Diatrkta. plea. lee RMC 4-3. PAGE# INDEX • PROJECT NARRATIVE PROPOSED WALGREENS DRUG STORE #12497 4105 NE 4TH STREET @ UNION RENTON, WA STATISTICAL DATA: SITE AREA: COMBINED SITE AREA: CURRENT USES: WALGREENS FLR AREA: LES SCHWAB FLR AREA: ZONING: SPECIAL SITE FEATURES: SOIL TYPE: Proposed Walgreens lot area is 49,508 S.F. (+/-) Net of 4th St dedication & Les Schwab property. All lots are separately titled. 49.508 (Walg) + 54,876 (Les Schwab) = 101,384 S.F. C-STORE/GAS STATION (CLOSED) on Lot 5182100008 BROWN BEAR CAR WASH on Lot 5182100009 LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE on Lots 5182100010 & 5182100016 14.820 S.F.,(GROSS) DRUG STORE w/ Drive thru 11.655 S.F. NET RETAIL FLOOR AREA 4880 SF SHOWROOM, 5,153 SF AUTO SERVICE, 3840 SF WAREHOUSE COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) within the NE 4th Street Business District. ALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES ARE CA. THIS SITE IS CURRENTLY FULLY DEVELOPED, MOSTLY PAVED WITH USES THAT CATER TO THE SERVICING, FUELING AND WASHING OF AUTOMOBILES. AN ADJACENT WETlAND TO THE EAST IMPACTS THIS SITE AND IS ADDRESSED IN THE ATIACHED BIOLOGIST'S REPORT AND BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN. THE SITE IS GENERALLY UNDERLAIN BY 5 TO 10FT OF FILL OVERLYING MEDIUM DENSE TO VERY DENSE SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL. A GEOTECH REPORT IS INCLUDED IN THIS SITE PLAN REIVEW SUBMISSION. GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED DURING THESE EXPLORATIONS. • PROPOSED USE: ACCESS: OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: THE LOTS FRONTING NE 4TH STREET ARE TO BE UTILIZED BY AND FOR A WALGREENS DRUG STORE AND IT'S CODE REQUIRED PARKING. THESE WALGREENS LOTS, PARCELS 5182100008 & 5182100009 WILL BE CONSOLIDATED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW IMPROVEMENTS. THE EXISTING LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE IS TO REMAIN ON IT'S SEPERATELY TITLED PROPERTY YET THE INTERVENING PARKING FIELD IS TO BE RECONFIGURED FOR EFFICIENCY, REVISED ACCESS AND CIRCULATION AS A JOINT PARKING FACILITY. THE WALGREENS PROPERTY OWNERS AND LES SCHWAB WILL PUT A CROSS EASEMENT AGREEMENT IN PLACE TO FACILITATE THIS ARRANGEMENT. A DRAFT OF THIS AGREEMENT IS INCLUDED IN THE SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMISSION. THIS PROPOSAL CALLS FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE GAS STATION, CAR WASH AND THEIR ASSOCIATED LOT IMPROVEMENTS THIS PROPOSAL WILL ALSO DEDICATE UP TO 8 FT OF NE 4TH STREET FRONTAGE FOR THE ULTIMATE WIDENING OF NE 4TH BY THE CITY OF RENTON. A DRAFT OF THIS DEDICATION IS INCLUDED IN THE SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMISSION. THE EXISTING 4 FULL MOVEMENT ACCESSES FROM 4TH ARE BEING REPLACED WITH TWO RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT ACCESS/EGRESS LOCATIONS. THE EXISTING 4 FULL MOVEMENT ACCESSES FROM UNION ARE BEING REDUCED IN NUMBER TO TWO. THE ACCESS AT LES SCHWAB'S SW CORNER REMAINS AS IS BUT THEIR ACCESS IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE LES SCHWAB STORE IS BEING RELOCATED AND WIDENED APPROX 40 FT NORTH TO BE USED AS A JOINT ACCESS TO THIS DEVELOPMENT. IN SHORT, 8 EXISTING ACCESSES ARE BEING REDUCED TO 4. WITH THE DEDICATION OF UP TO EIGHT (8)FT OF FRONTAGE FOR THE WIDENING OF 4TH STREET; THIS DEVELOPMENT INSTALL A NEW SIDEWALK, CURB, GUTIER, AND WIDTH OF ASPHALT ROADWAYTO BLEND WITH THE EXISTING PROFILE OF NE 4TH STREET. ANY UPGRADES BEYOND THIS DESCRIPTION WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CITY OF RENTON AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE. THE ARCHITETURAL SITE PLAN INCLUDED IN THIS SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMISSION INDICATES COMPLIANCE ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: WITH THE CITY OF RENTON'S ULTIMATE DESIGN FOR THE NE 4TH RIGHT-OF-WAY AS REPRESENTED IN THE CITY'S DOCUMENTED STUDY. THE CIVIL SET OF PLANS REPRESENT THE "EXISTING" CONDITIONS AND CURRENT APPEARANCE OF THIS ROAD WAY. THE SIDEWALK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON PUBLIC PROPERTY AS PART OF THE WALGREENS CONTRACT WILL BE BLENDED TO A SIDEWALK APRON ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ESSENTIALLY PAVING THE SPACE BETWEEN THE BACK OF THE PUBLIC WALK AND THE FACE OF THE PROPOSED WALGREENS DRUG STORE'S NORTH WALL LlEING NON-PARALLEL TO THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NE 4TH STREET. THE WALGREENS BUILDING IS PROPOSED TO HAVE A "0" SET-BACK AT THE BUILDING'S NE CORNER AND EXTEND WEST, TAPPERING AWAY FROM THE RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE, TO A MAXIMUM SETBACK OF APPROXIMATELY 9'-9" AT THE BUILDING'S NW CORNER. ALL CURRENT EASEMENTS WILL REMAIN AS IS WITH THE EXCEPTIONOF THE TWO 24 FT WIDE ACCESS EASEMENTS 15182100013, & 8609230401) RUNNING PARALLEL AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE SOUTH AND EAST PROPERTY LINE OF THE LES SCHWAB LOT AND THE EAST BOUNDRY OF THE PROPOSED WALGREENS LOT. THESE COMPRISE AN EASEMENT PATH FROM UNION TO NE 4TH STREET. INCLUDED IN THIS SITE PLAN REVIEW ARE DRAFTIS) OR QUIT CLAIMS TO REMOVE THESE ACCESS EASEMENTS THE DEVELOPER WILL BE WORKING WITH THE CITY ON THE CALCULATION OF OFF-SITE IMPACT FEES AND AS PAYMENT IN LIEU FOR WORK BEYOND THE NEW CURB LINE. IN ADDITION TO THE NEW WALGREENS STORE, PARKING LOT & LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS THIS PROJECT WILL PROVIDE A 1000 S.F. PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN PLAZA AT THE INTERSECTION OF 4TH AND UNION COMPLETE WITH LANDSCAPING, SEATING & BOLLARD LIGHT FIXTURES. ALSO PROVIDED FOR AESTHETIC REASONS ARE 30" HIGH MASONRY SCREEN WALLS WITHIN THE LANDSCAPE STRIP FRONTING UNION; AND WETLAND MITIGATION ALONG THE ENTIRE EASTERLY BOUNDRY LINE. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT WHILE THE EXISTING OVERALL DEVELOPMENT SITE. COMPRISED OF THE GAS STATION, THE CAR WASH AND THE TIRE STORE, THERE IS NOT A STORM WATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT SYSTEM AS HAS BEEN REQUIRED BY CODE FOR SOME TIME. THE CURRENT SYSTEM , FREE-STANDING SIGNS: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS: LANDSCAPE: SIMPLY GATHERS STORMWATER AND PIPES ITTO THE EXISTING ADJACENT MAPLE CREEK WATERWAY. OUR SITE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL INCLUDES FOR AN UP TO DATE DETENTION VAULT AND TREATMENT SYSTEM THAT MITIGATES THE STORMWATER'S IMPACT ON THIS NATURAL WATERCOURSE AND THE CITY'S INFRASTRUCTURE. ALSO, IT IS DEEMED AS A CONSIDERABLE IMPROVEMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT THAT THE REPLACEMENT OF A GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AND A CAR WASH WITH A DRUG STORE PROVIDE FOR A CONSIDERABLE LESSENING OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. THE IMPROVEMENT TO THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT CANNOT BE EXAGERATED. IN ADDITION TO ON-BUILDING SIGNAGE AS INDICATED ON THE PROVIDED BUIDING ELEVATION SHEET. THIS PROPOSAL INCLUDES FOR AN UPRIGHT PYLON SIGN FOR WALGREENS LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN. THIS SIGN IS APPROX. 25FT HIGH (LESS THAN THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE OF 40FT) AND COMPRISED OF APPROX 90 SQ OF SIGNAGE IDENTIFICATION (LOGO) AND 34 SF OF AN ELECTRONIC READERBOARD PANEL. THE TOTAL SIGN AREA FOR THIS PYLON IS 125 SF WHICH IS LESS THAN THE 300 SF ALLOWED BY CITY CODE. THE SIGN WILL PROJECT 6 FT INTO THE 10FT REQUIRED SETBACK AS PERMITIED AND HAVE A GROUND CLEARANCE OF 8 FT. A SIGN IS PROPOSED ALONG THE UNION FRONTAGE TO REPLACE OR RELOCATE THE EXISTING LES SCHWAB SIGN. THE DESIGN OF THIS SIGN WILL BE ADDRESSED BY LES SCHWAB BUT LOCATED AS PER THE ENCLOSED ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN. $2.000.000 BASED ON THE ATIACHED TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF EXISTING CONDITIONS AND THE ATIACHED PROPOSED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN IT APPEARS 4 OF THE 8 EXISTING LIVING TREES WILL BE REMOVED. OTHERWISE. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE EXISTING LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE, THE EXISTING SITE IS, FOR THE MOST PART, ENTIRELY RE-DEVELOPED FOR STORM DRAINAGE, PAVING AND LANDSCAPING. THE LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN INCLUDED IN THIS APPLICATION CONTAINS THE LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS FOR THE OVERALL LOTS AS WELL AS PER THE REQUIREMENT FOR PARKING LOT INTERIORS. REQUESTED DEVIATIONS: REFUSE RECYLCING: PARKING: ALSO INCLUDED FOR IN THIS DESIGN PROPOSAL IS THE REQUIRED 1000 SF PEDESTRIAN PARK LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION. THIS PARK IS COMPLETE WITH PLANTING, SEATING AND ACCESS/BOLLARD LIGHTING. STREET TREES DO NOT CURRENTLY EXISTING ON EITHER FRONTING STREET. OUR DESIGN INSTALLS STREET TREES BUT WITH A REQUESTED DEVIATION ON SPACING AND PLACEMENT. THE FOLLOWING DEVIATIONS FROM SPECIFIC CITY CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE REQUESTED: THE WALGREENS DRUG STORE HAS PARTICULAR NEEDS FOR THE HANDLING OF ITS REFUSE WASTE AS CAN WELL BE UNDERSTOOD. ALL WASTE IS DEPOSITED THRU AN INTERIOR ACCESS HOPPER INTO A MECHANICAL COMPACTOR PLACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING ON THE EAST SIDE. THIS UNIT IS CONCEALED BEHIND A NATURAL CEDAR SCREEN COMPLETE WITH SECURE, LOCKED ACCESS GATES. THE COMPACTOR BIN IS DESIGN FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT SO THAT REFUSE IS NEVER EXPOSED NOR MADE ACCESSIBLE. THERE IS NO NEED FOR STAFF TO LEAVE THE BUILDING TO DEPOSIT MATERIAL INTO THE COMPACTOR. THIS FACILITY HAS NO NEED FOR RE-CYCLING PICKUP OTHER THAN IN IT'S HANDLING OF CARDBOARD (EXPLAINED LATER IN THIS PARAGRAPH) AS THAT DOES NOT FACTOR INTO ITS RETAIL OPERATIONS. GARBAGE REMOVAL IS BY PRIV ATE CONTRACTOR/SERVICE, HANDLED CORPORATELY, AND INCLUDES FOR THE REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED CARDBOARD THAT IS RETAINED INSIDE THE STORE IN BALES COMPRESSED IN A HYDRALIC BALER. WE THEREFORE REQUEST RELAXATION OR DEVIATION FROM THE REFUSE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY CODE. CITY CODE LIMITS PARKING TO A MAXIMUM CALCULATION. PARKING CALCULATIONS FOR WALGREENS IS BASED ON THE NET RETAIL AREA AS PERMITTED BY CODE AND IS ALLOWED A MAXIMUM OF 47 STALLS; THE EXISTING LES SCHWAB FACILITY IS BASED ON GROSS FLOOR AREAS AND IS ALLOWED A MAXIMUM OF 36 ST ALLS. ALL CALCULATIONS ARE , • DRIVEWAY ACCESSES- CURB CUT: PROVIDED ON THE ATTACHED SITE PLAN. THE TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED ON THE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT SITE IS 93 OR 10 MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM CALCULATED TOTAL. WE THEREFORE REQUEST A DEVIATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE PARKING PROVIDED. IT IS OUR INTENTION TO NOT ERODE LES SCHWAB'S CURRENT QUANTITY OF PARKING WHICH THEY REGARD, BASED ON REAL TIME EXPERIENCE, AS NECESSARY FOR THEIR BUSINESS OPERATIONS. THE A IT ACHED DOCUMENTS PROVIDE CURRENT CODE CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE VARIOUS USES CONTAINED WITHIN THE LES SCHWAB FACILITY. OUR DESIGN INDICATES A SLIGHT OVER PARKED SITUATION BUT REQUEST THIS RELAXATION ON THE BASIS OF THE NEEDS OF THE OPERATOR AND THE NA TURE OF THE USE. CITY CODE LIMITS THE MAXIMUM DIMENSION FOR THE WIDTH OF A DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO 30FT. WE REQUEST THE DEVIATION FOR TWO OF OUR 3 DRIVEWAYS TO 40FT FOR TWO REASONS: I) FOR THE NEEDED MANOUVERING ROOM FOR LOADING TRUCKS, AND 2) TO ALLOW FOR ONE LANE IN-BOUND AND 2 OUT-BOUND. AS THE MOST WESTERLY OF THE TWO DRIVEWAYS ON TO E.4TH IS A RIGHT-IN. RIGHT-OUT ONLY AND NOT SUBJECT TO TRUCK MOVEMENTS, 24FT IS ACCEPTABLE. THIS RE-DEVELOPMENT SCHEME REPLACES THE EXISTING 8 DRIVEWAY CROSSINGS WITH ONLY 5. WE ALSO SEEK DEVIATION FROM THE REQUIREMENT TO KEEP THE DRIVEWAY CURB 5 FT FROM A COMMON PROPERTY LINE IN THE CASE OF THE DRIVE IN THE NE CORNER OF THE SITE. THIS ACCESS IS PROPOSED TO BE IN THE SAME LOCATION AS AN EXISTING ACCESS WHICH DOES NOT MEET THIS 5FT SETBACK. WE WISH TO KEEP IT THE SAME. THE ADJACENT PROPERTY IS A WETLAND AND THIS RELAXATION DOES NOT HAVE AN IMPACT RELATIVE TO AN ADJOINING PROPERTY ACCESS DRIVEWAY. j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j LANDSCAPING (PERIMETER): GIVEN THE PLACEMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS WE REQUEST DEVIATION ON THE EXACT NUMBERS & LOCATION OF STREET TREES AS PERSCRIBED IN CITY CODE. EXAMINATION OF THE CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN WILL GRAPHICALLY DISPLAY OUR INTENTIONS. WHERE THE WALGREENS STORE IS BROUGHT TO OR NEAR THE BACK OF THE SIDEWALK WITH OVERHANGING CANOPIES THAT PROVIDE PROTECTION TO PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY AS WELL AS BUS STOP PATRONS, PLACEMENT OF STREET TREES WOULD CONFLICT PHYSICALLY WITH THESE IMPROVEMENTS. LANDSCAPING (INTERNAL): BUILDING SETBACK: THE REQUIRED PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING FOR THE "NEW" PORTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOT REGARDED AS WALGREENS DESIGNATED PARKING EXCEEDS CITY CODE BY SOME 68 PERCENT. CITY CODE REQUIRES 8 PARKING LOT TREES AND 8 PARKING LOT TREES ARE PROVIDED. THE LES SCHWAB PORTION OF THE RE-STRIPPED PARKING LOT IS 34 PERCENT SHORT OF A STRICT READING OF CITY CODE AND SHORT 6 TREES IN THE PARKING LOT AREA. WE REQUEST DEVIATION FROM MEETING CURRENT CODE DUE TO HARDSHIP IN PROVIDING THE NEW UNDERGROUND DETENTION VAULT (WHERE NONE WAS PROVIDED HERETOFORE). WE ALSO BELIEVE THE NEW LOT LAYOUT IS SUPERIOR AND MORE BENEFICIAL TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC THAN THE ONE BEING REPLACED. AND FURTHER, THE LES SCHWAB SITE IS THE PORTION OF THE PROPERTY THAT RETAINS THE 4 EXISTING MATURE TREES REFERENCED IN OTHER HEADINGS OF THIS REPORT. IT IS UNCLEAR IN CODE BUT WE BELIEVE IT IS ALLOWED THAT A ZERO SETBACK FOR THE WALGREENS BUILDING ALONG EAST 4TH STREET IS ACCEPTABLE. WE LIST THIS AS A REQUESTED DEVIATION HERE SHOULD WE MIGHT BE READING CITY CODE IN ERROR. THE PROPOSAL IS TO BRING THE NE CORNER OF THE BLDG TO THE PROPERTY LINE BUT AS THE ANGLE OF THE BUILDING FACE IS NOT PARALLEL TO THE RIGHT OF WAY THERE IS A SETBACK AT THE BUIDLING'S NW CORNER OF APPROXIMATELY 9FT. THE AREA BETWEENTHE CITY SIDEWALK AND THE BUILDING FACE WILL BE CONCRETE, I.E. AN EXTENTION OF THE SIDEWALK. WE ALSO PROPOSE TO HANG OVERHEAD STEEL CANOPIES FROM THE BUILDING INTO THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE SIDEWALK. THESE ARE DEMOUNTABLE CANOPIES AND ARE APPROX 12FT OR MORE ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE SIDEWALK AND PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION TO THOSE WAITING AT THE BUS STOP. LANDSCAPE SETBACK ALONG UNION: WETLAND BUFFER: CITY CODE ALLOWS FOR THE REDUCTION OF A 10FT LANDSCAPE PERIMETER STRIP TO 5FT THRU THE USE OF ALTERNATE DESIGN AIDS. WE THEREFORE INCLUDE AND SHOW 30" HIGH MASONRY SCREENWALLS WITHIN THE 5FT WIDE STRIP PROVIDED TO SCREEN THE FRONT OF PARKED CARS. THE WETLAND/CREEK BUFFER DEVIATION IS PROFFERED BY THE CONSULTING BIOLOGIST IN THE ATIACHED STUDY AND REPORT. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIO" WAIVI OF SUBMITTAL REQUI.,_MENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS FEB ..,' ; Applicant Agreement Statement I nventory of Existing Sites 2 AND • Lease Map of Site Conditions Map of View Area 2AND. Photosimulations 2 AND. . This requirement may be waive'd by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section f. Development Planning Section PROJECT NAME: Wllt~ t/l'V71 t. 1fJ:: ~ DATE: ____ Cl+I-=v+I-=O'-l7'--___ _ Q:IWEBIPWlDEVSERVlFonnslPlanninglwaiverofsubmitlalreqs _ 9-06.xls 09106 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DMSION WAIVl OF SUBMITTAL REQUII iIIENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section Q:lWEBIPWlDEVSERVlFormslPlanninglwaiverofsubmittalreqs_9-06.x1s • 09106 OEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIV ___ OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRL_-=NTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS • This requirement may be waivEd by: 1. Property SeIViGes Section PROJECT NAME: 2. Pubtic WorkS Plan Review Section 3. Buikfing SectIOn 4. Development PlaMing Sect~. \ t. '\ ':. '. • . . _A..:. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DMSIO~ WAI~ OF SUBMITTAL REQUIR __ JENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS lhis requiremenl may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section . 2. Public Works Plan Review Suction 3. Building Section DATE: w ft:t~ m YI t-1./ 11-<; (-PROJECT NAME: 4. Development Planning.S~on 1/1~/17 • \-"., It' ) -i .... ' i \ Q~weBIPWlDEVSERVlFotm$lPlannlnglw;ol""tOfsubmitlalreqs_&-OO.xIs 09ID6 ; TO: Address: Phone: Fax: City Of Renton Development SelVices Division PlanninglBulidinglPublic Works Department Renton City Hall, Sixth Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Thomas Thompson, AlA FROM: (360)629-3985 Phone: (360)629-5435 Fax: FAX TRANSMITTAL Date: elizabeth Higgins, AICP Senior Planner Current Planning (425)430-7382 (425) 430-7300 SUBJECT: Walgreens on 4th Street in Renton Numbet' of items Including cover sheet~ 3 REMARKS: DAs o Urgent o Reply Requested ASAP • Waiver sheet revised 9/13/07 Do-rafnn ..L '\..\.1.11 LV.I...I.. Ah e ad of the tune o Please 181 For your Commlmt review t-eb 11 00 0(:293 Corky Brown 425-486-1564 City of RelllDn TREE RETENTION FEB i : ,'" WORKSHEET 1, Tut.llnumber of frees OWl' 6" in diameter1 on prcjec;t site: 1. _.!-/_d __ 1Iees 2. Deductions: Certain IIees are excluded from the letenooll c3cuIation: Treeslhal ale dead, din lie£!. or danger0us2 / bees Trees In propOsed public sIn!ets ___ bees Trees in proposed private access easemenlslbacls Trees In criticallIJe8S3 and buffeJs ___ frees ___ bees ToIaI number of exduded trees: 2. _---..:./ __ 1rees 3. Subtract IIIre 2 from line 1: 3. __ 9~_1rees 4. Next, to determine the number of Irees thai must be tetalnecf4, multiply line 3 by: O.31n 2IJIleS Re, R-l, R-4, or R-8 D.lln aD ohIr residanIlaI_· D.OS·in all QlIIIIJ ... daI and iDJs1r1a12IOIIeS 4. &1'5") I trees 5. list !he IllIITiIer of 6" or larger bees that you are proposing5 to retain4: </ 5. __ -i-_ rI 6. SubIract line Strom IJne 4 lOr .... to be replaced: 6. _--L=--_ 7. Multiply line 6 by 12' for number of required replacenent Inches: r/ 7. _---£.~_ 8. Proposed size of trees kI meet additional planting requirement #' --.r ....... _'"'II*aI) 8. __ ::::.-__ 9. Divide line 7 by line, b IUIIber of replacement tJ-ees6: (l_is..s",~,_ ... "I1e __ numbel) L-.a.tat_~ f!( 9. --.c.:.-..._ trees Irees inches inches per1Jee trees ·~_ar"""""-_IIe_"_lIfa_.~loi.dsaopaao:lJlor:tor ___ """ . --,.IIeCl(r. ·~-.-.. -.-....~and...-..... __ iII_~aI ... _MIntipOI Coc!B(RIQ. . ·CQIIIt ... __ .. "" __ alcrifcaI ..... and-. • 1bo~1I1IIf""" II .. ial ...... -plan .. __ Gf ... __ al_porRII:~130H7. ·_oI_-'_al __ "ofIi:al~and_af __ ... "'IhiII __ .... rliat ... gmoIOr .... r"'" ""_"_I1e"'repIIam!o1~ p.1 GROS~ LOT AREAS: WALGREENS: 49,508 SF BEFORE DEDICATION 46,508 SF +/-AFTER DEDICATION 54,876 SF LES SCHWAB: TOTAL SITE AREA: 101,384 SF +/- TOT AL BLDG AREA: 26,780 SF COVERAGE: 26.4% PERIMETER LANDSCAPE: 7,497 SF 3,166 SF INTERIOR LANDSCAPE: TOTAL LANDSCAPE: 10,663 SF = 11.7% OF GROSS SITE oOl-p0207 w~~ 14,800 SF GROSS BUILDING AREA 11,655 SF NET RETAIL @ 0.4/100 = 47 MAX PARKING = 47 ACCORDING TO CODE PARKING PROVIDED ON WALGREEN LOT= 36 REMAINDER PROVIDED ON LES SCHWAB LOT = 11 TOTAL ATIRIBUTED TO W ALGREENS = 47 TOTAL PARKING ON JOINT DEVELOPMENT SITE = 94 EXISTING LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE 11,980 sJ. GROSS BUilDING ARE.'; 4.880 SF SHOWROOM <s OA/1OC co 70 C'!"PS 5,153 Sf AUTO SERVICE 'liJ .25/100 =-1:5 CA,RS 3.840 SF WAREHOUSE @ 1/1500 ==.l CAR\ MAX PARKING ACCORDING TO C:::()E -,-36 TOTAL AITRIBUTED TO LES SCHW~,B = 47 TOTAL PARKING ON JOINT DEVEI-,::JP,',~,ENi s:r[ == 94 FEB • CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION 4105 NE 4TH STREET, RENTON, WA Proposed construction dates: START: APRIL 1, 2008 COMPLETE: OCTOBER 1, 2008 Hours and days of operation: 5 DAYS A WEEK, 7 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Hauling and transpo routes: VIA NE 4TH STREET FROM HWY 405, CONSTRUCTION ACCESS OFF UNION Mitigation measures: INSTALLATION OF RIP-RAP CONSTRUCTION ACCESS; SILT FENCE TO PERIMETER OF SITE; SILT FENCE AND FILTER FABRIC TO EXISTING CATCH BASINS; AND OTHER TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. Preliminary traffic control plan: ACCESS INTO AND OFF SITE IS AT ONE LOCATION AND THEREFORE HIGHLY CONTROLABLE; CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK THRU PUBLIC WORKS AND SEEK APPROVAL OF A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN FOR WORKING WITHIN THE RIGHT -OF-WAYS OF UNION AND NE 4TH STREET FOR CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENT WORK AS WELL AS FOR UTILITY TAPPING AND INSTALLATION. SAID METHOD SHALL INCLUDE FOR ADEQUATE STATE OF THE ART BARRICADES, WARNING SYSTEMS, LIGHTS AND NUMBER OF ATTENDENTS FOR MANUAL TRAFFIC CONTROL. -==JJ: 10 FtB i :. DEVIATION/ MODIFICATION NARRATIVE PROPOSED WALGREENS DRUG STORE #12497 4105 NE 4TH STREET @ UNION RENTON, WA THESE MODIFICATION REQUESTS ARE ALSO INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT NARRATIVE. IN THESE REQUESTS WE BELIEVE WE ARE STILL MEETINGTHE OVERALL INTENT OF THE CODE (I.E. MEETING REQUIREMENTS ON THE BASIS OF THE COMBINED DEVELOPMENT IF NOT ON INDIVIDUAL SITES): THAT NOTHING IN THESE DEVIATIONS COMPROMISES THE SAFETY, OR AESTHETIC APPEAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT NOR WILL BE INJURIOUS OR CAUSE ADVERSE IMPACTS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES, PRIVATE OR PUBLIC: NOR WILL THEY DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN ENHANCE THE DEVELOPMENT SITE. REQUESTED DEVIATIONS: REFUSE RECYLCING: THE FOLLOWING DEVIATIONS FROM SPECIFIC CITY CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE REQUESTED: THE WALGREENS DRUG STORE HAS PARTICULAR NEEDS FOR THE HANDLING OF its REFUSE WASTE AS CAN WELL BE UNDERSTOOD. ALL WASTE IS DEPOSITED THRU AN INTERIOR ACCESS HOPPER INTO A MECHANICAL COMPACTOR PLACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING ON THE EAST SIDE. THIS UNIT IS CONCEALED BEHIND A NATURAL CEDAR SCREEN COMPLETE WITH SECURE, LOCKED ACCESS GATES. THE COMPACTOR BIN IS DESIGN FOR REMOV AL AND REPLACEMENT SO THAT REFUSE IS NEVER EXPOSED NOR MADE ACCESSIBLE. THERE IS NO NEED FOR STAFF TO LEAVE THE BUILDING TO DEPOSIT MATERIAL INTO THE COMPACTOR. THIS FACILITY HAS NO NEED FOR RE-CYCLING PICKUP OTHER THAN IN IT'S HANDLING OF CARDBOARD (EXPLAINED LATER IN THIS PARAGRAPH) AS THAT DOES NOT FACTOR INTO its RETAIL OPERATIONS. GARBAGE REMOVAL IS BY PRIV ATE CONTRACTOR/SERVICE. HANDLED CORPORATELY, AND INCLUDES FOR THE REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED CARDBOARD THAT IS RETAINED INSIDE THE STORE IN BALES COMPRESSED IN A HYDRALIC BALER. f PARKING: DRIVEWAY ACCESSES- CURB CUT: WE THEREFORE REQUEST RELAXATION OR DEVIATION FROM THE REFUSE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY CODE. CITY CODE LIMITS PARKING TO A MAXIMUM CALCULATION. PARKING CALCULATIONS FOR WALGREENS IS BASED ON THE NET RETAIL AREA AS PERMITIED BY CODE AND IS ALLOWED A MAXIMUM OF 47 STALLS; THE EXISTING LES SCHWAB FACILITY IS BASED ON GROSS FLOOR AREAS AND IS ALLOWED A MAXIMUM OF 36 STALLS. ALL CALCULATIONS ARE PROVIDED ON THE ATIACHED SITE PLAN. THE TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED ON THE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT SITE IS 94 OR 11 MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM CALCULATED TOTAL. WE THEREFORE REQUEST A DEVIATION FOR APPROV AL OF THE PARKING PROVIDED. IT IS OUR INTENTION TO NOT ERODE LES SCHWAB'S CURRENT QUANTITY OF PARKING. THE ATIACHED DOCUMENTS PROVIDE CURRENT CODE CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE VARIOUS USES CONTAINED WITHIN THE LES SCHWAB FACILITY. OUR DESIGN INDICATES A SLIGHT OVER PARKED SITUATION BUT REQUEST THIS RELAXATION ON THE BASIS OF THE NEEDS OF THE OPERATOR AND THE NATURE OF THE USE. CITY CODE LIMITS THE MAXIMUM DIMENSION FOR THE WIDTH OF A DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO 30FT. WE REQUEST THE DEVIATION FOR TWO OF OUR 3 DRIVEWAYS TO 40FT FOR TWO REASONS: 1) FOR THE NEEDED MANOUVERING ROOM FOR LOADING TRUCKS, AND 2) TO ALLOW FOR ONE LANE IN-BOUND AND 2 OUT-BOUND. AS THE MOST WESTERLY OF THE TWO DRIVEWAYS ON TO E.4TH IS A RIGHT-IN, RIGHT-OUT ONLY AND NOT SUBJECT TO TRUCK MOVEMENTS, 24FT IS ACCEPTABLE. THIS RE-DEVELOPMENT SCHEME REPLACES THE EXISTING 8 DRIVEWAY CROSSINGS WITH ONLY 5. WE ALSO SEEK DEVIATION FROM THE REQUIREMENT TO KEEP THE DRIVEWAY CURB 5 FT FROM A COMMON PROPERTY LINE IN THE CASE OF THE DRIVE IN THE NE CORNER OF THE SITE. THIS ACCESS IS PROPOSED TO BE IN THE SAME LOCATION AS AN EXISTING ACCESS WHICH DOES NOT MEET THIS 5FT SETBACK. WE WISH TO KEEP IT THE SAME. THE ADJACENT PROPERTY IS A WETLAND AND THIS RELAXATION DOES NOT HAVE AN IMPACT RELATIVE TO AN ADJOINING PROPERTY ACCESS DRIVEWAY. LANDSCAPING (PERIMETER): GIVEN THE PLACEMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS WE REQUEST DEVIATION ON THE EXACT NUMBERS & LOCATION OF STREET TREES AS PERSCRIBED IN CITY CODE. EXAMINATION OF THE CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN WILL GRAPHICALLY DISPLAY OUR INTENTIONS. WHERE THE WALGREENS STORE IS BROUGHT TO OR NEAR THE BACK OF THE SIDEWALK WITH OVERHANGING CANOPIES THAT PROVIDE PROTECTION TO PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY AS WELL AS BUS STOP PATRONS, PLACEMENT OF STREET TREES WOULD CONFLICT PHYSICALLY WITH THESE IMPROVEMENTS. LANDSCAPING (INTERNAL): THE REQUIRED PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING FOR THE "NEW" PORTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOT REGARDED AS WALGREENS DESIGNATED PARKING EXCEEDS CITY CODE BY SOME 68 PERCENT. CITY CODE REQUIRES 8 PARKING LOT TREES AND 8 PARKING LOT TREES ARE PROVIDED. THE LES SCHWAB PORTION OF THE RE-STRIPPED PARKING LOT IS 34 PERCENT SHORT OF A STRICT READING OF CITY CODE AND SHORT 6 TREES IN THE PARKING LOT AREA. WE REQUEST DEVIATION FROM MEETING CURRENT CODE DUE TO HARDSHIP IN PROVIDING THE NEW UNDERGROUND DETENTION VAULT (WHERE NONE WAS PROVIDED HERETOFORE). WE ALSO BELIEVE THE NEW LOT LAYOUT IS SUPERIOR AND MORE BENEFICIAL TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC THAN THE ONE BEING REPLACED. AND FURTHER, THE LES SCHWAB SITE IS THE PORTION OF THE PROPERTY THAT RETAINS THE 4 EXISTING MATURE TREES REFERENCED IN OTHER HEADINGS OF THIS REPORT. BUILDING SETBACK: IT IS UNCLEAR IN CODE BUT WE BELIEVE IT IS ALLOWED THAT A ZERO SETBACK FOR THE WALGREENS BUILDING ALONG EAST 4TH STREET IS ACCEPTABLE. WE LIST THIS AS A REQUESTED DEVIATION HERE SHOULD WE BE READING CITY CODE IN ERROR. THE PROPOSAL IS TO BRING THE NE CORNER OF THE BLDG TO THE PROPERTY LINE BUT AS THE ANGLE OF THE BUILDING FACE IS NOT PARALLEL TO THE RIGHT OF WAY THERE IS A SETBACK AT THE BUIDLING'S NW CORNER OF APPROXIMATELY 9FT. THE AREA BETWEENTHE CITY SIDEWALK AND THE BUILDING FACE WILL BE CONCRETE, I.E. AN EXTENTION OF THE SIDEWALK. WE ALSO PROPOSE TO HANG OVERHEAD STEEL CANOPIES FROM THE BUILDING INTO THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE SIDEWALK. THESE ARE DEMOUNTABLE CANOPIES AND ARE APPROX 12FT OR MORE ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE SIDEWALK AND PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION TO THOSE WAITING AT THE BUS STOP. LANDSCAPE SETBACK ALONG UNION: WETLAND BUFFER: CITY CODE ALLOWS FOR THE REDUCTION OF A 10FT LANDSCAPE PERIMETER STRIP TO 5FT THRU THE USE OF ALTERNATE DESIGN AIDS. WE THEREFORE INCLUDE AND SHOW 30" HIGH MASONRY SCREENWALLS WITHIN THE 5FT WIDE STRIP PROVIDED TO SCREEN THE FRONT OF PARKED CARS. THE WETLAND/CREEK BUFFER DEVIATION IS PROFFERED BY THE CONSULTING BIOLOGIST IN THE ATIACHED STUDY AND REPORT. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer. or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark deSignations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for non project proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, ccmplete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For non project actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant." and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area:' respectively. IIBigtimlemail atiachmentslPersonal FoldersI200S-01-08ITHOMPSON -RENTON 5 SEPA WITH ATIACHMENT -RENTON envchlst 01-0S-0S.doc01/0S/0S A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: WALGREENS STORE #12497 4105 N.E. 4 TH STREET, RENTON, WA 2. Name of applicant: THOMAS THOMPSON -AlA 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 29619 15TH AVE NE STANWOOD, WA 98292 CELL: 206-409-0755 4. Date checklist prepared: 01-04-08 5. Agency requesting checklist: CITY OF RENTON 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): CONSTRUCTION START APRIL 2008; STORE OPENING OCTOBER 2008 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. NO 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. LIMITED SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION # 99007-000408.03 DATED NOV. 27, 2007 PHASE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT # 99007-000408.01 OF OCT 2, 2007 THE ABOVE REPORTS BY BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC WETLAND & STREAM STUDY OF DEC 13, 2007 WETLAND & STREAM BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN OF DEC 26,2007 THE ABOVE REPORTS BY SHANNON & WILSON, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT 2007-254 OF NOV 14, 2007 BY THE RILEY GROUP, INC. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. NONE 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. CITY OF RENTON: SITE PLAN REVIEW & BUILDING PERMIT 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. RENTON-NORTHWEST, LLC HAS ACQUIRED OR HAS IN AGREEMENT OWNERSHIP OF THE TWO LOTS FRONTING NE 4TH STREET; LOTS 5182100008 & 5182100009. THIS PROJECT WILL SEE THE DEMOLITION OF ALL PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS ON THESE TWO LOTS AND THE ERECTION OF A WALGREENS DRUG STORE AND DRIVE-THRU PHARMACY OF APPROXIMATELY 14,800 GROSS S.F. THE PARKING LOT/SITE IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED WILL INCLUDE REVISIONS TO THE PARKING FIELD AND ACCESS POINTS OF THE LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER STORE TO THE SOUTH ON LOTS 5182100016 & 5182100010. RENTON-NORTHWEST, LLC AND LES SCHWAB ARE ENTERING INTO A JOINT CROSS EASEMENT AGREEMENT. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. THE SITE IS LOCATED ON THE SE CORNER OF NE4TH STREET AND UNION STREET IN RENTON, WA. SITE ADDRESS IS 4105 NE 4TH STREET. B_ ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); FLAT, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other _____ _ b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) 4% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, pea~ muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. SIL TV SAND WITH GRAVEL d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. NO e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. THE SITE IF CURRENTLY FULLY IMPROVED. REPLACEMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS WILL REQUIRE MINOR OR LITTLE GRADING AND THE NORMAL INSTALLATION OF SUB-SURFACE UTILITIES. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. NO. HOWEVER A TESC PLAN IS INCLUDED IN THE CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN PACKAGE. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project constnuction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR THE CIVIL ENGINEERS TEMPORARY EROSION SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN (TESC) PROVIDES SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION FOR THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, SHOWING CONSTRUCTION ACCESS AND PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND ADJACENT WETLANDS. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during constnuction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. AS THE PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY FULLY IMPROVED DUST WOULD BE LIMITED TO THE DEMOLITION PROCESS OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND BRIEFLY WHEN THE EXISTING ASPHALT IS REMOVED AND REPLACED. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION EXHAUST FROM THE NORMAL ASSEMBLY OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE LESS THAN WHAT CAN BE EXPECTED DURING THE DAILY OPERATIONS OF CUSTOMER AUTOMOBILES ONCE THE STORE IS OPERATIONAL. IN ANY EVENT, THE TRAFFIC VISITING WALGREENS SHOULD BE LESS OR COMPARABLE TO THAT VISITING THE EXISTING SERVICE STATION AND INDEPENDENT CAR WASH. CLEARLY, THE NEW PROPOSAL SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES THE LIKEL YHOOD OF PETROLEUM PRODUCT SPILLAGE AND CONTAMINATION. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. NO c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: N/A 3. WATER a. Surface Waler: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it fiows into. NO WETLANDS ARE PRESENT ON SITE HOWEVER MAPLEWOOD CREEK AND ASSOCIATED WETLANDS ARE ADJACENT AND TO THE EAST. THIS CREEK OR A TRIBUTARY EXTENDS UNDER THE NE CORNER OF THIS SITE IN AN EXISTING CULVERT PROTECTED BY EASEMENT 84707239001. PLEASE REFER TO SHANNON & WILSON, INC'S STUDYS DATED DECEMBER 13 AND DECEMBER 26,2007 FOR FULL EXAMINATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BUFFERING. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. ATTACHED IS SHANNON & WILSON, INC'S WETLAND AND STREAM BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN AND REPORT DATED DECEMBER 26,2007 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. SUBSTANTIAL FILL AND/OR EXCAVATION IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. NO 5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 DO-year Hood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. NO 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. THE CIVIL ENGINEERING PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE PLAN & REPORT CALLS FOR ALL STORM WATER TO BE COLLECTED, FILTERED AND STORED IN AN UNDERGROUND DETENTION VAULT AND SLOWLY RELEASED VIA HARD CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING SITE STORM WATER SYSTEM WHICH CONNECTS TO THE ABOVE NOTED TRIBUTARY. FOR ESTIMATED QUANTITIES, BELIEVED TO BE ESSENTIALLY THE SAME AS THE CURRENT DEVELOPMENT WHICH DOES NOT CONTAIN FILTER & DETENTION, PLEASE SEE THE STORM WATER REPORT AS PREPARED BY BARGHAUSEN ENGINEERS. b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. NO 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. N/A c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. THE CIVIL ENGINEERING PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE PLAN & REPORT CALLS FOR ALL STORM WATER TO BE COLLECTED, FILTERED AND STORED IN AN UNDERGROUND DETENTION VAULT AND SLOWLY RELEASED VIA HARD CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING SITE STORM WATER SYSTEM WHICH CONNECTS TO THE ABOVE NOTED TRIBUTARY. FOR ESTIMATED QUANTITIES, BELIEVED TO BE ESSENTIALLY THE SAME AS THE CURRENT DEVELOPMENT WHICH DOES NOT CONTAIN FILTER & DETENTION, PLEASE SEE THE STORM WATER REPORT AS PREPARED BY BARGHAUSEN ENGINEERS. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. NO. ALL WASTE IS CONTAINED; GRADING DIRECTS FLOWS TO CONTAINMENT I.E. CATCHBASINS; AND THE PERIMETERS ARE PROTECTED BY CONCRETE CURBS. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface. ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: POSITIVE GRADING, COLLECTION, FILTERING AND DETENTION. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: _3_ deciduous tree: alder, MAPLE, aspen, other and 1 ALDER _4_ evergreen tree: FIR, cedar, pine, other MISC_ SHRUBS __ grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other __ water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? THE FOUR FIR TREES WILL BE REMOVED ALONG WITH THE MAJORITY OF SHRUBS. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. N/A d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: A DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR THE ENTIRE SITE IS PROPOSED AS PART OF THIS SUBMISSION AND INCLUDES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STREET TREES AND EXTENSIVE ON-8ITE TREES, SHRUBS, & GROUND COVER. ALSO INCLUDED IS A 1000 S.F. PUBLIC PLAZA AT THE SE INTERSECTION OF NE 4TH AND UNION. ALSO INCLUDED IS A BIOLOGIST MITIGATION PLANTING PLAN FOR THE EAST PROPERTY LINE BUFFER. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: NONE OBSERVED ON THIS FULLY DEVELOPED SITE. Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other _______ _ Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other -:---:-______ _ Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other _____ _ b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. NJA c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain NJA d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: NJA 6, ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. NATURAL GAS IS USED FOR HEAT VIA THE ROOF TOP HVAC UNITS; ELECTRICITY IS USED FOR COOLING AND GENERAL LIGHT AND POWER NEEDS PER A NORMAL RETAIL FACILITY. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. NO. THIS PROJECT WILL CAST NO SHADOW ON ADJACENT PRIVATE PROPERTIES. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: THIS PROJECT (THE WALGREENS BUILDING) IS DESIGNED TO MEET THE WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE OF THE MOST RECENT DATE. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. . Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. GENERALLY NONE, HOWEVER THE PHOTO DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE WITH THE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED IN CASE OF INDOOR SPILL OR ATTENDANT MISHAP IN THE FORM OF SPILL CLEAN UP KIT AND EYE-WASH STATION. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. NJA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8. 2) b, 1) 2) • • Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: SEE 7a ABOVE. Noise What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? TRAFFIC NOISE OR NOISE FROM THE EXISTING ADJACENT LES SCHWAB SITE CENTER STORE WILL NOT ADVERSL Y AFFECT THIS DEVELOPMENT. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. CONSTRUCTION NOISE WOULD BE SPORATIC OVER THE ESTIMATED 6 MONTH CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE; OTHERWISE WALGREEN CUSTOMER TRAFFIC NOISE SHOULD BE LESS THAN WHAT WOULD BE GENERATED BY THE EXISTING SERVICE STATION AND BROWN BEAR CAR WASH OPERATION. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: N/A LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. b. c. d. e. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? CURRENT SITE IS OCCUPIED BY A GAS STATION & CONVIENCE STORE, AND A BROWN BEAR CAR WASH FACILITY. THESE WILL BE REMOVED. THE ADJACENT LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE IS TO REMAIN. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. NO Describe any structures on the site THE CORNER LOT CURRENTLY HAS A GAS STATION FACILITY; THE INBOARD LOT HAS A BROWN BEAR CAR WASH. A LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE FRONTING UNION BUT SHARING A PARKING LOT WITH THE NEW WALGREENS IS TO THE SOUTH OF THE WALGREEN PROPERTY. Will any structures be demOlished? If so, what? ALL STRUCTURES AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE TWO LOTS FRONTING NE 4 TH STREET WILL BE DEMOLISHED. THE LES SCHWAB BLDG WILL REMAIN AS IS HOWEVER THIS PROPOSAL ALLOWS FOR MODIFICATIONS OF THE LES SCHWAB PARKING LOT INTO A JOINT PARKING FIELD. What is the current zoning classification of the site? CA -COMMERCIAL AL TERIAL WITHIN THE NE 4TH BUSINESS DISTRICT f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. WE REFER TO THE SHANNON & WILSON WETLAND REPORTS AND MITIGATION PLAN. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? APPROX. 24 TOTAL OF FULL AND PART TIME. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? THE SERVICE STATION IS CLOSED; THE CAR WASH EMPLOYEES APPROXIMATELY 15 PEOPLE FULL AND PART TIME. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: PROJECT FOLLOWS CITY OF RENTON CODES AND ORDINANCES 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. N/A b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: N/A 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed slructure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. APPROX. 28'-1", EXTERIOR MATERIALS ARE MASONRY; INTEGRALLY COLORED KLA-ALL TILE THRU WALL BRICK AND MANUFACTURED LIMESTONE WITH MISC STANDING SEAM METAL USED FOR CANOPY ROOF SURFACES. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? NONE. A NEW BUILDING OF THIS CALIBRE WOULD IMPROVE THE VISUAL ASPECT OF THE SITE. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: QUALITY MATERIALS; TASTEFUL PROPORTIONS; EXTENSIVE LANDSCAPING 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? LIGHT IS NOT DEEMED TO "SPILL" FROM THE BUILDING'S INTERIOR. THE PARKING LOT WILL HAVE POLE LIGHTS FOR SECURITY AND SAFETY TO APPROX 2 TO 4 FOOT CANDLES, BE NON-GLARE TYPE AND NOT SPILL FROM THE SITE. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? NO. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? STREET LIGHTS WOULD ONLY ENHANCE THE PROPERTY d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: PROPERLY SELECTED FIXTURES AND POLE HEIGHT AND SPACING. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? N/A FOR A NON-RESIDENTIAL PROJECT b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: N/A 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. NO b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED ON THE SE CORNER OF NE4TH STREET AND UNION. TWO ACCESS FROM EACH STREET ARE PROPOSED. EXISTING ACCESSES TO THIS SITE TOTAL 8. TOTAL PROPOSED ARE 4. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? A BUS LINE RUNS ON NE 4TH STREET. A STOP IS PROPOSED AT THIS SITE. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? TOTAL PARKING ON SITE IS PROPOSED AT 91. THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL BUT NOT RETAIL AND HAS 48 STALLS. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? A DEDICATION FOR ROAD WIDENING ALONG THE NE 4TH STREET FRONTAGE IS REQUIRED. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. NO f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. 666 TRIPS PER DAY FOR THE NEW WALGREENS OFFSET BY THE 538 FOR EXISTING USES BEING REPLACED LEADS TO A NET INCREASE OF 128 PER DAY. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: ORGANIZED PARKING; EASE OF ACCESS; AND A LOT THAT ALLOWS FOR SHARING BETWEEN OPERATORS. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. THE WALGREENS BUILDING IS PROVIDED WITH FIRE PROTECTION WHERE THE BUILDINGS IT REPLACES DO NOT. THIS PROJECT ALSO COMES WITH AN INTEGRAL SECURITY SYSTEM AND THEREFORE SHOULD NOT RESULT IN ADDITIONAL FIRE, POLICE, ETC SERVICES. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. SEE ABOVE, IN ADDITION TO THE SECURITY BUILT INTO THE BASE BUILDING. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. City water, City sewer, City storm, PSE FOR GAS AND ELECT, CONNECTIONS PRINCIPALLY FROM MAINS ON NE 4"'. PLS REFERENCE CIVIL UTILITY PLAN. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclo 0 frt. ~ ~~f//:----~ Proponent: Name Printed: AS THOMPSON -AlA Date: __ 01-07-08, ___ _ D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEETS FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (These sheets. should only be used for actionSinv0lyingliecisions on ro rams. You do not need to fill outthese sheets for r'ectactions<' '0 Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? THE PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE AND USE IS DEEMED AN IMPROVEMENT TO THE EXISTING FACILITIES. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: REMOVAL OF GAS STATION; INSTALLATION OF STATE OF THE ART STORMWATER FILTRATION AND DETENTION SYSTEM; A MODERN UP TO DATE DEVELOPMENT. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? BY PROVIDING AN IMPROVED ENVIRONMENT. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: IMPROVEMENTS TO THE TREATMENT, ETC OF STORMWATER AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL INPUTS. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? THIS DEVELOPMENT REDUCES WASTEFUL USE OF ENERGY THRU MODERN SYSTEMS AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE CURRENT WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: SEE ABOVE ITEM 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, flood plains, or prime farmlands? SEE SHANNON AND WILSON REPORTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: PROVISION OF A WETLAND BUFFER TO PROTECT AN OFF-5ITE WATER COURSE. Transportatio .. _ngineering NorthWest DATE: January 4, 2008 TO: Bob Sherry Phillips Edison and Company FROM: Jeff Schramm Transportation Engineering NorthWest SUBJECT: Renton Walgreens -Traffic Assessment TENW Project No. 4221 DRAFT Traffic Analysis This memorandum documents the traffic assessment conducted for the proposed Walgreens located on the southeast corner of Union Avenue NE and NE 4th Street in the City of Renton. Executive Summary Proposal. The proposed Walgreens development would include a 14,800 square foot pharmacy/drug store with a drive-through window. Access to the site would be provided by two driveways on NE 4th Street and one driveway on Union Avenue NE. The existing site includes a gasoline/service station with a convenience market and a car wash. Although only the car wash is currently operational, the gas station is a permitted use that could be operational if a user wanted to occupy it. Additional, the gas station was operational as recently as 2006. As part of the proposed development, both of these existing uses would be removed. The antiCipated build-out year of the Walgreens store is 2009. Trip Generation. Assuming credit for the existing gas station and car wash that will be removed, a total of 128 net new daily vehicle trips are estimated to be generated by the proposed Walgreens. Of these, the proposed development is estimated to generate 18 net new trips during the weekday PM peak hour. LOS Analysis_ A PM peak hour level of service (LOS) analysis was conducted at the signalized intersection of Union Avenue NE/NE 4th Street. In 2009 with or without the proposed Walgreens, the intersection of Union Avenue NE/NE 4th Street is expected to operate at LOS D. All stop controlled movements at the proposed site driveways are expected to operate at LOS B or better assuming the City's planned channelization improvements along NE 4th Street. Mitigation. To mitigate transportation impacts created by the proposed Walgreens development on public streets, it is anticipated that the developer would be required to pay the City of Renton's adopted impact fee of $75 per net new daily trip (per City of Renton Resolution #3100). Based on 128 net new daily trips, the traffic impact fee would be $9,600 (128 daily trips x $75/daily trip). Transportation Engineering/Operations * Impact Studies * Design Services, Transportation Planning/ForecJ5ting 8166" Street South. Kirkland, WA 98033 , Office (206) 396·8286 • Fax (425) 889·TENW (8369) ~ Transportation _ngineering NorthWest < Jan uary 4, 2008 Page 2 of9 ~D?B Rand McNally & Company NOT TO SCALE Transportation Engineering Northwest Figure 1 Project Vicinity Renton Walgreens Renton , WA 12'17m7 Tr~nsportatjon Engineering/Operations , Impact Studies, Design Services, Transportation Planning/Forecasting 8166'" Street South. Kirkland, WA. 98033 • Office (206) 396-8286 • Fax (425) 889-TENW (8369) ~ Transportation _ngineering NorthWest January 4, 2008 Page 3 019 '" z 8 Q. '" ~. ..; ._" W I. Z I I ! W i ~ • I Z '" 0 ;" Z 1 I! I . , ~ ~ 1'1' I I ! ., : I I ! I I 0 i, NE 4TH STREET i ~ K~~t""''''I\; (~ I~ 4 ! ,,:.,- ! 14,aQa 5.1. GROSS t f ~ 11.6r sJ. nel @O 4/1 max parking =47 ' '~r"' ',. , porldng provided = 47 II , ... -,----/ ;)--9 , ... fi " 1 ",";"""'(),,...~;;';' EXISTING LES SCHWAB TIRE STORE 58 PARKING SHOWr< I "i ."f. /,">/'<1'·_:: ,.:t ,,::: .. " ... / ~--,. '~71?'i~~2 \.~:,!.~ : , ,'. Preliminary site plan provided by Phillips Edison and Company December 10,2007. Transportation Engineering Northwest Figure 2 Preliminary Site Plan Renton Walgreens Remon, WA TransporUtion Engineering/Operations, Im/JJct Studies ~ Design Services # Transportation Pldnning/Forecasting 8166" Street South. Kirkland, WA 98033 • Office (206) 396-8286 • Fax (425) 889-TENW (8369) ~ Transportation _ngineering NorthWest Project Proposal January 4, 2008 Page 4 of9 The proposed Walgreens would include a 14,800 square foot pharmacy/drug store with a drive-through window. Access to the site would be provided by two driveways on NE 4th Street and one driveway on Union Avenue NE. Figure 1 provides a vicinity map of the project site. The existing site includes a gasoline/service station with a convenience market and a car wash. Although only the car wash is currently operational, the gas station is a permitted use that could be operational if a user wanted to occupy it. Additional, the gas station was operational as recently as 2006. As part of the proposed development, both of these existing uses would be removed. The anticipated build-out year of the Walgreens store is 2009. A preliminary site plan is provided in Figure 2. Project Trip Generation Both weekday daily and PM peak hour trip generation were estimated for the proposed Walgreen development, as shown in Table 1. The trip generation calculations were based on methodologies published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual 7th edition for Land Use Gode (LUG) 881, Pharmacy/Drugstore with Drive-Through Window. Trip credit for the existing gas station with convenience market and car wash was also determined using the ITE LUG 946. Table 1 Renton Walgreens Trip Generation Summary Trip Trips Generated Land Use Size Rate Enter Exit Total PM PEAK HOUR I Prol!osed Use: Pharmacy/Drugstore with 14,800 8.62 63 65 128 Drive-Through Window square feet less pass-by (49%) -31 -32 -63 32 33 65 Less Existing Use: Gas Station with Convenience 8 13.33 53 54 107 Market and Car Wash fuel pumps less pass-by (56%) -30 -30 -60 23 24 47 NET NEW PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS = 9 9 18 DAILY I Prol!osed Use: Pharmacy/Drugstore with 14,800 88.16 652 653 1305 Drive-Through Window square feet less pass-by (49%) -319 -320 -639 333 333 666 Less Existing Use: Gas Station with Convenience 8 152.84 611 612 1223 Market and Car Wash fuel pumps less pass-by (56%) -342 -343 -685 269 269 538 NET NEW DAILY TRIPS = 64 64 128 Transportation Eng;neeringlOperations ~ Impact Studies I De5;gn Services' Tr.msport.1t;on Planning/Forecasting 8166'" Street South. Kirkland, WA. 98033 • Office (206) 396·8286 • Fax (425) 889-TENW (8369) ~ Transportation .. ngineering NorthWest January 4, 2008 Page 5 of9 A reduction from the gross trip generation of the existing and proposed uses was taken to account for pass-by trips, which represent a large portion of the trips. Pass-by trips are made by vehicles that are currently on the adjacent streets and make intermediate stops on route to a primary destination (i.e. on the way from work to home). The pass- by rates used in the trip generation estimate were determined from the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 2nd edition, 2004. As shown in Table 1, the proposed Walgreens store is estimated to generate a total of 1,305 vehicle trips during a typical weekday trips, with 639 of those trips (49 percent) being pass-by trips. After accounting for the removal of the gas station with convenience market and existing car wash, the net new trip generation would be 128 daily trips. During the PM peak hour, the Walgreens would generate 128 vehicle trips, but only 18 net new vehicle trips after removal of the existing uses. Attachment A includes more detailed trip generation information. Trip Distribution and Assignment The distribution of the weekday PM peak hour project trips through the site driveways and the intersection of Union Avenue NEINE 4th Street was based on the existing travel patterns in the study area. Traffic to and from the site was distributed approximately 20 percent north, 10 percent south, 40 percent east, and 30 percent west. In order to provide a more conservative analysis of traffic impacts associated with the proposed Walgreens store, the number of net new vehicles trips was also evaluated assuming only credit for the car wash. This scenario was evaluated due to the fact that the existing gas station was recently vacated, and in order to evaluate the net impact of the Walgreens trips less the car wash trips. The assignment of the weekday PM peak hour project trips, as shown on the lower left box in Figure 3, represents the net trip assignment of new Walgreens trips less existing car wash trips. The future traffic volumes at the site driveways shown in Figure 4 represent the total number of PM peak hour trips at the 3 site driveways with a fully operational Walgreens store. Existing and Future Traffic Volumes The analysis of 2007 existing conditions at Union Avenue NE and NE 4th Street was based on existing PM peak hour traffic counts conducted at the intersection on September 6, 2007 as provided by the