HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlack River Riparian Forest (Permanent Site Record) Easements for Utolities" 1. ~\Xl.i' C'i lil,'\': l~ t<'C't 1n wi.1th in the !~ort.h\o'\.'f'!l ~·.Ja:t(': anJ the ~:1'1 th'" Alit. Utlal·t.~r 0: Section 24. Town:::t. i r :3 S('·:' ~ :',. i'ltr1~t" ~ EltFll. W.M. Clt~f o! Rer1ton. count~"'ci Ki!"i~. Statt' ,":: \\,"~~~l,!"",.;ti';"'.: lyln~ la feet 8outh~rly an.~ ~ ~·.~I'"t :"'I ... ·,rl~,r:~· ,", t>.~ .~-ll~i!'lS desc:-1b<>d ccntCl linea :-r. ... ~l;".'!"'Il:'C? at a f'=)1nt on the easterly line o! the Chl\:' :1,,':: E. ~(\n8ter Rl')"'.:!. alao known all t!'\e Stce 1 Hill Roa':' .. ~:'!"­ ta:"!t 1':7.C9S feet southerly along sa1.:! easterly 11:'\c :::.'.:.' ~~.' i:"'ltC'l"!':Iection thereof with the north line of sal':: Scc-li~~ 24: thence South 69·04'30" East 482.51E feet: t~c;"'.c~ scuth£Asterl\." on a curve concave to the nort.h(!ast wit~ ~ ra~iu~ of 422.460 feet throuqh a centra~ a:'t~le of 3~·~7'~~· ar. ArC' .'1iRtancC' .Clf 272.85; feet to a ra1nt o~ tanqc~c!': thc:"1CC S .... uth 6"? 04'30" East eC7.132 feet J'l".'")rl? or less t.- i:"ltcr" ~C'tlon w1th t~,e exlstinc 12 inch water linE' 8~J t.:",:'~ poi:"lt of tC":-minu8 of thiS cer.ter line je8("rlp'l,1"n. :::)'~EF'7r~ ~~ RESERVING to thl,. C:-antor. the rlqht t.:' rE: 1.::,..: at I.'" : '~(' ",'ate: :l:1C 1! the Grantor shall later ~ietcrT!\l;l(' tt'.8t t~'lt-'1" .. ~111- st:-uct.lon .:>r Clther '8urfaoe UI:€'. Such rC!locBtl0n shall be ~t t~~C c'::'l("r.fU' ~: t~. Grantor. t(: b(' e~(E'cutf'd by its proper officers and.' it.! cor}lL"IratE Belll t.c ~ h,,"r,,~v "!l"C.! ~h1. IIIl dar of a,.,..~/ , l;;~l • , ... -.,. ... , ... ' ":'!IIi I .. ", , . , , ',' '" , .. ' . . j~ ... -' • ,. , bdl. ---"--"- "" .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I IT M'E tW MIN!IE8O'I' A I <:OUftty Of R_Y 001 thU 11- I ee I ".," , 1971. a~ ..... :! before ... ~a)' of t~r~ .. r !"Preonally ____ .!:!G!...!:F....!:!D~E~FI!:Et!:.... _____ and I. r. ~ ..... ~". to "'" known to be the Vl<'<1 prea1dent an"aec ... tary , .... pectlvely, of nu:lJ.:>qton Norther" I:'.c:., the C<'.r~~on Ulat e10llCuted .oM f"re- i N, . 9I)1no uu.tr.-nt , and ac_led9l!d u.e .aid lnetr_nt to be the free and voluntary act and deed of .ald ~lOft. tor the ..... an'! pur- poeea thereln _ntioned. and on oaUl .tated that they -... lIutborlZ<t.' to .:,""",ute .al,! ln8tr.-"t. and UlK. the .. a1 "ffiXed 18 the corporate r- .... 1 of .ald corporatlon. wIT!IBSS wry hand and officlal •• al the day and ) .. er 1" th18 ce~lflcat8 flret &boYD wrltten. IIocary P'IIb lc 1n ... :1 for S~au of IU.n_.~a ..... ld1nq at St. Paul, ."' .............. _ca ... • ___ &a.l tll ... ... I I N C> In 0 N Q .,. <.:I ... l"- e -.. 0 ., - , ,,' •• 'D IQ. , -.,;.._ Il' Mer , __ RElIUDT 01' tmS£J i PI! 4 12 DIRECTOR ..... CClIIDI ....... ELlC ro··~= ICINO COUNTY, Vi"':~~ UTILITIES II E4SEMEHT -------- THIS INSTRUHENT ... dl Ihh~d,y of F"ebruap· __________ I,'-!!.; ty Ind bel.o ... FIRST elD EOOJJ!ES Ind~~ _______________ , _____________________________ ~.nd, ___________________________ _ ___________________________ "nd, ________________________ ___ _____________________________ ~Ind, ____________________________ _ h.'llnlher cillod "Crlnlorl.)". Ind Iho CITY OF RENTON. I """Icipil Corparulon of ling Counly. II •• hlnglon. hereinafter .. II.~ "C .. nl ... •• IIITNESSETH : , ThU sold Granlorl.), f~r and in con.ldo'Ulon of Iho .... of 51,00 (One Dg)')ar .nd No/10Dth' ________________ paid by Crant •• , .nd othe, valuabl. conlldlraclon. do by thel. pre,en'I. grlnt, barglin, ,eli, convoy. ftnd ~rr.nt unto the .lld Crante., Its .ucc ••• o, •• nd ••• Ign ••• n •••• menl for public ullllll •• (Including w.ler ond .ew.r) wllh n.c •••• ry .ppurl.n.nc.s o •• r. Ihrou~h •• cross and upon Ihe following d.scrlbed properlY In King Counly. II.shlnglon. ocre p.rllcul.rly d.scrlbed IS follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ai'~'ro···13 .0548 ~ECI> F 7_00 CRSHSL ....... 7.00 "'111 ~ '" ~-< ... :;r.!;J= :::; <> ~:.. .. =-!:! .' ;, :-" S c: --':: in -. .,. -. % C> -~ ... .:: ~ .. ::, ." UEII-I I> .~ .~ , I I, , 8 SU!:H, Rc.eO II< HITCHINGS, INc. EXHIBIT "A" SEWER EAS!I1ENT THAT PORTION OF TRACT A, WASUINC'rolf TECHNICAl. CENTER AS RECOilDED IN VOIoUME 122 OF PIoATS, PAGES 98 TO 102, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASUINGTON, IoYING WITHIN 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOIoIoOWING DESCRIBED CENTERIoINE. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 'l'RACT A: THENCE NORTII 73·~4'46· WEST AIoONG THE SOUTH IoINE THEREOF 17,98 FEET: THENCE ~ORTH 89·04'30· WEST AIoONG SAID SO~TH IoINE 18:,15 FEET, THENCE NORTII 0·55'30· EAST 40.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, TUENCE NORTH 0·55'30· EAST 10.00 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTEIU.IIIE, 1.1.50 THAT PORTION OF THE· SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWUSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M" IN SAID COUNTY IoYING WITHIII 5 FE~~ ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOIoIoOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 13: THENCE SOUTH 87·26'40· EAST AIoONG TKE SOUTH IoINE THEREOF 1271,74 FEET: THEIICE NORTH 207.46 'E~r TO THE CENTERIoINE OF THE CHARIoES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST AIID THE BEGINIIIIIG OF A CURVE HAVING A· RADIUS OF 882.73 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 19·13'26· WEST: THENCE SOUTHEASTERIoY AIoONG SAID CURVE BS.44 FE~, THENCE SOUTH 65·13'51· EAST 396,64 FEET, THENCE NORTH 24·46'09· EAST 40.00 FEE' TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE NORTH 24 ·46'09· EAST 10.00 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CE~'TtRIoINE. WATER EAStMEN'!' ~, THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWtS'!' QUARTER OF StCTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W,M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IoYING WITHIN 2.50 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOIoIoOWING DESCRIBED CENTER!.INE. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 13: THtNCE SOUTH 87·26'40· EAST AIoOIIG THE SOUTH IoINE THEREOF 1271.74 FEET: , THEIICE NORTH 207,46 FE&T TO THf. CENTtRlolNE OF THE CHARiotS MONSTER COUNTY ROAD SOU'!'HWES'r AND THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF BB2.73 FEET, THE RADIUS PDINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 19·.13'26" WEST: THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY A!.ONG SAiD ~URVE B5.44 FE~: THENCE SOUTH 65·13'51" EAST 368.58 FEET: THENCE NORTH 24°46'09" EAST 57.12 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NORTH 75°00'12" EAST 4.00 FE~ TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE. CI'!'Y OF RENTON IoID·NO. 332, OAKESDAIoE BRH JOB 110. B6003/86230 JANUARY 20, 1987 AIoH/B6230 SURV, 4 ,. of' ... " - Said heretofore lentloned gr.ntee, Its successors or assigns, shall hive thl right, without prior notice or proceeding .t law, at such tilles IS !Ill)' be neceslIl")' to enter upon Slid above described propert,y for the purpose of constructing, .. Int.lnlng, rep.lrlng, .lterlng or reconstructing said uttllt.Y, or .. king al11 connections therewith, without Incu"rlng any legal oLoltgatlons or ltabtllt,y therefore, provided, that such construction, main- taining, repairing, altering or reconstruction of such utility shall be accClqlltshed In such a IIIIIIn.r that the Ilrtvate l""rovellWlnts e,-Istlng In the right rlght(s)-of-wl1 shall not be disturbed or dllllig.!d .. or In the event they are distUrbed or d.m.lged, they will ba replaced In as good a condition IS they were I_dlltely before the propert,y was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the aforedescrlbed premises, ' : Includfng the right to retain the right to use the surface of Slid rlght-ofoway If such use does not Interfere with fnstallatlon and II1Ilnlenance of the utility Itne. ' However, the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across the 1"Ight-of-wl1 during the existence of such utility. This eaSlllWlnt, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be hind- Ing on the Grantor, his successors, hel rs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that the ve a good and lawful right to execute this agreellWlnt. DaVid M. Schuman. Ceneral ParlDer __ and STATE OF' WASHINGTON) ) sa: COUNTY OF' KING ) and and Oili MMUH THIS IS TO CERTIF'Y Ihal on Ihls ..I!!:I!!.... da)' of ,,! I pi y 19-E, berore me, Ihe undersigned, a NOlary Public In and for Ihe Slale of Washlnglon, personally appeared DAVID M. SCHUMAN, 10 me known 10 be Ihe person who extcUled Ihe wllhln and foregOing Inllrumenl, ~s a general parlner of F'IRST CITY EQUITIES, a Washington general parlnershlp. and acknOWledged the said Inslrumenl 10 be his free and volunlary aCI and deed and Ihal of Ihe parl- nershlp for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. , . '\ " .. ",' . WITNESS my hand and oHlclal seal the day and year In Ihl.flO: ~t .'.1 ... _. certificate first above wrltlen. • /.. t;;~~'" ' .. t', .',~ '~{,-'I ", . , ~.gl~~d.:,h.:.,,c..:";':~lf=: ~:>11 D 17c:t " , ... "",_.:,h"e 18 iIo/lDIIl!. '" .... " ., .. :.' \..., ., t • ...... J. .... I • fiU] foa ~RD AT aIUi~7 JF HAR 7 12 5" PH 'BB D!m!!'i hit fiji I:IJ1I I!:;lJ.~ IIlIIDAlIIIII. D!WL~s!' I0OI1II, IA .. CITY OP RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCB NO. 4123 AN ORDINANCE OP ·THB CITY OP RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF KONSTER ROAD (VAC-004-87) WHEREAS a proper pe~ition for vaca~ing a por~ion of Kons~er Road, Ren~on, King Coun~y, Washing~on, was duly fUed with ~he City Clerk on or about October 26, 1987, and said pe~ition having been signed by ~he owners representing more than ~wo-thirds (2/3) of ~he proper~y abu~~ing upon suCh stree~ sought to be vacated I an4 WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 2693 passed and approved on December 7, 1987, and after due investigation, did fix and determine the 4th day of January, 1988, a~ the hour of 8.00 P.K. in the Ci~y Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time· and place tor a public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk having given due no~ice of such hearing in ~he manner provided by law, and all perAons having been heard appearing in favor or in opposi~ion thereto, and ~he Ci~y Council having considered all information and arguments presented ~o itl and WHEREAS the Board of Public Works of ~he City of Ren~on haVing duly considered said petition for said vacation, and having found same ~o be in the public interest and for ~he public benefit, and no injury or damage :0 any person or properties will result f!om such va·cationl NCM THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. SECTION I. The following described street, to-wit. ~:;B"I:I,! (::' ~r:-rt C' ':f~SH~-L ". (".' ........ " ..... jl) ! ~ -. ., '/ /, I I t O~DINANCE NO. 4123 (See Exhibit wA w attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein) BE AND TBE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED SUBJECT to an easement over, across, under and on all of the aforede.cribad propercy in favor of che City for uCility and relaced purposes. SECTION II: The Cicy CouncU hereby elects to charge no fee. SECTION II I: This ordinance shall be effeccive upon its passage, approval and thirty days after its publicacion. A certified copy of Chis Ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ~day of January, 1988. ~F;aCJI!f~ ax ne E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of January, 1988. \ -. ~C'G S Q\~) \ l' Earl Clymer, Mayor Approved as to forml' Date of Publication I January 22, 1988 ORO: Ol/1/6/87nd I :--....... i ! ! i I . t· I. I I· ~. I , • ORDINANCE NO. 4123 BUSH. ROED a. HITCHINGS. IHC. Exhibit "A" PORTION or CIIARLES HONSTER COUNTY ROAD (TO BE VACATED) i TIl AT PORTlON O'P,TUE C)IARLES HONSTER COUNTY,ROAD LO.cATED IN TilE SOUTIIWEST QUARTER' OP' SECT loli 13 AND TilE NORTIIWEST QUARTER OF SF.CTION ~/I. TOWNSII 1 P 23 NORTH, RANCE 4 EAST, W.H •• KINC COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DF.S~RIDF.D AS FOLLOWS: DKCIHNINC AT TilE INTF.RSECTION OF TlIE NORTIIEASTF.RLY HARCIN OF CIIARLES HONSTER COUNTY ROAD AND THE SECTION LINE COHHON TO SAID SECTIONS 13 AND 24, SAID POINT BEINC SOUTII 87°26'40" EAST 1552.23 FEET FROH TIlE SECTION CORNER COHHON TO SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13 AND SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24; TlIENCE ALONC SAID NORTllEASTERLY HARCIN SOUTII 32 ° 31'34" EA~T 4J.53 FEET TO THE DECINNINC OF A CURVE TO TilE RICHT IIAVINC A nADIUS POINT WIIICII BEARS SOUTII 57°28'26" WEST 316.48 FEET; TlIENCE SOUTIIEASTERLY ALONC SAID CURVE 5.05 FEET TO THE BEGINNINC OF A CURVE TO TIlE LEFT llAVINC A RADIUS POINT WII ICII DEARS SOUTH 66°14'37" EAST 180.0·O'FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY AND SOUTIIERLY ALONC SAID CURVF. 79.17 FEET TO A POINT DF TANCF.IICY; TIIENCE SOUTII 01°26'34" EAST 82.41 FEET TO TilE BECINNINC OF A CURVE TO TIIP. LEFT IIAVINe A RADIUS POINT IIHICII bEARS SOUTH 88°33'26" WEST 256.48 FEET; TIIENCE NORTHERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY ALONC SAID CURVE 139.14 FEET TO A POINT OF TANCENCY; TIIENCE NORTH 32°31'34" WEST 168.72 FEET TO TilE BECINNINC OF A CURVE TO TilE LEFT IIAVINC A RADIUS POINT III1ICII DEARS SOUTII 57°28'26" WE~T 256.48 FEET; TIIEIICE NORTHWEST~RLY ALONC SAID CURVE 69.84 FEET TO THF. SOUTHERLY LINE OF OAKESDALE AVENUE AS DEEDF.D TO TilE CITY OF RENTON PER KINC COUNTY RECORDINC NO. 8702100643; THENCE ALONe SAID SOUTIIERLY LINE SOUTII 65°13'51" EAST 128.54 FEET TO THE 1I0RTIIEASTERLY HARCllI OF CHARLES HONSTER COUNTY ROAD; TIIENCE ALONC SAID NORTIIEASTERLV HARCIN SOUTII 32°31'34" EAST 86.01 FEET TO TilE POINT OF DECIHIIINC. THE ABOVE ROAD PARCEL CONTAINS 13,140 SQUARE FEET. CONTAINER' ~ORPORATION DRH JOB NO. 87261 '\oCTOBER 21. 1987, SAII/SURV. 19 ,.- 'I • ,. I/) ..,. '" ... 0 ~ 0 N g) ~ ,.:--', ' .. J \~.j '.' '-" " '-. '.' .'- . ;:, : ........ FILED FOR R""""" .~T r"'" .... -... " 11IANSA~IER' ~. n.1KPT UB'AM EASEMENT AGREEMENT b IIIId. tIIi. , un between THB CITY or RENTON WASHINGTON, INC. (-Grantee-) • RgeIT!TS :;~ ; ill.· .... J! 0, BOX 14l1J BeJ\ewe, WA 98009 ¢tP<-day (-Grantor-) of and A. On or about Nov~r2D, 1"1 Grantor, Grantee and otller partie. entered into tIIat certain MamorandWl Agr .... nt wher.in, among otller terms, Grantee agreed to .e11 to Grantor certain real property legally described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by thi. reCerenc. (-City Tract A Property-). B. As a condition of til. purcha •• and .al., Grantor agreed to granl to Grant.. a tan-foot wida .a •••• nt for 1and.cape purpus.s (tile -Basemsnt Area-) more perticu1ar1y described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by tIIi. ref.rence. C. The Basement Area may be utilhed by Grantee for locating and maintaining landscaping and irrigation faci1iti.. incidental thereto and fulfilling the site plan requirement. for development of the real property owned by Grantee more particularly described in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (-Grantee's PropertY-I. D. provided provided The parties wish to create the landscape easement by the Memorandum Agreement in accordance with tile terms therein. NOW, THERBFORB, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant ot Easement. Grantor hereby grants to.Grantee, for the benefit of Grantee's Property, an easement across the Basement Area • 2. Purpo!le Dr Eospment. At its sol~ discretion, Grantee may u!le the Easement Area for installation, maintenance and irrigation Df landscaping in order to fulfill ~he 6it~ plan requirements of Grantor, all as more particularly set forth in Section II.B.3 of the Memorandum Agreement, which is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set fortll herein. Ingress and egress to tile Basement Area shall be from Grantee's Property and shall not croes any portion of The City Tract A Property except tile Basement Area, except as is necessary to carry out the purposes of the Memorandum. Agreement. 3. Inst.AllAtign ond MAintenancQ, Grantee shell be responsible for all of the costs of installation and maintenance of any minor fill and topsoil, landscaping, including witllout limitation trees, shrubbery and other plantings, and any irrigation ----.. . ·""",,"·L;:~"· . .J.~;. . ". .. ·";,··-';'Iii:i~1 ~ ~ • • I ·" .' faciU.tiee located in the Ba_ent. Area. 4. lncleMiUaHon. Grantee ehall indeanify and hold Grantor harmleee avainet eny clataa or daaave. caused by Grantee'e use of the Ba .... nt Area. 5. Bun! IUh S;h! '4nd. This ... _nt and the benefit" conferred hereby, and the obUgation. blpo.ed hereundar, .hall operata as covenante runninv with the land. , 6. sppeRsoAr. ODd "'ign.. The rivbt. and' obligation. of the partiee shall inure to the benefit of and be bindinv upon their respective .ucce.eor. and a.sivns. 7. AmendmenS;. TIIia instrument uy be .. ended only by a written in.truent recorded lith the Xinv County Depart:aant of Records end Ilection. IIxeouted by both partie. hereto or their succeesor. and ae8i9Os. 8. Romedi". In tho event of any breach or threatened breach of this Basuont A91'0uent by eithor party, the other party, or their succossor. and as.i9Os, ehall have tho right to sue for dUIIIVes and/or for .pacific parfonaance and/or to enjoin 8uch breach or threatened breach, the partie! a91'eeinv for the .. elve., their euccn.ore and aeei9ns that failure ot either party to partorm ite obli9ations hereunder will cause irreparable daaage to the other party. 9. No Torminotion tlppn Brftoeb. It ill expressly agreed that no breach ot this instrument shall entitle either party to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this Basement A91'euent; provided, however, that this provision shall not limit or otherwise affect any other ri9ht or remedy which such party may have hereunder by rpason ot any breach ot thie Basement A9reement. 10. Attorney Foes.· TIle prevailin9 party in any action brou9ht to entor.::e or interpret the terme ot this Basuent A9reemont shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorney fees incurred in oaid Action, ond on appeal, whether or not Buit i. co~enced. GRANTOR: OF RENTON FIRST CITY IASHINGTON, INC., a I in'lton corporation By:~~&g::~~:;:' =;::~ ItB:~~\C~~~~~ __ __ By: ::: .' .. :;,/:".~ ,,:,:. : ".;"~"" ", ~. • ",",' " : :;-' ~. .. , I I I STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) .a. COUNTY OF KING ) On thia day paraonally appearad batora ma EARL CLYMER, to ma known to be tha Mayor ot tha City ot Renton, tha municipal corporation that executed tha within and tore90in9 instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be tha traa and voluntary act and daed ot aaid municipal corporation tor tha uses and purposes therein· mentioned, and on oath'stated that lie is authorized to executa aaid instrument. : GIVEN under my hand and otticial aeal thi. ~day ot May, 1992. ... .. .. :-\.... . ST~TE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I Iss. I -/J •. -,,~ ~PUBLIC ~orthe :~ate. ~ington, residing My appointment expires: I~~~ On this day personally appeared betore me DEAN ERICKSON, to me known to be the Vice President of First City Washin9ton, Inc., the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposss therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute said instrument. W, GIVEN under my hand and ofUcial ssal this l!l::~ay ot Kay, 1992. NOTAR PUBLIC n d tor the state \!rJ.:!:!l.gton, residing at:.vz;a... - Ky appointment eXPire~~r~/~~ - 4 - , • .\, STAT! OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OJ' JaNG """:: .'" " "."" l l aa. l .. ' ," On thia day peraonally appear~ ~tora .. KENNETH BELLAMY, to .e known to be the Senior Vica Prasident of Firat Cit! Washington, Inc., the corporation that executed the with nand foreqoing inatrument and acknowledged the aaid instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed ot _aid corporation for the. uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath atatsd that he is authorized to execute Baid ·instrument. ~ GIVEN under .y hand and official sBal this ~ day of May, 1992. My appointment expires r. ':=c.::'C!..J1. 1195" , .. "~;" "." , . , .0_0"" --' • EXHlBI:r A LECAL DESClIPTION -CITY TRACT A PROPERTY 'J'IIAT PORrION 01' 'ftIE SOOft.""dSl' QUAR'l'IIR OF S8C'J'ION 13. S'OIfNSHIP 23 NORTH, RAIICE C 1IAB'l', -W.N., JaNC CIOON'l'l', WASHIJIQ'J'ON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' i BEGINNINC AT 'l'IlE NOST WEslERLY CORNER OF 'ftIAC'l' A, PLAT OF WASH- INGTON 'tIIaDIIc:.u. CQilER AS JIBCORDED IK YOLUKE 122 OF PLATS, PACES '8 TO 102; RECORDS OF KINC C01lJl'1'Y, WASRINCTON, SAID WESTERLY CORNER BEINC AT '1'BB INTERSEC'l'ION OF 'ftIE SOUTBWES'l'ERLY LIKE OF SAID "'ftIAC'l' A" WI'ftI A LIIQI DESICIIATED "PERICANEIft' EASIIKI!H'1' BOUlt\)- ARY" ON U.S. DEPAR1'IIIIIft' 01' ACRICUL'l'URII, SOIL COKSERVATIOH SERVICE HAP, SHEET 1 01' 3, EN'l'l!'LE "LARD RICIft'S WORlC HAP, P-l CBAHJfEL, EAST SIDE GREEN RIVER WPP, CIft 01' RJIH'J'OlI, JaNC COUll'lY, WASHDIC- TON;" 'l'HIHCE ALONC SAI'D LDIII AND ON A CURYB, 'ftIB RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORra 5"24'02-EA8r 165.04 PEEr A DISTANCE OF 112.06 FEEl' TO A POINT 01' IULVIIitSii CURVE, 'ftIII RADIUS POINT OF WHICII BURS sounr 4C"18'11-WEST 172.'6 1'BBT; 'ftIJIHCII ALONC SAID IUtVERSE CURVE AND SAID LIKE 133.74 PUT, 'l'BBNCE WES'1' ALONC SAID LIKE 367.02 FEET TO A LIKE WBICII BEUS IIOR'ftI PIIOK A POINT ON THE SOU'ftl LIKE OF SAID SEC'l'ION 13 WBICII IS 1,271.76 1'BBT IIAB'l' OF 'ftIE SOU'ftliEST CORNER 'l'HEREOF, 'ftIENCE SOU'ftl 133.36 FEET TO 'l'BE KORTBEAS'l'ERLY. LINE OF 0AltESIlALE AVENUII; 'l'IIII:NCII SOU'ftI 70"U'3C-EAST ALONe: SAID NORrlmAS'1'ERLY LIKE 13.'5 PEBS' TO !'BE BBCIKNIIIC OF A TANCENT CURVE TO TIlE RICIft', ALONC SAID KOR'l'HEU'l'ERLY LIKE, RAVINC A RADIUS OF 922 • 73 FEE'1'; 'rBEllCE ALONe: SAID CURVE 'l'HRODc:H A CEII1'RAL ANCLE OF 5'32 'C3" All ARC LENe:TH OF 1SI.305 FEET TO A POIHT OF TAllCENCY 'J'IIEREON; 'rBEllCE CON'1'IHUINe: ALONC SAID KORTIIIWl'l'ERLY NARCIK SOUTH 65'13'51" EAST 286.715 FEET TO 'l'HE BECINIIINC OF A NON-TAIICEHT CORVE TO THE LEFT RAVINC A RADIUS POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 5'30'13" WEST A DIS'l'ANCE OF 55.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONe: SAID CURVE THROUe:H A CENTRAL AIIe:LE OF 59"C3'39" All ARC LENGTH OF 57.33 FEET TO A POINT OF TANCENCY; THENCE NORTH 2C'C6'O," EAST 15.70 FEET; 'l'BENCE NORTH 89'30'OC" EAST 214.53 FEET TO THE BECINKINC OF A TAIICEHT CURVE TO THE LEFT RAVINC A RADIOS OF 1003.00 FEET; 'ftIENCE EAS'l'ERLY ALONG SAID CURVE '1'IIROUClI A CDrl'RAL AIICLE OF 13'50'35-AN ARC LEKc:rB OF 2C2.33 FEET; 'l.HEllCE NORTH 2"28'3'" WEST 207.28 FEET TO 'ftIE NO~tuWES'l'ERLY LINE OF SAID "TRACT A" OF !'BE PLAT OF WAIIBIKGTOII '1'EC2INIc.\L CENTER; 'l'HIHCE SOOTH 60'31'21" WEST ALOIfG SUD NOIdHIlES'rERLY LlHE 86.76 FEET TO- THE BECINllING OF A TAIICENT CURVB TO THE RICHT 'ftIEREON, RAVINC, A RADIOS OF 165.04 FEET; THENCE SOU'ftIWESTERLY AIID WES'l'ERLY ALONC SAID CURVE TIIROOGB A C'EN'l'R.\L ANCLE OF 3C"52'41" All ARC LEllc:rB OF 100.47 FEET TO mE POINT OF BBCIKNIIIC. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL ACRES. ,,' . i: 162,COO SQUARE FEET OR 3.7282 ~i]rs=::C:ITY WASHINGTON, INC. A. HITCHINGS, P.L.S. 6, 1"1 (REVISED) NO. 914001SIIR 53-B I ,,. .. ; I - I UHlIlT a LECAL DESCRIPTION -10' WIDE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT CITY TRACT A PROPERTY 'l'IIAT PORl'J:ON OJ' !'lIB SWi'iiiiBS~ QUAR'1'ER OJ' SIIC'l'lOlf 13, '1'OIIIISBIP 23 NOR'l'II, RAIIGB, 4 BA8'1', V.X., JaKG COUIft'lt, WASIIDICTOIf, LYDIG V1'1iUII 10.00 1'BB'f ON 'l'BB LBl'T sml 01' 'l'III fOLLOWZIIG DBSCRDID LUIII BEGllOfIKG AT A POI1ft' OK 'l'BB 1f0R'tBIASTBJlLY ICARGD 01' OUISDALB AVEKOB WHICH LIBS XOR'tB 15-13'51-waST 4'1.11 I'BRT PROX TUI IK'l'ERB1IC'l'l01f 01' SAID JIaJIGDI WI!'B 'l'III IoOU'HiWBSXBRLY LIIIB OJ' "1'RACl' A-OJ' 'l'BB l'LM' OJ' IIASIIDIQ'l'OIf TBCBIIICAL CllilBk, PBk WLIIIIB 122 OJ' PLATS, PAGBS II TO 102, JUlCOJlDS OJ' ItllfG COVlft'Y, VUBINGTON, 'l'IIEIfCB IfOR1'BBUft:IIL ALOIIIiI A 1fQIf-'l'AlfGIIfT CORVB TO 'l'BB LBl'T IlAVDIG A RADIUS POIBT WBICB BIARS 1f0R'tB 5-30'13-WBST 55.00 FRRT, 'l'BII00IDI A CBII'1'RAL AItGLII OJ' "-43'''-, Ale AIle LBIIG!II OJ' 57.33 rBB'1' TO A POIBT 01' 'l'AIIcnarcr, ftBIfCB 1f0R'tB 24-41'0'-BA8'1' 15.70 PBBT, TBBIfCB 1f0RTH 1'-30'0.-BA8'1' 214.53 FBBT TO TRB BBGIIOfllfGOI' A TAleGIIfT CURVE TO 'l'III LBn' BAVDIG A JW)IlJ8 01' 1003.00 l'BI'l" ftBIfCB EASTERLY ALOHG SUD CORVB !BROUIm A CBIft'IIAL AXaLB OJ' 13-50'35-AX ARC LBHGTB 01' 242.33 l'BI'1" TBBNCB NOR'tB 2'-21'3'-WBST 207.2' PE!!'1' TO TBB N6RXBlhlSiBRLY LINBOJ' SAID -'l'RACT A-OF TUI PLAT OF WASBINGTON TECBIfICAL CEIft'Bk AND TUI TERKIKUS OJ' SAID DISCRIBID LDIE. PIRS'1' c:rrY WASBIKG'MIf, IIfC. STEVEN A. HITCKIlfGS, P.L.S. 1f000000Ea I, '1911 JOB KO. .1400/SUR 53-B - ., I -H- I '-3100' %1 00 .... :>01 0 .. .. - I .. I• oil fO .. I, PI k-r . 1 .. - 5201345 P-1 CHANNEL WEST 367.02 a __ 4_ 5-32'4'· R. 12 2.73 L. al. 305 CITY PARCEL = I .~ __ 1_271~ ____ _ ~ '--souTH LINE 0 .. SlCTION IJ ....... JOB 91400 11-6-1991 I'M . . '." ';" lCI" 0' IIEN10N ""IICEL I II~ POINT ", SEGINNINIa I REMAINING ..... Rcn' ,-6'0"50'35· II. '003.00 L.142.33 .61It'S4'2'· ,..422.. L •• 7." ", ". . .. ,-~ .,: : :. ~:.?-:' .~ ! u c( 0: I-• ',.' . . • • • · -c .. 15 ~ .. = • :> ---.. c ::> CO' ... :z: ~ c:> .~ ... ::> Q '" It) ~ "" ... 0 ~ 0 N O'l EXHtBlT C YIDL DIIIICIIUftOll CUKU1lDD l'aacm.1 Br.acDlVIIII CORl'01I7.n l'UK -l'DII8 VUI THAII' PORTION or '1'IIB SOO'ftIWBS'1' QUAltTBR or SKCTION 13, '1'CIIINSRIP 23 NORTH, RAHGE 4 BAST, ".K., XING COIlN'l'Y, "AllRINGTON, AKD or THE NORTHWEST QUARTER or SECTION 24, SAID T01INSBIP AND RAHGE, DE- SCRIBBD AS FOLL01I8I BEGINNING AT THE IIITBRSBCTION or '1'IIB SOUTH LINE or SAID SBC'l'ION 13 "ITH THB SOU'1'll1lll8'1'BY LINE or DACT A, WAllRINGTON TBCRMIc:r.L CENTER AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 or PLATS, PAG!S 18 TO 102, RECORDS or SAID COUNTY, TRINCE NORTll1lB8TBRLY ALONG SAID SOUTH- 1fB8TERLY LIKE AND ON It. CURVE or WICH THE RADIUS POINT BB1t.R8 KORTH 55 0 31'21. BAST 422.16 rEIT, It. DISTANCE or 87.11. rBIT; THINCB KORTH 22°26'02. lfB8'J' It.LOIIG SAID 8OWii"AURLY LIMB 263.0' rEIT TO A LIKE DAIGllATBD ·PBRKAKBN'l' EASBIIBII'1' IIOUIIDARY· OK U.S. DEPAR2'HIINT or AGIIICUL'l'UJIB, SOIL CONSERVATION SBRVJ:CB KU', 8BBBT 1 or 3, BKTITLBD ·LAND UGITS WOU IIAP, P-l CBAIIKBL, BAST SIDE GRBBH RIVER WPP, CITY or RBN'TON, JaKG COUNTY, WIt.8RIKGTOH ,. T8BIICB ALONG SAID LINE AKD ON A CURVE, '1'IIB RADIUS POINT or WHICH BEARS NORTH 5°24'02. EAST 165.04 PBBT, A DISTANCB or 112.06 PBBT TO A POINT or REVERSE CURVE, THE RADIUS POINT or WICH BBARS SOUTH 44'18'11· WEST 172." rEET; THINCB ALONG SAID RBVIRS! CURVE AND SAID LINE 13 3 .74 PBBT I TBBHCB 1fB8T ALONG SAID LIKE 367. 02 rmrr TO A LIKE 1INICII BJWIS NORTH PROM It. POINT ON '1'111 SOUTH LINE or SAID SECTION 13 WHICH IS 1271.76 FElT BAST or '1'IIE SOUTIIWEST CORNER THEREOr; '1'IIINCE SOUTH 133.36 rEET TO TH! NORTHEASTERLY LINE or OAKESDALE AVBHUE; THINeE SOUTH 70°46'34. PST ALOIIG SAID II0RTH- EASTERLY LINE 13. IS rEET TO THE BEGINNING or A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE, HAVING A RADIUS or '22.73 FElT; THINCE ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE or 5'32'43" AN ARC LENGTH or. 89.305 rEIT TO A POINT or TANGINCY THEREON; THBHCE CONTINUING ALe.'G SAID NORTHEASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 65 0 13'51" EAST 778.46 rEET TO '1'IIE SO~"XSTERLY LIIIE or SAID TRACT A, WASHIIIGTON TECIIIIlCAL CEKTBR; THINC! II0RTHIfESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTIIWESTERLY LINB AND ON A CURVE TO THE RIGNT SAVIIIG A RADIUS or 422." PBBT, A DISTANCE or 110.02 rBET TO BEGINNING. 'l'QGETHEB WIT!! TRACT A or '1'IIB PLAT or WASHINGTON TECIDIlCAL CBHTBR, AS. PER ·PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 or PLATS, PAGES 98 THROUGH 102, RECORDS or XING COUNTY. EXcm THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIIINING AT THE KOST WESTERLY CORKER or TRACT A, PLAT or WASH- IIIGTON TECIDIlCAL CENTER AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 or PLATS, PAGES 98 TO 102, RECORDS or XING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID WESTERLY CORKER BEIIIG AT TH~ INTERSECTION or THE SOUTIIWESTERLY LIKE or . SAID "TRACT A" WITH A LINE DESIGNATED "PERKAKENT EASEHBNT BOUND- ARY" ON U.S. DEPARTKENT or AGRICULTURE, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE MAP, SHEET 1 OF 3, ENTITL! "LAND RIGHTS WORK MAP, P-l CHANNEL, 1/2 • ° I " ... u .-. I I- 0 '" '" I -:z: I- :z , .~ ~ ... ....... I. uz ... ! :g • \ :::g 0 '" -... . :z: , ...... i ~"-00:0 ,"- " '" :: --:':C .... 1-< ~ => '" 0 -... ... '" "' ... ... !§~ U 0 ... · o=> o· ..... :: '" ... -.... 1 _. ~ .", • ' . I I/') "" I") ~ 0 N I/') 0 N al - EAST SIDE GREEN RIVER' IfPP, ern OF JtBII'l'OIf, JaIIc: ...... 11. MJ'!ID!C",- TON 1-THENCE ALONe SAID LIJlII AIID ON A c:IJRVB, mE RADXUS POI1ft' OF WHICH BEARS NORrR 5°24'02-EAST 165.04 PEEr A D~ OF 112.06 FEET '1'0 A POINT OF RBYBItSE CIIRYB, '1'RB JlADIVS POXft OF IIIIXCH BEARS SOtml 4,°18 '11-WBS'1' 172.16 FEET; 'ftIBIICB AUIItG SAID JlB9EllSE c:IJRVB AND SAID LINB 133.7' FEET; THENCB WBBr ALONG ~ LXKB 367.02 FEET '1'0 A LINB WHICH BIWtS NOR'1'll FROJI A POIJIT 011 mE SOU'rB LINE OF SUD SBCTION 13 IIIIlCB IS 1,271.7' PEEr BAST OF mE SOUTBIfBS1' CORNER THEREOF; THENCB SOVTII 133.311 rBET 'rei TIIB. llIJLAS'rBRLY LINE OF 0A1tBSDALB AVBIIUB; mBIICB SOU'1'II 70·"'3'-_ ALOIIG SAID NORTllEAS1'llRLY LIMB 13." FBB'1' '1'0 TRB IiBGlJiIi1liG or & 'ftFP'l' c:IJRVB '1'0 THB RIGII1, ALONG SAID 1I0R'l'llllAS'Z'BRY LIn, BAVDII: & RADIUS or !12 2 • 73 FBft; 'ftlBllCE ALONG SAID CURVB 'ftIR01JC:II A CD IT AIIGLE OF 5·32'43-AN ARC LENGft or 11.305 FEET 'rei A PO~ OF ~ANGBNCY THEREON 1 'ftlBllCE COIft'IlfUINC ALONG SAID 1I0Rl'11BA.ST1!RL D.GXW SOU'1'II 65·13'51-EAST 286.7'5 FBET 'rei THB BEGINlf%RG OF & .a.-rANGBIfT CURVB TO THB LEFT BAVING A RADIUS POI~ WRICB BB&P8 1I0RTH 5·30'13-WBBr A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FBET; 'l'BBIfCB WGRlaiu-rBRLY ALONG SAID CURVE TRPOUCB A CEHTPAL AIIGLB or 5'·'3'3'-All ARC LENGTH OF 57.33 rBET TO A POIIIT or TAlfGIDICY; DUCB 1I0RTH 2'·'6'0'-EAST 15.70 FBET; THENCB NORTH 81·30'0'-BAST 214.53 FEET '1'0 THE BEGINNINC OF A TANCBIfT CURVB 'rei TIIB I.zn' BAVIIIG A RADIUS OF 1003.00 FElT; 'ftlBllCE EAS'l'BRLY ALOIfG SAID aDIVB 'l'RROiJGR A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 13°50'35-AN ARC LENG'l'H OF 242.33 PEEr; 'ftIBIICB NORTH 29°28'3'-WEST 207.28 FEET '1'0 THE NORla.EStERLY LINB OF SAID -TRACT A-or TRB PLAT or WASHINGTON TEaIHl:CAL CUIER; 'ftlBllCE SOtml 60°31'21-WBS'1' ALONC SAID NORTBlfES'J'BRLY LINE 86.76 FEET '1'0 THE BEGINNING or A TANGBNT CURVE '1'0 THE RIGR'l' ffitPP'«, BAViNG A RADIUS or 165.04 FBB'l'; TIIENCB SOUTIIWBBrBRLY AND WESIERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TIIROUCH A CPIft'IUIL ANGLE OF 3. ° 52 '41-All ARC LENGTH OF 100. 47 FEET TO THE POINT or BEGINNING. TIlE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 363,135 SQUARE FEET OR 8.3364 ACRES. CITY ~SHIMGTOW, INC. I~JpOV:iiiiiiBiiA. Eltca:Ui&lls. P.L.B. n 6, 1"1 NO. 91eoo/SUR 53-8 2/2 .. , Revised Tract A PUBLIC ACCESS· ZUEllEll'l' AGREEKBII'1' '1'IIIS PUBLIC "1~~SS zuamlor AGREEICEN'1' (·A9r .... nt·) h mad. thh 1)0 day of ... , 15192, by a:uS betw •• n rIRS'l' CITY WASHINGTON, INC., a waehington corporation, her.inafter r.f.rred to ••• Grantor,· and the CITY or RENTON, • municipal corporation, h.r.inafter r.ferred to a. ·Grant ••• • RECITALS I A. Crantor 1& the owner of that certain r.al property more particularly deecribed in Exhibit ·A,· attached lIer.to and by thi. reference incorporated herein (·Crantor'. Property·). 8. Crantor and Grantee dee ire to e.tabli.h an .a .... nt over and acro •• a portion of Crantor'. property (the ·~e .. ent Area·) to provide public acceee to property owned by Crantee which i. edjacent to Grantor's Property and to the .horeline (the. ·City ShoreUne Property·). The Easaaent Ar.a 1& d.picted in Exhibit "8-1· and more particular!~ described in Exhibit "8-2,· attached lIereto and by this reference incorporated herein. The City Shor.line Property is depicted in Exhibit ·C· attached hereto and incorporated herein by thi. reference. C. Grantee intende to commence preparation of an Open space/Wildlife Habitat Haster Plan (the ·Mast.r Plan"). NOW, '1'IIERErORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and legal eufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. EASEKQ/T (CONDITIONAL). Crantor hereby grant. and dsdicates to Grantee and to the public a non-exclusive easement acroee the Easement Area for. the purposes of pedestrian ingress to and egres3 from the City Shoreline Property for eo long as the project permitted by the Memorandum of Agreement dated November 20, 1991 between Grantor and Grantee has active permits, is under construction or in existence. This grant of easement is expressly conditioned upon the designation of t~e Easement Area as public access to the City Shoreline Property in the Master Plan. In the event that the Mastel" Plan is not adopted within ten (10) years from the date o! this Agreement, or in the event that the Eaeement Area is not designated in the Haster Plan as public access to the City Shoreline Property, then this Agreement and the easement created hereby will terminate automatically, without any further action by either party •. 2. LIMITEP USE. Public use of the'Easement Area ehall be li~ited to pedestrians. Public use of the Eaeement Area ehall be limited to the hours of dawn to dusk. Grantee shall adopt other rules and regulations for use of the Easaaent Area, which rules and regulations must be reaaonabl)GIllJlproWld.~"""",,, IiRIlIPIJaulHUWS - 1 - , . w u -~ '" -j: ~ ... s. ...... u;>. t;:§ !oj t..) ... '" U ~ ,~ 0--,. .. ; -oJ .... " ., -! (.' - , M M ~ N ,.... o N ,;r- .hall hava .ola ra.ponsibility tor antorceaant ot any rula. and raqulation. attactirg the Ea.~ent Araa, including but not limitad to po.ting of rule. and raqulation. and, in tha evant ot continued public abuse or violation ot applicabla rule. and requlations, Grantea agree. to cooparata with Grantor in temporarily clo.ing oft the Easement Araa to public acce ••• 3. laIHTEHAHcg. Grantaa .hell be raapon.ibla tor con.tructing, maintaining and repairing tha Ea.ament Araa and Grantor shall not be asaeasad tor .aid con.truction, rapair and maintenanca. 4. INQgKHIFICATION. Crantea .hall bold barai ••• and indemnity Crantor from any and ell claims, damand., and cau.a. of action brought by any third partia. ralating to tha u.a ot tha Easament Area and shall reimbur.a Grantor tor any co.t. and attorney fees incurred by Grantor in any detensa of .uch clai~., demands and causes of action; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, this paragraph does not purport to indemnity Grantor againat liability for damage. arising out of bodily injur)' to paraons or damaga to property causad by or resulting trom tha sola negligenca ot Grantor, or Grantor's agents or employees; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that in the case ot concurrent negligence ot the Grantaa, its servant., agants, employees and contractora, thi. indemnity prOVision shall be valid and enforceable only to tha axtant ot the negligence ot the Grantee, ita eervants, agents, employees and contractors, aa provided for in RCW 4.24.115(2), or a. it may hereafter be amended. 5. RUNS WITH THE LAUp. The eaeement, restrictions and covenants, and the benefits conferred hereby, and the obligations imposed hereby, shall operate as covenanta running with the land. 6. SUCCESSORS ANQ ASSIGNS. The rights and obligatione·of the parties shall inure to the benefit ot and be binding upon their respective successors and a_signs • 7. written Records Grantee AMENPMENt. This instrument may be amended only by a instrument recorded with the King County d.partment of and Elections Axscuted.by both the Grantor and the or their successors and assigns. 8. REMEDIES. In the event of dny breach or thraatsned breaoh of this Agreement by either party, the other party, or their successors and assigns, shall have the right to sue tor damages and/or tor specitic pertormance and/or to enjoin such breach or threatsned breach, the parties agreeing for themselves, their successors and assigns that tailure ot either party to pertorm its obligations hereunder will cause irreparabla damage to the other party. Grantee hereby expressly waives the dsfBnse of sovereign immunity. - 2 - ... u i '" -~ ,.' . I. NO !!B!ITHAnOH UPON D"C'II. , It i. expr ••• ly avreed that no ,br •• ch ot thia 1n.tru:aent ahall entitl •• 1thU' party to cancel, 1r •• c1I1d, or oth.rv1a. to tU'1l1nate th1. Avr._t, PROVIDED, hovev.r, that th1a prov1don ahall not Hut or otharv1a. aU.ct any other right or ruedy which auch party MY have hU'.undU"by r.aaon ot any br.ach ot thia Avr .... nt. 10. A'I"1'ORIfJYS' ms. Th. prawU1"" party in any action brought to .ntorc. or int.rpr.t the taraa ot tbla Avr .... nt ahall be entitled to r.covU' ita coate alld raaaonably attorneya' t •• a incurr.d in aaid action. ' FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., a Waabington corporation BYI Ital BYI It.1 Viee-I'residont ' a aunicipal - 3 - til -'" 0- J 0- ~ U ("') VI ("') VI '¢ ... ... N .n N -N ... b :0; ; ~ N J, '" cr-", -;.: '-' . -. .,. 8'1'ATB OF ~ ). I/,;. ) ••• . COtnl'l'Y O'~ ) ..fi:!J1!i day per.onallY appeared bato1e ~ ~ \i~ U f \I \0. ,to lIIe known to be the LB" ci of 'iiBT CITY ~HING'1'ON, INC., the corporat~n ai u~~ foregoing in.trument, and acknowledged the .aid 1na~t to be the tree and voluntary act and deed ot .aid corporation, tor the uae. and purpo.e. tharein aentioned, and on oatil .tated that ~'\ 'W' .. autllorised to execute tIIa .aid inatrumant ana a e Ileal aftbad, it any, 1a tha corporate .eal ot .aid corporation. otticial .eal tIIi. J3al-day ot No :aFY Pu c an or a ot W~Ji.A..\r",._, redding, ~at~~~= My comariiIOn axpira.1 _ ss. have satisfactory avidence that ~~t~~~'~:::dthiS instrument, and on oath 18 to execute the instrument and n~:~~~~~~~~~~~~Of the CITY 0' RENTON, a lIIunl,:lIIU c· and voluntary act ot such party for tho usos" and purposos lIIentioned in the instrument. ~O~ TO AND SUBSCRIBED before lIIe this 1~ day of __ "';~~~~~U'.J.>"'~ ___ ' 1992. -4 - .. ... u -... '" ... '" -= ... '" ~ ... '" c ... j~'" U;& oJ ~!i 101 l , ~.:> J "' u, -,,' ." JhJ'" ,-'I ~ :'; "->- "11- t': -' ~...". ., •. ,' I, i"' , 8~ Q oJ ", X'~ \ -, J , '" r- i:· :'i ::;. ~ " ('") ('") -.:t I N ,. N N ,.... 0 N "'" . ; --- , • .. -. -.. ..... " .... _ ..... -•..... _...-.. _-.. ~.- TRACT A IXHlIlT "A" LIIGa.L DBScauna. ,a ... UDD 'UCIIL) Br.acart1III ccml"'R'n nu -..... vUt 'l'HAT POR'l'IOK or '1'BB SOUtH.JlSt QUAR'1'BR or SBC'1'%OH 13, 'IOIIH8B%P 23 NOR'l'R, lIANG. 4 BAB'1', W ••• , JaIIG COUN'l'Y, WASHIKG'l'OK, AJID or '1'BB NOR'1'B1fE8'1' QUARTER or SIIC'l'IOI 24, SAID '1'OWIISHtP AlfD IlANGE, DE~ SCRIBED AS roLLOlfSI BEGIIIJfDfG 1.'1' '1'BB IH'tBRSBC'1'%ON or '1'BB SOV'l'H LINE or OAID SBC1'IOIl 13 WI'1'II '1'BB SOIl'1'll1fB8'1'lY LIn or ftAC't A, WASHING'l'OK '1'BCIDI'ICAL CENTER AS RBCORDED III VOLOKE 122 or PLATS, PAGES I. '1'0 102, RECORDS or SAID COUN'l'Y I '1'IIIDICB 1I0R'1'llWlB'1'DLY ALONG SAID SOV'l'H- 1fBSTBRLY LINE AJID OK A CVRVJI or WRICB ftB RADIUS POIft IJEARS NORTH 55'31'21" BAST 422.16 rEII'1', A DIS'1'AlfCE or '7.'1 rEII'1'I 'l'IIEHCB NOR'l'R 22'26'02" WJI8'1' ALONG SAID 8OtI'l'II1fBM ..... Y LlIQI 263." rBII'1' '1'0 A LINE DUIGNATBD "PI!IIIWI1IIl'1' BASBKBN'1' BOUNDARY" ON U. S. DBPAR'1'IIBII'1' or AGRlCVL'1'VlUl, SOlL COIIS~'1'lOH SBRVICB IIAP, IIIIIIft 1 or 3, BN't1'1'LBD "LARD RIGII'1'S ,WORK 11&, P-l CIIAJIJIBL, BA8'1' SIDE GRBBlI RlVIIR WPP, Cl'1'Y or RBI'l'OI, JaNG C01lII'1'Y, WA8B%NG'l'OH I" 'ftIBIICB ALONG SAID LINB AJID OK A CUR'fB, '1'BB RADIUS POlft or WBlCB BBARS NOR'l'R 5'24'02" BA8'1' 165.04 I'BBT, A DI8'1'AlfCB or 112.06 PZBT '1'0 A POINT or RBVBRSB CURVlI, ftl RADIUS POlft or WHICH BBARB SOV'l'R 44°18'11" NB8'1' 172.16 rBl'1'I 'l'BBNCB ALONG SAID RBVIRSB CVRVJI AJID BAlD LlNZ 133.74 rBl'l'I 'ftIBIICB IIB8'1' ALONG BAlD LIn 367.02 PBB'l' '1'0 A LINE WHICB BBARS NOR'l'B PROH A POIN't ON 'l'HB SOV'l'H LINE or SAID SEC'tION 13 WHICH IS 1271.76 FElT BAST or 'l'HE SOV'l'H1I28'1' CORKER 'l'HERIOr; 'l'HIIICB som 133.:t6 rEft TO 'l'HB NOR'l'HBAS'l'ERLY LlIQI or OAltBSDALE AVBNVB/, ftlllCB SOV'l'H 70 0 U'34" 8A8'1' ALONG SAID KOR'l'B- EASTBRLY LINB 13. IS FEI'1' TO 'l'HE BEGINNING or A '1'AlfGIN'l' CVRVB'1'O 'l'HE RIGII'1', ALONG SAID NOR'l'HEASTERLY LINB, HAVING A RADIOS 07 92 2 • 73 rEft; 'l'HIIICE ALONG SAID CURVE '1'HROUGH A CIN'l'RAL AlfGLI or 5°32'43" AIf ARC LENGTH or 89.305 rEft '1'0 A POINT or '1'AlfGENCY 'l'HEREON; '1'IIEHCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NOR'l'HEASTERLY IWlGIN SOV'l'B 65°13'51" BAST 778.46 rEft '1'0 'l'H1 SOO'1'B1fES'1'BRLY LINI or SAID TRAC't. A, IfASHING'l'ON ftCRllICAL C!!I'1'BR/ 'l'BBNCB II:lR'1'lllfES'1'ElY ALONG SAID SOO'1'B1fIS'1'BRLY LINE AlfD ON A CURVI '1'0 THI RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS or 422.96 I'BBT, A DI8'1'AHCI or 110.02 rEft TO BEGINNING. TOGmiBB IfI'nI TRAC't A or '1'B1 PLAT or WASHING'l'ON TECHNICAL CIN'l'ER, AS PER PLAT RBCORDED IN VOLUME 122 or PLATS, PAGES '8 '1'HROUGH 102 , RECORDS or KING COUNTY, EXCEPT 'l'HAT PORTION DBSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NOST WBSTERLY CORNER or '1'RACT A, PLAT or WASH- INGTON TBCRNlCAL CEN'1'ER AS RECORDED IN VOLUKB 122 or PLA'1'S, PAGBS 98 TO 102, RECORDS or XING COURTY, WASHINGTON, SAID WESTERLY CORNER BEING AT THE INTBRSECTION or THB SOUTHWESTERLY LINE or SAID "TRAC't A" IflTII A LINE DES!GNATED "PERIIANEN'1' EA8~ BDmID- MY· ON. u.S. DEPARTKEII'J' or AGRICULTURE, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE NAP, SHEIT 1 or 3, EN'1'ITLE "LANIl RIGNTS WORIC NAP, P-1 CHANNEL, 1/2 "..7 \"'1' • c . '. -~", ~","#'''. . "'. , '.: ,"r ...... .:~'.~-~:-.:;'.:-:; .... :,',~. ' .~ . .: .. • • '-. , ., I , J .' . '.~.' ' . . '. '.: -----~.~ EAB'1' 8IDI GRIBN RIVER ... , Clft OP 1IJIII1'a., JaIIG COIIIft'f, "UIIDrG- '1'0111-'l'llllHCB ALOIIC SAID LIllI AIID OX A CUIlVII, !III 1tADl1J8 POIII'l' OF WIlla! B.1AJ\8 1I0JmI 5"24'02-IAS'l'.U5.04 .PD'1'. A. DIII'l'AIICB OP 112.0& I'EB'1' 'l'O A POIII'l' OP Jll9lll81 CUIlVII, !III 1tADl1J8 I'ODI'l' OP IIIIICB BIWIS SOU'l'II 44 "18 '11-tfIIn' 172.'& PBI'l'I !'HIIICII A!AlIIG SAID JIIVIRS1I CURVE AltD SAID LIllI 133.74 Flftl !'llIIICI IrB8'1' ALeIlG SAID LIllI 317.02 FEB'l' 'l'O A LIllI WIIICB BDRS 1I0Jl'1'Jl nox A POIII'l' ON !III soon LIllI OP SAID SICl'IOIl 13 WIlla! 18 1,271.7& PBI'l' IAS'l' OP IBI SCi01BU8'1' CORRa !'llIIRIOP I !'lillie:. BOon 1n. 315 PBI'l' 'l'O !'III 1I01l'1'llBA8'1'IIRLI LIllI OP O'D8N.LI AVIIIUIII 1BIIIe:. 800!'11 70"411' 34 -IWI1' ALOIIC SAID HOll'1'BJWlftIILI LIllI 13.15 PBI'l'I'O !III BaiDIIIDIG OP A t'AIIGIft CURVE 'l'O '1'IIB RlGJI'l', ALOHa IUD HOIt'1'llD8'l'BRLY LIJIB, HAVDa A RADIOS OF n 2 • n 1'Bft 1 1BIIIe:. ALOIIG SAID COIIVJI 'i'iiIiIDUQB A CIII'l'JIAL Altar.. OP 5"32' U-Alt ARC LBIIc:ft OP 8'.305 "ft 1'0 A POIIIt' OP t'AltaIllCY '1'HIIRIOH 1 IBIIICB CClit'DIODO ALOIIG SAID IIQRftIJIU'1'B! IIIIIGDr 800ft &5" n '51-BASt' 2 ... ,.s rmrr 1'0 !'III aaIJIIIIIIG OP A 1I01I-'l'Altalllt' CORVI t'o !'III LIn HAVIIIG A RADIo8 POIIIt' IfBICII alU8 1I0Rt'S 5·30'13-WISt' A DIBrAilCI OP 55.00 FEIt'I nBlfCI 1I0RrBWBBrllRLI ALOHG SAID CORVI nROOGII A CIIIt'RAL AIIGLI OF ,."U',.-Alt ARC LlHat'B OP 57.33 Plft 1'0 A POIIlt' OF t'AIIGIIICI I !'llIIIC. IIOR!'II 24"4&'0'-lASt' 15.70 PBI'l'I ~CI 1I0RrB ""20'04-lASt' 214.53 FEET 1'0 !'liB BIGIllllllla OP A t'AltGIft CVRVII 'l'O !'II. LIn HAVlIle; A RADIOS OP 1003.00 PIIlI 'l'llllHCI IWIDRLY .&LOG SAID CUIlVII 'ftIROVGR A CENTRAL AIfGLI OP 13"50'35-Alt ARC LIIfG'IB OP 242.)) nftl mIIICB HOR!'II 2'"2"3'-WISt' 207.2' Flft 1'0 !'III 1I0RrBWBBrIRLY 1.1111 OP SAID -'l'RAC'l' A-OP !III FLA'1' OP WASllDrG'l'Olf t'iCBlllCAL CEHIIRI '1'IIEKCB soon &0"31'21-WIS'l' ALOJIG IUD IIOR18'""'1 ..... 1 LDIII ".7& FEB'1' 'l'O '1'HB BIGlllllIlia OP A TAIIGIIIt' CORVI 'l'O IBI RlGJI'l' nERBOlI, HAVING A RADIOS OP U5.04 PU'l'1 '1'IIEKCI SOImnllS'l'BRLI AIID WIS'l'IRLY ALONG SAID c:tIRVE '1'IIR00GlI A CEN'!'RAL AltGLI OP 34"52'41-Alt ARC LlNG'l'H OP 100.47 PEET '1'0 '1'111 POINT OP BIGDrNDrG. '1'HE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCIL CONTAIIIS 363,135 SQUARI FEET OR 8.33&4 ACRES. . CIt'Y WASIIING'l'ON, INC. A. 8I'1'CUINGS, P.L.S. 11~~aaIBR &, 1"1 NO. '1400/SUR 53-B ".,( . ". -, <,: .. '-"~'.' :: ': . " ,",t, " .: I .• . '/' : ,'. . ,';/ ;' .... ." . . ; " , ':', . ':" . .. ", -", . :.~ ..... , . .•... ' ....... ~.-.-.-~-----,~-......... __ ._ ... -p-0' •••• ___ •• _______ • __ • __ ~ , P' • 5 ....... -''''-w ~!5 " c.. , ... "" c> " ..... , :L.: " .... ~ I, • • : .. l , > " :- --iliA BS'iHd ltJ'Dd 8111JOdJOO J8AIJ lI Oll lS ................ -. ----. . . . . ~ ;'..:,:r· '.. .' , ,.,,: .:.-7-;.;.;.' .::~~-;\:. :,,~:,: ' -I .. , ~, i ) :, I ....... ... . ,,~ .. • . ~ ... •.... . ;~ :', .. , . ... ~ .' .' '0' ... !:: ... 0 .. '" -:z: ... z ,,,,,) .. M :z: ... "<f '" N .. N ... N ...... U:& r---... 0 ~~ 'N t· .• lot '" ... ~ <> v. -10' :..,; ...... ,- ; ~ ''-.,: .. ~ ~ ,,., 1--'-.,; -J '~ .... . , 1_" f. i ~. I 8~ 0 ... 1 :z;. \ .' , :~ . . ...•... .' .. .... , .. , ,'." . :".': . '., . ' .. . .. ' '.' . .. .... . .... ".-. ! ... -_._---------------------- BUSH. ROEe 6 HITCHINGS. INC, BlDIIBIT "B-2" 'l'UC'l' a 8KORZLIIIII aCCU8 EASZlCIIII'1' THAT PORTION OF TRAC'l' A, WASHINGTOH TECHNICAL CENTER, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME lZZ OF PLATS, PAGES 98 THROUGH 10Z, RECORDS OF XING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COHKENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRAC'l' A AND THE BEGIN- NING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE 'TO THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 431.5Z FEft (A RADIAL LINB 'l'IIROUGH SAID BEGINNING BEARS SOUTH 73°Z1'54" 1IES'l'); THENCE NORTHERLY 4'.45 F~E'!' ALONG SAID CURVI AND THE EASTERLY LINI OF SAID TRAC'l' A 'l'IIROUGH A CEN'1'RAL ANGLI! 07 D"10' 03" TO 'l'BE NORTHERLY KARGIN OF OAKESDALE AVENUI SOUTHWBST AS DESCRIBED IN DIED RECORDED UNDER XING COUN'l'Y RECORDING NO. 870Z100'43 AND 'l'BE 'l'RUI POIN'l' OF BEGINNING I 'l'BBNCB NORTH a"04'30" WBST 75.00 FBB'l' ALONG SAID NORTHERLY KARGIN; 'l'HBNCB NOR'l'B 00'55'30" EAST zo.OO FE£'1'; 'l'BENCB SOUTH "'04'30" EAST 71.'0 FEE'!' 'TO SAID EASTERLY LINB OF TRAC'l' A AND THB BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVB TO 'l'BE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 431.5Z FEE'!' (A RADIAL LINB 'l'BROUGH SAID BEGINNING BEARS SOUTH "'50'07" WEST); THENCB SOUTHERLY ZO.31 FEE'!' ALONG SAID CURVB THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF OZ'41'50" TO 'l'BE TRUE POIN'l' OF BEGINNING. THE PARCEL DESCRIBED ASOVE CONTAINS 1,4" SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, XIJ:IC' COUNTY, WASHINGTON. FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC. BLACXRIVER CORPORATE PARI( WILLIAM A. HICKOX, P.L.S. APRIl. a, l"z BRK JOB NO. ,ZO'O/SUR 53-B ", ,,' . '. ',:--!' .. : . : ' .. ", •••. ,0,- ,.::.; ~ . . "'. " ..•. ... I U -6 .. '" -:z: 0- x .~ 0- at .. ... -IO- U~ ... ~!S .~I t..' -I'" "> v, _10' " 'w 0- i ~IL. .,: ... , , " ~ '00-_.- . -.; -J 0--, . ., i.' I, r , lh: Q .... l~.'o I ., J., . , . M CD ~ .Ii N & N b N a- ) >-B .. -: ..... . --iliA BSYHd )jJld 818JOdJOO JIAIJ)j0818 ........ -... Il ~I ":" "' .. '.'.~~." .. '~,.'.~:'.~ .. ' .•.• ' .. ~:.":':'.,' .•. ': :~ .. i}::: .,' '," . .:., ... ~. . : ... :;;', ''',,:' lit?': ..... :: .... , .. , ., .';'1:· ':.' . ,:",," oj " ... , ~~:;. ~: ~:' :(1 3' . " .. r : '~,', " , ·1 Revised Tract B, Naches PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT AGRIEIIIN'l' THIS PUBLIC A~C:ESIS EASEMEN'l' AGREEIIEN'l' (·Agr .... nt·) is ud", this ~ day ot leU, by and lHItw.en rIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., corporation, h.r.inatter r.terred to ••• Gr.ntor,· .nd the or RENTON, • municipal corporation, her.in.tt.r reterr.d to .s ·Gr.nt ••• • RECITALS I A. Gr.ntor is the own.r ot th.t certain real property mora p.rticularly d.scrilHld in Exhibit ·A,· .ttach.d h.r.to .nd by this r.terenc. incorporated her.in (·Grantor'. Property·). B. Grantor .nd Gr.nte. d •• ir. to establiab .n ..... ent ov.r .nd .cro ••• portion ot Grantor'. property (th. ·Eas .. ent Are •• ) to provide public .cc.ss tor vi.wing the w.tland ere., .dj.c.nt to the Old Bl.ck Riv.r ch.nn.l (th. ·W.tl.nd Ar •• ·) .nd its .ssoci.t.d wildlite. Th. Easem.nt Are. i. depict.d in Exhibit ·B-1· .nd more p.rticularly described in Exhibit ·B-2,· .ttach.d hereto and by this r.terenc. incorpor.t.d her.in. C. Grante. intends to commence prepar.tion ot .n Open Space/Wildlite Habitat Master Plan (the ·Master Plan·). NOW, THEREFORE, tor valuable consider.tion, the receipt and leqal sutticiency ot which is hereby acknowledqed, the parties , aqree as tollows: 1. EASEMENT (CONDITIONAL). Gr.ntor hereby qrants and dedicates to Grantee and to the public anon-exclusive easement across the Easement Area tor the purpose ot viewinq the Wetland Area and its associated wildlite tor so lonq .s the project permitted by the Memorandum ot Aqreement dated November 20, 1991 between Grantor and Grantee has active permits, is under construction or in ex1stenc9. This qrant ot easement is expressly conditioned upon the desiqnation ot the Easement Area as a public viewinq access in the Master Plan. In the event that the Haster Plan is not adopted within ten (1?) years trom the date ot this Aqreement, or in the event that the Easement Area is not desiqnated in the Haster Pl.,n as a public viewinq access j then this aqreement and th3 eas'ament createc1 hereby will te~~inate automatically without any furthor action by either party. 2. LIMITED YSE. Public use of the E.sement Area sh.ll lHI limited to pedestrians. Public use of the Easement Are. shall be limited to the hours of dawn to dusk. Grantee sh.ll adopt other rules and requlations for use of the Easement Area, which rules and requliltions must be reasonably approved by Grantor. Grantee shall hGve sole responsibility tor enforcement ~f any rules and requlations affectinq the Easement Are., includinq but not - 1 - __ .t l . f I , , I , I . , I '/ limited to posting ot rules and regulation. and, in the event ot continu.d public abuse or violation ot applicable rule. and regulation., Grant.e agr.e. to' cooperate with Grantor in t.mporarily clo.ing ott the Easement Arca to public acc •••• 3. MAINTENANCB. Grante. shall be responsible tor constructing, maintaining and repairing the Baeement Ar.a and Grantor shall not be assessed tor said construction, repair and maint.nanc.. ' , 4. INDEMNIFICATIQN. Grantee shall hold harmless and indemnity Grantor trom any and all claims, demand., and cause. ot action brought by any third parties relating to the us. ot the Easement Area and shall reimburse Grantor tor any costs and attorney te.s incurred by Grantor in any deten.e ot such claims, demands and causes ot action; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, thi. paraqraph does not purport to indemnity Grantor against liability tor damages arising out ot bodily injury to persons or damage to property caused by or resulting trom the sole negligence ot G~antor, or Grantor's agents or e~ployeesl and PROVIDED FURTHER, that in the case ot concurrent negligence ot the Grante., its servants, agents, employees and contractors, this indemnity provision shall be valid and entorceable only to,th. extent ot the negligence ot the Grantee, its servants, agents, employees and contractors, as provided tor in RCW 4.24.115(2), or as it may hereatter be amended • 5. RUNS WITH THE LANp. The easement, restrictions and covenants, and the benet its conterred hereby, and the obligations imposed hereby, ehall operate as covenants running with the land. 6. SUCCESSORS "ANP ASSIGNS. The rights and obligations ot the parties shall inure to the benetit ot and be binding upon their respective successors and aSbigns. 7. written Records Grantee AMENpMENT. This instrument may be amended only by a instrument recorded with the King County Department ot and Elections exe~uted by both the Grantor and the or their successors and assigns. 8. REMEpIES. In the event ot any breach or threatened breach ot this Agreement by either party, the o~her party, or their successors and assigns, shall have the right to sue tor damages and/or tor specitic pertormance and/or to .njoin such , breach or threatened breach, the parties agreeing tor themselves, their successors and assigns that tailure ot .ither party to perform its obligations hereunder will cause irreparable damage to the other party. Grantee hereby expreesly waives the detense ot eovereign immunity. 9. NO TERMINATION UPON BREACH. It i •• xpres.ly agr •• d that no breach ot this instrument shall entitle .ither party to -2 - b.1 ; . cancel, r.acind, 01' oth.ntia. to terainate tht. ~.uent, PROVIDED, how.ver, that this proviaion aball not li.it 01' oth.ntt.. aff.ct any other ri;ht ozo rued)' ¥bieb auc!l party aay have bereunder by zoeason ot any breaeb ot thia Aqr .... nt. 10. A'l"l'ORHBYsI PEgs. The prevalliftCJ puty in any action . . brou;bt to entorce ozo interpret.the·terme-ot ~ia Aqreuant shall be entitled Ito zoecover ita coata and zoeaaonable attozoneya' teea incurred in said action. rIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., a Waabington corporation BYI Ital VICE PRESIDEHI' - 3 - CITY or REN'l'ON, a .unicipal co tion BYI Itsl ymer, 8'1 ~ Had!,.. tafla., etc, Clerk ,'. ' .. ' j , , r , I S'l'A'l'B or !~ , ~ .) aa. COUNTY or --..,-t-----, ~n ~i" day personally L~lIpeared.~:::~~~tI~~e~~~e ~\I~~\Mu , to •• known to be the o IRST cIfiPwiSHINGTON, INC., the fore9o!n9 instruaent, and ar~~owled9~~ .aid lnatruaant to be the free and voluntary act and deed of aaid corporation, for the ua.. and purposes therein aentioned, and on oath .tated that t:~ "-' authorized to execute the .aid instruaant anttka~th •• ea1 affixed, if any, ia the corporate a .. l of aaid corporation. _ N01'MV' 1 a -... 1 = ::~\~.a!i'/ J ~~~AtIS.i' )".i ~l 'II WI' .,,'-~" ...... "" Official seal this =iH day of STATE OF \\)MY':~Q"""" ) • ) ss. COUNTY OF ..l\:)t.,;u......=k-____ ) \) I certify that I~W or have satisfactory evidenc~ that F8tJ.~.eJ."'IRtJuJi fmt~ siqned this instruaent, and on oath statiHi that:68fS6e was authorized to execute the instruaent and acltnowledqed it as the MlfYI' Awp Cf1t ~ of the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporatron, to be the tree and'vollmtary act of such party tor the u~es and purposes mentioned in the instrument. 1~ ~WORN '1'0 AND SUBSCRIBED betore me this ~ day of ~'?!a ' 1992. . - 4 - • J , > , y TIlACT I EXHIBIT "A" 'I'M' I'octloa oe ftact •• " .. ,& .. toa ".rt loal catv ... I'uu .... S. \'a' ••• 1:12 ., .,.u .•• , •• t. tuOCl9' 102 ... _ •••• ItS ... . cou.t,.. ".I1IS •• t_. ,,.1 ••• ortll ... ,,. ., ... "" •• , 'til ., ... at •• •••••• to til. ell,.., 1Io.,0n 111' .... 'I'" .............. " .• Wo • • 702100642 ..... " •• , ... ", 0' •• aII •• A_ ~ ... , ........ to til. Cl'l' .... toa 111' .... "hoi ..... 1ICOOZdoI". lID. 1102100144. "oaort. 01 eaS' COUo,,. • .... -----------------~----. ~.­--CIty Owned- ShoreBne Propertv ,. ~:~;,- l-. ,If 1- IU : .' I~ U -\ -----J ,HE DOC .;. T·i-5-i:<',:j7.Ei~--~ss CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE .. ,.. -0 t --,me = • ; DUE C _,; L:i-( ~; 1<:0 ~u:~:o:EHo 920"1222434 20'x40' 0 Access Easement IJ"'ooo.-ExIstIng CUrb Cut -B ~KRIVERtlB RATE PARK CORPO .~ iN .... _au.,... ~arr=, ~ \ . " x. ~ III D. ID -III ~ o BID 1 8 j I~:I I 0 OJ III-Ci .--% .m .... Iph .... -~ ~~m === a-I ==--1 I ' i ! • .I ... u -S .. OIl ~ , I I : ,\. .' : .. ;' :.:~:~ ::~~ . '. ",,>;~;::;":,<';~.:t', .. .;' . :.. . ". ~,::~~·i·:"i.:·~··~:· ::" ":';" ~ .. ." ---. " .". , . :.: :}~:;!;.;~:j::<::::~.:,':'P> ~;' ··~:~~~·~.~,·:~,::~~;;~,b.: ~ : "." .. '~ ~ ~ " .. :.' . .... . ..... .. _. _____ 'L\.,~_·· ,. ____ . ____ _ BUSH. ROED a HITCHINGS. INC. IlDIIBU' "1-2" ftAC1' • acUli DSEIIZH"l' DZIICIIIn'IOIi THAT PORTION or ftACf B or WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CEII'l'ER, ACCORDING TO THB PLAT THEREor RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 or PLATS, PAGB 98 THROUGH 102, RECORDS or XING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS I COMIIBNCING AT TIIB PODIT or INTBRSBCfION or THB NORTH LIMB or SAID TRACT B AND THI WBST MARGIN or NACHES AVENUE SOUTHWEST AS DE- SCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER XING COUNT~ RECORDING NO. 8702100644 1 TllBHCB SOUTH 01°45'00. WEST '6.00 I'BB'1' ALONG SAID WBS'1' KARGIIf TO THB SOUTH MARGIN or STORM DRAINAGE EASEKBNT SHOWN ON SAID PLAT AND THB TRUE POINT or BBGIHHn.~; 'l'REHCB COHTINUIHG SOUTH 01°45'00. WBS'1' 40.00 I'BB'1' ALONG SAID 1fES'J' MARGIN; TBBNCB NOR'l'H 8,015'00· WIST 20.00·rBET; 'l'REHCB NOR'l'H 01°.5'00. BAST 40.00 FBIT TO SAID SOU'l'R MARGIN; 'l'HENCB SOU'1'R 88°15'00. BAST 20.00 I'BB'1' ALONG SAID SOU'l'R MARGDI TO THE TRUB POIN'l' or BBGIHHIlfG. THB PARCEL DESCRIBBD ABOVB CONTAINS 800 SQUARB PBET, MORK OR LESS. SI'1'UATB 1M THE CITY, or REII'l'ON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PIRST CITY WASlfnlGTON, INC. BLACKRIVER CORPORATE PAJIl( WILLIAN A. HICKOX, P.L.S. APRIL 8, UU BRK JOB N~. 12010/SUR 53-B ., .. -~,'. . .' .' ~.'. ' I! / ' ',': ~ '., '.' •. '., ':"': F "'. '-_.:-~-. -~~ " .-;--._ ... ---......... ----~--,r-· --... ---. -------.---;-----. . .. . . . ... ! j I I , I 1 I • " . .~ ~ "'. ",f/I .. -.... I. = lj!: ... .:;. :.' e:. _ ~ ... ,\,.' ~ .,. ,: ... '" 6.1Y.' _.00 22 TlUS IISTlUJlEIIT •• 1IIt tM' I." ~ d., 0' r,4....L ... l'.Q. by IIId b.t ..... IIUIIlIN6TOfI I!(lIITlf[RN RAILROAD CO. IIId __ ' _______ _ ___________________ ~d ____ • _____________ __ _____________________ ~d ____________________ _ _____________________ lIId ____________________ _ h.rtln,'t.r e.lled 'Gr~torl'l •• ~d the CITY OF A[~OK. I ""ntctp.1 Corporltlon 0' Klnq Count.w. WashlnQton. h.r.lnlfter cilled ·Gr~tH.' WIT1!E5SETH: Thlt Sltd Gr.,tor(I'. 'or Illd tn CO"IIder.tlon 0' the 1111 0' 51.00 = .... ===....",== ..... __ plld bl GrlntH ..... other Wllulbl. conllaerllion. ao .. 6, thul pr ..... ts. gr .. t, brglln. Itll. c_el ~d wlrr~t unto the IItd Grlnte •• tts ,ucc,slor, IIId ,slI9ns, • rtght 0' ... trl to ploee lorth 'III over. thrG\llJh •• eross end upon the 'o" .. tnp descrtbed property In ltng :"""tl, Wlshlngton ... re Plrtlcu'lrl, dlscrlbed II '0'1 ... : TI.< Lot". Seetlon 13. T_Shlp U North. AIO~' 4 £1st. W.M. IS d.scrlbed In Elhlblt 'A.' TI.< Lot ,g. Section 13. To.-Shlp 23 North. R"~I 4 [.st. W.M • • s dlscrlbed In E.hlblt 'A.' Portion 0' Tu Lot 1l4, Section 13, T_ShIp 23 North A .. p14 [lst1 W.M. IS dl,-.rlbed In E.htblt 'A,' II' In lln9 lount, WiSh ngton. . Portion M h. lot ... Sections 2' ..,d 23. Reng. 4 East. 'IS dlscrlbed I~ Elhtblt 'A.' II' In ltng Countl Washington. Th. portion, 0;' the ,It. ,ubjeet to .orth fill pllctlllellt II d.scrlbed In Attac ..... t 'A.' . Slid her.to'orl __ nt'oned Grant.e, Its 'UCC'ssor, or ."Iqn,. ,h.II h .. e the right. without prior notlc. or procoedlng .t 1 ..... such tI." .. II • ., b. nee .. Slr, to IIIt.r upon Slid AbOft d.scrlbed propertl 'or the purpoll 0' d.posltlng • .,th '1'1 •• Ithout Incurring 101 Itg.' ob'Igltlons or 'IAbl'lty ther,'or •• proYlded. thlt luch dlPGlltlng 0' Illd ,"rth 'II' Ih." b. acc ... p' Ished In luch I "'tnnir that the pr IWlle looprow_tl III" Ing on the property and In the rlghtll"o', •• , Ihlll not b. dllturbed or dlllQed, they will be r.pllced In II good I condition II they _. tlllltdllt",b,'.r. the propertl w .. IIIt.red upon bl the Grant ••• Th. Gran,or ,hi" 'ull, Ult and 1ftj01 the .'or.d .... lbed prlllts ... In con,lderlUon 0' penolnlon gl ... the Grante. bl r..Ilrold IS outl lned Ibo •• , the Grtnt •• herebl oqrMS to Ind ... nlfl end ho'd h."., ... RIIlrood 'rllll and Iqllnst and d.'end AIIlrood 'rlJl and IIlln,t ~1 and .11 clll, ... loIS ... o,ts. lult, or d'-lies "Ioln, out 0' Injuries to or d •• tt. 0' .nl and .n per,on, whCII .. IYer. Including. but not ".Itod to. the p.,tlil hereto. their lI.nU Ind ... P'OI .... or dllll. to propertl to whOlll,_er b.IOft9o III!!. Inc'udl.~ propert, _ed bl or In the c" •• cu,tod, wi contro! 0' .Itllli' Gront •• or 0' hllrold, In ~1 •• n.,er cOMeetld with or re,ultln, , ...... lther dlrecUr or Indirect 1" the '""II!! 0' A.Ilrold', nld Propertl bl thl> GrantH. a. """"". ••• eqtirnL. c:ontrec:lor, or ~uLconlrct.orl .nd tMlr .,10,"1, re- g.rd'.11 0' whlth.r or not ,uch Injurl. deeth or property d_",1 .., h ... "" c .. ,1d or contrlbut.d to ~1 the neg'I,enc. 0' the A.llrold. It, 19ent' or .p'01ll'. I.,cprwlkl U 1 i ~ I' r I I I .I I . 11 , ""v"" ./~: '-',,' . ......•. ~~~~ .. ",' .~'" .;".', .." .... ~ ' .... :.;,,:. .. ":'.~:':': :~~~f:' ,P:T~t!; "..- ./ It I, undtrUood .. levrted thlt 111' .. &" In ph'l", '111 a,terl,l on ~ SwbJKt pro ..... ty ,,111 provld. dr, In," and 1 .. ,11119 0' the alt:rl,1 "t .. It hu b"" pI Kfd. .,. ~ II) Q ~ i !is I I I I I ! I ; , , I i J '. 'f ! I , i , , j I I 1 J ~ 1 I J I f 1 , i I A ... ta .. c .... n .. r th,t the. Ire the I"'ul _trS 0' the 4IboY, properties and thlt they hIV. I "o~ and I""ul right to execute this &gr_nt. ~-------------------- ______________________ ~d ________________ ==~~~~';= .. ~ .. -- .' .• ' i. • -/' ....................... " \ I !., .... '.~~ , . ~ "",,~. '." ; , '72tb 't<C" GW.emti! ~.. " t • !IIIld.:c E. Ibtar, C1h' eft ,'l.,. ; -' . ~ ... ' .. " .. ' , i • '#'.~ , • ..•. .1-'............ I, ,. _____________________________ .. d ___________________ '~~~ .. ~~:~_-.• ~~~.:~' .... ", ~-.--- STATE OF WASHINGTON, l County Of King I n. On this day personally appeared before me Donald A. Cowles to me known to be the Individual described In and who exe~uted the within and 'ore90 l n9 Instrument, and acknowledged that he Signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, 'or tne uses and purposes therein GIVEN un! l1l,)I hand and official of A,,,l;... ----: /P~'" seal this .lII,jpt a ,2 , I I I I \. ~ I I • J -~ • . ,.~ .. ~. · ... 'i ' ..... .'; .... ',-", ',,' . ..... ,I , I • PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUHBIA ) ) SSI COUNTY OF VANCOUVER ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this Id5fi. day of 1lv611J'f , 1983. before me. the undersigned, person~l y appeared=M~~~(~N,=~~ J-IpI(IJPSOAi , to me known to beJ/i!'-~Sll>I'N7 "''''urr.(J((,,''t.- of nllti'r c.;lT~ OEVELOPHENTS CORP" a co-generar pai"inii' iii FUst . City Equities, the partnership that'executed the foregoing instru- ment, and acnowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed ~f the said general partnership, for the uses and purposes therAin mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my day and year in this STATE OF WASHING1'ON ) 1 COUNTY OF KING ) hand and o~f~ial seal h certificat~irst above /')0-- reto affixed the ritten. A NOTARY PUB IC in and for tho I'rc:>v~nce of British Columbia SSI ~ . . THIS IS TO CER1'IFY that on this \~ . day of H~ifm~e!'-' 1983, before me, tlie undersigned, a Notary Public in an or the State of Woshington, personally appeared Hoxlne E Motor and Barbara y, Shlnpoch , to me known to be CIty c~rk • Hayor of THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, t e corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of add corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. . WITNESS my hand and official sesl the day and year in this certificate first above written. NOTARY fUBLe In and for tli,'. State of Washington, redding at ..:.~ (bot, . 1 • I I I I . ji II i ! R i I t 'I \,~ .: ..•.. 1 ....... _--,. I,. • ............. -c:~,.,.~ :",._--u. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING l .- STATE OF I'1ASHINGTON COUllTY OF KING 881 .' • residing '~,~~<~¥~'4~~~ __ ___ 55: ' THIS IS TO CERTIFY tha t on this I l' ~day of Cl.u-A,d I 1983, before me. the undarnigned, a Notary Public in an~ r the State of Washington, personally appeared BARRY fl. GELBART, to me known to be the person who executed the within and foregoing instrument, as ~ general partner of FIRST CITY eQUITIES, a Wash- ington general partnership, and acknowledged the said instrument to be his free and voluntary act and ueed and thae of the partner-. £hip for t:1Q U::QI: ~nd purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. '1 c. i I I , i , .! ........ (3) In adding fill to the Site, Grantee will not deposit material. on the Site which are hazardous to life or property or which violate applicable laws, rules, regulations or orders, i (4) If Grantor is advised by any governmental authority that holzardous wast.es havliI been placed on the Site d\lring the course of Cr~ntee'. aJJlng of fill thereto, Grantee will promptly remove ·Guch hazardous wastes at its sole cost and expense and restore the Site to a level, graded condition: (5) Grantee will indemnify, defend and hold Grantor hUl!I" less from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands, losses, liabilities, costs, damages and expenses (including attorneys' fees, but without waiver of the duty to hold harmlrss) arising from or out of the entry of Grantee, its employees, contractors or agents onto the Site or the placing of fill thereon, and will pay all Grantor's costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred in enforcing this duty to indemnify, defend a~d hold harmless: (6) Before entering on the Site, Grantee will cause Grantor to be named as an additional insured on Grantee's general liability insurance policy and furnished with evidence thereof, and Grantee will maintain such coverage and endorsement to be maintained in effect during the term of this Agreement, and (7) Grantee will comply with terms of the covenants (ma9). on file in the'City Clerk's Office in Renton. Grantor. covenants that it is the lawful owner of the Site and,has a good and lawful right to executeth1a Agreement. IN WITNESS ~EREOF, th~ parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. FIRST CITY BYI FIRST CITY DEVELOPMENTS CORP., a partner CITY OF REN'l'011 ("Grantee") ATT£ST<z&.t4f .... :.e~ By ~"'9w-,ecb- t I ty t I.r~ Ita .... "IIo·ilI'Uln~r ________ _ .. .} .:, ....... ' -2-'.','" ..... .. :. :.... . ... '. t , • I I I I , / A , \.' J> / ! " .. ," "." ...... . ... .. ,-,.,."~ ~~t.;gifi'A Ii / /" Tract "A" of the Plat.of Washington Technical Center accordln9 to the plat thcreQf recorded in Volume 122 of ~lats, Pages 98 to 102, Records of King County, Washington. And a portion of Tract "8" of said Plat of Washington Technical Center, recorded in Volume 122 of plats , Pages 98 to 102, Records of King County, Washington, described as follow;: Beginning at the Southeast of Tract "A" as shown on ~aid plati Thence S. 73°04'46" E. a distance of 359.61 feet to'the True Point of Beginning said point being the beglnnin9 of • curve concave to the northeast hlvina a radius C) of 238.52 feet from which the center of the circle of said curve bears H. 16°55'14" E.i. I7i !hence alon!! said curve through a central angle of 110·07'09" 0': arc lenath of 458.42 fti ~ .hence H. 37°02'23" E. a distance of 204.96 feeti . . C) Thence H. 20°23'07" E. a distance of 290.71 feet: !6~ Thence S. 900oo~00" E. a distance of 274.74 feeti Thence S. OOQO-uO" W. a distance of 565.00 feeti Thence H. B8·~j'OO· W. a distance of 248.97 feet: Thence S. 0°00'00" W. a distance of 290.02 feeti Thence H. 73°04'4i" W, a distance of 135,,51 feet to the True Point of Beginning. k , . r: ... , ,. !.. I· I I i I ; j , ; .. ~. . : i I I I I ! i I j i I I I .1 I II I J I I I I 1 I , , , o C! :::t • I rlrat Clty !qulti •• rl1. No. a-l28-79 IIQRIIAS, 'int City IqIIiti .. , DavU N. Beh_ and hie wif. p ... le p. Be_. and Barzy G.lban and tuB wU. lA.l •• It. Gelban. a penn.rahip. i. the ......... of the o • follOWing PIll pn>perty in the City of _too", COWIty of Itlng, Stat. of lIa.h1n'1ton. de.cr1bo4 a. followe. ClAVal DeecdptioD attaohedl IIIIERIU, the ....... of Aid d.ecc1bo4. pcopecty, h •• 1naftec "th. pcopany." d •• u .. to 1IopI •• the fo11ow1nV n.u1ct1". c .......... te NM1ng with the 1wId .. to ... e. pC •• allt and f .. ton, of the pcopecty, lI0II. 'l'HIIIIZI'OIUI!. the atoneaJ4 ...... ~ h~ •• t.lIl1.h~. 'lCallts and 1IopI ••• r .. uicUone and cov ....... ts =1ng with the land .. to the .... of the land h .... 1nal>cv. d.ecdlled with c •• pect to the .... by the lIIId.ni",ed. th.u ... cc •• "" .... heir. and ••• i'1lll. •• followa. srrz DlNBUIl'IIEIft' PLM8 llevi_ and nc andation of all 8ite dwe10paeftt plana for land .1>I>,.ct to cuzone acti .... , '11. No. 11-328-79, ue to lie do ... by the 'laMi", Department. City of JlalltOIl. and th. a .... lnV ZXaIII1IIu, City of _tOIl, thcoa'1h 8 publio h .... lnV. . DIJlIA'l'ICH 'I'h ••• covenants .hall CIIII with the land and expire on Deceml>er 31. 2025. If at any tim. impcov ...... ts ue lnata11ed puc ...... t to theap COY ....... ta. the portion of .th. c"" ...... ts peR&in1ng to the .pecifia in.talled iI\prov ..... ta .. cequUed by the ardinanc •• af the City of Ranton ahall tem1nat. without nec •• dty of further documentation. prcpac legal Foced .. n. in the Superiar CDllrt of Itlng County ... y be instigaC8i! by .ither the City of RantOll <F any pcoparty .......... ad,ailling .l>I>jact prcparty vhe are ad"er •• 1y "ffected by any violation = bl'eacb at the •• I'utrictivtl c:uv."cUiLli. asaBonelll. attomey.· f.ea incurred dIIdng ..... nforc ..... nt proc.eding vill lie borne by the partl.. whom the court deee~ne. are in .~~U& jud9"'ent in .uch· a~t. ~,Q;..tr .......... yUj • Scli_. Paru Fuat City !quiti •• ~, .. g,. Ie ,4dM"," Co ~ ~UlA P. SobWMiA S'l'A'1'I or IIASBIIIG'1'OII) COUll'l'Y or ItIBO ) On th1a~day of au~~:r . 191.2. before _ personally appeared David M. schuman, Paula P. Bch, 8&1'1)' Galbart, and Leale. It. GclbeZ't, t.be {IOraona vhc executed thn vithin and forevalng instrument for 'ir.t City Equitie., a partner.nip. an.! acknovledved aaU in.tr1IIIIent to be the free and yalllfttary~act and deed of 88id partn.rship far the ..... and purpo ••• th.rein mention"". and on oath .tated that they v ....... thoriaed to .... cute •• U wtna.nt far • .o1d partner.llip. 1I1t.n ••• my hand and afflciaL •• ~l h.reto afflxed tho day and year fir.t alley. writt.en. I i I I ; , i 'I i I I I' I I I I I I I , I I I I ;1 , , • o , " iAssl De5.,dpti .. 11 'ftIn ponion ot Sections 13 and 24, _hip 23 lI~th, JIang. 4 Ba.t, 11.11., in IUn; COunty, ""h1n;ton, eI •• .,dllecS a. toll ...... lleV1nnin" at tho no~th ... t comer ot tho IIOUth 40 ~ •• t ot .aiel Section 13, th.n.,. ~u. ;;-15'00· .a.~ calonv Cite .... "ill 1 .... ur u_ ....-U. :: -: ... 1. ... .:ia~'''; •.. t ::':.1: fe.t ...... o~ b .. to tho .... t 1111. ot _11 A ........ B.II. bei1l9 the no~thva.t c~u ot ~lln"ton Induatdal .uk 110. 2, acoo~in" to the plat noo~ecS in Vol ..... 88 ot 'laU, 'a". 80, in lUng county, IIuhin;ton, thence .outh 1·13'17" .... t al01l9 tho .... t lin. ot aiel ~lington JocIu.tdal .an 110. 2 and iU FOl_aUon thUlIOt 1810 feet ...... ~ 1 ... to tho aouthul), line ot the 100 t .. t ~thU1l 'a,,1IiD 11&11 ... )' dght-of- .. a), 1_ 8.alin;ton ~thU1l, Inc.I, than ... aouth 77·26'41" .... t a101l9 .del aoutherly lin. 550 foet IIOA or } ___ to thtt ... t:ul1' !lUgin ot an .u_t for pe ..... nent ditch .,.11 L~6&ry WZMt.r .. .;tiwr ... ~_c~.1bed In .w.U\iiilinta ra==~ un~ar A=!~-::': ~il: 110. 6587316 and 7203290496 ~ .. ~.~ecS Wldu Alldi_ 'a r11. 110. 7301180480, thence no~tIIOriy, wanui)" and ""ninr .. ~l)' a101I9 .. ieI mugin to tho '_ Ioc>unU&ry be_ Tra"U 26 and 27 2nd _1-anta1 _, IIImton 8hon1anda, thence in a genuall), ... tuly .saeetion alan" .. ieI _ beunduy and along the COIIIIIIOn boundary at Tracu 24 and 25, 2nd .uPP1 ....... ta1 mapa, IIImton Sho~.land., to iu inteneeUon with tho no~th lin. at the aouth 650 feet of Govemment l.ot 3, 8ecUon 13, '1'oWn8hip 23 1Ion:h, 111m". 4 Baat, 11.11., iA IUD" county, lluhingtoll, thenc. outu1y a101l9 tho aouth 650 teet of .aid .ecUon 13 to tha out line ot .aid SecUon 13, thence .outhuly al_ .aiel .ut lin. to tho poiAt ot bft91nning. BIIcept any ~Uon thueot 1yin" .. ithin pnoperty acquJzod by lIL"aineg. Diatdct 110. 1 WIder cand ...... cion p .. cx;oecS1nga hecS in lUng County B_ .. iD~ Court' ea ..... 110. 32912. ........ ""I~.in Tllte: n,",' .. t· '." .. • I • I f I I f ! I I I , I I . ' . ./"" .' .... . .. RECIPROCAL EASEMENT ACREEMENT TIllS, ACREEMENT entered 1nto aa at th1a 'Z.~~-day at h"",," • 19B2 betwee" FIRST CITY EQUITIES-;--'-Wash1n9- ton 9aneral partnerehip ("FCE") and HOLVICK daRECT KOERINC, a California c,orporaUon (",IIDK"), !!E!!M:! :. ". a, FCE 18 the owner at • parcel at real property located 1n K1n~ County, Waehinqton which 1E describe~ more p.r- , t1cularly 1n Exhib1 t 1 hereto ("Parcel 1") . ..... b. IIDK i. the owner at a parcel at real property locatad 1n K1n9 Ccunty, Washin9ton which 18 described more par- ticularly in Exhibit 2 hereto ("Parcel 2"). Parcel 2 is located adj acent to P:arcel 1. c. The parUe. wl8h to provide tor reciprocal ease- ments acroas a porUon at Parcels I and 2, subject to cortain l1mi taUons. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties covarIant and agree as fol- lowal 1. Or~nt of !n:cments. (a) FCE hereby 9rante to IIDK, its successors and assiqne, • non-exclusive eaaement for 1nqresB to and agree:- from Parcel 2 upon, over and alon9 certain por~1on of P''rcal 1 which is deecribed more particularly in Exhibit 3 hereto (the "Parcell Easement Area") • . (b) IIDK hereby ;rants to FCE, its succe880rs and Ass1qna, a non-exclusive easement for ingress to and egress from Parcel 1 upon, over and alon9 certain portion of Parcel 2 which 18 described more parUcllh,.ly in Exhibit 4 horeto (the "Parcel 2 Easement Area") . (c) The Parcell and 2 Eaaement Areas are referred to c:ollectively AS the Easement Areaa. 2. Duration. The durat10n of the eAsements granted hereunder shall be perpetulIlL", e,,;cept that HDK, its successor..; and assigns shall make no use of the Parcel 1 Easement Area until such time as a road has been constructed thereon,' 3, Maintenance of EaBem~nt Area. HDK shall main- t.ain the Parcel 2 Easement Area in a presentable f safe and J,H,ry;8~ conditlon at HOJ('s 801e' ('ost and expense, Once the SNOI!:l~ 13 l/ ':OHII.l'.'i ..:to NI)I~t."'.!~::h, :~! ,~. HellO ? ~J(j " .... , ' ," ,lJ :11!1l ,;"';uc';, 1 % EXCISE TAX NOT n\:Ql;If1!:~1 awn. Co. Reconu ~,i'ISlo., ..... I' , 9/-12. t<,.b,,~ . D.pl/ \~;, ... :' " .. , .. " " '. ... .r '.' ',. .~' ,:._~L. , . ' , '. ~'. . '. '._. " : ~ :_': \ \ \ ~ .-~'.-:::'~""'~'~." Parcel 1 Z ... "ent Area has been developed, feE shall maintain it in a presentable, safe end usable condition, subject to IIDK' e reimbursemsnt of !1fty percent (50%) .of the cost thereof. 4. The owner of each Parcel shall OWner of the oth.r Parcel aqainst and harmles·s from all. claims, demand, liabilities, costs and expenses (includinq attorneys' fees) euffered by or claimed aqainst the other aa the reault of or caused by a claim asssrted by any third party for damaqe or in~ury sUffered on the Easement Area of the indemnifyinq par- ty s Parcel. Each party ahall carry comprehensive venerd 11a- bUi ty inaurance on ita PBlcel vi th combinad minimum 11mi ts of no-; leea than One M11110n Dol18ra (U,OCC,CCC) per occurrence for property damaqe and bodlly injury to afford protection for itself and the OWner of the other Par:el. Such po11cy shall name the OWner of the other Parcel as an additional insured and shall be non-cancellable as to them without at leas t ten (10) dsys' prior written notice. 5. hl..!n!. Ne1ther party shall perm.it any 11ens to accrue Bqainat the Easement Area on the other party' 11 Parcel all the result of its presence upon, or activities involv1n; such Easement Area or those of ita aQen1:8. licensees or permlteea. 6. Reservations. Each party reserves for ttself, 1ts successora .\nd 88819n8. the rioht at all times and for any purpoee to croa:. and recross at any place on the Easement Area on its Parcel and to use such Easement Area in any manner that will not unreasonably interfere with the riqhta vranted to the other herein. Each party ressrvea all riqhta in and to the Easement Area all 1 ts parcel not specifically ;rantod to <he other hereunder. 7. Eminent Domain. Nothinq herein shall be con- strued to give 8:1 ther party any intereat 1n any award or pay- ment made to the other par~y in connection with any exercise of em1nen~ domain or ~ransfer in lieu thereof affec~inq ~h~ other party's parcel or to qive the pub11c or any voveriunent any riqhta in Parcels 1 or 2. :.n the event of any exercise at emi- nent domain or tranaler ilo lieu thereof of any part of the Easement Areaa loca~ed 1n ~arcel 1 or Parcel 2, the award a~~ributable ~o the land and improvements of such portion of t:he Easement Areas ahall be payable only to the owner in fc:e thereof, and no claim thereon :ihall be made b:,· the owners of any other portion of the Easement Areas. B. A9reemen~l!' \ a) This Agreement may be modified or cancelled only by writter. conJent at all OWMrs at Parcel 1 and all -2- I ! i , - I I / I record owne1"8 of Parcel 2. which consents ahall not be unrea- lIonably withheld. "S ulled herein the te .... "recor<1 owner" ahall 1nclude contrllct purchallerll and leuee. under IIround lea •• 11 and lea.e. cover1nll compl.te bulld1nlls. It 18 allreed that at leut a. lonll a. e1ther FCE or lID!: 1. the u.er or operator of one or both the parcela. whether •• owner or lell.ell. thst authority tor mod1fyinll thill AliJreement ah.ll relit with them alone all to the parcelll they own. use or uperate. (10) In the event of breach or threatened breach of thi. "lIreement. only aU record owners of Parcel 1 all a IIroup. or all the re<:ord owners of Parcal 2 aa a IIroup. or FeE ao lonl/ all 1 t haa an 1nterellt a. owner or tenant in Parcel 1. or IIDK ao lonll all 1 t has an 1ntereat 1n any part of Parcel 2. ahall be entitled to 1nat1tute proceed1nllll for full and ade- quate reUef from the conllequence. of lI&id breach. The unlluc- ceaaful party 1n any act10n IIhall pay to the preva11inll party a reasonable 8um for atterneya' feea, which ahall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and ahall be enlorceablt;l whether nr not lIuch action 18 procecuted to judg- ment. I c) If the owner of any parcel ahall. durinll the te .... of thia Allreement. default in the full. faithful and runc- tual performance of any obl1l1ation requi1"Bd hereunder. and if at the end of thirty (30) daYII after written notice from any owner of a parcel or the party to whom i t& author! ty haa been delegated. ststing with particularity the nature and extent of Ruch default, the defaultinq owner haa fRiled to cure auch default. and if a del1l1ent eHort 18 not then beinll made to cure such default, then any other owner of a p .rcel of land aubject to th18 Allreement or the party .to whom itll authority haa been delellated ahall. in addition to all o':her remedics it may have at law or in equity. have the right to perform lIuch obHllation of thia Agreement on behalf of euch defaulting owner of the coat thereof with interellt at the rate' of eillhteen par- cent (lex) per annum. Any 8uch claim for reimbursement, together vi th interest 88 aforesaid. ahall be secured and a 11en ehall-attach and take effect upon recordation of a propar claim of lien by ~e claimant in the office of the county recorded in which the land 18 located. The claim of Hen ahall include the follow1nll' (1) the name of the claimant; (2) a state •. ent concerninll the 1081118 of the claim of the lien; (3) the last known name and address of tho owner or reputed owner of the parcel aqainst which the lien is claimed; (4) a descrip- tion of the property aqainst which the 11en ic claimed; IS) a deacr!ption of the work performed or payment n.ade which hall given rise ~o the claim of lien hereunder and. statement item- iZln; the am,:,unt thereof: mnd C 6) a 8~Bt'ment that the 11en 18 claimed pursuant to the provi f'ion of this Agreement reel ting the date, book and page of the rOeDl"dation hOl·eof. The notice -3- .. ii i I 'I I 11 iI ., " .' \ .. .''; I /lla."_"t!l/~~"!'I!!"'-"rr ~·'''''''''':''''''-:''''''''''~~C'''''''· __ '' __ '''''' __ ''''' ______ . / / CD at ~, O · . .. N·c· ... .. ~" ." ~ shall be duly ver1f1ed, acknowled;ed and contaln a cert1flcat. that a copy ~hereof has been served upon the party aqalnst whom the Uen Ie clal .. ed, either by pereonal .ervlce or by .. dUnq (first class, certified, return receipt requeeted) to the defaultinq owner, .t the addrees for .. aU1nq of tax statement. with respect to the property aqainst which the lien i. clai .. ed; A psrty which· Uies a' Uen shall be ob11qated to rele .. e the Uen if the owner of the parcel post. a bond or depOsits cash equal to one hundred twenty five percent (125%) . of the 11ened s,.ount .. secur1ty for th .. payment thereof. 'nIe '11en so cla1med ehall attach from the date ot recordation snd may be enforced in any manner allowed by law for the fore- closure Of Uens. Notwi thstand1nq . th.. t"reqo1nq, such 11ens shsll be subordinate to any mortqaqe or deed of trust qiven 1n qoed faith and for value now or hereafter encumber1r.q the prop- erty subjected to the 11en whiCh is recorded pr10r to the date of a~ch 11en, and any purchaser at any forecloGure or trustee'e sale (as well as any quntee by deed 1n 11eu of forecloeure or trustee's sale) under any first mortqaqe or ddOd of trust shall take free and clear from any such then exht1nq lien, but otherwise Bubject to the prov1aions of thia Aqree .. ent. 'nIe failure of the owner or owners ot any of the parcels subject to thh Aqreement to insist 1n anyone or more cases upon t..e str1ct performance of any ot the promhes, covenanta, condi- tions, restrictions or 8c;rreements herein, ahall not be con- strued .. a waive:, or relinquishment for the future breach of the provisions hereof. 9. Riahts and ObliGations of Lender. 'nIe charqes and burdene of this Agreement are, and ah.il at all times be, prior and there ford superior to the 11en or char;e of any .. ort- Gaqe or deed of trust hereafter made in qoed ~a1 th and for value a!fectin; Parcel 1 or Parcel 2 or any party thereof, or any improvement. now or hereafter placed thereon, but is sub- ordinate to the deeds of trust and security interests of record on the date hereof. A breach of' any of the easements, cove- nanta. or restrictions hereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien or. ch,r;e of any .. ort;a;e or deed of trust. The .~periority of this Aqreement ahall be LIMITED to the extent that ti Ue "0 any property acquired throu;h sa 1e under foreclosure of any mort;a;e or deed of truet affected by power of sale, judicial proceedin;e, or otherwhe, shall be subject to all th.. char988 and burdens affectin; Parceh 1 and 2 by virtue of thia A;reement, as noted in pau;raph a(c)·hereof. 10. R~lease Crom Liability. Any person acquiring Cee or leilBehold 1;i tie to Porcel 1 and Parcel 2 or an)' portion thereof shall be bound by thia AGreement only as to the parcel or portion of the parcel acquired by such persons. Sucl. person ahall be bound by thi • AGreem~nt only durin; the period such person ia the fee or leasehold owner of such parcel or portion -4- ..... .4., •• i:.i.:.!;..,., . " .. . ... ...:::" :' .. :'" .~;. '" . . .. , ;.,:: ....• ~~~~~~~ .... ' .. . -"" ot the parcel, except •• to obUllatlons, 11abll1tlea or respon- a1bl11tles t.hat "ccrue durlnq sald perlod. Althoullh pereons may be releassd under th1e "arallraph, the easementa, convenanta and r .. atrlctions ot th1e Allreement shall con~inue to be bene- flts and .ervitudes upon Parcela 1 and 2 runnin\l wlth the land. Thh Allreement ahall blnd and lnure to the beneti t of the partiea hereto, their respective heirs, peraonal represen- tatives, tenants, successora, and/or assigns. 11. Paragroph Headings. The parallraph headlnll con- tained hsre1n are Inaernd aa a matter of convenlence and ·for reterence and 1n no way detine, 11mlt, or describe the scope or intent of thb document nor ln any way .. ftect the terms and providons hereof. 12: Not A Public Dedication. Nothlnll contai"ed herein ahall be deemed to be a lIitt or dedication of any por- tion of the Easement Areas to the lIeneral pub11c or for the ganeral public or tor any p,,"11c purpoaes whataoever, it belnll ,"he lntention of the partie a hereto that thb Allreement shall be atrlctly 11101 ted to and for the purpoaes herein expreseed. The rlqht ot the public or any peraon to make any uae whatso- ever of the Common Areas of the parcels herein affected, or any portion thereot (other than any uae expresaly allowed by a written or recorded map, aqreement, deed or dedication) i& by parmission, and subject to the control of the owner. Notwith- 8t.n~inf'J any other provision h.r~of, the OW"~t"8 of th~ r"t"C'.ls aUected hereby may periodically restrict lnqr8sa and egresa from the Common Areas in orde\" to prevent a prescriptive ease- ment from arlainq by re~aon of continued publlc use. Any restriction on 'ingreas and ellress ahall be limit.~ to the period reaonsably necessary to prevent the crea~1on of a. pre- Bcriptive eaeemftn~ and, to the extent feaswnably practical, shall occur at such time as to have a minimum eCCect on the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this ,·'lreement as of the day and year first above written. FIRST CITY EQUITIES ("FeE") .. ~ .. ". "-., :~'.:r.f:; :", .. ~" .~:;,.".\t' .;'-., ., :'!/".;~ .. -\::.~"~~.;: .. . -.. ,. .": ...... " ..-"------" ~. -+ ~ - I ., . I ~"1111_"" ..... ~.,,:,, . __ ......... __ .... _ ....... ." ':"': _ ... ,' ... -'\ _ ...... ·.·~·· ..... ,_IItII_ .. ___ ...,;,iI ___ .;; .·.r~', ......... ·: .,' .' .... :.:.: ... ,' . . .' .' .' r'~' ~ .. A. 11>., ~ ..... By rirat City Development Corp., ~tner /~~ q~h~ B TeZ; ,'£;;z;A/ -6- , .. , I \ " " -·~~~~3.fi' ........ ~' .. -.' """""'''. __ ~e!._-:.~ ..... _. _ ..... _ ......... _ .. _.,.~-.. " ... " _ .. , ....... -.~---------,- / ~ i~{t .' I. 8'1'A'1'1o: OF WASHINGTON ) ) .... COUNTY or KINO ) On thh Z~~ day oC .' 1982. before m~; e', Il~l,~~~~.~ Notary 'Publ1c in and for the Wa!'h1Jl9~0.n. duly co~i:"" ,'·''.,·i .. )!f>. .... II 1I10ned and 81 ),-n. per80nall ~~ j".iAo..-to me, Icnown to be· th.. ,.. oC HOLV ICK C\i>RECT KOERINO. the co :poratlon named 1 an which executed :he:' fore- 90in9 inatrum Htl and he aclcnowledged to me that he alqnei:l the aam. aa the Cr •• and voluntary act and deed 0' aald corporation foZ' the ua.. ana purpoaea therein mentioned. bein9 au~or1zed ao to do. ariel that the ceipa.e.e IIsal R'''yed thereto d., tIii .... 1 of said ao."ul'at1cfi'! ," t\. '~":;' .. ' ... " . . . .' WITNESS my hand and off1cia1 seal the day and year in thh certlt:1cate above writte". STATE OF WASHINCTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) ~ this ~ day oC N4.,....J.... ,1982. before me, a Not •. ry Public in and for the State of Washin9ton, duly commh- sior.ed and sworn, personally appeared 8ARRY GELBART. to me Icnown to be one of th" partners ln Flrst City Equ.t1ea, the partnerehil' named ln snd whlch executed the fore901119 instru- ment/ and he aclcnowledged to me that he a19ned the same as the free And voluntary act ar.d deed of said corporation for tho" uses and purposeB therein mentioned, beinq authorized 80 to do... .~ "'.,. . • .". I' .:,' \ WITNESS my hand and o!!iclal seal the day arod year ·11;1 ',:' ""'- this certificate above written. . i . _,. 1 /L1,IG,i= ~ Notary Public i~ and for the.S~ate of Washington, reai\ling at ~~(iH· -7- , I , " , .. ;. 1 , I I I t } • • I ' . .:" -.-.... -,------_ ...... _--- If / I ~Iftl£ vi "ft~niN~luh ) ) aa. COUNTY O:nl:::. H~) day of N/...,J.. ,1982, be!Oi~":::::i;L~ Notary 'Public in and for tha State of Waahin;ton, duly commia;' aioned and· aworn, personally appeared DAVID SCHtr.~, to me ." )lnown to be one of the partners in Firat City Equitiea, the partnerohip named in and which executed the fore;oin; inatru- ment; and ha aCknowled;ed to me that he ei;ned tile same aa the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for ·tha. uaea and purpoaea there1n mentioned, bein; authorized ao to do. .. WITNESS my hand and official aeal the day and yeRr in thia certificate above written. /~.(q&- , Notary public in and for th~State ci WashlnljJtoll. residinq at .j..u.-"tI:l, . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )88 COUNTY OF KING ) On thia ____ day of , 1982, before me, a tlot:>r1 rublic 1n and for th. ",rot", of W".hington, duly com- miasione~ and aworn, personally appeared to me knolln to be tha oC F1rst City Dev .. lop- ment Corp" one of the partners oC First City Equities, the part.nauh1p r.a:ocd in and which executed the foregoi"., instru- ment; and he acknollled;ed to me that he ai;ned the aame as the free and voluntary act' ~nd deed of said corporation for the uses and purpoaes therein mentioned, bein; authorized eo to do. WITNESS my hand and oCficial seal the day snd year 1n this certificate above written. Notary Publi~ in onrl for the State of Washington. residing at ____ _ -8- ! .', -!.--~ .. -~ -... '"-' -. . ,'-'f • ~.: •• :.' .... -~:.~ ',"-:---"'. .' ": " .. i..; " .......... ------"'I i I l I I l i \ t ..... !".IJPK"".J"',~~ ....... -..... ~ .. ,.-, .. ~,,~. /. .- S,'IftiE ui "i\:'iiu",..l'u~ J , .. I u. COUNTY or KINO I On thh day of • 1982. before me. a llotary 1'ubl1c 1n ,&lid for Lh .. Stat .. u! Waahi nq~on. duly commi .. - sloned and eworn. pereonally eppeeled DAVID SCIItIMAH •. to. me known to be one of the partners in Firat City Equltiee. the partnershlp named ln and whlch executed the foreqolnq instru- ment, and he acknowledged to me that he slqned the same as the free and voluntary act snd deed of uid corporation for ·the Uses and purposes th.re1n mentioned. being authorized 80 to do. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day snd year in this certificate above written. STA~'or WASHINGTON COUNTY or KINO sa No~ary Public in and for the State of Wash1n,ton. reaidinq at ______ _ On thh '),1-day of N.y ... ""I.e.. 1'. 1982. befor .. me. i· I a N~tary Public in and for the State of Washinq~on. duly com- "'i " .. tnnAd and S\lorn, personally appeared \T"'CIIo.oM'\L$ ~J""~ to me known to be the ", .. 'Cr' . ~c""'*='nf of First City Develop- ment Corp.. one of the partn ra of Firat City Equitiee. the I' partnerehlp named in and "hich executed the foregoinq instru- ment, and he acknowlad",ed to me that he siqned the &ame as the I fn·. and voluntary act and deed of a"i': corp •• ration·'· ~cj( ~e Uses and purposes therein mentioned. bel,..", auth,rl·,ed aD to iId~·jSc "'. . . ~ .~ ~\ WITNESS. my hand and OffiCiallal th?Fd year ,10 .• ~ this certificate, above wr1t~en, ~J--~ -::~ I· .JJ J . I Col. Notary Public :n and fO; tho :~ j:. ",'" .. e I ~ .-1 4,..,"/S" ...... " .... 0 J llO,<UtI, residing at~~" I \ If! , I I ! :8- ., . ,/ , , PARtEL 11 t , F.XHlBlT "1" TO ..... 