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LUA-08-010_Report 1
, . .. a " ~ ~ ~ SEA RENTON VOC-lECH ip ~Q 0 " ~ . '!' EXJSmQ SITE Slff/EY ;:, Cc • ~$~ SEC 16, TWP 23 N, ANO 5 E, WM ~ 000 \~ I I I I I I I I J ~ _________ .,. _____ :::.."'·-·-... ·---;:_-"':. R5\IISIONS J.rlD ~'1£ Rfl'ORf .:!:~.':\ ; i 8> ~n I §i~§§ i ij! i:'> r· zii:iz.., ,1! .'<,..~.'<'>l I ' :~i j"l~li,i i i~i~ §~ i:;ii"i:. I '·! ,.. ,..,%:;iii i; !II<::"= ;~§;: 1:. i §~~~ 'i'\;'~ ,.[!'! ,i ii! 'f :;i~J ~ ,,,~;i;!il t,c, ' 0, ,,1 I ii!i ii i•II 'Ii ,, I 0 ~;i .. ~ ,, ... ~ ,i§;; ~~"l ~d l!~ ,, • !~~~ i~~ ii !! ! 8i11,li .,:_;,, ~§~ l ~~~.: p l!z~ Ii ;;lis:.1"' ,. i"'" "~ ;;;: ,;1 i .,, 1; '! ' ,,. ' ~!£~ !; I l;,i !,i I ,,1 ~~ !::~ ?'~r ''i §;~ ! ~§ ' ll'' "· M '.l~ i ~~ll~ ,,. ,. ! 'llz'jlJI! a,I 1;~ ., :l!I 'I' • 03 • so !i~j !l~~ i ij§~ i ~~ ' !Ii ' ,, ' ' I §j , .. ~~~ I • 1,1i~"' ! . m ,, ! ;~.~~ ,. " " j,I " "ii ,, I! I: .,,.. -- !'~ z ~z; ., !i;j ;c ' ,,, ' !' \ -• 0 ID \ --illl!I tD \ ,,..,.~ \ .... ...-,-~ I.cl »&,wireless z i &, ~ NEOTHCT °"no.. ~"I! "E C""'8 ""E ,;11 '.l! ';I, ~ #C, ii ""# ./· I iMAP Nf 6-1t1 Pl ~ ~ ... '! I z NE mt I\ NiE6TttA. NEfilHCT 11 'I ffl 1 "' ii z ~ ~ ~ :, g .. "' ·'Ro ·~ ',_ .;, t' \l t 9 t,tC61t\5' i " ~ ~ HE.8THST I ·"' :.r~ ~.;, / "' I ,. \{, .._"{ t1E.. ~-,fir ' ,iit<D"". Windsor HI/ls Park /! ,.1o ~pr, s\ ! If + 4c1~K,in.gCo..nty '.l! ~ i " 1 NE5THPl '.l! .. I \I! z ~ 1 .. t i I ~ i " '" ~ ~ ~IE4TttCT f '.l! '.l! I I I t\'t~osr ~,.., "I" COMMENTS: Neighborhood Map. SEA Aentoo Voe Teoh :, "' .. ,: .. it % F!I 0 z ;o +_. :il "> ,,. ,s.1 < m z: m 11 " !I. ffl a ;» ii ii\ ~ " Ol. YIJPfA AV£ NE '" ~ ... t " !I. § ~ .. I ~ z ~ t ffi i a ~ % N.f:: 4TH SJ m 8 ,, ?I ii HE2N0ST 0 1055ft I ''"' N11urn111POO IJIQIUIJIKI on ttlll map ha!J been compllid by Kfng County &taff from a variety of sources and is subleot to change without notk.'e. King County inakia no repre$8niiillo'ns or warrantkls, 8Xpfff@ or Implied, as to aocuraoy, ~ tlmtlh"lftll, or r!ghts to Iha use of such lnfonnatlon. "this document Is not Intended for use 1s e eu~ prOduct. King Coumy All not be lleble for any general, special, lridff8Ct, l~f. Of COft6EtC1uantlal damages Including, but not llmlted to, lost revenues or lost proftts resulting from the use or m!sU$EJ of the Information c:omtlined on lhls map. Any sate Qt this map or lnforn,alOO on this map 1$ prohibited except by written permission of King County. Date: 12117/2007 Source: King County IMAP· Prnperty Information (http://www.-.gov/GIS/IMAP) ~ C " H£5TH A. .~ ,,. NE5TH Sl ;ii L "' HE4TtlCiR s N£4Ttl Pl. 1 llfE lAOCT Heather Downs Park H£ 1Sl A.. t,i King County I ! I I ! "l •f ., ~ liili;:J " \ r : : . -: I !'!'!i '''ll'i i111· 111; :1i ii I; ll; I C m 1 i 1 ! • 1ii11111,111111 1 ·111, •1.1 11 ~ ' --t ,. ~l'J r ffl~ ~ ' i ! I' 1r'Pi 111 ill·~ 1i i, 1! =, iii,~ ; ~ ; ' i ~ .i 0 ; : ~ ml i ;, !• 111 1) u~ ~ • e :, 1 • , 0 I! 1' ,. I I! {I' I• II !, I 11 i I' r n : ~ : :, I q ii j jl p ,11.lj,ill 1· IP! (/J ' I I I l> is ~: ; , i , • ,1 !I ,, .,, I n 11 ' I z n [ ~ i ~ah 1,u! a:· r i ~ r -· m( < > ;:I 0 0 z .., CJ> 0 C :i! f • ... l> I ' t,.) rq, -;,1;! cl ~o '" H "' 1'-0' / ) __ '·: y· '" Pl'__ 'n -~ - ==t c:] j Pl ' . Pf., a ii( ru t • 8' 8 "' r m < I> -t 0 z "' m > I! lil ,2ii~ ... C, u~ -~ ~ --, -----~ ", ] ">-, 8 I, ,1 i \!'_/ Ii: mD 2;:, ~~ J •' ~! $ ii i i // ' r=if\= \ \:k i .• ... -'l ! Iii~ !i,li ~Ii II~ ii ii Ii 11i DD :• \ B nr c;:JEJ :-~e •z t IU 11,!h•I! ,, 1p111h11 ,I ·1 .z u '"!'' 1111 'I J1! j,1 •: wl I > H II I' ,. I t i'-1' !, II i, ii :o p !j i 111 ! ,li)j,i IP•!! I! .c i ' ' •!!1 hi ,, I I! 11 •• ~'ilia !1.u1 ;J;~ r ! l'l m If;; i,> [;, Ii ~ ffi;ij~ It 1111 111111 l;je; 1 imls ~ :s~§ K 1,ii ,I !1 r;, . r"' .1 i ~~ !fl,~ 1!11 !I 1!!' I !en 'el ~' ~ -'1 ! 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'Pl "t' •I "' lill.:l : ' ' ! ~ m ~ ~ ! j 1!1m 1!1j d 11!1PP1l!1 !! i! !· 11 (J> ,. m:-,. --t ,~ ill ,, I '" • 'a :: . f 1 1 I I ii ll 1!!1 I! iii! 1111 Ii 11 ii !I 1) ,2 0 :: ,z ' qi r !' r-II~ ~~ > ., -, • I I' i1 • i11. ,, 11 J f ' t, ;; :; :o ~ ! 1 :j ,I l,11!! :,I· J! 1 I! • lj )> ' ' . z ;.• _, ' " :~ '.m e I I •••• 1,,1,I •:· 1· , ~ I CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: July 14, 2010 To: City Clerk's Office From: City Of Renton Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: Verizon Wireless Monopole 1 on NE 4'" Street LUA (file) Number: LUA-08-010, CU-A Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Acceptance Date: Applicant: Verizon Wireless Owner: Halle-Von Voigtlander PTSP Contact: Mike Slotemaker, Wireless Facilities, Inc. PID Number: 1623059052 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Denial: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Location: 3123 NE 4'" Street Comments: 1/31/08 -Applicant requested to withdraw application. Eligible for 80% application fee refund. CITY OF RENTON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1055 $. GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-6918 Fax: (425) 430-6855 PAY Eight Hundred Dollars and No Cents PAY TO THE ORDER OF WIRELESS FACILITIES INC ATTN: MIKE SLOTEMAKER 575 ANDOVER PARK W -STE 201 TUKWILA, WA 98188 U.S. BANK OF WASH!NGT RENTON BRANCH 11 1 0 2b"l S S 511 1 1: l, 2 SOOD l,O 51: l, S :I 500b"l8 :I l.811 1 PLEASE DETACH BEFORE DEPOSITING CITY OF RENTON, WA 98055 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK Refund 02/12/2008 Application withdrawn by applicant 19-10 1250 VOID AFTER 6 MONTHS rMYOR FINANCE & IS ADMINISTRATOR N0.269555 0.00 800.00 BOO.DO Check Reque: · · >r Non Vendor Refund or R · 11bursement This form is used only Jo, vne time vendors. Please contact Accou, .. s Payable if you have any questions regarding one time vendors. Check will be included in the next scheduled AIP eheck run and mailed or released after Council approl'lll. Date of request: z/ <t/ u8 Check Request Info: Requestor's name: J....{W/rebn N cu~:/ Requestor 's department/division: p(6/rW Requestor 's ext. #: X 7_,zq4 /ne, Check amount: Account number(s) to charge: Amount per account #: 8C0.00 (t~..7. 3'-/5, '8i, $ CG,Ol~ sw. 0{) Reason for refund or reimbursement: Clf!X I Ctf-11CJY) i,.,J rf1-,c{t,:l[,c.Ji"1 . b<;j OfPI IC C(r,j-' prtc.lY -t;t YClA:h-rJj _, /:£-Cf?;thlt ,/tr--f;'u/ ~U--c:-'(. /6v/; c_g f/(.'.VC t[) Check handling request: /1c:/U-f rJ *A roval Si nature: Requestor 's Department Administrator, Division Director or designee: * The person approving this check request must be an authorized signer. Q·\DA TA _('emer\F<1nns\Finance\2007 _ Check Request for Non Vendor Refund or Rtimbursem,;n! (print and fill in) due Prim 1JnJ Fill In Fc,rm., Julf 2()()7 Chapter 173-60 WAC ' . - Laureen Nicolay -Zoning Land Use Information Request From: To: Date: Subject: CC: <michael.slotemaker@wfinet.com:·- <lnicolay@ci.renton.wa.us> 01/31/2008 4:57 PM Zoning Land Use Information Request <michael.slotemaker@wfinct.com -~ The following request was submitted via the Cit,':s website: Data from form "Zoning and Land Use Information Request" was received on 1/31/2008 6:57:20 PM. Zoning and Land Use Information Request Field Value Sender's Name Mike Slotemaker Sender's Address 1 575 Andover Park West Sender's Address 2 Suite 20 I Sender's City, State, Zip Tukwila, WA 98188 Sender's Phone 206.214.8954 Sender's Email michael.slotemaker(ifiwfinet.com -------······· ---- Question I need to request that LUA08-010 be withdrawn and funds refunded. Sender1s Name 3123 NE 4th St Email "Zoning Land Use Infonnation Reques1" originall)' scnr to :1:,~. :,:_1 ,, u ;~nt,,n wa.us from michad.slot..:nrn.kcn.~;11-linc1 .c;,m on 1/31/2008 6'57·20 PM The following wen: also sent a copy: michael.slotemaker@l.wfinct.com. 12/06/00 Pay!Tl entM ade: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S . Grady W ay Ren1Dn, W A 9'3055 L and u se A c t10 n s RECEIPT Perm 1t#: LUA08-010 ReceptNun tEr: Rffix:617 TotalPay!Tl ent 02.,(B,BXB 0157 PM -600 00 Payee REFUND PRDR TO ROUT:NG CurrentPayrn entM ade 1D ttie Fo lbw ng llEm s: Trans Account Code 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Condit1onal Use Fees Payrn ents made ibrttl E rece'pt Trans Payrrent flethod Oescript1on FEFUNO F£FUNO AccountBamces Trans Account Code Oescr 1pt 10n 3)21 3) Park M1t1gat1on Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000 . 345. 81 . 00 . 0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 B1nd1ng S1te/Short Plat 5009 000 . 345. 81 . 00 . 0006 Condit 10na 1 Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environrrental F€v1ew 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prel1m/Tentat1ve Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 F1nal Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUO 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & F1ll1ng Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Lme AdJustrrent -5016 000.345.81.00 0013 Mcb1le rbrre Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 R:>zone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Rout1ne Vegetat1on Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 S1te Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Terrp Use, rbbbyk, Fence 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Var1ance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Cond1tional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Corrprehens1ve Plan Arrend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Spec1al Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 599B 000 . 231. 70 . 00 . 0000 Tax Rem anrg Bamce Due: $J m Armunt -800.00 Armunt -800.00 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 00 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: ---Discount Tire/Jim Sii....,.ek PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: SEA- 1-11\,ut -lffiAI \/,"I. , -, ' t.J!rl.. ,c,= -YrSf.D RENTON VOC-TECH Verizon Wireless Monopole I ADDRESS: 312~)1E'4'h Street PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: ~nton ZIP: 98056 3123 NE 4•• Street, Renton, WA 98056 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 480-606-6211 ' APPLICANT (if other than owner) KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 1623059052 NAME: Verizon Wireless COMPANY (if applicable): Verizon Wireless EXISTING LAND USE(S): Commerical Retail ADDRESS: 575 Andover Park W#201 PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Construct and operate CITY: Tukwila ZIP: 98188 unmanned wireless communication facility EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: TELEPHONE NUMBER 206.57 4.6341 Commerical Arterial CONT ACT PERSON PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): Not known NAME: Mike Slotemaker EXISTING ZONING: Commerical Arterial COMPANY (if applicable): Wireless Facilities, Inc PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): Same as above ADDRESS: 575 Andover Park W, Ste 201 SITE AREA (in square feet): 1200 Sq Ft (30'x40'compound) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE CITY: Tukwila ZIP: 98188 DEDICATED: 0 sqft SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: No increase proposed, using existing access. TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 206.57 4.6341; Michael.slotemaker@wfinet.com PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): Not Applicable NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): Not Applicable Q:wcb!pw/dcvserv/fonns/planning/masterapp.doc 01/25/08 p JECT INFORMATION cont ed NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): Not PROJECT VALUE: $95,000 Applicable IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE Not Applicable SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): Not Applicable D AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): Not Applicable D FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. BUILDINGS (if applicable): 12'x30' Radio Shelter o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): Not Applicable o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D WETLANDS sq. ft. applicable): O sqft NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): Not Applicable LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach lei:ial description on separate sheet with the followini:i information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION _16_, TOWNSHIP _23_, RANGE_05_, IN THE -----CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use appl1cat1ons being applied for: 1. ACUP !COO .--3. 2. 4. • Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ ___ _ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) James Silhasek!.eclare that I am (please check one)_ the current owner of the property involved in this application or~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization} and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. · nature of Owner/Representative) (Signature of Owner/Representative} Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that James Silhasek signed this instrument and acknowledged it to b uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument OFFICIAL SEAL STEPHANIE HELFMAN . NOT,\RY PUBLIC -State o1 Arimna MAR:COPA COUNTY My Com:n. Expires Feb.19.2010 Notary Public in and for the State of~l-ri~ Arizona Notary (Print) Stephanie Helfman 2 01/04/08 lOJECT INFORMATION (contin ) My appointment expires: 2/l9/2010 Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc 3 01/04/08 • • A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Page 3 Order No. 656150 The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows: Lot 2 of City of Renton Short Plat No. 123-88, recorded under Recording Number 8912019001, in King County, Washington, said short plat being described as Lot 1 of Short Plat No. 373-79, according to the short plat survey thereof recorded under King County Recording Number 7910049001; being a portion of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A NOTE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCW 65.04. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document. NE/NW 16-23-05 CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTIONS OF HALLE-VON VOIGTLANDER. a Michigan general partnership The undersigned hereby certifies that he is a general partner of Halle-Von Voigtlander, a Michigan general partnership, acting in the capacity of General Partner and that the following is a full, true and correct copy ofresolutions duly adopted by said Partnership and that this resolution is in full force and effect and has not been amended, suspended or repealed. RESOLVED, that James Silhasek is agent for Halle-Von Voigtlander, a Michigan general partnership, and hereby is, authorized and empowered, for and on behalf of the Corporation as an authorized agent of the Corporation, to take such acts and execute such docwnents as any one of them deems necessary, appropriate or advisable in connection with the business of the Partnership, such business to include, without limitation, the purchase, lease, development and sale ofreal property in the State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as General Partner of Halle-Von Voigtlander, a Michigan general partnership, on the day and year stated herein. STATE OF ARIZONA ) )ss. COUNTY OF MARICOPA ) Before me, the undersigned Notary Public, on this /10 :!] day of January, 2008, personally appeared Bruce T. Halle, who acknowledged to be fue General Partner of Halle-Von Voigtlander, a Michigan general partnership, and that he, as such member, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes stated therein. IN WITNESS \\!HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal . • I~~ My Commission Expires: {//lfadto . OFFICIAL SEAL M: \legal \WP\RESOLUTI\HVV resolution silhasek WA 11608. doc • JAMES SILHASEK NOTARY PUBLIC -Slale of Arizona MARICOPA COUNTY My Comm. Expires Jan. 17, 2010 w~' January 31 51 , 2008 Planner City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: ACUP Application for Verizon Wireless' SEA Renton VocTech WCF Dear Planner, Wireless Facilities, Inc. 575 Andover Park West Suite 201 Tukwrlo, WA 98188 USA Telephone ..-1 206 574 6300 Fax t 1 206 574 6333 I am please to present the submittal materials for the ACUP application for Verizon' s proposed WCF at 3123 NE 4th Street. The following materials are included in this submittal package: I. Waiver Form: 5 copies 2. Title Report 5 copies 3. Land Use Permit Master App 1 original & 11 copies 4. Project Narrative 12 copies 5. Draft Legal Docmnents 5 copies 6. Construction Mitigation Description 5 copies 7. Neighborhood Detail Map 12 copies 8. Site Plan & Landscape Plan 12 copies 9. Architectural Elevations 12 copies 10. Topo Map/ Survey 12 copies 11. Utilities Plan 12 copies 12. Geotechnical Report 5 copies 13. Plan Reductions 1 set 14. Applicant Agreement Statement 15. Inventory of Existing Sites 16. View Area Map 17. Noise Study 18. Photosimulations 19. Service Area Map I original & 4 copies 5 sets 5 copies 5 copies 5 sets 5 sets I am looking forward to working with the City regarding this application and am always available to help if additional clarification or questions come up. Please feel free to contact me at any time via phone (206.214.8954) or email (michael.slotemaker@,wfinet.com). Sincerely, Mike Slotemaker Program Manager Wireless Facilities, Inc Representing Verizon Wireless Applicant Agreement Statement for Renton Voe Tech I, Michael Slotemaker , agent representing Verizon Wireless, the applicant, agrees to the following: a. The applicant agrees to allow for the potential collocation of additional wireless communication facility providers on the applicant's structure or within the same site location; and b. That the applicant agrees to remove the facility within six (6) months after that site's use is discontinued or if the facility falls into disrepair, and restore the site to its pre-existing condition. If there are two (2) or more users of a single wireless communication facility (WCF), then this provision shall not become effective until all users cease using the WCF. Michael Slotemaker Agent Representing Verizon Wireless Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ___ '2._? ____ day of J A+J V AP) , 2008. [Notary Seal:] NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: I l.-/ 1...-, 20_.l_Q ' Irrigation Plan 4 VELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS »~:r.: :_~~~;IKl!ililfif,::~~<'1 ~:·· '.~Jt1t111111~r· <W ~: :~~l~W#i~tl1llll'-1Yl:'.~~~~-=.~iwr.z@ltr[m!~: ;»1t1iit&i 11:11:1~u1;11J-0i+m i~?!?r:i@1s~wn;1;;q1~@Mfi<P~!3!~rzt:~~::tJJrterrft Neighborhood Detail Map 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1 . Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section PROJECT NAME: _r},~U/1==-t>ff'-'d"'-'e"'-"'c.vJu.....u,(...,,£~</-fu_ DATE: ~ff>i~J<-1-="'fy~Q__,_f __ _ Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs_9-06.xls 09/06 ' VELOPMENT SERVICES DMSION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND , Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND, Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND , Pholosimulations 2 AND , This requirement may be waive'd by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section PROJECT NAME: fuuti°{rle.. O{) 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section DATE: /r!) :).I~ Q:\WEB\PW\OEVSERV\Forms\Plannlng\walverofsubmittalreqs_9-06.xls AJeqfu OJ 09/D6 VELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section PROJECT NAME: 01onqide aa a v& 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section DATE: __._fB~JJ"=-¥-y----"0'-'-f __ _ Q:\WE6'PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs_9·06.xls 09106 Construction Mitigation Description for SEA Renton Voe Tech The overall timeframe for constructing a new WCF is usually less then 3 weeks rrom first breaking soil to final punch walk. The construction start date would be about 4 weeks after receiving all applicable permits, and based on the ACUP and BP timeframes, we will plan accordingly once all necessary permits are finished. Construction will take place during normal business hours, typically between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday thru Friday. The proposed site location is accessible via NE 4th St From Seattle; Take I-90 East and Merge onto 1-405 S toward Renton/Tacoma Take WA-900 W Exit (Exit 4) toward WA-169 S/Renton/Enumclaw Stay Straight onto Sunset Blvd NE Tum Left onto N 3nl St N 3'd St Becomes NE 4th St End at 3123 NE 4°1 St which is Discount Tire The scale of the project is relatively small, with large vehicles only being required at the site on three separate occasions; I. drill rig for drilling the tower foundation hole, 2. the cement truck to poor cement for the foundation and equipment slab, and 3. the truck w/ boom required to bring in the shelter and monopole pieces and lift them into place. Aside rrom these three instances, the traffic to the site during the construction phase will be non-CDL type commercial trucks (]-ton or smaller). Verizon Wireless is not anticipating any significant problems with mud, dust, and erosion, so no special measures will be implemented at this site. Vehicular traffic will usually consist of 4-6 vehicle/trips a day, the result of which will have very little impact on the surrounding residents. No traffic control plans have been produced for this proposed WCF. ' Pacific NW, Network Operations & Engineering September 27, 2007 City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Renton City Hall -5th Fl 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Dear Planner: ~-" • ver,zgnwireless Verizon Wireless 3350. 