HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-16-000751_REPORT 01DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------Renton® ADMINISTRATIVE STREET MODIFICATION ~APPROVAL D DENIAL PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: APPLICANT: ZONING CLASSIFICATION: PROJECT LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: EVALUATION FORM & DECISION Morse Single Family Residence -Pool LUA16-000751 -Street Modification B16-003719 -Building Permit Ian Fitz-James, Civil Engineer II City of Renton Community and Economic Development Craig Pontius Citizen Design Collaborative 46 Etruria Street Suite 201 Seattle, WA 98109 RB-Residential (8 DU/AC) 525 High Avenue 5 Pursuant to RMC 4-9-250D the applicant is requesting an Administrative Modification from RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards for High Avenue 5, a residential street, as part of the Morse Single Family Residence -Pool project. The modification request is described below: • Maintain the existing street section and right of way width along the site's High Avenue 5 frontage. BACKGROUND: High Avenue 5 adjacent to the project site is classified as a residential access street. Per RMC 4-6-060 a residential access street shall have a right of way width of 53' with 26' of pavement along with 0.5' curb, 8' planter strip, and 5' sidewalk on both H :\CED\Planning\Development Engineering\ROW _MODS_ VAR_DEF _WAIV _FEE-IN-LIEU _STREET MODS_Database\Street Modifications\2016\525 High Avenue S. Morse SFR.docx Morse SFR-525 High Avenue S · Page 2 of 4 6-000751 • September 23, 2016 sides of the pavement. High Avenue S north of Beacon Way S has a right of way width of 40'. The street section consists of approximately 24' of pavement with no curb, planter strip, or sidewalk on either side of the pavement. High Avenue S terminates at a large bluff adjacent to the northeastern corner of the site. The two existing residences along the west side of High Avenue S are approximately 20 feet from the existing right of way. The City has no current plans to modify or extend High Avenue S adjacent to or north of this site. To comply with RMC 4-6-060, a dedication of 6.5' in addition to construction of a 0.5' curb, 8' planter, and 5' sidewalk would be required along the site's High Avenue S frontage. Dedication of 6.5' would encroach on the existing 20' front yard setback that is required in the R-8 zone. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Site Plan ANALYSIS OF REQUEST: The Section 4-6-060Q.1 allows the Administrator to grant modifications provided the modifications meet the following criteria (pursuant to RMC 4-9-250D.2): Compliance Street Modification Criteria and Analysis Partially Complies a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. Staff Comment: The Land Use Element af the Comprehensive Plan aims to create a safe, healthy, and attractive community. Goal L-88 specifically