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LUA-16-000527_REPORT 01
. >< ... .. w .. i ,----- -~H.113'0 ! ' • t-~ CHELAN CREEK PUD NEIGHBORHOOD MAP JK IIIOl'IARCH ! ' ' • ! ---,------, ' • i / ! ' "' ,.,. "''""''"' '" ''""""·"'' -L I ,IL, --.L___ I I I ' • 'J •) 'ldHUiN ·• .~. 'I J l I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: Chelan Creek Final Plat LUAI6-000527, FP ) ) ) FINAL PLAT APPROVAL ) ) ) ) ) _______________ ) Summary 16 The applicant has applied for final plat approval for the Chelan Creek subdivision. The final plat is 17 18 approved subj eel to conditions. Testimony 19 No hearing is held on final plat applications. 20 21 22 23 1. 24 25 26 Exhibits The following documents were considered in evaluating the application for final plat: April 11, 2017 staff report with 8 exhibits identified at p. I of the report. Findings of Fact Procedural: FINAL PLAT -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I. Applicant. Chelan Creek, LLC. 2. Hearing. No hearing is required or held for final plat applications. Substantive: 3. Description of Proposal. The applicant is requesting final plat approval for a 14-lot subdivision, as depicted in Ex. 7. The subdivision is located at 928 Chelan Ave NE, Section 10, Township 23, Range 05. The preliminary plat was approved by the City of Renton on February 5, 2009. 4. Consistency with Preliminary Plat Conditions. The applicant has complied with all preliminary plat conditions of approval, as detailed in the staff report, Ex. I, the findings and conclusions of which are adopted and incorporated by this reference as if set forth in full. Conclusions of Law Procedural: I. Authority of Hearing Examiner. RMC 4-7-1 IO(C) provides that the hearing examiner shall approve all final plats. Substantive: 2. Applicable Standards. The RMC doesn't contain any standards for final plat approval, other than to require that "the final plat shall conform with only minor modification to the preliminary plat." RMC 4-7-1 IO(A)(2). As determined in Finding of Fact No. 4, as conditioned the plat conforms with all preliminary plat conditions of approval or will be bonded to comply with any outstanding conditions. DECISION The final plat application is approved, subject to the following condition: I. All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred with adequate security to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the final plat. Dated this 26th day of April, 2017. FINAL PLAT -2 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Rights and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-0SO(G) classifies final plat decision as Type III applications subject to appeal to the City Council. Appeals of the hearing examiner's decision must be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. A request for reconsideration to the hearing examiner may also be filed within this 14-day appeal period. Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. FINAL PLAT -3 • DEPARTMENT OF COM.~.JNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ---------~en ton® A. REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER DATE: Project Nome Owner: Address: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: II 8. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: April 11, 2017 Chelan Creek Final Plat Chelan Creek LLC. PO Box 188, Puyallup, WA 98372 Cara Visintainer, C.E.S NW INC. LUA16-000527, FP, PUD Jan Illian A 14-lot residential subdivision with 5 Tracts on a 4.21 acre site, located within the (R-8) zoning classification. Preliminary Plat, PUD LUA 08-067. The Hearing Examiner approved the subdivision, subject to 20 conditions on February 5, 2009. On February 17, 2009, the applicant submitted a request to the Hearing Examiner for reconsideration of conditions #7, #9, #12 and #18. On March 3, 2009, the Hearing Examiner modified conditions #7, #9, #12, #18 and added a new condition #21. The Final PUD received approval on September 27th, 2016. 928 -Chelan Ave NE, Section 10, Township 23, Range OS 183,4809 SF (4.21 acres) Staff Report dated April 11, 2017 HEX Preliminary Plat and PUD Approval Report and Exhibits (LUA08-067) Request for Reconsideration of HEX Conditions on February 17, 2009 Reconsideration modified by the HEX March 3, 2009 Conditions of Compliance Letter Final PUD Approval Final Plat Map Vicinity Map II C. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): 1. The applicant, Chelan Creek LLC., filed a request for approval of a 14 -lot final plat. 2. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated on November 10, 2008 for the subject proposal. HEX Report Che/on Creek Fino/ Plat LUA 16-000527, FP City of Renton Department of Comm.y & Economic De~e/opment Chelan Creek Final Plat 9 earing Examiner Recommendation LUA16-000527, FP April 11, 2017 Page 2 of 10 3. Representatives from various city departments are reviewing the application materials to identify compliance with all conditions of project approval. 4. The subject site is located at 928 -Chelan Ave NE. The plat is located in Section 10 Twp.23 Rng.05. 5. The subject site (183,489 square feet) is a 4.21 acre parcel. 6. The Preliminary Plat and PUD (LUA08 -043) received approval from the City of Renton on February 5th, 2009. 7. On February 17, 2009, the applicant submitted a request to the Hearing Examiner for reconsideration of conditions #7, #9, #12 and #18. 8. On March 3, 2009, the Hearing Examiner modified conditions #7, #9, #12, #18 and added a new condition #21 and reads as follows: A. Condition #7 -The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead turn- around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway. The easement shall be recorded as directed by the Public Works Department. B. Condition# 9 -The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side pathway. The split rail fence will be required to include an entrance gate from each lot to the path. The gates shall open into each respective lot and not into the path. C. Condition #12 -The gazebo and tot lot may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in a position to protect these feature but in a manner where wheel stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting the bollards. The bollards may be the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary. In addition the plan shall note the adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. D. Condition #18 -The applicant shall record access easements for each tract. The easements shall be recorded with the Public Works Department; the existing access easement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department. E. Condition #21 New -If Council agrees to the Plat and PUD and determines not to limit the Plat's duration; the PUD should run concurrent with the Plat. 9. The property is located within the R-8 zone and RSF Comp Plan designation. 10. The Final Plat complies with both the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. 11. The applicant has complied with the following conditions imposed by the ERC on November 10, 2008: Mitigation Measure #1.-The applicant will be required to submit a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the State Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the HEX Report Che/on Creek Fino! Plat LUA 16-000527, FP City of Renton Department of co, Chelan Creek Final Plat nity & Economic Development Hearing Examiner Recommendation LUA16-000527, FP April 11, 2017 Page 3 of 10 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. The plan must be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review staff prior to issuance of the utility construction and building permits and during utility and road construction. Staff Comment: A Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan was prepared, approved by the City, and implemented in the field during construction. Mitigation Measure #2 -A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site to this effect. The easement and ,,, restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to the recording of the final plat. Staff Comment: A Native Growth Protection Easement has been placed over the stream, wetland, and wetland buffer areas as shown on the final plat. Covenants have also been placed on the face of the final plat. Mitigation Measure #3 -The detention system for this project shall be required to comply with the requirements found in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control -a.k.a. Level 2) and water ,,, quality improvements. Staff. Comment: A detention and water quality system was design, approved, and constructed in accordance with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Mitigation Measure #4 -The applicant shall pay a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single family lot. The fee is estimated at $7,430.64 (14 new lots ,,, x $530.76 = $7,430.64) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Staff Comment: The Parks Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to issuance of each building permit. Mitigation Measure #5 -The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of $75 for each new net daily trip prior to the recording of the final plat. It is ,,, anticipated that the proposed project would result in the payment of $10,048.50 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 14 new lots = $10,048.50). Staff Comment: The Traffic Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to issuance of each building permit. Mitigation Measure #6 -The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. The fee is ,,, estimated at $6,832.00 ($488 x 14 = $6,832.00). Staff Comment: The Transportation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to issuance of each building permit. 12. The applicant has complied with the following conditions as a result of the preliminary plat approval Hearing Examiner's Decision dated February 5, 2009. Condition #1 -The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines (Exhibit 6} for all residences constructed on the proposed lots. The applicant will be required to, as part of the FPUD application, provide elevations and floor plans for the proposed structures. HEX Report Chelan Creek Final Plat LUA 16-000527, FP City of Renton Deportment of Comm ·· , & Economic Development Chelan Creek Final Plat aring Examiner Recommendation LUA16-000527, FP April 11, 2017 Page 4 of 10 Staff Comment: The applicant will comply with the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines. All building permits will comply at the time of building permit submittal. Condition #2 -The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping and street improvement plan depicting the following: a meandering sidewalk; ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing, for those portions of the frontage not abutting the proposed NGPE, to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. Modulation of the fence shall be used to transition from the proposed fence, not abutting the NGPE, to the split rail fence abutting the NGPE. In the depression of the fence, where it connects to the split rail fence, an ornamental tree shall be planted in ,r order to conceal the transition of the fence. The revised plan must be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Staff Comment: Landscaping and street improvement plans have been submitted and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. The meandering sidewalk has been constructed on Duvall Avenue NE along the site frontage with ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing. Split rail fencing has been installed abutting the NGPE. Condition #3 -The Pillo LLA (LUAOS-066) shall be recorded prior to Final Plat recording ,r or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The Pillo LLA was recorded on January 30, 2009 under King County Recording number 20090130900003. Condition #4 -The applicant shall be required to construct, to the satisfaction ofthe Development Services and Current Planning Divisions, street improvements along Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements include, but are not limited to: paving, sidewalks, ,r curb, gutter, storm drain, landscape, streetlights, and street signs. Staff Comment: Street improvements along Duvall Ave NE include paving, curb/gutter, storm drainage, landscaping, streetlights, and street signs were constructed to the satisfaction of the Development Engineering Section and Current Planning. Condition #5 -The applicant shall be required to locate the meandering sidewalk ,r closest to the street where the NGPE abuts the right-of-way. Staff Comment: The meandering sidewalk is located where the NGPE abuts the right of way along Duvall Avenue NE. Condition #6 -The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat ,r approval; whichever comes first. The lighting plan shall contain pedestrian lighting on both sides of the pathway in a staggered configuration. Staff Comment: A lighting plan was submitted, reviewed, and approved on January 11, 2016. Street lighting is installed per the approved plan. Condition #7 -The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering ,r the hammerhead turn-around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. HEX Report Chelan Creek Fino/ Plat LUA 16-000527, FP City of Renton Department of Co Chelan Creek Final Plat nity & Economic Development Hearing Examiner Recommendation LUA16-000527, FP April 11, 2017 Page 5 of 10 Staff Comment: This condition was revised as a result of the reconsideration by HEX on March 3, 2009. See Findings of Fact (FOF) 13. Revised Condition #7. Condition #8 -The applicant shall be required to enhance the buffer area adjacent to where the pathway is located. Where enhancement of the buffer, adjacent to the pathway, due to existing high quality vegetation, additional buffer area or other ,,, mitigation may be required. A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Staff Comment: A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan was submitted and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. Condition #9 -The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side pathway. The split rail fence will be ,,, required to include an entrance gate that opens out onto the pedestrian pathway for each lot. Staff Comment: This condition wos revised as o result of the reconsideration by the HEX on March 3, 2009. See Findings of Fact (FOF) 13. Revised Condition #9. Condition #10 -The applicant shall be required to orient each residence as noted on page 14 of the report; under Preliminary Plat review criteria. Lots 1 and 2 shall be oriented towards Chelan Pl NE; Lots 3 and 4 towards the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 12 towards the NGPE (east); Lot 13 towards the NGPE (south); Lots 14 and 15 towards ,,, Tract A (south); and Lot 16 towards the abutting property to the west. Staff Comment: Each residence will be oriented as noted on Page 14 of the staff report. Mare specifically, Lats 1 and 2 toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 toward the NGPE, Lots 5-10 toward the NGPE, Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE, Lot 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE, and Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) toward the abutting property to the west. Condition #11 -Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 9 feet for a single ,,, car garage and no more than 16 feet for double car garage. Stoff Comment: Driveway widths for a single car garage will not exceed 9 feet and a double car garage will not exceed 16 feet. Condition #12 -The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan depicting the relocation of the tot lot and the relocation of the gazebo to where the proposed pedestrian pathway either starts or terminates. The revised plan shall be submitted to ,,, and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PUD, Final Plat, or utility construction approval. In addition the plan shall note adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. Staff Comment: This condition was revised as a result of the reconsideration by the HEX on March 3, 2009. See Findings of Fact (FOF) 13. Revised Condition #12. Condition #13 -The applicant shall be required to depict adequate area on each lot for private open space on the Parking, Lot Coverage, and Landscaping Analysis to be ,,, submitted as part of the Final PUD application. Staff Comment: Parking, Lot Coverage, Private Open Space, and Landscaping areas are shown on the dimensioning plan as a part of the civil construction drawings. This plan was reviewed and approved by the City. Please refer to sheet C9 of the construction HEX Report Chelan Creek Final Plat LUA 16-000527, FP City of Renton Deportment of Comm 'ty & Economic Development Chelan Creek Final Plat earing Examiner Recommendation LUA16-000527, FP April 11, 2017 Page 6 of 10 drawings. Condition #14 -The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to Final Plat or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. In addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design ,/ Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. Staff Comment: A Homeowners Association {HOA} has been established for the development. The Chelan Creek Design Guidelines hove been incorporated into the CC&Rs. Condition #15 -The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all required inspections for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of ,/ the final plat. Stoff Comment: The developer obtained the permit and all required inspections were completed. #16 -Omitted in error. Condition #17 -The applicant shall submit a revised detailed landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect or other landscape professional to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. The revised landscape plan should include: a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 through 4; and ornamental 10-foot landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE street frontage for Lots 1 through 4 and Lot 13; ,/ and ornamental landscaping to mirror the existing frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE, just south of the site. The revised landscape plan should also include fence detail for the entire site. Staff Comment: A landscape plan was submitted to the City for review and approval. The Landscape pion included o 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 and 2, o 10-foot wide landscape strip along Duvall abutting Lots 1-4 and Lot 11 (previously Lot 13). Fencing details were specified on the pion. Condition #18 -The applicant shall record access easements for each tract prior to utility construction, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval, whichever comes first; the existing access easement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the ,/ residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department. Staff Comment: This condition was revised as a result af the reconsideration by the HEX on March 3, 2009. See Findings of Fact {FOF) 13. Revised Condition #18. Condition #19 -The applicant shall be required to submit a revised plat plan depicting a 15-foot radius on the northeast corner of Lot 12. The revised plan would be ,/ required to be submitted prior to construction permit, Final Plat, Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. Staff Comment: A 15-foot radius is shown on Lot 10 (previously Lot 12/. Please refer to the Fino/ Plat Map. HEX Report Che/on Creek Final Plat LUA 16-000527, FP City of Renton Department of Co Chelan Creek Final Plat nity & Economic Development Hearing Examiner Recommendation LUA16-000527, FP April 11, 2017 Page 7 of 10 Condition #20 -The applicant shall be required to extend the existing 8-inch water main within the access easement (extended from NE 10th St) to the south boundary of Lot 16 prior to Final Plat approval. Water main extensions shall also be installed for the full frontage of Lot 3. Staff Comment: The developer has extended the existing 8-inch water main as approved under the construction plans. 13. The applicant has complied with the following revised conditions as a result of the reconsideration by the HEX March 3, 2009: tornfiJia~~ < tie~~stW.~~c~n§i~er~ti~h~t~~~·~°:~diti~hs_. · .·. · t ·· ··i".;;J_)"'iii\ i ij·· ..... ·. <\•· .· .... . Revised Condition #7 -The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead turn-around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be ., recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway. The easement shall be recorded as directed by the Public Works Department. Staff Comment: The pedestrian pathway has been extended around the entire circumference of the NGPE, internal to the plot, connecting to Duvall Avenue NE in two locations. A public pedestrian easement is shown on the face of the Final Plat. Revised Condition# 9 -The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side pathway. The split rail fence will be required to include an entrance gate from each lot to the path. The gates ., shall open into each respective lot and not into the path . Staff Comment: A split rail fence is installed adjacent to the NGPE as shown on the approved landscaping, wetland buffer mitigation and civil plans. A 4-foot board fence is installed along the residential side of the pedestrian pathway as shown on the approved plans. The gates open into each lot and not into the path. Revised Condition #12 -The gazebo and tot lot may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in a position to protect these feature but in a manner where wheel stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting the bollards. The bollards may be the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary. In ., addition the plan shall note the adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. Staff Comment: A landscape plan depicting the gathering space was review and approved by City Planning. The gathering space, including bollard, will be bonded for and installed prior to final of the first constructed home. A note has been added on the plan showing the square footage of the open space. Revised Condition #18 -The applicant shall record access easements for each tract. The easements shall be recorded with the Public Works Department; the existing ., access easement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department. HEX Report Chelan Creek Final Plat LUA 16-000527, FP City of Renton Department of Comm 'ty & Economic Development Chelan Creek Final Plat earing Examiner Recommendation LUA16-000527, FP April 11, 2017 Page 8 of 10 Staff Comment: Access easements are shown on the face af the Fino/ Plot Map. The existing access easement hos been revised ta restrict access ta Lat 14 (previously Lot 16). Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) will include a residential fire sprinkler0 Condition #21 New -If Council agrees to the Plat and PUD and determines not to limit the Plat's duration; the PUD should run concurrent with the Plat. ,,,. Staff Comment: Renton Municipal Code RMC 4-1-045F5. PU Os are approved as a companion to a preliminary plat application shall remain valid for the duration of the preliminary and final plat. 14. The applicant has complied with the following conditions as a result of the Final PUD approval and decision dated September 27, 2016. The project is subject to all Preliminary PUD, Preliminary Plat, and SEPA conditions unless otherwise modified via this decision, and also subject to the following Final PUD conditions: . Compliance Final Pl.lb Conilitions ;. .. Condition #1 -The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines for all residences constructed on the proposed lots and shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each home. The applicant should note that based on the renderings, the homes may not comply with (but not limited to) the following: on-site garages shall be set back a minimum of 5 feet from the building facade on which the garage is located; a minimum of at least one side articulation shall occur for side or rear elevations facing streets or public spaces; each home shall have a covered porch or main entry oriented toward the public realm in the respective front yard; primary roof pitches shall be a minimum of 6:12. Staff Comment: The Chelan Creek Design Guidelines will be followed and demonstrated prior to building permit approval. Condition #2 -A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pedestrian pathway (from near Chelan Pl NE east along the NGPE to Duvall Ave NE) prior to/or concurrent with Final Plat recording. Staff Comment: A public pedestrian easement is shown an the face of the Final Plat and will be recorded concurrently. Condition #3 -The applicant shall submit a revised plat/landscape plan depicting at least a 3-foot separation from proposed pathway and the existing fence on southern property line. The 3-foot area is required to include vegetation and groundcover. The revised site/landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat approval. Staff Comment: The area of the path relocation was proposed as wetland buffer enhancement and shown an the wetland mitigation plans. A revised wetland buffer mitigation plan will be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to final plat approval. Condition #4 -The applicant shall be required to orient the front yard and entrances for each residence shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each HEX Report Chelan Creek Final Plat LUA 16-000527, FP City of Renton Department of Co1 Chelan Creek Final Plat 1ity & Economic Development Hearing Examiner Recommendation LUA16-000527, FP April 11, 2017 Page 9 of 10 home. Lots 1 and 2 required to orient toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 would orient toward the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 10 would orient towards the NGPE (east); Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE (south); Lots 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE (south); and Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) toward the abutting property to the west. Staff Comment: The building and front yard will be oriented as required and shown on the site plan prior to building permit issuance. Condition #5 -Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 9 feet for a single lane and no more than 16 feet for double lane driveways and shall be demonstrated ,/ prior to building permit approval for each home. Staff Comment: Driveway widths for a single car garage will not exceed 9 feet and a double car garage will not exceed 16 feet. Condition #6 -The gazebo (and tot lot) may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install ,/ bollards in a position to protect these features but in a manner where wheels stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting bollards. The bollards may be the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary. Staff Comment: Bollards will be installed within Tract A at the gathering space. Condition #7 -The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to or concurrent with Final recording. In addition, ,/ those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. Staff Comment: A homeowner's association has been created and the PUD design guidelines have been added to the CCRs. Condition #8 -A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants ,/ shall also be placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to or concurrent with the recording of the Final Plat. Staff Comment: An easement and restrictive covenant will be recorded concurrently with recording of the final plat. I D. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the R-8 Zone and RSF Comp Plan designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation. See FOF 10. 2. The Final Plat satisfies the conditions imposed by the preliminary plat, PUD and the SEPA process. See FOF 11-14. I £. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Chelan Creek Final Plat, File No. LUA16-000527, FP as depicted in Exhibit 7, subject to the following conditions: HEX Report Chelan Creek Final Plat LUA 16-000527, FP City of Renton Department of Comm "ty & Economic Development Chelan Creek Final Plat April 11, 2017 earing Examiner Recommendation LUA16-000527, FP Page 10 of 10 1. All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the plat. SUBMITIED THIS 11th DAY OF APRIL, 2017 HEX Report Che/on Creek Fino/ Plat LUA 16-00052 7, FP .PiiNNING DIVISION l./ • Minutes APPLICANT/OWNER: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Linda Pillo 5411 36" Avenue SW Seattle, WA 98126 Jim Hanson Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Chelan Creek PUD February 5, 2009 File No.: LUA 08-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE, CAE Tax ID# 102305-9106 and #102305-9440 922 Chelan Avenue Requesting Preliminary Planned Urban Development, Preliminary Plat approval for the subdivision of a 4.21-acre site into 16 lots for the eventual development of single-family residences, with two access tracts. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on December 22, 2008. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the December 30, 2008 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, December 30, 2008, at 9:03 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No. 2: Aerial Photo application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. EXHIBIT 2 I Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 2 Exhibit No. 3: Zoning Mao Preliminary Plat Plan Exhibit No. 5: Landscape Plan Exhibit No. 7: Wetland Mitigation Plan showing Pedestrian Pathwav Exhibit No. 4: Preliminary Plat/PPUD Plan Exhibit No. 6: Chelan Creek DesiPTI Guidelines Exhibit No. 8: Illustration of Normal Plat Plan The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Rocale Timmons, Associate Planner, Community and Economic Development Department, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The proposed project would be located in northeast Renton on the west side of Duvall Ave NE between NE 10th Street and NE 8"' Street. A lot adjustment is currently pending to adjust the lot line of a third parcel immediately abutting proposed Lot 16 to the south with the subject property. Two critical area exemptions have been granted for the proposal. The site is zoned R-8 and within the Residential Single-Family Comprehensive Plan Designation (RSF). As part of the PUD the applicant has requested modifications from the street standards and the R-8 development standards, including lot size, width and depth and front yard setbacks. The proposed residential density would be 4.70 du/ac after all deductions. There are two existing homes and several outbuildings on the existing lots, which would be removed prior to construction. The site is vegetated with grass lawns, shrubs and trees. A tree inventory indicates a total of 191 trees of which 81 % would remain. The overall elevation change within the site is about 15 feet. The site slopes down from the northeast to the southwest, the slope throughout the site is approximately 4% or less. There is a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland on the project site. The wetland is located within a broad swale through the central portion of the site, Category 2 wetlands require a SO-foot buffer and a Class 4 stream requires a minimum 35-foot buffer. A buffer averaging proposal has been approved by staff, which would allow the applicant to reduce the buffer on the west side of the wetland to approximately 25 feet. Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated with six measures. No appeals were filed. The proposal does comply with the following code provisions of the PUD process; preservation and enhancement of natural features, superior landscaping, buffering and screening, superior architectural design, and placement and orientation of structures. Without the PUD it would have been challenging to meet the density requirements. The applicant has proposed to comply with all development standards with the exception of the requested modifications. Applicant would be required to comply with the Chelan Creek Guidelines prepared by staff. In addition, the applicant would be required to provide fencing, landscaping and sidewalks to mirror existing frontage improvements just south of the site along Duvall Ave NE. The lighting plan would contain pedestrian lighting on both sides of the pathway in a staggered configuration. Staff asked to have the pathway extended for better connectivity to Chelan Place NE and back out to Duvall Avenue NE. A split rail fence would be required along the buffer area to provide privacy. The residential driveways should be limited to no more than 9 feet for a single lane and no more than 16 feet for a double lane driveway. That is a deviation from the 20-foot maximum in the code. The developer would be required, within 2 years of the effective date of the approval of the preliminary plan, to submit a fmal development plan. The applicant has requested a 3-year extension, the same time limits of an • Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 3 approved preliminary plat for a total of 5 years. Staff agreed to the extension. The existing homes could be retained on the property up to the end of the 5-year term. Staff recommended that the tot lot be removed due to the safety of children playing in that location and the gazebo should be relocated to the start or end of the pedestrian pathway. A homeowners' association for the development should be established in order to maintain any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to Final Plat or Final PUD approval. The Examiner stated that the removal of the tot lot may not be a good thing, where lots are smaller and there are more restrictions, it may be necessary to have a play area inside the development. Consistency with Preliminary Plat Criteria: Ms. Timmons continued stating that the proposal is consistent with most of the Comprehensive Plan and Community Design Element policies with the exception of CD IO, CD82 and T9, which would not be met unless the conditions of approval including lighting, and street frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE are completed as part of the PUD regulations. Some modifications would be necessary as part of the PUD, Lots 1-3, 5-12 and 14 require a modification from the lot width standards, Lots 1-3, 5, 6, 8 and 11 require modifications from the lot size requirements and Lot 4 requires a modification from the lot depth requirements. Additional modifications would be needed for the front yard setbacks due to the proposed widths of Lots 5, 6 and 14 because they are less than required by code. An access easement exists on the northwest portion of the site that is used by the existing residence. The Fire Department has reviewed the application and is allowing the existing easement to remain as long as the proposed residence for Lot 16 is constructed with a fire sprinkler system. A larger radius would be required on the northeast corner of Lot 12 for emergency vehicle access. The applicant is not proposing to plant two street trees and a 5-foot landscape strip within the front yards of Lots 1-4. A 10-foot landscape strip had also been omitted on Lot 13. Traffic, Fire and Parks mitigations fees would apply to this project. The Renton School District has stated that they can accommodate the additional students generated by this proposal. The project site would be served by the City of Renton water and sewer departments. It was recommended that the existing 8-inch water main be extended for the full frontage of Lot 16. A water main would also need to be constructed within Chelan Place NE and be extended the full frontage of Lot 3. Linda Pillo, 5411 36th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98126 stated that she is the trustee of her parents and grandparent's property. She owns the residence that is part of the lot line adjustment, 922 Chelan Avenue NE and she wants to make sure that this development is of the highest quality. When the property was originally purchased, there was no wetland. When Duvall Avenue was constructed a culvert was put in which created the creek that ran through the property. Jim Hanson, Hanson Consulting, 17446 Mallard Cove Lane, Mt. Vernon, WA 98274, stated that he met with the City approximately one and a half years ago with a regular plat plan. There was no stream or wetland report at that time. The City suggested that they might want to look at doing a PUD on the property since there is such a large area running diagonally through the property that most likely was a stream and a wetland. Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 4 The applicant hired a wetland consultant, who identified the stream as a Class 4 Stream and the wetland as a Category 2 wetland. Later an additional wetland biologist was hired to look at it and verified that it was a Class 4 Stream and a Category 2 wetland. When the application was put together, the City asked for a third review, which came back with the same determinations. After all that, a final plan was put together and the City's peerreview of that plan was found to be acceptable with a few minor additions, which were made. In the final design the mitigation was increased in the southern area beyond what any of the consultants had suggested. The actual stream and buffer cover approximately 45% of the site. The main modification that they are asking for is lot width and size. The lot depth issue only concerns Lot 4 and it is believed that Lot 4 does meet the definition of lot depth. The northern boundary is about 54 feet and the southern boundary is considerably larger. The average would be in excess of the 65-foot minimum depth. The PUD was suggested due to the large buffer. A draft of the site without the modifications was prepared, which used a standard 50-foot wide lot All lots are 65-feet deep and over 4,500 square feet. In order to achieve the lot sizes, a number of the lot lines go into the wetland buffer, which is allowed by Renton's code. They felt that by modifying the lot sizes and keeping all the private lots out of the buffer really helped protect the stream. The PUD is a much better design than a regular plat. They do agree with most of the design guidelines, but there are some details that make it very difficult to use and there are some conflicts in the guidelines. There needs to be the ability for the staff and designer to work together to achieve the goal of a particular standard. The Examiner suggested that they go into the objections of the design guidelines. He presumed that the guidelines had been agreed to prior to the hearing. The guidelines are 13 pages Jong and quite detailed and elaborate. The terms of the guidelines need to be settled now, if that is not possible, the hearing can be continued. Ms. Timmons stated that the applicant had been given a copy of the guidelines. Mr. Hanson stated that he could go over a few of their objections such as; houses need to be oriented towards the Native Growth Protection Easement. That is not a problem, but what exactly does that mean, oriented towards, is that the front door? Chelan Avenue would be like an alley, would the doors and garages have to meet the criteria as if they were the front? Access would be from the other side. Ms. Timmons stated that because the plat is a PUD they are trying to get the homes to orient to the natural features on site, which is one of the PUD criteria. The front yards that would be abutting the natural features on site would have the front facades, front porch, front door and the rest (Lots 5-12) would have the garage and access with limited driveways so that there is more open space. The Examiner stated that he would agree that all the homes on Lots 5-12 should orient the same way. !le was not sure the formal front of a building today, most fronts have garages there and these most likely would not have a garage on the side of the Native Growth Protection Easement. Ms. Timmons stated that the garage would have a 20-foot setback as any normal rear yard. The Examiner was concerned that this could not be settled at the hearing. If there is a problem with the guidelines, that needs to be ironed out now so there are no vague questions when the development actually takes place. If it were being developed in the next six months, that would be fine, but in 5 years anything can happen. If the property were to be sold, the purchaser needs to know exactly what they would be bound to. Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 5 Mr. Hanson continued with his list of objections to the guidelines: some of the details need to be worked out. For instance, in the guidelines it states that the comer boards need to be painted. Does that mean that we cannot stain them? Why can't they be stained? There is no flexibility built into the guidelines. There are conflicts with the fencing, it appears that there cannot be a fence in the interior side yard. There is a hedge issue with the interior side yards, he did not believe you could put hedges there. The guidelines propose a wider trail and they were thinking narrower with fences on both sides, their proposal seems much less sensitive to the land and buffer. If the City wants it to become a public trail, then the City needs to take responsibility for the care, maintenance and liability of the trail. It now becomes a sidewalk that would connect to Duvall come through the development and connect to Duvall again at the opposite end. They have proposed a softer trail through the buffer area. Driveway widths, one section talks about width and one talks about curb cuts. Sixteen feet does not allow room to get out of the car, eighteen feet works much better, allowing room to get out of the car and unload packages, children, etc. Again the guidelines talk about front doors and front of the building requirements. What are the requirements, wood doors, they cannot be fiberglass or metal. Doors fronting the street could be metal, doors fronting the Native Growth Protection Easement would have to be wood if that is the front yard. Double doors are not allowed, nice French Doors facing the NGPE would not be allowed. The lot line adjustment should not be a problem, that recording should take place any day. Tract C would be modified to 26-feet, which is not an issue, the surveyor has it at 25-feet. Tract A is a misprint, it . says 20 feet, but in fact it is 26 feet. There is a requirement for a 25-foot radius on Lot 12. Street standards call for a 15-foot radius, which does not meet the Fire Department's requirements. He would suggest that that condition be changed rather than requiring a 25-foot radius on Lot 12, requiring that radius meet the Fire Department's requirements. There also is a requirement to put a five-foot landscape strip along Lots 1-4 on the west side, which they had not proposed. They are proposing a 10-foot landscaping strip along Duvall, leaving the natural vegetation throughout the buffer and critical area. They were proposing a 10-foot strip along Lot 13. Mr. Hanson did not believe the strip along Lots 1-4 was a requirement of the code. There is a requirement to put two trees either in the front yard or in the landscape strip. They provided two trees in the landscape strip along Duvall. The City code requires that offsite improvements be put in on property abutting your site, Duvall Avenue is abutting the site and docs not have full street improvements adjacent to the site. The City just did some improvements in that area, but they did not put in a street that meets the City standards. They did sewer and water improvements and repaved the street. The applicant is now being required to install curb, gutter and sidewalk, storm drainage and street lighting the whole length of the property. There is 677 feet along Duvall and 63% of that frontage is either wetland or buffer. There are only five lots abutting and none of those lots have access to Duvall. The applicant should not have to put in full street improvements in that area. School children are using Chelan Ave to cross and do not use Duvall. Kayren Kittrick, Department of Community and Economic Development stated that the Orchards development directly to the south of this, was required to put in walkway and to improve Duvall Avenue even though they had no access to Duvall. Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 6 Tract A is 26-feet wide, Mr. Hanson is correct, a design for proper radii for the Fire Department can be accommodated within that 26 feet as well as the larger interior section around the existing home. Lot 12 may require a bit of an edge. Pathways have been done with both soft surfacing and paving, they both seem to work. Lighting is more difficult because it must be maintained and paid for. Who owns it? It appeared that it would be included in the access easement, installed by the applicant and maintained by the homeowner' s association. It would be an access easement for the benefit of the public but maintained by the homeowner's association. Ms. Kittrick stated that there would a safety consideration pro and con for the lighting. It invites the public through and also invites people through that may not have innocent intentions. The lighting does create a higher safety factor for both residents and anyone that is walking through there. Mr. Hanson stated that a public path would cause problems for the residents, it is unreasonable to require a walkway. The school children could use the sidewalk along Duvall or a pathway along Duvall without a formal city sidewalk that would meet the City's standards. The pathway as originally designed was not intended to provide a public walkway, but rather just an internal amenity for interior lots. Ms. Timmons stated that the pathway was a trade-off for the PUD. Staff is requiring the path to be connected back to Duvall because Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 would have to travel completely around the site in order to reach Duvall. The Examiner stated that he would hold the hearing open. He wants a settlement on the 13 pages of guidelines before they are forwarded as something that shall be abided by. The hearing will be held open for one week to allow Mr. Hanson to spell out in writing his questions and then a return response by staff. Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing stopped at 10:52 a.m. FINDINGS. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Jim Hanson, Hanson Consulting, filed a request for a Preliminary Planned Urban Development and a Preliminary Plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # I . 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located on the west side of Duvall Avenue NE and runs from approximately a half block north of NE 8th Street to approximately a half block south of NE 10th Street. NE 9th Street on the west deadends about halfway along the west property line while SE I 18th Street forms a T-intersection with Duvall in approximately the same location but on the east side of the subject site. Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 7 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single-family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family-8 dwelling units/acre). 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinances 3058 and 516 l, adopted respectively in September 1976 and January 2005. 9. The subject site is approximately 4.21 acres (183,489 gross square feet). I 0. The subject site slopes downward from the northeast to the southwest portion with an overall grade difference across the site of approximately 15 feet. 11. The proposal would require approximately 1,000 cubic yards of grading along Duvall. 12. The subject site contains a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland. The wetland is associated with the creek that runs diagonally across the site from the northeast to the southwest. A Category 2 wetland requires a 50-foot buffer. A Class 4 stream, non-salmonoid bearing in this case, requires a minimum JS- foot buffer. This stream drains down toward the Cedar River. 13. The applicant proposes buffer averaging to permit it to carve out 16 lots around the creek and wetland. Portions of the 50-foot wetland buffer would be reduced to not less than 25 feet through buffer averaging. The buffer would be reduced by 11,597 square feet to be replaced by 12,426 square feet of enhanced additional buffer. Enhancement would result in the planting ofnative plants and the removal of invasive species. Staff approved the buffer averaging proposal subject to conditions under a separate cover. 14. The site is vegetated primarily with grass lawns, shrubs and trees. A tree inventory found a total of 191 trees on the site. The applicant would retain 81 percent following development including trees that would be retained in the wetland and creek areas. 15. Two existing residences and outbuildings are located on the subject site. One home is located along the north portion of the subject site while the second home is east of where NE 9th Street intersects the subject site. 16. The area is predominately developed with R-8, single-family uses surrounding the subject site with a church also located west of the subject site. 17. Chelan Place NE intersects the parcel approximately midway along its south property line. NE 9th Street intersects the parcel approximately midway along its western property line. A new north-south road, Proposed Chelan Avenue NE will be extended along the western property line. 18. The applicant proposes dividing the acreage into 16 lots and 2 access tracts. The proposed subdivision would result in 16 lots ranging in lot size from 3,930 to 7,658 square feet. The centrally located critical areas and limited public roads along the margins of the site limit the placement of the proposed lots. Proposed Lots 1 to 4 and 13 will be located along Duvall but take access from interior easements or tracts. Proposed Lots 14, 15, and 16 are located along the north and northwest margins of the subject site. Proposed Lots 5 to 12 are located along the western margin of the site. 19. Proposed Lots 1 through 4 would gain access from a dead end Access Tract (Tract C) extended from Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 8 Chelan Place NE. Proposed Lots 5 through 12 would gain access from a proposed dead end public street extended from NE 9th Street. Proposed Lots 13 through 15 would gain access from a proposed Access Tract (Tract A); extended from the new Chelan Ave NE. Proposed Lot 16 would gain access from an existing access easement extended from NE 1 O" Street. There is no Tract B as it will be part of Proposed Chelan Avenue NE. 20. Staff has recommended that homes be oriented so that Proposed Lots 1 and 2 face west to Chelan Place ·NE, Proposed Lots 3 and 4 similarly face west toward the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE), Proposed 5 to 12 face to the east to face the NGPE, Proposed Lot 13 south to the NGPE, Proposed Lots 14 and 15 face their access tract and Lot 16 face its westerly neighbor. 21. Staff noted that the applicant has requested a total lot area reduction of 1,971 square feet and this reduction must be balanced with a commensurate open space on the site. Staff recommended the applicant alter the plans by removing the tot lot and moving the gazebo to the pedestrian path's start or end. 22. The proposed plat will have a density of 4.70 units per acre after the deduction of roads and critical areas from the gross acreage of the site. There would be 6,458 square feet for right-of-way dedications, 9,902 square feet for private access easements and 18,739 square feet for critical areas. This results in approximately 148,390 square feet (3.406 net acres) 23. The subject site is located within the Renton School District. The project is expected to generate approximately 6 or 7 school age children. These students would be spread across the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 24. The development will generate approximately IO trips per unit or approximately 140 trips for the 14 additional single-family homes, or 160 trips for all 16 homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 16 peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. 25. The subject site is located in the Maplewood Creek sub-basin. This area has known storm water and erosion issues downstream. Stormwater will be collected in two vaults located in Chelan Place and NE 9th respectively. Water will be released to the creek at controlled rates and flow off the site. The ERC imposed compliance with the 2005 King County Stormwater Manual. 26. Sewer and water will be provided by the City. Staff has recommended extensions of the water lines to the south boundary of Lot 16 and along the frontage of Lot 3. 27. A lot line adjustment in the vicinity of Proposed Lot 16 is required for access to the subject site and provide the appropriate property line demarcation between property included or excluded from the current proposal. 28. Staff had recommended shared driveways between Proposed Lots 5 and 6 but removed the condition. Staff has recommended 10 foot and 18 foot driveway widths for single drives and double drives respectively. 29. Staff recommended a revised landscape plan to include 5 feet oflandscaping along Duvall for Proposed Lots 1 and 2, IO feet of ornamental landscaping along Duvall for Proposed Lots I to 4 and 13 and for ornamental landscaping to mirror the designs south of the subject site. 30. Staff recommended a 15-foot radius on the northeast corner of Proposed Lot 12. Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 9 31. Staff recommended that a pedestrian pathway be extended from Chelan Place NE to the east along the Native Growth Protection easement and then around Proposed Lots 3 and 4 and ultimately connect to Duvall and that it be a public benefit as part of the required public benefit for PUD approval. 32. Staff enunciated the code requirements that the applicant is responsible for improvements along Duvall Avenue NE adjacent to the subject site. 33. The applicant requested that the normal two (2) year expiration period for a PUD be extended an additional three (3) years to a total of five (5) years. Normally, as the expiration date approaches a one- year extension may be requested. The 5 years would match the plat approval period. 34. At the public hearing the applicant raised non-specific objections to portions of the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines, which were a thirteen (13) page addendum to the staff recommendation. Staff analysis indicated that certain requirements of a PUD could only be satisfied if the Guidelines were accomplished. The vague nature of the objections led to keeping the hearing record open so that specific objections could be raised and reviewed by staff. Staff and the applicant agreed on Revised Guidelines that resulted from the applicant's submissions and staffs further review. 35. The applicant maintains objections to the requirement for street improvements along Duvall Avenue NE and extending the path to Duvall in the vicinity of Proposed Lots 3 and 4. The applicant suggests that the lots along Duvall do not take access to that street and the requirement for improvements is not proportionate to the plat's impact. The applicant believes that the second access to Duvall supplants the need for staff's recommended connection. CONCLUSIONS: Planned Urban Development (PUD) l. The PUD Ordinance contains a long and complex series of criteria that are reviewed. They are included in Section 4-9-150-D: D DECISION CR!TER!k The City may approve a planned urban development only ifit finds that the follo\.\ing requirements are met. 1 Demonstration of Compliance and Superiority Required: Applicants must demonstrate that a proposed development is in compliance with the purposes of this Section and w:ith the Comprehensive Plan, that the proposed development will be superior to that which would result without a planned urban development, and that the development will not be unduly detrimental to surrounding properties. 2. Public Benefit Required: In addition, applicants shall demonstrate that a proposed development will provide specifically identified benefits that clearly outweigh any adverse impacts or undesirable effects of the proposed planned urban development, particularly those adverse and undesirable impacts to surrounding properties, and that the proposed development will provide one or more of the following benefits than would result from the development of the subject site without the proposed planned urban development: a. Critical Areas: Protects critical areas that would not be protected otherwise to the same degree as without a planned urban de,,elopment; or b. Natural Features: Preserves, enhances, or rehabilitates natural features of the subject property, such as significant woodlands, native vegetation, topography, or noncritical area wildlife habitats, not otherwise required by other City regulations; or c. Public Facilities: Provides public facilities that could not be required by the City for development of the subject property without a planned urban development; or d. Overall Design: Provides a planned urban development design that is superior in one or more of the following ways to the design that would result from development of the subject property without a planned urban development: i. Open Space/Recreation: (a) Provides increased open space or recreational facilities beyond standard code requirements and considered equivalent to features that would offset park mitigation fees in Resolution 3082; and (b) Provides a quality environment through either passive or active recreation facilities and Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 10 attractive common areas, including accessibility to buildings from parking areas and public we.lkways; or ii. Circulation/Screening: Provides superior circulation patterns or location or screening of parking facilities; or iii. Landscaping/Screening: Provides superior landscaping, buffering, or screening in or around the proposed planned urban development; or iv. Site and Building Design: Provides superior architectural design, placement, relationship or orientation of structures, or use of solar energy; or v. Alleys: Provides alleys lo at least fifty percent (50%) of any proposed single family detached, semi-attached, or townhouse units. 3. Additional Review Criteria: A proposed planned urban development shall also be reviewed for consistency with all of the following criteria: a. Building and Site Design: i. Perimeter: Size, scale, mass, character and architectural design along the planned urban development perimeter provide a suitable transition to adjacent or abutting lower density/intensity zones. Materials shall reduce the potential for light and glare. ii. Interior Design: Promotes a coordinated site and building design. Buildings in groups should be related by coordinated materials and roof styles, but contrast should be provided throughout a site by the use of varied materials, architectural detailing, building orientation or housing type; e.g., single family, detached, attached, townhouses, etc. b. Circulation: i. Provides sufficient streets and pedestrian facilities. The planned urban development shall have sufficient pedes1rian and vehicle access connnensurate with the location, size and density of the proposed development All public and private streets shatl acconnnodate emergency vehicle access and the traffic demand created by the development as documerrted in a traffic and circulation report approved by the City. Vehicle access shall not be unduly detrimental to adjacent areas. ii. Promotes safety through sufficient sight distance, sepa:ation of vehicles from pedestrians, limited driveways on busy streets, avoidance of difficult turning patterns, and minimization of steep gradients. iii. Provision ofa system of walkways that tie residential areas to recreational areas, transit, public v.ra.Jkways, schools, and commercial activities. iv. Provides safe, efficient access for emergency vehicles. c. Infrastructure and Services: Provides utility services, emergency services, and other improvements, existing and proposed, which are sufficient to serve the development. d. Clusters or Building Groups and Open Space: An appearance of openness created by clustering, separation ofbuilding groups, and through the use of well-designed open space and landscaping, or a reduction in amount of impervious surfaces not otherwise required. e. Privacy and Building Separation: Provides internal privacy between dwelling units, and external privacy for adjacent dwelling units. Each residential or mixed-use development shall provide visual and acoustical privacy for dwelling units and surrounding properties. Fences, insulation, walks, barriers, and landscaping are used, as appropriate, for the protection and aesthetic enhancement of the property, the privacy of site occupants and surrounding properties, and for screening of storage, mechanical or other appropriate areas, and for the reduction of noise. Windows are placed at such a height or location or screened to provide sufficient privacy. Sufficient light and air are provided to each dwelling unit f. Building Orientation: Provides buildings oriented to enhance views from within the site by taking advantage of topography, building location and style. g. Parking Area Design: i. De.sign: Provides parking areas that are complemented by landscaping and not designed in long rows. The size of parking areas is minimiz.e<l in comparison to typical designs, and each area related to the group of buildings served. The design provides for efficient use of parking, and shared parking facilities where appropriate. ii. Adequacy: Provides sufficient on-site vehicular parking areas consistent with the parking demand created by the development as documented ID a parking analysis approved by the City. Parking management plans shall ensure sufficient resident, employee, or visitor parking standards, and there shall be no reliance on adjacent or abutting properties unless a shared parking arrangement consistent with RMC 4- 4-080 is approved. h. Phasing: Each phase of the proposed development contains the required parking spai:es, open space, recreation spaces, landscaping and utilities necessary for creating and sustaining a desirable a11d stable environment, so that each pha.se, together with previous phases, can stand alone. 4. Compliance with Development Standards: Each planned urban development shall demonstrate compliance with the development standards contained in subsection Eofthis Section (Ord. 5153, 9-26-2005) E DEVEWPMENT STANDARDS: 1. Connnon Open Space Standard: Open space shalt be concentrated in large usable areas and maybe designed to provide either active or passive recreation. Requirements for residential, mixed-use, commercial, and industrial developments are described below. a. Residential: For residential developments, open space must be equal to or greater in size than the total square footage of the lot area reductions requested by the planned urban develClpment, as illustrated in Figure 1. The open space shall not include a critlcal area and shall be concentrated in large usable areas. Stormwater Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 11 facilities may be incorporated with the open space on a case-by-case basis if the Reviewing Official finds: i. The stormwater facility utilizes the techniques and landscape requirements set forth in The Integrated Pond, King County Water and Land Resources Division, or an equivalent manual, or li. The surface water feature serves areas outside of the planned urban development and is appropriate in size and creates a bendit. Site Area: 1.5 acres Typical Lot Size: 4,500 sq. ft Total Number of Lots: 12 Site Area: 1.5 acres Typical Lot Size: 3,500 sq. ft. Total Number of L-Ots: 12 Open Space: 4,500 s.f. minus 3,500 s.f. = 1,000 s.f. x. 12 lots= t2,000 sq. ft. Standard Subdivision Example Planned Urban Development Approach Figure 1 Common Open Space Example b. Mixe<l Use-Residential Portions: Subsections Elbi to v of this Section specify common open space standards for the residential portions of mixed-use developments. r. Mixed use residential and attached housing developments often (10) or more dwelling units shall provide a minimum area of common space or recreation area equal to fifty (50) square feet per unit. The common space area shall be aggregated to provide usable area(s) for residents. The location, layout, and proposed type of common space or recreation area shall be subject to approval by the Reviewing Official. The required common open space shall be satisfied with one or more of the elements listed below. The Reviewing Official may require more than one of the folJo-wing clements for developments having more than one hundred (100) U11its. (a) Courtyards, plazas, or multipurpose open spaces; (b) Upper level common decks, patios, terraces, or roof gardens. Such spaces above the street level must feature views or amenities that are unique to the site and provided as an asset to the development; (c) Pedestrian corridors dedicated to passive recreation and separate from the public street system; (d) Recreation facilities including, but not lirrrited to: tennis/sports courts, rnimming pools, exercise areas, game rooms, or other similar facilities; or ( e) Children's play spaces. ii. Required landscaping, driveways, parking, or other vehicular use areas shall not be counted toward the connnon space requirement or be located in dedicated outdoor recreation or common use areas. iii. Required yard setback areas shall not count toward outdoor recreation and common space unless such areas are developed as private or semi-private (from abutting or adjacent properties) courtyards, plazas or passive use areas containing landscaping and fencing sufficient to create a fully usable area accessible to all residents of the development. iv. Private decks, balconies, and private ground floor open space shall not count toward the common space/recreation area requirement. Figure 2. A visible and accessible residential common area containing landscaping and other amenities. v. Other required landscaping, and sensitive area buffers without common access links, sucli as pedestrian trails, shall not be included toward the required recreation and common space requirement. c. Mixed Use Nonresidential Portions, or Commercial, or Industrial Uses: Tr.e following subsections specify common open space requirements applicable to nonr~idential portions of mixed use developments or to single use commercial or industrial developments: 1. All buildings and developments with over thirty thousand (30,000) square feet ofnonrcsidential uses (excludes parking garage floorplate areas) shall provide pedestrian-oriented space according to the following formula: I% of the lot area+ 1 % of the building area= Minimum amount ofpedestrian..;::iriente<l space Figure 3. Examples ofpedesttian-oriented space associated v.ith a large-scale retail building. ii. To qualify as pedestrian-oriented space, the following must be included: (a) Visual and pedestrian access (including barrier-free access) to the abutting structures from the public right-of-way or a courtyard not subject to vehicular traffic, (b) Paved walking surfaces of either concrete or approved unit paving, (c) On-site or building-motmted lighting providing at least four (4) foot-candles (average) on the ground, and (d) At least three (3) feet of seating area (bench, ledge, etc.) or one individual seat per sixty (60) square feet of plaza area or open space. iii. The following features are encouraged in pedestrian-oriented space and may be required by the Reviewing Official. (a) Pedestrian-oriented uses at the building facade facing the pedestrian--0riented space. (b) Spaces should be positioned in areas with significant pedestrian traffic to provide interest and security-such as adjacent to a building entry. (c) Pedestrian-oriented facades on some or all buildings facing the space consistent with Figure 4. Chelan CreekPUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 12 (d) Public seating that is durable or easily replaceable, maintainable, and accessible. Figure 4. Pedestrian-oriented spaces, visible from the street, including ample seating areas, movable fumiture, specia1 paving, landscaping components, and adjacent pedestrian-oriented uses. iv. The following are prohibited within pedestrian-oriented space: (a) Adjacent uru.creened parking lots, (b) Adjacent chain link fences, (c) Adjacent blank walls, (d) Adjacent dumpsters or service areas, and (e) Outdoor storage (shopping carts, potting soil bags, firewood, etc.) that do not contribute to the pedestrian environment d. Open Space Orientation: The location ofpublic open space shall be considered in relation to building orientation, sun and light exposure, and local micro-climatic conditions. e. Conunon Open Space Guidelines: Common space areas in mixed use residential and attached residential projects should be centrally located so they are near a majority of dwening units, accessible and usable to residents, and visible from surrounding units. i. Common space areas should be located to take advantage of surrounding features such as building entrances, significant landscaping, unique topography or architecture, and solar exposure. ii. In mixed use residential and attached residential projects children's play space should be centrally located, visible from the dwellings, and away from hazardous areas like garbage dumpsters, drainage faciHties, streets, and parking area.'i. 2. Private Open Space: Each residential unit in a planned urban development shall have usable private open space (in addition to parking, storage space, lobbies, and corridors) for the exclusive use of the occupants of that unit Each ground floor unit, whether attached or detached, shall have private open space, which is contiguous to the unit and shalt be an area of at lea.st twenty percent (20%) of the gross square footage of the dwelling Units. The private open space shall be well demarcated and at least ten feet (1 O') in every dimension. Decks on upper floors can substitute for some of the require<l private open space for upper floor units. For dwelling units which are exclusively upper story units, there shall be deck areas totaling at least sixty (60) square feet in size with no dimension less than five feet (5'). 3. Installation and Maintenance ofCormnon Open Space: a. Installation: All corrunon area and open space shali be landscaped in accordance with the landscaping plan submitted by the applicant and approved by the City; provided, that common open space containing natural features worthy of preservation may be left unimproved. Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit, the developer shall furnish a security device to the City in an amount equal to the provisions of RMC 4-9-060. Landscaping shall be planted within one year of the date of final approval of the planned urban development, and maintained for a period of two (2) years thereafter prior to the release of the security device. A security device for providing maintenance of landscaping maybe waived if a landscaping maintenance contract with a reputable landscaping firm licensed to do business in the City of Renton is executed and kept active for a two (2) year period. A copy of such contract shall be kept on file with the Development Services Di vision. b. Maintenance: Landscaping shall be maintained pursuant to requirements ofRMC 4-4-070. 4. Installation and Maintenance of Common Facilities: a. Installation: Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits, an eommon facilities, including but not limited to utilities, storm drainage, streets, recreation facilities, etc., shall be completed by the developer or, if deferred by the Planning/BuiWing/Public Works Administrator or hi&lher designee, assured through a security device to the City equal to the provisions of RMC 4-9-060, except for such common facilities that are intended to serve only future phases of a planned urban development. Any common facilities that are intended to serve both the present and future phases of a planned urban development sball be installed or secured with a security instrument as specified above before occupancy of the earliest phase that will be served. At the time of such security and deferral, the City shall determine what portion of the costs of improvements is attributable to each phase of a planned urban development. b. Maintenance: All common facilities not dedicated to the City shall be pernranmtly maintained by the planned urban development owner, if there is only one owner, or by the property owners' association, or the agent(s) thereof. In the event that such facilities are not maintained in a responsible manner, as detemtined by the City, the City shall have the right to provide for the maintenance thereof and bill the o\\/Jler or property owners' association accordingly. Such bill, if unpaid, shall become a lien against each individual property. (Ord. 5153, 9- 26-2005) 2. It appears that some background on a PUD (Planned Urban Development) is necessary. The fact is that a PUD is kind ofa compact or contract between the property's owner or developer and the City. The City modifies or relaxes its normal standards such as lot size or setbacks or street dimensions and the developer agrees to provide enhanced development and, it must be emphasized ''AND" public benefit. To cut to the chase, in this case the applicant sought relaxed standards permitting more lots on the acreage than would normally be accommodated given the shape of the parcel, surrounding streets and the large centrally located wetland and creek. In return, the City sought enhanced design of the homes and a public pathway adjacent to the natural features and through the development as part of the public's benefit or return for relaxing the normal development standards. If the developer does not find the pathway Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 13 acceptable, then the balancing that drives this PUD has not been achieved. 3. The City's Critical Areas ordinances and complementary regulations already protect the natural features on this site. The features themselves, the wetlands and creek are already protected and buffers around those features are already required and protected. Those regulations protecting the critical areas and buffers mandate an overall reduction in density and impose significant constraints on the lot sizes and shapes. Access and street requirements further define how the plat can be developed and how many lots can be legally served. Both critical areas and roadways together reduce the developable acreage and, therefore, the overall density that can result. Accommodating more density can be achieved by allowing smaller lots, yards, driveways and roads or easements. So, from the City's perspective, the PUD needs to provide additional public benefits that achieve more than preserving the wetlands and creek and their respective buffers. This could include improving the public roadways around the project including Duvall and providing the path recommended by staff. 4. The applicant's objections to installing street improvements along Duvall are misguided. Code requires it. The public benefit in approving this PUD requires it. The residents of this plat require it. The fact that primary access to Duvall from lots within this plat is limited does not mean that the proposed lots or rather their commuting, shopping and socially active residents will not be using this major thoroughfare for access to and egress from the plat. A review of the street system shows a rather limited grid pattern and one that has limited direct access to major arterials and the shopping and commute routes that residents find attractive. While some residents will probably prefer winding about smaller roads, many will find Duvall, the more direct route, more appealing. Duvall to the south provides access to NE 4th Street and a commercial node at Duvall. NE 4th also provides access to downtown Renton and I-405. Duvall to the north provides access to the Sunset commercial corridor, again f-405, and access to Bellevue as Duvall transitions into Coal Creek Parkway and access to 1-90. Transit routes along Duvall might also prove inviting and residents could be expected to make use of sidewalks along Duvall immediately abutting the plat along the east. 5. Determining whether a traditional plat or a PUD provides a better result clearly is something in the eye of the beholder and could vary considerably. The PUD clearly allows more lots to be developed on this highly constrained property and that helps create more housing opportunities for more people. A traditional plat would have allowed quicker development and more free choice of housing type and expression of individuality in landscaping and style. This office has to suggest that a number of criteria in this review might be considered vague and allow the imposition of vague conditions that could later be misinterpreted. In order for staff to recommend approval of this PUD they required the imposition of 13 pages of guidelines governing everything from housing form, window trim, contrasting color, facade details and orientation, articulation and banding, corner treatments, stoop arrangements and more. In the present case, the applicant did have some concerns with some of the conditions imposed in that approximately 13-page addendum. Satisfying the PUD criteria in most aspects depends on the applicant abiding by the guidelines. The guidelines govern most aspects of the proposed development. A large number of the criteria are or will be satisfied as the applicant develops the project in accordance with the proposed guidelines. 6. The proposal is compatible with the R-8 Zoning and the Single-Family designation found in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal results in a density of 4. 7 which falls within the range permitted in the R-8 Zone. The proposal to construct detached single-family homes is appropriate given the comprehensive plan's single-family designation. 7. The next main criterion and the one providing the biggest stumbling block between the applicant and staff Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 14 is the creation of "specifically identified public benefit." A number of concepts are noted that might achieve a public benefit: protect critical areas beyond normal, preserve or enhance natural features beyond normal, provide a public facility or provide a special design. Frankly, the critical areas regulations probably provided more than adequate protection of the wetlands and creek and their respective buffers. There will be some critical area enhancement as a result of buffer averaging but this is permitted without a PUD overlay. And one could argue that buffer averaging lessens protections in one area to enhance other areas. Reducing a buffer allows more intense uses closer to the actual critical area. So this buffer reduction/enhancement tradeoff is not necessarily a benefit of PUD development. Providing public facilities that would not ordinarily result from developing private property was the manner staff found to satisfy this requirement. Staff requested that a pathway open to the public be created that winds between Duvall Avenue on the east, around and through the wetland/creek area and the lots and out to the west. This would open the wetland areas to public viewing and enjoyment while providing residents an outlet to the Duvall public right-of-way. 8. Staff notes that the landscaping for the proposal when installed according to the guidelines will provide a superior look and the streetscape is intended to mirror or continue landscaping schemes already found in adjacent development. The adjacent Orchards development has modulated fencing and a meandering sidewalk which staff recommends be continued along the applicant's portion of Duvall. Similarly, housing massing, layout and types will be dictated by the guidelines and provide a townhome-like coordination of architectural detailing between the separate homes while the homes remain detached single-family units. The applicant does not propose any special open space requirements but will meet code requirements for individual units. 9. Staff noted that the sample drawings of elevation and styles were too conceptual and suggested that the guidelines would appropriately govern those issues. Conditions requiring compliance with the guidelines will be imposed as part of the approval process. 10. The roadway pattern will rely on a combination of public streets along the perimeter of the site and private easements and driveways internal to the site. This combination is dictated by the centrally located stream and wetland areas, which preclude internal grid streets. The applicant will have to pro,~de adequate room for comer clearances, known as comer radii, where some of the easements form ninety- degree turns. Staff has recommended that Duvall improvements be installed as required by Code. Those improvements would have to be guided by the critical areas located along the Duvall frontage. While the applicant indicated that there was no legal nexus ( compelling reasons) for the applicant to be responsible for improving the frontage since no lots would be accessing Duvall, code requires improvements along frontage of developing properties. As noted above the residents of this complex as well as their friends and visitors would be likely to use Duvall both to the north and south for commuting purposes as well as convenient access to commercial services at nodes north and south of the subject site. Similarly, sidewalks internal to the project as well as along Duvall will allow residents to stretch their muscles and mingle with neighboring property owners. The pathway proposed by staff will allow access to and enjoyment of the natural features by both residents and the public. An exemption will allow improvements along Duvall within the right-of-way as well as an exemption to allow the pedestrian path. Both have been administratively granted to allow appropriately conditioned development. Staff has recommended the use of a meandering sidewalk close to the right-of-way. Lighting will be required. Staff has recommended that private open space for lots be defined and where near the trail and critical areas, a split rail fence be used to complement the one protecting the critical areas. 11. The site has access to appropriate utilities and they can be extended to serve the new lots within the plat. 12. Staff has recommended reduced driveway widths to match the smaller Jots and reduced pavement and has Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 15 specified the orientation of homes to take advantage of the natural features or orient in a normal fashion toward their street or neighboring homes. 13. This office sees no reason to eliminate the tot lot proposed by the applicant and it should be maintained as part of the open space. It and the gazebo may be relocated to areas away from traffic if that is possible. Staff noted that the lots appear to have adequate space to accommodate the required open space for each lot but suggested it be clearly depicted on final plans. 14. The proposal is not exceptionally large and while encumbered by a wetland and creek it is not an exceptionally complex project. The current economic situation might justify granting a longer timeframe in which to develop the subject site but the five years requested appear to be inordinate. A one-year extension is almost always available so granting an additional year on the permit actually provides a four- year (4) timeframe. Conditions and regulations undergo periodic review and the property should not be vested in years' old regulations if conditions do change. The only reason to grant a five-year permit is to match the plat period. Maybe the City Council should limit this plat overlaid by a PUD to 4 years total. Again, the proposal is not all that complex and should be able to be implemented in less than five (5) years. Preliminary Plat 15. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. It preserves the critical areas located on the central portion of the site while providing additional lots for detached single-family uses. 16. While the lots do not necessarily comply with the actual platting regulations, the imposition of the PUD overlay allows for the proposed division of the property. I 7. The lots and lot lines are about as rectangular as can be, given the need for the lots to be arranged around the critical areas. 18. Public services can be extended to serve the new lots. Stormwater will be accommodated by the applicant in two systems and then recharge the wetlands and creek. 19. The payment of mitigation fees will help offset the impacts that the development will have on public services. The development should increase the tax base of the City helping to offset some of the additional impacts on new residents on the City. 20. The plat will provide additional housing choices including housing situated around natural areas. 2 I. In conclusion, the City Council should approve the proposed PUD and Plat. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve the proposed PUD and Plat subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines for all residences constructed on the proposed lots. The applicant will be required to, as part of the FPUD application, provide elevations and floor plans for the proposed structures. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping and street improvement plan depicting the following: a meandering sidewalk; ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing, for those portions of the frontage not abutting the proposed NGPE, to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. Modulation Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 16 of the fence shall be used to transition from the proposed fence, not abutting the NGPE, to the split rail fence abutting the NGPE. In the depression of the fence, where it connects to the split rail fence, an ornamental tree shall be planted in order to conceal the transition of the fence. The revised plan must be submitted to and approved hy the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. 3. The Pillo LLA (LUA08-066) shall be recorded prior to Final Plat recording or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. 4. The applicant shall be required to construct, to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions, street improvements along Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements include, but are not limited to: paving, sidewalks, curb, gutter, storm drain, landscape, streetlights, and street signs 5. The applicant shall be required to locate the meandering sidewalk closest to the street where the NGPE abuts the right-of-way. 6. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. The lighting plan shall contain pedestrian lighting on both sides of the pathway in a staggered configuration. 7. The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead tum-around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. 8. The applicant shall be required to enhance the buffer area adjacent to where the pathway is located. Where enhancement of the buffer, adjacent to the pathway, due to existing high quality vegetation, additional buffer area or other mitigation may be required. A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. 9. The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side of the pathway. The split rail fence will be required to include an entrance gate that opens out onto the pedestrian pathway for each lot. 10. The applicant shall be required to orient each residence as noted on page 14 of the staff report; under Preliminary Plat review criteria. Lots 1 and 2 shall be oriented towards Chelan Pl NE; Lots 3 and 4 towards the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 12 towards the NGPE (east); Lot 13 towards the NGPE (south); Lots 14 and 15 towards Tract A (south); and Lot 16 towards the abuttingpropertY to the west. 11. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 10 feet for a single lane and no more than 18 feet for double lane driveways. 12. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan depicting the relocation of the tot lot and the relocation of the gazebo to where the proposed pedestrian pathway either starts or terminates. The revised plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PUD, Final Plat, or utility construction approval. In addition the plan shall note adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. 13. The applicant shall be required to depict adequate area on each lot for private open space on the Parking, Lot Coverage, and Landscaping Analysis to be submitted as part of the Final PUD application. 14. The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to Final Plat or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. In addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 17 Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. 15. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all required inspections for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. 17. The applicant shall submit a revised detailed landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect or other landscape professional to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. The revised landscape plan should include: a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 and 2; and ornamental I 0-foot landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE street frontage for Lots I through 4 and Lot 13; and ornamental landscaping to mirror the existing frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE, just south of the site. The revised landscape plan should also include fence detail for the entire site. 18. The applicant shall record access easements for each tract prior to utility construction, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval, whichever comes first; the existing access easement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department. 19. The applicant shall be required to submit a revised plat plan depicting a IS-foot radius on the northeast comer of Lot 12. The revised plan would be required to be submitted prior to construction permit, Final Plat, Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. 20. The applicant shall be required to extend the existing 8-inch water main within the access easement ( extended from NE 10th St) to the south boundary of Lot 16 prior to Final Plat approval. Water main extensions shall also be installed for the full frontage of Lot 3. ORDERED THIS 5"' day of February 2009. TRANSMITTED THIS 5th day of February 2009 to the parties of record: Rocale Timmons Development Services Renton, WA 98057 Wes Falkenberg Windermere Land Group 1215 120th Ave NE, Ste. 110 Bellevue, WA 98005 Amy Dickau & Doug Smith 874 Bremerton Ave NE Renton, WA 98059 Kayren Kittrick Development Services Renton, WA 98057 Jim Hanson Hanson Consulting I 7 446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA98274 Jerry Pryor 825 Chelan Place NE Renton, WA 98059 TRANSMITTED THIS 5"' day of February 2009 to the following: • Linda Pillo 5411 36th Avenue SW Seattle, WA 98126 Shirley Goll 4124 NE 10" Street Renton, WA 98059 Chelan Creek PUD File No.: LUA-08-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, CAE February 5, 2009 Page 18 Mayor Denis Law Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Gregg Zinunerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Marty Wine, Assistant CAO Dave Pargas, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services Renton Reporter Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section !OOGofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., Februarv 19, 2009. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors oflaw or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision: This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase ih the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m .• February 19. 2009. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) conununications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not conununicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public conununication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the conununication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. HANSON CONSUL TING February 17, 2009 Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA. 98055 360-422-5056 Subject: Chelan Creed PUD, Preliminary Plat LUA 08-067, PPUD, PP Dear Mr. Kaufman: CITY OF RENTON FEB 1 7 2009 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE l'i37fff,{ ~ We are hereby requesting reconsideration of conditions #7, #9, #12, and 18 in your decision on the Chelan Creek PUD and Preliminary Plat. Both conditions #7 and #9 require easements to be recorded prior to the final plat, with the utility construction, Generally all easements are recorded as part of the final plat. If the respective easements are recorded with the utility permits and there is any minor change in location, the easements will have to be re-recorded. If the plat is never recorded there will be easements crossing the parcel for no reason being at conflict with future development. We ask that the conditions be modified to require the easements to be recorded as part of the final plat. Condition # 9 requires that the gate open out onto the pedestrian pathway. A gate opening out onto the pathway will block the pathway when open. If the gate opened into the yard there would be no blockage of the pathway. Since the fence is a spit rail type just an opening to the pathway may look better than a gate. Condition #12 requires that the tot lot and the gazebo be located either where the pathway starts or terminates. Condition #7 requires the pathway to continue from Chelan Place NE to Duvall Ave NE along lots 3 and 4. The start and termination of the pathway as required is at Duvall Ave NE, a major arterial. Constructing a tot lot and gazebo abutting Duvall Ave NE may be dangerous to children. The proposed location adjacent to a private driveway is a more appropriate location with much less risk of children being in an accident. There should be even less traffic at the proposed location then at a location off Chelan Place NE which has been suggested by staff. We are asking the proposed location be approved. The city staff recommended that a 3 year extension be granted for the Final PUD. The report discussed the extension but does not grant one. The discussion indicates that with a one year extension the PUD final timeframe is 4 years. The staff report indicates that the EXHIBIT 3 Final PUD is required in 2 years. With the current economic situation we believe the 5 year timeframe will be appropriate or at least the 4 year timeframe as indicated in your conclusions. Thank you for reconsideration of the above items. We understand that some of the wording of the conditions is the same as the staff report however clarification at this point will avert possible conflicts when the plat is developed. -,~Y 1•:;i c~"o,¢; CIT~~ RENTON . ~1,. ~K O~ Denis Law, Mayor Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman ~'Nif March 3, 2009 Jim Hanson Hanson Consul ting 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Re: Chelan Creek PUD, Request for Reconsideration LUA-08-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE, CAE Dear Mr. Hanson: The applicant has asked for a reconsideration of the decision in the above matter. Specifically, the applicant has asked that conditions #7, #9, #12, and#l8 be modified. In addition, the applicant has asked that the expiration period for the PUD be reconsidered or clarified. The letter contains what this office suspects is a typographical error. It appears that the explanatory text, which refers to Conditions #7 and #9 should have instead referenced #7 and #18. Those are the two conditions referencing easements. · · The app)icant was concerned about the timing of conveying easements in both Conditions #7 and . #18, which currently state: "7. The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead tum-around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall berecorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. 18. The applicant shall record access easements for each tract prior to utility construction, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval, whichever comes first; the existing access easement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department." The applicant expressed concern about creating the easements at the time ofapplicatim\ for Utility Permits. The applicant noted that there is the potential for a change in location of the utility line or that the plat may never actually be finalized and recorded .. The applicant was concerned about having easements cross the parcel with no purpose or in the wrong location. The problem with not recording the easement when utilities are installed is that there could be utility lines on the property and no access to those lines permitted if the easements have not been recorded. This office will defer to the Public Works Division to determine when the easements EXHIBIT 4 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98057 -(425) 430-6515 (2)1) Chelan Creek PUD~!ci~sideration Jim Hanson ittt,·.··. 0/i: '· _,_ '.i . .'. ,·: March 3, 2009 Page2 should be created as that division would be the one needing access. The applicant was concerned about a conflict Condition #9 might create on the path. It currently states: "9. The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side of the pathway. The split rail fence will be required to include an entrance· gate that opens out onto the pedestrian pathway for each lot." The applicant expressed concern that the gate would swing open into the pathway, potentially blocking the pathway to passers-by. The phrasing "opens out onto" might have been a figure of speech but to avoid any.confusion or the potential for the gate to open and block the path, each gate shall open into its respective lot and not into the path. The applicant was concerned about the location of the tot-lot and gazebo near heavier trafficked areas rather than in a more low-key location. Condition #12 states: 12. The applicant shall submit arevised landscape·plan depicting the relocation of the tot !Ot and the relocation of the gazebo to where the proposed pedestrian pathway either starts or terminates. The revised plan shall be submitted to and approved bythi: Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PUD, Final Plat, or utility construction approval. In addition the plan shall note adequate sqiwe. footage to comply with the open space requirement." · · · This office agrees that these recreational features should be located in an area or areas with less traffic. The gazebo and tot-lot may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure · safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install boflards in a position to protect . these features but in a manner where wheel stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting the bollards. The bollards ma:y be the type tfuit can be locked in place but removed if necessary. · Finally, the applicant had asked that the PUD expire in the same timeframe as the Final Plat. The original report discussed the changes that could occur in Zoning or land use and unnecessarily binding the City to a potentially stale PUD plan and left the time for expiration of the PUD up to the City Council. Clearly this plat should not remain alive if the.terms of the PUD -the coordinated design standards, open space, etc -are not mandated. It is possible that the plat's timeframe could be reduced by the City Council as a condition of PUD approval but this might be problematic. If the Council agrees to the Plat and PUD and determines not to limit the Plat's duration, this office would, therefore, reluctantly agree that the PUD should run concurrent with the Plat. Based on this review, therefore, the conditions are modified. The conditions are fully listed below with the modified conditions, Numbers 7, 9, 12 and 18, highlighted. (the original decision inadvertently omitted Condition 16 and for ease of comparison, it will be omitted in this version, too). A new condition, Condition 21, also highlighted, will address the PUD extension. '.qc, Chelan Creek PUD Reconsideration Jim Hanson March 3, 2009 Page 3 The new recommendation is as follows: RECOMMENDATION: ' ··'-"'\ ;~~ The City Council should approve the proposed PUD and Plat subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines for all residences constructed on the proposed lots. The applicant will be required to, as part of the PlJD application, provide elevations and floor plans for the proposed structures. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping and street improvement plan depicting the following: a meandering sidewalk; ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing, for those portions of the frontage not abutting the proposed NGPE, to the satisfaction of the Current · Planning Project Manager. Modulation of the fence shall be used to transition from the proposed fence, not abutting the NGPE, to the split rail fence abutting the NGPE. In the depression of the fence, where it connects to the split rail fence, an ornamental tree shall be planted in order to conceal the transition of the fence. The revised plan must be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes frrst. 3. The Pillo LLA (LUA08-066) shali be recorded prior to Final Plat recording or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. 4. The applicant shall be required to construct, to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions, street improvements along Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements · include, but are not limited to: paving, sidewalks, curb, gutter, storm drain, landscape, streetlights, and street signs 5. The applicant shall be required to locate the meandering sidewalk closest to the street where the NGPE abuts the right-of-way. 6. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for-review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. The lighting plan shall contain pedestrian lighting on both sides of the pathway in a staggered configuration. 7. The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead turn-around and Lots 3 and. 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway. The easement shall be recorded as directed by the Public Works Department. 8. The applicant shall be required to enhance the buffer area adjacent to where the pathway is located. Where enhancement of the buffer, adjacent to the pathway, due to existing high quality vegetation, additional buffer area or other mitigation may be required. A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Chelan Creek pui)\~!sideration Jim Hanson March 3, 2009 Page4 9. The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side of the pathway. The split rail fence will be required to. include an entrance gate from each lot to the path. The gates shall open into each respective lot and not into the path. 10. The applicant shall be required to orient each residence as noted on page 14 of the staff report; under Prelimina.=; Plat review criteria. Lots l and 2 shall be oriented towards Chelan Pl NE; Lots 3 and 4 towards the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 12 towards the NGPE (east); Lot 13 towards the NGPE (south); Lots 14 and 15 towards Tract A (south); and Lot 16 towards the abutting property to the. west. 11. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 10 feet for a single lane and no more than · 18 feet for double lane driveways: 12,.The gazebo and tot-lot may be located as proposed by the applicant, In order to assure safety from turning or backing .vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in a position to · protect these features but in .a manner Where whee_ls stops or curbs also prevent backing. vehicles .from easily hitting the bollards. The bollards may be. the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary; In additio11 the plan shall note adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. 13. The applicant shaHbe required to depict adequate area on each lot for private open space on the Parking, Lot Coverage, and Landscaping Analysis to be submitted as part of the Final PUD application. · · 14. The applicant shall be required to estaqlish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements ancl/or tracts within the PUD prior to Final Plat or Final PU!) approval; whichever comes first. In addition, those standards included iri · the Chelan Creek Design Chelan Creek PUD Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws.· 15. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all required.inspections for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. 16. (Omitted in Original) 17. the applicant shall submit a revised detailed landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect or other landscape professional to the Current Planning _Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. The revised landscape plan should include: a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots I and 2; and ornamental JO-foot landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE street frontage for Lots I through 4 and Lot 13; and ornamental landscaping to mirror the existing frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE, just south of the site. The revised landscape plan should also include fence detail for the entire site. 18. Th'e applicant shall record access easements for each tract. The easements shall be recorded as directed by the Public Works Department; the existing access easement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a J •, ' .. ,<~ Chelan Creek PUD Reconsideration Jim Hanson March 3, 2009 Page 5 fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department. 19. The applicant shall be required to submit a revised plat plan depicting a 15-foot radius on the northeast corner of Lot 12. The revised planwould be'required to be submitted prior to construction permit, Final Plat, Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. 20. The applicant shall be required to extend the existing 8-inch water main Within the access easement (extended from NE 10th St) to the south boundary of Lot 16 prior to Final Plat approval. Water main extensions shall also be installed for the full frontage of Lot 3. 21. If the Council agrees ti> the Plat and PUD and determines not to limit the Plat' s duration, the PUD should run concurrent with the Plat. If the parties are not satisfied with this decision, an appeal may be filed with the City Council no later than Match 17, 2009 and accompanied by the appropriate fee. If this office can provide any additional assistance, please feel free to write. Sincerely, Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton FK/nt cc: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager, Chip Vincent, Planning Director Rocale Timmons, Development Services Linda Pillo, Owner Wes F alkenborg Shirley Goll Amy Dickau & Doug Smith Jerry Pryor C.E. S. NW Inc. Civil Engineering & Surveying April 7, 2017 City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Hearing Examiner and Final PUD Conditions for Chelan Creek CES #13040 Dear Community and Economic Development Department, 310 29'h St. NE, Suite 10 I Puyallup, WA98372 Phone: (253) 848-4282 Fax: (253) 848-4278 Thank you for the opportunity to submit the Final Plat for Chelan Creek. The following list demonstrates how the project complies with each of the Hearing Examiner's Conditions of Approval. Hearing Examiner Recommendations I. The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines for all residences constructed on the proposed lots. The applicant will be required to, as part of the PUD application, provide elevations and floor plans for the proposed structures. Response: The applicant will comply with the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines. All building permits will comply at the time of building permit submittal. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping and street improvement plan depicting the following: a meandering sidewalk; omamet1tal landscaping and modulated fencing, for those portions of the frontage not abutting the proposed NGPE, to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. Modulation of the fence shall be used to transition from the proposed fence, not abutting the NGPE, to the split rail fence abutting the NGPE. In the depression of the fence, where it connects to the split rail fence, an ornamental tree shall be planted in order to conceal the transition of the fence. The revised plan must be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Response: Landscaping and street improvement plans were submitted and approved by the City Planning and Development Engineering Departments. The meandering sidewalk has been cons/ntcted along Duvall Avenue NE along the site frontage with ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing. Split rail fencing is installed adjacent to the NGPE. 3. The Pillo LLA (LUAOS-066) shall be recorded prior to Final Plat recording or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. Response: The Pillo LLA was recorded on January 30, 2009 under King County Recording number 20090130900003. 4. The applicant shall be required to construct, to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions, street improvements along Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements include, but are not limited to: paving, sidewalks, curb, gutter, storm drain, landscape, streetlights, and street signs. EXHIBIT 5 Response: Street improvements along Duvall Ave NE to include paving, curb/gutter, storm drainage, landscaping, streetlights, and street signs were constructed to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions. 5. The applicant shall be required to locate the meandering sidewalk closest to the street where the NGPE abuts the right-of-way. Response: The meandering sidewalk is located where the NGPE abuts the right-of-way along Duvall Avenue NE. 6. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. The lighting plan shall contain pedestrian lighting on both sides of the pathway in a staggered configuration. Response: A lighting plan was submitted, reviewed, and approved on January 11, 2016. 7. The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead tum-around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway. The easement shall be recorded as directed by the Public Works Department. Response: The pedestrian pathway has been extended around the entire circumference of the NGPE, internal to the plat, connecting to Duvall Avenue NE in two locations. A public pedestrian easement is shown on the face of the Final Plat. 8. The applicant shall be required to enhance the buffer area adjacent to where the pathway is located. Where enhancement of the buffer, adjacent to the pathway, due to existing high quality vegetation, additional buffer area or other mitigation may be required. A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Response: A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan was submitted and approved by the City Planning Manager. 9. The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side of the pathway. The split rail fence will be required to include an entrance gate from each lot to the path. The gates shall open into each respective lot and not into the path. Response: A split rail fence is installed adjacent to the NGPE as shown on the approved landscaping, wetland buffer mitigation and civil plans. A 4-foot board fence is installed along the residential side of the pedestrian pathway as shown on the approved plans. The gates open into each lot and not into the path. C:\Users\jillian\AppData\Locaf·Microsoft\Windows\T emporaty Internet Files'Content.Outlook\V5WKYQQ X\R4-01 -Confinnation of Compliance updated 04 072017.doc r ;1 r: ,' 12 10. The applicant shall be required to orient each residence as noted on page 14 of the staff report; under Preliminary Plat review criteria. Lots 1 and 2 shall be oriented towards Chelan Pl NE; Lots 3 and 4 towards the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 12 towards the NGPE (east); Lot 13 towards the NGPE (south); Lots 14 and 15 towards Tract A (south); and Lot 16 towards the abutting property to the west. Response: Each residence will be oriented as noted on Page I 4 of the staff report. More specifically, Lots 1 and 2 toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 toward the NGPA, Lots 5-10 toward the NGPE, Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE, Lot 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE, and Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) toward the abutting property to the west. 11. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 10 feet for a single lane and no more than 18 feet for double lane driveways. Response: Per the Hearing Examiners Conditions, driveway widths will comply with single lanes being not exceeding IO feet and double lanes not exceeding 18 feet. 12. The gazebo and tot-lot may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in a position to protect these features but in a manner where wheel stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting the bollards. The bollards may be the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary. In addition the plan shall note adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. Response: A landscape plan depicting the gathering space was review and approved by City Planning. The gathering space, including bollard, will be bonded for and installed prior to occupancy of the first constn,cted home. 13. The applicant shall be required to depict adequate area on each lot for private open space on the Parking, Lot Coverage, and Landscaping Analysis to be submitted as part of the Final PUD application. Response: Parking, Lot Coverage, Private Open Space, and Landscaping areas are shown on the dimensioning plan as a part of the civil constniction drawings. This plan was reviewed and approved by the City. Please refer to sheet C9 of the constn,ction drawings. 