161st Ave. S.E., 231 Bellevue, Washington 98008 Phone 425 603·2700 Fax 425 603·2888 The purpose of this letter is to justify Verizon Wireless' need to place a new "Renton Vo-Tech", cell tower located at 3123 NE 4th St., Renton, WA 98056. Cell sites are placed primarily along major roadways and near popular community areas. As cellular systems have matured the customer demand has been for greater coverage in residential neighborhoods and improved indoor/in-building service has become a priority The primary coverage objective is the Renton Vocational-Technical College and the near by business and residential neighborhood. The specific coverage objective of this site is east to west on NE 4th St. from Edmonds Ave. NE to 144th Ave. SE; and north to south along Union Ave. from NE 10th St. to SE 4th Street. The cellular coverage of a particular cell site is defined to be where the Radio Frequency (RF) signal transmitted has a value that is adequate to provide cellular service. A map of the coverage provided by the existing Verizon Wireless network is shown on Figure 1. Figure 1 was made using GeoPlan v5.1.1. GeoPlan is a tool used by Verizon Wireless that estimates the RF signal strength of a cell site. On the map, the color red denotes where the RF signal is the strongest. The red areas are where service is predicted to be of the highest quality. The yellow shaded areas denote a sufficient RF signal, however in-building service will be marginal at best. The green areas are where the RF signal is weak and degraded and reliable service is not to be expected. Figure 2 is shows how the Verizon Wireless coverage will change with the addition of the "Renton Vo-Tech" cell site. The location of the new "Renton Vo-Tech" site fits in with the existing sites in the Verizon Wireless network This is optimal to fill in the coverage hole and decrease lost calls in the area. Customers demand high quality cellular service and the addition of this cell site will ensure Verizon Wireless has the best wireless network possible. If you require any additional information please feel free to contact me at 425-603-2025. Sincerely, Brad Adams RF Engineer Figure 2: Proposed Verizon Wireless Coverage w/ Renton Vo -Tech \ '· Session: Re ntonVocTech User. bxadams Thu Sep 27 08:50:37 2007 UTM Zone 10 Datum: NAD83 Center Lat: 47-29·08. 78 N Center Lon : 122·1 0·29 .13W Cells Lbl: Cell Name Sec1ors ~ a water 8-P.COMAEc Cir. RSSI (dBm) Iii > .75 D >·90 II > ·103 Scale: 1 :40000 b -t 1110,les -. Project Narrative for SEA Renton Voe Tech Project Name: SEA Renton Voe-Tech Project Size: Lease Area 1,200 sqft. Location: 3123 NE 41h Street Zoning: Subject Parcel -Commercial Arterial Adjacent Parcels: North-Industrial-Light East -Commercial Arterial South -Residential IO du/ac West -Industrial -Light Land Use Permits Required: Administrative Conditional Use permit and Building Permit are required for the proposed project. Current Use of Site: The site is currently has a Discount Tire store which is housed in a single building with retail space and a mechanic's area with an storage container located at the building's south end. Special Site Features: None, this site is located on a large flat area atop of the plateau on the north side of the Cedar River Valley. There are no noted wetlands, slopes, water bodies, or other notable features in the vicinity. Soil Type and Drainage Conditions: Per the geotechnical report done by Adapt Engineering, the soil type consisted of 3-6" of topsoil over very loose to loose, gravelly fine sand with some medium to course sand. At 2.5' bgs, medium dense to very dense cobble, gravelly fine sand with some medium to course sand was present, which continued all the way to the final bore depth of26.5'. Based on these soil types, drainage at this site is not anticipated to pose any problems. Refer to the report for more specific details. Proposed Use: The applicant is prosing to install and operate an unmanned wireless communication facility which includes a 59' -11" monopole capable of supporting up to three antenna arrays and a 12 'x 30' prefab concrete shelter to house associated equipment. The shelter and wireless support structure will be surrounded by a chain link fence and landscaping trees as noted in the plans. Access: The applicant will access the site via the existing access points utilized by Discount Tire off of NE 4th Street. Proposed Off Site Improvements: There are no proposed off site improvements proposed for this project. Total Estimated Construction Costs: Typical new build wireless facilities such as average about $65,000 for materials and labor. The applicant cannot estimate fair market value for the proposed project because there is no real market to purchase or sell used wireless communication facilities. Estimated Quantities of Materials Removed: The foundation for the support structure will require the removal of -16.4 cubic yards of soil, and the estimated amount of soil removed for the foundation of the shelter, utility trenching, and landscaping will be -22 cubic yards of soil, all of which will be moved to an approved offsite location by the GC. Number of Trees to be Removed: The proposed plan does not include the removal of any existing tress or landscaping because it is located in an open grass field that does not have any trees or shrubs, hence no land clearing or tree cutting is required to proceed. Because of this, no tree cutting/land clearing plan has been submitted with the application. The proposed project does not include any land dedications to the City, no job shacks, sales trailers, or models will be present, and this site does not have any streams or wetlands within a I 00' of the proposed site nor is it located within 200' of the Black River, Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek, or Lake Washington. The proposed project does meet the minimum requirements that trigger a grading plan because there will be no change in the proposed grade (nor any differential greater then 24" and the amount of disturbed soil will be about 22 cubic yards, well less then the 500 cubic yards that trigger the grading plan. • Conditional Use Permit Justification Narrative for Verizon Wireless' Proposed SEA Renton Voe Tech. Verizon Wireless, in the following statements, will set forth the reasons why the City of Renton should favor this application by addressing the reasons to support this proposal based on sections ofRMC and criteria used by the reviewing official. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed WCF will be in compliance and meet all design criteria set forth in the RMC 4-2-060.P, 4-2-080.A Item 45, and section 4-4-140 regarding WCFs. Verizon Wireless chose the specific location based on several area conditions that would assist in reducing the visual impact of the wireless communication structure and the ground equipment, making it blend in better with the surrounding area and existing vegetation while also being able to provide quality coverage to the customers traveling on NE 3rd and NE 4th St. The City ofRenton's goals for WCFs are to encourage locating towers in non-residential areas and to minimize the total number of towers in the community, encourage multi- tenant structures, encourage the placement/design ofWCFs to minimize adverse impacts to the community, primarily visual, and allow for wireless providers to enhance the ability of their network services to the community quickly, effectively, and efficiently. Verizon Wireless' proposed WCF was designed to meet the City's goals. The proposed site, located in a Commercial Arterial Zone, is being placed on an existing parcel that is used as a retail store/shop for national tire retail chain. The placement of the monopole and fenced compound on the Southeastern location of the parcel creates the least amount of impact to the area because it is as far from the NE 4th St as it can be permitted by code. Additionally, by placing it in that location on the parcel the applicant utilizes the existing building and landscaping around the parcel to screen the ground equipment to the greatest extent possible. The existence of a mature deciduous tree to the west of the site helps distract the eye from the proposed monopole from those approaching from the west on NE 4th St and a line of very mature evergreen tress that boarder the cemetery a few parcels east of the site will screen the site for all approaching the site from the east on NE 4th St. Verizon Wireless Site Characteristics The compatibility of a WCF's specific characteristics is often hard to gauge, as their signals and services are utilized in all locations, regardless of zones, jurisdictional boundaries, and desired plans. But Verizon Wireless agrees that some locations make more sense than others, and has placed this site in a location that they believe will maximize the use of existing geographical features and mature vegetation near the site to limit the local aesthetic impact for local citizen's and commuters. • : The proposed WCF will not create an increase in traffic along NE 4th Street as the average site requires only one visit per month by a technician who uses a standard pick- up truck, and visits to the site are typically done during normal business hours. This also pertains to parking at the subject parcel, which already has 2 non-handicapped designated parking stalls in addition to a large area in front of the recycle/garbage area that can be used as a short term parking solution, and because the number of visits to the site will be about one per month lasting only 20-30 minutes, the proposed use will not create a need for more parking. The proposed WCF will also not create any glare, as the monopole will be coated with a non-reflective galvanized finish to prevent rust and maintain the tower's structural integrity. Community Need Verizon Wireless chose the area of the proposed location based on a number of factors that pointed to the need for a WCF in this location, but there are also larger system-wide improvements that take place as well by the addition of a site to the network. The primary reason this site location was chosen is because of an existing area of very weak coverage in the applicant's network which can result in dropped calls and a reduction ofE91 l capabilities within that area of poor coverage. The site centered in the middle of the map labeled "Renton Vo-Tech" represents the location we are proposing to place the WCF, and the other labeled sites on the map represent the applicant's existing WCFs in the area. As is clearly shown, the two existing sites to the north (Central Renton and Highway 900) do not provide acceptable coverage along NE 4th St from west of Monroe Ave NE to Union Ave NE, as well as to residents and businesses south of NE 4th St and those also along a narrow corridor of poor coverage all the way up to NE 12th St; hence the applicant's chosen location to fill in the gap. RF -Exhibit A & B are images produced by a planning program that forecasts a WCF's ability to provide coverage to an area based on a number of variables, such as antenna elevation, antenna azimuth & down tilt, topography, natural features (large bodies of water, known vegetation, etc), and other technical variances. RF -Exhibit A shows what the planning tool represents as the current coverage. RF- Exhibit B represents the improved coverage that will be provided by the proposed site at 59'-11". Note the improved coverage along NE 4th St and to the residents and businesses both north and south of NE 4th St. By improving the coverage across the entire area, and filling in smaller gaps that exist between existing sites, Verizon's network will also improve the ability ofresidents, visitors, and workers in the City of Renton to utilize their wireless devices for personal, business, and emergency calls. For example, CTIA reports that more then 220,000 emergency calls are made from wireless phones each day, and by improving the overall network the applicant is improving the ability for distressed citizens to contact emergency services and the ability of emergency personnel to locate those citizens. Verizon' s radio frequency engineers have produced a cover latter for the propagation maps that explain the need for a site in this location. Effect on Adjacent Properties The applicant believes that the proposed WCF will have no adverse effect on the adjacent properties or the neighborhood in general. The applicant's proposed location behind a commercial building in a commercial / industrial area was chosen specifically to minimize the effect on the adjacent properties and to avoid existing developed residential areas. While the proposed WCF will be by itself, the presence tall vertical structures such as WCFs and electrical transmissions towers are common along this section of NE 4th St and the surrounding area so the 59' -11" height of this proposed WCF will not add any substantial visual impact on the adjacent property owners and users. The applicant might even go so far as saying the adjacent properties, such as Renton Technical College to the north, King County's Waste Transfer Station to the west, Greenwood Memorial Park a few parcels to the east, which are commercial in nature, might even welcome better wireless coverage in the area from Verizon as well as from any potential future co- locating wireless providers on the proposed WCF. If anyone has concerns/questions over this application, please have them contact me, Mike Slotemaker, by phone at 206-574-6341, or by email at michael. slotemaker@wfinet.com. SEA Renton VocTech RF -Exhibit A Existing Signal Coverage • Figure 1: Existing Verizon Wireless Coverage \ Session: AentonVocTech User. bxadams Thu Sep 27 08:49:29 2007 UTM Zooe 10 Datum: NAD83 Center Lat: 47-29 ·08.76 N Center Lon: 122· 10-29.13 W Cells lbl: Cell Name Sectors~ SEA Renton VocTech RF -Exhibit B Proposed Signal Coverage .. Figure 2: Proposed Verizon Wireless Coverage w/ Renton Vo-Tech \ Session: RentonVocTech User. bxadams Th u Sep 27 08:50:37 2007 UTM Zo ne 10 Datum: NAD83 Cen1a r Lat: 47-29-08 .78 N Cen1ar Lon: 122-10-29.13 W Sectors~ a secondary_highway a major_highway • county_boundary •water 6-P.CDMAEc Cir. RSSI (dBm) • >·75 D >·90 • > -103 Scala: 1 :40000 Prop rietary and Con fi den11aJ / Site Inventory: SEA Highway 900 SEA Central Renton SEA Renton Center SEA Maple Valley SEA Renton Voe-Tech 112241381h Ave SE, Renton, WA Monopole, 150' 450 Shattuck Ave S, Renton, WA Rooftop, -60' 925 Houser, Renton, WA Monopole, 120' 15214149'h Ave SE, Renton, WA Monopole, 120' SITE NAME: ----- OPTION AND LEASE AGREEMENT This Agreement made this_ day of , 20_, between . with its principal offices located at , Social Security #/Tax ID # ______ hereinafter designated LESSOR and d/b/a Verizon Wireless, with its principal offices located al 180 Washington Valley Road, Bedminster, New Jersey, 07921, hereinafter designated LESSEE. LESSOR and LESSEE are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as the "Party". LESSOR is the owner of that certain real property located in ~----- _____ County, State of , as shown on the Tax Map of the City of as Block __ , Lot __ and being further described in Deed Book at Page __ as recorded in the Office of (the entirety ofLESSOR's property is referred to hereinafter as the "Property"). LESSEE desires to obtain an option to lease a portion of said Property, with a right-of-way for access thereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Premises"), containing approximately __ square feet, more specifically described as parcel and as substantially shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Dollars($_), hereinafter referred to as Option Money, to be paid by LESSEE to LESSOR, which LESSEE will provide upon its execution of this Agreement, LESSOR hereby grants to LESSEE the right and option to lease said Premises including a right-of-way for access thereto, for the term and in accordance with the covenants and conditions set forth herein. The option may be exercised at any time on or prior to . At LESSEE's election and upon LESSEE's prior written notification to LESSOR, the time during which the option may be exercised may be further extended for one additional period of months through and including , with an additional payment of Dollars ($ __ ~ by LESSEE to LESSOR for the option period so extended. The time during which the option may be exercised may be further extended by mutual agreement in writing. If during said option period, or during the term of the lease, if the option is exercised, LESSOR decides to subdivide, sell or change the status of the Property or LESSOR's property contiguous thereto LESSOR shall immediately notify LESSEE in writing so that LESSEE can take steps necessary to protect LESSEE's interest in the Premises. This option may be sold, assigned or transferred by LESSEE without any approval or consent of LESSOR to LESSEE's principal, affiliates, subsidiaries of its principal; to any entity which acquires all or substantially all of LESSEE's assets in the market defined by the Federal Communications Commission in which the Property is located by reason of a merger, acquisition or other business reorganization; or to any entity which acquires or receives an interest in the 268492v l <RFI .>52051-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 71612004 majority of communication towers of LESSEE in the market defined by the Federal Communications Commission in which the Property is located. As to other parties, this Agreement may not be sold, assigned or transferred without the written consent of LESSOR, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Should LESSEE fail lo exercise this option or any extension thereof within the time herein limited, all rights and privileges granted hereunder shall be deemed completely surrendered, this option terminated, and LESSOR shall retain all money paid for the option, and no additional money shall be payable by either Party to the other. LESSOR shall cooperate with LESSEE in its effort to obtain all certificates, permits and other approvals that may be required by any Federal, State or Local authorities which will permit LESSEE use of the Premises. LESSOR shall take no action which would adversely affect the status of the Property with respect to the proposed use by LESSEE. LESSOR shall permit LESSEE, during the option period, free ingress and egress to the Premises to conduct such surveys, inspections, structural strength analysis, subsurface soil tests, and other activities of a similar nature as LESSEE may deem necessary, at the sole cost of LESSEE. LESSOR agrees to execute a Memorandum of this Option and Lease Agreement ("Memorandum'') which LESSEE may record with the appropriate Recording Officer. The date set forth in the Memorandum is for recording purposes only and bears no reference to commencement of either term or rent payments. Notice of the exercise of the option shall be given by LESSEE to LESSOR in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested. Notice shall be deemed effective on the date it is posted. On the date of such notice the following agreement shall take effect: LEASE AGREEMENT l. PREMISES. LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE a portion of that certain parcel of property (the entirety ofLESSOR's property is referred to hereinafter as the "Property") containing __ square feet situated on Block __ , Lot __ all as shown on the Tax Map of the of , together with the non-exclusive right for ingress and egress, seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) hours a day, on foot or motor vehicle, including trucks, and for the installation and maintenance of utility wires, poles, cables, conduits, and pipes over, under, or along a (_) foot wide right-of-way extending from the nearest public right-ot:way, ______ , to the demised premises, said demised premises and right-of-way (hereinafter referred to as the "Premises") for access being substantially as described herein in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 268492vl<BEL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (l.and) 7/6/2004 2 In the event any public utility is unable to use the aforementioned right-of-way, LESSOR hereby agrees to grant an additional right-of-way either to LESSEE or to the public utility at no cost to LESSEE. 2. SURVEY. LESSOR also hereby grants to LESSEE the right to survey the Property and the Premises, and said survey shall then become Exhibit "B" which shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof, and shall control in the event of boundary and access discrepancies between it and Exhibit "A". Cost for such work shall be borne by LESSEE. 