HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-16-000625_REPORT 01DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Print Form Reset Form Save Form ------~ItentOll ® Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME :WSDOT PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME : 1-405 / SR 167 DC -TALBOT BORINGS ADDRESS : 600 108th Avenue NE Suite 405 PROJECT /ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE : SR 515 NORTHBOUND RIGHT LANE , OUTSIDE OF SIDEWALK BETWEEN 1-405 ONRAMP AND OFFRAMPS CITY : Bellevue ZIP : 98004 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 769-7481 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR 'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME : Linda Cooley EXISTING LAND USE(S): WSDOT ROW COMPANY (if appl ica ble): WSDOT PROPOSED LAND USE(S ): WSDOT ROW EXISTING COMPREHENSI VE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION : ADDRESS : 600 108th Avenue NE Suite 405 state roadway r ight of way PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CIT Y: Bellevue ZIP: 98004 (if appl icab le) state roadway right of way TELEPHONE NUMBER : (206) 769-7481 EXISTING ZONING : state roadway right of way CONT ACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): state roadway right of way NAME : DAN SHARPE SITE AREA (in s quare feet): approximately 75 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWA YS TO BE COMPAN Y (if ap pli ca ble):ATKINSON CONST. DEDICATED : N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRI VATE ACCES S EASEMENTS : ADDRESS : 707 S GRADY WAY #500 N/A PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY : RENTON ZIP: 98057 ACRE (if appl ic able) N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER A ND EMAIL ADDRESS : NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) (206) 200-513 7 N/A dan .sharpe@atkn .com NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applica bl e): N/A H :\CE D\Data \Form s-Te mplates\Self-He lp Handouts\Pl anni ng \Master App licat io n .d oc EXHIBIT 2 :0 15 PROJECT INFORMATION (continued) .---->------<--------------, NUMB ER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE : N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BU ILDI NGS (if applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA , PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOT AGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 AOUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AOUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if app licable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if appl icable): N/A 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION 0 SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 0 WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ___ sq .ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. (Attach leaal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION __ , TOWNSHIP 23N . RANGE~. IN THE CITY OF RENTON , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) Linda Cooley . declare under penalty of perjury und~ laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) LJ the current owner of the property involved in this application or W the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and tha t t he foregoing statements and answers herein an~_the information here all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) August 18, 201 (p Date Signature of Owner/Representat ive August 18, 20 I (i, Date I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence tha t l) vtM, CD D (l~ signed th is instrument and acknowledge it to be h is/her/their free and vo luntary act for t he uses and purpo~mentioned in the instrument. Dated ~Ce = <NoiaryPublinand'for the State of Washington ,,1 111111 1,,,, ,,,,''u. JONE1 111,,. ,, .,.""?I ......... C .,.,,, ~' "-T'. · • ~ 0 \\ I OI i 'j",.· .,() ~ ,:. .... ... . ... , ,., ......... _,, ~ .::! _.·~-. ~.#.'•. V _. " . ~ rtl' • '1' ~ ~ ~:·'-' ,.OTA~~ ··.1J":. .:&... ~ ~ : : : -....-: - Notary (Prin : My appointment expires : _4_,_-1-\ ..:.1,v'\_....J\L00..:....__,_i' __________ _ : . ,."'"'~ .: ~ ~ ·. '\:".a.~ ~ "·.~.. ': ... ~ ~ ~·· .. •, ,,, ......... ~$ 2 ,:. '1'1-·· .. ~ 21 · .... · .... ~ ~ .... C' O.i ..... ·~· ,. ,, H :\CE cf{t>9Jf,r,0Wil es\Self-Help Ha ndouts\Pla nning\Master Application .doc 111111111\\\ Rev : 08/2015 Rohini Nair From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Cooley, Linda <CooleyL@wsdot.wa.gov > Wednesday, August 17, 2016 4:30 PM Rohini Nair FW: Noise Variance Request Talbot Boring Noise Influence.pdf Project Name: I-405 Direct Connector Talbot Road Geotechnical Borings Rohini, Please issue a ni ghttime noise variance to allow the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to conduct nighttime construction work on August 24°' and August 251h 2016. The work will allow WSDOT crews to perform soi l investigation along the SR 167 and I-405 corridor. In order t o perform soil investigation along the SR 167 and I-405 corridor, WSDOT anticipates drilling in two locations that may impact noise le vels at nearby residences. That boring location is shown on the attached map. WSDOT anticipates performing this work the