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LUA-08-117_Report 2
Keith Maehlum Renton Properties PARTIES OF RECORD Triton Towers Expansion LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Mark Ludtka Callison Rebecca Davidson JCR Development 2025 First Avenue ste: #700 Seattle, WA 98121 1420 Fifth Avenue ste: #2400 Seattle, WA 98101 2835 82nd Avenue SE ste: #300 Mercer Island, WA 98040 tel: (206) 448-5080 eml: kmaehlum@halrealestate.com (owner/ contact) John Murphy Director of Operations New Home Trends 4314 148th Street SE Bothell, WA 98012 tel: (425) 953-4719 eml: john@newhometrends.com (party of record) Updated: 09/01/10 tel: (206) 623-4646 (applicant) Gina Custer 1209 S 7th Street Renton, WA 98057 tel: (425) 255-3215 (party of record) (party of record) (Page 1 of 1 . ' l~O -Ill ~----Denis Law -----~M=ayo~r -------· I) .}, October 22, 2012 .· Department of Community and Economic Development C.E. "Chi p"Vi ncent, Administrator . TomSpaulding 1910 2"d Street Kirkland, WA 98033 . SUBJECT: Request for .Minor Modification to an Approved Site Plan; File LUA12- 087, MOD (Amending File LUA86-032,III Renton Place, and Triton ... · Towers Expansion, LUAOS-117) . · · . Dear Mr. Spaulding: We have reviewed your request to consider modification of the approved site plan for the office building and parking development located at 707,South Grady Way, approved in 1986 as Ill Renton Place (LUA86-032) and Triton Towers Expansion (LUA08-117). Per .· LUA86-032, the site was apprnved for a 131,000 ;.f. office building and associated surface parking lot for 660 parking stalls. Subsequently, wireless comniunicatiori facilities have been constructed on the site and the proposal .is to convert two surface . . · parking.stalls to a 10' x 14' fenced compound for an AT&T emergency generator. In addition, a site plan was recently approved for the expansion of the Triton Towers site · (LUA08-117), adding 4 office buildings in phases; however, that plan has not yet been· implemented, and this proposed revision would not b.e impacted by the construction of the site plan approved per LUA08~117. · · Specifically, you;ve requested the removal of two surface parking stalls to allow for the installation of a SOkW emergency diesel generator to support the AT&T wifeless facility · · located in.the southeast portion of the site and in the immediate vicinity ofthe existing parking stalls. The area also serves as the location of the site refuse and recycling · · .. compound. The proposed generator would be locatedat grade ,md within a i:iewlO' x 14' fericed area. · · · . In addition to your writtenrequest, exhibits were submitted (Exhibits T-1, A-1, A~2, A-. 2:1, A-4.2) which may be referred to .in the following ;malysis. SUMMARIZATION OF THE REQUESTED MODIFICATION: 1. Remove two (2) surface parking stalls and add anemerqency diesel genefator within , · a fenced 10' x 14' fenced compound, on the southeast portion of the site, abutting the north property line, and abutting a PSE sub-station.· The compound Would be enclosed ·. by a 6' high wood fence. · ' ' ' RMC 4-9-2001, allows.minor adjustments to an approved site plan, pro~ide.r:l: Renton. City HaU . • . 105.5. 5o~tl1 Grady Way , Renton, Washington 98057 •• rentonwa,gov , . Tom Spaulding Page 2 of 2 October 22, 2012 . _1. The adjustment does not involve more than a ten percent (10%)increase in area or scale of the development in the approved site plan; or. 2. · The adjustment does not have a significantly greater impact on the environment and facilities than the approved plan; or _ _ 3. --The adjustment does not change the boundaries ofthe originally approved plan, ' ANALYSIS OF.SITE PLAN MODIFICATION: . . . . . .· -' ' . . . ,• ' . . The proposal to add an emergency generator atgrade and withina 10' x 14' fenced enclosure would not result in an increase of more than 10% area or scale ofthe development based on existing site c:onditions. the adjustment would not have a significantly greater impact on the environment and facilities than the approved -·.plan. Two parking stalls would be removed in an area presently used for site services including the enclosure for trash _and_ recyclables. The parking lot circulatfonwould continue to function as intended, as emergency access lanes would be maintained. Finally, the adjustment does not alter tlie __ site boundaries, DECISION: The site plan modification has been evaluated in rel~tion to the approved site plans. --. Based on this analysis,_live have determined that the proposed modification to convert two surface parking stalls to an emergency generator compound and enclosure, surrounded by a 6-foot hi_gh wood fence is approved. . . This administrative iand use decision will become final if not appealed in writing· · together with the required appeal fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady .Way; Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 5, 201;1. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal _ -process may be obtained from the City Clerks' Office, (425) 430-6510. Should you have. any questions regarding this correspondence, please contac): Jennifer Henning, Planning Manager at (425) 430-7286. · · · . . . C~-0 '-:"---...... _.X.J . C. E. "Chip" Vincent .- .CED Administrator/Planning Director ·.Attachments:· T:1, A-1, f:,.-2., A-2.1, A-4:2, Triton To~ers Expallsion A::00? . cc: Jen.nifer Henning, Plan.nin,i."""anager -C Neil Watts, DeVelopment Servk~s Director KciYren Kittrick, ·Plan Review Supervisor Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner Renton P.ropertles;_t:.L~ Keith Maehlum 555 South Renton Village Place, #iOO Renton, WA 98057 _ · _ -~ Y~!~!. Delivered. mt )" WESTOWER COMMUNICATIONS 405 & RENTON BEND 707 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98055 KING COUNTY SS48 VICINfTY MAP GENERAL LOCATION MAP µc...--1. _____ , __ ij. ---~ \- -. .\ ~-. .·.SITELOCATION:~·;···.. ~1 ,,,, '""--"'~ \ ' a .......... '!, _. ' ! DRIVING DIRECTIONS -'TART >-T lt:a"1 IE7Jtl0 Y<J,,Y, fl;Etl~O 0011'!111 TCWAIUJ NI! 1lftD WAY. TUIN IIIGlffON Mi nROWAY. l1JP:N IJ!l"TON 113Nl PL NE. TUVJ lB'T ON Mi Tffl'IIT. T\J~AIGHT(;l,i 111:AA CAol;II.PKY. TUUI I.S'TON\.VRl'WAYNE TMlll!Mlol'°ClffTOWJ',.li:l!IW~ lle,I\TTl£ TAA!iinli f!DIJtY,/IMT" 0/iTQ J..-41l6ll. T.tk&:ilQTIZBIR,\JNle~A\rl! 8 OWTOVJil.1£1' l"lf'S'IWA-11'1'11). "JU!lol"~ONSBIWTl"WAY •. lifUIWEAT7rJt 9 IJRlD'l'WAY, ~ ~M RIGHT" - APPROVAUSIGN OFF OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS CCNIM..TANrllfO.!f'IENOff. I !o.,;'re --ATl;T&IQNOFI' "" --~H~~-~--I..M'Ol.ORD'8 IIB'RIE8Bf!"AifVE U,1 Q.l!i171' PROJ~~ Of'EAATlONa. 111TliJ'.CQJ"'1lOII """"""" ..... --PAQJ~~ RE'J\EWEAS SJ-W...1. Cll:AA&.:( f'I..ACZ: JNtTIAlS ADJACENT TO EACHReDLINENOTEASORAW!NGSAREBEING~!Vl~O t----------1----1----'--~~----, PROJECT INFORMATION ~ AT&T M0~11.rTY .::OW'OAATION 1&Z?1 Nli n~d ·1v.v. "'''-'~ P.O. BOX groa• Ri;'.m.AQNn, .... !\ S8Jll~ PROJECT ENGINEER: COflJ,IEl'ISTONE EJ,l61Ni;ER!N(l, IN0, 1~U:.D '(tQODli,VUS-AfilMON!l M N..E. Rl~l\Q W<:lCDIN\llll.E.WAIIMTl WiA;!(W~P.11. Pl,:(~as)W•mir F,',X:~el'-173' As~<-t-J.. .. l. .;:>,p-,:,~ _Bil oS,I COOE:INFORMAJJArt ZOlflMO ct.t.llSlfK1All:JN, co IIUII..ON3.CQ06;19C 21:IW ~Tl'l>e:ll:l..l!COMMl.t«:.'itlCNI QCa.lPHIIW: IJtlOCCIJPl!ll .A.IFIJSO:enoN: Cm' Cl' REM'ON P~l!lll.Df'fGuaE:~ECa.lM f'~QPERT'I' OWNe'I: i'DfTON Pl'\O<"Ui:fJES, lLC WI 5 "-1:NTON l'IUAGEPLt100 RENTON, WA IIIOS'I PROJECT yOt,1StJLTNfT6•. ~COMIJUNICAT10Ni5, INC. /1!;>115!!:JHtt~T~SlJn'E41!7 MelCER.!lilA'tU, WA iOi';J,10 PROJECT UANAG§R; ""'"'"""" .... ~ -CONSTRUCTION WANWft -~ Juel luw:411 1o ,r.ci:n, t2"M)~ sm;_ LQCATIOtft l@ABPD 'i!1 NAD Sl! P"flC$. NLUBl!lt V.TJ?UDI;,' 41':llr1&.l'U"H~ ~ ~ •. ~1::t'la.U"Wf-1~ AREAOl'fp'!d'f• Ttw'OI'"~ Plf'~,ai_rr.o.a::RIE!w.o.L.l.) 'stS,7IOIQFf 8,!.Sie'Cl!'~ !lll',o'Nt!!ll.(a!ltA\I..Qol-11) 7."MACll.l!!II · PROJECT AAEA:: MEW JMPERVIOI.JS H1E11: :ZU l!Q. ,r. ~ l'LATFORM) · 0 SQ. FT, :1Nea.,,rr.~m,\UJG0,7JOH) G§NifYJ, l"lfPAMAilQlt . . i.P~~$.tMIJNCtlAHl3ED.(MOtlAS!lkiN:l:D"l'!GIP.-Mj ZTlllo'l'ICIS~. ,... • i,MO~/B~ PRO"JECT OESCRIPJIQN: • 111li!lfl:ROf'OS,l,Lllll'l'.Jftnt!MOfllFIC.O.TONOF,,..~IJl<MN!Nl'I) • lB.EOOMMt.',IIC),~ FACII.ITY, ootialWTi,«il OF nil! ll!MO\'N. OF 14) l"Nta.urNWNAS .AHO<lJ™-'11,~(3JP~~RPlACEll),lffTDll<,\1(:zJTIM'l0-.a"" ~ "MOllt«et>TOA/1 PJffllHG IICfll!l!HWALLONNf.~ 9UIUJWG • .'illl0o;:it,NEl'tf EXlll~Gu,.maOAIIINIITTODCPCffl1il'!.l~~~P#EI.Wll"HAC~ PAHILJJll'.I (1) lJM'Tt~Ofol 1111 ~PI.An'Ofl:M.AOOmONOPA«*W~· ~'=~~~....«~~~'";=~ .. IICUNVl& 1'H~OOTIWffl'ER IWIT'Cli LDl:A.THJ ,.TTI-E S("1IHS E:QtFt.e(I" PlA~ATROOl'L.B'B... . ""'"'"""'" A E;C E tV ED ocr ano12 BUILDING DIVISION PROPRIE'T'ARY INFORMATION 1-------'--------------< Tlili; INFO....,,._TION =...,-,....., IN Tli'~SO,Ol'~lfU.k,[l<:Jt< D0CUIA~,r[B IR PF<<:JPfUl';Jl,l'tl' ,rr ~AT\J,u!. /ol«U$E (>fl Or.I CLOSURE OT11ER TK#,\1,W,.7 'M1lCH !IELATilS ro k"'1.T \\ll!IEUl'lll. l\.C. !~a '<I '1TRICTL.l P!'!OHle-trm. DRAWING INDEX C:t I OliSC::l'JPTIOt< I !.~ !~lfma I .M. ~ ~iiiriHViiS ~, Ei: .,. M; ~, M """ "'-' -:ii I CCNl!.TRJaTION Dlof"AIUI I M·leNEIU,TOR~T1CWII A-5.1 l'Uel.'l"-BP~'nt:ffll LEGAL DESCRIPTION P.o.Rt;:a • CII' CITYCf"IIENrl:lt,ILOTa.Hi.l..JlmlEfrMCI W.,,oo-J,<1 lJ.AREQtllO:CIIHOH021J01D6ll1tGlle01ae- PCRllQH OI' I.QT 2 Cf" CTI' Ol'"lil!HTOlol i!ltlo"1' l'\.JO"NCI DDMt ll!COl'llllfol!i MO~ 8EINOINN!;1M QI' l!l:C1Ylfl'1~LU811'Wt1'91.Sl.l'CCIURTN:r --- • ~r~~L~- 11~:;cfwf;R ~ COIIMUNICA'ITOW i~-e3;,,= -.., ............ . .....,......_.. __ ___ ,,........, ___ . --q ..... _. __ "'"""---= SS48 .405 & RENTON BENO JG1 IO!ml GfWWffi,y -w,.--~ b~ ~ ----L CONS TRUCllON ~ r= =oA"l"l!;-=o RJF<c---BY: ,c- &1-ttl~ ,_. £jG1-1e..-i:,1:t~IEllTREVIEW "' ''" rill!IAWNIIY':=lll«.:: ~ .i..a I JRF' I wwo ·1 u~--~12 fAt:i ~ -~--- ... _ ......... ___ __ 1,1,1,-----·-___ ....._ __ a,',,.. ---..-------.. --""-i,,_ .. ____ """Oil~ ---·--"'-...-CO" -·-r-ffl··-- LI "mlESHEET DAAWll'«II__, T-1 b cii1Joilf. »1111 l;t-1:ia.! NOT A SURVEY ONN,tl TRUE~ r..un;DFAO,.,~ I A.RE N'f'ACIXIM.lE // I ;I ,: fl PROf'ERTYlNE--._~/ I j " I JACENT ZONING ~r-o.;1: 81.i!IJ)ING ~ L.; 192305-9043 . I -+ I ' I I /1 '"°""""."'/ ~1 •40'-..0:. i: ~1 I I 1~17 $~J::_• IICl-!T * =E= ·i]· .=±= ~. "-..,,-~ TL: 192305-9023 J:Za,750 STFT '"'""" ~. T (,J:,:'1 I :~ t!l~ATIOH ii ZONING I uae.: un..trr I I ;zONI!! 00 1 TL: 192 06-00 .. =1' L._-~---·-· . -- I J 11 I I '/"'" j i i i i i I I J I -1 11111 cm' OF' RCOO'ON RECEIVED I I I I t OCT 05 .2012 11111 . BUILDING DIVISION. I l I I I 111 / 1 · • I I J ! 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"'"""'""' H'lllCOf'ICR'ln"l'!Pl&R •OST PIEK Ut: I AIL •l'--0" 1\i11SC~. 1;1•~ i'-C' -"----'-:-. :NCE DETAIL •!':<!' .!!"!.17 eGIILE: 3111' • 1'-IJ'. l"flldll'£t.lCEPOST • ~ ~ ,.~ PT-... POSt(m'l Q,t,i.Vol.Hl2i!D Loav.111.Jit: l.ArcH ~G.lil.VANll!ED ·-ll{IYl"> ,., .. wooo """"""" ~ """'""' .s,at&t ~ Your world. Oellvind. -p""'CT"'""'-1'"'~' ~ ~- ' ·wssTOWER' COIDIUNIQATJONS . ... ._.. .... ~.'\':llt~~·l' __ ._M> ............ ~l.--__ ,,,:a, ..... _, ... --[ """'-~---· FrlMWOOCIR."<ll.l -~ - -1 ·· """ I : ' -=== ""'-'ECT-~ ·] . -~ ~-J i· W-.J :·: _1 r.,1,---1,.-. .. ~. 405&RENTONBEND. J I• ,.. -1 I , .. .-,Ll::::i ·1 1· .I 1 • V' T07!0UTHOR,1,0YW/IIY . : r· I : Aem:IN. W/\.!MO&II 1 l-;-J _\,_: : l(lN-~CO~ITT'f G'.a'O.C. (fll.l.X81'~1NG) , 16cSUEDFOR.: ~ I ~ . CONSTRUCTION ~ ' 1WOOD FENCE GATE r;'"'"""' '"""°" ,"": 4 3 FT 21(.o! H.OAIZONTAI. Wt SIMPSON 8TRONQ.. TE, FBl\24 FENa IIR.tQQ!T ('m' OF EA e,,o Cl ~ ?Ttd POST (TYPJ FT 1ll'I VEl'I.TICAL WOOD l!ILAT WI (2) I &It' T'l'PU IU'll.f: 1£"1>GAL\/Ni!IZED 51:ReWS O EAOli LA-reAAL. cm, k .. -~v-PIER(l)'")EB t 2 =~~~1~·-1·:::r ,1~,1 SCM...li; ~1: c f-J" 0~0tf~."1M ATMOSJIKE!ljCVEHTWfCN' --:....:..._ • ----------- ~lf.Oe-R.FENCa- l!'li! !!IOU.ARO {:rf')('i · "rnft!1n.tmJ GENERATOR ELEVATION 2z:c:J.4 SCALE: vr • 1'.V n1iii;.sCALE: i~' ~ 1•q I' I I _,, ' ,I !IOl<W~,.T\ l'll!tPA.lm~ """"'"'" . -~OIM\Ej'.I:), .,,,#v 8 -..... , ~ OIEIEL eENEPAi<lR/7 ffl GAi. F\1e!. T>MC LD_' . -~~ -, ... C:ONl;:RETI: BI.A8 ortY Of' RENTON ECEIVED OCT 05'.2012 BUILDING DIVISION 1 .&.1-11!tGNSTRVC'llON "' .&,J 111-11-l~jCLEHTRE'IIEW ... ·oiu.wwav,-CH~:=-"1.,---0, MI ___ I __ JflF 1 ¥JJ htllJR!illiiiNTIS"""'.....,"-' 0 . . 09-05-,12 ' 11 Lr.DISURE: --- t>OIIOTICM..IIOIU>'/l'ICI.O<lf'llll,C.""'.._.,.,._ ,'LI.-IIN~-1oowou...-.,,._N<r _. ......... -...__,._Of'_ ~ AA-O"""""'TI"' ----1.AlUT.....-:fl. 1MII-UONC>OIIT-111116-e<O"-..rtHTI 11_,.,._./oJNUtEOIIQ-----·-'IO-t&.lillfl.ll HN>'II.YftlOIWftD. n-=· LI CONSTRUCTION DETAl':,S -DRAWING J,IUMI A-4.2 0 . CS JOI!. tJJMSER'. MOO 11-1~ :rlol ll't u~ _. '901 Jt'rlDt .I. HUf Viii '•ruu, j°DL ,11ns 'o.v l•)f>I 1;~~ ; '••u••••,,. ••i••• tlHIJt/11,0 •o•·n•111.,.,.,.,. MOOl11Y=> . , 'IM 'N0.1 ~i 11111111111 Ii NOUNYtlXB SlliiMOJ. NDJ.lll.L ,---------.. • ' • • • "\ \ ~ I i I Ii f ' ! ; i \ \ \ \ IO \ \ w· \· ' U) fg;,:__'--Cc_:,_ ... ·.~ \ ~ "\\ ... ''\\ D. .,\\ . \\ \ \ \ \\ 1\ . ' n \ \ li .• \ \ \ . ·---l ' ' ... i \ ' . ' . I • \ \ er-, ' ---~-------_\ ___ i __ } °\ \ ~ \ ' f------·_,.,\ J_ _ _J_.l..--\ 1 i ' ' ·\ \ ·• .• l \'.· ···-..... ' •. ' \, \ \ \ ' ' \_,. -·--·-____ _:. _______ _ = ;; i• •• •c '" i Denis Law Mayor April 5, 2011 Keith Maehlum Renton Properties, LLC 2025 First Avenue #700 Seattle, WA 98121 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator NAME INITIALJDATE Subject: Master Site Plan Modification Request for Triton Towers Expansion, LUA 08- 117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Dear Mr. Maehlum: The City of Renton is in receipt of your request for a master site plan modification (dated March 2, 2011) regarding the property located at 555 South Renton Village Place and 700 South Renton Village Place. As the information you submitted discloses, one minor adjustment to the approved master site plan has been proposed. The requested revision is summarized below: Revise the building and parking configuration for the area north of South Renton Village Place, including collapsing Phases 1 -4 into one phase. One large office building (new TT-4) is proposed in lieu of office buildings TT-4-TT-6 and two parking garages are proposed instead of three. The proposed new TT-4 would be eleven stories and contain 518,865 gross square feet. The modified parking garages would be approximately 640,749 square feet. In addition, 40,000 square feet of warehouse space and a 10,000 square foot daycare are proposed to support the office development. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-9-2001, allows minor adjustments to an approved Master Site Plan, provided: 1. The adjustment does not involve more than a ten percent {10%) increase in area or scale of the development in the approved site development plan; or 2. Have a significantly greater impact on the environment and facilities than the approved plan; or 3. Change the boundaries of the originally approved plan. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov ~~~ · c· f _ __:Mayo:.., -----[' /,.,.'m.c/CQf[[!. . . April 5, 2011 Keith Maehlum Renton Properties, LLC 2025 First Avenue #700 Seattle, WA 98121 t· ~I ; ,l~ . ;...., . . . . Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Subject: Master Site Plan Modification Request for Triton Towers Expansion, LUA 08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Dear Mr. Maehlum: The City of Renton is in receipt of your request for a master site plan modification (dated March 2, 2011) regarding the property located at 555 South Renton Village Place and 700 South Renton Village Place. As the information you submitted discloses, one minor adjustment to the approved master site plan has been proposed. The requested revision is summarized below: Revise the building and parking configuration for the area north of South Renton Village Place, including collapsing Phases 1 -4 into one phase. One large office building (new TT-4) is proposed in lieu of office buildings TT-4 .;_ TT-6 and two parking garages are proposed instead of three. The proposed new TT-4 would be eleven stories and contain 518,865 gross square feet. The modified parking garages would be approximately 640,749 square feet. In addition, 40,000 square feet of warehouse space arid .a 10,000 square foot daycare are proposed to support the office development. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-9-2001, allows minor adjustments to an approved Master Site Plan, provided: 1. The adjustment does not involve more than a ten percent {10%} increase in area or scale of the development in the approved site development plan; ar 2. Have a significantly greater impact on the environment and facilities than the approved plan; or 3. Change the boundaries of the originally approved plan. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Keith Maehlum April 5, 2011 Page2of3 The master site plan amendments requested in your March 2, 2011 submittal has been compared to the master site plan approved by the Hearing Examiner on September 2, 2010. The proposed changes are described below: Master Site Plan Approved -Modification Request- September 2, 2010 • 1 .March 2, 2011 .. · .. Structures # of Stories Net SF # of Stories Net SF TT-4 11 225,487 11 . 518,865 TT-5 11 294,720 0 . 0 TT-6 11 225,487 0 0 TT-7 11 146,327 11 146,327 Accessory 0 0 6 40,000 Warehouse . Accessory Day 0 0 2 10,000 Care Parking Garage A 5 252,600 4 171,360 Parking Garage B 5 162,600 6 388,800 Parking Garage C 5 162,600 0 0 Parking Garage 4 80,589 4 80,589 D . Total Net SF 1,550,410 1,355,941 Net Change -12.55 % As shown in the above table the proposed changes reduce the size of the proposal by approximately 1255 percent when looking at building area alone. In addition, the number of buildings would also be reduced. However, the new proposed buildings would have facades facing both South Grady Way and South Renton Village Place, therefore these fa~ades shall be designed to provide a pedestrian environment. The provided site plan shows a security fence located around the new TT-4, Parking Garage B, and the daycare building. If a fence is to be built, a detail of the fence design shall be included in the detailed landscape plan required as a condition of approval at the site plan review· stage. The fence shall be designed to reduce visual impacts on the surrounding residential and business community. Keith Maehlum April 5, 2011 Page 3 of 3 The following table shows changes in parking spaces, as a result of the proposed modification request· Master Site Plan Approved -Modification. Request - September 2, 2010 . March 2, 2011 · .. Parking Type # of Stalls # of Stalls Parking Garage 2,145 2,015 Surface Parking 1,067 1,094 Garage + Surface Stalls 3,212 3,109 (Total) . Parking Ratio 2.58 stalls/ 1,000 SF of 3.0 stalls/ 1,000 SF of office office space space Based on the above table a reduction in total parking stalls would result from the proposed master site plan modification. In addition, the modification request has resulted in an increased ratio of parking stalls per 1,000 square feet of office space. The original approval included a parking modification request to reduce the parking ratio to 2.58 stalls/ 1,000 square feet of office space. After the changes provided in the proposed modification request the parking modification is no longer necessary. Based upon the above analysis the proposed changes to the buildings and parking areas would not result in a 10 percent increase in the area or scale of the development; would not result in a greater impact on the environment and facilities; and would not change the boundaries of the originally approved master site plan. The project site is zoned Commercial Office and. would be subject to the development standards, conditions of approval, and SEPA mitigation measures as applied to the original master site plan review. The applicant has requested that the subject modification be approved for a limited time and would expire August 2, 2015. After August 2, 2015 the subject modification would become null and void and the original approval of September 2, 2010 would become the guiding master site plan. Decision Based on staff's analysis, I have determined that the proposed revisions are within the parameters defined by the Renton Municipal Code. Therefore, the proposed amendments to the master site plan are approved, until August 2, 2015, subject to the following condition: 1) A fence detail shall be provided with the detailed landscape plan and shall be submitted with the site plan review application. The fence shall be designed to Keith Maehlum April 5, 2011 Page 4 of 3 reduce visual impacts on the surrounding residential and business community and stiall be approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. This determination will be final unless a written appeal of this administrative determination -accompanied by the required fee is filed with the City's· Hearing Examiner within 14 days of the date of this decision. Should you have any questions regarding this determination or the requirements discussed in this letter, please contact Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner, at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, C. E. "Chip" Vincent Planning Director cc: Vanessa Dolbee, Planner LUAOS-117 -- CALLISON TRANSMITTAL Date: March I 0, 2011 To: Ms. Vanessa Dolbee Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way, 6'h floor Renton, WA 98057 Re: Triton Towers Phone 425.430.7314 I Fa, Pages ( including cover) Project Triton Towers Project # 207606.00 We ace sending yo, t h e following: F o, your: Action Required: • Attached D Under separate cover D Information and use • As indicated D Prints D Originals • Review and comment D For signature and return D Submittal D Samples D Other D As requested D No action required DUrgent DRoutine SENT VIA COURIER Dear Ms. Dolbee, Attached for your review are three (3) full size sheets of the alternate plan for Triton Towers Master Site Plan modification. Should you have a need for additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Principal c: HAL Real Estate: Keith Maehlum /without attachments J:\Pmjects\Triton\Correspondence\09-Code Agencies\City of Rento1r Site Plan Mc,dification\V.Dolbee-11-03 l 1 -~~~----1420 FIFTH AVENUE #2400 SEA I' I LE WASHINGTON 98101-2343 ~ T 206 623 4646 F 206 623 4625 www.callison.com March 2, 2011 Ms. Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner Planning Division City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: Triton Towers Master Site Plan LUA 08-117 Proposed MSP Amendment Dear Ms. Dolbee, We are the owners of the three office buildings named Triton Towers One, Two and Three. The buildings consist of approximately 400,000 square feet of office space with Boeing as the largest tenant. Each building is located on its own separate tax parcel. A Master Site Plan was recently approved to add four additional office buildings and additional structured parking. We wish to now request an amendment to the MSP to revise the building and parking configuration plus add accessory uses. A site plan is enclosed with this letter showing the revised office square footage and configuration, new accessory uses, parking structure and surface parking stalls. We would appreciate the City's review of this proposal. If you have any questions please call me at 206-839-9867 or email me at kmaehlum@halrealestate.com. Regards, Keith Maehlum Renton Properties LLC 2025 First A venue • Sune 700 • Seaule. WA 9812 l Telephone: (2061448-5080 • Facsimile: (206) 448-5075 TT MSP Amendment . 3/2/20! I I of) Project Narrative The project property consists of three parcels bounded by SW Grady Way, Talbot Road S., I-405 and Renton Village to the west, with a total site area of approximately 21 acres. Existing building addresses are: 555 South Renton Village Place (TT-I), 700 South Renton Village Place (TT-2) and 707 South Grady Way (TT-3), Renton, Washington and is owned by Renton Properties, LLC ("Owner"). A Master Site Plan ("MSP") to add four additional office buildings plus structured parking was approved on September 02, 2010, expiring September 02, 2015. This proposal is for an amendment to that MSP to revise the building and parking configuration for only the area of the site north of South Renton Village Place, allow for additional accessory uses and shorten the term of the MSP amendment such that the amendment would expire on August 02, 2015. A transportation study has been prepared showing that this proposal is within the impacts contemplated for the MSP. Zoning for the project site is Commercial Office. Neighboring properties to the East and West are zoned Commercial Arterial. The proposal is for one larger office building (TT-4) in lieu of office buildings TT-4, TT- 5 and TT-6 plus two parking garages (A and B) in lieu of parking garages A, Band C. The single office building (TT-4) will be eleven stories, which is under the FAA height limit of 182'-0" above sea level. The three existing office structures (TT I through 3) will remain with existing parking adjacent. Portions of the site where the new structures are planned will require reconfiguration of the parking stalls. The proposal is for 2,015 total structured parking stalls plus 712 surface parking stalls on the site. There are five accesses to the revised building site; two on South Grady Way, two off of Talbot Road South and one on South Renton Village Place. There are two additional access points connecting to adjoining properties to the West. The gross square footage ofrevised office building (TT-4) is 518,865 square feet which is less than the 898,920 square originally proposed for TT-4, TT-5 and TT-6. The gross square footage of the new parking garage area is 640,749 square feet. Other uses would include 40,000 square feet of warehouse use and I 0,000 square feet of daycare use. No off-site improvements are expected. Current use of the site is parking lot and business offices. No land is expected to be dedicated to the city. The existing pervious area on the site is 151,213 square feet. The proposed pervious area is 151,313 square feet. A majority of the site is now paved with asphalt. There are trees and shrubs on the site in the parking areas and near the shopping center to the west, on the bank against 1- 405 and at the east property line near the Puget Sound Energy property. One-hundred four primarily deciduous trees measuring 6" diameter or better in parking and new building areas will be removed and replaced with one-hundred thirty-three trees for a net gain of 29 trees. Renton Properties LLC 2025 First Avenue • Suite 700 • Scallle, WA 98121 Telephone: (206) 448-5080 • Facsimile: (206) 448-5075 TT MSP Amendment . 3/l/201 I :?on The site contains areas of potential flooding as indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map published by FEMA. The mapped area includes the westernmost portion of the existing parking lot for TT-I and the property to the west ofTT-2 and TT-3 in the adjacent Renton Village retail complex. The mapped elevation is 24 (NGVD 29). The proposed finish floor elevations will be elevated sufficiently above the flood elevation. A tributary to Rolling Hllls Creek and a portion of the main stem of Rolling Hills Creek are located along the southern boundary of the Triton Towers One parking lot. Rolling Hills Creek and the upstream tributary area are designated as Class III streams by the City of Renton. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the City of Renton have determined that the stream and tributary are non-salmonid bearing. The proposed improvements are over 200 feet from Rolling Hills Creek. There are no other special site features. To the East is a mapped wetland which is separated from the site by Talbot Road South (State Highway 515) and therefore does not require a wetland analysis, according to City of Renton regulations. The subsurface soils consist of gravel fill over several feet of native organic silt or peat. The organic layer is located above stratified clay, silt, sand layers deposited during glacial recession. It would appear that the groundwater for the Triton Towers site is approximately seven to ten feet below ground surface. Grading is proposed to level building sites and to excavate for a partial basement level at Parking Garage A and B. No significant quantity of imported fill is planned. On-site utility work will consist of new fire lines, storm and sanitary infrastructure across the site to service the proposed buildings. During construction, temporary job shacks will be set up following code requirements. Accessory Retail Under either the original MSP or the amendment, it is intended that accessory retail may be added at the first floor of any of the buildings, including existing buildings, at the discretion of the applicant up to a total of 30,000 square feet spread throughout the campus. The intent is that this retail will predominantly serve the office or other uses within the campus and therefore will not result in any increase in traffic impacts. It is also envisioned that none of the retail spaces will exceed 5,000 square feet individually. Retail uses may include but are not limited to; coffee, cafe (including outdoor patio seating), bank, office supply, drycleaner, florist, mail service (such as FedEx) and the like. Renton Properties LLC 2025 First Avenue• Suite 700 • Seaule, WA 98121 Telephone: (206) 448-5080 • Facsimile: (206) 448-5075 TI MSP Am<:ndmenl -;l/2/2(]11 3 of 3 'iftranspoGROUP WHAT TRANSPORTATION CAt>f 13E MEMORANDUM Date: February 11, 201 o TG: 07367.00 To: Keith Maehlum, HAL Real Estate Investments From: Dan McKinney, Transpo Group Subject: Triton Towers Trip Generation Comparison The General Services Administration of the United States Government is seeking approximately 450,000 gross square-feet of office space located in or around the Renton area. This request could be fulfilled through the replacement of three of the four general office buildings included as part of the approved Triton Towers expansion w~h a single government office building. This memorandum presents a comparison of trip generation associated with the approved Triton Towers expansion with an alternative to provide the required space. Four new general office buildings are proposed as part of the eXPansion of Triton Towers, totaling 1,112,306 gross square-feet. Buildings 4, 5, and 6, totaling 899,120 gsf could be replaced by a single government office building to provide the required 451,186 gsf. Trip generation for the proposed government office building is based on the ANSI/BOMA useable square-feet, which is equivalent to the gross square-footage identified by ITE. This is equivalent to the identified rentable square-footage (518,865 sf). The building is proposed to contain approximately 401,186 gsf of government office space, 40.000 sf of warehouse space, and an approximately 10,000 sf daycare facility. The building is proposed to be secure, therefore the proposed daycare facility will only be available to building tenants. As such, it is not anticipated to generate any trips in addition to the proposed office and warehouse space. Table 1 summarizes the trip generation for the approved Triton Towers expansion, presents the trip generation estimate for the proposed government office building and provides a comparison of them both. Table 1. Trip Genera-Comperison -PM Peak Hour Project Trlpo Land Use Size Raia In out Total i!oomwtd l!imo rmm ~ns1on1 General Off'ia, (#71 O) 1,112,305gsf EQ 212 1,034 1,246 Ponlon of Triton Towers Expansion whteh would 899,120 gs! EQ 171 836 1,007 be replaced (lhree buidings) Portion of Triton Towers Expansion which would 213,186 gsf EQ 41 198 239 remain (one buiding) Ptoooaed igvemment Offlc• lll.lldlna Proposed Government Qff,ca Building (#730) 401.186 gsf 1.21 150 335 485 wa..,house Space (#1 SO) 40.000 gsf 0.32 3 10 13 lllMim' 10 QQQ !illlf : : Total 153 345 498 "" Ttilon Towen expansion with Qoyemment Office Building 194 543 737 . ·~· .. - Change from Approved Expansion -18 -491 -1. Ttip ger,eratlon forth& approved Trtton Towers Ex.panSWn is coosi&tent in methodology and lll)proach wllh the Revised Transponatloo lmpBci Study. October 2009 2. As described above, Yse oflhe daycare-would be restricted to building tenants onty. Therefore, no additional trips are anticipated lo b4- generated by lhe daycare. 1lanspo Group 117JO 1181h Avenue N.E., Suite 600 Kirkland, WA 98034 425-821-3665 Fax: 425-825-8434 As shown in Table 1, the proposed government office building (including trips associated with the warehouse and da:vcare spaces) would generate approximately 498 trips during the PM peak hour. The three general office buildings included in the approved expansion, which would be replaced by the government office building would generate approximately 1,007 trips during the PM peak hour. Therefore, the proposal to replace three of the approved general office buildings with a single government office building would result in a reduction in trip generation of approximately 509 trips during the PM peak hour. This is anticipated to result in improvements to intersection operations from those reported in the Revised Transportation Impact Study (October 2009) prepared for the proposed expansion, and may result in a reduction in the transportation mitigation fee required to be paid. 'j(transpoGROUP STATE OF WASIDNGTON, COUNTY OF KING I NtlTICEOF ~ -------AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills. being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper. which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed 'lotice, a: Public Notice was published on August 6, 20 I 0. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $126.00. ~}//?Wg -M.Mills inda Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and SWQl'l\l to me this 6th day August, 2010. or the State of Washington, Residing ,,,,\\\ll\\111,, ,,,, '{ DA/.s 11 11 1 .::::-' "\..'(\ .,",,,.11111,1, (::'G I; f -l:'?"_"~~; ~ ·:.J fl c: ··{}\;,;; % -:=.,. .. o1t..1: . r ~ ,,.. I f fi " _, L,, 1 ::;; < .. C· ::.~Q_ '/" u ' ;.,_'' --~ /-..._ ::: ~, --::\ r, 19-/j:: '·-';, ",./"'(~ , •I''"·' ' \\'\;'"' --- ' /i. Or-· \\1,-."/~' . DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC HEARING RENTON,WASHINGTON The Envimnmental Review· Committee has issued a Determinrition of Non· Signiticonce~Mitigated for the following project under the au1hority of the Renton Municipal Code. Triton Towen,. Expansion LUA08-l 17, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Location: 555 South Renton Village Place. The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and Environmental Review for the addition of four office building,;, to the Triton Tower<.; offi~c complex, a roof top Helicopter Pad and four parking garages. The proposed development is located at 555 S Renton Village Pl and is 21.08 acres, zoned CO. The site is acce<.;:<.cd from S Renton Villa!!c PL T8lhot Rd S anJ SW Gradv\Va\. A tn!-mt.in ln Rolling Hilb· Cn.:cl. ni1l., thlHl!!h the ,itc Appc~al:-. of the cm irnnment:11 detcnninalion mu:-1 he tiled in v. riling on or hefore '.'