3. TERM. This Agreement shall be for an initial term of five (5) years, and beginning on the date the option is exercised by LESSEE at an annual rental of _____ _ Dollars($_____) to be paid in equal monthly installments on the first day of the month, in advance, to , or to such other person, firm or place as LESSOR may, from time to time, designate in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of any rental payment date. The obligation to pay rent will begin immediately upon the exercise of the option, at which time rental payments and term will begin. 4. EXTENSIONS. This Agreement shall automatically be extended for four (4) additional five (5) year terms unless LESSEE terminates it at the end of the then current term by giving LESSOR written notice of the intent to terminate at least six (6) months prior to the end of the then current term. 5. EXTENSION RENTALS. The annual rental for the first (I st) five (5) year extension term shall be increased to ____ Dollars($ ; the second (2nd) five (5) year extension term shall be increased to Dollars($ ; the third (3rd) five (5) year extension term shall be increased to Dollars ($ ); and the fourth ( 4th) five (5) year extension shall be increased to Dollars($ ___ _., 6. ADDITIONAL EXTENSIONS. !fat the end of the fourth (4th) five (5) year extension term this Agreement has not been terminated by either Party by giving to the other written notice of an intention to terminate it at least six (6) months prior to the end of such term, this Agreement shall continue in force upon the same covenants, terms and conditions for a further term of five (5) years and for five (5) year terms thereafter until terminated by either Party by giving to the other written notice of its intention to so terminate at least six (6) months prior to the end of such term. Annual rental for each such additional five (5) year term shall be equal to 115% of the annual rental payable with respect to the immediately preceding five (5) year term. 7. USE; GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS. LESSEE shall use the Premises for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a communications facility and uses incidental and all necessary appurtenances. A security fence consisting of chain link construction or similar but comparable construction may be placed around the perimeter of the Premises at the discretion of LESSEE (not including the access easement). All improvements 268492vl <BEL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and I .case Agreement (Land) 716/2004 3 shall be at LESSEE's expense and the installation of all improvements shall be at the discretion and option of LESSEE. LESSEE shall have the right to replace, repair, add or otherwise modify its equipment or any portion thereof, whether the equipment is specified or not on any exhibit attached hereto, during the term of this Agreement. LESSEE will maintain the Premises in a good condition reasonable wear and tear excepted. LESSOR will maintain the Property, excluding the Premises, in good condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. It is understood and agreed that LESSEE's ability to use the Premises is contingent upon its obtaining after the execution date of this Agreement all of the certificates, permits and other approvals that may be required by any Federal, State or Local authorities as well as satisfactory soil boring tests which will permit LESSEE use of the Premises as set forth above. LESSOR shall cooperate with LESSEE in its effort to obtain such approvals and shall take no action which would adversely affect the status of the Property with respect to the proposed use by LESSEE. In the event that any of such applications should be finally rejected or any certificate, permit, license or approval issued to LESSEE is canceled, expires, lapses, or is otherwise withdrawn or terminated by governmental authority or soil boring tests are found to be unsatisfactory so that LESSEE in its sole discretion will be unable to use the Property for its intended purposes or LESSEE determines that the Premises is no longer technically compatible for its intended use, LESSEE shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. Notice of LESSEE's exercise of its right to terminate shall be given to LESSOR in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be effective upon the mailing of such notice by LESSEE. All rentals paid to said termination date shall be retained by LESSOR. Upon such termination, this Agreement shall be of no further force or effect except to the extent of the representations, warranties and indemnities made by each party to the other hereunder. Otherwise, all the Parties shall have no further obligations including the payment of money, to each other. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. Subject to Paragraph 9 below, each Party shall indemnify and hold the other harmless against any claim of liability or loss from personal injury or property damage resulting from or arising out of the use and occupancy of the Premises or the Property by the Party, its servants or agents, excepting, however, such claims or damages as may be due to or caused by the acts or omissions of the other Party, or its servants or agents. 9. INSURANCE. The Parties hereby waive and release any and all rights of action for negligence against the other which may hereafter arise on account of damage to the premises or to property, resulting from any fire, or other casualty of the kind covered by standard fire insurance policies with extended coverage, regardless of whether or not, or in what amounts, such insurance is now or hereafter carried by the Parties, or either of them. These waivers and releases shall apply between the parties and they shall also apply to any claims under or through either party as a result of any asserted right of subrogation. LESSOR and LESSEE each agree that at its own cost and expense, each will maintain comprehensive general liability and property liability insurance with liability limits of not less than $1,000,000 for injury to or death of one or more persons in any one occurrence and $500,000 for damage or destruction to property in any one occurrence. LESSOR agrees that LESSEE may self-insure against any loss or damage which could be covered by a comprehensive general public liability insurance policy. All policies of 268492v l <BEL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 71612004 4 insurance covering property damage obtained by either party concerning the Property shall waive the insurer's right of subrogation against the other party. 10. ANNUAL TERMlNA TJON. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, provided LESSEE is not in default hereunder and shall have paid all rents and sums due and payable to LESSOR by LESSEE, LESSEE shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon the annual anniversary of this Agreement provided that three (3) months prior notice is given LESSOR. 11. INTERFERENCE. LESSOR agrees that LESSOR and/or any other tenants of the Property who currently have or in the future take possession of the Property will be permitted to install only such radio equipment that is of the type and frequency which will not cause measurable interference to the existing equipment of LESSEE. The Parties acknowledge that there will not be an adequate remedy at law for non-compliance with the provisions of this paragraph and therefore, LESSEE shall have the right to equitable remedies, such as, without limitation, injunctive relief and specific performance. 12. REMOVAL UPON TERMINATION. LESSEE, upon termination of the Agreement, shall, within ninety (90) days, remove its building(s), antenna structure(s) (except footings), fixtures and all personal property and otherwise restore the Property to its original condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. LESSOR agrees and acknowledges that all of the equipment, fixtures and personal property of LESSEE shall remain the personal property of LESSEE and LESSEE shall have the right to remove the same, whether or not said items are considered fixtures and attachments to real property under applicable law. If such time for removal causes LESSEE to remain on the Premises after termination of this Agreement, LESSEE shall pay rent at the then existing monthly rate or on the existing monthly pro-rata basis if based upon a longer payment term, until such time as the removal of the building, antenna structure, fixtures and all personal property are completed. 13. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL. If LESSOR during the lease term or any extension of the lease term elects to sell all or any portion of the Property, whether separately or as part of the larger parcel of which the Property are a part, LESSEE shall have the right of first refusal to meet any bona fide offer of sale on the same terms and conditions of such offer. If LESSEE fails to meet such bona fide offer within thirty (30) days after notice thereof from LESSOR, LESSOR may sell the Property or portion thereof to such third person in accordance with the terms and conditions of his offer. For purposes of this Paragraph, any transfer, bequest or devise of LESSOR's interest in the Property as a result of the death of LESSOR, whether by will or intestate succession, shall not be considered a sale of the Property for which LESSEE has any right of first refusal. 14. RIGHTS UPON SALE. Should LESSOR, at any time during the tenn of this Agreement, decide to sell all or any part of the Property to a purchaser other than LESSEE, such sale shall be under and subject to this Agreement and LESSEE's rights hereunder, and any sale 268492v I <BEL>5205 1-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/612004 5 by LESSOR of the portion of this Property underlying the right-of-way herein granted shall be under and subject to the right of LESSEE in and to such right-of-way. 15. QUIET ENJOYMENT. LESSOR covenants that LESSEE, on paying rent and performing the covenants shall peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises. 16. TITLE. LESSOR covenants that LESSOR is seized of good and sufficient title and interest to the Property and has full authority to enter into and execute this Agreement. LESSOR further covenants that there are no other liens, judgments or impediments of title on the Property, or affecting LESSOR's title to the same and that there are no covenants, easements or restrictions which prevent the use of the Premises by LESSEE as set forth above. 17. INTEGRATION. It is agreed and understood that this Agreement contains all agreements, promises and understandings between LESSOR and LESSEE and that no verbal or oral agreements, promises or understandings shall be binding upon either LESSOR or LESSEE in any dispute, controversy or proceeding at law, and any addition, variation or modification to this Agreement shall be void and ineffective unless made in writing and signed by the Parties. In the event any provision of the Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such finding shall not effect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. The failure of either Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the tenns or conditions of this Agreement or to exercise any of its rights under the Agreement shall not waive such rights and such Party shall have the right to enforce such rights at any time and take such action as may be lawful and authorized under this Agreement, either in law or in equity. 18. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement and the performance thereof shall be governed, interpreted, construed and regulated by the laws of the State in which the Property is located. 19. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement may be sold, assigned or transferred by LESSEE without any approval or consent of LESSOR to LESSEE's principal, affiliates, subsidiaries of its principal; to any entity which acquires all or substantially all of LESSEE's assets in the market defined by the Federal Communications Commission in which the Property is located by reason of a merger, acquisition or other business reorganization; or to any entity which acquires or receives an interest in the majority of communication towers of LESSEE in the market defined by the Federal Communications Commission in which the Property is located. As to other parties, this Agreement may not be sold, assigned or transferred without the written consent of LESSOR, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. LESSEE may sublet the Premises within its sole discretion, upon notice to LESSOR. Any sublease that is entered into by LESSEE shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement and shall be binding upon the successors, assigns, heirs and legal representatives of the respective parties hereto. 268492v l <B EL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 6 20. NOTICES. All notices hereunder must be in writing and shall be deemed validly given if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested or by commercial courier, provided the courier's regular business is delivery service and provided further that it guarantees delivery to the addressee by the end of the next business day following the courier's receipt from the sender, addressed as follows ( or any other address that the Party to be notified may have designated to the sender by like notice): LESSOR: LESSEE: d/b/a Verizon Wireless 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, New Jersey 07921 Attention: Network Real Estate Notice shall be effective upon actual receipt or refusal as shown on the receipt obtained pursuant to the foregoing. 21. SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall extend to and bind the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. 22. SUBORDINATION AND NON-DISTURBANCE. At LESSO R's option, this Agreement shall be subordinate to any mortgage or other security interest or other security interest by LESSOR which from time to time may encumber all or part of the Property or right- of-way; provided, however, every such mortgage or other security interest or other security interest shall recognize the validity of this Agreement in the event of a foreclosure of LESSO R's interest and also LESSEE's right to remain in occupancy of and have access to the Premises as long as LESSEE is not in default of this Agreement. LESSEE shall execute whatever instruments may reasonably be required to evidence this subordination clause. In the event the Property is encumbered by a mortgage or other security interest or other security interest, LESSOR immediately after this Agreement is executed, will obtain and furnish to LESSEE, a non-disturbance agreement for each such mortgage or other security interest or other security interest in recordable form. In the event LESSOR defaults in the payment and/or other performance of any mortgage or other security interest encumbering the Property, LESSEE, may, at its sole option and without obligation, cure or correct LESSOR's default and upon doing so, LESSEE shall be subrogated to any and all rights, titles, liens and equities of the holders of such mortgage or security interest and LESSEE shall be entitled to deduct and setoff against all rents that may otherwise become due under this Agreement the sums paid by LESSEE to cure or correct such defaults. 268492v l <B l:::L>5205 i-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 716/2004 7 23. RECORDING. LESSOR agrees to execute a Memorandum of this Lease Agreement which LESSEE may record with the appropriate Recording Officer. The date set forth in the Memorandum of Lease is for recording purposes only and bears no reference to commencement of either term or rent payments. 24. DEFAULT. In the event there is a default by LESSEE with respect to any of the provisions of this Agreement or its obligations under it, including the payment of rent, LESSOR shall give LESSEE written notice of such default. After receipt of such written notice, LESSEE shall have fifteen (15) days in which to cure any monetary default and thirty (30) days in which to cure any non-monetary default, provided LESSEE shall have such extended period as may be required beyond the thirty (30) days if the nature of the cure is such that it reasonably requires more than thirty (30) days and LESSEE commences the cure within the thirty (30) day period and thereafter continuously and diligently pursues the cure to completion. LESSOR may not maintain any action or effect any remedies for default against LESSEE unless and until LESSEE has failed to cure the same within the time periods provided in this Paragraph. 25. ENVIRONMENTAL. a. LESSOR will be responsible for all obligations of compliance with any and all environmental and industrial hygiene laws, including any regulations, guidelines, standards, or policies of any governmental authorities regulating or imposing standards of liability or standards of conduct with regard to any environmental or industrial hygiene conditions or concerns as may now or at any time hereafter be in effect, that are or were in any way related to activity now conducted in, on, or in any way related to the Property, unless such conditions or concerns are caused by the activities of LESSEE. b. LESSOR shall hold LESSEE harmless and indemnify LESSEE from and assume all duties, responsibility and liability at LESSOR's sole cost and expense, for all duties, responsibilities, and liability (for payment of penalties, sanctions, forfeitures, losses, costs, or damages) and for responding to any action, notice, claim, order, summons, citation, directive, litigation, investigation or proceeding which is in any way related to: a) failure to comply with any environmental or industrial hygiene law, including without limitation any regulations, guidelines, standards, or policies of any governmental authorities regulating or imposing standards of liability or standards of conduct with regard to any environmental or industrial hygiene concerns or conditions as may now or at any time hereafter be in effect, unless such compliance results from conditions caused by LESSEE; and b) any environmental or industrial hygiene conditions arising out of or in any way related to the condition of the Property or activities conducted thereon, unless such environmental conditions are caused by LESSEE. 26. CASUAL TY. In the event of damage by fire or other casualty to the Premises that cannot reasonably be expected to be repaired within forty-five (45) days following same or, if the Property is damaged by fire or other casualty so that such damage may reasonably be expected to disrupt LESSEE's operations at the Premises for more than forty-five (45) days, then 268492vl <BEL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 8 LESSEE may at any time following such fire or other casualty, provided LESSOR has not completed the restoration required to permit LESSEE to resume its operation at the Premises, terminate this Agreement upon fifteen ( 15) days written notice to LESSOR. Any such notice of termination shall cause this Agreement to expire with the same force and effect as though the date set forth in such notice were the date originally set as the expiration date of this Agreement and the Parties shall make an appropriate adjustment, as of such termination date, with respect to payments due to the other under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all rental shall abate during the period ofrepair following such fire or other casualty. 27. CONDEMNATION. In the event of any condemnation of the Property, LESSEE may terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days written notice to LESSOR if such condemnation may reasonably be expected to disrupt LESSEE's operations at the Premises for more than forty-five (45) days. LESSEE may on its own behalf make a claim in any condemnation proceeding involving the Premises for losses related to the antennas, equipment, its relocation costs and its damages and losses (but not for the loss of its leasehold interest). Any such notice of termination shall cause this Agreement to expire with the same force and effect as though the date set forth in such notice were the date originally set as the expiration date of this Agreement and the Parties shall make an appropriate adjustment as of such termination date with respect to payments due to the other under this Agreement. 28. SUBMISSION OF LEASE. The submission of this Agreement for examination does not constitute an offer to lease the Premises and this Agreement becomes effective only upon the full execution of this Agreement by the Parties. If any provision herein is invalid, it shall be considered deleted from this Agreement and shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Each of the Parties hereto warrants to the other that the person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of such party has the full right, power and authority to enter into and execute this Agreement on such Party's behalf and that no consent from any other person or entity is necessary as a condition precedent to the legal effect of this Agreement. 29. APPLICABLE LAWS. LESSEE shall use the Premises as may be required or as permitted by applicable laws, rules and regulations. LESSOR agrees to keep the Property in conformance with all applicable, laws, rules and regulations and agrees to reasonably cooperate with LESSEE regarding any compliance required by LESSEE in respect to its use of the Premises. 