HomeMy WebLinkAboutCO 33CHANGE ORDER Owner COR Form (This form is to be executed in triplicate and each party is to retain an original.) Architect Contractor Project Name: RENTON SENIOR HOUSING Date: January 5, Change Order No.: Thirty-three 993 3) Project Address: 3151 NE 113th Street Contractor Name: KIRTLEY-COLE ASSOCIATES ORB Project No.: 9007 COR project No.: CAG 095-91 & Address 1002 - 10th Street SnohomiEh. Washington 98290 Contract For: General Construction Contract Date: October 31 1991 The Contract is hereby amended as follows: 1. Per Kirtley-Cole Modification Proposal #121, 12122/92 (copy attached): Subtract $(598.80) "Delete gate valve on hot water discharge side of water tanks." 2. Per Kirlley-Cole Modification Proposal 0122, 12/22192 (copy attached): Subtract (649.20) "Provide alternate hot water lank thermometer." 3. Per COR Field Directive #30, 10/27/92 and Kirtley-Cole Modification Proposal #123, 12129192 (copies attached): "Revise driveway asphalt from Add 2,248.04 2" to 4" at 3100 NE 18th Street," 4. Per COR Proposal Request #64, 11123192 and Kirtley-Cole Modification Proposal #124, 12/29/92 (copies attached): "Remove and replace concrete Add 2,252.15 driveway at 3100 NE 181h." 5. Per Kirtley-Cale Modification Proposal #127, 12/29/92 (copy attached): 883.27 "Provide additional laundry soffit Installation." Add TOTAL CsrNSTRUCTION COST IMPACT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: ..................... ................ Add $3,915.48 The Change Order shall include all Contractor(s) labor, material, overhead, profit, and all direct and/or Indirect costs associated with the Change In Scope of Work. This Change Order Is not valid unless signed by the Owner, Architect, and Contractor. The Original Contract Sum was ,... 54,820,7f;5.00 Ci ?..1a54;,3,1...�rrJ;"vaw��,y Net Change by previously authorized Change Order(s) was.......................................� r 95,819.31 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was......................................................................................... .., 5 5,,223,915.48 The Contract Sum will be revised by this Change Omer In the amount of ....................................................... 299,734.77 The new Contract Sum Incorporating this Change Order will be ............................................................... 1 he Contract Time will be changed by SEE 11 BELOW ..................................55,, ' .f 2 day The Substantial Completion Date including this Change Order is................................................................ January 31, 1993 (See Change Orders 012, 18, 19 & 123 for TBD Items.) NOTE: The above summary does not include any changes in the Contract Sum or Contract Time which have been ripproved by ORB Form 301 - Construction Change Directive or Owner's Field Directives. T THE ORB ORGANIZATION, INC. 807 SW Grady Way, Suite 210 jRk Date KIRTL'EY-COLI: ASSOCIATES 1002 - 10th Street Snohomis Washington 98290 r Gonion Cole X; z �V- / 8 e CITY OF RENTON, P 0 R •SEP 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 9805#i Vincent Lee 3 ate 'NM: Acceptance of the additional days on this Change Order Is conditional pending receipt of K.C.