states that new development is designed to be functional and attractive to maintain a high quality of life. Right of way dedication and frontage improvements beyond what currently exists along this section of High Avenue S do not provide functional development based upon the following: • High Avenue S terminates at 525 High Avenue S and will not be extended in the future. • The right of way dedication required to construct the street improvements would encroach into the required 20' front yard setback adversely affecting homeowners along the western frontage of High Avenue S north of Beacon Way S. • The current street section and right of way width provides a functional point of site access to the homeowners along the western frontage of High Avenue 5 H :\CED\Pla nn i ng\Deve lop me nt E ngi neeri ng\ROW _MODS_ VAR_ DEF_ WAIV _FEE -IN-LIEU_ STREET MODS_Database\Street Modifications\2016\525 High Avenue 5. Morse SFR.docx Morse SFR-525 High Avenue S- Page 3 of 4 6-000751 September 23, 2016 north of Beacon Way 5. • The majority of the site's High Avenue 5 frontage is the driveway to the existing residence. There is no location to functionally add a planter strip or sidewalk along this frontage. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. Sta[t Comment: The City's Public Works Transportation section and Community and Economic ,/ Development section reviewed High Avenue 5 and have determined that the current right of way width and street section is appropriate for the section of High Avenue 5 adjacent to the site. The portion of High Avenue 5 that is adjacent to the site is the northern terminus of High Avenue 5. High Avenue 5. is unlikely to ever be extended north due to very steep slopes located just north of terminus. Thus this portion of High Avenue 5 will likely only ever serve as an access point to the residence located at 525 High Avenue 5. The existing street section and right of way width allow for safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian access to this site. c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Sta[f Comment. ,/ Maintaining the existing street section and right of way width along the project's frontage will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. As High Avenue 5 is unlikely to be extended north in the future, no additional pavement or sidewalk facilities are necessary to facilitate future vehicular and pedestrian traffic along High Avenue 5. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. Sta[t Comment: ,/ The intent of the Code is to have roads with street sections that con provide safe and maintainable access for vehicles and pedestrians to a development. As this portion of High Avenue 5 will likely only ever serve as access to this site, no additional street improvements are necessary. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and ,/ Sta[f Comment: See comments under criterions 'a' and 'b'. