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LUA16-000506_Report 1
en 0 C -t I -t 0 ~ t i z ,--' ' r • , \._~.,,' A ~ C STAR • """" .... C T .. R BL IRPORT .... , ..... ". ,,,;::,,~,,," 64RAINIERAVES PLAZA ,,. """" ~ ' T E FO ' RENTON J Ly LLC WASHINGTON 98057 )> - i J PRELIMINARY COLORED ELEVATI ONS NEW BUILDING FOR )> i LANCE MUELLER & ASSOC I ATES STARBU CKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA N -FOR BURK HEIMER FAMILY LLC 0 .... R c H , T r:: c T !5 A I A 64 RAINIER AVES ,30 LAKn1or • s un·t no · 1c..un.a: ..., . .., v11 , :n · 12c•1 32!>-2u3 RENTON. WASH l~GTON 98057 Si 0, 0 ::> ' ' F -oz en ~ -I :0 g; m m -I •,• t I L j_ I LANCE: MUCLLE:R & ASSClCIATCS ·~ AMCHITECTS AIA ]0~([$10[ • SUIT[ 2!.0 • su.r~c. ,.. 1,9,21 • 12061 Jl!---2~53 )> -1 .... ,i;._ -,-------1 SJ1.11· _j LA KE AVE SOUTH I , NEW BUILD l~G FOR '~ STARE RPORT PLAZA M"\=I --FOR B ~ILY LLC ~ 64 RAINIER AVES - RENTON WAS Hl~GTON 98057 :.·"' ~ -... z ti) -· OQ ::r C" 0 ., ::r 0 0 C. J: ~ "'O NEIG HBClRHOO D MAP I I < { f .' r ~ ' " ;; '· { ' I I [ 111 1 • • F ~ ? ~ ' l • .. ~ l ~ ~ ~ '> NEW BUILDING 'JR N 0 ::::, ::::, OQ J: ~ "'O p ' [ ~ 1, i! f )> LANL.;lc. M U LLLL I< .. ASc;!SU<..:IAI LS STARBU CKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA A n C 11 I 'T" C C T S JD L,t,'-Lti CL • Sl.,l'l 250 • Sl."<11~(. ,'/A ,;IH :l:2 • FOR BURKH EIMER FAMILY LLC 6" RAINIER AV• S RENTON. \V,S•il ~G TO~ 9805; ..... ------____.1_ PRELIMINARY GRADING & UTILITY PLAN RENTON STARBUCKS LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES KING WASHINGTON SJ~ e,· BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. LAND SURVEYORS &CML ENGINEERS 2001n.,...:.,;.ve EAST (O<lo51= ... , .. -= ..... ~~.";""·"'"'-' '""·'=·=:~'.;: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!--.... __ .... ___ .... ___ .... _ --------__ .... __ .... ___ .... ___ .... __ .... _____ .... __ .... ___ .... __ .... ___ .... _!!!!!!!!!!I - SITE PLAN )> •• ANCE ~ ____ \. AACHITCCT• AIA ,:,o.,..,..., ... 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"'If,,./<<., OiM'IER: BURKttEl~ER FAMJLY LLC " t '2D ': \ti -\ ~,~,::,_s"]' .l"~'~)---f----y ',g \ ' ,,,, ___ . ADDriESS: !>4 RAINIER AVF. S CI_A_l>l",C:I "10: 192305-9237 OWN~ BURl~HEIMER FAMILY LLC ADDRESS: 95 AIRPORT WAY PARCEL NO: 0007:i:0-0193 "" §:. ·, ' .. ·\i, . N87'30'16"W. o-,111--1.1 \ • I · ·ii' I cr~H 1 ~-• ~ '{'· 147.16' --t: ,· \ 9'0PS SG ·-_ _ ! -. --. ij ~ ·.: \ ·. -AIRPORT \A • / ~ VAULT '·. ·~'\"' . < 1 . . ~.!.I I "FOR LEASE"' """ (\, ER: BURKHElUER FAMILY Ll.C ~75' ' · {"-.j . , 1'fl'1· I I \ . A CEL NO: 182305~9245 \._ 1 - \ ·-\ :. . ~·-"· ,· . ''-'· :. ... lfi ~ "" ~ l -------- __ _-,--- t) .... l ·. ~ ·., . . · .. ' · 1,. ' ·\, I . ~· · .. __; t \: =~Ul l ~- -' l,,,illll= ,TIIPIC :>.f.lP, --~ _J!I .~ ·ir,;=-~~ ' ' L·----,!/J ---- ,LSW"' :(,)?',;: (.0 ~ / rl' J·'.:•,'.t . I .· //; ~.\ . I ' , 2 ·, f' ' ' ' . L_.L_-J __ -:--I I I I I ~ I I 1, \ 9 P.S. 14 P.S. 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"- ~ ~ ; , I ----------- .' ,-·1~:J< = ) tJ ~ I ~ \ \ OWNER: BURKHEIMER FAMILY l..LC ADDRESS: 54 RAINIER AVE S PARCEL NO; 182305-9237 · N87'30'16"W 147.16' OWNER: BURKHEIMER FAMILY LLC ADDRESS: 95 AIRPORT WAY PARCEL t,10: 000720--0193 ' ,. _s;so·o(oB·w (SAOIAL\ ., .• :;~ - •iii . ...;,, • ·, \ ~o~ClJ-lH I ~z\· r --__ ___fc I -"----:~-~---' '\.,_. ,·~ 0' ~ .. · a.·.··1 TEL__,l\f"j ~-l VAULT ~,. 1 ·.~·- \ _________ 15· \ ! •· •' \ ~. 1~; . ., • ·-1·.U .' , .... _ •I .. ;: ,ii' ._ ... ·,:~.: \r\; _.: ~~ :.-:f'I ; . I\'"' ·,,-~ 1~ -0- , .... ~~ \ 1:3 rn """' ' . \ \ ~UI 1g_ l!.!! .. N ~l'!,\ll J. j~-;; ' o• '"~ '.. '. . I ~'"\ 't~D(R_ -\r: ;~ . '-'---~---__.-- I ~~~---.; -,1 l,, .~Y'' LSC~~ ,; "' """'' I I I 9 P, I I I I ~···' f I I I I I I . I --¥-+-1/1 I I ., _J_. .L __ -+-\"-I -: I ;:; j .f~ &-+--~ -. pSE EASEMENT :~ \ REC. NO. 93091 41 :¢ I ,, . ...b11 I 1.,.....1'"" I I : I I . 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NO. 9309i404t ·, \ .1' -.· -.,,~-4 ~ ,'l ~ , ~-' ,<P.S. _ I I I I i --1-_ I I I I ,-Lr-r_ I I I '"'-I I .· -., --~--I 1_::-_.~~+~-I -1--p;, 9 p.s. ...;_,- I I I I I " _,...L: I- I I I I I I I i J\ I SS MH R!M:JB.27 coe: 2a.21 .2~W(Rh M · ': ·~TOP/RT • -. 4¥·4~ ' '. -,L_ -~~\-~fl;:"Zp C/ ..,_ 'SSo,..__ l_J__ \\ fo I, "ST'A\"@~1 ,J!.lr Air1.f>~ p1-4~ ~ &.......At 'i::,S~' "-'·''() $, TOBIN ST L -fVfV ':ttAl/l ""'"™'::RiGHTOfwm-I I ---·--= --"-a''=""c"·-= STO~M _V!',_U~'!" ~ ~ "' .,:L-- ---' _2: __ _ -t~" • , c,' ...,ro-• ~)(a"") _"':-.,0 t-D;,"'l~~ X ,,~"0, \ri 4> \ "-;f.o· rJ) .0 0 ~ x>I~ -;5C. r .. ~ ~--~--fi-t I I I I i., I \ \ i \ '('ts\ i )I i j I/ EXISTING SIGN ... ,.,u .--_J---- 1 J i RELOCATE~~- EXISTING IGHT STANDARD -"" __ _ ~ E-LS 0)1 I I --I ,QJ 1-------l t (:)'S . 1 2) l,~ .:c7 1 ------f-~IT_2F-1fO=J.l.NL-, , REC N 5 NO. · 0 O. 9309140410 ------ ti ~\"="{ PSE EASEMENT r \ _.1-------- I ~I L --------""7 COMPACT TEXTURl'!i WNCRETE -- \ I \ \ \ \ I I 1\ i I . TYP. ------ .\ .. \ . . . . . I '• · ·; BIKE_.R~CK. .-.~.r.:== \ \ \ PROPOSED EXISTING TREE -PEDESTRIA~ PATHWAY PATlO. I 220 SF '"{' LS , I ':, .·. ""···· _____ _) 1. ,n~ 1i I I \R[_OCATEJ UG IT I I ' STA~DARD TIMER LOOP L~ 1r---- l ti I I c~ • ,)( I I{{,_ Al" I I 1 " Ii ;11 J lfrLOC/111 ---¥"tr EXISTING LIGHT ST1\.~"""'""---...,....-- ",,? I I ------1 I ... ~ (),·-\ __ STARBUCKS \L '=' ~[ o~\ I -7 -2000t_-g--- COMPACT Ls ---,-,, I COMPACT -f, _ -~~~;: ·. ~tA:otMtNI -'YI"' -I\ • , -4 _ REC.~O,c,9"'.1 '.'40'24c,1 o,__ ___ __j __ _ Ir --CD--~~=~::~,r~,t=~~;J i01:~· ------=- ---LS i~C. nALI( -- LS offl-Lr --.J.. = if,' \LJE L_ __ _ r' . , --- 1~DER PDIMI CAl~O~Y WITH DIGITAL ORDER ~, 5 _ e ANEI _ Mt N4 BOARD FREE STANDING I STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of -;eneral circulation and is now and has been for more than six months ,rior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on August 19, 2016. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $97.13. &-~ffe](_ ?tindaMills •.,\\\\ :r,,, ,'-\...; ._.,.,1,v''~,. Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter ~ m ,o ~ tl,;sJ9ili d,y of Aogoe, 2016. ,' C '?' •••••••••• ,. .... ) .··"·,',!~! ~>:;i'• ,;" { . .<:~;:,·' l/?Jj\ ~ :: ( 1-)01 p,:0'1 \ ~ Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Puyallup, Washington ~ . • l'IJo'c.\G } ~ ~ .,:J\,'• .-1---;, /' .. ') .. 0 .... ...... -1;."··· ~>~: ·, ., -·~·)).• ~ ::: ,, I: ..... ;._·· 0-...:. ~ 11,, OF \/·' i,i:> ,,' I •, \'\ '''""''''' NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determi- nation of Non-Significance Miti- gated (DNS-M) for the following project under the authority of the Renton municipal code. Starbucks at Airport Plaza LUAl6-000506 Location: 64 Rainier Ave S. The applicant is requesting Ad- ministrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The proposed build- Ing pad is located on the south- west comer of the site, at the northeast comer of Rainier Ave S and S Tobin St. The proposal in- cludes 14 parking spaces \Vithin surface park.mg area to the east of the propost:d structure Appeals of the DNS-M must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 02. 20 l 6. Appeals must he tiled in writing together with the required fee with:Hearing Examiner c/o City Clerk, City of Renton, I 055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appea]s to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more infonnation may be ob- tained from the Renton City Clerk's Office. 425-430-65!0. Published in the Renton Report- er August 19, 2016. #1677069 Denis Law Mayor ~ +~+ _..:~ :::-,_, .,... C', ~ f 1 i Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator November 21, 2016 Lance Mueller Lance Mueller & Associates/Architects 130 Lakeside, Suite 250 Seattle, WA 98122 SUBJECT: Reconsideration of Starbucks at Airport Plaza Site Plan Approval Condition #6 (LUA16-000506, SA-A, ECF, MOD) Dear Mr. Mueller: We received your timely request for reconsideration with regard to the Decision for the Starbucks at Airport Plaza Site Plan Approval. The Decision granted approval of the proposed site plan subject to 8 conditions. Your request for reconsideration asked that Condition #6 be removed from the decision. Condition #6 states: "The south building elevation (facing S Tobin Street} shall be amended to include weather protection that is a minimum of 4 Yi feet wide along 75 percent of the building fa~ade. The weather protection shall have a height between 8 and 15 feet. The revised building elevation shall be submitted at the time of Building Permit review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager." In your reconsideration request, you noted that installing weather protection along this fa~ade should not be required as the weather protection would not be needed for pedestrian cover, that the walls at this location would require reinforcing to support such weather protection, and it would impact the visibility of proposed signage in this area. Staff has reviewed the request and determined that weather protection along all facades facing public streets is a minimum standard of the Urban Design Regulations. In addition, the installation of weather protection would serve to create a more finished appearance along this fa~ade. Decision: Therefore the original Site Plan Approval Decision, with 8 conditions, is upheld. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov This decision to uphold the original Site Plan Approval Decision is subject to a 14-day appeal period. The above decision will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 by 5:00 pm on Monday December 5, 2016. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. Sincerely, ~~~ Jennifer Henning, AICP Planning Director cc: C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Jill Ding, senior Planner BurkHelmer Family, LLC Parties of Record ----·---~----------- 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov ARCHITECTS•A 1'. November 3, 2016 Ms. Jennifer Henning Planning Director CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION STARBUCKS AT AIPORT PLAZA FILE LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Dear Ms. Henning: For over 6 months we worked closely with Rocale Timmons and other staff members to create an interesting and attractive building and site design on what currently is an unused portion of a retail center parking lot. We were forced into the SEPA and Design Review process for this 2,000 s.f. building simply because we deleted 27 unused and unnecessary parking stalls that are not even required by Code. This process took about 4 months from submittal in June to issue the Administrative Report & Decision last week, and probably cost the owner about $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 to produce all the exhibits, reports, analysis and a lot of time for City staff to review, meet discuss and prepare the Environmental Committee Report and the AR&D document. The point of all this is we all spent a lot of time on this project looking at site design options, building design and details. We have complied with nearly every suggestion by Rocale during her time as project Senior Planner for the City. There were several discussions regarding the south side of the building facing Talbot, which resulted in the addition of windows and enhanced landscaping along that side that was approved by Rocale. It was always understood that there would never be any pedestrian traffic near the building on Talbot and the only door was for a required exit and some deliveries. We have recently added wall light sconces to the south wall at the request of Starbucks and to comply with condition #7 of the report. There was never any discussion of additional architectural elements required for that side of the project. So it came as a surprise that, as a newly added requirement of approval, we needed to add a 4.5 ft. deep canopy along 75% of the south building wall. This element is not needed for pedestrian cover, the primary purpose for the canopies at pedestrian areas, and as architects for the design we feel the addition of a canopy is not an appropriate addition to our design. In addition, with the wood stud framing of the building this type of element imposes significant vertical and horizontal loads on the relatively light wall structure which will require substantial reinforcing of the wall structure and bracing to carry such loads. The wall already has modulation, a variety of materials, color, texture, plus the added lighting and landscaping between the wall and the sidewalk. In addition, there will be signage on the wall that would add more interest and color. The structural tension rods necessary to support an extended canopy with a heavy snow load requirement will most likely conflict with Starbucks signage planned for the area over the windows. 130 LAKESIDE• SUITE 250 • SEATTLE, WA• 9B122 • (20BJ 325-2553 • FAX: {2.08] 328-0554 ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • SPACE PLANNING • INTERIORS November 3, 2016 Ms. Jennifer Henning, Planning Director CITY OF RENTON • Re: ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION STARBUCKS AT AIPORT PLAZA FILE LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Page Two In summary, we all worked hard to satisfy the design requirements of the City and the suggestions by Rocale and have no Issue with complying with all the conditions of approval except for #6. We respectfully request your reconsideration of the canopy requirement and delete condition of approval #6. Thank you for your review and reconsideration of this matter Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECTS P. Mueller, AIA President LPM:nk cc: Bob Burkheimer Jur Ding NK-STARBUCKS-RENTON-1.LTR I DEPARTMENT OF COM1Y1JNITV AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------Renton® A. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION DECISION: 0APPROVED ~ APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS D DENIED REPORT DATE: October 24, 2016 Project Name: Starbucks at Airport Plaza Owner: Burkheimer Family, LLC, 1326 5th Avenue NE #708, Seattle, WA 98181 Applicant/Contact: Lance Mueller, Lance Mueller & Associates Architecture, 130 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 250, Seattle, WA 98122 File Number: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Project Manager: Jill Ding, Senior Planner Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 0.43 acre site is located within the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave S and S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,000 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way S, Rainier Ave S, and S Tobin St. The proposal includes 15 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. Project location: 68 Rainier Avenue S Site Area: 0.43 acres Project location Map Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co., .... unity & Economic Development STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA Administrotive Report & Decision LUAl6-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOO October 24, 2016 I B. EXHIBITS: Exhibits 1-9: ERC Report and Exhibits Exhibit 10: Administrative Report & Decision Exhibit 11: Updated Building Elevations Exhibit 12: Modification Request Exhibit 13: SEPA Determination I c. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: 2. Zoning Classification: 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: 5. Critical Areas: 6. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: Retail development, CA zone Burkheimer Family, LLC 1326 51h Avenue NE #708 Seattle, WA 98181 Commercial Arterial (CA) Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) Page 2 of 34 The site is currently developed with 20,800 square feet of mixed tenant retail/service uses and a 7,240 square foot bank building as well as surface parking. Seismic hazard b. East: Strip retail development, CA zone c. South: Tommy's Cafe, CA zone d. West: McDonald's, CA zone 6. Site Area: 2.64 acres I D. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Zoning Annexation I E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A Ordinance No. 5758 5758 Incorporation Date 06/22/2015 06/22/2015 09/06/1901 a. Water: Water service will be provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 12" cast iron water main south of the site along the northern edge of S. Tobin Street that can deliver 5,200 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700020 in COR Maps for record drawings. There is also a dead end 10" ductile iron water main west of the site along the eastern edge of Rainier Avenue S. that ends at a fire hydrant (COR Facility ID No. HYO S 00367) that can deliver Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA October 24, 2016 ,nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, ECF, SA·A, MOD Page 3 of 34 1,950 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700711 in COR Maps for record drawings. b. Sewer: Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 6" PVC side sewer that serves Banner Bank at 54 Rainier Avenue S. north of the site. The side sewer is connected to the sewer main in S. Tobin Street and passes through the proposed building footprint. c. Surface/Storm Water: There is an existing 12" storm drain located along the southern S. Tobin Street frontage that flows from west to east. There is an existing 12" storm drain located along the western frontage of Rainier Avenue S. that flows from south to north. 2. Streets: The existing Right of Way along Rainier Ave S is approximately 150 feet and is classified as a principal Arterial with 7 lanes. S. Tobin Street is a commercial access street. Per RMC 4-6-060, the minimum right of way for a commercial access street with two lanes is 69'. The minimum paved roadway width is 36' including 20' of travel lanes and 8' parking lanes on each side. The King County Assessor's Map shows an approximate current right of way width of 60' for S. Tobin Street. 3. Fire Protection: Renton Fire Authority F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table c. Section 4-2-120: Commercial Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations a. Section 4-3-050: Critical Area Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 9 Permits -Specific a. Section 4-9-200: Master Plan and Site Plan Review 6. Chapter 11 Definitions G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element I H. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): 1. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on July 5, 2016 and determined the application complete on July 13, 2016. The project complies with the 120-day review period. 2. The project site is located at 68 Rainier Avenue S. 3. The site is currently developed with 20,800 square feet of mixed tenant retail/service uses and a 7,240 square foot bank building as well as surface parking. 4. The proposed building would have a square footage of 2,000 square feet, a maximum height of 21 feet, and a building coverage of 11 percent. Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA mity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 4 of 34 5. The front of the building is proposed to be oriented to the west towards Rainier Avenue S. The building is proposed to be finished with horizontal ribbed metal siding, stucco (or other similar material), and stone or masonry veneer. 6. Access to the site is provided via 4 existing driveways, which would remain unchanged as a result of the proposal. One driveway access is off of Airport Way S, two driveway access points are off of Rainier Avenue S, and one driveway access is off of S Tobin Street. A total of 15 surface parking spaces are proposed and 8 stacking spaces are proposed in the drive-through. 7. The property is located within the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) Comprehensive Plan land use designation. 8. The site is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. 9. There are approximately 4 trees on the project site, all 4 trees are proposed to be retained. 10. The site is mapped with a seismic hazard area. 11. Approximately 400-600 cubic yards of material would be excavated for the building footings and foundation. 12. The applicant is proposing to begin and end construction in Spring of 2017. 13. Staff received one agency comment letter from the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) (Exhibit 9). To address the agency comments, a SEPA mitigation measure was added to the project requiring that an Archaeology Survey be submitted prior to the issuance of a construction permit. 14. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on August 15, 2016 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Starbucks at Airport Plaza (Exhibit 13). The DNS-M included one mitigation measure. A 14-day appeal period commenced on August 19, 2016 and ended on September 2, 2016. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. 15. Based on an analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated: 1. A survey shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager that conforms to the requirements and standards of the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and must be conducted under the on-site supervision of a state-approved archaeologist prior to construction permit approval. Should evidence of a historic site be found during site development, work shall immediately cease and the Washington State of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586-3065. In the event that cultural artifacts are found, work cannot recommence until approval is received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 16. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 17. Comprehensive Plan Compliance: The site is designated Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Map. Allow residential uses as part of mixed-use developments, and support new office and commercial development that is more intensive than what exists to create a vibrant district and increase employment opportunities. The intention of this designation is to transform strip commercial development into business districts through the intensification of uses and with cohesive site planning, landscaping, signage, circulation, parking, and the provision of public amenity features. Admin Report City of Renton Department of c, STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA mity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 5 of 34 The proposal is compliant with the following Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies if~ conditions of approval are met: Compliance Comprehensive Plan Analysis . ..· .. .. . ,/ Policy L-37: Land uses in areas subject to flooding, seismic, geologic, and coal mine hazards should be designed to prevent property damage and environmental degradation before, during, and after construction. ,/ Goal L-BB: Maintain a high quality of life as Renton grows by ensuring that new development is designed to be functional and attractive. ,/ Goal L-FF: Strengthen the visual identity of Renton and its Community Planning Areas and neighborhoods through quality design and development. 18. Zoning Development Standard Compliance: Zoning Development Standard Compliance: The purpose of the Commercial Arterial Zone (CA) is to evolve from "strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning and pedestrian orientation, incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities and boulevard treatment with greater densities. The CA Zone provides for a wide variety of retail sales, services, and other commercial activities along high-volume traffic corridors. Residential uses may be integrated into the zone through mixed-use buildings. The zone includes the designated Automall District. The proposal is compliant with the following development standards if all conditions of approval are met: Compliance CA :Zone Develop Standards and Analysis . . Use: Eating and drinking establishments are an outright permitted use within the CA zone. Drive-in/drive-through retail is permitted as an accessory use provided the use is ,/ located on its own lot with some amount of indoor customer seating to qualify the drive-through as "accessory" to the eating/drinking establishment. Staff Comment: The proposal for a Starbucks Restaurant with an accessory drive- through window is on outright permitted use within the CA zone. Density: The minimum density required in the CA zone is 10.0 dwelling units per net acre. The maximum density permitted is 60 dwelling units per net acre in the City Center and Highlands Community Planning Areas and 30 dwelling units per net acre in N/A the East Plateau and Kennydale Community Planning Areas. Net density is calculated after the deduction of sensitive areas, areas intended for public right-of-way, and private access easements. Staff Comment: Not applicable, no residential units are proposed. Lot Dimensions: The minimum lot size required in the CA zone is 5,000 sq. ft. There N/A are no minimum lot width or depth requirements. Sta[t Comment: Not applicable, no subdivision is proposed. Setbacks: The minimum front yard setback is 15 ft. The minimum setback may be reduced to O ft. through the site plan review process, provided blank walls are not ,/ located within the reduced setback. A maximum front yard setback of 20 ft. is required. The minimum side yard along a street setback is 15 ft. The minimum setback may be reduced to O ft. through the site plan review process, provided blank walls are not located within the reduced setback. The maximum side yard along a street Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA ,nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Compliant if condition of approval is met Admin Report Page 6 of 34 setback is 20 feet. There are no minimum side or rear yard setbacks, except 15 ft. if the lot abuts or is adjacent to a lot zoned residential. Staff Comment: The proposed building would have an 11-foat 11-inch front yard setback from Rainier Ave. S and an 18-foot side yard along a street setback along S Tobin Street. No side or rear setbacks are applicable as the site does not abut a residential zone. The applicant is requesting a reduction from the required 15 feet minimum front yard setback to 11 feet 11 inches. The minimum front yard setback may be reduced, provided no blank walls are located within the reduced setback area. The front fa,ade of the proposed building includes a building entrance surrounding by windows and an entry canopy, which extends across over 50 percent of the fo,ade. In addition, the applicant has proposed a variety of material treatments to enhance the appearance of the front fa,ade. No blank walls are proposed along the front fa,ade; therefore the proposed front yard setback reduction to 11 feet 11 inches would comply with this requirement. Building Standards: The CA zone has a maximum building coverage 65% of total lot area or 75% if parking is provided within the building or within an on-site parking garage. The maximum building height permitted is 50 ft., except 60 ft. if the ground floor of the building is in commercial use. Staff Comment: The proposal for a new 2,000 square faot Starbucks would result in a building coverage of 11 percent on the 18,819 square foot site, which is less than the maximum building coverage of 65 percent. The proposed building would have a height of 21 feet, which is less than the 50-foot maximum height permitted. Landscaping: The City's landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070) require a 10-foot landscape strip along all public street frontages. Additional minimum planting strip widths between the curb and sidewalk are established according to the street development standards of RMC 4-6-060. Street trees and, at a minimum, groundcover, are to be located in this area when present. Spacing standards shall be as stipulated by the Department of Community and Economic Development, provided there shall be a minimum of one street tree planted per address. Any additional undeveloped right-of-way areas shall be landscaped unless otherwise determined by the Administrator. All parking lots shall have perimeter landscaping as follows: Such landscaping shall be at least ten feet (10') in width as measured from the street right-of-way. Standards for planting shall be as follows: a. Trees shall be two inches (2") in diameter at breast height (dbh) for multi- family, commercial, and industrial uses at an average minimum rate of one tree per thirty (30) lineal feet of street frontage. b. Shrubs at the minimum rate of one per twenty (20) square feet of landscaped area. Up to fifty percent (50%) of shrubs may be deciduous. c. Ground cover in sufficient quantities to provide at least ninety percent (90%) coverage of the landscaped area within three (3) years of installation. Surface parking lots with more than fourteen (14) stalls shall be landscaped as follows: Surface parking lots with between 15 and 50 spaces shall provide 15 sf of landscaping per parking space, 51 and 99 spaces shall provide 25 sf of landscaping per parking City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA 1nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Admin Report Page 7 of 34 space, and 100 or more spaces shall provide 35 sf of landscaping per parking space. Perimeter parking lot landscaping shall be at least 10 feet in width, interior parking lot landscaped areas shall have a minimum width of 5 feet. Staff Comment: The applicant submitted o conceptual landscape plan (Exhibit 3} with the project application materials. The submitted landscape plan includes an onsite landscape strip along all street frontages. The landscape strip has a minimum width of 10 feet in all areas, with the exception of a small area on the northwest portion of where the limits of work are denoted. In this area the onsite landscape strip has a minimum with of approximately 9 feet and is adjacent to a concrete walkway. A concrete walkway is not necessary in this location as new a concrete walkway is proposed from the sidewalk along Rainier Ave S connecting directly to the building entrance. To ensure that the proposal complies with the City's landscape regulations, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the landscaped area abutting Rainier Ave S on the northwest corner of the denoted limits of work area be increased to the minimum required width of 10 feet. Along the site's S Tobin Street frontage, the 10-foot onsite landscape strip would be vegetated largely with existing landscaping that is proposed to remain. According to aerial photography of the site, the vegetation in this area is relatively sparse. Therefore, staff recommends that additional plantings be added to the retained plantings along S Tobin Street. These additional plantings shall be shown on a detailed landscape plan to be submitted at the time of building permit review to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval. The Starbucks building would have 15 parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the new building. Within parking lots that have 15 or more parking spaces, a minimum of 15 square feet of landscaping is required per parking space. Based on the proposal for 15 parking spaces adjacent to the new building, a minimum of 225 square feet of landscaping would be required. The applicant indicates that the proposal would result in 2,090 square feet of perimeter landscaping and 2,176 square feet of interior landscaping for a total of 4,266 square feet of parking lot landscaping. The total amount of parking lot landscaping proposed exceeds the minimum requirement. Shrubs are required at a minimum rate of 1 per every 20 square feet of landscaped area. Up to 50 percent of the shrubs may be deciduous. The submitted plant list included with the conceptual landscape plan did not include quantities of the proposed shrubs; therefore, staff was unable to verify compliance with this requirement. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide an analysis demonstrating how the project complies with the following landscaping requirement: Shrubs are required ot a minimum rate of 1 per every 20 square feet of landscaped area. Up ta 50 percent of the shrubs may be deciduous. This analysis shall be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of building permit review. Tree Retention: The City's adopted Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations require the retention of 10 percent of trees in a commercial development. Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); Significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and Significant trees over sixty feet (60') in height or greater than eighteen inches ( 18") caliper. City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA mity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LU Al 6-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 N/A Admin Report Page 8 of 34 Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and Other significant non- native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. Staff Comment: A total of 4 significant trees have been identified an the project site. The applicant is required to retain 10 percent or 0.4 trees. The applicant is proposing to retain 4 trees, which exceeds the minimum tree retention requirements. Vehicular Access: A connection shall be provided for site-to-site vehicle access ways, where topographically feasible, to allow a smooth flow of traffic across abutting CA lots without the need to use a street. Access may comprise the aisle between rows of parking stalls, but is not allowed between a building and a public street. Staff Comment: The proposed Starbucks building is proposed within an existing shopping center that currently provides vehicular access to all buildings within the shopping center. The proposed Starbucks would maintain the existing vehicular access throughout the site. Parking: Parking regulations require that a minimum of 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area and a maximum of 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area be provided for a shopping center. Standard parking stall dimensions are 9 feet by 20 feet, compact stall dimensions are 8 Y, feet by 16 feet. The drive-through facility shall be so located that sufficient on-site vehicle stacking space is provided for the handling of motor vehicles using such facility during peak business hours. Typically 5 stacking spaces per window are required unless otherwise determined by the Community and Economic Development Administrator. Stacking spaces cannot obstruct required parking spaces or ingress/egress within the site or extend into the public right-of-way. Staff Comment: With the addition of the proposed 2,000 square foot Starbucks, the Airport Plaza shopping center would have a total of 30,040 square feet of floor area on the project site. Based on the total floor area of 30,040 square feet, a minimum of 75 spaces would be required and no more than 150 spaces would be permitted. After the construction of the Starbucks, the shopping center would have a total of 130 parking spaces, which is within the parking range required for a shopping center. The applicant's site plan indicates that the proposed drive-through would accommodate 8 stacking spaces, which exceeds the City's minimum requirement of 5. Fences and Retaining Walls: A maximum of eight feet (8') anywhere on the lot provided the fence, retaining wall or hedge does not stand in or in front of any required landscaping or pose a traffic vision hazard. There shall be a minimum three-foot (3') landscaped setback at the base of retaining walls abutting public rights-of-way. Staff Comment: No fences or retaining walls are proposed. City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA rnity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUAl6-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 9 of 34 19. Design District Review: The project site is located within Design District 'D'. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with the standards of the Design District 'D' Standards and guidelines, as outlined in RMC 4-3-100.E: Compliance I Design District Guideline and Standard Analysis 1. SITE DESIGN AND BUILDING LOCATION: Intent: To ensure that buildings are located in relation to streets and other buildings so that the Vision of the City of Renton can be realized for a high-density urban environment; so that businesses enjoy visibility from public rights-of-way; and to encourage pedestrian activity. a. Building Location and Orientation: Intent: To ensure visibility of businesses and to establish active, lively uses along sidewalks and pedestrian pathways. To organize buildings for pedestrian use and so that natural light is available to other structures and open space. To ensure an appropriate transition between buildings, parking areas, and other land uses; and increase privacy for residential uses. Guidelines: Developments shall enhance the mutual relationship of buildings with each other, as well as with the roads, open space, and pedestrian amenities while working to create a pedestrian oriented environment. Lots shall be configured to encourage variety and so that natural light is available to buildings and open space. The privacy of individuals in residential uses shall be provided for. Standard: The availability of natural light (both direct and reflected) and direct sun exposure to nearby buildings and open space (except parking areas) shall be considered when siting structures . .,,. Stoff Comment: The proposed building would have o maximum height of 20 feet and is located at the southwest corner of the projecr site away from the other buildings ansite. It is not anticipated that the new building would adversely impact direct sun exposure to nearby buildings. Standard: Buildings shall be oriented to the street with clear connections to the sidewalk . .,,. Stoff Comment: The proposed building is oriented towards Rainier Avenue S with an entrance to the building and a proposed pedestrian connection connecting the sidewalk along Rainier to the building entrance. Standard: The front entry of a building shall be oriented to the street or a landscaped .,,. pedestrian-only courtyard . Sta(!_ Comment: The front entrance of the building is oriented towards Rainier Avenue S. Standard: Buildings with residential uses located at the street level shall be: a. Set back from the sidewalk a minimum of ten feet (10') and feature N/A substantial landscaping between the sidewalk and the building; or b. Have the ground floor residential uses raised above street level for residents' privacy. Staft Comment: Not applicable, no residential uses are proposed. b. Building Entries: Intent: To make building entrances convenient to locate and easy to access, and ensure that building Admin Report City of Renton Department of C. STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 10 of 34 entries further the pedestrian nature of the fronting sidewalk and the urban character of the district. Guidelines: Primary entries shall face the street, serve as a focal point, and allow space for social interaction. All entries shall include features that make them easily identifiable while reflecting the architectural character of the building. The primary entry shall be the most visually prominent entry. Pedestrian access to the building from the sidewalk, parking lots, and/or other areas shall be provided and shall enhance the overall quality of the pedestrian experience on the site. Standard: A primary entrance of each building shall be located on the facade facing a street, shall be prominent, visible from the street, connected by a walkway to the public sidewalk, and include human-scale elements. ,I" Staff Comment: As previously discussed above, the proposed included a building entrance facing Rainier Avenue 5. The building entrance is surrounded by windows and protected with a canopy over the entrance. A sidewalk connection is proposed between the entrance and sidewalk through a landscaped area. Standard: A primary entrance of each building shall be made visibly prominent by incorporating architectural features such as a facade overhang, trellis, large entry ,I" doors, and/or ornamental lighting. Staff Comment: The proposal includes a canopy over the building entrance and a large entry door, surrounded by windows. Standard Building entries from a street shall be clearly marked with canopies, architectural elements, ornamental lighting, or landscaping and include weather protection at least four and one-half feet (4-1/2') wide. Buildings that are taller than ,I" thirty feet (30') in height shall also ensure that the weather protection is proportional to the distance above ground level. Staff Comment: The proposed entry facing Rainier Avenue Sis marked with a minimum 4 Y, -foot wide canopy, large windows, and landscaping. Standard: Building entries from a parking lot shall be subordinate to those related to the street. ,I" Staff Comment: The building entrance from the parking lot is smaller in scale with fewer windows than the entrance off of Rainier Avenue 5. Standard: Features such as entries, lobbies, and display windows shall be oriented to a ,I" street or pedestrian-oriented space; otherwise, screening or decorative features should be incorporated. Staff Comment: See discussion above. Standard: Multiple buildings on the same site shall direct views to building entries by providing a continuous network of pedestrian paths and open spaces that incorporate ,I" landscaping. Staff Comment: A pedestrian walkway, comprised of textured concrete, is proposed to connect the proposed Starbucks to the main strip retail building to the east. Standard: Ground floor residential units that are directly accessible from the street shall N/A include entries from front yards to provide transition space from the street or entries from an open space such as a courtyard or garden that is accessible from the street. Staff Comment: Not applicable. c. Transition to Surrounding Development: Admin Report City of Renton Department of C STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUAl6-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 11 of 34 Intent: To shape redevelopment projects so that the character and value of Renton's long- established, existing neighborhoods are preserved. Guidelines: Careful siting and design treatment shall be used to achieve a compatible transition where new buildings differ from surrounding development in terms of building height, bulk and scale. Standard: At least one of the following design elements shall be used to promote a transition to surrounding uses: 1. Building proportions, including step-backs on upper levels in accordance with the surrounding planned and existing land use forms; or 2. Building articulation to divide a larger architectural element into smaller increments; or 3. Roof lines, roof pitches, and roof shapes designed to reduce apparent bulk and transition with existing development. Additionally, the Administrator may require increased setbacks at the side or rear of a building in order to reduce the bulk and scale of larger buildings and/or so that sunlight reaches adjacent and/or abutting yards. Staff Comment: The applicant has proposed a shed roof transitioning to a flat roof to reduce the bulk and scale of the proposed building. d. Service Element Location and Design: Intent: To reduce the potential negative impacts of service elements (i.e., waste receptacles, loading docks) by locating service and loading areas away from high-volume pedestrian areas, and screening them from view in high visibility areas. Guidelines: Service elements shall be concentrated and located so that impacts to pedestrians and other abutting uses are minimized. The impacts of service elements shall be mitigated with landscaping and an enclosure with fencing that is made of quality materials. Admin Report Standard: Service elements shall be located and designed to minimize the impacts on the pedestrian environment and adjacent uses. Service elements shall be concentrated and located where they are accessible to service vehicles and convenient for tenant use. Staff Comment: The service area for the proposed Starbucks wauld be located within the parking lot, adjacent to the exit from the drive-through. The proposed location would be convenient for tenant use and accessible for the service provider. Standard: In addition to standard enclosure requirements, garbage, recycling collection, and utility areas shall be enclosed on all sides, including the roof and screened around their perimeter by a wall or fence and have self-closing doors. Staff Comment: The service elements would be enclosed on all sides. A solid cap is proposed over the top of the service element and the walls would be comprised of main body block and intercolor textured emu. The walls would be painted to match the color of the main building. Galvanized steel gates, painted to match the canopies of the proposed building are proposed to provide access to the service area. Standard: Service enclosures shall be made of masonry, ornamental metal or wood, or some combination of the three (3). Staff Comment: See previous discussion above. City of Renton Department of c, STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA mity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOO October 24, 2016 Page 12 of 34 Standard: If the service area is adjacent to a street, pathway, or pedestrian-oriented space, a landscaped planting strip, minimum 3 feet wide, shall be located on 3 sides of ., such facility . Staff Comment: The applicant has proposed a 3-foot wide landscape strip around 3 sides of the facility. e. Gateways: Intent: To distinguish gateways as primary entrances to districts or to the City, special design features and architectural elements at gateways should be provided. While gateways should be distinctive within the context of the district, they should also be compatible with the district in form and scale. Guidelines: Service elements shall be concentrated and located so that impacts to pedestrians and other abutting uses are minimized. The impacts of service elements shall be mitigated with landscaping and an enclosure with fencing that is made of quality materials. Standard: Developments located at district gateways shall be marked with visually N/A prominent features. Sta{{ Comment: Not applicable. Standard: Gateway elements shall be oriented toward and scaled for both pedestrians N/A and vehicles. Sta{{ Comment: Not applicable. Standard: Visual prominence shall be distinguished by two (2) or more of the following: (a) Public art; (b) Special landscape treatment; (c) Open space/plaza; N/A (d) Landmark building form; (e) Special paving, unique pedestrian scale lighting, or bollards; (f) Prominent architectural features (trellis, arbor, pergola, or gazebo); (g) Neighborhood or district entry identification (commercial signs do not qualify). Staff. Comment: Not applicable. 2. PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS: Intent: To provide safe, convenient access to the Urban Center and the Center Village; incorporate various modes of transportation, including public mass transit, in order to reduce traffic volumes and other impacts from vehicles; ensure sufficient parking is provided, while encouraging creativity in reducing the impacts of parking areas; allow an active pedestrian environment by maintaining contiguous street frontages, without parking lot siting along sidewalks and building facades; minimize the visual impact of parking lots; and use access streets and parking to maintain an urban edge to the district. a. Surface Parking: Intent: To maintain active pedestrian environments along streets by placing parking lots primarily in back of buildings. Guidelines: Surface parking shall be located and designed so as to reduce the visual impact of the parking area and associated vehicles. Large areas of surface parking shall also be designed to Admin Report City of Renton Department of C STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOO October 24, 2016 Page 13 of 34 accommodate future infill development. Standard: Parking shall be located so that no surface parking is located between: (a) A building and the front property line; and/or ,/' (b) A building and the side property line (when on a corner lot). Staff Comment: No parking is proposed between the building and the abutting public streets. Standard: Parking shall be located so that it is screened from surrounding streets by ,/' buildings, landscaping, and/or gateway features as dictated by location. Staff Comment: The proposed surface parking would be screened from view by the proposed building as well as by landscaping proposed along the public street frontages. b. Structured Parking Garages: Intent: To promote more efficient use of land needed for vehicle parking; encourage the use of structured parking; physically and visually integrate parking garages with other uses; and reduce the overall impact of parking garages. Guidelines: Parking garages shall not dominate the streetscape; they shall be designed to be complementary with adjacent and abutting buildings. They shall be sited to complement, not subordinate, pedestrian entries. Similar forms, materials, and/or details to the primary building(s) should be used to enhance garages. Standard: Parking structures shall provide space for ground floor commercial uses along N/A street frontages at a minimum of seventy five percent (75%) of the building frontage width. Sta[[ Comment: Not applicable. Standard: The entire facade must feature a pedestrian-oriented facade. The Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development may approve parking structures that do not feature a pedestrian orientation in limited circumstances. If allowed, the structure shall be set back at least six feet (6') from the N/A sidewalk and feature substantial landscaping. This landscaping shall include a combination of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, and ground cover. This setback shall be increased to ten feet (10') when abutting a primary arterial and/or minor arterial. Sta[t Comment: Not applicable. Standard: Public facing facades shall be articulated by arches, lintels, masonry trim, or N/A other architectural elements and/or materials. Sta[t Comment: Not applicable. Standard: The entry to the parking garage shall be located away from the primary N/A street, to either the side or rear of the building. Sta[[ Comment: Not applicable. Standard: Parking garages at grade shall include screening or be enclosed from view with treatment such as walls, decorative grilles, trellis with landscaping, or a N/A combination of treatments. Staff Comment: Not applicable. Admin Report City of Renton Department of C unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision WA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOO STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA October 24, 2016 N/A Page 14 of 34 Standard: The Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee may allow a reduced setback where the applicant can successfully demonstrate that the landscaped area and/or other design treatment meets the intent of these standards and guidelines. Possible treatments to reduce the setback include landscaping components plus one or more of the following integrated with the architectural design of the building: (a) Ornamental grillwork (other than vertical bars); (b) Decorative artwork; (c) Display windows; (d) Brick, tile, or stone; (e) Pre-cast decorative panels; (f) Vine-covered trellis; (g) Raised landscaping beds with decorative materials; or (h)Other treatments that meet the intent of this standard ... Staff Comment: Not applicable. c. Vehicular Access: Intent: To maintain a contiguous and uninterrupted sidewalk by minimizing, consolidating, and/or eliminating vehicular access off streets. Guidelines: Vehicular access to parking garages and parking lots shall not impede or interrupt pedestrian mobility. The impacts of curb cuts to pedestrian access on sidewalks shall be minimized. Standard: Access to parking lots and garages shall be from alleys, when available. If not available, access shall occur at side streets. Staff Comment: No new vehicular access points are proposed. The four existing driveway access points off of 5 Tobin Street, Rainier Avenue 5, and Airport Way S would not be impacted as a result of the construction of the proposed Starbucks. Standard: The number of driveways and curb cuts shall be minimized, so that pedestrian circulation along the sidewalk is minimally impeded. Staff Comment: See previous discussion above. 3. PEDESTRIAN ENVIRONMENT: Intent: To enhance the urban character of development in the Urban Center and the Center Village by creating pedestrian networks and by providing strong links from streets and drives to building entrances; make the pedestrian environment safer and more convenient, comfortable, and pleasant to walk between businesses, on sidewalks, to and from access points, and through parking lots; and promote the use of multi-modal and public transportation systems in order to reduce other vehicular traffic. a. Pedestrian Circulation: Intent: To create a network of linkages for pedestrians to improve safety and convenience and enhance the pedestrian environment. Guidelines: The pedestrian environment shall be given priority and importance in the design of projects. Sidewalks and/or pathways shall be provided and shall provide safe access to buildings from parking areas. Providing pedestrian connections to abutting properties is an important aspect of Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA 1nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 15 of 34 connectivity and encourages pedestrian activity and shall be considered. Pathways shall be easily identifiable to pedestrians and drivers. ,/ ,/ ,/ N/A Standard: A pedestrian circulation system of pathways that are clearly delineated and connect buildings, open space, and parking areas with the sidewalk system and abutting properties shall be provided. (a) Pathways shall be located so that there are clear sight lines, to increase safety. (b) Pathways shall be an all-weather or permeable walking surface, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the proposed surface is appropriate for the anticipated number of users and complementary to the design of the development. Staff Comment: Delineated pedestrian pathways are proposed around the front and side of the building with connections to Rainier Avenue S as well as through the surface parking lot to the adjacent strip retail building to the east of the proposed Starbucks. The proposed walkway through the parking lot would be comprised of textured concrete to provide a contrast with the asphalt parking lot driving surface. Standard: Pathways within parking areas shall be provided and differentiated by material or texture (i.e., raised walkway, stamped concrete, or pavers) from abutting paving materials. Permeable materials are encouraged. The pathways shall be perpendicular to the applicable building facade and no greater than one hundred fifty feet (150') apart. Staff Comment: See previous discussion above. Standard: Sidewalks and pathways along the facades of buildings shall be of sufficient width to accommodate anticipated numbers of users. Specifically: (a) Sidewalks and pathways along the facades of mixed use and retail buildings 100 or more feet in width (measured along the facade) shall provide sidewalks at least 12 feet in width. The walkway shall include an 8 foot minimum unobstructed walking surface. (b) Interior pathways shall be provided and shall vary in width to establish a hierarchy. The widths shall be based on the intended number of users; to be no smaller than five feet (5') and no greater than twelve feet (12'). (c) For all other interior pathways, the proposed walkway shall be of sufficient width to accommodate the anticipated number of users. Staff Comment: The proposed interior walkways would range in width from 5 feet to 12 feet, which complies with this standard. Standard: Mid-block connections between buildings shall be provided. b. Pedestrian Amenities: Intent: To create attractive spaces that unify the building and street environments and are inviting and comfortable for pedestrians; and provide publicly accessible areas that function for a variety of year-round activities, under typical seasonal weather conditions. Guidelines: The pedestrian environment shall be given priority and importance in the design of projects. Amenities that encourage pedestrian use and enhance the pedestrian experience shall be included. Complaintif Standard: Architectural elements that incorporate plants, particularly at building condition of entrances, in publicly accessible spaces and at facades along streets, shall be provided. Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA rnity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOO October 24, 2016 Approval is Met Compliant if Condition of Approval is Met Page 16 of 34 Staff Comment: The applicant has indicated that a wood arbor would be provided within the landscaped area abutting the site's Rainier Avenue S frontage; however a detail of the orbar was nat provided with the application materials. Staff recommends, as o condition of approval, that the applicant provide a detail far the proposed arbor on Rainier Avenue S or other architectural elements incorporating plants on the detailed landscape pion submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of Building Permit review. Standard: Amenities such as outdoor group seating, benches, transit shelters, fountains, and public art shall be provided. (a) Site furniture shall be made of durable, vandal-and weather-resistant materials that do not retain rainwater and can be reasonably maintained over an extended period of time. (b) Site furniture and amenities shall not impede or block pedestrian access to public spaces or building entrances. Staff Comment: The applicant has not identified any site furniture or pedestrian amenities on the submitted plans. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval that site furniture and/or other pedestrian amenities (i.e. fountains, public art, etc.) be provided. These items shall be shown on the detailed landscape plan submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of Building Permit review. Standard: Pedestrian overhead weather protection in the form of awnings, marquees, canopies, or building overhangs shall be provided. These elements shall be a minimum of four and one-half feet (4-1/2') wide along at least seventy five percent (75%) of the length of the building facade facing the street, a maximum height of fifteen feet (15') above the ground elevation, and no lower than eight feet (8') above ground level. Staff Comment: The proposal includes a metal canopy meeting with a minimum width of 4 Y, feet and a height of 10 Y, feet. Along the fa,;:ade facing Rainier Avenue S, the canopy extends along the full length of the portion of the fa,;:ade abutting the pedestrian walkway. No weather protection is proposed along the building's S Tobin Street frontage. Staff recommends, as o condition of approval, that the south building elevation (facing S Tobin Street) be amended to include weather protection that is a minimum of 4 X feet wide along 75 percent of the building fa,;:ade. The weather protection shall have a height between 8 and 15 feet. The revised building elevation shall be submitted at the time of Building Permit review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. 4. RECREATION AREAS AND COMMON OPEN SPACE: Intent: To ensure that areas for both passive and active recreation are available to residents, workers, and visitors and that these areas are of sufficient size for the intended activity and in convenient locations. To create usable and inviting open space that is accessible to the public; and to promote pedestrian activity on streets particularly at street corners. Guidelines: Developments located at street intersections should provide pedestrian-oriented space at the street corner ta emphasize pedestrian activity (illustration below). Recreation and common open space areas are integral aspects of quality development that encourage pedestrians and users. These areas shall be provided in an amount that is adequate to be functional and usable; they shall also be landscaped and located so that they are appealing to users and pedestrians Admin Report City of Renton Department of C STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 N/A N/A Admin Report Page 17 of 34 Standard: All mixed use residential and attached housing developments of ten (10) or more dwelling units shall provide common opens space and/or recreation areas. (a) At minimum, fifty (50) square feet per unit shall be provided. (b) The location, layout, and proposed type of common space or recreation area shall be subject to approval by the Administrator. (c) Open space or recreation areas shall be located to provide sun and light exposure to the area and located so that they are aggregated to provide usable area(s) for residents. (d) At least one of the following shall be provided in each open space and/or recreation area (the Administrator may require more than one of the following elements for developments having more than one hundred (100) units): i. Courtyards, plazas, pea patches, or multi-purpose open spaces; ii. Upper level common decks, patios, terraces, or roof gardens. Such spaces above the street level must feature views or amenities that are unique to the site and are provided as an asset to the development; iii. Pedestrian corridors dedicated to passive recreation and separate from the public street system; iv. Recreation facilities including, but not limited to, tennis/sports courts, swimming pools, exercise areas, game rooms, or other similar facilities; or v. Children's play spaces that are centrally located near a majority of dwelling units and visible from surrounding units. They shall also be located away from hazardous areas such as garbage dumpsters, drainage facilities, and parking areas. (e) The following shall not be counted toward the common open space or recreation area requirement: i. Required landscaping, driveways, parking, or other vehicular use areas. ii. Required yard setback areas. Except for areas that are developed as private or semi-private (from abutting or adjacent properties) courtyards, plazas or passive use areas containing landscaping and fencing sufficient to create a fully usable area accessible to all residents of the development. iii. Private decks, balconies, and private ground floor open space. iv. Other required landscaping and sensitive area buffers without common access links, such as pedestrian trails. Staff Comment: Not opplicoble. Standard: All buildings and developments with over thirty thousand {30,000) square feet of nonresidential uses (excludes parking garage floorplate areas) shall provide pedestrian-oriented space. (a) The pedestrian-oriented space shall be provided according to the following formula: 1% of the site area+ 1% of the gross building area, at minimum. (b) The pedestrian-oriented space shall include all of the following: i. Visual and pedestrian access (including barrier-free access) to the abutting City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA 1nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 N/A Admin Report Page 18 of 34 structures from the public right-of-way or a nonvehicular courtyard; and ii. Paved walking surfaces of either concrete or approved unit paving; and iii. On-site or building-mounted lighting providing at least four (4) foot-candles (average) on the ground; and iv. At least three (3) lineal feet of seating area (bench, ledge, etc.) or one individual seat per sixty (60) square feet of plaza area or open space. (c) The following areas shall not count as pedestrian-oriented space: i. The minimum required walkway. However, where walkways are widened or enhanced beyond minimum requirements, the area may count as pedestrian- oriented space if the Administrator determines such space meets the definition of pedestrian-oriented space. ii. Areas that abut landscaped parking lots, chain link fences, blank walls, and/or dumpsters or service areas. (d) Outdoor storage (shopping carts, potting soil bags, firewood, etc.) is prohibited within pedestrian-oriented space. Staff Comment: Not opplicable, the proposed building is only 2,000 square feet. Standard: Public plazas shall be provided at intersections identified in the Commercial Arterial Zone Public Plaza Locations Map and as listed below: (a) Benson Area: Benson Drive S./108th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 176th. (b) Bronson Area: Intersections with Bronson Way North at: i. Factory Avenue N./Houser Way S.; ii. Garden Avenue N.; and iii. Park Avenue N. and N. First Street. (c) Cascade Area: Intersection of 116th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 168th Street. (d) Northeast Fourth Area: Intersections with N.E. Fourth at: i. Duvall Avenue N.E.; ii. Monroe Avenue N.E.; and iii. Union Avenue N.E. (e) Grady Area: Intersections with Grady Way at: i. Lind Avenue S.W.; ii. Rainier Avenue S.; iii. Shattuck Avenue S.; and iv. Talbot Road S. (f) Puget Area: Intersection of S. Puget Drive and Benson Road S. (g) Rainier Avenue Area: Intersections with Rainier Avenue S. at: i. Airport Way/Renton Avenue S.; ii. S. Second Street; City of Renton Department of C STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZ 1unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 19 of 34 iii. S. Third Street/S.W. Sunset Boulevard; iv. S. Fourth Street; and v. S. Seventh Street. (h) North Renton Area: Intersections with Park Avenue N. at: i. N. Fourth Street; and ii. N. Fifth Street. (i) Northeast Sunset Area: Intersections with N.E. Sunset Boulevard at: i. Duvall Avenue N.E.; and ii. Union Avenue N.E. N/A Standard: The plaza shall measure no less than one thousand (1,000) square feet with a minimum dimension of twenty feet (20') on one side abutting the sidewalk. N/A Standard: The public plaza must be landscaped consistent with RMC 4-4-070, including at minimum street trees, decorative paving, pedestrian-scaled lighting, and seating. 