1~1IIJIH\I, IWlt:llllNT .wR&I!II~NT (FIRST CITY EgUITIES-HOLVICK daHECT) THAT PORTION 'OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF S~tTION 13, AND OF THE NORTH , ONE-HALF OF SEtTION 2", BOTH-IN TOWNSHIP UNORTH, RANGE" EAST, W.II., 1:1 KING tOUNTY, WASHINGTON, DEStRIBED AS FI.oLLOWS. tOMMENtlNG AT THE IIORTHEASTERLY tORNER OF THE SOUTHERLY ,,0.00 FEET OF SAID SEtTION 13, ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 1. AttO~DING TO THE PLAT REtOROEO IN YOLUME 83 OF PLATS, PAGE'ID IN KING tOUNTY, WASHINGTON I THENtE NORTH 88 015'00" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE AND THE NORTH LINE OF EARLINGTON IN~USTRIAL PARK NO.2, AttORDING TO THE PLAT REtORDED IN YOLUME 88 OF PLATS, PAGE 80, IN KING tOUNTY, WASHINGTON, A DISTANtE OF 85ft."3 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST tORNER OF SAID EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK ND. Z: THENtE SOUTH 1°14'28" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NO. Z, A DISTANtE OF 1210.DD FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENtE tDNTINUING SOUTH 1014'ZB" welT ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND ITS SOUTHERLY EXTENSION, 5"4.38 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE IDD FODT WIDE NORTHERN PAtlFlt RAILWAY INOW BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INt.) RIGHT-OF-WAYI THENtE SOUTH T1021'30" WEST ALONG SAIO SOUTHERLY LINe 826."3 FEET TO A POINT 100 FEET WESTERLY FROM IWHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF AN EASF.MENT FOR oERMANENT DITtH AND TEMPORARY tONSTRUtTION AS DEStRIBEO IN INSTRUMENTS REt ORO ED UNDER KING, tOUNTY AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBERS 6587)!6 AND 720329D496, RE-REtDRDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 7301180480: THENtE NDRTH 11 0 34'46" WEST. PARALLEL WITH SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. 1351.17 FEET TO THE POINT DF tURVATURE OF A 5DD.DO FOOT RADIUS tUkVE TO THE LEFT: THENtE NORTHWESTERLY ALDNG SAID tURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 5)b.69 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY: IHENCE NORTH 13 0 0"'46" WEST 137.80 FEET TD THE POINT OF tURVATURE OF A 2)B.52 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TD THE RIGHT SAID POINT DF' tURVATURE HEREAFIER REFERREO TD AS "POINT A", THENCE WESTERLY AND IIDRTHERLY ALONG SAID tURVE All ARt DISTANCE OF 458.42 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENtY: THENCE NORTH 37 0 02'2)" EAST 2010.96 FEET: THENCE NORTH 20 0 2)'07" EAST 29D.71 FEET: THENCE SDUTH 9D OOO'OO" EAST 2710.7" cEET: THENCE NORTH DODO'DO" EAST 91,D8 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE DF THE SOUTH 65D FEET OF SAID SEtTIDN 131 THENCE SDUTH BBoI5'00" EAST ALDNG SAID NDRTH LINE 1224.42 FEET; THENCE SDUTH 10 "S'DD" WEST 37.52 FEET TO A POIIIT ON A "68.3" FOOT RADIUS CURYE CONCAYE TO THE SOUTHEAST, A RADIAL TIIROUGH SAID POINT BEARING SOUTH 13°58'20" FAST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 522.35 FEETI THENCE NORTH 8B O I5'DD" WEST 18.22 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1 0"5'OD" WEST 2D6.~n FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 0 15'DD" WEST 2)5.16 ~EET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A "60.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT: THENCE WE~TERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 48.11 FE~T: THENCE SOUTH Io 0 15'OD"'EAST ALONG A RADIAL TD SAID CURVE 80.0D FEET TO A POINT ON A )80.DO FOOT RADIUS CURVE tONCAIIE TO TH SOUTH, A RADIAL THROUGH SAID PDINT BEARING SOUTH Io 0 15'DD" EAST: THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID tURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 118,81 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 7 057'ID" EAST 1061.99 FEET: lHENCE SOUTH ~80lo5')2" EAST i.. I , ' i , , ! I r I I , l A-291>505 1 Pog .. I E~It:EIr "1" I t _.. . ~ . .~ . ~ ~ " : .. --'. -. ,', • , ,. .... ---.---~- . I ~ .... : ..... . '. ~ ........ 'r~ •• , , 'f> ... 328.00 FEET! THENCE SDUTH IOH'18-WEST 70a.00 FEE'T'! THENCE SOUTH 880~5'32-EAST 350.00 FEET TD THE TRUE POINT OF,~eGINNING! PARCEL 2S ,', THAT PDRTtON OF THE SDUTH ONE-HALF DF SEtTION 13, AND OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF SEtTIDN 2~, 'BOTH IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE ~ EAST, W.H., IN KING' tDUNTY, WASHINGTON, OEStRIBED AS FOLLDWSs . ,.' ..., ., .". :." . , ,', tOHHE~tiNG AT THE AFDREHENTloNED -POINT A-, THENtE NORTH T3004'46- WEST 359.61: FEET TO 'HE TRUE'PDINT OF BEGINNING, SAID PDINT BEING DN 431~52 FooT"RADIUS CURVE CoNtAV! TO THE EAST, A RADIAL THRDUGH SUD'" POINT BEARING NDRTH 73 021'54-EAST, THENCE NDRTHERLY ALONG SAID CURve AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32B.00 FEET 'TO A POINT DF REVERse tURVE WITI, A 26D.IO FoDT RADIUS CURVE To'THe LEFT, THENtE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC OISTANtE OF 397.76 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE W1TH A 293.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TD THE LEFT! THENCE NORTHWESTERLY AND WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE DF 300.56 FEET TD A PDINT DF TANGENCY! THENtE SDUTH 60 031'21-WEST 263.00 FEET TO THE PDINT DF CURVATURE DF A 165.04 FDDT RADIUS CURVE TD THE RIGHT! THENCE WESTERLY ALDNG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE DF 100.~7 FEET; THENtE SDUTH 22 026'02- , EAST 263.09 FEET TD THE PDINT OF CURVATURE OF A 422.96 FDor RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT! TH SOUTHEAST.RLY ALDNG SAID CURVE AN ARC OISTANr.e OF 491.95 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE SOUTH 89 0 04'30-EAST 187.52 FEET I THENCE SOUTH 73 0 04'46-EAST 17.98 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. A-296505 ~.B. 2. t=XH 181T "1'1 ... _ ... ,. ' .. ~ ....... , .. ~ .. . ',' " .' ,. . . '. . '. '. . ' ",.' . -, ,\' '\", , , ·h:·:" , .. ", ~t'~~ , . "."" ,:'''''''''' J," • , .~.' ~r---. . "-::1.:' . ./' .. ~' . ' .. ..... :-.. :.. ..... . IXIIlBlT "2" to IIEClPaOCAl. I'.ASEIIEIIT .\GUIIIENT (FIRST CITY !9UITltS-HDLVICK deRECT) THAT PORTION OF THE !>OUTHUST OUARTER OF SECTION I), TOWI~SHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE ~ EAST,. W.~., IN ~ING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FDLLOWSI BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE SOUTHERLY ~D.DO FEET OF SAID SECTION n, ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE IIOATHERL" LINE OF EARLINGTON IIlDUSTRIAL PAR~ NO, I, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 83 OF. PLATS, PAGE 10, ·IN ~ING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTtI 88'15'58" w~ST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE ANQ ITS II£STERL., EXTENSION 120~.75 FEET; THENCE NORTH \'12'1'" EAST 117.25 FEETI THENr.E ON A CURVE TO TH~ RIGHT OF A 411B,'4 FOOT RADIUS, A 01 STANCE OF 7100.08 FEET TO IIIlERSECT THE" NORTH LINE OF THe SOUTH blC.OO FEET OF SAID SOUTHEAST OUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 88'.15'58" EAST ALOIIG SAID NORTH LINE 730.0) FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SUD. SECTlON 11; THE'ICE SOUTH·:l·OD'Z'f" wEST IJ.ONG SAID EAST LINE 590.05 FEET TO BEGINIIING, EXCEPT THAT PORTI!!N L.,ING WIlHIN "~.OO FEET· Il!ol EACIt SIDE OF THE FDLLOWIIlG DESCRIBED CENTEIILINE; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF EARLINGTO~ INDUSTRIAL PAR~ NO.2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME B8 OF PLATS, PAGE 80, IN ~ING COUNT." WASHINGTON, WHICH IS 30.00 FEET EAST FROH THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 1'4~'OZ" EAST 590.05 FeeT AND THE TERIlINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE, ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTIOIl LYII,:; WIlHIN "0.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLDWING DESCRIBED CE'ITE"LI'IE: BEGINNI'IG Al A PDINT DN THE NDRTH LINE OF SAIO EARLINGTON IIl~U~TRIAL PARK 1l0. 1 WHICH IS 10.00 FEET EAST DF THE NDRTHWEST CDRNfR THEREOF. THE'ICE NORTH \ ..... '02" EAST 130.00 FEET! THENCE NORTH BS'15'56" WEST 27,"7 FEET TO POINT 'A' AND THE TERHINUS OF SAIO CENTERLINE, ALSO EXCEPT THAT PUKIION L'III~ WIIHIN 75 FEEl UF SAID POINT 'A', ALSD EXCEPT ANY PORTION LYING IIITHIN 20 FEET OF RAILROAD SPUR LINE TRACK, NDW LDCATED ON THE GROUIlO ANII DESCRIBED IN AUDITDR' S FnE NUI\~eR 79013005 .. 8. TOGETHER wITH THAT PD~T1DN OF THE IIDKTHEAST DUARTER DF SECTION h, TOWNSHIP 23 NDRTH, RANGE .. EAST, W.II .. IN ~ING tDu"n, WASHINGTDN, DESCRIBED AS FDLLDwS: '_ ... " . ' .... ~ .. . 107:r~ft; :::':".:1::: BEGINNING AT A PDIIlT DN THE WEST LINE DF SAI0 EARLINGTDN IIl0USTRIAL I ,~ PARK NO.2 WHICH :S 80.00 FEET SDUTH DF THE NORTHWEST CO~IlER THEREDF; }, .:.~)f; THENCE SDUTH 1'IZ'I'" wEST ALDNG SAIO WEST liNE IZOO.OO FEET; THENCE -:,,~. NDRTH 88'''7'''1" WEST 370.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1'IZ'IQ" EAST 118.23 '." FEET; 1HENCE NDRTH B8· .. ,· .. I" wEST 308.00 FEET; THENCE NO~TH 7'58'21" i WEST "bl.n FELT TD A PDWT Oil A CURVE. THE RADIUS POINT DF WHICH BEAR!, SDUTH 22·12· .... • EAST 380.00 FEET; THENtE EASTERLY ALONG S'IO tURvE 158.82 FEET TD A PDINT WHICH eEARS NORTH B8'\5'58" WEST FRO" IHE TRUE PDlhT DF BEGINNING; THE/lCE SOUTH 88'15'5S" EAST 591.31 FEET TD THE , , TRUE PDINT DF BEGIIlNING; . ExtEPT THE WEST 20.00 FEET OF THE EAST )10.00 FEET DF THAT PORTIO~ O~ THE ~ORIHE.ST OUAAIER 23 NOR1H, RANGe" EAST, W.f1 •• 1"1 KIUC, lUU"'", SAIO EARLlllGTDN INOU~TRIlL PA~K ND. 2. . --_ ...... :_--... -..... , ~ .: ...... ,~' I feET OF THE NO~TH 1283.2: I OF SECTION '4, lownSHIP UASI1INC,1G"I, LYIN~ WE~l Ot, EXHIBIT "2" I I i " ',-. :. .' .. :". -~ ". -. .~ .' ,'.' . ~, . . ~ -. ~ , ' ' .. ' ~ . ·.1~'P. -·1···· l i nanl'f "'" TO , , 1lEC1PIOCAL WDI!R'f AA':UEIII!IIt I' (!!.RST em !QUITl!S-HOLYICl dOIl!CT).:. '., ~. ~'. PARCEL ONE OF RECIPROCAL ACCESS EASEMENT THROUGH LOTS 7 TO 12 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OF WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF SECTION 13, AND OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF SECTION 24, BOTH IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE SOUTHERLY 40.00 FEET OF SAID SECTlDN 13, ALSO BE,ING A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE Of EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL P~RK NO. I, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 83 OF PLATS, PAGE 10, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, THENCE NORTH 88°1"00" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE AND THE NORTH LINE Of EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NO.2 AS RECORDED IN VOLUME BB OF PLATS, PAGE BO, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, A DISTANCE OF B54.43 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NO.2, THENCE SOUTH 1014'2Bo WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EARL INGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NO.2, A DISTANCE Of BO.OO FEET, THENCE NORTH 88°1"00" WEST 3'0.01 FEET, THE/ICE SOUTH IOU'28" WEST 48'.1' FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH ,°'4'28" WEST 1'53.47 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 80°""7" WEST '0.18 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 77°27"O~ WEST '0.30 FEET, THENCE NORTH 1°'4'28" EAST 1157.81 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°4"32" EAST 2D.00 FEET TO ,THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ' NOVEMBER 8, 1982 Bl079P/DESC 'DISC 29 HRJ i . -. tXHIBIT "4" TO RECIPROCAL WEIIElIr ACREEIIEIIT . ... ,... ... _ .. -.... -._-.,-_._- PARCEL TWO OF· RECIPROCA~ ACCESS. EASEMENT THROUGH LOTS 7 TO 12 .............................................................. OF WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF SECTION 13, AND OF THE NORTH ONE"HALF OF SECTION 24, BOTH IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHIN~TON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE SOUTHERLY 40.00 FEET OF SAID SE:TION 13, ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NO. I, AS RECORDED 'N VOLUME 83 OF PLATS. PAGE 10, RECORDS or KING CDUNTY, WASHINGTON, THENCE NORTH B8°'5'OO· WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE AND THE NORTH LINE OF EARL INGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NO.2 AS RECORDED IN VOLUME. BB OF PLATS. PAGE 80, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, A DISTANCE OF B54 •• 3 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NO.2, THENCE SOUTH 1°14'28-WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE DF SAID EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK ND. Z, A DISTANCE OF BO.OO FEET, THENCE NORTH BBo15'OO· ·WEST 350.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BtGINllING, THENCE SOUTH IOU'20" WEST 4B5.11 FEET. THENCE NORTH BBo.5'32" WEST ZO.OO FEET. THENCE NORTH 1°1.'ZB" EAST 4B5.29 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 88°15'00" EAST 20.uO FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. NOVEMBER B, 19BZ 81079P/OESC DISC 29 HRJ \. '.:: . .... ~ '. -; '.:- , ' , ,.:.:' " , BIlliOT aqRlgPf Ftu:D FOR Rr."""" A,T r"'''''' ... .." 'J1!ANSA.\I Ell' ::. ; iLl., , l~ O. BOX 14~;1 BeUcwe. WA 98009 EASEMEN'l' AGREEMEN'l' is made this etf'l<-day ot , 1992 between THE CI.TY OF RENTON ("Grantor") and WASHINGTON, INC. ("Grantee"). RECITALS A. On or about Nov~r 20, 1991 Grantor, Grantee and other parties . entered into that certain' Memorandum Agreement wherein, among other terms, Grantee agreed to sell to Grantor certain real property legally describe4 in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this re(erence ("City Tract A Property"). B. As a condition ot the purchase and sale, Grantor agreed to grant to Grantee a ten-toot wide easement tor landscape purposes (the "Easement Area") more particularly described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. C. The Easement Area may be utilized by Grantee for locating and maintaining landscaping and irrigation facilities incidental thereto and fulfilling the site plan requirements for development ot the real property owned by Grantee more particularly described in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Grantee's Property"). D. The parties wish to create the landscape easement provided by the Memorandum Agreement in accordance with the t~rms provided therein.. . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ot the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the legal sutticiency of Which is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the parties agree as follows: 1. Gnnt of Easement. Grantor hereby grants to Grantee, for the benefit ot Grantee's Property, an easement across the Easemer,t Area. ' 2. Purpose ot EASement. At its sele discretion, Grantee may use the EaRement Area for installation, maintenance and irrigation of landscaping in order to fulfill the .ite plan requirements of Grantor, all as more particularly set forth in section II.B.3 of the Memorandum Agreement, which is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Ingress and egress to the Easement Area shall be from Granteo's Property and shall not cross any portion "f The City Tract A Property except the Easement Area, except aR is necessary to carry out the purposes of the Memorandum Agreement. 3. Installatign and Maintenance. Grantee shall be responsible for all of the costs of installation and maintenance of any minor fi~l and tOl'soil, landscaping, including without limitation trees, shrubbery and other plantings, and any irrigation • -..... facilities located in the Easement Area.· 4. I~emnification. Grantee ahall indeanify and hold Grantor harmless aqainst any'claims or damaq.3 caused by Grantee's use of tha Eas8lD8nt Arsa. 5. Rung with thg LAnd. Thia aasallsnt and the benefita conferred hereby, and tha obliqations imposed hereunder, !shall opera~e as covenants runninq with the land. 6. Succegpora :and Aspigns. The riqhta and obliqationa of. the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be bindlnq upon their respective successors and assiqna. 7. Amgndmgnt, This instrwDent !lay be aIIended only by a written inatruaent recorded with the Itin'l County Dapartaant of Records and Elections osxecuted by both parties hereto or their successors and assiqus. 8. Remedi", In the event of any breach or threatened breach of this Eaeement Agreement by either party, the other party, or their successors and assiqns, shall have the riqht to ~ue for clalllaqea and/or for specific performance and/or to enjoin such l;'each or threatensd breach, the parties agreeinq for themselve., their successore and assiqns that failure of either party to perform ita obliqations hereunder will cause irreparable demaqe to the other party. 9. No Tgrmination Upgn Brgach, It is expressly aqrsed that no breach of this instrument shall entitle either party to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this Easement Aqreement; provided, however, that this provision shall not limit or otherwise affect any other riqht or remedy which such party may have hereunder by r.aeon of any breach of this Eaeement Aqreement. 10. Attorney Feep, The prevailinq party in ar.y action brought to enfor.:e or interpret the terms of this Easl!,~ent Aqreemont shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorney fees incurred in said action, and on appeal, whether or not suit is commenced, G!W!TOR: THE CITY OF RENTON GRANTEE; FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., a w~:ngton corpor~tion By: ~.u. &vLI.44'1_ Its: V'c~ rtr),J'rtt. By: ,., ..' I i ' ~ ~ . ~I­ .• 2 ... 'X ,:> ,'-' '0 o • .... :z: jl- \ ... • 0 ~ • l-.-: ... ... :> : '" • ... • :z: : l- I :0 • l-• .... • :> o. • "" .- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me EARL CLYMER, to me known to be the Mayor of the City of Renton, the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to ~ the free and voluntary act ·and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute said instrument • :. . GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ~day of May, 1992. ARY PUBLIC an tor the' .' . .... '. :~ate ~ington, residing My appointment expires: I-k-~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me DEAN ERICKSON, to me known to be the Vice President of First City Washington, Inc., the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the tree and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein menticned, and on cath stated that he is authorized to execute said instrument. V GIVEN under my hand and ofticial seal this 1!l: .. 1ay of Hay, 1992. . - 4 - NOTARPUBLIcnad fOrthe :~ate \!3:JZ!lg/z0d:esiding My appointment eXPire~J1~r~/~~ • • , ; ' .. 'z ... E '=> U 0 0 ... :.:: .... ... 0 ... .... --' ~ a ... :.:: .. 0 .... ... => 0 VI - ., STATE OF WASHINGTON I Iss. COUNTY OF KING I ~ ...... ; .. ~ "~ "'- On this day personally appeared before me KENNETH BELLAMY, to me known to be the Senior Vice President of First City Washington, Inc., the corporation that executed the within and foregoing in,trument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and'voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mention~d, and on oath stated that he is authodz,ed ,to execute said instrument. Y4' GIVEN under my hand and Official seal this /c.? day ot Kay, 1992 • Ky appointment expires~.:>oo",,-1'-I199b -5 - • • ~ '; , , , ! ! l , • EXHIBIT A LEdAL OESCRIP'ION -CITY T~ACT A PROPERTY '1'IIAT PORTION OF THE SOO2'IlWEST' QUARTER OF SBCTION 1:3, 1'OMJfSIIXP 23 . NORTH, RN(GE " EAST, W.K., laNG COUII1'Y, WASHINGTOI'. OESClaBED AS FOLLOWS: BECINNING AT TIlE HOST WEStERLY CORNER OF TRACT A, PLAT OF WASH- INGTON 'l'BCHIfJ:CAL CBIITER AS RBCORDBD IN VOLOHB 122 or PLA'l'S, PAGES 98 1'0 102, RECORJlS or XDlG COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SUO WESTERLY CORNER BEING A'1' '1'BB IN1'ERSBCTION or 1'0 SOU'i'IIWESTERLY LINE OF SAID "'1'RACT A· Wl'2'Jf A Lnm OESIGllA1'BI) "PEIUWfEN'1' EASEHENT BOOMO- ARY" 011 U.S. OJIPARTKEII'r OF AGRICOL'l'IJRE, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE HAP, SHEE'l' 1 OF 3, EII'1'11'LE "LAND RIGHTS woax HAP, P-l c:HANlfZL, EAST SIDE GREEN IUVER WPP, crrr OF RBIft'QN, IOlfG COtlll'1'lC, WASHDfG- 'tON;" '1'HENCE ALOHG SAID L:DIE AND OK A CORVB, THE RADIUS POIJI'1' OF WHICK BEARS NORrR 5'24'02" BAST 165.04 FBET A DISTANCE OF 112.06 FEET 1'0 A PODf'l' or JdI\i2RS& aIRVB, THE RADXUS PODf'l' OF WHICH BEARS soum 44"18'11" WEST 172.'6 FBET; THENCE ALONG SAID REVERSE CURVE AND SAID LINE 133.74 PB21'; ~CE WEST ALONG sUD LINE 367.02 FEET 1'0 A LINE WHICH BEARS 1fOR'l'B PROK A POIN'l' ON DE SOtr.l'll LIKE OF SAID SECTION 13 WHICH :IS .,271.76 PBE'l' EAST OF '!'HE SOU1'BWES'1' CORNER THEREOF; '1'IIENCE SOtr.l'll 133.36 FEE'l' 1'0 '1'IIE NOR'1'llEAS'l'ERLY. LINE OF OAlCESDALE AvmnJE; THENc:E soum 70·46'34" BAST ALOHG SAID NORTHEAS'l'ERLY LIJIE 13.'5 FEES' 1'0 THE BBGDINING or A' '.rANGEN'1' CURVE 'lO '!'HE RIGH'l', ALONG SAID NOR'1'HEAS1'ERLY L:lJfE, HAVING A RADXUS OF 922 • '13 FEE'1'; '%'BENCE ALONG SAID CURVE 'l'HROUGH A CEII'l'RAL ANGLE OF 5·32'43" AN ARC LENGTH or 89.305 rEE'l' 1'0 A POINT OF '.rANGEHCY THEREOII; '1'IIEIICE COIl'l'IJlUDfG ALONG SAID NO!mlBASTERLY HARGIN SOtr.l'll 65'13'51" EAST 286."5 PEE'l' 'lO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CORVE 1'0 THE LEFT HAVING A RADIOS POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 5'30'13· WEST A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; 'tHENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE '.rHROOGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 59·43'39" AN ARC LENGTH OF 5'1.33 FEE'!' TO A POINT OF '.rANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 24'46'09· EAST 15.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'30'04" EAST 214.53 FEE'l' TO THIl BEGINNING OF A TANGEII'l' CURVE 1'0 THE LEFT HAVING A RADIOS OF 1003.00 FEET; 'l'HENCE EASTERLY ALONG SUD CORVE THROUGH A CEIITRAL ANGLE OF 13"50'35" AN ARC LENGTH OF 242.33 FEET; 'l'HEIICE NORTff 29"28'39" WEST 207.28 FEE'!' 1'0 THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID "TRACT A· OF THE PUtT OF WASIIING'tOIf 'l'ECIlNICAL CENTER; '1'IIENCE SOOTH 60"31'21-WEST ALONG SAID NORrRWESTERLY LINE 86.76 FEE'1' 'lO THE BEGINNINC OF A TANGENT comm 1'0 DE RIGHT THERIlON, HAVING' A RADIOS OF 165.04 FEET; '!'HENCE SOOTHWESTElUoY AND WESTERLY ALONC SAID CORVE THROOGB A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3."52'41" AN ARC LENGTH OF 100.47 FEE'l' 1'0 THE POINT OF BEGINJIING. ~~tsT CITY WASHINGTON, INC. STEVEN A. HITCHINGS, P.L.S. NOVEKBER 6, lV91 (REVISED) JOB 110. '1400/SUR 51-8 ; I I I i I EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION -10' WIDE LANDSCAPE EASE"E"T CITY TRACT A PROPERTY 'l'KA'1' PORT%OJf OF ftB SOOiiiIIBS'l' QUAR'1'ER OF SttC'1'ION 13, 'fOIINSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGB .. EAS'l', •• K., JaXC COUN'l'lC, WASKI1IC'1'OIf, LYINC WI'1'HIJf 10.00 PBB'1' 0Jf 'mil LEP'1' IIIDE OF 'mE roLLOlfDfC DESCRDED LIMB: BEGINNINC AT A POINT ON '1'BE KOR'1'BBAS'l'ERLY !CARCIII 01' Ol?BSDALE AVENUE WHICH LIES NOR'1'B 'S·13·Sl· WEST 491." FBE'1' FRON THE DI'l'ERSBCTZOII or SAID KUGDf wrm '1'BE SCNff1iIESIERLY LIMB or .'1'RAC'l' A· OF 'mil PLAT OF IOSIIDIC'l'OIC 'l'!IaINICAL CZH'l'BR, PBR VOLUNZ 122 OF PLATS, PACBS .1 '1'0 102, UCORDS OF KIIIC COIJN'1'Y, WASBIIIC'l'OII; 'f'BENCB IfOR1'IIBAS'1'BY AUIIC A IIOIf-'1'AJlCBII'1' CORVB '1'0 ftB LEP'1' BAVDfC A RADIUS POINT WHICH BBARS IIORTH S.30'13· WBS'1' SS.OO FBE'1', 'J1IROOI2 A CIIIft'ItAL AJfCLI or S'.""39·, All ARC LBNC'ftl OF 57.33 l"BE'l' '1'0 " POIJI'1' or '1'AIICIIIJCY; 'f'BENCB 1I0R'1'B 2 .. • .. '·0.· EAS'l' lS.70 FEE'l'; '1'BENCB HORTH "·30'0"· DS'1' 214.53 FEE'1' '1'0 THB BBCINNIIIC or A '1'AIICBII'1' CORVB '1'0 'mil LEP'1' BAVDfC A RADIOS OF 1003.00 l"BE'l'; 'f'BENCB EAS'l'ERLY ALONC SAID CURVE '!l'IDIOOQB A CEIft1IAL AIICLB OF 13·S0'3S· All ARC LENGTH OF 242.33 PEEr; '1'BBNCB 1I0R'1'B 29·28'39· WBS'1' 207.28 FEE'1' '1'0 THE IIORIBh1ISiBlU.Y LIJfB OF SAID ·TRACT ". OF '1'BE PLAT OF WASHllf(';'1'ON '1'ECIIJflCAL CBII'l'BR AJfD '1'BE '1'ERNIJfOS OF SAID DESCRIBED LIJIE. -~. FIRS'1' CITr WASBDfC'l'ON, llfC. STEVEN A. HI'1'CH1JfGS, P.L.S. NOVEICBBi1 fi, 1991 JOB 110. 91eoo/SUR 53-3 '--~------'.-' -. '. .~. ." IF THE DOCUMENT IN THIS FRAME IS LESS "CL£AR THAN THIS NOTICE • IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE DOCUHEIIT. r WEST P - 1 CHANNEL ICllT 0' RENTON PARCELl 367.02 • ~ -N- I 1-:100' x,'" .... ~rI 0 .. .. - Iw , ..... 1' .. /' '" fz- /'" :! , ~ I ~ I In 5·32'.,· R1122.73 LISI.30S CITY PARCEL It " ••• ,_ '4 Ogo. -'''lr '':>0 ~-. 0... ' • ., .., I( ~S£> ""'»4 ~(~ Nsr30'04 k"~·_71-=>J:::.L....~ __ _ ~SOUTH LIN[ OF' 'ECTION 13 BUSH. ROED a"Hm:HINOS.INc. CML~&LAND~ ......... _.UiOW ........ ';OB 91400 11-6-1991 NII1 • • au.S3- / I'OIN1 (IF' BEGINNING IIIEMAINING PARCEL) < u « I:r I- • ) ~ " , .... u · -· .... f: '. -:z: .... ,., . . ! .~ .... .. -' .... IUi5 ~ . .." :c VI=> ... u "'0 <> VI -... :z: ....... ~ ... ·0<0 I ...... • VI .... ';;::i .... ~ ''''0 't-~ "' .... w !§e .g~ <> . ~ '" ..... -......... EXHIBIT C THAT PORTION OF 'nIB SOII'ftfWES'1' QalIR1'ER OF SIIC'l'ION 13, 'J'OWKSHIP 23 NOR'l'll, RAMGE 4 DS'1' , W .N., . XING COUllTY, WASBING'l'ON, AND OF 'l'BE NOR'1'lJWEST QUAR'J'ER OF SECTION 24, SAID '1'OWNSHIP AND RANGE, DE- SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIHHING AT ftE IN'l'BRSECTION OF '1'HB SOU'l'B LINE OF SAID SECTION II Wlft ftE SOU'1'BlfBS'1'BRLY LINE OF TRACT A, WASHING'l'ON TECHHlCAL CENTER AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 01' PLATS, PAGES '8 '1'0 102, RECORDS OF SA%D COUlft'lI TllBlfCB NORIB"BS1ERLY ALONG SAID SOtlTH- WBS'l'ERLY LINE AHD ON A CURVE OF ,nuCH '1'BB RADIUS POIH'l' BEARS NORTH 55·3"2'-EAS'1' 422.'6 rBE'1', A DIS'l'AHCB OF 87.91 FEB'1'; 'l'KEHCB HOR'1'B 22"21'02-WBSl ALOIIG SUD SOCi'ltiiOBSIERLY LI1IB 263.09 FBB'1' '1'0 A LDrB DBSIGHAi'BD -PERIIAJIBII'1' EASIIICBII'l' BOUNDARY-ON U.S. DEPARnO!Ift' OF AGIlICUI4'UIlE, SOIL COHSER'IM'IOIf SERVICB NAP, SHEET 1 OF 3, EH'l'I'l'LBD -LAMD RIGH'1'S WOU NAP, P-l CIlAIfHBL, EAS'l' SIDE GREEN RIVER WPP, CI'1'Y OF 1IEII'1'OII, Ja1IG COtlN'l'Y, WASBIIIG'l'OH;" 'l'KEHCB ALONG SUD LINE AHD ON A CURVE, '1'HB RADIUS POIH'l' OF WHICH BEARS NOR'l'll 5"24'02" BAS'1' 115.04 FEE'l', A DIS'l'AHCB OF 112.01 FEE'l' '1'0 A POIH'l' OF REVERSE CURVE, ftE RADIUS POIH'l' OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH ""18'11-WBS'1' 172.9& FBB'1'; ftEHCE ALONG SUD REVERSE CURVE AND SAID LINE 133.74 FEE'l'; 'l'IIENCE WBSl ALONG SAID LIMB 317.02 FEE'1' '1'0 A LINE WHICH BEARS NORTH FROM A POIH'l' ON THE SOUlH LINE OF SAID SECTION i3 WSICH IS 1271.7& FEB'1' EAS'1' OF ftE SOUTHWEST CORNER 'l'HEREOF; 'l'HEHCE SOUlH 133.3& FEB'1' '1'0 '1'HB NOR'l'llBAS'1'ERLY LINE OF OAKESDALE AVENUE; 'l'RENCE SOUlH 70"46'34-EAST AtoNG SAID NOnTH- EASTERLY LINE ll.95 FEB'1' TO ftE BEGIHHING OF A TAHGEN'l' CURVE TO 'l'HE RIGR'l', ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE, RAVING A RADIUS OF 922.73 FEB'1'; 'l'BENCE ALONG SAID CURVE 'l'HROUGH A cEHTRAL MCL:': OF 5"32'43" AN ARC LENGTH OF 89.305 FEB'1' '1'0 A POINT OF TANGENCY 'l'HEREON; THENCE CONTINUING ALe,'C· SAID NOR'l'HBAS'1'r:RLY KARCIN SOtlTH 65"13'51" EAST 778.46 FEB'1' '1'0 THE SOU'l'RWESTBRLY LINE OF SAID TRACT A, WASHINGTON TECHHICAL CDitEk; 'l'HBHCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOU'l'RWBSTERLY LINE AND ON A CURVE '1'0 THE RIGR'l' BAVING A RADIUS OF 422.9& FEE'l', A DISTAHCB OF 110.02 FEET '1'0 BEGINNING. TOCjmlJ!B WI'" TRACT A OF '1'BB PLAT OF WASHING'l'ON 'l'ECRIIlCAL CEN'l'ER, AS PER PLAT RECORDED Itf VOLUME 122 OF PLATS, PAGES 98 THROUGH 102, RECORDS OP ItING COUNTY. . EXCRT THAT PORTION DMCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF TRACT.A, PLAT OF WASH- ING'l'ON TECHHlCAL CEN'l'ER AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 OF PLATS, PAGES 98 TO 102, RECORDS OP ItING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID WESTERLY CORNER BEING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OP SAID "TRACT A" Wt'l'H A LINE DESIGNATED "PERKAIfEN'l' EASBKEHT BOUND- ARY" ON U.S. DEPAR'1'KBH'1' OP AGRICULTURE, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE HAP, SHEB'1' 1 OF 3, ENTITLE "LAND RICNTS WORK HAP, P-l CRAHHEL, 1/2 • 1 , I w u -b z '" -i!: '"" . .g ,~ w • .. -'t- i.ua 1..,,:£ ~"'~ , wu .' -' 0 o '" -w , :z: , w ..... o ~ ... , .. ,," I ... ," II') :: , --,'.::z: .... ..... 'z5 ; -, w "':L . E!:P- , '" 0 ::. ... g....,. '0::' "w c , " x." ... - ' .... t=::· , '" .. ~ I EAST SIDE GRBEJ( RrVBR IIPP, crrr OF RDft'OJf, URG CIOIJftY, WASIIDfG- TON;-'rIlDiCE ALOHG SAID LDfE AND ON A CURYB, 'J'RE RADIUS PODIT OF WHICH BEARS NORrR 5"2C'02-EAST l'5.0C FBEr A DISTAHCZ OF 112.0' I'EE2' TO A PODIT OF RBVIIRSB CURYB, 'ftIB RADIUS PODIT OF tIBIal BEARS SOOTH 44"18'11-~ 172.11' l'1l1I'1'; 'l'IIBIfCB ALOJIG SAXD RBVERSE CURVE AND SAID LI~E 133.7C FEft; TllBlfCE WEST ALORG SAID LIRE :167.02 FEE'l' TO A LINE WHlaI BEARS NOR'l'B FROM A POIin' OR '1'IIB SOV!'U LIRB OF SAID SBC'l'IOR 13 tIBIal IS 1,271.7' FEE'J' EAST OF TIm SOtITHWES2' COMER TIIEREOF; ,TllDICB SOftll 133.3' FBft TO TIlE ROR'fllBAS'1'ERLY LDfB OP ~ A'VBRUB; 'l'IIBIfCB SOU1'B 70"46'3C-lWIt' ALOIfG SAXD RORTHJ!:AS'l'BRLY LDfB 13. t5 FBB'1' TO 'ftIB BIIGIlflfJlfG OF A '1'ANGEIft' CURVE TO THE RIGHT, ALONG SAID ROR'1'BBAS'1'BRLY LIRE, BAYIRG A V.DIUS OP 922.73 FEft; ftENCB ALOIfG SAID CURYB 'l'IDt01IGII A CIIIf'1'RAL ANGL2 OP 5 0 32'43-AN ARC LBlfG'rll OP 811.305 FEft TO A POIin' OP '1'ANGDICY THEREON; mJ!:NCB COIft'DIUDIG ALOHG SAID 1f0000000000000Y IWICIJf SOUftI 65"13'51-BAST 286.7115 l'1l1I'1' ~ TIll! BBGllflfIRG OF A NOIf-2'ANGBIf2' CURVE '1'0 '1'HE LEF2' BAVING A RADIUS POllf2' walCH BEARS NORTH 5"30'13-WEST A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FBft; TIIDICE IfORIHWBB'1'ERLY ALORG SAID CURVB THROUGH A CBIf'l'RAL ANGLE OF 511"C3'311-AN ARC LENGTH OP 57.33 FEft '1'0 A POln OF '1'AlfGEIfCY; '1'HnCE ROR'l'B 24"C6'OIl-BAST 15.70 PZB'1'; 'l'BBMCB ROR'l'B 811"30'OC-BABr 214.53 FEft '1'0 'l'BE BBGllflfllfG OF A '1'ANGBII'l' CURVE '1'0 'l'BE LJ!:F2' BA VING A RADIUS OP 1003.00 1'EE2'; 'l'IIBIfCB DS'1'ERLlt ALONG SAID c:mtVB '1'IIROOc:H A CJ!:H'1'RAL ANGL2 OF 13"50'35-AN ARC LJ!:HG'1'B OF 2C2.33 FBB'1'; ftENCB ROR'l'B 211"28'311-WEST 207.28 FEft '1'0 'l'BB RORtHWESTERLY LIRE OF SAXD -TRACT A-OP '1'IIB PLM' OF WASBDfGTON 'l'BCIIHICAL CJ\iilER; mJ!:NCE SOt7'1'H 60"31'21-~ ALOIfG SAID NOR1'BMESIBRLY LDfB 86.76 I'EE2' TO 'l'HE BECINlfING OF A TANGBIf2' CORVB ~ '1'BB RIGR'l' 'rIlERBON, BAVZNG A RADIUS OP 165.04 FEE'l'; 'l'BElfCB SOftllWEsrERLY AND tfBS'1'ERLY ALONG SAID c:uRVB 'l'HROUGH A CEN'1'RAL ANGL2 OF 34°52'Cl-AN ARC LDlG'J'H OF 100.47 FEET TO 'l'HE PODIT OP BEGIlflfIHG. THE ABOVE DesauBED "AII'..J<l. COH'l'AIlfS 363,135 SQUARE nET OR 8.3364 ACRES. CITY WASHINGTON, INC. A. RI'l'CHIHGS, P.L.S. f ~ jrtxc:MIXBII!:R " 111111 RD. 91400/SUR 53-B 2/2 : ... I CRAtrTOfl: HI j::r, : I ,:.F:i . ..... :" . . ' . .-~. . .. ... DEED or nus! •.. ±: SEr:v~ J T',' ';CREET<!Etr:' . IoN!l . ~ ASSICNMENT or LEAStS AlIO RDITS .. ., '" fIllS! CIT'I' EQUITIES, A ~'i .. hH.qtOr. partnenhlp, and Flrat Clt1 ~.Y.lopm.nt Corp .. " W.ahlnqtOn C'oE'por.tlCn nAtISAHERIC;'. T!T:"r. ItISUR~tIC£ cr:.nFl,t-l",· :::~7:;;C.F.F RE';! E:s:':'~ .. :t. :111.: cOl'p'Jr~tl"n 8£.,'10"'09 OeC[' F r.:~SH~L V ,~~ .:;--"" r~ , ~~ .. == ,. n ~ ~ I I ._ .... _.~..,.._ ..... _""'_a _. __ ~ _ .. _------. _---.,-.-. ____ ~J ._ .• we _ ..... ac" i6 ., aA ~ 1; _ OW.. ~~ ---"""'v. • .... ~ . .... .r..;T.="-_ ..... ,..uqr.ph No. 29. 10. 21. 22. (/) • l. : . ., '.0 ") 14. ~ .:> 0 .-16 . ./) \D G. l •. 1. ;.!l. ... •• 30. .~ ~ . !t~ A\~.r.t1on or a_movel of troporty Appolntll'lfl"t. of flec.lve,· A •• 1Q~.nt ~! R~nt. and Protltl Under All Le •••• and Ront.l ~qr •• ~.nt. Attorney'. Fe •• eenoficlary'. ~lQht to Cofond Action and CUle o~ Cort.,n Defaults ~ondemn.t.!on and c&.u.alti' CC'nt. •• 't.lnq ·~·.llul·~i' a( 11'1;.( .... , "".,.M.- mont.a, i,.lena ... nd Er:=~:mor.r.ce. ~,,!,Ij o! Truat:,Securl t.1 J.qnomont ~O!.01:t.. ~lon\o'''l'JOr leian::'<r 01 h"t.:.C.:~\· ur.:I ;UCI(lr:ml!lc.t:.cn "r.'J r,':.to:"'llll.l,'; ( ... c ... :.': ~"!'.~ ~ .. "~: tt. E.y.~c"<;,, !r,;::t.ru:n .. :;~t f furth'oll' ;"u-.:rnn:-•• l Ex(:.~£. 0:' :H:-"1..\!::"~:4::~: ;"'lI~O~".'lI'.t. for Page No. 14 7 12 10 11 6 16 J 12 l~ " ~.~~~. ll~r~~.~t~ ~f:~ ~p~tl~: ~&~t:sa"t:nte s l'-Oloclos\.Irtt Sili. , Lau-Cl'large . .. ~ ..... --------...... • '" --,., ':," 36. No Chanv. W1theut WUU n9 16 28. Non·AQr1e~ltural U .. 14 37. Nonwaiver 16 35. Notice. IS 2. Payment o( Oebtc, Secured Alles'mentl and Lien. 5 18. Plau, t ••• m.eta.:. koccnvoyanc •• and Oth.l ~'ilr.ertl.nt. 11 13. kepaym.nt o( hdvanc •• 9 '" 3. R.scr/.s (or Tax ••• Insurance and ~ SV·c,u· h ••••• m .. r.t. 5 ~ 9. REr£':.ol'.tion 7 :; ~ 32. Fli9ht of Far.elol"','. I • ... '" 19. Sale o( Prcp.rty Pursuant to • F01'.cloaure II 20. S.curi ty. fI:.ntft, tro!lt3 .nd Zor.int,l l' 40. Severabilit'j 16 33. Subl'Oq. tl on IS ... ':'1,':'6' •• 0;' tr.. E."::'f1I1C';: 11 ~.') Wath'l1'!'t:'l::'1 St.at,~ :.,,,.~, J-:':'!!:-n. :. ·_----. _ .. -_._---_._._------, ~'. THIS OEEU ,.,r nUST. IiECU1U'%'i' ACREEMENT ANO AS5IGHMEtrr OF I.EASES .\NO REtrTS Ih,u'einattttr cal.l.d "n •• d of Trust") h .ad. thh day 01 _____ , 1986. b.t" •• n liut Clty [qUlti •• I wreE"). a Wuhln1ton partn.rahlp and Firat CHy Developments Corp. ("FCDC"'. a Wa.hlnQton corporation. ]Olntly •• Grantor. who •• addn .. is 800 FHth Av.nu., Suiu 41'70, S.atU ... Wuhir.QltorJ 98104; and Tran.america Titl. lnauranco Company, a. Trult.e, who •• addre .. 18 f'ark Phe. i~llciinCJ, Seattle, Wa.hinQ't.on 98121; and Ciuc:orp Roal Eat.au. Inc.. a :>.I.".r. corporaUon, aa &.neflcury, wnoae ad1ro .. 11 Z Ith FlOOI, 1111 Thi:-d Avenue, S.at ... le. W •• hlr.qt.or. gelOl. C~J..~:'!Ot:< !~ert'i1:i' !:,re· .. c;a~li' qran!i.. barq.ir.& ..... 1110 ar.d can· 'J_'1t ..... 7n.atoe. .1.1. ~ru.t. ~ltji rO"'Ci1 c.! &&1.1 •• the proporty oeo· &cr.l.ced lr. "£Xhlb1t ;.. .... ttached hel·.tc and by r,,""rence lr.c;'Jded ne:-e:l:l. \In;.eh pro;:cr:.i' 110 locAted 1n !an9 C'ount.y. Washinqton. '!'OCETHE:fI \Jith: ,s) ;.11 s:::: Zlnqula:' the 1&1"-::i£. teno"'onts. pn'/ilaga •• water !·lul!tlt. horedl~arntrl\'a and appurtenances thtor.t.o belonQl1nq or In iIo .. ·' ... ·i'. appertalnIn..,. and the ,·.vel·.ion and r.veralor .... remaln- Q6L' .r.d l·.rr.Ili".d~t'.t. l'dl"ta. usuas. and P:OO!ltll thore:)t .• roll ell the e&':..~e. l·ltJ~·.:. ~:.~16. (,laH'. lntera&~ aTIt.: ,-_II .. U1U whatloc.'/ltr o( the CI'lIn':...,t'. e:;.thol II', ~a\J 0:" eqult.i'. at. 111 .r.d t<:· tb~ C .... :.l:u .... pr~p'tt':.J·; ~"qethel' \J!t,. .• !: Ana ::.nqul.!: the landL. ':..ner.'lmt6. p:-l·.'lle·,I"I~ .. ...,,, ~'":: t! <11' ... " :,erecl ta",en:'!!; ana aF!=uTtltn,,:~c:e.:; "'ncr'":tC" t'~i.o:.l."ur;,:o cr 11, AO:: ..... :lH' .. !~~'!r:·t.ln:nQ. a'lei O::!H' r~·"tr:·~~o!'. 01:::1 r~·:I!=:I:J::;;. I·em&:.n:a! an: l·"l:,:,.!t:naerp... H!':It::. l:'.£,U.,:o .. :.' .. ;:::u!:.~£' t.nel-",,:.: Dna .:i <:If ti~~ r.tta':.":I:, n41:'.':.. :It.!.e. CU.lIT. ~r:c '.lemll!ldG wha':.!!;o,,·:!-: o! ':.h6 Cl'ar:t.Ol. trithel' H' :_ .... or ir. ~q"'lt·l. ci. H: ar.r.! t: :.i~t': dCO'.'t: :;i:O:·;Ja;: .• ~ p:'opt'r':·j. ZllE.~E:':. nCoHE·:c:r .. ':0 tI ligh,:. pc",or~·. ar.d .ut.h,"~·:;,":·" !:-)l'''lneftc:!· 'J~\'cn trJ ami :on(otrreQ I:j)on btl:":ell-:~/lr:1 •• cc:'i('::~ a:,.d a~pli' !1.;~h ~·e"t.!'-. :'lisuefio 6:'ci ~r:.!itl: ;,,:~c.: 11.:', ;.~! '~:"'1 "'11".,,';11: or . ..! r:qht:.: r:! C n.:-, ':.0:' ~n IH;oj t~ &1I1d F'~':';:'t':-':;'-anJ ~Il ;tl::; r.n J oInti ~Yln\i 111 £t.!·cetl. An:l 1·0<!lO!; .. d.H.U:.ln..., l\a1~ O)·oPt:!·~:-'. 6:1U Ii!! acct.-u. t"ll;ht.o: 6.,,; e .... 'nt!Ot.r. apr.eltaH.lr.!] !i:elet:J; ilnd 1.:1 All ~;:~:J~:~,r:. ":':~'"'!!" •.. :""'. !r.:;::· . .' .. ~~" ... \!r, ',xtH'"'' and IIrtlcltrl!' of p:-0Ferty n,:) ... · ;)!" h.r6Aft~1' at~a:h'!~ t~·. to1' ur.ed or "d.~t~cl to:· U,iIto ~:! tt.e O,.:·f,liot.:Gr. ':!. thtt t.A!C ;:l·I')~·el·~i· (CY.C:l.ldl!'lq pr':lrlt!"j c'J:'H:,d by tonantl\) '.n:lua!ng b"lt ... ·lr'":c.llt. Cftln~' lltr,lten to . • 11 h.iI~~nq an' lnc.lneratlng ar-par_t:.u IIllo:! ~GlJlp:nel1t. wnat:,ot"/(:L', all C(:'J!Pl':'. fon',nr.1..5. m'lt:Jrt. oyn.rr.')~. ,-,e~e:,a:'lr.q e~.JlI:::TIlm~. F!P~:~(J .n:! i='l:.:;r.r-~~~ ! \Xl.urec. l:,nQ,,~:c.n sye~e-t. r.n~'~!!!"; +:":":;c-klf,q ilppu·a~·.It, i\;:C: me::na:,.ICl.~ k.t.;n(.1l I:qklpm(rl:~. r.!:·l'1trl·a!'()~~. cc.~I!nQ. · .. flnt.lat.lr.r;. ',:-rlr.k!;I,'.l I1r,:! ':.'.n:"·, :;!f~ar.'l'() "yr.t..r:o~, f:on: e'<~l.~(jU:t!'!.,,; <I"'pJi,~· .. tut. 9 .. :0 ",no .. :ts~~:'lt. '!:xtlll"t •.. 1.1Il':"",!':-.:1. \1J".u.llr: Idlng. oIr!""'lItOf! .tr"'.~a':.::I~;. ~",:·t.lt:,-"I!. m;I;·.t.~:~. :... ••.• :~.~:'"I 1I.:.r •.. ·r'-..... 1:1Q·:, .... hilda». &,Iiln;.ir; .• ":I"OI;~I:O. sterr" • ... Ioh ..... r.ln~». !",:·:-.:.!l:~I"J'. ':·L· .-.'.Jtlll: ::;;: .• ~<i,;:". ~-. .. ~i!. 1Il~'.J :C:.;;';f'l;, n, .. :i ~j·t'\;L').·!·J' .. nJ --I ~.;,~ ... "'IfiSiC!""_ .• ~ • ... ~, .. Rl)Hbl9 planta; and lncludinq .1ao all inta: •• ' of any owner ot tn •• aid property in any of auch it.rna her •• ftar at .n~ ti •• acquired under condItional •• 1. c(lntnct, •• cur"ty ."reement or other Utle r"taininq or .ecunty lnetrument.. f~t exciudln" any perean.l property owned by tenant a ~f .aid Property .a hereinafur defin.d), _11 o( WhlCh property m_ntloned in thi_ paraqraph ahall be cl •• med pa,-: of the a.lty and not •• verabl. wholly or in part vithout mlterial injury to th. lee.hold: and (d) All oC Oro"tor's rlqhta further to encumber •• id property for debt exeep": by such encumcance Whl ch by ua actual t.~. and .pecitic.ll~ .xpr •••• d lnt.n~ ahall be and at all t1m •• re.ain .ubj.c~ .n~ aubardinet. to fi) any and ~11 tenancies 1n exist.ence "hen .·,Jch encumbrance become. eUecuve .nd (h) any tenanCle. there.fter creat.ed; Crantor hereby (11 repre.entinq .a a _per.ial indUcement to BeneficlarJ t~ mAke thia loan that a. of the date hereof there are no encumbrAnce. to .ecure debt junior to thu Deed of Trust. and t i i) cO',enar:t~nCl that there are to be none 8&0 o! the cate when thJ~ JCIH.! c! T~uf:it. oat:ollUllt of ,'acord. exc:ept 1n eU.her ca ••• n~un:brar,r.v!. !'~'::'!~''; t:l~ P:'l'lr wrlttor. apP:-o',al of jelle! icul"j': anC; j.) Ill! of GrantC'r'. rl'Jht£ to) (Jllce~' l:'ltO _nl 1e.",e or le'811 _;reement .ff",ct.l.nQ •• ud Propel·ti' as here:.natter aeflned which would cre.te a tenancy that 1& or may become .ubordlnat6 1n any re.1pect to anj' mortQaqe or deed c! t.r".lat other than thl.a Daed o! Tru:::. AU o! the abo'le d'ucnbod property and lntereat thaniJ. are ha1'6lna!t~r l'efe:rred toe .0' t.be -1':ope1·tl." ii::nc.l.!t !ll':',!t.lIl Y t.hf: :~!·o;,q')1I11.' I.01·ant", l.!~~') t.en·"'y ~I.'\t. ttl th~ oen6{!::al'j-" U~ul'lty :.nterc::.t In Ai. of the fcli.cw1nQ Uf:lf.t:ll.o.C prl:lp.,r\.y. · .. lIp".:I"! ~ltt nolo.' has C'r her.a!".r ODt"lna any ~·~ht. tltle, .", .... t. ~~ :!: ... erw:~: (!) hU ~'N"l·. c.WI1'!o t-.:J ,;rAn"'~'r lo.:: .. tou on the r'I'Optfl'ty cone! u:sed HI tho! c~:-'l':""'~\.l:~ to':" oct;"uf.'a;~";i' ~! til(' }o"or'lort:y 01 :.n.ny cO:".:stru-:.:t!(",:. or, t .. ,: :'l'0t:'tI'ti :an. \o'b~=ii n~'fI net eC!.c't\Vo!~·1 mall\! raa: pl·ope.t:· ' . .IIldel t:n. ;:·l',.,::~dln'J r-:·,.,·.·~[.IIl:UI c! thlli [",ed e! r~u.,:. !nr;j,'lu:n~1 :-~:: r:G':", !.:::l ~t::i t':· A:l lI;.r!.HlneeL, fur.~!t.ur\, and t\u·n:,.-hln:.I't, bUll::!:n:J ~tt1.' ... ::~ .,.:; .. I.pIllO:: .. ·., I ftst.ul·.,nt.. c,,! al"d i'.:t.t:nolO eq:!lp::-ir.t unt: illr:~ll!!:l;".~·:. IIr.o l.~!;dlnf,l matflr!a~~. IflI.oP- pl~e,: .• nd ec.!u!.pmer.t.: lilld teJl ;'.! • .,re:,6:".! ~:;tan, .. !~ .... l(:~ It""'~.l!l" ttl the df,';eicplllllnt ",r "15f' "'l! tr.", lro:ce:t'r', If:,:!ud:r,.; tn.!': w.·~ :lm!tot.: to all :;J0ve,.:,- n;III.Cil: pen:,l':f .• ·.:'·.':'D9 t.:. c-:..nE~t·u,:'. .. ~.r. em tiv: Pro""":"ty. a~' nal'le:'t .. uue:· or DJ whl.~iI til'" rr';"J.,:tll".'j "1' alii' ~ml"rC'IV""'''nf.'. on tn~ frnperty :na ct"i ::.,~, .. :." ':'~':l.lte:.; ". I.:~.::· . .':" .::!:! 3.1~ !':1:i<;~ tC' ~1'I':1'~' O:Or'_ I:I.:.:':H::'~ ~:1'!.i":'" a~~' ::~!-=h 1\;\:»,,:-0:':-Il!~'/ "1l:'!Lr."; '.-)'''!'r-'· t, IHI.) "'; ~ trademlrK:O ,;:6 .J('l"" .... ;:: 111 an'/ .... i· le .. at. .. :lCJ toe. tl· .... t'rcp':Ht',: ilnd Il',i ..... : ',f'I~'·Jr.I,: rl'c.r~:-f.i· .:.~ CV'l!~"l ~Incl .na Qe::;~!"lp';.!OI'. cwne.:i r.'1 ;';~,;lr.':.':Ir <,n:.: II';." C~ .j'. M'I'i tllU n~.·~a!' \., let-at,.,.:} Dr. ~<: .PPI.oi'tf::tl'';''.: ~~. :i~" .~: .. ;. .. :; .•.• ! ,1'\', u".-11 ~n r;l'nne:tJO:1 W1 ~h .-, m.r.IHJ.""ft:~\ Co': ::'ibl'i''.ll.:,:: t".,. :L'-'~'':;::'I; Anu r:, r,.j p.:..:' !',d: . r '.:." ;':'''';:'';''.y ,.IlI~c!. .: ''111'1 t\"l'~ 1", 01' 1:0< ;(')I; ... ~n ... .:i ::.;.. rc:, ? __ , t.to::'" ,,:.::,oun:.'; '-f\d -.. -- RDN619 (j) Insofar al penaitted b, app.dcabh lav, any hcen- ••• C lncludlnq but not 1.1111 ~.d to any operatlnq llean... or "mil_r .atter". contracts, manAqement contracts ~r aGr.ementa, franchi.. .9r •••• nt.. p.~lt.. authorities nr certificate. n'JUlud or uaed in connection \.'lth the ownershlp ')!. or the operation or lIIa1ntonance of. tho Prop.rt~ or any unpl0VOlllenta thor10n or any of th. properti' d •• erlt.ad in clay ••• '!) tl-.rou9h (i, heUlnabo·,.; .. nd (k) ALL of Oranter'l inunstt in and to any and aU contract. or .9r .... :.nt. \11 th contr"ctora or .rchl tecta, or other- VI •• with respect to the dovolopncnt or construction of lmprove- •• nt. on the Property. and In anc to _11 plana, apecitic.tlona, stuch •• , drawinQl., anri ot.."or d,.ullln docwaenh and datr wi th r •• pect to the troper~y preparea by or ior Cran~or: .n~ ell Any and al! proc .. cia of any Ot· all o! the foreqo1nq· de.cr1bea pl·ope:·'tj'. ':"r: ut6eci h .. " .. ,". th .. ".'-11', r."t'I::eed8 ahall be construed 1ft .~r: broade,:"; l"l:-."~ And Ehal: lllCll.!Qe ""blt-evel' 18 recrivabl. 01' '· ... C.l·J.O .... h·:!I: an/, .:.: ':.I~~ ~OI'fU:I:lnq J.H·Or.:-t)· 0:-any proc •• ':l" tn.l·.O! l' aolJ. ;..~l •• -;':."~. 6xehlt.l'".;Jo!a C:' othel'"WI,e d1cpoa.d of, whether \'OlUI'".t..t·I:, 0:' In·Joluntari'jI. n'l:: shall Include w1Ulout hlllltstlon all I'H!l',ta to paym.nt. lIh.h dinq lnt.res~ .nd premium". with re.pect ':0 any of the fore;o!:-:; prcpertj' or .ny PI·Qc •• dol :hereo;,!. .... ll ef the Napot:-':,' Dnc:! chub .... It. thro'JC;i': ,!) 1-1 e t. II:!. o;he ""u·s",n.l Prepe:-t:/." :::te:-ertr thQlen. eet !:rtt. 11 • "ulaft.'· l·e:erreci. to eol : .. et.l .... el'j Thf:o rrtl:r.!lv,j am: ':ner J·ert.tQn.! J·:·:.;:.-en::l :1"'. l·.te:reci ttl C'cl!(!:':. .. · .. t'l:J .. ~ "tuer f.LtI ... .,l·tj' ... T(, HA':E AND T" H·:'i.:'· t:h .. r 1'01=''11 r' y tl"l':"tt','-e:-ato ~.cur1t.i' :~T' thr r .. :th!cl p6T~.,rl:larH"'''' "': ",!; '..I!::::,;.:':.:-:~: ::-:,:\,.!!·cd hcrebi'. T!-!!t, P!£:'l !S ~:Vf.:-I f~";" ~r:r !~id'JS!' 0:' 3£=tI!U:-:C: P",f\fOR!"\A.."l:;S: of ; 11 .... c~. aqr"''',l'I<:r.':. , ... : ~:·.nto! llle::-pOt·at.od i;,." : .... lJrenc .. or c=..r, ... t. .... nllo! net,..:); c.r :cnta:I ... ;.! ~:. ~:;', CO':.::'.:!' "'~I·.tllfI",nt (!1Vfln l", C::an: .. H· t-:r tne I~AH·p1)~~ CI! !'~=-':r1r.:: a:i·. ~~! !nat:.ur. &"Ie"'lI'dd hel"tlb'; I .. ~) pay:,.,.nt ::.! tia. ;our.. e:' Ffli.Ir.7E:E:: :·:::..t.:C:: An: NO·10C D-:;:'J.,~.~.!' fS!".OOO.OC;';;.OO, '.:;:1: ::'~(!'·~.!t tr..re.")r .... :<:c:,ua . .,.: t.e. '::he :'C:'~~.;:1 a [)c:ed o! ':'l'U:st tlo':.(: c1 '!-'.'t!l: ultt:' hun.·.·!':.::. pn·,.o:I!e tCl h~nu::a· •• ,", -:11" oraer . .loci .,.ae ~' .. ::1·.:-:tO:-lind a!l !·"n6I-'A:£ .. 'TIodi!:":,t.:..::a. co: e"tell.:'OIll' tho:rec! (;'\:.r.t-:::,:(:",. , .... :! l!l~' pe:-fC:'!ll'lnct! c! •• 1':0 ~::d eve:-y ClJ::ol.q.lt:.:.:. 0: G:·,.:::.C':· 'J:",QtH ~.t:l·. eo.:'!.tln I...nlin ;'.(jr.c~.(!::,: ":If ~\'''''. ;.ill':,"" I\~~"'· ... :.tb o.:.tl~.,,(,~~~ ';;I''';~':.o:· .. ;~.'J ~"n':-:.O:l.ilt:.· "'':1.'10 r..oan .... ~:'~.I'".t·!'':. .. /. ~ho:' t()~.~.~' 11,:1.1 C"OT:(! ... l:.:;r. :[ .... !":~::!: i.~tH; "'CiJrc~mo:~':. art' l:1::: .... '·p'a.t.f...; 1,0';1'.11 .. Tl:", 01'O.r.':.or I·e;:r.~t'r .. ::r. ~·lIrr':-.·.I., c .. ··:tt:Htl~t: 1I:-.rl "":,'P"!t.·li A'= i .. ·~ ~ i"I ...... ; (iI) ':'hl& t1.: ........ : .:·lI£t e~,:-.':It~:I,;!,')~ \.I l!t!'-I.a·lt)· ;.t':· .. eITU!nt ... ·lt~. r"~.r,.~':. ':.~ .. ~i. i-~:'t.~I1 •. ; l·:·,,~~."~i w!'~I:I· ""'~::~!1("I.:·j· !~. qr.:.'.tI:.i .. ~.".~: !t...,. .·.ut .. ···,,,t fHl1'eUnUU\. It.n,j !-ott'ef:':'l"':-;" ah .. i.! i .• vc: aJ 1 (·r th~ l'l.:;htl' .. 11'1 lo!;n,.'Cl~(,!" 0: I 1o~";':'''O pDrty uncie:' the lmllt:lrr.. C,.HIUM:I·'I"; :';ClCIt' 0:: tdlt' Stet':.,-, 1')\ W"~ln1JHJt':)n .til well .... 1! ::' .• ;'~I' ~.'J:' •• !. ·1:;;. ~·"'>="'::H: ..... ; .... :.:.;;~ •. r.·.;·fl:.;~\.t:1 0:-.t. .•. \a J. ,;'. -- ICI!IIII""--.----. ·---"_U~:~4"'1.lb~_d~=""'S;ZIP.l~IP"!'" ~~.*LL"''''''''''' __ '''''''' •• '''_'='' __ '''''''' •• =''.r._~C!Ir: ... ",A.· ....... ,.,,= ......... -•• , JIl)N619 .~,.uty or by judichl decUion. Cunt.or hueby I.qre«:a, at elantor'. coat and eKpen •• , t.o ••• cute and d.livel' and. if arprop· rUt.. , to tih vlth t.; •• appropn.t.. tiLl:\; cLUeer or ofhc:e. such •• curity _91' •• menta, fl~.nclnq at.t ••• nt., continuation .~.t.m.nt. or att,er lnat.rum_nta •• aeneficlary I"Y requ •• t eo:' require !n order to i::-,po ••. perfect or con'anu. tn. pertect.ion o!. or pro .. teet, the 11en and •• c:uru.j' lntere.t cr •• ted by thll Deed o( Trult.. Or_ntar and aenehciary aqt' •• that. the Uhnq of any .uet. f't.nanclnq or continuaunn aut_.ent in the record_ nonaally havlnq to do WIth peraonal propert:t ahall never ba cor.at.rued a. 1ft anYWls. aarOQatlnq fro~ or l~p.irlnq tnia declaration and hereDY atated lntantlon of the partl •• h.re~o. the, eY.ry~hin9 ~ •• d In conn.0.:'";10n wl th thlr prod\le~ion of lnCOII\e fram "'he Property ;and/or ad;>pted fCI' uso 'Chereln and wh\:h .. clescribed ar reflected in t.hlf'1 O.ed of Trust lS. and At, all tim.s .,:., tor All purt>Ore. and ir, ail pHlc •• '·hnQI bo:h lo",al 01' equi:At..lr. ahall be, !'e~A:"d.d •• Poi:-:' "r :n'lr r".: o~~~t. .. !n'oup0C'::l\"1! of ,,·h.::\or (1) ~n'l tiUI.'r, l~em :.. P:-i'£~~4111 A:.ta.hcd tG ,11., .\.r.:p:'c·:emOl;t_, (!;) •• :·l"! ",!~bt.'ri> A:'~ .... e~ i:'l th~ p.ett.e, Hlt'I~1.1!lr, .. tl"~. oi cen,A':':: eq1.:1pmc:.o;. C!' :tuml! :"pai,:·loe cf uuint; :iUh. lI:..i.,nt':'!IChi j,'l A recite) I,;On~iUII&d In ':.hl& Deed ~f 'trust. or 111 an'J Hat. !dod wlth t\,. &uneC.lC1aq', ':'1' (li1) AI'j' ::uch 1tern 15 reif'rl'ed to 01' t'&:!ltlct.o::1 1n any .u:h {lna,,::in1\l or cont.lnuatlon at.et.ornent so tiled At .r.y tirt':.~. (b) Upon t.he o:::: .. nranc. o! 4n'/ E\·ont. Co! ""tault.. the &ene!lclar'J may \,l.O Any of the r.l'.C".~ fro~tnty (or .. nj' p\,l,-V ..... tor Wh1::h the Orant.or could h"· ... u •• d .: 01' .'lth re.pe-:t ~I; ~h. cor,atructl:.m. fln .. ncang. rnanatJomont. US •• 0plrration or occ1Jpancy 01 atoJ' lft1F:O'.'omunt.a on !mr f':,~p.:'ty. anci the Cl.'Ar.tOl· heronj' ~'lc"';':.=;j· .;p~.;;~t:" ~r;~ k.,nftilClary ali :.tJ. At.e;.orn.y ... ·n ... f .. c.t t.o .),c::.:~'t' (i:"I"; -:t.t-c~I~'t!~:..:.a:·:.' r.r,;.~: nCl":. oe obllC1ftt.ttd tn ar:el ~i:a:; :r.':'J1" I'~· l!"L·!i!':.i' t:> ~ht-,~;r .. n.·.:1t nt· ":'j' ::::"d ~Art.·t !?r :,,:' ...... ':1; !:.: f!;-O:~:.":"; ...... , oil:', an~ .:.,. 1:-.1.:'':.:' ~:"l:: P(· .... lfl~ .... j":~.::j-. tile "'I·ar.""'o:· 1ftlf,lr,~ OXO:·~;f.t. ·.·:.:.h l.'es~~:;: ~ ... ::'/:.: '.;-" ... r~!·t"·cr,,)~ t.t·"'P'll'I~i. Tnt. u,'.late;· .'[re'!i tt' :'f!!mOl:~M' tl .. t. cC:;,,!·l::!.l':'l .:>:; tie,n"l,·:l :'e-:' oll·, .... &:.0 Ill~ c(.~.~!. .. ::d t;xpt:r,Z'~\;. !r.;~\,ltiil~", ":':.I\OI,l':. l:rr.'.t&t;u:l reil3"~lo;'i.1.' iI':.':.";·I~"I:· t'!toJ;o, ·.:h.:.:r, tht' Stm":·::: .. :·:: ::":0:/ 1ne:::' 'oI1::~f' iI:'-::llCj Ai> t.:lol! ":;rA,:!..G;··r "tt::l:,n~y.:~:.:·~c: r..:·e~:nu .. :,. t('lq~tr.(·:· • ... ::.:h l!'".'.ele:5t ".!lCII!OIl .: t.lle lAte :-:' :~;I:' par:·.r,:' (··t-_I ;.e:· Anr,U:T. 1:: C;.tCU". o! ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~: ',,' ~ ~i: ._~.~ ~~~.;~~ ~~: ".~:~~. ~;;>;':~:: j j:.:~~ ~ ;,;e ~.~:: ~t; :.~~~~.J!I~~ll! :st-~:!: IiIc.:ure:i :",' tin"! ""11''1'0 :<! -:::.ot~ all; ,\1\:" -;"':.!l~l" UOnU!:en"s :"Il" A~:·~~me~t..c 11C' ... • CI I:I:.!·""::"I' ~1I:C·.1:~:~(' -..m, :;·~t'!r -;h~ btu·,.;!,::a:·,' r:i:··.;i "':" .... I: .. ·.·o! .. U "._r.~:-'::>:"1;1:1 :l:-.:l· roeo:r,i;:':j." ·.:~';.r, :'~r.r.t!=:' I.CI lIi,y ':! : •. ~ h'!:sc:-:.a: ~l'OpC":":y 0: t\lot .':'1 f'0 1"-:' 'UI,,,:·.-. ~; :t! ""C:::;~'J ·.r.'."I·C:~. u~.:l". :1"':~·.:1':. "':"i tla: ':;rl.::!.:;· .,,_ .::t .• F!C'.'10.::! 'll)cio!ll" a;."F~~· cable: io\W ttl A •• ~Ul·,;,d ""dltor .• r ':lln~nq · .. .it.;,;..u1. .... rr,ll ... ";~on -~:-:o : ! •.. !'.~ !.~ "-:-':"::,' .r.~ o\!";~':".I:H. h~ .. D.:' ... ~~.; .... ,':. tiob'_u~ \,I, "'iI;'':'.~·,,:::,:-·,· :CI lI",d;':·." pA·/rrt .. :\:' :,,:,:'(:~.':':' t.~ ,It.,. ~I)IV~:·'~;.'\:·:". ar:~ th .. ,·:oh:. t·,· ~:J~·.:.;C'3" .~!' (":\(,:".1,,11 ,!:;:,;,~, '.;,,~ !.c:--.~!:o;c\.""·:·' .... e<1r:t·; !n:flre..:t !I\ "':'.';' lI'.nnnOl 1J.: .. ·~~te·i ;'i "~f";:':'i\",le :.\"00 e1' pr.,)· ... ~ca !':':'" n·.,tl,,::·, .~: <;of wh, .. :.: I·H.I.";:£" a::·J t"I!:III!" 'I': boL.:': t,,.. :;'.:::-.-':::l:':"'~ .. ".-: ::-, 1I,;1,';::';on to Itt! I·"'r,o;.;. :"~""O;::'~. Ar,-:J :'err''''jlll!: ... · .. ~.;i; th ... ~"~~,, .. ~';r::.:y A1. lor.:: :~If.',I "r.IJ,'/ hn','f' '.i:-'Ul·r t.1.'.· ~".::·l; :I;.':l:nlmo;:·.ts, "'~~ff"l"el:"':!" "rj: O':'~'\1:",ent6 n.J' .. · O~· IHn":'::": r:t!':'::'::~1 1't~:ol~;I:"; ... ·h •. !l':" •. • i~·.:I("~;: .,:"'.:·,~n·l '.:!" :"';'''q:';I\'.1. :;, I.I:l· ·:·":I"~. t: ... · ~,., .. :-.·I· .. ··: .. :~:J ">·'~t. t.:.· I;",; .)1 ;!::,I::"" .. :' ": ':,\j!;(' t~. til ... : •. ,;. .":' 1;.;:rn ... d of .l~· •. ':'! '.':-I-er .. ·:>:\a, I!:"''':'.',''''. A:l, .... r,C":.: :~:'." ;.t:.:;:. f':'~':"". "a:t' .t: :.,:!":~~"; .. :' H:··,;·.,:." .il·_, 1:1\;::, .. a.i.\" ".; : .. ::':c'n --------------------------. 14.0"619 may, in ~. alaeretion or B.n.f~ci.ry, b. mad. t090thor vith or •• pantoly froID any ulo of any real property eneulftbena honby. and ani' auch ulo or d~.poaltlOn ",.y bo conducted by an or:lployee or av.nt of benef~c1.ry or Tru.t... Any peraon.· In''!luchnQ both Crantor and a.neficiar~. .h.ll be el191ble to purch.s~ any part or all of the f.r ...... '· .. · froPtirty ao: .n:l .uet; aal. or dupoutlon. Ie) tapen ••• of retaking. hOldhtq. preparil\9 tor uh, ... !l1n9 and tho hlee .hall De borno by Qrantor and .hall includo aono'1clar:l'. and Tru.t •• •• attorney. f ••• and l.val •• pen •••. Crantor, upon dound of 8enohcuri' Ind at Cl·antor'. coat and .xpon •• , .hall a •• emDlo any Por.onal Property and ~ako 1t Ivail- a"l. to Bon.ncar:,· at. ':'ho Proporty .• placo VhlCh it. h.:ot<y d.om.d to be ro."onabl:, conVenlonl to Boneficiary and Crantol. aonoheul':! ahall 91'/0 Crant.or at. loast ton 110, kmunll •• daya prlor wrl~~on notlce of the t~me ana pl.ce,of any publlC •• 10 or other ai.positior of any Poraonal Proporty or of tho ti~e of or _ftor whIch anj' pn"/ate .alo er a!"lj' atho,' lntoll.:lea aupoutloll 1. to bo mad .... no 1 i ~ucr. notlC'. 1 •• er.t to Ct'antor, at. the S"'mo 1 e. prQ'.ld.d for ":.iI~ ",.a':':,!n:;! of IIOt1"!0. nOrfl!r., 1t i. hotret.o l ' d'tem~'; that auch no';~C'tr f.n ... l! b. anc~ 1a lo.a",nablv nO:'lC. to C,·al"'.tol-. ::. r.!.r.!.4tl:I.t;,_"'f.J{e~!.! •.. ~!5!'r.0.!L~ISJI_.-Um!I,r:.u allt!.~I!!!.~. To pay .11 debt. ana money" •• ':\l1'"od httroby. \iilen lrom anv caua. the aame ah.l~ b.co~. due, Teo k •• p th_ Proper-:.j' !r.e trum .tatutc~y and Qovor:"ltn.ntal 110ns o! any k1n:1. OXI:e~t tho •• hona \ihlCh are pai'a!':' ~ l:"~ lnn,all~.ntlJ a~ pro·:.ded lor. paravraph J. and tho •• 11.ns , 'd enculflbranco. cieserlbe:1 on ExhIbIt S attached horetQ. Tha~ th .. Crantor 1. seIzed 1n fo. a1mplo of tho Propert~ a:"ld ovn. cutrIQI"'.: •..•• ::! pal't thol·oo!. thn: thot,. a,'. r.o 11enla 0:' cncum- Cll'ln::eL ac;'l • .:.n~·. :~' IIpO:: ';f!!: aame. a,le roo:. ~!e:'II' ',,'il: oe cnratea or ~l.!iw·"" ~;;. ~w '-~II."W"; :,,' ~n", .:,.l' o1no;.c:' Q~U'':';.'J ton., •• 1~ e: ';t.l~ :'vec;.; -:! T:'~:;,' •. -:.I:"~ ~'= 1" ... " ::,::><:u nn!.: ':'c' r.o .. :C: .. t~u .. Deed :.!' 7r',;~ .. anti ':t:I'. ~ ... ,~'::: :·c:,,·.'~:-... ":'r~~~ .. r:(i ·.!~:e:::.: aa.:.o :-ror'''',:,',;', ,:::~;~ ";.n" =~n·.:~:~.l:· .. :.;:o::~:-:·.;~.:;"'~:!c:·J. nr.:.i i\:n':",m!', .c':n:!~ O;:'.'-t:",' rl:!'II¥t . .... I~:~.:l;-!o'·.,: la'o':;';::, -:';'.I.:'::'.1n'; ~: ";.::" ::.:'1':' ':.r.e r~:r,t: C~ .1::1' pt!r.:";. f.~':~'f!:: ::',~ j~''':~';':'I:' u.7~n ~'.qll·u:'t .... ~:: t~It'r..S;l Ii ·.H'~';t~111 .;';i-I't.t- ~~: .. ~ :l .. :'" h.·o!::I:· .. ·l~:I,·I ... d of -:ht: alll';~:~~ 0. ...... 0:'. -::ni. tI-e .. ti ... ! Tnat .n.j \oIh~:.r:t: ',,:::/ c::Je:z c: d*,:~:"H:" trX!~', ;HJi.:.:-;:;:t tr.~ df'tt I.ocure: h.,'.D'j, 3, f.\'n::'·(!.~ .:.~: . .1.?!-." .... .Il1 .. ~I.l'~r:C!._ !'n~, 2r .• ';J .• ~ .;.!!'! ..... Hirr~::._I!., Tc: 1="1 -:'c l:"':""'i:;;i1~'j', :.: D.n~I.:;lari· r,. CIIG'::'I.". 'to(I~:.i .... : ,.·!th .nd ~:: ill"!..:!!";.!",!. t":' :.ne r,:tnti::',' pa:'II".'tr.:.", p.:&'/ti'i~ !.Ind.:' :.!.:o tor:':!!. o! :.h~ n:':e. :r, :'j"" ti .. • .... .ee': f=n,;, t.n.r1t!l"', ic:' ",he ~a,n:~"J '=:" mon:r.li' pa:J:tIe,:,.:'~ .,,:r, ::::or:·L Lmt .. !. the ;'Iot. u: t .... .:.1)' palO, Co :O\l~, as ~t.l::Il.·~:I 0:' ~h~ E:'!:".~:·.:.::ta!·j·, OqUA:' ~o tI:'.·:. .... e!ftt, (l:!:!t.h) f:'; til'" ye/.:·:,;· .:;s:.:n.::.:c: p:·e::.!.:/f' .... , ::A!\(H. "s".sr.men::-: 11:.= Qt.ha-,. ::ivl::'Qe:5, !:n ..... anJ .. ;r,?~~::1{,,:".~ .t."rnr.~,t .. tJi .. -:'C' :.hc P:'cpe:";l', .. ~~ c! Whlt:h IH·. he,·c:.nol(:'II: ''tttll'rea t. ... itt ~I..:u .. rq .. s." :;'., ..... '" • .;.~'Ii':.:-.; ::. dft~l·.'.,: F-!".;)!:"F·,~r :, ... Ef'n":!:':'lol:-:' ,.;; bllt" .. nc r.O!lC.S :,.· ... r."!, "'1'7~ ~"-..... ~"!' ,.-l:t !:", :i". h.·~'!-flClolU·j' to p .... aa'o ChaHl~l!. upon ~"I"!.~d ,;;! ~e:'f!of:G~,U:,', ~lar.t..:r sn .. U protn~:!y de:1': ... 1 ':.c fen.il- cla:/ r .. .J:::: id:.~~.lc.r:;sl Z~Ir.lt a.: 1'11". r.ttc!ta5ari':''' j,I.Y,r. up .. iiI' Ow':," :'le:-.;,'j 1:: -:.n .. IIIr.'1C".l,·,~ lIe:e.", .. :'·!' :.;: pay a";:-' C'h.t·:t.,~ III .. t:.r.-J:'l'J·· mar,r:.: .• :-;":1 ,'11::. :J(.~~:.e;:::· .n !I~d\ dtl:t.m'';.l II ... ;: .·':.It.\.:~c a:, "'''''f!~ t"! ultta-.;;:' ::r,:,-:;' ~::!~ DfJ.:: ,:,:' ~:-u!:., r~ .• "rran.nm~I:: pr'''','Ijp:j ,eo: !l: ~; •• ; p::tr .. .;r"j,: . .J 11:': e:'iely fl::" til," "'i:J't':J p·:.t'f"- t .. er. ·~i t.aw ~c::~~~:,.:.'t·l. '..:;;~':: s:~!(J:.~e::':. c:' ";.i;':'i: ,,'~ed .;-! Tr'u!. t':i o:.:1~ b"':·'·:'l::.II·'!, A!:y tl'lI~: 01: .. ,':-.~ 1i.01.:: t''': !.16:llt.::J .":t; '.\, til .. • ~:. •. I::~·" ... : .. : ;I.!·'i '~;'r':":-::'" ••. i'" ',t," ;,: '::-:~:: .•.••. :. ~·..:!i .. ·Of:~ , : . - ·_-'1-- . r;;,:,I.' . R!:N619 thereto .... 111 termlnata. Each u'.nd.r of U.a Pcop.rt1 shall ~utom.tlc.lly tr.n.f~r to the qrlnt ••• 11 rlQhta ~f the qrantor wlth ,.a.pac:. to any fund •. accumulated her.una.r. ". ~c.!t.!...~-Ln!..yJJ:. ~ !!.~!-. !'lIll!~!I! .!2L.'t~~'!! I I n.ur._n~! .• .!'.?~f',eHL~=!.!.u1!!.~~.~" If tn. tot.~ o! tn. payments (harain callae "k ••• rvo?) m.ao under oarl1uph 3 har.c.! nlltlnQ to l ••• rve, for taxe •. sPOClil .sr ••• mante. and pramlum, on 1naurene. F-0l1ci ••• ehall exc.ed the aJIIoun~ of pIYlen'a actually iliad" by aeneflclary for ~. purpo ••••• t fort~ 1" paraqraph 3. plua lueh amounts II hlva been r ••• onal)li' accumulatad 1" luch R ••• rve' toward pl'l!l'tentl th.refrom next to become due. "Jeh ... e ••• may. provided no default the" OX11tl under the tInt' of \-his instrument nor ';Jnder the t.or.'lI. a! t.he Note hereb:r s .. cured, but. not otherw1aa. en be c:-ed;. t."d t-j' 6~nefl~1ar:r 1" payr.'lent o! subuquent afnreqate. bu1: !') not partH.l. paymeno::s rOQ:.u red "0 be "ao. unde: pan;rapl". ~. or. ~ lit, the o:)p':lon d the Benehclary, ro.fundecS to the Crar.\.or or l~a " .u':c ..... o: l:~ l.r.terl'at al '1161 ftppear-up,:,:: th. rocorJ& o! tr •• .,:) ban.,' .~.r;·. !!. ilo·.·CI·/.r. G':. an', ':.!m~. In Seno!!O:llU'1' J.,u:1r.m.n~. ~ ··Ir.':' o!, the ~·eaOl··.'(:" ar.<ll~ C .. ~h;;'J:':~O:ICII'H tC' pa\, .:r.~ ~*!a::~ ~ . ~.,. (JOt :iay:. b"lCcr •. :iI .• e .:1 lnsUt·ar.cft 'Pl·ftrr.lUIII ... tAxe. "r.d "" •• ".G.m.~ts. ,;r •• " th. Gr.'.tor 3Il.11 1=-.'/ ':.t !:Clnft!lc.ul·Y an1 a".oul:t. nece=aar'l·to make up the d,,!lCl.nc1 · ... ltr ... 1l tLl:"';¥ 130, ..Jay. After no";;';:e to:. C,·ar.t.ol' .~.~lr.c: tli ... a~ount c:' the :hlf1c,.nc¥. In ~n. e',o''':. there 1& • ciet.ult ur.dar ar.y :.~ ~lut PI·O',·'&1011. o! tho Not.e or ~hll u.ed o! 't'l'UZt .nd th.r •• Cter a •• 10 oC tl'-e Property !n accordanc. w:th the pro'nalons re:·o;.t. oc I! the eenof.aclary at 1':.8 opt!on a:qu!t· •• the Pr:pertj" ot.henl1 .... Uter dt.fault. the f:ttnf!!~cur''1 ",ai', at 1t. cptlon. at th" umo o~ aec.i.lauon of the ~r.d.b1.ecin •• :. -:or at tt .• t,lm. oC cGolM'lonce=-cmt o! au::-h proC'.odln'l'S or a':. the t1m. t.h .. Property are othttr..,18f11 aCq' . .Il:od. apply U •• ballUieo t!'l.J. re:r"!:-.ln~ .ar. tn. iU'OIo III:':·.le-.:la':.e:l unci.:' pnra91'aph 3, 1 ••• 8U:0 :o~mo; as .... 111 i;..er,:T\' ~ju~ .and plI:raD~. aur:nQ the pendency o! ':.!:~ p~·o,:,.edlnu •. a!. a er.dlt a9':n:.':. th.". a.m.:".:nt5 .ec\u·ed :-.er.,D'/ S. ?U!~.;.-t"'~,,!!.!r.!_e.LTAJ'."i. A .... ':.);~ i-.'1'l1'!lC!a.r1' cp":.lCm the (,:l·.~t.e:· l;ha!l elth"!!' (1) pai' ill~ ellat·., ... !:". tr.v :r.anr.e: pre".'lCi'!l'o H. p,,!·oclf·;o.p:-. J h"!r.o:»f :It' (:!) pay •• uti ch.::j]ul ::':'I·e;:t.l1 te the p.n, .nt.ill!!..;; ':.he~.t..':I. !r. th~ •· ... r.t reuCI(l::loll'Y "i.: ... \o'~ Ol:.ne;!!'" t.o:» rro.k"" dlr'!l;:t p.)tl!lel:'t!' (0:" char\1e;., the c,rantu:" .h.l~: pro\''I.de the Bene!l· C!ari p:·t\:nptl:; a!tltr :-.. ~e1pt OJ' '!.!,-" ::rantur all notl:: •• of a!! A"U:.Ir.t" "Uti !or r.a1d chI!.!:.", •• anti tn ... :;l'an:n~ 3hall pt'orr.~tly (but ~r. no f,'/'!lnt •••• thar. f'."" !:-I :llll£ Pl:~!'" t: dolln;ue-:l,;:n furnIsh t¢ t.h~ S'l'ne!1':lary rece!t:lt.1\ e',~d'tn::lny e\:dl paymun':.6. ~ :.:.~.:".::,!,!':.~.I~~ .?".~~}).:.":'J !'--~ : ... ~.~.:. Ar.,~e~.!!.If!'!llf:..&...I...t.tf:!n...~ ~:::U"~~·..!.~£-~.: . !':\ a~';.ot· rn_;,·. 1.': Wlt: C :.:.: t::. :~nt •• :.. c'j prop.r ;..<;:~: ... r..:lc.~d:.nqB. Ar:..:i A': ltr, o .... !'; '"'l(;:·elJ~ •. ':n" · ... .Lidlty or amount 0: An)' $'.I=~ t." (:oJ a.~"'Gl'I·u'.t. P"o·,':.ce,;· '.:~.;>':. '':'nmto!' ..Ihall d"'P<JCll Io'lth tne S.n.i:'Cl.~·)· a 1""1. ~ ... hl::;~ .."il;.ll Dt: .".. leoat:t. tlln j.ltlrc~nt. i!CO:;i ,;:·eat.et tr,A:: t::t: olm.:;:. '. ~v .:. ..• ;~'S~~~..l. dliU .ds,;. t:-Olr. tlll\O 'tu ':lme. or. deman:J :J{ fl;tlntt!lClal·;·. & .... ..:1. Aa=l::10n.~ zum!i .1 ::lay be l· •• :s"nablj· 1'lIq .... !rerJ to CO','tH 1r.t.t.:;"; .: ?e::o\~':.~<t' ... .:;.:rucd ':lI' t.O ~:cru, 0.1 any Lueh ltU·. 0: ll~m •. O[ Q.~~v.! t.:. l3ene!.a':~'''i bO:I:! lr. aucl'; amoun:, ~n tcr~ ,,:,,:j ~u~··ctar.':'eo s&llafao:-tol'Y -:-0. ~ .. ne";,:.u:-i', ancJ tht! tientl!::l4r:-rnoll ~.jJ::n t"ii"er .• :C~~ net-lee toe :::-a.::C'! p.', 3iJ':'h ~::".~o~,· ... .:J 1 t.~ J: ; t,::r. .• ~,::,: '): fln'j 8UII'I" '. rj.p~'!~t"~ ~r . .:." .. 01 un..i",,!, do::.·; ':. :!: ... ,:!~~ • .;;:-:.,C'n of 5Oler. ~!o"~,,,'.ut:.JI:. (',r !! thtl' rrC't.c:~; ... :: :,;' •.. ~ ;.: .;: .• ,;t:y ... H· e: ~b·· b ... n .. ,.,:.:,y· \::t.He:~ '.l';.:"~!'; .111;1::. : .. ':.::':'" H~~:';:'I~"C'i.~ :..:(J'JI'I.,:":,t c! '!:l\o: blt","':,::;l;;·. :-"':1,.:.: ... ~· .. r:: I· .. :r.-·'· ... ·.. ·l":"';:~' Il.~.:t:· .. : .. ~t· ;:."llJ;jI"I~~. r"'l·":'~"h:·" :fIoi·,. ':'.. .~... ~"j .... : P"'/' ",:';". o~ ' ... 11'1,1;·' ...... oI.·~ .... lI .. ~.~':Q.;.: ;.;r.:t;: ... .::.;:;: ':.' .,!::. ""le'" "':I!'''~ · ... :~t.e·.lt --_.,_._----,. __ ... _--.... -. -4 : ..... :.of':-: .• '- RDN619 w.~v.r of any othor rlQht of B~n.tlclary by r ••• on of .uch d.fau!t of Crantor. and aenehl.:ur1 .haU not be !uble ":.0 Crentor 101' • faUure ~o o.err'uo .ny .uch ",p":ion. ,. Lat. Ch8rV .• ' In the eVent thAt "ny paY"'ent cr por-uon thereof d ..... und.l· 'en. tlot. lG !,ut paid \to'l"thln flft.en 115) d.y. cOIlUU!\c.inQ ..,lth tbe Jat.e 1': .110 dUe. Senetlcl.r:! ma1 coUect. pn~ t:,e Crantor DQr.o. to pl~' ..,ith .uch payment, a "lat.e charq." oC fiv. cent. (S.D!» tor aach doUal' 80 ovalo·au. a. hquldaud d"m~"Je. for the addition.l axpeneo of handlin; auch delinquent peym.nta. 8. Munt.ona~ •• _a..n.c;..1:.r!.l!.cr'"'/.~1.J!!! __ l?t "rop"r~. To malnUln tho b\ulchnqlo and oth.l· llllprc.'10m.nte or. the Pro;wrt~· 1n 8 rentable and tenantable cond1t~on .nel atate of repair. to n.ah.r commit nor .ufte~ .n1 wa.te, t.o promptly compiy wlth all requirements o( the federal. at.t •• nd mUlllc::.p.l autnoritl." .nd .U oth.l' 1 • .., .. , ordinanCe •. r.Qulatlona, coven.nt", o:ondit.l.ona and r.strlctlOns r •• pe:tlng Bild !'rOi'Cl':-, tH' til.,. Ulo6 th.l·eu!. lind pay all f ••• c:- chilrq •• oC In1 k:.nti :n ~cr.n4tC":lon rr..re· ... ;tr.. '!h~ 6~I!C!flc:l'ilIr·' rr-.,.'I reco'.'et· at' deIMuJ." (co:' Ill:', r.rerat:l. r·C tl'l" co·.·en.r:t -:'ber Iltc:.un~ :t .wol.:ul <;:.st to F,ut tner ""''''f"(:!.t.jI 1r; tho!-C"c,nui-::lor. calh,d {Vl 11llrrelf" In tht-c·,.,nt;. of bl"e.:h 1:1:' ani' l'.qu,rflment of th1. paragrolpn. t.he Spn,,!.icl.ry may, 1n addltl"n te ani' rJth.l· nqh"ts 0:-reme,:h •• , at ani' tlma-t.horttafter dflclare the ..,ho13 of sud pnncipal .\JIII lIf.m.dute!j' due and payable. l'rc.! o! lmpairn.nt of •• CUrlt}' ahall be unn .. c •••• ry in any ~utt Ot' f\l'oe.odinQ I..nddr th .. para- Vraph, :;rantor .. hall per~,.:.'; £ene!u:t:.r,,/ el' ltc 1gentIC the oppor· tun:.ty "to :.nfipect t.h. I'tOj:·enj·. lnchldlnQ the interior or 'Ul!' £tructures, at rea.onabLe tlm •• and aft.er re •• onabl. notlC., 000 " ='0' ,., .• ;'._~.c.·_:';,:r.a:.; ... , .. ',.\ .• ,. T~ corr,pj..tt.; c:-r.'tore pl·on't';.lj· Ind 1:-' .. _... ... ,.. ani l;. ... ldln(J (,1" lmprov6'''dUt.. WhlCh lit .. ·; D .. eons:l'uct..d. u.!'1.~e" Col' aeat,'oyed thereor.; t.e. notlfy &e:',et!':ltlf,,/ co! BatM' ... ·!';.n!l~ -::. ,,, .. ,, ...... ""i iowlnn ,m,:h dll"lru;'e or tie.truc·tlon. and pa}' · .. ·;-.f.:l~ ::::: .:..::. :-:'';'";f :I:::un·e,;. ti:.,ro!o: . • ~ ~~,";~t."\: C.1:.:'.!1. }.(!::I'~·,:!,i .':'; .. !·,t."?.P.t'r;i' :I~ b .. ~ ;rJl:l'~ ·)r ·;.\.1101 ~;nr!'o·/.r.le:,:, ,;z: ~~:~ ::'c,pe!'-:Y :..h .. ~~ ;:. .. !'t:·UC'':.Ul·l.l.l,/ 11tQ\·~C:. rC~:"f'd C":. tiemo':';::n<zo .... .;':::0:.1,;: tile-bt:l1e:'a':ol:'," ;:or':':1 .... r~l.un. conl'er.t.. r.:...:- "lliii.: D~:' !1Y.':.".!:~ c: cha':.t~l CO· .. tol·..,:l ~y tn:£ l.Ieeci -;,.! '!nISL ,.,ld I'\daf'te"'i "to ';!l(' O:·:.r:":l· :..I'" !!In-": er')Cj'lI",e;-:': 0:' t.r.~ ?nlpe:·'.: .. t:-c.. lto:':'.,,'·.'n;;! : ~~:~r~ .. ;~fre~;~:.:.t,h:~~.~:\ ': ~~~": : ~~.I\~.~.~~ci u~;.c:~~., n~:~~:. ;~/ :\O::l~ .~:~.;; ~i'.:~1 c:' ar,y :l:!"'. r,!", tltr:-'::·lt·/ :nt:~l'''::'~ ",.-:.,:,,~: Hu-:.i, Ai> rip', ce .. p~q·~"\,.u lr. ... ·.!"'::;n:J r,~' t!:~ E-'J:: •. ,:':::~6t'i', :'rol::~.:n :\hilt: r.n:. \lr.~".:rli\~ ... lJ.:".:1 lr..:·d·~\·el'l~:;: ;,.: tl:~ t'J'o~oeo:'";j' exeCiJ';. H. A."':-:~l'~-::':::~ .... 1 t.'1 til .. rt>C!i.!l!",tt/"oe::'..r. 1..:' t:l" :."." i-,''''O:''''''::'. 1:. ::l~::1"~~~~, ~:'An~' " &:"I-j ;".et:F ::: :~:":". tal i''='~::;;'''f c:: lnSI::',u:C ::-;:5\ . .:IU:<,; th ... ~1·o:.ptlt .. J .y,,::'.:\t ;or.( :»1 cism .. f!e c,·.' Ilff .!l:"1 !1~~~.:"I:: .. n ... :nr·. ir-.!'o' ,.r n"'''''''l'' "1 Ot:'l~!' r:··'5 en, •. r .. ·.~:l :-' .. ..:~·.·~ra?(' the t.'lPe 110;" klll"',.m oiIf> 'Ilf: :::-c:.11 f'_':'~ ~,!" ellt.ot:.:led ~O':": .'Hi'. ~n::l .. cnn~1 but r.o': : :1!"l'!".~C'l ~ .. :':!'~_ .I.ti. '=1': .. ': C(".~~:':'.·~";:,.:. ·.'a::'inil .. ~ ..• n:: I::f\l~c:.ou" ",,:~·:~.l~·f; 'l:,d iI;;I).!'~ti~ ''..l:'~. :''':!:'!'! :'~~.'!~ ~: :,':.:.t'';~' 1'.:. fo .. r.C!,:l';':·; :"01"" '.;!"\, V· t~I:'."! lI".ii l IU ..... :';'r. .. U!·, a''',".11"J::a.~·. D:.': ::: ."\!lj· "':I::~~ ::-• ..Ill n:-.. ..: ... rl -:',:"_ l"'''f ';.!:_:'". ~I·,·· r.ll·:"~": ;,:' I:, ::::.-. o:.! '.!'" I.;;,.,: ::I~: lep:"-:"It!'If!l,l CO ... ~ ": .... :~ i:"';:::·':"'.'!,::'·;::';.:". le.'t'~~ .. :·l·,f:I :..If '.I'to ~·c':'':. .. : ")IIC"'.'.';.!(,r.~. --' •• '" RDN6U deducUon for physical depreciation. C 11) the lull pr .. nclpd alDount of the Nota, or (1i1) an amount auf{lctont to prevent Orenter and/Or Beneflciary fro. c.cominQ a cu-insurer vlthln the terms of the appl1cable poLi~l •• ; Ib, fLoad in.uu"c. upcm tho PrOpfu'ty in the evont that Il:och lnauranr:a 1. ovallabl_ pursuant to the prOVlalGn. of tt,. Flood Di ••• ter Protection Act 01 1973 or other appllcabla 1.vi,- litlon. BenaUciary ahaU r ••• rve the riqnt to ro,]u11"8 t.hat Crantor •• cure flood lnsurance In •• e ••• of tho amount provided by the Flood Dis •• ter Protftction Act of :973 if such inouranco 1. co ... rcully Ivai lable up to the amount pfoyldad 1ft hnqn~h 11(.) hareot: :2 j c I Such other in£Ul'am:e. 1" such a .. ounta, •• cui' from Oumo to tl"'. be reasonably requl:-ed bl' 8anaheiary alilaln.~ the n S.\'!It' or other In.urable hazards winch at t.ho tu, .. are commonly ;310ac:'ed G~a1n.t 10 the c:a.c. of pI'emi.-. ur.lU .. rly utuated, due '.004 ret,lat'd pelog ql')!n tc. the helflh~ enG t:fPt<; of :'u:.lalnql ther'!lcor. .and ~ Ultlli' COIl!OU·".l;tlO:l, ua. anc.l c;cllpanc'J. ".11 j:··,l.c •• r for 6·.J:h H.:!uranc'3 .hal ~ L.'C car:-1e:! 111 !;:)rr.par.u'li approved by BeneCiclary. ahall be Bub)e=~ to the appro·,,,t of nene(lI;U"l"1' a. to amour.t, cont.ont ar.d form. o! pel~:jeJ: and expl ra~ion date., .hall eor.t.lln a t.lcn·c:ontribut;or:t 5O;llnderri Mt'l1"tgaqe. Claua. and tht. Lend.r'. Loaa Pal'able En.:1oralrmer.t (fOl"11'1 4Je EF'J tIS). or thai!' eq.u·:.t.lenu, 1:: !o.'::-l· of hndiciary, anc shA 11 pr,,\,ide that the proceed8 the reo! !:hall be payabltr ';0 Benef"lcaary. Crantor hereby .aUOnM to Bene!le .. ary "ll lnaur6nce proceeds WhlCh It may be entitled tc. receive cnd suet, proc.e .... '. Ilh.ll bO deDvend \.0 and hulc! b:t bene!lC:ury tc.. be appli.d. at tiu tonie. dl3o:rat.loll and o~';10n of b.nr.:"lC16ry. (11 to th~ l·.riIlC" LtC.:-: c.f t:HI I.Inpa.:.ci prlrlelpai c.f th~ ln~~"t.Qn.rB tlocur(:o by thlB l:'Jld ':of ::<a ..... :>1' f ~:'I :., ':.h. I·'l~"".:-·rft.':.!;:-. c! the I'r'::'j:oerty .:.t· anJ port~or, c.! th. f'l·"pel·tj' ":-.lIt hlu btl.:". ti,.m.alJed ",. dOIlLl'l'"Jyetl ':.0 thOl! 100m .. e(llh~1':.101~. cncl'&C:':":' ar.d ':alue Iti: :lotarl f oI~ ",e'l I)ft to th .. t a& o:u:.r.ed 1="·~·l:'l" ':.C' lald, ~1I;r,,:Hle-or OIft!';1":::;O.l::'·l:. prr,,':HJed .. hD .... ~f leo) (;loli:t,.,:· 1. net I.hor: .ii ;.,!r.1.:1-:-lI"!'l .. u::·:i'!:, I~) t::w COH'_ ~f l'OP"': 1": r.t.! EuCl: :iMl'lfI' .. 't: At ~':':.!rnat""ti i:i' CfI:iot ~ C.; 111",' ':1.:09" I:" t t:xC:berd tf.C,:;CoC. and I';, t.tl''" :nrut'an::" r,rr:~',·:J:'. ':.("fjf'~.I·,"1 'J.t~ I'I.nj· f·..:n·.II; d~p>Jl.ltor! .. :.t.i: F,e::'I!i:c~at .. ,. ""j ~l""r.':.:o •. ,,:t· :lo.:!!:-::.!l· ..... t.~ ~"i' all c.o~"'~£ :of ,.ue! l·o';cm:~n~:-t\':'r,. t::O:li E"t:;"'~=:.; .. l·:· fth .. ;: IT.!!;'" :;1<cl". pro:t:e'2l' .l":alil'l1.:":, ':'. ll,'::!,""!:".(:r;t~ Il~ ... ·c6~ !=·I"OIJl·'!'l::o(o .. ~. !':' pa', ':.ht.- C:l::t:;. -::! 5,1;)-, 1".,:::on~-::~·u: .... l>JI;. IIi t.!,.: e'/"ln __ ti .. ,':. i:~I\\!!r::r:l"I'·1 ,',al! ... ~;':.o'I{: -.:" ,,;~,,",.~. ::,., PI·U:'!!'!r..:!! t:. l'':" •• ,. .. :: :~.I" :·tln.t.~~I·i'-::.l~I. iI:,o::' 11, ,'t-:lt·flClar·,· r· 6:.0." JU'1~~~;·.~, ':oIl" lr,~'::·ul.;·e ~r ... ·:..,~~:. al'Of:' ;-.c.! !i.uf:'.<.:\en":. ,:", ::1:1', iI(,CO,~pllfh z;·.:.r:h J"(·,,':.t:ll·"t;..:t:l lunit.:~. ~I'an~o(" ~'!':~.;~~ .. ' .. ,~ '.:i·'~\.1;·.! 0:' •••••••.•• ~: :"1:~:'~' ,. """ .. 1,11~:r,",1 111",C.U::t.1i ;, .. ..:~·,.l'al"·r' te, "c"="("."'!?l':'~:' loU;:': 1~;.)~·;~:r.tlrl~l, F.tf;,".~!':Clary fJril ~! &Fpl'/ lh6-: Il.!Ul'allce pt 0 .... edr UPPIl any lr.dett .. UlIellf, .ecur.,d Hltl"~l..i'. :)\1';), .. ;:p..;;.c;.~H'r. t:: l.~u'I.I\(· .;;:,,:~ :;~:. C\.ll~· vl wa!'/~ any dot' •. llt ot" nc':.l\..'t" Ol ee:·,.:,.;.':. .;elfhu.uitl ";'~' HI·/i,l.\Ciate An[ ac~ cion'!! ..... I ... U.Ii __ ' .... 1;':;, nr.';.:;c.. !! k.c:-:' .. :·!o:.!'!:,~· "l'J:-"';'! '.:" ":'ll.:.1\' tiu· pIO .... <I'" to: t.;'" re.r.T.Orlit;,,:: cf ti:~: h-: ... o:;·t.:1 iI:t:.' If tl"~. '·r:.oper':.'l :,.. I~"tc<:·.'j ~t " :,::,t;-:' 1ft' .. tn.:'. __ ~t: .1';:.: !iI; .. :,· :r.;.;:: .. n':"C) ~l"cce.ct;· l.h"r: ~IOC:-, r..,:-:-~.= .. T·:·"-:'''~''.i'. ,;i".r.::. at i-~:: ... !t":":·i'·!. ~';.':~':-,. II;r.:,"!r (:, loe Dp~ll.'" .. II.:::::: t.i'll' !:;:JjJ~: ~~l::";:! Q':;': ... ;: •. t"r: :',' It;tI r;:. .... t, f;r \! ~ I !.,It' I-'''~'l ~\'('! ";'. '.:t~l",U·; il, '.1,-(,,:,~:-t. ·~t :.J'.': :':lrl::l':l:"",ur'li ~J: ':.Il; ~ ~.:.:C',j ':! ':':';1:':-. -;.:. ,.':.:, .. : t.:·iLl:!!··:· ':I!' .~.:-: .......... "; .. t::--!'I":'pt::.~'1 !!: ~y,':.:r,u.;:::':'.!f,~ ,". 1:: ,,'::r., ... ~; oj. 0 •. 1', tn .. ; 1,·"It:Cot.,.1nes~ . ' '. ., .. : .. :11 .:11'.:1 '.r, -:-. . .. ---·--III!IIII-IWI'O_""~. ___ ""'~iIIII':I.II!MII2""_· ___ 8III;III ........ _!!IIId __ ---.... -----w:_J su •• ) YI un.s :£a. la: sce I • PDH619 any insuranee policy, or pr.m1u~. or pay.enta 1n •• ~i.t.ct!on of dat ... or any other riGhta thereunder then 1n force shall pa .. to the purcha.e.' or granne notwithltancbnv the "cunt of any bid at auch [oroclolure •• 1 •. 12. e..~~.!l.I'!~.~L~E~!.2n!R !U!t .'D~.!I!!l!~On .ng_~t!2!:n!:tIt !!!!-!n~~~~. ~o appaar 1n and detend any luit, Ictlon or pro~ .:: •• dlnq the': mlQht affect the '1IluI of thu .ol.urity ~n.trum.nt or ·the •• c~rlty It •• lt or the rlQhta and povera of Beneflclary or Trult... provided that aeneUc:ury ahall 10 appear only H. in alnoUc1It'y'l judpent. Orantor 18 not adequately protactin; 8enehciary' I in':.lren. in luch aetlon: and anould aaneUclary or Trul\: •• elect all') tc. Ipj:)elr 1n or d.fend any luch actlon Of proc •• cilnQ, be ",aela I par't:/ to luch by na.on ot this [leed oC Trult. or elect ~o proa_cute such .ctlon .1 .pp.arc nec •••• ry to preurve .,,:0 va1u4.. the Crantor will at 011 ti",,,. lndemnify !rorr,. and on aamand, ral~turae 8eneficl.ry or Truste. for Mny and all los .. , dam.qa, e.peolle or 0:'0&:'. lncludlng cost III ,'J:.odenee ot t.it1, .nu .. 'aorn, ..... ' c, i.~t,:, ariall'':g o~t. of 0:' l:'\c'.lrre'!l In eonne~tlon 'dth 3')i· tiuch .,...:. ac.t.H.n 01' proe ... dlnif, and the lum :J{ sucr. exponJIt.urflr. Khall be 'sotlclJred oy thla r"..lId cf Trust ... !t~ Jno;erer.t, 'f". ;:.c',·lded II', tn., t10t:6 ;.c~un,d herepy and "hall be QLle .n:i pa·! ... ~~e 011 d .. manc!, T~ pay COlots oC IoUlt .• co¥t. cC 6Yldaf/ce o! ':.:'':.!t: a~o:! "'''-:~r~~y·. fotft,. :.n "r,y croceediroQ or s\,;1t bl:('IUf,lht by Bel.6!lclrtry to en,'or~6 thlG I.· •• d o! TruGt or an} pO\'Uon hanto:. 1J. fI._ep.a~c!!'LE!. ~~ .... ne.... Upon receipt of notice, the Cr.ntor ahall repay lfllme1ut£l:t all S\lmf'. expended or .d,,.nr:C'd ),al'6unlJer by 0:" on baheU o! &anetlclar1 or Trustee. W"lt.n 1n' .re1.t ~ rCim t.he date-of 6\Och advance or .Jtpen~h t.ure at the rat. of {C/·.a p .. '· .. ."nt 14~1 p.r .nr.um 1n a"ces. 01 .nd !loat1nq with C1t1banr: ':"ltern.te &a •• ~ato II' "6 ,l.'lnad 1n the-Note un':"il paid. anc t.h~ rffpayn'.twl '.)"-1'001 ... ~· •• ll DO .ecut.Jd i'lI'I·P.by. r":Llure to rllpay such axpem:;'tun: COt' Md· ... f1~~ 6m1 tntor.&t t.hel'o~r: ·.:: ..... ·.n ter. 11C: ..;;,.... (J! u\lch nott,,'tt .... i1~. At bo.,o{iclsry'£ opt:o::. eonlltitu\:.f., an evf'r.t. o! Iifo!a ... l": ~ ... r.lmn&r; or. Sen'tficll"'jI mli'. at lts cptlOn. commoentot' an actIon 3'lllnllt C:"a::to( tar the rt'!"::"·,1"J1·1 01 cueto ep.,:oendltl.re o!' .c·:lOno;. Ar.O lntCr!'dZ:: th\:r.~r:. ami ~1I Soli!:!. .vor.':. ;':n.r.tOr aqret'c tCl pa·,·. l!'", ad:J:.t101·, te-the l::Iount o{ cucl. f!xpftn.h~ure Cl' id:,j·JDr.ce, .. lj eo!ot~ .... n:.l axper.:O;6t, lhGUrr",d 1n rueh a(;tlofi, toyotnur w:th b ... r.e!,- clary'l!' reAP-to'n.bla at~(,orr.l:·I'1Io {p". 14. .&~.ry.~.! ~_':.H'.! ::.~ ~ J_l·',}ht .. t9 .D~.(~n~ f.:t.1 ~.n _an.;1 CU1'~ .,f ~~~:~}llD .~~J~.\Ptf· The r:f!no(~':l.l'Y mill appoll" 1:1 and doo:ieUd M:y ."'tler. c;· PI·(.oC'll~c.hng 1'1 •• 1.· ... or 1(:. tI'lo.:lti' Cor .on bolnIU'upt.::y PUI- p~'ltln9 't.~ alt.:-t !.ho frop.1"~i' u, tho securIty i.e~·eof .r,d 1n ,,~d·. P ... .,='It (exc.It~' h'nere the-rU1'pollad d"fe:'.: .!!ect.:r.q the .. ~c.'-JI·~ty I:'!r .. .,f ,1'llHlfO or 1·eaul1.3 fL'o,,· .. nj' a:-:. c:'O: c::a£:!IIlc;n co! th" Hon~­ Clo:i.\'y). t."ler Bone-:"ic.1il:", .. ,:._~~ ;.~ :':::'0:0'''':'':1 An,l Dit:.d ol!i. th.- DOr1fJ!ic:.oary's coct.!I. c.:h .. rqo:;; III.l1a eX?f;Inlloe!l, ; r.e11.IdllhJ cost o! ti~'lclpnc", 0: t.lti<l am! .~t.orllc.''l·;' f"tI'c :':-.eurnl':! :'1, s\,r!": "C'f:1Cr: or r--roc'!'''''i'''~ ;;"1 .... hi c •• the (ioJn.'f.-:HU·'/ 11",":/ "~,ltla:. j:.r.:.'.':dll:j t.hll'. Beneh~~nr1 shftil ao .pp~AI' ("!'",ly l~. 1n 5o.~ ... v(" .. i".J'~ JU~~f!:"~, l.rantDt 1" nu\. .cJt;IIl.4 .... t.u~y Fol·~'t.(lct:nf,j EtH'I'.::Lc::t.:',·:: !nter~:t.£ ':1", £uch .. c t~ loll; . .5;u"l'.lit.;; Crnr.l.or fal: !:: fIIak .. lin"!' "'~1rr.er.~ (;1' t.c 'JC an, .c~ a:. hfl'l'ell: Pl·n"·:':CQ. :.r . .:iO b'llIH-'(lt,~n:i' t"J: :r;,:;tJft:. O'i,;t OI\tr.o:..ut t".bl~<I,I"­ tlo:-n lot. ".;c do ,.o:.i · ... It!'Hl\J'. n-: .. !c.O' '.:0 ~:-ci.,:: .• lr.d Up'~1i C~· .. :",~,'jl· ar.'1 .. :thuu:. re'e:"r;!fOll ':;\oInlCo: II ... ·': .:~, :b!;.,..·.l~ •• ' iltt(""!'.Jf. :., ... :, I',·~t· (.ot do til_ ".mto .t. :"'l.;, molllla .. r .r.IIC:.~:' I'u;); l'Y.tt-.:·. il~ 1!;~.f\~I· 11111 ... <.l,u,,,.. nl:'~.:.::;.:I·i· t{, ).'J':..t",;t ~I,,, ~ec.ul~t;' h.lt::-:, E."ll("i:.:.:;:.ry or .. - Cll J11)J161? Trul'.. bein; aut.horil.ed to on1..r upon ·.;.he Property for ."eft purpo ••• ; coma.nCI, appear 1n and d.f.n~ Iny Iction O~ proceed1"; purportln9 to .ttect the •• curtty herlo! or the r19ft'. or pover. of 8enehcllry or Trun •• : ply. purc:h •••• conun. or cO:lIpromhe any encumbrance. chlrq_ or 111n WhiCh 1n th~ ,ud~~nt of lither appelr. to be pllor or .uperior hereto cunle •• ouch encuebranca, eh.TV. or ,un .1 b~un; cont •• tt:ld by 'har .. :.or 1n accord.l,ea vith plraoraph 6 hereor}: and in .~.rCl'ln9 Iny lueh power. ln~ur any liability, «.peni whltevar •• ounta in 1t. ablol"t. dlacrltion it •• V d ... n.c •••• ry theretor lnclualft; COlt of eVidence nf t1tl •• emplOY an attorn." and pay .aid Ittorney'. t •••. , ~ The Orantar hlreby 19r •• ' to ply on d ••• nd with lntereat at ~ the r.te of four perce~t (4t, per .nnua 1n exce •• of and flolt1nq " vlth Cltibank Alt.~n.t. & ••• ~It. 111 II defined in the Note, III ~ of th. 8en.fl~larY·1 COlt., chlrve., expen.ea .nd amount. referred .,... to lbove 1n t.h1. pu·aqa'lph. lnc1udinQ COlt of evidenci of tottl. U) .nd attorne:/'I feeG inc~n.CI 1n auch Iction or proe'edulQI 1n which CD tha aene!lr:.l.J:l", "'Q~' .ppear. All COlt., chArq ... and e"panlO. 10 Incurred, t.oqethor "'it!. InLorer.t Utwreon ". alora.alel •• h.ll ha a.cured by the ~l.n of tiur. t"btt,;& of Trult.. 1!t. L .... !. ,a) To fully compl:/ WIth ,11 or th~ t.rma. condit1~n • • nd pro'Il110nl; of aU 1 ••••• on laid Property ao t.h,t CrantOr shall not b.con." in d.fault thareun:h:r Ind to do "ll.that ia n •• d- ful to pre,arv. all IUd 1 ••••• 1n loree. provided that Crantor m.y eXlrci •• any re .... di •• PI· .. V,,".d. 1:0 it. includinq t.nnin.Uon. lr. ".spect of Iny default by the f..n.nta thareunder. (bl Tw permit. lito ••• lqnmllr.t of any Ler ... , ... r any f,ub1ettln'!J th .... '!Imt1~. ur.',. .. • t.hf' r\9'~t. to 1.5lqR or sublet lS exproasll r~rorvod Dl tne latil •• ul~or suen 1"le. (cl. ThAt .a'/t; And oxcep.: tor t..axe~ an1 ......... ment .. pro'"uied to b. J:oa.lrl by Cnntor ar. lpeCltlld 11' plr.gr.phs l .nd <4: horeo!, Ct'antor .... : l~ not crelt.tr CI: (>U!::Ol' Ot· fermi t. to t,. creat.ed. lubseque:'I.t tr th..: aat~ oJ thv o)leeut..l(.r. enu dei-I'/et'Y of thiS Ooed of 'l'ru",t.. I IIi' 11e~ or ttHcumbl'.no;e whic" III'Y b, Or bocome allponor to any le"" .. I'htc'tln'; th" f'l'oF'ort)'. Id) T118t. 11 nr • .,.. PII': ?f 'th. Aut.omot.ll~ p.rkU1Q '1'11" includod .... :.':tan tht-l'l'Op.t·'t'l i& o,;.kdn by cond.mnat.lon, Ol' bt;fore 6aici .l·O.', oIt·t;· ot.h.rwl"~ t'edueed, Cr.nt.or .... !1: prr,','lalr plll'klng facll!tll" If, ~on..;. I:lZ .•• nd leCatlOn tc comply w:.th loll 1.'UI,eA. and oeforo II"J~l"g .ny car,tract tor I!.uch aUtl:tltuttl .;.arklw" facll" itle •. C ... nto)' ..... !! lur,.l:sl". to Etloetlclary •• U5f.ct.or'j •• 5u .... nc. ,..f r.r.>mpl.tlOr. tnereo! tru. 0: 11enl and !I, cC"nfl;lrm~TY with all ... u .... l·I.m.nt.lI~ ::'C::'ln1 end I'~ftlu~.t .. ~n:.. 10. ~}),!~e~nl'!-t~r. ~nd .. C-a",ua1r:l" Shol Jlci the Property or any p.rt. or .'Pp'Jrtonar;ce thore?! Co. naht 01' lnt.roat tli.r.H~ f,. taken or d.ama",oa by l'I.r. .. m of ~Ul'J publlC_ or F-\·l ..... ~. :'mpfo'/omont.. con .. do,.,n.tlon pl'oeefldlny Ilnclu(hn~ ::n.n;e of qr.ojel. fir •. e,u·thquake or ot.hor ca"t,;I',t'l, 01 1\1 allY r.thel ma:-.no1", borl.flclAr~ m.". It. rt.a opt:.on, commence. IIPP.-d tn Ar,·J PIOsoc:lter. lJ, It.t> own roam., Ir.'j Ictl"': or prc,::etrdln'J, f):' miK. a"'J cOIr.proml". or .et.tJoment., ;.n ,"0,"1I8.:t10n wah Nut:h ta;';.lnl! (II d .. maq~. anC:; "t.Ulln Ill: eorr,pen"· ... tlun, aWIl'.:i~ ~l' r.ti,.'· • .. jlli o:htlretcr. /\11 touC'b r:om~.n~.tlor., .wa~·.:i~, d.uft,,·.,t!t. n·r,·.~ ... ~ .::~lO:r. .!lU pro.:a.ua, 1I\C",.O· UQ the -------_._-----------.. ~ RDH619 proceeds of any polic~ •• or In.ur.~c •• ffactin; the Property, .1'. hereby ••• 1qned to Ben.fici.r~. vh)'h •• Y, .f~.r deductln; ~.r.­ fro. all ita ."P.n .... lncludinq attorney'a f •••. rel •••• an) .onay. r.c.lv.~ by it to the party entitled tnerato. ~r aubject to the J)rovialona of pauQuph 11. app1·, the .... on any indebt.dn ... •• cured hareby or .p~:y the •• me to the r~p.ir or r •• toratlon of the Property .. it may alact. Crantor furth.r •• a19n. to San.Uciary any return prallllwni or other repoY1lanu upon any inaurance at any time provld.~ for ~. benefit 01 the aeneficlary. r.fund. or rebat •• mad. of tax •• Or •••••• m.~t. on the Property. Orantor aho a9r ••• "r" ••• cute aueh further o •• lqnlHnta of any 0'} eueh campen'.tian, awarcl. dam.v •• , r.b.t.... return of pre.iulls, !" repaYl"enu. riqhta of actIon .net proceed.a .. ReneUciary or ~ Tru.~.e may require. ;.:a 1'. Time II of the E .. ence, ~ the •••• nc. her.of. '" <C ... 1 B. r..l.~.!~!.!.~.l',t.!., ~!!=9n1!.2.~n_c..!.F_..!n!:l~.th.r ~~~_,!,!n.;! . .&tot .n1 tim. !.Opon wr:tt.en roqu •• t of f.trnp!:Lc:ury. pMyrr.en: ot :t. f.IIA and pr ••• nt.atlon of t.ill" ~.ca of Trual and 8.id Not,e ror endo'·'.III~n,,; lIn cao .. of full r.conveyance. fOI' c:ancftllatlon a:'ld r.~.ntl~nl. without aff.ctlnq ~Ie L1ablll~Y of .ny p.rson Cor the payment of the ind.btedne •• Truate. may (~) cons.nt to the lIl.kln; 01 !ony map or plat of the PropertYl fb) ]oln in qrantlnCjJ .n'J •••• "'.nt. 01 cr.at.inCjJ .ny r •• 1:ric~1cn th.reon; tcl ]Oln In .ny suborchn.tlon or oth·r .CjJreollloilt afte:::un; th:l.. Deed of Truat or . the hon or cha''tjIe thoreof; (dl r.convey. without warraney, all or any part of tho Prop.rty, Th. Grante. in any reconveyanca m.y be da.cribed a. ~he "peraon or peraona legally anti tlod thereto", and t.h. I·ecit.l~ thtlr.:a.n ot any matt.er~ 0% hc't •• hall be c:onc:lullva pIOO! o! t.il. tr'Jtlofuln •• :. thol'fle!. Qr.m:cf a9re •• to pay a rOlll'on ... lt:-Tl'uat •• ';; tot. f(lr fl.: 1 1 or part.:a.a~ rr:'=oU'!e'/Mn..;a. toq.ther ",un a recordin!) !.~. If Truatefl, .t. ita npt.lon, ol.ct.. to record SAid r.conve:tan":l!r. 1'1. ;:1I.!!".~£Lt.r.pp.!.nl'J_~..:u~L~,I:!£.l~~_"!!.~. In c ••• at III .alo puu.uant t~ a (ontclt-alal! o( t.)-.;'$ tleed e.f ':'ruat. t.he f'ropert.y. rll.~. p.I·ElOn~~ or lIIixIIO, ma:,' b ... old u. an entirety or lr, oa:cel&, Lly one r;uo 0'( ~.y •• veral .ahr .. held at ontl urno or at. di-:ten:nt tu,e". all lit ·t'1·uet •• 1n it ... unro.t.rlcted dlar.r.~ion ma'J .1Q'!t, and th. Crantol (or .ana 0:'\ C).hal! at it..elf anu ali por.onl clalr.l':I1Y b·j. t.hl·O~u"h 01 un1.1· ::.~. ·"'.lVO& an'/ and all r1tJht. to ha'l. tha f.'1·ot' ... l'ty and eU.lltltL ~Qmpr,t\n'il t.h'!t f'ro~rt.y lIIa:"l5h.ll",d upon III'IY (tlntel-or.ure sale and 1I!)I·.et. t;;.H Ur.Oll torec.lo==:ur. th., Prop.r~y mill b. Eoh' a .. ar. ent.lrety .. nd nCt .... In p.rC:.l~. 2C. . .~~u_r..ll1,,-!'_'!-:l~.h _ t-£I?f ~.:;,.!,~~!'Jl.2:2D\..!l.9. "011 Cnntor tlhall r.e':.. wl'thout t:::.r&t Q1:tl.al.nnq tl':. b.ne:'iC:lar~"1I '"'.:.'It .... n con.ent, ........... r,;· ;,! ~:;c re::to; C'!' F":'C!l .... f.r ,i.,., Flo?e~·t.i Cor col1Clct IIny rer,t !':)I' m·)!'o t~.TI one Iftonth hi .d"/ant'eo or eh.n;t' tt\fr qernoral natl.l~. ot: the oc:upanC'l or in:a.t.:l.aur 00: acql..llO.::111 In Any z.on}nq recl ••• I!,catlon, or C:o 01" auffar any lie':' 01' t.hu:;, WhlCh wc,o·.,ud. lmpau thtlf •• CU:l~y fOl' .ald deb! or the b .. 'neflClarjl' 1,"11 .JT,c.r. tr.~ f'lcp'el'ti' or thp lGnu. 'thereo!. Z!. ~f..0~r.~!':'!n~.c.Cl'.!,Sf:~:!~.r· Ttlt: )-.oldu of U,i .. li •• d o! 'I1'u~"", lr. ar.:i aetleTt t.o tc,oreclo •• It •• hall b •• r: Hied IWl'·.r,~ut n1">t~co anG 1o'1thout. rec;l.rd to t.ha arjequllci' ~t any ""'':\lr~ty too: •• 11 o.\..ot) to t!'1. "rrolr:tm'.·"" o( a r.e":l.ver of til., rent.. o1l.d profit.a oi ti:.., f'ref"IIJ"ty Ana &ueh reC.l.,.r .hall havtI;:, In aL!·~:.tlo~ t~, .11 the -------_._-_ . . '; ~-., ....,. ~,".. ~. IJlHtoIl:".1II4IP11XIIQ.IIJ.1I2.e~i"L!I!.4.a.llllt"tIU"'iI!I. I!ISIISII!.'"U.q", ••• ,=-..... 2 I,d RDH619 r19hu and powera cUltC' ... r!ly qiven to and ••• rch.d oy luch receival", a!l the f19htl and po~~r. qr.nt.~ to the Beneficiary by the covenlnt. contained in parlfjJraph 23 hereof. . :. •• u.n.. and pro!i ta .1! of the rlqht. title and int.r.~t of the Grantor in all 1 .... " and nntal 19r .... onu nulll' 01' hera.ltar aU_CUD; •• 1d Property Ire hereby ••• 19nod and transferred to the Beneficiary.' eVidenced by an A-Ilqnaent of ~ •••• and C.ah Collateral .xecuted Ql)conta"'poraneoully herewlt.h by the Crantor In tavOl' of foh. BenoU- ~cl.ry and by refer_nce included hereln. ~ 23. pehul't. Y"":''"Y .r:.:i W!!.!S1on. In Ule evant of default .:J in complunca wlth In1 requu.mont of thu O •• d ot TruI" or ~f any ~ furt.her inltr'Ument It any time executed ",lth r •• pect to t1l1. Deed ~ of Tru:t. the aeneflcllry may. at ltl option. ent.r upon and take 'C) PO,"I.&I1"n of th. l'roper~'1 and let the 11m. 01' any part tohereo!, maklr:.,j there!·::r GUt'!':. cll':.ellU(,ln~ ~a 1t hnd! ncc" •• u''1, ·.r,d mill)' t.ermlnatfo .11 IIlIjI l ..... (u~ ""01:"1/1'11 .njl ul'~ •• ncy or occup.ncy :)f the Proportj', oKercillnCJ wlt.h r'~f.'.ct thoreto anjl riQht 01' optior. avallable to the Crantor. t'ram and after tho occurrence o( any luch dehult. H any owner at: -:he Property .. hall occupy tt.e Property or p.rt thereof luch owner Ihall pay to the aeneficiary in ad'''lnce on the !irat da:t of .ach month a rea.onabl. rental for th. epac'! GO occupied, and u,:..on f.llure &0 to do the aeneficiary 'hall blr enu tlod to remo'"e &ueh "wnOl £L'om the property by any appI'opnate aet.1on 01' proc •• dinrJ. ".... P.!l~!.';c NOI"IWo!:~:,:!;·. Tne tnurlr..., upon and taklnlil pOU,O.I10li of th~ I'roptart·;. t~l. c"llect10n 0' .uch rontl>, 11.1.101, and pro!jt~, or 'Cher proc"odt. e! !lr. anu other ;n.urlnc. pollcle£. .. r compen.atloll or .... rd. ~Ol' anI' taklnq or dlmalil. or tr .• f't·opo:·[,y, and th .... p!=,llcltlon 01' reio.e. tohOI'OO! es: I{ol'oa".l.d, &ho.ll ntJ':. e:l.!lO Clr WA1Va 4n1 dwtac!t ::r netIc .. of dotault he,'oul"'der or In .... lld.t •• ny .ct aont: pur~U"I':' [,0 euen notJC~. 2S. ~,:y~,Q5=. rt J~ •. ;n..I.l . .!._:. !! .r,i· -£',ont rd DCtt:.1J~:''' .s cief:.m,d 11". thfr Loar. l'I~n·OOI"' •• nt. flil.l! C:CIJI, tneH, """J 1n Iny DUC), evol"'t, thtr &oneflcHHY ~h.;', 1"4< er .... ~:leci to -':" llt~ Al! '·Jc,h['J',. And r.hll~ hI"" the ben~(:"_ l'..I! Ai ~ l'e:Y.ccilor. pl·o':a.h,d bi 1 • .., Ci1" ae! !ortt. HI :na· ~t:t:d of ":'L:~: 0: W "flj' other In!trumont Cjl,·tW [,0 .ocur. tile .nricPtuam~t<,. ~·'l:J.'IIC,,!,c..; OJ' thu S.,te, 1I1Cl\j'.hn<:l ti'l" rlqht tc.o cioc~u(.· .. ll !u~:~. r'~::'il·~~j jl~rvc'j H:III.~cil,.telj' du'" AniJ p.Yltat:. 2G. FOl'o::loZL:l·"II. th ...... I·/UI· (".! b"noficllri' ot: any dO!I.Jlt or. the p.,rt o! ·:;I',ntol !:h;,~l C'~ Gont."na~d I ... WA1' .. "r G£ any alJ.b- •• ",1.101.[, ut'f.ult hel'eundo, , ll~ .':ont. t;·f Any '·uc:h dpl .. ult .nd upon '.::'ittl'!'! r~q\.I':~t r,r " ...... ll.::I.H}·. ':'\·u.t.er ar ... J.l •• 11 t ..... "ropel'.ty In lc:eor~ln(,;iIt WI i,;h .. h" n~e(J o! Trust A":'t of tht: 5t.'::!' of W ... hinq'Con (RCW Chllp'::er 61.;!'" ilt. ItI'(1!:tlf'!Cj n'!)v or hereafter ."endedl and the Uratonn CDftIII'IerrClal Cod~ er th_ :itatlt of \·jl.r.lngt.or. whot'O· .ppll· C:.ble •• ~ pUb' n: .... et.len tc. ':'!I. hl gher.'.. l.ldoer. Ani' peraen •• cer" Truate. "'", bl:! ,,', 'l·l·~.:;tu'.·'f, • .)\e. l'rua~etl _hal! Ip"ly ~b.·· prc.c.e.ll.\ tiC tnv La:" at folIo'''':'': 111 tc t.ne 'J,IIpOn3tr of .11",. lnt:ludlllt.j iI re.er..lu.",l~ ~1'\,6['''l'.: 11!'ft .r.d It.':tOtl,ejl't: tet:; 121 [,0 .11 the lnr'tl'pt.oan.a~ .Vlc...,I(,tr:J by lol:!:' !j,,'::ft and .1! Clth.r lndit ... ~~ eOI.flaG Illtcu,.d by t.''U!i !.J., .. :i CIt ':'r\u.~: 131 lhlt :\\.;r",lu~, If lUII'. shall b. dlatl'lbut.,·j lr. .,.eoru.nct! ""i~,h ~aai tto.j ot: ':'r-.:~t Act, ':"l".aUtt' ~nol~j 0") :"'or tc: ':.i.e j.·\.a-::!.iI ... .,:-at the a.l •• t5 d."c!.. ------------.--.. --.. --...... " --_._ .. _- RIlN619 wiLhou~ warr.n~y. which shall convey to the purcna •• r the in~.re.~ :l.n the proper~:I which Grantor had or had ~he pow.~· ~o convey at t:l. Urne of ita e.e:ut10n of tht. Deed of TNu. and aueh •• he .ay have acqulred thereafter. Truate.t • de.d ahall recite the fact •• howin; that the aal. wa. conducted :l.n co.plianc. wlth all the requirellonu of thtl la\,' and of thie Deed of Trult. ",hieh raC1 tal shall be Jlrlma facie evidence of e"ch coftlPUance and conclullve evidence thereof in f.vor of bona fide purcna.er •• nd encumbrancerl for value, The power of .ale conferred by thla C •• d of Tru.t and by the Deed of Truet Act of the State of Waahlnvton :I.. not an a.clu.iv. remedy and when not e •• rei.ed. Beneficiary lIay fonclo.e this Deed (If 'fruat •• a morulta;e, At any tilll aen ... t1ciary may appOint irl ",ritin..,. a lucce •• or tNltep. or dllcharQ'e ,and appoint a n.w tru.tee In the place of any Truet.e nalDed herlln. and upon the r.cordln; of lueh appoln~.nt in ~.h. mort..,.age recorda o( the county 1ft which th:l.~ o.ed oC ~rult il recorded. the luee.leor truGt •• Ihall be veated with all power. of t~. ori9:1.na1 Tru.t.e, The TrUltee lS not ob1i..,.ated to notify any party her~to o! pending •• 1e ur,·jer any othe,' de.ct of trust tlt-o( any letlon or preceedlr.CJ ln wl1l<::h Gr,nt.o!'_ ':'l'U!:t.I" 01' lh,nltl:::'ilry ahal~ be a pa,-t'J. un1.$8 IHJ':h .c~lon 01 pro" •• ciln~ 1& bl'uuC',lht by th'" Tt-uatot:. 2'7, 2l:!-!....£!l._~~11l Clau-,_C!;, Except a. permi tted by Section 2:,6 of the Loan "9re.ment, Grar.t~r wi!l no~ •• 11 convey ••• a1qn. transfer. further encumber. or otherWise G:lonate the Propert /_ or ani part thereof or any lnterelt therOJn, without the pr1~:-"':ltten ct"n.en~ o! o:.h. Be~lc!icur'/. provided thlt ti) Fette ma, convey lta interen 1n the Propel't'! te F:t. (ii) Crantor lilly convey It. intereat 1n the l'roper~jI tt: & yer.erral partner.llap. c{ ",hlCh F:O= 15 .' ..,.In.ral pal'~not", Gild pro"'ldod that fleneflclar,! :ahil,U not unl'ea.onably ..,:t~JlC.lcJ It.;. eon.ent: '_0 ani' prop.,.ec! liee-ondari' Cinlllnc1nq_ AnV tra.nrtcr c! .m:· partner£iup lnter ... t 1n reE shall b. cieft",ed a •• 1. e! t:;~ fl·c!'er:.j' !or puq:.~aOE .:.! thu, J:oIl~';'.Jrapl. :~', pn,','lded th.t the e.::.£t~I~'" fJlo:·tner~ t,:! (,;r.n;.o~' Ill.:,> rea!loca\,e thejl lntere8t .n Cl'al"l':.O)' amc..nt,' tnom~.l· .. e£_ itt; 10n9 Olio r:o:-: 1""mIl10. a", a r,.ontrral p6rt.:1t1:' ,;I! FC'E. 2E.. :1~ll-:A-I~lr;,lO;tl!n,!l_t!.~!"-'rhe Property wiucr. are tho! :.'lO.i.,.- )tlct o! thl~_ {)e~d eo:-'!'rup.,; U'd m·t uSld prlne1pally (or "o;r:cul- t\H'" 1 0:" rarIf.Hl·,1 pI.HFO!'(,rIo, 29. ~~C!;~U·:-'1I_: .. T,.,~a!',_: .. ~h.~E9~_.I?LL~-.;. If lit :my ";1I1'1t! ;.h.) Uilltfu; !:t.l., .;.1. "'TII'!'--':" c·r t.he St.ato eo! ·.Ib:..fllngf.oil tl·_.l! r~quITI! dO:lOm&nta!"y at.e"r~ to t,.~ a!!!Jtr.'ld t.r. thIS Detro o! '!'l-Ut"t_ or toha!: lr.\pOa& al.y ad ','a:Ol'err 01' nUI'!I' tar. upr:m thH_ urte.d o! !Iuat cr tht> lnt:.f!:est (If thl! lJlnofiClal'y "ereuou.r, 01' :! :lny jaw :a en.e:eo:! dedw:;:lnlji 11\?1"tC',lIIl"~ 1~"r,5 tf'!)lTI the va!'I~ '.J: \-;art.:rnqt.on 4,ar,ci .cOl' t.ht! ~urpoae c·[ real ... tDt!" 0:.xat10n Ot l'trql.Ol :"IOQ meort.",aq.e. Leo pay .. • .ol"llO:,\ \J{ tl~C 1~r.t.l I,l~V,:' ~t.Xt!t, .:.~ F-:'" .r'i l .. " l .... ,.J "'u bub.i.,i .. tut.lon lin wne!e or In par:) thereto:", which r,a~ the pI·act.ic"l effect of requl riM] aencflellry tc pay anI' -.'Il 'l!Ol811 t.axea ~r lone equ1·;Ue.,t tnlr",ot 1" reapoct c! thtl p,·op,.'t'ty. 01' I! there OCCUI'& a chanQJI :.r. ~ne taXatlC.1 of mortQaq",. so all ~o r.q .... 11'. tile Pot!r:cti:cllry '~o ~4'/ a tt.)( L1 na&!':n a! !ti!l ownerlil'_IF of thia1>eed 0': "':rutt. Cotn"'l thar, f&df'll'4~ 1"(;Orn., ta,..'!'!'I th~ Glantor tr.D~~ P"1 (~r -:iI\.:!I" 1';8 tet,sr,tf, t:. ~a'l) 1e.1' tn. d-"<;'.:r,,'Ultar-,-.t.',l~':': :,r. 8hall pAy fr.,. r:aue. :t •. tellillnt.~ to pa'j) suel. ~iI)I t.r.qet)",f'-:" ... ·.t.h ,. ... -. ';'j.tol'.C·. 01 p.nalf.let-lll'lp".ed Ifl connect.:>n tl~p:I-:w:':.r._ prc.vl<.led the.: '.! fto:· ani-I''' •• OL: paymer.t r.'j :;ril:~~":· 01 an',' :l:: ,; new 01 -------------_ ............ __ ._----- -.;-... --- · ·:;;~:r .. " kDH619 additional ~.xe. would be unlawful or 1£ the payment th.:-eof would conl'ltut. ulury or render the lo.n or indebtedn ••• lacuI.d h.r.by wholly or partially u.urlOU. un~.r any of the t.~a or provlalon. of the Hate, or thie ~ed of Trult or otherwi ••. Beneficllry m.y. at lta optlon. upon thirty (30) day. wrltton nOtlC' to Cr.ntor. declare the whole 'l~'" .ecured by thu De.d of Tru.t wah intorelt ther.on to b. illlmeo:tUUly due and p.yable. (In WhlCh ..... nt no prepI~nt fee Ihall apply) or a.noflc-lary ma~, It it. option, pay that .. ount 0'· port~.on of luch taxe. a. render. the loar: or indebtedne" aecur_d hereby unlawful or u.urlou" In which event Orantor ahall concurrently therewith p.y th. r.m.lnlnv l.wful .nd non-u.uriou. port~on 0: b.l.nco of '.ld tax ••. 30. ror.clolur. §Al!, In the ev.~t th.t thte De.d of Trult ~. foreclo •• a •••• or~9a~. an~ th~ troperty .r\d at a for.cloaur • •• 1e, the purch.oer may. durln; the .t.tutory r.d.mptiOn perlod make .uch r,pMlr. or alt.ration. n.c •••• ry for oper.tion of the fropa,·ty ., 1I",.y b. r ••• ~n.b11 n.c •••• ry for the prt/per operation, c.re, pre,pr'/Ation. prote'tl0n .nd J.nGunnf,j thereo!, Any lUlU '0 paal toCitethel· t.'lth lnt_relt ther.nn h·em tho tlmft at toui,;h o,.):enc.li- tur. at. th6" hlCith.tt. , .... ful rato .I~.ll be addod to .nd bttcomt a part of the .mount. roq\.:ll·.J to bill ~ud for rtrUomptlon fl.·om .uch aale, 31. J:..2!.~Mtl:._"'I!'.m~. Tho Cnntor · ... ill s;.or!onr .• ach .nd ev.ry obllg.tlon of Cr~nt.or undor the ~o.n Avr.ement.. J~. H.9.t!.~..9l_fJtr..e'£!p..!!!.r..~' Bon.ficllry .hall have t.he' nc;rht at It.. opticn t.o foreclo.e t.hi. Deod of Trust sub)oct to the t·ililhta; c.f cny t.onant. 0'· tenanta of t.he P,opertj' and the talh'n to maktl .ni' =uc:~. t.onar. ... or 't.enlnt. a p.rt', defendant to any such ~Ul t. or aetlon 0\ tc.. 10rer.~CI.e tnolr rlCitht. lJ.l~ nc.t. DII alU01·toa by thll Cran";ol al! a det.n .... JIl sr.i' aetlon or aUlt. In .. Llt.ut.e~ ":.0 =I:11oc1: tn .. lnd.btodnoa, lIecul'ed nOl·.O,/ C.f any pat·t t.hero,:,f or any dOtl" ('ltJnc, .. oma:'I',II\(I unpaid w!tO\· !orflclo,llt"'" .n~ aal .. o! the forop- al·t.,'". an'l Blatut.e Ct· ~·u:e c! la .. at kr,y t.!m. ~'.~l'tlng to t.1l" cont.l· •. ·j' no ... ·.,! ':h~t:ar.~lll"·'(J. 3j. ~:u~:·oaAtlor .. The SfI.lc!lc:.al, "hal: b. !luh:-c.:).lt.cci for furthe''': S'!C~il·:.-t.-~·~t.c;·t.he h~r: altr.cul]l"', '·chu,etl Col rer.~rd. of Bny ar"oi all oncl'mor;:t.,cee pal(; ~"t of t.he proce"u:; ':It tht; ~oan .ocurou ~y thl~ ~eod of Truat. .. 3-1. ~~.:r~.o_ .. ~~.tI.c~t..(: )nr~r:..u:"f!nl~ Jh!l:tr.,o,:·. ;'.!'.~.~':'::.~::.~~). C;t·arto:· frc.rr. t~tM~ t.:. tlr.\~ ..... :..:.1 .• :.:, ~'; dii·jL .!\.~J rf!qu •• l pY &.ut'- l1eiary, shall .,xc,,:ut.e. aekno • .-i(;..iC]1t anci dEll.lvel" :0 Berul!l.;lary. suer, chattel :TIcr·.I].ge~. I\"!CUl"lo;·,. ol"'l"O~!:ICr.t.. 0\· other ':I,milar .. e,:ur.:1 'Ilf:".ru:n.,nt~. ~JO [orl!". and louDr.t.anl,.ti' lutlsfll::t."ry t.o b.ne.flcllry, cO'/erln'J ,il ,,"'op .. rtj· ':If ani' l:ln:i wliat.s(.Ie'/or o~'noc! b·, Crantc.l :a· in .... hie! .. Crant-or hall ani' Int.er.,:a .... hlCh, 1n tho aol. OpU.IO:; of bllnc:·lt.:lal',. 1 •••• 1.11.\. ... 1 -."" I.l .. • u..,t.-'IIL.i.VI' ""[ 1.1,01 h·oport.