14. The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to Final Plat or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. In addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. Response: A Homeowners Association will be established for the development. Please refer to the included CC&Rs. 15. The applicant shall obtain a demolition pennit and complete all required inspections for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: The developer obtained the permit and all required inspections were completed. 16. Condition #16 omitted in the Hearing Examiner's Decision. C:\Users\jillian\AppData\local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Fi!es\Content.Outlook\V5WKYQQX\R4-0l -Confirmation of Compliance updated 04 07 2017.doc f :1 c: c 13 17. The applicant shall submit a revised detailed landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect or other landscape professional to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. The revised landscape plan should include: a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 and 2; and ornamental I 0-foot landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE street frontage for Lots 1 through 4 and Lot 13; and ornamental landscaping to mirror the existing frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE,just south of the site. The revised landscape plan should also include fence detail for the entire site. Response: A landscape plan was submitted to the City for review and approval. The Landscape plan included a 5:foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 and 2, a 1 O:foot wide landscape strip along Duvall abutting Lots 1-4 and Lot 11 (previously Lot 13). Fencing details were specified on the plan. 18. The applicant shall record access easements for each tract. The easements shall be recorded as directed by the Public Works Department; the existing access easement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfacti,m of the City of Renton Fire Department. Response: Access easements are shown on the face of the Final Plat Map. The existing access easement has been revised to restrict access to Lot 14 (previously Lot 16). Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) will include a residential fire sprinkla 19. The applicant shall be required to submit a revised plat plan depicting a 15-foot radius on the northeast comer of Lot 12. The revised plan would be required to be submitted prior to construction permit, Final Plat, Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. Response: A 15:foot radius is shown on Lot 10 (previously Lot 12). Please refer to the Final Plat Map. 20. The applicant shall be required to extend the existing 8-inch water main within the access easement (extended from NE 10th St) to the south boundary of Lot 16 prior to Final Plat approval. Water main extensions shall also be installed for the full frontage of Lot 3. Response: The developer extended the existing 8-inch water main as approved under the construction plans. 21. If the Council agrees to the Plat and PUD and determines not to limit the Plat's duration, the PUD should run concurrent with the Plat. Response: Comment noted, thank you. MDNS Mitigation Measures: I. The applicant will be required to submit a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the State Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume 11 of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. The plan must C:\Users\jillianlAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook1V5WKYQQXIR.4-0l -Confirmation of Compliance updated 04 07 2017.doc r :1 ,c ,' j 4 be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review staff prior to issuance of the utility construction and building permits and during utility and road construction. Response: A Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan was prepared, approved by the City, and implemented in the field during constn1ction. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: A Native Growth Protection Easement has been placed over the stream, wetland, and wetland buffer areas as shown on the final plat. Covenants have also been placed on the face of the final plat. 3. The detention system for this project shall be required to comply with the requirements found in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control -a.k.a. Level 2) and water quality improvements. Response: A detention and water quality system was design, approved, and constructed in accordance with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. The applicant shall pay a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single family lot. The fee is estimated at $7,430.64 (14 new lots x $530.76 = $7,430.64) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: Since the time of the PPUD approval, the City Council has adopted regulations to access impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection, as well as school impact fees which are applicable to the project. Therefore, per City Planning, this requirement is no longer applicable. 5. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of $75 for each new net daily trip prior to the recording of the final plat. It is anticipated that the proposed project would result in the payment of$10,048.50 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 14 new lots= $10,048.50). Response: Since the time of the PPUD approval, the City Council has adopted regulations to access impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection, as well as school impact fees which are applicable to the project. Therefore, per City Planning, this requirement is no longer applicable. 6. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. The fee is estimated at $6,832.00 ($488 x 14 ~ $6,832.00). Response: Since the time of the PPUD approval, the City Council has adopted regulations to access impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection, as well as school impact fees which are applicable to the project. Therefore, per City Planning, this requirement is no longer applicable. C:\Users'jillian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\T emporary Internet Files\Content. Outlook\V5WKYQQXIR4-0 l -Confirmation of Complianceupdated0407 2017.doc P :1 g ,' 15 Final PUD Conditions from Administrative Report and Decision I. The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines (Exhibit 9) for all residences constructed on the proposed lots and shall be demonstrated prior to building pennit approval for each home. The applicant should note that based on the renderings provided (Exhibit 10) the homes may not comply with (but not limited to) the following: on-site garages shall be set back a minimum of 5 feet from the building facade on which the garage is located; a minimum of at least one side articulation shall occur for side or rear elevations facing streets or public spaces; each home shall have a covered porch or main entry oriented toward the public realm in the respective front yard; primary roof pitches shall be a minimum of 6:12. Response: The Chelan Creek Design Guidelines will be followed and demonstrated prior to building permit approval. 2. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pedestrian pathway (from near Chelan Pl NE east along the NGPE to Duvall Ave NE) prior to/or concurrent with Final Plat recording. Response: A pedestrian easement is shown on the face of the Final Plat map and will be recorded concurrently. 3. The applicant shall submit a revised plat/landscape plan depicting at least a 3-foot separation from proposed pathway and the existing fence on southern property line. The 3-foot area is required to include vegetation and groundcover. The revised site/landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat approval. Response: The area of the path relocation was proposed as wetland buffer enhancement and shown on the wetland mitigation plans. A revised wetland b1iffer mitigation plan will be provided to City Approval prior to Final Plat Recording. 4. The applicant shall be required to orient the front yard and entrances for each residence as noted in FOF IO and shall be demonstrated prior to building pennit approval for each home. Lots 1 and 2 required to orient toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 would orient toward the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 10 would orient towards the NGPE (east); Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE (south); Lots 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE (south); and Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) toward the abutting property to the west. Response: The buildings and front yard will be oriented as required and demonstrated prior to building permit approval. 5. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 9 feet for a single lane and no more than 16 feet for double lane driveways and shall be demonstrated prior to building pennit approval for each home. Response: The driveways will be built as required and demonstrated prior to building permit approval. Please note that the Hearing Examiners Conditions (#11) state that driveways will be restricted to no more than IO feet for a single lane and I 8 feet for double lane driveways. 6. The gazebo (and tot lot) may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in a position to protect these features C:\Users\jillian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\T emporary lntemet Files\Content.Outlook\V5WKYQQX\R4·0 I -Confinnation of Compliance updated 04 07 2017.doc f' ;\ :2· ~, I 6 but in a manner where wheels stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting bollards. The bollards may be the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary. Response: Bollards will be installed within Tract A at the gathering space. 7. The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to or concurrent with Final recording. In addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. Response: A Homeowners association for the development has been created and CC&Rs provided to the City for review. 8. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall he recorded prior to or concurrent with the recording of the Final Plat. Response: A easement and restrictive covenants will be recorded immediately prior to the recording of the Final Plat. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, Cara Visintainer P.E. Project Engineer C:\Users·~illian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\T emporaty lntemet Files\Content.Outlook\V5Wl( YQQX\R4-0 l -Confirmation of Compliance updated 04 07 2017.doc F' j 7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A. ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE REPORT & DECISION DECISION: 0APPROVED t8} APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS REPORT DATE: September 27, 2016 Project Name: Chelan Creek FPUD D DENIED Applicant/Contact: CED NW Inc.; Cara Visintainer; 310 291 " St, Suite 101; Puyallup, WA 98372 File Number: LUA16-000527, FPUD Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Project Manager Project Summary: The applicant is requesting a Final Planned Urban Development for Chelan Creek PPUD (LUAOS-067). The City Council approved the Preliminary Planned Urban Development on November 2, 2009, subject to 20 conditions of approval. The original proposal was for the subdivision of the 4.21 acre site into 16 lots, for the eventual construction of single family residences, and 2 access tracts. The proposed density was 4.70 du/ac. During engineering, the applicant revised the proposal into a 14-lot subdivision with five tracts for drainage, open space, native growth protection, and access easements. The project site is located within the Residential -8 (R-8) dwelling units per acre (du/ac) zoning designation. The proposed lots range in size from 3,930 square feet to 7,657 square feet in area. Access to the lots is provided via extension of existing roads, including: NE 9th Street, Chelan Place NE, and NE 10'" St. The site contains what was designated as a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland prior to a recent Critical Area Ordinance update. The applicant's proposal includes the averaging of the SO-foot required wetland buffer, with a buffer of no less than 25 feet. As part of the Planned Urban Development (PUD), the applicant requested modifications from City of Renton street standards and the R-8 development standards. The applicant included passive recreational areas and enhancement to the critical area buffers beyond what the code required. The applicant's preservation of the wetland onsite and provided buffer enhancement was used to demonstrate compliance with the PUD public benefit/superiority criteria along with enhanced pedestrian circulation, pedestrian amenities, and landscaping. Project Location: Parcel #102305-9106 and #102305-9440 Site Area: Approximately 4.21 acres •••'AA~• ti..= -~~ ·:""· ~ 1{H!l.&t~;\n ·"" -"]! ~ '~a" C 1; "-~cil:.;'.*""'""' ·~f.l "" -·-\ . , ~~E 8th St Project Location Mop EXHIBIT 6 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 1 s. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Exhibit 9: Exhibit 10: Exhibit 11: Exhibit 12: Exhibit 13: Exhibit 14: Exhibit 15: Exhibit 16: Exhibit 17: Exhibit 18: Exhibit 19: Staff Report, dated September 26, 2016 Plat Plan Approved Landscape Plan Approved Wetland Mitigation Plan Reserved Approved Tree Retention Plan PPUD City Council Decision PPUD Staff Recommendation Chelan Creek Design Standards Conceptual Elevations Proposed CC&R's ERC SEPA Determination and Mitigation Measures Public Comment Email: Pedestrian Pathway HEX Recommendation to the City Council Request for Reconsideration Hearing Examiner's Response to the Request for Reconsideration Reserved Hearing Examiner's Response for the Correction Parties of Record Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000527, FPUD Page 2 of 11 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 C. GENERALINFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: 2. Zoning Classification: CED NW Inc. Cara Visintainer 310 29th St, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 Residential-8 (R-8) Administrative Report & Decision WA16·000527, FPUD Page 3 of 11 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Medium Density (RM D) {Vested to Residential Single Family {RSF}} 4. Existing Site Use: Residential Single Family 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: b. East: c. South: d. West: 7. Site Area: ii D. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) Approximately 4.21 acres 1. The applicant is requesting approval of a Final Planned Urban Development for Chelan Creek PUD which includes the subdivision of the subject site and the construction of 14 single family residences with five tracts for drainage, critical areas, open space, and access. 2. On November 2, 2009 the subject project received approval for the Preliminary Planned Urban Development (PPUD) including Preliminary Plat approval with 20 conditions of approval, City file number LUA08-067 (Exhibit 6). No appeals of the decision were filed. The approval included 16 lots for the eventual construction of single family residences. 3. The public hearing for the Preliminary Planned Urban Development was held on December 30, 2008. The Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation on the Chelan Creek PUD was published on February 5, 2009 (Exhibit 14). The appeal period ended on February 19, 2009. A Request for Reconsideration was filed on February 17, 2009 (Exhibit 15). The Hearing Examiner's Response to the Request for Reconsideration was entered on March 3, 2009 (Exhibit 16). A Request for Corrections to the Examiner's Response was filed on March 5, 2009 and the Examiner's Response for the Correction was entered on March 9, 2009 (Exhibit 18). 4, Minor revisions, pursuant to RMC 4·7-080.M.3, were made during the engineering permitting process resulting in the elimination of 2 lots in order to support drainage and access improvements. 5, The PUD was used to vary street standards, pursuant to RMC 4-6·060 and various R-8 development standards, pursuant to RMC 4·2·110A. The proposal included the preservation of the wetland onsite and buffer enhancement as part of the proposed PUD public benefit, along with enhanced pedestrian circulation, pedestrian amenities, and landscaping. 6. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on November 10, 2008, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS·M) for the Chelan Creek PUD (Exhibit 12). The DNS·M included six mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on November 17, 2008 and ended on December 8, 2008. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. Arlmin FP/Jn RPnnrt City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision LUA16·000527, FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 Page 4 of 11 7. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on July 13, 2016 and determined complete on July 14, 2016. Therefore, the project complies with the 120-day review period. 8. The property is currently located within the Residential Medium Density (RMD) Comprehensive Plan land use designation and the Residential -8 {R8) zoning classification. However, the proposal is vested to the policies and standards in place at the time of the PPUD land use application, on September 28, 2008. The Comprehensive Plan designation at that time was Residential Single Family (RSF) and the zoning classification was same as it is designated today. 9. After deducting 9,435 square feet for right-of-way dedications, 10,843 square feet for access easements, and 18,739 square feet for critical areas from the 183,489 gross square footage of the site, the net square footage would be 144,472 square feet (3.317 net acres). The 14-lot proposal would now arrive at a net density of 4.22 dwelling units per acre (14 units/ 3.317 acres= 4.22 du/ac) which continues to comply with the density requirements of the R-8 zone to which the proposal is vested. 10. The following Standards would be applicable to the PPUD· Vested Development Standards Minimum Lot Size As noted in FOF 10 Minimum Lot Width As noted in FOF 10 Minimum Lot Depth 65 feet Minimum Front Yard 15 feet for the primary structure and 20 feet for an attached garage. Front yard setbacks are measured from the front property line even when portions of the lot are narrower than 80 percent of the minimum permitted width Minimum Rear Yard 20 feet Minimum Side Yard s feet Minimum Side Yard (along a Street) 15 feet Maximum Building Coverage 1 For lots over 5,000 square feet: 35% or 2,500 SF whichever is greater For lots less than 5,000 square feet: 50 percent ! Maximum Impervious Surface Area None I ! Maximum Height 2 stories and 30 feet as measured to the average pitch of the roof ' i Orientation As noted in FOF 10 11. The following table include modified PUD development standards as it applies to each lot: Lot Lot Size SF Width Front Yard Orientation 1 3,932 40 feet Chelan Place NE 2 3,930 40 feet Chelan Place NE 3 4,376 i 40feet NGPE (west) 4 5,721 I 50/eet NGPE (west) I 5 4,067 40/eet NGPE (east) I 4,377 I 6 40feet NGPE (east) I 1- 7 4,609 40 feet NGPE (east) . 4,558 i 8 40 feet NGPE {east} City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000527, FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 Page 5 of 11 9 4,447 40feet NGPE (east/ 10 5,389 48feet NGPE (east/ 11 5,941 40 feet NGPE (south/ 12 I 5,507 40feet NGPE {south) 13 5,027 50 feet NGPE {south) 14 7,657 50 feet Abutting property to the west 12. Access is provided via a dead end access tracts extended from Chelan Place NE, NE 9th St, and Chelan Ave NE. 13. Residential parking is provided in private garages. 14. As specified in the Critical Area Ordinance to which the proposal is vested to there is a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland located on the project site. The wetland is located within a broad swale through the central portion of the site and is associated with a small well-defined stream. Category 2 wetlands require a SO-foot buffer. A Class 4 stream is a non-salmonid bearing intermittent stream and requires a minimum 35- foot buffer. The Class 4 stream eventually drains into the Cedar River. 15. The proposed project reduced certain portions of the SO-foot wetland buffer to no less than 25 feet through the use of buffer averaging. 16. As part of the approved engineering plan-set, the applicant received approval for {but not limited to) the following plans: landscaping/open space, wetland mitigation, and tree retention plans (Exhibits 3-4, and 6). 17. No public or agency comments were received for the FPUD. 18. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report. 19. The proposal requires Final Planned Urban Development Review. The plan shall be reviewed for substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plan and consistency with the purposes and review criteria of RMC 4-9-lSOG. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with the 20 conditions of approval of the Preliminary Planned Urban Development/Preliminary Plat approval and the six mitigation measures issued as a part of SEPA review under Citv File number LUA08-067: A) Preliminary Planned Urban Development Conditions: Not Compliant, Deferred to Building Permit Approval Arlmin FPUD Rnmrt 1) The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines {Exhibit 9) for o/1 residences constructed an the proposed lots. The applicant will be required to, os part of the FPUD application, provide elevations and floor plans for the proposed structures. Staff Comment: The applicant provided conceptual renderings for the proposed homes and did not provide elevations and/or floorplans. Therefore, staff was unable to determine compliance with the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines (Exhibit 9). Therefore, staff recommends the demonstration of compliance with the condition prior to building permit approval. The applicant should note that based on the renderings provided (Exhibit 10) the homes may not comply with (but not limited to) the following: on-site garages shall be set back a minimum of 5 feet from the building facade on which the garage is located; a minimum of at least one side articulation shall occur for side or rear elevations facing streets or public spaces; each home shall have a covered porch or main entry oriented toward the public realm in the respective front yard; primary roof pitches shall be a minimum of 6:12. The applicant is encouraged to take special care in reviewing the design standards to ensure City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision LUA15·000527, FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 Page 6 of 11 compliance well in advance of building permit submittal. 2) The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping and street improvement plan depicting the following: a meandering sidewalk; ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing, far those portions of the frontage not abutting the proposed NGPE, ta the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. Modulation of the fence shall be used to transition from the proposed fence, not abutting the NGPE, to the split rail fence abutting the NGPE. In the depression of the fence, where it connects to the split rail fence, an ornamental tree shall be planted in order to conceal the transition of the fence. The revised plan must be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager priar ta utility construction permit, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. 3) The Pillo LLA /LUAOB-066) shall be recorded prior to Final Plot recording or Fino/ PUD approval; whichever comes first. it--------1················ ·"···-··-----" ····-"' . ···-----·" -------------------- 4) The applicant shall be required to construct, to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions, street improvements along Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements include, but are not limited to: paving, sidewalks, curb, gutter, storm drain, landscape, streetlights, and street signs. 5) The applicant shall be required to locate the meandering sidewalk closest to the street where the NGPE abuts the right-of-way. -··-------··· Not Compliant, Deferred ta Building Permit Approval 6} The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. The lighting plan shall contain pedestrian lighting on both sides of the pathway in a staggered configuration. 7) The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed ta begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead tum-around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The applicant has included the extension of the pedestrian pathway around the entire circumference of the wetland buffer internal to the plat, connecting Duvall Ave NE in two locations. The applicant intends on recording a public pedestrian easement on the face of the Final Plat. However, the proposed Final Plat document does not include language for the pedestrian easement on the face of the plat. Therefore, staff is recommending this condition be deferred to Final Plat Recording. It should be noted staff received comments from a neighboring property owner, memorialized in an email to the applicant (Exhibit 13) regarding proximity of the pathway to an existing fence on the southern property line. Staff requested that the applicant revise the site plan to shift the pathway at least 3 feet from the fence line in order to provide separation and shrubbery to ensure the fence is maintained. The applicant agreed to the proposed separation. Therefore, staff recommends a condition of approval requiring the applicant to submit a revised plat/landscape plan depicting at least a 3-foot separation from proposed pathway and the existing fence on southern property line. The 3-foot area is required to include vegetation and groundcover. The revised site/landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision WA16-000527, FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 Page 7 of 11 approval. 8/ The applicant shall be required to enhance the buffer area adjacent to where the pathway is located. Where enhancement of the buffer, adjacent to the pathway, due to ,/ existing high quality vegetation, additional buffer area or other mitigation may be required. A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. ,/ 9/ The applicant shall provide a split roil fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side pathway. The split roil fence will be required to include an entrance gate that opens out onto the pedestrian pathway for each lot. 10} The applicant shall be required to orient each residence as noted on page 14 of the report; under Preliminary Plot review criteria. Lots 1 and 2 shall be oriented towards Chelan Pl NE; Lots 3 and 4 towards the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 12 towards the NGPE (east); Lot 13 towards the NGPE (south}; Lots 14 and 15 towards Tract A (south}; and Lot 16 towards the abutting property to the west. Deferred to Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing to orient residences as noted on Page 14 of the Building Permit staff report. However, minor revisions, pursuant to RMC 4-7-080.M.3, Minor Plat Approval Amendments, were made during the engineering permitting process resulting in the elimination of 2-lots in order to support drainage and access improvements. As a result the lot arrangement has changed since the time of original approval. Lots 1 and 2 would now orient toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 would orient toward the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 10 would orient towards the NGPE (east); Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE (south); Lots 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE (south); and Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) toward the abutting property to the west. Deferred to 11) Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 9 feet for o single lane and no more Building than 16 feet for double lone driveways. Permit Staff Comment: The applicant should note that the double lane driveways are limited to lG- Approval feet in width and not 18 feet as described in the FPUO submittal. 12) The gazebo and tot lot may be located os proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in o position to Not protect these features but in o manner where wheels stops or curbs also prevent bocking Compliant, vehicles from easily hitting bollards. The bollards may be the type that con be lacked in Deferred to place but removed if necessary. In addition the plan shall note adequate square footage Final Plat to comply with the open space requirement. Approval Staff Comment: Staff was unable to determine complianct' with the condition for bollards to protect those features, located within the open space, from being backed into by vehicles. Therefore, staff recommends the demonstration of compliance with the condition prior to building permit approval. ,/ 13) The applicant shall be required to depict adequate area on each lot for private open space on the Parking, Lot Coverage, Landscaping Analysis to be submitted as port of the Final PUD application. -·----~---~-~-- Not 14} The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the Compliant, development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts Admin FP/JO RPDClrt City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decfsion LUA16·000527, FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 Page 8 of 11 Deferred to Final Plat Approval within the PUD prior to Final Plat or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. In addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable ta the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. Staff Comment: Draft CC & R's were provided with the FPUD application (Exhibit 11) The proposed CC&R's do not contain those standards outlined in the Preliminary PPUD and is required to be revised prior to the Final Plat Approval. The CC & R's are required to be recorded prior to or concurrent with the Final Plat. ------->-----------------------------------• N/A 15) The applicant shall obtoin a demolition permit and complete all required inspections for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. 16) Reserved --___ __, __ -----------······--···"""""" ___________ . Deferred to Final Plat Approval 17) The applicant shall submit a revised detailed landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect or other landscape professional to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. The revised landscape plan should include: a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 through 4; and ornamental 10-faot landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE street frontage for Lots 1 through 4 and Lot 13; and ornamental landscaping to mirror the existing frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE, just south of the site. The revised landscape plan should also include fence detail for the entire site. Staff Comment: Minor Plat Amendments, were made during the engineering permitting process resulting in the elimination of 2 lots in order to support drainage and access improvements. As a result the landscaping for specific lots has changed since the time of original approval. The approved landscape plan included a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 and 2, a 10-foot wide landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE has been provided on Lots 1-4 and Lot 11 (previously Lot 13). The revised landscaping arrangement continues to comply with the intent of this standard. 18/ The applicant shall record access easements for each tract prior to utility construction, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval, whichever comes first; the existing access eosement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City af Renton Fire Department. Staff Comment: The applicant has included access easements on the face of the final plat. The existing access easement has been revised to restrict access to Lot 14 (previously Lot 16). The applicant intends on recording the easements on the face of the Final Plat. ~r_E!f_<2_r_e_,_s_taff is recommending this condition be deferred to Final ~~_Recordin_g,_. _____ ___,. 19/ The applicant shall be required to submit a revised plat plan depicting a 25-foot radius an the northeast corner af Lot 12. The revised plan would be required to be submitted prior to canstructian permit, Final Plat, Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. Staff Comment: A 15-foot radius has been provided on Lot 10 /nreviouslv Lot 12). 20) The applicant shall be required to extend the existing 8-inch water main within the access easement (extended from NE 10th St) to the south boundary of Lot 16 prior to Final Plat approval. Woter main extensions shall also be installed for the full frontage of Lot,3_. __ -t B) SEPA Environmental Review Mitigation Measures City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision WA16-000527, FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 Page 9 of 11 1) The applicant will be required to submit a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan {TESCP) designed pursuant to the State Deportment of Ecology's Erosion and ., Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. The plan must be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review staff prior to issuance of the utility construction and building permits and during utility and road construction. Deferred to 2} A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over thot part of the site Final Plat encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be Approval placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to the recording of the final plat. ---··-·-----·-·--·-·· .. ··-···· 3) The detention system for this project shall be required to comply with the requirements ., found in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow Control -a.k.a. Level 2) and water quality improvements. 4} The applicant shall pay a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single family lat. The fee is estimated at $7,430.64 (14 new lots x $530.76 = $7,430.64} and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. N/A Staff Comment: Since the time of PPUD approval the City Council has adopted regulations to assess impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection, as well as school impact fees for the Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School Districts which are applicable to the proposed project. Therefore, this condition is no longer applicable. 5) The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount af $75 far each new net daily trip prior to the recording of the final plat. It is anticipated that the proposed project would result in the payment of $10,048.50 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 14 new lots = N/A $10,048.50). Staff Comment: Since the time of PPUD approval the City Council has adopted regulations to assess impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection, as well as school impact fees for the Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School Districts which are applicable to the proposed project. Therefore, this condition is no longer applicable. 6} The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based an $488.00 per new single family lat prior to the recording of the final plat. The fee is estimated at $6,832.00 ($488 x 14 = $6,832.00). N/A Staff Comment: Since the time of PPUD approval the City Council has adopted regulations to assess impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection, .is well as school impact fees for the Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School Districts which are applicable to the proposed project. Therefore, this condition is no longer applicable. [E CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal complies with the Final PUD review criteria if all conditions of approval are met. 2. The proposal is compliant and consistent with the plans, policies, regulations and approvals. 3. The proposal is compliant with all conditions of the Preliminary PUD and SEPA Environmental Review if all conditions of approval are met. !, F. DECISION: J The proposed Final Planned Urban Development for Chelan Creek PUD, File No. LUA16-000527, FPUD is approved. The project is subject to all Preliminary PUD, Preliminary Plat, and SEPA conditions unless otherwise modified via this decision, and also subject to the following Final PUD conditions: Arimin FP/ J{) RPnart City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 Administrative Report & Decision WA16-000527, FPUD Page 10 of 11 1. The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines {Exhibit 9) for all residences constructed on the proposed lots and shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each home. The applicant should note that based on the renderings provided {Exhibit 10) the homes may not comply with (but not limited to) the following: on-site garages shall be set back a minimum of 5 feet from the building facade on which the garage is located; a minimum of at least one side articulation shall occur for side or rear elevations facing streets or public spaces; each home shall have a covered porch or main entry oriented toward the public realm in the respective front yard; primary roof pitches shall be a minimum of 6:12. 2. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pedestrian pathway (from near Chelan Pl NE east along the NGPE to Duvall Ave NE) prior to/or concurrent with Final Plat recording. 3. The applicant shall submit a revised plat/landscape plan depicting at least a 3-foot separation from proposed pathway and the existing fence on southern property line. The 3-foot area is required to include vegetation and groundcover. The revised site/landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat approval. 4. The applicant shall be required to orient the front yard and entrances for each residence as noted in FOF 10 and shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each home. Lots 1 and 2 required to orient toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 would orient toward the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 10 would orient towards the NGPE (east); Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE (south); Lots 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE (south); and Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) toward the abutting property to· the west. 5. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 9 feet for a single lane and no more than 16 feet for double lane driveways and shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each home. 6. The gazebo (and tot lot) may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in a position to protect these features but in a manner where wheels stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting bollards. The bollards may be the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary. 7. The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to or concurrent with Final recording. In addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. 8. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to or concurrent with the recording of the Final Plat. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: -·" }C\.l.~./ ·Q: ~~+-c,u?J~ Jennife~H"tnning, AICP, Planning Director Department of Community & Economic Development 'I tz. 7 f'z.l I (-. Date City of Renton Department of Community CHELAN CREEK FPUD Report of: September 27, 2016 nomic Development TRANSMITTED this 27th day af September, 2016 to the Can tact/Applicant/Owner: Owner: Chelan Creek, LLC PO Box 188 Puyallup, WA 98371 Applicant/Contact: CED NW Inc. Cara Visintainer 310 29'' St, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 TRANSMITTED this 27th day of September, 2016 to the Party(ies) of Record: Exhibit 19 TRANSMITTED this 27th day af September, 2016 ta the fallowing: Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Craig Burne//, Building Official Brianne Bann worth, Development Services Manager Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Fire Marshal Renton Reporter H. /AND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION Administrative Report & Decision WA16·D00527, FPUD Page 11 of 11 The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing ta the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on October 11, 2016. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, {425) 430-6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the effective date of decision, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The variance{s) approval will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A variance one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-9-2503.17. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex pa rte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOB-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL.IPG A PORnON OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, 100 N61r:l'l'2~··~ SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B: PER -:,CQR mu COMPANY C0,,1),IITMENT NUMBER 7004~D.'i1, DATED MAY la, :Wl~ (ITEM 1) EASEMLNT fQf! 'HE P~RFUSES ANC RIGHTS JNClDENT"1. TH£RETO: PURPOSE, W .. ITfi PlPES. AAEA "FfECTEO. WESIEKL~ Xl FEET. FIL.ED UNOEII RECOllOrNG "Ull8EII 4929ijQ7. S.SOWN >1EREON. (TO BE RWNOUIS>i£:>J (ITEM 2) USE),lsl!T FOO TH[ PURPOSES-.t.N.0 Rl(.>1TS •NOOENTAL THcRETO: PURPOSE EL.ECTJl;c 1R ...... s,mS10N />.HD/OR Dl5T1:r1BLJTION U~E AAU AFFECTED WESTEP:Li :2 r([l n,rn UNDER REC()RCING N~U0ER :l,4,E!Jl~J-AS CONS1RUC1Ul, SHO\l<N HO!FON (ll£M J) EASEMENT FOR THE PUHPQSE5 N<O Rl0Hl5 lN00lNIAL ]MU,ETO; PURPOSE ROADWAY AREA ASFECTEO; "l,(5TEP:Li 1".l SITT film JNDER P.!:COO'[:ING NUMBER J</l20}J_ sr-o .... HEREON (llD,I 4) EASEMENT FOR T><E PURP05£S .._,..O RIGWS INOOENTAL NER[TO PURPOSE: WAITJ! Plf'£5. .DJ!(A AFF!'.Cl'!:0· M'SltRLY JO FC:tl. f1L£0 UNU:.R ~CORl.11N~ NUM5ER W2~~04. Sl<OIIN HERFnN (TO SE: R£UNOU1$HHl) (ITEM ~) EASEMENT FOR l:~E PURPOSES ANO RIGHTS JNOOCNTAL n,rnno, PURPOSE, INGRCSS, [GRESS ANO UTIUMS. AREA A.ITECTEC: WESTERLY 12 FITT. FILED 1.;NOER RECORD'NG NUMBER IIO" 2100:!-05. 51-<CWN HEREON. (ITf" 6 l< 1S) £ASH•cHT fOR T><E ?U~POSES AND R1Gf<TS INODEN1AL THERl:TO F>,JR~OSE. CONSTRUCT, Ol'[R,-T(. "NNT"'N. R(P.o.lR, REP\.ACE. IMPROVE, RE~O,'[, UPCJ!AOE AND DTENO J1UTf SYST!:U(S) FOR TRN<SMISSJON. DISTRIBUTION N<D SAL£ Of GAS ANO EL!:CTRICITY AREA AFITCTED; 1.N AREA TEN (10) >[[T IN "'OTH HAYNG Fll/F (5) FTTT Of i;,orn Ot1 fACH SID~ uF T'1E CrNTfRJNE Of SAID FACILITIES AS NOW CONSTRUCTfD 00 TO 3£ CCflSTRUCITD. EXTENDED OR RELOCATfD Li1NG WTHIN HE :l£5Cfllll£D f'!lOl'ERT'I. fllill UNDER RECORDING NU~BER 2016~0-4000115. ~CT PLOTTill 12-00' ,,. '"" ' " ,rr, ' ,rr, ' l~~ PARCEL -TU PAH,;Et. CL'RYE (;~~\lie fA6l.t l£NGT!< RAOIU5 CELT A Cl4 .1J· I .l7.00 ·.i~·; ~:~ ;;-1~o"oo~nu:~ \;\/ 5UA" ">R"""5 l NE IABL.£ :JNc I LCHGTH I E:EAAIHG LOl eg_Jll NOO"OTJY;, lSB P9 N cl '"';, I 69 51 ~~· I 5Ba·2~·15• ~O __ __J_,_~.O!l' N591)~ 95100,-oogo ::, RANG£ 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN SEE SHEET 5 FOR: CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT AREAS, ADDRESSES AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS SEE SHEET 3 I CURVE TABLE CUR'IE L[NOTH RAOLUS OELT .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15006' " " " I 53" 149 1667 H9 4774· l 12 9n•·10• «T.l0"53" E"24"31" 54·42·15· aa·55"59· I I I I I I ' ii: ~g ' L<NOTH '5.00' 01,•7• 76.4!1 ' ". N70·3;•45• N•7"• " N57"5S03" N4 "H"0 T N 6 1'<. N :nr --i ~1· I .. 24 71" 17.10" 09_53 ' N:11'57"59" ' ' I I TAX PARC!cl I 102:!-05-~.lOS I "' / // r,, \ I I I/ ( ,,,-I i/ I '-"'$ / ""' I I I \ j I I I ' I ' , .. (: 10· LANDSCAPE BvFFUj I I I l , I I I ! , i I Ii ~ l , i I I I l , I I ! , I '" U7 "' 1,21 Ul "' m "' "' ---l:!-0 w, '" 1 _,. 4B.69 . 2B.15' 10 75' 14 1· 4!1.IB' 9!Ll!" ,n_1 . •o 1s· ·;.,;_1· N05"09"2 " "' NM"~" 'W N0317~3·w NOJ17 ·w N "1 • N56-02'10"'E 5 ':11 N06"00"2>"f ·5 "J • N07"04" • N -" 1"W J ~· • NOJ-04'1 'E N " l"W S07"Ql'l9"'11 soror19·w N•i''C·,j"•- N 7 ·4 • ;_36 "4'' N '1 " LJ7 5 •• 25" 5!11! 1"21"E ~-3~ _:;~ ~}--~(!_~~--~~l:i;~ ' ' ' '. ' ' ' ' L55 ·" L57 ,_55 cs, 500J" ' 30.0!i" '!Ll:'" oo· 80,n,• 1 17" 114" ' 1051" 'ss"w 5591)[)'45"1_ N "i5~-;- 0Cl"O •45• SDO"OJ'<5·• ·, I M~~riNu------------- 1 5• 0R~SS OlSI< 0, MOOIU>,j[NT IM CASE ~· -___c'·=20" E. OF CAI.C. IN:(. N!N'.,(l"Qz·;, "' 1.5" BRASS DISK ,:-(~SL-::~::'~_-,-----~---~ r I \ ,I 42 t ' " ! N07-0•"n"E 1&3 11-~ P R!so.oo· DETAIL CHELAN PLACE NE TRACT C CENTERLINE I ,,,1 f;~1' ,-• ' I ''" 3 I 4 /ti $ I IO' UNOSCAPE 8US'cR --5'0l"Z2"210f ' --=--y-; •. 79" f-- •I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' l•:11.50 1,-25·47·co· L-:12:.C o-25·4_f5/l" EXHIBIT 7 NE 1111-i ST NE 1011-i PL NE 1011-i ST NE 1011-i ST NE 911-i ST NE 8TH ST NE 811-i ST NE 7TH Pl NE 7TH ST VICINITY MAP 1• = 1/4 MILE EXHIBIT 8 Section 4-7-110 4-7-110 FINAL PLAT PROCEDURES: A. APPLICATION: 1. Submittal to Department: Application for final plat shall be filed with the Department on forms prescribed by the Department Page I of I 2. Conformance with Preliminary Plat: The fa1aJ plat shall conform with only minor modifications to the preliminary plat. The lot configuration and number of lots must remain unchanged from the approved preliminary plat. Minor modifications are allowed in lot line locations and dimensions of the new parcels provided all parcels are 1n conformance with the lot development standards of the Zoning Code 3. Submittal Requirements: Shall be as stipulated in RMC 4-8-120. The final plat shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor in accordance with the requirements of the Renton surveying standards. Shall contain data sufficient to determine readily and reproduce on the ground the location, bearing. and length of every street, easement line, iot line, boundary line and block line on site Shall include dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth ('1/100) of a foot and angles and bearings in degrees, minutes, and seconds. 4. Fees: Application fees are required as outlined in the Fee Schedule. RMC 4-1-170 B. REFERRAL TO OTHER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: The Department shall distribute the final plat to all other departments, utility agencies and other governmental agencies as warranted. C. HEARING EXAMINER APPROVAL: At its first public meeting following the date the final plat application has been officially accepted by the CED Department, the Hearing Examiner shall set a date to consider the final plat The final plat shall be approved. disapproved or returned to the applicant for modification or correction by the Hearing Examiner. (Ord. 5519_ 12-14-2009) D. SETTING OF MONUMENTS: All interior monuments shall be installed prior to the release of any bond. E. FILING FINAL PLAT: The Administrator must provide written approval of the final plat prior to its submission to the Hearing Examiner. The final plat must then be approved by the Hearing Examiner. and signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, prior to being filed with the King County Department of Records and Elections by the City (Ord. 5519, 12-14-2009: Ord 5676, 12-3-2012) F. EXPIRATION OF PLAT AFTER APPROVAL: If a final plat has not been recorded within six (6) months after approval by the Hearing Examiner the plat shall expire and be null and void_ To revitalize the expired plat. the plat shall be resubm:tted as a preliminary plat One extension to the six (6) rronth period may be granted by the Hearing Examiner. (Ord. 5519, 12-14-2009) Mobile Version http://w-vvw.codepublishing.com/W A/Renton/ 04/06/2017 C.E.S. NW!nc. Civil Engineering & Surveying Letter of Transmittal TO: Jan Illian City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 WE ARE SENDING: Quantity No. of Dated Pages 2 3 03.07.2017 2 6 03.07.2017 1 1 8 1 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: CES Project No. Project Name: Regarding: Permit #/Application ID: Date: Parcel(s): 31029thStreet NE, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 Phone: (253) 848-4282 Fax: (253) 848-4278 13040.0 Chelan Creek PUD Final Plat Application LUA 16-000527 March 8, 2017 1023059106 1023059440 Description Response to Comments Final Plat Map 8 'h" x 11 copy of all submitted plans City's Comments Electronic copy of all of the documents submitted Enclosed are is the updated Final Plat map and Response to Comments. The documents were updated to reflect the City's comments. Updated CCRs will be provided after we receive City of Renton Planning comments on the CCRs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 253.848.4282. ;::% lie (if c.,d/ !Jennife~well t/ Planner jcaldwell@cesnwinc.com MAR 8 2011 .. .. C.E. S. NW Inc. Civil Engineering & Surveying March 7, 2017 Jan Illian City of Renton I 055 South Grady Way Renton. WA 98057 Subject: Chelan Creek Final Plat -Response to City Comments CES # 13040 Dear Jan, 310 29'h St. NE, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 Phone: (253) 848-4282 Fax: (253) 848-4278 I) 8 i / On behalf of our client, JK Monarch. we are resubmitting the revised final plat map and documents for the above referenced project Below are the plan comments as written, with a response explaining how each comment was addressed. Fire Review Comments -Co rev Thomas ( 425)-430-7024 -cthomas(ti1rentonrfa.org I. Install street name signs as required. Response: Street signs will he installed prior to final plat recording 2. Install "No Parking Any Time·· signs as required. Responu: No Parking .1igns will he insllllled prior to.final plat recording Planning Review Comments -Mona Davis (425)-430-7246-mdavis(iL.rentonwa.gov I. A landscape inspection will be required prior to final plat. The forms for the critical area maintenance and monitoring will be sent to the applicant under separate cover. The surety will be required to be paid prior to final plat. Response: Comment noted. 2. Change signature dates on Sheet I to reflect 2017. Additional space may be needed for signature under the Dedication section, as well as for the City Finance Director's signatures. I would also suggest adding more space to reflect the month in the signature blocks. Response: Signalure dated have been updated 3. Note 11 pertaining to driveway widths can be eliminated. This regulation ,s in the development regulations and will be reviewed at building permit. Response: Previous Note 5 (Sheet I) has heen eliminated 4. Please look at Note 12 *under NOTES cont'd) on Sheet 2 and revise reference to the "table below". Also, the last sentence seems incorrect where it reads ··Grantor(s) and Granlors(s") Successors ... ". - Response: The note has been revised. 5. The NGPE notes (Notes 5 & 8 respectively) could be combined. The note indicates the NGPE is being conveyed to the public. 1 believe this is incorrect; the HOA should be responsible for the tract. Response: NGPE notes on the previous suhmillal were located on Sheet I as Notes 1 and 2. These notes have been combined. 6. There is reference to a Class 4 stream in the decision, but I'm not seeing it depicted on the plat map. Response: Please see Sheet 4 for a depiction of the stream. Engineering Review Comments -Jan Illian {425)-430-7216 -jillian(OJrentonwa.gov I. Sheet I of 6 of the Final Plat: Item IO under Notes should be removed. There is already a reference to the CCRs and a blank line for the recording under DEDICATION. Response: Removed as requested. 2. Sheet 2 of 6 of the Final Plat: Note 12 makes reference to table "below". Show Table to say ''above". Response: Changed as requested. 3. What is the status of the water main easements in Chelan Avenue NE North of NE 9'h? Response: JVater easements shown on Lot 14. 4. CCRS -Page 5, Tract D is designated as a "public" Storm Drainage Tract. The same language under Tract Notes for Tract Don the Final Plat should be included in the CCRs. Response: CCRs were updated to reflect requested language. Updated CCRs will be provided after we receive City of Renton Planning comments on the CCRs. Technical Services Comments -Amanda Askren ( 425) 430-7369 -aaskren@rcntonwa.gov Page I I. Update the LUA numbers (remove LUAOS-087 and add LNDI0-0471) Response: LUA numbers updated as requested. 2. Update 2016 in acknowledgment and recording certificate to 2017. Response: Updated as requested. 3. Did not add the HOA dissolve language to all of the tracts. Response: Added as requested. P·\[ 3040 0\lfiling -Chelan Creek PUD-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Response 2017 0.3_08\0lde,\R4-0J -Response to Comments doc 12 Page 2 4. Update the LlJA numbers (remove LUA08-087 and add LNDI 0-0471) Response: L LA nwnhers updated as requested. 5. Under Notes (continued) add ·'from Sheet 1 ··. Response: Added as reques1ed Page 3 6. Update the LU A numbers (remove LUAOS-087 and add LND I 0-04 71) Re,pon,·e: LUA numbers 11pda1ed as requested. Page 4 7. Update the LU A numbers (remove LUAOS-087 and add LND I 0-04 71) Response: [, UA numhers updaled as requested. Page 5 8. Did not change as requested to Chelan Place NE for lots 1-4 Response: Changed as requested. Page 6 9. Update the 1.UA numbers (remove LUAOS-087 and add LND I 0-0471) Response: LUA numbers upda!ed as requested. Addressing Review Comments -Lillian Watson (425) 430-7368-lwatson(a:retonwa.gov I. Add addresses to face of the plat. Response: Addresses have been added. 2. Correct street name for Lots I 4 in address table. Response: Corrected as requested. Please review and approved the attached at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions. please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards. Cara Visintainer. P.E. Project Manager P·\ 13040 f)\11-iling -Chelan Cn:ek Pl. D-16 J .ot\.hnal Pla1 Docs\Re<;ponse 2017.02.23\R-I.-O ! -Re<;pon~e to Comments.doc I' ;1 g C I J C.E.S. NW Inc. Cii'i/ E11gi11eai111-; & Surve_1'i11g March 7, 2017 Jan Illian City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Subject: Chelan Creek Final Plat -Response to City Comments CES #13040 Dear Jan, 310 29'" St. NE, Suite IOI Puyallup, WA ')8372 Phone: (253) 848-4282 Fax: (253) 848-4278 On behalf of our client, JK Monarch, we arc resubmitting the revised final plat map and documents for the above referenced project. Below are the plan comments as written, with a response explaining how each comment was addressed. Fire Review Comments -Corey Thomas /425)-430-7024-cthomasta;rentonrfa.org I. Install street name signs as required. Response: .~tree/ signs will he installed prior to final plat recording. 2. Install "No Parking Any Time" signs as required. Response: No Parking signs w,I/ he installed prior lo final plat recording. Planning Review Comments -Mona Davis (425)-430-7246-mdavis@rentonwa.gov I. A landscape inspection will be required prior to final plat. The forms for the critical area maintenance and monitoring will be sent to the applicant under separate cover. The surety will be required to be paid prior to final plat. Response: ( 'om men/ noled. 2. Change signature dates on Sheet I to reflect 2017. Additional space may be needed for signature under the Dedication section, as well as for the City Finance Director's signatures. I would also suggest adding more space to reflect the month in the signature blocks. Response: ,)'ignature dated have heen updated. 3. Note 11 pertaining to driveway widths can be eliminated. This regulation 1s in the development regulations and will be reviewed at building permit. Response: Previous Nole 5 (.'iheel I) has been eliminated. 4. Please look at Note 12 *under NOTES cont'd) on Sheet 2 and revise reference to the "table below". Also, the last sentence seems incorrect where it reads "Grantor(s) and Grantors(s') Successors .. ' Response: The note has been revised. 5. The NGPE notes (Notes 5 & 8 respectively) could be combined. The note indicates the NGPE is being conveyed to the public. [ believe this is incorrect: the HOA should be responsible for the tract. Re.,ponse: NGPF notes on the previous submittal were located on Sheet I as Notes I and 2. Jhese notes have been combined. 6. There is reference to a Class 4 stream in the decision, but I'm not seeing it depicted on the plat map. Response: Please see Sheet 4f(,r a depict10n of the stream. Engineering Review Comments -Jan Illian (425)-430-7216-jillian@rentonwa.gov 1. Sheet I of 6 of the Final Plat: Item IO under Notes should be removed. There is already a reference to the CCRs and a blank line for the recording under DEDICATION. Response: Removed as requested. 2. Sheet 2 of 6 of the Final Plat: Note 12 makes reference to table "below". Show Table to say "above". Response: Changed as requested. 3. What is the status of the water main easements in Chelan Avenue NE North of NE 9•h•1 Response: Water easements shown on lot 14. 4. CCRS -Page 5, Tract D is designated as a "public" Storm Drainage Tract. The same language under Tract Notes for Tract Don the Final Plat should be included in the CCRs. Response: CCRs were updated to reflect requested language. Updated CC/ls will he provided after we receive Ory of I/en/on Planning comments on the CCRs. Technical Services Comments Amanda Askren ( 425) 430-7369 aaskren@rentonwa.gov Page I I. Update the LUA numbers (remove LUA08-087 and add LNDI0-0471) Response: U !A numbers updated as requested. 2. Update 2016 in acknowledgment and recording certificate to 20 I 7. Response: Updated as requested. 3. Did not add the HOA dissolve language to all of the tracts. Response: Added as requested P: .J.1,040.0'.!hling -Chdan Creek PllD-[ 6 Lol\Final Plat Ducs\Re:c.ponse 2017.0J.08\.0ldcf'f{-l-O I -Rcsponsc to Conunenb.doc :2 - Page 2 4. Update the LUA numbers (remove LUi\08-087 and add LNDI0-0471) Re.1p1111.ff: LUA numbers updated as requested. 5. Under Notes (continued) add "from Sheet I". Re.,pome: Added as requesied Pagu 6. Update the LUA numbers (remove LUA08-087 and add LNDI0-0471) Re.,p1111.,e: LUA numbers updated as requested Pa~4 7. Update the LUA numbers (remove LUA08-087 and add LNDl0-0471) Re.,,,,mw: LUA numbers updated as requested. Page 5 8. Did not change as requested to Chelan Place NE for lots 1-4 Rewo11.,·e: Changed as requested Pag1; 6 9. Update the LUA numbers (remove LUAOS-087 and add LNDI 0-0471) Re.,,,,m.,e: LUA numbers updaied as requested Addressing Review Comments -Lillian Watson (-'25) -130-7368 -lwatson/a retonwa.gO\· 1. Add addresses to face of the plat. Reipo11.1·e: Addresses have been added 2. Correct street name for Lots I 4 in address table. Re.,po11.1e: Corrected as requested Please review and approved the attached at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, Cara Visintainer, P.E. Project Manager P.\ 13040.0\!riling Chdan Creek PlJD-16 l.ot\l:inal Plat lJocs\Rc~ponsc 2017 02 2JIR4-01 -Response to Comrm:nts doc P a g e I J CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LND 10-0471 & LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, f\1LLAMUTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KN~\O ALL DE/JPLE B> Tl<E5E pqESENTS THAT WE Tl'E l,N)(F;SJ(;t,F"O C ..... ERS ~~ l~TERF"';T ,~ rnr IANn Hf~F"Fl¥ s~~O"~CE.L•. ~ERCB, DECL•RE THAT THIS "l" TO BE 'HE GR•PHk R\.,RESE.~IAH•:t< 01-1-c SU80V1SION IAADF_ H[RC'lY. AhD 00 H[RF.:O< CW,C•T(: TO T•I[ LS[ or T·J[ ouBu~ FOn[\Ul All 5TR[E> ANO A\{MJ[$ WT ';,<~W< AS PR1v,1T HR£UN ANC UEO·CnE D<E USE TJ-IE'lfOf F"(lll /,LL PU8CIC PURPO"S"'\ NCT ,,co,·SJSTHJl 'Ml-n..r LJSI' TJ-lfRfr>F roo PL'OL'~ Sl(.:1-WAY ~~qpu;£S. AND AL50 T-<E ~,c,n T8 l,!AU 'l.L NECESSARY SLOPES Fo, CUlo AND "L-S UPON n-,; LOTS '.5-<0'N'I Hl"£0N lh TH Q~<;JNAL '£A$'.lt<Aol.E GR•JING c• SAIC S"""RCE> A.ND AIIEHUES. ANC Fl.JH-<[F; omc•""l': TO T>l[ LSl Cf 1-<l PUSLI'.' AL. IHc U~C"lN[~ AtW ,,,.c,, ,,,,,,.,,., C:,,, 11•1, PL.Al >OR Ac. PUBCIC Fu~aoscs AS INDICATO 11-<lSLON. NC.1.VOIN~ SI!' NQ" J"IIEQ TU FA'WS. U"EN sa•CE. unuTIES A.SC oa>1,aGE ,JNLESS S,JCH STaECS, EAS0,(~T<; UH TR<LTS <f<E SPFClf"ICALI Y l[JENTIF"IEC ON TI<IS aLhT AS BDN~ GRA,'TEO ANC CONll'Yl'D TO A PCRSON M [NIT• CTHF"O 11-'AN 11-<l ~JSLIC., IH ,.,.. C.H ~·SE: WE DO HEO[EY QlAS'T ANO CO"ll[Y SUCH Sffi[E:s. [A5(~[NT$, 011 TRAC-$ TJ n,r P,RSC~ Of' (sTITY l)f:, TIS<rn ANO FO'l ""l<E PLRPOSE ST•TED H,HHl'l, Hi UNDL.,>'(;10£0 OWNERS 0,-TI<[ LANC• e[ilE2Y SUB0l'1CE0. \'oAI\/[ F"·JR TM["°>£L>!S, TH8R H(,05 ASC AS~CNS Af,o;; MY ~~N~Ot< <.!" C~llrY ~t~IVNC l lL-0 Fl<O" THE UNCCRSIGND, AHY ANO ALL CcAl"S FCR JA~A,:,C:S ~~sJNST 'Hl Clf or ~C>P)t,. ,rs W~CESSORS ANL· ASSIGNS wtiCH ~·· 3C 0CCA51/)H[D BY n-[ tSTABLISHUENT. :oNS':'R,,cnoo, OR MAltfffSA~CE Of' OOA)S ANO/Clf< D'lAINAG( SYSlf~~ ... IHI~ THS S~fl~11<so,. OTII[~ lllAN ColJMS 11[SUlllNG rRJM tNAO'"OU>lf MAINTNANt.F" ~y THF" r.,rv 0' ~r~ -oo ,IJP:'H€'1. ll<E L!N0['1$1t"'CT; /)WNFRS oc Tiff .AN[• HEREBY SIJBDl\o1DED. AGR[[ coo TI·LIAs:EL\'l:S, T•IE!R fl[RS A~D •so:GNS lC "~E .. N•FY AND nC,_D ;n c,-y Of RENTON. 11$ succr~~c,s ANO ASSIGNS, >'MML[SS CRD~ A~Y DAMAGE, ,NCL~DING A~-COSTS or D(,tSSE. QAtMC RY Pt?so,s ""™'NOP W"1-IOl,-111'$ SL'OO<VSIC)l", ·o l!AI'[ mI~ CA~SED D' A_Tl'RAll,.,,,S o;, :,.,; (,~/)LINn SllRCA~F". \/F"GF"TATIDN, DO/eNAG[, 0'1 SURfAC[ Cl> S.UB-SJ'lf•CE \t/AT[R 'l0\1$ "1Tl·"N THlS SUB)l\'SJ/)H co 8Y (STABLJSH~rnT. COl<ST!lu:no, OR ""'"Tl:~AN:[ or '11[ ROAJS \\1Tl,IN n-lS SU00f'1S10N PROVDrn THI~ \t/A,;f'l ASO N"ln.lNl't.ATION SHALi NOT BF" CCNSffi'J[O AS on.USING TH[ CITY cc RE~-°"-ITS SCCESORS ~· AS$1Gt,S '°°" LIA0,UT• fOR DAMAG[S. ~CLLDINU fl-[ COS' er Off[NSE, HESl..'Ll'S:; IH 'M<ULl CR ,~ PA~l IRQl.i IHl NEGLICS:>ICE OF TH( Cl';'"Y or RE~TO~. Jl, SJca:sso~,. ma AS5'G>.S F"UPll<rR .... o ... Al, PEOPLr nv "l![SE FR[S[t..rS, n,A· Wi: lll[ 1·[11[1~ U[LCW S•:;tl[D O""l[RS •N "[[ SIM"l[ OI-TH[ l.ANC IIER~' SUOJ,\'IDU. ~E'lU,Y ~'\_R11f" lHAT W.-. HA\IL lOlA~Ll:,Hl) ll<L l<(.)M[:(·ll'N(R> ASSOCATIOI. (HOA) O'" "CHELAN CREEK" 'N ACCO:,P.i)AN(E \\'1T~ ~·•SHNG-(11, ST>E _AW ,..,,g, L()£~T.FJ[$ £ACH _01 Of :Ha$~"., A$ A ME~BER or SA'D ~C)• SAID ~()A IS SUB..fCT TO n,r oraARAllON ~F CCl'!:NA~TS MC RESrn;CTIONS fOR •Hl l'..Al Of "CHH.AN ~SllK" A; n,so.osc:o ~y INS"'<UMrNT P.fCOROrn UNDE'l K NG CCUNT" '1[CC'1DING ~UIJDER ---------- ms S~9~1~S10S, orn,cAnCll<. \'oA\'l:R or CLA,U~ ANO AGR[E,..rnT TC HOl.D 11/Jl ... l.ESS LS "'AJE ~,w TISE F"liEE co,stNT ANn IN AC~OROANC' ""™ TH[ C[SIRES Of s•n Ov.NErO 'RD f.IBBcR "ANAGINO ,..,,..sea ,;ea;,.1, CRllK. u.c ACKNOWLEDGMENT CCUNT" 0° KING OH THIS ---DAv OF ___ 20"'· S£CQl!a ~£ ~~RSONAI.P •PP[<f<[O F"PD >ERBD'. TO ~E {NO""I IO BE -HE "ANAG:N~ MlM:llR Of C~lL'-11 CRlcK. 1..LC. A 'IIASf-'!SGlO~ li,.,lf[D LIABIU"Y CO"PANY. THAT EXCCJTL:J ll"l "'THIH •NO FO'IEC0% tN$f'fU.,i:H' A'J AC,KSO"'-E~GD OA!O NSTSU"'E'. TO Bl rHC •~Cl AHO ,,c,,JNTASY ACT AND o::co OF SAID CWPM.'f F~ Tl,[ JSE5 A,a PL,RPOSfO ""HERl"' "(NC,O"lt.0 AND 0~ 0A'H ~IAfU; WAT 'i<. 'S •~IH~Rl2CD TO EXECUTE SAl8 •~SHUIAE)o.~. IN --,!~£~~ v,,.(R(u< HAvt:. ~t.~ll.,HlC ,t.f "y HANJ A~O \H ~Al ~EAL CHE CA• ~NJ "[_AS F"'R5; ""'7TH ABJ'ic PR,NTc:0 NNJ[ or NO"TARY P.IBLC ____ --------- RE501NG A'-------------------- "y APPC'N~(NT [<P:RCi ______________ _ TRACT NOTES TRAC" .A" IS A PR:vAT[ 'NCR[$$. EGRESS. COUIAOH en, SP,a. AND UTI.ITY EAOE,..EsT. UPOH RECORD"'G OF THIS PLAT TilAC-••• IS H(Rrnr GRANT!:D >.NJ CONV!"\"tD TO Tiff CHE-Al< CREEK F.JD liO,..EOWNrns AS'iOCi;TIOI', (ILU) M [AS[,..EHl 15 Hrnrn~ GRMlC A~C CO~''!:YEC TO TI-IE CITY o, RENTON 0\/ER. UND[R AND ACP.OSS m~CT • A• ,-OR THC PL·R~OSE o• CON\/f'o1NG. STORING, "'AHA,:.4~G. AS'G FAOL'IA1NO STOf'"' ANO SJSFAQ WA'l.'l A'ID f;Jf, SA~l'AHY SfWfR ANO WA"TR PURPUSES PlR -Hl lNGINlC~IN~ PlANS '-"" fll[ ""lH 'Hl C lY U1-~t.NIQN. MtJNll'MNC.1. UI-All UIH£H '"'P~O'/cl,!'.N-S SH>LL SE "HE RESP;>t.SJB'UlY Of "Hl -<OA mACT ·c IS A FRIVAT[ lhGP.!:5S, EGflESS. AND UTILITY [AS[t,ENT. UPC'l RE:OROISG Of ""H,S Pl.AT ,uc ·c· IS ~E,EBY '-""AS1Ul AND ~QN,'.Yl.U TQ IHl ~Ht.l.A~ l1'~V-"UU ~'-"'ll>""'C~; A'S"'-'Alll>N (~OA). A'I EASE~ENl !S HERl3• GRA~,E:, MC <.:QNVl'1::> TO '~E GITY OF PH<T'JN OY!:R UN[)(R AN:> ACPOSS m.~; ·c· DR THC PU~POS[ o• CCll<YcY1NG, S"ORI%. l,!ANAS<NG. A~C rAC,a!TATING STOR~ AND SuRF"ACc w~rr~ ~ND F"Cf' 5A~ "ARY 5[1'11:~ ~~Q l'OATrn runroscs rrn ,HE F'IGINFFRING PIAN$ ON F"H( ~TH ,1-<F" Cl7Y rE RF"NTON "AJ'IIT~>NCI" OF All OTIER ~PSOVl:"[N"""S SHA~l BE TH': Rr~.PON51P.l!ITY OF" nor HCA TfiAC" ·o· ,s A PUB;JC S'Ofl" DPAINACC rn,c, UP<):,.' THE ~[G.>faDl~G OF Ti-I~ Pl.AT. RACT ·y ,s HERE8Y GRANT€0 •~) C0~"1'YEO TO "HE G~[lAN :AE(K HO,,;o,,,o,,; ASsoca,no,.. (HOA) AN °AS 0L<EhT IS 1•D1rnY GRANKD ~HD CQNl'[Y[D T8 TI-I[ CITY or RENDN ovui. lJNXR ANJ AC~05S TRAC-·n· COR TH[ P\JR~:JSc C'" COt,l'E'l1~G. ST~lNG. "'A'IA<;JHG AN;; fAC>LITATING s-OR~ MC SUR"A~f ~A·f~ PtR TI-IE ENGl~EcRl~G P.ANS ot; Fill ,.,T" lHt CITY O RE.~''-"-T~c CJTY JC RENTC" HAS l'-E ~loHT TO [~TU SAID STORl,!'/l'AITR EAOE,..ENT FOR lliC PJRPOSE Of INSPECTING. O>'[~Al•N~. "AJN'AtNING. 11,PR8'1~G. AND S[rAl~NG ;--s JHINAGl FACILlnS CONlAINED THE~llN ONLY TH CHAIN UH< FlSC£, FLGW CO-,IB:::t.. WATER OOAUTY ffif.O.!M[N: ANJ ~ON\HA~c, tA~l.lll[S ,.,l.l BC COt,~IJE~~u >C,,, l~"AL ACXt"TANl'\_ ANU "'A"NT£NA'lC BY Tn C" ~Al~"E.NAt<CE oc ALL OTef_R , .. ~ROVEIJCNTS AN) LAN~SG>Pl~O ON s,·c lRACT ·o· SHAU BE THl RESl':>l'<,;J~:JT"( (")F ;HF •C• TRAC, ·c ,, ; l\olllANC-/WE!CAN~ SU'TER ·~,c, L·P,,., RCCOPO,NC C'" ]H'S ~lAT lRACT ·c 5 ~El<ESY GRMJTEO ANO CON,,,,'"!"C TO 7Hf :~[LAH :P.C<K PU J H()t,/[J\\o'l(RS ASS0C1All0>. (HCA: F"C~ ~cl·Jl1C~AL R[SIBICTIONS SIT R[ST1l1CTI0H~ FOR (:Rlil[OAL >REA T'!A(;TS ON ',HfFT ~ Of TH.S f'NAI PLAT llTAC ·c ,_sc >r•s .. ~· PLBLC PATl,WAY [AS[~CNC ALON~ ITS PlH~[TER. A; ;YQ'o'I< C'N THIS PLA", AHO ~ >IE'lEET GRAHED ANt COH\/EYUJ TC Tl<E C>lELA'I C'IEE< ecnc ..... ERS ASSOCIATICN :HOA) MA,,,T(NANCF AND !IAP'IOYF"~rn·s SH>L BE THE RE$PnN,J81WY nr TH +-CA IS TH( C'l(HT -,M.T Tl-[ HOA 15 DIS~OJ \l"c~ OR OTH(l,V,$( rAllS ,o ~CET ,, P~OPrnTY TAX OOLIGATIOl<S, -'S [V,D[,c[O SY NON-r,OYl,l[S" or "110P[ll...,. ax[5 rOll A ~[llt~ O" [IGt·Tl:[N (!5) l,!Cll<H-S. 'H[N EACH LOT IN lHIS PLAT ;>·ALL AOSU~[ '"D l•AVE AH E')IJA. ANU UNDn,,crn OWN~R,HIP L'B'E~T ~ TRAC ·A·, ·c. ·o· ASO ·c PRE'10US1..Y ~"'<8; av THr HOA A~O ~-'VE T .. E A"CTCNJANT F"INMC,,c ANQ ~AIN"ESANCE RESP0H$'~1L 'JES NOTES A N>TV1c. '--'0"1H P~OlECnON E~S["'r~T (SGP[) SrAI 3f PUCrn ovr, Hl>T PART or 1W ~., E~co,iaaSS>>IG >if STllC"-"/""'T.AN.; e~«[H ARU. ~'.s1R1n·.~ CO\'f'IANTS 51-lA\L >l.SC ~l "·'LA,;;.o ON To<[ SITE TH£ [ASl~lNT AN~ RlS""'ICI,'. CO"lNA~l', SHALL~:_ Rl~'-"'Ul~ ~H:Qf< 1~ Rll'Ul-<~I~~ Of THl F"•~Al FLAT THC NAT:Vt G'IOWTt1 C',OTECT::;:r, E.~5'::MEHI (,:~P£: c,, HE Cl<[lA'I CSEFK P.AT IDE\:JF"lfS T~f cs•nCAL ARf"A Tf·F NATI\.'F" r.<rnvn< PRllTI'~T~N tASE~tNT (·Jr-.n:: ·~ ~FREclY r.RAS7D AN~ COH'li'YE:O TO TH ~><>r•N C{ffK ~.vn. ~OUEO""[PS A~SOC,FOS iHOA) 7-'5 •~CR[SO Sl·A.L a.E F"0,"1 TI'[ PJRPOS: C'" pncsrn;s,~ NA'l\1' \o'lGcrAr~~ fut< f-ll l:Ol'IHQ u; '.5J""Al'l ~·re, A'~ C~O,CN. ~AINIE~A,Cl Qt- S·.OPC SHBJll'Y. "~~•LAND AUe•s 9L''Ft.RI~:;. AlSD PflU'lC"ION u,-l'LANT AND ~"'"Al f.ASrTAl, TH[ NA';VE <.,SUWI~ "HU"El:Tl:>N lASl."C-'' W~Sl.S U•'l)N •LL PSlSl.NI AN[; F.JllJSE 0\\t.lES~ ANJ OC~"UP'lHS C> 1H£ lASE~ENT /IREA [NfORC':AE-E Sr THE (>8AJ. TO .EAVE ~~}1STUOBED Asl HITS >~D CHcS vtGETATICll< 'M'r-<IS HE CASO.OENT AREA TH[ 1/EC[TATO'< W-:l<IN T'"[ NGPr "A' NO" 3[ ::Ul, PR~Nfe. CQ',1['1[0 aY rLL. ~fMOV[D OR D~~AGl:n \On!OUT rXPP.fSS \t/RIP'fN pc~ ... ,ss,OH rPC·M TI·[ {HCA: l~f ~.G~T Of ENmv CRAtnFr. IFRF"~ s~~IL APP.Y TOT-IE ACOSTS, REP0ESENTA1\'l:S ~~J ["'CL~Yc[~ or 111[ O\\t.lfRS ()fl SIJBSH ••• ENT c..,,.,-~s or "1-1[ .SJER_'1NG >P.OPLRTY. CCELAN CREEK OES1Gtl GUlcD[U~[S s~~LL Br D[MONSmA:rn PR:00 ro P.UIDING HR~IT APPROVSl COR [AD< hC"[ J. COTS 1 AN~ 2 ~[CUIR[~ so c>a1rnT TCWAOIJ ~~[.AN PLACE ~c. LOTS .l ANJ 4 WOOLD cw.,r~-TO~'ARD T,JE -~PE (\0£01), ,o,, O ;HH~J(;H ,, WUJLL' <.!"lcNI ,u~·A~~, ,~, "~"" (l•~l), ;Qr\" ru~·~o lH NG~f :sourn). ~01,:, "1 AND 1J -owARD TI<E 'GPE (SOUTHi A,1 L.OT 1< lG~AllD T"C ABUTlThC, PR'":l'FRTY TO T-<r ..rs, 1,,r POA) AND $TOR~ )RAl,AG[ s•Sl(MO ~A\/[ BECH COl<$'1RUCTCD •CCORW<G TC lHl APPOC\'ED PLAN ~h~ PPrE'I.' llN F"llE "'TH RENTON N':1/ELO"~[NT SERV1SES D,"'51)',, ANC HY OC\<AllOH~ no,, THE APF'ROVflJ PLAN~ \\'ll. P(QIJIRE v.fl. ll[H APPR(W'J.. FROM l><F a;,()p,p AGFNr.Y, ;;iJRRrsn y R'N':)N :EVCLOPMfNT 'ii:~vlCi'.S Ol'~SIOH ALL DUILDING DOIi!< SPou-s. F"QJTING DPAJNS. ANJ DRAINS rROI.< ALE -,..prnv,~us ST.JRF"AC'5 $UC-< AS OATCS AN) DR'l'EWA"S S.-<All BE CON~F"ClFC TO ,1-<F" PFR"'A~F"S'T STOOV DRAI~ OLTlETS ~S SHOW',! 0~ TI<[ Ar~RO'i[I) COt,S'l'UCT-JN ORA""NGS R-JB!,901 00 me \\1TII n•r CIT, or R[WON. llllS PcM S>IAll BE SUB~IHD 'MTI-l lli[ ADPIICATI:lN or ~N¥ BUl..:llNG PERMIT ALL CDNSECTIONS or TH DRA1NS MJST DE CCNs,~UCfED A',D ~PPRO\'l'C P0,00 TO r~AL BUllO'NC INS~ECnON APPROiAL roo TI<OS[ ,a-, THAT Mf C[SIGtUKD F8R INGl'~OUAL LOT D1SPrn5'00 SYSTl:l,!S, TI'[ ,~,n:~s SI-ALL 0[ CO'.;';T'<UCKD AT "1<[ TI"'[ Qt-Tel ~u LDING PERM; AND S>!All COl.<P'. Y ~1\1 l"f Pl A~S ON Fil[ SC LOT JS P8Rll0\ <YA 100 1N "Jl'iS FLA" Sl<ALc BE Jl'1CED ~NO SOLD JR RESOLD Of' OWNE,SHIO CIIANGEJ OP. mA,',["[llR•:D .... ,corn• TIO[ OW<ERSH,P Of ~--P~T:ON O' r,,s PL>~ Sl•ALL ec L[SS THAN Tl<l A~[A R[Ol.JIRED l"OR n-[ USE 01smc-IN ~,:c,, .OCAKD THlHL S>-•L. BC NO DIRECT V(HICU.-'-" ACC[SS TC OR F"liO~ OU\,ALL AVl:NL[ N[ CROI, 1-0S[ LHS ""IICf• A~Ul If (N:.JT[':, Af<E CUN'HUU; llfJ Sl·.LL, L) APPROVAl-§ CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AOLI,NISiR,iTO": CITY OF RENTON MAYOR 2017 MAYOR CITY OF RENTON CLERK DAY CF_ -------_ . 2017 c,r,-:.F"OK CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HERrBY C[qn.v TH-'T THrnr ARr ~o DfJNOL')olT S0£C:Al ASSCSSIJehTS ANJ TH~T Al.l 5PECIAL ASSESSM[~TS crnTln[~ TO THE :11, TP.fASURF.R rnR COlc[CTION ot; ANY OF llff PR~Prn;,- HEnEIN CONTAINED. DEDICAK~ roo STl'rc,s. ~UH~. rn roo ornrn PUOUC ~S[, Afa[ PA'D IN l"ULL ll•IS C·AY OF 2017 F"INi,·cc A!)~l41SffiATOR ------- KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS o~·c; ____ _ KING COON---Y ASSESSOR DPUT" <'.ING COONTY •SSESS0'1 ACCOUNT NO. 1CZ}QJ 9"95 AIID l"?'Q'l 9-UQ KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I ~ERf8Y ,:,C:RTIFY Tl-IA" All PROPfRT• TA>ES ,,SE SAID, ~SAl ll<ERO •R[ NO OEiJNOUEHl SPECIAL ASSi:SSMCNTS CERTF"IEO ·o Te:s c=,,a: FCR COLLECno,, •NO,-,.~,"-SPCC,,,L A$SE5WE>dS CE~THU TO THIS 0'71Ci: FOR CO:.LCCTIOI< OH A~· or H[ PSOPERn H[~EIN GC>'H~l~[J L·EOICAT(D ., sTit,CTS, As'..[Y5 OR FOR OlH[R ~uauc l'SES. A~E "AIO IN FUL'. JAY Of __________ :/C1l SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 1 "'""'' C,:R,FY Tl'Al WIS PW.< er CSE:-'" CRE:E:K PU O ,, S•SEO ()',JAN ACT1JA. ';l,!INE< <NO 5J!)()<VS,t, OF '.>RTON ,:; ,o-s,,,. 11 ~(lfi"H. """"'; t.>51 WV '""' 1ME. COUSSE', AN(.' O!STmCE:S 1',.0[ SHO"" CORRC(l_• TttEREO~. TI<AT Tl-1[ eONJt,l[NT; "'l.l 5[ s;:· A.N) n,, ,o· ,~D DLOC< O)l!Nrns MLL sr STA~rn :O~RCCTL Y ,:,, TH[ .-.,o,,sr, AS CdMSCR','C1PC,S I~ CQI.FLUlO >SD:~•·;,: FtJLLY ,-Ol'Pll>.ll WLJM 1~c >-•O•<S>{W\S ~ l>f!. CU.111N( RC~L'LHlO,> .--_;r~ E· ~ Zal7 RECORDING CERTIFICATE: SHEET 1 OF 6 SHEET INDEX SHECT · SHEET 2 - >HO~, ~ SH[ET < - SHE;ET 5 - SHCET a - Ci'D1CA"1(1N AC~NO"U'DGE><ENT. APPSOVALS, rn•o NO""ES. Pcco~n1NG x:;nricAn:. su~vn~p·s crno,,CAn: EAS[l,!ES I PRO'~SIONS. crnc,no,s. CC VEN ANTS ANO fiESTRICTIQl'.S SETBAO<~ '--'-~" OcS<.'<!'11'-'''· Sl'HVl:'OI! N~Tl;. m•n~o, IIW PL.Al \!,AP, T;~.C NOTE; EASOVCNlo. •JD!lE5SF~. sO" ANO TllA:l ARCAS E:A';,l~CS'l 8CT~l~5 R!:CORDJNG NO---===~=-----f,'~W /[JH Wt.GCWIJ A/ il-i[ !?£QUE'.>.' OF_ THIS DAY OF ·2c·11. M MiN~'ffS PAST ---~ -~-AN,) R<"C.ORJ'JFD kN<~6°-"L5f[oF-<>-NG 0[0~~:!7 .~;.s:~ZicN~---- DJV/S!CN OF RECc!RDS NW) i.l[C'/i(JN'.:, SUFf'?,N~NDrnT OF RffOR:JS CES.MVDVC C/Y/L. ENGINEER.ING I SURVEY.ING 310 2~u-, 8t )'; I. Sult,. !O! PIJYI.IJ.L'P, •A ~6J72 .. C1TY OF RENTON FILE NO. LND 10~0471 & LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 2.3 NORTH, RANGE 5 [AST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEf'ilENT_ PR_OV1Sl0N$L_NOTE_§ AN :ViU.'[.'lT IS ~ERE'lY ~ES:RV[D FOR AS.:0 GfiANffD TOT~( CI-Y OF RENTON, PVGU ~OUNO E~ER(.Y, It;(., C:'N'.URnr,t< TE-E0 HC~E COMPANY, C·V.£ST CQl.i\lU~ICAnC-~S •t;CRNA:IC'-.Al IN:. C~CAST CA~-· CCl<MUNICATION$, NC. sooc; 1:R-fK ll'ATER ANO SE'""~ )ISl!liCI, AN:: OTHfR vTILI-Y pp,~vDEPS AND THEIR R[SP[CTI'Jl ~~ccrsSCRS A'lD ASSIG~S. UNCER AND ~PON T~c EHEPIO'i 11:'l (1C) FEET Of" ALL l(ll', A~ll TRACTS cYlt.G PARAcl[~ v,,·H A'lD AOJOIN'lG Th[ PROPCSl·1: SIRfCI tRO'-.TAGES ~ W",CH TO CON':1'RUCT, clf'ERA'.L, -'AINTAIN, o::?AIR. REPLACE. E'llA!lGc: ~NDERGil:JU~C P"ES. co1,ou.,s. CABLES AN[) WR(S WI~~ All NECESSARY OR CONVEMENT UNclCRCROLINO OR GROUND-~'OUN"'l:0 APPUffll~ANC[S n1[RCTO. roR TII[ P~m·osE OF S[R\1NG TI-i'S S~E!Cl\1SION Ak) OT~[R PROPERTY WTH EL[CTRC. CA$. CL:PHONl. T[LEVSl0'1, WATER. 5Ev.(R, PU~I.C AND PRIVAC: STORI' ORAIN/LCE: AN'; cn-irn JllL·TY c;rnv,:E. TOGETHE~ M':l-1 ll--if P.l[',1-1-Tl: fNTER JPO~ Tl,£ ":JTS, rnAr.T~ ANI) ~l'AC[S A" /,I_._ IIW_ 'OR TH[ PIJRFOS(S HE~EN SIA'tO TKESl lASt!.<EUS ENTERLl U~ON F;JR -~ESE PJRPOSES SHALL B:: RESTORED AS N[AR AS "OSSIBLE TC -HE•R O'IGINAL CCNCITI;J~ ar TH[ 'JTILITY. NO UNES o« w,~::S FCR TRA'lS-'1SSON OF ELECTRIC CURRENT 0~ FOi' fflP'-lONE USE OR :AOL:'. TELE\11SION SlfA-1 3S PL1'CED 0~ PfRMTTED TO 3[ Pl.ACED u~UN ANY co; OR TPACT U~LESS ...,,, SAMf SHAii EE ,JM;, ~~~OUND OR IN co,o.J1-HJ A HUI_UING. Tl-<E JTUTY lASIMf"N~S GRA~TW l'-J EASE~ENT PRO\o1SION 1 l,IAY cotrA•N PRIVAn: ST:>Rt.( DRAINAGE SYST'-''' AS S~OWN CN THE AP 0 90'li:ll co ... STRUCTION DRAW,NCS ON I",'.[ Al T~E CP ,JC REN70" TI-IE MA'NC'gNC[ OF' THO$[ PRI\/All S~ORM DRP.NAC( SYSTE~~ .',N.) T~OSE S'fST::>.15 Wl"'t<N THE ~Rl',ATE STOR!.I ORAINACC [AS,MfNT~ P':'l EASEMEN' PRO\ll~ION .\ ~~All Bf HC R[S~OMS'Ell.l,"Y 01 lt•O>L l.CT OW'IEPS BlNf f' -,Nt; F'l:JM SA'O SYS,"EMS T~E C•V,NCRS o~ PRIVAT[ PllJrERTY WTI-IN THS PLAT [\CUt.(urnrn Wl'l--1 F~BLIC ST8RM DRAINAGE EASUJEN"S {sue EASEMENT ~ROVISIONS ~. 10 A"D ··) HE,EEY C~l,NT ANO CONl'rY TO ~HE CITY o• Rl'l'ION. A ~U'11CIPAL CORPOPATIO'l, 111[ RIGHT BUT NOT Tl-IE O!JLIGAllON TO COl'<VEY OR STORE STOR!.I AND SJRFA:C WATER PER lliF ENG'NEERl~G PLANS APPRQ\I([) FJP. T~E PLAT BY Tl,( CITY or RENTC~. TO~ETHCR WITH ~~E RIGHT OF R[ASONAOL' ACC~SS (INGi<:'.SS A'lD EGRESS} TO [NTER ~A!O ORAlhAGE fA~l-'ENT FOR TH:'. P~RPOS[ Of" O'JSlR\llN~ THAT Tl,( OWN[% ARE PflCPERl.Y OPE~A;l~G ANC i,.iA,NTAIN,N(. TrlE C·'lAINM.F F'A[ll. "ilES CONTAIN[) TH[RIIN rHE UWNER~ O' SA•C PRrVATl P~OPIRIY, S'NkE PN!) SIVl-llAI. AR[ PC.SPC·NS18LC FOil onP.~T1~G. IIAIN'A•~INC ~NJ lllPAllllNG IHE ORAl~AGE TA:::t:l!b cu,-AtNED 'Ii !>JIN SAIC) ll"AINAG£ EASEV[>H A,ND A'<C HEK,:(n .~COU!RW TC 08TP.N ANY i,f.OUIR'D PlR-'ITS •n:JM lHE ClTY Qf KENTO~ Oil 11's SliC<:E~SOR ACENCV PRIOI< TO FILLING, PH% CUlllNG OR REMOVING \/[CETATIO'J -:FxC':PT FOR ROUTINC LANDSUPI l<Al~ll\ANCE sue~ AS LMIN ~OWNG) N OF[N l'(GETA~ED DRAINAGE FAC.uncs (sue, AS SWA..ES. GHAr>INC:LS. Dl'CII[~. l'ONU~. ~TC.) Of' P[KI OllM,NG ANY Pl TE~A noNS OR MOC,11CA TIO'lS TO 11--lf ORl,INAGE rAt:111 llf ~ CCNTA NEC "1THlh ~AID DRA'l<AGf fASE.,'NT ·111s COVENANT S~Alc RUN \o!!lH ]Hf IANI: AND Bt EINDINC L~ON '.>JE 0""(QS :)F SILC ?•lVA"L PllOPEOTV, 'HE1:; ~E:RS. SllCCt.SSO'lS AND ASSlGNS. -:">JE CITY O' ~CNlU~ S><AL" HAY, Tl-IC RIGW TO ENTE~ "1-IC PffVAE DRAINAGE EASEl'CIJTS Sl10W-\ l-l'li"c/N TO REFAI~ AIH OEFICENCIES or 1~( ORANAGi_ IACl,ITY ·N ll--lE ::·•EN--~E 0111'[15 AR[ '<ECUC[NT '~ Tl,[ >,IA'~TC:~ANCE ::r TrE DRAl'jAGE ,~cun[S lllf5[ RErAIRS SrAL_ BE AT ~II[ C>I/N[ll''; COST A'! EASE>lENT IS H[REBv GllANT,~ TU ll--lE CITY or RE~TC~ FQ~ ~ANITARY SEWER FLRPOSES O,t:P. TRACTS "A", A'SJ ·c" AS OEl"ICTEO li[R[I~. TH[ CITY or REN"CN ShALL BE R[5f'0NS!~LE FOR Tri[ >.IAl'lTE~ANCE or-T~c sr,ITARV SfW'R FAC1:Jn£S CONTAIN[O l'<ITHI~-~AID fASEMCNCS AN [ASfMENT IS HERESY GRA~TEO TO !Hf CITY OF R[~TCr, FO~ 1/All:R PURl''-1St~ OVCR 7R~C1$ •,,·. AND ·c FOR WAll:R MAlh cl'IE AS OEF1cn:c1 "[RE;N_ l'·ff CITY OF R[~TC·N SH/,ll BE R[SPO~s;filf" FOR Th[ -'AINll:'lANCI OF TH~ WATER FACILITI~S CON'AI\ED \\1-~IN SAIJ EASEIJPIF A~ EASE',[NT FOR INGl'FS', [~RESS ANcl unL.nEs 0~ TRALl .A. IS HfflfRY RfStRVEc1 FC~ AN.) CRA'lTEO TO IHf CWNrnS OF LO'S 11 ThROIJI;~ LI THE OWNE~S Of LOVi II Tl-lRDJGI• U SrAl.-BE [(lUALl.V RESPONSIBLE FOR Tl-iE -'Al~lENANCE a~ T~OSE '-'FRO\IEM[NTS r~:ERE~ WI-IIC~ Tl,(Y SHAR': \\'ITI-T>IE cxnPno~ OF TH05f 1-'PRO\IE\IE,ns INSTAL_ED OY THE L·"lUTY C>ROVC[RS LD-s SHA_'. Ol SOcELY ll~SPO'JS:Bl.E •oR THE MAl!.;"T[NANCf AND REPAIR OF' THOSE PRIVATE UTILITlfS (WATER S~'ll-ARY SEWER /,NO ~l!JRM O~AINAGE) l'l'-llCH ONLY B~Nffll fHE•~ LC-. 'JTl_llY PR0"1JCRS S.-.AI'. Ill R;'.SP0NS13_E FCR l~E ~<AINTEHANCE OF Tl-lEIR f AC.LITIES CONTAIND l'fl.l-jlN 910 EAS[MlN~. P~ CAS(M[N," FOR NGR~SS, EGRESS AND UTILl",[S ON TRAC "C S H[9(8Y RESERVE) FOR A'-JD GRA~ TEC ~o THE OWNERS Of L07S I TI-IRCUGll ~-Tl-IE OWI\ERS OF LCTS : TIIP.C~GH 4 SKAl.L ac [QJAllY RESPONS'i:LE FOR T~E ~A!Nff~ANC[ Of n,osE li>IPROVEMEN'5 THCREIN .,.,'1CH ll--ir'.Y SHARE ~TH THt EXC[PnON Of "HOSfc IMPROl'EMENTS INS~ALLED rY TH unl.'T'j FR0\•1DE~S lCTS Sf-lALI H· SOLELY R[SPO~SIB'_[ FOR Th( !.IAIN11:1-A~Cf ANO R[PAIR er n,osE PRI\/AT[ \lntll,ES ('hATER, SA~ITARY SE\\rn AtiO STD~"' 09AINAG0:) 'M-<ICf-1 ONLY ll[N(flf T~E·R LOT. un~ITY PROVICERS SIIAII. ()[ ~~SP•)NSl!Jl( CQR THE MAINTCNA~CE ()I" Til[II! fACll.CTIES CONTA1NEC W,ll--llN SAID E,O,SFW~- A'f [AS~MF.NT CQR INGRI S'i, C L~fS5 PNO U nt lllCS CN LOl ,\ !~ Hf'IEEY 9;:SE'NED FOR A~C GRAN:CU 70 T>IE 0\1/NER OF LOT~-Tl,[ OWNERS OF l01S 3 AMO 4 Sf-lALl BE EOIJILU-Y RES?C',',SmlL FOR Tl-IE MAINTLNANCE O" "1-IOSE li,.IPRO\IE-'EN1S WEREIN WHICH Trl[Y Sf-lAR[ W",H -~E EXCEFnat. or T>JOSE li>IPROVEMEN~S l~ST/Ll_ED llY T~E un·_1-y PRQ'"1D[RS LO-4 SllAII. BE S0l.£LY RES?ONS'BLC FOP rn: -'Al'!TENANCE ANC RCPAIR OF T}j0SE P~-VATE JT1_1nES (WrER. SAMTAR~ SE'li\.R AND STORM ORAl~AC:£) 1/hlCH OIJI Y ~CNU'T LOT 4 '..ASEV.ENTS ARC HEREBY CRANU:;J fU T~E Cl-,.,, 0. ~ENTClN FOR STOflM DRP.NAGE PURPOSES OVER TRACTS "A". ·c. ·~·. ANS 'E" FOR STORIA [)RANAGf" PURPOSES AS DE':CTrn HER[IN THf CITY OF R[N"C~ ~HALL llE R[SPONS,Bc[ rOR nl( MAl'IENA~CE OF T}j[ STORIA CHAIN>GE fACIUnEs CQN;'AINCD l'lTl-llN 5A'D [ASEMEN"S. • O A ~RIVA II S U'N DRA NAC~ EILSEMC \ l SHUM, C~ '.CTS 1 At,,0 2 15 HER[~Y H~S1:RVEO FOR ANO GRANTED TO THC O~ERS OF LOTS 1 THS:OUGH 3. SA[) CAS[~(NT IS FOR T~E BENC:f.T OF LOTS' T\-IROUGH 3 Tf-10 OIINER5 Of LOTS I Tl,RO<JG>-1 3 AR[ 11[.~~Bv RESPONS13'.[ FOR T>J[ MA NT[NANCl Of 7H(IR R[SP[C"','l PRIVA~E J~A'-JACE FILCILITl[S AND S-1All SHARE EQUAlcY IN W.f MAl'lTfNANCE R~SPONSIBIL•TI[S OF T~E PRIVAT[ OHAINAGC: SACILl11€S uSD IN COl.'Ml:-N "'11Hl'l :iAI[/ CA'><.Mf.~ T 1>,oPRO\/E>.IF'ITS NO OV.IJI_H SHAll. BE RESPONSIBLE 0 0H -'Al\ll~ANCE OF 'H[ L1n_Jn[S ABCV:: l"(IR POINT OF CONN' C10r, A PRIVq[ STOR'-' DRAl'1~GE EASE~ENT SHOWN ON LOI 1~. TRACT ...... ANO 'RACT "[' SHI.HE.HY ~~SERVED nH AND GRANTtD ~o W.E OWNCRS Of" l.OTS 13 ANC 14 SAIC [A5:IA[N' 1S FDR TIS~ BENE'IT o;-LOTS 12, 1J A~D 14 WE 0\\l'<[RS OF l.OTS 12. '3 Af;D 14 .',R[ WHrnY RESPC~St8Lf FOR Tl-IE MAl~TENANCE OF Tl-lFIR ~fsnf'CTIVE PRIVA"E DRA''IAGf •ACll·llES AND $Hf,.I SHhRC EQJAllv IN lrll l•Ml~TENANCI ~f~~UN~l3llTIFS OF HE PRIVA;' U~AINAGE 'ACI_ITIES USED I~ CCMMON "'"HIN SAID (ASC-'l'.T IMPROV::MENTS NO Oll'N' ,; suAl.l BE SESPQNSl3..E FO~ MANTENAhCE OF ,1,E V-IL TES A301'£ 'T~EIR FOINT or CON~I C-ION '2 A n,et:c POWER [AS[l'E'JT S~OWI\ ON IUb 1 A~D 2 1$ HERE3Y GHANlH) ID ANY i'UBUC POll'ER UTIL'TY THl OW:-.[RS m L[)I~ 1 AN~ 2 SHALl. B[ COl.'~ll.Y ~l~''ONSlBLE <Oil lH l'AJN't:NANC[ m SA'D [~<;PANT 111"'H W.E EXCEJHON or THOSE l.\'FROVEMENTS INSTAL_[[) !3Y in ESC>ECT'V( PUBLIC Ulll!TY PR0''1'.l:'.RS AQ.!,lJFE_R PROTECTION NOTICE -Hl .QTS C~ErD H[RE, r~l.-W'l<lh ZW[ 2 (JI' RC4TON'S ~001rrn P~OlCCll()r< ARE• ANC AO[ SUOJECT IC 'l<E ~[o,JIR(~D,T'.i ~F ]Hl (."'TY Of SE~TC~ OODIHANCl f"~OI IH'~ C1T'f'5 SOl.( $0L.RCI: Of DH:NSIN~ WAICR 1$ SLJOPurn rROI.I A 51-<A!.l.OW AOJl'l:R u, Tl-[ CITY SURF~CE. l~ERE IS NOl N~"lJRA!. OARl>l[R EIE:ll\'U.N Tt,E W~7EO TABLl ANC G>'QUN0 Sv~FACI'. F'aTR[~[ CARie >HOCLO 8,-E<E~DSF'T> \IHfN H~NDUN~ ~,Y .:QJ•J SUOSTASCC CTilCR '1-<AH w.-rER TO PROCC' F1'Q~ C()r<"AC-Wl>t -;Hf_ CROUND SURFACE. IT!~ IH -QlfSOM<ERS ~ESP()N',mur• ,c PRO ct."l 1~, CITYS CR:~~l~G W',T!:R SETBACK_§ FllONT YAPO BUILOIN~ SETBAC~ 5D[ YARD ELI_CING SElBA~~ CORNER YARC ~oll~l'lr. SUBAC~ ~OTS 1-4, 11-1~. f'10NT, 15' 8UILGING/7D :;ARAGf LOTS S-10 FRON' (fACIN~ \\'!:T_At,D) '~' VICINITY IIAP 1" ~ 1/4 MU PRlVATE _DRAlNAGI; _COVENANT ~HE ow:R5 OF PRIVATF PROP,RfY \'<IT-HN THIS PLAT ENC,JMBEREcl WH [)RAL~AGC rACllll'f"~ RfOL'IRED BY Pl.AT :JESIC!s, ::JvtNANT OR COND1,10NS IWR[llf GRANT AN~ CONVEY TO T-<C (,Ty o• REN1'0N, A PO~ITICA~ SJBCl\11S;oN or 1'1t STAT OF WAS-INGTOO. ThE RCHT QC R;ASONA'U ACCESS (1m;~'SO A~D tGHEss: TO ENTER SAIJ PROPE~Tl' FOR JIil "J11PCSC ()C 08S£R\o1NG THAT Hf 0\ll"[RS ARE: PRY'ERLv OPER~Tl~C ANC VAJNTA.1'1"G lH[ DRAINAGE: f"ACILIT,ES CONTAIN';D -HC.~CI~ "II' 011'1',ERS Of SAIC PRIVAIC PR:JPERTY ARE" R[~J'ONSIIUI l[)R 0f'ERATI ... G, MAl~TAINlhG. A"D RE~Al~'l<G THC DRAINhGE Hr.1,1nES CON"AIM,c ON SAO PRVAE PROPERTY A~D f,~E '-IEREBY ~COlllP.£[) TO OlllAI~ ANY REOUl~ED PERMITS OR PERMIS$10" FRO-' Tl•[ CITY er RnHON oc·,[cOPl,IE~ T SPYIC~S P~I~ lO 'IL.ING, l'll'l~G. C'JnNG OF REM0'"1NG VEGETATION (EXCEPT FO~ ROUnNE LAND~CA"E MA.N ENANCE SUCH ~s Lhwt, l<OW~G) IN clf'EN V(CUAlfD 0'1AINAG[ FAC:UlES (SUCf• Vi SV.Al.£5, CHANNELS. IJIOC'1F~. PCM)S, ETC.) Oil DCRFO~>.ll~G ANY ALTRAT,ONS 0~ ~o~ FICA TIC~~ ~o TI'( l)RAINAGf" 'ACUTIES C[)~ ·, AINEO ,,.., TH N Tf-'£ PR.VA'[ FRQP[·1 tV_ 1111~ COVl~ANl SHALi RLl" WICH THf LAN(} ANO IS Bl'lcl,NG ~PON 1111" 0,,.,..11/~ ~F SAID PROFERT', T~Ell H;IRS. SUCCE$S0RS J\~D ASSICN'S RESTRICTIONS FQR_ CRITICAL AREA TRACTS_ AND CRITICAL ~_8_EA$ _AND BUFFERS --------- r,rn1cA TICN 01 A CR:TICAL AREA TRACI /C~ 1 CAL ARU A~O llUI n:R CQl. \lf,S TO THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIA. INTREST IN T~E LAN) 'M"IIN THC TRACT/CRITICA. ARC.', J\NO BUFF[~ THIS INWESl l~ClU):'.~ TISE PRESERVATION o-NATIVC: VEGETA11()N FOR ALL PclRPQSES ll--lAT BllJEfll Hie rua_ic ll[ALTH, SAF'fT~ ANG WELFARC, IN:L.JDNG CON"RO~ Of 5URIAC[ WA'ER AND ER)SON ~'A!NTENAIICE OF SL.OPE S""ABIL TY, ANO 1'RGl[CT10~ Qt Pl.ANT A'lD A'1,l'AL HABITAT THC C~'TCAL AREA TRAC~/Cl<lr::Al AREA NW BUFFER ll,l~CSES JPON All PR[Sl_Nl AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCJPIERS OF TH[ l.AND SU3J!::CT 7C TISf -~ACT/CRITIC!\•_ AREA AN) SUFFER Tl-IE 08LGATIOtJ ENF'ORCEAB_E ON B[HALf :Jt' IHf PUBLIC BY OTY OF P.Eo/TON. TO LEAVc: l,i,OISTLJRB[;J Al.I. t/EES ANG ~Tl-lER VEGETA'ON WTrllN T~E l'llLCT/CHl'.l·::A. A~fA AND BUFFER EXCEPT FOR T~E PURPOSES C-F 1-<ABITt.T ~NHANCl>.IINI A~ l'ART Of A~ EVHANCE\IENT PROJECT -:J-;[ ','[GUAn::m \\1Tlll~ 111( TRACT/CRITrCAL AREA ANC 8JFFER -'AY M)l HI CUI, f'HUNEO. COVERED BY Fill REMO\IEO OR DAMAGED WT~OUT APPROYAl IN wt<illNG FR()l,I THE C:7Y or RENTON COMMUNITY ANO ECQNOl.!IC OE'vELOPMCNl O'-! IIS SUCCESSC~ AGENCY. Uhl(SS OTI-IER'MS[ PRO\ID[[) BY LAW THE Cc'.ll>l.,ON BOUN)A~Y 5l rw;::;" rnE "'ilACT/~~·CAL AREA AND BUFF[~ ANC TISE AREA Cf" OEVELOP-'ENl ACllV TY MUS~ BE 1/ARKEC OR QTH~"'"SC FLAGCEC TO Tl If. r,A TISF AClll)" CF THE CITY or REWCN ~P..OR TO ANY Cl.[ARING. GRADING, 01!'1 DING CO>iSTRUCTION CR OTHER DE\/ElOP~ENT ACnV.TY ON A LO; SU~XCT TO TH[ TRACT/CRlnCAL AREA A~C RUITER TH REQUl~[D ~ARKING OR FLAGGING SH~~L ~[MAI~ 'N PcAC[ clNTII A!: ~.-.\/1-IDPMEc~T PH'.JPOSAL AC""''"1TIES IN THE \t'CtN,-Y OF TH[ CRIT,CAL A~CA ARt COMPl.ETE9 NO !Jlllll)I~(; H~INIJAIIONS ARE A_LCWEO BEYOND TISE REOU~CO 1~-0 00· BU'ID:NG SETBACK LINES UN.Jc.SS OTHRWISE PROlllJSD BY lA'I-I NOTES (continued from sheet 1) l.OlS I 14 $>-AL., >IA"1: BOTS A DISPERSION TRENCH ~NO RC.!\;~"U l>IOER"~()l.·> ~ORS.CE B>I? THE RC\HJCED ll'~EfNIOI.JS SLIRl'AC[ R"'F -f5JI: >I.X '"'PlRYOUS $1,.'RF~CE ~OL.L _ Rrnucrn 11,!PCR\/CJS ~5\Jprff"-ll'P ~.9:1:> Si' 2,556 SF ~.9:J-0 Si' 2.5~:i st <,3n Si' 2,84< SF 5,721 sr J,l'e SF <.D67 sr 2,154< SF 4,377 s, 2,8•~ SF <.609 SC <,WO SF ACDUCCJ'J l~~ET'>IC·JS :l"''~~t'i;a!l~8lY/~-'~,1~~IR:~f~1Ja-'""''--9 •.••1 s0 2,a91 ,.-- 10 5,.'.f!S SF 3 003 sr ,, 5,941 sr o.~02 sr ,; 5,507 s, J,560 sc 13 S,021 SF :!,26B S> 14 7,657 5,-<.~II ~F COMPU~NCE \o!!lH T,1S SlPucanON !AUST BE A)ORESSED IN TH[ ,JN;;tL F4MU RCSIDENllA( au•LDING or:~~IT onAJNAc.!: Hll'IC..,. WH~' ANY APPUC~M~ IS 1,1',[)c fCR A B~!..I)ING Pm .. , r F~'l TH l.01 SINGLE FA>.1".Y RESIOENCES ASG CHE~ 1~0,rnvr~rNTS CONsmucn.o OI< )Hl l.01~ CflcA'O:D 8< HIS suaD,VSJ[)N ~l'S; ll'PLEMENT THC F'l.OW CONTROL flfST .. AAAGE-'l"T PRACHCES SIIPU,HEC -~ TI-[ ~PPROVEC OHAl'>CE >WO,-A.Se Pl.A~$ NO R-~86901 ct, rll.[ W.IH -:11E QlY (.II-~l~IUS AtJLI A> L1Slill IN IHC fA8-E •BOY£ AS MIL AS ANY DECA~Anoi< Of CO>'E.N~~T'S ANC (;><A~·s Of EASL~EO<T RECOPOED HCR[~ TNr O .... E'lS SHAl.l. AT TI[IS Qv.N C'-"''· '-"'cHA'E. ~AINlA". •~D KFFP ,~ (.()(){) ~FPAIR, "H£ OROPFRTY'S ROST 1,1!\N~GE .. E"T PHAC,,CES KNOv.N •5 8>1P$ TH( cnv('NAST SHALl nu, ""'l' Ori£ .A,J A"O BE BINDING UPON C,.>SlO,iS) ANO TH".IR 'il:CC[SSORC II, l'lTERESl AW AOSl~N~ 'Q IN IHC [Vi;~' r>M" Tl-IE Cf-'flAN CRrrK PUO HOME CW'<EH'', A$-,00ARON (~CA) IS ~ISSOl.VEO QR CT~ERWSE f'AILS TC M[r'T IT Pf'O'[R,-Y TU 0:SL.l:;Ar·Q~S. ,\0 E'~DE:~CE~ RY N~S-PAWcl-<T OF' P~OPERTY TAX[S re.~ A PERIO:l QI-tl<,>·H:cE" (ia) MQNTilS, n-irn 'ADI LCT IN TISIS PL.AT Sf-'AL.:. ACSIJ~l AND HAV\: AN ,UUAL ANC-~~Jl\10[~ ~-....,rns,11p ISTEREST IN TRACI'; 'A'. 'C'. ·o·. AND ·c PRD/Cu>l• QW,,CD av lHC i<O~ A~D SAVI': A71'.N0AN~ nNA.NCA.. ~A,~lCNA.N~C Rc$P~5191UTY SHEET 2 OF 6 SF 1/.:., NW 1/4. SEC '0, 123N. R5~ W !.I CES. NW ffi!C C/Yfl. ENGINEER/NO .I SURYEYIH(} 310 29th SL l'i.E. Swle IOI FUYill.UP, 11'.1 ~eJn CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LND 10-0471 & LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N.W: 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SECTION CONTROL AND BOUNDARY TIES LEGAL DESCRIPTION "ER TICOR T.T~E C:)MPAr.Y :O\!'~Th'[NT ~UM[l':"l 700490C>I, 0A TE~ MAY Hl. 20' 6 I {)T ?, c:n OF Re"TON s c· 11'1!' ADJUS~MENT NUMEER LUA-08-066-•.AA. R[CO<DCD UN'.)[~ R[CO~DING NUMB[R 20090130900003, IN KNG COl,NTY, WASH:NG,O~· UNf l~BLF lHG~·I 42_0()' RO 19 •2331· ,, '-.,: • 1·w N07 7'45"': " LENGTH LM 7.{5 ~_I_?,!? l56 71 57 L~' 15 oo· ,~8 3fl ... -,, 26Jl,Oi'(R-1) NBT00'15· NO£-:l0'21"f SOU/O?l"W S~4'51',1<"F ~Y·o,·,6· 1 2 03 ii9.'0 51.37 N ~··:;·.ii"w 50C'O:l'J9"W , H7 • ,, "5.00 SQC'OJ'J9"W 1)1?' ---N!l9·5-,j:'21·w '" · 5.80 N00'0(J'J9"f ·,· L?G l~J2n' NOO'OOJ9"f ~;; -~tff---~;§.f{fH- l/9 ·~c,o '"" '" CJ'l ·;,e·w § ~ w ('-- z I I z c--- ~ LEGEND + -= • ('l-·j (C'. (") eouND SfCTION (()ISN:,-0 (A> NOCO) CALCULAITO QUARTER CORNC~ (R-1) FOU~D ... 0,..,t.![N" {AS NCTrD) sc~VE' R[Fi'RfNCE C.\LWLAILI; SURVEYOR'S NOTES OASIS or m ARINGS· L9~ "' 25.fl_ ___ !J17'.31r29"W ~AD l~B.l/11, NA,>!INGION ~,aT[ P.~~~ N()la'I-I ZONE -460" C -Y ()/' R[NT•Jt, CONTllOL POINT 11M~ ·o CTY Of' 'lrNTON r.ONTl>OI POJST f:84,A BEAPS NC,,Th BA'~f(C,o" WFS" 1n<r ~r.u-r>< IINr or T~F Nil QUARTER o, SE::TIO\ 10, TO~SH~ :,,3 S0,,1", RANGE!, l~SI, ..... ,..,: Ea.J1PMENT usrn, c.:i~,x ~COM BB TOTAL S"ATIJN. TRIMDL[ ~a Grs .... LL INSTilUM[NT, UTIUE:D ;M..•RI~~ 'H CL'li~S>: (l' 'HIS SIJR;(> ARC """['""" IN CGSFOINA,C[ W""H M•»uc•cTL~ERS S"£C!F1CAH()NS IHIO ~UH>'>'v GWPl'fS ,,,r. THE STMJDAR~S ANO CUIJ[J~fS C•F' ll,[" "<;UPVtY RECORO,NC A(T" O<APTI"~ 58 09 RCW AND WAC 332--\JO llUlR T )l£ ~Ct.!~AN'JS COlll'-'ITt.!fNJ NO. /::,018928 DATED OClOBlR 1, 20'!: WAS ~E~IEO LPOI'< >OR L[GA. DfSC'llPTI()N ANO !:ASfMEN'CS OF R[COOD C.[S. 4W •NC llA5 NCT CO~JUC"l:D m INDCrrn~E~l TI"ll S!:.<R:·· ~c,, l5 C.[.S SW,'"' A\ ... ,fj[ Of ANY TIRE ,s,ucs •ffEC11,c Pit. PRQ~[R-Y OTHcR r-aN TIIOS': SHO>rn Gf,J THI~ UA" Cl.S. SW. !SC HA$ RlL'CO SO\.[LY ON THE ISF'ORMATI()N ('(lNTAIN[{l '" SAID CCMUlM[~T IN R[GARJS TO 1TL[ :ssvcs TO PRPAP[ T~l5 PLAT AND au•unrs "'E MAP'S A(,(;JRAC\' ANl COMP.ETI:N[SS TO TIIH DTI:NT. N..., ._n: CORSF'RS Af.n ANClf POl\"S ARf ·a P.r MONU>.lcNTIC ~·TH A ·;r REBAR A~~ CA? >TA~FEO "BATEY._, J04Z5" ''"~ A 2" >,·"""'CE: LO: DOARJ S[T U>R 3Y A5 A R['[P.[~C[ MARKDl U~LE05 NOT) Q"H[~V,,SE. PRI~ ,u <HC ~t.~o~,m~ [}f ]HIS PLAT REFERENCES SCALE 1 • ~ 200' ,oo ' "" d ('l-1) DOOND ... ~' ll~[ A~-:_;511,ffNT FHD UNO[R RECOROINC NU~B['l 200<t<r}6gQ002D (R--<) c,·y ()/' P[N'.OH LQ; LINl NJ-'JSTMENT F!.f:> USDl'< RlCC,,D~G Nt'MBCR ;oc90,,1::,qnooo3 ('l-3) PIA" oc wcor.t.HFK FIIFD LJND(I, Ri:COROrtiG NU .. RER •g99122800)616 (~-)i PLA c, C~;Alt.> A" HIODlS Ultl< flLEO UNDER R[C0f1DI% NUMDER :9'19020JJ1')4 SHEET 3 OF 6 Sf 1/4, NW 1/4, SEC. 10, T23N, f<Sl, W.M. C.ES. NW liVC C/Yli. £NB/NEER/NG .I SURVEYING ~10 2:.l.b SL II.I( Smt,, \-0! PUYAllUP. 11:A 91!~72 ---------------------------------------~------~---------------~ CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LND 10-0471 & LUA16 000527 i f ~"' 1"-~· ,0 0 w l I I SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE 8: ,~ I P[R llCOS ,;ll( CC,,,PANY CCl.' .. IT"l'H ~U .. OlH ?a<'lNC51, OATI:C .. AY IB. :10'0 ( "[" IJ lA,:;>.l,OfNT SOR T-<C ~UR?()Sf"S ... ~~ ,,:;ms INC,CENTA_ lll£R[l0 PJSP0S£; WAT(~ Pl~ES ARCA AC--,c,::o W::SJEaLY JO FECl FOLi:O '-'''OlH accoRO•~G NU .. 8ER 4g2%07. Sf<C~'I f-Ell[CN (TO 9[ R0 LJN<)L1S,1rn: ( T" :i; EASrMf~' ,~~ 1~£ Puaecs.,:s .wr Rl<.HVi INC:Crt. TAL "'ll[P.£T0 PJ~PO>f.. Cl.EL'lR ~ TRANW'S$10N AS(l/OP. C ST~l~I,. l'JN UN( ARCA A··lClcO -~s·l~LY 12 'lll FILcD ~NO[R a[~OROLNG NJ .. 8[R .348]19~ AS CC~>lRUCEJ, S><~W\ H(R[O,,. A PORTION I I~ I~ :~ Na~·2,·25·w I ~--.._ '"' ' CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4. OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. 14 RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SEE SHEET 3 Ot.. A k"---Gu,:t~~~:,,~:~H~: , 674'.Jl" ' TA~ PAH~ll '02.l'::5-92~8 1000(> 12 ,:;-:,,·~~- ~c-ifr4<• TA< ~ARCi:L 102J85-9J~~ ' 'I' ~~ ' " I 1,. ~i " -'.Q LANO~•P• SJ'H,~ I NBff.,Q'07"W 13 I SEE SHEET 5 FOR: LOT AREAS, ADDRESSES AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS N70'.ll.<6"C N57'5.J'O]:_i;;_ N57'5J'OJ"F N4((H27"C ~26'21'<~"E N' 1 )',~· .~TI·.i~·l_ l--.'b--1--'"'--+--'~WW)_,IT__ ~o9·-,·4,"[ N8e"b' 5"[ H21'5J'~~-~ N05'09'"9"[ N05"09':>9'r N10·5c·•5·c N1C'5C'J5"E ( LM ~) [AS( .. [H'. I a~ lol PO~r~,t, AN(.• t<l(;-'0 INC:OE, TAL THrnE-a " ~ ' r: ' FUSPO~l RQA{)WAY AR[A Acrccr.:n-'M:SITRL Y 12 S[L T rn_m LJNDrR Rf"COP.QINC H~"8lR J<~;D]]_ S,..(\ .... H[REDN (ITEV ~) EA~"EN' fr.)I< H·E PuPPOSES ANC RIGar; INCIOtS 'Al "HcHC r~ fURl'O,~· WAfER PIP[S ARCA Af'fCTW 'NfSTFR.Y Jc, FEE7 'lc.D JNC,H H£~!.)f<(A,~ NU~ECR •SZ"ilC-0< S'10"'1'< ~C.H£C« (TC BE RCIN~UISl<fD) ,,. ;1 &:----• 90.<HC) 99.1)"(") 8 '.t,X PA~:Y, 8 95109•-o·,oo c ' fAX Pft.'1CH 95109<-0C90 ,' I "AX P~RCL I ,a;o:s-9·19 I iNOT A PARr I I _, I '" ~ s f !:I " I ' ' ' ' i ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I \ '-. l<< 8.JCJ' ~:-I"4";<"' ·;;:..-,:,5;·· L•< JO o:· S88'22'1·"[ 3y,;9·1··· ~oou~·,9·w ~88'2S'25"W SOOin~.::i.::.....J S<T<9'0!i"'~ 8 •· co·oJ' -·· oo· ~•~·Js·sr L41 BO.OJ' Noo·oo'59" ·,,,,-,C-:,~o.fs,<C,.~---~SM~,~.CL'~:_,_,__,,C-, ~!\_QJ' _g-;rg~'JU - J.ija· se~~s.1~·r sco,; '45·c _}:.li;t:~ - NS8'29'2'.;"l', NOOUJ"4~"W ~crt.,··,,·w S55'"' ,, .... M~,.uµENT IS CAO --~--- 1 5 BSASS DISK <; lJC.INU"[" ·~ CAS[ 0.20. t. O' CAJ,.,.:. IH Na 9'5D'02°W -" 1.5~ tE 9th ST 2<9 9T(JJJ - )l / ~-------------- I . " I I I I DETAIL CHELAN PLACE NE TRACT C CENTERLINE L•;,_!_1 _ LUT 2 LCT} LO_T 4 SOT ~ _ 8~~ 8~6 ' ., _(ls <I I ,,,/ i ~;~, I '"I I I I ,o· '.A~DSCAP<: I BUTEi< I I I t " ,. }I;,, p/; ff I ~ I I I I i I I I I I I ! "OrnC;;"• 04i'• - ~~so_;:. n' -~ ,~ ~~,;g_co~ .•.12.!:0 ---._ 1~?1.50 ~=25'<7'CO" ---..._ .:,.,2:,·4J'5!! "" "'" _6_6_2 U)T S_ 8f;R '-.'!!_7 , or~ LQT ~ LOT ·o QCB LOTn_~ LO_T 12 ; 916 i LQl 1.J 912·-·1 '_QT 14 9JO SC 1/~. ~O'/ 1/4. SEC '0, i23fJ. RC>[, WM CES.NW.uVC C/YIL. ENGINEERWG ,I SURYEY/NG 3!0 ~9th $\ N.E. Su,te IUJ PIJYA!l.UP, W~ 98~72 CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LND 10-0471 & LUA16 000527 LEGEND SJ 'W,J \JOM'J\JlS; AS NO"'D • SE-, 1/~-Sc(lAR&CA' "0A'."TTY I~ .lC42~ CE) E:ASD~CNT P'lOVISIQN 0~ S!-Lll l 0' 5 c=i 1:::::1 lSSSl &33ZJ [ml S~lll '1AIL 'ENCE NBa·2s·2~·w ~ DETAIL /PRIVATE SEWER EASE. SCALE: 1" ~ 30' ' I~ 1, /,.--.--- I { DETAIL ! PUBLIC WATER EASE. 'A', 'B" AND 'C' 0)(TY".) "IV'. PA~CE. 95108~-0·10 ~ :a~ LO-, L'Sc-TAX PARC[L 8 9s,~q4.Q1~() Q o ' ' ., CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG A PORnON OF TH[ SE 1/4 OF TH[ N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN 23 NORTH, Tt,X PAS~[_ ""'./J;:•5-SJM 11C c~ 'A> Pfl~·:EL 1~;,,os.q; ,~ NOT A PART CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEMENTS (ALSO SEE SHEET 6) ~ [SI~] ' ' I -1 I I [AX 'ARCE!. I ,oaoc·-9.lC[ I I I ., " "'-k ,' 10' CMCS<.AOE ~UFFCi mo • 8<8 Ct<ELAS '..ACE"' o.n, ;,-• ""' CHE_CON h\,£ S( .._:16i S-' !~! ~~L;~_g_,'.c'~T-:c:i:,~;,lc"_~-:c1c·s 90C Cll[LAN Al'!:. N[ <.550 ~' •/· ~ On4 CHFLA~ Alf" N[ 4.4-47 SC+ ----;'-u·· 900 c~[LAN Alf" Ni' ~~, s, +j -__ vrn CH[LAN A'/f. N( ~.:,;,' ~· i / :JJ 92C C~Elffl Alf" NF 0.~4" St + -9i.' C:H[LAN A\/E0 _HC 5.D27 S' +I- ,; 9JQ C-<EL~H A\/E NL 7.657 sr_ +/ m, 7,1D8Sf+- g_435 ~, + /- ).i.}~ sr +/- 11.59< SF +I S£ 1/4, NW 1/1. SEC W. T23N. 16[. W.M CES.NWNC CIY4. ENO/NEERING .I SURYEY/NG 310 29th ~l l'I.E. Suit,, 101 l'~YilllUI'. WA ~t~72 CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LNO 10-0471 & LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. LEGEND [ . :1 ··,· '"'"' "'"'' "''""' '"""'" '''"~~ •) r = = = = :i "'"" ·~· """"' ~ 1~' OJHUC W>!>.P f>$f"MCN" (F,.';C~f'NT ~SO'J'SION ~) ~ 15' PRIV>Tr WATn< fAS(~rnT US< -"L1"5-· '" L1J7 DETAIL ----'-'-'i' __ --(,L L"l5 l'I~ ~ -,-.,e L"'9 L120 ,·:01 PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT C•J DETAIL PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT CD IJHE TA8cE "-""'" n oo· """'"'11'1' a· ·,·c ,. 7" ---2ll:L_ ... }•~·2nn_ < • .,. ·,w • a· ,·,,· .. , .. 1 DETAIL PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT ® l150 .151 l"52 l"5J LJ.NG'1-l 5 80" SOO"OJ"4•·c •1u·· • ·' ·2~·c BJ.18' COO"O!'J!:"[ .,.11 SD1l"2J'5§_"I.._ 04" ____:;i_7:;lj ~~l_ -t:1:,i~:::j:j,:~t~;-. :t=!il;'t;-~~'2j."~t::~,= L156 S6'""Q'1o"c L1~1 rn,c s2ns·,8·w L1';e '9 ~1 °J8" ·, · 14 RANGE 5 EAST, Wi!...LAMETTC MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEMENT DETAILS s1a·39•2,•w s~ SW1B"37":!! ·,_,J ,, , . ., .. c··w , Qc 530·,e·irw ,,.u ~ nr;i=~ 9 BO' __ ____J;J6"'~'~7__'._!!__ I.OCJ' DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT CS) n sc= DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT DETAIL PAIVA TE SEWER EASEMENT (D ~--~c'°oc-,~s,cc===:::i -L,~E _,, . "·~ '" a ,n 51.87 1?.~7 51.B7 I ·2_97 DETAIL 1-l,.ARF>-G ~}.;+;?}-}- N~8"12'2""\I N41,{1}."\" - --~~al.1".L_ PRIVATE STOAM EASEMENT -~ lRACT 'E' --.;,-• ~ 1_14,~ / r r I 1"ACT 'C' I i Jii":rAif.r _____ _ -~ENG"'ll 3[ARING 4 3 2 ~ : 1·-50· ~ ,oo S[ 1/4. NI'< 1/4. SEC 10, i?."SN, R.~E. WM 10!. 15 u~---~o a1· S8B7Z'21"c SOJ;" CES. NW ffiTC ~10 WUt St . .'!.~. Suit, 101 PUY>.U.i.:f. 1'A 9ain ADVISORY NOTES TO APP' 'CANT Ll,JA 16-000527 --------Renton® 0 8 cf ' Application Date: July 13, 2016 Name: CHELAN CREEK FINAL PUD Site Address: 928 Chelan Ave NE Renton, WA 98059 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 21 February 23, 2017 Fire Review -Building Comments Contact: Corey Thomas I 425-430-70241 cthomas@rentonrfa.org 1. Install street name signs as required. 2. Install 'No Parl<ina Anv Time' sians as reouired. Planning Review Comments Contact: Mona Davis I 425-430-72461 mdavis@rentonwa.gov A landscape inspection will be required prior to final plat. The forms for the critical area maintenance and monitoring will be sent to the v applicant under separate cover. The surety will be reguired ta be_ paid prior to final plat / Change signature dates on Sheet 1 to reflect 2017. Additional space may be needed for signature under the Dedication section, as well as for the City Finance Director's signature. I would also suggest adding more space to reflect tihe month in the signature blocks. Note 11 pertaining to driveway widths can be eliminated. This regulation is in the development regulations and will be reviewed at building ' _permit. v Please look at Note 12 (under NOTES cont'd) on Sheet 2 and revise reference to the "table below'. Also, the last sentence seems incorrect where it reads 'GRANTOR(SJ, AND GRANTORS(S'J SUCCESSORS ... '. . The NGPE notes (Notes 5 & 8 respectively) could be combined. The note indicates the NGPE is being conveyed to tihe public. I believe this is incorrect; tihe HOA should be responsible for the tract. There is reference to a Class 4 stream in tihe decision, but I'm not seeing it depicted on the plat map. Engineering Review Comments Contact: Jan Illian 1425-430-7216 I Jllllan@rentonwa.gov Sheet 1 of 6 of the Final Plat: Item 10. under Nu TES should be removed. There is already a reference to tihe CCRs and a blank line for recording under DEDICATION. Sheet 2 of 6 of the Final Plat: Note 12 makes reference to table 'below'. Show table to say "above". What is the status of the water main easements in Chelan Ave NE North of NE 9th? CCRS Page 5. Tract D is designated as a "PUBLIC' Storm Drainage Tract. The same language under Tract Notes for Tract D on the final nlat should be included in the CCRs. Technical l?ervlces Comments Contact: Amanda Askren I 425-430-73691 aaskren@rentonwa.gov Review of Plat completed in electronic format. Please see redlines. Sul;>mlttal • ~<!resslng Review Co,nme.nts Add addresses to face of tihe plat Correct street name for Lots 1 4 in address table Ran: February 23, 2017 Contact: Lillian Watson I 425-430-7368 I lwatson@rEintonwa.gov Page 1 of 1 --FG"ntorlO •• ~· < ~ ''" RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON FII.E NO. LUAUS 881-& LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG U•Ol}-O<l7: / A PORTION OF TH[ SE 1/4 ff TH[ N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION ,a, TO'MvSH/P 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 [AST, W1LLAM[TT[ MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON DEDICATION •NO" •ci. ?[C!>\.£ s, T1<£SE •RESOH<; ~~., w[ Tl<£ JH~(RS,(;l,[I) 0*£1!~ C'" ,,m:'!f:SC "' TSE .mo ~{11{6, Si!ll!J,Vl()£0. H[R(H• OC(v.!1£ .,.,., n-,, Pl.•' ·o i!E Tl+£ r.ll,.,,.,c l!O'f!£S0.1AC()N or TH 9.!!!(11 ... ~ w.c, ~[~(~T. M-0 co >tE~OIY Ut>C•TE IQ T~E USE or n-.e ""JM fOR['IE~ •.1. sa= -'l<il •·it.~v(S NCf $1<0~ ,s ""·VATt: SF:R{O,, •~O DffilC,.11' '".,£ 'jS( THOl(Of fCI' lU P'.$1..'C -·~s MOT l».::O•!S.S'l:~' WTH T•E l;:51: M•c<Y F<:P ~ill.IC-~-~., P\1IP0SES. "D >l5D 'l-1€ RIG><' ·o .... c •U. N!:C[!i',.IJ!T S1.0P£s >OR C1J1S "-'<0 f"IUS l.POI< -~, ~O'S "'"""' ME"f\.O< " ·~( ~OUl •E•SCN>.i!L!: r;a,:,-G ~< "·~ Sl'J>ff''l ~ .. ,'O<'!l(s. >J-11'.l ru•tH<• DU>CAft ,c 'l-E C'~ 0, ...,£ P,.e,_,c ....._ "'+!: E•SEM(Nf5 AS"() "'•CTI ,;,.o-a,, l><r'i P .... 1 '(JII ....._ "V9JJC PJRPC'>f.:S ,s ,,~aC•TD .,.£REON JNCt,J(HH' IIUT ~0' li"'"" ,:; ?ARKS o,><)o ,;Poe!' -~~ES ll<O CR .... •GE uriL.ES~ W(~ FllEE'S. EASl:11!'~,-, OR ro,c,s ... SPEC1f1CJ.U• Ol:NYEC 0--..,s P\.H •S 8£.o,C C.SON"I!l '-"<J CCl'<•'E'ff!l TC .. ,,asc« ()fl t><~n-Cr,..(R ,.,_.,. --W: O,,Buc. N ..... 0-C'-SE ~ C-C >tERf8• Gil.,.. IU<Q (CiNl,,'!:Y :5/JQ< satcrs. f•'>(M(hf'S, ()fl fRA~lS •o ,,., PFRSC>'< ()II (NY• 1GfNl\i18) •~D SOR I>'': "'-""'= :;,-•fD ;,,a-,..ER. T><E JHD!:RS.Cl<ED ~...,El>';·~ Tl<[ LMO ~,a,e, :ilJ!IOl\o'Ol:D. w•ivf 'GR 1'<[ .. Si.!."i'S, TH£,R •ll~S /,JfQ •ssir ... s ._..:, .,.. P[RS::,,O ~ EN~'Cc" ~,.,w.c rn__;: ~OJ "* ,,~1}(11';:(;H!:J A>,T ""D •u. C..'-'"S ~()fl C,,..Ai;(S •G•l~ST ~-£ al"Y er R[lf'OC,. rs SUCC!'SSOA"; ..... ~ •>S>ChS -·c~ ~., Bf xc•s= ~T T•€ £ST"8'-J';>,"'"T C::W..STll'Jt.T~. OR ""NIEN'-"C! Of RC,1,DS ,1,NO/O'I Olt•m•c.: HSTD•S '"'n,,, ,,15 5U900 ... 5.Cf< ;l!J<[R '"'"' C'-"'"; •rS<JLT,NG ~OM "<•OEJ\JHI: U>J"'"EN'-'<:E BY ">jE: CH" or MinOti n.•n.LR. = .M~!.o= """ms cc TH!: L.JJ;:, HIB£BT ~.,noa,,o.t:. •::,,,:, roe n,["2:.YI:~ T}l(]~ ~["'5 .....a •ss·c;,,s TQ ISC[U~lf• l>IO "Cl..:l I><[ an-Co' f!Uf'OO l,S S1.CCU~5 ,;,o A5S!GN":i H•~t.ll.!55 Fl!CO,C •ov o .... •i;i:. IICU/011',;;; .,.., :O"i'S or ;)£,(1,,S!:, :t.-1,,,U(~ e, P[RY.:"S ,..,..,... 0A \00":-<00' "1<S 5!.·B:P>'SOI< 'Cl MA"( BWl :>-USEU Bf AJ.T[~>TIO,,S Of"'( c;,l(h,ft!l S!.IOH~(. "{:;[Uro,;_ o•-•CE. c,! s:.i~r.:r QA SJJB-"-"'l•U: ••JtR FL.~ "'""H -...,5 =~s,;., Oil SY £ST"-".J'i,'<UEJ<I, CCWSlll'JCl\C'I ·JI! UA,H"E.~~C( r:,I" Tu[ R~'-OS "'""" ll<IS SU,0,"'5>0N 1'110'10[0 T><.5 """°' AJ/0 "'1>£.....,,,C•"nC>< S>l'-U. NOT M (Qr,SYII\Jl'.ll •S ll(l(.o!ilf<G T>+E c,--,. .S RDHC:»<. ,r; SIJCCB~S ()A •SSIGl<S, Fl'IOM UAQII..~ f'JI! O•U•(;(S_ MC..U:l"G "><( WSl <:,r OF!'.l<Si:. "1::'i,JlTh<C" Wl<C,..( OIi"' NRl f'lOJ Tl<[ NfC...,s.ENCT 0, --W: CcT"-o; '![>,:TO< 11'1 '>I.Jf:[S\,OAS. ()A •SS:(.>,S Fl,~TH{I!. •NO'~ AU. Of();>.£ a, Tu(SI' ?<;(ScN'"I, -,...r wr; !la[ H[R~H ~·~ow ,:,Q,[0 O"'<OlS"' re~ ..... Pt( ,cr Tl<[ .... ~il HCTIOlY 5'.JIIO<'Mlt.O, NE"!.B' Cl'RnF> T>!H "'[ U\'E ES1A!!W5>'EO 'H[ "'-"'EOWNERS ASSOCl'f,Qli (~o,)'or 0 C>1U~N (Jl[EJ,:. 1M •u:o,ro.u>C:£ .. ,,.. W>9""'G"OH SU"'[ c.,.~ .,..," -OU<llf1£S E•('1 ,o· o, "W,; f'VT •5 • uti,ao, or S•IC 1,0,. s.,u "o' IS Sl,ij.(C. TO l)ff C<C..•~•TIO-. QI" covi:,•N'5 .... o ~r;io,~TIQrsS rOR 1"iC ~cAT Of" •r.,;nm (Jlr;~· ·~ DSO..OSl:J B~ P<'HR~ .. [H" R[COlfflD CNJfR "MG C:OU~7'! R(COP0-1<!"; IIU .. ft[R --------- n,,S SIJ&Dn'1sro::~. 0<:00:Anot. .... .ii:. o, c.<1 .. 1 .,:i A:.IIEEM('ll TO ·•OtD "l•••n.ESS ,s MArlf "'""' 1l< fl!IT CC,.,,S!'S' >.NO IN ACCORll,l,NC[ 'fllT\< Tl<f J['-"!ES C,C S•:O DYr+,FRS f~O ~et.S "A'IAG.'<C U[ .. ll(R (~(VJ< CRH.•. LI.~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT 51'"1: Co" WAS1lt>!GTCN i ,~ / COJ~T"l' Of ,:sr; ) 2f, 1 / OH l>NS --OM Of ---Q B[TQR[ .. [ "GISC«Al.!.Y •P~[-'~D !111:D HEJO~[JI. 'ti><[ ,WQ~ TO 1K r.<!: ""-'!)>I(; t.11.UDES or O<I.M CRH~ A U!»/<Gn::>< LMTEO u•aur, CC .... .1,NY. r><•I El<l:CUltO :W: "''Hlk •NO F::,f!'!<;QSG N$n,,,, ... o,1 .....0 ,c,rno"'l.£0GLD s.-.o .NSTllUMU,T ro II( T><( = '"~ "Q.Oll!.~Y •Cf IU<O 00:D or s,io COMP.,.Y ~~ I>+(~· "'° Ptll!PO'il:S T-+,.1'£"' M(lltl;lN(~ -"'0 :00 C'-TI< <;UT1'D lHAT H[ eS >Ol><Ollt!il) 'O E)<l:(:UTE SIJ() t><';l'>U"°41 1H ·•nM:ss .... rMOf ~•VE HOl,;~STC o;i;, "' HANO -'H!l Qf<",Q..._ 51:Al T..C o» AAD ,-::.R m!SI llA"llO< AOC\'£ :lA"Ti:O HLE "FS:l:t«; At ___ ~, ,., A;>J':IO'I .. ENf [)Cl'lll{S, _______________ _ TRACT NOTES a•n ..... ·~ ..... V.Jt ~GRESS. EGRE5S. CQ>IMClt< Ci'l.h ?Act."'° JTi<.IT'r' C:•5:(PJU<l CJ><.1; Hcco;,oMr; o< !HOS.,_ .. , a,cr ••• ~ "[>n!Y Gll•Nl!rl >.Ntl CONl'i:'l"EO 10 M o,n.tH CAt[K P JO HOl,IEC .... [q~ •SSOCATIC>< (>ll)•) M (•S(M[N' '5 SU!!:i!~ !;fl,;,ruJ AND CON','!;'YO ro It<[ en-or ~E.~lOH OIO!. u,0£~ ""° ~= fll>tT ·~· rQR r>,£ P\!IOF'OS( [If Ct>fo'E,,,G, SlOll!NG. M.,.AO.,NG AAO F>cur•TJ;G SlO/iU """° 5URfAC!: WAT!'"' Al<V roo, SANl"AIH stfl\:~ "I-Ill WU[R "'-""'OSl:5 >'{II "ME CW:.,NE[l'IING f'l.<><5 01< fli.E ..... fl<( orr or RE~lC>i M-!1:>i>.N;."l c, AU Cl>IE"' ·UPRO>!.M(MT5 ,.... ..... El£ Tl<[ R[Sl'O'<Sl8llJTr o,; TH€ HOA CK1 ~01 add \/'a :,oA cisso!,a la,"':1'>"9" mail cf tr~ 1r~::::s "'-'CT ·c· ,s > /lfi!>ll!; 110:::,1£5$. [CFIE~'>. NII) ui._irr £•'iU>Er<l .,...., AECCfl()l"JC Of" n.r, I'\.•· Tll•C' ·c S IIUIUT c;l!>./<ITO I.Nil COH\11:YEO TO l'1f.: o,nm OIITT Pu O HOMEO'Ml'JIS ASS-0.::t.:TlC .. (~o•) m [ASDltJIT t:S >t!J!£llY ~ANTTC ...0 CT>MV[Y(ll 10 T>,E corr O' RE~ICN 01/[M. 1JtfDlR AN(; •C110S$ ri.•c• ·c· F<)'I Tl<[ ........ ost: r, COt<'-'EYINO. Sfl'.)1!1>i~ ~MM.lf'G. •NO F~t;11.1bn>1C Sf"Cfl>J ""° SIJl'f•CE ,,,ITFI MD f<)'I s,~,,.~, ~WLR ANO ... TI. "'"""05€S l't:• T\<f C><Q>i(!R,NC P\.Al<S Cti flU:. M'I< !la( on Of "°'""' W .... TU<AI<~( Of NJ. 01'<!9 aol'RQ'l'EU<MT5 !.!'•LL 8£ Tl<£ '!tSPi:><S91LTr Of 11;,( "°'- '"-'Cl ·o· 15 • ,-uewr:: 5!0R,,o ()tU•N•r.i: TIIACl u•;:,,, i-E UC~ Of THIS ~ell. IIU~T l)' S "IO!CllY ~-'>i'l:0 !>NO CO<'<!;YED m T-IE C..C.AN CRE(M -0.(U-C~~ >.5.S()(;Al1'-"' (•O•l AH E•5fu9'1 5 H(Jll:SY CJIAHT"EO .... :. cu,,,,(,tb 10 1»C err, or R(N"Otl 011:~. UliOC~ >.NO ~CRCSS Tfl>Cl l)· fOR 'HI: PtJllf'O'i[ Cf C:iM'IE,...G. STOll»<C, U,l,NI.QHC AMC «Olll>T1NC SltftM N<O !.Ultt"•C( w•ITR PER ll<E U<!.'Ht[""G P1.A~5 Cl'< fll.[ ~n, Tl![ CTTY ,:s -TOP< n+E arr Of ltll<lO' HAS Tri£ Jr:!0<1 TC <~TOI s•r:i Slt111111'1ll'OI [ASO,et.r f°"' fl,[ PIIP'P05!: Cl'" NSPE:11,',(;, C"E:IIA'lffl. UAINTAIN">iC. IWP~OVNG. AAO •CP/.lllf>G IT'S Ol'IAl>!A(;f ••CMJnts CCl'<l.uf£D '11tAEJ; OHI.Y n+E Cll-UM( f[NO: ... ow C""lRU_ '#A'UO .lU"UfY TliEAT\IOfl ...-:0 CCN'J£"!"A/IU: fAOU1'l£5 v.,u. 6( t;:IH,;l)IJl(O Fa, ,oo,., ... ACU:PTMCE H<0 u ... ,f[~~u 8T J>j£ C,T"l' "~"' ;f~AA.;! C,-,U Ql><fR 1\0>ll0\ll .. [}<1'5 ,,.0 ....... OstA!>l~G 1)-J S-oJO ll!AC1 ·o· SMAJ.L 8!'. -.....r 1!{5PC"Sl9f' r,-~ TH( >-<:• '" Tl,( (,"(hl r-u TH£ NO• ,s IJISSO.,yUT [l<l CTu(J!NS[ r .. ,~ TO MEE!,,~ P~OO!RT"l' TU ca,c>r<lH';, ·~ ['>1()£1,CfC av 'Ol<-P• ..... EN" Cf P~Clf'[Jl"f l>J([S F~ A ?El'fOO ,:S El~~ (" !) .. OHTI1S. no t~ce LCC ·N T>fl5 l'l,l,f ~lAl.L. .. ~5U"1: ll<O ~•"1' •M (C!JAL Al',0 ~~C< ... Cfll OIIM:~S!l'r l><"l:l<Es: oil n»cr O PR[...,OU5l.Y OV,O,,EJ: a• Tl,[ ~c• N<0 kA'I[ l>!!: HTO<!l•Ml ,...,Na•L me ...... ~MU •£Sl'0NSB'UTI[S i;i,c, '[0 ,s • "i'TI..»iO/'Wli'l.•NO au.-n:a Tll•C !.lP<.t, R:CC"Ol!OillC cr n.~ .,., T>lA(:l ·r· IS e[1!(8Y r.ll•~rrn •NO COH\11:'([0 m "'I: Cfffl.<N CREn< PUO "OM((l'<1M]IS =•rDN (~C•) 'Cf' '-O(l1Tiot,•'-R[S!Jl·C'1tll.S SCE Rf5nl1C~00S ,o,, c~rn<:•L .,,[A i;i•crs c,; 5><= 2 CT 1>«5 ,,...._ "L'' 11UCl "[" •LSO "•s • ~· !'\Jli<JC PHHWM !•2.iu., '"-C•Ha ·s ''!}11 .. Efl:•. AS Sl<O'"" ~ l>IIS P-.H • ....0 IS HCA!:JIY CFl,...U -'l<O C~V("(J) lO I><[ C>•CV.N <:ACT:~ ~Oll!O~RS •~X,•t°'" {~o,,j ... ,a.-ID<>.1<CC <HC 11tPAUvE..:NT; S></14!. BE Tl-.! RCSP""Sll!'\Jrr O' "l'E "<l• &0 !';.~o/t CII0"1'>i PROl<:CTION <•!;£ME~! (NC,P<) 'l><AJ.L 9( Pl.•C[O 0\11:R Tl<AT PAR1 OF T,,£ <;,,: [HCOMHSSNG 11,E F"UJ.I/Vll-J.'10 '31.IHUi •RE"-R'!.S"'1Cl1"l CO\l!'H>,Nl"S li><"'-"'-~O 8E "---'C"EO 00 Tl<[ :SH[. "><E E-i,t~l .....0 "lS1lt1cn·,i,: COV£>,>,HS s,uu. BE R'!.<.Uf'Ol:O "1110R TC R[CORl)l,<G o, lllE ""·""-Pl.•' f1 Tl<[ ~•111'[ c;po,m, l'ROT,:.TIC,,, E>ltMENl :NGP£;, CN n,r om ... ~=~ Pl.•T IPD<Tr>n l)I[ C~1'1CAL \,, JJ>EA. T><( <;l!t:A~-Of',, c+ !Ht: NAM[ C.,,QW/',< P"'lrt:CllON [•SUIE.lil {~G~~) COl<",C>S re T><[ ..,81.lC • ll('<f'1(!UJ. ""rt:~EST N :'tiE ..'Kl "'""°" !>I( (.oS(w£'1 ,t.ll(A_ T\<IS !N'E/fEST st<>'.l ~!: ,a,, fH( l'\J""05f (JI' P'!l{$€9Yllt(; NA11'/I! •,t(;ElHON ~"" Tl<[ ((><TflC,. (Jf Wf!l'..cl: .... RR >.NO £RO""°". ""'"Tl'"MC( O{ !Slc<'( Sl___,T", ... <;u.._ ""0 >.R.._ ~fITJ!MC, ....0 P!'IOfl'CTIOI< Of"'-""' ,.N!) ,._..._ H.o.Bl'AT fl<[ MAil\'[ ""(:VI.I ?ROl'E'.1\CN !•i!.lo<M' liW05(S UOf:;P< .u_ P<!1'SD,T ANC il.;1\JRf r,.,,,.ERS .VI(] 0Cll/P1!:"5 or TH[ r>.S< .. fNT JJ>E• [W0RCT"91.t Co< 11(,<Aif or lH£ •ullUC 9Y "ltE OTT or A[NTOr< ·c l(A'/E LINO~TI.AMO J,,LJ. ll1£l'S ~ OTH(• 'IE<;(.Al'OM ¥11THIH TH{ (ASEMl:"1 JJ>fA. Tl<[ 'iEl:fTATIL'.lN ""™·~ ll<li H(".f'( MAY ><OT !I£ CIJf. Pll1J>ICI'. CO'>'EII[~ n n..c. ft[MO..-a) OR o .. , .. a:o ,,nw;)J' c>:PMSS l'IA!TTl"N 0£AM1SSIOH n!OM lH£ err or RO<T.lk T\<E IH>T OT rl<7R1 GllANTUI Mf~ElM SHAU APP\.• 'll !!<£ A(VH~ l![R£5[JH•n'/ES MC D,IP\.CYEES Of" "W' 0'f11H[J11S C11 ~!ISltUENl 0""1D!S Clf ll<E UflOEffl. 'r1NG NOTES (continued} LJ.>£c»< Ql[t,: '.)E',.(.~ ,;,,,_)Fut,(5 .,,,.,_, GE C[M-~,s~,r,., e•rn• TC 9,,,.1)0<~ FERM,! >P""1;:v.,_ 'OSI £•~~ ~owe ,o·s "1<) i RC!;~{~ T'. ()R£>,1 :c ..... o CH£Lm h•CC ~.. JI; 1 MO• """-'..t <>'ll:~, '0 .. .,,il "'f NCI'[ ('1/t;S". ,ors I ll<~WOH 10 ..0..'L.0 (IA[~" 'CWAAD~ nl[ ~·~ o:,s-:. LOT,, ,J-~AR!l l'>+l hGe[ /S(l\,'1<'. La•s 1:; ·~,, 1J """••o '"'· ""'' iSG< .. t><" MO_,, 14 ,,_,w,.~ ,~, ,a.,n-... G ••OCPf:S,• T~ 'H•: WES' ~""""'' ..,c~~~ S,.,i_. SC R[Sl>',.T"EO l~ H-' ~'-"''. lhfN 1·· .-.:LI'"" A SlH<;U L'S> • .,.0 HQ MO'IE r..uo '8 ,Ul ''-"' D<JV9!.:'. ,.,., 0-011/E:W .. ,.., •~C· 5~•" Sl O!:ua,,i~All:. AAIIJl'I ,~ !11.Jl.()lHC ~,,, .. ; AP"aOSAL FC:,, [AO, >+QIJ£ --,.: •0'-0 M,J STORLI JR-Ac::£ $T<;l'EM$ •>\'( g<,,. ..,,Tli', .. IEU >LC'?C->iG ·a T).'. ... ~RQV!_J •l•!/ MC ~AO,,U ON ~"-l: ,on, RO.TO'< OC.'E.OPM[W :IU""Ci:~ °'"'"°" •>C ""' DE'-'Al>ONS FR<™ THE .,,,Ro= "'--""S ... , ~(OUPI: ""'TT'i' ... ,a, .... fllCM Tl<( ~o-o,a A(.l;NC• "-""""Tl' 0£,TL"< Cf",t,oPwi:ST SOl,,US O<YSION "'-l 8'.JIU)II<~ 00 .... SPC-.,T'i roon,,c CR<:l<S, fflU DfrAm'\ rRCM Al.!. ... , • .,ws :a.,Flf.:rs :;c:H •5 ;,re-; .....0 r>R'.'Ew•rs .......... Bt (()Nt,(CTUI l;l '\,£ >rnMAA[!/' STCR .. CR.,~ '.)..'":.(T'i •S ~D .... CH 'H ~P~RO',Ol cc,..sm~~nc,, Cl!A-GS R-.l.!~IH:' Qt, Ill.I: ,..,,, nri: c,--,. ,la" ~p,,c,, J>jl5 ., .. , ...... , n S!JBM,l,[JJ ~J>, Tl<[ ~l'f'l.,CATIOH OF ANY !!\.'LOI~:;; l'tl!l.iH "--!. COl<f<E:TI~S 0, ll<t !)f[>.~5 UUSl 8( CO,,S"'1JCll:C ....a /,/'190'/ru ""1CO: TO fll<~L DC"l..llHC ,>iSP!.CnON voaov•t. r:i,, '"rlOSE LJJS '""" AA!: ,:cr.,uJt: l'1J,II ,t,l(),"l)UAl. LJl t:<VE.RSlOH S"STD<S '"r<( SYST"E .. S !51',',;J. u CCNS,.,,\/CT!'C ., T>f[ f,-1<£ Of" fl-I!: l!f,:LU]<M:;; '"lRMl <HC S>'>..!. COMPLY "'tl1 'HI: "V,NS 1JI< '1f..!'. ~o .or c,, p()fln(lt<,;;; A .0' '" ,i.os ..... T S><>U. !!!. J\IICE:O .l,NI) S:lW Ofl ~~ CR ~~SHP C••N::E~ ()fl "'"-~S'U'~E:o ~· T-<( o-..s ..... .S N<T PC,,11()1-. c;, ,...,~ ...... S><<I.!. 0C ..i:ss T>!AI< 1ME •>E:• A(C)Jl"IIJ C<)'I Tl-![ U'x: c-r;T'l·CT r>< ....... w LOCACJ T>OE: SH•u. B~ MC OIA!'C' <It>< r.·.·vJ! AftfS\ ro OR "'OU !l</VAU. •"cW.( "[ fll(:LI -r..o-;.: -~TS Ml!Cf< •S1,T 1T (~OTES "-RE CONTNUto ON Sll[ET 2) APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT '"-""£0 •>.0 .,...,,0\11~ t1;iS D•• f){ • /017 CITY OF RENTON MA YOA CITY OF RENTON CLERK CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE •ERtBY wrn» ,~u ll<CM .,..E ~o ll£UN'-7.Jtt<T Ytc!l..._ •ssaS>K~rs ""° T><AT .iu. S>'l'-'..._ >5S!:sswt:MTS U:Rn'1W TO THl C,'1 ll!USIJRER fOR (~~"ION ~ ..... , Of '!,£ PIIOf'tflT"l' ~(PO(\/! CoP<f-W. llt:DCAT[C f(lf< Slfl:f:Ef'S. .<U.!:Y'!i. Ofl •Of! Of>IER P\P!ll.,C ~ '-""I: POJC lN ""~, ___ OAY OI' ------l)l1 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I •IER£11Y CERTI'Y ll<A' All. P~DPOIT"l' rA)CU AA!: HIO, T>f•T ll<El!E •RE MO Ctll<Cl<JO<l sorn,, ASllSSl.lrnf'S curarr•m:: 10 ll<IS Clfl'IC[ fO'I COl.llCnDI< Af<I! n,,., •11 Sl'{CJAJ. AS5.(SS>l(Nl"S ttllTifO ,~ l>«S Of'lcl: fOR cccrcnc,, c~ ANY Of THC Pf'OPEPI" >l!JO[•N CO,,T .. N£0 D£tl'C"'1nl ,; ~TIIHT'i. AJJ..!:YS. OIO 'Olt O:'><E~ l'VIILJC \/SU. "'"' p,i;i .~ f~l.l. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: , H£Tlt9' ctltlf'Y i,.,, ,w,; "'.Al Of rnn,,, <;JIU;< •uo s ~·~ <>o"' >e"1JAl. "--""'"' ""o Sl/liQ"iil"" :r <;{C!'ICI, 00. ~-2J ltOI<"' .• ...., ~ ,;AS,, WII !).U !><( o::,.,a~S MO OOST-[S "'l ;ii~ tOlt/ltC"I\.Y -~-!MU .... M<lH\JW£1;~ ....... Sl"T '"° -lOT Nd) l!rno, COIHVI! .,__._ II!: ~!..:fO :Cf"l[C"lf OH - 'illOI.IMD A$ t'7fSTIOuC!'ICI, 1~ c,:,,.r>c[l!I) "'ll I M•"I: flJ\.!.Y t~ltl"l.,C, ..... 'I,( """"'S,""S Of f><£ Pc.1,1"" ... AO::U ... ~OHS 75' G-~ ~,,:,~.~ B~~k, )O<: en NCW1n+M1:~1 .. c Jrn l'lr,. STllti'l Ml '5'-J•ll'. ,o, l'UAl.l.,., WA 9!L!71 P~llf,I( l~/!4~-4:17A ?ROF'ERTr ~-----------------~-------~----~===~~=~~-----j AECOROING CERTIFICATE: SHEET 1 F 6 SHEET INDEX SHffT 1 - ~,ur i - S,,[[T l - St<ffT • 'ii<H"I ~ SH[El 8 ()E[NCAno,,; '-C>t,O.,,.f·.crwrn ' APl'<'ICVAl.S 'll•CT NC'E~ OEC-C CC"l\flC;'1, SUY!:rc,t S Cfllllf1C>.TE EASEI.ID<T Pl'0"510f"5. C~DITOl<5. CO\l!'N .... l"S .lltO ~[STll•CTIC,,S i;f;lflAC>C~ Ll:C..._ ()(~>f''l(:N SUR,t;n'.lll IIOCS, C0N111Q M&P PLAT w,P, tllJ: NQT"ES (AS0,0,1$, AOOA(SS!'S, LO' Al<O !JIACT '-'EAS t•SEl.OO<l ot'.U.S RfCOPDINC NO =~~~==~=--~C/_ Fit.£0 (Qfi li[CGFW !oT Tri£ R(OU[ST OF~'--m,s __ D'"'I IJF 2016 AT __ 1./11.JVtfS PAST ----_/J AN~ CORDfC ~1c'J1Jts"'~,-,,-NG 0I~;:;~ :;s':i:it1o,c.---- OMSJ(lN OF R[COROS ANO H£CTIC/JS IJA!L',G[R SUP£RIN'TNDENT OF RECORO'i Si: 1/4, NW 1/•. 'SEC '0. T2~N. R5E. VI .. CES.NW.iVC ~I~ "''h St NE. 9,i!lc 101 PUVfJJ.1/P. •• 1'"'17" CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LOADS 881 & LUAi6 000527 LNC 10 :)47• CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES A PORDON OF THE S.E 1/4 OF TH[ N. W. 1/4, OF S[CTION 10, TOVINSHIP 2.3 NORTH, RANG£ 5 EAST, Vo//LLAMETTF MER!O!AN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AN [>S[ .. t~~ ,s hER£6V AE~rnwo fCf! ,.N'.) GR~NTrC ·c "1E Cl'"Y Of" AE,HCN PUGET S::-Jt,O E~ERCY, INC. CitfTl .. 'R"LIN< TEL£i»<Cl<f CO ... "ANY (lW(S1 C0""'at,ICAT0t<S ,NrEAN>.f()f<AL, I.(. COl.<OST C.•B!.£ cc .... ~NCAl'ONS. NC SO()'; CREEK WATER M+O SEW!''! o,snu:r ...... o OTH[R 'JTlt,rY PRO'v!CEPS AAi:: TH!R SESl'tCl'v': SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. UNot:R AND ~PON ll<E £.~T(~L>fi Tc}< (10) ;;:£f OF ,'.LI. .0T5 l.>.0 n:IAC:-S LY'NC P.OJU;.EL ,,,-,., AN~ A0.J0ol.'NC r~E P~Ol'OSECJ ST'l<E[T F~Ot<>>.G!;S ct< \'MC~ ;0 Cl)l.,5!"Rl,;T, OPE~AT( M-'J~TH<, ~[P>=~. R(hACt. CNlAAc.f UNornr,1100,10 Pll'(S, COIQX~ C>.8\.iS A.NO WRE~ \li'l[f< ALL "[CfSS.o.RY OP cc•n,u,,~: U'!OfRGllOI.NC CJll (,11(:...1,Q~0,1:)J"llL'.l AP<'l)'lT[NANC.CS "<E:RETO ec,p , .. [ F~R~CSE ~c S(l<VMG '"HIS Sl.lBO•..is:o,, A/.0 OTI-<E~ P~Cl'i:RTY ... -~ L[Cl"ll: GA5 T£"JPHOl<E, T[,!YS.ON, WAIEP, 5(WC..F, Pl,BUC l..~0 FRIVATE Sl()f!l,o [)'!AmA:;( I.ND C'1-£R v·,_i,y SE~,,:,. ;c[;ll'ICR 11,1]\< T>•t R:C!1] 'C [Nl£R UPU. '"t<( LOT5. Tl!ACIS All) 'if'ACES •' A~ H<C e~,R 11-E P~RPO·,ES 1i'Rf,~ S1A'l:J 11-<ESE: USE:ME~~ D'{'CRD L•PON C()fi 11-£5£ ~l,RP0S£S SI-IAL. EE RfS;Ol!fC AS >,[AR •S PCS5'BU TC· r;<[,R ORl(;.N•L (ON,)<nCN Bi n<E L TUT..-"10 i.,NES °" MR[S rOP 11Hl<51' SS,ON Of" (',LCTlW CLJRRl'-" OR roo TEUPHQNC us;: OR CA~LE TcL\V';l::t<I S~,I.(_~ 8E ~ A:EO '.Ji'> PtRl.t .'D Ta B!: PIA~l'D LPOH A"IY LOl OR lll>CT VNUS5 n<E SAAOf S>'~LL 9E U"IOE:RG'!C'l-~D ~ 1"1 COH:,'IT 'O • 9,y_D1NC Tl<( U~L •y £.r.XME~l'; Gl!AN'l:O N fA5Cl.tt~r PROVSl(l>j 1 )UY Culi'>IN PR1VA"<: s,oo .. oR•'-AG' S"'S'T"'S AS S/<OMi Q>, "NE >J"•••c1'£D C0NSTRJC'10,. 