5. BUILDING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: Intent: To encourage building design that is unique and urban in character, comfortable on a human scale, and uses appropriate building materials that are suitable for the Pacific Northwest climate. To discourage franchise retail architecture. a. Building Character and Massing: Intent: To ensure that buildings are not bland and visually appear to be at a human scale; and ensure that all sides of a building, that can be seen by the public, are visually interesting. Guidelines: Building facades shall be modulated and/or articulated to reduce the apparent size of buildings, break up long blank walls, add visual interest, and enhance the character of the neighborhood. Articulation, modulation, and their intervals should create a sense of scale important to residential buildings. Standard: All building facades shall include modulation or articulation at intervals of no ,I' more than forty feet (40'). Staff Comment: The proposed building facades include modulation or articulation at intervals of no more than 23 feet. Standard: Modulations shall be a minimum of two feet (2') deep, sixteen feet (16') in ,I' height, and eight feet (8') in width. Staff Comment: The proposed modulations have a minimum width of 10 feet, a minimum depth of 2 feet and a minimum height of 18 feet. Standard: Buildings greater than one hundred sixty feet (160') in length shall provide a variety of modulations and articulations to reduce the apparent bulk and scale of the N/A facade (illustration in District B, below); or provide an additional special feature such as a clock tower, courtyard, fountain, or public gathering area. Staff Comment: Not applicable, no portion of the proposed building is greater than 160 feet in length. b. Ground-Level Details: Intent: To ensure that buildings are visually interesting and reinforce the intended human-scale Admin Report City of Renton Deportment of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA mity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 20 of 34 character of the pedestrian environment; and ensure that all sides of a building within near or distant public view have visual interest. Guidelines: The use of material variations such as colors, brick, shingles, stucco, and horizontal wood siding is encouraged. The primary building entrance should be made visibly prominent by incorporating architectural features such as a facade overhang, trellis, large entry doors, and/or ornamental lighting (illustration below). Detail features should also be used, to include things such as decorative entry paving, street furniture (benches, etc.), and/or public art. Standard: Human-scaled elements such as a lighting fixture, trellis, or other landscape feature shall be provided along the facade's ground floor. Compliant Staff Comment: The applicant has indicated that human-scaled elements such as light with fixtures, a wood arbor, textured "base" of stone/masonry on the building's facades, and Guideline if metal canopies would be provided. To enhance the aesthetic appearance of the south Conditions far;:ade, facing S Tobin street and to provide some additional human scaled elements, of Approval staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that some building lighting fixtures be are met provided along the south far;ade (facing S Tobin Street). Details of the proposed lighting fixtures shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of Building Permit review. Standard: On any facade visible to the public, transparent windows and/or doors are required to comprise at least 50 percent of the portion of the ground floor facade that Compliant is between 4 feet and 8 feet above ground (as measured on the true elevation). with Guideline if Staff Comment: More than 50 percent of the ground floor far;:ade on the north and west Conditions elevations would be comprised of transparent windows and/or doors. Along the east of Approval elevation, facing S Tobin Street, four clearstory windows are proposed, however the are met proposed windows are located above the 8-foot height limit. The combination of these windows with the canopy, human-scaled lighting, and enhance landscaping along this far;ade results in the project's compliance with the guidelines for this section. Standard: Upper portions of building facades shall have clear windows with visibility into and out of the building. However, screening may be applied to provide shade and ,/ energy efficiency. The minimum amount of light transmittance for windows shall be 50 percent. Staff Comment: The north far;ade includes clearstory windows above the canopy, which would provide additional natural light into the proposed Starbucks. N/A Standard: Display windows shall be designed for frequent change of merchandise, rather than permanent displays. Standard: Where windows or storefronts occur, they must principally contain clear ,/ glazing. Stall Comment: Clear glazing is proposed within the windows. Standard: Tinted and dark glass, highly reflective (mirror-type) glass and film are ,/ prohibited. Sta[i Comment: No tinted glass is proposed. Standard: Untreated blank walls visible from public streets, sidewalks, or interior ,/ pedestrian pathways are prohibited. A wall (including building facades and retaining walls) is considered a blank wall if: (a) It is a ground floor wall or portion of a ground floor wall over 6 feet in height, Admin Report City of Renton Department of C STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZ ,unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUAl6-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 21 of 34 has a horizontal length greater than 15 feet, and does not include a window, door, building modulation or other architectural detailing; or (b) Any portion of a ground floor wall has a surface area of 400 square feet or greater and does not include a window, door, building modulation or other architectural detailing. Stoff Comment: The windows and doors and o metal canopy hove been incorporated into forge portions of the west and north building facades. Windows, building modulation and variation in the building materials hos been incorporated onto the south facades. There is a blank wall proposed along the project's east fa,ade, facing S Tabin Street. However, staff is recommending that the fo,ode be revised to include human- scaled lighting, a canopy, and additional landscaping. The combination of these additional elements this fa,ade would result in the project's compliance with the guidelines for this section. Standard: If blank walls are required or unavoidable, blank walls shall be treated with one or more of the following: (a) A planting bed at least five feet in width containing trees, shrubs, evergreen ground cover, or vines adjacent to the blank wall; (b) Trellis or other vine supports with evergreen climbing vines; (c) Architectural detailing such as reveals, contrasting materials, or other special detailing that meets the intent of this standard; (d) Artwork, such as bas-relief sculpture, mural, or similar; or (e) Seating area with special paving and seasonal planting. Staff Comment: See discussion above under the previous section. c. Building Roof Lines: Intent: To ensure that roof forms provide distinctive profiles and interest consistent with an urban project and contribute to the visual continuity of the district. Guidelines: Building roof lines shall be varied and include architectural elements to add visual interest to the building. Admin Report Standard: Buildings shall use at least one of the following elements to create varied and interesting roof profiles: (a) Extended parapets; (b) Feature elements projecting above parapets; (c) Projected cornices; (d) Pitched or sloped roofs (e) Buildings containing predominantly residential uses shall have pitched roofs with a minimum slope of one to four (1:4) and shall have dormers or interesting roof forms that break up the massiveness of an uninterrupted sloping roof. Staff Comment: The proposed building would hove a pitched, shed style roof, which provides an interesting roof profile, particularly on the west fo,ode, focing Rainier Avenue S. City of Renton Deportment of C STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZ, unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision WA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 22 of 34 d. Building Materials: Intent: To ensure high standards of quality and effective maintenance over time; encourage the use of materials that reduce the visual bulk of large buildings; and encourage the use of materials that add visual interest to the neighborhood. Guidelines: Building materials are an important and integral part of the architectural design of a building that is attractive and of high quality. Material variation shall be used to create visual appeal and eliminate monotony of facades. This shall occur on all facades in a consistent manner. High quality materials shall be used. If materials like concrete or block walls are used they shall be enhanced to create variation and enhance their visual appeal. Standard: All sides of buildings visible from a street, pathway, parking area, or open space shall be finished on all sides with the same building materials, detailing, and ~ color scheme, or if different, with materials of the same quality. Stoff Comment: All sides of the building ore proposed to be finished using the same materials. Standard: All buildings shall use material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, patterns or textural changes. ~ Stoff Comment: A variety of materials and colors ore proposed on the building. Horizontal ribbed metal siding, stucco (or other similar material), and stone veneer ore the primary materials proposed on the building facades. Standard: Materials, individually or in combination, shall have texture, pattern, and be detailed on all visible facades. ~ Staff Comment: The proposed materials incorporate a variety of textures, patterns, and colors and would add visual interest and contrast to the proposed building. Standard: Materials shall be durable, high quality, and consistent with more traditional urban development, such as brick, integrally colored concrete masonry, pre-finished ~ metal, stone, steel, glass and cast-in-place concrete. Staff Comment: As discussed obove, the materials proposed include stone, metal, and stucco and are consistent with a traditional urban development. N/A Standard: If concrete is used, walls shall be enhanced by techniques such as texturing, reveals, and/or coloring with a concrete coating ar admixture. Standard: If concrete block walls are used, they shall be enhanced with integral color, N/A textured blocks and colored mortar, decorative bond pattern and/or shall incorporate other masonry materials. Standard: All buildings shall use material variations such as colors, brick or metal ~ banding, patterns, or textural changes. Stott Comment: See previous discussion above. 6. SIGNAGE: In addition to the City's standard sign regulations, developments within Urban Design Districts C and D are also subject to the additional sign restrictions found in RMC 4-4-lOOG, urban design sign area regulations. Modifications to the standard requirements found in RMC 4-4-lOOG are possible for those proposals that can comply with the Design District criteria found in RMC 4-3-lOOF, Modification of Minimum Standards. For proposals unable to meet the modification criteria, a variance is required. Admin Report City of Renton Department of r STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZ ,unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LU Al 6-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 23 of 34 Compliance Standard: Signage shall be an integral part of the design approach to the building. not yet Staff Comment: Signage wauld be reviewed under a separate permit at the time af demonstrot ed building permit review. Standard: In mixed use and multi-use buildings, signage shall be coordinated with the N/A overall building design. Staff Comment: Not applicable. Compliance Standard: Corporate logos and signs shall be sized appropriately for their location. not yet demonstrat Staff Comment: Signage would be reviewed under a separate permit at the time of ed building permit review. Compliance Standard: Entry signs shall be limited to the name of the larger development. not yet Staff Comment: Signage would be reviewed under a separate permit at the time of demonstrat ed building permit review. Standard: Alteration of trademarks notwithstanding, corporate signage should not be Compliance garish in color nor overly lit, although creative design, strong accent colors, and not yet demonstrot interesting surface materials and lighting techniques are encouraged. ed Staff Comment: Signage would be reviewed under a separate permit at the time of building permit review. Compliance Standard: Front-lit, ground-mounted monument signs are the preferred type of not yet freestanding sign. demonstrat Staff Comment: Signage would be reviewed under a separate permit at the time of ed building permit review. Compliance Standard: Blade type signs, proportional to the building facade on which they are not yet mounted, are encouraged on pedestrian-oriented streets. demonstrat Staff Comment: Signage would be reviewed under a separate permit at the time of ed building permit review. Standard: All of the following are prohibited: a. Pole signs; Compliance b. Roof signs; and not yet c. Back-lit signs with letters or graphics on a plastic sheet (can signs or illuminated demonstrat cabinet signs). Exceptions: Back-lit logo signs less than ten (10) square feet are ed permitted as area signs with only the individual letters back-lit (see illustration, subsection GB of this Section). Staff Comment: Signage would be reviewed under a separate permit at the time of building permit review. Standard: Freestanding ground-related monument signs, with the exception of primary Compliance entry signs, shall be limited to five feet (5') above finished grade, including support not yet structure. demonstrat ed Staff Comment: Signage would be reviewed under a separate permit at the time of building permit review. Compliance Standard: Freestanding signs shall include decorative landscaping (ground cover and/or Admin Report City of Renton Department of C STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZ ,unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 24 of 34 not yet shrubs) to provide seasonal interest in the area surrounding the sign. Alternately, demonstrat signage may incorporate stone, brick, or other decorative materials as approved by the ed Director. Stoff Comment: Signage would be reviewed under o separate permit at the time of building permit review. 6. LIGHTING: Intent: To ensure safety and security; provide adequate lighting levels in pedestrian areas such as plazas, pedestrian walkways, parking areas, building entries, and other public places; and increase the visual attractiveness of the area at all times of the day and night Guidelines: Lighting that improves pedestrian safety and also that creates visual interest in the building and site during the evening hours shall be provided. Standard: Pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided at primary and secondary building entrances. Examples include sconces on building facades, awnings with down-lighting Compliance and decorative street lighting. not yet demonstrot Stoff Comment: A lighting plan was not submitted with the project application ed materials. Stoff recommends, as a condition of approval, that o lighting plan including fixture details be submitted at the time of Building Permit review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. Standard: Accent lighting shall also be provided on building facades (such as sconces) Compliant if and/or to illuminate other key elements of the site such as gateways, specimen trees, Condition of other significant landscaping, water features, and/or artwork. Approval is Stoff Comment: As previously discussed above under Ground-level details, staff is met recommending that accent lighting be added to the east fofade, facing S Tobin Street to add architectural interest. Standard: Downlighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe pedestrian and Compliance vehicular movement, unless alternative pedestrian scale lighting has been approved not yet administratively or is specifically listed as exempt from provisions located in RMC 4-4- demonstrot 075, Lighting, Exterior On-Site (i.e., signage, governmental flags, temporary holiday or ed decorative lighting, right-of-way-lighting, etc.). Staft Comment: To be reviewed at the time of Building Permit review. 20. Critical Areas: Project sites which contain critical areas are required to comply with the Critical Areas Regulations (RMC 4-3-050). The proposal is consistent with the Critical Areas Regulations, if all conditions of approval are complied with: Admin Report Geologically Hazardous Areas: Based upon the results of a geotechnical report and/or independent review, conditions of approval for developments may include buffers and/or setbacks from buffers. Stoff Comment: The site is mapped as a seismic hazard area. A geotechnical report {Exhibit 6) was submitted with the project application and included an evaluation of the onsite soils. The report (Exhibit 6} concluded that the project could be constructed utilizing conventional foundations. An ERC report {Exhibit 1} prepared by staff included a summary of the submitted soils information and it was determined that City of Renton Department of r ,unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOO STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZ October 24, 2016 Page 25 of 34 additional mitigation would not be required. 21. Street Modification Analysis: The applicant is requesting a modification from RMC 4-6-060F.2 "Minimum Design Standards Table for Public Streets and Alleys" to maintain the roadway improvements and right of way width along S Tobin Street. S Tobin Street is a Commercial Access Street with an existing ROW width of 60 feet (as per assessor map). The existing traveled way width is 38 feet with curb and gutter, 6'-9" planter strip and a 5-foot sidewalk on the north side of the roadway. Per RMC 4-6-060, the minimum right of way for a commercial access street with two lanes is 69'. The minimum paved roadway width is 36' including 20' of travel lanes and 8' parking lanes on each side. A 0.5' curb, 8' planter, and 6' sidewalk are required. The King County Assessor's Map shows an approximate current right of way width of 60' for S. Tobin Street. A dedication of approximately 4.5' would be required along the S. Tobin Street frontage to meet City standards. The existing buildings along S Tobin Street are approximately 5 feet away from the existing right-of-way. An increase in right of way of 4.5 feet on each side of the roadway would encroach into the required building setback per zoning. The proposal is compliant with the following modification criteria, pursuant to RMC 4-9-250D, if all conditions of approval are met. Therefore, staff is recommending approval of the requested modification, subject to the recommended conditions of approval: Compliance. stre:et Modification Criteria and Analysis · 1. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. Stott Comment: ,/ The Comprehensive Pion Land Use Element has applicable policies listed under a separate section labeled Promoting a Safe, Healthy, and Attractive Community. These policies address walkable neighborhoods, safety and shared uses. One specific policy supports the approval of the modification request. This policy is Policy L-58 which states that the goal is to provide "complete street" that "locate planter strips between the curb and the sidewalk in order to provide separation between cars and pedestrians." The requested street modification is consistent with element of the complete street standard. 2. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. Compliant if Staff Comment: conditions The City's Public Works Transportation section and Community and Economic of approval Development section reviewed S Tobin Street and the surrounding area and have are met determined that a modified Commercial Access street section is more suitable for this location of S Tobin Street. This determination was based on the fact that the roadway is directly adjacent to existing commercial buildings and there is insufficient space between the existing right of way and the existing buildings to expand the roadway section to meet the full Commercial Access street standards. Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Page 26 of 34 To ensure safety and functionality and meet the intent of the Code requirements staff recommends as a condition of approval that the curb ramps at the northeast corner of S Tobin Street and Rainier Ave. S intersection shall be brought up to current ADA standards. 3. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Staff Comment: ,/ The modified Commercial Access street standards will meet the requirements for safe vehicular and pedestrian use within the existing right of way and will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity 4. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. ,/ Staff Comment: This modification provides a safe pedestrian and vehicle route in and around the existing area and conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. 5. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and Staff Comment: ,/ The revised street standards provide a safe design far vehicles and pedestrians provided that the conditions of approval have been met. See additional comments under criterion 2. above. 6. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Staff Comment: ,/ There are na identified adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity as a result of the modification of S Tobin Street from o Commercial Access street standard to a modified Commercial Access street standard. 22. Site Plan Review: Pursuant to RMC 4-9-200.B, Site Plan Review is required for development in the CA zoning classification when it is not exempt from Environmental (SEPA) Review. For Master Plan applications compliance with the review criteria for Site Plans are analyzed at a general level of detail to ensure nothing would preclude the development of the Site Plan. Given Site Plan applications are evaluated for compliance with the specific requirements of the RMC 4-9-200.E.3 the following table contains project elements intended to comply with level of detail needed for both the Master and Site Plan requests: Compliance Site Plan Criteria and Analysis . Compliant if a. Comprehensive Plan Compliance and consistency. Conditions of Approval Staff Comment: See previous discussion under FOF 13, Comprehensive Plan Analysis. ore Met Compliant if b. Zoning Compliance and Consistency. Conditions of Approval Staff Comment: See discussion under FOF 14, Zoning Development Standard are Met Compliance. Compliant if c. Design Regulation Compliance and Consistency. Conditions of Approval Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, fCF, SA-A, MOO October 24, 2016 Page 27 of 34 are Met Staff. Comment: See discussion under FOF 15, Design District Review. N/A d. Planned action ordinance and Development agreement Compliance and Consistency. e. Off Site Impacts. Structures: Restricting overscale structures and overconcentration of development on a particular portion of the site. Staft Comment: See FOF 15, Design District Review: Building Character and Massing. Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, streets, walkways and adjacent properties. Sta[t Comment: See FOF 15, Design District Review: Pedestrian Environment. Loading and Storage Areas: Locating, designing and screening storage areas, utilities, rooftop equipment, loading areas, and refuse and recyclables to minimize views from surrounding properties. Sta[t Comment: A mechanical equipment well is proposed on the roof of the building and would be screened from public view via an extended parapet located along the southern portion of the building. The refuse and recyclable deposit areas would be screened from public view via the enclosure proposed within the parking lot, adjacent to the exit from the drive-through. As discussed above under FOF 15, Design District Review: Service Element Location and Design, the proposed enclosure would comply with the design standards. In addition, ,/" landscaped areas are proposed around the refuse and recyclable deposit area perimeter. Proposed landscaping including emerald green arborvitae and heavenly bamboo, would provide additional screening of the service areas from public rights-of- way. Views: Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to attractive natural features. Sta[t Comment: The proposed building is one-story with a maximum height of 20 feet, it is not anticipated that the proposed building would interrupt any visual accessibility ta attractive natural features. Landscaping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between development and surrounding properties to reduce noise and glare, maintain privacy, and generally enhance the appearance of the project. Staff. Comment: See discussion under FOF 14, Zoning Development Standard: Landscaping. Lighting: Designing and/or placing exterior lighting and glazing in order to avoid excessive brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets. Stoff Comment: A lighting plan was not provided with the application; therefore staff recommended that a lighting plan be provided at the time of building permit review {See Lighting discussion under FOF 15, Design Review: Lighting). f. On Site Impacts. ,/" Structure Placement: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement, spacing and orientation. Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 ,/ Admin Report Page 28 of 34 Staff Comment: The building is proposed on the southwest corner of the project site with the front entrance oriented to the west towards Rainer Avenue S. A significant landscaped buffer (as discussed above under FOF 14, Zoning Development Standard: Landscaping) be proposed between the structure and the Rainer Avenue Sand S Tobin Street frontages to provide some screening between the building and the street frontages and potential reduce some of the traffic noise reaching the building. In addition the building is proposed to be sited at a sufficient distance to provide adequate spacing between the proposed building and other existing buildings on the project site. Structure Scale: Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation to natural characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities, sunlight, prevailing winds, and pedestrian and vehicle needs. Staff Comment: The proposed 2,000 square foot building would be one-story with a maximum height of 20 feet. It is not anticipated that the scale of the proposed building would adversely impact views and sunlight currently available to adjacent or abutting properties. The scale of the structure is compatible with other one story retail buildings within the Airport Plaza shopping center and in the Rainier Ave. S corridor and across S Tobin St. The proposed surface parking lot adjacent to the new Starbucks would provide adequate parking and maneuvering space for vehicles. In addition, no changes in vehicular access throughout the site are proposed. A pedestrian pathway is proposed connecting the proposed building to the adjacent strip retail building to the south. The proposal has considered and provided elements to address vehicular and pedestrian needs. Natural Features: Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing vegetation and soils, using topography to reduce undue cutting and filling, and limiting impervious surfaces. Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing to retain existing street trees and vegetation within the existing landscape strip along S Tobin Street. As previously discussed above under FOF 14, Zoning Development Standard: Landscaping, staff is recommending that additional landscaping be planted among the retained landscaping to further enhance the landscape strip. Limited cut and fill would be proposed to accommodate the new building, between 400 and 600 cubic yards of excavation for footings is anticipated. Landscaping: Use of landscaping to soften the appearance of parking areas, to provide shade and privacy where needed, to define and enhance open spaces, and generally to enhance the appearance of the project. Landscaping also includes the design and protection of planting areas so that they are less susceptible to damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements. Staff Comment: See FOF 14, Zoning Development Standard: Landscaping. The proposed landscaping would soften the appearance of the parking areas and generally enhance the appearance of the project. g. Access Location and Consolidation: Providing access points on side streets or frontage streets rather than directly onto arterial streets and consolidation of ingress and egress points on the site and, when feasible, with adjacent properties. City of Renton Deportment of ( ,unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision WA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZ October 24, 2016 Page 29 of 34 Staff Comment: No new access paints are proposed. The proposed building would utilize the existing driveway access within the Airport Plaza parking lot. Internal Circulation: Promoting safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system, including the location, design and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways. Staff Comment: The proposal includes pedestrian walk ways around the front and side of the building and a pedestrian walkway through the surface parking lot to the adjacent strip retail building to the east. The pedestrian walkways are adequately delineated and would be comprised of a contrasting material. Loading and Delivery: Separating loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian areas. Staff Comment: Not applicable, there are no loading and delivery areas proposed. Transit and Bicycles: Providing transit, carpools and bicycle facilities and access. Staff Comment: Per RMC 4-4-0BOF.11.a bicycle parking is not required for buildings smaller than 4,000 square feet. Pedestrians: Providing safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking areas, buildings, public sidewalks and adjacent properties. Sta{t Comment: See FOF 15, Design District Compliance. h. Open Space: Incorporating open spaces to serve as distinctive project focal points and to provide adequate areas for passive and active recreation by the ,/ occupants/users of the site. Staff Comment: An outdoor patio is proposed along the northeast corner of the building. The applicant hos indicated that tables and choirs would be provided within this open space area for patrons of Starbucks. i. Views and Public Access: When possible, providing view corridors to shorelines ,/ and Mt. Rainier, and incorporating public access to shorelines Staff Comment: The proposed structure would not block view corridors ta shorelines or Mt. Rainier. The public access requirement is not applicable to the proposal. j. Natural Systems: Arranging project elements to protect existing natural systems where applicable. Staff Comment: The site is currently developed as a surface parking lot and does not ,/ include many natural systems that need protecting. As previously discussed above, there are some existing plantings within the landscape strip along S Tobin Street that are proposed to be retained and incorporated into the proposed landscape design far the Starbucks building. k. Services and Infrastructure: Making available public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use: ,/ Police and Fire. Staff Comment: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicated that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development; if the applicant provides Code required improvements and fees. A Fire Impact Fee, current assessed at $1.84 per Admin Report City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUAJ6-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Admin Report Page 30 of 34 square foot would be applicable to the proposal. Water and Sewer. Stoff Comment: The proposal will require a separate 1" water meter for service. The service line and meter would be installed by the City of Renton. The current (2016} fee to install this service line ond meter would be $3,310.00. The current System Development Charge (SOC} for a 1" meter would be $3,245.00. There is an existing 12" cost iron water main south of the site along the northern edge of 5. Tobin Street that con deliver 5,200 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700020 in COR Maps for record drawings. There is also a deod end 10" ductile iron water main west of the site along the eastern edge of Rainier Avenue 5. that ends at a fire hydrant (COR Facility ID No. HYO 5 00367) that can deliver 1,950 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700711 in COR Maps for record drawings. Na water main extensions would be required. No additional fire hydrants would be required. A reduced pressure back/low assembly (RPBA} will be required behind the meter. The RPBA shall be installed per City of Renton standards. If a sprinkler system is require, a stub out with a double check valve assembly {DCVA) that will need to be provided for a building fire department connection (FDC). Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. The current plan shows the new sewer line connecting to the existing 12" PVC sewer running west to east in 5. Tobin Street south of the site. Reference Project File WWP2701901 in COR Maps for record drawings. There is an existing 6" PVC side sewer that serves Banner Bank at 54 Rainier Avenue 5. north of the site. The side sewer is connected to the sewer main in S. Tobin Street and passes through the proposed building footprint. Please reference the provided side sewer cord. The plans submitted by BRH show how this side sewer will be rerouted around the new building and connected to the main in 5. Tobin Street. Any new side sewer serving the bonk will need to be contained in a 10' private sewer easement where it passes through the Starbucks parcel. The side sewer shall be 6" per City standards. The applicant has purposed a sewer reroute of the existing 6" PVC around the purposed building site. The plans show thot clean outs will be installed at two of the beds of the 6" sewer pipe. The existing sewer stub that will be severed for building construction can be reused far the side sewer for the new building. Any new side sewer will need to be 6" per City standards. A grease trap will need ta be installed after the kitchen sink allowing wastewater to flow through it before discharging to the sewer main. No sewer moin extensions would be required. The development would be subject to a system development charge (SOC} for sewer service. The SOC for sewer service is based on the size of the domestic water service. The current SOC for sewer service with a 1" water meter installation is $2,242.00. Drainage. Stoff Comment: Refer to Figure 1.1.2.A -Flow Chart to determine what type of drainage review is required for this site. The site falls within the City's Peak Rate Flow Control Standard (Existing Site Conditions). The majority of the site falls within the City of Renton Department of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD October 24, 2016 Admin Report Page 31 of 34 West lake Washington -Seattle South Drainage Basin, while the southern project frontage is part of the Black River Drainage Basin. Drainage plans and a drainage report complying with the adopted 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual /KCSWDM) and the 2010 City of Renton amendments will be required with the building permit application. Flow Control BMPs will be required for the site per Section 5.2 of the 2009 KCSWDM. Drainage improvements along the Rainier Avenue S. and S. Tobin Street frontages will be required to conform to the City's street standards. A geotechnicol report for the site is required. Information on the water table and soil permeability, with recommendations of appropriate flow control BMP options with typical designs for the site from the geotechnical engineer, shall be submitted with the application. The development would be subject to storm water system development charges {SOC). The current SDCs are $0.594 per square foot of new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,485.00. Fees are payable at the time af permit issuance. Transportation. Staff Comment: Access to the site is proposed via existing driveways off of Rainier Avenue S, S Tobin Street, and Airport way. Rainier Avenue 5. is classified as a principal arterial. Per RMC 4-6-060, the minimum right-of-way width for a principal arterial with seven lanes is 125 feet. A 0.5-foot curb, 8-foat planter, and 8-foat sidewalk are required. The King County Assessor's Map shows an approximate current right-of-way width of 150 feet for Rainier Avenue 5. No dedication would be required along Rainier Avenue 5. 5. Tabin Street is o commercial access street. Per RMC 4-6-060, the minimum right-of- way far a commercial access street with two lanes is 69 feet. The minimum paved roadway width is 36 feet including 20 feet of travel lanes and 8-foot parking lanes on each side. A 0.5-foot curb, 8-foot planter, and 6-foot sidewalk are required. The King County Assessor's Map shows an approximate current right-of-way width of 60 for 5. Tobin Street. A dedication of approximately 4.5 feet would be required along the 5. Tobin Street frontage to meet City standards. The existing frontage improvements along Rainier Avenue 5. and 5. Tobin Street consist of a 0.5-foot curb, 6-foot 9-inch planter and 5-foot sidewalk. The portion of Rainier Avenue 5. and 5. Tobin Street that fronts this project is going to be improved by the City of Renton under the Rainier Avenue Phase 4 Traffic Improvement Project. The Rainier Avenue Phase 4 project is in preliminary design and construction is expected to start in 2019 or 2020. The applicant has submitted a street modification request /Exhibit 12} to exempt the project from the requirements for frontage improvements, see FOF 21 above. A traffic impact analysis (Exhibit 8) submitted by Jake Traffic Engineering has been received and shows the drive thru with a capacity of 8 cars. Paving and trench restoration within the City of Renton right-of-way shall comply with the City's Restoration and Overlay requirements. Increased traffic created by the development would be mitigated by payment of transportation impact fees. Currently this fee is assessed at $27.66. This fee increases each year and the applicable fee is paid at the time of building permit issuance. City of Renton Deportment of Co STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA October 24, 2016 N/A I. I 1. CONCLUSIONS: nity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD Page 32 of34 Phasing: The applicant is not requesting any additional phasing. 1. The subject site is located in the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) Comprehensive Plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation, see FOF 17. 2. The subject site is located in the CA zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 18. 3. The proposed site plan review application complies with the Urban Design Regulations provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 19. 4. The proposed Starbuck building complies with the adopted Critical Areas Regulations established by City Code provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with, see FOF 20. 5. The proposed Starbucks building complies with the modification criteria as established by City Code provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with, see FOF 21. 6. The proposed Starbucks building complies with the site plan review criteria as established by City Code provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with, see FOF 22. 7. The proposed Starbucks building complies with the street standards, provided the modification is approved and the project complies with all advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein, see FOF 22. 8. There are adequate public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed Starbucks building, see FOF 22. I }. DECISION: The Starbucks at Airport Plaza site plan review and modification applications, File No. LUA16-000506, as depicted in Exhibit 2, are approved and are subject to the following conditions: 1. The landscaped area abutting Rainier Ave Son the northwest corner of the denoted limits of work area shall be increased to the minimum required width of 10 feet. An updated detailed landscape plan shall be submitted at the time of building permit review to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval of the expanded landscape area. 2. Additional plantings shall be added to the retained plantings along S Tobin Street. These additional plantings shall be shown on a detailed landscape plan to be submitted at the time of building permit review to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval. 3. The applicant shall provide an analysis demonstrating how the project complies with the following landscaping requirement: Shrubs are required at a minimum rate of 1 per every 20 square feet of landscaped area. Up to 50 percent of the shrubs may be deciduous. This analysis shall be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of building permit review. 4. The applicant shall provide a detail for the proposed arbor on Rainier Avenue Sand/or other architectural elements incorporating plants on the detailed landscape plan submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of Building Permit review. 5. A lighting plan including fixture details shall be submitted at the time of Building Permit review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. 6. The south building elevation (facing S Tobin Street) shall be amended to include weather protection that is a minimum of 4 Y, feet wide along 75 percent of the building fa~ade. The weather protection shall have a height between 8 and 15 feet. The revised building elevation shall be submitted at the time of Building Permit review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. Admin Report City of Renton Department of ( · ,unity & Economic Development STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PlAZ October 24, 2016 Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD Page 33 of 34 7. Building lighting fixtures shall be provided along the south fa~ade (facing S Tobin Street). Details of the proposed lighting fixtures shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of Building Permit review. 8. The curb ramps at the northeast corner of S Tobin Street and Rainier Ave. S intersection shall be brought up to current ADA standards. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: Jennifer Henning, Planning Director TRANSMITTED this 24'" day of October, 2016 to the Owner/Applicant/Contact: Owner: Burkheimer Family, llC 1326 5th Avenue NE #708 Seattle, WA 98181 Applicant/Contact: Lance Mueller Lance Mueller & Assoc. Architecture 130 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 250 Seattle, WA 98122 TRANSMITTED this 24'" day of October, 2016 to the Parties of Record: Gretchen Kaehler State of WA/DAHP PO Box48343 Olympia, WA 98504 TRANSMITTED this 24'" day of October, 2016 to the following: Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Steve Triplett, Development Services Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Fire Marshal K, LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION: 1o(Q_'-f{2c/&, Date The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on November 7, 2016. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14- day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680), together with the required fee to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. RMC 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. EXPIRATION: The Administrative Site Development Plan Review decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single two (2) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-9-200. Admin Report City of Renton Deportment of C STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZ October 24, 2016 ,unity & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD Page 34 of 34 RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex pa rte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. Admin Report DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Renton® ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: Project Nome: Project Number: Project Manager: Owner: Contact: Project Location: Project Summary: August 9, 2016 Starbucks at Airport Plaza LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner ------------------------ The Burkheimer Family LLC; 1326 s•• Ave, Ste 708; Seattle, WA 98101 Lance Mueller; Lance Mueller & Assoc.; 130 Lakeside Ave, Ste 250; Seattle, WA 98122 64 Rainier Ave S The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad, on the 2.64 acre site, is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave S and S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,097 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way S, Rainier Ave S, and 5 Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. ---------------------------------------- Site Area: STAFF RECOMMENDA T/ON: 18,000 SF Total Building Area GSF: 2,000 SF Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). EXHIBIT 1 Project Location Map , __ --- Z l18IHX3 _ _ _ 0 ---:.;Ll -a so I' n .,> -:, A\N\ER .. A\/E 1 ~ .R , n-:ti. . 3 .. -' -t ,!~fer~,.::~ t-'j/:~ ::-~1 .. . -=i . . ,1-• \ ,,..:..:..:"°':,,'_-~' ".\-n1 I ' \IJ• ' r'+: ' )= .... ;;\\ _1_.S.,, J r 1 . ' (!). I I " • .-;~ I !I" <-I ~ en 111, ... ~ .. ;_:(~ '1 :I,-+ , :, !=i . • · 1 . ,ti :'': ' r , 'i' (Ti a: :, f • i~" _,_) ! I t "i ;~ __ I 9 ; -H .. ' ~ ;:t, ' >,,1 \ ~' _':~ ! : ,:-~-1 !1 ~I) , 1HT, 1 ·r=~,1 : ::! ; 'ct> 1 tu ~· t hlj f i . . . _ _ -T'I ·'· ' I I I, :I ,, <-1' I ·1 g~ °"'"' L .. j I I t' \ .... _ + _ __ _ _ _ _ _: ", .. m 11_· - 1 rr-~T111-: rn tTrri ; • ir, 1 iJ : · i I l: 1 , o m ,ii t :±-1------_l___l-_L.1 .. --i.L. .. f:_.~ __ :._J~ ---'-----• --' · ... J_: ___ ............:.- ..il.J:I• 71 I ' :.1· ·----------' -L1-----------,__ _____ -------------------~ 1·;•. ;; ----------- ! -LAKE AVE -SOUTH 'i ! :, - ~ ~- §E) C: I ; L. - ~· I I ~ r1r·--, ;:: l> " -- \ • • )> -:;c ··li !i ' -c 0 :;tJ I -I! 'I :EI )> -< I 1----.------·-';j ----"uawaw•S1RT1e:1•a.om.c.-o;ii,1;1.cmw I J:::i-" hb h I -·----~-------. 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'1111:u • 'K"°iu WASHINGTON98057 -l/10/\1 I• 1- I -~ l> -< J lSOll6 NOl~S'iM 'N0.1N3H S 31\'fll31Nl'ftH9 , • 011 AllW't~ H3Wl3H)IH0B HO~ N 'tZVld l~Od~IV l't S>t:::>nBY\f.lSi s:;u.'lt'l::::JOSS'lt' '9 ~:::i,,:::in~ 3:JN'VI !._5 l!O<Or<01111!1M3N SNOl!VA313 03M010J AMVNINl13Md n·,,;.,· 6/1•/lO•I ~-\CJD\10,0\10•5lU\["Qhii:R,t\C.J>-"" S,,[!''.)\~• '""'°-~~ * c,:,. .. ~(u,<; ~ :c ... m t1 U'I g,!Ji ·1~ ! 1!2 I~ ~ 'I ! g Is a r --~----=-~-~-==---=-== ==--"-"-- =="'""..=,.=' ___ ,.,,,.,-..,c,?,:""o«- ------.. - ----- J-:,~1~-- ., ~ -,.. _J ~ ~i ~1 ;,.,i I H~~ "' -+. l ~ r I i· ~ I \ ~,:-"·c-~ ··--'f' -' ,--.-·--;;;;: ---L--- ~ :r;">--, I~_, ".-1',\_Ul l; 1 .1'; • i J-:"' --+· ·r{,;;_--- ~ a --,.,..,.., B (', i :\ ' ' ' ' ' I"_) -<' ,E! I ! J( ~-,:l "lff 11 ,•- (i ;;i:. ~.§~ \ . .....__ __ -..._,\ r r----- O r· I ~ w_: h·!"1 . ____ JL ' t•,-!. -=~, ="';",ir,-·-iw~ i~l ;:i~ ' il~~t~ ~§ =-~~ - ~u ---- ---- ' 't' ,,; -~,.iio-.;;-f"..ua·.,.-,.--..----..._.,:;---- .,~,.,~~~ _L •• . ;\I PRELIMINARY GRADING & UTILITY PLAN RENTON STARBUCKS LANCE MUELLER & ASSOC' A ... ES EE:-___ ~- ~m~ = IN w-== ::· ---• .-·, ] '~ •• ~ tf:. BUSH, ROEO & HITCHINGS, JNC. 8" , LANO SURVEYORS &CWIL ENGINEEFIS SEAL - """""""""'A'<£-EM1 lZJ...ll .. ... !;;"~.~ :::<n: - - • t \ (. PREPARED FOR BURKHEIMER FAMILY, LLC c/o LANCE MUELLEER & ASSOCIATES July 5, 2016 ) < Kyle R. Campbell, P.E. Principal GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA 64 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON ES-4576 Earth Solutions NW, LLC 1805 -1361h Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Phone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425-449-4711 Toll Free: 866-336-8710 EXHIBIT 6 Full Document Available upon Request ] Full Document Available upon Request PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT for Starbucks at Airport Plaza 95 Airport Way Renton, WA 98055 Applicant: Burkheimer Family LLC Engineer: Ted Dimof, PE License No. 36042 Bush, Roed and Hitchings 2009 Minor Avenue E Seattle, WA 98102 (206) 323-4144 Date: July 5, 2016 EXHIBIT 7 ' •• --- FULL DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Renton AIRPORT PLAZA STARBUCKS PRE16-000247 TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION, ACCESS/CIRCULATION REVIEW AND TIF TRAFFIC LETTER P~D :·,r:-F ~,J· l '· J·li!J+-7 June 17, 2016 I I t-.. ---•'!;_T•="~~- t--·;.::t,.'f;J._ .- JTE • Jake Traffic Engineering, Inc. Mark J. Jacobs, PE (OR and WA), PTOE, President 2614 39111 Ave. SW -Seattle, WA 98116 -: Tel. 206.762.1978-Cell 206.799.569' E-mall Jaketraffic@comcast.net t r f-',t;i;-c:,.~. I I EXHIBITS dohp July 27, 2016 Ms. Rocale Timmons Associate Planner City of Renton ------------- 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A98507 In future correspondence please refer to: Project Tracking Code: 2016-07-05388 Allyson Brooks Ph.D., Director State Historic Preservation Officer Property: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Starbucks at Airport Plaza Re: Archaeology -Survey Requested Dear Ms. Timmons: ' , Thank you for contacting the Washington State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and providing documentation regarding the above referenced project. The project area has a high probability for containing precontact and/or historic archaeological resources. The project area is situated on the banks of the historical channel of the Black River. There are multiple previously recorded precontact sites within approximately 1,500 feet including the Henry Moses Homestead Site, 45 KI009, the Renton High School Ballfield Site 45KI1010 and the Renton High School Site 4SKISOI. These sites are located on landforms similar to that of the project area. Please be aware that archaeological sites are protected from knowing disturbance on both public and private lands in Washington States. Both RCW 27.44 and RCW 27.53.060 require that a person obtain a permit from our Department before excavating, removing, or altering Native American hwnan remains or archaeological resources in Washington. Failure to obtain a permit is punishable by civil fines and other penalties under RCW 27.53.095, and by criminal prosecution ~der RCW 27.53.090. Chapter 27.53.095 RCW allows the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation to issue civil penalties for the violation of this statute in an amount up to five thousand dollars, in addition to site restoration costs and investigative costs. Also, these remedies do no.t prevent concerned tribes from undertaking civil action in state or federal court, or law enforcement agencies from undertaking criminal investigation or prosecution. Chapter 27.44.050 RCW allows the affected Indian Tribe to undertake civil action apart from any criminal prosecution if burials are disturbed. Identification of archaeological resources during construction is not a recommended detection method because inadvertent discoveries often result in costly construction delays and damage to the resource. We request a professional archaeologist be onslte to monitor removal of the pavement and excavation for the footing under a monitoring plan reviewed by DAHP and the Tribes. We also recommend consultation with the concerned Tribes' cultural committees and staff regarding cultural resource issues. EXHIBIT9 ;hington • Department al Archaeology & Historic Preservaffon ox 48343 • Olympia. Washington 98504-8343 • 1360) 586-3065 www.dahp.wa.gov I v...-vrem j -~--~~- ' 0 e e e @. 0; • • ~ 0 @ @ s rn p;; !I Iii!!! m P' ' ljj wu11 1111 i;; 111!-11, I ~J~ .1 ! , Ii'' ,, i I~ I q11, •i ,Jj ! ij! h ,II! I u J! II I iii I I jll 01 II 0,I jl j,i l 11 1~ ;t -~ . ,. :a1 i 'I ,!, ~ I • l i! ~l ! I ~ Ii I I I 11 )·,: 'I I 'illi I I I ;!I, I lm,-,Jt---~~~~=ct- i·; -J t-------c:-,,., _ _"'.' ~,,,..,_, T-o"Bt>< ___ , •;:::.t><, J ----0 --0 ! ' I I ,1,I 1-. ii,1, EXHIBIT 11 1-I A R C H T E C T 5 June 28, 2016 Ms. Rocale Timmons Senior Planner CITY OF RENTON Planning Division Renton City Hall -5th floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 A i A Re: STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA MODIFICATION REQUEST 64 RAINIER AVE. S. Dear Rocale: On behalf of the property owner, we request a modification to City standards to eliminate the requirement for the 4.5 ft. deep right-of-way dedication and the physical improvements on S. Tobin St. We also request that other than improving the sidewalk corner at S. Tobin St. and Rainier Ave. S. to provide an ADA accessible ramp, no improvements be required along Rainier Ave. S. There is very little traffic on Tobin as there is only a right turn north bound on Rainier to Tobin, or a right turn north bound on Rainier. Airport Way is the major arterial with all turns at a traffic light. Tobin will most likely remain a minor neighborhood street. There is adequate right-of-way width now to allow the traffic lanes and parking on either side of Tobin. It appears there is no real need to widen Tobin other than a City standard that probably is not really justified in this case. It doesn't appear that the existing buildings on the south side of Tobin would fit very well with a 4.5 ft. take on that side either as they are relatively close to the existing curb and there is no planter strip on that side. Also, if there were a 4.5 ft. take on our site. the distance between the new r/w line and the existing internal east/west parking lot drive gets reduced to the point where we lose area for landscaping, the dumpster enclosure and parking. We went through several alternatives with Starbucks to get to the point where we have a plan with good pedestrian connection and presense on Rainier and not have the drive through lane between the building and the street. We also have enough space on the north side of the new building for outdoor seating in the shade for the warm days. Between existing utilities and the existing space, we have to work with, it is working pretty well. We would like to have a generous landscaping area between the building and Tobin, but really don't want to have to move the building north and eliminate the north side outdoor seating EXHIBIT 12 130 LAKESIDE • SUITE 250 • SEATTLE, WA '" BB 122 • (206) 325-2553 • FAX: (206) 328-05t::i4 ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • SPACE PLANNING • INTERIORS June 28, 2016 Ms. Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner CITY OF RENTON Planning Division Re: STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA MODIFICATION REQUEST Page Two We understand the City has plans in place to do the improvements on Rainier in the next 3 years or so. The following demonstrates substantial compliance with review criteria: a. The modification has no impact on the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element as there would be no change to the existing situation which allows adequate circulation, a safe sidewalk with planter slip along Tobin and on-street parking. b. The modification does not change the safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, as adding 4.5 ft. to the right-of-way would not make any substantial change to any of these criteria. c. The modification will not be injurious to other property in the vicinity as it only involves the street along the south side of Airport Plaza. It is unlikely the street width would be widened in any case as 60 ft. of right-of-way width is standard in most cities and leaving the curb to curb width as it currently exists can have no injurious impact to other properties as nothing changes. d. Tobin has normal two-way traffic lanes with curb side parking either side and it certainly is not crowded with traffic and has parking available, so we must assume the current condition conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. e. Modification is justified for all the reasons noted, plus the taking of property from Airport Plaza is not necessary for the intended functioning of S. Tobin St., and the taking would cause a negative impact to the development of the Starbucks building by reducing needed parking and landscaping. f. Same as c, no injury or adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. June 28, 2016 Ms. Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner CITY OF RENTON Planning Division Re: STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA MODIFICATION REQUEST Page Three In summary, we hope the City will grant our request of modification to eliminate the right-of- way dedication and street improvements on S. Tobin St., and any improvements to Rainier Avenue S. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECTS rfa/fTllJ/#tft 1 ~ice Mueller, AIA iif~k ----.. ' (NK/STARBUCKS-AlRPORT PLAZA-1.L TR Denis Law Mayor August 19, 2016 Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPAi THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Transmitted herewith is a copy ofthe Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on August 15, 2016: SEPA DETERMINATION: Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated {DNSM) PROJECT NAME: Starbucks at Airport Plaza PROJECT NUMBER: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 2, 2016, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, Rocale Timmons Senior Planner Enclosure cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov Ramin Pazooki1 WSDOT, NW Region Larry Fisher, WDFW Duwamish Tribal Office US Army Cori EXHIBIT 13 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Renton® ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) PROJECT NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Lance Mueller, Lance Mueller & Associates Starbucks at Airport Plaza PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad, on the 2.64 acre site, is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave Sand S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,097 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way S, Rainier Ave S, and S Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. PROJECT LOCATION: LEAD AGENCY: 64 Rainier Ave S City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on August 26, 2016. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: AUGUST 19, 2016 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: e an, Administrator s Department Community Services Department --------Renton@ AUGUST 9, 2016 # .. l.KJ&f. Date Fire & Emergency Services Date Cec t / L-~ sj C. E. "diip" Vin¥nt, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development I I Date ~ Ii IL~ I I . Date \ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY -------Renton® AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNSM) MITIGATION MEASURES AND ADVISORY NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Lance Mueller; Lance Mueller & Assoc.; 130 Lakeside Ave, Ste 250; Seattle, WA 98122 Starbucks at Airport Plaza PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad, on the 2.64 acre site, is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave S and S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,097 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way S, Rainier Ave S, and S Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. PROJECT LOCATION: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: 64 Rainier Ave S The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. A survey shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager that conforms to the requirements and standards of the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and must be conducted under the on-site supervision of a state-approved archaeologist prior to construction permit approval. Should evidence of a historic site be found during site development, work shall immediately cease and the Washington State of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586-3065. In the event that cultural artifacts are found, work cannot recommence until approval is received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 2. A survey shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager that conforms to the requirements and standards of the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and must be conducted under the on-site supervision of a state-approved archaeologist prior to construction permit approval. Should evidence of a historic site be found during site development, work shall immediately cease and the Washington State of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586-3065. In the event that cultural artifacts are found, work cannot recommence until approval is received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. ADIVISORV NOTES: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: l. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock {8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty {30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 5. The applicant shall erect and maintain six-foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (SO') indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet {SO'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 6. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Water: 1. Water service is provided by the City of Renton. It is in the Valley service area in the 196' hydraulic pressure zone. The approximate static water pressure is 68 psi at a ground elevation of 34 feet. 2. The lot will require a separate I-inch water meter for service. The service line and meter would be installed by the City of Renton. The current (2016) fee to install this service line and meter would be $3,310.00. The current System Development Charge {SOC) for a 1-inch meter would be $3,245.00. 3. There is an existing 12-inch cast iron water main south of the site along the northern edge of S Tobin Stthat can deliver 5,200 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700020 in COR Maps for record drawings. There is also a dead end 10-inch ductile iron water main west of the site along the eastern edge of Rainier Ave S that ends at a fire hydrant (COR Facility ID No. HYD-S-00367) that can deliver 1,950 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700711 in COR Maps for record drawings. 4. No water main extensions would be required. 5. No additional fire hydrants would be required. 6. A reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) will be required behind the meter. The RPBA shall be installed per City of Renton standards. 7. If a sprinkler system is require, a stub out with a double check valve assembly (DCVA) that will need to be provided for a building fire department connection (FDC). Sewer: ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 2 of 3 ( 1. The current plan shows the new sewer line connecting to the existing 12-inch PVC sewer running west to east in S Tobin St south of the site. Reference Project File WWP2701901 in COR Maps for record drawings. 2. There is an existing 6-inch PVC side sewer that serves Banner Bank at 54 Rainier Ave S, north of the site. The side sewer is connected to the sewer main in S Tobin St and passes through the proposed building footprint. Please reference the provided side sewer card. The plans submitted by BRH shows how this side sewer will be rerouted around the new building and connected to the main in S. Tobin Street. Any new side sewer serving the bank will need to be contained in a 10 feet private sewer easement where it passes through the Starbucks parcel. The side sewer shall be 6-inch per City standards. 3. The applicant has purposed a sewer re-route of the existing 6-inch PVC around the purposed building site. The plans show that clean outs will be installed at two of the beds of the 6-inch sewer pipe. The clean outs are located 4. The existing sewer stub that will be severed for building construction can be reused for the side sewer for the new building. 5. A grease trap will need to be installed after the kitchen sink allowing wastewater to flow through it before discharging to the sewer main. 6. No sewer main extensions would be required. 7. The development would be subject to a system development charge (SDC) for sewer service. The SDC for sewer service is based on the size of the domestic water service. The current SOC for sewer service with a 1- inch water meter installation is $2,242.00. Drainage: 1. The project is subject to a system development charges (SDC) for stormwater. The current SDC is $0.594 per square foot of new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,485.00. 2. Effective January 2, 2017, the City of Renton will be adopting a new stormwater manual which will be based on the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual. All projects vested after January 2, 2017 will be subject to these new stormwater requirements. Please refer to RMC 4-1-045 for information regarding project vesting. Transportation: 1. The City of Renton Trench restoration and Street overlay requirements will be applicable for any work in the public right of way. Fire: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $1.84 per square. This fee is paid at time of building permit issua nee. 2. The preliminary fire flow is 1,500 gpm. A minimum of two fire hydrants are required. One within 150 feet and one within 300 feet of the building. There are sufficient existing hydrants in this area, no new hydrants are required. 3. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are not required in the proposed retail building of this size. Fire alarm required if the building exceeds 3,000 square feet. Threshold for fire sprinklers is reached if the occupant load exceeds 100 people which equals a dining space of 1,500 square feet for restaurants. 4. Fire department apparatus access roadways are adequate as they exist. 5. An annual place of assembly permit is required for occupant loads exceeding 50 persons. Parks: 1. Park Impact Fees per Ordinance 5670 applies. General: 1. All construction or service utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. When utility plans are complete, please submit four (4) copies of the drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, permit application, an itemized cost of construction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 3 of 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------Renton® A. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION DECISION: REPORT DATE: Project Nome: Owner: 0APPROVED C8J APPROVED SUBJECT October 24, 2016 Starbucks at Airport Plaza Burkheimer Family, LLC, 1326 5th Avenue NE #708, Applicant/Contact: Lance Mueller, Lance Mueller & Associates Archite 250, Seattle, WA 98122 ue, Suite File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: LUA16-000506 I ~ \ <;I\: ~ ~ 1 I\J\ (){) Jill Ding, Senior Planner The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 0.43 acre site is located within the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave S and 5 Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,000 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way 5, Rainier Ave 5, and S Tobin St. The proposal includes 15 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. 68 Rainier Avenue S 0.43 acres Project Location Map Admin Report Agencies See Attached Lance Mueller Contact Burkheimer Family, LLC Owner Gretchen Kaehler Party of Record (Signature of Sender): I STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Starbucks at Airport Plaza LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD template • affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology "• Environmental Review Section PO Box47703 Olympia, WA98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region * Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers * Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers*** Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. Attn: SEPA Section 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Jalaine Madura, Attn: SEPA Responsible Official 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology** Attn; Misty Blair PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Duwamish Tribal Office* 4717 W Marginal Way SW Seattle, WA 98106-1514 KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Environmental Planning Supervisor Ms. Shirley Marroquin 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 WDFW • Larry Fisher• 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Issaquah, WA 98027 City of Newcastle Attn: Tim McHarg Director of Community Development 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 Newcastle, WA 98056 Puget Sound Energy Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. 355 l1Q1h Ave NE Mailstop EST 11 W Bellevue, WA 98004 Puget Sound Energy Doug Corbin, Municipal liaison Mgr. 6905 South 228'" St Kent, WA 98032 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept.** Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer 39015 -172'' Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program•• Attn: Laura Murphy 39015 112nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program** Attn: Erin Slaten 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation* Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Kent Attn: Charlene Anderson, AICP, ECO 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 City of Tukwila Jack Pace, Responsible Official 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwila, WA 98188 *Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. **Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunlt@ecy.wa.gov ** Karen Walter, Laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us / Laura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.us L erin.slaten@muckleshoot.nsn.us ***Department of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing Burkheimer Family L LC 1326 5th Ave, 708 Seattle, WA 98101 Gretchen Kaehler State of WA/DAHP PO Box 48343 Olvmoia. WA 98504 Lance Mueller Lance Mueller and Associates 130 Lakeside, #250 Seattle, WA 98122 Leslie Betlach ------Renton 0 Plan Review Routing Slip Plan Number: Site Address: LUA16-000506 64 RAINIER AVES Name: Starbucks at Airport Plaza Preapplication Description: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad, on the 2.64 acre site, is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave Sands Tobin St . The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,000 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way S, Rainier Ave S, and S Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. Review Type: Date Assigned: Community Services Review-Version 1 07/13/2016 ~: 07/27/2016 Project Manager: Roca le Timmons Environmental Impact Earth Animals Air Environmental Health Water Energy/Natural Resources Plants Housing Land/Shoreline Use Aesthetics Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Light/GI a re Historic/Cultural Preservation Recreation Airport Environmental Utilities 10,000 Feet Transportation 14,000 Feet Pub Ii c Service Recommendation -Comments that impact the project including any of the Enivornmental Impacts above. Correction -Corrections to the project that need to be made before the review can be completed and /or requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing documentation. What statuses should be used: Reviewed -I have reviewed the project and have no comments. Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendations. Correction/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the applicant needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and I have added co:;::r;; /W)v?rY}~ ;Z) ~/SJ Department of Comr· ·nity and Economic Developmc .. ~ NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determination of Non -Significance Mitigated (DNS-M) for the following project under the authority of the Renton municipal code. Starbucks at Airport Plaza Preapplication LUA16-000506 Location: 64 Rainier Ave S. The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the constructior of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave Sand S Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east ofthe proposed structure. Appeals of the DNS-M must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 02, 2016. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner c/o City Clerk, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. Publication Date: August 19, 2016 Denis Law Mayor -·-----·-------·····--·---·--·---------- Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator August 19, 2016 Lance Mueller Lance Mueller & Assoc 130 Lakeside Ave, Ste 250 Seattle, WA 98122 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Starbucks at Airport Plaza, LUAlG-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Dear Mr. Mueller: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project and have issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. Please refer to the enclosed ERC Report, for a list of the Mitigation Measures. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 2, 2016, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If you have any further questions, please call me at {425) 430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, Rocale Timmons Senior Planner Enclosure cc: Burkheimer Family/ Owner(s) Gretchen Kaehler, State of WA/DAHP / Party(ies) of Record 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, rentonwa.gov Denis Law Mayor Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator August 19, 2016 Lance Mueller Lance Mueller & Assoc 130 Lakeside Ave, Ste 250 Seattle, WA 98122 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPAi THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Starbucks at Airport Plaza, LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Dear Mr. Mueller: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project and have issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. Please refer to the enclosed ERC Report, for a list of the Mitigation Measures. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before S:00 p.m. on September 2, 2016, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If you have any further questions, please call me at (425) 430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, Rocale Timmons Senior Planner Enclosure cc: Burkhelmer Family/ Owner(s) Gretchen Kaehler, State of WA/DAHP / Party(ies) of Record 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov Denis Law Mayor August 19, 2016 Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on August 15, 2016: SEPA DETERMINATION: PROJECT NAME: Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated (DNSM) Starbucks at Airport Plaza PROJECT NUMBER: LUA16-000SD6, ECF, SA-A, MOD Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 2, 2016, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, Rocale Timmons Senior Planner Enclosure cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov Ramin Pazooki, WSDOT, NW Region Larry Fisher, WDFW Duwamish Tribal Office US Army Corp. of Engineers DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Renton® ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) PROJECT NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Lance Mueller, Lance Mueller & Associates Starbucks at Airport Plaza PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad, on the 2.64 acre site, is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave Sand S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,097 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way 5, Rainier Ave S, and S Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. PROJECT LOCATION: LEAD AGENCY: 64 Rainier Ave S City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-0700 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on August 26, 2016. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: AUGUST 19, 2016 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: e an, Administrator s Department -------Renton® AUGUST 9, 2016 ~ Ma1~f,1g{_, Date Fire & Emergency Services Date C<2 \ j l---~ s A C.E. "diip" Vinc¥nt, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development I I Date >t1!1 /1& Date DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------Renton® DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNSM) MITIGATION MEASURES AND ADVISORY NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Lance Mueller; Lance Mueller & Assoc.; 130 Lakeside Ave, Ste 250; Seattle, WA 98122 Starbucks at Airport Plaza PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad, on the 2.64 acre site, is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave S and S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,097 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way S, Rainier Ave S, and S Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. PROJECT LOCATION: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: 64 Rainier Ave S The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. A survey shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager that conforms to the requirements and standards of the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and must be conducted under the on-site supervision of a state-approved archaeologist prior to construction permit approval. Should evidence of a historic site be found during site development, work shall immediately cease and the Washington State of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586-3065. In the event that cultural artifacts are found, work cannot recommence until approval is received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 2. A survey shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager that conforms to the requirements and standards of the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and must be conducted under the on-site supervision of a state-approved archaeologist prior to construction permit approval. Should evidence of a historic site be found during site development, work shall immediately cease and the Washington State of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586-3065. In the event that cultural artifacts are found, work cannot recommence until approval is received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. ADIVISORV NOTES: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they ore not subject ta the appeal process far the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any trae to be retained. 5. The applicant shall erect and maintain six-foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 6. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Water: 1. Water service is provided by the City of Renton. It is in the Valley service area in the 196' hydraulic pressure zone. The approximate static water pressure is 68 psi at a ground elevation of 34 feet. 2. The lot will require a separate 1-inch water meter for service. The service line and meter would be installed by the City of Renton. The current (2016) fee to install this service line and meter would be $3,310.00. The current System Development Charge (SOC) for a 1-inch meter would be $3,245.00. 3. There is an existing 12-inch cast iron water main south of the site along the northern edge of S Tobin Stthat can deliver 5,200 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700020 in COR Maps for record drawings. There is also a dead end 10-inch ductile iron water main west of the site along the eastern edge of Rainier Ave S that ends at a fire hydrant (COR Facility ID No. HYD-S-00367) that can deliver 1,950 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700711 in COR Maps for record drawings. 4. No water main extensions would be required. 5. No additional fire hydrants would be required. 6. A reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) will be required behind the meter. The RPBA shall be installed per City of Renton standards. 7. If a sprinkler system is require, a stub out with a double check valve assembly (DCVA) that will need to be provided for a building fire department connection (FDC). Sewer: ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 2 of 3 1. The current plan shows the new sewer line connecting to the existing 12-inch PVC sewer running west to east in S Tobin St south of the site. Reference Project File WWP2701901 in COR Maps for record drawings. 2. There is an existing 6-inch PVC side sewer that serves Banner Bank at 54 Rainier Ave S, north of the site. The side sewer is connected to the sewer main in S Tobin St and passes through the proposed building footprint. Please reference the provided side sewer card. The plans submitted by BRH shows how this side sewer will be rerouted around the new building and connected to the main in S. Tobin Street. Any new side sewer serving the bank will need to be contained in a 10 feet private sewer easement where it passes through the Starbucks parcel. The side sewer shall be 6-inch per City standards. 3. The applicant has purposed a sewer re-route of the existing 6-inch PVC around the purposed building site. The plans show that clean outs will be installed at two of the beds of the 6-inch sewer pipe. The clean outs are located 4. The existing sewer stub that will be severed for building construction can be reused for the side sewer for the new building. 5. A grease trap will need to be installed after the kitchen sink allowing wastewater to flow through it before discharging to the sewer main. 6. No sewer main extensions would be required. 7. The development would be subject to a system development charge (SDC) for sewer service. The SDC for sewer service is based on the size of the domestic water service. The current SDC for sewer service with a 1- inch water meter installation is $2,242.00. Drainage: 1. The project is subject to a system development charges (SDC) for stormwater. The current SDC is $0.594 per square foot of new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,485.00. 2. Effective January 2, 2017, the City of Renton will be adopting a new stormwater manual which will be based on the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual. All projects vested after January 2, 2017 will be subject to these new stormwater requirements. Please refer to RMC 4-1-045 for information regarding project vesting. Transportation: 1. The City of Renton Trench restoration and Street overlay requirements will be applicable for any work in the public right of way. Fire: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $1.84 per square. This fee is paid at time of building permit issua nee. 2. The preliminary fire flow is 1,500 gpm. A minimum of two fire hydrants are required. One within 150 feet and one within 300 feet of the building. There are sufficient existing hydrants in this area, no new hydrants are required. 3. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are not required in the proposed retail building of this size. Fire alarm required if the building exceeds 3,000 square feet. Threshold for fire sprinklers is reached if the occupant load exceeds 100 people which equals a dining space of 1,500 square feet for restaurants. 4. Fire department apparatus access roadways are adequate as they exist. 5. An annual place of assembly permit is required for occupant loads exceeding 50 persons. Parks: 1. Park Impact Fees per Ordinance 5670 applies. General: 1. All construction or service utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. When utility plans are complete, please submit four (4) copies of the drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, permit application, an itemized cost of construction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 3 of3 _ ___.,,,,____.Re ii tO I1 ® OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATION: Starbucks at Airport Plaza LUA16·000506, ECF, SA·A, MOO 64 Rainier Ave S Description: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad, on the 2.64 acre site, is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave Sand S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,097 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way S, Rainier Ave S, and 5 Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION HAS PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS THAT CAN BE MITIGATED THROUGH MITIGATION MEASURES. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 2, 2016, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. DEPARTMENT OF COM MU ... , Y AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Itenton ® ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: Project Nome: Project Number: Project Manager: Owner: Contact: Project Location: Project Summary: Site Area: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: August 9, 2016 Starbucks at Airport Plaza LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner The Burkheimer Family LLC; 1326 5th Ave, Ste 708; Seattle, WA 98101 Lance Mueller; Lance Mueller & Assoc.; 130 Lakeside Ave, Ste 250; Seattle, WA 98122 64 Rainier Ave S The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad, on the 2.64 acre site, is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave Sand S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,097 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way S, Rainier Ave S, and S Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. 18,000 SF Total Building Area GSF: 2,000 SF Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). Project Location Map ERC Report.2 City of Renton Department of Communit STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA Report of August 9, 2016 conomic Development PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/ BACKGROUND Environmental Review Committee Report LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Page 2 of8 The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad is part of a larger 2.64 acre site, Airport Plaza, containing a mix of retail uses. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave S and S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of 2,097 square feet. The site is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification and the Commercial Corridor (CC) Comprehensive Plan land use designation. The majority of the site is covered with an existing asphalt paved parking lot with associated landscaping at the west and south edges. No new access to the City street system is proposed. The site currently has four driveways; two on Rainier Ave S and one on Airport Way and S Tobin St. The proposal would be served by a 14 parking stalls within a surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. Preliminary earthwork for the proposal includes 400-600 cubic yards of excavation and an unknown quantity of fill. The applicant is requesting a street modification, from RMC 4-6-060, in order to maintain the existing right-of-way, without dedication, and alter the required street cross sections along S Tobin St and Rainier Ave S. The proposed construction is expected to start in Summer/Fall 2016. Construction is expected to be completed by Spring of 2017. Staff received a single comment letter, from the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, regarding the potential of archaeological deposits on site (Exhibit 9). Studies provided by the applicant include a stormwater report, traffic study, arborist report, and a geotechnical report. I PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measures 1. The applicant shall be required to repair the failed asphalt between the electrical box and the concrete strip in the center of the access point along S Tobin St. The patch would need to be saw-cut out and re- graded to ensure smooth travel within this area. Revised engineering plans shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Plan Reviewer prior to construction permit approval. 2. A survey shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager that conforms to the requirements and standards of the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and must be conducted under the on-site supervision of a state-approved archaeologist prior to construction permit approval. Should evidence of a historic site be found during site development, work shall immediately cease and the Washington State of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586- 3065. In the event that cultural artifacts are found, work cannot recommence until approval is received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. ERC Report.2 City of Renton Department of Communi STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA conomic Development ·· Environmental Review Committee Report LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD Report of August 9, 2016 Page 3 of 8 C. Exhibits Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 ERC Report Site Plan Landscape Plan Elevations Grading Plan Geotechnical Report, prepared by Earth Solutions NW (dated July 5, 2016) Drainage Report, prepared by Bush, Roed and Hitchings (dated July 5, 2016) Traffic Impact Analysis, prepared by Jake Traffic Engineering, Inc. (dated June 17, 2016) Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation Comment letter (dated July 27, 2016) D. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The site can best be characterized as flat, sloping gently down from the west to the east. There is a change in elevation on the order of five feet across the site. The majority of the slopes on site are moderate, ranging from 1-3%. The applicant is proposing excavation in the amount of approximately 400-600 cubic yards. It is unclear at this time the amount of fill proposed. Following construction the applicant is proposing an impervious cover of approximately 83.5% of the net site area. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Report prepared by Earth Solutions, dated July 5, 2016 (Exhibit 6). Underlying the existing asphalt, fill was encountered, at a depth ranging to 7 feet below grade. The fill primarily consists of loose to medium dense gravel with silt and sand. Native soils, consisting of loose to medium dense silt, were encountered between depths of approximately 7-10 feet and 15.S-20 feet below grade. Groundwater seepage was observed at a depth of 16 feet below grade. The seepage levels represent transient water seepage water and likely do not indicate static groundwater. The report states that there are no geotechnical conditions on site which would preclude the proposed development and the development would likely be supported by conventional foundations. The geotechnical report includes specific recommendations in order to mitigate potential geotechnical impacts including: site preparation, structural fill, foundations, and drainage considerations. The applicant will be required to demonstrate compliance with the recommendations included in the provided Geotechnical Engineering Report with the building permit application and during construction (Exhibit 6). Removal of the existing vegetated cover and asphalt during construction would leave soils susceptible to erosion. The applicant will be required to design a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) pursuant to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation needed Nexus: Not applicable 2. Water a. Storm Water ERC Report.2 City of Renton Department of Communit _conomic Development STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA Report of August 9, 2016 .._':nvironmental Review Committee Report WA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD Page 4of 8 Impacts: The majority of the site falls within the West Lake Washington -Seattle South Drainage Basin, while the southern project frontage is part of the Black River Drainage Basin. Storm drainage from the existing parking lot sheet flows to the east where it is intercepted by a private storm drain that serves Airport Plaza. The storm drainage is then conveyed south by a 12-inch private storm drain to an existing private stormwater ditch along the northern frontage of S Tobin St. The ditch flows east to the 12-inch public storm drain in Lake Ave S. Drainage along the southern frontage is conveyed by the existing flowline along the curb for S Tobin St, east to the public storm drain in Lake Ave S. Drainage along the western frontage is conveyed north by the existing flowline, along the curb of Rainier Ave, to the public storm drain system in Airport Way. There is an existing 12-inch storm drain located along the southern side of S Tobin St frontage which flows from west to east. There is an existing 12-inch storm drain located along the western frontage of Rainier Ave S which flows from south to north. This project is required to comply with the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, Chapter 1 and 2. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Peak Flow Control Duration Standard, Existing Conditions. This project is subject to full drainage review. The applicant submitted a Preliminary Drainage Report prepared by Bush, Reed and Hitchings, dated July 5, 2016 (Exhibit 7). The provided report was found to be generally acceptable for preliminary review. The report includes a detailed summary of the pre and post developed conditions. Storm water runoff from the proposed improvements would be collected into a new piped conveyance system to carry a 25-year peak flow. The applicant is also proposing Storm Filter cartridges for water quality treatment. Flow control is not required as the project would reduce the amount of impervious surfacing on site thus reducing the peak flow rates. Required flow control BMPs shall be in accordance with Section and Section 5.2 of the 2009 KCSWDM and demonstrated during construction permit review. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation needed Nexus: Not applicable 3. Transportation Impacts: The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Jake Traffic Engineering, Inc., dated June 17, 2016 (Exhibit 8). The provided TIA was found to meet the intent of the TIA guidelines and is generally acceptable for preliminary review. Level of Service: It is anticipated that the Starbucks would attract a significant amount of pass-by traffic. The provided traffic study provides pass-by-rates during the AM peak time period at a rate of 61% and for the PM peak time period a rate of 49%. Additionally, it was noted that 20% of the site traffic would be shared with other uses on the larger Airport Plaza site. As a result, it is anticipated that the proposed development would generate approximately 982 average daily trips with only 50 new AM peak-hour trips and 30 PM new peak- hour trips. Increased traffic created by the development would be mitigated by payment of transportation impact fees. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied. The fee currently being assessed, in 2016, is $27 .66 per square foot of building. The fee is estimated at approximately $58,003.02. The fee shall be payable to the City at the time of building permit issuance. Access: The applicant is proposing to maintain all existing access points with no changes. The two access points on Rainier Ave S are right in/out only. The access on S Tobin St allows all turning movements but S Tobin St turn, at Rainier Ave S, is restricted to right-in/out only. The sites Airport Way driveway is also a full access point. Staff is in support of the retention of the existing access points. However, due to the anticipated increase in traffic using the access point on S Tobin St a repair is required to fix the failed asphalt between the electrical box and the concrete strip in the center of the access road. Currently the slope has increased due to the failed subgrade. The patch would need to be saw-cut out and re-graded to ensure smooth travel within ERC Report.2 City of Renton Department of Community STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA Report of August 9, 2016 anomic Development nvironmental Review Committee Report LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD Page 5 of 8 this area. Therefore, staff recommends as a mitigation measure the applicant would be required to repair the failed asphalt between the electrical. box and the concrete strip in the center of the access point along S Tobin St. The patch would need to be saw-cut out and re-graded to ensure smooth travel within this area. Revised engineering plans shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Plan Reviewer prior to construction permit approval. Street Improvements: Street Improvements are regulated by RMC 4-6-060-Street Standards. See below: Rainier Ave S Rainier Ave S is classified as a principal arterial. The existing right-of-way width is 150-feet. Per RMC 4-6-060, the minimum right of way width for a principal arterial, with seven lanes, is 125-feet. Therefore, no dedication is required. Street improvements fronting this site would be required to include a new 0.5-foot curb, 8-foot landscape planter, 8-foot sidewalk, and street lighting. The applicant is proposing to maintain the existing right-of-way cross section and as a result the applicant has requested a modification from RMC 4-6-060. The City has plans for the improvement of Rainier Ave S, along the subject site's frontage. Street improvements, performed by the applicant, would not be needed at this time as they will likely be removed at the time City improves Rainier Ave S. As part of the Administrative Site Plan Review decision, staff will likely be approving the requested modification. S Tobin St -S Tobin Street is a commercial access street. The existing right-of-way width is 60-feet. Per RMC 4-6-060, the minimum right of way for a commercial access street with two lanes is 69 feet. Therefore a dedication, of approximately 4.5 feet, would be required along the S Tobin St frontage to meet City standards. Additionally, street improvements fronting the site would be required to include a new 0.5-foot curb, 8-foot landscape planter, 6-foot sidewalk, and street lighting. The applicant is proposing to maintain the existing right-of-way cross section and existing right-of-way width. As a result the applicant has requested a modification from RMC 4-6-060. The City has plans for the improvement of Rainier Ave S, which may include improvements to the S Tobin St along the subject site's frontage. Street improvements, performed by the applicant, would not be needed at this time. As part of the Administrative Site Plan Review decision, staff will likely be approving the requested modification. Concurrency-A concurrency recommendation will be provided in the Administrative Site Plan Review decision based upon the test of the citywide Transportation Plan, consideration of growth levels included in the LOS- tested Transportation Plan, payment of a Transportation Mitigation Fee, and an application of site specific mitigation. The development will have to meet the City of Renton concurrency requirements. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall be required to repair the failed asphalt between the electrical box and the concrete strip in the center of the access point along S Tobin St. The patch would need to be saw-cut out and re-graded to ensure smooth travel within this area. Revised engineering plans shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Plan Reviewer prior to construction permit approval. Nexus: RMC4-4-080 Parking, Loading and Driveway Standards, SEPA Environmental Regulations 4. Historic and Cultural Preservation Impacts: It is possible that archaeological artifacts or a historic site could be encountered during project construction. This is due to the site's proximity to former archaeological discoveries. Archaeological sites are protected from disturbance on both public and private lands in Washington State. Staff received a comment letter, from the Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, requesting a survey be submitted in conformance with the requirements and standards of the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (Exhibit 9). Therefore, staff recommends, as a mitigation measure, that a survey be submitted that conforms to the requirements and standards of the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and must be conducted under the on-site supervision of a state-approved archaeologist prior to construction permit approval. In addition to the survey, should evidence of a historic site be found during site development, work shall immediately cease and the Washington State of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at ERC Report.2 City of Renton Department of Community conomic Development STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA nvironmentaJ Review Committee Report LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Report of August 9, 2016 Page6of8 (360) 586-3065. In the event that cultural artifacts are found, work cannot recommence until approval is received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. Mitigation Measures: A survey shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager that conforms to the requirements and standards of the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and must be conducted under the on-site supervision of a state-approved archaeologist prior to construction permit approval. Should evidence of a historic site be found during site development, work shall immediately cease and the Washington State of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586- 3065. In the event that cultural artifacts are found, work cannot recommence until approval is received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations, RCW 27 .53 Archaeological Sites and Resources E-Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or "Advisory Notes to Applicant." ./ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075{3); WAC 197-11-680). Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 2, 2016. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 5. The applicant shall erect and maintain six-foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feel (SO') indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). ERC Report.2 City of Renton Department of Community STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA Report of August 9, 2016 anomic Development vironmental Review Committee Report LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD Page 7 of 8 Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 6. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Water: 1. Water service is provided by the City of Renton. It is in the Valley service area in the 196' hydraulic pressure zone. The approximate static water pressure is 68 psi at a ground elevation of 34 feet. 2. The lot will require a separate 1-inch water meter for service. The service line and meter would be installed by the City of Renton. The current (2016) fee to install this service line and meter would be $3,310.00. The current System Development Charge (SDC) for a 1-inch meter would be $3,245.00. 3. There is an existing 12-inch cast iron water main south of the site along the northern edge of S Tobin Stthat can deliver 5,200 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700020 in COR Maps for record drawings. There is also a dead end 10-inch ductile iron water main west of the site along the eastern edge of Rainier Ave S that ends at a fire hydrant (COR Facility ID No. HYD-S-00367) that can deliver 1,950 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700711 in COR Maps for record drawings. 4. No water main extensions would be required. 5. No additional fire hydrants would be required. 6. A reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) will be required behind the meter. The RPBA shall be installed per City of Renton standards. 7. If a sprinkler system is require, a stub out with a double check valve assembly (DCVA) that will need to be provided for a building fire department connection (FDC). Sewer: 1. The current plan shows the new sewer line connecting to the existing 12-inch PVC sewer running west to east in S Tobin St south of the site. Reference Project File WWP2701901 in COR Maps for record drawings. 2. There is an existing 6-inch PVC side sewer that serves Banner Bank at 54 Rainier Ave S, north of the site. The side sewer is connected to the sewer main in S Tobin St and passes through the proposed building footprint. Please reference the provided side sewer card. The plans submitted by BRH shows how this side sewer will be rerouted around the new building and connected to the main in S. Tobin Street. Any new side sewer serving the bank will need to be contained in a 10 feet private sewer easement where it passes through the Starbucks parcel. The side sewer shall be 6-inch per City standards. 3. The applicant has purposed a sewer re-route of the existing 6-inch PVC around the purposed building site. The plans show that clean outs will be installed at two of the beds of the 6-inch sewer pipe. The clean outs are located 4. The existing sewer stub that will be severed for building construction can be reused for the side sewer for the new building. 5. A grease trap will need to be installed after the kitchen sink allowing wastewater to flow through it before discharging to the sewer main. 6. No sewer main extensions would be required. 7. The development would be subject to a system development charge (SDC) for sewer service. The SDC for sewer service is based on the size of the domestic water service. The current SDC for sewer service with a 1-inch water meter installation is $2,242.00. Drainage: 1. The project is subject to a system development charges (SDC) for stormwater. The current SDC is $0.594 per square foot of new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,485.00. 2. Effective January 2, 2017, the City of Renton will be adopting a new stormwater manual which will be based on the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual. All projects vested after January 2, 2017 will be subject to these new stormwater requirements. Please refer to RMC 4-1-045 for information regarding project vesting. Transportation: 1. The City of Renton Trench restoration and Street overlay requirements will be applicable for any work in the public right of way. Fire: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $1.84 per square. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. 2. The preliminary fire flow is 1,500 gpm. A minimum of two fire hydrants are required. One within 150 feet and one withi n 300 feet of the building. There are sufficient existing hydrants in this area, no new hydrants are required. 3. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are not required in the proposed retail building of this size. Fire alarm required if the building exceeds 3,000 square feet. Threshold for fire sprinklers is reached if the occupant load exceeds 100 people which equals a dining space of 1,500 square feet for restaurants. ERC Report.2 City of Renton Department of Community STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA Report of August 9, 2016 anomic Development 4. Fire department apparatus access roadways are adequate as they exist. nvironmental Review Committee Report LUA16-000S06, ECF, SA-A, MOD Page 8 of 8 5. An annual place of assembly permit is required for occupant loads exceeding 50 persons. Parks: 1. Park Impact Fees per Ordinance 5670 applies. General: 1. All construction or service utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. When utility plans are complete, please submit four (4) copies of the drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, permit application, an itemized cost of construction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. ERC Report.2 ! . -- > <( ~ l-o:: 0 CL 0::: -<( ' J 'z •o :::.-~ ;, '-2 · HlAOS 3A \f 3>f\f1 11 ' ' I I ' WJ \ ,, i I TT I i _J -~ .'. ; \-\l..OOS ---·----------~----------..:.··--,:-'' __ _ - EXHIBIT 2 , ... --... { ' -~ ~; \ I,,. '..,-~/ .;. • D O 9 G O • ·~ J 1112gP,RiJH,:rrj I • I! I· II & r, tt 11'1 f I I• ! f l,,, rP. 11I1r11 t ...... l . I ... ... ... ... ' I I ' . -. ~;iiiiii,•aa 1r~~~'fllll J 11 J E .Ll8IHX3 -RA\N\ER A\JE soU1'\-\ ! I I' -P. I C,/)1 0 C: -I ::C, i-l'. 0 r .. k 11 I 11 -,c ·-··,.\ ·I - L 1.:ii '" I ~ "''1111· : 92 z I 'b ~·1 .1\!' ,,; '··1' m ·,·. m -I ~. i ---1 {~jc'"'\ '1'1!1•,." \ ~ I -~~1' •I':---/ <'J/:1 ~ I , ··' ,1 Y.F· ~ I I. I L_! )> -::0 -a 0 11 ::o' -I i 'I~ : I )> ' ' ' ' ' -< ~ ~ii -~ 11 I • !'l,, I , :tc!' j I Rj"' •• ~. ' .·· . ~' H. + I ' , , • _ "'-I Z ". '" ''' ' ' ' ---------------- tic Ji;;-{ LAKE AVE SOUTH ~.n1·.JSCr\P[ Pl.A.~l l LANCE MUELLER & Ae---· C I .-. .AZA ,_6/lD/18 , ... ,- ··-··· J lSOOfl NOJ.ONlHSVM 'NOJ.loffil Q S3/\V~INIWt9 • 011 AllW'<I~ ll3Wl3H>tllna l,10~ N 'o'Z'o'ld l.~Odl:IIV i\f S>1one~v.1s 93.J. ..... l::::JOSS ..... '9 ~3,,3n~ 3::JN'v'I ! <( SOSONI01"8M3N ----SN011VA31] 03~010J A~¥NTriil3~d . ' I ;, 'i- .1 ._,,,S',:,()<. lAKEAVE _.,_,x,c,m,_O'ft•·, •.>C.f,CiOS -----~---- ('1 ' ' ' ' i"' I ' ' I I • l-.) 1_,_ ---------- -="'"======-_; -~======-_;==-=-- 8.3 -..OSSV ~ c:i3113nV\I 3:JNVl S)i:)nmN.LS NO.LN3cl Nv'ld ,uru.in ~ 'DNIO'tl't:l9 Al::lv'NIV'llll3t:ld -----~-----a--- ..,..,.-,.-,_··~~(·~ ---· \ l PREPARED FOR BURKHEIMER FAMILY, LLC c/o LANCE MUELLEER & ASSOCIATES July 5, 2016 ·,.____ Kyle R. Campbell, P.E. Principal GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA 64 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON ES-4576 Earth Solutions NW, LLC 1805 -1361h Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Phone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425-449-4711 Toll Free: 866-336-8710 EXHIBIT 6 Full Document Available upon Request ] Full Document Available upon Request PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT for Starbucks at Airport Plaza 95 Airport Way Renton, WA 98055 Applicant: Burkheimer Family LLC Engineer. Ted Dimof, PE License No. 3604 2 Bush, Roed and Hitchings 2009 Minor Avenue E Seattle, WA 98102 (206) 323-4144 · Date: July 5, 2016 ,- EXHIBIT 7 I ' . . "j. . :,, FULL DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Renton AIRPORT PLAZA STARBUCKS PRE16-000247 TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION, ACCESS/CIRCULATION REVIEW AND TIF TRAFFIC LE I I ER June 17, 2016 I I [.-;·, - J I I .. ! ~I---- \ '· ~-",________, PROP\lSEO ':'T ~!'~ .:.::f ,- :.·X>J+-·,,. ,. -,. ·; J23 76' JTE • Jake Traffic Engineering, Inc. Mark J. Jacobs, PE (OR and WA), PTOE, Presirlent 2614 39th Ave. SW -Seattle, WA 98116 -'. Tel. 206.762.1978-Cell 206.799.569: E-mail iaketraffic@comcast.net L I I I EXHIBITS ---------------------------------- Qgbp July 27, 2016 Ms. Rocale Timmons Associate Planner City of Renton I 055 South Grady Way Renton, W A98507 In future correspondence please refer to: Project Tracking Code: 2016-07-05388 -. Property: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Starbucks at Airport Plaza Re: Archaeology -Survey Requested Dear Ms. Timmons: I Allyson Brooks Ph.D .. Director State Historic Preservation Officer Thank you for contacting the Washington State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and providing documentation regarding the above referenced project. The project area has a high probability for containing precontact and/or historic archaeological resources. The project area is situated on the banks of the historical channel of the Black River. There are multiple previously recorded precontact sites within approximately 1,500 feet including the Henry Moses Homestead Site, 45 K.1009, the Renton High School Ballfield Site 45KI1010 and the Renton High School Site 45KI501. These sites are located on landforms similar to that of the project area. Please be aware that archaeological sites are protected from knowing disturbance on both public and private lands in Washington States. Both RCW 27.44 and RCW 27.53.060 require that a person obtain a permit from our Department before excavating, removing, or altering Native American human remains or archaeological resources in Washington. Failure to obtain a permit is punishable by civil fines and other penalties under RCW 27.53.095, and by criminal prosecution tinder RCW 27.53.090. Chapter 27.53.095 RCW allows the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation to issue civil penalties for the violation of this statute in an amount up to five thousand dollars, in addition to site restoration costs and investigative costs. Also, these remedies do no,t prevent concerned tribes from undertaking civil action in state or federal court, or law enforcement agencies from undertaking criminal investigation or prosecution. Chapter 27.44.050 RCW allows the affected Indian Tribe to undertake civil action apart from any criminal prosecution if burials are disturbed. Identification of archaeological resources during construction is not a recommended detection method because inadvertent discoveries often result in costly construction delays and damage to the resource. We request a professional archaeologist be onsite to monitor removal of the pavement and excavation for the footing under a monitoring plan reviewed by DAHP and the Tribes. We also recommend consultation with the concerned Tribes' cultural committees and staff regarding cultural resource issues. EXHI8IT9 ;hington • Department ot Archaeology & Historic Preservation ox 48343 • Olympic, Washington 98504--8343 • (360) 586-3065 www.dahp.wa.gov Agencies See Attached Lance Mueller Contact/ Applicant Burkheimer Family, LLC Owner 300' Surrounding Properties See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) ''"'' .. ''"''tit I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Sabrina Mirante _j"~~t"'~;.,4'011 \. signed this instrument and acknowledged it to b.e his/her/their free and voluntary act for ti# ~~~~6;.~~1s \;, mentioned in the instrument. · ~ ;g .,0 re,_ t~ ~ "· :::(.) -·-~ ~ Dated: ·1 -l ~ --) lp '" ~ u-,\ "ua'-' 0 } E J he State of W\lri~·, ,.,,:,"·;~ _2 ( \. . 2 r ,,,, Op W1'S ,,.:.· Notary (Print): ~ . , ._ "1;11111\\\"''' My appointment expires: Starbucks at Airport Plaza LUAlG-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD template • affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology•• Environmental Review Section PO Box47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region • Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers • Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers *** Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. Attn: SEPA Section 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC·TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Jalalne Madura, Attn: SEPA Responsible Official 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology " Attn: Misty Blair PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Ouwamish Tribal Office• 4717 W Marginal Way SW Seattle, WA 98106-1514 KC Wastewater Treatment Division • Environmental Planning Supervisor Ms. Shirley Marroquin 201 5. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 WDFW • Larry Fisher* 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Issaquah, WA 98027 City of Newcastle Attn: Tim McHarg Director of Community Development 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 Newcastle, WA 98056 Puget Sound Energy Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. 355 110'" Ave NE Mailstop EST llW Bellevue, WA 98004 Puget Sound Energy Doug Corbin1 Municipal liaison Mgr. 6905 South 228'" St Kent, WA 98032 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. '' Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer 39015-172"" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program•• Attn: Laura Murphy 39015172"' Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program•• Attn: Erin Slaten 39015172"" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation* Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Kent Attn: Charlene Anderson, AICP, ECD 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 City of Tukwila Jack Pace, Responsible Official 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwila, WA 98188 •Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an uoptional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. **Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov ** Karen Walter, Laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us / Laura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.us L erin.slaten@muckleshoot.nsn.us ***Department of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing {lurkheimer Family LL C 1326 5th Ave, 708 Seattle, WA 98101 -lfflijrnm11111111111111tmm~-, Lance Mueller Lance Mueller and Associates 130 Lakeside, #250 Seattle, WA 98122 1823059245 1823059131 7229300005 BURKHEIMER FAMILY LLC CAR WASH ENTERPRISES INC CHENG ANGELA 1326 5TH AVE #708 PO BOX 70527 229 SW 193RD PL SEATTLE,WA 98101 SEATTLE,WA 98127 SEATTLE, WA 98166 3806000040 7229300035 7229300020 DENNIS ERNEST+PAMELA EASTERN EQUITY INVESTMENT L FATTORE ROBERT L 105 S TOBIN ST 313 152ND PL NE 13810 152ND AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 BELLEVUE, WA 98007 RENTON, WA 98059 3806000110 3806000045 3806000105 GRAY MARY GUDMUNDSON NANCY L LITTLE LEON & MARY 25711 SE 208TH ST 102 LAKE AV S 261 MAPLE AVE NW MAPLE VALLEY, WA 98038 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98055 1823059227 3806000025 3806000095 MCDONALDS CORP 046/0017 PAGLIA ROSE ADELE WHITE DIAMOND PROPERTIES LL PO BOX 182571 117 S TOBIN ST 95 S TOBIN ST SUITE 201 COLUMBUS, OH 43218 RENTON, WA 98057 SEATTLE,WA 98057 3806000095 3806000095 3806000095 WHITE DIAMOND PROPERTIES LL WHITE DIAMOND PROPERTIES LL WHITE DIAMOND PROPERTIES LL 95 S TOBIN ST SUITE 201 95 S TOBIN ST SUITE 201 95 S TOBIN ST SUITE 201 SEATTLE, WA 98057 SEATTLE,WA 98057 SEATTLE,WA 98057 3806000095 3806000095 WHITE DIAMOND PROPERTIES LL WHITE DIAMOND PROPERTIES LL 95 S TOBIN ST SUITE 201 95 S TOBIN ST SUITE 201 SEATTLE, WA 98057 SEATTLE,WA 98057 dohp July 27, 2016 Ms. Rocale Timmons Associate Planner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A98507 In future correspondence please refer to: Project Tracking Code: 2016-07--05388 Property: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Starbucks at Airport Plaza Re: Archaeology -Survey Requested Dear Ms. Timmons: Allyson Brooks Ph.D., Director State Historic Preservation Officer Thank you for contacting the Washington State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and providing documentation regarding the above referenced project. The project area has a high probability for containing precontact and/or historic archaeological resources. The project area is situated on the banks of the historical channel of the Black River. There are multiple previously recorded precontact sites within approximately 1,500 feet including the Henry Moses Homestead Site, 45 Kl009, the Renton High School Ballfield Site 45KII O 10 and the Renton High School Site 45Kl501. These sites are located on landforms similar to that of the project area. Please be aware that archaeological sites are protected from knowing disturbance on both public and private lands in Washington States. Both RCW 27.44 and RCW 27.53.060 require that a person obtain a permit from our Department before excavating, removing, or altering Native American human remains or archaeological resources in Washington. Failure to obtain a pennit is punishable by civil fines and other penalties under RCW 27.53.095, and by criminal prosecution under RCW 27.53.090. Chapter 27 .53.095 RCW allows the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation to issue civil penalties for the violation of this statute in an amount up to five thousand dollars, in addition to site restoration costs and investigative costs. Also, these remedies do not prevent concerned tribes from undertaking civil action in state or federal court, or law enforcement agencies from undertaking criminal investigation or prosecution. Chapter 27.44.050 RCW allows the affected Indian Tribe to undertake civil action apart from any criminal prosecution if burials are disturbed. Identification of archaeological resources during construction is not a recommended detection method because inadvertent discoveries often result in costly construction delays and damage to the resource. We request a professional archaeologist be onsite to monitor removal of the pavement and excavation for the footing under a monitoring plan reviewed by DAHP and the Tribes. We also recommend consultation with the concerned Tribes' cultural committees and staff regarding cultural resource issues. State of Washington • Department al Archaealagy & Historic Preservation P.O. Box 48343 • Olympia. Washington 98504-8343 • 1360) 586-3065 www.dahp.wa.gov Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project and we look forward to receiving the survey report. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Gretchen Kaehler Assistant State Archaeologist, Local Governments (360) 586-3088 gretchen.kaehler@dahp.wa.gov cc. Laura Murphy, Archaeologist, Mucldeshoot Tribe Cecelia Hansen, Chair, Duwarnish Tribe Dennis Lewarch, THPO, Suquarnish Tribe Stephenie Truedel, Archaeologist, Suquarnish Tribe Richard Young, Cultural Resources Director, Tulalip Tribe 2 ·------Denis Law ---C' f ----=Mayo:_r ------LP~~ July 13, 2016 Lance Mueller Lance Mueller & Associates 130 Lakeside Ave, Ste 250 Seattle, WA 98122 Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application Starbucks at Airport Plaza, LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD Dear Mr. Mueller: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7219 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rocale Timmons Senior Planner cc: Burkhelmer Family, LLC / Owner(s) Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton. Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov F RentOil® NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED)-Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE DF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: May 13, 2009 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA16-000506, ECF, SA-A, MOD PROJECT NAME: Starbucks at Airport Plaza PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental {SEPA) Review, and a street modification, for the construction of a new Starbucks with associated parking, and landscaping. The 18,000 square foot building pad, on the 2.64 acre site, is located within the Commercial Corridor (CC) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA} zoning classification. The proposed building pad is located on the southwest corner of the site, at the northeast corner of Rainier Ave Sand S Tobin St. The proposed building would have a gross square footage of approximately 2,000 square feet. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cuts along Airport Way S, Rainier Ave S, and S Tobin St. The proposal includes 14 parking spaces within surface parking area to the east of the proposed structure. PROJECT LOCATION: 64 Rainier Ave S OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has detennined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are Integrated Into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated {DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: July 5, 2016 July 13, 2016 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Lance Mueller, Lance Mueller & Associates/ 130 Lakeside Ave, Ste 250/ Seattle, WA 981Z2/ 206-32S-2SS3/ lmeuller@meuller.com Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: Location where application may be reviewed: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Site Plan Review, Modification Building Permit, Construction Permit, Fire Permit, Sign Permit Arborist Report, Drainage Report, Landscape Analysis, Traffic Impact Study, Department of Community & Economic Development (CED)-Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED-Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: Starbucks at Airport Plaza/Error! Reference source not found. NAME:----------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ City/State/Zip: __________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: --------------- CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Proposed Mitigation Measures: • The subject site is designated COMP·CMU on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and CA, DESIGN-Don the City's Zoning Map. Environmental (SEPA) Checklist The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC4-2-120A and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. • An archeo/oglca/ survey, for the area af construdlon, may be required. Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner, CED-Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM an July 27, 2016. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additlonal notification by mail1 contact the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination Is available upon request. CONTACT PERSON: Rocale Timmons , Senior Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Eml: rtimmons@rentonwa.gov I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Billlllllllllal -------Renton® Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: ~l<id-Bl,,v,1t.."' ·.LL-C-.. PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: -.. • ............. s ~ )!.i,WtP:(-~ ,, I ADDRESS: :, 1H #,~ ,~~ NE:; PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE: {p4-'i2Ai Nli:ffi. ,A,.J5-'S CITY:~ ZIP: '1 ~j..1"I TELEPHONE NUMBER: ~ q-,z.. ~~:z,p KING COUNTY ASSESSS,R'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(SJ: APPLICANT (if other than owner) 1~~3~4'2-~- NAME: ~ Mt.e'~ EXISTING LANn USE(SJ: ~~ /'rt-. l"-1 x"e() V::iS COMPANY (if applicabl"l. --• /x,n 1 ~--. )II,;$~ -. PROPOSED LAND USE(SJ: ~,..,.,, . ADDRESS: !°3 1)6' -kJE: ,P [) ~( . 5'1f:i' 'Zia EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: • •• l&>""~A<-, vcz&.iJ ~rl ~,,or o . PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ~tl!lh)f: Lt.£ ZIP:4~JZ..-z_... (if applicable) TELEPHONE NUMBER: .lj.p4, ~ t,..:_:; "Z4 ;;-2, EXISTING ZONING: C,IJ.. ~~h-.J.dcrert,AL CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): ,...,,..... NAME: ~M~ SITE AREA On square feet): I f;8r7-!>F-l.4 -m df· . /IS,. I-""' _. "Qomtl-le ~ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY Of applicable)~ A."S ~ DEDICATED: ~oifV8'ST' iJ> t,; ..... , ,.,e 4 .,; 'f"r -Hl>/.S &tJ ~-,.,.,.J ~ . ADDRESS: ' ' SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: N,A, •• CITY: " ZIP: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) N,A, TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAILADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) /.,-M~rt.@. W~, c.:>M. ~~"I, 'fl-VS Sa>N!-~~ ~ NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if apPlicable): =Fwv· "7,w 1-z~ ~-'5'4-fJhe 1 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\self-Help Handouts\Planning\Master Application.doc Rev: 08/2015 PROJECT INFORMATION (continued} ,.:...:::..:..:c...>.:=--=-===='-----------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (ii applicable): ~ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): 'f..l~ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (ii applicable): ~ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAi. BUILDINGS (if applicable): '2-142'":> ,f=: SQUARE FOOTAGE Of EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): JJ_~ 1 p4,,:) c; .$ NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): ,z,,.,b.9± NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT 01 applicable): ei'f """"16 IP-I!:> PROJECT VALUE: !~.-1V t-,..,,..,-.i, IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE 01 applicable): t-,.1,,6,., 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD Q HABITAT CONSERVATION Q SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 0 WETLANDS ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft ___ sq.ft LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY /Attach lenal descriotion on seoarate sheet with the followinn information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION th , TOWNSHIP-:7-'-?.N, RANGE 5:1;_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP l,{PrintName/s)C • --;?J' -~ ~ /J~;-/#4 ,de~areunderpenallyofperjuryund~awsoltheStateof Washington that I am (please check one) the current owner of the property involved in this appUcation or12!0,_the aulhorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Owner/Representative/I(',¢'~ STATEOFWASHINGTON) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Signature of OWner/Representative Date I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ~ t) 6ti I {] . </31,1 / l he.,11)1?/} signed this Instrument and acknowfedge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act\;; the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. Dated JUDY S. COOLEY STATE OF WASHINGTOI~ NOTARY PUBLIC II('{ COMMISSION EXPIRES 08-29-18 My appointment expires: 2 H:\CEO\Oata\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Master Appllcatton.doc Rev: OB/2015 • • • AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT OF BURKHEIMER FAMILY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMP ANY (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this May 7, 2008, effective as of December 31, 2007, by and among John A. Burkheimer Testamentary Trust created by Will and First Codicil, respectively dated February 28, 1975 and August 30, 1976, Robert Brace Burkheimer, Trustee (the "Testamentary Trust"), Robert Brace Burkheimer, Jean B. Bushnell, Frances Ann Reed, John Robert Burkheimer, the Robert B. Burkheimer Grantor Trust, the Jean B. Bushnell Granter Trust and the Frances Ann Reed Granter Trust (collectively, the "Members"), and Robert Brace Burkheimer, the Manager. The limited liability company was formed by filing a Certificate of Formation under the laws of the State of Washington on December 24, 1996. The limited liability company has operated pursuant to an Agreement of Limited Liability Company dated July_, 1996 ( the "Original Agreement"), and the Members wish to continue to operate the terms and conditions set forth below. This Agreement supercedes in its entirety the Original Agreement and all amendments thereto. The parties hereto agree as follows: I. FORMATION 1.1 Name and Office. The Members hereby form and agree to operate the Company to be known as "Burkheimer Family Limited Liability Company" in accordance with the Washington Limited Liability Company Act under the terms and conditions set forth herein. Except as otherwise provided herein, the rights and liabilities of the Members shall be governed by the Act (as defined in Section 2.l). The initial principal place of business shall be the initial registered office. The initial registered office and the initial registered agent of the Company for service of process, notice or demand shall be: Registered Agent: Robert B. Burkheimer Registered Office: 1326 Fifth Avenue, Suite 708 Seattle, Washington 98101 The registered agent and registered office may be changed from time to time by the Manager. 1.2 Purpose. The purpose of the Company is to hold all assets contributed to the Company by the Testamentary Trust pursuant to Section 3.1, whether re~l or personal property, to mortgage, pledge, exchange, buy, sell, develop and manage such property and to reinvest the proceeds of sale in any other assets or property and exercise any and all powers of a limited liability company with respect to such property (the "Property") . Amended and Rcsuned Agrceme11t of 4/08!08 Burkheimer Family Limited Liability Company. FINAL • • • capital contribution of a Member shall include the capital contribution made by a predecessor holder of the interest of such Member. 2.9 "Cash Available for Distribution" means all cash receipts oflhe Company in execs., of amounts reasonably required or reasonably projected for payment of expenses, insurance, operating capital, working capital, capital improvements or capital acquisitions, investment opportunities, reasonably anticipated contingencies, payment ofliabilities, establislunent of reasonable additions to the prudent reserves established by !he Manager for the operation of the business, including but not limited to reserves for contingent liabilities or obligations of lite Company, and the establishment of and additions to the cash reserves established by the Manager pursuant to a business plan approved by the Membenl pursuant to Section 7.3(a) for the operation of lite business, including, but not limited to, resaves for contingent or unforeseen liabilities or obligations of the Company. 2. l O "Code" means the United States Internal R.cvenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time. References to specific Code sections or Treasury Regulations shall be deemed to refer to such Code sections or Treasury Regulations as they may be amended from time to time or to any successor Code sections or Treasury Regulations if the Code section or Treasury Regulation referred to is repealed. 2.11 ''Company" means the Burkheimer Family Limited Liability Company created and governed by thls Agreement. 2.12 ''Company Property" or "Property" means all the real and personal (tangible and intangible) property owned by the Company. 2.13 "Deemed Capital Account" means a Member's Capital Account, as calculated from time to time, adjusted by (a) adding thereto the 811111 of(l) the amount of such Member's Mandatory Obligation, if any, and {2) each Member's sluu.-e of Minimum Gain (determined after any dccrcases therein for such year) and (b) sublracting therefrom (1) allocations oflosses and deductions that are reasonably expected to be made as of the end of the taxable year to the Members pmsuant to Code Section 704(e)(2), Code Section 706(d) and Treasury Regulation Section l.7Sl-l(b){2){ii) and (2) distributions which at the end of the taxable year are reasonably expected to be made to the Member to the ext.mt that said distributions exceed offiletting increases to the Member's Capital ACCOWlt (including allocations of the Qualified Income Offset pursuant to Section 6.4 but excluding allocations of Minimum Gain Chargeback pursuant to Section 6.3) that are reasonably expected to ooour dming (or prior to) the taxable years in which such distributions are reasonably expected to be made. 2.14 ''Manager'' or "Manager(s)" means the Member or Memb""' who are appointed in acco!dance with this Agreement to exercise the authority ofManager(s) under this Agreement and the Act. No person may be appointed a Manager of the Company who is not also a Member of the Company owning at least a one percent(!%) Percentage Interest and, at all times such Member is the Manager, having an interest in each material itan of income, gain, loss, deduction or credit of the Company equal to at least one percent (1 %) of all such items. If at any time a Member who is a Manager ceases to be a Member for any reason, ceases to own at • • • least one percent (I%) Percentage Interest, or ceases to have an interest in each material item of income, gain, loss, deduction or credit of the Company equal to at least one percent (1 %) of all such items, that Member shall simultaneously cease to be a Manager. The initial Manager was the Testamentary Trust. Robert Brace Burkheimer was appointed Manager pursuant to Consent of Members dated February 23, 2005 to replace the Testantentary Trust, and continues to be the Manager of the Company. In the event that the Members desire to appoint a Manager who is not a Member of ihe Company, the Members shall amend the Agreement to allow for the appointment of a non-Member Manager and shall amend such other sections of the Agreement as are necessary to cause the Company to continue to be treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes. ------+-- 2.15 "Mandatory Obligation" means the sum of (a) the amount of a Member's remaining contribution obligation {including the amount of any Capital Account deficit such Member is obligated to restore upon liquidation), provided that such contnDUtion must be made in all events within ninety {90) days ofliquidation of the Member's interest as determined under Treasury Regulation Section t.704-l(b)(2)(ii)(g), and (b) the additional amount, if any, such Member would be obligated to contribute as of year end to retire recourse indebtedness of the Company if the Company were to liquidate as of such date and dispose of all of its assets at book value. 2.16 "Member(s)" means those persons who own an Interest in the Company and execute this Agreement or a counterpart of this Agreement, and those persons who are hereafter admitted as Members as provided in Section 9.4 . 2.17 "Minimum Gain" means the amount detennined by oomputing, with respect to each oonrecoui:se liability of the Company, the amount of gain, if any, that would be realized by the Company if it disposed of the Company Property subject to such nonrecoun,e liability in full satisfilction thereof in a taxable transaction, and then by aggregating the amounts so determined. Such gain shall be determined in accordance with Treasury Regulation Section 1. 704-2( d). Each Member's share of Minimum Gain at the c:nd of any taxable year of the Company shall be determined in acconlance with Treasury Regulation Section I. 704-2(g)(l). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the Company incurs "partner nonrecourse debt," appropriate adjustments shall be made to conform to the requirements of the Treasury Regulations governing partner nonrecourse debt. 2.18 "Notice" means a writing, containing the infonnation required by this Agreement to be communicated to any Person, and given in accordance with Section 14.1. 2.19 "Percentage Interest" for each Member means the respective peccentages set forth in Section 3.1 hereof, which shall include both Class A aud Class B Units aud each shall be proportionate to the total of all Units. 2.20 ''Person" means any individual, partnClllhip, corporation, trust or other entity . -aod~lcd-... or 6 Bu,lcl,olmc,-l'amlly Umllcd LloblUty Qnnpony. FINAL • • • 7. 7.1 Authority of Manager. Except to the extent otherwise provided in this MANAGEMENT ) Agreement, the Manager shall have the sole and exclusive right to manage the day-to-day business of the Company. 7.2 Major Decisions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the following Company actions may be taken only after an affinnative vote of 66-2/3% of the Class A Units: (a) Transactions with one of the Members or an Affiliate including entering into, modifying or tenninating any agreements entered into pursuant to Sections 7.6, 7. 7 or 7.8; (b) Loans to or from Members which are not at a market rate of interest as would be charged for similar loans by commercial banks in the Seattle area and secured by a pledge of the Member's Units in the Company; (c) Additional Capital Contributions; (d) Sale, exchange, lease, mortgage, pledge or other transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company or other property owned by the Company other than in the ordinary course of its business; (e) Borrowing of more than SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($75,000.00) per year; (f) Selection of new or additional Manager or removal of the Manager; (g) Amendment of this Agreement; (b) Possession of Company property for other than a Company purpose; (i) Cause the Company to voluntarily take any action that would cause a Bankruptcy of the Company; G) Dissolve the Company, otherwise than as provided in this Agreement; (k) Cause the Company to engage in any business other than as contemplated in Section 1.2; (1) Make expenditures of greater than $75,000 per year in excess of the amounts set forth in an Approved Budget as defined in Section 7.3(a). This restriction shall Amended aud Restated Agreement or BurklleimerFamily Umltcd UabilityCompany. FINAL 12 4/08/08 • • • .. ,.-·•,,, .. • ><··-···-···-w~~----~•""-· ·--··· •·-···w•- not apply to expenditures which become necessary in the ordinary course of business or in case of an emergency, in which event the Manager shall have the right to take all actions reasonably required in response to the emergency. Provided, however, in the event of the development or redevelopment of one or more of the pt'operties owned by the Company, the Members shall establish maximum amounts that may be expended by the Manager without the approval of the other Members based on the proposed development or redevelopment project as set forth in the Approved Business Plan; (m) Acquire Units from Members pursuant to Section 9.2(a); (n) Acquisition of new properties, entering into a partnership, limited liability company, joint venture or other business combination of the Company and another entity; or (o) Transfers requiring approval pursuant to Section 9.9 of this Agreement. 7 .3 Certain Duties and Obligations of Manager (a) The Manager shall take all actions which may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purpose of the Company in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and applicable laws and regulations. On or before November 30th of each year, the Manager shall present to the other Members a business plan and budget for the subsequent calendar year. The business plan and budget shall include anticipated development of Company property and estimated revenues, expenditures and borrowings and such additional information as may be required by the Members. Such business plan and budget may be implemented by the Manager following an approval of such Approved Business Plan and budget ("Approved Budget'') by 66-2/3% of the Class A Units. (b) The Manager shall devote to the Company such time as may be necessary for the proper performance of its duties hereunder, but the officers and directors of the Manager shall not be required to devote their ful 1 time to the performance of such duties. (c) The Manager shall procure and maintain, or cause to be procured and maintained, at the sole expense of the Company, such policies of insurance as the Manager deems necessary or appropriate. ( d) The Manager shall be under a fiduciary duty to conduct the affairs of the Company in the best interests of the Company and the Members, including the safekeeping and use of all Company funds and assets and the use thereof for the exclusive benefit of the Company. (e) The Manager shall keep the books and records of the Company as provided in Section 8 hereof . Amended and Restated Ag;r«ment or Burkhcimcr Family Limited Liability Compony. FINAL 13 4/0SI08 • • 15.6 Pumose. The Member, have mc\uded the foregoing provisions limiting the scope and extent of the arbitration with the iatention of providing for prompt, economic end fair resolution of any dispute. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement ~ /?,/,, ---4?... ~ • MANAGER: 0:£&-::::.?::""'~,/,A'.:.r,c4'.e;_._ MEMBERS: JOHN A. BURKHElMER TESTAMENTARY TRUST By:~~~ Robert Brace Burkheimer, Trustee d o -zc1 _~; ../L,41t4,d -iEAN B. BUSHNELL j a .j) -c'i~ c.LJ _)1./.d FRANCES ANN REED JOHN ROBERT BURKHElMER ~~~~- R6BERTBRACEBURKHEIMER Amended and RMIDl.ed Ag~t cf 8urkheimcrFM11i1y Limited Lr.abillly C.OmpAUY-FlNAL ROBERT BRACE BURKHEIMER JEAN B. BUSHNELL GRANTOR TRUST .~ ,,-·'7 -·":'i , ' ' --~ By: . a .-.< _.__..._·«::;1:a .,,;..,.,_.:· t '« ,t.....,.. Jean B. Bushnell, Trustee FRANCES ANN REED GRANTOR TRUST -( /'i (1 By:~,., 4Cr4<' UN J)f! d Frances Ann Reed, Trustee ROBERT B. BURKHEIMER GRANTOR TRUST~ By/~~~,;,, Robert Brace Burkheimer, Trustee 25 4/08/08 .urpu11:1.uun:s: .l\.tg.t:stH:LUUll~l.1:1.U -VV.t"\. ~tcr····--· Ui i:)l.i:l.l~ of I BURICHEIMER FAMILY lMTEI> UABll.ffY COM'ANY UBI Number Category Active/Inactive State Of I ncorporatlon WAFiliflg Date Expiration Date Inactive 0,11te Duration Registered Agent Information Agent Name Address State ZIP Special Address Information Address City State Zip Name 601758756 LLC Active WA 12/24/1996 12/31/2016 29 years ROBERT B BURKHEIMER 1326 5TH AVE STE 708 SEATILE WA 98101 Tide Manager BURKHEIMER, ROBERT rmps:11 www.su · a.guv1curps1 st:an;;u _ ut:wu.aspx.t uo1=ov1 / .JO 100 Address 1326 5TH AVE STE 708 SEATILE, WA 98101 6/23/2016 1:24 PM r :.·\. ·, PREAPPLICATION MEETING FOR STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA PRE 16-000247 CITY OF RENTON Dep~rtmelit of Community & Economic De~elopment Planning Division April 14, 2016 Contact 1nformation: Planner: Rocale Timmons, 425.430.7219 ~:r "f:zs ~- Public Works Plan Reviewer: Ian Fitz-James, 425.430.7288 Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425.430.7024 Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell, 425.430.7290 Please retain this packet throughout the c:ourse of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use· and/or environmental permits. · Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, cali and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before · making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). ' l . ' FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPA-RT_M_E-NT...;...;,.,,...----i.i\~®ii\hIDm e DATE: TO: FROM:. SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM. . . April 14; 201~ . Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner , Corey Thomas! Pi ans Review l~spector . Starbucks at Airµort Plaza. 1. · The prellmim~ry fire flow is 1,500 gpm. A minimum oftwo fire hydrants are. required. One wlthln.150-feet and one within 300-feetof the biJilding. There·are . sufficient existing hydrants in th.is' area, no new hyd~ants are required.. . 2. Fire impact fees·are applicable at the rate.of $1.84 per square foot of retail space. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. ~ 3. . · Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are not required in the proposed retail building ofthis.size. Fire alarm.required if the building exceeds 3,000 square feet. Threshold for fire sptinklers is ·reached if the occ.upant lo.ad exceeds 100 people.which equals a dining space of 1,soo·square feet for restaurants. .f.J'f'c 4. Fire department apparatus access roadways are adeq.uate as they exist. 5. . An annual place of assembly permitis requ.ired for occupant loads exceeding 50 persons. DATE: TO: FROM: DEPARTMENT Ot.CQIYJMU.NITY Ai\10 ECONOIVIIC DEl(ELOP_Jl!IENT .M E .. M O R A N D U M . April 14, 2016 Ro~aleTimmons, SeniorPlaimer , Ian Fitz-James, Civil Plan Reviewer SUBJECT: · Utility and Transportation Comme"i1ts for Starbucks at Airport Plaza~ . . . 64 Rainier Avenue S. PRE 16-000247 NOTE: Th" applicant Is cautioned that information contaiped in this su·mmary Is preliminary and non- binding and may be subject to modification and/cir concurrence by official City decision-makers. Review com-inents niay also need to be ·revised based on site planning and ·other design .changes required l:iy City staff or niade by the applica~t. . . . . . . L h·ave compl~ted a preliminary revie~·cif the applic:ation for th~ Starbucks arAiqmrt Pl.aza local~~ at 64 Rainier Avenue S. The ~ing County Parcel Number is 1823059245. The applicant is proposing to construct a· single story Starbucks resfuurant with a drive-thru. . . . . . . WATER COMMENTS 1. Water service is provided by the City of Ren.ton. It is in the Valley service area in the 196' hydraulic pressure zone: The approximate static water pressure is 68 psi at a ground eleva,ion ~~ .. 2. There is an existing 12" cast iron water main south of the site along the northern edge ofS. Tobin Street that can deliver 5,200 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700020 in COR Maps for record drawings. There is also a dead end 10" ductile· iron water main west of the site along the eastern edge of Rainier Avenue S. that ends at a fire hydrant (COR Facility ID No. HYD-S-00367) that can deliver 1,950 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File WTR2700711 in COR Maps for record drawings. 3. There is no existing water service for this site. 1 11 I~ Bit t,,ff(L \°?IP 4. No water main extensions would be required. H:\CED\Plannlng\Current Plannlng\PREAPPS\2016 Preapps\PRE16-D00247.Rocale\16-0414 PRE16-000247 Ovll Pre-App Comments.docx Starbucks at Airport PJ;na -PRE16--000247 Page2of5 · April 14J 2016 5. No additional fire hydrants would be required. FYI: There are three existing fire hydrants Tn the parcel vicinity. Two are located south of the site along the northern frontage of s. Tobin.Street. One.is located near the southwestern corner of the site (COR Facility ID.No. HYD-S-00045) and anoth~r is located near the southeastern corner of the site.(COR Facility ID No. HYD-5-00517). There is an additional fire hydrant located approximately SO' northwest of the site along the eastern frontage of Rainier Avenue S. {COR Facility ID No. HYD+00367). 6. The lot will require a separate 1" water meter for service. The service line and meter would be installed byt_he-Clty·of-Renton, The current(2.016)fee-to-instaU this service-line and meter· would be $3,310.00. The current System Development Charge (SOC) for a 1" meter would be $3,i45.00. 7. A.reduced pressure ba'ckflaw_ assembly (RPBA) will be required behind the meter. The RPBA shall.be installed per City of R_enton standard_s. · 8. · lf'a sprinkler-system·is required by the fire department; a stub out with·a double check valve assembly (DCVA] win need ta be provided for a building fire departrri~nt con_nect_ion (FDC). SEWER COMMENTS_ 1: -Sewer ~-ervice is provided by the City of Renton. 2. There is an existing 12" PVffsewerrunning we.stto east i~ S, Tobin Str~et s_outh oftli~ site;, Refererice Project File WWP2701901 hi COR Maps for record dn1wings .. There is also. ari existing 12" con.crete sewer running north to south in Rainier Avenue S. west Of tlie sit·e. Reference Project File WWP2700070 in COR Mapsfor record_drawlngs. 3. There is an existing 6" PVC si_de sewer that ;erves Banner Bank ~t54 Rainier Avenile-S. north of the site. The sidE: sewer is connected ta the sewer main ins·. Tobin Street and passes through the propos_ed building· footprint. Please reference tlie provided side sewer card. The engineer will need to show how this side sewer will be rerouted around the new bulldirig•anci con·iiected ta the main In S. Tobin Street. Any ~eW side sewer serving the bank wili need to be contained in a 10' private·~ewer easement where it passes through the Starbucks parcel. The side sewer shall be 6" per City standards. 4. The existing sewer stub that will be severed for building constructlari can be reused for the side sewer for the new building. Any new side: sewer will need tci be.6" per City standards. 5, A grease trap \viii need to be installed afterthe kitch~n sink allowing wastewater to flow· through it before dfscharging to the sewer main. ' 6. No sewer main extensibns would be required; H:\CED\Planning\CUrrent Planning\PREAPPS\2016 Preapps\PRE16-000247.Rocale\16-0414 PRE16-000247 Civil Pre-App Comments.docx •, Starbucks at Airport Plaza -PRElG-000247 Page3of5 April 14, 2016 7. The development would be s~bj~ct to a system deveiopment charge (SDC) for sewer service.· The.SOC for sewer service is based on the si2e of the domestic Water service, Tliri current SDC for s~we~ service ·w'1th a 1" water meter installatiilii 1ss2;242,oo:·· · · .-. · · · ·. · .. · • ,\ •' ' • ~ • • • • • .. • • • • v' • • • • • • • • STORM DRAINAGE ~~MMEN'l'~ .. 1. · The majority of the existing s'ii:e Is covered by an asphalt parking Jot. The western ,)°ntl southern , . · .edges qf the site ,;re cov~re(jby la'ndscaping. Storn)°dralnagefroni the pa'.rking kit iheet flo~s tci the east where it i; interc'epted by a p'rivate storni drain that serves the Airport Plaia. The storm tjrainage is then tomieye~ sotith by a i2,, private StQ~m drain t~ ~n ~xisthig prJV~tiist~rmwater ditch along the northern frontage of s: Tobin Street. The ditch.flows ea5\ to the li"~ublicstorm. drain in Lake Av~ntie S. . · ·· · · · · · · · · · · " ' " D'rainage aloDg the southern frontage is conveyed by the existing flowline along the curb for S. · ToblD Street east tQ the public storm drain In Lake Avenue S. Drainage along the westerri ·frontage is co11veyed l;lv .. th<1 existingflowline along the curb of Rainier Aven·ue s. north to the publi~ storm drain system iD. AfrportWay. . . . . . . Th~~e is an ~xisting°12" st~,rr~ drain located along the :south~r~ S. Tobin sireet frontage that flows from west to east. There is an existing 12" storm drain located along the.western frontage of Rainier Avenue S. that flows from south to north. 2. Refer to Hgure.i.1.2.A-Flow Chart to determin~ what typ~ of drainage review.is required for . this site. Jhe site fal!s within the City's Peak Rate Flciw Controista<1dard.(El(isting'site . Conditions),. Th~ majority of tJ,e,site falls withJ_n:th~ West lalfe Washirygtori ~ Seattle South Drainage Basin; while the ~outhern' project frontage is pa°rt of the Black River Drainage.Basin. Drainage plans and.a drainage report complying _with the adopted 2009 King County surface Water Design.Manual (KC:SWOM) and the 2010 City of Renton amendments.will be required. !f~~: .... ·_.· .. -.·· .. ·· ·.·.·· .. · ·.·.·. 3. Flo_w Con_trol BMP.s will be required for the site per Section 5.2 of the 2009 l<CSWDM,· 4. Drainage improvements along the Rainier Avenue S. and S. Tobin Street.frontages will be required to conform to the City's street standards. · 5. A geotechnical report for the site is required. Information on the water table and soil permeability, with recommendations of appropriate flow control BMP options with typical designs for the site from the geotechnical engineer, shall be submitted with the application. 6. The development would be subject to stormwater system development charges (SDC). The current SDCs are $0.594 per square foot of new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,485.00. Fees are payable at the time of permit issuance. TRANSPORTATION/STREET COMMENTS 1. The current transportation impact fee is $27.66 per square foot of building. Fees are payable at the time of permit issuance. H:\CED\Plannlng\current Plannlng\PREAPPS\2016 Preapps\PHEJ.6-000247.Rocale\16-0414 PRE16-000247 Civil Pre-App Comments.docx Starbucks at Airport Plaza-PRE16-000247 Page 4 of S Ap,rll 14, 2016 2. Rainier Avenues·. 'is classified as a principal arterial: ~er RMG4-6-060, the minimum right of way width for a pri~~ipal arterial with seven lanes is 125'. A 0.5' curb, 8' plante.r, ·and 8' sidewalk are requrred. The King County Assessor's Map shows an approximate current .right of way width of 150' for Rainier Avenue S. No dedication would be required along Rainier Avenue S. S. Tobin Street is a commercial access street. Per RMC 4-6-060, the minimum right of way for a commercial access street with two lanes Is 69'. The minimum paved roadway width is 36' indu<J[ng20' of travel lanes and 8' parking lane·s on each side. A0.5' curb, 8' planter, and 6' sidewalk a're· required. Th'e King County Assessor's Map shows an apprmdmate current light of way width of 60' for 5. Tobin Street. A dedication of approximately 4.5' Would be required along the S. Tobin Street frontage to meet City standards. · / Jhe·.existing fron_ta~e impr~vements al°.ng ~ainier Avenue S. ands. Tobin Street consist of a 0.5' ~ curb, 6'0 9'. planter and 5' sidewalk. : · ". · ,J--3. The p<;>rtion of ilainie~ ~venue S. and S. Tobin Stre~tthat;ronts this project is going to be ~ improved by the City of Renton under the Raiiiler·Avenue Phase 4 Traffic Improvement Project. · The_Ralnieri\ven_u_e Pha~e 4 project i·s In prelimi11ary de~igri ~rid __ c()nstr_uction )s expected to start in 2019 or 2020. • · · • 4. The applicant may submit a street modification request for review. 5'. ·. -A tfaffi_c impact ·analysis per City of Renton sfariilards wil[ be required: . Please incfude coniirmatlon'that st~·cking space for !fears is suffidE!nt for the site'j~ the report. The City is concerned ofcars q'ueuing for the drive-ttin/backing into Rainier Avenue S: . . . . . . . . -. . 6. Street lighting analysis is required to be conducted' by the developer al~ng the Rainier Avenues. ands. Tobin Street frontages. Required street lighting shall be ·to city of Renton standards. 7. · Pa~irig and trencli·restoration within the City of Renton right of way shall comply with the City's Restoration and Overlay requirements. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The socs listed are for 2016, The fees that are current at the time· of the· utility permit application will be levied. Please se'e the City of Rentori website for current SDCs. 2; The survey and all civil plans shall conform to the current City of Renton survey and drafting standards; Current drafting standarcjs can be found on.the City·of Renton website .. 3. A final survey that is stamped and signed by the professional land surveyor of record will need to be provided. All existing utilities need to be surveyed and shown. Please reference COR Maps for mapping and records of existing utilities in the project vicinity. 4. Separate plan submittals will be required· for construction permits for utility work and street improvements. All plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington. H:\CED\Plannlng\Current Planning\PREAPPS\2016 Preapps\PRE16-000247.Rocale\16-0414 PRE16-000247 Civil Pre-App ,... _____ .. _ ...l--·· Starbucks at Airport Plaza -PRE16-000247 Pa8eS of5 Apcil 14, '2016 5. When ~tility i,lans are complete, please submit four (4) copies of the plans, two {2} copies o~ the drainage report, an electronic copy of each, the permit application, an Itemized cost of construction estimate, an.d application fee to the counter on the .sixth floor. H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\2016 Preapps\PRE16-000247.Rocale\16-0414 PRElG--000247 Civil Pre-App Comments.docx DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT' -DATE: TO; FROM: SUB~ECT: 'MEM'O·R·AND-UM . April 14; 2016 . ·.Pre-Application File.No.16-00024'1 Roi;.ale Timriions,Senior Planner.· Starbucks atAirport Plaza · 64 Raini~r Ave S . ....... Geoia~l:,.We have. completei:I 'a preliminary review of :th~ ··pre-applltation' for the. ab6ve- refetehc~d (levelopment proposal. The following {orri(n,ents on ·development arid perm!tthig Issues are bas~d oo the pre-appllc_atlon submittals ·~ade to the City of Re~ton by·the applicant a~d· the coci~s· in ·eff~ct on .. tiie· date of review. Th" applicant ·is· cauttcin~d that· lnfcirmatlon .contained in .this summary may be subject to modification and/or co~currence bV official 'decisioh~makers"(e.g.,' Hearing •Examiner, Communltv'·&:Economic Development Adinlnistrator; Public ·Works .Administrator;: Planning' Director, Dev~lopment:·Servlces Director,:' and·. City Counc[I),: Revlev,i cornri'\ents'mav also n~ed to be revised based on slte.·planning and.oth~r.deslgri _ · changes. required. by qty staff or made by the applicant. The appltcant is \eriCO~raged to review '' all applicable section~ of thi ~eriton Municipal 'cod,e. The, Qevelripnl~l)t R¢gulations 'are' available for purchase fpt$Sb:oo plus tax from tlie Fliiance Di~ision on the first fioor of City Hall or' on line at www.renton·wa:.go\t. ' ' '' ' " Project P;oposal: The s~bj~ct prop~rty is l~catcd on the southeast.corner ~f Rainie~ Ave s and Airport· Way S. The proj~<;t site totals 2.64 a~res In area :;uid is located Within 0th~ Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. The pre-application packet Indicates that the 0 prop~sal is i:o conshuct a: new 2000 square foot Starbucks with an associated drive thru." The subject parcel contains 28,040 of commercial· s·pace. and 1ss· parking ·spaces used for the Airport Plaza Shopping Center (bank and multi-tenant retail). The applicant is proposing to remove 34 existing parking spaces in order to accommodate the ~ew building footprint. Access to the site Is proposed via an existing curb cut along Rainier Av 1.S. There appear'to be no critical areas on site: Current Use: The subject parcel contains 28,040 sf of commercial space and 158 parking spaces used for the Airport Plaza Shopping Center {bank and multi-tenant retail). All structures are proposed to remain. The applicant is proposing the elimination of a total of 34 surface parking stalls. Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4·2-120A, "Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations" effective at the time of complete application (noted as "CA standards" herein). A wide range of commercial uses are outright allowed within the CA zoning classification. Eating and Drinking Establishments are outright permitted wfthin H :\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAP PS\14-000678 Starbucks at Airport Plaza Page 2 cif7 · Aprll-14, 2016 the CA zon.e. The City's zoning use table has been provided to the applicant to verify which specific uses are permitted an :Site: The property js aiso located within Urban Design District.:'D', and th_erefore subject to acfdltional design elements; Proposals should have unique, identifiable design treatment in terms of landscaping, building.~_esig"n, signage and street furniture. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth -There are-no.minimum requirements for lot size, lot width or depth within the CA zone at this location. · · . . . ~ . . l~t Co~erage--The CA zone allows a· maidmum building ~overage of 65 perceht, or 75 perce~t if parking i~ provlclect within a building or ;yithin ·an_ on~slte parking garage. The applicant would be required, at the time· of formal land use application,-to verify lot coverage, siitbacks..:_setbacl<s a~ th'e distance between the building aricf th~ property Une or any private ·access easement. Setback requirements.iii ·the Ckzo·ne· are a·s follows: 10 feet minimum for the· front yard but may be "r~duced io zero feet tt\ro~gh-the Sit~ Plan Review p(ocess provided blank walls are hot lo~ated within the reduced setback; a 15 fcio_tmaxi_mum front-yard setback; and no rear Clf side yard ~etba~ksynless the property atiuti"a re:sidential zoned property-. ltappea'rs . . , ··th11t thes~~11i:t11r~ •!?Jf_~~ij~the miv<im/i.m:./Jprit rqrd.setb_qck qili!We1J,~Y c1irf.e, .. rh.e~m"il~i!!'!I.!"'-.· setback mqy be modified by the Reviewing Official thraugh:tlie. site devel!'>pmenit plan review process/{tlie appi/cant iarr d2mo::sfra~ thaflhi;:' site-development plan meets the following criterl~: . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . .• a.:. orien.ts" development ta the .pedestdan-tt,:rough,,sucfi. ~~qsilr,es. :qs,pr,ovlding;.pedestrian · walkways beyond_ tiJose.requiredby the Rent9n Municipa(c~de.{RMC),·entoiiraging pedestrian amenities and supporting alternatives to single octupantit~h,icle (SOV}:_trqnjportqtion; and; ' .. • /J. · Creates a /ovi"scale streetscape through suth measures as fosteri)ig· distinctive architecture anti ~/tigatin!f the v/suafdominance Of extensive and 'Uhbrokerrparking a/orig the stniet front; and • c.. Promotes safety ari°d visibility through such measures as discouraging the -~reation ojhidden . -~paces; mlni(nlzirrg ~onfliet between pedestrian and traffic and ensuring ·adequate ·setbacks to · accommodate required parking and/or access that i:ouid not be provided otherwise... · .-. . . .. . . . . . -· . . ·- The ~rop~sal does ·nc,f appear to comply with th; above ,;,ehtiah~d criteria .. Therefore, staff would not be supportive.of an /ncrea~e In.the maximum s~-tback to.the extent proposed. . . . . . : . . . . . Gross Floor Area"" There· ls n6 minimum requirement for gross flocir'area ,.;_,ithin the CA zone. ,• . . Bu.ilding. Height.".' Th~ ma_ximum building _height that woulci .be .allowed In· the CA zone is 50 feet for comT)lercial only structures and 60 feet for a mixed.used bu_ildirig. Building elevations and detailed descrlptfpns of elements and buiiding materials are requjred with your land use appllcatron submittal. . . Screening:_· Screening-must· be provided for all surfac~-mounted ~nd ·roof top utility and mechanical equipment. The site plan application will need to include elevations and details for the proposed methods of screening. D ti¢'\ Refuse and Recycli~g Ar~as -Refuse an.d recycling areas need to meet the requ.ireme~ts of 11--l'l1,o .111,RMC 4-4-090, "Refuse and, Recyc_lables Standards" (enclosed). For commercial developments a + 'l;b \l, :::Jd 1'• minimum of 5 square feet per every 1,000 square feet of building gross floor area shall be 'l?i i "fl Pi:;,t provided for recyclable deposit areas. and a minimum of 10 square feet per 1,000 square feet of \C L~ .,...;., 1-,",,..-1vt .,_, "'-U ., .ti-",f. -tM'i'EI #. . ~. -~ ·~· -:,. H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\14-000678 1,_0t~ ~ tDi-•P-f" \.~ Starbucks at Airport Plaza Page3 of7 April 14, 2016 building gross floor area shall_ be_ pmvidefl for r~fuse deP,OSlt'areas with a total minimum area of 100,sqliace feet. The appliC:ant.would be _required to submit a site plan depicting a,refus~ ciild recvcicible area compliant with RMC ;j;.4-090 at th~ time of Site Plan App/ication; -':· '. ' ' . ' .. . . -· . . -. -.. ·-.-·· -.. . Landscaping:-Eiec~pt for crftical are~s, aH portions of tn~·development area not cover~ifby struct4res, required parking,: acc,ess, i:irculation_:or se~ice ·areas;_;:;i4st_be landscaped with. native; d~ouglit,resi~tantvegetative cover. The developmE!nt staridar:ds-.re,quire t_bat all~ervipus ·areas within .the."j:iroperty boundari.es be;lanc!scapedi: T~e n:iiriimurri onisite landscape:width -required· ·aliJng-iStreet-frontages is 10 feet, except Where. red.ucea.· through' the. site plan develbprrtent-revie)N process. :Frees· shall be planied :at ·an aver~g!l ~lnjmum rate of one tree per 30 lineal feet·of street.{rontage; .and .shrubs· at the minimum rate 'of one per 20 sqi,iare feet of land#a)leii are_a: The proposaido~s·nofcomp/y, With Jhi? /andsi:aplng requir¢ments of the code.: The site plan wou/cfbe'required ta be re_vised in order to ·complJ/with the 1.G-foat on-site landscaping required along alistreetfrontages .. _-. •. . . . su~jci~e parking ldts with. 15 to so st'alls shall provide qn actditlimcil 15 square feet pf . /ands~ai,ing /of edch p~rklng rtail .. There shali als¢ be ifo more thti~·SOfeet bl!tween parking sta//sanplin}nteriorparkinglotland_scapearia;. ·. ·. . .. '·:-. : ' ' .·. ·. ' .·. ' . . . -: .. ".' -. Pl~ase. refer: ta· landscape · re·gulations (RMC ·il-4-070) for .additional g~nerai arid• specific landsca.pe requjrements '(enclosed) .. A canceptuaharidscape plan and la1'idsfape-analysis meeting t/le requirements in RMC, 4-8-120D.12; shall be ·submitt¢d at the time-of iipp/lcatlon for Site P/a,i Review/building permit review. -· . . . . . ' ·· 'Tree P~eservatior\-If significant trees (greatkr than 6~ihch caliper ~r 8-caliper; l~che,i° f9r ~lcters a[ld_cotto·nwqmis).,are' proposeid to be removed, a tree iriv'entory and a'tree retentio:r,•plan ·along with an .aroorisfre'ricir:t; tree•retention plan and tree··retention ·worksheefshaU·be provided with the formal. lani use-application as defined in RMC 4-8-120: The tree ret~ritlon p'lan must show preservation of at least '.1,0%.of significant trees, and.Indicate hQW proposed -~uilding.footp.rints . . would be sited.to accommodate.preservation of signlficant'trees t~at wquid be-ret~irie_d (RMC4' · . 4-130H1.a). Whet\ the required nu_mber of pr~tected, vees cannot tie .retalnec(replacement . trees,' with atieast .a two:inch (21') caliper or an -~ve.rgreen.at le;,t six feet' (6')' ta)I; shall be planted at a_ rate .of tw~lv_e (_12) c~iiper. inches of new· trees to replace .each protected tree removed. The Administrator may autlioriie the plantinrrof replacemenfltees.on.the site If it· can be deillonstrated to _the Admlnistriltor's satisfaction that an insufficient iiumber of trees can ·be retained. · · Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; signifjcant trees that form a co_ntinuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than 20%;. significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and significant trees over 60' in height or greater than 18" caliper. Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and other significant non· native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. H:\CED\Planning\Current Plannlng\PREAPPS\14-000678 Starbucks at Airport Plaza· Page 4 of 7 April 14, 2016 · Thi/Aci'ministrato( ·may require independent revle·w of any land use application that involves tree removal and land dearing at the City's discretion. A formal tree retention plan would be reviewed at the time of Building fermit-app/li:atipn, . .. ' Parking . Tfie followJrig ratios would be appiicable· to the site: .. Use· .. -Sg_uare ·Footage gf Use Ratio Reg_uired Spaces Shopping 30,040 · A ·minimum of-2.s per Min: 75 Center i,000 square feet• of net Max: 150 ._floor are!J arid_ a· maximum .. • _·of 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of netfloor area •.. _ .. · Th~ submittal materlals_ Indicate a total.pf 124 surface parking stalls would b_e provided on site following_constructioh; The proposal appears to COtnply with the p_arking stall req'uirements of ili~~~ . . . . . _ lf~h!J\lld ~~s~Ot!ld_ ~ 1:1/lle~ty fl~e P'lr~ent.{2~%) redu!,!io_(W i'lc~ease fro111 fhe _rriil]i~um or m_aximutrr number-of parking spaces (!lay ~e grant~d-for nonre~jdenti_al uses· through site. p!an teview. if-the-;ipp!icant.· can justifv:.the .r:riodificatlo.n. to, the. satlsfaction .. oftlie ,Ad.ininistrator. Justifitatlon might" include, but is not limited to, qua~dtatjve information such.as sales receipts; docu'riieiitation of c~stomer frequericy,arid parkln_g ;taridards of nearby cities. . . . . . • • I ' • , The-applicant will bt'l ni.~uired at the time -of formal land, use_ applic~tlon to provide det;iiled . parking,lllforniatlim·(i,e .. stall and drive alsie dimensions) antj calculations of the subject Site and the overall.campus use, . . . . . .... -•. if~hhuidh~ noted t~at the parking regulaUolis.~pecify'stand~rd ~t~II dlmension".s .. Surface :', parking,stalls must be a minimurr\ of 9 feet'X ;m feet, conipa€t dimensions ofiBY, feet x 16 feet, ·.·and.parallel stall' dimensions of 9 feet l( 23. feet; ·co"mpact surface·, parking spac'es shali not- accol111t for more than 30 percent of the spaces in the surface parRihg lots.- ADA accessibie stalls must be a minimum of 8 feet ·iii width by 20 feet l_n length'. With an adjacent access-:_kisle of 8 .feet in:'wid\h for van. accessible spaces. The-.apprripriate_amount 'of ADA accessible stalls. based_ on the total nu_mb.er of spaces·must ·b~ provided .. Pl~ase 'refer to landscape -regulatlons· (RMC 4-4-070-and RMC 44080F.7) for further gerieral ·and specific landscape requirements_ (endosed). The driv~-thru facilitlei shall be so located that suffl_cient on-site v~hicle·stai:kfng space is provided for the handilng of motor vehicles using.such· fticilit'y during.peak business hours. Typically 5 stacking spaces peL window are required unless' otherwise determined ·by the Pla·nning Director. Stacking spaces cannot obstru_ct required· parking spaces o~ ingress/egress within the site_ or extend. into the public right-of,way.: It. appe~r,; the applicant's site plan provides adequate atea for stacking spaces. · · Additionally, the proposal would be required ta provide bicycle parking based on 10 % of the required number of parking stalls far commerclo/ uses. Access·-Driveway widths are limited by the driveway standards, in RMC 4-4-0BOI. ~·\ri:n\Pbnl"lina\rmn::ant Pl::inni ni::r\PRFAPPS\ 14-000678 Starbucks at Airport Plaza Page 5 of 7. April 14, 2016 fl,. conriectlQn shii/1 be·provlded for ~ite-to-site vehlde access ways, where topographicaily feasible, :to cillo~ ci smooth /low of traffic across abutting cA parcels ;,_,lthout the need to use a . streef. _.· _· _ ·.· : . . ·. . . _· _ _ _ .. ·.· .· _ _ -> . .· . __ . _··_ . _. • .Pedestrian-Access -A pedestdari'connectioli shall be p,rovided ftoin ail public entrances to the . street, _in order to provlqe direct;clear,and separate peqestrlan walks from-si(:fewal~s to building entries and.iriterrially from buildings to abutting properties." · · · ·· sig~ag~ -~nly oneJr~estanding, ~usiness•srgri (restrtcted ~o ~onurri~~t/grounci signs.only) is permitte·d p'ei street frontage,_tiowev~r-pole signs are· not pennitted viithin the:CA zone. Each sign sj1all not exceed an area·greater tfian one and ·on&-haif sq4ar~ feet for each lin~al foot of pn;,perW frontage that 'is -occupied by the. business._· In no case shall·the -sign' exc·eed a total of 300·.squared~et [150. square f~et per ·tace). The groundimoriunient sigri is·nmited to G feet ih · height. In.addition to the-permitted freesta'ncting sign, wall signs with a copy area not exc~eding 20%.ofthefa~ade;to which it i.s applied, are also permitted ... : •. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . -. . . . Buildi~g Design Stahdards _;; Compli~~ce With Urba~ Design Regulations; Djstr_id: 'D~ is requli'ed .. . See t//e attached ch1;cklist and R.ent~n Municipg/ Cod~ s~di~n ii-100. The'tiitlowing bVl/ets are ·a few of .. tfie ··standwds• outlined. in the. regil/atloris. · tn· general' the rei,ufatlons encci.urage . aiJllc/ing iiesl(Jn i:hal: iiunique dnd urban in character, comfortable on' a humiin scale, and us~s 'apprciprldte iii.iii.ding m~teriills. that. are suitable 'jar the Pa,;iftc Northw~st climate an<! to discourage franchise retail architecture.: If you are unable to meet the prescriptive standards of . the code the applicant would. ·be. required to demonstrate co_mpllance· with the Intent and guidelines of the respecti~e sectfon that includes the standard.. . . . -.. • ... ,, . ' . . -.. ' • . The/r~~t entry pf a building shall be ~rfrmted to the -!freet ~r o landscaped pedestriiin- oniy C(IUrt)iard, . . . . .. . • . . . . • Parking shall be iocated.so that rm s~,f~ce parkingOis located be~een a builditig and . t/le [rpn_t.pioperty llne, or the building and sliie:propeity line, pn thlii"stree_t side a/ a =~k . . .-...... . • • the~ riuf!lber of driveways and .curb· cuts sha!I be 'minimized, s~ that pedestrian · circulation along the sidewalk is minimally impeded. · .,._. All building facades sha'11 include modulation or.articuiation at intervals of no more than ., forty fe~t (40'). i . · • Modulations shall be a minimum of two feet (2') deep, sixteen feet (16') in height, and ., eight feet [8') in width. · · • On any facade visible to the public, transparent windows and/or doors are required to comprise at least fifty percent (50%) of the portion of the ground floor facade that is r'1I between four feet (4') and eight feet (8') above ground (as measured on the true elevation). • Buildings shall employ material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, / patterns, or textural changes. • Service and loading areas are required to be located away from high"volume pedestrian ~ areas, and screening them from view in high visibility areas. Starbucks atAlrport Plaza Page 6 of7 April ~4, 2016 _ . Environmeiital Review . . -. . . The proposed project would be subject to Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEP_A) gil(eri there Is more tl)an a 20 stall change In parking stalls. Therefore, an environmental checklist is_ a submittal req~ire;;,ent. An environmental determlna,tion will-be made by the Renton Environmental Review Committee.· This determinatiori is s~b)ect to appeal l:iy' either the project proponent, by a citizen of the community, or· another entity having' stand/rig tor an appeal. If the proposal is revised to reduce the number of stalls. below the 20 stall threshold the propose// would be SEPA exempt. Pernilt Requirements _-- The p;o~~;a; wo~id "r~~ulre Administrative Site Pfan Approval, Emtiron_mental (SEPA} Review, and a parking modification. If the, proposal is ;evised. tq :re~uce_ the number' of--stalls,,belaw the 20 stall threshoid; tlie proposal Wol,/ld be SEP.A. exempt arid therefore would no_t be required to apply:for Site Plan Review. The proposal would then only be required tci submit for ;, park{ng m~diiiwtion and building permit/ . ·_ .' ·_. . . . . -:·. . . . . . : '. . . . ,· . .. . . .. . ' . . . ,. . . . ... The purpose ~f tfl~ Site Pl~n process i~ the detail~d arrang~ment of project eie;;,ents so as to be CQ[!JJllltinle/witll ;the•.plJ11s.ical cfolracle.rlitli:s. .. rif. a_ Sita ~nd: _wit)i .the __ surrounding~ .area'.. An. , additionat-purpos~·ofSit~ Plan is i_o. ensure.quality deve)oprnent ooris)ste~t 1,,i'ith City gem ls and policieS{je~efal·revi§!·~ -~riteda inc_!uQ.es-thaf~llowi~g-;·: ._::: · · -· · a. Compliance and Cons'lsti;ncy. Colifcirma-nce with plans, policies,--regulations and _ approvals, incllld.ing: ' -. . . h: OffCSi_te Impacts; Mitigation•of impacts to surrc;,undi;1g:prop~rtle&,ana uses.: c. On-Site Impacts. Mitigation of impacts to the site. ci: Acc~~s arid ~ii~Olati~n. Safe arid ~~fcrent a~ces~ il~d. circulation for all users. ·e. Open Space_. i"ncorporation of pubilc and private open spa~es t(i. serve ~s distinctive project focal pojnts and to provide adequate areas for passivE(/md active recreation by the occupants/users ot"the_site; -· · · ' i . f. Views· and Public_ Access. Provision of vieVI( corridors to shorelines and Mt. Rainier, incorporates putiiic access to shorelines, and arranges project elements to protect existing natural systems where applitable.-' g. Services ·and Infrastructure. Availability of public services and facilities to accom~odate the proposed use; '-· . . . h. Signage. Use of signs primarily for the purpo~e-of identificatio-~ and management of sign elem.ents :.· such as the number, size, brightness, lighting Intensity, and location -to complernerit the visual character of the_-surrounding area, avoid visual-clutter and distraction, atid appear in proportion to the b_uilding and site to which they pertain; and i. Phasing. Inclusion of a detailed sequencing· ·plan-with development phases and estimated tfme frame·s, if applicable. The applicant wl!I also be subject.to Design Review as part of the Site Plan Review (or building permit review) and a Design Checklist shall be corripleted and submitted as part of the appilcatlon materials (see attached): '· . H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\14-000678 -.. . • Starbucks at Airport Plaza Pa¢e7of7 .. April 14, 2016 There may be other appr,;,vals (modifications, variances,· etc.) m~y be ;equir~d dej:,endi~g on . the s~ope.ofthe proposal. All applications can be reviewed concurrently in an i,"stlmated time frame of-6:8 "¥eeks once a complete application is ac~~pted. The Site Plan R\)view application. fee is $1,500. The :applitatia"n fee for SEPA Review (Environmental ci1eckilst) is $1,00()i. The application fee for"the parking modification is $150. There i~ an additional 3%·technology°fee at the time. of ·lapel. uie·· application. Detaiied . inform~tlciri regard_iiig the land use app!ication • submittai is provided in the· attached. handouts; · · '· · · · · In addition to the· req~ired land use· peri.iits, separat~. construction, builcj!ng. and si{tn permits woyld be required.: The· review of these permits "may oc_cur concurrently With the review of the . land use permits, but ca_nnot b_e issued prior to the completion of any app_eal periods. Impact Mitigation. Fees: In addition to the. applicable building and. construction fees; the following.impact fees would be required prior to the Issuance of building permits: · . ·, •'. . . . . ' • A Fire Miti~ation fee curren.tly assessed at. $1.84 per square foot"~f retail space. • A tr~hsportation Mitigation Fee determined by City per current ITE Manual for the retail space. E~pirati~ni :Upon site pl~.~ approval, th_e site plan approval is valid for two year:s with a possible two-year extension. -· =·-_,_.-~ H:\CED\Planning\Current Plannlng\PREAPPS\14-000678 ' " I' f ( ,, .......... . ~ ... ·~ -~~.d:,.j •:-.' .w,:r " .•. DEPARTMENT OF COMM ITV AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------•-""Renton 8 WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: Arborist Report• Biological Assessment 4 Calculations 1 Colored Maps for Display 4 Construction Mitigation Description, AND• Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 Density Worksheet 4 ([0 ' Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report 2 Elevations, Architectural 3 AND, Environmental Checklist 4 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy), AND, Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 1AND4 Flood Hazard Data 4 t,J>;· - Floor Plans 3AND4 Geotechnical Report >AND 3 Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed 2 Habitat Data Report 4 /A- Improvement Deferral 2 Irrigation Plan• COMMENTS: PROJECT NAME: -~S~/":W~~f}'-C_1t_·_[_JfV_'-;~_.?_vM_/_E-._I<-_' ___ _ DATE: & /z-:: I A,.,_,_,,, 4:7 -----~-~------------ 1 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev: 08/2015 ..... LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 Landscape Plan, Conceptual• Landscape Plan, Detailed 4 Legal Description 4 Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Overall Plat Plan 4 Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 Post Office Approval 2 Plat Name Reservation 4 Plat Plan 4 Preapplication Meeting Summary• Public Works Approval Letter, Rehabilitation Plan 4 Screening Detail 4 Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Site Plan >•No• Stream or Lake Study, Standard• ,~ Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 / Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 Street Profiles 2 Title Report or Plat Certificate 1AN0• Topography Map, Traffic Study 2 Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan• Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized , Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 );:h. Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 {/r. 2 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev:08/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2AN0, Inventory of Existing Sites ,.No, Lease Agreement, Draft, ANO, Map of Existing Site Conditions, ANO, Map of View Area, ANO, Photosimulations 2ANo, This Requirement may be waived by: l. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: 3 H :\CE D\Data \Forms-T emplates\Self-Help Ha ndouts\Planning\ Waive rsub mitta lreqs. docx COMMENTS: Rev:08/2015 Starbucks Coffee at Airport Plaza Shopping Center 64 Rainier Ave S. Renton, WA PROJECT NARRATIVE_ The subject proposal is in the existing development at the SE corner of Airport Wa on a 2.64 acre site in the Commercial Arterial zone (CA). Currently the site is deve mixed tenant retail/service uses in the Retail Building and a 7,240sf bank building. construct a new 2,000sf single story Starbucks Coffee with an associated drive thr relatively flat, is fully covered with paving, buildings and landscaping, has no specia features and is zoned consistent with adjacent properties along Rainer Ave S. There are 159 parking spaces on the existing site, which is well in excess of that allowed under current land use rules. After construction of Starbucks, there will be about 130 spaces on the site. Code parking for the site with Starbucks is 75 spaces minimum and 150 spaces maximum. Access to the site is by 4 existing driveways which will remain unchanged. One on Airport Way S., two on Rainier Ave S. and one on S. Tobin St. The new building will be constructed at the SW corner of the shopping center at S. Tobin St. and Rainier Ave S. Site work will include utilities, drainage improvements, new paving, walks, patio and new or upgraded landscaping. At area of the site that will be the limits of work is approximately 18,000sf. Soils are typical of the area with sandy gravelly material generally suited for use of conventional spread footings for light structures such as a Starbucks. The proponent is requesting a waiver from having the City take 4.5ft of property to widen the S. Tobin St. right-of-way and any off site street improvements. The City is planning improvements to Rainier Ave S. in the next few years, so other than providing ADA ramps at the corner sidewalk at Rainier and Tobin, no other street improvements are anticipated. There will be some cuts into Tobin for connection of water and sewer. Adequate fire hydrants are existing at the site. Exact quantities of excavation for footings or grading is not known at this time but will probably be in the range of 400 to 600cy. There are about 24 trees on the entire shopping center site. Most all are columnar Maples from 6" to 11" caliper, with 3 recently planted trees along the Rainier Ave frontage of about 2"-3" caliper. Two ' Maples of about 6" caliper and one Maple of about 10" caliper need to be removed for the construction. No replacement trees are required, but there will be new trees in the new landscaping side yard of the building. Unless there is vacant space in the Retail Building that can be used for a construction office, there will be a portable job trailer, portable toilet, and temporary construction waste dumpster at the site during construction of the project. The Starbucks building will be no higher than 24ft so it will not obstruct any views. A R C H T E C T S June 28, 2016 Ms. Rocale Timmons Senior Planner CITY OF RENTON Planning Division Renton City Hall -5th floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 A ' Re: STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA MODIFICATION REQUEST 64 RAINIER AVE. S. Dear Rocale: On behalf of the property owner, we request a modification to City standards to eliminate the requirement for the 4.5 ft. deep right-of-way dedication and the physical improvements on S. Tobin St. We also request that other than improving the sidewalk corner at S. Tobin St. and Rainier Ave. S. to provide an ADA accessible ramp, no improvements be required along Rainier Ave. S. There is very little traffic on Tobin as there is only a right turn north bound on Rainier to Tobin, or a right turn north bound on Rainier. Airport Way is the major arterial with all turns at a traffic light. Tobin will most likely remain a minor neighborhood street. There is adequate right-of-way width now to allow the traffic lanes and parking on either side of Tobin. It appears there is no real need to widen Tobin other than a City standard that probably is not really justified in this case. It doesn't appear that the existing buildings on the south side of Tobin would fit very well with a 4.5 ft. take on that side either as they are relatively close to the existing curb and there is no planter strip on that side. Also, if there were a 4.5 ft. take on our site, the distance between the new r/w line and the existing internal east/west parking lot drive gets reduced to the point where we lose area for landscaping, the dumpster enclosure and parking. We went through several alternatives with Starbucks to get to the point where we have a plan with good pedestrian connection and presense on Rainier and not have the drive through lane between the building and the street. We also have enough space on the north side of the new building for outdoor seating in the shade for the warm days. Between existing utilities and the existing space, we have to work with, it is working pretty well. We would like to have a generous landscaping area between the building and Tobin, but really don't want to have to move the building north and eliminate the north side outdoor seating 1 30 LAKESIDE • SUITE 250 • SEATTLE, WA • 981 22 • (2061 325-2553 • FAX: C20S} 328-0554 ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • SPACE PLANNING • INTEAIOAS June 28, 2016 Ms. Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner CITY OF RENTON Planning Division Re: STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA MODIFICATION REQUEST Page Two We understand the City has plans in place to do the improvements on Rainier in the next 3 years or so. The following demonstrates substantial compliance with review criteria: a. The modification has no impact on the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element as there would be no change to the existing situation which allows adequate circulation, a safe sidewalk with planter slip along Tobin and on-street parking. b. The modification does not change the safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, as adding 4.5 ft. to the right-of-way would not make any substantial change to any of these criteria. c. The modification will not be injurious to other property in the vicinity as it only involves the street along the south side of Airport Plaza. It is unlikely the street width would be widened in any case as 60 ft. of right-of-way width is standard in most cities and leaving the curb to curb width as it currently exists can have no injurious impact to other properties as nothing changes. d. Tobin has normal two-way traffic lanes with curb side parking either side and it certainly is not crowded with traffic and has parking available, so we must assume the current condition conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. e. Modification is justified for all the reasons noted, plus the taking of property from Airport Plaza is not necessary for the intended functioning of S. Tobin St., and the taking would cause a negative impact to the development of the Starbucks building by reducing needed parking and landscaping. f. Same as c, no injury or adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. June 28, 2016 Ms. Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner CITY OF RENTON Planning Division Re: STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA MODIFICATION REQUEST Page Three In summary, we hope the City will grant our request of modification to eliminate the right-of- way dedication and street improvements on S. Tobin St., and any improvements to Rainier Avenue S. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECTS (NK/ST ARBUCKS-AIRPORT PLAZA-1.L TR STARBUCKS COFFEE AT AIRPORT SHOPPING CENTER 64 Rainier Ave. S. Renton, WA LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS, LOT COVERAGE, & PARKING ANALYSIS TOTAL SITE Total area of Airport Plaza site including corner Bank lot -115,109 s.f. (KC records) Total building footprints -Existing Bank = 7,240 s.f., Existing Retail/Service Building = 20,800 s.f., proposed Starbucks = 2,000 s.f Total footprints= 30,040 s.f. Total existing impervious= 97,037 s.f .. 84.3% of site area. Total proposed impervious= 96,000 s.f., 83.45% of site area. Site coverage by buildings = 26%. Number of parking spaces required by City Code= 75 minimum, 150 maximum. Number and dimensions of standard, compact and ADA accessible spaces provided -106 standard are 9' x 20' with 2 ft. overhang of curbs, sidewalks. 19 Compact are 8.5' x 16' with 2 ft. overhang, 5 ADA are 9' x 20' with 2 ft. overhang. Total parking with proposal is 130 stalls. Area of parking lot landscaping, perimeter and interior. Before proposal, 11,790 s.f. perimeter +6, 131 s.f. interior= 17,921 s.f. After proposal, 11,790 s.f. perimeter+ 7,263 s.f. perimeter= 19,053 s.f. AREA OF WORK = 18,000 s.f.± Building footprint -2,000 s.f. Total existing impervious= 15,000 s.f. Total proposed impervious= 13,734 s.f. Site coverage by buildings = 11 % Number of parking spaces required by City Code = 5 minimum, 10 maximum * Number of: Standard spaces = 11 Compact spaces = 3 ADA spaces = 1 Area of perimeter and interior landscaping Before proposal After proposal Perimeter 2,350 s.f.+ 2,090 s.f.+ *All parking on the entire Airport Plaza site is shared. STARBUCKS-RENTON-ANAL vsrs Interior 630 s.f. = 2,980 s.f. 2, 176 s.f. = 4,266 s.f. ~~s kt:' ~P. :i..,,-pt.Az,,,.._ Print Form Reset Form Save Form DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Renton 8 TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov 1. Total number of trees over 6" diameter', or alder or cottonwood trees at least 8" in diameter on project site "24 trees 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: Trees that are dangerous 2 Trees in proposed public streets Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts Trees in critical areas 3 and buffers Total number of excluded trees: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1: trees trees trees trees 0 trees ··i:z trees 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained4 , multiply line 3 by: 0.3 in zones RC, R-1, R-4, R-6 or R-8 5. 6. 7. 0.2 in all other residential zones 0.1 in all commercial and industrial zones '2-2-·>l . I List the number of 6" in diameter, or alder or cottonwood trees over 8" in diameter that you are proposing5 to retain 4 : Subtract tine 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: (if line 6 is zero or less, stop here. No replacement trees are required} -= Multiply line 6 by 12" for number of required replacement inches: ~ ... trees ~. '""=-- 2 2. trees __ ..c__~-- ( o trees --'------ 0 inches ------- 8. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: (Minimum 2" caliper trees required for replacement, otherwise enter 0) -------inches per tree 9. Divide line 7 by tine 8 for number of replacement trees 6: (If remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole number) 1 Measured at 4.5' above grade. NaN trees ------- 2 A tree certified, in a written report, as dead, terminally diseased, damaged, or otherwise dangerous to persons or property by a licensed landscape architect, or certified arborist1 and approved by the City. 3 Critical areas, such as wetlands, streams, floodplains and protected slopes, are defined in RMC 4-3-050. 4 Count only those trees to be retained outside of critical areas and buffers. 5 The City may require modification of the tree retention plan to ensure retention of the maximum number of trees per RMC 4-4-130H7a. 6 When the required number of protected trees cannot be retained, replacement trees, with at least a two-inch {2") caliper or an evergreen at least six feet (6') tall, shall be planted. See RMC 4-4-130.H.1.e.(ii) for prohibited types of replacement trees. 1 H :\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Ha ndouts\Planning\ Tree Retention Worksheet.docx 08/2015 .: .... ... ~ . ~. Neighborhood Map Zoning Map ,-----' I I RI-' 10 11'1° I __ I p.-~( ,c I':~: -~~·.·ct'. .t R 1. ~estdentia' 1 ch,,ac R4 Restdent al 4 dv,ac R6-ResHlenta 6 OU.AC R8-Restdenl1a 2 du iac R·O,Rescenba 1 0 du·ac R14 Residen~al 14 du ac R\~F -Res den11c1 MJ~,-Fatrllt Ct, ( 'llt"''L ,:,) N..-,~. c.rh '.1 c1 r,.-.. ,,, .• , -C~·Con-mercaalArc""al -UC-Urban Center -COCciter J<>N",10Y,r CCR Comm ercia l Office RestdPr.11a CO-Cwmema Offi:·p IL,lnduSlr al. LKJl•t IM-lndus,.a. t,ii,j um -RMT"i Res1de n11al Ma 1Jfacl ured Homes -IH-lnd1..s1 ria' Hea,y ~ l' 1!1 . ~ ;: ~. ,· ,; ~ -.oZ ---,~ .-. ~ ·.~ c'i ~ ~ 'j ~• z~ I c• ~ '· l Q I ~-:\ -~ l ~(T\ .._ •. \ ~:; I~ =f:r .... ts <( N <( ...J a.. t-(.) 0::: :j 0 >-a.. ...J 0::: :E -~ <( LL t-a:: ~ <( w g Cl) ~ ~ -0 VI' w t-o:: .JI., I c.D 0 (.) "" U) ~ LJ... .a.W I (!) :::) a:: > U) ~co=><< 0 NII Q'. ~ ....J -.... w --u.. -z i:i5 <(a::~e ~t-o ~rE ~ Cl) LL Zz; a::: 1~1 < f-- <l: 4:"' a "' N U) ~ .. "' I-<( 3' t<I ll'. w .J .J 0...1 w ~ J :::E L ... w a Cl lJ u ~ 0 z ~ Ct :3 0 <l: a ~ .J < '.'.' ~ 0 ,1 , .. (D ~ A 1 W ' z ! 1i- "' ] ' ] ~ I l i ] ~ 5 t=i J ' t t ~ " ~ 8 ! m ~ i;i t ( "' ~ ,__~ ~ r~~ l~~.·!<!·1, -t- l ~ 0 8 0 0 8 0~ .. 0 0 0 0 dJ=-1 .~.· .. ·· '·.~ ('7 \ ', '~ l 71 n g -~---,, ', \ J ' ' ~~· MM / ' \ I I "T I / ' ' -J, Floor Plan -Test Fil ""'"' 114""' 1'-o" SHEET NOTES f. EOffASNEEDED ::::-. ~ P4Il3kt 1 _ ----------?A-~.,., 1~:::::~1 ' 0 cD Q 01 ~'.lcr.e>' ~1 ~.P'' §_CHEMATJC FLOOR PLAN NOTES A. EDIT AB NEEOED D -.., 7. i it 1 ' z ,. ,. V ....i.,,..-~1'"" w en/I @-~-~ I STARBUCKS COFFEE ::, COMPANY Z 2401 UTAHAVENUESOUTH 0 SEATILE, WASHfNGTON 98134 (206) 318-1575 -THESE DRAWINGS ANO SPEGFICATIONS ARE f-~~~~i:?AA~KS~O~wi~ C.J -r:fWJ~~~~~si~:Ud~ ::, (INWHa..EORINPART}.SHAREDWflliTHIRD PARTIES CR USED IN MY MANNER ON OTHER ~ PROJECTS OR EXTENSIONS TO THIS PROJECT LL, W!'!HOIJTTHE.PR!ORWRITTENCONSEN'!'OF STARBUCKS CORPORATION. THESE DRAWINGS 1--HID SPECIFICATIONSARE!NTENOEOTO EXPRESS DESIGN INl'ENTFOR A r.n JiR="J'~~RE=~ Z REFLECTACTUALSITECONDiTIONS. NEllHER PARTY SftALL HAVEIINY OBUG'\TION NOR LlABfllTY TO 11-IE 011-IER (E:(CEPT STATED 0 ABOVE} UNTIL A WRITTEIII AGREEMENT IS FUil. y EXECI.ITHI BY 001}[ PARTIES, u I STARBUCKSTEMPLATEVERS!ON !'2016-03-z:l I a: 0 u.. 0 w 0 z w ~ z ARC\-TITECTOFRECORQ THIS DRAWING IS ADES!GN oeva..oPMENT DOCUMENT. SITE SPECIFIC MODIFIGATIOHS MADE UNDER n--E RESPONSIBLE CHARGEOFTHEARCHrrECT ANOfOR ENGINEER.OF-RECORD WIil. BE REQUIRED PfOOR TO US!Nl3 THIS OOCUMENT FOR B!ODIN(J, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION. 61r=========_J z >- ...J z 0 co N iA z co u, (!) w 0.. l\l <{ I t:: 8 5' -<{ t, 0 ,_ c en w n. frl .8 w , '--, C i <{ 0 " 0 if 0:: STORE It. (.) PROJECT#:. 72843-001 -CASEWORI< CONCEPT: ~ JSSUEOATE: 05.12.16 <( DESIGN Ml'INAGER". LEB:l®AP: :ll: PRODUCTION DESIGNER: CHECKE0BY: w Revl~!on Schedule :c ,w """ BI_ __ -· Descrlplion (.) en SHEET TITlE: FLOOR PLAN TEST FIT SCALE: AS SHOWN [ ssm """"" SD-2 OWNER: BURKHEiMER FAMILY LLC ADDRESS: 54 RAINIER AVE S \ OWNER: BURKHEIMER FAMILY LLC , 40 I I PARCEL NO: 182305-9237 . J'f I __,,,E,,..,, . .._ ,...,,,'1----r ~ r ·" , N87"30'16-~. 147_ 15· • I "AIRPORT 'f(LAZ~" SHOPS SIGJ\S \ .-' ----;-------- ADDRESS: 95 AIRPORT WAY PARCEL NO: 000720-0193 -- TEL VAULT \ 7~ I -- \ 1-u \ ~ (./) n-r -< ?CJ 9),-~z I 8 rn • ·• ...... ;l . . . · .. • . •· • . .. ,:-~-... -. . ~-'<ll. \:~-<· ·. 4 I .. • . :·~I\,'.:· . . ~-. ,4..· ,,. 4 ·, · .. ,' Ir \ •,, GRASS '. ~ 1.r· U1 I' . o. "" . jl4, • • \' .4 ·' GRASS I• ~ "FOR LEASE" SIGN I dw'-ER: BURKHEIMER FAMILY LLC I ''!fiARCEL NO: 182305-9245 1'f LSCAP' / \ f 3-t -· --i~ ''( }.,. __ /_ t 'ii ';; I ~ "' ~ ·co .f> ~.o ~'-"" • .,Fa ·-.1 CJl ·oo I ~i·o•,o ·~, PSE EASEMENT L: \ REC. NO. 930914 41 \tl~ 11 \ "[] \ 11--11--0 __ \_- lh 6"D0 ~ 9 P. I I ' I , 1 \~;r I . ! : __ .....J._J -_!_ --~--- i 9 P.S. ;>;,. i - QQl'iC DRAINAGE DETENTION WALL a, \ i; o< ;rn \ \ \I "------u ~ --~------ \ --r------- SS MH RIM:38.27 \ COC: 28.27 -~: GRASS [.,., T· 'I."'-_ -"I .. .. • • ·,r-,-== -_ -I _,, --, -' . I _1 1-L1 ' . ,-le, I /fl i.llCAPE ni' -1--f~-,-~ I · ONDUI~ I ,..-gROPS I LSCAPE \ . . I PSE EASEMENT REC. NO. 930914041 NO. 4 ~ --' l -I -1-I'· 14P.S. ' -I / J_ :i l -;--;_ ' ! -;::i,:;-;,,.,. I .' I --1' -- 1; '· ..f@(t<q--' · , I --i . \:c ! / 1--I 1--,--' I ' -i---. .. ' ', ,,~ .. I , 1coNC '\-""' _.:.. .WALL · :"i ' l -=;,-~ --...... LSCAPE •· ' < T.:i· ... ~-.. --'--______ ,,J "' , 'i I I I';__ 1 -sr~~1 ~ A,nf)~ h ;..~ le~~~'.~~~~ (/) ----- ---- -- ----- -----I --~---- CB TYPE i RIM:30.09 (N)IE: 26.89 ',2'' ADS (S)IE: 26.84 12"" ADS ... "[] v, ____ _ ----- ECQ(B)-=., _:;;.::'..__ OHP- f9...... ·---·----~ '(?;· II ~ '-"STOP/RT L \\ TURN ONLY- -\\ ~ ,. 1• oss+---__ __L_ __ :\---fo;-=t 8"col'rc Pss+---~~ !i'I_ i~ I ,, 'l~ 1'.'-··-· ~---1--~,',,;~ .. •. -----s~·ro~-~ -·--·-! -. -·t= --······· -- .,.Z,.PO~.:fll~ (PiJB[JCLY DEDICAIED RIGHT OF WAY) L---1-------------/-----------(, /tA. II . _.. I / STORM VAULT . ·----·--··· _, -.. .. -tJlf7~ . -- \11 ,~ ~ \,;, ,, I I \ ~~-· ~~<:~ ~rift~& H';"' ,AJAP~ I ~,WA. \ LA· teS-11,\,VG't.mil-..J ~e.L /></2.,qJ. \ ~~~/tv ADDRC:SS: 54 RAINIER AV£ S PARCEL NO: 182305-9237 ~ t () "2D .. \ OWNER: BURKHE!MER FAMILY LLC \O I , ,/ I 'I OWNER: BURKHEIMER FAMILY LLC ADDRESS: 95 AIRPORT WAY PARCEL NO: 000720-0193 '.,,,,_,~ .... i'"''"'---l-.,> \ 1,o • N87'30'16"W p7•5' I ls.. \ '. ' "AIRPORT ~LAA" . .1 • . .,_~------ PJ ,i' er, TEL VAULT ----75' \[\ ~ " ~ ~ l • SHOPS SIGt',S \ I.SC/IPE ,Ci_!;~I' · ... -~ .•. ·, •. . •· I "FOR LEASE" SIGN .. ~· '·\."' •' ' ..... 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CON\JU'1T ./ iP DROPS ' TURN ONL y• 8 1 h ------->-I ----~--S. -TOBIN ST -. I --• =-; - _ ---..l\ ~ =<> ....D;Q.NC PSS+--------------t-------[Pl)B[ICLY DEDICAl'EDRmRfoF WAY) +=-----/.---------- ln CB 1YP£ 1 RIM:30.30 (N)IE:27.5 12" ADS (S)IE: 27.4 12" ADS (W)1£: 27.5 6" PVC ---·" __ _ ------ -~----- -~--~- ------· ------ CB TYPE 1 RIM:30.09 (N)IE: 26.89 12" ADS (S)IE:26.641?° ADS .... :u Y'---~- -------;-- ~ f"1 0 ., ~ Sil " z G) ~ z -ih"---FC:2_(1])-, I ~ . --: ~:: :~. __ ;·,··--'----== - Qf!.T· 1 l l i ~ ~ ~ } I::!. ~ June 24, 2016 Lance Mueller Tina Cohen, Certified Arborist Northwest Arborvitae 8318 26th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98117 Lance Mueller & Associates 130 Lakeside Ave Suite 250 Seattle WA 98122 Arborist Services phone 206-789-3283 http ://tinacohen.com/ email tina@tinacohen.com Re: Starbucks at Airport Plaza, 64 Rainier Ave S, Renton WA 98057 Site visit: June 21, 2016 Dear Mr. Mueller: On June 21st I went to the site of the new Starbucks at Airport Plaza, near the intersection of Rainier Ave S and Airport Way S. The purpose was to provide the City of Renton information about trees only within the building envelope. Other trees in the parking lot were not evaluated. Photos are included at the end of this report. It must be realized that trees are living organisms and their health and vigor constantly change over time. They are not immune to changes in site conditions or seasonal variations in the weather. Summary Most of the trees are a fastigiate (narrow) variety of Red maples growing within the parking lot islands. Their health has been negatively impacted by the limited root space. The exception is maple #I 03, which has grown past its bed and is exploiting the water in the drainage swale. The landscape architect will show the tree protection fences at the perimeter of the saved trees' beds. Root pruning will be needed when the asphalt is replaced, and must be supervised by a qualified arborist. • At this time maples #101 and 102 are proposed for removal because they are unhealthy and will be within the footprint of the new parking lot. • Maple # 103 is listed for removal, but is the best tree on the site and should be retained if the parking lot can be modified. • Maple #104 is in poor condition but is listed as saved. The source of the decline is unknown. • Maple #105 will be saved although new paving may negatively impact the roots. • Pears #106-108 are saplings and have significantly more space. They will he saved and will not be impacted by the project. • Maple #109 will be saved but its status may change if the parking lot is re-graded. Page 1 of5 •1 .. ' . MEMBER -· ' Table of Findings and Recommendations Post construction prognosis is pending grading and root pruning. Tree #, species. Trunk Canopy Condition Status Arborist Comments See site plan diameter radius per recommendation inches design Numbered foil tags at 4.5 ft were stapled to the trunks. The tags should be removed when the project is comolete. 101. Fastigiate 5 4 ft unhealthy: remove remove due to Extensive trunk wounds due to maple, Acer rubrum fair to poor health and design sunscald and vehicles. Bed is too 'Columnare' or small, only 3 ft wide. 'Bowhall' Trees will be in footprint of new 102. Fastigiate 5 4 ft unhealthy: remove remove due to parking lot. maple, Acer rubrum poor health and design 'Columnare' or 'Bowhall' 103. Fastigiate 12.5 7 ft healthy: remove SAVE Best tree on site because the maple, Acer rubrum excellent roots have curved south and are 'Columnare' or exploiting the drainage swale, 'Bowhall' which will remain as is. Recommend modifying the desian to save this tree. 104. Fastigiate 12.5 7 ft unhealthy: SAVE remove due to 100% stunted, thin sparse maple, Acer rubrum poor health canopy, cause unknown. See 'Columnare' or photo. 'Bowhall' 105. Fastigiate 11 9 ft healthy: SAVE SAVE Surface roots are through out the maple, Acer rubrum good bed so adding new plants will be 'Co/umnare' or difficult. 'Bowhall' Prognosis for retention may chanQe if area is reoaved. 106. Ornamental 2 2 ft healthy: SAVE SAVE Saplings. Too small for tags. pear. Pyrus good Drought stressed. Foliage has callervana var. trellis rust, typical problem for 107. Ornamental 2 2 ft healthy: SAVE SAVE this species. They will NOT be pear, Pyrus good impacted by the project. callervana var. 108. Ornamental 3 3 ft healthy: SAVE SAVE pear, Pyrus good callervana var. 109. Fastigiate 11 6 ft healthy: SAVE SAVE Roots are at the surface. maple, Acer rubrum good Retention status is pending 'Co/umnare' or grading for the new parking lot. 'Bowhall' Tree Protection Specificatious I. Place tree protection fencing at the perimeter of the island beds to protect the surface roots and canopies. 2. No equipment of materials may be stored within the fenced tree protection zone (TPZ) . 3. Avoid trenching for utilities or irrigation lines within the TPZ. Landscaping should be consistent with tree preservation goals. Install small material to limit the size of holes within the TPZ. Page 2 of5 l&\I ~' MEMBER '·· . • 4. Try to save as many roots as possible. When peeling the old pavement, cleanly cut roots that will interfere with new paving, do not rip them. Root pruning shall be supervised by a qualified arborist. 5. Canopy pruning for clearance must be done by a Certified Arborist or Certified Tree Worker. Where possible, prune to a side branch rather than removing entire limbs to the trunk. 6. Additional water will be required to compensate for lost roots. However do not allow water to directly spray onto the trunks. 7. Starting I-foot from the base of each tree, apply arborist wood chips (not bark) 2-inches deep on top of the soil. This product is directly from a chipper and free from a tree service, or can be purchased at Pacific Topsoil. Never place mulch or soil against the trunk. Conclusion The parking lot trees are growing in a difficult environment. The site improvements will require two or more to be removed. The final status of the maples is pending grading and paving activities. Please contact me if you have questions or need further detail. Limits There is no warranty or guarantee expressed or implied, that problems or deficiencies of the trees in question may not arise in the future. Unless expressed otherwise (I) information contained in this report covers only those items that were examined and reflects the condition of those items at the time of inspection, and (2) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without further dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. Loss or alteration of any part of a report invalidates the entire report. The report and conclusions expressed herein represent the opinion of Tina Cohen dib/a Northwest Arborvitae. Our fee is no way contingent upon any specified value, a result or occurrence of a subsequent event, or upon any finding to be reported. Respectfully submitted, ,~G-L__ Tina Cohen, ISA Certified Arborist #PN0245A American Society of Consulting Arborists, Registered Consulting Arborist #473 ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Attachments: Photos Site plan Page 3 of5 •1 . ' . MEMBER ' ' Photos Above: Sou th property line trees from left to r igh t: maples #105, #' 04 (center tree with thin canopy), and to the righ t of the white car is #103.The perspective makes #103 appear smaller t h,m it actually is. Maples #101 and #102 are to the right of the green d umpster. Above: Detail of maples to be removed: Le ft is 1:102 and right is #101. The bed is only 3 feet w ide. I . . · I I MEMBER ·• .... ' Pagc4oC5 P age 5 of 5 Above: Detail of #102. #101 is s im ilar. Above: Maple #103 is the healthiest o n t he s1 l e because the root s are growing into the drainage swa le to th e ri g ht. T he orange squ ar e is a WSDA gypsy moth mon itor trap. -~ MEMBER ~' 2 • l • ·~ \ I I \ I I ' ! I r/ i i I I I I Starbucks Coffee at Airport Plaza Shopping Center 64 Rainier Ave S. Renton, WA CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION This project is expected to start construction in late Summer or early Fall 2016 and be completed in the Spring of 2017. Construction hours will be normal between 7 AM and 5PM weekdays. There will be little hauling for a project of only 2000sf, as it will be framed with metal studs and have light wood framing for the roof structure. Most materials can be delivered by relatively small flat-bed trucks. Concrete pours will be limited to foundations and slab on grade plus some outside patio and sidewalk areas. Expected haul routes are south on Rainier Ave S to I-405 or 167 and west on Sunset to Empire Way for access to 1-5. It is likely some construction materials could be purchased at a nearby building supply store on Rainier Ave S. There will be little impact to traffic as there is very minor work in Tobin for utility connections. Any work in the street will require normal cones and barricades with flaggers if necessary. Due to the fact the site is currently paved, mud and tracked soil will be minimal. Streets will be cleaned of any tracked soil. The construction area will be fenced for security and pedestrian safety. There.will be some noise due to construction, but any noise will be somewhat cancelled due to the normal generally constant daytime traffic noise on Rainier Ave S. With little work in Tobin, the only traffic control plan will be to provide safety barriers and signage as necessary, and traffic flaggers if required. • PLANNING DIVISION DESIGN DISTRICT "D" CHECKLIST City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: Ensure compliance with design review regulations located in the Renton Municipal Code in order to: a. Maintain and protect property values; b. Enhance the general appearance of the City; c. Encourage creativity in building and site design; d. Achieve predictability, balanced with flexibility; and e. Consider the individual merits of proposals. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This design district checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. The City will use this checklist to determine whether the your proposal complies with the Urban Design Regulations in the Renton Municipal Code (RMC 4-3- 100). Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. There are two categories that have been established: (a) "minimum standards" that must be met, and (b) "guidelines" that, while not mandatory, are considered by the Planning Director in determining if the proposed action meets the intent of the design guidelines. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. A. SITE DESIGN AND BUILDING LOCATION: Intent: To ensure that buildings are located in relation to streets and other buildings so that the Vision of the City of Renton can be realized for a high-density urban environment; so that businesses enjoy visibility from public rights-of-way; and to encourage pedestrian activity throughout the district. 1. Site Design and Street Pattern: Intent: To ensure that the City of Renton Vision can be realized within the Urban Center Districts; plan districts that are organized for efficiency while maintaining flexibility for future development at high urban densities and intensities of use; create and maintain a safe, convenient network of streets of varying dimensions for vehicle circulation; and provide service to businesses. Minimum Standard: Provide a network of public and/or private local streets in addition to public arterials. Page I of22 Minimum Standard: Maintain a hierarchy of streets to provide organized circulation that promotes use by multiple transportation modes and to avoid overburdening the roadway system. The hierarchy shall consist of (from greatest in size to smallest): (a) High Visibility Street. A highly visible arterial street that warrants special design treatment to improve its appearance and maintain its transportation function. (b) Arterial Street. A street classified as a principal arterial on the City's Arterial Street Plan. (c) Pedestrian-Oriented Streets. Streets that are intended to feature a concentration of pedestrian activity. Such streets feature slow moving traffic, narrow travel lanes, on-street parking, and wide sidewalks. (d) Internal or local roads (public or private). Response: The site is developed with existing buildings since the early 1990's. The streets on all sides are improved. There are no changes to the existing on-site vehicle circulation other than the new drive-through stacking lane for up to 8 cars. 2. Building Location and Orientation: Intent: To ensure visibility of businesses; establish active, lively uses along sidewalks and pedestrian pathways; organize buildings in such a way that pedestrian use of the district is facilitated; encourage siting of structures so that natural light and solar access are available to other structures and open space; enhance the visual character and definition of streets within the district; provide an appropriate transition between buildings, parking areas, and other land uses and the street; and increase privacy for residential uses located near the street. Minimum Standard: Orient buildings to the street with clear connections to the sidewalk. Minimum Standard: The front entry of a building shall not be oriented to a drive aisle, but instead a public or private street or landscaped pedestrian-only courtyard. Guideline: Ground floor residential uses located near the street should be raised above street level for residents' privacy. Response: The proposed building is located close to Rainier Avenue S. and S. Tobin St. in the southwest corner of the Airport Plaza site. There will be a sidewalk from the existing sidewalk on Rainier to a patio area with outdoor seating in the front yard. One of two building entrances will be at the front patio. There will also be adequate patio space for outdoor seating along the north side of the building. From this area, a pedestrian link will run to the existing shops at the rear of the site. The entrance from the sidewalk will be enhanced with upgraded landscaping, include an arbor. The south yard between the building and S. Tobin St. will be landscaped with new trees, shrubs and ground cover. Page 2 of22 3. Building Entries: Intent: To make building entrances convenient to locate and easy to access, and ensure that building entries further the pedestrian nature of the fronting sidewalk and the urban character of the district. Minimum Standard: A primary entrance of each building shall be located on the facade facing a street, shall be prominent, visible from the street, connected by a walkway to the public sidewalk, and include human-scale elements. Minimum Standard: Multiple buildings on the same site shall provide a continuous network of pedestrian paths and open spaces that incorporate landscaping to provide a directed view to building entries. Minimum Standard: Ground floor units shall be directly accessible from the street or an open space such as a courtyard or garden that is accessible from the street. Minimum Standard: Secondary access (not fronting on a street) shall have weather protection at least 4-1 /2 feet wide over the entrance or other similar indicator of access. Minimum Standard: Pedestrian access shall be provided to the building from property edges, adjacent lots. abutting street intersections, crosswalks, and transit stops. Guideline Standard: For projects that include residential uses, entries should provide transition space between the public street and the private residence such as a porch, landscaped area, terrace. common area, lobby, or similar feature. Guideline Standard: Features such as entries, lobbies, and display windows should be oriented to a street; otherwise, screening or art features such as trellises, artwork, murals, landscaping, or combinations thereof should be incorporated into the street-oriented facade. Guideline Standard: Entries from the street should be clearly marked with canopies, architectural elements, ornamental lighting, or landscaping. Entries from parking lots should be subordinate to those related to the street for buildings within District 'A'. Response: There will be two entries to the building. One will be on the fayade facing the street and will be easily identified and connected to the public sidewalk on Rainier via the front yard patio and sidewalk to the street sidewalk. Human scale elements will include new landscaping, an arbor at the sidewalk from the street, tables and chairs for outdoor seating and window allowing views into the building. Bicycle parking will be provided as well. There will also be an entrance on the north side of the building that is oriented to the existing parking lot and provides a location for ADA parking. Entrances will have overhead weather protection, and ornamental lighting. 4. Transition to Surrounding Development: Intent: To shape redevelopment projects so that the character and value of Renton's long-established, existing neighborhoods are preserved. Page 3 of22 Minimum Standard: Careful siting and design treatment are necessary to achieve a compatible transition where new buildings differ from surrounding development in terms of building height, bulk and scale. At least one of the following design elements shall be considered to promote a transition to surrounding uses: a. Setbacks at the side or rear of a building may be increased by the Reviewing Official in order to reduce the bulk and scale of larger buildings and so that sunlight reaches adjacent yards; b. Building proportions, including step-backs on upper levels; c. Building articulation to divide a larger architectural element into smaller increments; or d. Roof lines, roof pitches, and roof shapes designed to reduce apparent bulk and transition with existing development. Response: The proposed building is located up to the streets in conformance with City guidelines, and also to allow the required drive-through lane to be located behind the building and not between the building and a street. The scale of the building is much smaller than the two existing buildings, but about the same height. The design will incorporate modulation in the building walls and variety in roof line with both a sloped roof with generous overhangs at glass and outdoor use areas and level roof lines in other areas. Areas of glass, masonry veneer and metal side will provide articulation and visual interest. 5. Service Element Location and Design: Intent: To reduce the potential negative impacts of service elements (i.e., waste receptacles, loading docks) by locating service and loading areas away from high- volume pedestrian areas, and screening them from view in high visibility areas. Minimum Standard: Service elements shall be located and designed to minimize the impacts on the pedestrian environment and adjacent uses. Service elements shall be concentrated and located where they are accessible to service vehicles and convenient for tenant use ( see illustration, RMC 4-3-1 OOE7e ). Minimum Standard: Garbage, recycling collection, and utility areas shall be enclosed, consistent with RMC 4-4-090, Refuse and Recyclables Standards, and RMC 4-4-095, Screening and Storage Height/Location Limitations. Minimum Standard: In addition to standard enclosure requirements, garbage, recycling collection, and utility areas shall be enclosed on all sides, including the roof and screened around their perimeter by a wall or fence and have self-closing doors (see illustration, RMC 4-3-100E7f). Minimum Standard: The use of chain link, plastic, or wire fencing is prohibited. Minimum Standard: If the service area is adjacent to a street, pathway, or pedestrian-oriented space, a landscaped planting strip, minimum 3 feet wide, shall be located on 3 sides of such facility. Guideline: Service enclosure fences should be made of masonry, ornamental metal or wood, or some combination of the three. Page4 of22 Response: The service door for deliveries to Starbucks is located on the Tobin St. side and is connected to the public sidewalk by a concrete walk. Deliveries of products to Starbucks usually occur late at night by small delivery trucks or vans that can park in the street parking lane. Starbucks requires a trash enclosure that is a bit larger than City code minimums. It will be masonry with metal doors to match the building siding and colors. The existing trash enclosure that serves the existing tenants is inadequate, so a new enclosure will be constructed in the parking lot that serves the bank and other tenants This enclosure will be the same size and designed with the same materials as the Starbucks enclosure. Total area of the two enclosures will meet the City requirements of 150 s.f. for recycling container area, and 300 s.f. of refuse container area for all of Airport Plaza. Due to the tight site dimensions, a modification is requested to allow a reduction in the 3 ft. of landscaping on 2 sides of the Starbucks enclosures and substitution of green wall type metal grids to support vines or solid evergreen columnar trees such as arborvitae type. 6. Gateways: NOT A GATEWAY SITE Intent: To distinguish gateways as primary entrances to districts or to the City; provide special design features and architectural elements at gateways; and ensure that gateways, while they are distinctive within the context of the district, are compatible with the district in form and scale. Minimum Standard: Developments located at district gateways shall be marked with visually prominent features (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.E?g). Minimum Standard: Gateway elements shall be oriented toward and scaled for both pedestrians and vehicles (see illustration. subsection RMC 4-3-100.E?h). Minimum Standard: Visual prominence shall be distinguished by two or more of the following: a. Public art; b. Monuments; c. Special landscape treatment; d. Open space/plaza; e. Identifying building form; f. Special paving, unique pedestrian scale lighting, or bollards; g. Prominent architectural features (trellis, arbor, pergola, or gazebo); h. Signage, displaying neighborhood or district entry identification (commercial signs are not allowed). Response: This project location at Rainier Avenue S. and S. Tobin St. is not a gateway corner, but there will be an open space/patio connected to the public sidewalk and an arbor element to enhance the entry from the sidewalk. Page 5 of22 B. PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS: Intent: To provide safe, convenient access to the Urban Center and the Center Village; incorporate various modes of transportation, including public mass transit, in order to reduce traffic volumes and other impacts from vehicles; ensure sufficient parking is provided, while encouraging creativity in reducing the impacts of parking areas; allow an active pedestrian environment by maintaining contiguous street frontages, without parking lot siting along sidewalks and building facades; minimize the visual impact of parking lots; and use access streets and parking to maintain an urban edge to the district. 1. Location of Parking: Intent: To maintain active pedestrian environments along streets by placing parking lots primarily in back of buildings. Minimum Standard: No surface parking shall be located between a building and the front property line or the building and side property line on the street side of a corner lot. Guideline: In areas of mixed use development, shared parking is recommended. Response: This site has shared parking and no surface parking is located between the proposed building and the front yard on Rainier Avenue S. nor in the side facing S. Tobin St. 2. Design of Surface Parking: Intent: To ensure safety of users of parking areas, convenience to businesses, and reduce the impact of parking lots wherever possible. Minimum Standard: Parking lot lighting shall not spill onto adjacent or abutting properties (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.F5b). Response: Will comply. Minimum Standard: All surface parking lots shall be landscaped to reduce their visual impact (see RMC 4-4-080F7, Landscape Requirements). Response: Exceeds code minimum landscaping. Guideline: Wherever possible, parking should be configured into small units, connected by landscaped areas to provide on-site buffering from visual impacts. Response: Done. Guideline: Access to parking modules should be provided by public or private local streets with sidewalks on both sides where possible, rather than internal drive aisles. Response: Parking areas connected to buildings by walkways. Guideline: Where multiple driveways cannot be avoided, provide landscaping to separate and minimize their impact on the streetscape. General Response: New parking lot lighting will not spill into adjacent properties and fixtures will have glare cut-off shields. New parking areas will have new landscaping. The 1 O parking stalls east of the proposed Page 6 of22 building will be surrounded by landscaping. Parking lot landscaping far exceeds City minimums. There are public sidewalks on both Rainier and Tobin and the project will provide a new pedestrian connection for most of the way from Rainier through the Starbucks site. Multiple driveways already exist to serve the shopping center, and there is perimeter landscaping to separate them. No new driveways are proposed. 3. Structured Parking Garages: NONE PROPOSED Intent: To more efficiently use land needed for vehicle parking; encourage the use of structured parking throughout the Urban Center and the Center Village; physically and visually integrate parking garages with other uses; and reduce the overall impact of parking garages when they are located in proximity to the designated pedestrian environment. Minimum Standard: Parking Structures Fronting Designated Pedestrian-Oriented Streets: (a) Parking structures shall provide space for ground floor commercial uses along street frontages at a minimum of 75% of the frontage width (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.FSc). (b) The entire facade must feature a pedestrian-oriented facade. Minimum Standard: Parking Structures Fronting Non-Pedestrian-Oriented Streets: (a) Parking structures fronting non-pedestrian-oriented streets and not featuring a pedestrian-oriented facade shall be set back at least 6 feet from the sidewalk and feature substantial landscaping. This includes a combination of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, and ground cover. This setback shall be increased to 10 feet adjacent to high visibility streets. (b) The Director may allow a reduced setback where the applicant can successfully demonstrate that the landscaped area and/or other design treatment meets the intent of these standards and guidelines. Possible treatments to reduce the setback include landscaping components plus one or more of the following integrated with the architectural design of the building: (1) Ornamental grillwork (other than vertical bars); (2) Decorative artwork; (3) Display windows; (4) Brick, tile, or stone; (5) Pre-cast decorative panels; (6) Vine-covered trellis; (7) Raised landscaping beds with decorative materials; or (8) Other treatments that meet the intent of this standard. Page 7 of22 (c) Facades shall be articulated architecturally, so as to maintain a human scale and to avoid a solid wall. Vehicular entrances to nonresidential or mixed use parking structures shall be articulated by arches, lintels, masonry trim, or other architectural elements and/or materials (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3- 100.FSd). Minimum Standard: Parking structures shall provide space for ground floor commercial uses along street frontages at a minimum of 75 percent of the frontage width (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.FSc). Minimum Standard: The entire facade must feature a pedestrian-oriented facade. Minimum Standard: Facades shall be articulated architecturally, so as to maintain a human scale and to avoid a solid wall. Vehicular entrances to nonresidential or mixed use parking structures shall be articulated by arches, lintels, masonry trim, or other architectural elements and/or materials (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-1 OO.F5d). Guideline: Parking garage entries should be designed and sited to complement, not subordinate, the pedestrian entry. If possible, locate the parking entry away from the primary street, to either the side or rear of the building. Guideline: Parking garage entries should not dominate the streetscape. Guideline: The design of structured parking at finished grade under a building should minimize the apparent width of garage entries. Guideline: Parking within the building should be enclosed or screened through any combination of walls, decorative grilles, or trellis work with landscaping. Guideline: Parking garages should be designed to be complementary with adjacent buildings. Use similar forms, materials, and/or details to enhance garages. Guideline: Parking service and storage functions should be located away from the street edge and generally not be visible from the street or sidewalks. 4. Vehicular Access: Intent: To maintain a contiguous, uninterrupted sidewalk by minimizing, consolidating and/or eliminating vehicular access off streets within pedestrian environments and/or designated pedestrian-oriented streets. Guideline: Parking lots and garages should be accessed from alleys or side streets. Guideline: Driveways should be located to be visible from the right-of-way, but not impede pedestrian circulation on-site or to adjoining properties. Where possible, minimize the number of driveways and curb cuts. Page 8 of22 C. PEDESTRIAN ENVIRONMENT: Intent: To enhance the urban character of development in the Urban Center and the Center Village by creating pedestrian networks and by providing strong links from streets and drives to building entrances; make the pedestrian environment safer and more convenient, comfortable, and pleasant to walk between businesses, on sidewalks, to and from access points, and through parking lots; and promote the use of multi-modal and public transportation systems in order to reduce other vehicular traffic. 1. Pathways through Parking Lots: Intent: To provide safe and attractive pedestrian connections to buildings, parking garages, and parking lots. Minimum Standard: Clearly delineated pedestrian pathways and/or private streets shall be provided throughout parking areas. Minimum Standard: Within parking areas, pedestrian pathways shall be provided perpendicular to the applicable building facade, at a maximum distance of 150 feet apart (see illustration. subsection RMC 4-3-100.G4a). Response: The proposal has a pedestrian pathway from Rainier Avenue, along the proposed building and to the new parking stalls. 2. Pedestrian Circulation: Intent: To create a network of linkages for pedestrians to improve safety and convenience and enhance the pedestrian environment. Minimum Standard: Developments shall include an integrated pedestrian circulation system that connects buildings, open space, and parking areas with the adjacent street sidewalk system and adjacent properties (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.G4b). Response: Done. Minimum Standard: Sidewalks located between buildings and streets shall be raised above the level of vehicular travel. Response: Done. Minimum Standard: Pedestrian pathways within parking lots or parking modules shall be differentiated by material or texture from adjacent paving materials (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.G4c). Response: Concrete paving will define pathways in parking area. Minimum Standard: Sidewalks and pathways along the facades of buildings shall be of sufficient width to accommodate anticipated numbers of users. Specifically: (a) Sidewalks and pathways along the facades of mixed use and retail buildings 100 or more feet in width (measured along the facade) shall provide sidewalks at least 12 feet in width. The walkway shall include an 8 foot minimum unobstructed walking surface and street trees (see illustration, subsection RMC-4-3-100.G4d). (b) To increase business visibility and accessibility, breaks in the tree coverage adjacent to major building entries shall be allowed. (c) For all other interior pathways, the proposed walkway shall be of sufficient width to accommodate the anticipated number of users. A 10 -12 foot pathway, for example, can accommodate groups of persons walking four abreast, or two couples passing one another. An 8 foot pathway will accommodate three Page 9 of22 individuals walking abreast, whereas a smaller 5 -6 foot pathway will accommodate two individuals. Response: Walls at building are 1 O' or more. 5 ft. pathway width. Minimum Standard: Locate pathways with clear sight lines to increase safety. Landscaping shall not obstruct visibility of walkway or sight lines to building entries. Response: Done. Minimum Standard: All pedestrian walkways shall provide an all-weather walking surface unless the applicant can demonstrate that the proposed surface is appropriate for the anticipated number of users and complementary to the design of the development. Response: Done. Guideline: Delineation of pathways may be through the use of architectural features, such as trellises, railings, low seat walls, or similar treatment. Response: Outdoor patio areas are part of pathway at building. Guideline: Mid-block connections are desirable where a strong linkage between uses can be established. NA Guideline: Decorative fences, with the exception of chain link fences, may be allowed when appropriate to the situation. NA General Response: Same as #1, pedestrian pathway will connect the street sidewalk, outdoor patio areas, building and new parking. Internal walkways will be raised above parking surface except where crossing drive aisles, where pathways will be defined by concrete paving. The sidewalk pathway along the north side of Starbucks will be 10 ft. to 14.ft. wide with adequate space for some outdoor seating at small tables. Internal pathways to parking and shops to the east will be 5 ft. wide. The walk from the street sidewalk to the Starbucks patio will be accented by an arbor. 3. Pedestrian Amenities: Intent: To create attractive spaces that unify the building and street environments and are inviting and comfortable for pedestrians; and provide publicly accessible areas that function for a variety of activities, at all times of the year, and under typical seasonal weather conditions. Minimum Standard: Provide pedestrian overhead weather protection in the form of awnings, marquees, canopies, or building overhangs. These elements shall be a minimum of 4-1/2 feet wide along at least 75 percent of the length of the building facade, a maximum height of 15 feet above the ground elevation, and no lower than 8 feet above ground level. Response: Overhangs and canopies provided. Minimum Standard: Site furniture provided in public spaces shall be made of durable, vandal-and weather-resistant materials that do not retain rainwater and can be reasonably maintained over an extended period of time. Page 10 of22 Minimum Standard: Site furniture and amenities shall not impede or block pedestrian access to public spaces or building entrances. Response: Outdoor furniture will be appropriate and tested by Starbucks. Guideline: Transit shelters, bicycle racks, benches, trash receptacles, and other street furniture should be provided. Response: Bike rack provided. Guideline: Street amenities such as outdoor group seating, kiosks, fountains, and public art should be provided. Response: Wood arbor enhances entry wall from Rainier to building. Guideline: Architectural elements that incorporate plants, such as facade-mounted planting boxes or trellises or ground-related or hanging containers are encouraged, particularly at building entrances. in publicly accessible spaces, and at facades along pedestrian-oriented streets (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.G4f). Response: See previous. General Response: Starbucks will have outdoor seating in patio areas, and canopies at main entrances, plus sun shades on western and eastern exposures. The sloped roof will provide additional shelter. A wood arbor will define and enhance sidewalk entry from Rainier. D. LANDSCAPING/RECREATION AREAS/COMMON OPEN SPACE: Intent: To provide visual relief in areas of expansive paving or structures; define logical areas of pedestrian and vehicular circulation; and add to the aesthetic enjoyment of the area by the community. To have areas suitable for both passive and active recreation by residents, workers, and visitors; provide these areas in sufficient amounts and in safe and convenient locations; and provide the opportunity for community gathering in places centrally located and designed to encourage such activity. 1. Landscaping: Intent: Landscaping is intended to reinforce the architecture or concept of the area; provide visual and climatic relief in areas of expansive paving or structures; channelize and define logical areas of pedestrian and vehicular circulation; and add to the aesthetic enjoyment of the area by the community. Minimum Standard: All pervious areas shall be landscaped (see RMC 4-4-070, Landscaping). Response: 18,000 s.f. work area will be 23% in landscaping. Minimum Standard: Street trees are required and shall be located between the curb edge and building, as determined by the City of Renton. Response: Street trees exist, but one new tree will be planted along S Tobin St. Minimum Standard: On designated pedestrian-oriented streets, street trees shall be installed with tree grates. For all other streets, street tree treatment shall be as determined by the City of Renton (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.H3a). NA Minimum Standard: The proposed landscaping shall be consistent with the design intent and program of the building, the site, and use. Page 11 of22 Response: Landscaping is designed for the project and exceeds minimums. Minimum Standard: The landscape plan shall demonstrate how the proposed landscaping, through the use of plant material and nonvegetative elements, reinforces the architecture or concept of the development. Response: Variety of trees, shrubs and ornamental grasses reinforces architectural design and adds interest. Minimum Standard: Surface parking areas shall be screened by landscaping in order to reduce views of parked cars from streets (see RMC 4-4-080F7, Landscape Requirements). Such landscaping shall be at least 10 feet in width as measured from the sidewalk (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.H3b). Response: 10 feet or more of perimeter landscaping exists. Minimum Standard: Trees at an average minimum rate of one tree per 30 lineal feet of street frontage. Permitted tree species are those that reach a mature height of at least 35 feet. Minimum height or caliper at planting shall be eight feet or two inch caliper (as measured four feet from the top of the root ball) respectively. Response: Existing trees at street. One new tree next to S. Tobin St. Minimum Standard: Shrubs at the minimum rate of one per 20 square feet of landscaped area. Shrubs shall be at least 12 inches tall at planting and have a mature height between three and four feet. Response: Plan exceeds minimum. Minimum Standard: Ground cover shall be planted in sufficient quantities to provide at least 90 percent coverage of the landscaped area within three years of installation. Response: Ground cover on plan. Minimum Standard: The applicant shall provide a maintenance assurance device, prior to occupancy, for a period of not less than three years and in sufficient amount to ensure required landscape standards have been met by the third year following installation. Response: Will do. Minimum Standard: Surface parking with more than 14 stalls shall be landscaped as follows: Response: Plan meets or exceeds standards. 1) Required Amount: Total Number of Minimum Required Landscape Area* Spaces *15to50 15 square feet/parking space *Over 180 s.f./space provided. 51 to 99 ' 25 square feet/parking space 100 or more 35 square feet/parking space • Landscape area calculations above and planting requirements below exclude perimeter parking lot landscaping areas. Page 12 of22 (2) Provide trees, shrubs. and ground cover in the required interior parking lot landscape areas. (3) Plant at least one tree for every six parking spaces. Permitted tree species are those that reach a mature height of at least 35 feet. Minimum height or caliper at planting shall be eight feet or two inch caliper (as measured four feet from the top of the root ball) respectively. (4) Plant shrubs at a rate of five per 100 square feet of landscape area. Shrubs shall be at least 16 inches tall at planting and have a mature height between three and four feet. (5) Up to 50 percent of shrubs may be deciduous. (6) Select and plant ground cover so as to provide 90 percent coverage within three years of planting; provided, that mulch is applied until plant coverage is complete. (7) Do not locate a parking stall more than 50 feet from a landscape area. Minimum Standard: Regular maintenance shall be provided to ensure that plant materials are kept healthy and that dead or dying plant materials are replaced. Response: OK Minimum Standard: Underground, automatic irrigation systems are required in all landscape areas. Response: Irrigation provided in plans. Guideline: Landscaping should be used to soften and integrate the bulk of buildings. Response: Done. Guideline: Landscaping should be provided that appropriately provides either screening of unwanted views or focuses attention to preferred views. Response: Done. Guideline: Use of low maintenance, drought-resistant landscape material is encouraged. Response: Done. Guideline: Choice of materials should reflect the level of maintenance that will be available. Response: Done. Guideline: Seasonal landscaping and container plantings are encouraged, particularly at building entries and in publicly accessible spaces. Response: Not done. Guideline: Window boxes, containers for plantings, hanging baskets, or other planting feature elements should be made of weather-resistant materials that can be reasonably maintained. Response: Not done. Guideline: Landscaping should be used to screen parking lots from adjacent or neighboring properties. Response: No special screening provided. Page 13 of22 2. Recreation Areas and Common Open Space: Intent: To ensure that districts have areas suitable for both passive and active recreation by residents, workers, and visitors and that these areas are of sufficient size for the intended activity and in convenient locations; create usable, accessible, and inviting open space that is accessible to the public; and promote pedestrian activity on pedestrian-oriented streets particularly at street corners. Minimum Standard: Mixed use residential and attached housing developments of ten or more dwelling units shall provide a minimum area of common space or recreation area equal to 50 square feet per unit. The common space area shall be aggregated to provide usable area(s) for residents. The location, layout, and proposed type of common space or recreation area shall be subject to approval by the Director. The required common open space shall be satisfied with one or more of the elements listed below. The Director may require more than one of the following elements for developments having more than 100 units. (a) Courtyards, plazas, or multi-purpose open spaces; (b) Upper level common decks, patios, terraces, or roof gardens. Such spaces above the street level must feature views or amenities that are unique to the site and are provided as an asset to the development; (c) Pedestrian corridors dedicated to passive recreation and separate from the public street system; (d) Recreation facilities including, but not limited to, tennis/sports courts, swimming pools, exercise areas, game rooms, or other similar facilities; or (e) Children's play spaces Minimum Standard: In mixed use residential and attached residential projects, required landscaping, driveways, parking, or other vehicular use areas shall not be counted toward the common space requirement or be located in dedicated outdoor recreation or common use areas. Minimum Standard: In mixed use residential and attached residential projects required yard setback areas shall not count toward outdoor recreation and common space unless such areas are developed as private or semi-private (from abutting or adjacent properties) courtyards, plazas or passive use areas containing landscaping and fencing sufficient to create a fully usable area accessible to all residents of the development (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.H3c). Minimum Standard: Private decks, balconies, and private ground floor open space shall not count toward the common space/recreation area requirement. Minimum Standard: In mixed use residential and attached residential projects, other required landscaping and sensitive area buffers without common access links, such as pedestrian trails, shall not be included toward the required recreation and common space requirement. Minimum Standard: All buildings and developments with over 30,000 square feet of nonresidential uses (excludes parking garage floorplate areas) shall provide pedestrian-oriented space (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.H3d) according to the following formula: 1 % of the lot area + 1 % of the building area = Minimum amount of pedestrian-oriented space Page 14 of22 Minimum Standard: To qualify as pedestrian-oriented space, the following must be included: (a) Visual and pedestrian access (including barrier-free access) to the abutting structures from the public right-of-way or a nonvehicular courtyard; (b) Paved walking surfaces of either concrete or approved unit paving; (c) On-site or building-mounted lighting providing at least four foot-candles (average) on the ground; and (d) At least three feet of seating area (bench, ledge, etc.) or one individual seat per 60 square feet of plaza area or open space. Minimum Standard: The following features are encouraged in pedestrian-oriented space (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.H3e) and may be required by the Director: (a) Provide pedestrian-oriented uses on the building facade facing the pedestrian-oriented space. (b) Spaces should be positioned in areas with significant pedestrian traffic to provide interest and security -such as adjacent to a building entry. (c) Provide pedestrian-oriented facades on some or all buildings facing the space. (d) Provide movable public seating. Minimum Standard: The following are prohibited within pedestrian-oriented space: (a) Adjacent unscreened parking lots; (b) Adjacent chain link fences: (c) Adjacent blank walls; (d) Adjacent dumpsters or service areas; and (e) Outdoor storage (shopping carts, potting soil bags, firewood, etc.) that do not contribute to the pedestrian environment. Minimum Standard: The minimum required walkway areas shall not count as pedestrian-oriented space. However, where walkways are widened or enhanced beyond minimum requirements, the area may count as pedestrian-oriented space if the Director determines such space meets the definition of pedestrian-oriented space. Minimum Standard: Commercial Arterial Zone Public Plazas. At each corner of the intersections listed below, there shall be provision of a public plaza of no less than 1,000 square feet with a minimum dimension of 20 feet on one side abutting the sidewalk. The public plaza must be landscaped consistent with RMC 4-4-070, including at minimum street trees, decorative paving, pedestrian-scaled lighting, and seating. These public plazas are to be provided at all of the following intersections: i. Benson Area: Benson Drive S./108th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 176th. ii. Bronson Area: Intersections with Bronson Way North at: (a) Factory Avenue N. / Houser Way S.; (b) Garden Avenue N.; and (c) Park Avenue N. and N. First Street. Page 15 of22 iii. Cascade Area: Intersection of 116th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 168th Street. iv. Northeast Fourth Area: Intersections with N.E. Fourth at: (a) Duvall Avenue N.E.; (b) Monroe Avenue N.E.; and (c) Union Avenue N.E. v. Grady Area: Intersections with Grady Way at: (a) Lind Avenue S.W.: (b) Rainier Avenue S.; (c) Shattuck Avenue S.; and (d) Talbot Road S. vi. Puget Area: Intersection of S. Puget Drive and Benson Road S. vii. Rainier Avenue Area: Intersections with Rainier Avenue S. at: (a) Airport Way/ Renton Avenue S.; (b) S. Second Street; (c) S. Third Street/ S.W. Sunset Boulevard; (d} S. Fourth Street; and (e) S. Seventh Street. viii. North Renton Area: Intersections with Park Avenue N. at: (a) N. Fourth Street; and (b) N. Fifth Street. ix. Northeast Sunset Area: Intersections with N.E. Sunset Boulevard at: (a) Duvall Avenue N.E.; and (b} Union Avenue N.E. Guideline: Common space areas in mixed use residential and attached residential projects should be centrally located so they are near a majority of dwelling units, accessible and usable to residents. and visible from surrounding units. Guideline: Common space areas should be located to take advantage of surrounding features such as building entrances, significant landscaping, unique topography or architecture, and solar exposure. Guideline: In mixed use residential and attached residential projects children's play space should be centrally located, visible from the dwellings, and away from hazardous areas like garbage dumpsters, drainage facilities, streets, and parking areas. Response: No residential uses proposed. General Response: The outdoor seating areas at two sides of Starbucks will be the passive recreational and open space for the proposal, and available to pedestrians walking by Starbucks to the retail space to the east. E. BUILDING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: Intent: To encourage building design that is unique and urban in character, comfortable on a human scale, and uses appropriate building materials that are suitable for the Pacific Northwest climate. To discourage franchise retail architecture. Page 16 of22 1. Building Character and Massing: Intent: To ensure that buildings are not bland and visually appear to be at a human scale; and ensure that all sides of a building, that can be seen by the public, are visually interesting. Minimum Standard: All building facades shall include modulation or articulation at intervals of no more than forty feet ( 40'). Response: Done. Guideline: Building facades should be modulated and/or articulated with architectural elements to reduce the apparent size of new buildings, break up long blank walls, add visual interest, and enhance the character of the neighborhood. Response: Done. Guideline: Articulation, modulation, and their intervals should create a sense of scale important to residential buildings. NA Guideline: A variety of modulations and articulations should be employed to add visual interest and to reduce the bulk and scale of large projects. Response: Done. Guideline: Building modulations should be a minimum of two feet deep, 16 feet in height, and eight feet in width. Response: Done. Guideline: Alternative methods to shape a building such as angled or curved facade elements, off-set planes, wing walls, and terracing will be considered; provided, that the intent of this Section is met. Response: Not Done. General Response: The building will be a custom design to fit the site and incorporate both a sloping roof with generous overhangs that will let light into the service and seating area in the building, and a horizontal roof area that is screened by a 4 ft. parapet to conceal mechanical equipment over the storage and toilet room areas of the floor plan. All building facades over 40 ft. have modulation and changes in materials to add visual interest and texture. Canopies and sun shades will add additional texture, shadow, visual interest and a sense of scale. 