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. " Sta[t Comment: See comments under criterion 'c'. DECISION The proposal complies or partially complies with 6 of the 6 criteria listed in RMC 4- 9-2500.2 for the requested modification. Therefore, the street modification for the H :\CE D\P la nn ing\Developme nt Engineeri ng\ROW _MODS_ VAR_ DEF_ WAIV _FEE ·IN-LIEU_ STREET MODS_Database\Street Modifications\2016\525 High Avenue S. Morse SFR.docx Morse $FR-525 High Avenue S. Page4of4 September 23, 2016 6-000751 Morse Single Family Residence -Pool Project located at 525 High Avenue South, Pr ·ject Number 816-0 719 is approved. -/ · cct; .., (vz3fLJ Brianne Bannwarth; Development Engineering Manager Date The decision to approve the modification will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on October 7, 2016. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -?'h Floor, 425.430.6510. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact City of Renton Plan Reviewer and Project Manager, Ian Fitz-James, at 425.430.7288 or ifitz- james@rentonwa.gov. H :\CED\Planning\Development Engineering\ROW _MODS_ VAR_DEF _ WAIV _FEE-IN-LIEU _STREET MODS_Database\Street Modifications\2016\525 High Avenue S. Morse SFR.docx • D MODIFICATION NARRATIVE August 19, 2016 To: Alln: Proiect City of Renton Department of Planning and Development 1055 S Grady Way, 6"' Floor Renton, WA 98057 Development Engineering Manager B 16003719-Morse Swimming Pool and Spa RECEIVED SEP 2 3 2016 CITY OF f?ENTON PLANN:Nr.: ·:if\,;;':/ON At l)1c: 1 L<fLJ':'',;1. of l'··':' u:/ r.il he:··tur1, C:t1Le11 Ubi'::)11 ::::utlab::.,·all'JI~ 1s pr·ov1~J,nq :r1:•:; na1 !'dt11.:r,, as~c<iated ·;J1th r.iro;ec· H1W(n'/1?. ll11', pro;c'ct ccn.::t:rns ti:c \1'.1rst1 '\~s1de1';1..e ,oc:::Jled dt JL~, H1qli Ave11ue S, Rt'11IJ-11·1, \VA, '!b0S7 I. Description of Parcel and Existing Improvements The pro12c: s1t0. '.r)c;:;ted at J2J l-l1qh /\venue S, :s J 22/190 ,-,f parer.I r:-nc:::: Fi'8. HE; r:c1rcd nurnbc~r 1s 56l1U50-IJU10. T1112··e 1s a :-,t::1ep •.:,liJ[)'::.' '-:'rr-.-1r·r_rnrTit'11t~lly u 1t.1c:1!_ 2r2a l_ocatcd al the n(Jr 1.h(-:r·ly cornc-r buffc-' .,,:rH' c1s:-;,:;uatPd w,:~· !'i1'.:i t::.CA >-:xt1;;,·ds L l_l,t' ::,outl1. Hit:> p<:11-cel 1':0 c;rTP.nt'.v ,"( ltw f"EJITC,[, IJrid ;1 :10· 1:'Jide vv1!h ,:1 '~111gle f;3rn1ly 1·!!:=idc:11-::t' 'I/!1!('[1 enc: ,.:.:2d1c':. u;:(nl tl11s iJui:e:. AltPt-::ll1u1·1:,; 1.o th:s r e·;:deme vvi?re r·,; :ently ,:1~,r;r u·:':'d under p;:,rTn1'. EJ. lj-~IJH916. Dthpr· ,;ik 1mpru'-.'('lr1c:11'.·-, ::'.cJ.:rle a s-.v11111111r1u puul, lenrw, u1u1 t, u:nuete 1fr1·1eV'.1cfy· ,:ind walX-1v::iys. '1'.'U(1Cl-l(~-rnwd gar·den s' .. ·.ed and (Ol1CT!-:'tt' p:;,1_1l rk :k J"h-; -,1tc· 1c:, ,,lsu Lrnd:>t:df.1HI \V1tl1 urna11w11ldi ,~nd t;u1t,.b~s:111g tT>:e,.,_ ~l11!:' tree ·:c,nL:iirv; a t"FE'hnt.ise .stnKllir·;.o i" -, c'>:1:;:1r11J pcol. :CfH ;,i;1d r·,(:ol dee'.