~' coveptd cl· t.t.l" Oeoc of 'lrur..t.. Gl·ar,t.ol .. ,-..11 f~:rtn.r. trom t.lm. to tunc. wlt.hln 15 da~·:: aft.er l·l!!que~t Ci' &ene!t:iari'. oxecut.tI .• o;/O:I.!1·.~cD9tf Anc ~"l:'VOl· IUI'J flt.a:lI':lnl') ~!r.~~.-::~~,,;. renfrwal . • !rid.·.·lt. ctlr';.l!l~at.fI', ';OJnt.·,nUatlOn ~t.a:etr.~n~ o. olh"r doc.:m01'lt a'lt BenO(I:-lal·i' 1:1.1" request :.r, cr.,.,:-~o perf.,ct. p"oE.rv •. eon· tlnUfI:, .:-tt.'1nci 0:· r."Iol.o:-:t.&;in t:1U .. cc:.;r:.'~y lnt.OUI.t. un'Jul, .. ud the pl·.or~ t:: ::.:. ·.hl L v~.(j of Tl·UI.t. oIne! 'Lj,u fH 1"1"' f ~ r,( ",lIC/". c:-'.tt.el l"Ol't.qa~fl r..r ctn"l· &:,,:::u:·1,:"/ In .. 'trumo!:1l a:.. a first. 1j'11I. '';r_nto,' tUl't.ht!'l· _tlr .. tot: t.~1 p.': tc btm.:·lclatj ":-\ oJ.ft,ano .11 :o.t .. "nd e!'tpe:t~c.:l .nC\alllcl t.j" E.em .. hc .. .l:;-n; cOllra::t..:!.."!: .... t:. the ~ l .,- ... _._--_._ .. _------------------... RIlII619 preparatlon, I •• cutlon, r&COrOlnv. tilin; and ra!111nV at any auch lnatru •• nt or document lnelud1n; the charv •• for .... ln1ft9 titl. Ind the attorney'l C •• lor renderlnq an opinion •• to the priority of thi, Dead I"{ Tru,t and of luch chlttol &Gr't.v'v' or other •• curtty !""tru •• nt ••• ..,.l1d !iut and lublhtinlil Uen. Hcw· Iver. nelther I rlque.t 10 ~.d. by Beneliciary nor the failure of D.n.f~cl.ry to .ake luch reque.t Ihall be eon.tru.~ ••• r.l •••• of luch Property, or Inj' plrt 'harlof. from the convlyance of title by ~i. C.ad of TruDt. It ~.ln9 underltood and 19r •• d that this covenant and any auch cnatt_l ~rt9.9' ••• curlty Iqr,.mlnt or other ,1ml1,r •• eurity in.t~.nt. deliverad to BenefiCiary. _r. cUmulatIve and qiva" •• addltlonal •• curlty. 35. ~iC •• , All nDUe •• , delland,. requa.tll, con •• nt •• appruvala iiiCfO'iher instruments roquired or permitted to b. ;lven pursuant of the tel'tnt Df ~hu Deed of 'l'ruat ohall be in vritlnq and ah,ll be deomed to have been properly viven if .ent by rOVlo- ured 01' cortihoct fu11, POAt .. q", prepud, return recupt r.- quet'ad, or by t.eleqI'DI'D "uth report of d.Uvery ~:I the addre:.. aot forth b~'o ... · 01' such othol' addl'e." al may be IjJiven 1" wfltir.IjJ: Tho Bonehcul':" lit: 'rhe Crantor at: "::itic-ol'p Rail tatate, Inc. 1111 Thlrd Avenue, 27th Floor Seattle, W •• hlnVtOn 98101 Attontlon: aOQ!onal Vice- Proudent Flr,t City &quitlO' 80c.. FUth Avenue SUlte 4170 Se.tt~· ~a.hlnqtOn 9P1C4 J.tt.en ... cn: "aVId SchumAn ;'ro'.'l~""<l, hovever. that. tiu::h ,ddr.,1 may be changed upon flve (51 aal'l ""ntt.llr, nct1Cf> ther~o!, :!.ltfli; arly g .. ven t.o t:., other .,an:.:t.ea, Such n:::-:'1Ia', donlencl, I "4UWb:', "~I'I.ont, flPFrc'".! o. c.~hor 1Ilct:n- mer.'. I!:hi.l: t:'!' o .. elt.~d ';.(.0 :\iI':~ Deel! I!en'#\rl o.~ thl! Clftn bU'll1e,~ do:( :'OUO\o'lD'.! thtr r.iat'!r Q~ rr.a~l.lnl\l, 01' ~h* repc!t "f dll!l'/t:r'/ ill Ua, r.a.e C'! a tol~~l'arr .. 3(., ~..:.. .. ~t),,'l9'~ .. ~'.;-:~~.C;:'.}~ ,.\'~G~,;I\'1. ("0 chan,)., amendlfte:'lt, RIOd!- li:Atl":-:'. cancelllltloll 01" du:cl.arf,'f' h"f'oof anall bf: valId ur.~CI'''t. 1n ... ·:'l':.lnl) anti Ilyr.f!U lIj' the Fot'tHH. h"!'fl't" or the:r rftspoct.lve aUC'CCi,orl Ar.d a~til m,l., ~?l:':~~!,-,l.:::!!. ;. .. ,'t.l':U In one cr It.on J"~t.lnc(.s .,£ any cf th-= t.erlU, cover ... :lt." COr.dlt.lonl. or pr"'\':~l.,na hlll:".scf, Ol' o! tne folote, :.,"a11 .. pply ~I". t.ne Fal't:,c1Jlal' In.:'lI':':~tI or lnrt:"'.nt:"t!> ~",:! At. tne. pal'·.~cu~.r tlmo or ':.1!T'.et. "':~;'j', .n~ n" !meh v6iv,"~' ahall ):Ie d.emeu a contlnulr.1] wAI','''r; b~t all ~i t,he terma. cover,ante. Cc.nc:i:tlon£ "nd ('thal' pr')'.'lt.lonr. c! thh Dee:i .,r Tr'lSt and oi the Not.~ ahi\ll cur"l"e and ccr:t-lnue t.e· .'I'fo.:n 1n Cull forc. anoj ef£e:t. fo!: :ltilai' cr. Bono!l:.ill.:t'll Fill'': lr. .xerclIllnCJ arlY 1l0h' .hall bit dltolT.oJ ill •• 1 .... 1'. 10.11 W61"lfrt lI:'1a:'l bt. 1n wntlnq, lb ~l!!!.lIl.~r~'" ,J..!!:!!t,d.l!t, !<I~. ntll'le::::i r.crCl., reur·:e.j te> th~ Bentlfll:lal'i' 1. 1nt..,r,derJ ~~. l'o: cy:lu:>.· .. o: ot allY ot~1'11" remod),. t.ut N,ll':n "1t1 t!'IoJl''1 S\.Ic:t. :-eor:lt:!l~' Il!.ll:. b~' ':\lmujat.l"t: dr.d t..(.IIi.l bill:', .~dltlon toO any ot.he,,· re,...dy Illver. 'r.c~·e\:r,.:ier :or 110\0' 01 1'llEtt.Ct",r eK~ !',~lll'..1 At ,' ..... 01 :n aqui ti' or 0)' ~tjjt.Jtt. -----_._----_._--_ ... _-----._-_._--_._--_._._-'--. ------ A .5 za!!IPJ. jiqIUC.:aStA._..4..z -! IUlH6I9 39. ~.trl,,~on StaU L.'011 GoveJ:!l! .. Thu Deed ,,( Truat 11 'to be 90v~rn.d y and car_t d In .~cord.nc~ with the lawa at tn_ Stata of W •• hlnqtoll. I\t .. 41! opt.1on of the aa"lafieury. the venue of any act10n to enforca tn. proviaions hareof may be laid in Kinv County. W •• htnqton. 40. Savttnbih.!:t. If any provIsion of thu Deed of Tnaat. or ita appllcl:lon to any pereon wI" clrcYm~tAnC' •• ia hald invalid, the o~h.r provillonl hereof, or the applIcation of the proviaion to other perlona or circumatanca" ahaU r.~t ~ aUected. U. Mi.callanaoua· All aaneUciary's rlqhta and re.lcU •• harlin apecifiea ar. tntended to ba CU.Ul.~lV. and n~t 1n aubati- tution for any rivht or r."dy otherwis. Ivallable and no require- •• nt ",hlt..olvlr •• y be we1veel at any UlDe except by • ",ritln; liQlned by tho B.nefieiary. nor ahall any walv.r be aper'~ive upon oth ... than I .nnQl1. oeelllan, This Deed of T1"Ult cannot be chlnr"ed or terml.1atod oully. Thu ~ed of Trust aprl1 •• to. lnure" to thtr bane!lt 0(, and 1. I.Jludjnq not onLy on the p.r~ie. her.to. bUT. Of. thoil' htll"·~' u.·,'III'.trlO. :OCJatll''!'t, .dmln1atr.~or •. eMeeutt'.Ir •• al..ee ••• ot. anti aar;agnl., ,;~~ ",L.llfJAtlon. (It Crantot' ~.l'.und.r aT. jOlr.'!. and ,.veral, Thw t",-m "S.:\lhciArl'" shall m.an tho holder& and owner.. Inc lud'.nq pl.a;.... oC tho lIIate ,ecured h.reby • ..,hether or not namod a. elrnoUciary horoln. Wlthout aff.ctln; t.he lubility of any other peraon Cor tho payntent of any obl1qatlon h.roin mentl",ned tlr.:.udlnq Or.ntor .hould 1t con\'.:t the fropert:J) and. ."ahcut at!octln; ~h. li.n horfO'af upon any pOI tlan of the f'ropol·ty not r.l •••• d. bon.f1cury may. without notice. relft'H" ·w por.on 10 Uab) •.• Mtend the m.tuntl' or modi!i' tho to", .. ,. .:.f Any 'a,.eh Obl1r"l~ion. or Qlr.nt athe:' lndl.Olg.ne .... r.l •••• 01' I·ocon',',,:.' tr:· caue. ttr 1:.. r.l •••• ti 01' reconvey.d I':. .ny Urn., all ca' part of tr.t'! Property ao.cnbed herOin. take or .. 01 ••••• nl' oth.r •• cunty or make compowl't1on& 0:- athel' arrangementlo wst.n aaptors. benoflclAry may .lao aeeept additsonal 8.CUl·! t/'. 81 th~s' eoneltrl·en":. i I' h&r.wJ <:t. 0\' th"r •• fteT, and cell •• ",~ Or otilet"wl'" r~"!.:';u, tnenrC'I",. "'l'!r.o: t:'otcae. eoncut·· rcntli' "'lth. or .~'!o::-Jllll!: h&Tltlwo",r, !h:~ 1).lId o!" ':"ruat ..:h.ll t.e .0 con&O:l"ued ·_hat wh ... l'.· .. ~:" apj.! scaLi'!. o:j •• Uu! c.! the Elllg"J16r numDe:-sha:: lncludo ·_h., P!l:l'''~ nUl'lt:f.I:, the u •• nt tl.':' plur· ... : nu,nbe:-Bhlll~ In::ludo the &1r.;1.11,,:-r,IJmOotr, the u •• of .r,/, qen.:l,,· wh.l1 ~. appbealJlt to all rjI"oci.n Dn:! Lh.ll :,Ic • ..,ue t.e '0 cons':.:-ued ar. .PP1!c.bl. te. And 1n:11101IH.' "col·pcratl:..' .... Tht. word "Notf·" cr.&l: lncluae 611 i~ot(!h o".'luer':'::,'l th .. ~nd .. t.t .. dl:."~ sttcured hlrabj' . 42, ~!~ill.':.!0.a..9J_.Joc~~?~p.'II. the ..... :'1':. ~! II defau!t b:,o Granto!· tlot~. ':"nc. leeourse of eono:'·lc.l&ry ~r. 1£ lJm!ted ,.3 p!·oVld.-r: In ":.he 43. 6.\t."'rn_e.'~' .•. _f..o_t". It; an', care Jr, "·~l;t. c.r.m'Lcr ha. I,;,r-.ri "-I,"l~"\ti.l ':.t' pa', E'!In'Ji::~a!'/'~ c.: !n·,.t-... '" itt.!,on,ey'l/o f •••• au:t n,ter_neeD atH'!: ~~ ~h .. rm.ti ~" ret'I" '-.c., ",,_/lr:ollabu," attol'ney' a t •• £, ttl WITtIE!iiS HHEHtJF. T.j'e b .. ~(cc..lt"d th. d"y .1nd lr.:I:· ----------_ .... r:~~"; ';:-:"i ,;,.:'l!T'E: .. ~ .. :.r,~. (,t,~:. fdll".I:'!1 51':JI' . : ,: .. .- ------~~I25I!~IIM&AIt~.~.al:~II~.T'.I.2.i~W~t;~.S~: ... ~J~ ..•.•. IIi'alaMe.,;U;~·I.'~"a~~I' •.. ~$~2~JA~=~ .. ~h~~~A~ j. '''";''r'''' ItArt or .AI'I~ eout:n Of 111m . '. ... Ir Irl" Call CEVILOPKlNT. ~., . • -"""""." corpouU." " "I , G. I'IEr ... H"lK(lNrC'" '1~. ___ . ~~ Or Ui::t.·'"~· ",,';:;;"G!"-~-==w;:.-.. h """ ~'1 .t . '9 ...... 1'. _. t. ... undo .... • ,.....s, ... ui'ii'"')ubUc .,,"'""Mi"r;;-Ut1 .,.U ,.i ;'._1'.:r.r~". _., r_,.'tO!\IC ,nd ._rG. P4r ..... II, I""""" ~y,a III .• e .............. _ .... "''' '0 DI •• '''' ... 1 PI.n._, 'ft rJtlI1' CIT\" 10'..':1'u. • ..... hlft9 ... " p." ... rlhIP. t)M pI .. 1.M"I"" u...o: •• .cut,d \:.he "'I'M" Ind "'"'11''''9 '"nr~"t .• "'Mf Iclmowl, ... cI .,td .nlt.....--•• ' t ... "'It lflr _net voh'n1.lr1 leI. ond i," ., baa Ind ~ •• hl p.,''''''. Ihl,. tor thl u .... na pur ..... th,r"" .,,,UNI •• enG on .IU. 1"lu1 '''''' b, "' •• I\lt"'rn.od '0 "'n". 'lid lu .. ,.." ... u, • ,.rUle,."", ,., ............. ,. .............. , ............ MIl .. H.II tU ... d .... , .... , W"I ....... , .... , •••• n'. 'Al~ ~ ......... , • • I'M.I ." N. aNli .Uac'al ••• , lIeru ••• U .... , ..... , MId , ., ,., .. a. "' .... "''',.," ..... " .. ,,,... . .... ... ~>f~ .. AOfU9 FUUic I,. .fta ,,, ~ ~)~ .e If')' I ;, . 'n,ell", II ~a..&S.!L"''' M... , to. , " wtttrr ... )' b.nG ... " .... 1 .,.1 ...".U ,'fI'l. 1M ,.., .ad , .. , •• "" .. " ..................... ~_ _ "...;J . "': L . 5Zf • .m-~:~-.,.~~, .. ..:' ,." "\ ,p..... of "UlLU.l_. , .. 1Ih"" . . • U~.'"'' '- --- 'u- ~ .' <. " .. -..... - POSI 3 Or~.: ~o. 6~2499 DESCRIPTION FOR PARCEL I: PARCEL I-A. Thot portion 01 tho SouLhwost 1/4 .f Siction 13. Township 23 North. aanSI 4 tast U.K. I AND That portion of Junction Addition to th. Cit1 of s •• ttl., II per pl.~ recorded in Volume 12 ot Pl.t •• ra,_ 7~. rlcord. of king County I TOCETHER ~:TH vlcated .tr.ttl adjointn, vhich would .ttlch to Ilid prami'" by operation of lavi AND of Charll. Brownell', Donation Cl.1m No. 411 AND of thlt portion of Tr.ct 26 of Rencon Shore Land. 2nd Supplemental described I. follows: alslnning at the South 1/4 corn., of .Iid S.ction 111 thIne. North 00·S8'2801 E •• t 110n& the North· South clnterline af .. 111 Siction 13 • di.tI~a~. of 88".84 fl" CD the South .... ' corner ot Tr.'t 26 of R,"lton Sh""r.hnd. Sicond Supplemenul Hap ••• cr~rding to the u"rwcor~ed pllt thefeof. Ln." .... South 72-37'~2" ,,"cst .~on& thl So\:,h boundary af lIid Trlet 2~ • di.t.nce of 382.60 f.~t, thence North 10"~4 '02" ""ut along ui.d South bound,.ry of traer 26 a dhunc. of 7J.~O feet tn the Ellt lihe of the ",n.rl., Brownell Donation Lind Clli~ No. 4~ and th~ true point of be,innihl' thence continuing North 7t:1·5>4 '02" Yelt .lon: Ilid South boundlry DC Tr.c: 26 I dist.nce ~t ~81.02 f~etl thence South 7)'~b'Ol" \.Iiu .along said South boundary of Tllet 26 • distance of lJO.Oa f.~tl chence South 41-16'07" ~nt .10)0& 'bid South bt'lL'nd.ry af Tratt 26 • dhtlnc. of 316.18 Cut to,) the ~o('!h bourldAr)' of I trlct of land deedpd t~ Jins Count)' .nJ de.crib~d under KinS County a.cardi~1 ,:" 6('0,786; thtnc~ Wtstprly Ilo~& I~\d North bounJarv or. a curve to tnt Itft. the c.nter of which blb:~ Soutn 39'41')9 1 • ~e.t hiving I radius of 627.46 f •• t .n arc dis:an:e of 434.70 feet throu&h I central .nsle of 39·41·3~··, thence North. diAtAnCe of 2~.CO feet .1~~J the North bound.ry c! s6!d K1n~ Courlt)' ~r~cLi thence W __ lt • dis:.nct of 280.69 f.'t along the North bo~nda7yr· of Iltd KinG Counry tr~et. thl"ct' SCiuth !l9-~3'47" \.Iut tt!ons &lid North boundary I dilt}ln:::e of 317.512 fue: t~.t!., .. t' !loouti. 710-.)'19" ~t'~: alone; u~d No:ch bO\lnci.~J .i ~isuna of 4:').31 h .. ~ to lhot r;(;!':hl.'!'ly ma:-gln ot the C.n.l~6· .'10"U'et' ''''J"ty Roa.:!: rhp~,p N~rth )~'lti'J:" ~r~: ~lcn~ .i~d N~:th'r!'l m~:,i:~ • dlst~n~' .:..f 1.),1.t,. f ... "t : ... tt.r :;':".,::. 1,,11.' of LI.II' =·..:;;~n"t .. n "O):~h"r!'l ~.di'C' .. r:' riS·lt·O!-'",,::, th.n~~ ~l~nr ~ C~~~~ Ie : .... l~~l _:~f,£ I.!d S~uth l:~~. :h~ ~~~~t: CoIf ... ·il.l:r. t-I,:~I" r:.,rn, Ct.-.'" .. ;" ~·~S· n .... 'lni • rad\oJ\ of 6)0 u0 il.'pt. ---_ .. _ ... _ .... PI,. , Ord.r No. 6S249i DESCR1P!lOr: PARCEL I·A (cant1n ... dl: an Ire diltlnce of 4S.43 f.'t throulh • c,ntral angl. of 03-44'25" to I point c.f cOVlpound curve, th.ne. along I curv. to the l.ft along •• ~d South lin., the c.nter of which b.af. North 10-19'06" ~'Ir h.ving 8 r~diul of 1.05S.00 h.t :In arc dilunci of ':,9.9S i,.t through I centr.l In&h ot 11-24'08" to I iloint of compound CU:-','ti thence along I curve to the l.ft along .Iid South 11ne. the clnter of which b •• r, North 21-43'14" Wen hlvin, I ,ad ius of 727.00 f.lt. an Irc diltlnCe of.211t.?7 f"t through. clntral 0') anIle of 16·33'35" to I point of compound curVII . L~ thence 110n& I curve to thl left alons .Iid S,uth I1n •. the ".p ceneer cf which b •• r. North 38-38'49" \i, .. t hiving I radius of ~ 1.~71,~0 fe.t an are di.tanc. of 20b,~7 f •• t through a central 5 angle of 07'l2'02" \'0 I point of t4ns-ncy • ... thence Nurth 43'49'09" EaU along .aid South Un. a dist.n ... of '.91.11 fcc: to. 11ne 3~ feet Scurh~rly ~f Dnd ~8T~11.1 ~irh rh. (2) center lin" c.f thlll eXiltir'b molt South.,ly treck of the Chic_go, Hil.lukee. S~. ~.ul and tacific Railro •• TrIcks, thene. along .ai~ pl'ulhl line all I curv. t~ the r1ght. the center of which bel:-I Sou:'h 42'43'18" East hIving tl rldi'ls of 696.89 feet. an ~rc dlst.nce of 40.09 fe.t throulh I :.nt~al angl. of 03'n'4S"1 th1l'nee North 50'J4 '2'" test alona laid panll.l Unt' e dinance of 24e. ~O foet' then-:e alont .aid pardl.l 11", on I curve ttl the right, the center of which b •• ~. South 39'2"J3" tIlt hlvin, • udiul c! 616.)8 f.et, en arL dilr~"ee of 93.64 feet thro'l&h 1 ce~tr.l angl. of 07'5S'4)' to a p~int of rlverse curve; theloet .10r.g uid paralle! Hne on a C'lrV~ ·0 chI! left. the cente' ~r ~htch be.r. NOftt, 31'29'46" W.5t having a radiu, of 4~8.b4 r~.t, an are diltdne. of 73.J~ f •• t through a ccntr~l .n~l. of 09~48'O'" to A point of rlv.rse CUrY~; t".n, .• along s.id p.rdl,l 11ne on I curVI to t"l-right, the c~nter of which ~.ar. South 41'17'50" lilt havlng a r.J1ul of 2,~80.74 feet an Irc ~i'tlnc. cf 437.60 f.et :hrou&h a central Ingh o! 09'1.2'39" to • peint of coa:pol.lnd curve: thlnce along ui:l peT.U11 lin. an I CU:"Vi to tht: T~&ht, .the .. ce~t~r of wt'eh ~.Irl South 31-)!'11" Etl5t hav1ng e Tadiui of 2,790.19 feet en Ire dl~t.nc. of 789,44 f.lt thr~UKII • e~ntr.l omg 1. ef 1::· ,2' 39" to the E.1t line of the Chad., !:'''~T.el' Con.lti,," l.'IInd ellie .-/!". 4\i th~~ee So~th Ol-~~'~'" ~~Jt cl~n& 'at~ :.,~ lln~ I d!,r.nce o! 9~O.~! t.~t to th~ tr~~ rOlnt of b~gir.n1~~: _.--_. __ •.. _-_._--- 4iiAG;;; .. C£d LA .. .ELAt, iLJ %l$E¥C= .::aw.d2.4 ij 2 '.1.. J _'11£ UIt I III .,} . . _-......... . • ~ .0/'. . DESCR1PT10~ (continued), PARCEL I-B. Pal' ) Order No. 6)2499 That portion at Ch5rl •• Brown,ll', Donltion C111m Mo. 41. and of . the Soythw'l~ 1/4 Ind the S~uth"lt 1/4 at S.ction 13. To....""hip 23 HOtth·, RanG" 4 tin \.I.H .• duc.:-lb.d .. follow.: 8.ginnl~& It the South 1/4 corner of .aid S~ctlon 131 thene. North OO·!.IS'2S" tl.t Ileong the Ngnh • Snu::h t:.nt."Un. of ,lid Section 13 • disclnce of 8B~.84 f.lt to the S~uth ••• t corn.r of Tract 26 of ~nton Shor.lands Second Supplemental "_PI. 1958. th'ne. S~uth 12-37"2" Wilt liang the South boundary of .Iid Trlct 26 I diltlnc. of 382.60 f •• t. thene, Horch 70.54'02" "',It along .. lid South boundary of trlct 26 I diltlnCt of 73.50 f •• t to the tlSt lin' of che Chari •• Brown.ll Donltion Lln~ Cllim No. 41. thence North OP2i. '0"·' Ealt along Ilid Ealt line of the Charle. Brownell Don.Lion L.n'l.J Clailll tlo. U ~ din,"". af 950.58 feet to • lin~ l~ f~et Sourherly af and par~llel with the centerllne of the Ixlltin~ most South~~ly track of th. Chicegu, Milwaukee. St. 'aul and PaLlfic Railroad Trackl and the true point of blginning; thence "'elterly aloug ,aid p.&:.l!el H'le an I CU"I to thl hft, the cent I: of which blaU So~th l5'22'n" tast having I radi.u. of 2790.19 flit, an arc di~t.n:e of 789.4~ f.et throush I ~entr.l angle 0: 16·12''l9'' to I poinr 0" c\Jm~ound curve I thence continuinl along I.i~ parI1l~~ line on , curve to t~. left, thtl c.nt~r of which bil.TS South 31'3~'1l" tilt hlvins a radius of 2~80.74 f •• t, .r. arc d~st.nc. of 437.40 (ept through I clntral angle Ilf 09·"2'39" to a point of rev,"u curv" thence conLinu!"g alor., •• id par.Uel \ir.e on a curve tu the r is·ot. tn. center of whh:l\ b'lu North 41·\7' ~O" \Ja&t h~vina I radil.u of 4:!l:i. b4 het. 11'1 arc. distance cf 7J.)2 het thr01Jgt. I centr.l ansle uf 09-48'0,," to ~ 'OUlt of rever,e curve, thence conCinu~n, .lons ~aid p.r.llel lin~ on I cu:ve to the 1./t, the c.n':d:' of wh.ch beAt':' South 31-:9'4(''' t.ht h.ving. radiul of b76.~H '4et, an .rc dlMtdnCti of ~l.b4 ie.t ~hrough a centrAl .nglt cf 07'S~'4'" to a potnt 0: rlng.fley, . th.nce c~ntinu!~~ .1cng laid p.rall.t ll~. South 'O'3~'~7" Welt a d"tUnce of 2Iotl.SO het to a point of cur··-: .~ .~ thene. cvntlnuing .10ng .aid ra:u!~.l lin. on I curve to the l.ft, tt':~ c,"'ur of whit.h b.n" South J;",) J3" Ease havins •. rDd1u~ of 610.8~ t~,· ar. ,:c oiltanc~ of 40.09 (~'l throu!h I central ~~~le of 03-17 ' .. ~ .• to thl SOo.lth hnv (If tn. h ... rt~nl!.ton Northern b:u'Qad zight·O!·'·;;JY; th"~c" t'>::"!'th Io3-:,Q'Oq" l:olltt _1('1,1,: 5.1i.d Suuth lint" • diu.nce of l'J.SJ t~tt te ~ p~i~~ o( c~r~~; ._----.~ .. «Z:;ZW: .l#i';').L.4_.QItl a t . ... \D ID Ord •• No. 6SZ499 DtSCRlrTlON PARCEL loB (continued). thene. continuing alona .atd South lin. on I curv. to the TiRht. che clnter of which bear. South 46'lO'~1" Ent hiving I radiul of 'OJ~.OO f •• c. an IfC dict.nce of 197.57 f •• t through I c.ntTDl .nale of 02'4£1'32" to • point of coc:pound curvel thence continuing .10n& .aid 50wth line on I CUTve to the right, the cen",1' of which bean South 1t3'2Z '19" Elle hiving I 'Z'ad1\1, of 1853.00 f.'t, .n arc diltance of 194.n het throush I cent· ... l Ingle of 06'01'18" to I point af coapound curve; thence continuins along 'aid South 11n. on I curv. to the rt,ht, the clnter' of which b •• rl ~outh 37'21'01" EAlt having I rldiu. of lOS13.00 fe.t. In I.C dis.anca of 186.S1 f.et through a clnt'cal angle of 01'00'49" to. point of compound curve, thence con,inuing .10ng •• id South line on • curve to the rish,. the c.nt.r of Which bears South 36-20'12" Ealt hiving I radlu, of 16S7.00 fee, an I •• distance of 193.93 fe.t through I cantral anKh of 06 -42' 20" to a painr: ('~ COlllpc.IJnd curve I th.nce contiruin~ .10n& said South If.t'le on a (wi'VC to ~h. dtht. the ,enta: of ~hi,h bears South 29-J7'52" last navin, II r.diu. of ~'J8.00 f~.t. an arc distance of 19;.76 f.et through a c.ntral angh of 01-40'54" to • pt.i"t of compound curve; thence contin~lng along laid South line ~n a curve to the risht, the center of which bearl South 27-56'58" Ealt having. radiul of 1168.00 feet, ar. Ire diltllnc. of 194.45 het throush. c.ntral Ingle of 06-18'06" to • point of cOM?ound curve, thence continuing along .aid South line on .. curv. to the rl&ht. r"" center of Which beJ·n.South 21"38'52". taIL having II radius If S'03.00 feet. an arc diltance of 20~.~4 feet thr~~&h I c,ntrai Ingle of 01-21'"'' to a point of compounri curvil thence contlnu1ng along laid South l~nk on a curve t~ the'right, the ctnter of whi.ch beatt South lO-17°0S" lnt having I radiul of 1921.10 !.ec. an a:c di.tan~e of 178.7j feet throush a c.ntr.l ana h of O~·:9'to6" to a point of cOUl.Jound curve on th~ t.nt line of Iilid r.hadu Bro",nt=:l Uo""ctcm Lanr1 CI .. llr. tlo. 41; then..:e (oncinuin,. along .Iid S~·'th line on • curv., to the right, the ,_nter of which bearl South lto-~7'2200 ta.t havint ~ r.dlul of 26l_.~J feer. ~n arc dlitancc of b~9.42 f.et through a centr.1 .n~1e of 13-2~'1~' to a point of compound curv'l th.nc. contin~1ng alont lald South line O~ t curvi fO the rllht. the cet.:er of which belrs Souln 01')2°0J" Elit havin& a udi.JJ::·· of 1l6~.C; f.et. an a:e ~~~ta~~~ of 1~97.0S fe.t :~raugh • c~~~~.l ansi,. r' -,-"j'OO" tol a poir.t vI :_nI;IIO'/' tho",.e ~"'':'": .. _!Ot ~~nn& t.:lid SOIJr.h 110e South 3"3~'OJ" Ent' a d~.:.n~1 of 306.70 f •• t to a p~t;lt of curve: thul'.c" ccntir,',;ul£, alont. utd South 11", 0:'1 • r'urvlIr to :.l,. llirU. ILr .. :o:;,LIt: 1,::' ~·t<ct-~ ... r' 11(,;r":' ):!·14·~1" tau. h.vin~ a rldil,u "t l'iC).J~ 1,,-: ... I'n Irr.:: JiH"I"~1o' of 1.).8:' ~t'f:" t.hro:.lgh a c.-nCTlI ;I!: .... l~. ,'I .:<,. H '':'\'' tu ,1 hiH' J': i~e: S"l:th~'rly etC antt r.:1Tali.t'\ ~';::. tI:~. ~<:I'~l':~lll~' ct ~'\l' ,"IJolinl: ."",.t :... ... ut,.. .. r)y ~r.,~;" 0: lill' Ct.lt::l'O, t!dw.3'Ji<t'e. St. ".:.n;1 Itt',:! PoIcdi.: Itulroad 'iu\·".: • r,;c..llt it.-.:cJ -...... _._-----------_.-._---------- P.,I 1 Ordlr No. 6~2499 PESCRIPTION PARCEL I·' (contlnuld). thence We.t.rly along 1114 pIl'Il111 lin. North '0-11'44" We.t • dilc.ncw of 126.24 f.et to I point of curV'1 thence continu!ne 810na .11d plrallel l1n. un I curve t~ the left, the c.ntet' of which bears South 49-'8'16" •• ,t h.vJ.ru~ • radiu, of 182~.78 f •• t, an Irc diltancI of 309.67 feet thLJUgh • c.ntral In&18 of 09-'1'48", thence Norch 49·~l'12"' U",t 110A, •• 1d pI'IU.l 11nl I dhtanci of 167.07 f.et to • point of curVI' thence continuing 110nr .atd parillel I1n. on I curve to the left. the cantil' of vh eh be.ra South 40·06'28" w •• t having I rad1uI of 1102.46 f.,t. an Irc d11t,nCI of 807.11 f.at thrOulh • cenull anale of lIl·S6"'" to I point of t"",gpound curvI' thine. ,ont1nuln& alana .aid pArdlll 11nl on a curVI to thl l~ft. the cantil' of vhieh b .. a". South 01-)0'18" tilt ",vinl a radius or 2790.19 feet. an arc dl.tance of ,)9.24 I •• L thrGu.h a cent.r;.l ar.glc of 13'3,'1 4" to the true point of "1,inn1ng, • contLnut!tI • '.GAbles :: usas 6EWJL!&.kliA •. '. ~ • __ , I': ' .... " •. 2 3 JJ4jgljlJ!j it. · .. h.o 8 Order No. 6~2~99 DESCRIPTION (cantinuoJ): PARCEL I·C, That pOTtion of Tr;;: 2~. Renton Shor,llnd, 2nd Suppl.~ent.l, AND That portlon of the South.ast 1/4 of Section 13, Township 23 ~Otth. aangQ 4 ta.t W.H., ~nd the Southwe.t 1/4 of Section 13, and the South~ •• t 1/4 of Section 18 Townshlp 23 North. R~nB' S EI.t W.H .• d •• crlb.d II follows: B'ginning at the South 1/4 corn.r of laid Section 131 chence North 00·'8'28" tnt alonr, the North -South cent.rline o! .Iid Sectlon 13, I diltanc. of 884.84 f.,t to the r,uth ••• t corner of :.act 26 of Renton ShoT. land, Second Supplemental Haps, according PO the unrecotd.d plat th.rlof. and the true polnt of besin"!nll thenL:u touch "-37'52" ~.!:t lIang the So .... th boundary of Ilid tract Z6, D diltance of 3~2,~O i •• ~, thena lIorth 70'S4'O," ,",Cit 110n& the Souloh bounda:,y of lIid Tr~ct 26, a diltance of 73,Sl feet to the t.lt line of the rh.rle, Bro~~.ll Donation LInd Claim No, '1. thence North 01'2~'Q~" talt Ilong laid talt I1ne, a dl.t,nci 0: ~~O.~8 lo.t to a lin. )) I •• t Sauth •• ly 01 end pe.allol with the centerline of the •• iltlng molt Southerly trick of the Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paul and PI~lfic Railroad Trlckll thence Ilong Ilid lin. 35 feet Southerly of and p,rallel with the centerline of the ~Olt Snuther17 track, alon, I curve to the right. th~ center of ... hich helrl South 1S'22 32" talt, ha .... ing a radius DC 2, 790.1~ feet. an arc diltance of 6SP.24 feet throush • central Inl1l of 13' 32' \I." rn I roint 0' c('l~pound curve I thence along I c~rv. r~ the Ti,ht, a!ong "id parallel lin., the Cl:llter of ",t,!ch be.n South 01 ;'0'\&" r··,t havin, 1 rat:lLu'5 of 1.lU2.46 f •• ~, an Ir~ dilt~nce 807.11 f~.t throu&h • ~enlr,: In,le DC 41'S6'46", thence SOl.:th "~'5)'32" E.llt, along .aid penllel Un .. , a di"tDnce of 161.07 hu. thenet .'or.t • curve to tne lilht •.. !LOn& Idd parllhl Un •• havi~& • raa!ul D( loB~~.1a (P~l, an art dl't~"r. of 309,67 fe.t throu6h, c.ntul .nt:h u; 09'''1'''0''. -•.. thence 1 •• ~~n& Ilid p~rl1lel line, S,uth 40'11'''''' Ellt, • diltane, of l2b.2' (I.:L to • print ~, the South line of th~ Burl11olton . Northern R.ilrDa~ Ti~ht-ur.~aYI th~n_'-tlon8 a curve r~ the lett, .l~~~ laid S~uth lL~c, the ce~te( or wt.ict". bl:oJrll North "{f"Io.'!'jf." t.Ut h .... ·in~. radh.1 of 1,ne5,)) hu. '1\ arc ~l'~M~ce of ~,~.n] rr.t throuth • ~~ntral aoa1-of )1·1)'19" to .. ridl.t tar,.,:pnL f,;, lOiliJ 5(1ILtii line-(",! llie Dud!'lij,lDfl NuClh'!fn ;,,): 11 ,-,,.:1 :-1[,.1.1 •• ~ ( -\II" ',' ; tI",t,;:I' (;u'H&fI\dni>, .1001: ~ill\l ! .. "Jtn II: ..... ~.:.OJ't; 71":",'(1,'" t.,' .. l lI\n", oJ l~nL' "to teet ~,aH", (If f:lIld l'oIfrlld wil~ Lht' •• i-.\.~;~: -::"\)'.hbt.Uhd tr~ct, a dt'tlnc~ ~f &'L,~b r~tt l~ fhe ~~,t lin. of "l~ ~~ction lh; cQI"ILinul'!'u - -----.----_ --I -... --........... ~--.. ---I!II!II---.. .".--tit £ • ;:, baeza c. an WAO ClUb 4.# IIr. Order No. 652499 DtSC~lPTIOH PAJCtL I·e (contlnuedl. thence continuins along ,Iid South line South 7!-29'03" &.,t. • diltanc. of B~.52 f.et to the North 11ne of the South 6~O feet ~f the Southwelt l/~ of the S~uthwe't 1/4 of Ilid Sletlor. lSI ch.nce North 89-10'25" \lilt alon& the North Une, of .aid Southwelt 1/4 of thl Southwelt 1/4 of S.etion 16, • dilc4nce of 61.S7 flet to the &I.t lint of the Southellt 1/4 c,f laid thence North 8S-1S'OO" ",.,t alonl thl North line of the South SectLon 13. 650 fe.t of the South.l.t 1/4 of .aid Section 13 •• diltlnCe of 2.261.41 f.et to an angle polnt on r.h. South bound.ry of Tract 25 of aenton Short Llndl, 19581 thence Horth 33·07'25" WeU .luna laid SO\Jth bound.,ry, I dbt.nce of 154.51 i •• t to an In&l. pointl thene. North 27-21')2" tilt .long laid SO'lth boundary, I dhtance of 381.32 t.et to .n .n&le point the!"lce NOTth 8l-17'2~" ~elt .long aaid South boundar)', a diltance of 171.17 feet; thence South 46-22'22" Wut .10ng uid South boundary, a distance of J2t.. 6f1 het I thence South 72-37'52" West. alo"l .aid South boundary, I dist.nce o! 76.33 f.et to the true point of beginning; Situate in the City of Renton, County of V.1 n S, St.te of Withington . .. -..• ------".S!I!XI!%ItI&&1I11!.!!II.:UMIIIZI:lllllI!i.2I1la".PIIOIIIIIIIIII ___ A!!UII'JIII ••• "'IZ!II!II_lIJiI:Ii'JII_lllliiiili .. . a "II aac tzii 2 5 2 a )iiv;wtr :;;!::. """1- "~;.:. " .. . '0.,·. ".' ,.1. I - DESCRIPTION FOR PARCEL 2 .2!!£!L!:.ll Tract A of The Plat ~f Wlwhington T.cnnlcal Center., al p.r "lat l'ocordOlt i~ Volnm., 122 of Plata, Pagea 98 througo 102,· rocorda of ",ing cou'"ItYl Situato ln thu Clty of Ro~ton, County of Kin9, Stato of Waahinqton. PARCEL 2 .. 8: Lot 2 of Renton I.ot Line -'CSjuatmlnt NO. 1-86, aa per. lurvey recor.Ged under. King County Recotdtng NO. 8609179004, E)I:CCrT that .JOrtton of the NOrtherly 610.00 feet of .. td lot ly'"g Ea.terly ot the road .~aement ehown On said SUfVOY Ind on the penultimlte line Plat ot Walh1n9lon Tec\lfIical Center., I. per plat recor.ded h" VolLmle 122 of Plata. Pa'lel 98 through 102, u,cordR of Kin9 COllntYJ ANO EXCEPT thdt pol~lon ther.eof conveyed to the City of Renton by deed rocord ... .; uncler Recording No. B4120706S1~ Situate in the City oC Renton. County of King, State of W.lhingtt"'" " ---,-.~-.. ~. .. . ~ ... . . ."r_._. __ " lahiblt ·1· . " ~ .... --.- • '. alCI.VED TH.I ~r Second Amlndment to Deed at 7rult Jul5 8 X ll' '~ bYTttr. [::\" •. ,', ; Thia Agree.ent, IUde and entered into thl. ~da:.i.~l~~;. 1981, by and betvoen Pirst City Equities, ..... hington partnership ,-rez-, and rirat Chy Deve10pgnu Corp., • ".ahington corpor.tion, I' nom1ne. ,-rcoc-), jointly •• -Gr.ntor-, and 1-,' " Cltlcorp aell Eat.U, Inc., • De1.".r. corpor.tion 1-8enetic1ary-), amenda th.t certa1n Deed at Trust, .Security Agr.em.nt, .nd AI.ignment of Le •• e •• nd Renta e.ecuted by Grantor •• guntor in favor of Benefichry •• blnefichry recorded on October " 1986 in the Offici.1 Recorda at lin9 County, .... hington under aecording No. 8610090658 '-the Deed at Trult -) .nd .menda th.t certain Amend.ent to Deed ot Truat recorded on December 12, 1986 in the ofUcial recorda at linq County, "a.hln;ton under Recording No. 861216lJ3S (-the Amendment-' aa fol lows 1 1. Exhiblt A to the Deed at Truat and Exhiblt A to the Amendment are hereby amended to" include, In Iddition to the real property de.crlbed in Exhibits A ntachad thereto the additional" real property described in -Additional Plrcel.- Exhibit A attached hereto a. GUlntor hereby irrevocably ;rantl, bargl.ln., aalh and conveys to Trult.e in trult, with power at ule. the, property delcrlbed in !Ihibh A atUched h~reto al -Addltional Parcel,- tovether with the other property interelt and right. therein relatin9 thereto .1 deecrlbed in tne De.d at Trult and the Amendment, lubjlct t~ .11 the term. and ~onditionl at the Deed at 'rult and the AIIend!tent. 0, lor tho purpo .. : M'" I" r , -", .. ::, .,~ <, ~ " ! I i i , j i:l£O fOA A[COHn AT A[QUlSl lR'NSA~[RICA TlTL[ INSU~'~Cf COMP'NY 32~ ID~r~ I.a. N.t P.D prl,( 1_9) ~ .. , ____ .~l l " ) . , t I , • I • I • J • J .... ~ , .......... -.... ~. ", obll,atlonl I.e. rid b, thl Dlid of Tr.lt and thl Aaend .. nt. 2. Iscept a. lpeclflcally .et forth above and 1n the uendment, the term. and condl tiona of the Deed at Trult ehall r ... ln al orl;ln.11y ••• cvted by the Grantor and the tar .. at the Deed at Trult, a. amended by thll Second Mendment at Deed at 'fru.t, .,e hereby Incorporated In hll hereln and are re.tat.d, and confll.ed and adapt ad by Grantor. FIRST CITY EQUITIES, a W •• hln;ton partner.hlp By. 'lrlt City Development. Corp., a w •• hln;ton corporation, G.ner.l P.rt et Ireoo J.l_d -" va-PI""" N(:1l HOKONSON IEHIOft va P'AUaNT FIRST CITY DEVELOPMENTS CORP., • Wa.hln;ton c rpo~ Ion I .... J.l."""", .By "'",,,.m Y;qt.Pr".'1 O. NEIL. HOKONSON CITlCORP REAL ESTATE, INC., a Delawar. corporation BY'~' Birnard b. Han.en, VIee prealdent· .. :.'.:", • ' .. 1:, .. , .. " ". ..... , .. .... "'.r; ..... I ':,. ; . ~: ... 'rI' '. !;. . ,:. . ~ '.~ ( I t ....... , . .,.:;. • ..,...-.... ' .... "" DESCRIPTION. &alblbU ••• AddlUon.l ,uce1 Ordor No. 6'2946 That portion of che Horth ••• t 1/4 of the Northvalt 1/4 of Section 24, Tovn.bip 23 North, RanSI 4 Ea.t V.H. d •• crlbed '1 follow'l Beal n"!". at che tntar.lction of the Horth line of .atd Section 24 \lith the SUl,lthv •• terly Une of Tract toA" In V,.hinston Technical Center. II per plat recorded In Volume 122 of Plat •• 'aa.' 98 through 102, record. of Kint CountYI thIne. North 87-26'40" We.t, Ilona .aid North lne, 11.$.42 feet to the NOrth.l,terly line of Oak •• dale Avenue Southwelc, thence South 6S·13'S1~' E.'t, 110nt .aid Northe •• hrlv Une, 207.52 f •• t to the Southwe.terly ine of •• td Tract "A" and • point on • curve hlyins I ,.diu. of 422.96 f •• c, the ,.diu. point of which bean Noreh 40-,,'1'" Ea.tl thence Northvalterly, elonf Ilid curve and Southwelterly line, 110.02 feet to the poine 0 beainn!n'l Situate in the City of Renton, County of king, State of Washington. . .~ . . <~.~~~1:~ ;~;fY • ., ..... i ( I '---_.--_._ .. _-._-----.-:.:,-...... ----. ..... -....... ~ i t STATI or WASHINGTON) ) 00. COOIITY or UNC ) . On thh f:\Lf"day ot t\. .. J", , 1981. before •• f the underalvned. • Hotarf Pvbl~ and far~St.t. of W •• h~n9to~, d~Y COIIIJIlhl oned and avorn, petlon.ll~ appeilred . H~ '), I~~(/t O~ , to .1 knovn to thl the se U'u PM A r~,r _ "_ oflfii'C:lty Developmente Corp., VIner. 1 partner 0 rlt lty ultl •• , the ~rtn.r.hlp that ••• cuted the within and (or1901n9 lnltru.ent, and acknowledVld •• 1d In.tlrum.ftt to be the fr •• and vOlunt.rf act and d •• d ot •• 1d ~rtn.r.hlp, fOr the UI •• and PUlpal •• therl n .entloned and on o.th Itatld that hl/lhe v ••• utherl.ld to e.ecute •• ld Inltruaent. WITNess my hand and year 1n thi, certificate STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ... COUNTY or KI toG ) aft bed the a.y My COIIUD1a11on I.plnu;;'-a? ... qt .. • On thh ~"1l'-day of ~uL..... 198', before lie, the undera19ned, a Notarr Publrc-tn and for~tat. of Wa.hin;ton, duly commi.a oned and aworn, peraonally appeared Davld M. Schum.n, to •• known to be • General 'artnera of Firat Clty Equitle., the partner.hlp that •• ecuted the ~ithin and fore901ft; inltrument, and acknowledged lai~ inlt.rument to be the free and voluntary act and deed ot .aid partnerahlp, for the uaea and purpoae. therein mentlonld anl on oath atated that he wal luthorlaed to •• ecute laid lnltrument. WITNess my hand Ind ye~r 1n this c.rtificate .. , ~ " •• . , ~ ..... ~ i .... T ~' . . , . t , • ~ ~:l ~ J ( ., " :':;'. ·.r , f.r-~~-" , :-,,, ~'. , , STATE or NASBINaTON) ) ... COUII'I'Y or UNG ) On th1. ~'It1d.y at f\ .. t.. , 1.87, betore .e, the under.19ned, • Not.rr Publ~n .nd to'f"Hil State at .... h4.tlVton, dU~ I 001II1II111 onod .nd owo,n, pe~o~Uy "W.''''' ~Alrllt I\, t£/'tW1, to .•• known to the the C1oAl\ Y.~lt III tAt of rlr1t lEr Developcaentl Corp., the coprorat on executed the with nand tore,oin9 1n.tru.ent, and acknowl.dved .aid 1n.tru.ent to be the tree and voluntary act and deed of .a1d corporat1on, for thl u ••• and purr.~-' th_reln ~"t1oned and on oath .tated that he "I' authoar' .ed to execute .a1d 1n.trWHnt. WITNESS .y hand Ind off1cial .eal hereto aff1.ed the r.y;;,;a. ,:,;:'! ~ yllr in thl. certificate above written. :·~~;t~:· .l.1H:.~,~y~?!"~~of>,"-'!;d'~~~::''''''t;'.;;" .. f''' .• ., "': ~. "a.hln9t o n , ~.ti~~I.:"" r/;. j My coawahe1on Ixph.sl ).. d'tcrt·;·~ • STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) liS. COUNTY OF KING , :r;J., On thi. 3~day of ~ 11.7, betore me, the under.19fted, a Notary Publlc-rn-and for the State ot "a.hinqton. duly comml •• loned and Iworn, perlonally appeared Bernard D. Ran •• n, to m. known to be the Vice Pre.ldent ot Clticorp Real E.tate, Inc •• the corporation that e.ecuted the within and tore90ln9 Instrument, and acknowledqed .ald In.trument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of •• Id corporation, for the u.e. and purpose. therein mentluned ~nd on olth Itlted thlt he WI. authorl.ed to e.ecute ,Ild In.tru.ent. WITNESS my hInd and year In thl. certificate above ....,""-;;0: otary u C' n an or of W •• hinqton, r •• iding " l ... , i .. · the day and I J .. :"....-.".. .-~--... ~ , ,. ., ~ . ..~. . : .. ~~ ... "., .. ( , j j I '-f aq ODd 8I&'~"'-""'~"''''.lit.lid'''L.""WAIA. .. 9 .. B .. 1l/.Q .. 1 _____ _ Attna . Ruth HOuBhtl'm Pa.tlall_".,.._ o '1110 _ .... _ .... tIIa. _ Dood ",..., dalocl.-11.-.--. eN. " 5 I ~uU1~uJ,.r.i'" • w.o~III.JLJIlIdJ'lrn Clu .. =",..mor..... ....£iUmlL.SI .. 1 E,tatl. Inc" • Del«gJ'.I...£9.r.P.oratlon . Nil ....... .". nconW ... o.:w.r 9 1'_86-. A..su.'I roe No-8 6] 00,065 S NIoVaIua . ,, __ ,._ _" N "IP' _c.u.I)', W-....-....... _ ....... _ DNd ":'NIl ,...t .... -D ... _ .......... '...-0/ Iho.-l -"" _bod ill _ <1M, wllkb ... _ ... ~ ... _ COpuator, .. ..., ,...,.,. wlLbau& ..".e, ....... pIIf'IOI'(,) tnUUIId ...... dill riP" tit'-lIDd 1Dtena& aGIIt' . hold .... 1eI ....... ill ad .. tho. poftIon " "'" .-I -"" _ ill _ Dood " ........ _tod ill _. C1na ____ Coull.,. Wub1qtoa. ...... *Developmenu COQ. ("rCDC tI ) • Wa.hington ",ot'pOratlon SEE EXHIBIT A IIEI\I:TO ATTACII&D nAn or W .... lNOTON I a>UNT'I or __ --I .. -..... --,_.--.. _'--............... .-mw ...... • a. ........... wttw. ........... ~ .... ....... 'b .... ___ ....... _ .---...... ........., .. ~ ..... ...... -.... ,."... .............. 01VZN ...... ., ...... ..ut...a1Wt "'1 ••• ., -'--___ e. • .... _ '--";;;';;;;W'''-• .,-.. -.. ~ .. -::-... -::_,.,..... .. "'w::-.... -:-.................. _------- a .. Iii' <"O-n ::.~ 'w ~~;. ~ ~;.. . :..> ., -:.r:. -., .. ;.Z T '" ~~ gl 8r_~.l.U_.~.J.~lIl!bn..:..Au1I t'DtJ9.r.f_U.fD.- ------~."....=.,.. __ --""t. /. .... C;,.... I ~ I • I I , 'ftIA'I' PORTION or 'l'aACT 8. WA8HUIOTOH 'l'ECIINICAL C'DI'I'IR AS RECORDED 111 YOLUMI 122 or PLATS. '."GES 98 TO 102, RECORDS Gr Klao COUNTY. "A8HUIG'I'ON. SHO ... THEREON AS -ROAD EASEMS",,-DISCRIBED A8 1'0""'*8. COMKUCINO AT 'hiE MOR1"IIUtBT COMER or SAID TRAC'r 8r T"Uta IfORTH 88-15'00· WEST ALONG 'I'HI NORTH LINK THERlor "0.15 rlt! '1'0 .NE S?tAS~ERLY LIME or S'ID ".OAD aASEKENT" AND ~HE ~RUE 'Ol.~ or _ 8&GUUUIfGr THENCE It<.tUTH 1-.5'00· WCBT ALONa BAlD IASTIRLY Llarl _ 26'.83 I'IE'I', 'l'HI.IfC'E OM It CURVE TO '1'81 LIn HAVUIO A RADIUS or N UO.DO '~n AIID ALONG FAID EASTERLY LIME 9S.24 Pltn, ~EIICE IIOIITH F:!U"SS'4J" EAS~ ALONG SAID EASTERLY LUE 237.24 rUT, THENCE ON A -CURVE '1'0 THE LIM' HAVINO A RADIUS or 2::'.00 PEn AND I.LONO BAlD (8EA8TIRLY LINI 35.90 rEET, THENCE SOUTH .-15'00· lAST 80.00 FEET TO A POIN" OK THE BOUTHERLY LINC or BAlD -ROAD IASIMINT-. SAID POUlT 81UKI ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS or 3BO.00 ren, THe RADIUS POINT or WHICU BEARS SOUTH 4-1"00-' EAST, 'l'HENCS WI.TEALr A&.ONO 8AID CURVE UD SOUTHERLY LINE lU." rEET, TIiDICE IfOJrTII 21-25"2- wEST SO. 00 rEET '1'0 A POINT ON THE "ORTHER~Y LIRE Or SAln -ROAD EASE"EN'T-, 8A1D roUn" BEING ON A CURVE flAVING A RADIUS 0, 460.00 PEET, TUE RADIUS POINT or 'WH1CH BEARS SOUTH 2P:U'52-EAST, ~EIICE IASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AIID NO~ERLY LINE 14.27 FEn TO A POINT or REVERSE CURVE, 'rHENCE ON A CURVE ~O ~HE LEM' HAVING A aADIUS or 2S.00 rEET A DISTANCE or JS.92 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE or SAID -ROAD EASEMENT-, THENCE NORTH lP5S'.,-WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE 237.17 FEET, THENCE ON A CURVE ~O ~HE RIGHT HAVING A aADIUS or 490.00 rEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A . DISTANCE or 117.41 tE£T, 1'HENCE tlORT" 1-45'00-lAS,. ALaNO SAID WESTIRLY LIN! 265.8) PEET TO THE NORTH LU1E or 8AID TRACT Br Tti'Etlcr: SOUTH 8S-1S'OO-EAST ALONG SAID HORTH LINE SO.OO tEET '1'0 'filE TRUE pOINT or BEGINNING, CON'TAIHING 60.842 SQUARE rEtr. -CO=.· _ .. " . ___ =._'""' .. ,.." ... = .... ....,.""a.""'.a-__ .-L I I I I I .' i '!'HAy PORTIOli 0, TJlACT A, WASHUIGTOtI TECHNICAL CENTER AS RJ:CORDED IN VOLUME 122 0' PLATI, PAGES ,8 7HROUOH 102. RECOROS or KIKa COUNTY. WUHIIIGT'OI'. DUCRIBEO A8 rou.aws. II:OIIf'NING AT "HE SOUTH lAST CORNER 0' 8AID TUet' AI THC ..... Z NORTH 1l'04'46' WEST ALC;,.O 'l'et: SOUTHERLY 1.111& THIERIOr 17.98 'CETr THEMel: IIORTH 89'04')0' ·WE8T ALONG 8'\10 SOUTHER'.Y LIlli 187.52 PEET, THINCE OM A CURVE TO THE RIOHT HAVING A &ADIUS or 422." 'EE'f AND ALONG a".ID SOUTHERLY LINZ 294.02 FEZT TO A POIN" OR A CURVE HAVINa It RADIUS 0, 6'0.00 PEET. ,.HI RADIUS POUlT or WHICH BIARI IIORTH 2.'46'10' BAST, THEIICE eASTERLY ALONO 8AID CURVE 274.67 PBET, THENCI: SOUTH 8'-04'30' L\ST 19'.20 PEET TO TilE C) EASTERLY LIM& or SAID TRACT A "liD A POINT ON A CURVE "AVIlla A 0' RADIUS or .31.52 'ZIT, THE RADIUS POIII., 0, WHICH BEARS MORTH :: 7P-)1'S7-IABT, THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONO BAlD CURVI AND E~ITERLY ~ LINE 46.45 rur TO 8£OIIIIIING. _ ALSO THAT PORTION or TRACT a. BAJD WABHUGTON TECHNICAL C.NnR. '" DISCR1BED AS FOLLOWS I ' co aICoI"MIMO AT THE SOUTHWES'!' CORNER or SAID TRAe'!' Dr THENCE NORTH 11-l4'4'-WIST ALaNa THE WESTIRLV LIME THeREor 1l~1.17 FCCT, THINCI OM A CURVE TO THE LlrT II"VINO A RADIUS or !toao.aO FEET AND ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE ~l~.6' FEET, fttHCE NORTH 7l-,04'4'-NUT ALa~~ BAlD WESTt-RLV LINE 1)7.Bl FCET, THENCE ON A CURVE Ta THE RIGHT HA\JNG A ~DIUS ar 218.52 FEET AND ALONG BAlD WESTERLY LINE 201.00 rUT TO A POINT "" A CURI/E HAVING A RADIUS or sao.oo rEn. THI RADIUS pa:~T 07 WHICH DEARS SOUTH 1~-21·15· ~EST, THENCE IASTIRLY ALOIIO SAID CURVE U.B6 rEn, THIlIc:& BOUTH 7)'04'46' lAST AI.OIIO A LINI PARALl.EL "ITH TIlE "UTERLY LINE or BAlD TRACT 8 AND FO.OO flIT NORTHEASTERLY "HrN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANOLIB "0 SAID \iiESTERL~' LItlE 2"." FEET, THENCE ON A CURVE '1'0 THE RIGHT HAVUla A RADIUS or 580.00 FEET ASD ALONG SAID PARA1J.EL LINE 21B.ll PEET, THENCI ON It CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS or 41.~D rEET A DISTANCE or 49.a9 rEIT TO It POINT QN THI MORTHWEGTERLY LINE or THAT P\)RTIOII or SAlt TRACT 8 RESERVED roR -~D CASEMENT-, THC:=E NORTH 4B-09'I'-CAST ALONO SAID tlORTHWESTERLY LINI 351.56 FEET, THINCE 011 A CURYE TO THE RIGHT flAYING A RADIUS or 460.00 FEET AND ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE 16,.a9 'EET, THENCI SOUTH 21-2S'~2· EAST ~D.oo.rEIT TO A pOINT ON A CURVE HAVIRO A JADIUS or l8D.00 PEET, THE JADIUS POINT or WHICH BEARS SOUTH 21'2S'5Z' lAST, THENCE SOUTHWUTERLY ALOIIO BAlD CURIII US.l9 rEn, THENCI SOUTH 40-0,'19· WCST lSl.S6 rEET TO A. POINT ON A CUIlVI HAVING A RADIUS or 47.50 rlET WHICH IS TANGEN'!' TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND BO.OO rEET NORTHEASTERLY WHEN MEASURED RADIALLY FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE or SAID TRACT D, THE RADIUS POINT or SAID CURVE BEARING ::OUTH 6,-58'41-IAS1', THENCE SOUTIlERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 49.8. FEeT TO SAID PARAL~EL LINE AND A POINT or REVERSE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS or ~8D."D FECT, THr-NCE ALOHG SA.!D CURVE AND PARALLEL LIlZt 22B.~O FCETt THENCE 'SOUTH 11-'4'4'-EAST ALONG 8AID PARALLEL LINE 82B.96 FECTI THENCE ON A CUIlVE TO TilE LIFT HAVINa A RADIUS or 660.00 rEET A OUTNCr: or B1.4~ rEET, THENCI SOUTH la-l,'Ol-EAST r-........ ···..,.,..,·, .,..,..,.,-->-. --------,.,.,.......--. . ."..._ = __ -, -l I *-.:.. ......... . 340.22 rEIT, THENCE OM A CURVE TO THE Rl0HT BAVlla A RADIUS or 740.00 rEET A DISTANCE or 201.33 rZIT TO TH' SOUTH LIM' or SAID TAACf ., 'ftlEIICZ BOUTH '7-27·30· WUT ALOHa SAID SOUTH LIME 112.01 nET TO UGIIlllINO, PcnT THAT pORTIOOI THIIlEOP SHOIIM 011 BAlD PLAT AS -BASBMINT POR PROPOSID ,-I CHAIIU&L-DIEDID TO THE CITY or RIII'IaI BY 0&&0 rlLlO UND<R RECORDER'S MO. 8412070651, RECORDS or SAID caUITY. THE ABOVI TOTAL PARcaL COHTAI.ING 207,993 SQUARE rUT. CITY or AIIITOII LID 110.' 332. C\AltESDALC BRH JOB '00. 86083 NOVEHBER 17. 1986 ALH/B60BJ.D£S/SURV. 12 =.--... __ .... ,.,. .. "'_","'._"""_ ... ----..... ,_.J f . , r '1'5'.. ...... . . -----.-.. --. -.-_. ~~ .. ;.:~;:.-'. . . ..... ,~:-:-', . -Y;.aI88l1lIll'108TIfIa InauranOB Do :~@.~f-Lo.- ... _ ....... _ ... t_ ... __ .. --_ .. _- ::.. I ~:'. . ~"'''-''II''''' CD 'b_' hap,wrica Title ID,urUC' '9 AIWr= 6th hI, at Un'x""'! a&, ..... ,. a,.ttl,. VA AteD. lutb Houchton/652947 aI. I •• row •• 01·000652947.' *Dev.lopmenc. Carp ••• W •• hlI'18ton corporation *"I.ICAI. DUCUPTIO" RIAlTO ATTACH!"" Da_~IIIo.l1y'-Z.9 ______ ILlL '. 1' .. --'1.&. Idy'pdf.r A.,t,t'n! .Jac.rataa- ITAn or WAlHIHOTOH I .. ....,...., 01'. ______ -1_ 0. .... ..,...-., .............. ;;;;:.~-~..;...~ ............. .....w._ ........ .......... ...... "p ..... _-_ ... -. .... .... ......., ..... ..... ..... _ ... ...,.. ... .......... --......... _ ...... __ ...... 10.- ..... ., ..................... "w .. ~~ •. ---------- IITA" or w.t.lHDtOnlH Q)UNft" or IJlg I .. ..... _.... ...lilly. 9 ... 1.1-....-. .............. At;ii ..................... .... ........ ' ' ........ ...-.,,, t .' au...L&v.&D4i.,r ........ - '-';?:\fl!' '.' .' '0" F_ \ "..,'. ~ "' ....... . .:'." ........ . " .. :-;. I t . I -i:::;r ;~ ;.~ -" I . ~~,.-.--.-. '" ji.. •• I I " UIIlBIT A 'ftIA~ pORTI"" 0' 'rII. 1IO_1Ioft OI/AIITU 0' ~H& IIORTHM&n OUAIIT&l 0' ISC'I'lO" 24. "OWII.HI. JJ MOa"H. IAMal .. &AIT, W..... 1M &IMO c:ounY. WUHII'OTOII, Duea.BID AI I'OU.GW8, COMMIIIICINO A~ ~H. INft"~ION 0' .,.. IIORTH LIMI or MID '~ION 34 "I~H YRI ""H".LY 101" 0' A ~M~ 0' LUO collv.no 'PO IIn.o at DC.O '110.0 UIIO .... CO.D •• •• liD. 83007'003", •• COaD. 0' lAID " COU..,..,,' "BCIIC. loun U'n'02' IAn .ALOIIO lAID " .. ".ILY,Lln 11.03 ran "0 "HC 'OU'rNIILY 10111 0' OU •• DALC AVlIIU. louorB"II" A8D "HC ".U. pOINT 0' I&OIIIIIINO, "BCMC' 10nB 33"36'02' un ALONO lAID M •• TI.LY LIIIC,41,77 ,cn, "HCIIC. 011 A CU.Y. oro .,H. un HAVINO A MOIU. 0' 7n." nn A8D ALOIIO MID "&naILY 10111. 143.4' '11., "0 "HI MO • .,NI.LY LIM. 0' lAID IIITIO TIACT, TB.IIC. 1I0an 8'""'41' 11117 ALOIIO lAID 1I0HH.aLY 10111. 114." ,.u oro A pOINT 1181C11 II 0.41 rift &An 0' .,.. IIoftIILY 10111. 0' 'rII. _ H08.~ll COUNTY ao"o, ,lAID ,OINT IEIIIO ON Till IAITlaLY LlII. 0' 73110 AVINU. 10UTNM&.T, TH.IICI MOHB 1"36"4" MIIT'ALOMO lAID _"lLY 101"" 64.76 PEH, Tll&llCI ON A CUaVI oro TIt •• IGHT IlAVllIO A MOIUI 0' 120.00 '.IT 1."0 ALOMO lAID CAITllLY LillI 14.,0 ,"n, THINCI "O.TH 24 "."0'" IAIT 24.57 nn, THIIICI 0" A CUlVl oro THE liGHT IlAVIIIO A _lUI 0, 41.00 PIn AIID ALOIIO MID It.ITIILY 10111. '2.17 ,lIT TO THI TlUI POINT or .10111.1110, CONTAINIIIO 12,0" IOUAlI PIn. -- .i .. ' .;' .. , ..... -.. -. Tl'II1lln ... TIIIa ......... Do ",. "Pt:t"t -..., 1M. _In Dood ., ~ dalolL-_ .. -'-·_H_l"·_I.~l-fW¥l",·...LJj··IIiJ1I'IIII...IlIr_allill-""d. 10 ....... __ ~ •. £!!.1l'."ft~.~ .. ~ ... u9·UJ.n.;,.,".".Dlll:W.u ....... _n'1oa_ .... " ......... ., . .....w ~.!:!~.r I 1'~. Aadltar'In. Ne...W.vUD65 • le..I1.- .. V ... _______ .......... ,_ _ .. __ 1iJ1&._ •. _.-.. c....,. WoohlorIao. ....... -... _ ..... Dood ., ,.".. ........ "'!-' .. _ ........ .,lMtooI __ bod ....... -._ ~ _~.., ..... ............ ......., _. wi_, ....... ., ... 1M _1 __ .... tlPl.lIIIo ..... __ bold .., .1eI ......... 1Id III 1M ........ ., .... tool -'" _ ....... Dood .. ,.".., Ii ........ ____ .... U·I&I._··_·_ ....... · __ • 0aunt7. W ......... IaUowtl *fint Cft, Developmenu. Corp ••• V .. h1nlton co1"!'oraUon AS HERETO AnACHED _It..@!- nAft .. ~M __________ J fiLED FOR P'1"r-Ct!!: :.T r-;'"~~~';I i.. .. ,~.::;~ .. ~ ~':', ·,.il' .... ::.;: . .' ~ ':·.··:;·.'.~:Y J.:' . ":.;': : :·::.~/I.E . . ' ". JI •.. :.~: '. ~" .... ':, .".oj ..... : .... 1 .. ' ,,_ . '" ....... :.: '" ~ ( ( ,nUL II nu,T rottTlOI 0' nil IIOVnfI.AST I/t or 1IC'1'10tI 11. 1OWNSMI' II _n. aAfIGI • lAST ...... DlSCIIIID " fDLLDWII IIGI_ltIC .. T n. urrullCTIOII 0' 1111 WT Lin or 1A10 IOUTIIIAST 1/4 win Till .,.,.. LI .. or na ~ QQ.OO Pln.~ •• IA"D MOIl,.. L~"E BEING ALSO TO .,.,.. LI .. 0' .AS"~ TUDlICAL CIJITU AI ra 'LAT AECOUED III VOI.UNI III 0' pun. PAGU II 1'VR'OOGII 101. ucaaos or ai. CDUWT'Y; TWDICI ..otTW .. -,,'00' wur ALO..c LUD .,.,.. Lift I.O".TI 'EIT TO TD 'nitrE POUlT or "GIMMIIIO; ... . TRltCI NOIrTI ,,-W"OO· VEST A1.DNG lAID ItORTII LU .. 111.1.1 nIT: TWtNCl MOITI 01' fl' 00' lAST us.oo nn;' .. T'lUCI OJI A CVllYi TO 1111 Len' WITI A IADIUS 0' ISI.St PlIT A DISTAIfCI 0' lot.11 naT, .: .• ' • TlUtCI....,. ,,'It'II-WUT a." PUTa TlllJlCI 1DVr' tI-.. • .. • IAST"I.I." 'UTi TnItCI IDOTI .. -•• '00· lAST SSG.DO ncr TO A 10,.,. WlICi ....... mITt O'·CS·OD· .... T ,... ,.. ftUI POUlT or IIGUIIIIMlI TltJfCI soarl 01''''00' WUT 400.00 PUT TO TIl tin POU". or 1IC11Gl11I01 TOCn'IU wlft AIt IASDCtJI'T '01 IMGIlUS, WEll IJCD GTILITIU DUCl:IIrD AI POLLOWS: ""T POITICHI 0' TIl IOU11I III or ImlOll IS. TOWSII' U 1HNt't'I. IAllCI • I.AIT V.I .• LYING wITlI_ sa rUT Off UCI IIOC 0' T'II fOLLOWU.Q DUCltlla CUfULIM'1 arGIN)lI~ At TBI 11ITIIISU'TIDil or 'nil lAST Lin Of lAID a&a'.DII I~. w.n na MOItn LI'" 0' Tn ItMJTI 150.00 rut nDIOP. SAID 110.,.. LUll K'Ma AUG TIlE MDlTI LINE 0' • .uI.MCTCIIM 1'IClDfICAl, c:anu AI ra PUT UCDItDG 'R VDUDCI IU or 'LAn. ,AGU I. TDOOGI IGI. UCDRDS or I.JIG CDCJJITYI T'ltMtl..ollTl •• • •• ·00· IIU'T ALCIIIO lAID..,.. LU'I I.IU.IO r&IT TO ftE TIOI IOU.., a, HaIMlfI", 'l"llDCI lIO_n ol· .. ·aa· IAn 125.00 PEn; nrtIfCl CNI .. C'UltYi 1'0 ,. un "'VIIG A RADIOS 0, 1I1.~ nn. A DIST.uc& or IDt.1J ,rETI 1'IIDCI Il08l:1'8 11·1",,' wt.ST 31S.11 'lET; 1'1IIJIICI Off Ii CUlYl 1'0 TU un ",VUG A UDIII 0' Me.DO Pin A "STAlte. or .021.11 un TO A ronrr 0' COICPCIUND CVJtYI.: TIDe. Off A.t\IIVI aaVIJIIG A LtoDIOI or 1.1".oa rur A DIITMC& or 1,111.'1 '"' .1'0 TD 'rIb1,," 0' '''10 CP'1'ULINl, IIThft .1 'nil cln or IUtI'GR. couwrY or IllIG. ITAn 011 1L\S111CIaII. ..: PACE I, . ;.::7~~1-:~.:~~".:;~.;{ ~~. :-... ,,:,,~,,:, :.t1ii .' IIHEN RECORDED RmJRII TO I Dian. Eapey Cltlcorp A.el Eatate, Inc. 1111 Third Avenue 2~th rloor a •• ttl., W •• hlnqton 9.,01 ; ..... :1 I' '.~,;,', J.II ;,', '0 U~;.t:,:,,;;, '101 ASSUMPfl0N AIlREEllEIn' (Blackrlver Land Loan' ~., ,,~~j (;~ • 8:~1I'22 'IECD , :.,' "J"ReCFEE 4','. 'CA~ 9.DD 2.DD ".11.00 " A9r •••• nt, .. de and .nt .... d into thb ~ day of iJ(~ , 19S' by and betv •• n ,irat City o.velOpHnta C0l'Po. • W8 inQton corporation (-'CDC-), ,irat. City W •• hlnqton, Inc., a Wa.hington corporation (·rew·) and CIUcorp R.al Eat_ta, Inc.. • Delava" corporation ,-CREI-). RECITALS A. CREI hll •• ~ •• loan to rint City EquiU ... I IIlthll19ton v.nar.1 partnarahlp (-Borrover-) In the • .aunt ot up to $1.,000,000 (-the Loan-) purauant to • ~.n AVr •••• nt betv •• n eREI and Borrower dated October If 19.6 ,-the Loan A4r •••• nt·). B. 'rh. Loan b avldoneed by • Deed of Tru.t Nate in the aric;tinal principal a.ount of 114,000,000 dated OCtober I, 1I1i. mada by Borrow.r and payable to the order of CREI (-the Note-). The oblic;tation of the Borrower to repay the Not., ~nd the perfaraance of aU of the obU9aUone of tha Barr""o" under tile Laan A4r .... nt ar ••• cur.d by a De.d of Truet, Security A9r •••• nt, and A •• i9n .. nt of Le ••••• nd R.nt. dat.d OCtober I, 1986 ••• cuted by ·Dorrow.r •• Grantor in hvar of' eREI a. Beneficiary and recorded In the Officlal Recorda at Xin9 County, wa.hingtan under Recording No. 16100'0658, a. a.ended by in.tru .. nt und.r Recording' No. 8612161110 (-tha Dead ot Truat-). The Nat •• tha Loan A9r .... nt. the Dead ot Tru.t. and any othar docu.ent. or in.tru.ent. 9iven to evidencD or .ecure the Loan .re referred to hare in •• -the Loan Docum.nt •• - c. In conneotlnn with the Loan. rcDC (tQ9.ther with David Schu.an. ronerly • partn.r at Dorrawer) e.ecut.d • ·payaent Cuaranty· and a -Compl.tion Guaranty', each dated OCtober 8, 19a6 (-tha auarantia.-), pur.uent to which 'CDC c;tuarantaed, .ubject to tho li_itation •• at torth thar.in, the perfa,..anc. ot c.rtain ot the obli,ation. ot Borrower in connection vith the Loar.. D. Borrower. Borrower. reoc ha. acquired the intareat of David Schuu" In the and 11 now thl lola lurv1ving venora1 partner ot I. rev ha. acqu 1 red the property encu.bared by tho Loan Docu.enta (-the property-). CREI, rev, and FePC hayo .,read that rew will ••• u.. tho abl1vaUon. of tho Borrovar undor tho Loan Docu.ent. and ,coe vl11 cantir. that the Guarantle. r •• aln in tull forc~ and eff.ct natwlthatandlnv the acqulaltion ot tho Property by ,CW. .:I ... :; .., ..... --~.--.--.-.---...•.. ..... '., ., ~ ,:' . • ',J', I .;.' i I • ~ .. ,,;. .. , ~~:~~ ',: .. ~". ~l><'''' .'~~'t . , orA. 080 ACAEDfENTS 1. A"YaRtign gt Ipon. rew h.reby ••• u.e. and a,r ... wltb CREl to perforw all of the obllqatlon. ot the Borrower under the Loan DDcuMlnt., Ineludll\9, but not U.ltecl to, th. payMnt of the Note In accord.ne. with Itl tin" and .,ree' to be bOUnd by an ot the ten. and provl.lon. ot the IAan Docuaent. to the .... .xt.nt •• If Pev wara tb. or191nll perty thlreto. 2. cpn"n,t'go pf 'yoront', •• PCDC hlnby COMlnt. to the. lequi.ltion ot tha property by rev, rlaftlr.. the euerantl •••• of the data h.rlot, and confin' thlt the euar_ntl •• re .. ln 1ft full tore. and .thct a. ot the dati hereot. notwlthltancU", the acquiaitlon ot the Pl'oparty by rew, and notvltb.tancUnt that David Schuun h •• not beln required by CREJ to contin hil abU,_tiona und.r the eu.r.nt .... b.lanc. ot the Loan •• ot ~ .. !' 3Q ,1"9 1. • J~ >. I"gppe!. rcDC .n4 rev.h.reby 'Vre' tNt tile ""t.t'ndl~ of principel plu •• ccrued intlJ..t Ira. the Unt day 01~1ta::. 19B9. E.ch of rCDC and rew conflr. that th.re .re, •• 0 • I h.r.ot, no oU •• t. or d.tln •••• vein.t the obUqlt1on. 01 the Borrow.r and rev und.r the Loan Docu .. nt. or the abJi,atloM ot rCDC und.r the eu.r.nti ••• i I ! \ i 1. ! i I 4. Tltl, POlisy Endgr.",nt. CREl'. a9~nt to par.lt the a •• u.pUon of the Loan a. provided her.in i •• ubj.ct to It. rec.lpt of In a •• u.ptlon .ndor .... nt CPor. 111.4, to Tr.n .... rlca Tit1. In.uranc. Ca.plny polley nuabar 6&24" C-th. Pollcy-" .uoh .ndor •••• nt to be d.ted •• ot the date 01 the r~rdin, of tbl. -'qr .... nt, In.urlnq th. ~ ot "na.t a. a U.n avaln.t the Property dl,cdbld th.r.ln .ubjlct only to the .. ttln ehovn on Sch.4ul. 8-1 01 tho Policy. 5. BAA.!!JmnUgn gt Woruodo.. rev and rcr: "artin to eREI •• ch ot the r.pr.'lntatl~n., w.rrantl .. , covenant. and ·.qr .... nt. at 8orrovar Nt torth In the Loan Ooc\IM'nt. with the •••• fore •• ~ .ft.ct a. If .ach VIr ••• parat.ly .t.tad h.nln and .. d ••• ot tn. dati h.r.of. I t 6. "0 pefoyU;. Pew and rcoc hareby atUr., acknovl~ql. and 891''' tblt. the Mot. and the Loan Docuaent .• repreHnt t.ba VIUd, ."tore •• bl., Ind collectlbl. obligation. of rcoe and PCW, acknowledge that th.r. arl no •• I.tlnq olal .. , dlt.~ •• Cparaonal or othcrvloo, or right. of •• tort what.Ge¥.r with r •• pact to Iny ot the .forl .. nUonld lnatru .. nt. or dOCUlllnta, and furth.r Dc".novlad9. and repn •• nt that· no ... nt tI.. oocu"*' alNl no condition axiat. which vould conatituta • _hult. undlr, ~ ,_at., :t'(":.·:,/,", , ' , ,., .... "'\~-:':i':~?'r~~"~~',~":~'" :~-~; . " """, '. ~ , . • ..• ;~?~J\fi~&,st:.·.· '.~' ." " . I , ~~4 '. f' , - I .' :,;.: -'.!'- orA.OBO or the Loan Docu .. nt., althar with or without not lea or 1.,.. ot , ti •• , or beth. 7. lJ.ana. rew.nd rCDC hareby .91' •• tha" thh A9I'0II .. nt in no way act. a. a r.1 •••• or r.Unqulah .. nt ot U.na, aecurlty Int.ra.ta, .nd r19hta (co1l.ctiv.ly called the -Liana-) 8eCUrlnv payo1tent ot the Hot., Inchldlft9, withou" U.l"a"lo", the Li.n cr •• t.d by the Deed ot Trua". ",. Llana ar. haretrr r.naved, axt.nd.d, ratitled and conUned by Few .nd FCDC 1n aU reapec:ta. I. "A MDlyor p' natere cpn'nnt. fth Av~ .. "t .... n not b. d •••• d to b. a waivar ot any requi, ... n" ~t the Loan ~nta that Lendar approva any furth.r tranat.r. or .ncuabranca ot the Property. 9. NAtisOD. All notlc •• required or par.itted to be 9iven to Borrower under' the Loan Docu .. nta ahall be Viva" to rev aa to11o\o'.: rirat City Wa.hington, Jnc. c/o rir.t City Davalop8ent. Carp. Buite 4170 100 Fitth Avanue Sa.ttla, V.ahington .1104 10. 'pyorning Loy. fth AVr .... n" ah.n be 90vamad by and conatrued In accordance wltn tn. lava ot t.ba atat. ot ... abl .. to... tN WITNUS WHERZOP. the parti •• hava a.awted thia Avr .... nt •• of tha da". tira" abova writtan. FIRST CrTY VABHJWCTON, INC., a V •• hington corporation If Cfo,·,,· 'A/ IA£N;-: .!, U::OH .. \RO . "10".,;. ;:::t:::trlT ' .... ~..,...QIIRP.. • . IRENE J. LEOIWlD If ~..a:"'j;!._r+ __ -'''''='",::: .. """I:-::'c:::.''' ,-.~".;::-: ,'----... • • ';'"_~4. orA.OBO STATz or VABHINCTOM COUNTY or •. I N G CJT1CORP REAL ts'I'ATE. I.C •• a Delavar. corporation .. , On thla ~ day ot ~ • I •••• before ... the undDr.19n~. Notary pU e In and for ~. St.at. of W •• hington. duly coaal •• loned and avorn, pereonally appeared Z\¥,!d!J;, :::: It.-t,l1fj .:. ,~ ~:.~~y~ o~ r~t City w.. nvton, nc., the corporat on that .xewted tha within and torevol"" inatruaant, and aCknowlad9ed Mid lnat.nmant to be the traa and voluntary act and dead of .aid co~rat1on for ~ aaaa and purpo... thareln Mnt 10ned and on oath .tat.eeI that ba 1. authoriaad to .xecuta .aid inatru-ant.. WJTHESS ., h.nd and ottlcial •• al h.reto aftixad the day and year in thie certificate .boYe vritt.n. STAn or II'UHIMCTDJI COUNTY or • I M C th. ..... ' ..... '~,,,·:..~::';:;r·, . ',. J,_. • .... ':'., .. , -. ", .: ".~'.~. '.·1' ... '." ...... .; . ~'~'~" .. .. , . .... .' .. 'w,. O'A.OBD u... .n~ purpo... thoreln .. ntloned and on oath .tated that he 1. authorlaed to •• ecute .. ld lnatruaent. WJTNESS .y hand and ofticial .. al hereto atfixed the day end y.ar in thi. certificate aboYe wri e STATE 0' WASHJHC'Z'OK COUNTY or Ie J H C ••• the ,,:e~:t:JP.le d:~t:~ pu~<i'J~f ana for tt.!9::~t:-!;re ... w •• inqton. du y coa.i •• ioned and Rom, per.onaUy ~ .... re4 -:'I .... ;w~!£:::!t>4;f!'!!fL\!~.~ ... ' to .. known to be the VI.6: '1i~"t o corp R.a .tate, Inc •• the corporaUon t.tiOt executed iiie within and foregoino in.tru .. nt, and acknowledqed .ald in.truaent to be the tr_ and voluntary act and deed of .dd corporation. for the "a •• and purpos •• thereln .. nUoned and on oath .tatad th.t h. 1. auChori.ad to •• ecute •• i4 In.tru .. nt. VJnua -v' hand and ofUcial •• al bento atUx" the dar and year in thie c.rtl&tcat. above written • . >a,/it &fifff. ; .. :. Notary Pubile 'fr na lor the Stat. of W •• hinQt~ ... oidt"'l .t -'ID ....... '.t!::!!"""'-_~~ IIY c .... t.oion expt... 1//"/11 ir:o:: SO .-. , .. .. ~ . .. .. .. ::'0" " " .. :-: .-ei " --5-0 1a . .. ;: ~ , fro .. !: ,. .. .. ~ .. z .. .. I DECLARATION or CANCELLATION or PULL UCOIlVEYAIIC! AND UINSTATDI!NT or DlElI or nuST VKElE4S, in 1986, the und.r.laned Citleorp R •• l Elt.C., Inc., • D.I.vlr. Corpor.tion v •• the own.r of chi bln,ficl.l 1nt.r.at of c~t clreata D •• d of Trulr r.cord.d tn ltna Count,. W •• hinatoD, und.r Auditor', rl1t Ruaber 8610090658. cov.rtna prop.rty d.lcrtb.d in Exhibit "Alt f record. of Kia, County • •• p.rticularl, d •• crtb.d in that c.rtatn D •• d ot Trult. datld 1n 1986 •••• cuted by Ftrlt City !quitt •• ("PCE"), • W •• hlnaton plrtnlr.hip .nd Pir.t City Dly,lop •• ntl Corp. ("FCDC"), • WI.hinatOD corpor.uon~ I. Cr.ntor., to Tr.n ..... rlc. Tttl. 1n.ur.nee Company, I corporatlon. II Tru.t ••• tn favor of eiticarp R •• l Eltl", Inc., I D.IAv.r. Corpontlon, .1 .In.Ucury, .nd I'.corded in the r.cord. of linl County, Wa.hinaton und.r Auditor'. '11. Nuah.r 8610090658. and WHEREAS ~n July 25. 1990, th.r. w •• r.cord.d In the of tic. of the County Auditor of 11n8 County, Wa.h1n.ton. a Full R.conveyanc., und.r Aud1tor'. Fil. Number 9007250103 • • x.cut.d by the Tru.t •• under the .bov. D •• d of Truat, Tr.nl.m.rica Titl. Inauranc. Company, purport ina to r.conv.y from the forc. and .ffect of •• 1d De.d of Trult the aboY, d.ar.rib.d real prop.rty, and WHEREAS, .aid Full R.conveyanc. wa. recorded throuah error, lnadvertance, And mistake, whieh recordins wa. wholly contrary tu the contemplation and int.ntion oC the pArties to sald De~d of Trult, and WHEREAS, it is now the dellire and lntltLlt of the parties tu said DlfcJ o~ !rua[ to correct the r.cord title to the land cov~red by Baid Deed of Trust to be r.inatateJ a. a valid lien upon the herein de.cribed property (Exhibit A). wlth the 6811\8 force ond ·aff.ct Lhat it had upon .aid property prior to the .rroneoul recordation of said Full R.conv.yanc •• ~OW. THEkEPOR!. Cltlcorp R.al Eatat •• Inc •• the und.raisn.d. in eon.ld.rltion of the prlmi ••• hlrlin r.cit.d. dOl. hlreby d,clarl thlc chi cerCaln Died of Full Rlconveyanc. r.corded on July 25. 1990 under Auditor'. Flle Number 9007250103. r.cord. of lins Councy, Wa.hinscon, i. abaolucely null and void, and of no fore. and Iff.ct, and chI liln of Chit certain Doed of Truec r.cordld under Auditor'. Fil. Number 8610090658. records of Kin8 County, Waehlnscon, il hereby dlclar.d to b. reinltaCed I •• ll.n upon the de.crib.d property ln Exhibit nAn prior to the ncordacion of .aid Full Reconv.yance. EXCEPT tho •• Parcel •. f.convey.d under Kin8 County Recordins Numb.r. 8707130190, 8612221190. and 8902070054. and with tho ••• 0 priority .0 0' tho oriain.l dati of execuUon of lald Deed of 'l'ru.t. to th. aam. effect a. thouah the Full R..conveyance recorded under Aud.1tor'l VU. Number 9007250103 reeorde of Kins County. Wa.hlnaton hed nev.r b.en i •• uld and r.cord.d. = h .. ~ ;n 0"" ~ .-0;:;>-"- ~ iii'"'j >= -.. l{lj. i';,;~r~o AT p.hll./£Sr IJ/' I: o·N,;A:1.t:R'CA TilLE ; .. :';IIRA~r.( COMPlNY .j~iO 1 (J.Snl A'ifi. N.E. P () flO:" j,I:'3 r., ....... II'. ' .... un'. CITlCOIIP REAl. ESTATE. IIIC, BY ~~ • IT'slCU!A;;;e 91Y11 .... 19 RECD F o!ECFEF. CASHSL 13.('(1 2.00 ···':\.00 :Ill . .. " I 4 f -~ .C"-J -- I . .- _ .... ~__________ ·t"· ___ .... _"T """"' .... _~ __ .~_ .. .; ... _ -.... ~ .. ·::;·r~li EXHIBIT A ptse.IPTfON rot ,aICEL I PA ICIt. '.11 Tract It ot "". '\It ot v ... hl",.,to" "'CM'C.t c:..e.r.r;,; .. :::::o:. po. ph\. lw"dcd 'n Vol'._ III c.t pl.tl •• .., •• II &Jail I· l'H, record. at lin, eoU'"'tyr lihue , .. the Cit, 0' _",.,,_ C"tv"IIt1 .1 ......... _____ ··.f lII' .... "'9 to". !a!£1:L 2-1' Lot 2 of .... tOft Lot Li ... JI4, .. CIM'" _. 1-" •• :~$:::: ...... ,. reeor':'" u...s.r II", eo""" .eco.d I ... _. '10,&711 S " .' ', .. ', ". IICr" tt..l ;>OHio .. 0' tM aM'''11, nl.N .............. _W 1", 1,1", , ....... , of the road ........ , ......... n ...... ..,..... S OIl the po"ultl.,:. 11 ... ,l.t 'If AI ••• "'." ~~Jc.l ca. • •• PI! pl., recorded , .. vol .. _ 122 0' n., ....... " ctu· ..... , • cecordJl 01 U"9 count" . '.0 tIC'" ''''lit poulof'! 'M'''' C'O'I'W..,... to ... aCIJtp __ ." ""to .. b, d.1Id 'Korded .ant., leeord ... _. 'U201O'Sl; .'luete aft the Cit, or "~to~. OD~', .f It~ ... ~~:===:a_f "_II" r. ~ tc". -. .- .----. ", .. ~. , ':. -I I , I .. :.,-;; ............ ' ...... -," .~ • • - o en I . ~. r.,. 1 ... , ...... • .... ,:-:" :0", Ort ••••• U2." ptSCII'TION rOI '.ICEL I. ,ucn 1-1.. Tb •• por,lon 01 ,b. Sou\hw ••• 1/' of S ••• lon 1" T~.hl, 21 ~or~h. '.n" ~ t.le ~."., ~~~ Tho. roreton ot Juncclon Add,c1on co chi C1t7 o! '_.111., II 11' p at r,cord.d In Yolu.. 1: ot ,J.c •• ,.,-'Sf rlcold. of In& COVnc7' .. .. ro"THEI ~'TH v.c ••• d •• r ••••• dJolnl •• Vhl.~ would •••• cb to ,.ld ",.JIll b, OVlr.cloa 01 l.v, ~ or ~.rl •• '.own.II'. Don •• lo. el.l ••• , 'I. AHD .f .b.. po •• I.o .f Tr... 26 or •••• on Sbor. La." 2nd Suppl ... ftc.l d •• crt~.d II !ollow.a .,.lnnl"1 .e ,h. S~lh 11' earner 01 •• td S"ll .. I'. ch,nci Marth OD')6'JI-, •• , ,10ft. ch. Morc~ • Iouc~ cenclrl' .. ot I.,d S.tC'~h 1) • diat.nct of •••.•• ,.,' to chi lowCbe •• t corn.r of trice .6 of I.r.'~n Sna •• l.ndl S.cend £uppl ... ",.l t~p ••• ccord'"1 to chi u~r,cDrd.d pl,c there.t. r".n~. South ,.""S2" ~"I .lon, ch-South boued.r1 of I.ld Trut :r6 I dh'tne, of 3IZ.'0 .c •• " ,".nci M-.nth JO')"02-"'.It, .10"'1 ,aid Sovt .. bouDd." 01 Trle!. '6 • Galc.nc. of :).)0 ,.,t Cft th' Ea,t Itn, 01 ch, ChMrl, •• rownlll Do ••• IOft La.d CI.I. ",. 4 ••• d .h •• ru. pola •• f .. ,lanla'l th.ne. cOftttnutn& Worth '~·)'·OZ-w,.t lloel .1'. South ~." of Tr'c~ 26 • dt.14nc. ~t :1 •. 02 f •• tl .h •• c. South 7]'11'01" w •••• Ia ••• ald S~.h ~n'.r7 .f Tr •• ' 2' I ds",ne. of I)C.OI f •• tl ch.net South '1'1"07M w •• t Iloftl .11d Souch boVftd.·) .r T~.'l 26 • dt:unet of "6.11 hu t4 the ,.or.h Hundlf, ., • ,raet .f 1."d d •• d.d to ltn; Coune, .n~ d.,crab.d und.r 11nl Coval' "co'.t~1 No. U077I6. Ih.~c. W .. url, 110:'11 '.-\II! lIorch bound.,Z Oft • ~ul'"'l' .e '~It l.h. the c.nc.r 01 which ~ltll' South )9-'1'l' WIt.c'h,Yl~, I " •• lul o! 'Z7," f •• , '" lIe d1'CI.clt of ,1'.'0 f.ee chroutA. c •• cr.l In, .. of "'U'~:·, .. ,- thence lI.rch I .i"lncI ot ZS.UO te.~ Ilonl lb •• oreh ~.r.r of .. 1d lin. Count,. Porler I -, Chenc. W •• , • di.unCI of ZIO." h't '1lone ch ... "h .... 4.". of .Ild ltnl Count) tr.ce, ch.nce Souch ~"Sl"7" We" .lon, uld March ~""r."" I 4'tC.II", of l".12 r .... ch,,,..:e SftUC:. , .. 'U'\'" "J.--t _tor., u1J :'orth bound •• , • d,aCaft'. of _'l,'l , •• e to t~. ~ofeh.tlJ •• ",n of ,b. c~.l ~ft·c.r Couney 101'1 th.nu Noreh )"11' J!-\."IC .10", .,U Monl,.,h .".,,, • 'ltClncl or 4l,U r .. e to th. So .. t~ .. " •... 1 the IUl'hfl'l,,,n N.u"'" ."'1"0.4 nlIH·of ....... :w. t~.nc ••• onc I c~rv. co t~. l.!r ,lon, a.l. ~o~th "ft •. Ihl ctnC.r of w., .. iC.~ b.10 "or It, Ct-J-'t" ,",Wit ".,," •• r.;.dl:ll 01 .".00 ft.c. ccnll:":. .... C! • ----._---.- . ' .. .--1 I I • J c.c . ~ -- ",[, -, ~:' .. EXHIBIT It. :J~ .. _ " , . ~ .. ~:: . .. r •• , • Odor 110, 652'" PESCIIIIIOK ,A.,IL I-A I •• atlnuedl • • ft .re da.Clnc, 0' 'S.A, ,.,e chrou.h I c.ncr,l .nll. c! 0)-,,'2S· to '.petne 01 co.poun4 curve • • h.n~ •• l~ •• curv. CO chi l,'t .lonl ,.;4 South I1nl. :b, C,ftc., ft' ~h'ch b,.r, "arch 10-1,'0'-g.,t b4wlDI I r.diul ~, 1IO').D~ ,." an .re dilclnc. at .0'." I.te cbrDUlh I ... -ul •• ,h of 11'24 '01" to • ,.,'ftt 01 ... pound CUr"!II chine' ,10nl I cur •• co the l,'e .lona •• 14 Souch Itftl. eh, eenC.f of vn&cn ••• r. Dor~ 21-"'1'· we.e haYi"1 a r.dllJ of 127.00 f.,e, In .re dl,I,.c. ot 21'.77 I •• e chrout" • c.Dcr.1 '" ••• h .f 16'SS'lS-to • point of _ .. po"",,, ",,"I :_~ Chene. 110ftl • cun, Co ch. 1.1, .1_1 I". 'foUI" U" •• ch, ~ c.~c.r ~, Vh'C~ ... r. Joreh "-l""· W •• e baYinl I r.d'~' of ~ 1."I.CO ,.,e In .re dillinel of 201.57 , •• c ~~Ih a cln ... I • ~ In,11 of C1-l:'O:-Co • ~'nl .f canflftc" ~ t~.nt' North "",'0'· 11,1 alon. la d South 11ft. a d"lln~. 01 ~ '7.11 f." co I 11", l' I.ee 'ouchlrl, ~I .~d ,Iraili. ,,(Ch ch. hrnurUn" Cof '!h ••• hUr., MI' .south",.l, nick of t~a ChuI,o, """Iuk ••• S~. ','.1 and 'lciUc &aUrol.' track .. ch.nn I\ohl Ill" p.lulhl 11nl Oft a nn. II' 1M rUht, ChI hnt .. of whLch btl" ~ouch .%-."1'" 1&.c .... v,,, •• rldlu, 01 ""eg fl,t. In Irc d,a'inel ., 40.0t t •• e ta .. outb • c.~el'll ,n,l, 0' OJ'17"'-' th.~e. Norch 50-,.'27-I.a, .loal .Ild ,.rall.l 11 ••• di'llnCt of 2.e.~0 I.,., - thane. 610ft1 ,.14 tl .. ll111 11ftl Oft 1 cur-. '0 che rishl. Ih. llftlr' of whlch .. a ... lou:h It'2''l'-talC haviftl • radlul c~ '''.)1 hIt, I" In .. hunci of ".1' t •• e ell"oulh oS c,nnal In,h 0' 01,),"17" co a poll,l .f ........ 1 curVI. th.,c' 110"1 .IId pa,all11 lin. on • rufl' '. ~h4 Ilfc, C~I, CI~"~ ct """ch b."a Korth ll'2".'-VIII havlD, • r.diul of "i.' •• I,t, ,n arc dlilinel 01 7,.'2 I .. , 'h,~&h a cI~Ir'l .nE" of 0'·"·'····· 10 • polftt 01 ' .... r •• C.,V,. ' I~."~, alo~. I.id r.,.11el lin. ~ • ~~rwe 10 ,,-,I.he, ch. Cln'er 01 vhlCh ~I'. Suuch '1-17'Sa-E •• ' baVi n, I .. ad Iva of I,SaO." "'1 .n Ir~ ~jlt.ftC •• , 4l1.tO , •• , IblOVlb • cIDlr.l an,h ot 0,"2')'-10 .... IAI 01 c..,... .. C¥rft' -. ,- Ih."e_ IlPn' ._1d p.~all.1 It .. en • curYe t~ tbe .. s,he, th4 c.nl.r 0' Which b,.rs Soulb 31-3"11-&a.1 blvl~ • radaul of :.190.19 f.le a~ a'. dll~'ftc •• f ,.,." I.,: th,~n • c-nlrll .n&l, cf 10',1"'" la cb. '.1' 1101 ~t t •• C~rll' 'rDWP.l! Do".c,~n Ltnd Cl.,. No. , •• ch'n,. Soueh Cl·i'·O~· V'le alona •• Id Za'~ lia •• diltlnt. of t)c.)e f •• t co Ihe t,u. polne of bl.lftftiftl' e .~------_ .. .. a •• a __ • ________ -:-_______ _ . _----- .. ~' . II) '-'JI (0 8 .. -:8 E3 ~ --CJ C') •• EXHIBIT A ptse"r:;o~ (continuld'i 'Alen J.'I "'" ) Ord., 114 . .,l.n Th.: portlon.' Ch.rl ••• rownell" ~Oft'Cl0D Cl.,. '0. 41. cad of chi SoueLv,"e 1/ .nd chI louchl •• e 1/6 of I.celon l'i Town."', 2) "arcb. r~ •• , E •• e V.H •••• ",1 .. 4 II to low •• .. ,1nft'I"1 ,e In' South 11' com.' of •• 11 IleUOft U. th.ne. ~rtb 00""1'" l.~c .Ionl ch. MO'tb • South c.nclrltn. of I.i. S'C'lon 11 • ~,.c.ftc. ~t ••••• , 1 •• 1 t. c~ •• ouc~ •• c corn., of Trac' Z' of '.n,ou lhe •• landl I •• ond luppl ... ne.l KIp •• 1"', rh.n~. Souch 72'37'J2-U.le .Ion, lb. Soucb boua'." ., •• 1d T •••• Z' a dil,.n •• of 'IZ •• O f •••• cb.ne' Iorcb 70""02~ Veil .l~f •• t. louCh \ouad.f1 .f tr.ct 2' • dll'"~.1 of ".)0 fl.' '0 ch. '"' l'n. of .ho Cbarl.1 •• own.tt Oon.,Ion Lond Cl.lm No. 61 • ch.ne. M~rlh 0I'l.004-r •• l .1~1 I.td "'1 Ii ••• 1 tb. ~rl •• IroVft ••• Don.,1on ~.nJ Cl.i. ~. '1 • dlal.nc •• t 'SO.S' I.,c Co a lin. JS f •• t l~:h'r., of Ind par.'l,l vitb ch. l.nLlrlah' 01 th. ,xl.t1ft, .o.e S~wth.rl' crack of th. Cb1c'lo, "~lwIu&". ~e ••• ul ~~~ Fa~.Z'c ."'ro.d Track. and tbl true ,.i~C 01 b'llnn'"I' ch,nel WI"lrl, alon, •• J.d ; .. ·.1111 lIn, on • cun, to tbe 1,lt. ch, c.nCI: 0' ~h'ch b •• r. Soych 1'·22'3Z· la., ha.i"1 • r.dlu. 0' Z790.1' f •••• on I •• dl""~.1 of 7IS." '.1. ,hrou.h a Coa •• lt Inl" 0: "·12',,-CO a polDf 01 cu.oowa4 .~rv •• chlnc' ~oft:inutnE ~lonl I.t~ p.,.11.1 I1n, Oft • curv. to che 1.:e. chi c.nt~l ~f which b •• r. Souch 11·),'11-tl.t haytn~ I r.dlu. o! 2)10.7' f~.c •• n ale dL".nc. of 4)7.40 I •• t ebr.vah • C'QLtat .nll. of C'·'2·l'· eo • p~lnt of r •• tr.t cu,~., . thlnet cantlnutnl .lona •• id p.r.11tl l1ftt Oft • tvr.' to t1~ rllhe, eft. c.n"f at Whlen b"rl ~reh ,,-,"SO-v •• e ~Ylnl a nlh"l of 'h." hu. aft .re dhe.nel cr n,n ft.r. elll'C'U't. • n"nal I,.,:. c: 0'· ... ·0 .. •• L.O " ~l"t 01 .. ,.,," C\I"'~ thine. eGnlinw6n~ .lon. ,.td parall11 It .. eft • Gu,.1 10 ch' 1.1,. ch. r.nr.~ 01 which h,.r, Souch ll·:~·.'· &.,' ... ,nc • ,.diu. of .".,. , •• C, aft arc ~l'I.~r. of 'l_" , •• , Ihr.wah • c.nlfal ."11. 01 07·,,-'1-'0 • JO'''I ~l ran __ nrr' rhine. conrtnv'", .;~., •• 'd rlra1 II lin. 'ourh '0-,4'27· ve.r- I d1',lnc. of 14 .'0 I,.e co a potnt .f CU'~'I ch.nc. ccontinua"t tlonl .dd p.r.~!.l '1ft. 00 I I.r~. to th. 1.I.l, ct .• Clftllf o! vt\~ch b •• ,. Sou~h ',·U·3'" l4n ",.," •• red'". oi n •.• ., : .. ~ .• n arc dl.unc. ot U'.O" f,lC ct:rov," I c,r.nll ·-·tle ,.t 01·17'"'' .0 lh. ;CNlh 111 •• of tbe l"rl""I'on Ionhlfft ~h .. o.d ""h' ·ot -"I" rP'I'''C'' ~(':,h ,,·U'O'" hu .1Oft .. uld Swch Un. I "n.nel 0' l1J.IJ It-, ~o I ~Olft& vi curV., • cont \"'Iued . .l1li ..... -' .~ .~~ ':.~ .-. ... -, . -. I • . __ ._--_._-.. ------~ .. xu •• r - , "", - EXHIBIT A .\.: .: .:'~'" ... ..... , prSelJrTJOH PAler: )., (cofttlnu,d), chlnc. continua". alona •••• Souch ltnl Oft • curve co Chi wl,he. eh, 'lftC" of vhich be.r. Souch ,"10"1-ra.c ~Ylft1 • redlu, of 4U3".00 f ••••• r. .r. dll •• nc' of lt7.'7 I ••• chrou,h • c.ntr.l In;l, 01 02""l2~ co I polftl of coepound curv •• ch,nc. concinulnl .10"1 .ald Souc~ "n, aft • curve co &hl rllhe. chi cln,I' 01 which b •• r. S~lh .)'22°1'-' •• e bay'"' • Wldlu. 01 1'".DO f •• c. In .re d'.~.nc. of 1t4.7) f •• c cbrou.h I e'Ler,1 .nll. of 06'01'11" co • pot"t of coapound curvt. ch.ne. con'inuant lion, •• ,. South '1nl Oft • ~~rY' Co chi ,I,hc, Chi c.nt.r 01 vt. ch b •• r. South 17'Zl'01-t..c bawtftl • , •• lul 01 10"3.00 I ••••• n .r. dll •• n •• rl 116.'1 I •• ' "Ioy,h • .In.r.l .n,l. 01 01'00',,· '0 • pole. of •• .,ound carol' chine. CO",tftutnt ,lon, Iltd Souch ltnl Oft • CVr9' co lbl ,Iahc, 'hi c.n •• r oC Vh .h be.rl Sou.h '6·~D·12· [,"' ".la, • TldlYI 01 1"7.00 f •••• n .r. dll •• nc. 01 1"." I •• : Lftrou,b • c.n.r.l .nlll of 0'-'2'20-10 • point r! c~nd cvr.,' th.nc. contlnuln~ 110ftl •• 14 'ruth lin, on • cvrwl to ch, rtlht. tl •• 'I"C-: Dr "'''.i.eh bl.'. South %'-37':'" I.n Nylnl • ,.d'u. of "l8.00 f.lt •• ~ .re dl.canc, 0' 19'.16 , •• l Ihroulh I c.nlf.l .nll. of ~l"O·"-CD • poiftt 0' co.,ound curw~' ,h.ne. eontinuito, .101', •• 'd South 111" O~ • curv. to ,h. ,lahc , ch. c.nt.r 0' vh&ch b •• tl Sourh 21-S6·~." la" ~wtDl • r.dlu. of 1761.00 f ••••• n .r. dl ••• n •• 01 19.," I ••• cbrou&b ••• n.r.l .nah of 06'U'0,'· CO • polnc of eoepound ""PI ch.fte. contlnutn, .10ftl •• 1d Souch lin. Oft • cvrYe to the lilht, Ch. c.nc.r of whlch b,.,. Sou!h 21-l.·S2~ 1 •• L tawlnl • t.dlu. of 160l.00 I,ac •• n .~c di,c.ne. 01 20 •• S4 f •• e abtousb • rlftcr.l· •ftll. of 01-21·.'-to. polnl of e~ound fUrv.' . ,h.nc. conc,,,uinl 110nl .I,d SouCh 11". on • rYrw. CO Ibl ~Ilhc, ch~ :I"cer of "hle!\ b.a" South lO-U·O'·· luc Myl"l • r.dlu. of l'2Z.1~ ' •• c •• " arc dl'l.n~. 0' l' •• ~. t •• c ~hrou.h • cI"cr.l .",h It' O,-,,·.L" c •• po'''' of c"..ovnd curv. r.I rb. I...c Uft. 01 'I'd Ch.,l •• ,-nvn.ll OoneliOft ~"d C1I' .... 4'1 ,hI".' coftcl"ul"a .loftl .lld Souch lin. on I ~",. co ,h. 'ilhc, Ih' ,.nc., 01 which b.af. Soueh 1,-)1'Z2-, •• e "yin. I ,.'lul of 21"." I .. , .n lie due.nc. 0' ,,'.12 , •• e fhrwa h I clner.' .nll. of l"2~'I" '0 I poln. of • ..,ovnd CYrW" th.ne. ,0n~lnul"l 110"11 •• td SWlh Un. Oft • C\lf'Y1 CD ch. rl~1,c. th ••• nce, of vhLCh bl.'. SouCb 01-32'0)" , •• 1 t •• lna • rI41 •• ~f 116' O. f •• e •• n .r. dt.C •••• 01 l~",D' I •• t Lhc.ulh • c.n.r.t '''11-,.' "_~;IUO·· '''' I pOl"£ of -:.e"""c·. Ih.:"'C'1 cor.( .. n"ul, 210ft, .,Ld SCNeh li". iOU'h 17'3S'0'" tau: I ~!'Ianc. 0' lOJ.l~ "1' In a ,01nt of CV,.I, ch.nCl co""nuu,. alona' uU SoYCh U"I on • cune &0 &M hie. Ih. r,",.r rr ~hach ~,a,. Narch ~~·2.·I'H l •• l hayt ••• ,.dlu. or )OO~.l~ t,.C, In .rc d'.c.~c. of " •• , , •• , chroulh • clftcr.l .,..". Df ~:"Jeo"l" to " I,n, l) hit SouU",l, 01 .no ,nalh1 ~.~:t. '!tI. ,.· .. ',,'1'"' Clf ,' .... !=tln, -.;,,; S,D",,~.!l, ~"c\.1 'h' CPut.l'~, P':l~""'''''~''', St. Pol") ,P'loj '.nU,. hUrold \raelill ,':'111 ~nlol.d _ ... __ ._------ " •.. _-_ ...... _--_. -....... .. -. '~".~. 'r~-~f' ....... ,. , . • ..:.. 4 • ':" .. ';'., , ;-_:;t.~~" ,,;~~::V"Y ... " ... , . - I' .. ' ..... \ • . " .;.;r ... ·cv.'! ... ,~-... - . -' .. ~ . , .' ,-.... : .---. .... ~ .... ' • ~ ... ' .. :,:~~.~ ..... , .~"': ~~~;""J~'~;;:.r':" , , • ";:~ •• , ' .. , .. -.lou'-" . .. ,~~:--.... ";,,.=, .. ~,. ,' .. .. .. ' . EXHIBIT A .1.,.. • .;,;.v. •••. . ';;0':'':': . ... " ,... 7 pnCIJ.noN .urn ,., (cendDVI,n" ,,' ..i :~""" ....... ..•. '.' .' . ' Od .. 110. 152." cb.nc. Ve.c •• lf lion' .11' ,1.111.1 llnl ... cb 6,'11'6'" V •• t I ~IlCln •• 01 U.24 I ... t. I polnc 0' evYII , chlnc. CDDCSftUSnl alOftf Ilt~ ,a,lllel l1ne ~ a CUr91 CD the llic, thl cenc.r of vb ch ".WI .ouch ,,·"'1'-v.,c h •• tn_ • •• diu. of I.Z'.7. "", .a "" dl.,.a •• 01 l09,'7 I •• c Ch,~.h • clncrll Inlle 0' 09· ,'"., chenee ~ortb 4'.)1'12· VI.t 110nl ,.,. ,.ral,.l lift_ • dtlrance of 167.07 I ... Co • poln' 0' cv" I . .h.n •• conCl.uta. Ilont .11. ","11.1 lin. on • cvrw. to Cbl 1.'c, che cenClr ., vb c~ bl.r. Iou~ '0·0"2'· VI.t ...... • •• dlu. 0' 110Z." ' •• Ct aa "" .i •••••• of '07.11 I ••• Ckrou.b I c •• c.Il 1 •• 11 of 'l'~""" Co • cta. of ',.,OUD' ~., lhlne, CCftllftuln, ,lon, I.td p.ral .1 I1nl ~ , cvrwl co chi left. thl Clnt.r 0' ~ch be.,' SDU'~ 01·50'1'· la.t "v'·1 • •• dlu. of Z790.1' f"'l ••••• dl ...... 0' "'.2' f •• , .h.~u,h a :Inrral an.l. of 1'·~2·14· t. the true po~' .f .. ,tnnin,. .. Crtll. '''''Id • -. ----.~ ... . " .. " ,- !; ....... ,' .. -.: '~ ; ...... . " -...... . ' 0.'" r ' .. '~., . '.! I I CD -8 Fe --@ j -.0 .r. '<' : ~'t;t~, ·,.t· ·:·· .. it~ . ... ' ..... ·i ... ':" ........ \_, ...... .; . -: .',"",~-.",,,,.,,.\.. EXHIBIT A ptSC_IrTION I •• n.lnu.", PAleEt J ·er. ,.,. I .. -. . ~;. -.. Thl' portion 01 Tr:cr 2~. aancon Shor.l.nd, ~ftd .up'l .... '.l. AKD Tho. '."Ion of .~. '~v'h •••• III of S ••• I.n Il. Towr,.hl, " _2rth. lanl' , E'IC V."., and ch. SouthW.,1 1/' 0' I.celon lJ, .n' .h. lou.h •••• III of , ••• 1." II. Town,hlp al .o.tb. I&n •• S laiC V." •• d.lcrib.d •• follow" ••• Innln •• t .h. Sou.h II' .orn.' rf ,.Id S.ttloa Il, th.n •• M •• th oo's,'al-E.,t .Iont th. ~~.\h -South cent.,linl 01 •• id I.ccion 13, • dl.c'nc. 0 •••••• f.I' CO ch. tlUch ••• e corn.r of : •• CC %6 of a.ncon Shor.1Ind. S.cond 'up,I ... acll ~p" IccDrd'", ~o ch. vn,.corJ.d pllc ch.r.o', and Ch. tru. point of b.,ln"inll 1~lnc. 'ouCh 7:·)7')2-V.,e a10nl Ih. Soulh boundar, 'of •• 1. lrlc, J., • di,c.nc. ~f 112.'0 t •• f. rhinci "arch 7u·S~·0:" ~CIC 110nl eh. Saulh boundlry of .11. Tr.c~ 26, • dllc."c. of 7l.'1 f.IC to eh. l.,c 11nl ot the Charll. .rovn.ll Don'l~an L.nd Cl.im "0. '11 ch'ne. IIoreh 01'24'0'" Euc .tl0,'" ,Ild, lin lin., • dhCaDc. of ')0.)1 f ••• t •• lin. l) f,.t S.u.~.rl' of Ind p".llli Vltb t~. Clnt.rlin. of ,h ••• 'nlr'4 .on South.rly Cl'lck of c". Chic_co, "llv.wk •• , St. '.u1 .nd '.ellic •• 111'01. trick., th." .. ,lor.1 .. 14 Un. )~ ( ... Souttl'l, 01 ond , ... UoI vhll Chi c.nc'1'11n. of chI ~Ir Sour~.rly trick, alOft, I ,~rw. co ch. rilhc. eh. clnc.r ~f "hlch bill" Sourh 1'-22 32-'a,C, bl.ln, • rld'w, of 2,1'0.1' f •• c, In .re dl.t.ne. 0' "'.2' , •• e chroulh I c.fttral Inll. of ))'32'1'" co • pOlne of c~CUftd curve. th'ne. Ilonl I c·"rv. CD the rlfhc •• :'cnl .. 1. ".r.lhl 11" •• t~1 ""'" of vt.lch bl,u. 'O~oi\h 01 ~" 16" r:lle hl"lnl I r.dlul of 1,102." f •• ~, .n Irt dltc-nel 107.11 f •• , Chl'OUlh I c.n" •• • n,l •• f 41-"'4''', . rh.ne. loulb U'Sl']2'· t.at.. 110nl uld plraU.l l'n., •• hCIM. 01 16".0' feu I Ih.nc. 110nl I CVI'V, eo 1ft. rllhc, .:on, •• ,. ,.r.ll.1 ltn" h.vlnl' .1'Iv, of l,r29.7' f.-•. on orr 'I.t,n •• of lO',67 f.'t chrowlh I clnlul n ... h. oC 0'·'1' ... ··, , ._ ." ... thine.' 1 •• ~,~ ••• 'd p.r.11.1 lin., ScvCh '0'11',,-!Jlr, •• lltlnc. of la,.al f •• , '0 , p.lnt ., .h, ~.u'h II •• of tho .urllD .... ~O'th.'n a,'l,o.' "lhr.ol.w,,1 'h,n~L 110fta • CUI'_' 10 C~. 1.fc •• 10ftJ ,.ld S~uch ltftl thl c.ftC., of vMlh. bt.II "arch U'U· 16" 1111 hlvinl • '1 __ IUI .f" OOS." f •• t, ... Ire dUunu of ,,,.OJ tr" I"roulh • untral .n,1I .J.31-17'l'· Co , p'llnt unl,nl on raid 501uP\ h'HI .,r Chi .• "rl'n,co" IiIorth.n •• ,1rD.~ r'lh~,o'.VI11 lh,ftu cD""nw'nl 'lon, uld So",th lan •• lowltt 11-29'0)-allc ·.lonl • lLnt .)ft rtlC loYCh a .nd , ... ·.'1 ... "'llh ,h. l'tint." f'OUChbovnd trlct. I dilll"C. 0' .2 •. " "tt Co Chi W •• C l&n. 0' •• ,d S.ccton 1'1 CO"tlhytd ., . . ' ...... . ........ :-. : .... . '.:' . . .... , .. , ' .. ~~ r-~ -:0:-::.-----... - i (.0 ~ .. ~ WI WI CO N --0 en I ... . ..... . . .. . .. ..:: .. ""'" EXHIBIT A "1' , etS'lZ'TJO~ '!JelL J.C (conclnv.", Ord.r "00 6S21" ch,ne. CD"ctRulna 110nl •• 1' .~C. 1'", Soucb 71-2"0'-I •• , •• dl.tln~. of ".J~ I •• c '0 chi ~rcb lin •• , ch. IOUlh .SO I.er of the 'oychv •• c I" 0' chi Southwell I" .1 1.1. l,e,Ioa JI. chtne. "ofch "-10'2S· U •• , .lon, chI "orch lin. 01 .,Id SouthW.,1 II' ~I chi louthvt.C 1 4 ., Sace, .. II, • ".lanc •• f 11." I,., cO ch. ",e ILn •• , ch. Sc~,b ••• : 1" .f •• ld huI.R lh Ch'net "arch "-IS·OO· ~.c .lonl the "DfCh lin •• 1 c~ Iouc~ .so f,.c of ch. loucb,.,: 1/4 ., ,.1. S.e,Ioa ll, • dl'l'nc. of 21261.41 .,., to an .n,:. roan' .. ch. SOMe' ~d." of trtCI 2J o I.neon lhor. Lan'" It' I th.ne. ".rlh ))·01'2'· ~"I "~I •• It louch \Ounda" •• "'I~nc. ., IS4.S1 f •• t to In '''11t potnci th_nct ~orch 17'21'12" aat 'l~, •• 1. Souch ~oun •• T'. a dl.tanc. of "'.'2 f,.c co In .ral. potnc C·· .• nct tlonh u-u'n" v .. e lIon, .. I. Iouth ltoundll". I dhunc. of 1:1.11 hit, Chtnc, lou~h 4'-22"22" V •• t .1OftI a.I. South boun.,I"" •• I.,lnc. of )24," hn, thtn~. lOUtb 7Z'l7")Z" V •• , .10nl •• td 'ouch ~'d.r7. I .LI,.nc. of 1'.)3 I." to ch. tru' ,'In: of "'Ilnnlnll Sltv.tl In ch, Clc, of •• "tDn_ rounc7 of Ilnl. St.tl of v •• hinllOO. .; , ,-: ....•• ----....... I .- I 1 ;;" • , , ,. • ' ,i' I ,~ .• , . ..' .:~ OF att£f, L •.• 'I~ D.u I 0 •• . , ,. .. " , ." .\ t .. :" .t. ';, ;; II, ~.:.i:;;!t Du. • ( ~). II' 'qg AaMincIJMnt ot Deed of Trult 'Of .~ 'r~ .: " .. '11" to. .. I ~I. , .,: • :,.; ,,:1,':···.11 ~ 'l'hh Agr ... nt, ... de and enterad into th1e ~'I day of Movo.bel', lt86. by and betv.en Firat City Equl~l •• , • w •• hington pan,narahip .-rcz-) and r1rat City DeY.l~nta wrp., • W •• hington corporation, A. nGeln •• '-FCDC-', jointl, a. ~ -crantor-, and Cltlccrp Real Eatot., Inc., ,. Dol_ware corporation .., ..0 ,-eeneUclary-" _.nd. that certain Deed of Truat, Security ~ Afr .... nt, and A •• 19nment of Le •••• and aenta e.ecuted by Grantor oJ) IX) a. grar.tor 1n favor of '-en.ficlery •• beMf'lclary record.d on October 9, 1986 1n the Officiol Recorda 01 Xing County, W •• hington undor Recordlni Mo. 8'l009u6sa ,-the Deed of Trult-' a. follow .. 1. Exhibit A to the Deed of Trult i_ her.by ..... nded to include, in addition to the reyl pr~perty de.crlbed 1n Exhibit A attAchad thereto the addititlnal raal prop4rty delcribed 1n Exh~bit A attached her.to al -Additional Parcal.- Grantor hereby irrevoc.bly 9r.n~l, barvain •.• ~lll and conv.y. to Truat •• in trult, vith power of •• 1., ~h. property daacr1bcd in Exhibit A attached hereto a. -Additional Parcel,· ' .. LOC)ethar vith the ather pr0Fttrty inter •• t and ri9htl therein relatin9 th.reto a. d.acribed 1n the D •• d of Trult, Iubj.ct·to II 11 the tema and conditionl of the D •• d of Trult, for the purpa •• of •• curin9 the obli9ationl .ecured by the Deed of Trult. (I --------------~------'-------------.. -.. -.-.-.---.-. ., " " ,"" ,. B / "j ... " ... -.~ • ~ ,,:! ~\~ In M :~'J M i.:.~ -, ..0 ';j N 1 " ..0 CD .. ~ 2. All referenc •• in the Deed of 7rult to FCDC Ihllll be d •• med to refer to rcoc -II' nODin ••• • 3. Exhibit D of the C.ed of Trult 1, hereby amended to r •• d •••• t torth In Exhibit I attached heroto. 4. Except.1 .peclfical1y .et forth abov •• the t.~. and conditione of tho Deed of '!TUlt .hall ''''1" .1 or191nlllly executed by the Grantor Ind the term. of the need of ~ru.t ••• pended by thh AllendDlent of Deed af Trult, 111'1 hereby incorporated 1n full herd in and are rOlt.tod, conUraed and adcpted by Grantor. FIRST :1?Y IOUITIES, II M •• ~in9t~n partnorehip By Firlt City Development. Corp., II W.'hlnvto~~tun, ~~~'. ~~J--'- by \ Q "gil HQKQNSON OUIIOR VJ'E ....:su.r,r By p-4&:_- DllvIa""_ Schum.n, General Pllrtnor rIlST CITY DEVELOeH£NTS CORP., a W~"~.,!9.~ ~~ .• t(n "'l --=~ .... -~..-<?-...... ~.,,:;.r By M;;o Q "ElL IICILO"OON KMCIR VICl PfllC«.Hr CITJCORP ~~ ESTATE. INC •• a Delaware corporation -2- ., ' , , ...... --.r . '''-< .. ~ .. ' '~."' .. - .<':'. ~.~.~ ,-It) I=l ..0 N ..0 co -.-- STATI or WASHINGTON COUN1T or kIN G .. , .On thh .ll-day of NOYeaber. 1986, before H. the underl19ned. a Notary Public In and tor the Stat. of Walhinvton, rtuly cOllUlilldoned and lworn, perlonaUy ap~ar.d 110no.J Lfpnord • to .. known to be the A •• lat,nl ViS' fEO.1dent o F1r.t C ty D.v.ropllMlnt. Corp •• general partner 0 rlnt c ty Equitle •• the partn.r.hlp that exer.uted the within and fore90in9 in.trument. and acknowledged .ald in.tr~~t to be the tree and voluntary act and deed of lald partner.hlp, for the u.e. And purpose I t.t.erein _ntionod and OJ'! o_t.h atAtod that he wa. authoriaed to execute •• 14 inltru.ent. WITNESS .y hand and y •• r in thl: certificate STATE or WASHINGTON COUNTY 0' II: 1 N G offici.l 1 •• 1 hereto .ffi •• d the ~.Y .na above wri tten. ~V~£ltntf\f~tf. State of W •• hington ~~ red~in9 ::1t ~ ____ _ ~y co.mi •• ion .xpires D-Z8-'G ... On thil ~I.:-day of November, 1986, before ",e, the under.i9ned, .~ary Public 1n Gnd for th~ State of Wa.hington, duly cnmmi .. 1oned and lworn, pereon.lly appeared David M. Schaar. to IMt known to be • Gene".l Part:ner of Pirat City "quitlel, the partnerlhir that executed the vi thin and fore~wln9 t"_tr~nt, and acknowledged •• id inltr~nt to be the tree and vo.ulntar~· act and deed ot ••• 11 ..... ' t.nefr.hip, t,..r ther u •••• &Ad purpoar:8 therein .. ntioned and on oath ataud that hI' "' .. ~u~hor.,.d to c~ecute .aid inltrument. WITNESS my hand .nd official yelr in thh cert! ficat.e .bo_=--.; or t e oury u Ie 1111 • . State of WuhWt"'lto rea i d j"9 • t ....:.l=:.' ':.;Iff;:.:.,-' ____ _ My cOINfti •• icn expJ 1'''. _""LI-.:.'LI,," __ _ -3- ..... i " ,. S'fATE or WIoSHIHGTOH com.,.., or x I H G II' On thh .l.!..-' day of "ft~OmMf • U86. before me, the under.ignod, ~t.ry Publie n an 'or the State of Wa.hington, duly eoaaiaaioned and evorn, peraanAlly appeared c ~i1 '!fRnnOD ,to •• known to b« the ~ntor ytF. fUris,nt of f retty Dev.lopatCnu Corp., the eorpor.ron that e •• cut. tho within and forogoin9 lnltrWMtnt, and acknowledg.d .ald lnetrWDent to be t ht free and volunury act and de.d of e.ld corporation. for the uae. and purpoee. therein mentioned and on oath etGted tha\ h. "'a. authori.ed to ex.cute •• 1d inatru.ent. WITNESS my hand and year ln Lhl. c.rLltlc.Le otfici.l ••• 1 h.r.to .ffl •• d the day above wrltte~. . ~.a.i..~'ZO JI., 2«L' \01 Hotary ,rstInrln .n~ ~ the State of waahln;ton. r.dd~n9 a t -,8~o~d~mg""D~d ... ____ _ Ind My commieaion .xpire. ~~.~pc-__ _ STATE or WASHINGTON ) , .al COUNTYOrllNC J On thh '1-""" -Sav of bt7'" 1986. before 1M. the undera19ned •• -;;tary 'Public in and tor the St~te of Wa.hingtnn. ~lY c~1.~oned and evern, per.onally ppear .. defJ. ~! 'tt"" to .. known to be th.' . .J:-- o Clt,corp Itea Eatate, thC., the corporation t at oxecuted tho with1n and for'901~g inatrument, and acknowledged •• 1d instrument to be the Iroe and VOluntary act end deod of aaid corpnration. 'fgc tho uuo. and purpo ••• thor. in ~ntion.d and ~n OAth atatrd that h. wa. authorhed to •• ecute •• 1d In.trulDent. .~ .- WITNESS .Y hand and ya.r 1n thl. ~.rtlt1Cat. -~- r- EXHII%T It, D.~ •• No. 6!2499 That portlen of the So~:hv •• t 1/4 of S.,:10n 13. T~.hlr 23 No:th. R.~, ... 11.t ~.K ••• ~d of thl NorthVlle 1/4 of S~ctlon 2' • •• ~d to~~.ftlp .~d ranso. d"crlb,d II tallow'l B.,lftnln& on tbl EI.e l1n. of ch, NOTChvI.t 1/4 of ,aid Sectlon 24. at • polnt "ort~ 01'05'00" 1:." alonl .aid E.'t l1n. 1.804.20 f .. , from chi clntar of ,.1d Slc:ion 24_ thIne. Hor:b 69'16'..," \ill; l.Dl'.!) f.,t to chi I.1.:.:1y 1d.:'I!n of '2nd Av,nue SO~:~. for:l:l, CO~:1 l=ad No. a (~SO ~~~~ AS ch_ Cha:l •• KGn.:.: load), th,nee ",,:-:h 01'26'l4" \iu: alo:1 Ilil! 1 .. :1:1y Q&r,~n 404.00 t.,:, t~lnc. South 89'16'41" E&,: 200 filet thine. :\o::h 0".3'13" :til: 300.00 !":I t~.nc. "'arch U'16'47·· .,.: 86 ... : f.lc. ,to In In:I:-.lc:lcn with thl ~ovthw":1~1v lt~1 c! I e:lc: o! 11~t C:~Vll'~ := ~.:r= &~d dl.c~ibld in d.t~ ~tCC:~I~ ~~dlr ~.:::~!~, No. &20i3002£3 0 .~d t~1 t:~1 point o! b.,1::r.!:l!1 t~.!\c. Nc:,: .. "'·,,':I:-}'" LIe:.] IIld Sc ... ·':~v .. ':I!'ly l!nl .:::d en • C::"', t~. '!"ldi1JI p:C~i.,: of'W!:!c:~ :;:11':1 Ii:::!': '!'16°42"' E.&I': 722.Sf. !Ut, • t!I:lnc. a! 1':.43 !.t':' t~t:".c.t Nc::~ 22126'02'" t.:u: ,~c:".1 Iii::! Sc:~,:~·.:' .. :t:ly l!::. ~6. 77 ttt: t= t~ •• ~c::~ Ii:".' c! II!d 5.::!:n 241 t~'::CI $e:::~ ~7126'40" tl': ale::; Ilic! ~c=:h !!nt 341.0! ! •• : t::l t~. Nc:-:h_'I:t:!v 11::_ c! 'I~~ ~t::::1 t:IC':, Ili~ ~C:::!:'II:.rlv l!nl b_~::, .:..= thl SC-'::~V":I:'!Y 1!::1 e~ :ra:: A, ... ~!::,':::\ T_:'::!':.icl! CI:::_: ••• ~I: p:a: ~I:::~'~ ~:: VO!'~I ll~ c! P:'I:I. '1,11 i8 :::1 10l. 'ft:::~1 c! X1::1 C:":':::YI . thl:",ct I\::-:~.., .. :t.:!y ale:., II!~ Se:,::~·.r":t:":" 1i:: •• bt!::, I C''::-'''' o! ..,!':.!c~ tht ;oat!:':1 ~01::: btl:1 ~:::~ !"H'~;" t .. : 1022.96 fee:. a dis:l::ct c! 67.S! .tl:, thtnO:I Nc::!\ 22126'02" \0 ... : ale::, 'I!t S=:::~,,· .. :t:"l,. 11:'1, 263.09 t •• : to I U::t dtl!;::I:t~ "~.:--&::t!':.': , .. t:..:-.: bC',;~lt£:"y" en U.S. Oe;»I:::e::t c: A5:i:-.:1:o:r •• Soil C:::I1:"":10:\ S.,:,viCi t!A;>, S~_.: 1 o! 3 •• ~t!t:.! LI::t ~!'~:I ~=:"k ~&;. P-l C!:I~~el. t •• : Side C~'ln Jl!v • .: \071, <!<f c! ~(i'.:e~, X1n, C01:r.:~. \:u!\!.:,.,,:;;~", th.:\ct Alen, u!.c£ lin. ':'.~ Co:'\. I C';:"'ll, t~e rll!i~1 ·po!n: c! ... ·~!c!'I b.A:' No:-:!\ O,'2l'02" E •• : 16'.04 fe.:, I d!.:anci e! 11:.06 I •• : to a ~c!nt ,! :'VI:" C1:,:,'I., t!\. ~1c!!'1J1 pa!r.t 0: 'Which b.a:J ""o\,,""th ~~'18 11" WI':, 172.96 t •• " tber.:. alonl •• td r.v.: •• c~rv. and .Iid lin. 133,74 f •• tl th.nc. ~~It Ilena I.td l1ne 367.02 '*1: to a 11nl which ~ •• :j ~o=th· f~om • point on the South l1n. at a.1d S.ct1~n 1) vhlc~ il 1.271.76 fe,e t.lt of t~. South"'ll; carn.r tb.,:,e~!1 thene. South lU." h.c to the North."t.:l:' l1n. of the Chl:-li. MDn.:.r County 101t, the nee Seuc!\I •• u:-l)' a10nl uld Narthe":1:1y I1nt to". p":llr.t which til" •• North n '16'"," West from the trlo1e poir,t of tlIS1nnln" chlnce South 19-16',," tilt 12).40 f.tt '0 the true point of b.,1nr.1nc; Situatl 1n the Clty ~t •• nton. County or Kin9. St.t~ ot WClhlnqton. Exc:ept tor the .. portion th.rlo: d •• -:rlbld er. pi:;., 2 at thiD ~1Chlblt A. -1- '. r .. ;1 ; ~~ :; i j • , l I 1 ; I/") ..., ..., ..:l ("~ -D CD PRepOSED CAXESD~E -rlRST CITY EQUITIES IBN TOACT) • TK,\T PORTIOK or "HE SOUTHWEST QUARTER or SECTIOH 13 AND or TilE NOR.H'''C:;T aUARTER or SECTIOH 14. ":'OWNSIIlP 2) NIlRTIi. RANCE" 'AST. W.H .. KUla COUNTY. WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. C'OH"tHCINC AT THE SOUTH"UT CORlIER or SAID St:CTIOH 13: TnEtiCE SDtml Y7'36'4D' EAST A~OHC THE SOUTH ~,"E THEREor 1371.76 rEET. TIIENCE MORTll 239.23 r£ET TO TilE NORTII LllfE ot" TilE (,H"RLES HONSTER COUNTY "OAD SOUTHWEST AtlD THE TaUE POINT or BEGINNING: THENCE NORTII 10.'9 FECT TO " LItlE PARALLra. WITH AND 10.00 rEET WHEN "'''lURED AT AIGIIT "KeLts. NORTH or THE IIORTH LINE or SAID CHARLES HOtlSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST: THENCE SOUTH 70-"6'3.-EAST ALOHa 8AID 'ARALLEL LINE 13.95 rEET: THENCE LEAVING SAID ,ARALLEL LINE AND ON It. c.:URVr.: TO TilE RlCHT IIAVIKC A MDIUS or 933.7) FEET. A DISTAHCE or 89.1I FEET • ~·.IENCE SoUTH "'U'S!' EAST 570.96 FEET TO TilE SOUTH ~INt or SAID SECTIOII 13. THENCr. NORTH 87'36··.~' WEST j\~C SAID SOUTH ~INE 335.61 FEET TO THE W£ST£R~Y ~UE or A TRACT or LAND CONVEYED TO "ETRO AN' DESCRIBED IN DEED riLED UIIDZR RECORDER'S 110. 8307)00303. RECORDS or SAID COUUTY: TKt::Ct SOUTII 22-2,'03· EAST ALorlC .,\10 WESTERLY L'NE 15.02 FEET Tt"I A. POltlT ON A CURVE IIAVltlC A RAOhJS OF 45.00 rEET. TilE AADIUS 'OINT or WHICH DEAIlI SOUTH 2.-15'52· EAST: THENCE SOUTHWESTEP.L'I A,"ONa IUD CURVE 12.17 rEET: THENCE SOU1'1I 2.-.6'09' WEST 24.~1 rEtT; THENCE ON It. CURVE TO THE L.EFT WWING A RADIUS or 120.00 rEE':' Ito DUTANC' or 5.,90 rEETl TUtller; SOUTH P26']4-EAST 64.75 FEET TO THE NOATU LIU£ or SAID HETRO T~\CT: TutHer; NORTII 8'-16'47· WEST 0.'0 rElET TO 1'11£ EASTERLY LUIE or 72NO AVENUP. 50U1'II. ALSO KNOWN AS THE CIIARLts KOHITER COUNTY nOAO: THENCE tIORTIIEIU.Y ON SAID EASTERLY loUIE AND ON A CURVE IIAVING " PADIUS or 316.48 rEET. TilE MDIUS POINT or WIIl~'1 BEAll": BOUTII 8S·~l'1'7" WEST. A DISTAHCt-; or UO.9a rEt':' TO A PCl~I'r OU A CURVE HAVING 1\ n"'DlUS or 180,CJU n:n, THE RADIUS POINT or WIlICH BEhRS S"UTI! 6'-14',,· EAST: THENCE ,.ORTIiEASTERL'f au SAID CURVE 3,18 FEET: TIIENCE NORTH 24-,"'09· EAST )4.5'7 FEET: THENCE OM A CURVE TO TilE LEFT flAVING A RADIUS OF 45,00 rEET A DISTANCE or 70,69 rEET: THENCE NORTII 6S-1l'Sl· WEST 68.':0 rEET TO THE NORTHEASTERI..Y 1.1 NE OF SAID CHARLES "OtiSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST: THENCE -'ORTIt H-ll', .. • WEST "LONG SAID "ORTHtASTERL'( LINE. :".18 FlEET: TUENCE ON A CURVE TO TItE LEFT IIAVlnG A RADIUS OF 3U.48 FEET AND "LONG SAfD NORTHEASTERLY LHIE 21 !.28 FEET: Tuttle! NORTII 'O-46'H· WEST ALONG ,AID NOllTHtASTERLY LINE 5l.21 FEET TO TilE TRUE POINT or BEGINNING, CONTAlNItIC 37,017 SQUARE rEtT. . -. -3- \ ~. ~;. !~ ' . .. ,," 1 , I I I l i j t I. EXHI8I'I' 8 Ea,.mentl for Stor. Sewer ~r.ln'9. In favor of the City 0; Renton and ling County Drainag. Diatrict 12. 2. Rea.rv,tlona of .lner.1 and other rivht. under 4 •• dl under Xing County Rccording Nol.,.. 57e('lOU, Ul1862, ~'7Sl74, and 5675375. 3. 4. 5. Reaervationa of "ineral Illd other r iqhtl under J.n.trument under King County aecording NO'.,. 8110210021, 8306060006, and 8106D6DOU7. EUf>lNnta under lUng County Iteeordin; Not.,. U26569. 8108200425, 811021002J. 8)06060007, 8]09300'741, 1232950, ll~9489, 5216161. 5l06156, 5671862, 6l330'.. 6284689, ~601885. 66~7804. 7109020502, 821201~q16. 8104120416. 81C5250684, 8404090617, 8508050609, R5091lD91', 8511010607, a,,!1228D9l0, 8608220634, find 81UD50!1.: ACJreement. under King County Roc'!)rdlriCJ Not.'. 8301050539, 5908740. 8312050$40, 8404090606, 8510110738, .nd 8607301'2l. 6. A ....... nt. for ~.l.g. NoC.,. 322 and 33 •• 7. ' ...... nt for ",.terw.y or dralnage dit.ch •• dhdu .. ,,,] 'Ui J;11'1'J! County Superior Court Cau •• Nolll. 32912 .nd/or 83647. ur a. may ._i.t by pr •• cription. 8. R •• trictions iapo.ed by instrument under King County Recording No. 7908060666. '). EueraenU end ..tope r19hU •• diaclo:..od b~' the Plat of Ne.hington Technlcftl Center. 10. T.r~. and Condition. ot City of Renton Lol Line Ad}u'~~t Not.,. 002-83, 016-83, 00'-84, 012-85. Is-as. ant:! 001-86. 11. Deed, of Trult under ~in9 County Recordlnq Noe.,. 86012411.6. and 8601Z41121. -, I \' : .... ,., VI V! ... -J V! -~ ~~ --i:;! 2& -!Z~ ~~ g~ ... XV! ... -...... --.. .., U -- C'\J lJ") ~ ~ CJ"o ---<' I).. 0- "" ~ "0 WHEN RECORDED RB'l'URH '1'0: Shannon Skinner Pre.ton Thorgrimaon Shidler Gatell • Ellis Suite 5400 701 Pifth Avenue Seattle, Wallhington 98104-7078 .' .. ... C. II) ... C1 ... > W U ... a: II. " 1 , . .. 0 .. '--. , . ..:':~~ ... . ... ~.-:' -IJ .,. .~fJ -,., ...... ~~.~ 0.: X :!l;1:1 MEMORANDUM OP AXENDMENT OP DEED OF TRUST Blackriver Land Loan .' This mGllorandua ill to provide notice of an a.endaent to that certain Deed of Trust, Security Aqreuant and AIIsignaent of Laases and Rents dated october 8, 1986 recorded in the Official Records of Xinq County. Waahinqton under Recordinq NO. 8610090658 and amended on Hovember 24, 1986 by an in.truDant recorded under File No. 8612161335 of the _ recorde and on July 24, 1987 by an instrument recorded under Pile No. 8901250003 (all .. ended, wthe Deed of TrustW). The Deed of TrUat enClllDbar. the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto • Citicorp Real Estate, Inc. (WCREIW) ill the beneficiary under the Deed of Trust. Pirst City Washington, Inc., a Washington corporation (WFCWIW) hae acquired the property described in the Deed of Trust (wthe Land PropertyW), and has asslllled the loan secured by the Deed of Trust (wthe Loan·). The Loan has been further modified purauant to a Loan Modification AqreGllent of even date herewith between CREI and PCWI relatinq to the' Loan (wthe Loan Modification AqreGllent W). To further evidence such modification, PCWI haa executed and delhered to CREI a Restated Deed of ·Trust Note (wthe Restated Note W) of even date herewith in the principal amount of $5,790,891 • The Loan Modification AqreGllent and Restated Note provide, inter alia, for an extensic!I of the repayaent tera of the Loan, and a chanqe in the interest ratell to be paid under the Loan. The Deed of Trust is modified by theee documants to reflect the m~ifications in the teras of the Loan and to secure the Restated Note. Reference ia _de to the Loan Modification Aqreement for the specific details of the .odification of the Deed of T,ruat. Dated jun''"!28,lqtTZ CITlCORP REAL BSTATE, INC., a Delaware corporation .. ·""':_~----~$-!'111--.. a ..... _______ •·•· "_'';;''';~='=-::-:;'::;'';~--'_.1''''~."