2. Ground-Level Details: Intent: To ensure that buildings are visually interesting and reinforce the intended human-scale character of the pedestrian environment; and ensure that all sides of a building within near or distant public view have visual interest. Minimum Standard: Untreated blank walls visible from public streets, sidewalks, or interior pedestrian pathways are prohibited. A wall (including building facades and retaining walls) is considered a blank wall if: (a) It is a ground floor wall or portion of a ground floor wall over six feet in height, has a horizontal length greater than 15 feet, and does not include a window, door, building modulation or other architectural detailing; or Page 17 of22 (b) Any portion of a ground floor wall having a surface area of 400 square feet or greater and does not include a window, door, building modulation or other architectural detailing. Response: Blank wall on S. Tobin St. side unavoidable. Minimum Standard: Where blank walls are required or unavoidable, blank walls shall be treated with one or more of the following (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.15d): (a) A planting bed at least five feet in width containing trees, shrubs, evergreen ground cover, or vines adjacent to the blank wall; (b) Trellis or other vine supports with evergreen climbing vines; (c) Architectural detailing such as reveals, contrasting materials, or other special detailing that meets the intent of this standard; (d) Artwork, such as bas-relief sculpture. mural, or similar; or (e) Seating area with special paving and seasonal planting. Response: Use of (a) on Tobin side of building. Minimum Standard: Treatment of blank walls shall be proportional to the wall. Response: All of Tobin side wall has extra landscaping. Minimum Standard: Provide human-scaled elements such as a lighting fixture, trellis, or other landscape feature along the facade's ground floor. Response: Light fixtures, texture "base" of stone/masonry, canopy's. Minimum Standard: Facades on designated pedestrian-oriented streets shall have at least 75 percent of the linear frontage of the ground floor facade (as measured on a true elevation facing the designated pedestrian-oriented street) comprised of transparent windows and/or doors. Response: Most of Rainier frontage is glass. Minimum Standard: Other facade window requirements include the following: (a) Building facades must have clear windows with visibility into and out of the building. However, screening may be applied to provide shade and energy efficiency. The minimum amount of light transmittance for windows shall be 50percent. (b) Display windows shall be designed for frequent change of merchandise, rather than permanent displays. (c) Where windows or storefronts occur, they must principally contain clear glazing. (d) Tinted and dark glass, highly reflective (mirror-type) glass and film are prohibited. Response: All clear glazing. Guideline: The primary building entrance should be made visibly prominent by incorporating a minimum of one of the following architectural features from each category listed (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3-100.15e): (a) Facade Features: (1) Recess; (2) Overhang; (3) Canopy; (4) Trellis; (5) Portico; Page 18 of22 (6) Porch; (7) Clerestory. (b) Doorway Features: (1) Transom windows; (2) Glass windows flanking door; (3) Large entry doors; (4) Ornamental lighting; (5) Lighted displays. (c) Detail Features: (1) Decorative entry paving; (2) Ornamental building name and address; (3) Planted containers; (4) Street furniture (benches, etc.). Response: (a)(2), (3); (b)(1 ), (2), (4); (c)(4) Guideline: Artwork or building ornamentation (such as mosaics, murals, grillwork, sculptures, relief, etc.) should be used to provide ground-level detail. Response: Not provided. Guideline: Elevated or terraced planting beds between the walkway and long building walls are encouraged. Response: Not provided. General Response: The south wall of the building has store rooms, maintenance and toilet rooms that do not want to have windows, so the design incorporates material changes, and modulation, plus there will be additional landscaping to soften the walls along that side. Windows on the west and north elevations will be insulated clear glass, low-e. West windows will be shaded by sloped roof overhang and sun shades. There will be a base element of masonry veneer, either artificial stone or textured integral color CMU that will run around the building except where full height storefront occurs on a section of the north wall. The entries will be defined with higher masonry veneer, transom windows, metal canopies and accent lighting. Outdoor furniture will be provided in patio areas near west and north entries. 3. Building Roof Lines: Intent: To ensure that roof forms provide distinctive profiles and interest consistent with an urban project and contribute to the visual continuity of the district. Minimum Standard: Buildings shall use at least one of the following elements to create varied and interesting roof profiles (see illustration, subsection RMC 4-3- 100.151): (a) Extended parapets; (b) Feature elements projecting above parapets; (c) Projected cornices; (d) Pitched or sloped roofs. Response: (a) (d) provided. Page 19 of22 • Minimum Standard: Locate and screen roof-mounted mechanical equipment so that the equipment is not visible within 150 feet of the structure when viewed from ground level. Response: Equipment is on flat roof area, screened by parapet. Minimum Standard: Screening features shall blend with the architectural character of the building, consistent with RMC 4-4-095E, Roof-Top Equipment. Response: Done. Minimum Standard: Match color of roof-mounted mechanical equipment to color of exposed portions of the roof to minimize visual impacts when equipment is visible from higher elevations. Response: Equipment screened from view. General Response: The building will have a large portion of the roof sloped with 6 ft. overhangs on the north and west sides. The roof over the prep, storage, supplies and toilets will be lower and flat to provide space for rooftop HVAC equipment. The equipment will be screened by a 4 ft. high parapet. 4. Building Materials: Intent: To ensure high standards of quality and effective maintenance over time; encourage the use of materials that reduce the visual bulk of large buildings; and encourage the use of materials that add visual interest to the neighborhood. Minimum Standard: All sides of buildings visible from a street, pathway, parking area, or open space shall be finished on all sides with the same building materials, detailing, and color scheme, or if different, with materials of the same quality. Response: Done. Minimum Standard: Materials, individually or in combination, shall have an attractive texture, pattern, and quality of detailing for all visible facades. Response: Done. Minimum Standard: Materials shall be durable, high quality, and reasonably maintained. Response: Done. Minimum Standard: Buildings shall employ material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, patterns, or textural changes. Response: Done. Guideline: Building materials should be attractive, durable, and consistent with more traditional urban development Appropriate examples would include brick, integrally colored concrete masonry, pre-finished metal, stone, steel, glass, and cast-in-place concrete. Response: Done. Guideline: Concrete walls should be enhanced by texturing, reveals, snap-tie patterns, coloring with a concrete coating or admixture, or by incorporating embossed or sculpted surfaces, mosaics, or artwork. Response: No concrete walls. Page 20 of22 • Guideline: Concrete block walls should be enhanced with integral color, textured blocks and colored mortar, decorative bond pattern and/or incorporate other masonry materials. Response: If CMU used, it will be textured with integral color. Guideline: Stucco and similar troweled finishes should be used in combination with other more highly textured finishes or accents. They should not be used at the base of buildings between the finished floor elevation and four feet (4') above. Response: Done. General Response: The combination of sloped and level roof lines, and a variety of exterior finishes will make for an attractive addition to the neighborhood. All materials other than glass will be in earth tone colors. Materials will consist of a building base band of masonry veneer which will also be used to clad the entry areas, the drive through window projection, and the modulation accent wall on the south side of the building. This is shown as artificial stone on the elevation renderings, but an alternate of textured thin veneer CMU with integral color is also being considered. Horizontal ribbed factory finished metal siding will wrap around portions of the east, south and west walls, stopping at vertical veneer accent elements. These materials will be attractive, durable and easily maintained. Stucco or EIFS will be used at limited areas above the masonry base. F. SIGNAGE: ALL SIGNAGE TBD AND PERMITTED BY TENANT Intent: To provide a means of identifying and advertising businesses; provide directional assistance; encourage signs that are both clear and of appropriate scale for the project; encourage quality signage that contributes to the character of the Urban Center and the Center Village; and create color and interest. Minimum Standard: Signage shall be an integral part of the design approach to the building. Minimum Standard: Corporate logos and signs shall be sized appropriately for their location. Minimum Standard: Prohibited signs include (see illustration, subsection RMC 4- 3-1 OO.J3a): i. Pole signs; ii. Roof signs; iii. Back-lit signs with letters or graphics on a plastic sheet (can signs or illuminated cabinet signs). Exceptions: Back-lit logo signs less than ten (10) square feet are permitted as are signs with only the individual letters back-lit. Minimum Standard: In mixed use and multi-use buildings, signage shall be coordinated with the overall building design. Minimum Standard: Freestanding ground-related monument signs, with the exception of primary entry signs, shall be limited to five feet above finished grade, including support structure. All such signs shall include decorative landscaping (ground cover and/or shrubs) to provide seasonal interest in the area surrounding Page 21 of22 -· • the sign. Alternately, signage may incorporate stone, brick, or other decorative materials as approved by the Director. Minimum Standard: Entry signs shall be limited to the name of the larger development. Guideline: Alteration of trademarks notwithstanding, corporate signage should not be garish in color nor overly lit, although creative design, strong accent colors, and interesting surface materials and lighting techniques are encouraged. Guideline: Front-lit, ground-mounted monument signs are the preferred type of freestanding sign. Guideline: Blade type signs, proportional to the building facade on which they are mounted, are encouraged on pedestrian-oriented streets. General Response: Building signage will utilize Starbucks Coffee standards, all wall mounted, which usually consist of individual letters in white spelling out STARBUCKS COFFEE, a small directional sign for the DRIVE THROUGH, and the round white on green mermaid logo. There will probably be signage on all sides of the building if allowed. Starbucks will file separately for their signage permits. Possible locations are only suggested locations on the building elevations. G. LIGHTING: Intent: To ensure safety and security; provide adequate lighting levels in pedestrian areas such as plazas, pedestrian walkways, parking areas, building entries, and other public places; and increase the visual attractiveness of the area at all times of the day and night. Minimum Standard: Lighting shall conform to on-site exterior lighting regulations located in RMC 4-4-075, Lighting, Exterior On-Site. Minimum Standard: Lighting shall be provided on-site to increase security, but shall not be allowed to directly project off-site. Minimum Standard: Pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided, for both safety and aesthetics, along all streets, at primary and secondary building entrances, at building facades, and at pedestrian-oriented spaces. Guideline: Accent lighting should be provided at focal points such as gateways, public art, and significant landscape features such as specimen trees. Guideline: Additional lighting to provide interest in the pedestrian environment may include sconces on building facades, awnings with down-lighting, decorative street lighting, etc. General Response: Existing parking lot lighting will be reused in the parking area east of the building. New lighting will consist of accent lighting at entries, pathway lighting at patio areas, pedestrian walkways and connections to the public sidewalk. Final location and fixture selection will be included with Building Permit Application. Starbucks-Renton-Design Oist-0 Checklist Page 22 of22 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Renton 0 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze the proposal. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: @!Q} This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You may use "not applicable" or "does not apply" only when you can explain why it does not apply and not when the answer is unknown. You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision-making process. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. INSTRUCTIONS FOR LEAD AGENCIES: Additional information may be necessary to evaluate the existing environment, all interrelated aspects of the proposal and an analysis of adverse impacts. The checklist is considered the first but not necessarily the only source of information needed to make an adequate threshold determination. Once a threshold determination is made, the lead agency is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the checklist and other supporting documents. 1 H :\ C ED\Data \Forms-Templates \Se If-He Ip Handouts\ PI an n in g \envchecklist.doc Rev: 08/2015 USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON PROJECT PROPOSALS: lilll!Jl] For nonproject proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B even though questions may be answered "does not apply". In addition the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NON PROJECT ACTIONS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal", "proponent", and "affected geographic area" respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non-projects) questions in Part B -Environmental Elements -that do not contribute meaningfully to the analysis of the proposal. For help go to: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/e-review.html A. BACKGROUND lilll!Jl] 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: lilll!Jl] ~~B~1"-S A-r A,gp~ "R...t<;z;!,., 2. Name of applicant: lilll!Jl] l.+J.>~ JA~ ~ A<s.-,&:1 A.~"5 ~' t1z.=c-, 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person:~ l3t1 LN'e •• ~ ~ 25D ~1...:e LUA-6J~lt---Z. 4. Date checklist prepared: lilll!Jl] u /"'Z,~ I 1 (,, 5. Agency requesting checklist:~ 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable):~ ~,l>'llt:~...) 'f>At.i.., /t.vt~ ;z.p Ill fi;r"J Patc.>'f'lvJe; (..,.11~ /~,,.,~ .,_t:>t, 2 H :\CED \Data \Forms-Templates \Self-He Ip Hand outs\ PI an n i ng \envcheckl ist. doc Rev:08/2015 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. [bmQ] 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. [bmQ] r. P-~ei,iiz:.-1~ '"S'tV D'1 i,Jl(,t,, Be P/2-BPAR6o 't-~..i~~-+ ~. '"112.A:Ft='lc ~z,f<..T 4-, t\F-t»R1~ ~i:f'~r-T 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. [bmQ] N~ 1..:,._..,:,w iJ 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. [bmQ] ~-1-'1 * ~ptJ - s,"'!f1 p .... "-,,J Mf?fl9o>/>d..., O-e,1#,..i ~·av, Prv<I.A.)1146,,4 M~"'~ ~~"fl6>,J ~it"S, 1 ~ le,f.""'f'T'.,,. ~Tli-,'f"<-S ~ 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) [bmQ] ~~o,J c:,f= A ~lm>~-'F '51~<-e ~ '3rl'n(fh,.:.K'S ~ wrM D!z.ivl:-v~ v.>,,..,o,iu ,~ A ~~ t?F A pt,..,,eo ~1~ u,t, At-.A1'2.P4'M'" ~) A Deu-E,-pltA-5,Jj' ~ ~~ A,., E':>'IS'T'UJ~ ~t"1 ~.., "';;,.'f'" M/11.-e,o ~11..-/4?12-vize' ~u .. 01,-t~ '4JO A "1, Z 4o -S .~ ~1-L ~v1i..D11J6,. A~,;. OF :tl1f2.P~ if'w>.;zA 'avBJcz::.T -tz::, D,/.J'$M.tt-CT!t*J ~"'~ 1,; J!.s,&,vt I ~1..tP<1~,f': 3 H :\ CED\Data \Fo rms-T em plates \Self-He Ip Handouts\ PI an n in g \e nvcheckl ist. doc Rev: 08/2015 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic • map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. {hg!Q] -t,1e-~ ,(l)J)i,~ 1-s (,,4~,_,,,o2.. A:~~·) AT "tl..fe fJ.f!!!:. ~ Pf'-~ t/J'1'C'it~<'!J t'F' ~tJ1tll-A\..6-=5, ~ 'S. ~/51r,.i ~ 8. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS {hg!Q] 1. EARTH a. General description of the site {hg!Q] (check or circle one): @ rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other~~~~~~ b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? {hg!Q] ~~ "t c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. {hg!Q] -S::.,~~ -;;-,,._..; ,,(.~ ~i).c:J /..<..>,n-1-.:::r,z~G-. V~/,-OC, ':>OIL.<, l,\,l."'5 ~ • 4 H : \CE D\Data \Form s-T em pl ates \Self-He I p Hand outs\ PI an n i n g\e n vche ckl i st.doc Rev:08/2015 d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. I!:@Q] f.JO \ ~ -ti+.....,_, ~.......___ fol'&JT!~ f'dl.-. u.;s~,c,...J "P<*.,,.,,:::. A-~'>""11~ e.i&JT ~./-.?V"f"" Tl-IE 42-~ 1,-J VAi.--~ ,AP:rJA,"5. . e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. I!:@Q] :l::xt-51\~ 'j)A,..,1,-1t,. t.utlA...-fJe ~ f 1<-<11-W. ,.,p.e,:w•«:-flr.,Q.. W/-ttJk::iE= ~ 'eX.i!'"..A.VA<lP,.j ~ ~ lr,)l<-0{µ,;; "1?F11~ ~ ltJ\Jllu..-6 ~ IJ,.t:p T2' z#Moj t>.ffl... ilte' 1'2-1/~-5-"r: ,d./EA ~ Wz!F.K. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. I!:@Q] ?>tae,", I P.,l-'j l ~ r 1\d'e" °'S 1'1'15' I '5 C<.J)2~ ?Ai,eo tprl,J .tie;<p~ 'SP ~ c,..n-'SI~ ~ IS !NIii.Ji "-Jld... g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? I!:@Q] h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: I!:@Q] D,IJ'.21~ ~"'11Dt.J, {ZhM.~ w1"t!J &,[1.12.:r::1,ST ~,,.,J ~~ F"P,ol,,,m~ ~ ~<..h'"n4J'5 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during constructionL operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known.~ ~ WI~ ~ ~l>Me t:){L+A'..-S_,,. ~1.<,<1~~ ~NI ~7Z~ ~'S' 1 ~-tJ\.W~-n....i e«v,iPWIIC).1T, B,..,r ~,..'"l"l.t.J~ ~ ~ ~IIEIJ ~ 'SM NA-'Sl"25" &'f' -r,,io ~~ + S"~i( l ~ Dl?i2+<-+1aJ . 5 H : \ CE D\Data \Form s-T em plates \Self-Help Handouts \Pl a n n i ng\ e nvc heck I ist. doc Rev: 08/2015 b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe.~ c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any:~ 1.JO~-,tc::i.....~~. 3. WATER a. Surface Water:~ 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into.~ 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans.~ µ~ 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. ~ 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.~ r,...Je> 6 H : \CE D\Data \Form s-T em p I ates \Se If-H el p Hand outs\ PI an n i n g \en vcheckl ist .doc Rev: 08/2015 • 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan.@!Q] /'JI) 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge.~ Ni' b. Ground Water: 1) Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.~ t-Ji) 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals.; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve.~ c. Water runoff (including stormwater): ~ w~ '!Z<Jµ""f'I"" 7 H :\ C ED\Data \Forms-Temp I ates \Se If-He Ip Handouts\ PI a n n i ng\ e nvc h eek Ii st.doc Rev:08/2015 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. IbfilQ} 'Rusi"l"'F (!JU..., f6 ~/<-W'I wl'."WJI-, 1 ~J. Wlt..L.. BE-~ ~~~,-ls l p1/?!in iP A Ft ... ,ea.~l'.lb'IS <-v~ 61,~ "'t(ZE'AT MeTr -si,..;~ , ;,..t-HJ "1r/fJtJ a,,,.J~ "fl:> AN t;'.Xi~t-lv ,9,J ,":,rtf; ~ ~~ -t,t,.t-{.,v{U.-f2B<A,,.l I ,-J ftA::,e . 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. IbfilQ} l'AIC> ~ ~ IA~ ~ .Av.,-I ~,""'1..."''i)ti,<..,.r:;. ~ ""t1:h,W )I, ~'S'S' '4,1.kP ' ii;r,,,J "11, t,.le-<5k>J ~ ~ • 'l)ul2tNt, Co.J~~) ~ ~ ~ ~ IAo!M.-,.s,12,~'S ,1'A~ WAX..O ~ ~ tvA"1E:$ , 3) Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of the site? If so, describe. fJt, 1 ~n,r,-. DT2~~At;e W/U.. '1'2l'~ 6'1<K1"1 ~c::= f>iMJ"1MIS ~~ d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage pattern impacts, if any· &i,..t~ w,~ l<l'-16 ,z,.;;..~y ~,~ re--~v1 ~w.ve,.rr,,s, ~ . 4. PLANTS IbfilQ} a. Check the types of vegetation found on the site: IbfilQ} v"deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other __ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other ~shrubs _grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ orchards, vineyards or other permanent crops. __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bull rush, skunk cabbage, other 8 H :\CED\Data \Forms-T em plates\Self-Help Handouts\PI a nning\e nvchecklist.doc Rev: 08/2015 __ water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? l!Jfill1] ~)1""7"1~ 'Pi',(a.lotl~ LO"!'" L.,,a.i,J04j~ ~~ U.,CL,v ~ .fo >M.,,,10 1t/te µff,t,o ~~ena.l f,(..:t:lf2I<. . 5-x.,,,;71 !Ob ~, ~ t,l,,:t,.Jt, ~/ 1,l/,,1 ~~ '/?,A1 "1 ,SP. ~ · :+ S' · ~IIJ ~ ..._., IA-'P,G l llll 1>flo~ W rt,/-~ R(Z. IM-PDr F,~ pt.,,.,rn ~ , IJa..J ~~ /pl l.,y -1=e A:Dt:le'r'.I ..,,. n-i,s:, ~ . c. List threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. l!Jfillll NOt,.S-j.(~ ,J d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: l!Jfill1] ~ -b. ~4llll!lo ,._......., 1.-J<:>.JO~t~ l,<)rvt-'Be _.&.tt:e", A..,. W,i::,~ ~~ f r'f521~ l-l"l'JO~'i'I~ !.<J(W.,. 8e' ~~ "'I'<. vP~ e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site. 5. ANIMALS a. List any birds and other animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples include: l!Jfill1] Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: ":':f'~, ~...,~ Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: Ne> -~~--------- Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other _L1'-l~·"'~·------ b. List any threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. l!Jfillll 9 H :\CED\Data \Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Pla n n ing\envchecklist.doc Rev: 08/2015 c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain.~ i¢-"51.,,r' IS LUl"tH-111! '"j\Jf:; 'PA.cr'Pt.::. l=Uf"-'l'li::l a' IVl(u~~ 1::,p.Ds A~ ,.,. ~ "F-ilk' ~~ 5w,-.o ~A. I d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any:~ I/ti~ lvf:W ~ -S~~ "1!h.T ~u,D'f;' ~ 1 'S~"11::il-fif--:si,i,, A-vi-Plf2.TX. e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc.~ 1-fr;:1.., ~ iJ11,1..::. -~r?• "'"~,i.,._ ~4.":, {)~ .j. t....l.,t; H't" -~~ ~ a; 4-t.,.p e:-.t.<,rP~ -~..,::- b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe.~ c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any:~ ff.le'-~ w,u.-~t7fL~ WA.~'N$'~ 41,::r ~~v1fl;5'~~ · ,+v,A.e. ~· 1>~ w,u.-~ t.J:'.e!r-7 -ti,\,ttr ,.., !~f.#1...1.f 6'FF/?1ewT· L...tl'/1.f-n~ ~IA.,. 'P.,s-Lel'J ,..._,,~ ~~,e.,i.,-L-,t APPrit??r:z..1A:-t-e. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe.~ fvp 10 H: \CED \Data \Forms-Templates \Self-He Ip Handouts\ PI an n i ng \e nvcheckl ist.d oc Rev: 08/2015 1) Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. N~ !'(jJJ?u.>JJ .efC-,e,<:~..::,ec, · N..?M-n.,c:, t=,,v~ ~,NGo< t-,.i~A,.l iJp AJ~RT ~A I /J I '"f ~ . 2) Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. 3) Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. w iz:n~,.r::-dlL-l{.A-zMDtt.><; c:i~1¥-k--or, t.<->(~ ~ vsec ,1t-. ~I) ~ 7l,b,c; ~. 4) Describe special emergency services that might be required. NP "".)~k-s;..,.~~ ~~. 5) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: ~~ l,l.ll'h,1-6~1"1"11 f.Jb l~'M .,) 'SA~ aiC8'l, -. ~""c; b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? !.bfill2] ~ I~ ""tffA,.;e ~ At..etJ&, ~~(O(.. /we; '6. J ~ H' tp,U-t-ld'1" "'~ ~ ~- 11 H :\CED\Data\Forms-T emplates\Self-He Ip Handouts \Plan ni ng\envchecklist.doc Rev:08/201S 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. lh@!Q] ~ ;z, "5wt k-t..-~~ ,t:Jf-"'tide ~ "ft-k;;lt,?:r IL)'f(.,v ~ ~ ~,\ ~~ NPl"::it ~ He1tvt:J ~.ev, ('wtlt>J"r. ~c; _,_ '5 {A.,a,tL ~~ • t-lP t..DNG, ~ ~£ ~~ ~ r,.)~AL.,.. Cv-;~~- 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: lh@!Q] t,,P ~lk...~~- 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. lh@!Q]CA,.v.cr"<'.·~ M. lxa:) u.E. ~ "51~ IS ~ /,J t'l'il 6tl11,<~~M-~) a,,..,J\C., ~I ~rd:i':;,. F->Pn!. SI {JE-';, ~ (<Al /J tE;f.2._ tt-""'-'6 ~ WL~ N.-lJSES A-5 lxe~ ~(Tc ~'$ ,ii,"B,,..l<;r.ii, ~. ~.&~~,.,,,,..,-NG~-~ ~ ~w.""'6\le':1.<t\.. i,c;~ -/ Ac~ ...U-:, ~ '1::llf',T .<f" ~ J>olf: 6. b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted to nonfarm or non-forest use? lh@!Q] 1) Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how: c. Describe any structures on the site. lh@!Q] ~ ~K t S ,.i,(l3i,uT "7f'P '5 ·'r ~ 51 ,:i~ ~~ w I t\J <:;'~ l?#F. ~ '!2G'#>,11..-/~P b,.,IL-1)tN6,, I"> ,u,~;?'i,F'-?~LI= ~y uS} .A i"'t-,•=·t'R,...,.. ~ A~ A.~ ~1=:r f\-t<li'H,, 12 H :\C EO\D ata \Forms-Templates \Self-He Ip Ha n do uts \ P la n n i ng \e nvcheckl ist. doc Rev: 08/2015 d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? lilltlJll e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? lilltlJll CA -tp IM.~t~ M-,. ~1f<-l- f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? lilltlJll g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? lilltlJll f.l.A· h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. lilltlJll i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? lilltlJll l,c?/t)\ -(ioo "?&rr,.:; 1 Mf'1'M;; (to, :I:.':;,. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? lilltlJll k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: lilltlJll I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: lilltlJll ~i#t~ ~ 1f%·.M'P~--n4-.l ~~ w} c,~ ~1"'F 13 H :\CE D\Data \Forms-T em plates\Self-Hel p Handouts\PI a nning\e nvchecklist.doc Rev: 08/2015 m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural and forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any: t-1.A. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing.~ b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing.~ c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any:~ 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed?~ ijt;-1 ~ i:,p-'S~ fl61'f' .: ;z..-i-:p-r t ~ I • ~ WltU.-':, ,x.Re-I~ Lt•&++ - f-:uyp ~"~'""-"'> t,.>11..-v ?£ 1-/W,JN'fi',-{ ve,..s~ ) ~ 'BJJ~ IM'61>\l- -:,101~ Li5] 1'.l.lP., "'"'<115'l,.i J '?,A.,~~~ 61"'·· ().£1<,Q ~ W) ~ AWt>tz-€:0 b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed?~ A-v,v, "ff/A~· ~ H : \CED \Data \Forms~ Templates \Se If ~He Ip Hand outs\ PI an n in g \envc heckli st. doc Rev:08/2015 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? It@Ql ~ &,•L.Dt;'(, [plµ.... Nt't f'l:..t;,0..,~ 'SIVl-l l~CA,,4t" Gt,~ I Prvr t.l-fi!:fl"""-- Ult-1-tJ t¥ M Ai-\ ~ Ul"5\ ilvts L-t NI~ ITT', ~ (vlLi--~ ~ WHI~ ~t.¥1#; ~ XiT"' t,>l..,:..J:j ~ ~'t,v,¢{l.S f,&,¥1~ A<. D/D\)t/"6 ti-I i,+E' 1l.1J17-~IW tu//.J'l::Ja,J ~- b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? It@Ql NP c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal~~lp] Wf'-t: ~ 1"'t:.N N,12.Wl,.,..._. ~z:::' t14= ~~ ~tJu~ ~ '70~'14(,, ~'tU3'f;';f°':, > 'B-t.rf"" '1)(.1'; l.v<l,\.. ~ r-1::' "$It ,J if'-~ )'.'f'FG-t · d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: It@Ql 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? It@Ql ~ 1, k ~ A?l,-l-i..e-nc FtS-,0 ~-6 · R A,rt.'*7" ~ Al (2. f"J(l:r ~ ' b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. It@Qj >-t> c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: It@Ql ~ WIU.. ~ ~~ 5t,A.I l/'l6, 'fi::12.. '"f>A'='Stl/l3 ~ , 15 H :\CED\Data \Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\PI a nning\envchecklist.doc Rev, 08/2015 • 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe. I.tlfilQJ N#r~· b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Is there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. I.tlfilQ] ~ /'!$ 'P~"> Set' 1i-l it\; ':;11:EwJ'o.-l<S AT ~-; iW p.~ Tl> \lfP-:,/N M!Lv 4 /\i=> IA'6f" 1-,J1~.tV°"'4 Ci~IST"· ~ ~r!:;':, ~ \l.j.lpi,.,)-\ c. Describe the methods used to assess the potential impacts to cultural and historic resources on or near the project site. Examples include consultation with tribes and the department of archeology and historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic maps, GIS data, etc. I.tlfilQ] NP ),,~6~~ ~/off;, M> -St,E' IS ~ lvw..j l~ tprh,\ fw,t-0,~, P}.J!tl-t;, J. f.,.Ac,JO~P/tJY, d. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. N~- 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. I.tlfilQ] ,,(.1tzPpf2i (..()~ J 1'!-'h.d,HEJ''-' ~ s -:f .,;. ifr3tfl '"5r ALA...-~ ~ S~, b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? I.tlfilQJ 16 H : \ CE D\Data \Forms-Templates \Se If-He Ip Handouts\ PI an n i ng \ e nvcheckl ist. doc Rev:08/2015 , c. How many additional parking spaces would the completed project or non-project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate?~ --hfi;-f>R~ i,.:,ev'-0 Ft..-1""''°,1..,€ 4-3 Sf>~-S f>J, tt;..£ IS t-Jft<> ~ 'ml A t-JET (4:MJC~ t"f' ~£, c:,d.f!.<::, ~ 11-!t ~1fl6 ,gH,;,'l'tl-lv ~ -sH'f:::, ~ fY"/t,f'~ ·1""7 ,1',M/0C't1:'X'-' J PMK/N"G ~ Q'fl1,ze-Avl~~- d, Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian, bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private).~ ~ ) /:f IWJf) /'hM'T1/l-l -p:e-R\.J l'Y7r """fP t:1-, I WI I /J ~ )'.. 4. '5 F'r ;Al~ ~ I l'Jtfl!G~ 'f'-).o ,:,tJ ~ 1-l ~ \':, ~~- I ~p~~ 121 'f.2.A.u/'f"R-A~ 4 Atq; ~~ ~>.-,-ien ~ '1-rfs ~ 1j ~ ~ N;f-~ -tz, 'Me-f)(.'pp~, e. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. J.!:l.!tlQl f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non-passenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates?~ ~&> ~l~ l)urz..,,-u;. fWI ~<.~) ~~ Nez f,.)a..., -tfl.,tp-; rf:P.-. ;(<.~ U5't~" ~j JA.~~l"A.::~,ll-t:. I H-1. ~.~ /'1..4 ~ $f2.,,;,;;;,. g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any:~ NO Slf'!;,:::,,.__ ~R!5~ 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe.~ 17 H : \CE D\Data \ Form s-T em plates \Self-Help Hand outs\ Pl a n n i ng\ e n vchecklist. doc Rev:08/2015 b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any.lt!filQl 16. UTILITIES refuse servic telephone, sanitary sewer septic system, other~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Il:!fill2l ,Lu..°'k'k;~~~-. 4'7":, INTV ~ ..;.--blet,-J'l2/"--' I.VIC,..~ ~}'.) ~ ~. ~-~ ~ PI<,,~ GW:,. (.rh1.,(t1io":> ~ ~ pg::, Ct°J i ~ ~ ~IL£ ---n+,,s, ~Tij .t(J~ AT "J,.+s ~ - C. SIGNATURE Il:!fill2l The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Proponent Signature: ~&it£ CV _______ -~ Name of Signee (printed): /.-k.JC£, ~ Position and Agency/Organization: ~!+~ ~ ~. ~6 fa\~it ~z:/,AJZdl-. Date Submitted: Cz/ ,., /11,,, 18 H : \CE D\Data \Forms-T em pl ates \Se If-H el p Hand outs \Plan n i n g\e n vc h eckl i st.doc Rev: 08/2015 --- ) ) ) J - z w > <( Q: w ·Z .1(1$ .. L ·· r~ \ \ I \ s 1\ \ I I I \\ \ I \ I \\ RENTON MUNICAPL AIRPORT < !!:! N 4th ST 'T < 0 0 -....J N 3rd ST EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description A portion of the Donation Land Claim of Diana B. Smithers, formerly Diana B. Tobin, a widow, and the heirs at law of Henry H. Tobin, deceased, designated as Claim Number 37, and a portion of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly margin of Lake Street, as dedicated in the plat of Renton Real Estate Co. 's 1st Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Plats, page 50, in King County, Washington, with the westerly production of the southerly line of Block 1 of said plat; Thence northerly along the westerly margin of said Lake Street to the southerly margin of Airport Way (formerly known as Dixie Avenue) as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Recording Number 3262529; Thence westerly along said southerly margin to the easterly margin of Primary State Highway Number 5 as established by King County Superior Court Cause Number 345733; Thence southerly along said easterly margin to the northerly margin of South Tobin Street (formerly Tobin Avenue); thence easterly along said northerly margin to the true point of beginning; Except that portion thereof described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly margin of Primary State Highway Number 5 as established by King County Superior Court Cause Number 345733 and the southerly margin of Airport Way (formerly Dixie Avenue) as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Recording Number 3262529; Thence southerly along the easterly margin of Primary State Highway Number 5, a distance of 155.10 feet to a point; Thence easterly parallel to the northerly margin of South Tobin Street (formerly Tobin Avenue), a distance of 147.16 feet to a point 199.83 feet south of the southerly margin of said Airport Way and parallel to the westerly margin of Lake Street; Thence northerly parallel to the westerly margin of Lake Street, a distance of 199.83 feet to the southerly margin of said Airport Way; Thence westerly along said southerly margin a distance of 30 feet to a point; Thence southwesterly along said southerly margin a distance of 147.08 feet to the true point of beginning. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 3 Printed: 06.16.16@ 10:12 AM WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476--SPS-1-16-0071502-06 -- Renton AIRPORT PLAZA STARBUCKS PRE16 -00024 7 TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION, ACCESS/CIRCULATION REVIEW AND TIF TRAFFIC LETTER June 17, 2016 J I t-!' . '/..I I : ;\-_J. '/,/, -;,:::. -, ,:::J :. i D: 1}. ---• •!::._T·~"·~· -- p _., \.::.~ .• J23.7&' JTE • Jake Traffic Engineering, Inc. Mark J. Jacobs, PE (OR ancl WA), PTOE, President 2614 3gtt, Ave. SW -Seattle, WA 98116 -2503 Tel. 206.762.1978-Cell 206.799.5692 E-mail i<11ietraffic@comcast.net -----~~--,-_ _, _______ _ I I • JTE . Jake Traffic Engineering. Inc. • LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ ARCHITECTS Attn: Lance Mueller, AJA 130 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 250 Seattle, WA 98122 Re: Airport Plaza Starbucks -Renton Application PRE16 -000247 Hark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE President 2614 39• Ave. 1W -Seattle, WA 98116 -2503 Tel 206.162.1918 • Ceff 206.199.502 E-maij jak,trallic@comcastntt June 17, 2016 Trip Generation, Distribution, Access/Circulation Review and TIF Traffic Letter Dear Mr. Mueller, I am pleased to present this Trip Generation, Access/Circulation Review and TIF Traffic Letter for the proposed 2,000 sf Starbucks project at the Airport Plaza Shopping Facility in Renton. The site is located in the southeast quadrant of the Airport Way/Rainier Ave. S. intersection. No new street accesses are proposed. The project site shares access with adjacent retailing uses, about 28,144 sf. Some site traffic is expected to be shared with theses adjacent uses. I have reviewed the site and surrounding street system. The study scope was determined pursuant to my correspondence with Renton, review of the Pre-Application Meeting Notes dated April 14, 2016, my Renton project experience and review of the City's TIA Guidelines for new developments. The City peak hour trip threshold is 20 trips. The general format of this report is to describe the proposed project, calculate the traffic that would be generated by the project, and ascertain the Traffic Impact Fee for the project PROJECT INFORMATION Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of the proposed site and surrounding street network. An aerial image of the site obtained from King County !Map is depicted to the right Figure 2 shows a preliminary site plan prepared by LMA Architects. The site plan consists of the 2,000 sf Starbucks Restaurant with drive up service, 15 parking stalls and internal circulation into the adjacent retailing activities. No new access is proposed to the City street grid. '"'"-""'·"--~1,,1.,., .. ,"1fi"1e•"'J""--·'--"'o<h...,.c~--,...-,..,~,,:1,.,...,..,..,doc COLOR COP'( OM 'I LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ ARCHITECTS Attn: Lance Mueller, AIA June 17, 2016 Page-2- JTE, Inc. This report documents the site traffic generation, distribution, site circulation/queuing, reviews the existing accesses and ascertains the appropriate City TIF based on shared traffic. The proposed Starbucks is to the southwest to the existing site commercial facilities and would replace about 43 parking stalls. Full development and occupancy of the proposed of the Airport Plaza Starbucks project is anticipated to occur by 2017, presuming the permits are issued in a timely manner. EXISTING ENVIRONMENT Project Site The project site is presently used for parking. Street System The primary streets within the study area and their classifications per the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Figure 1-6 are depicted in the graphic to the right: Traffic Volumes The City of Renton Traffic Flow Map, 2010 shows 39,100 vehicles per day use Rainier Ave. S., 41,700 vpd use Airport Way in the site vicinity; see graphic below. ... CITY OF RENTON 2010 TRAr'FIC FLOW MAP Renton Piannir,q Ar1Jo1 Principal Ar1erml nt)T;"~ Minor Ar':nri;i' - Collector Artt."ria: ,;,«_,,,\<\-~"l"'''' .. '•rn~eou.,,.,._Pm•S<l"""""·-hon« .. "'"Y."""·-""""'',...._""'--"""'·''--..:,,,,;a, L:0!.C•H OOP'Y ti!'il I LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ ARCHITECTS Attn: Lance Mueller, AIA June 17, 2016 Page-3- Accident History JTE, Inc. WSDOT electronically provided 3 years (January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015) of incident data on streets in the site vicinity. I have reviewed the data, in particular at the locations site customers are likely to ingress or egress the site from the City street grid. The data is available electronically via request at iaketraffic@comcast.net reference JTE, Inc. #2016.036 Review of the data indicates three recorded incidents at the Airport Road S. driveway. The other site driveways indicate no recorded incidents. Four incidents at the Airport Way S./Lake Ave. S, three at Rainier Ave.Sat S. Tobin St. (one of which is due to main street traffic queue) and one incident at the S. Tobin St./Lake Ave. S. intersection. The site accesses and the nearby 'Stop' controlled intersection appear to be operating satisfactorily with no apparent deficiency. The high traffic volume signalized Rainier Ave. S./Airport Way S. Intersection had 36 recorded incidents in the three year time period reviewed. The City has a Transportation Improvement Project that includes upgrading the signal at the Airport Way. S./Rainier Ave. S. and other improvements that are projected to improve traffic flow and reduce incidents, see next section of this letter. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The City of Renton 6 year Transportation Improvement Program, 2016 to 2021 was reviewed. A portion of Exhibit 'A' from the program is depicted to the right. TIP# 7, 18 and 38 are noted in the vicinity of the project site. City project descriptions of these projects are included in the Appendix of this report. TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions A vehicle trip is defined as a single or one direction vehicle movement with either the origin or destination (existing or entering) inside the proposed development. Traffic generated by development projects consists of the following types: •Et- Pass-By Trips: Trips made as intermediate stops on the way from an origin to a primary trip destination. '\ltc_-c<\<'.-"'''"''"''"c-igwr;_,.,..n~ .... -w llurllho<ll'o•f.,,..l!<L\'A·lll""'r\olll-,1-T-.....,,........,,,..-~clo< C;Qt(JR (";OPYO"li \ JTE, Inc. LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ ARCHITECTS Attn: Lance Mueller, AIA June 17, 2016 Page-4- Diverted Link Trips: Trips attracted from the traffic volume on a roadway within the vicinity of the generator but which require a diversion from that roadway to another roadway in order to gain access to the site. Captured Trips: Primary (New) Trips: Trip Generation Site trips shared by more than one land use in a multi-use development. Trips made for the specific purpose of using the services of the project. The proposed Airport Plaza Starbucks project is expected to generate the vehicular trips during the average weekday, street traffic AM and PM street peak hours daily and site peak hour as shown in Table 1. The trip generation for the project is calculated using daily trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, 9'" Edition, for Coffee Donut Shop with Drive Up Service (ITE Land Use Code 937) Starbucks specific AM and PM peak hour data based on a survey of five Starbuck Facilities (reference Rainier Valley Starbucks Traffic Impact Analysis dated January 3, 2000 by Transportation Planning and Engineering, Inc, pertinent data attached). All site trips made by all vehicles for all purposes, including commuter, visitor, and service and delivery vehicle trips are included in the trip generation values. The proposed Starbucks would attract a significant amount of pass-by traffic. The Rainier Valley Starbucks Traffic Impact Analysis provides pass-by rate for Starbucks during the AM and PM peak time periods. The rates for the AM and PM peak hour are 61 and 49%, respectively. The daily pass-by rate is determined via Traffic Engineering inspection. TABLE 1 · TRIP GENERATION AIRPORT PLAZA STARBUCKS· RENTON TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION. ACCESS/CIRCULATION AND TIF TRAFFIC LEITER Enter -t'aSS-by Pa~s-by Time Period Size TG Rate Enter ·y Trips Exit% Trips Ti:ttal %' Trips Net Tota ProllOSOd New: StarlluCl<s Restaurant(ITE WC 937; 2.000 sf1 Weekday 2,000 818.58 50'1, 818.6 50% 818.6 1637.2 40% 655 982.3 AM peak (SBUX) 1 129 51% 65.8 49% 63.2 129.0 61% 79 50.3 PM peak hour (SBU 1 65 50·)'., 32.5 50% 32.5 65.0 49% 32 33.2 -·-·-· T ----~-~~ * ~ Pass-by rate per Rainier \lallev Starbu'*5 Traffic lmoact Analysis .and experience. *"' -per ITE Trip Generation Handbook 2nd Edition Chapter 7 methoclology (10% shared internal) The site includes internal connectivity to other commercial facilities. A portion of the site traffic would be shared with other uses. Tables 7 .1 and 7 .2 in the Trip Generation Handbook provide Trip Origin and Destination within Multi-use sites, respectively. The data indicates that 20% of the site traffic would be shared. The size of the adjacent retailing and the lack h~,"--···•'.•01$.~&.;..po1tP1 ... :;. •• ....,,..~,,,,....,r ..... 1y.1,1,1A.:,,......,~., •. r---"""r"-l'"""- COLOfl COP.Y OM\ LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ ARCHITECTS Attn: Lance Mueller, AIA June 17, 2016 Page-5- JTE, Inc. of an anchor type tenant would reduce shared traffic. I believe that a 10% shared traffic value is a reasoned estimate for the Airport Plaza site. Based on my analysis, the net new trips generated by the Airport Plaza Starbucks to the City street grid are calculated to be 30 trips during the critical PM street peak hour. These trips would disperse among the existing site driveways, primarily four of the seven site acceses; see next section of this letter. During the AM the data indicates higher traffic generation; however traffic for the adjacent retailing and on the street grid would be less during this time. Trip Distribution Figure 3 depicts the distribution. Site traffic is assigned to the adjacent street system based on the characteristics of the street network, existing traffic volume patterns, the location of likely trip origins and destinations (residential. schools. employment, shopping, social and recreational opportunities). SITE ACCESS/CIRCULATION Site Access No new access to the City street grid is proposed. The project traffic would use existing access intersections. The site has four driveways onto the City street grid. The accesses on Rainier Ave S. are right in/out only, the access on S. Tobin St. allows all turning movements but S. Tobin St. is turn restricted at Rainier Ave. S.; to right in/out only. The site's Airport Way driveway traffic is mostly right in/out; with a few left turns. By Traffic Engineering inspection the existing site accesses to the City street grid are projected to operate well. Queuing/Circulation JTE, Inc. obtained a queuing template based on Poisson Methodology for use in determining queuing. This template was provided by Rick Perez, PE, PTOE. Items are needed to use the template are traffic volume entering the site. service rate and the time it takes to conduct a typical transaction. The AM peak hour site traffic is identified to be 129 vehicle trips (with half entering and half exiting the site. During the PM peak 65 PM peak hour trips are projected. A high portion of the site trips are pass-by, 61% during the AM peak and 49% during the PM peak. In the AM peak 38 customers are projected to use the drive-up service lane, in the PM peak it is 14. The queuing space between the order board and pick up window is five vehicles. A customer makes an order and then proceeds forward so the next customer can order. This allows a more efficient operation. The average transaction time to take, prepare and deliver an order is about 2 minutes. The service rate is one vehicle every 30 seconds1. 1 Per data in the June 2011 [TE loumal , • .,._ c<•/', '"''"' S!\)C;&~J.f, .... ,onl',1>aStartm.1-B""'~·'-·'-"" ..... ~ .. '"""""""'""'"'"'"""°'"" .. _ .. r,._:,.,...._....,_ ~OlOR CUPY Qtll Y LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ ARCHITECTS Attn: Lance Mueller, AIA June 17, 2016 Page-6- JTE, Inc. Conducting a queuing analysis (see attached spreadsheet) for 38 and 14 entering vehicles with an average delay of 180 seconds using the template provided by my Colleague shows that that the probability of more than 4 vehicles queued at less 1%. The results of the queuing analysis are depicted in the following table. Intersection LKPL Drive-up Service Hour Analyzed AM Peak/PM Peak Drive-up Drive-up Lane Group AM PM Volume 38 14 Lanes 1 1 Service Ti me 30 30 Delay 120.0 120.0 Average Queue using Delay 1.4250 0.5250 Average Queue 1.4250 0.5250 Queued Vehicles Cumulative Probability 0 24.0508% 59.1555% 1 58.3233% 90.2122% 21 82.7424% 98.3646% 3 94.3415% 99.7912% 4 98.4737% 99.9785% 5 99.6514% 99.9981% 6 99.9311% 99.9999% 7 99.9880% 100.0000% 8 99.9981% 100.0000% 9 99.9997% 100.0000% 10 100.0000% 100.0000% During the AM peak hour the projected 95% queue is four vehicles. The proposed queue storage provides for 10 vehicles. Another factor not accounted for in the queuing calculation is as the queue gets longer, customers may elect to go into the coffee shop or bypass the location. I also conducted on line research regarding queuing at coffee shops. Online data notes that providing queue storage for six vehicles should oe sufficient2. Airport Plaza Starbucks circulation is reviewed. I have inspected the internal connections and traffic operations would be good by Traffic Engineering Inspection. 2 Stuecheli, M. (2009). New Drive-Through Stacking Information for Banks and Coffee Shops. /TE 2009 Annual Meeting and Exh/bh. ,,,., ""''\-"'"' ,,1c,,:,on ,-.,.,.o, ~.,..,., .. .,.._ • .,,...,...., f......,. LW· Fio,,.,.,...,..,ll"&to,f-::.Ml!o ..... .....,,.,.,,........,., .. , C:OtOflCOPYONt\ LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ ARCHITECTS Attn: Lance Mueller, AIA June 17, 2016 Page .7. TRAFFIC STUDY JTE, Inc. The City's "Policy Guidelines for Traffic Impact Analysis for New Development· identifies a peak hour trip generation threshold of 20 trips. The Starbucks site traffic disperses amongst the three existing site driveways. None of these accesses would be affected by 20 or more new peak hour trips. Further the City's TIA Guidelines identifies that an increase of 5% over baseline traffic for intersection study. The primary streets serving the Airport Plaza are high volume and thus the 5% threshold is not met. AGENCY TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS The City of Renton has a Traffic Impact Fee program per Ordinance #5670 effective January 1, 2013. The 2006 City TIIF schedule was reviewed. None of the Land Uses listed on the City's schedule TIF is consistent with the proposed Starbucks use. Renton's TIF is based on Rate Study for Impact Fees for Transportation. Parks and Fire protection dated August 26, 2011. I have reviewed the City study and compared the Trip Generation study conducted for Starbucks data against data used in the City's Rate Study for Impact Fees for Transportation. Parks and Fire Protection. The Starbucks PM peak Trip Generation Rate of -32.5 PMPHT's/1,000 sf and a pass-by rate of 49% is similar with fast food restaurant with drive up service (33.84 x 0.49 -16.58) and Starbucks (32.5 x 0.51 -16.58); thus it appears that using the City's fast food restaurant with drive up service would be reasoned; this is consistent with the City's TIF of $27.66 as noted in the Pre-Application Meeting Notes. Further review of the Transportation Section of the Rate Study for Impact Fees for Transportation, Parks and Fire Protection and in particular Taole 8 that denotes TIF rates per unit of development. The traffic generation rates used in this table, based on Trip Generation 8 1" Edition, incorporates pass-by rates but does not factor for shared traffic. In other words the City TIF rates are for stand alone facilities. The Airport Plaza Starbucks will share access to the City street grid and traffic with the adjacent commercial establishments. Based on ITE data and Traffic Experience 10% of the site traffic during the PM peak time period would be shared. The following table provides a TIF for the re-development, based on City rates, accounting for shared traffic: Internal Trips Use Size City TIF/rate Uoad1usted TIF Adjustment Adjusted TIF ~tarbucks 2,000 $ 27.66 $ 55,320.00 10% $ 49,788.00 My TIF calculation for the project accounting for on-site shared traffic indicates a fee of $49,788 would be required by the City, based on the 2016 TIF rate. ·.h_ "'-" '•l"''"'·.ioJ.~;305 . ........,~...,,,..,00<>~ a,,.,,.,.,..~,.,..,_ ... ....,.1,,.,..._,..,,,c,,,..,.,,,_...,n, ... ou,tt,,dO<" t:OLOI< COPY 01\/l Y JTE, Inc. LANCE MUELLER & ASSOCIATES/ ARCHITECTS Attn: Lance Mueller, AIA June 17, 2016 Page-8- SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This letter was prepared to identify the Trip Generation, Distribution, Access/Circulation Review and TIF Traffic Letter of the proposed Sonic Site project. Based on my analysis the proposed Airport Plaza Starbucks project is expected to generate 30 net new PM peak hour trips that would be dispersed amongst a number of existing access driveways. The City trip threshold is 20 peak hour trips, no City classified intersection would be effected by site traffic. The City has a TIF requirement. The published City TIF rate is for a stand alone facility and is based on dated Trip Generation data. A significant portion of the Airport Plaza Starbucks traffic is expected to be shared with the adjacent connected commercial facilities projected at 10% during the PM peak period. Accounting for this shared traffic I calculated the City TIF to be $49,788. Based on my analysis I recommend that the Airport Plaza Starbucks project be allowed with the following traffic impact mitigation measures. );; Construct site in accordance with applicable City requirements. );; Pay lawful traffic impact mitigation fee. The projected TIF is $49,788. No other traffic mitigation should be necessary. Please contact me at 206.762.1978 or email me at jaketraffic@comcast.net if you have any questions. MJJ: mjj Sincerely, Mark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE, President JAKE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, INC t>6-/?.2ol£ ,·Jc,,,.,,._.,., ct>,,.-,·,,-l~:>3G-1,,..,,,.,.,,s,.,,,., .. a.,,. .... ,...,.fi,rllfw.l R .. ,on,,..~a,,Tf,J,c:e»fl""""'"°"r•~~~,;,.., COlOf?COPYONl~ X Project: Airport Plaza Starbucks -Renton t Location: SEC of Rainier Ave S./Airport Way intersection -i' ' . '. Tukv\'ila I;'. :_ . . -.. JTE, Inc. FIGURE 1 · ..,..c,..,..t:..i .. -'· . Project Site t .. ":'.:,_~~,· .. .;:,. '; it ,. ,· ;,~ .. .~}'> : 1};h :"·" , . \'~~/·ri; ~ - Renton Munkipal Airport \i .!.1rp:a;"?" X .~.~1 .::: '. -_I NORTH ti"· ,,(, ··, Renton AIRPORT PLAZA STARBUCKS -RENTON TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION, ACCESS/CIRCULATION REVIEW AND TIF TRAFFIC LETTER VICINITY MAP Project: Airport Plaza Starbucks -Renton Location: SEC of Rainier Ave S./Airport Way intersection ~-:.· ~-... -ST>\ i.i'.V'' ;,,1,.:i+-·;r l I I 1·'1---1 £.-.' J I \ ~-~, ~ i ,,. L-...... _..;;....---' \ .: -, CJ -, t::J "-;; '---------------'i ~t I\ ! ·.t..: • ----'~~E:J·-··-- 'l'•-' Note: An 8.5 x 1r copy of the Site Plan is included with tl'lis Letter Report AIRPORT PLAZA STARBUCKS -RENTON t NORTH J I I I JTE, Inc. FIGURE2 TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION, ACCESS/CIRCULATION REVIEW AND TIF TRAFFIC LETTER PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN -RA\N\ER A \JE soUiH - ; C/l ,', ==i ~m "· -0 r-m 0 Ci ,a,;._J ~ ~. --1 ~\ 0 ~ ~ l--· '' t i l·>:n>-" , i :~,.,.... 8 ~ I '-- ' ' ' ~,m~~ G~~~ ~--!~ 09-- ~-~I ~! ') 7· 2". ~ ')(' ~ - ::;f~ ~~! ~ ii \ ' \ \ \ ' ' )> - \ :::a .,, 0 :::0 --1 I :E I > I -< I I I en --1 :::0 m m --1 __________________________ J ' 0 LAKE AVE SOUTH ....... k--~-, ~ J<~ \ ,-----:_) I ,-,,~~0 cc~--- iJ " ~ ___..-:::l :§.~i~, ~-. , -e SITE PLAN !NEW BUILDING FOR l ---.. ----> ~il..ANCe:: MUELLER .SC Al!il$001AT£$ ~ 'll ~ _.,,,... 1 AIRPORTPLAZASTARBUCKS \".':'""":;i;J [;; ]=~------~£~ jFDR BURKHEIMER FAMILY LLC -1.~ ......: ---,--- Ar~ c:'"', ..-cc,,.. A O ..,.•64RAINIERAVES ~Dlll)l,T[ Q I ,aouo;iu;,i: • •~'"''"", o.u,.,. .. _.,..o,·u, ,at,1,,~-..,u RENTON,WASHINGT0N9605? 8 ~,:,. t NORTH LEGEND PM Peak Hour Trips: 30 xx % distribution, Enter/Ex i t PM PH T 's X -site access Image obtained from King County IMap JTE, Inc. FIGURE 3 Reprint I n Color Only AIRPORT PLAZA STARBUCKS -RENTON TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION, ACCESS/CIRCULATION REVIEW AND TIF TRAFFIC LETTER PROJECT GENERATED PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUME AND DISTRIBUTION APPENDIX ...,. -',~ starf)Uclcl ~ Airport Plml ~ PREJ.6-000211-7 Ptllla3 ofS Aprll 14, 1016 . 7. The development wo4ld be subject 1;0 ~ system development charge (SDC) for sewe.r setvice. · The.,"iO,C~rsewer .serj!ice Is ba~ed on the size ofJh~ dom!!Stic.~ter s~~e. Th~ cµrrentSDC for.sewer service with a 1• water meter insta llatioli 15$2;242.ilo'. . . · · · ... \.. . . ~ :~ ~· . · ... '; . .--.-: . ~ ._· .... -~ ;~_-.. . : ' .. ' . ~-.;.1, ·, . . ·-··-· .. STORM DRAINAGE COMMffil'S . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . ; ·•• • . i. ; Tm., majority of th_~·e;;lsting~~-ls _CQVered by an asp~alt ii~rliinii Jot .. i:ti\' ?"'st~rn __ .inii solJthefn. . , . _edg~s of the sll!a are roverecj by la11dsc~ping.:Storm'dralnage'from the pa_rklngJot sheet flows to the eadt_wiiere i~ is 1rtterdepted. by\i r;ivaie stomi drain ~~~t·serfes thefirPllrt iitaia:, The ~orin <lralnage ls_tlien tomieyf!!l soqt!J liv. ;i)2"."private st<!mi drain to an exl~ng prf,;ite 5!'orm:ttater ditch alorig the no~hem frontage of s: To~in Street. The dltch.flo~s ea~ to. tli~"i~"j:,ubllc storm. drain In lake Avenues .. '. .-. ·_-. . . · . . . · · ·. ;:--· ·. · . : -. . . . . Oral"¥. alo_ijg the sout~m frontage ·1s amveyed by t~~ ~isting flowllne along the curb for S. · Toblry Street ea,ttcrthe public storm drain In Lake Avenue S. Drainage a°iong the western · · frontage Is corp,eye~. IIY-~h~.exlstins flowllne a long the curb of Rainier AV<1nue S-north to the publf!: storm dratnsy~m i11.~irport.','Y,iy, ... · . ·. : . . . · . . ·: . : ; . .· . -. .. . : .. . . . . . T;;_;re Is an ~xlstlng ·1i• -~~~; drai~ located along the ~utiwi,; s: Tobin ~ireet froritage that flows from west to east. There Is an existing 12" storm drain located along the western frontage of Rainier Avenue S. that flows from ~outh to north, . . . . . . 2. R~fto flgure).1.2.A,-Fl9w Chart_ to _d_etermin~.what type o1 drainage revie~•i l_~Je«Jufr~d for . this-sit~. Jh.e site falls )Nlthlit the City's Peak Hate Flow. Conft;oJ~t,ipdatd (Exlstloo Site · Ctmditlons),. Th~:majorlt'(of11)e,site falls Witl\1,n)h~ Westtaife:y.i~hll)lltO_~ .::Seattle South Dral~age Basin, whlle the southern'. project frontage Is part ofi:he Black f!~i' pnilnage_Basin. pralnage plans and. a drainage report comply! ng .with th;, adopted 2009 King county Surface .Watflr Design.Manual iKCSWQM) ari\l the 2.910 aty of.Renton am~ndment,.wlU b'! required. If'!!®~--• ...... ·:. . . . . ..... '. .. ' ' .. . 3. Flow Control BMP/i '<"Iii be required for the site per Section 5,1. of the 2009 l(CSWDM.-. . . . . ·.. ' . .-. . . . . . .· .. 4, Drainage Improvements along the Rainier Avenue S. ands. Tobin Street.frontages wlll be required to conform to the City's street standards. · 5. Ageoteclmical report for the site is required. Information on the water table and soU permeability, with recommendations of appropriate flow control BMP options with typical designs for the site from the geotechnical engineer, shall be submitted with the appilcatlOn. 6, The development would be subject to stormwatersystem development charges (SOC). The current SDCs are $0.594 per square foot of new Impervious surface area, but not less than $1,485.00. Fees are payable at the time of perml~ Issuance, TRANSPORTATION/STREET COMMENTS 1. The current transportation impact fee Is $27 .66 per square foot of bui!dltlg. fees are payable at / the time of permit Issuance. I •' ,• I H:\CED\Plaonlng\CUm,1~ Plannlng\PREAPl'S\2016 Prea pps\PRE1&000247.Rocale\16-0414 PRE16-0007.47 Clvll Pre-App Comntents.docx starbll<lcs ~tAlrport Plaza-Pl<fl&-000241 l'lll!e4of5 Aprl 14, 2016 ·~ 2. Rairlf!'r.Avenu~ 5. ls classified as a prin;ipal arterial.' ~er RMC.4-6-060, the .m lnhnum rig ht of way width fora'piiiiclpal arterlal:with seven lanes Is 125'. A 0.5' curb, 8' plant~r,"and 8' sidewalk are / required. The King County Assessor's Map sho;,,,, an approximate current right of way width of 150' for Jlalnler Avenues. No dedication would be re~ulred along Rainier Avenues. . ' S. Tobin Street Is a commercial access street. Per RMC,4-6-060, the minimum right ·of way for a CQIJH'nerclal access street with twc lanes Is 69'. The minimum paved roadway width Is 36' lndutj!ng 20' of!rijvel !anes and 8' parl<lng lanes on each side. A 0.5' curb, 8' planter, and 6' sidewalk are· required. The King County i\ssessor's Map shows an· approKlmatecurrent right of way wldih of 60'for S. Tobi~ Street. A dedltatlorl ofapproxlmately 4.5' would be required along thes. ToblnStreetfrontaeetomeetCltysta'ndards. . $;/y~'.] ;:/-t.;~l<>l',t!-P . . . • ;.,,; c5.f' Dn {.,/1-, $1".R<'/ ,,.Tl)~.existlrig fronta~e Improvements along Rainier Avenue S. and S. Tobin Streetco~st of a 05' .,/' ~'/ curb, 6':.9.' planter and 5' sidewalk. · : · .. -· ". · r,f' 3. The pqrtlon'.o.filaini~~ ~~nue s. ands. Tobin StreJttha;.~ntsthls project.ls_golngto be i,!)I: fmprovecf b)'the City ofReriton under the'Ral~1efAvenue P~ 4 Traffic Improvement Project. v"' · Th!' J!a!nler_i:(l(<!~)!_e P.ha~ ~ pro j,;c_t is In pfecli)!ll!!ary d~lg~ ~l!<!S.<c>."*-!Jgi.'ln )s expected to ~art fn'':2.Ci:J.9 orici20. · ·· ·· · · · ' · · · ~ -~ ' . . . 4. The applica~t may submit a street modlflcation request for review . ':·/ . . . · .. ·. . -~-. • 5: ·.'A ~raffii hiipal:riinaivsis per Cify.ofi1entori standards w!lr !>e 'requ.f red: · Pi ease 'include / co11fi.rmatlon°that st;il:klrig ;·pac~ for 8 ·ca~· ls, s~t ~r the slte'fp the report Th<1 city. ls concerned of cars queuing tor the ctrive-thru backing tnro Rilililei' livenue s: . ; . ; ; . . . . ' . ·:. . . . . ;. . . ' . . 6. Street lilihtlng analysl;·;s required to b; ~~ducted by the develo~er al~ng the'Ralnler Avenues. ands. Tobin street frontages. Required street lighting shall be to Clty of Renton standards. . . . : . . . . ' . , . . . 7. Paving and trench·restoratlon within the City of Renton rfght of way shall comply with the aty's Restoration and OVer1av.requirements. GENERAL CQ~E~S 1. Tlie SDCsUsted are frir 2016, The fees that are current at the tlme-of'the"utllfty pennlt application wlll be levled. Please see tho Qty of Renton website for current SOCs. 2: The survey· and all dvll plans shall conform to tile current City of Renton survey and drafting standards; Current drafting standar<ls can be found OIJ'the CitY'of Renton website., ' . . . . - 3. A final su.rvey that is stamped .ancf. signed by the professional land surveyor of rerord will need to be provided, All e>dstlng utilities need to be surveyed and shown. Please reference COR Maps for mapping and records of existing utilities In the proJe.ct vicinity. 4. Separate plan submlttals will be required· for construction permits for utility work and street Improvements. All plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington. H :\CED\Plannlng\CUrrent Pl,nnlng\PREAPPS\2016 Preapps\PRH6-000247.Rocale\16-0414 PRE16-000247 CMI Pre-App CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2016 • 2021 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM· AMENDED Rainier Ave SIN Phase 4 • S 3rd Street to NW 3rd Pl Functional Classlflcatlon: Principal ProJ, Length: o.51 mi Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 7 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Proj: 122195 CONTACT: Derek Akenon 425.430.7337 This is Phase 4 of the Rainier Ave Corridor Improvements, and will extend the improvements from S 3rd A STP grant in the amount of $2,600,000 was awarded in 2014 fordesign of Phase 4. SI to NW 3rd Pl. Project elements include sidewalks widening with streetscaping, adding pedestrian-Design to begin in 2015. tscale llluminatlon, adding a pedestrian actuated traffic signal, new traffic signals, transit facitity improvements, planted buffer strips and landscaped medians. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Rainier Ave ls a critical corridor in central Renton with existing operational problems and in need of infrastructure enhancements to provide greater ease of non-motorized and transit-based travel. It also provides improved access to the future Aerospace Training Center in Renton. Improvements will enhance traffic flow and reduce accidents. I Funded :1 3 006 0001 Unfunded : 1 16300000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2016 Six Year Proi:irc:1m ITEM PN'Vlrammed S,..nt Pre--2015 2015 Total 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 EXPENSES: Plannina --------- ~r~Jimina~ Engineering _3,0_06,_00Q ' 1,200,000 ___ 1 !.e.oslooo 1,806,000 --8.·0-W (inclu_des Admin) --3,500.000 ______ Moo,090 ------------_ 2,409,000 1,100.000 Construction 12 300 000 I 12 JQQ,000 2 500 000 5 400 000 4 400 000 Construction Services 2.500.000 i ··-··---···--·-----2,500.000 500.000 1.100.000 900,000 Post Construction Services I ' TOTAL EXPENSES, 21.306.000 I 1,200,000 20,106,000 1,806,000 2,400,000 4,100,000 6,500.000 5,300,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: I ' vehicle Fuel Tax ! _, I -------------- BU!iness License Fee I ----406.900 _j 162,pO_Q 1----~2~_o_o_o_ --_ _ 244.0001--I ~_roposed _ _l:_~~~--~-ala_nce J ! '" . ---·---------- 1,038,000 I--·----1.ssi.000 -' . --------·-----·· Grants In-Hand{~~ I 2,600,000 1,562.000 Grants In-Hand (2) -Mitiaation In-Hand ---+---------------' ------· ... -------------------------- Other In-Hand m ' ------------------------·· I . I ·--- Other In-Hand f2l ---------r---I ·-··------·--- ---------.-------· -· --------. -- Undetermined ·-18,300 000 ·-~ 18 300.00(f --------. -----------2.400 000 4100.000 6 500 000 5 300.ooo: TOTAL SOURCES 21.306.000 1,200,000 20,106.000 1,806,000 2.400,000 4100,000 6,500,000 s,aoo,ooo; 11-F't,2 00'1v.!!II~ ·~~ 5-7 FINAL Lake Washington Loop Trail CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2016 -2021 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM -AMENDED Functional Claasfflcatlon: wriN ProJ. Length: Fund: 317 Proj: 122802 C_O"'.l_anµnlty e_1_~r,_1Jttia Area: City Center TIP No. 18 CONTACT: Ja11"'9_Wilhcit 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: IThe project will provide a shared use regional trail from the Cedar River Trail and extending to the north city limits along Airport Way and Rainier Ave N. Project elements include a 12-foot shared path !separated from the travel lanes by an 8-fool landscaped strip. ~ USTIFICATION: he project will separate pedestrians and bicyclists from the vehicular traffic, enhancing safety and encouraging residents to use active transportation modes. Project Totals Pr~ammed Pre-2016 ITEM ! Programmed Spent Pre-201S I 2015 Total EXPENSES: ! [Plannina 1 STATUS: Cost estimate was updated to Include right-of-way and retaining walls along Rainier Ave N. A TPA grant in the amount of $346,000 was awarded in 2013. A STP/CMAQ Non- motorized grant for right-of-way acquisition (2016) in the amount of $575,000 was awarded, with a required match of $95,000. CHANGES: This project is phased. Phase 3 is from Logan Ave N/Cedar River lo Rainier Ave N. Estimate for Ph 3 is S6.5M. Phase 4 is from Airport Way/Rainier Ave N intersection to north City limits, and is estimated at $8.SM. A grant in the amount of $426.000 from the Ped and Bike Program is pending legislators approval. I Funded : I ,, untunded : I 1.>! Six-Year Program 2018 2011 I 201s 2019 2020 2021 !Preliminary Engineering ··-2,311.254 254 . 485,000 __ J,826,()0_o ·----12§;doQ~ 1.400.oooT IR:-0,W (lnclu_des Admin) 670.000 670.000 670.000 I 1 9onstruction .. . ., ··--·-9 650,000 9,650,000 3,000,000 1 000,000 3,000,0Q.Q _ ~.t.6_5,.Q)~Q9. Construction Services ----~~!_0,000 _________ 2,410LQQQ_ -----·--·-.. _ ....................... .!~Q._OOQ .. __ 250,000 : 750t9.9.Q -----~l;i~OOO 1Developer Reimbursement TOTAL EXPENSES !SOURCES OF FUNDS: 'ehicle Fuel Tax 16,041,2541 254 485,000 Business License Fee --·122~0@ :-___ --------r-·-·-....... }2f600 ....... . 14,556,000 1,096,000 Fund Balance+ Held reserve __ ._ ..... . ... 27.,?.~~-. . ..... 3:4~ ·----2? ,220 ·--. ·-·--· .. ··--· -i--· 3,750,000, 1,250,000 1,400,000 3,750,000 3,310,000 ' I 1 Grants In-Hand {TAP+STP) ...... .... 921 000 220' 345 780 575 000 575 000: ! .. .. ! ~~_ts ln~_8i~~J-~-~8_i~e P!P.9rli --426,000 ! 426,000 426,000' . I --·--·-------~ I ·---1 Mitigation In-Hand , I __ . . I I WSDOT State.7deducted from ara -10.1QQ9 __ i -1 Q.,Q9_9 ---·--·-··-· ····-...... . . . . . ' • ~l~~;~~'.~~rt Fund Tran _ -··-·-_ ~~.LQ_QO ______ : 95,000 95,000 --·-·-t· ----·---~·=~=~-··. 1 ... -I lundetermin•d .1 __ 13.4so.ooot-.. ·-·-·-:t·---.. -----.... ··t-.. -· 13.46o.ooot -· _ · -·· ... ___ ...... _. 3,1so,ooot-1.2so.ooor-· 1,400.000 .. :iJ:15..woo :1,3fo;ooo TOTA).. S..Qll~CESI 16.041.2641 2541 485,000I 14.556.ooo I 1.096.ooo 3.750.00ol 1.2so.oool 1.400.000 3,750,000, ~10.000 _M, --· 9'311~\II 5 -18 FINAL CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2016 -2021 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM -AMENDED Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements -Phase 5 Functional Classlflcatlon: NIA Proj. Length: 0,76 mi Communltv Plannlno Area: TIP No. DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Fund: 317 ProJ: 38 CONTACT: Jim Seitz 425.430.7245 This Is Phase 5 of the Rainier Ave Corridor Improvements, and will extend the improvements from NW Funds shown in 2020 are for planning to determine the roadway cross section. Project 3rd Pl to north City limits. Project elements include sidewalks widening with streetscaping, adding cost estimated at $31.SM and is unfunded. Costs beyong 2021 not shown. pedestrian-scale illumination and planted buffer strips. The street may be narrowed from 5 to 3 lanes where feasible. On the east side of Rainter Ave the new multi-use trail will be Installed (Lake Washington Loop Trail), as shown on TIP 18. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Rainier Ave is a critical corridor in Renton with existing operational problems and in need of infrastructure New project. enhancements lo provide greater ease for non-motorized and transit-based !ravel. 1Funded : I 1Unfunded: 14 500 000 Proiect Totals Proarammed Pre-2016 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed S[}Qnt Pre-2015 i 2015 Total 2016 2017 2018 2019 i 2020 2021 EXPENSES: ' Pla'!"l".9 ........ 100 000 100 000 -I 100,000 Preli!fli_n~ry_ Efl9_i1J~erina 4.400,000 ' 4 400 000 ! 4,400.000 R-0-W ilncludes Adminl ·----........ Construction ----I I Construction Services -----,. ,----------------1·-·----------~--------Post Construction Services -··--r-- TOTAL EXPENSES 4,500.000 4,500,000 100,000 4 400.000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: ' vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee . --. ·-----·-·· --------- p_r_o_p_9:,S_f!~ _F:_ur,d_ J1Sia·n·ce · . ----·----. Grants In-Hand tBrldoel -' -- Grants In-Hand f~L ______ --t---------- 1--------------------------···------... ·-----------------------------+ Mlt1natlon In-Hand .................... _._ .. ___ -----------·· -i I --------------~-------- ~ ' -------------Other -f~Hilrid "{C[iv Funds) --... --·-----------···--·-· : ------------ ---·--:·-· .. -·-·-·-·--. . . . . ... 'othe"rln-Hand l2) -·-· --. -· ·---~-----~·------i------·-·-·-·r------ Undetermined --~--·-·--4 500,000 -·---·-·--------100 000 4 500 000 ' 4 400.000 TOTAL SOURCES I 4,500,000 4,500,000 • 100,000 4,400.000 -OM"2tll!i '-~""' 5. 38 FINAL CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2016 -2021 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM -AMENDED Logan Ave N Improvements Functional Classlflcatlon: Principal Arterial Fund: 317 Proj. Length: 0.76 ml Proj: 122303 CommunHu Plannina Area: Citv Center TIP No. 3 CONTACT: James \Nilhoit 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Phase 1 (from Cedar River Bridge to N 6th st) includes reconstruction of the roadway pavement. new The City was awarded a STP grant in the amount of $951,000 for design in 2012. A TIB traffic signal and new curb, gutter, sidewalks. landscaped buffer, streetlights on the east side of Logan grant in the amount of $4,618,248 was awarded in 2013. A STP grant in the amount of Ave N. Phase 2 (N 61h St to Park Ave N) will add a northbound lane, new curb, gutter, sidewalks (on the $2,490,000 was awarded In 2014 for construction of Phase 1. Phase 2 is pending future east side), landscaped buffer, and a pedestrian/bicycle trail (west side), streetlights, pedestrian scale granl funding availability. illumination, crosswalks, pedestrians ramps, channelization. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The condition of the roadway pavement has deteriorated (due to increase in commuter and freight The design work for the bicycle crossing on Cedar River bridge has been moved to TIP 18 volume) to the extend that total replacement may be needed. The Increase in traffic and the new -Loop Trail. Transit Signal Priority (TSP) at Logan Ave with Airport Way has been RapidRide transit have warranted widening to add a northbound lane. Included with the improvements completed as part of the Rapid Ride implementation. Funding in 2015-2016 1s for are urban roadway amenities lo implement "Complete Streets" practice per City code. construction of Phase 1. Phase 2 from N 6th St to Park Ave is under project development and design !Funded: 18.136.893 1Unfunded: 124 680 000 Project Totals Proarammed Pre-2016 Six-Year Proaram ITEM Proarammed Sn.nt Pre-2015 2015 Total 2016 2017 2018 I 2019 2020 2021 EXPENSES: ' Plannina 39,760 39,760 Preliminarv Enaineerina 3,302 736 832 336 230 400 2,240,000 -1,240,000 i,000,000 R-0-W (includes Adminl --____ ,_ ___ 91056J.720 ---------_ 28,220 28 500 9.000000 9,000 000 Construction 16,655,800 --4,364,640 12,291,160 1,091,160 ---_ -------I 5,000,000 6.200,000 CC:i'nStructfon· Services 3,761.876 761 1,217,440 2,544-360 304.360 1,000,000 1,240,000 -------··---Post Construction Services ' ' ! TOTAL EXPENSES 32,816,893 900,393! 5,840,980 26,075,520 1,395,5201 1,240,000 10,000,000! 6,000,000 7,440,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: ' ~jf_~f_U_f!_I_T~".C .... 27,065: ---------~----! -------- Business License Fee 27 065 ,__ -- ~~nd Balance + Held re,~~ive 30,524 20,111 ___ 2,554 --_ ----7,859 _ _ ----·-.. ___ ],859' ' Grants In-Hand tSTPl --J:44i,ocff -799}17 --2,143,784 498,000 498,000 -----------. ··---··--- ~r_;jl_~~.~~.ff!~J_ .. 4,448,303 ! 3,558,642 889,6_61 889,661,__ --__ ~tigatio[I n-Hand 200600 54 ooo! 146,000 -·-..... -.. ··-··· .... ,_._ NSDOT_ State (deducted from gra -10,000 -10,000 ··------·-------f--- Other In-Hand --· ,_ ___ ·-------------Other In-Hand - Undetermined · 24 680 000 ------------------24 680,000 1240000 10,000 000 6 000,000 7 440,000 TOTAL SOURCES 32,816,893 900,393 5,840,980 26,075,520 1,395,520! I 1,240,000 10,000,000 6,000,0001 7,440,000 ' ----· 'J"31A1,;1 5 • 3 FINAL Washington State Department of Transportation June 3, 2016 Mark J. Jacobs JTE, Inc. 2614 39th Ave SW Seattle WA 98116 Dear Mr. Jacobs, Transportation Data and GIS Office 7345 Linderson Way Sw, Fl 1 Tumwater, WA 98501 360-570-24641 Fax 360-570-2449 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 www.wsdotwa.gov In accordance with the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56, this letter acknowledges receipt of your request for records dated June 2, 2016 (Request Number PDR-16-1674). We have prepared a history of officer reported crashes that occurred on or within 500 feet of the following road segments in the City of Renton for the period of 1/1/2013 - 12/31/2015. • Rainier Ave from Hayes Pl to Airport Way • Renton Ave Ext/ Airport Way from Hayes Pl to Lake Ave • Tobin St from Rainier Ave to Lake Ave • Lake Ave from Airport Way to Tobin St Federal law 23 United States Code Section 409 governs use of the data you requested. Under this law, data maintained for purposes of evaluating potential highway safety enhancements: " ... shall not be subject to discovery or admitted into evidence in a federal or state court proceeding or considered for other purposes in any action for damages arising from any occurrence at a location mentioned or addressed in such reports, surveys, schedules, lists, or data." [Emphasis added.] Public Disclosure Request PDR-16-1674 June 3, 2016 Page2 The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is releasing this data to you with the understanding that you will not use this data contrary to the restrictions in Section 409, which means you will not use this data in discovery or as evidence at trial in any action for damages against the WSDOT, the State of Washington, or any other jurisdiction involved in the locations mentioned in the data. If you should attempt to use this data in an action for damages against WSDOT, the State of Washington, or any other jurisdiction involved in the locations mentioned in the data, these entities expressly reserve the right, under Section 409, to object to the use of the data, including any opinions drawn from the data. With this package, your request for records is complete and closed. If you have any further questions you may contact me at 360-570-2464. Sincerely, Julie Brown Transportation Planning Technician 3 Transportation Data and GIS Office Lance Mueller From: Sent: To: Subject: Clmlma@aol.com Friday, June 17, 2016 10:27 AM Lance Mueller Attachments: Fwd: VSP Benefit Details for Lance Mueller email-header jpg FYI-I had requested info for both of us From: iMember@vsp.com To: clmlma@aol.com Sent: 6/6/2016 1 :4249 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time Subj: VSP Benefit Details for Lance Mueller [See the attached file] This e-mail was sent courtesy of VSP at your request. Any reply will be directed to VSP Member Services. VSP Vision Care -Benefits Detail for Lance Mueller VSP WellVision® Plan Through a VSP Doctor WellVision® Exam Eligibility: Frequency: Copay: Coverage: Description: Contact Lens Exam Eligibility: Frequency: Copay: Coverage: Description: YOU ARE ELIGIRI_E Every 12 months. $20.00 Covered after copay. Only VSP offers a WellVision Exam, focused on your eyes and overall wellness. Your VSP doctor can see if you have vision problems and signs of other health conditions too. YOU ARE EL.1Clf31.E. Every 24 months. Up to $60.00 Covered after copay. During your contact lens exam, your VSP doctor ensures your contacts fit properly and tests your vision. This exam is in 1 Retinal Screening Eligibility: Frequency: Copay: Coverage: Description: Prescription Lenses Eligibility: Frequency: Copay: Coverage: Description: Frame Eligibility: Frequency: Copay: Coverage: addition to your WellVision Exam. YOU ARE EUGIBLE. As needed. Up to $39.00 Covered after copay. Retinal images help your VSP doctor find possible signs of eye disease. This is an enhancement to your WellVision Exam. Based on applicable laws, benefits may vary by location. YOU ARE ELIGIBLE. Every 24 months. $20.00 for lenses and/or frame Covered after copay: Single vision, lined bifocal, lined trifocal. Based on your lens type (single vision/lined multifocal), you should expect to pay no more than the following copays This represents a 35-40% savings on the following lens enhancements: Anti-Reflective Coatings Edge Polish High Index lenses Photochromic adaptive lenses Tinted (colored) lenses Polarized lenses Polycarbonate lenses Progressive Lenses Scratch-Resistant Coating UV Protection $37.00 -$75.00 $32.00 $45.00 -$115.00 $62.00 -$76.00 $13.00 -$15.00 $53.00 -$93.00 $23.00 -$28.00 $50.00 -$160.00 $15.00 -$29.00 $14.00 Learn more about which lenses and enhancements are best for you with our Lens Overview. YOU ARE ELIC,IBLE. Every 24 months. $20.00 for lenses and/or frame You have a $130.00 allowance for frames. If you choose a featured frame brand, you'll get an extra $20.00 to spend, for a total of $150.00 allowance. 2 Extra Savings: Plus, you get 20% off any amount over your allowance. If you have had laser correction surgery, you can also use your VSP Frame allowance toward the cost of non-prescription sunglasses, from any VSP doctor. 30% off additional glasses and sunglasses, including lens options, from the same VSP doctor on the same day as your WellVision Exam. 20% off from any VSP doctor within 12 months of your last WellVision Exam. Some frames may be covered at a reduced benefit. Ask your VSP doctor for details. Based on applicable laws, benefits may vary by location. Contacts Instead of Glasses Eligibility: YOU /1RE ELIGIBLE. Frequency: Copay: Coverage: Every 24 months. $0 $130.00 allowance for contacts. Laser VisionCare5 M Through a VSP Doctor Laser VisionCare5 M Eligibility: Frequency: Copay: Coverage: YOU ARE ELIC31BLE. As needed. $0 You can have laser correction surgery at a reduced price only from VSP-contracted laser vision centers. You'll save an average 15% off the regular price or 5% off the promotional price from participating centers -which could add up to hundreds of dollars in savings. Your first step is to confirm that your VSP doctor is a laser vision care doctor, or find a VSP Laser VisionCare Doctor . They'll help determine if you're a good candidate for laser vision surgery. Eyewear Through eyeconic.com® -the VSP Online Store Does my plan allow me to apply my benefits to eyewear purchases at eyeconic.com? Only VSP members with qualifying plans can apply their vision benefits to purchases online at eyeconic.com. Even though you're not eligible to connect them through Eyeconic, you'll always enjoy 20% savings on glasses and sunglasses as a VSP member. EYECONIC.COM OVERVIEW 3 With Eyeconic, you'll enjoy great choices in eyewear, including glasses and sunglasses from top frame brands and the most popular contact lenses -all with the convenience of shopping 24/7. Here's what else you'll enjoy when you shop on Eyeconic: • Exclusive Member Extras on a wide selection of products. • Help finding a doctor from our network of more than 30,000 participating VSP providers. • Prescription verification without the hassle -we work with your doctor to confirm your prescription details. • The best quality-every pair of prescription glasses undergoes a 25 point quality control inspection. • A complimentary frame adjustment or contact lens consultation from a VSP doctor's office to ensure your eyewear fits properly. • Free shipping. Free returns. Guaranteed satisfaction. HOW DOES IT WORK? Anyone can place an order on Eyeconic. To buy prescription eyewear, you must have a valid prescription. First, review your VSP vision benefits. Then, schedule an appointment with a VSP doctor for an eye exam. If you already have a valid prescription, click the "Shop Eyewear" button below to shop on Eyeconic. This information doesn't guarantee your eligibility of coverage. Your VSP provider will contact VSP to check your eligibility. If there's a conflict between this infomnation and your organization's contract with VSP, the contract will prevail. This benefit information is only for VSP providers, clients, members, and their dependents. Any other use is fraudulent and prohibited. Can't find what you are looking for? Send Member Services an email or browse the FAQs. [See the attached file] HIPAA Privacy Policy I Terms & Conditions I Report Fraud © Copyright 2015 VSP Vision Care I 3333 Quality Drive I Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 4 PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT for Starbucks at Airport Plaza 95 Airport Way Renton, WA 98055 Applicant: Burkheimer Family LLC Engineer: Ted Dimof, PE License No. 36042 Bush, Roed and Hitchings 2009 Minor Avenue E Seattle, WA 98102 (206) 323-4144 Date: July 5, 2016 Table of Contents 1.0 Project Overview ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary ......................................................................................... 1 O 3.0 Offsite Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Upstream Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Downstream Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 12 4.0 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design ......................................................... 14 4.1 Existing Stte Hydrology (Part A) .................................................................................................................... 14 4.2 Developed Stte Hydrology (Part B) ................................................................................................................ 14 4.3 Performance Standards (Part C) ................................................................................................................... 15 4.4 Flow Control System (Part D) ....................................................................................................................... 17 4.5 Water Quality System (Part E) ...................................................................................................................... 18 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design ...................................................................................... 19 6.0 Special Reports and Studies ........................................................................................................... 19 7.0 Other Permits .................................................................................................................................. 19 8.0 CSWPP Analysis and Design ......................................................................................................... 19 9.0 Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant.. ............................................. 19 10.0 Operations and Maintenance Manual ............................................................................................. 19 Page I 2 1.0 • Project Overview The Renton Starbucks Project at 95 Airport Way, located in King County, parcel numbers 182305-9245 and 000720-0193, proposes to construct a retail building containing a total of 2,097 sf of commercial use. The site is 0.60 acres including 0.59 acres on property and 0.01 acres of Right-of-Way disturbance. 36 off-street surface parking spaces, including 1 handicapped space, will be added to the site. Existing Conditions: The site is currently mostly covered by asphalt paved surfaces with perimeter landscaping. The drainage sheet flows to a ditch that conveys the drainage to the offsite City storm system. Post-Developed Conditions: The project will be adding landscape area and reducing the impervious surfacing area of the site. Page I 3 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Prqed: OWner E,uQ.tC.1'11?./1'1 t:4(/l,'11i '1' U (.., Phone---------- Address ____ ...,.. ___ ~ Prqed: E11gi.ee, Ted Dimof cm,pany BRH Engineering Phone (206) 323-4144 Part 3. 1YPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION 0 Landuse Services SlbflVison I Short SUld. I UPD • Buildq SeMces MIF/Commerical I SFR • Cleamg a,d Gradr,g • Righkll'-Way Use 0 Olller Part5 Pl.ANANDREPORT INFORMATION Technical lnlilrmation Report Type of Drai'lage Revielf (c:i'l:le): @, Date (lndltle revision -· dales): Dale rK Final: Part6 ADJUSlMENTAPPROVALS I Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name 1r::~l)tl:'S .A-1- DDES Permit ii' ,A'ltU>o.vr t,iifZA- Loca!ion Townsh~ ----- Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS 0 DFW HPA O Shorelile 0 COE404 Management 0 DOE Dan Sal'ely O Slruclural 0 RocmyN~~--FEMA~n ' .......,_ 0 ESA Seclion 7 0 COE Wellands 0 Olher __ _ Site Improvement Pia, (Engr. Plans) Type (circle one): ~ Mocrdied I Small Site Date (lllilde mwision dales): Date of Final: Type (cide one): standanl I Complex I ~ I Elcpelinenlal/ lllanket Descr1)oon: (itducle oonclfions i1 TIR Section 2) .... Date of """""'31: Figure 1.1-Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet, page 1 Page I 4 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monilomg Required: Yes 1f No I Descrile: start Dale: Completion Dale: Parts SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Commurily Plan :~Nl=A~--------Spedal Dislrlct0ver1ays: __________________ _ Drailage eam: We:z['. L4 fq.... wit3 Htrv& TT?H Stonnwa!K Requlremenls: NIA Part 9 ONSrrE ANO ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS [J RiverlStream ------- [J Laite [J Wellands ________ _ [J ~ Dep1!sslon ------ [J Flooq,larr ________ _ [J other n·7on=e~-------- Part 10 SOILS [J steep Slope------- [J Erosion Hazard ------ [J Landslde Hazard ------ [J Coal Mm Hazard ------ [J Seismic Hazad ------[J HallltalPmledion _____ _ o ________ _ Slopes Erosion Pctenlial .: ________ _ IJ Additional~ Attached 0 Sole Source Aqt.ifer [Jseep~ Figure 1.1-Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet, page 2 Page I 5 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT D eore 2 -Ollili1e AnalYsis D Sens~ca1 Amas 0SEPA D ot11er D D Additional Sheets Allached Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET {J)r(Mde ooe TIR Su,rmary Sheet per Threshold Dischalge Area) Threshold Discharge Area: (name or desa"6ml COr& Requiremenls (al 8 apply) t=:]! at Natura Location Number d Nalural • Localons: Oll'sile Analysis Level: l.!JI dale<!: Flow Control Level: . l].J/ or Exemption Nlmber fllld. faali!y SU"""""' sheet) Smal Site BMPs Conveyiaice Syslern Spil conlainment localed at Erosion and SeclmEnt Control ESC Site SIJl)llfVisor. TBD Contact Phone: An...-HoolS""'-'" Mai.te..a,,ce and Operallon Responsibiily: I Plivale 1/ Pllblic If Privam, Mairtenanc:e U>a ~: Yes~ Fr,ancial Guarantees and Provided: Yes/~ Liabil"' wa1eraua11y Type: "@.1 og (ilclude facilily summay sheet) or Exemption No. Landscape Management Plan: Yes [Nol Soecial Reouirements las annlicablel Area Specilic D'ainage Type: CDA/SDO /MOP /BP /lMP /Shared Fae. /None -·llliremenls Name: ~n/FlooclwayDelneation Type: Major / Moor / ~ ' None I 100-year Base Flood Elevalion (or range): Da!Lm: Flood Proleclion Facii .... Desaibe: None Soun:e Conlrol Desaibe lanwse: NIA (oomm.Jindustrial lanlilse) Desaibe any slructural oonlrols: NIA Figure 1.1-Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet, page 3 Page I 6 • KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET OI Con!Jol High-use Sim: Yes /[!!<D TreatmentBMP: Maintenance Agrnement Yes {;] with whom? Olher Drainage structures Desalbe: Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIIIIUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION • Clealing Limits • Slalliize Exposed Slnaces • Cm/er" Measures • Remove and Res1Dre Te"""'3ry ESC Facililies • Pefimeter Pro1eclion • Clean and Remove All Sit and Debris, EnstR 0 Traffic Arna SlabW-IZlllion Operation of Pennanent Faclfdles a Sedinenl IWeution 0 Flag Limils of SAO and open space a Surf.Ice waier Collection preservalion areas a Olher a Dewatemg Conlrol • DustConlrol a-Control Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESGRIPTIONS!Note: Include Facil""Summan, and Sketch\ Fl!JlrComol Type/Description Waler Qualiy Type/[lescll)tion D 0eteillion CJ a Biofilbali<x, a lnfflralion a~ CJ Re!jonal Faalily • Media Fillralion Stonnlilter. ZPG CJ Sllamd Fa&w-dy 0 OI Control D Flow Control I l a Sl)il Cootrol BMPs CJ Flow Control BMPs a 01her a OU,er Figure 1.1-Technical Information Report (TIR} Worksheet, page 4 Page I 7 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 15 EASEMEMTS/TRACTS Part16 STRUCTURALANALYSIS 0 Drailage Easement a cast in Place v- Dc-n:m 0 Retining Wal CJ Nati"8 Growlh Protedlon Cownant CJ Roctely>4' High CJ Tract CJ Slruciural on Sleep Slope CJ other CJ other Part 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, ora civl engineermdermy.._vision, have visited the sile. Actual site ca-.,s as observed were ilcaporaled inlo Ulis the atlaclled Tectmical lnloonalion Report Ta Ille best of my here is acru".'.rate:'.'::-·---- Figure 1.1-Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet, page 5 Page I 8 Site Location: The site is located in Renton in King County at the corner of Rainier Avenue South and South Tobin Street. The site address w ill be 95 Airport Way. See Fig ure 1.2 below. Figure 1.2 -Site Location Soils: See Geotechnical report by EarthSolutions. Page I 9 2.0 -Conditions and Requirements Summary Stormwater Code and Engineering Standards Th e d es ign of the facilities on site conforms to the King County 2009 Surface Water Design Manual with th e 2010 City of Redmond amendments. Core Requirements: 1. Discharge at Natural Location: The majority of the site is covered with an exis ting asphalt paved parking lot with land scaping at the west and south edges. The site drains to a private storm water ditch along the northern frontage of S. Tobin Street. The d itch outlets into t he public storm drain in Lake Avenue S. 2. Offsite Analysis: A Level 1 Offsite Analysis was conducted. This analysis is detailed in Section Ill of this report. 3. Flow Control: The site falls within the City's pea k rate flow co ntrol standard (e xist ing site condit ions). Per figure 1.1.2.A of the 2009 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manua I Amendment, a Full Drainage Review is required. Since the site is under the peak flow control and is subject to existing site conditions, since the site is reducing the amount of impervious surfacing from existing conditions, and the peak rates are all reducing, no flow control is required. 4. Conveyance System: The site will sheet flow to a co llection po i nt and be conveye d into the exiting site system. 5. Erosion and Sediment Control: A TESC plan will be developed to contain sed iment and prevent erosion. 6. Maintenance and Operations: N/A 7. Financial Liability: The project will provide all King County bonding and/or assignment of savings as required for the development's construction and warranty periods. 8. Water Quality: The site's stormwater will be discharged through ZPG filled Storm Filter cartridges. Special Requirements: 1. Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements: No other area specific requirements are in place. Page I 10 2. Flood Hazard Area Delineatio n: The project is not withi n a flood h aza rd area. 3. Flood Protection Facilities : This project is not w ithin a flood h aza r d ar ea . 4. Source Control: No so ur ce co ntrol meas ures are requi red. 5. Oil Control: TBD Page I 11 3.0 -Offsite Analysis 3.1 -Upstream Analysis All upstream areas are contai ned w ithi n manmad e d raina ge system s. 3.2 -Downstream Analysis Figure 3. 1 -DI S Flow Path Page I 1 2 TBD Page I 13 4.0-Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design 4.1 -Existing Site Hydrology (Part A) The site falls within the City's peak rate flow control standard (existing site conditions). Per figure 1.1.2.A of the 2009 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual Amendment, a Full Drainage Review is required. Since the site is under the peak flow control and is subject to existing site conditions, since the site is reducing the amount of impervious surfacing from existing conditions, and the peak rates are all reducing, no flow control is required. 4.2 -Developed Site Hydrology (Part B) The project will reduce the amount of impervious surfacing on site thus reducing the peak flow rates. Page I 14 4.3 -Performance Standards (Part C) Flow Control Requirements: Flow control will not be required on this site since the peak rates will be reduced. Page I 15 • Conveyance System Capacity Requirements: The site will have all new piped conveyance system. Per Section of the Surface Water Manual, piped systems must be designed at a minimum to carry the 25-year peak flow, and to ensure that 100- year runoff events do not cause severe flooding or severe erosion problems. Water Quality Treatment Requirements: The site lies within a basic water quality treatment area, Storm FIiter cartridges will be used for water quality treatment. Page I 16 • 4.4 -Flow Control System (Part D) Since the site is reducing the amount of impervious surfacing and reducing the amount of runoff from the site, no flow control is required. Page 117 • I 4.5 -Water Quality System {Part E) Storm Filter cartridges are proposed to meet the water quality treatment requirements. Page I 18 5.0 -Conveyance System Analysis and Design The conveyance system will be designed to convey the 100 year storm event. 6.0 -Special Reports and Studies Geotechnical Report: Earth Solutions 7.0-Other Permits TBD 8.0 -CSWPP Analysis and Design ESC Measures: After the TESC plan has been developed this section will be filled in. 9.0-Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant The project will provide all King County bonding and/or assignment of savings as required for the development's construction and warranty periods. 10.0 -Operations and Maintenance Manual N/A Page I 19 PREPARED FOR BURKHEIMER FAMILY, LLC c/o LANCE MUELLEER & ASSOCIATES July 5, 2016 Kyle R. Campbell, P.E. Principal GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA 64 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON ES-4576 Earth Solutions NW, LLC 1805 -1361h Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Phone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425-449-4711 Toll Free: 866-336-8710 Table of Contents ES-4576 INTRODUCTION ................. , .. , ................................................. , ......... .. General ..................... , .. , .......................................................... .. Project Description ....... ,., ................................ • ............ • ...... ,, .. ,. SITE CONDITIONS ........................................................... , ................. .. Surface .................................................................................... . Subsurface .............................................................................. . Topsoil and Fill ............................................................ , Native Soil .................................................... -............ -.... . Geologic Setting ......................................................... .. Groundwater .......................................................... , ............... .. GEOLOGICALLY HAZARDOUS AREAS ................................... . DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................... . General .................................................................................... . Site Preparation and Earthwork ......... , ...... , .. , ......... , ......... ;; .. ,. Temporary Erosion Control ................................... , .... . Excavations and Slopes .................... , ......................... . In-situ Soils ........................................................ , Imported Soils .... , ........................................ , ................ -. Structural Fill ..... -............................. , .•.......... .-...... . Foundations ............................................... , ......... , .. , ................ . Conventional Foundations ............................... , ....... , .. Aggregate Piers .................................................. . Seismic Design ................................................. ,., ..................... . Liquefaction ................................................ , ....... . Slab-on-Grade Floors .............................................................. . Retaining Walls ....................................... , .......................... , ... .. Drainage .................. , ............................................... ,-............... . Utility Support and Trench Backfill. ........... , ......................... ,. Pavement Sections:,., .. , ............................. , ..... -........... , .. LIMITATIONS ................................. , .................. , ..... , ... , ........... _ ... _._ ........ . Additional Services ..................................................... , ............ . Earth Solutions NW, LLC PAGE 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 GRAPHICS Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Table of Contents Cont'd ES-4576 Vicinity Map Boring Location Plan Retaining Wall Drainage Detail Footing Drain Detail Subsurface Exploration Boring Log Laboratory Test Results Earth Solutions NW, LLC July 5, 2016 ES-4576 Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates 130 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 250 Seattle, Washington 98122 Attention: Mr. Lance Mueller Dear Mr. Mueller: Earth Solutions NW, LLC (ESNW) is pleased to present this report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, Starbucks at Airport Plaza, 64 Rainier Avenue South, Renton, Washington". Based on the results of our investigation, the proposed commercial development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. Our subsurface investigation indicates the site is underlain by very loose to medium dense fills that extend to approximately seven feet below the existing ground surface (bgs). Medium dense poorly graded sand, silt and clay alluvial deposits underlie the fill. Groundwater was observed at a depth of 16 feet bgs at the boring location. Based on the results of our study, the proposed retail development can be supported on a conventional foundation system bearing on at least three feet of structural fill or supported by aggregate piers. This report provides recommendations for grading, foundation preparation, drainage, pavement sections and other project-specific geotechnical recommendations. Recommendations for site excavations, foundation design, drainage, and other pertinent geotechnical project aspects are provided in this study. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have questions regarding the content of this geotechnical engineering study, please call. Sincerely, EARTH SOLUTIONS NW, LLC General GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY STARBUCKS AT AIRPORT PLAZA 64 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON ES-4576 INTRODUCTION This geotechnical engineering study was prepared for the proposed retail building to be completed at 64 Rainier Avenue South in proposed Renton, Washington. The purpose of this study was to provide geotechnical recommendations for currently proposed development plans. Our scope of services for completing this geotechnical engineering study included the following: • Completing subsurface exploration for purposes of characterizing site soils; • Completing laboratory testing of soil samples collected at the test pit locations; • Conducting engineering analyses, and; • Preparation of this report. The following resources were reviewed as part of our report preparation: • Site Plan, prepared by Lance Mueller & Associates., dated June 1, 2016; • King County Liquefaction Susceptibility, endorsed by the King County Flood Control District, May 201 O; • Sensitive Areas maps for the City of Renton; • City of Renton Municipal Code, Title IV Chapter 3-050 entitled "Critical Area Regulations"; • Online Web Soil Survey (WSS) resource maintained by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service, and; • Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle compiled by D.R. Mullineaux, dated 1965. Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates July 5, 2016 Project Description ES-4576 Page2 We understand the site will be developed with a 2,000 square foot retail/restaurant building, parking lot, utility and infrastructure improvements. At the time of report submission, specific grading and/or stormwater management plans were not available for review; however, we anticipate cuts will be minimal due to current grades. The remainder of the site (beyond the limits of the proposed structures) will incorporate pavement and landscaping areas. We understand stormwater generated from the proposed development will be conveyed to an on- site filter system which discharges to an existing swale and drainage system. The proposed construction will likely be constructed utilizing relatively lightly-loaded wood framing supported on conventional foundations. Perimeter footing loads will likely be on the order of 1 to 3 kips per lineal foot (kif). Slab-on-grade loading is anticipated to be on the order of 150 pounds per square foot (psf). If the above design assumptions are incorrect or change, ESNW should be contacted to review the recommendations in this report. ESNW should review final designs to confirm that our geotechnical recommendations have been incorporated into the plans. SITE CONDITIONS Surface The subject site is located northeast of the intersection between Rainier Avenue South and South Tobin Street in Renton, Washington. The approximate location of the property is illustrated on Plate 1 (Vicinity Map). The rectangular-shaped property is comprised of a single tax parcel (King County Parcel No. 182305-9245) totaling approximately 0.43 acres. The subject site is bordered to the north and east by a commercial developments, to the south by South Tobin Street, and to the west by Rainier Avenue South. The site is currently developed with asphalt-paved parking and drive areas associated with adjacent development. Site topography descends gently from west to east, and we estimate total site elevation change is on the order of five feet or less. Subsurface An ESNW representative observed, logged, and sampled one boring, advanced at an accessible location within the property boundaries, on June 16, 2016 using a trailer-mounted drill rig and operator retained by our firm. The boring was completed for purposes of assessing soil conditions and classifying the site soils. The approximate location of the boring is depicted on Plate 2 (Boring Location Plan). Please refer to the boring log provided in Appendix A for a more detailed description of the subsurface conditions. Soil samples collected at the boring location were analyzed in accordance with both United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) methods and procedures. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates July 5, 2016 Topsoil and Fill ES-4576 Page 3 Topsoil was not encountered within the boring location. Topsoil encountered during grading is not suitable for foundation support, nor is it suitable for use as structural fill. Topsoil or organic- rich soil can be used in non-structural areas if desired. Fill was encountered at the boring location, and consisted primarily of loose to medium dense gravel with silt and sand (Unified Soil Classification GP-GSM). The fill was in a moist condition with a depth ranging to approximately seven feet below existing grade. Native Soil Underlying the asphalt and fill, native soils encountered at the boring location consisted primarily of loose to medium dense silt (USCS: ML) between depths of approximately seven to ten feet and 15.5 to 20 feet bgs. Very loose to medium dense, poorly graded sand (USCS: SP), was observed between depths of approximately 10 to 15.5 feet and from 20 to the maximum exploration depth of 31.5 feet bgs. A layer of medium stiff, fat clay (CH) was encountered within the sand layer from about 15.5 to 19 feet. the native soils were observed primarily in a moist condition, but were characterized as "wet" near and/or below areas of groundwater seepage. Geologic Setting The referenced geologic map resource identifies artificial fill (af) as the primary unit underlying the site. Urban or industrial land modified by widespread or discontinuous artificial fill (afm) is mapped directly east of the subject site. The geologic map resource defines artificial fill as "gravel, sand, silt, concrete, garbage, slag, and other materials, placed as a direct result of human activity, of substantial areal extent or thickness." The referenced WSS resource indicates the site is underlain by urban land (Map Unit Symbol: Ur). The urban land generally refers to areas that have been modified previously by means of grading activities and/or construction. Based on our field observations, native soils on the subject site are consistent with the geologic setting of artificial fill as outlined in this section. However, we did not observe deleterious debris in the fill zone. Groundwater The groundwater table was encountered at approximately 16 feet below existing grades at the boring location during our fieldwork (June 2016). Perched groundwater should be expected during excavations on the site. Seepage rates and elevations fluctuate depending on many factors, including precipitation duration and intensity, the time of year, and soil conditions. In general, groundwater flow rates are higher during the wetter, winter months. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates July 5, 2016 GEOLOGICALLY HAZARDOUS.AREAS ES-4576 Page 4 As part of this geotechnical engineering study, Section 4-3-050 (CRITICAL AREAS REGULATIONS) of the Renton Municipal Code was reviewed with respect to geologically hazardous areas. Based on City of Renton online mapping, the subject site is mapped as a flood hazard area. Based on the results of our site-specific investigation the site does not contain and is not immediately adjacent to any geologically hazardous areas. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on the results of our investigation, the proposed commercial building is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The primary geotechnical considerations associated with the proposed development include foundation support, slab-on-grade subgrade support and the suitability of using on-site soils as structural fill. The proposed structure may be supported on conventional continuous and spread footing foundations bearing on at least three feet of new structural fill or aggregate piers. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavation and replacement with a suitable structural fill material, will be necessary. Where encountered, existing fill can likely be reworked to achieve structural fill specifications. Areas of organic-rich fill may be encountered and at foundation subgrade elevations and should be removed and replaced with suitable structural fill. Recommendations for foundations and geo pier installation are discussed in the Foundations section of this study. This study has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Burkheimer Family, LLC, and Lance Mueller & Associates and their representatives. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This study has been prepared in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. Site Preparation and Earthwork The primary geotechnical considerations with respect to earthwork are related to foundation subgrade preparation, pavement subgrade areas, and underground utility installations. We anticipate grading at this site will largely use a balanced approach, with cut soils utilized elsewhere as structural fill. Temporary Erosion Control Temporary construction entrances and drive lanes, consisting of at least 12 inches of quarry spalls, should be considered in order to minimize off-site soil tracking and to provide a stable access entrance surface. Erosion control measures should consist of silt fencing placed along the site perimeter. Soil stockpiles should be covered or otherwise protected to reduce soil erosion. Temporary sedimentation ponds or other approaches for controlling surface water runoff should be established prior to beginning earthwork activities. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates July 5, 2016 Excavations and Slopes ES-4576 Page 5 Provided methods of sloping and shoring for the excavations are incorporated into design and construction, overall stability for any excavations is anticipated to be good. Based on the soil conditions observed at the test pit locations, the following allowable temporary slope inclinations, as a function of horizontal to vertical (H:V) inclination, may be used: • Fill and/or very loose to medium dense soil 1.5H:1V ESNW should observe the excavations and assess allowable temporary slope inclinations based on the soil and groundwater conditions exposed within the excavations. Supplementary recommendations for excavation sloping may be made by ESNW based on the conditions observed during earthwork activities. In-situ Soils The fill was encountered primarily in a loose to medium dense condition and is generally suitable for use as structural fill provided adequate compaction is achieved. ESNW should provide further evaluation during construction where existing fill is intended for reuse as structural fill, or where fill is encountered at building subgrade elevations. Existing fill can likely be reworked to structural fill specifications, provided the moisture content at the time of construction at (or slightly above) the optimum level. The native sands are not considered sensitive to moisture; however, exposed soil surfaces may be susceptible to instability during periods of extended precipitation when in-situ moisture contents become elevated. Where on- site soils are not considered suitable due to elevated moisture contents, soil amendment and/or use of an imported !!Oil may be necessary. Imported Soils Imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a well-graded granular soil with a moisture content that is at or near the optimum level. During wet weather conditions, imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a well-graded granular soil with a fines content of 5 percent or Jess defined as the percent passing the Number 200 sieve, based on the minus three-quarter inch fraction. Structural Fill Structural fill is defined as compacted soil placed in foundation, slab-on-grade, and roadway areas. Fills placed to construct permanent slopes and throughout retaining wall and utility trench backfill areas are also considered structural fill. Soils placed in structural areas should be placed in loose lifts of 12 inches or less and compacted to a relative compaction of 90 percent, based on the laboratory maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor Method (ASTM D1557). Soil placed in utility trenches, pavement areas, and the upper 12 inches of slab-on-grade areas should be compacted to a relative compaction of at least 95 percent. Additionally, more stringent compaction specifications may be required for utility trench backfill zones depending on the responsible utility district or jurisdiction. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates July 5, 2016 Foundations ES-4576 Page 6 The soils encountered at the boring location consisted primarily of loose to medium dense sandy gravel underlain by very loose alluvial silt and sand deposits that are not particularly compressible. Groundwater is at a depth of about 16 feet (June). On this basis there are two methods of foundation support discussed in this report; conventional spread and continuous foundations supported on at least three feet of structural fill or aggregate piers advanced to firm soils. Conventional Foundations Due to the presence of loose silt and sand deposits on this site conventional shallow foundations should be supported on at least three feet of structural fill. Overexcavating and recompacting onsite soil to structural fill specifications provided in this report can be considered. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are encountered at the overexcavation subgrade, additional overexcavation and replacement with structural fill may be necessary. The following parameters may be used for foundation design: • Allowable soil bearing capacity • Passive earth pressure • Coefficient of friction 2,500 psf 300 pcf 0.40 The passive resistance value provided above assumes the foundations will be backfilled with structural fill. A factor-of-safety of 1.5 has been applied to the passive resistance and friction values provided in this section. For short-term wind and seismic loading, a one-third increase in the allowable soil bearing capacity may be assumed. With structural loading as expected, total static settlement in the range of one inch, as well as differential settlement of approximately one-half inch, is anticipated. The majority of the settlements should occur during construction, as dead loads are applied. This approach for supporting foundations will establish a uniform bearing capacity for the building. However, it will provide no mitigation for liquefaction-induced settlement resulting from strong seismic shaking. Liquefaction-induced total settlements may be in the range of three to five inches, with differential settlement expected to be about one-half that magnitude. If this magnitude of settlement is not acceptable, aggregate piers should be considered for foundation support. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates July 5, 2016 Aggregate Piers ES-4576 Page 7 Another viable option for foundation support would include aggregate piers advanced to firm soils encountered at a depth of about 25 feet. Aggregate piers improve soil conditions within the zone of element depth, in this case about 25 feet. This approach for supporting foundations will establish a uniform bearing capacity for the building. The aggregate piers will improve soils to a greater depth and will create a higher level of liquefaction mitigation. Foundations can be designed using an allowable soil bearing capacity of 4,000 psf. Seismic Design The 2012 International Building Code recognizes the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for seismic site class definitions. In accordance with Table 20.3-1 of the ASCE Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures manual, Site Class D should be used for design. Liquefaction The referenced liquefaction susceptibility map indicates the site maintains moderate to high liquefaction susceptibility. Liquefaction is a phenomenon where saturated or loose soils suddenly lose internal strength and behave as a fluid. This behavior is in response to increased pore water pressures resulting from an earthquake or other intense ground shaking. The site soils consisted primarily of alternating layers of alluvial silted sand in a loose condition and, the groundwater table was encountered at the boring location at a depth of 16 feet below existing grades. The clay layer encountered at about 15.5 feet will not liquefy and will likely confine the effects of liquefaction from sand layers below that zone. We utilized LiquefyPro Version 5.5h design software to model the effects of a seismic event on subsurface soils underlying the subject property as a sensitivity tool to evaluate the susceptibility to liquefaction-induced settlement for this site. Settlements will primarily occur within loose to medium dense poorly graded sand deposits (USCS: SP) below the groundwater table. Based on the results of our evaluation, in our opinion, total liquefaction-induced settlement of native soils may be in the range of three to five inches and will likely not occur uniformly. Differential settlement would likely be on the order of one to three inches. In our opinion, site susceptibility to liquefaction can be characterized as moderate. If aggregate piers will be utilized, total liquefaction-induced settlement may be reduced to one to one and on-half inches, with differential settlement about half that magnitude. The estimated settlement resulting from liquefaction should be considered in the overall design. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates July 5, 2016 Slab-on-Grade Floors ES-4576 Page 8 Slab-on-grade floors for the proposed commercial building constructed at this site should be supported on a minimum of 12 inches of structural fill. Where feasible, the existing fill soils that may be exposed at the slab-on-grade subgrade level can be compacted in place to the specifications of structural fill. Unstable or yielding areas of the subgrade should be recompacted or overexcavated and replaced with suitable structural fill prior to construction of the slab. A capillary break consisting of a minimum of four inches of free-draining crushed rock or gravel should be placed below the slab. The free-draining material should have a fines content of 5 percent or less (percent passing the Number 200 sieve, based on the minus three-quarter inch fraction). In areas where slab moisture is undesirable, installation of a vapor barrier below the slab should be considered. If a vapor barrier is to be utilized it should be a material specifically designed for use as a vapor barrier and should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Retaining Walls Retaining walls must be designed to resist earth pressures and applicable surcharge loads. The following parameters can be used for retaining wall design: • Active earth pressure (yielding condition) 35 pcf (equivalent fluid) • At-rest earth pressure (restrained condition) 55 pcf • Traffic surcharge* (passenger vehicles) 70 psf (rectangular distribution) • Passive earth pressure 300 pcf (equivalent fluid) • Coefficient of friction 0.40 • Seismic surcharge 6H** (active condition) • Where applicable •• Where H equals retained height The above design parameters are based on a level backfill condition and level grade at the wall toe. Revised design values will be necessary if sloping grades are to be used above or below retaining walls. Additional surcharge loading from adjacent foundations, sloped backfill, or other loads should be included in the retaining wall design. Retaining walls should be backfilled with free-draining material that extends along the height of the wall, and a distance of at least 18 inches behind the wall. The upper one foot of the wall backfill can consist of a less permeable soil, if desired. A perforated drain pipe should be placed along the base of the wall, and connected to an approved discharge location. A typical retaining wall drainage detail is provided on Plate 3. If drainage is not provided, hydrostatic pressures should be included in the wall design. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates July 5, 2016 Drainage ES-4576 Page 9 During our subsurface exploration completed on June 16, 2016, groundwater table depth observed at the boring location was approximately 16 feet bgs but may rise during the wetter winter and spring months. Localized zones of seepage should be expected within site excavations. We do not anticipate extensive dewatering efforts will be needed during the excavation phase of construction. Temporary measures to control groundwater seepage and surface water runoff during construction would likely involve interceptor trenches and sumps. In our opinion, foundation drains should be installed along building perimeter footings. A typical foundation drain detail is provided as Plate 4. Utility Support and Trench Backfill In our opinion, on-site soils will generally be suitable for support of utilities. Remedial measures, such as overexcavation and replacement with structural fill or placement of geotextile fabric, may be necessary in some areas in order to provide adequate support for utilities, especially within existing fills. Groundwater seepage may be encountered in utility excavations and caving of trench walls may occur where groundwater is encountered. Temporary construction dewatering, as well as temporary trench shoring, may be necessary during utility excavation and installation as conditions warrant. In general, on-site soils will likely not be suitable for use as structural backfill in the utility trench excavations, unless the soil is at or near the optimum moisture content at the time of placement and compaction. Moisture conditioning of the soils may be necessary at some locations prior to use as structural fill, especially where groundwater seepage is encountered. Each section of utility line must be adequately supported in the bedding material. Utility trench backfill should be placed and compacted to the specifications of structural fill as previously detailed in this report, or to the applicable specifications of the City of Renton or other responsible jurisdiction or agency. Pavement Sections The performance of site pavements is largely related to the condition of the underlying subgrade. To ensure adequate pavement performance, the subgrade should be in a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to proofrolling with a loaded dump truck. Structural fill in pavement areas should be compacted as recommended in the Site Preparation and Earlhwork section of this report. It is possible that soft, wet, or otherwise unsuitable subgrade areas may still exist after base grading activities. Areas of unsuitable or yielding subgrade conditions will require remedial measures such as overexcavation, cement treatment, placement of geotextile, and/or thicker crushed rock or structural fill sections, prior to pavement. For lightly loaded pavement areas subjected primarily to passenger vehicles, the following preliminary pavement sections may be considered: Earth Solutions NW, LLC Burkheimer Family, LLC c/o Lance Mueller & Associates July 5, 2016 ES-4576 Page 10 • A minimum of two inches of hot mix asphalt (HMA) placed over four inches of crushed rock base (CRB), or; • A minimum of two inches of HMA placed over three inches of asphalt treated base (ATB). For relatively high volume, heavily loaded pavements subjected to moderate to high, loaded truck traffic, the following preliminary pavement sections may be considered: • A minimum of three inches of HMA placed over six inches of CRB, or; • A minimum of three inches of HMA placed over four-and-one-half inches of ATB. The HMA, ATB, and CRB materials should conform to WSDOT specifications. All soil base material should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Final pavement design recommendations can be provided once final traffic loading has been determined. Additionally, City of Renton road standards may supersede the recommendations provided in this study. LIMITATIONS The recommendations and conclusions provided in this study are professional opinions consistent with the level of care and skill that is typical of other members in the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. A warranty is not expressed or implied. Variations in the soil and groundwater conditions observed at the test locations may exist and may not become evident until construction. ESNW should reevaluate the conclusions provided in this study if variations are encountered. Additional Services ESNW should have an opportunity to review final designs with respect to the geotechnical recommendations provided in this report. ESNW should also be retained to provide testing and consultation services during construction. Earth Solutions NW, LLC ""' ST I . i Reference: King County, Washington Map 656 By The Thomas Guide Rand McNally 32nd Edition NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. Drwn. MRS ·,:,1 --- ' "'1utions NWLLc · ing Construc-t1on Mo1'1tor1·\1 rotm"Ental Soem:es Vicinity Map Starbucks atAirport Plaza Renton, Washington Date07/05/2016 Proj. No. 4576 Checked AZS Date July 2016 Plate 1 I 1-------- I I [ _______ , I I LEGEND I B-1 I Approximate Location of I -• -ESNW Boring, Proj. No. : I ES-4576, June 2016 :--I Subject Site D Proposed Building NORTH 0 1 11 =40' s -- 80 NOTE: The graphics shown on this plate are not intended for design purposes or precise scale measurements, but only to illustrate the approximate test locations relative to the approximate locations of existing and/ or proposed site features. The information illustrated is largely based on data provided by the client at the time of our study. ESNW cannot be responsible for subsequent design changes or inlerpretation of the data by others. NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. ----------------~ Dumpster ---- R.AINlER. • s-1 I ~·•-· -------- A\i\NUF S. ,>lotions NWLtc dng Constr ,rct1on t,',onito'1rg 1 ·ronrrental Soences ,i• Boring Location Plan Starbucks at Airport Plaza Renton, Washington Drwn. MRS Date 07/0512016 Proj. No. 4576 Checked AZ.S Date July 2016 Plate 2 L 18" Min . .. 