night of Wednesday August 24th and Thursday August 25th. Work is antic ipated to be complete by 5 a.m. on Friday, August 26th. Please authorize two nights of work to be completed between August 24th and October 1st 2016. Work will occur inside the I-405 right of way. Construction equipment u sed during this time wi ll include, but is not lim.it ed to, generators, light plants, drilling rigs and trucks. Nearby residents can expect sim.i lar noise levels to the existing I-405 and SR 167 background traffic noise with some higher than normal peak noise levels while the drilling equipment is muse. All work will be within WSDOT roadway right of way on unpaved highway shoulder. Why work at night? Crews will work at ni ght to finish the boring quickly a nd m.inim.ize daytime impacts to thi s key commute and freight route. Nighttime work is necessary to avoid daytime lane closures that could cause substantial traffic congestion. It will be necessary to temporarily close the right curb lane of northbound SR 515 from the I-405 northbound onramp to the southbound I-405 exit and the far left lane of the southbound 1-405 exit at SR 515. Contact Us If you encounter problems during this work, please call the project hotline at 425-456-8585 . More Information You may visit o ur website at ww w .w sdot.wa.gov/Pro jects/1405/SR 16 7JCDirectCon nector/ or contact Craig Smiley, I-405 Communic ations , at 425-456-8624 or smileyc2 @con s ultant. w~dot. wa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, Linda Cooley Linda ( 'nolt.·y Prniect Em i1\lnmenl:ll ,\:fanagcr WSDOT NWR De s ign Build Office 600 108'h Avnue NE Suite 405 Bellevue, WA 98004 425-456-8586 EXHIBIT 3 ., DEPARTMENT OF COMMU .•. TY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -----~ItentOil ® WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: < RN Arborist Report 4 r .. , ,. ; [• ~ .. ,, . Biological Assessment 4 RN . "/'~ -·· RN Calculations 1 ' ,, Colored Maps for Display 4 RN Construction Mitigation Description 2AND4 RN Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 RN .. Density Worksheet 4 RN Drainage Control Plan 2 RN Drainage Report 2 RN Elevations, Architectural 3 AND4 RN Environmental Checkl ist 4 RN Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 1 AND4 RN ' Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 1AND4 RN .. Flood Hazard Data 4 RN . Floor Plans 3AND4 RN Geotechnical Report 2 AND 3 RN Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual 2 . RN Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed 2 RN Habitat Data Report 4 ' RN Improvement Deferral 2 RN Irrigation Plan 4 RN PROJECT NAME: COMMENTS: . . ' ·' ,. ' ' . .. ·;: -: , . - ·: , . ' - -------------------- DATE: -------------------- 1 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev:08/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS : WAIVED MODIF IED BY: BY: COMMENTS : King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 RN , '· Landscape Plan, Conceptual 4 RN Landscape Plan, Detailed 4 · RN ' Legal Description 4 RN Letter of Understanding of Geolo~ical Risk 4 RN Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 RN Master Application Form 4 -... ·, -",_ '·- Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 RN Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Overall Plat Plan 4 RN ' Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 RN ' ' . Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 RN RN . ., Post Office Approval 2 ' ' Plat Name Reservation 4 RN Plat Plan 4 RN Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 RN Public Works Approval Letter 2 ' RN ., Rehabilitat ion Plan 4 RN ·, ., Screening De t ail 4 RN •f '· Shorel ine Tracking Worksheet 4 RN Si t e Plan 2AND4 RN Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 RN RN . Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 . Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 RN Street Profiles 2 RN '• - Title Report or Plat Certificate 1 AN D 4 RN Topography Map 3 RN ' Traffic Study 2 RN RN ' Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 . Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 RN ·-+ ' Utiliti es Plan, Generalized 2 RN Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 RN RN -\., Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Pre liminary 4 - 2 H:\CED\Data\Fo rm s-T emplates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev: 08/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Del ineation 4 ' W i reless : Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites Z AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2AND3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: RN ,. RN RN RN RN RN RN RN 3 H :\CE D\Data \Forms-Tern plates\Self-Help Ha ndouts\Plan ning\ Wa iversubm ittalreqs.docx COMMENTS : ,., ··, .· • Rev:08/2015 . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Print Fo rm Reset Form Save form ------~ItentOil ® Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME:WSDOT 1-405 / SR 167 DC -TALBOT BORINGS PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: ADDRESS : 600 108th Avenue NE Suite 405 SR 515 NORTHBOUND RIGHT LANE, OUTSIDE OF SIDEWALK BETWEEN 1-405 ONRAMP AND OFFRAMPS CITY: Bellevue ZIP: 98004 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 769-7481 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME : Linda Cooley EXISTING LAND USE(S): WSDOTROW PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY (if applicable): WSDOT WSDOTROW EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION : ADDRESS : 600 108th Avenue NE Suite 405 state roadway right of way PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: Bellevue ZIP : 98004 (if applicable) state roadwav riqht of wav TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 769-7481 EXISTING ZONING: state roadway right of way CONT ACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): state roadway riQht of wav NAME: DAN SHARPE SITE AREA (in square feet): approximately 75 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): ATKINSON CONST. DEDICATED: N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS : 707 S GRADY WAY #500 N/A PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: RENTON ZIP: 98057 ACRE (if applicable) N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: (206) 200-5137 dan.sharpe@atkn.com NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) N/A NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A H :\CE D\Data \Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Pla nning\Master Application.doc EXHIBIT 2 :DlS PROJECT INFORMATION (continued) .-------"-----~'---------------, NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOT AGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE CJ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if appl icable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD CJ HABITAT CONSERVATION 0 SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES CJ WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ___ sq.ft. ___ sq .ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq .ft. ___ sq .ft . {Attach leaal descriotion on seoarate sheet with the followi na information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION __ , TOWNSHIP 23N , RANGE~. IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s ) Linda Cooley , declare under penalty of perjury und~ laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) LJ the current owner of the property involved in this application or LiJ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein containe ans_the information here ·hare i all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) August 18, 20J (p Date Signature of Owner/Representative August 18, 20 I (i, Date I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that L.l v\..CA Co D ll~ signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpo~mentioned in the instrument. Dated ~IJ'.YkCU~ INotaryPuhlinand~or the State of Washington Notary (Prin : My appointment expires: _4-=--\~1,0:._____._\ .....:00 __ ,_'t _________ _ Rev:08/2015 Rohini Nair From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Cooley, Linda <Coo leyL@wsdot.wa.gov> Wednesday, August 17, 2016 4:30 PM Rohini Nair FW: Noise Variance Request Talbot Boring Noise Influence.pdf Project Name: 1-405 Direct Connector Talbot Road Geotechnical Borings Rohini, Please issue a nighttime noise variance to allow the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to conduct nighttime construction work o n August 24th and August 25th 2016. The work will allow WSDOT crews to perform so il investigation along the SR 167 and 1-405 corridor. In order to perform soil investigation along the SR 167 and I-405 corridor, WSDOT anticipates drilling in two locations that may impact noise levels at nearby residences. That boring location is shown on the attached map. WSDOT anticipates performing this work the ni gh t of Wednesday August 24th and Thursday August 25th. Work is anticipated to be complete by 5 a.m . on Friday, August 26th. Please authorize two nights of work to be completed between August 24th and October l st 2016. Work will occur inside the I-405 right of way. Construction equipment used during this time will include, but is not limited to, generators, light plants, drilling rigs and trucks. Nearby residents can expect similar noise levels to the existing I-405 and SR 167 background traffic noise with some higher than normal peak noise levels while the drilling equipment is muse. All work will be wi thin WSDOT roadway right of way on unpaved highway shoulder . Why work at night? Crews will work at night to finish the boring quickly and minimize daytime impac ts to thi s key com.m ute and freight route. Nighttime work is necessary to avoid daytime lane closures that could cause su bstantial traffic congestion. It w ill be necessary to temporarily close the right curb lane of northbound SR 515 from the I-405 northbound onramp to the southbound I-405 exit and the far left lane of the southbound I-405 exit at SR 515. Contact Us If you encounter problems during this work, please call the project hotli ne at 425-456-8585. More Information You may visit our websi te at www.ws<l o t.wa.gov/Pro jec ts/I405 /SR 16 7TCDirecLConnector/ or contact Craig Smiley, 1-405 Communications, at 425-456-8624 or s mi 1eyc2 @co nsultant.wsd o t.wa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, Linda Cooley U nda Cooley Pr ~>iect Environme nt al 1vlnnager WSDOT NWR Design Build Office 600 l08 1h Av nu e NE Suite 405 Bellevue, WA 98004 425-456-8586 EXHIBIT 3 ., DEP:«\RTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --~ItentOil ® WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS : Biological Assessment 4 Colored Maps for Display 4 Geotechnica l Report 2 AND 3 Grading El~0ations &'·p1a'n; C:oncepfual 2 ~ • • • i ~. ~ Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed 2 Habitat Data Report_4 ., . Improvement Deferral 2 Irrigation Plan 4 WAIVED BY: RN RN ·-, RN · RN RN RN RN MODIFIED BY: COMMENTS: PROJECT NAME: 1-4orjsB. 