!...:'I'.'!t(U':P,-''~'<::O.""'''''''.'''$ __ '''''' .. ....... -- " :::l - , . STATE OP CALIFORNIA COUNTY OP SAN FRANCISCO I '. .' PIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC" ::"h~ It. ~ --~"J"IB&R5"~-----------------• Br;::ib&?2,'" ~.,t;Zft~ It. lueil BKCCICIi.ttI!R WE II D!!IiT PINMCe I I aa. I On this .sil!!.' day of January, 1992, before lIIe, the underaigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of California duly cOllllllisaioned and aworn, penonally appeared El\cn\~lmQru , to lIIe known to be the ~'SC 'tIt-~"'dCDi of cit corp Real Estate, Inc., the corporat on tat executed the within and foregoing inatru.ent, and acknowledged aaid instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uaes and purposes therein lIIentioned and on oath atated that he is authoriled to execute aaid instrument. WITNESS lilY hand and official eeal thereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. and for the State ~ '--_ •. ,. ,.... , .. , .......... ,. "'IM aldin~t xp.lres ' .1;" .. -,-::"'1.., 'Z1:'02:r , ; .~ ,. :I ·~."~'-____________ " __ """""""""""""""""~4T~~~.~~.~;~ ____ ~ ___ . __ .~ .- • • ~ ~ ; g , ~ , '" I::> 0' CI , "" .- ,0-.- STATE OP ~SRINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ... ) I '. " . , On this .. day of January. 1992. before lie. the under- aigned. a Notary Public in and for the StateJ;f waahin&:~U1Y commia ion nd aworn. peraonally appeared •• ~: . and '" to lie knOWll to be the lit . a, ,u' and of pirat City Waahington. Inc •• the corporat on that executed the within and foregoing inatrument, . and acknowledged aaid instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of aaid corporation for the uaea ~nd purpoaes therein mentioned and on oath atated that they are authoriaed to ex&cute aaid inatr\llllent. WITNESS my hand and official aeal hereto affixed the day and year in thia certificate above written. 3 • , GIWftOIt. 1RUBIAI -a :g ';". ":". :.:i"j or" .;:~r."I ArTER 1lEC0RDIIIG. PLIWIE U'tIJlIH TO. CH~1col'P Ileal Elut., Inc. 1111 '!'hire! Avenue, 27th rloor seattl., W •• h1ngton ,.101 Attention, Diane Klpey DUD or 'nIIIIl'l' uc:uaar AGPZ8I'IIft' AND A88I_ or LIWIB8 AND RBII'I'8 rIR8T c:rrv DZVIlDPIIIII'l'S CORP •• • wa8b1n;tan ao~r.tion CrrICOU JtDI. ISTAn, DlC., • lMlavare c:orpont1on 88"'.0'31 REeD F tASHS ... , ! . 1 i .ii • ; .~ t .. ~. " ',,', "·'t . . :; ... . : ........ : •.. .. ~ • ; • I ':'" ...... ..... \' .. l. , ... '''l N 8 CO CO r-" INDIX Additional Tax •• -Cbanv. ot Law • • • • • • • • • Alteration or Itaacwal ot Property ••••••••• Appolnt.ent ot a.acaivar • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Aa.i9naent at Renta and PrDtitil undO' All Lu ... and Rental A9ra_nt. •••••••••• • •••••• AttomaI'. F... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BeMfle ary'. R19ht to Det.nd Actlona and Cu.n Default. Candaanation and C..ualty • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cant.wtlnq Validity of Tax •• , a. ... ..anta, tJen. and Encuabrance. • • • • • • • amulatlv. R~l.. • • • • • •• DHd of TruSt/s.curity A9ra ... nt Default, Entry and Po ••••• lon • • Default, Manvalvar ••••••••••••••••••••• Dafanaa ot Action. and Ind..niUcation and Attorney. Fee. and Co.te • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Direct Pa,..nt of Ya... • • • • • • • • • • • • • Due on 8ale Clau.a •• • • • • • • •.• • • • • • DUty to Execute In.tr'UMnte (FURber ·a..uranca.) ltYanta of Default • • • • • • •••••••••• Exca •• or lnaufticlant aa •• rv .. tor T .... , lnauranca and Spacial Aaaa • ..ante roracl~ • • • • Forecloaur. Sal. • aa •• rdoua Raterial. Inaurance ••••• Lata a.ar9 ••••• ... Lea... . ...... . U.ltation of Ilecoune lDan ACJI' .... nt • • • • • • • • Maintonance and Pre .. rvation of Property Ml.eellaneou. • • • • • • 110 Cban9. Wltbout writI", Non-AqricJltural U.a Non-Maivar • • • • • • • Notice. • • • • • • • • • • payaant of Debta, Becured A •••• ..-nt. and L!ena Plat., ! ..... nta, Reconv.yanco. end other ~nta a.pay.ant of AtSvance. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a ... rv •• for TAxe:, Insurance .nd spacial Aa ... aaent. a •• t.oratlon • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • R19ht of Foreclo.ure ••••••••••• Bala of Property PUrDu.nt tc a roreclo.ure Security, aanta, Proflts and Zonlnv severability • • • • • • . •••• BUbroqation .!. • • • • • • • Ti.. Ie of the Es.ence W.ahlnqton State Lav Cavern. I ... ""'-, ,-. 16 • 8 14 14 20 11 13 • 7 l' • • 15 15 11 • 7 16 17 15 • 7 15 17 20 · , • • 12 20 17 • • l' 18 16 19 .18 • • 13 11 • • • 8 17 14 14 l' 17 13 19 ~'..".' , . :"' .. .;'~ ",I ~ i . "j. I I , ( ) ., : ~ i .; , r' '1'1118 DUD or TRUST, Scc.varn .IGbi:DIZKi AJID ASSICIIDIJaIW or LEAIIBS lUID IIIIft'8 Cbllreinaftar called "_ of 'hUt") 1a .. d. thi. ~ _ day of psto~r • UBI, between Pint City o.velopa.anta corp., ...hll'M'ftOn corporation, 101_ aurYlvln9 partner of Pirst City &quiti •• , • waohinqton vaneral partnarohlp, •• Grantor. who •• add,.. •• 1. SUite 4170 Sa.firat Fifth Avenue Pl •••• 800 Flfth Avenu •• S •• ttla, ••• binqton ,8104' and ~l'lca Titaa Inaurance COIrp&Jty, .1 TrUe" .. , vboee ad4" •• 1. Perk Place BUUd1nv, Beattl., " •• hlnqton 98101, and Cltlcorp Real &atat., Inc., a Delavan corporation, •• Beneficiary, VhOllI ad4re •• 11 27th rloor. 1111 Tblrd Av.nuI, s •• ttle, ••• hln;ton InOl. GRAIITOR hereby irrevocably 9ranta, blrvaina, •• Ua and con- vey. to TrWIt_ 1n tnaat, with .,over of .. 1., the Pl"OP"rty de- 8CZ'.lbed 1n -Exhibit A-att.ac:hed h8reto and by reference lnclucMd _in, vblab _rty 1a located in It1I19 county, waohi_. "l'OGi'tfiEit vi til. I Ca) All and lingular tbe landI, tanuenta, prlvU..,.., vater zolt)bta, beredltaMnta enet Ippurten&ftCIII tttlreto _101191ng or in upi .. appertainl"" and the rev.ralon and nveniona. NaA1nder and reMinder., rentl, laluel and proUts thenat, and all the eltate, r1qbtl, title, claw, interelt and "_nd what-""'1' ot tbe Grantor, e1t1ler 1n la" or eqQity, at, 1A and to tbe b&r9aJned property, toqether vlth all and lir.qular the landi, taneaenta, privllegee, vater ri9bta, t\erecu.ta.enta and . appw:tenancel thereto belOftlJ1nCJ or ln an)'Vi .. appert&1nlnv, _1')15 tbe revenlon and rlYerliona, reMinder and reulnden, rente, i"_1 and protite thlnot, and aU at the .Itate, I'lqbt, t1tl ..... claa and de .. nelI vhataoev.r ot the Grantor, elther in lev or in· equity, at, 1n and to th. aboVe "'l"9ained property, SUBJECT, HOWZVER, to the r1qbt, paver, and .uthority berelnafter qlven to an4 conferred upo:In Beneficlary to coll.ct .nd apply IUch rentl, ilau.. and prot! tl' .nd (b) All the .atate and r19btl ot Grantor ln and to •• 1d property and ln and to land lylnq ln Itre.t. and road. edjoinlng .aid property. and all ace ••• r19ht. and ...... nt • • ppertalnln9 thereto, and C~) All bulldlft9l, .tructur •• , iaprovement&, fixturee and article. of ~roplrty now or hereattar att.ched to, or u .... or adapted tor ula In·the operation of. the •• 1d pro~rty (axcludin; propert~· nwned by tenantl) lncludlno, byt wlthoyt boIift9 Ualted to, aU heaUn; and lnclnarat1n9 asuaratul and lquipunt ]iiiF'" ;"~~' . . ~t: ! . ., .. :. 'j .i ·1 ; ..... : '1 i I I I ! : • I J : ...... -.",," . . -. ... .". ." JlDNA.010 vbat.aoev.r, all boileu, e .. inn, aoton, dpaao.w, ,enerat!", _qul_t. plplnv and plWlblnv Uxtu.... In-lvation .y.t .... raneJaa, coold.n9 apparatus and .. cban1cal kitcban eqvlpent., nfr19.nton, coolinv, ventllat1n9, Qrlnk1u. and vaw .. c:lea.nift9 apt .. , Ure ext.lnvuillbill9 apparatua, 9aa am .lectric t1.lrt&ana, cazpetift9, undarpeddiDI, .levaton, ..-laton, part.itlona, aant.el., bullt-1D 81rran, window uadea, bl1nda, acraana, aton .. ah, awninga, tumillb1n9. or public apacea, ball. one! lDbbl ... one! .~ one! planto, one! l_ud1nv 0100 .U lntvHt ot any ~r ot the .. ld PZGpllrtJ in any ot ncb i~ b.raafter at any tt.. acquired under conditional .. 1. contract, security avree-ent or othar title ~inlnv or .. curlty inatrQ- .ant, (bUt _clu4i"9 any penonal property awned by tananta ot .aid PropOny .. b ••• inafte. d.UMd). all of ""1"" property .antioned 1ft tilt. paraO'rapb aball be CS .... d part ot the nalty and. not ..-n.rabl. vholly or ln part vithoat .. tarial in,lIry to tb. rreelU>ld, one! (d) All of Grantor'. ripta further to encuber .ald property for debt e .. capt by .uch encmd:tranca vbieb by 1 u actual te ... one! .paciflcally upruoed lntent .011 be and at all t1aeo .... In INbject .nd .ubordinate to (1) any .nd .11 tanancl •• ln axi.tenc:a when .uch .ftCUIIbranca becaaea atfeat,J..,. and (11. any __ 1 .. _ftar _tad, _. benby (1) rop .... ntift\l ~. a _1&1 lnduceaont to _Uolary to. _ tblo loon tbOt 00 of tbe date berMt tban an no anct.IId:IRftCU to .acun dot. ,unlor to tIl1. _ of ...... t one! (11) _tinv tbot _ .ro to be none a. of tba dat.a vbeft tbla Deed of If'I'uat II • at record, azcapt. 1D .itber ca .. encabranou bay!", tbe prior writ.tan appnwal ot aanaUcluy, and Ca) All of Grantor'. ripa t.o uter lnto any 1 .... or 1 ..... a~nt. auect1ng .. icS Property .. t .. ninaft..r "atined vbicb would create a tanucy tJ)at 1. or .y beCoae .ubordinata in any reapect to any .art9a9a or 4aacS ot tnet. other tban thi. De.d of 'f'naat.. Allot' t.ba aboVa d •• cribad property and intenat than in an beniMt'tar refaned to ••. t.ba "lTOparty." Vit.bout liaitlng th. t'orevoi...." Grant.or alao hareby grant.. to tba Beneficiary a aeeurlt.1 int.are.t in allot tha follawinq d •• cr1bad property, vbether ba nov ba. or hanattar obtaina any r19bt., t.itla, a.~ata or int.anata (f) All good. ovnact by Grantor locat.ed on tha Property and ueed in tha operation or occupancy of tha Property or in any conatruction on t.he Property but whiCh are not. .ff.ct.ivaly .. de ra.l property under the praoadl...., prov1aiona at t.hia oaed of TrU.t, includin9 but. not lialt.ed t.o all appllanca., furnit.ure and turniahlnq., bUllo1ng .ervlue .quipaant., restaurant, bar and -3- ., i " 1 , J ( f 8 -cO cO kIIIIA.OIO kiteben equipaent and tumi.hinga, and bul1d1nrg .. tarWa, .up- pl1 •• and aqvl,..nt, and (9) All ,anaral intanglbleA relat1nJ to tbe develop- .ant Dr UN of the Property, inclucUnq wt bOt. l.ta1Ud to all 9O'Varnaantal peraiu raletlnv ~ OONItruction em tale hOperty, all MM. undar or by wb,icb the Property or any ~ Oft tile l'Zvperty .. y at any ti.. be opentod o~ _. and aU ~19btll to Clan')' on bu.1na.. under any .uab na.e8 or any variant thereof, and aU tnd ... ru and 900dvUl 1n any vay nlat1a; to the l'zOperty. and (b) UI pononal p~rty of ... ~ kind and _1p- tion owned by Grantor and nov or at any ti .. hereafter located on or .ppurtaMnt to the Property and uaed 1n connect1on with the .na, ... nt or operatlon ot the Property, and (1) Any portion of the Property which at any ti .. ia, or 1a COMt.naed to ~, pareonal property, and (1) Insofar a. pora1ttod by applicable 10". any lioen- _ (1nclucllhCJ but not latted to any operat1n9 license. or aiaUer .. tten), contracta, aanaq ... nt aontracta or avnuenta, fnnchj ... avn-nta, penita, autborlti .. or cutlticatell required or uaeel 11'1 c:o~lon with til. OIIMnbip of, 01" the oparoltlan or .. lntananca of r the Property or any ~ta tJler.on or any of tbe property 4ucribe4 ie olaUM. (f) through (1) ben!Dalxwe, and . (t) All of Grantor'. interut in and to any and aU contract.a or a~nt.a v1tb contracton Dr arcbit.eGta, Dr other- v1 .. vitb r..pect to tJle 4evelop.ent or coMtnaction of iaprove- ..rata on tbe Property, and in and to aU p)ana, apeciUcationa, Itudie., dravings, and other 4 •• i9ft doc:uaente and data vith r.apect to thIi Property prapared by or for Grantor, and . (1) Any and all proceed. of any or .11 of tbe fore·' vo.i.nl) deacr1bed property. AI ul04 berein, the tan proceed. .u11 be construed in ita broadeat .ena. and aba11 include vbatevN' i. receivable or received. when any of the for..,oi1\9 property 0:"' any pZ'OC'eeda thereof i. lold, coUect.ed, axcbanVad or othervi •• di.posed of, vbethar voluntarily or involuntarily, and .call 1nclude vithout li.itation all riVhta to pay.ent, including interalt and preaiuma. vith re.pect to any of the foregoing property or any proceedl thereof. All of the property and intere.t. therein •• t forth in clau ••• ef) throu9h (1) are hereinafter refarred to collectively al the -"-rlonll Property.- ~h. Pra"! ••• and t~~ Peraonal Property are referred to collectively a. -th. Property.- -l- , w_ .-~- :J • , J ,1 i I \ \ , _ 1 ---U -, ( I ? '1'0 HAft AND TO HOLD the Property forever •• aecvrl ty tor the talthZul pertoraanoe ot all obl1,atlona .. cured hereby. 'I'IWI _ 18 anu .oR "g PUUOS. or a.c:muJlO PEIIPOlUWIc& ot (1) ucb .'r....nt or Grantor lr.corporatlld by ntarance or COIIulMd benin or GOftta1ned in any other avz--nt 9iven by Grantor tor the ~. at IMGIlr1nv any Obli,ation .. c:und hereby (UI pa_t ot _ .... ot POUR JIlLLlOH ON. IIUIIDIIID _ and 110/100 ooLlo\llS ($4,100,000.001 vitll inter .. t til ....... aoco..sinv to the ~ of • Deed of truat Mota of avan date harevitb, payable tt-8eMt1clary or Ordar, and .. da by Grantor and all "MYel., _if1oationo or extonoiono _root ("tllo Mote"" and (iiil par- toraanoe of .ach and avary obligation of Grantor under that OU'taln lAan Aqree..nt. or Waft data harevltb betVHJl Gr.,.~r and Benefioiary C-the u..n AqnaHftt.·), the tama and condition. of vbich Loan Aqreeaent an incorporated benin .. ft. Grantor repreHnu, vaITanb, C::DYananU and aqreea •• follawa. 1. Qptd At T!».t'IISUri$Y Aqreowent. ca, ftla Deed of 'l"I1I8t canatStute •• UGUI'lty &,"&-_ vitll ___ to 011 _1 Property in ""iab _fide., 1. qn.ntlld • aecurlty intft' .. t hereunder, and a.neflclarr llball bawl &11 of the rl9bta and nMdl.. of • aewred party under the Vftitora eo...rclal COda at tba Statl ot Vaablngton •• well al all other r~t. and ~1 .. aYallable bereundar or It.lav or ln equity or by judicial deei.1Oft. Cranter hereby apwea, at Grant.or'. coet and axp.nae., to .awtl and dlUYlr and. lt approprlate, to tl11 vlth the appropriata fl11nv officer or ottica, IUcb aacurlty 1,l'MMftta, tlnancinq .tata_nte, ecm~lnWII­ t10n atateHnt. or othar lMtl'Uall:1t ••• Beneficiary uy nqu •• t or requirl ln order to lapoea, pertact or continua the partaetlon ot, or protect, th., 111n and .. writy intare.t created by t.bl. Deed ot 'ft"U,et. _ Grantor and 8aneUClilry 89m that tha UUnv ot any-.. uCh tlnanclnq or continUation .utaMnt in the naoreS. r,· "!'It8l1y ha"'in1 to do with pananal property .ball navar be construed a. in anywi.. derogatln; froa or t.palrint tni. daclaratlan &n4 he~ .uted int.ntion of the partia. harato, that ."arythin; Ulad in connection with tha production at lnca.e troa tha PrOperty and/or adoptad for ua. thara1n and ¥blch 1. d •• cribed or reflected In thl. DIad of Trult 1., and at IU t1 ••• and for aU purpo ••• and In aU procaadlnvl bOth ll9Al or equitabl •• hall ba, reqarded al part of the r •• l •• tata irrelpectlva of whathar {i) any euch Itfta 1. phy.lcally attachad to the i.p~oya.antl, (11) •• rial nuaDIr. ara Uled for thl batter idanti-icat1on ot cartain er.ulpaant or it ... oapabla ot bainq thu. idantifiad In a racital containld in thi. DIed of 'fruat or in e.ny lht. tilad with -4- -., i J , :~ i • 1 -8 ~ - _.010 tha Beneficiary, or (lii) any .uch it .. 1. refarred to or refl.cted 11'1 any auch financing or cont,lnQAt,lon .ta~t _ fUed ot eny ta.. (b) Upon tba occurrence of any BYant of Default, the &enet latelY ., ue any of the Penonal Property tor any puzpoM for vbieb the Grantor covld ba .. uH4 it or with napeat w the c:on8t.I'Uaticm, f1nanclnQI, Jlana9~t, uae, operatioa or ~ of any iQEOnMIlta on tha Pra~zty, and the Grantor benby 1~ly oppolnto tho BonoUel .. " eo lto ottorney-tn-foct to ...... a. ,INt tho _Uchry ohaU nat be abllVe_ to ond .... U incur no liability to tha Grantor Dr any third party for 'aUun _ to ... zai .. , any and all 1'19hU and poven which the Grantor aipt ... rci .. with n.poet to any of 'the Ptlnonal Property. '!'be Grantor avn-to nl.mar .. the BIIneUciary on de.nII for any and all co.t. and expen" .. , includift9 without U.altation raaaoMbla attorney.' t .... vtlieb the Beneficiary aay incur "bU. actt .... the Grantor'. attorney-1n-tact hereunder, together vith intare8t thenOn at. tM rate of fwr percent (4t) per annua in _ca. of and float1ng vith Cltlbank Alternate Ba •• Rate III .. defined 1n tbe .ou, all of _lel1 coat.. and ~e. and lnterut tbenoa obOl.l be o-red by thlo Deed of "1'nIet end any othor d_ or aqz .... nta ftDIW or bereafter • .curlnq the Mote. 'l'ba leneflciazy aUl1 all10 be .. aU other r19hta ctnd ......s1 •• with re.pect. to eny at the PUMaal ftOpIIrty or tbe .nforc:eMftt. Of ita HCUZ'ltr 1Dtenst upon default by the Grantor a. are provided WIder appU,· cable la. u a ..aund creditor, inol\l41"9 without. 11aItation the rlpt to 1IOtity any ac:c:ount bolder, account dlJbtor or dapoaltory to ..u ,.,..,.t 41rect.ly to the BeneUclary, and the r19ht to tona1oae or otbuvi .. enforce the Banefichry' MCUrity intareat. in any .anne~ paraitt.ed by applicable l.w or provided tor herein, all of vb1cb ripta and raMdie. ahall be c:uaulatlve .nd in adcUtlDJ1 to all rivhta, pavers, and ~1 •• vhiell the BaMficluy at. any ts... ally have under the other lnatr\llMmta, aqrweaanta or docuaenta now or hen-3fter aec:u.rinq or relati", to tbe Mota. Without lialtlnq the fOI'OCJolnq, ln tha ev.nt tbat the Beneficlary electa to •• 11 or ell.poa. of or cauae to be .01d or dlapoHd of any of the Penonal Property at any ana or .ar. publlc or privata eale ••• penitted by appllcabl. lev. ncb .. le or di.,a.ltlon "Yf ln the dteeratlon of Bon.ficlary, be .. da tovatber wlth or .. parat.ly froa any aala of any real property ancuabarad barebr, ~ any such •• le or diapositlon aay be c:onduct.ad by an _ploy .. or 119ant of Ben.ficiary or 'l'r\Iat... Any penon, lncludlnv both Grantor end 8onoUciary, ahall be al19Ible to pvrcha .. any part or aU of the P.raonel Froperty at any avch Hla or dllpo.ltlon. (0) Ixpana .. of ratakIng, hold In; , praparinq for Hla, .elling end the like .hall be borne ~y Crantor and ahall include Ben.ficiary'. and Tru.t .. •• attorn.y.' t ••• and letal .xpan •••• Crantor. upon d ... nd of Beneflciary and at Gr.ntor'. co.t and expena., .hall •••• lIbl. any Per.onal Property and .. ke it aV811- -5- Y··" , . ,. •• .. ~ 1 :; , ~t 1 , , I l j I , • , I I ! _ .. .. ( abla t.o BeneUciary at: the Propeny. III place vbich 1. berebJ dH1ted to DII r ... onably ccnvanient to Benefioiary and Grantol'. Beneficiary ahall viva Grantor at l ••• t. tan (10) bUalneaa de,. prlor writun notica of the tl_ and place at any publ!o .. 1. Dr otbar dl.~ltlon of any Per.onal Property or at tba tt.. ar or attar vblCb any private aa1. or any other lntended dl.,asit.lon 1a to be uda, and if auc:h notlc. 1 ••• nt to anntor. •• tIM __ 1_ prDYlded for the .. 111n9 of notlc •• haretn, it. 1& hereby da..-d tM~ ncb notice abaU be and 1. reaaOMb}a notice to GnnUl". "" tile .... du... 1'0 ka.p trw Property Inti atatutoqo and 9CNan.-ntal Uen. of any kinct, deep\'. Chaea 11eu vb1cb an payable 1n 1Mcall .. nu .a provided 1n par.,rap l, and tboH 11eM and er.cuabn.ncea d •• crlbed on EXhibit. 8 attacbed beAto. tbat tbe Grantor 1. ..lled 1n f.. al.p1. of tbe 'Property and awaa outrl;bt ev.ry part thereof, that tha" are no 11aM or ancua- branoee _V81nat or upon the a ... , except ttao.e 4aacr1bed on smiblt 8, and no lieu will be cr.ated or .uttend to ba anatad by tb. Grantol' duri"9 the life at thia Deed at IJ"I'\gt, thAt be baa Voad r1vbt to ..... t111. Dood of Truot and tllet ... w111 fo .... r _lit • ..s defend .. 1d Property Wlto tile ..... Ue1..,. tlle1r .ac neon and ... ivna. e9a1n.t. every Pft'SOI'I ""=== .. r 1.vtu11y o1.ia1nIJ 01' to c1.18 the .... 01' aft)' part tII,,-.t. ft8 Gnntor upon ~t vil1 furn1.h • written atate.ent duly acknaWledge4 ot tbe aaount. due on t.hi. Deed at 'fTuat and wbetb.1' any oU .. t. or det .... ai.t a9ainat the debt aecured banbY. J. ""rn' fAr 1"'" IDgU"",. Dnd Rp'glp;t y,., .. Ma. '1'0 pay to Ie",Uciary, it Banafic1ary .0 requira, to;I.t,bel' v1t11 and in adcUt.icm to the aonth1y pay.tntl payable undel' t,be te~ ot tbe .ote, on tbe date .et forth thel'8in fol' ~ .. k1n9 of .mtbly paYM-ftta ncb .onth, until the Mote il tUlly paid ••• 118, .... t1uted by the Benefic1ary, equal t.o one-tvalfth (l/12th) 01' the Y"l'l, inauraftCe pra1" .. , taxe., .... ...ant. and othel' cbarvu, ·tlnea and iapodt1on •• ttl'ibutabl. to tbe JI'I'Operty, all of' "'hi_ an MAinafter rdened to .1 -Cbar'gel,-Grantol' aqr .. ~ to deliYer P~ptly to Beneficiary 811 bill. and not1cea t.b.nof, lucb .mII to be held by the Benetichry to pay .aid OUirv". Upon cteaand of Beneficiary, Grantor ahaU pra.ptly deliYer to Beneficiary IUch additional Iu.. •• ara nece •• ary to .aka up any daflciency in tha a.ount nece •• ary to pay .ucb Oiarq .. in a ti .. ly •• Mer, and any daUciancy in IUcb aaaunta llball constitute an avant of default under thl1 OIled ot 'milt. ~ arra"ge .. nt provided for 1n thi. paravraph J 1. .olely 1'01' tha added Frotectlon of the Beneficiary. UpOn alli;n.ent ot thl1 !)Md of' 'rruat by the Beneficiary, any :und. on hand Ihall M turned oval' to t.be a.ai9n.e and any ras:ponalb1l1ty of th • ••• iqnor with ra.ptct ther.~o Ihall te~inata. Each trenatar ot tbe Property ahall auto.atlcal!y tran.ter to tha trant •• all -6- ~." .-.~.~. " ., ., ., ! :.~ " I -j 8 .oNA.010 n •• rveII for tax .. , 1nour_ pol1c1... pa-" actaaUy .. do by _Uc1uy ror tIIa _ oat 1n para_pi> 3. plva IIUCb uounta •• have been naaonably acammlatad in aueb __ rye. toward ,.r-nu th.nf~ nert to beGCIM dua, Reb ac ..... y, provided no default then u1ata under the taftI8 or tJ:I,la 1natru.ent nor under the tara at tlMI IfOte bu"aby neurad, but not oUa.IVi •• , be cre41hd by Beneficiary 111 ,.y.ent at aubHquent qvnqate, but not. partial, payMnta nqu1nd to be .. d. under paraqraph J, or, at the optlOft ot tM 8enIItlclazy. nfunded to the Grantor or 1 ta aucc.aaor 1ft lntanat a. MY appear upor. the recorda at the Beneficiary_ If, baweVer, at any tiM, 1n 8IIn.£1018ZY' juciCJllant, the UlCNftt at the naal'Y .... 11 bo 1nourUc1ont to pay at l ... t th1rty (30) daya borDn duo oU in.uranc:e pnaiuaa, tax •• and •••• ...-nt., tben the Grantor aha11 pey to Benefioiary any aaount n.c •••• ry to aake up the deficiency within t111rty (30) day •• ttar notice CO Grantor atati", the UOUftt at tlMI deficiency. In the went tHzw 18 • default under any at tbe pnwlalou at the Mote. or ~j. Deed at IJ'nIat and tlIiaruttar a .. 1. at the Property 1n aaaordanca with the pnwi- .lana bereot, or it til. Ben.ficiary at ita option acquire. tbe Property othanl ..• tur deta\llt, ebe Beneficiary uy, at lu optlon, at tbe tu. of acceleration of the indebtednua or at. tile t1,,, of c~t of .u.ch proceedlnp ar at tbe tiM the Prop.rty oro ctbervloo acqu1red. apply tba bal_ thon rau1n1nv 1ft the fund. accu.ulatecl under paraqrapb J, l .. a wcb &\111& •• will _ duo end payablo dur1nv tIIo pendoncy Dr tho pnx:eed1n9a, ••• credit agalnat the a.aunU aec:u.nd henby. 5. pirest PIYI'", At T,IOI. At the Beneficiary' optlon the Crantor aball either (1) pay aU cbarve& in the _nner pro- vided in pera9T8Pb J bereot or (2) pay .aid cbarv .. directly to tbe party entitled thereto. In the event Beneficiary allows Grant.or to uke direct paYDanta tor charv", the Grantor &haU provide the Baneticiary pre.pt1y .tter receipt by the Grantor all notlea at aU a.aunta due fe'r .aid charge. and the Grantor .ball proaptly (but 1n no event 1 ••• than tive (5) day. prior to d.1in- quefteY) furnish to the Beneficiary receipta eYJdenclnq .uob payaonto • . 6. Gpnte"tins ynUdtt;y At To." A ••••• p.nt. Lt'"a ,nd Ensvnhrpng... Grant.or uy, ir. qood ratth, con't.e.t., by preper level proceecl.lft9I, and at. ita own expenae, the validity or a.aunt ot any auob t •• or ........ nt, provided that Grant.ar aba11 depoait with the Ben.ficiary a aUD which aball be at l ••• t t.n percent (lot, vreater than the a.ount ao conte.t.d, and alao, .. r ·····' '.:.f...... . '.' :; " .. I ;'.~ ",' . 'j , 1 , . , I u I 8 r RIIIIA.010 fl'Oll tiM to tiM, on d ... nd of BeneUcla!')', aucb additlonal .\IM .... y ~ r ••• onably required to coval' inteRet or penaltl •• accrued or to accrue on any auch it .. or it_, and the Beneficiary aay upon ro •• enable notice to Grantor pay .uCb conte.tad ita. or it... out of any auaa aD depoaltad in ca.. ot undue dalay 1n the pro •• cutlOJ1 01 auch proceecUnga, or it the pl'Otectlon of the property or at the Beneficiary' iftC.Ret tbenln llhall, 1n the roaaonebla judpent ot tM BeneUcluy, nqu,lre .uab peyaent. on detault under t.bla peravraptl a.netlc1ary .. y, at ita option, PIIIY, or payout at .... rn. acauaulated under panqraph 1, any ncb .UIIa, vltbout vaivar ot any other riGbt of IeMlUclary by re •• on at aucb default of Crantor, and Beneficiary aball not be liable to Grantor tor a failure to axarei.. any auch option. '7. Lnt;o Gbnm,. In the .vent that any pay.ent or portion thenar due under the Nato 1. not paid vittltn titta_n (151 days c~nclnq with the date it 1s due, 1:.o:."\.:l·":I:.ry I'<-i' cc:.l.t.t .... :-,;\ tlIa Crantor aVr ... to pay with aueb pa,.-nt, a -late Charv.-at tew canta (8.04) tor aaeh dollar ao ov.rdue aa liquidated. daaav" tor th. additional expenae at handlinq auch delinquent po_tao I. """hnIDS' OM """ryotiAn At Pamorty. 'Z'O .. lntain the ba11d1ftp and other i~rav ... nta on the Property 1n a nnt- able and tenantable conditi",,"nd atat. at repair, to neithar aa.a1t nor .utter any wa.t., to proaptly caaply with all require- MIlta at tile tederal, atat. and .unicipal authoriti •• and all otbaz' lava, ordinance., requlatiana, covenanta, condition. and natr1ct1cma reapect1nq .aid Property or the ua. thenot, and pay all f ... or char'9" of any kind in cOnMct10n thn .. witl.. fte 8enaficbry aay recover aD d.aaVe. tor any br.aeh at thia cove- nant the a.DW\t it would co.t to put the Property in t.be c:on41- tion called tor banin. In tha ev.nt ot breach of any requir.- .. nt at tbi. paraqraph, the 8eneUeiary aay, in addition to any other rivbta ~r re.edi •• ,.at any tim. thereatter dee1ere the whole of .aid principal au. i .. edtataly due end payable. Proof of 1apair.ant of .ecurity .hall be uMacaaa,uy in any auit or procaedlnv under thi. para9raph. Grantor ahall penait 8aftaficiary or ita aventa the o~portunity to in_poet the Pr'Dparty, in'lludiftCJ the interior of any atr\lcture.. at r.a.onabl. tt.a. and atter rea.onable notice. I. Bg.tAtot'An. To co.plate or re.tor. promptly and in 9DOd warman1ike _Mar any b",UdlftCJ or i.prove.ant which aay be conatructad, d.aavad or deatroyed theraonl to notify BenefiCiary ot .... Within 72 houre fol10wi"9 .uch d •• ava or destruction, and pay vban dua all coat. incurred therato):'. 10. Altorot'gn At P'poynl Af Prgporty. No building or ather i.p~ov ... nt, on the Property IhalllDe structurally altered. r .. ovad or de.oli.hed without the 1.netici4ry' prioe written -D- • '. r-:-······ I l i ! j .~ = COMent, nor eball any fixture or chattel covered by this Deed 01' Tr" .. t and adapted to the p~ ... and enjoyMn~ of the Property be re.aved at any ti.. without like eona.nt un1... actually replaCed by an articl. ot equal nitabl11t.y ovn.d by the Grantor tHe and cl.ar 01' any 11_ 01' HCNrJty int.nat aXGePt auch a. u, be approved 1n writing by the ..... fici.ry. Crantor ahal1 not undertake any iaprov_nt of tba Property except 1n acc:ordance with the requl~ta 01' tile J.oan AVn_nt. 11. and keep Grantor vill at all t~. provide, uinta!n (e) I'Oliel .. of In ........... lno .... ll19 til·. Property a9alnat 1088 or cSauQa by t1n and UlJbtnlng, against 10 •• Dr d."9" by other rlau .-braced by coyenv_ of the type nov knovn .a the broad ton. of atanded covenva, inclwUnv but. not l1alted to riot and civil CODOtlon, venclal1_, and .. 1101oUB aiechief I and 8;a1n8t aucb other rlata or bala~ a. Beneficiary fra. ti •• to tiM uy .... .onably d .. ipate, bUt. 1n any evont 1n an ... "nt not 1 ... tb&n the'treater of el) 100' of the than full replec.- MIlt coat of the lapEOV-"t8 (uolualva at t.be coat ot axcava- tiona, faundaticma and t'ootinp balow the loveat baaeMllt floor) vlthovt d04~lon for pby.lool deprecl.tlon, (11) tho full principal ..aunt of the Mnte, or (11i) an .-aunt .ut'ficiene to prwent Grantor ur4/or Ieneflo1aEY fl"D becoainQI • co-insurer within the tana of tbe .ppl~oabl. pollo1 .. , (b) ~ur.ance evalnat the 10.. ot' -rental valua-of tile bulldll19' ¥blab oonotltuU e pert of the Property on a -ranted or vacant be.ta-arl.1n9 aut of the peril. in.urad a9ain.t pursuant to aubpanqraph (a) aboVe 1n an .. oune equal to eb aonth'. vroaa -rental value-of the i~roY ... nt. with co- luurance in nab pezcentDcJe •• My M acceptable to Beneficiary. -aental value-•• uaed herein 1. 4efinad •• the .u. ot ,a) tbe totlll anticipated qroa. r.ntal 1nco.e frem t.Mnt nccupancy of the P.:oparty and (b) the uaount of all abaroiea which are the l~al obli9atl..m of tenant. and which vould otherwiae be the obll~.tlon of Grantor and (e) th. fair rontal value of any portion o,t the Property whleb 1. occupied by Grantor. Tha proceed. of ncb ineuranca .baU be ••• 1qned to Beneticbry, to be applied in paYM"t ot' the indabte4na •• evidenced by the )fote and CbaJ'ge'. untll .uch ti._ •• the bulldift9. ahall have be.n re.tored and placed in full operation, at which ti.e, provided Grantor i. not then in de'au1t und.r thia Deed of Trust. the balance of auch in.urance proceed., it' any, held by Boneficiary shall be returned to Grantor. '(e) .load in.urance upon the Property In the event that .uch! lnsurana. i. available purauant to tho provision. ot tho Flood, Dl .. ater Protection Act. of 1,7' ~r other applicable lavialatlon. cenafielary ahall re •• rve the ri9ht to require that Grantor •• cur. flood inauranee in .XC ••• of the amount provid~ -t- _-cJ#: .-. ~., ~ .. i, 'J • '~ , ~ , " ! ( IIDNA.010 by the Flood Diaa.tar Protection Act of 1.73 it auab lnaurance 1. coa.erclally avallable up to the • .aunt provided 1n "ravrapb llCI) hereofr Id) BoUer and pn •• un v .... l insUrance, lnclacUIIIJ all' tanka, pre •• ura plpi.n9 and ujoZ' au coudltlonlnv eqyipM.Jlt, provided tile bIll1dill9' CGOItaln eqvlP""'nt of tile natlln ordinar11y coyand, by .uah insurance, in .ucb an a.aunt a ..... Uel.1')' .Y requ1r., ~ Ca) Such other lne:urance, 1n nCb a1lOUl\U ..... , trem ".. tiM to ti_ ba reaaonably required by DeMtlclal')' a,aiMt the ... or other lnaurable ha.ard. whlch at the tiM an =-only ~O lnaure4 A9 a1nat 1n tho ca.. ot pr.al... a1.11ar1y altuated, dua nvud be1119 glven to tile beight and type of lN11d1119' tIleroon ~ and t.be1r c:oNltruction, ... and occ:upancy. All pollei •• tor ouch lauranoe aball be can'ted 1n _1 .. approved by Beneficiary. _11 be .ubject to tile approval of Beneficlary •• to ..aunt, content and !oraa at pallei .. and expiration dat .. , aball acmtaln • won-conuibutoEy S't:&nISard Kortvav.. Clau. and the Lendar' a t.o.. payable andoneaent (Fora .,8 era liS), or their equlYalanta, in favor of Benefioiary, and eban provlde tIlet tile p_ tIlenof _11 be peIabla to &eMf lc1ary. Grantor banby ••• 1V-to 8eMtlalaZ'Y &1 innrance proceed. ¥bleb-it uy be .. titled to neel," c.nd web proceed. _11 be deUvered to and held by Beneficiary to be applled, at tba aol. diacretlon end aptian of Befteticiary, (1'. to tile reductlon of til. unpald prlnclpel of the lndebtedne .. _ by till. _ of TrUlt, or (11) to tile _retlon of tile PI'operty or any portion at the Property tbat be. bean daJN119ed or d •• trayed to the .... concUtion, cbaracter and val" ....... rly •• _y be t.o tbat aa exi.t.ed prior t.o aucb 4 ... ,. or dutzuction-, prc:.vJ.1Iled that. if Ca) Grantor 1. not then 1n dafault heraundar, (b) the co.t at rapab':'ft9 auctl daug ••••• t.J.aated by Beneficiary doe. not exceed (1' 1410, ODD it ttl. Principal Guarant. •• (a. defined 1n the LDan Aqreeaent, he. not bean r .. ~d.r.d inapplicable by the acbl.v..-nt at R.I.... Pertorma~ ,.. defined 1n the Loan Aqr •• _nt) or (U) $250,000, it the Principal Guerant .. bas bean •• 110 nndared inapplicable, and (0) the insurance pJ"OCHda, tQ9at.bar vitti any tuneS. dapoeit.c.t with Beneficiary by Grant.or, an HUlet.nt to "ay aU cOIIta at aucb r.coMtrU=tion, than Ben.ficlary .ha11 .. ka auch pr0C8~ avai1abl., in incre .. nt. a. vark prO(;r •••• r.. to pay the co.t. of .uch recon.truction. In the .v.nt th.t Beneficiary h •• elected to allow the proca.da to be u.ed for re.tor.tion .1~ in Ben.ficiary'. 801. judqaant. the in.uranc. procaeda ara not .utticient to tully accoapll.h .uch r •• ter.tion (un1 ••• Grantor proap~ly on deaan4 d.poait. vith Beneficiary the additional aaounto n.ceoc.ry te accoapli.h such r.otorati,.n), Ben.UcJ..ry .hall apply tlII. in.uranc. ",roc •• do upon any im1ebtedn •• -: •• cured hereby. Such application or "1 •••• • bal1 not cur. or vaiv. any ~etault or notice of d.fault here- -10- • i , -~ " 1 '~ • , ( ; ! I i ." r-- -- ItDHA.01D WUSer or lnvaU,ctata any act dane purauaat to aUGh notice. It Beneficiary agree. to utill,. the prooeeda for the reatoratlon at tha PrDJMIrt)' and if the Property 1. natored at • C08t 1 ••• than th. availabl.. In.vance proceeU, than auch exca.. proceed. aIIall, at _Uclary" option, .ltbe: (11 be applied .valnat tho lndolltodne •• ."ld._ by tho """ or (11)' be pald over to Grantor. In tIM event at tile foreoloaun of ttl!. Deed at lJ"rUat or other ~t.r at th. titla to the PrOperty 1n .xtln;ul~nt, in ¥bol. or 111 part, of the lndut:edne.. Hcnared hereby, all rlpt. title and lnterut of Grantor 1n and to any 1naunnca policy, or pna1uaa or paYMl'U 1n .. tial.etlan of o1al_ or any cat.ber J,'19hta thereunder then 1n force ahall pa •• to the purcbeur or qr&ntH notVi t.batandlJJ9 the aMNnt at any bid at ncb tonclo.un 1161 •• Jlotv1tbatancUnv the fonvoin;, the insurance reqvired by th1. panp'aph 11 .. y be canied under -blanket-pol101 •• at inavance, provided ~t auc:b pol lei •• are Hti.factory to lender 1n fOB and .uJ:,latance. 12. pe'on" of AstiAn" and Indomnff'sotiAD nDd AttArnOY' Pus nod COnt'. To appoar in and defend any .uit.,. action or pro- oeedift9 Cbat ai9ht .ftect the v.lu. at thi. ..~rity inatruaent or tba _lty luaU or tho rlvbta and _n of "'neficlary or 'h'lulua, _ided tbat ...... ficiary aIIall '0 a_r only if, in _ficler," :llId9Mnt, Grantor 1. not adequataly p""-lll9 .... tici.l'Y'. int.n.ta ln .uch actio", and .hould Ben.ticial'Y or !Tu8tee elect .1.0 to appear in or deland any .uah action or pZ'OOMd1n9, be _de a party to .UGh bY rea.on of thi. DUd at "I"nat, or elect to pro.acute .uob actlon a. appean nace .. ary to pn .. rn .. ld value. the Grantor vill at aU ti ... indu.nUy •• "'011, and on d.aand. r.labUr .. BeneUciary or '1'rUat •• for any and all loa •• GaM9" expen •• or coat. includin9 c:aat at evidence of title and attom.y'a fe •• , ar1ail"l9 out at or incurred in connectlrn with any such auiL, action or proceadlft9, and the SUD at .ucll axpuM\lturea shall be •• cured by thia Daed at TrUst with 1nta.rut a. provided in tM Mote .ecured hereby and .hall be dUe and payable em daand. To pay co.ta at nit, coat of evidence of tltle and attorney'a fee. in any proc .. ding or .uit brought Dy Beneficiary to enforce thi. Daed of 'f'Nat or any portion hereof. 13. pnpnywont pf AdY'"SOI. Upon receipt ot notice, tho Grantor .ball repay tm.ectiatoly all euaa expended or adyanced bereunder by or on behalf of Baneficial') or TrUDte', with inter- e.t t~ the date of auah adYance or expenditure at the rate of tour percent (4" per annva in ,xce •• of and floatinq with Citlbank Alternate Baa. Rate III .a defined in 'eb. Mote until paid, and t.ba rapayaant thereof anan be .e:-.11'ttd hereby. Tailure to repel· .~ch expenditure or advance and intereat thereon within ten (10) tt.ya of auch notice will, at Bdneflciary'A option, conatltute an av~nt of default hereunder I or, Beneficiary "y, at ita option, coaaence an action avainat Grantor tor the recovery -11- -.. ~. , ~ , :~ I I I ~ r , RDH.\.010 or aucb expenditure 01' DdY~ and int.nat. tbencm, and 1n ncb evant Grantor .,n •• to pay. 1n addit.ion to tbe -.-.mt or auch expenditure or advance, all coata and ..,.... lnc:urrtld in Reb action, totethal" with Beneficlary'. ".~onabl. attontey'. t ... 14. "DDClatory" Bight to pefond '9$'00' n~ pnfoult;'. '!'be Benefioiary uy appear in and defand any actlon 01' p""'-1n9 at lev or 1n equ1ty or 1n banlaUptcy .....,..,n:1n9 ta aff.ct the PreIPeZ'tY or the •• curlty hanof and 1n ncb evant eexcept "" .... tho purpon:04 defoc:t attoc:t1n9 the ....... 1ty ...... ot arl ••• or result. fro. any act or a.l •• 1on ot tbe Beneficiary), the Ben.riGiaIY aha}1 be allowed and p.~ all the Beneficiary'. ooat., cb8l'9 •• and axpene .. , includlnv C08t or evidence of titl. and attorney'. t ... incurred 1n .\lab action or proc.ding 1n which the BoneUclary aay appear I provided that ..... fici.ry aha11 aD appear only it, in Baneficiary'. judv-ent, Grantor 1. not adequately protectln; Beneficiary'. lnureau ira ncb action. Should Grantor taU to un any payMnt 01' to Ito any act •• benin prOVided, then aenerlclaZ'Y or 'l'nlat .. , but vltbO\Jt obl!,a. tlon .a to do .nd wlthout notle. to or d ... nd upon Grantor and wlttout rel ••• lng Grantor f~ any obl19atlon h.raof, .. yt .eke or do the .... ln .uch _nner and to .uob extent a. 11thlr uy dl. MOe ... ry to protec:t. thl aecuri ty hlreof, leneUclary or ~tee be1n9 .utborlled to enter upon the ~rty for .uch pw:'pOHar =-nee, appear in and defend any aGtlon or pn :aedlng purportiDIJ to aUect tha .. c:narlty "banof or the ri9bta or ~n or Benef1ciary or'l'l'\lat .. r pIIY, purcha .. , conte.t, or co.proal .. any encnmlIrancl, c:bartl or 111n vbicb in tbl jUdqMnt of lither appun to be prior or auparior banta CURl .... uab Incuabrance, cbaqa or 11en i. 1M1n; c:onteatect bY Gral tor 1n accordana. wlth panvraph 6 bareof) J and in IXlra1.in; any ncb powlr r 1nc:nar any liablllty, expand ¥bataver .. ount. ln 1ta atlolute diecretlon it .. y d ... necea.ary tharefor lnclucllnv c~t of evlctlnee of titll, -.ploy ea. attorney, and poy sald attomay'. f .... ft. Grantor bl~ 891'1'. to pay on d.-net w1th 1ntere.t at tha rate of four perclnt (") par anna ln axce •• ot and Uoatlng wlth Clt1bank AlUmat. Ba •• Ratl III a. d.nned in thl 1I0ta, all at tha Banat'lclary'. eo.ta, charta., axpanaa. anet a.ount. r.flrred to abov. ln thl. para,raph, lncludlnv coat of avldancP ot titl. and attornIY" fa •• lncurred in .ucb actlon or prcccadi,. 1n Which tha Beneficiary aay appear. AU coau, cbal"9a. and a4Cp&nao •• 0 incurred, togathar with inter •• t thereon •• afol'l .. ld. .ball be •• cured by the li.n of this DIed of TrUat. 15. liuau. (a) TO fully ca.plv wlth all of tha ta,..., conditlona and provl.torw of all 1 ..... on Hid Pr~rty ao that Gnntor ahall not baeo .. ln dafault tharauridar and to do all that 1. needful to p,:a.arv. al: .ald la •••• in fore., provided that -12- I '::. ~ ... .... ~;;. ...• : t. cr-. ..., N IUlIIA.Ol0 Grant.or .. y exarel •• any r..ed:l .. provided to l~f lnoludlnq taraination. 1n r •• s-ct of any dlZa\l1t. by the tenant. thereunder. (b) To penit no ••• 1paant at any 1 .... , or any lubllt.t1nv tn.nundal' un1 •••. tbII zolCJht to ... 1tn or Rble" 1. Ixprualy " •• "eeI by th. 1..... under .ucb 1 .... . (0) That laVI and except tor tue. and .._-.,ta provided to be paid by Grontor a. _Uied in panqrap118 , and 4 bereat, Grantor vill not crsata or .uttar or ,.~lt to be cra- ated, aubar.quut to the data at the uecNtian and ulivary 01: tbla DH4 of 'fruIt, any lien Dr encnmbrance vb1cb uy be or becDM Ivperlor '" any 1 ..... tt.ct1n;l the PnJperty. (d) That if any part of the luta.obUa parklft9 areas included. within the Property 18 taan by con4anatlon, or befon •• 1d ar... ara otherwi.. ~uced, az.fttor vill prvvld. parkin; flcl11tl •• 1n kind, all' and location to oa-ply with all 1 ••••• , and befon Uklft9 any Cu •• tract. tor a1IGb ~ltut. perkil'lC) raeU- ltt •• , Gr&neol' vill furnlah to aan.tlclary eat1.taGtozy ••• urance at c:aaplltlon thereot fl"Hl of 11ene and in c:on!onalty wlth .. 11 gov.rn.ental aonlft9 and re;u.latlona. ~~~;~. 8bCRlld tile Property or ony -; inten" thereln btl or prlvate t.prav ... nt, (i..cji~i1ft9r;c:llCiij_iii9 of vr04e), tln, earth- or any otlkal" a&nMr, Beneflclary may, at 1 .... optlon, appeal' in an4 proHCUte, ln It. own naM, any action or proceed1n9, or ..u any oaaproai .. or .ettle- .. nt, in conMction with web t.ak.1ftIJ Or daaa9a, and obtain all coapeuation, awant. or other relief tben!or. All web co.- penaatian, avant., daJl8., •• , 1"1gbta o! action and proceeda, inclUding the proceed. of 01 policie. or WUI'.nca ."ecting the Property, are h.reby .aaiqned to Beneficiary, which uy, after decil'cting then!rcm all it. expauu, lnc1u4in,. attorney'. fee., 1'.1_ ••• ny .,n.Y'" rec.ived-by it to the party entitled thereta, Dr aub,.c:t ta the proviaiana o! parap'apta 11, apply th. _M on any indabt.edM ••• ec::u.n4 h.reby Dr apply the .... to the npalr or restoration of th. Property •• it .. y elec:t. ·Grantor further -.. . ••• iqna to Ben.ficiary any return p~iuaa or other repayaent. upon any insurance at any ti.. provided for the benefit af the Beneficiary, r.fund. or rebate ... de of tax •• -or ........ nt. on the Propert~'. Grantor alDo .gre •• to executa .uch furth.r •• d9nMnt. of any .ueb c01Ipensation, avant. dau9 •• , r.bate •• r.turn of pr_iWlS, rap.penta, right. of action .n4 proceed •• a Ben.ficiary or TrU.t .... , ,.quir •• 11. ti., In pr the E'"oS" ~1 .. 1. har.by expr ••• ly •• da the •••• nc. hareof. ., j -.1 - r~~ " ' • ,. , ~ . ; -, r- ---------- RmiA.010 11. Plot. 1'0 • .,0&' Btppny'Ynns" 'nd other .,.....nt •• At any ti .. upon written nqyeat of MMficluy, peYMl't of 1u r... and pr •• antatlon of tbl, Deed at !ruat and .. 14 .ate for .ndo~nt (In ea •• of full reconv.yanoe, tor cancellat10n and retention), without aUactlnq tile l1dll1ey at any piN'SOn tor the p8yaent at the 1n4el:1tedn ••• 'h'\Iat .... y (a) ocmaant at the -kin9 at any up or plat of th, Propertr' (b) join 1n vranttng any ..... ant or cread."" lUI)' "auict on thine"" (a) ,Din in any C7'" aubordlnatlon or other aqrHlMlnt aUec:tll'9 tIlla DMd at 1"rU8t or ,." the 111n or charve thereot, Cd) reconvey, without varnnty, all N or any part of the Property. ft. Grant .. tn any ria nveyance .. y be d .. crlbed •• the -penon or penou 1119a11y -.titled thereto-, and the rlcltala then in of any .. tten or facta .. 11 be COlI- clua1vI proof at the truthfuln ••• thereot. Grantor .9ft" to pay • naeem.bll Tryat •• '. 1M tor full or partial rec:onveyanc., 8 - tcMJlthar with • rlcercS!", I •• , 1t 'lNlt •• , at ita option, Illeu 1:.0 reoord .. ld 9C:onvayanc:a. 1'. AD1. pC Jtnmony pynuDn~ tA D haglplUH. In ca .. at a .. 1. purauant to 8 toreola.un of thi. DeecS ot 'h'Uat, th. Pl"opert)", real, per.onal or ai.ed, .. y be .old •• aft antinty or in parcel., by ana .ala 01' by .evaral .a1 •• beld at one tt.a 01' .t diftarent. t1 ... , .11 •• Yru.t .. 1n ita unra.tricted diacr.tion .. y .1eot, and the Crantor for and Oft bellalf at it:ult and all panou clalainv by, thnnIgb or under it, vaiva. any and all riCJbt to hava t.ba property and •• tat •• coaprl.in9 tbe Property aarabal1ed upon any fareolo.ure· •• l •• nd a9~. that upon fora- ola.ure tha Property MY be .014 •• an antinty Dr.4 not in per- o.la. 3D. BftSUrSty Ront', trAUt. Dnd zgulag. The Grantor Moll not, without Unt obtainin9 the a.neUciary'a writtan cone.nt, a •• lp any of tha rant.. or proUta of tIIa Property or collact any nnt far .ora than ona .",th In a4van-:e or elu"". ~. 9eDaral natun of the occupancy or tnitt'lt. or 8cll\lla.c. ln any aonin; rec1a •• lfication, or ~o or auffar any act or thing ¥bleb would tapair the .acurl~y for .. i4 debt or the Beneficiary' lien upon th. Property 01' the renU thereof. 31. Appglntm.nt pC RoeoSyor. Tha holder of thi. Deed of Tnaat, in any action to foreelo .. it, .ball be antit1ed (without. notice and vit.hCNt regard to tha adequacy of any .acurtt.y for .. i4 debt) to the appolnUant of a raceiver of the rant.. and proUte af ~. Property and web race ivaI' ahall hav., in addition to all tha riqhta and pova~ cuat.oaarily 9ivan to and a •• rci .. d by auch recaiver, all the righta .nd power. grantad t.o tha Benaficiary by the covenanta contained in paragraph J3 beraof. 32. 'a,lgnmebt Af Bent' Dnd prgC1ta pad,r &1] LoDan, ond BenlD' Agre ••• nt,· Gran~oT ~olutelY and irravocably a •• 1gna to Beneficiary the nnt., iaauea, and prot it.. of the Property, and allot th' ri9ht., ti~le and intaraat of the Grantor in and un40r -14-L 1 I • 1 1 j I I J g .' .' I • •• I .0 I I -I • r 8 CO CO RDIIA.010 all le.... and rental 89r .... nU nov or hareaftar att.ating aald Property an hereby a.ai9ned and treMI.rneS to the Beneficiary •• .vichm':'" by en M81qnMnt ot loea ... and caM COllateral executed conteaporaneoualy h.~ith by the Grantor 1n favor of the aanefic:lary and by rataranoe included Mrein. 23. POfaYl!; "'try Dod PQau.,fpn. In tbe evant of default 1n aa.pllanca w th any r.qu1~nt at tilt. Deed at TrUat or of any further inatnJlMtnt at any ti_ executed vith napeGt to thi. Deed at !'ruat, t.~. Beneficiary uy, at ita optlcm, enter upon AIleS uka poe •••• lon of the Proparty and let the .... or any part thereof, _king therefor auch alteration ••• it Un4a nec •• .ary, and .. y taralnata in any lavful "MIll' any unanoy or occupancy of the ~rty, e.erc1s1ng vith rupect: thereto any rlpt or option available to the Grantor. ·rraa and after the occurrence of any BUch default, if any owner at the Property ilhall OCCNPY the IT0r.rty or part thoreof web owner ahall pey to th. BeneUc ery 1n adYanCB on tn. fint day of •• ch _nth a rea.ona})l. r.ntal for the apace aa oocupilld, and upon failun aa to do the Benaficiary ahall be entitled to l'eJlCWe auab owner fra. th. Property by any appropriate .ction or pnoMdln9. 24. DofAult, HADKaiy,r. ".. entari", upon end talci, poa ..... lon of the Propert.y, the collection of auah :renta, .a\l •• , and proUta, or the proceeda at fire and otber 1nauranca poU,oi •• or coapenaatian or award. tor any t.ak1no or daMge of th. Prop- .rty, and the application or rel .... thenat e •• foreaaid, aball not cun or vaive any detault or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done purauant to aucb notice. 25. ryAnto At ogtou1t. If any -Event of Default-a. defined 1n the Lnan Agreement ahall occur, than, and in any .\lob evant, the Beneficiary shall be entitled to .xerei .. all riQhta, and .tI,aU have the belieU t at aU rued1 •• pnrddad _ law or .. t. forth 1n thi. Deed at Tru.t or in any ether inat~t 9iven to HCUre the indebt"'n ••• evidenced by the Note, includinv the right to declar1 all Bums .ecured hereby t..8diately due and peyablo. 26. roroslA,ur.. No waiver at Beneficiary of any detault on the part at Grantor ahall be con.trued ••• vaiver at any sub- .equent def.ult hereunder. In event of any .uen default and upon written nque.t at Beneficiary, "r'I'UatH ahall .eU the ~rty in eccard,ance with the Deed at Truat Act at the atat. of wa.b1ft9- ton (RCW enapter 61.2. a. exi.tlng nov or henatter a_ndad) and the Uniterm Caa.ercial Code at the State at W •• hinqton vben applicable, at public auction to the higheat bidder. Any parsaft except Tru.tee .. y bid at Trust.e' •• ale. Tru.tee ahall apply the proce.d. at ttle sal_ .e tallowa: (1) to the expen.e of .ale, includin; a roa.anable Truat .. '. too and attornoy's t.e, (2) to all the indebtedn ••• evid.n~ed by the Hate and all other indebt- edne.s securad ~y ~hl. Deed of ~rustl (3) the .urplua, if any, -1&- • • rr'-I j • ~ ..• ( I r Iball be diatribUted 1n accordanca with .. 1d Deed at !TU8t. Act. Truat •• aball deliver to the purcb ... r at ~ eel. ita deed. without .,,,nanty, which &hall convay to the pu"CbaHI' t.a- inur •. ;: 11. the property which Grantor bad or bad the pcNU to convey at. the t.i .. of ita axecutlan at t.hi. Deed at ft'U8t. and .UGh a. ba .. y have acquired ther .. fter. Yruatee'. deed abell recite the tact. ahowin; that the .. 1. v •• conductad in co.plianca with aU the r.qulr~ta of the lav and or We Deed at !TUat, which recital ahall be p ~ .. taci • .vidence of .uCb oaaplianea and conelu.iva evidence thereof 1n favor at bona fide 0"" pu.t"Cha •• ra and anCUllDrancan tor valua. fte power of .. 1. con- N ,., rerred by t1110 Deed ar 'I' ..... t and by tIIa Deed or ftUat Act or tile State of Waahinqton 1. not an excluelv. ~ and ¥ben not .. arei.ed, Beneficiary may roreclo •• thi. DMd of 'lnI8t ... ""0 ... rtqa9a. At any t1ae Benaficlary aay appoint in vrltlnv a auee ... or trult •• r or dhcharva and appoint a MV tnaatea in the ea plIca at any TrUat .. naMel harein, and upon the ncozd1n9 at auch CO appointMn'C in the _rtva;. ncord. of tM; county 1ft _leta thia DHd of 'lTUat ia recorded, the aucc .. aor tl"U.tee lIball be :vuted with all pG'Nn of the oriOinal TrUetee. 'l'ha 'l'nst .. ia not ObliOllted to notify any party hereto of pending .. 1. under any athol' deed of tru.t or of any a"10n or procMd1Dq: 1ft ¥bleb Grantor, 'frU.tee or Bene Uolary sball be a party, unl... aueb action Dr proceedi.. 1. brought by the 'lI'\l.t ... 27. Dye gn Bol, Clou, •• Grantor will not •• 11, c:onvey, a.dp, tranafer. fUl1:ber encuaber, or othervbe aUenate the Property, or any part thereof or any intenat thenin, without the prior written conHftt of the DenaUclary. Anv transfer of any beneUCIial lnterest in the Gr8ntor aball be de..ed a .ale of the Property for purpoaea oc thia paravrcph 27. 28. Hpn-Apl"i£UUu"Ol Un'. The Property ¥bich are the sub- ject of thi. Deed of Trust are not u~ principally for _oricul- tural or tani", puzpo •••• 21. Mdl1:ipool ,..xoo -0'0"9' pC Loy. If at any ta. the United Statee.of ~ric. or the State Of Waahlngton ahall require doc:uaantary ata.pa to be attixed to thie Dead of Truet, or ehall t.poaa any ad val on_ or oth.r tax upon thia Deed at TrUat or the inten.t of the aaneUciary horeunder. or it any lav ia enac;ted deducting aol'tqDge Uena fro:D the ya1-.aa of waahinrqtcm land for the purpoee of real •• tate taxation or requirlnv aertgag ... to pay • portion at the real •• \-at.e taxee, or pay any ta. levi.d in aUbetltution (in whole or in part) t.nerefor, whieb ba. the prac- ~lcal effect of roqu1rinq Beneficiary to pay any r.al •• tete tax •• or the equivalent thereof in re.pect. of the Property, or 1f th.re occurs a Chang. In the ta .. tion at .0rt9ag.. ao a. ~o requ1re the Beneticiary to pay a ta. by re.soft at 1ta ownership of thia Deed at Truet, (ot.her than tederal 1nca.e u.e., the -16- • .-' .. ~ (.,."]l1li' .... , . , I t ., I J . ... j' '.' I .... o CO CO RONA.OlO Grdntor aball pay Cor cauea ita tenanU to pay) for th. d_tary .tap. or 01>611 pay Cor cauo. ito _nto to pay) 8uch tax tog.thar wlCh any intarsat or penalti •• lapoaed 1n connection therewith, provided tlwt lf for any reason pa,..nt ))y Grantor of any ncb new or additional taX" vaald be unlavtlll or 1t the pay.ent th.r.of would coMt1tuta nUl')' or render the loan or indabtodna.. ..cured bve»y wally or partlally u.UZ'loua under any of the tezM: or pravi.1ou of the Mota, or t:bJ..a Dud of TnII;t or otbarvl .. , Benefic:iary uy, at ita option, upon thirty ('0) day. vri ttan notice to Grutor, daG1an the whola aua .. cured by tht. _ of .,.".t .. ith intonot tile...". to be i_iat.ly duo and payab1o, Un vbicb wont no propayMllt foo 01>611 OWly) or Ben.flciary aay, aC ita option, pay tbat aaount or portion of .uch tax.. .. "neSen the loan or indabte4n... ..cured bereby unlawful or uaurio ... , 1n ¥blob pent :lrantor all' \1 concarent1y therewith pay the reaaln1ng 1avtul and non-ueurioua portion or ba1."ce of .. 14 taxu. 30. In tha event that tid .• Dud of 'l'rUIIt 1. and 'the trop.rty aold at a fon- closun aal., th. pu.rdlaHr aay, dv1ft9 the IltatutOry ndaption period .. k. auch repain or altaration. nec .... ry tor operation at th. Property .. aay be naa.onably nec .... ry for the proper· operation, can, preservatlon, protaat1on and inaur1ft9 thareof. AnY ...... 0 paid tovethor .. ith intoroot thoroon frOll tho tiM of BUda expandlban at tba b19beat lavfUl rat. aball be added to and _ • part of tile _t required to "" paid for rodooption fraa aucb .. 1 •• 31. Wn Agu-rpt. IJ'bII Grantor will parfon each and ev.ry oblivat10n of Grantor und.r tbe Loan A9neM:nt. '2. Bight pt lOres) Mum. Ban.fichEY .ball bava the ri9ht at ita option to taraclo •• thia Deed ot TrUat aubject to the r i9bta of any &MaRt or t.rwmta of the PI'operty and the taUure to uu any wch tenant or tenant.. a pany d.fendant to any .uch .uit. or action Dr to tonlloaa their ri9hta wUl not be .... rtecS by the Grantor a •• d.ten •• in any .~lon or .ult lnatitutad to collect tb. 1JIdabtMna.. ..cured !. ....., or any part thareof or any ~efic1.ncy r ... inl"9 un~id aft. ~or.cloaur. .nd •• 1. ot th. Property, any atatute or rule of 1a" at any tl .. exlatlnv to th. contrary notwlth.tandlnQ. :33. 6vhrggDUgn. '!'b. Ben.ficiary ahan be Dubrogatod tor further .acurity to th. 11.n, althou9h r.l •••• d at record, of any and aU ancabrance. paid out of the proc.ad. at the loan accured by thl. Dead of '!'Nac. ~ 34. PUtv t9 Exssut. JO't;lPII'ntp fnIrtb,r Anauoopo,). -- Gr.ntor t~ ti .. to tl ... within 15 day. aftar requast by Bene- ficiary •• hall ••• cut •• aCknowl.dV8 .nd deliv.r to Ben.ticl.ry. ouch chattel .ortVlIv.a, •• cu.:-ity .Vr .... nt. Dr other IIlaUar i I: --JJ -17- , • ( 5 I I 8 cO cO RONA.OlO •• curltr inatrullent.8, 1n tona and .~tance aatiatactory to Benetic ary, c:ovarinq all property of any k1nd Vbataoevar owned by Grantor 01' 1n ¥bieb Grantor hae any 1ntanat which, 1n th. 801. opinion of 8enetla1ar,y, 1 .... entia1 to the operation of the Property covered by tbi. DM4 at ft'Uat.. Grantor abell furtbar, tt'Oll tiae to t1ae. within 15 day. after nq .... t. by Beneficiary. execute, acknolllqa and deU,val' any tlnanc1Dg atateaent., I'anenl •• fftdavit, ceztitlcate, cont1rnaation .ta~nt or other doc:uaent •• aenetlo1ary .. y nqueat in order to perfect, pre •• rve, continue, extend or .. lntain tha HCUrity int..nat under, and tha priority of, till. DHd at If'Euat and the priority at aucb abatte1 aort.ga,_ or otbu aecurity inatruaer.t ••• Unt l1an. Grantor fuz"t.Mr -or--to pay to __ tlctery on dnand aU coat. and expenaea 1ncurnd by aenetlalaZ'Y in connectlon with the preparation, execution, rec:or'lliftljJ, tl11nt and nt111ncj1 of a"V aucb tftlltz1ment or docu.ent 1DcludllMJ tha chaZV" tor exaaln1n; title and tbII attonwy'a t. tor render1ng an opinion •• to the priority of till. Deed at TZUst and at such chattal .artqava or otbor _ity iNltraMnt .. a valid tint and alllllliaU"9 U .... Bovev.r, Mitbar' • nqueat R Md. by Ben.ficiary nor the tailure ot Beneficiary to aake nc:b nquut llbell be construed ... rele ••• ot aucb Property. or any part thereot, traa' lb_ conveyance of title by till. DlIId of lJTuat., it being undantooct and a,reed that tbla covenant and any aucb c:b&ttlil .artgage, aec:u.rity 891'1 nt or ~ ala11ar HC:IIZ'lty inatru-nt, dellvar.d to Beneficiary, ~ cu.ulative and glven •• additional aecurlt,.. 35. "otiSSe. All noticea, d~, requa.ta, con •• nta, approval. and ether J..aat,z,menta nqu.lnd or peraitted to be given punuant of ~ tana of till. DHd of 't'n18t ahall be in vritinv and ..... 11 be deaed to Mva been properl,. given it .ant by reqia- tarecS or certified .. 11, po8U9. prepaid, return receipt re- qua.ted, or by teleqI'UI wlth Z'eport of de11very to the aMr ••• .et forth below or wCb other add.reaa •••• y be givan 1n vr!tlftfjfl Tbe leneficiary at, '1'be ar;antor at 1 Clticorp Real latate, Inc. 1111 Third Avenue, 27th Floor Saattle, N •• binqton 18101 Attentionl Vl~-Pr •• id.nt ,lrst City Developaent. corp. Suita 4170 Seafir8t rifth Avenue Pla,a 800 rifth Avenue Seattle, W.ahinqton 98104 ProVided, bov.ver. t.hat euch addre .... y be chan9ed UPUII five (5) daye UTitten notice tbereof, .iailerly 9iven to the othor par- ti... Such notic., deaond, reque.t, con •• nt, approval or other inatruaent,ehall be d .... d to nave been .erv.~ on the fifth .J". r· / ... · . , · "~ · , , i , I .~''''''"'''i.!'fi'' : "~" .' ... ;"~~ I I I ---_&-. ... -u 8 CO CO ll1lllA.Ol0 bualn ••• day 'oUovine) tho date at ulUnv, or the report of delivery 1n the ca •• at a tele;r ••• 36. Hp Sh'M' WithAYS; Mritins. No c:bUge, ' •• ndMnt, -.ad1- t1catlon, cancellation or diac:narva benot aball lie valid unl ... 1n vr1tlnv and all1JMd by the parti ..... n~ or their l'e&~ly. auee ••• ora and ••• 19ftS. 37. Ngn=WDiyor. A va ivaI' In one or ao ... lnatancu at any at the tara, covenanta, corwUt1ona or pravla10u b.not, or of the Hatll, shall apply to the partlwlar lnatancll OZ' iaat.ancea and at the particular ti .. or tiau only, and no aucb va ivaI' abe11 be d ..... cantlnuinv vai,".r, but allot the tera8, aovenanta, conditlona and other provlalona of Chi. Deed ot ~t and of the Nota ahall Burv1v. and continue to r..a1n In full forca and aU.ct. No delay on Denef .ciary'. part In ... rala1ng any rl9ht aball be clHMMt • \.·.lver. All valven Mall, M 1n wlt1n9. No _, b ... ln .... .....s to tbo exclusive at any other ....-cIy. but auch remedy ahall be eu.ulatlva and aball be 1n to any othor r .. edy given hereunder or now or hereafter exiatin; at la~ or in equity or by .tatute. of -ny action to otorce kinO COWIty, Vaah!.n9ton. 'rill. Dood of nut 1. to vith tbe lava of tbe at tbe Beneficiary, the venue provi.ion. hereof uy be laid 111 00. or ita valid, provia1on attocte4. ~~~lf.;X~ It any provi8ion at tbi. DMd at !'Nat, .i any peraon or circuaatance, ia held in- other provisions hereof, or the application of.the ta other penona or circuaatancer, aball not be 41. MiISO))DDOgUI, All Beneficiary'a rights and reaedi.a herein apacified ara intended to be cuaulative and not in aubati- tution tor any ri9ht or roaedy otherwiae available and no raquir_nt whataoever uy be vaived at any ti_ except by a vritlft9 aigned by the Beneficiary, nor lIhan any waiver be opera- tive upon ather than a .inglo oee.aion. Tnia Deed at Trgat cannot be c:han;ed or ter1llinatad orallY. '!'hia Deed at TrUat appliaa to, inure. to the benet it ot, and 1. binding not only on the partiea harcto, but on their bair., d.vi .... , lev_tee., adDini.t:atora, ••• ~ttor., aueee •• or. and a •• 1qn.. All obliga- tion. ot Grantor her_under are joint and •• veral. The t.~ ·Ben~fici.ry· ahall ... n the holder. and owner., 1ncludift9 pledge •• , ot the Mote .ecured hereby, vbether or not n ... d .e BenefiCiary herein. Mithout aff.eting the liability ot any other peraan tor the payaent at .ny Obligation harein 8Afttioned (inCluding Grant~r ehould it convay the Property) and without -19- -. ~:."\ .. tn"" : •• ·.1 :.:~ .~ .. . -. ( 8 -:8 I i, - JlI)IIA.Ol0 aU.cting til. 11... b ..... f upon any portion of til. Property not re1a.aed, BeJletlalary MY, without notice, nl .... any per.on ao 11111>10, .xtOJlCl til. aatudty or .,Ufy tbo to .... of ... y ow:b obllq1atlon, or Grant other lndu19aftClla, re1 .... or reconvey or cause to be rel.and or nconvayed at any t1ae all or part of til. Property .acr!bed berein, taka or n1 .... any other Hcurlty or aaJte coapoaltlon8 or otbar arrang ... nta with daton. Beneficiary aay a1ao ac:oept addit.lonal •• c:urity, elthar ocmcur- nntly herewith or thereafter, and .. 11 .... or Dtbuw1 .. roal11. thencm, .1t.bar beton, COIIClUrrently With, or .fter .. 1. hare- undv. fti. DrHd at !'rvat ahall be aD cautrued that wherever appUcable, the uaa of the alnrgular n\lat)er allall include the plural nuaber, the ua. at the plural number ahall include th. 81ngular nu.ber, the uae of any ,endar ahall be applicable to all 9andara and ahall l1kevl.. be aD conatrued •• applicable to and inclwUnv • cozpoZ'atlon. ft. vard "'ct.-abeU include all note • ..,id.nciJ!v tbo ind_. oocund boroby. ~~~~:~;",.~:lcj~~~CII" 1n which Grantor ba. ~ or !Tuat .. '. attorney'. daaaed to refer to -reasonabl.- .,. ""tattoo p' BOSOUroa. the event at a dalault by Grantor Not ••.. 'l'be nco\lI'M ot Beneficiary 1n i. li.itod •• provided in th. U. "O'ArdA'ln "MerIo1.. Grantor hereby 1nd .... Ui •• BaMticlary and a,rea to bold Beneficlary banJ, ••• troll and 89a1r~t any and all 108"', 11abl11ti .. , daaag .. , injuria., coeur expenaaa and claia ot .ny and evary kind vtuataoev.r (1nclucu'.n;. w1thout It.iution, any Envlrol'lll.ntal Liability a. def.1ntldi below) paid, incvrnd or auffared by, or •••• rted .,e1nat, tha BeJlaficiuy for, w1th reapact tD, or ea a direct or indirect ".ult ot (1) tIIIe preaance on or under, or the a.cape, aeapaqa, leakag., apilla,a, diacba~a, -.i •• 10n, diachargin9 or ral .... froa, the Prorerty of any Ita.erdeua Mat.arial Ca. defined below), or (1i) tha pre.anee of any •• baat.oe on tha Property (including, without. It-lt.ation, the c::oat of rnKIVal) raqal'dl ••• ot Vbathar or not cauaed by, or within the control of, Grantor. Tba ObI19at.i~ of Grantor undar Chi. Para,raph •• ahall aurviva any foracloaur. of tha Daad ot Truet., any conv.y.nca of tha Property in liau ot .uch toncloaura, or the payaent in full of the Not. and tn. aati.tactlon .nd ral •••• at the Loan Docuaanta. Aa ueed 1n the preceding paragraph, tha tera -Invironaontal tJab11ity-ahall ..an any claia, da .. n4, obligation, caUDa ot action, accuaatlon, ellevation, order, violation, d&aaga, injury, jud~nt, panaU.y or tiM, coat tot' antorca.nt. coat ot r •• edi.l action, or any otb6r coat or axpanaa WhatDcavar, includinv raaaonabl. attorneya' f ••• and dlabure ... nt,. r •• ultlft9 fro. the v~ol3tlon or allaqad viol~tlon at any Envlro~.nt.l Law or 11'0. .' I ! , I __ : J ~ I I I r RDHI .. OlO any Into~t or Aeaedlal Action. ft. tar. -anvironMJltal LeV- abaU .. an any feeseral, atate or local lava, oz,u.nancea, cod .. , requlatloM, :nil •• , ordan, or deems ~.tlb1J, nlatinv to, or apos1n; lJ.abll1ty or standards of conduct coftCelmiftlJ, anr envinnuUlntal uttan, 1ncludlno, but not l1a1tad to, .. ttar. related to all' pollution, waUir pou,utton, noua ocmtrol, or S ... rdoua Material. ft. ten -lCntcazoc:-nt or R...sial ActJ.on- &ball ... n any atap tak,e,n by any penon or entity to entOl"Cll cOIIP1iance vitb or to collect or iapo .. penalti •• , t1 .... or other aanc:tlofta provided by any EnYironaental Lav. 'l'he ten -Ba.ardoua Katerial-aball .. an any b ••• rdaua,. toxio or d&n;laroU8 vaat., substance or .. teial deUned •• such 111 (or tor purpo .. of) the COaprahenaiva 1nY1ro:nMfttal Rupon ... COIlpenaation, and Liability Act, any ao-calle4 -Sup.rtund-or ·SuperU.n-lav, or any other Bnvlnmaantal Lav, .. new OZ' at any ti .. hereinafter 1n .ftect, lnaludinv ubeatoa. -21- ( ; I I I 8 IN WI'lWUB WIIER!Or, the Grantor baa ca.eeI tld.a 1utn.ent to be eX.cuted til. doy and y .. r tint _. written. II'1'Aft 0' 1WIlII_ ) ) .a. CDaOTf 0' K % • G ) on thl. ."",~y at (tl'f.:{Mi ' 1"', betore .. , the under-alvnecs, a Notal')' Uo iii a 01' dle state at va.t11ft9ton, 4,,1,. COIIIIi .. 1oned and avam, penonall,. appeared and r'l'.110l'~' • _ted til. to .. blown to be the and inotruMnt to be .nd pontlon, tor the a •• and purpoaea atated that they are authol'iaed to .. ecute that the ... 1 att1Jrect i. the corporate ... 1 r' -. . , .. I: .. " " • : • rr--"r .. ' ,I I I I ( , I I • I I , RDHA.D1D J ., ~ .. " •. IXIIJBI'r A 'l'ract a, .... h1nvton 7edl.n.1cal Canter, •• noo ..... In Vol~ 122 of Plat., PaV ••• 8 throu;h 102, reaorda of Iti"", COWIty. lIoabinvtan. Situate in the City of Rlnton, COUnty ot .1nt, .tat. ot lIalhinvton. 2 i. 1 I ! .:.,':.:.'~ . ..... ... .". .. .. - .' '; . f ! J 1 "j , i ! I ~ I I I j - -- • RDIIA.010 EXHIBIT B pnrptttod IDgumbroDP" 1. Aa ••• ~ta tor L.I.D. 110. 322, 2. Agr .... nt under X1ng County aecording No. 8901740/ 3. te, .... nt under lUng county ReoonUhg Mo. 8810110122, cr-•• z.a_nt. under KiIl9 County Record1nv No. 8702020.,1/ ..., 5. Ea .... nt under 1C1n; county ~.conUng 110. 1708100852/ N ..., 6. Z ..... nt. under Xin; county Recording No. 110912030./ 0 CO 7. Reatrictlona impoaed by lnatruaant under Xing County CO Record1n; Mg. 7.08060666, 1 8. Ea .... nt.. and elope r19hU •• d1.alOHd by the plat or Waahlnqton Tecbnical Center. ~ ~. i "" .. i • I ( . .. , I I I I ~ .. '.' f .. . '-."~"'-"""':'~- .,~" :'. i T ... aln_ .. TIfIa Inaa.nmaa Co ...... ---........ T·-t - ftIod .. __ .. -.._" ....-r.~ ; ~~.~ !-.. ,.... N-... ... !!.~!!.~_~tc. T~!!.~!.~~~.!. .. ~ • .!!!.._ P" 'TIl! ~,.;. '!.' • ;Jto-!:':, ... :;, i .... • lItli"'· It 4 -.-... '; .::\ _ .. !..:.9..:_l!!?U.~.~ _____ ._. __ ..... __ . ___ .... I g ClI' .... 8la1O..!!.!.~~.!.:.. . .!!:L1!2~J_ .. _ .. _. __ _ '" .. _ .... . ....................... _ ....... ' CD 8S7832/J.Jonoo Partial Reconveyonce ",. ._ ""'100 undor lllal _In Dood 01 TnP~ dalod...IIcotah .... .ll .. __ .. _ ... _ ..... ~ 11 ... _8.0_ in whidl-... " ..... ..c .. c.y...De".l grill nc.a. .. cor.pGCacJ.cm..-&H.waa.h.1n&ton .. .contora tJem. .. M •• 'HM._" 1a .... loruod.._ .. 'a~loo"" ..... ~ .. I ....... _.1Ac.~ . ..DolollU •.. .c:orpr&Uou ........ _._ .......... _.----...... . II boMftcIo". _ onoco.obo ..... '11.. __ . __ ..... 1188.._ ..... AadiIao'e "oIe No...88.IQ3.IUU2_ ................. . in Yolutne ... M ......... ," ............................................... 01 Mo,...,... ., pIII ..................... , ................. _ .............. ncorda of .,._ .......................... " •.• _ ... K.1na ........ _ .. ,COUft&,. WuhI",. hlwinI ...w.d ......, .. w D.d of TIuI& .... riu .... ' fill'" 10 "'*'"1 • ,orUan .1 the NIl ...... , dlecribtd in .w .s.d. which ... ~ ••• PPfO"IICI bJ' MId .... Ior. _ berobJ _. wllIIoul .. m.I7. to die _Ce, ... UIecI _Ibo riahI. Ulie _ .. -_ bold III' .Id __ In _ to lbo, por&Ioo 0I1bo ... _. _ 10 eeId Dood 01 Tnoe&. .... Ied .. ________ .. l1q .. ____ ._. CouoI7. w-...., .. _: Sill ATTACHED ST.'" or WASHINDTON J roUNTY op:._______ .. ._ .............. _._ ••••• __ ...... ____ • _M" H ___ ._ • .. _I1_ ................ ..,......t. .. ......................... ,.;.,,-, ... -:-'_ ... ;:==~ ..... ~-;; ,-,.., ... -I~'_"',PNI ITATI or WAIIHIHCTOH t COUNTY DI-K!.n&_ .... ___ 1 .. 0. ..... _1 ........... ,. ...... Juno ..... _ ..... _ ........... _.~ .. " .. _ .... I~~ ...... . w_ ........... _ .• H..." .................... " w..a. ........ ..., : ".d-S-...-u,......,.. __ ._ _···_II<IIU.H .•... A.dty ......... ____ ·_ my commL •• lon explro.:ln-lS-92 I~. :- ":" I J f ~., .. , ....... C1c1carp. a..,LElute, Inc. _.27th .. no.t ....... 1111 Third Ave. c.,. ...... , •. So It tle , WA 98101 .roAnn tobin 857832 •... , .. '. ' .. Partlol R.con .... yonce ~'.: . 1]. tEa;. F tRSHSL . ...... '. S.DO ···.?L"lO ~S ".. undfrn,n.d lnIS&..-yMrr lhat mot.in ~I .,. Trull. daled ... ~ ..•.. C?c.~ob~.! ~~ .~ .................. It .. ~~ ......• in vtUcb. .. .llr.t. .. C1Q' .. .Dllv.elornDt .. torpar.cinn r· ... YaabJ.n&UD .. .car-par.at,1.aD .................. H .. io.-. ........ ~Hh.9..JI .. ~e.l .. It!t.' ..... l~t ...... De .v.n ... l:Qrl!o.u.l~I\ .. _ ........................................ . II _ • ......sod ...... 9~.t9.b. ...... H .... _ .......... tI ..... U ..... Audi!or', FlIt No.. .... UIUI,U .. U .................... . ID V~ ........... _ ....... _ ........... _ .......................... 0/ _ •• , _ .... _ ................ _ .. _ ........ _ .. __ ....... 0/ ............. J~ ... P ... _N. __ .................. _ ... CGUn". WuhinlkMI .............. ..,.p~ -'d o..d .J "',..l • writtt'll 'NqUlld &0 ,.".....,. • portian of , .. ..u pnperty .......... in -.Jd ...... trbirh RIa-........ ..wd b.Y .. w pmt .... ....., ftIl'IIftW')'. -.ilhoul warnDlY ...... ......c., ............ the riIht.. tWt and in..,., .. bold ... ooId ........ ID oM 10 lllal ........ 0/ .... NO! _I, __ ID ooId Dood 0/ 'hull. oI ... ud ID ....... __ .. ~!~a .......... " ................................... Cauol,. w_ .. _: Latl 1. 2, and ., City of aenton Short 'l.t 10. 016-88. recorded Octob.r 27. 1989 und.r Auditoro fll. No. 8910279013. ~ Do ...... _~..!!!'~....1L. ____ .. _It_!L ~ ~ B'tA,.. UI WAAHIJrGI'ON CUI'"," CIf' _______ -' 0. ... ..,...-. .............. ---_.,._ ... _.. . .--.. ................... ... ............ -'drn ........ -..-.. ... 1 .1& ....... _._ .......... _ _ _ .. __ ... _ f_*......., ......... . '-tt.. ___ ...,....,... ........ . CrvEN ..... .,. _'III ... ..-e.I _I u.iI .. ...,. .... ~ .. _ ......... l' ... . ~.....,. ............. ,. tt.. "'-fill W"· -"'" --.. .... _,._----_ ..... ....... ·1. • ~.~~!lca Ticl. Inaurlnee Comp.ny -R •.... ~jl. .. ~ ..... _ .......... ___ ._ - r , I I J • • li1AN!>M1F.MIt:A TfI1f. INMlMANU ". . R~"'-Of ,".: h •• teln. 'lboI'Ve lIUOft :r ~UEooi"' -........ Sh...-· ...... r ...................... f01I1II!C01lll" Su1lAI'C&CO. i.i _. ,.,... .... ..... . ... __ ........... _=st.M':=.~!"1I , 1:' .... _ ..... ~~ttl .•.•.. ~ .... , ... '~'. .. ..."............ .~=-......... " ...................... : " REI Blackrl .. r Land Loan ~ .. Partial ..... n .. eya_ The u .... iJned ."..t.-andlr .hal t'I'rt.aift 0.1 of Tn1Il. da ..... " •. ~r. .. UI., ..... _ ..... ____ ...• J • ..!ML. ... in whicb ..... Ur:.t. .. c:I.c:y .•. Qr.flllQIIIIIIIUu .. Ctrp .•.•.. I .. II&Ib1nI.Can .. CRQ!Dut.iOA .... _ ......... _ •.• ____ ._ ... _ •• __ it J1anlor.nd., ..•..... CJ"t,lCQm .. _l . ..I'""' •.. JJ)Q: •• _ .... QtJ.ftu:w,_Q;RWJ:fI~ .. __ ............ _ .•.• __ ._ .... __ ... _. __ io _ ... __ .......... _~ ... U ............. I • .J.II ....... Audi ..... PlIo No. .. J!Ugu.!.n'._ .............. ~ :~ .. ~:~~::.~::::::::~~:.::::::.::::::.::.:::::::c.;;;;;;: w":.:::=--"':'-~";;;;;;';W"o;;;;;j';;;:r;;;;. ':"":..:! requa' Itt ,."....y .. par&iaD of lM ........... , dllcribld ill .......... whith Nq ....... appl'lMd by Mid .ranlor. does he,., ..,..,.,. witbout ..... ., ................ ) .................... riIbt. tid. ..... lnw.t ..,. hold by Mid "'= 10 ...... 1Ioa .......... \be ... -" _ 10 0014 Dood .. 'I'n1o&. alUl"" 10 ...................................... _ ... _ ................... Caoao\J. w ............ toIIon, "IMt. pan.,ian of ftllCt • of ..... 1aIJt,on ftCbIUca1 centu • .. par plat. naDf'ded 1ft ..,1_ 122 of plaU, ,.,.. .. thr'Du9b 102, ncazdII of Il1ng CIaantJ'. lyiDQI ~ of o.u..cs.l ........ 8Ou~wnt., ly1ng noftbwltel'l, of aaut.'lwed. 7th 8u.-t, and lyu.v _nul, Dr .... Av.nue &authwn. u a:JII'IWyed CQI the Cit, of linton .... .. ncorti.n9 1IOa. 870:1100641. 87D21D0M4 and 8lOt2S088Ch .Uute 1ft the Cit, of __ t.aa. CDut, of IJ..DQ. lUte or .... ,aqtoG. DoIod. .. r.IonIIn ... H~ ___ .. ___ It..1L- ::,~:;:~t.t~~~~_,,~J _ ""' .... ..,......." ...... Nd~_ IITAT'I or WWlDfaraM j a aJUNTY .... '7"'''.An.~_--- 0. ... 8,~..lU)J_ *ttl ~. ___ ~~!1_.--=-....:.; It,.!L ...... _ ....... '_ • ......, ..... iA ............... olW ..... ....... .., ,. ' ......... ...-Dr;;~~l====: "trIbe', ".,.on _ .... · .. _· ... ·""0· .. _.. . . kI_._."t"~""""_ .twt._ .............................. ~ ......... ~t,.. .. _ .............. _ •• h ... 1Id ...... tary ........ ..... ':1' II ... _ .......... _ t"",,,,11 _t'-"d tll\'t:N u ...... ""'II' hrMI .......... '.,.1 ."'~ ." , ... , :, . ' . ...:",.,. I',,'~ .. '.n ..... low.'" flle'. rJ W .. in.'.Ift. ' ...... 1 .... e. ~"'''' .. ' . .-.':, " 7; . • '. I WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Diane Espey Citicorp Real Estate. Inc. 1111 Third Avenue i, 27th Floor Seattle. Washington 98101 ;,', ,: 11'678 9.00"':" .. 2.00 I) " ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT CBlackriver Phase V) ..... 11.00 55 Agreement. made and entered into this .")1-../ day of 7\{aik' • '\/ 1989 by and between First City Developmeii'tBcorp •• a Walngton corporation C"FCDC"). First city Washington. Inc.. a Washingto!t corporation C~FCW") and Citicorp Real Estate. Inc •• a Delaware corporation ("CREI"). RECITALS A. CREI has nade a loan to FCDC in the amount of up to $4,100,000 (-the Loan-) pursuant to a Loan Agreement between CREI and FCOC dated october 31. 1988 C"the Loan Agreement"). B. The Loan is ev ide need by a 'Deed of Trust Note in the ori9inal principal amount of $4.100,000 dated October 31. 1988. mada by FCDC and payable to the order of CREI C"the Note"). The obligation of FCDC to repay the Note, and the performance of all of the obligations of FCDC under the Loan Agreement 'are secured by a Deed ot Truet, Security Agreoment, and Assignment of Leases and Rents dated October 31, 1988 executed by FCDC as Grantor in favor of CREI as Beneficiary and recorded in the Official Records of King County. Washington under Recording No. 8810311239 ("the Deed of Truat") and by an Assignment of Leases and Cash Collateral executed by FCDC aa Asaignor in favor of CREI as Assignee and recorded in the Official Records of King County. Washington under Recording No. 8810311240 ("the Aaaignment"). The Note, the Loan Agreement. the Dead of Tru.t. the Aaa1gnment. and any o~her documents or in.trument. given to evidence or secure the Loan are referred to herein .a -the Loan Documents,- C. PCW ha. acquirad the property encumbered by the Loan DocuMnt. C"th. propertr")' CREI. PCW and PCDC have agreed Ycw" will ••• ua. the obligat on. of PCDC und.r the Loan Documant. and PCDC will confi ... that it. obligations under tha Loan Documente ra.ain in full forc. and affoct notwithatanding the acquiaition of the Property by PCW. AGREEMENTS 1. Ally_ptte" pt Lpon, rew hereby a.au ••• and AQr ••• with CREI to perfo ... aU Of the obligation. of PCDC under the Loan Docu .. nt •• inCluding. but not li.it.d to. the p~y.ent of the Note in accordanc. with it. t ...... and agr ••• to b. bound by all of the • , ' OFA.OAZ terms and provisions of the Loan Documents to the same extent as if Few were the original party thereto. 2. Cgnfirmation pt Qbligotigng. FCDC shall not be released fro. its obligations under the' Loan Documents by virtue of the assumption of the Loan and the acquisition of the Property by Few. FCDC hereby confirms that its obligations under the Loan Documents remain in full force and effect as of the date hereof. notwithstanding the acquisition ut the Property and the aesumption of the Loan by Few. :3. Eatoppol. re at the outstandlnq balance of the Loan is $1:1 ~2. '11\,"'1 of principal .. lus accrued in est fro. t e first day of J; .;;}! • 1989. Each ot FCDC and Few confira that there are. ae" liB date hereof. no offsets or defense. against the obligations of FCDC and Few under the Loan Document •• ". Title Pol ley Endgrgomo"t. CREI's agreement to pel'1llit the a.eumption of the Loan a. provided herein is subject to its receipt of an ••• umptlon endorsement (Form 111.4) to Transamerica Title In.urance Company pollcy number 857832 ("the Policy"). such endor •• ment to be dat.d a. of the date of the recording of this Agr .... nt. insuring the Deed of Trust ... a' 'lien against the Property d •• cribed therein subject only to the matters ehown on Sch.dul. 8-1 of the Policy. 5. ROAffirmation pf Warrontt.,_ Few and PCDC reaffirm to CREI each of the representations. warranties. covenanta and .gre.ment. of FCDC .et forth in the Loan Documents with the aame forc. and effftct a. if each were separately stated herein and made as of the date hereof. 6. Np Po fault, Few end FCDC hereby affira. acknowledge. end agr •• th.t the Note and the Loan Document. repr.sent the valid • • nforc.abl.. and coll.ctible obligations of FCDC and Few. acknowl.dge ~hat there are no .xi.ting claims. defense. (personal or oth.rwise) or right. of .etoff whatsoever with respect to any of the aforementioned in.trum.nt. or document •• , and further .cknowl.dg. and repre •• nt that no .v.nt has occurred and no condition .xi.t. which would con.titute a d.fault under the Nate;' or the Loan Document ••• ither with Or without notice or lap •• of ti8 •• or both. ' 7, ~. Few.nd FCDC h.reby agre. that this Agu.ment in nit wey .ct. as a r.l •••• or relinquishm.nt of lien.. ..curity intere.t ••• ~ right. (colloctively called the -Lien.", .ecuring peyaent of the Note. including. withcut li8itation. the Lien. cuated by the Desd of Tru.t and the Assignmant. The Lien. are - , I t I OFA.OAZ hereby renewed, extended, ratitied .and contirmed by FCDC and FCW in all respects. 8. No "'{yor of futuro CgnnADt. This Agroement shall not be deemed to be a waiver at any requirement at the Loan Document. that Lender epprove any turther transters or encumbrance at the Property. 9. Nptices. All noticeD required Dr permitted to be given to FCDC under the Loan Document. ahall be given to FCW as tollows, Firat city Washington, Inc. c/o First City Developments Carp. Sui". 4170 800 Fitth Avenue Seattle, Waahington 98104 10. GPVerning LAw. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws at the State at Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partios have executed this Agreement aa Of the date firat above written. , FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., a Washington corporation IIlf'NE J. L!:ON;~hoJ \11\.:-: "i':~::;r:T . ./.. < I.}'/ KE:9.':'.: BELLAMY By IV?¥! G VICE" ~ MMMERCIAL FIRST CITY DEVELoPliENTS CORP., a wa.hington corporatio~ By (·'N~1i· >G( ~KHJ~g~~u By __ ~~~~~~K?EN~Na~~HeY~.~BEiUJ~~~ CITICORP REAL ESTATE, Delaware corporation 8Y~%t'2 -. V.u 7,..,;'-J- c:., I; • t , t , , I i I I J I I '. OFA.OAZ STATE OF WASHINGTON 881 COUNTY OF KIN G On this ~ day of ~ , 1989, before lie, the undersigned, a Notary FUblrCi In and for the State of Washington, duly co .... i.sioned and 8worn, personally appeared 14; ,;;:; and {;UhiJifo .4, respectively, of First City M...~. J. and t'.""'" U"'~r..i--' to lie known to be the wash'"iton, Inc., the corpo;ra~Cin that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrullent to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said co,~oration for the UseD and purposes therein lIentioned and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute eaid instrullent. WITNESS lIy hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. STATE OF WASHINGTON l l SD. COUNTY OF KIN G l r.- On this 111.. day of Jw.., , 1989, before lie, the undersignea;-a Notary FUb11c 1n and for the State of Waehington, duly co .... i.s10ned and eworn, personally appeared "L.,.~x..L.!"'~ and t~~ /. 4J,j ~ I' to lie known to be the ¥ , .. ;air and oJ:~'11 KL., respectively, of Fir.t City Dev. opllente Corp., t ..... rpora~on that executed the within and foregoing instrullent, and acknowledged eaid inetrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of eaid corporation, tor the u.es and purpoeee therein mentioned and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute eaid inetrullent. WITNERS .y hand and official eeal hereto year in· thie cert1ficate ebove written. C-"';> -4- affixed the e ree -G_ " " day and -' i I' • I I 1 OF .... O ... Z ST ... TE OF WASHINGTON ss: COUNTY OF KIN G On this ::.-d day of ~ ,'iCU'"," , 1989, before .. e, the undersigned, a Notary Publ c 1n and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personAll~Appeared BiA,rc' ,i 0 114fl>'-,l , to me known to be the \6t~ ltfSi'knt ot crt corp Real Estate, Inc., the corporation t at executed the within and foregoing instru .. ent, and acknowledged said instru .. ent to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath stated that he is author! ?ed to execute said instrument. Notary PublIc lnd for the State of Washington residing at ~&~!Jo~,t~,~·c~ ________ _ My co .... ission expires "Ip/'ll j' ;; ell , ,; ~ - iii ill I 5 ! Ii! 8 i B , .' I \', ' .. WIIBII R'C'OJIDBD U'Nldi '101 SIIaNlOD 8k1Dner .,.. . . PrUtoIlftorgrJ_ClD· 81d4lu " ...... . Gata. BU18 ... . . ... ,' .. ~" -", . ·SUite 1400 701 1'ifth Avenue Seattle, Wub1agtcm 98104-7071 ... II!W)RUIDUII 01' U'Rl'IIIIIt 01' _. o~ iswa~ AlfD ASSIGM"I"l' 01' UIIt8 &lID CASB· COLt.eDU. 8lackrlvv VLoIUl: 'ftdl MIIOI'UIdua 18 to~1d4a ~~~f ;m~",,"Dt to tbat ceztaill Deed of mat:, Seaai1t;y.&gzl..,.m:,'.UlSAUitiiWil1: of Z..I.I and JIuU. dated oct:abe1' n.·1I .. ze~uh1 i1D.~ ,.Off1c1a1 Jtecozda of Jt1Dg County, 1taIIh1DgtoD ...,.,...·II8GDI'tiDIJ'.0.·811C1311239 ,wtbe DH4 of tzwatW), and to..~-ipzav11a ,~·,Of:8I.'· ......... n to tbat certain lIaigaut of·BaDtaUlS':CUb:CDllat:era1datecS october n, 1988 nc:ozde4 WIdu a.cozdiDg;IIO~~{8810~11240 of tbe ~ zecorda ,wthe AnigDMDtw,. .. , :'!IIa . Dejd<\;of' mat: enc:uwNn the property duadMlS em hlgtbit A attacbe1 1Iezeto. C1t1corp ... 1 .. tate.' %Dc. 'WCRBIW) 18 the beneficiary under the Deed of 'l'rust and the Aniv-at. Pint City Vaabington, Inc., II Waab!ntJton corporatio'll (Ml"CWI-) baa acquired the property described in the Deed ot -.rru.t ,-the PzopertY"), and baa aall1DlWld the loan IHC1U:8Cl by tbe Deed of mat: and the Aslig.-ent ,wthe LoanW). '!'be Loan baa been f\Irt:her II01ifie4 pul'S\Iaftt to a Loan Modification A;reeaent of eva date henvith between CUI and FCWI relatin9 to the Loan ,wthe' Loan lIodification AgretmentW). To further evidence IUcb lIOcIificat1C1D, lCWI baa executed and delivered to CUI a autatecS Deed of tzwat Bote ,wtbe autatecS NoteW) of even elate herewith ill the principal Il'OWlt of $4,100,000. '1'Ile Loan lIodification 1ogZ .... nt and ItMtatecS Note provide, intar alia, for an extendon of tbe zepaYMRt ten of the Loan, and a cbange 1n the intarut rata to be paid undu the Loan. 'l'be DHcI of mat: and AeI1CJIIMRt ... II01if1e4 by the.e dOC\Dlen~, to reflect the lIOcIificationl in the taraI of tbe Loan and to Hauze the ReltatecS tlota. Reference il ueSa to the Loan Modification ""131 . ,,: . fIU!D POR RECORD AT lIEQUEST or nANSAMERJCA 'IT11.E INSURANCE co. . 320 lOIIIh Ave. HI .RO-BOX-I. '. 11,.--. .. ............ ~'-'----.-.-.-.-.-.' -. . S'1'A'l'B OP CALlPORllIA ) ) aa. COUH'rY OP SAIl PlWJCISCO ) ~ 011 tbla ~ clay of' Jaaary,:1992, before 118,. the WIder- 119ne4, a .otary PUblic 1D u4' fo~ the 'Stat:, of' califomia duly CCIIIIIi .. ioned ad . norn, peraonally appeue4 ~ E"i"cJl iClICMO) , to .a kDOWD to be the lice -;eden! 0 t corp Real Dtate, Inc., the corpora ont executed the within and for89oin9 inatrUlHllt, and 'acblowle49ed aaid inatruaent to be the f~ee and voluntary act ad deed of aaid co~porat1on, for tbe uaea and purpoaea tberein aentloned. u4. on oath atated that be la authorised to execute aaid iutnaent. Wl'1'HBSS .y band and official aeal thereto affixed tbe day and year in tbia ce~ificata above written. • OFFICIAL SBAL WIWlGllSON • _ ... NIUC • CALIFORNIA .. .. : IIIMII' ., __ ...... .,. 17. 1M ...... : ..... : .~ .... :.: . ;~,., ,( ,:..... '. '-', n and for eState el1din~ expire. it 'z I • . . • ". . "" .. ..• : . .-.. ' . .' .. -: . '" of _tiollea "a114 011 •• 1d lIIaua..at. year 111 .", :. "" '~"'~ ',-1''''' . ".:,' ~; ; .... : ~ . ',: ;. ',: :.; . . ~ -. . ,~. ,: '\ .' " ..... ; .,' ._' 8 -~ ASSIGNOR: A88ICIID. ..." .... ~ '.~ ....... =----." -" .. " ,,\, .. ,' :,,, ., Arna JllCDltDll1O, PJ.ZMm Im'I'UIUf 'lOa Clt1carp "'1 .. tat., Inc. 1111 '!'bird A'VeInM, 37th rloor Seattle, Vaabtngton '1101 AttentiCll1I 01 ...... pey ASSIG/IICDIT or LIWIBS AIID CASB COLLl'l'lllAL PI1\S'I' crn DEVU.OPIItII'I'S CORP., a Waabln;ton corporation crrtcou RDL IS'l'Aft, DlC., • Delaware COrporation ... _'CY" I!I!CO V tASHSL , . . .' ~ ~ ,.~ '. .. ... .~ t12otO a -... n f? ., ... ~ •• .. ~ , I t , . '-:"1. ':. ,,., . ", . ;""!.~ : ;:.... ~ , . " " , , l .J i i I I i I I , i .~ • I .:t ~ I 8 r---- PArAgroph 18 8 17 a 1 6 a. a' 11 7 12 , '0 • 20 - Ad41tional R19bta and a...di ............... . Appolnt8ent of Atto~ ••••••••••••••••••••• ,..elvnaent 81n48 8ucoaa~ •••••••••••••••••• ",alqnor' ... arr.ntl .. zoe s.M ... UMS caah Collat.ral ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• conatructlon •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Entire Aqre ... nt •••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••• Qoverning Lav ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Indeanltlcation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tJcena. to Collect caib Callataral •••••••••• LDcatlon of Pertoraanoe ••••••••••••••••••••• "-rver .•••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUltiple Counterparta ••••••••••••••••••••••• No Third Party Benefielari •••••••••••••••••• No ... t-,er ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Not lce •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pertoraance an4 .... nlnat.ion of Lice ........ . Pri .. ry Securit.y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Prior Approval for Action. At-ect.1n9 Lea .... Recordl ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "ejection of severability ................................. ........................ '" ... , . Teraination of Aalivn-ent. ••••••••••••••••••• laP SD , 10 S a u I ,0 U • • 10 I \1 ,0 • I 6 • • • • 10 I • , I ~ - • IItGrmw or I 'UE" MP GM" SPYMPA" ~I' A.IIGNKINT il .. 01 by Firlt City DoYll0p0enti corp ••• wa.hino'~ft oorpnrltion, .ale .urviving partn.r of 'irat City Equltlel, • WllhinttDn 90nera1 partnership (hereinafter referred to Ie • •••• 'nor·), who.e .. 11ing add" •• 1. Suite 4170. a.etir.t rittb .venul Pl ••• , 100 ,lrth AVlnul. S •• ttll, Wlahlnvton 91104. in hvor al C1Ucorp .... 1 litat., Ina. vlth ... i11"9 .ddn •• of 27th 'lOOf, 1111 Thlrd AVlnuI, S.att1 •• walhinqton 18101 (·Aall,n"-l, "'T"'R'r 61 POI YAWl RIClIYlD, Alliqnor dOli blAby AIIIIOLUTILY AND :uoaDIA".LoY IILL, AS8IGN, TRANSFER, CO)lVft. 8ft OVER .nd DIt.IVBR unto A •• a,n •• Iny Ind all .xi.tln; and futurl 1..... (includln; .ubl ••••• '~.reot), wh.ther written or or.l, and all future 1'"-"1' lor u ••• nd occupancy. Incs .ny and all .Rln.iona. "nawa ••• nd ... plac ... nt. thenof, upcm all or ralltlft9 to 'ny part 0' 'hi pr •• i ••• de.cribld .arl particul.rly ln ·EXhlbit A· (the -pr •• '.I.·), tov.ther vith III buildlnql.nd t.praY...nta thereon, n" ldentifled Le .... , it any, .ra either pr .. ently exi.tlne or future 1 ••••• , and .ra a. ahown in 8cbedul. 1, ¥bleb il .ttaohed h .... to .nd lncorporat..d by rafarenoe •• If fully •• t forth ." Ihll point. All .uab 1 ..... , .ubl ...... t.nanai ••• ,qreaMn"i •• tenalOft., "nIVI1' and nplaceMftta are bereinafter coueoU". 'I reterred to a. t.be ·Lea ... • •. toIImn with any .nd aU "",r.ntle. ot ~t.' parfomance uniSer any Ind aU ot Use Le ..... toQITHIR with thl laaadi.ta and contlnuinq rl9bt to collict and reoalvi III ot th. rent., lncoae, rea.iptl, rlYenuo., 1 •• uB •• proUta .nd oth.r 1ncOll. at any natura nov clue or which .Y bloa-e due or to whiah A'liqnor aay nov or .h.l! h.reafter (inolv4a"4 any 1nco .. ot .ny nature eoaing dUI during any rld • .,t$an pariod) becoee entitled to or may aak. dl .. nd or 01.1. for, ara.,", Dr 1 •• uint traa or out ot thl La •••• or fro. or out ot the .r.I'I •• or .ny part thoreot, including but not li.ited to, .iftaau. ,ent., additlonal r.nta, percenta'l r.nt., parking or co..aft .r'l .~lnt.n.no. contrlbUtiona, tal and inaur.nc. contr'»v\lonl, d.tiol.n~ r.nt •• nd, liquidated d ... ,~. folleving darault aft .ny Lea •• , .nd .11 proc.ad. p.yabl. under .ny pollcy or lnlurlnol oov.rift9 101. or rent. re.ultin9 traa unt.nln\.bl1'ty cau.ad by d •• truction or d""8 to thl Pr .. i.I., taqltha, with Iny .nd III r1Vbt. Ind clal .. of .ny kind which ••• 1vnor .'V hIve 1911n.t any tenant und.r the LI •••• or .nI .ubtlnan\' or eccupant. at the Pr •• i'e. ,.11 'uoh aoni •• , r vht. and 01., •• o •• cribld ln thi. par.qraph baing herein.tter called ·CI.h C.llat.ral-), EXCCPTINC THEREFRCM, .ny .ua. which by the Ixpre •• provillon. or any or the Le •••• are payabll directly to .n)' 90V.III .. "Ul authority o'!' to any other porIon, fiB or corporation utnar than the landlOrd under the Le.eol. . , i I .;_ . { .1 : I , '1'0 HAVI JJIl) TO HOlD the .... unto thII AUi..-, ita, auo- c •• aora and ••• 1'1". foravar, or for ncb Mortar period •• hereinarter aay be indicated. SUBJlCT, beNrl.r, to I 11caM8 hereby trented " Aaaiqnee to AIi.19ftO!', but U .. itad a. bereinafter pnwl4ed, to collect. and raceiva allot the C.ah COllateral. I0Il 'nIZ _. 0' SICUIUNG iiI til. _nt of til. 111d_od· na.. evidan-=-d by • caRa!" need at 'h'uat lIote at rHft data bere- with, .. 4. by "'a1gnor, S-ya.bl. to the order at ba1",.., in tlla ._t of POUR MILLION CU IlUllQUO ftOOlWlD AIID NO/100 DOLlAIUI ,$4,100,000) (tha -Wote-), inalud1n9 any eateu1cma, JlocUti- c:at1cma and nnevala thereof and any wppl~tal not:. or not .. 1ncre •• 1nG ndl indabtedna .. , (11) t.h4l paYMnt, obaarva1\C8, pertoraanGe, and 4J.acbarva at all ab11,ationa at ~.19ftQr under that certain toan A9~nt at aYen date bnnv1th bet.,. ... Aaoivnor alld Aaa1_ ("'l'bII I.OIUI ~t·" IIJId (1UI til. payaent, obMrvance, pertonl&ftCe and CUacb.eZ'V8 ot all other obl1,ation8, coveunta, c:cmcUt1ou and varnntJ. •• contained 1n a Deed of 'l'nat of evu date beAW! th (bereinafter called -Manve,.-) .. d. by Aaa1qn.or, regarded in tile real property recorda at ltinv County, ... abington, and in any .neal .. , .aditicatioa, .uppleaenta and eonaolidationa thereot, covering tha ",-1 .... nd .ecuring the Note and .... ppl_nt.l notaa, if any. ~ PIIOftCf 'nIZ SBCURn'Y 0' '1'II%S ASSIGIIJIBIft' If III __ AIID _ AS POLtOIIII, fa) it he. Voocl ri9ht, tiUe and internt in and to tba t.aa ... and ea.b Collatenl benby a •• iqnad and pod r1Vht to ••• iqn tbe ..... , and thet no other perao", partnership entity or corporation baa any ri9ht, title or intereat tharein' (b) Aa.ivnar h •• duly and punctually pertoraed all and 8ift9\llar the t.na, cav.nan", concl!tiona and warranti •• ot the Le .... on Aaaivnor'a part to be kept, ~arved and pertorMCi' (e) the identified Lae •• a, 1t any, and all other .. i.eing Le.... .re valid and un.oditled axcept •• Indicated h.rein and ara 1n tu~l 'torce and .ttact, Cd) tbare 1. not nov any .al., a •• iqnaent, tr.n.t.r, aortqaqe. pl..tv. or .ecurity inten.t In the Cash Collateral trca the PrUlI •••• vhatb.r nov due or h.re.fter to beCo. du., r.) none ~t 'th. ca.h Colleter.l due end iaauing tro. tha Preal ••• or trae any part ther.ot ha. bean collected tor any pariod In axe ••• of t~ (2) aontha froa the data haraof, and th~t .,. \ ; \ \'~-1 " ,,' , " payaent of any at .... ha. not otharvl .. bMft antic1pated, vaived, rel.and, dlac:auntecS, •• t ott, or otbarv1 •• dllJCharved or oo.p, D1I1Hd, If) ".1vnor b •• no~ .... 1ved any fund. Dr d.poa1~. trca any teMnt tor vhic:h Cl'tldlt baa not alna&ty been .. da on account at aCCI'Ue4 caah COllatartal, (9) to the beat at AAi9Mtr'a Jmovled9_ Ute teMnta undal" the ldentlUed lA..... 11 1lIIY, .n DOt. 1D default at any at tb. _ tboroof. 2. "aignu" GszvOnnD$" At Perfervnn. AUlpor cavananta and 891'''.' Ca) to Db .. "., perton and dlGbarva, duly and punCl'- blally, aU and 81ft9ular, the abU"aUana, tana, covenanu, ccmdltlau and varnnt:l .. at the Mate and IIOrt9ACJa, at the' ident1fied LaUec., 1t any, and at all tuture LM •••• ttactllMj1 thII Pre81 ••• on tM part at ,ua!vnor to be kept, ".EYed and per- tol'1Nd' and to ,1va proapt. notice to .al",", at any tallure on the part of .. atqnor to ottHZ'Ya, perfor. and 41ac:barva __ , Ib) m no~1fy and din<:t 1n vrlU11; .. eb and overy pnaent or fUture ~nt or occupant of the trea1... or at any put thanar tbat. any •• writy dapo.lt or otber upaalta hanto- fan "al1vend to ... a1gnor bav. bMft nta1necl by •• 19M1' or ... 