0 Q O Q o C Q o ,O o O"' o Oo ,o o JJ o .QO o oQ o 00 o O o()0 0 0 0 o O ooO"oo (J, Oo ci "' 0 o o O o ·= 0 00 0 0 '? 0 0 0 0 o oo O -· 0,:, Q o 0 o Q 0 0 ° o<:() e S? : : o c5 o 0 0 ne 0 o~ooo oo 2t OoO,:,_o O 0 0 o O oo o-otaO 0 0· 0 0 0 0 0 OooO ., 9 _Q:!=I. a o o Oo -40 Q. o 8 00 0°0 o· Oo c;," ooO 0 0 0 Q ·. 0 0 o O 0 0 oO _o ~"! o o O O O o0 oq Cl O oo o • o o· ,., o Q o -o V 0 c, o 0 o O 0 °a' 0 0 Q O O C O O "o O O t'J 0 • 0 • o o Q O O 0 o OO CO Q o 0 O coo 0 0 0 0 0 Do O Q 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 oQ <>o o o o oQ o o o o ao o Cg 0 0 0 o O Ck O o Q i:P 'bo e o O Oo°o o: 0 structural Fill NOTES: ' Perforated Drain Pipe (Surround In Drain Rock) • Free Draining Backfill should consist of soil having less than 5 percent fines. Percent passing #4 should be 25 to 75 percent. • Sheet Drain may be feasible in lieu of Free Draining Backfill, per ESNW recommendations. • Drain Pipe should consist of perforated, rigid PVC Pipe surrounded with 1" Drain Rock. LEGEND: Free Draining Structural Backfill 1 inch Drain Rock SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL Starbucks at Airport Plaza Renton, Washington Drwn. MRS Date 07/05/2016 Pro;. No. 4576 Checked AZ.S Date July 2016 Plate 3 Slope ... Perforated Rigid Drain Pipe (Surround with 1" Rock) NOTES: • Do NOT tie roof downspouts to Footing Drain. • Surface Seal to consist of 12" of less permeable, suitable soil. Slope away from building. LEGEND: iIT8ITT Surface Seal; native soil or lliilij other low permeability material . SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • Drwn. MRS FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL starbucks at Airport Plaza Renton, Washington Date0?/05/2016 Proj. No. 4576 Checked AZ.S Date July 2016 Plate 4 Appendix A Subsurface Exploration ES-4576 The subsurface conditions at the site were explored by advancing a boring using a trailer- mounted drill rig and operator retained by our firm. The subsurface explorations were completed on June 16, 2016. The approximate location of the boring is illustrated on Plate 2 of this report. The boring logs are provided in this Appendix. The boring was advanced to a maximum depth of 31.5 feet bgs. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Earth Solutions NWLLc SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS L!:ftER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE TI-JAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE FINE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SMAUER 11-IAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE SAND AND SANDY SOILS CLEAN GRAVELS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) GRAVELS WITH FINES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) CLEAN SANDS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) SANDS WITH MORETHAN50% FINES OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING ON NO. 4 s1gve (APPRECIABLE SILTS AND CLAYS SILTS AND CLAYS AMOUNT OF FINES) LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS , ,11, il ~ ~ il.~11, .,H GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL. SAND MIXTURES, L\TrlE OR NO FINES POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES S1L1Y GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- SILT MIXTURES CLA.YEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- CLAY MIXTURES WELL-GRADED SANOS, GRAVELLY SANDS, UTTlE OR NO FINES POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR NO FINES SILTY SANOS, SANO-SILT MIXrURES CLAYEY SANDS, SANO-CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SIL TS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, Sil TY OR CLAYEY FINE SANOS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVEllY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS ORGANIC SI~ TS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC SIL TS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS PEAT, HUMUS. SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS DUAL SYMBOLS are used to indicate borderline soil classifications. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the material presented in the attached logs. • Earth Solutions NW SOR.ING NUMBER B-1 1805 -136th Place N.E., Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 PAGE 1 OF 2 Telephone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425-449-4711 CLIENT Burkheimer Famil;t 1 LLC PROJECT NAME Starbucks at Aiaiort Pla,a PROJECT NUMBER 4576 PROJECT LOCATION Renton 1 Washington DATE STARTED 6/16116 COMPLETED 6/16/16 _ GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE DRILLING CONTRACTOR Geologic Drill GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRtLLING METHOD HSA 5,J_ AT TIME OF DRILLING 16.0 ft LOGGED BY AZS CHECKED BY AZS __ ·-·----AT END OF DRILLING - NOTES Surtace Conditions: as~halt_ 5" AFTER DRILLING - w '#-a_ r /: ffi ~ <J) iiJ ui g $ ,-:, I(j ti:e wm w 02---' u __J :,; > _J=>§ TESTS <ti "-o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w-a_:, 0 r?.-' 0 mo ::i :,; z (.) u;;_ 0 ~ w O'. 0 ' I Brown poorly graded GRAVEL with silt, loose, moist {Fill) -- - -X 2-3--2 ss 100 MC =20.70% (5) GP - 5 [USDA Classification: extremely gravelly loamy SAND] ,<%o -becomes medium dense -y ss 100 16-9-6 MC= 12.40% -(15) Fines = 8. 30% r -7.0 Gray SILT, loose, moist ,. -ix 2-1-4 -wood fragments ss 100 (5) MC=28.80% ML " 10 10.0 -1) Black poorly graded SAND, very loose, moist ss 100 2-2-1 MC=23.80% -(3) . . SP -" ~ .:. . 15 MC=45.80% 15.5 ss 100 2-6-6 LL= 50 \( Sandy fat CLAY, stiff, wet (12) PL=26 -water table at 16' .. -wood fragments r - CH r - " - 20 20.0 /Continued Next Page) • Earth Solutions NW BORING NUMBER B-1 1805 -136th Place N.E., Suite 201 PAGE 2 OF 2 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Telephone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425-449-4711 CLIENT Burkheimer Famill. LLC -"~·---PROJECT NAME Starbucks at Ai[l>Ort Plaza PROJECT NUMBER 4576 PROJECT LOCATION Renton, Washiilgfoi'J. w >f'. ~ ffi i;:= "'w ui (J J: 5' I-::, :i:c., fug w<D w oz~ TESTS cj 0. 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ...J:E > _J:::) .§ ui ~...J 0 Cl.::, 0 <D 0 :j !z 0 o;,. c., w a:: .20 Black poorly graded SAND with silt and gravel, medium dense, wet X ss 100 2-5-5 MC =21.90% (10) . r -- f-- 25 [USDA Classification: very gravelly SAND] V ss 100 10-12-13 MC= 14,50% SP--6" gravel lens I--/\ (25) Fines = 6. 70% SM to ,- ~ 30 X ss 100 7-11-14 MC= 19.50% r (25) -~1-5 Boring terminated at 31.5 feet belo~ existing grade. Groundwater table encountered at 16.0 feet during drilling. Bottom of hole at 31.5 feet. ~ ~ Appendix B Laboratory Test Results ES-4576 Earth Solutions ~' LLC • Ealth Solutio ..... W, LLC GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 1B05136th PL NE Bellevue WA 98005 Telephone: 4252843300 CLIENT Burkheimer Familv LLC c/o LMJ\ PROJECT NAME Starbucks at Aiffiort Plaza PROJECT NUMBER ES.4576 PROJECT LOCATION Renton ·--· U.S. S!EVE OPENING IN INCHES I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 • 1 3/.4 1/23/8 3 4 6 B '.I 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100140200 100 I ' 1\ I I I I \'._ I I I : 95 \! \" 90 \ "" ... . .. ' . 85 ' : ii ', : BO :1 ': 75 : I 70 .. \ ' ' 65 .. . . : ' i f-"' :,: C) 60 ~ ~ >-55 : "' O'. LJ.J 50 z u: ._ f-45 ' z LJ.J ' : 0 40 .. O'. : \ LJ.J " I \ 0.. 35 -\ 30 . . .. . * \ 25 ~ '\ ' ~ : 20 ~-\ \ 15 10 ' : 'i 5 0 . 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS . COBBLES GRAVEL I SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine I coarse medium fine I Specimen Identification Classification Cc Cu • B-1 5.00ft. USDA: Brown Extremely Gravelly Loamy Sand. USCS: GP-GM with Sand. 0.47 03.7l • Clli B-1 5.00ft. Brown Extremely Qravelly L<>arriy Sand .. ... B-1 15.00ft. Gray Sandy Fat CLAY, CH ; * B-1 25.00ft. USDA: Gray Very Gravelly Sand. USCS: SP-SM with Gravel. 0.40 18.25: @ B-1 25.00ft. Gray Very Gravelly Sand 1.31 5.01 [ Specimen Identification Oibo 060 030 010 LL PL Pl %Silt %Clay • B-1 5.0ft. 37.5 9.787 0.66 0.094 8.3 iZI B-1 5.0ft. 2 0.344 0.115 21.6 ... B-1 15.0ft. 0.075 50 26 24 52.4 * B-1 25.0ft. 37.5 1.912 0.283 0.105 6.7 @ B-1 25.0ft. 2 0.351 0.18 11.1 • Earth Solutions NW, LLC A 1TERBERG LIMITS' RES UL TS 1805 136th PL NE Bellevue WA 98005 Telephone: 4252843300 CLIENT Burkheimer Famitv LLC c/o.LMA PROJECT NAME Starbucks at Ai[!?:Ort Plaza PROJECT NUMBER ES-4576 PROJECT LOCA 110N Renton 60 V ® @) 50 p / L A / s 40 ---V T I / C I 30 T ~ y I N 20 ,,, D V E X / 10 I/ CL-ML_ / @ @ 0 - 0 20 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT Specimen Identification LL PL Pl Fines Classification • B-1 15.0 50 26 24 52.4 Gray Sandy Fat CLAY, CH - - -- - --- --- -------- -· • EMAIL ONLY Report Distribution ES-4576 Lance Mueller & Associates 130 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 250 Seattle, Washington 98122 Attention: Mr. Lance Mueller Earth Solutions NW, LLC , I • t SUBDIVISION Issued By: @CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES Burkheimer Family LLC Guarantee/Certificate Number: 0071502-06 herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth in Schedule A. Please note carefully the liability exclusions and limitations and the specific assurances afforded by this guarantee. If you wish additional liability, or assurances other than as contained herein, please contact the Company for further information as to the availability and cost. Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2700 Seattle, WA 98104 Countersigned By: Authorized Officer or Agent Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 1 Chicago Title Insurance Company By: President Attest: Secretary / Printed: 06.16.16@10:12AM W A-CT-F NS E-02150. 6224 76-SPS-1-16-0071502-06 ' ' CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0071502-06 Liability $1,000.00 Effective Date: June 9, 2016 at 12:00 AM ISSUING OFFICE: Title Officer Commercial I Unit 6 Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2700 Seattle. WA 98104 Main Phone: (206)628-5610 Email: CTISeaTitleUnit6""ctt.com SCHEDULE A Premium $350.00 The assurances referred to on the face page are: Tax $33.60 That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matter relative to the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Title to said real property is vested in: Burkheimer Family limited liability company subject to the matters shown below under Exceptions, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority. END OF SCHEDULE A Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 2 Printed: 06.16.16@ 10:12 AM WA-CT -FN SE-02150.6224 76-S PS-1-16-0071 502-06 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description A portion of the Donation Land Claim of Diana B. Smithers, formerly Diana B. Tobin, a widow, and the heirs at law of Henry H. Tobin, deceased, designated as Claim Number 37, and a portion of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly margin of Lake Street, as dedicated in the plat of Renton Real Estate Co.'s 1st Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Plats, page 50, in King County, Washington, with the westerly production of the southerly line of Block 1 of said plat; Thence northerly along the westerly margin of said Lake Street to the southerly margin of Airport Way (formerly known as Dixie Avenue) as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Recording Number 3262529; Thence westerly along said southerly margin to the easterly margin of Primary State Highway Number 5 as established by King County Superior Court Cause Number 345733; Thence southerly along said easterly margin to the northerly margin of South Tobin Street (formerly Tobin Avenue); thence easterly along said northerly margin to the true point of beginning; Except that portion thereof described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly margin of Primary State Highway Number 5 as established by King County Superior Court Cause Number 345733 and the southerly margin of Airport Way (formerly Dixie Avenue) as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Recording Number 3262529; Thence southerly along the easterly margin of Primary State Highway Number 5, a distance of 155.10 feet to a point; Thence easterly parallel to the northerly margin of South Tobin Street (formerly Tobin Avenue), a distance of 147.16 feet to a point 199.83 feet south of the southerly margin of said Airport Way and parallel to the westerly margin of Lake Street; Thence northerly parallel to the westerly margin of Lake Street, a distance of 199.83 feet to the southerly margin of said Airport Way; Thence westerly along said southerly margin a distance of 30 feet to a point; Thence southwesterly along said southerly margin a distance of 147.08 feet to the true point of beginning. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 3 Printed: 06.16.16@ 10:12 AM WA-CT-F NSE-02150 .622476-S PS-1-16-0071502-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0071502-06 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS H. Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 4 Printed: 06.16.16@10:12AM WA-CT -F NS E-02150.6224 76-$ PS-1-16-0071502-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0071502-06 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B (continued) 1. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Ingress, egress and parking December 13, 1982 8212130390 As described therein Said easement was amended by instrument recorded under Recording Number 8304060455. 2. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company Underground communication lines June 29, 1983 8306290516 As described therein 3. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Sanitary sewer and storm sewer April 6, 1983 8304060455 As described therein 4. Covenants, conditions and restrictions but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, source of income, gender, gender identity, gender expression, medical condition or genetic information, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth in the document Recording Date: Recording No.: May 27, 1993 9305270481 5. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Electric transmission and/or distribution lines September 14, 1993 9309140410 As described therein 6. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate City of Renton Street lights April 1, 1994 9404010853 As described therein Page 5 Printed: 06.16.16@ 10:12 AM WA-CT -FN SE-02150. 6224 76-SPS-1-16-0071502-06 ' . CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0071502-06 SCHEDULE B (continued) 7. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: City of Renton Utilities April 1, 1994 9404010854 As described therein 8. Any question that may arise due to shifting or change in the course, boundaries or high water line of Black River or due to prior shifting or changing of the course, boundaries or high water line; and rights of the State of Washington in and to that portion of said Land, if any, lying in the bed or former bed of Black River. 9. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2016 Tax Account No.: 182305-9245-04 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $376,300.00 Assessed Value-Improvements: $1,000.00 General and Special Taxes: Billed: Paid: Unpaid: Affects: $5,000.34 $2,500.17 $2,500.17 Portion of said premises 10. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2016 Tax Account No.: 000720-0193-06 Levy Code: 21 00 Assessed Value-Land: $1,205,800.00 Assessed Value-Improvements: $2,276,100.00 General and Special Taxes: Billed: Paid: Unpaid: Affects: $46,042.93 $23,021.47 $23,021.46 Remainder of said premises Note: FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per Amended RCW 65.04.045. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document: Portion of Donation Land Claim No. 37 and Portion Section 18-23-5 Tax Account No.: 000720-0193-06 and 182305-9245-04 Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 6 Printed: 06.16.16@ 10:12 AM WA-CT-FN SE-02150.6224 76-SP S-1-16-0071502-06 • ·, •. i CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0071502-06 SCHEDULE B (continued) The legal description in this certificate is based on infonrnation provided with the application and the Public Records. All parties must notify the Title Insurance Company if the description does not conform to their expectations END OF SCHEDULE B Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 7 Printed: 06.16.16@10:12AM WA-CT-F NSE-02150 .6224 76-S PS-1-16-0071502-06 ~ ' .... \ ,,,.-· ...... ------! ------;------------------j ~--~"!.!...~V ---1--c:r---$0 ' ,, -: ---,-----.. --·------L-~ @. CHICAliO TITLE OF WASHINliTON ® ' \to \a, 'I "' , .. ' '"' ' ' I ' I I ! / 0 "' ' 0 I ----f 1/\ --. --- 0 .. / - -1\\t~, .os\ &1 /~ ., . I ~ ~, ';' I 0:) 3: o,,:ii: 30 .. --4(;·;-s·--+-··-·4if-···i · ·-·--·--· -··f··- ' ' ' 1 ' 2 3 ' %10 ' ' ' 4 ORDER NO. 0071502-06 06/16/2016 --\ ~ ~· , ;rd, ~ o d,I::] U'\ ~I 10 I ,_. I~ . '" ..,,: , , :; . '5 15 I -' ' : ' 16650 o,b3s APN 182305-9245-04 & 000720-0193-06 ? ~ I 1 \ rn ;S . ~ ~...9 \ I .. ·~ t\ ~ I ico \ \'~ rn \ i:s j 0 U'\ /~ '92!1()5 O'I M .,,,_, • / m1 H l.tl r, ~ ' ·~ O O CQ' '1. i Ii i "' I I / / \ I I I . '1 ',;ti 29300 SF i ~ -,,..._ ~ '11 ~ " 9237 """' / C"'J 0"93 t ::t:J.. ·._l. ! 147 16 ' ...--_;,, == . t \~ I Z 669~0 ' ~ :~ ,-~---------------1l: rp 0 0 rl ! lo Legend 40 , 40 c::Je,a I ' 6 ' 5 I Item No. 1 -Ease for Ingress, Egress and 4 Parti:ing recorded 7¥9:!o "" : 12/13/1982 tt 8212130390 & 8304060455 OR g I (Unlocatable) rl: Item No. 2 -Ease for Underground Communication I lines recorded 00 SF r 06129/1983 # 8306290516 OR (Unlocatable) 0020 ! Item No. 3 -Ease for Sanitary Sewer and Storm ! Sewer recorded fl 8 3: 0 ~ o,~ 04/06/1983 # 8304060455 OR(Unkx:atable) ttem No. 5-Ease fo, Elednic Transmission tz3J and Oistfl>ution Lines recorded 09/14/1993 # 9309140410 OR - Item No. B -Ease for Street lights recorded 04/01/1994 # 9404010853 OR \ ,-, \ It,.:. ~\~,£. 18819 S / ~ TCC i '. · \ i 0193 : uuu~ 3 \-I-'--~-• J 1 2 001 5 ~ 122930 0 Lil 0016 ,-1 I 0 <J) 91 ~ Item No. 7 • Ease for Utilities recorded ~ 04/01/1994 # 9404010854 OR '· \ \ I ~o 40 40 I \ \ I r·--\---~---\---------------\ I ~ \ \ N 86-13 W -------------~---------1 I \ \ \ 362 +/-~\--·--g-----------------32 I ', \ \ I This nplplat Ill b&lng fumlshed as an ak:I In locating the herein ' '\. i' ~ 1 3 0 dncr11led Land In relatton ta adjoining stJNm, natural boundartes I "-k 'l,l\.... i , 1 1 o\lO 30 33 .9 37 , andoltlert&"ld,andlsnotasurveyor11e1anttoeplded.Elceept I \: I I ID the extent • polk:y of title lnsunn:e Is expressly modified by ~k ... 't:t...~,1$) '.IA060o 1 \. I B 7' 6 5 endonlernent,lfany,theCornpenydoe9nollnuedlmenslons, _;,_ l , ~'P'>v· · o·os : \ \ ::::.8· location or easement., amtageorohr matters shown ., --····· \. i A This Agreement is among; RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREFJ!ENT ~ dated and effective on November.Y , 1982 by and Name/Address/ Telephone No. John A. Burkheimei; Testamentary Trust c/o Burkheimer Management Company 901 Tower Building Seattle, ffA 9Sl0l (206) 622-4602 The EVB Company 1221 Broadway Oakland, CA 94612 Attn: Vice President-Real Estate (415) 271-7000 Saga Enterprises Inc. 200 Second Avenue West Seattle, WA 98119 Attn: ( 206) 281-3550 82/12/13 RECD F CASHSL Identified Herein Landlord EVB a.so ............ 8.50 22 Black Angus RECORDED THIS Ol1 ·r flEc 13 IJ 02AH'BZ B ~YfHE Dl't:!jF('."! OF , Notices: Any notice or ~ernand desired or required l:o bhi::g~J~~·~J(.ff_l!1)~l1~· ~/: hereunder shall be in writing and deemed given when persona-1:'r:y·~.!1 •:. ;· ·: delivered or deposited in the U.S. Mail, Postage prepaid, sent • : certified or registered, return receipt requested, and addressed as respectively set forth above or to such other address as any party shall have previously designated by like notice. (a) Landlord is the owner of a tract of land located in Renton, Washington, bounded by Rainer Avenue, Airport Way, Lake Avenue South and South Tobin Street, and more particularly de.scribed in Exhibits A and B hereto. Landlord leases the Parcel described in Exhibit A to Black Angus and the Parcel described in Exhibit B to EVB. [b) All of the parties are aware that EVB intends to construct a restaurant building containing approxlllately 7,000 square feet including storage area which would require a minimum of 63 parking spaces under the local ordinance and that the area of EVS'a portion of said Parcel will not accommodate those required parking spaces. (c) This Agreement is intendt?f to carry out the purpose of Artic3:e 28 of the Lease dated August z.:::; 1980 between Landlord and Black rlLtU !lJf Kecura at Requ~ oi ..fft",llf;.n~~ lbJ I 1% EXCISE TAX NOT REC!UJflED 1YaJ Co. r.econ1s llMSIG!l II) ]) &~.,.4 ' DOpufy I I I ' • I ,.., Angus and to provide for the allocation of responsibilities between Black Angus and EVB. The parties agree as follows: 1, Each party hereby grants to each other party non-exclusive easements and the ri9ht for the parties and all persons, firms and corporations conducting business with them and their respective customers, guests, licensees, invitees, tenants, subtenants, employees and agents, to use those portions of said Parcel owned by the Landlord which are improved as automobile parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular accessways, sidewalks and passageways for ingress and egress, parking and all purposes for which such areas would customarily be utilized. This grant does not prohibit a change in the layout of said Parcel ao long as such change does not reduce parking spaces available to users to a point where continued use either (i) is not reasonably accessible to each user or {ii) does not comply with the local ordinance. The parties have approved a Site Plan dated 9-3-82, includin9 a redesign of the landscaping and parking areas on, and relocation of access to streets adjacent to, said Parcel. EVB shall be responsible for completing all improvements shown on the approved Site Plan within its portion of said Parcel, the relocation of the curb cut to the East of said portion and the landscape island on the common property line. 3, Black Angus and EVB shall each be responsible for the day-to-day maintenance, repair and replacement of their respective portions of said Parcel. If either Black Angus or EVB desires to undertake repair or replacement work it believes will benefit both of them, it will notify the other of the scope of such work, and each of them agree to use good faith efforts to arrive at a mutually satisfactory sharing of the cost of such work. 4. Black Angus and EVB each agree to conduct their respective operations on said Parcel in such a manner as to minimize interference or disruption of the other's operations, s. Black Angus and EVB hereby indemnify and save each other harmless from any and all liability, damage, expense, cause of action, suit, claim or judgment arising from injury to person or property and occuring on their respective portions of said Parcel. Black Angus and EVB each agree that they will at all times during the duration of this Agreement maintain and pay for comprehensive broad form public liability insurance, naming the other party as an additional insured with not less than $2,000,000 combined single limits. Each party shall furnish to the other party a certificate evidencing that the insurance required hereunder has been obtained. 6. If the ter~ of either the Black An9us lease or the EVB lease expires or is terminated, Landlord shall cause any successor tenant to assume the obligations of its predecesor hereunder. -2- \ ' '---.i ~i ' J / I'""\ r, 7. Black Angus and EVB each agree to cause their respective assignees, and their successor assignee&, to assume the obligations of their respective predecessors hereunder. e. This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until April 30, 2013. IN NI!IWESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. Landlord John A. Burkbeimer Testamentary Trust by a_.......-:::::::::~.w,.: ~urkheimer Co-Trustee Peoples National Bank ~ vt' +--Tt"':? 1 ul •'r~ Co-Trustee The EVB Company by by '·:: .• -:~:, li~ \~iUlin ~:;wmes, PD \~ n;dMdllll _ Gt Saga Enterprises Inc. i. ! _J A D. l 9~ bofor11 mn,. the 11ndusi;ncd, a Notary duly conuniuioncd and ,worn pcrson.lly appeared to me known lo bo du: individual-dcacribed i11 11.nd _ta e:l.ecutcd tho forc;:oina: ia1humm1t. and a3nowlodi:;~d lo me tha, ..Jtc._ 1l11ncd ancl ae111lc:d !he .. id inalrumc:nt a• .-~~"' and volun&aryac:l and deed (or theuact ~ purpo1e, lhereln mentioned. ' · WITNESS ni:, h11nd "nJ official 1e,I here lo a~Sc1:1h;""y ~nd )'CU In thia c:ertilic:11te above wrillen. . . .. :·.:\::o·.r /~ ... kcu 4-CnnO ·\~;·, · .. N::kiic1Gn,l~;s~::0""'?f'"------- , .. l,lh,1•"'-__,;-"'~--d~G~<i!,<'.. ______ _ I • I '----...:' --t i CORPORATE STATE OP CALI.PORNIA) COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) ••• On this day personally appeared before me J. R. Wheeler and P.H. Farrell to me known to be the President and Secretary of The-EVB Company, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and·deed of said ~orporation for the uses and purposes therein mentione·d, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute. said instrument and that the seal affixed thereto is the corporate seal of said corpora- tion. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL this 5th day of November, 1982. OFFICIAL SEAL . I ROlltl A. BENIGNO STONER ~ NOTARY PUBUC.CAUFORNIA~ 'W COUNTY OF ALAMEDA. ~~ " _ .... £ob,, "' "· "'' ~ . . --,, w{;~'1"- sTATE OF WHNT~U) 88 • NOTARY PUBLIC 1.n an Or the St7 e of California residing at Castro Valley COUN'l'Y OF-=-f(h\-eJ on this day personally appeared before me E, \,\). (o(/1 v1S.Jr: and.. -~ to me known to be the 1)1(4 rij1A1f1J~ and ~ ~ of Saga Enterprises, Inc., £he corporaton that execut8theWin and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for tl}e, uses and purpose~ therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ~e'f"l¥''authori~ed to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed thereto is the corporate seal of said corporation. STATEOFWASHINGTON } County of --~Kl~NG,,,__ "· 0111his ~ da)' of Q.u.e.,n bl)-, l9e:-,, before mc, lhc undcrslped, a Notary PubJlc In and for.~'t' State ofWnhlnglon duly commis.sionct! al'Jd sworn, pcrsomdly appeared E.T. a~ -1-' tomektlowntobelhe\JLt., Pt"1~Jl'll..t.,rt I,_ lfiUSTOFFJCtJc, ; 1 I I) of PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON-;-1hccorpo,'"!iiio~ha1 exeeutctl the foregoing lnstrumcnl, and acknowledged the said instTUmenl to be the free and volm;ilalY act.!lwhl.i.eed pl,_~ai<l.p1rp01,1tion, for the uses and purposes tlmeln mentioned, und an 011!1 staled thatvf,,e.. J~ ..,; ~\l~,Ql~~J?,c:f"}!I' 1hc said instrumcn1 and 1h01 tbc seal alfoted(if1ny} ls l11c coq,orate seal of.Aid ccrporatio11. .:::>/;t; ,..:;:.:,:.:.",_{\·."" Wi1nes1 my h111d and Drfteiol ~l lforcio ir!'i,tPO th %': : .. : ... n •. ; ~ t/?/; '\_ ·:.:.~ ....... ~ .. ~,1-1,s can6J r ·~ \ ·· • i CORPORATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ALAMEDA } ••• On this day personally appeared before me J. R. Wheeler and P. H. Farrell to me known to be the President and Secretary of The.EVB Company, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed. of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were &uthorized to execute. said instrument and that the seal affixed thereto is the corporate seal of said corpora- tion. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL this 5th day of November, 1982. OfflClAL SEAL i llOIIN A. IIENIGNO STONtR ~ NOTARY PUEIJC-CAUFORMA / COUNTY OF ALAMEDA 11J c..tuit11. ~ru lbJ 14, IIB~j NOTARY PUBLIC in Oller teitate of California residing at Castro Valley uJ.ii_,,,...,,__ STATE OF wesnflffl:"9v) COUNTY OF~~l-etf 66 " ' On this day personally appeared before me E1 \)...). Cof/11'1~f. and... ,........_ to me known to be the Hlra~vt;.y,J; and 9J&fW of Saga Enterprises, Inc., ~rporat:i.on that executed the wthtn and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for tl).e. uses ~nd purpose~ therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ~et'tf.(.'S:uthorized to execute said inatrument and that the seal affixed thereto is the corporate seal of said corporation. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL this ls(_ day of ~,,t,yi.982. ~IWllMQ1-1111111111tt1•aau1111111111111ml! 5@ M. N. JORDAN § ii NOTARY l'UIIUC -CAUfORMA ~ : · PRINCll'AL OfT\C~: Iii :: Iii SAN MATEO COUNTY : ;j Mr Co111ml1don ERpl«lt 1-~ay 8, 1~83 § itmRMIDlnllfllNIMIUU,UWIIUIIHllll<IIIIIIUQ - NOTARr.-~.M,*1~-':'=i-"""'=-"th=a-s"u=te=""'o~ w 1 l g ten res ..$:tr A. C'..llJ I fv-,,'11:•-· -4- ' / 2-·· / I CR}"'i\GO TITLE INSURANCE COHPA~ -~ A.L.T,A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Page 2 / i 54600 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COHHITMENT IS SITU.ATED IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON, AND rs DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: That portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.H., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Primary State Highway No. 5 (Rainier Avenue) and the southerly line of Airport Way {formerly Dixie Avenue as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Recording Number 3262529}; thence southerly along the easterly line of Primary State Highway No. 5, 155.10 feet to a point: thence easterly parallel to the northerly line of Tobin Avenue, a distance of 147.16 feet to a point 199.83 feet south of the southerly line of said Airport Way and parallel to the westerly line of Lake Streeti thence northerly parallel to the 'Weste-rly line of Lake Street, a distance of 199.83 feet to the southerly line of said Airport way; thence westerly alonq the southerly line of said Airport way, a distance of 30 feet to a point, thence southwesterly along the southerly line of said Airport Way, a distance of 147.08 feet to the point of beginnin91 EXCEPT that portion thereof, if any, lying west of the eastern line of ordinary high water of Black River, as of the year said rive~ ceaseed to be navigable. ~8 ~ '' EXHIBIT A THE PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN THIS LEASE IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY Of KING, STATE Of WASHINGTON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at the intersect ion of the westerly I ine of lake Street, as ahown on Renton Real Estate Co.'s 1st Addition to Renton, according tu the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Plets,. page SO, in King County, Washin9ton, with the westerly production of thn southerly I ine of Block I, of said platJ thence northerly olon9 the weste.rly I ine of uid Lake Street to the southerly I ine of Dixie Avenue (Airport Wey) as conveyed to the State of WRshington by deed recorded under Recording Nuinbcr J262,=i29; thence westerly along said southerly I ine to the ea1:1t('!l"ly I inc of Primary State Highwa)· No. 5; thence southerly along said easterly I ine to the northerly I ine of Tobin Avenue; thence easterly along said northerly I ine of Tobin Avenue to the point of Ueginning, EXCEPT the fol lowing portion of the above tract described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly I in~ of Primary Stlltl! Highway Mo. 5 (Rainier Avenue) and the southerly I ine of Airport Way (formerl)' Oi,de Avenue as conveyed to tho Stato of Wilshington by deed recorded under Recording Number 3262529); thence southerly along the easterly Iino of Primary State Highway No. 5, 1)5. IO feet to a point; thence easterly parallel to the northerly line of Tobin Avenue, • ~istance of 147,16 feet to a point 199,83 feet south of the southerl)' line of said Airport Way and para I lel to the westerly line of lake Strll!let; thence northerly para I lel to the westerly line of Lake Street, a distance of 199,83 feet to the southerlY line of aaid Airport Way; thence ~esterly along the southerly I ine of eeid Airport Way, a distance of 30 feet ta a point; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of aeid Airport Way, e distance of 147.08 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion thereof, if an)•, lying west of the Eestcrn I inc of ordinary high w.iter of Black Rive.r, es of the year said river ceeaed to be navigable. ., .:t j ., 1 1 !•.·.·. . ·l . ~ , ~·:,,,.-~.v, · .• · .. -.-: .. , i S3/04/0if.. 110455 6.00 AMENDMENT NO • l to RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECD. F CASHSL ""***6~00 22 . ,' .,,:. . ', ', - '!'hat-certain Reciprocal Ease~nt_ A·greetne~t -~e~O~-~~d ·0:n D_ecemb~r 13, · i·~S3 :-_undei Recordiri_g· ·.NC)~ _e2l~_l.3~39i) ).n _ Kil"lg c_ounty, Wa_shington -__ is hE!_tE!by amended a~ fo~lows: A. It~m .:3;: first sentence is· amended-·to re~d ·-- ·Black ·-Angus and EVB shall, each ---bt! respons:ibie f~~. th~: .d:ay- .. _to-day_.·maintenance, repair_ and_.repla:cement·,of their · ' . ·respe"Ctb,e "portions· of said :Parci_el, · Jncludin9 the-:storm · d_rai~_age_ ·s_y_stem. B_. lteni··9·1s···8.ddE!:d t·o read - ·The ~~itie~ \ave r~viewed and hereby. approve a s1t.E! utility plan (PS-1, dated 10/18/82)· which shows certain, underground util_i ty -_ lines which serve., .. the EVB :po_t'tion/ bf ;-:,th~· Pa-reel, and -·whiCh cross the Black--Angus_.-por-tion. of .~the ParCel.. · TheSe,-<_lines. ;include a 6" .. _sanita·ry _·S_eiwert··:-~ c:6:~. ~_torin·_ s·ewer·; ~elepliOne and power lines_; ·_ ~-s_h!.11.,·be, reSpons:ible ·for the day-_t_o-day maintenance_; _.r:epaii __ and ·:replacement of _·its utility_ lines which cross .the ·s1ack--An9'us 'Port'iOri of the Pa:rcel. C. Item-10 is added to read---. Evs:-.S~~11· _give Black Ang\ls 'tiVe _(s) days· -hotice--p-rioi:' to commence·ment of installation of the-herein --described utility·· l-_ine_s. EVB shall install ·said-: Utility_ lines-· in .a nianner· so ·-as: to minimize-interference with Or disruption = of_.the business conducted by Black: Angus .on_-_the. Black··· - Angus· portion of the Parcel. In addition;_ EVB shall ritake · such repairs to Black Angus 1 _Portion pf :the Pai:-cel as .. a_re ?nade necessary _by such utility l_ines inSta1·1atiOn, including; b"µt not limited to, patching· of·"paved ·surfaces. EVB sh"a.11 defend, indemnify ,and hold B18.ck_ A-ngus -_.arid landlord harmless from and against al+ cost, _liabilitY, - loss, .clai.m or damage, arisin9 ·o\lt ·o·f _the work_ perform.e·d _hereurider inCluding without limitB..tion ··claims for personal· injurj, an_d property damag·e·.-' · · · EVB .. ·shall repair any damage to· the .. Black -·Angus ·portion of the Parcel which is caused. by_,. or results from,-·-the installation of the utility lin,es, 1nc:1,u~~n~ w~~ho\lt ;;F COROf :l .1. HI~ !Jf. , . -1- ArR E 10 i1 AM. 'R} E I I I r I I i ! .. , ..••. , ........ ,...,7,.. '•,:; ·:·-·; I ! ,. .... limitation, 'cracks in the pavement, settlement and o"t:her ·. similar or .dissimilar damage... The det·ermillatio·n· ·as to · whether such. damage is caused by or results from EVB 1 s ·work_ permitted hereunder shall be made ··1n the first . 1ris_tance by Black Angus, whiCh shal_l ·notify EVB.· of such determination· and of the repairs _required. EVB shall.: thereupon "cOrmnence such repairs ·at_ its sole cost arid expense. within thirty (30) days-after receipt·of ·such notice, .unleSs EVB shall determine that the damage is not the result .of its work per·forllled hereunder·,. in .which. e'vent EVB shall so _tiotify Black Angus·. The parties· shal'l there- upon attempt in good faith to negotiat.e an. agreement .with respect to said repairs. If the parties have not·reached an agreement. within fifteen <.15)· days after the expi- ration of the thirty (30) day Period referred to above,· the matter will be referred ·to. billding ·arb.itr.atiOn,· ·which sh.all be Conducted in King County; Washington,. in accordant:e .with the rules of the American Arbitration .Associatiori· .. .,The parties shall .s.hal:'e. thE: .·cost of }n1ch · · arbi tra·tion · equally. -- If EVB agr88_s.'.that the repai_rs. are -to ·be made by,.EVB, EVB shall, 8.s set forth above, _commenCe-such repairs with,in thirty ·(30) ·d·ays after notiCE! · .from ·Blc!-Ck. Angus and shall diligently _pl:'Osecute such repairs_.to completio_n_.-: -If such repair.a ·.are ·not completed pr.omptly r _)3lack ·Angus: may unde·rtake. to do same and BVB shall reimburse . Blick Angus, upon demand,·. for the entire cost -thereof. -said· amount shall bear interest at the rate-of twel'Ve··pe·r.~erit (12%) per.annum £rom the date due until paid .in full. Except as ·her·ein specifically ·amended, si:lid Aijreement .:sh.S:1i continue in effeCt in accordance ·wi.th its terms .and conditions. DATED: Ma~ch 24, 1983 LANDLORD The·_. EVB Company John A;· Burkheimer /1_ ·,,c') ... J Testamentary Trust By: _ _,~""-_:_..:...::__'_<_·_·_...../_:-,='""'-== President By: # ~~,__: By,___,_,l'-"'-'-t-'-"·7-udi=~~ ~urkheirner Secretary co-Trustee PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK SAGA ENTERPRISES INC. '" ~: J;J (W,-_ · /r'ts: Vice President. .. ·. C~ -~ '.·1 ,::-:~ngton · r.iccute; 11w. -' , , i:s w~hin m:med c.:;··.~ ,, · .. ~~sumcs no fi3Ltil:ly h;;1~t·1:;:· 1;, ,;. uJrndua\ Qr . c~.:;:.{lt.i:.C c2~·.;1~·,. r I ,. ' ' .. ·~ ·; .,,.,'., :. ' ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) COUNTY OF SAN MATEO) ACKNOWLEOGMENT ss: Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State,. on this day personally appeared ERNEST w. COLLINS, , known to me to be the person and officer whose _n_a_m_e~i~.~.-u~b-s_c_r_i~bed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of said SAGA ENTERPRISES INC. , a CALIFORNIA CORPORATION , and that he executed the same as the act of said corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. COUNTY OF · ALAMEDA ) seal of office, this 24th Notary4Je-- San Mateo ~california My commission expires: day of On this 29th day of March, 1983, before me, the undereigned Notary Public· it!. and fo·r the State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, ~ersonally appeared ·J. R. Wheeler and P.H. Farre11 to me known to be. the President and Secretary, respectively, of The EVB Company, the corporation that executed the foregoing inatruaent, and acknowledged·the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said JR. ,__ -----l'nT"l"ln..-aHnn-fn..--"'t"h•""••"'.aa=a"..l"'"",..""aaa-t-hA_.C .. -o.,.t-i·nn•A.-ftA.-<"nft-..n•t-h------- I I STATE OF ILH } Q, Co11nly of A:tnt On due ,,l/d ':--c-''-'-''-':'c;c'-"'-----A, D. 191::!!._ before me. the 11ndcnianod, a Notary day of duly ~ommiuioned and° ,worn pertonally appeared ..r . to mo known to be the i11dividual!:::C dc,cribcd in and who •eeu1cd c forca:olng in.tl.JUmont, and aclinawlcdg:ed to me ,hafi..he.f:t. 1igned and 1e•alcd 1hc Hid ~n,trument as--f/,//r free and voluntary act and deed fo~,l~,)l~~,G~~ ·p~rpo,ea. J . > .• ) ... •-'.'. therein mentio11od. . · : ~·J ~ 1 1 ... .\\ ... /- WJTNESS niy hand 111nJ official 1cnl hereto affixed 1hc dny and year in thia certilicatc abova.;,:Jtfd\. '·:~.. :_ :· ·. . ~ •. •'>;.' - . , ~~,,!-,WJ a~(>!:- No,,,.,. P11blic In •nd ::t:h• Stala o1 Jtft: , ,11, ..-· tHhlins•• -'lkT<44c< ·11"\ i I J i ' ; i j ..• _.,..,_.,,.;, :--.-1 \. ,, ! ' .' ' / l ' f / STATE OP CALIPORNIA) ) ... COUNTY OP SAN MATEO) ACKNOWLEDGMENT Before me, the undersigned, a Notary PubliC in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared ERNEST w. COLLINS, ::-:~,-,.----'T""~~• known to me to be the person and off leer whose name ls subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of said SAGA ENTERPRISES INC. , a CALIFORNIA CORPORATION , and that he executed the same as the act of said corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. day of STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) On thiS 29th day of March, 1983, b8fore me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, .personally appeared J. R, Wheeler and P. H. Farrell to me known tO be the President and Secretary, respectively, of The EVB Company, the corporation ·that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said iristrument to be the free and voluntary act and dead of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oat_h stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument an_d that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness ray hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. JR, Notary Public in and for the State of California residing at Oakland l EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:$/r-l Job S'HP,;6; R/W Reference 80// .J Forand in conslderallonof Mnta11l. B0t1efit , the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as Grantor(s), hereby grants a perpetual easemen11o Paclf!c Northwesl Bell Telephone Company, a Washington Corporation. Its successon; and asslgns, hereinafter referred lo as Gran1,e, with lhe right, prlvffege and authority to place, construct. maintain, Inspect, reconstruct, repair, replace. remove and keep obstacles clearlrorn Grantee's lac:11111es consisting of __ _ Hndergr01md Corntrn1tt1eetion Tires J and other appurtenances as the Grantee may lrom time to lime require over, acrosa, l4>0fl and under lhe hereinafter described ~ _propertysltualedln K:Jng County,Stateor Waebirgt:or andlsdescrlbedasfollowa: °<! _f. A strip oE land Five (5) feet in width along a centerline established by the installat.ion of a famamication line acroee the following described property: i;> per the attached s te plan. ' J That portion of the Southwest Quarter or the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Townehip 23 North, Range 5 E. W.M., in King County, Washington, described. aa follower Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Lake street, as shown on !ent.on Real Estate Co.' s First Addition to Renton, according to the ?.lat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Plats, pa.gs 50, 1n lCing County, Wuh1ngton, with the Westerly production of the Southerl.y line of Bl.ock 1, of sa1d. plat I thence Northerly alo~ the Westerly line of es.id Lake Street to the Southerly line or Dixie Avenue (Airport Way) as conveyed to the State of Wa~ deed recorded mtder recording No. 3262529; thence Westerly along ~~·~o the 'Eaeter1y line of Primary State Highway No •. 5; thence Southerly along eaid Easterly line to the Northerly line ot Tobin Avenue; thence Easterl.7 a1ong said !lort.harly line of Tobin Avenue to the ~ of begimrl.ng1 Except:. the following portion of the above tract described as follows~ Granlee shall at al times have the rlgh1 or lull and free ~i'Xli ~o llfld egr65S rrom said property descrl~ above, with the understanding thlll Granlee shell be responsible for all damage caused lo Grentor arising lrom Grantee'& e11ercl&e of the rights and prlvllegea hetein granted. Granier reserves the tlghl to use U\41 easement for any purposes as long as no1 lnconslsten1 v.ith nor an lnlfl:lference with the righlS granted Grantee herein. The rlghlS, conditions and provisions ol this easement shall Inure lo the benefit of and be binding upon the heira, executors, admlnlslrators, successors and asstgns or the respective parties hereto. C:,d i' y,. -. s{ '.~n ~es& whereo1 the undersigned has executed 1his instrument th~ J 9 day or ~ . • 1 B~. ~t'" .. By~:;(ti;:$~~· !2_ ,, , -· ·· . ,.,,,,;,,;,,n l'i.111'1.Es 11.\i\OMM. n~,i; or \VltSIIINQfO" f·. ,.. ...... f':r1p'n ti·'.:. . 1, STATEOFW/\SHINGTON } u. County of KING ~nthls c::;,.3,:d d,yof (Y1CLL/ .. , 1983 .~£oreme,1heundersigned,aNotary Publ!c m and for lhe State ofWashington duty commissiq'netl and sworn, penonally appeared ~~~~~~~~~!~~ ,~: ~,"~J,.~~~otrum;,;,":;~• .. ~;;~;d";~';' .:::~:~nt lo ~ tha fr~ and Yo~unta 1 ~ .... ~ f,Fe_d j!f&541d·,~Orporat1on'. for the uses and puzpc>1e;1 therein-mentioned, and on oath staled that j\£_, i..5 ::· ,.._..~tu~zed,t~.tl.xe«ite the sa1cl Instrument and that the 1ul 1frcr:ed (if1ny) ts thecorpo~te sealofsaldcorporation,··' j,-::,".,··,r;,~-~. r.·-.·:;.··:;. . .·.·:. t~!{ ..,.i.: J:: i '::t q\•;, t Witnen my hand. :!"d~~ _If~:' A'J~i?iQ.he dn ,,..,.. <•n•> \::!t1-!J(;f :f -=-:;:~~,!a~~~::c±~::::-:+.J.J..+.IL!'..14;\.l'.?::~ " ~ 'l'1 ~ 1/'l f-0 Js "' ~ ;i M 00 . = ~r 5_ ,. 't', i ,_ ,..., u.:,t,, < !F 0~ 0 iii ,:-_, cc,>- ~ ~ v;w~ .. "' ,~5 i 0 S:! ;;~~ l';i oo.c.1u ~~~ "' ! .~~m 0 ro '-' 1-c,:i.::; ·zc is,! '~ '-•;_) I 0 ~ ·in~ j-z 0~ ~o ~-II' -~ !a"'" -o '" ~ ~ CCI'~':!~ /='.,; ;;I .g ~ im I f;;,..:i· ~ ~ ii C. ·::o . i "" ' ~, ~ • .§ ,i --~--0 - B~ at the intersection of the Ra.8terly line of Prtinar;r state llighway· No. 5 (Rainier Avenue) and the Southerly line of Airport .Way (formerly Dixie Avenue as conve7ed to the State of Washingt.on by deed ~er recording No. . 3262529) j thence S:outherly along the Easterly line of Prtmary State Highway No. 5, 155.10 feet to a point; thence Easterly parallel to the Northerly line of Tobin Avenue, a distance of 147.-16 feet to a point 199.83 feet South of · the Southerly line of said Airport Way erd. parallel to the Westerly line of Lake Strest.l thence Northerly parallel to the Westerly line of Lake street, a distance of 199.83 feet to the Southerly line of said Airport. Wa:yj thlmce Westerly al.ong the Southerly line of said Airport Way, a distj,anee of 30 .feet to a pOinti thenc'e Southwesterly along the SOIItherl;r line of se.1.d .AirpOrt . Way, a distance o£ 147 .oa feet to the pOint of beginrrl.ng; except that ~~t.ion thereof, if any, lying west of-the Easterly line or ordinary high water ot Black River, aa of the year said river ceasad to be navlgahl.e. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such time e.s Grantee ceases to ul!le the Right-of-Vay for a period o£ five (5) aueeesaive monthst in which e-vent this easement shell terminate and all rights herBWld.er shall revert to Grantor. ' f I\! . I I; 83/06/29 RECD F CASHSL t0~16 B - r r,r ·, ·. ' r ,. ··---···-.... , EXCISE TAX NOT REQUl~~O \_J Mtp~~ Dm~oo . {0 'Deputy ORIGINAL . ., EASEMENT for Ind ln""'11lcfmUonof CIM Dollar ($1.00) and olhor--tho ....toi of10hlcl, ~.......,. ackno\Nldgtd, BOflE8t8NQfBURKHe1MfRIMkl lJ s RANK......,, WMDePf2?LfJUL\JlON!I IIANKciJ 'ttntbloFOoo • r@'9!ttl"' "'rPIN A RI lflKHEIMER r.,.,,,.,., Dvel ro,an.-h8Nln}. ............. -llld-bPIJGETSOUHD~&UGHTCOMPRIY,aW.._OOlpllllllonfllrwao"hlllln), lot tho pu-heralnlfllr IOI lorl!; a perpotual eaaollWlnl ovw, -111d ondlr llo lolowlng dOIICll>od rail pioptr,y (lhl 'P-'1° llnln) In kl,; Ccunly, Wulllng1on: see Attached Exhibit "A" By accepting and recording thie eaaement document, Puqet Sound Power, Light Company does hereby abandon and release all rights on aaid property acquired by easement recorded under Auditor's File No. 8303290584, Excoptu 1111Ybo ollmwloo NI lonh llt,.ln Grllll6o\ right> -bo utn:INd "'°"""" port.Ion of IIHI "-,i, (Ille "Algit-of-W.,-herelnid-.,_.,, A Rlghl-ol-Wly ton (10) hot In wldlh MVlng llvo (5) loot of IUCh -0<1 -Ilda GI I eontorllnl --U lollowo: The centerline of Grantee's tacilitiH •• COn.etructed or to ff conatructad, extended or relocated, lying within th• followbg poEtiona of' the abon daacribed propertyi •••wea.t •o. 1: The West sev•n (1) feet of tbt &a•t\,,~~l~'!•;, (12) t .. t of th• South 175 feet of the aboYe deer;dbed P~~l\r.~ •• :;);~·· .. ., · ... ,. ,•'.110, .. , •• •.,).~, I " I ii i ~ I ~, ... -... ~ CT. \i . •••-Dt: Ko. 2: The South twelve (12) f'aet ot}ci'.~~"~'{l,:f\'f./- deaoribed Ps:operty; AN:> ; :· f ~f .: : .. ~: ·:: j :a;. .' ; .• -\ ... , __ tp\)~• ,•"' :- ...... t. Mo. 3: Tho moat Hesterly .io feet of -;}i''-· r:1160~:.//: l .. _ · deaorib4id l'ropttrty, lying parallel and adjoining-th,. •ft•~~~y_., ~;·,/ mar9in of State Highway No, 5 fl\afoier ANnue), . 1 ~ .. ,,,;,:'J:.:.•-: -:,~ .•... ~" • "•.'111:m" · &aatMat. •o. 4: That portion of' the .aboff demc::U:,ed t-:rcp,,ct:.y lying Lour (0 feet on either aide of: tbe .follovin,i deacdbed Centerline: ColmHncbg at th• southwest corner of the abO'NI deacrlbGd Prol)tlrtY1 thence l11tei:ly alonw tbe Soa.tbe:rly property Un• • dietanc:e of 127 r .. t, th~nce North at right anrl•• a diataoce of 12 feet to the 'lllUB POIN! OF P!:GlNHrtfG of eaid centerline deacriptioa.; ' thence Northwesterly to .11 point on tbe Weec. li:ne of the above deoc.ribed Property, add point lyin9 35 feet North oL Hid Soutbveat cos:nar and being the terniama of aaid centerline, 1, ""-ClllnlN alial MVOllo righl lo conot_ .,,..,.._ malnlolr,, -· '"Pflce Uld onllflle one o, more olodrlclranomflllon --Ion lln11avw lUOdGundor 1111 Rla!O-cil-Wa,IOgllher_d,,_ .,........,lont_...,..._,wfllch mayln<:fuclobJl.,.nol....,.IDtha--.;, ~ L;:;=:: • ~ ~ II. Undagrourod i:.mu... UndOfl!IOuod cx,ncfub, -. -'"anholoL -and cp· llllllloortetl;-">ollld orgnlllnd rnounlld,_ ouch.,.._-.... w .-. Followlnothllnlfll-oflol_J .. ,Gran1Hma,flllmllmototlmo_ouch_..,_ .... _,ocllloa •• may n,qwe. . 2. --Gnn!N oholl havo lhl right of """°" 10 lhl Rlgl,k,I-Way °"' Olod ...... IN Property Id ,,,_ GrantH to •...:0. Ito right• honuoder, f)«>Vijocf, lh.ol Gr-,.,,.._...... Gronlor far 11Iff cllffl9 lo lhl f'r-'Y ""'"41 ~Ohl u-of wl f\jhlol aa:ooo. 3. CUlllng ol TINs. Granllo l!IGJI have lhl right lo cul or 111m an, and III IINM or lrHt llln<lftQ or g,owi,,g -,tioR1aht..,•W1J, lndlfoolho right to c::rt o, lrlm .,,, __ .,. "'-1, ,mlr:h, lnlallng, -In ~ n:ll80Rlblii Judgmn. NI hllltd to GtanlH'a fdltSu. 4. GrMtot'• V• or 1Ugbt-ol4'or. Gronoor ,...,... thl right 111 ,.. lflo Rfgt,t-of•Wor 1or ..., puf!IOII no1 lrrcono!otlnl wtao lflo rlg/b hlrlln ljlOnlld, pv,\ded, llral--• -., mllnl• 111J IMJldlng o, a1111r-. on tho Rlgbl-cl-Way and gronlOI WI lb no blutkV..., 300 IHI GI-~ IICilltln wflhoujGranttt\plorwr....,_ · \'' •. .. ~ . 'l"• .· .. - ' i ._l ... ., STAlEDFWASHNrnlN I OOUNIYOF I(,,_,.,. · 88 OFFICIAL SEAL MARGO G. COTTER NOTARY PlllllUIAl!aFYIASl!lfflllOll MYCOIIMISS10HOO-:R!Sc 7-15-91 ·I a ......... 1otdio&.cilw'"'*'liicn, . II . . . '·.· 11y...,,,,,,... ... ~----,--,--..,...,.... . \ :. ·,·:.,:.•·--i.-,,\ .. , ... ,.,, ... .,.-... • ;/··~_--:·.·~·· ':•,.,,_, .. _-•-:·.--·-:-.... ;,~Ji.' .. ,;:• ...• ~-t-.. ,, ;;17"·7','··'•, -,~ ,1 ... "'t ,r;_1;.;,. ,a'..j ',' :.·1 ' ~·- ' ,, 930509l•X01 KJ/AC001 235-69 BUI\KIIEIH&R TRUST EXBIBIT A A portion of the donation land claim of· Diana B, Smithers,· . formerly Diana B, Tobin; a widow, and _the. heirs .at law. of lleli,:y H. Tobin,' deceased, designated as Claim Number 37, and a· portion of section 1e,· Township 23 North, Range .5 East·, W_.M~,. in King County, Mashington, described as follows: · · Beginning at the interaection of tM Westerly margin _of _Laite Street, as dedicated in the plat of Renton Real Estate Co,-•a.lst. Addition to Renton, according to the ·plat thereot. roco:i:ded_ in, · Volwae 21 of Plata, page SO, in King County,. lfashington, ·with the,, lfeaterly production of -the southerly line of Jilock 1 ·af said plat/ thence Northerly along the westerly margin or: aaid_-Lalc:e ·str,et· to ·- the Southerly 1111rgin of Airport_ Way (formerly known ·,ea· ·ol.xioo';,:· · · Avenue)-as_convayed to_the State_ of. wnahington·by deed ri,co~ed under Recording Nwaber 32625291 _ , , , .. -.. _ . . .. . thence lfes_terly al,ong add southerly margin to'the.Eaotexly margin· of Prim,u:y at·ate · Highway Number 5 · 11a estllblia,he,d by: King:,-County · Superior ·Court cause ,Nwaber 3457331 , . --'., · : · ·.'.. . -,,, thence .Soutbe:rl'y along aaid ·Easterly maxgin·-to-.the· Northerly' . margin of South_ Tobin Street {formerly 'Tobin· Avenu .. 11'· ::;', ·: ·, , ·. . thence Eaaterly along aaid Northerly margin ·to the TRUE POINT·,-OF, C: BEGIIININGI . . . · , ·· · · -.' -, . . c! EXCEPT that portion thereof describod 'aa :tollowa: "Q" Baginni~g ~~ the interaec\:ion of the hala::iii; 111a~1Ji ~i-iii,.,;~y ,,, !-State Highway HUlllb.,r: 5 as estlll!li•hed by ~g ·county SIIP"1'iOr,; c'.- Court CauBo_ Number 345733 and 'tlie Southerly ·,margin' ot,,Airport;,lfay, _ (fo,....rly Dixie Avenue as conveyed to the, State of Waabington by --' · :· deed recorded under llacording Number: 32'25~9i· · ·. ·. ,'. "'.: :.: :: , : ·_. "' thence Southerly· along tbe Easterly margin·· of_ Primary _State·. -Highway Number S, a distance of 155.10' .. feet to"1(point,-: ·, .. ·_,. _·,_ . thence Easterly parallel to the Northerly-1111u,1in· of'South Tobin,, Street Uo....,rly Tobin Avenue), a distance of -U7.16 .feiit t'o' a.;. point _199.83 feet aoutb_.of the Southei:ly 111Ugin of said 'Airport Way. and paral.lel to the Westerly margin of Laite Street/ -· , . · thence Northerly parallel to the lfestorly .margin of Laite Street;· a· distance of 199.83 feet tot he southerly.margin of-said'.P.i,:port, · Way/. , . ·. , .-_.:, -:.. . thence Westerly along said Southerly 1111rgin adiatance:of 30· feet to II pointl . , · ·_,:· ,.· .· .. .·, · thence Southwesterly along said Southerly margin e distance of 147.08 feet'to the TIIUE POIN'l' OF BEGINNING. i' ·. :· .. · · ·_,: ·, ·. --:_ ~1 ' ' ",., -~ . .-.;.,, ..... ..,. :.... r: •.,.1·" .,~ .• • , .. , ••r-. . : , . , •f.. .,~. -•· ... -,;..,• __ . , .-,. ·::.:~:. ;-.. •. :' ·1~.-·1 •• .. - ..... • • ·- • l. 'WHINIIICOIIDID RIIVRNTQ: <dcefJ/11180,Dm. -M--200MIIIAftDIN ICIUlb 1cmDo,, WA "°'5 UlllJlles l!ASl!MENT . 11flS INS'IRUMBNT, made 1h11 !.:_day of February byandbcrwealJohn A. Burkheimer Trust and c.-r,-• .,..a.-.,..... and ' mil and ·.·-.·.-,.•·1· :ttt.U'ILll :nl~ ,, PtoJecUUel :OW, • :41 -21 I Z, ,.,.1u:Awtr. oan:reoo,o, ~Nau S PkHt!?m'FP, IU'IQ ':'Tf:~:-~ ., ,~., 1119.4 .. ,. herelnafter called "Gnlllot(t),' and lhe CITY OP RBNTON, a MunJdpal Coq,omion of Kina County, Wuhlngton, -c:allccl 'GnAlcc. • That oald Gnntoa(<), for osd In coQSJderaUon of lhe 11U11 of$ .:1.:0.:.• o,.o:;......,.--,-.,....,..,,..,.- pald by Grantee, 111111 odlct"nluable consldcration, n:cclp< ofwblch la hcn:by lldnowleclgcd, do by J!f these p,acnll, srant, ""f!'l": ...U. convey, and wurunta unto the oald Gnncee, 111 m •"9!111!!11" fi'L.·, ustgm, an casement lo,,... 7 (:k I 71 & t & ; J 5 I vlUfl'fic 5:uy-- appurtc1W1Ca over, under, throllgb, acro,a and upon lb• fo11ow1aa dacdbecl pcopctly (lhe "8bl-o~ w,ay) In King Counly, WuhJaston, more pattlc:ulady deacdbcd II follawl: .. . . . street Lights SEE ATTACHMENT --""""""-' Sheet loll -:{/:'14 -roJo a.u:hF-1 o)joa,f 6.S'f,J., rs ,; 7.0/ •, ... _._-.. ··' .. ~ ·. ,\::y.f •', ,1 '.·-~. · •• r - ~ t ' ' I • • • --.. ·• . Po~ the~ of COlllltUdlna, ffi:OJl!truc:tlnS, lnslallla& rcpalrla& repladna, enlalgtl,g, opcratJns and r rnalntalnlnaW 2 iii I I L I '1 l I 117 7 I l t 5 I i ..,..,.J.ctWllb die rtghl ;J.!s..,. ~d es=a8 ~ wllboue p,;., lmlituuonoranyou11 or 6 10.:? proottdinp of law and wllhout lnCIUrins any legal oblfplioa or lial>lllly lbcn:f-. l'ollowlns the lnltlal "1ft, constrw:lioJl of ill fadfllies, GlalllCc may from Ume to time --oddlllnnal faellltles as II may '111V ffl!ulle. This eesanClll ls 8fllllCd subjecl to lhe followlDa tams and co-: "P ** Street Lights I. The Gnntce shall, upon completion of any workWllbln Ibo proper!)' covered bf Ibo euemem, RSIOte the surticc of rbe eesemcat, and any private lmp.01C1Dw111 cllstu,t,cd or deeUoycd during c:zeeutloo of the wort<, u aeuly u pnctlcable to the _..,Ion Ibey wen: la lrnmecll•tcly bcfnre commcaetrnenl oflhe-orcnr,yby lhe Gnntce. . . 2. Grantor shall retain the rtahl to uae lhe •urtiace nf thc eetcmenr u Inns u IIICh uae docs DOI lntedere wllh the eucmenl rtghls gnn!Cd 10 lhe Grmtec. GnnlOr aball not, however, have the rlaht to: a. l!rccl or IDAIDl:WI any bulldlng, or otnu:lwes wllhln lhe euement; nr b. Plaat .._., oluubs or vegetation havtns deep root pattems which may CAUSC damage to nr lntenere with the Ulilllles ro be placed within lhe C>IC"l<DI by lhe Gnn1ee; or ~ d. OJ& tunnel or pctfonn other forms of constnlClloa-nn the propettywblch would • . ?If disturb die compaction or unearlh Grm1ee•, C.c:lllUco on the rtshl'Of-way, or rndonvr lhe later.ii oupport C.cilitlca. e. Blasl wlthln Oft<en (15) feet of the rtsht-of-way. This easc:mcnt wll nm with the bnd described hc:rdn, and lhall be bJnc11as upoo lhe parties, lhdr heirs, successors In Interest and aalgno. Gnnrors covenant that they arc lhe fawfUl owner, of lhe above ~ properticS and that they have a saod and lawful rtsht ro cucute Ihle asreement. I.Z) j ! COUNTYOPKING I certify that I know 01 have saUsfadory evidence that o before me, and said pc:roon aclmowlcdgcd lhat O,.c/ be (his/her) free and voluntary ad for the U5C5 and J!!!!f"RI IDC'1114~~ ~~:_ In,,...., Dated %-//-9,j $ Ull.111.k:1 BIICmalL SbcctZDfl ---#"'1'f-Do30 - .. ,.-_ i - -. \ I • • • -··--·· . -··-··-·--··-----·. -·· '· \: -: ;1 'I ~t,1 ? S3 i L .d ·---------·---··----·· .... -·----. .,,,,. Couniv"' KING On INs 11th dayol February , 19 J!!, bdooe me,"' undmlp,ed. a"°""' N,l;ctnlOd ..... SllloolW~dulycomrnb,loosl..i"""" ,..,,...,_ ---------- Hap;y A· D!Nn ar.d ??rlas Jorgensen r>mel:nown1obeh! Vise Pmsideot, & Cormrat.a Offi oor: .~.olU.S.Brio1w.......,. Natii:nl Awdid:lim. lbe-COlpOnltk:Jn 1h11. eMCU!«I the foregollt(l ltlslrumm~ llld ecluwwwle:lpd bald msltunlenl: Ube tie hi! and dnliyact lfld dmld sakl capc:ndoo, lot the uses and purposes lhcnin mcnlioncd,and oa oalhllllel:l lhal they me tud!oriml ao eacait lhr!> said lnslnunenl and !ha1 the se4l dll!d cu any) Is lhe cn,porw a ol akl ~ -Do/hand .... ollid;t .......... aJf'""'"'day"'"~-""""' !1 /Jd 3lf . im~!J.f.~!~~ «{f,tY!,rtAM \ \ - -··-- , • • • STREET LIGHT EASEMENT -LEGAL DESCRIPTION The eaat 4 feet of the north 7 feet of the •outb 254.90 feot and the e1at S feet of the north 7 feet of the aoutb 93.0 (eet of that portion of the Donation Land Clai• fo. 37 in Section l8, T 23 N, R 5 E1 W.W. 1 in King County, Waabington lying north of s. Tobin Street and weat of Lake A~enue S. (t~e west margin of said Lake Ave. S, being 5,00 feet we•t of tbe west ••rgin of Lake Ave S. aa dedicated in tbe·p11t of Renton Real Estate Comp4ny's First Addition to Renton•• recorded tn volu•e 21 of plots on page 50 record• of King County) • .. -...... · -'0 ·r I -• • - --. ----- . . ,' .,• . • -. -·-.. ----·-· --------· - ·,r I • r=-40· 'tr._ :5€ p,r:,-...r; ca,<V,/&R._ !OBIN SmEET I I ----------·--••r..11~s f',?(n/ .,-·== • ...... --- --. ,1 i1 1 ,.., . \ " • • • For.the pwpose at collllnldlng, reconstructing, instaWng, iq,:dtlng, n:placb,g, cn1mgins, openlingand maintaining utllldos and utWty plpcllnos, Umiled to, water, /l;pJ lines, togclherwllh the rtght of losrcss and c:gress thc:n:to without prior lmlJIUtlon at any ault or t proceedings at Jaw and without lncurring :my kgal obllptloa or llablllty then:fon:. Followlng the IDJtlal construction oflts fac1lldos, Grantee may from dme to llmc coosttuct ouch addHloaal fac111tla os lt may rcquln:. Thl5 euemcnt ls gnmcd wbJect to the following terms and eo11dldons: I. The C'.rantec shall, upon complcdon of any work w1thln the propaty covaal by the ..........i, mton: the 511rface of the ....,..,cot, and any printe lmprovemcn1S dlsturbcd or destmyod during cxc:cutioD of the ~is nearly as procdcabl< to the condition they were In lmmcdlatc1y befon: commencement of the work orenuy by the: Grantee. ** including landscaping 2. Grantor shall retain the rfBht to use the surface of the casemcat u long u IUCb uae does not lntetfere with the ........,1 ripts granted to the Grontce. Grantor llhall noc, howevu, have the right to: .. 1!tcct or maintain any bulldings or structures within the cascmcnt, or b. Plant tn:es, shrubs o, veseudon having deep root pottans whlch may ealllC dmnase to or lnlcrfc«: with the utllltlos to be placed within the casement by the Gnntcc; or ¢I:_ ltlp;E .-i L lf;I L J J 1 .. 1 ... LI; -~ I I 1 C f t I g?I 1 J J 1 7 J I I~~/ d, Dig, tunocl or perform other forms of comtruclloa actlvldos on the propcrty whlcb would "fl/ disturb the compocdon or uncanh Gr.uitce'• facllltlc. on the rialtt.af.way, o, endanger the btcral support facilities. e. Blut within l1ftccn (15) feet of the right-of-way. Thl5 ea,emcot ,ball nm wllh the land described he«:ID, and shall be bllJdlng upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assign,. Granton; covenant that they arc the lawful owncn of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this sgn:cmcnt. -i=~wustC;yz,,=, and &A,/ &a,,.j e:f {,v4.,l,,11fm e,.,-J,,.J'lltifr ~ftp;.;:ei;;fb4:t#f«~: BP'BESOOA'JJYII FORM QP :ft1DKlPUiDGM8Mt STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know ot tu.ve satls&ccory evidence on~~she/they ~.{. au o the • or/d,. . such ~parllCI ~the US<S and purposes men 0ated.t-/,! 4P ., ,. ' of Washington Notaty (print): My appointment expltts: signed this lnsUumcnt, and oc.latowleclged It u and voluntoty act at - - ·,,:· ... --- ' .. , I ·' • • . ' ... \ "' - - •• • • ·--···-··-~···----·-·-. ·, ,, ;"' WATERLINE EASEKEBT -LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI That portion of Donation Land Clai• •o~ 37 and of Section 18, T 23 R, R 5 1 1 W.K.1 in Ring County, Waehington being de5cr1bed aa follows: Beginning at the point uf intcroection of tbe weater11 ••rrin of Leke Street, as ded1cated in tbe ,1at of a~nton Real Estate Coapany's First Addition to Renton ea recorded in voluae 21 of plata on page SO record• of King Count1 1 witb tbe aoutberly margin of Airport Va7 (foraerly knoKn •• D1Kie Avenu~) •• conveyed to the State of Waabington by deed recorded under recording number 3262529, tbence N 99•09•3o"W along aaid southerly •argin, a diatance of 195.95 featt to the nortbweat corner of Tax Lot Bo. 193 in said Section 18: Thence S 00•02'43" £ a distance of 3.00 feet; thenc• S 89.09'30" E a distance of 42.28 feeti Thence S 00-50'30" 1 W a diatance of 27.59 fccti Thence S 8S-09'30" Ea diatance of 10.00 feet; tbence N 00•50'30" I• dlstance of 27.59 feet; Thence S 8!r' 09 • 30" E a d.iat11nce of 43. 78 feet: Tbence s 00•50 1 30'" W a distance of 13,00 feet: tbence S ag•o9•30• E a distance of 10.00 feet; Thence I oo•so'30" Ea diatance cf 13.00 feet; Thence s 89.09'30" Ea distance of 89.89 feet, to the westerly ••rgin of said Lake Streati tbenea N 00•02•43~ V, along &aid aargint a dlatance of 3,00 feet, to the true Point of Beginning. LESS the eaat 5.00 feet thereof, deeded to tbe City of Renton for road purposes, tOGETBER WitH tbe south 10 feet of tbe ~eat 25 feet of the east 178.5 feet of that portion of aaid Section 18 l1ing north of s. Tobin Street and vest of Laite AYttnue S. CUae west aargin of aald Lake Ave S. begin 5.00 feet vaat of the wc•t aargin of Lake Ave S. as deacribe4 preeceding legal dc•cription) • '' - -- ....... .-,,. ,. r ' . .f ·1 I • }J'•.1 pn.cP ,._.-;--:"'Pf.."'JC:R ~ r,,-.,,-.., c., --- Lt>-\<..E. I~ I r I. I • • ~ ~ E ~ ~ .• -1 ~ < (1\ r' <:: t n, E ~ ,-., e. p,a of', ,~ C::::r?~t:S'ti:.. /" = 2o' ... ~-.---· -~--~ ___ ... ,. ___ ,.. •·:-• . ' ; - - . , . ..._,,,, I • t -, ' b co z ., I Ul 1/'l -I Ill ::0 i f'Tl (Tl -I 0 'l • Ii'. 30 .. ' ~ • Ill 0 30 ; • • o::: ... r:, r,zy ------------ "' ~. "' ... , 1""'11 < /'' = 2.0' RECEIPT EG00055780 BILLING CONTACT Lance Mueller Lance Mueller and Associates 130 Lakeside , #250 SeaWe, WA 98122 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA1B-000506 PLAN -Environmental Review PLAN -Moclificallon PLAN -Site Plan Review -Admin Technology Fee Printed On: July 06, 2016 Prepared By: Rocale Timmons -----,,,,,.,,.--Renton E> TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Fee Payment Fee Payment 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Transaction Date: July 05, 2016 PAYMENT METHOD Check#1645 Check #1645 Check #1645 Check#1645 SUBTOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $1,000.00 $150,00 $1,500.00 $79.50 $2,729.50 $2,729.50 Page 1 of 1