-s critical p:1h method schedule review. O OC z N Cn 6 R MODIFICATION PROPOSAL NO. 121 KIRTLEY COLE • Project: RENTON SENIOR HOUSING - JOB #315 ASSOCIATES, INC generaDate: December 22, 1992 contractors p.a. box 1179 1002 - tah tTo: THE ORB ORGANIZATION, INC. snohomish wash. 91«90 Initiated by: (206) 548.3175 Moditlention Proposal: Credit for deletion of the gate valves on the hot water discharge side of the hot water tanks: Sunrise Plumbing, Inc. WSST on materials ($A61.00 X 8.2%) Subtotal .. .. . . Total .. • • . . Reason for hiodificatlon: -561.00 -37.80 S-598.80 $•598.80 Cost: Additional: $0.00 Credits: $598.80 Net: S-598.80 Change In Calendar !Days: -0- Approves! Reject Recommendation: for C.O. Architect General Contractor Owner Modification Proposal Incorporated Into Change Order Number; Attachments: Sunrise Plumbing, Inc, - proposal dated 1217/92 No action will he taken regarding this item until we receive written authorization directing us to do to, All contract work wili proceed on its runnal schedulo. PROPOSAL NO, ONI? HUNDBED smtGC Attn: Don Meyer ]Re: 11!16!92 MICILtMCAL ruttati Ltcr rrIEM 5•C Dear Don, Per our telephone conversation on 12/3102, gate valves on the hot hater discharge gide of the hot water tanks may be deleted as they are not needed to rncilitat.e the rrnoval or the hot water tankb. We are offering a credit in the amount of $561.00 fur the deletion of the gats valves.' If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, Casey L Wintier General Superintendent Sunrise Plumbing, Inc. CI.W/bsb cc: ©reg Brimhall and Debbie Eager / Mrtiey-Cole Associates Doug Paterson IORD Organization co ry - Rky G►RDY _ f EST111ATOR ARCHITECT December 7, 1992 SUPERINTENDENT .CcW ACCt1UKTING Tres West Engineers, Inc. DEBBIE [r— DLkNE b uadway Building, 0300 TAX TO 1523 South Broadway COVL!EHTS Tacoma, WA 98402.3330 Attn: Don Meyer ]Re: 11!16!92 MICILtMCAL ruttati Ltcr rrIEM 5•C Dear Don, Per our telephone conversation on 12/3102, gate valves on the hot hater discharge gide of the hot water tanks may be deleted as they are not needed to rncilitat.e the rrnoval or the hot water tankb. We are offering a credit in the amount of $561.00 fur the deletion of the gats valves.' If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, Casey L Wintier General Superintendent Sunrise Plumbing, Inc. CI.W/bsb cc: ©reg Brimhall and Debbie Eager / Mrtiey-Cole Associates Doug Paterson IORD Organization MODIFICATION PROPOSAL NO. 122 KIRTLEY COLE 0 Project: RENTON SENIOR HOUSING - IOB #315 ASSOCIATES, INC gcners Date: December 22, 1992 contractors p,°' b 179 +cio1 Tc,: THE ORES ORGANIZATION, INC. - 1011% Snohomish wash. 96290 Initiated by: (204) 568.3175 hiodincation Proposal: Provide alternate hot water tank thermometer: Sunrise Plumbing, Inc. -600.00 WSST on materials (S-600.00 X 5.2%) -49.20 Subtotal ............ S Crt9.20 Total ... $-649.20 Reason for Modification: Cost: Additional: 50.00 Credits: $649.20 Net: S-649.20 Change In Calendar Days: -0- Approved Reject Recommendation: for C.O. Architect General Contractor Owner Nlodirscation Pmpasal Incorporated Into Change Order Number: Attachments: Sunrise Plumbing, Inc, - proposal dated 1217192 No action will he taken regarding this item until we receive written tuthoriraaan directing us to do so. Ali contract work watt proceed an its normal schedule. PROPOSAL NO. % SUNRISE PLUMBING, INC. 1415 -22ND ST. N.W., AUBURN, WA 98001 (206) 674-40M OR (200) 939.8171 FAX (206) 833.0.157 SUWON 161M JOB NAME gpnt.nn Seninr W11SUO _ _ DATE 1.2/7192 PAGE NO. .1 PAOPOSALTO xt r .tp,}r-tn ___ PLAN DATE ADDRESS PHONE NUTJ,BER We hereby offer to furnish aA labor and material necessary to do the Mechanical Work described below for the price Indicated. REGARDING: HOT WATER TANK THERMOMETERS 4 The elevation of the thermometer