1911_ and delivered t.o· AHl9ftH .. the GaM .. y be. (e) to enforce or .ecmn ttle ,.:rto~ ot each. and every oblicJatlon, tera, covenant, condition and agre ... nt in the ...... by any tenant to be p8"forHd, and to notify M.i9nee ot ttle oc:c:urnnce ot any do foul t undar the taa .... (d) ~D appear 1n and defend any actlon Dr procoodlnq aZ'1a1n9 under, occurrinq out .,f, or 1n any aanner connecbct vittr the te .... or the obligation., dUtle. or liabilitie. of a..iqnor or any t.enant thereundor, and upon requeat by AaalqnH, will do eo in the haM and on behalt of Aaaiqnae, bvt at th .. axpen.a of ,.. •• or, Ce, to pay aU co.t. and axpenaa. of Aa.19Ma, includ- 1nv atbmaya' t ... ln a r.asonable ... 1n any action or pro- ceedi..., 1n ...alch Malp.a .. y appear 1n vonnactlon herewlth . provided, bowava", that it 11t19ation 1a ~nced and the court detaraine. that AUlpor 1. tha pravaiUnv party than H.lvnor aball recovar a raa.onable attornay'a tae and all coata incurred, ef) to nalthar create nor para1t .ny l1an, cbarva or .n~r.nca upon 1t.. lnter •• t a. la •• or of tbe Le.... ..c.pt the 11an of the MOrt,8,. or a. provld.d 1n the Mort9a,a. ;, i I f I I l ,p;'''\ '\ t " , " " r J , , , '1 ,. , , i 1 ~ --'3 -'£ "al",. further COYananta and aqreea that tbl. ualCJNM:nt creat .. and conatltutell aft equitable an4 ..,.altl0 lien upon the .rOnAld caab COllataral, and that th1. AA1vru-nt doe. not create Dr conatitute a pledge of ~. conditional •• curlty lnt.~.t 1n aucll caol! COllotual. Co) ~1'" or oollect any caol! COllaural Cotbor tbon _1~ 4_1") fra any pruont or futuro unont of tba __ or any pert tbonof for a per10d of _ro tbon OM (1) -ntb in 01lY_ CwhotbU in _ or by _laoory nou). nor pl~ve, tnll8far, JIOrtq • .,., vnnt • HC\IZ'ity lnterat. ln, or otbuvl .. encuabu or ... 191' tutvn pa~ of cae collatanl, ,b) val .. , 10291.,.. UCUH, condone, cSt.count, .. t off, OCIIIPzaal •• , or in any UnDer rel •••• or dll1Charva any tenant under any lou ... or the Prea1 .. of and fl'08 any obUvat.lona, ccwenanta, condit1oM and avre-nte by tanant to ~ kept, cm..rv_ and perfomed, 1DolucUng the ,obllvatlon to pay the caah. Collateral tbanunder 1ft the wanner and at the place and tl_ apeolfled tbenln, uoept 111 the ordlnuy COUrH ot bual~.' (a) cancel, tan.1nate or COM.nt to any aurnndar at OJ' of tbe Lea ... , nor Ole any action or .,ectMnt or any R:DU7 pracnd.1n9. tor dlapoa .... lon of the tenant under any ot til. ~. nor ueroiM any riGht at "captun or the PrNIi ••• provided 1n any z.A5", nor IIOdlty or ln any vay alter the taru thanaf, ucept in the ol'dlnazy COUI'H of bu.l ••• , (d) 1 .... any pan of th. Pnal ... , nor renew or extend tile tan ot any Lea... ot th. PreaJ. ... 1ml_ an opt.iGD th .... for wa. ori91nally ao ..... l'Yed by tenanU 1n the Lea... for a f1xad aDd definite nAtal, acapt 1n the ordinary c:aune at tnaa1.nua, ,e, nlocate any Hld tenant w1thin the Praiae., nq~ ._ coneent to any aocUtic:at1on of -th. oxpre •• purpoa •• for which the PraJ._ ave been leaMd, nor coneant to any aublotting of tho Prai_ or any part thereof, or to any aa.1,nMnt of the Le •••• by any taDuIt thereunder or to any a •• i9nMnt or turther aub- lett1Dg of &DJ' .\&bl ..... ,. B"'st,sAD At Lo0.... b.ivnor further covenant. and e~ sa follow. I (a) that 1n the event any tenant under the Le •••• ahould _COM the .ubject at any proceeding under the F-Ser.l Bankruptay Act or .ny other tederal, .tate or loc.l atatut. which provide. tor ~. po •• lble teralnation or rejection or the t. .... -0- ! : II Ii f j ". ,0 ;;1 "~ '~ ," ", j , i , I j I "I 2 ••• 1qned heraby, "'Ilqnor covenant. and .,reel tbIIt 1n the event. any of the IA .... are 10 r.j.cted, no d ... , •••• tU ... nt lhall be wade without the prior nitten CGnaent of the ,...iqnMI (bl that, dur1119 any pu1oc1 _ AU1vnar 1_ 1n default under the Hote or the MortvaVI, any check 1n pa,..nt of 4aMv •• tor r.j.ction or temination of any &.uab Le ••• vill be _de payable both to the ,...1qnor and ,...1V-.' (0) .bel9nor hereby ••• 19M any web PII)'Mnt to Mal9ftM and tutber oovenanta and 891'''. that, durlnql any period vbUII ualgno1" b J.n default under the )fote or the If.Drt9aV1, upcm requ .. t of ".lqnee, it vl11 duly andore. to the ordar of ulip .. any wc:b cbeck, the prooelldl of vbicb w111 be applied to any portion at t,be lndebtedne.. Maund by tbl. ".l;naent 1n web _nner •• Ma19nee My elect. D. POfo»lt nupost pettap), nuder po"" pf Tn"t. In th. event any "pre.entation or "arranty .. d. hareln by "'.l9"or ahall be found to be untrue, or .U ,...lqnor allaU default in thII ~ance or perforaance of any obli9ation, tin., covenant,. condition or warranty ".t'eln, and .uab default .hall continue after noti_ and the expil'ation of the cure pel'iod .et forth 1n tha Loan A9n~t, then in each auch in.tance, the .... uall conatitute and be de--.d to be a default under tha Note and Kort- ,aVe, ~ entitlinQ Aaaivnee to declare all au.. .eaur~ tbenby ud Mnby 1_10"ly du_ ond JIOyab1_ ond to e •• ret-_ any and .11 of the right. and reaecl1e. provided thereunder and ber,,1ft, •• w11 •• tboae pnw1cled by 1.". 6. 14Gonlo ~A Cg1l.pt CO,b pg1lDt'ro1. .. lonv •• thel'e .ba11 a1at no default by Aa.1qnor in the payaent of any 1ndebtedn ••• IMCUnd hereby 01' 1n the ob.erv.nce and parfonance . of any other obUvat10n, tera, covenant or cond1tion or vananty berein or 1ft the Note and Mort;age or cont.ined in the Lea.ee, Aa.lqnol' &hall h.ve the right under • license granted hezoeby (but 1181ted a. provided in the fOllowing paragraph) to collect, but not prior to accrual. all of the ca.h Collatoral .ri.ing froa or out of .. ld Le •••• ,. or any renewala, exttrna10n •• nd repla~nta tbereof, 01' frcnl or out of the Pr .. iao. 01' any p.rt thoreof, and ».1qnor 1lbe1l receive aucn caab ·Coll.ter.l and hold the caah COllater.l, together with the right and 11cen •• here1n granted, a. a tru.t fund to ~ .pp11ed, and ".19"01' hereby covenant. to .0 apply tha, aa requ1red by ,..elpee, Urn;)y to the pay.ent of taxe. and ....... anta upon n14 Pre.b •• before penalty or lnter- .at 1e due thereon, 10spDdly to the coat. of In.urance, .. lnt.- nanee and repaln required by the tena of •• 1d Mort;ag., thinny to .atlef.~lon of all obli,.tion. under the Le .... , and tpurth1y to the pa)"Mnt of the ind~t.4ne.. ev iet.ncnd by th.. tlote and Mort9a,.; before olnv .ny part ot the .... tor any othor purpo •••• I r· 7. "[CPtlons' ADd Torpin,tip" pt Lison". Upon the conveyance by .. aiqner and itl lucca.sora and ••• 19na at tha , •• title at the Preal ••• , all rivht, title, intereat and pav.ra ~.nted under the 11can •• afore.a1d ahall autaaatlcally pea. to and aay be aural.ad by Ncb aubHquant GWneZO' and tbat· upon or at any tiM aftllr tb. oocurrenea at an -BYent at Default-•• daUMd 1n the lIOrt9ava, ... 19M8, at ita opt1cm and without not1oe, Mall bav. the cOllPla1"A rt_t, pcRNIl' And authority bereunder to a.al'Cl.. and antorc8 any or allot the follovinli rl9bta and re.edl.. at any t1ae1 Cal to t ... 1nate til. 11 ....... vrantacl to AU1vnor to COllect tb,. '.allh COUataral without takll19 pouua1on. and to de.u.nd, co:".1.ect, nceiva, au. tOI', attach and levy I,alnst the Cae COllatanl 1n bal,""'. MM' to ,lva proper receipt., reI ..... and acquittanc •• therefor, and .fter d.educt1n9 all neaa8&IT and praper coat. an4 upensea at opentlon and collec- t1 ...... dete .. 1Md by AU1_, 1nalud1119 _1. atton>aya' t .... to apply the nat proc." thereot, together v1tJ1 any fund. at balvnor ctepoalted with Malvne., upon any .lftdUtadne •• -..cund beraby and ln .ucb ord.r •• Aa.19ftM .. y d.un1 .... ' Cb) to d.01l" aU ...... .-banby due and payable and, at th.1r option, .x.rc1.~ all or any of the r19hta and reMdl.. contained ln the Not. and Mortqa.,. or otb.r lnat.ru..nt V1 ..... to .. <:Un til. 1ndabta4 ..... _ bUellyl (c) vltbout nq.rd-to th. adequacy of the ..wr1ty or the aolv.ncy of Aaaiqnor, wlth or wlthout any action or pro- ... .t.ng t.brout'h any peraon, avent, t.r'U8t .. or noelver und.r the IIOrtqave, or by a rec.1v.r to be .ppolnt.ed by court, and without r.vard to Aaalvnor'a po ••••• lon, to ental' upon, take poa .... lon of, uMva .nd operata mG ~1 ... or any part thereof, .. u, 1I041ty, enforce, canc.l or acc.pt eurrendu of any Lea ••• now Dr hereaft.r ln eUect "" •• 1d PRaia •• or any part thereof. raove and evlct any tenant. lncr •••• or deena .. renta, daconu, clean and repal!'. and oth.:rvla. do any act Dr tnCUI' lUI)' co.t. or ex- ,.. ... 1 blltrna. &hall de. proper to prot.ct the •• cur1ty hereof, •• fully and to the .... extant a. Aaalvn&a could do if ln poa .... ion' and ln .uch avant, to apply tba ca.h COllateral .0 collected in .uc:h ordar a. b.19nee aha1l d_ proper to the operation and aanav .. ent of .a 1d Pre.l.a., lncludift9 the paya.nt of ~.onatll ... nav~!\t, Droker.v. and attorney.' f .... pa~t of tha indatltedne.. unaer the Note and JIOrtvage and pDyMnt to a re.erve fund for ~pl.c ... nt.' (d) require Aa.lqnor to tranaf.r all .. curity d.po.it. to ".19n .. , 'tov.thar with all r.cord •• vid.ncin9 .udI d.poalta. Aaai9nar furth.r a9r ••• and covanant. that tor the purpoa •• hara1nbOforo enuaarated in thi. para9raph, ~.i9nee .hall have conatructlve po ••••• lon, whather or not lt 1. tn actual po •••• - aton, 1n order ~o effectuate auGh purpoa •• , and ln no ev.nt ahall -6- I Aaa1qnoo .ce ..... ny liabillty by ... aon of ... 011 __ 1 ... po ••••• lon. laa19n ... hall not be required to 9iva notice, or uka deund, to "'.1",,01' or any tenanta under than uiet1n9 Le •••• , at ita aot1oM ,to .ffactuate auch purpona. PrDYlcled. however, that the acceptance by AMi.,.. at till. MalVnJlent., vltb all of the I'ipta. JlC'lNn, pd.vU..,.. and authOrity aD Groteel ahall not. prior w auy upon tak1a9 po ..... lon of •• 1d Pm! ... by M.~, be c.t....t or ~ t.o COJUftltuta ualqn ... -MOI"t.9A9M ill Paea_lon-, DOl' _ftor or at any tiM or ln any avant obUvato Aaatqnu to "ppMr in or defend any aotlon or p'-lnv nlat109 to tile I.e.... or the Pnai ... , or to tab any aation benUndar, or to expand any JtCmeY or 1ncNr any UJIIIIJ'8" or perfona or dlecdaU9. any obUvatlon, duty or U,abUlty under the ...... , or to ...... any otIllvatlon or r •• porw1bll1ty for any NC\lI'lt)' d.~1ta or other dapoa1U deUvered to Ualvnor by any tenaat tbel:'eUlllder u4 not ... 1CJMd and dalivered to Aaalf1Me' nor .. 11 AM1on-be liable 1n any vay tor any injury or daMp to penon or Pl"ClPQ'ty auatained by any penon or peraona, t1na or corporation la or aboUt tbe ~1 ... ,. and _ldad furthor th.t tho collaotlon of til. CAob COllateral and awlS,catlon .1 .for.Hid and/or tb. entlY upon and t&t.I.n9 poe .... ion of th. Prui .... hal1 not CN.n or vai". any default' vai"., aodity or af'f'ect anI not1e. of d.fau1t requ1nd under tbe Mot. and llDR9ao., or 1ma illat. any act don. panuant to MICb notico. 'rII. ...forcaont of any i'191>t o~ I'OMOIy by _1_, _ .,..reload, 01>011 contlnua ""til Aaotvnoo 01>011 bay. 0011_ end applied aUcb caab COllateral •• uy be MO •• "IY to CIUft tbe then - ui.tinlal default. Alt.hau;b the ori91na1 dafau1t be cund and tb • ••• rci •• of any auch ri;ht or relIedy be di.contimle4, tbe ... or .ny oth.1' ri9bt or r-..dy hareund.r aha11 not be exhlluaud and .. y be r.a •• aRed •• any ti.. .nd frena t1Ba to ti.. followl..., any aubaequ.nt a.f.ult. Tha rlohts and ~.re confarred upon Ah1qne. ureund.r are c:uau1ativa of and not in U.u ot any otb.r riOht. and povara otbarvl •• ;ranted Aaal",a •• I. Appoint-ant a' Uitarnoy. AIi.iCJftOr hareby constitute. and appoint • .\a.19M. 1ta true and lawful attorney, xnapled with an 1nurutJ and 1n tha noM, place and at.ad of Aa.1~;. .. r, dur1nci .ny period vban uaiqnor 1. in dafault und.r tha Nota or tba Rortqaoa, to .~rd1nata at .ny ti .. and f~ ti •• to tt.e, .ny IA ••••• ft.ctin; tha Prai ... or any part tHnof to the lien ot th. b.ninbafor. da.CI'1bad R0rt9a9a, and to nCZUa.t or require .uch .Ubordination whara auch option or authority va. re.ervad to AIi!'llqnor under any ."eh IA .... , or in any ca .. vbare Aa.lqnor oth.rvl .. VO\I1d have tha riGht, povar or priv1J.&98 aD to do. '!'bi. appointaent i. to be irrevocable and contift"ift9 and t,bea. ri9hte, power. and pr1vila,a. aha11 be axcluaive i~ Aaai~, ita auece •• on .nd a.at",., a. 10"9 aa any part at tha in4QC.edna •• • acurad haraby ahall ra .. in unpaid. Aa.lqnor hareby varrante that it ha. not, at cny tl .. prior to_ the data har.ot, ... rciaed -7- --" ,~.-, f oc ,_ ---- I • ,.~ .. "J •• -I • :1 .. J • I jJ : any l'igbt to _nliMt. any __ r.eue to _ lID!'tVag. or to .ny other aortvav. of any kind. ft ~ 1 ..... and turtbar oovenant. not to ".1'01.. any eucb ript. 9. J""nnlCigot'RD. &8.191'01' Mnbr -'PH-to lndeanlty and bold _~ bonll ... f ..... any _ all liability, 10 •• , d ... ge 01' upIIlM vh1cb .. a1vnee .. y lncnar under 01' by reaacm at thl. Aaa1gnMnt, or tor any aatt_ 'taDn ill' u.19ftH banundar, 01' by ..... on OZ' 1n det... of any and aU, cla1aa and d_n4a vbataoe'ler vblab aay be •• aarted aplnat aaalvnee arlaift9 out of _ LaaMa, 1Da111d1n9 INt _ 11l11ted to, any 010_ I»' any teDaata of andlt tor rental tor any per1Dd1 under afty Leu •• .on __ (1) _ ill adY_ of _ due data _ ..... f and ._lty "-lta pald to and noel ... I»' Aaol9JlOr, but IIDt d.1lYer.d to Aa.l_. 8bOald _i_ incur any web liability, loaa, da:M .. or expenaa, the IUIOWlt thereat UncludlnQ re •• on_bla attcn:Mya' t_) vith interest thencm at the rata •• t forth in the .ota obal1 be payab1. I»' _i9ftOr _10ta1y without d_nd. and _11 be _ad .. a 11 ... bonll)' _ I»' oo1d MO!'tV0V •• 10. 8MoTt". untll the lndebtednua •• cunei barPy ehall baft been paid 1n full, &81191101' IIball dell"ar to MI1vn ••• a- CNta4 ~1.. at any and aU nnevala at ulat1n9 Le.... and luteIN ~ upon all 01' any part of tbe Pna18.a, and will t.nnafU' and ... 191' aucb t.euM upon tbe .... tana and CGDd.ici.ana .. -..rain oanta1nell. AMlvnor hantty covenant. and ~ to ... , execute and de11".r unto .119M1, upon deaand and at anr u.., any and all .... lvn-nu laid other recorda and 1nauu.anta. inclu41nO but. not. U .. lta4 to, rent. roUe, tenant. t1nanc1al atac-nu and boota at acaaunt. auU.t =lent tor the JMII1IDM 'tbat &aalvnee .. y d_ to be adVl .. ble tor carry1ft9 out the pupaeea and 1ntant at tilt. u.tpaent. , 11. "9 ,oiyor. The fal1ure af ... lqnee tn avatl it •• lf at any at tha uz.a, covenant,. UId Cft~ "ltlona of th1a M.iqnaant r. any period at t!.a or at any tiM anall not be conatrued or da..ed to be a vaivar of any ncb right, and nathift9 harain .-tailled IID1" anythillg dOlI. or aalttad to be don. I»' Aao1911 •• punuant hanto ehall be d...ad • vaivar by u.ign .. at any at ita ri9bta aftd n.edia. under the Note and IIongage or of the benefit at t.ba lava of tha State 1n ¥bleb the .ald Pralli ••• are .1tuated. IfM rlgbt. 01' u.lqnee to coUect the .al:1 indobt- ....... , to enforce any other aacurlty theretor, or to antorea any. otbar rl9bt or nMdy bereunder _y be a •• rei.ad by A •• lqn .. , aither prior to, at.ultaneou.ly with, or .ub.equent to, any .uab other act.1Oft bilninbatore d •• cr1bed, and anan not be de •• ad an electlon at ~1 ••• -e- .... ~~-' .. ' r-.·~·. ," 'C ;.' ,111 . . . -',. ~, , "! {, 1 .: , j :i .< ; 1 · • • • ,J I 1 ~ • I 1 I .., o cO cO u. ttl.Dty BosyrU;y. ",,1_ AsalCJnMnt of ~a ... and caah conateral 1. ab.oluta, unconditional and prlaary 1n nature to the =ll,atlon evidenced and .. cured by the )Iota, 1I01t98,_ and any other docu.ent ,lvan to .. cure and collatarali.. the 1nd_ •• _ berol>y. Aoo19J1ft flIrtb.r a_a tllat 110.19"". uy Cforca tbh Ao.1vn-nt ,,1_ flnt rooorUnv to or ubauatlng any otbar MCNrlty or collatanlr hCNIIVar. not.b1nlJ _rein contained Mall pnvwnt AUi.,.. rna ning on the .ate, foreclooih9 tbe lIOrt9aV.. or •• rc1.1119 UIJ _ r19bt or -, under any other dOCU8ent evldenaln; or collatanllalnt the indebte4Maa MCNnd bareby. u. bJ::III,t. Malther (1) the fact the Le .... Dr tbe ! .. - bold .. tata onatad tbarol>y MY be bald d1notly or 1nd1notly. by or for tbe acccnant or any penon or antity whleb aha11 bav. an int.n.t in tb. fH .. tato of tbe Proal •••• (U). tIIa opent10n of the 1." nor (111) any ather riot, aba11 _rfJ_ any Lea ••• oz:, the l ... ahOld .. tat .. Cl'Uted tb~ with the fM "".:at. 1ft the _10 .. a. 1_ ... UIJ of tbe indobtodnoo ... ""rod be"", and by tba 1I'0te and IIorlQava abAll naaln un,-ld, unl ••• balqrwe ahall consent in vrlt,1n; to nch "rver. U. "'ntn.tipn 0' a,a.lgnaont. Upon ,.pent 1n full ot all of t.ba ~ • ...,14anc.d by the 1I'0te and .. cured by the IIOrtq.,. and pDyaMt at' all ... payula hereundar, ttll. ""191'- ..,.~ ahall be void and. of no effe=r and no j\ld9Mnt 01' deane entered .. to .. id lndebtadn... alaell opera~e to abrogate or lea .... tbe effect of tIli. ".l.,..erit until auch lndebtedne •• baa .ctual1J been paldr but tbe aff1davit, certiflca~e, letter or .tat_ of UIJ ofUoor of 11001_ .bovih9 tllat any port1on of .. 14 1n4ebte4naa. or auaa rael ... unpald, ahall be and oa ... tltut .. ooncluai". ."i4ance of the validlty, effectivene •• and. continv.inq force of thi. ualvnaent. Any penon, Ura or corporation .. y and i. behby authoriae4 by Aaa19nar to rely on aurob aUi4ayit. eartUicat8. letter or rtat ... nt. A 4eund by "8iqn.e of any tenant for pa,..nt of ca8h Collateral by reaaon of any datault clai.-4 by AaalVna& aball be aufflcient direction to .. 1d tenant to .. U fut.ure PBYHllta of caah coUateral to Aaaiqnee wltbout the nec ... it.y for further cJnaent by or notiea to Aadqnor. 15. ~. All noticea, de .. nd., reque.t., conaent., appraval. and otber ina~ta requlred or permlt.~.d to be viven punuent at the tan. of thia "alqnaent .taaU be ln wrlti"" and ahall be deeaeJ to bave bee» properly vivan lf a.nt. by revlatered or c.ertiUed .. U, poetage prepald. ra~um recelpt raqua.ted, or by ul.;r •• with "I'Drt of delivery to tha addre •• aet forth below or laUch other addreaa aa ally be 91van in vdtlnql Cltloorp Real a.tate, Inc. I 1111 Third Avenue, 27th rloor' Se.ttle, W •• hlnqton 18101 Attentlonl Vlce-Pr •• ident .,. i , ., ( @ N 8 rlrat Clty DoY.lopoenta Corp. Sult. 4110 a .. rl .. t rlfth Av.nue Pl ••• BOO rlfth Avenu. _ttl.. II.alUn9ton gl104 _ldad. _r. tllat ._ .-. .. y be cllan9ad _ Un IS) daya .... 1_ notio. tbaraof •• 1a11arly vl .... to th. _r parti .... 8UGh notice. ct_., nqu..t, conaent, appJ'G'lal or other inaU'uMnt aball be du.ed to bay. been .. ned on the fifth buill..... day follovinV th. data of .. Ul",. or tba raport of d.Uvery 111 tho ca •• of • talec)Z'D. l'J. y.,,,..nt Dind' guSS"'pr. ft. taru, cavcnanU, concUtiona and van_nti •• containe4 banin and the paven 9Z'anted hereby aball nan with the land and abell inun to the bemtflt. of, and bind all partl •• herato and thair hllpectly. bain, ween'OR and ... 1CJIWJ all Ul\ant.a and thair au.btcnanU .nd 8.&191'8' and all nbMqUent. owne" of tho Pnal ... and aubHquent hOldllr or the lIot. and IIort\l.VO. 18. In .addition to, bUt. not 1n 11e" ballne-'-11 bav. the ricJbt. to wit and utaln a protactive or un4atory injunc:tion to prevent a br.ach or d.rault ot, or to enforce the ob"Z'Yat1oa by ncb Aaalvnor of tbe aqrMMnu, coyananta, tena ancl condltlone oontalnac1 bordil. and ..... 11 b.n tho rivbt to attomeya' t_, coata, ope .... , and daM, •• occaaioned by any ."db braacb or d.fault by Aaal,nor. 11. tpqot'g" OC p,rCPrMruta. b.1qnol' axpH •• ly agreee that thi. u.ivn-mt i. perforaable at tift9 COUnty, W.abinqtonr waive. the riqbt to be R~ el.ewhere, and a9ne. and couenta to the 'urlacUGtlon of any court of coapetent jurl.dlct.~ located in n .. county, Waabift9ton. 20. stnrtlrn"UUJ:. If any proviaion of thb Aa8iqnaant or the application thereof to any entity, penon or clrcuast.ance ahall be invalid 'or unenforceable to any extent, the reaalnder oC thi. "'elvn-nt . and the application of auch provlsion. to other entitles, peraona or clreu8etance •• hall not be .ffected thereby, and ahall belli enforced to the qreataat anent peraittod by lav. 21. "9 D'n' POrty Qon'''ghrilo. It ls expre •• ly avreed by uslqnor t.hat 'this AasiVM.nt aball not be construed or d • ...s _ete fol' U.e benaUt of any thlrd party or partie •• 22. Intire Aqra.ment. 'ftlb uslqzment contain, the .ntin .vr .... nt COncern in; the Aaai9naent of ~.a .. and Cash Collateral betv •• n tha parti.. here~o. No variatlons, addiUcationa or cbanv.e herein or hereof .hlU be bindinv upon any party borato ---[. -.. -... ---- " I , " ., , •• f ".',' ~ 1 I , 8 <0 <0 unle.1 .et forth in a docuae»t duly executed by o~ an behalf at luch party. :u. G"nntryst;ipn., Whenever Uled blnin ""eneYlr the contaxt 10 requirel, the linvular IIUIIbU' .. 11 include the plural, tbe plur.l tbe 81n;ular. and th.· ... of any vandor eball iacludo .11 venden. fte vard, 'Mortvlve·, .1 Uled .. en1ft "11 ...., lIo",alJll, Deed of ~, '!'NIt DHd, 8eaur1ty DMd 01' Deed to 8eGUn Debt. All abUVationa of .. cb AUlvnor "_ eball be joint and "".11. ",1& 1neu-nt .. y be _ted ln ""lab oball be d_ orlv1nele .nd _ o..U perU .. "'rato bad .1~ tho .... d_t. of .uab counterpart< ebaU be oonatrUod t0gether and .ball conltitute OM lnlt.l1aDent, bUt 1n .. klnv proot, 1t ahall only be neca ••• ry to produce one IUch Countlrpart. 25. Gsnmm1M ky. ftl patti. avE'le that tM law at the state of Waabinqton ahall 9DYlrn thl parforaance and Inforc.-rnt of WI Aali9J'l1lel1t. III vrrnss WHERIOP, t.bII undlnl9M4 baa IXecuted trai. Al11p- "nt on thl1 --l.1&L.. day of Psspbsr , 1988. STAft 0' IWIBIIIG'l'OII coowrr 0, K I • a n. '-..I0ft thiN. J1~ da~ of :tf!J"'l' , 1988, before "1 the under-....... _.. ota~l .. c in a 01' the State of .. a.h .. nqton, duly coa.l •• ioned and .wom, penonally appeared IrsD' I "onerd .nd !,nMsh V, ItUm ,to .. tnovn to t. the -ftc' l. .. ,,'d,qt and Vi" PF'ifle"; CT'UJtl ".~lvely, ot PlltST CITY DEVELOPtlENTS CORP., a wa. n;-:on co11l0ration, .ole c\u,"YivinQ portner ot rirlt City Equitie., a WAlhinwton veneral partner.hip, the corporation that I I l j -.-- :~ > ···1 , 1 , , I J ~ N .., 0 co CO r ··· .. executed the foreqo1n9 lnatrDent, and aaJ&:nowlqed the a.14 iMtruaant to be the free and voluntalY act and deed of aald Gor- poratlon, for the u ... and purpoaea tM.n1n .nuoned, and on oath atated that they are authoriaed to •• ec\lU tha .. 1d lMtnaent and that the ... 1 .ff!xed 1. the corporate _lot .. 14 c:orpontlcm. 1II'1'11Z118 ., band and oUloul _1 _co .fUxed til. doy and year in till. certlUcate __ wrltten. C~::.> t,' . ~. :t "OTDY1Wt!J'l~:d~r the State :t.~in9tOn. ro.ldlnv at. ~-' -- -13- ',: 1 " ,~'. i ... " .., .I • , :~ j j 1 f I , , , I j 1 ~ --s i , 1XIII8rr II lfT.at D, " •• blnqton 'I'IIchnlcal c:antar, •• rwconted in VOl ... 122 at Plata, Pav ••• 8 tbrou9b 102, ~rda ot ain; CDQnty, .... bington. 81tuat8 1n the City ot Ranton, County at .int, stat. ot Wuhlft9t,on. \ I .~ '. ;. f To, Transamarica Titlo tnsuranco Company PAlt'l'IAL ULEASB or ASSI_ or LEASES MIl CA8II COLLA'rEIIAL That certain •• Iloruaent at' L ••••• and ca.h ·COUat.ral d.t.d October 31, 1988, and r.corded on October 31, 1988, und.r lin9 COunty Recordin9 No. 1810311240, vher.ln rlr.t City Dlv.1ap- Mntl Corp. r ..... hln9ton corporation, h a •• 19nof aIUS C1Ueorp Roal btat., Inc. 11 the •• 110ne., 11 h.r.by ,.rtlal1y re1aa.ed with r •• pect to the property d •• crlbed on Bablblt A att.ched hereto. DATED, CtTlOORP RIAL ESTATE, INC • .wAft or _1_ 101 COIIIftY or lING on thiacl!hldAy of tuy, 1''', before ., the und.f.1oned Notary Public in and for the Btate of .... hl"9tOft, d .. l, ~h.ioned and avorD, pereanaU, appeared BERNARD D. BUlBa, to _ known to btl the Vice .rel1d.nt of CtTtCORP REAL atA"I, tiC., the corpor.tlon t~t ••• cuted the forevolno In.tru.ent, and aCknow1e40ed the .. ld in.truaent to be the he. and voluntary act and d.ed of .. ld corporaUon, for the u ••• and parpo ••• ther.in .. ntioned, and an oath .tated that h. i. authorl.ad to •• ecuta tb • • ald lnctruaent. WI tn ••• ay hand and official •• a1 her.to affl.ed the da, and ,.ar fir.t above wrltten. My Coaml •• 1Dft Explr •• , 11/3/11 • :~~~ OESCkIPT10~ ~08' Portlonl of Yract 8, ".hln9ton !Wchnlcal Cent.r, .1 per Plat recorded In ValUM 122 01 Plat., 'a, •• I. through 102, recordl of Kln9 Count" W •• hlntton, delcrlbed .1 follow •• '1'110:51 PORTIONS THIRIOP AI COJIIVIYID '10 TAl CITY 0' IIIf1'OIf tIIIDD IICORDINO NOS. 11011006U, IfOlIOO6t. AID ''~l1OlIO: POll OoUUltALI AVIIUI •••• AND S.W. m STUn AtID IUtHl. AYUUI ,._, AND THAT PORTION TRUIO' DISCII" AI roLLafS: IIGIIllIIIO AT TIl DTIILVt caHIll or MID TIACT II THlllCI """'" OJ·'S'OO· WIlT AIoaD m IAI'f Lilli ftllaof &lID til lAST Lilli 0, 1410 LOT I. A DIIltAIICI or ".n PUT ,., .. IIITIUICTI" Olft A LIn ' ..... LIL WI" AlII) ••• ,. ncr IGUl'lllAlTllLY I WIllI IIIAIUItn UDJALLY .. m IIOI1'IIWII1IIlY,L.II Dr lAID LOT I, !RlllCi ~y ...-1410 'AMLtIL LIn _ In _Y mull .. AID 01 .. CUIVI Wlft .. lAD'. or '41.10 nIT, .. D."AICI 01 "1." ruT TO THI ~ LIn or lAID LOT '1 TDIICI IIOIITI "-SI'O.-nIT Au. IA.D ..,. LJ ..... 1 lIlT 'I'D m lAST Lin or 1111 WIlT ... 00 nn or lAID 1M II TIDCI IOU1'I 0.· •• ·00· nn AI.c.I IA,D lAST LIn 101.00 JUT 1'0 18 IDUTI 10111 OP lAID LGT I, 1'RIIICI ~ "-11'00· WIlT ...-lAID IOU!'I Lin AlII ftI ICIGTI I.'" or lArD tRAer It In •• 1 ruT, 1IIIIICI .. A CIJIVI ,., TD un 0111 A IADIIII or .... 01 nn. DIIIt.-e& 0' ".St PIIII 1IIIIICI .. A ...... 1 ....... '" A IADIIII or 11.01 nn. A DIIltAIICI or ".10 raTl nIIICI ..,. U·"'t.-WIlT m,l' nnl TIIBIICI 011 .. CUJVI to I'll _fOlT WITI .. lAD'. or no.oo nIT. A DIITAIICI 01 ..... nIT, T8IICI IIDITI 01-41'00· lAST ...... nil '1'0 tD ...,. Lilli til lAID 1'IACT II 'nDICI1DVTII "-If'OO· IAIT ALGID UID IIOftI LIn fIO.J8 flIT TO 1'BI lEOlnJlG1 _!llAT POIITIDa TDUOP 0lI010,., TD __ LIn 1_ co. aIDa UCORDIIID lOS. ltO'to'I" AID .111181"'1 _ 1I&T POlITI" TDUOP DIIOID ,., .... VICI __ 110. A CAIolroulA CDRPCIUTU .. 1AID1I ucmulllG 10. "'1104111 _ !llAT POIITIDa TDUOP _ ,., PIJOIY __ • LIOIIT __ _ UCOItDI. IJO. IH'JOOIIII IIYDAn II !III elVY or ._. ""'"'" or 1110. IItAn or __ . I " j , .. • I I ., I ", ., • ·- ! , 11/ '" III r- III ,(Xl Ii! 4 " iii I A ! ~ 8 i Ei ~ I ~ .., 0 N ..04 ~ 0 N 0) WllIIII RZCORDElI IIZ'1'URII 'fO I Shannon Skin .... r Pre.ton 'I'IIo'9l"Ueon Shidl •• GIlt.. , 11:111. Suite 5400 '01 rU'tb Avenue S.attl., Wallb1nlt0ft 18104-707' - _1WIDIlII or _~ or DUD or _ AIIlI AllSIGIIIIIDIT or UII'I'8 AIID CloII1I C:OLUonsw. 81aCkri ... Y Loan '1'1110 _nndUa 10 to p .... 1da notioa of an _t to that oertein _ of 'frU.t. _tty Aqr. It and M81_t of z.._ and Rante elated _. n. 1'" _ in _ Officlal _rd. of It1n9 CoWIty •• o.b1nqtoD __ 1119 110. 1I10nU3t ,·tIIe _ of 'h'Ut·) J and to f __ ida DOti ... of an _ to that oartain M819nMnt of Ranta and _ Call.tenl elated _. 31. 1'" ____ rdlll9 .0. 81l0nU40 of tile .... recorda (-the .. ai9JlMftt·). ft. DMd or ft'Uat ancnmMn the p.oparty d •• aribM on _lbit A atte __ to. Cltioorp ... 1 .. tate. Inc. ,·CUI·) 10 __ ficlary """ •• tile _ of 'h'Ut and _ b.l_t. 'lnt CitI •• ab1n9toD. Inc •• a .aablnvtoD ... rpontion ,·PCIIl·) baa aaqu nd _ proputy d.ooribM in _ cud of 'h'Ut ,"tIuI Proputy.). and baa a •• _ tile loan __ by __ of _ and _ ba1_nt ,._ 1.D&ft.) • 'l'be Loan baa _ tuRba. _lfiel! _uant to a Loan "edUlcation ~nt of _ elate ....... lth __ CUI and PCIIl ni.tin; to t.taa Loan (-the Loan JIOdltloation J.9~t·). '1"0 tu~.r ..,14 .... nch .odltlcatlon, PCIfl ba. executed and dallvered to CRlI • Reatate4 Deed at 't'Na\; Mote (-the ... tated Rot.·) at wen data ~.revltb 1ft the pr1nalpal a.ount at ",100,000. 'l'be Loan _ification &v-nt and _teted vote p .... lda. lntar al1a, tor aJl axtanalon at tile npayaent tam at the !.oan, and a obaII9a ln _ 1ntan.t nta to be paid """ •• th. Loan. '1'11._ of 'h'Ut .nd _1~ .n _lfiel! by _ .. d_ta to nn.at the aodlUoatlona in t.taa tan. at the Loan and to .. cu." the R •• uted lIota. RII~.renoe 1. aa4e to tba Loan IIOdlt1oatlon I.7.Ul FUD FOR RECORD AT REQUESI' 0' mNSAMEIUCA 1TT\.E INSURANCE Co. 320 10811> Ave. liE Po 0. BOX 149:1 IIcIIoNo. WA ... .: ... .. ' . I :;'tt ... ~ .. ;-•... •• , , I - Aqr __ nt for the lpecUlc dl"I1l1 01 ... ...a.t.rlcau.c. at U. Deed of 7ruat and "be A •• 19~.nt. Dated \,e",Y4l.S, BQl" CUICOItP ..... BY"", IIIC • • Del .. a ... CllllC'JlDl'at.1aa nl FIRst an aaJ.,.. IK •• • ....hlnvtaa a.z:pont.laD !lTAft or CALlPOlUllA I ) ... comIn or !WI PIWICI8CO I ::1 £f!:; - ... / J2 ~ OlD thil 18 4ay ot January, 1'". be, .. _. tIM lUWSer- 01.,-. I lIOury PubUc in Ind for tbe State III CoUfano1a ... 1,. -.i •• loMd aDd aVOI'I" perl.ally .p,..... i F!1"clc::t:."",O' • to .. known to btl the \(lee prdl.ld'~ rp ... 1 .. tat., 11'0., the corporaiion tbat;;;c;;t:;a tale wlt.bJ.n aDd 'OI'evo1n9 .lnt" ... nt. aad acknawled9..s .... ~u-t:. co be t:M tree and voluntary act and deed of •• 14 ~.~. fae the a ••• aad purpo... thl .. e1n .. ntioned and _ oat.b autad t:.Ut be 18 latlloriled to ••• out ••• 14 lft1oU'uaent. 1II'rlIBB8 .y hand and offiolo1 lid tIIo __ Io"ffiad tM ... y ..... ,.. .. 1n thi. certificate abov. writtln. ~._ .............. '-wa "'M'" Ij.SlI ... ~-~ . • """" ."""' -" "-7"ot'i. ~~ .. r.'" .~,. . ',-.' ......... oJ ••• --:~ ... ~ . " :~:. ':';,\';': . . "., ." .-'. ' ... - .. ':' . " . ... ~: . .: .... : .~ ," • i i , .. _-_ ... --... , ...... ~ .. _._*-------------_ .. _ .... _. STAn or WABRJIIG70II COUIITJ or KJNO ... on thio .Qe "oI of ~on ... ry. I1VftN, a Moury PUb 11' in and for t=;:':~:;;i~~;~ti~~ oa-ail 10n. a d p~n. perlonall, a and to _ klMlWft to ond of rlnt Cit, cOrpDrlt Oft t~t ••• cut the withiD aad and Icknowlactved •• id 1"aU"''''' to be thl '1''' and deed of •• 1d carpoZ'at1on 'O~ the UI •• ~nd pucpo ••• .. nt1onld and on oath ."ted tMt tber II'I lutbol'll..s to •• 1d 1natr .. nt. . IIJTNZ88 '." hond ond oUleio1 Hoi honU .ffbed tho dor and y •• r in thi. O8rt1f1cltl abovi vrittlft. ....• '.: .. ~ , ~i "; ,::"" ~ " "i ... ' 3m ~=."'-"""'.""""""""'OIlIICDIMUC.a&.CIIIDt \IdI._ ............... __ .n. _____ ....................... &tMCII. CIIMIDrIIIIINf .............................. ' lIII .......... _ ......... _ •• ~.CIIIIIIIGICI ... ~ r1nt CitY 'Onalopenu Corp. S •• Un' rUdl ""QUe .1Ip 800 rUtb ....... IuU. 6nO Seattle, WaehiaJton 98104 tba real p~rt, deacrlbed GO lablblt •• ccached hlr.to • .............. -.............. _ ...... _..-,--...... -.... ........ ..., . •. -r L. ..... ---.... ~==~-------------------------....... -..... ... -...., Cl&1cot'P a..1 "gee. ,lac. nUNd .... 2'''' n.o. "'nla, IlulWlltoO HI01 ""' ............................ _ ... C/IIIIIIoC ...... . ........................ ----..... ··0 ............... --.................... -...... ---..--.. ~, ..... -~ .... -.• rill f •• CI:IM'_tM CIQUIn't ~OI aum ........ ..-unll .... ... UDg CoUll" c.,........, ..... , .. ~ c ............. 4IL ..... n 8 ..... ..-........ -...... _ ......... --..-----' ... ..-u_ ... ____________ _ .................... '--",...,..,-------------- """ .......... $; iU~ItNIl'tIf:' ... __ ". V. BELLMI'f COIf,..., .. -----------------.. " -------_.----- -""'---------- I I I I I I I ~ .. -.~ ...... ,:1.-'" '-, I I j • ~ -~ --\3 ~ 1 j I .. ... . _.010 _11'1 A 'l'ract I ...... 1nvtan'lUbnioal _ ••• ...,.._~ 1n '101 ... 122 or Pl.U, PaV •• II tbrDUP 102, nGO~ nr a1n9 CDwItJ ...... 1nvtan. a1_ta in tile c1~lI' of _. -~lI' of a1n9. Rata of ..... 1 ...... ·r-·-- , I F i . , . ... . _ . . :~ . • , . ..-..-............ -49823 UCC·3 _ .. -._--_ ... I I ~0.::1=..,,, .............. _,,. __ ",,, .... ~ca O"*· ... _ .... __ .... -··--·"uu-..... c:J ~ ... _ ... ___ ..... _ •• _.CCI'IIIIIICI __ 4cfJ/ I. '''.,.111 ... -''-'' , fCllOI'fIClUII'" .. -.... -......... l Pi ... , Cl'y lIft.l ........ COrp. K ~oo pUtA ........ lulu 4170 ~ ..... ' ...... , ....... , .. UClIYlO TlUI D&1 .,. ~.-:~ )ll IIQIGI ...................... ---e;:: rC1UCOrp ... 1 "Uh. 1M. ~CD 1111 ,",11'4 ,, __ • Jnll rloor ~ ... "le, ... b.l .. ue '1101 .... ~ • ~ L :~ • ______ .. _ Iupm?!! J I ....... -, 0- ... 1.,....0I"CIII... __ uc:c.) ".~=~ ,-'ida;s=. ................ ...;; .......................... ~.,......., ..... c ~==_==r...::..:. ...... -.... -----'-...... . o -::.'="'~=-..::-...:--Q_ =.-.=--_ ........ .-. c -' '--_ .... -..... __ ....... "'"""' ... tiI!I1 ....... --.."'-1-------.......... -.... ---- C ----....... ----.------..... --..... ----fte r .. l ~y "'~i.MII _ DIllin' • atUCbed _r."o, • CIYleolf Iu.&. Jl'fAn. llIe: • ... __ ............. """-_ ............ -.-... ----. ............. -'--.... , .... . ~~ rcsuoorp ... 1 .. " .... IllIG. 1111 ftin • .,..... 27\11 ,100r ..... U •• VA 11101 • nlll DUM .. PIY L 111.ck~1..,~I'. fb. V) _ .... CO,", J "L*Q omrrA NUllEAIC •• , .J .. . _ ..... c:ou.n ..... OI'CCluJln .... ~ .. -.. - fOIIamcI ....... ' l0III __ 1_,*. ,... ..." ...... -- " \ 1CUI1Bl'l " LEGAL DEBCRIP'lION '!'boae Portion. of '!,act 8, ... h1ft9ton IfecbnlCIIl cent.r. II per ,lat recorded in Volwae 122 of 'lat., "9.' 9. throu9h 102. record. of &1ng COunty, ••• hington, d •• crlbed .1 follows. ~I .... 1_ -. AI _ 10 1D CITY O' ____ 1110 Il0l, "0'10014'. "0'100144 AID ,'011101101 pOI 041110*" AVIIUI '.W. AID •.•. TTl mat .AID IIACIII AYIIIUI •• Wl AID T1IAT PClRTJOII 'I'1IDIO' DIICIIID AI Nl.LOIfII 1101111 • .-AT TIll .-rDAIf CIIUD or lAID 1tiCT '1 TIIIICI saun Ol'.8'OO' WIlT AUIIII 1'D UIT Lin 1UIlIGP AID TIl lAST 10111 0, lAID &.aT 8. A DIITAIICI or cw.1I nil' to All .IIIIIiIC'fICII WITI .. Lin PAUUII. wl1l AID d. ,. nIT IOUIDAITIILY, ... DAIUItID IADJAU.Y .... 1'111 _, ......... ., LIn or lAID IDI' II TIDCI iGUiBWUtDLY Au. lAD PAIAUA LlD AJID In iIIIGU'_"IUdO' IITIIIIICIf ...... A CIIIIVI Wlft A .... 1111 ... "1,10 nit. A DIITAICI '" fI1." nit 10 TIll ..,.. 10111 or lAID &.aT II 'IIIIICI ..,.. "')1'01' ........ MIll D'II LID I •• ' PDf '1'0 TIll lAST Lin or TIll BIT t •• OO flIT or MID LOr II ftDCI IGUII 01'41'00' .aT .ILC*O WD IAn' 10111 101,00 PDT 1'0 TIll IOCmI LIn ar lAID a.crr '1 1'IIIIICI ..,. ,,'lI'DO' .., ALCIIJ MID IOUn lorn AID TIll IODTI LIn 0' lAID TlACl'lo m.le PDI'. _ .. A _ 10 1D 101ft WIft A .... 1111 '" fOO.DO nit. DllToUICI O' ••.• , nIT. . ,..... .. A _I _ WIft A .... 1111 ... ".DO nit. A DIIT"" Dr 11.10 I'IIT I T'IIIICI ..,.. n'II'.,' ...,. at." flIT. TIIIIICI ell' .. CIIIVI to 'I'D IIGI!' WIft .. "')101 CIt tlO.OO rar ... DIITAIICI or ..... PUr, 1"BDCI ..,.. 01''''00' W1' ...... par 'I'D 1'111 ..,. lot .. or lAID ftACf. II 1'UIICS ICIUI'I "·UI'OO· IAIf ALCIII lAID ..,. Iotn ".JI rut 1'0 TIl 1101_1110, AID TIlt ""t .. 1"IIUOf DIIDID 1'0 m _.aw.1 IIImWo Iotn laIJUIIQ co . ... ....,tlO lIDS. HOtIOl111 AD "UIII"', MID TIlt PGlTI" 'IBIUCf ..... 10 .. VIm: dIIIOf II1II110. , CoU.tfCIIIIIJA ClltPC&'tllll ~ IiCDDI"ID 110: IIOIPOIUI __ r ~I" 1IIIlIDP _ TO PIIIII1' _ ...... L101T ... __ a UCDIDJIO 10. POUOOMl, . 111'Oo\n JI TRI CJn or 1IImII. COUftY or 1110. If An 0' "'IINOTDIf. -, '.' .. .. I ! , I I ! I I I I I '1 ... ---... ----_.- ~ .. '::...... .. --............. ~~ ... '-,-... -----------_ ...... _--............ -------.. -~--............ ___ ..... ___ .UIIIt_ .... · .... _ =::=:!:::'a.-.&IUIIII&--.c'rI-1IIt __ ••• ___ ._ --,--:.:::WJI...-........ ,.....&O .. .-u.IUliIt~ ... _-.. __ ._.P ...... -I. cun.II_-.-at I' .. ---~ be. PlRft cln DCVa.G,..,.. co.,., • Meeh!ngtOft corpor.ti~ 8"" 11-'21 t0202 '00 'iftb Avenue RECFEE 2.00 IlEa> F 4.00 I"ite 4110, ' .. ttla, .. tll04 --CASHSL ';;>6.~ .... e ~ ~ J ~PMT1IUI"' ____ -' • ........... ottralllD....,.,... r , ::.-==:... ,.. • !' ~ CI~ICO.' llAL ErrATE. IMC. c-,- lUI ""1l'd Av..,,,., nth '1. ~~i ~ til , .. tU., v..b1gnton 'llA) 0 :;-: ..... -It ~ ~., :' ~ L. " .J 7 .~ ~ ~ -." '"" . . ~ CI) n.._ .......... ......atGI1An ___ ....... _awa __ ', CC. C,. "'. .ll0JIU41 c·. 0" L .. I· fUGCWNIII· ... ---.. c n:..=:-..:.::..::=. ..... "-U:.r.,::o.:-..... --......... -------........ •• c ...... ...,..., , .... _ .............. __ --.~ .... ___ ....... ....-..-D ena-................. ~-....... -........... ~- PIt ...-w.cua .............. _ .. --..Dl.-DIti.DIt ............ --..... -----i -...... ' '-.. _ ....... ___ .~ . ., ..... 1IlOII I ~,. ........... WiIII .... ...,...---...... --.... -...... ---~ ~ Lot. I, J and 4, City 01 -.nton ~ort ,l.t 10. OJI· ••• ~ .. .cordM OCtober :!7. lilt w.lder ""dao,.', rUe 10. ~ Ulon,oll . ... .... ... • ..... ~ .. I __ .... "a'I~" • ..... WIIUII ...... '· .. _ ... _.- r CJ'tIC'IUI' nAL D,.A". INC. lill "'!rd Aven ... e, nth '1- ."Lth, " .. Mgnlon fllOI , ...J IV_" ~~aa __ III ......... Cf~ "0_-....... -.. • nn~' .. _ CGIIatn ..,.tOl III' ~ .... ........ ,aM""'" f. Off!! W CIM' , ____ .,lfIt.,.. .... lIal'.--.c.· ... -" .. ,- ~1 "1-.GDf"C·' ,,'*tilt: .-i----~ • ~ .. .. ~ .. " i ;; ~ • 8 , ! J ... z ... E ::> u o '" wJ :r ... -' C( ::> ::> wJ :r Washington (Blackriver V -~y) .. ,. ~ .-, ThIt STAIIMIHT h ""n_nted lor ftlltog ......-....... 4QIIIlIIIl, ""' ..... eo..erda! Code ~ :;, I .•••• to .. __ ......... , .. ~.'.II'.I .. ' ..... _ .... ". ___ ....... _ , ......................... .-. 8810311241 ~'t':""'31 1988 •. _eToa • "AU ..... ,.1." I a .... -... ~ ... -........ ".,..t4- First City Washington, Inc. i~·-.;.AILING ADIMO_ '......:::.::;.;.----------... =c.-::-.... --.-.. -.-.. ------'------.. ':.:: ... :-_---".'-. 700 Fifth Avenue Suite 6000 Seattle WA 98104 'ji. a. ADD'TlotIIIAL __ TOtt u ..... , .~.'t __ ., ..... •. allcu."o P".TY •••• Citicorp Real Estate, Inc • •• " •••• _.. One Sansaue Street, Suite #2820 I ao. ... coee I l' r· (:~ .4. _.L..-..-.. ........ " •• _~::. -_ ... _,,_ ....... - ~~~'~ .. ~.~~~~~~S~an~~Fr~anc~~i~sc~o~--~ .. ~.~ .. ~--~CA~----------~.=.~~~:1~1~1~ __ ~~----------------------~. a .•••• QNI:C Of' eI:CU.I:D P .. .,.., 11,&11." IIA ......... _ .. ,-.. ........... .. ---.. _-,--... - ............. 41" .... r' , ", .... ft .. ODDI: io.~ 8-,. DCONTINUATlON-The orItI .... FioIcNIdfto Stat ..... bo'ANR tho foIwgoI", .,..,.... """ SoancI ,..", boar\Rg .... Ii'-_ o Wbo. and doto .howrI at-. .. COIIIInuod. If coIotoraI II cropa .. "bot, chocII .... 0 and ...... d ..... pIlow of IlOl prop- _"., on which llrowint at ... bo ,....... III _ 7 bolow. gj. ORElEASE-i;:.;..·-.... oo"'a'" dnalbod Ito "" FI_ ....... SIa_ .......... fIIo _ .... .-. ............. Soand C\J .. Part, r!,!~.~ the. c;on 1= ill deta1bed ........ 7 below. - c OASSIGNMENT-n.. Secured,.."., o.rtlfies tho •• ho Soand""" hoi ...... d ....... AuIg ____ od. 0/1 .... Soand [;:! '.0".," .igh.1I .... d., th_ fi_.ci"" S, __ .' _.i"" th_ file ...... bot "-at-. IR .... _.oral d........., i. he .. 7 bolow. i 7 II. .0 D DTERMINATION-The Soarrod p~ cortIfin that .... SHwod Potl1 RO ....... cIaI ... .-Ity -III """or tho ~ndRg i , ~~!.."'.'. _ri.~ .... Rio _bot ahowrI ab","';;.;"..:c=-' ------::---:--:----::-:-----:---:--:--:--=-:--:--t • OAMENDMENT-The FlftOfId", SIa_ORI boorI", "" Rio _bot "-.......... -...clod 01 Nt ""'" Ito _ 7 below. ISill,!cr"' •• ~!.~~ ...... ,od OR .a _....t ....... J I , OOTHEI 1 c .IDot., ___ .::.Dec=.;; • ...;1;;,:5;.&._I9...ll.. g r..!.. I .. ~ .- ,-. __ ._ .. __ .---,.'. 2 ----1 4 5 ." ..... ,u ..... " .. cu ....... '''.' •• , ....... c.., .. • WfYU , 6 7 -IIIIOIUI C1ticorp Real Estate, Inc. I One Sansome Street, ~uite 2830 8 9 San Francisco, CA94111 Attn: Ellen D. Simons em _ lUI( _.1 111 ...... 0 .. _ CDPt " ANOA"D '0." -IIL-,Na '., "' •. ,., •• ~I .• M'''''.' ~ .......... ucc.·, ........... J L ..... , ...... _ .... I __ • , / I • -r -.I --~ :) -0 .D r:!' -o ~ N N oJ"' . .. "-"---'-~-~~' ...... ------... -~.--.. ~.- . . ftaot ., Waab1ngton 'J'eCI!nica1 CUter, .. ncozded in Voluaa 122 of Plate, PaV •• II tbrcugb 102, ncorda of Itlftg county, Wuh.1Dgton. Situate in the Cit.y of Jtenton, c:am.t.y of Zing, state of Wa8h1ngt.on. ) -.. _--_ ... _ ... _-----------_.-----_ ....... _._- ,\ Fun City War.hiMt'm, 1't". aM rjfth"~ SUit ... ':17n SNftle, Wuhinrtton 91tH'" •• 1t_D"flllllll .... ~"1 ~ .. -, r L Citjml"'p JliyJ lJ'~t .. ,'''. ,,..... 11 '1 ""1"' ,t.\'W'1"'''' ~1t:.to Flcon" s-.attl,., ~:':I"'Cr'f<:o'l ''''i',: .J 99'11 ,'2: 'EeL> F IEcrEE C~SHSL. 7.00 2.00 • ••• 9.00 SS ;~-,.-: .. :70n~.",..~~.~.~ .. ;r. .... ::=: .. :: .... ::::.: ... :::.~ ... ::~.::.: .. ::~. ______________ -L ___________________ .--•. -,.~~ •. ------"~.:,~_ •. --- ~ ~ n._ .... _____ .. . ... ~ ... ,. ,.... ~ftII.................... ',-' C "I', :.--=:. .. .:-~.:::=-.... ...., .. I •• ,..-... -.. -.... -... ---" .. _:. ...... '-!l.. \ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. . ... -.-....... ---.... _----~---... -... -....... -.. -.... -_ .. ---.~,..,~--------------------------D ....... '---__ 0- .~~"'(CPI'O r • , .• -Du_ £.,.., Cit'"""'" .... 1 E-.n .... lrw"'. 1111 ", lrd ~ 27th ,It'w'r itMttUo. ~m -1111"1 L .J 1!'o.A"~""""(II'(OI."'''' ................ ~.Il.1 .~""!' ... ____ ........ _ ................ ,_._~ ........ , '---...... _ .. 1 .. ....... ...... _ .. ~ ...... _. _____ , • .,.... ............... '.' ... "1 ~ ..... ..-. ......... _ ........ _ ..... __ .-...... -..... -.,_ ............ _, ....... __ . ~ .. ~~---------." ....... " ....... --.... -.~-... -...,-...,.~.-.--_. ... -.-...... ---~ .._ -,1-, ________________ _ ·0 -.--.~ .. --.•. -.--~, .... -- ·N ·f .......... ' ----10 ~, .. I'.""" "" • • _ ......... _..w. 11_'. DGooC D ... '.' ... , ___ .. 'ulfO ....... " ....... ,....._....., ___ .... -. ...... ----------~.. ----~-------------------... ... C:OUfiII" IoUOITOI_ c-, _ ................. _..., ._. . .. , ...... lDIUUlll"lI.f .... fOllW """"'~. ,·tIIl uv l1li he lun Of IIA»IIIIG'O'I '. '. ~ ..• •• ~ract 8, "lhlft4ton ,.chnica' u.ft\.r, al p.r Plat recorded 1n volume 122 o£ Plata, pa,e. ,. '~tou9h 102, recorda o£ kln9 County, Naahln9tan. 1lCEP'r 'nIDIIB PClR'rJOII8 d •• o. I bell .. 'Ol1OWII 'tHOS1 POITIGn TUUDP AI t:OtftIIYIli '" ttli tin O. MIM'fOI UIIDU llluaaDllO IIIOS. 17Gll00Nl. "01100 ... AID .,otIAftI'", ... UII""'" AVPUI •.•. &lID •• .,. m 8'IUIT AND JACRIS AVIIftI& ••• ; AIID TlAf POI1'IOII TlDm, DdCII .. " AI fUL ..... : 1101,,1., AT tilt ICIItUAIT COl" •• '''D t'Ut.T 'I T1IIJt("I IOVI'I OP4I5'oa" WIlT &LOtI' tD , • ., .. 10 "' •• Of AIfp fl' lAST LIIIt or hiD LOT I. A DlnMCI or ... at ,,., '" AlII Im.allirTllWI win A LIU PAlAI.LEL WI1'8 AD 41.'4 PUT IOUfUAlTlas., ............. 11l .. Ani ALLY ... ncr; _TWII1'W.Y LIlli 0' lAID &.aT .1 THPICI torrrIIW&ftIRI.Y AIAIID ulD 'WH.", ..... ""' ." tarfhWIITULY ElTIlISIOfiI AD 011 A elf.va .ITI " IAOIUS 0' ..... "IT. A nll,ytl 0' ...... FlIT Ttl THI IORTI 1..11 0' lAID La' II THPCi I0I1l "-11'01· MIlT AUNIO .. ," _n 1.1" •. ., un TO til lAST LIIIII 0' TBI WIST 41.00 ncr or IA.D a.at 10 TIUCI IOUTB 01-"'00· WIlt' ~ .. ," un 1.1 .. ' •• 00 PlIT TO 1D IOUTI LI.I or lAID 1m I: TUIJICI JDITI "-11'00· WIlT a..-u." IGrhI 1.1'" AND til IOUI'I Lla or UID 1'I.AtT •• "' .11 PIITz 'I'IDCI 01 A t:lJlVI TO 1'D un 11ft' lAlUUI Of 410,00 ,m. DIITAIIQ 0, ".1' nit: TBIIICI &II " IIVUII CUIft w.ft " "U" or ,a.oo "IT. A DIITAJfCI or ..... nn' TIIDCIIDIITI II-II'''· an ." .•• '1"1 _ ... _ ,., ,. IICIII' Wlft • IADIIII or UD." ruT •• oln_ Of ".1. PII1'I TIIIIICI ..,.. 0'-41'00· 14ft HI.'. "" '1'0 till "TI 1.1 .. or lAID f'MCT I: TIIIIICI IDUII "-11'00· MIT A&MO ", • ..,.. ..... t"'.la 'UT TO TIl .10111 • ." AJID ,..., ..,.101 ftIIIDr DIIDID til ,. .. Iw.,a, MrruAL Lin ImJUJllCII. co. lJIIDU IICIIIDIIO MIl. NOfIOI •• t.up UIIIII"'1 AID naT JiCllTICli 'I"IDIOf' DIlDO 'to "'''Vlr.. .. U, .WIID. A CALI fOUl A CCIDOIATIOI UIIIU uc:q:nl., ........ U .. ,; AID TlAT PalfIGl ftIIIOP DIIDID to '''an ,QUID PftnI I LlotlT COIU'AIIY lEll 1JQItI),., ......... 11 llTUATI •• TRI CITY or JD'NI. r.OU"" ft, Jt.,. 'TA,. nr "AlMINGTaf. 1 .1 I ! I f '" ::l '-, ... _"" __ ..... _. __ au_. ' ... utC .. CM&8Unan .. IIl • ......, ........................... ..,..c-.-C-.... UA.c..~ ..... ~.I' ... "--... ..... L ... t .... lOnC'fll I OCITORISI ......... '" ...... IlPfAlONAl..., ................. ........, UIrI 118UStHISS,.,.~,..._ ...... , fU":;==== _, First City Washington, 800 Fifth Avenue Suite 4170 Seattle, WA 1 AADf "-....... DBA. " ... 1 &lIN --::==== nc. FI.,, __ 98104 Citicorp Real ~.tate, Inc. Attn: Jennifer Howell One San some St •• Ste. 2830 San Francisco, CA 94104 I ' ____ -DO ____ _ 2.00 S.OO Plt.AtIAL "'SSIr.NMf~I' T .. SK....cI PM.,'. rtQtIU .... the'~ •• """ ................................ ~CIeICIbId .. ttew. & ... No .. ' 4"~ 10 Itw 'h'9'"I'1 ",hoM ,..".. •• ,8NI .......... 1 .... WI ... .. XX _MI 1110"'£"" J~t--.. 1'1'''''''' .,. .. '"0 .......... IhOwn 1ft boII ...... ICIed .... ....,. If" a..;,11 • PARI •• , A'lEASI. 5«J1ect"" • ., ,. .... f ..... ..oIM .... dncf .... "' .... t ....... ~ ..................................... . _!JR."".~~~I.I~~...,I!I •• I ~ ~c~. MC""'Y'"'''"! ........ ~ ............................ ...,. .. bow; S, H lit SI:HI"rION ". ·''''hlll •• a.gnr"",,' emrrlO,,-"1 01' CMftyl ........ {A".,.~,,.~. "~"""""""""" Change of Secured Purty's address ••• ho~ above. "--r--.0 "tuMtu ...... ,,."" .. 'StAfrWSM;"'.'I,,"USI '''''I ·,;,..,,,41.· •.•• 1 ;"tH"M'~IA:O-11 "' .......... SIIV8Q. I ~lf;~ .. IIIMI.~1111 Il!IllliH.· .. ~G"""IIJMi I~I 01 Ollll~ISI II RI !ull .. i.cll:HUWlh)OiM"", triP'!' tu Cit l~urp Raal tatate, Inc. Attn: Jenn1fer Howell On~ San.oms Street, Ste. 2830 San Franclaco, CA 94104 ! ~ ;'v"mJ\~,.J J~, ... l.!'.,...9o»:\1~~~~ lnc. UIIPa. COlI_ita,... COOl DI....,....' Of uc ...... ..o.NI .... ____ .. -.-7 e • ""a,, "'" ....... " ............ CIIMItCI ..... _. . m.,...... ..... ., • ..-... ...... _ ........... ~~c... __ .,..c.._ ........... ,,_'-_ .... \ __ .. u~ ' ........ _",. 0..-, . ,"~--------.... _----_._.-.... .,....u ..... __ .. _ .... # -::'===== ... ... , ... ~~OIIU' ... IIO ............ "... __ .-< .~:-: .. ' " .. run ern WASHJ.a!'C*, JK~ 'DO rUt.b Ii .... '. \oi i~ . U " ~: auh. UTO '-u "'t~l •• ~.htftf~oft ,.10. li ;z) ... o '" M N S c: en CfTlCO., .IM. UTAfI. J)IC:. )111 Third ~y.nu •• "Ih ,loor ... ,,1., ~'h'h9'Oft "10t • QI ... ii~......-.~ ...... __ ......,h; •• I"' ...... " .... j Lo'. 1. J .-d • 0' IhOrl "., 10. COUfttr a.cor41nt Jo. "IOl".1J, "-. r" litton • ' ........... 01 ......... ".,.. ........ 0 •• • ••• acconU", \0 1M ....... t.. IWC"OntM und.,. liDO ..tu.t. i. tbe Cjt1 of -.ata., ~" 01 jl.,. .tet. of I \ 1 1 \ , I . • o j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j I j ·lI· ""&at"" ....... A ............. ~CI Ml~' ·_""·.C ..... .,., .... '~~ ... ___ ... --..~'-·'-"'-..... C .. ~ ........ _IDII ................ ,_.-_IOU"' .. -------------.-• 1111'1»·', __ ." ,.....1 ,I • ,,1t\OIII1I4 ______ .... :;:====:1 : .lIU\IJrIIl • ..._ ____ , R .. -, ... n- ruST CITY Wo\SKJ.C'fOlI, JIIe. aoo '1' th A"".nYa ...... ~ .......... _ ...... ,,_, ... .o • sua. 4UO (;fl) • .-';" '.,~ PF.·;F'E~ 'F.,=,r· ~ ~ ri! ,-:r '-....... :-.. ,,:' S.attle, weahlbgton "104 1a&Ol r.&MII '* ... , ·uc'--.-"D_, ••• _=c_:_==.c---------..l.---- 1_ CITICO., WEAL ESTATE. INC. 1111 ~l'd Awenu., J7th '&oor ""\le, Maahin,ton·tIIO, I' -, ..J o\UIClIIItilil .. ii6liiillb ....... li • .-.-----, to:;. lr .. .y ; .. , ~ c-;,.; w .' J> -. ,.:c~ ,.. ....... ---._'-'-_~ .................. ,_._ ..... _._ .... ___ s .. " ... " ~ ., il ... : "fW&lllGMlflll' .... _a...-........... __ ...... _ .... ___ ........... __ ....... _ .......... --,-_._ .. _ . . _ . ....,IAI.6$~,.~ ~I.:O"' ...... ' .. , ......... _ .. ---._..." .. __ .. _ .... __ ............ _ ...... ___ .. _~04. ___ ...--._._ • ......... ,'_ .. _ ....... __ .... _._ ....... ~.\t.SI ".. ............. _,_u-....-.. .... ~ ......... '-"oU\f..--.... .... __ .... . i ·o.w~:::"..:..=---::::.:=:=.:::-'..:-.:.,'V!iF"=-:.:., .-......... . \.Ot, I. 2 end 4 01 lnon PI"t •• 0"-'" .KC'DI'di.nt to tbe ahron. pIal I'KOl'ded ~I' .ing County teeol'd'''9 •• "1021.0Ill a'L~t. i_ the City of ""tor.. C~Aty 01 ,1ftg. It.,. of .... tll n9ton. CITICOR' '~AL £STATE. I"C. 1~1I Thud ".enua, "Ltl Floor S.attl_, W..hln1ton "101 Attn. J. Tobin c,=::::::;: I _~fOIt'..cc J ,A.WY I' Fill'" cvnct c ·f I 1 i· () -,,-r- File No. 16684-00007L After Recording Return to: Washington Administrative Services, Inc. 5SOO Columbia Seafirst Center 701 Fifth Avenue Seallle, Washington 98104·7011 Alln: John Go .. , Vice President .............................. , .. , . . Resillnation and Appointment of Successor Trustee KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: FIRST CITY WASHINGTON EQUITIES (. FCE') A WASHINGTON PARTNERSHI P at fithe grantor, and TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY is the trustee, and CITICORP REAL ESTATE. INC. 'is the beneficiary under that certain trust deed dated 10 108/86 , and recorded on 10 109/86 under Auditor's File No. 8610090658', records of KING County, Washington. TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY under trust deed described above. hereby reaigns as trustee ~ DATED: ............ !?(r.~ ....... , 1113. \ ~ ~ t() FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF TRANSAMERlCA TITI.E INSURANCE CO. :i4!n IUKIH AVE. HE I~ O. uux 1493 R":U.f~VIIE. WA 081"109 INilUltfrNIt;:E" -G0MPAN By .. By ......................................... :. (NAME· TITLE) The trustee has ceased to act as trustee by reason of resignation. The undersigned, who is the present beneficiary under said trust deed, desires to appoint a new trustee in the place and stead of the trustee named abovei . NOW, THEREFORE, elfective forthwith the undersigned hereby appoints Washingon Admin. istrative Services, Inc .. who ... address is 5500 Columbia Seafirst Center, 701 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104-7011, as successor trustee under said trust deed, said successor trustee to have all the powers of said original trustee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned beneficiary has hereunto set his hand; if the under- signed is a corporation, it has caused its corporate name to be signed and affixed hereunto by its duly authorized Offi~r DATED: ........ ~ .. ~ ....... ,19. q"J CITJCORP REAL ESTATE. INC. , .. , ........ " .•..................•..... !SEALI (BENEfICIARVI By .... z:v,....... Y., .. ~ ..... : .. iSEAL) Ellen O. s ItttMWs TITLE) Vice President By ..... '.' ....... : ....................... (SEAL) _ (NAME. TITLE! ,STATE OF WAljjllNGTON II. COUNTY OF f-11iJ 6-t I ... On i, day pef'llOnally appeared Mfore me On thi~.~ dillY of .. W. ~r.: , lQ.1? .. hr:fn" nll~, the IIIldr:uiKJlell • .. ..... .... .......... ,' .. ,' ................... '!.."~~~!.~t,"'Not.ry Public in andf,the Sl!t~~o~duIY commissioned and !Worn, to me known btl ~he. Indlvldu.1 d~r~~ ip.tiN£ hf.n'I1y,ppel[fa.",f~.\;?~ .................................... ,. to me who eaeeuted Ih Ilhm .nd foregollJl"\ ~N" 10 be t e. . ·r~l~tIQI.~I ..... Sc t::ry. r~lIvely of , ........ . and Ittltnowledsed I. . . .. lil'le,l t .' ell. . ~ . . Jf~t!ffie corporation that executed the foresoln, inltru· .... free and volunl. t and dT' ro( e~ acltnowledae=d the .. id instrument to be the rree and voluntary act. and and pUrpoiel therein men ed.. _--. of itid corp?J:am»n. for the UICI and purposes therein mentioned. and on o.th E, CJl ~ ataIed t~ 'MlUU~ri&ed to eaecute the IBid instrument and that the seal amHd GIVEN under my hand an Mi~l·""! Ihtl i~po~.te I of IBid corporal ion . . , .. day of ......... , .... " ....... " .~.If.' '11; ",'!!f.' ~~llneu my d and fOci I I hereto affixe~e day and year first above .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. O,l:W"';~\""!~· / J -11 e (J () fJ. Notary Public in and for the Siale of . W~ •• ",~. . ... . . . . . . ... . ...... .. ............. ~~ .~! ".·2;0/ . 1i'~' ... J l( reliding I' .. : ...... ,'.. . . . .. .. ... . .. . . ... . .. ~~'.' Notary PU.h L.· ~ for the Sial Wa"~in,Jton. ~elidinR at ... ,.':( ~WOQ ... M)' commls,'1.nn explrr.1 . My comm;"'1,nn e.pur.s . .. , tj /, ·()I.f( '-I ... . ......... '" . --- File No. 16684-00007L After Recording Return t~: Washington Administrative Services, Inc. S500 Columbia Seafirst Center 701 Fifth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104-7011 Attn: John Gose, Vice President Notice of Trustee' 8 Sale I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee will on 03/11/94 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock a.m. at the BETWEEN INNER AND OUTER DOORS Or: THE 4TH AVE. ENTRANCE TO COLUMBIA CENTER 700 BLOCK OF FOURTH AVENUE \(v in the City of SEATTLE , State of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County(ies) of KING , State of Washington, to wit: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. FILIlO FOR RECO 'l'RANSMlIlRICA 1ADLEAT RloQUIlST OF INSURANCE CO 320 IllB'lll A\IJl. NE • r. o. fluX 1493 BEI.I.EVUE, WA !11!009 commonly known as: BLACK RIVER CORPORATE LAND PARK RENTON, WA which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 10/09/86 ,under Auditor's File No. 10/08/86 * ' recorded 8610090658 records of " KING County, Washington, from I'FCE') A WASHINGTON PARTNERSHIP and Washington corporation FIRST CITY WASHINGTON EQUITIES FIRST CITY DEVELOPMENT CORP., a as Grantor. to TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CITICORP REAL ESTATE, INC. as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of 8S Beneficiary, the ecnc'ieial iRtSP8Bt iR 'RieR t 'SB 8BBie:Asd by • tinder an *~eoWi'F'linD~tlNe~~s:i ~eU *i4~RiilF¥tEi£iiO~? ~i6dt211~~i15i!~ F~~ J1ui 500 0 3 II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust or the Beneficiary's successor is now pendinJ to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Grantor's breach on the obligation socured by the Deed of Trust. 1II. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is made islare as follows: THE UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $5,269,156.991 TOGETHER WITH ACCRUED INTEREST ALL DUE AND PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS OF THE NOTE, TOGETHER' WITH LATE CHARGES, IMPOUNDS, ADVANCES, TAXES, AND ASSESSMENTS IF ANY. N/S: Matured ---..... - File No. 16684-00007L Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: SEE AlTACHED EXHIBIT "A" IF APPUCABLE IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal Balance S 5,269 ,156 ,~agether with interest as provided in the note or other instrument secured from 12/31/92 ,and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V. The above·described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty. express or implied regarding title, possession, Of encumbrances on 03/11/94 . The sale may be terminated any time before 9:30 o'clock a.m. on 03/11/94 • (sale date). by the Grantor or the Grantor's successor in interest or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation andlor Deed of Trust, and by, curing any additional defaults as set forth in Paragraph III. VI. A written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Grantor or the I Grantor's successor in interest at the following address: I : NAME AND ADDRESS FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC. C/O MICHAEL S. 'COURTNAGE, REG'O AGENT 1000 SECOND AVENUE,'SUITE 3900 SEATTLE, WA 98104 . FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC. ATTN. KENNETH V. BELLAMY SUITE 6000 . 700 FIFTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 by both first cia .. and either certified mail, return receipt requested, or registered msil on 11/03/93 , proof of which is in the possessiori of the Trustee; and the Grantor's successor in interest was personslly served on 11/04193 , with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I ahove, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone . requesting it, a statement of all foreclosure costs and trustee's fees due at any time prior to the sale. NIS: Matured File No: 16684-00007L VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by. through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above·described property. IX. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. DATED: co ~ N ("') "" 12/06/93 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING By as. TON ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. INC . . TRUSTEE id ing ~~~~~~'1"BSi8tant Secretary 5500 Columbia Seafirst Center . 701 Fifth Avenue Seattle. Washington 98104·7011 (206) 623·7786 On this day personally appeared before me .0~ie· Rid'S';; • to me known to be the Vice President/Assistant Secretary of Washington X mmrstrahve'J!f.ces, Inc .. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that1mfshe is authorized to execute the said instrument. GIVEN under my hand and official seal 12/06/93 NfS: Matured LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCBL l-C: THAT PORTION OF TRACT ae. RIlNTOH BHORBLANDS aHD SUPPLEHI!II1'AL, A/ID TRAT PORTION OP TIll! SOUTH lla OF SECTION 18. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RAHGt. EAST W.H •• · A/ID OP 1'IIE SOUTII1IEST 1/4 OF BECTION 18. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RAIIOt 6 EAST W.H •• DESCRIBED AS POLLOIIS, 8EDIMNING AT THE BOU1'8 1/4 CORNER OP SAID BICTION U, ~CE NORTH 00"8S'IS" EAST ALONG TUB RORTB-~~INE OP SAID SECTION 13. A DISTANCE OF S84.84 PElT TO TBB 80DT11I1ABT CORNER OP TRACT 88 OP RI!II1'ON SRORBLAIIDS SBCOND BUPPr.I!IIBII1'AL ICAPS. ACCOIIDIRG TO TUB UIiIIBCORDBD PLAT TBBRBOP.· A/ID 'I'RB TROE POIR'!' OF BBGIDIHG I TllENCE BOU1'R 72"0' '8a" !lB1T ALOHG TUB 8OI1fII BOUIfIWIV OP SAID TRACT 88. A DISTANCE OF 881.80 PBBTI . THENCE RI'RTII '0"84'0." IIBST ALOI/Q TUB 8OU1'B BOUIfIWIV OF BAlD TRACT 28. A DISTANCE OP ta.81 PBBT TO THE EAST LnIB OP niB a1wu.aa BROIIHIILL _TION LARD I CLAIM NO. 411 -•.• THENCE RORTH 01"84 ,~C" EAST ALOIIG WD £AS'I' LIRS. A DISTANCS or 8S0.S8 'BST TO A LINE as PBiIT BCIUftIl\RLY or AND PARALLBL _JTII THE CBII'I'BRLIIIB 0' TBB EXISTING HOST BOUTIIBRLY TRACK or fill 08JCAOO. IIIJd1AUKBB. B'I'. PAUL A/III PACIFIC RAILRO~ TRACKS, . '\ 'I'HENCB ALONG SAID LINB sa PBIT SOU'I'IIIIRLY OF A/ID PAllALLBL WITH TIlE OBNTIIRLINB ' OP THE MOST SOD'I'IIBRLY TRACK. ALOIIG A CIIIIYB TO TUB RlGH'!'. THE C8II1'BR 0' WHICII BEARS SOU1'B le"aa's." BASt. ,BAVING A RADIUS OP 8.'1'80.18 PElT. AN ARC DISTANce OP SSS.14 PBIT TBROUIIB A DBR'I'RAL ANGLE or 'IS"U'14" TO A POIR'I' OP COICPOIIHD CURYB, . TRENCE ALOHG A CURYB TO 'I'D RIGH'!'. ALONG 8AID PA-D.A"", LINE. TUB CBR'I'BR 0' .. , WHICH BBARS 80DTR OI"eO'IS" EAST RAYING A RADIUS 0' 1.10a.4S PBBT. AN ARC DISTARCE OF 80'.11 .BBT TllRooaH i. CBIITRAL ANGLE O. 41"88'4S", 'I'RENCE SOUTH 48"S8'Sa" EAST. ALmlG SAID PARALLEL LINE. A DISTANCE OF 187.07 FEET, THENCE ALONG A CURYB TO THE RIOH'!'. ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE. RAVING A RADIUS OF 1. a8S. 78 PBE'!'. AN ARC DISTANCE OP 80S. 87 'EET 'l'HROUGH A CEH'I'IIAL ARGLE OF 09·.l 1 48": THENCE LEAVING SAID PARALLEL LINE. SOUTH 40"11 '44" EAST. A DISTANCE OP 126.2. PEET TO A POINT ON 'I'IIE SOUTH LINB OP THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-MAY, THENCE ALONG A CURYB '1'0 THE LEFT. ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE. THE CBNTER OP WHICH BEARS NORTH 40"46'18" EAST HAVING A RADIUS OP 1.006.37 PEET.· All ARC DISTANCE OP 549.02 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLB OP 81.'17'10" TO A POIH'!' 'I'ANGBH'!' ON SAID SOUTH LINE OF THE BURLING'I'ON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OP-WAY, PAGE P-;1. 0852499A THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE. SOUTH 11 '29' 03' EAST ALONG to. LINE 50 PEET SOUTH OP AND PAJWJ.BL IIITH THB SlIISTING SOUTHBOUND TRACT. to. DISTANCE OF 828.58 PBET TO TIIB II&ST LIIIl! OP SAID SECTION 18: THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE SOUTH '1'29'03' EAST. to. DISTANCE OF 85.52 PEET TO THE NORTII LINE OP THE SOUTH 8BO PEET OP THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OP SAID SECTION 18. . THENCE HORt'll 8S'10' 85' II&ST ALONG TIIB NORTH LINE OP SAID SOIlTHllEST 1/4 OP THE SOUTHWEST 114 OP SBCTION 18. A DISTANCE OP 81.81 PEET TO THE EAST LINE OP TIlE ~OUTHEAST 114 OP SUD· ·SBCTION U. THBNCS NORTH •• '18'00' II&ST ALONG THE NORTH LINS OP THE SOUTH 850 PEET OF THE SOUTNBAST 114 OP . SAID SBCTION 13. to. ulln·",,~. ur a.aU.41 'BDT TO AN ""GLe POINT ON TNB Sooni""BOUNDARY OP TRACT 25 OP RIlIITON SHORB LANDS. IS&8. THENCE NORTR 33'OV'85' IlEST ALONG SAID SOUTH BOIINDARY. A DISTANCE OP 184.81 PEET TO AN ANGLB POINT, THENCE HORTII 2V'21',S' EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY. to. DISTANCE OP S8'.32 PEET TO AN ANGLE POINT; . TBENCB NORTH 83'lV'85' IlEST ALONG SAID SDUTII BOUNDARY. A DISTANCE OP IVl.17 PBET: THENCE SOUTH 48'al'II' IlEST ALONG SAID SD\ITH BOUNDARY. A DISTANCE OP 324.88 PBET. THBIICE SOUTH ,a''''I8' II&ST ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY, A DISTANCE OP va.33 PBET TO THE ftUB POINT OP B80INNING. SlICBP? TRAT PORTION DP ftB SDUTN8AST 1/4 OP SBCTION II, TONNSHIP Ba II0RTII, RANGE 4 EAST AND TSB 10lmlllBST tl4 OP SBCTIO.N I!, TONNIRIP aa HORTII, RANGE & EAST 11.11 •• DBSCRIBED AS POLLOW. '~' .. :' B80INNING AT THE INTBRSBCTIOR ap THE BAST LINE OP SAID SOUTllllAST 114 NITH THE HORt'll LINB Of ftB som 880.00 'EET 2'IISIIIIOP, SAID IIDRt'II LINB BBIRO ALSO TIlE NORTH LINE OP IIASBIIIOTOII ftCIIIIICAL CIIIITBR AS IUICORDBD IN YOWIGI 112 OP PLAn;. PAGBS 90·THROUGII 202. IUICORDS OP SAID COUNTV. \ THBNCE HORTB 88'1&'00' 1IBST ALOHa SAID MORt'll LINE l,a88.V8 'BET; , TNERCE NORTB 01°4S'PO' BAST 418.80 PBET TO A POINT ON THE SOUl'IIERLY LINB OP THB CHICAGO, HILIWJKBB, Sf. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-oP-IIAY. SAID POINT BUNG ON A CURVB 111ft A RADIUS OP l,ooa.37 PEET. 'I1IB RADIUS POINT OP WHICH BEARS NOJmI 31'1& '01'· BAST. . TRENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVB AND SOIlTHERLY LINE aea.ao PEST, THENCE SOUTR Vlol8'OS' BAST ALONG SAID SODTHBRLY LINE 812.00 PEST TO THE NORTH LINE OP THE SOUTH 880.00 FEET OP THE SOUTHIIEST lie OP TIIB ·SOUTIIIIBST lie OP SAID SECTION 18: • THENCE NORTH 88'10'25' IlEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 81.8V PBET TO TNE POINT OF BEGINNING; (BEING KNOWN A.S NSM PARCEL I OF UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION) AND EXCEP? THAT PORTION OP THE S01lTlfEAST 1/4 OF SIlCTION 13. TONNSRIP 23 NORTH. RANGE. EAST II.H •• DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNINO AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OP SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 850.00 PEET THEREOP. SAID NORTH LINE BEING ALSO THE NORTH LINE OF WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 OF PLATS. PAGES 98 THROUGH 102. RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY: THENCE NORTH S80'18'00' WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 1.089.70 FEET TO THE TRUE POHIT OF BEGINNING: PAGE p .... 085249910. I THENCE NORTH 88'IS'OO' WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 828.73 FEET, THENCE NORTH 01'48'00' EAST 228.00 ,EET, THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEPT WITH A RADIUS OP 883.84 FEET A DISTANCE OP 209.85 FEET: THENCE NORTH 12 'I 8 '12' IIBST 30.18 PEET I THENCE SOUTH 11'48'48' BAST 218.88 PEET, THENCE SOUTH 88'18'00' BAST 380.00 PEET TO A POINT WHICH BSARS NORTft 01'48'00' EAST PROM THE TRUE POINT OF BBOIIIHINO, THENCE SOUTH 01'45'00' WEST 400.00 PEET TO THE TRUE POINT OP BEGIIIHING, (DBING ~NOWN AS N~: PARCBL a D. UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION I SITUATE IN THE CITY A. RENTON. COUNTY OF KING. STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL a-A. LOT a OF CITY OP RENTON LOT LINE ADJUS1MI!NT NO. LLA 001-88. AS RECORDED UNDER . RECORDIND 110. 88OS178004, RBCORDS OP JUIIG COUNTY, TOGBTBER WITH TRACT A D. THE PLAT OP WASHINGTON TSCRNICAL CIUITER. AS PER PLAT RECORDBD IN vo!.1lNE 118 OP PLATS, PAGBS oa TBRDUGH loa, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, EXCBPT THOSE roRrION8 TBERBO. AS" OOIlVllYllD TO· THE-CITY OP RBNTON UNDER RECORDINO NOS. 8702100848, 8701100844 AND 87081S08801 AND EXCEPT TRAT PDRTION 0' TRACT B AND LOTS II AND e OP WASHINGTON TBCRNICA!. CBNTBI\. AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLOICB 122 OP PLATS. PAGES 88 1'IIROUGJ{ loa. • RECORDS OP KING COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS POLI.OllS. BEGIIIHING AT TNE NORTNEAET DORNER D. BAlD TRACT 81 THENCE SOUTH 01'48'00' WB8T ALONG TSE EAST LIIIE THER80. AND THE EAST LINB OF SAID LOT S. A DISTANCE D' e4.as 'SST TO AN INTERSBCTION WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 48.74 PEET SOIlTllBASTERLY. WHEN ICKASURBD RADIALLY .ROM THE NORTBHE8TSRLY LINE D. SAID LOT III THENCE SOUTNIIBSTERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE AND ITS SOUTIlKESTERLY EXTENSION AND ON A CURVE WITH A RADIUS D. 442.80 PBET. A DISTANCE OF· 481.66 .EET TO THE- NORTH LINB O' SAID LOT 8, THENCE NORTH 88'IS'OU' NEST ALONO SAID NORTH LINE 2.42 FEBT TO THE EAST LINB OP THE NEST 42.00 PBET OP SAID LOT 81 THENCE som 01'48'00' NEST ALORG SAID EAST LINB 208.00 PEET TO THE SOUTH LINE· OF SAID LOT 8: PAGE ,,-?> 08~2489A Q) RI o N C') 0' ,- THENCE NORTB SS'IS'OO' WEST ALONG.SAID SOUTa LIHE AND THE soura LINE OF SAID TRACT 8. In.1e PEDT', " THENCE ON A CURY8 TO THE LEFT WITH A RAIIIDS OP 410.00 PEET. A DISTANCE OF .8.11 FEET, THENCE ON A RBVBRBE CURVS WITH A RAIIIUS OP 25.00 FBET. A DISTANCE OF 35 ••• FEET', THENCE NORTH 11'SS'.8· WIST a87,8. PSET, THENCE ON A CURVE TO TIlE RIGHT WIT8 A RAIIIDS OP 410.00 PEET. A DISTANCE OP 88,24 P8ST, THENCE NORTH 01'45'00' EAST 285.88 PBET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT B: THENCE SOL~ 8S'15!00' EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LIND 790.15 'EET TO THE BEDINNINO, SITUATE IN THE CITY OP RENTON. CODNTY OP KING. 'STATE OP WASHINGTON. PARCEL Z-B' THAT PORTION OF TIlE NORTIII!AST 114 OP TIlE NOR'l'll1lBST 1/4 OP SSCTION 14. TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH. RANoa 4 lAST 11.11., DBSCRIBBD AS JIIIUOIIS. BEGINNING AT TBB INTBRSBCTlON OP TBB NOR!II LlNB 0' SAID SECTION 14 WITH THE SOUTlI1IBSrBRLY LlNB OP niACT 'A' ~R IlASRINGTOR 'fII!:IIIIICAL CRIITER, AS PER PLAT ., RECORDED IN VDLUIIB 111 OP PLATS. PAGSS 88 TBROIIOB 101, RBCORDB OP KING COUNTY, TllSNCE NORTH "'.S'40· WBn'. ALtIiIO SAID NORTH LillI. 'U8.41 PBET TO TIlE NORTNBASTBRLY LIND OP 0AKI!8IIALE ... VBII1JE SDUTllllBSTI TSENCB SOUTH IS'U'Sl'·IAST, ALII/IG SAlD NOItTIIIIA81'IIY LIIIE. l07.sa .BET TO TIlE SOIlTHWESl'3RLY LIND or SAID TRACT ..... ARC A POIRT ON ... CURVE RAVING A ..' RAIIIDS OP 4aa.11 nET. fBI RAIIIDS POINT OP WRICB BHARS NORTH 40'45'15' BAST, I TRENCE NOItTllllBSTllRLY, ALOHO /lAID CURVE ARC SOI/TllllllB1'l!RY LIMB, 110.02 'SST TO TIlE POINT 0' BROIRNINO, . SITUATE IN TBB CITY or RENTON, COUNTY or ICINO. STATE 0' WASHINGTON. , PAGE t>.~ 0652499. PARCE~ 3. THAT PONTION OP THI! SOUTI/WBST 114 OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 BAST H.M., AND or TKE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTIGN 24. SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE. DESCRIBED AS PO~~OWS. . BEGINNING ON TKE EAST LINB OP TRE NORTHWBST 114 OF SAID SBCTION 24. AT A POINT NORTH 01'05' 00' EA5'r ALONG SAID BAST LIIIE 1,804.20 FEET FROM THE CENTER OF SAID SHCTION 24: THENCE NORTH B9'18'47' IIBST 1,033.83 PEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN or 72110 AYI!lIUE SOUTH, FORMERLY COIIIITY ROAD NO, 8, (ALSO KNOWN AS TRE CHAR~ES MONSTER ROAD I : THENCE NORTH 01'2B'34' WEST ALONO SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 404.00 rEET: THENCE SOUTH 80'lB'47' BAST aoo 'EET, THENCE NORtR 00'43'13' BAST 300.00 'SBT,' THBNCE NORtR 88'18'47' NEST 88.48 'SBT TO All UlTERSECTION WITH THE 80UTIIWBSTER~Y LINE OP A = OF LAND CONYEYBD TO NBTRO AND DBSCRIBED IN DBED . RECORDED UNDER RECDRDllIO 110. 8807300283, AIID TKE TRUE POINT OF BBOINNINO, TRENCH NORTHWESTERLY ALONG S.UD SOCITIIWBSTBRLY LINB AND ON A CURVE, THE.IWlIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH S8'18'41" BAST 722.88 FEET, A DISTANCE OF le •• 43 PEET: THENCE NORTH 22'28'OZ" IIBST ALONG.SAID SOUTll1i£SriUU.Y ~INE 88.79 PBET TO TNE " NORTR LINE OF SAID SECTIDB 14, ~~ ... TRBNCE SOUI'JI 87'28"0" BAST ALONG SAID NORTH LIRE 341.G2 PBET TO THE NORTIIEASTBRLY LINE OF SAID METRO 'nIACT, SAID RClllTllBASTERLY LINB BEING ALSO THE SOUTllW1lSTBRLY LINE OP = A, WASHINGTON TllCllNlCAL CBNT8R, AS PER PLAT • RECORDED III VOLUNB 128 OF PLA'I'S, PAIIBS 88 TO 102, RBCORDS OF KING COIIIITY: '\ TRENCH RORTIIIfBSTBRLY ALONG SAID SOImllfBSTBRLY LINE, BEING A CURVB OP WHICH TNE IWlIUS POINT BEARS /loam ss'se'ZS" EAST .1IlI.ee FEET. A DISTAIICB OF 87.81 PEET: THENC! NORTH 82'18'OZ" MBBT ALOHG SAID SOU11nlBSTBRLY LINB 263.09 P&ST TO A LIRE DESIGNATED ·PERIWIBNT EASBHBNT SOIJllDARY" DB D.S. DEPAR11IENT OF AGRICULTURE, SOIL coNSERVATION SERVICE NAP. SHEET 1 OP 3, ENTITLED "LAND RIOHl'S IIORK HAP, P-I CICAIIHEL, BAST SIDE GRB811 RIVER IIPP. CITY OP RENTON, KING' COUNTY. WASHINGTON", THENCE ALONG SAID LINE AND ON A CURVE. TRB RADIUS POINT Op·WHICH BEARS NORTH OS'2.'02· EAST 18S.04 FBET, A DISTANCE OP 112.08 PEET TO 4 POINT OF REVERSE CURVE. THE RADIUS POINT OP WHICH BEARS SOUTH '.'18'11' WEST. 172.88 PEET: THENCE ALONG SAID RBVDRSE CURVB AIID S4ID LINE 133.74 PEET: THENCE WEST ALONG SAID 'LINE 387.02 FEET TO A LINB WHICH BEARS NORTH PROM A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 13 WUICH IS 1.211.18 PEET EAST GF THE SOUTHWEST CORIIER THERSOP: THENCE SOUTH 143.9S PEBT TO THE NORTHEASTER~Y LINE OF THE C~ES MONSTHR COUNTY ROAD: THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONO SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE TO A POINT WHICH BBARS NORTH 8S'IB'47" WEST PROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH 89'16'41" EAST 12S.40 PEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; PAGE ".S' 0852499A -'. EXCEPT THAT PORTION COHVSYED TO THB CITY OP REIITON BY DBED RECORDED UNDER RBCORDINO NO. 8611181840 DESCRIBED IJJ 'aLLOWS I THAT PORTION OP THE SOUTHWEST 114 OP SBCTION 13 AII/I OP THE NORTHlfBST 1/4 OF SBCTIOR 14. TOwr.'SHIP as NORTH, RAIIOE 4 EAST V.K., DESCRIBED IJJ FOLLOWS, BEGINNING AT THE SOUTNVSST CORNER OF SAID BBCTlaN is. THENCE SOUTH S7'2S'40' EIJJT ALONO THE SOUTH LINE TH!REOF 1,271.76 FEET; THENCE NORTH lSI. 23 pm TO THE NORTH LINB OP THE C/WIL&S MOllSTER COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST AND THE 1IIOB POINT OF BEGINIIING. THENCE NORTH 10.68 PEET TO A LINE PARAI.LEL IIITH AND 10.00 PEET WHEN MEASUREO AT RIGNT ANGLES, NORTH OF THB NORTH LIHB GP SAID CIWU.BS MONSTER ROAD SOtmlVlIST; THSNCB SOUTH 70'46'34" EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 18.86 FEET; TRBNCE LBAVING SAID PARALLEL LIHE AND ON A ctnrV£ TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OP 822.73 PEBT, A DISTANCE OP 88.31 PBST. TRBNCE SOUTH 88'IS'U" EAST S70.96 PBST TO THE SOUTH LINE OP SAID SECTION 13; , TRBNCE NOHTH 87'2S'40" N£ST ALONG BAlD SOUTH LINB aaa.Ol PEET TO THE WESTERLY LIHB OP A TRACT OF LAND CORVJ!\'I!I) TO IIE1'IIO AND DESCRIBED IN DEED FILED UNDER RECORDING NO. 6107300283, RECORDS OP SAID COUNTY I THENCE SOUTH U'ae'02" EIJJT ALONG SAID lIB8TERLY LIHB 16.02 FEET TO A POINT ON A CUlM! HAVING A RADIUS OP 46.00 PBST, TUB RADIUS' POIIIT OP WHICH 8llAJ1S SOUTH 24-121182-, BAST: THENCE SDUTlIIII!ST8IILY ALONG SAID c;tIRVB 32.17 PBEtI THENCE SOUTH 24'40'08" N£ST 24.S7 PBIT. THENCE ON A CUHVII TO 1'IIB LBFT BAViNO A RADIUS OP 180.00 PUT A DISTANCE OF 54.9G PUT: THI!IICB SOUTH 01'20'34" EAST 84.78 ~BST TO TUB NORTH LINE OF SAID METRO TRACT, TllENCE NORTH 80'10'47" WEST 0.80 PEST TO TUB EASTBRLY LINE 0' 72ND AVENUE • SOUTH, ALSO ICNOWN IJJ THE CNARLBS MONSTIlII COII/ITY ROAD: ' THENCE NORTRERLY ON SAID I!IJJTSR(.Y LINE AII/I ON A CIIIIYB BAVING A RADIUS OF II 310.48 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 88'21'1?" N£ST, A DISTANCE OF 148.90 FEET TO A POIIIT ON A COHVE BAVING A RADIUS OF 180. 00 'EET. THE ' RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH OS'14 'SS· BAST I THENCE NORTREABTERLY ON SAID CURVE 3.18 PEET, THENCE NORTH ae'40'08" BAST a.,87 FBETI THENCE ON A COHVE'TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OP 48.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 70.89 FEET; , THENCE NORTH 8S·IS'SI" VEST 88.ao PEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE Of SAID CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST. THENCE NORTH 32'SI'3." WEST ALONG SAID NORTHEASTBRLY LIN£ 38.18 PEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THB LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 318.4S FEET AND ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE 211.28 PEET; THENCE NORTH 70'4S'34" WEST ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LIN£ 53.21 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING, CONTAINING 37,017 SQUARB FEET. AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOP DEEDED TO MUNICIPALITY OP METROPOLITAN SEATTLE BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8707080240; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON. COUNTY OF KING. STATE OF WASHINGTON. PAGE t>-I,. 06S2499A " ...... J " ~ EXHIBIB "A" STATUS REPORT AS OP 12/06/93 Page • 1 Computer Reference Number. 03-9311-0038 File Number. 16684-0000 Loan Number. 95397 ................................................................................................................................................ Beneficiary's Advances. Costs and Expenses. Date Code·' . Description Amount Interest 01/01/93 N Principal due w/int from 12/31/92S5.269.156.99 SO:OO 12/06/93 B Accrued Interest S94.520.01 12/06/93 B Default 'Interest Sl71.685.66 11/03/93 B Deferred Fees S57. 908.72 S5.593.271.38 SO.OO a:>Tota1 due the Beneficiary • $5.593.271.38 §lT~~ t~~ ; ~ . F~~~; . c~~ t; . ~~d . E~~~~~~~; ...................................... . --12/06/93 T. Record Resignation $7.00 ~11/03/93 T Certified Mail-NOD S7. 00 '("')12/06/93 T Estimated Photocopies $200.00 "'12/06/93 T Process Service-NTS/NOF $100.00 12106/93 T Estimated Toll Calls 570.00 11/03/93 T Attorneys Fees $10.000.00 12/06/93 T Certified Mail-NTS/NOF $10.50 12106/93 T Trustee's Fe'S $10.000.00 11/03/93 T Title Report Fee S6.256.12 Total Forec1osure·Cost. Total due the Trustee: $26.650.62 S26.650.62 ................................................................................................................................................... Total required to Ipayoff as of 12/06/93.$5.619.922.00 - -.~ ., I --------- PLI!ASII TYPE fOlIM 'l11li PIXTUJIB PILING II ~ . pamIIIIt ID the WASHINGTON \JNIPORM a. "'lAL CODB: o LEASB· 'I1III1111Ds II far l1lililiiii11I11III JIWIICIIJI cmJy. n. -........, II1II .... .-1 party IN ID be CDIIIInIed II L&'ISEB II1II LIISSOR./ O CONSIGNMENT· 'I1III1111Ds II far laIr""""nn" pWPCWOO nnIJ. 'I1uI_ debIor 1IIII1IC ..... ,f be CXIDIIru8II II CONSIGNEllIIIII (XI."JSIGNOR. 1. I. FOR omes USB ONLY (\ut I11III1 IIIIll1Io Analrtlcal SCiences. L.L.C. 560 IIachea Ave. S.II •• SUite 101 Renton. IIaahi.nriton 98055 I. NUMBER OF ADJJmONAL SHEBTS A:rTAaIED: U 4. SECURED PARTYIIESl (or 'nJp""'.lI ( DlllUlIllllIlldzaaI 5. ASSIGNEE(SI OF SECURED PARTYIIESl (U appllcablel (liliiiiII1II addma(1I1I Analrtlcal '1Wchnalogl.... Inc. ~o Ogden I!nvtrar...tal IIIId ~ SecYl ..... Co •• Inc. 3211 Jenllllltawn Road Boa I. 'l11li CDVIJIIlblr..JlllwlllstypeaorltamlarplDpc!y: _ Bxh1blt A attached hereto. CiI 'I1uI saada INID btcaml Bxtweo l1li.. that nal pcoputy ducdbod on Bxh1blt B O attached bento. n. property II IIwber IIIDdIDs ...... o 'I1uI property lllIIiII...Ja or the lib (lDdudIDs au II1II oUJ or acanmlllD be fIDaDced It the wellhead or mlDehead ar the well or mlDllocalld ...... (Deocribo real illite. Ulllepillacrlptlllll.l 'l11li PIXTUJIB PILING II ID be IIIeI! far.-.l III the reallIIIlI..-Ia. U the dablor "-DOt ba ..... iDtereIt oIrecard III thll8llt7. the IWDI of. ncmdOWDer b Btodrrhmc .t.y., we. I ~ton lblltell 11ab1l1ty 7. RmJRN ACICNOWLBDGMIlNCOPY TO: PILI! FOR RECORD WITH COUNTY AtmrrOR OF COUNTY Cla1re Baal.. Baq. Bogl. , Gate8. P.L.L.C. Two DUon Squan IN WHICH REAL PROPERTY 15 LOCATED 601 Union Street seattl.. IIaahi.nriton 98101 8. 'I1IIIIIIIeJDeDiIlIfsDIII by the SecaIId PIlty(IIII blIIIad ar the Debtm(.,1D pcfect allCWlty ...-III CDIIIIerIL 9. (PI_ chack approprlata baxJ (II 0 ahudy 1Ub)ect ID allCWlty ...-IIlIII&IIbar juIIacIIcIIwI wlum It WII bruuaht IIlID IhllIllIa. or wIum the cIIbtar'a IocatlDD WIt cbaJi8ed ID IhllIIIte. or (bl 0 wblch II proc»W arthe arIgiDII coIIebnIlIeeczIbeII abcm III wblch a IICIUIty 1Il_ WIt pcfectecI. or (e) 0 II ID wbleb !he IIIIDs llpaed. or (d) 0 acqulNd after !he cbaDge ar 1IIIIII,ldoDtlt)'. or carparate IInIcIure ar!he dabtm(j). USB IF APPIJCABLE Camp .... fully Ubox (d) II chocbd. Camp .... II applicable for (0). (b), and (e): 0tipIeI recanIiIIa Dumber, ___ _ FIliDs 01801 ...... 61ed _____ _ Former DIIIUI ar dablar("1..1 ___ _ TYPI! NAME(S) OF SECURED PARTY(IES) (or UI~(.ll SlGNAruRE(S) OF SECURED PARTY(IES) (or 1IIiaD ... (I)) 10. STA'J'EMIIN'n 'I1uI SECURED PAA1'YIIES) certlfllI !het !he SECURED PARTY(IESlao '- c1a1ma I IICIUIIf 111_ UDder !he PIX'I1JRB PILING bealblg Ibl recanIiIIa Dumber IhOWD above. NAME ___________ __ SICNATtlRE ________ _ , -,-.' :~;~ " - EXlDBIT'A' TOUCC-I FlNANCINO STATEMENT I FIXTURB FJLJNO . :.- DEBTOR: MaxIm AnalytIcal Scleaca, LLC. SECURED PARTY: AnalytIcal TecbnoIogles, IDe. ' ATfACHMENT TO ITEM 6 All the Debtor'. right, title and illterest In, to, UId under the property deacn'bcd in the parasrapba below, now owned or hereafter acquired. and III aD proceedI and procIuctl thcroof(and proceeds and productl of proc:eedl and procIuctl). in wbatcver f'orm C'UIdudins proc:eedl consillina of property of lilY type described below, wbetber or IIOtlUCb type or property II matked u property initiaIJy subject hereto) and wlletber suell proceedI ariIe Wore or after the commeucemem ..I' any cue under the United StalOi B~!ty Code, II U.S.C.IIIOI et aeq. (or lIlY IUCCOIIOr IlaMe), by or against the Debtor, includin& without limitation, aD payments under insurance whether or not the Secured Party i. the 10 .. payee thereof; aD proc:eedI of lIlY governmental taking, IIId lIlY indemnity, warranty, letter of c:redit ('ancludins the right to draw on suellietler of credit). or guaranty payable by RUOn ofany defiwlt under, loA of; or damase to or otherwile with reapect to any of the other CoDatenl (u defined below): (a) All accounII, indudill& without &mitation, aD ICXW""" ICCOUIIII m:civable, contrac:C righU. book debta, CUllomer work III process, and other forma of obligations (to the extent not constituting obligations OYideneed by Chattel Paper, Documentl or Jnstnunenu). now owned or hereafter received or acquired by or belonging or owing to the Debtor, whether ariling out of goodilOld or aeMCCI rendered by the Debtor or &om lIlY other transaction, and all of the Debtor'. righU In, to, and under all purdIue ordcra or receipu now owned or hereafter acquired by the Debtor for goods or aeMCCI, and all of the Debtor'. righU to any good. represented by lIlY of the foregoin8 (illcludina. without Iimltation, unpaid Idler'. righu of resciuion, replevin, reclamation, and lIoppap in trInsIt and rightl to retumed, recl,lmed, or repossessed good.), IIId all monies due or to become due to the Debtor under III purdIue ordcra and contracts for the sale of 800d. or the "performance or aeMCCI, or both, by the Debtor (whether or not yet earned by perfOI'llllllCe on the put orthe Debtor or in cOnnection with lIlY other transaction), now in existence or hereafter oc:currin& IncIudIns. without linlitation, the right to receive the proceeds of said purchase ordcra and contractl, and all coDaterallCCUrity and guarantees of lIlY kind given by any pcraon or entity with reapect to any of the foregoins, whether or not any of the foregoing i. included within the defInition of" accounu" in the California Unifonn Commercial Code (collectively the "Accounu"); (b) All chattel paper now owned or hereafter acquired by the Debtor (the "ehallel Paper"); (c) All documentlllOw owned or hereafter acquired by the Debtor (the "Documents"); (d) All equipment now or hereafter owned or acquired by the Debtor, including, without limitation, all machinery, eqillpment, ftIrniIhinp, vehicles, and computcra and ; . . ".' , other electronic data·proceuinglJld other oftico equipment, IJId III)' IJId all additlons to. substitutions for. and replaccments of any of the foregoiD& wberever located, together with ell attadunentI, components, parts, equipment, lIICIaccessories iDStaIIed thereon or affixed thereto (coUec:tively the "Equipment"); . (e) A111ixturea now or hereafter owned or acquired by the Debtor. including, without limitation (regardless of where located). all of the fixtures, systeml, I1!Achinery. apparatus, equipment, IJId fittin81 of every kind IIICI natunI whatsoeYer IJId ell appurtenances and additions thereto and substitutions therefor or replaccmentl thereof; now or hereafter attached or affixed to or constituting I part of; or located in or upon. real property. together with ell right. title, and interest of the Debtor in and to ell extensions, improvements, betterments, renewals, substitutes and replacements of; and all adclilions and appurtenances to. III)' of the foregoing property u;.;: .ill cOnversions of the security constituted thereby immediaIeIy upon any acquisition or release thereof or any such conversion, u the case may be (coUec:&ively the "FIXtUres"). (f) All general intangibles now owned or hereafter acquired by the Debtor. including, without limitation, ell right, title. and Interest that the Debtor may now or hereafter have in or under III)' contract, ell cullOmer IiIlI, trademarb, MrVice marIcJ. patents, rights in intellec:tual property. interests In partnenhips, Joint ventures, and other business associations, licenses, permits, copyrights, trade aeerets, proprietary or confidentiaJ information, inventions (whether or not patented or patentable), technical information, procedures, designs. knowledge. know·how, software, databases, data,1kiII, expertiIe. recipes, experience, processes, models, drawings, materials and records, goodwiU CmcIucIins. without limitation, the goodwiU associated with any tradcmark, service mark, tradcmark, or service JIIIrk registration or trademark or MrVice mark licensed under any trademark or MrVice marie license). claims In or under Insurance policies (including, without limitation, any unearned premiums). uneertificated securities, deposit accounts, rights to receive tax relbnds and other payments (whether payment in money or payment In kind). repayment rights, and security interests (and other rights) of the Debtor relating to advances made. expenses incurred, and services rendered by the Debtor to or for the benefit of thir.:l panies (including, without limitation, ell rights with respect to any statuto'Y or common law lien or trust), and rights ofindenyufication (COllectively the "General Intansiblcs"); Cs) All instruments now owned or hereafter acquired by the Debtor, including, withoutlimitalion, all notes, certificated securities. and other evidences of indebtedness, to the extent not constitutins Challel Paper (collectively the "Jnstrumen""); (h) All inventory now owned \lr hereafter acquired by the Debtor. including, without limitation, all inventory. merchandise, goods. and other personal property held by or on behalf of the Debtor for sale or lease or fiunished or to be fiunished under a contract of service or that constitute raw materials, work in proc:ess, or materials used or consumed or to be used or consumed in the Debtor'S business or the processing, pacIdng. paclcaging, labeling, promotion, delive'Y or shipping of the 1liiie (including without limitation lab supplies), and all finished goods (collectively the "Invent0'Y"); (i) All other goods and personal property of the Debtor, whether tangible or . ',- ..... . "" i other electronic cIata-processing and other omce equipmeat, II1II any and aU additions to, substitutions for, and replacements of any of the foregoiD& wherever located, together with aU attachments, components, parts, equipment, lIIIIaccasories insIaIIed thereo:\ or aflixed thereto (collectively the "Equipment"); (e) All fixtures now or hereafter owned or acquired by the Debtor, including. without 6mitalion (regardless of where I~ aU of the fixtures, systems, machinery, apparatus, equipment, and fitlin81 of r:very Idnd II1II nature whatsoever and aU appunenances and additions thereto and subalitutions therefor or replacements thereof; DOW or hereafter attached or aflixed to or constituting a part of; or located in or upon, real property. together with aU right. title, and interest of the Debtor in II1II to aU extensions, improvements, betterments, renewals, substitutes and replacements of; and aU adJitions and appunenancel to. any of the foregoing property ,,-.' :11 conversions of the security constituted thereby immediately upon any acquisition or release thereof or any such conversion, u the cue may be (collectively the "FIXtUres·). (I) All general intangibles DOW owned or hereafter acquired by the Debtor, including. without 6mitation, aU right. title, II1II interest that the Debtor may now or hereafter have in or under any contract, aU customer 11111, tradenwb, Iel'Yice marb, patents, rights in inteDec:tua1 property, interests in partnenhips, joint ventures, and other business associations, licenses. permits, copyrights, trade aeerets, proprietary or confidential information, inventioni (whether or not patented or patentable), technical information, procedures, designs. knowledge, know-how, software, databases, data, 1kiI~ expertise. recipes, experience, processes, models, drawings, material, and record .. goodwill ("mcluding. without 6mitalion, the goodwill associated with any trademark, Iel'Yice mark, trademark, or service mark registration or trademark or service mark 6censed under any trademark or service mark license), claima in or under insurance policies (including. without limitation, any unearned premiums). uncertificated securities, deposit ac:counll, rights to receive tax refund. and other payments (wbether payment in money or payment in kind), repayment right .. and security interests (and other rights) of the Debtor relating to advances made, expenses incurred, and services rendered by the Debtor to or for the benefit of third parties (including. without limitation, all rights with respect to any statutory or common law I lien or trust), and righll ofindemnification (ccllectively the "General IntanlP'bles·); (g) All instruments now owned or hereafter acquired by the Debtor, including. without limitation, all notes. certificated securities. and other evidences of indebtedness. to the exlent not constituting Chattel Paper (collectively the "Instruments"); (h) All inventory now owned or hereafter acquired by the Debtor, including. without limitation, all inventory, merchandise, good .. and other personal property held by or on behalf of the Debtor for sale or lease or furnished or to be fUrnished under a contract of service or that constitute raw materials, work in process, or materials used or consumed or to be used or consumed in the Debtor's business or the processing. pac!dng. paclcaging. labeling. promotion, dehvery or shipping orthe same (including without limitation lab supplies), and aU finished goods (collectively the ·Inventory"); (i) All other goods and personal property or the Deb:or, whether tan8l'ble or o • - l 'j I "c·.·: .. ·.: .... ' .... ,.;:' . • intangible ad wbetber !lOW or bereafter oMIed or niodD&leued. mnolped by or to. or acquind by, tile Debtor ad wherever located, ind"cfio& wIdIaut IImItIdoa (to tile CldCIIl DOt dacribed above), aD farm procIuCtl, cIepoIIt 1CCO'mts, cub,. ad III)' bencf!cia1lDtcrat oCtile Debtor UDder III)' trust; ad . . _ .' I:. . .., ~ I, • 0> AD oCtile property cIacribed above, tosedIcr with tile pro cc c ~ .. " " replICC"'"''' ad procIucu thereof' (II1II proceedIlIIII producta oCproceeda ad procIucta) (berdII coDectiYeIy caDed tile "Collateral"), NotwithP1ncfina uytbIIIa eIIe CO nteb ... , bereiJI, tile "CoDaterll" IbID erclude aD bazardoua or toxic (1,e., deIeterioua to eItber tile eaviroDmeat or to beaIth) \VUteI. C~oas".OI . ',- ,. CD ~ 11) 0 N I ... ~ I 0 CD a) i l . 1 ' .... " .......... --'* .... -.~-.-.- ............. -.~.'. "'y _."." , . EXHIBIT-a' TO Ucc.l FINANcING STATEMENr' fIX1VRE FlLING • r..!CAi. DZSCIlIPTlOll ~JlACt' A. wASBlItGTOll ftCBNICAL CEII'1'£Il AI ItIllCOlDED J. YOLO". 122 or tLAt'S. pACU II 'tBStDOGB 102. llICOltDS or J:l1IG COOII'rf WASRIltC1'OJI, ALSO TRAct' • or SUD WASBlIIC1011 uaililCAL CSIti'IIt, AS ItsyrslD """ &'0''' "S ~ Z or el~ Dr aBITo. L07 Ltl. ADJDST"I.~ .oN'" L.L.A. O1S-IS, .1 PILID UIIDU aBCOaDI.a 80. '5121"001. aaeOltDI or &1l1li COUIWr. WASIIllIGtoII., EXHJ8lTB lEGAl. Di!SClipnoN FOR ILACKRIVU CORPORATE PARK '.1011 ., • ".,,, • • ..... DESCRIPTIOIf I " Tbat portion of the Souclawe.e 1/4 of Seetion 13. Townshlp 23 Norch. Ran,e .. Zest V.K., and of the Rorclave.t 1/4 of Section 24. said town.hlp lad ran,e, de.crlbed a. fol1owal aeSlnnlns 00 the £a,t I1no of the lorthwe.t 1/4 of ,atd Seetion 24, at a poinc North 01·0,'00-Ea.c alonl .ald Zaat I1ne 1.80~.20 feec frog the eenter of aaid -Seedon 24, . th.nee North 8,01~'7" Velt 1,033.53 fe.t to th& Easterly mar,ln of 72nd Avenue South. formerly Count,. Road .0. • (ALSO IOfOWN AS the Charle. Honater Road), ' tbence Rortb 01°Z6'3'-We.t aloftS .ald,Za.terl,. .. rata 404.00 f.et, thence South 8,°16"7-Zaae ZOO feet, • thence Norch 00"'3'13" Z.et 300.00 teet' . thenc. Nortb ""16"7-Ve.t 86.42 feet to a~ lntersectloo Vitb the Southwesterl, llne of • tract of land conve,ed to Hetro end d~crlbed 10 deed recorded uDder Recordlnl .0. 8207300283. and the true polnt of beglnnln'I thenca Ifortlivescerl, alo"l add Soutbve.t"il:.-1Lne and on • c:urve. the radius point of ¥hlch be.n North S6"J.v.·.2-la" 722.96 feet, a dl.unC8 of lU.43 feee, ' . " thence lIorth 22"Z6' 02" Ve.t alona aaU Southve.ter1,. 11ne '6.711 feet to the Nortb 110e of aald Section 24, thence South 87"Z"'0" Ze.t alona aald Iforth 110e 341.0Z teet to the Northeasterly I1ne of a.ld H.tro Tract, .,ld lortbea.cerl,. I1ne beln& also the Southve.terl, lin. of Tract A, Wa.hln8ton Tecbnlcal Center, as per plat recorded In V01UDI 122 of 'l'tl, r'Se. 98 to 102. records of Xln& Councy, ' thence lIorthvescerly .lons •• 1d SouthwIstlrly line, beln, a CUrvl of which the radlu. point bear. Rorth "·3,'211" £ •• 1: ~Z2.96 flIt, a dll1c4\nce of 87.'1 feet, • " the~ce Mortb ZZ·Z6'02" We.t alons •• 1d southwe.terl, I1ne 263.09 fait to , line dnipetld "pll1llll\lnt e .. i_1: boundary" Oft U.S. Dlpart:1llent DC qrie"ltue, 5011 ConneYatlon Slrvlcl Hap, Sheet 1 of 3, IDtltled ~d I1&ht. Work Ka" P-l Ch8nnel, Ee.t 51d. CreeD IlL"er Vl'l', oC1<y of Rentoo, JUDI Count,.. Va.hln&tOD'" thence alon& .ald I1ne 'Dd on a curv., the ,.dlu. polnt of which bears North 0,·2.'02" £e.t 16'.04 feet. , distanc. of 112.06 flit to a ~oint of reverae curve. the r,dlu. point of which bl.rs South ~4·18 11" Welt. 172.96 feetl thlnce aloDI s.ld revlr.e ~urv. and satd Itne 133.74 feeti thence West alon, .Ild l1fte 367.02 flit to a I1ne ¥blch balrs Morth from a polnt on the South line of •• 1d S.ctlon 13 which I. l,Z71,76 fee~ E~.c of the So~thva.c corner charlof, thlnci South 143.11$ fe.t to thl Morthl.stl,l, 1101 of cbe Charles Hooltlr County loadl .. thlnce South •• ,tlrl, alOft, I.l( Horth ••• t.r17 I1nl to , point which b •• r~ ~rth 111·16', " We.t fro. the t~ polDt of bellnal ft1l tll.ull. Suu,"" .,·16"'" I:.IIL 1U.40 t •• , co CIa. true .,oWl; of bo,ln .. h.' S!LUII"! in Lhe Ctcy rot aenton. CoUlll)' of ItlD¥, SUti t:!f VasMn,toD. EXW'"'' 11 P ... 2 .. f • _ .. , . • ~I . - 'IRS LAND ItZrBIUtID fO Ilf DIS COHIUfMDft'· II 'l'lVATID III 'fill: . COUH'I'Y or IINC, &'rAft or WASR:nIG'IQf, MIt II DCSCIllIP AS FOLLOWS • • ARCa. A. fh.t portion of the 80uthveat qu.rt.er oC aectloD 1), 'IaVIl1lh'p 2) NOrth. bnve 4 r:an. W.If •• 'It Itlng Count)', wa.hlftgton, AHD That porUon oC ",unction AddlUo.n to the CLtr of seat.tle, accordLnv to the plat thereof recorded in Yo _. 12 of PlaU, pq. 75, In Itlft9 COunty, W.ah1l1<Jton, 'I'OG£TIIER WITII vacated sereeta adjoining vhlcb would att.aeb to .ald pre. I ... b)' operation Ql leVI AIID of C. S. arownell'e ponetlon Claw Mo. 41 MIt DC th.t portion oC ftact Z" Ren1;On SIIon Landa Znd Suppl .... atal, d.acribed .a Col Iowa. . Beginning .t the aouth quart.r corner oC laid S.ct.lon IS, thanea north DO'58'Z8" .aat .10", t.be norch-aouth cent.r- line oC I.ld Section l' • dlatance oC 11 •• 1. feet to ~. louth.aat corner oC fract ZI of Rlnton Shorelan4a Second Suppl ••• at.l M .... 