0RA"'1"GS °"' f'lE AT 11,£ CITY :)I" ~;:NTC,. ";\<f ',IAJ"IT'ENM<CE Of 'f·CSE PR VA'"E STOR" c)~A·"-'GE s;.-o;:i:us ..... c 11,0S[ SY'il,J,15 ,,,TJ.,,N ":'><E PR,VH[ STC-RIJ JRAl"A~E (AS( ... ;:N!'i PCR (AS! ... fN' PRow;,m,, J SHA~, BC n<E RESPONS161Ul"f Of Tr'DSf .ct O""•:Rs 20"El''1iG •Re,, S.1..1C S"'ST!:"S ;~E o""'rn' Cf PRl~Alt PRCPER"""/ WltHN "H"o PU.T \cNCJI.IBEREO l',1T)i PUBUC STDRU DR>m•~E EAS[f.li)l'S (SEE E•SEU(NT F>llO\'SJON~ i. ·o M<O ,,: -1£1i[8Y GP.ANT AA~ :ON\'EY TOT~;: sin Cf' RE,.HJN. A UU,.IC.PAL ~D'lPDRHO". ThE R~HT ~UT NOT TH( 00UCAN)N 10 ~'.JN\'1.Y C-11 SIOAE STOA'- A"ID "i.'R"•CE \'jAlfR Pf~ !1-11' fN(;.N([fl:NG P•.A.~S .o.f"RO\ltC •OR Tl![ PLAT e• 11-<E c1rr Of RENTO,,. TCCE"~Ul win< ]}<[ li>GH" DI' REASC'IABU A:cns (1~(,l[SS A!,C FGRFSS) ro fNT£R SAID DRAINAGf fA',["'· NT f~ TJ-,( ?'JRP:,SE ('f Ol!StRV'"JG t~H :},( O'l'i[~S AR( PRO?tflLY QP[Ri&,l1NG ANJ ...... ~U1,t1,G 1),+£ C'l .. !.A(;.E r.~,unEs :01-F•<NED T>-EF!(I~. T:-iE O\lto!ERS o;: SAi•) PRlVA;£ ""O"E/ITl. S,N~l..( ANO 5('1[/IAl_ AA[ AE5P0HS1B.( fO'! Ol'ERATl'IG, J.IA:NUIN>Nr. A'-D REPAIRING lk[ ORA.HAQf F".O,."ILITl(S :o,.iTA N(C ""Tf,·H SA•C :mAJi,ACi: C:>s.E ... 0N1 AN~ .ORE HERt:!lY RtC<Jl/1£0 TQ 'Cl8T.l..lN .ON~ R[O\.' Rrn PER,.'1S f/lOJ.1 n-<E CITY Of" RP.HON 1)1! ,Ts 5,JCCESS~A AGENCY PRl:J!l Tl) FllUNQ, Pl~I~(; C'JTllNC 00 '((M0\'1NC l'[G£Tro,.i (EXCEPT ms Ao,.rNE u.,-Q,CAF[ MAl/,tTENA'lCt SUCH AS L.A"'I< "'0WNGJ 14 OPE4 V£G(TAT"[0 DAAl~AG[ fACllJTJ(S :suCl-1 AS SWAU:S C/1 ..... N[L°a, ~>TC!l[S, ~D'IOS. E"C) QR PrnfDf!\l!NG ... ~~ Ac!tRATl:)NS QA >.IOOFlCATICINS T\) THE CR.I.INAG£ ~AClUT-ES CONTA:~[D WTH,N 5AJC CAAIHAGE EA5(>,1[NT, 11-<1$ COl".:NANT S~A-" Rur. 'MT'< '"-IE L.A. .. D I.NO BE e•ND1NC UPO,, TH Ov.t<[RS OF" SAID PRJ'JATE PROPERTY, TJ,,(IFI ~rRs. s:JC~[SSOilS 1..40 ASSIGNS TI-It Dh Of R(HTOO S!-IA.l HAI'£ rH[ R·Gl-lr T() EllTlll 11-.E PRl~AT"[ DR>iNAG,( EASE ... ENlS S><OWN H(ltt:ON TO AP~1R i.NT clff,CE~CIES iY 11-<E QRAlr.ACf FAC-·UT'f 'N "11-'( (~~T 11-<E 0~[.0S JoR( N[!;t.C[NT •NTH€ J.IAINTrnAHC[ Of II<( ORAJNAGt >ACl.TIES 1H£SE R(PAIR'i ~,t,,'...!_ 9E ~· l"H[ :.J....,..!:R"~ cost AN CAXUfNT ,s H[l!F:0Y f.llMTE~ TO TJ-,[ C 1"'o" C( RENTcll< f'DR SANITARY ~E.V.:R P!JHPOSC> 0\11:A TR,t,,CJS -~-. AND ·c AS OEP!Cn:D HEREIN THE C T'f Of R!:NIQI; S!-<41., 9E IIES~O'-S'BLE FO" n<E ..... ,,nr~ANC[ OFT>-[ S .. MlA~T SEWER r.AC,Url[S CON7J.fj;:) 'Mn<~ SA!J CA5(1J(NTS ;>.N E_.SEME~T ,s H[l![BY GR.ANTEJ TO trl[ C '"1 Cf" 11£/ITQN f:)R 'l,'ATEA PL~POS(S OIJ(R TRACT~ "A" AND ·c FOR \'j~JER ... '-Ill ..... r AS :J.EFIC'l:D H[A(N THE ::,r--Of /IE~TON S,, .. Ll. BE RESl'ON5'9LE <"(",R l"H( UAIHT[~.ANC[ Of T~E 'IOAT"E/1 FJoC1tJl1ES ~Ot<U•!<D Vi!r;<N S.0>0 [A',(M[NT'; A'-[A5E1,<ENT roi:; iN:;RES5. EGRESS 1,/;I) LT;LJT,ES °"' TRA~T "A" ,s HE~rnY /l[S(R\l[Q COf! ANO C,RAN;'fD TO tl<t o~rns Of LOTS 11 11-110\JGI-< ".l THE :wi;ER~ n ~ors 1· "1-Ril<JGH IJ S>IA.l. ii[ EO\..lU.T RESl'C~5'BU S()fl ">1£ UAJNTE".01,(( OF l1-+0S( ,,,.PR::\IEMfNTS 11-+E/l[N -ICH n<[Y SHA~E "'"' r..t;: ucp;;c,, Of" n<05E IUPRQ','[M[Nts •NS!ALL(O ijY f}<f UTll.11"!' PAGl'10r.Rs LCTS ~A.I. 8( S,CUJ.Y RES.PONSa9l.E FOR 11-IE )JA<N"U••N::E .... : REPA:R c;F n<osr PRri/Al"E li"L T,(S (\\'Al"ER. SAN\iARY SEW!:~ A~Q S10RU D/IA!~AG[) WHI~~ ONLY 3EH>11 lHtJR LOT UII.J'Y PR:V'OERS Si-lA.U. Bl /IESl'ONS>Ell.£ FQfl Tl-'E .. ..., .. n:,w.rCE QI" Tf<E)A FAC1Lll1[S :c .. ,.1.1 .. (0 ~n<:H SAJO E•SEUEl'IT AN (A~[r,,ENT fQR 1N'.;R£SS, £(;11(':iS ANc) L 11unEs O'-'II.OCT -~· IS KE~El!T ltESEF>l'EO 'Oil AN) GRANrrn TO Tl<E O'lit<EIIS lf LOTS I Tl•AOLJ(,1--4 T,<( OfflEIIS Cl" LOl"S " T>!J!D.JG>l 4 SHAJ...I. &( £DI.ALLY R[S.f'DN5;BI..£ FOIi ">IE: MA!>jT(~ANCE OF THOS£ i"'J>IIO'iEM[N1S THEIIE:l-1 '"1-IICH It<EY ,.-<ARE wr~ n,;: D(P110N OF !"HOSE IUPAO\/EMC:NTS INS1AU£IJ BY r ... , UTILI,..,. PR01'1D(ll5 .o~ 9<41., B€ SOLElT R(~OO':.BLI: FOR JHl UA>N'lNAN~l ANil REPAR O' 11-tOS( PR•\IATE u::ull(':i [WAIHJ SAt.lTA~T SEWEii A~O S'Olhl DIIAJN•Gl) ~>:H ON.Y B(M:F1T TI-<(IR LOT U11, -r-,; PIIIJVQ[RS SHALL BE IIE~OO~Bc.£ FOA n,,[ MAJNTENANC{ OF TH[·A fA~,UlltS :ONJ>ll£0 .. 1~;'-S>IO EAs:t:"'E'- AN (ASE"E~I FOR l~Gl'l[SS, (GR[SS ANO ~nL.~•[S ON ,c' ~ •5 H[ll[BY RESEAV!:C FOR ANO GffAl•irt:o T·~ :'}i[ ~Yll"rn or LOT 4 TH( C,,,,..(IIS o• '.01S J ANU 4 St,ALJ. 8£ EOOAU.Y ~EsP:;,.S,BLE FOi! >-;E I.IA.NT"E~ ...... :;.: OF T,<OSf ii,1/>110\/E"'(N~ Tf<E:11£!N 'M-t,CH THEY SHARE "MTI' TM( (XC(FllON Of n<OSE l~PRl;V!:M[~TS INSTA!L£D e~ '">!£ uTILl"Y PA01'1D[RS. ,or 4 St!AJ...1. B( SOL.FLY R(sP:J>jS.9L£ FOR ")1[ ""'NIE~ .... ::£ AHO H(IIA•I! :JI' n<cs.e: P<l1\IAT[ lT,un(S (WA'"EII. SAl<HAIIY s.EWER A4~ STORU O~AJNA;;E) \ll'H CM Ol<L Y BE~UI' LOT 4 rA'ii""'(~TS AR( H[R(BY GRAh'l:0 :c N( C•TY ~· ~fNION roo STORM OOAiN~GE PI.JRPCSES Q\'£R TRA:rs ·~·. ·c "C,' A~C 0 E· ·~ STQ!ll,! CR.O,NACf PURPOSES ~s OCP>CT!:D H:REI .... THE C TY 0, RENTCN Sl-<41.', ~f R['il'ONSBLE rOfl 11-1( UAIN"'tNA~CE 0/" lHE SfORl,I DA...i.H.OG( F~C1u~cs CONTA!NCD 11,nl·fH S>JQ 0SE,..Eh1S '0 A ~"1VATE SIMI.I ()flAINAGI; c•si:i.tNl SH0\11"< :J>j LOTS I ANO 2 S ~£AE~r 'l:SER'IEO FOO AND GRJohfD TO 0H O'IINERS Of LOIS ' Tt<RO'JGH .l SAIC EJoSEl.tENl •S FOil n<E 8ENEf1< OF LOTS , THR::i<,,JO, J T>t( 0""'i'RS Of LCTS 1 ,;,RO..,G,H J AR[ rlfREllY RfY'ON~e· ! ron n<E MI.. ... T{Ni.NC!; OF TH(el R(SP'(c·.-r PRVA'T DRIJN~~ fAaunrs AND SH•--SHARE (OOAL;.Y ~ THE ..... l~TE~ANCE RE5PONSleun£S OF Tl-I£ PRIVPE 0RAJNAG€ FAC·L nts us.e:o I" COU\lON win<,N SAD USEU[Nl lMPRO\'[IJ[~'l"S HD Cwt,[P SHA:... 8" R(SPQl,;',i!:ll[ F:)11 UIJ~TEN•N:f Cf T,<f unuTI[S A~OVf r,lf,R PCiNT OF CON~EC noo ll A PR;"IATE SlO~>,I Ofl.llt,/AG( HS£1.1£NT s;..c""' CN ,er 13, lR,t,,CT "A", ANO TR>CT ·c $ rlEREBY R[S(~','[0 FOIi MO GIIAl<fEO lO flil ilwt<EIIS C> LOTS l:l >'Ill I< SIJC ~,t,,SEU[NT S FDR i"H[ 8ENE!>T Cf" LOTS "2. 1) ,t,,NC ,. THE Ol/lf,;[RS OF LOTS 12 13 "''-0 1• ARE >'EIIEBV ~tSl'ONS•BLE fOR 'fl.Jf i.,AJ'ITENANCE Of nmR ll(S?ECT\/( PRIVATE Ol<A,.AG[ FA:;!Un[S ANO $MAL_ SrlARE (O\JA.LV IN Tl•( l,IAi~TENA~CE R£5P0NS.'1J1 ,ncs OF lli[ P~IVAT1: D!iA1N~C! f"ACU"'1ES LSED N ca"'"'°"' ,,rn .. :N S•~ fAS[J,1£/11 1 ... ?~Qv[µE1.-r'.i NO D¥1NE; $MAU 8[ ~EsPQ>iS B'...E r()C' .... ~"<NANCE o; TI<[ un, l1[S ~80\/E Tl<[Hl PON" Of" ((M,l(C"r;QN '2 A P'J8UC ?ON[~ E•SE: ... ENT 910 .... ON cOT'; I ANC ; IS H[RfSY c;RANTtC ro .... y >UH, c PO\tll;;R UTIL TY ThE O.,.,.E~S Cf .ors 1 Al",'J 2 s~• ~ BE EIJ'JAL..Y RES.PONS:!ll.[ roq 11<£ ... AINTtr, ...... cE Cf" SA•() [J,S(),j[1<T Win< ""HE EXCU'<ON Of f>'O'>f: UPRO\/EMF_NlS INSTAll..tD OY n<E R(SHCTI\'£ ?t;BLJC U"l".ll!Y PRQ;,,O[~S A_QL,JlfER PROTECTION NOTICE ;'M[ tors [qEJ,T[O ~(R(II-. rAU .. I\<,.. Zr»<[ l IY RUllr»'<'S .. cc,FFR PRorr::no,, Alt[,' Al<O ""E ~a.1::, IC ll<E RfC]Uj.[MEJ<rs er l)j[ en Of ~[//"ON Olll)l~¥1CE ~/ n-,s :;,Ty's !D..( SOt,•ct: r:F Df!ON""" ••'Ell s SIJ""'LJED "'°". !l<A.L'W AOIJl'ER"" IHl ;,ry SUMUC>.. ll<El!E ,s NOT N•lUR""-a .... ,,m, eEno!:D< 11-( ... 1£• 1,a;: ....., c:JiWNO WRfAC[ !>Tfl!;J,I( CA/IE ,l;<<)."ll) II( (>£"<U;"S{t) W<[N M•l<OU'<~ <NT UQ!J•D '0.,0~r.,.c,£ u•>-<t• ™"" ••"1:R 10 Pf!<;ll:C' FROM co,;l.tCI "'™ ll<E CR<)JMC SLAf"AC( ,1 ·~ 'W: "DY!:°"""°S "5:5POH9!1>c Tl TD aROJtCl -C rY~ ORIN<IN~ .. Artfl SETBACKS r~()N~ Y&IIO Bu...ONC 5ETB .. CK SJCE V .. ffl) su,L.C•NG SECIAC• CORNER ~AAO 81./LD!NC S!:ltlAC~ LOT'; •-4. 11-"4. FRON", 15 BL<LOING/20 GARJoG( LOts ~ IJ, filCNT ("•C'-G "Hi.JV.NO 'S " VICtllTY IIAP 1' • 1/4 IIU PEH_VATl; __ QHt\.JNAGE COVENANT_ 111[ 011.'i[RS OF PRl~A'"[ PRO!'[R"Y WTH;" THIS F~•"T [.~CULI.EE'l!:D M-~ l)RA:NACE FACIUf,(S REOt..lREO er 01..AT O[S,c;N CO\IENA'H 0~ CONOil10f<S, rERtET Gl!A~T >HC ~ON\l!:Y ro THC ~ITY o• REllTOl1, " POIJT1CA~ we~..is;ON Cf THE: ST .. T"[ Of \l'Jo$Hl~GTD·l. TH RIGHT Ci' ~EASQ.l,;AELE AC~~s (l~GHl'iS ... a lt:RtSS) 10 EHTl'R SA·D PROP(RTY f()fi l"HE PUAPCS'" or OB!,£~\IING J;<,t,,T Th[ O,,..!:RS AR£ PIICP(fti.Y Of't:RAIV<C '-1.r·) UAIN"A.H"~G Th[ DRA'N~::.!: F~C·LITl[S CONT>J~(D TIJEREIH n<E Ol'o>IE115 G, SAie> PAIVA TE FRaf'tRT'I" ARE RESPONs;asr F"OR QPER~nHC. 1,1 .. INTAINNC . .lND R!:PJ.Rl~C '"HE ()-;A;~·AC,€ , .. n_.Jl1[S CONTA!ND 0,, ;,.I) ?!!VAT[ µflQPE/l"Y A!,0 ARE >l[R(3Y /1'!:QURta TO O!l'AN .lNY REOUIR£D P[RM,IS Of' l'ERUiS:S,C~ CRCU Ir[ CITY Of" R[NTC/i C>EVELO?M[~T SER"1CES PRIQ!l TO F"lU..hC, ?,1'1NC. CUTTING OR REMo,,~~ \IECETUON IEXC£Pl FOil RO<.Jn .. r ...}IN0SCAP[ M,11N1"£~>NCE SUCH AS U.lt°I' MOWNC) ;N ()!'["j l'EC!'.TATtD DR.l..l~AGE l"JoCJUnEs (51.C>l AS Slll"liS. C>'ANN[LS. OJTC>ltS, PONDS. nc) Oil P(RCOlll,lt,C >.NY All"ERATIONS OR t,<C01FlCAl100S To TJi[ CRAIN~~ fAClU'lES CONTAN£0 )'<!11-<rn 11-<£ P~.VATE PROP[RT"Y. 1\--IS COl'E~A~T Si<All RLI~ ,llTI' D<E L.ANC AND IS S,NO r.c .;PQt, THE o .... -.:ns 0' S>·J PRO?ERTT n<[•E n AS. SUCCESSORS .<NO ~SSlGH'; RESTRICTION$ FOR CRITICAL AREA TRACTS AND CRJTICAL A,R_EAS ANO BUFFERS DEOICA~OH OI' A CRITICAl AR(A ffiACt/cR!nCAl AR[.O ANO 8~ff[R CDN\ltYS TO r1-1E PU!I\.C A '3E'l[f"IClAl IN!RESl IN Tt<IE u,m Y,lllllN TI-<E 7R .. CT/CRl"'1CA_ All[A ANO SUIT[ll MS 11'TRESl INC,UOCS TH( PA(S!R~AnON Of NAn\/E \/EGETATION FOR All PURPCS£S ""HAT B[,.[>11 TH{ l'UHliC ttEAl:11. S_.FETY •NO ~Lf,IJI[. INCI.VOING CONTROL Qr Slh'lf"AC[ W~!ER AND EP~5'0,,. MAINT"[NA.HC[ OF SI..O"t: STABILITY. mo PROT[(T;(lt. D'" PLM<T AND ANI"''"-HA81TAT T},[ Cl!lnCk .I.REA Tll>Cf/tl!l~C .. L ARE• ANO au•HR IMPOSES UPON J.U. PROS(NT ...... cl /"Jl\Jl!E c--EAS ~NO OCCUP•[RS or N[ L.AN~ Sl.ll!J"C r IC THf TRACT /CR TICA(. AREA ..... o !ltJl-fCH rnt Dllll:.A ;ION_ ENF~Cf...SlE ON 3Cr•LF or n<E PIJe .. ,o BY err Q< RE.I<°"· 10 l.(,t,,\'[ UNDST\JABED ALL Tl!EES .<NO O!tl(R ,'£1,(TAnC)N WT1-IN lli( TR!,CT/CRITiCAL AREA AND lllffHI! [~CE?" f~ l,J[ PUIIPOS,ES Qf 'i>B'TAT E/',kANCE,.(N! J.S P•RT 04' ..... ENNAr.CE,.ENT ?!lOJECT T,<£ ll!:GET>l1Qt. ll"-11~ TH£ 'l!ACl/Cl!H:C.oJ.. Al!(A AAQ lhlrFEfl !IA"!' ~OT 9£ CUT. PRUNED CO\/CA(:l BY i"U.. flEMOv£) 0,. IJ.lMJoGEO ••rfl-<OUT Af'PROV"'-IN "",~~c fROU THE c:,1, if R[~TON co1,o.,uNI,..,. ,r,: E~--.~o .. ,c DE\/ELO-'Mf~I OR ITS SUCCESSOR A(;[N(Y, U~lESS QT!,CRIO!~C PROVIC(O s~ LAW ~ ... rnuur.N R0rn•n•~r E)fTWl;fN Tl<E Tl'IACT/CR ncA.L .u!(A AND 8UfTER ANO n<E A'l£A Of 0ElltLO-'M£NT AC11"1TY ',OLST B[ Ml.RHO OR Ol"r<8lwS£ FUQGEJ 10 TH£ SAnSF~CT()N er l~[ C•TY OF ll[t,;lc,t, ""Ro,; TO ANY Cl£ .. <l,t,;C, GRAO:N::. BU\LOIHC cor,.s1111.1cnoN DR l)TH[R 0£\IEL04'MENT AC111'1"TY UN A LC1 SU1'1.£C' TO Th[ lllACT/CAITICAJ.. .. ~ •• ANO aLfF!R 11-r R[CVo/1£0 "'ARKlHC ~ rLA~G'i,C. SH"U R[UA'N IN ?\..OC[ \JNf;L AU 0[\/[~0f'"'ENT ~RQPO:SAL .. C~,1,\[S IN 'l<E \IIO~ITY Of Tl{[ nirncAL I.R[A AAE COMP\[1!0 NO suwr.c f0l;HC,Al11J!,S •RE AUOWEO eEYc«O THE ~EQUR(O '5-F"OOT EJULOIM'.; S~l8AC~ UhES ut,lE5S Oll'<(l!WISf" PIII01'10W av lAII NOTES (continued) 1rcm S1,ee1 , ,ors 1-l4 ,........,_ HA\,( SOil< A ()fSl'[R~ TR[HC>, ••w R{OIJC(iJ 1""1.H.,0.,5 Si.I'"'• ( 'j!JP n-+( ~Et>\JCED IUP!:A~ 'JJl!FAC{ !IMP -,~i ..... ,u,oo-..o1.1s S,;Ol'•U: LO! I 10" •Bftl I J9ll Sf l J,930 SI' J •JlE ,g- < J,'11 V ~ < O!il SF .. •lll'il ' ··= Sf ~cua:o .. ~!:R"'o.,s 'iii'!f•cr""' i.= Sf ,=~ l,B .... Sf J. 719 SF 2.6 ... SF l,B45 'ii l.9!1e SF 10· • ' " " ., ., PI >Pf! •.~J! Sf ...... 15' ~Jli~ YI J,!'1Sf J.!01 Sf J.~:17 'ii 1.IJ/Sf RU!UCErl ,..r>[R>l(lu5 'ilftf6£! BHP 2.963 Sf l.8111 Sf J.~.l Sf .l,Ul SF J.~eo sr l,l~B Sf ,gn s,- COl,ll'LA/IU Will-< rtffS STIJ>l.VllC+! •VS" M: <IY.)R!.SSEQ ... -..c "SI><"-.! rlJ,''Lf •ESIDE.><n .... !,l!lci)<NC F't:A .. 11 0A41._,GE ~EV'EW" "'"'"" l'N" ... l'U(AT'(:>< >S ,.AOC fo-, A !IIJII..OISC ~E:~••n r(lff r><E LGf 12 'ilNu...':: P..,U AtSl<)(NG(S A><(; O"W:11 i-OYE:UUlc'i cQNSTP\,CTEC <)'< !ltl' ,015 Cl!Ull:J 6< II<,"$ Sl,191'.11"'<;}0,< uus, llli'I..EMtNT TH£ n.o.. C:lNTRCt. N:57 .... ~~OCl.tfNT "" .. c~cn ~mv..•IUl •N T]j( <.P"'lO\alO [),OA!HAC[ 5!1.D¥ .U,C l'L•H5 NO R-JM~• W F1U ,on, l><[ OTY Of ~~TO>! ...0 •s U51!0 H "t><E '.l.fll.£ BELOW AS "'-LI.. A~ "'" OEC,..RA~IJo C:,-Ct>'>"~•¥1~ u,0 ::,,,<NJ"$ Of U5U<(NI '"E:CCJ!\l".;,;, 0-<lllll.>'o fl<E 0"N£-lS S1-<All AT TM{IR 0-CC5T. O"ER•!f ........ , ...... ""0 <E£F'"' (;(lOO ll!'P .. ~. Th£ I'll~!"<"$ 1!(51 ...... ,.oo,.[NT i>lhCTICE~ x,c ..... "5 eMP5 n.E C01'EN ... T St<AlL Au,o .. ,,. I\<[ LANO ~ II[ !!.NEliNG IJPO< Cll.,.'OR',5), ANO G!!AN:Oll'Sl'i") 'il.JCCES';OIIS IN ISTl:MSI """ •S<;aGH~ 1J IH '><E EYENI 1>-~I I'll( O<u»< C~U)< l'\/0 "°"E 0""£11~ •=•l"IO'< (•J•) i~ D<SS.CO.I'!:~ C>'I Ol>+P"O'>E r•'LS re U£E1" !T PIIOl'[R1"1 TU oa,<:.OT'i:»<S. "5 E'l!OO<ctO ~' hCN·?•Yw[r.l IY ?R<lP[RT'"'t ,,t,,i,;:s rn• A "'[PIIOI) OF !J[11lllr. (18) ~r;r,n<s, "''~ £AO< .a: Ir. 11<5 PV,T !,l-< ........ ASSUME AND H·-~ AN Eo:NAL u,,f! U<O,l"C£.I) ~ <N .... .JIEn IN llU.Cl"\ .•.. 'C'. 0. ONO T ?l!<"Ol)51., o,,,,t:, e, IH( ~C~ ""'i) ~•>If.: ~Tl"'".)11) ... T f1NANQAI. "-Tt!<...C( "f:;,>e>,<;,9.,JT'r SHEET 2 OF 6 SE 1/4, N'H 1/4, SEC 10, T23t. R5E W ~ CESNWPVC J!O Z9l.l> st. N.L 5ull< lOl Ptrrllll.UP. u n3n ------, -Itentono: R'E:El~EDJ CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOS-081-& LUA18 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG L ______ --1 ~·\C ·(;..Q..:7! A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF TH[ N.W. 1/4, OF S[CDON 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANG[ 5 [AST. WILLAMEnE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON *------_ --___ :~~!~~ ~ON~:~~~·-~~;~-~~~~.A_R_v_r_1E~---- 1 ~D"'J"'U.T -N c,~r no:; w:, n Q, "'," e~•SS Do5" LEGAL DESCRIPTION ?ER TICOR Tin[ COl,IP ... N"' C:Cs'J,,l™~',T >;L"-BE-1 )(049~51, QAl(D ,,,H l!I 20'5 cOT 2. CT" iY" 'l(~TCN LO~ .!NE AOJI.ST!.AtNT Nt.1.<6ER LU~-0~-066-L_.,A, R~CORDH/ UNJ(R RECORDING N1.iS(8ER 20~901.IJ9COOOJ. IN !<.~C CO\JNTY. WASt'IJGTO/. " N( it~ ST1!£ET "°"""'~1 N <:A![ i~i: ::'%.~J: .. oou .. r1<, Jlfi<8 \ ,~U:\'ATIOtl <'I-~ g o-------- SURVEYOR'S NOTES BAS.S a, 111:'"'~C~ "1.n or -..oooc•n:11 v:;>., 1Vl. PO. ~/ Sl>J •ge.i;11. w•St-!'NCTC,, s•,ri:: ~I.AA!:. N<lAl'< /n,,r , '"'" or, c..-R'Ew:,,,. CCJod/1~ ~0,.1 l'll'g '0 o,• r:, ra'hlot< cc:tHil:>. Po~r ,,e,a Br•a~ HCRTH ,n, ,~· ""l:Sl (""e: 50.!TH LNE OF l>'l. N .. oo•~:n er 'i!ClKW ,o. m .... o;.-:P lJ S<lAf'>.. Rm<;[ l (AS' ..... ) EO'J:Pt,iJ,11 i,.!;(tl-G(:,Wu lx,&, M 10·1.1. sunc ... !l'!JMllLE Ae Gl'S •u. "'Sll".M(N""S U"IIJZED D(.-1'11NC rw ~ r:,' Jl,<,~ ~ •RC "-'""'""'Eel .. C(ll,tj:"()III.IAN~( ,ti>, M ... V,-•CT./l!Pl'S 5Pf;O>'CHONS l,iEThOO •N~ O~Tr 0. MC•<1>MO<I ._l)C•lTON F',(...O Tll•·l(~'i[ o, .,_.,, lm~ Jl<JS S,.,~\o\'· CQl,,P,.J(~ ... I><..,. su, ""'"' •l'l':l ru!OIJ.•"<I r:, -"Sc~;!• l>(C:;IIOO'<C ,,r 0<••-rt• ~"" •cw -llit· .... , "l·'~ ;;:o,, nn.r rn .. p,.,,y~ COll"'n.D<T NO JOQ1e91i., D•m> OCl.'.18('1 '· 21.'l WAS /IEJ.(O Lll"Ot'l FOi! CCC"'-[l(:!.C""''10N -.NO [,U[>of[NT5 OF R!:COl!!J C [ S ,.,, l<C ... s NOT C~CIO NI ...o(P(NC(Hr 111.': "x:•R:;~ N:;:.a 15 C £.S ""· INC ..... ~e: r:, AA¥ 11ru; ,ssurs olfTl;CD<C '14( ••CPE•n OT1!£11 ™""' "l\OS£ Sl,OW, (>, THIS MAP C(S ""· "'c ,,,.~ R[Uffi w.i:•.Y ON 'Ht: ~FO'IM~Hll< CIJP<l~lfEO IN S.IJD o:ir,t,UTM(NT ,,., 0£~,.-~~ rQ nr..E SS\/ES 10 ""D'•III: Tel5 Pl,.H ""ll ooi.i.:nrs "<I: ... p 5 •CCc~ACY .. ~o CC!<l'",£Tr/,1(5S IO mu OT£~! /ol.l. LOI CCR~RS mo mcl, p.:.,,5 ... [ ma;: WIJP<U ...... ltO NTH J. • n· 111:~ ... •'-'O c,ua 5U.Mf'Ul 'B•nn l5 .io•n· "'Th A i· > r -IF .OT ~o""" SI:' ~[/.II BY ,s, ll{f"Fl!O,CT M ... StR tl~CE55 MOTED o~ ... f ...... S[. ""'"" "O 1Nt f<'[:c,,c.i·•o '7' T"151'1.A' ~,,:1c.11-,_,,.--· m,,,,,,, .. ,.,,.. "I: LH l" !fl!ASS :,s, ",..."Ul ,s .Ja!/91 REFERENCES = 1·-20:r • ,~ _,.I I L"tLIA , / ,· ,· ,,. r -J I~-,:. OIN'<CA/af w..i: >l).USTl<lNl f';UJl Ul;(l[~ /tEC:>lltl,"IC ,,u,etlt 200..:l•OM000:10 IR-2) c,-i-r:, •Elfla< LC• lme: /.0.AJSTl<O!" I'll.Ell 1,i,i()(R ~!:(Cl!tle<~ Nl,Jwa(JI iOOf<li=oo,xn 1R-JJ .. ,-OF WOOOC,,£1)< r'l.ED V..OES IIEC()Rtolfi(; .swer~ ri;gg11;&000111& (P-SI .... , '1f [Sl .. 1[5 AT ~,oorn :11rn "t.,"1] CIIOCR 1!(~()111,<..:;: Ni,iM6U' 199JOiQJ~sc• CES.NW.wc Jll Hlb Sl. N".I. Su1U lftl 1'1/TilWP. YA HJn CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LOAOO 687 & LUA 16 000527 ll\'O 11}0471 A PORnoN OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION ID, TOfWSHIP 23 NORTH, ! N I I SC>I..Ecl"•!ll" I~ ~ SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B ,oo P[H rcOA 1111..£ c.,.. • .,.. CQMlt,T\fil.T tllJ~BCH 700,..,~1. 0A7'E(; l<AY !8_ lC'5 (•-.UO 1; U..S.lt[H7 ':lA ~ PcH>Cst5 J.NC "10<,! .... 00.Hfl~ THUO["!I Pt;f'PC)<;( WAl!JI --~ .. ~~ .. -•l'HCTEO -..r,rrac, X, r..i:· Sot.ill U..:,o! "1.:0"~ '>C ~Jllil[H •91%.:)7 !.t<O ..... 'tl:~E:Ot< 1'"'111€ qn,""QJ<WOI IE1 .. 11m Nlle'.2l'J7'W "~ 5] ~:16"(C) !9;](') 1~2~ C'.JRVE , .. '" "' "' ""' "' ,aa cag "" " ,, I ~ ·d! • ; " " ,, " rq '~ ......... _,-... 2/l'3'11!110':ll'!ll<.M i~ I~ I 1; i M~,~-,~·'! I •zoo' ~- '"" ' ' e ' :· ' ' ' ~ ~ " -"" I ~ ,-' ' ' ' ' ' ! RANGE 5 [AST, W'/LLAMETTE M£R1'0/AN CITY or RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 10 ",,.CU ,on,:,,5-"'"' 15(1C)jl' "' "' SEE 9HEET 3 I ..• ~~1~ ~·· ,1· s.,·,,·w M ' TU PUC!c'. 'OlJ0~-0::5 "' ' I I I ' ' I i "I ~ :,'; 0 i a -' ; . ' • i SEE SHEET 5 FOR: LOT AREAS, ADDRESSES AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS SH c<ll , ~.lO ~~: ~ t :-~ LOT • I e-a --;1;:i·--;-1·~-- LOT 7 '" 000 LOf • ,,.,. ,or to I ~CIII -_0·1 ;; T!i..a COi l.l 11! ·.01 ,S ' !111 LOT ·.• I gJo SE t/4, NW 1/4, S[C 10, T2JN, i'15£, WM CES.NWmc 'U ,I SIJRYEYJ/1/S ~IQ Dt..11. 5t. 1"..l-S..ll.• IOI PIJYolU.1/P, U IBl"IZ CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOB-067 & LUA16 000!527 A PORnON OF LEGEND !5l FOUND VOt,c>l["f A~ ~u,U, • Sl'T 11:1· M:t!AA•CAP ·anrn LS .lO•<!i' :3)(},S0,1Et<!PfiQ"S.ONOl<'S>IUT2Cl'"E ~ .,. "'Jtll/C SHI[" <•.c1.1rn· [BSE;m,r ... 0 ... ~N •I EB ""' ~~ ~=~, ~ I!,' P\)Qt,C \UTfR (•51:u[~' (r•si:uc~, PR:J\JS-00 ,: ~ 15 ""1~•T£ W•TUl EA';(ll[NT DETAIL PAIVA TE SEWER EASE. SCALE: 1· • :30' \ ' '• ;~F.;-,l . "' . ,,, "' // / fA~ PARCC. '..,=~!i-901~ ---.l<C-) ,.aa,2 n·,.,. ,,, ~1 --"'l~- "'J"!~) ---, I ----/ I r----DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASE. TU p_.,,ca 9~U)'H·O•IO 'A', 'B' ANO 'C' I (D11"1'.l ' -~ "'• .-, l0' WN£ ·...,u· ... ' '- TAX ~~~CE: • ..__ U\:l9.__CIIJ'Jll / / ¢ ,,f, h ~;. ~~ ! ·- ' '- I I I I I '- ' ' ,. ~118 I! S ii <1 ~ ii 8 I ' I I :; a CD "M'!N!'l!>"t 1100~ • N8'9'!>1'2S"E ''2.JI I ~'3'.'.,f,'i,·[ 11~~0 7 N!l!l'5.l l~'! ,121<a • ~e9':i6·2,-i: 101 ·~ • CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. THE SE 1/4 OF TH[ N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANG[ 5 EAST, W/LLAM£TT[ MERIDIAN CITY OF R[NTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I EASEMENTS (ALSO SEE SHEET 6} "" ' I I 11 1 \ ' I -1 I I ......... CtL I ,02= ~!a, I I I / ~p.,.,.o\ -=::c,, I I I::,) .,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ' I I \ ',-;;~----- ·~ 8~ASS CW$1< ,.,_• c::.___:<~-111 _E -~-"_c_•, ,./' ' •. a ~ ! ,' t' I IE"' ST ,-------- ( I .,. I ~~I"',___..,;,/ :'a ~;~1 I I I I I I I I n11 ···1 ,c I.AMl!.Cl>PE 5cFIUI I I I I I I I ., I I I I I 1110.CT 'C" 111>-C'., 111"-CTT VOL/PG D..: ,,,y c.-rar~e ~; roquE!StOO m cr~1a,· Pl3ce 'lE ~1J~ sr ~ n.,Q4 SI" +/-I I I I I CES.NWNC W' .I SIHIYEnllfO CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. ~no RECEIVED L. VOL/PG CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. 1:tJAOd-687 & LUA16 000527 L!if'.1().047' A POR710N OF TH[ SE 1/4 OF TH[ N.W. 1/4, OF S[C710N 10, TO'NNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANG[ 5 [AST, "1LLAM[T1E MER/QIAN LEGEND <2::'J fA',1',.[st ""O"~O'I Cl>< "'"tl' l OI I c:::===) I.\' <'l.~UC '1<:<o!:S <•Sl:\1£/<T ll•suo,~, P~c.,,50,; < t::::~ "RlV•IT s.E.O (•Sot••O<" ~ '~ f'\.-lll.JC "AfiR I•SO.E"' IE•IE><i:~f P~OWll(l< ~) ~ ~-P~l\l•'L w,'(FI [,150,i(N, ,.ill l1J• l'l' co• "" _L•_:,e __ _ , ' ,11.· DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT © DETAIL PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT © Tl!ACT'E' "" lll> r - DETAK.. i I I I PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT ® M ""l<MO_,_ ... __ ,,,..,,,,, .• g,~ ... CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEMENT DETAILS DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT CD • DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEM::NT © '00 I ~~ ) I 1/ , 1---fli Ir' /!,, / J DETA!L PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT © DETAIL ., ' .... .,..,, ~,, .Ill '2Ull. __ PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT G:; 4 TRACT 'E" • ~) ----:; r lRACT'~ L,-- -- 3 n : ~ // ' " iJl,'El) I 2 _t/' r,;;;;, -~ ~///;--~ I I" " ~t;:-.~~'1)0!42·111 L ....!!."~ L --u&0--, - 10J7~ l1~ -'°52" 5&"222··f ET S.E 1/~ NW '/4. SEC CES.NWDVC ~IC J:11t1o St ~I! f\U~ 101 l'VJill.ll"I'. u. a&:ln CITV OF RENTON FR.E NO. LUA08-007, rUO, PP, ECF, CAE t !,C.>,U.· ,·-~ ~ I SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE 8: 0A ~ nn.[ coo,,,..,~=--"""'' ...,,uv, l'(l)•ttSr o.,.in ~.-,1. :ro1~ /,TOI ii c,s.rwi:,.1 r,;;11 r1ti; ..,...cr;n M4I llq<I"! 1'0CCJ1I0,1. t)Ofl;:i """"OSl. nu:1110:: T11•~1urs""' -/Y> tl"la.eurei. ,.< Al!l4 O,l"'[[TU): ..Ultlll.• ll lll:f •llLl IPCt.~ ~C~ NlAIIVI ''4-l\ll. H ~-m,.-~[ll'[tl< I ;~ I fff ilt I A PORnDN " "" ' 1\.1:"lJlUII V IL\ CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL.IPG OF TH£ 5.£. 1/4 OF TH[ N.W. 1/4. OF S[CTION 10, TOWNSHIP 2J RANG£ 5 (AST. W>LLAM£m: M[R/0/AN NOR rH, BEE SHEET 5 FOR: CJiY or RENTON, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON tor A.F\EA9, ADDRESSES ANO Pl10P0SEO EASEMENTS tu ""'n'-1~uo,-t1H " " " 8£E SHEfl 3 ! I I I I I I .,. ,_ . .... 'u . '" '" ; 31 I I I I I I I I I ' ' I I --j " ., I I I I I I I I I l•t Po.ten I l~!J.."'$-1"1 l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ '- ' ~ ----~---.::::-~~ ~-(.~ ".:'!JDW:! ---~~ ' I£ ant If. ''l'i1"( .. l ~ 1" --------------- I , / •l " I I I I • u, r ,... • 'a," ' , .. I ' :, ;;; '" . "' I I I I I I I ,o .. '°'..c""" I llulTU / ., / ., / ;: I j I I I I 4 r , ~ N"<I' 1 "4, "_ H• .... "' I, I """" HI 1"1/r.&U.lf •~ .," . .. RECEIVED F 0 ~ 2016 CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOS-067 & LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG TOWNSH1iGl!¥0Q{ PLANNING DIVISION A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4. OF SECTION 10, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE M£RID1AN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASH!NGJON DEDICATION KNOW AU. P[OF'_E 8• THCSf Pjlf,;.f.STS THA: ..C: lHt UND[Rso,m O\o.NERS or INTi'."EST '" TH' LAH) HER([• ~lJtOVH)U. HERE:'Y ·'.>t:Cl.A'<t lHAT CHI, P_,,.r ,o Bl THE GRPHIC REP~CSENTATION CF Hr "1.amw,;a)N ~.n, HF~rnr, •NO)() rERE3Y OC)•CAli: TO Tl-E U5i: er Tri[ PUBL,C 'Oll[\'[R A.L STREETS AND ,,vC~VES NOT $HQ\l,N AS .'1l1VAIT HlHcON A"i; ocu:,n rn use Tl'E~COf' FC)S Al. Pt1BJ( P.IRPn~;; NO" 'NC0H5'0TEHT 'MTr THE use: THEREOF FOR PUBLIC e:~HWAY ~OH~C·::.t.,. A~() ALSO T><E RCH[ TO '·••KE AU MCESSAAY SLO~ES S,JR CUTS ANO FfllS <1FrN THF IC.TS SHO'l'lt, S!cHEON '" lHl o<m)NAL REASCN•BLE CIMC•,.~ ~· SAJD STPECT> •NJ A\ID<U[S, A,~ ru~ThER OCOICATE TO THE Ust QI' lHl 1·~~: ,c '-LL T-<l CA'il"CNTS ANO TP•ClS SHO""' O' ll'IS ~L>T rna AU P~8LIC PURPCl',£5 AS I.SO<UTtT TIIER[ON, IHCLUJING BL'T ~OT UMITE:D l~ Pm~s. QPES SPA~E. unLIHO •ND ~RA'Hh<;l' L'~LESS s~c~ S~£E1S. E,\Sf"f,1> CR TRACTS AR[ srrnricA • .LY IDENllfllD ON :~,, PLAT A~ SEIH~ GR•NT[D AND (Cl,VEYED TO A 0 ERSO,. 0~ EhTl"f OTH[R TIM" Ttl[ P'JflUC, I~ 1'/KIC~ CASf 'M. 0() Hl~t.BY G><ASf ANP CCNl":Y s.JC~ S1ll0:ETS, Et,Sf~fNT<;. OR lRAC-$ TC NE PERSOO OR [Nll-Y ,~rnTlmD AND fC'f 'Hl FUR1'0Sl ~CA!ELJ ~~6";.t~ !~~,~~~s iN'ii~ cn~E.;~?ml.~' ~~D ;~'~Myot~i~~,~~,:oAN~·~~CF~~ 1G[z~;l ~} ~~':c:t:'G~~~T ·~c,s r.11" DF" aFNCOO, TS SUCCESSORS AND ASS·~~s ""'CH ~AY SE UCCA$l0SUJ er lH blABLIS>l"E~'-CONS""lucnoo. 0~ IIAhlENAN~< 01-SCAU> A~D/OR QSAN•(,[ 5YSTi:~S y;n,.~. THIS $UErl'.l:"1S,ON CTHE~ ,<AN CLACM5 R[SU.11/G rROM INADED'JAlc "AIN:t11•N~t ~y me (:T)" 0, R0 HTON SU~'l-l[R, TH< UNCEH51GNW O"""[~S o• H[ 1.ASD H[S[IJY suaJ,.,~cD. •GREE 'C>< raE11$tL','($ r .. o~ H(IRS AND ASSIG~S 10 IN~ll/NIH ANU HQLU IHc CITY n, Sf~TON, ITS S-J~cr,=~ AN~ AO.SIGNS, HAR .. lFSS '1101,1 ANY nmArJ", 11/CLUDN~ ANY co;---s Of (;,cr~NS[. CLAl"[C BY FERSONO "'Tl-·"' OS WHCJUT 1H1S suao.w;,ON 10 HAV[ HE, CALSCD BY AL"'ERAMN<; ()'" lHE GRO<.tND SLR'ACE. '{EG£TAT100, rR>JNA(>' 00 SUPFAC( Of; $.J>-sJRFA:X ~'A';l"R rl.01'6 \'IITICIII T,HS 5\l~:)l'JIS,00 ~ ~y l~lAOWOH~cNl, C{)NS,llJ[TION OR ~A'NlfNANG( m· 1-<r RM)', "'TH" Tl<IS ~CBDl''1Sl~N f'R0'1DED n,•s WAl"l[R •ND l~DE"~'fl(."ATI)I, $'1AlC NOT 8[ CON$T7<UrD AS P[LEAS~~ Thi" CIT" cc RF,:ON, TS SUCC[SS005 QR ASSl(;NO, >RQl,I <.IA~I; ., •OR CA~AGE5, ,CL~)ISC THE Cr.$T OF r.t"Ff'N,;£, RCSLLTING IN 'MWlE OR I~ FAST FROM T~E NlCUCCNct Of" '"l ~-: ' f$ REN.O'. ITS SlCCE5SORS, OF A~;1C.NS ruRTI-,CR. now A.L ceOP,E BY Tr(~; P'<(S[N;o._ Ttl<T 1,1' ';}Ir ·IE"~ElN BFLQ\\' 'ilGNED O"<'IERS IN FE[ s,"rLE. Of ls[ LA'ID -"Ell[Ai $L'A0l\<D£D HfP[l]Y crnr,n TllAT WE 'iAVE CSOABlJ,HC;J 11-'E ~Ol.'lQl\'NCR> ASSOCATO,-, (HOA) Of' "Ck[\.AN Cfl[E~-,~ ACCORDANC( 'MlH WASHIN(;ION ,,.,, LAW Wl<ICH IC,(t,Tlf1CS CAC~ cGT ·Jf" NJ'> P." AS A MEMaER Of SAIC HOA. ~<i'.J SOA I~ SUOJEO 10 'HE OECLARATIJS Qf' CO,'fNANTS ANJ RESffi'CllONS FOR T>![ PL'IT ()F ·:Hll.AN CRE.<c<;" AO DlSCLOSEO BY INSTRU~ENT RECORDED UN)(R ~INC COI..NTY RCCoeo,,~ NLIIO'R - <HS SOSOIV~ICN. DEDJCATIOO. WAl'.1'.R o• CLAl~S A4) AGRrrn~NT TO llOLO HARUcfSS IS u>X WTH ,~, 'HU COl'<SlNI A>IO 1s ACC00DAN8E N"""H THE CESJ'<CS CF" SAIC O""ER<; fHCD Hl~~lH U~'IAGINC ucuelR CHE.A~ CRll<. LLO ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE: ()C WASHINC~OS ) J ss COONTY or KISG O'I 'HIS JJAY O> ___ 281'. ~c<~,a[ UE P[RSO'<All Y ~PPfl<Pf"J f"REO Hi'RPF"R, TD Mt KSCW'< TO 5[ THE "AN~~E, Qi-CH[LM CREEK. W.C A WASf<INGT:;,t,; ll"llCU .1Aa1JTY CO,.,PAHY. ll<A' DEDJTE:J ll<E \'IITHI~ AND roaEGOl~C ,NS"'l'wurhT MIC ACl<>IOWl..[CGl:D SAi~ l'ISTRU"t~• 1() ~l '"f fSf.f. ASD VOLut,'"O' ,.er '"0 Of'O ~ './,ID CO,.,PANY roo """Hf us,, A.~c PUR 00Sl:S W[REI~ "['TIOI-JlQ •NU us OA!I< :,-.rm THAC •I[ ·s A~rnORZff• TO EXECUTi: SAaO IN$TliJ,..·w IN ,1,r>1C~S ,.._CStlll-. HA"/E. H~0£J'1~ SE ... y HANO ASO OfT>CIAI 'ifA, r~t OAY ANO Y[Al1 FIRS[ WRIITTN A90"1. DATE:C· PR"T((.' NA~( O" NJTARY P,JBUC ____________ _ TITL£ RESIDINC AT ____ _ UY APPO,s .. c·, T (XPIRES;. TRACT NOTES TRACT "A" IS A PRl>ATE ;,GRESS. EGRf.SS, (:)Mt.'()'< Cf'CN SFAU, ANO eT1u·v ~ASE-.,ffNl. UPON RECORDING OF lHS PLA' lRACT "A• IS H(R(BY GRANT) AND CONS'EYU) [J 11-<l CHl.A', CRll< PU.0. H01,1CQ"""(R$ A>$0CIATl0t, (HOA). AN f'SE~ENT IS HERfBY GSA,cO AN:l cc,,.no IC IHf cw(), RE"°' (l'GR, IJNOER AND ,c,,oss T.ACT 'A" f'()f1 THF" PURPOSE DF C0!',',1[)1NG. SIORING. ~ANA<;!N;;. A.SO tACILl1AIIN~ $TOR~ A,G SuH<ACE WATER A~O FOR Y,NITNlY SE'llf"R AND WATTR r·JaroSES FEH "'' [NC:,NEERN~ HANS ON f"I.£ ''"~ THE OTY oc REWOt,. MAIHTE~ANC[ or All 07H(R 11,JPRO'll:MENTS SHAL. et 1~, "($~1.)HSl~'L'TY t)I-' ]HC HG• TRA:T "C" as• PRIVATE lhGR[SS, l(.R'tSS, •"o Uf•LI"' lA:.EMCNT UDO~ Sl~<.>""O;~G Of" 1~,, PLM l~AG[ ·c· 1$ HEREBY ~ANT<U AN~ CQN'Jl.'"cU ru [HE. CHLAH CREEK PU J HOU[~W'.FRS ASS()("JAT,rn (HGA) Al, FASrnrn, IS ~E1'EBY G~ANTED AN) CCN\IFYF""J "O THF" CITi Of RE"NT:>'. 0'/Fll, u,JER m:; ACRCSS T~•cr ·c f"OR TH[ PUWOSE QC ~D'J'Jl.~Nc. STORING. MANAGING, ASD 'AC:uTATING s;oo~ >SQ S.JRFACI. '~AllK ANU '"' OAS'l1Af<Y ~'"~" AN~ WAlEP. PURPOSES PER rn O<GNrrn:,G O!A~S o" F"ILE WTll T•IE an or R(N'OO, YA,Sf"(SANCl Of AW. CTH[~ ,~PSCVE"ENT$ SHALL 8[ ThL RfSPON'ilHlll~ rn Hr HOA TRA~l ·~-; • PL~.c Slot(" ~HAINh~E 7f<A~'-U~GN ,Ht RtCORDH•G Qf THIS PlAl. ·~·("T "L)" IS -irnrnY GRANTI:O AND CON'JEYE:cl TO Tl-[ C~ELM CRF"'> HD .. FO'M-Jf~S ASS0CIA'18N ('IO•). A~ EASC .. [W IS HERE9Y GRAS:U AN.) lO,V,:YJJ:; TC Tll[ c,·, or Rf~[ON O'ilJ1. JNDER MIO ACR~SS IBA·:T "O" ·~· Tfj[ PJPO">[ Qf CONVE"i>JO. OT~~ING. "ANAGISG M.~ rACILJIAl'G S[OR" AND SURCACl WAie" P:C~ 1H£ £%,NEE:RIMC PLASS ON HLE W,T)-TSE CCT" Qf R/:NT/lN '"Hr or~ nr nrnTOO II.OS :i<e RIG!IT TC [IIT(R s.ut SlOP,),IWA:"(R CASCM[~7 '~ Ta[ DJRP~( 0' INSPEOHG, OPERATING, "AINTAINl~G NPR0'1HC AHD RE~AlnlNG .·s O~AISA~( fACIJIIES COS'A>''ED ll<EREI~ ONLY Tl'.[ CHA'~ CIH~ rt:scr. F"LO"' S0N7RC<. WATER CUAUTY TRE>T~ENT AND CON"-'\.YANC~ fAC1Ul1c; 'Nr,', BE (.()N~,DER~~ F\ri F<.*!u~, ~CCEPTANC£ ASD ~AIW[SANC( BY 1HF C'1Y MAl>IIC~AN~t O> ALL (,ll<CR , .. ~'l0'1£"ENTS ANO I AMl~t.AP'N~ 0~ ';;, r. TRACT .. )" SHAL-Bf Hf ~SPOOSIBlll 'Y OF THF H~A 1" -~c [VU,1 T+-•T THC SCA S OISSOL'l[ll OR OTHER\'IISE F"A!l5 T~ "[(TITS PR()l>[RTY TAX OOLICATIONS, •s HU,H~W BY NON-DAYMi'~" Of" PRJPtRTY TAX!S fOO • prn,oo ot l:~~ltlS' (1~: "ONT~S. [HCS CAl'H LQC IH TI-<> 0lAT SH,\LL ASSUME ,~o rl;'J( AN fOUA-MD UNDl'~DD 01\'NCRSH,r IN'[RE>l IN IHACT U Pat"10USl.Y CW'lCD SY HC •tOA A~O HAVE TI-[ Allf\DMT Fl~ANrJAI AN; M~l11Tf~A~CE Rt:SF'ONSl~IUTI[~ l~A;'1 "l• IS A ••U.ANU/\'1\,1;.MIU BL .. £f, ll'MU JPON RECJilDiSC Of TH~ PLAT TRMCT "F" IS HfRrBY GSAN"'Cl AHD CC)N\lf)T~ TO Th' C-<F"IAN c,,,~ P.JD HOll[C'l'!ESS Assc:;,Ar,~11 (HOA) F~R ADOl~O'JAL RCS1~1Cl1C"5 ~u RESTR1cno,;5 rOP a,,r,e>, AR[> TRACTS ON S~EOT 2 Ot OHlS tlNA!. ~L.Ar TRACT ·c /,L50 HAS•~· PUeuc FAN"'AY :AS["f~T >L~SG ·F, rrn,~[TI:R, A5 SJIO'Nr, ON ]HIS PLA·. AN~ IS HlHlS" GRANTID ANC CQNV[Y"cD TD l•lf Cl<[c.AN Cf<llK HOl,llQl'Nl~O A:0~•.)(;:AI·~ :HUA). MAIN[[N>N~E ~NU ~PSOVE~ENTS SHAW. ~l TH( ~E~PCNS,6 UTY oc THf HOA NOTES A NATl",'E GSO\\'lH PROccnoo EASC"E~T (H<.:f'f) SHAll BE P_ACCD O'ol\:R '"HAT PA~T ()f THf ,;;rr .-~co .. ~,sc:1NG TSE Sll'tE•~/1\{Tr__AN~ BU'FCP AR[A RrS"IICTl\,c COVFNANF, SIIAW. ALSO 0[ F..ACCQ 0t, "'£ 51·[ T·E i:AO[UO,.l •NJ REST~ICTl','c co.::r.ANTS S~ALL B( RFCCRnrn PRIOR lO RlCORUING ot "Hie FINAL "LA7 NOTES (continued) :;·lCLAN CREO: O[SlGN CCll-Di:lJNES Sl-1All BC OCMOSSTRATEC PR:OR TO BUIL()NG PERM T APPROV<L F"OR '.:ACH H0,.,0 cC'S , ,~; 2 a(C"JIR[~ ,o ORl[N' ~cw ARD cn<.>H PL~CE NC, lOT$ .3 At,0 < 'AA}ULJ OR (HT TO~ARO r~c NGPE (\\\'ST) L0'5 O r,,Ro·JGH 1C W0<'10 011rn· 'D"'Al1DS TII[ NPG[ ([AST/. LOT 11 T0\111.RJ TH[ ~GPE (SQUTilj, L~TS ., AND 15 'OWARC lHl NGl'l (;ou,,), ANJ l\!< ,. [QWA'1J IHc ~~Ul'ING µ~{)f-l~IY ro n,r '111,"';T O'll\ll"WAY \IIOTIIS S·l~L" DE Rt:SffilCTEC· TQ HO ~O~E THll/ IC >tU fQR A SINGL!. .At<l AN~ S~ ~CR\. ll<rN 18 FEET roe D:l\JOL[ .A~[ DRIS'EW>YS AND Sl<AL:. BE :ll:MONSlllA""E:l PRIC:,, TO BJI.OIHG PERUI' A~PROVAI roe FACt' •IOI.[ ll<C R~AO M,D STO'IV DRA1~,GE SYSITMS HA",'E B[lN COOSTRJC[[D ACCORDl~G TO 1~; ~f'l'~Ol'EL: PLhN ANC PROFIIF ON FIIF .. TH RFNTON J[V[LDP"[~T S!:R'1C[S DMSIOS AND ANY DE"1hCIONS HO~ TH[ AN'ROl'EC PLANS'"'· lll"OUIR[ W.ITTCN APPROVAL mow TIIE F'ROP[R >GUCY, CURRENTlY RENTON r,i:-s, ilD~FNT ,rn~c,s 01·~siot. kl 9lJ1lD1NG om, .. SPC<.!TS, 'OOTlNG DR/.JIIS. A~D ORAlhS "'IOI. A.Le MPERVOJS SURCAC[S sum A5 PATC()<; AND "lRIVf",IA•S SHALi Bf COONECICD TO Th[ P[R~M[NT s·Oll~ DRAtN OJTLUS A'i SH()\'1'j ON nae APPRO\l(C C<lt<STRUC~ON JRA"1~G~ R-J86>00 ON Hlt W1H IHl Cry Qi-RCNfUN, IHIS 'LA~ ~HALL ~l SGaMITT[D ,ITll Ttlf AOPL,GAllO~ CF AS" B~l~ISG PCR"IT ALL COONcCn:JNs OF 1,c )FU1N, uus· OE COOSTRUCTrn AND AOP•O\l!ll PRIOR TO >CNhl BUIWN:; INWtCTION APPROVAL Fa~ Tl-0Sf.: ,O'S-~., ARE. O[SICNAITC fCR '"~IYDUAL LO' :.>lSPERSION S"J"Sl:J.<S. 1Hl ~',"CM; '.;;SAW. Bl (;(.)N:,THJOEO Ar Tse""" 0' T,IC E!UILDIHG ~rn~ T AN:l S~ALL COMPLY 'M'H ,~c "LA~; C,, '·LE. !i 110 LOI OR po,r,o, OF A lC' IN CHI~ PLA; ,!'A..1. 0£ Ul'JIU(D AN~ ,~u QR "($UW OR ~1¥'J[R5H'P CHANGED OR lRA'<SFCRRlQ ""lRlBY WC 0'/l>JcRSHIP (), AN• PQR'IC~ Of" Tl-IS PLAT 5rl~LL B£ ,['iS T>MN THC A~lA HlQUl~l:0 fOR fHl L'S!. ~ISlH;~1 IH W--IC-~ .OCMED TKRE SHAW. e, NO :l\RCGT '4H'''U~>Jl ACCCSS TO OR f"SCM ouv•L A\OUE NE rn,:,M 'HOS[ .OT$ WHCH A~UI 11 (~OT[S ARE CO~TlNIJED ON 5c,f[-2) APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . 2v·; CITY OF RENTON MAYOR 0Af(lf ___ _ • 2G"7 CITY OF RENTON CLERK ~A f Of . 2C'1 CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE 1 ~CRE8r CE'<nrY THh' ·a£SC AR(. N~ OEUSOJENT S?ECIAL ~~S[SSIJfNT~ <ND TI<>1 ftl. SP(CIIJ. ASSES""E~h crnn,rn TO Tl<[ C,TY TREA$t;RCR ,::,,; cou.rcr,o,, O'< ANY or 111[ PROl'cR'Y H[SJJ'I ~Qt.lTA!NEC. D£01CAC:D f"O~ smtf':'S Al.l[Y~. ~ roo OTI-rn PIJH.:c JSi'. ARr FAD 1N f<,U.. .HIO.,____ DAY O" 2011 rit,ASC( A(]M1NIS1RAT00 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS JAi (), -• 1017 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE 1 -<fREEY crR·i,y THAT A.l PR()P!'RTY iAXFS ARr PAD TI<AT n,rnr ARf '<0 OEIINQ·JfNT SPE:l•L A~5ES5MENTS CEl'nFIED T~ T-<15 OFFICE F"CR COLLECTION ANO THAT A.LL SPECIA-~SS[SS~CMTS CERJl.'ltu !~ ™·5 O,,f"l~E roR COLlECTic., ON ANY o; T><f: PRD"fRTY ~EQEN CON:AINCD ~CDl~AlDJ AS ST'IEETC, ALU:~. OR f"OR OHES PJBUC USES, ARf. PAID IN fUL. NY'"------~ 20'7 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 1 !iCS'l:BY GE'rnn-™'-n!IS "LAT or CIID.AA CRH< P.u.o IS BASED 00 M AC'\JA, SUPVE' ANO S~BDl\11SOON er SECTIC'< 10, lOV<SH.P Zl ~ORlH, aANCC S '--""· w ... IH.r Os[ CWRSES AND DISTMCES AAE SHQ"" COORECTLY THfRfON, lh'1 Tl'F """""'""' WLJ RF sn ... o 71•[ LOl AfJJ aoc• CORNEl'S *IL ~, sr-xrn coe"ECll.Y OH ... , (:fl•:<JN:> AS COOSW<JC:T'O,.. IS CQ!J"l.nuo ."" 1 ~ .... FU.LY CO,,PWEQ .. TH TH[ PR0"'"'""s <>'" TS[ PL~HNG RC<>.C"HOO<O T><[ NATI\/[ GRO~T•< racn:cnoN CAS!:1.1!.l<I (t,(.;Pt) ON THE Cl<cl.S CRI:(< PLAT IDE~Tlrl('; Tf-E CRIT("l',L A~SA "HE CREA 'ION '.)f" 11-<E 4A'1\/E: GPOWIH NiOTECTION EAS.~rNT {NGDE) COl,VEY'S ,o TII[ PUDLIC A Bf~E .. CIAL INTEREST JN ™' lANC WT,wJ 1-<( tASF"UrNT ~'IFA Tl<S 11/""FRF"s, S.,AI.L DE r~ TH[ PURPOSL CF PRESER\1N~ 4AW.'E \/l.GETAMN H)H 1Hc C0Nl~Ol <>'" SUP.FACE WATrn ANC EROSION, l,IAIH[ESANCE. ~· S...Ol'E ST'-BUT•. "SUAI. ANJ AURA! Burrt:RING, A\D PROT(CTlOO o· PLANT A~C All<"Al ~All''"'· T~" -'TVi: GRC\liH P~o,cnn, HSrnrNT '"PO~FS UPOS /..LI PR[SE~T AN~ 'Jn.R[ C""'CRS A~C OCCUPl(~S Qr T>-( (AS:ur~.,. AREA tNFOOCFAllL[ ON arnAU-,Jf TrE PU9UC BY THE CHY a, Hl~'ON. JU ,CAV:. cND<STIJR!"tD ;.u 'll((S /,SO ornrn l'EGETA""lON 'NrlHIN THE cA5E"rnT AREA. THl VEGtlAnQtJ wTI-<;N THC M]ff "H Nm H'_ CUT, OR,JNfC, COVEOrD DY rill. R[l,IO.::o 00 OA~>GEO )'01~()\JI i:<P1'E$5 VIRITT[>I OfR"'S'ilON me~ T~( CITi if RENTON. T'i[ 'llGII-QC eN~Y oRAS TED HERE N ~HAL. A0 Pi. y IC TH': >t.fs;s, RPRFSF"NTAT'YES MJ [~ocm·rrs C·' n-, OW'<E:"~ Q.< Sl..'6SE~~,w O>MERS D, HE UNOERL~,No ~ROPrni• ~---R-E_C_O~R-0"1-N"G-C"E=R=T"1F"1"c-A"T"E~, ---~-------,-----"S"H'EFl'E"T.---.1----,0"'F"6'-------j SHEET INDEX St<EC" SllrfT 1 - SHEET 3 - SHEET 4 - SHEET 5 SHEET ~ DlUUH:X. ACKNOWrn~rLif"N", AP"ROVALS TliACT ~c,rrs ,rc~RDING COlTlnCATE, SCR\IEYOR"S CERIICICA'i: CAS'~(Nl PROV,SJQ~S. C0'0 IIONS. CQV'.]<ANT$ ANO acsm,cm:~s. SCT9ACK5 cEGAL OESC~IPllOO. WR"l.YQR Nt;•l(S. C~NTROL ~AP PLAT MAP. J:'ll ~(),~; EASC .. ENTS. ·~QRC~,:;[S. LOT A1'C TliAC AREA'i f A~' ~[NT UC <A'CS ~:~gP.%'; ilh~~<o,<,o~,,, 'CHCe~R'CO'O"c"S'• 'O"C ____ _ THI.~ [Mi ')i 2016. AT M!NUTrs PAST M. llN) .'?[(Of?O[O ~}c~0P.1t;~~0<1iic 0~oci;;~ ~:5:~JUoN~---- 01'/ISION C> R[GORDS MID [L[(:T,(!i,", S( 1/4. t.lW "/4. S[( 10, T23N, P.5E. WJ,I CES.NWLVC CIVIL E~RAVG 4 SURVEYING JIC 29'-ll 5\. !Ct 5cu!< JO) PUH.ll.UF. lf~ ga372 .. • ~~~=c-cc~~~c-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~---~ CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA08-067 & LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG EASEMENT PROV1Sl0NS/N0JES A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON HE IHH Sf ~N [A50,CN" IS H[GE3Y RESER\lcC FC,R A,~O CRArHE) TO THC (l~Y IY R[NlC~J. PUG[' SOUND lN[RCY ,r,c. C[NT\!R'LIN< T£L[P•!ON~ COMPANY. 01'1;:ST COl.!~\JNICATIOt.S INT[fit..0.10NAL, IN~. CWt:AST :ABcf CO-'MU>CATONS. INC .. SOCS C~EK WALll AN~ SC:11(!1 D1Sffi1Cl, A~O OlHC~ LT'LITY PR011J[RS AND -:1--l[IR RLS='JnW SLCC[SSORS A\D ASSICt.S, Ut.DE'l ANO ~POI, THC ~XT[RIOR TEN (10) r;:n or-ALL ,D'S AN) TRACTS LYlt.G ='hRAllf: \\'"h A~D f,OJO""NG THE PROPOS(D STR[fT FR~t.TAC'.f~ IN \\t-llC" ~c ~ONST.lJCT. OPERATE, 1.!AINTAIN, RE?AIH. REPL.O.CE. [Nl.O.llGI UNDLP(:llQUND Pll"FS, CONDu;TS CABLES A>!) \lo'RES ~<I A_L ~[Cl5',AfU C·l CON\IEN'CNT 'JNOERGRO\JND Oil CROJ'<D-~OUNTD APPIIC'T[N.'.~r.f'i THFHflO, FOf THE F~RPOSF OF SP\<t..G TI-.IS S~B01"1$'0N AND OTHER PROPERTY MTH LfCTliiC, GAS, TLEF~ONE. TELE"1SICN. WAltR. SlWlR, PUBLIC ANC PRIVATE srom,1 DPAN,O,GL A~[I o·~[P L'°i'LIT¥ S(R"1CE. -oG[T•l[R Wini lW R,GII' ·~ l~llll U~ON HI[ LOTS, nACTS ANO SPACES AT AL. Tlt..lF FOR TIIE PUm'O<;f<; ~FRFIN STATED THESE EASEME~TS ENTE'srn UPON FOR THESE PUC:"0SES S~.'.LL ~L f'ISIORlLl A~ ~[AR AS PCSSl~I[ 10 lHtlR C~CINAL C0N01"10N BY -~E ~TIIIF NO IINP> OR V,11,fS FO~ """'lANSMIS$10t.. C,F' ELC[TRIC CURfF~~ OR FC~ TELE"HC~[ US( (Ml CAlllf Flf"1StC~ SHA~L BE PLACCC Oil Pi:RM TTEO TO !J( PLAC[O LJF'O'l A'lY I OT Oil mACT U'iL[5S TH( SAM~ $··AL_ S[ L'NOlR(.~OI.JNO f~l IN {.(\NIJU, r TO ~ Boll DING l·lt LT.HY EASEME~TS C~ANTED IN EASDJ[~T ~~OVSION I MAY CONTA!N l'RVATE s-rnM DRAINAGE SYSTf~~ l,S $HOl'N o, ~'"t APFP.OVCIJ CONS1RUC'ION DP,A'ffl\GS ON Fil.£ AT THE Cl~v OF RENTO~. TrE !,U,INTE~ANC~ OF 1110\l l·~IVAll ~10~1,1 DRAINAGE SYSTE.iS AN] TH:)SE SYSTEMS ¥11Tkl' ,"~E PRIVATE ST(lfll.' ORA.NACE EASEl,IEN,"S PER EASD1c,T F~0\.1SWN 3 S'"All BE THC RESPO,S18UTY OF ;,1osr. lOT OWNERS BENff TNG FROM SAID SvSTE~'~ ,"-[ 01\'I\CRS OF FRl\'All PROPER-y WT,-,:N ll-llS PLAT £NCUll4BERE0 ol'ITH RU9.IC S~QR!,1 OP.IN~GE [ASEME~TS (SEE CASEMENT PRO'iS1c.,s 9, 10 AND 11) ~lREBV Gl<ANT ANll CON\1Y l(J CHc L,IY Of RENTO'l, A ML'NICIPAL CORPO~ATION, TH( RIG,11 UL'. ~OT TllC OBIIGAT:ON TO CO'<VEY OR STORE $70R" A'l) SLRfACC WATER P(R THC fNGIMf"INr. PLANS APPRO>'cJ FCR -HE FLA-Bv 'rl[ CITY OF R[f.T8N. -oGfT~fR v,,·~ THE RIG~T OF R;:ASONA3LE ACCESS (INGRESS /\~D [Gl1LS~) TO c,lH ~AIO DRAINAGE EASE>,E~T fOR TH~ ~UR~05E OF os•_;,w.iN~ 11-<AI IH· !IWNfR'; ARF PROPCRt_V OPfRATING /\N8 MAINTAINING T~E DRAl'lftG[ FA~;unrs CO~TAINEO THERE!'. THE OWNCRS OF SAi) P~IVA"E PROFEC'TY. S,Na[ AN) 5Lvt'RAL, ~RE R[SPONS'8L~ FOR OPE'IATINC. MAINTAl~IN~ AND REPA•R·NG rn: JllA!NA~( fftU l,;fS CONCA!'IW \\1THIN SAIO OP/\l~AG£ EASE ... ;:'IT AND A'I;: HE~rnY RlOIIIRH: TD CATAIN ANY RCCUIRED PtP,..,~ mm• THC c: TY Of Rf'ITON OR -·s SUCCTSSO'I AG£NC"' PRIOll TO fLLING, P.PI% CUTTING OR REMOl'NC \'(([TAT,O~ (EXCCPT r()'l RO'JTINC ">.NDSCAP( MAINl\NANCl ~JC'I AS LAWN >,O'MNC;, t, OP('I V(GcTATfC 8f!AINAGE FAC1UTIES (SUCH AS SW~c.l'.S. (f.AN'IE~S. DIT(l-i[S, PONDS _ C) !l~ ~,kFDRf.m<G NfY AcT:/IA~ONS :'lR MODIFICATIONS TO Ti-<E ORAIN,\G[ FACILITIES CON'~INrn \ll[HI~ SA() J'>Al<AG~ EAS!:M[\T TY'S CO\/lNANT SHAU. RUN WI~ T~, IANll AK~· 3E B:hlJING UPO'l -HE CWt,CRS 0' SA'O PRl'Vftl[ i'llC·'_lnY. Tl·ER '1EIRS. SL.CC£SS0RS AND ASSIGNS THE C,TY er R[fHO~ SIIAI I HAl,'f lHE R1,;rT TO ENC:~ Tr[ PRIVATE C•RAl~ACE EASrnENTS S•-0\1,1',J HETl(C\ TO 'lCl"-Alli A'H Jd,CENCllS OF T~( ORAINAC[ FACLliv lh THL ['JENI II•[ 011"'<1 ,lS Allt NH,IICfNT IN -~E ~Alf.T~NAN(:L Cl IHl J,l/,1~/,CE fACIUTIES THE$F RFPMiS SHAl,_ 8£ hT Ti-'£ 01\'NEf>'S COS1 Ah EASCMCN' 15 H[R~BY G'<ANT(J TJ T ![ Cl ;y or Iii N TO'l r :Jll SANITARY SE'I\ER PIJ~PCSES OVER TRASfS "A", AN)'(:'' AS D[~ICTED HEREIN, TI-E CITY Of RENTON $HA.L BE ~ESFOhSIBLC f"OR JHL ~AlhENANC~ Of THE $A.'ll'AqY SO,','[P F/\CIUTIES COWAIN[O \\'T'-IN SA10 lAc,1-W_Nl~ AN fAc,tMtNI IS HREBY G~l,NTEJ TQ T~E CITY OF RE~TO.~ FOil WATc:R ~URPQSC:5 OVER 'RACT'; "A" AND "C' FO~ M~ER MAI.'! II~'[ A'i fl'rl~lf[J ~FREIN. THf CITY 0,-RE~'TC~ 5-ALL BE RESPCNS18LE "OR Tl-IC VAl~llNANCl ~'f l~l ll'AIER fA(IL•TIE$ coo·A1Nrn ,,n-1~ SAID lAS~MENTS A~ EAS(MENT FOR l~GRESS, EGlllS~ A~D UTIL Tlb ON TRAC' "A" $ HEREBY RES£~\'(0 'Oil ANS GRM!TEC TO lHf ::iwt,E% OF LOTS 11 THROUGH 13. 11--IE 0¥\'NCRS Of LOTS 'I 11--IRclUG,, IJ SHALL BE EQ,IAII' 'l'"PO~O,IHI.E •,:,~ THC ~AlhTE~ANCF cc THOSE" IMPROVEMENTS Th(RCIN \1/Htr.,-, -HFY SHARf WITH THE EX(EPT,Oh cc TI,OSE l~PRC•'E~lNf'.i ·NSTA,L~O Wr ·1sc U ll.llY ,-"'Wl'l::JEC'S. LCTS SHALL BE SOLE,Y RESPONSGU. coo l~l MAINllNANCE AND REPAR or TrOSE PRIVAll u·un;:s {WATER. SAN!lA/1' SEWER A~C ST8RY ORA NACE) 'o\Ylr;H ONI Y BEN[TI T THCIR I 01. lJ Pl I Y f'R0V11)f% ~HAI I ff PES~ONSl3.E f:)R THE IJAINTINAN:: Of IHc.lR fA2Ll'llO CO~fAl~D 'M·'"ir< SAID EASCMENI AN [ASEME~T FOR INGR(SS, :GR[5S A'lO Lilli r1 ~ ON !PAC ·c· S H[REBY RESEP'IEO .'8!< ANC GRAN CC TO THE OW'lfR<; O· 1: :s I THRO·J~H 4 ThE 0"'1>!ERS OF LOTS I THROUGH 4 $HA:.L 8[ E'lJAI!" Rco!'ON~8L£ FOR T~E MA;~f[~AN~[ 0' ll-lOS[ IMPRO\'(M[~TS THEREIN Wl-<IC~ TI<EY SHARE WITH T'-E EXCEPTIO~ OF ll-lOSE ll,IPROVE~[NTS INS'ALLED BY Tia:E UlllllY PR(:viorns. \OTS SHALL BE SOLELY HS~ON~IOLC FOR THE MAINTENA~CE ANC RC"AI~ C' THOSE ;,R,VATE U71~1TIES (WATE~. SAMTA<iY SE'l¥ER ANC s-ORO, DRAINAGC) M<l2H ON.Y BENEFI' HEIH l[ll u11.,·~ P~0''1LllRS S~AL'_ BE RE5P0NS18c( f"OP. TII( MftlNTLNANCI or -HCIP CACIL TIES CONTA.NEO V~THltl SAi) EASE:MEN". AN lASU.<cN' FOH NCRESS, ECR~SS ANC u:1-_1·:lS ON LOT 3 IS '"tREBY RfSfW'11i >(Joi' AN': l,~ANTFC TO -HE Oll>l[R QC LOT~ 111[ QI/',(~', OI IOiS J A~:J 4 S~ALL BE E~UALCY ~CSPO~SIBLC FOR THC l,IANTENA~Cl ()f -Hos, 1\IPROVEt,ffNTS HEREIN 'MIIC~ T•,[v SHARC WITH THE CXCEP''ON or T-;o~c IMl·HO\/t.M~l'< rs INSTALLD BY T~E U711-, C>RO'~CE;;,S _o-4 Sf-lA_I '3E S0Lf"I Y WSPotn~l t f()f,' THf MANTENA.N~f" ANO RrPAH OF 'bO~E P/IIYA"'E •.!TIUT,ES (WATCR. SANTARY SEWER A~: S70Rl.l DRAl~AGE) v,,.i1cr OM Y 3ENEFI~ ~OT 4 [ASCMEN-S ARC '"LRllJY GRANTED TO T~E 2,TY OF RE~lCN FOR STORM ORAl~ACE PURPOSES OVER TRACTS "A'. ·c. -~·. ANC· ·;:· f'OR ST::JRM DRAINAGE PURPOSES AS O[P1c·10 HIH[I~ IH, ~l:Y OI- R[NTON SHALL BE R[SPONCIOL[ roR THt MAINrF~M.Cf m 'HF s-oRM DRAlhAGE FACUTIES CC,hT~'N[C w;THN SAID [ASCIJCNTS lQ A P~IVATE STOOM DRAINAG~ EASEMENT 5H0\\1\' OtJ LOTS • AND ;; IS H[REBY P,ES£RVED FOR A~2 GRAl'<-CD TO THE O""'ERS or I OTS ' -~ROIJGh .l s~n F ASFMf N' IS FOR THE B[NfflT Of LOTS 1 THPOUG~ J TH[ OWNIRS {)• cCI', 1 TH~OUG~ 3 ARE HEfiE3Y Rt'.>PONSIBlE roa THC MAl~Ti:f.AN(:[ c,1- lllfP RESPECT\IE PRIYATE DRAINAGC FA(:.~l'l~S Ah) S/-1.'.ll SHA'<C EQUALLY IN llll MAINl~NA~C~ RE$PONS18IL T'ES OF l'<E PRIVA7': ORAINACE fACIUTclS JS[O I~ CQM!,ION \\1Tl-11~ SAID EASD/[~T IMPl'OvEME\TS 'JO ~WNtR ',Hf,l elf RESPllhSIBLC FD~ MA.~TENA~Cf OF THf JDl,lfS NJC,V[ T~EIR POl~T or CONNEC',ON ii, A PRIVATE STORM D~AINAGE EAS!:~£N-S~OWN ON UT I~. TRAC "A". A'lD TR/,CT "E" I~ HCRE3Y RrSFflVFD FOR AN) GRANTED TO THE OWNERS o~ ,c-s I} AND 14 SA!) EASCMLW IS r::,,i Iii( r.r~f!," OF LOTS 12. 13 A~) 14 !HE CWNlHS Of Ir:,,·~. 1.l AN:J \4 A~t Hf'EEF RESP,J~SIBL[ FOR Trf MAINTENAhCE OF ll·~R RFSPE2TIVE Pf'IVATE DRAINAGE FACILITIES A~C SHALL SHARE CQIJALL" 'N THE MAINTFNANCF flESPO~S.BILITES OF -rl[ PR•VA7;: CRAl~ACE F~C!Llll[S JSCD ,N CCMMGN ~llllN S~lf. lA~EMCr<T l'JPRC-'J[ll4[NT5 ND 0\1,!,ifR SHALL BE RE~~04SIBLf FOR !,IAl'lllNANCE OF ~YE ~TLl~IES ABOVE ·1ma POIN' cc CONNECTION. 12 A P~Hlr: POM-~ tASf~f.'1-5H8""1 ON LOT$ 1 A~C 2 IS HCR[BY CRANT[O TO ANY PJOLIC POll(R U'll!TY THE OWNEl'S 0' lO[S 1 .'.NO 2 SI-IAlL BE t.QllA_Ll' RcS~ONSIH · f(Jll l~f M~ltllf.'<MCE OF SAIJ EAS[<JENT WTf• TY[ [XC[PTION or· T~os, ivrno,1->,f~TS NS TA-LE~ 8' THE RESPECTl't:: PV8LIC U"lL'TY PR0',1}CR5 AQUIFER PROTECJ!Of'! t.,LQilCE TI·r LOTS CR[AT[D HERllN '"l-L W,TnlN l(lN[ < or R(STOl<"S AQIJIF'(R PPOlfCTION AO[A •.so A~[ SJ6.CC-TO 1n ~~,JIJIRE~ENT~ OF -H[ c,;y or RE.~TON OODIN,o,NC[ ,~J.67 TI IS C1Tv'5 SOLE SWHCC :)f ORISK"'G WA'"Ea ,,; Sl.!l'PLlcD ••OM • $HAll0W AO'Jlfl:R UN Tl [ CITY SURFACE. T~cR[ IS NOT HA'URAL 6A•R-ER BE.-\:i'N THE WHER T•BLE ANO GOO'JNO Sl.!Rf'C[. [XIBEU[ CAO! ,HQ<JLO S!. l<EH~1SW ..... ,~ HANJU~G AfH L,o,re S'J8STAHCT o·HtR n-.AN WATER 10 PllOTtcc-'l<L•U Ct.>NT•L'T W!H FH[ ~NOJN~ SURCACE T ,:, THC ,,c~·cwi.rns R[SPQSSIBII H ,,:, PROTECT TI<[ CITYS OR1NK1~G ~'ATtR SETBACKS f'l~NI YAHC 3JIL)NG SETBACK SIDE YAP.D BU I ll!NG SETBAC~ GJRNcl< YARD BU·iOINC Sf18t,CK l0Vi 1-4, 11-14. fRONI, 1~' BL'LDING/20' CARA~C LOT$ 5-tO. FflONT (FACNC WFU,ND) 15' ' NElTHSf VICINITY IIAP 1· = 1/4 )ll[I PRIVATE DRAINAGE COVENANT T\-IE 01\NERS or PRl>,ATE P~OPERTY W1Tl,IN TH$ FLAT (N(C~3[R() WT'I DR.'.INAG[ f"AC:UTI[S RfQU.RO 8Y PLAT OESlG'i. COVENAW OR CONDITION~. ll[REOY GflAN' AN'.: C~N','" TO lliF CITY ()I-RE~TON, A ~OLITICAL SJOD1"1>,ION Ile lHf SIAIC ::JC ll'ASH,NGTON, THE RICf.T OF l'FASC'iABlE ACC~SS (INGRESS AND EGRESS) TO ;:wcR s1,10 PROPFRTY FOR TH[ PJRPOSE or 08S[R\/l~r, <IAT THE 0WN€"5 ARE ?RO"CRL Y Ol'E'IA Tl% AN) M~:NTAINING JHl OHAlr.AGl f ~Cl'_· 11lS CD~ I A N~lJ TH[RE N T-C 0"'1>1~"S OF SAi~ PRIVAT( ~~cF"ERTY ,\R( RESPONS1BL£ Hrn o~rnAIING, l.'AINIANNl;, AN,) ~EPAl"'IG "1-IE CRA'NAG[ rACUTIL'; CONlAIN[C O'l ~AIU Pfi.'IATE PROPERTY AN) ARE HERESY R[QIJIRfll TO OHlAIN A~Y Rf ou1~;:D ~ERM TS OR PERM:SSl0'4 mo~ TI<E CITY OF ~ENTON DE'/ELOPM[Ni SER'~CES PmOR ~c rlLUNG, PIPING, CUTTING Oil m ~0"1'iG \IEGETATI::JN (EXCEPT FOR ~-ouTINE -A~OSCAF[ f.AINT[NANCE suer AS LAWN MO"ll'IG) IN OPE~ VEGC-ACO DRAINAGE fAQUTIES (SUCII AS SWAL£S, CIIAN'IC:L~. )T~ll[S, ~:J'lll~ ITC) 00 P:RFOR~l'IG ANY ALTCRATIONS OR ~001,ICATIONS TO WE ORA,NAGC f"ACUrlES CO~TAINCD "'1WIN THE PR.VA TE FROl'PTY T:~IS C01/ENANT SHALL RL'N W, TH THE I ANO AND IS ~ NOlhG L'PO~ THE 0111-JEqS OF SAID PRCPf"RTY T~EIE f-(IRS. SUCCESSO~S ~~O ASS'GNS RES_IRICTIONS __ fOR CRITICAL AREA TRACTS AND CRITICAL AR_EAS ANQ___e_l,lfF~_RS D(DICA;IQN OF A CRITICAL AREA lRAC-/CR''1CAL AREA A~D BUFF(~ COOVEYS TO THE PUB_I~ A 8E"Eric,AL lfHREs-IN TH[ LA~O 'MTIIIN JHL TRA2l/WITICA~ ARCA ~NJ BUFFEP.. -~IS f<HCST 1N::LU0£~ Cl[ PR[S[RYAll::JN Cf" NATIV: Vc:OETATION fOP All PURPOSES THAT 9CN[F·T TI-IE "U3.1: H,ALIH, ,AFE-Y AND 'M:LfARE INC.UDIN(; CONTROi OF SJ~C\CE WATER /,NO [RCSION MAINT[~ANCE OF SLOPE STA;IL·:-Y, ANC D~8TECTIO~ CF PLA~T AN~ ANlll4Al ll.'.lf!~, l"lt CHIIICA: A~C~ IR.'.C::/CR,!CAL A!<!A ANU cllJCCl.fi IMPCSCS U"'ON A'-PRESCN" ~·W FUIUl<t r;wi-.£RS M1') C2:)JP1~RS 0' THE La NO SU~JlC1 10 CHE TR~CT/CRITlCA. /,PEA ANIJ 'IU 0FFR WF OHi l(;A ;ic~ ENFORCCABL[ C~ BEhAU' 8> Tl<E ~J~UC BY CllY :i,-Re~ 12N, -c LEAVE L'N'.JIST\.RBlD ALL TREES A~D OTHER VECETATION \\1THIN 'H~ TRAC"/CRIIIC~. ARO ANO BIJFF[R EXCF'T 'Oli IHt. Plt~POSES or HA!lTAT EN--IANC[~(NT AS PA:ctT 01· AN [~IIANC(WN' PROJECT. TliE 1/EGUAT,O~ WITI'IN ·11[ lRACT/CfilTICAc AR~A A~C BIJ'TER MAY NOT SE CUT. PRUNE), COVE~EC· 3Y FILL Rff.0\'fD CR DAMAGED \',1-HQI..T APPROV.'.l :N 'MllTINC fR0!,1 TH[ CITY 01" R[~TJN COMMJ'II-Y ~NO ECONOMIC DEl'UOPMENT C~ ITS SUCCfS~Oll A:;f~CY, IINl''i' Ol~f~'MS' PRQIIDEO Bf L~W THE CO',OMO'l BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE TRACT/CRITICAL AREA AND ~,IIHI' ANll r~c ARlA C• DC'vELOPMENT ~.CTI"1TY Y.JST Ill MAilKID 0~ ornrnw.sr tLAGGEO TO TH~ SATISFACTIC,h OF THC CTY OF HfNTO~ PRIOR TC A~Y CL~AR'NG. GRAD'IG, BUI_DIN·~ CO~'.:TRUCTON OR OTH<R D'",'Ei.OPMENT ACTI"1TY ON A LO-SU!l,l[~T TO TII[ JRACT/CR:ll~Al A~,A ANIJ HJFFCS. T><E RCC,l'IR() lvARKNG OH •!AGGING SHAL: f(Et~AIN IN PLACE UNTIi Ail DFVF!C,P"C~T PSQP0$AL ACT.•~TIES 'N THE V1CINTY o: T:~E CPIT,(,O,L AqE;A AR( CCMl-'L[TU) NO 8UllOl~G FC'IJNOATIONS AHf Al 10\IH BfYON~ THC REU~IREO 15-coo· llL''lC-'~c S[l<:ACK LINCS. UNlt~~ OTH 0 ql'.SE PR0'10ED 3Y LAI\' NOTES (continued) _OT<; 1-14 ':a<A.l HAVE BOlll A D'SrE~SION ·n,~H AAJ arnuuri IUPcs·~,)IJ~ ;u'<>A~, ~~~ IHl ~EOUCEO 1 .. Frnvious SU Rf AC[ BMr ~ 65)'; "'A~ IMPra11oos SUR' All.. OI I IJI •m• 1 J,93l SF :I J,9j:) :if ~ 4,J/0 SF ~,7£1 SF L,(>6/ S> 4,.;;; ~f ~.609 ~· RCOl'CcQ '"'"l~W.)L''.; 511mrr eu~ ,~,,; 9' 7.~;; ,, £.8<4 ;f 3.719 SC 7,6<4 SF i.~4~ SF 2,996 SF Wli...f __ ~O-~REA 8 <,558 5' 9 •.•'7 S' 10 5,Jllii S' 5.9<· SF ,, v,m,, 1J 5.~17 S' !4 7.657 S' ~rnccrn l~PERW>cs ~·,~•6G£.8M~- J9s>; ~F 2.as, si- ,1 sc,3 ~, J.ao ~F :J,ObO c;f a.:irsa sr •.977 sr ~01.PLIANCC .... H THIS SCIPUC,\TC}f< ~vs• BE AODRES5ED .~ TH( "SINGU: 'AMI,· R,S!CrnTla. BUILDING ~lR,.11 C>l'<AINAGC R~w:w· ""'[" A~Y APPUCATIO,, 1$ ~AJE F:lf! A OUllDlNC ~[Rl,IIT rcR 'H[ LOT. 1? ~lt<(,.F F•Mn PrsmrncES A~C OTH[R l"'rROV[~[NTS CO~S'RUClE!l CN -H[ LOTS e;RiATC:J OY fHI> SL'B'Jh1SION ~UST 11,P_[>.10~1 IHC flOW ~l'<OL ~!,0,1 M>.NAG[MENT PSA(TIC[S STLPULATEO I~ Tl-[ Af'l'RQVEO ORA"AGE SlU~Y ANO PLANS ~o R-J[l6901 O'< FTLE "'11'1-Thr C TY Of" RFC m, -.ND AS e.1s·c~ IN 'H( TA8\.E 8[LOW AS ..,LL AS ANY DEGlA"A110t< or COV(NANTS AND GRMTS OC rAsrVCNT ~[COROFD Htc~:00,,.. •He OWNC~S SHALL •T Te[1R c,w,.. cos·. OPERATE, MAJNTAJ.S, MID KHP 'N GOOC R["AIR TI<[ PROPE~TYS ~(Sl MAl<AG[M[NT PR•CoCCS KNQ\\1, AS BMPS "1.[ CC'il'NANT SdAJ.l RU~ \en, ni[ lAtlD AHJ 8E S,N[)(NG UPON (;RANTOO(S) ,o,N,} GRAAT~~S(S) SUCC[SSDf'S I~ 'NT::RE>l ANC ASOl~eJ$ '5 IN -HE El'Wl THAT THC ~HlLAN (.>,£0( "UD HO~[ 0\¥N[R'S ASSQC,A1'\0N (h0A) :S 015~0,V!'C OR OTHCR"':;( fAILO TO M[O IT P•CP£RH TAX 081JGA10NS, AS [110rncrn BY Not<-PAYIJ[Ol or r~OPCRT' IAX'.[5 FOR A PERaQ0 O<' (JGhlITN (,a: MOHT·IS. T•l[N [ACS LOT IN THIS PVT SHA\.( A5SU~C AN) HAV[ AN rooAJ. •~r. UN0·"10ED D'IINEHSIW ,~fcHCSI IN 1,w,:, 'A',·~·. ·o·. ANO'' nc,iou,1.r OW>IED 9Y THC HOA ANO HA',E A.-CNCft.~f f1N.4t10AL >.IAIN1CN-.N~'E. '<[Y'0N5'B1UT' SHEET 2 OF 6 SE 1/4, 'JW 1/4. SEC 'O. T25N, R:>C \li.f.' CES.NWNC C/Y/1, ENOIHEER/NQ 4 SVRYEYINO Jla <9th St. ~.E. Sui'-" !OJ Pl't'A.W.il', WA 96<172 • CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA08-067 & LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P .U.D. VOL/PG A PmTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF TH£ N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, \¥/LLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SECTION CONTROL AND BOUNDARY TIES I 11 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION I'll< TIC8R W...E COt,.<f'ANY COl.ll.li-i.ff~-Ny~•BER ],XJ4505', O,>TEC-t,/AY 18, 2016 I :J" L, CT" c~ ~Ef,TCN LOI LINl /\OJUSWENT NJMBER I J.~-C9-066-L"II, R£C:)Rlff UNOFR RECORDING NUME[R ;0090130900003, IN Kit,( cou~r,. WASHI\GTON ----,-,-,-1·"8ii:--- L'NCIH BE•Rl~C ,,, "' L62 4:i.00 HS9 1·w ___ L~~ _,, "' 116.19' HOO ·n~, iii,.' 75 13 ,,. -~''" _1o;u0' soro1'19"w -M2'.}lf<L~ OT 7"<. N88':>2'32"W ·s-~h:p9· w·,'11 ~oo·oo·~-w N8>"'9°;'1"W NC<J..-.,-."J~"c Nae·JB"44",i :i6~7.02'(a-1) --t;; ~~§- <B.9'59"?1"E NOOJCl0 J9s NOOJO'Y.n ,;awq:>,-;;;;--L9G 1' 31' N4<"0B'~3·,. Jc s· ' ' L97 -~4."'i" NOQ"OJ'is°w ~--· moo ~89"5€'!5"[ ~-r----- r--- LEGEND :/ -~_J ___ ~ (H 1: '"OI.JNC OUOHll"R CORNE~ (;$ NC7F~) CALOtATTO QlJAF<lfR CO!lNER (S 1) F(lUND o,-Jsu .. :sr (AS NO"D) SUR\IE:Y ~EFT~CSCE c•cCv...A.'"E) .. ot.U"ENT I~ CASf I~" BP .. SS DI~ i :PY Of RlNlON ~ot,~l,l[Nl f18~8 ' i_~l[V._1100 411 18 9 U------__ _ SURVEYOR'S NOTES DASIS OF BE .. RINGS PLAI \Jt wuooc,~E< VOL ·g2, PC 87 IE 121H 8T SA) 1nv· ,. WAS~ NGTOt. ST .. n: Pl..'.N[. NOWH ;:ool -~oo, C,T• er R(Sl()N CONTl<Ol PO~: ,,,,.; TC CITY OF R[NTON COOTI<QL POINT l\8'--8 BEARS NORN !i8<o'oo" "'~~l (IHE SOUTH USE ~F" THE"" QIJARlIR OF SECllot. \0, TO~SH~ :.:, SU~'H. ~ .... CE~ EAS!, ""-) [QIJIPYlNf USc~ CfWA> WCILO 88 "OTA_ qn,c, TI<IMBI' RB GPS .. LL INS'l'Ul,l[NTS l'TILIZE:0 DL-R'N~ ll<E CWRSl" os Tl<IS SUR',<'Y ARF MAl~TAIND N coo,~~MA~CE ,.,n, ,w,JF"AC""LJRCRS Sl'[ClrlCATIONS Mll~OO ANO JAlI Of' 1,10).:Uµ[NT LOCAT\CN Flr.D TRA\lfRSI' IN o,,v, 201~ TI<IS Sl:R,'l'Y C( .... PI irs "'TH Tiff STAS'OAP.OS MO Gl,IOCLINES Of" THf "SlRV(Y RU"llRO!SG ACT" r.HAP111'1 ~ a, ~cw AND ~AC J.32-:,,; 11::00 T 'Ltc Co.lPAJH"; ~()l,IOllmENT HO ]00'6"\l28, DATCO QCl::>ll[R I, 2015 .... s fll.U,o J~ON '°" LCGAL DESCRIPTION ASO EAO<M(NTS (>f" RECORD C.£.S. SW INC. HAS HOT C(lNOUCTtO AN l~DfP(l<Dt~T '!HE Sl'ARCH NOR IS C.[.,;. NW. IN~ AWARE Of ANY Tin.£ ISSUES AFT[CTISG TI<[ PROl'cR-Y O""HER ThAH 1H0S,: SHOWN (lN THS UAP. C[S NW, INC. ~AS Rcl.U WL[LY ON -,.-E IH,-ORYATI(lt'I CONTAJN[D IN ';AID C~YIThl(~T IN <E;CARJS 10 TTLt :SSU[S TO PREN~[ ni,, P.AT .. NJ OUAUCJES NE .,,.a·s AC~URACY AND CQMPl.[TI:,[SS TO ,HAT D,n:,r ,d LO" CORS[RS A~D AAG;" ~o,,ns ARE IJ BE N()NU ... ENTtC W,""H A 1/2" RE9AP. .. ,~ CAP STMIPO -~ .. nF;Y LS 30425". \\S'l-<, 2" < 2" "'"Tt LOT BOAP.0 SET ~,.A~ 6< AS A RE'ERE\'CE ~ftas,a lJN,FSS H0'1:J 0TI'[R~1SI'. PP.10-: ro )rlf R[C,:,RDING Of 11<15 PLA" ,oo REFERENCES SCALE 1·-wo· = l,IQNUMlNT IN C/,~l 2" BRASS OLSK :;~J~,~~~:~ \ ' ----,~ ('l-1) BWN~ARY use ~D-V5T\<EHT r,:..rn l.NJER RE~OROIN~ NUl,l~C~ .O,J4'J4Q~9UW~U (~-2) CtTY OF ~CN1()N LVI LINE A0,<J5TI>(HT rnrn UH'.)f"S RrCORD<oG 4u•m':R 2oogo13a90,::,oo~. SHEET 3 OF 6 SE · /4, ~W I/~. SEC. 10, T23". R5E, W s< CES.NWnVC CIY.IL ENGINEER/NO 4 SURYEYIN6 310 20th St. N.E. Sult<, 101 PUYAILUP, ll'A 911J72 CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOB-067 & LUA16 000527 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B: Pm l.COR n-r CWPA"' ca ...... 1n.rnT HJ~B!~ 700400t1. DATED ~A' IB. 2010 (ITU,< 1) lASE:~E~T '~S IH( PU~,()>fS ASO Rl~Hl5 ~COCH"AL "Ht.Rt.Tc.> ~UR~~l. WAH.S ~ ... ,~ A~LA AFtlCllOc ~~Tl:RL< ~o >C[T f'ILW (!HD\.'< f.ECORO~C ,u~s,~ •92%C7 S0 0W:S Hi:PEO' ("O SE R'l.lSOU:Se[r.J (ITEM 2) [AS[MEt," FOR T-<E PUP>OOlO AH'.) ~IG>Ha l~CDEN"AL "H£Rll0 PuaP05E EL,CJ.IC THM,SM:~s:oN ANOnR ~1Slf<ISJTIC:,,, LNl AREA AFl"ECTEO· WESTERLY 12 CE(' ,nrn VHDn SECORO~C ,u~8ER !<A~·.,;:1 A~ cu,S1'UCTED. 5SOWN -CPEJS (P[M 3) fASrn[~T ro, ld[ PL·R·'0SE5 AHJ RIC~IS IHCDE~CAL TH[f<[TQ PL'lPQS[ SCAJ ... >Y AR[A AfHClrD WESTULY 12 F""[[T 'IL,:U UNO[R R[COOD!~G SU~el[R J4alO.<J. ;,-c ... , elERt:Jh (l"l.M •: EAOCME~' ,·c,, 7~l "'UH~OSES M<O RIGHTS 'NCIDENTAL THCRETC PLqPOSE WATER PIPcS AREA AFHl 0\l ~Srt:SLY JO FE[- Filill UNOES R[COl<~W, ~J'-'3[R <S2%C< S•,CW-1 >LE~(a,. (TO r,r HIINQc'ISIIED) (ILM 5) CASCM[NT FC,. T~[ >U~PCSES ASG RIGkl5 INCIJENTAL Tl-ERl TC PLRPO~E. INGRl~S. lGRl~O ASU UflUll~ Af'EA MT[CTJ:0. \'o\.STt.RL Y 12 · c( T FlllD UNDER HCCO'<DINC NJtJ:lff, ao1i1,:,0305 5H•J""' Hl.~lQ~ DETAIL CHELAN AVENUE NE CENTERLINE // CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, "1LLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I I~ I~ I :; i I 1A< PARCEL 'G2J0~-9288 SEE St-EET 3 I r -----c:us:·l'E ,A3Lr:- ,;,,HVc LLN~;I' ~AD<US OELTA ~9) 1 91'J4"10· IOC 53· ~-o,q·, -·~·~,·~,· 1----ff~' c;~c~fc;+'s'"i"oo'-c";,"':}c/c1~~- I I I I I I I I I Cl\ 1.1 ' :~'? l _]_15" 12 68"a~ ~s· -j I I TAX FASC[L I 102~05-9)05 I ,,;co,· I I '"" ' I -I 11to,· " ~ ' ' ",x PA'<CEL 95 094~00..a / ~' I I TAX PAf<CEL I 18230S ,1,g I INOT A PART I I I ' :,. fi ' I ' I I .,. I + " I' .I _\'.'10, fl~ gl ! ~ ' I I SEE SHEET 5 FOR: LOT AREAS, ADDRESSES AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS ,.+, ;;,'~ p,.; 8·~ ~QSL~r~ T IN :,sd•i 1 ~-W•SS CISI< ~TA~~C;.> ~:, J'.'9J.' LINE TABLE SJ 45" _Nor::•·:,,::_;___ H8f'2_p1·_w sm,,:,-~ -$o7"C1·i;i"--.~ "'' 2·2r• ~~':::;~> . i 'l!<'-"J"S ~~~ _, c:e;c~c:+~~:~~;.;c-:;c;:•',--" CES.NWNC CIY/L ENGINEER/NS ,I SVRYEYING CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOB-067 & LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL.IPG A PORTION OF THE.' LEGEND 6) FJUN:J '10.SJ,,CNT AS HOITC • SET 1/," REcjAR&CAP "9AT1H IS .lQ<!i5" © fAS['1[ST PR0\,1SION C~ ~H[(-l 0-6 c=i c:~ css:J IQ'Z2Sl FRl\'All Sc~H lASl'1lNI # ·---/:---$PL.,l RAIL FCNC[ N88·N25·,.. ~' DETAIL . /PRIVATE SEWER EASE.' SCALE: 1" " 30' f.;f\8'30·o1··w 110.04' ' ," ' // J TAX PAR([, "02.lU0-901~ ' /"---- I ( DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASE. 'A" 'B" AND "C' (D(TYP) • :a~,' L~T UN[ ~--~·---- 'AX ~AH~c.l. so1os,-c,1~ I I -L. ' ·- TAX PAR:o_ 1C2.JC5--9:>~5 SE 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4. OF SECTION 10, TOW.NSH/P 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEMENTS (ALSO SEE SHEET 6) , .. TAX PAHCEL 1C2.l05·9.l05 " _;_.l.l!_ ., I ., ' I ' 1_. l!O i 10· L,\Nr.~C,\PF CUF'"'"~ I I I ., r ·' t~ P/o ~i"' I ', t I ,oo L~TI 5~/~~::~ >Ii-NE" l:i::,~;"~; :.:, ; 5~~ CIICLM >Vi. N[ .l.9.lO SF +/- ~~-~~~~: ;; ~~ : ~:~:~ ~ : ~ ~ 1 :! ~~~t:·1;,!_ ~~-+~~; ~~ :~~- fl)-< CHfLAO AV'i. Nf •.509 SF • - 900 CHfLM Mf Nf •. ssa SI' •/ "FIACT AREA TAF.LE ~AC ~:~:-f-· · -+~}Hf-:j_· rs,u ·o · 1.~; sr + S[ 1/4, NW 1/4, S~C-10. T23t..., RS~. W ~ CES.NW.bVC CIY/L. ENG/NEER/NG .I SURYEYING ~JO 2gu. St. !<.[. 8•dl• IOI PIJYAUXP. ll"A ~11.172 . CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOS-067 & LUA16 000527 CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGEND EASEMENT DETAILS CD [~CD'ENl PRCl'5-'0N ON 5'-!E[l 2 Cf" 0 c==J ·~· ?UD IC <;rWCR [ASCM[~-(EAS[\<Chl paQV,510N L) t:::::1 P•'lVAl: Sc:"1:R [A,C>lc_Hl rs:s:sJ ·5· r;muc wurn [A5[VCW (tA>e~E~' PROvs,::,,. 5) ~ 1~· ~~l\'o\l> ~Ale~ lAScUlN[ DETAIL LINE L100 L"•Jl S7B\lS'22"\li ,~w:1c·'!'!_ ~~::~,i;:~---! bl· /"w N5J'.4i'lY\I -·swi8-.;1·W %J°',l"2J"[ , · rw 71.,2· NU"2J'25"W ""'---,~o-··· .e:llfW'._~-i;_ .110 •• ,:1-1·: ·-_ SBll"29_'2_5T ,_c,0· ~ono·ss·E l_l_lQ I •.:;.:,· L117 I 62 44' I c116 . n1 ·i' ,_7 52 I sc1·30·3s·w S~!l";/_9 ;/_5"[ N3Cl6'37"r N56"01'10"E Nl ' 589'59' ,. SOCOO'Jg",i PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT )' © U32 u:n ''" -'f;''.';' i- . ' DETAIL PRJV ATE WATER EASEMENT (a~ DETAIL ?llo-'- C1J.'., ,--- i "'"" 2 .o/-- '"' is' DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT (D LINl TA0Ll '" fl LINE DETAIL PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT 8) PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT Q_,) l.N' LEt,G'h BEAAl~G ,,, 14 L\$0 I 8 I e 13 ,1 ~ 12 ' I ' Ll5ia ~.as· ~06·00·:11·c SCALE, 1"= 50' ~ 0 00 6..,, I DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT Q_) LH] DETAIL ,oo I ;:-i\~ s~ 1/~. ~w 1/4, S[C. ,o. T231'., R5E WM sr;nff1,·c 527"3\l'~f-.. :~->.15' L1~9--6:;~2 Sl!e·2i-21·t 96 . .l1' CES.NWDVC CIV/l ENS/NEERING 4 SVRYEYING s ~n, l' 7/j # /'-'s~ c"c"c=c0c-='s'-=c·c"s~=·'o'~="c'"c'c"c'c-~--------------------------------------~-----------------~ 310 ~~w,. ~l N.£. Suit~ JOl PUYALLUP. 11A 98372 C.E. S. NW Inc. Civil F:ngineering & Surveying February 8, 2017 City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Hearing Examiner and Final PUD Conditions for Chelan Creek CES #13040 Dear Community and Economic Development Department. 310 29'' St. NL Suite 101 Puyallup. WA 98372 Phone: (253) 848-4282 Fax: (253) 848-4278 RECEIVED FEB O 9 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING Dl'JIS\ON Thank you for the opportunity to submit the Final Plat for Chelan Creek. The following list demonstrates how the project complies with each of the Hearing Examiners Conditions of Approval. Hearing Examiner Recommendations I. The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines for all residences constructed on the proposed lots. The applicant will be required to, as part of the FPUD application, provide elevations and floor plans for the proposed structures. Response: 7he applicant will comp~v with the Chelan Creek DesiK" Guidelines. All building permits will compl_v at the time of building permit .submittal. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping and street improvement plan depicting the following: a meandering sidewalk; ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing, for those portions of the frontage not abutting the proposed NGPE, to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. Modulation of the fence shall be used to transition from the proposed fence, not abutting the NGPE, to the split rail fence abutting the NGPE. In the depression of the fence, where it connects to the split rail fence, an ornamental tree shall be planted in order to conceal the transition of the fence. The revised plan must be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction perrnit, Final PUD. or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Response: Landscaping and street improvement plans were submitted and approved by the City Planning and Development Engineering Departments. The meandering sidewalk has been constructed along Duvall Avenue NE along the site.frontage with ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing. Split rail fencing is installed adjacent to the NGPE. 3. The Pillo LLA (LUA08-066) shall be recorded prior to l'inal Plat recording or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. Response: The Pillo LLA was recorded on January 30. 2009 under King County Recording number 20090130900003. 4. The applicant shall be required to construct, to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions, street improvements along Duvall Ave 'ff. Street improvements include, but are not limited to: paving, sidewalks, curb, gutter, storrn drain, landscape, streetlights, and street signs. Responu: Street improvements along Duvall Ave NE /0 include paving. curb/gut/er, storm drainage. landscaping. streetlights, and street signs were constructed to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions. 5. The applicant shall be required to locate the meandering sidewalk closest to the street where the NGPE abuts the right-of-way. Response: The meandering sidewalk is lomted where the NGPE abuts the right-of way along Duvall Avenue NE. 6. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction. Final PUD, or Final Plat approval: whichever comes first. The lighting plan shall contain pedestrian lighting on both sides of the pathway in a staggered configuration. Response: A lighting plan was submilled. reviewed. and approved on January I I. 2016. 7. The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead tum-around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway prior to utility construction. Final PUD, or Final Plat approval: whichever comes first. Respon.,e: The pedestrian pathway has been extended around the entire circumference of the wetland buffer internal to the plat, connecting to Duvall Avenue NE in two locations. A puhlic pedestrian easement is shown on the face of the Final Plat. 8. The applicant shall be required to enhance the buffer area adjacent to where the pathway is located. Where enhancement of the buffer, adjacent to the pathway, due to existing high quality vegetation, additional buffer area or other mitigation may be required, A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Response: A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan was submitted and approved by the City Planning Manager. 9. The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side of the pathway. The split rail fence will be required to include an entrance gate that opens out onto the pedestrian pathway for each lot Response: A split rail fence is installed adjacent to the NGPE as shown on the approved landscaping. wetland buffer mitigation and civil plans. A .J-foot board fence is installed along the residemial side of the pedestrian pathway as shown on the approved plans. P \ 13040.0\!filing -Chelan Creek PLD-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Response 20 l 7.02\R3-02 -Confirmation of Compliance updated.doc F a g <: 2 10. The applicant shall be required to orient each residence as noted on page 14 of the staff report: under Preliminary Plat review criteria. Lots I and 2 shall be oriented towards Chelan Pl NE: Lots 3 and 4 towards the NGPE (west): Lots 5 through 12 towards the NGPE (east): Lot 13 towards the NGPE (south): Lots 14 and 15 towards Tract A (south): and Lot 16 towards the abutting property to the west. Respome: Each residence will he oriented as noted on !'age 1./ of the staff report. More specifically. Lots I and 2 toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and./ toward /he NGl'A, Lois 5-10 !Oward 1he NGPE, Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE, Lot 12 and 13 (previously Lots 1./ and 15) toward the NGPE, and Lot 1./ (previous(v Loi 16) toward the abutting properzv to the west. 11. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the IO feet for a single lane and no more than 18 feet for double lane driveways. Response: Per the Hearing Examiners Conditions, driveway widths will comp~v wi1h single lanes being not exceeding 10 feet and double lanes no/ exceedin1; 18 feet. 12. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan depicting the relocation of the tot lot and the relocation of the gazebo to where the proposed pedestrian pathway either starts or terminates. The revised plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PUD, Final Plat, or utility construction approval. In addition, the plan shall note adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. Re,ponse: A landscape plan depicting the tot 101 and gatherin1; space was review and approved by Ciry Planning 13. The applicant shall be required to depict adequate area on each lot for private open space on the Parking, Lot Coverage, and Landscaping Analysis to be submitted as part of the Final PUD application. Response: Parking, Loi Coverage, Privale Open Space, and Landscaping area,· are shown on !he dimensioning plan as a part of !he civil cons/ruction drawings. This plan was reviewed and approved by !he City. Please refer /0 sheel C9 of1he cons/ruction drawings. 14. The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to Final Plat or Final PUD approval: whichever comes first. In addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners· association bylaws. Response: A Homeowners Assucialion will be established for the developmenl. Pleas·e refer to !he included CC&Rs. 15. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all required inspections for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: The developer obtained 1he perm ii and all required inspeclions were completed. 16. Condition #16 is not listed in the Hearing Examiner·s Decision; the number was likely missed. P:\l 3040.0\! Filing -Chelan Creek PLD-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Response 20 l 7.02\RJ-02 -Confinnation of Compliance upd<1Led.doc [1 a g C I J 17. The applicant shall submit a revised detailed landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect or other landscape professional to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction pennit, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. The revised landscape plan should include: a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots I and 2; and ornamental I 0-foot landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE street frontage for Lots I through 4 and Lot 13; and ornamental landscaping to mirror the existing frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE,just south of the site. The revised landscape plan should also include fence detail for the entire site. Response: A landscape plan was submitted to the Ci1yfor review and approval. The Land1cape plan included a 5:foot landscape slrip along Ihe frontage of l.01.1 l and 2, a !Ojoot wide land1cape strip along Duvall abuuing Lots 1--1 and Lot JI (previously Lot 131. Fencing details were specified on 1he plan. 18. The applicant shall record access easements for each tract prior to utility construction, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval. whichever comes first: the existing access easement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department. Re.,ponse: Access easements are shown on Ihe face of lhe Final Pia/ Map. The existing access easement has heen revised lo restricl access to Loi 1-1 (previously Lot 16;. Loi 1./ /previouslv Loi 16) will include a residential.fire sprinkla 19. The applicant shall be required to submit a revised plat plan depicting a 15-foot radius on the northeast corner of Lot 12. The revised plan would be required to be submitted prior to construction permit. Final Plat, Final PUD approval: whichever comes first. Response: A l 5-jiwt radius is shown on Loi 10 (previouslv Loi 12). Please refer lo the Final Piaf Map. 20. The applicant shall be required to extend the existing 8-inch water main within the access easement (extended from NE 10th St) to the south boundary of Lot 16 prior to Final Plat approval. Water main extensions shall also be installed forthe full frontage of Lot 3, Re.,ponse: The developer extended the exisling 8-inch water main as approved under the construction plans. MDNS Mitigation Measures: I. The applicant will be required to submit a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the State Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume 11 of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. The plan must be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review staff prior to issuance of the utility construction and building pennits and during utility and road construction. Response: A Temporary Erosion and Sedimenl Control Plan was prepared, approved by /he Cily, and implemented in the field during construction. P \ 13040.0\!Filing -Chelan Creek PUD-16 l.ot\J-ina! Plat Docs\Responsc 2017 02\RJ-02 -Confinnation of Compliance updated.doc p ":;.:: 4 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: A Native Growth Protection Easement has been placed over the stream. wetland, and wetland buffer areas as shown on the.final pla1. Covenants have also been placed on the fi1ce ufthe final plat. 3. The detention system for this project shall be required to comply with the requirements found in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control -a.k.a. I .eve! 2) and water quality improvements. Response: A de1ention and waler quali(v sys/em was design, approved. and conslrucled in accordance wilh the 2005 King County Surface lfoter Design Manual. 4. The applicant shall pay a Parks Mitigation fee based on $530.76 per each new single family lot. The fee is estimated at $7,430.64 ( 14 new lots x $530.76 ~ $7,430.64) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: Since the time of1he PPUD approval. the City Council has adopted regulations to access impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection. as well as school impact fees which are applicable lo the project. Therefore. per City Planning, this requiremenl is no longer applicable. 5. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of$75 for each new net daily trip prior to the recording of the final plat. It is anticipated that the proposed project would result in the payment of$10,048.50 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 14 new lots= $10,048.50). Response: Since the time of the PPUD approval. the City Council has adopted regulations to access impac/ fees for transportation, parks and .fire proleelion, as well as school impac/ fees which are applicable lo the proiect. Therefore. per City Planning, !his requirement is no lunger applicable. 6. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. The fee is estimated at $6,832.00 ($488 x 14 = $6,832.00). Response: Since the time of the PPUD approval, the City Council has adopted regulations to access impact fees for 1ransporta1ion, parks and fire protection. as well as school impact fees which are applicable to the project. Therefore. per City Planning, this requirement is no longer applicable. Final PUD Conditions from Administrative Report and Decision I. The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines (Exhibit 9) for all residences constructed on the proposed lots and shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each home. The applicant should note that based on the renderings provided (Exhibit I 0) the homes may not comply with (but not limited to) the following: on-site garages shall be set back a minimum of 5 feet from the building facade on which the garage is located; a minimum of at least one side articulation shall occur for side or rear elevations facing streets or public spaces; each home shall P:\ 13040.0\!Filing -Chelan Creek PUD-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Response 20 l 7.02\RJ-02 -Confirmation of Compliance updated.doc P ii ~ ..: 5 have a covered porch or main entry oriented toward the public realm in the respective front yard; primary roof pitches shall be a minimum of 6: 12. Response: The Che/on Creek Design Guidelines will be followed and demonstrated prior to building permit approval. 2. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pedestrian pathway (from near Chelan Pl NE east along the NGPE to Duvall Ave NE) prior to/or concurrent with Final Plat recording. Response: A pedestrian easement is shown on the face of the Final Plat map and will he recorded concurrent(v. 3. The applicant shall submit a revised plat/landscape plan depicting at least a 3-foot separation from proposed pathway and the existing knee on southern property line. The 3-foot area is required to include vegetation and groundcover. The revised site/landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat approval. Response: The area of the path relocation was proposed as wetland buffer enhancement and shown on the wetland mitigation plans. A revised wetland buffer mitigation plan will be provided to City Approval prior to Final Plat Recording 4. The applicant shall be required to orient the front yard and entrances for each residence as noted in FOF 10 and shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each home. Lots 1 and 2 required to orient toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 would orient toward the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 10 would orient towards the NGPE (east): Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE (south); Lots 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE (south); and Lot 14 (previously J ,ot 16) toward the abutting property to the west. Response: The buildings and front yard will be oriented as required and demonstrated prior to building permit approval. 5. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 9 feet for a single lane and no more than 16 feet for double lane driveways and shall be demonstrated prior to building pennit approval for each home. Response: The driveways will be built as required and demonstrated prior to building permit approval. Please note that the Hearing Examiners Conditions (#1 I) state that driveways will be restricted to no more than 10 feet for a single lane and I 8 feet for double lane driveways. 6. The gazebo (and tot lot) may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in a position to protect these features but in a manner where wheels stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting bollards. The bollards may be the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary. Response: Bollards will he installed within Tract A at the gathering space. 7. The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to or concurrent with Final recording. ln addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design P , 13040 0\1 filing -Chelan Creek PUO-l 6 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Response 20 \ 7.()2\RJ-02 -Confinnation of Compliance updated.due p ;1 !..';,: : 6 Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners· association bylaws. Response: A Homeowners association for the development has been created and CC&R, provided to the City for review 8. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site to this effect The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to or concurrent with the recording of the Final Plat. Response: A easemenl and restrictive covenants will be recorded immedialely prior to the recording of the Final Plat. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate lo contact me. Regards. ~0~ Cara Visintainer P.E. Project Engineer P· IJ040 0\1 Filing -Chelan Cn:ek PUD-16 Lol\Final Plat Docs\Re~ponse 2017 .02\RJ-02 -Confirmation or Compliam:e updatt:d.<loc IJ a gt.: 17 C.E. S. NW Inc. Civil Engineering & Surveying February 8, 20 I 7 City of Renton I 055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Subject: Response to City Comments -Chelan Creek Final Plat (CES # 13040) Community and Economic Development Department, 310 29th SL NE. Suite IO I Puyallup, WA 98372 ~m,~42s2 Fax: "('tS!)lg,fl!'.427s FEB O 9 2016 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION On behalf of our client. JK Monarch, we are resubmitting the revised final plat map and documents for the above referenced project. Below are the plan comments as written. with a response explaining how each comment was addressed. Planning Review Comments-Mona Davis {425)-430-7246 -mdavis@rentonwa.gov I. Add file number LUA16 000527 to site plan (in addition to LUA08 067) Response: The LUA numbers have been added to the map. 2. Can Sheets 4 and 5 be combined? If so, please update sheet index. Response: We have leji sheets ./ and 5 separated lo maintain readability. 3. Change signature dates on Sheet I to reflect 2017. Additional space may be needed for signature under the Dedication section, as well as for the City Finance Director's signature. l would also suggest adding more space to reflect the month in the signature blocks. Response: Signature dates have been revised to 2017. 4. In light of having a new project planner review the final plat, I'd be happy to set a time to meet with you to go over my comments and requested revisions on the final plat, as well as review all associated conditions of approval for both the hearing examiner's decision (20 conditions) and the final PUD decision (8 conditions) to discuss how these have been met for clarification and coordination. Please con me at ( 425) 430 7246 for mdavis@rentonwa.gov if you'd like to schedule a meeting to discuss my comments. Thank you m Mona David, Senior Planner. Response: A meeting was held with the City on January 27. 2017 to discuss final plat review. 5. ls a BMP table needed" It would seem to be more clear to just state all lots must have a dispersion trench and the reduced impervious surface BMP is 65% maximum impervious surface. l fa table is needed, perhaps the 65% impervious amount should be calculated in the table. Response: The BMP table has been revised to show allowed impervious on a per lot has is. 6. NGPA fencing should be depicted on the map. A split rail fence on both sides of the pedestrian pathway should be shown. Response: NGPA.fencing is now shown on the map. 7. Note 11 pertaining to driveway widths can be eliminated. This regulation is in the development regulations and will be reviewed at building permit. Re.,ponse: Driveway widths were a requirement of the FPUD. 8. Please clarify which lots are being served for ingress/egress on Tracts A & C (see Notes I & 3 ). It is not clear to me how access is provided to these lots, particularly on Tract A to the south of Lot 13. Does Lot 10 take access from Tract A or Tract B? Does the future right of way dedication need to be placed in a separate tract (Tract B)? In further review, it appears some of the Tract Notes listed on Sheet I are similar to the Easement Notes listed on Sheet 2 and could be combined to where there is one note that discusses a specific tract. The notes on Sheet 2 could be to provide clarification to easements affecting specific lots as opposed to tracts. A note concerning a particular lot should be reflected within the lot as well. Some of the critical areas language appears to be duplicative on Sheets I and 2. The notes reflected under the CC&Rs should be relocated to the front sheet as they aren't specific to the CC&Rs. The CC&R recording information is discussed under the Dedication paragraph on Sheet I . Response: Ingress and egress over Tract A has been clarified 9. Please correct the misspelling of ''orient" in Note I 0. There arc some other minor typos on Sheet I (Note 7). Response: Spelling has been corrected. I 0. Please remove the word "tract" from Tract Notes (as not all notes pertain to tracts) and number the notes on Sheet I of 6 and cross reference these notes on the map. Response: "Traci·· has been removed. 11. The NGPE notes (Notes 5 & 8 respectively) could be combined. The note indicates the NGPE is being conveyed to the public, I believe this is incorrect; the HOA should be responsible for the Tract. Response: The notes have been combined as requested. 12. There is reference to a Class 4 stream in the decision, but I'm not seeing it depicted on the plat map. Response: The Class 4 stream has been added to the map. Submittal Addressing Review Comments -Lillian Watson (425) 430-7368 -lwatson@retonwa.gov I. Add addresses to face of the plat. Respon.,e: Addresses have been added. Fire Review -Building Comments -Corey Thomas (425) 430-7024-cthomas@rentonrfa.org I. Install street names signs as required. Response: Street name signs will be installed prior to the.final plat recording. P.\ 13040.0\! Filing -Chelan Creek PUD-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Rcsponse 2017 .02\1{3-0 I -Response to Comments.doc Pagel2 .,. 2. Install ·'No Parking Any Time" signs as required. Response: No Parking signs will be installed prior to final plat recording Technical Services Comments -Amanda Askren ( 425) 430-7369 aaskren@rentonwa.gov 1. CC&Rs: The overall legal description includes Tract "B". If Tract "B" is being dedicated to the City for Public Right of Way, removing Tract '"B" from the overall legal description may be appropriate. Review of the Plat completed in electronic format. Please see redlines. Response: Tract B language has been removed from the legal as requested. 2. Update the LUA numbers. Response: LUA numbers updated as requested. J. Page l -Remove City of Renton Finance Director's Certificate from face of final plat. Response: The City of Ren/on Finance Director S Certificate has remained on the face of the final plat per the meeting held with the City on January 27'". 4. Page I -Add around D for consistency. Response: Added as requested. 5. Page 1 -Add language to Tracts A, C and E as well Tract Din the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meets its property tax obligations as evidenced by non-payment of property taxes for a period of eighteen ( 18) months then each lot in this plat shall assume and have an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tact Tract'"' previously owned by the HOA and have the attendant financial and maintenance responsibilities. Response: Language added as requested. 6. Page 2 -Property falls within City Aquifer Area. Please add the following note. "AQUIFER PROTECTON NOTICE'' The lots created herein fall within Zone 2 of Renton's aquifer protection area and are subject to the requirements to the City of Renton Ordinance #4367. This City's sole source of drinking water is supplied from a shallow aquifer under the city surface. There is no natural barrier between the water table and ground surface. Extreme care should be exercised when handling of any liquid substance other than water to protect from contact with the ground surface. It is the homeowners responsibility to protect the city's drinking water." Response: Note added as requested. 7. Page 3 -Change SE 118 1h Street To NE 9th Street. Add around D for consistency. Response: Changed and added as requested. 8. Page J -Word Keming too tight for bold front. Typ all. Response: Updated type font. P:\13040.0\1 Filing -Chelan Creek PLD-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Response 2017.02\R3-0 l -Response to Comments.doc Page 13 9. Page 4 -Word Kerning too tight for bold front. Typ all. Response: Updated type font. I 0. Page 4 -If Item # I of schedule B, please identify as such. Response: Water easement has been revised lo contain parcels within the plat only. 11. Page 4 -If Item # I of schedule B, please identity as portion to be relinquished. Respome: Portion to be relinquished has been identified. 12. Page 4 -Move off of Item 2 label. Response: Moved as requested. 13. Page 4 -Line type too faint. Response: Updated line type. 14. Page 4 -Easement not delineated or identified. Response: The easement has been identified. I 5. Page 4 -Rebar needed at corner. Re.,pon,·e: Added as requested. 16. Page 4 -Show existing easements only on this sheet and proposed on Sheet 5 for clarification of the easements. Response: Shown as requested. I 7. Page 4 -Add line for Tract A/B. Response: Added line as requested. 18. Page 4 -Difficult discerning line types and purposes. Response: Cleaned up the line type. 19. Page 4 -Change SE. 18'" Street to NE 9'" Street Response: Changed as requested. 20. Page 5 -Add address number. Lots I to 4 is Chelan Place NE. Response: Addresses added. P·\ 13040.0\ll'iling -Chelan Creek PlJD-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Re:c.ponse 20 l 7.02\R3-0 I -Response to Comments.doc I' a!,!-: 14 21. Page 5 -Labels not legible. Response: Labels have been revised and/or removed.from this sheet. 22. Page 5 -Overlapping hatches blend together. Difficult to see what is trying to be shown. Response: Hatching has been revised. 23. Page 5 -Hatching is not recordable as shown. Response: Hatching has been revised.for recording. 24. Page 6 -Lines through text. Response: Text has been relocated. 25. Page 6 -Please make hatching a little large. When scanned and then printed at a reduced size in black and white, this hatching will be difficult to read. Numerous location where text is located on lines or in hatch. Please revise. Response: Hatching has been revised. Please review and approved the attached at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, Cara Visintainer, P.E. Project Manager P:\JJ040.0\! Filing -Chelan Creek PUD-16 Lot\rinal Plat Docs\Response 2017.02\RJ-O I -Response to Comments.doc flag:: 15 ~ ' ' i RECEiVED DEC O 9 2016 CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOS-067, PPUO, PP, ECF, GAE A CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 70, TOWNSHIP RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN DEDICATION CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KNOW ALL PCOf'L,. ~, ·HtSI' PRF<;t·H~ IW,T Wf, "HF UW)n~,r.t.rn o ...... rns or INf[O[ST 1h ll<r l>ND HEPE9Y SUOOl\/lOEO, HEP.E.3' ~E8LA'l[ TtiAT -H·:; PJ.: TO or n,: G·<AP1•1C R[PR[SfS]AllON Of TIIE o\JBCI\CSl:.>N ~~DE Hlf'LIJY. ANC 00 HrnrnY orn,~Hl TO THE 'CSE C,F THF Pl'BL,C roorvrn A(. smcns ANO A>'rNU[: NO' SflD'/h,' >S rRIVA,( H[Rl"OO ANO l}[Dl,:AIC ·Ht cr>E Tt<lREOf F(lfl ,i_ 'IJRII(. PLJRPO',r~ Nr." 1Nr/lN';IST1"NT W:t· rnr l.'~.r TdrRror re, PUDUC liiG!IWAY PUSP•;JSE.S. JIJl0 ALSO THE RK•--n TO M><E ALL S[C(SSARY SLOl'[S fOO CUT'; MOl flLIS LJPOO TW 1o·s SHOW,. Hl~le<" IH ;Hi U~IG"AL SEASCNA8cE G1lAD1h(, 0, ~A:~ STRCfTS AND A'lf",c'(", M,0 F'JRTlii'.R DEOICAT[ TO TI·[ US[ o> l'<f. PUHi'C A'C IHE. EASE"E~TS ANU TRACT'S S~C,11'>1 ON n<IS PIAT rep ~II F.J8LIC PLROOS[S AS l~~l~ATUl THE"EW. INC(UD'~~ BJC ~OT UY,T['J T-:; PAR<';, DPEN SPACE, JTIJTl[S ANO DRA.NAGf L~.,·ss suer STR[ETS. EASl:~CNTS 00 JlMCl5 Aa[ SP[c1,o:•L.Y lJ(\"IF'l(O ON THI$ "L>T AS Bcl~G Gll.ST[D AND co,vnrn TO A PERSCS 00 ENTITY on-rn [HAN 'Ht f'l.!t:UC, N WH'CH 051' w;: no hFRf~Y Gl1ANT AN) CC~\l["V s~:fl smcr--s. [AS!: .. [NTS, 00 n,~:rs ·o ThE rrnso>. 00 lNHJV IL·~r,w,co ASC ,c8 ·Ht ~\JSP()Sf ~TATlll FUHIHfK THE l_N~ERSIGSE!' ilWHCR<; Of Tllf L~NO ·fFRfBY Sl1UD1'1Df0 \\A•\IE FOR TI-IE~SEl\lES, THEIP. rlEIRS ANO A~SICHS AND Af!Y PER~QN G" ENTITY (;LSIVlHG 111.E FROM Tn U\JtHSIGHcD. ANY A,c >LL CLAI"~ ;c,; OA ... ,c,; AGAlNS' r-<t CITY Of REN-0'., IT'S 'x.CC(S5ill>s ANO Ass,~s Wl'IC,· .. AY BE OCXASIONrn BY T~( ES1A~l1SH .. LST, C~'"'"'-'';TION, Of< "'.o.JNC;:NA .. Ci: OF' ROADS ANC/0'1 DR>"AGE S'ISTE"'.> ..,fT-.IN TtiiS $U~Cl"15l(lt. ')!HCP THAN QM•S R[SJLTIN~ FROM IN,CEOiJAl[ 1,/AISTENM<CF' 8~ Tll[ CITY Of SCNTON FURTHE~. ™' LN1ff'S1Gt.rv OWH:Hc UF THl LANO rlc~EeY W~Jl"1DEO. A~Rt:l ·~" ll<E,,;a'/ES, [rEIR HCIRS AH[• ASSGNS TO IN()O,NJP >SC HOL.!J ThE Cir< C" P!.STQN, 11$ 9 .. .'C~ES50RS ASO A%1""'5. ~ARVLE55 fROM A,Y 0A .. A(;{. INCtllDISC >NY r.osrs OF J[rENSE. CLAIMrn ~y PERSON<: •,H!,IN OR W,!1-<(ll:T THIS S!J3D''M1C1N TO HA\/[ 9C[N CAU'\cf) RY AL1£1M1l0NS Cf" TII[ GPOUNC SUH·A~t.. VEQE.'ATION, DRA,,,>(.(, QR S'JRF'AC[ OR SJ8-SLJRFAG( WAT(R FlOWS ..,TH,N THIS SU901\IS;ON 00 BY EST>3LIS~~U<r. COH$lRUCT:C>< JR MA.NTI'~A,CE OF' T-<E '<()ADS IISTI<IN m,s $USOMS10N PP.0"1DCD. n<IS WA1Vf"~ MD 'NDHl~FCAnON ,-m1 NOT BE CC><ShU'"D A$ RELEO'.'lHC 1"E (ITY er Rf'STON, TS ',.Jrr.rsSORS Q'l ASS,GN<;, mow LIABIUT'T fC~ D~~A~~,. 'N~LUC.""G THE COST Jf CEFENSE RESUUING ,N 'M<Oll ~R " PART FROM nar N[GllGFNC[ CF THE CITY OF RcNl0'. IT'; SUC:E$S0RS, GR A5',JG1<S F\JRTI<ER. KNOW AL PEOF'l.t BY T"~~t ~SEOCNI>. HAT WE THE HEREN &HOW '.GNEO 0""[R$ IN Ff[ ',JVPlf OI Cil LAND Ht~CBY '.>JOl!i>SLCO. HE~E8' C£RTifY 11-<AT Wt H,'l'f [ST~BIISIE.J THr IIC~[O\\N[~S ASSOCIA-iON (HOA) C.' ·cHCLAN CRF.:E~" tN ACCOR(;ASCE ..,T>j WA<;HINGTON STPE LAW 11'-<ll'" 1:i1.,·w,cs t.OV:-< LUl Of IHIS 0cAT •S • o.£ .. Brn o, SAJD NOA SAID HOA IS SUOJl:CT TO THl Ut.~1.ARA[,ON Of COV!:"A~~s AHO R[STlll(TO~S FOR 11-<E P(AT Of ·c~,,AN CRffK" AS Dl~CU>SE'0 RY lNSl"~~flH RfCOOOED CN)[R KING C(>JNTY RfCO!lJINC NJ .. Si:P ------------ 1><15 S.U9C,l\1Si0N. omc,'lot<, WAJ';!.S o• CLAI\I~ JIJIC AGSEE,..EST TO HOlC HAR"LE'>5 ,s \JADE WTH TH[ rnrc C0N51"NT .... ~ IN ACCooc•Na: IJ,l]l-THE Ct.,;JStS CF ~"o C"'ESS rR[J 1°ERB[1 "MAGING "r>,iEER C,ln.». CRH.~. Llt: ACKNOWLEDGMENT STAT[ Of" WASHINCTON ) CO,'STY OF S.NG ! :,s ON n-:·s ---DH or ---. 2016, Bt>ORE "E PiJ1'.'0S<l, Y APeEAREJ rnto HrRBrR, ;~ ... r KNO\l,N TO BC TH[ M~N~GING ... f\JH!.H n• ~""'" c•EF.K, LLC A WAS1i>NGTON U"llEO LAS1.,,, COl.iPAN>. "THAT EXECUTO TH ""TrllN MD '~REG'.)·~:; lNSclCMENT ANn A~N0\1uo:;rn s,1D l~S1RW,..ENT TO Bf. 1SE FREE /,NO V{)LJNta,v ~CT ASC o,m or SAO CC-MPMY r:.n Tli[ US[S ANO Di.,P.POS[S TH£SEIN \JtNH:.,NCD A~C 00 0Al)a s,A-L: T~A' ~E ,s ALJTti'.lRl!D '0 t<CCUTF SAi() IN~TR~ .. CN7 SIGSMURE Of ~or~~y PU8LIC rRINTI'D NA~E. 0' NO'.,-,y PU9t.:'. Till: ___ _ TRACT NOTES Tl'AC-"A· IS.._ MIVAt INGRfSS. ECRE,s. CJ~MON OPEN srAcL. ANO ,;riu,v CA'>c~t.Nl •JP()N f<(,;()R01'1b QC "><ISP.AT TRAC' "A. IS llrnrnY Gl'AWC;t A~O CO~'/Eti:~ TO "'E (~EcAN P(EK p" ~. H~ .. ,o,.NER~ A$$0CIAHON (eCA) ""' [AS[J,IESC IS HE~l~Y ~qANlE.0 •NO CCN'/E"c] 'J :HE (ll'r Of ~[NTQN 0'/EP., UNJER A.NC ACRCSS TRACT ";" fQH fl<l ~LH~U:;l '-"' CO~VE'<NG. STOOi~[ ... AN•GlN~ .... ,o FACII TATN:; STOIT~ ANO SJnFACI: WATrn JIJID roo SA'llARY ,E.~H >ND WA'CR f'URPUSl; Poll f~£ [t,C:,N':ERN~ PLAN'; C'>N '1L[ ~Tl' TI•[ CTi [)i' REHTO~ ~>INTI'HANCC Of AL~ QTHF.:R ,,..PROVE .. ENTS 9<ALL ~C THl Ht'.:,PONSl81L:TY OS T~i. HOA ffiACT ·s· IS A PS'BCC Rl:;01 o, WAY LEIJi(Al](.IN lR~CT JPG~ SEC,:,SJI% CF '.1<1S PLAT lRACl ·e· ,S H[Kf.SY GP.•JnD AND C(lNVE:Y[IJ TO TI<[ C1D' OF" SE.NTQN fc:<l PU3UC RO•D PU~P05E$ T~ACl ·c· ,s • PRlv~'!: "'GR[55, F(.P.fSS, Ase UTILIT" [>S[M[SI U~ON R[C~DING or T•IIS PLAT ca,:, ·c· ,, HCRl.:SY C-"A>'cD ASC C:t<,!:'1:D TC TII[ c>m.AN CR[~K PUO. H,:,..[Q ...... [RS •5',0CATIO« (HOA) AN £ASE .. ENT IS j.[ll(BY GRASTEC .o.ND CONVEYED TO re~ cir" OI' RENTQI, OVER, JhD(P AND A~~05S TRAC" "C" [C)R Tlff PURPJSE Of {ON\/[i'l~G. SlORING, MA~A<-NG, ANO fAC;lc]lAflNG <;T(lf<M AN] SJRF'A~[ WATER ANC rm SANIT•RY scwrn ANC 'liAKP. P\JRf'O~ES PER lH[ fN::NlERING ~LANS C,,, >:t.£ W,TH THE (llY OI' R'NTDN. ~AINlfNANC[" ~ OIi CllFP. l"PRC\1: .. ENTS SH.LL Bl !Ht. R[SPONS,B,ll 'Y <;;-,Ht. HOA TRACT D IS A PUSI C STOP .. JRAINl,G!' mA~T LIPON T·l[ ,rcaRJ'NG CF THIS Pl AT, m•n D s nREB' ~ANTlD AHO <:OHVEYED TO re[ CHCLAN CRFCK 00!,EO~ER'> ASSOCA"l<:>'< (HUA), A~ lA:;l"lNl ,~ HR0:81 GRANTED AND C)N','E:1'[(1 TO ,-1E CITY OF ~i:hTQN GVFH, LINr.rn AND ACROSS THACl U fOH ,,.., PU,PQ';[ 0' C·JNVEYlhC, '.'l(lfllNC, 11,'NAGING ANn HQL:TATING STOR" ANO SLWACE l'JATER PE~ THE ENGIHt.~HN~ PLANS QC ta-.E, \\SlC TrE CIT:' OF a:EhTCS Tl".[ CITY OF RENTQ!\ HA$ 11-<E "':::HT TC [,Tm SAIO SlO'l .. WATl~ EA~Y[NT FOR TrE P,)f,PY.,E Of" INSPECT.NG, 0PERA~N~. UAtNTAl~ING, <"PROVNG, AND RI.PA•RING ITS DPAl~•~> fAC,lll>S l'-"''AlNlc-l-<ERC:IN (INLY "THE CHAN L·NK F'F"SC'. '1ml CONf"O<, l'<AITR QU"l.11'Y TR[ATl.<[NT AND CONV!:YANL'l. >A~lllfll~ '"LI.. BE CC~Sl0i:PEJ fOR '0RMA. ACC[PIANC\. MO "AISIT.NANC[ ('Y .H( (:ITT t.ANITNMC[ or /,,LL OT~EP IMl•ROVE~CNTS MIC lANO'K•r1NG o, SAID lHACT ~ S•All ;1f THF RcSPC~S.S'IIT'( Dr T,I[ HOA. IN n,c [',ENT -rlAl ])"' HQA IS CH.SSCH.V"D OR JTHFR"'<;f FAI,; T~ Mt(! ITS >ROPF'RTY ,~x QAIIC.ATIONS, AS f\/lDENCEO BY NONCf'>YMEST C,f PROPERT" TAXES ,r,, A PrPIOO Cf" [IGlllHN (18) "()Nll'O, TrEN EACH LOT lo THIS PL..'r ;1<Al.L ~SWML ANU ~Al'l. AN 000A. ANO UNOMVcD ;JW,.fR~,H,P SNlrR[Sl IN T1'A:T D PR["10US: Y OWHCD ;JY THE rlOA ANV H~S\: TH[ AlTI'NQ.ll,I llNAHCIAL •ND YAIN"ftNMCr RESOOHSIDILIXS TR•CT ·c IS A WCTLA,m/W"TIAND BUfFER 'RAC[. ~CON R[(QRON~ Of IH!$ PLAT m•CT ·;:· IS HEllcB'f GRA.STI'O ANO CCJNV[Y,--...D ·o r--E CIEL.AN CRcce. o U O HOMEQWHCPS A~$0CIAIION (HOA), FOR AOt>ll.QsA, RlSTHIC-IONS SEE ,£Sl~1:Tio,s f'DR CRITICA-AREA m•crs ~-$•<[ET 1 or llil'i nNAC rLAT lRACT "E" ALSC HAS A~· Pva.,c ~ ... THI/A~ [AS[ME~T .I.LON(; IT:: PE,,IME"OR .• , 5H0'""' ON Tf.S FLAT, A><} ,s ~ERrnY CRA><T!D .~c C()h',[l'[[l TC THC C~E~AJ< Cl'([K F<O.,COIONEllS ASSOCIATION (HOA), "'"~;ENANCC ,,m ,MP~Qvt:MrnT!i Sti"'-'-Il[ n<E R[SPONS1611HY G' Tl<[ ~CA Sll>JGLE f"t,HY Fi[SJOENCf$ A,D OTIH IM~P.D'.":MCTFS CONS'l'U~TED CN -Ht. LOTS CRCAIW ~' IHI$ '>U6D·W'.l()N 1,0J5T IMPLE1'ENT T'lt ,,;1·~ r.or,mc;_ BCST ~•NAGEl,0Eh1 P~APCf~ S'IPL'LAT':) IN , .. e: APPR0\'£0 OSA"AGE STUDY AND PLM<S NC R-.)!rn9Jl QN fllf 11,HI THE CITY ot RtcNTON AN() A~ U~flC IN 11-E TsKE BE·.UW A~ ~LL ~3 AN• DECIAaATIOH OF" COll(NANT~ ANJ GRANTS or EASC~Etn HC~L'CU HER(OO ,~e: o""'rns SrlALL AT THCIR c"' COST, (r'f!lAC ... AIST.o.JN. A,~ KGP IN r,r.~~ R>PAII<. Tllf P~OPERTY", HlST .. AHACF .. f,.T SPSCTCES KSOV<N AS 8 .. PS THE CO\lfNAW <;HAU RUN ol!TH r,j[ LANO A,J SE "1NUIH~ 'JPON GRANTCO(S), ,,o C'ANT:)RS(S) succr~s,RS '" INITR[ST ANJ ASCIGNS 101 I AW ~)'.!'[15' ·.01.1 .a~"..L"'_E(_'.U A) C SPERS.OH ll'ENCH 1 A: DISP(RSIO~ mEN~H BJ RDUCEO , .. ,ER"1QU'; sur.r•a B .. r a) REOUCED 1 .. P[~\1(>.JS sua•AC[ 3.,p A) C srrns,oo TR,NCH AJ DISPEF:S ~N HEN~~ B) ~c;,u~t.C· '"'ER"10U5 SURF"ACF A .. P B) ~rnur.rn ... PER\100S 5~.,'A(:t s .. ~ A) n ,;prn;,oo TWNCH ,.: D1SPEP5{N TRENnl Bl Rt.UUe:t:~ , ... ,£RVIOUS ,URFAn a .. P o; orouccc , .. PrR\1000 OL''"ACI: ,~n A) C'.J'ERSIQN TRCNCii A) DISPCRSCS HEN(•; a) Rffiu~rn IM'El'"1UU5 :,UPF•ci: s ... ~ BJ '>EDUCED '"PEP."(~]$ SU~FACF g~p A) O'SP[RSlON TRCN<OH 12 A) DISPlRS,CN T'l!:NCH BJ R(O,;~.tD l""f"R"10US SUR>•n B .. P B) 'lEOUCED "'PER\1005 Sc/SCA(£ a~o A) OS!'[RS,00 TRCNUi 1J A) O,$P[i>SCN TR(NC,1 9) R[C~e::t:D iJ,1~£R"10U$ SuRr•cr ElMF B) ,EUUCED I .. PER\1()1.JS ,1.1~,A~l ~~LI TRACT NOTES (CONTINUED) A ~;. I~ <;SUWfH PRQTE.~n'JN CMEMCN-SHALL BE PlAC£~ ·,•!cR THAT >ARl :;,-THt '.i,ll C~C~VOAS~,N~ !HF 5Tll[AY/\\fT.AND 8UF'1'P ARE,\ ~F';TPICTI\~ CJVrNANTS Si-<ALI Al.50 Bf PLAf.fD OS J:~E SHl. lHC f.:A$El.iE,\. •NJ SES-RICTIV!: CO\ll.NANTS SH"-1 Rf" RCCOOJ[J: PRIOO TC Rt:CCRU NG [)[-!ht flNAL PLA I ·TH I .. A71\IE Gr<OWll rROT[CTION EA~LM(NT (SGPE) ON lHl. l~lLAN COi.EK P"A( IQC,.IIFTC, .H[ CR,Tl(AL Nit•. 1-c L'~lAI'()~ Of Ht N,·1v;c G•OWII< Pl<OT[G"IC'< E.A$f.MtNT i,,G~F) C:ONVF\'S 10 !IF Pl•B~G A t!lJl!c1":T•L. mlE~[$-'N mi: LANO "''1-<'N TH EASE"r,T AAFA NS "IT~'',T 5-<"11 or roR TII[ PJRPOS[ QI' PHC$t.~\1NC HATIV!c V.:GETATI~ FOR TH[ CnNmni nc <; .. JRFM.F ,, .. ,rn •ND (ROSION ... ,~T[~A.~CE OF ~C>'t ;rA,l!UI'. "1;JAL AN'.) ,uRAL BUFFERING, AND PROltC: '°" Of PLANT ANO ANI .. AL HABITA-n,r MAJ"."!. (;f<OW;H f-'t,u·E~lJ~~ E•">l:Y(N"T IMP,:,SCS <JFQN A'.l P"fS'Nl ANn F'UTIJRC (;\\Ne'.;,~ Af<D OCCL?,cl1S or le>: ,:,,SEMENT ARCA ENf"OR,;fAijlt nN FCHIJF or 11-<F PURclC ~y n-+E ~-.-C' REN700, lO L.EA',E UND<ST1JR3ill ALC lliEl" ANO ClfltR \/EG["AflON 'MTH'N TII!: EASEl.ilNI AREA .H ,'EG[TATION w-n1~ T'iE NGPE MAY NO' fl( CLJ", PRJl,[D, C0'.1:Rrn D' rill.. RC .. 0,'[J Of. DA!,1 .. G[O WTIIOOT [!<"RESS \\'1'1",(/.1 PER~!SSION F'RCN TH'. <,!Ti Of" '1rNTCN TI'[ RIGIIT Cf" ENTRY Gf'>N'l:D l·EREI~ S",'J.. •Pl'L' 10 lrll ~GCHfS RfPRESf~TAT,t:S ASD LMPLOY'.ES Of "Hl Qw,.f.:H~ OR SL~$!:0U!:Nl o""'CHS Uf lHC UNOESLYL~G QRClPE'lTu" C,ffLA\ CR[ES DES1Gt, Gllll!lt.UNlS SHAL. 1:1t. C'l~;)S~CHATE:0 "S·O~ ·u ~UIL:,ON\, PE.~"" AS~~CYAL f"\)R £AU< 110,,[ .JIS • .. ,o:;: ~,cu1~to IG 0..:''"' lUWARO lliE..AN PL~CE NC,, LOTS~ ANO 4 WOUcO ()fi1tNf rowA,o 'Hf_ "(;Pf i'M:ST) .. OTS J THPO~C}/< ,o WOOILJ M"/.11 rn~·~RDS T"' ~DGr ([AST), .OT 11 70~'ARD T<E NGPE (SOUT~). LOT'S 1i I.NO 11 TOWARD ~f ~GPE (SOUTH): AND LO-14 10\\',f.J "><E Al!J"TlNG FSQPERTu TQ r~t. "cST [illV[WA¥ Wl0THS SHALL BE R[Sl"ITICTEO TO NC MORC Tl<CN ~ 'UI tQR A SHCLl LAN, AN) HQ ~:)f<[ Tr[I< 16 FEFI f"OO OC)IJAl[ t>N-D~•\l'EWAYS i,J;D SH/,,LL BC DEMQNSIR~TlD PRIOI! lC ~llOH~ PC'l"'' APFRO>•l C:)R EACH SCMC Af'Pl30VALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ---· 2016 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE 1 llER[5Y CEl'TIF' THAl THEVi: A~E NO DWNQUEST 51'£CIAL ~S~ESSMtNTS AN8 1"AT ALL srrn;L ~S5ES5~fNTS ClWl>lf. 1~ IHf (. TY r.F,S1JRE'l SOil COLLECllC,N ON '"v Of THF P'1/lPf'1TY ~rR[IN CON"AINlQ. DDIC.A'"CU f()I! STl<Ct.T', ALLES"S. Oil ["\JR OTh(R Pue.:c J$L ARr PAID .. N rULL T'115_JH UF _ ;<J,e KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CEPTlf"Y n,AT ALI PROl'rR"Y TAX[S /..R£ ~A:c. 11-<AT 1-lERE >RE NQ DCLIHQLJlNI SPL~SAC •sSESSM(NTS C[RIIW~ TO -HIS orncc r~ C•XcCCTI~-ANJ ,~Al Al_ ;et.QA! A5SIS;,.a(~TS C£Rl'.FIEO lU THS '.)HlCt F'OO c,-.1rcTir.~ ON ANY OF THf PROPfRT" HFRE,, c,·,,-AlNf[: UtUICAl[O ,.s S7Rf£T',, ALLOY$. ~ fOO OHtR ?09,·~ CS[S, ARE PAIC IN IULL TH$ DAY if .. ~ 2c;c. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: '1<Cn[')Y C[lrnf"Y near T>IIS OLAT or (:t'U,.N CllEEK PUD ,, B•S!r. :)'t'" AClLOAI ... ,~·,er •ND S.URDMSJON OF stCIION 10, ru"""HIS SJ HOSlH, RMG[ S EASI, w .... 1,.1 r.,[ 00.RSI:$ AAD [)15-'"(CS ,;,i: ~c ... CUFIR(Cl\.Y THEREON: TIIA" TH( ~Ol1U~ENTS "l'L-BE S[l AJ;) Mi LUI AHC ;,LX-< CORHERC "'-' E 'iT;KED CGRP[Cll Y 00 "fHf ;;'ii.'.:',";',~/0NSTRUCTCII I~ CG«Pl(l[~ AMC H<.,,-'LL."r COM'LIEC ..,;H 1,E PR0"1510"~ Of THE OLATllNG ,-a-G, &tt::- ~~:~~ETE. 3j~•CR~-;;-,-;,~~ cc; NORTh'O!'Sl ING JIO 29"""H <;T'lff" ~F: sun 1~1 P .. JYAll llP, Wft. 9H .. l7? PHQN[. 25}-a4fi-4278 A) OS!'[R'.ON TRCNCH /,) O,SPE.~S~~ T~~(~ sl RH;J~." ,,..~<Rv1~u, suPFAr< 8"P Al Rrr.11crn '"Porno"C"C1scse,,a,,.cecaee•c" _____________ ~------~-----~~---~-~------I SHEET 1 OF 6 cnTI'1CA'E. >UHl'l.YOH'> C[W:'1UTE SH[[C :I -EASl:~CW PSC"SIOO$. C·JNDITIC~S. COVE~AA"$ AND PESTRl~ll~NS. SElaAGKO SHEE' J -U.(,AI.. ,;,e;c,,1~"l>l'T. SURVFmR NCTT~. co,TRJL ~·p SNEE" 4 -PLAT >lAC. TITE ~QT($ SHEET ~ -ESS£v:N·o;, AXqESSE~ LJ-•ND ~•c ARLA$ SH[F 6 -£ASl:VcW OFTAILS RECORDING CERTIFICATE: h'U,O'IU/NG' NO ____________ _ flLED PO"' RECORD 1;~ T'--/£ REO'JL':,f 01 ____ _ fh'IS DAY OP ______ 2016. AT Ml'IUTES P,\5T \.I AND '?[C0ROFD IN VOLUMr --or PLATS AT PAG[S ----- //[CO"IDS or K,NG COVNTY, WA:5r-1!,~GTOr.. D."l.'S10N Cl' RECORDS AND [L[CT10NS W.M. CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA.08-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. A PORTION Of TH[ SE 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP ?3 NORTl-1, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHlNGTON VOL/PG ' ' ' I f ! i ' I:_A$E_MENT P8.0VIS_I_ON!liNOTES , >\N EA'>tl.<CNl ,s >-ERE~Y RIStRVf[J COR ANO GRMHD TC r-•[ CITY or u,-;)N_ 'IJC~T SOIJNO E>.JERGY INC .. CC~TlJRi1_1~K TUErllONE CO!JPAP, owt~l COVMU~ICA",10"1~ INlfRNADONA". 'NC.. CO'.ICAST CA[lll COl,O.<UNICA ",()NS INC , SOOS CRCCK \I/ATER A"ID SI 1111 R Ill~ IH,C,, ANO WHEP IF'I ITY ~ROVl~f ~,, AND Til[l'l e:, SPEClW[ SUCCESSCqs A~J ~s~ G%, "NO<:R AND LJ~ON THE EX II RIO!/ lf~ YJ) fEET C,F ALL LOT'i A,~J ,~ACTS LYl>.G PARALL~l WTH A'O AD,OINI% r~E FROl'05D smr1·r f~O,,.-AGC> IN \IYl-'ICH TO C0NSTHUCI, OPERAE, '.IAINIAIN, HH'A:R, RCPU\CE. E~LARG[ u~~u,:.ROUND PIPES. co~currs. CABLES ANO WIRf"S WITH .\LL N[CI SSARY OR CC·hVE.NllNI UhDE'lGllCslNI) i:R GROU~D-~OONTF) APPURITNANC[S 111rn,~o. ~oo THE F'll'!POSE or S[R\,1NC T,IIS SJoo:vi<d{)N A~D on-E~ PROPERTY "11H lLCC'.'lC. ::AS, IHEPHONf .• EL£'1''.ION. WAfE~. '.>I-"'~-PU3J~ ANI) Fftl~ATE STOR!.4 ORA'N!IC[ A~J OTil[I< lJ;,;1TY SE~\olC£. ·c·G[IHl~ "1TH lHl RIGHT TO ENTlR LJPO~ IHl LC·TS. THACTS ANC SPACES Al AU. TIM[ f"OR Tl·'C PURrOSES HERLI~ SlAIED TH[S( [A!X~l NTS [NT(~[D LJPOtJ FOR Tl-llS! ~UH'<J:ol~ SHAL~ Bl RfSTO!IED A", Nf"A~ AS PCSSIELE TO IHFIH OR;CINAl CONDITlor,. OY l~[ LJTIIH' NO UNCS OR ~RES FOil lRAN';MIC,C,O~ '~-lU:ClRIC CURREf.,T OR FOR TEL[PHONl USl ()fl CAHI, THEVlSIQ,'; SHALL BE PLACEO Oil l'rnr.1FCD TO~~ PLACCC JPON ANY IOI CR TRACT LJNllSS IHf 91,!E SHALL BC U~OERl;~:)IINIJ i)H IN c~~D~"IT TD A 6J,U}INC ~-"t-,E ~11 .. JTY E,\SE>.IC~f' r.'lANICO IN EAS£t.<ENT FR0'.15:0~ I l,MY ,::ONTAI~ "Rl'IA"""E $TORM l.)RAIN,\Cl SYSTEI..C AS Sh()WN ON IHC ~FPROvt:ll CCNSlllUr;·10~ IJRA'H.N'..~ ON FIL[ AT T·I[ c1·y or l!/NfON T~E r.111-.rr~ANCI er THOS:: PR'VATC SlOR"I C·HAINA(,C ~Y~l~MS ANO lHViC ~YS'.'EMS WITHIN TH[ PRIVA7': 'olCl!M DRAINAGE EASE>.IE~TS P[H I A<;ll,ffNT PRO\o1SIO~ 3 SHALL EE "">jE HI Sl'(J'sSlblUTY OF TH0Sf LO. OWNERS ic!C"CFlll~G f ROM ..,AIU SY~ TrVS. J Tl--~ 00\t!IRS OF D~IVATE ~Rcr:RTY WllHIN rn1~ PLAT ENC\!MBERcD mn-< PIJ8LIC 'ol()RM IJ~AINAGC EASEMEN~S (S[E E.'S(>.ILN I PR0>1Sl8NS 3. 1 ~ fa~D ·. 1) f-lRU!Y G'lA~ I ANO (ON\IFY TO THC C TY or R(N ION, A MLN'CIPAL CORPC~AIION THE ~'CliT E~'T NOT TIil 011.iGATION TO CONVEY OR ":ilORE STOHi/ ANI) ~·.JRcACE WA.CH f'tH IHC. l~Gl~~CR'NG PUNS ftFPPC\llll fO~ "rlE PLAT [l"'( Tr[ CITY CF PENTON, TOGCHEq WIii· IHE RICH. 81 REA';0~,\~11 ACCf~~ (1N:1<fSS AND [CRCSS) TO lNl[R SAi) ORAl~AGE EASE"E~T FOR !HC PURPOSE or ()3';UH11N(, IHA [ lHE OWNf HS ARE FROPERL Y Ol'f H~ :1~G A.NJ IJAl~TAI~ NG TI![ J'lAINAG[ fACIUnlS c•:JNTAINED Tl·[~EIN, THE OWNERS 01 ";Alll FHIVAlE PHGPERTY. SINGLE AN.·, srvFRAI, APE RL<;PONS,fllf FOR c~ERAnr-iG, IJAINTAl\,'t/G ANfJ REPAIRING Tit:: DPAINAGl fA:;1u11c~ CONTAIM.J Wl"l-<I~ SND DRAINAGE EASWE.~T ANO ARI HIHIHY ~[O\Jl~F"G 'C 03TAIN ANY R[QlJllirD PEllM'TS FROIJ THE CITY ;Jf PENTON OH 11's ~,1cCfSS0ll AGEt.cY PRIOR IO f"IUNG, PIPING CUTTl~G :)R PEM()'~NG \llGllAl'ON (Dctf'T HJK HOunNF MWSCAPF ~AINFNANCt SUCII AS LAWN >,W\\ING) IN OPEN VfGUATEcD DRAINACf: FAr.lc ~.rs ('.,I.JC,. /\S SI/IAI F",, ~1-lAN~ELS. )IWIC~. PON95 ['.C.) OH Pf~F09ME~G A~Y ALTEPAno~s OP l,<(JIJIH,A110NS T'.) r~f DRAINAC£ FACIU',lS OONIAIN[O \IIIIHIN SA!D DRAINA·~[ :'.ASCl.'[q THIS ~'.JV"c~ANl Sl--i4_L 'lJN ~w T-1[ LA~D ANC ec B ~Cl~G Uf'C~ '~£ QV,~lS:S Of C/\I'.) PP.IVA,C PROPFS:lY. ·l[IR >!DRS. SUCCESSORS A~D /\S5IGN5 TII( c,n Of n~TCN SrAL HAV( .H[ R'GI·' 'G tNllH 1n PRIVAT~ OH/,IN/\G( [/\<;n.lFN;:, SH'.J\1/J',, HtHt.GI< IG S:cPAIR ANY OFTIC[~C'(S Of 111: ORAl~AG[ rA(UT" IN rnE E''/ENT 111 (Jv,t,fRS ARE ~lGLGENT ,N H;f M/\INTEN>NCF" ()f" IHI J~Al~ACE FACILITI[S f,j[S~ l!PAl'IS S~ALL BE p.· -~c O'IINER"5 c:;•,r 4 ~:, tAS<:IJENT IS ,IC"':SEY ~'IANTU 10 '~lc. UIY OF "'"l·JN FOR SAl<l~/\RY srwrs: FL'HPOS[S O'/ER TRACTS ·A·. FLllUL ~1/ji--1-QC WAY. A,ip ·c A'j :;1 ~ICIH: HfNtlN THE CITY Of' R[NTON SflALI Ill RrSPON',IHII FOil THC MA-~"'1:N,\NC or TIii SANITARY SE"'lR FA~ll.lTifS CONTAIN']) WIIHIN ~AIC EAS(M[~TS ', AN f"A~JMf'll I~ HE~CiJV C.~AN7ED TC TII[ CIT' O, ~£~WN FOfl WATCR Fl,RP[N~ 0\/lH l'f/,l:TS "'A". l'\:8'.IC RICH. er WAY. A'll) "c" I c~ WA'"ER ~AIN l;N[ AS CE"'CIU: ~IRIIN T'<C (l'Y OF RENTON S,.IA'_L s: l/($P0NS1B.E f"O'l ··,I MAlrHE~Af.,'.:E o, T~E WAT[~ f"ACII IF', CONTAINED v,FH~ <,.re CI\S~'!lNI\ 6 AN ~/\SELIE~l fC~ INGHfS'a, 'GRESS ANO UTILITIES ON :RA~! "A" IS HEREBY R[S(Rvl:0 ~OR ANC C.R,\NTED TO 1Hl ~\111',,C;>S ;J. ~o·s ,. ·~ROUGH U ·m /JWNfRS :)F :O'S II THPOVG~ 13 SIIAII !II fOdAllY RfSPONS13..E ro~ -~[ M/,:\TC:~ANC(" oc ~~cs:: i\lPRC•VcMlNfS Tl-E~tlN "111~·1 lHH SHARE WIT~ ·m !XCF'llO~ Of IH0Sf ;MP~OVlMI.NTS INSTALLED E)Y Ttl[ JRl~Y PRO\o1JU!~. LClS SHA_L ~l ~OIJ,Y R[SPON:;JB.f r:xi lHf MAINTENANC[ AND R[PAIR 01 TlllJ';f PRIVATE UllJTIES (WAil~. ',..'.NIii.HY ';f\\'.·k ANL• ,,·o~M l)RAINAGF) \\'H1CH ON.Y B[N[rll '~fl~ LOT unun PRD\o1DERS 511ALL HI Ht~'ONSlfllt IC,R TH: MA1~T:'.NANCE o; IH[IP. /AC"IIII~ CONTAINED ~Tij." $/\ID [AS[M(NI 7 AN fA~EME'lT cop INC~ESS. EGfll<;'., /,N:J 'JT'11·1Fs ON T'lACT ·c 15 •l[<U!i" '(l~C~VEJ ~cR AND .;HANTED TO ll--lE OWN[RS QI IOIS 1 TI-:ROIJC'-, 4 rl,E 0""'E~'; /Jf I()]~ I T~RC!UC~ 4 SHALL BE ECLA~Li" RCSPONSP.L( F()ll THL MAINTDfANC[ 0~ THOSE IMPROS'lMI.Nl', [HEREN \'N,CH IHL' Sl-l',Rl w,·1, TH· E~CE~TOO o; l~U~l 1>.'PRc..-,;[NTS ,NSTA.:.UJ HY T~E UTIUTY PRCVC,E~S LOTS <;HALL fit SO,ELY RESPON~,bLE f"OR 11-lf" MAIN"HfA~CE ANO =:(~AIR 0' TIIOSC: rlllVAff UTLITIES (WACR, SA~ll/,~Y SE\111 ll ANil c;rnR~I .J~l,•NAGE) 11",ICH C~LY 3E~,Elll ltl[1R Lo·. UlLITY ~Rcv:-E~S SH.•LL BE ff<W:)N~lflL· •\}R THF MAINTENA~Cl QI' lHllli l'AClllff', ::ONTAl~D \\11rllN SAi) EAS:l,l[NT e. A~ tAS('.!(NI FOR INGRESS. EC!l[SS At.O unu1110 ON LOT 3 IS ~l~EBY C:~',l~·,rn F(\li /\1,r, GHA~TfO TC T'·h <JW>.E~ C!f cC' 4 -HF 01\'N(PO (}r lUTS J ANO 4 SHA'.L BS EOJALLY R[~HJl.l';l;J..E FOR HE r.tAINTENA~CE Of" THO'il .r.~~u11J .. cNI~ TWRFIN YM1CH ll--l[Y ~J!A'lf l'lllH TH[ [XC(PnON o--ll--lOSE llJPR()V':l,l[t.'S •>sSTAIL[O ~y "'"11E UTIUT" DR()W)"f', 101 4 '>HAL. RC '.iOtF,Y R(SP()~S'Ol( '01< lll[ ~AINTEt.ANCE ANC RCP/\IR ()' IIIOSF PR,'IATE L·C,L,flES (W/\IU<, SA~ITARY Sf\'l'ER "-1D STQS/Y JR~,NAGE'. w~,c~ :}N[ Y BENU11 LOT 4 9. E4SEMEN'S ARE HEPEB~ ';!A.~IU I~ HE ~ITY OF RC~TO~ FOR SlOP.M Dl(Al~AGE PJJRroscs DYER TRACl5 ">". l-'IJclllC HIGHT CF w,.Y, "C. "J-ANO·,_-'JR STOFIII ORAINAC( PV'P05ES AS IJLPICITC ~EREIN Tli[ CIIY OF RE~TON S~'AL'. BE RESPIJ~',l~LC fUI< THE ~AINTFN~NC[ Of" TIii" STOHM IJRAINAGE FAC'llll[S c'.O~TAsNrn 11111-<I~ SAi[) [A~\MIN/'.', IJ A PlllVAT; STORM ORA•NACE tY,E\l[Nl SIIO'IIN UN iOTS I ANO 2 1$ H[fl[9Y RESLH\c.\) FOR AND GRANTfD TO TII[ Ov,NERS 8'c LOTS 1 lHFIOOGH C SAID CASEMENT IS HlR Ill(" RFNFFIT OF 107S I fHRCc'Grl 3 J-,~ Ol'<NCRS C•F iOTS \ lHROJGrl 3 AR[ l·(RE8Y R(Si'0NSl3l[ l()H lrlE MAIN-ENA~Cl ()t Hll~ RES~ECllV"c PHVAI", ~HAl.~ACl FAClln~-; ,\Nr. ~HALL SHAH! FOJALLY IN T~C MAt.,CIJANCE RE',f'ONSlcl,L ll~S OF TIil 1'111',"ATE CRAl~AGE FACIL TES ~Slll IN (:0\1110~ \\1THIN SAID f/lSE>.IE.~T IMDR~VlMlNTS NO OWNER Sd,\IL BF: RES~O~SIBLC FOR MAIN.CNA~C o~ THE UTILITIES /\8CV:: IHllH HJINI Of" CONNf"CTOtJ 1" A ~HIVA E STOR>.' JRAIN,\GE EASEM[~T SHO'~ ON LCT "3. TRACT "A" fttll) rnACI ·~· :S HERFl'IY ~[SC~VEO •OR -'J'o/0 G~ANn D 1:1 TH• OY{NERS OF Locs I~ AND 14. SAIi) fASlM[NT IS FOR T'"1S BE~ff T Of LOTS 12. 13 AND 14 Tl-<C OWNERS OF ·.OTS 12. lJ ANll 14 Am HEREBY RESPONSIBLE FOR nl[ Mi\lNT(>IANCF OF THEIR R[SPCCTIVE PRIVATl JHAINAGE FACl'..JlES AN) Sf-ALL SHAf.'f 'Q\JA\I YI~ ll--lE MAIN ll>IANCE RESDDN'ilAIUnrs er TIit. l'RIVAIT DRAIN AC( rACIL·TES US[J IN t.Ct,.1t.lON WITlilN SAIC EAS[M(N~ IIJPRCVEMENTS N:J mvtffR SHALL 8f RFSPONSl8Lf FOR MAJN"l-NANCE Of TII[ L'TUTlES ABOVE THE1R P()<~· 0° C:CNl'<LCT!Oh ,2 A :,IJBLIC PC\'l'ER EASI VI.~ I s~uw-, ()N 1 ·OTS · MO 2 S H(P.([JY Gf1AN re: TC Ar,; Y PU9.I·: FO\\"c:R UTIL H TIil ~wr,,rns OF .o·s I A>IO 2 SdA.I []l l~Ui\LLV RESPON~l~l.E FOR T~~ MAINT(~MKL Of S~IO [ASEMfhf 111TH HE EXC[l"IION 0'" nmsc 1Mr~c·r::!.4ENT5 lNSTALLOD IJY Hlc. HlSPEcnv; PUSLIC U'T'L w PROV'OER'i (E-") (~;1 SHEET 5 C,F 6) SL"B..CCT 10 IHAI lAC,['~fNT GflA"Tci) TO THE CTY or R(NlDr-i FOR WAT[R .IN[ PU~f·OSES ANC TH( TERM~ A,~O CON0'TI0NS Tl-(REOI'" AS cot,FAINED IN NSIHUMtNr RECOR!lf,) U>IOFR R[COROINr N:; TIIE '"OCA :;ON Of SAID EASCMCNT 1S OEPICTED I lf.Rl·1~· SETBAC!Sg mow i"ARC 9JILJ,N·~ $[TBA(~· ~~£ YAR: 9Uil IJIN(, ~C:.91\CK. CCR~f~ YARC B.IILJl~·G $lT"~A("~ LOTS 1 ··4. 11-1 (, FRON I. I~· H.JII 'J NG/:iG" Ci\RAGE l()J'; C>··1C. fRONT (F~CINJ W[TI /\~J) 1.'o· 1~· >lf:lllllS'T ' NE7Tl<Pl. VICINITY MAP --.-.----~ CONDITIONS, COVENANTS ... AND _J3.ESTRICTIONS lflf HIJAI) ANO ST:)RM S-RAINAG[ Si"'JTLM'i >iA\/"t BEEN CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING Ill Tnt Ar~ROV::D PLAN A~ll ~RCFILL ON rn f ~TB RfNTON OEVELCf'!.4[NT S(RVICL~ l)IVIS,ON AND ANY 0[\IIA TIQNS FR@ :HE APPRO\>EO PLA~S "1LL ~lJUIRE l,lllTTf~ APl'HCJ\/Al FROM Tl-I( PROPE~ AGFNC:Y, CLJRRFN Tl i" R'N~ON Oi:VLCPMEh. SERVICES r;r>.ISli..ll ~ ALC GUI..Dl>O C,QWN $PO,J15, I Ol)IINl; JRAI%, M.O DRAIN$ FRJM ALL I<" L'<V10U5 S~R0 ACES S'J~~ A$ PA"IOS AND JC!:"lflrAYS ,.~AJ.L Bl CCN~ECTLl 'C ·1,r l'IHMMCN. s-cRM DRAIN 0¥Tc(T5 AS SHOlll'i ON 11-<l ~:>0 ~C\1ED C0NS1"RUC7l0N DRAWNGS R-386901 ON FIL~ 'ltfH Wf Gin'()' lffNTON THIS Pl.A, $~AL. BC ~·.Jll',llllli ,,ifH THC faFrLIOATIO~ or ANY OU'll)l~G rCRMT ALL COf.,NECllO~S o~ TII[ OPAIN~, ~us· EE CONST~~CIE~ ,\NO A?PRl:V·li P~OR TO flt/AL GUl~Ol~O l"'.,nCT10N APPHC\>AI ~OR mos.r: LOTS TI-<AT A~~ :;c~ICNAIW fOk IM)l'.10~---CT D1SPl%'()~ SYS"JM~. IHl OY~llM~ Sf-!\11 BE CO>lSlHl:C/CO AT nt[ 11~( OF T>-E BUILDING ?ll<MII At/lJ ~rlAll COM~_y WT-I T>-E ?LI\~$ ON llll j NO I (11 0,l PoR·1or. Qi" A LOT .h n 11•; l'l;,. \ S~ALL EE OIV,DEO ANO SOLD OR !ll.'illli) :)H OWNERSHIP CKANClO OR IRANSI I RlltO 'ffl-<EREBY ll--lE OWNERSHIP 0, ANY l'(A<.,ON Of THIS PLAT SHALL 6( L:ss TrlAN lhE AREA HE.CULRlll f"(*< ll--lf" Ll~E r.l';lJlll:1 IN 11'!-ICrl LOCAT[D 4 THERE SHALL ~,. W) ~l~'CT \.'E·IICl,LA,l ACC[SS TO o, FPC\I Ol.'iALL A','lNLII Ne mer. IHtJ~l cc·s \I\HC-,,BUT :T .'i. T;,S PcAT :$ SUB,,e:T 10 CCVcl\ANlC>. ~"ONO ·10NS A"D RfSTS,t:llON', (t:C&fi'~j PER RECORCING NU~fl~R pRlVATE....QBAINAGE COVENANT ~HO OWN~R~ Of pR:V.\[l DR()PfRCY WITIIIN TIIS ".A-ENCulAB[RU) WfH r,RAINACE fA(,L' 'ES REQUIRED BY ~.Al m.s1~,·. COVcNANT CR :ONO:TION';, HHfBV GRA~T ANO CC~VEY TO THE CITY Of" RCNl:JN, A ~OL T(AL SuBDMSION OI ;Hl "IATE :.If" /iAS~INGTON. "!HE R>GIII or HI A50NABl.~ ACCESS (1NCRE5$ AND [GR[ss:, TO ENTEF' SAIP 1-'HOPERTI FOR ll--1" l'LJRPOS[ Of DBSER\olNC Tl·AT lHC OWNERS N'!E l'HDl'fRl Y OPERATING ANO IAAINTAINING Th[ DRAINAGl f"ACILl"ltS CONT/\INrD TH ERL N THf OW"i:~S or SA.O Pl!IVAlC PROPERTY APS PE.SPONSHJU:' fO~ Of'lc.RAll~G. MAl~TAMNG. AND R(PAl!'ING THl LJHA'N<GE FAC',1-,ES CONTAINED ON SAi~ PRIVATE PROFERT~ A~O ARL 'i(R(eY REO~:F'EO TO OBT!,l~ faNY RLOl;Hrn l'f~l.<IT'5 OR P[Rl.<.SS:GN PD~ me CllY Of RENTON C,[\IEL()PM~Nf SlF'"1Ct~ PRIOR TO Fl.~l~G. PPIN~. c1.;·11NG u, REl!OVNG >'f:GETAnON (EXCCP. FCR !'UUII'<~ LANQ$C/\PF >.l,\INT("~ANCI ~CH AS LAWN f.<:)\l,1>sC:;, N OP(N \~:Gl ii' I ·r. C~ALNA0l F ACII, 111 ~; (~u::-AS SWALES. 0-1/,NNELS, DI 1(:1 I!''· l'ONDS. ~·c.) GR ~c.:R>ORMINC /\NY Al TlRA llC~', OR MCO'CA""ONS TO IHl DP.fal~l'G' fA:llllES co~~AIN(C· WlTlll'J T,,( '">l'.'Ail. PROPER~-THS COVE"AW SHAL.c. RUN Wl ]I! THE .A~D A'J~ S 81~Dl~G UP~N lHt OWNERS Of SAID pr.ortRTY. lHFIE Hf"IRS, SUCI:! ),StJRS ANO ASSIGNS RESTRICTIONS FOR _Q.RITICALJ,RE_A TRACTS AND_QBIJICAL AF:iEAS AND BUFFE.B.$ DlOICA no,, Of ,. CR'nCAI ARI A TRACT /CRi-lCAL AREA ANG llUI n II CCNVt. rs TO IHC P·JBLIC /\ fllN·I ICI,;: NHfST I", ""HE LAND 'MTIIIN T'·II !RAU/CRITICAL ARlA AND ~UFT(R TIIIS IN11'1Sl INCLUDES TH[ ~~CSE'<VAllON Di NAn\lE '/cG[TATIDN roR A_L PJRl'O~,o UIAT BlNHIT TrE PU~LIC ll[ALTH. S.\rETY A"D 11/[ltARE. lrKLVDINC CON';JlOL <T SIIRfACC WATER AND E~OS10~ 1,(/\,N:TN~Nr.1· 01' ~IOPE STAEJIUTY. A~C ?RGllCIIG~ Of !"LANT AN[) A·~M-\1 H/\lllTAT TII[ CR1·1cAL AREA TRACT/C~'T'CAL ARFA ANO 8UFFER t,PQS\.5 UPON All PP.IS\NI AN'} F'JlLRE 0\\'N(~5 AND OCCIJP,[R!,, OI T~C LANJ S~BJEcl TO 1111 iP.ACl/::RT(AI AREA AN) BUFFER Tl·[ OOUGATON ENfORCEA!ll F O'J 8~HALf" Of" 1111" l'UBLIC BY CITY OF RE.~ION TO I I /oVI LNIJl~IUHEEJ Al.l TREES AN~ c·HER VECCTATIC'J WITHIN T~F TRACT/CR:11~~L ARE~ ANJ EUFrP EXC[~T ror. 1111 "URPOS[~ OF IIARJAl ENHANCE~E\T I'S C/,R~ OF AN (N~ANCIMC.NI ~~<;JECl 11-f VE:G;·A110~ v~ HIN HF TRAC/CRITICA'. ARCA AND autfER MAY N·JT 6~ CJT, PRJND, cm~~ : ~y fill R(MOVEC OR DAMACl_ll 'lll'H\!U. APPROVAL IN WRITI~G l"~OM TH· c,·y C/F RENTCN CDMt.!U>llli" AN<.) [CONOMI~ Cf \ll"I OPMENT OR ,T5 SUCCES~(~J ,\GUol::Y, llNI.ESS 0"'11ES:I/IS£ PRC VI OED BY LAW Tl-<E COMMON GOUNJAl(Y BETWEC~ THE lllACT/C~ll1C•1 A~IA /IN[) BJFffR A~C-WE APE/\ or lll",I-ICl'MfNT /1(0'\/ITY MUST BE MARK("ll OH Gll--lERWSE ,t.ACCED TO THE SAJISfACIION tJ> IHf OTY OF RE>sTON FRIQ~ "O ANY CLEARING. \,RAcl't.G, BJIUING CvNSWU:TION OR OTHER clC11t.;1.Jl·M:t1· A·:·1,H' 0~ /\ LOT 'iUO.J(Cl ro THE TRACT/CRaTl:AL AREA AND lllJllla: 1-, "(CQIJRD MARKIN: OR FLAGrftNG ~~All REr.<AI~ IN FL.ACE IJNJIL ALL [lf\/flOPt.!EN. PR0PC$A. AC,IV".'IE5 I~ "">jE ",,CINIIY or TI-E :J;ITICA. ARlA AHf (:(:~l'lfif[/. NO 9JIL'.l!NG FOUNDA TIOf.,S AR[ All Owt .J BEYOND THC RSOU REO '5-1"00 I llUII OING SETBAC~ LINES U~LESS OT·IER\\'lSE Pfl()VllJ[D BY LAW SHEET 2 OF 6 ~f 1/4, NW · ;4, S[C 10. 1JN R5[ W.~ CES.NWnVC C/YIL ENGINEERING 4 $URYEYING 310 21\h St ~.E Suil~ !OJ PUY/.ll.llP, '!TA 95~n ' ' ' CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA08~067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG A PORTION OF THE S.£. 1/4 OF THE N.W. J/4, OF SECTION IQ, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, v.1LLAMETTE M£R/D1AN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SECTION CONTROL AND BOUNDARY TIES " ' -~-------·--- LEGAL DESCRIPTION "ER llfCR ·m_t. COMPANY C()',;>, II.If.NI NUMBER 701149C51 OATFI) WAY 18, 2016 LOT ?, CHY OF RENTON LJ": LINE ADJUSTME'<T NUMBER LUA-Cb-C€t-_AA. R[CORD~J L'N':J[R RFCORr.•IN:": N:,t,RF~ 2C090',J090nCO}, IN Kl~G COuNTY, WASHINGlO\ ,oo LEGEND + rCJf.D ~E(T,ON :c"Nl~ (A~ ~o,w: ~ IQ~1'Q U~•RTER CORH[R (AS HOil:[,) t::;,Q<::::.1 C>.C,J.l[J QUAfil[R CO~NCT< (R-Tj ,S S8\JH0 l<ON,JM[NT (hS NQl[1) (~-1) $UR\f.:Y ~[,ER[NC[ (C) c•.cu.~ 1u: (""l UlAs.JRlU :>1SIANCl I t.!ONUU[Hl '" CASC I ~·,~: :A~~~:::: [ t.!Ol<U'-ll~l 1'648 ~~r~~,,o~~'.'_'_8_ SURVEYOR'S NOTES N'1ZTH ST REFERENCES ' \<('~,MtN1 IN C'ASf 2' BSA5S DISI< CIT'r Of RE!<TCS MO~JM[NT f18<g \ -----Ji (R · I/ 8CUNDAP UN£ ADJJS'Mf~-'11.f_T; UHLlC~ RE:COl<GING ~LMB"" lOO<O<-x,q,x,ow ~AC 198~/", WA>HNGTON $UT( PLANE. NO'lTM ZONC -<i;C1 c,r, Of' H<NTCN CONT"OL PCl~T f18•9 TO CIT'f Of ~['1o;:,< CCN)a~. POltiT ,rn,a SEhRS NORT"H 88':W'<Xl. v,::,T ('.'Hr SQ.,1)< II~[ QC 111[ .. ., C·U•PTrn or >CCT,ON 1·;J. W.,...,o.HIP B NORTH, ~ANGE 5 EA$!,"") fl)i,:PUES-,!SEO GUll.<~X 70<'ll.< HS TC~, s1a110,. ]Rl~Hl.t S5 (;1'0. ALL IN>l~UM£N1'5 JiTLSZEO Cv~lf,G H( COLJO>( Of MS SUR'IH As:t: (S ,: C'TY OF" ar,·et-. LOT Ll~E r.c.>.JSTJJfNT FIim llNOrR ~FCQSDIHG NU~BER 2009Q1.l090000J (R-J:· PcAT Of l'IOODC-:f[~ fllW JNUc~ k((.Ul'Ul~C, NU"8tR 199B12Z~~0616 M,\,H]AINC IN ~ONr:)flMA~C( ·,n, .. ~~U"ACTUR[RS SP[C,fl~•nON:, MF'Tl'On AND r.A'T er UC~UMfNT l.OCf,n()H· "lLU h>Vlf<"-,l N MhY. 2015 THIS SU~YtY ~()I.SLIFS ..,,_ 'Hf ,,A~:AR05 •~c (?JJJEl'\CS Ci IHf' ·suRVEY R[ORDIHG ACT" CHA~"['/ ~~.u~ ~~~ MJL' WA~ JJZ-·Jo lltOR n11, CClL<PNdS GOIJL .. TUr~, ~c 70C1fl92~. n•·rn OCICrll~ 1. ,u,~ ~'A"-, Hdl[() UPON •,:,a LEGAC C>E:scR,~n(Jh AN~ fA5F~'NTS Of FECORC CE.S. NW LNC HA$ NOT co,icc:rro AN IN[}[rE~J[N1 111.1 SLAPCH NW;$ LES ,w. INC AWAP( Of" ANY 111'.r ,s<:u[S ArITCTING 1'1[ PRC~<aTf Qll<f'R T~A, THCSE SHO'l,t, 00 T•IIS MAr u:s. N'N, iNr; HAS REUED SO•.EL• 0~ N[ NC()RIJATirM CC~TAl~~D ,, SAIJ COM"'™ENT IN R[C.OR:s '{) n1u: ISSUE:$ TO 0H£PAR[ TH,5 PLAT ANC QVALIFl[S THE UAP'S ACC\JRAn ASD co~rcI:l[N[SS '0 T~A-lXTUJ;. A..l. LOT co,NERS MC AHGU PC<NT~ ,Rr TO a[ UC..U.,[~lcD ,,n .. A 1/2" Hl~AR AND (AP 51'AUP0D ·9,,-;i,:y LS ~)5" ,aTH • l" X :r "'·IT[ LOT 30Aa1) 5£1 N[>Jl 8Y ,s • RF>HFN(S ~AR~[R UNL[SS NC·T1.0 OTHla,as:. f>!;IQR TC T-IE R£CC~O-NG ~ r~,, Pi>! CURVE: TABLE l.