City of Renton. The future year 2009 baseline without-project volumes were developed by applying a 2 percent annual growth rate to the 2007 existing volumes. Future year 2009 with-project traffic volumes were estimated by adding the net project trip assignment to the year 2009 baseline traffic volumes. The 2007 existing, 2009 baseline, and 2009 with-project PM peak hour traffic volumes at the Union Avenue NEINE 4th Street intersection are shown on Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the estimated 2009 PM peak hour traffic volumes at the site driveways with the proposed Walgreens development. Transportation Engineering/Operations f Impact 5tudies ,Design Services * Transportation Planning/Forecasting 8166'" Street South. Kirkland, WA. 98033 • om" (206) 396·8286 • Fax (425) 889·TENW (8369) ~ Transportation .. ngineering NorthWest -Lss _778 164 59 196 ;-102 .J t t... NE 4th St 226 j w ~ t r z 1,181 -~ 80 61 66 106 ") c ,2 c :::l 2007 Existing (0) 5 t... w z (0) 8 -G> ~ c .2 c :::l _ 0(-12) ;-0 (12) NE 4th St ~ t 8 5 (13) (0) xx: Net New Project Tnp (xx): Pass-By Trip PM Peak Hour Trip Assignment Figure 3 171 61 204 .J t t... 235 j w z 1,229 -G> 110 ") ~ c .Q c :::l January 4, 2008 Page 6of9 g -L 89 Not to Scale _ 809 ;-106 NE 4th St ~ t r 83 63 69 2009 Baseline -L 89 _797 171 61 209 ;-118 .J t t... NE 4th St 235 j w ~ t r z 1.237 -g1 104 68 69 110 ") « c 0 'c :::l 2009 With Project Transportation Engineering Northwest PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes at Union Ave NE/NE 4th St Renton Walgreens Renton, WA Tr.msportJtioo Engineering/Operations # Impact Studies , Design Services # Transportation Pl.lnn;nglForec~t1ng 8166" Street South. Kirkland, WA. 98033 • Office (206) 396-8286 • FJX (f25) 889-TENW (8369) ~ Transportation _ .. gineering NorthWest January 4, 2008 Page 7 of9 NE4th St .... '-30 .... ~ N M t "" ,,3 Transportation Engineering Northwest t on ~ N w z Q) ~ c:: .Q c:: :::J (' M No! to Scale PROJECT SITE U NE 4th StfWest Driveway 1&1: HE ~ SlJEast Driveway +-1,017 NE~h.s1 1,483 -! (' N 29 " .. N " • " Figure 4 2009 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes at Site Driveways +-1.017 Nf 41/1 St I (' 1,505-0 0" ~ ~ Renton Walgreens Renton, WA Tr,msportadon engineering/Operations' Impact Studies. DeSign Services # Transportation Planning/Forecasting 8166" Street South. Kirkland, WA. 98033 • Office (206) 396·8286 • Fax (425) 889·TENW (8369) ~ Transportation .. ngineering NorthWest Level of Service Analysis January 4, 2008 Page 8 of9 Weekday PM peak hour traffic operations analyses were conducted at the intersection of Union Avenue NEINE 4th Street to evaluate traffic levels of service (LOS) for 2007 existing conditions, 2009 baseline (without-project) conditions, and 2009 with-project conditions. LOS analyses were also conducted at the three site driveways for 2009 with- project conditions. Highway Capacity Software (HCS) was used to evaluate the LOS at the signalized intersection and site driveways based on the methodology outlined in the 2000 update of the Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board. The PM peak hour LOS analysis results are summarized in Table 2. The detailed LOS worksheets are included in Attachment B. It should be noted again that in order to provide a more conservative analysis of traffic impacts associated with the proposed Walgreens store, the number of net new vehicles trips was evaluated assuming only credit for the car wash. This scenario was evaluated due to the fact that the existing gas station was recently vacated, and in order to evaluate the net impact of the Walgreens trips less the car wash trips. Table 2 PM Peak Hour Level of Service Summary 2007 Existing 2009 Without-Prolect 2QQ9 With-Project Location (Movement) LOS Delay VIC LOS Delay VIC LOS Delay VIC Signalized Intersection: Union Ave NE I NE 4th Street D 42 0.84 D 48 0.89 D 52 0.91 Stol!-5ign Intersections: Union Ave NE I Stte Dwy. Exiting WB Left-Tum -. ----B 11 0.00 Exiting WB Right-Tum ------A 9 0.04 ...................... _ ....• _ ................ ---------------...... ~----.-.-.-.. NE 4th Street I West Site Dwy • Exiting NB Right-Tum - -- - - - B 11 0.03 ------~.-.---.-.. ,.," ......... ------- NE 4th Street I East Site Dwy' Exiting NB Right-Tum ------B 10 0.01 Note: Analysis based on methodology outlined in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. • Both driveway onto 41h Street assumed to onlv allow outbound ri9ht-tums due to City's planned channelization chanQes . As shown in Table 2, in 2009 with or without the proposed Walgreens, the signalized intersection of Union Avenue NEINE 4th Street is expected to operate at LOS 0 in the PM peak hour. All stop controlled movements at the site driveways are all expected to operate at LOS B or better. As noted, only exiting right-turns are expected at the site driveways on NE 4th Street due to the City's planned channelization changes to restrict left-tum access along NE 4th Street. Transportation Engineering/Operations ~ Impact SWdies ,Design Services' Transportation PldnninglForecasting 8166" Street South. Kirkland, WA. 98033 • Office (206) 396·8286 • Fax (425) 889·TENW (8369) ~ Transportation a;.ngineering NorthWest Traffic Mitigation January 4, 2008 Page 9 of9 To mitigate transportation impacts created by the proposed Walgreens development on public streets, it is anticipated that the developer would be required to pay the City of Renton's adopted impact fee of $75 per net new daily trip (per City of Renton Resolution #3100). Based on 128 net new daily trips, the traffic impact fee would be $9,600 (128 daily trips x $75/daily trip). If you have any questions with the information presented in this traffic analysis, please contact me at 206-396-8286 or schramm@tenw.com. Attachments: A -Trip Generation Calculations B -LOS Calculations Transpomdon Engineering/Operations, Impact Studies' Design Services" Tr.lnspomdon Planning/Forecasting 8166" Street South. Kirkland, WA. 98033 • Office (206)396·8286 • Fax (425) 889·TENW (8369) ~ Transportation ingineering NorthWest Attachment A: Trip Generation Calculations Transportation Eng;neeringlOperations _Impact Studies # Design Services I Transport.1tion PlanningiForeasting 8166'" Street South. Kirkland, WA. 98033 • Olffee (206) 396-8286 • Fax (425) 889-TENW (8369) Walgreens -Renton Highlands TriP Generation Estimate TENW Project No. 4221 Walgreens Renton ea our np enera Ion PM P k H T· G f E sllmate Directional Split Land Use Size Units1 ITE LUC 2 Trip Rate Enter Exit PM PEAK HOUR I P[2e2!ed US!: Pharmacy/Drugstore w/Drive-Through Window (Walgreens) 14,800 GFA BB1 8.62 49% 51% Pass-By3 49% L!ss Existi!!D Um U2 bJ: ~lmQIi!l:!!dl: Gasoline/Service Station with Veh. Fueling Convenience market and Car Wash B Positions 946 13.33 50% 50% Pass-S/ 56% i-;!!"·'j·····;·" •• (;-'r-.·.-··· .•.. l·.-._.· .. -.--.-., NET NEW PM P~i~()tI~}"~II;'GENE_RI<1'!()f' ----.. -.<-.--iC;.;0!! •• -.';.--------I GFA Is Gross Floor Area (square feet). 2 InsUtuie Of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 71h Editioo, 2003 Laocl Use Codes. I Pass-by rates based M data presented in ITE Trip Generation Handoook. 2nd Edition. 2004. Notes: Us. wlDri\le-Through (Walgreens) 14,800 Pass-Sj 49% Station with market and Car Wash Pass-B y3 B 56% I GFA is Gross Floor Area (sqUa"!! feet). Walgreens Renton GFA Veh. Fueling Positions BB1 946 , Institute of Transportation Engineers. Tlip Generation Manual. 7th Edrtlon, 2003 Land Use Codes • Pass-by rates based on data presented in ITE Trip Genera~on Handbook. 2nd Edillon. 2004. 88.16 152.84 50% 50% Vehicle TriD Generation Enter Exit Total 63 65 12B -31 -32 '{;3 32 33 65 53 54 107 -30 -30 .{;O 23 24 47 :( 11 i·' ,9;';.?~: ... !! .. --. 611 612 1,223 64 64 TENW Project No. 42xx Renton Walgreens cfc 1/412008 Renton Walgreens -TGEN.xls ~ Transportation ingineering NorthWest Attachment B: LOS Calculations Tr,msportation Eng;neeringlOperations * Impact SWdies ~ Design Services * Transportation Planning/Forecasting 8166'" Street South' Kirkland, WA. 98033 , Office (206) 396-8286 , Fax (425) 889-TENW (8369) HeM Signalized Intersecti :;apacity Analysis 3: NE 4th Street & Union Ave NE ,} --. ~ -""-..... Lane Configurations Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 Frt 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.98 Fit Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1787 3530 1770 3486 Fit Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1787 3530 1770 3486 Volume (vph) 226 1181 106 102 778 86 80 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 251 1312 118 107 819 91 94 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 7 0 0 9 0 0 Lane Group Flow (vph) 251 1423 0 107 901 0 0 Hea:!l:: Vehicles (%) 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 0% Turn Type Prot Prot Split Protected Phases 7 4 3 8 2 Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s) 13.0 36.0 6.0 29.0 Effective Green, g (s) 13.0 36.0 6.0 29.0 Actuated glC Ratio 0.15 0.42 0.07 0.34 Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Vehicle Extension ! s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 269 1471 123 1170 vis Ratio Prot cO.14 cO.40 0.06 0.26 vis Ratio Perm vic Ratio 0.93 0.97 0.87 0.77 Uniform Delay, d1 36.3 24.6 39.8 25.7 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 37.1 16.2 43.5 3.1 Delay (s) 73.4 40.8 83.4 28.8 Level of Service E D F C Approach Delay (s) 45.7 34.6 Approach LOS D C Average Delay HCM Volume to Capacity ratio Actuated Cycle Length (s) Sum of lost time (s) Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.3% leu Level of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group Renton Walgreens 12/17120072007 Existing PM Peak Transportation Engineering Northwest t I' of 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.97 1.00 1848 1615 0.97 1.00 1848 1615 61 66 0.85 0.85 72 78 0 67 166 11 0% 0% Perm 2 2 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 0.14 0.14 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 267 234 cO.09 0.01 0.62 0.05 34.7 31.8 1.00 1.00 4.4 0.1 39.2 31.9 D C 36.9 D 12.0 C 1212012007 ~ + ./ 1900 1900 4.0 1.00 0.85 1.00 1583 1.00 1583 196 59 164 0.86 0.86 0.86 228 69 191 0 0 156 0 297 35 2% 2% 2% Spl~ Perm 6 6 6 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 0.18 0.18 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 330 291 cO.17 0.02 0.90 0.12 34.5 29.4 1.00 1.00 26.1 0.2 60.6 29.6 E C 48.5 D Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HeM Signalized Intersecti ;apacity Analysis 3: NE 4th Street & Union Ave NE ~ -,. ~ -"-~ Lane Configurations 'i +t. Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 Frt 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 Fit Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1787 3530 1770 3486 Fit Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1787 3530 1770 3486 Volume (vph) 235 1229 110 106 809 89 83 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 261 1366 122 112 852 94 98 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 7 0 0 9 0 0 Lane Group Flow (vph) 261 1481 0 112 937 0 0 Heav~ Vehicles (%) 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 0% Turn Type Prot Prot Split Protected Phases 7 4 3 8 2 Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s) 14.0 36.0 6.0 28.0 Effective Green, g (s) 14.0 36.0 6.0 28.0 Actuated glC Ratio 0.16 0.42 0.07 0.32 Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 289 1466 122 1126 vis Ratio Prot cO.15 cO.42 0.06 0.27 vis Ratio Perm vic Ratio 0.90 1.01 0.92 0.83 Uniform Delay, dl 35.7 25.4 40.1 27.2 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 29.2 26.0 56.1 5.4 Delay (s) 64.9 51.4 96.2 32.5 Level of Service E D F C Approach Delay (s) 53.4 39.3 Approach LOS D D HCM Average Control Delay HCM Volume to Capacity ratio Actuated Cycle Length (s) Sum of lost time (s) Intersection Capacity Utilization 74.5% I C U Level of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group Renton Walgreens 12/17/20072009 Without Project PM Peak Transportation Engineering Northwest t I' of " 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.97 1.00 1847 1615 0.97 1.00 1847 1615 63 69 0.85 0.85 74 81 0 69 172 12 0% 0% Perm 2 2 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 0.15 0.15 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 271 237 cO.09 0;01 0.63 0.05 34.8 31.8 1.00 1.00 4.8 0.1 39.6 31.9 D C 37.1 D 12.0 D 12/20/2007 '" + .; of 1900 1900 1 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.96 1.00 1794 1583 0.96 1.00 1794 1583 204 61 171 0.86 0.86 0.86 237 71 199 0 0 162 0 308 37 2% 2% 2% Split Perm 6 6 6 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 0.18 0.18 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 331 292 cO.17 0.02 0.93 0.13 34.8 29.5 1.00 1.00 32.0 0.2 66.8 29.7 E C 52.2 D Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HeM Signalized Intersectio apacity Analysis 3: NE 4th Street & Union Ave NE - Lane Configurations 1'j flo Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 Frt 1.00 0.99 Fit Protected 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1787 3531 Fit Permitted 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1787 3531 Volume (vph) 235 1237 110 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 Adj. Flow (vph) 261 1374 122 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 7 0 Lane Group Flow (vph) 261 1489 0 Heavy Vehicles (%) 1% 1% 1% Turn Type Prot Protected Phases 7 4 Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (5) 14.0 36.0 Effective Green, g (5) 14.0 36.0 Actuated glC Ratio 0.16 0.41 Clearance Time (5) 4.0 4.0 Vehicle Extension (5) 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 286 1451 vis Ratio Prot cO.15 cO.42 vis Ratio Perm vic Ratio 0.91 1.03 Uniform Delay, d1 36.2 25.8 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 31.3 30.5 Delay (5) 67.5 56.3 Level of Service E E Approach Delay (5) 58.0 Approach LOS E HCM Average HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.91 Actuated Cycle Length (5) 87.