30. SURVIVAL. The provisions of the Agreement relating to indemnification from one Party to the other Party shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement. Additionally, any provisions of this Agreement which require performance subsequent to the termination or expiration of this Agreement shall also survive such termination or expiration. 31. CAPTIONS. The captions contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and are not intended to be part of the Agreement. They shall not affect or be utilized in the construction or interpretation of the Agreement. 268492v 1 <BEL>52051-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 71612004 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their respective seals the day and year first above written. LESSOR: By:-------------- Name: _____________ _ Title: _____________ _ Date: ______________ _ LESSEE: By: Robert F. Swaine West Area Vice President, Network Date: EXHIBITS: Exhibit A -Legal Description/Description of Premises 268492vl <BEL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 IO LESSOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this __ day of , 20_, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of _____ , personally appeared , personally known to me ( or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrument, on oath stated that He/She was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the _____ of , to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. 268492vl<8El,>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement {l.and) 7/6/2004 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of residing at _____________ _ My appointment expires ________ _ Print Name -------------- 11 LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARIZONA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF MARICOPA ) On this day of , 20_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Arizona, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Robert F. Swaine to me known to be an authorized representative of d/b/a Verizon Wireless, the that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of d/b/a Verizon Wireless, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that He is authorized to execute the said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. 268492vl <BEL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 Print or Type Name: Notary Public in and for the State of AZ, residing at My appointment expires: 12 268492v 1 <BEL>52051-32 VZW-Opt1on and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 Exhibit "A" 1 of2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION See Attached 13 268492v I <BEL>5205 J-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 Exhibit" A" 2 of2 DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES See Attached 14 FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Verizon Wireless Attn: Network Real Estate -M/S 221 3350 161st Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Space above this line is for Recorder's use. Memorandum of Option and Lease Agreement Grantor: Grantee: Legal Description: Official legal description as Exhibit A Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: Reference # (if applicable): N/ A 268492v 1 <BEl,>52051-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 SITE NAME: ------ MEMORANDUM OF OPTION AND LEASE AGREEMENT THIS MEMORANDUM OF OPTION AND LEASE AGREEMENT evidences that an Option and Lease Agreement ("Agreement") was entered into as of _____ , 20_, by and between ____________ ("Lessor"), and __________ ("Lessee"), concerning certain real property located at _______ in the City of _____ , County of ___ ~, State of ______ , within the property of Lessor which is described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto ("Legal Description"), together with a right of access and to install and maintain utilities, for an initial term of ___ LJ years commencing on Lessee's exercise of the option to lease, which term is subject to Lessee's rights to extend the tenn of the Agreement for __ LJ terms of ___ L) years each. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have duly executed this Memorandum of Option and Lease Agreement as of the day and year last below written. LESSOR: By: Name: Title: Date: LESSEE: By: ------------ Robert F. Swaine West Area Vice President, Network Date: Exhibit A -Legal Description 268492vl<BEL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/612004 2 LESSOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this __ day of , 20_, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of , personally appeared , personally known to me ( or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrument, on oath stated that He/She was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the ------of to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. 268492vl <BEL>5205 !-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of __ , residing at ______________ _ My appointment expires _________ _ Print Name --------------- 3 LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ST A TE OF ARIZONA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF MARICOPA ) On this day of , 20_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Arizona, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Robert F. Swaine to me known to be an authorized representative of d/b/a Verizon Wireless, the that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of ---------~d~/b=/=a~V~er~i=zo=n~W=ir~e=le=ss, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that He is authorized to execute the said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. 268492vl <BEL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lease Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 Print or Type Name: __________ _ Notary Public in and for the State of AZ, residing at My appointment expires: ________ _ 4 268492v I <BEL>5205 l-32 VZW-Option and Lea<;e Agreement (Land) 7/6/2004 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION See Attached 5 \\ \\~ N ~?f:;1 , ~ \900 ~ ~ I CII SEA Renton Vo-Tech View Area Map I I l l-, ~ l..._ Park ~ ~. ..-!s~ -~ 1 L--.----J / ;--":JJ I <.::......:'., ( 1JJ ~ ::r i \ If J~~~rl' ., 1 .i ~1 ighlands lk~ ~\\:\-"-1'. \~ · 1 / f! ·~~JJb,h.,__:~ If i~~is~ U ~ffi. --\) J' ! U ~.. ~ \ . = -------, -~~--n/-~\~-~-~ --=::r::J'E--=---'=-elt ·~ ~-~L c===\ J r,,'";,, }l J . [-0 1-l !:i:;s l -::;, _ _..,./ ~ (1) \ ~ ~. ~ J -(t) -(t) ~ ' • l C a,-Nb i (I) I < ~HM \ '----ct> I /I'-...___.._ -< rt~· 1. ~-Y.~ _J ,,, ~-P\ ii iii. ~<;,::-1u L ~ q , . ~~ ~ , I, r _/:l \,,'F .,_·;ir . 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Definitions. ,, 2:Ai1-P-(\ -.::S E f36ln1 St ~,../· _.,' i 1 '\' , I ---::::::=-", ~V" ,_ I \ l \ ------. ,, IL..._ /' b ,.\\ [/01 f ($F~, ( 'l'.':.' Rloe~" lh-!) f \~ W_J ~v~~ Omi 0.2 0.4 0 .6 Copyright ~ 1988-2002 Mi crosoft Corp. and/or its sup pliers. N I rights reserved. htt p://-..ww.microsoft.com/streets © Copyrigh t 200 1 by Geographic Data T echn ology, Inc. All rights reserved.© 200 1 Navigation Technologies. All rights reserved. This data includes information ta ken with permission from Canadian authorities © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada . c- O.o SEA Renton VocTech Photosim Legend \\\'---'l \ \~ ~ -,,, / \.~. IJ \'· "-----,1 r~~ i \ ; ' ~ \.J 11 iJ RI w , \-\ )l::p\ ( J • L---~ ' I fill) ·J~_;l>J1-\I' j/-\., ~~ 2-"-,,~, ~ )o\ ~ L, I •r,---, e---i ~ c1i ~ _,'.'.A" r ~ ~lll i z., ~ ~~e , ":;;:>'. . _ ,._____',z lit' ~ ·· .#1 ' Photosim 3 Location ~~ ~ ,d:.,-/, . ' ~ ,/ 'y" .,,(~ ' ' . . 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View looking Northeast SEA Renton Voe-Tech 31 23 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98056 Photosim l ~ ~vvire l ess Before _PINNACLE DESIGN GRO U P , IN C . View looking West SEA Renton Voe-Tech 3123 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98056 Photosim 2 Before PINNACLE DE S I G N G ROUP , I N C . V i ew looking Southeast SEA Renton Voe-Tech 3123 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98056 Photosim 3 Before PINNACLE DESIGN G ROUP . INC . i MAP O,q l"1'cN 4 ~/v. ..,j .,. 'J E7i>f P llfBT}tCT l]t i N E6T>iCT >JI ,1:. I~ ~ -~ ti> -z. f'l\ .!<, q-Y of&- # CJ1fi!-ls·4~ t:tvc -;:. 9 0 i -µ. :z ,,, ~~~ ... "'t),.o# IA#IJtborHIJ15 Palfl I.U z ~ <. "" Cl 6 ;::;; s ,-0(~ ,,..,, #'~.,.<Y - ,;" ,}-?-- $ .., ~ ! 5 ~ ~ l: 'lE 5T,t ?I. 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's-,- <>)- ~ Cl' ~l£ 2)1::} Sf O •· 1055ft The Information included on this map has been compiled by King-County staff from a variety ohources an d is subject to change without notk:e:Kirig County mattes no representations or '.i 1ST "~ warranties, express or implied , as to accuracy, completeness, limeUness. or rights to the ·use of such lnformatio. n . This Ck>cument Is not lntended,for use as a survey product. King Cou nty I ti shaU not be iable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited lo, lost revenues o r lost profit&s resulting rrom the use or misuse ot the » K·1ng County information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or informallon on thls map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. · Date: 12/17/2007 Source : King County IMAP -Properly Information (http://www.metrokc.gov/GIS/iMAP) iMAP DA no,y "\Vt; '>IS C,4 /i!.ls,ii,E,vE -I z: m:rrll p,~ UJ 'lEBTttCT I ~ '=z. W, NE6T11 CT ... GI ~ ~ ~ ff\ ,f!-/q~ # :i; :f 0 ~ ~ z "' 'tf ~ ~~ ~'4-o# IMndsor Hlll!J Patft UI ~ ~ ~ a § .... ~"' #(, # # q~ ~-?- ~ i 6 " .: II: ~ \f.E ST,1 Pl. UI UI :;: .:: ~ ~ ~ < 0 ~ ~ 0 2 ! i5 0 a: f/1 ... n _. z "' llie.flliCT I !t ~ ~ z I'll t,E 61'ti PL ... z ? l:i Nef>Yo-1 5' Q .. 1c <'f) 1-1 •.u <! Cl !!! ~ '{" ~ ~ § a, ~ t -~ ~ .. ! I ~ 0 z ~ "' z .,. m ~ ::t 0 "· ~ rT' 2 2 .a: ~ u., :,. < ... ~IE6Tl1 Pl ~ a z I.II ._ ~ % if. l"I ~ < 6 t 1C6Tt1 ST ~ u., C g z L. OI!. Yll ::111\AVE: NE ti. 'IESTu?t ¢ ~ Cl L. ti :!=, '[; ::;: NE5THS'T m z: 8 L. ,., ex rT' rT' UI .: l\(~TH Git ~ ~ 5 NE .. TII Pl ru ~ a > ~ 8 ---., % ,,,_ --1\1; 4!!1 ::ii i:J 'l [lRll CT llj I.I w ::; :;: :?; H-tt•ar Downs Pillk ~ :i• ,,, ... j + -n s"I ~~~, ...... IC I 2005 Kin it C cnuty ... E: <;I "'' ~ Q 6 0 ::; ~ 5 C Ul ... COMMENTS: Neighborhood Map· SEA Renton VocTech ~ < ~ :;: ffi ... NE.2.'Wst 1"1:<',,'0 Sr ~{~ ,~ iS). \:£ 1ST "L 0 1055ft The infonnation induded on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and Is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, oompleteness, timefiness, or rights lo the use of such information. ihls document is not Intended for use as a survey product. King County I w shaN not be liable for any general, special, Indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or 1ost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the ,. K"1ng County infomlation contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map Is prohibited eXQ!pt by written permission of King County. · Dale: 12/17/2007 Source: King County iMAP · Property Information (http://www.metrokc.gov/GIS/lMAP) \1MITMENT FOR TITLE INSURAN ISSUED B,Y PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, INC., a Washington corporation ("Company"), for a valuable consideration, commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the land described or referred to "in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall ceas·e and terminate six months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies ·,s not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by a validating officer or authorized signatory. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Pacific Northwest Title Insurance Company, Inc. has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officer and signatory on the date shown in Schedule A. - PACIFIC NORTIIWEST TI1LE Insurance Company, Inc. President Countersigned by; Authorized Signatory Company PACIFIC NORTHWEST Tln.f. Seattle. ll\/ashi11gtun City, State American Land Title Association Commitment -2006 (Rev. 6/06) PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Rob Chelton(robchelton@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Charlie Bell (charliebell@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206)343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 Wireless Facilities, Inc. 575 Andover Park west, Suite 201 Tukwila, WA 98188 Attention: Eric Frederick Your Ref.: SEA Renton Voe-Tech Title Order No.: 656150 A. L. T. A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Effective Date: June 13, 2007, at 8:00 a.m. 1. Policy(ies) to be issued: As on Schedule A, page 2 1 attached. 2. The Estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this commitment is fee simple. 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Commitment vested in: HALLE-VON VOIGTLANDER, a Michigan general partnership (NOTE: SEE SPECIAL EXCEPTION NUMBERS 10 AND 11 REGARDING EXECUTION OF THE FORTHCOMING DOCUMENT(S) TO BE INSURED). 4. The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows: As on Schedule A, page 3, attached. ' " Policy(ies) to be issued: A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Page 2 A.ALTA Owner's Policy Standard (X) Extended () Amount Premium Tax (8. 9%) Proposed Insured: TO FOLLOW Order No. 656150 TO BE AGREED UPON NOTE: IF EXTENDED COVERAGE FOR OWNERS OR LENDERS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR A PENDING TRANSACTION, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO CLOSING SO THAT WE MAY INSPECT THE PREMISES. B. WORK CHARGE Amount Tax (8.9%) (Schedule A, continued) $ $ 450.00 40.05 • A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Page 3 Order No. 656150 The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows: Lot 2 of City of Renton Short Plat No. 123-88, recorded under Recording Number 8912019001, in King County, Washington, said short plat being described as Lot 1 of Short Plat No. 373-79, according to the short plat survey thereof recorded under King County Recording Number 7910049001; being a portion of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter Section 16 1 Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A NOTE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCW 65.04. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document. NE/NW 16-23-05 • PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. A.L.T.A COMMITMENT Schedule B Order No. 656150 I. The following are the requirements to be complied with: A. Instruments necessary to create the estate or interest to be insured must be properly executed, delivered and duly filed for record. B. Payment to or for the account of the granters or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. II. Schedule B of the Policy or Policies to be issued (as set forth in Schedule A) will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed Insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. c. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, As on Schedule B, attached. ' SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 2 NOTE FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY: Order No. 656150 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, AND PURSUANT TO AMENDMENT OF WASHINGTON STATE STATUTES RELATING TO STANDARDIZATION OF RECORDED DOCUMENTS, THE FOLLOWING FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE RECORDER. FORMAT: MARGINS TO BE 3" ON TOP OF FIRST PAGE, l" ON SIDES AND BOTTOM -1" ON TOP, SIDES AND BOTTOM OF EACH SUCCEEDING PAGE. RETURN ADDRESS IS ONLY ITEM ALLOWED WITHIN SAID 3" MARGIN. NOTHING WITHIN l" MARGINS. FONT SIZE OF 8 POINTS OR LARGER AND PAPER SIZE OF NO MORE THAN B 1/2 11 BY 14". NO ATTACHMENTS ON PAGES SUCH AS STAPLED OR TAPED NOTARY SEALS; PRESSURE SEALS MUST BE SMUDGED. INFORMATION WHICH MUST APPEAR ON THE FIRST PAGE: RETURN ADDRESS, WHICH MAY APPEAR WITHIN THE UPPER LEFT HAND 3" MARGIN. TITLE OR TITLES OF DOCUMENT. IF ASSIGNMENT OR RECONVEYANCE, REFERENCE TO RECORDING NUMBER OF SUBJECT DEED OF TRUST. NAMES OF GRANTOR(S) AND GRANTEE(S) WITH REFERENCE TO ADDITIONAL NAMES ON FOLLOWING PAGES, IF ANY. ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT, BLOCK, PLAT NAME, OR SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE AND QUARTER QUARTER SECTION FOR UNPLATTED). ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S). (continued) ' A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 3 Order No. 656150 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS (continued)' 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, GRANTEE, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, Walker Mountain Investment Company, Inc. Ingress and egress and utilities and surface water drainage Northerly portion of said premises and other property September 14, 1976 7609140585 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, GRANTEE, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation Underground electric transmission and/or distribution system As constructed August 17, 1982 8208170337 3. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN SHORT PLAT, COPY ATTACHED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, October 4, 1979 7910049001 4. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN SHORT PLAT, COPY ATTACHED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, December 1, 1989 8912019001 5. DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE CONVENANTS AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, October 4, 1979 7910040895 (continued) A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 4 Order No. 656150 6. INDEMNITY AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, BY, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, REGARDING: Dennis K. Smart and City of Renton December 9, 1982 8212090451 Said agreement released City of Renton from all future claims for damages resulting from the construction of side sewer. 7. Exceptions and Reservations contained in deed from the State of Washington, whereby the Granter excepts and reserves all oil, gases, coal, ores, minerals, fossils, etc., and the right of entry for opening, developing and working the same and providing that such rights shall not be exercised until provision has been made for full payment of all damages sustained by reason of such entry; recorded under Recording Number 3875580. NOTE: No examination has been made to determine the present record owner of the above minerals, or mineral lands and appurtenant rights thereto, or to determine matters which may affect the lands or rights so reserved. Right of State of Washington or its successors, subject to payment of compensation therefor, to acquire rights of way for private railroads, skid roads, flumes, canals, water courses or other easements for transporting and moving timber, stone, minerals and other products from this and other property, as reserved in deed referred to above. 8. GENERAL AND SPECIAI TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2007 162305-9052-08 2100 CURRENT ASSESSED VAIUE: Land: $244,000.00 Improvements: $445,100.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $7,538.63 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.59 $9.98 TOTAL BILLED: $7,550.20 PAID: $3,775.10 TOTAL DUE: $3,775.10 (continued) A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 5 Order No. 656150 9. Unrecorded leaseholds, if any; rights of vendors and holders of security interests on personal property installed upon said property and rights of tenants to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the term. 10. Terms and conditions of the partnership/joint venture agreement, and any amendments thereto, for Halle-Von Voigtlander, a Michigan general partnership. A copy of the agreement, and any amendments thereto, must be submitted to the Company for its review prior to closing. 11. Matters of record, if any, against the names of the undisclosed partners/joint venturers which may affect the interest of the following partnership/joint venture: Halle-Von Voigtlander, a Michigan general partnership 12. Until the amount of the policy to be issued is provided to us, and entered on the commitment as the amount of the policy to be issued, it is agreed by every person relying on this commitment that we will not be required to approve any policy amount over $100,000, and our total liability under this commitment shall not exceed that amount. 13. Title is to vest in persons not yet revealed and when so vested will be subject to matters disclosed by a search of the records against their names. 14. Payment of Real Estate Excise Tax, if required. The property described herein is situated within the boundaries of local taxing authority of City of Renton. Present Rate of Real Estate Excise Tax as of the date herein is 1.78%. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Dick Chase Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. RG/8707280857 . ' Lot 2 Renton SP#123-88 REC#8912019001 4261/ J -~~H_S_TJ_ S.E. 128TH ST. 327.0 I I • N.E.4TH ST. ,,. 