< art' t1J be n:111uved under per·," U 1 :Ji.Jlj;fll 6 II. Description of Proposed Improvements I hf' 1111f!fU'-!2111f'f'1t':-rm11.wsed uwJl::'r· pe.r·n·11t l31611UJ'/') :nr_:1Jd2 d S1N1mmi119 p1El, :,p<-l, (.()ll( n:li'. ;:,;:ort r_(1!.lr-l .'Jrid ::,:ver:1l -::;i-'c.r,:·ll! pJtl1\,'iJ/S I h(.: ~x1:;t11·11J '.o!Jl,,:l c:~u1·: l'c.i t:.:, b12 :emov0d l"h1: i:-r-,Jpost•d cor1:l1t1r.1n ul 111'--' ':, 1·e vv .. l 1n:-_l1_1:12 '. 1.'J40 ,;; uf irnperv1rJ,I', :11 c: i, r)I w.,1ch '/JUD s: an; '1':''1\1 ur !':'plar.cJ. Al_, :J,Jrk undc· this P'"='rrn1t I':, lo be rn111pl~lf:··d bt'l:;1·r; l[w 11h\t1'.1Jl 011 ul l.1ec:'.:., ::cqu1rl:':.1 L•y the ft'PlO!!l·P~J pl:rn c1=,~ 1Y1dlcd ,,v lh p~11111c 31 :JUULP 1 tJ Ill. Beacon Way South Right-of-Way Improvements (11 !1 cr:cl I :F'.t::<:o, { ,Ji ;-;dr ~'IFJ JWi J A· :"u1 !J, t,' planl:cir ,rnd :j· ,,,.i_l~w;_ilk rrn t:tl( h ', d1) i;c::ic ;,r1 ':'.: rfo 1~'::' w,I_ <-.011lu• 111 lo hi'", ',);,11HJ<:nd h1:::1·c•(Jlf::', cl .:olr1,.t "l~r <::tat.·:.::,1·1 ,)l thi~~ ',;Pci1nn c)I (;nd1; 1.,vD.iid r(!UIJlrC', ,::n:,_r..r.-l!':·ri 1.11 <:ot1e2l CDC 14-237 I Morse MODIFICATION NARRATIVE Per R(-1ntn11 Mw11r:ipal Code [r';MC) /,.9.0(11lC.9, the Adrn1111str·2.tnr rnay pern11t single farn!'.y 11·1hll rkvdopme11t lo pay a tee ir1 lieu of constr·L,ct1n9 str·eet fnntage 11nprm:(:rne11t:;. Severc_~I slar1darcb are .1sleJ trJr co11s1de1·c1t1on 1n making this Jecis,cn: Ther·c cir-(~ rFJ :,irnil.Jr· improvements 1n the '11cinity and no likelihrJod that !!T1f)'·cverner1ts vvil!_ be ''e0dt~d or n:?quired in the next !1ve year·:~: or 11. lnslali_;t1cn of the requ1f'ed 1n·1vc:w;rner1t wo1.:id r·(·!qlJ1rc sub:;ta1il1al or·r·--s1te ruad·Nc1y 111odd1ec:1t1ons; ur !II. The Acl111in1strator· detern11r1es that installation or 11\e requir~d 11nprmen'c1 nl would f"L'sult in a safety ha1.c11 d, or 1 .. ,,_ Othe; u11UsucJl c1rc...u1T1stances preclude lhe con:;truction of the i1r1prove11:ent~~ as r·equired. Upon review1nq c1t;ric.1l 11n~1gery of IJeacon \Nay S, it appec11s thc:Jl 110 nea;·by purt1ons of tl11s si:r-eel are construe led to tile rnrTent standard. A :;idew,:11\.: i~; loecJled on the norlheasl side !JI· the righl-uf-way r1ear :he prn;ecl. silt:>, but the plc!nter str·:u and park;1~g lar·1e appear to be m1ss1ng Like1.vise, ther·e are no pede·;tria11 1mprn'/HllPnts on tlw :,1i1Jlliwe::.t side ul tl1c, 1ghh::f-vvc:Jy. UthH -1earby portions of the st1·eet contain only drive lanes. Per the current l 1·c1nspcrt,1lion irnpnw1:rner1t. Prourcffn. no 1mprn·.;erner1ts tu 8eacun 'Way S appear to be under· rnns1oac1tiun by the (it/=, P11bl1c Wor·ks rlepa1·tnw11t. Pe1· Code lr1lerpretatior· Cl-"/8, 1l ·s smllt?t1:::es prelerable to permit tee-in-l1~u r·ather than r·equwe u:nstrnct1or1 nf street frontage 1;r:rrn·,.-emer1ts. l he stated reason for this pr·>:>fer-ence 1s that 1t ;illow:::i th~ city tu 1r1st,:lll 1mpnwernents m h1ghf:'r µr1or1ty ilKatl'..lrlS. [his section ot Uea\:cn W;;Jy S does nnt appear 10 be a h1~ri pricri:y lcca\1011 lor street f1-:rnt;1qe 11nfH"O'JL'J11ent. n1L'!T:for::.'