1.51, thence aouth 'Z""52-v •• t along the &out.h boundary of laid ftact ZI a dlatance of '12.'0 f •• t, t.bence north 70'54'02-veat alon9 .ald SOdth boundary of Tract 21 a diltance of ".50 C.et. to the e.ae line of the Charl.a Brownell Donation Land Cl ••• HO. 41 .na the trDa poine of beVi""in" _ t.h.nc. cont.lnuing north 70'54'02' Wist .10ng said lOuth -boundary of fracto 21 a dlatance of 281.02 C •• t, th.nc. south ""56'01" v.at. along a.Ld lOutb boundary oC ftact Z, • dlatance of lSO.OI feat, th.nca south 41'11'0" weat alo", cald aouth boundery oC Tract ZI a.dlatanca of '15.11 fa.t to the north bodndary of a eract of land deadad to King Cdunt)' and described und.r Jlng county Record Lng Number "0".1, thenci ve.elrly alonv .. id north boundary on • curvl to the left. thl clnter of which bears louth S'"41"" veat having • radluB oe IZ' •• ' f •• t an ere d1at.anc. o~ 434.'0 fe.t through a central an91. of 3'·41"", thence north • diatanci of 25.00 f •• t alon9 laid north boundar,. " th.nc. veat a dlatanc. of ZIO.5' e •• t. alonv .ald north boundary. CcontlnudJ EXHIBIT B r. J ., • - ,~ ... • ~b.nc. aoutb 5'"53'47" we.t alon, .. ,. ao~th boun'ar, a .i.tanc. of 377.52 f.et, • thence south 7.·13'1," ve.t elon9 .. Id north boundary I dlatanae of ._3.31 fe.t to t~ northerl1 .1~lA of the Charlel ~nater COunty iDa" . tile nee north 3."11'31" vel~ along .. 1. norther11 .artln a diltance of U.U feet to the south Una ot the Burlington Hortlle~ ,.11roa' rlght-of-wa1, thence Ilontl curve to the 1.ft. 110no .al •• outh line. the center of which belrl nortb 0'·3.'41" velt having I radlua, of "'.00 feet. an arc 'iatanee of .5.43 teet through I central angle of 03"44':25" to a point ot eoapound aurve, thenee alo", a curve to the l.ft" Ilong aal •• outll line, the aenter of which bear. north 10"1"0'" we.t heving a rediu. of 1,055.00 feet, an ara .iatance of 20','5 feet tll~ugh a central &n,le of 11"24'0'" to • point of coepoun' carve, thence Ilong a ClIne to the left, liang .11. lOutll liM, the center of vhlch belr. nortb 21"43'14" veat baviftg a radlaa of 727.00 feet, aft Ira .btanee of 21.,77 feet'througb a centnl 1",1. of 11"55'35" to • paint 9f caapound curve, tbence 110ftg I carve to the left. .10D1 .al. lOuth line, tbe center of wllich bea~. north 3 •• 31'4'" weat bavi", • radlul of 1,571.00 fe.t, an a~c '&I.ane. of 201.57 feet through I central an91e of 07"32'02" to I point of tangency, tbence north .3"."01" .llt 110nt .al' lOuth line a alatance of ,7.17 feet to I line 35 feet aouther17 of and perallel CO vith the centerline of the ezlltin, .alt loutherlr trick of ~ the ChlcIgo, Mllvauke., S~ •• aul.lnd .aclflc .al1~0.d I/) T~.ck., C) thence alon9 •• 1d parillel line on a carve to the right, til. ~ center ot which bea~. &outh 42·.3'1." e.ac havin; a r.dius ~ of ",.a, 'eec, In a~c dil~aDce of 40.0' f.et th~OU9h a ~ cent~a1 a",l' of 03·17'45·" ' C) thence north 50·34'27· ... e along I.ld perallel line a tD dhtance of 24'.50 f •• t, • . a) thene. alOnt cald peraUel 11ne on • Cu~v. Ito the d,ht, the center of vhich b.a~. soutb 39"25'33· ea.t bavlng a radlue of &7'.58 f .. t. an at'C .iatanc. of n.fi4 feet th~ugb a eent~al anti. of 07"5S'47" 'to a polnt of rever.e curv., thence along laid pe~ll1e1 line on a curve to tbe left, the cente~ of vhlch belra no~th 31-2"4'" veat havi", a radlva of 42 •••• feet, an a~c diatance df 73.32 f •• t througb I central angle of 0'-48'0.-to a point of r.verae curve, thence along 1I1d parallel lin. 01\ a curv. to the d9ht, ~e center of which belrs .outh 41-17'50· ellt hiving a ~.dlUi of 2.580.7. feet, In arc dl.tanc. of 431.40 feet th~ougb a central angl. of 0'-.2'3'· to a point of c~.pound curve: thence aleng .ald perlll.l l&ne on a curve to the ri,ht, the centor of which bear •• outh 31"35'11-e .. t havi", • radlue of 2,780.1. fe.t. an arc .i.t.nce of 71',44 fe.t ~"ro"llh a central a",la Of 1'"13'3'· to the eaat line of the Charlea .~n.ll Donation LInd eili. "0. 41, thence louth 01"2.'0." ve.~ al0nt •• ld e •• t line. dl.tlnce of nO,5I feet to the tree poiat of be,hl"l",. (continuadl eXHIDIT B P .. e. 0' • _ .. .... -.. ... ,., ..... ,.' '. -.. ~.:: " , PAIlCZL 8. . . ~., portion of c. e. 8rovneU·. DonlUon Clda 110, -u, and of tbe .0uU,,'e." qulrter andl the 10aUle •• t quuter of Section 13. 'J'oVn.blp 23 lJo~th, ItA",. 4 .. ,t, W.II., in lUng Countl, W .. hll19t.o", ••• crib ..... follow .. - .. ,lnlll", at tile 80utb quuter corner of a"d Section 13, thence north OO'SI'ZI' ea.t ala", the north'louth centerline of •• ld Se~tlon 13 a dlatance of " •• 1. feet to the lOUth ••• t corner of ~.ct 2S of •• nton Sboreland. Second Suppl ... ntal ~ap., 1'51, then~e _Ua 72'17'5Z' VOlt alone the 50uth bolUl4aC7 of .aid ~'Ct ZI a ,t.tane. of 3'Z.IO teet, thenGe no~t" 70·S.'OZ' ve.t lIon, .. ld .outh boundary of Tract 21 a dt.tan .. of 73.50 t.et to Ule e.at line of the C;",r1e. Brownell Donation Land Clel. 110. 41, thence IIOrtb 01-Z"'04-· ••• t al0"9 .Iid ea.t UM of tile Charlet B\'OII1\lll DonaUon Land ClIiII leo. 41 a dlltance of nO.sl feet t.o • Une lS feet 5Outhel'll' of and parallel vlth the cent.rlln. of the exlatl", aDlt 5OUtb.rlr t~ac~ of the Chlca,o, NU",lIkee, 8t. Paul and 'acUlc ItAl 1'0&11 'l'I'aau and the true poLnt of be,tnnlng, thence ve.ter1y along .al. parallel line ~ a curve to the l.ft. the c.nter ot Yhich bea~ louth 15'2Z'3Z' .a.t havl", a radlu. of 27'0.1' feet, aft arc dl.tlnee of 71'.CC feet tbrou,h • central angle of l"l~'l" to.A point af coapound ea ... e, thence contlnaln, a10ft'·'ald parall.l line on a carv. to the l.ft, the center of whleb ~ear. souUl ll-'5'11' .a.t havln, a radlul of 2510.74 feet, an arc diltance of .".40 f.et t.hroll9h & ~enu.1 .",le 01 O'-.~'lt· to a point of reverae cu ... o, thence colltlnul", along .,td par.lle1 line Oft • cueve to the right, "he c.nter ot vbich beara north 41'1"50' veat having a radlu. ol14ZI.14 f •• t, an are dlltance of 7l.,2 leet through « central angle of 0'-41'04' to • point of n .. erae curve, . thence continuing alo", s.ld parallel line Oft « ~arv. to the left. the center or vbleh b.ar. eoath 31-Z".I· ea.t baYing • ra.lua of "'.51 f.et, an arc di.tanee of "~'4 feet through « central angl. of 07-5S·.7· to a polnt of tangency, thanae oontlnui", along .. id par.llel lin. eouth SO·3C'2'· velt • dbtanee of 241.50 ten to I pout of cune, thence continuIng along e.ld parallel llDe on a curve to the left, tb& center of vblch ~e.ra lOuth 3'-25'33' ••• t having a radlua ot "1.1' feet, an arc dlltance of CO.O' f •• t through a central angle of 0)-17'.5' to the 50uth Une of the Burlift9t.on Northern Railroad ri9htooOI-va" (continued) 'UCHIBIT B ~ , ., • . . ',- .- \ I I I I , . ; • • thlnCI ftOrtb .'·."0,· "It alont .. 14 tooth llDe a ~i.t.nct of 17~"3 '1" to a pol.t of aurvl,' • thlnOI continuing alonl .al4 lOuth I1nl Oft a curv. to th. ~I,ht, the clnter of which b •• r •• outh 4"10'51' e •• t b.ving I r.dlu. of 40l0.00 ••• t, a •• re 'lltlnc. of 1'7.57 fl.t throuth • olntral angl, of 02'4"32' to a point of co.pound corvl, • thlftCl continulnl alont •• Id 80Utb liDe on a carv. to the rl,lItl the center of which belr. .ooth 4"22'1" ca.t having • r.' u. at 1.53.00 fl.t, .n .rc .1st.nel of 1'4.75 foot thro",11 a ce"t~al a/l91e o. O'·01'U· to • point of COlipound eU"I, • thine. colIUlluint alon, .dd .outll llne all a curve to thl ~i,ht, till CI"ter of which btl" .outh 37'21'01· eaat h.· .. ~n; • r.dla. Of 10S43.00 felt, .n .rc 'iitanci of 1".51 f •• t thro",11 • cI"t~.l .n,le of 01'00'.,· to • point at eo.pound curvI, . • tlllnOI contlnuin, elon, aleS lOutb Union. curv. to the rl,ht, tba cI"t.r ot whleb beara aouth 3&'20'12· ••• t bavl"9 • r.dla. of 1157.00 fe.t 11\ .~o di.t.nc. of l".t3 teet tllro",h • cent~al .n,l. Of 01'42'20" to • poillt of cOIIpouhd curY" thlnce contlnuln, aloa, sal' .outll I1nl CD a curve to the rl,ht, thl clnt.~ of wblch beara .oatil a'·37'S2· oa.t having • r.dlu. of .73'.00 f.'t, 11\ .rc dllt.nct of 1'7.71 f •• t thr0dth • clntral angle of 01'40'54· ta a point oC conpound cun" tblnel continuing along .ald lOuth Union. CIIrvl to thl rl,lIt, thl clntlr 01 which bl.rl soutb 27·SS'51· east havin, a rldlus of 1711.00 feet, .n arc distanci of 1'4.45 feet throll9h • central anvle of 06"18' D'" to a pelnt ot co.pound curve, thlnoe continuing .10ng •• 1d lOutb lint on • curve to the r19ht, thl Center of which blar. .outll 21'3.'52· •• 8t h.viDg • rldlu. of 1&03.0D fe.t, .n aro distanci of a04.'4 f •• t throu,h a central angl. of 01·21' •• • CO • pOint of compound curva, thtnci cODtinuin, alon9 ~ald soutb I1nl on • curve to the rl,bt, the centlr of whlch'bears loutb 20·17'0.·· ••• t h.vln, • r.dlus of l'22.1D f.et, an Irc dist.nci of 171.7' t.et throll9b a centr.l .ngla of DS'l"4" to • polnt of compound curve on thl •• st line dt .lld Charla. Brownell Donation Lind Cl.1Q No. 41, thenoa continuiAg along .ald lOutb 11ne on • curv. to thl right. tho canter of which be.rs .outh 14"57'22' e •• t h.vi", • rldiu. 01 2'14.9, f.et, .n .rc diitanci ot &59.42 (oct through. central .. n,le of 1]·25'1'" to • point of conpound curva, thence continuin, along s.ld lOuth Ilnl on • curve to thl right. thl c.nter of which bears south 01'32'0'· .a.t havi", • radlu. of 11".0' feet. an .rc dlat.nci of 10".05 flit througll a clntr.l .n91. of 53"57'00· to • point of tan,lncy, thence continuing .long •• ld lOuth lin. lOuth 37'35'0" ••• t • dl.t.nCI of '01.70 f •• , to • polnt of GUrv., h,onUnuttdl ~Xt4llWT B Pap' 0' • - - , . . , •• .#ro •• , : .. ,., .... -.. " ....... _ .. -.- thlnCI cantlnulng lIon, .. 1 • .outh l1ne·on I CUr.l to thl lire. the clnel~ 01 vhldb bearl north 52-24'57' 'a., ha~ln~ 'h~I"UI of 1005.37 flit. an Irc dl.tanci of 45.IZ felt t rough I c.nt~.l Ingll of 02·,"41' to I lin. 35 teet louthlrl, or In' parall.1 vlth tbl center11nl or thl ,1.l.1 tlng .o.t loutherl, track of thl Chic.,o, Milwaukee, St. au In' 'Iclflc Jldl~4 Tnck., .' thlnCI velterl, along .al. parallil line north 40'11'44' v •• , a diitanci ot 1Z&.Z4 felt to I rlnt ot carvl, thenci contlnulng along .. ld p,ralll line on a eurvl to thl lltt, thl c.nter of vhich blara .outh 4,'48'11' VI.t haYln, a ra'lu. of 182'.78 flit, an arc dlltance of 30'.17 flit thr0ut" a centrll an,le of 0'·41· .. ·' thenci noet" 4"S3'3Z' v •• t along .aid parallel line I .i.tance of 11',07 feet to • point of curvl, . thence continuing along laid parall11 llnl on a eurvl to the left. ~. center of ~Ich b.ara south 40'O,'Z" vest baYing .. radius of 1102." .fen, an an: dhtanew of 107.11 ten thr0Il911 a central an,11 of 41·51· .. • to a point ot _pound curve, tllene. cantlnu!", along .. ld plrallel Ilnl an a CUrvl to the left. the center of wllich bearl aouCh 01'50"11' .aat haying a radiul of 2790.1' felt, 1ft arc diitanci of '5'.24 fl.t throu,h a clntral angll Of ll'3Z'lC' to the true point of beglnnin,. PARCEL CI That portion of Tract 25, .. nton Shorllan'a 2nd supple, .. ntel, AND That portlon.or the 5Outhe •• t quartlr of SeetioD 13, AND thl 10Uthwust quarter of 8eQtlon 13, AND the southvelt quarttr of Section II, All in TOwnsblp 23 porth. aang, 4 taat, w."., in King qounty, Washington, dllcribld '1 follov,. Beginning at the south quarter cornlr of .. ld Section 13, thlnCI north 00·S.'Z8· I •• t along the north-south clntlrline of Baid Section 13, I diatanci of .14.84 Jeet to the 8DYthealt corner of TrlQt 2& at Renton Shorelandl Second Supplemental Maps, 1958, and thl true point of beginning, thence south 72-37'5Z-Wist along the south bounda~ of .ald Tract 26, a distlnce 01 382.60 reet, U.vAce north 70'l4'OZ' veat I1Dng the .outll boundalf)' of laid Tr~ct 26 •• diat.nce at 73.51 felt to the ealt 11nl or thl Charlea .rownell DonatlDn Land Clal. NO. 41, th.nc, north 01-24'04' eaat .10ng .a14 .a.t lin •• a distance ot 950.58 t •• t to a linl lS feet southerly of Ind plral111 with thl centerline of thl I.iltlng .aat south.rly traQk Of the Chicago. Hilwauk •• , St. Paul an' .acUl·, Railroad TriCks, (conUnlltd, . ',. - l .1' :.... , , thence 11o", .. id line 35 fee' aoutherly,of ani Plrillel vith tbe ceftte~lifte of the noa' aoutber17 tract, .10", • oune to the 1'1,IIt, the center 01 ""Iell bean .outh , 1'·22'32-ea.t, havin, • radius of 2,7,a.1, feet, an .rc dl,tance of 1".24 feet throyWb a centr.l an,l. ot 13·32'14- to • po,lllt ot compound cu"e, . thence 'a10", I CUr?e to the rl,bt, 110", &lId parallel line, the center of vlltch beara aoutb 01-50'1'-•• at ha.I", • radiua ot 1,102.41 teet, an arc dlataac. 01 107.11 teet througb a centr.al anvle of 41-5' '.,-, . thence BOutb .'-51'32-.aat, alon, aa'd parallel line, a dllt.nce ot 117.07 t.et, thenoe .10n, • cucye to the rl9h~, alonv .aid parallel line, h •• 'ng a r,dlul 0: 1,82'.78 feet, ... ra dlatallet of 30'." feet throyWh a cellt~.l ,ngle of 0'-41'48-, thence lea.lng .ald para11.1 I1ne, lOuth 40·11'.4-e •• t, • diat,nce ot 121.24 feet to .a point on the BOutb I1ne ot the 8urll119ton Northlrn .. Ilro.d I'I,ht-ol-.a7' thence alonv • curve to tlJe left, alO", Idd IOUth 11ne, "'e center ol.vb!ah be.ra north 4,-.,'11-e •• t h •• ill9 I r.dlua of 1,005,37 feet, an .re 'Iatanae of 'U.02 teu tbrall9b • central IIIfI. of :11·17'11-to • point of tlftlJent on .. ld aouth line of the Burlington Northern .. Ilroad rlvht-of~.y, thence contlnulnv aloll9 aald aouth line, aouth '1-2"03- eaat along • line 50 feet aouth of .nd paral111 vltb the extlUn, aouthbouM tC'act, a .lataDce of 121.541 feet to the weat lLne of aald Section II, thance continuing along aaid .outh 11ae aouth 71-29'03- a.at, a diat.noa 01 .5.52 feet to tbe north lin. of the aouth 5SD feet of the aouthweat qu.rtlr of the aouthveat quarteC' of laid Section II, th'nae north "-10'2'-veat along the north Un. of aald Gouthveat quarter of the louthveat quartar of Seotlon II, a dlat.noe of 11.57 feet to the e.at line of the lOatheaat quarter of aald SaoUon 13, . thence north 1.·15'00-veat .10n, the north lin. of tbe, aouth 550 feet of the louthe •• t qua~t.r of aald Sectloft 13, a di.tance of 2,2'1.41 feet to an an,18 point on the eouth boundary of ft"a~t 25 of Renton SI\Or. Landa, ItS., thence north 33·07'25' veat alon, add .outh bounaacy, a dlatanc. of 154.51 feet to an angl. poillt, . thenoe north 27·21'32-eaat .10n~ .aLd aouth bound.r" a dl,t.nce of "7.12 feat to A" -"v1. poln~ thence north 8"17'25' veat along .ald aoutb boundar" a dlatance of 171.17 feet, thence louth "·22'22-weat along aa14 aouth boundary, 'a dlatanco of 124." fe.t, tbenca 'Outh 12-37"2-v .. t along Hid .outh boundary, • dlatance of 7,.33 feat to the true point of beglnnL"" . '.- .. ,' ." .... ORIGlr\/ .. , PUGET POWER EASEMENT fOR \.:/l:UEKGROlINIl HEGTRIC: ~YSTEII1 For and in consideration of One Oollbr (Sl.OO) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby Acknowledged, FIRST.C..lTY.EQUITIES. a W~shingt,:m qcncral partner5hi~.; CITICCJR,P JU:AL E..iTATE.._INC .... 4. fle14ware . corporation •. as bene ficiary to Oce~ of. Trus t I"CrilNor" h,·rl·inl. ,rant~ .. ·,n\.'\·" oIntl \o'·.lrr.lIIl~ h, I't :t:ET SO, ::\:n lit J\Vt:K A 1./1.111 Cu .... !I' .... !'>:r. oj \\'.1.,111111/",11 I"'· ,.,,;ati;,n·j"i-;rilnlf"·:' h,·u'inl. T,iri ..... ',~!rp(~I ... ("U\;llh ( ",'1 lI,rlll .1.n,.il".jJr.~1 "'~"ml'nl un.kr ... ,:'u~~ OIh,i "I'" ch, 1 .. 1 10\0101"" dt·JClihml rl, .. l fl"'PNI~'llhl' "flruIM';IY" h,·i.~inl . _, .. _Kin9 ." .. , (~niT: \\'.,~.unlll"l1 . SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" .;,,€'-;'.; C, •• -.... .;:.. 00 lit E~ISE TAX NOT REQUIREO FILF.O rap flFCORD AT REQUEST 01': . \ Kml Co. Records Di,ision PUGi'l h' ~ RF.AI:.-' : '. ~ '.' ',·1.1 ::~:~;T 8y.--\:Iii/ .... ""~::....::==.==. ="" ' ... '. • ilepull P.O. BOX 9-:0:·\ ".. BELLEVUE. WASHINGTON 98009·9734 ,-.0 • "'!'!lITjO~.t1.~.e:cc;.o)..nu;<:.= ..... ==-- _, I Is eh"ij,holl:.:sel.,ia af, SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "B" (This Exhibi t will be superseded At A later date by ,A 'more ~pecJfic description detailing the exact location of Granteels facilities I said description to be furnished by Grantor at no cost to Grantee.) I. I, PurpoM. ronan' ..... hill! h,.\·tt Ihp,.,hl tomnsiruci. 0114'1011 ••. millnlilin. tf'IiAir, rapl.r.tf .nd rnlar",'.n undfiI'JMund f!lect,ir. ItiU\,mluinn IInd/"t di'ltihulinn '~'lIem upon and uncl.,r Ih.' Aillhl.uf.\\'I)· In,wlh.!r "'lIh all ni"CUla'II~' or (:00\'''"11'01 .~ ~urll'nanc('''lhcrt'fn', \\'hIC,h may inelud., hUI are nnl I,mill'" 10 Ih .. follu",inll: undl!tllfUund ~I.nduil': cahl~ com",~~ialtion lit,,·,: \,Iull,. mllnhnl .... ,wllc:hf" .• nd Itarufurmf'u: Ind ~mi.hll'ied or ,ruund n.ounltffl litCll!ucs. Follo\o'·tnJZlht' In.h .. 1 COn· ,ul,ctinn of il5 fRr.iIiIi,~ •. Coranllff" m"~' It.::m limo In limr cnnsltut1 .uc:h arldilinnal fBeiliU", 0lI5 il ma~' rflfluift!. J. At.cnI. Granlcr. .hllil haw IIII' riattl of acC"IS IU Ih.! tU,hl-oI·\VII\· .wer ."d ,CTON Ihe PrI)J'lftrl)'lo eOlhlt' Gtanl~ IIIIlXnt· OH UI ritlhtl twtr.undlltf, provtded.lhal Granlvo lhall (;tIml"!naal'· Crinlut for .n) dlm'lIt! 10 Iho ProIMltl)' ClUStod b)'lhf' If)."'· cilf" of .. id rilEhl nf ,a:ep. a. ObtINdIom; Lancbc.plrq. Cranlt'lf' mar from linll' t!llim!' rl!mo\'e IrHi. bu.hCl. or other obstruelionl wilhin Ihll RilEhl· of·W.yand m.r ICVM .rwt ",cit, \h" Rlllhlo()l·W .. ~· leI Ihf" exleml re .. onAbl~' 1I1"Cd1l,.,' 10 carr>' oUllhl! pUI'JJOl'M set forth In Plt ... "h 1 hl'f"l'fll. pm\;d.,rt. lhal 10110",1"" eRr IUch work. Cranlee .h.lI. 10 the! t.lenl realOn.hly pracl\cahll', ",lore Ih" Ri,ht-of.\\'.~· lu Ihl' condition it ,,·iI. immfldl.le1r prior 10 lueh \o'·ork. Follllwin. lho Inslollatlon at Cranlltll·. undrraround f.cllillf'l. C,.nlot ml~' unrum.kfl.n)'otdinlry lmprn\'emc'nlltn Ihl'lanrilcaplnjl 01 111,-, Aijlhl-of·Wa,.. provided thai notftlClot olher pl..nl' .hall tWo "Iaclod ltu-rPOn \O,·hich ","ould 1M' unrt!nlOnilhl~' Itlfp,,".h·1! or imptlclical for Granlrttl 10 remove and "'llntl! t, C""';"', u .. of RI,..'lI-of.W.,.. Granlflt rrlt·n.· .. III'I'· tiifhlllllllli' Ih .. Ri,tJI-of.W.y for 'n)' purposr~ nol inctMUill"nl ,,·ith Ihl' ri.hl. hl'r"in tr"aRlJOC1. pro\'idllfd. lhal Coranlot .h"u nnl Cllnl,ruc:' or mninlain Iny bulldin, or olhll!r .Irutlure on Ihe Ri,hl- of.W.)· whlch wnulct Inltttt'e", With Ihl! ~1I,'''ci'I' of Ihf' rillhlll hprdn 1U11011'd: th.' no dilQril'ltl. lunMlinJ nt nlMr lorm III om- Ilruclion .cll\'ih ,11,,11 1M' don .. on thl: Prn1)tlrh' whir:h \o"uulct distur" InfO cnml'IClinn Ot unnarth Grantflt!'JI fAriliti ... nn Ih" RI~I-oI.\V.)-, or enrlinjiCtr dw 111 ..... I.u(lpnrt 1011111 'ilcilili,.,; and Ihal no bllslin •• h.lI bf' doo .. ",·ithln 15 1 ... 1 01 Ih~ RijlhloOf· ',,',y. I. ~. 0)1 ;J(tIpUaa and rwmtdiftJ Ihlt .... m .. nl. et"nl ... III"~IIO lnd.mntl)' and hold NrmllllCtlnto' from .ny and .11 d,lau tor lnlw1 .. and/or _as'" .uff,r.d by II'W pClrtOn whicti m.,. be cauaed b)' altO Cranl ... ·• e.erdte of Ih. ri-"II Nflln panled; provld.ld. lhal Crillll .... ...tl nol be r.IIK)Nibl. III Gnnlor '0' In)' injuri •• IIIn:llor c!lm,," 10 In)' penon uUNd by 1(.1t Of omlNiOnl of Grantor •. ~ The riahtl ketelft "Inled ,holl continu .. until luch lim,. .. , Grlnl.a ctlMlt 10 Ultl Ihf' RiRhl-of.lA1IY '0' I ptrod of fivt! 1~llUCCetIive ,.fln. In which I\'aullhil ftUOmlfnl tllll1lermin.lu lnet 111 rI!th1l herl!under .hall revert 10 Crln· 1M. proridflt thai nu ablndonmml .hall be-dHmod 10 have oa:ur"d U)' rllaWln "I Cr.m ... ·• f.llure 10 Inlti.lI,. lnsull its radlll'" an 1M Rllhtd.W.y wllhtn .n)' pctnoci 01 tlma from Ihe dille tMIh,·df. t. ~ lind ANI .... ~ rithll Inti oLhll,llinnil ollh .. plrllill 'hall inll' .. :0 Ih.! tlflnafll of and bit "Indint: up"" ,!\air 'II't(MlCII\'t' 1I1a:ftMH'1 1M _I"". Black Ri IItIr r.orporate PArk KJ-ACO~l . . R-Z49Z-l 2l4-5l/SZ 8703948 234-93/94 ,IIIHIt: :'. ""I' j.. -J·",5,·· I I .. -.-. --' ., ~". -I . ,'I e' .' GN.AI\.OH FIRST CITY EOUITIE~a Washington qeneral partnership CJ:rJj:ORP RE~L!;.STl'1:E--,_-'.~.c-, ._3 ___ ---- Dclawar~ corporation fIRST r:r :~~:Vt:L0P.~'I:.~:TS ~Of)P ~_. B : .. eJ" {\ ",n·(,1"':-;--o! Q cr, ~ I~t: :'"C~I(:(!r.~ ~yl. .1 (.tL-'---',:., i'i~-i' 1=="1'>'-. CfTi,;.: I, Lr.on{~~I.~·/iJ··i.·Ij;n' Vice Pret"lL'!r', --------------_. STATE OF WASHInGTON COUNTY OF >::,,1'" <7 ss. .·On this...d::'17f day of (:"qj:i ' 19 87 , before me, a Notary Pubrrc-rn and for e State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared G. Nc!l lirkC"~(,li [Ire: Irenr. " LeMPr(l, !c ~r. ".P(l','.'n to be ",rflcf!:r:, of fI!'~t '=i',)' Dp.velnrnen' .. ~ Forp •• a partner(s) of F!RI'jT Grn.. EOIIITTE;S a WaShlngton partnershIp who executed the W~1~t~h~1~n~a~n~ar-17o==r~e~g~o~~~~ .. in8trum~nt, and acknowledged the said instrument to be ~; __ ~.:'t", free and voluntary act and deed as _________ for t e uses and purposes therein mentioned. my hand and official seal the day and year in STATEorwASHI~'croN I .//' SS writte~. _. -" . . '':-l-c /' /..; . L· /.-:, ;- Vr. ",,·c~<'t'~ //,.~ .. or." U~/C( '({o Not.ry PubI,c in and for ~~tate of Washington, residing at.»~.:,( cA;'· CORKlRATE ACKNOWL£OCMENT COl11\'TY OF _lC ~ ~,t 1 _ ?" till' .~dar nI -:;!Jtl . ____ . III JlL. before me. th .. undl!"IJrled, penanolly 'Pp.!lfed ~1J, YN1C!e,... !--r-}---..... kJ rN' known 10 br Itwo _t.1CO ~~~:::i(../J..,J=-_ __ ,~Iy. 0( .;: 1Tl CQRfJ.&M. j;JtT.A1~, .J.Ht..l _________ the COfpOrllion th.1 •• ectlled 1M 'ON1fC)lna InalOlm,.nl. ,lid ,c;k~'Il'fi"t!d Ihr. i .. id inslrumf.ntlu deed of l4!d rorpoflUon. 'ur Ihlt UM!6.nd PUrporoei Itw.r"in m"nlinMrl, and on Dllh I IUlhorlud 10 UfOCulr the Aid In,lr",mr.nl and that lh. tell affi .. d It thl' .... :.~.~ la~ ~t fI"1 ,boY_ ¥'filt'~ . .-, ,/j ""!,,, ' , ~/).J'''J.l-tJ1.~ ~(i,· ..,.-'-_.--.- Nol.ry Pubhc I"n and fur thlt &llle at W.ahlRl',)Q. A~ ~ .... "In.~1 _ ... ---.---.-.--AiCLL~-- "i-. ".' :':~~ .. ~ .. : . '·r~ r· ~ o o ... . ~ (l) ""., ...... ," , B~.\CK RIVER CORPORATE PARK R-h91-1 f i i.~··".1 j • r', : •. ' R("/.l· :.1 e703848 P") bOX 9:';): ... 1 . (jf LLFVUE. WA~~!"1:r~Gror' ~~<'09Cjn.1 EXH!~lT "A" ...... ,-- Those portions of the Southe~st quarter of section 13 and the Ncrtheast quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North. Pange 4 East. W.~t., described AS follows: PAPCE~ j: PARCE~ ~I Tract -e-, WASHINGTON TECHNICAL Cf.NTLR, as recorded in Volume 122 of Plats, pages 98 throuQh 102, records of King County; Tract "A·, WASHINGTON 'J'ECHNICAL CENTEi', as recorded in Volume 122 of Plats. pages ~8 th~ough 102, records of King County; . . PARCEL 3: Commencing on the East line of the NOJthwest quarter of .ald Section 24, at a point North I 05'00' East along said East lin •. 1804,20 fest from the center of said S.ctlon 24, th.nce North 89 16'47" W.st 1033.53 feet to the Easterly margin of 12nd Aveni.. South, formerly County Road No. 8 (al~o known as the Charles Monster Road), thence North 1 26'34" West ''''~g said Easterly margin 404.00 f.et, thence South 99 16'47' East 200 teet, t~ence North 0°43'13" East 3~0.OO· feet: thence North 89 16'47" West 86.42 feet to an intersection with the Southwesterly line of a tract of land conveyed to Metro and described in deed filed under Recorder's No . 8207300283, records of .ald County and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence Northwesterly along said Southwesterly Lilla and 'On a curve, of which the radius point bears North 56 16'42" East 722.a6 feet, a distance of 142.43 feet; thence North 22 26'02" Weat aleng said Southwesterly lin. 56.7S f.et lio the North line of said Section 24, thence South 87 26'40" Eaat along .aid North line 341.02 feet to the North.ast.rly line of said Metro tract, said ~ortheasterly I1ne beiny also the Southwesterly line of Tract A, Washington Technical Center as re..:orded in Volume 122 of Plats, pag.s 98 through 102, records of said County, thence Northwesterly along said Soutnwest\)rly line anS on a curve of which the radius point bears North 55 39'29' Ea at 422 b96 fe.t, a distance of 87.91 hetl thence North 22 26'02" w.st along said Southwesterly line 263.09 feet to a line designated "permanent EaGl3!ment Boundary-on U. S. Department of Agriculture, 8011 c~n8t.rvati.on service map, Sheet 1 of 3, entitled -Lantl Right. Work Map, P-I Channel, East Side G .... n Rlv.r WPP, Ci~y of Renton, Kino C':ounty, Washington-, thence along said line ang on a curve, the radius point of which bears North 5 24'02" East 165.04 feet a dislan:e of 112.06 feet tc a point of severse curve, the radius poln-. of which b .... South 44 18'11' West 172.96 fe.t, thence .along said r.v.rs. curve and said line 133.74 teet, thence West alono laid line 367,02 fe.t to a line ~hlch be.rl North from a point on the South line of said Section 13 ~hlch II 1271.76 feet East of the Southwest corner th.r.ot, th.nc. S~uth 143,95 te.t ~o the Northeasterly line of the Charles Honst.r County Road, thence Southe .. terly along s'bld Northeast.rly line to a point which o.arl North 89 16'47' w.st trom ,he TRUE POINT Of BE~INNING; thence South 89 16' 47' Ealt 125.40 tbet to the TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING, EXCEPT lor that portion deeded to the t':1ty ot Renton, under AudiLor's file No. 8612161340. .: .. ';"~:':;':.'. ....... ......... :. ... -.. ~ .. ~: .. i. .. ~, •• \.; :.'" .-•. ~:: .• _ .. ... __ ... .-.,'.;. ... r BLACK RIVER CORPORATE PARK R-2491-\ 8703848 EXHIBIT "Au Continued "-PARCEL 4: T:)at portion of the Northedst 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 24, To~nship 23 Norlh. Range 4 East, W.H .. described &s follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of sal.d Section 24 with the southwesterly line of Tract "AM in WAshington Technical Center. a8 per plAt recorded in Volume \22 of Plats, Pages 9B through 102. recorda of King county: thence North B7'26'40" West. along said North line, 115.42 teet to the Northea8t~rly .line of pak8sdale Avenue Sou~hweB~r thence South 65'1J'51" Eaat. along said Northeasterly line, 207.52 feet to the southwesterly line of said tract "A" and a point on a curve having a radius of 422.96 feet, the radius point of which bears Nnrth 40-45'15" East: thence Northwesterly, along said curve and Southwesterly line. 110.02 feet to the point of beginning, Situate in the City of Renton. county of King_ State of Waahington. ri l_r .. ;:, r'd',' :_~ i;f'~,·.~-'I) AT HEQU~~S I, Of: , .,-t" .', .,~ . .-;: .. -_ .. ~.c,.·: .. ·~,:.~.", . n~:\L : p,C). 60X lJ7(lj-' AfLl(V'JE, WASHiNGlor~ .1 '-. ''' .... ', ''"'-.. B~~C~ RIVER CORPORATE P~RK R-2491-1 "".~ ~ .. 0703848 EXHIBIT "B" ......_- ~. " RIGHT or WAY NO. I. ,. ~ -15 feet. parallel with and adjoining tt.e Easterly and Northeasterly I'Iargins of Oakesdale Avenue S. W. lying within the abQve described Parcel I, RIGHT OF WAY NO.2. I~ feet.' parallel with and adjoining the"Southeaiterly , .. rQln of s.W. Hh Street. lying within the above described Parcel I, RIGRT OF WAY NO.3. 15 feet. parallel with and adjoining the South property line of the above described Parce I, EXCEPT that portion lying West of Oakesdale Avenue S. W •• AND EXCEPT the E.st 170 feet thereof, RIGHT OF WAY NO.4. IS ft.t. p.r.llel with .nd .djolnlng the Northerly ".rQln of O.kesd.le ~venue S. W •• lying within the above described Parcel 2,and Pa(ccl 4, RIGHT OF WAY NO.5. 15 feet. p.r.llel with .nd .djoining the Northeasterly ".rQln of O.kesdale IIvenue S. W •• lying within the .bove described P.rcel 3, ANO RIGHT or W~Y NO.6. The following portion of the above described Parcel 3. Commenclno at the Intersection of the centerllnes of Oakesdale ~venue S. W. and 72nd Avenue S. W. Revised (06"0 known as the Ch.rles Honster Poad), thence North 6S 13'51° W.at along .ald centftrllne of Oakesdale Avenue S. W. a dllt.nce of 94.95 foet, thenc~ Northe.s.erly at rlQht anQle •• dlst.nce of 40 feet to the Northe •• terly m.rQln of •• Id O.kesd.le Avenue S. W. and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, t~ence contlnulnQ Noothe.oterly • dlst.nce of 50 feu, thence South 6S 13'51° Ealt paralltl with .ald ".roln • distance of 70 feet, then". Southwesterly. at right .no .... to aald Northt"\frly "argln of O.ke.~al. ~venue S. W., thence North 6S 13'51° We.t alonQ s.ld marQln to tho TRUE POINT OF .BEGINNING. . .r ,. :r: ".fm AT REQUEST OF: rlLF.D ,. " f ... <;, rUGI ~ ~, ,.,' "·"11 "f,Al I :. ". . ....... , p 0 60~ QiOl-l 98009-913-1 B£LlEvm .. WA~HIN(;lON ,~. ,:L .. :..:.~_ I' , ,~, : TOWNSHP 23 NORTH. RANGE 4 EAST. WN.. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 4 EAST. W.M. 'ON Kt«i C~TY. WASHHGTON "" .4' 61· .. ·:1$· /I. _ DO' L' IDA· .. · ---------.......... LOT I ...... ". , , \ \ \ \ \ A' """'01"1 \ 4' 26410' _ \ L' _t7l' , .. ".,.......,_ .... t"" ",., " ... I TRACT. A _ ..... ) I I " I , , I I , '-- , ! .4 • ,,-11.' ,,- I _" -.... 4J1'l' / L' l.Il.S!" '---~ / .. I ..t' l.I".'I7. I /I.-uooo' I 4' 1".10" I -=:-__ .L.!L~J!'·" : --. ~ lnsIrvmen f I WIlt1 TCIOooU. ;} S«:a7d Ek1cIrrJnJc 71/eodOIite /' 20.000 ~~~, oo: .. Mio!e L l. a No 332 Il.o .• y. ;:;.. .... ',ltd "JItI 0",01 Ret!/OI; '----------........ ,70'=" "._-1'01 ---'----r."~:::~ __ nnDlDlI'" It WWi7·..,.W,,--""'IOII="./S· .. '.'""t:----------....... ___ ..J. -~--J AOED • HITCHINGS. INC. 1 ~~~~I~~:~~,iLAN~DSURVEYORS ~., ... ...... ,". . ..... .... ;. '" ,. , ._ .... _ .... _. _4_ . . . . ~ .,,~.. . . ....... . ~ """- _"011 OIlRICOIIDlII'I ClllTWlCAfi _ ... _______ -•• '-" __ .111 ------..-.-, ....... _-__ • ."c _ _ " ~ 011_ 01111_' 1~'CfICII ... 1 ... '.: . .. ,-..... '. -' .. .- " S.1I2 'SECT1ON13, TOWNSHP 23 NORTH, RANGE t N. 112 SECTION 24, TOWNSHF 23 NORTH. RANGE ' CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY. WASHNGTG .. __ ,_,_.J , ;' ,', 'A' • II' ' 4.' i --_ .. TRAC~ '---, . ;'.: STATE OF WASHINGTON aM rC!cnp£ 01 which" Jwrebv~, the SldtC of W4Ihing£OfI. doe' hereby grane, bargain, lell and con"" """ .. L... _______________ _ "':'.~_:.: ,_::::::.:::=--'-PAC IF Ie COAST 6 6 CO.. I...k4J.!!.LnUg.rL.(;,Q.r;?r,.' t ; : t ~ hrirl and auignl. the foUDu*ag deacribed ...... ,Iaort landJ of rhe ~r't cla. •. ~. situate iT! froll! of l1u> dcv-O1'o--"· __ "'·"o,,',,o,,n,---'_'_~ ____ .."."",. t ... ..,,_.!K>JIC!Cn~.~_:-__ .. _ .... ,_ ,~ __ Counttl, WlUhington, to-u -if: ----. 4l,'.--.",. ... ,y ~ ,., "WilrN~ss' 1M S..d of;;" _ .• ;;'~~",: O<!<.._ ~-.-'. ~.- \.. Allul' ........... ~~. C-.f:(~.~ ,~, ~ .11""'~."...!_f."" or SIalf'. ;..: "f ... , ' •.•• , \. " .. n ..... A.r'i1. No. ,I :'/ Stale record of Tide Lund Dud., Vtlhutlc 23 . I·u .• ,~· rOrH, No U[C -1363 ------------- '.-"-.. . • • • J .. 0 ........ ...... - . .. -." :':::" .~.~ .-.. -. - ~ .iSrl;L DECLARATIO'N OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS FOR -- BLACKBIYER CORPORATE PARK -PHASES IY-A_ IV-B, V AND . 55 ~ -. " VI 0 .:::; , .. , 1989 THIS DECLARATION, made this by FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"; corporation day of _.,-___ _ a Washington RECITALS A. Grantor is the Owner of real property described in Exhibit 1 to this Declaration. B. Grantor wishes ·to subject such real property to protective covenants to ensure its development in a coordinated and harmonious manner. NOW, THEREFORE, Grantor hereby de~lares that the real property l.ocated in King county, Washington and more particularly described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereofiby reference, commonly known as Blackriver corporate Park Phases IV-A, IV-B, V and VI (the "Park") sh 11 be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, leased, subleased and occupied subject to the protective conditions. covenants, restrictions, easements, reservations and requirements hereinafter set forth. The following conditions, covenants, restrictions, easements, reservations and requirements are imposed on the Park subject to this Declaration and are binding on all Owners and Occupants, and may be enforced against such Owners and Occupants jointly and/or severally. 1. Purpose. This declaration is made to limit development so as to encourage the erection of attractive, compatible Improvements and provide a harmonious development that will promote the general welfare of the owners and occupants of the Park. 2. pefinitions. The following terms and words shall have the indicated meaningd for purposes of this Declaration: (a) Building shall mean and include, but not be limited to,· the main portion of a structure built for permanent use ~nd ~ll projcctione or extensions t~ereot. including but not limited to garages, outstde platforms and docks, storage facilities, enclosed malls and porchesl l097/4S(5.17.S9)MSC47 --......... ,-.. "." . DECLPH45 . ". " n ~ ., ,- L" V. ., .. ~ -- (b) Building Site shall mean a tract of real propecty within the Park as determined by the legal description in a conveyance or lease from Grantor. If fee s~mple title to two (2) or more adjacent Building sites, is acquired by the same owner such commonly-owned Building Site may, at the option of said Owner, be combined and treated as a single Building Site for the purpose of this Declaration, provided that the location of the Improvements on .. such combined Building site shall. be subject to prior written approval by Grantor; (c) Common Areas shall mean such areas in the Park as may be established trom time to time by Grantor as either natural area preserves or greenbelts or as recreational areas for use in common by Grantor, OWner and Occupants and their respective customers, invitees and employees. (d) Declaration shall mean this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Ease~qnts; (e) Improyements shall mean and include, but not be limited to, Buildings, out buildings, driveways, exterior liqhting, loading areas, parking areas, retaining walls, streets, screening walls, signs, utilities and walkways located on a Building Sitel (f) Occupant shall mean an entity, whether it be an individual, corporation, joint venture, partnership or association, Which has purchased, leased, rented or has otherwise legally acquired the right to occupy and use all or any part of any Building or Building Site, whether or not such right is exercised I (g) OWner shall mean an entity, including Grantor, whether it be an individual, corporation, joint venture, partnership or association, which is re~ord owner ot any tee simple estate, or which has an equity of redemption in a Building Sitel 3. Land Use. Building Sites within the Park shall be used for high quality office, commercial, industrial, warehouse, business and other purposes as permitted by applicable law. 4. Restrictions) and Requirements on Improyements. The following restrictions and requirements are imposed on the Park: other sitel (a) Temporary Structures. No temporary Buildings or temporary structures shall be ·permitted on any Building provided, however, trailers, temporary Buildings and the -2- '.' .: .' , , ",. I I I ! I j I I I I I , . ~ ..... . ... . ~'." .'. ' ·· .. -nlteshall··-be .. ···permitted for co~ruction purposes durinq the construction period of a permanent Buildinq. Once construction is commenced on a Buildinq Site, it shall be diliqently prosecuted to completion. Such structures shall be placed as inconspicuously as practicable, shall not inconvenience owners o~ Occupants of other Buildinq sites, and shall be removed not later than thirty (30) days after the date of substantial completion for benefIcial occupancy of the Buildinq(s) in connection with which temporary structure was used. (b) Exterior Materials c6l0rs. Architecturally and aesthetically suitable buildinq materials of a low maintenance type shall be applied to or used on all si~es of a Buildinq. Colors, forms and textures shall be inteqrated in relation to each Buildinq Site. All Buildinq desiqns and colors shall be first approved by the Grantor in writinq. (c) Fences. No fences may be erected on a Buildinq Site except in accordance with plans and specifications first approved in writinq by Grantor. (d) Coordination. All Improvements shall be desiqned in a manner which coordinates Buildinq layout, landscapinq and pedestrian and vehicular access for the Buildinq Site. (e) Maintenance. shall be responsible for maintained in a safe, clean, 5. EAsements. Each OWner and Occupant of the Park keepinq its Buildinq Site or sites neat and orderly condition. (a) Grant. Grantor has created, by desiqnation on the face of the plat for the Park, joint access easements. (b) Reservation. Grantor reserves for itself and its successors and assiqns and its and their customers, quests, invitees and employees non-exclusive easements for roadway and walkway inqress and eqress over such other portions of the Park as Grantor may from time to time desiqnate by recorded instrument. Grantor's riqht to qrant such easements with respect to a Buildinq Site shall not survive Grantor's sale of that Buildinq Site. (e) Utility and Service EasementA. Grantor reserves ths riqht to qrant casements for t.he installation, repair and replacement of storm drains, storm and sanitary sewers, utilities and other services necessary for the orderly development and operation. of the Common Areas and Buildinqs. -3- •. 'u" .... , ',. Grantor' s·· -righ~ to grant·· such-easements with respect to a Building Site shall not survive Grantor's sale of that Building site. 6. Common Areas. (a) Reservation. Grantor reserves the right to designate by recorded instrument certain portions of the Park for use as Co~on Areas and to enter into agreements with municipal corporations to.add adjoining areas for use as Common Areas; ·Grantor's right· to designate such Common Areas with respect to a Building site shall not survive Grantor's sale of that Building Site. (b) Recreational Amenity. The common Areas include a horseshoe pit to be built by Grantor in the area designated on the face of the plat for the Park. (c) Control of Common Areas by Grantoe. Grantor shall at all times have the exclusive control and managemunt of all Common Areas. With respect to the Common Are~s, Grantor shall have the right from time to time to employ personnel; to establish, modify and enforc~ reasonablo rules and regulations; ~ to construct, maintain and 'operate lighting facilities; to ~ police the Common Areas; from time to time to change the area, ~ level, location and arrangement of Common Areasl to close all or ~ :~~, P~~i~~eo~p~io~o~o~r:~~~~,:n~o~~~!~~t~:sl;~a~~~hs~~ii~ie~~ ~ to prevent a dedication thereof or the accrual of any rights to ~ any person or the public therein; to close temporarily all or C'l any portion of the Common Areas I and to do and perform such 00 other acts in and to the Common Areas as, using good business judgment, Grantor deems to be advisable with a view to the improvement of the convenience and use thereof by OWners and Occupants of the Park, their employees, invitees and customers. Cd) License. All Common Areas Which an Owner or occupant is permitted to use and occupy are used and occupied under a revocable licensel provided, however, Grantor may not eliminate the recreational amenity referenced in Paragraph 6Cb) above without the written consent of the City of Renton. The license extends not only to Owners and occupants, but also to their employees, agents, tenants and contractors and the employees, agents and contractors of such tenants. If the amount of such common areas be diminished, euch diminution ~hall not subject Grantor to any liability, nor shall any Owner or Occupant or other licensee be entitled to any compensation as a consequence thereof. -4- -::' .,' ,,' -.' ! I , '~ .... " , ~"" -". . .... -"---.. (e) Maintenance charge. Each OWner shall be obligated to reimburse Grantor on a monthly basis for Owner's share of the operating cost of the Common Areas ~nd facilities, together with an amount equal to ten percent (10') of the'total thereof as compensation to Grantor for administration services. An owner's share, including that of Grantor, shall be equal to the proportion which the area of such owner's Building Site bears to the area of all Building Sites in the Park. For purposes of ,this 'paragraph, the, term'" "operating ~osto,f the Common Areas" means the total cost and' expense incurred in operating, lighting, policing, cleaning, maintaining, repairing, replacing, and administering the Common Areas, excluding only items of expense commonly known and designated as capital charges, but specifically including, without limitation, the cost of gardening and landscaping, after the initial installation thereof I the cost of public liability and property damage insurance and vandalism insurance I professional management feesl attorneys', accountants', and other professionals' and consultants' feesl utility expenses I real arid perRonal property taxes and assessments/ maintenance costs for equipment and systems/ subsidies and other payments which the Park may be required to pay public bodies I the cost o~ compliance with transportation and other governmental requirements, including, but not l~ited to, the cost of van and commuter pools and the establishment and performance under a transportation management plan I repairs, the cost of resurfacing, painting and sanitary control I the cost of snow, trash, rubbish, garbage and other refuse removal I depreciation of machinery and equipment used exclusively in such maintenance, but only on a straight line basis I and the cost of personnel to implement such services. 7. Approyal of Plans. No construction or exterior alterations of any Building or other Improvement may be commenced without the prior review and written approval by Grantor of the plans for such construction or alteration as complying with the terms hereof. Grantor may assess the applicant a fee to cover professional fees and other costs incurred by it in connection with such review or any other review provided for herein or in the Guidelines. Grantor may condition its review upon the receipt from the applicant of a deposit equal to the estimated fee. 8. Conflicts; Zoning ordin:mccc, buildinq codes lind regulations, and any other governmental restrictions and requirements shall be observed. In the event ot any contlict between this Declaration and any such governmental codes, 'regulations, restrictions and requiremente, the more restrictive standards shall apply. Any approval ot Grantor required in this .... .... ,." " -' -5- . -~ ". -;" · ..... ~-.-- any way relieve ·owners and Occup3nts required by any governmental body Declaration, does not in from obtaining approvals having jurisdiction. 9. Enforcement. (a) Enforcement of the provisions of this Declaration shall be by an appropriate proceeding at law or in equity against any person, corporation or other entity violating .or attempting· to· violate said provisions, either to restrain such Violation, to enforce liability, or to recover damages, or by any appropriate proceeding at law or in equity against the land to enforce any lien or charge arising by virtue hereof, as provided for more fully in paragraph 9(b) hereof. Grantor shall not be liable for enforcement of or for failure to enforce said provisions and failure of Grantor or of any OWner or Occupant to enforce any of the provisions of this Declaration shall in no event be neemed a waiver of the right to de ~o thereafter. (b) If an Owner or occupant r~ils to comply with the provisions of this Declaration, Grantor may notify said Owner or OCcupant of such conditions, in writing, and if it does so, shall detail, in writing, any and all work which must be performed by said OWner or occupant to bring said Building or Building Site into compliance with the provisions of this Declaration, and Grantor shall allow thirty (30) days from said date of notification for the owner or Occupant to perform said work. If said Owner or Occupant fails to perform said work within thirty (30) days, then in that event Grantor shall, in addition to all other remedies it may have at law or in equity, have the right to perform such obligation on behalf of the defaUlting owner or Occupant and be reimbursed by such defaulting owner for the cost thereof with interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (18t) per annum, but not in excess ot the maximum rate then permitted by law. Any such claim for reimbursement, together with interest, shall be a secured right and a lien shall attach and take effect upon recordation of a claim of lien with the King county Department of Records and Elections. The lien shall attach from the date of recordation in the amount claimed thereby, plus costs of enforcement, inclUding attorneys' fees, and it may be enforced in any ma~ner allowed by law for the foreclosure of liens. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such liens Ilhall be subordinate to any mortgage or deed of trust given in good faith and for valuG now or hereafter encumbering the Building Site and any purchaser at any foreclosure or trustee's sale (as well as any grantee by deed in lieu of foreclosure or trustee's sale) under any first mortgage or deed of trust shall take t~e Building Site, free and clear -6- ," ... , '-, --, . "':-."-- from any such then existing lien, but otherwise subject to the provisions of this Declaration. The failure of Grantor to insist upon the strict performance of any of the promises, covenants, conditions, restrictions or agreements herein, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment for the future breach of the provisions hereof. 10. Bights and Obligations of Lenders. The charges and burdens of this Declaration are and, shall at all, times be prior and therefore superior to the'iien or charge of'any mortgage or deed of trust hereafter made in good faith and for value affecting the Park or any part thereof or any improvements now or hereafter placed thereon. However, a breach of any of the easements, covenants, restrictions or conditions hereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien or charge of any mortgage or deed of trust. The superiority of this Declaration shall be LIMITED to the extent that title to any property acquired through sale under foreclosure of any subseqUent mortgage or deed of trust effected by powers of sale, jUdicial proceedings, or otherwise, shall be subject to all the charges and burdens affecting the property by virtue of this Declaration,'but not any liens filed under terms of paragraph 9(b) hereof subsequent to the date of the mortgage or deed of trust. ' 11. Hon-Profit Corporation. Grantor shall have the right to form a non-profit corporation pur3uant to RCW Chapter 24.03 (the "Corporation") and transfer to the Corporation all Grantor's rights hereunder except such as relate to its role as an ~er, inclUding rights with respect to ~le Common Areas and all approval rights, exclusive control and management rights, termination and amendment rights and other general rights and authority retained by Grantor hereunder, including, but not limited to, the right to establish the maintenance charge bUdget and implement the budget so established, and all contracts and agreements of general applicability to the Park, inclUding agreements with governmental agencies. The Corporation shall be obligated to assume and perform all contracts and agreements of general applicability to the Park. The corporation will be comprised of the owners of all Building sites in the Park, inoluding Grantor, with voting being determined on a pro rata basie in proportion ~t the qross land area of the Building sites owned by eaoh OWner bears to the gross land area of all Building Sites in the Park. 12. puration. Modification and Termination. The oonditions, covenants, restriotions and easements sct forth in this Deolaration shall run with and bind the land within the Park, and 'shall be and remain in effect, and shall inure to the -7- . &.;';:::'/';y,{'J.~Jo,., ... ,: •.. , . ';r;:r.-~".~··' ".,-.';',., ,-'" ,." ," . -"." ~-"-- benefit' of, and be enforceable by Grantor or the Owner of any property subject to this Declaration, their heirs, successors and assigns for a term Of fifty (50) years from the date this Declaration is recorded. This Declaration may be amended by Grantor, acting alone pr 4,or to the transfer provided for in paragraph 11 hereof, by an instrument in writing, properly executed, acknowledged and filed with the King County Department of Records and Elections, but such amendment shall not ~eprive any OWner's or Occupant's, rights to use its Building Sjte for purposes consis'tent witti this Declarationl provided, however, no, such amendment by Grantor shall alter or Aliminate the easements referenced in Paragraph 5(a) above or the recreational amenity referenced in Paragraph 6(b) above or eliminate the requirement of general harmony of appearance across the lots in the Park without the City of Renton's prior written consent. 13. Seyerability. Invalidation of anyone or more of the provisions of this Declaration by judgment ~r court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions hereof which shall remain in full force and effect. 14. pisclaimer. Grantor and its employees and agents will not be liable to any Owner, Occupant or to any other party for damages, losses, liabilities or expenses suffered by reason of a mistake in judgment, negligence, or nonfeasance arising in connection with any approval, disapproval or any other action in connection with this Declaration or nonenforcement of any of the provisions of this Declaration. 15. Release from Liability. Any Owner or Occupant shall be bound by this Declaration only during the period such person is an OWner or Occupant, except as to obligations, liabilities or responsibilities that accrue during said period. Although persons may be released under this paragraph, the covenants, conditions and restrictions in this Declaration Shall continue to be benefits and servitudes upon the Park running with the land. 16. Rights of Successors. This Declaration Shall bind and inure to the benefit of Grantor and its heirs, personal representatives, tenants, successors, and/or assigns. The singular number includes the plural and any gender includes all other genders. Grantor shell not aBBign its rights hereunder except in conj"nction with its duties, other than in the case o~ an assigngent for security purposes or for transfers otherwise expressly provided for h=rein. -8- • .. .. , -.... ," '" . -,' . .... - 17. Paragraph Headings. The paragraph headings contained herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and in no way define, limit, or describe the scope or intent of this document nor in any way affect the terms and provisions hereof • 18. Not a Public shall be deemed to be a Park to the public or .purposes whatsoever .. pedication. Nothing contained herein gift or dedication of any portion of the for the general public or for any public IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this Declaration to be executed as of the day and year first above written • . - !!l STATB OF WASHINGTON ) ~ ~ o O'l III COUNTY OF KING ) ss. ) On this Ol {l.1 day of {l:(,i' 1 , 1989, before me, the undersigned, a Notary PUblio in'and for the state of Washington, duly ,c::o\DIDissioned and sworn personally appt<ared :,t'!.! ! I,. Co 11(1 and (In" (r;,!i(( , known to me to be the ,': j'." :'1',.; and \' ",' k'! [' .,,-\ t "d' of First City Washington, Inc. , the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrumunt to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the persons appearing before me and making this acknowledgment are the persons whose true signatures appear on this document. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above written. ·Yft'r,!./ >1;,""1' '."§!'~~ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for .the State"'", IZ~.. ", ... Washington, residing at, \1 'Ith ( '\'\"'>'" ~ My commission expires ,.' ,) .. 1"1 !" . '! ':. ~ :; . ~&~~, -9- 'MO' ,I." ., ..... I/) ... 0 ... C") N I/) 0 (7) Cl) --- : ~." : .," EXHIBIT 1 .... -~ . . -.... '- Le9al Description: That portion of Lot 2, City of Renton lot line adjustment no. 001-86, as filed under Recorder's no. 8609179004, records of King County, Washington, lying South of Southwest Seventh Street and East of Oakesdale Avenue Southwest, as deeded to the City of Renton by Deed filed under Recorder's numbers 8702100643, 8702100644 and 8704091071, records of said County. ...... - ',.., , I ~ li _., ,II ~. " ~P£CIAl .ARRAH~ ·'DECU_ .. £0915278 That portion of the C;o~i.tlwest QUdrtl!r of Se.::tion 13, Township 2) Ncrth, Range 4 East, W.H. King County, Wa.h:"g~on and of the Northwesl. Quarter of Section ~4, soid Township and R.nge, described as follow.: C"""",nclng on tl.e East line of the Northwest Quarter of sal~ Section 24, at a point North 1"05'00' East along said East line 1804.20 feet from the cent.r of said Section <4; thence North 89°16'47" West 1033.53 feet to the Elsterly mar~ln of 72nd Avenue South, fonnerly·County Road No.8 (also known as the Charles, Monster Road); thence Nerth 1°26'34" West along said Easterly margin 404.00 feet; thence South 89°16'47"·.East 200 feet; thence North 0°43'13" East 300.00 feet, thence North 89°16'47" West 86.4~ feet to an Intersection with the Southwesterly line of a tract of land conveyed to Metro and described In deed filed under Recorder's No. 8207300283, records of sa;d County ann the True Point of 8eglnning; thence Northwesterly along said Soutnwesterly 11ne and on a CUI've, of which the radiUS point bears North 56°16'42" Ea.t 1?'2.9b feet, a distance of 142.43 feet, thence North 22°26'02" West along said ~outhwesterly line 56.79 feet to the North line cf said Section 24, the lice South 81°~6'40" East along said North line 341.01 feet to the Northeasterly line of said Metro tract, satd Northeasterly ltne being also the Southwesterly line of Tract A, Washlngtoll Technical Center as'recorded In Volume 122 of Plats, Pages 98 to 102, Records of said County, thence Northwesterly along said Southwp.sterly line and on a curve of which tt.l radius p01:lt bears North 55"39'29" East 422.96 feet, a distance of 87.91 feet, thence North 22°26'02" West along said Southwesterly line 263.09 !eet to a line dc:l~nated "Pel"l!l!nent E.settnt Boundory" nn II. S. o.partment of Agriculture, loil conservatlun service "p, Sheet 1 of 3, entitled "Land Rtghts Work Map, P-l Channel, East Side Green River WPP, City of Renton, King County, Washington"; thence along said line and on a curve, the radius pOint of which bears North 5°24'02" East 165.04 feet a distance of 112.06 feet to a point of reverse curve, the radius point of which bears South 44°18'11" West 172.96 fept; thence .lon9 safd reverse curv. and .afd lfne 133.7~ feet; thence Wost along said line 367.02 fout to • line whfch b.ars North frum a point ~n the South 1fne of said Section 13 which is 1271.76 feet East of the Southwest corn.r thereof, thence South 143.95 feet to the Hortheasterly liroe of the Charles Monster County Road, thence So"theasterly along said Horthoasterly line to a potnt which bears North 89°16'47" West from the True Point of Beginning; thence South 89°16'47" East 125.40 feet to the True Point'of Boginnlny. SUBJECT, however, to all ufstt:og interestl, InclUding but not !.'-,Hed to all res.rvations, rights-of-way dnd .alelents of record or otherwise. EXCEPTING AND kESERVING, however, unto said Grantor, ~ts successors and aSSigns, all of the cOil, 011, gas, casinghead gas an~ .11 ores and minerah of o',ery kind and nature underlying t.h. surface of the premises herein conveyed, together with the full right, prhileg. and l1ctnn at any and .11 tiones to explure, or drill for and to prot~~t, conserve, ~Ine, tek., r • .eve .nd hirk.t any dnd .11 ,uch produc~s in any .. nner which will not .... ge 'tructure, on the .urface of the premi,e, hlr.ln conve/ed, tog. thor with the rl~ht of acce'l It 1:1 tlatl to ,lereis. said rights. , The Grlntor, for its.lf and for Its 'UC(.ssors In intere.t, does by th.s. prlsents I'prelsly 1iont tht cov,nantl of the deed to thoSI herein e.presled, .nd e,clude, all covlnants .r1l1119 or to .rl .. by Itltutory or other 1...,l1c.tlon ~nd does hereby . cannut tMt _vlinlt .11 parsollS 1II\ooII;000u' lawfully cllll1ing or to c1.i. by, through vr under lIid Grantor .nd noe oeherwi", it will for".r w.rrtnt Ind defetou tho Slid deScribed re:l .It.te. TO HAYl AfII) TO HOI.O THf WI(, tog.thtr wllh .11 the appurt.n.ncll tlrereunto betonging, to tho uld Gr.ntlt, itl '"'Clnors and ,,'iUnl, fot.ver. ."". ~ 0..00 • ... 6.0: ~' .. ..... ,- .' ~r •.. - _. --. .--~ . '. ~ IN WITNESS WHERl:OF, sdid ~urlillgt(,,! ~()rlhp·(\ k"ilroad CUlilpanj hd'; :<11J~.~U i!'j corpOrdte SEll 1 to b~ hettu~to affixeo drllJ tht:-st: IJre~ent~ to bf: ~":t!':ulcu tj i~', o'Ji/ .uthorhed officers. thh ~_' __ ' day ot 0:. •. 4.. ,19[£. '--:.1. er __ -'-Jtl/1./~_ ~R. ASSISIAHI Y'CE PRES'CoE~T A TTE~ T: .~.'~ : .. ;":;' ;:r! .. III By~[1,;:::;'" ~ ~', ;;.6;;::. 0,;;' ~;:; .. ~. "':::"-/ ~ant Setretary , ACCEPTED: flMSrCITY DEVELDP~E~TS CORP. N ~ BY Tltr.e~:~~~',~N~E~'~L~:;~OwK~O~N~SO~N~------ s:' lOA \lICe f'AE~ r AnEST: " ---""',1/1, B -.-,'-"'Iel Ttt e: , ". STATE Of WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On thl, 10 day of1:l€(,E~e.., I~ , before me, the unde'rsigned, a Notary rubltc In and for the State qf'l.WaS1iTii9t'l.I\,~ili"o;pJpIIisstoneqand.sworA'A,..A"...L. ' personallY app.are~L~k:¢.'.Cc.I; ,.~~~.J't1T'I1i!"fj\'dWn to be '&1'. \h~ I-'rc"''''''''''n ~ ~>$I9', ~ ir~. of t';g Ci~ ~,*I~ G the Corporatton tat execute te or09oln9 nstrument, a,;acknowegeleSiilnst"ument t.o be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporatf~n. for the uses and purpuse$ thdrein mentioned, and an oath stated th,t they are authorized to execute safd tnstrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of .afd corporatfon. " Wltoo .. I1\)' hond and offfcfal wr;tten. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY Of TARRANT I 5S. i , , seal hereto affixed the day and year ffrst a~ri" ~~• ,:;;:':;1" ~ , .. v, .. n 'fA~ , . I ,. •. 0',0.:: . ot.ry u c a~\or~ Stat. of Wi'sqn!it~;t., .. " .... On thfs f *' ' day of ~. ~., • 19 I, ,before .... the un<lorslg"td, • Notary Publ! Ii aniffor the sit of ius auly (oii;iiE;lon.~ and sworn. perIonally appeared $. 1/ ~ and' , , to ... known to be t~c III ASSlsrANTYlCf Pl!ES'~NT and Au s an ecretary, respect1vely. of Burlfngton Northern R.llrooa Company. r. c?rporetfon that ••• cuteo the foregofn~ illst...-nt, lnd .eknowltdQ'~ tho said fnstrunent to be the fr .. and voluntary let and dted of ,aid corporatfon, for th. uses and purposu therefn ... ntloned. and an oath slated thlt tltey " ere authorized to exteute the ufd fnHr_"t and that the .. al affhed fs the eorporltt s •• 1 of s.ld corporatfon. lilt ... " "Y hind and offfchl Itll hertto .lfh8~ the day .nd ye.,.·ffrst lbo •• wrftten. No~n 1.;;.fr.*i(. Stott or fuu ·2· .... , ..... -..... ". '4'~""", .~::.. ...---.............. , ...... .: t j f . ~ , . I, l' ~ I ,', . , ~ ., AGREEMENT AND CONVEYANCE RE: UTILITIE~ SYST~~S Project. S-~?l ~ECD F CHS HSL ._----".. . ..... "~'i'. 0(1 THIS AGREE,1ENT "",do and ont.rod Into thl. 15th doy of_....!:!Ha!!;rE,!ci,!hl-______ 19-11! ·-····-.byand betw""n·tne-C.ITY .or RENTON, .. a munl~.~1 corporation of ·the .. cond cl ... under the I.tlfl and ,t'tutue, of the Stale of WashIngton, hereinafter referred to a, "CITY" and HOLVICK deREGT KOCRING (Washington Tech Center)herelnaher referred :0 a. "DEVELOPER"; ,. ~ I T N E SSE T H: IMEREAS "The Developer" I. desirous of Installing certain sanitary sower lines and appurtenances thereto at, near, or within the hereinbelow described property and to connect so ... to t~e.Clty" Ufility System '0 that such Improvementl will constitute ·an· In,egr.l parr thereof; and IMEREAS no other property owners or users .re presently available to share In the cost and expense of construction of such"mprovements and the parties hereto having In mind the provisions and terms of Chapter 261 of the 1959 Sessions laws, generally referred to .. a "Kunlclpal Water and Sewer Faell i tl., Act, (KCIi lS.gl.IOI et .e~)"; and IMEREAS "The Developer" Is willing to pay all the costs and expenses for the In.tolliotion of said Improvement.; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AHO COVENANTED BY AND BETWEEN THE AFORESAID PARTIES AS FOllOWS: 1. The "Developer" hereby acknowledgOl and covenanlS that he Is the ""ner of the follOWing d.scrlbed property, toowlt; Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and II. 166 ft. of Lot 10 of 'the Plat of washington Technical Center as recorded In Vol. 122 of Plats, Pages 98 thru 102 records of King County Washington, AND Lot 2, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. 00~83 as recorded In Volume 34 of Surveys, Pages 254 and 254A, under Recording No. 8301259002 records of King County, Washington, AND ALSO lot I, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. 016·83 as recorded In Volume 38 of Surveys, Page 53, under Recording No. 8311159001, recnrds of King County, Washington • ,nd the "Developer" hereby Igree. and covenants to cause to have I"stalled U", (ollowlng delcrlbed Improvemnts, toowlt: SEE: EX:IIBIT "8" Ind luch Instailition to be made In full compliance with .11 applicable code. and regulatlonl of the CI ty of Renton. Thto "Developer" further co •• nants and warrants that .11 expenles Ind cl,lms in connect Ion wi tn tne construcdon ... ~ i"aLillitlG.~ of th: , .forls.ld ImproYements, whether for labor or materlall or both have b.en or will bl p.ld In full, .11 the "Developer'l" e~pen.e, .nd the "Cave loper" C(lve"ants and agrees til hold thl City of Renton har~lell from any II.blllty In connection ·therewlth. 2, The .. De.elop .... (urther certl fie. thlt the tot.1 "l!r,l J~ltrc::n~.lldne) conltructlon II herllnabo'l Ipeclfled will be In thl lum of 132 " e)' 511 Exhibit "A" .tt.ched hereto for thl leg.1 description otl l h e ted by thll l.tlCOMer .gr .... nt or • map showing In outllnl thl I.nd .fflcted by luch .ddltlonal 'h~rgll per tho t.~· nf thl •• vr ..... nt. P.r RCW 65.08.170(3) (RCW ~S.'2.0251 • . ..... ~~.: .. ~. SEE":,, EXHIBIT -A·' ~~~.~.~:::t::.~i.:-~~~~.:~'.~~:~f¥~~_~f:~~~;~"··:~~~;6~>,'.~ .. :~.:':.".' ~:i·~j~t.~~l~· I , , , I i \ ~ I I • iJ J t I I , ' , , RaJed on said total amoun: of coSl, (he c:osts per square fOOl and r.he (0<'( pcr front Iinesl foot (Jt.'l-ilu. t'llt (fie (H(iFPi'lG1Vi't' pa'l.li of ~,]jd impro .... ement :.h~i i be cmpioycd to determine 'he pro ral~ reimbunemcnt [0 the "Ot' .... cloper" b'y Clny owner of real C\tclle, who dlJ not contribute to the ori:Jin.]J cost of such inlprovemenl. an-1 whu 'Jubo;.equently wlshe!li [0 tap into or hook unfO or use said f.:JcllitleCi , w:dc.h tap or hookup \hc111 Include,.c.orm~c_t-'-..QDs t.o lateral'i.or I}ranches connecting thereto, .tIl .,ubjcc: tu thl! I~~.,s ---- t'lnd ordl'lances of the City of Renton and the provisions of this Agreement. It Is hereby further agreed that In the event the total actual caH of the araredescrlbed Improvement shall be di (ferent (rom that set forth hereinabove, then this Agreeme:·t will be duly amended to set forth the total actual cost thereof. Tlu.' fro t'tJto cost- f6~ square feet and front feet ,. $ 0.035910 (Trynk L1nel S l5..Z.170 (Equlv. 6" Line) 3. It'5 hereby found and determined tholt the construction and Installation said afaredescrlbed Improvement I. In the public Interest and In furtherance of public health and sanitation. ~. The "Developer" hereby agrees and covenants to convey, transfers and assign unto City all right, Interest dnd title In and to said I .. pravements and all, appurten- ances and accessories thereto. free from any claim and encumbrance of any party whomsoever; CIty agrees to accept and maintain said Improvement as part of Its present Utilities Systems upon approval thereof by the CIty Englne.r and ~<ter In.p~ctlon of said construction. The "Developer" further agrees and covenants to execute and to deliver unto the City any and all documents Including Quit Claim Deeds and Bills of Sales ,that may reas')nably be necessary to fully vest title In the CIty and to effectuate this conveyance and transfer. The "0evclof:\lIrll rurther agrees clf.,·j covenants to pay unto the City such service or other charges as may he Imposed by the Ordinance of the City of Renton from time to time applicable to like users of the same cl, ••• 5. CIty reserves the right, without affecting the validity or terms of this Agreement to make or cause to be made extensions to or additions of the above Improve- ment and to allow servIce cannectlan~ to be made to said extensions or additions, without ll~bliity on the part of the City. tap 6. No person, fIrm or corporation shall be granted a permit or be Into the facility for water or sewer ser.lce during the period of authorized to ten years from date hereof, without first paying unto the City, In addition to any and all other constructed In connection therewith, the amount required by the provIsions of this contract except such c,harges shall not apply to any extension of the main faclll tV. All a/llO\lnts so r~celved by the City shall be paid out by It unto the "Develope'" under the terms of thIs agreement wIthIn sixty (60) days after receipt thereot. further- more, I n case any tap, hookup or connec t Ion 15 made I n to any such cont rac ted fael JI.y wIthout such payment having been first made, the legislative body of the City may caus. to have removed such unauthorized tap, hookup or connection, and all connecting (title or pipe) or related accessories located ,n the facility of right-of-way, and dlspos. of such unauthorized materlll so removed, without any liability on the plrt of -J.".v:;~;~~,~:,:;~:~:: , ':~;:~." ":::',""' .""~~::: :: ::: ::~;: ';; ,:' .~:, ': .. .... . I I I I I , I i I i I I ~ • s t . , . f i 1 1 J I ., ' •• 1 I f ") ... ~f~:'.'-. .' ..-".. ., ./ .. /,./ -', .. . '-.... -, ,'und~r nn further obligAtion tn collect or mak.e any further BUllS unto the uOt:vuloper". The dcchton of the City Englneer or his authol'llcd rcprcncntuth'c 1n dcLt:rUlinln~ or computing the amount due from ony benefited o"lTler who wishes to hoop lip to tiuell ImlJruvemont, Hllal1 be flnal and conclusivl! 1n all U'Hoect8. 7. It 18 further agreed and understood U,.t the of"redelu;rlbcd improVI:ment8 to "be'"Undertaken and-pa Id"{or by_",_ ...:_;.:D;.,;e;.;Y,:.e.;.l.o"'p:;,;e:.,:r.:;.' ____ --_________ -:_--,._ haye been or nre about to ue c~nnect.d with the Utllitle. Sy.tems of the City, and upon duch conn~ction and acceptance bl the City through It. legi.latiye body, said .xtenal"n and/or improvement ahall be and become a pArt of the municipal utilltiea syatemo. S. Tnia agreement ahall be placed for record with the King CounLy Auditor'. Office immediately upon execution thereof and all coata of recording .hall be the re.ponalbiUty, of_ the "Deyel"pn". )< DATED THIS' __ ~15!.!t:llh ______ --,DAY OF March X""~ .. ~':~'~::: ;, I L.I:" .... I .. ~,,~ BY, ~' ~:1 ~, ,; \\!o.':.~ j • "__ f' trl ; ~.. := 0' COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss ) BYV S'"\. 10 .. ".· f'I:''J , : -I ;: \'IJ '.." .. I . t: .. 4,)'.. • ...... t· o ~'''''i','' .......... .... it :'. II.,.' J II ,.... .f 'I DEVELOPER I STATE OF WASHINCTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) .s • oft this ,&I? U. day of (1')011& ,19'4", On this day personally appeared before me before "0 personally appearedh-;.II1Mo •• /Sh...,..,c.clk-__ ..,. .... ____________ _ I d. ff'n4 n' £'. In M • to .... kIIOWII to (Grlllltor(s) be the ( Mayor. City Clerk ________________ _ • or otber authorilod officer or agent. aa tile caso may be) of the municipal corporation that executed the vithin and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said i~strument to be tho free and voluntary act and deed of .aid municiral ":'qlerllt1ol1. fer the WIGS Dad purposeD therein mantioned. and o~ oath .tated that he vaa authorized to execute said in.trument and that the seal affixed i,'the corporate leal of •• 1d municipal corporation. TN IIlTNUS WIIEIIEOF. 1 have hereunto set my hand aud affixed my official aeal the ,d.y and year Urn above written. to me knovn ~o be theindividual(a}4eacribed in and Who executed the vithin and fore- going in.tru .... nt. and acknowledged that he (ahe or they) signed the SIIII8 811 hb (h'er ~r the1") frHl And val"ntAry' act and deed, for the u.e. and purpo.es therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official .eal thlS da, of ,19 • --- st~ture of rffle~r .~ n'ffela1 oea1 Notary Public in and for the State of Waah1ngton. redding at. ________ _ ! I I I l 1. i. k 2. t I I ~, t I~ NOTICE OF ADDITIONAl. WATER OR SEWER FACILITY TAP OR CONNECTION CHARG~S REQUIRED BY RCW 65.08.170 (l) (RCW 35.92.025) · ..... 'MUNICIPALITY -CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ADDITIONAL TAP OR CONNECTION CHARGE PER: Sanitary sewer lines installed in conjunction with Washington Technical Center PROJECT NO.: 5-323 -------- RECIPIEN.:r: Holvick deRegt Koering BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 1. $81,471.82 -Trunk Line TOTAL ASSESSMENT COST: 2. $54.022.01 -Equivalent 8" Line 1. 2,2~,751.00 Sq.Ft. for Trunk Line TOTAL ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE:<!. j.5~O.12 Fr.FL fur Eyulvalent 3" Une (front Vootage or Square Footage) 1. $0.035910/Sq.Ft. _ Trunk Line TOTAL COST PER FRONT FOOT 0" SQUARE FOOT: 2. IS.2170/Fr.Ft. -Equivalent 8" Line If there ia any question regardinR the paid or unpaid status of the following aaaesamenta, please call the City of Renton, Utility EnRineer- lns DepartaeDt at 235-2631. TRUNK LINE LEGAL DESCRIPTJON LLA-013-83 Tract A Tract C TOTAl EQUIVALENT 8" LINE L[~L ~~cnIrTIcN Washington Technical Center Vol 122Pg. 98 thru 102 King County Washington Lot 10; E~c~pt N. 166 Feet Thereof Lot 11 Tract 8 North of S.W. 7th Tract B South of S.W. 7th ASSESSAaLE FOOT~EE_ ADDITIONAL CHARGE 1,227,770 Sq.Ft. 1,040,981 Sq.ft. 2,268.751 Sq.Ft. ASSESSA8LE FMTAr.F 249.00 Fr.Ft. 447.36 Fr. Ft. 269.00 Fr. Ft. 1,155.36 Fr. Ft. TOTAL $44,089.22 $37,382.60 $81,471.82 $ 3,789.03 6,807.47 4,093.37 17 ,581.11 $32,270.98 ..;~~:r:hj:i .9' f.-··· !~-::'-~~'."'''' .,.,1 ~ ;-':','. ,' •• ~ .' :~~::.~~:.;-.... , I , i , I i I I t I I I " ,. :':."; .... ~ '" EXHIBIT "B" Sanitary sewer im~rovements installed unaer Sewer Proj~ct 5-323 that are elioible for latecomer fees: 1. TRUNK Ll NE lA58.4 Lr of 18" @ $6.50 • 269 Lf of 12" @ $5.20 • 4052 LF of 10" @ $4.80 • Dewatering Foundation Subtotal Tax @ 6.5Z TOTAL '- $12,079.60 1,398.80 1,944.96 26,303.00 34,773.00 $76,499.36 4.972.46 $81,471.82· . $81,471.82 • 2,268,751.00 Sq.Ft •• $0.035910/Sq.Ft. 2. EQUIVALENT 8" LIIiE 2127.43 LF @ $19.50 • $41,484.89 7 Each HH's·@ 1320.00' 9,240.0~ Subtotal $50,724.89 Tax·@ 6.5% 3,297.12 ; TOTAL $54,022.01 ~!i4.022.01 ; 3,5GO.1Z rr.rt •• $15.2170/Fr.Ft. . ...... ..., h CO":::" =O~~}T A ~ .. y.; County 0' On thillh. 12th day 01 __ ",MarCh== ___ 19!!. belore ml, Carol R. Froese 1 I John S. ~ , Olristiane A. Fowler . I :& 0 .... I C I"" Q."" I' 1Ct personally known to m. ,-f~ CAROl. R. ROUE 0 proved to me on the bUl. ohaUI'actOfY avldence . A IV'· --eM! hi I:.i Iho p;;' .... -~ij ... toG IXaculad tllo wllllin Inllrumonl at l ..... "":' ..:... = ~,' Seqty. ' 01 on behalf olthe corporation thll.ln :1, • . C-I.~ Iwe IJ. If.. nemed. Ind ecknowtedged 10 m. thatth. corporation ,.eouted It. J I .ne _, • .1 WtTNESS my hand and official Hal. A .. /' /l A.+f ' . __ l":J,> :f"u < 9:\ I thl undl .. lgn,d Notary Public. p ... onally appeared IJ N~'I Slgn.ture~ 4 ~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~"~~~~"~~!~~'~~~'~NN~.~ .• !.x!Y~~~'~DN~ __ ~"~"~'~'~O~~~"~'~~~~~~~~ i-··· I . I ·~~·;;r,li:··: : . ~..n;Io.~ . , .;.:; ~ . '. , .. , . ~ .. "'-. , , . ~ \:"- <; \. " 'j First City ~ashington. Inc. BOO Fifth Avenue. Suite 4170 Seattle, Washington 9B104 Attention: Dean R. Erickson ----- STORK DRAINAGB EABEHEliT AGREEHEN'r , .. This Agreement is made as of ,'. " \~ • 1990. by FIRST Cn'y WASHINGTON. INC., a Washington corporation ("Few"). and BLACKRIVER IV-B LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.· .. Washington limited partnership ("BLP."). RECITALS. A. Few is the owner of the re .. l property legally described on Exhibit A attached ("Lot 1") .. nd the real property legally described on Exhibit C attached ("Lot J"). BLP is the owner of the real property legally described on Exhibit B attached ("Lot 2"). Lot 1, Lot 2. and Lot J are collectively referred to in this Agreement as the "Lots". B. A storm drainage system, including a catch basin located on LOt 2. is part ot a storm drainage system serving the Lots (the "Storm Drain .. ge System"). , C. Few .. nd BLP desire to grant each other reciprocal e .. sements in favor of the present and future "owners" (defined below) of the Lots to connect to. use. repair .. nd maintain the storm Drainage System. AS used in this Agreement the term "OWner" means e .. ch record holder of fee simple title to Lot 1. Lot 2 and/or Lot J. its heirs. legal representatives. Ruccessors and assigns. AGREEHENT. 1. Grant ot Easements. On the terms and conditons set torth in this Agreement. BLP. as owner ot Lot 2. hereby gr .. nts and conveys to (a) each OWner of Lot 1. .. perpetual noneXClusive easement over and under the portions of Lot 2 legally described in and shown on Exhibit p attached. for the purpose of connecting to • using. maintaining and repairing ths portions of the Storm Drainage system serving Lot 1 located on Lot 21 and (bl each Owner of Lot J. a perpetual nonexclusive easement over and under the portions ot Lot 2 legally describod in and shown on Exhibit E attached, for the purpose ot connecting to, using. maintaining and repairing ths portions of the Storm Drainage System serving Lot J loc .. ted on Lot 2. On the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Few, as OWner ot Lot 1. hereby grants and conveys to each OWner ot Lot 2. .. perpetual nonexclusive' ealJement oVer and under the portions Of Lot 1 legally described in and shown on Exhibit F -1- ,. 90/07/1 :!. ~ECr· ~ RECFEE Ct=l£H~L DUIIlUSI\r 144'5 r. 19.0(1 ::.00 ) -": .j;: . ,~ ' . . '~ ., • • -I .. -,,, . " ....... ,'- ·~·-·---attachec1'--"1:or-·the purpo .... of -connecting to. using, malnt_"lning and repairing the portions of the Storm Drainage system serving Lot 2 and located on Lot 1. 2. Access. Each Owner of Lot 2 shall have the right of access over Lot 1 to the Storm Drainage system for the purpose of exercising its rights hereunder/ provided, the OWner of Lot 2 shall compensate the OWner of Lot 1 for any damage to Lot 1 caused by the exercise of such right of access. Each Owner of Lot 2, and each OWner of Lot 3, shall have the right ot access over Lot 2 to the Storm Drainage System for the purpose of exercising its rights .. hereunder/ provided the OWner ot Lot 1 and the-OWner ot Lot 3, as applicable, shall compensate the owner ot Lot 2 for any damage to Lot 2 caused by the exercise ot such right ot access. Each OWner ot Lot 1, and each Owner ot Lot 2, shall have the right ot access over Lot 3 to the Storm Drainage System tor the purpose ot exercising its rights hereunder/ provided, the Owner of Lot 1 and Lot 2 shall compensate the owner ot Lot 3 tor any damage to Lot 3 -au sed by the exercise ot such right of access. 3. Beaervat;ion. On behalf ot aU present and tuture Owners of one or more ot the Lots, BLP and FCW each reserve the right to use the Storm Drainage System located on its Lot tor any purpose not inconsistent with the rights granted pursuant to this Agreementl provided, that no building or other permanent structure shall be constructed a Lot which would intertere with the exercise ot the righto granted pursuant to this Agreement. 4. Maintenance and Bepair. The coat of maintaining and repairing the storm Drainage system shall be borne, in equal shares, by the owners ot the Lots. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it maintenance or repairs to the Storm Drainage system are needed as a result ot the negligence or intentional misconduct of an OWner, or its agents, quests, tenants, contractors or invitees, no other owner shall have any obligation to pay any ouch maintenance or repair costs. Tt the surtace and soils condition of a Lot is disturbed in connection with repairing and maintaining the storm Drainage System, as part ot the repair and maintensnce work, the surtace and soils condition ot the Lot shall be restored to its condition immediately prior to the repair and maintenance work. Each Owner shall indemnity, de tend and hold each other owner trom and against all loos or damage to person or property which is a result of the negligence or intentional misconduct of the indemnitying OWner, or its agents, guests, tenants, contractors or . invitees. 5. Bun with Lond. The easements and covenants contained in this Agrsement shall be easements and covenants running with ths , land and shall be tor the benefit of and be binding upon FCW, BLP . -2- 16$G(0J9,O"II!90, .. 'Z4 0"'''''''' ;, :1 :. 'i" " 'If if :~ • , .) ). " ,4 .J I .- • - ..... and eaeh CFJn£r, a~nd th6ii itlBpective heirs, succe£so.~s, legal representatives and assigns. 6. Attorneys' Fees. If any Owner brings an action or other legal proceeding to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing OWner shall be entitled to reimbursement from the non- prevailing OWner of the prevailing OWner's reasonable costs and attorneys' fees, whether incurred on appeal, in bankruptcy court or in any other legal proceeding. 7. Applicable Law. This 'Agreement-sha'U be construed according to and governed by the laws of the state of Washington. If any provision of this Agreement not material to the expected benefits to be derived from this Agreement is finally adjudicated to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, in whole or in part, it will be deemed deleted to that extent, and all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. DATED as of the day and year first written above. 1650/019,07/11/90,AA1I4 FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., a Washington corporation By ~~, BHW;Z2 _ loa IIII5aNT Its ______________________ _ B1. ____ ,"'j"",-" .... : _""";'~..LJ "11,'---.. /REI ..... q:C>t: ... J. LEONARD Its ________________ --.,;",;.,-.;.V1CE=,;.,PRESIDENT BLACKRIVER IV-B LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washington limited partnership By: BLACKRlVER CORPORATE PARK IV-B, INC., a Washington corporation, its general partner -3- WIlfUl( ", •. ,C.).;,,-i. U#.·1--.. @ .• .i._I"". tA .... ;$ • ~. ,,"--~.""-. . ...... i 1 , " . ........... " ... -" -""-. '-' . '-'-- EXHIBITS ~TT~CREPI Exhibit A: Legal Description ot Lot 1 Exhibit B: Legal Description ot Lot 2 t:xb1b1t c: Legal Description ot Lot 3 'J 'I , ~ t:xbibLt Drainage • D: storm Easement Over Lot 2, Benefit ot Lot 1 ! 1 t:xbibit Drainag~ i E:' , storm Easement OVer Lot 2, Benefit ot Lot 3 I I I t:xbib1t F: storm Drainage Easement OVer Lot 1, Benefit ot Lot 2 I I. , \ l • I • -4- 1614/0S9,07/11/90,AASZ4 DlAIIlUIl ;.',' ",', .,.. ~--STATE OF WASHiNGTON COUNTY OF~' Be. On this Litl.. day of , 1990, before me, a Notary PUblic in and for the Stat n ton, dU1Y~01ll1lliSS~ned and sworn, personally appear d and .~;~O' ~ , to me known to be the and __ ' . , respectively, of FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., the corpora ton named in and which executed the foregoing· instrUment I and they aclmowledged to me that they signed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the persons appearing before me and making this acknowledqment are the persons whose true signatures appear on this document. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate above writte ~ PUBLIC in and for t~ ~ta e of Wash gton, residing at -- My c 1Il1Ilission expires: ____ ~~~~=u~---- DUrNll1i ! , .. f :1 J • J • - . ~ .. .. ' 0.0" 0-0 -_. !l'1'A'1'E I)~'-WASHING-TON-0 0 COUNTY OF try I· --._ I SB. I .....• ,", , On this I~ day of , 1990, before me, a Notary Public in and for the state on, duly c~issi::n~d and sworn, personally appearsd anadnd ~~"5:'1 to me known to be the '"'-4" of BIACICRIVER CORPORATE PARK IV-B, INC., a Washinqton corporation; the qeneral partner of BIACICRIVER IV-B oLIKITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washinqton O limited partnership, the partnership named 1n and which executed the foreqoinq instrument I and they acknowledqed to me that they siqned the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation and partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the persons appearinq before me and makinq this acknowledqment are the persons whose true siqnatures appear on this document. WITNESS my hand and otticial seal the day and year in this certiticate above written. BLIC in and for ;~te of on, residinq at ~ isaion expiresl • .FJ.- 161010'9,07'11/90,"'2' 01A11lU1I o ~,1";':I,.:0: : . ¥ : :. i stte#..BN ~ " \ , I I l • .- • • 0 ." . ',." . ~ ... I - '-... I " , 'I . " .. BJllIBIT A -----LEGAL DESCRIPTION -LOT 1 Lot 1 of City ot Renton Short Plat No. 016-88 as recorded under King County Recorder's No. 8910279013, said Short Plat being a portion ot the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 3 East, W.K., In King county, Washington. 1650/039:07/11/90:"51' WI.n .. , " .-~:: .' .~; ~ . .q'!·1 _i -.. j f : ~. I/) ~ ~ ... ~ ... r- 0 .- "- al ..• . ...• .', , LECAL DESCRIPTION -LOT 2 Lot 2 of city ot Renton Short Plat No. 016-88 as recorded under King County Recorder's No. 8910279013, said Short Plat being a portion ot the Northeast Quarter ot Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 3 .East, .. W.K., In King County, Washington. . .. toSO/0I9,07/t tt90,AAm om', '. '. '.,..;._-..t " • .: "'~ ., ... l/) ~ ~ ~ C'? ~ {'o 0 c :n -. .; " e. ,. E:IlIDIT C- LEGAL DESCRIPTION -LOT 3 Lot 3 of City of Renton Short Plat No. 016-88 as recorded under King County Recorder's No. 8910279013, said Short Plat being a portion ot the Northeast Quarter ot Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 3 East, W.K., In Kin<;l county, Washin<;lton. 16SO/0"1 07/11 /9OIAA524 uMilm , ,. I I ~ .~ • j • I ., '.' , ..... .- .•.. . ~ -... EXHIBIT 0 BLISH. ROED 8< HITCHINGS. INC STORH· DW NAGI! !ASIKEIIT OVER LOT. Z BENEFIT OF LOT I THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.H., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, BEING A 10.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND LYING 5.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE OVER LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 016-88 AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8910Z79011, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT Z WHICH BEARS SOUTH 11'14' 46" EAST 54.29 FEET FROH THE ... NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE NORTH. 77'09'27" EAST 61.19·FEET, THENCE NORTH 37'57'Z4" EAST 81.58 rEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT Z, THENCE SOUTH 37'57'Z4" WEST 81.58 FEET, THENCE NORTH 19'43'50" WEST 53.48 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT Z AND THE TERHINUS OF THIS CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION. FIRST CITY WASHINGTON. INC. STEVEN A. HITCHINGS JULY 10, 1990 88010.04/SUR 38A _ .. ..;:3::;:..~. ,:,\ .. ' -., .' ..• ., : I • ~ ~:? !"/>'" :5.c '-/r --.c;o'" C"'rf r /'/ r -I ~ -rv'3 _,,__ := , i f I": /00" .,:.II~~~~ 1-::: ",.. .. -. Bc",Cr-/r c"C ~-~.,-Z ""-- VI<:J~I rY at:': 04I('E~t.£ AVe 0$, AI. I .s,N: _~_-. /\1. BUSH, ROED • HlTClII«lS, INC. CIYI. _. LNG ___ --- 1UIlU,....... ..... .... " • • - - ...... ," . EXHIBIT E ,"'.' '. ~-.---BUSH. ROED & HITCHINGS. IN' STORM DRAlNACII EAS!IIEIIT 0'.". LOT 2 IIIIIU IT or LOT ] THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.H., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, BEING A 10.00 FOOT WIDE STRIF OF LAND LYING 5.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE OVER LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PUT NO. 016-88 AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO •. 8910279013,_ DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 WHICH BEARS SOUTH \1°14'46" EAST 54.29 FEET FROH THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 77°09'27" EAST 28.9J FEET; THENCE SOUTH 10~54'J6· EAST 231.13 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29°24'54" EAST 13.07 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE TERMINUS OF THIS CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION. . " .. ' .. FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC. STEVEN A. HITCHINGS JULY 9, 1990 88010,04/SUR 38A .....', , .. " • • ~ r::;..erV1 =U::Ne.>r;; 6",q~=-.N1€N r -L "r 2. LooT 1 (" ,,{ c i a?&ps;4!¥(\ I Y Bt:..· .. '/c:.· :';.-./~--(~r-":"--..:'JT-::5 ._- /...or3 yl'!/NI rY O!!": o.4K':5.C'ILIE: AVe.S.w. I-.s.#. 7rd Sr: BUSH. AOED • tI ra4IHGS.1NC. ' CM.llaElM • LAND IUIMl'OIIa ' 1UI'1\&,". iCM ....... ; , .. . , t • , • • · ... EXHIBIT F flUSH. ROeD & HITCHINGS. IN. ,' ...... ,,~ .•. ~. ~---- -Q') STORlI DRAINACI £AS!KE1fT OVER LOT IIIUIIIFlT or LOT Z THAT: PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.H., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINCTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT I, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 016-88 AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8910279013 WHICH BEARS NORTH 78'25'14" EAST 115.74 FEET FROH THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE /lORTH 39'38'48" EAST 40.55 FEET; THENCE NORTH .78'25'14" EAST PARALLEL wn:~,THE 'SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT I A'DISTANCE OF 371.06 FEET TO THE HOST EASTERLY LINE THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 1'14' 28" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY LIII! 26.04 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORllER OF SAID LOT I; THENCE SOUTH 78'25'14" WEST 396.89 PEET TO BEGINNING. FIRST CITY WASHINCTON, INC. STEVEN A. HITCHINGS JULY 10, 1990 88010.04/SUR 38A er-,,' ,-._._- ; ! • '. .- 1.1') od4 ~ ~' .-4 ,. C'? If .-4 f" 9 -~ .. • ". . . .. =-r-:::>1':/<'1 :S€We::If; e,q:;€"A1'£N r -Lor.i B~N~,c/r Q"c L-:::>T z.. LOT :t. r I I (' I k;·'.~?! ) y 1/ / I ~ /00 ¥ '-- Lor3 VICINI rY oc:': 04Ke~LIE'. AVe.S.w. '" , .s. k. 7'D!i s r. Rit'/'lrON I W,q ~ , .' BUSH, ROED I HrTCHINGS.INC. CIVIL l/ICIIHI!IIII a UNO IUIMI't'OM ............ iOiC ........ , '0 I., FJLED FOR Rrr"",, A.T rr.t"II ........ " THIS .. -.-.--~ FIRST c.rry 'J1!ANSA.\I En' ~. "'IKINT agBIBl2N% EASEMENT AGREEMENT 18 aad. th18 ....... 1992 between TIlE CITY OF RENTON WASHINGTON, INC. -("Grantee"/.- RECITALS ::~ i ih.· .... I! O. BOX 14~3 BcDewe, WA 98000 e~ day ("Grantor") ot and A. On or about Novlllllt>er 20, 1991 Grantor, Grante. and other partie. entered into that c.rtain Memorandum Agr.eaent vherein, among other term., Grantee agreed to eell to Grantor certain real property legally deecribed in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this re'erence ("City Tract A Property"). B. As a condition ot the purchas. and sal., Grantor agreed to qrant. to Grant •• a ten-toot vida .a .... nt tor land.cape purpc.s.s (the "Easement Area") mora particularly dascribed in Exhibit a, attached h.rato and incorporatad hera in by this r.t.r.nc •• C. The Easament Area may be'utiUnd by Grante. tor locatinq and maintaining landscaping and irriqation taciliti.s incidental thereto and tultillinq the site plan requirements tor development ot the real property owned by Grantea more particularly described in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reterenca ("Grantee's Property"). D. The parties wish to creats the landscap. eas .. ent provided by the Memorandum Agreement in accordance with the terms provided therein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ot the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the leqal Rutficiency ot which is hereby acknowledged by th •. parties hereto, the parties agrea as tollows: 1. Gront or Easemant. Grantor hareby grants to Grantae, tor tha benatit of Grantee's Property, an aaaament across tha Eaaement Area. 2. purpose ot Easement. At its sole discretion, Grantee may use the EaRement Area for installation, maintenance and irrigation ot landacapinq in order to fulfill ~he .it., plan requiremente ot Grantor, all as more particularly set torth in Section II.B.3 of the Memorandum Agreement, which is hereby incorporated by reterence as it tully set torth herein. Ingress and egress to the Easement Area shall be trom Grantee's Property and shall not cross any portion ot The City Tract A Property except the Eas .. ent Area, except all ill necessary to carry out the purposes ot the M8IIorandum Agreement. 3. InatollatigD ond MAintenance. Crantee shall be responsibls tor allot tha costs ot installation and maintenanca ot any minor till and topsoil, landscaping, including without limitation trees, ahrubbery and other plantings, and any irrigation 111'11 )II I0Il SIlIllDlll lunD ~,.t. 114 1111"1111 IKI_ ·~b~. ' .. --"~' /,--- ~ • • I faciliti •• located in the Ea .... nt Area. 4. IMemnitlsation. Grante. aball ind .... 1fy and hold Grantor.herale •• again.t any clat.a or damaqe. caus.d by ~rantee'a u •• of the Ea.liiient Area. '.. -"- 5. Runs With thl Land. Th!. .... IlD.nt and the benefits conferred hereby, and the obli9ations impos.d her.under, ahall operata as covenants runnin9 with the land. 6. Suscessors and Assigns. The ri9ht. and' obli9ation. of the partie. shall inure to the ben.fit of and be bindin9 upon their respective .uccI.sor. and a •• i9ns. 7. Amendment. This instrument uy be lIIlended only by a writtln in.truaent recorded with the Xin9 county Deparbent of Records and Electiona OIX.cuted by both partie. hereto or their .uccessor. and as.ign •• a. Remedies. In the event of any breach or threatened breach of thie Eas88ent AgrellDent by eithsr party, the other party, or their successor. and assigns, sbell have the ri9ht to ~Ue for d ....... 9 •• and/or for specific performance and/or to enjoin such breach or threatened breach, the partiea agr.ein9 for themaelvea, their .ucc.ssor. and assi9ns that failure of eith.r party to perform ita obli9ations hereunder will causs irreparable d8114ge to the other party. 9. Ho TorminAtion upgn Breach. It is axpre •• ly aqreed that no breach of this instrument shall entitle eith.r party to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this Easem.nt AgreBllent; provided, however, that thia provision sholl not limit or otherwise affect any other ri9ht or remedy which such party uy have h.reunder by rpason of any breach of this Easement A9rsement. 10. Attorney Fees.' The prevailin9 party in any action brou9ht to enfor~e or interpret the terms of this Easement AgrellDont sholl be entitled to recover ite coste and reasonable attorney fees incurred in said action, and on appeal, whether or not suit ia co~enced. GiW!TOR; TIlE C:ITY OF RENTON 1IC11'lJ1UI21 ".AD' FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., a W inqton corporation BYI-Tt;i\ ~~~i:' i::: Its I ,c .;:::.-:-~;:.: '. .. " ,. " ,t, ',_ .," " ':.', ;"';Y-"7: '! ' .. ";;',:J.';"-"::rI.~-, ,,', ..• ~-:-,: "'-' " ,,,,"'11!'!.~!.R"I,~,,~, " ., "",.: ': ", " ",' , '~" , • I ': t~· lI' . .. , I I I STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) Sll. COUNTY OF KING ) ---On' thia-day. personally .ap'p'eared bator. III. EARL CLYMER, to ilia known to be the Mayor ot the City ot Renton, the lIIunicipal. corporation that executed the within and toreqoinq instrument and acltnowledqed the eaid inlltrument to be the tra. and voluntary act and deed ot lIaid lIIunicipal corporation tor the Ueell and purposes therein-llientioned, and on oath'stated that~e ill authorized to .xecut. said instrument. : GIVEN under lilY hand and otticial seal this ~ay ot Hay, 1992. ~~~ :~ate ~inqton, residinq '" My appointment expires: l,v~~ ST~TE OF WASHINGTON I ) liS. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared betore lIIe DEAN ERICKSON, to lIIe known to be the Vice Prosident ot First City Washin9ton, Inc., the corporation that executed the within and for89oinq instrument and acknowledqed the said instrument to be the tree and voluntary act and deed ot said corporation tor the uses and purposes therein lIIentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute said instrullient. GIVEN under lilY hand and otticial seal this ~~ay ot Kay, 1992. -4 ~ NOTAR41iBtICnd tor the state ~O~9ton, res1dinq at ~{JZ..u..