4Wn3 -:,.,;:,Lio_ ' h " [;,\:,,':, l ! I 7910119004 ' I d' ... REN SP a [!' $4 R ~ ~ "' -lot ~ ,,, -~ ·t @1 ~2 - . . ------211~1 )f 21190 SF 9128 9052 1 ' It H-ll _, ' ., lot 1 N PACIF1C NORTHWEST TITLE Order No. 656150 CompanyofWashington, Inc. IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. Lot 2 Renton SP#123-88 REC#8912019001 ' " HO (SJJ 7810119004 lot1 s:a. 128TH ST. " --·- m11 I ~ ,.. ·" ,$' § ' ,r'/ . " ,<' .,, ~ ,;, .. • ;,' 42 $-1 • ! C> nm ~, WSO SI """ ""'2 , . ' • --IJ .., 7iiiffi' " AENSP lot ~ ,,. ,, • n-11 N PACIF1C NORTIIWEST TITLE Company of Washington, Inc. Order No. 656150 t IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. " ' -·----------- ·it1t!-~-': · ""· ~ I \ Ji . 'I • ' --,_ .. • I FIii II Tide.........,._ TIClf-lllllO.,_.~ i M&U-AClt.llCMCJCOKJl:l~WC., l . . j '1IBl iJ;Qfl MC'.CCI AT ll!(lfJ01 M ?ranaameric4 Title 1?00 Sixth Avenue Seattlet W~ahington Insurance. Coo, ?8101 -·· .. J,IIIEi-5llJIASEt..___ ·--···-····-·--r.,. PU.TI.UR, SLLRAS&R, SC'HNEillMAN. P.C. -•.. ,Ol.O.J!AST J:AlltLBAC~ ROAll . . . . . Z SUITE 100 r· ... ,,._ .. FJIOEUll, .AllllONA. : ,al.Ii . ~ 6'3365-2 5tatoto,y Wartanty Peed ' 6.00 1K)QS~. b ........ ~.do ' ~ DENNIS X. SHA.RT nod UFA"iE SMMt, busband and wlfe as t:o an tt'1 'ID ORA.lmJR undivided SO'% interest, DOUGLAS P. SMART 1 as his scpa.race estate as to an uruU.v:l.ded .C.Dl interest and DOUGLAS P. SMART AND CHARLOTTE E. SMART. huajand and wlfe a~ to an undivtdad lDl interest '. c;S lon-sndi.llllliial'~ TEN DDLURS AND O'nttlt VAl.UAEILE CONSIDnA.TtON \.) <i11:au:1r,_ A11111M11ul;Olwanmrttto HALLE-VON VOlGtI.ANDER a Michigan General Part1'1:e.r1h"l.p i,:i.·,· f U.lolki!dnr ~ ,..i--, ~ i.p w ()M.mly of Lot l of Shon Plat No .. 373-79, acco-rding to the Sbo-rt Plat Survey recorded under King County Recording No. 7910049001; EXCEPT all c~al nrid minerals and the right to explore for and mip~ the same 36 reserved by deed recorded undr:r King Count) Recording No. 3875580i l Situate in the City of Renton, CDunty of King, S~ate of Washingran. Subject to thQoe. 1nlltters set forth on uhibit. 1'A 11 at~acb.ed he"t"et.o and mace a part be~ein by thi, referenee, N•tt PoWlc In . .u.d tor U. SW. <lf,._'Nhl~ ~-t.. ------· ..... _.·-····-······-·-·-- M7.pp:,1a~t ..... 1 Vl·IO ,-· -------~ • I [ .(.....,.r,...mlRY.. IIAl!ANl'l' DEED ~T/fl~lle-Von Voigtlander ~ I EXRIBlT ''A0 1. Baaement and teTIDs and conditiono thereof as disclosed b1 ineti:ument :ecorded under recording No. 3875S80 for ehe purpoae of a right of way for railroad as granted under application no. lOSLl and partially relenccd bj Puget SO'\llld fower & Lig.he Co111Pany by reco't'ding no, 5270019. 2". Eaoetne.nt $Ud the "te:l'ltls and condition& thereof disclosed by .f.r .. strumsnt recorded. udner Rec.ot:Uing No, 7fQ9l40585 fo't' i..ngress, eg;reu, utilit.ieu aud $Urface war:~ .r~innge, &ffecting che North 20 feet of Lots 1, 2 and J 3.. Underground UciU.ty Easement and thft terms and cobditione: thereof: Grantee: Puget Sound Po,.,er & Light Compony, a Washington Corpo't'ation Purpose: Undergl:"ound electric transmission and/or tl.htribuc.ior, system Area Affectedz The centerline of Grantee's facilities as const'tu.cfed wichin t-he North 60 feet of the above described prope'tty with the rlght to extend therefrom to adjace~t property Recorded: August 17, 1982 B.ecoi:ding No; 8205170337 Contains a covenant prohibiting structure& r,ver said ?a&e111ent or other ac~1vity 'i1h1ch mtght eod~nger the unde~gi:ou!ld syste~. 4, Eaafflll8nter reatrictionP, and recital set forth on Che face of short plat recorded under King Countf Recording No 19iooq9001. 5. Rese"CVation contained in deed from the St~te of Washington ~ecorded under Recording No. 3a7SS80 reserving to ~he g-rantor all oil. gases, ~oai area, mineral&, fossils. etc,, and the right of entry for opentng 1 developing and working the &a.me and prDViding th~t such rig~ts shall not be e,;ercised until pro"1sioo has been ms.de for fult ~ayti1~nt 0£ all damages sustained bl reason of such ent,;y. ltigbt of State of Washington or its successors, subject ta pajlllent of compensation cher~fore, to aequire riJhts of way for private railroads, ekid road&, flumes. canale, water courBeB OT ther ease:menta for tran&p~ and moving timber,atonef miner&~s and other products from this and other property, ae reDerved in deed r~fcrred to above, 6. R•etrictione imposed by instrument recorded October 4, 1979 under Recording No. 7910040695. 1. Release of Dam:age :Sat:weeni And, Dated: Rec~rded; Rec:ot'dlng No~ Agreement and the terms Dennis-K. S~rt City of ltenton October 19, 1982 Decamb0r 9, 1982 8212099451 and eondi~ions thereof1 I C, 0 o.i ~ = = « "' <O "' 0 "'" .... .,.. 0 -~ ..,. .,. 0 ... 0 C, _, "' ', d .... .;_ = .... I BEN A. SERRA and D0R0Tll1 [., S6RRAt h.iS •,15.fe, herein- after ref~r-red to as the Gra11tors, do hereby gra'ht: to WALKER MOUNT/I.IN lNVE.Sff~&tlT cm1PA"!-l't :rnc., an ea&i!:l\\ent fox: ingr.ess and egress and utilities and surface watet drainage o~er that property d~scribed as: 1'he s. 20. ft. of the tl. 70 ft. of the N. ))0 ft, of the E. 1/2 Of the NE 1/4 of th~ NW 1/4 of see. 16, Twp. 23 N., Range SE,, W.M,, in l:.ing C0unty. Washington: EXCEPT th~ E. 226 ft, t.hereof. Said easement shall be tor the benefit of any parcel sold out:. of Silid: N. ))0 ft.. of thl? E. 1/2 Of the ME 1/4 of the Hl'l 1/4 of Sec. 16, Np, 23 N., Rangt:, 5 £,, W,M .. , EXCEPT t.he E:. 226 £t_ thereof; in ~ing county, Washington, D~fED this~ day of September, 1976. 1% EXCISE TAX NOT P.,(llJIREO Kir1g Co. Ht::.i::r•i:, Div;sivn By·-···· .. .,..q.;( .. ., ........ , D,puty STATE OF HA.Sll!MGTot~ COUNTY Of' KlNG ss on this day pet'sonally ar,pP..arad bcfote me B&U A, and tJOROTIIY L SERM, his Wife, to m(! kr10Wn to b-c the iricti.vidµ,a-h de!ictibed in and who executed the within °'nd fon-·going il'.l'ikrument, .,., and ackno\./lcdgi:;.d that t;h-:::y signed the same as thctr1. free a~:,·~ ,·oluntary act and deed for thi: uses o.nd f.lU):.'posms therein mentioned. GIVE!~ undo-r my hand and official seal this. .&tL:_ clay of September, 191S, < W!:-., ('.; ~1~. - /1.f_, .. :• , ... ' dt' f. ff·' ·~· Ji, '/Uii1,....t fi: ii1Jt": j , n~lt! '1 ; •II' PUGET POWER E!\5EI\JENtl'OR l.lNDERGRbUND £1-UCTRIC SYSTEM ,ur .1 1 [· 11.1 ~,, ,i:i · DENNIS K. SMAkT AND LJ\FAYE SMART,' husban_d_and wife/ nnd .P.:QU.G~}\~ f. . ....:SMA:RT.,-,...iln..:..ili:una.x::ti.ed...indiv.ilhla.L, ·-• -. ----. ...,. .~ i1~H f ·cr~rimr" h1:folnl ~rnnl! amu:y.s and 1,·arrnn1c Irr PUGr.-r oonr,.:n PO\\'F.H ,.. 1 lf;frr r.r~~lf>M,;,. ,, \\'.nhin~n•n trir, 11tm1ltot1 r·Grnntf'r'' hornlnJ. fr,lr the purt,1):1;~~ hr,dn;,flm ~ijl lnrlh ,, l'fTrl'ttJAI ,•,'l.~·1m 111,1mlrr ut"•~ ••ml 111·rr JI,,. fol ln11ihF d~st:rllJttil real pti'lpcrl),' [lhc-~Jltu[1rr1r·· h,11dn.l __ -~-King ..• -· Vi1111~. \\'11~hln.~1n11 tot 1 of Walker Mountain Short Pl.ut No. 373~79 recorded under· Auditor's File NUmher 1!H'bo'4~t>Ol -:ind' being ii portion ·o.f: The nbr1th 3J{J feet of the Northeast quarter of "t11e Nort:heast tj1.1arter Of' Ndtthwest quai-ter' c,f section l6~ TQWnship 23 North, .Range 5 EaSt, W.M., in u·ruJ County, Washington, EXCEPl' the lltorth SO !ee t fh'ereo f. ~-."':: ,] ;:~,: ·. ';;" ,:i:-·L. 1, 1-50 ~: ~:::1cc11t 11t 1m•r Ji,_, 1111!11nv!Jl.n ~Cll fl'ltlh Ju,rnln r.,1,nlm• I rbih•~ ~h11U ht· ,·Jtr.tr-J:u:rl llflttll lh,1I J>1>r!lr>II Uf lh>• l'i"f'rrlt ftht'" ;·111,:1,1 al \\'~y·• J/~mlil):,lrjti·t!Jetl 1111 (iilh1wi;: A ·Ri~\jf;iJf.\"/ny ____ ._l ___ ,.;.. ford 111 wlrhh h~1•l1111:-. _ r. .?..i. ~-f111•I r,j ~u~J, width 1111-, .. 11r.1• ~111,r •if u n:n111t- 1lnD dti!o'tib1«l 11~ ,111Jnws: The cehterlfoe of f-iranteo:• s facilities as canatructod within tho riotth' 60 feet of the Qbove described propot'ty With tht: rf·9ht to efxt::end therefrom to adjacent pro11ctty~ Ji; .. :::;cisf ·a1~ : ic,r !Fr\ll! i1, ihtit f'\ 11: ~ ,II. h :1ii ~·, 1) (~;:,,_kt !' l'lt.W FOR RECORD AT RE0U€ST OF: ; !:r.itf POWt!R ti;\'. l£til"AiJ:,D!VISlbN T. J. =THO~~ff I. ,n POWER OlDG .. OLcl~WEi WASHllfGTON 8fi009 1.-: r',.;tpr,nt: ~~an t~a l'lliii"ll h'A11ff lhn t!Hht 1111:011:'\ltll&I, "llt!rlllir; mi1lril11h1. u,Jmlt .111f,hti:11.nn1) ,n1f 11t ~" n1111ml1 1,1tmm_11l 11f.,wlr. 1r1111s~Julon. P.Jl(l/or 1ll:!llt1Bbllr111 ~~'limn 11111u1 nmi um n~ 1h11 Rl1h1-11f.Wn>· lf'/1111 111r t\lUb 111! 111H.:<o,Mfy nt r)~i\'a:llllUII 1111 p'l'ltlffllin~ 11ii:rnf or. \Yhl~h ip,1y lntliulo 1ml nril 110I flffillt!1l l11 lho lnllnwl~: 11n1lut11tn]1111I r.11ml11U11,1;11t•lt:i, c11tmm10\u11lr1n lh111;'i ~{lii.-mpnholl!.!I, &1vllChvs. Mil 1rnn§form~ri: nncl .to1tll•lmtlt!d or 11rm1m_1,wa11!,,•!l l11tlllll"·.i, lt11ll11\'!"h!)l lllfl lnhl,t 1:111, ~lrt1tllDn of 119 l~!fllllos Ornnlen mll)' frnm lh,ui Ir, 11tn11 f!liti!lrtn:1,1rd1111hl111111111l r,11:U1u1 1.t 1111111111~· r,lf11llr11 /. 2.1 Act::af!, Ortntoo'~ll~)J hu110 tlwi rlyhl Ill ncc1!.'l.1 ti, IM ,R111.l1t,nl-W,w nt 11r nnit ru:rm.,;fltfl Jliflp11r1.1· 1n rnuhlri l~ra111rm 11' 11xm- cis'a 11s rlillililtiir't:rhfilll'll';>pro\lldbil! 111GI Otllnt1Hi!ltflU r..omp,rn~nlu nmninrfnr nnr 1tllfllnM1t tl'l ll'i"nl1tt11111rl>' 1r,n1J.111l \1}' ,111, 11X1ir· ;-r.1,-o·or snkl'rli1'1t·of-J1ci:a,! · l . wt: t ·tt •Sill .... ,, ;. 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Ill 82 .r ,. ·.; ~r:1 ·.r \ .. ri,rthl~ t!n~ 111·ri,,1flnll) 11pp,·:,ti~t l't!fntii 11u-0~~~1J;,~S. I', S_~ll\.l"lr . -·-. , lu m,· lrn,1\\II lt:1 hr! lh1flnrflrh]1~1t _ ,r1•U:rll1ml lt1 i1111I wl1111tit•1r.1t1111l lhi, Wllhh1 ul1,1 fori:J.~1lrrg 11i~1nm1nfli,'iirnl ;1~.Jctllli,.-1.,,1~.,lf 1)1,1! "h~. Fl~11111I 1111, ~<11111 ;u; _ hts fn,,. ,uni \"1110111,11.,.-.11:111ml !Ir.mt rnr IP•· •1\r.;.1r1111 11urrm1r,~ th,1inh1 m1111llu11,:,I S"l'AU: OF"Wi'l~IIINCm)N r ss C"'.nlJNlYCW I r' ,,.~~· .. , . -r'r . ..;, •• t· ".d-X.~-'-"-t:-1"., ~.,.,~"-. Nrf11try l'Llhllr: 12j .@ii lry:_ llui S11~111 111 W.1.1hlnj11m1:. ,1:~lllh111 ur /.:d-:P ((tr,r.... · . 111 ~? . ,; .. : ....... -· 1:{J ,. nn thk tlnr 1mnflnbll~·itp('l1nfol hnfom m,: . , _ _';,,_ . " -- tn 111.1 kn11wn Iii Im tl111 1lri1IM1iu11\ ___ tl11$r.rl11i:1tln nn,I wh111:,m:Ul1:,I Jhu 1\11hln J11i1!for,•11>,i11i,: ii1~trm111•n1. 111111 ,1~l:ni1\\'~id1tir1) tl1t1l ~·-·-11/gnmNhn ~me IL'l -~----·· £ri:1: aml \'lllt1i1ha~ ;n;I n111l ilm!tl for 1h11 n~•1t, 1u11f jw1r11m1~ tlumdn m11n!l11nn1I RrA11P. OFWAfi~lil\1':'rON I ss C'",OUNTY Of J N'11h111· Pflhltt: h,;nntl fur 1hi1 llM,1 nf W1,diln).!l1111 rl\'!!lillnl! l!I "' conr·oRATf. ACKNOWUmGMHNT 01i'U11s ·--1111:,., nr . ----~--1u ___ • lihforn nm· 1hr. 11l1dnr~l,mr.d. p,it!nniln}· n11rn.1tr.d -----·---· ·---·-------rim1-----~---· _ -·-··---·-~-·~·--=· lc•·m•~ Imm,* it'Nilf'lhrr --------------.inrl , ruspcr.llvBl}', l:lr .. . . ·· n1,· cm-},bft11ff1rr11i11.1 ttxl.\'tTIHi1l·Ur~J"fllttiJ:b!ng'lllifrmt'lmt1 nntl 111:i:nnwli\lll:'fl'IM1B'~hlil ·JJi:!itllhh\iifi'liflii'dllHrur! 11h11 1"'hiil.\~ry tir:t·if,liJ"'l:lricd 11rifflcl "torpm'ii1ffitf;1foi'tlir. 11.,1r:1 tlifd'fi1frfln.~nilliiirnl11 1itiii!llhril!rl,""11'11ff"rirl"Th~llr~~fnf"ml'1li:i1 · · illllllbHf.r.if·10 ·axnl!llili":lht \il!ll·1nStn!llliintiin,l11lfM" lhn ::,ml 1fl'(rt,a~l 19 tho mi~htntr. ~nn1 rir i;i\h) :rir)llii':i\l~n Wni111i~ m~· ll1tn11'n1hJl8fni'llnl 11a/tl lihfltln "tif/'h'1lfi'lhii'?lny Jfhd yi'i11r'lit1t1 11ilill\'t1 \\•/-IUtm. fdiHPlltittt C Mlef't'fr.t,: .. ND1nrf-Plihll~ 111 On,f for 11,~1nn1~ nl \Vrtt\Hii'fllon. rol~Hbg· nl --· .----· .~ . ., ' ' r, .• ,' . • • • ::i .:, -< ·· ... .. - ----------~------.. ...--~----.. .. F·'.r'\··· . Walker Mcnmta.i.n lilv~stment Co.1 lnc. File NO. Short Pl3t 313-79 DECIJiBA'l'lON 01:' RESTR:tC'l'!\PE COVEWUn'S h'HEREAS, Walken: Motmtain Investtaent Company, Ioo., E.rik t. BacluM.n and his wife Birg.1,tta E. Stickman, and c. Lester Al~nder and his Yife Doria J. lllexande:r are the owners of the following real. p:r:operty in the Clt;.y of Renton, Co11nty Qf Kipg. sta~e oe Washington, d~Sct'ibed as ~hibit 'A 1 attached he~eto. WH~. the owni;?rs o.f said aescribed {>1':Dpert:.y desire to impose: the followfog restrictivP. covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, 0£ the above described property. NOW, '1:HEREFORE, the aforeii:iUd owne.rs hex'ehy establish, grant and impose restrictions ;ind ~venants running wlt.h tbe land here.inabovQc described with respeet o to the 1J.se by th1:t under.51i9ned, t.hetr successors, hei:ts and assigns o1s follows: 0 Thea owners of the above .described property, their succe:s-®rs-, heirs and assigps. hereby ag-i:1;te and coventi.nt to p.u-t.icipate in, sign a ,eetition in $upport of, and aecept any future Local IJriproVement District {LlD) Qr dty initiated p~posal, ahd pay their fair share theref,ore, fo~ the purposes of p.rc.,~iding the nece&sary off- site improvements required by the Renton SUbdivision ordinance. SaS.d improveml!-nts shall in(:ltlde but tnllY not be limited to the installation of cu.d:is, gutters, sidewalks, s-treat paving, 1.anit.u;y sewers, storm sever~. undergrounding of utilities, and street l:i.ghting. These coven.ants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105{6) of Title IX of oritinMce No. l62B Qf the City of Renton. Theso covet1ants shall run w.l.th thQ land and. e:itpi.re on Deeeinbe:r 31, 2025_ If at: any time itllprovmuents ai:-e installed pursuant to these: oovenants, the. portion of the covenants pe.rtain.l..rig to the specific installed illlp:covemente as requU"iad by the orcli.Qances of the Cit.y of ~nton $hal.l tendnate wlt:hout necessity of furthl'l:t:' docwrientati¢r,.. Any violation o-r breach of these .testdctive covenants may be enforced by proper leqo.l. ptcc;:edures in the Supuior court of Kinq County by either the City oE Renton or any propetrty owners adjbini11g subj11C1: ptoperty who are ai3ve.:t:sdy aff~cted by silld btcach. FILED for Reaord at Reauest of OFFICE OF TUE CITY CURX R?.H'l'ON MUNI CI l?AI., BLDG. 200 Mt~L Ave. SOU~H ReN~ONr WA. 98055 • • .a 41' 4._fo.1,.~ .~ '.,._;,,"\...:O.~~, •.• ~. STA.'1'£ Of l'lASf1l:NG"1'0tl) COUlfl''{ or KINO: ) ----·~""--. .. --.---..,. -- on this ;._1:;U" day 1;1f 5(:p~SG1! , l~r/, hefor" m~ !lersoni!lly appeared Geox:-ge A. Pasco, t:.o he known to bi., the V!.r;?e Pi::es!.:fent and Secretary of 'it;ilk.er Hounta:i.n Inves:tr.nent. Co.rtpany, lnc., Erik E. Bae~, Bi:rgitta E. aacktllan, C, Leriter Alexander and Doris ,J. Ale~der the corporation and person-, \J'hO executed the. within and fore9oing il'!Str\ll!lent, nnd Ackne.iWlP.dgl!!d said instrwrtent to be; the free. and voluntary act a.nil deed of said c:otporatioii an.d persona for the utres and pu~ses. therein mentioned. rn ti"Il'NFSS WHE.R£OE, I have! hereunto set my hand and affixed my offidal seal the day And ye«r first above. written. . . ,. ·-" RECO~~f!) -:-;::·: ··: Ocr ~ 3 17 r;:'" -•· • > IE SEW~R. Cl'I.AiJE ltlLE.;S[ 1,_._._ M J.H Lot I cf Walker.. ~~iJntain Short Plat #373-79 ~corded under Audftor!s File i79lOti4900l a11d bo,1ng a portion of: · The 11011th 330 feet of·the northeast 114 of tile northeast 1/4 o.f the. norlhust 1/4 of Seethm 16, Towni;hip 2J Horth, Ra.n!ie 5 Eut. W.H., in Kir\g ~O~l\ty, Wa:;Mnriton, EXCEP1 the nr;;rth 50 feet there o;f. t s~ld Property situated 1n King County, WHhingto:i; for 11nd in tonsideratic111 of a i 11ermit to construct a ~1de sawer-to eonne:e.t tires(!, prt111hes to the City Sfl'lfet· Kaitt at less th4n mint!ff,1111 grade of ZS: 4ccordfng to Clty cf Renton Ordinonc:e 15~2 imd u. allieanded: by Ordintrtc'I! 1727 do hereby agree to indtnn1fy 11nd save: h~tll'lh:ss the City of Renton ft-(111'1 o.11 f11ture damages resulting fri:m sueh connection. lHIS AGREaEHT shall bl!: a co11enant running with the land and sha.11 be bifding upon all partie!i and their heirs and assfgns fore\lel"'. IM lilrtME&S.J4:HRI0"' 'T hereunto Sl!!t M•/ hand and seal-\..,. tke ,Q,..,,,.na year fust abbVe written. --r---- // £, __i,...., c---. ~~.14., ;f ?(d.llf::k~ (SEAL} --<eee~, '<1i"·"""'" __ (SEA1.)I0451 o -..,C..-----------...... (SEAL), ____ __,R,,E~CD"""F_---'3~)•"3.00 S1ATE.;OF 1/ASR!m I " 22 coum ·llF1111111r · l On tb1,-·;; d•y of_@.:..-/. ..SMa,-.I to Ille know11 to be the indhidual des.cribed in and ..mo executed the H1th1n ins,tni .. Kll!llt and acknlJWl~ge tllat ~ signed arid sea.led the 5,ame as h,.5 free and volunt.ary act ancfifiii fortfie ustii and purposes therein mentfoned. If{ WITKESS HREOF. I h&.ve hereunto set my hand and affb;e-d my offkia 1 seal the d.:,y and year 1n this certificate first above wr1tten. CORPORATE FORl1.t ~ ?,.,.,. c-~~ F iiry Public 1n and fo~ ; WHhington, residing at Renton STATE OF 1/ASHIRGTON ) " to\llfTY OF KING ) On this. ____ .day of----· 19 __ ~ before nH! persc11,11y appearedc_ __ _ to me kncnm lit bt the ---------------.==,-corporaticm that e.J:l!(\l··ted=tfi=•-,vi=th~,=-,- fostnnent, and adcnow!edge the said 1nst.Nlleftt to bl the free and vDluntary act and deed of said corporatfDn, for the: use!ii and purposes therein rnent1oned. and eac:h on oath stated that he tin lhlthorbed to e.11ecute said instr\llllent and \hat the seal affixed is the c:orpor.-te ua 1 of said corporation .. . .. --··-·.•. --- .. -. - ' r I, D Feb 7-49 Oot 18-~ i,,300 State of Wa1hi11gton to H\l.gh G, White & Agnn J, White, hwf Fp lu'b;i,. s b s & oonvay to 8p 1t11 h & a i'th',, oit in kcw1 3$75580 .? ,~~ I? 7 ... ;., // f"/;, foll demerbd school landa NE ! of NW it of aect 16 twp '.e3 N r 5 E WM conta:!.nin,1 40 aorn m1•l acr.dng tot.he ~~Vel'll1!1!1nt eurv~y thof Subj to eollintJJ fl:>r r111b~• et way t1>1• tra11111BiHion lines hrtofore ~anted under appl1oation #'m 180~, 318& 13728 Subj to e15111!1.t t•r right or way ror oo road hrtorort granted under appl:l.ca~1ox1 #662 8ub.j to HIIU'lt tor ritht ot way t:o,r rr hrtotore grt.nh~. undar~ .. --~,- appl1aation ll05ll The above ....,.,~~111 deacrbd lands are aold--•m •• 2957017-- (state SL) Mo11 c. wauip:en, 01'vernor State lleom ot Deed.& Atte11t: Ruy J, Yemun, Ant Sec'y or state VOl :;;1· .3jj . App #l. ,iJ Cl9atzr #lJ.6ll Ml !I.O, Whit• P,O, .l:lX 245 R•nt.,m, Wn (UiMi~ . ·' ' . . ., . -~- All 1'111i-l!&miSa .. o.~ the Si,c,;:,.nd ol.1u19, O'W11114 oy,ila,t. t!tt of~ · tront· oi, !i;4,;fn1!, -.w.· ei, ab\lttg upon :i.Q't :50 ot Va.Jilt® :..le:((· !<h!!Ildo:li,d·.~l;i,~er::. Re!lel"'l'atlon in :ecs. l, _2 ,m..: 3 ·t 'rf! .: , lffill, ·wHh ·Ii' b:o:nt1.1e;" ot :!.ti:,. lineal ~M.ine·,. '?!!l!d. aljt'·'~,., aao to ~. aert, :.c•py ot the gryv !hld. llO~ll '):l:. th!(. ~::·..., f1J.• t:i ·otfll' c! tno c=,,. ot :Pub Lsn<te at OlTID,l>i.4 'lfll . · T'n.ta c:=o)Q 10 )lll1 pwc&\lt'Jl.t. to " :,ale o! ad ti<l.• lan4, 23 Tl\.,. abT d6od · md$ --torzr. u017 abT---in.1 isis ,.t,w_,.;_;,;\ A,ip '10 !3()84 . • C;:,nt J;"o ---S11 r(l;o o! Ti~a·:t.anc:. DdB, Vol ll'.> 11! l:l!IJ t fl.d b7 S'l'Cc' :ro . " , \() t[\ .-, "-() "" .._ G (j 0-. I + a ~ - °' ft- '- WALKER MOUNTAIN SHORT PLAT 20-156 IN THE N. E. 1/4 OF N. W. 114, SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 23, NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ,s//al!r "-ff -..,~ -19 :~~~ ':[:;~.:;:: .... t ! uj f;.?;!J:} DESCRIPTION +-.(---~~----- r.11-E. JJOttrH ~-'O.FZ£1"rY~ ~rau.,n•"' 'r'N~~·~ :: t I ---··+-µ89~/;?':d,P-N ,;';,.w,.ilO' 'RIIE~Wl::$1°~C,,,.:,Ea"l(u111,.TtWJ~JP~...am,,; 9: ~ kAM:i,li ~£-'Ur. w.-,. ,,:,W6 ~JJ1Y, ~ • .UUPr 'i:, : -... 11'1!NOll1k40~ '7'1!fD,'O; ~n,~-~O' UQ).l'D. ...!t~· ·"'1 ... .N" OEDICATJON ~AUMW K1l&St~O#r.KI¥~ Nll4.t:r D)I'-"!" ~ tJI' DIE UJJI> ....... /14N751J.Alf1!U1' ~ --,.JUl.~,S, 1/SJIWJ!di.r1¥~ ~ ,,... J,,,t:fr MJnSIJ .-., .Ill$ .-r.&16' ....,._,. ,u_ 4-..•""60' CERTIP~ATE =- ' : s ~t :; ··-- A.MSRU'I' cun,, nY,T .At1tit UGUU~I). ·-· l~ (Ml(Rf~) 1• FH -s:~,.u DF THE 1..UG t«tuv ,urn.11 111 nds SHOin Lt, ~---;35Ge -"N· ·-~c,,.,___..,_; ~ .cii,.(3:w.... .... v,u P,..i,.J....'-~ 1. ......... t,4,.,, •+ Walir.,....- Mo:w•i:.a"" :t ..... aJ~ t: (., _x..., .. , ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STA.Tl Of lliSHIJIG-tOII tot.n OF Ktw.:. ... lttlS u: ro CtUlfy TIMT OIi 1111$...}..l~CAT O,~r.r.m.\i.tr _ A.D. 19.n,•tFOlll l"I( Tl!£ IJll!IE.ltUi.MfD, 14 lfDt.U:Y PL*LIC. l"E•SQM.LU J.r,uan 11;;, .ti,;c :;.,•..;, ll>ii~;',l;=--iti;!. t:',: t~.n;t;-::;:; ,4. ........ TD II[ 00-0. TD •t T'HE /)IDJll!DtlJ,LCU llttO"Sl611£tl tHf U.OVE. Cf:JITfF,JCJoft JJtD A(;IDl(alL£DGib lO !'It T*lbt-$1GNtD THE SAl'IC .u~-T ,au ,c, Vl;t~.au•'f ACr""" nu11. VtTNUS ... liiUcfl AJol) Clf'fl('J&l UAL tJII: b,l.'I' MD YEAII FHl!T AIOI/( •inn:. ·, N.E STREET I l 4m • , .. ,-~-- (j) ~- ~8 (Z) ~s ~ / JA!l.,O," ,~--:-... · , •n·/7r,r. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE ~.-, .. -·· '·•n t/lU•,<...-..~ .... , ~,· ' I I 1--...:. -'-"" __J I "'. i I ~ ~ I / iZ r I I is ' J . ~ I @ ~ ~ .G> ~ I 4 i. g / f.,] o· . ..;:. ' J ~ "' 0 / / '~ · 1 ' I I 1 1 v· Y..~ I I li. ..... ' ' r--.l I/ ,,,,;;, . .f I Q f . / 'J.IJQ" 1---- I .-,,·:aT .. , i .. .,. ... «<...., ·-__ ., / I ----...... ~~ ,.,~g:1.c._,, .,,..,, ,,,..,,.-=-. .,, NOT£, -SE£ EECONDING No. 19/0D4D!95 FO.e K£..1r!CTIV£ COY&NANU APPROVALS ·_.;r· ' ~ ' ' h , I ' lul <: ~la :r iJ ~. ('''·/ r- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I THIS ......... COIIRECTU REPfl.ESENH, ,. SUAVE'!' 1'4J.ll( av ftE OR U1CDEA :H.Y Qlll[CTIOH Ill COJ.lfDIIIVJICI: Wltll me 1IEQUIRE11("1'S OF THE $.UIII/Er RtCOll~lllG ACT ,\1 TH[ R(QUfst OF -O!tf.lG!:S....~fl 0/Yl!INHl#r ct»fNuf' /!:!L___ ErMINEn iUdl iU'Httl'l'El'I tHa_,:l_D&Y OF 41 A,D.']97?