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 75.7% Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group .f W8L "i 1900 4.0 1.00 1.00 0.95 1770 0.95 1770 118 0.95 124 o 124 2% Prot 3 6.0 6.0 0.07 4.0 3.0 121 0.07 1.02 40.8 1.00 88.6 129.4 F 12/20/2007 -t flo 4'''' 4'''' 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.96 1.00 3486 1844 1615 1793 1583 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.96 1.00 3486 1844 1615 1793 1583 797 89 104 68 69 209 61 171 0.95 0.95 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.86 839 94 122 80 81 243 71 199 10 0 0 0 68 0 0 163 923 0 0 202 13 0 314 36 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 2% 2% 2% Split Perm Split Perm 8 2 2 6 6 2 6 28.0 13.6 13.6 16.0 16.0 28.0 13.6 13.6 16.0 16.0 0.32 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.18 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1114 286 251 327 289 0.26 cO.11 cO.18 0.D1 0.02 0.83 0.71 0.05 0.96 0.13 27.6 35.1 31.5 35.5 29.9 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.2 7.7 0.1 39.1 0.2 32.8 42.8 31.6 74.6 30.1 C D C E C 44.1 39.6 57.3 D D E Sum of lost time (5) leu Level of Service 12.0 D Renton Walgreens 12117/2007 2009 With Project PM Peak Transportation Engineering Northwest Synchro 6 Report Page 1 n---WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMA ' ..... ·i i.·. . Aii ." ii .... ;.;; .. ISite ....... ; ........... .i...... "'C' "i·i·" . .I, TENW -II S Dwy & Union Ave NE ::::"':'''~' ';0. I" 'II IDate , ~: n~~~Period 1211712007 Analysi~ Year 2009 With Project 1 1 1 PM Peak Ir i p, ,f, I Street: 1"".-fhf<On 'f>, Street: Union Avenue NE on ( North-South IStudy Period~: 0.25 I;'m .... anc ......•........ .···.·A,HiIi!' ... ' ~'''i . "I':. '.' ; .... ,-: .. ;·f·+ .• ;.: ... ;./ ...... 1IIIIruQJ Street <On" 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L R Vnlllm .. 0 215 3 31 277 0 ,lIr Factor, PHF 1.00 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 1.00 f-Inllrlv Flow Rate, HFR 0 233 3 33 301 0 ; Heavy' i 0 -.. 2 -.. Median Type /I, RT 0 0 .anes 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 "r~t;nn T TR LT ~ 0 1 . Street und ,,~rI 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R IVolume 3 0 30 0 0 0 PHF 0.92 1.00 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 , Flow Rate, HFR 3 0 32 0 0 0 ; Heavy 2 0 2 0 0 0 ; Grade (%) 0 0 N N 0 0 IRT 0 0 "n .. ~ 1 0 1 0 0 0 ",~t;nn L R I IL_I· '. , ". ,"';" <i,'., ..... ,,''',', .. ,' .. ' ....... ,·, .. ,..,·.'' '.' \' NB SB ,~" ."nrl 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane' ",~tinn LT L R v (vph) 33 3 32 C (m) (vph) 1328 633 912 vic 0.02 0.00 0.04 95% queue length 0.08 0.01 0.11 rnntrnl Delay 7.8 10.7 9.1 LOS A B A A, Delay --9.2 "LOS --A Rights Reserved HCS2000™ Copyright e 2003 Umversity (lITlorida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1 t Version 4Jf . TW-"'AY STOP CONTROL SUMMAR" Ge.l1erallnfonnafion ..... ... ,} .HE;:;;:·; Siteilnfonnation : ..... : <i:i>: .: .... ;;;;;:,;: .. ; ..•.... Analyst TENW Intersection NE 4th Street & W Dwy Agency/Co. Jurisdiction Date Performed 1211712007 Analysis Year 2009 With Project Analysis Time Period PM Peak Project Description Renton Wa/greens EastlWest Street: NE 4th Street North/South Street: Proposed West Driveway Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjusttnents .... ''11::: ... ; .... ; .... .'.' ... : ....... ; .. :.:. .:...... ...... ;:; . . ........ ; .. : ...... '. Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 0 1483 29 0 1017 0 Peak-hour factor, PHF 1.00 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0 1611 31 0 1105 0 Proportion of heavy 0 2 vehicles, P HV ---- - Median type Undivided RT Channelized? 0 0 Lanes 0 2 0 0 2 0 Configuration T TR T Upstream SiQnal 1 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 0 0 22 0 0 0 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 1.00 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0 0 23 0 0 0 Proportion of heavy 2 0 2 0 0 0 vehicles, P HV Percent grade (%) 0 0 Flared approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized? 0 0 Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 0 Configuration R Control Delav. Queue Lenath Level of Service ..... . . ; .:. ". . . '.' ' .. ;" ..' ... . Approach EB WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration R Volume. v (vph) 23 Capacity, cm (vph) 668 vic ratio 0.03 Queue length (95%) 0.11 Control Delay (s/veh) 10.6 LOS B Approach delay (s/veh) ---10.6 Approach LOS --B Copyright © 2003 Umversity of Horida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1 f . • TW-'VAY STOP CONTROL SUMMAF ffif( ....... ::::,// .. ':.::. Site ~/ .. ··t.··,· .. · ,,/ ·X"· Analyst TENW Intersection NE 4th Street & E Owy Agency/Co. Jurisdiction Date Performed 1211712007 Analysis Year 2009 With Project Analysis Time Period PM Peak : Street: NE 4th Street uth I West, East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 •.. ~ ,. <, <,. .... .,,;',:':;>.:,,:' <t : ..... ".';..'" ".<' " I MaJor Street md ,mrl 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R IVolume (veh/h) 0 1505 0 0 1017 0 "factor, PHF 1.00 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 1.00 IHourly Flow Rate (venin) 0 1635 0 0 1105 0 _~ .'~:: heavy .c"i",lc~, 0 --2 -- I type /. IRTrt " 0 0 "n"~ 0 2 0 0 2 0 Irnnfino ""Hnn T TR T Ind""'m~ 1 0 . Street " ,nn .n 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R IInl' ,m" If II) 0 0 10 0 0 0 . factor, PHF 0.92 1.00 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 In"",, Flow Rate \ venm) 0 0 10 0 0 0 , V,",V' .. V" of heavy 2 0 2 0 0 0 'v"'V'vw, PHV ,grade (%) 0 0 N N 0 0 RT' J! 0 0 Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 0 rnnfin, ",,';nn R I Aa ...... ,I ,~ '.~ .... 0 " .r:· /,/,', ",: "",.,,', """'''< ',' "t AI EB WB ,nrl Southbvu, ,u 'v'c" ,c,,, 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Confip' ""'ion R Volume, vjvph) 10 Capacity, em (vph) 680 Iv/e ratio 0.01 IO"""P~th (95%) 0.04 IControl Delay \s/ven) 10.4 ILOS B Mf'f'1 u""" delay \s/ven) --10.4 I. ,h LOS -B HCS2000™ Copyright © 2003 Universiry ofFlorida. All Rights Reserved Version 4.1 f Draft -For Disc_usion Purposes Only When recorded return to: r .' DEDICATION For the consideration of One Dollar, RENTON-NORTHWEST LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, (hereinafter called "Grantor") does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF RENTON, King County, Washington, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington (hereinafter called "City"), its successors and assigns, a Dedication of Public Right of Way, to construct, operate and maintain a roadway and utility lines and appurtenant facilities upon, across, over and under the surface of the premises hereinafter described; LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A AND MADE A PART HEREOF Together with all right, title and interest of Grantor in subject real property with rights and privileges appurtenant, or to become appurtenant, to subject property on the effective date. Dated this ___ ,day of ________ .2008. GRANTOR: RENTON -NORTHWEST LLC By: Its:--------------- 825716.1 , Draft -For Dis~_wsion Purposes Only STATE OF _____ _ COUNTY OF ____ _ ) ) ss ) On before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to within the instrument. Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and official seal. My commission expires ____ _ Notary Public ACCEPTED BY GRANTEE: CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation By: ~ _________ _ Name: Title: ATTEST: Name: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Name: Title: 825716.1 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Kyle V. Leishman Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough P.C. 170 South Main Street, Suite 1500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT OF RIGHTS, EASEMENTS AND INTERESTS THIS TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT OF RIGHTS, EASEMENTS AND INTERESTS (this "Termination of Rights"), effective as of January , 2008 (the "Effective Date"), is made by RENTON -NORTHWEST LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Renton Northwest"), and LES SCHWAB PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST ("Les Schwab") (individually, a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties"). Recitals A. Renton Northwest is owner of certain real property located in King County, State of Washington as more particularly described in Schedule I (the "Renton Northwest Property''); and B. Les Schwab is owner of certain real property located adjacent to the Renton Northwest Property and more particularly described in Schedule II (the "Les Schwab Property"); and C. Pursuant to that certain City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. 00986, recorded under King County Recording No. 8609229010 and City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. 01188, recorded under King County Recording No. 88101190002, all being a portion of City of Renton Short Plat No. SH-PL-84-83, the eastern twenty-four feet (24") of the Renton Northwest Property, and the eastern twenty-four feet (24") and southern twenty-four feet (24") of the Les Schwab Property are subject to an Easement for Ingress, Egress and Utilities (the "Original Access Easement"); and D. The Parties intend to reconfigure the improvements on the Renton Northwest Property and the Les Schwab Property and in connection therewith desire to terminate the Original Access Easement and replace it with a Cross Access Easement Agreement. Termination and Abandonment of Easement Rights For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Renton Northwest and Les Schwab, for themselves and on behalf of their successors and assigns, hereby unconditionally and forever terminate, relinquish and abandon all of their right, title and interest in and to the Access Easement as of the Effective Date. 737437.2 TERMlNAllON OF TEMPoRARY UTILITY EAsEMENT AGREEMENT Signature Page for Renton Northwest: RENTON NORTHWEST: Renton -Northwest LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: -,-,-___________ _ Name: Title: STATE OF ____ _ ) ss. COUNTY OF __ _ ON THIS __ day of , 200_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared , to me personally known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who, being by me first duly sworn, stated that he/she is the of , a .....,..,-.,----,,.......,,..-~' and that he/she executed such instrument on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors, and said person acknowledged to me that he/she executed such instrument as the act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public ________________ _ Printed Name: My Commission Expires: 2 Signature Page for Les Schwab: STATE OF ____ _ COUNTY OF __ _ ) ) ) ss. LES SCHWAB PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST, a ________________ __ By:~------------------------- Name: Title: ON THIS ___ day of , 200-, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared , to me personally known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who, being by me first duly sworn, stated that he/she is the of , a -:-::--:----:---:-::-_' and that he/she executed such instrument on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors, and said person acknowledged to me that he/she executed such instrument as the act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public Printed Name:----------------------------------- My Commission Expires: 3 Schedule I Legal Description Renton Northwest Property 4 Schedule II Legal Description Les Schwab Property 5 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Kyle V. Leishman Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough 170 South Main Street, Suite 1500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1644 CROSS EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS CROSS-EASEMENT AGREEMENT, (hereinafter referred to as this "CEA"), are made and entered into as of the date of the last execution hereof, which date is the day of ::-:-::::-_ , 2008, by and between RENTON -NORTHWEST LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ";;("-:::R-en-:to-n Northwest"), and LES SCHWAB PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST ("Les Schwab") (individually, a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Renton Northwest is the owner of that certain tract of real property located in King County, State of Washington as more particularly described on SChedule I attached hereto and depicted as the Renton Northwest Parcel on the Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit A (the 'Site Plan"); and WHEREAS, Les Schwab is the owner of that certain tract of real property located adjacent to the Renton Northwest Parcel as more particularly described on Schedule III attached hereto and depicted on the Site Plan as the Les Schwab Parcel; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to reconfigure the improvements on the Renton Northwest Parcel and the Les Schwab Parcel as depicted on the Site Plan and in connection therewith the Parties desire to grant for their mutual benefit reciprocal easements for ingress and egress, parking, signage construction and maintenance as more particularly set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby declare, agree, covenant and consent that the Renton Northwest Parcel and the Les Schwab Parcel shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the easements and covenants set forth herein and which shall bind and benefit the respective parcels to run with the land and be binding on and inure to the benefit of all parties having any right, title or interest in the described parcels or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns. Further, in consideration of the premises, the agreements and the covenants of the Parties hereto, the mutual benefits and advantages accruing to them, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I BASIC DEFINITIONS Section 1.1. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of fee simple title to the Renton Northwest Parcel and the Les Schwab Parcel, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of any obligation. Section 1.2. 'Permittees' shall mean tenants and subtenants and the occupants, contractors, customers, agents, licensees, guests, employees, and invitees of an Owner, its tenants and subtenants. Section 2.1 shall apply: slc_824384_1[2].DOC ARTICLE II EASEMENTS Definitions and Documentation. For the purposes of this Article II, the following 1 Renton, washington (A) An Owner granting an easement is called the "Grantor", it being intended that any such grant of an easement shall thereby bind and include not only such Owner but also the successors and assigns to a fee interest in the Parcel of such Owner. (8) An Owner to whom the easement is granted is called the "Grantee", it being intended that the grant shall benefit and include not only such Owner but its successors, assigns, and Permittees. (C) All easements granted herein shall be non-exclusive and perpetual. In the event an Owner transfers or conveys a portion of its Parcel, those easements granted under this Article II which benefit, bind, and burden the remainder of the Parcel not transferred or conveyed shall benefit, bind, and burden the portiOn of the Parcel so transferred or conveyed, and those easements granted under this Article II which benefit, bind, and burden the portion so transferred or conveyed shall benefit, bind, and burden the remainder of the Parcel of which it was a part. Section 2.2 Easements for Use of Access and Parking Area. Each Grantor hereby grants to the other Grantees non exclusive easements in the Access and Parking Area on such Grantor's Parcel for ingress to and egress from the Grantee's Parcel for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians and for vehicular parking. Section 2.3 Initial Development Work. The Parties acknowledge that the configuration of the drive aisles and parking area on the Les Schwab Parcel existing on the date of this Agreement is not as depicted on the Site Plan and that Renton Northwest intends to reconfigure the entrance from Union Street into the Les Schwab Parcel and the parking area over a portion of the Les Schwab Parcel. In connection therewith, Renton Northwest shall have the right, to scarify, asphalt overlay and re-stripe the drive aisles and the parking areas located on the Les Schwab Parcel (the "Initial Development Work"). Lowe's agrees that the Initial Development Work shall be performed pursuant to (i) plans and speCifications approved by the applicable governmental authority, (ii) in accordance with current industry standards, and (ii) as set forth on the Site Plan. Les Schwab hereby grants Renton Northwest a license to enter on the Les Schwab Parcel to perform the Initial Development Work. Les Schwab acknowledges that the Initial Improvement Work may require the temporary closure of the existing entrance drive into the Les Schwab Parcel and hereby consents to such temporary closure. Renton Northwest shall coordinate the Initial Development Work with the Owners or their tenants and shall use its best efforts to minimize any disruption of the existing businesses located on the Les Schwab Parcel in constructing the Initial Development Work. Renton Northwest shall defend, indemnify and hold Les Schwab harmless from and against any and all liens, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and reasonable attorney's fees on appeal), incurred in connection with the construction of the Initial Development Work, except to the extent occasioned by Les Schwab's negligent or willful wrongful act or failure to act. Section 2.4 Sign Easement. Renton Northwest hereby grants to Les Schwab an easement for installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of a sign to be located in the location depicted on the Site Plan. Les Schwab shall be responsible for the costs of constructing such sign in compliance with all applicable governmental requirements. ARTICLE III MAINTENANCE, TAXES AND INSURANCE Section 3.1 Maintenance. Subject to reimbursement by Les Schwab, Renton Northwest shall maintain the shared parking areas and access drives. The Owner of the Les Schwab Parcel grants Renton Northwest the right to enter the Les Schwab Parcel to maintain the shared parking area drive aisles. 2 Renton, Washington Section 3.2 Insurance. Each Owner will at all times maintain or cause to be maintained with respect to its Parcel and all buildings and improvements thereon: (i) commercial property insurance against loss or damage by fire, lighting and other risks customarily covered by an special form all-risks policy of property insurance for the full replacement cost of the Building(s) and Improvements located thereon and (ii) commercial general liability insurance (including contractual liability coverage) against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage occurring on, in or about such Owner's Parcel in the combined single limit amount of not less than TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence. Nothing herein shall be construed from prohibiting an Owner which itself, or in combination with its parent corporation, has a net worth in excess of TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS ($200,OOO,OOO.00), as determined by generally accepted accounting principles, from self-insuring for such insurance coverage, nor shall it prohibit an Owner from [providing such coverage pursuant to a "blanker policy of insurance. (A) Cross Indemnitv. To the extent not covered by the insurance policies described above, each Owner (the "Indemnitor') will pay, and indemnify and save harmless each other Owner (the "Indemnitee") from and against, all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses (including attomeys' fees and expenses), causes of action, suits, claims, demands or judgments of any nature arising from: (i) any injury to or death of a person or loss of or damage to property occurring on the Indemnitor's Parcel; (ii) any use or condition of the Indemnitor's Parcel; and (iii) any negligence or tortious acts of the Indemnitor or any of its tenants, licensees, invitees, customers, agents or employees occurring anywhere in the Common Area, except to the extent that such causes of action, suits, claims, demands or judgments arise out of the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Indemnitee. (B) Waiver of Subrogation. Each Owner (the "Releasor') hereby releases each other Owner (the "Releasee") from any and all liability or responsibility to the Releasor or anyone claiming through or under the Releasor by way of subrogation or otherwise for any incurred loss or damage to any person or property which is covered by, or would have been covered by the insurance requires to be carried by Releasor (an "Insured Evenr) including, without limitation, the negligence of the Releasee, or anyone for whom such Releasee may be responsible; provided, however, that this release shall be applicable and in force and effect only with respect to loss or damage occurring during such time as the Releasor'S policy or policies of insurance shall contain a waiver of subrogation endorsement, to the effect that any such release shall not adversely affect or impair said policy or poliCies or prejudice the right of the Releasor to recover thereunder. ARTICLE IV DEFAULT, REMEDIES Section 4.1 Default The occurrence of anyone or more of the following events shall constitute a breach of this CEA by the non-performing party (the "Defaulting Owner'): (A) The failure to perform any obligation of Article V hereof and to cure such failure within thirty (30) days after the issuance of a notice by a non-defaulting Owner (the "Non Defau~ing Owner") specifying the nature of the default claimed (unless such defau~ is a non-monetary default that is not capable of cure within thirty (30) days and the Defaulting Owner has commenced to so cure such failure within the reasonably thirty (30) days and diligently prosecutes such cure to completion thereafter); (B) The failure to make any payment required to be made hereunder within ten (10) business days of the due date after the issuance of a notice by a Non-Defaulting Owner specifying the amount due, or (C) The failure to observe or perform any other of the covenants, conditions or obligations of this CEA or to abide by the restrictions and requirements herein provided, other than as described in (A) or (B) above, which shall be a breach under this CEA after expiration of thirty (30) days after the issuance of a notice by a Non Defaulting Owner specifying the nature of the default claimed (unless such default is a non-monetary defau~ that is not capable of cure within thirty (30) days and the defaulting Owner has 3 Renton, Washington commenced to so cure such failure within the thirty (30) days and diligently prosecutes such cure to completion thereafter). Section 4.2 Remedies for all Owners. Each Non Defaulting Owner shall have the right to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against any Defaulting Owner or any other person for breach of any easement or restriction benefiting such Non Defaulting Owner. Such proceeding shall include the right to restrain by injunction any such violation or threatened violation and to obtain a decree to compel performance of any such easements or restrictions. No Permittee shall have the right to bring any action to enforce any provision of this CEA and no enforcing Owner shall have the obligation to join any Permittee in any action to enforce this CEA. Section 4.3 Right to Cure. With respect to any default under Section 4.1, any Non Defaulting Owner shall have the right, but not the obligation, in addition to any remedy available at law or equity, to cure such default by the payment of money or the performance of some other action for the account of and at the expense of the Defaulting Owner; provided, however, that in the event the default shall constitute an emergency condition involving an immediate and imminent threat of substantial injury or harm to persons or property, the Non Defaulting Owner, acting in good faith, shall have the right to cure such default upon such advance notice as is reasonably possible under the circumstances or, if necessary, due to such emergency, without advance notice, so long as notice is given as soon as possible thereafter. To effectuate any such cure, the Non Defaulting Owner shall have the right, subject to the terms of any existing leases, to enter upon the Parcel of the Defaulting Owner (but not into any Building) to perform any necessary work or fumish any necessary materials or services to cure the default of the Defaulting Owner. Each Owner shall be responsible for the non-performance or default of its Permittees. In the event any Non Defaulting Owner shall cure a default, the Defaulting Owner shall reimburse the Non Defaulting Owner for all out of pocket costs and expenses incurred in connection with such curative action, plus interest at the Default Rate, within ten (10) business days of receipt of demand, together with reasonable documentation supporting the expenditures made. For purposes of this Section, Default Rate shall mean the prime rate as provided by Wells Fargo National Bank plus two percent (2%). Section 4.4 Liens. Costs and expenses accruing and/or assessed pursuant to Section 4.3 above and the amounts described in Section 6.1 shall consuMe a lien against the Defaulting Owner's Parcel. A lien under this Section 6.4 shall attach and take effect only upon recordation of a claim of lien in the applicable real estate records office of the county in which the said Parcel is located, by the Non Defaulting Party making the claim. The claim of lien shall include the following: (a) the name and address of the lien claimant; (b) a statement concerning the basis for the claim of lien and identifying the lien claimant as a non defaulting party; (c) an identification by name and address (if known) of the Owner or reputed Owner