is approximately 66" to the center of the scale and would not necessitate the Use of a variangle model to ease reading. An alternale, Weksler Model 152-F straight pattern thermometer with M T separable well in place of the variangle as specified, would be a $600.00 savings and is acceptable for easy reading. ORIGINAL 0 n fr CITY OF RENTON PARKS ADMINISTRATION SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT (CAG #095-91) FIELD DIRECTIVE #–%L— DATE: October 27, 1992 FROM: Vince Lee, Project Manager Randy Berg, Owner's Representative TO: Greg Brimhall, Krtley-Cole Associates SUBJECT: Driveway Paving - 31+00 N.E. 16th Street (E. Shdo) Revise driveway asphalt class B fLqM the standard 2" (g 4" to match existing driveway paving. Submit extra T & M costs. 0 M cc: Sam Chastain Randy Berg Coral DeWilliam - ORB Doug Pedersen - ORB —1 _NONE==--- �. - — MODIMCATION PROPOSAL NO. 123 KI RTLEY COLE 0 Project: RENTON SENIOR HOUSING -108 #315 ASSOCIATES, INC Date: December 29, 1992 Renee contractors P.O. box 1179 To: THE ORB ORGANIZATION, INC. ID02 - 10th snohomish wash, 99290 Initiated by: Owner (206) 568.3173 1liodification Propwsal: Revise driveway asphalt to 4': z Q 0 M.A. Segale, Inc. (EglMatls = $549.51) 860.47 0 m Equipment - Bobcat (4 hours 0 15.00/hr.) = $60.00 480.00 Compactor (2 days) = $120.00 John's Backhoe Service (6 hours 0 50.00/hr.) = $300.00 a rn Labor - 14 hours 0 28.001hr. - $392.00 491'60 I 4 g � O Small Tools Allowance ($392.00 X 5%) = $19,60 c Supervision - 2 hours 0 40.001hr. = S80.00.c in WSST on materials/equipment ($1,029.51 X 8.2%) 8442 . Q Subtotal $1,916.49 $287.47 Overhead u Profit 0 15% • • • • O f 344.08 { Banding ®296 m Total $2,248.04 $ in Reason for Modincation: as per FIELD DIRECTIVE #30 a (n Cast: Additional: 52.246.04 Credits: 3-0- Net: $2,248.04 Change In Calendar Days: TO BE DETERMINED z Approved Reject l+�(`l'EJlttill('ll[lIYtllltl: for C.O. Z Architect 0 In General Contractor Owner Aiodilication Proposal Incorporuted Into Change Order Number: Attachments: M.A. Segale. Inc. - proposal dated 1013n/97 No action will be regarding this item until we receive written authoriralion dircctin8 us to do so. All contract work will proceed on its normal schedule. PROPOSAL N0, 11 P11-1 Mr A. SEQALE, INC. "PHALT DMI1101 RD.ACX11010■1a1 MDOUTHCINTIAPAgKWAY■TUKWtta,WAOtttNfITt7NMT:.o T11L1PhVHL6MW676.0160 ■ FAIC0%6?b,= r Z"A1-G9.4A.LM-AZnN0 KIMEY-M 1B111C., X ocTwx 31,1992 1002 - 11th IT E,M 41LRsi 9"1% W. W" Sub TQU1----- MA0 nu 6311 AMOK 01011 NpXIM0 NU TOTAL IVERIM 1 PROFIT 19 1 OF BUIP1ANT t1£ 161!!37 AEiIIOM "m Lw T 1 M PIOPOOK 1.10 131.12 FIELD DIAECIIYE 171 4.00 1t11.M P' TO 4' PAP41ALT 1 DAIPLIIAY LM I2.71 _, I . w._._.._.. ---TDTAL EIIIiAMEIfT TYPE O. RATE Hm LWIPMDiT errsssi.sssssw ■■asw+ Dxaa CC -II 116. IL IS 1 l.M 116.13 Laylaa Sprtatrr fee ELM 1 1.0 92.06 P1dap I tsm dlrlal 9.38 1 1.16 It.31 M Total— 147.43 MakMap IICY 60.21 LANK AATE91 Forlua 171.12 Op1r4lal Eallaaar Nh4S A.C, War 46.35 MATERIAL PAIGE! ftbum class 4, IA"I 47,93 %I. 14. .�._..,.�i.�...._---#1gUI,Ep TOM 61 TWINS 9 2 E,M 41LRsi 1311.31, Sub TQU1----- 1120.31 I EWIPIEK NU TOTAL IVERIM 1 PROFIT 19 1 OF BUIP1ANT 17.11 "m Lw 1 1.10 131.12 + 4.00 1t11.M 1! LM I2.71 _, I to Total--- 1rIC1.s 14. .�._..,.�i.�...._---#1gUI,Ep TOM 61 TC119 MATIRIU 14.M 1361.91 tub lata!-°---- 1311.31, 1Al>�il1i I1LLS1 EWIPIEK 147.43 IVERIM 1 PROFIT 19 1 OF BUIP1ANT 17.11 Lw m32 OVftN471Q 1 POWIT 21 8 OF L41M 141.11 MATERIAL 4311, 31 17VENM 1 PROFIT 13 % OF MRTu2AL 137.23 TOTAL 1161.47