° .t::'..._ ...I_,() d., __ ... r:til~~-~ b:P!IU,TJOH l)ATE.~ RECORDING CERTIFICATE 79,,,0,~01,; flLE.D Foll: A.fCD!tD THIL_:L,~Dt,y CIF 1\,11, l9li • ,.,.f.:!c..fl,. '" BaoK_ZQ___oF Su/fllrvs ON PAGE..L..f6__ -,,rl'~ -~ .DIRECTOR, DEPT, r:6 PIJaLI(: IIMQ ExNOlrl!tl ,.-0 •HAEIYtlJ THt5...d...JIAY 01 (J::/ A.ft. l9 79 --;at' 4 ...,,,,_ __ TflAFl"IC Elro:nm:11 Er.v.1111tD: •ND 1.~p11ovw nm~oo o~ Oe Z/1:ttft A.&. l'JZ? &(.I'~£ ,\l lHE AiGUHT Of..,/((U an £'t • P,L"AtlH:IN;~II ~ t ·~ \j lli:D-THE crn or RDl1DH, El-MINED A!tll I.PPRO. VfD 'THI$~~ ..... 0~ m:: A,D. 1921 tt,5'(\t Jn Ld (l_ :t:: ·~ ~ NDH.IY Pu1ut i;o• Tl'!E STATt o" ~ JIM r S' F p rr:, Fi b-4fl..E.( ti. tbflR= 'V\Ap - .. :f ... ··:-t :;!;_ .. <~ I "', •. -:-iU.SHIHGTOlf lltSJDIP;G u~. lw!Ar;.(R .SU,EJllk1EIIDENf OF ltECOlll)Sc 6\t::..:..1 D!.PUT'!,__tou17:_~;!~·~¥~ ... ,,, .... ; !~~f-';'~,:11 AnU.1011 ' , F i • I' ' ' . t3912-0l-9DO/ '! I-"! '~ ::t ~ H ' ~ ~ 0 '~ ::.: ' t' ... • ' . '! ~b ~~ iE !• ii : : "' i 8 !! g f ai j • :-j ii • i H ii 0 ' • , ~ I .. 'n,1!'1' ~~,~~R ' '' ' ' ii 69/zlO z G) fTl C ~ 1)--l "' -I z ~:JJ ;lt~ rTJ z~ 6-U cl"-z ·r • 0 " - V) J> ~ (ll m :r: N oP ~l> 0- ~O"l -; (/) ~ ;:gI ~~ :i,.O ,.. "O u,. -; ::::0 :t "' -<» ---l ~z -<' N 0 :0 w -u zp oir ()l {)) l> !" ~ "?E l,l: C tii ., .. <r { <:i ~ cJ ~ a-,... '--0 -(j ~ O'-- -~ c1 - CJ'-.._ '<l) . ------·,·---·-· LEGEND + ft;ll.lWOCO,,,Cfl~IE M!;»IULl{HT ;I 1.QMUMfNT U< c..,,s( N.E.V4, N ~/1/1/4 or SEC. ,s lWP.23 N.,RG. 5 E.,W.M. 'RENTON,KJNG COUNTY, WASH!NGTON gq1;101qoo1 •'V,.10A @ ftk.lt,,I> l'IIJII ii,,, C.Sl!: GUTHRIE PLAZA SHORT PLAT 0 fc.mD llltU.S Pl,.',,IG + l'OVNO P" hAJ 1,.. .. F~uNO 1-IAfi"D !~AIL }: FOtJNO TACl\m1,..EAO 0 FOUNO WC00 S.1AK£ e, F'0UN0 Jl;iQN PIP( • .SI;: f (:.6.Pf>["O 1..0N Pl ... X .StJ T..ti.CKINLEAO • !iET .2·~ 4'WOOO STA.KE • 5fT .t"• 2'WOOO ).!US SH. PL.-/23-86 ,1~, ..... ,, ,..-~••<l':.U,.L-....; ...... ~, .... , .... l ... ,.. •• , ....... .,. 11,, ., , • '"""' ""-. .... O<~ a.,~• Ju.,.•,~ .. 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ADAPT June 29, 2007 Adapt Project No. WA07-14763-GEO Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Inc. 4520 SW Water Avenue, Suite 202 Portland, OR 97239 Attention: April Copeland Subject: Geotecbnical Engineering Evaluation SEA-Renton Voe-Tech Tower Site 3 123 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98056 Dear Ms. Copeland, Adapt Engineering, Inc. 615 Eighth Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel (206) 654-7045 Fax(206)654-7048 www.adaptengr.com Pursuant to your request Adapt Engineering, Inc. (Adapt) is pleased to submit this report describing our recent geotechnical engineering evaluation for the above-referenced site. The purpose of this study was to interpret general surface and subsurface site conditions, from which we could evaluate the feasibility of the project and formulate design recommendations concerning tower and equipment building foundations, structural fill, and other considerations. Our scope of services consisted of a surface reconnaissance, subsurface explorations, geotechnical analyses, and report preparation. Authorization to proceed was given by Ms. April Copeland of Wireless Facilities, Inc. (WFI) on behalf of Verizon Wireless (Verizon). This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Verizon, WFI, and their agents, for specific application to this project in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. Use or reliance upon this report by a third party is at their own risk. Adapt does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, to such other parties as to the accuracy or completeness of this report or the suitability of its use by such other parties for any purpose whatever, known or unknown, to Adapt. Adapt Engineering, Inc. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance to you, please contact us at (206) 654-7045. Respectfully submitted, Adapt Engineering, Inc. cQ£_cc:__ Brian R. Murray Staff Geotechnical Engineer /. I /;((1 ~j~(:J K. V. I.kw, P. Eng. - Principal Geotechnical Engineer Senior Reviewer brm/kwg Attachments: Figure I -Location Map Figure 2 -Site & Exploration Plan Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Inc. Adapt Project No. WA06-14763-GEO Reviewed by, Kurt W. Groesch, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer June 29, 2007 Page 2 ~"~ Adapt Engineering, Inc. 615 Eighth Avenue South ~ If"'"'. ... · Seattle. Washington 98104 ADAPT Verizon Wireless Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation SEA-Renton Voe-Tech Tower Site Renton, Washington WA07-14763-GEO June 2007 Tel (206) 654-7045 Fax (206) 654-7048 www.adaptengr.com Adapt Engineering, Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The host parcel is located at 3123 NE 4th Street in Renton, Washington, as shown on the Location/Topographic Map (Figure I). Specifically, the proposed tower facility lease area is located approximately 30-feet southwest of the Discount Tire retail store associated with the host parcel. We understand that current development plans call for the construction of a monopole communication tower and associated equipment building or cabinet pad. In addition, the city will require a 15 foot landscape buffer, due to the fact that ground equipment will be visible from a major arterial. The site can be accessed from the northeast via NE 4th Street and the asphalt-covered driveway of the host parcel. The project site and surrounding area are shown on the attached Site & Exploration Plan (Figure 2). It should be emphasized that the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on our understanding of the currently proposed utilization of the project site, as derived from written and verbal information supplied to us by WFI on behalf of Verizon. Consequently, if any changes are made to the project, we recommend that we review the changes and modify our recommendations, if appropriate, to reflect those changes. EXPLORATORY METHODS We explored surface and subsurface conditions at the project site during a site visit on June 20, 2007. Our surface exploration consisted of a visual site reconnaissance. Our subsurface exploration consisted of advancing one boring (designated B-1) to a maximum depth of about 26.5-feet below existing ground surface (bgs) within an accessible area near the proposed tower location. The procedures used for subsurface exploration during our site visit are presented in the subsequent sections of this report. The approximate location of the exploration advanced for this study is shown on the attached Figure 2. The boring location and other features shown on Figure 2 were obtained by hand taping from existing site features; as such, the exploration location shown should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the measuring methods used. It should be realized that the exploration performed for this evaluation reveal subsurface conditions only at a discrete location across the project site and that actual conditions in other areas could vary. Furthermore, the nature and extent of any such variations would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have commenced. If significant variations are observed at the time of construction, we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained in this report to reflect the actual site conditions. Auger Boring Procedures The boring was advanced using a track-mounted, hollow-stem auger drill rig operated by an independent company working under subcontract to Adapt. A geotechnical representative of Adapt was on-site to observe the boring, obtain representative soil samples, and log the subsurface conditions. After the boring was completed, the borehole was backfilled with a mixture of soil cuttings and bentonite chips. Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Inc. Adapt Project No. WA0?-14763-GEO June 29, 2007 Page 4 Adapt Engineering, Inc. During drilling, soil samples were obtained on 5-foot depth intervals using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) procedure (ASTM: D 1586). This test and sampling method consists of driving a standard 2.0-inch outside diameter (OD) split-barrel sampler a distance of 18 inches into the soil with a 140-pound hammer, free-falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler through each of the three, 6-inch intervals is noted. The total number of blows struck during the final 12 inches of penetration is considered the Standard Penetration Resistance, or "blow count". If 50 or more blows are struck within one 6-inch interval, the driving is ceased and the blow count is recorded as 50 blows for the actual number of inches of penetration. The resulting Standard Penetration Resistance values provide a measure of the relative density of granular soils or the relative consistency of cohesive soils. The Boring Log attached to this report describes the various types of soils encountered in the boring, based primarily on visual interpretations made in the field and supported by our subsequent laboratory examination and testing. The log indicates the approximate depth of the contacts between different soil layers, although these contacts may be gradational or undulating. Where a change in soil type occurred between sampling intervals, we inferred the depth of contact. Our log also graphically indicates the blow count, sample type, sample number, and approximate depth of each soil sample obtained from the boring, along with any laboratory tests performed on the soil samples. If any groundwater was encountered in the borehole, the approximate groundwater depth is depicted on the boring log. Groundwater depth estimates are typically based on the moisture content of soil samples, the wetted height on the drilling rods, and the water level measured in the borehole after the auger has been extracted. SITE CONDITIONS The following sections describe our observations, measurements, and interpretations concerning surface, soil, groundwater, and seismic conditions at the project site. Surface Conditions The proposed tower and equipment building lease area is located within a grass covered area, which is relatively level. Subsurface Conditions Our boring revealed the near-surface soil conditions to consist of about 3 to 6-inches of grass and topsoil over very loose to loose, gravelly fine sand with some medium to coarse sand. At about 2.5-feet bgs, our boring encountered medium dense to very dense, cobble, gravelly fine sand with some medium to coarse sand, which extended to the full depth explored of approximately 26.5-feet bgs. Groundwater was not encountered at the time of our exploration. Throughout the year, groundwater levels would likely fluctuate in response to changing precipitation patterns, off-site construction activities, and changes in site utilization. Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Inc. Adapt Project No. WA0?-14763-GEO June 29, 2007 Page 5 Adapt Engineering, Inc. Seismic Conditions Based on our analysis of subsurface exploration logs and a review of published geologic maps, we interpret the on-site soil conditions to correspond to Site Class D, as defined by Table 1615.1.1 of the 2005 International Building Code (!BC). The soil profile type for this site classification is characterized by stiff with an average blowcount ranging from 15 to 50 within the upper 100 feet bgs. Current (2003) National Seismic Hazard Maps prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey indicate that peak bedrock ground acceleration (PGA; NEHRP B-C Boundary) coefficients of about 0.32 and 0.63 are appropriate for earthquakes having a JO-percent and 2-percent probability of exceedance in 50 years (corresponding to return intervals of 475 and 2,475 years), respectively. The !BC mapped spectral accelerations for short periods at the subject site (S,; Site Class B) are 141 and 48 (percent of gravity) at 0.2 and LO-second periods, respectively. For purposes of seismic site characterization, the observed soil conditions were extrapolated below the exploration termination depth, based on a review of geologic maps and our knowledge of regional geology. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Current development plans call for the construction of a monopole communication tower and associated equipment building or cabinet pad within the proposed lease area. Based on the anticipated subsurface conditions, we recommend that the proposed telecommunication tower be supported on a drilled pier foundation. General design criteria for compressive, uplift and lateral support of a drilled pier are presented below. Our specific recommendations concerning site preparation, equipment building or cabinet foundations, tower foundations, access driveway, and structural fill are presented in the subsequent sections. Site Preparation Preparation of the tower lease area for construction should involve clearing, grubbing, stripping, cutting, filling, dewatering, and subgrade preparation. The following comments and recommendations apply to site preparation. Temporary Drainage: We recommend intercepting and diverting any potential sources of surface or near-surface water within the construction zones before stripping begins. Because the selection of an appropriate drainage system will depend on the water quantity, season, weather conditions, construction sequence, and contractor's methods, final decisions regarding drainage systems are best made in the field at the time of construction. Nonetheless, we anticipate that curbs, berms, or ditches placed along the uphill side of the work areas will adequately intercept surface water runoff. Clearing and Stripping: After surface and near-surface water sources have been controlled, the construction areas should be cleared and stripped of all vegetation, sod, topsoil, and debris. Based on our site exploration and visual observations, we estimate that an average thickness of about 3 to 6-inches of grass and topsoil will be encountered across the equipment building and tower lease area, respectively, but significant variations could exist. It should be realized that if the stripping operation proceeds during Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Inc. Adapt Project No. WA0?-14763-GEO June 29. 2007 Page 6 Adapt Engineering, Inc. wet weather. a generally greater stripping depth might be necessary to remove disturbed, surficial, moisture-sensitive soils; therefore, stripping is best performed during a period of dry weather. Excavations: Site excavations ranging up to about 1.5-feet deep may be required to accommodate the proposed equipment pad footings. Based on our explorations, we anticipate that these excavations will encounter very loose to loose, gravelly fine sand with some medium to coarse sand. These surficial soils can likely be cut with conventional earth working equipment such as small dozers and track hoes. Backfill materials, where required, should be placed and compacted according to the recommendations presented in the Structural Fill section of this report. Dewatering: Our subsurface explorations did not encounter groundwater seepage within the upper 1.5- feet; however, depending on the actual excavation depth and the time of year that construction proceeds, the proposed site excavations might encounter perched groundwater seepage. If groundwater is encountered, we anticipate that an internal system of ditches, sump holes, and pumps will be adequate to temporarily dewater the excavations. Subgrade Preparation: Exposed subgrades for shallow footings, mat foundations, slabs-on-grade, roadway sections and other structures should be compacted to a firm, unyielding state, if required to achieve adequate density and warranted by soil moisture conditions. Any localized zones of loose, granular soils observed within a subgrade area should be compacted to a density commensurate with the surrounding soils. In contrast, any uncontrolled fill material or organic, soft, or pumping soils observed within a subgrade should be over excavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. It should also be noted that any previous fill material should be over excavated and replaced with structural fill if found to contain a significant amount of organics or debris. Frozen Subgrades: If earthwork takes place during freezing conditions, we recommend that all exposed subgrades be allowed to thaw and be recompacted prior to placing subsequent lifts of structural fill. Equipment Building or Cabinet Foundations It is our understanding that the support pad for the proposed equipment building or cabinets will consist of a poured-in-place, concrete slab-on-grade with thickened edges; we recommend that these thickened slab edges be designed as spread footings. Alternatively, the equipment support pad may be designed as a structural slab-on-grade with a uniform thickness and a reduced bearing pressure. In either case, we anticipate that the support pad bearing pressure will be relatively light. The following recommendations and comments are provided for purposes of equipment pad design and construction. Subgrade Conditions: The prepared bearing subgrade soils should consist of very loose to loose, gravelly fine sand with some medium to coarse sand. Prior to concrete placement we recommend exposed slab-on- grade, footing or over excavation subgrades should be compacted to a firm, unyielding state, in accordance with the recommendations provided in the Sile Preparation section of this report. Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Jnc. Adapt Project No. WA0?-14763-GEO June 29. 2007 Page 7 Adapt Engineering, Inc. Subgrade Verification: Footings or slabs-on-grade should never be cast atop soft, loose, organic, or frozen soils; nor atop subgrades covered by standing water. A representative from Adapt should be retained to observe the condition of footing subgrades before concrete is poured to verify that they have been adequately prepared. Footing Dimensions: For a poured-in-place, structurally reinforced concrete slab-on-grade with thickened-edge footings, we recommend that the spread footing elements be constructed to have a minimum width of 12-inches. For frost protection, the footings should penetrate at least 18-inches below the lowest adjacent exterior grades. Bearing Pressure and Lateral Resistance: A maximum allowable static soil bearing pressure of 1,250 pounds per-square-foot (psf) may be used for thickened-edge pad footings designed as described above. For the alternate equipment support pad design using a uniform thickness, structural slab-on-grade, we recommend a maximum allowable static soil bearing pressure of 500 psf across the pad area. These bearing pressure values can be increased by one-third to accommodate transient wind or seismic loads. An allowable base friction coefficient of 0.25 and an allowable passive earth pressure of 250 pounds per cubic foot (pct), expressed as an equivalent fluid unit weight, may be used for that portion of the foundation embedded more than I-foot below finished exterior subgrade elevation. These lateral resistance values incorporate a minimum safety factor of 1.5. Grading and Capping: Final site grades should slope downward away from the structure so that runoff water will flow by gravity to suitable collection points, rather than ponding near the structure. Ideally, the area surrounding the structure should be capped with concrete, asphalt, or compacted low-permeability (silty) soils to reduce surface-water infiltration into the subsoil adjacent to/below the foundation. Settlements: We estimate that total post-construction settlements of properly designed thickened-edge footings bearing on properly prepared subgrades could approach I-inch, with differential settlements approaching one-half of the total. For a structural slab-on-grade equipment pad with a uniform thickness (without thickened edges), somewhat greater movements may be experienced. Tower Drilled Pier Foundations The subsurface soil and groundwater conditions observed in our site exploration are considered to be generally suitable for the use of a drilled pier foundation to support the proposed tower. The following recommendations and comments are provided for purposes of drilled pier design and construction. End Bearing Capacities: We recommend that the drilled pier penetrate at least 10.0-feet below the ground surface. For vertical compressive soil bearing capacity, we recommend using the unit end bearing capacity presented in Table 1 below, where B is the diameter of the pier in feet and D is the depth into the bearing layer in feet. This allowable end bearing capacity includes a minimum safety factor of 1.5. Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Inc. Adapt Project No. WA0?