<J~\lt. LtN~·~ ~,o,us OOlTA Cl2 194 S' f1~93 42' TOC'<~'1 :13 t , ".lJ' 'n .Q • 7'21'41. (><-.i: P.AI (.)f ,~TA·c:s H HICD[S CRCE~ r, fO uSJrR Rl:CC'10.NG NU~BE> 1~no2:i;~104. SHEET 3 OF 6 SE 1/4, NW 1/4, S[(: ;c,, T2S{ R~[ CES.NWNC CIY/l ENGINEER/NO .I SURYEYING 3l0 29th St. ~-~ ~Ult< JOI PUUU,Ul', 1iA ~s3n w., CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOB-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B: PlR ·1~()!1 WLE CO,,PA~Y co"" ruO,T NU"9ER 100•~0',1. c,1rn ""' ,c. 2015 (ITEM l) EASEMENT FOR -~E P~RPCS(S >.N.: R•Gt<T5 INQD['ITA:. fHCR(TO PURP<l~ '/,A,(R PIPF"<; "'EA •ITTC'EC V.::SlER.Y :s,:, FU" < LEO UN:>FR RECCfOING NU~GEP. 491%07. S C\11-< >ESEOO. (10 BE RELINO'JISHCDJ (•TE>.I i) U:>l:~E~T COR Ta[ FU~P0$[$ M.t, Q1G-T<; INCJDE~Hl THCR[T(I PUR'OSE E..!:CTlllC TRIW~IS~IOI', mo;o·, D1S'Rl0J1Ct,1 .IN[ Al1[A AF"fECJ[C M:SITR.Y 12 Flcl n.rn UNJrn R[COl1:l'NG ~UMElH .J.<.eS19.l. ~, cc,,smu:rn:-. SkC'/,'I HEHf O'I (ITEU .l) E•SE~E~l 'OR "f'.E PURPOScS AN~ RIGWS lHClDE'/lAL THEPEIQ PURPQS.: RC~CWAY <J<Ea ftFF~ClEO WESTERLY 12 f'ffl S ,_[O U'IJ[S R[COllc•:.,o hUWSER ~4f?OJ.> Sf-()WH H(R[(II, (ITI"U •l rASrnCNT FOR THE PJRrOSES AND RIGHCS INQJEN[AL T~CR£TQ ru~rcsi: WATER r,r,;:s. o.REA AFFECTED: )l'[OllHLY .W fCl' FUD u,JER PCl'OP.L:,SG SLU~cR •n~~c.· ~,u,.., ~ER£Qf, ITO EE REL~Ql)LS>ID) "'"'IIIIET ~M-:22':,:1·w a:.-1_1~ , 99.:?ij(C) , nU'(PJ ____ __J A PORTION OF CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL.IPG THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4. OF SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANG[ 5 EAST, W'/LLAMETTE M[R/0/AN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SEE SHEET 5 FOR: LOT AREAS, ADDRESSES AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS 'A< Pl<RG£L 1023C5-9W8 15000 c,i SEE SHEET 3 I J', /8' 875 '71 ~'03'29" 24 00' ~'.4:?~QQ: 2,.00·· 7~"52'~6- '00 ' I I \ TAX PSRCEL '·J23J5-(;J05 / W.ll ANJ\ ~~ :'sGPF I ' I ' -t: in· ....AAOSCArE BUrFE~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I US'[ -" _, ·-o ·y.· ~,, . .,, .. ,,.,_ H5l"5i'OYE L4 -~.lO -L:,---.lB 1<" ,20;1'4<" J2 1e ,,1·~.-~g·c 1:,.l.76 00 5°E .io oo· NH9"56·2~·r 21 51 °6S"44'<""i•E " 7 4D" H . <"L 24 11' N21·;7"59"[ ,1.' 17.16 N05 . 9"[ "' 29 5.l" N051l9'29°£ C---Eu~, ~-,•'~s;:c:+~:•:~c;o;:i";":~----j ,05·onrw .. 1~ 4:, 14 , .-.s· b"W 19 4U\II:. NQ)'1/'j.J"W > _ L20 ~69:-r--NO.l1 f3_i·w L.21 12_~ .. NQ8"<8'i0•r L2< n15' ~5/iW'tO"E 12.l 10 lS S ·2,· 124 4', ]<' N<.>S'l!O'i1•1 -u~ 11.G•' 5oy59·.19· m ~,') __ u, 1 _-_ ~%: -t--o;~,,·~a,-· -t----,,~:o,.,;a;,:;,!:,-, -1 <>OC' <0~~9·1,·c ~o o) soo·oo·~9·w NOC s·w 1 I "' 96 O<" NB6"29'25"\I +-~~~~:-~;::-.. I IIO~~~~ol.------------- ~5S Ul5K 0, U(.'<;U',IC~; 'N ~A~C '/ 0 ]ej" £ OF C~LC IN" • • '" 1 ~-aRASS o,,. $' _ -----, .. ---_ N89"50 02 W _ ---_ ----,a 1 :-,-""""" sr. "'"'"' ·, ------- : ( ,-I I I I I I I I \ I 42 I I I <I I I I I I ' lit: I J!li I ,I I 10· LANViCAF't. I ~Uf><P I __ ,,, I I I " I I I I I I I I I S[ 1/4, NW 1/4. SfC. 10, 123N, R5t, W ~ CES. NW me C/YIL ENGINEER/NO ,I SURVEY/NO ~10 Wth st. K .. E Suile IOI l'IIYA.LUJP, YA 96372 • l CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG LUAOS-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N.W 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, .~ANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MCRIDIAN LEGEND &J F01JHJ "0"J"EsT A~ N•JTED • ;:.I 1/<" ~l~M&lA" -~>TTtY L~ J04~~- (_£) fASrnH,T PQO',,OION C*, Snlll :I OF~ c::::::J 1:::=J [SSSJ ~ 15' PCBL,~ SEWcP [ASEM[~T (':ASCL<EN" PRO\aSIOI' 4j / DETAIL / PRIVATE SEWER EASE. ' SCALE: 1" " 30' 1:0 04• ' TAX PAPC[L 95:C-94-DC.O / ; N~9'56'25"r 112 51" ,89">a'i5"E 11~60' 7 1"'C'f "D' PHVATE 018'<" CD Cl7Y OF R£N70N, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEMENTS {SEE SHEET 6) ' I I I " I '" I ' TAX P/..RCEL I I l ~ 102CS)5-S305 I I I ' ~ -f: I L49 "' --hi LANOSCA~i' -~6EU,.3i'i:f,, 5 EA5<U[sl & P~T~W>/ ,l_l~ © 15· PJBL1c'-D ~ STORL< rSO,[NT I l 73 ,.,· m~ Q,' Rr, TON WA"iP F"ASfY[Nl (5:) <~-~~~~~\Ev.t.fli I ( ~M[NT>I ff I 2t:· I ::' ~ I f_Jf ,.· ' """~ / u; I R,.c?l1.._r:: /,s Pt.BUG STQRL< ::'_Ll_B-0_-' I U@A(Mi)© I I I I I \ I ~TUJ<D\ = ~G<'( kD I B'Jfft~ I,· \' u ~l\;l~;l<IAN / rAll-WI'*' 10" f"..B•Jc(s) / ~0',\'(S EASC>,!c~'/ I I " f. ,, ii! 81"' "I -.,ll!_ _[1 " ____ LOT ~-Pfi[SS/LOT >REA I!\8,C _ ,oo I LOT ADC,R;:S.S "R!_".____ 1 xxnx Cll[L/.Jl A,'[ NC 3.9J2 sr +/ 2 C XXXXX CHfi.AN •vr NC 3,930 Sf,/ ) ' ><XX< CHEL•N •\It. NC ~ •. ;/i5 :ii-i --'--" txXX<CHE.e_~ xxxxs on,N •VE NC XXXX< r.HFI AN AVE N.' ]0 n~x• CHELAN AV[ NC ,un CHEL•N A.-[ NO 1i XXXXX ~Hll.AH All!.. Ne ·~-xx,xX CHEL'.N A\/E. NC ~ • .l~9 ~ +/ ~.941 SF"+/- 5,501 _SF +!-. s.on .,.-+!- :-ia•cr ·• w,cr -~ TRACT C ,,~, ·1.mr ARE'- 7,100 :if-+/-' S.<35 SF+/ 3.7J5 SF </ ,:NE lENG""H_ 8[ARING L-''<"'---W'>' ""'---'--'---~6~'."' __ Li;/ 1 ()(l <()(l'QQ'JS"W u, 1J 12· N " >"< '" U5 "l,12' ,tl~';,9'21"E. ~16 16l.20 NOOW'Y.i"E I--_L77 L__Ll_~ "" IM_ '" "' <·-~·· 25. f 1516 -60.;.L' 1s&J"'" ~-~;-~~: 19G 14.l'" L,7 ~· 15· .•. -.. NBToo'·e·w ~05·no·,1· S.Q~~·'/! __ ~~-~r~;:r. - N5+5"" +·~· sn,:i·i1·w -- s1T:i,;·rn·c -~5·, NH"a~·si·~· NOO"O.l'.l.l"~, Sl 1/4. NW 1/4. SEC 10. T2JN. R5E. W ~ CES.NW.wc C/Y/l. ENO/NEERING ,I SURYEY/NO am 29th si. N.E. s,.;1, 101 P1JYALU,"P, WA i,<JJ72 CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG LUAOB-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, GAE A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOvVNSHIP 23 NORTH, LEGEND r=:::.J " ,,sc,c n, '''"°"' '"""'" eeo,m <) [ : : : : :j 0 mVATE SE:1'1:R [ASC~EN· uoo L"C-1 110, RANGE 5 EAST, ~LLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEMENT DETAILS LINE TABLE LrnGTH 4_,7' 5Q 75· 5~.IJ 1720 ,78"39'22"11' S50'01'IO"w 36"1 " 7"W DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT CD ~ 15' FU'l!: WAITR [AS[l.l[~T '.[ASEl.l[Nl PSCYlSIQN ~) ~ 1;' PHVA[l WArca c•><.~E:N" cf,~-i----¥-~·"'.t>. +~~~";"~·~·::;,-~:,:---, '.<2 I ' llHf. _ l106 DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT CD -L,NS 'A3U lfNCfH Sf~RISG .. L'15 l'H2 LT:l6 l127 _ ll28 ,,n ,::,·· DETAIL PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT CD !""~ ' "TRACT"F I ~ I ! g I I I I i I ! I I i1 DETAIL ;J,2l PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT 0 '"-"'· ~ (_,J) ' " 1~ 13' 9 ao· 17.23 S5 ·41 J"E S."\En~_'J7'W N5J'• l'°'"W S36'18")7"~· ·, · rw DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT CD LB9 '.14-1 DETAIL ..... ~.} CD ' l.140 ----- lP.6.CT'E' -~--l 3 LJN[ TA3'f --~ UMr i:M~lH S:!-~;1;~ E ,l/-1< l-!BI ' -- -ci<5 ~1 g:,• , S411C'1:1"W -----;:,--,s->-m:r,--N-tiir22·:-,·w r--I-.-- ~~-L..~.,· __ J __ ;;~~~:~~:~ I TRACT 'C" I ·-------- / DETAIL PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT 0) ,oo ~ g S[ 1/4, NW 1/4. SEC. IC, ~2JN. RS[. W.M. ' ' ' " • I I CES:NW./NC C/Yll. ENG/NEERI.NG ,I SURVEYING 3l0 28th st. ll.E. Suit< lOl PlJYAllUF. l!A P~37< CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOS-067, PPUO, PP, ECF, CAE CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECnON 10, TOWNSHIP 2J NOR1H, RANGE 5 EAST, f\1LLAMUTE M£RIO!AN DEDICATION CITY OF RENTON, K,'NG COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~-=") "'"'·"''!·.\-'lt'.'tlf.~ >~..,--·. ·:•'''~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT c,~u·, -, ,-,, -[IF ~I 3ELOW ~ 0,lC -c-~1;,'Y CLl•lf' --,;· ,',E :1L' ~.;er ,:ru -' PO -I L L,'~~-'"' c-· ;.,n :-IJI, l ~.-,~,r1 ~' ·,~-~u-.,~" •cC'C''"'" TC •Jr:"-l'AF·: 1·0:s 1'.S -~~ RE'.: ~f St,,· :;,•1',EP~ ··, -. S ___ -, _. ______ . 2C"~. B~")~E ·,1". "FRSC: ,A_l' ~P~E:.~EC· .'J[C, T; t-,£ ,~.,:wrs -c fF T'-IE M~\AC\G >,llJ.'&h r.:f A l\'AS-•\GIC•J _,,! :~-· c.•lJ·.,I' .,•-"/"·Me'.--;..-c1F(l.ff[, "1-F l~',lllJMcr,' MJ[, ••>.'<IC•o1·1_0 JGF' s~r. ·11.:;nv.1~N· ~E ·1-1 .>,\C -,,Fr. er ,,\IJ ,;,~i,f'Mn ,-::m --r Jc,,s ~u~~cs:s ~-.c CSJ ·>-.... ;:,-;..·;-c n•;· -, I~"-•r,RIL~~ ,] Lill') l '' M---'R~•:•F r1fl':,T \\'~I- JA ,-,. __ _ nrtE TRACT NOTES (CONTINUED) --,,.c,'.T T, ,; ~;,,,;. T ~T:.,R•/ ;pA,f,AGE lf.~C · ',I''], l, ··h_ Hi , · ·-~· '-"''\T[ ;.•Jr, Y··,,cycr: -·1 TPC ur,p •".''.!:TK =.JC, 'H :, ·-~I •f!Af~ ~11[, t,'·iCRS AC,S~c;.·c\ '~~·-" .\\ CAe>IYlN, ~ l·<_UY ~Po\·E: ~-r' "\,"'Fr• -H~ T'Y o• ;.,,C, A(Rt",~ TRACT F•c11_1r,; -1\,; o w•T /:.">;c)/'N':T_k\D CUF~E' -~·A·--~P~ ., F:,::,:Rc ~,::, : IL·ccjY ~-R•r,-E' ,;-.r: :.CN,=Y:::G -:) TrE c~EU.N c~EE~ C, ! ·, -,·,<0 2'<1\ P~ h~~GC ;,.-Gl- ~p1 · ~11_ ,,h~,\ hK~l·~;_;J Al'f'_RQV A_LS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF RENTON MAYOR CITY OF RENTON -., TH'_ CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE -E'·.f""' ·-:;._T --1r~r ,:._;[ '.C· :nN8L[W SFECI~_ "'.:5Ess·~~WS ~L'' )>-t /, ' --E ~~•>tR r ~1~;·1r; P fll' 11,;F ~RC ~t-D "i •\ r.;,., 2Cl5 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE "rlERC: A~~ -JR :CL~l~' 0\ c-·,,u, nr-. t,\Y ·-· - cF~ r,·v· ,-,~ :-'1 '"CR ::; • [C, P'~G" TRACT NOTES "R~c-A ,,, ,Arc. 'KRE,·-E•.~E';" fH ', i'-_~T 'RAC-' S >·[RcJ·,, -~~4\ 11:_i: . ,-,~w_·,,: IPJ[I <t(Jw.-,(; l·F ll•t "~_MJ r.RC'"•' P ~ -[~~cl' ::;R;,r, le: Al·-L ·:DN,,~Y[C '.) Ml[W~~~O o'of ~,ATiO\ ·,1,~~; J;\ PLAT ffiAU 'l ~U[_·;: H~,~-' I')/.' VR~) .-. nµ:-. =-,R T··F ~IJ'<FC-~F r,c- ·"··· ~:,:.11•TAT\::; ::;·,::-r•A AlsJL ',l.1'1~1;[ ,IA :·1 M-l[ '[R -, ·[ c, .. -:;1·,[[R N'., I' •NS c~ 11 I-ill' C '~--Ek 1,1'-'R>EMlt,f'.o ;;-.'.Le;: ·1,_ l)c - i >.l) ~:·· S' P<··;"-.'· ,,c<·-~ ;_,~~c' ftN.~ . Tf ~r:,~·~['.T '.P~''· ~EC~·RJ1~r; ,-,F ~-15 P,/-'l'"C :<~J"• ~°<."\ Af,D ~C>,.,.-E<~) TC T-IE :Hc.·''1 :R~c' P .U ,-'.,'!''ill'<::~-, ,.,s:c1,.r,:·'< t,N -·.F·i~ 1~ >-!;~FRY :.F:ANTE[• Ah~ ,::N\'E"•[[ TC I [ -_ F .;r ~~,,-~·, '.)'yC'l "'r,D ,-c.;f.-O~S ;f;,.I. "c'" r-[ ~,_,<Pnc:E f,F ,:Oh'IE"·I'<~. ,-~-~\·_. -~Al--.~lN __ A'·J~' FA-:.,1-,-1r.c; ~··"1RM ~l.RFACr ,\Sfff' ON~· I ',M, IA~/ '',f,',F~ ;.\[) v,~TfR ~u~P--,SE:O ~ER T~l c~·:;\l,Lf>1'.-~ C _MJS ·~'-FILE,,.-_, -~, ~F ~lf,l':-ti'A).r,rc:·--~>;([ c-~'--(T-fR "~~'.l,L'-'c',-,-'·"--~• IH~ ','CS• :r--.s e L TY .-,, --~ -CA SHEET INDEX CAf C."' ------ 1.'1r!C,1L~ 1--'i''o, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: ur.nu -,.~r -HIS P.kT 2·F :rlEL'·' C~E, F , F "'iFCTIC•N l . T·)'l.'hSHF 23 ~~~-,, ,~E Sl--1-~,·-N c:~~ccr_·r r~,~,1J~ :;~\CRS ,.,;u_ )[ STAKEt· ccc;ac:·_v -;.·1c c '_l'( .,·1,c 1=[ 11>"-T~E =~(). ~l-'.)~4r~ 8~ .:=R-1=c•·~ -,_ 'tBE~ .'~~F :-c~-'<C~·-1,, 0~ .f,·. 29"-C,~'E:"T ·,F. ".L ~l "-"-LI. '. w;, %~'2 1-->-C',c .·'.·5-~·-b-~2.7-3 Zou;:. l'.N I'> C,I ~ [ON'. ;2010 A' '.J A'<L -~~.;,;<;>.CJC: 'CES.NW£VC C·tC'(A1{)>. ,r~,,r.~•,C'CCME.1/' "·~l"v'/.1c~ ~,, ~,,re:, C[~r,,cc "-· ·,u,·.-u:~·, cEP•ir.c ,,, ':C~-'\'[ ;]-F A" Dt,'.;, -. ----- -U.Ot!Jt~· h•~·C',,J~H), ,'.OtJC'""C'S 'C'V[.'P.C. •Nt ,,r,ro:i·n,,,,. c,-;,e;,~ ,,.,-r--,.~, ,c;c~'"' o,. ,,,~.,-~~ •,c:c• ,·r.~•i'D, •1;,r S,,[[T < c~·· 1,<P -,-,i ,c••• ,r,;, ' (/.\E!.iE . .:'. ,,[CiiESOtl" cc· •NI'.''" srcc, -cJ.Cf,1;£,'. • [:~, .\!,>,\'~Gicii C/YIL. ENOIIVEEJ1/ND ,I SURYEYINS 3l0 29\h ~· '< ?. ~""" H'YltLL\ P. WA ~A,l72 CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA08-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CA.E CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG .t A PORT/QI\/ OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N. W 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, SCALE 0 I SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B: -f :~~""' .v,., -~,·, '-'' ' )CC ·os .,,, 1 ,,~w•·,• ";" ·ec -,aer'f' ~-"· -,~r ·, NC.1,cN "-Ht.St. ~ ,, R>QSE: c, FC "k -,,sw ec,r.;,, ,.,r ;PF!· OCff~Tf[, ·•r"T' , 17 -rn J~cr~ ··::1c"G ''"'~c·r, ia53·ei a: ·c,1,ST'1.,nrr. SI•"-"· .. car-~ 2 "E'.T vFCP \4•.:f" cwt. A0,·c: T• "' •~,~ ,i, , ·<J: ,nr lh ,~r. ·- 01 C ,,s--, ·MMf. (,"j r,c.H ;,~r C, '··t. ;u.TtKL~l ~~ ;,c ·N c 1fi •, ~:,~ ,-r,,,,ra, cn:r,::;, ~~ ~' :,..,~-r:L:'1:o :rc•iurc ,-~ •f --~·-·· ~NC ,a'-N JHf nr~r~A[' "'~'(a"t r .:: ,,sr.rn aa:~J•N~ Nu,rnrn ·-,;,r.o,~<,:··· ,:-o ·,•T"; /'-- "'"'_, ,e,·,;·~r,, .. , ,,;c,:1 .. ~1t~ ----.-~t.---~--- .M -,--,--ee•a~c, N"~'~''1~·,, c--s,~,:~--,~"· -""~-:a·~_;;.;;:~ ___:'!'__.~•ec.c"c-~•c"c'~·~c'c'·c•_ 11:M !@ • l ~ ~ ~ ~ i § . 1-r ~~ -:I I I I I I "' -, i- RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, .KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON TAY P,IRCF '0.\Ci-~;~c 1C C4 -~, FAO.E_ " '--~-,. NOT A PART '006 SEE SHEET 3 I ,<f. 12 n lAACT'E' •;, ~,pee :r;;,-;·-~.l, · I I I I I I 4•) ---( -''. :-z '·"\'::;' • • ' r ·,,x >•R·T0 -,·.·r,,,_,{.<r, 5 --:~ .. - "TRACT LY • r.n= / i ,"' i., RER,\R & GP// j ~ ,~'' C '"''C ' 1' g2:' ·,, ~•'l".f" -Iii! .\t5CC-(Jf~ r • , ~ '!.,2'.1 i I I !'; ;c' -I a· r,r.~C\ 'W. 'G C] SEE SHEET 3 . -~ ----... 4 ,~ T~:r:·--'--: I csr,·:s '",11c~E~ cscc:, I ,•:. H~ a,_; 53 / TA) f ,'OCE. n1o2r-oc: " ( I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I i / ~-cu.o,.; ~,2 '" • • ,-.;54; c,;· SEE SHEET 5 FOR: LOT AREAS, ADDRESSES AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS ,1: L,'.E -,;i ;:,L~-.L~ -----. ---.. -- ~ -, .. ,, ,.,-, r,_5_0_~.1,_;"( ,:o·:oc1·t ""'44·0,:1;;________ ,_·e·:•1,0,,"> \"I" 'j._______ c;c·;·,;;1.-,:1_ ' ,,,1,0,_2_;;-c_ :;e,·:,.,-, ·'.; -~-~.,~ .. ~-.;.~,~~~, __ -_- "~ .• I.' .• l" ___ •C<._~c·,_,_( L41 '.>CC'Y <~c, .. ,--,q··• ~'1.' ·.ag-oJ'"':•;t ~:!' 4 ,~· ,~, ··:•J" '" ··, -•,;r~· c•··4:no, !P '<' "'.:T.' 1-''J_ 04'."',( '" ( 8C []" DETAIL CHELAN PLACE NE TRACT C CENTERLINE ~C"ll,>Af"•,· N ·,c}~~ " ,~~05 ~ ,,, o·~>,4P[Q C '19'.' SHEET c;F l '4, fJ'/1 CES.NWLIYC CIYH. 6Vtl/NFER/NG ,I SURYEYING ~10 2~,h .<t ,; !" o,.;,e FrYilll'P. 'IIA 00372 HUS, (;I~~/ ~4t·l~5~ fAX: 12~~' 545 4~7t CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA08-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG CAE A PORTION OF TH[ S.t. 1/4 OF TH[ N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, .RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN ClrY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~ASEMENI PB9Vl§1QNS/]'!0TES '"''™'il -, C Cf 'l,faY N,l) ,-,-,,-,,_--:·R T-f M<•f. ~>ISNtF C /;\ -. '.ilR U:?E"I S? A_l T:•,[ Th~OC PI.P~'_;'.oC_, '.,J--i,_c Bt. -, C 1,T:i. TY N'J I NFc, (.R ~c.-C~ C>[l l -EL~', SION -~.Lo If•~ '.o-"'-'l A If. ' ,_,ccc,, cc t,f.D 1~5:;,1"~ i-F FAStvc'.-: "" ~;,',~ l'""FC'! ·c, ~l ~'W\l-", • ~ •,L,.,L ,tN ~~?~1rs::; Si·~-L :,:: ~---~ Cl'1\lR''.:, C-(.~ 9N.HR' ~•."1F~ c:u~F:.sc· ,, FVI _,-F<c -;.•i ~,sc·, -:::,1: fLll~~~-_GI'_',;, "'!faiT '(" ~. -i''(C~·· ;..·,D '.if»c. -,:; Hf •_\\'Nb'.:, L'f '"~ J--~ ;_:i,Nllh C· Sl-l,~l BE C::].:, __ ,-P._'YU,~~IB_t C,R --E fl-' .,, ·~t:3E IM~'-'.>,'El:Et-1·~ TWY q,;.~-,,TH ··1[ cxC[P-Oh CT-CS[ '"''cC';_-, '.':,T~ __ E[ 8' -~:: L~H'O ~H-•• Jl SL1L[·_Y liES'CI-ISIB.E f<:~ H· ~~D ~~po,', ~'f 11-TFS /,C':/ ~'"· ORAi -~(1[' '/, ll~H ')f,L, s::·-.rr I ·: ~ r _:r ,_,-_ T'( :0~C,~f'<'", ','·A.l l>-<c \\ tN~\CI:: :Jf '1--'~Y t,<_'_ IL':, ~·~l~f1~. WIIHN ~,\I• C'',lMU. "i'~iRf ."11', ~:·-4 <;1,,; I Fl~ , .~A ~FR ,cci• .'-.\-~: -,.c -~ ., _•r r;c,,-,. .. , -:R ST:<R•.l JiiM\~ -f''-'~"C:ol'., A\C LJ-s ~R~.v· r.,~ r-,-E', >\I-- THC •,Ii.I~ TH.t, SAIJ ':AC-::•r\i- lJ' L ll~'o ~~ _ \ .. J--l tVi\Ufc ' -FIP ~ESFEC-:•·~ ~- hESFJ>,·; [): Tll'· Vt"IC'./Ek•ENE. ·sJ '-~1~ 1•,_.it. r ,;e I' ~ -·111,:,; ·, ,:~•,, l>H,1,t,~E Et··o vc• · HC=lfE'Y 'Of' c> ,;'J[' ::~ANr- tc-o t1= Jr'. _,)TS 12 · C A~D 11 RE~~CN:O clLl 1.,,;1•,r[t,At,ll ·;> <;J--,\ I ',h~: ,t.[ • N T~F M'·INT0NOWf F,\::1,1·1 ,_;)MM('J ,\-IT If, :,;~ CC::;;.,,• ,,,-,··. C,-, >.iA1N' ~N.~·-,·~l Cf SETB~CIS:l r.~,, \.v~ ,RP.~s,~ -. :: 1,,;,. T~,C.\'"-._,, T,,: 18-~ -4, II -A, tfOCf,T. ·:;· B.11~l> ·JG_-·z~,· ~Ai<MG[ LC-c-c,,:,NT, c,,c .,,:. w=r1 ,,,. ~--=1,:.~ ~c ·~1:,1 "M''.: lJ.1Ll_.lV, '.:.[TBA•> f',AI' ·r;~-c~1_:1rL ':oc ·::;!,·.~ C'.>fl\ER -.-, R: E-U 1r,,~ S'-R;.. VICINTY IIAP ·• ~ 114 Hl CONDITIONS, COVE_NANTS, AND _RESTRICTIONS Ce C·l\~TR.CE: ;.>,C t,f -hC·~~ 1-'.'·fS ·1-,;-~If' ~--',fff.' ~---'/• f~MP ' /, -I 4 Tll[RE '.:IA_ EE :RE:l .-.·-1c ... LA~ t-::cc:c- ,-~::;fl TH:':.C ~ '.C ,a-;ic,U I P81VA TE DRAINACl_E COVENANT f. !, ·._II. f,l c, C '.'8C~CEJ ,;,-H C'l:, ·::;o.--c:~s. ll~?FBr' cr,ANT AC\C ·ll ':,'A le. -:, F.f',; ::c '.)~·;;,.,·. nae ·,RAif<, ~-[ ~'/M lS 'cf ':.~ D 'R ':Vt "ROFC:'<1Y ARl 'l":S~CO. SE A'.'.:; ~~PA1~'fl'.: -he ~~A,/,:',lc -',UL:fl~':, r:CJO.!A1'J['. ,;,, ECRES~; T•'.: ::s,C:~ :;;.: ;p~ ~Wfr'':i'!L Y T'-IEF.' IN A~[ h':~EE,< ':f ~:, '>'"~ -,:-: .'Fl' ~If, 'lC(Jl~F[) ~CCO\J -,; C:~ C' ;_; ,_ CC QC Rc>s·cr-., )[\1E _CPME>, -~LH,K~'i f-"< C:·P TC., tl~L \ ~ -f' \~, .'Ecc-,.-, N :FX<"PT c~.~ ~:JI TIN~ i,N;SCAFE tJ;,,,-c-,;, ,,1·11 .,~ . .._, M('Wt<C, C~[N \F:c,[-•TEC ''.RA '-.A::F FM•~,llfO I~ LH AS ~-,'i.o_,~ '.:f"/:,NNELS ~,I ,re~. -r;N~'.., 01; l'-_~1r;"·"-G •\Y CG~I Al~fL' ,Vl.rl•\ --~ I'" ~L"N'.a ,-,;_,._, oi-ALL --F~ ~F"'S, RESTRICTION_S __ FOR CRITICAL AREA TRACTS ANPCRjTI_CAL A8!aAil_AND E!IJFFERS ~,F[) .'. ~ T,(\ ,~F :R1-~ ,,_ ,'.~~ .\ ,; E:t'll' ;IAL ,\-~ES: IN ,i;nF~--·\~L-1) I ·I AT BE~F," ~ ':-C ~1.l'I I~ ;:\, "'JL~l~A "l]~S ~~~ OL_jWlC al'if)~I;• IHl -<LCu -l[C fT 8 .. '-~ \,. ,,,-, tJ c' -~F~'/1'T F;i';ICFil FY Al', e-~~S~H=E_J;T_ 2 OF 6 CES.NWRVC C/Yll. ENGINEER/NS ti SVRWYING S!O 2~t~ St. ~.l. Sult, IOI PL'Hll~P. 11'~ 9B~n CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOB-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL.IPG A .PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4, OF SECTiON 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, ,~ANGF 5 FAST, WILLAMETTE MER/OlAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION I ~· '( ---- LEGEND + "'°"' COCK • .,,v' ' 3'A°' c-~,, '"' ·J~.r:~~-.4'\: SURVEYOR'S NOTES .Js,c, ~,fchcNCC 'ALC'J.J,ITC 0c~s.,ar~ r ST•~cr CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHlNGTON SECTION CONTROL AND BOUNDARY TIES WC C l=-~ ' N I ,oo """'"' ,oo ·s~ C,'P~r !J;,J,l)-C,'19 . ,~i·.A·-,onofjC"§;c-cc,· V'CSU~>N, IN LA,> .• oR,,~ N,i.: ' : ~,,i· ''tcEVP~';T';'~,;-tE ;-!jl,;;:' "Tftv,,·11 , " 1n;-1 ~'-' ~ .-· -% ~, ,:~ 00.l.''" • """"' ,~~·,c v;·,, ,EA'i'c cc ac•->Jr. -:;.,"' ,'; I. '-'(- ,,,,.!I:~ ,,csu~E~· "· :~c, , 'i" ~<a~e ' ''';~Of') REFERENCES ,,.,1 v: .. · II L•J~l -45U1 ~ r, , •L '· ''·, CQI-. "R~-F J,\. /f 60; ·c ~:, f 'Jf •CNl ;N ·;,;w-«,, oC ... -• -, ~~ ~-'' '" Jf Ol< I UN <.,~N," -cl ····"'" ~;,·";c " c,.,, ., "; ·~--~,.,, c·v,, ICC"''"" ,.,. c-·, """'' '" ,P' , ... ,.W,lC '~ .'!' L·~~s·._, ..... ·.,P'..·ic '.'.O[C>":A·c,: C' '' <'l~l-<l"l ~N />~. ~t.S".'f\, •.;> ··-~·~At,t. ;, ANY flfLl ,,,~,~' rc.r,-.,. "'" "-""P"' l0h ,:c,r,Mn ' "') ··~~ "ME'H '~ •cc ,c-'-~'~"~ ·.sr. ,,,c,,l <~" ,,;, ·, 8l ~c~.v-·,·,, '11111 ,\ 1.-0 • Ht3oi1 eN., ~~", ,;~--ti: ·a~rru L'> io42C· , .. A,·,,·,,__ ·c ·r O~A<> ,-, NPi • ~; • ~:c:~·~:.r •;Af1K;"0 -',,:SOTO ci,rn,.,s, P,O :a CG,-: -,c::r:;,s,: :• ·w; rt.P .. IN.[ f>'ll" • ~C _[NC,W :,t:AS ~; ,,·_~J~Et, -., ~•>E ,· 8P,c,s 01'.>!< -;--r or,. re~ W.N"lfl,-f'f;4e 3 OF 6 SC '4, 'ill I 4, sr~ ,c ~,.,~. R:~r f, S' CES.NWNC C/Y/L. END/NEERWS .I SURYEY.ING S\0 ~~th SI ~ ~ S,uoe lOl DUS 1253) 845-,125~ PIJYH!.l'P, 1f.l Q0~72 rAX: 12~3) 545-~C?B CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUA08-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE A PORTION CF LEGEND $ I :a'Jr. v:, .,, \. ,,, , "T~ ~'1'P.>Or ·av-:· LO :0 •?~ ·•: E>'."E:vE,-'H:•,l'.lc.~ ,Jr. S><ET L' ~=i I::~:: L:ssJ lrrffl ,.,.~·:s '" '; ,:, DETAIL PRIVATE SEWER EASE. r•x r~e:,. ·'.·2JC",-:)<;,, -----.." /------ I / DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASE. 'A" 'B' ANO ·c· (_t_:; .r,p " ... '<' ~··oq.i· 11))4 \, eh'.l-··,·o -0 ,oo I "ax -sP(H I ,,:;..sc"-s:,, ' ,, I NOT A PART CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TO//NSH/P RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTF MERIDIAN 23 NORTH, CITY OF .RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEMENTS (SEE SHEET 6) TRACT 'E' ,,q,:F ,c, ;·.-~'. r ',,4r. •N> R<J'C -.... ~ PDEClR "~ P,\TH"S'"Y '' ' I I I I I I I I I I ' ~· l .<•,la'. 3,_-:a 1 _,o·.,,c, ~-J>'" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I ( SE WTH ST. SCALE - -~?- ,•_5e' ,0 I ',:, 'X t ·- • ·· •,4 <,c -=· !"O"~~r:-;-::- --,'\~4: ?)' A '..'}{]', ce"w s;gg·,,·2.i'' >'= cs'·,''· ,c,·,,4,-,,.. ',~:C-J ·d"'1-- ~c5·x 21"E ______c2__, _._. 1' •Jb8•)".TIS ..,,.~------_.0~ I ,:____":_> S~•"";/"1<., .E ,ocJ· •,Jo-u-·,.,·-;:- -~~ ?-;}--+-~~ --~ll ±-~fµ ?f~ _ ,,., 36" i·~ ;:;,ice"'' :~c'>;t !-n.;.-·~ :,}.~"'.h~~;~~-! " _ •i ,Q:coc;· --~ ''---,_~C 'i' ~CO"/ CES:NW£VC Cini. ENGM/EERIND ,I SUIIYEYIND ~IQ ~gn, St '"l Suit, ]Qj B\:S: (~~31 6'48 ~:/6~ Pl'HIJ.l'P ~~ g"~n !',Uc !:/~~) 6iij-i~78 ~--------------------------------"""'-'cll·c'•':cc","'"''"· "°""""'''c•·c'-' "'•~! .. -:, ,c-6 E 30Jr .,~ •:· mo CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG LUAOB-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION JO, TOWNShlP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 [AST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN I ·~1 .·:·:: ZJ [SSSj ~ CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGEND l1'-' Jc, 11, ,.-., "" .,,. "" ~,.- DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT I I ;& -~ ; /· t;-,;/ / i NOT A PART ,if/ ,/,' "~.:'J25-~----{ I ) • -'2.\ =-[· 4~:r--/ .' -,:"Ii1'1RAc~· ,,._ -~--- j " DETAIL PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT ~;: ,.,.,,.,,·_;;_ s•tn,. ,n ,-,·•t:,-. S/l8'2,:·,: ' -~"!~r,-;:: -1 DETAIL '.e PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT e;r,~1~G COC'J)'4;·c ~""'" ;a·, :o,·~3·cs·: ·Ct;'?J''.-s·, 14 . "i I C " ·I •. " I i k 1:,l)J? \ ~_"..._eQ .)k A, ~-=-c:~";-~"-c'c0 __ ~:·.;~.~~::~ /{ J EASEMENT DETAILS DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT i -~ I I S~ALEc 1·.50· so o ~o b-..+= I DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT .:_~- 1Tfi· / I !.' ,---.. ?! :.·/ ;._ TRACT 'E" ,'TRACT y ~i i ' DETAIL. 3 ' PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT ui..1 Ll44 L,4-"._ l.f4) DETAIL _ _§_E•P~ sa5·,t2· -~~: -~~:r,, ,oa·;,·,· a· ,.,-c '7T S'0-?1 ;: r PRIVATE S"!_QAM EASEMENT .'fa 3 ;__ ?ft:;; ,' I 2 !''/~- tt:-~~~=-~· ~ _,2~:1· _t__j 4 2 TRACT'C' CES:NWNC CJY!i. ENGW£E111NtJ ,I SUIIYEY/NO ~lO Zltth St. ~ F .. Su,te 10. Fl'YAlJ.IJP, II'• ~837:: ,oo I ' • 11 CHELAN CREEK PUD DIMENSIONING PLAN AND INTERSECTION DETAILS )' CO I , E; ;:n: ,v •. ,, .,. "'"'""' ,.. ,., .. ' I i CES.JVW,WC CNll. ~ ~ $/JRl"F>'M:1 I I '-I 0 1, 1! "1 I I i I' ' r i • ~ ])! s > -:::F-- () ( ;r ~ (' IT! l v_·2; ' < < ~ ? r fl: 11 +: 11 ! _s~ ~~! I ~~ ~~~ -, ~ ; ~f ,., ih i! !' H ii: ]f] : 1! T ' ' 5. ' l -:. ·.1 . ' ' IU ._..,mun• ,, ll ~ ~ iii :,: ~ > z Iii it t'.i z l'E:TLAND MITl5'ATION PLAN oveRV/l!r4 FLAN CHELAN C.~!::K Pl.JD ~NTON, V-.ASHIN6TON 1 fj ,) ~i~l3l-~~'.~,~l ,:~~~:·~'.,~: .. '.,:1_::~ !. ~~A. f ~-,• '""K'f" ' . , ~ ~ ~ t ~ .;,· ~ u -: ~ iii~~i~Vi C::;,;;, ~ •:.-<,:;:;; '' '' ' '' 'UU-( u " ~£ ~a:2. o-·, ' "'' V'E:TLAND MITl15ATION Fl-AN PLANTIN6 FLAN 4 O!:TAILS C::..H!!LAN C::..~e:t< PUO RENTON, ViASHlN6TON ' I!, :t· t I / :1 ' , ,I I I I ., i I I· I I I I I I i ; I ,1 I :1 I ,, ''' 'i ' !/ 1 : ~ I! 'I , ! ' I I ,' / 'c I I I i ii ,, .\ltm;11111 Ol!\cl -\,~ouaic~. L[ l AQA ~,,_,._,~ .., o,_-,_,, :a£. ~ m,-~~ V'eTLANC, MIT!iS,ATION PLAN SP!:C.IFICATloNS 4 De:TAILS C-He'LAN GlilJ!E:K Pl.IC, l"l:NTON. ~SH!NGTON ·\llmm,n 011\·er ,h,<Klitte, I.LC AOA .... _, ___ _ ~-,• ~:::::."':. • I • \ ; ;_;;;;it;~~ t1;; ~;; ;r-~;1; ~~~ ;1;; ~;;!; ::: ;'.:};";'.: ~ ;:; ~,;t·.: ~ ~ ~ ~ i~i;-~ ~-7 ~ ~ ~ §:~~-~ t~ ff~·;;~::;·; i ~: ~ ~~,~:~ ~ ~ !Ii-~!~;~1t t ~~ ~ ~ f~l~1~ ~ i ! ~ !;rr~l~~?.~r~~iHi1;!!~~~·;H !H~~~:""!.;;p"~i~~~i;~ I, d ·,.;;-; -, ;1~!~1 ' '', ·~ -. 0 r _. ' '. ! l"I .,,., ,:. 5 5 ~ ;, :;; ; l 'i -- §I ' C ' CHELAN CREEK PUD RENTON, WA "' rn m u :;; z :j z G) -< JJ m m JJ rn -< rn z -< 0 z u :;; z ';j,. . ; ' : I> I " \~ 0 TREE RETENTiON/REPLACEMENT PLAN ~ ' t > "1· ,' / / ff > ,, • 1 _, • .. ' :, ,Q i 0 '1 "' ', 'i 'I r .I I ii ~1 f: I ci -. x. • . ,, l ' ~~t ~$.:;:~:r: :'.:t:t~ '<:1i,:1;1":i: t:rn~ ~ t.i:ill ~ ;,,:·t;: ~ ~::i~~;.; ~.;;; .::;:; ~ o ,.. .. -~'" ~ ~,. -~ " •fr, -,·;:;·"ti-~-,,, 'i-.. -,,,~...-!(~~ ." \.,."'"' .':'".;";'c;':i:·9 ,,·o,·~--e'-,,,·'i·ij .;·.,·..; .;';;';.':,a'.!:,·;;-'i\ ;;""ii,h'°i'-i ~ :ii'J ll{ll; ~.;' li ~;_ii~ F~ ~-: ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-;e.~ i; 'i~ ~ ~-~;;;; ~: ~ j';' ~ ~ ~;~ ~ -~ I' ~ !~ ,,.., 1, o ~,m,,,, z ,js~ """ :Sii:2""",,:;,;",,,, ::0 .b ~"' ~ ~"' '~ ""V ,,"' m r ..... , ' X X PI~~ ~ C ~ CHELAN CREEK PUD RENTON, WA ~ (/) m m ,, ~ -< z Cl -< ;o m m ;o m -< m z -< 6 z ,, '.,: z I:, ,' :K ; / ~'" :I C)t•a :1 ~ 'itf 1 .. "· • •• • ' " ·•.: )< Y, .),!;.) 0 ~ ~ i TREE RETENTIONlREPLACEMENT PLAN X • • • • • • • • • i • i t i " • / • • • -n :; ) " * * I;- :_ I ' ·• • • • y 0 ,,_.,_,_ ; or ,-,_,.,/ -~ , \ I J " A! • ., ,. -j: i ~ ji _;j " 'I /. y -~-/ . ~~·' F. -.i?;i' •" X ·~ 0 q ~ = I ..,.,, 00 °' -.0 ...... I I I! ' ~ 0 ~ 0 r, ' a m a 0 '\ ~ ~ ~ z r ~g I ; ~ ...... -<ii::: ~ ...... 2. ~ ::: ' " ~ ; 0 ~ ~ ~ )> iii iii ' ' CHELAN CREEK PUD 1' RENTON, WA LANDSCAPE PLAN SOUTHERN THIRD OF SITE -, 1i li !j " ~ --; "' 0 I m 0 C :;; ~ 0 "' m z --; ,; m "' =, m " : :c t f ~ .• ;; q " r ~~Ir~ ..... ' 0 ' "' ,1; I 1 CHELAN CREEK PUD RENTON, WA ' ' ! ! I ! l LANDSCAPE PLAN MIDDLE THIRD OF SITE ! ! ~ i i l 1 ! i i ; 1 ' " ' N " J s'1 () ---< ctj " ' " r ! > z --< "' 0 I m 0 C r m ~ 0 "' m z --< ,; m u, :; m ~ ! i,-' ' l ' g ' ' ' i I ' ! ' l ~ ~ ! ! N ,, r )> z :j z Gl g ,, r )> z r PIP ..... ' --w ~ i ~ § i i CHELAN CREEK PUD RENTON, WA ' - ' I i ! LANDSCAPE PLAN NORTHERN THIRD OF SITE ' sf- 'l1 ··-----<' " ~ .... '" 0 I m 0 C r m ~ 0 ;o m z .... ;o m "' =, m - ::;,:, I ...... co 0-. "Cl ...., c::, 1 l ! I .. '' m Cl m ~ m "' --< Ci m ~ m z () m 1'-!/" s· ·----·· ---·-- w "' "' " r \ c=.--~-----__,-' Ci l'.: r ~ m z () m " " 6 "' ~ -"': ' () ~m ~~ ;u m "' --< Ci m ~ m z () m ' ~~Ir~ ' 0 • :: ~ ;a ~ ~ ------,-------,::_ --- :,:J ' CHELAN CREEK PUD RENTON, WA PLANTING NOTES AND DETAILS ~ " --< 8 ;u •m I ~ :m " ,; z =! z " 0 m --< ;, r BP-52 Bench Specifications I II I IIII IUllll 1111111111111 ~ .. ,.,.~,-·,""''"· ~, "'""' ·~·"""" ~ .. A.,o••,(ls ,~,~, .. ,~., .... ,."'"'"" ·,01e -~"'"'"""'"""~. '"'""''~""'>"'-'' '" ,,-, "''~"''''" "'""" .Ft l l ,,,,,,-,. "'""" ,,.,, ··~·· '!' ,.,_,., •. ._,.,~l,aoe"c"'°"'' ""'''' :!'EL ,., .. .-,,,.,,;.,,,,,,..,..,, O(}&o,,O ,;,,,.,•,.,,,,, WA\lOCJil ~;::-<>:,-:'.'~~'~ corn "''"'"'"""'-''"'"'"""''" METAL BENCH CUT SHEET, NOTE BENCH WILL HAVE AN ADDED ARM IN MIDDLE OF BENCH. NOT SHOWN IN ABOVE DETAIL BENCHES WILL BE SURFACE MOUNTED -,;t:.::S1lsitl'~ii'.s\~~\~·i*~~~. 2 SOFT SURF ACE TRAIL l;tCTION •• or ,,or, fUh , ... ,PffD WOOC\ COMP~CT UGHTL Y CROWN ~All< 1.';/" Pf<OW:.C f'O~ITrvE ORAi NAG~ ~W*< f"RO'-< P~Tfl NON.V/OWN c;roTEXTII [ FABRIC C0'-<P .. C1'D ~UBGRADE. TO fill IN M>NOR nFPRHSIONS .,, , WffH SI\NO "~ ·,e~v ~mo> ~Olt. CONCEPTUAL NOTES ON SANDBLASTING AND INTERPRETIVE SIGN SANDBLASTlt,G WILL CONSIST OF 4" OR 5" TALL LETIERS WITH PLANT NAMES LISTED FOR EACH AREA OF WETLAND FORFSTEO UP! AND. FORESTED WETLAND AND RIPARIAN WETLAND A MINIMUM OF THREE PLANT NAMES WILL BE LISTED FOR EACH AREA, NINE T'OTAL MINIMUM DEPTH OF lFTTERS IS APPROXIMATfl Y 3/16'' IF POSSIBLE. NAMES WILL FOLLOW CURVE: OF DIVIDING LINES BET\NEEN ARFAS OF CONCRETE IN GATHERING SPACE SANDBLASTlt;G WILL BE ETCHED INTO COLOR CONCRETE TO CREATE LETTERS SEAi COLORED CONCRETE AND SANDBLASTED LETIERS WITH MATTE FINISH CONCRETE SEALER COORDINATE WITH OWNER. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND WETLAND BIOLOGIST CONTACT COLBFCK AND COMPANY 206·781-2200 OR OTHER APPROVED SANDBLASTER CITY OF RENTON Pl ANNER WILL NEED TO APPROVE OF DETAILED PLAN PRIOR TO INSTALLATION INTERPRETIVE SIGN WILL BE APPROXIMATELY 30"K42" ANO WILL BE ON A WOOD OR METAL FRAME AND POST S[E PLAN SHEET L 1 3 FOR LOCATION SIGN WILL LIST PLANTS ASSOCIATED WITH EACH AREA or THE WETLAND, AS WELL AS FUNCTION AND BENEFITS OF WETLAND AREAS COLOR PHOTOS OF THE PLANTS WILL ALSO BE PART OF THE SIGN CITY OF RENTON PLANNER Will NEED TO APPROVE OF DETAILED DESIGN PRIOR TO INSTALLATION TRE:£ PRDTECTIDN DETAIL R-386921 CITY OF RENTON __,.,,i;:'.- 11\IS,"' 11-'4-2<>1' '2-<S->O>S ~ "l 0 ~ ::, ~ "-i'l " w w u w"' z o:::~ tti u . ~ z z z :s ~ ~ w z ;;: I W I U 0: 0 OAlf b< N.C ~k F'\.AN ORAM"' -~ JOll s«r[· L 1.5 e "' -~~e-rs - '+ I a' i " • ~! I • .. ' !.'le "z • •• C i! I ·, i r ~ :S " '" ~ ~ CHELAN CREEK PUD 'd • ' _. RENTON, WA 'it ' ' ,1 ~n ,, 0) CHAINUNK FENCE DETAILS Please make the following corrections on the Final Plat: 1. Tract Dis a public storm drainage tract. Upon the recording of this plat, Tract Dis hereby granted and conveyed to the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association (HOA). An easement is hereby granted and conveyed to the City of Renton over, under and across Tract D for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans on file with the City of Renton. The City of Renton has the right to enter said stormwater easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, improving, and repairing its drainage facilities contained therein. Only the chain link fence, flow control, water quality treatment and conveyance facilities will be considered for formal acceptance and maintenance by the City. Maintenance of all other improvements and landscaping on said Tract D shall be the responsibility of the HOA. In the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meet its property tax obligations, as evidenced by non-payment of property taxes for a period of eighteen (18) months, then each lot in this plat shall assume and have an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract D previously owned by the HOA and have the attendant financial and maintenance responsibilities. 2. Single family residences and other improvements constructed on the lots created by this subdivision must implement the flow control best management practices stipulated in the approved drainage study and plans No. __ on file with the City of Renton and as listed in the table below as well as any declaration of covenants and grants of easement recorded hereon. The owners shall at their own cost, operate, maintain, and keep in good repair, the property's best management practices knoWfti'f~n jpe,. Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon Grantor(s), and !Mi~r-dr'i;~~U successors in interest and assigns. Df:'C O 9 1015 Lot number Bmp type(s) 1. 2. Compliance with this stipulation must be addressed in the "single family residential building permit drainage review" when any application is made for a building permit for the lot. 3. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to recording of the final plat. NGPE language TRACT E "The Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) on the Chelan Creel Plat identifies the steep slopes. The creation of the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement area. This interest shall be for the purpose of preserving native vegetation for the control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The Native Growth Protection Easement imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the easement area enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement area. The vegetation within the NGPE may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express written permission from the City of Renton. The right of entry granted herein shall apply to the agents, representatives and employees of the owners or subsequent owners of the underlying property." 4. The June 2, 2016 letter of compliance did not include the ERC mitigation measures. There were six. Please revise compliance letter to include the ERC measures and provide a response to each. In order to submit a staff report to the Hearing Examiner for final plat approval, all conditions (HEX and ER() need to be completed. Condition No. 14 requires a HOA. Response is a HOA will be established. Please confirm this has been done and update letter. 5. Renton Municipal Code 4-6-030 DRAINAGE (SURFACE WATER) STANDARDS: F. CREATION OF TRACTS AND/OR EASEMENTS: Add this to page 5, Section 1.5 (c) in the CCRS: Tract Dis a stormwater tract that is granted and conveyed with all ownership and maintenance obligations (excluding maintenance of the drainage facilities) to the Chelan Creek Homeowners Association, their assigns, heirs, and successors. An easement under and upon said tract shall be dedicated to the City for the purpose of operating, maintaining, improving, and repairing the drainage facilities contained in the stormwater tract. Only the chain link fence (if required by subsection G of this Section), flow control, water quality treatment and conveyance facilities will be considered for formal acceptance and maintenance by the City; maintenance of all other improvements and landscaping in said storm water tract shall be the responsibility of the tract owner(s). No modification of the tract or landscaping within the tract shall be allowed without the City's prior written approval. These covenants shall be irrevocable and binding on all the property owners, including their assigns, heirs, and successors. Additional comments sent in the email A couple things I did not include are below: 1. Show the wetland buffer and critical area 2. Page 5 of the CCRS. Section 1.5 (c). Tract A is Public Drainage Tract. 3. Rocale Timmon's review comments will be forthcoming. 4. Call out the NGPE Tract on the plat map Jennifer Caldwell From: Rocale Timmons <RTimmons@Rentonwa.gov> Monday, September 26, 2016 6:14 PM Sent: To: Cara Visintainer; Fred Cc: Subject: Jennifer Caldwell; Craig Deaver; Vanessa Dolbee; Jan Illian FW: LUA16-000527 Chelan Creek Final Plat Comments RE: Chelan Creek Attachments: Hello Cara and Fred, I just noticed that both Vanessa and Jan are out of the office on vacation so I thought it prudent to forward over my comments for the Final Plat. I also plan on having issued the Final PUD approval tomorrow. I will do my best to make sure that is forwarded to your attention via email some time tomorrow night. Please feel free to reply should you have any questions. Thank you. Roca le Timmons From: Rocale Timmons Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 7:09 PM To: Jan Illian Cc: Vanessa Dolbee Subject: LUA16-000527 Chelan Creek Final Plat Comments Hello Jan, Please see my comments below for the Final Plat and I cannot place in Energov. Plat Plan 1. Tract A is not just an access tract but also contains common open space which is required to be maintained by the HOA. Please revise accordingly. 2. No easement granted for the public pedestrian trail. Language needs to be added to the face of the plat for the pedestrian trail. 3. A small table should be generated or a separate document recorded memorializing those standards modified by the PUD for which the PUD is required to adhere to. In some cases applicants reference the CCR's and include the details of the PUD in the CC&R's. See additional comments below for the CC&R's. 4. Page 2 -Remove "Rear 20'" in the setback section as it is redundant. 5. The CC& R's state the HOA is responsible for the maintenance of the access tracts but the face of the plat states the homeowners benefiting from their respective access easements are responsible for maintenance. Please reconcile the differences. 6. Revise this section of the pedestrian trail to be relocated 3-feet from the southern property line as specified in the email sent on July 27, 2016 (See attached) 7. Depict the delineation of the wetland and stream within the tract and note type, category/classification, and square footage of the of wetland. CC&R's 1 1. Does not include full lis, u, standards approved in the PUD. The follo ..... g is not a comprehensive list but a general idea of the standards to be added. a. Setbacks b. Driveways c. Parking d. Design e. Orientation 2. Fencing restrictions on individual lots are imposed as part of the PUD and should be noted in the Fence section which currently outlines standards that do not comply with the PUD. 3. Varied setbacks on individual lots are imposed as part of the PUD and should be noted in the setback section which currently outlines standards that do not comply with the PUD. Misc. 1. All common landscaping and mitigation plantings must be installed, according the approved plans, prior to Final Plat recording. Please schedule a time with Vanessa Dolbee in order to complete an inspection. Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarifications. Thank you. Roca le Timmons City of Renton -Current Planning Senior Planner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 rtimmons@rentonwa.gov 2 ' ' WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: JK Monarch LLC P.O. Box 188 Puyallup, Washington 98372 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS EASEMENTS AND RESERVATIONS FOR THE COMMUNITY OF CHELAN CREEK ' TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS EASEMENTS AND RESERVATIONS OF CHELAN CREEK SECTION & DESCRIPTION PAGE NUMBER ARTICLE 1 Definitions............................................................................................ 4 ARTICLE2 Management Rights ofDeclarant During Development of the Prope1ty.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ARTICLE3 Deed and Dedication of Common Areas........................................................... 8 ARTICLE4 Deed and Dedication of Easements................................................................. 9 ARTICLES Administration and U sc of Common Areas & Common Maintenance Areas..................................................................... 10 ARTICLE6 Maintenance of Common Areas & Common Maintenance Areas & Delegation of Management.......................................................................... 11 ARTICLE 7 Assessments.......................................................................................... 13 ARTICLES Maintenance of Lots................................................................................. 17 + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 2 ARTICLE9 Homeowner's Association.......................................................................... 18 ARTICLE 10 Management By Board.............................................................................. 19 SECTION & DESCRIPTION PAGE NUMBER ARTICLE 11 Land Use Restrictions.............................................................................. 22 ARTICLE 12 Building Restrictions................................................................................. 27 ARTICLE 13 Utilities................................................................................................ 29 ARTICLE 14 Architectural Control.. ............................................................................... 29 ARTICLE 15 Condemnation....................................................................................... 33 ARTICLE 16 Mortgagees'Protection.............................................................................. 34 ARTICLE 17 General Provisions.................................................................................. 35 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description of Plat............................................................................ 39 + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 3 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESERVATIONS FOR CHELAN CREEK THIS DECLARATION is made on the date hereinafter set fotih by Chelan Creek LLCa Washington Limited Liability Company, ("Declarant"), who is the owner of certain real propetiy situated in the state of Washington, county of King, known as the Plat of "Chelan Creek" which is more patticularly legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". In order to insure preservation of the high quality residential environment at Chelan Creek,_ Dcclarant agrees and covenants that the land described on the attached Exhibit "A", and such improvements as are now existing or hereafter constructed thereon will be held, sold and conveyed subject to and burdened by the following covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, limitations, liens and easements, all of which are for the purposes of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability and attractiveness of such lands for the benefit of all of such lands and the owners thereof and their heirs, successors, grantees and assigns. All provisions of this Declaration shall be binding upon all patties having or acquiring any tight, title or interest in such lands or any pmtions thereof and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof and to the benefit of the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association and shall otherwise in all respects be regarded as covenants running with the land. ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS For purposes of the Declaration and the Articles of!ncorporation and the Bylaws of the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association, cc1tain words and phrases shall have patticular meanings as follows: Section 1.1. "Association" shall mean and refer to the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association, its successors and assigns. Section 1.2. "Member" shall mean every person or entity who holds membership in the Association. + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 4 Section 1.3. "Board" shall mean and refer to the Board of Directors of the Association, as provided for in Article 10. For purposes of exercising the powers and duties assigned in this Declaration to the Board during the Development Period, this term shall also mean the "Temporary Board" or "Declarant" as provided in Alticlc 2 unless the language or context clearly indicates othe1wise. Section 1.4. "Propeiiies" shall mean and refer to the real propeity described with particularity in Exhibit "A". Section 1.5. "Common Areas" & "Common Maintenance Areas" shall mean and refer to all of the real property (including the improvements thereto) owned, maintained or leased by the Association, or in which the Association has an easement for the common use and enjoyment of the members of the Association, including but not limited to tracts and easements dedicated to the Association on the face of the Plat and/or in this Declaration. The areas to be owned and maintained by the Association at the time of recording this Declaration are described as follows: (a) Tract "A" is designated as a Private Ingress, Egress ,Common Open Space, and Utility Area Tract and shall be owned and maintained by the Chelan Creek Homeowners Association. An easement for ingress, egress and utilities on Tract "A" is hereby reserved for and granted to the owners for lots 11 through 13. The owners of lots 11 through 13 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of those improvements therein which they share with the exception of those improvemtns installed by the utilities which only benefit their lot. (b) Tract "C" is designated as a Private Ingress, Egress and Utility Area Tract and shall be owned and maintained by the Chelan Creek Homeowners Association. A.!1 easement for ingress, egress and utilities on Tract "B" is hereby reserved for and granted to the owners for lots I through 4. The owners of lots 1 through 4 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of those improvements therein which they share with the exception of those improvemtns installed by the utilities which only benefit their lot. ( c) Tract "D" is designated as a Private St01m Drainage Tract and shall be owned and maintained by the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association except chain link fence, flow control, water quality treatment and conveyance facilities wihich will be maintained by the City of Renton. (d) Tract "E" is designated as Wetland/Wetland Buffer Tract with a public Five foot pathway easement and shall be owned and maintained by the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 5 Section I .6. plat of Chelan Creek. regarded as Lots; "Lot" shall mean any one of the 14 lots numbered 1 through 14 on the Tracts, Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas shall not be Section 1.7. "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Chelan Creek LLC, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the state of Washington; Section 1.8. "Architectural Control Committee", "Committee" or"ACC" shall mean and refer to the committee duly appointed or elected as provided in Article 14 of this Declaration, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee"; Section 1.9. "Development Period" shall mean and refer to that period of time as defined in Atticle 2 of this Declaration; Section 1.10. "Plat" shall mean and refer to the Plat of Chelan Creek as approved_by the City of Renton under File Nos. and on , and as recorded in King County, Washington under Auditor's file No. as descibed in Exhibit "A"; Section 1.11. "Residence" shall mean and refer to buildings occupying any Lot; Section 1.12. "Owner" or "Lot Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of (1) a fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of the Prope1iy (but excluding those persons or entities, such as real estate contract sellers, having record title merely as security for the performance of an obligation), or (2) the Purchaser under a real estate contract prior to the issuance of the fulfillment deed for the contract; Section 1.13. "Federal Mmtgage Agencies" shall mean those federal agencies which may have an interest in the propetties, such as the Federal Housing Administration, the Veterans Administration, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mmtgage Corporation, or the successors to their interests. Section 1.14. "First Mortgagee" shall mean a lender who holds the first mortgage on a lot and who has notified the Association in writing of its holdings. Section 1.15. "Declaration" shall mean the covenants, conditions and restrictions and all other provisions set forth in this Declaration, as they may from time to time be amended. Section 1.16. "Mo1tgage" shall incude a deed of trust or other security instrument. + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 6 ARTICLE2 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS OF DECLARANT DURING DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY Section 2. 1. The Property. The real property which is made subject to this Declaration is described on Exhibit "A". Section 2.2. Management by the Declarant. Development Period shall mean that period of time from the date of recording of the Declaration until (A) the date five (5) years from the date of recording this Declaration or (B) the thiltieth (30th) day after the Declarant has transferred title to the purchasers of Lots representing one hundred percent ( 100%) of the voting power of all Lot Owners as then constituted (so that Declarant no longer is entitled to vote either as a Class A or Class B member of the Association pursuant to A11icle 9, Section 3) or (C) the date on which Declarant elects to pe1manently relinquish all ofDeclarant's authority under this A11icle 2 by written notice to all Owners, whichever date first occurs. Notwithstanding anything in this Declaration to the contrary, until te1mination of the Development Period, either upon the sale of the required number of Lots, the expiration of five (5) years, or at the election of the Declarant, the Property and the Association shall be managed at the sole discretion of the Declarant; Section 2.3. Notice to Owners. Not less than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the termination of the Development Period, the Declarant shall give written notice of the termination of the Development Period to the Owner of each Lot. Said notice shall specify the date when the Development Period will te1minate and shall fmther notify the Owners of the dale, place and time when a meeting of the Association will be held. The notice shall specify that the purpose of the Association meeting is to elect new Officers and Directors of the Association. Notwithstanding any provisions of the Articles or Bylaws of the Association to the contrary, for the purpose of this meeting, the presence, either in person or by proxy, of the Owners of five (5) Lots shall constitute a quorum. The Board of Directors and the officers of the Association may be elected by a majority vote in said quorum. If a quorum shall not be present, the Development Period shall nevertheless terminate on that date specified in said notice and it shall thereafter be the responsibility of the Lot Owners to provide for the operation of the Association. Proper notice shall be deemed to have been sent if said notice is sent in the manner described as proper notification in the Bylaws of the Association; Section 2.4. Appointment ofTempora1y Board. Declarant may, in Declarant's sole discretion, and at such times as the Declarant deems appropriate (including in the Alticles of Incorporation of the Association, if the Declarant is the !ncorporator of the Association), appoint one ( 1) to three (3) persons who may be Lot Owners, or are representatives of corporate entities or other entities which are Lot Owners, as a Temporary Board. This Temporary Board shall be for all purposes, the Board of Directors of the Association, and shall have full authority, after approval is granted by the Declarant, (including the authority to + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 7 adopt or amend the initial or subsequent Bylaws of the Association) and all rights, responsibilities, ptivileges and duties to manage the Property under this Declaration and shall be subject to all provisions of this Declaration, the Atiiclcs and Bylaws. After selecting a Temporary Board, the Declarant, in the exercise of the Declarant's sole discretion, may at any time terminate the Temporary Board and reassume the Declarant's management authority under Atiicle 2 or select a new Temporary Board under this section of Article 2; Section 2.5. Declarant Authority If No Tempormy Board. So long as no Temporary Board is managing the Prope1iy or until such time as the first permanent Board is elected, should Declarant choose not to appoint a Temporaty Board, Declarant or a managing agent selected by Declarant shall have the power and authority to exercise all the rights, duties and functions of the Board and generally exercise all powers necessary to cany out the provisions of this Declaration, including, but not limited to, enacting reasonable administrative rules (and a fine and due process system for violations thereof), contracting for required services, obtaining prope1iy and liability insurance, collecting and expending all assessments and Association funds, and enforcing this Declaration (including foreclosing any liens provided by this Declaration). Any such managing agent or the Declarant shall have the exclusive right to contract for all goods and services, payment for which is to be made from any monies collected from assessments. In the event that Association expenses exceed assessments, any monies provided by the Declarant for Association expenses that would otherwise be paid for out of Association assessments shall be considered a loan to be repaid to the Declarant through regular or special assessments from the Association, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum; Section 2.6. Purpose. These requirements and covenants are made to insure that the Prope1iy will be adequately administered in the initial stages of development, and to any future additions, and to insure an orderly transition to Association operations. Acceptance of an interest in a Lot evidences acceptance of this management authority in the Declarant; and, Section 2.7. Management Authotity ofDeclarant. Declarant shall have the management authority granted by this Article 2 notwithstanding anything in this Declaration to the contraty. Declarant, as the Incorporator of the Association, may cause the Association to be incorporated, the Tempormy Board to be appointed either in the Articles of Incorporation of the Association or by separate written instrument, to te11ninate the Temporary Board and reassume the Declarant's management authority under this Article 2, reappoint successor Temporary Boards, or take any other action permitted by this Atticle 2, all without affecting the authority given to the Declarant by this Atiicle 2 to manage the Property and to organize the Association at the Declarant's sole discretion. + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 8 ARTICLE3 DEDICATION OF TRACTS Section 3 .1. Dedication of Common Areas. Upon recording this Declaration, the Declarant has dedicated to the Persons (and for the purposes) as set forth in the face of the Plat Tracts "A", "C", "D" and "E", reserving, however, to the Declarant for the benefit of the Declarant, its successors and assigns, those ce1iain rights of use, ingress, egress, occupation and control indicated elsewhere in this Declaration for the duration of the Development Period, at which time this reservation shall cease and then be of no fmiher force and effect. All Tracts are private except for Tract B which is owned by the City and shall be maintained by the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association. ARTICLE4 DEED AND DEDICATION OF EASEMENTS Section 4.1. Reserved Easements and Tracts. Easements for the public roads, maintenance, utilities, drainage and other common facilities have been dedicated and/or reserved over and across property as shown on the Plat and/or ofrecord. 4.2. Covenants Run with the Real Property. All of the easements declared herein shall be divisible, perpetual, and assignable, and shall be appurtenant to and run with the real propetiy and each subdivision thereof. The undersigned hereby reserve for themselves, and their agents and assigns, the right to use and benefit from all of said easements and further hereby reserve the right lo grant the use of said easements to all patties who now are or shall hereafter become Owners, to parties supplying utilities to any portion of the real propetty, and to any adjacent propetiy which the Declarant makes subject to this declaration. 4.3. Conveyance of Easements. An easement is hereby reserved for and conveyed to Puget Sound Energy Inc., Century link telephone company, Comcast cable company, City of Renton Utility District, City of Renton and the Chelan Creek Homeowners Association and their respective successors and assigns under and upon the private streets, alleys and access tracks if any, and the exterior 10 feet of all lots, tracks and spaces within the plat lying parallel with an adjoining all streets, alleys and access tracks in which to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and in large underground pipes, conduits, cables and wires with all necessary or convenient underground or ground mounted appmtenances thereto for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other propetiy with electric, gas, telephone, + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 9 television and other utility service, together with the right to enter upon the streets, lots, tracts and spaces at all times for the pmpose herein stated. The City of Renton, its successors, agents and assigns shall have the right of immediate and continued access and use to all said facilities for the purposes of improvement, maintenance, repair or inspection of any portion of said facility and any and all appurtenant stiuctures. Additional utility and other easements may also be recorded if required by governmental authorities having jurisdiction. ARTICLES ADMINISTRATION AND USE OF COMMON AREAS AND COMMON MAINTENANCE AREAS Section 5.1. Owner's Easements of Enjoyment. Every Owner shall have a l/141h right and easement of enjoyment in and to the Common Areas which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with title ( or, if applicable, with the equitable title held by a real estate contract purchaser), to evc1y Lot subject to the following provisions: (a) The right of the Declarant or the Association to establish use and operation standards for all Common Areas to be binding upon all Association members along with enforcement standards; (b) The right of Declarant ( during the Development Period) or the Association (after the Development Period) to suspend an Owner's right to vote and to use any recreational facilities for any period during which assessments against his or her Lot remain unpaid and for a period, not to exceed sixty (60) days, for any, and each separate, infraction of its published rules and regulations; ( c) The 1ight of the Declarant ( during the Development Period) or the Association ( after the Development Period) to dedicate or transfer all or any pmt of the Common Areas to any public agency, authority or utility for such pmposes and subject to such conditions as the Declarant or Association, as applicable, may deem appropriate. During the Development Period, any such dedication or transfer of all or any part of the Common Areas pursuant to this Section may be made by the Dcclarant in the Declarant's sole discretion. After the Development Period, no such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrument + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 10 agreeing to such dedication or transfer, signed by the Owners of two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots, has been recorded; ( d) Any Owner may delegate their right of enjoyment to the Common Areas and facilities to the members of their family, their tenants, or their guests, subject to the limitations set forth above. Section 5.2. Insurance. Nothing shall be done or kept in any Common Areas which will increase the rate of insurance on the Common Areas or other Lots or Improvements without the prior written consent of the Board. Nothing shall be done or kept in any Common Areas which will result in the cancellation of insurance on any part of the Common Areas or which would be in violation of any laws or ordinances. Section 5.3. Alteration of Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. Nothing shall be altered, or constrncted in, or removed from any Common Maintenance Areas except upon prior written consent of the Board. There shall be no constrnction of any kind within the Common Areas except that community improvements may be constructed iftwo- thirds (2/3) of the members of the Association authorize (1) the construction of such improvements and (2) assessments for such improvements. Also, any such improvements would be subject to the acquisition of all required pe1mits from govemmental agencies. This Section shall not limit or prohibit Declarant (and no member consent shall be necessary), during the Development Period, from constructing or altering any such improvements to any Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas, which the Declarant in Declarant's sole discretion, deems for the benefit and enhancement of said areas and the Association in general and for which all required permits or approvals from govermnental agencies have been obtained; Section 5 .4. Dumping in Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas. No trash, construction debris or waste, plant or grass clippings or other debris of any kind, nor any hazardous waste (as defined in federal, state or local law or regulation) shall be dumped, deposited or placed on any Common Areas, Common Maintenance Areas or Easements. The Declarant, ( during the Development Period) and the Board thereafter, shall retain the rights for enforcement and initiation of penalties for violations of this policy; Section 5.5. Landscaping and Fencing. No pennanent structures or landscaping of any kind, including fences, walls or shrubs, may be built or placed within any right-of-way easements, or other easements as delineated on the Plat except as deemed appropriate by the Board. This prohibition shall not apply to the landscape and fence/monument sign improvements, if any, installed by the Declarant, nor shall this Section prohibit the Association from installing additional improvements or landscaping within the designated Collllllon Areas or Common Maintenance Areas, nor shall this Section prohibit the installation of fences by Lot Owners on property lines as may be otherwise allowed in this Declaration, nor shall this Section prohibit the installation of landscaping on private lot areas + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 11 encumbered by utility easements not otherwise restricted in this Declaration as to landscaping. Also, this prohibition shall not apply to landscaping of front or side yard areas of Lots extending up to the edge of the curb or sidewalk in the public right-of-way as fu1iher set fotih in A1iic!c 11, Section 13 of this Declaration. ARTICLE6 MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMON AREAS AND COMMON MAINTENANCE AREAS DELEGATION OF MANAGEMENT Section 6.1. Maintenance of Common Areas. Maintenance of the Common Areas and all improvements thereon, shall be the sole responsibility of the Association and shall include, but not be limited to, maintenance of the Common Areas including the tracts as depicted on the plaL All maintenance of Lots and Residences located on the Property shall be the sole obligation of the Owner, provided, however, the Association may, from time to time, provide certain common maintenance of Lots and Residences as may be determined to be in the best interests of all Owners. The Association shall maintain and regulate the use of the Common Areas for the benefit of each Lot within the Plat and shall do all reasonable things necessmy to preserve and maintain the Common Areas for the purpose intended. It shall be the responsibility of the Association to maintain anything that is delineated under Article 1, Section 5, and any improvements thereon to preserve the value of said Tracts for the use and enjoyment of the Members of the Association in accordance with all restrictions and limitations established for said Tracts through this Declaration, the laws and ordinances of King County, Washington, and all other applicable statutes and regulations. The Declarant, during the Development Period, and the Board following the Development Period, shall have the exclusive right to establish use and operation standards for said Common Areas to preserve the value and desirability of said Common Areas for the enjoyment of the Members of the Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all costs and expenses paid by the Declarant in connection with the maintenance and operation of the Common Areas shall be reimbursed by the Association from the initial general assessments described in Article 7 below; Section 6.2. Responsibility for Maintaining Common Maintenance Areas. The Association is responsible for maintaining and preserving the character of areas designated on the face of the Plat as Common Maintenance Areas, or as defined in this Declaration as Common Maintenance Areas. Common Maintenance Areas have been set aside for landscaping m1d community identification purposes. Section 6.3. Repair of Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. Any damage to the Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas or improvements thereon, including landscaping plantings, fences, berms, etc., by the Owners or their children or guests shall be repaired within one (1) week by the Owners who (or whose children or guests) caused + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 12 the damages. If the damage cannot reasonably be repaired within one (1) week, the time for the Owner to repair the Property shall be extended to the time reasonably required to repair the Prope1ty, provided that the Owner promptly begins, and diligently pursues, the repair of the damage. If such repairs are not made timely, the Association shall execute the repair and the Owner will be obligated to immediately pay the Association or its designee for the repair. If the Owner fails to promptly make payment for such repairs, the Owner will be charged interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per amrnm on the payment due, the payment due shall be a personal liability of the Owner and the amount of the payment due shall be a lien on the Owner's Lot; Section 6.4. Landscape Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the Association to maintain the landscaping and ent1y monuments, if any, located at the entrance into Chelan Creek, and any landscaping improvements installed on the Tracts or easement areas owned or administered by the Association. Section 6.5. No Improvements in Easements or Tracts. The Association shall not pe1mit any strnctures, filling, grading or obstrnction to be placed beyond the building setbacks as provided for in this Declaration or within the Tracts unless the Association obtains the approval of the City of Renton. No decks, patios, out buildings, or overhangs shall be permitted beyond the building setback line, except as provided for in this Declaration. Section 6.6. Management. Each Owner expressly covenants that the Declarant, ( during the Development Period) and the Board thereafter, may delegate all or any portion of their management authority to a managing agent, manager or officer of the Association and may enter into such management contracts or other service contracts to provide for the maintenance of the Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas and any portion thereof. Any management agreement or employment agreement for the maintenance or management may be terminable by the Association without cause upon ninety (90) days written notice thereof; the term of any such agreement shall not exceed three (3) years, renewable by agreement of the parties for successive periods ofup to three (3) years each. Each Owner is bound to observe the tenns and conditions of any such management agreement or employment contract, all of which shall be made available for inspection by any Owner upon request. Any fees or salaries applicable to any such management, employment or service agreement shall be assessed to each Owner. ARTICLE7 ASSESSMENTS Section 7. J. Obligation of Owners. Each Owner of any Lot, by acceptance of a deed thereof, whether it shall be so expressed in each deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association (1) annual assessments in such amounts as may be determined by the Board as necessary to satisfy the estimated common expenses for the common areas and other t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 13 propetiy of the Association. The amount of the common expenses shall be pro-rated equally among all Lots; (2) special assessments for capital improvements; (3) a one-time initial assessment of$400.00 representing each Lot Owner's pro-rata share of reimbursement to the Declarant for such sums advanced by the Declarant for Plat improvements, landscaping, lighting, signage, fencing, etc., plus a sum representing the overhead ofDeclarant for advancing and/or overseeing and directing the same in amount representing fifteen percent(l 5%) of such sums actually advanced by the Declarant, plus interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum accruing thereon from the date advanced until full reimbursement is paid to the Declarant, and ( 4) any assessments made by the Declarant pursuant to this Declaration. No assessments shall be due and payable by Declarant. If the Owner of any Lot fails to timely pay any assessments within thitiy (30) days of the date specified by the Association or Declarant ( during the Development Period), the annual and special assessments, together with any interest, costs and any reasonable attorneys' fees incuned in attempting to collect the assessment, shall be a lien on the owner's lot and shall also be the personal obligation of the person who is the Owner of such Property at the time when the assessment fell due. The personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall continue even if the Owner subsequently transfers legal or equitable title to the Lot; however, the personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to the delinquent Owner's successors in ownership of the Lot unless expressly assumed by the successor(s). The Association shall record with the King County Auditor an acknowledged affidavit setting forth the facts of the assessment and the delinquency and such recorded affidavit shall constitute lien on the owner's lot until discharged either by payment or foreclosed as provided for in this Declaration; Section 7.2. Pmpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to (a) promote the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Property, and (b) for the improvements and maintenance of the Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas as provided in Article 6, with the amount based upon the estimated costs as well as reasonable provision for reserves; Section 7.3. Annual Assessments. Until December 31, 2016, the annual assessment shall be $400.00 per Lot except those Lots exempted in Section 7. 1; up to twenty-five percent (25%) of which may be allocated and paid to the Declarant for Plat management services provided by the Dcclarant to the Association (or up to fifty percent (50%) if a professional management finn is hired by Declarant. Such allocation of funds to the Declarant shall cease when the Development Petiod expires and the Association assumes collection costs, bookkeeping and other management responsibilities which are described with particularity in the Bylaws of the Association. The balance of the annual assessment shall be used by the Declarant during the Development Period and by the Association thereafter for maintenance, repair and other purposes permitted by this Declaration, with reasonable provision for reserves. t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 14 The annual assessment may be increased ( after December 31, 201 7) during the Development Period to reflect the increased (I ) maintenance costs, (2) repair costs, or (3) plat management costs. All increases during the Development Period must directly reflect increase in the above recited costs. During the Development Period, the Declarant shall have the authority to reduce the annual assessments if economic data suppo1is such a reduction because of reduced maintenance costs or other anticipated Association expenses. (a) After the Development Period expires, the annual assessment may not be increased each year more than ten percent (I 0%) above the maximum assessment for the previous year without a vote of the membership pursuant to Section 3(b) of Article 7 of this Declaration. (b) After the Development Period expires, the annual assessment may be increased by more than ten percent (10%) over the previous year's maximum annual assessment only if two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Association, who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting dnly called for this purpose, consent to such an increase. ( c) After the Development Period expires, the Board of Directors shall fix the annual assessment in accord with the above-recited standards. Section 7.4. Special Assessments for Capital Improvements. In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Association ( or during the Development Period, the Declarant) may levy, in any assessment year, a common assessment, applicable to that year only, for the purpose for defraying, in whole or in paii, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Common Maintenance Areas not prohibited by this Declaration, including fixtures and personal propc1iy related thereto, provided that any such assessment for those capital improvements or repairs exceeding $5,000.00 shall have the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Association who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for this purpose. This $5,000.00 threshold shall be increased by five percent (5%) each year commencing in January, 2001. Only one such special assessment of any kind may be levied in any fiscal year and only one such assessment may be levied in any five year period for any project that is a continuation of a project for which there has previously been a special assessment. Section 7.5. Notice and Quorum for any Action of the Association. Written notice of the place, day, hour and purpose of any meeting called for the purpose of taking action by the Association as authorized by this Declaration shall be sent to all members not less than fourteen (14) days nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting, and in such manner as may be specified by the Bylaws of the Association. At the first meeting called, the presence of sixty percent (60%) of the members of the Association or of proxies entitled to cast sixty percent (60%) of the votes of the Association shall constitute a quorum. If the required quorum is not present, another meeting may be called subject to the saine notice requirement; the required quorum at the subsequent meeting shall be one-half of the required + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 15 quorum at the preceding meeting. In the event that a quorum is still not achieved at the second meeting, then the Declarant, during the Development Period, and the Board thereafter, shall have the sole and exclusive authority to initiate a special assessment and carry out the capital improvements more fully described in Section 7 herein without first obtaining the approval of the required number of members of the Association. Section 7 .6. Unifonn Rate of Assessment. Both the annual and special assessments must be fixed at a unifotm rate for all Lots, provided, however, that any Lot owned by the Declarant shall not be subject to any assessments or charges described in this Declaration. Assessments shall be collected on a monthly, bi-monthly, qumterly, annual, or one-time basis as determined by the Declarant during the Development Period or by the Board for periods thereafter. Section 7.7. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessment: Due Dates. The annual assessments described in this A1ticle shall commence immediately upon the closing of the sale of a Lot. The first annual assessment for each Lot owner shall be pro-rated from the day that the sale closed through the first day of the first month after the calendar month in which the Declaration is recorded. After the Development Period expires, the Board of Directors of the Association shall fix the annual assessment. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to every Owner subject to such assessments. The due date shall be established by the Board of Directors. The Association, or its agent, shall, upon demand and for a reasonable charge, furnish a certificate signed by an officer of the Association setting fmih whether the assessment on a specified Lot has been paid. A properly executed ce1tificate of the Association as to the status of assessments on a Lot is binding upon the Association as of the date of its issuance. Section7.8. Effect of Non-Payment of Assessments: Remedies of the Association. Any assessment not paid within thi1ty (30) days after the due date shall bear interest from the due date until paid at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. Each Owner hereby expressly vests in the Declarant during the Development Period, or the Association thereafter, or their agents the rights and powers to bring all actions against such Owner personally for the collection of such assessments as debts and to enforce lien rights of the Association by all methods available for the enforcement of such liens, including foreclosure by an action brought in the name of the Association in a like manner as a mortgage of real prope1ty. Such Owner hereby expressly grants to the Declarant or to the Association, as applicable, the power of sale in connection with such liens. The liens provided for in this Section shall be in favor of the Declarant or the Association, as applicable, and each shall have the power to bid in an interest at a foreclosure sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage and convey the same. The Owner is responsible for the payment of all attorneys' fees incurred in collecting past due assessments or in enforcing the terms of assessment liens. No Owner may waive or othe1wise escape liability for the assessments provided in this Atticle by non-use of the Common Areas, J CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 16 Common Maintenance Areas or abandonment of bis or her Lot. Tbe Association shall have the right to suspend the voting rights and enjoyment of Common Areas of an Owner for any period during which any assessment against the Lot remains unpaid thirty (30) days after it is delinquent and for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days per infraction for any infraction of the te1ms of either this Declaration, the Articles or the Bylaws of the Association, or of any official, published rules and regulations of the Association. Section 7.9. Subordination of the Lien to Mortgage. The lien for assessments, provided for in this A1iicle, shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mo1igage or first deed ohrust ("first mmigage"). Sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Lot pursuant to a motigage foreclosure or any proceeding in lieu thereof, or the first mo1igage holder's acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien created pursuant to this A1iicle as to payments which become due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or transfer, however, shall (a) relieve such Lot Owner or Lot from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due nor from the lien thereof, nor (b) shall relieve the delinquent Owner from personal liability for the amount of the payments which became due p1ior to such sale or transfer and the costs and attorney's fees. Section 7.10. Exempt Property. All prope1iy dedicated to and accepted by local public authority shall be exempt from the assessments provided for in this Article. Prope1iy and Lots within the plat of Chelan Creek owned by the Declarant, and all Common Areas, shall be exempt from any and all assessments provided for in this Declaration. This Section shall apply notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in this Declaration. Section 7 .11. Management by Declarant During the Development Period. Dcclarant, at its option, shall have and may exercise all of the rights and powers herein given to the Association. Such rights and powers are reserved by the Declarant, its successors and assigns as provided in Aiiicle 2. Declarant shall have the right and option to assess Owners for actual costs in maintaining Common Areas, Common Maintenance Areas and rights-of-way and to assess a Plat management fee during the development period. ARTICLES MAINTENANCE OF LOTS Section 8.1. Exterior Maintenance by Owner. Each Lot and Residence shall be maintained by the Owner in a neat, clean and sightly condition at all times and shall be kept free of accumulations of litter, junk, containers, equipment, building materials and other debris. All landscaping areas, including landscaping extending into the City right-of-way, shall be regularly maintained and trimmed to present a clean, neat and well-maintained appearance. All refuse shall be kept in sanitary containers screened from the view of any Lot; the containers shall regularly be emptied and the contents disposed of off the Property. No grass cuttings, leaves, limbs, branches and other debris from vegetation shall be dumped or + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 17 allowed to accumulate on any part of the Prope1iy, except that a regularly tended compost device shall not be prohibited. Section 8.2. Vehicle Parking and Storage. No Vehicle may be parked on any sidewalk areas or building Lots, except on driveways or parking areas which areas shall be hard-surfaced. Only the cars of guests and visitors may be parked on the streets and shall not remain for more than 48 hours. All other vehicles shall be parked in garages or on driveways located entirely on a Lot. No storage of goods, vehicles, boats, trailers, trncks, campers, recreational vehicles or other equipment or device shall be permitted in open view from any Lot or right of way. (V chicles, boats, trailers, trucks, campers and recreational vehicles shall be refened to as "Vehicles") This provision shall not exclude parking ofup to two (2) automobiles owned or used by the Lot Owner on the driveway areas adjacent to the garages on the Lot. This paragraph is also not meant to disallow pennanent (more than 24 hours) parking or storage of V chicles on the Lots, but if stored, Vehicles shall be adequately screened from the view of adjacent rights-of-way and Lots. Screening of such Vehicles must have the approval of the Co1mnittee. Upon 48 hours' notice to the Owner of an improperly parked Vehicle, the Board has the authority to have towed, at the Owner's expense, any Vehicles, ( except automobiles owned or used by the Lot Owners and their invitees and parked on the driveway areas or in the garage on the Lot), still visible from the right-of-way or adjacent Residences that have been parked on any Lot or within the right-of-way for more than 24 hours. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Owners who have visiting guests intending to stay in such a Vehicle may secure written permission from the Board for such guests to park the Vehicle upon the Lot owned by the Owner for a maximum period of one (1) week. Such a privilege shall only exist, however, after the written permission has been obtained from the Board. Section 8.3. Easements for Enforcement Purposes. Owners hereby grant to the Association an express easement for the purposes of going upon the Lots of Owners for the purpose of removing Vehicles or other similar objects which are parked or stored in violation of the terms of this Declaration. Section 8.4. Lot Maintenance by the Association. In the event that an Owner shall fail to maintain the exterior of his premises and the improvements situated thereon in a manner consistent with the maintenance standards of the Chelan Creek community, including maintenance of landscaping required in the adjacent right-of-way as set fotth in Section 11.13, the Board shall, upon receipt of written complaint of any Owner and the subsequent investigation which verifies the complaint, have the right through its agents and employees to enter upon the offending Owner's Lot and repair, maintain and restore the Lot and exterior of the improvements on that Lot if the Owner shall fail to respond in a manner satisfactory to the Board within fotiy-five (45) days after mailing notice by ce1tified mail to the last known address of the Owner. The cost of such repair, maintenance or restoration shall be assessed against the Lot, and the Board shall have the right to cause to be recorded a notice of lien for t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 18 reasonable expenses, labor and materials furnished, which lien may be enforced in the manner provided by this Declaration for enforcement ofliens for assessments. Section 8.5. Enforcement During the Development Period. During the Development Period, the Dcclarant may elect to exercise and perform the functions of the Board. If the Declarant elects not to perform this function or at any time elects to no longer perform this function, the Dcclarant shall appoint the Temporary Board to function as provided herein. ARTICLE 9 HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION Section 9. 1. Non-Profit Corporation. The Association shall be a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the state of Washington. The rights and duties of the members and of the Association shall be governed by the provisions of this Declaration, the A1ticles of Inco1poration and Bylaws of the Association and such other Rules and Regulations as the Association may hereafter adopt. Section 9.2. Membership. Every person or entity (including Declarant) who is an Owner of any Lot shall become a member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to the Lot and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot and shall not be assigned or conveyed in any way except upon the transfer of title to, or a real estate contract vendee's interest in, said Lot and then only to the transferee of either the title to the Lot or the vendee's interest in the Lot. All Owners shall have the rights and duties specified in this Declaration, the A1ticles oflncorporation and the Bylaws of the Association. Section 9.3. Voting Rights. The Association shall have two (2) classes of voting membership: Class A: Class A members shall be all Owners, with the exceptions of (i) the Declarant while the Declarant is a Class B member, and (ii) the Owners of I ,ots described as exempt in the Declaration. Class A members shall be entitled to one (I) vote for each Lot owned. When more than one (1) person holds an interest in any Lot, all such persons shall be members. The vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they by majority determine, but in no event shall more than one (I) vote be cast with respect to any Lot, nor shall any vote be divided. When more than one person holds an interest in any Lot, all such persons shall unanimously designate (in writing delivered to the secretary of the Association) one of the persons ( owning an interest in the Lot) to vote (in person or by proxy) the vote for such Lot; Class B: Class B member(s) shall be the Declarant (as defined in this Declaration), and shall be entitled to one thousand (1,000) votes for each Lot owned. Any t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 19 remaining Class B membership shall cease and be converted to Class A membership on January 1, 2018. The voting rights of any Owner may be suspended as provided for either in this Declaration, or in the Articles, or in the Bylaws of the Association. Section 9.4. Meetings. Meetings shall be conducted in accord with the Bylaws of the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association. ARTICLE 10 MANAGEMENT BY BOARD Section 10.1. Expiration of the Development Period. Upon the expiration of the Declarant's management authority under Atiicle 2, all administrative power and authority shall vest in a Board of one (1) to three (3) director. The Association, by amendment of the Bylaws, may increase the number of directors. All Board positions shall be open for election at the first annual meeting after termination of the Development Period under Article 2. Section 10.2. Terms. The te1ms which the Board members will serve are defined in the Bylaws. Section 10.3. Powers of the Board. All powers of the Board must be exercised in accordance with the specifications which are set forth in the Bylaws. The Board, for the benefit of all the Prope1iy, and the Lot Owners, shall enforce the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws. In addition to the duties and powers imposed by the Bylaws and any resolution of the Association that may be hereafter adopted, the Board shall have the power and be responsible for the following, in a way of explanation but not limitation: (a) Insurance. At such times as the Board deems appropriate, the Board shall cause the Association to purchase and maintain as a common expense such policies of liability and other insurance as the Board deems advisable. The Board shall provide for the Association to continuously maintain in effect such casualty, flood and liability insurance and a fidelity bond meeting the insurance and fidelity bond requirements for a planned unit development project established by Federal National Motigage Association, Federal Home Loan Motigage Corporation, Veterans Administration and the Government National Motigage Association, so long as any of them are a mortgagee or Owner of a Lot with the project, except to the extent such coverage is not available or has been waived in writing by Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Motigage Corporation, Veterans Administration, and the Government National Mmigage Association. The Board shall obtain as of the date on which the first Lot is transfetTed from the Declarant to an Owner Occupant, and shall maintain at all subsequent times, a general comprehensive liability insurance policy insuring the Board, the Association and the directors and officers of the Association against + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 20 any liability to the public or to the Owners and their invitees or tenants incident to the ownership or use of the Common Area or Common Area Improvements. Said insurance shall be in an amount dete1n1ined by the Board but shall not be less than $1,000,000.00 covering all claims for personal injury or death and/or properiy damage arising out of a single occunence; (b) Legal and Accounting Services. Obtain legal and accounting services if necessary to the administration of Association affairs, administration of the Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas, or the enforcement of this Declaration; ( c) Maintenance. Pay from Association funds, all costs of maintaining the Common Area' and Common Maintenance Areas; ( d) Maintenance of Lots. Subject to the requirements of this Declaration, maintain any Lot if such maintenance is reasonably necessary in the judgment of the Board to (I) protect Common Maintenance Areas, or (2) to preserve the appearance and value of the Prope1iy or Lot. The Board may authorize such maintenance activities if the Owner or Owners of the Lot have failed or refused to perform maintenance within forty-five (45) days (or such other reasonable period of time that shall be detennined by the Board) after written notice of the necessity of such maintenance has been delivered by the Board to the Owner or Owners of such Lot, provided that the Board shall levy a special assessment against the Owner or Owners of such Lot and the Lot for the cost of such maintenance; (e) Discharge of Liens. The Board may also pay any amount necessary to discharge any lien or encumbrance levied against the entire Properly or any part thereof which is claimed or may, in the opinion of the Board, constitute a lien against the Property rather than merely against the interest therein of particular Owners. Where one or more Owners are responsible for the existence of such liens, they shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire cost of discharging the lien(s) and all of any costs or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title search incuned by the Board by reason of such lien or liens. Such fees and costs shall be assessed against the Owner or Owners and the Lot(s) responsible to the extent their responsibility; (J) Utilities. Pay all utility charges attributable to Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas; (g) Security. Pay all costs deemed appropriate by the Board to insure adequate security for the Lots and Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas constituting the residential community created on the Prope1iy; (h) Right to Contract. Have the exclusive right to contract for goods, services, maintenance and capital improvements provided, however, that such right of contract shall be subject to the provisions of this Declaration; + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 21 (i) Improvement of Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. Improve the Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas with capital improvements to such C01m11on Areas and Common Maintenance Areas; provided that all capital improvements arc subject to the procedures set fo1th in this Declaration; U) Right of Entry. Enter any Lot or Residence, when reasonably necessary, in the event of emergencies or in connection with any maintenance, landscaping or constrnction for which the Board is responsible. Except in cases of emergencies, the Board, its agents or employees shall attempt to give notice to the Owner or occupant of any Lot or Residence twenty-four (24) hours prior to such entry. Such ent1y must be made with as little inconvenience to the Owners as practicable, and any damage caused thereby shall be repaired by the Board, at the Association's expense, if the entry was due to an emergency (unless the emergency was caused by the Owner of the Lot entered, in which case the cost shall be specially assessed to the Lot and against the Owner of the Lot). If the repairs or maintenance activities necessitated by the Owner's neglect of the Lot, the cost of such repair or maintenance activity shall be specially assessed to that Lot and against the Owner of that Lot. If the emergency or the need for maintenance or repair was caused by another Owner of another Lot, the cost thereof shall be specially assessed against the Owner of the other Lot and against the other Lot; (k) Promulgation of Rules. Adopt and publish any rules and regulations governing the members and their guests and establish penalties, including fines, for any infraction thereof; (I) Declaration of Vacancies. Declare the office of a member of the Board to be vacant in the event that a member of the Board is absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Board; (m) Employment of Manager. Employ a manager, an independent contractor, or such other employees as the Board deems neccssaiy and desc1ibe the duties of such employees; (n) Payment for Goods and Services. Pay for all goods and services required for the proper functioning ofthc Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas; ( o) Impose Assessments. Impose annual and special assessments; (p) Bank Account. Open a bank account(s) on behalf of the Association and designate the signatories required; and, ( q) Exercise of Powers Duties and Authority. Exercise for the Association all powers, duties and authority vested in or delegated to the Association and not reserved to the membership by other provisions by the Bylaws, Articles ofinc01poration or this Declaration. t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 22 The Board shall have all powers and authority permitted to it under this Declaration and the Bylaws. However, nothing herein contained shall be construed to give the Board the authority to conduct a business for profi( on behalf of all the Owners or any of them. ARTICLE 11 LAND USE RESTRICTIONS Section 11.1. Use of Lots. All Lots within the Properly shall be used solely for private single-family residential purposes and not for business purposes, provided, however, that within such single family residences the Owner(s) thereof may, upon formal written application to the Board, request permission to operate an in home business. No business or commercial uses may be permitted if the business or commercial activities within a residence are of a nature that are not visible from the exterior of the residence and do not create any unreasonable impact on the neighborhood either from noise, signs, storage of materials, odors or otherwise. Provided, that any such undertaking or operation shall be subject to and shall comply fully with all applicable permitting requirements and regulatory standards. Section 11.2 Residential Conditions and Standards. All residential structures shall comply with the following conditions and standards: a. Total square footage of homes within Chelan Creek (exclusive of garages) shall be a minimum of 1800 square feet for single story houses and 2300 square feet for two story houses. b. Setbacks shall be as described on Exhibit "C". c. Front yard orientation has be as described on Exhibit "C". d. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more than 9 feet for a single lane and no more than 16 feet for double lane driveways. e. The design of the houses shall conform to the Chelan Creek Design Standards as described in Exhibit "D" Section 11.3. Use of Lot Not To Interfere With Rights of Others. No Lot shall be used in a fashion which umeasonably interferes with any other Owner's right to use and enjoy the other Owner's Lots. The Board, the Committee designated by it, or the Dcclarant during the Development Period, shall detetmine whether any given use of a Lot unreasonably interferes with those rights; such determinations shall be conclusive. Section 11.4. No Offensive Activity on Lots. + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 23 (a) No noxious or offensive activity shall be conducted on any Lot, nor shall anything be done or maintained on the Property which may become an activity or condition which unreasonably interferes with the rights the Declarant gives other Owners to use and enjoy any part of the Properly. No activity or condition shall be conducted or maintained on any pait of the Property which detracts from the value of the Propetiy as a residential community. No untidy or unsightly condition shall be maintained on any prope1iy. Untidy conditions shall include, but are not limited to, publicly visible storage of wood, boats, trailers, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, disabled vehicles of any kind whatsoever, except where specifically provided for said purposes by the Declarant or the Board within the community, if at all, and landscaping which is not properly maintained. The Board ( or the Declarant during the Development Period) shall make the final determination of any violations of this section; and, (b) Notwithstanding anything in Section 3(a) of this Alticle 11 to the contrmy, during the Development Period the Declarant may permit trailers ("tempora1y trailers) or home(s), which may be used by the Declarant and its authorized representatives, to be placed upon Owner's Lots to facilitate the sale of the Lots and the construction of residences (and residence-associated improvements) upon the Lots. Section 11.5. Fences. As used in this Declaration "fencing" shall mean any ba1Tier or wall other than natural living organic vegetation including trees and shrubs. The maximum height of any fence located on any lot shall be six (6) feet. Fences, walls or shrubs are permitted on side and rear propetiy lines, and up to the front wall (facade) the residential structure. All fences are subject to (I) the approval of the Committee and (2) determination whether such fences, walls or shrubs would interfere with utility casements reflected on the face of the Plat and other easements recorded elsewhere. In no event shall any fences be allowed between the front Lot line and the front wall (fascade) of the primary Residence. No barbed wire, chain link or conugated fiberglass fences shall be erected on any Lot. All fences, open and solid, are to be constructed according to the design and material specifications as approved by the Committee prior to construction, and shall comply with the fence detail as shown in Exhibit "B" LJ.4. Fences on the east side prope1ty line of Lots 5-10 shall have a height no more than 4 feet with each lot having a gate for access onto the pedestrian trail. Section 11.6. No Mobiles or Trailers. No mobile or "manufactured" homes, trailers, structures of a tempormy character, recreational vehicles, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings shall be used on any Lot at any time as a Residence, either temporarily or permanently. No vehicles parked in public rights-of-way may be used temporarily or pennanently for residential purposes. Section 11.7. Mining. No oil drilling, oil development operations, oil refining, quanying or mining operation of any kind shall be permitted on or in any Lot, nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavation or shafts shall be permitted on or in any Lot. No + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 24 de1Tick or other structures designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas shall be erected, maintained or pe1mitted upon any Lot. Section 11.8. Building Setbacks. No structures shall be located closer to the front line or nearer to the side street line than minimum dwelling setback lines required by relevant public zoning ordinances or by this Declaration. For the purpose of this Declaration, eaves, steps, chimneys and open porches shall not be considered as paii of the dwelling; provided, however, that this shall not be considered to permit any portion of a dwelling on a Lot to encroach any required setbacks by local codes, or to encroach upon another Lot or upon any easements indicated on the face of the Plat or as otherwise recorded, or upon the Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas. In no event shall any structures violate any provisions of any City zoning ordinance, or any specific setbacks as set fmih on the recorded plat map, or any setbacks imposed tln·ough the establishment of easements for utilities or access. Section 11.9. Signs. _Subject to applicable sign code regulations adopted by the City of Renton, the posting and display of signage upon the Properties shall be governed by the following: No signs, billboards, or other advertising structures or device shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot except one (I) sign not to exceed three square feet in area may be placed on a Lot to offer the properly for sale or rent and with the exception of any entry monumentation and signage which may be installed by the Declarant. Political yard signs, not more than tln·ee (3) square feet in area, of a temporary nature, not to exceed sixty (60) days, will be allowed during campaign periods on Lots. Within five (5) days after the date of the election to which the sign refers, such signs must be removed from Lots. This Section 11.9 (including, but not limited to, the restrictions on the number of signs and the sign size limit) shall not apply to signs approved under Subsection (1) of Article 11 by the Declarant during the Development Period. (1) The Declarant may establish, for the duration of the Development Period, signage guidelines and standards for Lot identification signs, realtor identification signs, "for sale" signs and other signage that may be placed by parties other than the Declarant on any paii of the Lots within Chelan Creek, the Common Areas, the Common Maintenance Areas or public rights-of-way. The Declarant may also develop an overall theme for signage within the project, including specific requirements for physical sign installations and size requirements, which theme will be the established guidelines and standards for signage in Chelan Creek during the Development Period. (2) During the Development Period, the Declarant shall have the sole and exclusive right to approve, in the Declarant's sole discretion, any and all signage installations within any part of the real property encompassed within the plat of Chelan Creek, including the adjacent rights-of-way. Every Owner of a Lot in Chelan Creek and any builder or real + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 25 estate agent on behalf of an Owner, shall submit any proposed signs to the Declarant for approval prior to installation of the signs. (3) During the development period, any signs not specifically approved by the Declarant found anywhere within Chelan Creek, the Common Areas, the Common Maintenance Areas, on any lot, (or any other potiion of the prope1iy identified on the attached Exhibit "A"), or on adjacent rights-of-way, may be promptly removed and disposed ofby the Declarant. The absolute right of the Declarant to remove unauthorized signs from the Property or adjacent rights-of-way specifically includes, but is not limited to, the Declarant's right to remove any all signs placed by real estate agencies or their representatives, including temporary reader board signs and other signage installations. (4) No person, including but not limited to, the person or persons owning any interest in the signs removed, shall be entitled to compensation of any kind for sign(s) removed by Declarant pursuant to this Section. (5) The Board may cause any sign placed on the Property or any adjacent rights-of- way, in violation of this Article 11, Section 9, to be removed and destroyed without compensation of any kind to any one including, but not limited to, any persons having an ownership interest in the sign. This Section shall not apply to signage placed by Dcclarant (see Section 9(d) of this A1iicle ll). (6) Additional signage may be installed by Dcclarant during the Development Period to promote the sale of Lots or houses and to promote Declarant's project and company and representatives. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 9 of A.tiicle 11 to the contrary, signs placed by the Declarant shall not be subject to any sign restrictions. The Dcclarant shall not be subject to any guidelines or standards established by Declarant for other parties pursuant to this Section 11.9. (7) Under no circumstances shall the Declarant be liable for, or be required to pay, for all or any part of the construction, installation or maintenance of any signs which are placed upon any Lot not owned by the Declarant. (8) Residential parking is to be provided in private garages -no parking is allowed on the street. Section 11.10. Animals. No animals, except dogs, cats, caged birds, fish in tanks, and other small household pets, will be permitted on Lots. Dogs shall not be allowed to rnn at large or to create a disturbance for other Owners in the plat. No animals will be allowed to be leashed, chained or otherwise tied to any portion of the front or sides of Residences. All owners, their invitees and tenants shall comply with all City ordinances regarding animals on their lots or in the right-of-way and the Association or any owner may enforce, to the extent permitted by Jaw, those City ordinances and regulations by means as set forth in this + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 26 Declaration. All pens and enclosures must be screened from view of other Residences and Lots and must be approved by the Committee prior to constrnction and shall be kept clean and odor free at all times. If the investigation of the Board indicates that animals are kept in violation of this Section, the Declarant, during the Development Period, or the Board thereafter, will give the Owner ten (10) days written notice of the violation. Such violation must be remedied by the Owner within such ten (10) day period. Failure to comply with the written notice will result in a fine of $25.00 per day. Any fine imposed by this Section shall be the personal obligation of the fined Owner and a lien on the Lot of the fined Owner. The Association shall be entitled to attorneys' fees, costs and expenses for any action taken to collect such fines in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration. Section 11.11. Driveways. All driveways shall be paved with concrete, unless otherwise approved by the Committee. Section I l .12. Delegation of Use and Responsibilities. Any Owner may delegate, to members of his family or his tenants, in accordance with the Bylaws of Chelan Creek Homeowner' s Association, the Owner's right of enjoyment of Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. In the event an Owner rents or leases his property, a copy of this Declaration, as well as any rules and regulations that may be adopted by the Association, shall be made available by the Owner to the prospective renter at the time of commitment to the rental agreement. Each Owner shall also be responsible for informing guests and service personnel of the contents of this Declaration, as well as any rules and regulations that may be adopted by the Association as they may relate to appropriate community behavior. Each Owner personally, and the Owner's Lot, shall be responsible for any damages to any Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas ( or any other area maintained by the Association) or to any other Association property, whether real or personal, caused by an Owner, the Owner's family, guest, tenant, agent, workman, contractor or other licensee or invitee. The Association shall have a lien upon the Owner's Lot for the amount of the damages. Section 11.13. Landscaping Standards. The entire front yard landscaping should be installed prior to occupancy (weather permitting). The entire landscaping, including the remaining p01iion of the side and rear yard, shall be installed within six (6) months of the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Each Lot Owner shall be responsible for installing and maintaining the landscaping within the adjacent right-of-way. If inclement weather conditions prevent the timely installation of said landscaping improvements for either front or back yard, the Lot Owner must make application to the Committee for an extension of time until weather conditions sufficiently improve. "Front yard" shall be defined as the lot area extending from the front propetiy line back to a line measured parallel with the front property line which would coincide with the front wall of the main dwelling on the Lot, exclusive of any garage projections. The front yard landscaping shall include all of the adjacent street right-of-way along the Lot frontage and side frontage out to the edge of the curb or sidewalk in the street. Each + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 27 Lot Owner shall be responsible for installing and maintaining the landscaping within this adjacent right-of-way, except as otherwise provided above. ARTICLE 12 BUILDING RESTRICTIONS Section 12.1. Building Materials. All homes constrncted on each Lot shall be built of new materials, with the exception of "decor" items such as used brick, weathered planking, and similar items. The Committee will determine whether a used material is a "decor" item. In making this determination, the Committee will consider whether the material harmonizes with aesthetic character of the Chelan Creek development and whether the material would add to the attractive development of the subdivision. All roofs are to be black dimensional composition with a minimum 30 year wmrnnty. There shall be no T-111 type siding permitted. The exterior of all constrnction on any Lot shall be designed, built and maintained in such a manner as to blend in with the natural suJToundings and landscaping within Chelan Creek. Exterior colors must be approved by the Committee. Exterior trim, fences, doors, railings, decks, eaves, gutters and the exterior finish of garages and other accesso1y buildings shall be designed, built and maintained to be compatible with the exterior of the structure they adjoin. The Committee or Board will establish an approval process and color guidelines. Any change of color of the exterior of any existing home within Chelan Creek is subject to the same approval process. Section 12.2. Maintenance of Lots During the Constmction Period. Each Loi Owner, exclusive of the Declarant, shall have a responsibility to generally maintain the Lot in either a natural forested condition prior to any clearing, or in a neat and clean appearance after constrnction commences for a Residence on said Lot. After clearing of vegetation for constrnction, the debris from the clearing operation shall be promptly removed from the Lot and disposed of off site within twenty (20) days. During constrnction of each Residence, periodic effo1ts shall be made by the Owner, or the Owner's construction representatives, to pick up scrap materials and other constrnction debris and to periodically dispose of said materials. This shall be done at least weekly. Upon completion of the construction on any Lot and prior to the occupancy of the strncture, the Lot Owner shall be responsible for keeping the landscaping improvements and the strncture itself + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 28 in a clean and neat appearance. This shall include the responsibility for regular landscape maintenance, watering, trimming, and upkeep to present a finished, manicured appearance of said premises from the adjacent right-of-way. In the event that the Lot Owner, or Owner's construction represcntative(s), fails to meet the standards set forth in this Section, the Board shall have the right to complete such clean-up activity in accordance with the provisions as set fotih in Article 8. Section 12.3. Permits. No construction or exterior addition or change or alteration of any structure may be started on any potiion of the Properties without the Owner first obtaining a building permit and other necessary pe1mits from the proper local governmental authority, and written approval of such pe1mits from the Committee or the Declarant, as well as plan check approval as set fo1ih in this Declaration. Section 12.4. Codes. All construction shall conform to the requirements of all applicable_regulations and International and Unifonn Codes (including without limitation all building, mechanical, plumbing and wiring codes), as adopted by the State of Washington and the City of Renton. Section 12.5. The Time of Completion. The exterior of any structures, including painting or other suitable finish and front yard landscaping, shall be completed within nine (9) months of the beginning of construction so as to present a finished appearance when viewed from any angle. The construction area shall be kept reasonably clean during the constrnction period. Section 12.6. Entiy for Inspection. Any agent, officer or member of the Board, Committee or ( during the development period) the Declarant may, at any reasonable predetennined hour upon twenty-four (24) hour notice during construction or exterior remodeling, enter and inspect the structure to detc1mine if there has been compliance with the provisions of this Declaration. The above-recited individuals shall not be deemed guilty of trespass for such entry or inspection. There is created an easement over, upon and across the residential Lots for the purpose of making and canying out such inspections. Section 12.7. Contractor. Without the prior approval of the Committee, no home may be constmcted on any Lot other than by a contractor licensed as a general contractor under the statutes of the State of Washington. t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 29 ARTICLE 13 UTILITIES Section 13. 