. it clppeai-s lhat Cr!ternJn I has be:cn sali~;fied and that perrrnss;on rnay be gr~rnlt•d for· fet-; .. in -lieu rcJllwr them cunslruclio:·, of slrc.1 el !r·rJntaqe ,rr;:yc,1ements alonq Deac;r1 I/Vay S. H1e1e ri:_1 rn: appear :o be crny adverse or inJLir1ous impacts t-:J near·by prnperlie:> i1·1herent in grar1t1n~J th1:; nv.Jdiricatic.,11. No (hariges to the frontage ha-.1 e beer1 prnpc-sed under· this penniL CoJect·on nf fee -1n--l1eu payrrents vv1ll. 1·naintam the right-ol·-v._1ay in 1L; current s::ate, and neil'l'1er beneficial rF..'r· adverse in1p2cls will be rnade IV. High Avenue South Right-of-Way Dedication and Improvements Staudard As 111:\11 Ge.1cur'1 \il/ay c;, 1t has been dHermin~cl that High .6:12nue S de:P.5 ·~ot meet the current stand,jrrl·-; tor a re::,idei'l1c1l access str·eel. Curbs. s1de·-Ncilks. planter· strips arid pcirk1rig are all absent; l_he street co11:,1sts o! drive lantcs ,xily Mso. th':' n,Jht-ot way 1s curr':'r1tly .I.CJ' wirh:" rc1ther than il1e standar·d jJ. Ther·etonC:, a str·ict 1nter·p1·etatior1 ot RMC /,.6.060.E would 1·eq1.me ded1ca\1u11 uf !JS dlo11y High A;e sue S. Rn-'7uc>c;!erl M1!cid1c;i,fion. Waiver of ROW 1.h::'-;iiL:ation Pi:,r f?:\.1C 4.9.25\J.C. th":' /\drninistr·ator may waive a rec;u1red right-cf--way derfo:at1c,:i if thNe is r·ec:iSLmable J,JSl1f1,::al1~r~ \J: :,uch \l\ta1ve1·. r·ri:s c:!de scct1cr1 st.ates thdt ··1 e,:1·;01·1alJlc; Jt1::,U1(at,un" includes ILt ;s r'.ct l1m1tt'd tu the follovv1ng, a. Requ1n:'d str1;;e1 1mprrivrments \·\'Clllld al\e1 a 'Netlar~d or st1·e.::1rn, q1-have a ne,-:iat1v~ 1r11pact ,)1'1 d :J1urel1ne·s ;~r·ea iJ b,st1n0 ::t":?ep l!J;:;ogr aph--; ·,.,,:Juld rndke rf:'q u1r·ed ,;tr·;-;f-'t 1rnpr ov12r11H1b :r1lt>as1bl;,o. CDC 14-237 I Morse ' • • ' , MODIFICATION NARRATIVE R:,qui1 (:(i s!r(!E:t 1rr1p1w1C'llll''.'t::, •Nuulcl l~J·N a 11,:rpt;1.1c• illlf.FJCI CJr' ,::ti11}1· prnpt;1·t11~:;, ~,uch as '",'":,t1·1ct1nq cL:c1~s,; d. 1h21,;; ar·e no s1rn1lc1r· ilnv,...:·Vt:'lll\-'11h 111 lhr; ·11cifll!.y dnd tl112r-e IS litlle l.1kel.1hcod thc1t the imp1c,v,;rn(:1·1l:::: w1l'. be r12t?::ed or n·,:;1111 c)d 1n tf1P 11exl tff1 y!:"ar·s. 1·1,._1i,:w;;q ckrk~l 1111age1y uf H-~h Av'i::r1ue S, I' ;::ip[H'dr'.o llut r;,_. :_;urtiu11 i)I· the' str·eet 1s i:,·,pr·c\·pd \1,• ,._::_r-rr;r:t -,tdrH..:,.,ir d. ~\)' t1:·,r c.., 'lcr:h ot '~~ 7 St'.·eet ,1r·c: irnpr rJ\'eJ \Vlth ar1ve l.:n1i:,.s ,:_:.11ly. v,h:le pq1·t1n11:, ,;outh ol 1hal r·:ght_-,:1f-1N,3Y 11:-:luj" s,~lewal_k~,. r:lJr'lr!r =,!rips J11d a dii,;e tane tJu no c11r·::s rr:r lhr~ ,_·u11e11l Trcn1:,purtat1on lmp1··u 11err1,:::i· Pr~'.·•J1:.i:n. 11•) 111·1provc·11L'11;:_; to high Avenus::: :1 2;Jr.war tc t:1~ uncfr,:· co1'1:i1~:c1·c1t1u11 by :he ;:1t/s P1"hl.ic Wo,·k:-.; '.li:'pi-ir·tm,,11! _1~J:-,q, Hiyh Ave:~ue S 1.s -3 r.lr:;,acl encl ,,tn-iet t1.