·OO p Ill. on Augus1 20, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may he obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office. (425) 430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on August 24, 2010 at 9:00a.m. lo consider the Master Site Plan and Conditional Use Perntit. If the Environmental Detem1ination is appealed, 1he appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Published in the Renton Reporter on August 6, 2010. #392395. Denis Law Mayor October 5, 2010 Keith Maehlum Renton Properties, LLC 2025 First Avenue #700 Seattle, WA 98121 r t ~ ...... ,....., Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator SUBJECT: Triton Towers-Master Plan Modification LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Dear Mr. Maehlum: This letter is sent in response to the request for documentation about the ability to modify an approved master site plan. Renton Municipal Code section 4-9-200I Minor Adjustments to an Approved Site Development Plan defines what criteria the administrator would use to identify a "minor" modification to a master site plan. A minor modification would require Administrative Approval. RMC 4-9-200I states "To be considered a minor modification, the amendment must not:- 1. Involve more than a ten percent {10%) increase in area or scale of the development in the approved site development plan; or 2. Have a significantly greater impact an the environment and facilities than the approved plan; or 3. Change the boundaries of the originally approved plan." If the reviewing official determines that the proposed modification does not exceed the above mentioned thresholds the modification would be considered a minor modification. However, if the proposed modification to an approved master site plan exceeds the above mentioned thresholds, the modification would be considered a "major adjustment" and would require the applicant to purse a new application. Please find attached copies of the Side Development Plan Review regulations for your review. This information is based on the regulations and codes in effect as of October_ 5, 2010. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at (425)430-7314. Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner Planning Division Enclosures Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Denis Law Mayor October 5, 2010 Keith Maehlum Renton Properties, LLC 2025 First Avenue #700 Seattle, WA 98121 n _!\ Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch,Administrator SUBJECT: Triton Towers -Zoning Compliance 555 South Renton Village Place, 700 South Renton Village Place, and 707 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Dear Mr. Maehlum: This letter is sent in response to the request for documentation about whether or not an approximately 40,000 sq. ft. warehouse use, accessory to an office development with at least 400,000 sq ft. at the above addresses would comply with the current City of Renton zoning. The current zoning of the above- listed sites are all "Commercial Office" (CO). The purpose of the CO Zone is " ... to provide areas appropriate for professional, administrative, and business offices and related uses. Limited light industrial activities, which can effectively blend in with an office environment, are allowed ... " The CO zoning regulations specifically list "Indoor Storage" as an Accessory Use permitted outright in the CO Zone as long the use is "limited to storage of products in conjunction with retail, service, or office uses ... ". Indoor Storage is defined as; "A use engaged in the storage of goods and/or materials characterized by infrequent pick-up and delivery, and located within a building." Based on the City's · understanding, Indoor Storage is the intended use of the "warehouse" space proposed for the subject sites. Based on this information and in accordance with CityZoning Code, a 40,000 sq. ft. warehouse/storage facility would be allowed on these sites. I have attached copies of the CO zoning regulations and the applicable zoning map page from the City's zoning atlas. This information is based on the regulations and codes in effect as of October 5, 2010. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at (425)430-7314. Sincerely, faVL2M0--Odk Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner Planning Division Enclosures Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHING TON ) ) ss. County of King ) Nancy Thompson being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 2nd day of September 20 I 0, affiant deposited via the United States Mail and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature ;, ""'~ C SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this~ day of ------,,. f0-.-~ b,[', 20 I 0. ll''"/.1'/.r,,..,. I ,, 1'' ~~IA R. ~::--r l~. ~ ........ ·oro..... . .-- l1 (J/~si;; ~:r \, \ // "\~ § I -), l: ~ L____. \ \ ---.. \ 111 \. '°UBLIC ! ... ~No Publi~, · ana for the State o shington ~ / "'" ~ R ·ct· 1 h . :,,,.'.••!?'n·"'"'-···· .._o 1'' est mg at ~ ,,._FS'"-,.. , t erem. : Ci" 0 , ...... ~:-<:> t'' ,, "WAST'':,,1 1 .,,,,,,~,111JI Application, Petition or Case No.: Triton Towers Expansion LUA 18-117, ECF. SA-M, CU-H The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. HEARING EXAMI'IER'S REPORT Minutes OWNER: APPLICANT: CONTACT: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Renton Properties, LLC 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98121 MarkLudtka Callison 1420 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 2400 Seattle, WA 98101 Keith Maehlum Renton Properties, LLC 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98121 Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA 10-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H 555 South Renton Village Place September 2, 2010 Applicant has requested a Master Site Plan and a Conditional Use for the addition of four office buildings (TT-4-TT-7) and one rooftop Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: Development Services Recommendation: Approve The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on August 1 7, 2010. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the snbject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the August 24, 2010 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, August 24, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 2: Neighborhood Detail Map Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 20 I 0 Page2 documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 3: Overall Site Plan Exhibit No. 5: Fire Protection Coverage Dial!l'am Exhibit No. 7: TT-4 Ground Floor Plan Exhibit No. 9: TT-4 Roof Plan Exhibit No. 11: TT-5 Tvoical Office Floor Plan Exhibit No. 13: TT-6 Ground Floor Plan Exhibit No. 15: TT-7 Garage D Ground Floors 2-4 Tvnical Plan Exhibit No.17: TT-7 Levels 6-11 Floor Plan Exhibit No. 19: Garages AJB/C Ground Floor Plan Exhibit No. 21: Garages AJB/C Roof Plan Exhibit No. 23: TT-4/TT-6 Elevations Sheet A-212 Exhibit No. 25: TT-5 Elevations Exhibit No. 27: TT-5 West Elevations Exhibit No. 29: TT-7 Elevations. Sheet A-232 Exhibit No. 31: Garages AJB/C Elevations Exhibit No. 33: Overall Composite Civil Plan Exhibit No. 35: Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl .2 Exhibit No. 37: Composite Civil Plan, Sheet C 1.4 Exhibit No. 39: Overall Site Plan, Sheet A-1 OOa Exhibit No. 41: Overall Site Plan, Sheet A-IOOc Exhibit No. 43: TT-4/TT-6 Building Sections Exhibit No. 45: Aerial Photo from Landinfo Mapping Svstem Exhibit No. 4: General Information Exhibit No. 6: Overall Phasing Site Plan Exhibit No. 8: TT-4 Office Floor Plan Exhibit No. 10: TT-5 Ground Floor Plan Exhibit No. 12: TT-5 Roof Plan Exhibit No. 14: TT-7 Garage D Ground Floor Plan Exhibit No. 16: TT-7 Level 5 Floor Plan Exhibit No.18: TT-7 Roof Plan Exhibit No. 20: Garages AJB/C Typical Floor Plan, Levels 2-5 Exhibit No. 22: TT-4/TT-6 Elevations Sheet A-211 Exhibit No. 24: TT-4/TT-6 Elevations Sheet A-213 Exhibit No. 26: TT-5 East Elevations Exhibit No. 28: TT-7 Elevations. Sheet A-231 Exhibit No. 30: TT-7 Elevations. Sheet A-233 Exhibit No. 32: Overall Landscape Plan Exhibit No. 34: Composite Civil Plan, Sheet CI.I Exhibit No. 36: Composite Civil Plan, Sheet C 1.3 Exhibit No. 38: Partial Site Plan Information Exhibit No. 40: Overall Site Plan, Sheet A-1 OOb Exhibit No. 42: Overall Site Plan, Sheet A-IOOd Exhibit No. 44: TT-7 Garage D Building sections Exhibit No. 46: Resumes of applicant's team Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 2010 Page3 Exhibit No. 47: Highlighted Map Showing PSE Easement Around Site Exhibit No. 49: Map Showing Pervious/Impervious Surfaces Exhibit No. 48: Flood Map The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Vanessa Dolbee Senior Planner, Community and Economic Development, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98057. There were two notes prior to starting: the project is vested in October 2008, all of the codes referenced in the report and as presented would be reflective of the standards of2008 and as with the original application, the applicant requested an additional floor on top of the parking garages in a skybridge that would connect that floor to Triton Tower Building 5, which has been removed from the proposal, all numbers do reflect the correct numbers. The site is comprised of four lots totaling 21.09 acres. Each lot has an existing office tower on it currently with the exception of the smallest lot which has just parking. There is a small parcel along Talbot Road that is owned by PSE. The site is zoned Commercial Office (CO) and is located in the Commercial Corridor Land Use Designation. The project is bound on the north by South Grady Way, on the south is 1-405, to the east is Talbot Road South and to the west is the Renton Village Shopping Center. There is a road that runs through the center of the development called South Renton Village Place which connects Talbot Road to Renton Village Shopping Center. Five Phases have been proposed for the development of the site. Phase I would be Triton Tower 6 and Parking Garage C, Phase II would be Triton Tower 5 and Parking Garage B, Phase III would be Parking Garage A, Phase IV would be Triton Tower 4, and Phase V would be Triton Tower 7 and Parking Garage D. This development would result in 1,137,129 gross square feet of office space or 892,021 net square feet. The existing three towers have a total 433,419 gross square feet of office space. The overall site would result in 3,212 total parking spaces. The new parking garages would house 2,145 parking spaces and 1,067 would be surface parking stalls. There is 111,413 square feet of existing landscaping that would be retained with the addition of39,900 square feet of new landscaping. Access to the project is proposed to remain as it exists today. There is a Class 3 stream located on site, Rolling Hills Creek located in the southwestern comer by the existing Triton Tower 1 as well as some flood hazard zones. All proposed new buildings would be above the base flood elevation identified by that flood zone. The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated with 9 measures. No appeals were filed. Master Site Plan Review Criteria: Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 20 I 0 Page4 The majority of this project is consistent with most of the applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies. Policy LU- 261 suggests that commercial space should be located on the ground floor of commercial structures. At this point, specific office users have not been identified for the proposed new towers. Without detailed users for the specific towers, it is unsure what the retail uses would be to support that office use. This should be looked at during the planning review stage. Policy LU-264 suggests that there should be uniform standards with parking, landscaping, signage and lighting. The majority of the development does meet this criteria, however there is parking along Talbot Road on the east side as well as a large surface parking lot on the west southern comer by the stream. In front of proposed Triton Tower 4 there is a drive aisle before exiting onto the road. The majority of the surface parking is located in areas that have issues in terms of the flood zone as well as high voltage power lines and electrical easements that run across the site that does not allow for structures to be built underneath. A good use of those areas is surface parking and that is what the applicant has proposed. There are three other policies that are not directly met; LU-269, CD-36 and CD-37. These policies ask for some sort of public amenity or park feature that would support the development. As proposed there currently is no open space or amenity feature, therefore the applicant should provide a public amenity feature such as a park, recreation area or some form of open space to be approved by the planning project manager. Regarding lot coverage and setbacks, the building coverage proposed with existing and proposed buildings, results in 30.8% coverage which complies with the permitted coverage. As to the setbacks, parking garage D should be set back an additional I 0-feet and screening landscaping should be provided between the structure and the sidewalk or architectural detailing should be provided along the front facade of the parking garage to screen the building from the sidewalk. The remainder of the project does comply with the setback standards. The height standards have been met, however this property is located in the Airport Influence Area and Safety Compatibility Zone 6, which adds additional height restrictions. All buildings would be below the FAR PART 77 air space for the Renton Municipal Airport and would comply with all other regulations. The site currently contains 326 trees with a diameter over 6-inches, 222 would be retained, making the project comply with tree retention standards. All new landscaping strips would comply with the 15-foot wide sight- obscuring landscaping requirement. Based on the proposed 406 new surface parking stalls and including the existing parking stalls, the submitted landscape analysis indicates that a total of 47,073 square feet of landscaping would be provided on site, which exceeds the minimum requirement. A detailed landscape plan and irrigation plan needs to be submitted and approved prior to building permit approval. The applicant has requested a parking modification for the reduction in parking spaces for the site. The more limited supply of on-site parking would encourage employees and visitors to carpool and use alternative modes of transportation. The City's parking regulations have been modified since project vesting, as such the applicant would be in compliance with the existing standards pursuant to current code. The reduction in parking would be the minimum to implement the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and would meet the objectives of safety, function, appearance, environmental protection as intended by the code requirements and would not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. Parking stall sizes were not identified on the plans and a detailed parking plan identifying compact, standard, and ADA spaces at a ratio of 2% of the total spaces for each phase of development shall be submitted for approval at Site Plan Review. Overall the development meets with the minimum size requirements for the refuse and recycling areas. When it is broken down by phases, Phase 2 and Phase 5 independently are insufficient. The applicant does ask for Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 2010 Page 5 flexibility in terms of the phases. Each phase should independently comply with the minimum standards for refuse and recycling. All refuse and recycling areas are proposed to be on the interior of the structures. There is a residential neighborhood to the south across 1-405, which does have views of the site as well as downtown Renton. The ERC determined that their views would be minimally impacted however, they would have clear views of the rooftops of the new towers. The applicant has proposed a screening detail for the rooftop mounted equipment. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed buildings are appropriate for the site. The buildings would have a number of architectural features, materials proposed to be used include aluminum panels, glazed curtain walls, point fixed glazing with aluminum trim detail, solar shades, aluminum fins, composite planes, metal panels, windows and operational windows. The parking garages would use metal and glass to create false storefronts on the first floor in addition to using stone tile or terra cotta treatment as proposed for the office buildings. Parking Garage D would be visible from a number of surrounding properties and has not proposed false store fronts or stone along the front or side facades. This garage is the most visible and because of that the east side of the parking garage would have some architectural detail or screening feature. A quality pedestrian circulation system is necessary for the development, pedestrian safety is a concern as well, therefore pedestrian walkways and crosswalks are clearly identified throughout the site and a different type of material should be used from the drive aisles and surface parking lots. Since parking garages A-C appear to have the largest amount of traffic and vehicles parking in them, there are three pedestrian exit points identified as two on the west side and one on the east side. A new parking garage floor plan should be submitted that shows additional exit points and pedestrian connections to the office towers where there are none. There would be no impact on light and glare in terms of the inside of the site. There is space provided between all the towers and there would be some impact on the existing buildings as the new towers on the west would block some of their views and light. A lighting plan was not provided and one should be submitted prior to building permit submittal. The most significant noise, odors and potentially harmful impacts would occur during the construction phase with the exception of the proposal of the helicopter landing pad. That would have some periodic noise, however the proximity ofl-405 and the Renton Municipal Airport, the noise would be minimal. Fire, Police and Traffic mitigation fees were imposed by the ERC. The site is served by the City of Renton for all utilities. Conditional Use Permit Criteria: There are 11 criteria to be considered when making a decision on the Conditional Use application. There is not an over-concentration of helicopter ports within this area of the City, the site is suitable for a helicopter landing pad because of its proximity to 1-405 and the Renton Municipal Airport. There is no specific community need for the heliport, it is specifically designed to support the office complex. The project does comply with the lot coverage, setbacks and height. The helipad does not add any additional height to the building and the buildings have previously been evaluated as compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, there could be potential noise to the Talbot Hill neighborhood however, the project is located within the traffic pattern zone of the Renton Municipal Airport, there are already a number of jets, planes and helicopters that pass over head on a regular basis. The helipad would most be used during the weekday with infrequent rare occurrences during the weekend and night. The helipad is an accessory use to the permitted office use and as Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 2010 Page 6 such is permissible. The helipad would be located on the roof of a new building that would be subject to the building codes as standard. Further no additional public improvements, facilities, utilities or services would be required for the helipad. Mark Ludtka, 1420 5th Avenue, Ste. 2400, Seattle, WA 9810 I stated that he was the architect for the project. His role was to help with the planning and designing of the appropriate architecture. Once the site plans are fixed and approved, specific building elements will be brought forward for review and approval. Regarding the question of reflectivity, one of the benefits of this site is that while it sits in the valley, there is a hill that is to the east, as the sun rises it has to get to the top of the hill before it can start to cause reflections and because of the angle of the sun the reflection will follow downward and towards the ground as opposed to upward and out towards the sky. They will be evaluating the specific materials of the site to minimize any reflective nature that could cause an issue to surrounding properties. The PSE easement limits the perimeter activity in the placement of the buildings, as one moves to the southern portion of the site there is only one place that a building structure could be placed between all the power easements. Public amenities would be worked through with the specific occupants of the buildings and their specific needs. The concept was to create a small village or neighborhood that would allow the buildings to interact with one another and the participants of the buildings to engage with one another. The main center of the site would make it both pedestrian friendly as well as allow the vehicles to circulate through. There is an opportunity to create a plaza area. They have looked at providing green roofs and allow access, this will need to be further evaluated due to climatic conditions. Regarding access out of the main garage and access to the various buildings they agree access needs to connect to all buildings and they will work on that. They would like flexibility on the locations of refuse and recycling sites. There may be collection areas in each of the buildings that would then be moved to a larger refuse area, the plan is to have a refuse area in each of the buildings. There is a reciprocal agreement with adjacent landowners for service vehicles. The plan is to make the site as pedestrian friendly as possible, the area adjacent to the main north/south line as well as the roads running in the east/west direction would have adequate sidewalks with street trees and lighting to allow the pedestrians to move through that area. Where there is a connection to a garage that area would be enhanced, there will also be areas where elevators can be accessed for garage use. Retail spaces that would be complementary to the users is difficult to plan until the specific users have been identified, the existing shopping center is so close to the site that it would be highly beneficial to utilize those facilities. To augment that there most likely would be some coffee houses or a deli. There could be some strategic locations in each of the ground floors of the office buildings, small and part of that building inwardly focused to the specific users. John Turcott, 10024 Main Street, Ste. 2A, Bothell 98011 stated that he is the civil engineering support at a conceptual level. They support and have no objections the conditions of approval or the mitigated determination. The composite civil plan shows that water has an existing IO" water main located in the adjacent shopping center, a 24" main located in Talbot Road South and a 12" main in Renton Village. They are proposing to loop all of the buildings with new 12" water main connecting to those existing points. Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 20 I 0 Page7 There is on-site sewer service that connects to 12" sewer mains in both Renton Village and Talbot Road South. Storm drainage flows from north to the southwest towards Rolling Hills Creek, two discharge locations are proposed. The north half of the project would discharge to an existing connection point and discharges to Rolling Hills Creek, the southern portion of the project would discharge to an existing storm drainage system that has an outfall to the creek itself. As to the flooding issues, the buildings are 2-5 feet above flood level. The project will replace surface parking with garages an open space with buildings. The total proposed pervious area is increasing over the existing condition Dan McKinney, Jr., 11730 I 18th Ave NE, Ste. 600, Kirkland, WA stated that he produced the report dated October 2009 on the Traffic Impact Analyses. They work with the design and project team to evaluate the impacts and understand the development that is going on. Once there was a clear understanding of what the development was they initially estimated how much traffic would be generated by the site, how much parking would be needed and then they coordinate with the City staff. They identify the scope of their analysis, which intersections they would study, which impacts they would evaluate and determine ways to mitigate that. They also worked with the DOT. They would then forecast out future traffic operations by looking into the future without the project and then overlay the project impacts on top of that to determine a net impact from the new development. The site appeared to be going to generate I ,246 new p.m. peak hour trips, the outcome of the analysis was that there was no major impacts to traffic operations and circulation with the exception of the intersection of Renton Village Place where that meets the new interchange south bound offramp from I-405. The TDM report assumed a relatively high trip generation for this site, the purpose of the report is to project alternative ways of travelling besides by automobile and at the same time providing amenities to those people that chose these alternative means of transportation. Most sites with incentives can reduce traffic impacts on average of 24%. Through that condition, the developer would coordinate with the City to make sure that the transportation demand management program as outlined meets the City's concerns and is monitored. The same was true with parking and parking generation analyses, with that it is anticipated that parking would be reduced and that the site would adequately meet parking needs with TDM measures in place. The other mitigation measure talked about was the internal pedestrian circulation plan. As the site evolves and comes for review, details can be worked out to make sure there is proper safe and efficient circulation for pedestrians. Jack McCullough, 701 5th Avenue, Ste. 7220, Seattle 98104 stated that from the applicants point view, one of the exciting things about this project represents the next logical evolution of land use here in this increasing urbanizing portion of Renton from the original implementation of Triton Towers with buildings set with surface parking and now moving to greater heights and more efficient intensity use of the land with structured parking. The phasing has not been set as yet and as such did ask for the acceptance of the 5-year maximum term of the Master Site Plan. The conditions recommended by the City are acceptable to the applicant. This is a conceptual level review and so several of the conditions require the applicant and the City at the site plan review to deal with issues like light and glare, the final landscape plan and the final location of the pedestrian paths. There is mpre than adequate area on the site to accommodate all of that, they do not anticipate that there would be any issues. On the review of the helipad and the criteria of community need and whether there is a community need for the he Ii pad itself, there are two views on this issue, the language of the code itself focus on not resulting in a detrimental overconcentration of a particular use in the area and that the location is suited for the proposed use. It doesn't focus on the concept of whether there is an identified need for individuals in the community to come take advantage of this conditional use. The concept of a need generally pertains to churches and schools that may or may not be used by individuals of the community but serve a broader need. If you look at the broader Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 2010 Page 8 need, this site plan is intended to implement the City's Comprehensive Plan and is intended to bring jobs and a significant number of jobs to a location where the City wants to see them located, jobs that will satisfy a community need relates to this conditional use application. It is an accessory use application, the helipad would only be used in connection with whatever employment type use is actually located at the Triton Towers center. It is intended to support the community need for jobs at this location. There are some employers that require the use of helicopters, it is not as prevalent in the Greater Seattle area as it may be in other urban centers. They have identified some potential employers that will need to rely on the accessory use of the helicopter and that it will make this site more attractive in the region for jobs. The application for the helipad is a very limited one, it is accessory and it not open to public use and therefore the frequency of use is going to be limited largely to daytime hours. Kayren Kittrick. Community and Economic Development stated this project has been coordinated with WSDOT and they are still working on limited access and how much it will affect this area. Everything that is being proposed is outside of the major limits and that is all to the good. The flooding issue was a problem before, but the City of Renton did install new facilities there to mitigate that, City has ongoing projects in the Panther Creek area that is supposed to help even further. Transportation, WSDOT and all the utilities are aware that this is coming and everyone seems to be very pleased with this project. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at I 0:36 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant, Mark Ludtka for Renton Properties, filed a request for a Master Site Plan approval and Conditional Use Permit for an expansion of an office complex, parking garages and helicopter pad. The applicant also requested a Modification from the parking requirements to provide fewer stalls than mandated by code. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #I. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located 555 South Renton Village Place. The subject site is located east and south of the Renton Village Shopping Center southwest of the intersection of Talbot Road South and South Grady Way. The site straddles South Renton Village Place and is bounded on the south by I-405. 6. Three existing office towers identified as Triton Towers I to 3 (TT I to 3) are located on the subject site. TT! is located in the southwest area of the site immediately south of Renton Village Place. TT2 is Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 2010 Page 9 located in the southeast comer of the parcel located north of Renton Village Place and west of Talbot. TT3 is located in the northeast comer of the site southwest of the intersection of Talbot and Grady. 7. The applicant proposes developing four (4) new eleven-story office towers and four multilevel parking garage structures. A helicopter pad is proposed for the roof of one of the new office towers. ( see below) 8. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of Commercial Corridor uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 9. The subject site is currently zoned CO (Commercial Office). IO. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1547 enacted in June 1956. The Staff report had an incorrect annexation reference. 11. The subject site is approximately 21.09 acres or 918,471 square feet. The subject site consists of two irregularly shaped parcels separated by Renton Village Place right-of-way. 12. The subject site is essentially flat. 13. The extreme southwest comer of the site, now used for parking for TT! , contains two areas identified on FEMA maps as flood hazard areas "A" and "AH." The finished floor elevations of any new structure will be located above the flood zone elevations shown on the FEMA maps. Staff reported that none of the new structures would displace flood waters. A tributary of Rolling Hills Creek as well as the creek proper run along the southern boundary of the subject site. Rolling Hills Creek is a Class III stream and would have a 75 foot buffer. The area is also mapped in a seismic hazard area. 14. The subject site also lies in the "Airport Influence Area and Safety Compatibility Zone 6" for Renton Municipal Airport. The overlay restricts buildings within the zone to no taller than 182 feet Mean Sea Level. None of the proposed structures would exceed this height. 15. A number of power lines cross the subject site. A line runs eat to west across the north end of the site adjacent to Grady Way. Another line runs along the eastern edge of the site adjacent to Talbot Road. Additional lines run east to west on either side of Renton Village Place converging southwest ofTTl. 16. There are currently 326 trees with a diameter of over six inches (6"). The applicant proposes to retain 222 trees whereas code would only require the retention of 17 trees. The applicant will be adding 125 new trees. Code requires protective steps so that construction does not injure or kill retained trees. Tree and general landscaping measures will be discussed below. 17. The applicant proposes five (5) phases for the project. The applicant did not provide dates for beginning or completing any particular phase and the applicant has asked that the phasing currently specified be subject to change. Staff made a point of stating that each phase, no matter what the order, would have to provide its essential elements including parking and garbage and recycling stations. The phases as noted by staff are as follows: · Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 2010 Page 10 Phase 1 TT-6, 576,987 SF 225,487 SF Phase2 TT-5, 871,707 SF 294,720 SF Phase3 NIA 871,707 SF Phase 4 TT-4, 1,097,195 SF 225,487 SF Phase 5 TT-7, 1,243,521 SF · 146,327 SF Garage C, 1,587 2.75 162,600 SF, 5 Stories Garage B, 1,984 2.3 162,600 SF, 5 Stories Garage A, 2,367 2.7 252,600 SF, 5 Stories NIA 2,997 2.73 Garage D, 3,212 2.58 80,589 SF, 5 Stories 18. The buildings and garages will be described in the order as currently phased, again, noting that the applicant would prefer being able to change the order of development. All of the office buildings will be eleven-stories (11) and all of the garages would be five-stories (5). Phase I would include TT6 and Garage C. The building would be located directly west ofTT3 and just south of Grady Way. TT6 would be oriented with its long axis in the east-west direction. The building would contain 225,487 square feet. Garage C would be located south ofTTI and would contain 162,600 square feet. 19. Phase 2 would include TIS and Garage B. The building would be located generally south ofTT6 and east of the rear of the Renton Village Center's easternmost buildings. TIS would be oriented with its long facades running north-south. The building would contain 294,720 square feet. Garage B would be attached to the south wall of Garage C and would contain 162,600 square feet 20. Phase 3 would not provide any new office space but would include Garage A. Garage A would be attached to the south wall of Garage B but extend further to the east and would contain 252,600 square feet. 21. Phase 4 would include TT4 but no additional garage space utilizing the parking spaces already created. Building TT4 would be located generally south ofTT6 and also east of the rear of the Renton Village Center's easternmost buildings. It would be identical to TT 6 and again be oriented with the longer facades running east-west. The building would contain 22S,487 square feet. 22. Phase 5 would include TT7 and Garage D. The building would be located generally east of TT!, located south of Renton Village Place and south ofTT4. Building TT7 would be the smallest of the series and would contain 146,327 square feet. Garage D would be directly east ofTT7 (again, south of Renton Village Place) and would contain 80,589 square feet. Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 20 I 0 Page 11 23. Viewed from above or from the south, all four new buildings would generally be aligned immediately one behind the other in one axis: TT? followed by TT4, followed by TIS and ending in the north with TT6. Similarly, the garages are also generally aligned in one rank, north to south and also with the existing alignment or placement of TT2 and TT3. The order from the south would be Garage D, TT2, Garages A, Band C (attached one to the other) and then TT3. The applicant's concept is to limit the spread of the buildings and limit the potential view blockage. 24. The development of the project will replace existing surface parking with the new office buildings and garages. As the surface parking is reduced and new development constructed, the parking complement will change and the ratio of stalls to net office space will decrease or increase arriving at a buildout ratio of2.58 stalls per 1,000 square feet of office space. The ultimate development will provide 3,212 stalls including 2,145 garage stalls and 1,067 surface stalls. Staff calculated that the total development, the existing three towers and the four new towers will have 1,243,500 square feet requiring 3,731 stalls. The applicant has requested a modification to permit the parking to have 519 fewer stalls than required. The Master Site Plan does not provide adequate information to determine if the stall dimensions meet code and the applicant will have to comply with code requirements. No details were provided at this stage ofreview for lighting of the parking areas. Such details will need to be provided for review. 25. A Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program was required by the ERC which is intended to reduce the parking demand as well as traffic generated by the project. The TDM is one basis for reducing the proposed parking complement. The TDM is intended to reduce traffic by 24% and a reduction in parking is intended to discourage employees from driving since there would be fewer parking stalls available for commuters. Additionally, staff noted that Code has recently been amended to reduce the parking ratio to 2 stalls per 1,000 square feet of office space. 26. Lot coverage for the office buildings and garage will be approximately 30.8 percent which is below the CO Zone's permitted 65 percent for a lot with both structured and surface parking. The CO Zone requires setbacks of 30 feet for the front yard or from streets in a side yard. The buildings comply with this setback. A 15 foot side yard setback on the west and the Zero setback from 3rd party property on the east (east of Garage A) meets the Zero setback required for a non-street side yard. A 10 foot landscape setback is required along 1-405 and will be provided. Garage D is setback 20 feet from Renton Village Place which is IO feet too close but Code does permit the setback to be reduced as part of Master Site Plan review. Staff recommended additional landscaping or architectural detailing be provided along the reduced setback facade. Building height permitted in the CO Zone is 250 feet but this site is also limited by the Airport Overlay to 182 feet. The office towers would be 150 feet and the garages 60 feet complying with both the height and airport limits. 27. The CO Zone requires IS-foot wide landscaping along street frontages. The applicant proposes utilizing the existing landscaping of the subject site in which perimeter landscaping already exists. Interior landscaping in some areas will be replaced with new structures. The applicant proposes a net gain of approximately 100 square feet of new landscaping by retaining 111,413 square feet removing 39,800 square feet and then adding an additional 39,900 square feet for a total 151,313 square feet. The parking area also requires landscaping at a rate of 3 5 square feet for each stall in parking areas of this size. For the new outdoor stalls and the existing stalls the applicant will be providing 47,073 square feet of landscaping, whereas 37,345 square feet would be required. In addition, one ( 1) tree is required for every six (6) stalls. The applicant proposed 146 trees, both new and existing, whereas only 68 trees would be required. Detailed ground cover information was not provided at this stage of development but will be required. Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 2010 Page 12 28. Access will continue to be provided by the existing curb cuts including those from Renton Village Place, access points including Grady and Talbot and two access points to the neighboring shopping center. Access to the garages will be from the internal driving aisles and not directly from surrounding streets. Drive aisles will be two way. Pedestrian access will be via internal paths and the sidewalks along the streets. Staff recommended that pedestrian paths be delineated and entrances to the garages be increased to allow access from additional directions and not just the west. 29. Staff noted that while the overall requirements for garbage and recycling appears to meet code requirements, it appears that if the phases are developed independently, Phase 2 and Phase 5 would not comply with those standards. Staff also noted that access to these areas will have to comply with Code and hauler requirements. 30. The office buildings will be designed to share common design elements to create a coherent complex. The ground floor facades would be detailed with stone tile or terra cotta treatment around the windows. Metal and glass canopies would be over the windows in all but TIS. The main entrances would have larger, more pronounced canopies. TIS would use modulation to define its entrance. TI4 and TI6 are designed to match each other. The general facade treatments would consist of aluminum panels, glazed curtain wall, aluminum trim and fins, solar shades, and operating windows. The garages would be designed to complement the office buildings with the ground level designed to mimic storefronts. The upper levels have metal panes and green screening. Staff noted that Garage D, visible from Renton Village Place and Talbot was not designed with similar elements. It is also the garage which does not meet the normal 30 foot setback. Staff recommended its street facades (east and north) be upgraded with street level detailing matching the other garages. 31. It is estimated that approximately 4,000 new employees would be housed in these buildings. These employees would probably generate increased demand for services from the surrounding businesses. At this conceptual level the applicant has not indicated whether retail uses might be housed in any of the new buildings to offer additional services to employees. 32. The applicant has proposed placing a helicopter pad on the roof of TIS. It would be a private helicopter pad for a potential tenant in the complex and not provide public transport. Staff presumed that the helicopter pad would not add appreciable noise. The applicant noted 1-405 and the flight path for the airport already add to the ambient noise levels in the area. 33. The development will increase traffic generating approximately 1,246 new P.M. peak hour trips. The analysis shows that the impacts can be accommodated by the existing street system. I-405's new ramps will be aligned with Renton Village Place. 34. Stormwater improvements have been made with the reconstruction of I-405 which are anticipated to reduce problems that have occurred in this area. Storm drainage facilities are located in Renton Village Place, Grady Way and Talbot Road. 3 5. Sewer and water mains are located in surrounding streets. 36. The original proposal included a skybridge. While that aspect of the proposal has been eliminated and is not part of the proposal under review, some exhibits still reflect that feature. It has not been reviewed by staff and this office will not be considering it further. 3 7. Staff pointed out that some of the parking is located on the perimeter of the subject site whereas the Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 20 I 0 Page 13 comprehensive plan suggests parking be located interior to the site behind or to the side of buildings. Staff noted that much of the perimeter of the site was already developed under prior standards and constraints imposed by the various powerlines leave those perimeter portions of the property unsuitable for structures but suitable for parking. Alignment of new buildings with the existing buildings and each other also determined some of the placement. 38. As noted, staff noted that a public plaza or similar amenity had not been provided. The applicant indicated that they can provide such a feature in the more detailed site planning that will occur. 39. The taller buildings could create light, glare or reflections on I-405 or the uses south ofI-405. Renton Hill's topography could ameliorate some of those issues. 40. The proposal was vested to development standards in October, 2008 and was reviewed under those standards even if newer standards would now be applicable to the subject site. CONCLUSIONS: Master Site Plan Review 1. The site plan ordinance provides a number of specific criteria for reviewing a site plan. Those criteria are generally represented in part by the following enumeration: a. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; b. Conformance with the Building and Zoning Codes; c. Mitigation of impacts on surrounding properties and uses; d. Mitigation of the impacts of the proposal on the subject site itself; e. Conservation of property values; f. Provision for safe and efficient vehicle and pedestrian circulation; g. Provision of adequate light and air; h. Adequacy of public services to accommodate the proposed use; The proposed use satisfies these and other particulars of the ordinance. 2. The proposed addition of four new office towers and associated garages is compatible with the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. The plan suggests concentrated urban development along the Grady Way corridor and more efficient use of vacant or underdeveloped areas. The plan also suggests enhanced building forms and urban texture. The new buildings, although still conceptual in some design facets, appear well-designed and provide an opportunity for development in place of acres of surface parking. Parking structures will contain much of the parking, again, allowing urban forms and the reduction of surface parking. 3. The office buildings and garages all provide appropriate setbacks with the exception of Garage D and Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 20 I 0 Page 14 even there, Code permits reduced setbacks if the garage contains sufficient and interesting design details and landscaping. Staff recommended conditions for enhancing the trim and supplementing the landscaping for Garage D. The buildings at 150 feet tall are substantially below the 250 foot height limit of the CO Zone and also comply with airport safety requirements. The applicant has sought a modification to allow a reduction in parking and that will be discussed below. The Master Site Plan remains somewhat conceptual and full details of the buildings would be reviewed when individual buildings or phases are submitted for review. At that time, compliance with Building and Fire Codes would also be determined. 4. The addition of four new eleven-story buildings and four parking garages will obviously have an impact with increased traffic, general hubbub and some obstructed views. The proposed helicopter pad and its activities could definitely introduce additional noise into this area. (see below for Conditional Use Permit discussion). Both the Zoning Code and comprehensive plan permit such increased development of the subject site and to some extent predicted or accepted these additional impacts. The most substantial noise aspects would probably occur during construction and with phasing they could be drawn out over a number of years. 5. The plan appears to mitigate impacts to the site with increased landscaping, decreased surface parking and reasonable spacing between buildings. Obviously, if the complex were constructed on a normal city block, some buildings might be immediately abutting one another but others would be separated by a more generous street thoroughfare. The plan moves in the direction of increased urban density and proximity of buildings to one another cannot be totally avoided. The consolidated parking garages, A, B and C, will present a rather long facade that could use additional detailing in vertical elements if not outright modulation. The applicant will also be adding some additional landscaping and protecting many of the existing larger trees. 6. The redevelopment of the site should conserve property values. It should increase the commercial activity in the nearby shopping center and the general downtown shopping district. 7. Staff has recommended that additional garage access be provided on the north and south facades of the consolidated central garage to allow pedestrians to gain easier access to the office towers north and south of that structure. Staff also suggested creating clearly delineated walks across the internal roadways and interconnecting the buildings and garages. The vehicular circulation will access garages from internal roadways which will take traffic off the public streets when trying to enter these garages. It appears that circulation is safe and efficient once pedestrian paths are more clearly defined. 8. As noted, the buildings will replace what is now "open space", that is surface parking. Eleven-story buildings will also change the complexion of the subject site. The existing towers will be more hemmed in but still have access to light and air. It will create a more closed campus but there is still reasonable separation. 9. Staff reports that adequate urban services such as water and sewer are available to serve the proposed new buildings. Stormwater issues have been addressed by improvements and recent changes along I- 405. Parking Modification Review I 0. The applicant has requested a modification to allow reduced parking to serve the subject site. The Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 20 I 0 Page 15 criteria governing such a request are contained in RMC 4-9-250D2): a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; b. Will meet the objectives of safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; c. Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity; d. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(s) in the vicinity. 11. The proposed phasing will alter the parking ratio as surface parking is replaced with office buildings and structured garages. Code currently requires 3 spaces for each 1,000 square feet of office space. At one point during the redevelopment staff has calculated that parking might drop as low as 2.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of office space. In order to satisfy Code a reduction is permitted but subject to a modification review. There are a number of factors which suggest that the modification is appropriate. The ERC required a Transportation Demand Management Program that requires a 24% reduction in commuting by additional carpooling and other commute reduction programs or incentives. Reduced parking on the expanded campus would serve to discourage driving and encourage other forms of commuting. Further and in a reverse nod to the vesting that the applicant has used to advantage for most of the project, the City reduced the code requirements for parking. The ratio is now 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet of office space. This reduction would seem to suggest that the proposed modification from the code the applicant is complying with, the October, 2008 Code, is appropriate. If the applicant were to reapply for the proposal at this juncture, it would be entitled to the reduced parking sough_t. As proposed, approving the modification should not adversely affect property in the vicinity and reduced traffic should actually benefit all who use the nearby roadways. The modification is appropriate and is approved. Conditional Use Permit 12. The applicant for a Conditional Use Permit must demonstrate that the use is in the public interest, will not impair the health, safety or welfare of the general public and is in compliance with the criteria found in Section 4-9-030 (G) which provides in part that: a. The proposal generally conforms with the Comprehensive Plan; b. There is a general community need for the proposed use at the proposed location; c. There will be no undue impacts on adjacent property; d. The proposed use is compatible in scale with the adjacent residential uses, if any; Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 2010 Page 16 e. Parking, unless otherwise permitted, will not occur in the required yards; f. Traffic and pedestrian circulation will be safe and adequate for the proposed project; g. Noise, light and glare will not cause an adverse affect on neighboring property; h. Landscaping shall be sufficient to buffer the use from rights-of-way and neighboring property where appropriate; and 1. Adequate public services are available to serve the proposal. The requested conditional use is not necessarily justified. 13. While nothing dictates against a private helicopter pad it can unquestionably introduce additional noise to an area. The applicant maintains flights should generally be limited to a few per day and few, if any, in the evenings. They also suggest that such flights would probably blend with the existing ambient noises of 1-405 and the airport. They also suggest it would reduce traffic trips. The suggested reduction in traffic both staff and the applicant mention resulting from approving a helicopter pad is definitively overblown. One helicopter will hardly reduce the traffic impacts when more than 1,200 additional vehicle trips are predicted for the P.M. peak rush hour and a somewhat smaller number would occur in the A.M not to mention all the mid-day traffic. The comprehensive plan juxtaposes single family residential uses east and south of the commercially zoned subject site in areas topographically above the subject site. The proposed helicopter pad will expose those generally less intense uses to even more urban hubbub than exists from the intrusive 1-405 and the more remote but still present airport and flight path. 14. Community need for such a facility is obviously hard to determine. The helicopter pad and service at Valley Medical Center clearly serves a community need. A private helicopter less so. There is no over- concentration of such uses in the area. The airport is remote from this site. 15. Until the helicopter pad is active and operating this office cannot find that there will be no undue impacts on adjacent property. The landing and takeoff noises as well as flight might create undue impacts. Therefore, it seems appropriate to allow the use but subject to a condition for a review after it has been operating for a year at which time a new public hearing would be held to determine if the use is an appropriate conditional use for this site. Again, it cannot be determined at this time whether the use would create undue impacts. 16. The use would be contained on the roof of TIS and would not be out of scale with other uses, it should require no yards, although, there will be flight-space requirements. Parking, traffic, landscaping and urban services are addressed in the review of the Master Site Plan. 17. The applicant has asked for approval of the Master Site Plan for five (5) years rather than the customary two (2) years. Given the scope of the project, four new towers and four parking garages, and the state of the economy, it appears appropriate to approve the project for five years. Also while the applicant has shown some specific phasing details they have requested that some flexibility be available. The phasing should not be cast in concrete but each phase must contain appropriate resources or infrastructure such as parking, garbage and recycling to meet code requirements as if that phase were standalone. 18. In conclusion, the proposed Master Site Plan and associated Parking Modification and Conditional Use Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 20 I 0 Page 17 permit are appropriate given the conceptual nature of the proposal at this point. Obviously, the plan will undergo refinements in detail including existing suggestions by staff and this office at this point and then as specific phases are submitted and permitted. Currently, the plan lacks lighting details, landscaping details, parking stall details and more information on exterior materials generation of light, glare or reflection on I-405 and the nearby residential uses. In the main, the plan will contribute to the goal of making this area a focal point for urban intensity and new urban forms. DECISION: The Master Site Plan and Parking Modification are approved for a Five (5) Year period. The Conditional Use Permit is approved for One (I) year after the helipad begins operating and shall be subject to a full, independent and new Condition Use Permit review to be scheduled as soon as practical after a year of operation. The following conditions shall apply to the proposal: I. The applicant shall comply with the 9 mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, dated August 2, 2010. 2, The applicant shall evaluate the feasibility of including retail services on the ground floor that support the office development, at Site Plan Review Stage. 3. The applicant shall provide public amenity features such as a plaza, park, recreation area, open space, or other feature as approved by the Current Planning Project Manager, to be included at Site Plan Review stage for each phase of the project. 4. Parking garage D shall be set back an additional IO-feet and screening landscaping shall be provided between the structure and the sidewalk or architectural detailing shall be provided along the front and east fa9ade of the parking garage to screen the building from the sidewalk, public right-of-way, and surrounding properties. Updated Parking Garage D elevation drawings shall be submitted at Site Plan Review, for Phase 5 of the project, for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. 5. The applicant shall submit a conceptual landscape plan prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or other certified landscape professional that complies with RMC 4-8-120D. The revised conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager as a part of Site Plan Review for each phase of the development. 6. The applicant shall provide a detailed parking lot plan identifying compact, standard, and parallel stall dimensions, aisle widths, parking angles where applicable, and ADA spaces at a ratio of2% of the total spaces for each phase of the development at Site Plan Review. 7. The applicant provided sufficient space for refuse and recycling for each proposed phase of the development, for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager, at Site Plan Review. 8. The applicant shall provide a screening detail for rooftop mounted equipment, including materials and color for review and approval by the Current Planning Manager, at Site Plan Review Stage for each phase of the development. 9. Pedestrian walkways and crosswalks shall be clearly identified throughout the site by the use of different materials and colors then used for the parking lot surface and drive aisles. A Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 20 I 0 Page 18 pedestrian circulation plan shall be submitted at Site Plan Review stage, identifying materials and colors proposed for pedestrian pathways and crosswalks throughout the site, for review and approval the Current Planning Project Manager. 10. The applicant shall redesign the parking garages to provide pedestrian exits on the north, south, and west sides of the structure. An updated Ground Floor plan for parking garages A -C shall be submitted at Site Plan Review stage, for each phase of the project, indentifying the required additional pedestrian exits. 11. The applicant shall be required to submit a lighting plan subject to review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit submittal. The lighting plan shall depict the type of lighting proposed, the direction of the lighting, and the location of all of the exterior lights. 12. The combined A, B and C parking garage shall receive additional detailing and possibly modulation and/or vertical elements to mitigate it 5-story bulk. 13. The Conditional Permit shall be limited to an initial one ( 1) year of operation and then be subject to a new Conditional Use review after it has been operating for a year at which time a new public hearing will be held to determine if the use is an appropriate conditional use for this site. 14. The phasing may be altered but each phase must contain appropriate resources or infrastructure such as parking, garbage and recycling to meet code requirements as if that phase were standalone. ORDERED TIDS 2•d day of September 2010. HEARING EXAMINER TRANSMITTED TIDS 2•d day of September 2010 to the parties of record: Vanessa Dolbee Community & Economic Dev City of Renton MarkLudtka Callison 1420 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 2400 Seattle, WA 98101 Kayren Kittrick Community & Economic Dev City of Renton Keith Maehlum Renton Properties, LLC 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98121 Dan McKinney, Jr., 11730 118" Ave NE, Ste. 600 Kirkland, WA 98030 John Turcott I 0024 Main Street, Ste. 2A Bothell, WA 98011 Triton Towers Expansion File No.: LUA-08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H September 2, 2010 Page 19 Jack McCullough Gina Custer Rebecca Davidson JCR Development 701 5th Avenue, Ste. 7220 Seattle, WA 981 04 1209 S 7th Street Renton, WA 98057 2835 82°d Ave SE., Ste. 300 Mercer Island, WA 98040 TRANSMITTED THIS 2"d day of September 20 IO to the following: Mayor Denis Law Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Gregg Zimmerman, PW Administrator Alex Pietsch, CED Administration Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Mgr. Stacy Tucker, Planning Division Marty Wine, Assistant CAO Dave Pargas, Fire Marshal Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services Renton Reporter Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section lOOGofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration most be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m .• September 16. 2010. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen ( 14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, . after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $250.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be tiled in writing on or before 5:00 p.m .• September 16 2010. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the r~quirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the tile. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. ~ EXHIBIT 45 '·" ' ., . " 't ~ 0.2 City of Renton, Washington Lakes and Rivers Parcels · Street Names Rights of Way Streets Roai:ls jurisdictions -, BdlMIII .DH Moine, lu111quah Kont King County . Mlll!Cllrllland Newca1U11 REITTON SeaTao Sea!Ue Tukwila sld4.sld • Red: BancU ~ Green: Band_2 • Blue: Band_3 sid5.sld • Red: BamL1 Ill Green: Ban~_2 • Blue.: Band_3 1:4,904 @B.5" X 11" Thia map la a user generated static output from an Internet mapping stle and Is fOf rererence only. Data layers that appear on this map may or"may not be I I.Enter Map Descrlpllon accurate, currant, or otherwise relleble. THIS MAP JS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 0 City of Renton Department of Comm TRmON TOWERS EXPANSION & Economic Development Pre/im_ ---, Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAfJ8-ll7, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Site Area: 918,471 SF HEX Report Total Building Area GSF: Page 2 of 24 Parking Garages l,S70,548 SF Office Buildings 658,389 SF Parking Garages i J :i :I: :I " !! " ,. I' 1· ,I Ii !i 'I /1 q I I· I I I I 1 I I ! i I I ! ' i \ ; I I I I I. I I I N C"') 1--DJ - ·~. w j ! ' ' ! 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I i I j N rt) 1--al -:i: >< w August 23, 2010 To: Vanessa Dolbee, Project Manager Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA. 98057 From: Gina Custer 1209 S. th St. Renton, WA. 98057 425.255.3215 RE: Project#: LUAOB-117 ECF, SA-M,CU-H To Whom It May Concern, I am writing in regards to the proposed Helicopter landing pad atop Triton Towers located at 555 Renton Village Place, Renton, WA. I strongly oppose a helicopter pad atop Triton Towers for any reason. My residence is located directly above 1-405 on Renton Hill (corner of Cedar Ave. S. and South th Street) where the forest of maple trees were demolished last year by Corridor Design Build. Since the destruction of the forest the noise level at my home has increased dramatically. I am now subject to hearing from downtown Renton: car dealership outdoor speakers (Example: Dan line 2), the noise of the freeway and a definite increase in the noise level of sirens throughout South Renton. The thought of having to listen to a helicopter landing atop Triton Towers is frightening. I believe the noise of a helicopter would be unbearable. I feel this is an unconscionable request by a business owner considering the close proximity to so many citizens' homes. Sound travels period. My home is already directly under the flight path of small planes landing at Renton Municipal Field, please don't add the horrific noise of a helicopter landing in my front yard as that is what it will sound like to me. Thank you for your consideration and the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, ~aa,e/~ Gina Custer 1209 South th Street Renton, WA. 98057 425.255.3215 i:: 0 . ., _,._ " . <s.1 ~ . 'l.--,J) 0 -•'J -t; -~ ) . : " ._., ' -_;,. r- ~ . () 0 . .-... t-§ . ~ l/i v . ----<) ~ . 4'. I .> . $ 0. ~ 0 s i . ,_ ·J (I') . w C " w . .J ..; ~ s -:i . ~ C \.~ 7 00 . N _5) ----~ '>-. Cl . <t_ -+-1) -!JJ lj -' -Ul i 0 5 / N <( p ~ > ' v f 0 I.!) 3 N (\) ~ \J r/) ' :.) ' Vl u r-. -~ -CJ \I) ct r \fl > l~ ~ r 1_f) b ~ ~ ( -&_0 t) r:C l!l _c;- I'-~ ~ (', -~ > c-m ill ; ' ·- CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT· PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 4th day of August, 2010, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ERC Determination documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached Keith Maehlum Owner/Applicant Mark Ludtka Contact Rebecca Davidson POR John Murphy POR (Signature of Sender): ,,, ,,, ',; STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Dated: Av..g"s+ "I> ;;;>010 :Jd 1A ~> Notary Public i~ndforthe State of Washington Notary (Print): ____ ......uY~-_..._A,.___G-=-..1.r;ci-_b:::..~.:..c,,-_________ _ My appointment expires: A "a " 0 13 '-1 LA..0 "'-5+-o<--1 I "'- ,· ··.·-· ... _._ , .. ,.,. , Project Name::'.,) Triton Towers Expansion .. ~-' -,~--,, .. -, .. " .,,. _,., -·-"\_:.,:···... • ..... ,: •. ; l" . Project Number:;; LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H template -affidavit of service by mailing ·.· .. <ff\".: -f{tt,h '1" Dept. of Ecology • Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSOOT Northwest Region • Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers * Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers * Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. Attn: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Attn: SEPA Coordinator 700 Fifth Avenue1 Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -Larry Fisher• 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Issaquah, WA 98027 Duwamish Tribal Office"' 4717 W Marginal Way SW Seattle, WA 98106-1514 KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Environmental Planning Supervisor Ms. Shirley Marroquin 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 City of Newcastle Attn: Steve Roberge Director of Community Development 13020 Newcastle Way Newcastle, WA 98059 Puget Sound Energy Municipal Liaison Manager Joe Jainga PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-OlW Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. • Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer 39015 -172"' Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program* Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert 39015 172"' Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation* Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Kent Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Acting Community Dev. Director 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 City of Tukwila Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwila, WA 98188 *Note: Jfthe Notice of Application states that it is an i/Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the notice of application. template -affidavit of service by mailing NOTICE, OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION AND PUBLIC HEARING ISSUANCE Of A OITTRMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MmGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: PROJECf NUMBER: LOCATION: Triton Towers bpaMlon LUAOIJ.117, ECF, SA-M, aJ-H 555 S Rentnn Villa&e Place DESCRIPT10N: The :applic.lnt Is requesting Master Sita Pl.on .ipprnvill He3cing E)<~miner Col'ldltlonal Usa and Environmental Review for the addition ol four office bulldincs (IT-4 -n-7) ""done roof top Hellcopll!r P;aod to the Trtto,,. Tower office complu.. The prupmed dev,.!opmefrt Is located at SSS South 11.enton Villace Plaa and would be c!r,elo~ on 3 parcels; U923059023, #1923059001, and 1117231600542, The subject sill! Is 9'U,S76 squ.in, feet or 21,085 acr6 :and is zor>ed Camnien:ial Office (CO). There are three e.isting off-.ce blakllngs on ~ which are to rem.iin. The proposed four new olflci, buUdin&S would be 11 stories in heigh! ~nd would not extend into the FAR PART 77 Air Space for Renton Munidp;il Airport. The proposal includes lour new parkln1 p<apS and new •urt.ice parkilli lots 1n addition to ret;,inin& ~ome existing surface ?arking resul!ing ;n 3,212 parkirc 5p;Kti for the site. TIM= gross area for the four new office buildlncs and lour new parking gara~es would be 1,137,129 square feet and 659,389,;qua,re fee1 res.pectiffly. There .. ould be two access poirtt< to TT-7 m,rn Sol,th llerrton Vlll;i1e Place and five acce=;s points to the remalnin1 Triton Towen. oflice buildingS (proJl(l•ed and existl.11&) from South Renton Villa Ee Plau, Talbot Road Sand SW Grady Way. There are two additional access points to adjoinint: JJfOpwtles to the West and South. A tribuory to FlaUlnE Hills Creek run, along the southern property boundary. A!". such, a mum evaluation was provided with the .