1. Wiring. The wiring ( other than interior wiring) for buildings of any kind shall be underground. Section 13.2. Antennae. No radio or television antennae, transmitters or parabolic reflectors (except satellite dish antennae having a diameter of24" or less) shall be permitted unless fully screened from public view or unless approved by the Committee. Any such installations shall not be approved if, in the sole discretion of the Committee, the installation(s) will detract from the appearance of the Lot or Prope1ties. ARTICLE 14 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Section 14.1. Architectural Control Committee ("Committee"). So long as the Declarant is either a Class A or Class B voting member of the Association, the Declarant shall act as the Architectural Control Committee ("act as the Committee") (even if the Development Period has ended) unless the Deelarant elects not to act as the Committee. If the Declarant is acting as the Committee, the Declarant shall have all authority and perfmm all functions given to the Committee by these Declarations and applicable law; all references to "Committee" in this Declaration shall apply to the Declarant while acting as the Committee. If the Declarant is still a voting member of the Association but elects not to act as the Committee, then if the Development Period has not ended, Declarant shall appoint a Committee to function as the Committee and after the Development Period, the Board shall appoint the Committee. At such time as the Declarant is no longer a voting member of the Association, the Board shall have the authority to appoint the Committee provided for by this A1ticle 14. The Committee, when appointed, shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than five (5) members. Section 14.2. Jurisdiction and Pumose. The Committee or the Declarant as set faith herein, shall review proposed plans and specifications for Residences, acccssmy structures, fences, walls, appmienant recreational facilities ( e.g., hot tubs, basketball comis, tennis courts, swimming pools and bath houses), or other exterior structures to be placed upon the Propeitics. No exterior addition, structural alteration, or exterior structures of any kind may be made until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials and location of the proposed structure or alteration have been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Committee. The Committee shall also review proposals to change the exterior color of homes in the Plat. The Committee shall determine whether the exterior design and + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 30 location of the proposed structure, alteration, or color change hatmonizes with the (1) sun-ounding structures, (2) surrounding natural and built environment, and (3) aesthetic character of other homes in the Plat. Section 14.3. Membership. Except as provided in Section 1 of this Article 14, the Committee shall be designated by the Board. An election to fill either a newly created position on the Committee or a vacancy on the Committee requires the vote of the majority of the entire Board. However, the Board is not obliged to fill a vacancy on the Committee unless the membership of the Committee numbers less than three (3) persons. Section 14.4. Designation of a Representative. The Committee may unanimously designate one or more of its members or a third patiy to act on behalf of the Committee with respect to both ministerial matters and discretionaty judgments. The decisions of such individuals arc subject to review by the entire Committee at the request of any member of the Committee. Section 14.5. Donation of Time. No member of the Committee shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed on behalf of the Committee. Committee members shall have no financial liability resulting from Committee actions. Members of the Committee shall be entitled to compensation for reasonable out of pocket expenses incmTed in the discharge of their duties as members of the Committee. Section 14.6. Address of the Committee. The address of the Conunittee shall be at the registered office address of the Association. Section 14.7. Voting. Cormnittee decisions shall be determined by a majority vote of the members of the Committee. Section 14.8. Submission of Plans. All plans and specifications required to be submitted to the Committee shall be submitted by mail to the address of the Committee in duplicate. The written submission shall contain the name and address of the Owner submitting the plans and specifications identify the Lot involved, and the following information about the proposed structures: (a) The location of the structure upon the Lot; (b) The elevation of the structure with reference to the existing and finished Lot grades; ( c) The general design; ( d) The interior layout; + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 31 ( e) The exterior finish materials and color, including roof materials; and, (f) Other information which may be required in order to detetmine whether the structure conforms to the standards atiieulated in this Declaration and the standards employed by the Committee in evaluating development proposals. Section 14.9. Evaluating Development Proposals. The Committee shall have the authority to establish aesthetic standat·ds for evaluating development proposals. In addition to these guidelines, in evaluating development proposals, the Committee shall detennine whether the external design, color, building materials, appearance, height, configuration, location on the Lot, and landscaping of the proposed structure (the "design elements") harmonize with (1) the various features of the natural and built environment, (2) the aesthetic character of the other homes in Chelan Creek, and (3) any other factors which affect the desirability or suitability of a proposed structure or alteration ( collectively the "approval factors"). The Committee shall decline to approve any design in which (1 ) the design elements fail to harmonize with the approval factors described in the previous sentence or which fail to meet any aesthetic standards promulgated by the Committee, (2) impacts adversely on nearby Propetties and Common Areas, or (3) is of a temporary or non-petmanent nature. Committee dete1minations may be amended by a majority vote of Committee members. Any changes subject to review per the terms set forth herein which are undettaken without submission to the Architectural Control Committee shall be deemed to have been disapproved. The Committee has the authority to stop futiber work as well as the authority to have prior work undone. Section 14.10. Exclusions. The Declarant shall have the right to waive the plans and specifications review for builders in Chelan Creek. Any such waiver shall not exempt said builder from any of the standards or restrictions atticulated in this Declaration and all strnctures and improvements shall meet all standards and restrictions contained in these declarations. Section 14.11. Approval Procedures. Within fourteen (14) days after the receipt of plans and specifications, the Committee shall approve or disapprove the proposed structure. The Committee may decline to approve plans and specifications which, in its opinion, do not confmm to restrictions articulated in this Declaration or to its aesthetic standards. The Committee shall indicate its approval or disapproval on one of the copies of the plans and specifications provided by the applicant and shall return the plans and specifications to the address shown on the plans and specifications. In the event that no disapproval of such plans and specifications is given within fomteen (14) days of submission, then the plans shall be deemed to be approved. In any event, the Association shall hold the Committee members (and the Declat·ant) harmless from any actions taken (or actions not taken) relative to the approval, disapproval, or non-action on any plans submitted for review. "Non-action" on the + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 32 pat1 of the Committee shall not exempt the applicant from any of the provisions of this Declaration or the restrictions at1iculatcd herein. By purchasing a Lot in Chelan Creek, the Owners agree that, to the extent permitted by law, the Declarant shall have no liability to the Owners or the Association for any actions taken, or actions not taken, while acting as the Committee. Section 14.12. Compliance with Codes/Environmental Laws. (a) In all cases, ultimate responsibility for satisfying all local building codes and requirements rests with the Owner and contractor employed by the Owner. The Committee has no responsibility for ensuring that plans and specifications which it reviews comply with local building codes and requirements. The Owner shall hold the Committee members (and Declarant) hatmless in the event that a structure which the Committee ( or Declarant) authorizes fails to comply with relevant building and zoning requirements or these covenants and restiictions contained herein. No person on the Committee or acting on behalf of the Committee, nor the Declarant acting as the Committee, or anyone acting on behalf of the Declarant, shall be held responsible for any defect in any plans or specifications which are approved by the Committee or Declarant nor shall any member of the Committee or any person acting on behalf of the Committee or Declarant be held responsible for any defect in a structure which was built pursuant to plans and specifications approved by the Committee, or by the Declarant. (b) Neither the Declarant, the Committee, nor any member of the Committee, nor the Association, nor anyone acting on behalf of the Committee or the Association shall have any responsibility for compliance by the Owner ( or any agent, representative, guest, or invitee of Owner) with any environmental laws, regulations, or rules, including, but not limited to, those relating to hazardous waste and placement of underground oil tanks. Section 14.13. Variation. The Committee shall have the authority to approve plans and specifications which do not conform to these restrictions in order to (1 ) overcome practical difficulties or (2) prevent undue hardship from being imposed on an Owner as a result of applying these restrictions. However, such variations may only be approved in the event that the variation will not (1 ) detrimentally impact on the overall appearance of the development, (2) impair the atti·aetive development of the subdivision or (3) adversely affect the character of nearby Lots. Granting such a variation shall not constitute a waiver of the restrictions mticulated in this Declaration. Variations shall only be granted if the Committee detetmines that the variation would fmther the purposes and intent of these restrictions. Variations shall only be granted in extraordinary circumstances. Section 14.14. Enforcement. The Association (including the Declarant on behalf of the Association), Board, or any Owner shall have the right to bring a suit for judicial enforcement of a determination of the Committee, or, after the Development Period, to seek an order requiring the Committee to exercise its authority, and perform its functions, under + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 33 this Article 14. In any judicial action to enforce a determination of the Committee, the losing patiy shall pay the prevailing party's attorney's fees, expeti witness fees, and other costs incmTed in connection with such a legal action or appeal (sec Article 15, Section 5). Section 14.15. Committee/Declarant Liability. The Association shall hold the Committee Members and the Declarant, if acting as the Committee, hmmless from any actions taken (or actions not taken) under any provision of this Declaration, including, but not limited to, actions taken ( or not taken) under Atiicles 11, 12, and 13 of this Declaration. By purchasing a Lot in Chelan Creek, the Owners agree that, to the extent petmitted by the law, neither the Declarant (nor any officer, director, or representative of the Declarant), nor the Committee (nor any member of the Committee) shall have any liability to the Owners or to the Association for any actions taken, or actions not taken, while acting as the Declarant or the Committee under this Declaration. "Non-action" on the part of the Committee or the Declarant shall not exempt the applicant from any of the provisions of this Declaration or restrictions contained in this Declaration. ARTICLE 15 CONDEMNATION Section 15.1. Patiia\ Condemnation of Common Areas. In the event of a partial condemnation of the Common Areas, the proceeds shall be used to restore the remaining Common Areas, and any balance remaining shall be distributed to the Association; Section 15.2. Entire Condemnation of Common Areas. In the event that the entire Common Area is taken or condemned, or sold, or otherwise disposed of in lieu or in avoidance thereof, the condemnation award shall be distributed to the Association. No proceeds received by the Association as the result of any condemnation shall be distributed to a Lot Owner or to any other pmiy in derogation of the rights of the first mortgagee of any Lot. ARTICLE 16 MORTGAGEES' PROTECTION Section 16.1. Mortagee Definitions. As used in this Declaration: (1 ) "motigagee" includes the beneficiary of a deed of trust, a secured party, or other holder of a security interest; (2) "foreclosure" includes a notice and sale proceeding pursuant to a deed of trust or sale on default under a security agreement; and (3) "institutional holder" means a m011gagee t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 34 which is a bank or savings and loan association or established mortgage company, or other entity chartered under federal or state laws, any corporation or insurance company, or any federal or state agency; Section 16.2. Prior Approval Of Mmigagec Before Action. The prior written approval of at least Seventy-Five Percent (75%) of the first mmtgagees (based on one vote for each first Mo1tgage owned) of the individual Lot shall be required for any of the following: (a) Any material amendment to this Declaration or to the A1iicles oflncorporation or Bylaws of the Owners Association, including, but not limited to, any amendment which would change the ownership interests of the Owners in the project, change the pro-rata interest or obligation of any individual Owner for the purpose of levying assessments or charges or for allocating distributions of hazard insurance proceeds or condenmation awards. (b) The effectuation of any decision by the Owner's Association to terminate professional management and assume self-management (however, this shall not be deemed or construed to require professional management). ( c) Pmiitioning or subdividing any Lot. ( d) Any material amendment of this Declaration or to the A1iicles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Association. Section 16.3. Fu1ihcr Rights ofM01tgagces. Each first mortgagee shall be entitled, upon request, to: (a) Inspect the books and records of the Association during normal business hours. (b) Require the preparation of at its expense, (if preparation is required), and receive an annual audited financial statement of the Association for the immediately preceding fiscal year, except that such statement need not be furnished earlier than ninety (90) days following the end of such fiscal year. ( c) Receive written notice of all meetings of the Owners Association and be permitted to designate a representative to attend all such meetings. Section 16.4. Miscellaneous Rights of Mortgagee. First mmigagees of any Lot may, jointly or singly, pay taxes or other charges which are in default and which may or have become a charge against the Common Areas, and may pay overdue premiums on hazard insurance policies, or secure new hazard insurance coverage on the lapse of a policy, for such Common Areas, and the first mmigagees making such payments shall be owed immediate reimbursement therefor from the Association. t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 35 ARTICLE 17 GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 17.1. Covenants Running with the Land. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them for a period of twenty (20) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time the covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (I 0) years unless an instrument signed by a majority of the individuals then owning Lots has been recorded which reflects their intent to amend, or remove the covenants in whole or in part. Section 17.2. Amendment. This Declaration may be amended during the development period if (a) the Declarant gives the Declarant's express written approval of the amendment in writing, and (b) the Owners of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Lots, including those owned by the Declarant, sign an instrument (which may be executed in counterparts) approving the amendment. This Declaration may be amended after the development period ends at any time if the Owners ofat least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Lots vote ( one vote per lot) to amend particular provisions of this instrument as then in effect (including any prior amendments). In no event shall any provisions expressly referring to the Declarant be amended at any time without he express written approval of the Declarant or the Declarant's successor in interest (unless the Declarant, or the Declarant's successor in interest, no longer exists). All amendments must be recorded with the office of the King County Auditor. Notwithstanding anything in this Declaration to the contrary, Declarant may without the consent of any Owner, at any time during the development period, amend this Declaration by an instrument signed by Declarant alone in order to satisfy the reguiremcnts of the Federal Mortgage Agencies and/or other financial institutions. Section 17.3. Certain Rights ofDcclarant. During the development period, there shall be no amendments to the Declaration, the A1iicles oflncorporation, the Bylaws of the Association, or any Rules and Regulations adopted by the Association unless aproved by the Declarant which: (a) Discriminate or tend to discriminate against the Declarant's rights as an Owner; (b) Change A1iicle J ("Definitions") in a marrner which alters Declarant's rights or status. ( c) Alter the character and rights of memebership or the rights of the Declarant under this Declaration. ( d) Alter previously recorded or written agreements with public or guasi-public agencies regarding easements and rights-of-way. + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 36 (e) Alter Declarant's rights relating to architectural controls. (f) Alter the basis for assessments. (g) Alter the provisions of the use restrictions as set fmih in this Declaration. (h) Alter the number or selection of Directors as established in the Bylaws. (i) Alter the Declarant's rights as they appear under this Article. Section 17.4. Insurance. The Association shall have no obligation to obtain any insurance on the Lots or the structures located on the Lots except as expressly provided herein. Section 17.5. Enforcement. The Association (including the Declarant on behalf of the Association), the Board, or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any legal proceeding, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Section 17.6. Failure to Enforce. No delay or omission on the patt of the Declarant, the Association, or the Owners of Lots in exercising any rights, power, or remedy provided in this Declaration shall be construed as a waiver of or acquiescence in any breach of the covenants, conditions, reservations, or restrictions set forth in the Declaration. No action shall be brought or maintained by anyone whatsoever against the Declarant for or on account of its failure to bring any action for any breach of these covenants, conditions, reservations, or restrictions, or for imposing restrictions which may be unenforceable. Section 17.7. Attorney's Fees. In the event that it is necessaty to seek the services of any attorney in order to enforce any (1 ) provisions of this Declaration, or (2) lien created pursuant to the authority of this Declaration, the individual against whom enforcement is sought shall be personaJly obligated to pay any attorney's fees, costs or expenses incurred. If the Owner fails to pay such fees within sixty (60) days, such fees shall become a lien against the Owner's Lot. In any legal action commenced in order to enforce the provisions of this Declaration, the substantially prevailing pmiy shall be entitled to recover all expense, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees including expe1t witness fees incmTed in order to enforce the provisions of this Declaration. Section 17 .8. Liens for Other Charges. This Section shall apply to all fees, charges, penalties, interest, costs, attorney's fees and other amounts assessed against an Owner or the Owner's Lot (the "other charges") including those described in Sections 3 and 4 of A11icle 7 of this Declaration (the "regular assessments" and "special assessments"). Unless otherwise + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 37 provided in this Declaration, the other charges shall be a personal obligation of the Owner, and also a lien against the Owner's Lot(s) identical to the lien of the regular assessments. The liens upon Lots for other charges may be recorded, collected and foreclosed in the same manner as liens for regular assessments, with the costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) of collection or foreclosure, or both, to be additional "other charges" for which the Owner shall be personally liable and which shall be a lien on the Owner's Lot enforceable as provided in this Section. Section 17.9. Interest. All assessments, penalties, liens, fines, and other charges shall bear interest, if not paid when due, at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum until paid in full. The interest shall accrue from the due date. Section 17.10. Successors and Assigns. The covenants, restrictions and conditions articulated in this Declaration shall run with the land and shall accordingly be binding on all successors and assigns. Section 17.11. Severability. The invalidity of any one or more phases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections herein shall not affect the remaining portions of this Declaration or any paii thereof. In the event that one or more of the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections contained herein should be invalid, this Declaration shall be construed as if the invalid phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section had not been inserted. + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 38 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Deelarant herein, has caused this Declaration to be executed this of , 2016 "DECLARANT" Chelan Creek , LLC By: Jonathan Bartels Title: Managing Member STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of King ) On this day personally appeared before me Jonathan Bartels, to me known to be the Managing Member of CHELAN CREEK, LLC, the Limited Liability Company which executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the Limited Liability Company's free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath slated that he was authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of the Limited Liability Company. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ___ day of ______ , 2013. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at __________ _ My Commission expires: ______ _ t CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 39 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS I THROUGH 14 TOGETHER WITH TRACTS "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF CHELAN CREEK AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY AUDITOR'S FILE NO. I + CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 40 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ,_ -.... ~ ...l( X \-1.\_ I I i 1 i ~ ! ·t f ,, li 11~ ~Ii i ' ~ ~ e l,l I[ ,. " ' SllV.130 ONV S3lON £JNI.LN\fld ~ VM 'NOlN3H ~;jl !i : and ~33H8 N\fl3H8 ' • '1" fil ' ...... i _J ' dlTI II T' \ a: t ); 9ll15 f'1 ~1 51 . ; ""· L I c,J I 8 ~~it I II II w c::, 0 ....... z LU °" u. LU -.0 ~ co "" "' I w "' 0:::: "' . j @~ ~l "' ; ; . iii f-I:, r ~-, r r ~!l~ r ii, ,- f-! l~ f- f- f- f-I ,- ,- ,-! I ,-,-f y ,-,- ·.,. ,. ! . . I . , ' , • -r.~· .':::I L.-J ., ~ .. -~ ,6·,I • • Ir J,, / j;;-x1-J.1t31T C 10. The following Standards would be applicable to the PPUD: Vested Development Standards Minimum Lot Size . As noted in FOF 10 . Minimum Lot Width As noted in FOF 10 Minimum Lot Depth· 65 feet . .. . .. . Minimum.Front Yard 15 f~et for the pri~ary ~tr.ucture and 20 feet for an att;rch~d .garage . Front· yard setb.acks are measure,tfron:i the front property J.ine ~ven when portions of the loJ pre narrower than 80 per.cent of the minimum permitted width · · · · · ivlinimuin Rear Yard 20 feet .. Minimum Side Yard · 5.feet · ' '. Minimum Side Yard·(along· a Street) · 15 feet .. Maximum Buiiding Coverage For lots ov·er 5,000 square:feet: 35% or 2,500 SF whicnever is greater · . . . . : . . ' . . . ' For lots ·1ess than 5,000·square feet: 50 percent Maximum Impervious Surface Area None .. '· Maximum Height 2 stories and 30 feet as measured io theaverage pitch of the roof Orientation As noted in FOF 10· 11. The following table include modified PUD development standards as it applie~ t; ea~h Jot· lot lot Size SF Width Front Vord Orientation 1 3,932 40/eet Chelan Place NE 2 3,930 40/eet Chelan Place NE 3 4,376 40/eet NGPE(west) 4 5,721 50/eet NGPE (west) 5 4,067 40/eet NGPE (east) 6 4,377 40feet NGPE (east) 7 4,609 40 f'!et NGPE (east) 8 4,558 40/eet NGPE (east) 9 4,447 40feet NGPE (east) 10 ., . 5,389 - 48feet NGPE (east) u . 5,941 ·40feet NGPE (south} 12 5,507 . 40}eet . NGPE (south) :13 . '5,027 50/eet .NGPE (south) ' · 14 ·. 7,657 .. ·SO feet Abutting property t.o the west'. {, 'l<-,-)111 IT (/ I; )) CHELAN CREE!( DESIGN STANDARDS I. Site Design. Site Design objectives and standards are intended to minimize modifications to topography, preserv" existing: vegetation whenever possible, minimize the creation of impervious surfaces, and make appropriate provisions for vehicular and pcdestr1an circulation within the Chelan Creek PUD Development. A. Residential Connections and Circulation. l. Design Objective. Create a road system that is pedestrian-friendly, contains traffic calming techniques, and minimizes the presence of the automobile. a. Standards. (l) Signage. All public roads shall have postings ihat clearly identify where on-street parking is prohibited. The . developer shall be responsible to install "no parking" signs and the homeowners association shall have the responsibility to maintain and replace the "no parking" signs. B. Sidewalks, Pathways, and Pedestrian Entry Easements. I. Design Objective. Create a network of sidewalks and other paths throughout the neighborhood to reduce the reliance on the automobile and provide opportunities for interaction and activity. a. Standards. (!) Pedestrian Connections. A sidewalk or pathway system shall be provided t1'.roughput the development. The sidewalk or pathway system may disconnect from the road, provided the sidewalk/pathway continues in a logical route thioughout the residential development. (2) Pathway. {a) A pathway shall be constructed of a porous materials such as porous paving stones, crushed gravel with -soil stabilizers, and paving blocks with planted joints, and shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide. (b) In areas where pathways cross streets, parking will be eliminated to reduce crossing distance and ensure safe cro.i;sing. (3) Pedestrian Entry Easement (a) A pedestrian entry easement shall be provided to all homes that do not front on the Native Growth Protection Easement (i.e., Lot 16). See Figure 1. (b) Pedestrian entry easements shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide with a minimum 5-foot sidewalk. FIGURE I -Pedestrian Easement (4) Transit Standards. Transit and school bus stops shall be identified and ooordinated with the local transit ngency and/or school district. C. Garage. I. Design Objective. Minimize the visual impacts of the garage through the use of recessed garage doors (front I .I 'i I :1 I I· l I' .. J ., ., ' loaded), and the empl1asis of the p a. Standards. (l) On-Site Garage. Uld front door. {a) On-site garages shall-bi': set back a m;nimum of 5 feet from the building facade on which the garnge is located. (2) Garage Design. (a) A.11 garages shall follow an architectural style similar to the homes. (b) If sides are visible from streets, lanes, sidewalks, pathways, trails, or other homes, arch[tectural details shall be incorporated in the design to minimize the impacts of the fa9ade, (c) All garages shall be located in an area to minimize the presence of the automobile. (3) Carports. Carports are prohibited. b. Guidelines. (l) Avoid garages doors at the end of view corridors. (2) All garages should be located in an area to minimize the presence of the automobile. (3) Lots that take access directly from a neighborhood street shall re<J.uire a layout that lessens the visual impact of the garage doors. ( 4) Garages shall not be tbe dominant visu~J element in any development. D. Parldng Requirements. 1. Design Objective. Provide adequate parking for e!lch unit. a. Standards. (1) Driveways. (a) The width of the driveway curb cut shall not exceed 10 feet for single lane and 18 feet for double lane. E. Utility Placement. I. Design Objective. Minimize the impact of\ltility locations. a. Standa1·ds. (I) Utility boxes shall be placed away from public gathering spaces and snail be screened-v,ith landscap[ng or berms. · b. Guidelines. (1) If possible, group utility boxes together. (2) Allow space for landscape and utility access. II. Architectural Features. . The architectural feature standards are intended to allow for a diverse range of architectural styles, massing, detailing and . color while creatlng a unified development. · A, Elevations and Models Required. !. Design Objective. To provide a diverse streelscape and a variety of floor plans, home size, and character. See Figure 2, a. Standards. -(!} Models are defined as having significant variations in the floor plans, which allows for variety in the massing of the home. 2 (2) No more foan two of the same model and elcv;,tion shall be built on the same block frontage. (3) The srune model and elevation sh<~!! not be built next to eacll other. (4) To differentiate the same models and elevations, different colors shall be used. (5) Each model shall have at least two architectural styles and a variety of color schemes. b. Guidelines. (1) Neighborhoods shall have a variety of home size and character. FI~URE 2 -Variety of Models and Elevations B. Massing and Composition. I. Design Objective. To reflect a clear hierarchy of forms and massing with expression of domfoant and secondary fo,ms. a. Standards. (l) Primary building forms shall be the dominating form while secondary formal elements shall include porches, principal dormers, or other significant features. See Figure 3. C. Building Articulation. FIGURE 3 -Massing Examples Fritlr-i")' . Jlulk.!ir1:;"rv<"111-·11'n'lll"11) s·uil<li1tJ {\in,11 l. Design Objective. To avoid mo11otonous repetition of elevations along public areas and provide pedestrian scale elements to the streetscape. See Figm-e 4. · a. Standard,. (1) The primary building elevation oriented toward the street, access easement orNGPE shall have at least one articulation or change in plane. (2) Primnry articulations shall be a minimum of24 inches. (3) A minimum ofat least one side articulation shall OCC\lr fur side onear elevations fac.ing streets or public spaces. ( 4) Building elevations facing public spaces shall have a minimum articulation of 12 inches. 3 .1 ., ·, ' ·l I ! i l r :I . .I l I I' i !' l I ' I j, Ii 'I 1: b. Gui(lelines. (1) Articulation may be the connection of an open porch to the building, a dormer facing the street, or a well- defined entry element. FIGURE 4 -Bu!ldiug Articulation F.,xnniples D. Building Placement. I. Design Objective. Orient homes_ toward the public realm. Buildings shall be designed to integrate with activities along the street frontage and the NGPE. See Figure 5. FIGURE 5 -Homes Oriented Toward the Public Realm · "Porch~$ Ork~tlll1d 'TMiarct th\'.! PUbHc .RCilliTI a. Standards. (1) Each home shall have a covered porch or main entiy oriented toward the public realni in the respective fron\ yard (i.e., Lots 1 and 2 towards Chelan Pl NE; Lots 3 and 4 towards th,: NGPE (west}; Lots 5 through 12 towards the NGPE (east); Lot 13 towards theNGPE (south); Lots 14 and 15 towards Tract A (south); and Lot 16 towards the abutting property to the west.) (2) Windows on a closed side of a unit shall not directly face a neighbor's window. b. Guidelines. (1) Architectural Elements. Homes should be sited in a logical way to maximize usable space while providing- natural and· architectural elements at key locations. ' (2) Open and Closed Building Sides. Side yards are important in the creation of private open space, particularly in homes on small lots. Care shall be taken to design homes with an open side and a closed side as appropriate. Window placement is an essential component to aclrie,-ing this relationship, The open side is the side that is either facing a public street, access easement, or the NGPE. This elevation should have more windows and detailing. See Figures 6 and 7. ·~, · 4 E. Mntedals. F,vJRE 6-0pen and Closed Sides FIGuim 7 -Closed and Ptimary Window Locations ;,.'t;:n•\~,} \lfiw.Jvw,;-&: t>'<> J",,.-~h Ur Ow.- J. Design Objective. Require a variety of materials appropriate to the architectural character of the home. a. Standards. Where more than one material is used, U1e following techniques shall be used: (l) Vertical Changes. Changes in materials in a vertical wall, such as from brick to wood, shall vvrap the comers no Jess than 24 inches. The material change shall occur at an internal comer or a logical transition such as aligning with a window edge or chimney. Material transition shalt not occur at an exterior comer. See Figure 8. (2) Horizontal Changes. Transition in material on a wall surface, such as shingle to lap siding, will be required to have a material separation, such as a him band board. See Figure 9. (3) Acceptable Exterior Wall Material. Wood, cement fiberboard, stucco, standard-,;ized brick (3-1/2 x 7-1/2 inches or 3-518 x 7-5/8 inches), ru1d stone may be used. Simulated stone, wood, stone, or brick may be used to detail homes. (4) Trim. T1im may be wood, cement fiberboard, stucco, or stone materials. Trim is required around all doors and windows. The trim must be 3-1/2 inches minimwn and be used on all elevations. FIGURE 8 / FIGURE 9·-Vertical /Horizontal Material Changes F. Colors. I. Design Objective. Reduce the monotony of color and tone to create a more diverse palette. a. Standards. (I) Provide multiple colors on buildings to reflect material changes ru1d individuality of the residence. (a) Muted deeper tones, as opposed to vibrant primary colors, shall be the dominant colors. (b) Although grey and beige are not eitcluded, the use of these colors shall not be the dominant color used on 5 homes or other stmctures uu the developmenl (c) Color palettes for all new stmctures, coded to the home elevations; shall be submitted for approval by the Cunent Planning Proje<:t Manager along with the Final PUD application. b. Guidelfnes. (1) A diversity of color should be used on homes, as ·compared with monotonous shades of beige and grey, ' throughout the plat. G. Roofs. I. Design Objective, Provide a variety of roof forms and profiles Uiat add character and relief to the streetscape. a. Standards. {1) Primary Roof Pitch. Primary roof pitches shall be a minimum of 6:12. {2) Gable Forms. See Figure l 0. (a) Roof pitches for gable forms on the public sides of the buildings shall be a minimum of 8:12. (b) Exit access for a third floor must face a public right-of-way for emergency access.· (3) Roof Overhangs. Roof overhangs shall be a minimum of 12 inches (excluding gutter) a.,;d a maximum of24 inches, including gutter, downspouts, and any other ornamental features. See Figure i l. · (4) Roof Material. Roof material shall be fire retardant, such as asphalt shingle or metal. (5) Roof Color. A variety ofroof colors shaU be used within the development. b. Gn!delines. (1} Avoid bright color, reflective roofing material. (2} Gravel and red tile roofs are discouraged. (3) Ovetllangs and eaves should be detailed and proportioned to complement the architectural style of the home. FIGURE 10 -Roof Forms/ FIGURE 11-Minimum Roof Overhang r~tplar),· ft(i01'- P.fo:h ·~~12 'i\Iinf(11un1, H. Entral)ces to Homes. l. Design Objective. Design entrances that become a focal point of the homes and allow space for social interaction. a. Standards. (1) Porches or stoops are required on all homes. (2) Stoops and porches shall be raised above the grade except where accessibility (ADA) is a priority. An accessible route may also be taken from a front driveway. (3) All porches and stoops must take access from and face a street, access easement or the NGPE. ,(4) Porch and stoop sizes shall be: (a) Stoops. See Figure 12. 6 Minimum Width: 4 feet Minimum Depth; 4 feet Minimum Height: 12 inches" above grade {b) Porches (tvlinirnum 60 square feet) Minimum Width: 10 feet Minimum Depth: 6 feet Minimum Height: 12 inches above grade b. Guidelines. {!) Where a home is located on a oomer lot, i.e., at the intersection of two roads or the intersection of a road and common open space, a wrapped porch is preferred to reduce the perceived scale of the house and engage the street or open space on both sides. FIGURE 12 -Minimum Stoop Dimensions ,l, · a fr-:~~ ~;i,, lO':Mto. i~-1=-I . • (,' j'--~--l ~llu. l . ,r....,. <'" , . LO'Pfot.. I.Doors. ·A'-"-'tJ!.:lbk; :St~ - .\IUlilrnu.11 !:!" .•.At'O\'>:~r1t:!~ I. Design Objective. Use front doors that are integral to the character of the homes. See Figure 13. a. Standards. (1) Front doors shall face the public realm (i.e., Lots 1 and 2 towards Chelan Pl NE; Lots 3 and 4 towards the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 12 towards theNGPE (east); Lot 13 towards the NGPE (south); Lots 14 and JS towards Tract A (south); and Lot 16 towards the abutting property to the west). (2) Doors shall be made of wood, fiberglass, or metal. {3) Front doors shall be paneled or have inset windows. (4) Sliding glass doors are not permitted along frontage elevation or an elevation facing a pedestrian easement. (5) Four-inch minimum head and jamb trim is required around all doors. b. Guideliues. (1) Front doors should be a focal point in small lot pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods and be in scale with the home. . (2) Oversized doors should be avoided on cottage-style hoines. 7 ) ., I -1 -'I i ·I . J I .1 ) .I ' I: ,J _, I l ·1! r I .Jl 'ii ii Ji ,1'·_' . ' I . ' ' ii II Ji II I· ·I' .d I I .,I .I I 1, !I :1 -1 ii ·II ii 11 lj I FTGURE 13 -Doors rn fi.1 ! ... OD. DIJi · . . ~ .. J, Primary Windows. 1. Design Objective. Use windows that are integral to the ch&s.cter of the homes. See Figure 14. a. Standards. (!) Primary windows shall be proportioned vertically rather fuan horizontally. See 15. ·(2) Windows are required to have a trim on all four sides. (3) Trim must be appropriate to the architectural character of the home and be a minimum of 3-1/2 inches wide. ( 4) Vertical windows may be combined together to create a larger window area. FIGURE 14-Acceplable Windows A;,:,ip\obli, Wlr.dilw Grids. . b. Guidelines. (1) Divided light windows are encouraged. They must either be true divided light or have properly proportioned mullions applied to the window. Individual panes must be vertically proportioned or square. FIGURE 15 -Primary Window Example ·\v.ui.JP\\.<!;. P~Ppnrdcin:~-d ·~k:\lhilly ·.... . . GI'\'l.irr of ~iado,~$-.· . ·rmrun~i->\12~:,.'.cttr5;Jt!y 8 K. Chimneys. 1. Design Objective. \Vhen usect, design chimneys that reflect the architectural style of the homes. a. Standards. (1) Chimneys above the roof shall be at least 20 inches x 24 inches as m=ured in the plan. (2) Wood-framed chimney enclosures are penuitred; however metal termination caps shall not be left e,q,osed. These tops shall be shroud in a metal chimney surround. b. Guidelines. (l) Chimney fonn and shape should reflect the proportions of masonry tradition, Skinny long chimneys out of concert with the house proportions or not naturally ancl1ored into the rooffonns and walls are unacceptable. (2) Overly stylistic chimneys are discouraged. Chimney shape and profile should appropriately reflect the stylistic direction of the rest of the house. · L. Columns, Trim, and Corner Boards. I. Design Objective. Design columns, trim work, and comer boards to add visual detail to the house. a. Standards. (I) Columns. See Figure 16, (a) Character column5 shall be round, fluted, or strongly related to the home's architectural style. (b) Exposed 4 x 4 and 6 x 6-inch posts are prohibited. (2) Corners. See Figure 17. (a) Use metal comer clips or comer boards at comers where siding is used. Comer boards shall be a minimum of 2-1/2 inches in width. (b) Corner boards shall be painted or color stained to match the main massing colors of the residence. FIGURE 16-Corner Board FIGURE 17 -Columns --'"1vtc-, ---~--· b. Guidelines. (1) Colunms, trim, and comer boards should reflect the architectural character of the home. M. Gutters and Downspouts. 1. Design Objective. Integrate the gutters and downspouts into the home's color scheme. a, Standards. (1) Gutters shall be painted or of an·integral color to closely match the trim color. b. Guidelines. (I) Gutters and downspouts should reflect the architectural character of the home. N. Architecture Detail and Features. 9 • I. Design Objective. Establish a de le human scale next to pedestrian routes by e of shutters, knee braces, flower boxes, and columns. See Figu. •• 8 . a. Standards. (1) At least one of the followiug features shall be used: ( a) Shutters (b) Flower Boxes (c) Knee Braces ( d) Columns (2) Shutters, flower boxes, and ornamental !nee braces shall follow the home's architectural style. (3) Shutters shall be proportioned to the window size to s[mulate the ability to cover them. b. Guidelines. (1) Give special care in the character, detail, and finish of human scale architectural details. (2) Use a detail that is appropriate to the architectural character of the home. FIGURE 18 -Architectural Details and Features O. Mail and Newspaper Boxes. I. Design Objective. Place and design mailboxes to best serve the neighborhood and reflect the charncter of the community. ' a. Standards. (1) All mailboxes shall be clusterod and lockable consistent with USPS standard,;. Clustered mailboxes shall be axchitecturally enhanced with materials and details typical of the home's architecture and carefully placed to not adversely affect the privacy of residents and serve th~ needs of the U.S. Postal Service. See Figure 19. b. Guidelines. (!) Mailbox locations should be easily accessible to each resident and architecturally compatible with the home. FIGURE 19 -M:tilbox Design 10 • ~6$.. T 4-:-.t ' ·-· .s. ' . :• • \ • ' j t ., ....• '.(; . ,..J • I• • • • ' j._ -' ;~' ,_ • e , •• P. Hot Tubs.nnd Mechanical Eqµipment. I. Design Objective. Minimize the impacts of hot tubs aud pool equipment on surrounding prope11ies. a. Standards. (I) Hot tubs and pools shall be located only in back yar<ls. (2) Pools and spas shall be designed to minimize sight and sound impacts to adjoining property. (3) Pool heaters and pumps shall be screened from view aud sonnd insulated. ( 4) Pool equipment must comply with codes regarding fencing and screening. b. Guidelines. (I) Hot tub and mechanical equipment should be placed as to not negatively impact neighbors. Q. Accessory Structnres. I. Design Objective. Minimize the impacts of accessory structures. a. Standards, ( l) No more than one accessory structure shall be permitted perlot m,d shall be architecturally consistent with the principal slructure. (2) Greenhouses, sheds, and other accessory structures shall not exceed 12 feet to top of roof in height or more than 150 square feet in size. (3) They shall be no closer than 3 feet from the interior side or rem-property line. (4) Overhangs and roof drainage may not encroach over property lines. (5) Accessory structures are not allowed in front yards. (6) Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) shall be prohibited. b. Guidelines. (1) Avoid !?eating accessory structures in areas visible from the street. III. Landscape Elements. This landscape Section is essential toward enhancing the character of the Chelau Creek PUD development. Landscaping is an impo11ant aspect of the creation of space and scale when using,small lots. In coajunction with architecture, landscape design enables builders to create a transition between homes and tl1e street while mitigating the impact of denser housing. A. Fences and Hedges. l. Design Objective. The incorporation offences and hedges around a housing unit to defme private spaces. See Figure 20. 11 . entering sight distance conce FIGURE 18J.17-39 -Front Yard Decorative Fences and Hedges (l) Front Yard Decorative Fence. If used fences shall be decorative and help to define semi-private areas in the front of the home, If a split rail fence is required in the front yard, as a condition of approval, secondary front yard fences shall be prohibited. · · ./ (a) Th<, maximum height shall be 36 inches. (b) Front yard decorative fences shall be located a minimum of! foot from parcel line to allow for planting between edge of sidewalk or right-of-way and fence. ( c) Front yard decorative fences shall provide a balance of solid surfaces and voids, such as picket or Kentucky rail fence styles. ( d) Front yard decorative fences shall be constructed of wood, simulated wood, iron, or masoILry. Solid' fences and chain link shall be prohibited. (2) Hedges. !fused, hedges shall be continuous along the front and side property line, and the street frontage. If a split rail fence is required in the front yard, as a condition of approval, hedges shall be prohibited in the front yard. (a) The maximum height of a hedge in a front yard shall be 36 inches. (b) The maximum height ofa hedge for the first 15 feet of the front yards or yards abutting Chelan Ave NE shall be 36 inches. The mmdmmn height for the remaining portions of the yards shall be 6 feet. (c) Evergreen native plant material is preferred for year-round coverage. (3) Privacy Fencing. If a split rail fence is required in the front yard, as a condition of approval, privacy fencing shall be prohibited in the front yard. If used, privacy fencing shall be in character .with the home's architecture. See Figure 21. FIGURE 21~ Public Side of Fence . . : ?~~~%:6i ~-~.s.'f~ .. ; ... • (a) Privacy fencing in a front yard shall not bepemtitted. (b) For lots where thepdvacy fencing would be placed facing the street or access lane (Except for Duvall Ave NE), the maximum height of the first 15 feet of the fencing as measured from the front fagade, shall be 36 inches. The maximum height of the remainder of the privacy fencing shall be 6 feet. .(c) For lots where the privacy fencing would be placed facing DLIVall Ave NE the maximum height of the fencing shall be 6 feet. 12 -----·-···-------. -----·---· -·-~~----~-..-_,_,~·--" __ ..._.__._.__...__ ......... ____ ~-.-~·---·--·---·---~---..--. - (e} Privacy fencing not be permitted. IV. Lighting. be constructed of wood, simulated wood, iro masonry. Chain link fencing shall The purpose of this Section is to offer design standnrds for lighting that will enhance visibility and security while accenting key architectural elements and landscape features. A. Exterior Lighting, I. Design Objective. Design lighting that pro\1des safety and character, and aesthetic benefits for the neighborhood. a. Standards. (1) The lighting for neighborhood streets and pedestrian pathway shall be !owintensity and shall be from the same family of fixtures. (2) All exterior lighting shall be prevented from projecting light upward either by placement beneath building eaves or by an integral shield of the fixture's interiors as recommended by the manufacturer. (3) Street lighting on neighborhood streets and access lanes within the boundary of a small lot neighborhood development shall be required. (a) All street lighting fixtures shall bea maximum height of 16 feet. (4) Sidewalks and pathways not otherwise illuminated by street lighting shall be lit with.ornamental lighting fixtures subject to the approval of the Current Planning Project Manager. All pedestrian lighting fixtures shall be a · maximum height of 12 feet. (5) Lighting shall be limited to ilJu,."Jlinntion of surfaces intended for pedestrians, vehicles, or key architectural features. b. Guidelines. (1) The character of the lighting fixtures shall be appropriate for the architec\.ure and to a human scale. {2) Spill-over lighting should be avoided. This includes light that is broadcast beyond the intended area; for example, street lights that illuminate residential windows or resideniial flood lights that illuminate beyond the lot boundary. (3} Apply minimal lighting where possible to accomplish desired purpose. The selection of lights should be of appropriate height and light_ direction to minimize conflicts with neighbors. (4) Avoid lighting large areas with a single source. J3 ·'. -·.--····· .·.4 '• -'· ,----... • .••.• -·--.·-··---· ----_.,,_...__,__ __ ---,---·. . -~-~--~--------~~ I l C.E.S. NW Inc. Civil Engineering & Surveying October 25. 20 16 City of Renton I 055 South Grady Way Renton, \VA 98057 RE: Hearing Examiner Conditions for Chelan Creek (CES #13040) Dear Community and Economic Development Department. 310 29"· St. \E. Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 Phone: (253) 848-4282 Fax: (253) 848-4278 RECEIVED DEC O 9 ZD16 c;rv or-~'.::\~TCJN PL.tJ,Ji',;[.\!C f'J:'/'~'.T,N Thank you for the opportunity to submit the Final Plat for Chelan Creek. The following list demonstrates how the project met each of the Hearing Examiner's Conditions of Approval. Hcarino Examiner Recommendations ! . The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines for all residences constructed on the proposed lots. The applicant will be required to, as pa,t of the FPLD application, provide elevations and floor plans for the proposed structures. Response. The applicant will comp/, with rhe Chelan Creek Design Guidelines. All building permits will comp(1,· al the time of building permic submittal. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping and street improvement plan depicting the following: a meandering sidewalk: ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing, for those portions of the frontage not abutting the proposed NG PE, to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. Modulation of the fence shall be used to transition from the proposed fence. not abutting the NGPE, to the split rail fence abutting the NGPE. ln the depression of the fence. where it connects to the split rail fence, an ornamental tree shall be planted in order to conceal the transition of the fence. The revised plan must be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit. Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Response: Landscaping and street impro\·emenf plans haw! been submitted und approved by the City I'lanning Depanment. The meandering sidewalk will be constructed on Duval/ Avenue NJ:· a/on[< the site frontage with omamenta! !and,caping and modu!aiedfencing Split rail fencing will be abuuing the :VGPE 3. The Pillo LLA (LU/\08-066) shall be recorded prior to Final Plat recording or Final PUD approval: whichever comes first. Re.1po11.1e: The Pillo LLA was recorded on J,11nwrv 30. 2009 under King County Recording number 20090130900003 4. The applicant shall be required to construct. to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions, street improvements along Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements include, but are not limited to: paving. sidewalks. curb. gutter. storm drain. landscape. streetlights. and street signs. Resp1111.,e: Street improwmenls along Durall Are NE ro include paving. curb/g11lle1: storm drainage. landscaping streetlight.s. and street .<i)p1s were constructed w the sati:.ijUc!ion of the Development 5'ervices and Currrnt Plunninx Divisions. 5. The applicant shall be required to locate the meandering sidewalk closest to the street where the NGPE abuts the riglit-of~way. Resrw11se: The m2a11dering sidewalk is localed where the NGPE abuts 1he right-ofway a/on~ Durnil Avenue NE 6. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction. Final PUD. or Final Plat approval: whichever comes first. The lighting plan shall contain pedestrian lighting on both sides cf the pathway in a staggered configuration. Re.1p()11Se: A lighting plan was suhmi/led. rc·,•iewed, and appr,!l"ed 011 Jamw1y 11. 1016. 7. The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from "here it is proposed to begin. near Chelan Place ,E. east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead turn-around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded. for the benefit of the public. for the length of the path"ay prior to utility construction. Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; ,vhichcver comes first. Re.\fWl!.\·e: The pedestrian potl-nray has heen extended around the entire circumference of the well and buffer imemal 10 the plat. connecting to Duvall Avenue NE in two /ocarions. A puhlic pedeslria11 easement is shown on li1e_/i1ce of1he Final Fial. 8. The applicant shall be required to enhance the buffer area adjacent ro where the pathway is located. \Vhere enhancement of the buffer, adjacent to the pathway, due to existing high quality vegetation. additional buffer area or other mitigation may be required. A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior w utility construction or Final Plat approval: whichever comes first. Re.'i{wnse: A revised werland,'stream miligation plan }t-·as suhmitted and approved bJ· the City l'ia1111i11g .Hanager 9. The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side of the pathway. The split rail fence will be required to include an entrance gate that opens out onto the pedestrian pathway for each lot. Re.wonse: A split rail fence was imlallecl both on 1he residential side and the wellcmd buffer side of the pedestrian pathway. I 0. The applicant shall be required to orient each residence as noted on page 14 of the staff report: under Preliminary Plat reviev. criteria. Lots I and 2 shall be oriented towards Chelan Pl NE: Lots 3 and 4 towards the "-:GPE (west): Lots 5 through l2 towards the NGPE \east); Lot 13 towards ihe NGPE (south): Lots 14 and 15 towards Tract A (south): and Lot 16 towards the abutting property to the \vests Re'{W/1.\e: Each residence will he oriented as noted on Page 1./ of Ihe staff· report. Afore specifically Lots land 2 toward Chelan Place NE. I.or., 3 a11d ./ toward the NGPA, Lois 5-10 10ward !he ,VGPE. Loi If (preFiouslv Loi 13; wward the VCPE. Loi 12 and 13 !previously Lois I./ and 15; toward rhe NCPE. and Lot I./ (preriouslv Lot 16; roward the ahuuing properly to !he west. P., !304/J t} '!-d1:1g ~ Chela:i Cr.:ef.... PLD-t 6 Lot\fimll P!at Doc~'-R2-02 -ContirrnatHin of C (lmpliw1c..: updated doc p ;) -~ ,, I 2 11. Driveway widths shal I be restricted to no more the IO feet for a single lane and no more than 1 8 feet for double lane driveways. Re.1po11.1e: Drive,rnv widths will cumplv ,,·ith single lanes hein/! 1w1 exceeding JO feel and double lanes nu/ exeeedin/! 18 feel. 12. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan depicting the relocation of the tot lot and the relocation of the gazebo to where the proposed pedestrian pathway either starts or terminates. The revised plan shall be submitted to and aprroved by the Current Plznning Project Manager rrior to Final PUD. Final Plat. or utility construction approval. In addition. the plan shall note adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. Re.,pm1.,e: A landscape plan depicling the tut lot and gathcrin/! space was review and appruved hy City Planning. 13. The applicarn shall be required to depict adequate area on each lot for private open space on the Parking. Lot Coverage. and Landscaping Analysis to be submitted as part of the Final PUD application. Revwn.n!: Parking, Lot Coverage, Prh1ale Open Space. and Landscaping areas ure shown on the dimensioning plan as a par/ of the civil construcrion drah'ings. This plan was revieH,eci and approved hy 1he City. Please refer to shee1 C9 of/he cons/ruc1ion drawings. 14. The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development. which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the f'UD prior to Final Plat or Final PLD approval; whichever comes first. In addition. those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PLD shall be incorporated into the homeowners· association bylaws. R<'Sf'ol/se: A Homeowners Association will be established.fi,r 1he developmenf. Pleaw refer lo the included CC&Rs. 15. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all required inspections for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. Re.\ponse: The developer obtained the permil and all required im,pectiuns were comp!etl!d. 16. Condition #16 is not listed in the Hearing Examiner's Decision; the number was likely missed. 17. The applicant shall submit a revised detailed landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect or other landscape professional to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction pem1it Final Plat, or Final PUD approval: whichever comes first. The revised landscape plan should include: a 5-foot landscare strip along the frontage of Lots I and 2; and ornamental I 0-foot landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE street frontage for Lots I through 4 and Lot 13: and ornamental landscaping to mirror the existing frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE,just south of the site. The revised landscape plan should also include fence detail for the entire site. Re.wo11.,e. :I land,rnpe plan was .rnbmilled 10 1/ie Cilv/or review ,md apprornl. The L,mdsrnpe plun included o 5--ji>of !andscope slrip along the frontage <~! Luis 1 und 2. a 10-.JOot 1vid,., P i ;()4\1 o·_:1-ilrng -( hdc.n Crc;;k Yl:U !ti L,•i'··i ina! P1::u U(11.;<·.R:!<1.~. Con!'!rrnw,_;n d'<-:,mipl!incc ,1rd:1kd dm: I' J landscape s1rip along Duvall ahu11i11g Lois J .-/ and Lor II (previously Lot I 3r Fe,1cing dewi/.1 were spt:eified on rhe plan. 18. The applicant shall record access easements for each tract prior to utility construction. Final l',at. or Final PLID approval. whichever comes first the existing access easement shall be revised to restrict access to l.ot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department. Response: .-kce~s easements un: sho\1-n on the face of the Final Plat J\1ap. The exi"iling access wseme,1/ has been revised lo rastricl access lo Loi /./ ipreviouslv Lot 16;. L.,I /.I (pnviously [01161 will include a residentialfirt sprinkler 19. The applicant shall be required to submit a revised plat plan depicting a 15-foot radius on the northeast corner of Lot 12. The revised plan would be required to be submitted prior to construction permit, Final Plat, Final PUD approval: whichever comes first. Re,1w11Ie: A 15,/i!ot radius is shown on Lot /(I lpreviuus!r Loi 121. Please rejer zo 1he Final Plat /1,fap, 20. The applicant shall be required to extend the existing S·inch water main within the access easement (extended from NE I 0th St) to the south boundary of Lot 16 prior to Final Plat approval. Water main extensions shall also be installed for the full frontage of Lot 3. Re.'1-pOll.'H!: The developer extended the existing 8-inch water main as approved under the conslruct ion plans. MDl'iS '.\1jtigation Measures: I. The applicant will be required to submit a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the State Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume 11 of the 200 I Stonnwatcr Management Manual. The plan must be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review staff prior to issuance of the utility construction and building permits and during utility and road construction. Resrwnse: A Temporary Frosio11 and Sedimelll Co111ro/ Pla11 Has prepared. approved hy the City and implemented in the field during construction. 2. A l\ativc Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to the recording of the final plat. Re_'/Jonse: A ;'Vative Gro11'th Protection Easement has heen placed over the siream, wetland, and wetland buffer areas as shown on the Jina/ plot. Covenants have al.so been placed 011 rhe face of the final plut. J. The detention system for this project shall be required to comply with the requirements found in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to med both detention (Conservation Flow control ·· a,k.a. Level 2) and water quality improvements. fl l 3J1U !J.11-:ling-Chd:m Cr..:ei-;. PIHH6 Lot\rmal Plat D(JC:c'..R.2-U.2 -Contirm:::r·on dC t:<npforncc upJzteJ due ;I :' \c 4 Re.\{WIISI.!: A detention and wazer c1uality system was design, approved, and construeled in accordw:ce "ith the 2005 Ki11g Cr:untv S111ji1ce Witter Desi,,n Afonua/, 4. The applicant shall pay a Parks \litigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single family lot. The fee is estimated at $7,430.64 ( I 4 new lots x S530.76 ~ $7.430.64) and is payable prior to the recording ofthc final plat. Respo11.,e: The homebuilder will poy the impacl fees when required !11 the past !he fees were required prior 1ofina/ plat. ?his is no longer £he case. The ('iry requires the impact fees at building permif suhmillal c11rren1/v The fees will be paid at the c11rren1 rare in effec1. 5. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of$75 for each new net daily trip prior to the recording of the final plat. It is anticipated that the proposed project would result in the payment ofSI0,048.50 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 14 new lots= SJ0.048.50). Resuo11se· The homebuilder "ill pav the i111pac1 fees when required. 111 £he past !he fee., were required prior 10/inal pla£. This is no longer the case. !he Cir,; requires the impact.fees al building permif submit/a/ currendv. lhe fees will be paid m 1he currenf rale in effect. 6. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. The fee is estimated at $6,832 00 ($488 x 14 = $6,832.00). Re.wo11.1e: The homebuilder will pav the impacl fees when required !11 the past the fees were required prior rofina/ plal. This is no /ongcr the case. The Ci1_v require.1· the impact fees a/ hui/ding permit submillal c11rren1/v. The fees will be paid of !he currenl rate in ef!ea ff you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, w 0$c__J Cara Visintainer P.E. Project Engineer ,) I _itLH" t, T clin:,; Ch~'iMi (' ,i;:d.: Pl D -I(, 1 (l( f" m;d Plat rk,:~'-R.:?.-,1'.:'. -Conf:m1ci!iv1 ,_,f( \;mpi1:1ras:..:: ur,J:,tcd (!\•t· s • C,,£,, S,, NW1nc. Civil Engineering & Surveying December 8, 2016 City of Renton I 055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Subject: Response to City Comments -Chelan Creek Final Plat (CES #13040) Community and Economic Development Department, 310 29"' St. NE, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 Phone: (253) 848-4282 fax: (253) 848-4278 RECE\VED DEC O \l 7_G\S cnv oi: R'c_N_:~.N p\..ANNiN.G Di·./,:,;,Q, .. On behalf of our client, JK Monarch, we are resubmitting the revised final plat map and documents for the above referenced project Below are the plan comments as written, with a response explaining how each comment was addressed-. De,·elopmcnt Engineering -.Jan Illian L Tract D is a public storm drainage tract. Upon the recording of this plat, Tract D is hereby granted and conveyed to the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association (HOA). An easement is hereby granted and conveyed to the City of Renton over, under and across Tract D for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans on file with the City of Renton. The City of Renton has the right to enter said stormwater easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, improving, and repairing its drainage facilities contained therein. Only the chain link fence, flow control, water quality treatment and conveyance facilities will be considered for formal acceptance and maintenance by the City. Maintenance of all other improvements and landscaping on said Tract D shall be the responsibility of the HOA In the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meet its property tax obligations, as evidenced by non-payment of property taxes for a period of eighteen (18} months, then each lot in this plat shall assume and have an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract D previously owned by the HOA and have the attendant financial and maintenance responsibilities, Re.1po11se: Tract D language has been revised. 2. Single family residences and other improvements constructed on the Jots created by this subdivision must implement the flow control best management practices stipulated in the approved drainage study and plans No. __ on file with the City of Renton and as listed in the table below as well as any declaration of covenants and grants of easement recorded hereon. The owners shall at their own cost, operate, maintain, and keep in good repair, the property's best management practices known as BMPs. The Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon Grantor(s), and Grantor's(s'} successors in interest and assigns. Lot number Bmp type(s} ], 2. Compliance with this stipulation must be addressed in the "single family residential building pem1it drainage review" when any application is made for a building permit for the lot. Respo11.1e: A note as depicted above has been added to the face of 1he final plat. • 3. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on t'1e site. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to recording of the final plat. NGPE language TRACT E "The Native Growth Protection Easement (?\GPE) on the Chelan Creel Plat identifies the steep slopes. The creation of the Native Gro1'1h Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement area. This interest shall be for the purpose of preserving native vegetation for the control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The Native Growth Protection Easement imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the easement area enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement area. The vegetation within the NGPE may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express written permission from the City of Renton. The right of entry granted herein shall apply to the agents, representatives and employees of the owners or subsequent owners of the underlying property" Respome: A note as depicted above has been added lo the final plat map. 4. The June 2, 2016 lettcr of compliance did not include the ERC mitigation measures. There were six. Please revise compliance letter to include the ERC measures and provide a response to each. In order to submit a staff report to the Hearing Examiner for final plat approval, all conditions (HEX and ERC) need to be completed. Condition No. 14 requires a HOA. Response is a HOA will be established. Please confim1 this has been done and update letter. Response: The ERC measures have been added to the Confirmation of Compliance letter. The letter is enclosed with this resubmit/al for your review and approval. 5. Renton Municipal Code 4-6-030 DRAINAGE (SURfACE WATER) STANDARDS: F. CREArION OF TRACTS AND/OR EASEMENTS: Add this to page 5, Section 1.5 (c) in the CCRS: Tract D is a stormwater tract that is granted and conveyed with all ownership and maintenance obligations (excluding maintenance of the drainage facilities) to the Chelan Creek Homeowners Association, their assigns, heirs, and successors. An easement under and upon said tract shall be dedicated to the City for the purpose of operating, maintaining, improving, and repairing the drainage facilities contained in the stormwatcr tract. Only the chain link fence (if required by subsection G of this Section), flow control. water quality treatment and conveyance facilities will be considered for formal acceptance and maintenance by the City; maintenance of all other improvements and landscaping in said stormwater tract shall be the responsibility of the tract owner(s). No modification of the tract or landscaping within the tract shall be allowed without the City's prior written approval. These covenants shall be irrevocable and binding on all the property owners, including their assigns, heirs, and successors. Re.,po11.,·e: The CCR's have been updated. Enclosed is a copy of the CCR's for your review and approval. 6. Show the wetland buffer and critical area. P:\13040.0\!Filing -Chelan Creek PUD-! 6 Lot\Final Pl.at Docs\Response 2016.11 \R2-0l -Response to Comments doc Page !2 Re.1pt111w: Shown as requested 7. Page 5 ofthe CCRs. Section 1/5©. Tract A is Public Drainage Tract. Response: The drainage tract has heen revised to a public drainage /ract. 8. Rocale Timmon's review comments will be forthcoming. Respo11.1e: lhank you, comme/1/s received. 9. Call out the ?\GPE Tract on the plat map. Respo11.1e: Called out as requested. Planning -Vanessa Dolbee (formerly Rocale Timmons was the planner) Plat Plan 1. Tract A is not just an access tract but also contains common open space which is required to be maintained by the l lOA. Please revise accordingly. Re .. pome: The Tract A notes have been revised. 2. No easement granted for the public pedestrian trail. Language needs to be added to the face of the plat for the pedestrian trail. Response: A public pedestrian easement has been added to the plan and language. 3. A :;mall table should be generated or a separate document recorded memorializing those standards modified by the PUD for which the PUD is required to adhere to. In some cases applicants reference the CC R's and include the details of the PUD in the CC&R's. See additional comments below for the CC&R's Respou.<e: lhe Final Plat references the CC&R '.,. which include the details for the PUD. The CC&R ~· will be recorded with the Final Plat map. 4. Page 2 ~ Remove "Rear 20"' in the setback section as it is redundant. Respo1ne: Removed as requested. 5. The CC& R's state the HOA is responsible for the maintenance of the access tracts but the face of the plat states the homeowners benefiting from their respective access easements are responsible for maintenance. Please reconcile the differences. Response: The HOA is responsible for maintenance of the access tracts. The individual lot owners are responsible }or the private utilities that cross lhrough the private access tracts. 6. Revise this section of the pedestrian trail to be relocated 3-feet from the southern property line as specified in the email sent on July 27, 2016 (See attached) P:\13040.U\!Filing -Chelan Creek PCD-l6 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Response 20 l6. J l \R2-0l -Response to Comments.doc p 2: g {' 3 Respo11se: The pedestrian trail and associated easemenl has been relocaied 7. Depict the delineation of the wetland and stream within the tract and note type, category/classification, and square footage of the of wetland. Resp1111se: The wetland, wetland buffe~ categor7; and square footage have been added to /he map. CC&R's 1. Does not include full list of standards approved in the PUD. The following is not a comprehensive list but a general idea of the standards to be added. a. Setbacks b. Driveways c. Parking d. Design c. Orientation. Response: CC&Rs updated 2. Fencing restrictions on individual lots are imposed as part of the PUD and should be noted in the Fence section which currently outlines standards that do not comply with the PUD. Response: CC&Rs updated 3. Varied setbacks on individual lots are imposed as part of the PUD and should be noted in the setback section which currently outlines standards that do not comply with the PUD. Resp,mw: CC&Rs updated Misc L All common landscaping and mitigation plantings must be installed, according the approved plans, prior to Final Plat recording. Please schedule a time with Vanessa Dolbee in order to complete an inspection. Respom·e: A time will be scheduled with Vanessa Dolbee when planting is complete. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, Cara Visintainer, P.E. Project Manager P:\13040.0\!Filing -Chel211 Creek PlT)-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Respousc 2016. ! l \JU-01 -Rt:spon.5c: to Cornm(':nts.doc pa g C 4 Denis law Mayor Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator October 11, 2016 CED NW Inc. Attn: Cara Visintainer 310 29th Street, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 SUBJECT: Revised Administrative Decision for Chelan Creek FPUD (LUA16-000527) Dear Ms. Visintainer, This letter serves to inform you that the initial decision issued for the Final PUD on Chelan Creek dated September 27, 2016 contained some minor clerical errors, specifically in the expiration language that required the City to reissue the decision. Staff has corrected these errors by updating the decision with an effective date of today to reflect the correct expiration language. In light of this error, the City has extended the appeal deadline an additional 14 days. The appeal period will continue from today through October 25, 2016. The primary content of the decision remains unchanged with the exception of the date of decision, correct expiration language, and appeal deadline. Thank you for your understanding, Please contact Mona Davis at (425) 430-7246 should you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Current Planning Project Manager cc: Chelan Creek, LLC Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Jan Illian, Development Review Sabrina Mirante, Secretary 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ~enton® A. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION DECISION: 0APPROVED [gj APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS D DENIED REVISED DATE: October 11, 2016 Project Name: Chelan Creek FPUD Applicant/Contact: CED NW Inc.; Cara Visintainer; 310 29th St, Suite 101; Puyallup, WA 98372 File Number: LUA16-000527, FPUD Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Project Manager Project Summary: The applicant is requesting a Final Planned Urban Development for Chelan Creek PPUD (LUAOS- 067). The City Council approved the Preliminary Planned Urban Development on November 2, 2009, subject to 20 conditions of approval. The original proposal was for the subdivision of the 4.21 acre site into 16 lots, for the eventual construction of single family residences, and 2 access tracts. The proposed density was 4.70 du/ac. During engineering, the applicant revised the proposal into a 14-lot subdivision with five tracts for drainage, open space, native growth protection, and access easements. The project site is located within the Residential -8 (R-8) dwelling units per acre (du/ac) zoning designation. The proposed lots range in size from 3,930 square feet to 7,657 square feet in area. Access to the lots is provided via extension of existing roads, including: NE 9th Street, Chelan Place NE, and NE 10th St. The site contains what was designated as a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland prior to a recent Critical Area Ordinance update. The applicant's proposal includes the averaging of the SO-foot required wetland buffer, with a buffer of no less than 25 feet. As part of the Planned Urban Development (PUD), the applicant requested modifications from City of Renton street standards and the R-8 development standards. The applicant included passive recreational areas and enhancement to the critical area buffers beyond what the code required. The applicant's preservation of the wetland onsite and provided buffer enhancement was used to demonstrate compliance with the PUD public benefit/superiority criteria along with enhanced pedestrian circulation, pedestrian amenities, and landscaping. Project Location: Parcel #102305-9106 and #102305-9440 Site Area: Approximately 4.21 acres NE 6th St Project Location Map Admin Variance Report • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Revised Report of: October 11, 2016 I B. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Exhibit 9: Exhibit 10: Exhibit 11: Exhibit 12: Exhibit 13: Exhibit 14: Exhibit 15: Revised Staff Report, dated October 11, 2016 Plat Plan Approved Landscape Plan Approved Wetland Mitigation Plan None Approved Tree Retention Plan PPUD City Council Decision PPUD Staff Recommendation Chelan Creek Design Standards Conceptual Elevations Proposed CC&R's ERC SEPA Determination and Mitigation Measures Public Comment Email: Pedestrian Pathway HEX Recommendation to the City Council Request for Reconsideration Administrative Report & Decision WA16-000527, FPUD Page 2 of 11 Exhibit 16: Exhibit 17: Hearing Examiner's Response to the Request for Reconsideration Plan Review Comments Exhibit 18: Exhibit 19: Admin FPUD Report Hearing Examiner's Response for the Correction Parties of Record City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Revised Report of: October 11, 2016 I C. GENERALINFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: 2. Zoning Classification: CED NW Inc. Cara Visintainer 310 29th St, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 Residential-8 (R-8) Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000527, FPUD Page 3 of 11 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Medium Density (RMD) {Vested to Residential Single Family (RSF)} 4. Existing Site Use: Residential Single Family 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: b. East: c. South: d. West: 6. Site Area: I 0. FINDINGS OF FACT {FOF}: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) Approximately 4.21 acres 1. The applicant is requesting approval of a Final Planned Urban Development for Chelan Creek PUD which includes the subdivision of the subject site and the construction of 14 single family residences with five tracts for drainage, critical areas, open space, and access. 2. On November 2, 2009 the subject project received approval for the Preliminary Planned Urban Development (PPUD) including Preliminary Plat approval with 20 conditions of approval, City file number LUA08-067 (Exhibit 6). No appeals of the decision were filed. The approval included 16 lots for the eventual construction of single family residences. 3. The public hearing for the Preliminary Planned Urban Development was held on December 30, 2008. The Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation on the Chelan Creek PUD was published on February 5, 2009 (Exhibit 14). The appeal period ended on February 19, 2009. A Request for Reconsideration was filed on February 17, 2009 (Exhibit 15). The Hearing Examiner's Response to the Request for Reconsideration was entered on March 3, 2009 (Exhibit 16). A Request for Corrections to the Examiner's Response was filed on March 5, 2009 and the Examiner's Response for the Correction was entered on March 9, 2009 (Exhibit 18). 4. Minor revisions, pursuant to RMC 4-7-080.M.3, were made during the engineering permitting process resulting in the elimination of 2 lots in order to support drainage and access improvements. 5. The PUD was used to vary street standards, pursuant to RMC 4-6-060 and various R-8 development standards, pursuant to RMC 4-2-llOA. The proposal included the preservation of the wetland onsite and buffer enhancement as part of the proposed PUD public benefit, along with enhanced pedestrian circulation, pedestrian amenities, and landscaping. 6. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on November 10, 2008, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Chelan Creek PUD (Exhibit 12). The DNS-M included six mitigation measures. A 14- day appeal period commenced on November 17, 2008 and ended on December 8, 2008. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. 7. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on July 13, 2016 and determined complete on July 14, 2016. Therefore, the project complies with the 120-day review period. Admin FPUD Report City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000527, FPUD Revised Report of: October 11, 2016 Page 4 of 11 8. The property is currently located within the Residential Medium Density (RMD) Comprehensive Plan land use designation and the Residential -8 (RS) zoning classification. However, the proposal is vested to the policies and standards in place at the time of the PPUD land use application, on September 28, 2008. The Comprehensive Plan designation at that time was Residential Single Family (RSF) and the zoning classification was same as it is designated today. 9. After deducting 9,435 square feet for right-of-way dedications, 10,843 square feet for access easements, and 18,739 square feet for critical areas from the 183,489 gross square footage of the site, the net square footage would be 144,472 square feet (3.317 net acres). The 14-lot proposal would now arrive at a net density of 4.22 dwelling units per acre (14 units / 3.317 acres = 4.22 du/ac) which continues to comply with the density requirements of the R-8 zone to which the proposal is vested. 10. The following Standards would be applicable to the PPUD· Vested Development Standards Minimum Lot Size As noted in FOF 10 Minimum Lot Width As noted in FOF 10 Minimum Lot Depth 65 feet Minimum Front Yard 15 feet for the primary structure and 20 feet for an attached garage. Front yard setbacks are measured from the front property line even when portions of the lot are narrower than 80 percent of the minimum permitted width Minimum Rear Yard 20 feet Minimum Side Yard S feet Minimum Side Yard (along a Street) 15 feet Maximum Building Coverage For lots over 5,000 square feet: 35% or 2,500 SF whichever is greater For lots less than 5,000 square feet: SO percent Maximum Impervious Surface Area None Maximum Height 2 stories and 30 feet as measured to the average pitch of the roof Orientation As noted in FOF 10 11. The following table include modified PUD development standards as it applies to each lot: Lot Lot Size SF Width Front Yard Orientation 1 3,932 40 feet Chelan Place NE 2 3,930 40 feet Chelan Place NE 3 4,376 40 feet NGPE (west) 4 5,721 50 feet NGPE (west) 5 4,067 40 feet NGPE (east) 6 4,377 40 feet NGPE (east) 7 4,609 40 feet NGPE (east) 8 4,558 40 feet NGPE (east) 9 4,447 40 feet NGPE (east) 10 5,389 48/eet NGPE (east) Admin FPUD Report City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000527, FPUD Revised Report of: October 11, 2016 Page 5 of 11 11 5,941 40feet NGPE (south) 12 5,507 40 feet NGPE (south) 13 5,027 SO feet NGPE /south) 14 7,657 50 feet Abutting property to the west 12. Access is provided via a dead end access tracts extended from Chelan Place NE, NE gth St, and Chelan Ave NE. 13. Residential parking is provided in private garages. 14. As specified in the Critical Area Ordinance to which the proposal is vested to there is a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland located on the project site. The wetland is located within a broad swale through the central portion of the site and is associated with a small well-defined stream. Category 2 wetlands require a SO-foot buffer. A Class 4 stream is a non-salmonid bearing intermittent stream and requires a minimum 35- foot buffer. The Class 4 stream eventually drains into the Cedar River. 15. The proposed project reduced certain portions of the SO-foot wetland buffer to no less than 25 feet through the use of buffer averaging. 16. As part of the approved engineering plan-set, the applicant received approval for (but not limited to) the following plans: landscaping/open space, wetland mitigation, and tree retention plans (Exhibits 3-4, and 6). 17. No public or agency comments were received for the FPUD. 18. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report. 19. The proposal requires Final Planned Urban Development Review. The plan shall be reviewed for substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plan and consistency with the purposes and review criteria of RMC 4-9-lSOG. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with the 20 conditions of approval of the Preliminary Planned Urban Development/Preliminary Plat approval and the six mitigation measures issued as a part of SEPA review under City File number LUA08-067: A) Preliminary Planned Urban Development Conditions: Not Compliant, Deferred to Building Permit Approval Admin FPUD Report 1) The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines /Exhibit 9/ far all residences constructed on the proposed lots. The applicant will be required ta, as part of the FPUD application, provide elevations and floor plans for the proposed structures. Staff Comment: The applicant provided conceptual renderings for the proposed homes and did not provide elevations and/or floorplans. Therefore, staff was unable to determine compliance with the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines (Exhibit 9). Therefore, staff recommends the demonstration of compliance with the condition prior to building permit approval. The applicant should note that based on the renderings provided (Exhibit 10) the homes may not comply with (but not limited to) the following: on-site garages shall be set back a minimum of 5 feet from the building facade on which the garage is located; a minimum of at least one side articulation shall occur for side or rear elevations facing streets or public spaces; each home shall have a covered porch or main entry oriented toward the public realm in the respective front yard; primary roof pitches shall be a minimum of 6:12. The applicant is encouraged to take special care in reviewing the design standards to ensure compliance well in advance of building permit submittal. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000527, FPUD Revised Report of: October 11, 2016 Page 6 of 11 ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ Not Compliant, Deferred to Building Permit Approval Admin FPUD Report 2) The applicant shall submit o revised landscaping and street improvement pion depicting the following: a meandering sidewalk; ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing, for those portions of the frontage not abutting the proposed NGPE, to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. Modulation of the fence shall be used to transition from the proposed fence, not abutting the NGPE, to the split roil fence abutting the NGPE. In the depression of the fence, where it connects to the split roil fence, an ornamental tree shall be planted in order to conceal the transition of the fence. The revised pion must be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. 3} The Pillo LLA (LUAOB-066) shall be recorded prior to Final Plat recording or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. 4) The applicant shall be required to construct, to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions, street improvements along Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements include, but are not limited to: paving, sidewalks, curb, gutter, storm drain, landscape, streetlights, and street signs. 5) The applicant shall be required to locate the meandering sidewalk closest to the street where the NGPE abuts the right-of-way. 6) The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction, Fino/ PUD, or Final Plot approval; whichever comes first. The lighting plan shall contain pedestrian lighting on both sides of the pathway in a staggered configuration. 7) The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead turn- around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The applicant has included the extension of the pedestrian pathway around the entire circumference of the wetland buffer internal to the plat, connecting Duvall Ave NE in two locations. The applicant intends on recording a public pedestrian easement on the face of the Final Plat. However, the proposed Final Plat document does not include language for the pedestrian easement on the face of the plat. Therefore, staff is recommending this condition be deferred to Final Plat Recording. It should be noted staff received comments from a neighboring property owner, memorialized in an email to the applicant (Exhibit 13) regarding proximity of the pathway to an existing fence on the southern property line. Staff requested that the applicant revise the site plan to shift the pathway at least 3 feet from the fence line in order to provide separation and shrubbery to ensure the fence is maintained. The applicant agreed to the proposed separation. Therefore, staff recommends a condition of approval requiring the applicant to submit a revised plat/landscape plan depicting at least a 3-foot separation from proposed pathway and the existing fence on southern property line. The 3-foot area is required to include vegetation and groundcover. The revised site/landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat approval. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000527, FPUD Revised Report of: October 11, 2016 Page 7 of 11 Deferred to Building Permit Approval Deferred to Building Permit Approval Not Compliant, Deferred to Final Plot Approval Not Compliant, Deferred to Admin FPUD Report 8} The applicant shall be required to enhance the buffer area adjacent to where the pathway is located. Where enhancement of the buffer, adjacent to the pathway, due to existing high quality vegetation, additional buffer area or other mitigation may be required. A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. 9} The applicant shall provide a split roil fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side pathway. The split roil fence will be required to include an entrance gate that opens out onto the pedestrian pathway for each lot. 10) The applicant shall be required to orient each residence as noted on page 14 of the report; under Preliminary Plat review criteria. Lots 1 and 2 shall be oriented towards Chelan Pl NE; Lots 3 and 4 towards the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 12 towards the NGPE (east); Lot 13 towards the NGPE (south}; Lots 14 and 15 towards Tract A (south); and Lot 16 towards the abutting property to the west. Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing to orient residences as noted on Page 14 of the staff report. However, minor revisions, pursuant to RMC 4-7-080.M.3, Minor Plat Amendments, were made during the engineering permitting process resulting in the elimination of 2-lots in order to support drainage and access improvements. As a result the lot arrangement has changed since the time of original approval. Lots 1 and 2 would now orient toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 would orient toward the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 10 would orient towards the NGPE (east); Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE (south); Lots 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE (south); and Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) toward the abutting property to the west. 11} Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 9 feet for a single lane and no more than 16 feet for double lane driveways. Staff Comment: The applicant should note that the double lane driveways are limited to 16- feet in width and not 18 feet as described in the FPUD submittal. 12) The gazebo and tot lot may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in a position to protect these features but in a manner where wheels stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting bollards. The bollards may be the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary. In addition the plan shall note adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. Staff Comment: Staff was unable to determine compliance with the condition for bollards to protect those features, located within the open space, from being backed into by vehicles. Therefore, staff recommends the demonstration of compliance with the condition prior to building permit approval. 13} The applicant shall be required to depict adequate area on each lot far private open space on the Parking, Lot Coverage, Landscaping Analysis to be submitted as part of the Final PUD application. 14) The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to Final Plat or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. In addition, City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000527, FPUD Revised Report of: October 11, 2016 Page 8 of 11 Final Plat those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable to the Approval maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. Staff Comment: Draft CC & R's were provided with the FPUD application (Exhibit 11) The proposed CC&R's do not contain those standards outlined in the Preliminary PPUD and is required to be revised prior to the Final Plat Approval. The CC & R's are required to be recorded prior to or concurrent with the Final Plat. ,/ 15) The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all required inspections for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. N/A 16} Reserved 17} The applicant shall submit a revised detailed landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect or other landscape professional to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. The revised landscape plan should include: a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage af Lots 1 through 4; and ornamental 10-foot landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE street frontage for Lots 1 through 4 and Lot 13; and ornamental landscaping to mirror the existing frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE, just south of the site. The revised ,/ landscape plan should also include fence detail for the entire site. Staff Comment: Minor Plat Amendments, were made during the engineering permitting process resulting in the elimination of 2 lots in order to support drainage and access improvements. As a result the landscaping for specific lots has changed since the time of original approval. The approved landscape plan included a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 and 2, a 10-foot wide landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE has been provided on Lots 1-4 and Lot 11 (previously Lot 13). The revised landscaping arrangement continues to comply with the intent of this standard. 18} The applicant shall record access easements for each tract prior to utility construction, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval, whichever comes first; the existing access easement shall Deferred to be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include Final Plat a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department. Approval Staff Comment: The applicant has included access easements on the face of the final plat. The existing access easement has been revised to restrict access to Lot 14 (previously Lot 16). The applicant intends on recording the easements on the face of the Final Plat. Therefore, staff is recommending this condition be deferred to Final Plat Recording. 19} The applicant shall be required to submit a revised plat plan depicting a 25-foot radius on ,/ the northeast corner of Lot 12. The revised plan would be required to be submitted prior to construction permit, Final Plat, Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. Staff Comment: A 15-foot radius has been provided on Lot 10 (previously Lot 12). 20) The applicant shall be required to extend the existing 8-inch water main within the access ,/ easement (extended from NE 10th St} to the south boundary of Lot 16 prior to Final Plat approval. Water main extensions shall also be installed for the full frontage of Lot 3. Admin FPUD Report City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Administrative Report & Decision WA16-000527, FPUD Revised Report of: October 11, 2016 Page 9 of 11 B) SEPA Environmental Review Mitigation Measures 1) The applicant will be required to submit o Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan {TESCP) designed pursuant to the State Department of Ecology's Erosion and ,, Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Storm water Management Manual. The plan must be submitted ta and approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review staff prior to issuance of the utility construction and building permits and during utility and road construction. Deferred to 2) A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site Final Plat encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be Approval placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to the recording of the final plat. 3) The detention system for this project shall be required to comply with the requirements ,, found in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention {Conservation Flow Control-a.k.a. Level 2) and water quality improvements. 4) The applicant shall pay a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530. 76 per each new single family lot. The fee is estimated at $7,430.64 /14 new lots x $530.76 = $7,430.64) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. N/A Staff Comment: Since the time of PPUD approval the City Council has adopted regulations to assess impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection, as well as school impact fees for the Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School Districts which are applicable to the proposed project. Therefore, this condition is no longer applicable. 5) The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of $75 for each new net daily trip prior to the recording of the final plat. It is anticipated that the proposed project would result in the payment of $10,048.50 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 14 new lots= $10,048.50). N/A Staff Comment: Since the time of PPUD approval the City Council has adopted regulations to assess impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection, as well as school impact fees for the Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School Districts which are applicable to the proposed project. Therefore, this condition is no longer applicable. 6) The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based an $488.00 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. The fee is estimated at $6,832.00 ($488 x 14 = $6,832.00). N/A Staff Comment: Since the time of PPUD approval the City Council has adopted regulations to assess impact fees for transportation, parks and fire protection, as well as school impact fees for the Issaquah, Kent, and Renton School Districts which are applicable to the proposed project. Therefore, this condition is no longer applicable. I E. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal complies with the Final PUD review criteria if all conditions of approval are met. 2. The proposal is compliant and consistent with the plans, policies, regulations and approvals. 3. The proposal is compliant with all conditions of the Preliminary PUD and SEPA Environmental Review if all conditions of approval are met. Admin FPUD Report City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Revised Report of; October 11, 2016 F. DECISION: Administrative Report & Decision LUA16-000527, FPUD Page 10 of 11 The proposed Final Planned Urban Development for Chelan Creek PUD, File No. LUA16-000527, FPUD is approved. The project is subject to all Preliminary PUD, Preliminary Plat, and SEPA conditions unless otherwise modified via this decision, and also subject to the following Final PUD conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines (Exhibit 9) for all residences constructed on the proposed lots and shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each home. The applicant should note that based on the renderings provided (Exhibit 10) the homes may not comply with (but not limited to) the following: on-site garages shall be set back a minimum of 5 feet from the building facade on which the garage is located; a minimum of at least one side articulation shall occur for side or rear elevations facing streets or public spaces; each home shall have a covered porch or main entry oriented toward the public realm in the respective front yard; primary roof pitches shall be a minimum of 6:12. 2. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pedestrian pathway (from near Chelan Pl NE east along the NGPE to Duvall Ave NE) prior to/or concurrent with Final Plat recording. 3. The applicant shall submit a revised plat/landscape plan depicting at least a 3-foot separation from proposed pathway and the existing fence on southern property line. The 3-foot area is required to include vegetation and groundcover. The revised site/landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final Plat approval. 4. The applicant shall be required to orient the front yard and entrances for each residence as noted in FOF 10 and shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each home. Lots 1 and 2 required to orient toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 would orient toward the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 10 would orient towards the NGPE (east); Lot 11 (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE (south); Lots 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE (south); and Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) toward the abutting property to the west. 5. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the 9 feet for a single lane and no more than 16 feet for double lane driveways and shall be demonstrated prior to building permit approval for each home. 6. The gazebo (and tot lot) may be located as proposed by the applicant. In order to assure safety from turning or backing vehicles, the applicant shall install bollards in a position to protect these features but in a manner where wheels stops or curbs also prevent backing vehicles from easily hitting bollards. The bollards may be the type that can be locked in place but removed if necessary. 7. The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to or concurrent with Final recording. In addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. 8. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to or concurrent with the recording of the Final Plat. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: ,~!:!!1:tl;._~ 1ofir /f:)ol~ j , Date Department of Community & Economic Development Admin FPUD Report City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CHELAN CREEK FPUD Revised Report of: October 11, 2016 TRANSMITTED this 11th day of October, 2016 to the Contact/Applicant/Owner: Owner: Chelan Creek, LLC PO Box 188 Puyallup, WA 98371 Applicant/Contact: CED NW Inc. Cara Visintainer 310 29th St, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 TRANSMITTED this 11th day of October, 2016 to the Party(ies) of Record: Exhibit 19 TRANSMITTED this 11th day of October, 2016 to the following: Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Craig Burnell, Building Official Brianne Bannwarth, Development Services Manager Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Fire Marshal Renton Reporter H. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION Administrative Report & Decision LUA15·000527, FPUD Page 11 of 11 The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on October 25, 2016. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075{3); WAC 197-11-680). Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the effective date of decision, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The developer shall prepare and submit building permit applications which are accepted as substantially complete to Community and Economic Development within six (6) months of the effective date of approval. The developer shall complete the approved planned urban development or any phase thereof included in the approved final plat within two (2) years from the date of decision per RMC 4-9-150. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex pa rte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. Admin FPUD Report 1'\CUllHI \,J' ~TY OF RENTON FILE NO. CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. AOS-OS?, PPUD, PP, ECF, GAE A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N. W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. VOL/PG RANG[ 5 [AST, 'MlLAM[TT[ MERIDIAN DEDICATION CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON K'1'JW A PEOPLE f:lY rH~'.iE ~Rl'.il\l'~ 1'-IAr >'iL. TII[ 'JND':Fi~ISN[D CollN[RS ,:r INERE3: IN 1'1c. LAr,U H[R[8" S1J3D.,·1~CC. l•U1EEl" CEC_At>::: 11-,AT "1l1S f'LAi r,~ BE -,-IE GRMPHC i<U-'Rl'.;;~NTATON ,)f TII[ s_·00'11SIO\ 1-1~r.,f rlE~EBY. A\iO DO HERCBY c,::~1C/I.TF IG HE USE o;· T'-1: P_EJLIC FORE\['.'.: ~L-S~REETS <JiD AvD<UES N:)T SHOWN AS PRIVATE HE~EON ANO GC!CATC: Tf-': US': THFRFOF FOR ALL P.J~,IC .=uR~CSES NOT 1r1cmns~:::r-.T NIT-THE USE ~-E~ECF =-cR Pl,BLC HICH'//AY ~uRPOSES. /l.ND AL~O TH:: Rl'.'.;H--c ,11,.K::: Al__ NC:IESSARV sc:,PES c·oc.: curs t,f,C, '!LL~ UPor-. 1'1t. _·JI'.:, '.:,HUV/N HERECN l'i T~E :)FilGi',A_ R~ASCN.A~L~ G~A.UI\:.; Ui-C>Al;j S-PEE'S A\U t,".'E:suES. ,\ND FURT-ER CEDCATF TO :Hl _:::;l c, f-lE .;u::uc ,\LL TilC: EAS[11ENTS ·•NO Tf"</\CTS ·;-10'/'i'-i :)N I---l!S PLA' FDR ALL -'Uc!LC PIJ~POSES AS INCIU.T[O TIICP[CN, lf1CLUQ.NG EilJT r<C' ,~11:E;:, TO ~AR~S. CPEN '§'ACS. UT.UT!ES AND DRAINAGE UNL[SS sue.~ STR':ETS C:ASEYE\TS 0"1 ;RACTS ARE SP[CIFICALLY DENTl~'EO CN 'l-llS PLAT AS BC~IG GRANT=-[) M'<() C:)rUE'r[D TO A PERSON O'l E\n-y ()THER -:}-!AN--, PIJBLiC, IN WI-IC-:.~SE Wl:. X •i(PEBY (:',At--.T AND :::C."J\'~Y SUCH SiREE~S. EASU,IE\13, CR rRA:TS TC THE ~'::PSON JR ErrnF IOEN~'FIFD AND FOCI rHE f-'UF<PCSE STATED ,-~el-HER, ThE u:-1:rns1,~NED OWNEFS OF -HE" c.A:-iJ HER~clY c;,_.RD'.'JEC, ','/AlvF F()~ r •[\1SELV'.:S, Tl l[lf> HE1"1S AND AS~IGNS ~\[) ANY PERSCN o=. ENT T':' CERIVlt,C T rLE ,-~CM Tl-'[ JJ[)ER~IG~,[C, ANY A'iJ ALC :LAIMS FOR DA)JAGES AGA•'iS-THE C:iTY CF 'lf"NT[N, 1-s SUCCESSORS .',NO ,,s~ O,S WHICrl >aAY 0~ :JCCASICN:::0 ~y T~:: ~s-Aa_:s~M:•n. '..'.·~,o.sr:.ucr:::N, :::R !..'AIN;::NA\CE CF R0Afl~, ,,,,[)/()~ rJR/l.'NA(";F qqrns Wll• IN T1IIS S-c!•J.',IS·GN OT<:~ ~I-At<,'. AIMS ~FSil TINC, ~~CM 1tJAD~OU/ITE ~AINTN',NCE ,H T-1~ Cr, :::~ ;,~',T(1r; F.i~T---IFR, -HE UNOC'<S CNlD Cl'iN[PS Of ""1-1[ LAN) ,-.£RE8Y Su8DIV1:E·J, IIGRE~ FOR --:E~1SE_vi:.S, 1'1-C." HE.RS t,NO A5'.clC,\S ~o l'J::Ef,1\IFY ~NO H:)LO THE CITY '.::F R~NT'.Jf,. llS '.>vCCESS:)RS ••ND ASSGNS. -:~RMLESS FR'.lfA A\Y o.:..,iAGF, NCLLOINC 11',Y ,:csrs o~ D~F~t1SE. :::Lt.h.1~) ?Y p~:,sor..s Wl-!IIN UR Wl'10JT T--ilS Sl,BOIVISICN ~a H:,'iE BEEN :::AU'SEu JY /,~~(RATIONS 0'" THE GROU\: S~~f~C:::, VE:.;E·r, I'.)\ C,~AINAG[. OR SCRFACE OR C::Ui3--S~RFACE \l\'ATER 'LOWS Wl'HIN n-,rs SUOCl'/ISICN :)q Of EST4BLS-~.i~,,- C'.lr-.SPIJCTCN OR Mfol'ilE\ANCE n· ~H[ RO~DS wT-IN -I-' S S1~90 1'SI:)\ ;pc,v'l)C, ~HS WAl'JFR Nl~· NO~MNIF :::.~"10'-i '.c'111LL riOT BC: C:Je.snuEJ AS RELEASir<G 1:-F '."IF OF RC.Nror,, TS suc:ESSCRS ,)R ASSGN5, FRCk1 LIA~l~.TY "'.)C/ DA~4GES, NCL'~D11,·~ 'HE c:,sT OF [,E"C:\iSE, RESLJ:.n;Jc /,/-·:)LE JR 'i PA.RI fhUf/ 11-l fLG•_IG~·J:.[ 'A° rH[ ':.ITY OF RC:NTON, 1-s C:UCCESSc-RS, :JR A'o'~ '_,\'.:, n_;c,;n,~. nww AL~ ~rnPL~ 8( TI-IE'SE i'Rf",C:NF, THAT WF THF Hi"C,FIN BEL'.JW SIC,\EO IJ'/;N[RS ''J FEE C:ll~P _E 0~ T>-i~ i At,I) HEREBY SUBDl\'IOED. HC:REBY ClR nFv rHA -WE HA'/E :::s-ABUSH~C ~'-1E -cv~:.;w·1~~'., A'.,',,)CIAnCN (Im~: c,f 'Ctl[LAN CREE<' IN AC::c;;::11Ncc. Wll,I Wf,'.,,.INGT(:,N STAT[ L4'1'1 WH':H 1DENT1f"1EC, Eil.CH LOT OFT-IS "IA~ ~s A M!:.1-11:J~~· •)I s;,o HOA SA·D HO~ :s ~!iRJf[T -o THE 0FCIARATICN C" C·J','~~ANTS M-;c 'sEST'<'CTlr:IJS FCR THE P_AT Of "CHELA\ :.l.:ll~-" •\S CIC>CLi.J'3~D 8Y IN~-R',f.i[\T RF,::J~C!ED -'10i:.R KNG C:J'~N Y -lCIJ'<[ll'-JG NIJl,/O[fl ------------ TH1S ':,UCJDl'ilSl:J\, c,:~,1r.AT ON, ~Av~~ ·-~·F •:Lfa MS ANJ ACRE:::~EN f re HCL: H/\R'"L~ss S 'aAJC v,1Ti-, THF FRFF CCNSE'. T ~.ND ;~. ACCC~O,\C.CE ·1,1·"H -HE DES!PES JF SAD ,~·1,'rSERS •aA\,l,Gl'-i'.; IJE\Hli:.~ ::h:_IIN ,:;../~EK. LL:.: ACKNOWLEDGMENT CCUC. TY Of" ~lf1G .JN ThiS ___ o,;y OF _____ , ~01 3, 8EFO~E ME P~RSO'-ALL • 4PPE,•RED FRED HERBER, ~c r/E K\CW'-< TO GE Tl,[ i-/A.rsAGNG MH•arn CF <>ELAN ,:SEE.-:, _LC, A, WASHI\GTOr-.' _1~·l~[D LIA3L T'' C,)i-,•PA>F, Ti-A" Ex~cu·rn '.Hf Wl~HIN A\0 FO~E::;CI\G NSTRUM[W ANC -'.CK\)nlF~Grn SA,; l'JSTRU~ENT TC =En-~ FRE~ NC v:JLUNTA~Y -'.CT AND DEiT· CF SA!J c:::,,PA'.;v c,:,r, -H~ IJC>b AND P~'il-''.JSF:S I• C'<E N Mf.J, llCNEO A~D CN (jATH s-ATE~ 11-1,-1-'E 1'0 ,'.11 >iC~IZC::· T:J EXEC~TE s~:J :NSTRUMENT 'lll'f,ESS WHEREO~. I 1-'J\'J[ -UltUNf:) SE-MY •,Ar-.C MC :,ff1CAL SC:AL D-IE DAv A'.,0 vLt,il ~?ST l'.R'T-[~, ABC',E 0/1.TF.C ______ _ ',i(;\,\T ,IIE OF tJ:)TAF(" ?U8LIC· ------------------- -ITL[ ____ _ 'FSID~.G A.T ________________ _ TRACT NOTES "!"RA: I -;.'" I~ ~ I'·' ·,'AT[ Ir-. ,r::ss :rnc-:.s. ~Nr, UTil ITY EAC,EMfNT IJPj\ RF".:1RG ~;G o=- -:----'1S ~~,>T FACT '"A" IS :'1C'<E~Y ::;RAN TD MU ·~Ufj',liU re lriE :·'1~"'\\ ''.RCE'( P -) .~c11~:i1·1s,0 P.s ;,,c;~,,x A-ION (HOA;, AJ, CASE'A[N" IS ,•ER[:JY (;f-(/•N-EO t,N) lCN'iEY~) TO l'-ll :::1·y ,.11 1-'~'111Jr-. ~,,,er,. Uf1~ER A';·~ ,:.c~.:;c.~ -~AC-.~ 'A." c:;p -Hr Pl!'<PCff OF :CN','EHsG, :C,TCRIN(;, f.1AC.,>GI\·:.. ANr., ~A.CU-ATINC S'CPI< f,ND 5,J~F,'C~ '/If, l:.P. ,\fL :-er SAN,Tl'R't SF1YFR A'!D 'HA.-E"'; PU~PC·Si:S ~~R 1;1[ [\Glt,C[R NS PL-~'1S CN f"I'.[ '1,IH-THE ·:.!TY •'.JF REfHOh.MA N"UIMK~ (,' ,'LL •.)T'1C~ ,t,IPR:)'iEl<EWS Si-'A_L 9~ THE .~c.s=cNSlf,'UTY C' -c,1[ :~cA T'<A-":T "p" I~ A 8,;'L·: ~·(~1-r )F /-1~.' [':.~l-\l'Cf: ,RA,~' l'~r_,,: S:~C::;R:•NG o~ T-5 ~LA I ~PA,, -C::D AW• .:::N',FFJ T,~ -,.;r Cl";Y CF REN 10~1 l'C-R -1,J_'l -;-. ':, p _A-~'sLCT c" :s >-1=-C,EiiY .:,p;..,_ -rn AISD •:CN',i:. YEC TO IHL C!-1i:.LA\ ~R~~'( ;-, -l) t-1'1M~G\\'NF~S ASS·JCIA.T1GN (H0Aj. ,'l'J ~,\SEf.lENT 1'3 •1["<[8~ GPM,-[O ,;r-;J :OIV[Y~[, TO f'1~ C![Y ~·f kEWCr1 0',rn, I_JN[,EP AMJ ;.cR:•SS TRo.:T -·:;p rcE Pil'<P'lSE r:r C'~'~i,'[VING. STQRl>JG, -~A'J/1.GINr:, 4M) FA'."llrr;~1:; S~CRM .',ND SUR~ACl w,, rl:.R !.~m r·c,11 C,,',NIT/1.RY s~wFR ANC· wAE', ~IJRDOSC:S ~E~ 'Hi :~',,]:\E~~l'<G ?LM1S CN ti_[ '~IT" ~1-E TRACT NOTES (CONTINUED) -RA.CT "c" IS A ~RIV",IE ~rop~ 0-./AlfJAGE TRACr. UP'.:N f<lCO~DI\G CF TH.S PLAf TRAC- fJ" IS -E~rn~ CRAe.TEO ,;'JD CON'JC:Y[[, TO TH:: CI-ELAN C~E~~ PU D HO!JEOWNERS ASS:JCIA:01 '.1-:JA) AN EA':.0![\T S HFRCR'f (;RAtHFD A'J,l [()'J\/F'-'Fcl Ti: ,iF CTY GF RENT:J',J 2YE~. Jl[)ER A\0 ACFiCSS TRA•=f ":" f"OR -HE PU-./1-'0'.il OF CO\\'EYING STORING, 1,·~~1,i,crJG, AND 'ACILl~ATING '~•vi~· AN() 'oUH·-ACl WAIL,< f-'ljh'PIJ~L'.:, -'t.R :Hl:. qJC,NEE~ll,G PLA,~S O'i F _E VYIIH IHl ~lfi JF e/HIIOfU~~I\H:.'-<1'NCE OF A'_L OTHER 1•~PROVC.!.,1ENTS S-i,\LL B~ -t-lE Rl5P:.J'<Sl~ILITY OF TIIE IIOA -RAC-"E'' IS A Ni::LAN0/l'>ETl_~N0 R~FFE~ TRACT L!"CN RF:".C·?DNG ::>F TH:S p, AT -RAC-"E" IS HEREBY CRAN""""ED A\O COfNUED ro l~E CHUAf1 CRl:.i:.K !'.~· J HCMi:.CWNUSS N,SOCII\TIOr-. ,:1-01,). FOR AD·~ITl:JI\Al R~S"""R C-1:)\S SEE REST~ICT.o.,,s =:::,R CR1-1c,•L AF[,\ n1,CTS n1 SHE["'." 2 Ci' -HIS f";\jA_ >"LAT APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UA,11',FC AMD ,'.PP~C\'ED THIS JAY ·'.lf' ____ -2016 AOMl:-.,STRATOS CITY OF RENTON MAYOR DP OF 2016 CITY OF RENTON ~XAl,'INrn ,'.ND APPR:•vED T'11'S CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE :~E,SEOf crn,,,-y T•,,>T Tll[RE ARE ti~> DE_INQU:::NT SP~CIAL ASSESS~'·EN'"S AND TH~T A.'_l SPEC .Al ASSES9a~NTS CERTIFIED Tc! T '1E C TY T~EASv~FR FO~ CO I FCT':JN GN ANY '.JC rc1E PR~>l'(PT" HEREIN CCNTAf<fl), DED-::ATD FOR ST'iEETS, AL-EYS. OR ro:. OTHER 3_1( ~·~E, 4R~ PAID ,N F_LL H'i_U4.Y OF 2()"b ~ NANCE A[)l,IIN STRA TCR KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXA'~I\EO AND APP~CVEC THIS DAY CF _______ 2C13. KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I HE~E9Y CERT~'( Tl-'AT ·\LL PRCPE~TY TAXES A.~f: PAI), T-r HERE.!\~[ r.o DFJfJQJE~IT SPF:.:A_ A3SE5Sf.!Et,~3 CE"s-:flC.U '0 !rll'.:, 'JI-I-ICC. •:J" C,JLLi:.CIICN AfJC: IIIA A~L s~i:.CIA,i_ A'~~L'.:i'o'~i:.'l''.:, :::[~',i"lcl) '0 TIIIS L'.fT:( iCR COLL=CTICfl O'J ANY (JI" TII[ 1-'JC...,[.:nv <•Le<l'f1 C::'r;TAI' :c· D[CCAT[D AS ST'iEETc,. ftL_E'fc,. :)R FOR 0-H~R i'U8_1C US.ES. l'RE ~AIC· ,·'i FUL·_ THS ,;,;vt,F )r'.IS ::,·~1',JlY, fiNA",C( Q,VI'"'' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE; I l<CRCBY CCRTIFY ,...,AT THIS .~_A~ JF :l·LL4tJ C{~~'< f-'UI; '; ')~'f.C <,NA~ A(.IU41 '.,,,R',FY ,,r1J SJBOl\1SO~ OF s::cnJt< 'J. -0wt1s~:P 2-' \O~T-1, ·l,'HGL 'o lA';I, ·~·, IIAI !Hl ;;JuR~l~ AclJ Jl3TmCES A~[ s~OwN C0RRECTLY Tl-iEPC:~· T~q -i-,,: •:O\L'f.'E~TS W"L~ 3E SE-A.ND D-IE [CIT Al.Jr, 6L0CK C'l~',[RS ',WI i't ST/-,(EC CO~RECLY 0N T~:: c,,:,urso AS CO~STRUCIC~ IS co,•P'_ETEC 'NC I f<CVE ci;u_v r;cMf-'U~J w:-~ -~E FROVSIO~S Cf H-E PL~TTI~G REG\IL~-l·~tJS ,-:~-~~ g6 '.:':R [IC CA 1 C: ',_ '.f~ER: 3C•42S CES N:J~"rH'EST NC .J:C· 29TH S~REET ~<E .. :OU Tl ·01 P'->",\Lll•' 'l-1A 98372 Pt-lJNI:.. ~'.JJ-<J4!j-42/8 ~C~5yP1:s~f.~1i~N,Jf-o~ ,\_L ,.::-HE'< \FPC',i:~•C\ ~s S~cAL"c"'"'~Ccc'~R-E_C_O_R_D_IN_G __ C_E_R_T_IF_I_C_A_T_E-,---~----- SHEET 1 OF 6 iifCJ."!D'NC ,\0 __________ _ SHEET INDEX r-,L~D F"Cf-1 PF"CCRf"! A-'f''c ,-1,::J~'EST 'JF ,--,15 i)J\Y 1)f" 2016. 4T M/f<UT[S P,>C:1 ,,:,o R'cCC?Cf.J ,,~· CES. NW ffiTC C/YH. ENGINEER/HQ 4 SURYEYINIJ ,i I I :r ,. I ct\ ' I ;-• ~ I ~ 0 ,~ ,~ ' I * .. ·.,. *"''' N'ifld 1N3V'l30Vld3~/NOl!N313~ 33~1 VM 'NC ('.) z ;::: z :s a_ w w (/) ~ T ~· .J' l" ' zi :s a_ z QI ~I WI ~I,, LU1g o:::._ .. r-_,_~ ,- and ~33~'.> N' J 0 T""" ....J C ' ' II 'I I !