HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_Conditional Use Permit Justification_240222_v1 206-325-2553 ext-115 owen@lmueller.com Date: 02.21.2024 Address: 900 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Project Name: Rainier Dog Resort and SPA RE: Project Narrative Dear Reviewers, This letter serves as the project narrative for the Conditional Use Permit Justification. Below, we will provide a detailed justification description for each criteria of RMC 4-9-030.D1-9. DECISION CRITERIA: ( RMC 4-9-030,D ) 1st. Criteria. Consistency with Plans and Regulations: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general goals, objectives, policies and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning regulations and any other plans, programs, maps, or ordinances of the City of Renton. Comment. The Proposed use is being designed to be consistent with the City of Renton Requirements. After the Pre- Application Meeting, Phone and Email Conversations with the City Of Renton Representatives we have designed the Plans for the Proposed Use to meet their Requirements and needs to make sure we are compliant with City of Renton Regulations. 2nd. Criteria. Appropriate Location: The proposed location shall not result in the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed location shall be suited for the proposed use. Comment. This Location is Perfectly suited for the proposed use and with all the Current apartment developments in City Of Renton we believe that the proposed use will benefit the Community and their residents. This location is convenient for all the Residents to Drop off and Pick Up their pets. 206-325-2553 ext-115 owen@lmueller.com 3rd. Criteria. Effect on Adjacent Properties: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. Comment. The Proposed use will not affect the adjacent properties. The location of the current site being adjacent to 3 streets and only on the North Side being Adjacent to Two (2) Residential Properties shows the minimal impact it has to the adjacent properties. The Front Streets Landscape will be updated as per plans and new fence will be installed to make the Site and the Building more welcoming and consistent with the Beautiful Streets of Renton. The Fence with the Adjacent Residential Properties will be updated that will benefit both parties and the City. The Proposed use and work proposed with this is to improve the current state of the existing site and bring the existing site nonconformities into the conforming state. 4th. Criteria. Compatibility: The proposed use shall be compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood. Comment. The proposed use of this existing Site and Building is for Pet Day Care. We strongly believe that this use will highly benefit the Neighborhood and will provide all Residents of Renton and the Surrounding Cities to have a trustworthy place to leave their Pets at, while they are at work or not able to look after their pets. With the Growing number of Residents in Renton and the Statistics of 68% owning a pet, a Pet Day Care Use is a must in this City and we would be happy to Serv the City and Their Residence. 5th. Criteria. Parking: Adequate parking is, or will be made, available. Comment. As shown in our plans. The existing Site already has enough parking and does not need to change. Considering the proposed use will have people just dropping off and picking up their pets, this will not require more parking and there will not be a large flow of customers parking at the Site. 206-325-2553 ext-115 owen@lmueller.com 6th. Criteria. Traffic: The use shall ensure safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians and shall mitigate potential effects on the surrounding area. Comment. As shown on our Site Plan, the Existing Site is already equipped with a perfect layout for the parking area with 2 entrances that will allow for a easy vehicle movement. Also, the existing sidewalk around the site will keep the pedestrian movement as it was without any interference from the current use of the building. 7th. Criteria. Noise, Light and Glare: Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use shall be evaluated and mitigated. Comment. No light or glare impact is proposed from the proposed use. The existing exterior Lights might be updated if it will be necessary along the years and will be updated to new LED that meet the current codes and are Energy Efficient. As for the Noise, once the business operation begins, additional noise from the operations will be the noise created by the animals (dogs). However, this will be well taken care of by the professional team of Rainier Dog Resort and Spa. The Dogs will always be under supervision and in case of any extensive noise the team will make sure to stop it right away and proceed with the best scenario for each situation. It is important to note that the Dogs will be let out in the Yard for a walk and play only per scheduled limited intervals and as previously mentioned under the Team Members Supervision at all times. Considering that there will always be a trained professional member around, the dog noise will not be greater than a regular Single Family Residence with one or few dogs in their possession and we do not think this will affect the neighborhood in any bad way. The professionalism of this Team was already proved and shown through a 5-star reputation on Google during their time in business so far. The intention is to continue help our community and provide the best service possible for the Pets, their owners and the Renton Community. 8th. Criteria. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by buildings, paving, or critical areas. Additional landscaping may be required to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. Comment. As discussed, and agreed with the City representatives during our Pre-Application meeting and conversations after, new landscaping will be placed along the 2 adjacent streets as shown on Landscape Plans and Site Plans. 206-325-2553 ext-115 owen@lmueller.com 9th. Criteria. Specific Requirements for Kennels and Pet Day Cares: In addition to the criteria above, the following criteria shall also be considered for kennel and pet day care applications: a. History: Past history of animal control complaints relating to the applicant’s dogs and cats at the address for which the kennel and/or pet day care is located or to be located. Conditional Use Permits shall not be issued for kennels or pet day cares to applicants who have previously had such permits revoked or renewal refused, for a period of one year after the date of revocation or refusal to renew. Comment. The Proposed Tenant “ Rainier Dor Resort and Spa ” is currently doing business in Auburn and has no complaints and is ranking a 5-Star Reputation on Google that can be achieved only with a great team and great ethics . b. Standards for Keeping Animals: The applicant or facility owner shall comply with the requirements of RMC 4-4-010, Animal Keeping and Beekeeping Standards. (Ord. 5837, 6-12-2017) Comment. The business owner and Rainier Dog Resort and Spa team are making sure to comply with all the requirements and needed procedure. Their outstanding Business Reputation proves that through their consistency of providing a high-quality service. Their Business Procedures are very strict on making sure that everything is clean and organized. Their High Reputation was achieved not only buy providing a great service to their customers but also being a part of the Community and caring about the surroundings and the neighborhood through a meticulous schedule for their business activities that are in compliance not only with the City Regulations but with the Community needs as well. END OF LETTER. Respectfully, Owen Keeper owen@lmueller.com Lance Mueller and Associates Architects