1'27 :I+rr~CH/dtff 'De ftf)ecl:-?otJ.J &ri':}' DATE : ------------------- 1 H : \CE D\Data \Forms-Tern plates\Self-Help Ha ndouts\Planning\ Wa iversu bmitta lreqs. docx Rev :08/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Landscape Plan, Conceptual 4 WAIVED BY: RN MODIFIED BY: COMMENTS: J~-n~;c~pf e1~.6i~i1~lie~:l:ifa~{t!~J£1:~~P.;):t1~iJf~t} :S1;.fUf :~~~f~;-}tfI~~~~i~11~., ~~i~lt:\':t~i:i{ir.:t:~\';i*~j~\~f~~: Legal Description 4 RN Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 RN Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 RN Overall Plat Plan 4 RN ~~,:~;~g~}~f .~e.~~~~~~:~i~~ry~~F ~f>i.~g_Afi~lysi~'~>~--:-\,·~·Rt·f #5; ·~~~;i;;t,~1,\~i$f1~f 1~i-irt{ifS;;5ff:t~i'.~·:~:it~iJ;f\~:.:;)~~i\k~¥~i;~ Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 RN Plat Name Reservation 4 RN Pl.~tP_IJ_~·-~, :~(A~:.{:;l;tr:t:~y?/?:tiW":.;'; . >:;:}·" ,;,,~Rr~t1?)· 'J<Xi~i.}J!}~B\ '.i:2t~1~·~:·:·:(t\~?;tf ,.~rt::.£\>:1)t\'t~:)~:\lJ Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 RN Rehabilitation Plan 4 RN Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 RN Strea·~ br Lake Study~ S-~~'plemental ~ . ·_-,.:/\,. ,. . .. ·•.. . :' ;. RN t Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 RN HN ''' ,'I ... · .. · Title Report or Plat Certificate 1AND4 RN Topography Map 3 . ... 'RN >· :-. •_:: ... ·'·. Traffic Study 2 RN ·' ·, RN . Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 •""'°' Urban Design Regulat i ons Analysis 4 RN Util ities _Plan, Generalized i ,., ·. . ' RN . .. , ... '·, ; ' . Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 RN Wetlands Mit-igation Plan, Prelim 0 inary i; RN 2 H: \CED\Data \Forms-T em plates\Self-H elp Handouts\Pla nni ng\ Waiversubm ittalreqs.docx Rev: 08/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2AND3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 A ND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2AND3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED BY: RN RN RN RN RN RN 3 MODIFIED BY: H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx COMMENTS: Rev:08/2015 City of Renton Print map Template Notes zoning -NV 128 0 0 64 128 Feet \NG S_ 1984_Web _Mercator _A uxil iary_Sphe re City of On f~) '<,c!'I Finance & IT Division Legend City and County Boundary 01he r [:; City o f Re nton Addresses Parcels Zoning • RC-Resource Conservation R 1-Re sidential 1 du/ac R4 -Resi dential 4 du/a c RS-Reside nti al • 6 DU/AC Information Technology • GIS Ren t onM a p S uppo rt@Rent o nwa .gov 8/18/2016 • RMF-Reside ntial Mu lti-Family • RM H-Residenti al Manufactured Homes C N-Commercia l Neighbomood • CV.Ce nter Village • CA .Comme rcial Arteri al • UC-Urban Center • CD-Center Downtown COR -Commercial Office/Res id ential • CO.Commercial Office IL-I ndustri al . Light This map 1s a user gene rated static 01...1lput from an tnrnmet mapping site a nd 1s 'or refe·ence only Data layers tha t appear or1 this map may or may nor be accurate current o r otherwise reliable TH IS MA P IS NOT TO BE U SED FOR NAVIGATI O N City of Renton Print map Template Notes zoning -NV 128 0 0 64 WGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere 128 Feet City of Renton €) Finance & IT Division Legend City and County Boundary Other [: J City of Renton Addresses Parcels Zoning al RC-Resource Conservation R 1-Residential 1 du/ac R4-Residen lial 4 du/ac R6 -Residential • 6 DU/AC Information Technology -GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa .gov 8/18/2016 • RMF-Reside ntial Multi-Family • RMH-Residential Manufactured Homes CN-Commercial Neighborhood • CV-Center Village • CA-Commercial Arterial • UC-Urban Center II CD-Center Oownlown COR.Commercial Office/Res idential • CO-Commercial Office IL-Industrial . Light This rnap is a ~1se, generated static output f rom an Intern.e t maprnng sue and 1s fo r refererice onl y Data layers that appear on this rnap may or may no t be accurate currenl. or otherwise reliable TH IS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION RECEIPT EG00058381 BILLING CONTACT da n sharpe Atki nso n Const ru cti o n 70 7 S Grady Way , 500 Rento n, WA 98057 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 16-000625 PLAN -Va ri a nce Technol ogy Fee Printed On: August 17, 2016 Prepa r ed B y: Mona Davis ------~•~RentOil ® 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date : August 17, 2016 PAYMENT METHOD Check #9092 1 Check #9092 1 SUB TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $1,200.00 $36.00 $1,236.00 $1 ,236.00 Page 1 of 1