~r rn111d11nJ ;~t U-,e e·jfJ>:' ot ,1 bl:.Jf. ·:\,;o 111!1\!1· dead ends,~: :J· H.dll:' df1d S !-_: Stre~t. 11·1!_":'r';(-:c\ f--'.1,;i!1 A.1e1wc:1 S bd\\-'et:'n :J~acori 'N,1y \ crnd the '=''··J r)t :h'c:' ~trei:t. S (J F)la::e. likr,: 11,,:iri ;\-10r111\; c,. :.:nrn11::il_!:':, at ;f1e ecl12ol the hl1dl. ~; I, ()trH}I lern111·1,:ites at:3,,. unupened l1D1T1 .kac.un Wa; '.-:i to lfH: ~_;.:i:::e l;<ull. "'.11.:i nppo:;1l!:: 'side oft'·,:,:; u1wpr:'··t-:d r1:y1l·Ul"w2y th'::'r·!"f(H 1, h1qlily unl1kt:'ly th-::t an; ot tne';P rn_Jht':, of -w,1; ·n1II iJc: ext2n~;,.:d 1n U1e \1tunc. All rii]hl -:ll ·Ws)y >::Xlt'11ci liliJ ,s a r.m'lat.e par·cel. It 1·, Ir 11::t :: ,~! :lie t111"~e s'.r~ds a!'~ cul'rl:'ntly impr1_;-;ec. ;_irw ml!11mal peclest:1an lra'f1c [·;a':i bC'c·11 :;crier cteJ by tl1c veJ.·_rrn11ar1l rp~,11.J?nl1.::1I d2\1eloprr>::11t. It the1·P.fore ,:,~pe-=w; unl1kt'ly lflc1t f"'''d():--,11·1,-::r·, 1rnpro·.;e1··1ent<:-,, su~h as •;1dt:w,1\h ;:··d planter st1·1p·.:,, 1..v1ll be deen1ed rwce~~sary '-1111thin llie nex: t;,;n '/!c"di"S In ziddd1c1r; tc th~, 1·!-:;:1:,on:, s·d\C'd db'~·;•:\ :,tr-i-:·t ,,:::pl1,:at)n 11f t~,;:, 1:ud0 will result ir1 tl·H? creation of,,,, rx1:,t1r1J '"m1u:.rnf.:..:r1111:y rJn the s,_i':J!>?t_t p1 ,ipt;r ty. A quraqe vv1th l·v1ns1 space abDVP !'.~ n::Tently lcG-1teJ a ppr rJxirn2tely 20· h.:·111 t'·:.c, !!1qh .6.vPrnJl; S r1~]!1t.--1.1f·-w:~y. fl1;., rt'c;uin:d 6S dt·~;1.·:,_.d1on 'NoulJ r2dwe thi'.; ·::lec1r·,:wc1c-'. lu ;1pp1:Jx1rr1c1t<-:ly-1·3 J·. ii 1 ,_; RS c:'UPt' :_ur r1:1ntly r2~u1r·2s a /f)' f ,:;11'. ydrd setba::k. ·!-h<:>retc-i-.:i. the 2xdi110st11J<...'.l11 e l':o u11 rµntl'/ 1n cr)!''P 12:-K2 ,,,v1tf1 lh,::. s::,i-t:·ack requl;Jl1r_·,n but '/,":;ulG n81. be if \he dr:'d1c;Jt1on v11er t:' 'Y'cide. A-:, 1N1' · thlc iJ,0 ar:nn W,iv ~; foe :11-l1c:u 111ud1t1cat10~, ahn'/0., 1t JP!kar::, tlHt ~1rart11YJ thi'~ 1r1·:.1ditirr1tio~-'Nill nor. rbult 1n ad,J~r';(; rir ···,:rn.::,u:, 1111~<:H.:ts to , ... corby r.mipat es. No chd11gt"s o ·lie Tont:ige 01· r .. qh; cf way ·.v1:_1_ be 1:·1,i·Jr,-,, d11~: tht''d(Jr·2 "',:,1ther· hi=:1·1d1u,1l r1c1 a::·.;er·sf:' 1rnr:,ar·t,; ',Nill c1i"·( .... · It :ippc:n ': th; ·i:>:: pr:;;1c<t nwets ~l:e ~lelin1tior1 d '"1 c:a:,uriahlc> 11:;st1f·c::it!1.~11, :r1ciud111q Cr·itE:··1(_:n U tr·orr1 thf city':; Ii',;\ ul cxc:rnpl.t:s. Acid1t.1u11ally, the (Jec!t:011 ()[ an exrsU,q nonconfc:rrn:ty 011 Ilk suliJc:..:t par·,:el appeors to !w <Jf"I u n ,.l•!':·lf db: ta ::,}1·1 ·~f-'11 lJC·1·1ce ·~'! st r 1r..t In 1.1:'rprr:,l:d 10n 1)1 I [fr, c11de ser:l 1un. V. Conclusions lJor_:J rt'::::"t'sted r:1orJil1·~:c1t·un'::i cippl:-'<:ff !(1 b'? re,~:-;(1r1;d1lv Jl1::-til1Pcl d:s d,:if11,ed i>/ lhe ~~-C. r,fo ~1_i'Jt:T:>c ·,r· IIIJlll"l•Ju·; 11·npa, ::1 to f.idrcel:> ar;., a11tiupe1tHl ;Li\: t(> lik'':,i:' rm1dif11:dt11,1w:,, anrl 111 s·::.111<.; c:a:~es a s:r, t 1r1tc;rprf--"td1 11n (1f th,? C')df~ \:<I re::;, J 1r1 a \11·0.::iter :.1rn1Jc,".t CJf 11011c ,J11l 11rrn1ty than a rnocl:t1c:-; 1r0 t(:qm_:t:1:1on. I hcrc+::r-,c>. 