-:C: ,, \C I I --" I ,, I ,I 'ii I I /J ,,' '" / I i· 11 I ! /1 ,,, "i n i'1 1/ I 1111 ,, I .r/:1 J.aiilli.L'S-HJ.I:, ~ ---,( \ -, '11 I i' ·'i' '11 ~~~~l:•i -I ! '""', I I I I I I I I I I L __ ' : ' -a 1, i j I' cp .... -:c :c >< w ----Renton 0 I . WASHINGTON FoREST1RY--bBNSBETAt{TS, INC. FORESTRY AND VEGETATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS w F C I 360/943-1723 FAX 360/943-4128 1919 Yelm Hwy SE, Suite C Olympia, WA 98501 June 17, 2016 Wendy Grant JK Monarch/ Chelan Creek PO Box 188 Puyallup, WA 98371 RE: Chelan Creek -Save Tree Inspection Dear Ms. Grant: We have inspected all of the 'save' trees on the Chelan Creek project. The purpose was to verify that the original proposed 'save' trees were retained, protected and would be long-term trees. Findings and Recommendations The original tree retention plan proposed seven trees to be saved. These 7 trees included numbers 31, 37, 38, 39, 60, 61, and 62 (see attachment #2). The saved trees included Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), and juniper (Juniperus spp.). All of these trees were evaluated and are considered to be in 'Fair' condition today. The following table lists each tree with its recommended minimum root protection zone, and actual distance that was protected in the project. Table 1. List of save trees and required protection. Tree ID DBH Species (in) T31 Bigleaf Maule 23 Ponderosa T37 Pine 32 T38 Douglas-fir 28 T39 Junioer 20 T60 Juniper 15 T61 Junincr 12 Pondcrosa To2 Pinc 18 RIGHT-OF-WAYS• VEGETATION MA ,'!fembRr of fntemati Recommended Distance from Current Root Protection Tree Protection Tree Tree Zone on Project Fence on Adequately Condition Side of Tree (ft) Project Side (ft) Protected? Fair 16 20 Yes Fair 10 10 Yes Fair 20 23 Yes Fair 14 22 Yes Fair 12 I c, Yes Fair 10 15 Yes Fair 12 12 Yes FULL DOCUMENT AVAILABLE ., ~ UPON REQUEST ,S • CONTRACT FORESTERS FomcExhibit 6 ember 2, 2009 Renton City Council Minutes ----------.. ···'--------'--------Page 324 __ ,2: Concession Agreement, Barajas Arias dba RiverRock Grill & Alehouse, LAG-03-003 Plat: Chelan Creek PPUD, PP, 922 Chelan Ave NE, PPUD·OS-(,)67 Transportation: Airport Building 7SO Utility Improvements, Jnterfund Loan Utility: 2010 Utility Rates CAG: 07-158, Upper Springbrook Creek Restoration, King Conservation District RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES RESOLUTION #4022 Attorney: Water & Sewer Service Agreement. Cedar River Water & Sewer District NEW BUSINESS Citizen Comment: Heaven Race Ministries· Fee Waiver Request Citizen Comment: Parsons· Elimination of 2010 Summer Teen Musical Program ADJOURNMENT Jason Seth, Recorder November 2, 2009 Community Services Department recommended approval of an amendment to LAG-03-003, with Barajas Arias, Inc. dba RiverRock Grill and Alehouse, to extend their lease and concession agreement for a six-year term commencing 12/1/2009. Refer to Finance Committee. Hearing Examiner recommended approval. with conditions, of the Chelan Creek Preliminary Planned Urban Development and Preliminary Plat, 16 single-family lots on 4.21 acres located at 922 Chelan Ave. NE (PPUD-03-067). Council concur. Transportation Systems Division requested authorization for an interfund loan to Fund 422 in the amount of $475,000 ($240,000 from Fund 405 and $235,000 from Fund 407) for a term of five years for utility improvements to the Airport 750 building to fulfill a commitment of the Renton Gateway Center lease agreement (LAG-09-006). Refer to Finance Committee. Utility Systems Division recommended approval of the 2010 utility rates, including increases to solid waste residential service (four percent), water (four percent), wastewater (four percent), and surface water (zero percent with associated reduced Capital Improvement Program). Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a Member Jurisdiction & WRIA Forum Grant amendment to CAG-07-158, with King Conservation District, requesting the award of an additional $164,500 for the design, permitting, and construction of the Upper Springbrook Creek Restoration project. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: A resolution of the City of Renton was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an interloca/ agreement with Cedar River Water and Sewer District for provision of water and sewer service within the City. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE FROM HEAVEN RACE MINISTRIES REQUESTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FEE WAIVER TO THE FINANCE COMMIITEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE FROM ALAN PARSONS OBJECTING TO ELIMINATION OF THE 2010 SUMMER TEEN MUSICAL PROGRAM TO THE COMMIITEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7 :09 p.m. &zr.-ru&· -.I w~ Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Exhibit 7 CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING December 30, 2008 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Chelan Creek PUD PROJECT NUMBER: LUAOS-067, PP, PPUD, ECF, CAE, GAE PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval for a Preliminary Planned Urban Development (PPUD), Preliminary Plat (PP), and Environmental (SEPA) Review in addition to a Critical Area Exemption. The proposal is for the subdivision of a 4.21 acre site into 16 lots and 2 access tracts; with a proposed density of 4. 70 du/ac. There are two existing residences and several outbuildings; of which all are proposed for removal. The project site is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) dwelling units per acre zoning designation. The proposed lots would range in size from 3,930 square feet to 7,658 square feet in area. Access to the lots would be provided via extension of existing roads, including: NE 9th Street and Chelan Place NE. The site contains a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland. The applicant proposes to average the 50-foot required wetland buffer, and in no case is the buffer proposed to be less than 25 feet. As part of the Planned Urban Development (PUD) the applicant is requesting modifications from City of Renton street standards and the R-8 development standards. The applicant is proposing to provide passive recreational areas and enhancement to the critical area buffers beyond what is required by code. There are 44 protected trees on site of which 9 are proposed to remain. Exhibit 8 HEX Agenda 12-30-08 CHELAN CREEK DESIGN STANDARDS I. Site Design. Site Design objectives and standards are intended to minimize modifications to topography, preserve existing vegetation whenever possible, minimize the creation of impervious surfaces, and make appropriate provisions for vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the Chelan Creek PUD Development. A. Residential Connections and Circulation. 1. Design Objective. Create a road system that is pedestrian-friendly, contains traffic calming techniques, and minimizes the presence of the automobile. a. Standards. (1) Signage. All public roads shall have postings that clearly identify where on- street parking is prohibited. The developer shall be responsible to install "no parking" signs and the homeowner's association shall have the responsibility to maintain and replace the "no parking" signs. B. Sidewalks, Pathways, and Pedestrian Entry Easements. I. Design Objective. Create a network of sidewalks and other paths throughout the neighborhood to reduce the reliance on the automobile and provide opportunities for interaction and activity. a. Standards. (I) Pedestrian Connections. A sidewalk or pathway system shall be provided throughput the development. The sidewalk or pathway system may disconnect from the road, provided the sidewalk/pathway continues in a logical route throughout the residential development. (2) Pathway. (a) A pathway shall be constructed of a porous materials such as porous paving stones, crushed gravel with soil stabilizers, and paving blocks with planted joints, and shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide. (b) In areas where pathways cross streets, parking will be eliminated to reduce crossing distance and ensure safe crossing. (3) Pedestrian Entry Easement. (a) A pedestrian entry casement shall be provided to all homes that do not front on the Native Growth Protection Easement (i.e., Lot 16). Sec Figure l. (b) Pedestrian entry casements shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide with a minimum 5-foot sidewalk. Exhibit 9 ?1,.,,,t.· m ~i. · ; • . cf,, .;., • WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: JK Monarch Fine Homes P.O. Box 188 Puyallup, Washington 98372 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS EASEMENTS AND RESERVATIONS FOR THE COMMUNITY OF CHELAN CREEK ---Renton( FULL DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Exhibit 11 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA08-067, ECF, PP, PPUD, FPUD Linda Pillo Chelan Creek PUD DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting approval for a Preliminary Planned Urban Development (PPUD), Final Planned Urban Development (FPUD), Preliminary Plat (PP), and Environmental (SEPA) Review. The proposal is for the subdivision of a 4.49 acre site into 16 lots and 2 access tracts. There are two existing residences and several outbuildings; of which two are proposed for removal. The project site is located within the Residential -8 (R-8) dwelling units per acre zoning designation. The proposed lots would range in size from 3,930 square feet in area to 7,658 square feet. Access to the lots would be provided via extension of existing roads, including: Chelan Ave NE, NE 9th Street, and Chelan Place NE. As part of the Planned Urban Development the applicant is requesting modifications from City of Renton street standards and the R-8 development standards. The site contains a Class 4 stream and a Category 2 wetland. The applicant proposes to average the 50-foot required wetland buffer, and in no case is the buffer proposed to be less than 25 feet. The applicant is proposing to provide passive recreational areas and enhancement to the critical area buffers beyond what is required by code. There are 44 protected trees onsite of which 9 are proposed to remain and the applicant is proposing to replant a total of 32 new trees. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 860 & 928 Chelan Avenue NE The City of Renton LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. The applicant will be required to submit a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the State Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. The plan must be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review staff prior to issuance of the utility construction and building pemrits and during utility and road construction. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The detention system for this project shall be required to comply with the requirements found in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control -a.k.a. Level 2) and water quality improvements. 4. The applicant shall pay a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single family lot. The fee is estimated at $7,430.64 (14 new lots x $530.76 = $7,430.64) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. 5. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of $75 for each new net daily trip prior to the recording of the final plat. It is anticipated that the proposed project would result in the payment of $10,048.50 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 14 new lots= $10,048.50). 6. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. The fee is estimated at $6,832.00 ($488 x 14 = $6,832.00). ERC Mitigation Measures FULL DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Exhibit 12 Page 1 of 1 From: Rocale Timmons To: Cara Yisiotainec (GYisintaioer@cesnwinc com}: lliO. Cc: Subject: Jennifer Caldwell (ica!dwell@cesnwioc com}; Craia Deaver (cdeaver@cesnwioc com); Vanessa Dolbee; J.ao...ll.llgn. FW: LUA16-000527 Chelan Creek Final Plat Comments Date: Monday, September 26, 2016 6:13:31 PM Attachments: Rf Chelan Creek msa Hello Cara and Fred, I just noticed that both Vanessa and Jan are out of the office on vacation so I thought it prudent to forward over my comments for the Final Piat. I also plan on having issued the Final PLJO approval tomorrow. I wiii do my best to make sure that is forwarded to your attention vid email some time tomorrow night Pledse feel free to reply should you have any questions. Thank you. Rocaie Timrrons From: Rocale Timmons Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 7:09 PM To: Jan Illian Cc: Vanessa Dolbee Subject: LUA16-000527 Chelan Creek Final Plat Comments Hello Jan, Please see my comments below for the Final Plat and I cannot place in Energov. Plat Plan 1. Tract A is not just an access tract but also contains common open space which is required to be maintained by the HOA. Please revise accordingly. 2. No easement granted for the public pedestrian trail. Language needs to be added to the face of the plat for the pedestrian trail. 3. A small table should be generated or a separate document recorded memorializing those standards modified by the PUD for which the PUD is required to adhere to. In some cases applicants reference the CCR's and include the details of the PUD in the CC&R's. See additional comments below for the CC&R's. 4. Page 2 -Remove "Rear 20'" in the setback section as it is redundant. 5. The CC& R's state the HOA is responsible for the maintenance of the access tracts but the face of the plat states the homeowners benefiting from their respective access easements are responsible for maintenance. Please reconcile the differences. 6. Revise this section of the pedestrian trail to be relocated 3-feet from the southern property line as specified in the email sent on July 27, 2016 {See attached) 7. Depict the delineation of the wetland and stream within the tract and note type, category/classification, and square footage of the of wetland. CC&R's 1. Does not include full list of standards approved in the PUD. The following is not a comprehensive list but a general idea of the standards to be added. a. Setbacks b. Driveways FULLDOCUMENTAVAILABLE Exhibit 13 UPON REQUEST i\Iinutes APPLlC1\NTiOWNER: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUJ\ll\L'\RY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON L,nda Pillo 54 l l 36'" A venue SW Seat1le, WA 98126 J,m Hanson Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Chelan Creek PUD File No: LUA 08-067, PPlJD, PP, ECF, CAE, CAE Tax ID# 102305-9106 and #!02305-9440 922 Chelan Avenue Requesting Preliminary Planned Urban Development, Preliminary Plat approval for the subdivision of a 4.21-acre site imo 16 lots for the eventual development of single-family residences, with two access tracts. Development Services Recommcndat1on: Approve subject to conditions. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Sen·,ces Repon 11as rccei,·ed by the E,Jo1111er on December 22, 2008. PUBLIC HEARING After re,iewing the Development Services Report, cxa111i~mg available infonnation on file with the applicat10n. iield checking the property and surrounding area: the Exammer conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MIN'UTES The fo/101,.i11g 111i1111tes are a s1111111wry of the December 30, JOOS hearing. The legal recant is recorded 011 CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, December 30, 2008, at 9:03 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the se\'enth Door of the Rer.ton Ctty Hall. Parties wJShing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The foilowing exhibits were entered into the record: 1 Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original i Exhibit No. 2: AetT.tl Photo ; applicat10n, proof 0f posting, proof of pub!JcJtion and !. nrhcr documentation uertinen1 to this recrnesL i -------------"~-··-·-··-·---....1-... -",,___ -·~-------r---·-· ·····---···-·---··---FULL D~~U~ENT AVAILABL~cxnib ir-1-4 UPON REQUEST HANSON CONSULTING February 17, 2009 Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA. 98055 360-422-5056 Subject: Chelan Creed PUD, Preliminary Plat LUA 08-067, PPUD, PP Dear Mr. Kaufman: TV I ', 3 7 f ,tt fg._, We are hereby requesting reconsideration of conditions #7, #9, #12, and 18 in your decision on the Chelan Creek PUD and Preliminary Plat. Both conditions #7 and #9 require easements to be recorded prior to the final plat, with the utility construction. Generally all easements are recorded as part of the final plat. If the respective easements are recorded with the utility permits and there is any minor change in location, the easements will have to be re-recorded. If the plat is never recorded there will be easements crossing the parcel for no reason being at conflict with future development. We ask that the conditions be modified to require the easements to be recorded as part of the final plat. Condition # 9 requires that the gate open out onto the pedestrian pathway. A gate opening out onto the pathway will block the pathway when open. If the gate opened into the yard there would be no blockage of the pathway. Since the fence is a spit rail type just an opening to the pathway may look better than a gate. Condition #12 requires that the tot lot and the gazebo be located either where the pathway starts or terminates. Condition #7 requires the pathway to continue from Chelan Place NE to Duvall Ave NE along Jots 3 and 4. The start and termination of the pathway as required is at Duvall Ave NE, a major arterial. Constructing a tot lot and gazebo abutting Duvall Ave NE may be dangerous to children. The proposed location adjacent to a private driveway is a more appropriate location with much less risk of children being in an accident. There should be even less traffic at the proposed location then at a location off Chelan Place NE which has been suggested by staff. We are asking the proposed location be approved. The city staff recommended that a 3 year extension be granted for the Final PUD. The report discussed the extension but does not grant one. The discussion indicates that with a one year extension the PUD final timeframe is 4 years. The staff report indicates that the FULL DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Exhibit 15 N Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman March 3, 2009 Jim Hanson Hanson Consulting l 7446 Mallard Cove Lane ML Vernon, WA 98274 Re: Chelan Creek PUD. Request for Reconsideration LUA-08-067, PPUD, l'P, ECF, CAE, CAE Dear Mr. Hanson: The applicant has asked for a reconsideration of the decision in the above matter. Specifically, the applicant has asked that conditions #7, #9, #12, and #[8 be modified. In addition, the applicant has asked that the expiration period for the PUD be reconsidered or clarified. The letter contains what this office suspects is a typographical error. It appears that the explanatory text, which refers to Conditions #7 and #9 should have instead referenced #7 and #18. Those are the two conditions referencing easements. The applicant was concerned about the timing of conveying easements 111 both Conditions 1/7 and # I 8, which currently state: "7. The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begm, near Chelan Place NE, east along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead tum-around and Lots 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first 18. The applicant shall record access easements for each tract prior to utility construction, f.inal Plat, or Final PUD approval, whichever comes first; the existmg access easement shall he revised to restrict access to Lot I 6 only; and the residence located on Loi l 6 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction or the City of Renton Fire Department." The applicant expressed concern about creatmg the easements at the time of application for Utility Pem1its. The applicant noted that there 1s the potential for a change m location oi'thc utility line or that the plat may never actually be final!zed and recorded. The applican1 was concerned about havmg easements cross the parcel with no purpose or in the v,,yong location. The problem with nol recording the easement when ut1l1tics are installed IS that there could be uulily lines on the property and no access 10 those lines permitted 1f the easements have not been recorded. This office will defer to the Public Works D1vis1on 10 determine when 1bc easements 1055 South Grady Way. Renie FULL DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Exhibit 16 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000527 Application Date: July 13, 2016 Name: CHELAN CREEK FINAL PUD PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Fire Review • Builcli11'g;id'<>mrii~11ts \\i .. 1. Install 5 inch storz fittings on all new tire hydrants. 2. Install street name signs as required. 3. Install No Parkinq siqns as required. Site Address: 928 Chelan Ave NE Renton, WA 98059 Version 1 I August 26, 2016 ... ·--,,.· " """"'""""'"" ·'"· -----,.,. Contact: Cqrey{!JiomasJ425-43Qfi'024. I cthomas@rentonrfa.org Technical Seniil::eiiComments • .••.i, •••••• ... Contact;i,i\,i\\~~da Askren .1425-430-7369 I aaskren@rentonwa.gov · CC&R Comments: If Tract B is being dedicated as Public Right of Way upon recording, the legal desciption in the CC&Rs should not include Tract B in overall legal. Plat Review Comments were prepared in electronic review format. See red lines for comments. iii:·-·' ' . > ,: __ ,:::::--_ Engineering Review Comments ,(:ootact:J,mJllian I 425-430-7216 ljillian@rer\fonWa".gav Please make the following corrections on the Final Plat: 1. Tract Dis a public storm drainage tract. Upon the recording of this plat. Tract Dis hereby granted and conveyed to the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association (HOA). An easement is hereby granted and conveyed to the City of Renton over, under and across Tract D for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans on file with the City of Renton. The City of Renton has the right to enter said stormwater easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, improving, and repairing its drainage facilities contained therein. Only the chain link fence, flow control, water quality treatment and conveyance facilities will be considered for formal acceptance and maintenance by the City. Maintenance of all other improvements and landscaping on said Tract D shall be the responsibility of the HOA. In the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meet its property tax obligations, as evidenced by non payment of property taxes for a period of eighteen (18) months, then each lot in this plat shall assume and have an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract D previously owned by the HOA and have the attendant financial and maintenance responsibilities. 2. Single family residences and other improvements constructed on the lots created by this subdivision must implement the flow control best management practices stipulated in the approved drainage study and plans No. __ on file with the City of Renton and as listed in the table below as well as any declaration of covenants and grants of easement recorded hereon. The owners shall at their own cost, operate, maintain, and keep in good repair, the property's best management practices known as BMPs. The Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon Grantor(s), and Grantor's(s') successors in interest and assigns. Lot number Bmp type(s) 1. 2. Compliance with this stipulation must be addressed in the "single family residential building permit drainage review" when any application is made for a building permit for the lot. 3. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream/wetland buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the site. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to recording of the final plat. NGPE language TRACT E "The Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) on the Chelan Creek Plat identifies the steep slopes. The creation of the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement area. This interest shall be for the purpose of preserving native vegetation for the control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The Native Growth Protection Easement imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the easement area enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement area. The vegetation within the NGPE may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express written permission from the City of Renton. The right of entry granted herein shall apply to the agents, representatives and employees of the owners or subsequent owners of the underlying property." 4. The June 2, 2016 letter of compliance did not include the ERG mitigation measures. There were six. Please revise compliance letter to include the ERG measures and provide a response to each. In order to submit a staff report to the Hearing Examiner for final plat approval, all conditions (HEX and ERG) need to be completed. Condition No. 14 requires a HOA. Response is a HOA will be established. Please confirm this has been done and update letter. 5. Renton Municipal Code 4 6 030 DRAINAGE (SURFACE WATER) STANDARDS: F. CREATION OF TRACTS AND/OR EASEMENTS: Add this to page 5, Section 1.5 (c) in the CCRS: Tract D is a stormwater tract that is granted and conveyed with all ownership and maintenance obligations (excluding maintenance of the drainage facilities) to the Chelan Creek Homeowners Association, their assigns, heirs, and successors. An easement under and upon said tract shall be dedicated to the City for the purpose of operating, maintaining, improving, and repairing the drainage facilities contained in the stormwater tract. Only the chain link fence (if required by subsection G of this Section), flow control, water quality treatment and conveyance facilities will be considered for formal acceotance and maintenance bv the Citv; maintenance of all other imorovements and landscaoina in Ran: October 11, 2016 EXHIBIT 17 Page 1 of 3 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA16-000527 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use :J!L CITYOF ~ ,,.,Renton~ Version 1 I August 26, 2016 Engl11.1le1"1iigRllvieW Cqmmll~tt;Ii .. t11.•·· ..• ,,. ..., ...... ' ' ' ... '' ili[f:tf •:c9n,t;3_~t:;Jan l!Ji;ir\ J42tidcW12{6·f jilliar\@reritbnwa.gov said stormwater tract shall be the responsibility of the tract owner(s). No modification of the tract or landscaping within the tract shall be allowed without the City's prior written approval. These covenants shall be irrevocable and binding on all the property owners, including their assians, heirs, and successors. Ran: October 11, 2016 Page 2 of 3 ' Denis: Law, Mayor March 9. 2009 Rocalc Timmons Associate Planner Department of Community and Economic Development Re: Chelan Creek Pl.JD, Request for Correction to Reconsideration LUA-08-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE, CAE Dear Ms. Timmons: Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman This office has been asked to revise the portion of the above referenced Reconsideration to renecl the fact that the Development Services Division should be making the decisions about when the easements are to be recorded. This office had deferred to the Public Works Department or Division. This letter will serve to change those references at the bottom of Page I and in Conditions #7 and # 18 lo read Development Services Division. This office believes those changes arc not significant and will not change 1hc appeal period. lf1his office can provide any additional assistance, please feel free to write. Sincerdy. Fred Kaul,nan Hearing Examiner City of Renton F JK/nt cc: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Chip Vincent Planning Director Rocale Timmons. Development Services Jim Hanson Li11da Pillo, Ow11cr Wes Falkenborg Shirley Gol I Amy Dickau & Doug Smith Jerry Pryor 1055 South Grady Woy· Renton, Washing<on 98057. (425) 430-6515 '·, Exhibit 18 Jim Hanson Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt Vernon, WA 98274 tel: (360) 422-5056 eml: jchanson@verizon.net { contact) Amy Dickau & Doug Smith 874 Bremerton Avenue NE Renton, WA 98059 tel: (206) 852-3493 (party of record) Updated: 12/29/0B PARTIES OF RECORD CHELAN CREEK PUD LUA08-067, PPUD,FPUD, PP, ECF Linda Pillo 5411 36th Avenue SW Seattle, WA 98126 tel: (206) 310-4420 (owner) Jerry Pryor 825 Chelan Place NE Renton, WA 9SOS9 (party of record) Shirley Goll 4124 NE 10th Street Renton, WA 98059 (party of record) Exhibit 19 (Page 1 of l) -----....,, Jim Hanson Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 Linda Pillo 5411 35th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98126 Jerry Pryor 825 Chelan Pl NE Renton, WA 98059 Chelan Creek LLC PO Box 188 Puyallup, WA 98371 \ D· \\·\LP Amy Dickau & Doug Smith 874 Bremerton Ave NE Renton, WA 98059 Cara Visintainer CED NW INC 310 291h St, Ste 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 Linda Pillo 5411 35th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98126 Jerry Pryor 825 Chelan Pl NE Renton, WA 98059 Jim Hanson Hanson Consulting 17446 Mallard Cove Lane Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 ~ ShirleyGoll -~s 4124 NE 10th St ~ Renton, WA 98059 Chelan Creek LLC PO Box 188 Puyallup, WA 98371 Amy Dickau & Doug Smith 874 Bremerton Ave NE Renton, WA 98059 \ ..... ~~·i-----Denis Law ,----I) $ City of./ -----~M:a:yo:, ___ .............. ~ ) I l1\~(s]o Qt®J pl. July 14, 2016 Cara Visintainier 310 29th Street NE, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 Community & Economic Development Department C.E. "Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application CHELAN CREEK FINAL PLAT PUD, LUA16-000527, FP, PUD Dear Ms. Visintainier: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at {425) 430-7216 if you have any questions. Sincerely, CJ~~ ~-~Illian Project Manager cc: File Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov • ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Print Form Reset Form Save Form Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: Chelan Creek, LLC Chelan Creek PUD -F,«, I P11h PROJECTIADDRESS(S)/1..0CATION AND ZIP CODE: ADDRESS: PO Box 188 928 Chelan Avenue NE. Renton WA 98059 CITY: Puyallup ZIP: 98371 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (253) 840-5660 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER($): 1023059106 and 1023059440 APPLICANT (If other than owner) NAME: Cara Visintainer EXISTING LAND USE(S): Vacant land and existing single-family home PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY (if applicable): CES NW INC Development into 14 single-family lots EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS:310 29th Street NE, Suite 101 Residential Medium Density PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: Puyallup ZIP: 98372 (if applicable) NA TELEPHONE NUMBER: (253) 848-4282 EXISTING ZONING: R-8 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (W applicable): NA NAME: Cara Visintainer SITE AREA (in square feet): 183,489 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (ifapplicable): CES NW INC DEDICATED: 9,435 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: 310 29th Street NE, Suite 101 10,843 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: Puyallup ZIP: 98372 ACRE (if applicable) 4.2 dwellino units =r acre TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: (253) 848-4282 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) 14 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): cvisintainer@cesnwinc.com 14 1 H:\CEO\Data\Forms·l•mpl1t•s\Solf-Help Handouts\Planning\Mastor Application.doc Rev: 08/2015 . J . ' • . . PROJECT INFORMATION (continued) .---'-'-'-"'-''-'-'-;;....c-'--'----------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DIM::LLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: 0 500,000 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (If applicable): NA IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO [J FLOOD HAZARD AREA [J GEOLOGIC HAZARD [J HABITAT CONSERVATION [J SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. It. sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if appHcable): NA 1£1 IM::TLANDS and buffer 82,080 SQ. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY !Attach leaal descrlotlon on sen.a rate sheet with the followlna Information Included} SITUATE IN THE SE QUARTER OF SECTION~. TOWNSHIP~. RANGE _s_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) Jonathan Bartels for Chelan Creek LLC , declare under penalty of perjury u~ laws of the State of washington that I am (please check one) LJ the current owner of the property Involved in this application or L..L.J the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the infonnation herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and be!ef. Signature of OWner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ~'i signed this instrument and acl<nov.iedge It to be his/her/their mand voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. \II TT1 I , ,~~o: ~ <}Fr1~,, or,, -o'7-~tt,'~ .. ~iss10~··,r ,, Dated : •o'<Y ~--1..;• ':, -.'u ~OTARy ~·. --~. --:>-~e.e rn. • //JJ,,.d.,,.A J L bz~ "; ~ ':i PLJ \C co: : --"'.':"":'7---1--'-fVL'--'---------------- ':, <P •• BL .' <: Notary (Print): ,/'•o -"""'O"' '':1/'. • • }-21-'/)..J'.-· •r~ .,,,, ,, (:' ..... ~....,, , I OF WAS'r'\ '' My appointment expires: ,,, .. ,,,, 2 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Tomplates\Self-Help HandouU\Plannlng\Mastor Application.doc Rev: 08/2015 • Legal Description for Chelan Creek PER TICOR TITLE COMPANY COMMITMENT NUMBER 70049051, DATED MAY 18, 2016. LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-08-066-LAA, RECOREDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20090130900003, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT OF CHELAN CREEK, LLC TlllS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made and entered into effective as of the _;;1..lf; day of (J_cfp-13ffE::::., 2015, by and among Greg Sutherland, Richard Heath, and JKM Holdings, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company. ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS The following tcnns used in this Agreement shall have the following meanings (unless otherwise expressly provided herein): "Act" means the Washington Limited Liability Company Act (RCW Ch. 25.15) "Affiliate'' means, with respect to any Person, (i) any other Person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with such Person, (ii) any Person owning or controlling .thirty-three and one-third percent (33.33%) or more of the outstanding voting interest of such Person, (iii) any officer, director, or general partner of such Person, or (iv) any Person who is an officer, director, general partner, trustee, or holder of thirty-three and one-third percent (33.33%) or more of the voting interest of any Person described in clauses (i) through (iii). for purposes of this definition, the term shall mean the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a Person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. "Capital Account" means the capital account determined and maintained for each Unit Holder pursuant to this agreement. "CapitaLContribution" means any contribution to the capital of the Company in cash or property by a Member whenever made. "Certificate of Fm1nation" means the certificate of formation pursuant to which the company was formed, as originally filed with the office of the Secretary of State on the _fl!!:. day of {?C11)8~015 and as amended from time to time. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of I 986, as amended, or corresponding provisions of subsequent superseding federal revenue laws. "Comn..11_1y" means "CHELAN CREEK, LLC ". "Distributable Cash" means all cash received by the Company, less the sum of the following to the extent paid or set aside by the Company: (i) all principal and interest payments on indebtedness of the Company and other sums paid or payable to lenders; (ii) all cash expenditures incurred incident to the normal operation of the Company's business; and (iii) Reserves. "Economic lntcrcsl" means a Unit Holder's share is of Net Profits, Net Losses, and other tax items of the Company and distributions of the Company's assets pursuant to this Agreement and the CHELAN CREEK, LLC Limited Liability Company Agreement Page I ARTICLE4 NAMES AND ADDRESS[{S OF MEMlllmS The names and addresses of the Members arc set forth on attached Schedule I, as amended or restated from time to time. ARTICLES MANA(;ERS; RIGHTS AND DllTIES 5.1 Management. The business and affuirs of the Company shall he managed by the Manager. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, the Manager shall have full and complete authority, power and discretion to manage and control the business, affairs and properties of the Company, to make all decisions regarding those matters and to perfonn any and all other acts or activities customary or incident to the management of the Compauy' s business. At any time when there is more than one Manager, any one Manager may take any action permitted to be taken by the Managers, uuless the approval of more than one of the Managers is expressly required by this Agreement or the Act. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Manager shall have power and authority, on behalf of the Company: (i) to acquire property from any Person as the Manager may determine, and the fact that a Manager or a Member is an Affiliate of such Person shall not prohibit the Manager from dealing with that Person; (ii) to borrow money from financial institutions, the Manager, Members, or Affiliates of the Manager or Members on such terms as the Manager deems appropriate, and in com1ection therewith, to hypothecate, encumber and grant security interest in the assets of the Company to secure repayment of the borrowed sums; (iii) to purchase liability and other insurance to protect the Company's property and business; (iv) to acquire, improve, manage, charter, rent, operate, sell, transfer, exchange, encumber, pledge or dispose of any real or personal property of the Company; (v) to invest Company funds temporarily in time deposits, short-term governmental obligations, commercial paper or other short-term investments: (vi) to execute instrnmcnts and documents, including without limitation, checks, drafts, notes and other negotiable instruments, mortgages or deeds of trust, secmity agreements, financing statements, documents providing for the acquisition, mortgage or disposition of the Company's property, assignments, bills of sale, leases, partnership agreements, operating agreements of other limited liability companies, and any other instruments or documents necessary, in the opinion of the Manager, to the business of the Company; (vii) to employ accountants, legal counsel, managing agents or other experts to perform services for the Company and to compensate them from Company fonds; CHELAN CREEK, LLC Limited Liabilily Company Agreement Page4 Agreement and the application thereof shall not be affected and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent pennittcd by law. 16.9 Heirs, Suacssors aml Assigns. Each of the covenants, tc1ms prov1S1ons and agreements herein contained shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and, to the extent permitted by this Agreement, their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assi1,'lls. 16.10 Crr<iitnrs. None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be for the benefit of or enforceable by any creditors of the Company. 16.11 Countcqiarts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 16.12 Legal .Expenses. Jn a suit, proceeding or action to enforce any tcnn, condition or covenant of this Agreement, the most prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, expenses and disbursements (including the fees and expenses of expert and fact witnesses) in connection with such arbitration, suit, proceeding or action, including appeal, which sums shall be included in any judgment or decree entered therein. 16.13 I m·estmcnt Rcprcsental ions. The Units have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Act of Washington or any other state securities law (collectively, the "Securities Acts') because the Company is issuing the Units in reliance upon the exemptions from the registration requirements of the Securities Acts, and the Company is relying upon the fact that the Units are to be held by each Unit Holder for investment. Accordingly, each Unit Holder hereby confnms the U11its have been acquired for such Unit Holder's own accounl, for invcslmcnl and not with a \~ew lo the resale or distribution thereof and may not be offered or sold to anyone unless there is an effective registration or other qualification relating thereto under all applicable Securities Acts or unless such Unit Holder delivers to the Company an opinion of counsel, satisfactory to the company, that such registration or other qualification is not required. The Unit Holders understand that the Company is under no obligation to register the Units or to assist any Unit Holder in complying with any exemptions from registration under the Securities Act. Executed by the tmdersigned Members effective as of the date first above written. JKM HOLDINGS, LLC C' ( by Jona,)p!i1f'~~~Jf ~Prr~:,;ger // /\ CHELAN CREEK, LLC Limited Liability Company Agreement Page 12 DEPARTMENT OF COMMLrnllTV AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT "t City of (~ 1 :_f::JJt Dil ~ ,ii., SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FINAL PLAT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE: To ensure the proposed land division is in accordance with City of Renton's adopted standards and consistent with the approved Preliminary Plat. In addition, final review is used to verify compliance with any required conditions. COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED: In order to accept your application, each of the numbered items must be submitted at the same time. If you have received a prior written waiver of a submittal item(s), please provide the waiver form in lieu of any submittal item not provided. All plans and attachments must be folded to a size not exceeding SY. by 11 inches. ------- PLAT NAME: Please ensure that the final plat name is consistent with the name used for the preliminary ---------plat application. APPLICATION SCREENING: Applicants are encouraged to bring in one copy of the application package for informal review by staff, prior to making the requested number of copies, colored drawings, or photo reductions. Please allow approximately 45 minutes for application screening. --- APPLICATION SUBMITIAL HOURS: Applications should be submitted to Planning Division staff at the 6th floor counter of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Please call your assigned project manager to schedule an appointment or call (425) 430- 7200 extension 4 to reach the Planning Division. Due to the screening time required, applications delivered by messenger cannot be accepted. All Plans and Attachments must be folded 8 Yz"by 1111 APPLICATION MATERIALS: ~ 3. Public Works Approval: Please provide confirmation that required improvements have either been substantially installed or deferred. Waiver Form: If you received a waiver form, please provide 5 copies of this form. Land Use Permit Master Application Form: Please provide the original plus 5 copies of the 1 H :\CED\Data \Forms-Te m pla tes\Se/f-Hel p Handouts\Pla nning\fp .doc Rev:02/2015 • . . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. COMPLETED City of Renton Planning Division's Master Application form. Application must have notarized signatures of ALL current property owners listed on the Title Report. If the property owner is a corporation, the authorized representative must attach proof of signing authority on behalf of the corporation. The legal description of the property must be attached to the application form. Fees: The application must be accompanied by the required application fee (see Fee Schedule). Checks should be made out to the City of Renton and can not be accepted for over the total fee amount. Density Worksheet: Please submit 5 copies of a completed density worksheet. Confirmation of Compliance with all Conditions of Plat Approval: Please provide 5 copies of a statement detailing how all conditions of plat approval have been addressed. Plat Certificate or Title Report: Please provide 3 copies of a current Plat Certificate or Title Report obtained from a title company documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances of the involved parcel(s). The Title Report should include all parcels being developed, but no parcels that are not part of the development. If the Plat Certificate or Title Report references any recorded documents (i.e. easements, dedications, covenants) 5 copies of the referenced recorded document(s) must also be provided. All easements referenced in the Plat Certificate must be located, identified by type and recording number, and dimensioned on the Site Plan. Draft Legal Documents: Please provide 4 copies of any proposed street dedications, restrictive covenants, draft Homeowners Association, or any other legal documents pertaining to the development and use of the property. 5?J 9. Post Office Approval: Please provide 2 copies of the Post Office confirmation that they approved your mailbox location(s). Contact Bill Sansaver of the Post Office at (425) 255- 6389 or 1-800-275-8777. ~ 10. Environmental Checklist: You may be requested to provide 5 copies of an updated Environmental Checklist if more than two years have elapsed since the Preliminary Plat Approval. If a particular question on the checklist does not apply, fill in the space with "Not Applicable." 12(! 11. Neighborhood Detail Map: Please provide 5 copies of a map drawn at a scale of 1" = 100' or 1" = 200' (or other scale approved by the Planning Division) to be used to identify the site location on public notices and to review compatibility with surrounding land uses. The map shall identify the subject site with a much darker perimeter line than surrounding properties and include at least two cross streets in all directions showing the location of the subject site relative to property boundaries of surrounding parcels. The map shall also show: the property's lot lines, lot lines of surrounding properties, boundaries of the City of Renton (if applicable), north arrow (oriented to the top of the plan sheet), graphic scale used for the map, and City of Renton (not King County) street names for all streets shown. 2 H :\ CE D\Data \Forms-Te m plates\Self-Hel p Ha ndouts\Pla nn i ng\ fp .doc Rev:02/2015 Please ensure all information fits on a single map sheet. Kroll Map Company (206-448-6277) produces maps that may serve this purpose or you may use the King County Assessor's maps as a base for the Neighborhood Detail Map. Additional information (i.e. current city street names) will need to be added by the applicant. 1K] 12. Overall Plat Plan: If the scale of the project requires multiple plan sheets, please enclose 5 copies of the entire plat plan on a single sheet (include with final plat plan below). El] 13. Plat Plan: Please provide 5 copies of a fully-dimensioned plan prepared by a State of Washington registered professional land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.020, drawn at a scale of 1" = 40' on an 18" x 24" plan sheet (or other size or scale approved by the Planning Division) and including the information required by the City of Renton Subdivision Regulations: • Name of the proposed plat and space for the future City file number • Names and addresses of the engineer, licensed land surveyor, and all property owners • Legal description of the property to be subdivided • Date, graphic scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet • Vicinity map (a reduced version of the neighborhood detail map defined previously) • Overall plat layout with sheet key on a single page if the scale of the plat requires multiple plan sheets • Drawing of the subject property with all existing and proposed property lines dimensioned • Location of the subject site with respect to the nearest street intersections (including driveways and/or intersections opposite the subject property), alleys and other rights of way • Names, locations, types, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, open spaces and reservations. City code requires that private access easements be created via easement rather than creation of a separate tract • Location and dimensions of all easements referenced in the plat certificate with the recording number and type of easement (e.g. access, sewer, etc.) indicated • Location, distances in feet from existing and new lot lines, and dimensions of any existing structures, existing on-site trees, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, free-standing signs, and easements • Location of critical areas and any required buffer on or adjacent to the site identified by type (e.g. floodplain, Category 1 Wetland, Class 3 Stream) • Proposed square footage of each lot. If there are any pipestem lots with access easements or any lots with portions of the lot narrower than 80% of the minimum required lot width, then both the total square footage and the 'net' square footage shall be provided (per RMC 4-7-170Fl) Certifications: • Certification by a licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that 3 H: \CED\Data \Forms-Te m plates\Seff-Hel p Ha ndouts\Pla nn i ng\ fp .doc Rev: 02/2015 . monuments and stakes will be set • Only if the plat will not be served by sewer: Certification by the responsible health agencies that the methods of sewage disposal and water service are acceptable • Certification by the King County Finance Department that taxes have been paid in accordance with section 1, chapter No. 188, Laws of 1927 (RCW 58.08.030 and 58.08.040) and that a deposit has been made with the King County Finance Department in sufficient amount to pay the taxes for the following year • Certification by the City Administrative Services Administrator that there are no delinquent special assessments and that all special assessments certified to the Administrative Services Administrator for collection on any property herein contained dedicated for streets, alleys or other public uses are paid in full • Certification of approval to be signed by the City Public Works Administrator • Certification of approval to be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk [::;zJ 14. Calculations: Please provide 3 copies of complete field calculations and computations noted for the plat and details (if any) of all distances, angles, and calculations together with information on the error of closure. The error of closure on any traverse shall not exceed 1' in 10,000'. 0 15. Tree Retention/ Land Clearing {Tree Inventory) Plan: Please provide 4 copies of a fully ..... :f'1\ L-.,..~!,""'/J ;ll!J Plci11 s dimensioned plan drawn by a certified arborist or a licensed landscape architect if ANY trees or vegetation are to be removed or altered. The plan shall be based on finished grade, drawn at the same scale as the project site plan with the northern property line at the top of the paper, and clearly show the following: • All property boundaries and adjacent streets, location and dimensions of rights- of-way, utility lines, fire hydrants, street lighting, and easements; • Location of all areas proposed to be cleared; • Location, species, and sizes of trees on or immediately abutting the site. This requirement applies only to trees with a caliper of at least six inches (6"), or an alder or cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight inches (8"), when measured at fifty-four inches (54") above grade; • Clearly identify trees to be retained and to be removed; • Future building sites and drip lines of any trees which will overhang/ overlap a construction line. Where the drip line of a tree overlaps an area where construction activities will occur, this shall be indicated on the plan; • Show critical areas and buffers. [ZJ 16. Arborist Report: Please provide 4 copies of an arborist report by a certified arborist or a licensed landscape architect that correlates with the Tree Retention/ Land Clearing Plan and addresses the following: • Identification scheme used for each tree (e.g. tree number); • Species and size of each tree (caliper measured at 54 inches above grade); • Reason(s) for any tree removal (e.g. poor health, high risk of failure due to 4 H: \CED\Data \Fa rms-T emplates\Self-Hel p Han douts\Pla n n i ng\fp.doc Rev:02/2015 0 17. §I 18. 0 19. §I 20. @ 21. ~ Be 22. ovided Later structure, defects, unavoidable isolation (high blow down potential), unsuitability of species, etc.) and for which no reasonable alternative action is possible (pruning, cabling, etc.); • For trees proposed to be retained, a complete description of each tree's health, condition, and viability; • For trees proposed to be retained, a description of the method(s)used to determine the limits of disturbance (e.g., critical root zone, root plate diameter, or a case-by-case basis description for individual trees); • A description of the impact of necessary tree removal to the remaining trees, including those in a grove or on abutting properties; • The suggested location and species of supplemental trees to be used when required. The report shall include planting and maintenance specifications; • An analysis of retained trees according to Priority of Tree Retention Requirements specified in RMC 4-4-130H.l.b. Landscape Plan, Detailed: Please provide 3 copies of a Landscaping Plan (Detailed) meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8-120D. Irrigation Sprinkler Plan: Please provide 3 copies of an Irrigation Plan meeting the requirements of 4-8-120D. Wetland Mitigation Plan: (Only for projects with wetlands). Please provide 3 copies of a Final Mitigation Plan meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8-120D. Stream and Lake Mitigation Plan: (Only for projects with streams/lakes). Please provide 3 copies of a plan meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8-120D. Certificate of Incorporation: Please provide 3 copies of a State of Washington, Secretary of State Certificate of Incorporation for the plat's Homeowner's Association. Monument Cards: When a monument(s) is installed as part of the project, please provide 2 copies of a form obtained from the City Technical Services Division and filled out by a surveyor providing information regarding a single monument, including the Section, Township and Range, method of location, type of mark found or set, manner of re- establishment of the single monument (if applicable), description, and a drawing showing the location of a single monument and indicating a reference point to that monument. 0 23. Plan Reductions: Please provide one 8 Y," x 11" legible reduction of each full size plan sheet (unless waived by your City of Renton Project Manager). The sheets that are always needed in reduced form are: landscape plans, conceptual utility plans, site plan or plat plan, neighborhood detail map, topography map, tree cutting/land clearing plan, critical areas plans, grading plan, and building elevations. These reductions are used to prepare public notice posters and to provide the public with information about the project. The quality of these reductions must be good enough so that a photocopy of the reduced plan sheet is also legible. The reduced plans are typically sent in PDF format to the print shop and then are printed on opaque white mylar-type paper (aka rhino cover) to ensure legibility. If your 5 H :\ CE D\Data \Forms-Templates \Self-Help Handouts\Pla nn i ng\fp.doc Rev:02/2015 reduced plans are not legible once photocopied, you will need to increase the font size or try a different paper type. Illegible reductions cannot be accepted. Please also be sure the reduced Neighborhood Detail Map is legible and will display enough cross streets to easily identify the project location when cropped to fit in a 4" by 6" public notice space. Once the reductions have been made, please also make one 8 Yz" x 11" regular photocopy of each photographic reduction sheet. Some of the local Renton print shops that should be able to provide you with reductions of your plans are Alliance Printing (425) 793-5474, Apperson Print Resources (425) 251-1850, and PIP Printing (425) 226-9656. Nearby print shops are Digital Reprographics (425) 882-2600 in Bellevue, Litho Design (206) 574-3000 and Reprographics NW/Ford Graphics (206) 624-2040. All Plans and Attachments must be folded to 8Yz" by 11" REVIEW PROCESS: Once the Final Plat application is submitted to the Planning Division, the materials will be routed to those City departments having an interest in the application. Reviewers have approximately two weeks to return their comments to the Planning Division. All comments and any requests for revisions will be sent to the applicant. Once all comments have been addressed, the applicant re-submits the revised plans and/or documents for review. The time frame for Final Plat processing is largely dependent upon application completeness and prompt turnaround time of revisions. As part of the review process, the Planning and Public Works Plan Review Divisions will ensure improvements have been installed and approved and that all conditions of the preliminary plat approval have been met. Once the applicant has demonstrated these items have been addressed through either a confirmation of improvement installation approval or letter of deferral, the City will schedule the Final Plat for review by the Hearing Examiner. The Examiner will issue a decision within 14 business days (RMC 4-8-11012c). Examiner's action to approve, modify, or reject the Final Plat shall be final and unless the action is appealed to the City Council within 14 days of the Hearing Examiner's written report. DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENTS: The Final Plat may not be recorded until all improvements have been completed and approved by the Planning Division or a letter of deferral has been obtained. The applicant may request a letter of deferral from the Board of Public Works and post security for any improvements that have not been completed. If a developer wishes to defer certain on-site improvements for more than 90 days after obtaining Final Plat approval, then a written application shall be made to the Board of Public Works. Should the Board of Public Works so rule, then full and complete engineering drawings shall be submitted as a condition to the granting of any deferral. Upon approval for such deferment, the applicant shall thereupon furnish security to the City in the amount equal to 150% of the estimated cost ofthe installation and required improvements. Time limits: Such security shall list the exact work that shall be performed by the applicant and shall specify that all the deferred improvements shall be completed within the time specified by the Board of Public Works, and if no time is specified, then no later than one year. 6 H: \CE D\Data \Forms-Te m plates\Se lf-Hel p Handouts\Pla nn i ng\fp .doc Rev:02/2015 EXPIRATION OF FINAL PLAT: A final plat, which has not been recorded within six months after approval by the City Council shall expire and be null and void. The plat may be resubmitted as a preliminary plat. 7 H :\ CE D\Data \Forms-Te m plates\Self-Hel p Handouts\Pla nn I ng\fp .doc Rev: 02/2015 C.E. S. NW Inc. Civil Engineering & Surveyinc~ Letter of Transmittal TO: Jan Illian City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 WE ARE SENDING: Quantity No. of Dated PaAeS 1 7 5 3 06.09.2016 6 6 06.07.2016 5 1 5 4 06.02.2016 5 51 04.12.2016 4 38 2 1 06.07.2016 5 1 06.02.2016 5 6 06.09.2016 3 8 06 08.2016 4 7 06.17.2016 3 7 12.18.2015 3 3 10.13.2015 3 7 06.22.2016 5 6 1 1 1 • : i l ;\ CES Project No. Project Name: Regarding: Permit #/Application ID: Date: Parcel(s): 310 29th Street NE, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 Phone: (253) 848-4282 Fax: (253) 848-4278 13040.0 Chelan Creek PUD Final Plat Application Not Applicable July 13, 2016 1023059106 1023059440 Description Final Plat Checklist Waiver Form Land Use Permit Master Application Form with legal description Density Worksheet Confirmation of Compliance with all Conditions of Plat Approval Title Report Draft Legal Documents (includes CCR) Post Office Approval Neighborhood Detail Map Plat Plan with overall plat plan Lot Closures Tree Conservation by Arborist Landscape Plan Wetland Mitigation Plan Certificate of Incorporation Elevations (conceptual) 8 Y:i'' x 11 copy of all submitted plans Electronic copy of all of the documents submitted Application Fee Page 12 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: Included is the Final Plat application for Chelan Creek. Public Works Approval, monument cards and letter of installation for the wetland mitigation will be submitted when available. The project is substantially finished with approximately 85% of the construction completed. We anticipate construction completion within the next 30 days. By the time the City of Renton's reviews the final plat, revisions (if required) are addressed and reviewed and final plat approved. the construction should be complete and the plat ready to record. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 253.848.4282. Thank you, ht: ... ~ Planner jcaldwell@cesnwinc.com DEPARTMENT OF COMMl Y AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov I -~- WAIVED MODIFIED LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: COMMENTS: Arborist Report, Biological Assessment, Calculations, Colored Maps for Display 4 Construction Mitigation Description , AND, Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 I Density Worksheet, Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report z Elevations, Architectural, AND• Environmental Checklist 4 tfJ?i- Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) lAND4 V - Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 1AND4 - Flood Hazard Data 4 Floor Plans , AND, Geotechnical Report 2 A,D 3 (• Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual 2 C " YY.,,\) :.c-.y /III I -, I ,', --lrw,1 ); Ne, Cl. .. Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed 2 Habitat Data Report 4 Improvement Deferral 2 ( ' Irrigation Plan, r ~ PRoJEcT NAME C,.,h £ 60 C rec>\:'.'. DATE: (o I q { I &· 1 H :\CE O\Data \Forms-Te mp la tes\Self-H elp Handouts \PI a nn in g\ Waive rsub m ittalreqs. docx Rev:08/2015 • \ WAIVED MODIFIED ) LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: COMMENTS: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site, Landscape Plan, Conceptual, Landscape Plan, Detailed, Legal Description, Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions, Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Overall Plat Plan, Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 Post Office Approval, Plat Name Reservation 4 Plat Plan 4 Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 ~ ~ Public Works Approval Letter, Rehabilitation Plan 4 Screening Detail 4 Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Site Plan 2ANo, Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental, Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 • Street Profiles 2 GJY Title Report or Plat Certificate 1AND4 V Topography Map, Traffic Study 2 ~I Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 V Urban Design Regulations Analysis, p Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 ~ Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final, Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 2 H :\CED\Data \Forms-Templates \Self-Help Ha ndouts\P la n ning\ Wa iversu bm itta Ire qs.docx Rev:08/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL Rc1.1.UIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Wireless: __ _Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 1 ___ Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND, I ,__ ____ Map of Existing Site Conditions ZANDJ Map of View Area 2ANDJ Photosimulations, AND, This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning ··---- ---- WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: -- - ---- 3 H: \CE D\Data \Fa rms-Templates\Se If-He Ip Handouts \Planning\ Wa iversu bm itta lreqs. docx '"------ I COMMENTS: I -~ -- I ' - - I -·-- Rev: 08/2015 ' C.E. S. NW Inc. Civil Engineering & Surveying June 2, 2016 City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Hearing Examiner Conditions for Chelan Creek (CES #13040) Dear Community and Economic Development Department, 310 29'" St. NE, Suite IO I Puyallup, WA 98372 Phone: (253) 848-4282 Fax: (253) 848-4278 Thank you for the opportunity to submit the Final Plat for Chelan Creek. The following list demonstrates how the project met each of the Hearing Examiner's Conditions of Approval. Hearing Examiner Recommendations I. The applicant shall comply with the attached Chelan Creek Design Guidelines for all residences constructed on the proposed Jots. The applicant will be required to, as part of the FPUD application, provide elevations and floor plans for the proposed structures. Response: The applicant will comply with the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines. All building permits will comply at the time of building permit submillal. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping and street improvement plan depicting the following: a meandering sidewalk; ornamental landscaping and modulated fencing, for those portions of the frontage not abutting the proposed NGPE, to the satisfaction of the Current Planning Project Manager. Modulation of the fence shall be used to transition from the proposed fence, not abutting the NGPE, to the split rail fence abutting the NGPE. In the depression of the fence, where it connects to the split rail fence, an ornamental tree shall be planted in order to conceal the transition of the fence. The revised plan must be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final PUD, or final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Respon,·e: Landscaping and street improvement plans have been submitled and approved by the City Planning Department. The meandering sidewalk will be constructed on Duvall Avenue NE along the site.frontage with ornamental /and,caping and modulated fencing. Split rail fencing will be abulling the NGPE. 3. The Pillo LLA (LUAOS-066) shall be recorded prior to Final Plat recording or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. Response: The Pillo LLA was recorded on January 30, 2009 under King County Recording number 20090130900003. 4. The applicant shall be required to construct, to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions, street improvements along Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements include, but are not limited to: paving, sidewalks, curb, gutter, storm drain, landscape, streetlights, and street signs. Response: Street improvements along Duvall Ave NE to include paving, curb/gutter, storm drainage, landscaping, street lights, and street signs were constructed to the satisfaction of the Development Services and Current Planning Divisions. 5. The applicant shall be required to locate the meandering sidewalk closest to the street where the NGPE abuts the right-of-way. Response: The meandering sidewalk is located where the NGPE abuts the right-of way along Duvall Avenue NE. 6. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. The lighting plan shall contain pedestrian lighting on both sides of the pathway in a staggered configuration. Response: A lighting plan was submitted, reviewed, and approved on January 11, 2016. 7. The applicant shall be required to extend the pedestrian pathway from where it is proposed to begin, near Chelan Place NE, cast along the NGPE bordering the hammerhead turn-around and Lols 3 and 4 eventually connecting to Duvall Ave NE in the southern portion of the site. A pedestrian easement shall be recorded, for the benefit of the public, for the length of the pathway prior to utility construction, Final PUD, or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Response: The pedestrian pathway has been extended around the entire circumference of the wetland buffer internal to the plat, connectinf{ to Duvall Avenue NE in two locations. A public pedestrian easement is shown on the face oft he Final Plat. 8. The applicant shall be required to enhance the buffer area adjacent to where the pathway is located. Where enhancement of the buffer, adjacent to the pathway, due to existing high quality vegetation, additional buffer area or other mitigation may be required. A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction or Final Plat approval; whichever comes first. Respon,·e: A revised wetland/stream mitigation plan was submitted and approved by the City Planning Managa 9. The applicant shall provide a split rail fence on the residential side of the pedestrian pathway identical to the other side of the pathway. The split rail fence will be required to include an entrance gate that opens out onto the pedestrian pathway for each lot. Response: A split rail fence was installed both on the residential side and the wetland buffer side of the pedestrian pathway. IO. The applicant shall be required to orient each residence as noted on page 14 of the staff report; under Preliminary Plat review criteria. Lots 1 and 2 shall be oriented towards Chelan Pl NE; Lots 3 and 4 towards the NGPE (west); Lots 5 through 12 towards the NGPE (east); Lot 13 towards the NGPE (south); Lots 14 and 15 towards Tract A (south); and Lol 16 towards the abutting property to the west. Response: Each residence will be oriented as noted on Page 14 of the staff report. More specifically, Lots 1 and 2 toward Chelan Place NE, Lots 3 and 4 toward the NGl'A, Lots 5-10 toward the NGPE, Lot ll (previously Lot 13) toward the NGPE, Lot 12 and 13 (previously Lots 14 and 15) toward the NGPE, and Lot 14 (previously Lot 16) toward the abuttinf{ property to the west. P:\13040.0\!Filing -Chelan Creek PUD-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Rl-05 -Confirmation of Compliance.doc Page 12 l l. Driveway widths shall be restricted to no more the l O feet for a single lane and no more than l 8 feet for double lane driveways. Response: Driveway widths will comply with single lanes being not exceeding 10 feet and double lanes not exceeding 18 feet. 12. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan depicting the relocation of the tot lot and the relocation of the gazebo to where the proposed pedestrian pathway either starts or terminates. The revised plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Final PCD, Final Plat, or utility construction approval. In addition the plan shall note adequate square footage to comply with the open space requirement. Response: A landscape plan depicting the tot lot and gathering space was review and approved by City Planning. 13. The applicant shall be required to depict adequate area on each lot for private open space on the Parking, Lot Coverage, and Landscaping Analysis to be submitted as part of the Final PUD application. Response: Parking, Lot Coverage, Private Open Space, and Landscaping areas are shown on the dimensioning plan as a part of the civil construction drawings. This plan was reviewed and approved by the City. Please refer to sheet C9 of the construction drawings. 14. The applicant shall be required to establish a homeowners' association for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the PUD prior to Final Plat or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. In addition, those standards included in the Chelan Creek Design Guidelines that are applicable to the maintaining the design of the PUD shall be incorporated into the homeowners' association bylaws. Response: A Homeowners Association will be established for the development. Please refer to the included CC&Rs. 15. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all required inspections for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: The developer obtained the permit and all required inspections were completed. 16. Condition #16 is not listed in the Hearing Examiner Decision, the number was likely missed. 17. The applicant shall submit a revised detailed landscape plan prepared by a certified landscape architect or other landscape professional to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. The revised landscape plan should include: a 5-foot landscape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 and 2; and ornamental JO-foot landscape strip along Duvall Ave NE street frontage for Lots 1 through 4 and Lot 13; and ornamental landscaping to mirror the existing frontage improvements along Duvall Ave NE,just south of the site. The revised landscape plan should also include fence detail for the entire site. Response: A landscape plan was submitted to the City for review and approval. The Landscape plan included a 5-foot land.,cape strip along the frontage of Lots 1 and 2, a 10-foot wide landscape strip along Duvall abutting Lots 1-4 and Lot 11 (previously Lot 13). Fencing details were specified on the plan. P:\l 3040.0\!Filing -Chelan Creek PUD-16 l .01\Final Plat Docs\Rl-05 -Confirmation of Compliance.doc Page 13 18. The applicant shall record access easements for each tract prior to utility construction, Final Plat, or Final PUD approval, whichever comes first; the existing access easement shall be revised to restrict access to Lot 16 only; and the residence located on Lot 16 shall include a fire sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Fire Department. Response: Access easements are shown on the face of the Final Plat Map. The existing access easement has been revised to restrict access to Lot 14 (previously Lat 16). Lot 14 (previously Lot I 6) will include a residential fire sprinkler. 19. The applicant shall be required to submit a revised plat plan depicting a 15-foot radius on the northeast comer of Lot 12. The revised plan would be required to be submitted prior to construction permit, Final Plat, Final PUD approval; whichever comes first. Response: A I 5-foot radius is shown on Lot IO (previously Lot I 2). Please refer to the Final Plat Map. 20. The applicant shall be required to extend the existing 8-inch water main within the access easement ( extended from NE I 0th St) to the south boundary of Lot 16 prior to Final Plat approval. Water main extensions shall also be installed for the full frontage of Lot 3. Response: The developer extended the existing 8-inch water main as approved under the com/ruction plans. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, Cara Visintainer P.E. Project Engineer P:\13040.0\!Filing -Chelan Creek PUD-16 Lot\Final Plat Docs\Rl -05 -Confirmation of Compliance.doc Pagej4 Print t-orm Keset t-orm :::»ave t-orm DEPARTMENT OF CO,v,MUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -~·,.-·,'~Renton® DENSITY WORKSHEET Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov 1. Gross area of property 183,489 ------- 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public Streets* 9,435 Private access easements* 10,843 Critical Areas** 18,739 Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 (total excluded area} from line 1 for net area 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density • Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. square feet square feet square feet 39,017 144,472 ------- 3.3166 ------- 14 ------- 4.2212 ------- square feet square feet square feet acres units/lots = dwelling units/acre **Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands, or floodways." Critical Areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. 1 H :\CE D\Data \Forms-Temp lates\Self ~Help Handouts\Pf anning\density .doc Rev:08/2015 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: JK Monarch Fine Homes P.O. Box 188 Puyallup, Washington 98372 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CO'.'iDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS EASEMENTS AND RESERVATIO'.'iS FOR THE COM1\1UNITY OF CHELAN CREEK TABLE OF CO"ITENTS FOR DECLARATION OF COVENAl\TS, CO:'iDITIOJ\'S, RESTRICTIONS EASEMENTS AND RESERVATIONS OF CHELAN CREEK SECTION & DESCRIPTION PAGE NUMBER ARTICLE I Definitions ARTICLE 2 Management Rights of Declarant During Development of the Property ARTICLE3 Deed and Dedication of Common Areas ..... ARTICLE 4 Deed and Dedication of Easements .. ARTICLE 5 Administration and Use of Common Areas & Common Maintenance Areas .. ARTICLE 6 Maintenance of Common Areas & Common Maintenance Areas & Delegation of Management. ARTICLE 7 Assessments ARTICLE 8 Maintenance of Lots ... ARTICLE 9 CHELAN CREEK CC &Rs 4 6 ........ .......... ... 8 . .................... 9 IO I I 13 . . . . . 17 Page 2 '' Homeowner' s Association .. ARTlCLE 10 Management By Board .... SECTIO;\i & DESCRIPTIO'.'/ ARTICLE l l Land Use Restrictions .. ARTICLE 12 Building Restrictions ..... ARTICLE 13 Utilities ...... . ARTICLE 14 Architectural Control ARTICLE 15 Condemnation ARTICLE 16 Mortgagees'Protection .... ARTICLE 17 General Provisions .. EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description of Plat. ... CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 9 PAGE NVMBER 22 27 . ........... 29 ..... 29 33 34 35 39 Page 3 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMEl\'TS AND RESERVATIONS FOR CHE LA!\' CREEK THIS DECLARATION is made on the date hereinafter set forth by Chelan Creek LLCa Washington Limited Liability Company, ("Declarant"), who is the owner of certain real property situated in the state of Washington, county of King. known as the Plat of "Chelan Creek" which is more particularly legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". In order to insure preservation of the high quality residential environment at Chelan Creek, Declarant agrees and covenants that the land described on the attached Exhibit "A", and such improvements as are now existing or hereafter constructed thereon will be held, sold and conveyed subject to and burdened by the following covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, limitations, liens and easements, all of which are for the purposes of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability and attractiveness of such lands for the benefit of all of such lands and the owners thereof and their heirs, successors, grantees and assigns. All provisions of this Declaration shall be binding upon all parties having or acquiring any right. title or interest in such lands or any portions thereof and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof and to the benefit of the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association and shall otherwise in all respects be regarded as covenants running with the land. ARTICLE I DEFl:\'ITIONS For purposes of the Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association, certain words and phrases shall have particular meanings as follows: Section 1. l. "Association" shall mean and refer to the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association, its successors and assigns. Section l.2. "Member" shall mean every person or entity who holds membership in the Association. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 4 Section 1.3. "Board" shall mean and refer to the Board of Directors of the Association, as provided for in Article 10. For purposes of exercising the powers and duties assigned in this Declaration to the Board during the Development Period, this term shall also mean the "Temporary Board" or "Declarant" as provided in Article 2 unless the language or context clearly indicates otherwise. Section 1.4. "Properties" shall mean and refer to the real property described with particularity in Exhibit "A". Section 1.5. "Common Areas" & "Common Maintenance Areas" shall mean and refer to all of the real property ( including the improvements thereto) owned, maintained or leased by the Association, or in which the Association has an easement for the common use and enjoyment of the members of the Association, including but not limited to tracts and easements dedicated to the Association on the face of the Plat and/or in this Declaration. The areas to be owned and maintained by the Association at the time of recording this Declaration are described as follows: (a) Tract "A" is designated as a Private Ingress, Egress and Utility Area Tract and shall be owned and maintained by the Chelan Creek Homeowners Association. (b) Tract "C" is designated as a Private Ingress, Egress and Utility Area Tract and shall be owned and maintained by the Chelan Creek Homeowners Association. (c) Tract "D" is designated as a Private Storm DrainageTract and shall be owned and maintained by the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association. (d) Tract "E" is designated as Wetland/Wetland Buffer Tract and shall be owned and maintained hy the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association Section 1.6. plat of Chelan Creek. regarded as Lots; "Lot" shall mean any one of the 14 lots numbered I through 14 on the Tracts, Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas shall not be Section 1.7. "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Chelan Creek LLC, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the state of Washington; Section 1.8. "Architectural Control Committee", "Committee" or"ACC" shall mean and refer to the committee duly appointed or elected as provided in Article 14 of this Declaration, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee"; Section 1.9. "Development Period" shall mean and refer to that period of time as defined in Article 2 of this Declaration; CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 5 Section I. I 0. "Plat" shall mean and refer to the Plat of Chelan Creek as approved by the City of Renton under File Nos. __ _ and on _______ • and as recorded in King County, Washington under Auditor's file No. as descibed in Exhibit "A"; Section I 11. "Residence" shall mean and refer to buildings occupying any Lot; Section 1.12. "Owner" or "Lot Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of ( l) a fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of the Property (but excluding those persons or entities, such as real estate contract sellers, having record title merely as security for the performance of an obligation), or (2) the Purchaser under a real estate contract prior to the issuance of the fulfillment deed for the contract; Section l .13. "Federal Mortgage Agencies" shall mean those federal agencies which may have an interest in the properties, such as the Federal Housing Administration, the Veterans Administration, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, or the successors to their interests. Section l .14. "First Mortgagee" shall mean a lender who holds the first mortgage on a lot and who has notified the Association in writing of its holdings. Section 1.15. "Declaration" shall mean the covenants, conditions and restrictions and all other provisions set forth in this Declaration. as they may from time to time be amended. Section 1.16. "Mortgage" shall incude a deed of trust or other security instrument. ARTICLE 2 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS OF DECLARANT DURING DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY Section 2. l. The Property. The real property which is made subject to this Declaration is described on Exhibit "A". Section 2.2. Management by the Declarant. Development Period shall mean that period of time from the date of recording of the Declaration until (A) the date five (5) years from the date of recording this Declaration or (8) the thirtieth (30th) day after the Declarant has transferred title to the purchasers of Lots representing one hundred percent (100%) of the voting power of all Lot Owners as then constituted (so that Declarant no longer is entitled to vote either as a Class A or Class B member of the Association pursuant to Article 9, Section 3) or (C) the date on which Declarant elects to permanently relinquish all of Declarant's authority under this Article 2 by written notice to all Owners, whichever date first occurs. CHELAN CREEK CC &Rs Page 6 Notwithstanding anything in this Declaration to the contrary, until termination of the Development Period, either upon the sale of the required number of Lots, the expiration of five (5) years, or at the election of the Declarant, the Property and the Association shall be managed at the sole discretion of the Declarant; Section 2.3. Notice to Owners. Not less than ten ( 10) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the termination of the Development Period, the Declarant shall give written notice of the termination of the Development Period to the Owner of each Lot. Said notice shall specify the date when the Development Period will terminate and shall further notify the Owners of the date, place and time when a meeting of the Association will be held. The notice shall specify that the purpose of the Association meeting is to elect new Officers and Directors of the Association. Notwithstanding any provisions of the Articles or Bylaws of the Association to the contrary, for the purpose of this meeting, the presence, either in person or by proxy, of the Owners of five (5) Lots shall constitute a quorum. The Board of Directors and the officers of the Association may be elected by a majority vote in said quorum. !fa quorum shall not be present, the Development Period shall nevertheless tem1inate on that date specified in said notice and it shall thereafter be the responsibility of the Lot Owners to provide for the operation of the Association. Proper notice shall be deemed to have been sent if said notice is sent in the manner described as proper notification in the Bylaws of the Association; Section 2.4. Appointment of Temporary Board. Declarant may, in Declarant's sole discretion, and at such times as the Declarant deems appropriate (including in the Articles of Incorporation of the Association, if the Declarant is the Incorporator of the Association), appoint one (I) to three (3) persons who may be Lot Owners, or are representatives of corporate entities or other entities which are Lot Owners, as a Temporary Board. This Temporary Board shall be for all purposes. the Board of Directors of the Association, and shall have full authority, after approval is granted by the Dcclarant, (including the authority to adopt or amend the initial or subsequent Bylaws of the Association) and all rights, responsibilities, privileges and duties to manage the Property under this Declaration and shall be subject to all provisions of this Declaration, the Articles and Bylaws. After selecting a Temporary Board, the Declarant, in the exercise of the Declarant's sole discretion, may at any time terminate the Temporary Board and reassume the Declarant's management authority under Article 2 or select a new Temporary Board under this section of Article 2; Section 2.5. Declarant Authority If No Temporary Board. So long as no Temporary Board is managing the Property or until such time as the first permanent Board is elected, should Declarant choose not to appoint a Temporary Board, Declarant or a managing agent selected by Declarant shall have the power and authority to exercise all the rights. duties and functions of the Board and generally exercise all powers necessary to carry out the provisions of this Declaration, including, but not limited to, enacting reasonable administrative rules (and a fine and due process system for violations thereof). contracting for required services, obtaining property and liability insurance, collecting and expending all assessments and Association funds, and enforcing this Declaration (including foreclosing any liens provided CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 7 by this Declaration). Any such managing agent or the Declarant shall have the exclusive right to contract for all goods and services, payment for which is to be made from any monies collected from assessments. In the event that Association expenses exceed assessments, any monies provided by the Declarant for Association expenses that would otherwise be paid for out of Association assessments shall be considered a loan to be repaid to the Declarant through regular or special assessments from the Association, together with interest at twelve percent ( 12%) per annum; Section 2.6. Purpose. These requirements and covenants are made to insure that the Property will be adequately administered in the initial stages of development, and to any future additions, and to insure an orderly transition to Association operations. Acceptance of an interest in a Lot evidences acceptance of this management authority in the Declarant; and, Section 2.7. Management Authority ofDeclarant. Declarant shall have the management authority granted by this Article 2 notwithstanding anything in this Declaration to the contrary. Declarant, as the lncorporator of the Association, may cause the Association to be incorporated, the Temporary Board to be appointed either in the Articles of Incorporation of the Association or by separate written instrument, to terminate the Temporary Board and reassume the Declarant's management authority under this Article 2, reappoint successor Temporary Boards, or take any other action permitted by this Article 2, all without affecting the authority given to the Declarant by this Article 2 to manage the Property and to organize the Association at the Declarant's sole discretion. ARTICLE3 DEDICATION OF TRACTS Section 3.1. Dedication of Common Areas. Upon recording this Declaration, the Declarant has dedicated to the Persons (and for the purposes) as set forth in the face of the Plat Tracts "A", "C", "D" and "E", reserving, however, to the Declarant for the benefit of the Dec larant, its successors and assigns, those certain rights of use, ingress, egress, occupation and control indicated elsewhere in this Declaration for the duration of the Development Period, at which time this reservation shall cease and then be of no further force and effect. All Tracts are private except for Tract B which is owned by the City and shall be maintained by the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association. ARTICLE4 DEED AND DEDICATION OF EASEMEl\TS CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 8 Section 4.1. Reserved Easements and Tracts. Easements for the public roads, maintenance, utilities, drainage and other common facilities have been dedicated and/or reserved over and across property as shown on the Plat and/or of record. 4.2. Covenants Run with the Real Property. All of the easements declared herein shall be divisible, perpetual, and assignable, and shall be appurtenant to and run with the real property and each subdivision thereof. The undersigned hereby reserve for themselves, and their agents and assigns, the right to use and benefit from all of said easements and further hereby reserve the right to grant the use of said easements to all parties who now are or shall hereafter become Owners, to parties supplying utilities to any portion of the real property, and to any adjacent property which the Declarant makes subject to this declaration. 4.3. Conveyance of Easements. An easement is hereby reserved for and conveyed to Puget Sound Energy Inc , Century link telephone company, Comcast cable company, City of Renton Utility District, City of Renton and the Chelan Creek Homeowners Association and their respective successors and assigns under and upon the private streets, alleys and access tracks if any, and the exterior 10 feet of all lots, tracks and spaces within the plat lying parallel with an adjoining all streets, alleys and access tracks in which to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and in large underground pipes, conduits, cables and wires with all necessary or convenient underground or ground mounted appurtenances thereto for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, gas, telephone, television and other utility service, together with the right to enter upon the streets, lots, tracts and spaces at all times for the purpose herein stated. The City of Renton, its successors, agents and assigns shall have the right of immediate and continued access and use to all said facilities for the purposes of improvement, maintenance, repair or inspection of any portion of said facility and any and all appurtenant structures. Additional utility and other easements may also be recorded if required by governmental authorities having jurisdiction. ARTICLES AD1\1INISTRATION AND USE OF COMMON AREAS AND COMMON MAINTENANCE AREAS Section 5.1. Owner's Easements of Enjoyment. Every Owner shall have a I/I 4'h right and easement of enjoyment in and to the Common Areas which shall be appurtenant to CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 9 and shall pass with title ( or, if applicable, with the equitable title held by a real estate contract purchaser), to every Lot subject to the following provisions: (a) The right of the Declarant or the Association to establish use and operation standards for all Common Areas to be binding upon all Association members along with enforcement standards; (b) The right of Declarant (during the Development Period) or the Association (after the Development Period) to suspend an Owner's right to vote and to use any recreational facilities for any period during which assessments against his or her Lot remain unpaid and for a period, not to exceed sixty (60) days, for any, and each separate, infraction of its published rules and regulations; ( c) The right of the Declarant ( during the Development Period) or the Association (after the Development Period) to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Areas to any public agency, authority or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as the Declarant or Association, as applicable, may deem appropriate. During the Development Period, any such dedication or transfer of all or any part of the Common Areas pursuant to this Section may be made by the Declarant in the Declarant's sole discretion. After the Development Period, no such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrument agreeing to such dedication or transfer, signed by the Owners of two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots, has been recorded; ( d) Any Owner may delegate their right of enjoyment to the Common Areas and facilities to the members of their family, their tenants, or their guests, subject to the limitations set forth above. Section 5.2. Insurance. Nothing shall be done or kept in any Common Areas which will increase the rate of insurance on the Common Areas or other Lots or Improvements without the prior written consent of the Board. Nothing shall be done or kept in any Common Areas which will result in the cancellation of insurance on any part of the Common Areas or which would be in violation of any laws or ordinances. Section 5.3. Alteration of Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. Nothing shall be altered, or constructed in, or removed from any Common Maintenance Areas except upon prior written consent of the Board. There shall be no construction of any kind within the Common Areas except that community improvements may be constructed iftwo- thirds (2/3) of the members of the Association authorize ( I ) the construction of such improvements and (2) assessments for such improvements. Also, any such improvements would be subject to the acquisition of all required permits from governmental agencies. This Section shall not limit or prohibit Declarant (and no member consent shall be necessary), during the Development Period, from constructing or altering any such improvements to any Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas, which the Declarant in Declarant's sole discretion, deems for the benefit and enhancement of said areas and the Association in general CHELAN CREEK CC &Rs Page 10 and for which all required permits or approvals from governmental agencies have been obtained; Section 5.4. Dumping in Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas. No trash. construction debris or waste, plant or grass clippings or other debris of any kind, nor any hazardous waste (as defined in federal. state or local law or regulation) shall be dumped, deposited or placed on any Common Areas, Common Maintenance Areas or Easements. The Declarant (during the Development Period) and the Board thereafter, shall retain the rights for enforcement and initiation of penalties for violations of this policy; Section 5.5. Landscaping and Fencing. No permanent structures or landscaping of any kind. including fences. walls or shrubs, may be built or placed within any right-of-way easements, or other easements as delineated on the Plat except as deemed appropriate by the Board. This prohibition shall not apply to the landscape and fence/monument sign improvements, if any, installed by the Declarant, nor shall this Section prohibit the Association from installing additional improvements or landscaping within the designated Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas, nor shall this Section prohibit the installation of fences by Lot Owners on property lines as may be otherwise allowed in this Declaration, nor shall this Section prohibit the installation of landscaping on private lot areas encumbered by utility easements not otherwise restricted in this Declaration as to landscaping. Also, this prohibition shall not apply to landscaping of front or side yard areas of Lots extending up to the edge of the curb or sidewalk in the public right-of-way as further set forth in Article I I. Section 13 of this Declaration. ARTICLE 6 MAINTENANCE OF THE C0'.\1MON AREAS AND COM1\10N MAINTENANCE AREAS DELEGATION OF MANAGEMENT Section 6.1. Maintenance of Common Areas. Maintenance of the Common Areas and all improvements thereon, shall be the sole responsibility of the Association and shall include, but not be limited to, maintenance of the Common Areas including the tracts as depicted on the plat. All maintenance of Lots and Residences located on the Property shall be the sole obligation of the Owner, provided, however, the Association may, from time to time, provide certain common maintenance of Lots and Residences as may be determined to be in the best interests of all Owners. The Association shall maintain and regulate the use of the Common Areas for the benefit of each Lot within the Plat and shall do all reasonable things necessary to preserve and maintain the Common Areas for the purpose intended. lt shall be the responsibility of the Association to maintain anything that is delineated under Article I, Section 5, and any improvements thereon to preserve the value of said Tracts for the use and enjoyment of the Members of the Association in accordance with all restrictions and limitations established for said Tracts through this Declaration, the laws and ordinances of King County, Washington, and all other applicable statutes and regulations. The Declarant, CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 1 l during the Development Period, and the Board following the Development Period, shall have the exclusive right to establish use and operation standards for said Common Areas to preserve the value and desirability of said Common Areas for the enjoyment of the Members of the Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all costs and expenses paid by the Declarant in connection with the maintenance and operation of the Common Areas shall be reimbursed by the Association from the initial general assessments described in Article 7 below; Section 6.2. Responsibility for Maintaining Common Maintenance Areas. The Association is responsible for maintaining and preserving the character of areas designated on the face of the Plat as Common Maintenance Areas. or as defined in this Declaration as Common Maintenance Areas. Common Maintenance Areas have been set aside for landscaping and community identification purposes. Section 6.3. Repair of Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. Any damage to the Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas or improvements thereon, including landscaping plantings, fences, berms, etc., by the Owners or their children or guests shall be repaired within one ( l) week by the Owners who ( or whose children or guests) caused the damages. lf the damage cannot reasonably be repaired within one ( l) week, the time for the Owner to repair the Property shall be extended to the time reasonably required to repair the Property, provided that the Owner promptly begins, and diligently pursues, the repair of the damage. lfsuch repairs are not made timely, the Association shall execute the repair and the Owner will be obligated to immediately pay the Association or its designee for the repair. lfthe Owner fails to promptly make payment for such repairs, the Owner will be charged interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum on the payment due, the payment due shall be a personal liability of the Owner and the amount of the payment due shall be a lien on the Owner's Lot; Section 6.4. Landscape Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the Association to maintain the landscaping and entry monuments, if any, located at the entrance into Chelan Creek, and any landscaping improvements installed on the Tracts or easement areas owned or administered by the Association. Section 6.5. No Improvements in Easements or Tracts. The Association shall not permit any structures, filling, grading or obstruction to be placed beyond the building setbacks as provided for in this Declaration or within the Tracts unless the Association obtains the approval of the City of Renton. No decks, patios. out buildings, or overhangs shall be permitted beyond the building setback line, except as provided for in this Declaration. Section 6.6. Management. Each Owner expressly covenants that the Declarant, (during the Development Period) and the Board thereafter, may delegate all or any portion of their management authority to a managing agent, manager or officer of the Association and may enter into such management contracts or other service contracts to provide for the maintenance of the Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas and any portion thereof. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 12 Any management agreement or employment agreement for the maintenance or management may be terminable by the Association without cause upon ninety (90) days written notice thereof; the term of any such agreement shall not exceed three (3) years, renewable by agreement of the parties for successive periods ofup to three (3) years each. Each Owner is bound to observe the terms and conditions of any such management agreement or employment contract, all of which shall be made available for inspection by any Owner upon request. Any fees or salaries applicable to any such management, employment or service agreement shall be assessed to each Owner. ARTICLE 7 ASSESSMENTS Section 7.1. Obligation of Owners. Each Owner of any Lot, by acceptance ofa deed thereof, whether it shall be so expressed in each deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association (I) annual assessments in such amounts as may be determined by the Board as necessary to satisfy the estimated common expenses for the common areas and other property of the Association. The amount of the common expenses shall be pro-rated equally among all Lots; (2) special assessments for capital improvements; (3) a one-time initial assessment of S400.00 representing each Lot Owner's pro-rata share of reimbursement to the Declarant for such sums advanced by the Declarant for Plat improvements, landscaping, lighting, signage, fencing, etc., plus a sum representing the overhead of Declarant for advancing and/or overseeing and directing the same in amount representing fifteen percent( 15%) of such sums actually advanced by the Declarant, plus interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum accruing thereon from the date advanced until full reimbursement is paid to the Declarant, and ( 4) any assessments made by the Declarant pursuant to this Declaration. No assessments shall be due and payable by Declarant. If the Owner of any Lot fails to timely pay any assessments within thirty (30) days of the date specified by the Association or Declarant (during the Development Period), the annual and special assessments, together with any interest, costs and any reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in attempting to collect the assessment, shall be a lien on the owner's lot and shall also be the personal obligation of the person who is the Owner of such Property at the time when the assessment fell dne. The personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall continue even if the Owner subsequently transfers legal or equitable title to the Lot; however, the personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to the delinquent Owner's successors in ownership of the Lot unless expressly assumed by the successor(s). The Association shall record with the King County Auditor an acknowledged affidavit setting forth the facts of the assessment and the delinquency and such recorded affidavit shall constitute lien on the owner's lot until discharged either by payment or foreclosed as provided for in this Declaration; Section 7.2. Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to (a) promote the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Property, and (b) for the improvements and maintenance of the Common CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 13 Areas and Common Maintenance Areas as provided in Article 6, with the amount based upon the estimated costs as well as reasonable provision for reserves; Section 7.3. Annual Assessments. Until December 31, 2016, the annual assessment shall be $400.00 per Lot except those Lots exempted in Section 7.1; up to twenty-five percent (25%) of which may be allocated and paid to the Declarant for Plat management services provided by the Declarant to the Association (or up to fifty percent (50%) if a professional management firm is hired by Declarant. Such allocation of funds to the Declarant shall cease when the Development Period expires and the Association assumes collection costs, bookkeeping and other management responsibilities which are described with particularity in the Bylaws of the Association. The balance of the annual assessment shall he used by the Declarant during the Development Period and by the Association thereafter for maintenance, repair and other purposes permitted by this Declaration, with reasonable provision for reserves. The annual assessment may be increased (after December 31, 2017) during the Development Period to reflect the increased ( I ) maintenance costs, (2) repair costs, or (3) plat management costs. All increases during the Development Period must directly reflect increase in the above recited costs. During the Development Period, the Declarant shall have the authority to reduce the annual assessments if economic data supports such a reduction because of reduced maintenance costs or other anticipated Association expenses. (a) After the Development Period expires, the annual assessment may not be increased each year more than ten percent ( I 0%) above the maximum assessment for the previous year without a vote of the membership pursuant to Section 3(b) of Article 7 of this Declaration. (b) After the Development Period expires, the annual assessment may be increased by more than ten percent ( I 0%) over the previous year's maximum annual assessment only if two-thirds (2/3 J of the members of the Association, who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for this purpose, consent to such an increase. (c) After the Development Period expires, the Board of Directors shall fix the annual assessment in accord with the above-recited standards. Section 7.4. Special Assessments for Capital improvements. In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Association ( or during the Development Period, the Declarant) may levy, in any assessment year, a common assessment, applicable to that year only, for the purpose for defraying. in whole or in part, the cost of any constmction. reconstmction. repair or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Common Maintenance Areas not prohibited by this Declaration, including fixtures and personal property related thereto, provided that any such assessment for those capital improvements or repairs exceeding $5,000.00 shall have the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Association who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for this purpose. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 14 This $5,000.00 threshold shall be increased by five percent (5%) each year commencing in January, 200 I. Only one such special assessment of any kind may be levied in any fiscal year and only one such assessment may be levied in any five year period for any project that is a continuation of a project for which there has previously been a special assessment. Section 7.5. Notice and Ouomm for any Action of the Association. Written notice of the place, day, hour and purpose of any meeting called for the purpose of taking action by the Association as authorized by this Declaration shall be sent to all members not less than fourteen ( 14) days nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting, and in such manner as may be specified by the Bylaws of the Association. At the first meeting called, the presence of sixty percent ( 60%) of the members of the Association or of proxies entitled to cast sixty percent (60%) of the votes of the Association shall constitute a quorum. If the required quorum is not present, another meeting may be called subject to the same notice requirement; the required quorum at the subsequent meeting shall be one-half of the required quorum at the preceding meeting. ln the event that a quorum is still not achieved at the second meeting, then the Declarant, during the Development Period, and the Board thereafter, shall have the sole and exclusive authority to initiate a special assessment and carry out the capital improvements more fully described in Section 7 herein without first obtaining the approval of the required number of members of the Association. Section 7.6. Unifonn Rate of Assessment. Both the annual and special assessments must be fixed at a unifonn rate for all Lots, provided, however, that any Lot owned by the Declarant shall not be subject to any assessments or charges described in this Declaration. Assessments shall be collected on a monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, annual, or one-time basis as determined by the Declarant during the Development Period or by the Board for periods thereafter. Section 7.7. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessment" Due Dates. The annual assessments described in this Article shall commence immediately upon the closing of the sale of a Lot. The first annual assessment for each Lot owner shall be pro-rated from the day that the sale closed through the first day of the first month after the calendar month in which the Declaration is recorded. After the Development Period expires, the Board of Directors of the Association shall fix the annual assessment. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to every Owner subject to such assessments. The due date shall be established by the Board of Directors. The Association. or its agent, shall, upon demand and for a reasonable charge, furnish a certificate signed by an officer of the Association setting forth whether the assessment on a specified Lot has been paid. A properly executed certificate of the Association as to the status of assessments on a Lot is binding upon the Association as of the date of its issuance. Section7.8. Effect of Non-Payment of Assessments: Remedies of the Association. Any assessment not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date shall bear interest from the CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 15 due date until paid at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. Each Owner hereby expressly vests in the Declarant during the Development Period, or the Association thereafter, or their agents the rights and powers to bring all actions against such Owner personally for the collection of such assessments as debts and to enforce lien rights of the Association by all methods available for the enforcement of such liens, including foreclosure by an action brought in the name of the Association in a like manner as a mortgage of real property. Such Owner hereby expressly grants to the Declarant or to the Association, as applicable, the power of sale in connection with such liens. The liens provided for in this Section shall be in favor of the Declarant or the Association, as applicable, and each shall have the power to bid in an interest at a foreclosure sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage and convey the same. The Owner is responsible for the payment of all attorneys' fees incurred in collecting past due assessments or in enforcing the terms of assessment liens. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided in this Article by non-use of the Common Areas, Common Maintenance Areas or abandonment of his or her Lot. The Association shall have the right to suspend the voting rights and enjoyment of Common Areas of an Owner for any period during which any assessment against the Lot remains unpaid thirty (30) days after it is delinquent and for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days per infraction for any infraction of the terms of either this Declaration. the Articles or the Bylaws of the Association, or of any official, published rules and regulations of the Association. Section 7.9. Subordination of the Lien to Mortgage. The lien for assessments, provided for in this Article, shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust ("first mortgage"). Sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Lot pursuant to a mortgage foreclosure or any proceeding in lieu thereof, or the first mortgage holder's acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien created pursuant to this Article as to payments which become due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or transfer, however, shall (a) relieve such Lot Owner or Lot from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due nor from the lien thereof, nor (b) shall relieve the delinquent Owner from personal liability for the amount of the payments which became due prior to such sale or transfer and the costs and attorney's fees. Section 7.10. Exempt Property. All property dedicated to and accepted by local public authority shall be exempt from the assessments provided for in this Article. Property and Lots within the plat of Chelan Creek owned by the Declarant, and all Common Areas, shall be exempt from any and all assessments provided for in this Declaration. This Section shall apply notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in this Declaration. Section 7 .11. Management by Declarant During the Development Period. Declarant at its option, shall have and may exercise all of the rights and powers herein given to the Association. Such rights and powers are reserved by the Declarant, its successors and assigns as provided in Anicle 2. Declarant shall have the right and option to assess Owners for actual costs in maintaining Common Areas, Common Maintenance Areas and rights-of-way and to assess a Plat management fee during the development period. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 16 ARTICLES MAINTENANCE OF LOTS Section 8.1. Exterior Maintenance bv Owner. Each Lot and Residence shall be maintained by the Owner in a neat, clean and sightly condition at all times and shall be kept free of accumulations of litter, junk, containers, equipment, building materials and other debris. All landscaping areas, including landscaping extending into the City right-of~way, shall be regularly maintained and trimmed to present a clean, neat and well-maintained appearance. All refuse shall be kept in sanitary containers screened from the view of any Lot; the containers shall regularly be emptied and the contents disposed of off the Property. No grass cuttings, leaves, limbs, branches and other debris from vegetation shall be dumped or allowed to accumulate on any part of the Property, except that a regularly tended compost device shall not be prohibited. Section 8.2. Vehicle Parking and Storage. No Vehicle may be parked on any sidewalk areas or building Lots, except on driveways or parking areas which areas shall be hard-surfaced. Only the cars of guests and visitors may be parked on the streets and shall not remain for more than 48 hours. All other vehicles shall be parked in garages or on driveways located entirely on a Lot. No storage of goods, vehicles, boats, trailers, trucks, campers, recreational vehicles or other equipment or device shall be permitted in open view from any Lot or right of way. (Vehicles. boats, trailers. trucks, campers and recreational vehicles shall be referred to as "Vehicles") This provision shall not exclude parking ofup to two (2) automobiles owned or used by the Lot Owner on the driveway areas adjacent to the garages on the Lot. This paragraph is also not meant to disallow permanent ( more than 24 hours) parking or storage of Vehicles on the Lots, but if stored, Vehicles shall be adequately screened from the view of adjacent rights-of-way and Lots. Screening of such Vehicles must have the approval of the Committee. Upon 48 hours' notice to the Owner of an improperly parked Vehicle. the Board has the authority to have towed, at the Owner's expense, any Vehicles, (except automobiles owned or used by the Lot Owners and their invitees and parked on the driveway areas or in the garage on the Lot), still visible from the right-of-way or adjacent Residences that have been parked on any Lot or within the right-of-way for more than 24 hours. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Owners who have visiting guests intending to stay in such a Vehicle may secure written permission from the Board for such guests to park the Vehicle upon the Lot owned by the Owner for a maximum period of one (I) week. Such a privilege shall only exist, however, after the written permission has been obtained from the Board. Section 8.3. Easements for Enforcement Purposes. Owners hereby grant to the Association an express easement for the purposes of going upon the Lots of Owners for the purpose of removing Vehicles or other similar objects which are parked or stored in violation of the terms of this Declaration. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 17 ·. Section 8.4. Lot Maintenance by the Association. In the event that an Owner shall fail to maintain the exterior of his premises and the improvements situated thereon in a manner consistent with the maintenance standards of the Chelan Creek community, including maintenance of landscaping required in the adjacent right-of-way as set forth in Section 11.13, the Board shall, upon receipt of written complaint of any Owner and the subsequent investigation which verifies the complaint, have the right through its agents and employees to enter upon the offending Owner's Lot and repair, maintain and restore the Lot and exterior of the improvements on that Lot if the Owner shall fail to respond in a manner satisfactory to the Board within forty-five (45) days after mailing notice by certified mail to the last known address of the Owner. The cost of such repair, maintenance or restoration shall be assessed against the Lot, and the Board shall have the right to cause to be recorded a notice of lien for reasonable expenses, labor and materials furnished, which lien may be enforced in the manner provided by this Declaration for enforcement of liens for assessments. Section 8.5. Enforcement During the Development Period. During the Development Period, the Declarant may elect to exercise and perform the functions of the Board. If the Oeclarant elects not to perform this function or at any time elects to no longer perform this function, the Declarant shall appoint the Temporary Board to function as provided herein. ARTICLE9 HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION Section 9. l. Non-Profit Corporation. The Association shall be a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the state of Washington. The rights and duties of the members and of the Association shall be governed by the provisions of this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association and such other Rules and Regulations as the Association may hereafter adopt. Section 9.2. Membership. Every person or entity (including Declarant) who is an Owner of any Lot shall become a member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to the Lot and may not he separated from ownership of any Lot and shall not be assigned or conveyed in any way except upon the transfer of title to, or a real estate contract vendee's interest in, said Lot and then only to the transferee of either the title to the Lot or the vendee's interest in the Lot. All Owners shall have the rights and duties specified in this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Association. Section 9.3. Voting Rights. The Association shall have two (2) classes of voting membership: Class A: Class A members shall be all Owners, with the exceptions of ( i) the Declarant while the Declarant is a Class B member, and (ii) the Owners of Lots described as exempt in the Declaration. Class A members shall be entitled to one ( l) vote for each Lot CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 18 owned. When more than one ( 1) person holds an interest in any Lot, all such persons shall be members. The vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they hy majority determine, but in no event shall more than one ( 1) vote be cast with respect to any Lot, nor shall any vote be divided. When more than one person holds an interest in any Lot, all such persons shall unanimously designate (in writing delivered to the secretary of the Association) one of the persons (owning an interest in the Lot) to vote (in person or by proxy) the vote for such Lot; Class B: Class B mcmber(s) shall be the Declarant (as defined in this Declaration), and shall be entitled to one thousand (1,000) votes for each Lot owned. Any remaining Class B membership shall cease and be converted to Class A membership on January 1, 2018. The voting rights of any Owner may be suspended as provided for either in this Declaration, or in the Articles, or in the Bylaws of the Association. Section 9.4. Meetings. Meetings shall be conducted in accord with the Bylaws of the Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association. ARTICLE 10 MANAGEMENT BY BOARD Section IO.I. Expiration of the Development Period. Upon the expiration of the Declarant's management authority under Article 2, all administrative power and authority shall vest in a Board of one ( 1) to three (3) director. The Association, by amendment of the Bylaws, may increase the number of directors. All Board positions shall be open for election at the first annual meeting after termination of the Development Period under Article 2. Section 10.2. Terms. The terms which the Board members will serve are defined in the Bylaws. Section 10.3. Powers of the Board. All powers of the Board must be exercised in accordance with the specifications which are set forth in the Bylaws. The Board, for the benefit of all the Property, and the Lot Owners, shall enforce the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws. In addition to the duties and powers imposed by the Bylaws and any resolution of the Association that may be hereafter adopted. the Board shall have the power and be responsible for the following, in a way of explanation but not limitation: (a) Insurance. At such times as the Board deems appropriate, the Board shall cause the Association to purchase and maintain as a common expense such policies of liability and other insurance as the Board deems advisable. The Board shall provide for the Association to continuously maintain in effect such casualty, flood and liability insurance and a fidelity bond meeting the insurance and fidelity bond requirements for a planned unit development project established by Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home CHELAN CREEK CC &Rs Page 19 Loan Mortgage Corporation, Veterans Administration and the Government National Mortgage Association, so long as any of them are a mortgagee or Owner of a Lot with the project, except to the extent such coverage is not available or has been waived in writing by Federal National Mortgage Association, federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Veterans Administration, and the Government National Mortgage Association, The Board shall obtain as of the date on which the first Lot is transferred from the Declarant to an Owner Occupant, and shall maintain at all subsequent times, a general comprehensive liability insurance policy insuring the Board, the Association and the directors and officers of the Association against any liability to the public or to the Owners and their invitees or tenants incident to the ownership or use of the Common Area or Common Area Improvements. Said insurance shall be in an amount determined by the Board but shall not be less than S 1,000,000.00 covering all claims for personal injury or death and/or property damage arising out of a single occurrence; (b) Legal and Accounting Services. Obtain legal and accounting services if necessary to the administration of Association affairs, administration of the Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas, or the enforcement of this Declaration; (c) Maintenance. Pay from Association funds, all costs of maintaining the Common Area' and Common Maintenance Areas; (d) Maintenance of Lots. Subject to the requirements of this Declaration, maintain any Lot if such maintenance is reasonably necessary in the _judgment of the Board to ( 1) protect Common Maintenance Areas, or (2) to preserve the appearance and value of the Property or Lot. The Board may authorize such maintenance activities if the Owner or Owners of the Lot have failed or refused to perform maintenance within forty-five (45) days (or such other reasonable period of time that shall be determined by the Board) after written notice of the necessity of such maintenance has been delivered by the Board to the Owner or Owners of such Lot, provided that the Board shall levy a special assessment against the Owner or Owners of such Lot and the Lot for the cost of such maintenance; ( e) Discharge of Liens. The Board may also pay any amount necessary to discharge any lien or encumbrance levied against the entire Property or any part thereof which is claimed or may, in the opinion of the Board, constitute a lien against the Property rather than merely against the interest therein of particular Owners. Where one or more Owners are responsible for the existence of such liens, they shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire cost of discharging the lien(s) and all of any costs or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title search incurred by the Board by reason of such lien or liens. Such fees and costs shall be assessed against the Owner or Owners and the Lot(s) responsible to the extent their responsibility; ( f) Utilities. Pay all utility charges attributable to Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas: CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 20 (g) Security. Pay all costs deemed appropriate by the Board to insure adequate security for the Lots and Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas constituting the residential community created on the Property; (h) Right to Contract. Have the exclusive right to contract for goods, services, maintenance and capital improvements provided, however, that such right of contract shall be subject to the provisions of this Declaration; (i) Improvement of Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. Improve the Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas with capital improvements to such Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas; provided that all capital improvements are subject to the procedures set forth in this Declaration; (j) Right of Entry. Enter any Lot or Residence, when reasonably necessary, in the event of emergencies or in connection with any maintenance, landscaping or construction for which the Board is responsible. Except in cases of emergencies, the Board, its agents or employees shall attempt to give notice to the Owner or occupant of any Lot or Residence twenty-four (24) hours prior to such entry. Such entry must be made with as little inconvenience to the Owners as practicable, and any damage caused thereby shall be repaired by the Board, at the Association's expense, if the entry was due to an emergency (unless the emergency was caused by the Owner of the Lot entered, in which case the cost shall be specially assessed to the Lot and against the Owner of the Lot). lfthe repairs or maintenance activities necessitated by the Owner's neglect of the Lot the cost of such repair or maintenance activity shall be specially assessed to that Lot and against the Owner of that Lot. lfthe emergency or the need for maintenance or repair was caused by another Owner of another Lot, the cost thereof shall be specially assessed against the Owner of the other Lot and against the other Lot; (k) Promulgation of Rules. Adopt and publish any rules and regulations governing the members and their guests and establish penalties, including fines, for any infraction thereof; (I) Declaration of Vacancies. Declare the office ofa member of the Board to be vacant in the event that a member of the Board is absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Board; (m) Employment of Mana11er. Employ a manager, an independent contractor, or such other employees as the Board deems necessary and describe the duties of such employees; (n) Payment for Goods and Services. Pay for all goods and services required for the proper functioning oftl1e Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas; ( o) Impose Assessments. Impose annual and special assessments; CHELAN CREEK CC &Rs Page 21 (p) Bank Account. Open a bank account(s) on behalf of the Association and designate the signatories required; and, (q) Exercise of Powers Duties and Authority. Exercise for the Association all powers, duties and authority vested in or delegated to the Association and not reserved to the membership by other provisions by the Bylaws. Articles of Incorporation or this Declaration. The Board shall have all powers and authority permitted to it under this Declaration and the Bylaws. However, nothing herein contained shall be construed to give the Board the authority to conduct a business for profit on behalf of all the Owners or any of them. ARTICLE 11 LAND lJSE RESTRICTIO'.'IIS Section 11.1. Use of Lots. All Lots within the Property shall be used solely for private single-family residential purposes and not for business purposes, provided, however, that within such single family residences the Owner(s) thereof may, upon formal written application to the Board, request permission to operate an in home business. No business or commercial uses may be permitted if the business or commercial activities within a residence are of a nature that are not visible from the exterior of the residence and do not create any unreasonable impact on the neighborhood either from noise, signs, storage of materials, odors or otherwise. Provided, that any such undertaking or operation shall be subject to and shall comply fully with all applicable permitting requirements and regulatory standards. Section 11.2 Residential Conditions and Standards. All residential structures shall comply with the following conditions and standards: a. Total square footage of homes within Chelan Creek (exclusive of garages) shall be a minimum of 1800 square feet for single story houses and 2300 square feet for two story houses. b. The front yard setback for all homes shall be no less than IO feet. c. Side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 5 feet. d. Minimum rear yard setback for all homes shall be IO feet. Section 11.3. Use of Lot Not To Interfere With Rights of Others. No Lot shall be used in a fashion which unreasonably interferes with any other Owner's right to use and enjoy the other Owner's Lots. The Board, the Committee designated by it, or the Declarant during the Development Period, shall detennine whether any given use of a Lot unreasonably interferes with those rights; such detem1inations shall be conclusive. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 22 Section 11.4. No Offensive Activity on Lots. (a) No noxious or offensive activity shall be conducted on any Lot, nor shall anything be done or maintained on the Property which may become an activity or condition which unreasonably interferes with the rights the Declarant gives other Owners to use and enjoy any part of the Property. No activity or condition shall be conducted or maintained on any part of the Property which detracts from the value of the Property as a residential community. No untidy or unsightly condition shall be maintained on any property. Untidy conditions shall include, but are not limited to, publicly visible storage of wood, boats, trailers, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, disabled vehicles of any kind whatsoever, except where specifically provided for said purposes by the Declarant or the Board within the community, ifat all, and landscaping which is not properly maintained. The Board (or the Declarant during the Development Period) shall make the final determination of any violations of this section; and, (b) Notwithstanding anything in Section 3(a) of this Article 11 to the contrary. during the Development Period the Declarant may permit trailers ("temporary trailers) or home(s), which may be used by the Declarant and its authorized representatives, to be placed upon Owner's Lots to facilitate the sale of the Lots and the construction of residences (and residence-associated improvements) upon the Lots. Section I 1.5. Fences. As used in this Declaration "fencing" shall mean any barrier or wall other than natural Ii ving organic vegetation including trees and shrubs. The maximum height of any fence located on any lot shall be six (6) feet. Fences, walls or shrubs are permitted on side and rear property lines, and up to the front wall (facade) the residential structure. All fences are subject to (I) the approval of the Committee and (2) determination whether such fences, walls or shrubs would interfere with utility easements reflected on the face of the Plat and other easements recorded elsewhere. In no event shall any fences be allowed between the front Lot line and the front wall ( fascade) of the primary Residence. No barbed wire, chain link or corrugated fiberglass fences shall he erected on any Lot. All fences, open and solid, are to be constructed according to the design and material specifications as approved by the Committee prior to construction, and shall comply with the fence detail as shown in Exhibit "B". Section 11.6. No Mobiles or Trailers. No mobile or "manufactured" homes, trailers, structures of a temporary character, recreational vehicles, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings shall be used on any Lot at any time as a Residence, either temporarily or permanently. No vehicles parked in public rights-of-way may be used temporarily or permanently for residential purposes. Section I l.7. Mining. No oil drilling. oil development operations, oil refining. quarrying or mining operation of any kind shall be pennitted on or in any Lot, nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavation or shafts shall be permitted on or in any Lot. No CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 23 derrick or other structures designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas shall be erected, maintained or permitted upon any Lot. Section 11.8. Building Setbacks. No structures shall be located closer to the front line or nearer to the side street line than minimum dwelling setback lines required by relevant public zoning ordinances or by this Declaration. For the purpose of this Declaration, eaves, steps, chimneys and open porches shall not be considered as part of the dwelling; provided, however, that this shall not be considered to permit any portion of a dwelling on a Lot to encroach any required setbacks by local codes, or to encroach upon another Lot or upon any easements indicated on the face of the Plat or as otherwise recorded, or upon the Common Areas or Common Maintenance Areas. In no event shall any structures violate any provisions of any City zoning ordinance, or any specific setbacks as set forth on the recorded plat map, or any setbacks imposed through the establishment of easements for utilities or access. Section 11.9. Signs. Subject to applicable sign code regulations adopted by the City of Renton, the posting and display of signage upon the Properties shall be governed by the following: No signs, billboards, or other advertising structures or device shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot except one (I) sign not to exceed three square feet in area may be placed on a Lot to offer the property for sale or rent and with the exception of any entry monumentation and signage which may be installed by the Declarant. Political yard signs, not more than three (3) square feet in area, of a temporary nature, not to exceed sixty ( 60) days, will be allowed during campaign periods on Lots. Within five (5) days after the date of the election to which the sign refers, such signs must be removed from Lots. This Section 11.9 (including, but not limited to, the restrictions on the number of signs and the sign size limit) shall not apply to signs approved under Subsection (I) of Article 11 by the Declarant during the Development Period. (I) The Declarant may establish, for the duration of the Development Period, signage guidelines and standards for Lot identification signs, realtor identification signs, "for sale" signs and other signage that may be placed by parties other than the Declarant on any part of the Lots within Chelan Creek, the Common Areas, the Common Maintenance Areas or public rights-of-way. The Declarant may also develop an overall theme for signage within the project, including specific requirements for physical sign installations and size requirements, which theme will be the established guidelines and standards for signage in Chelan Creek during the Development Period. (2) During the Development Period, the Declarant shall have the sole and exclusive right to approve, in the Declarant's sole discretion, any and all signage installations within any part of the real property encompassed within the plat of Chelan Creek, including the adjacent rights-of-way. Every Owner of a Lot in Chelan Creek and any builder or real estate agent on behalf of an Owner, shall submit any proposed signs to the Declarant for approval prior to installation of the signs. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 24 (3) During the development period, any signs not specifically approved by the Declarant found anywhere within Chelan Creek, the Common Areas, the Common Maintenance Areas, on any lot, (or any other portion of the property identified on the attached Exhibit "A"), or on adjacent rights-of-way, may be promptly removed and disposed ofby the Declarant. The absolute right of the Declarant to remove unauthorized signs from the Property or adjacent rights-of~way specifically includes, but is not limited to, the Declarant's right to remove any all signs placed by real estate agencies or their representatives, including temporary reader board signs and other signage installations, (4) No person, including but not limited to, the person or persons owning any interest in the signs removed, shall be entitled to compensation of any kind for sign(s) removed by Declarant pursuant to this Section, (5) The Board may cause any sign placed on the Property or any adjacent rights- of-way, in violation of this Article 11, Section 9, to be removed and destroyed without compensation of any kind to any one including, but not limited to, any persons having an ownership interest in the sign, This Section shall not apply to signage placed by Declarant (see Section 9(d) of this Article 11 ), (6) Additional signage may be installed by Declarant during the Development Period to promote the sale of Lots or houses and to promote Declarant's project and company and representatives, Notwithstanding anything in this Section 9 of Article 11 to the contrary, signs placed by the Declarant shall not be subject to any sign restrictions, The Declarant shall not be subject to any guidelines or standards established by Declarant for other parties pursuant to this Section 11,9, (7) Under no circumstances shall the Declarant be liable for, or be required to pay, for all or any part of the construction, installation or maintenance of any signs which are placed upon any Lot not owned by the Declarant. Section l l, l 0, Animals. No animals, except dogs, cats, caged birds, fish in tanks, and other small household pets, will be permitted on Lots. Dogs shall not be allowed to run at large or to create a disturbance for other Owners in the plat. No animals will be allowed to be leashed, chained or otherwise tied to any portion of the front or sides of Residences. All owners, their invitees and tenants shall comply with all City ordinances regarding animals on their lots or in the right-of-way and the Association or any owner may enforce, to the extent permitted by law, those City ordinances and regulations by means as set forth in this Declaration. All pens and enclosures must be screened from view of other Residences and Lots and must be approved by the Committee prior to construction and shall be kept clean and odor free at all times. If the investigation of the Board indicates that animals are kept in violation of this Section, the Declarant, during the Development Period, or the Board thereafter, will give the Owner ten ( 10) days written notice of the violation. Such violation must be remedied by the Owner within such ten ( 10) day period. Failure to comply with the written notice will result in a fine ofS25.00 per day. Any fine imposed by this Section shall CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 25 be the personal obligation of the fined Owner and a lien on the Lot of the fined Owner. The Association shall be entitled to attorneys' fees, costs and expenses for any action taken to collect such fines in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration. Section 1 1.11. Driveways. All driveways shall be paved with concrete, unless otherwise approved by the Committee. Section 11.12. Delegation of Use and Responsibilities. Any Owner may delegate, to members of his family or his tenants, in accordance with the Bylaws of Chelan Creek Homeowner's Association, the Owner's right of enjoyment of Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas. In the event an Owner rents or leases his property, a copy of this Declaration, as well as any rules and regulations that may be adopted by the Association, shall be made available by the Owner to the prospective renter at the time of commitment to the rental agreement. Each Owner shall also be responsible for infonning guests and service personnel of the contents of this Declaration, as well as any rules and regulations that may be adopted by the Association as they may relate to appropriate community behavior. Each Owner personally, and the Owner's Lot, shall be responsible for any damages to any Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas (or any other area maintained by the Association) or to any other Association property, whether real or personal, caused by an Owner, the Owner's family, guest, tenant, agent, workman, contractor or other licensee or invitee. The Association shall have a lien upon the Owner's Lot for the amount of the damages. Section 11.13. Landscaping Standards. The entire front yard landscaping should be installed prior to occupancy (weather permitting). The entire landscaping, including the remaining portion of the side and rear yard, shall be installed within six (6) months of the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Each Lot Owner shall be responsible for installing and maintaining the landscaping within the adjacent right-of-way. If inclement weather conditions prevent the timely installation of said landscaping improvements for either front or back yard, the Lot Owner must make application to the Committee for an extension of time until weather conditions sufficiently improve. "Front yard" shall be defined as the lot area extending from the front property line back to a line measured parallel with the front property line which would coincide with the front wall of the main dwelling on the Lot, exclusive of any garage projections. The front yard landscaping shall include all of the adjacent street right-of~way along the Lot frontage and side frontage out to the edge of the curb or sidewalk in the street. Each Lot Owner shall be responsible for installing and maintaining the landscaping within this adjacent right-of-way, except as otherwise provided above. CHELAN CREEK CC &Rs ARTICLE 12 BUILDING RESTRICTIONS Page 26 Section 12. l. Building Materials. All homes constructed on each Lot shall be built of new materials, with the exception of "decor" items such as used brick, weathered planking, and similar items. The Committee will detem1ine whether a used material is a "decor" item. In making this determination, the Committee will consider whether the material harmonizes with aesthetic character of the Chelan Creek development and whether the material would add to the attractive development of the subdivision. All roofs are to be black dimensional composition with a minimum 30 year warranty. There shall be no T-1 11 type siding permitted. The exterior of all construction on any Lot shall be designed, built and maintained in such a manner as to blend in with the natural surroundings and landscaping within Chelan Creek. Exterior colors must be approved by the Committee. Exterior trim, fences, doors, railings. decks, eaves, gutters and the exterior finish of garages and other accessory buildings shall be designed, built and maintained to be compatible with the exterior of the structure they adjoin. The Committee or Board will establish an approval process and color guidelines. Any change of color of the exterior of any existing home within Chelan Creek is subject to the same approval process. Section 12.2. Maintenance of Lots During the Construction Period. Each Lot Owner, exclusive of the Declarant, shall have a responsibility to generally maintain the Lot in either a natural forested condition prior to any clearing, or in a neat and clean appearance after construction commences for a Residence on said Lot. After clearing of vegetation for construction, the debris from the clearing operation shall be promptly removed from the Lot and disposed of off site within twenty (20) days. During construction of each Residence, periodic efforts shall be made by the Owner, or the Owner's construction representatives. to pick up scrap materials and other construction debris and to periodically dispose of said materials. This shall be done at least weekly. Upon completion of the construction on any Lot and prior to the occupancy of the structure, the Lot Owner shall be responsible for keeping the landscaping improvements and the structure itself in a clean and neat appearance. This shall include the responsibility for regular landscape maintenance, watering, trimming, and upkeep to present a finished, manicured appearance of said premises from the adjacent right-of-way. In the event that the Lot Owner, or Owner's construction representative(s), fails to meet the standards set forth in this Section, the Board shall have the right to complete such clean-up activity in accordance with the provisions as set forth in Article 8. Section 12.3. Permits. No construction or exterior addition or change or alteration of any structure may be started on any portion of the Properties without the Owner first obtaining a building permit and other necessary permits from the proper local governmental authority, and written approval of such permits from the Committee or the Declarant, as well as plan check approval as set forth in this Declaration. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 27 Section 12.4 _ Codes. All construction shall confonn to the requirements of all applicable regulations and International and Uniform Codes (including without limitation all building, mechanical. plumbing and wiring codes), as adopted by the State of Washington and the City of Renton. Section 12.5. The Time of Completion. The exterior of any structures, including painting or other suitable finish and front yard landscaping, shall be completed within nine (9) months of the beginning of construction so as to present a finished appearance when viewed from any angle. The construction area shall be kept reasonably clean during the construction period. Section 12.6. Entry for Inspection. Any agent, officer or member of the Board, Committee or (during the development period) the Declarant may, at any reasonable predetermined hour upon twenty-four (24) hour notice during construction or exterior remodeling, enter and inspect the structure to determine if there has been compliance with the provisions of this Declaration. The above-recited individuals shall not be deemed guilty of trespass for such entry or inspection. There is created an easement over, upon and across the residential Lots for the purpose of making and carrying out such inspections. Section 12.7. Contractor. Without the prior approval of the Committee, no home may be constructed on any Lot other than by a contractor licensed as a general contractor under the statutes of the State of Washington. ARTICLE 13 UTILITIES Section 13 .1. Wiring. The wiring ( other than interior wiring) for huildings of any kind shall be underground. Section 13.2. Antennae. No radio or television antennae, transmitters or parabolic reflectors (except satellite dish antennae having a diameter of 24" or less) shall be permitted unless fully screened from public view or unless approved by the Committee. Any such installations shall not be approved if, in the sole discretion of the Committee, the installation(s) will detract from the appearance of the Lot or Properties. ARTICLE 14 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Section 14.1. Architectural Control Committee ("Committee"). So long as the Declarant is either a Class A or Class B voting member of the Association, the Declarant shall act as the Architectural Control Committee ("act as the Committee") (even if the Development Period has ended) unless the Declarant elects not to act as the Committee. If CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 28 the Declarant is acting as the Committee, the Declarant shall have all authority and perfonn all functions given to the Committee by these Declarations and applicable law; all references to "Committee" in this Declaration shall apply to the Declarant while acting as the Committee. If the Declarant is still a voting member of the Association but elects not to act as the Committee, then if the Development Period has not ended, Declarant shall appoint a Committee to function as the Committee and after the Development Period, the Board shall appoint the Committee. At such time as the Declarant is no longer a voting member of the Association, the Board shall have the authority to appoint the Committee provided for by this Article 14. The Committee, when appointed, shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than five ( 5) members. Section 14.2. Jurisdiction and Purpose. The Committee or the Declarant as set forth herein, shall review proposed plans and specifications for Residences, accessory structures, fences, walls, appurtenant recreational facilities ( e.g., hot tubs, basketball courts, tennis courts, swimming pools and bath houses), or other exterior structures to be placed upon the Properties. No exterior addition, structural alteration, or exterior structures of any kind may be made until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind. shape, height, materials and location of the proposed structure or alteration have been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Committee. The Committee shall also review proposals to change the exterior color of homes in the Plat. The Committee shall determine whether the exterior design and location of the proposed structure, alteration, or color change harmonizes with the (I ) surrounding structures. (2) surrounding natural and built environment, and (3) aesthetic character of other homes in the Plat. Section 14.3. Membership. Except as provided in Section I of this Article 14, the Committee shall be designated by the Board. An election to fill either a newly created position on the Committee or a vacancy on the Committee requires the vote of the majority of the entire Board. However, the Board is not obliged to fill a vacancy on the Committee unless the membership of the Committee numbers less than three (3) persons. Section 14.4. Designation of a Representative. The Committee may unanimously designate one or more of its members or a third party to act on behalf of the Committee with respect to both ministerial matters and discretionary judgments. The decisions of such individuals are subject to review by the entire Committee at the request of any member of the Committee. Section 14.5. Donation of Time. No member of the Committee shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed on behalf of the Committee. Committee members shall have no financial liability resulting from Committee actions. Members of the Committee shall be entitled to compensation for reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties as members of the Committee. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 29 Section 14.6. Address of the Committee. The address of the Committee shall be at the registered oftice address of the Association. Section 14.7. Voting. Committee decisions shall be determined by a majority vote of the members of the Committee. Section 14.8. Submission of Plans. All plans and specifications required to be submitted to the Committee shall be submitted by mail to the address of the Committee in duplicate. The written submission shall contain the name and address of the Owner submitting the plans and specifications identify the Lot involved, and the following information about the proposed structures: (a) The location of the structure upon the Lot; (b) The elevation of the structure with reference to the existing and finished Lot grades; {c) The general design; (d) The interior layout; (e) The exterior finish materials and color, including roof materials; and, ( f) Other information which may be required in order to determine whether the structure conforms to the standards articulated in this Declaration and the standards employed by the Committee in evaluating development proposals. Section 14.9. Evaluating Development Proposals. The Committee shall have the authority to establish aesthetic standards for evaluating development proposals. In addition to these guidelines, in evaluating development proposals, the Committee shall determine whether the external design, color, building materials, appearance, height, configuration, location on the Lot, and landscaping of the proposed structure (the "design elements") harmonize with ( I ) the various features of the natural and built environment, (2) the aesthetic character of the other homes in Chelan Creek, and (3) any other factors which affect the desirability or suitability ofa proposed structure or alteration (collectively the "approval factors"). The Committee shall decline to approve any design in which ( I ) the design elements fail to harmonize with the approval factors described in the previous sentence or which fail to meet any aesthetic standards promulgated by the Committee, (2) impacts adversely on nearby Properties and Common Areas, or (3) is of a temporary or non-permanent nature. Committee determinations may be amended by a majority vote of Committee members. Any changes subject to review per the terms set forth herein which are undertaken without submission to the Architectural Control Committee shall be deemed to have been CHELAN CREEK CC &Rs Page 30 disapproved. The Committee has the authority to stop further work as well as the authority to have prior work undone. Section 14.10. Exclusions. The Declarant shall have the right to waive the plans and specifications review for builders in Chelan Creek. Any such waiver shall not exempt said bui Ider from any of the standards or restrictions articulated in this Declaration and all structures and improvements shall meet all standards and restrictions contained in these declarations. Section 14.11. Approval Procedures. Within fourteen ( 14) days after the receipt of plans and specifications, the Committee shall approve or disapprove the proposed structure. The Committee may decline to approve plans and specifications which, in its opinion. do not conform to restrictions articulated in this Declaration or to its aesthetic standards. The Committee shall indicate its approval or disapproval on one of the copies of the plans and specifications provided by the applicant and shall return the plans and specifications to the address shown on the plans and specifications. In the event that no disapproval of such plans and specifications is given within fourteen ( 14) days of submission, then the plans shall be deemed to be approved. In any event, the Association shall hold the Committee members (and the Declarant) hannless from any actions taken (or actions not taken) relative to the approval, disapproval, or non-action on any plans submitted for review. "Non-action" on the part of the Committee shall not exempt the applicant from any of the provisions of this Declaration or the restrictions articulated herein. By purchasing a Lot in Chelan Creek, the Owners agree that, to the extent permitted by law, the Declarant shall have no liability to the Owners or the Association for any actions taken, or actions not taken, while acting as the Committee. Section 14.12. Compliance with Codes/Environmental Laws. (a) In all cases, ultimate responsibility for satisfying all local building codes and requirements rests with the Owner and contractor employed by the Owner. The Committee has no responsibility for ensuring that plans and specifications which it reviews comply with local building codes and requirements. The Owner shall hold the Committee members (and Declarant) harmless in the event that a structure which the Committee (or Declarant) authorizes fails to comply with relevant building and zoning requirements or these covenants and restrictions contained herein. No person on the Committee or acting on behalf of the Committee, nor the Declarant acting as the Committee, or anyone acting on behalf of the Declarant, shall be held responsible for any defect in any plans or specifications which are approved by the Committee or Declarant nor shall any member of the Committee or any person acting on behalf of the Committee or Declarant be held responsible for any defect in a structure which was built pursuant to plans and specifications approved by the Committee, or by the Declarant. (b) Neither the Declarant, the Committee, nor any member of the Committee, nor the Association, nor anyone acting on behalf of the Committee or the Association shall have CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 31 any responsibility for compliance by the Owner ( or any agent, representative. guest, or invitee of Owner) with any environmental laws, regulations, or rules. including, but not limited to, those relating to hazardous waste and placement of underground oil tanks. Section 14.13. Variation. The Committee shall have the authority to approve plans and specifications which do not conform to these restrictions in order to ( I ) overcome practical difficulties or (2) prevent undue hardship from being imposed on an Owner as a result of applying these restrictions. However. such variations may only be approved in the event that the variation will not ( I ) detrimentally impact on the overall appearance of the development. (2) impair the attractive development of the subdivision or (3) adversely affect the character of nearby Lots. Granting such a variation shall not constitute a waiver of the restrictions articulated in this Declaration. Variations shall only be granted if the Committee determines that the variation would further the purposes and intent of these restrictions. Variations shall only be granted in extraordinary circumstances. Section 14.14. Enforcement. The Association (including the Declarant on behalf of the Association), Board. or any Owner shall have the right to bring a suit for judicial enforcement of a detennination of the Committee, or, after the Development Period, to seek an order requiring the Committee to exercise its authority, and perform its functions, under this Article 14. In any judicial action to enforce a determination of the Committee, the losing party shall pay the prevailing party's attorney's fees, expert witness fees, and other costs incurred in connection with such a legal action or appeal (see Article l 5, Section 5 ). Section 14.15. Committee/Declarant Liability. The Association shall hold the Committee Members and the Declarant, if acting as the Committee, harmless from any actions taken (or actions not taken) under any provision of this Declaration, including, but not limited to, actions taken ( or not taken) under Articles l 1, 12, and 13 of this Declaration. By purchasing a Lot in Chelan Creek, the Owners agree that, to the extent permitted by the law, neither the Declarant (nor any officer, director, or representative of the Declarant), nor the Committee ( nor any member of the Committee) shall have any liability to the Owners or to the Association for any actions taken, or actions not taken, while acting as the Declarant or the Committee under this Declaration. "Non-action" on the part of the Committee or the Declarant shall not exempt the applicant from any of the provisions of this Declaration or restrictions contained in this Declaration. ARTICLE 15 CONDEMNATION Section 15.l. Partial Condemnation of Common Areas. In the event ofa partial condemnation of the Common Areas, the proceeds shall be used to restore the remaining Common Areas, and any balance remaining shall be distributed to the Association; CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 32 Section 15 .2. Entire Condemnation of Common Areas. In the event that the entire Common Area is taken or condemned, or sold, or otherwise disposed of in lieu or in avoidance thereof, the condemnation award shall be distributed to the Association. No proceeds received by the Association as the result of any condemnation shall be distributed to a Lot Owner or to any other party in derogation of the rights of the first mortgagee of any Lot. ARTICLE 16 l\10RTGAGEES' PROTECTION Section 16.1. Mortagee Definitions. As used in this Declaration: ( 1 ) "mortgagee" includes the beneficiary ofa deed of trust, a secured party, or other holder ofa security interest; (2) "foreclosure" includes a notice and sale proceeding pursuant to a deed of trust or sale on default under a security agreement; and (3) "institutional holder" means a mortgagee which is a bank or savings and loan association or established mortgage company, or other entity chartered under federal or state laws, any corporation or insurance company, or any federal or state agency; Section 16.2. Prior Approval Of Mortgagee Before Action. The prior written approval ofat least Seventy-Five Percent (75%) of the first mortgagees (based on one vote for each first Mortgage owned) of the individual Lot shall be required for any of the following: (a) Any material amendment to this Declaration or to the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Owners Association, including, but not limited to, any amendment which would change the ownership interests of the Owners in the project, change the pro-rata interest or obligation of any individual Owner for the purpose of levying assessments or charges or for allocating distrihutions of hazard insurance proceeds or condemnation awards. (b) The effectuation of any decision by the Owner's Association to terminate professional management and assume self-management (however, this shall not be deemed or construed to require professional management). ( c) Partitioning or subdividing any Lot. (d) Any material amendment of this Declaration or to the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Association. Section 16.3. Further Rights of Mortgagees. Each first mortgagee shall be entitled, upon request, to: (a) Inspect the books and records of the Association during normal business hours. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 33 (b) Require the preparation of at its expense, (if preparation is required), and receive an annual audited financial statement of the Association for the immediately preceding fiscal year, except that such statement need not be furnished earlier than ninety (90) days following the end of such fiscal year. ( c) Receive written notice of all meetings of the Owners Association and be permitted to designate a representative to attend all such meetings. Section 16.4. Miscellaneous Rights ofMortgauee. First mortgagees of any Lot may, jointly or singly, pay taxes or other charges which are in default and which may or have become a charge against the Common Areas, and may pay overdue premiums on hazard insurance policies, or secure new hazard insurance coverage on the lapse of a policy, for such Common Areas, and the first mortgagees making such payments shall be owed immediate reimbursement therefor from the Association. ARTICLE 17 GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 17. I. Covenants Running with the Land. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them for a period of twenty (20) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time the covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten ( I 0) years unless an instrument signed by a majority of the individuals then owning Lots has been recorded which reflects their intent to amend, or remove the covenants in whole or in part. Section l 7.2. Amendment. This Declaration may be amended during the development period if (a) the Declarant gives the Declarant's express written approval of the amendment in writing, and (b) the Owners of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Lots, including those owned by the Declarant, sign an instrument ( which may be executed in counterparts) approving the amendment. This Declaration may be amended after the development period ends at any time if the Owners of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Lots vote (one vote per lot) to amend particular provisions of this instrument as then in effect (including any prior amendments). In no event shall any provisions expressly referring to the Declarant be amended at any time without he express written approval of the Declarant or the Declarant's successor in interest (unless the Declarant, or the Declarant's successor in interest, no longer exists)_ All amendments must be recorded with the office of the King County Auditor. Notwithstanding anything in this Declaration to the contrary, Declarant may without the consent of any Owner, at any time during the development period, amend this Declaration by an instrument signed by Declarant alone in order to satisfy the requirements of the Federal Mortgage Agencies and/or other financial institutions. Section 17.3. Certain Rights of Declarant. During the development period, there shall be no amendments to the Declaration, the Articles oflncorporation, the Bylaws of the CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 34 Association, or any Rules and Regulations adopted by the Association unless aproved by the Declarant which: (a) Discriminate or tend to discriminate against the Declarant's rights as an Owner; (b) Change Article 1 ("Definitions") in a manner which alters Declarant's rights or status. (c) Alter the character and rights ofmemebership or the rights of the Declarant under this Declaration. (d) Alter previously recorded or written agreements with public or quasi-public agencies regarding easements and rights-of-way. (e) Alter Declarant's rights relating to architectural controls. (f) Alter the basis for assessments. (g) Alter the provisions of the use restrictions as set forth in this Declaration. (h) Alter the number or selection of Directors as established in the Bylaws. ( i) Alter the Declarant's rights as they appear under this Article. Section 17.4. Insurance. The Association shall have no obligation to obtain any insurance on the Lots or the structures located on the Lots except as expressly provided herein. Section 17.5. Enforcement. The Association (including the Declarant on behalf of the Association), the Board, or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any legal proceeding, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Section 17.6. Failure to Enforce. No delay or omission on the part of the Declarant, the Association, or the Owners of Lots in exercising any rights, power, or remedy provided in this Declaration shall be construed as a waiver of or acquiescence in any breach of the covenants, conditions, reservations, or restrictions set forth in the Declaration. No action shall be brought or maintained by anyone whatsoever against the Declarant for or on account of its failure to bring any action for any breach of these covenants, conditions. reservations, or restrictions, or for imposing restrictions which may be unenforceable. Section 17.7. Attorney's Fees. ln the event that it is necessary to seek the services of any attorney in order to enforce any ( 1 ) provisions of this Declaration, or (2) lien created CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 35 pursuant to the authority of this Declaration, the individual against whom enforcement is sought shall be personally obligated to pay any attorney's fees, costs or expenses incurred. If the Owner fails to pay such fees within sixty (60) days, such fees shall become a lien against the Owner's Lot. In any legal action commenced in order to enforce the provisions of this Declaration, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all expense, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees including expert witness fees incurred in order to enforce the provisions of this Declaration. Section 17.8. Liens for Other Charges. This Section shall apply to all fees, charges, penalties, interest, costs, attorney's fees and other amounts assessed against an Owner or the Owner's Lot (the "other charges") including those described in Sections 3 and 4 of Article 7 of this Declaration (the "regular assessments" and "special assessments"). Unless otherwise provided in this Declaration, the other charges shall be a personal obligation of the Owner, and also a lien against the Owner's Lot(s) identical to the lien of the regular assessments. The I iens upon Lots for other charges may be recorded, collected and foreclosed in the same manner as liens for regular assessments, with the costs ( including reasonable attorneys' fees) of collection or foreclosure, or both, to be additional "other charges" for which the Owner shall be personally liable and which shall be a lien on the Owner's Lot enforceable as provided in this Section. Section 17.9. Interest. All assessments, penalties, liens, fines, and other charges shall bear interest, if not paid when due. at the rate of twelve percent ( 12%) per annum until paid in full. The interest shall accrue from the due date. Section 17.10. Successors and Assigns. The covenants, restrictions and conditions articulated in this Declaration shall run with the land and shall accordingly be binding on all successors and assigns. Section 17.11. Severability. The invalidity of any one or more phases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections herein shall not affect the remaining portions of this Declaration or any part thereof. In the event that one or more of the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections contained herein should be invalid, this Declaration shall be construed as if the invalid phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section had not been inserted. CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 36 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Declarant herein, has caused this Declaration to be executed this of , 2016 "DECLARANT" Chelan Creek, LLC By: Jonathan Bartels Title: Managing Member ST A TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of King ) On this day personally appeared before me Jonathan Bartels, to me known to be the Managing Member of CHELAN CREEK, LLC, the Limited Liability Company which executed the foregoing instrument, and acknow !edged said instrument to be the Limited Liability Company 's free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of the Limited Liability Company. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ___ day of ______ , 2013. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at ___________ _ My Commission expires: CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 37 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 1 THROUGH 14 TOGETHER WITH TRACTS "A", "B'', "C'', "D" and "E" AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF CHELAN CREEK AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY AUDITOR'S FILE NO. -------------- CHELAN CREEK CC&Rs Page 38 . SUBDIVISION Issued By: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY by its agent: fOl TICOR TITLE COMPANY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation, herein called the Company, GUARANTEES C.E.S NW, Inc. Guarantee/Certificate Number· 70049051 ., :, herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth in Schedule A. Please note carefully the liability exclusions and limitations and the specific assurances afforded by this guarantee. If you wish additional liability, or assurances other than as contained herein, please contact the Company for further information as to the availability and cost. Ticer Title Company 701 5th Ave., Ste. 2560 Seattle, WA 98104 Countersigned By: ,, .,/. '{-,'. ·-;.-, .. ,._ 'I •_i. ----...._ Authorized Officer or Agent Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 1 Chicago Title Insurance Company By: Attest: President Secretary Printed: 05.27.16@09:07 AM WA -TT-FNWT-02840.660004-SPS-1-16-70049051 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE "JMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 70049051 Liability $0.00 ISSUING OFFICE: Title Officer Reid Vance Ticor Title Company 701 5th Ave., Ste. 2560 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone 206-393-0921 Fax: 877-521-9938 Main Phone: (425)255-7575 Email: Reid.Vance@TicorTitle.com SCHEDULE A Premium $0.00 Effective Date: May 18, 2016 at 08:00 AM The assurances referred to on the face page are: Tax $0.00 That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matter relative to the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Title to said real property is vested in: Chelan Creek, LLC, a Washington limited liability company subject to the matters shown below under Exceptions, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority. END OF SCHEDULE A Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 2 Printed: 05.27.16 @09:07 AM WA-TT-FNWT-02840.660004 -SPS-1-16-70049051 I EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-08-066-LLA,RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20090130900003, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificaie Page 3 Printed: 05.27.16@09:07 AM WA-TT-FNWT-02840.660004-SPS-1-16-70049051 . CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE ..,vMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 70049051 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: H. Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: King County Water District No. 90 Water pipes August 6, 1958 4929607 Westerly 30 feet 2. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Electric transmission and/or distribution line July 5, 1945 3483193 Westerly 12 feet 3. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Roadway July 29, 1945 3482033 West 12 feet 4. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: King County Water District No.90 Water pipes August 6, 1958 4929604 Westerly 30 feet 5. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Subdiv1s1on Guarantee/Certificate Ingress, egress and utilities December 10, 1980 8012100305 West 12 feet Page 4 Printed: 05.27.16@ 09.07 AM WA-TT-FNWT-02840.660004-SPS-1-16-70049051 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE vuMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 70049051 SCHEDULE B (continued) 6. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Puget Sound Energy, Inc., a Washington corporation Purpose: Construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace, improve, remove, upgrade and extend utility system(s) for transmission, distribution and sale of gas and electricity. Recording Date: April 4, 2016 Recording No. 20160404000115 Affects: An area ten (10) feet in width having five (5) feet of such width on each side of the centerline of said facilities as now constructed or to be constructed, extended or relocated lying within the above described property. 7. Affidavit regarding accessory dwelling unit, and the terms and conditions thereof: Recording Date: Recording No.: November 4, 1998 9811042040 8. Declaration of public sewer covenant, and the terms and conditions thereof: Recording Date: Recording No.: November 4, 1998 9811042041 9. Declaration of public sewer covenant, and the terms and conditions thereof: Recording Date: Recording No.: December 17, 1998 9812172579 10. Agreement for temporary water service connection, and the terms and conditions thereof: Recording Date: Recording No.: February 8, 1999 9902082449 11. Roadway maintenance and use agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Recording Date: Recording No.: April 17, 1987 8704170496 Said instrument does not include a legal description. 12. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on Boundary / Lot Line Adjustment: Recording No: 20040406900020 Subdiv1s1an Guarantee/Certificate Page 5 Pnnted: 05.27.16@09:07 AM WA-TI-FNWT-02840 .660004-SPS-1-16-70049051 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE 1.,uMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 70049051 SCHEDULE B (continued) 13. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal Jaws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on Boundary I Lot Line Adjustment: Recording No: 20090130900003 14. An ordinance establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer service, and the terms and conditions thereof: Recording Date: Recording No.: June 21, 1996 9606210966 15. Any rights, interests, or claims which may exist or arise by reason of the following matters disclosed by survey, Recording Date: Recording No.: January 30, 2009 20090130900003 16. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Gas and electricity transmission and/or distribution lines April 4, 2016 20160404000115 Portion of said premises 17. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: Tax Account Number: Levy Code: Assessed Value-Land: Assessed Value-Improvements: General and Special Taxes: Billed: Subdiv1s1on Guarantee/Certificate 2016 102305-9106-00 2145 $402,000.00 $0.00 $5,327.47 Paid: Unpaid: Page 6 $2,663.74 $2,663.73 Printed: 05.27.16@09:07 AM WA-TT-FNWT-02840.660004-SPS-1-16-70049051 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE CuMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 70049051 SCHEDULE B (continued) 18. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: Tax Account Number: Levy Code: Assessed Value-Land: Assessed Value-Improvements: General and Special Taxes: Billed: 2016 102305-9440-05 2146 $402,000.00 $69,000.00 $5,632.84 Paid: Unpaid: $5,632.84 $0.00 19. A Commercial Construction Deed of Trust Future Advances and Future Obligations to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: Dated: Trustor/Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Recorded: Recording No.: $1,950,000.00 December 2, 2015 Chelan Creek, LLC, a Washington limited liability company Ticor Title Company Columbia State Bank December 23, 2015 20151223001326 END OF EXCEPTIONS NOTES The following matters will not be listed as Special Exceptions in Schedule B of the policy. There will be no coverage for loss arising by reason of the matters listed below because these matters are either excepted or excluded from coverage or are not matters covered under the insuring provisions of the policy. Note A: Note B: Note: FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per Amended RCW 65.04.045. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document: LT. 2, CITY OF RENTON LLANO. LUA-08-066-LLA, REC. 20090130900003 Tax Account No.: 102305-9106-00 and 102305-9440-05 Note: The Public Records indicate that the address of the improvement located on said Land is as follows: XXXX Chelan Avenue Northeast Renton, WA 98059 END OF NOTES END OF SCHEDULE B Subdivision Gua1antee/Certificate Printed: 05.27.16@ 09:07 AM WA-TT-FNWT-02840.660004-SPS-1-16-70049051 Page 7 . -.-i , .. -----------------~.------i I l / _ AUG& l!. ~ !!. !U!. l !!. :t ~SIS ACRDIWl'l' Nde thia / f~y of. _ _,,obL.::c"'--;:o:,V:,:.· ::.--':=cc-__ , 195.l'.._. by anct between _____ HttJl.J.Jlda,aiUE:i.....-'8"""1.tnu1 __ ,,._....,,,;·:,.._,_,._ .l..,_,_eca;v ________ _,-........ part. end kh3: King County Water Pls....t.L~"-''~r~t...,.No......__9~0"------------ a m:u.nici.pal corporatiQn 4f ___ K_i_n_ga:... _____ ,County., State of Wuhing- ton. pa¥ty of tll• aecond part, WITNBSSBTHa That aa1d part1•• of t.b.e fir•t partt for and in c:on&1deret1on of the aum of fl.00 to theM in hilnd pl!id by the aaid party of tbe eecond part, and other valu.llble cona14erat.ion. receipt whereof 1.a hereby acltnow- ledged, do by theee praanta grant, bargain, aall, convey, and confirm. 'Wlto the a&id party ot the second part a r1iht-of-way or eaeemant for~ ------'w~a~t~e~r~P~i~pe"-"s-------------'wi.th the necese.ary appurten- ances over, -t:lu:'ough,acroaa and upon the following de111c.r1btui pre.party . 11tuatlild in ·-----'""i'"n,.9._,C"'o"'u"'n'"t_.y ______ , Washinvton, p&r:tiC\llarly de- •eribed aa ~o11CIIQs 1958 That part of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., described as follows: The Westerly 30 ft. of the South 450 ft. of the North 660 ft. of the E~ of the W~ of tha SE\ of the NW~ • 2 sheetii', • • • J . ---' l ' ' , I i ' J • • . . upon by tile party of the se~oncl pa:ct,, ,;; ' : ,}'1' 1: ,, ,,, ----···--·'··----·-------... , \, i (.'' ,, ·---···--·-·--··--·--···------· _ ----·-·-tn ViC 1:!l.o.,.r, to lw ti'. e : ;', ;1 viJ ,: J <' '· ".',ii;ta11. ·J, A~U~G 6LJ19~58!.._, __ _........, ·--:--:-----~---:--,, ... --- i i ! l ~ -~.,,, • • : • , t • . , • • • • i' ff\ 1~ ff\ a ' ff\ -111 • .. .. , • 8 li.1.: • • • ·, I I I i I I I ' ! I I . !!. !. !. !!. I!. B !!. t this //Z{y of._,1,._U;.;;;"-C-'"'~-'--=---·195.1:..., --------------------,...hi• wi..fe, part.!,ae of tJ,,1 firat part, a.nd *ka kING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #90 a IDUU.c1pal CO:tpgrat1on of. __ ,.K,.TN"'G.._ ______ County, State of lf'Uhing- ton, party of the aecond pert, WI'l.'NBSSM.!I: '!'hat •a.td. partJ.e• of the ~irat part, .for and in con.14eratton of Uc :u of $1.00 to tbem in b,and paid l>y the •aid party of the Beconc! part, and other ~uable conaidc!iration. receipt whereof 111 hereby actnow- ledged. do by theae' pr .. nta grant, ba.rgatn, ae11, convey, and =n~irm un~o the ea.id Party of the ••cond part a rii;bt-oi-way o~ eaaament for ax ----~W-•~t~e~r_P_i~pe:..c.•c._ _____ ~----~with the neceaaary appu.~n- ancu over, . through, acroaa arid u.pon the following 4eec.r1'.bed property . situated in ·~---=Ki"ng"-c"'o"""'"n"-t"y'-------• Washington, part:i.C\llarly de- That part Of Section 10, TOl!il'nShip 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., described aa folla..,s: The Westerly 30 ft. of the No~th 330 ft. of the South 660 ft. Of the E~ Of thew~ Of the SE~ of the NW~. • --··11· ---------, 2shee$· ,. ·-:..:_, I I 1 )J AUG& 1958 ' l! . '. i ' 1 ·· ' -. 1 ... J ,t . ·~ . . • • I /~ ( I / C1l(;h i,_i., 1 0rc:i:'.'l.Hz, :;.lt·-~:r:l.:"'? rir ,·.ccunni:.r1.u:t:i.r::r :'>:td __ , . .w:a.~r--...pipe. 41 -- • .J)." :c1;:Jdnr~ c:ny c::::1:nc.,...:t.i0n3 tr1e.re:1iti, .~ i:itl1 .,ut :lncurr:lrr· 1, y ·i '!f:.~J .1·:1.! 1. ~sc:-- ;ood '-' condition a,:; they were in;1J1et.lic.tcly 1.,-::,:.·ore ,~hs v,:, ... UJ;o;1 b:• the warty of the second part~ .l --~--·---·-------~·--. ... ., .. ~---·- ·:/ .. :, r.:s1cler:,l,-J 1 G~~ ~. nut ·:~7-~bl:lc .. :i.n :4nd .f:o:::· t.'.~e .':it.·t:e of \ 1 _,, ,01-JJ ;~13:;.•t1 i"y t,;1:: ", ,;;J tJLl.G ~lk. t<0V O,,: •... ~&(,~~ _ ·-··-·-' 0 ',On<-ll!J <"".p;nar::d ~0i'orr~ :.1e~.y-.. 1]:L1:o __ ..£.,1::..d.'._~.££..~~r. '"·' J!t:t)_·?:~/_i2_ _ _/]~---__ ,_to ue kr.01,:n to b(> i·t,,, .i .·~· •. /: ·1,J AUG& 1958 ·-~ I I I I I I I I l j f • • . . /-. -,-.---- \-=:-.:::.i ·, ~'~::t 1 ·"d '·' CII ';~ CII ;~· Q j .to '':l ' /i I ' \ ,,: '·· 1 (,1 ' (·} 3: r . J ' \: .. ,, ~ j ·~ 0 ) ; \ ti iii I C) 0 ~ N ~ 0 co ·/- ' Statutory Warranty Deed ., i g I ~ ] ·),.':' ··1 ,,;.-.,·-,.-,:, ; : -1ronl'ir:L50F THE GRA~TOR HILDA ELLEN LARSON, formerly HILDA ELLEN RElNI for and in cansideration of TEN DOLLARS, and other good and valuable con9ideration in hand paid, canveys and warranis to THOMAS H. GRAY and ROBERTHA A. GRAY, his wife the following described real est:ite, situattd in tht C0unly llf Washington: King , State of The west 162. feet of the south 78 feet of the north 308 feet of the east half of the west half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter 0£ section 10, township 23 north, range 5 east, W. M., in King County, Washi~ton, EXCEPT the west 12 feet thereof reserved for road purposes by instrument recorded Wlder auditor's file No. 3482033; TOGETHER with an easement for ingress and egress and utilities ove:r the west 12 feet of the north 308 feet of the east half of the west half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 10, EXCEPT the north 30 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road by instrument recorded under auditor's file No, 4797345, This deed Is given In fulfillment of that ccrtaln renl estate contract between the partl(!S hereto, i:-,ted December&.,_ , 1s64 , and ~ondltloned for the conveyonce of the 11bove d:scribed prcpertl',and the covenants of warranty herein contalned shall not 11,pply to 11,ny lltle, i;lerest or encumbrance arls!ng by, through or under the purchaser ln said contract, and shull not app!y to u.ny taxes, asf\es~ments or other charges Jevled, nssessed or becoming due sutiseQuent to the date of said conltact, EXCISE TAX PAID, RECEIPT NO, E579844. Dated thi$ J(.J ~ day of December, 1964, NjRACT Aff. ND .:,7 {J/ '/ 1 K!N( . RECORDS DlV!'m'i (SEAL) , DFPUTY -------------'(S!:AL) STATE OF \\'ASHl:-.GTON, I "· County of King On thisd:iy personally appeared before me HILDA ELLEN LARSON to me known to be the ir.,.;Jvidual descrilled in and wha executed the within and lo~going instrument, and acknowkdi;!ed that she signet! the same u her £ree and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GJVE:,.J under mr hand and official selll !his t· ' f 1 i· t 1 ! I l . . ~ . ·., ,i·-•. •:.'7:: • • • RETURN ADDRESS: Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Attn: ROW Department PO Box 970341 ESHl6W-TH Bellevue, WA 980ot-9734 + PUGET SOUND ENERGY 1111111111111111 20160404000115 Pl/GiT SOUND EN EIIS 7S. N PACE-.. ! OF G83 94/84/21lll 10:13 KING COUNT'f , 11A EASEMENT ORIGINAL REFERENCE #: GRANTOR (Owner)· CHELAN CREEK LLC, a Washington limttad liability company GRANTEE (PSE): PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. SHORT LEGAL: A Portion ol the NW Y, Sec. 10, T. 23N, R. 6E, W.M. ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL: 1023059440 & 1023059106 20160404000115 001 For and jn consideration of good and valuab!e consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of 1Nhich are hereby acknowtedged, CHELAN CREEK LLC, a Washington limited llablllty company towner" herein), hereby grants and conveys to PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a Washington CO!pO(ation f'PSE" herein), for Ille purJ)OSOS described betOW'. a nonexclusive perpetual easement over, under. akmg across and through the following descrtbed real property (Ille "Property" herein) in King County, Washington: LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-08'"8-LlA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20090130900003, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Except as may be otherwise set forth herein PSE's righls shall be exercised upon that poruon of the Property ("Easement Area .. herein) described as follows: AN EASEMENT AREA TEN (10) FEET IN WIDTH HAVING FIVE (5) FEET OF SUCH WIDTH ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE OF PSE'S FACILITIES AS NOW CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTED, EXTENDED OR RELOCATED LYING WITHIN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. 1. Purpose. PSE shall have the right to use the Easement Area to construct. operate. maintain. repair, replace, improve. remove, upgrade and extend one or more utility systems for purpo$E!:s of transmi~on, distribution and sale or gas and electficity. Such systems may include, but are not limited to: Underground tacilltles. Conduits, Mnes, cables. vaults. s'!Nltches and transtonners for electricity; pipes, pipelines, mains. laterals. conduits, regulators, gauge& and rectifiers for gas: fiber optic cable and other lines. cables and facilities for communications; semi-buried or ground-.mounted facilities and pads, manhOles. meters. fixtures. attachments a.nd any and all other facilities. or appurtenances necessary or conven'ient to any or all of tt,e totego;ng Following the initial construction of all or a portion of its systems, PSE may, from time to lime. construct such add:itiona! facilities as il may require for such syslems. PSE shall have the right of access to the Easement Area over and across the Property to enabla PSE to exercise its rights granted in this easement. PS€ Easement 2014 WO 107051235 / RW,0952961 Chelan Creek Page 1 or 3 EXCISE 'JAX NOT REQUIRED l(Jng . Recorda Ohllllon Order: QuickView_ Doc: KC:2016 20160404000115-53033 Page 1 of 3 Created By: danny.osborn Printed: 5/5/2016 9:24:24 AM PST 20160404000115.002 2. easement Area Clearing and Maintenance. PSE shall have the right, hut not the obligation to cut remove and dispose of any and all b~. trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. PSE shall also have the right. but not the obr.gatton, to contr~. on a continuing basis and by any prudent and reasonable means. the estabijshment and growth of brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. 3. Trees Outside Easement Area. PSE shall have the right to cut, trim remove and dispose of any bl!es located on the Property outside the Easement Area that could, in PSE's sole judgment, interfere with or create a tlazard to PSE's systems. PSE shalJ, exc.epl in the event of an emergency, prior to the exercise of such right. identity such lrees and make a reasonable effort to give ONner prior notice that such trees will be eut, trimmed, removed or disposed. Owner shaM be entitled to compensation for the actual market value or merchantable timber (if any) cut and remove<! trom lhe Property by PSE. 4. Restoration. Following initial installation. repair or extension of its facilities. PSE ShaU, to the extent reasonably practicable. restore landscaping and surfaces and port.ions of the Property affected by PSE's work to the condition existing immediately prior to such wor1<., unless said work was done at the request of Owner, in which case Owner shall be responsible for such restoration. All restoration which is 1he responsi'cilily of PSE shall be perfonned as soon as reasonabty possible after the completion of PSE·s work and shall be ooofdinated with Owner so as to cause the minimum amount of disruption to Owner's \Jse of lhe Property. 6. Owner's Us.& of Easement Area. Owner reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent wilh the rights herein gtanted, provided, however. Owner shall not excavate within or otherwise change the grade of the Easement Area or construct or maintain any bu~dings or structures on the Easement Area and Owner shall do no blasting within 300 feet of PSE's facilities without PSE's prior written consent. 6. Indemnity. PSE agrees to indemnify Owner from and against liability incurred by Owner as a result of the negligence of PSE or its contractors in the exercise of the rights herein granted to PSE. but nothing herein shalt require PSE to indemnify Owner for that portion of any such liability attributable to lhe negligence of Owner or the neg1ige11.CE1 of others. 7. Tennlnation. The rights herein granted shall continue unl:il such time as PSE terminates such right by \Mitten instrument If terminated, any improvements remaining in the Easement Area shall become the property of Owner. No termination shaU be deemed to have occurred by PSE's failure to install its systems on the Easement Area. 8. Succesaora and AHigna. PSE shall have the right to assign. apportion or otherwrse transfer any or au of its rights, benefits, privileges and interesls ansing in and under this easement Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the rights anci obligations of the parties shall be binding upon theit respective successors and assigns PSE Easement 2014 WO 107051235IRW-o95298/ Chelan Creek Page 2 of 3 Order: QuickView_ Doc: KC:2016 20160404000115-53033 Page 2 of 3 Created By: danny.osborn Printed: 5/5/2016 9:24:24 AM PST DATED this __f!!!day or----'-'/lt,='Ne¥f==CF--------'' 20.if!- OWNER" CHELAN CREEK LLC, a Washington limited liability company By: CHELAN CREEK LLC a Washington limited liability company By: JKM HOLDINGS LLC a Washington !imited liability company By9d~ Its: tiZew nY-e ;,,;>Nt,,2,,..- STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF fje.,cf (tiUe) ) ) ss ) 2Q 16040400011 5 003 On this ~ day of t\io.rcl. . 20.ilL. before me, lhe undersigned, a Notary Public in and. for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and swom, personally appeared ,j o DP?tl'.:o,,, ~ to me known to be the pernon(s) who signe<l as i;,rn-;ieh_.. • 4,-~ , of CHELAN CREEK LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the limited liabi1ity company that executed the within and foregoing inslrument. and acknowledged sa,d instrument to be lll!!lw free and voluntary act and deed and the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited hal>lity company for the uses and purposes therein mentionec; and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of said limited ijability company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. ~~qzad- (Signature o~---,, (Print or &tamp name of Notary) PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at ~ My Appointmen Expires: .o, -r:LI-~ Notary seal. text and all notations musl be imide 1· margins PSE Easement .2014 WO 107051235 / RW-095298 I Chelan Creek. Page 3 at 3 Order: QuickView_ Doc: KC:2016 20160404000115-53033 Page 3 of 3 Created By: danny,osborn Printed: 5/5/2016 9:24:24 AM PST - - • • l • [AIZ.L 1,J//1,1;1£1< /J,., flay t:1. r. 7 K6N T 011 <1Tb~..,- Document Tltle(s) (or Cransadions contalned htreln): ll.f.FtP9VIL Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: ----------- Additional reference numbers on page ___ of documcnl{s) Crantor(s) (11ul name, firsl name, lniliids): _ _.,L~tut.J,,,_.[?,,:,!ee_~P,LL1,.l-"Lp=*'------ Addilional name, on page ___ of documcnl(s) Grantee(s) (last name, nrst name, inUlali); ---------------- Additional names on page: __ of document(.s): ------------ Legel descripUon (abbreviated): Lot· Block:__ Plal/Scclion:-1£2.._ Township:...23,_ Ranac:-6!!£: Additional legal is on page _L_ of document(s) Loi:__ Block:___ Plat/Sec:.tion:__ Township:___ Range: __ Additional legal is on page ___ of doc:umcn1(1) Loi:__ Block:___ Plat/Seclion:__ Township: ___ Range; __ Additional legal is on page ___ of document(,) Lot:__ Bloi:.k:__ Plat/Section:__ Township:___ Range:_' _ Additional legal is on page ___ ofdocumcnl(a) Assenor's Properly Taz. ParceUAecoual Num.ber(1): /(')2, '30"5" -q//1 DO NOT WRITE IN MARGINS The AudUor/Recordcr will rely oa Iba Warmatioa prarided ua tW. Corm. TIie llalf wW not read the allac.bed doeurueat Co verlry U1.e accuracy er compJdene11 of U1elade:1la1 lnfanuatlon provided b"ela. F96/t.ti9.tlCov.aht l/21,,7-10;04 Midi • G • I :a . . .! ' ' ' ; - - • • l • • • AFFIDAVIT REGARDING ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT This property contains a primary dwelling uoit and an w:essory dwelling uoit, aa defined by K.C.C. 21A.06. Requiremenu for accdSO<JI dwellings apply to this property including limitations placed upon the use and consll\lction or accessory dwellings as prescribed by K.C.C. Title21A. Ibis notice shall run with the land and shall nol be removed except upon specific written authoriza1ion by King County recorded upon this title. -"L~1"-',.;'--'o."--:!1'-'--'/?.-'-"t."'?""O~-~· baving been duly SWQm on oath. depo,es and says: 1.) I am the property owner or property legally described as: €, !tz <>f /Jt,c V<t Cf ",G 1/<1 Of NW 14, LHS ,I. ;vo fr ££<iS <;, l&O f""T Or,./. 310 fr. e>F w. tH p,of G". 1;s r"T Ui51 €. IS1' rrer (<), 11P:i. ff t:F 5, "fS Fr Of ;.1, 11>8 p,: U'i$ s; u, p, "f ,1, ;:13e rr "f' w. -m.s H "f' e. 11P5,f!L> ff u-ss 4::l /!D. With anaddressof: ll<P/'l· 1~7 .,.., l!Y€ S6 and Parcel number: /o;., 3 P5 • "111~ 2.) I occupy or intend to occupy the primary residence or the accessory dwelling unit on this property. ~ Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 3._~ay or iJ(ll.)0Y',\-::i1.{)4Z' Q NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the Stale of Washin81on •• - - • • ( • • - Return Address: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1055 S Grady Way RENTON, WA 9805S Please: print or type inform1ti011 W ASHlNGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 6, 04) Title: DECLARATION OF PUBLIC Pan:el Number: 10l30S-9ll9 SEWER COVENANT Projca Fite#: Pillo Septic Srre.:t lmenection ar Project Name: 11614 1 )"JUl Avenue SE Grantor(s): Grantce{1): l. Linda Pillo I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E ~ of NW V.ofSE '!. ofNW V.. less N 210 ft Less S 100 ft ofN JIOft of W 1B ft orE 12!i ft leuE 150 ft of W 162 ftofS 98 ft orN Jog n l~ s 20 ft ofN 230 ftQfW 40.S ftofE 16.5.80 ttless County Road AdditiolW legal is on of document. (A6bntufm' 1-dl. MUST-11.,u.l lN CONSIDERATION FOR rhc approval by the City or RcnlOn and pursuant to lhe cooditioll.5 of UW approval by the City of Renton, the Grantor agrus and declan:5 as f0Uow1: I. Successors and A.uigns: The covenants herein coatained shall run with the land and are binding UJ>Oll all subsequcnc owners thero)f. 2 Puzposc: This covenanl is de5igned to commit tbal die above desmbed proptrty will be connected to tile public 5ewer $)'$tern upcin availability of $e'Wffl: and that the property owner shall pay al_l cost$ of connection. ]. Covt::tal'Jl: GnmtOT!l hut:by agree and covenant to the following condition!.: A. To connect the abovt: described propmy to the public !lCWer !lystem upon availtbility ¢( ~wers and that the prope,ty owner ~all pay all costs of connection. B To participate in, .sign a petiiion in support of, and accept any Local Improvement Disbict(LIO); C. To participate in, sign a petition in support of any other City-initiated proposal, other than an LID, and pay their fair share thereof; D Otherwise fmantially or phy.sic...!Jy panicipm in any proposal, City-initiated or otherwise, (Of the purpose of extension of lhe wiiwy sewer main when required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance or ~ directed by the Administrator of the Depar1mcnl of Planning/Building/Public Works. Despite language in the City Code Settion 8-5·2{d) !he undersignttf may be required to participate in or connect ro a sanitary sewer, evtn if such sewer is installed by a developer for the purpose of meeting platting requirC"ments ind the m1ders1gned is not an owner w1dun the confine5 of said plat. Dt:CLARATION or PUBLIC SEWl:R COVi:r,,IANT -I OF:: 1\TS_SER.V€R\SY5,1\COMMON\UIVrSION.S\UT1UTIE.S'>DOCS\PILLO.OCX: $$ , • JI - - • • ... ~ C e,; '<:I< Till" DECLARATION OF PUBLIC SEWER COVENANT ProJ,;tt file t: PIiio Sepbc Grant.or(s): I. Linda Pillo • • ' Parcel Number: J02JOS.9119 $tt=t lnlerstction or Project Namt:: 11614 ll ,-Avcnuc SE Granlff(s): I. City of RentOd, a Municipal Corporation 0 Si"""'1[Cs of Gran!Ors: ~AW INDIYIDrJ,U, FO D A WLEDGM STATEOFWASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KnfO ) 1_ ... , ........... .._ .. '*-.....t.·4 Wl. p 1/, liped Ibis m:lnlmml mcl -.,.;;,;a,.;.,;,.,;;d!Ci1ii .. oibcicb,,,,,..,,,,,,.,;;;;,;:.;;;;;-. iho;;;,..~-;;;;..;;.;;,act r« Im ma 111d pu,po,a mawooed ln lhc instrumcnl DECLI.:1.ATION OF PUBLIC SEWER COVEJi'M(!' ·} Of 2 IITS~SERVERI.SYSl\COMMON\DIVISJON.SlllTlUTJE.SUX)CSll'IU.0-I)OC ., • • • Retllrn Addresl: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1055 S Grady Way RENTON, WA 980SS Please ~111 or type information WASHINGTON ST AT[ RECORDER'S Cover Sbet (RCW 6S_04) Tide: DECLARATION OF PUBLIC PaTCel Number: 102305-9119 SEWER COVENANT Projecl File#: Pillo Septk Sllttl lntcNcciion or PtnteQ N1me: 11614 13 I"' Avenue SE Gran.tor(s): Grantee(.1): I. Llllda Pillo \. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION E \l.i of NW Y,ofSE Y, or NW Y.k:ss N 210 ft LQ!i S 100 ft ofN J 10 ft ofW 8) fl ofE m ft las f. JSO ft ofW 162 ft ofS 98 ft ofN 308 ft lies, S 20 ftofN 230 n ofW 40.8 ft ofE 16S.80 ft less County Rollld Add1ti0hal '·-~• is on----(If doc:umait. (Aborntalal '-fll dts,."-u,11 MlJST 11t1 llm!..) TN CONSIDERATION FOR the approval by the City of Renton and punuant 10 the--.::or,ditions of thal approval by the City of Renton, the Gra11tor agrees and declares as follows· I. Su~ and Assigns: The covenants herein C011tained shall nm with the land and~ bit1dmg upon all subscqucn! ownen thereof. ., """°"' This covenant is designed to commil that the aboYe described property will be connccled to the oublic sewer symm upon availability of sewers and that the property owner ihall pay al_l C\JSb of connettion. l Covenant: Granton hereby agn,c 1111d co1'dlant to the following condilions A To connect the above described property to the public sewe.r syslem upon availability of sewm and that the property owner shall pay alll:osts of con nm ion B. To panicipate in, sign 11. ~ilion in support of, and accept any Local Improvement District (LID), C. To par1icipatc in, si8n 11. pelilion in support of any other City-initiated proposal, other than an LID, and pay thell' fairs.hare thereof; D. Otherwise financially or physically p,a.r1icipa1C in any proposal. City-initiated or othcrwi!'.C, for the purpow of exknsion of the unitary sewer main when rt.quired by the Rer11on Subdivision Ordirancc or as d1m1cd by the Administrator of the Department of Planmng/Building/Public Works. Despite lariguage in the C11y Code Section 8-5-2(d) the undersigned may be requi,cd 10 participate in or conncci to a sanitary sewer, e,..en if such :;ewer is installed by a developer for the purpo1e of meeting planing J requiremenB and the undmigned i~ not an owner within the confiMS of said plat Offl.ARATIONOf PUBLIC SlcWERCOV(;NANT -l Of 2 '.\ p;, _ SFRVF.R\.~'t'~2\COMMON\D1Vl~ION s,untmE.S\DOCS\J'ltlO OClC" - • • • Title: DECLARATION OF PUBLIC Parcel Nomber: IOlJOS-9119 SEWER COVENANT Project File I: PIRo ~ Street lntenedioo or ProjfflN~:11614 13 , .. , Avenue SE Grantor{o): Grulee(o): I. Linda Pino I. City ofRef\lon, • Municipal Corporation C ~(a,! Nowy Seal must be within box .,...,/1/lDUAL • v,.,.. OF ACXNO STATEOFWASHJNOTON )S5 COUt,I TY OF KING ) ·' ·· ~ ,\ .. 1~ A ~i~""·, I cmify that I kno• or have~ evidence o..,q(; od,, !Zl' I: i/Q -',::,~· ,,,u,···~~-· lipcd this UISIJ'Ufflml ad L • • • •, 1' i,.j't(,) .. \\"'l;, ldmowkdpd itto be bw'bcrltbcirli« Md voluncary .:I for the utc:St:ftdpmpoxs : :!l.::; _ .... :: i mcntic,nc,d In the: imtrumatt 'i ·:~ t:lt,~r. ~· i . '-----rn,, . ·[) l. , , \~;·· ! .. ,,---?.~··:.;· . , ,, (,' ... . ... ,. Now)' Public lfrand for the Stitt: of Wmnington "'·.,. ,,, -..~ . .-,:' .· "· Nowy (Print) My appoinbnen1 ~~l['i'N KJl:MCREFF Dated: lo(,, qlbi&ussloN EXPIRES.,,._ DECLARATION OF PU81JC :SE\\.'Dl COVENN'T -) Of 1 \ITS_SEltVElllSYSN:OMMOH\DJVISION.S'\lrflUTIE.S\[)()CNJL.10.0ClC • ( • Return Address: C i1y Clerk· s Office City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renlon, WA 9805S • A1reemea1 for Temponry Water Service Connection I Propt"rty Tu Pucci Number: 101305-91 l 9 l'rojc.ct file# WA -'19-001 I S1rcct ln1crscc1ion. SE 116th S1 and 1171h A,c SE Gnmtor(1); LINDA PILLO Grantct.'(~): City of Rtnton, • Municipal Corporation U·,(iAL OF.SCRlYllON Easl 112 ofNW 114 or SF. l141)fNW II.I ofSci.:l!on 10, Twn 23 N, Rilngt $1::, WM. King Coun1~-. ',Vll5hu,gton !.t:'..i Sooth 100 fl. of North J 10 ft. of West 83 f«1 of Ea~ 12~ n. an':l Less East I .SO I\. of West 162 n. of South 'JS f1 of North 308 ft_ and Less So1.11112n Cl. of Nurth 230 n. of 1/.'(St 40.11 ft. of 1-.a-;I 16HO ft. llfld I.C$S c::»in~-road The Gnntor, 115 nanKd abu .. c. for or and in coruidmuon of1hc Cit)' of Rt11tOTI Wai er Uulil)' g.ranung pcrm1s..'ilon lo 1cmporar1ly connec1 to an eiui11ng ~••er main o\1-ncd and opemcd by King. Count} Water Dmrict ij 90 loc.atcd al 131th A~muc S!;: for domestic "'al.er 5Cn.ice for a single fami!:. d"'dling loi;a(cd vn lhc propert::. dc..scr1bo:I ahmc. ··The owner(s) o( the abcnc~scnbcd propcr1). ~ir succnsm~. htits and ;us1e-ns, htrcb) agree and co>ef)llJlt lo complc1c cooiwct1on 10 publii:: water ITWn fronting the proper!} along N[ I (Jlh Street /also lmawn a.~ SE I J 6'h Str«I) and l!.!S-O frootini along Duvall A\·cnm: NE (•IS() koown ll!i I .18th Avenue 5f:). "'ithin 12 (twelve) mon1hs M 0011cc or aH11lah1li1~ aJld forthct I fo pan1c1pate 10, sign a pctmon m ~uppon <lf. llll(J Kccpc an) f.ocal lmpro1·cmen1 Dtstricl [ LID). 2 To putic1patc in or sign a pct1tion in support ufan) olhcr Ci1}-1nitiatcd proposal. other than an LIil. and pa~ their fair r.harc !hereof. l Otherwrse financially or physically participate in any r:iropo,al. C"ity-initillled or otttffwrse, for 1hc purpose of utcns100 of a \.\llolet miun that pto11dts dirou water ~!Ct' to t'l~ ,ubJCct rropcrty \"la a 1,a1cr main fronting the propcrt) nlong NE 10th Strcct and along Du~a\1 A~C-Oue NI: when l"l"quircd t,)' lhi: Ri:nton Subd1~1S1on Or,,hnancc or as d1rt:,.1cd b) the Administnitof of Pubhc Worlcs The umkrsigned \.\Ill connecc In a 1w.111er mrun fronuni Ule pr<>perty alonl! NE 10th Strut 1nd along Duull A"'ttiuc NE. c;\·cn 1f5UCh ,vatcr rr.ain i:. installed b~ a dc;~·~lopcr for th, purpose of meeting plaUiflg m.iuimncnls lUld the uni;Jmigncd is not an owner ,,i1hm thf: c;onfiM:s of said plat ·· IN,~lll<ESS WHE;;;·~ m) """and =I ti>< da) ~dy~ ~ wn•'" b<low. i/ -~ lhOWIDVAl.fOl!M OF ACKNOWl£Dt;M,NT (1--l'fui~ '.,cal muM he 1\ilhin box ST t\ TE 01' WASIIINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) .• I ci:rufy thal I kno"' or ha~t satisfactory evidence that ., }.-J__~J!. '± __ ~JY'\ __: n .. o1, F' / l-L O . ~igntd thi~ imtruma11 and "~· .'\1191'-t; ... , • adrno11-ledged ii to be-tri,,'her~ free and ,·ol~tary BQ for the i.;m. and purpo~~ .. .... . ~ ~ .. \\OU•>~ ' mcntmncd in th( 1nstru1t1ct1I J , ir' 'lg 1:..1, (', ~. J. j~ ~ ,J --, P113L\1, ,., ....... •. Notary Public in and for the~ of Washington ' Notary(Pnnll L, '-IQ!> · F J~1!"fG.$.TA-D ,. '/' :.., ., •· My appo1n1m,n1 exp11u.3Jj I I 0 .. Dated: l -II 4lf H J)JVlSION.S"lt.mUTil:.S\WATER\ABOOU.IPtllOWAI 00C . .. , I •• • ... CIC < 3 E For valuAble c,onsiderati.on. the receirt •·t.~reof ls hirn:.:eby 11cknov,·1ed:P"ed. the foll°"'ln.p parties, owners of ra:rcel ·of l~ adjacent to property beinp use~ for ln,:rresq ~nd e~rees ~~HJlr residences, do hereb:,· de~ ire to enter into an !liffreement to .share the cost of the ,·tu.intenar.ce of the follo"'·in,v 1esC""ribed ea1ut11ent unJer thfl term~ an~ con!'tl tion~ of this ,:..rr@enients N~·, thereforll!-, in ronsi,iera tion cf mutua! coven~nts, :i;-reement~ "lri·i ur.(te,rt:=i,kinrs o!" the p:llflrties I it is hftreby a,-ree~ as foll-:iw!":: l. 1ach of tht 4--f.l'lrtie:~ :<Jh"lll hi;t resi:.•on~ible for~ or the c-o~tS: o ~ rep."! fr .'H·~·.'! '.'!:.qi ntancf" expel"::<:~ to said roa::t-ay, 'in~ that they sh-"111 ~11 :"ih~rfl' in Slli.4 e:rpe-n~es coop,.tratively, 'ind that siL~ nFr@@:1"'ier.t t0 :'!:hare ir: the maintenance and rl!pair c,f s"li1 ro;;id.,.::11v :=:h~l l run "':i th tht'!' land ~nJ be of ben.c,fi t to ~n,1. l-inr.int 1Jr,{m '=1. ll ~ub~equent ov.·n,pr~ or .~ucce!"l:~ors in intere~t Jf t~P rartiP~ h~rrt~. If ;:i;;-.v ;~.;irty h~reta .:ih.:'li.: -:~~f')u:.t in any of ttieir obli"ations 1md~r thi<" -'lfl"'e-e~f"nt vr fai 1 to :"\llke :;i.ny C":ontribution tCNl'ard the ,ot,'t ,:-f '!'l!'tir:ter.ar-1<'"' s--i1 :~·~ for r_~rein, thP. injured p1.1.rty '.'.Jr ;,"lrtie~ :::.~y ,:·,u!,f> th~ ,...;cJ:;~"!'.@nt t::> tie re·aired :11m! ch~r,e tr"! ~~lti.rw rnrty ~or H,ei.r sha1-e, of ::.ht> c,,~t thereof1 and it i:. :~,n-.,e~ tr . .r,.t. t'.'":e (··-~.,:t thPr~of s~rnll b~ 'lnd become~ , v~li-: Ler. u;:..or. t.he :·,~-r-,e~ cH..1 •r:art"~~!; ·in,! .if sn scticn h, c~~H''l@n('@,"! to Pr-,f~rcE t!·w cc,l lt'''tion ::if th£-.;,Ait1 contr-ittution :m,:/or a ·:'~Jrer lo:-::urf.' of the c::~ i-:1 1 ie:. • t:"!.e def~a l ti~ party 9~Hll bP li~tle, in ~d~~ti~~ to al 1 re~e~i€s. for ali cost~ .7?il!aio~~e• in~~:if~ _..,,., -=· +:: (;-, is... G.::::7< <1: " STATf Of• 'Hl~TO~ ( County of UNC f " -- ' -' .. • 8 __ _. r -KING COUNTY, WA-SH/NG ION • BOUNDAR't' LINE ADJUSTMENT NO.~-- JJ[CIARATIQ/'! i· -· ACKNOW/_FDGFMFNT ACKNOWLFDGEM[NT APPROVAL NO/cS: _______ ,.2C'.D1t C ft OG :~~_;_,~l:J,_,,;, OLD LEGAL DESCRIPTION ("!_()T /1 "_J 1~,o~ccfa•;,' '"'''"'-"'-' ,v~;,'«<·· -/--i ,, Iv•,'• ·,r s;;;;l~L. f.{C}fip;,~~s s:CriEOU.~E B (,' OT 'A") OLD LEGAL DFSCR/PTION LOT l'l: '·'-' eN>Cc, M" '"-'""''"°' '5'-~ ·,;c,,:'lelAl;'I NO{t N:..'. ; ,,,., >.',lei:! n 2· SPECIAi [XCfPl!ONS SCf-lfDULE B: (LO!" "8 'J / n -7 !1/'COR!JlN[.;; N<J . .2'.mJ,_(!kQ_G__'J_[O'Dl'.) VO!. DAG[ .'(,fi" 1 / Z]_3 SE 1/4, NW 1/4 SEC /0, T23N, R,5EWM' CITY OF RENTON APPPOVAL 5111 ---r"i<"'-!·-fq1L :l1Mv1Wib-r·liv s,w-19 .-,. ,j "'----.'.'IIM[:.,; J.11>u,;«Jl,l.!il;\ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON APPROVAL: /""'T APRIL, _) n -::foJ __ -1- \· --~~,t(_. t:. y~(..,,.,-~ ' PL."5;, KING COUN/Y DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS ·:'"./Y.'.: !i~V!· ·-•!1~; U,-.·,.> ,~,_,:c,, /1.' ·/r····~'u~" k " , ,1 ... u.:..., __ !·' RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE [0,:';. 06 April · 3:3.?p;,. X13 ,1·~ ,,, _J ""'"'' }(; 1,;,,l,{i,J,,.{11~, SUl<VEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 3_,·._-\, rIJ,-,,, -- i' '-,._, l\l~l-'I\Wl"\IIU~J\ll"' ' ~lii~i,•'" ,,rr111!'l'l::i,lrJ n,,: I 17923 NE ! 27TH STREET 1 1 REDMOND, WA 98052 PHONE (425) 883-0896 : r AX (425!882-9450 I ~' MUL II JURISDICTION NOTE: _.,.,,,,.. o{{r 1r;w J'fY,· .•E LO-: iNF ·,1.~ J,J;. r.~_t'i·-1;-Nv~M:( I-: /.:/,,f . .fJ29 ,,~·,: )VAlii ,. Sl'iffT I OF 2 I ··~·--T~.= •,,' r,11·,,..: SfC j 1~-'---f0. '2!N_,q5 E~vz.~-,r--- SE I 16TH SWEET SEE CONTP'.J( f..E~All FC•,, s~Et:n,;sic,i c:PEI\KDO!i/'/ ' ,:,;:---z--l----l..----t,----<---,-t,.--t,----t--__,._, ___ __J_,_· -.-. - I ·"'·' T NOTES LE.GENO ----·--1--- T?#lCf2305-90iE .'f:~,,. NF 9TH S!R£E1 {Fn'5 !{»4-{) 110 -:F"95iCY4-<iiCC ·1L ------------- -' !~ i0?.305-930,~ TP# 10230&-9288 LO/A C•Ll'A;;>(~ ·.,.0' ... R"~' LOTB -t LOTB :::,[r, ~{It-.'\ ;~,.C>Xi 5~ ~7 '.J, ,ls Al-{/b! · f>lfW ARFA -l?~.:16, SQ FT f3.~~ ACi(f5J I l I I ~ t ~ ~--·· 4L .; i ' I ~ I I I ' .. t-'I' I I + r ., J i ---~ I ' ' ! ........ I ORAJN;;l[LO NO ff j L ' I ' /, ~ ;/ (Fr2J852~-({;5() I MA rERiNS USED TO Df7FRM!NP THIS SURVfy' INCLUCE· '"' v_, ';; 'c .E "' ;:> 2 • •• j ·> "' __j. ~ <C > ~ " • BASIS OF BEARING· Sf ;}5f-iSfR[U j · c:J.vrROt CETA!L ;,.:Q/ IGSCALE- .. __ _ NE 8TH STREH METHOD OF SURVEY.· ~1//G COLJNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTfv1E".i7, iO L03 LQQ S l SHEET2 OF2 c1yy···oF RENTON L.L.A. NO. LUA 0~-066 LU. lND-3C-OJ4J on'vt.Rs 1J1:(-1,M14 rrov ·~,. I, ;Jr·,.-1 11,1.1 Wl·I e-·.~f 'hi .. , .. ,,.1 ,iJ!c l·",'.L' --,\fF ,-.r ,\/-'.a•·l"'(;I ,·t11•,.T1 r,1 "rsc '.I.,, c, :1-''· ~\', f'Cl!S,;w,.i:_y ·11'''1.~l!_l) L;r-,:11;1 1,!1' r~· ~'I T0 RF TrlF l,\lll~lil'I•\_:''-; L·l ',_l'-~idcll ,,. ~-.-, w:1() 1,,1 ~,ITHIN t-1,1{: f}l<c.G'.Jli·,l CN':,/llu~1-.r;, .'1Jr-. fl)(:1 11 :11,1T •4. ',, S,1 ;,,;r.;.J 1111 '-;-\i.,fr r ·.t,1c.,r,.:,, ~· .. ·,,M. ,_~:: l01< 1--1 1•'£', _.-,,1·, IIILllLIN M[r.J:t~FI; . (..VI,, IINLl:_1( MY r,lh_!' ;,e,"; ocr,···fi· ~FAI ·,~, ')' _ . ., APPROVAL r'TY c· P: \'IAJ ~l'l'f\:·,n; l:·b .. , gy (;I ...... ~· 'J1J·1,pv i'l>ll Ir 11; ,,,,;· TH-''Jo'( cl, l'l,t,~i,lf.c; \n ')l.'4!-!~',',1vr .. --~~111' _--,:_~"-"-"~1. . -,,,[ct ,;,j ;! >.lh -,, , . .,; ;f -;;;-~l;•j ,r,_, ~;,;· ~s",')k u, c'tH, IL ~ne,\ ,W'l •.If,(.. C,)_.rff" ,i.M"-U) ~'I 1,,, \y llf .,-,,-..:.,;.,..,. ):)"', '),,~"<.,;;.?'I , .il)"11.&...w... 1rr .r, , rJ~C .<._JIJf;I\. ~~~','i)f.' 11,,-_c,F:r·,,ri(: •,.' 1 1 1111~111111111111ni~11,11 20090130900003 cnv a•'"''"" SL"' '" •• ••••• :'i"ilmJ~ ~· .... "'"" '"""" "" .,, )\) !d ,., RECORDER'~ ,-, f ~ f <lf-' 1,, JU~¥ "' .. ~·-"."''.t'•\tot . IH: fT(J.1 "' H f, "'I:, ,_ I '·•·j,,,•.:A_.,,;,.' b~R GI l!Lc·,n,:,•,;, .• !,1 CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LOCATED OF SECTION 10, FOR LINDA PILLO IN THE s_E_ 1/4, OF THE N_ W TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1/4, EAST, f.'XISTfNC f.P.(;A/. DJ,,'SC'RIPT!ON LOT A AND B 1-'l'WPERTY ADDRESS 'I'"' ,w.,1,~ ~-c,i, •rw["C' m,' r>WFA~, ,)' HA.\1,.W{,1i'!!, ,N." 111'/.•S i.Jii•J, y •,n fl,\[J ,; -' i,t,;~ h; 1,:i '. I: " t--, 11 ., ' ,.· " ;,,,· ~I:.~ , - 0, ." ~ I :-s ;-,,o SBf.".J.S'4>"i /!,j? ,;~, '.'"" c·) C"1.'.\,,~-;;:, Si:-:,__,//, 1)-.i..tk -,- !'{~ 0»/R!-~~f ~<-'1.',t!', j; ! & ~::, !ti ~<.-'.tl 1or11 sr •;,m-;o·; >• Jo,4 • ·''-'•,:; ')' (( Sli" t SIT£ -rl i ".:·"'; 0 ,·:- fii ?. ·~ ,, I '~ 1 ,ii LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATl THIS l_(]] IJt.f A!lJUSTMENT COl<l<fOIY Rff'RF"SfNTS 4 'iUR-,EY M4DE 8Y I,[ OR UNIJl R MY DIRECTION IN ~ONf"ORMANCE WlfH STAT£ ANO ~OUNH STHUT[S " .'rl:'9 (; ___ ?, fil P.L.S. CfRTIFICME NC 4():;· '., •1·.1w."h' .-r ,,. ' :~t.1 ' ,,.!- ' :'! I; ':~ lj I ::-. '~ ', t ! .,, ·--';; " D • ,,1 .~ "/'•Ji~-~:;-::::.:: ~L ic()" l) h<i·- W,M_, ;.:.r r:·.;W7t,r:. NC; •J:I ',\(,' t ~·en "' . ., ... \ .,t; SIU-- -,¥-r~·:' N.r.---rm-1 .. ~r. ---@) ic/TY OF' RP.VT61,,r (:ON'/"//0/, TH" DIM:R,1M ' .~,T', R/",\·T~Ji'< < • ~ct1;c;1,• .~'O o,C, ·c,~,, S!'ECiAI. P.XCTPT/ONS ~.-f',,-,;,-,-; "'li co.,,~,~, '" "'-""'''""'"'''· ·~, .-,.,_,,., (1) >A~-.. ,,., •Nil -~f. TON', ,\t,[) ( ·,;.r.,rr.~c; "'·,kfM">I. l>-·~L•L ,,c.,u,,;G ~' f N"H : •OJllF ' fc, ~' , \'; <<'111~1, GUNTC'. ,-.. ~ .... ,.,, '''-''''' ',OC,NC uwu; A~Q : GHl Cc)M~f.N' MA.~~Ac'H r,c· ' ''.JPPl"(I_,\: "~ ,,, "'"''· ,'C,,' •• ""· ,..,,.."'"' l<!~AJ~. ~PH;T" •e~•. \'TCTCI> RCCG~Jfl f;•c,·•1e'.ll,", 'l ,~,,.,~ W>Sll~LY ~o,, f)N Qf •;o1w, ,,r;rMl',f•c JlJiY ~ ,~,s ''" {2i •,1°,1·,,r,,· ,.,~ ''' .,,~:-;,.~ :'•J'O"GNS pf,f<(~''.-(· fHkto,, ,s,·1,J,<~c HUI ~GI IIVITr{, ,.-, n,r t;'L:>".>N•, ~'<'-c •ll,Nf> W,\<' , )l.C"SK' ,;•Jc, 'JLJ~l:IP,'1_ ,.lJfi"'~~Ali<Jtl ~·, P PIP", ~,:rl HL Nf<" ''·"-""' ,,pf>c;"!Fw,,~, • •Ills ,.,--,,:·u lf,f "' ·-"~'" \f >•cc?i,,r· ,,,,,,w;,•; >l,d,S' 6 •g~e 1•u·,,;·,~ ,, l -·,l:Jt,IF A~" "~'"fNI" ~om,,-,ru "' "· 'l, C<W'4>.,' ~·~~>~ ,ai,,, f\, ''"'" 1cJC•r.ioNaM;(, r EMIJ;~-;,;-~ .945 N. CrNTR .. ,, ~T( ,_,0. nNT. w~ g8()5:1 ,-_ ('•M-'IL. cnl&c..,mo,ow c~.,, • (zs~)a,;1 o!l~~ (10<01) "' .'-i"""J1" -a1l$'J" l'•" ''") (2~5;,e~, •o.:;s roRTIO_~· ()f: _. . '' . Sf ;/4.''t,·W. i·,\ ',l_c ·~,· :•/ NU.RT·· RS.FN DRAWN BY: I DATr: "'TJiSB.". OB N.llMBER: i;.~H 111;/;,nn~ I.. ..'•l~.'.tiiJ~ CHFCKED BY:fsf.At l.: SHEET: '.) F ·I f-/A I :Jf .-:;_ :~ f " ,- T M .. ... .. , ... ~g: M' ====::'1""1; .. h -g{\ ... ,, G~i~ ~~l;; CITY Of REN roN U.A. NO. LUA-08-066 LUI l.NO ]O C.14.\ •'fl:!',' CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT FOR LINDA PILLO LOCATED IN THE SE. 1/4, OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION I 0, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PRfWOS~D PARCEL AREAS 'W f'"'U /,JO'.("'' .>' ,9 :,,,,, ··•;.,, <,r/ :, ,(,•).] S? ; ' "~"-·,,,-~ "''~ ·· ut,l'AT 1. 11.vn«~~ :N f ' ,, I'ARJ<:N"/" PARn:J, AREAS· TM ~Al'f.'C! ,i:"JJ0.1-')'I>' _()r A i'.<,.;;r; •;{) U "' '" ·"' -~ ; ,\" '" ~-:i; "'"'' ~""-'_i'Ai_y ;~., '>l 1:, 1·:1.;·)_N'.; .\le'. 1111 . '~' ,\1 cJ.. ~;--1 /'', '._) .,.... AQtJWf:R PRO'fli:CTfON NOT[~F:· 'H ;c/•5 Cl'UHI!J •/!Iii'~ !A,, 1'1Tll>ti "t.,,Jc, ,>, 1'1', ,_,,., .. , AUU,•"f.ri "l-'0'1(,;/;~ 4RC', .<Jin .\RF ,:,,~,In , J .... a,uu.•l1>i1,N'> ,,, '"" ,.,,,· n, 1<>e1,0N OOD,.,,.Nff ~,, <.16' <11/J a•; "1<FNI~:, "' ""'"'-'Ni' ~--<i4,) r,,,', ,.,, .•. , ''"' ,u:,;,1e:, 01 [WI/,',<'/,,•.; .... r~ '~ SC'PP .r,- ,i/CM A ~, .... ow <ili•Jl!li l.'N.')/-,,-;,<> ' ,y 'LJl'j,\c'I IHrl{t ,'\ ,,o ,,,,,,,,,._, 'WIR'IR .nrTWffN , • ., WM//? TMl,r SM! '""'VN/1 •,,w•Ac, ·"WJ.J! ·-"'" ,;re.Ju ,;, Ui./-'C:,:,,.V ,.,,u, •1/\?(/)[f,Vr; ,,, A~, ,10:r,9 ruf!~TJAU ,,r,,,-R "-,A•J »Aih, ,,, ,•u·)l1"CT '/,0\1 CON.'.•CI .. ,lh 'Hf ,,,,.,v~D ',-•V•~• .• -~ "•'" ,.,,.,rnw~·-R·< m··.,o•,1111111> ,-,, ""');Ii !!T,'5 C,?,'.S'>./N/, WP/', r -----{} C()(C/)'J'>lf,t jQ; ))' ~ ;;')]~; ": .,,•; ~,, -.· . 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ADJUSTMF~NT· .'~5J(';g S~ ,'1 (<<,At~.'',) NOTES ' M<!N'1ME.~i5 ,, t cvO' o: -I~ -.~ \': ~ --~~----<1---.fr ! i~~ ~~~. 1r~ '".;. i .. ~-!. > )1 ' ,, t· f 'ii ,, '' ~ /i It i:J [ ,, ;: ""'"'..., ,,..,,. ,,, ,-r,,,,,.f"'T· 009 ,n U.'GE.'ND: ~· :.:"' j:t :.:::1 ;··;~~ " ~,-. ~~~i 0 @ '""''" IA•'~'\•l''N "'. 1J1·:r:_,'l/}I•! 0 · , ''•'N,) 1 Ir ,?[<l,I)<··.,,,,, ,"~D •s DC';, fi"./j' • '/'" l,'/:.t!'./, A~'/; /;,o' "c;.~ .. ,,w,,,· ':~~-~~ ;;:_;~:!~~:.f/S'l-~'u5i~-i~...t- tJ ,< H ·,,1;,0,1' '''-"''' -~,.,.~~-~,. 1S:: \'""7,~ '~~~·~~}:/, ~} ::.., " ·,,-,,.o-,•;•,, i?/OHT .o;-_-~~ . ' c t;;;, ~; ~2 CERTIFICATE WHEN RECOROED RETURN TO: l,.the u~_::r,igned, ~'( Clerk of the City cf Kenton, Wz.:hington, certify tllat this is a true Office,ofthi=,,::t; -1 -rJi: Renton r..!uni.::,,·c\ l,,!iiding 200 MULA \'enuc' South Ret,to~VA 9ijUf./R C} ~ and correct copy of /. Subscribed and Sea C? -""< / C; I -- "' ..... = -- -::.-- ,j CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4612 AN ORDINANCE OF TB.E CITY OF RENTON, WASRil!IGTOIT, ESTABLISll:ING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SAl'IITAB.Y SEND SERVICE Il'I 1'. PORTION OF THE SOUTH RIGHI.ANDS, 11&1'.THEil DOWNS, lo.ND MAPLEWOOD SUB-BASINS AND ESTABLJ:SIUNG THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I, There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District for the area served by the East Renton Sanitary Sewer Intercepto_r in the northeast quadrant of the City of Renton and a portion of its urban growth area within unincorporated King County, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit "B." The recording of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges. While this connection charge may be paid at any time, the ' City does not require payment until such time as the parcel is coruiected to and thus benefiting from the sewer facilities. The property may be sold or in any other way change hands without triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district. SECTION II. Persons connecting to the sanit<1ry sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District and which properties ORDINANCE 4612 have not been charged or assessed with all costs of the East Renton Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay, in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the system development charge, the following additional fees, A. Per Unit Charge. New connections of residential dwelling units or equivalents shall pay a fee of $224.52 per dwelling unit and all other uses shall pay a W1i t charge of $0. 069 per square foot of property. Those properties included within this Special Assessment District and which may be assessed a charge thereunder are included within the boundary legally described in Exhibit "A" and which boundary is shown on the 'm..p attached as Exhibit "B. n SECTION III. In addition to-the aforestated charges, there shall be a charge of 4.11\ per annum added to the Per Unit Charge. The interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (10) years from the date this ordinance becomes effective. Interest charges will be simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publication'. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this lQth day of~~·~Ju~n~e.,__~~~ 1996. eteisen, City Clerk 2 ORDCNANCE 4612 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of __ J_u_n_e_~----' 1996. Appro~as to form: cx~~~·"1·- Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 6/14/96 ORD.576:5/20/96:as. 3 tD ti) C7) Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON -EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Portions of Sections 8, 9, 10, 11. 14. 15, 16. 17, 21 and 22 all in Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. in King County, Washington Section 8, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 8, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying East of the East right-of-way line of SR-405 and South of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of said Section 8 with the centerline of NE 7th Street; thence Westerly along said centerline of NE 7th Street to its intersection with the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE; thence Northerly along the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE to the North line of the Southeast 'Ai of said Section 8; thence West along said North line to the East right-of-way line of SR-405 and the terminus of said line. S Section 9, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. ~ All of that portion of Section 9, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. lying South and O East of the following described line: ti) a') Beginning on the centerline of NE 7th Street at its intersection with the centerline of Edmonds Avenue NE; thence Easterly along the centerline of NE 7th Street to its intersection with the centerline of Monroe Avenue NE; thence North along said centerline to the South line of the Northeast I;:, of said Section 9; thence East along said South line to its intersection with the centerline of Redmond Avenue NE: thence Northerly along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of NE 10th Street; thence East along said centerline to the East line of said Section 9 and the terminus of said line. Section 10, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. All of that portion of Section 10, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying Southerly and Westerly of the following described line: Beginning on the West line of Section IO at its intersection with the North line of the South l.h of the North l.h of said Section 1 O; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the centerline of 142nd Avenue SE; thence Southerly along said centerline to its intersection with the North line of the Southeast 1.4 of said Section 10; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the East line of said Section 10 and the tenninus of said line. Legal Description of the Specwl Assessment District for the City of Renton~ East Renton Interceptor Section 11, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. All of the Southwest '.4 of Section 11. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M .. Section 14, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. Page2of3 All of that portion of Section 14. Township 23N, Range 5E. W.M. described as follows: All of the Northwest 1.4 of said section, together with the Southwest '.4 of said section, except the South 1h of the Southeast 1.4 of said Southwest 1.4 and except the plat of McIntire Homesites and 1h of streets adjacent as recorded in the Book of Plats, Volume 58, Page 82, Records of Kmg County, Washington, and except the South 151.55 feet of the East 239.435 feet of Tract 6, Block 1 of Cedar River Five Acre Tracts as recorded in the Book of Plats, Volume 16, Page 52, Records of King County, Washington, less 1h of the street abutting said portion of Tract 6, Block 1, and less Tract 6, Block 2 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts, less 1h of the street adjacent to said Tract 6, Block 2. and except the South 82.785 feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 5, Block 2 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts and less 1h the street adjacent to said portion of Tract 5, Block 2. Section 15, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 15, Township 23N, Range SE. W.M., except the Southwest 1.4 of the Southwest l,4 of the Southwest \4 of said section. Section 16, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 16, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M., except that portion of the Southeast 1.4 of the Southeast V.. of the said Section 16 lying East of the East line of the Plat of Maplewood Division No. 2 as recorded in the Book of Plats Volume 39, page 39, Records of King County Washington and its Northerly extension to the North line of said Southeast 14 of the Southeast V.. of the said Section 16 and except that portion of said section lying Southerly of the Northerly rtght-of-way line of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway). · Section 17, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 17, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M., lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly right-of-way of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) and Easterly of the East right-of-way line of SR-405 less that portion lying generally West of the East and Southeasterly line of Bronson Way NE lying Legal Description of the Special Assessment District for the City of Renton -F.ast Renton Inierceptor Page 3 of 3 between the South line of the NE 3rd Street and the Northeasterly margin of SR- 405. Section 21, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All that portion of Section 21, Township 23N. R 5E W.M. lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly right-of-way line of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) and West of the East line of the Plat of Maplewood Division No. 2 as recorded in the Book of Plats, volume 39, page 39, Records of King County, Washington. Section 22, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 22, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. described as follows: All of the Northwest 1A of the Northeast '.4 of said Section 22 lying Northerly of the Southerly line of the Plat of Maplewood Heights as recorded In the Book of Plats, volume 78, pages I through 4, Records of King County, Washington. Together with the North 227.11 feet of the West 97.02 of the Northeast 114 of the Northeast 14 of said Section 22. Exhibit B EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Special Assessment District Boundary e SANITARY SEWERS Plmring/BuilclinglN,llc w om Chrisfe.,...,,MacOnie, Vilffllski 20 May 1996 1:24,000 -------City Limits CZT.Z...7-J Special Assessment Ois1rkt ;'' CITY OF RENTON L.L.A. NO. I UA-08-066 LL.A LND-3C 0343 QVVVFRS /J/:i'f,,1RAT/O:Y V>,:,w ,>L. :.I' fs f-l' r11F 0.C N[ II OWis· :z(~.: (11 ;,, \ ,\[,,i II I_ ';,\Mf .. ~h[) w l , Hf 1·1;--( IHC r,rs1~F-,:r <IWN .,,.,, IN .,,, Nf',:c, ,>H""--'i:: ,'Jl.