HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA14-000781_Report 1DEPARTMENT OF Cl.., ... i/lUNITV AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-4 AND R-8 ZONES [Z] APPROVAL D DENIAL EVALUATION FORM & DECISION An "X" is shown in the applicable residential design requirement box. When an alternative is employed that requires a modification, the staff evaluation is written on the lines below. The decision to approve or deny the requested modification can be found at the conclusion of this form. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: APPLICANT: 906 N 37'h ST Residential Design Modification LUA14-000781, MOD (614002256) Angelea Wickstrom, Assistant Planner Terry D. Smith 29607 4th Avenue S. Federal Way, Washington 98003 ZONING DESIGNATION: R-8 PROJECT LOCATION: 906 N 37'h ST SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of a modification of the Residential Design Standards (RMC 4-2'115) on a proposed single family home. The proposed project site is located in the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone. 1. Roof Choose one: D Hip or gabled with at least 6:12 pitch; or D Shed roof; or D Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain) And if more than nine (9) lots choose one: D A variety of roof forms are used; or [8J Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain) The applicant is proposing a modification from the City of Renton's residential design standard for roofs. Rather than the minimum roof pitch standard of 6:12, the applicant proposes a flat roof. The applicant states. and staff concurs, that the lot has "significant design restraints created by easements and setbacks for a large drainage swale that was created to serve the City of Renton Department of Ct 1 nity and Economic Development Administrati odification Request Report & Decision 906 N 37'" ST Residential Design Modification LUA14-000781, MOD (814002256) Report of June 18, 2014 Page2of3 Victoria Pointe Development. As a result. the size ofthe house was reduced, creating the need to maximize vertical space." In addition. the applicant states, and staff concurs. that the proposed design "is also keeping with the style and character of the varied architectural neighborhood in which it is to be built." 2. Eaves Choose one: D All eaves project minimum of 12" and have horizontal fascia with a minimum of 5" (Fascia-gutter is acceptable); or [SJ Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain) The applicant is proposing a flat roof and is, therefore, proposing a modification from the City of Renton's residential design standard for eaves. The applicant states. and staff concurs. that eaves conflict with the design of the home. RMC 4-9-250D.2 Criteria for Modification of the Standards. The requested modification must also meet the following criteria: 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and 2. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and 3. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and 4. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and 5. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. DECISION The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D2 for approval of modifications. Therefore, the 906 N 37'h ST Residential Design Modification modification(s) ofthe residential design standards for the proposed single-family residential structure, Project Number LUA14- 000781, MOD is(are) approved. 6-18-14 '0,( C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development Date City of Renton Department of Ca nity and Economic Development Administrati 906 N 3ih ST Residential Design Modification Report of June 18, 2014 odification Request Report & Decision LUA14-000781, MOD (814002256) Page 3 of 3 The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on July 2, 2014. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7'h Floor, (425) 430-6510. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Angelea Wickstrom, at 425.430.7312 or awickstrom@rentonwa.gov. TDSA ARCHITECTURE "Let us think that we buildforever.i June 12, 2014 City of Renton Chip Vincent Angela Wickstrom 1055 S Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Modification Request for: 906 N 37ili Street Renton Lot 7, Victoria Pointe Dear Chip and Angela, EXHIBIT 1 This letter is to request a modification of the City of Renton Building Guidelines in regards to "Residential Design Standards for Roofs" RMC 4-2-l 15F-3, from the 6:12 minimum standard to a flat roof design. A great deal of thought and effort has gone into the design of this home to not only meet the needs of the client but of the site as well. This lot has some significant design restraints created by easements and setbacks for a large drainage swale that was created to serve the Victoria Pointe Development. As a result the size of the house was reduced creating the need to maximize vertical space. It is for this reason that a flat roof was chosen. (See attached plans) We feel that the our proposed design is also in keeping with the style and character of the varied architectural neighborhood in which it is to be built. A survey of the close in neighborhood reveals several other new homes that wherein a flat roof design was selected that would augment our new home (see attached). It is our intent to design and build a new home in Renton that will further enhance the architectural character ofRenton's Lake Washington waterfront. Thank you for consideration of our project. Best Regards, Terry D. Smith Architect ~s ~ xtor <'0U<1.1~ies.t0 /,,(..(,[1-1 bi,~ '"'tz:> ~ c..u ~ c:. t OF DE€::,/ ~ J . 29607 -4'" Avenue South, Federal Way, Washington 98003 (253) 214-5772 www.tdsaarchitec.ture.com Project Plans • TDSA 2 Dich House Fee Proposal June 12, 2014 \ \ \ \ .......... :- ~</ ~/ ti ~;;.::, . ~ CQ • • ,I I [ Fl~HYDRANT , DPROPERTX~~rn , "·'" / '" • . 7 · " _:-:-):>>>>i. . / ... : . . .. -· . _::,,;~::-m I . +---, , ... i.: ...... : . . ------;i, __ ,, . · :l · ·. ·: · .. ·. / :::r::::_ 7-·--- -~-:: :': :,;~::.::: :/ • ·/. . . . . . . ...• i • , + • + • • • I . / . . . . • *, • • • '"l!IOSWAl.•E + • • / ·/:·:-·.·>>> / 1.ANOBCAP1t1G ,--ROCKERY / I NEW 1 HOUSE\ Ill J t ;j ~ g ~ ff;' ~/ s l /. ·;.~: .. ·,~-: ... -/ I/ fr;/.:-.. -: :'· ·.: / ,: • .. •• + •• * .. • ' & • • • ••• • • • • • • I t' • + • • • • •• + • •/ , • • ••••.••••.• ·.1 I ;;.········' {fl ,' . . . . . . . . .... · l g! 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MASTER BEDROOM AND MASTER BATH, GUEST ROOM ANO A TI ACHED BATHROOM, TViO UPSTAIRS BEDROOMS AND BATHROOMS ANO MAIN FLOOR POVl'DER ROOM LOT SIZE: 6,528 S,F. LOTCOVERAOE: 2,038 S.F. (31%) IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2,402 S.F. (36%) PROPOSED NEW LIVING AREA: 3,986 S.F . ~,u~ rPl~lM ~ o· 10 20· SCALE IN FEET PLA NOR m >< :c t-1 m t-1 -I tJ --I ~ i 1! •I TDSA 6 EXHIBIT 3 ~ 0 = ll= ~ ~ ™ d l!1!l ll= ffl ™ ~ ..--·-'\ :N.: "·-~' Oich House Fee Proposal June 12.2014 TDSA 5 Dich House Fee Proposal June 12, 2014 ~ ~ 0 -= I)= ~ ~ M:!l d l!AfJ ~ I)= ~ 0 ~ (~ '(J TDSA 7 ~ 0 c::::::, ll== ~ ~ M:!l d Mil I}= '1h ~ M:!l ~ I ti 01ch House l·ec Proposal J une 12, 201 4 Re ference Homes 10 17 N. 361h Street, Rent on. 10 17 N. 36'h Street. Renton TDSA 8 Dich House Fee Proposal June l 2.2014 RECEIPT EG00024698 BILLING CONTACT LYNN DICH 13996 NE 1ST PL BELLEVUE, WA 98028 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 14-000781 PLAN -Modification Technology Fee Printed On: 6/17/2014 Prepared Bv: Angelea Wickstrom TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: June 17, 2014 PAYMENT METHOD Check #2492 Check #2492 SUBTOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $100.00 $3.00 $103.00 $103.00 Page 1 of 1