of the Parcel or interest therein against which the lien is claimed;(d) a deSCription of the Parcel against which the lien is claimed; (e) a description of the work performed which has given rise to the claim of lien; (f) a statement itemizing the total amount due, including interest; and (g) a statement that the lien is claimed pursuant to the provisions of this CEA, reciting the date, book and page of recordation hereof. The notice shall be duly acknowledged and contain a certificate that a copy thereof has been served upon the Owner against whom the lien is claimed, by personal service or by mailing pursuant to Section 7.4 below. The lien so claimed shall attach from the date of recordation solely in the amount claimed thereby and may be enforced in any judicial proceedings allowed by law, including without limitation, suit in the nature of a suit to foreclose a mortgage or mechanic's lien under the applicable provisions of the law of the State in which the Shopping Center is located. Section 4.5 Cumulative Remedies. All of the remedies permitted or available to an Owner under this CEA or at law or in equity shall be cumulative and not altemative, and invocation of any such right or remedy shall not constitute a waiver or election of remedies with respect to any other permitted or available right or remedy. Section 4.6 No Waiver. No delay or omission of any Owner in the exercise of any right accruing upon any default of any other Owner shall impair any such right or be construed to be a waiver thereof, and every such right may be exercised at any time during the continuance of such default. No 4 Renton, WashingtDn waiver by any Owner of any default under this CEA shall be effective or binding on such Owner unless made in writing by such Owner and no such waiver shall be implied from any omission by a Owner to take action in respect to such default. No express written waiver of any default shall affect any other default or cover any other period of time other than any default and/or period of time specified in such express waiver. One or more written waivers or any default under any provision of this CEA shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default in the performance of the same provision or any other term or provision contained in this CEA. Section 4.7 No Termination for Breach. No breach, whether or not material, of the provisions of this CEA shall entitle any Owner to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this CEA, but such limitation shall not affect, in any manner, any other rights or remedies which any Party may have hereunder by reason of any breach of the provisions of this CEA. Section 4.8 limitation of liability. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any person acquiring fee or leasehold title to a Parcel, or any portion thereof, shall be bound by this CEA only as to the Parcel or portion of the Parcel acquired or possessed by such person. In addition, such person shall be bound by this CEA only during the period such person is the fee or leasehold Owner or occupant of such Parcel or portion of the Parcel; and, upon conveyance or transfer of the fee or leasehold interest shall be released from liability hereunder, except as to the obligations, liabilities or responsibilities that accrue prior to such conveyance or transfer. Although persons may be released under this Section 6.8, the easements, covenants and restrictions in this CEA shall continue to be benefits to and servitudes upon said Parcels running with the land. Section 4.9 Attomeys Fees. In the event of a breach hereof, the non-prevailing Owner shall pay the reasonable attomey's fees (and the reasonable attorneys' fees on appeal) of the prevailing Owner. ARTICLE V MISCELLANEOUS Section 5.1 Term and PerpetUity. The agreements, conditions, covenants, and restrictions created and imposed herein shall be effective upon the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect, to the benefit of and being binding upon all Owners, their Permittees heirs, executors, administrators, successors, successors-in-title, and assigns unless terminated by the consent of all the Owners pursuant to a writing recorded in the real property records of the county and state in which the Shopping Center is located. Said agreements and restrictions shall be unaffected by any change in the ownership of any real property covered by this CEA or by any change of use, demolition, reconstruction, expansion or other circumstances, except as specified herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the easements contained herein binding and benefiting the Parcels shall be perpetual and shall run with the land. Upon termination of the agreements, conditions, covenants and restrictions of this CEA, all rights and privileges derived from and all duties and obligations created and imposed by the provisions of this CEA, except as related to the easements cited and mentioned herein, which are a legal necessity shall terminate and have no further force or effect. Section 5.2 Owners. Amendment. This CEA may be amended with the written consent of all of the Section 5.3 Notices. Any notice or invoice required or permitted to be given under this CEA shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given upon deposit in the United States Mail as Certified Mail, Retum Receipt Requested, postage prepaid or deposit with a nationally recognized ovemight delivery service, and addressed to the Party being notified at the address given below (or such other address which any party may designate for itself from time to time hereafter by written notice to the other Party): Renton Northwest: 5 Renton, Washingtoo LesSchwab: Mr. Dave Husk Real Estate Manager LES SCHWAB HEADQUARTERS P.O. Box 667 646 NW Madras Highway Prineville, OR 97754 Section 5.4 Severability. In the event any provision or portion of this CEA is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding will not affect the remainder hereof, and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect to the same extent as would have been the case had such invalid or unenforceable provision or portion never been a part hereof. Section 5.5 No Public Dedication. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or implied to be a gift, grant or dedication of the Shopping Center or any portions thereof, to the general public, or for any public use or purpose whatsoever. Except as may be specifically provided herein, no right, privileges or immunities of any Owner hereto shall inure to the benefit of any third-party, nor shall any third-party be deemed or considered to be a beneficiary of any of the provisions herein contained. Section 5.6 Counterparts. This CEA may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 5.7 Relationship of the Parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as creating a partnership, joint enterprise or joint venture between or among the Parties hereto or the Owners. It is understood that the relationship between the Parties hereto and Owners is an arms length one that shall at all times be and remain that of separate owners of real property. No Party hereto nor any Owner shall have the right to act for or on behalf of another Party or Owner, as agent or otherwise, unless expressly authorized to do so by separate written instrument signed by the Party or Owner to be charged or bound, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and delivered this CEA as of the day and year first written above. [Remainder of Page Left Intentionally Blank; Signatures on Following Pages] 6 Renton, Washington Signature Page for Renton Northwest RENTON NORTHWEST: Renton -Northwest LLC. a Delaware limited liability company By: --,-;-___________ _ Name: Title: STATE OF _____ _ ) ss. COUNTY OF __ _ ) ON THIS __ day of . 200_. before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said County and State. personally appeared • to me personally known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who. being by me first duly sworn. stated that he/she is the of • a ,,-.,---,,---;:-::-_,.... and that he/she executed such instrument on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors. and said person acknowledged to me that he/she executed such instrument as the act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public ________________ _ Printed Name: My Commission Expires: 7 Signature Page for Les Schwab: STATE OF ____ _ COUNTY OF __ __ ) ) ) ss. LES SCHWAB PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST, a ________________ __ By: -:-0-------------- Name: Title: ON THIS __ day of , 200-, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared , to me personally known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who, being by me first duly sworn, stated that he/she is the of , a _____ ---.,. ___ ' and that he/she executed such instrument on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors, and said person acknowledged to me that he/she executed such instrument as the act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public ________________ _ Printed Name: My Commission Expires: 8 Schedule I Legal Description Renton Northwest Parcel 9 Schedule II Legal Description Les Schwab 10 November 7, 2007 Mr. Dave Husk Real Estate Manager LES SCHWAB HEADQUARTERS P.O. Box 667 646 NW Madras Highway Prineville, OR 97754 Re: Site Reconfiguration and Easement Agreement Related to Property being Acquired by Phillips Edison Group Adjacent to Property Owned by Les Schwab in Renton, Washington Dear Dave: As you know, Phillips Edison Group. LLC ("PECO") is under contract to purchase real property located at the corner of Union and NE 4'h Street, Renton, Washington (the "PECO Property"). The PECO Property is adjacent to property owned by Les Schwab (the "Les Schwab Property"). We have been discussing a site reconfiguration to the Les Schwab Property which would benefit both PECO and Les Schwab. Such reconfiguration would relocate the entrance off of Union to the Les Schwab Property and modify the parking configuration to provide additional parking for Les Schwab and shared parking for the benefit of the PECO Property. Attached for your review is a proposed Site Plan. The letter is to memorialize the parties' intention to enter into the necessary agreement(s) to provide for the following arrangements. all as shown on the draft site plan dated November 5, 2007, and provided to you on November 6: • We will move the access to Union from the current location to as shown on the plan • We will re-located the Les Schwab sign to the south of the new entry • Les Schwab will grant an easement for ingress and egress and we will construct the new access road along the north end of Lot 2 and along our Lot 3 as shown • We will reconfigure the Parking as shown on the plan -the parking spaces on our property to the north of Lot 3 will be for reciprocal use • We will abandon the easement on the south and east sides of Lot 3 • We will continue to work with Les Schwab to refine the location and size of the parking stalls to maximize the distance between the service bays and the adjacent parking spaces • Les Schwab will be provided secondary signage on 4'h Street to the extent permitted by applicable authorities. Les Schwab will provide and pay for its own signage • We will need to resolve matters pertaining to maintenance Les Schwab November 7, 2007 Page 2 • We will maintain the grade of the new access aisle with the current grade on the north sides of Lots 2 and 3 PECO will be responsible for the costs of preparing the necessary documentation (including engineering and site plan approval) for the various easements and construction costs related to changes to the parking area and entrances. PECO also agrees to work closely with Les Schwab and the City of Renton to obtain the necessary approvals. Please have an authorized officer of Les Schwab execute this letter agreement and return it to the undersigned to acknowledge Les Schwab's agreement to the reconfiguration concept and willingness to move forward with plans and documentation. This letter agreement may be executed in counterparts and delivered to each party hereto by facsimile transmission, with each counterpart constituting an original of this letter agreement and all counterparts together constituting one and the same instrument. ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: LES SCHW AD PROFIT SHARING RETIREMENT TRUST By: rSJ or:' d_'-. _.,J Name: dl:;:c t?jt:J~ Title: IrMJ t<e Date: November 7,2007 Sincerely, THE PH LLIPS EDISON GROUP I J.L C. ~ Printed: 02-13-2008 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA08-014 02/13/200803:16 PM Receipt Number: R0800687 Total Payment: 1,500.00 Payee: THOMAS OR KRISTIN THOMPSON Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5020 000.345_81_00.0017 Site Plan Approval Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Payment Check #5881 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81_00_0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345_81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00_0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81. 00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42_1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 Amount 1,500.00 Amount 500.00 1,000_00 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00