- "y appointlllent expire~~r~/~~ . , • ~ z .. X ::> '-' ::> => .. >: -" · -' c " =r ;! , • , l , · --------........ " ......... STAT! OF WASHINGTON I I .a. COUNTY OF KING I On thi. day-peraonally appaared-betora .a KENNETH BELLAHY, to .a known to be the Sanior Vice Praeident ot First city Washinqton, Inc., the corporation that exacuted the within and toreqoinq instrument and acknowledqed th.e said instrument to be the tree and voluntary act and deed ot said corporation tor the uses and purposes therein .antioned, end on oath stated that he is authorized to executs aaid instrument. ~ GIVEN under .y hand and otticial seal this ~ day ot Kay, 1992 • My appointment expires :~~:::I.'J JCl9!J ·5- •.. , . , .- I • EXHtB t:r A LEGAL DESCRIPTION -CITY TRACT A PROPERTY "'"--.. THAT PORTION Ot""TIIE "SOUftiVESZ' QUAJt1'ER Or.I!IIC2'ION 13. 1'OIINSIIIP 2:1 NORTH, MHGB 4 EAST, W.K., JaJfG CIOtIIITr, w.\SRnIQTON, DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: " " J BEGINNING A'r THE KOST wEstEkLY CORNU OF 'J'RACT A, PLAT OF WASH- INGTON TEalHICAL CBlilBR IJ!J RBICORDED Ilf VOIAJHB 122 OF PLATS, PAGES 98 TO 102; RECORDS OF JaJlG COIllft'l(, WASJII1fGTON, SAID WBSTI:RLY CORNER BBIKG AT THE IIft'B:RBJU:nOK or THE SODTBWESTBRLY LlJIE OF SUD -TRACT A-trIm A L%IIlr DESlGHA'1'ED -PBRKAIfEIf'1' EUEKEIft' IIOQIIO- AllY-ON U.S. DBPARnCEII'Z' or AGRlaJL't'URB, soiL CONSERVATION SBRVrc:E HAP. SHEET 1 OF :I, ENtIrLB -u.ND RIGHTS WORlt KJU', P-l CBAIfNEL, EAST SIDB GREEK RIVER WPP, Cl'l'r OF JUIIft'ON, ItING COUNTY, W"~ TON; -TBEHc:J: ALDHG SAID LlIIB AND OK A CURVE, THE R1.DIUS POl1ft' OF NHlCR BEARS K~ 5"24'02-BaST 165.04 PEEr A DISTANc:E OF 112.06 FEET TO A POl1ft' OF REVERSB aJR'VZ, THE RADIUS POl1ft' OF wm:ar BJWIS soom 44"18'11-WEST 112.16 nET; 'l'IIBKCE ALONG SAID REVERSE CUK9E AND SAID LIKB 1:1:1.74 PIIft; ftlIHCB WEST ALOKG SAID LINE 367.02 FEET TO A LINE NHlCB BIWIS IIOR1'II rROIC Ie POl1ft' OK THE 800m LINE OF SAlD SJU:nOK 1:1 WHIar IS 1,271.76 FEET EAST OF THE SODtHWESt CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 1:1:1.36 FEft TO 't'HB NOR'l'BEAS1'BRLY. LDIl: OF 0AltEStlALB AVEIIUB; 'l'IIBKCE SOU'l'II 70" 46 ':J4. EAST ALDHG SAID KOR'1'REAS'1'BRLY L%JfE 13.55 FJIET '1'0 THE BlII:lIfIflNG OF A TAHGEII'l' CURVE TO THE RIGHT, ALOKG SAID 1I0MHEAS1'EKr.Y LlIfB, HAVIlfG A RADIUS OF 922.7:1 FEET; THEllCE ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5':12'''-AN ARC LENGTH OF ".305 FEft TO A POINT OF TANGENCY TIIER!:ON; THENCE CON'1'lllUDfC: AtOHC SAID 1I000000000000Y IWIGlII soum 65"13'51-lAST 286.795 FEET '1'0 THE BEGllfNIIiG OF A KON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 5'30'1:1-WEST A DISTANCB OF 55.00 FEET; 't'HEHCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 59'4:1':19-AN ARC LENGTH OF 57.:1:1 " FEET TO A POIKT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 24'46'09-lAST 15.70 FEET; TBErCE NOR'l'B 89':10'04-lAST 214.5:1 FEET TO 'l'HE BEGIHHIKG OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVIIiG A RADIUS OF 100:1.00 FEET; '1'IIBKCB ElSTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE !BRODGH A CDITRAL ANGLE OF 13'50'35-All ARC LElfG'1'll OF 242.33 FEET; '1HENCE KORTH 29'28':19-WEST 207.28 FEET TO THE 1I0a~ESTERLY LINE OF SAID -TRACT A-OF THE PUT or IfASIIIIIGTON 'l'ECIIIIXc,\L CBNTJ!R; TBEHCE SOCJ'1'H 60"31'21-WEST ALONG SAID 1I0RTBWBS'l'ERLY LL'fE 86.76 FEB1' TO 't'HE BEGIHHIlfG OF A TANG111ft' CDRVB TO TUB RIGHT 'l'HEREON, HAVlIIG·A RADIUS OF 165.04 nET; THENCE 8OU'l'llWESTBRLY AND WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TJIROO(;II A CEIImAL AIIGLB OF 34"52'41-All ARC LEIIG'1'II OF 100.47 FEET TO THE POI1ft' OF IIIIGDIHlIIG. 't'HE ABOVE DESCRlBI!:D PARCEL ACRES. 162,400 SQUARE FEET OR 3.7282 ~~~::::C:lTY WASHINGTON, lIIC. A. HITCHINGS, P.L.S. 6, 1991 (REVISED) 110. 9HOO/SIJR 5:1-B • I - " ~ ... :0: "0-~ ... <0 ~ "0- ~-=....0 -"" => :0 ... -:0: <0- " :0 '0-> , ... ,=> "0 =11'1 -- EXHIBIT B LECAL DESCRIPTION -10' WIDE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT CITY TRACT A PROPERTY "-- 'l'HAT POR'l'IOK or 'rBB socnBiES'1' QtIAR2'l!R or SBCnOK 13, ~Sl!IP 23 KORTH, RAKeE4 BAS'l', W.K., JaJIG COOIft'Y, 1rA.SII:ING'1'O, LYDIG WI'l'HIJI 10.00 1'BB'l' OK 'rBB LBn' IDlB or 'rBB POI.LOIfl:JIa DESCRIBED LDIB: 8EGXNJfXNQ A'r A POnn' OK ~ KOR'l'll&\S'l"BRLY JCARGXK OF OAltESDALB AVENUE waXCB LXBB KORTH 65-13'51-WBS'r 4'1.66 FEB'r FROM 'l'BE XJI'1'I!:RBBC1'%OIf OF SA:rD JQRGDI 1ftm '1'BB 60ihfihESfERLY LDfIr or -!'RAC'r A-or '1'BB l'Uo'r or WAIIIIDIGt'OII' ~CAL CZH'l'BR, PD VOtaKI 122 or PLATS, PAQES ,. 'rO 102, RECORDS OF JtXJrG counr, WUBXIfG'rOIfI 'l'HEIfCZ IIOItmBAS'1'DL1 UDIIQ A 1IOIf-'1'AlfGEll'l' aJRVB 'rO '1'BB LBn' BAv:rNG A RADXUS POXIf'r WHICH BIARS 1f0R'l'll 5-30'13-WBS'1' 55.00 FEI'r, 11lIC01KiiH A CIH!'RAL JUfGLII: or ,,-U'U-, All ARC LBIfG'1'B or 57.33 I'Bft 'rO A PODI'l' 01' 'l'UGBIICYI mEIICZ NORTH 24 -4" 0'-BAS'1' 15.70 FEE'l'1 THENCE KORTH .'·30'04-BAS'1' 214.53 FEI'r 'rO '1'BB 8BG%lfHXKC or A 'rAllGBJI'l' CIlRVB 'rO 'rBB LIn' DVDC A JlADXUS or 1003.00 FU'l'; 'rBBKCB EI.S'1'J!:RLY ALOHC SAm CURVE 'l'IIROIlIa A CI!If1'RAL AJfGLB or 13-50'''-AN ARC LBJIG'l'B OF 242.33 I'BB!I '1'BBJfCB NOR'l'B 2'-21'3'-WEST 207.21 FEE'l' 'rO '1'BB NC.kIBhESiBkLY LIn or SAXD -'1'RACi' A-OF 'rBB PLAT OF WASBDG'rOK 'l'ECBKl:CAL '!htD AND 'l'BB '1'ERKDIt1S OF SAm DESc:RXBBD LDIE. r%RS'1' crrY WASl!INGTOK. mc. STBVEIf A. HU'CiUWGS. P.L.S. Kovmca~ 6.1'91 JOB NO. 91400/SUR 53-B . - I .-.. -lifii-r-IF THEDOc~ilTlriHi~ ~~--IS7rsS'C"ili~-THAiiTii;;";;;;Tici • --QUALITY OF THE DOCUMENT. -H- I '-3100' %1'" .... ::>04 0 .. .. - \ .. -I~= \' PI k-r u I :. I .. - ~ I 4150 32'43- RI92Z,73 LI'9.30S D-1 CITY PARCEL It~ ... s. • S.sOI~.. 'a,~Oo.~, o .. ,~ ~Jr~~...: ~.,.~ "'<J.<t (, ~ .s N ... 30'04' V'Z7'~ .... -~ ---CSOi/TH LINE 0' SlCTION " ~ ROED" Hn'CHINOS.INC. CML __ "I.AHD~ 1UI'ILW. .... a.... ...... JOB 91400 1'-6-'9911'M POINT (I' .EGINNING ,REMAINING PARCn) 4IDoSO'3S· '-1101003.00 LI'Z4Z.33 I ~ltf'7~:' ( . .,-:,.:)" ';:J~-:\ ':>~: 7 < I u < 0: l- • ---', I • • • • , ; ,J EXHIBIT C --"r.-z. lIII8CJI%ftIOJI CRIIHUIIIlJIa..PUCJIL) BLaCIi3UVD CORl'ORAn 1'70lil: -l'DB1I nIX THAT PORTION OF TIIB SOOTIIIfEST OUARTER OF S~ION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RAHGE 4 US'l', W.H., JaNC COOHTr, WASHINGTON, AHD OF '1'HB NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, SAID '1'01fHSHIP AND RAHGE, DE- SCRIBED AS POLLOIfS: BEGINNINC AT TUB r.NTZRSIICTION OF TIIB SOOTH LINE OF SAID SIICTION 13 WITH TIIB SOUTB1fllSTltRLY LINE OF TRACT A, WASHINGTON TECRHICI\L CENTER AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 or PLATS, PACES 98 TO 102, RECORDS OF SAID CODJITYI THENCE NORTBIfBSTDLY ALONC SAID SOUTH- WESTERLY LINE AND ON A CURVII or WHICH THII RADIUS POINT BEARS NORTH SS"39'29" BAST 422.96 FEET, A DISTANCE or 87.91-FEET; THENCE NORTH 22"26'02" WEST ALONC SAID soenHHEStERLY LDIB 263.09 FEET '1'0 A LINE DESICHATED "PERHAHEIIT EASIIHEHT BOUNDARY" 01( U. S. DEl'AR'l'KBIIT OF AGRICULTURE, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVZCE HAP, SHEET 1 OF 3, ENTITLED "LAND RICHTS WOU HAP, P-1 CHAIIJIEL, BAST SIDE GREEN RIVXR WPP, CITY OF RENTON, JaNG COUNTY, WASBIHC'l'ON;" THENCE ALONC SAID LIMB AHD ON A CURVE, '1'HB RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS NORTH S"24'02" EAST 16S.04 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 112.06 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTII 44"18' 11" WIIST 172.96 FE!!T; THENCE ALONC SAID REVERSE CURVE AND SAID LINE 133.74 FEET; THENCE WEST ALONC SAID LItm 367.02 FEET '1'0 A LINE WHICH BEARS NORTH FROM A POINT ON THE SOOTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 13 WHICH IS 1271.76 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTII 133.36 FEET '1'0 THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF OAXESDALE AVENUE; THENCE SOOTH 70"46'34" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH- EASTERLY LINE 13.9S FE!!T '1'0 THE BEGIKNINC OF A TANGENT CURVE '1'0 THE RIGHT, ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE, HAVINC A RADIUS OF 922.73 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 5"32'43" AN ARC LENGTH OF. 89.30S FEET '1'0 A POINT OF TANCENCY THEREON; THENCE CONTINUING ALC.'C SAID NORTHEASTERLY KARGIN SOOTH 6S"13'Sl" EAST 778.46 FEET '1'0 THE SOun;RXSTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT A, WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTIIWESTERLY LINE AND ON A CURVE '1'0 THE RICNT BAVINC A RADIUS OF 422.96 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 110.02 FEET '1'0 BEGIHHIHC. 'Z'QGmn:R WITH TRACT A OF '1'IIE PLAT OF WASHINGTON TECIIIIlCAL CEN1ER, AS PER -PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 OF PLATS, PACES 98 THROUCH 102, RECORDS OF ItINC COUNTY. EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS POLLOWS: . BEGIKNINC AT THE HOST WESTERLY CORNER OF TRACT A, PLAT OF WASH- INGTON TECHNICAL CENTER AS RECOIIDED IN VOLUME 122 OF PLATS, PAGES 98 TO 102, RECORDS OF ItINC COUNTY, WASHINCTON, SAID WESTERLY CORNER BEING AT TH~ INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID "TRACT A" WITH A LINE DESICNATED "PERMANENT EASEKEHT BOUND- ARY" ON U.S. DEPARTKENT OF AGRICULTURE, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVZCE HAP, SHEET 1 OF 3, EHTITZZ "u.HD RICHTS !IOU HAP, P-l CHAJIlfEL, 1/2 -.x~l' ~-,\ - • I - ... U \' .-. :; z '" % ... ':i • .~ ~ .... · ...... :.ua 1~~ ,"'U · "'g '" · -... • :0: I ...... I ~ ... · a: c> ,,,,~ " .." .... j';: ::: ... ~ 'ZC7 , -... ... ,., .f5t- ~~ gW' 'Q::> Q' ..... . :0:'" ... -.... - jl;' .. , . I - ~-.'-- EAST SIDE GREEH R%VER "'P, c:rrr 0 .. RDrIOlf, ICING uaali. "S!I"!)r,,- '1'ON ,-TllEliCE ALOHQ /lAID LDlIl AJID ON A CURVB, '!'HE RADXUS PODft' 0 .. WHICH BEARS MORra 5'24'02-EAST 165.04 FEEr A DIS per 0 .. 112.06 FEET '1'0 A POINT 0 .. RBVBRSE CURVB, ftII IlADIVS POI1ft' or IIIIICB BURS 801ml 44 '18 '11-IfES'1' 172. SIll PBft'; 'ftIBIfCB ALONG SAID Jl&VEItS;!: CURVE AND SAID LINE U3.74 FEft; 'l'llBIICE WBS'1' ALONG s.u:D LDIB 367.02 .. EET '1'0 A LINE WHICH BEARS NOR'l'B FllOK A POIH'l' 011 DB SOU'1'II LIIfE 0 .. SUD SECTION U 1III%CB IS 1,271.711 I'1!Z'l' ZAft OF DE SOUTIIWEln' CORKER 'I'IIBREO", 'l'llBIICB SOD'l'll U3.36 FBft ft mE.' auSTBRLY LIKE 0 .. OAICISDaLII A'VBIIIJZ, 'ftIBIfCB soum 70'46'34-DS1' ALOIfG /lAID NORTHEASTERLY LINK 13." FBB'l' '1'0 'I'I1II BIIIilJfIIDiG OF A DF""'1' CURVE '1'0 TIlE RIQHT, AI.ONQ SAID NOJt'I'IIBASTERLY LDIB, IlAVDII: A JlADIUlI OF 1122.73 "BET, 'ftIBIfCB ALOHQ SAID CURVE 'ftIROUGa A CD 'L UGLB OF 5'32'43-AN ARC LEHQ'I'II OF 111.305 nB'1' '1'0 A 1'O:tIft' OF ~ANQBHC1' THEREON, THEIICB COIITDIIIlHQ ALONG SAID ~ JIIPGT!f soom 65'13'51-EAST 286.7115 I'1!Z'l' '1'0 'I'I1II BBQINR1RG OF A ~~ANQ~ CURVE '1'0 '1'HB LEFT HAVIIJG A RADIUS POIn WIIl:CB BUJUI IJOHH 5'30' U-WBS'1' A DIS'l'ANCB OF 55.00 PBB'l'; !'HElICE woata.ASiERLY AI.ONG SAID CURVE 'l'HROUGH A CEII'l'llAL ANGLE OF 5'"43'3'-AN ARC LENQ'1'H OF 57.33 FEft '1'0 A POIn OF ~ANGBIIC1r: ftDCE HOa'l'll 24'46'011-EAST 15.70 FEE'l'; TBBRCB HORrS 111'30'04-B&ST 214.53 FEET '1'0 '1'HE BEGIKHING OF A '1'ANG~ CURVE ft mE I.Z1"1' HAVING A IlADIUS OF 1003.00 FEB'l'; 'ftIBIfCB BAS'l'IRLY AI.OHG SAID CIIRVB 'ftIJIQIJCR A CEII'1'RAL ANQLE OF U'50'35-AN ARC LENG'I'II OF 242.33 FEEr; 'ftIBIfCE NORTH 211'28'311-WBS'1' 207.28 FEft ft 'I'IIE NORiHWEStERLY LIIJE OF SAID -TRACT A-OF '1'HB PLAT OF WASHDrQ'l'ON 'l'ECHIfl:CAL CZlU .. ; 1HEIfCE 801ml 60'31 '21-WES'1' ALOHG SAID IlOAiHWES1BRLY L1RE 86.76 FEEr '1'0 TIlE BEGIKHINQ OF A '1'ANQBK'1' CURVE '1'0 '!'lIB RIQH'l' iHfRE'", HAviNG A RADIUS OF 165.04 FBB'1'; 'l'HEliCE BOUiiiWEStERLY AND .AStERLY ALONG SUD CDRVl!! 'l'IIRODQH A CENTRAL ANQLB OF 34'52 '41-AN ARC LEHQ'I'II OF 100. 47 FEET '1'0 '1'IIE POIIIT OF BEG%KKIHG • '1'IIE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 363,U5 SQUARE I"EEi' OR 8.3364 ACRES. 'L 2/2 - - WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: .... FIRSTCITy WASHINGTON, t~b:; -o-'~" .I~II 800 Fitth Avenue, Suite f411 70 .. Seattle, Washington 98],04. 'j'. Attention: Dean Erickson ,. ~ ; I. "I r I. Rf~·~·:· :: ;i~(Fi~E C~-~S~Sl_ COHHOH ABA COST-SKAJtI!IG AGRBBXBlI'1' FOR BLACItBIYBR CORPORATE PARr: (Phall •• III, IV..,A, IV-B, V, 'VI, VII'&J1d.VIII) _' _ 1)0 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as ot JULY 23 , 1990 among FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., a washIngton corporation ("Few"), BLACKRlVER IV-B LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washington limited partnership ("BLP"), and JAPAN TRAVEL BUREAU INTERNATIONAL, INC., a New York corporation ("JTBI"). BlI~uaLIl A. Few is the owner ot the real property described in Exhibit A attached (the "Few Property") • B. BLP is the owner ot the real property described in Exhibit B attached (the "BLP Property") • C. JTBI is the owner ot the real property described in &Xhibit ~ attached (the "JTBI property"). D. The real properties described in Exhibits At Band C and outlined on the sketch attached to this Agreoment as EXhibit 0-1, co:prise PhasGs III, IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, VII and VIII ot ~l~ckriver corporate Park (the "park"). Phases III and V (wnich are part of the Few Property), Ph&se IV-B (which is the BLP property), and Phase IV-A (which is the JTBI property) are improved with commercial buildings, parking facilities and other related improvements. Few intends to similarly improve Phases VI, VII and VIII ot the Park with commercial buildings. The total number ot square teet ot site area ot each phase ot the Park i. set torth on EXhibit P-2 attached. E. The parties wish to provide tor joint maintenance ot the Common Areas in the Park and tor the sharing ot Common Area Costs. agREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, the parties covenant and agree a. tollows: -1- I'SO/0l9.07/1119O.AA524 (I • l i • , , I I I I 1 i ...... 1. common Areas. As used in this Aqreement, "Cornmon Areas" shall mean the drainaqe swale depicted on Exhibit E attached, the 'ri.parian forest ,.and rlllated contJquous open space area de['\cted on Exhibit F attached (but only if Few-exercises its riqht to expand the Park under terms of Paraqraph 2 hereof and then only to'the extent }o'CW has maintenance responsibility therefor), the plantinq strip and traffic islands located in or adjacent to private roadways within the Park and the plantinq strips and traffic islands adjacent to public roadways within the Park, to the extent that such strips and islands are not maintained at the expense of a public body, includinq without li~itation all medians, boulevards, joqqinq trails, exercise stations and sidewalks. . . '.'~ '" . 2. Expansion of Park. FCW shall have the riqht to expand the area of the Park to include all or a portion of the real property described more parti~ularly in Exhibit G upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the parties hereto, in which event the Common Areas shall include the riparian forest and related contiguous open space area depicted on Exhibit P, as well as the portions of such Exhibit G property which would constitute Common Areas, as described. in Paraqraph 1 above. 3. Control of common Areas. Until such time as the responsibility for the Common Areas. is transferred to the "Corporation", as defined in and provided for in paraqraph 7 below, FCW shall have exclusive control over the Common Areas for maintenance purposes, responsibility for maintaininq the Common Areas and the riqht to contract with others and employ personnel for such purposes. FCW shall have the riqht to deleqate its duties hereunder. 4. Maintenance ChArge. (a) Each "OWner" (defined below) of a phase of the Park (a "Lot") shall be obliqated to reimburse FCW on a monthly basis within ten (10) days of the receipt of r.n invoice therefor for such owner's share of the "Common Area Costs" (defined below), toqether with an amouot equal to ten percent (10') of the total thereot as compensation to FCW tor administrative services. Prior to FCW' • exercise ot its Paraqraph 2 option, JT8I's share of Common Area Costs shall be 8.4' and 8LP's share of Common Area Costs shall be 9.4'. The share of every other owner shall be equal' to the proportion which the area of such Owner's Lot bears to the area of all other Lots in the ·Park. As used in this Aqreement, the phrase "Common Area Costs" means all expenses paid or incurred in maintaininq, operatinq, repairinq, replacing and administerinq the Common Areas, and the personal property used in connection therewith, includinq without limitation, the costs Of water, electricity, tuel, services, supplies, snow, qarbage and refuse removal, landscape maintsnance, service ot independent contractoral -2- '. ~ " . j I I J • I I 1 " j compensation (incluaing employment taxes ana Irlnge oenefitsj oi all persons who perform duties in connection with the operation, · .. ··maintenance ,.repair, replaceme~ and administration of the Common Areas and its equipment: Landlord's overhead costs, to the extent attributable to the Common Areas: the cost of liability insurance covering the Common Areas, naming all owners as insureds; taxes on personal prop6rt,y owned by Few or the Corporation and used in connecti~~ with the operation of the Common Areas: subsidies and other payments required by pUblic bodies, including those for traffic signals and controls; legal and accounting expenses and all other expenses or charges whether or not described above which, in accordance with generally accepted accounting and management practices, would be considered an"expense of maintaining, operat- ing, repairing, replacing and administering the Common Areas. As used in this Agreement, "owner" shall mean each record holder of fee simple title to a Lot, its heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. (b) Not later than December 1st of each year Few will provide the Owners with a budget reflecting projected Common Area Costs for the coming year, ,together with the reasons for anticipated increases in such costs over the Owner's respective shares of Common Area Costs for the prior year. If an Owner believes that it ,has a way of reducing such projected Common Area Costs without reducing quality or increasing risk, it shall promptly advise Few thereof in writing. Few shall review in a good faith manner owners' suggestions for reducing Common Area Co~ts and, if it believes that the suggested alternative will reduce costs without reducing quality or increasing risk, shall implement the sugge~tion and adjust the budget accordingly. If at any time Few obtains information regarding additional expenses, Few, at its election, may notify each other Owner thereof and adjust the amount of the monthly installments due during the balance of the year to reflect such additional information. (c) Not later than March 30th of each year Few will provide each OWner with a summary of Common Area Costs actually incurred during the preceding year and a co~p~ri=cn of such CQ~ta with the budget for the prior year. If the actual Common Area Costs exceeded budget costa for the year, then each owner shall reimburse Few for that owner's respective share of such costs within twenty (20) days of the receipt of the summary. If budgeted Common Area Costs exceeded actual costs, then Few shall credit against payments next due from each owner that ~~er's share of the excess Common Area Costs paid during the preceding year. (d) Few may enter into an agreement similar to this Agreement with. Rivertech Associates Limited Partnership and Northwestern Kut~al Life Insurance Company, the owners of certain propertie~ located adjacent to the Park, which are cross-hatched ~n Exhibit P-1 attached. To the extent Few enters into such an -3- 'I J ~ i , I i , , t M L~ (l) ,.. -M N C' C ,--a) . -..... " .. ... _ .. agr.eement, and Few is reimbursed pursuant. t ... t-h .. ~~r""",:,nt fer ~n:.· 'costs Ioihlch .. ··conn.i1:ute· .. coli1ll .. on-Area Costs pursuant to this Agreement, the amounts payable by the Owners pursuant to this Agreement shall be reduced accordingly. 5. Enforcement. If an Owner fails to make a payment in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, Few may notify said OWner of such failure in writing. If said Owner fails to make ~uch payment within thirty (30) days, then in that event Few, in addition to all other remedies it may hav.e at law or in equity, shall have· the· right to' make such ·'payment" on behalf of the defaulting Owner and be reimbursed by such defaulting OWner for the amount so paid with interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (18') per annum from date due, but not in excess of the maximum rate then permitted by law. Any such claim for reimbursement, together with interest, shall be a secured right and a lien shall attach to the delinquent OWner's Lot and take effect upon FCW's recordation of a claim of lien in the real property records of King county, Washington. The lien shall attach from the date of recordation in' the amount claimed, plus costs of enforcement, including attorneys' fees, and it maybe enforced in any manner allowed by law for the foreclosure of liens. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such lien shall be subordinate to any bank, insurance company or other institutional mortgage or deed of trust given in good faith and for value now or hereafter encumbering the Lot and any purchaser at any foreclosure or trustee's sale (as well as any grantee' by deed in lieu of foreclosure or trustee's sale) under any bank, insurance company or other institutional mortgage or deed of trust shall take the Lot, free and clear from any such then existing lien, but otherwise subject to the provisions of this Agreement. The failure of Few to insist upon the strict performance of any of the terms hereof shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment for the future breach of the provisions hereof. 6. Rights and Obligations of LeDden. The charges and burdens of this Agreement are and shall at all times be prior and therefore superior to the lien or charge of any mortgage or deed of trust hereafter made in good faith and for value affecting the Park or any part thereof or any improvements now or hl'reafter placed thereon. However, a breach of any of the easements, covenants, restrictions or conditions hereof shall not defeat or render invalid the'lien or charge of any mortgage or deed of trust. The superiority. of this Agreement ehall be LIMITED to the extent that title to any property acquired through sale under foreclosure of any subsequent mortgage or deed of trust effe~ted by powers of sale, judicial proceedings or otherwise, shall be subject to all the charges and burdens affecting the property by virtue of this Agreement, but not any liens filed under terms of ?aragraph 5 hereof subsequent to the date of the mortgage or deed of trust. -4- 1650/0J9:07/11/90,AA5Z4 JIII"r" . . . ~ . _ .... • • 1 , 4 i i 7. Non-proUt Corporation,-At such time as ninety percent (90') of the gross land area of alT Lots in the Park (as the same may be extended pursuant to Paragraph 2 above) is no longer owned by Few or affiliates of Few, FCW will form a non-profit corporation pursuant to Rew Chapter 24.03, or any legislation in substitution therefor (the "Corporation") and transfer to the Corporation all of Few'. rights and obligations hereunder, except such rights and obligations that relate to Few's role as an owner, including rights with respect to the COllllllon Areas, •.• e right to establish ,the maintenance. budget and implement the budget so established, an4 the . right to enter into all contracts !lnd agreements of-general applicability to thd Park, including agreements with governmental agencies. The corporation shall be obligatec! to assUllle and perform all contracts and agreements of general applicability to the Park. The corporation will be comprised of the owners of all Lots in the Park, including Few, with voting being determined on a pro rata basis based on the ratios between the gross land area of the Lots owned by each owner to the gross land area of all Lots in the Park. 8. Duration. Modification and Termination. The terms and agreements set forth in this Agreement shall run with and bind the land within the Park and shall;be and remain in effect, and shall inure to the benefit Of, and be' enforceable by Few or the owner of any property subject to this Agreement, their heirs, successors and assigns for a term of fifty (50) years from the date this Agreement is recorded. This Agreement may be amended by Few, acting together with the other owners prior to the transfer provided for in paragraph 7 hereof, by an instrUlllent in writing, properly executed, acknowledged and recorded in the real property records of King county, Washington. 9. Release from Liability. Any owner shall be bound by this Agreement only during the period such person is an owner, except as to obligations, liabilities or responsibilities that accrue during said period. 10. Rights of Successors. This Agreement snall bind and inure to the benefit Of the partie~ and their respective heirs, personal representatives, tenants, successors and/or assigns • 11. paragraph Head ings. The paragraph headings contained herein are inserted 'only as a matter of convenience and in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of this docUment nor in any way affect the terms and provisions hereof. 12. Not a Public pedication. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any portion of the Park to the public or for the general public or for any public purposes whatsoever. -5- 1654/039:07/1'!90,AASZ4 -- " ....... -/--- ~--,-- 13. Attorneys' Fees. In the event any owner brings or c~mmences legal proceedings to enforce 3ny of the terms of this Agreement, the:euccessful party in such action shall be entitled to receive and shall receive from the other owners, in every such action commenced (including appeals, when final), any reasonable sums, attorneys' fees and costs. -1·4". Hot a Partnershib. 'l'his Agreement is not intended to creato, nor shall it in any way be iilte-rpreted or construed to create, a joint venture, partnership or other such relationship among the owners. FUrtner, this Agre_ent is not intended to create, nor shall it in any way be interpreted or construed to create, any third party beneficiary r\ghts in any person or entity, other than the owners, unless otherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement. 15. Seyerabilitv. It any term or provision of this Agreement shall to any extent be finally adjudicated to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted to that extent and the remainder of tl;lis Agreement shall remain in full torce and effect. 16. Notices. All notices given pursuant to this Aqreement shall be in writing and must be delivered in person, telecopied or mailed by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid, or sent by a reputable overnight air courier service (such as Federal Express, OHL or Emery Express). If mailed, a notice shall be deemed to be received three (3) days after deposit in the United states mail. It delivered by air courier, a notice shall be deemed to be received on the next business day. 'l'he address to which notices are to be given may be changed at any time by any owner upon written notice to the other ~Jnor. Notices to Few and JTBI shall be given to the toll~.inq addresses, or such other address as Few or JTBI shall from time to time designate in writing: JTBI: Few: BLP: c/o The Mat West Company 6919 val Jean Avenue Van Nuys, eA 91406 Telecopy No. 8187994 5026 800 Fifth Avenue suite 4170 Seattle, WA 98104 'l'elecopy No. (206) 382-9752 c/o First City Washington, Inc. 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4170 Seattle, WA 98104 Telecopy No. (206) 382-9752 -6- I ~-. --..:- 17. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws ot the state ot WaBhington. DATED as ot the day and year tirst above written. .. 16S0Ja',07111J90,AAS.l4 - FCWI FIRST CITY WASHINGTON, INC., a Washington corporation BY __ -£~~~~~~~~ __ Dean R. Erickson Its Director of Commercial Properties JTBII JAPAN TRAVEL BUREAU INTERNATIONAL, INC., a ~ew }O~·corporation ItS __ ~~~~ __ -4 ______ __ BLPI BLACKRlVER IV-B LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washington limited partnership By: BLACKRlVER CORPORATE PARX IV-B, INC., a Washington corporation, its general partner BY_' ~t~t/;~iIJfL,:::=:'" ~'~I} ~ .. _ v Kenneth V. Bellamy Its_~~~~~~~~ BY_.@!:.!.!:::.~~:::::::::~~- Dean R. Erickeon Its DireCtgr of CommerCial Properties -7- . -..... ~ ....... ~ "-... : ......... _- BIlIIBITS: Exhibit A: Legal Description ot FCW property (i.e. , ... Phases III, V, VI, VII and VIII) Exhibit B: Legal Description ot BLP Property (i.8. , Phase .IV-B) Exhibit CI Legal Description ot JTBI Property (1. 8 • , Phase IV-A) Exhibit 0-1: Site Planot the Park Exhibit 0-2: Liwt ot Square Footages Exhibit E: Legal Description ot Drainage Swale Exhibit F: Legal Description ot Open space and Forest Exhibit G: Legal Description ot FCW Expansion Area -8-...•.. '. . . ~ . .,." .... "."." •• _ •• Iir"" --' .. '" .... STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On tnis .;; day of , 1990, betore lie, the undersigned, a Notary Public an tor the state t Wa h n~on, duly 1_issi0Il8~a sworn sonl111yappeared ~:~~~~;!~it.~Vi and ~ ( ~ , Iqlownto 1118 to be the ~ . ~ and 3X &.,Z rt4 ot First city washinqto Inc., a washinqton corporation, the corporation that executed the toregoing instrument, and acknowledged .the said instrument to be the tree and voluntary act and deed ot said corporation, tor the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. I certity that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the persons appearing before lie and making this acknowledgment are the persons whose true signatures appear on this document. WITNESS my hand and otticial seal hereto atfixed the day and year in the certificate above written • ..... ,.' ,C~ ~ 0... . .. <I' ...•••••••• If'. -l' l.O eo l ~t"~ .0-,,0., '0. " :~."" ....... j'to I ~~1"'R~'~'" I.. .. .... . I!r 0 .... ~ ;'·",\f.I,'PUD\"\(II\i.: .. \. -;. ... ~ ':' • #I ~/ ... "' ...... 10 ,,'. '. l" e. •••• .. . 0, _,' NOT Y PUBLIC in and for ~ state ot Was ington, residing at .A&tX-. My co_iss ion expires • ~,fg"O..... • -9- - ......... ' .. --. ....... ,' .. ---- i/' ) ss. STATE OF ~jpl)) COUNTY OF ~/n ) On this ttW day of ~i" , 1990, undersigned, a Notary Public~~nd f~r the S~at duly commissioned,and sworn personally appeared~~~~~~~~~ ___ --___ --:-::----"""" known to lIIe to be the , of Japan Travel Bureau International, Inc., a New York c rporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the purposes therein lIIentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instJ:.'Ulllent. I certify ~~~ .... ~~. w or have satisfactory evidence that the person appear~q...)'~ ~;-. and lIIaking this acknowled9lllent is the person whose t-ru ~ 9 ~i. appears on this dOCUlll~nt. WITNESS!III hand-and fficial seal hereto affixed the day and i Nof~"" ~l ' I year in the &e o;e writ n. CO) \.?-o .. £.VJ.,.\~l:"'o+../ tg ", W"'SIIIt' ..... ~ C ................ ::N::::OT=AR=Y~PU:::i~LI~C~i~n~a::::nd~:;f:::0::::r-'l'!":"'1-9/s~t-a':"t-e-o-:f M Washi n, residing at 'lleaue 1 N Hy comm ssion expires l,r~, ~ • l; --en , '·10·' -, ' I STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF t~=1 I Iss. I "-- On this ). ~ day of , 1990, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State ngton, duly ~_i ai9n~d sworn, personally appear and -,1/ • ~ to lIIe knoWn to be the and ~ '11" '.+J- of Blackriver Corporate Park I B, Inc., a Washington corpor~on~ the g-eneral partner of Blackriver IV=B Limited Partnership, a washinqton limited partnership, the partnership named in and which executed the foreg-oing-instrument I and the), acknowledg-ed to me that they sig-ned the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation and partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the persons appearing-before lIIe and making-this acknowledqment are the persons whose true sig-natures appear on this dOCUlllent. ' WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this ceI1;it-icate above written. . .,' . ...,.' .···,'0. ~"" ." . ~ ... ~. f <>! l~OTAfI~""_\ : : 0 .. . 3 su ........ . • 01' \ ·.oUO~\~,\,.:· \ ... ,.~ ..... ~' ,,~ ... "":·ao ' ....• "',\' .......... ," " "" IJ, If 1\'" ,," '1""""".,,,u.····· 16SOJQlfI.7/III9O,AA524 LIC in and ~ state of n, residing-at __ ~~~~zP~~~ _____ . ssion expiresl ____ ~i~·~I~~~=~t~~~ __ • • -11--, - ·'~--.-. -.. .................... EXHIBIT A (1 of 4) . . -'--.. ..... --' ............... ~ BLACKRIVER CORPORATE PARK -LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS' PHASE III That portion of Tract B and Lots Sand 6, Washington Technica I Center, as r,ecorded" i n Vo-lume' 122 .. of Plats, Pages 98 through 102, records of King County, Washington, describbJ ~s follows: .--- Begin~irg at the Northeast corner of sai~ Tract B: thence South 1 degree 45'00" West along the East line thereof and the East line of said Lot 5 a distance of 64.33 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 45.74 feet Southeasterly, when measured radii 'ly from the Northwesterly"line of said Lot 5: thence Southwesterly along said parallel line and its Southwesterly extension'and on' a curve with a radius of 442.60 feet, a distanfe of 48A.66 feet to the North line of said Lot 6: then~e North 88 degrees 15'02" West along said North line 2.42 feet to the East line of the West 42.00 feet of said Lot 6: thence South 1 degree 45'00· West along said East line 206.00 feet to the South line of said Lot 6: thence North SS dogrees 15'00· West alon~ said South line and the South line of said Tra,"'~ B, 277.16 feet: thence on' a curve to the left with a radius of 460.00 feet a distance of 4S.17 feet: thence on a reverse curve with a radius of 25.00 feet, a distance of 35.90 feet: thence North 11 degrees 5S'43· West 237.24 feet: thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 410.00 feet, a distance of 9S.24 feet: thence North 1 degree 45'00· East 265.S3 feet to the North line of said Tract B: thence South SS degrees 15'00" East along said North lin~ 730.15 feet to thA beginning, containing 29S,7S4 square feet for 6.S591 acres. PIII.6E IV B recorded under King County Rec S910279013, said S e ng a portion of the Northq er of Section 24, Townshlp.23 North, -' EXHIBIT A (2 of 4) --- PHASE V Lot 3 of city of Renton Short Plat No. 016-88 as recorded under King County Recorder's No. 8910279013, said Short plat being a portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24. Township 23 North, Range 3 East, W.M.,-in -King County,-Washington. PHASE VI Lot 4 of city of Renton Short plat No. 016-88 as recorded under King County Recorder's No. 8910279013, said Short Plat being a portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 3 East, W.H., in King County, Washington. PHASE VII That portion of Tract B, Washington Technical Center, as recorded in Volume 122 of Plats, Pages 98 through 102, records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of Southwest 7th Street as deeded to the city of Renton by deed filed under Recorder's No. 8702100643, and Westerly of Naches Avenue Southwest as deeded to the City of Renton by deed filed under Recorder's No. 8702100644, records of said County. .-........ ,-.. o .. " '-.•.. !-- EXIIIIl!T A (3 of 4) '-'-'- BLACKIUVER CORPOIiATE !'ARK -PHASE VIII Legal Description rAlc~: Lor Z 0' CITT 0' aElt1'oN LOT Ll"' AOJUST1CtllT 110. c.u 001-86. AS aEcoaOCD U"oca aceOlDINO NO. "0"79004, Iccoaos OF ~'NC COUNtT: TOCtTIIU ",TII TMef A or TIlt PLAr or IIA.SHIHCTDN tECHN.CAL CtNna, AS ,ea PLAT IlCC(JaOED III VOLU"t .u or PLATS, PAceS II TIIIOUCII 10l. ItCOIlDS OF KINO COI/IITY. tXc'£pT THOSE 'aRT IONS THUtor AS C'OilVUCD 'TO THt CITY or IUTOII UHO£l IltCOIlDIHC NOS. '70210064', '7021006" AHD .7092501.0: AND EXetPT TIIAT POITIOII or TUef • AHII LOTS ) AIIP 6 0' VASKIJICTOH TeCHNICAL ctHTCI. AS rE~ 'LAT ItCO«DtD iN VOLUHt 122 0' tLATS, PACtS "'T1CIOUCH 102, lteOlDS or tiNe COUNTY. DCSClIlCO AS rOLLOWS: IECllllll1IO AT THt HOlTHEAST COAlf£I 0', SAID TIlACT I. TIItHce SOUTH 0"4S'OO· \ltsT ALONG TIlt EAST L'lIe THEUOr AHD TIlt EAST I.llIt OF SAID I.OT S, A DISTAHce or 64.33·FIIT. TO All IIITtaSteTIO. IIITH A LIHt,'AlA1.LE1. IIITH AHD '5,'4 rtET SOI/t'IICASTULT, l1li£11 KtASUUO MD'AU,T raDII TII£ lIOaTHlltSTCUoT I.IMt or SAUl LOT 51 TIICHeE SO,unvCSTULY ACOIIC SAID PAULLCL LlIlt AIID ITS SOUTIIVCSTEILT £rfCNSIOI ~. 01 A calVI vrTH " lADtVS or 442,60 rttt, A DISTAICE or 411,'6 FEET 1'0 Till ~TI I.INC or SAID tOT 61 THtllCt ICOlTII "'1$'02· I/tST ALOIIC SAID IIOm·LIIII 2.42 net_to .TIII USf .LIRC or •• THt JIUT. 4Z,~ :rl:ff. or III.lI2 .tpT. 6; nc£llC1: som 01'105'00· II£ST ALOIIC SAro CAST LINI: 206.00 rEET 1'0 tilE SG;ITII LIIIt or SAID LOT ': TII£IICt 1I01TII "'15'00· IICST A1.OIIC SAID SOUTH lollI' AND TIlE SOUTH ,"I~C'O' SoUl nAar I .. 277.J6..PUr, THCllCI; ~ " ~y~ TO TIll: LCrT Vlnc A JAOlVS or 460,00 ncr, " IrSTAllCt or ".n rWI THEllCE Olf J. amUE CII1VC IItTII A MIlIUS or u.oo reET, A DISTAIICE or ".to rm: TII£IIce lIOaTII U·S.'43· VEST Zl7. Z4 rtE1'. ncCllCt 011 J. CllJVC' TO THe IICHT VITII A MIliUS or uo.OO FEET, J. OISTAIICE or ,.,24 rECTI TllCllCE 110m 01'4S'OO· EAST 26S.'3 nET 1'0 TIlE IIN.nc loUIe or SAID TUC1' II tII£Nct S~ as'u'OO· EAST 'LOIIC SAID NOaTH LINC 7)0.1S ,ncr ~ TIlt ICGtlllllNe, . . .. " ncAT POITro" or TIle IIOITIIUST QOAltEa or TIle IIOlt1fl/l:ST quAlna or neflo, %4, TOI/IISIIIP 23 1I01TI, MIICt , un V.II. DCSClnto AS roLLOllS, .CGllllllllO AT nct rmUtCfloll or THe 1I0anc Llle! or SAID steflON 24 VITII THe SOIITIIIII:Snl1.Y LIME or TMCT ·A· IN VA.SHIHOTOII TCCKlCICAL carna, AS PEa ,UT uc:oaoeD I.VOI.UHt 122 or 'U.TS, ,AGU ,. TIIaOUCII 102. lCcoaDS or "NO C:OUHT'l'I 'THEIIOr: HOITR .7'26'40· VEST, ALOIC SAID 1I01T" LINC. 115.'1 PtET TO THC lIoaTHUSTCILT LIIIC.or 0AUS0.u.c AVCNU( SOUT1CVtST: TllUlCC SOIITII 'S'U'''-EAST, J.LOIIC SAro IIOUIlEA~IoT Iollle. 207.SI 'CC1 1'0 THe SOl/TllllCSTClLY LIME or SAID ,TlACf -A" "lID A POINT 011 " evan IlAVIIIC A Il:ADIUS or '22," feET, THe lADIUS POIIIT or WICK lEAlS 1I0lTII 40'4S'IS· t.uTI TII£llCC lIOaTlllltSTULT, A1.ONC 'AID , cuavr; AIID SOIfTHI/CSTtKLT UHC, 110.02 FEET TO THe POINT or ICGIIIUNeI SlTVAU III TII~ Cln or lEIITOM, coum or '"IC, STAre or V"SNIHOTOII, -, ';.' - Ii EXIIIIIIT fI D~":CK-RivER CORPORATE PARK -PHASE vII! (cont inuca) ~.gal C •• cr1pt1on PA.er;k )L ION II TO~WIKtr ll' NOIlK. UNee TIIU 101TIOM 01 ,., 'O~TIIVln qUAlTU Of '''', nelioN II. 11010 TOWINtr AND • ,.n V.K., AND Of 1111 KOITKVnT QUAlTII 0 iAN'I Ol,ell"O A' 10~~OW" . • QU ITII 01 SAID '''TIOK I •• AT • ICOIWMIKO ON lH' 'An ~IMI 01 TKI ,'~~TI~~~~T ~IK~ I 101.10 IItT /lO,~ THI ;1.,11 , /'0 I ItT KOITM-U'OI_'O~ UIT A~OM' ~" ., m I' 01' II rln TO Till LUTtll,Y Of 1410 '''TIOM 141 TKIKce KOAT,NO' :11i~Y 4~ou~ lOAD NO' •• (AUO KNOV. U THI , ... .aOI. Of liND AVCNUI 'OUTK, "~ONO 1410 unULY I(.\I"N ellollLlI /IOHITU Im)1 TKr::,::m"O~~~r',·OO vm,~ TMINee NOITII 00' 11'\1" 101.00 reITI TNCNCI 'OUT ITK II'U'U" VUT ".41 rln TO AN IKTU"C'TIOK IAIl 100.00 FlIT I TKINCII KIO OI A TIAC'T Of \.AND CONVr."U N "'UO A.O QUClneo VITK 1M' 'OUTKV"TU~' L N ,," AND T.I Tl~1 ,olMT 01 IN DecO I!eOIOlO ~NOCJ UCOIDINO NO. 11011001. N ANO OM • eUIVI. ummel Till'" Kou~dlirlll~~ W:"0K IIA,I.D"W'04WV:':::I;:,~:, I mT •• DIITmc r~e I"tiD.~U,' :m: ~~I~~I NNO'IT~ rln~'O"I~TmT It~O~~IN~Ar,o~~~l~~~I,~~~~~ ~!~~ !to~: ~~~~ ':OIW ~fW ~~\~~, 0 "'~ 10 THI NOKTKIAmM ~IN' Of SAID Mm~ TMCT., 11010 .OUKIAITII~" ~INI ,".0 ALiO Till 10UTKVClTII~Y ~INlt,.orOrmT~' VU.'~CTON-' TlC.N'CA~ CtNTra, U"II '\.AT acCOUIO IN VO~UKI. • ' IACt' ,. TO 101 leCOIOI or "NO COUNT'I Tllt.ce NOITIIV"Tel~Y A~ON' IA~: 'OUTKVUHI~' L'ln, ICINO A C~lve or VMlC. TMC UOIU' rOINT 11411. N~I " II''''''" un 612." 'ItT, A DInAN" or 11.11 rrlTl TH'NCt NOlTN"n U 01 velT .~OMO 1410 10~TKvI'Tel~Y ,~INI 1.).0' r'CT 10 A ~I~e oe'lcl.·TI:.,~~~~::~ "A.CHINT 10UNOAIY· ON U.I. 'oe'AITNeNT or ~"TCU~Tvle •• 0 L , ,UYlCe 1(.\'. IlIeeT I or 1. CNfLun "\.ANO 11'"11 VUIl 110'1. I-~ CWAlIWIL. LIst 1101 c~ee~ llyn V" CIT, Of liNTON, UNe COUN". VAIIIINC'TON"I THINet ALOHa lAID ~'Ne AND OW A CUlye, THe LAD lUI 'OINT Of VIIICH 11.1' NOITM 01'14'01" CA.T IU.04 "UT, A OIlTANce or 111.01 /I" TO • 'OINT or UYClU CUlye, THe MOIU. /'OINT Of VK"N IIAli .01l'rK U'U'II" vCIT, 111,16 flITI TUIKce A~OMe 11010 IIVUSC cUlve AKO lAID LINI 1l1.J4 'IITI THIHCt vln A~OHO 1410 ~I.I Hl.02 rlCT'TO A LINe VMICU ICAI' NOITK rlOH 4 'OINT ON TNI lOUTU ~IHI Of lAID ,eCTloN II VIIICK II l,ill.I' rllT C.,T Of THI lOUTNVlIT co INC I TNlllorl TKeNel SOUTM 141.tS "''' TO TKI NOUNUnClLY L'KI or THC CKAUII KONnCl COUNTY 10AOI TKCNce 10UTMCAnClLY A~MO 11010 NOITNIUTn~Y UNI TO A 'OIMT IIIIICIl I&AU MonN U'U'U" vln /10M TMC TIUC 1011tT Of 1I01.NIIIO, lMINce 'DUTIl "'11'11-tAIT 111.40 rttT TO TNI Tlue rOIMT or IICIMNINCI UCcrT TIIAT 10aT'Oil CONVITIO TO Till CITY Of nNTON IY OUD ICCOIOIO UNDII &teoIOIKC 110. 14UII\)40 DUClIIID AI rO~~CIIII THAT 'OITlON or TNI 10,UTMIIUT qUUTU' or fiCTION Il AND Of TUI NOITNVIIT qUAlTC, Of IICTIOM 16, TOIIMIMIP II NOITN, MNOC l &AST, II.H., UN? COUKn, VAIMINGTON oel~IIIIO AI fO~~OWSI . . . . COKHtNCINO AT TUI 10UTHIII'T eOIMII Of IAIP .tCTIOM III TNCNCe 10UTM .","40" un ALONO TII~ 10UTN ~llII' THUIor tall.U rUf! rHINee HOITII U,.II rnr TO Till NOITU LIMI Qr TllhCllAUU KOMIT" COUIITY iOAD 10UTMVUT AU THC TlVC ~OINT 0' I&O'.NlII4I TU~HCC NOITN 10.1t "n TO A LIM' 'AM~~C~ VITM UD 10,00 nn WMI. "&AIVltO AT IIONT AMCLII.,MOXTN or Tue .01TV ~IMC 0' lAID CMAI~tl HO.,T'. lOAD 10UTl\VUTI TIIIN" .OVTM' 70"6'U-un A~ONO UID fAlA~U~ LIMe N." 'CCTI TNIKC' LIAVINO lAID '4LALLtL LIM' AMD OM A ev,ye TO TH' IleWT KAYIHO A MOIVI or tll,7) "IT, A DUTANce or 1t.1I nlTI THCMce IOUTM U'I~'II" CUT 110.11 nIT TO TIII,IOIITII LIMe 01 UID rtCTIO_ III THIHCC MOITM 1/'16'40· VIIT ALOHO lAID .OUTY LI.' 111.61 'PIIT TO TIll vClTu~r LIKe or A 1IACT or UNO CONVI'ID TO "'TIO AMD Ol.CIIIID I. ClIO rl1CO UHDCl .tCOIPtl'l MO. 110110011" ,ICO.OI Of IA'P COUNTY, THINce ,OUTM 11'16'01" CAlf ,~ONO lAID V"TCI~Y LI.I 11.01 rUT TO A 'OINT 011 4 CUIVC HAVING A IlAO'UI or 41.00 'UT. TNe MDIU. 'OUT or VKICU lUll 10UTil H'/S'II" IUTI THlMeI SOUTlllllnULY A~HO UID euuI 11.11 ncr, TIIC~CI lOVTII U'4f'Ol" unT H.SI 'UTI'THlMe, OM A cv,ye 10 Till ~ITT I\AYIIiO A MUIV. 01 110.00 rClT 4 DIlTAKce 0" ,4.10 'UTI THCNce IOUTM 1'11'11" IUT 64.1f ,'UT TO Till HQUM LIMI Of lAID HITIO TMCT, TIICKCI KOITH "'14'41" liCIT O.I~ "" TO TIll UITCkLY LIMI or liMP AveNue .041111 A~'O INOIIN AI TNC eHAILII HOIIITCI COVNTY lOAD I TUtHCI MOITqll~' OM IAI& tA'T'I~Y LI"t AND OM A eUlvI UAVI"O A tADIUI or I I," rllT, TM' tADIVI 'OINI 0' IINICN ICA" 10UTM IS'ZI'I'" 1I1.T, , Dl'TAMce or 141.'6 'lIT ro A POINT OM A cVlve HAVINa , MDIUI or 110,00 reCT, THC IADIUI '01111 Of-IINICM lUll lOUTM U''''''-UST, TUCKec MOITHrAlTCI~Y ON UID CVIVC 1.11 ;U', TUCllee MOITII 14 'U'Ol-un ",Sf rUTI TIiINel OM , eUlve TO TNe LC1' MAVINO 4 MD'U' or 'S.OO "~IT A DIITA"Ce Of IU.6' reCTI lUCllee MoaTN '.'1"'1" vel' 61.10 reeT T~ TIIC HOITIIUSTCILY LINe Of U'D CMILU MOHnu lOAD 'OUTIIVU,,'TII&NCC NOITN 11'11'1'· veST ALOMO 'AIO HOITU"ITCILY LIMe It,ll rCCTI TlleNce ~ • eUlve TU THe Un' HAVIMa A MDIV. 01 lU.U ncr tHO AI.O~O 1410 IIIllfNUIYULY LIMC 111.11 nn, Tuuce NOITM 10'U"'" ~"T I. OHO UIO MOITH&Anll~Y ~IMC n.1I rceT TO THe Tlue ,olrr Of ItcINNIHO, corrAIMIHO l',OII lOUAle 'cefl 4W0 ,'CC" TNAT ,0mON CONYeyCO TO TUI CITY or HeTlO'O~ITA" I&ATrU IT DUD "COIOCO UHDII leeOIOIKO NO. "OIOIOIlV, IITUAT,' IN TIIC CITT Of UNTON, COUNTY or ClMO, lTAU 0' VAil/IMOrIM. •. .J* , .. .. '~ ......... ~. .-..... ' . • I IUIBI'l' • BLACKRlVER CORPORATE PARX -PHASE IV-B LEGAL DESaUPTION . Lot 2 or City or Renton Short Plat No. 015-88 a. recorded under Kinq County Recorder'. No. 8910279013, .aid Short Plat beinq a portion or the Northea.t Quarter ot section 24, Township 23 North, Ranqe 3 Ea.t, W.K., In Kinq county, Washinqton. • 16S0/OJ9.07/11/90.AAS24 UlIIIII . .-..... : .... :: '. -...... :-. -.. " _. -------- 1 EXHIBIT C. IJLACKRIVEH COHPOR/\TE PARK -LEGAl. DESCRIPTION ~--PHASE IV-A Lot 1 of city of Renton Short plat ~o. 016-B8 as recorded ur~er King County Recorder's No. 8910279013, said Short plat being a portion of the Northeaet QUarter of Section 24, Township 2~ North, Renge 3-Ea~t, W.H., in King County, Washingt~n. . '-' " . ' . I I I I I EXIIIIJIT il-: .... > > CU CU CU CU CU III .. .. II .. III III III III III .c .c .c .c .c Do Do Do Do Do I-< I-< CUI-< 0 III> a: !! -W'" ~ -Do ;." --. _Go I "-'\ a: • . . I ~ I -~ :&:;i .,J US ~ I· I ~ ~ -:xl Cle ,.:ac'l ii~fr,1 r,'~' 11:1 IS IliI III I~I .~ • "'. '."",""' ~ .. M ~ o M S --(j) EXHIBIT Il 1 Site areas (Square feet) and a proportionate share of __ ,,_ .F'foject p,,~ses comprising Blackriver Corporate Park: ----- proportionate Site or OJ! Share Phase III 298,784 13.0% Phase IV-A 190,933 8.4 Phase IV-8 214,079 9.4 Phase V 194,473 8.5 phase VI 169,276-7.4 phase VII 683,762 29.9 Phase VIII 534.329 23.4 Total 2,285,636 100.0% •• _::raaa •• ............... • () ., M tg 0 M N S' --a) · -~ . E~IIIUI;r ~: ~ . _ .. _": ____ :") ___ ,10 \V t: L~' ':,,~~. _ • .$u~ -:-.---- ~~_ --,: ~ ---• --H o,',u'oo-'i"'"iiiO -00·--- -~ ._- n· ~'~ . . I ::t~'\llrt=~~~~~~~-;M7~S~.~I':'~'~'ao~'w~~~.~.!!!..----,-------~---.,. 34'.U . .. -.. ",r' -.. -........ -..... , ,~ .... ",·00 ..... ..1-;~'UTILITY &. ~.A1.--X--I~· ~t 1=-'I~ 1&1 C!I c( z c( II:: 0 X a: 0 ... 411 ." . - -' " \. \ . \ CAS(MENT ' , '.1-, lIi' UT Ill' I f I\S£ MEl 5 " 0; o 1 '" 1 " 1 , 01 10 " , .. ,,' 6 " .' \,.-1 10'UTOLlTY , I EASE" I • ~ "0' I \ "'''' .0 2Q'RA I 1 $~::i EASt \ a"-cg \ ...... 11:(1..1 .......... "" N r.l ..... U -.' " . ] J I ! ~ tt5 c ~ ~ o -.... cr. BUSH. HOEO & HlrCHINGS. INC. "iHrAH 1M FONEST-~ Rt:UTED .CQIj! (COUOS OPEN 51'ACE PARCEL B-1 TIlAT PORTlON OF THE SOUTH IIAU Of' SECTION Il,TOIlNSHIP 23 NORTH, RAHCE 4 EAST, W.H. [N KINC COUNTY, WASHI~CTON, Of' JUNCTION ADDITION TO THE C[TY Of' SEATTLE, ACCORD[NC TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN YOWHE 12 OF PLATS, PACE 75, RECORDS OF SAID KINC COUNTY, AND O. C.E. BROWNELL'S DONAT[ON CLAIH 110. 41, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TilE SOUTH QUARTER CORNERaF SAID. SECTION lj; THENCE NORtH. 0'58' 28" EAST ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH CEHTERL1/IE THEREOF 1092.82 FEET; THENCE SOonl 68'D3'54" \/EST )51.1l Fi!ET TO THE TRUE POINT OFBEGtNNINC; THENCE NORTH 68'03'54" EAST 575.56 FEET; THENCE . NORTH 12'01'00" WEST 40.75 FEET; TRENCE SOUTH 77'59'00" IIEST 133.01 FEET TO A P01NT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONC A CURYE .TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 230.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 27'47'31" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 111.56 FEET TO A POINT OF COIiPOUND CURVATURE, THE C£HTER OF SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 15'46'31" EAST 160.00 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CUltY! TO THE R1GHT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 70'48'19" AN. ARC DISTANCE OF 197.73 FEET; TIIENCE SOUTH 82'15'00" IIEST 67.68 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 31')2'22" IlEST 71.06 FEET; THENCE NOatH 81'11'35" IlEST 193.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 82'15'00" IIEST 92.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 35'29'30" IIEST 143.18 FEET; THENCE,NOItTH 74'44'00" IIEST 84.85 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 60'16'00" \lEST 67.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 12'16'00" EAST 97.35 FEET; THEIICE NORTH 68'06'46" EAST 53.79 FEET TO A POINT IIHICN BEARS NORTH 72'04'34" WEST FROH THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 72'04')4" EAST 389.92 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGI!lNING. -:::',H'AINING 182,206 SQUARE FEET OR 4.1829 ACRES HORE OR LESS. PARCEL B-2 THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALl' OF SECTION 13, TO'.INSHIP 23· NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.H. IN KING COUNTY, IIASHINGTON AND OF JUNCTION ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUHE 12 OF PLATS, PAGE 7S, RECORDS OF SAID UNG COUNTY, AND OF C,E. BRDWNELL'S DONATION CLAtH NO. 41 DESCRIIfED AS FOLLOIlS: BEGINN~NC AT TilE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECT10N 13; THENCE NORTH 00'58' 28" EAST ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERL1NE THEREOF 1092.82 FEET; THENCE NORTH 68'03'54" EAST 224.45 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of' BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 68'(1)'54" IIEST 575.56 FEET; TUENCE NORTH 72'04'34" IIEST 389.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 68'06' 46" IIEST 429,32 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85.47 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; TIIENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAY1NC A RADlUS OF 60.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 126'52 '10", AN ARC DISTANCE OF ll2,86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 53'07' 50" EAST 199.18 FEET TO A P01NT OF CURVE; TUENCE ON A CURYE TO THE lIGHT, UAVUIG A RADIUS OF 200.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 53'59'lO", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 188.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 72'52'40" EAST 290,DO FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ON A CUIVE TO THE LEFT, HAYtNG A RADIUS OF 197.00 nET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 39'08'51", AN ARC DtSTANCE Of' l34,60 FElt; THENCE HORTH 67'S8'29" EAST 380,92 FEET; TH!HCE HORTH 11'Z7'I2M EAST 204,86 FElt to TilE TRUE POlNT OF BEGINNtNG. CONTAININC 16~,2b) SQUARE fEET OR 1,194 ACRES HORE OR LESS. --I -- ..• . ......... , lIUSH. HOED 8. HITCHINGS. INC. "'''-.. ..... -rARCEL 8-l (--- TIIAr l'\lItTlON Of TilE SOUTII HALF O~· SF-CTION 13. TOIINSIIIP 23 NORTII. RAIICE ~ EAST. II.H. tN KINC COUNTY. liAS lit NCTON; AND OF JUNCTtON ADDITION TO TH!; ClTY OF SEATTLE. ACCOROtNC TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUHE 12 OF PLATS, PACE 75, RECORDS OF SUD KING COUNTY, TOGETHER IIITH VACATED STRE.ETS ADJOININC IIKICH 1I0ULD ATTAC'I TO SAID PRE.HtSltS BY OPERATtON OF LAII; AND OF C.E. BROIIKELL'S DONATlON CLAIH NO. 41, AND OF TRACTS 25 AND 26, RENTON SIIORE LANDS 2ND SUPPL£HENTAL HAPS 1958, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BECtNNINC AT TilE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID ;lECTION 13; THENCE Nor.:" 00"58' 28" EAST ALONC THE NORTH-SOUTH CEHTERI.tNE TIlERE.OF ·1092.82 FEET: THENCE NoaTH 68"03' 54" EAST 224.45 FEET TO A POINT HEREINAFTEIl CALLED "POINT A": THENCE SOUTH 68"03'54" I/EST S75~56 FEET: THENCE NOaTH 72·04'34" I/EST 389.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 68"06'46" \lEST 429.32 FEET TO THE TRUE 1'OINT OF BECI/llfINC; THENCE SOUTH 85.47 FEET TO A 1'OINT OF CUlVE: THENCE ON A CUlVE TO THE un .. HAVINC A RADIUS OF 60.00 FEET, THROUCII A CENTB.AL ANCL! OF 126 "52 '10", AN ARC DISTANCE OF ll2.86 FUT: THENCE NOlTII 5l"07'SO" EAST 199.18 FEET TO A POINT OF CUllVE: THENct ON A CUIlVZ TO TRII: lICHT, HAVINC A RADIUS OF 200.00 FEET THROUCH A CENTllAL AHCL! OF Sl"S9'lO", AN AIle DISTANCE OF 188.47 FEET; THENct SOUTH 7Z"S2'40" EAST 290.00 FEET TO A 1'OINT OF CURVE; TH£NCE ON A CUllVE TO TIlE L!FT HAVINC A \W)IUS OF 197.00 FEET, TllROUCH i.. CENTllAL ANCL! OF' 39"08'51", AN AllC DISTANCE OF ll4.60 FEET; TllEHCE HOlTH 67"S8'Z9" EAsT 380.9Z FEET; THENCE NOllTH 31"27'11" EAST Z04.86 FEET TO AFOB.£NENTIONED "l'OINT A"; THENCE NOlTH 80"04'48" EAST 2l2.00 FEET: tHENCE SOUtH 42"06'08" EAST ZlS.00 FEEt: tHENCE SOUTII 31"1~'OS" IlESt 358.99 FEET: tHENc! SOUTH 47"10'01" EAST 71.34 FEET: THENCE EASt 114.27 FEET: tH£NCE SOUTH 68.91 FEET to TIlE SOUTBEIlLY LINE OF SAID tRACt 25; THENCE ALONG· tlI2 SOUTBEIlLt LINE OF SAID tRActS 25 AND 26, TIlE FOLt.OIIING COURSES AND DISTANCES: NOB.tll 88"15'00" I/ESt 180.65 FEET: MOlTS 33"07'25" \lEST 154.51 FEEt; NORTH 27"21'32" EAST 387.32 FEET: NOlltH 83"17'25" IlESt 171.17 FEET; SOUTH 46"22'22" I/ESt 324.66 FEEt; SOUTH 72"37'52" \lEST 458.93 FEET; NORtH 70"54'02" \lESt 3S4.Sl FEET: SOUTH 73"56'01" IlESt ll0.08 FEET: AND SOUTH 41 "16' 07" \lESt 316.18 FEEt TO tHE NOlltH BOUNDAllY OF A tRACT OF LAND DEEDED TO KING COUNTY AND DESCRIBED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING KUNBER 6607786: TllEHCE I/EStEIlLY ALONG SAID NOaTH BOUNDARY ON A CURVE TO til! L!n, tHE CENTER IIIIICH BEARS SOUTH 39"41'39" \lESt 627.46 FEET TIIROUGH A CENTllAL ANGL! OF 39"41'l9", AN AIIC DISTANCE OF 434.70 FEET: THENCE NORtH ALONC SAID NORTH BOUIIDAIlY 25.00 FEET; THENCE \lEST ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY 245.69 FEET; tHENCE NOIlTH 156.13 I'IiET; THENCE NORTH 50"39'19" EAST 330. Zl FEET; THENCE SOUTH 78"41'24" EAST 180.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; TIIENCE ON A CURVE TO THE· RICHt, HAVINC A RADIUS Of' 195.01 FEET, TIIROUGH A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 78"41'24", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 267.83 FEET TO TIIE.TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING., CONTAINING 382,725 SQUARE FEET OR 8.786 ACRES HORE OR LESS. PARCEL B-4 . THAT POllTION OF TIlE SOUTHllEST QUARTER OF SECTtOI! 13, TOIINSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.K. IN KING COUNTY, I/ASHINGTON AND THAT PORtION OF JUNCTION ADDITtON TO CtTY OF SEATtc.£, ACCORDING TO PLAT IIECORDED tN VOLUKE l2 OF PLATS, rACE 75, RECORDS OF SAID UNG COUNTY, tOCETHER IIlTH VACATED STREETS AOJOtNING I/HICH \/DULD AttACH TO SAID PREHISES BY OPERATION OF LAI/, AND OF C.£.BROIIN£LL'S DONATION CLAIH NO. 41, PV.SCRII!D AS FOLLOWS: -.. ' .. '.. . .. ".. ;".. ''', .. BEG1NNlNC AT THE SOUTH QUAKT~R CORNER Of 5ALD SECT LON 1J; rll~NC~ NOKTII OO"SII' 28" EAST ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH: CENTERL1NE TII~REOf' 804.84 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER Of' TRACT 26. RENTON SHORE LANDS SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL HAPS L9S8; THENCE SOUTH 7Z"J7'S2" IIEST J82.60 FEET TO AN ANCLE P01NT [N THE SOUTII UNE Of' SAW TRACT 26; TIIENCE NORTH 70"S4' 02" IIEST JS4. SJ fEET TO AN ANCLE rO[NT [N THE SOUTH UN'E OF SAID TRACT 26: THENCE SOUTH 7]"56'01" IIEST DO.08 FEET TO AN .ANCLE POINT IN THE SOUTH LINE Ot SAID TRACT 26; THENCE SOUTH 4\"16'07" IIEST ALONG THESOUTi! LIN'E OF-SAID' TRACT 26 A DISTAHCE ,OF 316.18 FEET TO THE NOIlTH BOUNDARY OF A TRACT OF LAND DEEDED TO KINe COUNTY AND DESCRIBED UNUEi KING COUNTY RECORDING NUKBER 6607786: THENCE \/ESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT. TILE CENTER IIHICH BEARS SOUTH 39"41' 39" IIt.ST 627.46 FEET. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 39"41'39": AN ARC DISTANCE OF 434.70 FEET: THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY 25.00 FEET; THENCE IIEST ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY 245.69 FEET TO THE nUE POUlT OF BEGINNING; T1I£HCE NORTII 156.13 FEET: THENCE NORTH 50"39'19" EAST 330. 21 FEET; THENCE NORTH 33"00'54" IlEST lO9.47 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY HARGIll OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RlGHT-DF-YAY. SAID POINT BEING A POINT ON A CURVE, THE CENTER IIHICH BEARS SOUTH 39"23'00" EAST l853.00 FEET: THENCE \/ESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERL\ KARCIN AND CURVE TO THE LEFT, THROUCH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3"59'19". AN ARC DISTANCE OF 129.00 FEF.T TO A POINT OF COtIPOUND CURVE, THE CEHlER OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 43"22'19" EAST 403D.00 FEET; THENCE \/ESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY HARGIN AND CURVE TO TIlE LEFT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2"48'32", AN AIlC DISTANCE OF 197.57 FEET TO A poINT OF TANGENCY; TIlEHCE SOUTH 43"49'09" IIEST ALONG SAID SOUTH KAHCIN 271.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CUB.VE; TlIEKCE ON A CUIlVE TO THE RICllT ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY KAHCIN, HAVI~ A RI~IUS OF 1571.00 FEET, TIIROUGH A CENTB.AL ANGLE OF 7"l'l'02", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 206.57 FEET TO A POINT OF COHPOUND CURVE, THE CENTER IIHICH BEARS NORTH 38"38'49" IIEST 727.00 FEET; THENCE IIESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN AND CURVE TO TUE RIGHT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16"55'35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 214.77 FEET TO A POINt OF COHPOUND CUIlVE, THE CENTER \/HICH BEARS NORTII 21"43'14" IIEST 1055.00 FEET: THENCE \/ESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY KARGIN AND CUB.VE TO THE RIGHT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLt OF 11"24'08", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 209.95 FEET TO A POINT OF COHPOUND CURVE; THE CENTER \/HICH BEARS NORTH 10"19'06" IlEST 696.00 FEET; THENCE \/ESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY KARGIN AND CURVE TO THE RIGHT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3"44'25", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 45.43 FEET TO THE EASURLY KARCIN OF TilE CHARLES HONSTt:R COUNTY ROAD; TIIENCE SOUTH 34 "\8' 31" EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY tlARCIN 43.46 FEET TO THE NORTII BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT DEEDED TO,KING COUNTY AND DESCRlBED UNDER UNG COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 6607786; THENCE NORTH 74"13'19" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY 443.31 FEET; THEI/CE NORTH 59"53'47" EAST ALONG SAID NORTII BOUNDARY 377.52 FEETj THENCE EAST ALONG SAID NORTII BOUNDARY 35.00 FEET TO TilE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 114,401 SQUARE FEET OR 2.~26 ACRES HORE OR LESS. ~-"'" 1":,',"). \.. ~'rC.~l~ fiRST CITY DEVELOPHENTS ,~, ... > --'. HAY 10, 1989 (~ ~'/c;'~' .~. '" , v J J.1flt.'1tf1l. BRK JOB NO. 89180.00 !JJ l)J . SURV. 29 1 "~.', (j; ~ • > J' .. • I II ...... j .. ," 'j' ; ,+,,::. ~,,:,.,r.; .. '; "S·· ./ -'~' ........ ~ .. \. , .-.. " .". .... , .•• ~ ~ ,:"'1 ';-,," CORP. -" ...•. BUSH, 110('0 U HIl"CHINGS. INC, · ...... - NEW PARCF.L I: --_. .... ------. THAT P(lRTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSUIP 21 NORTH, RANCE 4 EAST "NO THE SOUTItllt:ST QUA~T£R Ot" SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 2) NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST, W.H., KlNC COUNTY, IIASIlINCTON, DESCRUED AS fOLLOWS: BECINNINC AT TilE INTERSECTION Of TIlE EAST LINE Of SAID SOUTIlEAST QUAIlTEIl IlITH THE NOIlTH LINE Of THE SOUTH 650.00 FEET THEIlEOF. SAID NOIlTH LINE BEtNC ALSO THE NOIlTN LINE Of IIASHINCTON TEClOflCAL CENTEIl AS RECORDED IN VOLUHE 122 OF P!:ATS, PACES 98 THROUCH 102, RECORDS OF SAlD COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 88°LS'OO" ,.'\lEST ALONC SAID NORTH, LINE l,099.1a-FEET; THENCE NORTH 1°45'00" EAST 418.89 FEET TO A POfNT Off THE SOUTHERLY LIIIE OF TIlE CHICAGO, KILIIAUUE': ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD RlCHT-oF-IIAY, SAID POINT BEINC ON It. CUIlVE IIITH A RADIUS OF 1005.37 FEET, TilE RADIUS I'OIHT OF IIHICH BEARS NOIlTH )8°15'05" EAST; THENCE SOUTHEASTEIlLY ALONe SAID CURVE AND SOUTHEIlLY LINE 346.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 71°29'03" EAST ALONe SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 912.08 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF TH£ SOUTlI 650.00 FEet OF TIlE SOUTHIIEST QUARTER OF TH.Ii SOUTIlllEST QUAITER OF SAID SECTION 18; TllENCE NOIlTH 89°10'2.5" IIEST ALDrIC SAID NOIlTH LINE 81.57 FEET TO M THE POINT OF BECIIINI,NC, CONTAINING 5.0000 ACIlES. ~ o M N S --(7) FIRST CITY DEVELOPMENTS CORP. "',RIL 19, 1988 ARTIIUIl L. HITCHINGS 81tH JOB NO. 89180.00 SUIlV. 2.9 " . - , , · .... \';XIIIIII'I' G-Pilge 2 Nt:~ P"II';~L ) - Tilt. r l'ORTl O~ Of Tilt: Sf)1JT'{~AST QUARTF.R ,W <FrT I ON I 1, TO<JNSIII r Z J HORTI!, RAIIGe 4 £AST. II, H.. K I HG COU~TY. IIASIIlNGTON. DESCR IBEO AS fOLLOIIS; COttHEHC IHG AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EI,ST LlHE OF SUD SOUTII£AST QUARU::R II[TH TUE NORTII LINE OF THE SOUTH 650.00 fEET THEREOF. SAlD NORTII LINE dEING ALSO TUE ;IOI(TII LINE OF IIASIHNCTON TECHNICAL CENTER AS RECORDED IN VOL'IME 122 OF PLATS. PAGES 98 Til ROUGH 102. RECORDS Of SAID COUNty; TIIENCE NORTH 88·15'00" IIEST .,LONG SAID NORTH LINE 1099.76 FEET; THENCE HORTH 1·45'00" EAST 400.00 fEET TO THE TRUE POINt OF 8EClNNIHG; THENCE ,HORTH'88·1S'oo" IIEST 150.00 F,EET; TIIENCE NORTH 7\'42'49" IIEST 218.66 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12·19'12" IIEST 109.61 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 7\'22')4" IIEST 174.45 FEET TO A POINt ON A CURYE HAVIIIG A RADIUS OF 650.00 FEET THE RADIUS POINt OF IIIIICH BEARS SOUTH 67·05'56" IIEST; THENCE NORTHIIESTERLY ALOII,G SAID CURVE 174.47 FEET; THEHCE HORTH 39'14'15" EAST 4Sl.11 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LIHE OF THE BURLIHGTON NORTHEIUI r'}ULROAD RIGIIT-oF-IIAY, SAW POINT 8EING 011 A CUIlVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1165.09 ~EET, THE RADIUS POINT OF IIHICR BEARS SOUTH 39'14' IS" IIEST; THENCE (plUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CUIlVE AIID SOUTHERLY LINE 267.97 FEET; THEHCE SOUTH 07'35'03" EAST 308.70 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A \W)IUS OF MOOS.37 FEET A DISTANCE OF 248.54 FEET TO A POINT IIHICH BEARS NORTH 1'45'00" C'1tAST FROH THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH' 1'45'00" IlEST 18.89 FEET £Ira THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, COIITAINIIIG S. 7 50S "CRES, TOGETHER IIITH AND 9iUBJECT TO All EASEtlENT FOil INGRESS, EGRESS AIID UTILITIES DESCRIBED AS, FOLLOI!5: .. ~T PORTIOII OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, II.H., 111 KIHG COUNTY, IIASHIHCTON, LYING IIITHIN 30 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLDYING DESCRIBED CENTERLlHE: COHMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 11, IIITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 650.00 FEET THEREOF, SAID HORTH LINE BEING ALSO THE NORTH LINE OF IIASHINCTON TECHNICAL CENTER AS RECOr-DED IN VOLUltE 122 OF PLATS, PAGES 98 THROUGH 102, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NOItTH 88'15'00" IlEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 1,626. SO FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINIiING; THENCE NORTH 1'45'00" EAST 225.00 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVIIiG A \W)IUS OF 853.34 FEET, A DISTAIICE OF 209,55 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12'19'12" IIEST 325.81 FEET; THEIICE 011 A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVIIIG A RADIUS OF 600.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 803.66 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE; THENCE 011 A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 2,745.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 1,916.19 FEET TO THE TERMIIIUS OF SAID CENTERL(NE. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR (NGRESS, EGRESS AIID UTtLITlES OVER THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOYS; COHHENCING AT THE HOST \/ESTERLY CORNER TIlEREOF; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE IIESTERLY UNE OF THE ABOVE DESCRlBED HAIN TRACT 174.47 FEET TO TII(; SOUTIIERLY UNE THEREOF AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTII 71'22'14" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY UNE 144.45 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12'19'12" IIEST 60.87 FEET; TIIENCE SOUTH 71'22'3~" EAST 157 FEET TO SAID IIESTERLY LINE; TIIENCf SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID IIESTERLY LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF 8EG (lIN I !fG • - FIRST CITY DEVELOPHENTS CORP,. HAY 10, 1989 SNII JOB NO. 69160.00 SUNY. lq ....... 1I11<;H, 11(1£:0 It IflrCIfING~, INC, .... '--- HEW PARCEL 4: THAT PORTlON Of THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION II, TOWNSHlP 21 NORTH. RANCE 4 EAST. W:H •• K(HC COilNTY. WASHlHCTON AHD TRACT 25. REIITOH SHORELAHOS 2ND SUPPLEHENTAL OESCRlBEO AS FOLLOWS: COHItENClNG AT TIlE lKTERSECTION Of THE EAST UNE Of SAID SOUTIl£AST QUARTER IIITII THE NORTH LlNE Of THE SOUTH 650.00 FEET THEREOF. SAlO NORTH LUIE BElNG ALSO tilE NORTH LlNE Of IIASHINCTOH TECHNlCAL CENTEI AS RECOllDEO IN VOLUHE l22 OF PLATS • .-PACES'98 THIOUCH 102. RECORDS',OF SAlO couliTY; THENa: HOITII SS015'00" II~ST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 1,626.50 FEET TO THE TIlUE POINT OF BECINNING; THENCE NORTII 1°45'00" EAST 225.00 FEET; THENa: ON A. CUIVE TO TIlE LEFT IIITH A RADIUS OF S53.34 FEET A DISTANCE OF 'Z09.SS FEET; TIIENCE NOITH lZ019'12" IIEST 140.57 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 71°22"4" VEST 413.75 FEET; THENa: SOUTH 31°14'05" \/EST 358.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 47°09'50" EAST 71.33 FEET: THENCE EAST 114.27 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 68.91 FEET TO TIlE NOITII LINE OF TIlE SOUTU 650.00 FEET O!,-" SAID SECTION 13; THENCE SOUTH SSOlS'OO" EAST ALONG SAID'NOITH LINE 454.26 FEET f':) TO THE nUE POINT Of' BEGINNIHG, CONTAllfING S.8Jl9 AClES, TDCETIlEIl IIITH AND ~ SUa.1ECT TO AN 'EASEHENT FOil IHCIlESS, EGIlESS AND UTILITIES DESC&18ED AS FOLLOllSI ,... , -THAT PORTION Of' THE SOUTH HALf' Of' SECTION 13, TOIIlISHIP 2] NOatH, IWIGE 4 EAST, ~ II.K., IN KIHC ~UNTY, IIASHIHCTON, LYING IIITHIN ]0 FEET 011 EACII SlOE OF THE r-FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CEllTEllLlNE: o C COHKENCIHC AT THE IKTERSECTIDlf Of' THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECT 1011 13, IItTH THE en NORTH LINE Of' THE SOUTH 650.00 FEET THEREOF, SAID NORTH LtHE BEING ALSO TIlE NORTH I.INE Of' IIASHINCTOII TECHNICAL ~R AS RECORDED III VOUIHE 122 OF l'LATS, PACES 9S THlI.OUCH 102, RECOllDS Of' SAID COUNTY: THENCE NORTH Sso15'OO" IIEST ALONG SAID NOIlTH LINE 1,626.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of' BEGINNING: TllEl/CE NORTH 1°45'00" EAST 225.00 FEET: THEMCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF S53.34 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 209.55 F~: THENCE NORTH 12·19'12" VEST 325.81 FEET: THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVINe A RADIUS Of' 600.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 803.66 FEET TO A POINT Of' COHPOUND CURVE: THENCE ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 2,745.0D FEET A DISTANCE OF 1,916.19 FEET TO THE TEIUUNUS OF SAID CENTEllLlNE • FIRST ClTY DEVELOI'HENTS CORf'. KAY la, 1989 BRK JOB NO. 89180.00 SURV. 29 • ",.:,.,;..-. o ... UUSH. HOl:U tit HII \.1 ttNl'~l. INC E)(1t TlH'!' G-1'.~.~.4. . Iw.IJ ··PARCE L ~: ...... TltAT PORrlON OF rilE SOUTH ItALf Of SECT'(ONn, TO"NSItIP 2) NORTH, RANC!:: , EAST ". H., K I HC COUNTY, "ASIIII'ICTON, OESCR1Bf.O AS fOLLOIIS: BEC lNNlHC AT TilE lNTERSECTION Of TilE EAST LlHE Of SAlD ~ECTlOH I) IIlTIl THE IIORTH L1Hf. OF THE SOUTH 6S0.00 fEET TIIEREOF, SAtD NORTH LtllE BElNC ALSO THE NORTII LtNE OF WASHtNCTON TECIiNtCAl CENTER AS RECOROED tN VOlUHE 122 Of PLATS, PAGES 98 THROUGII 10Z, RECORDS OF SAtD COUNTY: THEIICE NORTH 88'IS'oo" IIEST ALONG SAlO NORTH lINE 2080.11 fEET: THENCE NORTH 68.91 fEET: THENCE IIEST 11'''.21 fEET: T1IENCE NORTH 41'09'SO" IIEST 71.33 fEET: THENCE NORTH )\'14'OS" EAST )58.99 FEET TO THE TRUE'POtNT OF BECtNHINC: THENCE NORTH 4Z'06'08" IIEST Z15.00 fEET: THENCE SOUTH 80'04'48" IIEST Z3Z.OO fEET: THENCE NORTH 12'01'00" WEST 40.75 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 77'59'00" WEST 133.03 FEET; THENCE Oil A CURVE TO THE RlGHr RAVING A RAOtUS OF Z30.00 FEET A OlSTAHCE OF 111.56 FEET TO A POtNT OF COHPOUND CU~VE; THENCE ON A CURVE RAVING A RADIUS OF 160,00 FEET A D1STAHCE.·. OF 197.73 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 82'15'00" WEST 67.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31'32'22" WEST 71.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 81'11'35" \lEST 47. 50''TEET TO A POINT OF A (lIB.Y! HAVING A RADIUS. OF 650.00 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 52'42'12" EAST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 1359.12 FEET TO A POINT WlCH BEARS NORTH 71'22' 34" EAST FB.OH THE nUE POINT OF BEGIIINING; THENCE SOUTH 71'22'34" WEST 239.30 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINIIING, CONTAIIIING 6.3831 ACRES, TOGETHER IIITH AN EASENENT FOR INGRESS, ECRESS AND UTILITIES DESCUBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT THE HOST EASTERLY COB.NER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE NORTH 71'22' 34" EAST ALONG AN EXTENSION OF THE SOUTHERLY UNE THEREOF 144.45 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12'19'12" WEST 60.87 FEET; THENCE SOUTII 71'22'34" WEST 157 FEET TO THE NORTIIEASTERLY LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCB.IBED TRACT; THEllCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE TO BEGINIIING, ALSO AN EAS&HEHT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES DESCR1BED AS FOLLOUS: TRAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH RALF Of SECTION 13, TOUNSHIP 23 NORTH, RAIIGE 4 EAST, W.H., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTOII, LYING WITHIN 30 FEET OK EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCB.IBED CENTERLINE: COHHENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF ~AID SECTION 13, WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 650.00 FEET THEREOF, SAID NORTH LINE BEINC ALSO 'THE NORTH LINE Of WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER AS RECORDED IN VOLtJl{E 122 OF PLATS, PAGES 98 THROUGH 102, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY: THENCE NORTH 88'15'00" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 1,626.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of' BEr.1NNING; THENCE NORTII 1'45'00" EAST 225.00 FEET; THENCE Oil A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVtNG A !WIIUS OF 853.34 FEET, A DlSTANCE OF 209.55 FEET: THENCE NORTH 12'19'12" WEST 325.81 FEET: TIIENCE ON A CURVE TO TilE LEFT RAV1NG A RADtUS OF 600.00 FEET A DIST.\NCE OF 803.66 FEET TO A POtNT.OF COHPOUND CURVE; THENCE ON A CURVE HAV(NG A RADIUS OF 2, 745.01' FEET A Q(STANCE OF 1,916.19 FEET TO THE TERH1NUS OF SAtD CENTERltHE. - • F1RST CITY DEVE~OPHENTS CORP. RAY 10, 1989 BRH JOe NO. 89l80.00 SURV. 29 ......... ; . , ..... . "," . . ........ . -. -'-. ...... IIUSII. HOEn I~ I liTe, liNGS. INC 1::_X~!.!l!L (;,-. l~a~l',' .. ~ NE~ PARCEL b ' . TltAU0iii'i7I,tiJF rolE' S,iUTHE,(sr QUAltTt1I Of SFC.TlIIN 11, TOIINSlllP 2) NORTH, RANCE , F.AST, \.I.H., Kr!lC COUIiTY. IIASII1N.;'fON. DESCRlBEU .'S fOLLOIIS: ' COHHENC!N/; t.':' Tiff. SOUTIf QUARTER CORNER Of S.UO SECTION 11; THENCE NORTIl 00" ~8' 28" I',\ST ALONe THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE Of SAIO SECTION 1). A DISTANCE Of 884,84 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER Of TRACT 26 Of REIITON SIIORELAIIDS SECOND SUPPL£HEIITAL /tAPS, ACCORDlHe TO TilE UNRECORDED PLAT THEREOf; TIIENCE SOUTH 72")7'52" IIEST ALONC THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID TKACT 26, A DISTANCE or )82.60 FEET; THENCE NORT~ 70"54'02" \lEST ALONC THE SOUTH BOUNDARY Of SAID TRACT 26, A DISTANCE OF 7).51 FEET TO. THE EAST'LINE'Of THE CHAR~S BROIINELL DONATION LAND CLAIH NO. 41; THEIICE NOILTH 01"24'04" EAST ALONC SAID EAST Lure 498.lS FEET; THENCE SOUTH 81'11'35" EAST 119.19 FEET TO A POINT ON CURVE HAVIIiC A RADtUS Of 650.00 fEET, THE RADIUS POINT Of IIIItCH BEARS SOUTH 52'42'12" EAST; TII£I/CE NOILTHEASTERLY ALONC SAlD CURVE 538.45 FEET TO THE 'TRUE POtllT OF BEaINNtNC;. THENCE CONTINUE ALONe SAID CUIlVE 646.21 fEET; TIIENCE NOB.TH 39"14 '15" EAST 453.11 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE BURLINCTON NOILTHEIN RAILROAD R.IGKl'-oF-WAT, SAID POINT BEtNG ON A CURVE HAVtNe A RADIUS OF 1,165.09 FEET, THE IWlIUS. POtNT OF IIHICH BEARS SOUTH 39"14'15" IIEST; THEllCE IIESTERLY ALONG SAlD CUIlVE AND SOUTIIEB.LT LINE 829.08 FEET TO A COHPOUND CUIlVE; TII£I/C'l: 011 A CDB.VE HAVING A IWlIDS OF 2,814.93 FEET A DIST~C£ OF 79.20 FEET TO A POINT IIHICH BEARS NOIlTH I"Z4 '04" EAST FROK THE TRUE POtNT OF BEGINNIN .. ; Tll£l/CE SOUTH 1"24 '04" IJEST 365.48 FEET TO THE TRUE POtNT OF IIEGINNING, CONTAtNING 7.1029 ACRES, TOGETHER IIITH AND SUBJECT TO AN EASEHENT FOil INGRES5, EGB.ESS AND UTtLtTIES DESCB.IBED AS FOLLOIIS: THAT POB.TION OF THE SOUTH IWI OF SECTION 13, ToIINSHIP Z3 NOB.TH, RANC& 4 EAST, II.H., IN KING COUNTY, IIASHINGTON, LYING wtTIIIN 30 FEET ON EACH StDE 01' THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COHKENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 13, IIITH THE NOILTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 650.00 FEET THEREOF, SAID NORTH LINE BEtNG ALSO THE NORTH LINE OF IIASHINCTOH TECHNICAL CENTER AS. RECORDED IN VOLUME 122 OF PLATS, PACES 98 THROUGH 102, aECOllDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NOB.TH 88'15'00" \lEST ALONG SAID NOB.TH LINE 1,626.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TIlliNCE NORTH 1"45'00" EAST 2Z5.OO FEET; TII£I/CE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING Ie. RADIUS OF 853.34 FEET; A DISTANCE OF Z09.55 FEET; THENCE HORTH lZ"19'12" \/EST 325.81 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 600.00 FEET A DISTANCE Of 803.66 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE; THENCE ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 2,745.00. FEET A DISTANCE OF 1,916.19 fEET TO THE TERHINUS OF SAID CEN'i'ERLlNE • ... • FIRST CITY DEVELOPHENTS CORP. HAY 10, 1989 • aRK JOB NO. 89180.00 SURV, 29 _. f f IIJSH. IIOED 1\ HI rCHINGS. INC. EXt! IJl..~'I' G :.,,1'''9!,~_~ NE""I'ARCt:L I:' "-- T'.'.H PORTION Of TilE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 11, TO<INSIlIP 21 MIRTH, R~N.;t: 4 LAST, 1/. H., K INC COU1ITY, 1/.0.511 IHCTON, OESCR I HEO AS FOLLO<IS: CUHHeNCINe AT TilE SOUTII QUARTER CORNER Of SAID SECT[ON I]; THENCE NORTH 00'58' 28" EAST ALONe THE NORTH-SOUTH CEPlT£RLlNE OF SAID SECTION I], A DISTANCE OF 884.84 fEET TO TilE SOUTHEAST CORHER Of TRACT 26 OF RENTON SHORELAHDS SECOND SUPPLEliEIITAL l1APS, ACCORDING TO THE UNRECORDED PLAT THEREOf; THENCE SOUTH 72')7'52" IIEST ALONC TIlE ~OUTH BOUNDARY Of SAID TRACT 26, A DISTANCE OF 382.60 FEET; TlIENCE 1I0RTH 10'54'02" IIEST ALONC·THE SOUTH BOUIIDARY Of SAID TRACT 26, A D[STANCE Of 73.5 (FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE CHARLES BROIINELL DONAnOH LV/D CLA[H IlUHBER 41; THEIICE 1I0RTH 01'24'~" EAST ALOIIG SAID EAST LINE 498.15 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of BECINHING; THEHCE NORTH 1'24 '04" EAST ALO/IC SAID EAST LIIiE 509.58 FEET TO THE SOUTH LIHE OF THE BURLINCTON 1I0RTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT- OF-IIAY; THE.'ICE EASTERLY ALOIIC SAID SOUTH LINE AND ON A CURVE HAVIIIG A RADIUS OF 2,814.93 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF IINICH BEARS SOUTH 14'57'22" EAST, A DISTANCE. OF 580.22 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 1'24'04" IIEST 365.48 FEET TO A POINT OF A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 650.00 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF IIHICII BEARS SOOTH 5'14'26" EAST: THENCE \/ESTERL! ALONe SAID CURVE 538.45 FEET TO A POIHT IIHICII BEARS SOUTH 81'11'35" EAST FRCH THE TRUE POINT OF BECINNIIIG: THEIICE NORTH 81'11' 35' IIEST 119.19 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BECINNING CONTAINING 5.8480 ACRES, TOCETHER IIITH AND SUBJECT TO AN EASEHENT FOR INGRESS, ECRESS AND UTILITIES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF TIlE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 13, TOIINSHIP 23 NORTII, RANCE 4 EAST, II.H., III K[NC COUNTY, IIASHINCTON, L'iINC IIITilIN 30 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOIIIIIC DESCRIBED CENTERLlHE: COHME.'ICINC AT THE INTERSECT lOll or THE EAST LINE or SAID SECTION 1), WITH THE NORTH LIIIE OF THE SOUTH 650.00 FEET THEREOF, SAID NORTH LINE BEINC ALSO THE NORTH LINE OF WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER AS RECORDED IN VOUJlfE 122 OF PLATS, PACES 98 THRDUCII 102, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; TIIENCE NORTH 88'15'00" IlEST ALONC SAW NORTH LINE 1,626.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POIHT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NOIlTH 1'45'00" EAST 225.00 FEET: THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 853.34 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 209.55 FEET: THENCE NORTH 12'19'12" \/EST 325.81 FEET: THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 600,00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 803.66 FEET TO A POIHT OF COHPOUND CURVE: THellCE ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 2,745.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 1,916.19 FEET TO THE TERHINUS OF SAID CEHTERLINE. FIRST CITY DEV:LOPHENTS CORP. HAY 10, 198~ BRH JOB NO. 89180,00 SURY. 29 ... " -. u "-- i I . " :" ~,:;;4 . .. , ..... ..... '" .. " ." .... nusl f. HO!:T) H. t tI rCIIINl;~;. INC "'-.... NEII PARCEL 8 Til AT PORTION O~:TIIE 'SOUTI(IIt;ST··QU,,·RTER-tlf SEt"TION I J; TOIINSlt( P 2 J NORTH, PANGE 4 "AST, 11.1t., l:< "IN'; C.)U;;T1, 1oIA5I1WCTOr: ,\/10 TII.\T rORTtON Of JUNCTION AnnlTION TO CITY Of SEATTLE, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 12 Of PLATS, PAGE 75, RECORDS Of S,UD KING COUNTY, TOCETIIER IIITH VACATED STREETS ADJOUIING IIHICH IIOULD AnACH TO SAID PREHISES BY OPERATION Of LAII, AND Of C,E. BROIINELL'S DOHATION CLAIH NO. 'I, DESCRI8ED AS fOl.LOIIS: '1 :, " J J COMHENCING AT rHE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 13; THENCE NORTH 00· 58' 28" EAST ALONC THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE THEREOF 884.84 FEF.T TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER, OF TRACT 26; REtmlN SHORELANDS SECONO S,UPPLEHENTAL HAPS· 1958; THENCE SOUTH 72·)7'S2" IIEST 382.60 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID TRACT 26; THENCE NORTH 70·S4'02" IIEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 73.51 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID C.E. 810llNELL'S LAND DONATIOII LAND CLAIH NO. 41; THENCE NORTH 1·24'04" EAST ALONG SAID EAST UNE '498.15 FEET TO THE nUE POINT OF, BEGINNING; THENCE NO~TH 81·II')S~ IIEST 26.31 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 82·1S'oo" \lEST 92.99 FEET; THENCE'SOUTH )S·29')0" \lEST 1').18 FEET; THENCE NOlTH 74·,,'00 IIEST 84.85 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 60·16'00" IIEST 67.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 12·16'00" EAST 97.3S FEET; THEIICE SOUTH 68·06'46" IlEST ltO.S) FEET; TlfEllCE NOlTH 12·16'00" IIEST 140.00 FEET; THENCE NOlTH 19·41'48" EAST 80.00 FEET; THENCE NOlTH 0·'1'48" EAST 240.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 26·'5'10" \lEST 154.31 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE BUlLINCTON NOlTHE8.lI RAILltOAD RlGHT-DF-IIAY, SAID POtNT, BEtNG 011 A CDlVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1768.DO FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF IIHICH BEAlS SOUTH 26·,5'10" EAST; THEIICE EASTERLY ALOIIG SAID CURW AND SOUTHERLY LIIiE 1S7.S2 FEET TO A COHPODIIIl CUlVE: THEIICE 011 A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 8603.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 2(,4.5' FEET TO A COHPOUND CURVE: TIfEIIC& ON A CURve HAVIIiG A RADIUS OF 1,922.10 FEET A DISTANCE OF 178.79 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINt:: OF SAID C.E. BROIINELL'S DOIIATIOII CLAIH 110. 41: THENCE SOUTH 1·24'04" IIEST S09.S9 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIIIG, CONTAIIIIIIG 5.5no ACRES, To..ETHER IIITH AND SUBJECT TO All EASEHEIIT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UT[LITIES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTIOII 13, TOIIIISHIP 23 1I0RTH, RANGE 4 EAST, II.H., IN KING COUNTY, IIASHINCTOtI, LYING II[THIN 30 FEET ON EACH SICE OF THE FOLLOIIING DESCR[BED CENTERLINE: COHI1ENCING AT THE INTElSECTlON OF THE EAST· LINE OF SAID 'SECTlON 13, IIITH THE NORTH UNE OF THE SOUTH 650.00 FEET THEREOF, SAID NORTH LINE BEING ALSO THE I'ORTH UNE OF IIASHINCTON TECHNICAL CENTER AS RECORDED IN VOLUHE 122 OF PLATS, PAGES 98 TIIROUGII 102, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; TIIENCE NORTII 88·15'00" IIEST ALONG SAW NORTIIUNE 1,626.50 FEET TO TIlE TRCE POINT OF ilECINNINC; TIIENCE NORTH 1·45'00" EAST 225.00 FEET; THEHCE ON A CURVE TO TilE LEFT flAVING A RADtuS OF 8S3.34 FEET, A DisTANC~ OF 209.55 FEET; THEHCE NORTH 12·19'12" IIEST 325.81 FEET: THENCE ON A CURVE TO TIlE LEFT I~VING A RADIUS OF 600.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 803.66 FEET TO A POINT OF COHPOUND CURVE; TIIEtlCE ON A CURVE flAVINC A RADIUS OF 2,745.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF' 1,916.19 FEET TO THE TERHINUS OF SAID CEtm::RUNE. ' FIRST CITY DEVELOPHENTS CORP. HAY 10, 1989 BRN JOB NO. 89180.00 SURV. 29 -- - i ,.' , .... 111151 I, HOED 1\ HITCHINGS. INC NUl l'AKeEl ~ -.. mAT PORtiON or rilE SIlUTIIIIEsr 'IU.\RTEK or SECTION II; TOUNSIIIP 21 NORTII. RANCE " EAST. II_H, :---i~ K-iN<:-COU~TY'-1I.ISlIliH.-TO!l--o\l«) TIIAr PORTION or JUNCTION ADD[TlON TO CITY or St:AT_TlE. ACC<lRD[NG TI) rLAT RECORDED III VOlUl1E IZ or PLATS. PACE 75, KECORDS Of' SAID KINC COUNTY, TOGETlIER IIITII VACATED STREETS ADJO[IIINC IIH[CII 1I0UlD ATTACH TO SAID PREIIISt:S 8Y OPERATION or U.II. AND or C,E, 8ROUHElL'S OONATION t:LHH NO, 41. DESCRIBED AS fOlLO\.lS: CO.~HEIIC(NC AT T,IE SOUTII QUARTER CORNER Of SA(O SECTlON 11; THENCE NORTH 0)0· 56' 28" EAST ALONC THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERL(NE THEREOf 884.84 fEET TO THE SOUTIIEAST CORNER Of TRACT 26, RENTON SHORELAHOS SECOND SUPPLEI1ENTAL MAPS 1958; THEHCE SOUTII 72 0)7' SZ" IIF.5T 182.60 FEET TIl AN ANeLE POINT IN TilE SOUTH LINE Of SAW TIU.CT 26; TIIENCE HORTH 70°54'02" IIEST ALONe SAID SOUTH LINE n.51 -FEET ,TO THE EAST'LINE Of SAID C.E. SROWNELL'S OONATION'CLAIM NO. 41; THENCE NORTH I°Z4'04" EAST ALONC SAID EAST LINE 498.15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 81°11']5" IIEST '~.)1 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 8Z01S'OO" IItsT 92.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 35°29'30" IIEST 143.18 FEET; TKENCE NORTH 74°44'00 IIEST 84.85 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, 60°16'00" IIEST 67.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 12°16'00" EAST 97.35 FEET; THENCE- SOUTH 68°06'46" IIEST 110.53 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF SEGINNIHG; TKENCE SOUTH 68°06'46" IIEST 265.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 195.01 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF IIHICIt BEARS IlEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 267.83; THENCE NORTH 78°4('24 IlEST 117.64 FEET; THENCE NOltH 1°24'04" EAST ZOO. 9 7 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEILY UNE OF ';'HE BURUNCTON NOITHERN RAILROAD RIGKT-OF-IIAY, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 10,543.00 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF IIHICH BEARS SOUTH 36°S0'42" EAST: THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CUIlVE AND SOUTHERLY LINE 93.53 FEET TO A cafPOUND CURVE: THENCE ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,6l7.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 193.93 FEET TO A COKPOUND CURVE; THENCE ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 6,738.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 197.76 FEET TO A COKPOUND CUllV£; THENCE ON A CUIlVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,768.00 FEET A OISTANCE OF 36.93 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 26°45'10" EAST 154.31 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 0°41'48" IlEST 240.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 19°41'4S" IIEST 80.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 12°16'00" EAST 140.00 FEET TO THE TIlUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 5.)]32 ACRES, TOGETHER IIITH AND SUBJECT TO AN EASEHENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOIIS: THAT PORTION OF TII£ SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 13, TOIIIISHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, II.H., IN KING COUNTY, IIASHINCTON, LYING IIITHIH 30 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOIlING OESCRIBED CENTERI.INE: ~~ENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 13, IIITH THE NORTII LINE OF THE SOUTH 650.00 FEET TII£REOF, SAID NORTH LINE BEING ALSO THE NORTH LINE OF IIASilINCTON TECHNICAL CEHTEIl AS RECOIlDED IN VOLUME 122 OF PLATS, PAGES 98 THROUGH 102, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY: THENCE NORTH 88°15'00" IIEST ALONG SAID /lORTII LINE 1.626.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIHG; THENCE NORTII 1°45'00" EAST 225.00 FEET; THENCE OM 'A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 85).34 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 209.55 FEET: THENCE NORTII 12°19'12" IIEST 325.81 FEET: TIIENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 600.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 803.66 FEET TO A POINT OF COHPOUND CURYE: THEIICE ON A CURVE HAYING A RAOIUS OF Z.745.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 1,916.19 FEET TO TilE TERHIIIUS OF SAID CEIITERLINI>. - • FIRST CITY OEVELOPH~NTS CORP. HAY 10, 1989 BRK JOB NO. 89180.00 SURV. 29 --, ' , - i ." ... I':XIIIIII'I' G -Pan" <) ... ---________ ._J. __ "-NElr "ARCEl ..0-' ..... _._ . TIt'Ar'PORTf';NOF 'Tilt: 5.IUTIlIlf.Sf 'IUARf£R Of SECTION I J; ToI.rl/S1l1 P 2 J NORTlt. RAIIGI:: 4 EAST, II.H., IN KIN'; COUllfV, 1I.\SHINl."UN "NU fliAf rORflON Of JUNCTION ADDITION TO CITV Of SEATTLE, ACCORO[NG TO PLAT RECOROf.O [N VOL~E 12 Of PLAfS, PACE 75, RI::COROS Of S.~IO K[NG COUIITY, TQ.;ETIIER IIITII VACATED STREETS AOJO[NING III1ICII IIOUlD ATTACII TO :;AIO PR£ltISES BV OPERATION OF LAII. AND OF C.E. BROIINELL'S OONAT [ON CL."H 110. 41. Ot:SCR I BED AS FOLLOIIS: CO:lHEIICIIIG AT TilE SOUTH QUARTER CORIIER Of SA[D SECTION 11; THEHCE NORTH 00° 50' 20" EAST ALONG TItE IIDRTH-SOUTll CEIlTERLIIIE THEREOF 004,84 FEET ,=0 THE SOUTIIEAST CORNER OF TRACT 26, RENTON SIIOREWOS 'SECOHD SUPPLEHENTAL HAPS 1958; THEIICE SOUTH '2°37'52" IIEST 382.60 FEET TO All AIIGLE POINT IN THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 26; THEIICE IIORTH 70°54'02" IIEST 154.5) FEET TO All AIIGLE POINT IH TilE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 26; THEIICE SOUTH 73°:;6'01" IIEST 1)0.00 FEET TO All AIIGLE POINT IN TilE SOUTll LINE OF SAID TRACT 26: THENCE SOUTH 41°16'07" IIEST ALOIIG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAlO TRACT 26 A DISTANCE OF 316.18 FEET TO A POINT 011 THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF A TRACT OF LAND DEEDED TO UIIG COUNTY AND DESCRIBED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDIIIG NUHBER 6607786, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVIIIG A RADlIIS OF 627 .46 FEET, TIlE RADIUS POINT OF IIIIICH BEARS SOUTH 39°41' 39" \lEST; TIIENCE \/ESTERLY ALONG SAID CUIlVE AND IIORTII BOUIIDARY 373.11 FEET TO TIlE TRUE POINT OF BEGlIINING: THENCE IIORTH 1°24'0'" EAST 582.36 FEET TO A POINT ,011 THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF TIlE BURLINGTON NORTHER:I RAILRO ... D RIGHT-oF-IIAY, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 10543.00 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF IIIIICH BEARS SOUTH 36°50'42" EAST; THENCE IIESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AIID SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 92.98 FEET TO A POINT OF COIiPOUIID CURVE: THENCE ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,853.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 194.75 FEET TO A POINT OF COKPOUND CURVE, THE CENTER OF SAID CURVE BEo\RS SOUTH 43°22'19" EAST 4,030.00 FEET: THEIICE IIESTERLY ALONG S ... ID SOUTHERLY H ... RGIN AND CURVE TO THE LEFT, TIIROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2°40'32", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 197.57 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE SOUTH 43°49'09" \lEST ALOIIG 5 ... 10 SOUTH HARGIN 271.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE: THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE lIGHT ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY HARGIN, HAVING A RAOtuS OF 1,571.00 FEET, TIIROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7°32'02", AN ARC OISTANCE OF 206.57 FEET TO A POINT OF COHPOUND CURVE, THE CENTER IIHICH 8EARS NORTII 38°38' 49" IIEST 727.00 FEET: THENCE IIESTERI.Y ALONG SAlD SOUTHERLY KARCIN AND CURVE TO TIlE RICHT, THROUCH A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 16°55'35", AN 'ARC DISTANCE OF 214.77 FEET TO A POINT OF COKPOUND CUIlVE, THE CENTER IIHICH BEARS NORTII 2f043'14" IIEST 1,055.00 FEET: TIIEIICE IIESTERLY ALONC SAID SOUTHERLY KARCIN AND CURVE TO Til! RICIIT, TIIROUGII A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 11024 '00", AN ARC DlSTANCt: OF 209.95 FEET TO A POIlfT OF CO:fPOUND CURVF. TilE CENTER OF 1I111CII BEARS IIORTII 10°19'06" IIEST 696.00 FEET; TIIENCE IIF.STERLY ... LONC SAID SOUTIIERLY HARGIN AND CURVE TO TilE R[GIIT TIIROUGII A CENTRAL I.NGLF. or )°44' 25", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 4~.43 FEET TO TilE EASTERLY HARGIll OF TilE CII ... RLt:S HONSTER COUIITY RO ... D: THENCE SOUTII 34'19' 34" EAST ALONC SAID EAS"f£RLY H ... RCIII 43.56 FEET TO TilE NORTII BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT DEEDED TO KING COUNTY AND DESCRIBED UNDER KINC COUHTY RECORD INC NUMBER. 6607786 THENCE NORTII 14 °13' 19" EAST ALONC SAID NOItTH BOUNDARY 443 ... 1 FEET; TItENt! NORTH 59°51'47" EAST ... LONG SAID NORTIt BOUNDARY 377.52 FEET: TIIENCE EAST ALONC SAID NORTII BOUNDARY 280.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH ALONC SAID NORTIt BOUNDARY 25.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE IIAVINC A RADIUS OF 627.46 FEET, TilE RADtuS POINT OP 1I111CII BEARS SOUTII: THENCE EASTERLY ALONC SAID CURVE AND NORTII BOUNDARY 61.59 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF IECINNINC, CONTAtNINC 5.0046 ACRf.S, TOCf.TIIER IIITII AND SUBJECT TO AN t: ... SEHENT FOR lNCRESS, ECRESS AND UTI [,[T It:S OESCR I B~D AS t·OLI.IlIIS: -- \ BU'.H. ROED 8: HITCHINGS. INC. -- EXit I U I T G._--,P~a=q:::e~l~O N~U PARCEL 10 -PACE 2 THAT PORTlON Of THE SOUTH HAlf Of SECTlON 11, TOliNSlllP 2) NORTII, RANCE 4 EAST, U.H., IN KINC COUKTY, !lASHtHCTOH, lUNC IIITHIN )0 fEET ON EACII SIDE Of THE fOllOUINC DESCRlBED c&NTERLlNE: COHHENClNC AT THE INTERSECTlDN Of THE EAST LlNE OF SAID SECTlON I), !llTH THE NORTH L[NE OF THE SOUTH 6S0.OO fEET THEREOF, SAtD NORTH L[NE BE[NC ALSO THE NORTII L[NE Of !lASII[NCTON TECIIH[CAL CENTER AS RECORDED [N VOLUHE 122 OF PLATS, PACES 98 rnROUCI! 102, RECOIlDS DF SAlD COUNTY; THENCE NORTII 88'15'00" UEST ALONC 51.[0 NORTI! L[NE l,626.S0 fEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of BEC[NN[NC; THENCE NOB'H 1'45'00" EAST 225.00 FEET; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEft HAVIlIC A RAD1US OF 85).34 fEET. A DISTANCE OF 209.55 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12'19'12" !lEST 325.81 FEET; THENCE ON A CUB.VE TO TIlE L£fT HAVINC A RADIUS Of 600.00 FEET A DISTANCE. OF 803.66 FEET TO A POINT !:IF COKPOUND CURVE; THENCE ON " CURVE HAVIIiC A RAD1US OF 2,745.00 fEET A DISTANCE OF 1.916.19 FEET TO THE TERKINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE. FIRST c[n DEVELOPKENTS CORP. KAY 10, 1989 BRN Joa NO. 89180.00 SUB.V. 29 .' I AJ, TNt rlITUR{ fiLING" ~ ~"IO"" WASHINGTON UHIFOAU COW"fl'C,Al cClCli @ Pl(.A5[ TYf"( fOA .. f']"'" 0 LOS( . ThI,,..,.,, for ~tu:l"aI "",posn ~,. n.e r-drlICor lind WC""".., p&1T'y .... ttl 0. COtl""ued d Lt.!