1t :1~1p0ar~, r l::'d'::,()i"ldL:li2 1',::;r re~ Ir\ li•_'IJ (1) b~ ,,_·.JIJ::'r_·:ed ru: UedC•...:n \l·/;iy c; and r,.1: the deU1c-at1on of 111,:_il: A.V~l\ll(' (; to bl' Vv'dl\/>:'ci. 11 dny ,:1dd1t1c.111;:il 111f,::rn1c1!1tJ'" 1:s I srpmt,::. plc:;se ,: 011\;ic:I our ,1fil;:'2 cit the tf:'lep ·wne rwrnl:, :r rn· diJ,j, c:ss [1-:,tei.J in tlv) hr··:ill'::r· ct th1::-. d1.1, 1_1n1':'n1 f!u1\k y1•ii L..:r /C·!...,' i...1Jr1:,1tJerat1c,n ol If,.:~; 1·r_;qc;t':;l. CDC 14-237 I Morse DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Print Form Reset form ----...---Ren ton RIGHT OF WAY USE I DEFERRAL I WAIVER I VARIANCE I FEE IN LIEU APPLICATION Save Form Planning Division I Development Engineering Section 1055 S Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7200 I Fax: (425) 430-7231 Project Name: Morse Swimming Pool and Spa Site Address: 525 High Avenue S RECEIVED SEP 2 3 20 1,5 CITY OF REN1'0N ·~ ~1\1'-,0N PLP.NN'.i\/.,:~ I), I, .. Legal Description of Property: Lots 1 &2 of City of Renton LLA-009-92 Include King County Assessors Parcel No: 564050-0040 ---------------------- App Ii cant: Jacob Young Phone: 206.535. 7908 Cell: 206.853.8055 Business Address: 46 Etruria Street, Suite 201 City/State: Seattle, WA Zip: 98109 Attach a letter of request with this application, stating in detail: 1. Applicable City Code and Sub-ordinance 2. Items and quantities involved 3. Justification for request 4. Amount of time requested 5. Provide a vicinity map (8 Y," x 11") 6. Provide a drawing of the site (8 Y," x 11") Mail or drop off the completed application and map/drawing to: Development Engineering Manager City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way, 6'h Floor Renton, WA 98057 ( 425) 430-7299 Completed applications will be reviewed a a writte determination issued approximately 3-4 weeks from date of receipt of application. You ill be conta ted if the application is incomplete or if additional information is required. Applicant's Signature For City Use Only Deferral D New Offsite Onsite D Excess Right of Way D Extension August 19, 2016 Date Variance D New D Extension D Underground D Driveway D Slopes D Noise D Fee In Lieu D Waiver H :\CE D\Data\Forms-T em plates\Self-Hel p H andouts\P ublic Works\ROWandDeferral .docx 08/14 RECEIPT EG00059603 BILLING CONTACT Clinton and Shelly Morse 525 High Ave S Renton, WA 98057-3919 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 16-000751 PLAN -Modification Technoloav Fee Printed On: September 28, 2016 Prepared By: Jan Illian -------•...-·Renton® 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 TRANSACT/ON TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: September 23, 2016 PAYMENT METHOD Credit Card Credit Card SUB TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $150.00 $4.50 $154.50 $154.50 Page 1 of 1