· I•,\\• -:1 <HI; ' · ,1r,.,, • 1,,rr_ ,v Nt,.'.il•:q( i'rli.~.Tr r:1 f< t,C :r1 c, f;-\1 I' i<';Jl1/\LL' '.•I"[;~:[• ,;r· ('II i,!I r 1\-1 r,. .J'U~• f.!Y ')~, '), APPROVAL r,r·· 1~-rn Nl•.m ~,r: tFfT \~ ··1,'.1 1·11· ··--)'----- -'-_n,,:· •i,;T.\R'• r·11:;, 1( i, ,,,.1· I 'ii( Tr'F ,::1,~rr n-wr111r,,;1:.i.~J iAr· (O/JMic,'.;~~-r,, L '·'II<• ~ • -, , "! '·"l'l<J!·,'[ r·· ,i;-; '! 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OJ<SCRTI'TION WT A AND B (rc:1 c'A< 'I•" ,,:,>J,/t>l'.·c, 111.f" C<!<l;,<~>-,-, ,<IA';Jl,N(;t,~,· ,:,C UM,•> JP,Of"-7 V•' /, y' I '..,( 9.'f'.w I •c 1 .. -- q ,/ < ts , 0 c,,," B~ R,J <;Q ',88'J,9'Ja"r 2ld1M' (!;A/C} l'-',,oL41i.n _,,,:;;;,, c,.w~,~ · -, ;,,~ R•,,r,,wr ,,,.w;, ,. i N.F 10TH sr ~·:: -"-""c r' 1t,.J SIT[ ,;,:; ,·:;; ::2 ' ::l ~ ! lS ' '-----C..-,-J>,, ' C' r;:t,,i .,, ,';' ·'"' :I ·•1-- , ;\ i: ~ ·1; ;: "" '" i.-1 . ;r~ ! t . ~ ,·i !/1!/f~)'iW~ :"6:, JJ' ,-,:,;~) ;;,, T; (WS·,) _ ti)) 'i/111':'0"l<'f y,, W /~·: LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS LlJI I tNr An,JIISTM[NT COR~ECTLY hPRrS.iN7S A ',,JRHY MAOl e!Y .. ~ OR UNOIR M" J1Rrr.noN IN CQWORt,1ANCE WITH 5TP.TE AND COUNH STATUH~ IN: ,?()'.;,, -0 _' I 11-_ ::::, y,-J.J..t, NO 4(:u1,: ._ U-1'.l.5 CERTIF'CA!E ..,~. ,,,,Ts,,,;'-/C~.s PROPERTY ADl!H£5S 'U!I :iv».-~,-, 9,~ :·~>'AA' A,,_ ~, WM., i'fl'.".-=lC~t.r. !'-.,:) i•'id,I 1 ,,m r~ $/ff .~·;1;,'t- N.[. ElTH St .J,:J (i'.!TY .@I OF RF-.'t..'TON r:o.vmrn. 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I lJA-00-056-LLA LND JO ~\\4.\ OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 'W<"29"?S'.V P.>J" ' PIWPOS1'."D PARCEL AREAS "" ,.,.r,·cr ;,,,;;u•, •:n fa· ,c.::;,• >w , • ;,,,ao~-,.,, .... , .. .... ,. -~""'' ,,,,, .. ,, ,,,,,, ''1, ii IR] j~!, • "II [I'J'>l) 8),M.l .S~; •"'f.l-' 9( ~t' Ir_ ' IIUl'Al.l. AV!'T{frp; ,N.f' ----'®· J'AH~:NT PARCEL AREAS· '"-' (''Ii'.,. ,. '."0.'. .or A ;• •;r; ·,_,:,,,, ,·,~1 f~q'--3,-o,_r-,~,~ AQUIFER PROTF:CTION NOTWP.· •II ,fl/_'; CPr.'Tr~ 'irR,-,A' !~:, wrnw1 _,r,~c; <Jf ~t'<.UN''; Af!b.'I!,, ,'qQ,FC')/':N MIIA A~n <RF \'•,R,:e·(; 'J ·y, ~H.W.'Rt'-'ENI~ (!I .'•!f t:•', (;, ~,;, GN t.l<D•~aN~f" M' ,1r,c M,'{J !.', Ol,Ji.~i>>,• H, ,JN!)•"""" Nr• 4;4,', •1,•. 1·'1·•'<' s(·<.I SC'~.'/Cc CJ, 0/<!/,/~WG .. AffR ,_s s,,µ,,,.,, ·=" A ,.,.~·,o .. ''J"fF'k clNl!cR :H, ,.,,, '~!</.\Cl. 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""'1 r---· --- :1,-t?· ,,·'", n JS"!• OA•"< ' ' ·i ~l; :< ''/" '" :, j ~ (, ~ ' <" ' ,~ 1 _,. • ~ ·' ,, ' ~j ;,,i > (C,:" >,\."c'.).L. , -"i-j ~•IHV' •,c·c.r3~·w '"-'' ,.,'!J.t ,.Wl'l~. t~l'tot -""IJ C'jj//!Y ~•>tMcNf wn,I' ~1.c· l>Ju,~·u1,.,,,,;,-- en· wmr \M!fR '1Nt N'.r"0~4~:>.:,0a,,., ,~~1MfN! LJ!<llrn !-it(. jf929007 l•llq '!, c,N ~1/0i"U//f ,,Nr •2· W,DC /?OA£l~Ar ,·,sr"c~, ,,~urn ~,-... }'"'Mn>.1 --..--.~- GRAPHlC SCALF: t"-50' ~ 5 50 0 GO BASIS OF BEARINGS: NAD B3 ( 19'11) TAX PARCEL .%'1.tBER(S)" o,, < II• ,i, ~!Nj<,)~ .~OR~.'r HH"X!'O<)" >t/ ,,. r,ir ~o~·r•,.vcsr l?'NU O ,..;sl. \tV '0}.'<0c--9106, IO).M.S->,;; ,t ')C,100 9«0 'l'O'I'AI. AREA OF WT L!Nl'.' ADJUSTMENT: •~.',JM ''(J ,1 ,• <, srn<<J NOTES· ' i,/{)NUMF~,O .,-,.-, t ~,g i:,"' "'~ .. ·:,;--·.--~ ---, f1 {" ,,, i)>:~ tl~. ' r,:'.' "l; k ,-1· i ii . , J-,:. -. -, I::. t_; ('· _I'"_-,. ri .-·:~I ':~ .. lb? 6' 0-1 ·;.:, I.,,.- t ,,,..,,,,.....,-,w,,:,.,0J,(cc0,i,\'!l'i,~,""' JFGJ<.'NIJ @ Mi_>N~~.-h :!; " ' i:c'[l:g i;: .. Rl ---;i: J " ~ti; ,,1,.-:','"!•,' O · ,n:1~., · ,;,· >'Cd.:'"'-_\•,.0 r·~p A·: 1,,-~rfi"H>, • ·;, J r.•P Re-AM>,-_, ·,-~,. ,w,o· ::?,1;%"'~.\W" ,\1it::.'f~J%~l.%~ ~'iii".'!~ ·>. f;W DRAW~ BY, )"DATF ,!' " ,-'._./ •,s ~ t I ' bi,IHJ{,; CHECKED BY:) SCA(I· GPH ,;, cc,_,.," -,,_>v~'i,---;;;,;-;;-;;;,, .,.,,,.,.,.,,o 5HfE' ~ ·°" '~ ;.:-~~ ~ s~- !··· ·,;;,,.~."""""'"''-<'O<'"_-,oo.,,-,:;;;--:~ .. ,, • RETURN ADDRESS: Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Attn: ROW Department PO Box 970341 EST-06W-TH Bell&VU&, WA 98009-9734 + PUGET SOUND ENERGY 11~1111111111~11 20160404000115 PIJliliT SOUND EN ERS 75.10 PAGE-HI OF 883 &4/84/2tl16 10:13 KIN!l COUHT'i , 11A EASEMENT ORIGINAL REFERENCE#: GRANTOR (Owner): CHELAN CREEK LLC, a Washington limited liability company GRANTEE (PSE): PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. SHORT LEGAL: A Portion of the NW Y, Sec. 10, T. 23N, R. 6E, W.M. ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL: 1023059440 & 1023069106 20160404000115.001 For and in consideration of good and valuable consideration. the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, CHELAN CREEK LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Ownef' herein), hereby grants &nd conveys to PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a Washington corporation ("PSE" herein}, for lhe purposes described below, a nanexdusive perpetual easement over, under, along across and through the following described real property (lhe "Property" herein) in King Counly, Wasliington: LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA--08--066-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20090130900003, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Excepl as may be othe,wise set forth herein PSE's rights shall be exercised UPon thal portion of the Property ("Easement Area· herein) described as f~lows: AN EASEMENT AREA TEN (10) FEET IN WIDTH HAVING FIVE (5) FEET OF SUCH WIDTH ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE OF PSE'S FACILITIES AS NOW CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTED, EXTENDED OR RELOCATED LYING WITHIN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. 1. Purpose. PSE shall have ttie right to use the Easement Area to construct, operate. maintain, repair, replace. tmprove, remove. upgrade and extend one or more utility systems for purposes of transmission., distribution and sale of gas and electricity. Such systems may include, but are not limited to: Underground faclllti&&. Conduits, Mnes. cables. vaults, switches and b"ansfonners for electricity; pipes, pipelines. mains. laterals. condurts, regulators, gauges and rectifiers for gas; fiber optic cabte and other Imes, cables and facilities tor communications; semi-buried or ground-mounted facilities and pads, manhOles, meters. fixtures, attachments and any and all other facilities or appurtenances necessary or convenient to any or an of ttie fe<egoing Following the initial construction of all or a portion of its systems, PSE may. from time to lime. construct such additional facilities as it may require for such systems. PSE shall have the right of access to the Easement Area over and across the Property to enabla PSE to exercise its rights granted in th.is easement. PSE Easement 20f4 WO 107051235 / RW-0952981 Chelan Creek Page f 013 EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED Klng . Aacarda llNlllol, Order: QuickView Doc: KC:2016 20160404000115-53033 Page 1 of 3 Created By: danny.osborn Printed: 5/5/2016 9:24:24 AM PST 20160404000115.002 2. Easement Ania Clearing and Maintenance. PSE shall have lhe right, but not lhe obligation to cu~ remove and dispose of any and at! brush, trees o..-other vegetation in the Easement Area. PSE shall atso have the right. but not the obfigalion. to control, on a continuing basis and by any prudent and reasonable means. the estabrishment and growth of brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. 3. Trees Outside Easement Area. PSE shall have the right to cul trim remove aod dispose of any trees loc.ated on the Property outside the Easement Area thal could, in PSE's sole judgment. intertere with or create a hazard to PSE's systems. PSE shal1, exc.ept in the event of an emergency, prior to the exercise of sud'! right identify such trees and make a l'easonable effort to give Owner prior notice that such trees will be cut, trimmed, removed or disposed. Owner shaU be entitled 10 compensation fer lhe aclual market value of merchanlable timber (of any) cut and removed from Iha Property by PSE. 4. Restoration. Following initial installation, repair or extension of its facilities. PSE shaU, to Hie extent reasonably practicable, restore landscaping and surfaces and poruons of the Property affected by PSE's work to the condition existing immediately prior to such work, unless said work was done at the request of Owner, in whk;h case Owner shall be responsible for such res10,ation. All restoration which is the responsibility of PSE shall be performed as soon as reasonably possible after the completion of PSE's work and shall be ooordinaled with Owner so as to cause the minimum amount of disruption to Owner's use of the Property. $. Owner"s U&a-of Easement Area. Owner reserves the righl to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent wrlh the rights herein granted, provided, however, Owner shal! not excavate within or otherwise change the grade of the Easement Area or constr'Uct or maintain any bu~dings or structures on lhe Easement Area and owner shall do no blasting within 300 feet of PSE's facilffies without PSE's prior written consent. 6. lnd4!1mnity_ PSE agrees to indemnify Owner from and against ~ability incurred by Owner as a result of the negligence of PSE or its contractors in the exercise of the rights herein granted to PSE, but nothing herein shall require PSE to indemnify Owner for that portion of any such liability attributable to the negligence of Owner or the negligence of others. 7. Termination. The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as PSE terminates such right by written instrument. ff terminated, any improvements remaining in the Easement Area ,hall become the property of Owner. No termination shaU be deemed to have occurred by PSE's failure to install its systems on the Easement Area. 8. Successor& and A881gna. PSE shall have the right to assign. apportion or otherwtse transfer any or alt of its rights, benefits, privileges and interests arising in and under this easement Without liniting the generality of the roregoing, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be binding upon their respective successors and assigns PSE Easemsnt 2014 WO 107051235 / RW-095298, Cnetan Creek Page Z ol 3 Order: QuickView_ Doc: KC:2016 20160404000115-53033 Page 2 of 3 Created By: danny.osborn Printed: 5/5/2016 9:24:24 AM PST DATED this __f!!!day or_,_/M:.u.'Nt?#:c:=~-----~· 20¢ OWNER: CHELAN CREEK LLC, a Washington limited liability company By: CHELAN CREEK LLC a Washington limited liability company By: JKM HOLDINGS LLC a Washrtlgton flmited liability company STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF fltrcf ) ) ss ) 20160404000115 003 On this ~ day of {\.4o.{d,..._ . 201.k..__. before me, lhe undersigned, a Notary Public in anOi for the State of Washing1on, duly commisslon&d and swom, personally appeared ,Jo l)£rlb;,..,, ~ to me known 10 be lhe person(s) who signed as £><,:.-;;l<?b I' h Jr•eb • ~ . of CHELAN CREEK LLC, a Waohlngton llmlted liablllty company, the limited liability company that executed the within and foregoing instnJment. and acknowledged satd instrument to be llil!1:l§r free and volunrary act and deed and Iha free and voluntary act and deed of said limiled liabtlity company for the uses and purposes therein menboned; and on oath stated that helshe was authorized lo e)(ecute the said instrument on behalf of said limited ~ability company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I haw hereunto set my hand and official seal lhe day and year first above written. ~d;.~(~ (Signature of N ry) (Print or stamp name of Notary) PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington. residing " Notary seal. !ext and all notations musl be inside: r margins PSEEase=2014 WO 107051235 / RW-095298 / Chelan Creek Page 3 of 3 Order: Quickv,ew_ Doc: KC:2016 20160404000115-53033 Page 3 of 3 Created By: danny.osborn Printed: 5/5/2016 9:24:24 AM PST YO ~ox. \ "'"~ 1 -roe.om()., wA qi({DI (Sl)Q.cc Abcvi: TI1is Linc For H.i:tollting Oaui} LOAN NUMBER: 150900JJig COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION DEED OF TRUST FUTURE ADVANCES AND FUTURE OBLIGATIONS ARE SECURED BY THIS REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST This COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST ("Security Instrument") is made 011 December 2, 2015 by the grantor{s} Chchrn Creel,, LLC, a Washington Limited Lh1bility Compnny, whose address is 424 29th SI rm Suite C, Puyollup, Wnshingtan 98372 ('Grontor"), The trustee is TICOR Tit!< Company whose address is 600 SW 39th Sire<~ St, 100, Renton, Washington 98057 ("Truslcc'). The beneficiary is Columbia Stnte Bank -Builder Banking Washingt<m Office: whose address is 1301 A Street, Tacomn 1 W11shington 98402 ("Lcnder 11 )1 which is organized and existing under the laws of the Slllte of Washington. GrW1tor in consideration of loons extended hy Lender up to a ma.ximum principal amount of One Million Nine Hundred Fifty Thousnnd and 001100 Dollars (U.S. $1,950,000.00) ("Masimum Principal Indebtedness"), and for other ¥a!uablc consideration, the receipt of whlch ls uclcnowledgcd, irrcvouibly grants, conveys and assigns to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, tht following desc:rlbcd properly located in the County of King, Stille ofWushiagton: Address: 860 nod 928 Chelan Ave NE, Renton, Washington 98059 Lego! Description: LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-08-066-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER Z0090130900003, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Pnrcel ID/Sidwell Number: 1023059!06 and IOZ3059440 Togelhcr with all easements, nppurtcnunces abutting streets and alleys, improvements, buildings, fixturcs 1 tenements, hcrcdttamcnts, equipment. rents. income, profits and royal tics.. pcrsonul goods of whatever description a.nd all other rights and privileges including Bl! minerals, oil, gas, water (whether groundwater, S\lbtcrrnncnn or otherwise), \Wter dghts (whether ripnrinn, appropriute or otherwise. and whether or net nppurtcnunt to the above .. described re..11 property), wells, well permits, ditt:hes, ditch rights, reservoirs, reservoir rights, reservoir siles, storage righLS, dams nnd water stock that may nm\'1 or o.t any time in Lhe future, be localed on und/or used in conneclion with the abovc~dcscribcd real property, payment .nward5, amount~ received from eminent domain. amounLt; received rrnrn nny nnd nil insurance paymcnLS, and limber which mc.y now 0r later X tocntcd, silunted, or affixed on tmd used in connection therewith (hercinufler coiled the "Propcrty 11 ). RELATED DOCUMENTS. The words 11 Rclalcd Documents" mean all promissory notes, security agrcemcnt.s. prior mortgngcs, prior deeds of trust-i prior deeds to secure debt, business Imm ngreemcnts, construclioQ !oun ngrccmcnts, resolutions, gunrantics, cnvironmc:nlul ~recmcnl.S, subordinnHon ogreemcnts, assignments oflct1ses and rents and any other documents or agreements c.xcculed in connecllon with this Indebtedness ilnd Security I' ~-~IJ Col!lf'ilPICO S~enu. rr.c:. ~r.fH''2lC -m1JU0.r.(..6 ;.;:::.~~----·· ·-·---2---~------·~· -·----·--·~~~--· ._ .. _-_. ___________ _ i lnslt'llment, whether now or hereafter e.~isting, including any modificnlions, extension,, substilulions or renewals of any of the foregoing. TI,e Related Documents arc hereby mode o port of this Security Instrument by reference !hereto, with the some force nnd effect as if fully set forth herein. INDEBTEDNESS. This Security Instrument secures the principal nmount shown nbovc ns mny be evidenced by a promissory note or notes of even, prior or sub.sequent date hereto, including future a.dvnnces and ev~ oihcr Indebtedness of any nnd every kind now or hereafter owing from Cl,clan Creek, LLC to Columbia State Bank - Builder B;lnl,ing Washington Office. howsoever created or 11rising, whether primnry, secondary or conting1.:nl, together with MY interest or charges provided. in or a.rislng out of such [ndebtedncss, as we!! us lhc agreements ond covenants of this Secur1Ly Instrument and nll Related Documents {hereinafter all ref erred ta as lhc "Indebtedness"}. FUTURE ADVANCES. To U1c e.,tcnt permitted by low, !his Securit)' Instrument will secure future advances ns if such a.dvnncc:.s were made on Lhe date of this Security lnslrumcnt regordless of the fo.ct thnt from time to time there may be no bnlunce due under the note and regordlcss o[whclher Lender is obligotcd to mnke such future advances. CROSS COLLATERALIZATION. It is the expressed Intent of Granter to cross ccllatcralize oil of its Indebtedness ond obligations to Lender, howsoever arising and whensoever incurred., excepl nny obligation cxistins or arising against. the principal dwelfing or~iny Granter. CONSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEMENT. This Security lnslnlmcnt is made in conjunction with o Construction Loan Agreement doted the same date as tbis Security [nstrument .ind is subject lo all of the provisions of the ConSlruction Loan Asrctment ns if Lhosc provisions were t\Jlly set forlh in this i;ecurily Instrument 11nd made a part nfit. WARRANTIES. Gra.ntor. ror itself, its heirs, personal representatives, successors, a.nd nssigns 1 represents, ',1,'D.rrants, covenants 1111d agrees with Lender, its successors and assigns, as foUows: Pcrform1mcc or Obligations. Grontor promt!3es to perform t1H terms, conditionfi, nnd covcnc.nt:s of this Security Instrument nnd Related Documents in ncc-ordw,cc wilh the lenns conlnincd therein. Defense ond Title to Property. At the time of execution ond delivery orthis instrument, Grnntor is lawfully seised or the estate hc:rcby conveyed and has the: e.xclusive righ{ to morlgag,c, grant, convey and assign the Property. Granter covenants that the Property is unencumbered and free of all ti ens, except for c:ncumbrnnces of record acceptable to Lender. Furthcr1 Orantor covenants that Oru.ntor will w.1rrant o.nd defend generally the title to lhe Property against any and a.II claims nnd demands wh11tsoever. subject to lhe e11Semcnts, rcstr[ccions, or other cncurnbninces of record acceptable to Lcndcr, as may b: listed in the schedule or cxccplions to covcngc io 11ny t:bslract of ti lie or title insurance policy insuring Lendcr1s interest in the Property. Condition of Property. Grantor promlscs at ell limes to preserve and to mninlain the Property und every part thereof in good repair, working order, and condition and will from time to time, make ,II needful and proper repairs so that the va.lue oflhe Property studl not in any wny be impaired. Removal of nny Pnrt of the Property. Gran tar promises not ro remove any part of lhe Property from ils present location. except for replacement, mainten£1ncc a.nd n:loc11tion in the ordinory course of business. Alterations to the Property. Gran tor promises lo c.bst.ain from the commission of any waste or, or in connection with lhe Property. further, Granter shall make no material alterations, additions or improvemct1Ls ofnny type whatsoever to the Propcrty1 rcgnrdltss of whether such alterations, additlons or improvements \l..'Ould increase the value of the Property. nor permit nnyone to do so except for tenant improvements nnd complc.tion of items pursunni to approved plans nr,d .spccification5, without Lender's prior written c:unsoot.., which cotisent may bt: withheld b) Lender in (ls sole discretion. Granter will comply with nll laws and regulations of all public authorities havingjurisdicLlon over the Property including1 without limitntion, those ti:flCl.4-lnlJ C11111~S~l-.i.. tm;. ¥.P'-J'.mc •JIIIJL!nt.J".i'. 'i j I 1 ' ' relating lo the U!.I!~ occupancy und matntc:ncmcc lhcrrof and shall upon request promptly submit to Lender evidence of such compliance. Due on Sole -Lender's Consent, Grtmtor shall not sell, furLher encumber or otherwise dispose l)f, c~ccpl u.'i herein provided, any or all of jLs inlercsl in uny purl of or ull of Lhc Properly wilhout first nhLaining Lhc wtiUen consent of Lender. lf any encumbrance, lien, lransfcr or .sale or agrccmcnl for these is crealcd, Lender may declare lmmedialcly due and payable, the entire balance of the lndebtcdncs.s. Jnsurnncc. Granter promises to keep the Property insured ugainsl suet, risks nnd in such form as mny within the .sole discretion of Lender be actcptable1 causing Lender to be nwncd ns loss payee or if requested by Lender, us mortgagee. The insurance company shall be chosen by Grnntor .subject to Lender's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. All insurance policies must provide thnt Lender will get a minimum of IO days notice prior to CllJlcellation. At Lcndc~s discretion, Oranlor mny be required to produce reeeipts of paid premiums nnd renewal policies. If Granlor foils lo ablnin Lhc required coverage, Lender mny do so al Grantor's e.,pense. Granto, hereby directs each nnd every insurer oflhe Property lo make payment of loss lo Lender with the praeeeds lo be applied, only al Lender's option, to the repair and replacement of the dwnngc or loss or to be applied lo the indebtedness wilh the surplus, if any, to be paid by Lender to Grantor. P:Jyment or Tn,ccs :1nd Other Applicable Charges. Granter promises to pny nnd to dischurgc liens, encumbrnnccs, laxes, BSSessments, lease p.:iymenLS and any other chnrgcs relating. to the Property when tcvicd or llSSCSS(d against Grnn!ar or ~u~ Prope.rty. Environmentnl Lnws and Hnznrdous or To:dc Matcriills. Gro.ntor and every tenant have heen, arc presently and shnll continue Lo be in strict compliance wilh any applicable local, stale and federal environmental lows and rcgulattons. Further, neither Granter nor any tcnnnt sho.11 manufacture, slore, hcmdlc:, di.sch3rge or dispose of ho.zardous or to;o;ic mnteria\s os may be d!:!fin~d by any st.nle or fed~ral law on the Property, excepl to the extent the existence of such moterinls hos been presently disclosed in writing to Lender. Grnntor will immediately notify Lender in writing of any assertion or claim made by nny party as to Lhe possible violation of-applicable stnte .and federal environmental laws including the lociltion of nny hazardous or toxic materials on or ilboul the Property. Gr:anlor indcmnifie.'i ilnd holds Lender harm less from, without llmitntion, any liobility or c:;,,cpcnsi.:: ofwh11tsoever nuturc incurred directly or indirectly out ofor in -1:onncction with: {a) ony cnvironmentn.J laws nffccting all or cmy pnrl oflhe Properly or Gran tor; (b) the past, present or future existence of any hazardous materials in. on, 1.mder, about, or emanating from or passing through ~,c Property or ony par< Lherear or any property adjacent thcreLo; (c) any past, present or future hozordous octivity al or In eonncclion ";th the Property or uny part thereof; and (d) the noncomplioncc by Grantor or GronLor's failure ta comply fully and timely with environmental laws. Financial lnfonnntion. Granter agrees ta supply Lender such financial nod olhcr information concerning ils affairs nnd Lhe status of ony of its assets as Lender, from time to time, may reasonably request. Granlor rurthcr agrees to permil Lender to verify llccounts as well as to inspccl, copy and lo examine lhc books, records and Files ofGrontor. Lender's Right to Enter. Lender or Lender's agents sholl have lhe right and ncccs., to !nspecl the Property al nll reasonable times in order to attend to Lc:ndcr's intcrc.sls and en.sure compliance wilh the terms of I.his Security Instrument If the Properly, or any po.rt thereof. shall require inspection, repair or mnlnlcnuncc which Grontor hn.s fn[lcd to provide, Lender, after reasoru1.bl~ notice. mo.y enter upon the Property to eITccL such obllgntion;. nnd lhe cost theroof shall be added lo the Indebtedness nnd paid on Lender's dcmond by Grantor. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. As additional security for the payment of the Indebtedness ond the pcrform11nce of the covcnn.nts cantnlned herein. Gro.ntor hereby assigns and transfers over to Lender a!l rents, income and profits ("Rents11 ) under any prescnl or future lenses, sublcas~s or Hccnses of the Properly, including nn.y guaranties.. extensions, nmcndmenls. or rcne..wls thereof, from the use of lhe Property. So tong as Gran tor is Pli 3 cf7 f I 'I 1j ' !:1 'i ' ti not in defnult, Gron tor mny receive, collect and enjoy nll Rents accruing from the Property, bot noL more than one month in advance of the due dote. Lender may also require Grantor, tennnL nnd any other user cf the Property to make payments of Rents dirc:clly to Lender. However, by receiving a.ny such payments~ Lender is nol, tutd shnll nol be considered, Etn agent for uny po.rt)' or entity, Any nmounls collected may, at Lender's sole discretion, be applied to protect Lcnde.r's interest in the Property, induding but not limited to the p.iymt:nl of taxes a.nd insurance premlums nnd to the lndcbtcdncs.s. At Lender's sole discrcLion, nil Jca.,e:;, sublenses and licenses must first be approved by Lender. CONDEMNATION. Grontor shall give Lender notice ofany action taken er threatened to be taken by private er public: entities to 11ppropriate the Property or any part thcrL"Of, through condemnation, c:mincnl domain or o.ny other action. Further, Lender shall be permitted lo participale or int,:rvene in any of the above described proceedings in nny manner il shnll at its sole discretion determine. Lender is hereby given full power, right nnd nulhority to receive and receipt for 11ny and all damages aw:irded a:s a resull of the full or partial Inking. or npproprintion and in its sole discretion. to apply so.id awards Lo lh1: Indebtedness, whether or not then due or otherwise in D.ccardnncc with applicable law. Un!e.ss Lender otherwise aBrCCS in writing, any application of proceeds Lo I.he lndcblcdncs.s shall noL e.icnd or postpone u,e due dote of u,e payments due under the Indebtedness or chungc the nmount or such puymcnt.-s. GRANTOR 1S ASSURANCES. At any lime, upon o request of Lender, Granter will execute and ddivcr to LendcrJ anU if appropriate, cause to be recorded, such further mortgages, assignments, assignments ofle.ases and rent.Si security agrtcmcnts, pkdges, financing statements, or such other document ns Lender mBy require., in Lender's sole discrctior., lo clfcctualc:1 complete and to perfect as well llS to continue to preserve the fndebtcdncss, or the llcn or security interest created by lhis Security Instrument. A TIORNEY-JN-FACT. Gran tor appoints Lender us nuorncy-in-fact on behalf of Grantor. Tr Granter fails to fulfill any of Grantor's oblig11llons under this Security Instrument or any Related Documents, including those obligntions mentioned in the: preceding po.r.igrnph, Lender as attorney-in-fact mey fulfil I the obligation5 without notice to Grnnlor. This power of attorney shall not be affected by the disnbil ity of the Granter. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Tilc following events •hall constitute default under lhi< Sccucit:y Instrument (each nn "Event of Default''): (a) Failure to mnke required p,ymcnts when due under lndcb!cdness; (b) Failure to perform or keep any of the covenants of U1is Security Instrument or o default under nny of the Related Documents; (c) The making of any oral or written statement or assertion to Lender t.hnt is false or mi.slendirig in any material respect by Gra.ntor or any person obligated on the Indebtedness; (d) The death, dissolution, insolvency, bankruplcy or receivership proceeding of Or11ntor or of any person or entity obligated on the Indebtedness; (e) Any assignment by Grnnlor fer the bener.1 or Gran Lots creditors; (f) A mtttcrial nd,..~cch11nge occ:urs in the finonc(al condition, ownership or management ofGrantor nr nny person obllgnted on the Indebtedness; er (g) Lender deems iL->;clfinsccure for any reason whatsoever. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon the occurrence of nn Event of Default, Lender moy, without demand or notice, poy any or all taxes, assessments, premiums, and liens required lo he paid by Gran tor, effect any insurance provided for herein, make such repairs, cause Lhe obstracl..o:; oflltle or litle !nsurnncc policy a..nd ta:r.: histories olthc Property to be certified to dole, or procure new abstracl.'i oftille or lillc insurance and lax histories ln case none were furnished to it, and procure title reports covering the Property, including surveys. The amounlS pnid for o.ny such purposes will be added to the Jndcbtcdoess and will bear inlcrcst o.t Lhc rntc of interest otherwise accruing. on the lndcblcdness unlH p3id. In lhe event of foreclosure, the cbstracts of title or title insurance shall become lhc ,I ·' t: ., .I ! ., ' properly of Lender. All obslrocts of title, lillc insuroncc, ta., histories, surveys, nnd other documents pertaining lo the Indebtedness will rcmnin in Lender's possession until U1e lndebtedncss is paid in full. IN THE EVENT OF THE SALE OF THIS PROPERTY UNDER THE PROCEDURE FOR FORECLOSURE OF A SECURITY INSTRUMENT BY ADVERTISEMENT. AS PROVIDED BY APPLICABLE LAW, OR IN THE EVENT LENDER EXERCISES ITS RIGHTS UNDER THE ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS, THE GRANTOR HEREBY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO ANY NOTICE OTllER THAN THAT PROVIDED FOR SPECIFICALLY BY STATUTE, OR TO ANY JlJDlCIAL HEARING PRIOR TO SUCH SALE OR OHIER EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Upon the occurrence of an Event ofDefaul~ Lender may, without notice unless required by law, and ot it> option, declare the entire Indebtedness due and payable_ as it moy elect. rcgordkss of the dale or dates of malurily U1ereof. H'Lendcr invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give wriuen notice to Trustee of U,e occurrence of an Event or Default and of Lender's election to cause the Property lo be ,aid, Trustee nnd Lender shall give such notices as lhe laws of Washington prescribe, and after the lapse of such time as may be required by applicDblc law, Trustee shall sell the Properly according to the Jaws of Washington, Trustee may sell the Properly al the lime and pince ond under lhc terms designated tn tile notice of sale in one or more pnrccls end in such ordcr DS Trustee mny determine. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel oflhc Properly for• period or periods not exceeding o lotnl of 1 ZO days by public onnounccmcnl Dt the time and place fi:.ced in the notice of sale. Lender or Lcndcr 1s dcsignee may purchase the Property al any sale. NO Wi\lVER. No dcluy or failure or Lender to exercise any right, remedy, power or privilege heretmder shall 11Jfecl lhoL right, remedy, power or privilege nor shall uny single or pnrtiul exercise lhcf'eof pr1;cludi.: the exercise or cny right, remedy, power or privilege. No Lendi:r delay or railure to demand strict adherence to the terms or Lhi~ Security Instrument shall be deemed [O COf\Stitutc a course of conducl inconsistcnl with Lender's right ut any lirnc. before or ofter an event of default, to demand strict ndhcrcnce to lhc terms of this Security lnslrumcnt and lhc Related Documents. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, In accordance with applicable law, Lender may from lime lo lime appoint o succe.ssor trustee to any Truslcc appointed hereunder who has CCilsed to acl Without convcyn.ncc of the Property, lhe successor trustee sholl succeed to 1111 the tille, power Md duties conferred upon Trustee herein o.nd by applicable lnw . JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY, If this Security lnsL-umcnt should be signed by more than one person, all persons executing this Security Instrument ogree lhot they shnll be jointly ond severally bound, where permitted by law, SURVIVAL. Lender's rights in this Security Instrument will continue in its successors and assigns. This Security Instrument ls binding on all heirs, executors, administrators 1 wssigns and successors of Granter. NOTICES AND WAIVER OF NOTICE, Unless otherwise required by opplicablc law, any notice or demond given by Lender 10 nny party is considered effective: (i) when it is deposited in the United Stales Meil with the appropriate postngc; (ii) when il is sent vin elt:clronic moil; (iii) when le is senl via facsimile; (iv) when it is deposited with D n.1.tionillly recognized ovcrni&ht 1:ouricr service; (v) on the day of personnl delivery; or (vi) Dny other commercially reasonable means. Any such notice shall be addressed to the porly given at U,c beginning of this Security lnstrumcnl unless an altcrnotlvc address has been provided to Lender in writing. To the extent permitled by law, Gro.ntor waives notice of Lender's. acceptance of this Security Instrument, defenses based on suretyship. any defense arising from any election by Lender under the United States Bankruptcy Code, Unlrorm Commcrcinl Code, 115 enacted in the stntc where Lcnd,:r is located or other applicable law or in equity, dcmw,d, notice of uccclcrotion, notice of nonpayment,. presentment,. protcsl, notice of dishonor nnd llTlY other nollcc. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, GRANTOR WAlVES ANY RIGHT TO NOTICE, OTHER THAN THE NOTICE PROVIDED ABOVE, AND WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO ANY HEARING, bl!»l·2flll Ca~illllC!l s:-n=m, k .v.Fs-nac -101.H.1.11..ru, C'lllnft"IO :LI CPll1l,i1n h,;un I I . Dl.~00'1' p t. 41°1 :) " " 'j 'I '!. li f 1·. ,. 1., JUDICIAL OR OTHERWISE, PRIOR TO LENDER EXERCISING ITS RIGHTS UNDER THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT. USAGE. The Property is not used principally for agriculrurnl or farming purposes. WAIVER 01' APPRAISEMENT RIGHTS. Grontor waives oil oppruisement rights rcloting to the Property to the extent permitted by low. LENDER'S EXPENSES. Gran tor ngrccs to pay a.II expenses incurred b)' Lender in connection wilh enforcement ofllS rights under the Indebtedness, this Security Jnstrumenl or in the event Lender is ma.de party lo nny lilignLion because of the existence of the Indebtedness or this S<:mJrll]I Instrument, os well as court costs, collection chorgcs ond reasonublc nttarneys 1 fei::s und disbursements. ASSIGN ABILITY. Lender may assign or otherwise transfer this Security lnsln!ment or nny of Lender's rights under this Security Instrument without nolicc to Grantor, Gran tor mny nol assign this Security Inslrumcnt or o.ny po.rt of the Security Instrument without the express written conscm of Lender. GOVERNING LAW. This Security instrument will be governed bY the laws of the Slate of Washington including all prccccdlngs. arising from this Security Instrument. SEVERABJLJTY. If a court of compc:tcnl jurisdiction deLermines Ill'\}' term er provision of this Security lnslrument is invalid or prohibited by applicable lnw, lhnt term er provi5ion will be ineffective to the. cxlcnt required. Any term or provision that ho.5 been determined to be inva.lid or prohibited w;11 be severed from the rest of the Security Instrument without invu!idating the remainder or either the affect~ provision or this Security I nstrumcnl. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. All pnrtles to this Security Instrument hereby knowingly and voluntarily wnlve1 to the fullest extent permitted by lnw, any rigbt to trinl by jury of any dispute, whelhcr in contract, tort, or otherwise, nrisitig out of, in coni1ec.tion wfth, relnted to~ or lncidentnl to the nh1tfonship estnbllsbcd between them In thi.s Security (nstrument or nny other lnstrument, document or agreement executed or delivered In connccUou wi(h Chis Security Instrument or the Related Documents. CONSTRUCTION FIXTURES. This Security Instrument shall constitute a sccuril]I agreement as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code (the "Code"), and Mortgngor hereby grnnlS to Lender a sec1Jrity inlerest within lhc mc:nning of the Code in fovor of Lender in all of Mortgagor's now owm:d and hcn::ificr acquired goods, building mntcrlnls, supplies, invt:ntory 1 c.quipmt:nl, accounLS, contract rights~ instruments, documents, chnllc! pnpc.r, general intnnglbles nnd personnl propc.tt)' lccntc:d ~t. upon or in uny wa.y related lo the construction of improvements or the dcvclopm~nt or use of the Property. Lender shall have ull of the rights nnd remedies provided hy the Cnch~. including Lhe right to file any financing sLD.tcmenls required under the Code :ind the righl to proceed under lhc Codt.: provisions governing default os to MY personal property separately from the real estaLe ihcluded hcccfn, or lo proceed as lo ail of U,e property included in the Property in accordance wiU, its rights and remedies in respect nf said real cSW.te. ORAL AGREEMENTS DlSCLAIMER. Orol agreements or oral commlCm,nts to loan money, extend credit, or to forbear from enforcing npnymcnt or n debt nrc not enrorccablc under \Vashlngton law. A DDIT!ONAL PROVISIONS. FULL PERFORMANCE. If Grontor pays oil the Indebtedness when due, nnd otherwise performs nll the obligations imposed tip an Cran tor under this Deed of Trust, Lender shall execute and deliver 10 Trustee n request for full reconvcyance Bnd shnII execute and deliver to Grimtor suitable stntemcnts of termination of n.ny finanting stntcmcnt on file evidencing Lcuder's security Interest in the Rents nnd the Pcrsonnl Property. Any rccon~cy:mcc foe required by l.1w lhull bt paid by Grnntor, if permitted by npplicable law. r,,;11~ By signing this Security Instrument, ench Grnntor acknowledges thnt :ill provisi-0ns lmvc.:. been rend and understood. Chclrm Creel<. LLC By: JKM Holdings, LLC, Manogcr BUSINESS ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF] _....,l,(,"'1'.l...._ __ _ On I.his the 1541, Ju. f»JtN»(W6 , before me,Uk.J.'41!.W , a ~~ j2JIJ~pcrsonally appcored Jonothon K Bartels, Executive Monogcr of JKM Holdings, LLC, on behalfo helan Creek, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Compony, to me pcrsonolly known or who having proven lo me on the basis of satisfactory cvidenc.e to be the person who~c name is subscribed within this instrument and who acknowledged that he/she holds the position set forth and dint he/she being authorized lo do so, executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contlllncd, by signing the name of the Limited Liability Company by himself/herself as Executive Manager of JKM Holdings, LLC, on behnlf of Chelan Creel<, LLC, and that the foregning inslrumenl is the voluntary act and deed of the Limited Liability Company. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and, if applicable, official seal. My commission expires: I· z). 11, ------' in and for the stnte of Washington 1 residing at ,~<t)}t: (Offici Idcllli ficntion Number------ -.. Tl' .. ""'l'!T' "i ' ' ' CITf ·oF RENTON L:L.A. ND. l UA. 01:1-066-LLII LND-30-0.343 (NfN!/liS !iECL1IIA!'/ON ,·i..-Now A,1 !-.lrN l',Y T_i::sc "!!l'>(~)'.:, il-',\l_WI IIU.- IINr'lf'<SIC~D OW'lER('.:i) U' IHr.·· Ar-.ll 1lf:><fl\_0tc.r:R,Grn i~i'"~~o7~;t11~'.~1~,\.f \Y 11i:'.~\·:~/i1~~~,-~~o:·~E.~. Aflt .. · n:s AIJ..11J<;tWcr.!· 11, tll _,jl ,;1~Af-'IIIC 1/~l'RFSEN!AIIY,,\ or THE :·,J\·Ar. M\f: 'h;, ';',,\I[) Al)J\t'.OfWl.Nt I~ ~1!',[)~.' WIT,• IHC IRfL CJ'btNI /,NJ IN.ACC'ORDA"CI 'll'lti :111 01-s:;1-., !)i 'i•I O\'/N~R(S) .t, w1·:,h~ '/11111_\:\Jt Wf,, H,W~ ~XT !)c)', 1·,\"L)'; /\M) ';11\i C, ·-·~~-·-· IN~A ''II If\ Si.\li-_ 1)1 w;,<,111Nt".'CIN,1 SC. U)UNTY U· >\ING ) ON Tl•IS DAY ·Y"SONAI Iv /\l'PFN<t'J ,-If-I [J~I M'. f ( ,'' ro '-If. f:N()WN 1r, Ill TIii !IJl)l\rnlll~l ,:r,) n~s:_.•WJLD N ,\NIJ WHJ l')cfTlirl; 1111 Wll:IIN 1\/,t{J ll!ll[CCINC:-INStRlil\lU;T. AN[) ,,,:KM)Wl i lll:flJ 'tl/\1 IIJ-""/ ',t1l SIGl-.rn T~f '.',A_l.1C: ~s Hi~ / -II fl 'J(!ll.Nl'.R)' A(';."·/,N1i ll , ll. l,\)li 1,; IJ';:£<; /.hi 1'11'·'1'•"' ''; llll l<f"IN 1/fNTltiNf;; . 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NO LUA-08-066 LLA LND-30 -0.l4.5 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON c; ri,cr n, uo:JsC '0 gy N L' PROPOSJ::D PARCn, ARF:AS· rA~ "ARCl"L /11..>:1:,o~ ~I 19 WT A r2.:n1 •;o I I ;Ax l'~Rcn ,,m"1s-~~4U AMJ fA( rNI<." t•mro~ ,,r:o i.')I h' •A.l,_.,,9 SQ j I CRITF,IU _Ali'rA 15.'3~ ,;o:; Ir .· .... •· ••• C//ll,LAf Mif,i; WIili AUFl'f_l;' __ (j(!T',LJ IIZ.li9j _se_,n (Ril,CA! AA1A ,W>i-tl< fMf.f/' tJ,h)rJ ~t) fT,.: CRITl<A! .',REA ,;,,um .. 1..·,_,iN. I '.6M :;o f__.'.- P,;,o,-,/111) J ,~I CG<!OO::f\rll' .-+oJ JJARF:NT PARCEi. Alll!-'AS'· TAX ."ARC~l ! /QI.J05-9 r /9 LOT/.. lJ.~<6 5(J ru !'ARC/l i)()?.Jr~ .SHrJ A~(l r4x ,w,,·i, !10,.l!J~-9rm; w, 11 • ,,.nu >o. <r WvNJ) J.JONUl,lLN/ .'N ''A,:,"L w,r,' , '/T RRAS)i 0,'Sa .. .'(H ''I.JNL',, A• 'Nlfi'S[Cr,nN or VI/VA,': ,11/!c " .,,,,u ,u~.,, ;,,. ,, .. ,· £ ,,, ci.J.~. ,;.,., '"[, ~L",\'TIRli/11 ' ~.·-·-'®· "/"{,{}·4~,-''·•!. 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GRAPHIC SCAU; f' -=50' ~---___ ===s GO O :'lO FlA:-i{S OJ,' BEARINGS: NAD 83 ( 1991) /<rA/1,wL,, ,,,c;~.,· "l"'c(W Al<C .... ~1·r, l)r; ,~,1y ,,,-~F>,/TO,~ l<'~NUMf,~;-, f1H<H ~N,! ,,,.,.~ UfJN/, ~-OR';,, &r2u·uu· WI.~!. /\'., 1,/u\c;U,~t_!) AC~L '"I ~(',,Ir ;1N' C:lf" i,<F ~(J/l)H~YS/ 1/• 0, S[Cl/C!N rD. rt:.wNSd,~ .! Nl/h'.'~ /<,\N(_~--~ r,0sr. WI,/ TAX PARCEL NUMBER($) ·~2Jo5-9,06, rn2J05-911!i ~ ,o;-x,,.9MQ TOTAL AREA OF LOT UN~,' ADJUSTMENT 19S,7'.)9 Sil fl (< '-9 ACR(~) NO'f'J<.'S: '<<J1'W.'-11c.NI', J.~, vJSLrQ O FT 01 ~:1 -. '~!Jo;>' t e;i 0, h" o> "~ g .·lie=" . ~~ ~~~ ,-.,.j':_ b;; 8"!~ / ~--~··---~,~§ hM 10' ,~~ ;:I .~ '''f'' ' ,fi ,:; i" :11 :l:: ,, 1• ~I _,i.., j:.:: , :,{ '/ 1'·' ~. j ,. ;a' Ir; ,or,, '-"' ~ LEGEND: 'i..c. Q·.,(") :> . ", i I . ~~ ~;\~·:)!;,., d <,'\: .c·t ,w ··t~2; .i!;~ [,,,u:i , \ RIG-fr o,--)lo;(\ ri.,, •t 'Ir ~-" ~ · -a,_:__ s:-•~z ,?;iw~ ~ ' •~\')."' C OJF:IJ..,, f'/ -,;-F; ~ ~~" ~~~ ti)i ~~~ ,, " ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~-'-, "'' ?~ ?' "" '2 Ls.. C {{•H"F) -' -r~,- ~l'..~ tr--c \ -.fu.t,_oF-IVAY -. ~~~ E , . ~-:? r (,"Jc ·f\ 1\ , .. !.•m OF ffNCI" IS oy , ,gr· o.,· ~ .-,;-· ,~i«J,'>iN'r .!'ii ;~ C: ~F~ 5"ic,:; ~-~ (I;~~ ..~ ,~ :-,, ~ '" @ I ro~.~IJ MON,i',,!1 NI ,s nF~CR1,~;,, . fO'.JND 1/i" P.f:~o'--.~(.,) ~.AP A< n•~i:P'JIFil 0 ..• :;u P.!"HN? AN/l ~.A;> "C.~ll 41'(),,,. :r~~ ,[~~i~1~''.u'ti.~ :surv .. yor~ Plarme,,i;. g 9£~ N. CftrlRJi.l, STE. flO~. K[N'T. 'I(.< 9l!'0'2 1.h;?8;, -43&! (locGI) 0< l~~lli~1~'f~(::..°'~,:r~~53)85~· 4'05 (fa>< PORTIOf'[ Of, SE 1/+. -.~._w 1/4. sec. 1.0.· T.7.i N;)RTII, R 5 ,&\ST, WM DRAWN BY: DATE: JOO WIMBER: f./ h.11. '/70/?00(l 2'-,(li .,088 CHECKf .. O fl'f:I SCAU:_ O.ll H. 1"-~o· SHtET, ;, oi, 2 .-1= ,-<;,i}.Jii'i"-WJlt "'"" ,u,l'ilWI"' Uh.' AWUSil,ll.1,/' .··;rRFAT/"'1 c,.., 1,m '' 1>) .,a,) }L'J1; '!"II\" ,•; iii •uc Jun ,"<! .iJl<·~r, ~I 7.-,-;r;A 01/fn "'" "'" 1b ;"00!!, , .,s ')h ·(·S-\•o,, '4'" ,,,a(hoq\2r;.J7 .f,M ,JI ~ 71 oo,, ,.J /JJ .j 0 _ _j/ ) r:, 1 -;-;,.,co ~~ 1: 1 ., i 111 ~ ~ [ ~11 II I i i i ! ·1 ~. ' 1· '' • ' '"":'"""l''''M,a ,, .... "'""'' W, "" ~ "''W -,< !</ ktl I I . ' 'I I I '/ •/ ~i ~\ __ S11VHO NOU03Sl:l3!Nf ONV NV1d !JNINOISN3i',jl(l and )t33H::> NV13HO I ., . ;/ ~~;'.~~~ ir~~+J WASHINGTON FORESTRY CONSULTANTS, INC. FORESTRY AND VEGETATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS w F C I 360/943-1723 FAX 360/943-4128 1919 Yelm Hwy SE, Suite C Olympia, WA 98501 Junel7,2016 Wendy Grant JK Monarch/ Chelan Creek PO Box 188 Puyallup, WA 98371 RE: Chelan Creek -Save Tree Inspection Dear Ms_ Grant: ii,! We have inspected all of the 'save' trees on the Chelan Creek project The purpose was to verify that the original proposed 'save' trees were retained, protected and would be long-term trees_ Findings and Recommendations The original tree retention plan proposed seven trees to be saved_ These 7 trees included numbers 3 l, 37, 38, 39, 60, 61, and 62 ( see attachment #2). The saved trees included Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga men=iesii), Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), bigleaf maple (Acer macrophy/lum), and juniper (.funipenis spp.). All of these trees were evaluated and are considered to be in 'Fair' condition today. The following table lists each tree with its recommended minimum root protection zone, and actual distance that was protected in the project. Table 1. List of save trees and required protection. Recommended Distance from Tree Current Root Protection Tree Protection Tree ID DBH Tree Zone on Project Fence on Adequately Species (in) Condition Side ofTree (ft) Project Side (ft) Protected? DI Bi1rlcaf Maolc 23 Fair 16 20 Yes Ponderosa T37 Pin~ 32 Fair IO IO Yes T38 Douglas-fir 28 1-"air 20 23 Yes T39 Juniper 20 Fair 14 22 Yes T60 Juniper 15 Fair 12 16 Yes T61 Juniper 12 Fair I 0 15 Yes Pondcrosa 162 Pinc 18 Fair 12 12 Yes ,-, t) URBAN/RURAL FORESTRY • TREE APPRAISAL • HAZARD TREE ANALYSIS RIGHT-OF-WAYS• VEGETATION MANAGEMENT• ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES• CONTRACT FORESTERS Member of tnternatJonai Society of ArbOricultura and SOCiecy ot American Foresters Chelan Creek-'Save' Tree Inspection The trees are currently all adequately protected with tree protection fencing. If, for any reason, the root protection zone of one of the retained trees must be encroached upon, contact WFCI for evaluation to determine if the tree can still be saved. Conclusions All of the planned 'save' trees were present and in 'Fair' condition. None of the 'save' trees have been removed. They are protected by tree protection fencing as necessary. Please let us know if you have further questions, or if we can be of further assistance. Respectfully submitted, Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. _f!/~_ -;,0. L2;~ Galen M. Wright, ACF, ASCA ISA Bd. Certified Master Arborist PN-129BU Certified Forester No. 44 ISA Tree Risk Assessor Qualified Washington Forestry Consultanls, Inc. Ben MacColl, ISA, SAF ISA Certified Arborist@ - No. PN-7972A Professional Forester 2 Chelan Creek -'Save ' Tree In s pection Attachment# I. Photo log. Photo A. View of typical tree protection fencing on tree #38. Wa sh111gtvn Fvres/n ' ( ims11 /ta111s. !11c. 3 Chelan Creek ·Save' Tree In s pection Attachment #2. Aerial Photo and the Site plan showing locations of the required 'save' trees. (2 pages attached) Wushi11grn11 l-orl's/1, Co11s11/ronrs. Inc. 4 ': ..... ~ S' ~; ~~ 0 • ~ 0 ~ r. ~ t (':(,...0. ),m), r.z c C:ller: CHELAN CREEK PUD KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AERIAL MAP CES: NW ffi'C CIY/£ ENO/NEER/NO ,I $URY£YINO J\O -2 9TH ST NC. SlJl f[ ·01 UP . ~~ 98372 !h11: {2~3 ) 8-46-426~ Fn: {2 53) 846-.f.27 5 >, I.• : •. ·l :r~~ I • llff8I t'~ ;) ..., --..., :· 1l l ' ;) " ~\ . \ \(.- 0 \ ~ () ~ -," ... ·,. I' _( 'I' ' Ct£iAN 4'1Ef«JE~ ---'!(' \ ~ 'j( l-~ t;-.•"f I ,.. . .. I •. , .•• " ;c • :'.';·~- x ~ l lRACT 'D -...... ,_ ~t -'· ... _ --~ . -~:..,-~~:· l( J( • ~;-s:;r= \ ,._ ')( I X TflACIV . -4-:-r~ ··~--:-r -._ ~.· . :· \ : L . ,:) "I ~ I \ • \ ' ::··=----:--~ 001 A PART a' ThSP\.Ai ·~1 ,; ~~~- "..----.. ,_ ,, "' J I --, '~. '-?' J -_, ~ ~ ~ . .!.--• -....-.~ ' 0 ..... ·'>-~ "' "" V "", .at ., ,~, ·:_:·~. ... ii>. TJIACT"E' 1\£1\.AAO 00 !U'FER · .6-. ~ -~ 'l:, • 11 " jj . )( I " • : • ~ .0 #> ,// IJl'TU'() 8.fffR,WOC,, 0 ii'-·-. ' ~ ,.,v .. '1, .. l '"·· . "' ..,.I) . ~· 11.'·.' ·~.· . ~ 1;1:~ j) !\ 1· *' Ml,. I \( • ' r.n,ic 9.fffR <0011)1 #> lo' '11- 1 ~ '' ){ i ... ., ,(>..._ • l , -It '<;ell: .l( . · ... J • ::., ~ ,.., "' ~. ..... -....:_-. -L,.;.. ~ -.JI(~ ~ I • . . . "'· , ~ '{t . -,-,.,--.~-. ······--~ X1 -r+-... .io. --1*-.. ·M "' ,4, ·~-,'II', _..........._ ..... · .9. v ~ ~· 0 ~ 'IJ i .. -.. ii> • •· 14 '* 4t l( ~ IJ }<.l<. :~ .. X: \ ~·\~ ,t,. )( ~ \ . \· .>(X 0 J ,' • /v ~" . _,_.,. . .,; .. •-.. .a ........ ""'~-~---..: ---==--~~.,~----~-----~ DINAUA\'E ;., ,,, .. _.., __ ·---------~~-'?- .><-l( ~ )( \2 * ·:«· * TREE RETENTION PLAN -~ :) 1":11 30•-0~ EXIST IN G TREE KEY \7 .tr,LO(t,i r , 1e• Al.0£~-, ;-~ 1'4 l)l'"A1..D£H _sr:_, ·v117"l.OEA 'Ti 1:l'"A1.Df.lll --n·-· "•l"A.1.08!. 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I 1'9 lt'M.Of.A 1 !JO lt8"AA Of'II I 1)1 7"AUJEI' I 1'\1 1 r -..oc~ T •ll t1'~0ER T l )4 ,."'*",t Ir·~~~"' T •lel 'V ~ I ')I f"f'{Nl ! I,-,. • ?:17 AL OIA ',,. l!"M.OQI I·~ 1r M.OOI' I 1H l •'AI..OCR .T10 r~Lt,/,T~ l ,o 14'M.Dl;.H ,, .... l f~fl T 14~ ' 1~· Jrif.1lt_R I 1.-e • r .... OEO _1.1_0 WALot.11 f lt.I IO",..OIEM I 14' 2'1f'A&.O(ll T 1,0 Q#Cf Sfn PLANT SCHEDULE -REPLACE MENT TREES -SEE PLAN TIN G PLAN SHEETS FOR LOCATIONS OUANTITV 1 80T A.N!CAl """"''t:. COt ,O,K)N NAMf-SIZE ' f \ I_ ) _.,./' I ~; ~ ;« ,;,..._ -· ... -:fir . ' \";I .'·I 'i.,)- xx I MAI US'~f'iME Sl.lGAA ·vME FLOWER ING CR.A.BAJ'PI t:. 1"CAL - PINUS COHT()ATA SHORE P!t.t s.r • PSCUOOTSUGA ~CNZIESI! ~FIR.UNCLA'CO 6T hiUJA 1'-.ICATA CXCEI.SJr, L).Cl:LSA 'l,'EST~M H[O C£0 A.R 6-1 SA.HMC~l TRct. JO BL H[TMNCD t, NON , ... ElLA."IDV,'tlLANU tiUff-ER AA~ $1t.,,.1H C ANT TR.Cl: TO DC R CTAJNEO IN WE ll.ANf>N¥'ETLA,'IU ltUl'FEH ARCA SfGhlFICA.Nt ·REE tO BE ~OVEO St:f S.Hfr Ill !,t=QR fH.l:.t. ~on:cTKJN I OR IR[ES TORE M~IN OUfSIOf:. OF N rTLA. ... n fhJFFERS Pt:.HOl'r oi:: RE Nl()N i:.NVll'tC'l\.ll:NIAl. RC\'1£\vco,.i•mlEE REPORI M)°VEM!:leH tO 2Ulti CITY or R ENf°'4 ...,._.. (; .. .\j (;()QC RECt.nRE 1t-tAI ,c,,._, Of nu: TR(ai 0NSITC8ER(TA1NED SITFliA.C, 19, IHEtS 112AHCLOCATEOIN HIGHT or WAY I\CCESS EAS(M(NTS OR IN THt:: ,......I !Vt u«J'Nll-t PROTECTt()N r.AsrUENT lt!f.Sf IRl:f-·S AHE t::)(('A.Ul>f•O f H()M (HL RETENTION AATE THE.RC M r o\l.SO:i.:i Al DEA IME.E~ lt1Ar WIU BE E.XO..UOC.D F AOM ThC RETENTK)N RATE THIS LEAvtc ~ 44 AEMAJ N NC l~U:S 13 UU.ESA.AEREOUIRCCAT bEJO"-AEf tJ•IIONRATc. 7 IRCt:.~OUISOl OF •ht: NATI\'£ GftOWTHEASc.ME.NT V..'1..l 8E kt.111..tN(O APPtK..,N,11 WLL. M:!:l> IORtPl.AC[ r ti( 6 TREES NOf RFTAJNEDAT A 81 RAI K> Gl\,ING AREOUIREOREP\>CEMCNT TR:UT01Al0t-le TREFS ~OVIOEO HEPLAC(MHIT TA:EES EOUAI..S 36 ctn OF RENTON c...__,,,.,11 1,._..-=,.,,l c* ..... ,,....._,r. .....,o,.o~.• R-386916 ---,~·--.:. .. , __ -..... '= .... ,;~· IN~\~ ... , 111• 201~ 21.itlll ""--·--.. -· ---.. -- g-a z s a. ~ w ::; w 0 ~ ::> ..J a. a. w ~ Q'. UJ z UJ <I: 0 5 s: ~ z z ~ <i: 0 w .J ..... Q'. UJ z I UJ (.) a:: ,,,:.;. \"f"' , ---,;",.~~ .. l».U 7 10,.~I• ~r ONJ'\..AN OUA'I,"' DV NS ""' SIIU I L 1.0 1 ot r St-lEE lS Chelan Creek-'Save' Tree Inspection Attachment #3. Attachment Assumptions and Limiting Conditions. l) Any legiJI description provided to thc \Vashmglon Forestry Consultants, Inc. i<; assumed lo he com;ct. Any title.\ and ownership's to any property are as~umed to be goo<l and rnarkdabk. No responsihi!ity is a~sumed for matk-rs legal in charach:r. Any and all prnpe11y is apprriised or evaluated as though free and clear, under responsible O\VIK'rship and competent management 2) It is i:lssumcd that any property is not in violation of any applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or other governmental regulations, unless othenvise stated. 3) Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliahli..' sourc1..·s. All data has been verified insofar as possible; however, \Vashington Forestry Consultanh. Inc. can neither guarantee nor be responsible for the accurm:-y of information. 4) Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. shall not be reqrnred to give testimony or to attend court by reason of this report unless subsequent eontradual arrangement'> are made, including payment ofan additional fee for such services as described in the foe schcdule anJ contract of engagement 5) Loss or alteration of any part of this report invalidated the entire n:port 6) Possession of this report or a copy thereof does not imply right of publication or use for any purpose by any other than the person to whom it is addressed. without the pnor expressed written or verbal consent of Washington l'"orcstry Consultants, Inc. 7) Neither all or any part of the contents of this repo11, nor copy thereof: shall be conveyed by anyonc, including tht.: client, to the public through advertising, publil: rclations. news. sales or other media. without the prior expressed v.Tittcn or verbal consent of Washington Forestry Consultants. Inc. -- particularly as to value cnm:lusions, identity of Washington Forestry Consultants. Inc., or any reference to any professional society or to any initialed designalion conferred upon Wa~hington Forestry Consultants, Inc. as stated in its qualifications. 8) This report and any values expressed herein represent the opinion of Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc., and the fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specified value. a stipulated result, the occurrence neither of a subsequent event, nor upon any finding in to reported. 9) Sketches, diagrams, graphs, and photographs in this report, being intended as visual aids. arc not necessarily to scale and should not he construed as cngineenng or architecturnl reports or surveys IO) Unless expressed otherwise: I) information l:OntaineJ in this report covers only those items that were examined and reflects the condition of those Items at the time of inspcclion; and 2) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring There ts no \varranty or guaranke, expressed or implied, that problems or deficiencies of the tree or other plant or property in question may not arise in the future. lVote: Even healthy trees can fail under normal or storm condition.fi. The only way to eliminate all risk is to remove all trees within reach of all targets. Annual monitoring by an ISA. Certified A.rhorist or Certified Forester will reduce the potential of tree failures. It is impossible to predil'I with c:ertainty that a tree will stand or fail, or the timing of the failure. It b, considered an 'Act of God' when a tree fails, unle~·~· it is ,lirectlyfelled or pushed over by man's actions. Washington Forestry Consultants. Inc. 5 C.£.S. NW Inc. 310 29T' ST NE, STE 101 PUYALLUP, WA 98372 PHONE: 253-848-4282 FAX: 253-848-4278 " ) Lot Closure Calculations for Plat of Chelan Creek 13040 13040 map checks LOTS AND TRACTS.txt 13040-CHELAN CREEK MAP CHECKS Parcel name: 1 North: 184008.29 East : 1313177. 69 Line Course: S 88-22-21 E Length: 98.27 North: 184005. 50 East 1313275. 92 Line Course: S 07-01-19 w Length: 40.18 North: 183965.62 East 1313271. 01 Line Course: N 88-22-21 w Length: 98.31 North: 183968 .41 East 1313172. 74 Line Course: N 07-04-22 E Length: 40.18 North: 184008.28 East 1313177.69 Perimeter: 276.94 Area: 3,932 sq.ft. 0.09 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.01 Error North: -0.003 Precision 1: 27,694.00 Parcel name: 2 North: 184048.16 Line Course: S 88-22-21 North: 184045. 37 Line Course: S 07-01-19 North: 184005 .49 Line Course: N 88-22-21 North: 184008.29 Line Course: N 07-04-22 North: 184048.16 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 54-53-28 W East : -0. 005 East 1313182. 64 E Length: 98.24 East 1313280.84 w Length: 40.18 East 1313275. 93 w Length: 98.27 East 1313177. 70 E Length: 40.18 East 1313182. 65 Perimeter: 276.87 Area: 3,930 sq.ft. 0.09 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.01 Course: S 56-50-42 E Error North: -0.004 East : 0.005 Precision 1: 27,687.00 Page 1 Perimeter: 320.53 13040 map checks LOTS AND TRACTS.txt Area: 5,721 sq.ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.01 Error North: 0.004 Precision 1: 32,053.00 Parcel name: 5 North: 184244.70 Line Course: N 89-56-25 North: 184244.81 Line Course: S 05-09-29 North: 184227. 72 Line Course: S 21-57-59 North: 184204.81 Line Course: S 89-56-25 North: 184204. 73 Line Course: N 69-44-41 North: 184212.20 Line Course: N 00-03-35 North: 184244.71 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 49-52-00 E East : 0.005 East : 1313043 .17 E Length: 107.46 East 1313150. 63 w Length: 17.16 East 1313149.08 w Length: 24.71 East 1313139. 84 w Length: 76.40 East 1313063.44 w Length: 21. 57 East 1313043. 20 w Length: 32.51 East 1313043 .17 Perimeter: 279.81 Area: 4,067 sq.ft. 0.09 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.01 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 51-28-06 E East : 0.004 Error North: 0.003 Precision 1: 27,981.00 Parcel name: 6 North: 184284.70 East 1313043 .12 Line Course: N 89-56-25 E Length: 112. 20 North: 184284.82 East 1313155. 32 Line Course: S 10-55-35 w Length: 10.79 North: 184274.23 East 1313153. 28 Line Course: S 05-09-29 w Length: 29.53 North: 184244.81 East 1313150.62 Line Course: S 89-56-25 w Length: 107.46 North: 184244.70 East 1313043 .16 Line Course: N 00-03-35 w Length: 40.00 Page 3 13040 map checks LOTS AND TRACTS.txt Perimeter: 308.04 Area: 4,558 sq.ft. 0.10 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.01 Error North: -0.005 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: s 33-23-42 E East : 0.003 Precision 1: 30,805.00 Parcel name: 9 North: 184404.70 East : 1313043.00 Line Course: N 89-56-25 E Length: 110.05 North: 184404.82 East 1313153. 05 Line Course: S 03-17-33 E Length: 40.06 North: 184364.82 East 1313155. 35 Line Course: S 89-56-25 w Length: 112. 31 North: 184364.71 East 1313043.04 Line Course: N 00-03-35 w Length: 40.00 North: 184404. 71 East 1313043.00 Perimeter: 302.42 Area: 4,447 sq.ft. 0.10 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.00 Course: N 13-41-26 W Error North: 0.004 East : -0.001 Precision 1: 302,420,000.00 Parcel name: 10 North: 184455.85 East 1313058. 36 Line Course: S 88-29-25 E Length: 91.93 North: 184453.42 East 1313150.25 Line Course: S 03-17-33 E Length: 48.69 North: 184404.81 East 1313153. 05 Line Course: S 89-56-25 w Length: 110.05 North: 184404. 70 East 1313043. 00 Line Course: N 00-03-35 w Length: 36.13 North: 184440.83 East 1313042.96 Curve Length: 23.97 Radius: 15.00 Delta: 91-34-10 Tangent: 15.42 Chord: 21.50 Course: N 45-43-30 E Course In: N 89-56-25 E Course Out: N 01-30-35 E RP North: 184440.85 East : 1313057. 96 Page 5 Error North: 0.005 Precision 1: 34,057.00 13040 map checks LOTS AND TRACTS.txt East : 0.003 Parcel name: 12 North: 184726 .01 East : 1313169. 66 Line Course: S 88-29-25 E Length: 40.63 North: 184724.94 East 1313210.28 Line Course: S 00-00-39 w Length: 104.08 North: 184620.86 East 1313210. 26 Line Course: S 47-49-06 w Length: 30.05 North: 184600.68 East 1313187. 99 Line Course: S 00-03-35 E Length: 28.34 North: 184572. 34 East 1313188. 02 Curve Length: 24.05 Radius: 171. 00 Delta: 8-03-29 Tangent: 12.04 Chord: 24.03 Course: S 45-21-19 w Course In: S 40-36-57 E Course Out: N 48-40-25 w RP North: 184442.54 East 1313299. 34 End North: 184555.45 East 1313170.93 Curve Length: 1. 58 Radius: 24.00 Delta: 3-47-00 Tangent: 0. 79 Chord: 1. 58 Course: S 43-13-05 w Course In: N 48-40-25 w Course Out: S 44-53-25 E RP North: 184571. 30 East 1313152. 90 End North: 184554. 30 East 1313169. 84 Line Course: N 00-03-35 w Length: 171.71 North: 184726.01 East 1313169. 66 Perimeter: 400.44 Area: 5,507 sq.ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.00 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 49-49-02 W East : -0. 002 Error North: 0.002 Precision 1: 400,440,000.00 Parcel name: 13 North: 184649.35 Line Course: S 88-29-25 E North: 184647.98 Line Course: S 00-03-35 E East : 1313117.74 Length: 52.02 East : 1313169.74 Length: 93.68 Page 7 13040 map checks LOTS AND TRACTS.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name~ TRACT A North: 184481.26 East : 1313042. 92 Line Course: s 88-29-25 E Length: 66.43 North: 184479.51 East 1313109. 33 Curve Length: 8.75 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 20-03-44 Tangent: 4.42 Chord: 8.71 Course: N 80-58-56 E Course In: N 01-00-48 E Course Out: s 19-02-56 E RP North: 184504.51 East 1313109. 77 End North: 184480.88 East 1313117. 93 Line Course: N 00-03-45 w Length: 76.62 North: 184557.50 East 1313117. 84 Line Course: N 89-56-15 E Length: 11.42 North: 184557.51 East 1313129. 26 Line Course: s 59-00-48 E Length: 13.17 North: 184550.73 East 1313140. 55 Curve Length: 33.36 Radius: 24.00 Delta: 79-39-36 Tangent: 20.02 Chord: 30.74 Course: N 81-09-24 E Course In: N 30-59-12 E Course Out: S 48-40-25 E RP North: 184571.30 East 1313152. 91 End North: 184555.46 East 1313170.93 Curve Length: 24.05 Radius: 171.00 Delta: 8-03-29 Tangent: 12.04 Chord: 24.03 Course: N 45-21-19 E Course In: S 48-40-25 E Course Out: N 40-36-57 w RP North: 184442.54 East 1313299. 35 End North: 184572. 34 East 1313188. 03 Line Course: S 40-36-57 E Length: 22.00 North: 184555.64 East 1313202. 35 Curve Length: 105. 53 Radius: 149.00 Delta: 40-34-53 Tangent: 55.09 Chord: 103.34 Course: 5 29-05-37 w Course In: S 40-36-57 E Course Out: N 81-11-50 w RP North: 184442.54 East 1313299. 35 End North: 184465.34 East 1313152 .10 Line Course: s 08-48-10 w Length: 12.06 North: 184453.42 East 1313150. 26 Line Course: N 88-29-25 w Length: 91.93 North: 184455.84 East 1313058. 36 Curve Length: 23.97 Radius: 15.00 Delta: 91-34-10 Tangent: 15.42 Chord: 21. 50 Course: S 45-43-30 W Course In: S 01-30-35 w Course Out: s 89-56-25 W RP North: 184440.85 East 1313057 .96 Page 9 13040 map checks LOTS AND TRACTS.txt North: 184013.89 East 1313128.46 Curve Length: 37.25 Radius: 24.00 Delta: 88-55-59 Tangent: 23. 56 Chord: 33.62 Course: N 51-32-21 E Course In: N 06-00-21 E Course Out: S 82-55-38 E RP North: 184037.76 East 1313130.97 End North: 184034. 80 East 1313154. 79 Line Course: N 07-04-22 E Length: 14.21 North: 184048.91 East 1313156. 54 Perimeter: 275.42 Area: 3,735 sq.ft. 0.09 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.00 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 86-45-43 E East : 0.005 Error North: 0.000 Precision 1: 275,420,000.00 Parcel name: TRACT D North: 184212.15 Line Course: N 89-56-25 E North: 184212.19 Line Course: S 69-44-41 E North: 184204.72 Line Course: N 89-56-25 E North: 184204.80 Line Course: S 21-57-59 W North: 184174.39 Line Course: S 26-21-45 W North: 184150.70 Line Course: S 40-44-27 W North: 184121.80 Line Course: S 57-53-03 W North: 184097.19 Line Course: s 57-53-03 w North: 184089.27 Line Course: S 70-32-46 W North: 184078.41 Line Course: N 00-03-35 W North: 184212.17 East 1313008.20 Length: 35.00 East Length: 21. 57 East Length: 76.40 East Length: 32.79 East Length: 26 .44 East Length: 38 .14 1313043. 20 1313063.43 1313139. 83 1313127. 57 1313115. 83 East 1313090.94 Length: 46.30 East 1313051.72 Length: 14.89 East 1313039.11 Length: 32.63 East 1313008.34 Length: 133. 76 East 1313008.20 Perimeter: 457.93 Area: 11,594 sq.ft. 0.27 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.01 Course: N 21-54-11 E Page 11 13040 map checks LOTS AND TRACTS.txt North: 184121.80 East 1313090. 92 Line Course: N 40-44-27 E Length: 38.14 North: 184150.69 East 1313115. 81 Line Course: N 26-21-45 E Length: 26.44 North: 184174.38 East 1313127. 55 Line Course: N 21-57-59 E Length: 32.79 North: 184204.79 East 1313139. 82 Line Course: N 21-57-59 E Length: 24. 71 North: 184227. 71 East 1313149. 06 Line Course: N 05-09-29 E Length: 17.16 North: 184244.80 East 1313150. 60 Line Course: N 05-09-29 E Length: 29.53 North: 184274.21 East 1313153. 26 Line Course: N 10-55-35 E Length: 10. 79 North: 184284.81 East 1313155. 30 Line Course: N 10-55-35 E Length: 24.98 North: 184309.33 East 1313160. 04 Line Course: N 05-04-22 w Length: 15.54 North: 184324.81 East 1313158. 66 Line Course: N 04-45-56 w Length: 40.14 North: 184364.81 East 1313155. 33 Line Course: N 03-17-33 w Length: 40.06 North: 184404.81 East 1313153. 03 Line Course: N 03-17-33 w Length: 48.69 North: 184453.42 East 1313150. 23 Line Course: N 08-48-10 E Length: 12.06 North: 184465.33 East 1313152. 08 Curve Length: 105.53 Radius: 149.00 Delta: 40-34-53 Tangent: 55.09 Chord: 103. 34 Course: N 29-05-37 E Course In: S 81-11-50 E Course Out: N 40-36-57 w RP North: 184442.53 East 1313299. 32 End North: 184555.64 East : 1313202. 33 Curve Length: 16.67 Radius: 149.00 Delta: 6-24-31 Tangent: 8.34 Chord: 16.66 Course: N 52-35-19 E Course In: S 40-36-57 E Course Out: N 34-12-26 w RP North: 184442. 53 East 1313299. 32 End North: 184565.76 East 1313215. 56 Line Course: N 55-47-34 E Length: 10. 51 North: 184571. 67 East 1313224. 25 Line Course: N 56-02-10 E Length: 28.15 North: 184587.39 East 1313247. 60 Curve Length: 47. 74 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 54-42-16 Tangent: 25.86 Chord: 45.95 Course: N 83-23-17 E Course In: S 33-57-51 E Course Out: N 20-44-25 E RP North: 184545.92 East 1313275. 53 Page 13 • I, Kl'\I \VY:\IA'.\, Secretar> of Stale of the State of Washington and custodian of its seal. hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATI0'-1 to CHELAN CREEK P.l!.D. HOMEO\VNERS ASSOCIATIO!\ a. an \\'A ;-;on-Pru lit Ccirporation. Charter documents are effecti,·e on the date indicated b.:l1J\.\. Dalt': 6 122.20 l 6 L BI Number: 60-4-008-365 " , ... ,·, ',·.,: l i) L · .. ' '...., (li\l'll u11dn 111~ hand .md till' S1.,"c1l pf thi...' St,1k or \\':1.-.hin;..,'.c1111 ~it O\~ mri,t. th1..' Sts1tl' C.1pual l-..1111 \\:, llldll. '.'ll'<. .. Tl'Lll"\ 11\ \i,lt1..' I i • FILED JUN 2 2 2016 WA SECRETARY OF STATE fooL/ AHTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF CHELAN CREEK l'.U.D. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Chelan Creek P.U.D. I!omeowners Association, for the purpose of forming a nonprofit corporation under Chapter 24.03 or the Revised Code of Washington, adopts the following Articles of Incorporation: ARTICLE I Name The name of the corporation is the CITFLAN CREEK P.U.D. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, hcreinattcr referred !o as the "Assut:iation." ARTICLE II Duration The period of duration of the Association is perpetual. ARTICLE Ill Purposes The Association is organized exclusively as a homeowners association within the meaning of Section 528 of the Internal Revenue Code of I 986 (or the corresponding provision of any future U.S. Internal Revenue law). This Association does not contemplate pecuniury gain or profit to its members. The specific purposes for which this Association is formed are to provide for the maintenance, preservation, and architectural control of the buildings, grounds, and Common Areas within a residential development (the "Property") located in King County, Washington that is commonly relcrrccl to as the plat of Chelan Creek P.U.D. The Property is subject to a certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded on under King County Auditor's File No. ----· (the ··Declan,tion"), which authorizes the formation of the Association. The Association \.Vill promote the health, safCty, and welfare of the residents within the Property, all in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration. f-483'.'l· 102S-Ot 1!,J ARTICLIC IV Powers Without limiting the foregoing, the Association has the authority to exercise any powers conferred by the Declaration, or 13ylaws, as currently enacted or hereafter amended or superseded; exercise all other po\vcrs Iha! may be cxcrcisi:;d in this state by the same type of corporation as the Association; and exercise any other powers necessary and proper for the governance and operntion of lhc Association. ARTICLE V Dissolu lion The Association may be dissolved with the assent given in writing and signed by eighty percent (80%) of the votes in the Association that arc allocated. Upon dissolution of the Assnciation, other than incident to a merger or consolidation, the assets of the Association will be dedicated to an appropriate public agency to be used for purposes similar to those for which this Association was created. Jn the event that such dedication is not accepted, or in the event that there is not an appropriate public agency. such assets will be granted, conveyed, and assigned tu any nonprofit corporution, association, trust or other organization or allocated in an undivided interest to each Owner of a Lot within the property to be devoted to such similar purposes. ARTICLE VI Registered Office and Agent The address of the initial registered of'licc of the Association is 424 -29 1 " St NE, #C, Puyallup, Washington 98372. The name of the registered agent at that address is JK Monarch Enterprises, LLC. ARTICLE VII Management A Board of Directors will manage the affairs of the A~sociation. The right to make, alter, or repeal the Bylaws of the Association is vested in the Bon rd of Directors as set forth in the Bylaws. ARTlCLE VIIJ Oircctors The number of Din:ctors constituting the inilial BonrJ of Directors of the Association is three (3), and the names and addresses uCthe persons who are to serve as Directors until the earlier of: (i) the first annual meeting of the members; or (ii) until their successors arc elected and qualified arc as follows: -2- Mike Clu·istcnsen _ Fred Herber ~~---- Wendv Grant The number, qualifications, terms of office, manner of election, time anJ place of meetings, anJ powers and duties of the Directors nre prescribed in the Bylaws. ARTICLE IX Limitation of Director Liability A Director of the Association is not personally liable to the Association or its members for monetary damages for conduct as a Director, except for liability of the Director: (i) for acts or omissions \.Vhich involve intentional misconduct hy the Director or a knowing violation of law by the Director; or, (ii) for any transaction from which the Director will personally receive a benefit in money, property, or services to which the Director is not kgally entitled. Jf the Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act is amended to authorize corporate actions further eliminating or limiting the personal liability of Directors, then the liability of a Director of the Association is eliminated or limited to the fullest extent pcm1itted by the Washington Nonprofit Corporntion Act, as amended. Any repeal or modification of the foregoing paragraph by the Members of the Association will not adversely uffect any right or protection of 11 Director of the Association existing ut the time of such repeal or modification. ARTICLE X Indemnification of Directors and Officers The Association indemnities its Directors and Officers against all liability, damage, and expens'-'s arising from or in connectiou with service as Directors and Officers with this Association to the maximum extent ,ind under all circumstances permitted by law. ARTICLE XI I ncoqrnrator The name and address of the incorporntor is Chelan Creek, U.C of 424 -29" St NE, #C, Puyallup, Washington 98372. ARTICLE XII Earnings No part of the net earnings of the Association inures to the benefit of any Member or other individual other than by acquiring, constructing, or providing management, -:l- maintenance, and care of Association properly, and other than by a rebate of excess membership dues, fees, or assessments. ARTICLE XIII Mcmhcrs Every Owner of a Loi is a member of this Association. Membership is appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot that is subject to assessment. Natural persons, partnerships, corporations, t111sts, or other lawful husiness entities may own or have an ownership interest in a Loi. ARTICLE XIV Amendment These Articles may be amended bv the assent of' sixty-seven percent (67%) of the entire membership; provided, however, tlrnt the Board of Directors has the authority to appoint a new registered agent, and the Directors shall be appointed or elected as stated in the 11ylaws. ARTICLE XV Terms The terms used in these Articles of Incorporation have the same meaning as in the Declaration. IN WI1NESS WHEREOF, for the purpose of forming this Association under the lnws of the Slate of Washington, the undersigned, constituting the incorporator of this Association, has executed these Articles or Incorporation this ~ day of -\ 1. ' 201' ~ '"· INCORPORATOR: Chelan Creek, LLC, a Washington limited liability company 11y: JKM HOLDINGS LLC, a Washington ::;,~ :;~-an_a_g_e_, __ _ Mike Christensen, President CONSENT TO Al'POJNTMENT AS REGISTERED AGENT JK Monarch Enterprises, LLC does he,·cby consent to serve as Registered Agent in the State of Washington, for Chelan Creek P.U.D. Homeowners Association, a Washington nonprofit corporation. I understand that as ngent for the corporation, JK Monarch Enterprises. LLC will be solely responsible to receive service of process in the name of the corporation, to forward all mail to the corporation, and to immediately notify the office of the Secretary of State in the event of its resignation or of any changes in the registered office address of the corporation for which it is agent. DATED this '.2.1,e,.-i- Registered Office Address: JH~]9'1' St NE #C P11vnll11p. WA 98372 -5- . 2016. JK Monarch Enterprises, LLC, a Washington limited liabilitv company -~~.~~-- By: Mike Christensen, President c~sns Offir:R of the Sc~, :retrny of S1utC' Coroorut1ons & Chontie,, C}v1~,1CJ1"1 ( 'nnµratu lat it)lh: Ytlll ha\'l' .:omrkttd tile milial tiling In nl'ak a nc" husincss cntit:. The nex1 step in openin~ ~'our new businl"SS is 1o comph:h.• a Business Licl'ns1.• Applicn1ion. Ynu maJ havl.'. 1..·nmpktL'd thi, stL"p aln:ad:. rill' Business Li1..TllSL" Applicalion can he completed t1nlinc nr th11.vnloadcd al: httJJ'.;i\\\\\\ .hh.(k1r.\\a.g.o\ If you han: an: quLslitlll" ab(lut the Busincs-. License ,\pplic.-itiun. llf \\.'ould like .c1 Bu-.;inc~s License Application pa~kage maili.:d to you. plt'asc call Bu..,incs'> I iu:'llSL' Strviccs at l-800A51-7985. .IK MO!\ARl'll ENTIRJ>RISl:S LL(' .J24 29ll I ST NL nl' I J>llYALLl:J>, WA 98172 I ' I I -, 1 JaniC"s M Dc,lltvcr Bulld1ng :w1 C;:1p1!ol Wcw South· PO Bex 40234 Olyrnr1i.:.i. WA 98504 0234 l el 360.725 0377 www.sos.wa.gov/corps IMPORTANT 'Y°nu ha\C L'o1npk1cd the initial liling lli crl'alL· a Ill'\\ L'lllit). J'u h·L'r Jnur filing. -.;talus actiH:· and ~l\oid administrati\e dis:-.ol1111n11, ~llll must: l. File an Annual Report and pay thL· annual lii.:i.:nse ll'.c i:ach )Car bt.:li.WL' the an11ivcrsa~ of lhc filing date fnr the entity. A nnrii.:c to file )Ollr annual rL'port \\ ill bt: sent to your rL'g.istcrcJ agent. It is the corporalinn or LLc·s ' rc~pnnsihilil) 10 file the report e\L'll if no lh)ticc i:,, rccei1.cd. i\laintain a R.egisft'r('d Agent and rl'gi~krcd oflicL· in this slate. You must notd\ thL' (\)rpnratinn~ l>ivisioll if then.; arc ;my chan~es in ~our reµi<;tcrL·d agent ;.iµcn!'s addrcs~, l)f rq;istcn:U ntfii.:l' adUrcs~. hiilure tn rwtil)· tht.: CorporalilHIS I )j,. ision \)f dmng.cs \\ ill res.ult in 111isnrnkd maiL and pn,;sihl_:,. administratiH· di...;solution. If ,:,.\)U howl' quc:-.ti,ins ahnut repon and rc!!i~h:rcJ Jgcnt requirements, plcaSL' i..:1..ml<lcl tl1c Cl1rpl)rations ()i\ isi(Hl at 360-725-0]77 or visit our \\.:l.!hs itc at: http://\,\\\\ .~(1s .wa .g.m /t.,:()fJ1'i-. ' I .,. ,. ' ' , I 11 I I I ii I . I I I I I J ' . t .. ~· ' ... • • LUAOS-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. DEDICATION A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, (\8·V'I .li..~L p;::,:::;,-; 1:IY -:-,11:.st. ?f~C:'::t.\JE 1r.;-,,w, -r:. V \~,r~c:.1c'1FTl OWN CR'.~ OF i,;TCRtS: '~ -,.,~ 11\r,:; --H::'<::Bv SJ3[: v·'.; .::. l"C::Vi.BY JE.''.Lt.,R[ THV lYIS ;-:LA-TC h: --E: G~-"r"•"IC ~E:Y~l';d~IA'Ct\ oi:---ff S.:~lil/lS,ON W•.C:': H:Rtf3Y, t,,\~ :::,o L<[1,rnY OFLCAll TO T'-•[ U';i_ OI !llf ;-:..,8 ... C ,:'.":::·c<Ev':J, 6-s-REETS t,Nf:, ;.·-,,~·',l)E:3 \J:Y SHOWN /1S p~ V/l-E ·ff,i'f=:()\ /',\-) D[') ~.,'.TE_ IHf_ I.'';! 'Hrnr:_oF FOR AU_ ruB .. ,c PURP'.)SC:'.:, NU- N:::C\S!STEt-.· v.1 1 ·-, !Hl USE THEF.ECf-r·,)I'< ;::,,[1 C 111::; ''i/f.f F·l,,lPCSFS, .41\C-:: /1 S2 Tf':C RC-IT TC, f.!AK;-A• I NEC.l~SSAR' ::·_c,;,E'.i s:-:::~ c ... -s A\~ rli Is ·.JPON THF 'en~; s,-owr-, HEREON c-.. Thi O~-C.'\A .. K'tSC\A3Li -~;-\[;\G 8' SA,D qr~l:":TS .Ii.NJ Avl"N,J: \, ANI) FURTHLR D:C:JIC/..11 8 T'-'E v'.:C: c;:· TH 1 2uBL1: Al_,. Tl:E Ft,.S,.,.:J~hF, ,\\; mM:TS :~HO',V~; c:N TµIS PLAT ::-oR t,_L :>,.,tJL.IC PU~?:;:::<'.'. AS !\JDCATEO :1-,:::;:::-c\J, I\C' l.D1NC BUT l·h'JT UkE:) "'."O ::Jf-.R-<S '.}P:':N SPA.::t.. l!Tl 1Tll:.: !\Nil [JRA1Nt,,(;F UN_[SS SU·=~ sr.><::_LIS, -:,s:=-:YIC.NTS c--.: -;~ACIS ARE sn:C:IFl(.'All_Y IIJFN-;F"lt.CI l)N THIS O {\-AS W:\G c;!U1NTD ANS CON\''YE'.> TO ;::.'t_RSON J·~ El\-... , li··..,c_:;, -f-A\ --1E Pl,15·_12. N WH'."> C.'\S[ •.Vt 00 HERE.BY :;RANT /,1\::: :::NVF" su:--.,.-,~r,~-s. EA~,f::·/E\ -rs. 01'< TRt,.CTS :o 1-·~ -HSCN =~ EN-Ty .LEN-I~'~ .AN::: "8~ -r<.:_: ~.JIP'.;S:': STA-:.--:,. ~uR--:-,::~. T-t_ vi\LLi~SIGNE:: ,J·NfFRC::. ,1r IHE L.;NC, H:'f~E8Y SUBDIVIDE::;, \'/A,Vf: I D·i -HD,1Sn_,,,s -...;t_,~ HEIRS AND A'-'SIG~JS Mm /•.NV PFR':,mJ OR Ft,--,_.-c:~IV!NG flfli"" F"R(IM THE I_INnFRSl:;1',IT::, A\Y ;.in /\LL ('l_A,MS i:-c;;: [:)'f.,IAGES ;:.,(;AINST T...;E c1·-y 01 R~NIO~!. ITS '.;l.lC'.:lsso;;:s A".J) A·~'?, '.'\IS .,,,.,.,c,1 Vf..V BE :X;C1\SiONETi RY -:-,n:· ::::S":A3L Sf-HA:'H, :-::-:·-..::=;--cLCTl:::N. 'Je;> '/A\ ·~_\ANCE CF c;;'.)ADS .".i~J/OR DRA \A:,r cc.-c;r"MS ·.-1 Tr1N -~·s s1JE'l'_,,v1s101, cT,-.ER ~rlAN ::_;\.rJ:i ·~:::su_ u,::; ""~Of) \ADEOYA-,-~ V-~. t~ -\ I\NCE 1:;v THE Cl fY OF fLl'JTON. FL:~n·:.~, T-IE. Uf~nF-kSIC~EJ ::';W\::::p; C Ill[. LA.i'Jll IH·.kE::lY sue::: \.'.Jt.·). AC,REt.. r,:-:,1~ r-:)tS[_V[S, TH;-R h:".,RS A\:· AS"=, G\J'.. ·:-:, N'.;q,1\1>Y t,NfJ H01 'i --:::: 21-,-Y or Rt\ Hm. 1-s -;J:::c.--:s:,nR'i :\\) ASS:C\S, -A.RVL_'_'.:'.S ~"<'.CM A.\JY DAlviAGE :.,C:_~D,NG /-,NY cc~;T'l (F c:.:E\iSE. c;_Al\ilf-··; HY PfRSONS w·--,,\ :;1, l"i.T··CV -1':, SiJ8'.),v1S1c:~ TC ~AV[ i:L::N CAUSECJ E]'( A .. ~t?/\IIJN':: OF THC ·~RC:J\I:·, Sl.R~!>.':l, V'"G~~:..-,-'.;N, oi:;u,,INAG[, OR S,J/Fi1CI-' OR SU:3-~:,.JRi--f..(:F {/A.-::R F! o·,vs v,,n-llN lhl':i SUBUIVl'.S,'.)\ GI~ l:JY ES"."ABLIS· \j[N"'.", CC/.JS'~UC'l'.)r~ OR YAIN':':i'-:A~CI o-TII: l~,J/\CS 'NITHil'. T-S :3U:lC''-11S,0\ p;;:c·~':'.)E'), lHI'.) WAIV'':".1 ANf] l\[jl-1./r~,' CATIOI\ Sr':..:~:...\,::)' J[:" CD:\STRUFC .AS ~[L:::AS·NG -f--,E C'Y or RE\-~ON, E C:,.;C'.:'-~,SC~S OR ASS!G'.S. ,-ROM .!Al:LIIY H:;.R DAI-/AGES, l'iC:LIJ:;\·C T,I[ CCST Jf--~lU, r,,..::t .c;:ESLJ. Tl~JG I\ Wf,O_::-;;'"\ It, F/·.~-FRrn,i -.-1[ \l::::;L GE\C[ u> fHE Cl' Y or RfJHON, ll'i su,:ffSSORS, CR 1'.SS ::;\S c-1_·R--ER. KNOW /11 l_ P~Qr-::L_X RY THtSC PRF"SF\,t:i. ·1-.t.. Wf: T-E HERE!\ 3EL01', '_,!CNEL JW\JE~S ·N ; i_l· ',!M '_E OF Th:. :...AN[> -·rnC.;:JY '.:::Ul-ll)lvll)~_[;, '1E~[BY CERTIFV TC..AT 1'1[ '1A.V[ ES':A8i...S;,;::; 'HF, 0 iCN::J';'l'\[1S :..SSC::CIATICN if,C1.<,'1 n~ "CHF-LAN CREEK" I\ ::..cc::::•RCA'JCE WIT WA':iH'~~-iQ\j 3't,.T _A,',S •N IC·I 1Dtt-.r:-:-,r:=; Fi;Cri ;:;-OF ·1,1s ""'-1\T AS A 1/~MBER OF '.)A.I!) HOA. S.A1J hCA. I'.;, ':a-.CL:C:Cf -J ~Hf ilrr·. Af~/'.'!ON CF l.·:)VE\MHS ANG ~f·.S".R'C-10.',JS FOR !HE PLAT or Ol[_Ai, '.'~EEK" Vi i:•,:n ()';i :) ;F I\S-RUMlN f :;:[C;ORCC:,) lJ\Jl'.:...i~ KI\C, 2CU\ "Y H.::CORCllN'°"; N .. M,Jlfi -,q5 SU8::)IV.S0h, J[:"D.CA-:-181\, 1'0\IV:"; (;F C_,t.:f)S ~NJ A::;~~l-Ml-.1\T TO HOLD HA~~1~1:.SS ,S \:A:::: 'Nlfr 1:11 , idl:. CC'~:3E\T :..ND :".J ACCCRJMi::;-·,\HH T,JF iilSlltS JF :~A') r;','i'{C.RS f.'tttl, ·-:.·i1~TI":If ---· ------------- fAAl\ 1-\G \'.; \lE.Mi:H:.R Cr~ ._A.\ CR'.CK, Li..C ACKNOWLEDGMENT ON -,, S ---·-OA.Y ::::;;-2'.J16. :J'::'JRE IYIE P[RSO'-IALL Y APP!:_AREll rREJ -ER~l::R, IU M: !J,8W\ -,-0 B: 'H[ \/A'.,AG•N:: l,Ff"18ER OF CHELA~J (RE[:<, __ y /\ W,\';r·!\'.;~;~,r~ IIMl!ED l'A31LTY C'.:-\PAW:', ";HA' EXi::':,PTD ThE NI-I-<!\ .I\N) F()~C:GOlr~::: INSrRUMEi\; At~[, A::KNOWLEDGr, ''.A.., ,·~sT~IJ\iENT T" PE THE FR~:E /1V) Vl)L,J,\"'ARY ACT !,NC• IJf-.f-!; ::y ::iA.C COHPA\V ,---'.)'< TH[ u·:;Es Al\[) PlJRF'C;,SFS T,,F:R;-\ ).,ff\J-:)~E:J AND J\J 'J1\ s ')' /\ -rF:; TH/..-Hl •':, f:. .. ~ ·w:Rl!.C -,-0 D,E·::::UE ::-,.:.. J l\s-;_,,,rrr \ ·tir,\ESS 1'1! ,-w·r;r, I f 1/,\1:. '"1U~:UNro SET MY ,--;A1,.:) t,\J :=-F,C:.Ac. _;:A._ Tf--F ";!-,Y /.~J YEA~ >.f~ST WR ,.Tl"'.\J 1\R(JVI. ;:>R1'\T:D \J!'l,f.1[ or NOTARY f'.,::!L•C ---·---~- 11 l _l TRACT NOTES -~;.,::_-".::,'' S A .:,'i ':AT[" INGR[',':;, :"Sl<l"S\, N,1j , 1:1 °,".'.-Cil/C:\ ~ J':::;"j R:.c:::;~::: \G OF Tc-S ;::,, AT 'T:.;,/JC' ";,.'' ,s HEREB'Y SRAWI r; A'JD 28\JVi::V~": --:_. n: Ch[_A~. CREE'\ P.U.D. Hm1ECl'\l~ERS AS~,OCAT.0~ ;-10A,: A.\ [_t,'_J~1.-'-I' '0 HRHY :;;,,t,\Tf-l) PN·) U)\\/EYFD TO lflt CIIY '.JF RCN-,J~, c,vc;, ,,\:-,[;;; A\J) AC../1)'.;S -;;;µr.1 ":,·· rn,~ TIii· PIJi~i--'(l'.i' C! CDNV['(IN(,, '.';fOR!N(;, 'I.AhAG\:;, ANJ ~ACUTA-:-1NG SfORM M,,Jf.' SURFAC[ '/1Aff? AND '01( SA\J'TARY SE 1NER 1\NC:: Wf'.-'F~ ;::.,nr:::.,s::s ;,ER -µE ENGINf.E.RI\IG PLANS ON ~!LE 1Nl'h t,E :=rv or f~C.I\ i(.)1-,J f/A\J rE.r,,..M,C:. ~;c ,:,i I C:H::::R IMPROVFMFrHS Sri AL i... BE Tr:- ~[SP,:::,\SISI ·y OF' ·rH[ ._,JA TRt,C::T "8'' .. Pr")~J f~[TORLJING :iu,T ·1RACT "cl IS H'::~f_"f-!V (;~At,.-r:'.) ,\NI'. :::OhVEv'::J T:) -ci:: ·-::!rv :)' :;:u•" '.::\I ~1.:r: IC ROAD l'URl'fJSl:.S ill'.i ,:H -'st.::: I fa, PR·\'.~ E l'-.G'<:~s. '::G's[':'':'.. ANC, IJ ill T"'! EASE'-AE\ -L?J\J RECCRDl\0 m -· .. 1s PLA r 1:u,:; I ':> H:':~::! ,' ,..,~A"j i fCJ ANG CC·,\ VfYf::";· TO Tf•[ CHE A \J CREFK :;, U D --'0f/[01VI\J:CR·-, .s.sc-,oc.1 . .\Tim, (·1Jf1). f,.'') :,"'.'.',:::~ENI :., f-ERE.BY '.:;RANTED AN) CO"J\'EYE) -,-0 THE Ci'l'Y c,;: ~EI\J TON J\tC:R, LINDE": AN) !·.CROSS -RAr.T ··:::" rnR Trf r.:Rr-'GSr. OF ::::::::+.v:JI\G. s-::Rl~JG, l.1ANAGINC, 1\~j[) f,\(J_ITATING STC)R\1 /1Nfl SlJRFAD:: WA:r,-:;: Af~D C'·:)R SA.\~ARY s:w::R A\ID WAT!R f.'iif-11--'n'ol'., 1--'FR -c -N{;N'f-f,!11\'.; PLAN'.:, ON flL:. 'tFr TH':: CTY ClF Rt'JTONI/A1r~-~-\IAS..C':. '.: Al ·1r:~ ·..i~i:;,O\.fl)F\TS ,·,~ALL BE -HE. TRACT NOTES (CONTINUED) lt~ACf "Ll'' I'::: A rl;::j·,;t,.,TE STOR'-~ :::;A:~AG;-'Rf<CT. ·\f:,-_':)<=;:::::1NG :::,r THl'5 P_AT w~,:::T ''r,'' ··i l~l-cl'· G".A\IE.D AI\D CO\VE',.C:D -J TIF ,::c,· ;\\ c:;:rrn :,.U) '"10MC:01"iNERS AS'':,CClt,-1,--;\ ;1-11--;:-,). :,J~ ~ASEi/Ur i'.-; -i~q[GY GU,r,' ; ,'\'ll.1 '.~O~f·iEYC::: ;-c THt. e,Tv OF RE!\-,:·.\ (:vi:_;;>, ,J 'Wm A.\JD ,"t'.ROSS n;.,;;-"[:'' FOR 'I II P,.'~PCSF-;:;F CC,\V':v \JG, STORl~Jr;, f,1M~t,G I\JG, M~::: I A(:11 11 f.. llN(, s-O.'·<'f--' :.,,;u '.:,'Jh'~AC..!:. ·~1A [I:.'~ '°lJh?f-'O:)~ S !-'ER THE ENG!I\EC.~Nr__; P:..AI\S '.ii\ l,:C: 1//IHi THE" CITY OF ~FNf01\l}J1.',I\/IEN/IJ,'..,_ ;;r /1' Oi"HE~ l~WROVEf/ENT:) SI .. A L '.3[ r>-1:C RFSPO\/C:IF:llll:'" o~ -II[ HOA. TR/\CT '['IS;:.. •,'·,'E-_/l~J::/,·1:--t,\'; llFCTf~ rv .. c:. UPON PEco;ci1NG o;· '"HIS -'I 1\ lkACT ·c IS Ht.;;·::BY Gi;/,i..,I\TE.=: AN[l rC)N'J':.Yf-::;. -o ':HE CHEL.Ar~ CRffK F' IIU'-V'.)WV"R~; f\':"SXiATION (HOA) '.)( ADD1-,o~u ... ,, :, ;,1,:;· J\S SEE RE'. lF-'ICTIC'.~· ['."•JR CR.~·:11_ /1RFA TRACTS ON :.r~:::-7 :;e Tli:S :1~JAI <l·' APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF RENTON MAYOR 0/\ y ::A.-_ 2·Jl0 CITY OF RENTON .:016 CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE -i!::-0:C::·, ~-:_;,,:m-Y fHA' IHfqE A.;::\:') ,:)El.NOUENT <;,::>[~;.,-ASSESS',11\'S ,.\ND -1...A- Ail Sf-'f-c:ltd A',~iFSSMrnlS C:HTF.rT 'J T0-C CITY -~:.AS~~ER FOR CULL:'::CIUt, 0\ A'F JC ·He. 1-'ROl-'lk r·y hER:::N C()r,..-.~ r,..:-,; ::EC.:·:>TD i:-c:,c;; s,;;=-r.:-s, I\U.fY'~. ,;~ ;OR ::-r:.·R :i1.:3:...IC vSE. ARE:. F-AID \' i:-u __ T"1:S _'):.,y \)F __________ , 2:Y6 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS C/,Y i"jf-_____ ~2,JIS ')[PU''Y K NC COY\ITY ;,,ss::ss::R KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE i[~[[jY crnrn-Y THAf A.LL ~ROPERTY Tf.Xf~, i:-,R.:,: ?A.IJ, Th:O,T TH[R::' ;,,R:: NO )EL·l\j(;IJENT SPEClf:..~ ASSESSfAENTS :.:ERTF:ED E' T>-11S Off1(:f ::-c;R COU.F'.:-TOI\I Af~D THA' Ac.-::_,.-:iE:_CiAL .A.'3SCSS•11::N-s c,---:r1:-1FD .,.0 THIS OFFICE FOR C-::i..1.[CTION 01\ A\·Y Or -. ..,E l'f.;:;..1s=-p1y HHEI'~ CD\ 1/,l'~f""U D~:) u::rn AS STREET;, .ALLEYS. 8R F~JR c•,,,---~ PU3L'C us 0·s, /•.RF PND ,N > UI I IHI':. ~:,v '._;f-··-·-·-----' ;i:;·~j SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: t-<'::RERY C:FRTIFr' TdAT THIS PLt,T o• (•·•Fl/,\ ::•1::'K P.L :) S lJAS[D C\J /,N f,ClLJAI :;1,RVi::Y Al'.C S,Jbl)l\/1'::l()r, ~'.·F" ::;ccnON ·J. l(',','.-,'JSHIP 73 ~:JRT---1, ~A~:x _";EA.ST.WM .. Tfi,:.,' lfii: V.)l.RSJ-:S ANC '."; ;;-,\NCLS A'ff SHO,'i'-1 CORRtCTI Y -HER:·::::·(<; -,-~'\--r'"':: ·.':::\·UMEi\ TS iV ,L B:': 5;::~ A'-10 -:-HI ·_Or AND BL:XK C1)RJ\[RS '•MLL BF: s-.,;r::f:) C';R~FC'. V U-,J ---ff C's()l.N[) AC:, CONSTRll{:111.)N IS ::o:..iCJL::::Trn AND I --!AV€ FJ'_LY CO),lf"'L'ED w11r IHI:_ Ffs()V'.,,'.)'-fS :;c ·-it. P,AnN::; RtG~_ATIONS C'.R-IF ,:.:.. F \~\18'::'i C:. 5 NC-RTHWES T ,\C. Y J )9TH s-:,;::c:1 ,\:.., SJITl 1 :_11 p._ v;.,_uP, \\·/-. 9,g::-72 l:l 31:l J5 AM P')T RES:,01\';f, TY or -'.)A ,=~=~~---------RECORDING CERTIFICATE: SHEET 1 F 6 SHEET INDEX ::;i;tu ' DcO•'::AnO,\', AC'Kr-.1ow .. r:cGFMfNT, A,"'-W:J\'4L'.;', ;1,;,("J 1,Q~[:,, i-'[CWD;,·,c C[R-C:F"iCA"iT, c;u1s·v."Y()R''o C[RT.'F,CAl/- •;/.'[.[T 2 E:AS[M[lii PRO\/,S/0,\'S, ~'ON:J,/10.VS. COl-'fNA/iVi Al;D R[STi-1(:!"'c!,\S. -~FTP.ACKS SH[[~ 3 !.[GAL D[SCi</P;,cr;, SUR'IEYO.R l"JCrE~. CONTR')L M4P $/i[U 4 l'IAT MM', !lfl F N'"!CES SH[fT .5 [AS[M[NiS, 4DCl-<ESS'fS, LO'. ANU /PA('I ,<f<EAS $HE!..' 6 -E~S[MFNT .'JF"TA,, S RFCOR•.Y,'VC NO. THIS Qt,Y 0' 2:J16, AT MINUTFS-,~i_c";r--;,i A,','C: F'[C,ORO[D 11,j ·vc:• '.J,1:1r cF .o~ATs Ai •"fi-srs F<C{."JRDS cc· r<,NG ccuNTY, 'NASH11-,1CT0'-: CES:NWJNC CIYIL ENGINEERING 4 SURYEYING 310 2gth St .. N.E. Suite 101 BUS: (253} 846-4282 PUYALLCP, WA 96372 FAX; (253) 818-4278 CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOB-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG A PORTION OF TH[ S.£. 1/4 OF TH[ N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANG[ 5 [AST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NE 11TI-I ST 1. AN !: . .'sSEMEW IS H:::>s:.8Y i-it.';:;t_l--(1;1:.lJ f :~,H ,J..,\J) G:.:;:.r~ rf [, U r~:: C -., Rt.l'l ror-. i'JGt . ':/JUN:J ENERGY, -~c, Ui'JlHsYLI\JK TLU--'f-i(_,r~E UJf/PflNV, C.l't:~'::T COM~!J\ '2/..~ 8\(:'.'l i\J IC.RN,\flO\JAL, INC, cuw.:A::;: CAElU· l_,OfAl,/J,\J!CA[I()~ .. ,':,, IN'-·' ·:,,::;o::; ,-::REE.I..: ,'lf...rt!""\ f._\C sr··,vt'-c.. '.J''.:::IRIC ,~.N[; CiHt-.R UillllY 1-.;;u--;::•['"(\ /\NJ rf--E.:K fst.St'r.L'fl,:E S~-:~E"::'::,Uk', ANIJ i•.SSIGNS, UN>k •\N) .;l''.)N IH~ f"X!ff./-Cf\ IU, 'll:.l m A.l_ '.Jc; AND r~;..(;"') YING PM../AI: .. ~: .. WIT'"l A~.[:, ,\l)JOINI\JG IHi:_ :~w;f-'J:;L.) '.01·\'..i. il(C:NTAGE':, I\J '.,VI-IICH ·re CC\I\STRIJC, OPCRAT. 'IP.\JTAN, l([l>:,,1·~-~EPLAC'::, ~,~,/,i<'GE. J~C::_RGfi'.)l.'/•lD 1-'lf)f--S, i;()Nl.llJII'.~. :::ABICS A"Jf! V1IR1·_·-; ·N ·r A Nf:C:"S':-:A~r· QR -:::O'Nr_l\it.'~l c...·ClDHCROJt-JU UR l~'"\'.)l,1N[J ',H)L;NTtD APPLR-1-Nt,\C:C:S -r:::::;:E-0, FOR T""1E PURPC:3E OC SER\li'JG f>-11S ::ilJ8UIVhlON .A.r•IIJ r1IH~c;: PROPERTY '1"1llH FLfT-~'.-'.";/\S, fELEP!-cONE, TEl.EVISmL 1"1/'TER, SE'.'vf:.ct, r=-L,EJLiC AN.; PR:v·>'.TE '310';~1 CRA,~l.l..CE P..ND OTf--ER c!TIJTY '3ER\IICE, TCCE-r.Ec? WIT""1 TriE 1-11(,~! -:J ['\TF_R IJF-'JN 'H' 11.'.T\ TRAC""S AJ,{l Snkn~:, A"" All -IME F-OR H-E PIJ~POSF_'; r:c;:c·,\ c;-t.:r-rn Tcff~:r_ tAC:.U/ENTS C:~JTERFrl UPQN F"OR TH=:SE PURf->O')fS S""1.:.. ... L BF ~ESTC-K:::..: AS·~~,,:._.:;, A2J PCSSIBLE I'.'• fH~IR ,.=:,:~ C:NAL COl\)-1CN 3Y -r-c: l.Tli.1'1·/ w_: L . .'~E'.', CR 1~1q::c: F-"0R TRAJ\SeAISS10N OF tlFClRI(; f:llRRF:N-r:R FO~ Tr'"I_Pc-::':'E ,,-;F ,JR ··t:~ f-_ rn:v•SIOJ\ ShALL 3E r1_Ac::c-OR ~FRMITTEl ·c m l'l /•\T:) Y.J'.'•N NJY L'.)T c.:;, -:;i,;\C" UNLES'~ THE. S/l'JE SHhL.L dF l.'N['.•F::iGRCLII\D CR N r.n~m1.11 ! 1:-, A R,,11 C:'~C: "2 Ill' L:l__i"'.' •/l.Slt/fNIS GfU,',lfr; It, IASFfltN: ;.;c;;o\.'l',ION i t.'AY CONl,\11\ PHl"."All :."()i--(M l)R.',l\1\GI :~Y~, ;'v1'--i .'...'.-, Srl'.)W\ ()\ Tl-If .:,PPWJ·/FfJ c:rni'~TRIJCT-01\: ,")R/,WINr;c.; 0~. l"l!I ,1,r ! C:·· ;~: N"C\ °"11 \11'-NIC.l,ANCC. Cr IHC'.:it 1·:Rl'yA··~-:;-()l~M i)Ri1II\A'.?[ sv:;TFMS .:,N.i illOSE ::;:'STE\1S 'i',1'r I\ T---j:_ PRIVATE S"'."GRM C•R/,IW•.G[ ::ASf"M:C-NTS r,rn ::A.SFfJEN": PRO\'SIO'-J ~ S-A·._ ff THF RcSPC~.-~-~I TY JF THO"iF L(!T C,l'!Nf-f~..;: BEN=:FITlt~:-FC:.:r)M '~A"; S.._..ST\1:C, .\ i'"1t OWC>JE'<S ~)~-PRI\/J,ff PRUl-'FJ,Tv W!THt-; -1--1:-, P1,1-iC°'i(l;f;P,[c;;Vr:i 'h'ITH PIJ8LIC::, e;;;,v 8RAIN.C..G~ f?.S=f./FI\TS •'.Sff fAS!MH.' PRD'>'ISIO\S 9. 1C AND 11) ·-F:~FiF CR"-N' ANU CC'~\·lv 'r;:_ Cl.,.v OF ;>[\-0\, .::... ·~U'ilCiP.l.L CO:;:Po~:,W>J, Tr,F '~l::?r-·T Bl-I\OT -··IE OBLIG:'..,.·(1\1 ~· :::O"-JVf:.Y J; 'c'[',°'' ~,TC:Rf~ ANC-\1._;F:FAGf: WATI-R P[R lhF :-~Jr.l\F.F~\G ~i,".\IS ..l.PPRO'v"':::: F·";:;: _ f"'LAl :3v T-i:" :::i--v ,:):-RENTO~J, T0~0 ETHfR WIiii T•1f. R!Cf·-r;F Rl:AS8/\A~lf_ .C..CCl':,S '.l\(,R:'::::O AN:; H;R:SS} re~\ :K '.,AID UR.A-~AGE 1:AS~'J:"'n f;GR ;_[_ ...;_,~·'()'-;f-" :)f ()rlSf-KVlr~c; lHAl C..:WN:.R':, AK:. r~KC)f'l:.C.:L v .Jf"'C:RP 11ri,:__; ?\/[) ~'Alf, TAINll-i:; I+_ .)f-'./>,I\A'."JE 'AC 11 :1r '-i '.ZiNTP.l,\lr:; IHEREIN. Tf-f:_ C1Wl\':__~S cc· S.l.:.: PKIVArE FROPERlY, Sl/\'G .. :'. ANIJ SfVE"FcAI, Al,T '\E:'::if-'O~SK:~: '(J~ c~'ER1'._T1\IG. 'iAI\ -AICll/\G NU kEPi•.IR ,\G T"1S:: DRAINAGE FAC1:...'TIES CO\-AINFI-· w·THI~, S,\ r; JRAlr--.A(;E ,; 6'.):':J,,1~-r, f'~D AR~ HfR'.f:"' ~:"C)-.Jl[<["f) TO O~TA.11\ AW( RCOU!!'ff:J r:-rr-.:v1 r::, c·R:)f,1 I· CIF 1::-RF!\""()\ c;1;; IT'S suu:F:SS()R A::;t\i,Y PRIOR T() =-1 __ ..1',G. ::,,;-; \IG C.UF,\'.:; '.::R :;:rvcv1i'JG VEGE~A-.1JN ::.:X'..:l·' FOR ROUTH~::: LA'-.;J':;CAPF: M/-.i'iF\:,-~:.::: S.JC>-i ASL.AWN w;-w1~:-;) \ C)F'F\ \l:G!:."A"!:.U Jl--:'Al~JA.C,c_ FACLTIE5 i:s1_,:,.. . .l.S St/Al.ES, '.'-;.'Jr,::-:-:-. J1r::::c-1:s. F'.)I\DS, [-:-C.) OR i='E,R~0~\11N:: t.J~Y A,:_ iE_';:A"" 8N::i '.:R ire:; ':,A TIONS TU 1H. '.).../AINA'.~i-f-ACII I llf-'.-. C()N; .;,1r,,r D 'NI '.'"1 ~J '3A!=, JFiAII\A'._:E EA SEMEi\-----ii'.:, c,:;v[I\AC'--SrJA_L ~:_;" WITC"" TII[ _/s.'.C AN[) a:. B I\D \G lF'Gl\ -rF. C::~1·\l:}(·3 '.JF-~,t.1[: ;::,~IVAF P"C;..>f-PlY, ----E ~ h:C:iR'~. S·.JC'.:~s;:;r;R":-, ANJ ASSIGNS f-<,_ t 1v C- ~E\-0\ ;>HA~--A\1E. THE. R1CHT 10 [\-ER -HE FR:\1 AT[ J';Alt>U-GE [ASEMEN'S '',·IC'M, rli::REC"l TO ~E..:::iA f,: ,\N" )E: C.:C}·l _.lES OF -.. if-_ DRAlf-.'1-··_.t F ACII I .. ,_, l'J -.-E : \'F-\ -T'·ff O'~:·~<=-R; AFiE I\E13LICfr-.;-:- :,, Tf-!E f/Alr-JrFI\AN(I-OF THE )RAI\A=>C. ;·Ar:.:111i:-s ":c<FSC ;~e'Al~S SI-ALL m: AT T~E OWNtRS cos: 4 M, • ,\\! 'k 'J-h H~:REBY •::";Rl,NEI) --; ··1ir CITY o;-REI\T()N FOR "ANITA::iV ~.F1\·E; ;::,1_,~P-:::SES :;•/[I~ -,u.:_: ·s '"A" PUBLIC RICHl r:,:-\1;1\Y, ,\Nil "(" AS ~IF~-!CTET/ ,_,FRFl°'i Tf-cE C -v (:F i:r::r,r:)\J SHALi RI-_ Rr·:;p:)\JSl[11_f-1-"0R r,,if-MAll·Jll-~JANCF rn-· TIIC: -C:.A~i Tf.f\"" s:-:wc~ FAC:IL-11'.'.; co~.IAII\~) 1\'IIHIN SA,D ~A'.):.M::_Nl~, ':l. M-: U,SU,1t.~H I'; 1•:..RE3Y G'<A\Jr-D "KA.•:::1;,; "A', Pl.11:lL'C k'.:,i-G" ·t:t,Y :,\· Cllv U' Rc.t·JIUI\ ':,;-,AL :-l:. '"\c<-;';\S~ co~ TA \IE[ w:--, \ SAi.) ::::A'::Hffl\ r,~ -,1l C-TY 0f r.:r:NTC'N rm::: WA TC~ Fi,r.:P:YTS )V[~ F·:;R l°,'A !Fi fAAIN _ l\:E AS CETICTED '"1EFs.:: ·~ -... E r'...H -cic_ \1ANlf"NANCf 0' ·,1· WATTR <;,.t:11 -1rs i". ,\\ :_,\:,:_Mt.'. 1-';k \;c;Rf-\'.:-:, ·Ghif-'.--'.'; 1\'U _,Ti .... W"" ~)N l'(t.,:;-'":,," IS -~r-ri:FTl'( R'-:-.~c.:v:) •JR il..'JD c;:;;A,l\·TEJ L:· 1>-iE uw~.E:.-,·:, :;-_o ·; -rRO~G~ ·~-IHE. C\'/!>Jt"{S (:'" i T"i 11 1·1,ROu()H :-s St--AL.L BE :JJl.1A ... Lr <;;ES;::,'..l',c;·:-1,J-c;;f-< re '/A;·~-~\l . .l.\;·;;-CF -,_;CSF :lilPRC'.'[-Ml-N 'i !H~R~ e, 't.'··.Ct-1 ''(:.Y Sr-At;;:_: 'II~,_, -i-.E ~x::_;:;;T 10·-1 ,y 7 ·--:::SE .f.P:;:-:)\'E\![:-ns ~.STALl.::D B'r 11~E 1_n1_1;v -0 1,:ov1r;:::°"'l C'C:. S~All c::i;:-<;_;:';_Y ;;F,;F'.:r,·,H._-_ -,-;,, I-If 1.1A,\":T!\AN:·:c_ ..\'J:) RfP..l.1;:;a '.!F Tf-<)':::t"_ ,-:,-.,'vt,1·::_ ··.cc::. i_11AF~, SA~JITA~Y \:"'1,···? A'J""; O""(;Rf/ 0RANA(,f"'., Wl•,~H ONLY r=-\JFC-T T·i':11< ~JT ;l ~--·( :;;w·,•xc.;s 91.;_L £E: R£.-;pr)\S3''" r:::R Tf·C VAHF\1/.\'.'t er THf1~ Fi:..:;1:_·11rs :::o:flA!~E~ WIT•--il\ SA1D i :..c:.-~f ~JT At~ EASCl·A:_i\;'. ~-OR 1f~'.3qESS, [:3RE<;:S A\!) , TII_ T:F:S C\J TRACT 'C'' IS r-FRF8Y Fi·ES:"F.VE:: •OR AND GRA\TJ Tc, TH[ O'l,MCRS (•::-IGTS. 11,ROli'.>-, 4 -,1r (JWI\ERS OF .. 0-s 1 TH~,J·J~"l 4 ';!,ALL G[ E::.'·,JA:..LY F.'ESPONS!BUC FC•R THE MAINfft--.At~C::.:C: (;F -""10SE lf,1PR8\.fllF/\-S TH:q:.r-, W-iC- l!ilY ShA~t" W -~-l -H[ [XCE.PTICN m T-10:)l: IM::>RC\:E"l,'.~\J~S r~:~TA.LLED BY THC'. U.,.,LI-Y PROV1D::'s:s LO rs S·i.li.L:.. [lC SOLELY RESPONSIGL[ ,-,JR Tl If" f,1/,!~j-,~,f./\2:: ,\-'j; RFPAlq ·JF Tl-'OS[ P~-\•l, TE UTILI-IES ('NA'ER, SANITARY SEWER ,l.Jj~ s-ORM DR/. \~CF-'NHCH i)~JLY 8=-t~FFT THF"R cCT. UT:1.1-:-y PRO'ili.'>I:'~:, SHA:_L BE RESP0h',,;3l 1 •or Tl·c './Al'·JT:"\JANC:I~ or -l'tlr~ ;:Ar;i, ,]l:·S ci:;r~fANF[; WITHl:-l SAD EASc:Mt.NT C Ar-J [AS~~lENT FOR \J:R:'.:5. c-::.RC':,S. M;D IJTll l'lf":S ()f~ L8T 3 IS 1-EREBY R[·:;:::Rv:::=· r,JR A.'-JD G":fa.Nli::[) -,! THE C:1';'\J,_-": Of _,:,-:-4 THt: OWNrns OF 1.::::--:, 3 A\ID 4 S'"' . .:..ll 3E :':C~Ac r '\E'.);:,C'\J')IC. r:. f"i)R -~L 'v!A \ T\A~JU_ or Tl !OSC IIAPRQ,;[~/E\J-S --Ei;;E:\J '-,',-H,·:::1--... E.; S-IF,RE WITH "o--j~ f-X:UF!l•JN ()f lf-<;S-/,',''";C'.''',1!-~,-:, 1w;:,\I.ITJ [";YT,-.:: I)"' 1""Y :;q::;·,111);--~-~ IC-T 4 SHAii Br '.::CJ.ti.., ·\l:.':Y<J~l:;lf-, l<)R •,'Al\ ·1 "lh\C:' :._r,.,r-; RFP,~IR CF F--0S:": PRl'v'ATt L:T,,_n:--:; (W..o.TER, 00.'l\l,·,vu ',f-Wf-.R "-\) ')"'.)R',' ")'-i;\:\;.c; ,\'HC> '">'~I Y P.[~JEFIT L;~,T -1 g :::ASE11E~.;; .:,::,,r_ H~··Y:.;Y c;,1N-n:_·, ,~ r,.,::: ::. TY oe 1-iFNT'.!N F:lR s-:i:~M .--;~t-\Jl\:--r· PUPosr:s c,·,-:::;: -:.:A::-3 '':,", f-'LIHI IC k•::)-· 'i WAY '[;'' M·W-"':'"" F')R :=;-'.""";R\I [·Rt,\~,::;[ ~vR:JQS[S t.5 :::::;:.,C-E) -1:':RE\ "''-Ii:. C1rv UF R~I\ :J\ '.::.°"1A._L :k "l'.S,'•Y,'.o!f-ll" ,,.:,~ ---r M/,-\JTE'\JA:\::.C: Cl -:-1,, .. STO~\' J~AI\AC~ ",i,.Cll l~l~S COi\ .,."'1\I-J '.~I-···\ SA-: F:,':;F•,1F\ITS 1,J_ fa ~~1 1:.u"'": s-:=·~ivl C'~AI\A.'.:::.. r·:..<:-:·f.Fr, ... S··IOW\ ON ors 1 A\Jl / ,;, ll[R'::~Y ~C':·ER'iEO FOR ,1,,1\iD GR.'l~f:T::: ri~' -,~E G't.'\Eli'.S ('' :~·TS 1 -rROLGH .\ S/•,lr) tA,SFVF'H S SGR T-::: BENEFIT ::;.:- _:::,:-s 1 -...,,R~:-_,::;r ), "'"HE CWNr.h ')f-c:·:·.) TH~O.J(;~ j ARf 1,=-~~~y -~[SPC:NSIB·_C '":)R THE IAA fHEl\t-NC[ :y-:,-j[JF,:' RESPECTIV[ FT, \1/•.T C'U,l'l/\·:";~ r i1(1J IT~~-/~I\ j ~IIAI_L c_;~,A~C rQIJt,l l Y IN T....-E M.,; f, Tt:!\Ai'-,lE RESPCNSIBl1 IT!ES ::·-f·E =,;('/AT· ·,l~A Nt.c;r-'".i<:11 · -1,-·s l.·S~Q !\ '.:OMMON '{'/:Tl-Ill\ S.AI[:-E.A.SEME.'<' lf./PROVDv'ENTS. NJ 0'·M,:; SrAL. :CJ: '{f''.,l'CN'.:F:l.C: --·o"S· M,\iNTU:M,•T OI-TIil u:1uT1ES AHl"l\'F ""HflR PC·II\ r 1JF 'T·"l~-::::--=-·~ 11 ts ;.;::.:1v11ll S''..ikM DRAIN/'.>.,";!" rt._::;;·f.FJ,-SHJW'-1 ON C·T n. ":RA'.::-";-," t,\::: FACT "E" IS ..,FRfBY RF.:C:•R-F""_I ~-nR AN[; G~i:..NTED -;) T,_-E 'JIVI\E~S OF IO'S ·3 :.~,:; 14 s.11!:; ::ASU1ENT IS C-:)R THE 9>c,1r:-1-:· OF LOT:':, 1?. ,~ A~JD 14 ¥·!:" C·,'1\fk'S or .o-s ·-;,, ·.': f .. r,w-·,; NF flERF8Y Rt.SPO'J';1BU: ~·c1R TH-;: MAIN-:-rnAr~c=-c=-1-:::; ::r_;F·=-c11-/C p;< --.:::..T:: )~.A1r~,\GC u,r 111·s t,NO ·)HALL Sf.<ARE C:-JU~LL ,, I~) TH[ f.'AiN-:"NA·\:C: .~:-sr-::::\S·811 ITIF', oe -,=, 0 '(1\,,\"lf'. D!U•.'"'11\Gl Ft,CILITIES IJSED ,N CJ\NCN 1'." rHl\j C.:.Al:0 ::;,,c:;::-firN-'P~1J·,•E\1FNTS. \0 J1~NU\ S"-:/1 8[ RFSP("'.·NS18LE 'OR ),I ii.II\ -rn A~)([ OF Tf.<C l, -, r cs il.r1::·1r -:--.FIR ~ c. \IT 8F CC\ \I" CT ·C'l ',c.·-(SF:. '.~1-f[.1 '.:· or· 5) SL!:3Jf(;f I~) lf-'A-E'IS,-',1 f'\'T (_;RA/\-::) -c -rE ::ry JF '~ENTON FOR WATFf; UN[ F:)f\;>(y;f-5 AND :,-L Trn~F A\J CO~,:;-,:;t-,.s ":HEF,T(C AS CONTA1N:"D 1N INSTRl:MFNT R[:::O~GEC l.1 ,\li)FR F.F:""':'.RfilN::: IV.! _______ ""II[ 1..0CATICN r;F S.u:o ::ASCM[I\' IS J~_P C '.t_'.) f-'= RFtN SETBACKS FRONT YA~O J...ill.DING 'XT3ACK SIC•[ Yt:RJ -~L .. _::; r~G ':,L"TGACK R[AR YARD :L·:_:) N(; SETBAC><. C:ORNrR Y,\'-<I) J,.'LDING :_;f_Tl:ACK _'.TS·-,;, '1-'·4, 'R'.)~;', ""i' !11Jl:D·~r;//O' :;,:.,~t,::;r o-s 5-1:::·. ::-Ro~.T (f /•.cll\C •N[TU1.r--.r.i) !~' :-:r,q 20' ,, NE 1011, PL ~ • NE 10TH ST c , ~E 10TH ST • • • • ~ @ " NE 91" s- NE 8TH ST NE 6Tli ST Nl 7TH PL Nl 7lH ST VICINITY MAP 1"=14MILE CONDITIONS, QOVE~I\JANTS, AND ~RESTRIG.I!.QNS 0 ""1:. l~CA.] AND S 1Cf~r; D'IAl:'<A.U: ~:Y::rrns liA'.'f ,, \J C':)r,-,c.;-r(.ICTE'D AC-::..C~·) .. \G TC: THE A!"':'R'.)VEC !):_A'-~ A',;; ;::,FW~II f m~ i-! f-WI 1,1 f{, ~-. '01\ :-T\FI ::PMF"NT S[RV C[S D v S-0'.~ Af,C A\Y ~EVJl., .. 10\S '~C'vl "Hf. i,PPRGVFD Pl /,NS WI RJ-:'.),11~" 'A'R TTE~l APF;;:Q\•t._ :-;:)Iv "',f -'ROl''".R AC"NCV c· H~"\JlLY 1-if-t~IGJ [)f"VFI c:~'f/l·N· s:::,~'-/(,---S Dl\'ISl()t, 2. fa.I. fi JI[ [)i[K [;:;·,,v~, 'iPO\;TS, FOOTING >1A!N\, A\JIJ :;;,;t., ~"-, ,-pCf.i Al I__ l~Pi_"'(\lllLS S.Jc;;~AC[S SUUI AS c>Afl:)S /\.1\D [)Ri,flli,~YS sr.4 .. 1 H" ;;::;~~"':CTD TD Tl![ =-cRM,\\DH s··'JRM i)RA,I\' uu···1.:::T~, ,1,,S S---l0'N\ UN TH: ,.:.,-'PRC'/'. C '.:()'~S F( .. CTi0t', !)R.:>,WINC.S R-355go: ON FILE. WITH ·,_E. ::::-v J' ~E\~m~ T·WS ·:,LA\ SrlA. I :.Jf SIJRMTffD WIT·· T!- APPLIC.1-IION 'JF A\v ::iL., ·; "JG H-~MF A~L CG'll\<";"ll(Jr~'.-, Of TW LRAI\JS Mt.ST [3[ ,':ONS"7"R.,-(_-~t_r; A\:,' AF;·:;i'.")VFO l"-'RIOI,? T0 r \AL Bu: l.%C 1w;PFC:TIOI\ ,~:;:,::,~G'.'/11 re-:~ ""---JOSE. l_i_:f'.:, T'lA ... ARC CE.SiO~AffJ f"CR !\IOl'/:::H.,A ... OT E.:•1\PERS'.":lr. svs-:-i,"J, THI S"S-D,:s ')HAl_L BE CO"ISTRLJCTFT) /..T TH~ T!M[ o= Til[ h)ll.[l~J-~; -,,R~! T A'\J) :;1-1,\ I C:)f.PLY WITH --E ::,_A~S Of..J Fii.E .3. r~o [01 .:-;,~ ::>()~-.:--:,, ci::-A l'.""">T i\ TH,:= PLA-S--·M.l_ RE DIVID:C::") A\J~ s:=: .. 1 OR f~FSOID ~)!-I CWN• ~SH P ::-1ANCfC1 ()>.; -;-~A\Jsr::::"R[~ w-:::R:::3Y "7"fi[ owr~ERS -P ::;-:-P.\Y F'ORTID'~ Of ¥"11S Pl/\) s,,t,I :::it l[SS TIIA\ Tl•C ARCA R[Ql):1~ED roR Tl-[ USE CS 7 RCT IN Wl-<l(Jj .. C!:>Jl'.:·. 4. fHEf-<l '.iHMl Ht-rw 1,1R::-cr ,,.r-,, .,A'"i ~::c:ss TO JR rno1.1 J"\:A .~vr·,uc r-,E '"r<}M THOS[ lCT_; ,~·<I'.">' /\:)I); l. HI'.:-, I'll-Ir I'-, '-.,Jf-l,E:::~ -:) (0\rN.A'j":S, CJ~_rJITl'J\JS AND r;;;srR1::;-ct-;S :'CS::&~'S) "Ff;, "::.CURC r~G r~U\1l3["i_,-~------ PRIVATE DRAINAGE COVENANT lrlC ,:J\1/NfRS (T ;::,p \/t."'":" ;:,R,::P[PTY 'N"'"--11!\ THIS "LA-~~\JC:,.J\.18ERED WITH s~r. \AGE. FAC!.IT-ES Rf-\J.J·<F-! ~v F"_AT nFSIGN. ,'.::O'vFNAt,T c;:;; C0N0:Tl01\1S, rlERE3Y CPAN-Ai\D c::r.vEY TO 11-IL ::: TY:::;-:-:;;::-1.il()~J. 1\ ::>()~ITICAl SUGD:'Jl'",10'1 OF THE STP.T[ 0' w~.s--,\JGTCN, r--·-::i1:;--: oc 'lPSONAD' r Accrss (-f~C~Fc:;,; ,;,~-; F.CRESS'· T(I :"\JF"Z S/, P~(:--'FRTV r-,:)R :-r ::i.JR::>os• nF :1FSF~'v'II\G rn,,,'n-~ e;w+::;:s :...R: PPOPE~ __ y Dc'l:"l~A-NG ANI; MA.li~TA1\I\JG n1r· JRA\,\C[ 1/,CILIT[S COf\-A.\E) THERE1~J. Tf-iE IJW\·:·Rs CF SA) PRVA-E :::,q'.F'"R¥" M~F Ri'P0'\!'.;,J:_[ i'.JR OP[RAT!~!G, \iAIN"'Ail\:l\J,:;, N,J '\C:~Al;c;:if~G --··t :>V, \AGF f l\(ll lll'S C:ONT/\,NI·; Ok SA) n:;;1VA.T[ DRO?[~Ty .;\JD ARE -:p;:,-~ RE(L'RI-_·, ()fj'Alr-. />NY r::;rc:;u1R[D ~:-'(\llTS ::,;, "'ERMISS!ON P(fi r-::: c1-y CF ;c\JT:J!\ ::t\·'El'.'iF-M'"~T S:"R'•/1(1<; PRICJq TC 1111 '~(;, F ::> \:":, ::JTTl~J:; 2,R ~::::vc,; \G v:::GET.ATl'.Jt~ /EXC!:t'T f"OR ?OlJT!~!f I ,\~.DSCA~E Mh'\-E'~A\CE S-JC•l AS 1,1 11,:, M:)W!\G'. 1~1 CPE.\ V>(;:.IAlf-lJ ,;C.:/111\iAG". r·1\CILITIFS ·:SUCH AS ~,f.'.A,_':'5,, ::r:..\·NfLS. D111.::,1; S, PUM°J'.:;, f-::;) ()f\ :,u,f-Of\',A ~.c A~,v Ml ffRATIJ~.s CR MO:JIF ::A""".:)\S 7J THt DRAIN AG:" rt<: 1_:TIES CONTAlt-.rn 'NIHll~j Tl "RV/l.ff P~OPFF:T" THIS c,~·\/:"/\ANT S,1/..IL RUN ',\'IT"' T~-r :_A,'-C AI\J S :-llM)llff ,....;'.j\ r+ 1";'/,NF:RS :")F S/,J'.) PROF::-,ry. THC;E '-JEIRS. S•J:::CESSORS ,ii.ND .4'.:.8::;\J:~ RE;_$TRICJIQNS_ FOR CRITICAL AREA TRACTS AND CRITICAL_.AREAS AND BUFFERS o::::::ic:,-·:")\J ',~·· ,\ '.::RITCA,... ~,R[,t., TRAC-/C?· .... ICAL ,\REA />.NO 3UFFE~ cm,V-...Y'; C 'L F'JCUC A ~:::::t,[,---IC;AL 1\-R::ST 1N THE LAl':0 WITHIN T-:C:: T"U<:T/CR TIC1\L /IR[-.1\ /,I',.:; BF;~'i. -" :c; INTRrST r-J::\ L:;Fs :1-1;: PRESE'iVATIC•f, :;,F \JI\, r '-/E v::::m:lA r,m~ f-:H A .. l PJ~:P.:::SES ~11,\T 8tN[7 '"'" -:-er:: rL:BLIC ~Et.I.TH, SAF~TY A\,: ,,.,E_F:'.R'::, INCLUl)I\J:::; C8Nll-(C: CF S:J~FAC:~ WAffR ,\\-:: L~'."'·',IO~J, •;A··\ H_'.•PNC[ V SLCPi:: '.::~.:l.BIUTY, AND f"WE:CTICN CF ~.,\\,-/,ND .',/\l~iA:_ f-.A3-/,T "'"Hf :::RIT.::::'.L ARL:t. "7"RAC:T/Ccs'.ITl:::.:i.L ARE.A :./sJ i:Jl.;"f~f.: lf.';JOSES ...'F:::~ 1\L_ :::OR[S[\'T ,;,\C F'.JTli~E O'WNERS ;,~,[ c:-c:P '::RS OF T-,E l..Ar,: S~Eu~·:::· ·o TIit TR.ACT/CR Ti(.,c.L AR[1\ ANO BUFFE,.;-, "'".,E J5L.GA.TICN, ENFC'\'..>t,.!j __ : ON Hi !,\ :)' TJ-1[" PUOL1G 8Y CIT" CF F.:JJT0fJ, TC LlAv:: _I\'.~ s-·...,RBED :,u_ I ·f. . ~ 1\1\J Cl'1FR v::GETI\TICJ~. 1h1THII\ ":f.J[ iR,\1.::T/C~:-.CAL AR(CA t;\·::: SL=-FE'R ,·xc:1 p I JR Tf--, P·.JRPCs:-::;. C' Ht,5 TAT Fl\f-•A.NCt\1F\ T :>.S =>A~T OF-A~l ::N...J.A\Ct.lvt.NT :0 1W,JI C, ···[:. v:G:::T>',-·J'-! Wl:111', TH[ -F.A'::-/CR 11,:::11.~ .A=?U. AN-J ::JLflr K MAY \01 :JI CU!, :-,1~J\E:::, C(;/::1;::J BY f"";L; __ RD,<C\i!::C '.); CAW•C::D •,\!-i·JCUT Af'f'~'.)V/\L :t>J WRI--W~ fR(]!i ... r•E C ·-v (;f T"\-Cf..J :::OMM.__,,t,,,,-v A.\) i'"'.":0\0MIC OE'/[.OP!,ffNT Uf~ II', ':.:LU::i:5.':3::;,;~ AC[t;Cv, Uk_i s:; o-, 1,::~··1,.:1sr p:~cv1JE::: ~ t _/s'N Tl,-c:::,v~1CN 80.,~DARY R=-TwFFI-.. l"Hf. W;\~ /Cl~ I ::;A_ A~[A :..\J 81..aff[.:0.: A'.\!C Ir-'::: ARC:.t. '.Y-DCVELOPM:::'lT :,:::-:1_:ry f.LS"" BE \1t,R<fr:· ·JR :THERW:Si: >-"Lti.GGEU 'C ·-1E St, -'."T,\'."';"7" n~i ',~·F" Tl,C: ~; -y :JF :;:~-\ T(m PRICR r:..1 ,.l.."-JY :::Ll/.~11\G, Gf~AC!NC. ~I ___ J \G C'."-:\Js::11 ·:T rxJ en O.,.H>R JE 1/FJ JPVC::\-:-ACTIV!TY o~ ,\ 'GT Sl'.~Jc:::T TJ rHt. TR,\::-,-"7"1(:,'.,.,L ,\R[/-1 Ar,D :'J';-TR fr:: RC.:OUlf-"(l[: 1-,,1!,R< t,'.; '..:.../ C. t,,]CIN(; Sl-t._ ~F\At:.11\ I'~ :; .t"<TJ1_ t,l ! JFV[LCPfALr Pi~CPCSAL .< \,'I ·1::.s \ '·I-.. '/Ii~-\; IY JF ··-ff ::~ -1:ti_ ,\H::.A t,,;--·:,Oi/Pl_:Tr.r:i "iO BLI_D::01:-F'()!J~1Dh:"l;/l\·S /,RE AL~::·8~[! G[YCNJ I-If:. R:.:QUIR[J ·,':::-'"00[ l::lUI_DI\G S[-f]t :::-.. !/\l"S, l. 'l:...r:c;s '.'. :1--tt'~w:sE ~F.'.)\1 )ED 2·,· '....Al'I P.\1304: •J\dl,q\1304-GSV -~ ciNg 6/9/2C16 b .)ii 36 A',A ~DT ~---------,----===~~~=~~--------l SHEET 2 OF 6 SE 1/4, ~W '.'4, S::C 1C, 12._::·~. R~:::. W.M CES:NWINC CIYH. ENO/NEER/NS ,I SURVEY/NS 310 20th St. NE. Suit€ 101 HUS: 12531 U4-8-42B2 PUYA.U.UP. WA 96372 FAX: 253 IWJ-427ll CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOB-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION JO, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SECTION CONTROL AND BOUNDARY TIES ::! (- i < 'o il I 'c, I ; '5 l I I f.1:::r,J~'E\ T Ii'< CASO · s· s~,;s:, ~.s,; LEGAL DESCRIPTION r'tR -1(·CR rTI,~ C:~•v!t'f,\Y ~,·:)W,tlT'/E',T N:J\~3::R 7:})L(!C:•'51, [)A~i~ \1,i.V 1~ . "If:, LO :;:, ,__:;:y !)I l~U, lOt, LO-L·~E A::J~,STME.',T NUl,iBE-~ l_l, -:)5 -,J63·-, t:,,:.__ RFCORDEO .)~.JER ~'r_CORDING i\U,'Sf..R ,':; 9'.!UC'JC'Jf:•:LI, IN K1N::; C:)v~HY, 'NAS'"11NGTCN _'.:::.~.!_a ~:i "_w__ 20.;1 C2'('< -i) SCALE:: ,•,,, 200' NE 12TH ST 200 '.J 200 400 _J LEGEND + FOUND '~~C. IIL>N (,"jh:r,,ER ,:t,S ho::c:j ~ FOUNO OUARTfR (,jRl,ER IA<:, tnTrf': [::::()=:::J C-~,::LJ.A!,D GUARffR CO~NEfi -:" -",s;:;,·,•f T FFF[RfNC[ (C:) CA~C!,LA -u: ().): ~,x,·..,r,rn DIST, NC[ IG-32 05''.f< .i; _ ____:E-1? 88'(:"'.i ~ [_d ,~- \~O~':Jl;~~~-LN (_',\~c. ' 5'" O~t,':-C, Ill~,( lA.X PARCl_ 'C23·J:.-9La/f--- ",,_,;,c;;1<:: ,_~1 ..,o<::' • •'" ~::'__6_'(;.L_L "02JC5-cl\"'.J_ / ~'.:)T 1 [LA ?-::os>Oi J'.:9JOJC_'\ ..A:::N..,~l[NT IN :'.,r,SE L =Rt~c, Dl',K ~il~'4.:_J?'T Y-~ ,J7(1.i) ---------··-tE8THBT Nist.no·cG·;:.-- (BAS,S G' f-FAP NC; lf_2>{::;i__/ ,,t 38'(~-4:1 SURVEYOR'S NOTES rlAs s er Bc,,r,,,·,:::s: i,A!) 1~83/11. WA';HNCO>, s-AT c;_f,'jf \j:)fi'H :'8\C 4i,C:" CTY c,r ·tFNT:":'i COt-.,HQI_ PGl'-J°; j,1849 TO CITY er R[NT0N :.:::NTR:""l_ ~o,N-#',348 EJ[ARS ,o~n-i:'8'2000' WOST:-,,-',>•II _If.~ r1,• \'./1 (;.,ART>"R OF Sl·l"'.T.0'-.J lC, T'.IWNSHP ?.) W)R-1--, R-"NGE 5 EAST WV' E::>c.·Pf..!FNT J'.:EC; ::;~,;~·A~ 7TN 3f T:)lA, ,,-p;10,: "RMaL:: R~ GI-''; ,\L_ lfj~il<'.Jf.l~r,,~ ·~·1~ILL..: l,·~RlfJ:.: i-il C()U•,Sl ,;1 "IS Sc,C:VE:"' Aii[ f/A, 'AIN~C It; '.)if.FCR\lA\CE WIT-'JA\LJFA'.'-uRFR'.', SPfCWWAT'S"S ··co~-TT.E CWPA\Y'S ::;'_;•iv-,~::,-"·' :.JC"R'J;S, )A~rn C:CTC,Brn I. ~()1'., WA:i RFIHC IIP(Jf.. FCfi t.E,;Al ~F~CRP~l()N A~:r, C:A:C:.0 vf"\TS ':F HCCOCSC l-~S 'JW I\''. -AS \CT CO\:.x·Lc 4\ \J£-U,CE.i'." TITLE '.,l~Al{~H \lH C.f ~ 'JI'/, \1; AV'l'AC/,~ Of-MU TITLE SC>v~'' ~.:·c~c-\~ -1--1[ p:.o=r~~v :::-H:R -H.A\ -1--:)S[ SH0,'/1'. ~)'-J -1-:; ',JA;> C[S f<W v: Y~.'.:, 1-lELl[C ']\ ,_,-INFCRf..!A-rON CQ/\TA,NEC II\ SAi.~ ~CVMTM[NT ,N R::U.RclS ·-::; -T!O .SS,,[S -o "REPA;;>F :-c, i'._,~T 1\N[t CUA_1c~5 THI:: ~'N''S <:CJ<e,cv Atd ;Cll"'--ETE~C.SS iC THAT f-Xlf.1,1 A __ LU' C:)Rf.fRS /,NC.· A'-JGif e'(';\"C~ ~RC Tl) 3E MCt,.,1,~,,\-C:C 1•,rn1 t, '/:.-·· R'"'orJ< A',[, CM' ·_;,~•:>[(_; "'JATTEY [_':, JJ425" Wl]H A 2" x 2' Wl-nF l'.J' l:!CJAR.'. Sl-MA·/ i-iY A'S A 'l::~E'sC:\"-yt.p,<::; IJ'.l.~':;s: \.C'C) OTll[fll'ol'.,[, ;p[)~ T:) ~l·i ,,, .Ol<l)M; [_;f )HS f-'L,\I REFERENCES CA.I ,.-ULA TE) PtR (R ,;, ~ IN cv;= ~I< :,_~ _ __:/! __ '.d~-5~ M01\ :M~i,;"; If. :'.,4Sf '.J" 8/;'A~.'; [):";~ C!P OF RC!'HO'l kON· .• MCtiT jlHJ,\9 1 I· O ', I I -·----~)9 P °' . 3~40 J\d<1y\ l .'i-J4CSV-FP dw~ G:'9/2~ SHEET 3 Of. _ _§_ ____ -i 5::: 1/'t, N'N 1 u .. c-,;T 'O. T2.~\J. R':>E, W.M CESNW/NC CIVIL ENGINEER/NG ,I SURVEYING 310 2>1th Sl. X.E. ~uite 101 P(JYALLUP, WA 96372 BUS: 1253) 848-4-282 FAX: 2~3) 848-427~ CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LUAOS-087, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL./PG A PORTION OF TH[ SE TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, 7/4 OF THE N. W. 7/4, OF SECTION 70, RANG[ 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SCALE· ··= 50' 50 0 50 w-;--pJ-b SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B: 1'0 ?'. -'~h CJR -,J_t. :.;m1'-~fjv C0\.11>/ -,~~'J-\LWE" 'CC4~0Y, :A-ED MAY '5, 2~15 (· '"E~ . ) :_;.sc_•J[f\ T ~Dk [>-'~ PvR· .JS•'., A\[, '! :.;:1, ':> l\:.;ll)! NIAi llll.RI I·:.: '-'\ ,,f.'GS: ','i.\lC:I< '-''1-'l'~ ARCA ArT:::::-E:D: \i\'C:'ST[PL': 3(' F[:- >i ... ~J -.,rJ:[~ P.[('C•RC•·NG 1''~MC:[R 49~%,:'.: •lfR~Or,,_ 1-::i BC: R:L.'.10Jl$·1:)) '.I",.,,, 2) EA~,E·~r·,-~oF. TrE l"J'<PC';fC, A'.Jri R1,'.:r,-5 1'.ICIDEtJTAI IHE.RETU Pl.~POSC Ft_E::-P.1,: TRANSM1SC, '.::N A).JD/t;R DISTRIBUTION 1_,',JF AR!'A AFFECTED: ,'/f:STERL'i 1/ FCO ~I_CD JNDf'i ~C~ORC•f>= NUM~ER >48319;1 AS :0,STR1.'."Tfrl, S>1C'l'I\ t-lCRCON ITEM 3'.· ~ASC•fENT ~0" PiJ~PCSES AN:) ., '< Gli 'S 1;,r~l[1E.'H/IL Tr'~R~ ci,._. ~,"OSE RO,\JV,,\ Y --ARicA AFfTCTED: NESTE~ Y 12 FEET -~:,s I Et ~·r..c~:, ;icccqo r,:::; ·suver~ 34822·33 rnco\ ;,T~~ 4; CASE·>E!'<T '"')"1 T ·L "J~"CSES , ,~--s \C::·C>~'ITA_ .,.1-<c::;:~-c "v~"'OSE 'NAFR "!>'ES AR~A A~FF'.TFr>: WFS,.CR Y X .~,-~-., I I I I I I ··, ··r. v·~.:;; R RFl.<iR[) tJG 'JllfJF.r;; 4<;?«~:14 .-'.H:',',,'\ '!.f/fO's (IJ llf. ~lL\OUIS .. f[)} -EM ~ :·EM :0 1 cA~~',L'JI :c,-,: T-l --''f'(•'C.:'~l;, A',: ~er,:~ \CD~'ll'-1--<~i~·c 0 v ?C>OSE tK'<!-.SS rc:c;:c·ss ANV cl UT,ES AR-A A'TECTC[J· NC$T:"f1_Y 1~' r~p -,-=o ~r-.c::::c, 1,u.,.;r1D w; 'JUMfl[R eo-. ?10L•305 S, IGW', · O<:ON :·r;:M 5 d, "(.) EASEVE~,-~,JR THf" PURPOS:S /.><cl 'llGH'S ·~,CtD~'JI'\. "f-F"!ETC ~L:ilPOS[ CO'.J~TR:,r·-. CPER.ATF. MAINTAIN, <C~,; R. R[PLAC~ IV~"W'<[. R(.MC,,11· LJP(,lsA[J~ A'D EXTE'.C l':llr cC'"',-C~(Si f"IJff 1'IMSS·~IS3i0'<, rw;·<;,1;,1.,•10N ,\,NO S,\L[" or GkC, AN: E_ECF<1C1~, A'lE.1_ ,\FFECTED: AN .1._RE~ TEN ''0} f"EET IN \11:0"1-< ~/\Vi'JC, ~ •/E ;s; r~,-0c ~.1QT"1 or. [J<H SI~·[ o, T"1i' f.!'NTf"RI 1\~ 'c~ s.11, FAC-11,TF":i A~, NC,W U)~ST~IJ(Tf; '.)'l -,/ "' .~(,NST<.:IJC:TFr,> rxrrnm:r, '.)'I ~;: .. OC:A-t[, LYING Vv lHIN Tf-,f 0("'.rRIBCD ~R<~P~RT". F -~~ '-\_;f_R Rf CQRD·NG Nl~Mlli:R :,c·o.,4,:J4~·0=1,.~ Ne-Ftorrn '2 -AX PARCEL 102'05 9'J7~ L' ,---- ( DETAIL CHELAN AVENUE TRACT B CENTERLINE ~i r~I 1~ .[ NE "iAX PN<Ui. 9,;1rJ~4-1)1 0 TAX PARCEL w;1,:is.; ro:;,·J I i !!;! ~ ; I I I I ::JI !ti I <j ~I I I I 1z 0 I" .i I(:; I" ( I&: ~ re :J ' ~ TAX PAR~;-_ '02325-~2-~8 U/JP;'?9'25"W 14 ,I I .I I -Ax PA.RCEL . 1 1 ,r,;:,os-911ci I I NOTA PART I I I I r-t .co· ---.::+- 1ir·v I -,.:-' ,, i:.;, L'.l ~~-'·-----... --llll/ ' TRACT "O" SEE SHEET 3 I l CNGTH j RA!J._.S J(~-fA . 2_3_9:' :i.'.)J' I 9J',4'1C' '05.S:3 . ·49 (\::; l"""40"34':J·· I :i-j (;7' ·491):)' I 6'24'<1'' I 47 74' s::: OC' !;-;;·4}_,i(~I ~. )___:'..c~-24.0J' 88'55 59" c; c: ~t~:: ': ~~;*-Ps~/ii= 7544 '5" 4,:_}!_7_'[)~- 2~.05' , 1· co· ;,·c:L!~ ,_ ... ;} -~-.;...l.'~Q~' .. -~;~·1;9·· Jl.78' 240[)' 7:,·:,,:'.J~' ' '"' I• dJ_s_·_ _2~.oc: _2>')'D"\'_44" __ '4P, 12 TAX PA.PCL. 1021n~-g3,;c, ;; ,- ' I ' TRACT "E" • L37 ,, u I I I I I I o, C " ,, ,' jlJ 10 ·_AN'iSCAi->E BUF'[~ :; I, g ;;; ~ ~ 'i ~g!'.;i .~~$1 ·;li!J et:-<' I I ·o .A,\.!SCAJ'[ FiU"'-ER -"' ! ~ ,; ii! i i I I I I I SEE SHEET 5 FOR: LOT AREAS, ADDRESSES AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS I>--~-.. -----~~ ~--- 1 ci l 38 1"-" I_(, . -l .?Ji/·_{ ---~_;_' 32 79' 21 y,· L '1 76.,9· _ .. _-·-1.~ _____ i':J:..::ZL _,\70"3/4;6'T ·- --~l",7'5t03"E._ r,s,·:,~\;~·'t_ -_-;;"-0':±_4'27~.t_ __ ~2'.>"21·45"1_ __ ~2; •5-,·5:,1" -~oc·o3·~:1 __ _ ~·~g_·iifE <;50•44'41"E __ J}) _'\'J.75 ____ $88'22'_2_1 ·~ LB , 57.15 '-"_c3c< __ c<o2c'"----+->>"'-c.3 ·.''5f(:!.'LL __ L~::, 15 98 -~l.-~~~--+--~',,c,o"·.,u>o<25o"E~ ~1 5~·Cl"JJ_4Ci'.[__ __ _ -:55 Ni)~ {._':)"?5" W --·-LsD -~=~--+-o'•coeec·:=csc'2-~·2ec,--" ~; N0~1·c,,;·45"w _$C_?_·:::_•_'1t"'8 )5:::·1_(_.;_1·:'jj_______J ----------------/' I I I I I I I I I I I N,)7'2 ;' 4:j'"f -6Et,5'' DETAIL CHELAN PLACE NE TRACT C CENTERLINE "," FJ'<ASS D1SK SH·~r,·:i LS ~C937 1 ~-fJ~A'.OS D·S~ :i'AW<:J LS ~,:.~_3; St 1/-',, N'.'.' 1/4. s::::,: '.\ -;;_31\, '.;;5E, W.M CES:NWmc C/Y/L ENO/NEER/NO .I SURYEYINO 310 29th St. NE. Suite 101 PGYALlllP. W.\. 963n BUS: 1253) 646-4282 FAX: 253) 646-4276 G ''.J 12c, 5 s-.~e 36 M.i ;ooT CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. CHELAN CREEK P .U.D. VOL./PG LUAOS-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE A PORTION OF TH[ SE 7/4 OF THE N. W. 7/4, OF SECTION 10, RANG[ 5 [AST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, LEGEND ~ 'Ol,~C: •~O'J, 'vi! N' AS ~~•I'D e '.:2" RU3Ml&;'.t..P "EJi•~E':' LS 'C4?5" :::::4~ CA~,-\.!Pr l'l.:C\1'.:IO'J ON SH;;F-;; r.: "· [·c·· ~ l:i" f-'Ul!l,C Sf WC a;: E"ASC~'E"NT (I l,SIMF"IT PR0,l,S10'J A) c::-::ii] PR•iA--~,,,,~-: F4~~'.'C~,- ~ hm .. : .... ,.-1,r, ·"ASD..it,;: '·"ASfMUJI f'l<l,'V·'."::10,\ :,;, ~ "·<IVATf w,,rrR [ASFl~E'J~ ;;,_oo DETAIL PRIVATE SEWER EASE. c ,. 1 D.'.,,L' TAX PARC:L 1023GS-9•_;7~ 0 • W:NUME\ -::,_ ,:':,2l ~ 8'<4=-rn~-~-l~ 9th STFEET __ /----- ( --------~ DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASE. 'A', 'B' AND 'C' (3:) (TYP) , _J -Ax P,q:::i::L 9:•::'94-<-·1~ < ·~ TA>'. PAf;:T1 ·;:.:: 9510'.H -OlCl.l ("", ·1,~ .0A'S:l:... 951~·9~--8'.J~(· 3 r I I I 110.04 i: I ~tri:i~;\-~g ,-,1 NOT A PART I 1',~IIY Cl _R'2::G.~ I I I I I 9 I I • I I 1 TRACT'D' ~-R,,•A I' qr;~v CJ_:- " I I EASEMENTS 12 (SEE SHEET 6) ~AX ~ARCEL ·::;: ,n-,--~.\t·,, (f_) TRACT'E' WC'LA~C A'-) ~U>FFR 10' LANL'SC:M'~ 8.JF~~~ I ! !l! w I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ ' ,W"!UMfN-r, r;~c,, ~,-BR;;c;-:; [o,°s%-- r12~· F CF (A,C NX SE. 11!™ BT l w I SCALF· 1 "= 5G' 50 0 SD mo I ~~ f ~Al.u-:L.i:C./LC r _,\"il A TA3, E I ~~1~§t:-r~;~-~r~ ~~, ;-:~r!rt~~- --· xxxn:_c-::~1>,N r,vE N[ 4,27E SFIT- , ,, xxxxx r:-'-L.4N AvE Nf-5.72· S• ... ;-- r--\~TC:~N-/i\'E -Ni: 4.Ct7sF+---;:--_- ~6 xxxx~ C-C::L.l.:-J A\'E N~, 4-.!7 '.• SF +/-· ~ ''xxXX)' l"i[l A's J,,1:. N· . '-.rn9 :?,F + /-I fl{f~~-%~[~~~~~ ;I~~'. 1 ~ /XXXX C-[LA," -<,'[ MF :l.~89 ~' • / flXXXX C-FIA'J .<>VF Nr 5.~a· SF~/- --z XXXXX C-E I AN AVE NL 5.C.~7 SF . Xxx~:,~_:1,::ri"AN-AliE N' '5~' SF ,/ + /-' + I -I --------~----__ ,~>' .. '._T_ ~RCA __ °!.'.'JI ,-________ _ ;";2·6:Jo·2_· .. w , Ci) --------~-- l56 lLI? 71'.;( ,c-,4·52•:14"f -1 " 'I "62 C ,- ~_.lB i -----{:20 _ 10' LMl,} ,tAPC flu-· t:R I I I ! I I I I I ( I f I I I I I I / Li:17 f-m - I 91 .: 9:_ L~5 r;:;~~~' ;;,'_, "'" Q o ~B ·s~· 42 ~.,.!'Ji c:1~ ·3~6 1~:,,4,(u·.,c/~.:i· r-i':H: -::-: __ ..:.__±4 __ ~\~~,I_ ~2 :'O] __ ~ St '/4. r-H1 '/4, S?'.:: CES:NWDVC CIYH. ENlJINEERINO 6 SURYEYINO 310 211th St. N.F:. Suit<' IOI PCYA.LLU-', WA 1man BUS (253) 616-1262 F4X, (253) 616-12?6 L----------------------------·~-----------------·-··.·.1'a0c'a0a.Cc'\aoc's'.'c'a~·c<Cs'Sc'V_'_'"O""°~.'.'·'~/:,_",.~ •. T"6-e~35~3.',.'."~'.0T~~-----------------------~ CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. CHELAN CREEK P.U.D. VOL/PG LUA08-067, PPUD, PP, ECF, CAE A PORTION OF TH£ SE 1/4 OF TH£ N.W. 1/4, OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANG£ 5 £AST, WILLAM£TT£ MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGEND . .:£_,) EASE•.ff'J-P"iOVSC\ J\ Sr'~C:-2 cc-G E==:J . S' t'I.JCU( Sl',\'Ek [t,S:::·,•=\' '.[t,SL '.'C:',' c,·;c /1';.-()f.. .;) t·"::·~1 RR,"Wc SEM:R C,SE".k" ~ 15 ~U8LC ,\/ATER [.S.SE!,EN~ (i:AS~f~EW PRC·•Cl:)N '.">) ~ I::, f-'~',',\fc_ ·/lf,ll'< -~A':,ll,kf..l :11?. '-,, 1 ~- 119 _ 47 ;i2" L 20 _t_4§_2] _ _ /1 ..,_ Ill __ I / _J!:i CO __ . I)~ DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT --T i C'ir;'-1 R[ARI'.'.; -_J_5_)_:· __ig_i:",d.fa~'-': 7."I ', J' -:;c,p,,·,. 2""' NOT A PAAT ,/ DETAIL PRIVATE WA TEA EASEMENT ® __ S98"2.?'.;1_'.'._;;_ ......:ill.Jl1ZJ;_ - ~ O' S4B'27 "3' [ 'TRACT "E' i ' I ~ i $ ! & DETAIL PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT C,1) s;,.c.:2' C ISi) 14 13 "l I c:1 I " 0 0 ~- a '" 12 ~ '" "· "· EASEMENT DET 16.ILS / DETAIL PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT Q_-:: L4:i TI 13 I J:>4 ._ I 12 L9':J "\ I !47 : L1_4; [ •. .31..f",' lS.~l' SCAL£. l"cc 50' 50 0 50 bii!-.. ""-1 ! DETAIL PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT 3 2 TRACT'E' _. J:I DETAIL PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT _I"[ -~ [N:c;r,, ~[A."i \G __ _l,1~~ _ .. ....f._;n_·_ _sse·22·2· T __ ~14::, 51 ~., :;,.,·1c·1:.c"v,' Ll4f, 1) ~/ '<flB"ll'l'"W ci4/ 51.!!/ _ v.1 .. c·1;: ·~ _c'c"c8~~---l2c'c'-' ---S"8ef"e2c2·e2_··,c_~ DETAIL PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT (C) 3 Cf) /// /146 4 TRACT 'E" /.IT·~---~ /,;=;_t 3 fit' < 144 , I / 2 TRACT'C' SHEET 6 OF 6 mo SE 1 /i., ~,.,, '/t.. SEC 1-J. 12.j\, ',;SE, IV.M .... I IG3 ,:. ~15c;.--·· 60 6/' 98 ji" CES:NWNC C/YII. ENO/NEER/NO ,I SVRYEY/NO 310 29th St. :,.;,i,:, Suit~ JOI PUYALl.UP, WA 98372 BU8: 1:::5::1} U4U-428::! FAX: 25j} 0411-427!1 r' °'. ::iC•',l· J\d,,.;i' Ll04.J'.W-FP.~·h•. 6 18 ·:,o· Ii 8·J8}t' ~M e'UT -~-----------------------~ RECEIPT EG00056222 BILLING CONTACT Cara Visintainer CES NW Inc. 310 29th Street NE, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98372 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 16-000527 PLAN -Final Plat Fee PLAN -Final PUD Fee Technology Fee Printed On: July 13, 2016 Prepared By: Jan Illian ---------Renton 0 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: July 13, 2016 PAYMENT METHOD Credit Card Credit Card Credit Card SUB TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $1,500 00 $1,000.00 $75.00 $2,575.00 $2,575.00 Page 1 of 1