&( .. ...:1 L£SSCIfI' .'-0 COfrCSfGHWt,..y . ""i Mire.' lew 1f'If0tml1",,* ~onIy. IN .,~o.tItOI'.an::! MCLnQ ~y.::t \.1 rw C~lf\IId" c:cw..SIG~:[( .,Id CON!'G"tOR '\"[iUlOR\SI (Of ""'''''',,1) ~ FOR JHlr.£ USC CNL't • rne NIN tlm,." 1Or1,"-,(nJ) First City Equities Suite 4170 SOU Fifth Avenu.. Seattle, ~shinqtDn 98u52 ,,,;, 'I"V"(·FIlINCc~1hI ~I tfOH ~ ,~t:A'p~. '0 nw~"'lDbKame .. ~(""I. • ", '"' prlltoW'" I' tJ.'?C!e1 standInI on. , . 8.<'.-' 111, 'n..:. !lEer, ~ r:n~~~·:·t ...... '.~. )':.: 8 TN ~,,~ or the tiN (it.:~"IIIH."" 0111 01 ,",C"",","'" t. hNftr'ed.1N'.-wm or ~ 01 eN ... or"",,-fIDYIIpJ ...... (t»'lCMII, ....... O-AlepionulJ't'J' .. i See Exhihi t A at tached hereto • .,. MIN of tl'tCO'UQIIIN, " .. -::~~::-__________ • _____ _ O· P'roIh.ctI ~ c~.,. ... co.ed ., l(tURN AOU«JWllpr",Y COfI't TtJ GoAn" 'l'rbin Citicorp IIo4J. Estate. Inc. 27th Floor 1111 'nI.UQ Av<!nue Seettle, iIashingu>n 98101 L • T"'~ "1111~""n-.s.c ..... "'ftyi"""tMtNdClt IN DIIbtIJI'(.).~t .tC"",,I"""',"~ tAttw""C""~b'D) .. ,0 .... ___ .,.qect tD. 1*('W'1iIy tnlef'n: ... ~ IUfttdlCbOfI __ """" &IrOUIf'I' """ ... ...... 01 ..... tM dHecIf', ~ ... (Mf...,,, "". sc.._ ... 0 • Finrt: City EkJui ties -- flU fCA RECORD WtTli C()lJtlTY AU:>fTOP 01 COUHlY IN -#rHiCH ilf,J,l poI'".IOl"'t" is LOCA1[O ~~~-----------------_ .... --------------- Fell .......... w oJ ell. #1111("~ _________ _ ..... ~(II Of SV:UAfO'AA1'~""=_=I.)::'--- -'O;;.;;;;;;;; .. ;:· ... '[IHHl r,.. 'S(CUAtO PAmlilm wrtNI ..... IN SleuRtD PART',"$)'IO ...... (II'CM. _Wltw"""'" ~ "" "mn"'tII tJeIIi.,. ow -ardInI ~ .... ..,..000. ---------_'UOl _____ . __________ _ .. " .""' .. .--~ ..... UCC-2 ;!.;'~1~~=; • ..-__ ...... "'"'"" .... UMfa-.:C.",I .......... 'OOl o Lf", ................. __ ,..,.... .... , , .. .-........ _,..4tII, ... , ... "' .. --... .. ~f ....... \f\lollfl ~~'!!..~~~........-..... 7I>I .......... "'O..c ... ...,. .... IM __ .... ~_(~. , _,=.-:z-~ .. ~III ' fOlIa"" *' run C!.~ ..... 1 __ <Up. ad.te 4170 . lOG 'Lhh A.,..,. ... t:t .... WMI'Ih~'t'" .IOS! • IICIaO =-~':.::..::r--' r C1.~...t a-ta_. Inc. """ ,~ 1111 fhUd __ 8NtUe, M"bt.s..,tua MI01 L -, _'~ ... _ ...... N ................ " ...... ,.,.... Of 1iW11C1MAl ... " anllCMfD ... .J § .. ..--......... ~.. . ........... -........ . ............ ---... -~ .......... ,,-,. .. ~ .............. ---......... -.. -... ........... _ ............... . .. IbIhlhlt A .t~ hInt""I • ................... _---..., .... -_ .... .---_ .. _ ............... :---........ -.. td. ....... ,,------..,-;; .. t,~_=~.~c.:;".IOQWHI,COlI'f " r.-'II:D1A duaxp _1 bula, 1M. 27tIl r~ 1I111!\ird _ _ to.. ,;",,;.j iCO&:A M\O" L ..... -. ...-............................... ..... .w:""" ...... _c........ ,.....~.....--. ..., ...J ~""'._IiA.~ ___ • .....-.. cat .,.tQ ".~ .:. tMO =-::::.:=~.=.:=:.:=~t& _____ _ o ... ~~ ______________ _ - .-.c ... ...-.c ............... __ ........... I11 ...,.._ .. , .... ---. ........................... ........... , ..................................... N ""-"*' ~---------------- ...... -..... ,.,. ............ ----------- ...... .... --------- .,y~.:·'Ii· ... ':,--l· . ~::-·7:~~~·i .. :; .:;..: .... . "... ." ... . .. ~ ." '--.. -. [JE5CRIPTIOr~ FOR PARCEL I, PARCEL I·A, That po~tion of the Southwest 1/4 o. Section Ij, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.M.I AND That portion of Jonec1on Addition to the City 'of Suttle, as per plat recorded 1n Volume ~2 of Plats, Page 75, records'of King Count)'. TOGETHER WITH vacated streets adjoinine which wvuld attach to said premises b)' operation of law. ,':10 of Charles BrowneU's Donation Claim No. H. AND of that portion 'of Tract 26 of Renton Shore Lands 2nd Supplemental described as follows: Beginning at th. So~th 1/4 corner of .aid Section 13. thence North 00·58'28" East along the Horth -South centerline of said Section 13 a dist.~ee of 884.84 feet to the Southeaat corner of Tract 26 of Renton Shore lands Second Suppl,etr.ental Haps, ,"ceor'dins to the unrecorded plat thereof. thence South 72·37'52" West along the South boundary of said Tract 26 a distanci of 382.60 faet. thence North 70'54'02" West along said Sout!: boundary of Tract 26 a distance of 73.50 feet to the East line of the Charles Brownell Donation Land Claim No, 41 and the t~~e Foint of beginning, thence ("ontinuing North 70·54'02" West along said South boundary of Tract 26 a d~stance of 281.02 feetl thence South 73·56' 01" West along said South boundary of Tract 26 a distance of 13C.08 f!etl thence South 41·16' 07" West along a",ld Sonh boundary of Tract 26 a di.tance of ~16.18 feet to the North boundary of a tract of land deeded to King County and ~'Icrlbed under King County Recording Ho. 66077861 thence Westerly alol\g said Nort'" boundarv on a curve to the left, the center of which bears South 39·41'39 h West having a radius of 627.46 feet an arc dl!tanee of 434.70 feet t"rough e central angle of ~9·41'39". thence North a distance of 25.00 feot along the North boundar)' of .~ld King Ccunty traer. thenc~ West a uistance of :~~.69 fe.t along ,the N~rth bounJarYI of .aid King County tract, thene. south 5;'53 'H" West along IBid North b:lundary a distance of 377. 5~ rut. thance South 74°13'19" Weat along taid Nor[h boundary a distance Cof u 3.31 feet to the Norther'l), marl.' ~ of the Chad .. l'tonner County Road. thence Nortll 3:'·18'31" \lest alor.g said Northerly margin .. diltance of 4],46 feet to rh. S~uth lin~ ~! th~ Burlington Northern Railroad ri,ht-of-waYI thence .long a curve to the left alc~i said South line, thl center of "hi.eh b ... n North 06·34'41" W"H havins I radiul of 696.0.0 h~t, -continued - . , .. ~ •• : .. ;".:~<.' .•...• : , .. , ._- Poge I, Order Nu. 652499 ~~ION PARCFL !-A (continued): an arc distanc. of 45.4] feet thr~ugh a celltral angle of 0] '44' 25 H . to Ii point of" compound curve; . thence along a curve t~ the left along said South line, the center at' which bear~ North 10'l9'06 H liest having a radius of I,O~5.00 feet an arc distanc~ of 209.95 teet through a centra~ angle of 11.24'08" to a poinL: of compound curve; thenoe along a curve to the left along said South ).ino, the center of which bears North 21'4]'14" liest having a radlus of 727.00 feet, an arc distance of 214.77 feet through a cent~al angle of 16'55'35" to a point of compound curve; thence along" curve to the left along said South line, the center of which bellrs North 38']8'49" Wett having a ndius of 1.571.00 feet an arc 1istanCe of 20~.57 feet through a central angle of 07'32'02" to a point of tangency; thence ~~rth 43'49'09" East along said South line a distance of 97.17 fdet to a line ]5 feet Southe~ly of and parallel with the centerline of the e~isti~b most Southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Tracks. then:e along SOlid parallel line on a curve to the right, the center of whi~h bears South 42'43'18" East having a radius of 696.85 feet, an arc distance of 40.09 feee through a central angle of 03'17'45"; thence North 50'34' 27" East along said parallel line a distance of 248.50 feet. thence along said parallel line on 3 curve to t.he right, the center of which bears South 39'25'33" East having a radius of 676.58 feet, an arc dis~ance of 93.64 feet through a central angle of Oi·5~·41" to a I'ulnt of reverse cur-:c; thence along said parallel line on a curve to the left, the cente:" of which bears North 31'29'46" West having a radius cif 428.64 feet, an arc distance of 73.32 feet thr~ugh a central angle of 09'48'04" to a point of reverse curve. th~nc;, oI!UIl!! ... ~d poralhl line on a curve to th" 1'ight, the center of which bears S~uth 41'17'50" East having a radius of 2,580.74 f"et an He dlstdnce of 437.40 feet through a central anglo of 09'/,2'39" to a point of compoun.! curve; . thence along said parall p l line on a curvo to tne right, the conter of which bears 5c,.!!h 31'35 '11" East having a radius of 2,790.19 feet ~n arc distance of 789.44 feet through a cantral angle of 16'12'39" tn tho East line of the Charlcs Brownell DonatlOn Land Claim No. 41; th.nce South 01'24'04" west along satd East lir,e a distance o~ 950.58 f6et to the true pulnt o{ beginning; -contlnueJ - .-i.;~ . · ".' '-. --. .._-- Page 5 Crder No. 652499 DESCRIPTIO:; (continued): PARCEL loB: That portion of Charles Brownell's Donation ~laim No. 41, and of the Southwest 1/4 and the Southeast 1.'4·-0·f Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.H., describ.d as follows: Beginning at the South 1/4 comaI' of said Section 13, thence North 00'58'28" East along the North -South centerline of ~aid S~ction 13 a distance of 884.84 feet to the Southeast corner of Tract 26 of Renton Shorelan6s Second Supplemen~al Haps, 1950, thence South 72'37'52" West along the South boundary of said Tract 26 a distance of 3b2.GO feetl thence North 70'54'02" West along ssid South boundary of 'Inct 26 a distance of 73.50 feet to the East line of the Charles Brownell Donation Land Claim No. 411 thence North 01'24'04" East along said East line of the Charles Brownell ponation Land Claim No. 41 ~ distance of 950.58 feet to 1\ line 35' h;:: Sou:l,e~:y of and parallel with the centerl1~e of the existing most Southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Tracks and the true point of beginni"!:1 thence Westerly du •• g aaid parallel line on a curve to the left, the center of which :'ears ;>outh 15'22'32" East having a radius of 2790.19 feet, an arc distance of 789.44 feet through a central angle of 16'12'39" to a point ,..f compound curve, thence continuing along said parallel line on e curve to the left, the center of which bears South 31"35'11" East having a radius of 2580.74 feet, a~ Ire distance of 437.40 feet through a central angle of 09'42'39" .0 a point of rev"rse curve I thence continuing along sai:; parallel 1: .. " on a curve to t/le right, the cenr.er of which bears North 41'17'50" West having a radius of 428.64 feet, an arc distance of 73.32 feet through a central angle of 09'48'04" to a point of reverse curvel thence continuing along said parallel line on a curve to the left, the center of which bears South 31'29'46" East having a radius of 676.58 feet, an arc distance of 93.64 feet through a central angle o! 07'55'47" to apuint of tangency. . thence continuing along laid parallel line South 50'34' 27" Wut a di.tance of 248.50 feet to a point of curve. thence cont1.nulng along laid parallel line on e curve to the left, the center of which bean South 39'25' 33" East having II radiul of 696.89 feet, an ere diDtan~. c· ~~.~3 feet through II central engle of 03'17'45" to th. South lina of the Burlington Northern aailroad right-ot-waYI thence "brt,\ 43 '49' 09" Ean alona uid South line a distance of 173.83 feet to a point of curvel '. "." ~---. ~---- Order No. 652~99 DESCRIPTION PARCEL I-B (continued), thence continuing alo~g said South line on a curve to the right, the center of which bears ~outh 46°10'51" East having a radius of 4030.00 feet, •. n arc dist;mce of 197.57 ~eet throllgh a eentral angle of 02°.48' 32" to a point of compound curve; '. . . thence .ontinuing along said South li~e on a curve to the right, the center of which b~ars South 43'22'19" East having a radius of 1853.00 feet, &n arc di.tanc~ of 194.75 feet through a central angle of 06'01'18" to a point of compound curve; thence continuing along said South line on a curve to the right, the ce .. ter of which bears Souch 37°21'01" East having II radius of 10543.00 feet, an arc distanc~ of IS6.51 feet through a central angle of 01°00'49" to a point of coml'ound curve; thence continuing along said South line on a curve to the right. the center of which bears South 36°20 '12" Eas! having a radius of 1657.00 f~~t an arc distance of 193.93 feet through a central angle of 06'42'20" to a point of co~pound curve; ~hence continuing along said SouLh line on a c~rve to the right. the c~nte= 0: which bears South 29°~7'~1" East having a radius of 6738.00 feet, an arc distance of 197.76 feet through a central angle of 01040'~4" to a point of compound curvel thence ~ontinuing along said South line on a curve to tne right, the .:enter of which bears South 27°56'jS" East having a radius of 1708.00 feet, an arc distance of 194.45 feet through a central angle of 06°1S'Q6" to a point of compound curve; thence continuing alung said Soulh line on a curve to tha right, the center of which bears South 21°38'52" East having a rudius of S6~3.00 feet, an arc distance of 204.54 feet through a central angle cof 01°21'44" to a point of compound curve I t!>ence continuing along said South line on a curve to the right, the center or which bears South 20°17'08" East having a radius of 1922.10 ¥eet. an arc diatance of 178.79 feet through a cenl~al angle at 05°19'46" to a point of coC/pound cu"ve on the East line of said Charles Brownell Donation Land Claim No. 411 th~nc. ccntinuing along said South line on a curve to the right, the coMer of which bears South H057'22" East having a radius of 2~14.93 feet, an arc distance of 659.42 feet through a central angle of 13°25'19" to a point of compound curve; thence continuing along aaid South line on a curve to the right, the center of which bears South 01°)2'0'" Eaat having a radius of 1165.09 feet. an arc' distance of 1097. OS het through a central angle of 53"57'00" to , ~oint of tangency I thence continuin~ along aaid South line South 37°35'03" East a dialanc. of 308,70 feet to a point of curve; thenc~ continuing along said South line on , curve to the left. the cente~ of which bears Ncorth 52"24']7" Eaat having a radius of 1005.37 feet, an arc ~i.tance oC 45.B2 feet through a centr~l a~gl. of 02'36'41" to a line 35 feet Snutherly of and par~tl.l with tne cc~terline of the existing ~ost So~therly track of thr Chicaso-, Hil~aukee, St. Paul and rac'f~c Failroad Tracks; -continued· .. " ...... ," , , ......... -. --.... -.:..,. ~-.,-- Page 7 Order No. 652499 DESCRIPTION PARCEL I-B (continued): thence W.esterly along uid -parallel Une North 40~ll'44" West a distance of 126.24 teet to a point of curve 1 thence continuing along said parallal line en 8 curve to the left, the center of which be:lrs South 49°48'16" West having a radIus of 1829.78 feet, an arc distance of 309.67 feet through a central dngle of 09°41'48"1 thence North 49°53' 32" West along said parallel line a dhtar.ce of 167.07 feet to a point of curvel thence continuing along said parallel line on a cu~ve to the left, the center of which burs South 40°06'28" West having a radius of 1102.46 feet, an arc distance of 807.11-feet through a central angle of 41°56 '46" to a point of compound cu~vel thence continuing along said parall~l line on a curve to the lett, the cent~~ "f ... h1ch bears South 01°50 '18" East having a radius ot 2790.19 feel, &n src rlistance ot 659.24 feet through a ~entral angle of 13°n'14" to the true point of beginningl .. contim .. ,,,rt • ,.', ,;' .' '. '.:.- -.... -_. -- Page 8 Order No. 652.99 DESCRIPTION (continuec): PARCEl. l-C: That :,ortion of Tract 25, Renton Shore lands 2nd· Supplempntall AlID That portion of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.M., and the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, and the Southwest 1/4 of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the South 1/4 corner of said Section 13; thence North 00'58'28" East along the North -South centerline of said Section 13, a distance of 884.84 feet to the Southea~t corner of Tract 26 of Renton ~horela~ds Second Supplemental Maps, according to the unrecorde~ plat thereof, and the true point of beginning I thence South 72"37'52" West along the South boundary of sai~ 'r.ct 26, a di'tance of 3a2.60 feetl thence North 70'54'02" ~est along the South boundary of said Tract 26, a distance of 73.51 feet to the East line of the Charles Brownell Donation l.and Claim No. 41, thence North Ol"H '04" Elst along said East line, a dhtllnce of 950.58 feet to a line 35 feet Southerly of and parallel with the centerline of the eXisting most Southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific RAilroad Tracksl thence along said line 35 teet Southerly of and parallel with t:le centerline of the most Southerly track, alon~ a curve to tho right, the center of which bears South 15"22 32" East, having a rad;.us of 2,790.19 feet, an arc dis unce of 659.24 feet through " central al'Jle of 13"32'14" to a point of compound curve 1 thence along n ~urve to the ri§ht, along said parallel 11ne, the center of which bears South 01 !,'18" East baving a radius .,f 1,I~l.46 feet, an arc distance 807.11 feet through a central angle of 41"56'46"1 . thence South 49"53'32" East, along said p.'~llel lin~, a distance of 167.07 feetl th~nce along a curve to the right, along said parallel line, having a radius of 1,829.78 feet, an arc distance of 309.67 feet thruush a central an~le of 09"41'48"1 thencp. leaving aaid parallel line, S()uth 40"~l'44" East, a distance ef 126.;. feet to a point on the South line of the Burlington C-!thern Railroad right-of-way, thence along a curve to the left, along said South line, rhe center of which .bears North 49'48'16" Eaat ha·,ing a radius of 1,005.37 feet, an arc di,~ance of 549.02 feet through a central anal e of 31"17'l~" to 8 point tangent en said Sourh line of the Burlingto~ Norther,l Railroad ri~ht-of-waYI thenc~ continuing along lald South line, South 71"29'03" East elens a line >~ fert South of and ~ar,llel ~ith the exi.t1n~ So~thbound trace, A diatdnce oi 82',:6 f~~t t~ the ~~~t line of ,aid S~ctio~ 16, • continued - .. ...... ," .- Pag~ 9 Orrl~l No. 65~499 DESCRIPTION PAkCEl l-C (continued), thence continuing along aaid South line South 71'2S' 03" East, B distance of 85.52 feet to the North linr. of the South 650 feet of the S·outhwest 1/4 ·Of the Southweiit 1/4 of said Section IS I thence North 89'10'25" lIest along the Nortl-. line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 18, a distance of 81.57 [pet to the East line cf the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 13 I thence North 88"15'00" lIest along the North li'" of the South 650 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of eaid Secti.", .. 3. a distance of 2,261. 41 feet to an angte point on the Sout~. boundary of Tract 25 of Rentor. Shore Lands, 1958; thence North 33'07' 25" lIest along said South l-oundary, a diat6nce. of 154.51 feet to an ang.e pointl thence North 27'21'32" East along said South boundary, a distance of 387.32 fee~ to an angle pOintl thence North 83'17'25" West along aaid South bcun,d~ry. a distance of 171.!7 feet: thence SOL\th 46"22'22" lIest alcong said South boundary, a diHance of 324.66 feetl thence SOIl:-" 72'37' 52" lIest along said· So·,th boundary, a dinance rf 76.33 feet to the true point o[ beginning. Situat~ in th6 City of Renton, County of Ring, State of Washington. -continu"j - ,," " :~---IIIII""iI· 11,.I·1iIt!-""'· .. _ .... ..;;;;oIiiiil""" ... :,.;,.~· ';';' ~~. -'. , ~ . " • • •. Cd '. I. ',' "';"" ' •••• -~ •• : -• ,-", .' •• _. ,_ .... '.;... - -'t,-"", ", • ..::.:.~~~ . .;~, •• -:--.!;.":".:.:!: ... ~~: .............. . .... ' ...... , .-._- DESCRIPTION FOR PARCEL 2 Tract A of The Plat of Washington Technical Center, as per plat recorded in volume 122 of Plats, ?ages 98 through 102, records of King county; situate in the City of Renton, county of King, State of Washington. PARCEL 2-H: Lot 2 of Renton Lot Line Adjust~ent No. 1-86, as per survey recorded under King County Recording No. 86091790041 EXCEPT that portion o[ the Northerly S10.00 fe~t of said lot lying Easterly of the road easen,ent shown on said survey and on the penultimate line Plat of washington ~chnical Center, aE per plat recorded in volume 122 of plats, pages 98 throuCJ~· 102, records of King County 1 A;m EXCEPT th.t portion thereof conveyed to th" City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording NO. 84120706511 Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. -------_. __ .-'---------------_._,._ .. ----.'-.~-..... /':::, , ..... . ..... , ..... . Firm: City &zUities 800 Fifth Avenue SUite ~170 seattle, tI!uIh.int;Jttn DE 16 3 31 IH '66 98104 86/12/1f. REeo ;. CRSH5L 7,00 01337 B ...... 7.00 L Citi.o:lor:p _1 Estate, 27th Flalr 1111 'lbird A_ seattle, I</aahingtaI ..., Inc. 98101 .J '@ ~ ~ ='~f-M---~----~---m-~----f~----"--'-"-f--~[-.-I~------~8~6~1~0090~6=S=9=------l-------------~-----__ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___ --__ • ,Oft 0fl1C( USl 0Hl ,: c ... c .. J c::J CONftfftJATlON r... ........ MMIc.,. ~ bII'I..-n trw 101","1 DecItotC.1 ..., ,..,.. '~,"1. CIrHN'I .... ~ ""*' .... ....... ..,..... c::J fUll "~SlGN"NI All ';II .... s.t' .... '"' PMt,', • .,hI' ........ I"" ItNAl. .... ~.t bNI' ....... ~~. «xM' rw .. c-'\"'''It~ ,,\~,I ~ NAMllSI ,,"0 ADOf\ISSllSI Af'f'{A. ABOYt ' .... 'IAL AViIGf\lMlHf I"" Stc...-.d '.ny', ,.,hI, """" 1M t,,..ne'llI ... ,..,. ...... tIP., .... I ... ~ tI-'.DooIe 10'" ",ope,., D[~ BtL"" hIW c-n ft\ICNd to ItIt " ... rwc'l....,.. kAM[(5, AhD AC/CRfSSllS,APf"L.lR A8QYl t:&1 AM[NOUlNI '~ .... ll*"-"bHf'" I.",.,...., .--'...,.,.. ....... Mtd AS $[' fORTH BflOW c::J 'ART" aUtA$[ k~ ,lItyCin,......, ",,"*,,-,II DlSCRlBtD BtlOW '"'"' at. MIne.,. ~ .. ~ fill 1'IumbI' 11-'_ c::J TEJlN\NA.1'KIN. ~~'") rIO ..... ' ....... _'"''"'''"' ..... 1N ~ ~ ...... fIII~ ~abcM, _ ... 1ba legal deSeript.ia\ of the real ~ 0CIIII!n!d by the security interest of securr!<I party 111 Cileided to include, in addition to the pzopu: ty deso:&1bed on £ldU.b!t A to Financing StAte:rent W1der Psoordinq No. 861(1090659, the addit1a\al pmpert:y described on Exhibit A hereto as "lIddit:1cnal Paroel.· • froIllttIMf'Hlf "nr'It'M)t.I"l $WI us A"ACH[O • Firm: City &zUities 10 ""IUIIH ACANOW\IOGMlfroIf CUPY '0 r ,', . . t.· Ci ticorp Real Estete, Inc. FlU .IlH UHI'OItM COWWUCtAl COOl" CIM\ION ot:'AR'Wl ... ' Of lIC[HSING '08019660 oa 'AI';" WA.'I04 "" II" fla'UItI fiLING CIXI ... " AUDI'OR or CJ.,OH"-..It( nil.."..", ,It...n W" MAIW 'Olt QI HCf IJI( ONU ,(,MIl ~'O,CIt "" ~ 'HI "A" Of _UKIMI10Jrt .7...::0 ... - C:'c:e:-No. 6'7'00 ...... ~ .. !c.a: pc:-t::c:: cf t::e S:~:~.·e5: 1/4 cf Se::::cn 13, Tc"'-::s~:'? 23 Nc:-t~, Ra::se 4 ~a,: ~.~., anc of t~e Nc:,:::~e,: 1/4 cf s.::ion 24, sa~d to-~shi? a~d ~a~5e, eesc~ibed as !~llows: Beginning on tht E1S: line of the Nort~~e5t 1/4 of said Section 24, at a point North 01'05'00" East alobg said Eas: line 1,~04.20 feet i~oc the ~e~:e= 0: sa!d See:ion 24; thence Ncrth 89'16'47" ~es: 1,OJ3.53 fee: to the Eas:e:,ly margin of 72nd Ave:: .. e So~:h, fo,-::e::y C~u:::y R:ae No. 8 (.&.1.SO K.'IO;;;I AS the Charles ~ens:e:, RO£Gl, t~ence Nor:h 01'25'34" ~.:: a!e::g sa::c! ::as:er1.y ca:":::l 404.00 fee:, thenca Sc~th 89'16'47" Eas: 200 feet, the:lce No::h 00'43'13" !as: 300.00 fee:: t~e~ce N==:~ S'·15'4j" 1,.;'es: 86.42 iee: t~ &:'1 i:l:e=se~:!.=n w:':h the Scut~~es:e=~y l!~f c! a t~a:: o! la~d c=~?e7e~ := ~e:=~ a=~ des:=ibed in cee: :e===:e: ~::e.= f.e:::,:::::. No. 82073002:3, a::c! t~e t:~e pei"t of beg!.~::!:-:g; t~e::ce N:=:~ves:!::y &l:~g sai~ Se~:~~as:e:~y l!:e a~~ c~ a e~=ve, t~e ta~!~s ~:!~: cf w~!;~ ~a~=s ~c=:~ 5~·!!·'2" las: 722.~~ !a!:, a c~s:a~:e c: 1~Z.4j !ee:i e~e~ce ~c=:~ Z2·Z!'02" ~es: a:c~g sa!~ Sc~:~~es:c~:y l~=e 56.79 fe,: t~ t~e Nc=:~ l~~e c: sa!= See:!=i. 24. t~e=::e Sc;:'';:~ E7·25'LC," ::.15: ale::i sa!c Sc-::~ ~~::.e 3:';'.02 !e~: e~ t!':.e Nc--heas-e-'y '~-e c;:Z sa~~ Ve--~ i-a--5A'~ ~c--~eas-e-~v l'-e L ;::. .-..... :t. -c:· .............. -:,:. 1";-".:";~ ..... --; .p ..... ::J __ ; ... :-;.. .... .:::, 1 ... e_,.!J 4_5 ....... e ...... _ ...... !s .. e ..... / .... e c .......... r.o WiIoi-s ...... !3_ .............. _CA_ Ce:-.:e-:, as ;:e:, ;:::a.: -:!:=~:!: !: Vc:·.=e 11~ c: 1':1.:5, ?ages sa :~ 10' -.----s c' E'--C-"--'" .. ~ .. ! ..... :.::: ............ : .... ~ ;::::':' .. :~ c: •• _ ......... ",' .. / .. ~-. l::-"-' ..... ~ ..... e ., .... _ .... e:s ... __ .. : a .. _ .. ~ 54 ___ c __ .... _!_!._. ~ .... _, e_ .. g a C", ... le c! \:~ic~ :~e :-a.:!.·,;S p:!.:,.: :ea.-:: Nc-::::' !;·';:'2i" !:as: 422.96 fee:. a t!::s:a~:e cf Si.S" f.e:: t~.:'1~e N=-::~ 22·2~'O:·' ~es: a::~g sai~ S=~:~wes:e:lr l!~e 253.09 fee: to a l~::e C:es::;~.a:.:: "?e:-.-a::e.~: ease:e,,: be~"c:a:y" e:l U.S. Oeya:-::e:-.: c! ;'z:!:·.:::~:e. So!.l C.::aa= ... a:!=:: Se=-/!:e ~.4? Shee: 1 ~. 3 ·-t'·',· "L'-" ~'-~-s •. ~-~ "'.-".' C-a-·,-1 '"as-S'"e G-.e-v.. • iii.. ......... • ........... r: .......... ,.. •• Go .. , .............. _ .. _"" .. ., e've-""":t~ .J*Of.l'V c. ~e"-"''' ]('--C ... • .. :.. .. ·/ \:as.I --.......... . ~-.................................. , -"li ..., ........ ' •• , •. ~-..... , the::ce along u~c H::e a::c e:: a c:::',e, :!\e : .. .:::"" ?C~:l: cf "'l".ic!l bu=~ No:~!l C5'24'02" Eas: 165.04 fee:, a c!~s:&~ce of 112.C6 fee: to a po:'r.: c! ~eVe:-se c~:"'Je, t:tel:-Ac!!.~S yO!.:':!: o! \.·:'!.c~ bea:-s So\!th 44·18'11" ~es:, 172.96 fae~1 . thence along said reverse ~",:,ve ane said l~::e 133.74 f.e:; th.nce ~es: along laid line 367.02 feet to a line which bears North from a point on th. South lin. of said Section 13 which is 1,271,76 f.et EaJt of the Southwest Cor:lU" thereof I '. thence South 143.95 feet to the North.asterly line of the Charles Mon.ter County Roael thence So~:heasterly along .aid Northeal:.:ly line toa point whlc~ bears Nor:h ~9'1~"7" We.t f:~~ the true point cf •• ~innin6' . thence So~th 89 '16' 47" [as t 125 •• 0 feet to the true po~nc of beginninl\! Sit .. 5tC in the Cit:; e! Renton, county ot Kinq, State at Waahinc;ter., Except tor t~at portion the:eo! d •• cr~~.d on pa;e 2 at this Exhibit A. "' \ --. " ... _III' •• __ """* _ .... , '",','"', ... ,..""','...,,, . .. -'" .-.... , .. ,.. . ."'- TH4'T·PIJR":"ION OF' THe SQUTn'o'lgST CU~F::'E~ O~ Ei:C";";·:-.'I 13 I\:ll) Or· Til;:: NORTH)/ES'l' CIJ,\RTE~ Of' SECT[CtI 14, T~'';:iS:lr? 2J :IO:-!:!I, R,\~IC;;; 4 E,\Sr, i •. M., KING CCUNTY, WASrl!NGTON oes·:::uaED ii.3 ft,)LLO~'S: COMI1EIIClt/G AT THE SOUTH~~EST CCP,IIER OF 5,\10 5i::CTICN :J: T!IE:ICr. 50l;TII 87"26'40" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LitlE THEIlEOF 1271,76 fEET: TIIEtlCE NORTII 2J9.23 FEET TO TilE NORTI! LINE O~' Till: C!lARLES IIONSTJ;R COUNTY ROAD'SOIJTKWESr MID THE TRUE POINT pF BEGItlIIING: THENC.E, tlORTIl 10.59 FEE~ TO A LINE Pk:\;'LLEL WITI' AND 10.00 F':ET WHEN HE,\SIJRED liT RICIIT AtICLES, 'IORTH OF THE tlOr:.N LIP/E OF SAle CHMLES ~10rISTEn ROAD SOUTII~EST: THENCE SOUTH 70"46'34" EA~T IILO'IC SAID PARALLEL LitlE 13.'5 FEET: THENCE LEA'IINO SAID PAR,\LLEL LI:IE AND 011 A CUR'/: TO TilE RI(":HT 1t,\'JlNO A RIICIUS O~ 922.73 FEET, II 01STo\IICE Of 69.31 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 65'IJ'51" E,\ST 570.96 FEET TO TilE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 13: THE:ICr. IIOR":"H 87"26'40" WEST ALONG S,\IO SOUTH LUIE 225.61 fE::T 'ro THE WESTERLY Ll:IE Of A TR,\CT Of LAND CONVEVEO TO METRO MID DEseRI BED IN DEED Fl LEO urlOER IlEC.';P,OER·S tlo. 6207300203, IlECOROS Of SAID COUNT',: THENCE SOUTII 22'2(,'02" E,\S1' A:'OIIO 5,\10 WES1'EIlLY LUIE 15.02 fEET TO A POltl" OIl A CURVE 1I,"IIIG A R,\OIUS Of 45.00 fEtT, 'r:s~' RADIUS POltlT Of WHICH BE,\RS SOUTH 24"15'52" EAS'~: THEIICE SGUTH~ESTERLY ALOlle:; 5,\10 CURVE 3~.17 fEET: THENCE SOUTII 24'46'09" WEST 24.57 fEET: T!lE~IC:E OIl A CURVE 'ro THE LEfT II!\'JI~I(; A P',\OIUS Or 120,00 FEET A DISTA~CE Or 54.90 F~Z1'; TllENCE SOUTH 1"26'34" EAST 64.75 : '!:ET TO THE IIORTU LitlE Or S,\! ° ~IE'rRO TMCT, TIIE:lC7. NORT:r 69'16'47" WEST 11,50 FEET TO TH!: EASTF"RLY L1I1J; Of 72NO A"E:IIII; SOU'W, IILSO KNOI~:I AS THE Cl/,\P.LES HGIISTEA C::lu:l7'! ROAD: THeIIC::: tIORTuJ;iU.'( OIl S,\lD EASTERLY LItlE /IlID Ot! A CUIWE 1I,\'/l!IC A ilIlOIU~ OF 316.48 FEET, TU::: 1'.\OIOS POIt;':' Of Wllleil DE,\RS 5':1;'(11 85"21'17" wzs'r, II OIS':',\IICI'; Of 14~.9' FEET TO A POINT on A CUR~E H;'~:~G A ~;'~IUS Of lS0.0U F~ET, T!I~ RADIUS POIN":" 0: WIiICH BZ/,P,S S':I;':'H 6,,"14'J6" £;'5", TIIE:IC::: rIORTIlE,\STEP.l.Y OIl SAID CURVE 3.16 f::Z':',' TiI::::IC::: tlOR .. H 24'40'119" EAS~' 24.57 FE!:T, THEIICE OIl A CURV:Z TO TilE L!:E'T Il,WI:IG A RADIUS O. 45,00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 70.69 FEET: TH!Wc:E tlORTIl 65'13'51" WEST 60,20 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE O. SAID CHAR!.ES IIONSTER ROAD SOUTH'I'IEST: THENce IIORTH 32"31'34" \/ES1' ALONG Si\ID IIORTHEASTEIILY I.ltIE 39.18 FEET: TIIENCE 011" CURVE TO TilE l.O::FT !lAVING A RADIUS Of 316.48 FEET AND ALONG SAID 1I0RTHEIISTIl:RL'! LitlE 211.26 FEET: TUEIICE NORTII 70'46'34" WEST ALOIIO S;'ID 1I01I':HF.:,\STERLY LINE 53,21 FEET TO TilE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIIIG, COIITAIIIIIIO 37,017 SOUARE fEET. -;1- t \:' ~ ~ L ';';'.......xJrp Reel Estate, 27th Fl.cor 1111 '1hlrd Avenue seaWe, waahinqtcn · .', InC. 98101 -l ." ~·-'---'_--~-----~---.-~----f-~-----'-'-"-'--MV--n~------:B:6:100::906:::5:9~----JL------------~------------------ c::J 'AS c::JAM a .. • UlL A~"[NT ...... II ... ~~,"" r .. rt.", r .• I":t~ ~"f'O.! ... ~ .. I, ........ • .... 'If ............... ,..... ....... ~-, lohIMf'~tw .. 1wrt n"l.......:I tort .. _ .... '~~I-"CT .. N.tJotlcSl ANO WOAE~ESIAM"'" ABOvE N C2Ir .... ~NO¥(HI ,,"-rtt: ..... _~~I.w ..... nLoft~ .... ,~,,~.55ll'OR"rHB[loYt _ r::::J PIl! •• IM. A(.U .• Y S«...-.d p.rtr< ... ) ...... """"'WI~ .. o(!ICRIBtD BlLOWtrom .. '--... ~beMW:I""-'-' ,--~ c8 Cl TlAWIHATIQH s.c1nG~_I"'~"'-""'.l'IIIIty'I'WftIIII"IOIf ... r.n.nc,", ......... _....,.Mtn~"""'''', '!b! lega 1 descriptioo of the real property oovered by the s<>CUr1ty interest of secured party is ane¥led to include, in addition to the property describod "" Exhibit A to FinanCing StAt:BII!!Ilt under Rooardinq No. C6~OCSCG~9. the additional property descrihed on Exhibit A henrto as "I'dditia>al Faroel.· First City DevelopnentA Corp. r L Itilert D. ~ Px88tr..n, 'n>orqrimoon, Ellis , HollMn ,400 wl ...... ia S" •• !1u,~ c...,Uu 701 Fifth Avenue SBattle. ~ 98104-7011 Citi.COrp Reel Estate, Inc. By~. .., ...J flU WIIH UNlrORM (X)t.IMUICLAl COOl" OtVtStCH D(PAAl"w(NT Of ltCll't\ING '080.n660 OUMPIA. WA M50t co ;[ iii.TuF.L r.~.~I":' COUNI'l AU(MIC* Ot (.OU#II!. w"'-lilt OAIGlHAl '1l1NG WAS WADi. ,Oft 0"'(,;1 uSi CINL" III"'tII oU"PIIOVt." rOIl iJM 1M tt4f ".If OIIl1~I()fII ~'-'·D .r. lid I I x ..•. ----~"".---.. .... ~ -.. .. ;. '. :.~ ',.~ .... ~ ;"~r.;~.~.:"' '.~~~,~:; ;:.<y~.~'" ~ :~;:.: .' ... ~. ~;.~ ~.',; ".~:f·:~:~·· .. ~ ., , lEI, F "'." .... . -.--.. ., ..... - "Adcitic;;ay-Pa:ce':"; O=ce:" No. 652499 That por.lon of the So\::~~esc 1/4 of Sec:ion 13, Townshi? 23 North, Range 4 East ~.M., and of the North~elt 1/4 of Section 24, .aid to_~ship and range, described as fo11ow~. BegiMing on the Ean Une of 'the Northwest 1/4,of said Section ~4; at a point North 01"OS'OO" East along said Ean ane 1,804.20 feet from the centtr of laid Section 241 thence Nor:h 89"16'47" ~est l,033.S3 feet to the E~,:erly margin of 72nd Avenue South, for:er1y County Road No. 8 (ALSO K.~O~~ AS the Charlel Mons:er Roadll th"nCd North 01"26'34" ~es: along said Eas:er1y lII4rg!.n 404.00 feetl thence South 8~"16'47" Eas: 200 feetl thence !>orth 00"43'13" Eas: 300.00 fee:; thance North 89"16'47" ~est 86.42 feet to an intersection with the Southwesterly line of a trac: of land c:nveyed to ~e:ro and described in deee! rec=rdee! under tec::"~ing No. 8207300253, and the t~ue point of beg!nn!!'!g I the!'!ce !>o:":~~es:e:"ly along said So\::h~es:erly line and o!'! a curve, the radius pcin: of w~ tch bears !>crt~ S~"16'42" Eas: 722.56 feet, • dis:a~ee 0: 1~2.'3 !e~:; the!'!ce Ncr:h 22"Z6'02" "est aleng said Southwesterly li~.e S6.79 f.e: to the !>o:":h line cf said Sec:icn 241 th.~ce SC~:~ '7-25'40" tas: alc~g sa!~ ~c=:h l!~e 341.02 fee: t~ t~e Nor~~eas:e=lv l~~e c: sa~c r.e:r~ T:ac:, said ~c~~~e&s:e=ly line be~ng a:l: ~he SQ~:h~es:e=ly li~e c: r~a:: A, _al~!~g:~n Tec~~~cal Ce~:e=, as pe:-p~a: ~ec==:e~ !~ VQ1~e 122 0: Pl,:., rages 98 to 102, re~er:!s c: 1<i=:; C:\::,.:y. t '-e-ce ~·---""el·e-'y a'---sa u So"-""es-e-'v "-e be'-g a C"-·l. ;1 66 1.' ... _ ,,6._ .. _. ._ut! .~ _.60-.. __ ", •... t ••• __ of vh!.('h ~~e =ac!~s ~o!.:-:.: bea=s No:-:!': !5-.39'£9" Eas: 422.96 fee:. a dilt1nce of 87.51 fee:. thance North 22 "2~' 02" ~8I t alcng said S=u:~wes:erly 11:1e 263.09 feet to a 11:1e design.:,:! "per:a:len: eue:en: boundary" on U.S. De~ar::en: cf A~rioul:u~e, Soil Conservation Service Ma?, Shee: 1 of ,. entitlec Land Rig!::s ~orlt ~ai', F-l Chlnnel, !at: Sic!e Gr •• n R!.va: ~l'p. <!-ty cf Re:1to:1. Ki~g CO\!~:y t \I:~.h!.::.g::;)n", thence alo~g laia line and,o:! a c~rve, the rad!.ul point of which bear. North 05"24'02" Eas: 16S.04 fee:, a distance of 112.0~ feet to a voint of reverse curve, the rad!.us point of Which bears South 44"18 11" lOelt, 172.96 feetl thenc~ along said reverse curve and saic! 1i~e 133.74 feetl thence West along 'uid line 367,02 feet to a 11ne which bearr. l~orth from a point on the South line of laid Section 13 which is 1,271.76 feet Ealt of the Southwest corner thereof; , thence South 143.9S feet to the ~orthea.te:ly line of the Charles Han.ter County ROldl thence South ... u,.ly along uid Northeasterly 11ne to -. point which beart Nonh 89'16'47" West from the true point of beginninfl then" South 89"16'"'' Ellt 12S.40 fut to the true point of b., nningl Situate in the City ot Renton, County ot Rin;, Stat. oi Waehin;ton. Except tor that portion thereot d: •• cr1bed on pa;e 2 ot thb Exh.!blt A. -1- _ •. , ..... --.'" -- , • PROPOSED OAl<ZSD,\LE • fiRST C!T't EUUITIES (BN TIV\CT): THIIT PORTION Of TH!: SOUTHWEST eUAR'fER Of SeC'rION 13 I\ND 0,· TilE NORTH'tlEST OU,\F,TER Of S·.CT:CJN 14". TO"'NSIIlP 23 NORTII, RAIIGI': 4 EIIST, 'W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHiNGTON DESCRIBED AS f'JLLOW5: COMMENCING I\T THE SOUThWEST COR.'1ER Of SMD S~CTIOI~ 13: 'rllEIICE SOUTIl 81-26'40" EIIST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOf 1211.76 fEET: THENCE NORTII 239.23 fEET TO TilE NORTII LINE 0,' 'I'll::: CUARLES HONSTt::R COUNTY ROAD SOUTHWEST AtlD THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNltlG: THENCE NORTIl 10.59 fEET TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 10.00 FEET WHEtl MEASURED AT RIGIIT ANGLES, NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID CHI\RLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST: THENCE SOUTH 70'46'34" EAST ALONG SAID PAo',LLEL LIN~ 13.95 FEET: THENCE LEAVltlG 51\10 PARI\LLEL LINE AND ON,A CJRVF. TO TilE RIGHT III1VING A RADlUS OF 922.73 fEET, 1\ DIST,\NCE Of B9.31 fEET: THENCE SOUTH 65'13'5'," EAST 570.96,FEET TO TilE SOUTH LINF. OF SAID SECTION 13; THENCr: NORTH 61'26'40' WEST ALONG S,',!Q SOUTH LitlE 225.61 FEET 'fO THE WESTERLY LIIIE OF II TRACT; OF LIIND CONVEYED TO METRO AND DESCRIBED IN DEED fILED UNDER RECORDER'S NO. 6201300203, RECORDS or SAID COUtlTY: THEIICE SOUTII 22'26'02" EI\ST I\LONG 5,\10 WESTERLY LINE 15,02 FEET TO A POltlT 011 A CURVE IIAVltlG A RADIUS Of 45.00 FEET, 'rilE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEI\RS SOUTH 24'15'52" EAs'r: THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALOIIG SAID CURVE 32.17 FEET: THEIICE SOUTII 24'46'09" WEST 24.57 FEET: THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT II.WING 1\ IIADIUS Of 120.00 FEET A DISTAIICE OF 54.90 FEET: TIIEt/CE SOUTH 1'26'34" EAST 64.15 FEET TO THE IIORTII LINE OF SAID ~IETRO TRACT: THENCE NORTII B9'16'47" WEST 0.50 FEET TO TilE EIISTER"Y LINE Of 72ND AVENUE sou'rll, IILSO KNOWN liS TilE CUARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROllO: THEN':E NORTHERLY ON SAID EASTERLr LItlE AND ON A CURVE \lIIVING A RIIDIUS OF 316.4B FEET, TilE RADlUS POINT Of WII[CII DEIIRS sou'ru e5'21'17" WEs'r. II DISTANC:~; OF 140,9t; fEET TO A POINT orl A <:URVE IIAVING A RADIU$ OF IBO.OU Ft:ET, TH!:: RADIUS POINT OF WIlICH BEi,RS SOUTH 66'14'36" EAST: THENCE NORTHEASTERLY 011 SAID CURVE 3.1B FEET: THEIIC\:: NORTH :4'46'09" EAST 24.S7 FEET: TIIE~ICE ON A CURVE TO TilE LEFT III1VING A RADIUS OF 45.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 10,69 FEET: THENCE NORTII 65'13'51" WEST 6B.20 FEET TO TilE NORTHEASTERLr LINE OF SAID CHARLES MONSTER ROAD ~:lUTHWEST: TIIENCE NORTI! 32'31')4" WEST ALONG 51110 NORTIIEASTEIILY I.IIIE 39.1B FEE'r: THENCE ON l\ CURVE TO TilE LEFT II~'/ING A RADIUS 0 .. 316.48 FEn' AND ALONG SAID NORTHEIISTERLY LINE 211.26 FEET: TIIENCE NORTII 70'46'34" WEST ALONG SAID NOII'rHEASTERLY LINE 53.21 rEET TO TilE TRUE POitiT OF BEGINNING. COt/TAWING 31,017 SCUIIRE "::ET. """ ... ~:" M ....... . ...--. ..; .~~~';:':"'~ ... I!":""'.,.",-< .. .. UCC·3 -----r---' ------_________ .. _ ....... _____ .~_ .. , __ . PUASt lYPl POAtoI. ni, CHAHG( STATOCNT II ~ tor ................ to the WASHINGTON UNIf'ObI COWMUOAI. COOl. 1 't::J UMI.1'hi ...... ____ UNCI PIftr .... to bI COMtrw4" LUS[[ INS L,UIOII, . CJ ~. lhIlMN dHIa IftCI aeand '*" INID 1M COMIrYld .. COH~ end COH$KihOA. US( i. FIRST CITY EQUITIES -I Suit.-~110_. 800 rUth Ave"ue . "'."'- RECEIVED nits DAY ......_- 1 Seattle, Wa.hington 98104 -o 0" CO r CITlCORP RI!AL ESTATE, INC • L . 1111 Third Av~nu ••. 27th rloo~ Seattl., "a.bington·9a101 '. .J •. __ ........ __ ST.f[ .. 00 __ ..;8:.;6:.;1::0::0~9::.0::.6:.59=-· ________ ""'" OCt. 9, 1986 ~, ... ~p ... ~AII CJ .. t::1 , COI"I l . 'lUNG omctI· IHDP WASt4INGTON ucc .J APPAOYEO BY WASHINGTON STAT( DEPART"'NT or UClHSlNG 7. t::::I COHnHU.tION. nw ____ .. __ .) """ -_ .. ~_ ... ---- .... etfICtM. I .. C ruu ASSIQHMlHT, M" ... Itc~ed 'Wh'''_''Ihh \RM .... ~ ~ ..... Ale........, ......... hhe Nett ....... 10 IN _.,_ HAIIlISl __ UlAPP[AOA8CM. c::J ' __ "00. , ... _ ....... __ ........... __ ......... __ ..... _O(5QIII'(O ____ ..... _.,_ .... UIl_AOOAUSIUlMHAAABOVl. fZZ1( AII[Hl)MDIT. ___ ......... __ ._ .. IlTIOR'IIIIU.OW. t::::I '_IIWASL __ ".,_ ... __ em __ ... ___ Nt ___ _ t::J ''"'''''''~ -~I"_-._--",,,,,,,,,,--,,,,,,,,,-- ~ Th. legal de.cription on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto i. to be added to the legal de.cription on the above-referenced original financing .'tet_nt. . Se. Exhibit 'B' Attached hereto. __ IJIIDatoomltt_ lIGNA"""''' 01 OU"'D "'........eN) .......... : ..... 1» CITlCORP RI!AL ESTATB, INC. __IJII_'Ml'flIlllItt_", -BY' ~W.1!t , .·lo._~COPI'TO '.. . ":C':'CI'l'%cOP RiW. BSTATB, IIIC. ,:.' ... ,."': l1U'1'IIud Avenlle, 27th r1oo~ ." . ., .••• ~tl., lfa.blllgton· .. 101 ., __ cooc_ . :'>' . OCPNIT .. tHTOf~ . . ~v::.':'... ,', ":' .. ;f~\~~.:t·!}:,::~.,r:.~·. ;:.!.... . AttAr. JoAaII. toblll "'--.:','",r ... 'L.": '''':'. • .. 1'1, .... ;"~: . .-:~r:· .. ~.{~'.; . :': .. : . J.~' : .. :~?r::'., . ~r~~.:.~'(~~ ~,. _ .~: ... ~'t···oc-:-.,"'" :'1-.':., '.' oa '.' i: ::: .. i. .naMe...... :",: 'r:'_: :" !~.'~ ,:·t. ,:~:":.-,~ ;"'" ·.CIOUIInMJIIITOIOfCDUIITYWHIIII.< :-;.\ •••. ~.'. ,'ORQNA&,R.JHGWMMAOC.": • ':.' .',:,.~;,,,,, .. 1IlI_ UN ClIP '-.. ' ,,' .. -..-....1 .. , .. ,\ ... ~. ~ . 1 , • i \ \ I • , • t . DESCRIP'1'lON: ~---- Exhibit "/\" Additional Parcel Order No. 652946 That portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.M. described as follows I Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said Section 24 with the Southwesterly line of Tract "A" in Washington Technical Center, as per plat recorded in Volume 122 of Plats, Pages 98 through 102, records of King County, thence North 87°26'40" West, along said North line, 115.42 feet to the Northeasterly line of Oakesdale Avenue Southwest, thence South 65°13'51" East, along said Northeasterl~ line, 207.52 feet to the Southwesterly line of said Tract 'A" and a point on a curve having a radius of 422.96 feet, the radius point of which bears North 40°45'15" East, U1 thence Northwesterly, along said curve and Southwesterly line, a 110.02 feet to the point of beginning, ~ o 0' CO Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. . :"-;'. ,,~ .. I 1 I ! I I \ I ! I I I t t to a ~ -a g; ..• --- Exhibit "B"_ FIRST CITY EQUITIES, a Washington partnership BYI First city Developments Corp., a Washington corporation, General Partner BYI G. NEIL HOKON::'.JN SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT partner FIRST CITY DEVELOPMENTS CORP., a Washington corporation Irene J. Loonar/f "$SIs!ln! VlCe-p .. ,ldent BYI BYI G. NEIL HOKONSON SENIO l"or.~:T . -..... ~ ,. , r l ~: r i t . I i i I I I I i I'll." TV'. 'OltM _ If AN UUiIOlt'l M""'. COR'tlel AU. CO"" "'", ute-] eM .... af ,'AT1Mf."" III""""''"' 101 '''''1. U""_o'" '. ': .. V. .. .,. ..... ql-,·' wr,'",,., ro._",,' (Oole. (t .... , .. 6J4" C·u,'l'~" ',,,,OJ' ,~.;"r' 1)1)11.><1 P'l ... ~."" •• >1 ~"I.I .. ,., , .... '\ '''~I ... &V 1j Ml'h • I lJllIl~I!l1 ;.;~ 1/' .-------0;;,-;.-,---. -----r, '0. o"iCIUii"' ONLY. oO-';OT WltlTlINTHii,ox -------- 1'1 JfSU-.AI ,,~., ,,,)1 ......,.,,.. ... ,,,..,~ •• , ss"". . .. ' ---I ......... "" ... _ ..,.,. X UII~'/IoI:~", ... """"":,.a·_"''''ot1,,·_,, .. u· flrN I :-.... v·~· .,,;. ttO.r:·l n.bfN1 j\ECr-F.E /..00 First City '~qu!tles Suite :'170 S~,.· -it:c(:~ F. ~. Ou _-I.lltL. ___ .. -.------_,_ CM:5H~L .... -tI**~. C'O 800 Fifth A,"enue Seattle, WA 98104 CitLc~eai·E.tBte, lnc~ Attn: Jennifer Howell One San some Street, Ste. 2830 San Franciaco, CA 94104 -.JI ;go on c:o (.t) '" \0 !'£ '55 ,. ... .. '" :c ... .. ~ a .. ~ ~ -i~ ;~I~.·-.. -;.";;;;;...,, "Nett ItIrI:-hIInt ~ ~ ... .cft the ~I ot ~ III' ONII\WNMI end ()f~I"'f"Jn~"~~_ .. ~ 86J~659 DIted. " ,r, ~ A·' 100 I......., '" .. ,..-.d bMCn«f*lcNQ,Mll'lboli 1. ncepe '..-n'W\IIICW'I"""'·" eQUI'H no ... " eodI1:lQftt18hMtt.,. Itt ... ..-.'" , ..... "h"\I'.","'Kn .,.;loonthellM "400 vi"T1 !IojI'J04Bt R 1)1 AODlTIONAl SHt:E'ISI A'TACHl.eD~, =====~________ _ _________ _ 1 P ......... , ".:.. .. <I"~ ;;; ~-;;~-(ij;,-1oIowtng eclll,)l'l': • CO!lojT1~UATIO!loj 'tw Of""I~ ... ,..,.... bI'~ ,,.,. DlbIOflllind ~ed P.tty, •• 1. Mafll\f '.1\UI'ftbef II\oMt In ben a. _ d"'~ • lJLL AS51(jNMff~' .1 of ,,.,. s.-;uted Pwty'. '1Qif'ItI una .. 1M f~~ .,~ bit.",...,.,....,.., 'lIh&<m In"-• " .... lIMn ...... 10 the AMiQnMI~ "t>ou' " .. n.,,1 ..... ~".' .. I apptI" If! bel. 4 • Po\lll. \1 AS<;'UNMIN' 1~ s.c_ "'"V·, 'Ighl' ur.cHf ,,,,-'..,anclnQ "'11'_1 bur",; 'lie ~ shown IfI bo. &. 10 1M Pf~y cMlCtIOI'd .. bo. I. "WI ' ....... "'."fJn ... 11n , .... A.~"I who" neI~1I1 otnd 6dd ...... " 1I0Pe" '" boll .. X A'" ~l·"",,,,,1 'on..-.c1AQ 11 .. __ ' t..., .. "IiI .... "'""'".,... thowr " bot '!III .. ~ •• NI ton ... '" ba.' ,. ... Ul.AI flll' "'Sf s.c.u.ed "eo', f ....... ,tw ~oa.l.·1I o.lC1'obId 11'1 beN 8 '.om Ii" '.,.,aoc."'9 .'.''"*'' be......, , .. ~ "-"1ft bOIl ,. I! ItMI~"'~IO'.~ .. ~':"!~L""t,I"!.!.!..'U ~....!....c!.~._'!C~", ."1, .... , Ur'\IMII .... ,~ ".,_ tMI .. ~! ... Il\IITIbef"" _"~!:.! .. ~.!...!!..~ _____ _ 1\ 111 ... \ R.Pf,ON "II'''''''' .,""""""'*',. ~I ~ p .. ',...M .... ,A It"·,, "*,,t'O#Wl':-'" • '',. '''''ItIl''~~1 - r.1~n8e of Secured Party's address ss sho~n above. ~I!,"'\I'IH':'" ~ll ')tl!!I) ... ~1 Citicorp Real Eatate, Inc. At .. n. Jennifer Hovell One Sansom. Str~et, St •• 2830 San rranciaco, CA 94104 (»P'f I • , OIl/NO OF,a .~ •••••.• oJ .. __ C1t1oorp IlAal E8tatL...l!Lc~!=-==,.,...,_ TV'" NAMll$1 OF MCVM" ."'Vlttll AlIT AP9tMS IlrilIOX JOft. , _....I UMIfOfIM CO .... actAL COOl HNItTMIIIITOf uca ..... ..... 10._ 011"'''' _ ".0.100' ., )< , ~ .. i! :::> 5 .'3 .... :c 3 -~ ::> :7 " " ::> .. = ~ , . I I , .. , .... ,LlA'. "PI .OAM -II AN IIUIOR 'I MAD'. COtlll'ICT ALL (('" ••• 'n'l uce·) CHUG.ltATIM'NT., PI,,,,,,'H'I)< i. "II IM.II'IHI.I 1'0 ..... W'~lon !;no10l'"l t:--.rc ... C,* C"IC~" 6ZA t. C'OO lift' 1.lor1Qt U\~U' EO)1 ..-cI pf(;~n'.l' .. ..: 1", ...... " l", .. , ttl.pt.< 60 1 J ACW ._------_ .. _ .. _ .. -_. ---~.--.----.. -.----_.-. , DfIW.,I,S"_""""""I, o.tKlIIf' I .:-,,\p'" H~n~.A' .... ., '",r "',JoI ............. '~I okIol,,, •• • 5S~ '\'\HU:>''''t~!-> '''J'' ' .... 1"· .... "#<'~ ... : #</.1''''\ Jttfrt .----.. -..:. I 1 'OJI O"ICI "" ONLY-DO NOT .'"TlIN tH11 801 . Fi rs.U:.ity Corp •• F1V\ Equities [lev" I opTl"n t F'lrst r:n:-y ONtor 1 : 55. r··--700 Fifth Streel, Suite GOOO Seattle, Washington 98104 ~ ~ --0') , t ~ -B &I a R ! !I ; ~ :I II ,; I I --------r. ·.iSSiGNEEiilOiSiCuA£C 'MRT-iiifsiif.-abr.'--- Citieorp Real £l;tate, Inc • Attn: Jennifer C. Howell One ~ansome Street, Suite l~30 San Francisco, California 96104 1M IItIng I.. .14 OG _,_~u .... ~,!~. ~.DQ~!,ONA&. SHUTIS, 'TTACHfO ___ .. _. IIIMN end ..-. ... , 7 ,.. ... chec:1I ON 01 more of tftI toIowln9 lC'IOn.. '. ............. lPkONTlfIIV"'''Ofll hw ~ ~"'V .,., ...... , Me ..... ' lhe o.bw411_ Bland Pwty4IMI, be.-.nQ""""'** "'"'" In. boI: I. II tUllffKtiw L' ,; fVL~ .c:~CNM(N T Ail "" ,1-. _...-Mt Plrtv ...... \IftCteI1n. IIfWICInt ""...,.,. bUr,", ,.. runNI iIhOWf' In boa l ~ ken • ...,.-10 IhI .... 19" ••• , .11(,1" .... ,.h,1 .. .., MktI ..... II~ ... WI __ " . ; PIIoflll .... L 'SSfGNMfNI The s.c.UI.d""y'",,~undIf me I~"'""*,I bHnnQ'''~ .!1own In boll I. 10 tftI Pfocwnv delCne..ct 1ft bow e, hMoe ....., ......... 10 I~ ... ,....,... ........ 010 N/MII. and .sd1."~.IIPCIH' •. bot •. : _: AMtl'tUMtllt' .WI"-'~ ~I"'''''I w"lf1Q 1 ... 1\..mtIef INMI •• \ bo. "" ~ .. Nt torm ... bal' : PAfII""" :.llfA&l Sat.urM "-'Iy , ....... tTIe ~otYl" .. deecnbed '" baa • ff'Om ,he hNnc"'llilitmenl bNnnO hie number .how" 1ft tto. 5 ....... .: __ : T!R~.'~_~_~~!I!!.~.I • .!!.~~c""", • MC:\IfI1y 1ft, .... ! undef IN '~tnCt ""-,*" bNrwl9 ,. """'0.' Illown on be. !I R 01 !>r:AIPfl(",p,: _.1 co."'., ''''III''''"' •. ""'I'f'trtmel'l' DO pao ... ' , .... ,,-:':'UM'1t «1cJo1-..J B~". "" ~",j ,i no«I«1l Citicorp Real Estate, Inc. T'Y'I fIIAMlISI Of SlCURlD PAA"\'VtIESI AS IT APPEARS IN BOX 3 OR • ~ ClLicorp Real F~tHte, Inc. On~ SHn~ome Street, Suite San Francisco, Callfornia mpv •• FlUHR ~ _. 2830 94104 ~'SHlNG'ON ~K:C J UNIL'OIU COMMIICIAL COOl DIM"''''.' D' UCI"".0 '.0.101_ awMrtA, 1M N_01 ~.:!C] fORM '"",~/(O FOA USf IN Hot STATE 0 .. WASHINGTON tA 10!.tih .,. x i j i , I I , , I i I I , (jJ). PlU.S( TYP( rORM n ••• Fl!'.TUII:( flUNC II ptu.tItId ""' .... m-IOII .. WAstllHCION UNlfQRU COUMt.RCW.COO£ o t £AS( . 0.. ~" lOr tnIormIbonIIl'MIfpoIItI orWy. Thit "'"'" o.oa .nd 11K ..... IWTY .... lID eM CCIftUn,Ied I. l[~(.rId llSSl'l'l. o Ca.-SoIGNLILHT ThI".~"'" 101 1nl«'rft:ltfCW\E1 CIU"'PO'Wt onIy~ Tlw> ttrons ~ .. rd wc • ...., cwtY .relOM mtlUlld It CONStGHrE If'd.coNSICNOR: _.";,,, , .... • D£810R(S) (Of •• ,,,I'l0l1')) 2. fOflOUIC( US( ONLY (I",' "'" .. first. lid oIOdreu( •• " First City Develq:n>nts Corp. SUite 4170 800 Fifth Avenue 86/10·'09 "EGO " C~5H5r.. ". :)0 "~"""7.00 Se6tt1e, IWIhington 98052 SfC:UR(O PARTY(lU) (or .. SI,""t\1I (~n ... nd~"foJ L Citicorp Ileal Estate, Inc. 27th Floor 1111 '1llird Avenue Seattle, washinqton 98101 ""'" flXTURf fiLING COWf'I tt\f loMowtnc fKl*lfII~' at prq:Ieft" c; Ttw ,cod, art 10 MCon-. Itdurn on •.. o 11w Pf'OIIIftY i, ""'"' "'''rw on .. NuU8fR Of AOQHlONoAl SH[HS ATTACH[O '--_ i ,t,SSIGNUtS) of 5£CUR£O PARTV(I[!I) (d .(IpIM. ........ ) I (III' Ntne ,,"to .Ad Iddtft.(elll o n. ~ .. InItWrMI Of tNli .. (inc1Wl". .... tId DIll) 01 acc.ourU lID bt ftNftr'N" N -utw6d Of IYIiNNed 01 the wei. 01 ....... ~ on .. COnc:nbt fMI.stIW.l.h.I ....... :nptlon.' Sea Exhibit A attached hereto. ThIt .. ..,. btilll"..,l»tllildfar *ant It! the rMI"'~. II 1M dIIbtotdoft not Mw",~oI-.ord .. IN...-y. me rwnI 0'. NCord 0WNf ".: ___ :-_____________ _ o "Gdwdlaf~ ... ".~ 7. Rl1U'"'I ACKHOWl(DGNtJriIl ..... WYlO' r-JoAnn Tobin L Citiool!> Ileal EatAtA, Inc. 27th Floor 1111 '1llird Avenue Seattle, Wloshington 98101 a. 1M IIIMmIfIt" __ bw' the s..·ftd ~11MtHd olIN o.tJCct(t'., ~ • ~ IntfNoIIln c ...... (AN.c"II'~ boa) FIL£ FOR R(COftD WtJH: COUNTY AUDCTOR Of COUNTY IN MUCH A£Al PROP(A1'Y IS """TIll Q,mpIIIW IuItr iI bell td)" ctwcUd· complete H.~ lot (8). (b)..nd (C); ,. m a ~. :! .. ,. •• '" ... (olD ..,..", .... .,. -="",,....,nt In enorNt ~ __ If WI btar.CI'Il "*' tN, saMe. 01 whtn!hl dItJIo"'IlCJt.ICIOA ... ~ to this". or ----------",0 ..... -. ...... , ... -------- (&)0 .. tollltlidlfWfrllinlhllIlPIId.or fcIr'IM, • ..,.,... ~., ________ _ (dO IICQI,IHH .... p.-r ~.,.,... iINntity.orcurpcn" ~oItMcIeCeof('J. US[ If' APPlICAQL[: WHA'UU(I>CI~'AJln(I'IJ(Or ...... (1U 10. ruMINA TtOW STArtl4HT: The ILCUR£D PAIITY(I£S> camfwt lNI"" SlCURlD 'AATY(ll$) no IIqft c ..... MCutttJ ....... ""*' ... ftllblft tuww ~ ~"""'1fIfIwn1bGw. ' -. .. ------------~li _____________________ _ ... to; <.CUNTV AUOITOIII II CoufItr .,.. ..... 1\IrIaI ............. _,uoc _______________ _ . ','~ " .a..::.-J " '," ".~ __ .-.u.fto ·H9j9--UCC·2 nr..:. .. "' ..... ...,. ...... II ..... .,.. .. IO~ u...,~ CoCIWMIfl:UC COOl ''''''I ....... Iw .......... ~" ..... "'""."" ......... wc." .. ,. .... I.h' .. """" .. ""U.""~U .. ". run Clt.)llqlttlo. II\Iite 41'0 IGCI 'Utll __ .... ttl •• 1INIl1n9-98052 r . C1tJ.aarp IN1 ..... te, Inc. Z7tll rl_ 1111 ~n1_'" "'""-. ~ .1101 L "" ...... -............... , ........... ..-......... . .J , .......... ..,.. .......................... ~ ............................ -....... "..,. ....... . ~"".1oItI4I ........ .-..... . I n.. .......... ; ..................................................... .,. .... " ..... " ..... . ~~.~---.:~==:---------------.-----------~ ................ ,..... ..., ...I • :-:==:.-::::~:=::r::=::.:IIIf*I&t .. ...-ct .·CJ =='.:;.:...-::=:.~=:."': .... ~.,..."'" .......................................... --111_ .. _ ........... ........ .. ,,~ ............... ,. e.,...... ....... I1I ........ ..,...... ............. " ... u 0r\I0IIII,...,..,. ..... _____ _ -----------""""' ........ -. ------- -.~ Partner "r. .... I11 ...... IIIIIlI:~&nmlm .. III1.~ ... 1III""'9IIIQ"'o;~ ___ ;;;;;;;;~.,--- ~----------------~~-----------------....... COI.IHft "'** III CMIJiIa ....... ....,..... .. ,.. ----------- I i . _. !!!.I:~,!i!".!, .,-., .. ,~~'~J ___ .. ..... ..':" .... .:.~ ... -.~.. . ..... . ""'r-:: ;:~;'~~~·.~."~·:~ .. ~.~:~_~:~~:~!:.~~~(.~.~;~~~~.·..: .. :~7;~. j .. ,..: II J t:': t. ,. ,\ • -----():'.:~ ... : !~o. 65:'499 PARCEL I-A: That portion of the Southwest 1/1, of Section 1.1, Township 23 Norch, Range 4 East W.N.; AND That portlon of Junction Addition to the City of Seattle, as 'ler plat recorded in '!olume 12 of Plats, Page 75, records of king County; -----' · ..... o TOGETIlER 1o:1T1I vacated streer. adjoinin;; wl)ich would attach to ! szid premises by operation oi 11~; c :'l AND of Charles Brownell's Donation Cldim No. 41; ;) ':> .~ AND of that portion of Tract 26 of Renton Shore Lands 2nd ~ SUfll'lemental described &s follows: Beginning at the South 1/4 corner of said Section 13; thence North 00°58'28" East alo"lg the North -South centerline of said Section 13 a distance of 884.84 feet to the Southeast cornp.r of Tract 26 of Renton Shore lands Second Supplemental Haps, according to the unrecorded plat thereof. thence South 72°37'52" West along the SO'Jth boundary of said Tract 26 a distance of 382.60 feet; thence North 70°54'02" Wp.st along said South boundary of Tract 26 a distance of 73.50 feet to the East line of the Charles Brownell Donation Land Claim No. 41 and the true point of beginning, thence cont inuing North 70' 54' 02" t.:esc along said South boundary of Tract 26 a distance of 281.02 feetl thence South 73°56'01" West along said South boundary of Tract 26 a distance of 130.08 feet; thene" South 41°16'07" 4est along said South boundary of Tract 26 a distance of 316.18 feet to the North boundary of a tract of land deeded to King County and described under King County Recording No. 66077861 thence Westerly along said Nor-th boundarl on a curve to the left, thO! center of which t.~ars South 39°41' 39' West having a radiur of 627.46 feet an arc distance of 434.70 feet throug~ a central angle of 39"~l'~n"1 thence North a distance ot l5.uu feet along thO! North ~ounda'J of said King County tractl thence West a distanca of 280.69 feet along the North boundary I of said King County tractl thence South 59°53'47" West along said North boundary a distance of 377.52 feetl thence South 7""13'19" West along said North bounda;; a distance oZ 443.31 feet to the Northerly margin of the Charles Monster (;ounry Roadl thence North 31,°18'31" West alollg said Northerly !:Iargin a distallct of 43.46 feet to the South lin~ of the Burlington Northern Railroad :-ight-o{-waYI th8~ce ~long a curve to the left along said South line, the center of ... hich h,.ars North 06 ° 34' 41" West having a radius of 696.00 feet, • continued - · ...... -. --. . -.... ," Order No. 652~q9 DES:::R1PTlON PARCE~ (continued): an arc distance of 45 .• 3 feet through a central angle of 03'44'25" to a point of compound curve; thence alon~ a curve to the left along said South line, the center of which bears North 10'19'06:' West having. a r~dius_ of t~055.00 feet an arc' distance of' 209.95 'feet throu~h a' central angle of 11'24'08" to a point of compound curve, the~ce along a curve to the left along said South line, the center of which ~ears North 21'43'~4" West having a radius of 727.00 feet, an arc distance of 214.77 feet through a central angle of 16'55'35" to a point of compound curve, thence along a curve to the left along said South line, the center of which bears North ·38'38'49" West having a radius of 1,571. 00 feet an arc distance of 206.57 feet c ...... ugh a central angle of 07'32' 02" to a point of tangency, . thence North 43'49'09" East along said South line a distance of 97.17 feet to a line 35 feet Southerly of and parallel With the c~nterline of the existing most So~therly track of the Chicagq, Mllwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Tracks, ' thence along said parallel line on a curve to the right, the center of which bears South 42'43'18" East having a radius of 696,89 feet, an arc distance of 40.09 feet through a central arogle of 03'17'45", thence North 50'34'27" East along said parallel line a distance of 248.50 feet, thence along said parallel line on a curve to the right, the center of which bears South 39'25'33" East having a radius of 676.58 feet, an arc distance of 93.64 feet through a central angle of 07'55'47" to a point of reverse curve, thence along ssill parallel line on a curve to the left, the centl'r of which bears North 31'29'46" West havlng a radius of ~28.64 feet. an arc distance of 73,32 feet through a central angle of 09'48'04" to a point of reverse curve, thence along said parallel line on a curve to the right, the center of which bears S~~th 41°17'50" East having a radius of 2,580.74 feet an &rc distance of 437.40 feet through a central anfle of 09"42'39" to a point of compound curve, thence along said parallel line on a curve to the right, the center of wh~.ch bea.rs South 31'35 '11" EaH having a radius of 2,790.19 feet an arc distance of 789,4. feet through a centrai angle of 16°12'39" to the East line of the Charles Brownell Donation Land Claim No. 41, thence South Ol'24'04" Wesl along said East line a distance of 950.:;8 feet to thG true point of beginninj;; -continued - Order No. 6~2499· DESCRIPTIOr; (cc,lltinued): PARCEL 1-5: That portion of Charles Brownell's Donation Claim No. 41, and of the South~est 1/4 and the Southe1st 1/4 of S~ction 13, township 2; North,· Range 4 .£ast.·\I,:·I:, described as fo11olols: Beginning at the South 1/4 corner of said Section 131 thence North 00'58'28" East along lhe North -South centerline of said Section 1] a distance of 884.84 feet to che Southeast corner of Tract 26 of Renton Shore lands Second Supplemental Maps, 19581 thence South 72'37'52" West along the South boundary of said Tract 26 a distance of 382.60 feetl thence North 70'54'02" West along said South boundary of tract 26 a distanc~ of 73.50 reet to the East Une of the Charles Brolomell Do .. ation Land Claim No. 41; thence North 01'24'04" East along said East line of the Charles Bro~lell Donation Land Claim No. 41 a distance of 950.58 feet to a line ]5 fEet Southerly of and paralle~ with the centerline of the existing most Southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Tracks and the true point of b~ginningl thence Westerly along said parallel line on a curve to the left, the cente:-of which bears South 15'22'32" East having a radius of 2790.19 feel, an arc distance of 789.44 feet through a central angle '.)f 16'12'39" .:0 a point of compound curve: thence continuing along said parallel line on a curve to the left, the center of whit::h bears Scuth 31'35'11" East having a radius of 2580.74 feet, an arc distance of 437.40 feet through a central angle of 09'42'39" to a point of reverse curve, thence conti~ uing along said parallel line on a curve to the right, the center of which bears Nurth 41'17'50" West having a radiu& 01 428.64 feet, an arc distance uf 73.32 feet through a central angle of 09'48'04" lo a point of reverse curve; thence conti~uing along said parallel line on a curve to the left, the cp.nte".of which bears South 31'29'46" East having a radius of 676.58 f~et, an arc distance of 93.64 feet through a cen:ral angle of 07'55'47" to a I int of tangency: thence continuing along said parallel line South 50'34' Z~ .. 'jut a distance of 24C.50 feet to a point of curve 1 thence continuing along saie ~~~allel line on a curve to the left, the center of which bears SOQ~h 39'25'33" East having a radius of 696.89 feet, an a' c di~tance of 40.09 feet through a ~entr81 angle of 03'17'4~" to the South line of the Burlington Northern Railroad right-oC-way; thence Sarth 4J'~9'09" East along sald South line ft distance of 173.8J feet to 8 point of cur.vel -cuntinuo!d - , .~.:.:. : .. '.c". '~','I ..•. -.-.:. ::~.~.~ . .:.,.: ~,' . .' . "";.~~~;~ ... ~.~ . ,.-:-,~~ ... "" ..... :~ ..•. --.'~ .... '." ~"'::.~. . ... - • ,}o \ . .. -". Order No. 652499 DESCRLPTlON i'ARCEL 1-1> (continued): thence continuing along cald South line on a curve to the right, the center of which bears South 46'10'51" Cast having a radius of 4030.00 feet. an arc distance of 197.57 feet through a central angle of 02'48'32" to a point of compound curve; thence cont I.nuing along said. South ··line on a curve to. the. right, . the center of whi~h bears South 43'22'19" East having a radius of 1853.00 feet, an arc dlstance of 194.75 feet through a central angle of 06'01'18" to a point of compound C" ': thence continuing along said South line ~n a curve to the right, the center of which bear~ South 37"21'01" East having a radius of 10543.00 teet, an arc distance of 186.51 feet through a central angle of 01'~O'49" to a point of compound curve, ther,ce continuing along said South J ine on a curve to the right, the center of wh!.c!l bears Sout:, 3·,'20'12" East having a radius of 1657.00 feet an ar~ dist~nre of 1~3.93 feet through a central angle of 06'42'20" to a point of compound curve, .thence continuing along said South line on a curve to the right, th~ cente: o£ which bears South 29'37'52" East ha~ing a radius of 67~8.00 feet, an arc distance of 197.76 feet thr~ugh Q :entral angle of O~.· 4()' 54" to a point of compound curve, thence continuing along said South line on a curve to the right, the center of which beats South 27'56'58" East having a radius of 1768.00 feet, all arc distance of 194.45 feet thro~gh a central angle of 06'lS'06" to " poin~ of comyound curve I thence continuing along said South line on a curve to the righ~, the center of which bears South 21'3S' 52" E.lst havi;lg a radius of 8603.00 feet, an arc distance of 204.54 feet through a central angle of 01'21'44" to a point of compound curve I thence continuing along said South l:ne on a curve to the right, the center of which beats South 20 0 J 7' :l8" East having a radius of 1922.10 feet, ~n arc d!stance of 178.79 feet through a central angle of 05'19'~6" to a point of compound curVQ on the East line of sa:~ Cha~~es Brownell Donation Land Claim No. 41. thence continuing along said South line on a curve to the right. the center.of which bears South 14'57'22" East ~aving a radiu~ of 2814.93 feet, an arC distance of 659.42 feet through a central angle of 13'25'l9" to a polnt of compound curve. thence continuing al0,.g said South hne on a eurve to the right, the center of uhich bears South 01 '32'03" East hving a radius of 1165.09 ~eet, an arc distance of 1097.05 feet through a central angle of 53' 5 7' O{l" to a i·,lint of tangency I .hence contil1uing along said Pouth line South 31'35 '03" East a distance of 30S.70 feet to a point of curve. thenca continuing alor.g said South Une on B curve to the ie'ft, the c~nte: of \.Ihich bears North 52'2~'57" East having a radius of 1005.37 feet, an arc distance of 45.82 feet through ft central angle of 02")6'41" to a line 3~ feet Southerly of anC: parallel With the ce"t~rline of the eKisti.ng most Southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and P~cific Railroad Tracksl -ccr.tinucd . Order No. £~2499 "ESCRIPTlON PARCEL loB (continued): t~ence Westerly along said pa:allel line Nortb 40"1,'4." West a distance of 126.24 feet to a poi~t of curve, thence continuing alnng .. said parallel l_~e on s curve to the left, the center of which besr~ South 49"48'16" West hsving·s radius of 1829.78 feet, an arc distance of '09.67 feet through a central angle of 09"41'4&", thence North 49·53'~2" West along said parallel line a distance of 167.07 feet to a point of curve, the nro continuing along said parallel line on a curve to the lcf:. t~e center of which bears South 40"06'28" West havtu~ a pA~ ... of 1102.46 feet, an arc distance of 807.11 feet through _ ~en"ral angle of 41"56'46" to a point of cOMpound cuevel thence continuing along said parallel line on a curve tQ the left; the center of which bea~9 South 1"50'18" East having a radius of 2790.19 feet, an arc distance of 659.24 feet thr.ough a central angle of 13"32'14" to Lhe tru~ point of beginning I -continued - "'A ••.• Q' "I"tO • ...... -. --... Order No. 6~249~ DESCRIPTION (continued): PARCEL 1-C: That portion of Tract 25, Renton Shore1an~s 2nd Supple~entall AND That portion of the"Sou:heasr 1/4 of S~ctlon 13, ToWnship 23 North,'Range 4 East W.M., and the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, and the Southwest 1/4 of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the South 1/4 corner of said Section 131 thence North 00·58'28" East along the North -South centerline of said Section Ij, a distance of 884.84 feet to the SQutheast corner of Tract 26 of Rent.)n Shore lands Second Supplemen,tal Maps, according to the unrecorded plat thereof, and the true point of beginning I then~e South 72"37'52" West along the South boundary of sa:d Tract 26, a distance of 38;.60 feetl thence North 70"54'02" West along the South boundary of said Tra~t 26, a distance of 73.51 feet to the East line of t~e Charles Brownell Donation Land Claim No. 411 thence North 01"24'04" East along said East line, a distance of 950.58 feet to a line 35 feet Southerly of and parallel with the centerline of the existing most Southerly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Tracks I thence along said li~e 35 feet Southerly of and parallel with the c~nterline of the moat Southerly track, alon, a curve tn the right, the center of which bears South 15"22 32" East. t.aving a radius of 2,790.19 fe~t, an arc distance of 659.24 feet through a central angle of 13"32 'II," to a point of compound curvel thence along a curve to the ri,ht, along said parallel line. the center of which bears South 01 50'18" East having a radius of 1,102.4& ,feet. an arc distance 807.11 feet through a central angle of 41"56'46"1 thence South 49"53' 32" East, along said parallel line, a dista""p of 167.07 feetl thence along a curve to the right, along said parallel line, haVing a radius or l,829.78 Ceet, an arc distance of j09.67 feet through a central A"sle of 09'41'48"1 thence leaving said parallel line, South 40"11'44" East, a distance of 126.24 feet to a point on the South line of the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-waYI thence along a curve to the left, along said South lin~, the center of Which bears North 49'48'16" East having a rldlus of 1,005.37 feet, an arc distance of 549.02 feet through a central angle of 31"17'19" to a point tangent on said South line of the Burlington Notthern Railro~d right-oC-way. thence .·Jntinuing along said South line, South 71'29'03" East alons a line ~O feet South of and par"llel with the eXi'ting Southbound tract, a distance of 82&.56 feet to the West line of said Section 181 -continued - j . , --- ~-.-- Order No. 652499 DESCRIPTlCN PARCEL l-C (continued), chenc'econtlnuinRalc'~g said South -line .South 71·29'03" East,a distance of 85.5~ feet to the 'orth line of the South 650 feet of the Southwest 1/~ of the Southwe.t 1/~ of said Section 18, thence North 89·10'25' ~.5[ along the North line of said Southwest 1/~ Lf the S~uthwest 1/~ of ~ection 18, a distance of 81.57 feet to the East line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Sec tion 13 I thence North 88·15'00" ~est along the North line of the South 65. feet of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 13, a distance of 2,261.41 feet to an angle point on the South boundary of Tract 25 of Renton Shore Lands, 19581 thence North 33·07' 25" IJest along s.1id South boundary, a distance of 154.51 feet to an allgle pointl thence North 21· 7.1' 32" Eas t a long said South boundary, a dis tance of 387.32 feet to an angle pointl thence North 93·17'25" ~est along said South boundary, a distance of 171.17 feetl thence South 46·22'22" West along said South boundary, a ~istance r f 324.66 feetl .hence South 72"37'52" ~est along said South boundary, a distance of 76.33 f<let to the true point of beginning I Situate in the C~ty of Renton, County of King, State of Wpshington . . -cont inued --.... , ... . " "-.. DESCRIEfION ~'OR PARCEL 2 PARCEL 2-1.: ..~-- -. ~ ... Tract A of The plat of Washington Technical Center, as per plat reco"dad in Volume 122 of Plats, P~gos ~9 through 102, records of King County; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State ot Ws sh i ng ton. PARCEL 2-0: Lot 2 of Renton Lot Line AdJustment NO. 1-86, as per survey recorded und". King County Recurding No. 9G09179004: EXCEPT that r~rtion of the Northerly 610.00 feet of said lot lying (:) Easterly of the road eksement shown on sa id surv&y and on the lO penultimate line plat of Washington Technical Canter, as per plat ,~ recorded in Volume 122 of Plats, ~ages 98 through 102, recor~s of ?, King (;0 un ty; ;S ,04 AND EXCEPT, that portion ther.eof conveyed to the City of Renton by 'if, deed rec.lrded under Recording NO. 9412070651: I:!ituate in the City of R"""ut), County of ;;In;, State of W'Shington. -~ .. I \ b '\- ·-.... Pl L\~ "Pl , 0fl<0I .~~~~ O,~f S'AnM(NT '. t><_nltll tot I,'" ... ; ..... ".". 1f'!+'It WASMINtifO'" "";jlfO"'" (0101"'" ;((IA( ,:(IDt o U:A.Sl T .... ,",~OM,~ _roes "'U<i\r""'I· ~'f III ~ ',Of."",*, '.l..fSC,fl ,~~ o CI:lHSKl ...... f~f. ''''''''''''dttIfOr tnd ... ",Mj OI'1'r_IONi~~m~'tiWS'GHO'I I. ~=)t!:.=-~nJ) 2 rOfloma:USlOfoll' Fit'st City El:jUi ties 800 Fifth Averwe SUite 4170 Seattle, Washinqtcn 98104 T .,. ~ ~ . ., C(:":' ~:~.) . 86/12/16 RECD F CI'ISHSL ..... 7.1)0 6 fOIU"'tCl VSl ONU. !:::J ... ~ ... 0" I C:J • = CiS c:J o fUll A.S.!I.IGNW(frllt ""!If .... s.c. .... to hfl" .,.;t.:\ ~ 1M I,No"'''' ~rc 1IoH''' fIW numbrI' ,,",-,-,, ~ "' .. ~ ~ 10:tw ~~.I __ frIIAJIlISI AND A£)()tl[S!>([M .....,U.A o\8OV[ PAATlAl A~'GN"r.NT It< .. ~UfN ""h' ".,," ... ""', , .. I,,......,.,,", ",..r~ M~'" I.,," "",,,t.!" "-" IbOoW 10 rtw Pf-"" O(SCftI8[D BUo-"-Wet! U .... "" 10 , ... 4'lW""hI_ NAM((~I AND AOOfI(S!'.o,(ST APf'LAJI AbOV[ AM( tlMtroT l" .... ...:~~\Utlt:"'oC"':In,.,~fllf~ , ......... ....--................. ·.iVT ''''''HSUOW ",tJJT' ..... II1L1ASl Sole....., htty(~"""'" c.aIaef" Of.5CJtIBlD SUOW trom ... tiMItt .... ~ --... " .. ftUft'lbef II'.-. ~ TIAMlfCATIOf'I. Sec.nd hrtyC"')"" IoI\efJCloaImtj toICOa'itW ....... .,. ... , IN ~.."..". t,..rwII ..... ---~-- DU''''''''''' 'l11e legal deacriptial of the real property ClCI'Jered by the securi.:y intereSt of secured p.uty is ~ to include, in additioo to the property de8c:ribed al EKh1bit A to Financing StAt:srent under RBoording No. 8610090660, the additia>al ptq:ct ty clesc:r1bed al EKh1bit A hereto as "l\dditiooal paroel." 1'U'St City I!lqU1ties r L f&bert [J. NeuqCbauP.r l'relltal, ThorqriJroKln. Ellis , llolJMn 5400 Clol_is SeatJ.rat Center 101 Fifth Avenue Seattle, ~ 98104-7011 wASHIHGTDN vee J Citl.corp Real Estate, inC. _I fll[ WI':"H :'-1 C,OMM,RCIAL t:OOf. MIStON .... ,NI' .... ,.,01 UC(N5IJtO '08OltMO 0"..,.", WA 91SW OR If , .. 'URl rilING c~n .UOITOfI 01 COU"lY WH[IH: 0It1Q&NAl 'ILING.'" MAIl(. '!)II QfflClUK C)H4.Y 'OIIIoI""""'lO'OII vw: ''''' fHl " .. If Of WAIH"""1ti -"0 ... - ..J '. . ~... ," "'.'.' '. '~"'- That I'o=:~c:: c: t::e 50":::'~es: 1/:' c: Se::!c:I 13, To"'::s!!.!.? 23 No~th, Ra::ge , ~as: ~.~., a:le o! t!!e Nc::::wes: 1/' o! Section 2', a&~d to"~sh~? a:le ra::se, c!esc=~~ed as follows: .1leginnins on t!l .. East line of t!le, Northwe,s c 1/4 ·-of s.aid Section 24, ae a pCinc Nor::!l 01'05'00" East along said East !ine 1,804.20 feet f~cc ~he ca~:e~ of said 5e::1on 24, t~~::c~ No=:~ 89'16'47" ~es: 1.~33.S3 fee: to the Eas:e:ly margin of 72::d Ave::". SC~:!!, !o~e~ly Co~:::y R:ae No. a (~SO ~~O~~ AS the Charles ~cns:er Roae) , the::ce Nor:h 01'25'34" "'es: alo::! sa!.c ::&I:&rly carg!.:: 404.00 feec; the:lce Sc~:h 8:'16'47" Eas: 200 feec, the::ce No::h 00'4)'13" E&s: 300.00 !ee:; che:\ce Nc::h 8;'15'47" "es: 86.42 fee: t, a:: i:l:ersec:io:: with the Sc~t~~es:e=ly l~~e c! a c=a:: o! la~c c:;.?eJe~ :: ~e:== a~d tes~=ibee i:: cee:: re:::~e:! I.:::::e: l\e:::::!..:g Nc. e~Oij0C2:3, a::e the c::-.:e po.!.::c of begi:::-.!.:-.;; tbe~ce t\=:,:~·.:es:e=:·1 al:~g .a!.:! S,:· .. :~·.·es:e=l:' l!::.e a:-:e c:'\ a c:~:"ve. C"e ·&"':'·s .. -~-. c~··· .. ~· .. "" ··s r ... __ · ... Co;'-,&-'"," ':'&5-"," ~£ "ee" •• -___ , ............. _ .. u .. 4a.. 1.' .............. ___ ......... 7;l.., .. , a c!.s:a~:e c: 1~2.43 !ee:: thft:ce N:::~ Z2'Z~'02" ".s: a!c::g I&!C Sc~:~~es:e~ly li:e 56.79 fee: t; :~e S:=:~ l!.~t c: s4!d S4::!.:~ 2~, ~~e~=e s:~:~ E7·2~'4C·' Ea.: alc:g sa!.~ S==:h !!~a 341.02 ~ce: t~ ~~e Nc:";~eas:e=:: l!~e c: S&!~ ~e:=~ T=a::. saic ~e=:~e&s:a=ly l!~e be!~g a:5: :~e SC~:~~ls:e=!~ l!:e c: =~a:: A. ~a!h!.::'b:::'\ Te:~::.!eal Ce::.:e=. as yE= p:a: =e::~:e~ !:-: Ve~~e 122 c: P:a:s, rAges ,: :~ 102. =e::=~s c! Ki:: C:~~:v; :~!~C~ S=~:~~es:e=:; a::~z·sa!.~ Sc~:~~es:e=:? 1!::.e. be!~6 a e~=~e c,. .\Ole"" ...... -a"':"s' __ l_-""e&-5 S.·~_·.:·.~ !~·_'!~·l?;j tas: i.~2.96 fee-., • u... ..... .. ___ ~............ . .. a ~is:a~:e c: Si.9~ :ee:; t!';e:lce N::":~ 21·Ze'02" ,,'es: a1::::g sa.ic S:'.::~·.·es:e=lJ li::e 26J.09 tee" to a l'-~ c'e5'"-"e' "-e---··-ease-e--~c"····'J" e~ U 5 De -a'" --"c·-c-:;t;iA __ ' :.~;.:.:-: ~o;-l"C":::s"e-·" ·;o:':-S.·v-~·:-e· "ail "S"e·"~ 1 C ·r3""-e-·c·;"'e-~ ~:a"':~·i;:~!s-'·~-~ ~~-·~:;-C~&-·;'--·"··I·-S',c!'e' G~:ee~ .......... -~ u\Oi .".6.' .............. ,.., ..... ······f ..... .. .. ft'v ....... -~t) .... 4,'" c' "e·· ... • K'-o C ........ ·v '·al""·-· ... • .. , 1\ ............ --_~ .. A ........ , •• '0 .... -.. -.' .... "'.'.i'-"''' t!1e::.t·== ale::g la!~ l::~e .::c! c:: a c~=·.re, t:,e :a~ .. ~s pci:'}: e~ ... ·hic~ bears No:;h 05'24'02" Eas: 165.04 fee:, a ~!.s:a:ce 0: 112.06 fee: to a ~o!.::c o! ~eve~se C":-le, c!le rae!"s yo!.::: of "!:!c~ beats Soutn 44"18 11" West, 172.96 fae:1 thence alo::g said reve:le cu~v. I~d saic! 11:\e 133.7. feet; thence lOest along aai.d 11::e 367.02 fte: to a 11.::e whic~. bea~1 North from a point on the South line of .aid Section 13 which il l,Z71.76 fele East of the Souch"es: cort.1r thereof I '. thence South 143.9S feet to the Northealte:ly line of the ~h&rlel Monster Couney Roa~, thence Southealte~ly alorg .aid No~thealterly line to "a point which bUrl North 89'16'47" Welt frolll the true point of beginning; thence So~th 89'16'47" Ell: 12~.40 feet to the true poine of be/Cinn1r'SI situate in th~ City of. Ranton, County ot Kin;, Stete ot Washinqton, Except tor that portion ~~ereof. d •• ~ribed on ~aqa 2 ot this Exhibit A. " ..:, I Ui PRCPOSED OAi<ZS:J,lJ.£ -fiRS';' C~":'l E":lJr:-;:;;: (au T?..-\C7): 1'H~\T P0R-:"ICN 0:" TH£ 50UTn· .... ::5T ,CU,;?.-:-E?: Cr Si:c'r:o,'j 1 J l\:JD Cr' TilE ~lOr:7H''''ESr CIJ"\F.-:-::::t Of S:::C'!"i:C~1 14, "! .. J· ... ·:iSlI!? 2J ~IC?7'11, R,\:IGE 4 F;,\ST. n",M •• KI~j(j COU~i'!"(. "~S:H~iGTCf'i UES~~!B£:I P.S ftJLLOWS: COM,'1E~CINC; 1\7: TH~ SCU7H:i!:S7 COR'I;;:>. Of 5,\1 D S~CT!O'; !J: TII!:ICE ~OUTII 37'26'40" EAST I\LONG THe SOUTH LINE THrREOF 1271.76 fEET. TIIENCE NORTH 2J9,.23 FEET TO TilE NOIlTIl LINE O~· TilE CIII\RLES IIONSTI::R COUNTV ROAD SOUTHWEST AIID'THE'TRUEPOINT OF BECINNING: 'rH.ENCE NORTII 10.5~ FEET TO A loiNE PAR,\LLEt. WITH AN:) 10.00 FEET WHEN MEo\SURED liT RIGIIT I\NGLES, NORTH OF THE NORTH LIN~ OF S,\ID CHI\RLES IIONSTER ROI\D SOUTlI'.iEST: THENCE SOUTH 70'46'34" E,\$T I\LOIIG S,\ID PAR,\LLEL LillI: 13.'5 FEET: THENCE LE'\'1l1rG S,\ID P,\P',\LLEL. LINE AND ON 1\ CUR'If. TO TilE RIGHT IIAVING A MDIUS or 922.73 FEET, 1\ DIST,\NCE Of 89.31 FEE'r: THf:olCE SOUTH 65'13'51" E',ST 570.96 FE:ET TO TilE SOUTH LINF. OF S,\ID SECTIOII 13: THE:ICF: IIOR7H 87'26'40" WEST I\LOt/G S,\ID SOUTH LINE 225.61 FEET 'ro TH:: WESTERLY LI:IE OF 1\ TMCT Or LI\:ID CONVEYED TO METRO MID DESCR! 8E!) I N DEED flr.e::) U:IOER RECORtlER'S NO. 820730020 J, RECORDf; Of 5,\10 COUIITY: Tn:::rCE SOUTII 22'26'02" E,\S1' ',LO:lG 'S,\ID ~1f.STERLY LINE 15.02 FEgT TO A por;I' 0.1 t, CUR'lg IIA'Il:le 1\ R,\DIUS Of 45,0<,) fEET, TilE R,\DIUS POltiT 0: '.HICH BE,\RS SOUTH 24'15'52" EAS'r: THENCE SOUTH'flESTE:RLY ALO:IG s;.ro CUR'/E; 32,17 FE::T: THE~CE SOUTII 24'46'09" WEST ~4.57 FoET: TH!:ICZ otl 1\ CU'R'/E TO TilE L~fT IW/IIIG 1\ Ro\DIUS Of 120,00 FEET A DIS.,\:lCE ef 54.90 FEZT: TiIi;;:lCE SOUTH 1':6'34· EI\ST 64.75 FECT TO THE tlORTli LINE OF S,\lD ~IETRO TMCT: TIIENCE NORTIl 89'16'47" WEST 0.50 FEeT TO TilE E,\STERLY LINE: Of 72110 AVEIIUI:: SOU'rtf, I\LSO K:IOW:I 1\5 THE CliARLES MOllSTER COUIIT'( 1101\0: THENCE NOI1TIIERLY all S,\IO EASTERLY LIIIE I\~IO Otl A CUR'IE II,\'/IIIC A R,\DtUS Of 316,48 FEET, TilE IV\OtUS POW,;, 0, Wi(;C!1 nE,\RS SCl;'rll 8S '21'17" w:::s'r, 1\ DISTI\NC~; Of 14G.9~ FE~T TO A POt~7 Olt A CURve HA~::'G A RA~:US OF 180.0U f~£T. Tae:: RADIUS porN':' OF 't/lirCH B£,\RS S'::::':7H 60·14"J6'· £,;S-:"; THE:-iCE IIOi,THE:,\STl:a.!.'( all 5,\:0 cva',E J.IIl n:Z7: 'l'!IE:IC!:: liaR.!! 24'46'U9" £0\51' 24.57 F£El': THENCE all A CUR'll:: TO TilE LEE''' II,Wllle 1\ RADIUS Or 45.00 FEET A DIST'\~ICE Of 70,69 FEET: THESCE IIORTII 65'13'51" WEST 68.20 fEET TO THE NORTHE,\STERLY LilIE Or SAID CHARLES MONSTER ROI\D SOUTH.iEST. THEIICE NORTH 32']l'l4" w!:ST ALOllG So\ID NORTH~""S7::IIr.Y 1,lNE 39,18 FEET: TIlENCE ON A CURVE TO TilE LEFT II,WING 1\ RADIUS OF 316.48 FEET AlID ALONe; S,\IO NORTHEI\STERLY LI:IE 211.28 FE::T: TIlENCE NORTII 70'46'34" WEST ALONG 50\10 NOll'rHEASTE?,L.Y LINE S3.21 FEET TO TilE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 37,~17 SOUI\RE fEET, -2- -. •. ""' __ .. _"-". __ ..... 8.:.61:.:00~9.:;0.:.66:.:0:... _______________ _ , rotI OfFICI US( ONI Y: o t 0'" 0'" COPT 1 nUNa orhCU ' "00. WASHINGTON I.ICC ,J Sf"~~,~:~ll'I&~JtG 1, t=J CO:!:'!:.!c':. , .. C'If.,.,.. I,/WICI", ~ ........ 1M ~ DIOfoof.) '"" SKurfd hfttt_l, • .-. Nt """"* ....... r::::J 'UlllS5o';~rNlNl "'" ~"1It s.c,,," htty', Iopt\ "'*' "'" toNne ... ~ e.,,'", fI_ """"""'"' \No • ." ~ ............. ""'" "' .... ..... , .. ", wftOW NAIoI[cS) AHO ADOR(!\~[S) APf'(M ADO\'t c::J '''nIAL A.S5ICHM[Nl 1M s.turf'd ...".,', nPh"""'" IN ""-= ..... IU~""~". nufIIDIf""'M\ eCOIII tD eN ~ DnC1hBlD SHOW N-. '*" ........ the ,. ......... )-"'"" NAMUS) ANO AOOfiU51(S) AI'I"tU.aanw ...0 IE:J "'1rIi(fIIDtII(Nl r,I\Iftt~""' ....... bNrwIt"",..,.....u---."~A5Sl'rOff1HB(_OW CO t:=:J '''''w ItI.LlAll. $Kana hftJ(1ftJ ...... u.""'*" .. oac:alIMD B(l.O'-lirOmlhltlMnc""~...,.. .... fl&lmlWltIoo"' ..... CJ lUtWtNAllON. s.cloW'lldhttJC",'no __ ,*IM • .,.;urIl)IIItefnIIIIIItIf'lhf~""""""""""~~ __ , __ '1b> 1II1]II1 descr4>tia1 of the real pz:q>erty ~ by the security interest of ~ party is aaended to include, in addition to the p>:tJpBrty described a\ Exhibit A to Financing Statement under I!eoording No. 8610090660, the additional p>:tJpBrty <lescrll>ed a\ Exhibit A hereto as "AdtUtional Parcel." ~ ..... ' ....... ~.',....'. . "f\UL ..... ~~U ", \ ,_. Ci tioorp Ilea1 Estate, Inc. ..J rIU*II" UNtfr.""1 "" ........ ;.IAlI..OVt DlVISIOfrc O(mf~Hhlt "I\.:",'oy: "0 POlt660 01.""''' * .... ..ol 011 If ,.lfUIIC rlllfrlG ..... _ ..... '!' ...... -""""I...,r, ~';·r~.[ 0I1GIfrW. ,,,tHGw ...... AOt fOlt OffICI uw: gNU ItNIn 10 0 .r"" .. Fe. "'"""'0 f. ull UlIMl "&11 fl *.t.II1IMlIOH · .... ... _.". '-. O::-e!e= No, 652499 That portion of t~e Soe:~~est 1/4 of Section 13, To~~ship 23 North, Range 4 t~St ~,M" ane! of the Nor:h~est 1/4 of Section 24, said to~~shi? and range, cesc::-ioed as follows: Beginning ~n the EaS( line'of the Norchwest 1/4 of said Section' 24, at a point North 01'05'00" East along said East line 1,804,20 feet from the center of said Section 241 thence Norch 89'16'47" "·est 1,033.53 fee: to the Eas:erly margin of 72nd Avenee Soe:h, fo~e=ly Coen:y Road No. 8 (~SO IC.~O"~ AS the Charles Mons:er Roadll thence Nor:h 01'26'34" ~es: along said £as:erly margin 404.00 feet. thence Sou:~ 89'16'47" East 200 feetl thence Nor:h 00'43'13" Eas: 300.00 feet: thenc~ Nor:h 89'16'47" ~es: 86.42 feet to an in:e:-,~::ion with the Scuthwes:.=ly line of a tract of land c:c7e7e~ to ~e~"o and described in dee~ recorded ender R.c::-:icg No. 8207300283, acd the t~e point of begicr.~ng I thence N==:::'.:es:e=-l·, along said Sc".!:!wes:erly line ane on a c·~rve, the raei".!s pc in: 0: ~~ic:: be .. ::-s No::-:h 5~'H '42" Eas: i22.56 feec, a distance of 142.43 fee:: thence Nc::-:h 22'26'02" ~es: alocg said Sce:h~es:e::-ly line 56.73 feet to the Nc=:~ li~e e: .a~d See:!:~ ~~: thenc~ Sec:!! S7'ZS'40" Eas: aleng saie ~cr:h line 341.02 fee: to the Northeas:e=~y l!~e c: sa!d ~e:ro T:ac:. sa!d Ncrt~eas:e=ly li~e bei~g also :~e Sc~:~~es:e=17 l!~e c: ~=a:: AI ~ash~~g::~ Te~hn!cal Cer.:e:-, a.: per p:a: :-e::=:e: i:'l Vol:.=e 122 0: Pla:s, Pages S8 to 102, rt~:~:s c: K:cg C:".!n:,: the~ce N:=:~~es:e:-~y a!:~g sa!ci Sc~:~~!s:e=:y l~~e, be!~g a c~=Ve of whi~~ the :-ad!!:s po!::: ::ea:s Nc:,,:!':. .5.5-::9'2;" Eas: 422.96 fee:, a ~ista~~e 0: 6i.9~ fee:. thence Ner:!I 22'25' OZ" .·es: alocg said Sce:h~es:e=ly line 263.09 feet to a 1i:-.e des!.g~a:e: "pe:-::.a::.e:l: ease=e::~ bCl.::'1ca:y" on u.s. De?ar::ne!'lt of A~ric".!l :".!=e, Soil Conse::-·,&:;'on Se~v:'ce MIlP, Sheet 1 0: 3, entitle: Land RiS~:s ~ork Map, P-l Chan!'lel, Eas: Stde G::-een River -7.? -Ci-t: cf Re.~::::, K!.::.g C01;:-:::--, t..:ash!.~6:::l~; thence alo!'lg sa:e line ace O!'l a c~::-ve, t!le raei~s ,o:'n: of which bea::-s No::-:h 05'24'02" Eas: 165.04 fee:, a distance of 112.06 feet to a roint 0: reve::-se curve, the raeius point of ~hich bears Soeth 44'18'11" ~est, 172.96 feet; thence along lai~ r6Ver,e curve and ~aid line 133.74 feetl the!'lce ~est &long .aid. line 367.02 feet tJ a line Which bears North fro= a point on the South lin~ of .aid Section 13 Which is 1,271.76 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof I . thence South l~3.93 feet to the Northeasterly line of the Charles Mon.ter County Roadl thence routh.uearly don5 uid Northeaste:-l" line to 'a point wh'ich cean North 89'16'4," West from the true point of beginning I ' thence Souch 89'16'47" tut 125.40 feet to the true poin: of beginning I &ituate in the City c! R.nton, county o! Kinq, Stat. ot Washlnqton. Excapt tor that portion th.reot de.cr1bed on paqa 2 ot thi. Exhibit A. -1- ': . .. . '" ....... '.', ... "'.~ J .'" • ... . ." .. . .. ' -.---. • .PROPOSED 0t\i<1:S0ALE -fiRST CIT'( EOUITIES (aN TN\CT): THAT PORTION Of THE SOUTHWEST QUAR·rER Of S~CTION LJ I\ND O~' TilE 1/0RTHlIEST QUARTER Of SECTIO!I 14. TOll~ISIlIP 2J NOR-II. RMICr. 4 EI\ST. W.M •• KING COUNTY. Wt\SKINCTON DESCRIBED AS fOl.LOWS: COMMENCINC AT THE SOUTH'~EST CORNER Of S,\IIJ S~:CTION 13: TIiEIIC!:; SOUTII 87'26'40" EAST Al.ONG THE SOUTH l.INE THEREOF 1271.76 FEET: TIIENCE 1I0RTII 239.23 FUT TO TilE NORTII LINI: 01' Tilt: CIIARLES HO!ISTC:R COUNTY ROA:! SOUTHWEST AHO·THE TRUE POINT O.f BEC[I/,Il-NG: THENCE NORTII 10.59 FEET TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 10.00 FEET WHEN HEI\SURED AT R·IOIIT· I\IIO:'ES. NORTH OF THE 1I0RTH LINE OF SAID CHI\RLES ~tONSTER 1:0110 SOUT~lIEST: THENCE SOUTH 70'46'34" EAST ALONO SAID PARALLEL LINE 13.95 FEET: THENCE LEAVUIO SAID PARALLEl. LINE AND ON A CURVE TO TilE RIOHT IIAVINO A RADIUS OF 922.73 FEET. 1\ DIST,\NCE Of B9.31 FEn: TH£NCE SOUTH 65'13'51" EAST 570.96 FEET TO TilE :;OUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION lJ: THENCr. NORTH 81'26'~0" WEST I\LONO SAID SOUTH LINE 225.61 FEET 'ro THE WESTERLY LINE OF II TRIICT OF LI\ND CONVEYED TO METRO AND OESCRI BED IN DEED FI !.ED UUDER RECORDER'S 110. 8207300203. REO:O~OS OF SAID CO'.'NTY: THENCE SOUTH 22'26'02" EAST I\LONG S,\ID WESTERLY LINE f5.02 FEET TO A POIlIT 01111 CURVE IIA'IIIIO A RAUIUS Of 45.00 FEET. 'ruE RADIUS POIlIT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 24 '15'52" EAST: THENCE SOUTHWESTERl.Y ALONG SAID CURVE 32.17 FEET: THENCE SOUTII 24'46'09" WEST 24.57 FEET: THENCE ON II CURVE TO THE LEfT II.WING A RADIUS OF 120.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 54.90 FEET: TIIEUCE SOUTH l'Z6'34" EIIST 64.75 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE Of' SAID HETRO 'I'RAC'I'. TIIENCE NORTII 89'16'47· WEST 0.50 FEET TO TilE EASTERLY LIIIE OF 72ND AVENUE SOUT[I. ALSO KNOWN 1\5 THE CIIARLES MONSTER COUNTY ROAD: THENCE NORTIIERLY ON SI\ID EIISTERLY LItlE liND ON /I. CURVE III\VING A RI\DIUS OF 116.48 FEET, TilE RADIUS POINT Of WIIICII DE,\RS SOUTH 85'21'11" WEs·r. II DI5TIIIIC~; Of 140,9~ FEET '1'0 A POINT 011 A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF IBO.OO FEET. THE RADIUS POINT OF WIIICH BEARS SOUTII 66'14'36" EAST: TIIENCE NORTIIEI\STERLY ON SAID CURVE 3.18 FEET: TilE NeE IIORTH 24'46'09" EAS1' 24.57 FEET: THENC:: 011 A CURVE TO TilE LEFT UAVItIG A RADIUS OF 45.00 FEET A DISTANCE Of' 70.69 FEET: THENCE NOR'rn 65'13'51" WEST 68.20 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF S~ 10 CHARLES MONSTER ROAD SOUTHWEST: THENCE NORTH 32'31'34" WEST ALOIIG S.\ID NORTHEASTeRLY I.INE " 39.18 FEETI TIIENCE ON A CURVE TO TilE LEFT IIAVING A RADIUS Of' 116.4tl FEET AND /l.LONO SAL D NORTHEASTERLY LI NE 211. 28 FEET: TIIENCE NORTII 70'46'34" WEST ALONG SAID tlOtl'rHEIISTERLY LINE 53 21 FEET TO TilE TRUE POINT OF BEOINtlIIIO, CONTAININO 37.017 SOUARE fEET, -2- I I 49813 UCC·3 , .~.NI •. fO~ "',_." ~u •• , tile .. 0UASImt: ...... ." . ThllaiAHQI 'fAT1MlHT it ~ bNinl ~ 10 IN WASHINGTON UNlf~" COt.IM(RC1AL COO£ t::1 LlASI,. ThI """' ........ Met IiIItUtWd I*tJMI m be COftW\aId It U5S[( VId LESSOfI. c::J c::otdM:IHlIIDIT· TN tIrmI dIGW.m ~ petty .... 110 weaNt''*'" CONSlGN[[ and CONSfGNOA. REOEIV 0 nut; D .~ 2 fOR ornC£ 1I~ ONLY F~II.8T CITY DEVELOPMENT!; CORP. Suit. 4170 ".- 800 Fifth Avenue Seattle, Waahington 98104 ::~ ~. SlCORm 'AATYUts) (or ~,» (neme and tddrftI) o~ r CITICORF REAL ESTATE, INC. '. . 1111 Tihr~ Avenue, 27t~ Floor . Seattle, Waaington 98101 -. o <T-eo L ...J •. ASSKlNEE(S) Of SlCURlO PARTY(IES) (d~) (a.. MfIW frIt. end edIhII(tI)) ,. __ -''' __ ST'T'''<HT __ -!8:.:6:.:1~0.::0.::9.:.0.:.6.:.60=-________ 0000cI Oct. 9, 1986 6. 'OR omct U$l ONlY: c:::J c c::J '·AS c:::J P·AS 0" OT COP't' I . rrllNG OffIClR· 1N0El WASHINGTON UCC ·1 APPfKJVfD BY WASHINGTON STATE O[PAATM(.HT Of UC(HSING -----'...-.-. 1. r:::::J COHTJNUATlOM.. Ttw ..... ftMnc~ ~ ......... "" If:nIOIIII DIt*w(.) MIt s.:UfWd ~ ... ). MarirIC Me tIU'nbft .nc.n .... I. II_~ t c:J n.u. ~N'. All 01 thI s.a...c. htty'l riItQ"" IN hntnC .... ....".... bNrirc Me .."...,., thcMn abCM "' .... bMft 'UI,fWd 10 tN .......w .... HAM£(S) NCO ADORUS(ts) IIIf'f.M ADOYt. C PM1lAL ASSaCHMOO. TN SectncI,.,.,..,.... &IftdIf' IN ~.......,..,. boeeMC ftIe """,*-1hOwn IIbo¥t 110 IN ~ D£SCRtSm ao.ow ... '*" ~ 10 IN Auilrwe(t) ..... HAM[(S' AHa AOORU$(U} IIftf»I A8OW.. ¥X:!1 AMlHDMDCT. ~~""""'''''''''''''''''~ASsaFOA1MaaOW. c:::1 I'MNL m..usL I.and ~ .......... c:oIItfQI DQCItBm ao..ow front the ~ .... ".... bHMI"" """"*' IhOwn 1IbcIW'. c=:J T'lJtMIMATIOH. IIeInd ~Iet) 1'10 .... dMrM. ~ ......... undet tht ~......,..,..,.,.. Ala ....... tncMn""'" ~ The legal delcription on Ex~ibit °Ao attac~ed bereto ia to be added to t~e legal delcription on t~e above-referenced original financing statement. See Exbibit °B· attached ~ereto. CITICORP REAL ESTATE, INC. ""_01_",_ \0. UT\IIIII ~rDf'I TCt IUWlTIt r CI'UCOJUI REAL IISTATII, INC. .. ' 1111 Third Avenue, 21tb Floor a.-ttle, "aabington 98101 . Attn. JoAnn Tobin ~ COUtoIDCIALCOCIl_ DUAII'IIHNT 0I1JCU11111Q '.0.lI0II_ ex._WUUOI 01 ._,....' COUll" AUOIIOII 01 COIIIfTY MIl .,~ .' , : .... :~. L. r.:===-=::::=:":M::IHO::;::W::AS:,:":;:'OC=:·:::"::i·""::' ':::' =. .... ' ...J FOIl OIfICI UK QII.'I: =.!: ...... _............. '-_.J "A" Of' WAIHIHOfOfif r ;;;iC;;*' .d.-;,;· .• , •. ;;co;;:P'V •. ';e.' _'J:.;L.IN.G~O~F.~PI.C:ERr::.NU~M;E~R~IC""'_IIIIR ____ " __ "_._.". .... ,.- . -'.. ." Exhibi t • A· Additionai Parcei Order No. 652946 • UESCRIPTION: .. ( j .. , That portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.M. described 88 follows I Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said , Section 24, ,with the Southwesterly Une of Tract '''A'' '1n ' Washington Technical Center, as per plat recorded in Volume 122 of Plats, Pages 98 through 102, records of King County, thence North 87"26'40" West, along said North line. 115.42 feet to the Northeasterly line' of Oakesdale Avenue Southwest, thence South 65"13'51" Eas't, along said Northeasterlr, line, 207.52 feet to the Southwesterly line of said Tract 'A" and a point on a curve having a radius of 422.96 feet. the radius point of which bears North 40"45'15" Eastl thence Northwesterly, along said curve and Southwesterly line,' 110.02 feet to the point of beginning, Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington • " ' .. ', . -. . ...... . ", .""' . II? ,,;~ • P0- t ;; :J I "1 t , "<1' ! 0 , ~ j , I N 0 D" OJ .-." . . -- ---- Exhibit "B" FIRST CITY EQUITIES, a Washington partnership By: First City Developments corp., a .. Washing ton corporation, General partner () l// By -_ (;LI By: FIRST CITY DEVELOPMENTS CORP., a Washington By: By: Irone J. lQonam Assislanl Vice-Prosldenl o. Nell HOKONSON SIOENT (~~ .. ~ /. ~~. "'-".~ ........ . PLtAII "'PC 'Olt"" If AN IIUIO" II MADI. CC""(CT ALL COPIIS '.; \] It. .. uce.) CHANG •• 'AT'M"" r', "' .... ,,, .... I,~ , ... , "' ... _ ...... , , .. , .... W""""J"" ~_ ....... ! ............ " ,~, 1'_ '''''''''' ii}A It ("'!II .... I~",,, , ••• ,', ... ".~ " ·r',' " .. "~",, , t "'''' ("IOlt. flO 1] RC\\o .. -.,--.. _ ... -.. ---.... I III !!I(lR·S ,_ ... frWtIOII '}I o.btlW , ; ;0 'Dill O'tlCI UII ONLY -DO NOT .'UTlIr. THII 101 <; ~, ," z '" .,. - ... >-"., t---!:c;! ::> zo -... .I: ZO- io ::>0- .J ~~ C '" '"'' --~t--- , ,DE-RSO""A! 114,! '''''' "",",,*_~'"1'4dI''''''' SS~j ~ /'I. t!U~'''''1 ~~ "/rIJ-I.""~_~ •. ,'''t' .. ,~, ... AI'."· • -,"" Own'or 1 fir~t Cit)' lJevelorrnents ~,',~ -~-.-_ .... ..• .G9TP·· . ..__ .. 700 f'iCth Avenue, SUlte-(,000 Seatt Ie, Wo1shingtoll 98104 tHADt NAMI. DBA. AII.A J SfCURlD PAR'Y(lISI/~,"" "~MtfMUI I·· CHicorp Real Estate, Inc. Attn: Jennifer C. IIqwe II I '- Dlle Sansome S t ree t, Suite 2830 ~~n Fr~ncisco, ~litornia 94104 r .. -- -_ •.. _-_._.---~ASStGNUISI of SECURED PAnT~p;;.cibi.-­ I ',..,...,. .... "" I ..J ~ ~ _~;;;.=::!=" l~:-"..corded .Uhl'" DeMf1 ...... ~ ~~~ ~_~ ~ ~!C!&r ~. 1986 0'l6 FtES A t"1 00 '*'0 tee" ~ tor.am acho" a.cUd ... bo. 7. ucepI MmWMt-.n -"'Ch raQUnt no .... tt ~ thMtI.,. .n.acNd for..., ~ Uw actGna. 'N ,t6InQ '" 'Of -..,;h acllOft "'-I D. "4.00 _,.~y~f ADp:!TIOHAl SHUTt!!L~TT~!i!~~_~ 1 Ptt" .. c ......... ""tnOI.uf' ... k.lllMlf1I\I ... ' ...... ~· • mu..T'N'JAlj(,N. Tt.., Of.,. 'tNMlf'IO ""tfNM Nt"""" the D.OeOfI'I and Secur.d PIn" .... I. ....... Nt.,.,..,. Jftown ... be_ &. ...... tKtNI. r '.~ "'-'~~ .!;';~~~.~~!! .•. ~.;! :~~ :: .... _....: ~ ... :.' .. , . .,!.:... _ . ..! ... ::,~ ~".';; ... ~ .... : .. :.; •• _ ... ;,.."._",. i",,,_,,,,,,,,,, 1ft uoa ito n.vw Der.'I.saagnea r.o 1M ANII""'" .,..... IWfftII'''' .'" ~_ .... IOPI" 1ft DW 4. :, ] PARTIAL ASSlONMfNT fl\tl s.curecl PaI''I''. hgf'll. tnMl m. 'INr'ICtng tt.lan,.nt be.,.,'O ,.,""",,_ ~ 1ft boI; 5.'0 the PfOC*t'f dnCnbed ... boa a, ~ ~ "1IgnId to IN ...... IIJI'MI •• "no.. " ......... Met ~I" ......... ~ oa. 4 l·' AMENDMENT f~'"U 1'-,IIfMt'! b .. "", I'" _ .... .no.n Inbol; 5" amended"", 1rontI.n1k .... ! PIlR"A.l REUASE S.Clll'" ""1'1' ' ....... ,M rol4llllfal dnc:'''d.n be. 8 hom , ... fftMClf'IO'~ ..... rill numMt IhcW'I'ft in bo_ 5 .. .......,1 . 81 t DEBTOR NAMIISI AlltDSiGNATuRi~­ ~ticorp Real Estate, Inc. TYPE NAMflSI OF SCCUND MR'TyotSl AS IT APPEARS IN ao.x 3 OR .. ElA.. 3 2WAlA, ·llvPi .. ~j:;Mi~<iDtr.uRi5~A'RS7-4~BO=X-:'-----­ I I S1G'AiiiRiiSIoFDiiiiiOiS,-------------- ::: __ L~~~~~= Clticorp Real Estate, Inc. One Sansome Stre~t, Suite 2830 San Francisco, Californi9 94104 A1TN: Jennifer C. Howell w.t.SIiINGHJh vee 1 copy I ' HLINu l.ll t n;t:: , .eAC to i hE, .&5 J 2 ;s ..J UIlIfOIIII COMMUCIAL COOl "'''''''Mill' Of UCIIIIIIIG '..,,101_ OIlI'MPIA, WA .. __ , :1 .~ • • .. .. .... j .:1 I -I I 'UAlf ", •• 0ltM _I' A_.,IIIO" I~ 111.01. CO""ICT ALL COP ... I t,.,. UCC.) CHA"OI .'AU ..... ',' 1>'_ .... , ............ ,'.~j ~ .. , ... ,.. '" ". Wu.",.~."" Un'O'''' C_··," (01l10i , ........ 2' I C.oo l..., t~, ,~ 6l"1' ~III PIx., .... "'" '""DI'" """ '!"~' .", !, ,1< ,\ ,.\I4:>t11I. ... ,_ .... " ',., '''',"" " . -··-,,·c';':!·""'·"· X . KU~,Nf ~s · ... IN ft ,., .... ,. ".~,r ."01 MIo-... " {)HoI"" , ~:~'!~ -. C.'cw' ~SN Ill,.. •• First City Developments Corp. Suite "170 :lOCFiCth A,enue Soattle, WA 9~I04 TRADt ~AMl DILto ....... Citlcorp &bal Estate, Inc. Attn: Jennifer HQwcll i._ (XI. San San~me ~treet. Ste. Frs"clsco, CA 94104 2830 '0. O"ICI UII OHLY-DO NOT W .. iTlIH 'HII 10. --31,,;01";' "c;CD F CA:;HSL ;:.0(, 5.01') 7". :... .', .0 -< -• .z. ~. i';'''lh~;~ ~''''~:;'''';''';'~~1'trnIj'0'l)~~1Ing .... "m.".,,,zorrNd ".ret! 'N ()ec.Mr1,...,..1 of L~ LISt one numbIII ~'t.~' C.".'.'i~'''! ,.1",\, "''''''':'"'. :-_'_~._.u.':.._;.-:.::'"~--=--= ==~=_ __ _ DIi"· , i;: .... 7'" "'* ... *-;".00 ~5 b tl f 5 .. ,'110 I,,,,,,, ,~~ •••• ,.u.If.t IfM .ao:.~' a<:1I0n r:1Wt. ... d 11'1 boa " .1C1p1 , .. t'WI~.IOI'I .... I~""O , ... II ~1OfIIoI1fWrI1 ... lrtIChed lor.,., of t1W .r:11OftI. ,hit toto<'ijl •• "" "oO<." ... """'~ ..... ",0Il ~UM8f" O •• O')'T'ONAL SHtE"'j, I.', '.CHlO· ____ = 1-P!;;~-~;...~: .. , ........ -.;.:,;~ .;,~;;;;;~ ----- : CI)~ll~lJAT ,I)'" It .. no""", .. , ............... ".,_,,1 .... ,_ ,,,. o.t!tooll'''1oCI Secuol'Ct PwI." ... t .... "'0 .... ""'"*" ~ III boa I, II tt •• IIIICU",,- . 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"" ,,,..,,,,,, ~l CI~nge of Secur.d rartJ'a oodreSB aa'abown above. I,Pi .)A'-4I,S :11 01 ,'IIUAI"i1 itS,' .&.prf:AHSI'" ecl I SIIj"-ATUAItS, Of {)(Bl0AI51 ,';"Fif iUHN -AC~·N·o.;.,.l·I·ri6MfNT"<, u'py 10'" ..•. -.-.. --- Cititorp Real Estato, Inc. At tn: Jann iCer llowell Onv San 10m' Street, Ste. 2&30 San Func ilCO, CA 9" 1 04 10 SICUAED P'It."''t NAMtt.~ ... NO a.GNATuRf,S, _~lt1corp Real E.tat~! Inc. f"Pf NAMtl., Of 'HCU.ED HUlIVIII" AS If •. ~JtE:.~.=.~",::-;:",,""x ] 0." StGHA'URlt51 or'IICURIO PIlftT'f""" NIII Do IIWDIIS ClD-U 11110 f4l51127~ IiIGHAJUMIIi Of stCUAfD "''"'tIlEIl 12. 'IU "'HI J U .... ORM COM.IACI"L COOl OIl'Iln ••• , Of UCI.I'"ca p.o. NK MIG oaliPIA. _ H0CM-8007 .... 1. CHI"' "-... LlTO 'HI DlNn ..... , Of 1Ja.",I"''',,,-__ .... oifl •• Uiiii .... :7'~ r-.= -.J STAlt Of o\IASHlNUION lR K) Ii, W'lASHI"'Lh,." U(,;C J . I fOAM APPROVED FUf' u:,t ~ 'HI •. ____ -0- , I t ." 'c.