-14763-GEO June 29, 2007 Page 8 Adapt Engineering, Inc. Table 1 Allowable End Bearing Capacity Depth (feet) Allowable Bearing Capacity (tst) Limiting Point Resistance (tst) 10-20 3.3 D/B 5.0 22-27 6.7 D/B 10.0 Frictional Capacities: For frictional resistance along the shaft of the drilled piers, acting both downward and in uplift, we recommend using the allowable skin friction value listed in Table 2. We recommend that frictional resistance be neglected in the uppermost I-feet below the ground surface. The allowable skin friction values presented includes a minimum safety factor of 1.5. Table 2 Allowable Skin Friction Capacities Depth (feet) Allowable Skin Friction ( tst) 0-2 0.0 2-5 0.05 5-20 0.25 20-27 0.50 Lateral Capacities: Drilled pier foundations for communication monopole towers are typically rigid and act as a pole, which rotates around a fixed point at depth. Although more complex and detailed analyses are available, either the simplified passive earth pressure method or the subgrade reaction method is typically used to determine the pier diameter and depth required to resist ground line reaction forces and moments. These methods are described below. • Passive Earth Pressure Method: The passive earth pressure method is a simplified approach that is generally used to estimate an allowable lateral load capacity based on soil wedge failure theory. Although the lateral deflection associated with the soil wedge failure may be estimated, design lateral deflections using the passive earth pressure method should be considered approximate, due to the simplified nature of the method. According to the NAVFAC Design Manual 7.02 (1986), a lateral deflection equal to about 0.001 times the pier length would be required to mobilize the allowable passive pressure presented below; higher deflections would mobilize higher passive pressures. Our recommended passive earth pressures for the soil layers encountered at this site are presented in Table 3 and incorporate a safety factor of at least 1.5, which is commonly applied to transient or seismic loading conditions. These values are expressed as equivalent fluid unit weights, which are to be multiplied by the depth (bgs) to reflect the linear increase within the depth interval of the corresponding soil layer. The passive Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilfties, Inc. Adapt Project No. WA07-14763-GEO June 29, 2007 Page 9 Adapt Engineering, Inc. earth pressures may be assumed to act over an area measuring two pier diameters wide by up to eight pier diameters deep. Table 3 Allowable Passive Pressures Depth (feet) Allowable Passive Pressure (pct) 0-2 0 2-5 250 5-20 350 20-27 420 • Subgrade Reaction Method: The subgrade reaction method is typically used to compute lateral design loads based on allowable lateral deflections. Using this method, the soil reaction pressure (p) on the face of the pier is related to the lateral displacement (y) of the pier by the horizontal subgrade modulus (k,); this relationship is expressed as p=k,y. Because soil modulus values are based on small scale, beam load test data, and are usually reported as a vertical subgrade modulus (kv), they must be converted to horizontal subgrade modulus values representative for larger scale applications (such as large pier diameters) by means of various scaling factors, as discussed below. In addition to the scaling and loading orientation, the soil-pier interaction governing k, is also affected by the soil type, as follows: • SAND and Soft CLAY: For cohesion less soils (sand, non-plastic silt) and soft cohesive soils (clay, cohesive silt), the horizontal subgrade modulus (k1;) increases linearly with depth (z). This relationship is expressed as k1; = n1;(z/B), where n, is the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction and (z/B) is the scaling factor (B is the pier diameter). • Stiff or Hard CLAY: For stiff or hard cohesive soils (clay, cohesive silts), the horizontal subgrade modulus (k,) is essentially the same as the vertical subgrade modulus (kv) and is considered constant with depth. This relationship 1s expressed as k,=kAl(ft)/1.5B], where [l(ft)/l.5B] is the scaling factor (B is expressed in feet). Our recommended values for the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction (n,) and the vertical subgrade modulus (kv) for the soil layers encountered at this site are presented in Table 4 below. These values do not include a factor of safety since they model the relationship between contact pressure and displacement. Therefore, the structural engineer or monopole manufacturer should select an appropriate allowable displacement Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Jnc. Adapt Project No. WA0?-14763-GEO June 29, 2007 Page 10 Adapt Engineering, Inc. for design, based on the specific requirements of the communication equipment mounted on the tower. Table 4 Recommended Horizontal Subgrade Reaction Values Depth Interval n. k. (feet) (pci) (pci) 0-2 0 NIA 2-5 10 NIA 5-27 50 NIA Coefficient of Horizontal ki,= nh(z/B) ki,=k,,/(l.5B) Subgrade Reaction (pci) (Sand & Soft Clay) (Stiff Clay) Construction Considerations: Our explorations revealed the site soils generally consist of very loose grading to very dense, gravelly sand with varying amounts of gravel. No groundwater seepage was encountered within our boring at the time of drilling. However, dewatering may be required depending on the actual depth and time of year of drilled pier construction. The foundation-drilling contractor should be prepared to case the excavation to prevent caving and raveling of the pier shaft sidewall, if necessary due to unexpected soil or excessive groundwater seepage conditions. Should heavy groundwater inflow be encountered in the drilled pier excavation, it may be necessary to pump out the accumulated groundwater prior to concrete placement, or to use a tremie tube to place the concrete from the bottom of the drilled pier excavation, thereby displacing the accumulated water during concrete placement. Alternatively, the use of bentonite slurry could be utilized to stabilize the drilled pier excavation. Drilled Pier Excavation Conditions: The drilling contractor should be prepared to clean out the bottom of the pier excavation if loose soil is observed or suspected, with or without the presence of slurry or groundwater. As a minimum, we recommend that the drilling contractor have a cleanout bucket on site to remove loose soils and/or mud from the bottom of the pier. If groundwater is present and abundant within the pier hole, we recommend that the foundation concrete be tremied from the bottom of the hole to displace the water and minimize the risk of contaminating the concrete mix. The Drilled Shaft Manual published by the Federal Highway Administration recommends that concrete be placed by tremie methods if more than 3 inches of water has accumulated in the excavation. Access Driveway Based on available site plans and our site reconnaissance visit, it does not appear necessary to construct a new access road. However, if extensions are required, we recommend that the subgrade for any access roadway be prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation section of this report. For planning purposes, we anticipate that 6 to 12-inches of "clean" sand and gravel subbase material and minimum 3- inches of crushed rock surfacing will be required to create a stable gravel roadway surface at this site. Adapt can provide additional subgrade stabilization or gravel road section recommendations based on Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Inc. Adapt Project No. WA0?-14763-GEO June 29, 2007 Page 11 Adapt Engineering, Inc. observed field conditions at the time of construction. Where cuts and fills are required, they should be accomplished in accordance with the recommendations provided in the Site Preparation and Structural Fill sections of this report. Structural Fill The following comments, recommendations, and conclusions regarding structural fill are provided for design and construction purposes. Materials: Structural fill includes any fill materials placed under footings, pavements, driveways, and other such structures. Typical materials used for structural fill include: clean, well-graded sand and gravel (pit-run); clean sand; crushed rock; controlled-density fill (CDF); lean-mix concrete; and various soil mixtures of silt, sand, and gravel. Recycled concrete, asphalt, and glass, derived from pulverized parent materials may also be used as structural fill. Placement and Compaction: Generally, CDF, and lean-mix concrete do not require special placement and compaction procedures. In contrast, pit-run, sand, crushed rock, soil mixtures, and recycled materials should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness, and each lift should be thoroughly compacted with a mechanical compactor. Using the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM: D-1557) as a standard, we recommend that structural fill used for various on-site applications be compacted to the following minimum densities: Fill Application Slab/Footing subgrade Roadway subgrade (upper 1 foot) Roadway subgrade (below 1 foot) Minimum Compaction 95 percent 95 percent 90 percent Sub grades and Testing: Regardless of location or material, all structural fill should be placed over firm, unyielding subgrade soils. We recommend that a representative from Adapt be retained to observe the condition of subgrade soils before fill placement begins, and to perform a series of in-place density tests during soil fill placement. In this way, the adequacy of soil compaction efforts may be evaluated as earthwork progresses. Fines Content: Soils used for structural fill should not contain individual particles greater than about 6 inches in diameter and should be free of organics, debris, and other deleterious materials. Given these prerequisites, the suitability of soils used for structural fill depends primarily on the grain-size distribution and moisture content of the soils when they are placed. When the "fines" content (that soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve) increases, soils become more sensitive to small changes in moisture content. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines (by weight) cannot be consistently compacted to a firm, unyielding condition when the moisture content is more than about 2 percentage points above optimum. The near-surface and deeper gravelly sand with varying amounts of cobbles should exhibit low moisture sensitivity. The use of"clean" soil is necessary for fill placement during wet-weather site work, Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Inc. Adapt Project No. WA0?-14763-GEO June 29, 2007 Page 12 • • Adapt Engineering, Inc. or if the in-situ moisture content of the sandy site soils is too high to allow adequate compaction. Clean soils are defined as granular soils that have a fines content of less than 5 percent (by weight) based on the soil fraction passing the U.S. 3/4-inch Sieve. CLOSURE The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based, in part, on the explorations that we performed for this study. If variations in subsurface conditions are discovered during earthwork, we may need to modify this report. The future performance and integrity of the tower foundations will depend largely on proper initial site preparation, drainage, and construction procedures. Monitoring by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. We are available to provide geotechnical inspection and testing services during the earthwork and foundation construction phases of the project. If variations in the subgrade conditions are observed at that time, we would be able to provide additional geotechnical engineering recommendations, thus minimizing delays as the project develops. We are also available to review preliminary plans and specifications before construction begins. Verizon Wireless c/o Wireless Facilities, Inc. Adapt Project No. WA0?-14763-GEO June 29, 2007 Page 13 ..,, . .,. -~, ;.. ADAPT ,~O))HET 0 IOX• ,.nrns Adapt Engineering, Inc . 615 -8th Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel (206) 654-7045 Fax (206) 654-7048 FIGURE 1 -Location/Topographic Map Project Location SEA Renton Voe-Tech 3123 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98056 Client Wireless Facilities Project No: WA0?-14763-GEO Date : 06125107 -, . ' . ~TELCO ------- GRASS '"------FENCE .---15' LANDSCAPE I BUFFER I j------, I I I I I I I -$-B-1 I L --'(_ ~R-0.__PO_S_E-"D 30' X40' SITE LEGEND GRASS / DUMPSTER B-1 ,$--BORING NUMBER AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION PARKING DISCOUNT TIRE ELEC. TRANSFORMER l ~ Adapt Engineering, Inc. 615 -8th Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98104 FIGURE 2 -Site and Exploration Plan Tel (206) 654-1045 Fax (206) 654-1048 Project : SEA Renton Voe-Tech Location : 3123 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98056 Client : Wireless Facilities Project No: WA0?-14763-GEO Date : 06/25/07 NOTTO SCALE ,,-,.-·.,-------------r----------------------r---------, ~~ ADAPT Adapt Enginserlng, I 615-Bth Avenua South Seattle, Washington 98104 Tai (206) 654-7045 Fax (206) 654-7048 Ground Surface Elevation : NIA Elevation Reference: N/A BORING LOG Project Location SEA Renton Voe-Tech 3123 NE 4th Street Renton. WA 98056 Client Wireless Facilities Project No: WA0?-14763-GEO I: ilJa: c::l ii SOILDESCRIPTION a:~ ct~ ~ffi Boring No.: 8-1 Page: 01 of 01 LABORATORY TESTING Q~ ~ ~~ 96 0 ~~ 0 +------------------------t""~-+,;:".:'+:a".:0 +"=-=+0='+-------------------,.---f Grass, topsoil, large gravel, some cobbles 5 10 15 20 25 Very loose to loose, damp, tanish brown, gravelly fine SAND with some medium to coarse sand Medium dense to dense, dry, light brown, gravelly, fine SAND with some medium to coarse sand As above, increase in gravel content and size and cobble context with increasing depth Medium dense to dense, damp, tanish gray, gravelly, cobbly, fine SAND with some medium to coarse sand As above, darkening in color Dense to very dense, damp, tanish brown with some oxidation, gravelly, cobbly, fine SAND with some medium medium to cobble sand Boring terminated@ -26.5' bgs No groundwater encountered S-1 2 1 4 S-2 15 S-3 15 24 11 25 20 5-4 B 16 14 5-5 17 50/6" 20 30 28 30.._ ________________________ ._ .... ._ .... .__. _ _._-+o---~,~o---~,o,----,,w,----,~o---~,~o----l LEGEND X Sample not Rocovarad MOISTURE CONTENT -,--2-inch o. D. Split-Spoon Sample ___l__ ISPT Blowcoum) JI 3 'I, . ,nch 0.0. Damas & Mo0<0 Samplo (Equ1va1ant SPT Blowcount Shown) II Shelby Tube SamplQ ~ Grab Sample (So,I Cc,lt<ngs) Start Date : XX/XX/XX ..I_ Static Wa«ir Level at Time of Drilling Arn ....5l__ S1a1,c Water Level Reading DATE --?-Perched G1oundwater Comolet1on Date : Natural Liquid L1m11 e 200 Wash(% lines shown) Plastic Limit '----------------' @ Grain Size Anal~sis (% fines snown) " f'":~,w.1 Type ol Analytical Testing Pe~ormed xxrxxrxx TV -Torvane Reading (rsf) PP • Pocket Penletromete. Readirig (tst) PIO . Photo Ionization Demcror (PPM) SPT • Standard Penetration Tesl Loaaed Bv: XXX. L Printed: 01-31-2008 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 ---------------------------------·· Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUAOS-010 Receipt Number: R0800464 Total Payment: 01/31/2008 02:13 PM 1,000.00 Payee WIRELESS FACILITIES INC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #070006 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.8,.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 --------·---- Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 - I/ --' ----- f-OUND 2" BRASS DISK -------WITH PUNCH, If-I CA';f UTII !'I Y PULL --_(D ------- FIBEr, OPTICS VAULT WI TH CONl)lJI I I lROP ·-. ·-------, '' POWER I/AULT, / ~-------~ SI I c B[NCI IMAR_ls_ra. REBAf~ & CAP ~J "DCI CONTROL" ELEV.= SL Wlfl MANH OIF ------------- Rllvl = 333.3 / I I I /, / / l / ./ / ,. (J' '"-o . - ---- ASPHALT I I I ~ 0 JJ m _, rn . 4 ., • ., -· IRRIGATIO~I CONTROi VALVE. (TYi-'.) '-., 0 I/ u '" C, I l I I I I TE!_EPHONE RIS[R • . _., . ' I I I BARK I I I - r.-, Li I CATCI I BASIN klM=55:5 7 IE=329.2 8" PVC(VI) , PRIVATE ACCESS -~ & UTILITY cASfMff.J I (PER SHUR T PLAT- SEE RFFERf_NCL) ASPHALT PARKING LOT SE'//Etl MANHOLE_// 1?11"1=jjj_(J TAX I.OT # 162J059128 tlUILLJINC HT.=20.1' D // ___ / TYPL 2 C/1 I Cl I lJ1\Sl~I ./ (WIiii OIL/WATER SE,'.) / RIM,....,,333.1 TOP OF F'tr'[~ 329 7 8"(~1)(S) .. ,., .. , .- 0.5' TA! I R[T/\ll~ll'IG •, ' WAI I - tu 0-J TAX LUI # 162305.9059 SITE DETAIL GRASS SS9'12'50"E 643.8:J' • .· ' ' • .. • /_ -_. <l / (') /_ 0 < (') ~ :O,i lTJ ,/ . iii / • • MAl!OO;< -WAIER METEf, DISCOUNT TIRE TAX LOT /I 162:W5.9052 / / / / '•-~----· ,.. .-,--·'"""·' -~ NE 4TH STREET Sc.Wc.R MANHOLE R!M= 334. f-l lclT'X ~IF --~----- "0' .:, UTILITY POLE W/ TRANSFORMER FOUND 2" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCI I, IN Cf1S[ <lTH ST & MO~iROE A 1/E. f.JVC(W) COMC.(M) PI/C(c) DOWN 0.8' ', ,, . ;, 'C> '-._ , PAD MOUflTED TRANSFORMER ~flO. 318108/16681'.J ,n '-v ' \ ''-CAif_ ',,_\,\ ·,, ... \ ",., __ R[T/\lNINr; \!VA! l. / / \ I \ \ \ I I I I IJ\X LOI # 1623059058 >----- ---- ··~ ,- ··•-,,. : . ·, . . -~ -.. ,'-·. ---. ' . ' . --.. ,,-.. -, -. ' .. . '. ' :-.,, -.-., " .. . . -, ,,_.~ -., . .•.•. _,-•...•. : :/:ii'~ .. -,·. :/~.:-·~ •. "··-:·~·. ~- ... ,,.-,-- WALL '. . ,. ' . ; -;· .,-. ' I LA TITUDE/LONCITUD[ POSITION Cc1~TEt< OF Pl<OPOSlll MOI\IOl'OLE .. ,, ... ~ C~RAPflfC SC1\LE l'tC:'/' ) 1 inch ----' .'-::'O ft. ---,_ _/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 2 OF Cl IY oc· RlN ION '3HOR I l'LA I NO. 1'.ij-[i;J, Rt.COHDED UNDER RECORDING ~!UMBER 8912019001, 11,1 KING COU~ITY. WASHINCTOI-.J, SAID SHORT 1'LAT BEING DESCRIBED AS LOT 1 OF SHORT PLAT ~10. 37.3-79, ACCORDING TO THE SI-IO!!T Pl.A! '.ilJl]I/LY lllCl(OI llLCOi!ULI) ur,uu, KING courrrY i![COi\DING NUMfJ[f; 79·100,19001; l)f_!G!C A POI! IIOGI ()! Tl I! NORIHEASI UUARllR Of IHf: GIORIHWf'SI QU.~RIE.R Sc_CIION JG, IOWNSHII-' 2J GIORIH, RANGl 5 Ff\'.~T. W."11., lf,I l(INC COUGITY, WASI llt\!GTOrl EASEMENTS ffi CORt<ESPO!-.JDS WITH ITEM NUMG[R IN 'SCI IEDUL[ [J' OF TITL[ R[PORT. THE FOLLOWII-.JC EASEMEt~TS FROlvi THE REFERENCED TITLE REf'ORT CONTAtr,1 SUFFICIENT INFORMATIOcl IHL PLAr,t. OTHER EASl:MENT'.:; OR ENCUMBRAr,JCES, IF Al'f{, MAY AfTlC I II-IL PflOPEIIIY, !JU I LACK INfOR!.,IAIIO~I 10 llf_ SHOWN. ro llE lJlPIC IED ON SUFFICIENT EASEMENT FOR 1r,JGl?ESS /IND EGRESS AND UTILITIES AND 7609140585 RECORDS OF l(INC COIJf,ITY, WASHl!ICTOl'i. SURF ACE WATER DRAINAGE, RECORDINC GIO. [AS[lvl[NT roR UNDERGROUND [L[CTRIC TRA~1SM1Sc;1or.1 Ar,1n/OR IJISTf<IRIJTIOr,1 SYSTEM, r![CORDi~IG NO. ll2081 /0jj f R~CORU', OF l(ING COUN I Y, WASHINGTON. AFFECTS A 5 FOOT WIDTH STF<IF' Of LAclU 11,1 IHE l,Oc<TH 60 FEET, CENTERLINE AS CONSTRUCTED. 60 FOOT STRIP s11ow1,1 ,OR G[~l[RAL f\REA AFFECTED BY TIii'; 51001 11\'.;i_lvllNL NOTES I ) 2) .3) 4) TITLE INFORMATION PROVID1D PFR ORIJFR MO. G56150, PROVIDED BY Pt,CIFIC 1-.JORTHWEST TITLE COMPl\i<IY OF \//Al IING roN. INC .. DI\ Ill) .Jur,1L Ll, 200/. Tl II r flFUJ WOf,K CONIJUCTFD IN MAY, 2007. BASIS OF c1lARl~IG: WASHll'IG ION SIA IE l'LANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NORTH ZO~IE (NAD83) UNDERGt,OUND UTILITIES SflOWN HEREON, IF Al'iY, W[R[ DELINEATED FROM SURFACE EVIDENC[ Al<ID/OR UTILITY COMPANY F,FCORflS, CRITiC-:A!_ ! OCATl(Jl,JS SHOULD UL: \/Lllll lLU P!<IOll 10 ULSIGel ,\NU CONSTt<UCTION_ 335.9 -335 CATCH BASIN t,, Ccl<lcRAI_ SI It LOCA lllJN I J , 40S '"-"-. r ' l,1 I 7 w > <( UJ CJ z 0 0 w -------'\ __ , SITE- \ ~ rf/J,1/'(;l)\f oV-:.:, ~'A.Y Jgr'.'I ('-\ .. ------- \ SKAClT ~-•._ ,· - JEFFERSON ----; I POJJGUS -· -1·· :;J'UK.!N1'' j R.'.l?urm' LC....._;:1-s-,,,. ) ' i*I..P.-, !:._';'r ~Kt•H' --~0:-::'r-::::'~•, '-~-;:;-~· ~--=, ,t, \'~J , KIITll,\/; "-' \ Et ---' UUNT ,lD.1.l{S lflll'I.iLfN --~fl.>,,. • t:'.'---"),_ :,,.·~r«i ni·ncH r ·--- \I __ :~~!~,,------_ -~~:r·~-------i J:IK/.lf,I tr· -.... 1,,-u$~cOWl../TZ l \',-/ ' -.. - ' #' ------llh'.<WN 11e.l'-\--\ ~) -i"\ ',, \ KLICKlTAJ' . ~- w 7: w _> -<1: w 0 n--:: z () \!_ =·~--~------ Nr 4Ti-l ST VICINITY MAP -NO I TO SCALE - " ., LEGEND -----------SUBJECT OOUf-lDARY LII\IE ·RIGHI-OF-WAY CENTERLINE -RICH !--Of-WAY LINc. AD,JACENT IJUUNlJ1\l1Y LIN[ --SECTIONAL fJR[AKDOWN LIN[ -----111'-----OVERHEAD t'OWER LINE -----UP fJURIED POWER LINE ------G ------BURlt:D Gl\'i Llffr_ -----OT----~ OV[f" lfAfl TFI [PHONF UNI' ------UT OURl[D TFIFf"I IONf: 111\I~ BURIED WATER LINE ------ss------t::lURIC:D Sf\NITARY SEWER -----SD-----BURIED STORM DRAIN --lJI /CH LINE/FLOW LlelE · !!OCK f!ETAIMING WALL -1/ECETATIOl'i LINE -------CHAIN LINK FFNCF -----------WOOD 1[NCE -------cl/\Rcllll WIRt:/WIRE fENCl Iii.] TRANSFORMER -FIRE HYDRANT ):( LICHT STANDARD ·1 (;All_ \/AI\/L Cf:] f'OWfT< \/1\!JLT " WP, 11:R MEI !:f! !Iii UTILITY BOX FIF<E S IANU PIPl fJ IJTILI IY f-'OLl D CATCH BA51N, TYPE ( POL[ GUY WIRF @ CAICI-I BASIN, IYljE II III CAS V Al vr ...a... S!Gf\J ~ G/-\S tv1ET[R o fJOU ARll DJ I t:LEl'HONE \/AULT D TELEPHOf.JE RISEP o MAIi_ BOX ).7)4_)1 ,c_c-=~ ,;po I t.11 VA I ION NO ll: 1) ALL [L[I/ATIOr,1s '~I-IOWN /IRE ,\bOI/E Mll\l,j 5l/\ L}\/rl (AMSL) AND ARE REFEREflCED TO THE 1,111 VD88 flll TUM_ 2) ALL TOWER, TREE AND APPURTF~l1\NC:I Hf IGH l'i P,Rf ASOVF CROU~!D I FVEL (AGL) IINIJ 1\lll ACCUl,11 I l I 0 + .3 FEI: I 01< + 1% Of TOTAi HFIGHT, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. TREE LEGEND DFCIIJUOUS Tf,E[ 0 AL=AllJlR MP~Mf,f-'!Y os~DECIDUOUS ALl2 j --Tr<UNI( LllAMf ll.R (II\J) Mi\=Ml\llROr,!1\ OK~OAI< TYPE CH=CHlRf<Y EVERCREEr,1 TREE Cl-_=C! IJ1\P OF-DOUGLAS I 11----=I lr:-Ml OCK Pl=PINE * DF18 F!R 195.2 EVC:., EVERGREEN I -1 IFIGI IT AGL IF MEASURED NOil:: I Rl::t. DRIP Llf\JC:':; /\Rt.. NOT TO SCALE. TREE SY1',180LS r,[F[ll[NC[ I l(Uf,11( LOC:ATIOr, ONLY. TRUflK DIAMETFRS WERE APPROXl~l,\TED ,\T 3.c, TO 1' A!:IUVl GROU~IU LtVlL TREES SHOWN ARE FOi< Rt:CtREr,tCE ONLY AND OTHER I RllS ANlJ VlCETA I ION MAY EXIST. SITE INFORMATION I AX LU I f,JlJMtltR SITf" J\fH1Rrc;;; SIT[ CONTACT c'I IONf-NUMll,R ZOl<lll~G TOTI\I I.OT ARF/1 l·'RU,JC:CT /\RE,'< 16?305905? .512..5 NE 4TH STREET f<FNTON. WA 93056 Jl~A Sil H/\SFf< 480-606-6211 CA (Rc.N I 0~1) 22, 790+ S_F_ (0.51 + /IC) TO RF flFTFRMINFIJ LATITUDE/LONGITUDE POSITION COORDINATE DATA AT CFNTFR OF PROPOSll) MOGIOPOI J_: NAD S.l NA\/[J 38 LA I -4/'29'16.00" ~I LO~!G -122'10'3'/ . .56" W ELEV.