-pplication. In addition, to the stream evaluation a 1eotechnP report and tAffio; otudy were pro~ided. The applicants have indicated that the proposal would result in a net pin of 29 -..Son site ar><I new fire lines, storrn and sanitary fnfras:tructure would be provided across the !.Ile. THE OTY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DITTRMINED IBATTHE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. APPEAlS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DITTRMINATION MUST BE ALED IN WAITING ON OR BEFORE 5:00 P.M. ON AUGUST 20, 2010. APPEAl5 MUST BE FILED IN WRmNG TOGETHER WITH THE REQUIRED FEE WITH: HEARING EXAMINER, OTY Of RENTON, 10S5 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WA 98057. APPEAlS TO THE EXAMINER ARE GOVERNED BY OTY OF RENTON MUNIOPAL CODE SECOON 4-8-110.B. ADDmONAL INFDRMA110r.l REGARDING THE AP?EAL PROCESS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE RENTON OTY a.ERK'S OFFICf:, \425) 4l0-6510. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER Al HIS REGUlAR MEETING !N THE COUNOL CHAMBERS ON TI-IE 7nl FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON AUGUST 24, 2010 AT 9:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE MASTER SITT Pl.AN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. !F THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION 15 APPEALED, THE APPEAL Will Bf HEARD ""5 PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY Of RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPi:R AUTHORIZATION Please lndude the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. ·'" ,,,,, ~ ,,,, -·~~ ,,,,,. _·/~~~\ \ CERTIFICATION ~« ..... ~ 'I~ . ~~, ....,.. ... "'., e !! 3 ·,, .O.:' ,.1t:.,._.-# ;;· _.___....,,..>.,,,ll.u.."""....:;,.;.-..1,,LJ...;~lli..l\...., hereby certify that copies of the above dtoc:-,, ,.,,, ... o,~ ff . I -"I, F"'r .... .... ~'"'"'-conspicuous p aces or nearby the described property on 111,1 ,.,, ... ... .\ I , '\\\\\\\'''' Date: B/ ls j \:t) STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss ) Signed:'\\\hi'hl~\l \ \Y\%J\ ) j I .certify t~a.t I know or have satisfactory evidence that ".)')1 \ c.l e , ~ , ]); S:m mk J signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): My appointment expi res: ___ -2;;.c· _-_;a:::::._"l~--";i~o'-1\,,.::3,__ ______ _ Vanessa Dolbee From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Vanessa, Keith Maehlum [kmaehlum@halrealestate.com] Tuesday, August 10, 201 O 11 :37 AM Vanessa Dolbee RE: Triton Towers? UJAOB-117 The possible future trading floor shown on one of the elevations is not included in this Master Site Plan proposal. Regards -Keith From: Vanessa Dolbee [mailto:VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 11:26 AM To: Keith Maehlum Subject: Triton Towers ? Keith, Were you planning on including the additional floor on the parking garages as a part of this proposal? Is this square footage including in the 1.2 million square feet of office space or would this be in addition to the 1.2? Pursuant to the tables provided on sheet A-100, it doesn't appear that the office square footage above the parking garages are included in these calculations. Thank you, 'Vanessa (J)o(6ee (Acting) Senior Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton Renton City Hall -6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425.430.7314 1 Vanessa Dolbee From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Vanessa, Keith Maehlum [kmaehlum@halrealestate.com] Monday, August 09, 2010 11 :58 AM Vanessa Dolbee RE: Triton Towers lUA0~-117 The fourth parcel number that should also be identified as part of the Master Site Plan is# 7231600595. Thank you -Keith ----------------------~----------------------- From: Vanessa Dolbee [mailto:VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:02 AM To: Mark Ludtka Cc: Keith Maehlum Subject: RE: triton towers Thank you, 'Vanessa (J)o[6ee (Acting) Senior Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton Renton City Ha II -6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425.430.7314 From: Mark Ludtka [mailto:Mark.Ludtka@callison.com] Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 5: 18 PM To: Vanessa Dolbee Cc: Keith Maehlum Subject: triton towers Vanessa: Please find attached a 11x17 plan showing the highlighted stream area with a 75' setback as requested. We will send via courier a full size sheet for your use. Should you require further information please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you Mark J. Mark Ludtka, LEED AP Principal mark. ludtka@callison.com CALLISON 1420 FIFTH AVENUE #2400 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101-2343 T 1 206 613 4901 F 1 206 623 4625 1 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 17th day of August, 2010, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner documents. This information was sent to: Name Keith Maehlum, Renton Properties LLC Mark Ludtka, Callison Rebecca Davidson John Murphy ·' STATE OF WASHINGTON Dated: A ,.3,,.,1 . . •1.r.1[:J~· ,1r.1 .. t- ~ ---__ __.J . . ')o',1f·f. ,1i11,,l,f l ~ -' l] ,;>010 I Triton Towers Expansion LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Representing Contact/Owner Applicant Party of Record Party of Record 1',\'\:'"''' JtA ~ Notary Pblicir:a~d for the State of Washington Denis Law Mayor. August 17, 2010 Keith Maehlum Renton Properties LLC 2025 First Avenue #700 Seattle; WA 98121 __.""""'"'-"• ...... ...,.,.,..._~. Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator SUBJECT: Triton Towers Expansion LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Dear Mr. Maehlum: This letter is to infor.m you that the appeal period will end August 20, 2010 for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the above-referenced project. No appeals have been filed on the ERC determination as of the date of this letter, therefore, the decision will become final if no appeals are filed by August 20, 2010. The applicant must comply with all ERC Mitigation Measures outlined in the Report and Decision dated August 2, 2010. Also, a Hearing Examiner Public Hearing has been scheduled for August 24, :2010, where Site Plan Conditions may be issued. The applicant or representative(s) of the · applicant are requlred to be present. Enclosed is a copy of the Preliminary Reportto the Hearing Examiner for your revi.ew. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7314. For the Environmental Review Committee, Vanessa Dolbee (Acting) Senior Planner . Enclosure: Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner cc: Mark Ludtka -Callison / Applicant Rebecca Davidson, John Murphy/ Party{ies) of Record Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rento.nwa.gov DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING August 24, 2010 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Triton Towers Expansion PROJECT NUMBER: LUAS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval and Hearing Examiner Conditional Use for the addition of four office buildings (TI-4 -TI-7) and one roof top Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. The proposed development is located at on 4 parcels; #1923059023, #1923059001, #7231600542, and #7231600595 in the southwest corner of the intersection of Talbot Road South and South Grady Way. The subject site is 923,576 square feet or 21.085 acres and is zoned Commercial Office (CO). There are three existing office buildings on site, which are to remain. The proposed four new office buildings would be 11 stories in height and would not extend into the FAR PART 77 Air Space for Renton Municipal Airport. , HEX Agenda 8-24-10.doc PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING DATE: August 24, 2010 Project Nome: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Triton Towers Expansion Renton Properties, LLC, 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700, Seattle, WA 98121 Mark Ludtka, Callison, 1420 Fifth Avenue #2400, Seattle, WA 98101 Keith Maehlum, Renton Properties, LLC, 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700, Seattle, WA 98121 LUA08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee, (Acting) Senior Planner -----'------...::.._--------~ ·------------------~ Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval and Hearing Examiner Conditional Use for the addition of four office buildings (TI-4-TI-7) and one roof top Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. The proposed development is located at on 4 parcels; #1923059023, #1923059001, #7231600542, and #7231600595 in the southwest corner of the intersection of Talbot Road South and South Grady Way. The subject site is 923,576 square feet or 21.085 acres and is zoned Commercial Office {CO). There are three existing office buildings on site, which are to remain. The proposed four new office buildings would be 11 stories in height and would not extend into the FAR PART 77 Air Space for Renton Municipal Airport. The proposal includes four new parking garages and new surface parking lots in addition to retaining some existing surface parking resulting in 3,212 parking spaces for the site. The gross area for the four new office buildings and four new parking garages would be 1,137,129 square feet and 659,389 square feet respectively. There would be two access points to TI-7 from South Renton Village Place and five access points to the remaining Triton Towers office buildings {proposed and existing) from South Renton Village Place, Talbot Road 5 and SW Grady Way. There are two additional access points to adjoining properties to the West and South. A tributary to Rolling Hills Creek runs along the southern property boundary. The applicant has indicated that the proposal would result in a net gain of 29 trees on site and new fire lines, storm and sanitary infrastructure would be provided across the site. Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: 555 South Renton Village Place 433,419 SF Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 1,137,129 SF Office Buildings 658,389 SF City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development Pre.. ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Site Area: 918,471 SF .. . I HEX Report Total Building Area GSF: Page 2 of 24 Parking Garages 1,570,548 SF Office Buildings 658,389 SF Parking Garages City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development Pre·· ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H TRIT/ON TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 3 of 24 I 8. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Exhibit 9: Exhibit 10: Exhibit 11: Exhibit 12: Exhibit 13: Exhibit 14: Exhibit 15: Exhibit 16: Exhibit 17: Exhibit 18: Exhibit 19: Exhibit 20: Exhibit 21: Exhibit 22: Exhibit 23: Exhibit 24: Exhibit 25: Exhibit 26: Exhibit 27: Exhibit 28: Exhibit 29: Exhibit 30: Exhibit 31: Exhibit 32: Exhibit 33: Exhibit 34: Exhibit 35: HEX Report Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Neighborhood Detail Map, Sheet A-002 Overall Site Plan, Sheet A-100 General Information, A-001 Fire Protection Coverage Diagram, Sheet A-002a Overall Phasing Site Plan, Sheet A-003 TI-4 Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-111 TI-4 Office Floor Plan (Typical), Sheet A-112 TI-4 Roof Plan, Sheet A-113 TI-5 Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-121 TI-5 Typical Office Floor Plan, Sheet A-122 'TI-5 Roof Plan, Sheet A-123 TI-6 Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-151 TI-7/Garage D Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-131 TI-7/Garage D Floors 2-4 Typical, Sheet A-132 TI-7 Level 5 Floor Plan, Sheet 133 TI-7 Levels 6-11 Floor Plan, Sheet A-135 TI-7 Roof Plan, Sheet A-136 Garage A/B/C Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-141 Garage A/B/C Typical Floor Plan (Levels 2-5), Sheet A-142 Garage A/B/C Roof Plan, Sheet A-143 TI-4/TI-6 Elevations, Sheet A-211 TI-4/TI-6 Elevations, Sheet A-212 TI-4/TI-6 Elevations, Sheet A-213 TI-5 Elevations, Sheet A-221 TI-5 East Elevation, Sheet A-222 TI-5 West Elevation, Sheet A-223 TI-7 Elevations, Sheet A-231 TI-7 Elevations, Sheet A-232 TI-7 Elevations, Sheet A-233 Garage A,B,C Elevations, Sheet A-241 Overall Landscape Plan, Sheet L-100 Overall Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.O Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.1 Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.2 City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Pre · · 10,y Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Exhibit 36: Exhibit 37: Exhibit 38: Exhibit 39: Exhibit 40: Exhibit 41: Exhibit 42: Exhibit 43: Exhibit 44: Exhibit 45: Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.3 Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.4 Partial Site Plan Information, Sheet A-100 Overall Site Plan (Partial), Sheet A-lOOa Overall Site Plan (Partial), Sheet A-lOOb Overall Site Plan (Partial), Sheet A-lOOc Overall Site Plan (Partial), Sheet A-lOOd TI-4m-6 Building Sections, Sheet A-311 TI-7 Garage D Building Sections, Sheet A-331 Aerial Photo from Land Info Mapping System I C. GENERAL INFORMATION: Page 4 of 24 1. Owner( s) of Record: Renton Properties, LLC, 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700, Seattle, WA 98121 2. Zoning Designation: 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: Commercial Office (CO) Commercial Corridor (CC) General Office North: Vehicle sales lat and a gas station (CA zone) East: Sam's Club (CA zone) South: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) West: Renton Village Shopping Center (CA zone) 6. Access: Via South Grady Way, Talbot Road South and South Renton Village Place. 7. Site Area: I D. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Zoning Annexation Site Plan Review Short Plat Lot Line Adjustment HEX Report Description N/A N/A N/A Original Office Development 15.24 acres into 3 lots Between Triton Towers & Renton Village Shopping Center 918,471 SF (21.09 acres) Land Use File No. Ordinance Date No. N/A 5099 11/1/2004 N/A 5099 11/1/2004 N/A 4040 2/4/1987 LUA86-032 N/A 1/1/1986 SHP-87-009 N/A 1/1/1987 LUA00-141 N/A 5/2/2001 City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Pre · ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Hearing Date August 24, 2010 SEPA & Critical Areas Exemption Critical Areas Exemption I E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities Storm System Replacement Locate Temp. stormwater collection tank for -405 expansion project Page 5 of 24 LUA06-061 N/A 7/24/2006 LUAl0-042 N/A 6/29/2010 a. Water: This project is located in the City of Renton water service area, and Water Pressure Zone 196. An existing 24-inch water main is located in Talbot Road South, an existing 12- inch water main is located in South Grady Way, an existing 10-inch water main is located in the parking lot north of Triton Tower 3, and an existing 12-inch water main is located in South Renton Village Place. b. Sewer: There is an existing 18-inch sanitary sewer main located in South Renton Village Place. c. Surface/Storm Water: There are storm drainage facilities in Talbot Road South, South Grady Way and in South Renton Village Place. 2. Streets: Street improvements are not required at this time. 3. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department. F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: *The subject project is vested to 2008 Renton Municipal Code, as such all chapters listed below are consistent with 2008 standards. 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-060: Zoning Use Table c. Section 4-2-120: Commercial Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts a. Section 4-3-020: Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards a. Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations b. Section 4-4-070: Landscaping Regulations c. Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations d. Section 4-4-090: Refuse and Recyclables Standards e. Section 4-4-130: Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards s. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria a. Section 4-9-030: Conditional Use Permits b. Section 4-9-200: Site Development Plan Review HEX Report City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development PrP ·· ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, £CF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H TRlnON TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 6. Chapter 11 Definitions G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: 2. Community Design Element: I H. DEPARTMENT ANAL YS/S: 1. Project Description/Background Airspace Protection and Commercial Site Planning and Parking Page 6 of 24 Note 1: The subject project was vested to development standards in October of 2008, and therefore review of all development standards ond comprehensive plan policies are consistent with the 2008 vesting. Note 2: With the original application submitted in 2008, an additional //oar was proposed on top of Parking Garages A -C and a sky bridge was proposed connecting this office floor ta TT-5. The applicant has requested this portion of the proposal be removed. All numbers in the flowing report reflect this change. However, the reference to the "trading floor'' and "sky bridge" remain on some exhibits. The applicant, Mark Ludtka of Callison is requesting Master Site Plan Review for the future construction of four 11-story office towers (TT-4 -TT-7) and four parking garages as infill development to the existing Triton Towers Office Complex. In addition to the Master Site Plan Review, a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit for a helipad on TT-5 has been requested. The subject property is located on 4 separate parcels, #1923059023, #1923059001, #7231600542, and #7231600595. The project site is bounded by 1-405 on the south, Talbot Road S. on the east, South Grady Way on the north, and Renton Village to the west, in addition, South Renton Village Place runs through the site. The subject site for the new office buildings is 923,576 square feet in area. The property currently contains one existing Triton Tower Office Building per each of the three larger parcels, with the exception of one small parcel located near 1-405, which only contains parking forTT-2. The existing addresses for TT-1-TT-3 are 555 South Renton Village Place, 700 South Renton Village Place, and 707 South Grady Way. Each existing building is supported by surface parking and established landscaping. All existing office buildings would remain and construction of the four new office buildings would be within the existing surface parking lots of TT-1-TT-3. The new development would provide parking garages to mitigate for the loss of existing surface parking and provide the additional parking required by the new development. Four new parking garages {Garage A-D) are proposed for the site, providing 2,145 new parking stalls (661 existing surface parking stalls are to remain). The subject site is located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation and is within the Commercial Corridor Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The subject site is surrounded by commercial uses; to the east is Sam's Club, to the west is Renton Village Shopping Center and across South Grady Way are auto-related uses including a vehicle sales lot and a gas station. HEX Report City of Renton Department of Comr-· 1ity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Pre·· ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Page 7 of 24 The completed project would be developed in 5 phases, described in the table below: Phase 1 TT-6, 225,487 SF Phase 2 TT-5, 294,720 SF Phase 3 N/A Phase 4 TT-4, 225,487 SF Phase 5 TT-7, 146,327 SF New+ . Existing ice Space ii · ' :1 · tal for site)I , '! \ ~., 576,987 SF 871,707 SF 871,707 SF 1,097,195 SF 1,243,521 SF Garage C, 162,600 SF, 5 Stories Garage B, 162,600 SF, 5 Stories Garage A, 252,600 SF, 5 Stories N/A Garage D, 80,589 SF, 5 Stories 1,S87 2.75 1,984 2.3 2,367 2.7 2,997 2.73 3,212 2.58 Once all phases are complete, the development would provide 1,137,129 gross square feet {892,021 net square feet) of new office space in addition to the existing 433,419 gross square feet (351,500 net square feet) of office space. The proposed project would result in 3,212 total parking stalls of which 2,145 would be within the proposed parking garages and 1,067 would be surface parking stalls. Furthermore, the applicant is proposing to retain 111,413 square feet of existing landscaping and proposed an addition of 39,900 square feet of landscaped area, resulting in 151,313 square feet of landscaping for the completed project. Access to the site would be provided off of South Grady Way, Talbot Road South and South Renton Village Place. This project is not proposing any new access points to the site. Access exists at two locations along South Grady Way, two locations along Talbot Road South, and three access points off of South Renton Village Place, in addition, access can be gained to the site via Renton Village Shopping Center at two locations. All proposed parking garages are to be accessed via the internal portion of the site. All internal drive aisles are proposed to be two way throughout the site. With the addition of four new office buildings to the subject site, the total building coverage (proposed and existing) would be 30.8 percent. The tallest point of the proposed office buildings would be the top of the proposed screening detail, which is 150 feet above grade. All buildings would be no taller than 182 feet mean sea level (MSL) therefore, all new building would be below the FAR PART 77 air space for the Renton Municipal Airport. The subject site contains areas of potential flooding as indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps {FIRMs) published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The FIRMs have identified two flood hazard areas "A" and "AH" located in the western most portion of the existing parking lot for TT-1. All proposed finished floor elevation would be elevated above the base flood HEX Report City of Renton Department of Comm ' , & Economic Development TRIT/ON TOWERS EXPANSION Preli · y Report to the Hearing Examiner IAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 8 of 24 elevation identified by the FIRMs. In addition to flood hazards, a tributary to Rolling Hills Creek and a portion of the main stem of Rolling Hills Creek are located along the southern boundary between the existing TI-1 and the proposed TI-7 and 1-405. A portion ofthe creek has been placed in a culvert along South Renton Village Place. Pursuant to City of Renton Critical Areas Maps Rolling Hills Creek is a Class Ill stream, which would have a buffer of 75 feet. Furthermore, the subject site is located within a City of Renton identified seismic hazard area. The subject site contains 326 primarily deciduous trees with a minimum 6-inch diameter. The subject proposal would eliminate 104 of the existing trees in areas where the proposed buildings and parking garages would be located. The applicant has indicated that the 104 trees to be removed would be replaced with 125 new trees, resulting in a net gain of 21 trees on site. 2. Environmental Review Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on August 2, 2010, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued a Determination of Non- Significance, Mitigated for the project. The DNS-M included nine mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on August 6, 2010 and ends on August 20, 2010. No appeals have been filed for the SEPA determination as of today August 17, 2010. Compliance with ERC Conditions Based on an analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated: HEX Report 1. The applicant shall be required to provide new site-specific geotechnical analysis and recommendations for each proposed building, prepared by a certified professional, meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8-120D at the time of site plan application. 2. The applicant shall provide a new Site Plan at Site Plan Review stage, for each phase of the project, that includes the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Rolling Hills Creek and the creeks associated 75-foot buffer line, in addition to the location of the stream culvert, to ensure there are no impacts to the stream. If impacts are identified during Site Plan Review, the applicant shall provide a stream mitigation plan that is subject to the approval of the City's Current Planning Project Manager. 3. The project shall be designed to be in compliance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. One hundred four (104) of the one hundred twenty five (125) proposed trees shall be a minimum of two caliper inches for deciduous trees and 8 -10 feet tall for conifers, when planted. S. The applicant shall coordinate with WSDOT to ensure the design of their project complies with the plans for the 1-405/1-5 to SR 169 Stage 2 -Widening and SR 515 Interchange Project and WSDOT's limited access limits, prior to Site Plan Review approval. 6. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 per new trip attributed to the subject project. This fee shall be based on actual square footage calculations from the building permit and shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development Pre·· · wry Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 9 of 24 7. The applicant shall provide a Transportation Demand Management (TOM) program which includes, but not limited to, the following measures: provide sheltered bike racks, create a transportation coordinator position for employees, implement an employee van-pool program, promote flexible scheduling and work hours, provide on- site showers and changing facilities, provide discounted transit passes for employees, limit the amount of free parking for each tenant, and charge a parking fee for non- rideshare vehicles. The applicant shall create the TOM plan for each phase of the project, to be reviewed and approved by the City's Development Services Division, prior to building permit issuance. The approved TOM program shall be recorded on the property title prior to building permit issuance. The TOM program shall be implemented and monitoring shall begin at the time of Building Final Occupancy for each phase of the project. 8. The applicant shall provide a pedestrian circulation plan at Site Plan Review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. 9. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $0.52 per new square footage prior to building permit issuance. 3. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various City departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 4. Consistency with Master Site Plan Review Criteria The Master Site Development Plan Review Criteria set forth in Section 4-9-200 of the Renton Municipal Code forms the basis ofthe Master Site Plan Review, as follows: a} Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, its elements and policies (all policies and objectives reflect 2008 project vesting) The subject site is designated Commercial Corridor on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The Commercial Corridor district is characterized by concentrated, pre-existing commercial activity, primarily in a linear urban form, that provides necessary goods and services for daily living, accessible to near-by neighborhoods, serving a sub-regional market and accommodating large volumes of traffic. It is the intention of City objectives and policies that Commercial Corridor areas evolve from "strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities, and boulevard treatment. Commercial Corridor areas are characterized by medium intensity levels of activity. It is anticipated, however, that intensity levels in these areas will increase over time as development of vacant space occurs, increased land value makes redevelopment feasible, and land is used more efficiently. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Community Design Element policies if all conditions of approval are complied with: HEX Report City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development Pre · ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 10 of 24 Objective LU-ZZ. Create opportunities for development and re-development of land in portions ofthe Commercial Corridor designation for general business and service uses. These include a wide range of restaurant, small-scale to big-box retail, offices, auto dealers, light industrial, and residential uses. [zsJ Policy Objective Met D Not Met Objective LU-AAA. Create opportunities for intensive office uses in portions of Commercial Corridor designations including a wide range of business, financial, and professional services supported by service and commercial/retail activities. [zsJ Policy Objective Met D Not Met Policy LU-260. Medium and high intensity office should be encouraged as the primary use in Commercial Office zoned areas. [zsJ Policy Objective Met D Not Met Policy LU-261. Retail and services should support the primary office use in areas identified for Commercial Office zoning, and should be located on the ground floor of office and parking structures. D Policy Objective Met [zsJ Not Met Staff Comment: The subject proposal is at the Master Site Plan review stage, where the subject development is evaluated at a "higher" or more conceptual level then at Site Plan Review stage. As such, specific office users have not yet been identified by the applicant. When detailed Site Plan Review is completed, for each phase of the development, a specific office user may be identified. The appropriate stage to identify ground floor retail and service users would be at the time an office user has been identified and those users' particular needs for support retail or services are clear. However, based on the particular user group, first floor uses may or may not be included in the development plan at Site Plan Review stage. As such, staff recommends a condition of approval that the applicant evaluate the feasibility of including retail services on the ground floor that support the office development, at Site Plan Review Stage. Policy LU-264. New development in Commercial Corridor designated areas should be encouraged to implement uniform site standards, including: HEX Report 1) Parking preferably at the rear of the building, or on the side as a second choice; 2) Setbacks that would allow incorporating a landscape buffer; 3) Front setback without frontage street or driveway between building and sidewalk; and 4) Common signage and lighting system. D Policy Objective Met [zsJ Not Met Staff Comment: The majority of Policy LU-264 has been met; however items 1} and 3) have only been partially met. The site design proposes surface parking lots located along South Grady Way, Talbot Road South, and South Renton Village Place. A driveway is located in front of proposed office tower, TT-4, along South Renton Village Place. However the subject site has many restrictions due to the presence of high City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development Pre · ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 11 of 24 voltage power lines, Puget Sound Power Electrical Easements, and other easements as reflected an the provided Alta Survey. A large Electrical Easement runs north south along the east property line adjacent ta Talbot Road South eventually crossing South Grady Way to the north. Buildings are prohibited under these power lines and therefore the applicant is proposing to use this space for surface parking. The some is true for the large surface parking lots located along South Grody Way and Renton Village Place. In this case, High Voltage Power lines, crossing the subject site, restrict development in these areas. Lastly, the driveway separating TT-4 from Renton Village Place is not restricted by easements or power lines. However, requiring this building to be relocated closer to Renton Village Place would impact the internal circulation system designed to efficiently move vehicles and pedestrians through the site. Additionally, the proposed infill development is designed to maintain compatibility with the existing office towers, TT-1 -TT-3. TT-4 is designed to align with the exiting TT-2, resulting in an infill development that complements the existing development. As such, staff recommends approval of the location of TT-4. Policy LU-269. Public amenity features (e.g. parks, plazas, recreation areas) should be encouraged (i.e. through incentives or similar means) as part of every high-intensity office development. D Policy Objective Met r:g:j Not Met Staff Comment: The proposed infill development would add approximately 1.0 million square feet of office space to the existing Trion Towers office site. Based on 250 net square feet of office space per employee, this development could potentially add 4,000 new employees to the area. As such, the proposed development should provide amenities for the new employees. As currently designed, the site does not provide park, plaza, or recreation areas. Staff recommends a condition of approval that the applicants provide public amenity features such as a ploza, pork, recreation area, open space, or other feature as approved by the Currently Planning Project Manager, to be included at Site Plan Review stage for eoch phase of the project. Policy CD-21. In areas developed with high intensity uses, circulation within the site should be primarily pedestrian-oriented. Internal site circulation of vehicles should be separated from pedestrians wherever feasible by dedicated walkways. r:g:j Policy Objective Met D Not Met Policy CD-30. Non-residential development should have site plans that provide street access from a principal arterial, consolidate access points to existing streets, and have internal vehicular circulation that supports shared access. Curb cuts and internal access should not conflict with pedestrian circulation. r:g:j Policy Objective Met D NotMet Policy CD-33. Site design for office uses and commercial and mixed-use developments should consider ways of improving transit ridership through siting, locating of pedestrian amenities, walkways, parking, etc. Ground floor uses and design should be pedestrian oriented. r:g:j Policy Objective Met D Not Met HEX Report City of Renton Department of Comr ·1ity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Pre.. ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 12 of 24 Objective CD-E. New development and infill patterns should be consistent with a high quality urban form. 0 Policy Objective Met D NotMet Policy CD-36. Developments within Commercial and Centers land use designations should have a combination of internal and external site design features, such as: 1) Public plazas; 2) Prominent architectural features; 3) Public access to natural features or views; 4) Distinctive focal features; 5) Indication of the function as a gateway, if appropriate; 6) Structured parking; and 7) Other features meeting the spirit and intent of the land use designation. D Policy Objective Met 0 Not Met Staff Comment: This policy is partially met by the proposed development. The applicant has proposed structured parking and access to views. However, the remainder of this policy would be met if the condition proposed above under Policy LU-269 is met. Policy CD-37. When appropriate, due to scale, use, or location, on-site open space and recreational facilities in developments should be required. D Policy Objective Met 0 Not Me Staff Comment: See discussion above under Policy LU-269. Policy CD-133. If transit service is available, parking requirements may be reduced or shared parking serving multiple developments may be allowed. 0 Policy Objective Met D Not Met b) Conformance with existing land use regulations Use: General Office Use is permitted outright in the CO zoning designation. However an accessory helipad is permitted with a Conditional Use Permit granted by the Hearing Examiner. See Compliance with Conditional Use Permit Criteria (beginning page 20). Lot Coverage: The CO zone allows a building coverage of 65% of total lot area or 75% if parking is provided within the building or within a parking garage. Footnote 19 per RMC 4-2-120C allows building coverage to exceed these percentages with an approved Master Plan review. With the addition of four new office buildings to the subject site, the total building coverage (proposed and existing) would be 30.8 percent (283,614 SF building footprints/918,471 SF site area = 0.30878 or 30.8 percent) which is well below the maximum building lot coverage permitted in the CO zone. Setbacks: The minimum setback requirements of the CO zone are as follows: 30 feet for the front yard and side yard along a street if the building exceeds 80-feet in height; 10-foot landscape setback along a freeway (1-405 ); and no side yard setback. Additionally Footnote 19 exempts setback requirements from the CO zone if the project received Master Site Plan HEX Report City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Pre·· ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA08-ll7, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Page 13 of 24 approval. All proposed new office towers would exceed the minimum 30-foot front yard setback. The closest any proposed office tower would be to any property line is TT-5, which would be approximately 15-feet from the west property line. The proposed parking garages A- C have a zero foot setback from the small parcel owned by PSE located along Talbot Road South. Parking garage D fronts South Renton Village Place and is setback 20-feet from the property line, which would be 10-feet closer than required by the CO zone development standards. At this particular location the sidewalk along the south side if South Renton Village Place runs along the proposed front facade of parking garage D. Because of the proximity to the sidewalk and the scale of the proposed building staff recommends a condition of approval that either parking garage D is setback an additional 10-feet and screening landscaping is provided between the structure and the sidewalk or architectural detailing is provided along the front fa~ade of the parking garage to screen the building from the sidewalk. The applicant complies with setback regulations of the CO zoning designation as long as the conditions of approval are met. Height: The CO zone allows a maximum building height of 250 feet. The tallest point of the proposed office buildings would be the top of the rooftop screening detail, which would be 150 feet above grade. The top of the office towers excluding the rooftop screening would be approximately 132 feet high. The tallest parking garage is proposed to be 5-stories and 60 feet above grade. As such the proposed buildings are well below the maximum height permitted in the CO Zone. However, this particular property is located in the Airport Influence Area and Safety Compatibility Zone 6 (Traffic Pattern Zone). This overlay zone adds additional height restrictions related to FAR PART 77 surface area. The FAR PART 77 surface area restricts building height to 182 feet MSL. As proposed all buildings would be no taller than 182 feet MSL. Therefore, all new building would be below the FAR PART 77 air space for the Renton Municipal Airport and would be in compliance with the Airport Influence Area and Safety Compatibility Zone. Landscaping: The applicant submitted a conceptual landscape plan as part of the Master Site Plan application. The subject site currently contains 326 trees with a diameter over 6-inches, of the 326 trees on the subject site, 222 would be retained. The applicant is proposing to provide 125 new trees as a part of the development to replace the 104 removed trees. Renton Municipal Code requires that 5 percent of the trees onsite be retained. The applicant would be required to retain 17 trees to comply with tree retention standards. The applicant has proposed to retain 222 trees; therefore the project complies with the tree retention requirements of the code. RMC 4-4-130 provides protection measures in order to preserve and protect the 222 trees during utility and building construction. The trees shall be fenced off around the drip line and a sign posted that the trees are to be preserved and the location of the trees shall be indicated on all utility construction plan sheets. The fencing shall be in place prior to the issuance of any utility construction permits and shall remain until the final inspection of the new building is complete. The CO zone requires a 15-foot wide sight-obscuring landscape strip along the street frontage when a commercial zoned lot is adjacent to a property zoned commercial. Properties on the north, east, and west are zoned Commercial Arterial (CA) and therefore a 15-foot wide sight- obscuring landscape strip is required. However, the subject site is currently developed, and much of the existing landscaping is proposed to be retained. Pursuant to the provided landscape plan, the applicant has proposed to retain 111,413 square feet of existing HEX Report City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development Pre.. ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H TR/TION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 14 of 24 landscaping, add 39,900 square feet of landscaping, and demolish 39,800 square feet of landscaping resulting in a net increase of 100 square feet of landscaped area across the development site. At the locations were new buildings are proposed, new landscape strips shall comply with the 15-foot wide sight-obscuring landscaping requirement. In addition, street trees are required to be planted along street frontages at a minimum rate of one tree every 30-feet. Much of the existing perimeter landscaping is established with trees and is proposed to remain. The provided landscape plan indicates new street trees that comply with the spacing requirements in areas where new landscaping is proposed. The proposed street trees comply with the spacing requirements. In addition, surface parking lot landscaping is required pursuant to RMC 4-4-0BOF.7. Within the proposed surface parking lot, 35 square feet of landscaping per parking space would be required for parking lots over 100 parking stalls. Based on the proposal for 406 new surface parking stalls, a minimum of 14,210 square feet of landscaping would be required in order to buffer the new surface parking areas and a total of 37,345 square feet of parking lot landscaping for the 1,067 total surface parking stalls would be required. The submitted landscape analysis indicates that a total of 47,073 square feet of landscaping (existing and proposed) would be provided on site. As proposed the parking lot landscaping would exceed the minimum requirement. Furthermore, one tree is required per every 6 parking stalls and shrubs are required at a rate of 5 per 100 square feet of landscaped area. Based on the proposal for 406 surface parking stalls, a minimum of 68 trees are required. Pursuant to the provided landscape plan the applicant has proposed approximately 146 parking lot trees (existing and proposed) which would exceed the minimum requirement for parking lot trees. However, the landscape plan did not address shrubs and ground cover or provide a planting schedule and other landscape plan details which are required. As such, staff recommends a condition of approval that the applicant submit a conceptual landscape plan prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or other certified landscape professional that complies with RMC 4-8-1200. The revised conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager as a part of Site Plan Review for each phase of the development. Underground sprinkler systems are required to be installed and maintained for all landscaped areas. The sprinkler system shall provide full water coverage of the planted areas specified on the plan. A detailed landscape plan and irrigation plan will need to be submitted and approved prior to building permit approval for each phase of the project. Parking: The parking regulations require a specific number of off-street parking stalls be provided based on net square feet of office space. The following ratio would be applicable to the site: Use Net Square Footaqe Ratio Required Sg_aces Office General 892,021 SF Minimum 3/ 1,000 SF Min: 2,676 Maximum 4.5/1,000 SF Max: 4,014 Based on these requirements a minimum of 2,676 new parking spaces would be required in order to meet code. However, the proposed new office towers and parking garages would eliminate existing surface parking provided for TI-1 -TI-3. As such, parking cannot be reviewed independently of the existing TI-1 -TI-3. The proposed parking garages would provide parking for the new towers and the existing towers. The provided parking analysis HEX Report City of Renton Department of Com TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION ity & Economic Development Prer · wry Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 15 of 24 indicates that 3,212 parking stall would be provided for the entire site, which represents an increase of 1,385 parking stalls. The total net floor area for the Triton Towers Development (existing and proposed) would be 1,243,500 square feet; as such the project would be required to provide 3,731 new spaces. The applicant has proposed to provide 3,212 spaces which is less the minimum required pursuant to Renton Municipal Code. The provided 3,212 spaces would result in a ratio of 2.58 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. The applicant has requested a parking modification for the reduction in parking spaces for the subject site. However, based on the phasing proposal, at Phase 2 the parking ratio would be as low as 2.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. Section 4-4-080Fd allows the Department of Community and Economic Development to grant modifications from the parking standards for individual cases provided that the modification meets the following criteria (pursuant to RMC 4-9-250D2): a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; c. Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity; d. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(s) in the vicinity. Staff has reviewed the above modification criteria and provides the following analysis: The addition of approximately 1.0 million square feet of office space to the subject site adds additional vehicle trips in addition to parking demand. These additional vehicle trips result in traffic impacts to and around the subject development. As a part of the SEPA Environmental Review for the subject development the Environmental Review Committee approved the implementation of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program to reduce the traffic impacts by 24 percent (see ERC report dated August 2, 2010). However, in order for the TOM program to be effective a reduction in available parking is necessary. Pursuant to the applicant's Traffic Impact Study (TIS) the more limited supply of on-site parking would encourage employees and visitors to carpool and use alternative modes of transportation, which is a key element of a successful TDM program. Not only would the reduced parking ratio be an integral part of a successful TDM program, the City's parking regulations have been modified, since project vesting. Ordinance 5529 which was effective March 17, 2010, reduced the parking minimum standards for office development to 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet, as such the applicant would be in compliance with the existing standards pursuant to current code. Based on the above analysis, the reduction in parking would be the minimum to implement the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, would meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection as intended by the Code requirements, would HEX Report City of Renton Department of Com nity & Economic Development Pre·· ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 16 of 24 not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity, would conform to the intent and purpose of the Code, can be shown to be justified and required, and would not create adverse impacts to other property(s) in the vicinity. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the parking modification to reduce the standard to 2.0 spaces/ 1,000 net square feet of office space. The applicant shall comply with the dimensional requirements of the parking regulations. For surface parking standard stalls, each stall must be a minimum of 20-feet in length and a minimum of 9-feet in width. Compact stalls must be a minimum of 16-feet in length and a minimum width of 8 Y, feet. Parallel stalls shall be 23-feet in length by 9-feet in width. For structured parking, the minimum stall size shall be 15-feet long and 8-feet 4-inches in width. Compact stalls shall be a minimum of 13-feet in length and 7-feet 6-inch in width. Aisle widths of 20-feet are required for two-way travel. Compact parking spaces shall not account for more than 50 percent of structured parking, 40 percent for designated employee parking, and 30 percent for all other parking. The applicant provided a site plan identifying the location of surface parking and floor plans of the parking garages identifying the parking stall configuration within the parking garage. It appears that the provided site plan and floor plans conceptual comply with the parking stall dimensional standards however; stall sizes were not identified on the plans. As such, staff recommends a condition of approval that the applicant shall provide a detailed parking lot plan identifying compact, standard, and parallel stall dimensions, aisle widths, parking angles where applicable, and ADA spaces at a ratio of 2% of the total spaces for each phase of the development at Site Plan Review. Refuse and Recyclable Deposit Areas: For office developments, a minimum of 2 square feet per every 1,000 square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for recyclables deposit areas and a minimum of 4 square feet per 1,000 square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for refuse deposit areas. As represented in the table below the overall development would comply with the refuse and recycling requirements. eas: TI-4 270,427 SF 1,622.58 SF 2,660 SF TI-5 351,018 SF 2,106.12 SF 1,140 SF TI-6 270,427 SF 1,622.58 SF 2,660SF TI-7 245,257 SF 1,471.56 SF 675 SF Total 1,137,129 SF 6,822.84 SF 7,135 SF As demonstrated above, the overall development complies with the minimum size requirements for refuse and recycling areas, however Phase 2 (TI-5) and Phase 5 (TI-7) are insufficient when evaluated independently. The applicant has requested for flexibility to develop the phases of the subject project in a different order then proposed if the opportunity is available. Therefore each phase shall independently comply with the minimum standards for refuse and recycling. As such, staff recommends a condition of approval that the applicant provided sufficient space for refuse and recycling for each proposed phase of the development at Site Plan Review. HEX Report City of Renton Department of Com nity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Pre·· ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Page 17 of 24 The refuse and recyclable deposit areas for each of the office towers are located on the interior of the buildings. By providing service areas on the interior of the buildings, the area if fully screened, covered, and would not impact surrounding properties. Access to the interior service areas would be provided via the internal parking lot aisles for all office towers. TT-5 and TT-6 have access on the west side of the buildings near the property line of Renton Village Place. Waste Management would be required to access both the service areas for TT-5 and TT- 6 via internal parking lot aisle located on the property to the west (Renton Village Place). Pursuant to the provided title report, there is an existing Reciprocal Access Agreement between the Trion Towers and Renton Village Place to "allow free and open access for the owners, tenants, guests, and invitees for ingress and egress of vehicular and pedestrian traffic ... " therefore access to the proposed service areas may be permitted subject to the Reciprocal Access Agreement (K.C. Recoding #8612231195). Signage: No signage plan was submitted with the land use application. However the existing development has signage on all street frontages, therefore new signage may not be required for the proposed development. c) Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses City staff does not anticipate any adverse impact on surrounding properties and uses as long as the conditions of approval are complied with. The subject site is located within the CO zoning designation and is surrounded by commercial zone property. The proposed office development would provide new business to the surrounding ·properties, by the addition of approximately 4,000 employees resulting in a positive impact on the surrounding business. To the south of the subject site, across 1-405, is the established Talbot Hill residential neighborhood, primarily zoned Residential 8 (R-8) dwelling units per net acre. Views from Talbot Hill are of Downtown Renton, 1-405, and at some locations Lake Washington. This neighborhood would also have views of the new towers. As determined in the Environmental Review, this neighborhood's existing views would be minimally impacted by the proposed development. However, the residents of Talbot Hill would have clear views of the rooftops of the new buildings. The provided elevations indicate that a metal equipment screen is proposed to screen the rooftop mounted equipment. This screening would mitigate the rooftop views from the Talbot Hill Neighborhood, however the screening detail was minimal and therefore the quality of the screen was difficult to determine. As such, staff recommends condition of approval that the applicant provided a screening detail including materials and color for review and approval by the Current Planning Manager, at Site Plan Review Stage for each phase of the development. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed building are appropriate for the site. The buildings are anticipated to be architecturally compatible with development in the project vicinity. The proposed building footprint of 283,614 (existing and proposed) square feet on the 918,471 square foot site results in a building lot coverage of 30.8%. The proposed new office buildings are placed on the subject site in a manner consistent with the existing development resulting in a cohesive office complex. The tallest point of the proposed additions would not exceed 150 feet in height from existing grade, and is significantly lower than permitted by the CO Zone. The ground floor of the new office towers have been designed to have stone tile or terra cotta fa<;ade treatment around ground level windows. The entire frontage of the all office towers with the exception of TT-5 would have metal and glass canopies over the windows and a larger HEX Report • City of Renton Department of Com-· ·nity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Pre·· inory Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Page 18 of 24 metal and glass canopy at the entrances. These larger canopies create a distinctive entrance to each office tower. TT-5 uses modulation and fa~ade treatment to create a distinctive entrance. All office towers area designed to be built with similar materials, however each has a variation in fa~ade treatments, patterns, and styles, with the exception of TT4 and TT-6 which have the same design. The materials proposed to be used include aluminum panels, glazed curtain walls, point fixed glazing with aluminum trim detail, solar shades, aluminum fins, composite planes, metal panels, windows, and operational windows. As proposed, the development would have unique buildings with a material selection that creates a cohesive development. The majority of parking is proposed within four parking structures, which eliminates the potential for a large surface parking lot. Parking garages A, B, and C would be centrally located between TT-1-TT-6, as such the east side oftheses garages would be the only side that would be visible from the public street and surrounding properties. However the applicant has proposed to use metal and glass to create false storefronts on the first floor of these garages in addition to using the stone tile or terra cotta treatment proposed for the office towers around the false storefronts. The remainder of these garages are designed with, metal panes and green screening to screen the parking structure. This proposed design allows these parking garages to relate to the office towers and creates a development style between parking structures and office towers that complement each other's design. Parking garage D which is proposed to be located along Renton Village Place and Talbot Road South and would be visible from a riumber of surrounding properties has not proposed false store fronts or stone along the front or side facades. As discussed above under Setbacks this garage has a significant street presence and should be designed to reduce its viability from the public right-of-way and surrounding properties. Staff recommends that the condition of approval recommended above under Setbacks should also include the addition of fa~ade treatment along the east side of the parking garage as well as the front fa~ade. If this condition is complied with, parking garage D would become an integrated part of the subject development. The perimeter of the overall office development is currently landscaped and this landscaping would be maintained or replaced. The landscaping provides a distinction between the office development and the commercial developments that surround the site without creating a barrier, so employees can utilize the commercial amenities that surround the site. The refuse and recyclable deposit areas for each of the proposed office towers are located on the interior of the buildings. By providing service areas on the interior of the buildings, the service area would be fully screened, covered, and would not impact surrounding properties. d} Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site The scale, height and bulk of the proposed buildings are appropriate for the site and would be architecturally compatible with surrounding properties. The building would be located in the existing surface parking lots of the existing development, resulting in a quality infill project. The building locations and orientation relate to the existing office towers resulting in an office or corporate campus type of development. The new towers would eliminate a large portion of the existing surface parking lots and replace them with parking garages. The remaining portions of surface parking areas would be screened by perimeter and parking lot landscaping. The scale and bulk of the buildings are also reduced through the use of different materials on the building facades as described above under criterion C) Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses. HEX Report City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 e) Conservation of area-wide property values Pre·· ·nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Page 19 of 24 The proposal is expected to increase property values in the vicinity of the site. The development of the site provides additional employment opportunities in the area, potentially up to 4,000 new jobs. The new employment base in the subject area could increase business to surrounding commercial developments, increasing properties values. /} Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation Access to the site would be provided off of South Grady Way, Talbot Road South and South Renton Village Place. This project is not proposing any new access points to the site. Access exists at two locations along South Grady Way, two locations along Talbot Road South, and three access points off of South Renton Village Place, in addition, access can be gained to the site via Renton Village Shopping Center at two locations. All proposed parking garages are to be accessed via the internal portion of the site. All internal drive aisles are proposed to be two- way throughout the site. The provided parking analysis indicates that 3,212 parking stalls would be provided for the entire site, which represents an increase of 1,385 parking stalls. The provided 3,212 spaces would result in a ratio of 2.58 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. Furthermore, internal access is provided from the Triton Towers site and Renton Village Shopping Center through a Reciprocal Access Agreement, which allows for free movement between both developments reduce the potential for impacts on the City's street system. As mention above under Parking, as a part of the SEPA Environmental Review for the subject development the Environmental Review Committee approved the implementation of a Transportation Demand Management (TOM) program to reduce the traffic impacts by 24 percent (see ERC report dated August 2, 2010). However, in order for the TDM program to be effective a reduction in available parking is necessary. Pursuant to the applicant's Traffic Impact Study (TIS) a more limited supply of on-site parking would encourage employees and visitors to carpool and use alternative modes of transportation, which is a key element of a successful TDM program. In theory, if the TDM program is successful many of the anticipated employees of not only the new office development but the existing office development, would be using public transportation. If this is true, many people would be walking to and from the site on a daily basis. As such, a quality pedestrian circulation system is necessary for the success of the TOM program as well and the development. As a part of the SEPA, a mitigation measure was applied to the subject project requiring the applicant to provide a pedestrian circulation plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager at the Site Plan Review stage. The implementation of this circulation plan would increase pedestrian circulation throughout the site; however it is important to ensure pedestrian safety when walking through the subject site. As such, staff recommends a condition of approval that pedestrian walkways and crosswalks are clearly identified throughout the site by the use of different materials and colors then used for the parking lot surface and drive aisles. The majority of employees would be parking within parking garages A-C, as such the majority of employees would be walking from these garages to one of the office towers. The provide floor plan for parking garages A -C, identified three exit points from the building, two on the west toward TT-5 and one on the east, where no office buildings are proposed. There are no exists identified from the parking garage to the north or south, toward TT-2, TT-3, TT-4, or TT-6. Pedestrian connections should be made to the north and south as well as to the west. As such, staff recommends a condition of approval that the applicant redesign the parking garages to HEX Report City of Renton Department of Com nity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Pre·· inary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Page 20 of 24 provide pedestrian exits on the north, south, and west sides of the structure. If the conditions of approval are met, the proposed development would be expected to maintain safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicle circulation on the site. g} Provision of odequate light and air The new office towers would have an impact on the existing office towers exposure to natural light. IT-6 is proposed to be placed 60 feet west of the existing IT-3 and would be 11 stories compared to IT-3's 7 stories. The same is true for proposed IT-4 and its relationship to existing IT-2, except IT-4 is proposed to be 54-feet west of IT-2. However, the proposed space would allow for natural light to be maintained to all three existing towers, but to a lesser degree then under current conditions. Additionally, the subject site has many locations were high voltage power lines and electrical lines are crossing the site which restricts flexibility in building siting but at the same time preserves open areas that allow for adequate light and air to the overall development. Moreover, the proposed new office towers and parking garages would not have a negative impact on site light or air circulation. The applicant did not provide a lighting plan with the application; therefore staff could not review parking lot lighting or building lighting for compliance with the lighting code. Therefore staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant be required to submit a lighting plan subject to review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit submittal. The lighting plan shall depict the type of lighting proposed, the direction of the lighting, and the location of all of the exterior lights. h} Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions It is anticipated that the most significant noise, odor and other potentially harmful impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project, with the exception of the periodic helicopter landing and takeoff. A Construction Mitigation Plan that would provide measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise, control of dust, and traffic controls, was provided with the project submittal. The proposed development is not anticipated to generate any harmful or unhealthy conditions. The activities proposed at the site are traditionally associated with office uses. There would be minimal noise impacts from increased traffic and helipad although; these noise impacts would be diminished or unnoticeable because of the proximity of 1-405 immediately adjacent to the site and the Renton Municipal Airport. i} Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use Fire and Police Department staff has indicated that existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal, subject to the applicant's payment of the necessary impact fees. As imposed by the Environmental Review Committee, the applicant will be required to pay a Fire Mitigation Fee prior to the issuance of building permits. The site is served by the City of Renton for all utilities. There is an existing 24-inch water main located in the Talbot Road South (SR 515), an existing 12-inch water main located in South Grady Way, a 10-inch water main in the parking lot north of Triton Tower 3, and an existing 12- inch water main in South Renton Village Place. There is an existing 18-inch sanitary sewer main located in South Renton Village Place and there are storm drainage facilities in Talbot Road South, South Grady Way and in South Renton Village Place HEX Report City of Renton Department of Comr··1ity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Pre·· inary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 21 of 24 j) Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight The proposal is not expected to cause neighborhood deterioration and/or blight. Conversion of underutilized land will add value to the site. Coordinated site improvements including landscaping, parking and lighting would be included as part of this development. 5. Consistency with Conditional Use Permit Criteria RMC 4-9-0306 lists criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Conditional Use application for the accessory helipad. These include the following: a) Consistency with the Comprehensive Pion, Zoning Code and Other Ordinances i. Comprehensive Plan See discussion above under the Master Site Plan Review criteria. ii. Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation See discussion above under the Master Site Plan Review criteria. iii. Development Standards See discussion above under the Master Site Plan Review criteria. b) Community Need -The proposed use constitutes a community need for the proposed location. Community need factors include, among all other relevant information: i. The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed heliport would be the only one located within this area of the City. The closest location to land a helicopter for purposes other than medical emergencies would be the Renton Municipal Airport and 1901 Oakesdale Avenue SW, the Boeing Longacres Site. It does not appear there would be a detrimental over-concentration of the use in the immediate area. ii. That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. The optimum location for a heliport is in close proximity to the desired origination and/or destination of the potential users. Businesses operating in urban location create a demand for helicopter services. The Triton Towers site is adjacent to 1-405 and within the open air space created by the FAR PART 77 surface area of Renton Municipal Airport, which result in an ideal location for an accessory helipad. c) Effect on Adjacent Properties -The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. The following site requirements shall be required: i. Lot Coverage: Lot coverage in residential districts (SF and MR) shall not exceed fifty percent {50%) of the lot coverage of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located, except for detached accessory dwelling units, which shall not be counted toward lot coverage calculations. Lot coverage in oil other zones shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. See discussion above under the Master Site Plan Review criteria. HEX Report City of Renton Department of Comr-"nity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Pre""'linary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Page 22 of 24 ii. Yards: Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard. See discussion above under the Master Site Plan Review criteria. Based on the above analysis within the Master Site Plan Review, the proposed helipad would not result in substantial or undo adverse effect on adjacent properties. iii. Height: Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Spires, belltowers, public utility antennas or similar structures may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance. Building heights should be related to surrounding uses in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. See discussion above under Master Site Plan Review criteria. d) Compatibility -The proposed use shall be compatible with the residential scale and character of the neighborhood. The proposed helipad is located within an existing commercial district, predominantly surrounded by vehicle-related uses, with the exception of the Talbot Hill residential neighborhood located on the south side of 1-405. Furthermore, the addition of a helipad within the traffic pattern zone of the Renton Municipal Airport would be compatible with the subject neighborhood, because currently many plans, jets, and helicopters pass over head on a regular basis. See additional discussion above under the Master Site Plan Review criteria. e) Parking -Parking under the building structure should be encouraged. Lot coverage may be increased to os much os seventy five percent {75%) of the lot coverage requirement of the zone in which the proposed use is located if all parking is provided underground or within the structure. See discussion above under Master Site Plan Review criteria. The proposal complies with the lot coverage requirements of the zone and four parking garages are proposed for the subject development. f) Traffic -Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in, the surrounding area. The addition of a helipad at the Triton Towers site could potentially reduce traffic impacts to the City's street system as well and the internal circulation system of the subject site. Flight transportation may become more prevalent as burdens on the roadways increase over time. The addition of this use to the office development would not require additional parking and may even reduce the parking demand created by the development. See additional discussion above under Master Site Plan Review criteria and in the Environmental Review SEPA, completed August 2, 2010. g) Noise and Glare -Potential noise, light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas, outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. The addition of a helipad would result in additional helicopter noise. The helicopter noise would be heard in adjacent neighborhoods and commercial areas; however the applicant contends that the noise should not be more objectionable than helicopter, jet, and plane noises related with HEX Report City of Renton Department of Comr•"'nity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 Prel;"'linary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOB-lll, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Page 23 of 24 the current use of the Renton Municipal Airport. In addition, to the existing aviation noise in the project's vicinity, ambient background noise of 1-405 would likely mask the additional noise generated by this use. The applicant has indicated that the helipad is not intended to be a commercial heliport company but rather an accessory use to an office tenant. The use of the helipad is anticipated to be intermittent and would be no more than a few times a day during normal office hours. The applicant has indicated that weekend and night landings would be infrequent rare occurrences. There may be a small amount of light impacts if lights were required for a night landing, however these landings would be periodic and temporary. The top of TI-5 would have light to illuminate the helipad for such periodic night landings. Moreover, the addition of a helipad on the roof of TI-5 would have minimal effect on noise, light and glare. h) Landscaping -Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by buildings or paving. Additional landscaping may be required to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. See discussion above under Master Site Plan Review criteria. If all conditions of approval are met, the proposal would compile with criterion h} Landscaping. i) Accessory Uses -Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoriums used for social and sport activities, health centers, convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes, and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the use district in which they ore located. The helipad is an accessory use to the permitted office use, as such there should be no accessory uses related to the subject helipad instead the uses would be accessory to the office use. j) Conversion -No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies, or is brought into compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter. The helipad would be located on the roof of a new building that would be subject to the building codes in place at the time of building permit submittal. k) Public Improvements -The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities and services. Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditioned upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements, facilities, utilities and/or services. The heliport would not require the addition of public improvements, facilities, utilities or services. See additional discussion above under Master Site Plan Review criteria. 1,. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval ofthe Triton Towers Expansion Master Site Plan and the Conditional Use Permit for the Helipad located on TI-5, Project File No. LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the 9 mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, dated August 2, 2010. 2. The applicant shall evaluate the feasibility of including retail services on the ground floor that support the office development, at Site Plan Review Stage. HEX Report City of Renton Department of Comr'"nity & Economic Development TRITION TOWERS EXPANSION Hearing Date August 24, 2010 PreH71inary Report to the Hearing Examiner WAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H, SA-H Page 24 of 24 3. The applicant shall provide public amenity features such as a plaza, park, recreation area, open space, or other feature as approved by the Currently Planning Project Manager, to be included at Site Plan Review stage for each phase of the project. 4. Parking garage D shall be set back an additional 10-feet and screening landscaping shall be provided between the structure and the sidewalk or architectural detailing shall be provided along the front and east fa~ade of the parking garage to screen the building from the sidewalk, public right-of-way, and surrounding properties. Updated Parking Garage D elevation drawings shall be submitted at Site Plan Review, for Phase 5 of the project, for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. 5. The applicant shall submit a conceptual landscape plan prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or other certified landscape professional that complies with RMC 4-8-120D. The revised conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager as a part of Site Plan Review for each phase ofthe development. 6. The applicant shall provide a detailed parking lot plan identifying compact, standard, and parallel stall dimensions, aisle widths, parking angles where applicable, and ADA spaces at a ratio of 2% of the total spaces for each phase of the development at Site Plan Review. 7. The applicant provided sufficient space for refuse and recycling for each proposed phase of the development, for review and approval by the. Current Planning Project Manager, at Site Plan Review. 8. The applicant shall provide a screening detail for rooftop mounted equipment, including materials and color for review and approval by the Currently Planning Manager, at Site Plan Review Stage for each phase of the development. 9. Pedestrian walkways and crosswalks shall be clearly identified throughout the site by the use of different materials and colors then used for the parking lot surface and drive aisles. A pedestrian circulation plan shall be submitted at Site Plan Review stage, identifying materials and colors proposed for pedestrian pathways and crosswalks throughout the site, for review and approval the Currant Planning Project Manager. 10. The applicant shall redesign the parking garages to provide pedestrian exits on the north, south, and west sides of the structure. An updated Ground Floor plan for parking garages A -C shall be submitted at Site Plan Review stage, for each phase of the project, indenting the required additional pedestrian exists. 11. The applicant shall be required to submit a lighting plan subject to review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit submittal. The lighting plan shall depict the type of lighting proposed, the direction of the lighting, and the location of all of the exterior lights. EXPIRATION PERIODS: The Hearing Examiner shall determine an appropriate expiration date for the Master Plan which may exceed two years but shall not exceed five years and shall be documented in writing. An extension may be requested pursuant to RMC section 4-9-200.L. The applicant has requested a five year approval of the subject master plan. HEX Report 5i0S an POl • oao; en Pot .L IH96 'IIM ·•mug • ,ms 'U'II '$'I~ HCOl m '••i.~• ..... ~ ........ . HNM<) "'"' y~.,,, ....... 110,n,v:, NO i 11 .... :) • 1' 01N3}1 NOISNYolXa SH.IMO.I. 110.1.111.l ~I I I I I 11111111. • : .. N :;t 0 ;:::! Q ctj! • i: <C ; r-....-,, I'-£, \ \ ~ Z--i. I \ l \ '6 •S ' \ll l~ I/Y j 1 / / i . ! I ! 4. \ \ri ~ \ll.._ ~ "' N 1--cc -:c >< w ............. , .. u,, .... ,, YM "··-1N3~ NOIS .. YolXal S1l!IMO.I. NOJ.IHJ. 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FOOTPRINT OF NEW BUILDNGS: 219,654 SF ; u ! :: PERCENT SITE COVERAGE , 3D.8X TOT-'!. rooTPRIHT Of EXISTW<G BL.I.DINGS TO R(WJN !J,950 SF BUL&NC TT-4 11 STORE~ g::rlC£ 210 427 sr NET1 225,487 Sf CURVE TABLE SUL INC TT-, 11 STORE flC£ 35ts sr NET, 294,7i0 Sf BIJL~NC TT-6 11 ~T~H OfflCE 21 ,427 sr ~T, 225 4 7 sr CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH Bl.IL NC TT-7 11 T OFFIC£ 24 ,257 SF 1, 146)27 SF Cl 8000' 15-:i5'J2" 22.24' TOT M, SF NEW OFFICE TOT.tl. 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LMDSCAPE AREA: 151,J1J sr 15 Sf L'"1JSCN'E I ST-'ll 5,865 SF req'd LEGENO• <ST ,tt.LS < &I PER BllllDWG SIT[) a•• --• " EASEMENT REQUJREO BUILDING SETBACKS• BUII.OING FRONT Ylfl.0 REAR YARD SIDE VAROS .. ---SET BACK • .. . < TT-4 30'-0" NIA NIA II a ;t PROPERTY LINE a-... -TT-5 NIA NIA NIA .... ,i • 0 zc ... PEDESTRIAN TT-6 30'·0" NIA NIA QL z • .... w Wll.KWAY TT-7 30'·0" J0'-0" NIA -.. 0: STRIPING • .. GARAGE A 20'·0" NIA NIA GARAGE BIC NIA NIA NIA ~::.:.. GARAGI: 0 JO'·O" NIA NIA f'u,.,t<t-l\\'lG oE~EL~~\~Et!l"o~ NOTE• c, --"' SPEClrlC ST ILL SIZES rOR REQUIRED ST ALL TYPES ANO COUNTS WILL BE INCLUDED IN ruTURE SUBMITTII.S © ~~.~~ SITE PLAN CINFORMATIONJ EXHIBIT 38 fl> ........ Al.•n• PLAN INPDIIUIATIGN A·100 ----------~~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------··---·-------------------··--------------------------~-:---- ~i,.--\ y.. e,~!>P"' . so-.::,' 30' SETBACK REQUlflEIY 10'-0" ,..,.--..;;, ® ~~~~ SITE PLAN ACCESS . ,v:. t? .. ·. .~~--Q v· ' ,,. •' . .. ,• ..., 0 ,, ... ,., ~· .• '7 .. 4-'. __ ;J' ' -·;· J .(-; ,,. • • <:& . . ' ' .. ' .. ~ '' ,;-· ........... :.< . ., ~1 .... 7 .. 7'-0 \~~ ·, ""'Y':,.---' • ' ·7)· ' (9 .... r' 2 ,' .. -~-; ~ ,,.., .'l# ,\_ ._,._ '~: "• ' ~ '-··-., .. -. • l. ' -.,:.; .. ;),~ ,. ·-··-0· \ .. ,,'. .... ''" . -C . I \+ ; :r- 185':J)" I 7 1~--,[<1,,;;.,;i_,,lll>ltl!H"-Jt+<!,i.' ""'-\ . .;;,'. •. ('' . l i<,:" -:>\', \\&_,\. ~\ ·(i +'\) Ct' ':,a.:-.:..i' .\/\ I \·-\ \ .. \:.. !'•\,,. , .... ! \,,.\,. .. , ' ,,,-\ \.''.:.,). ~, .<'"\ t.'> ~' ___ _.,.\v E'f~. ........ V';,,,":G, !, • ';!31\ .. UMIN;] ~I I · l. 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PARTIAL SIT( PLAN -.c,r,...,. ........_. 16 1 -5 11 34 7'-9" f !"'-1,,.,.,.,,.. .............................. ~ .... , ............... ,. .......... .... ! I i-T~21 0 ~ f L~_X.t5.1:!~g_J >tH, · 35.9' rtf~""_.,;.....,;;.,;.,,..;.";..,~-~ :M :---i -·-'-1...::.. !5 F ";; ' i 'f;~F"": ., ·;;-,··,1:""7-+- Li •--·~~al ~~~-d~Y.:1?r:;1e~ 61 -7 11 7'-011 2~ EXHIBIT 41 'l..' I I I I 40'-5_" .. ~- DEVELOPJ\I\Elll11PIZANNING _ .CJ:T'I' OF RENTON OCT -9 2008 -- I I • "i i_ • e• ; ... o.., .. ::•r; ! <<g.., .. e~:: . -...... !i~i!ii !•-'NCOt-& z -~ • • .. • .. z .0 o- I-; ,i 0 z .. I-0 .. z I-.. w -II 0: "' .. RECEJ.Vfli)=, I.~ IA-100c WIZA Mt i -sac 7 ----···-----·---·------·-----·----------------------------------------------------··-------------·--------·-------------· -----------------~-------------~-:------- ~ ' ,, L:, ,'"=-r .. -::-... ,.. ·.. t:::: FLOOD. ZOOLX """ /'/ "-< ' ADJACENT OWNER: RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES 1 ~ ...... __ ''°""H"""''""""'""""""'""""""""""""'"''"' ;.....:::::: m or J J P r ') ,, """""""_......,r" • ', ' ,. , '· 'I \ ' \ \ ; ... "\ ' ·, \ \\\\\\\\\\ \\'•\ ~,, \ .~1,:\/1:;, .. ';;-'\·~\-\:\ __ j. ',\\\\\\\\\ \ \, •• \ \ \ ' l ' ...... ~ ,\>,\\\\\\\\\ -'-·--'--\.. -, __ \ ' 100 HAR FLOOD HAZARD ARE ~ .30.iJ(j'T ··-·-·-6--I6NCAH ___ ---··-·-: s 011)4'0.FJ" •.• I .. :: OD ELEV • ~_£Jo:'l•"":f'.:2)-::-·'-, , 1 • (J't.. • \ , 1 , , SOUTH RENTON VILLAGE PL.ACE 3 F ...f10..._ ~f;_l<:r._~~ '.~_,,_ 1~)....: __ ,-;-, -~~ ~-;"'--,., , .c . . ....... . ACCESS .,.,.,;:;< "".·:-.~. ( ,-r::1-,~------_.,,.,...---~rt)T"-i-~· 7-!T-;1-r-t·,,-1 ~-~i~· ,·. \. ·\ ', ,0 ' . q; POINT ~ ~·h,,t,· ·, < / 23'12" r , ..._,. ~I', :,.,':,'o; r, • .i 1 ,-·,,. r . I •·· · · k-----T -~• .. .... .--./' ,. , r ··· ~ ...... r , · ., ·•, · 21· 4" ·. -~: L~:i/·····' .. :.: .... /\1) ; ·ic~~-----·/i:::t··· ,, "--·"'"··· _, ,. ...... 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SET C00RNERS 3Y PLANNING :z:1< 1,,,J_l,lwg-1 G jllL_I,~~ CLASS III STREAM . -··· •• , RM 17672 D ELOPM~WENTON ~ Ci< ~ · '.~ ,./""' · N09' 10'52"W Cln' O < t::J LOOD ZONE AH ___ ,,.._...,.-..- 6 • 02 • 00 , 28 .. -~...___,/.. . , _ __....---::::;;v, • \-•• -_.:.: • ·--~ R • 11360.00· No 9 4°g0~6 w sso· 49'08"W OCT -9 2008 t5 f • l :::; ! <,c111111 • ::t.•• I ~ .::: i!:: IL;:;•• =:~5:== !•.1 NBl-1, • • § .. • < u .. " l:D a-,.. " I: C a .. .... -II • .. .. 0 .. z w 0: ,.,.__ - r,t-... ---L • 398.09' 6 • ·-4 " / · . ~ ~ ®1 PARTIAL SITE PLAN R : 11364 00' CONVEYANCE. RECORDING RliCEL-V L '1J .,,........... L • 9.13' · NUMBER 870814047.3 • IA-100d --SW a :a QA EXHIBIT 42 :tt"'I"'-~ if,- ~ ..... ----,-· ~'--- ~i~.IL ~~'-- ~ 11:9': ? IR:-<t ? ..... ----r------i =i ' ~i,.'---__ .....,.._ L· .iil.===='ir===-tt=fii ' ~"'1 ___ -· ~~·-·--· ~~---·-· ~'---·-· ~n·----- ~"t'----- #:""":c'I, @ ;,;.;!;;1 ·6 LONGITUDINAf_ SECTION ? 'l·II: ? »·II: ? VP-? .. ... ~ EXHIBIT 43 ? "' ? = ! 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'' i ! i: ! : ~.-... ii :! :• :i --:;-·· :i ;j :, ~1--- :! ., :i :1 -JI-. :j :! !! ,d.:cc::t~. ,I ;r·- ' ' L. ' @----·-1--·-j-·-·,· 1-·1·-·-·--·· t [ t t t [ t t t t @---- @---- ~1111111111111 i .. :: T" :: (") :o (II) '" ..:. fi ~ l C w ~ LL' <.: w a: "q' "q' 1--al -:c >< w EXHIBIT 45 City of Renton, Washington Lakes and Rivers Parcels Streel Names Rights of Way Streets Roads Jurisdictions Bellevue Des Moines Issaquah Kent King County Mercer Island Newcastle RENTON SeaTac Seattle Tukwila sid4.sid • Red. Band_1 • Green: Band_2 • Blue· Band_3 sid5.sid • Red Band_1 • Green: Band_2 • Blue Band_3 1: 4,904 @8.5" X 11" This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be I I Enter Map Description accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOTTO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 0 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S}: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Mark Ludtka, Callison Triton Towers Expansion DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and Environmental Review for the addition of four office buildings (TI-4 - TI-7) and one roof top Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: 555 S Renton Village Place The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. The applicant shall be required to provide new site-specific geotechnical analysis and recommendations for each proposed building, prepared by a certified professional, meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8- 120D at the time of site plan application. 2. The applicant shall provide a new Site Pian at Site Plan Review stage, for each phase of the project, that includes the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Rolling Hills Creek and the creeks associated 75-foot buffer line, in addition to the location of the stream culvert, to ensure there are no impacts to the stream. If impacts are identified during Site Plan Review, the applicant shall provide a stream mitigation plan that is subject to the approval of the City's Current Planning Project Manager. 3. The project shall be designed to be in compliance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. One hundred four (104) of the one hundred twenty five {125} proposed trees shall be a minimum of two caliper inches for deciduous trees and 8-10 feet tall for conifers, when planted. 5. The applicant shall coordinate with WSDOT to ensure the design of their project complies with the plans for the 1-405/1-5 to SR 169 Stage 2 -Widening and SR 515 Interchange Project and WSDOT's limited access limits, prior to Site Plan Review approval. 6. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 per new trip attributed to the subject project. This fee shall be based on actual square footage calculations from the building permit and shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant shall provide a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program which includes, but not limited to, the following measures: provide sheltered bike racks, create a transportation coordinator position for employees, implement an employee van-pool program, promote flexible scheduling and work ERC Mitigation Measures Page 1 of 2 hours, provide on-site showers and changing facilities, provide discounted transit passes for employees, limit the amount of free parking for each tenant, and charge a parking fee for non-rideshare vehicles. The applicant shall create the TOM plan for each phase of the project, to be reviewed and approved by the City's Development Services Division, prior to building permit issuance. The approved TDM program shall be recorded on the property title prior to building permit issuance. The TOM program shall be implemented and monitoring shall begin at the time of Building Final Occupancy for each phase of the project. 8. The applicant shall provide a pedestrian circulation plan at Site Plan Review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. 9. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $0.52 per new square footage prior to building permit issuance. ERC Mitigation Measures Page 2 of 2 OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION AND PUBLIC HEARING ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATION: Triton Towers Expansion LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H 555 S Renton Village Place DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and Environmental Review for the addition of four office buildings (TT-4 -TT-7) and one roof top Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. The proposed development is located at 555 South Renton Village Place and would be developed on 3 parcels; #1923059023, #1923059001, and #7231600542. The subject site is 923,576 square feet or 21.085 acres and is zoned Commercial Office (CO}. There are three existing office buildings on site, which are to remain. The proposed four new office buildings would be 11 stories in height and would not extend into the FAR PART 77 Air Space for Renton Municipal Airport. The proposal includes four new parking garages and new surface parking lots in addition to retaining some existing surface parking resulting in 3,212 parking spaces for the site. The gross area for the four new office buildings and four new parking garages would be 1,137,129 square feet and 659,389 square feet respectively. There would be two access points to TT-7 from South Renton Village Place and five access points to the remaining Triton Towers office buildings (proposed and existing) from South Renton Village Place, Talbot Road Sand SW Grady Way. There are two additional access points to adjoining properties to the West and South. A tributary to Rolling Hills Creek runs along the southern property boundary. As such, a stream evaluation was provided with the application. In addition, to the stream evaluation a geotechnical report and traffic study were provided. The applicants have indicated that the proposal would result in a net gain of 29 trees on site and new fire lines, storm and sanitary infrastructure would be provided across the site. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. APPEALS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION MUST BE FILED IN WRITING ON OR BEFORE S:00 P.M. ON AUGUST 20, 2010. APPEALS MUST BE FILED IN WRITING TOGETHER WITH THE REQUIRED FEE WITH: HEARING EXAMINER, CITY OF RENTON, 105S SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WA 98057. APPEALS TO THE EXAMINER ARE GOVERNED BY CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 4-8-110.B. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE APPEAL PROCESS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE RENTON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, (425) 430-6510. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON AUGUST 24, 2010 AT 9:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE MASTER SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION 15 APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. Denis Law Mayor August 4, 2010 Keith Maehlum . Renton Properties, LLC 2025 First Avenue #700 Seattle, WA 98121 Department of Community and Economic Development Al.ex Pietsch, Administrator SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL THRESHOLD (SEPAl DETERMINATION Triton Towers Expansion, LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Dear Mr. Maehlum: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project and have issued a ,threshold Determination cif Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. Please refer to the enclosed ERC Report and Decision, Part 2, Section B for a list of the Mitigation Measures. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on August 20, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4'8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Also, a Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, ·. Washington, on August 24, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. to consider the Master Site Plan and ConditJonalUse Permit. The applicant or represeritative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you prior to the hearing. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425) 430-7314, Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Rentoh, Washington 98~57 • rentonwa.gov Keith Maehlum Page 2 of 2 August 4, 2010 For the Environmental Review Committee, Vanessa Dolbee (Acting) Senior Planner Enclosure: Environmental Review Committee Report cc: Mark Ludtka / Applicant Rebecca _Davidson, John Murphy/ Party(ies) of Record ERG Detem,ination Ltr 08-117.doc ' . Denis Law Mayor August 4, 2010 · Washington State Department of Ecology . Environmental Review Section PO Box47703 Olympia, \NA 98504-7703 . Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator · Subject:· ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION Transmitted her.ewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Envi.ronmental Review Committee (ERC) on August 2, 2010: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED PROJECT NAME: Triton Towers Expansion PROJECT NUMBER: LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H LOCATION: 555 S Renton Village Place DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval Hearing Examiner Conditional Use arid Environmental Review for the addition of four office buildings (TT-4 -TT-7) and one roof top Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. -. Appeals of the environmental determination _must be filed in writing on or before S:00 . p.m. on August 20, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the_ Renton City Clerk's Office, {425) 430-6510. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. If you have questions, please call me at {425) 430-7314. For the Environmental Review Committee, Vanessa Dolbee (Acting) Senior Pl!3nner . Enclosure Renton City Hall • 1055 SOuth Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 _ • rentonwa:.gov • Washington State Departmen~ v, Ecology Page 2 of 2 August 4, 2010 cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Karen Walter', Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Ramin Pazooki, WSDOT, NW Region Larry Fisher, WDFW Duwamish Tribal Office US Army Corp. of Engineers DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Mark Ludtka, Callison Triton Towers Expansion DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and Environmental Review for the addition of four office buildings (TT-4 - TT-7) and one rooftop Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: SSS S Renton Village Place The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. The applicant shall be required to provide new site-specific geotechnical analysis and recommendations for each proposed building, prepared by a certified professional, meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8- 1200 at the time of site plan application. 2. The applicant shall provide a new Site Plan at Site Plan Review stage, for each phase of the project, that includes the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Rolling Hills Creek and the creeks associated 7S-foot buffer line, in addition to the location of the stream culvert, to ensure there are no impacts to the stream. If impacts are identified during Site Plan Review, the applicant shall provide a stream mitigation plan that is subject to the approval of the City's Current Planning Project Manager. 3. The project shall be designed to be in compliance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. One hundred four (104) of the one hundred twenty five (12S) proposed trees shall be a minimum of two caliper inches for deciduous trees and 8 -10 feet tall for conifers, when planted. S. The applicant shall coordinate with WSDOT to ensure the design of their project complies with the plans for the 1-405/1-S to SR 169 Stage 2 -Widening and SR 515 Interchange Project and WSDOT's limited access limits, prior to Site Plan Review approval. 6. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 per new trip attributed to the subject project. This fee shall be based on actual square footage calculations from the building permit and shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant shall provide a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program which includes, but not limited to, the following measures: provide sheltered bike racks, create a transportation coordinator position for employees, implement an employee van-pool program, promote flexible scheduling and work ERC Mitigation Measures Page 1 of 2 hours, provide on-site showers and changing facilities, provide discounted transit passes for employees, limit the amount of free parking for each tenant, and charge a parking fee for non-rideshare vehicles. The applicant shall create the TOM plan for each phase of the project, to be reviewed and approved by the City's Development Services Division, prior to building permit issuance. The approved TOM program shall be recorded on the property title prior to building permit issuance. The TOM program shall be implemented and monitoring shall begin at the time of Building Final Occupancy for each phase of the project. 8. The applicant shall provide a pedestrian circulation plan at Site Plan Review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. 9. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $0.52 per new square footage prior to building permit issuance. ERC Mitigation Measures Page 2 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Mark Ludtka, Callison Triton Towers Expansion DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and Environmental Review for the addition of four office buildings (TI-4 - n-7) and one roof top Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: 555 S Renton Village Place The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. Plan Review-Water: 1. This project will be required to install a 12" DI water main loop around the complex of buildings. The conceptual water main drawing submitted (plans dated Oct. 1, 2008) has preliminary approval. There will be additional comments as supplement information is submitted; a commercial building permit will trigger a separate full review. ERC Advisory Notes Page 1 of3 2. Per the City of Renton code when the required fire flow is over 2500 GPM the fire hydrants shall be served by a main which loops around the building or complex of buildings and reconnects back into a distribution supply main. 3. Any new construction must have one fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM and shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and additional hydrants {also capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM) within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along the travel route. The number of additional hydrants required is dependent on the calculated fire flow of the new commercial building. Existing fire hydrants shall be retrofitted with a quick disconnect Stortz fitting if not existing. 4. Buildings that exceed 30 feet in height shall install a RPBA {reduced pressure backflow assembly, not a DCVA) at the back of each domestic water meter. One meter is required per building. 5. The Water System Development Charge fees are based on the total number and size of any and all water meters. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Plan Review -Sewer: 1. A commercial building permit will trigger a separate review. The project needs to serve this with commercial side sewer. 2. Any use in the building subject to oils or grease shall require the installation of a grease interceptor or oil/water separator as determined at the time of plan review. 3. The parking garage will require an oil water separator. 4. The Sanitary Sewer SOC fees are based on the size of any and all domestic water meters. Plan Review-Storm Drainage: 1. Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. 2. The Surface Water SOC fees are $0.405 {but not less than $1012) per square foot of new impervious area. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Plan Review -Street Improvements: 1. Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. 2. Street improvements are not required at this time. 3. A Traffic Study submitted with the formal application. The study needs to include the adjacent intersections and driveway locations. Plan Review -General: 1. All required utility; drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and Vertical Control Network. 3. Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There will be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. Fire Department: 1. Construction and actual setback information shall be submitted so fire flow can be appropriately calculated. ERC Advisory Notes Page 2 of 3 2. The minimum number of hydrants for the type of structures shall be 2 per building. Additional hydrants shall be based on spacing, which shall be in accordance with sound engineering practices. Hydrants shall be equipped with 5-inch Storz fittings on the main ports. 3. Primary Hydrants shall be no greater than 150 feet to the front of the building. All other hydrants shall be spaced no greater than 300 feet to the structure. Hydrant spacing shall also be in accordance with Appendix C, Table C105.1 of the 2006 International Fire Code. 4. Fire apparatus road access shall be no greater than 150 feet to all exterior portions of the buildings. 5. Fire Apparatus Road Access width shall be no less than 20 feet wide and on a surface capable of sustaining the weight of a Fire Apparatus. 6. Fire Lane signage shall be required along one side of the road where the road width is 20 to 28 feet wide. Signage shall be placed on the same side in which the hydrants are located. Signage shall be as in accordance with section 503 of the 2006 International Fire Code and city of Renton Ordinance 4-4-80-6 A- G. 7. Aerial apparatus access shall be in accordance with appendix D ofthe 2006 International Fire Code. 8. Access of Dead End Street from 150 feet or greater shall require an appropriate Turnaround. 9. Commercial Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinklers are applicable to this project. A separate set of plans and permits shall be required for both systems. Fire spri9nkler & Fire Alarms must conform to 2006 International Fire Code and City of Renton Amendments. 10. Standpipes shall be required. 11. Fire Equipment Rooms shall be required. 12. The project shall be required to comply with all High Rise Standards set forth in the 2006 International Codes. 13. The proposed building, TI-5 must comply with all requirements of Section 1107, Helistops and Heliports, of the 2006 International Fire Code if a helipad is added to the roof. 14. Fire equipment rooms with air replenishing systems shall be required on the 1'' floor and every 4th floor thereafter. Renton Municipal Airport: 1. The applicant should file an FAA 7460-1 form "notice of proposed construction or alteration" on the project even though the project is below the FAR PART 77 Surface for Renton Airport. Parks Department: 1. The applicant shall coordinate with Terry Flatley, the City's Urban Forester, on tree species and location. ERC Advisory Notes Page 3 of 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE APPLICATION NO(S): APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: -MITIGATED (DNS-M) LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Mark Ludtka, Callison Triton Towers Expansion DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and Environmental Review for the addition of four office buildings (TI-4 -n-7) and one roof top Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: 555 South Renton Village Place City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on August 20, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Public Works Department Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department August 6, 2010 August 2, 2010 Date Date f I Date 1~~---1.t------1----eJ~io inistrator ommunity& Economic Development Date DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: TIME: LOCATION: Triton Towers ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator Mark Peterson, Fire & Emergency Services Administrator Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Monday, August 2, 2010 3:00 p.m. Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 LUA 08-117. ECF, SA-M, CU-H {Dolbee} Location: 707 South Grady Way, 700 South RentonVillage Place; 555 South Renton Village Place. Description: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and Environmental Review for the addition of 4 office buildings (TI-4 -TI-7) and 1 roof top Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. The proposed development would be developed on 3 parcels; #1923059023, #1923059001, and #7231600542. The subject site is 923,576 square feet or 21.085 acres and is zoned Commercial Office (CO). There are 3 existing office buildings on site, which are to remain. The proposed 4 new office buildings would be 11 stories in height and would not extend into the FAR PART 77 Air Space for Renton Municipal Airport. The proposal includes 4 new parking garages and new surface parking lots in addition to retaining some existing surface parking resulting in 3,212 parking spaces for the site. The gross area for the 4 new office buildings and 4 new parking garages would be 1,137,129 square feet and 659,389 square feet respectively. There would be two access points to TI-7 from South Renton Village Place and 5 access points to the remaining Triton Towers office buildings (proposed and existing) from South Renton Village Place, Talbot Road Sand SW Grady Way. There are 2 additional access points to adjoining properties to the West and South. A tributary to Rolling Hills Creek runs along the southern property boundary. The applicants have indicated that the proposal would result in a net gain of 29 trees on site and new fire lines, storm and sanitary infrastructure would be provided across the site. cc: D. Law, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer S. Dale Estey, CED Director• W. Flora, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal • Richard Perteet, Deputy PW Administrator -Transportation C. Vincent, CED Planning Director• N. Watts, Development Services Director• L. Warren, City Attorney • F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner D. Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshal J. Medzegian, Council DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: August 2, 2010 Project Name: Triton Towers Expansion Owner: Renton Properties, LLC, 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700, Seattle, WA 98121 Applicant: Mark Ludtka, Callison, 1420 Fifth Avenue #2400, Seattle, WA 98101 Contact: Keith Maehlum, Renton Properties, LLC, 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700, Seattle, WA 98121 File f\{umber: LUA08-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee, (Acting) Senior Planner Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan approval Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and Environmental Review for the addition of four office buildings (TI-4 -TI-7) and one roof top Helicopter Pad to the Triton Tower office complex. The proposed development is located at 555 South Renton Village Place and would be developed on 3 parcels; #1923059023, #1923059001, and #7231600542. The subject site is 923,576 square feet or 21.085 acres and is zoned Commercial Office (CO). There are three existing office buildings on site, which are to remain. The proposed four new office buildings would be 11 stories in height and would not extend into the FAR PART 77 Air Space for Renton Municipal Airport. The proposal includes four new parking garages and new surface parking lots in addition to retaining some existing surface parking resulting in 3,212 parking spaces for the site. The gross area for the four new office buildings and four new parking garages would be 1,137,129 square feet and 6S9,389 square feet respectively. There would be two access points to TI-7 from South Renton Village Place and five access points to the remaining Triton Towers office buildings (proposed and existing) from South Renton Village Place, Talbot Road S and SW Grady Way. There are two additional access points to adjoining properties to the West and South. A tributary to Rolling Hills Creek runs along the southern property boundary. As such, a stream evaluation was provided with the application. In addition, to the stream evaluation a geotechnical report and traffic study were provided. The applicants have indicated that the proposal would result in a net gain of 29 trees on site and new fire lines, storm and sanitary infrastructure would be provided across the site. Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: S5S South Renton Village Place 433,419 SF Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area 219,654 SF 1,137,129 Office ERC REPORT 08-117.doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION ity & Economic Development E. Report of August 2, 2010 (gross): Site Area: 918,471 SF Total Building Area GSF: ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-lll, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 2 of 18 Buildings 658,389 SF Parking Garages 1,570,548 SF Office Buildings 658,389 Sf Parking Garages STAFF Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a RECOMMENDATION: Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). ,-. I - ERC REPORT08-117.doc City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND E, ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 3 of 18 The applicant, Mark Ludtka of Callison is requesting Environmental {SEPA) Review for the future construction of four 11-story office towers (TT-4 -TT-7) and four parking garages as infill development to the Triton Towers Office Complex. In addition to the Environmental Review, a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit for a heliport on TT-5 and Master Site Plan Review have also been requested. The subject property is located on 3 separate parcels, #1923059023, #1923059001, and #7231600542. The project site is bounded by 1-405 on the south, Talbot Road S. on the east, South Grady Way on the north, and Renton Village to the west, in addition, South Renton Village Place runs through the site. The subject site for the new office buildings is 923,576 square feet in area. The property currently contains one existing Triton Tower Office Building {TT-1-TT-3) per parcel; their existing addresses are 555 South Renton Village Place, 700 South Renton Village Place, and 707 South Grady Way. Each existing building is supported by surface parking and established landscaping. The subject proposal intends to retain all existing office buildings and construct the four new office buildings within the existing surface parking lots utilized by the existing office complex. In addition, the new development would provide a parking garage to mitigate for the loss of existing surface parking and provide the additional parking required by the new development. Four new parking garages (Garage A-D) are proposed for the site providing 2,145 new parking stalls (661 existing surface parking stalls are to remain). The subject site is located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation and is within the Commercial Corridor Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The subject site is surrounded by · commercial uses; to the east is Sam's Club, to the west is Renton Village Shopping Center and across South Grady Way are auto-related uses. The completed project would be developed in 5 phases, once complete the development would provide 1,137,129 gross square feet (892,021 net square feet) of new office space in addition to the existing 433,419 gross square feet {351,500 net square feet) of office space. The proposed project would result in 3,212 total parking stalls of which 2,145 would be within the proposed parking garages and 1,067 would be surface parking stalls. Furthermore, the applicant is proposing to retain 111,413 square feet of existing landscaping and proposed an addition of 39,900 square feet of landscaped area, resulting in 151,313 square feet of landscaping for the completed project. Access to the site would be provided off of South Grady Way, Talbot Road South and South Renton Village Place. This project is not proposing any new access points to the site. Access exists at two locations along South Grady Way, two locations along Talbot Road South, and three access points off of South Renton Village Place, in addition, access can be gained to the site via Renton Village Shopping Center at two locations. All proposed parking garages are to be accessed via the internal portion of the site. All internal drive aisles are proposed to be two way throughout the site. With the addition of four new office buildings to the subject site, the total building coverage (proposed and existing) would be 30.8 percent. The tallest point of the proposed office buildings would be the top of the proposed screening detail, which is 150 feet above grade. All buildings would be no taller than 182 feet mean sea level (MSL) therefore, all new building would be below the FAR PART 77 air space for the Renton Municipal Airport. The subject site contains areas of potential flooding as indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The FIRMs have identified two flood hazard areas "A" and "AH" located in the western most portion of the existing parking lot for TT-1. All proposed finished floor elevation would be elevated above the base flood elevation identified by the FIRMs. In addition to flood hazards, a tributary to Rolling Hills Creek and a portion of ERC REPORT OB-I 17.doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 ity & Economic Development fl ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 4 of 18 the main stem of Rolling Hills Creek are located along the southern boundary between the existing n- 1 and the proposed TI-7 and 1-405. A portion of the creek has been placed in a culvert along South Renton Village Place. Pursuant to City of Renton Critical Areas Maps Rolling Hills Creek is a Class Ill stream, which would have a buffer of 75 feet. Furthermore, the subject site is located within a City of Renton identified seismic hazard area. The subject site contains 326 primarily deciduous trees with a minimum 6-inch diameter. The subject proposal would eliminate 104 of the existing trees in areas where the proposed buildings and parking garages would be located. The applicant has indicated that the 104 trees to be removed would be replaced with 125 new trees, resulting in a net gain of 21 trees on site. I PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measures 1. The applicant shall be required to provide new site-specific geotechnical analysis and recommendations for each proposed building, prepared by a certified professional, meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8-120D at the time of site plan application. 2. The applicant shall provide a new Site Plan at Site Plan Review stage, for each phase ofthe project, that includes the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Rolling Hills Creek and the creeks associated 75-foot buffer line, in addition to the location of the stream culvert, to ensure there are no impacts to the stream. If impacts are identified during Site Plan Review, the applicant shall provide a stream mitigation plan that is subject to the approval of the City's Current Planning Project Manager. 3. The project shall be designed to be in compliance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. One hundred four (104) of the one hundred twenty five (125) proposed trees shall be a minimum of two caliper inches for deciduous trees and 8 -10 feet tall for conifers, when planted. 5. The applicant shall coordinate with WSDOT to ensure the design of their project complies with the plans for the 1-405/1-5 to SR 169 Stage 2 -Widening and SR 515 Interchange Project and WSDOT's limited access limits, prior to Site Plan Review approval. 6. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 per new trip attributed to the subject project. This fee shall be based on actual square footage calculations from the building permit and shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant shall provide a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program which includes, but not limited to, the following measures: provide sheltered bike racks, create a transportation coordinator position for employees, implement an employee van-pool program, promote flexible scheduling and work hours, provide on-site showers and ERC REPORTOB-117.doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION ity & Economic Development fl ,mental Review Committee Repart LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Report of August 2, 2010 Page 5 of 18 c. changing facilities, provide discounted transit passes for employees, limit the amount of free parking for each tenant, and charge a parking fee for non-rideshare vehicles. The applicant shall create the TDM plan for each phase of the project, to be reviewed and approved by the City's Development Services Division, prior to building permit issuance. The approved TDM program shall be recorded on the property title prior to building permit issuance. The TDM program shall be implemented and monitoring shall begin at the time of Building Final Occupancy for each phase of the project. 8_ The applicant shall provide a pedestrian circulation plan at Site Plan Review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. 9. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $0.52 per new square footage prior to building permit issuance. Exhibits Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Exhibit 12 Exhibit 13 Exhibit 14 Exhibit 15 Exhibit 16 Exhibit 17 Exhibit 18 Exhibit 19 Exhibit 20 Exhibit 21 Exhibit 22 Exhibit 23 Exhibit 24 Exhibit 25 Exhibit 26 Exhibit 27 Exhibit 28 Exhibit 29 Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project Neighborhood Detail Map, Sheet A-002 Overall Site Plan, Sheet A-100 General Information, A-001 Fire Protection Coverage Diagram, Sheet A-002a Overall Phasing Site Plan, Sheet A-003 TT-4 Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-111 TT-4 Office Floor Plan (Typical), Sheet A-112 TT-5 Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-121 TT-5 Typical Office Floor Plan, Sheet A-122 TT-7/Garage D Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-131 TT-7/Garage D Floors 2-4 Typical, A-132 TT-7 Level 5 Floor Plan, Sheet A-133 TT-7 Levels 6-11 Floor Plan, Sheet A-135 Garage A/B/C Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-141 Garage A/B/C Typical Floor Plan (Levels 2-5), Sheet A-142 TT-6 Ground Floor Plan, Sheet A-151 TT-4/TT-6 Elevations, Sheet A-211 TT-4/TT-6 Elevations, Sheet A-212 TT-4/TT-6 Elevations, Sheet A-213 TT-5 Elevations, Sheet A-221 TT-5 East Elevation, Sheet A-222 TT-5 West Elevation, Sheet A-223 TT-7 Elevations, Sheet A-231 TT-7 Elevations, Sheet A-232 TT-7 Elevations, Sheet A-233 Garage A,B,C, Elevations, Sheet A-241 Overall Landscape Plan, Sheet L-100 Overall Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.0 ERC REPORT 08-117. doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION ity & Economic Development Report of August 2, 2010 Exhibit 30 Exhibit 31 Exhibit 32 Exhibit 33 Exhibit 34 Exhibit 35 Exhibit 36 Exhibit 37 Exhibit 38 Exhibit 39 Exhibit 40 Exhibit 41 Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.1 Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.2 Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.3 Composite Civil Plan, Sheet Cl.4 Partial Site Plan Information, Sheet A-100 Overall Site Plan (Partial), Sheet A-lOOa Overall Site Plan (Partial), Sheet A-lOOb Overall Site Plan (Partial), Sheet A-lOOc Overall Site Plan (Partial), Sheet A-lOOd Rolling Hills Creek Site Map Pervious Area, Figure 4 Flood Hazard Map, Figure 5 D. Environmental Impacts ,mental Review Committee Report WAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 6 of 18 The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments ond Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the fa/lawing probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: A geotechnical report was prepared by Geo Engineers Incorporated, dated May 9, 1985 for the construction of Two Renton Place, now known as Triton Towers 2 (TT-2). The applicant has submitted this geotechnical report in addition to a supplemental Jetter from GeoEnginners addressing the validity of the 1985 report in association to the subject project. The 1985 report excavated 15 test pits and drilled three borings in the area of the building footprint for TT-2. The borings encountered highly variable subsurface conditions. Boring 1 encountered soft or loose silt peat and silty fine sand overlying medium dense silty sand at 38 feet and reasonably sound sandstone bedrock at 41 feet and boring 2 encountered 17 feet of medium dense sandy silt and silty sand overlying weathered sandstone from 17 to 22 feet and reasonably sound sandstone bedrock at 22 feet. The test pits encountered varying thicknesses of soft and loose silt and peat, silty sand fill, stiff fine sandy silt underlain by dense fine sand, and very stiff fine sandy silt underlain by dense fine sand. The letter dated October 6, 2008 addressing the 1985 geotechnical report indicated the sites soil conditions consist of gravel fill over native soils. The fill is underlain by a complex sequence of interbedded peat, organic silt, silt, sand and gravel overlying bedrock. The letter reinforced the original report by indicating that the bedrock depths vary throughout the site. The 1985 report provided recommendations for development of the site and foundation support of the proposed structures (TT-2). Some of these recommendations may be appropriate for the new proposed buildings (TT-4-TT-7), such as supports shall be on pilings extended in to the bedrock and loads from future structures shall be carried down to or within the bedrock. The updated Jetter indicated that this report is suitable for preliminary design of the buildings; although, additional site-specific exploration at each of the building sites may be necessary to develop final foundation designs due to changes in the building code. ERC REPORT 08-117.doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 ity & Economic Development E omental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 7 of 18 Although the report may be suitable for preliminary design, staff recommends a mitigation measure required site-specific geotechnical analysis and recommendations that shall be completed for each project during site plan review. This would ensure that each structure is built to specifications' required by current building code. In addition, the subject site is located within a seismic hazard area, as such, the updated geotechnical analysis shall assess soil conditions and detail construction measures to assure building stability. Grading is proposed for excavation of the partial basement level of proposed parking garage D. The applicant has indicated that no fill is planned to be imported to the site. Furthermore, the applicant has indicated that minor erosion could occur during clearing and grading activities and therefore they have proposed to use Temporary Erosion Control and Sedimentation (TESC) to mitigate for this potential impact. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall be required to provide new site-specific geotechnical analysis and recommendations for each proposed building, prepared by a certified professional, meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8-1200 at the time of site plan application. Nexus: SEPA, RMC 4-4-060 Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations 2. Water a. Wetland, Streams, Lakes Impacts: The subject site contains a tributary of Rolling Hills Creek and a portion of the main stem of Rolling Hills Creek. Rolling Hills Creek and its upper tributary are currently mapped as a Class 3, non-salmonid-bearing perennial water on the City of Renton Streams and Lakes map. A Class 3 stream requires a 75-foot buffer width. The applicant has indicated that no work will be done within 200 feet of Rolling Hills Creek and/or its tributary. The applicant submitted a Stream Evaluation for the subject project prepared by The Watershed Company, dated August 18, 2008. This report indicates that Rolling Hills Creek drains to Springbrook Creek, a tributary of the Black River, which is a sub-basin of the King county WRIA-9 Duwamish-Green drainage basin. The on-site stream tributary enters the site from a buried culvert passing under 1-405. The upper tributary stream passes though two separate culverts as it flows west along the property and is joined by the main portion of Rolling Hills Creek when it enters the stream channel from the north out of a box culvert located approximately 125 feet from the western terminus ofthe property. The main stem of Rolling Hills Creek flows under the parking lot north of South Renton Village Place and daylights at the box culvert, which is approximately 250 feet east ofthe northwest property corner. The provided Stream Evaluation incanted the presence of small cyprinid fish, crayfish, and a black-cap chick-a-dee downstream of the box culvert, but no presence of salmon id use. The Watershed Company indicated that both the tributary and main stem portions of the stream generally meet The State's minimum requirements for the presumption of salmon id fish use based on physical characteristics. However, Rolling Hills Creek has been mapped by the City of Renton and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife {WDFW) in Salmonscape as a non-salmonid bearing stream, presumably due to the existence of a fish passage barrier downstream of the subject site. Rolling Hills Creek is piped underground from the east side of the Valley Freeway, west along SW 191h Street, and exiting the pipe presumably into Springbrook Creek upstream ofthe Boeing Longacres Industrial Park. ERC REPORTOS-117.doc City of Renton Department of Corr TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 ity & Economic Development fl ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 8 of 18 WDFW's Salmonscape map also identifies potential fish passage barriers associated with the lower piped portion of Rolling Hills Creek. Similarly, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) indicates Rolling Hills Creek as a type "N" non-fish-bearing stream on their Water Typing Map. Based on the above evaluation The Watershed Company concurs with the City of Renton's Classification of these streams as Class 3 non-salmonid-bearing perennial streams. The City received comments from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division, expressing many concerns in regards to the stream classification. The Muckleshoot's have indicated that Rolling Hills Creek is fish bearing within the project area based on observed resident fish by the Washington State Department of Transportation in December of 2004 and January of 2005, in association to their fieldwork conducted as a part of the 1-405 Renton Nickel project NEPA and permit process. In addition, the Muckleshoot's have indicated that Larry Fisher, from WDFW has made comments in regards to observations of fish in Rolling Hills Creek in the open channel on the subject site in the past. The Muckleshoot Tribe believes based on this information that the subject steam and its tributary should be reclassified as a Class 2 stream. In response to the Muckleshoot Tribe's concerns, The Watershed Company drafted a response letter dated November 18, 2008. This letter indicates that the City of Renton's Class 3 stream is " ... water are non-salmonid-bearing perennial waters during a year of normal rainfall ... ". The Watershed Company did indicate the presence of small cyprinid fish within the main stem, however no salmonids were present. In addition, the Watershed Company indicated that conditions in the open portions of the tributary were not suitable for salmonids and the connection between the tributary and mainstream was via subsurface flow and was likely a barrier to fish passage. The Muckleshoot Tribe's comments further indicated that WSDOT intends to widen 1-405 and SR 167 downstream and adjacent to this project site and will likely affect the culverts in the area as a result. These road projects present an opportunity for some; in not all of the downstream blocking culverts in the highway expansion area to become fish passable as a result. In addition, the Muckleshoot Tribe is expecting fish passable culverts as a part of the road widening projects. These changes could result in elevating the fish passage barriers downstream of the subject project. The response letter drafted by The Watershed Company addresses the intentions of WSDOT's widening project for 1-405 and SR 167 and the anticipation of the removal offish barriers downstream of the subject site. However, based on current conditions the Watershed Company still classifies the on-site stream segment as a Class 3 stream. Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050L.1.c.ii Reclassification, a stream reclassification requires a legislative amendment to the adopted Stream Classification map and a supplemental stream study. Because the existing City of Renton Steam Classification map indicates that Rolling Hills Creek is a Class 3 stream, the City recognizes such stream to have a 75-foot buffer. The provided master site plan did not identify the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Rolling Hills Creek nor the area where the stream is in a culvert. However, the Master Site Plan did identify the location of the Creek and the new proposed TI-7 would be further from the open cannel of the Creek then the existing TI-1. Therefore, staff does not anticipate impacts to Rolling Hills Creek; however the potential for impacts still exist if development occurs within the buffer area. To ensure no development occurs within the ERC REPORT08-l 17.doc City of Renton Department of Com ity & Economic Development TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 E. ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 9 of 18 required 75-foot buffer and no buildings are built over the stream culvert, staff recommends a mitigation measure that the applicant include the OHWM and the associated 75-foot buffer line, in addition to the location of the stream culvert on the Site Plan Map, submitted at Site Plan Review, to ensure there are no impacts to the stream. If at Site Plan Review stage impacts are identified the applicant shall provide a stream mitigation plan that shall be approved by the City. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall provide a new Site Plan at Site Plan Review stage, for each phase of the project, that includes the Ordinary High Water Mark {OHWM) of Rolling Hills Creek and the creeks associated 75-foot buffer line, in addition to the location of the stream culvert, to ensure there are no impacts to the stream. If impacts are identified during Site Plan Review, the applicant shall provide a stream mitigation plan that is subject to the approval of the City's Current Planning Project Manager. Nexus: SEPA, Critical Areas Regulations RMC 4-3-050. b. Storm Water Impacts: With the project application, the applicant submitted a Drainage Report prepared by Site Development Associates, LLC, dated October 6, 2008. The existing site consists of almost entirely impervious surface parking lots and buildings. Based on Figure 4, in the provided Drainage Report, the site's pervious surfaces are made up of landscaped areas throughout the development equaling approximately 156,000 square feet of pervious surface. After the proposed development is complete the pervious area would increase by approximately 100 square feet. The provided Drainage Report indicates that the existing drainage conditions on the subject site consist of sheet flow or flow along curbing to catch basins throughout the site. The overall site is divided into two drainage sub-areas. The first area is located north of South Renton Village Place and includes the eastern most parking area of TT-1. This area drains though catch basin and pipe networks and ultimately combines at a single discharge point west ofTT-2. The second area includes TT-1 and the majority of the surrounding parking areas, which discharges through catch basin and pipe networks to a tributary of Rolling Hills Creek, which runs along the southern property line of the site. The subject site is located in the Rolling Hills Basin, and the majority ofthe site's discharge drains to the main stem ofthe Rolling Hills Creek. The provided report indicates that Rolling Hills Creek and the upstream tributary appear to function well under the developed conditions. However, the Renton Village Hydrologic/Hydroulic Analysis conducted in 2007, by Gray and Osborne, indicated that the stream experiences flooding from backwater effects of the downstream system rather than the stream capacity. Site Development Group concludes that the proposed project would reduce flow rates because of the increase in pervious area. However, the City's Plan Review staff has reviewed the provided study and has identified the potential for downstream impacts from the proposed project; as such, staff recommends a mitigation measure that the project be designed in compliance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The subject site contains areas of potential flooding as indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps {FIRMs) published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency {FEMA). The FIRMs have identified two flood hazard areas "A" and "AH" located in the western most portion ofthe existing parking lot for TT-1 and the parcel west of TT-2 and TT-3 the Renton ERC REPORT 08-117. doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 ity & Economic Development E, ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page lOof 18 Village retail complex. The provided Drainage Report indicates that TI-2 and TI-3 are elevated and separated from the flood zone located in the retail center by a sloped landscape berm, as such the proposed new office towers would not be impacted by this flood zone. The flood area identified near TI-1 is outside ofthe proposed development area for proposed TI-7. In addition the FIRMs indicate that the base flood elevation for the "AH" hazard area is 24 feet M.S.L. and the base elevation ofTI-7 would be at approximately 30.4 feet M.S.L. and TI-4 through TI-6 would be at approximately 29.4 feet M.S.L. As such, impacts from flooding are not anticipated as a part of the proposed development. Mitigation Measures: The project shall be designed to be in compliance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Nexus: SEPA, Environmental Regulations 3. Vegetation Impacts: The subject site currently contains 326 trees with a diameter over 6-inch's, ofthe 326 trees on the subject site, 222 would be retained. The applicant is proposing to provide 125 new trees as a part of the development to replace the 104 removed trees. The subject site is fully developed with three existing office buildings and their associated surface parking lots; as such the majority of the existing vegetation on the subject site was planted with the original development. The larger trees provide shade, air quality and aesthetic value to the existing development, in order to maintain the existing quality provided by the removed trees, staff recommends a mitigation measure that 104 of the 125 proposed trees shall be two caliper inches for deciduous trees and 8-10 feet tall for conifers, when planted. Mitigation Measures: One hundred four (104) of the one hundred twenty five {125) proposed trees shall be a minimum oftwo caliper inches for deciduous trees and 8-10 feet tall for conifers, when planted. Nexus: SEPA, RMC 4-4-130 Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations. 4. Environmental Health a. Noise/Vibration Impacts: A heliport is proposed on the roof of TI-5. The purpose of the heliport is to carry employees and customers to the businesses associated with the project. An increase in noise and vibration related to the takeoff and landing of helicopters is anticipated as a part of the subject proposal. There is a residential neighborhood located on Talbot Hill south of the subject site, across 1-405. The helicopter nois·e would be heard in these adjacent neighborhoods; however the applicant contends that the noise should not be more objectionable than helicopter, jet, and plane noises related with the current use of the Renton Municipal Airport. In addition, to the existing aviation noise in the project's vicinity, ambient background noise of 1-405 would likely mask the additional noise generated by this use. The applicant has indicated that the heliport is not intended to be a commercial heliport company but rather an accessory use to an office tenant. The use of the heli-pad is anticipated to be intermittent and would be no more than a few times a day during normal office hours. The applicant has indicated that weekend and night landings would be infrequent rare occurrences. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. ERC REPORTOS-117.doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 Nexus: N/A 5. Aesthetics ity & Economic Development E, ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 11 of 18 Impacts: The subject site is located at the base of Talbot Hill, a residential area primarily zoned Residential 8 (R-8) dwelling units per net acre. Talbot Hill is currently developed as a single-family residential neighborhood. Views from Talbot Hill are of Downtown Renton, 1-405, and at some locations Lake Washington. Staff conducted a site visit to evaluate the potential for view impacts to the Talbot Hill neighborhood. The tallest point of the proposed office buildings would be the top of the proposed roof mounted equipment screening, which is 150 feet above grade. All four proposed building are sited to be one in front of the other in a north south direction, resulting in the new towers impacting one line of sight from Talbot Hill, see Overall Site Plan (Exhibit 3). However, the majority ofthe established single-family homes located in the Talbot Hill area are located above the top of the proposed buildings; therefore, not impacting their view of downtown Renton. In addition, there is an existing PSE power line corridor that crosses the lower section of Talbot Hill, where views may have been impacted if residential development has occurred in this area. Because of the existing PSE utility corridor, homes are located higher on the hill, which allows their views to be maintained. The PSE corridor also crosses much of the development site; this corridor would remain, allowing for the existing views to be maintained. The proposed parking garage buildings (A-C) are located between the existing TT-3 and TT-2, resulting in no net change in views for the residence of Talbot Hill. Garage D, located on the southern parcel, is sited in line with both TT-2 and proposed TT-4 resulting in no further view impact. Lastly, between the subject site and the Talbot Hill neighborhood, is 1-405, which adds approximately 200 feet of right-of-way between the development and the Talbot Hill neighborhood. The combination of 1-405, PSE utility corridors, and the site design, view impacts are not anticipated as a part of the proposed development. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: N/A 6. Transportation Impacts: The subject site is bordered on the north by South Grady Way, on the east by Talbot Road South, on the South by 1-405, on the west is Renton Village Shopping Center, and South Renton Village Place bisects the larger development site. Access to the site would be provided off of South Grady Way, Talbot Road South and South Renton Village Place. Access exists at two location along South Grady Way, two location along Talbot Road South, and three access points off of South Renton Village Place, in addition access can be gained to the site via Renton Village Shopping Center at two locations and additional internal connections resulting in 14 existing driveway locations. This project does not propose any new access points to the site; however three existing driveways are proposed to be removed. The City received comments from WSDOT Urban Corridors 1-405 Project on November 12, 2008 and from WSDOT Northwest Region on November 18, 2008, in addition to comments from the City's Transportation Division. The majority of the comments were addressed in two memos received from the applicant, dated January 27, 2009 and December 8, 2009. Please see the project file for all comments related to transportation. WSDOT's 1-405 team provided comments indentifying the planned relocated entrance along the north side of Renton Village Place between ERC REPORT 08-I I 7. doc City of Renton Department af Corr TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION ity & Economic Development E1 ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Report of August 2, 2010 Page 12 of 18 buildings TT-2 and TT-4. The planned entrance would need to be adjusted outside of the WSDOT limited access limits. These comments further identified the need to comply with the design of the 1-405/1-5 to SR 169 Stage 2-Widening and SR 515 Interchange Project. Based on the comments received from WSDOT, the 1-405 widening project and the planed off ramp in the immediate vicinity of the subject project, staff recommends a mitigation measure that the applicant coordinate with WSDOT to ensure the design of their project complies with the plans for the 1-405/1-5 to SR 169 Stage 2 -Widening and SR S15 Interchange Project and WSDOT's limited access limits. The applicant provided an initial Transportation Impact Study (TIS) prepared by the Transpo Group, dated September 2008. Many technical comments and questions were received from the City's Transportation Division. As such, the applicant submitted an updated TIS in October of 2008, addressing many of the City's comments (see project file for comments). The TIS study area included five off-site signalized intersections as well as eleven stop controlled driveways. The study intersections and driveways include: • S Grady Way/Talbot Road S • S Renton Village PL/Theater Driveway • S Renton Village Pl./ Talbot Road S • S Renton Village PL/West Driveway-Tower 1 • Talbot Road S/1-405 Northbound On-Ramp • S Renton Village PL/West Right Aid Driveway • S Grady Way/Lake Avenue S • S Renton Village PL/East Driveway-Tower 1 • S Grady Way/Shattuck Avenue S • S Renton Village PL/SW Driveway-Tower 2 • S Grady Way/North Rite Aid Driveway • S Renton Village PL/South Driveway-Tower 2 • S Grady Way/North Driveway-Tower 3 • S Renton Village PL/East Driveway-Tower 1 • Talbot Road S/East Driveway-Tower 3 The TIS uses 2008 for the existing conditions and a horizon year of 2014 for the subject project. The TIS indicates that all study intersections currently operate at a LOS D or better during the AM and PM peak hours and would continue to operate at a LOS Dor better under future baseline conditions, with the exception of South Grady Way/Talbot Road South, where operations are anticipated to degrade to LOS E during the weekday PM peak hour. The degraded LOS for this intersection is largely due to the fact that South Grady Way is the only principal arterial to access the site from the east. The TIS anticipates the proposed development would generate approximately 1,071 net new trips during the weekday AM peak hour and 1,246 net new trips during the weekday PM peak hour. However comments received from the City of Renton Development Services Division Plan Reviewer estimate the increased average daily trips to be 6,858 trips. The project would result in an increase in traffic trips; therefore, staff recommends that the applicant pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 per new trip. For the proposal, the Traffic Impact Fee is estimated at $514,350.00. When the TIS anticipated trips are added to the existing trips for TT-1, TT-2, and TT-3 the total AM peak hour trips is anticipated to be 1,677 trips and the PM peak hour trips would be 1,810 trips. Pursuant to the TIS these trips would be distributed 40 percent to the south, 20 percent to the east and 40 percent to the west. Based on the anticipated new peak hour trips the TIS anticipates that all but one intersection would operate at LOSE or better during the weekday PM peak hour. S. Renton Village Place/Talbot Road S. intersection would degrade to a LOS Fas a result of traffic generated by the subject project. The TIS attributes this degradation, in ERC REPORT 08-1 I 7. doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 ity & Economic Development fl ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 13 of 18 part, due to the fact that Talbot Road South is the only north-south arterial that connects the western side ofthe project site with roadways north and south of 1-405. In addition WSDOT's Widening project will add a fourth leg at the 1-405 interchange which would attract additional traffic volumes that do not currently use this intersection. In addition to the degraded operations at S. Renton Village Place/Talbot Road S., three of the site driveways are anticipated to degrade to LOS E or F. South Grady Way/North Ride Aid driveway is estimated to operate at LOS E and Talbot Road S./East Driveway-Tower 3 and Talbot Road S./East Driveway-Tower 2 are anticipated to degrade to LOS F. The TIS states that the three degraded driveways would not impact the operations ofthe City's street network. The provided TIS indicates that the subject project would have impacts on the City's street network however the TIS recommends that a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program be utilized to mitigate for the anticipated impacts to the transportation system. A TDM program can be implemented to reduce the number of vehicles to the site by using a combination of three measures: support measures, transportation services, and economic incentives. Support measures would include such things as rideshare matching, promotional activities, and flexible work hours, which would foster an environment that would be supportive of alternative modes of off-peak travel. Transportation services such as on-site showers and changing facilities, van-pool programs, and shuttle services to transit stations and economic incentives such as transit subsidies and parking fees have all shown to reduce the number of vehicles used by commuters. The TIS has indicated that the greatest reduction in commuter vehicles is achieved by a TDM program that combines economic incentives with transportation services, resulting in an average reduction of 24 percent. Calculating a 24 percent reduction of trips by the implementation of a TDM program that includes the three identified measures; the two stop controlled driveways on Talbot Road South would operate at LOS D and the intersection of South Renton Village Place/Talbot Road South would operate at LOS E during the PM Peak hour. Based on the recommendation in the TIS, staff recommends a mitigation measure that the applicant provided a TDM program which includes, but not limited to, the following measures: provide sheltered bike racks, create a transportation coordinator position for employees, implement an employee van-pool program, promote flexible scheduling and work hours, provide on-site showers and changing facilities, provide discounted transit passes for employees, limit the amount of free parking for each tenant, and charge a parking fee for non-rideshare vehicles. The applicant shall create the TDM management plan for each phase of the project, to be reviewed and approved by the City's Development Services Division, prior to building permit issuance. The approved TDM program shall be recorded on the property title prior to building permit issuance. The TDM program shall be implemented and monitoring shall begin at the time of Building Final Occupancy for each phase of the project. Within the project vicinity there currently exists many opportunities for public transportation. The South Renton Park and Ride is located on South Grady Way, opposite the project site, between Lake Avenue South and Shattuck Avenue South. In addition the site is served by King County Metro bus services, routes 101, 140, 148, 153, 167, 169, 247, and 280. Most of these routes connect to transit centers and park and ride lots around the Seattle metropolitan area, including but not limited to Bellevue, Kirkland, and Redmond. Furthermore route 140 provides service to the Tukwila Sound Transit Sounder Commuter rail station on South 1581h Street, which provides service as far south as Lakewood in Peirce County. The TDM program would be supported by the existing public transit options within the projects vicinity. ERC REPORT 08-117.doc City of Renton Department of Com TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 'ty & Economic Development E, ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 14 of 18 The project includes the addition of four five-level parking garages to accommodate the increase in parking demand by the propped development. However the addition of the new towers and the parking garages are located within the existing surface parking lots for the existing Triton Towers 1-3. As such, the proposed parking garages not only would be providing parking for the new towers but would be providing parking for the existing towers. The four parking garages would provide parking for 3,212 vehicles, which represents and increase of 1,385 parking stalls for the entire site (existing and proposed). The subject project is vested to 2008 Parking and Loading standards of Renton Municipal Code and therefore would be subject to the 2008 parking standards. Pursuant to these standards a minimum 3 parking spaces per 1,000 feet of net floor area would be required with a maximum of 4.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. The total net floor area for the Triton Towers Development (existing and proposed) would total 1,243,500 square feet, as such the project would be required to provide 3,731 new spaces. The applicant has proposed to provide 3,212 spaces which is less the minimum required pursuant to Renton Municipal Code. The provided 3,212 spaces would result in a ratio of 2.58 spaces per 1,000 feet of net floor area. Pursuant to the provide TIS the more limited supply of on-site parking would encourage employees and visitors to carpool and use alternative modes of transportation. Additionally the provided TIS included a parking demand analysis for the proposed project, which utilized the ITE Parking Generation, 3'd Edition which reflects the typical conditions of a suburban office complex that does not have a TDM program. Pursuant to the parking demand analysis the need would exceed the parking supply by 776 spaces or 24 percent. If the TDM program is implemented and is successful the anticipated reduction in demand would equal 24 percent, which would balance the parking demand and supply. Furthermore, between project vesting and 2010, the City's parking regulations have been modified. Ordinance 5529 which was effective March 17, 2010, reduced the parking minimum standards for office development to 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet, as such the applicant would be in compliance with the existing standards pursuant to current code. The subject project does not trigger any street frontage improvements because curb, gutter and sidewalk currently exist along all site frontages. In addition, under current conditions sidewalks are provided adjacent to the existing office towers, but there are no marked pedestrian paths between the buildings. The provided TIS states that large surface parking lots without marked pedestrian paths contribute to an increased potential for pedestrian-vehicle conflicts. The TIS concludes that the existing sidewalks would be complemented by internal walkways between the proposed office buildings and parking structures. These walkways would enhance the pedestrian connectivity of the site, and would allow for safe travel among the office buildings, parking structures and adjacent surface parking lots. Furthermore the addition of parking garages, with dedicated pedestrian facilities, in place of surface parking lot would reduce the potential for pedestrian-vehicle conflict on the site. Based on the potential for pedestrian vehicle conflict, staff recommends a mitigation measure that the applicant provided a pedestrian circulation plan at Site Plan Review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. Mitigation Measures: 1. The applicant shall coordinate with WSDOT to ensure the design of their project complies with the plans for the 1-405/1-5 to SR 169 Stage 2 -Widening and SR 515 Interchange Project and WSDOT's limited access limits, prior to Site Plan Review approval. ERC REPORT08-J J7.doc City of Renton Department of Com TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 "ty & Economic Development Er ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 15 of 18 2. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 per new trip attributed to the subject project. This fee shall be based on actual square footage calculations from the building permit and shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. 3. The applicant shall provide a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program which includes, but not limited to, the following measures: provide sheltered bike racks, create a transportation coordinator position for employees, implement an employee van-pool program, promote flexible scheduling and work hours, provide on-site showers and changing facilities, provide discounted transit passes for employees, limit the amount of free parking for each tenant, and charge a parking fee for non-rideshare vehicles. The applicant shall create the TDM plan for each phase of the project, to be reviewed and approved by the City's Development Services Division, prior to building permit issuance. The approved TDM program shall be recorded on the property title prior to building permit issuance. The TDM program shall be implemented and monitoring shall begin at the time of Building Final Occupancy for each phase of the project. 4. The applicant shall provide a pedestrian circulation plan at Site Plan Review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations and Resolution 3100. 7. Fire & Police Impacts: The proposal would add new office square footage to the City that would potentially impact the City's Police and Fire Emergency Services. Staff recommends a mitigation measure requiring the app.licant to pay a Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $0.52 per new square footage attributed to the project, which shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $0.52 per new square footage prior to building permit issuance. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations, Resolution 2913 E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or "Advisory Notes to Applicant." ./ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, August 20, 2010. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing at the City Clerk's office along with a $75.00 application fee. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton WA 98057. ERC REPORT 08-117.doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 ity & Economic Development ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT E ,mental Review Committee Report LUADB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 16 of 18 The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action_ Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock {9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock {8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety {90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. Plan Review -Water: 1. This project will be required to install a 12" DI water main loop around the complex of buildings. The conceptual water main drawing submitted (plans dated Oct. 1, 2008) has preliminary approval. There will be additional comments as supplement information is submitted; a commercial building permit will trigger a separate full review. 2. Per the City of Renton code when the required fire flow is over 2500 GPM the fire hydrants shall be served by a main which loops around the building or complex of buildings and reconnects back into a distribution supply main. 3. Any new construction must have one fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM and shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and additional hydrants (also capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM) within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along the travel route. The number of additional hydrants required is dependent on the calculated fire flow of the new commercial building. Existing fire hydrants shall be retrofitted with a quick disconnect Stortz fitting if not existing. 4. Buildings that exceed 30 feet in height shall install a RPBA (reduced pressure backflow assembly, · not a DCVA) at the back of each domestic water meter. One meter is required per building. S. The Water System Development Charge fees are based on the total number and size of any and all water meters. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Plan Review -Sewer: 1. A commercial building permit will trigger a separate review. The project needs to serve this with commercial side sewer. 2. Any use in the building subject to oils or grease shall require the installation of a grease interceptor or oil/water separator as determined at the time of plan review. 3. The parking garage will require an oil water separator. 4. The Sanitary Sewer SDC fees are based on the size of any and all domestic water meters. Plan Review -Storm Drainage: ERC REPORT08-J 17.doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 ity & Economic Development E, 1. Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. nmental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 17 of 18 2. The Surface Water SOC fees are $0.405 (but not less than $1012) per square foot of new impervious area. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Plan Review -Street Improvements: 1. Construction of a commercial building will trigger a separate review. 2. Street improvements are not required at this time. 3. A Traffic Study submitted with the formal application. The study needs to include the adjacent intersections and driveway locations. Plan Review -General: 1. All required utility; drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and Vertical Control Network. 3. Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There will be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. Fire Department: 1. Construction and actual setback information shall be submitted so fire flow can be appropriately calculated. 2. The minimum number of hydrants for the type of structures shall be 2 per building. Additional hydrants shall be based on spacing, which shall be in accordance with sound engineering practices. Hydrants shall be equipped with 5-inch Storz fittings on the main ports. 3. Primary Hydrants shall be no greater than 150 feet to the front of the building. All other hydrants shall be spaced no greater than 300 feet to the structure. Hydrant spacing shall also be in accordance with Appendix C, Table C105.l of the 2006 International Fire Code. 4. Fire apparatus road access shall be no greater than 150 feet to all exterior portions of the buildings. 5. Fire Apparatus Road Access width shall be no less than 20 feet wide and on a surface capable of sustaining the weight of a Fire Apparatus. 6. Fire Lane signage shall be required along one side ofthe road where the road width is 20 to 28 feet wide. Signage shall be placed on the same side in which the hydrants are located. Signage shall be as in accordance with section 503 of the 2006 International Fire Code and city of Renton Ordinance 4-4-80-6 A-G. 7. Aerial apparatus access shall be in accordance with appendix D ofthe 2006 International Fire Code. 8. Access of Dead End Street from 150 feet or greater shall require an appropriate Turnaround. 9. Commercial Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinklers are applicable to this project. A separate set of plans and permits shall be required for both systems. Fire spri9nkler & Fire Alarms must conform to 2006 International Fire Code and City of Renton Amendments. 10. Standpipes shall be required. 11. Fire Equipment Rooms shall be required. 12. The project shall be required to comply with all High Rise Standards set forth in the 2006 International Codes. 13. The proposed building, TT-5 must comply with all requirements of Section 1107, Helistops and ERC REPORT08-117.doc City of Renton Department of Con TRITON TOWERS EXPANSION Report of August 2, 2010 ity & Economic Development fl ,mental Review Committee Report LUAOB-117, ECF, SA-M, CU-H Page 18 of 18 Heliports, of the 2006 International Fire Code if a helipad is added to the roof. 14. Fire equipment rooms with air replenishing systems shall be required on the 1st floor and every 4th floor thereafter. Renton Municipal Airport: 1. The applicant should file an FAA 7460-1 form "notice of proposed construction or alteration" on the project even though the project is below the FAR PART 77 Surface for Renton Airport. Parks Department: I. The applicant shall coordinate with Terry Flatley, the City's Urban Forester, on tree species and location. ERC REPORT 08-117. doc uos 1tt 11oi " 0809 Ot 90~ .L IHrf 1/M "•UlHI;" ••ins ·•~'I' ,~,,~ Hot rn '••11•• .... ~ ........ . w~o """"'_,, .• ...._ NO•l11¥~ flO"tOG.IOU l-:lirOlld >---Y, ~-"3 "~~1111111111111. N01SNYo1X3 SUIM0.1 NO.Ll•.1 ! .. N ;; 0 !; q ii C N ~ 1-1 m 1-1 l: >< w HQ; U·t llOZ • 011a, ltt llOZ .L !l!lll!' YM "•mus •u~s ·•~v ,.,,.,. ,zai m ·••r,•••••• •••••111 ! ~~~ id] wo, ,o,mn·...,,. "ocn-.w~ H0611ltf3 • VM ;n1 N01SNY4Xal SH:IMO.L N0.1.IH.I. ~, 111111111111 ;la; IP 09H YP •tor• , tor .L •1•1••s I~ HOt OOl 811~! 1-!~:~; ' . . ' '••IIHol•~• .,, ....... 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" I, u ,. g ! zffi g g j ' ~------------------------------------,--,-0-.---,-,.-,-~-.,-,,-.--.:., _"_'_J' l @ m 0 UJ cc M M I- t-I a:i t-,j :c >< w ·-------------------------------------------. -----------------------------------..._ -----· ----- i i ;; SITE COVERAGE, SITE AND BUILDING INFORMATION -.. • ·--t ••• TOTAL BULOING • 2BJ,614 Sf ••• • •·· FOOTPRINT AREA SITE AREA: 21.0B5 ACR!:S (918,<471 SF> • ,..;:: lfu =·· -·· TOTAL SITE AREA • 91M71 SF TOTH. FOOTPRINT Of NEW BUtLONGS: 219,654 SF i::1 :NN ... PERCENT SITE COVERAGE • JO.BX TOTH. FOOTPRIH OF EXISTl<G BUIUXNGS TO REMAIN 63,960 SF 81.1..DfNG TT•4 11 STORf~ OFFICI: 2706',i7 SF NET, 2i5 487 SF CURVE TABLE Bl.I.DING TM 11 S10R OFFICI: 3'1 SF NETa 2 4)20 SF ffl:::OING TT-6 nmin 8f~E !7ij,427 SF ::i;r, 225j87 SF CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH DIM:. TT•7 45,257 sr T, 146 27 SF C1 BD.00' 15'55'J2" 22.24' TOT ..... SF NEW orra TOT.fi. GROSS: 1,137,129 SF NET, 892,()21 SF C2 60.00' 3118'56. 32.7G' GROSS SF EXISTING OfFICE 4JJ,419 sr NETa 3'1.500 SF =: 5 STORIES 252h600 SF LINE TABLE 5 ST;r 162, 00 SF =fi 5 §T IS 16Ji00 SF LINE BEARING LENGTH 4 T S B 9 SF LI N18"47'21"E JB.06' GROSS S.F. NEW PAAKING GARAGE 658,389 SF L2 N37".lO'J9"£ 4!17' TOTH. G.IR<G[ PARKING STALLS 2145 STM.LS LJ N0218'29"E 71.56' EXISTNG ON-GRADE PARKING 10 RC-661 STALLS L4 N01'04'49"'E 40,2'4 1 PROPOSEO AOOIIKlNH. ON· L5 N01'04'49"£ 2J.46' GRADE PARKING STALLS 406 ST At.LS L6 N0017'«"E B4JB' TOTJII. ON·GRAOE PARKlNG STALLS 1067 ST JII.LS L7 NB6"06'40•W 7.BJ' LB N0019'15"E 77.BIJ' TOTAi... SITE PARKNC: STALLS 3212 ST ALLS L9 N0013'46"W 125.21' PARKING RATIO REQUIRED: 3.0/1000 LlO(Rl 56010'50"[ 80.00' PARKING RATIO PROVIOED: 2.58/1000 • llHR) N75"44'14"W 60.00' . ~ NOTE, ~ LANOSCN'E Tl:J!"""' 11~41J SF • 0 AOOITIONAL SCN'E' J ,900 SF " SEE A-003 FOR PHASNG PLAN TOT Ji. LH«>SCNIE MEN 151,.313 Sf 15 SF LN«>SCAPE I ST All 5.865 SF rtQ'd LEGEi(), CSTALLS < 50 PER BLAL.~G SITE) EASEMENT I ------REQU1RED BUlLOING SETBACKS, SET BACK BUILOING FRONT YARO REAR YARO SIDE YARDS • ---• TT-4 30'•0" NIA .. z NIA •a ;,: '" ·-PROPERTY LINE a- TT-5 NIA NIA NIA ... ,i z 0 z ,c I-• PEDESTRIAN TT·S 30'·0" NIA NIA a o. ,: .. .. w WALKWAY TT-7 30'·0" 30'·0'" NIA -.. 0: STRIPING • .. GARAGE A 20·-o·· NIA NIA GARAGE BIC NIA NIA NIA GARAGE 0 30'·0" NIA = ..,.__ NIA -N1'~1-11-11NG p£\/£a~~ p.£1'1'\'0l-l NOT[, SPECIFIC ST ALL SIZES FOR REQIAREO ST ALL TYPES ANO ~ ~ 1ooi COI.NTS WU BE INCLUOEO IN FUTURE SUlMITT ALS ® ~~.!!_.Al SITE PLAN (INFORMATION) oc., -.. .-r" l"AaTIAL •n• l"LAN EXHIBIT 34 INPCII.MATION a..100 ACCEJ~6.23' ,.----=,[1.J :p'l"Cl4' 08" '{I i,..i l>P" ~ ., e,x>-. .• ,.' <=:,Cf:i '" . / 10'-0" ,.....--..;. ® ~~!,!._AL SITE PLAN ! i i I -----------------------------------------------------------------------t··---- "t,· ,,.<i~J~ ;p\0·_)· ~ !\+ '/ 'I. "'/a )("""I. ,-... '\': }<, \.·· i -~(.-....· ':'-···· ·, l·,: ~ \ .g.1{0 ,·,, ...... _ .. 3 . ·: 185'-0" 7 r ·~.~--- I 0 ' § ,r··~ "~,.v' ~ 1: ··.) ·o· .\.,..-,,,/ --.+ i I. .. ' i ' '""" 1. \\• ~. \ . .,_;,./ \_ !/_·- ' ".~--' '\ ) . , •, ,:·"'\ \. ·r f. ... ,,•'\ .\ '1,i1 ~\ ia~:t_ •• ',.. :... -t .• > i ~ -·-••• i. •:: ~ e ~<:: .. ;!:•• I !': ,;:: lfu ~~:: !::;!:;: • . . ~ •~ ;i -.. = • • 1 ~ = I l _l I . . . 30',Y'. J •.. -~""""l"''"''"'"'f'"""'""~'<w.,..,..J . ·'-···· . ..:" ~ + i" ~~ \ ~ ' . l.,)';.-\ 10'r0" \ . b~f.ESS ~:·'0" .. ' i~-1-=fNNT • " •• •a a-,.. • . .. . i z • 0 • .. ~ z • .. . 0: • GARAGE C EXHIBIT 35 , (~:)(,0 <,:,.!~).:,)~~ 24'-0" ...._ __ ,,., "~.-~ ',.._ __ . (. ·.···· , I -,-,16'1r'!~.:.. _ ....:J::.:~liA~· _ •v -:-SIT A ' . . ..,..,,,,. .• ,.,. --~ :.i,"t··~·····,;:-..---, -.. • DL .. .. ii • .. • RAIL.. - DEVELOPME~1 p1· ~~0~:~~~~;~f !~~::~~ c1ry oFINTo~N1NG--· _ OCT -9 zono ..... ..., !=ii. ;1, ~ ,.-:.-."mt,., ... ~. ~~--u.,o...,. __________ -----'.A-100a :BECE1vi:rr----------· ------------------------------- -----------~------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------l: " @ ~~!.!_AL SITE PLAN ~'+1-11 ~ -· • '"" -u >J, i lt\JLI 24'-... 0. u\.:.:,]'0,' ·,~,:::::::.,, {~ I I I I I ... r--"", I I I J I I I I I I I J J I I ·r--:::1 1 ~ 6" ·,: : 1'~'!1!111111111 r .. ·:··· --• ' . . ! ~ .. t •• :. ===~ ! << ... : • ;:I•• . ~ .-:: 0 11. __ _ ;~111:;ao ... :;: •"" ... N•I"• -~'~:: _ _:\~~ -\ -;;"~~ (~ .. 1·;-;~i ·c· -......,. . i'"s·· •t-,'1 •,l9,,, fr'····+ ·1 0----. ~,-:.+ .. "-'1·'s-g~4'if?t ,.... . . ..,, • GARAGE C 261'·011 Cl ' Cl ;::! PROPOSED TRAC>ING FLOOR CLEVEL 6) ' I~ , · · I' HELIPAD 7 C 12 PASSENGER TT-4 FF: EL •32'-0" HELICOPTER> GARAGE B ff: EL •32'-0" PROPOSED SKYBRIDGE S. RAISED WALKWAY 1.9.,35' GARAGE A Cl ' 0 ;::! 0 ' 0 z S' ' PSE PARCEL (NOT P,ART OF PROPOSED PROJECT) b · 30' SETBACK Al . ~-,,,I-J..7,A~.;:;:~.RE~U~R~D ~ -··, ' .... ~ 4'-J. 86 1 ·011 ; + z . ; ,cc,, j Jf.-~-\',' fi=' ~~ 11i~V. -30' 21'·0" • • § • u ;~ RE< -r,· I 1---- ,~ / :.ii~' AJCESS ;::! _, r.~p,~f~ ~--7""~,!,..l~~.~ ~r~ i'. ijK ;o71:~ I·· ; $·. ai; 1a,3iz.i-;, .... ·.··... . i i ' : 11.31/ : ' PLANNING , , ···· . , NTON•' : · · / •. 1•. ·r~.1... . ..; .... ~""11 i ;:! '!/ h • • '" ,. •o o-.... ,. ,. .. 0 I, ,_ IC -· .. .. z 0 ,_ z "' "' ..,._ - EXHIBIT 36 _., ...... 1=F1===L er, IA-100b RliClilJlli(;l A O 4 a::ow --•uLL •ITa' PLAN :IPAIITIALJ OCT -9 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------~--~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---. ---------·a· ------ ' I • ,..... 30' SEIBAC 7'-0" 22'-0" ............ 34 7'·9" I I '-~, , ~ .......... r............ ...... ~ .............. ~i .............................. , 1 ·rr-2 I [_EXISTINGJ 1:, ' 52 ,.9,' t·I f"l,li•li,' "' • 07" 05'07" R • 1810.00' L • 223.83' 36'·0" . .-·42':10" ,. tJ-'i< ; : • '' (T1 't'• ,, .~ . ,, ,.~~?' f··· '··:t··1;·"f~i;;. .. -'~~-./ .. ' 'Y""• ,-. /·: ,.. / -.. J-'• ,+,"';C i .._., "'----{ :l ~!"·"" 24' sJ8'1j,.~:, ·~\~ii '}.' ~ '!,' l,, . ,;,:;'f> • <:i '1. ' ~ :··· \.. \ - 40 1·_5_11 DEVELO~llli°~IZANNING _CITY OF RENTON / • • i 1 -,_ i ~;o.., .. :-::; ! .c < ..... .. ;I:•• . ~ .::. :: i •... __ _ =:~si== ~ • .INO:,t,,. • -~ • • • u II z II a a-,. II "' z C a o. .... iii .. .. • : 3 : z 0 ... z w 0: --- OCT -9 2008 ., ·~· .. t .. • .. ••mo•~ PAln'tAJ..) RE.CSVflf, i A-100c I CE 40 EXHIBIT 37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ?"---··-· ADJACENT OWNER: ~x I RENTON VILLAGE / ASSOCIATES 1 ................... ~ .... , ....... , .... ,,. .. i,_,.,..., ___ ,,, L'.::--·----,' !' ··- -. __ \ ~0\~-::-··-:;""Tf' <~·: \ \ \ \ i \ \ \ . \l.",\\\ \\\\\\ ... ) \ \ \ \ ' \. \ \.~~ \ \ ~~. ··--- ' P .......... . 100 YEAR FLOOD HAZARD ARE ....... ... .. . ......... 3o oo·T ... . .. . .. .... J sou TH RENTON . SOL "'it-ooD ZONEAH________ ~ . , • ... .. 372.42' VILLAGE PLACE VILI "BASE'R.QOD ELEV • ~,,,.-.; ,-;:,.t: .. ·· S 0.1114 0 . 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" " C 0 .. .... iii .. .. •..il<mt-• z 0 .. z w "' @ P•0 TIAL SITE PL u, L • 398 -09 A • 00' 07'46" / _ _......... 8708140473 EXHIBIT 38 --------·-•-ac--•=-•=•=---•=----J!A-100d ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • eith Maehlum August 18, 2008 Page 6 of9 Mainstem of Rolling Hills Creek on-site Box culvert entry point of mainstem Rolling Hills Creek ;,, " "' • a, C"') 1--co -:c Site map of Rolling Hills Creek and tributary stream located on-site. Green color denotes class 3 )( stream designation for the city of Renton (RMC 4-3-050Q4). Dotted sections refer to piped W stream and solid lines refer to open channel stream sections. The red circle denotes the location of the box culvert containing the mainstem of Rolling Hills Creek and confluence with the tributary stream. LEGEND TOTAL SITE AREA = 923,576 SF PROPOSED PERVIOUS EXISTING PERVIOUS TO REMAIN EXISTING PERVIOUS TO BE REMOVED TOTAL EXISTING PERVIOUS -+ -= 156,000 SF TOTAL PROPOSED PERVIOUS -+ -= 156,100 SF TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS 923,576 -156,000 = 767,567 SF TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS 923,576 -156,100 = 767,467 SF / / ',~----- ., g NKJ . ',,,. 200 1"=200' Scale , __ -. ,. ->~fZ7 0 N E9 200 TRITON TOWERS -. ;-.....____ .·,;;;"6 400 Feet ,-.200· N Design NKJ Drawn t 08-23-08 Site Development Associates. LLC llmlalhlllWO,Nelclllll,~ ft011 ~---------------! Scale Date V 288-008-08 VJ Project No. Office: "425."86.6533 Fol(: '425.486.6593 www.!daengir,e.,r,.com PERVIOUS AREAS R:\Projects\233 (HAL Properties)\003-08 (Triton Towers)\Dwg\figures\TIR Figures\fig04.dwg 4 Figure No. 0 "'d" 1--co -J: >< w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ~ • ' • • • • • • ~ ~ • • • ~ t, j ' ~ " " E 0 -, " 0 0 ~ .'!. z al FIRM FLOOD PLAIN APPROXIMATE ZONE AH a24 M.8.L 0 200 I I 400 200 1 "= 200' ------Scale Feet -:I: >< w I .,1----"'T""---------------------------------1 ~~ . llnwn ;/; H!if'="' " IH:QOl:OB V) Prii)ioflro.. ~~~ SIie D91:elopment NIO bhii,U.C 11mla9lllwa,te:ta1111.~ ,mn " -, '"'''~"'"".< -----, -.,,. TRITON TOWERS 1--------------1 FLOOD HAZARD MAP R:\Projects\233 (HAL Properties)\003-08 (Triton Towers)\Dwg\figures\TIR Figures\figOS.dwg ,..No. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON CED MEMORANDUM July 26, 2010 Vanessa Dolbee Amela Henninger X7298 TRITON TOWERS OFFICE CAMPUS APPLICATION 707 S GRADY WAY, 555 & 700 S RENTON VILLAGE PL LUA 08-117 STORM DRAINAGE MANUAL The purpose of the memo is to revise the Storm Drainage Manual comment. Code requirements: Storm Drainage: • Staff recommends that the project be designed to be in compliance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. There are no other revisions, additions or comments to Plan Review's review. cc: Kayren K. Denis Law Mayor July 19, 2010 Keith Maehlum Renton Properties, LLC 2025 First Avenue #700 Seattle, WA 98121 SUBJECT: "Off Hold" Notice Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Triton towers Expansion/LUAOS-117, ECF, SA-1111, CU-H Dear Mr. Maehlum: Pursuant to your e-mail, received on July 13, 2010, the City has remov.ed the request for a Development Agreement and an alternative Mas.ter Site Plan (which included a request for multi-family and hotel uses) from the subject proi.ect proposal. The remaining proposal .includes the Master Plan Review of the original office development with an Conditional Use Permit for a heli-pad. Therefore, your project has been taken off hold and the City will continue review of the Triton Towers Expanstion project. The .Master Site Plan has been rescheduled for ERC .on August 2, 2010 and is tentatively . scheduled to go before the Hearing Examiner on August 24, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, .~/VMaV,J~ Vanessa Dolbee .· (Acting) Senior Planner cc: .Mark Ludtka -Callison/ Applicant Rebecca Davidson·, John Murphy-/ Party{ies} of Record R~nton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • · .Ren~on, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Vanessa Dolbee From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Hello Vanessa, Keith Maehlum [kmaehlum@halrealestate.com] Tuesday, July 13, 2010 02:33 PM Vanessa Dolbee TT -Master Site Plan Follow up Flagged Please proceed immediately with the Master Site Plan ("MSP") review for our original application. The Development Agreement is not part of this MSP application or review. Regards -Keith Keith Maehlum Vice President HAL Real Estate Investments Inc D 206 839 9867 T 2.0G 4!.JH 5080 1