= 333.G 1[ET (G,lOUND) 1/FRTICAL lJAIUM l'lR WASHIGIGIUN SI A I l REFERENCE 1·,FTWORI< (w_ s_,i_N_) ELEVATION DCG:IV[D USING c;p·c;, 1\CC!IRACY ",_,)~EETS ,CJJl EXClLllS_ lA STANDARDS. AS -DEEi NED""--,-' · ON THE FAA ASAC !NIOl,Mi\llOG! '.ill! I I !J'l:005_ SURVEY REFERENCE cu (111,IL i-'LAL'ft. SI IOtsT f'LAT, RcCORDiNC; no_ 8912019001, !,[CORDS OF Kl,IG COUN IY, WASHING I-ON. BOUNDARY DISCLAIMER TfllS PLA~! DO[S NOT ll[Pl<I-Sf NI A 1-lOUNllARY SURVEY. SUBJECT AND AD,lt,cFr,rr Pf,OPl't,TY I .!NFS /IRE DEPICTED USING r1ELD-10UND [VID[NCE Ac1D f""<f:COld) lf\llO!~MATIOl\1. CAUTION! UGlfJFl!Cl!OUNIJ U I ILi llt:S EXIST IN THE AREA AND UTILITY 11\lfORIAA IION SHOWN MAY BE lf!COMF'LET[_ SIAIE LAW PEOUlr,cs Tl!,\T C(JI\ITPACTOR CONTACT THE ONE--C.A.LL UTILITY I OCA ll-_ Sl:J·~VICl !\T LE/\ST 4cl HOURS RFFORF SIAR IING ANY COGISTRUC 1·10N. 1-800-424-5555 OUNCANE;01\J J./5 \il }551h \rn','!, \w1,, JI!_., S,•u!ff,,_ fL1,hu1~1m1 (),.!6fi l'i1011, _'0(1.}-i--!.-l/-li I 0 w I- I 0 0 > z 0 1-z w a: <( w (f) ILD FLD. >-co (J) 6 Z f-- 0_ --0 w u UJ lu -(fJ n -> w ; .. (l'. ('_) o_ w ll'. l,J _, f-- i::-- LJ n ---.: a: t-+-+-+--t-+-1 I Li l -- <( 0 u 7 CF/FIN ~ ~ >-w ~ lO a: CJ ::) z (I') a::: w -I-z (I') (") CJ ('\I z a.. I-~ (I') I- >< -w~ 0 w (I') [Q 0 CU /le BOOI<: 171/50 DRAVVN DY: ~;I AC~ ,JOB " ggr 4"1 72° If-. ,)-·· .. __ O Di\ TF: ()5 /211 /() / C1 1 OF 1 EASEMENTS A CORRESPONDS WITH ITEM NUMBER IN 'SCHEDULE 6' OF TITLE REPORT. THE FOLLOWING EASEMENTS FROM THE REFERENCED TITLE REPORT CONTAIN SUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO I SE DEPICTED ON THE FLAN. OTHER EASEMENTS OR ENCUMBRANCES, IF ANY, MAY AFFECT THE PROPERTY, 6UT LACK SUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO BE SHOu.N. I EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UTILITIES AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE, RECORDING NO. 100'31405B5 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR Dl5TRl6UTION 5Y5TEM, RECORDING NO. B20Bll0331 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. AFFECTS A 5 FOOT WIDTH &TRIP OF LAND IN THE NORTH 00 FEET, CENTERLINE A& CON5TRUCTED. 00 FOOT STRIP 5H0u.N FOR GENERAL AREA AFFECTED SY THIS 5 FOOT EASEMENT. ~ ~AJ~~l~-yv PLAN - NORTH . .-. a·,.,= -· - i ---~--- ~--~~~-_UG~-,i ~~UG_P~~~U~~------_-UGP~~-_ - ' - (N) UG POWER CONDUITS • lUTILITY EASEMENT -- ··t ! i ""- I\. - )- UG POWER UTILITY FASEMENT/ UG TELCO , ---I ----------· 1'1, "I ; ,_ 1_1 ·--". ,, ; ---~ ., .. --------------- .\ / \ ------ -' ' \ ,-_: ------ ,..-· _,/ ---------- ' ' -------~-------..... -----.. ------. QJ "i 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . -"' -- ' ' - - ' ,, '' . - --- -·· ---, I I I 1, I - /\-_,a \ . ,, I :--~.-,---.----------,1~-----~--~-· NOTE, _ 111 •UNDERNEATf-1 EXISTING PARKING j · 1 , CONTRACTOR Sf-lALL BORE - I LOT FOR NEW TELCO ROUTING. TRt:NCf-llNG SHALL !3E ALI-OWED "" ALL GRASS AREAS. ' I _, - --I I. j I ! I ' I I , I I ! ' ' ' /'' : I -I I ' ,j ' . , ' --' I •• - I I' I.LI z .__J }- f-- QI'. w o__ G QI'. {l_ \ - . - ' ' . . i i ----. , :,· ... ) . .; . -' ,-·-·''"'-,-, . ! ' ' . -.. ,_ -~----""-,~-..... ,----- ' ' l '---~-' --' (-,/·. ,..._, ,,,-' ·""-,_ ,. -···--, ' ( -- ' f ·' -. ' ) ----"a,-------------------. - ·--,', _,,· -----.,, ,. ' ·---"" ' . ,._; ./•' -' ·\.--' l•c/'-.._,'',,•j ,,.• , .. , ... ' '-L",.,"~·--' -~-•'J ., -, ·' ' ,_ .. _ ' ' !, \ ' --•,-, ,_,,-__ .,., --' -""\,'._. --------------------- <EJ PROPERTY LINE ', ' i.. -·", ' ----~===---===---1 ------------- ---1 I A. NO VARIATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO llklRK A& INDICATED ON THE PLAN SHALL 6E MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITIEN APPROVAL. '3. ALL PREVIOUS IS5\JES OF THIS DRAWING SHALL 6E 5\JPERCEDED 6Y THE LATEST REVISED DRAWING. C. WITRACT DOCUMENTS ARE INSTRlt!ENTS OF SERVICE • SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF PINNACLE DESIGN GROUP. D. PINNACLE DESIGN GROUP WILL NOT BE PROVIDING CCN5TRUCTION REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT UNLESS REQUESTED A5 AN ADDITIONAL SCOPE. E. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE OIINER FOR OTHER PROJECTS OR EXTENSION OF THIS PROJECT EXCEPT BY AGREEMENT IN WRITING I W/ APPROPRATE COMPEN5ATION TO PINNACLE DESIGN GROUP. F. THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED TO BE 5\JBMITTED TO JURISDICTIONAL REVIEW AUTHORITIES FOR COMfLIANCE Wi APPLICASLE CODES. IT 15 THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OIINER AND/OR CONTRACTOR TO CONSTRUCT THE SITE PER PLAN TO MEET CODE. G. IF THE CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR FIND IT NECESSARY TO DEVIATE FROM THE ORIGINAL. APPROVED PLANS, IT SHALL SE THE CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR'S RESPON51131LITY FOR PROCURING ALL NECESSARY JURISDICTIONAL APPROVALS FOR THE PROPOSED CHANGES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE llKlRK IN ADDITION TO INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK. H. IN EVERY EVENT, THESE PLANS SHALL BE INTERF1'ETED TO 13E A MIN. ACCEPTABLE MEANS OF CONSTRUCTION, BUT THIS SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR/5\JBCONTRACTOR OR SUF'PLIER FROM PROVIDING A COMPLETE 4 CCRRECT JOB WflEN ADDITIONAL ITEMS ARE REQUIRED TO THE MIN. SPECIFICATION. Revisions No. Date Action 1 7/18/07 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 2 8/06/07 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 3 12/05/07 RE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION --------f---------- 4 01/23/08 RE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION Client: veriztlDwiretess PINNACLE D E S I G N G R O U P. I N C. (HECO/Hl!.<IJICAHO/IS COMAIHICJAJ. H£S/Df/lTIAL 199'10--SUTH AVE. W., *"202 LYMNWOOD, WI\ 98036 Of-FICE l tlLS-778-8132 F,'\X} J2ti //8·6-J.IJ·1 EXPIRES 2/26/09 SEA RENTON VOC-TECH 3123 NE 4T~ STREET RENTON, WA 98056 U---,--1 LI I".-f--L 11 N , __ ,,. ;, -·,.-· ,,.-~--. --• _,,_ --------, --., ... ,.,-t_,=· _=._> /=\ I Scale: A5 NOTED Designer: CL Drawn By: CL Drawing File: Project No_ 2001-003-003 Date: 01/23/08 Checked By: RM!RJ Client Approval ---------1--------~----- Issue No. Drawing No. 4 ES-1 VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA ARRAY"" 5':l'-11" AGL TIP-1--!T ,, VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA ARRAY"" 41'-0" AGL TIF-1--!T ' .. ,.. .• ~y-PROPOSED ICE BRIDGE - "A-1 - PROPOSED VERl70N WIRELESS ~ (-:-~ EQUIPMENT Sf-lEL TER \\ ~Ay \ ELEVATION (LOOKING NORTH) SCALE: 1/8"= 1' -0" 'r VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA ARRAY "" 5'3'-11" AGL TIP-1--!T vERl:Z:ON WIRELESS ANTENNA ARRAY @ 41'-0" AGL TIP-1--!T ----------------- PROPOSED CI-IAIN LINK FENCE -------------- ELEVATION (LOOKING SOUTH) SCALE: 1/8"= I' -0" L '."' . ---- ' I I " ,_c-ll , • t • --' PROPOSED MONOPOLE B'::l' -11" PROPOSED CI--IAIN LINK FENCE 1-·-, ,.,.----------+------! A-5' .. PROPOSED BSl'-11" MONOPOLE FINISl-tED GRADE 0'-0" AGL PROPOSED IC!::: BRIDGE G--j \A-1) , __ ,_, • --< --- , , -· '----"1' t_:;,);"1 i{tl (:;:,.r, ·-~-::1H l<">*) ''-.._/ PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ~QUIPr-1E~T S~E:~~=R @·- ' il i ~,, ________ F_IN_IS_l--l_l=_D_G_R_A_D_E ________ _ 0'-0" AGL -, VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA ';' ARRAY"" B'2l'-11" AGL TIP-1--!T , VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA '"" ARRAY fi! 41'-0" AGL TIP-1--!T PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ~-EQUIPMENT SI--IELTER (~ -- ------~-. :_:, ELEVATION (LOOKING EAST) SCALE: 1/8"= 1' -0" VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA ARRAY"" :'>'3'-11" AGL TIP-1--!T , ' VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA --,--. ·-'"· ... ,~ ' ARRAY "" 41'-0" AGL TIP-1--!T . ·-. PROPOSED CI--IAIN~- LINK FENCE i ' ' J ' __ _J ;::::j ' ' I I I 1~ " I _JJ -··---------. - lb I ' ' ! _, ' , -.,. 1 PROPOSED !::>'::l' -11" MONOPOLE --PROPOSED CI--IAIN LINK FENCE @ -r- FINISI--IED GRADF 0'-0" AGL PROPOSED !:?'2l'-11" MONOPOLE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPME~T SI--IEL TER ~~-~ ~ E-----·-·1 F--------, ~ '-;;::-\. --:i ~lc-_-_-.=-_ce_--cr,: ~,c-.-_c·_-c_,c_-,,~rl1 0 --- • , , J J ,, ,, 1 :·-;:----,;' t\;,;-;:;.' ~i~~ :, ,: :, ,: ·------'< 1rrM 'i !l . ~1:! ~~ • \1 ~ll ·;- 1\}f ~ i: :: ff :! h;,311: '.:',1 I i1: il J: Iii \/~('. ':.'; _J L_. I ;J ,, J ·,:~( c---___J:!£.c;:Jr_· _ __!:~:;i_. _;'-~_':'_J======::.'.'':;:' -::;;-:;::"''=::.'.'':;:' -=::::"=~.::;:.:L_ __ tt~;; ----- ' -r -----------------------------·------- FINISI--IED GRADE --------- 0' -0" AGL ====== ........... === .............. -.. -==============.;;/;, \;';;.-----=================================== ...... ..;.·..;.··...;· -... --..... -=========--====-;;;;;;,;;,,- --ELEVATION (LOOKING WEST) - SCALE: 1/8"= 1' -0" A. NO VARIATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO 11/0RK A& INDICATED ON THE PLAN SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FRIOR 11.RITTEN APPROVAL. B. ALL FREVIOU$ ISSUES OF THIS DRAWING SHALL BE SUPE!<'.:EDED BY THE LATEST REVISED DRAIIIIN6. C. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE 4 SHALL REMAIN THE FROFERTY OF PINNACLE DESIGN GROUP. D. PINNACLE DESIGN GROJP WILL NOT BE PROVIDING CONSTRUCTION REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT UNLESS REQUESTED A& AN ADDITIONAL SCOPE. E. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE CUNER FOR OTHER PROJECTS OR EXTENSION OF THIS PROJECT EXCEPT 61 AGREEMENT IN 11,RITING I WI APPROPRIATE COMPENSATION TO PINNACLE DESIGN CiROUP. F. THIS FL.<IN WAS PREPARED TO BE SUBMITTED TO JURISDICTIONAL REVIEW AUTHCRITIES FOR COMPLIANCE UJ/ APPLICABLE CODES. IT 16 THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER AND/OR CONTRACTOR TO CONSTF'l.JCT THE SITE PER FLAN TO MEET CODE. G. IF THE CONTRACTOR OR SU!3CONTRACTOR FIND IT NECESSARY TO DEVIATE FROM THE ORIGINAL, APPROVED FLANS, IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR/SU!3CONTRACTOR'S RESP0NSIE3IL ITY FOR FROCURIN6 ALL NECESSARY JURISDICTIONAL APPROVALS FOR THE PROFOSED CHANGES FRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK IN ADDITION TO IN6PECTION6 AND APPROVALS DURIT'l'.i THE EXECUTION OF THE UJOfsK H. IN EVERY EVENT, THESE PLANS SHALL BE INTERPRETED TO flE A MIN. ACCEFfABLE MEANS OF CONSTRUCTION, i3UT THIS SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR/SUflCONTRACTOR OR SUPPLIER FROM PROVIDING A COMPLETE 4 CORRECT JOfl WHEN ADDITIONAL ITEMS ARE REQUIRED TO THE MIN. SPECIFICATION. Revisions No. Date Action ----------------· ------- 1 7/18/07 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 2 8/06/07 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 3 12/05/07 RE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION -·--- 4 01/23/08 RE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION Client .. -ver,zQOwire/ess PINNACLE 0 E S I G N G R O U P. I N C. THECO/IVU/1/CATIONS COMMERCIAL J1ESIIJE.~TI.I!. 1991 0 5 0 I H AV C W, 1t 2 0 2 L '{ H N W O O D, W A 9 8 0 3 6 Of-'f-'ICC J '125-770-813'/ fAXJ 425-//3 6391 EXPIRES 2/26/09 SEA RENTON VOC-TECH 3123 NE 4 Tl-I 5 TREET RENTON, WA SOO!i6 ELEVA TIO!'.! Scale: Project No. AS NOTED 2001-003-12ll2l3 Designer: Date: CL 12ll/23/12l8 Drawn By: Checked By: CL ~/RJ · Drawing File: Client Approval --·--------_________ __, Issue No. Drawing No. 4 A-3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 162305 52 LOT 2 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO 123-88 RECORDING NO 8:ll201500l SD SHORT PLAT DAF-LOT I OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT FLAT NO 313-1':l RECORDING NO 1':ll004':l001 6EING A PORTION OF THE N 330 FT OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 EASEMENTS 6 CORRESPONDS WITH ITEM NUMBER IN 'SCHEDULE B' OF TITLE REPORT. THE FOLLOWING EASEMENTS FROM THE REFERENCED TITLE REPORT CONTAIN SUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO BE DEPICTED ON THE PLAN. OTHER EASEMENTS OR ENCUMBRANCES, IF ANY, MAY AFFECT THE PROPERTY, BUT LACK SUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO BE SHOWN. EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UTILITIES AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE, RECORDING NO. 1605140!?8!:'> RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, RECORDING NO. 8208110331 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. AFFECTS A !:'> FOOT WIDTH STRIP OF LAND IN THE NORTH 60 FEET, CENTERLINE AS CONSTRUCTED. 60 FOOT STRIP SHOWN FOR GENERAL AREA AFFECTED BY THIS !? FOOT EASEMENT. PLANT LIST SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SIZE REMARKS ~:"\'w;2 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS I 3'-0' HIGH 3'-b" O.C 5 GAL. lR . TECHY ARBORVITAE • -~ /ly-s~- -4" MULCH -REMOvED BURLAP FROM TOP 1/.3 OF BALL. REMOvE ALL PLASTIC WRAP, FABRIC,· . ·-·-. -- AND ROT PROOF WRAP ~PLANTING BED TREATMENT 3"SAUCER SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM TO ELIMINATE IMPERVIOUS SURFACES. BACKFILL WITH PLANTING MIXTURE. •fWlDo'...,J1".":... __ SET BALL ON 4" COMPACTED SOIL OR 4' MOUND OF UNDISTURBED SUE3GRAPE TREE PLANTING DETAIL LANDSCAPE NOTES: I. SEEP, FERTILIZE, AND MULCH ALL D16TURBEP AREA. 2. ALL PLANT$ TO RECEIVE A SHREDDED HARDWOOD BARK MULCH. 3. PLANT MIXTURE SHALL BE, S POUNDS OF SUPERPHOSPHATE TO EACH CUBIC YARD OF TOPSOIL, TOPSOIL 6HALL BE FERTILE, FRIA6LE, LOAMY $AND, SILT LOAM, SANDY CLAY LOAM, WITHOUT ADMIXTURE OF SUB$OIL 4. ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A GROWING AND HEALTHY CONDITION WITH A REGULAR SCHEDULE OF MOWING, FEEDING, WATERING, AND PRUNING, AND REPLACEMENT OF ANY DEAD OR D1$EASED MATERIAL AT LEAST EVERY SIX MONTHS. S. PLANTING PIT WIDTH TO 6E TOT AL MINIMUM OF 24" WIPER THAN THE EARTH 6ALL. b. ALL NYLON AND ROT -PROOF ROPE AND ROT -PROOF 6URLAP MUST BE REHOVEP BEFORE PLANTING. ALL WIRE BASKETS MUST BE CUT (NOT LOOSENED OR .. REMOVED IN AT LEAST 10 PLACES BEFORE BACKFILLING. FOLD DOWN Tl-lE TOP 1/3 OF ALL NON-ROT-PROOF BURLAP. 1. MOVE AND 1-lANPLE TREE AND TREE BALL WITH CARE. PO NOT MOVE OR LIFT THE TREE !3Y THE TRUNK. 8. TREES MUST BE PLANTED PLUMB ':l. WATER THOROUGHLY PURING BACKFILLING, REMOVING AIR POCKET$, THEN WATER AGAIN IMMEPIATEL Y AFTER PLANTING. -.. -, .. _, '"" ' ( ---le>'-@' O.C. MAX. -'-----'-----=------I TOP OF RAIL /~LINE POST 2-1/2' / OD STD. FIFE. •• • • <. • ;,i .,. -:--, • .. ,• •• •· ,. • ;t .,. . . . '' •. , . •• •, • •., .:·., .. •• . .-•• • . , ~l';;. TENSION WIRE__/ .. , . ' ., .:. ~: • • ;,'i ' .. "'" .... , ·:'~ • •• •-· ·.i : .a· ~:. . . • ~· '• ... . .:·., .... , .. . ~ .-• ., .... 1 41!~! __ ·~ TYPICAL ELEVATION GATE POST GATE POST 4'-IZl' MIN. CLEAR OF'ENING -..... --1 • Q I ·-·-· -·---~ //-GATE WI LOCKABLE //. LATCH NOTE: SEE NOTE ON DETAIL 4 ; .. /· DIAGONAL ROD W/TURNBUCKLE ·--··-FINISH GRADE SAME AS CORNER POST. CONCRETE PIER, Elg )-. SEE · -- (-2\ GA TE D~T A!L NTS '~--- TYPICAL FENCING NOTE$ (INSTALL FENCING FER ASTM F-&61, SWING GATES FER ASTM F-SQ/2).) 1. GATE POST, CORNER. END OR FULL POST 2 1/2' NOMINAL (2.$1&' O.D) SCHEDULE 41Z) FIFE, S.19 L65/LF FOR GATE WIDTHS UF THR\.I 6 FEET OR 12 FEET FOR DOU6LE SWING GATE FER ASTM-F!l2)83. 2. LINE FOST, 2' (2.31&' OD) SCHEDULE 412) FIFE, 3.6& L65/LF FER ASTM-Fll2)83. 3. GATE FRAME, I l/2'(1.$1& O.D.) SCHEDULE 40 FIFE, 2.12 L6&/LF FER ASTM-FJl2)83. 4. TOF RAIL 4 6RACE RAIL, I 1/2' (121!:> O.D.> SCHEDULE 40 FIFE, 221 L65/LF FER ASTM-FJl2)83. --·· .. -·&,-•FA6RIC,'12 GA'CORE-WIRE.SIZE,2'·MESH, ZINC COATED CONFORMING TO ASTM-A352. . 6. TIE WIRE, MINIMUM II GA GALVANIZED &TEEL AT POSTS AND RAILS TIE A SINGLE WRAP OF FA6RIC AND AT TENSION WIRE TIE 6Y HOGi RINGS &FACED MAX 24' INTERVALS. TENSION WIRE, 1 GrA GALVANIZED STEEL. 1. 6AR6ED WIRE, DOU6Lc STRAND 12-1/2'0.D. TWISTED WIRE TO MATCH WITH FA6RIC, 14 GA, 4 FT. 6AR6S SFACl:D ON AFFROXIMATl:L Y !:'>' CENTERS. 8. GATE LATCH, 1-3/8'0.D. PLUNGER ROD WITH MUSHROOM TYPE CATCH (MASTER HALCO FART • 1!?911 OR EQUAL) AND LOCK. 9. LOCAL ORDINANCE FOR 6AReED WIRE SHALL GOVERN INSTALLATION. 10. Hcl<::.HT = ;:,' vERTICAL • l' 6AReED WIRE vERTICAL DIMENSION AS REQUIRED. l 10. TREF SAUCER MUST BE LEvEL AND 1-lOLP WATER SAUCER RIM MUST BE 3' HIGH FROM THE CENTER AT A MINIMUM. .. _ _J ~l :;;;;. ·-~--~~ .... -.... ---·.._··· ·,...-........... ...,;,...._,,;;;..;;;;;."""' --~---~--~~~~~..iiiiiii~~~-~---;;;;;;-.. ~~--iiiiiiii···~----. (~) ~~NCING NOTES CALL, -· -lITILmES NOTIFICATION. --+ CENTER WASHINGTON 1-800-424-5555 NE 4TH STREET Pi 3 WORKING PAYS f'RIOR TO DIGGING et.FEIT FRECAUTICN:, $HALL al:: IMf'ta-a!TED eY catlRACTOR{$) Ar ALL n.EN(.ll!NC, 1N ~ UJITf+ ~ OSI-IA STftNPAl'iDS. ---------- -1~-=-~· ~OLOR CODE FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS; j ·• , ------ ·"·· '"'-~.<l ·" -,-_ -,c_,-. ~--~~~·-ec·d'=--~, . · ',"ELECTRIC· RED SEWER • &REEN ., -",'.7 "~ ·• (E) QWEST '-"-.. .. GAS/OIL · YELLOW SURVEY -FINK .•.. -/ \j. • ' !i:lffil . -~.......-- "-. TEL/CATV -ORAN&E PROPOSED -WHITE •. , ~ <:f' • • • --!] ~.. TEL CO BOX W~"'_ -BLUE ~ EXCAVATION · " -'• {l) • rrf' • • • • : •• ·.,-·-; d .--. <-~-[u~(E) PROPERTY Lll'JE·--, ----__ · --_. -. . Ill/---:" l'.'l' -3" ± ,. q .. ·-· _· UGP-· --UGP.:..·=-=uGP-=----UGP -~ iG~;1~n_· -~_-18n-(iF 1Djl --_-z _--. w ---j fjl I ~,,--.. . . . I r-· ... l. GI w I I "'· SETBACK 1: _ -Z · ~--------, N <1...____-J ~ <EJ PSE UTILITY : 1~1 ~ ~ /\ I "'I -w L_2_", o 1 . VAULT I (,!' IC} <J) ·>,I" ' I · 1111 ,-.I)<[ 40'-0"± .·· . PROP05ED QWEST TELCO H°FRAME@ PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELES$ UTILITY EASEMENTS (E) PARKING I I I ' I -;, .. \ I ' l (E) PARKING\. EDGE OF - PAVEMENT (E) GRA$$ AREA 15'-0" NOTE, REFER TO SHEET C-I FOR ALL EASEMFNT DESCRIPTIONS ~ ~:r~_fLAN NORTH I +o , ' ·---------·-----------. .---·,' ---. \_ (N) 3'-0" HIGH ARBORVITAES 'al 3'-b" O.C. TYP ----- ~i--~::r,~~si~%"1~rt11~~¥:±"1f/.,,,.'$~--< ~~4f ·,·?:*!#--'it;Jm1®~1e tt .,, m~--Qtsi m :&i-El'i' ~~ -)1,~ ~t Q§:~•·il!1wffe1~~" >'1: · · .~ " -N £ ,,\J ' ~ ""-,, . · ~ . ' ,&J.,!?,.c 1\'i/'9".;a\ '7'· ,;_ 'bi'Y,,,,_ ~.,,v,.,, w.,,c % o&,,&4.«·W ,re. yd+.4 ,.$ X#& ,,!i-AW,> A. NO VARIATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO 1tORK AS INDICATED ON THE PLAN 5HALL 6E MADE WITHOUT FRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL 8. ALL PREVIC\JS ISSUE5 OF THIS DRAWING SI-IALL 6E SUPERCEDED 61' THE LATEST REVISED DRAWING. C. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE INSTRU11ENTS OF SERVICE I SHALL REMAIN THE FROPERTY OF PINNACLE DESIGN GROUP. D. PINNACLE DESIGN GROUP UJILL NOT BE FROVIDING CONSWUCTION REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT UNLESS REQUESTED AS AN ADDITIONAL SCOPE . E. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE OllNER FOR OTHER PROJECTS OR EXTENSION OF THIS PROJECT EXCEPT BY AGREEMENT IN WRITING I WI APPROPRIATE CCMPENSATION TO PINNACLE DESIGN GROUP. f. THI& PLAN WAS PREPARED TO BE 51.iBMITTED TO JURISDICTIONAL REVIEW AUTHORITIES FOR COHFLIANCE !JJ/ APPLICABLE CODES. IT 15 THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE O\INER AND/OR CONJRACTOR TO CONSTRUCT THE SITE FER FLAN TO MEET CODE . &. IF THE CONTRACTOR OR 51.iBCONTRACTOR FINO IT NECESSARY TO DEVIATE FROM THE ORIGINAL, APPROVED FLAN&, IT 5HALL BE THE CONTRACTOR/51.iElCONTRACTOR'S RE5PON51131LITY FOR PROCURING ALL NECESSARY JURISDICTIONAL APPROVALS FOR THE PROPOSED CHANGES FRIOR TO PROCEEDING UJITH THE UIOl'K IN ADDITION TO IN5FECTIONS AND APPROVALS DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK H. IN EVERY EVENT, TI-IESE PLANS SHALL BE INTERPRETED TO BE A MIN. ACCEPT ABLE MEANS OF CONSTRUCTION, e/JT THIS 5HALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR/5UBCON1RACTOR OR 51.iPPLIER FROM PROVIDING A COMPLETE I CORRECT JOB WflEN ADDITIONAL ITEMS ARE REQUIRED TO THE MIN. 5FECIFICATION. Revisions No. Date Action ---+-----------··-.. -------' 1 7/18/07 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 2 3 4 8/06/07 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 12/05/07 RE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 01/23/08 RE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION Client verizeDwiretess PINNACLE D E S I G N G R O U P. J N C. T/:LECOJ.JM!J/•IICATIOHS COJ,1Mf'ffCIM RE51DEIIT/AL 1 9 9 ·1 0 -.:, U T H A \I C. W., * 2 0 2 I_YMNVVOOD, WI\ 98036 OFFICE) z!25-77B-3132 f-=AX/ 425-778-639·! EXPIRES 2/26/09 SEA RENTON VOC-TECH 3123 NE 4Tf.l STREET RENTON, UJA ~b e--------~--------~~~--1 Scale: A5NOTED Designer: CL Project No. 2001-003.e,e,3 Date: eil/23/ei8 e-----------1------.. ---------1 Drawn By: Checked By: CL RM/RJ ----·--------+---------+ Drawing File: Client Approval Issue No. Drawing No. 4 A-1