HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-17-000041_MISCDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AF FI DAVIT OF I NSTALLATIO N OF PUBLIC OUTREACH SIGN Pl a nning Divi sion 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425 -430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov STATE OF WASHI NGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) , be i ng first d ul y ---------------------------- sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the (p ~ day of J €.f 16-v\~€..r, 20 I =f-, I instal led i out r each sign(s) on the propert y located Io~ 165' SE f"TZ. ~ Sr., _.ee,,te, V\, Well-"h?'o S-S-fo r the fol lowi ng p roj ect: / r Avey«-R !J;,e_ ~,--/,.,a~k, Proj ect e Av"'Yc.t... i"'1 Ar ",.+~+ H-o~s, L LC. A .O e..le\..Wc.r~ r.\ .. ";+ecl l,o..Vil;ly C'_o....,p.,_..I Owner Name pu b l ic at 2. I have attached a copy of the nei ghborhood deta i l map m arked w i th an "X" to in d icate the l ocat ion of the installed sign . 3. This/these public inform ation si gn(s) was/we r e co n st ructed and installe d in lo cat i ons i n conformance w i th th e r eq ui rements o f Chapte r 7 Title 4 of Rento n M u nic i pa l Code an d the Cit y's "Public Information Signs Inst t ckage. NO PUB LI C i n an d for t he State of Was h ington, r es i ding at J2~ ftm W A My commission exp i res on __ t)_9.....,/f,__0_(,_~-~-~U)~-- 3 H:\CED\Data\Fo r ms-Ternplates\Sclf-Help Hando uts\Plil n nin e\Pub Outreach Sign Handout.docx Rev.02/2016 October 5, 2016 ES-4147.01 Avana Ridge, LLC 9675 Southeast 361h Street, Suite 105 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Attention: Mr. Justin Lagers Subject: Updated Coal Mine Hazard Assessment Proposed Avana Ridge PUD 10815 Southeast 172nd Street Renton, Washington City of Renton Project No. LUA15-000894 Reference: Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. Earth Solutions NW LLC • Geotechnical Engineering • Construction Monitoring • Environmental Sciences I .', i. I f). , , , Jv-,~...., V :,',/ Preliminary Coal Mine Hazard Assessment, dated June 24, 1999 Coal Mine Hazard Assessment, dated March 22, 2004 Geotechnical Engineering Services Report, dated January 20, 2009 Earth Solutions NW, LLC Geotechnical Engineering Study Project No. ES-4147, dated December 21, 2015 D.R. Strong Consulting Engineers, Inc. Site Plan, dated October 2016 Dear Mr. Lagers: Earth Solutions NW, LLC (ESNW) has prepared this updated coal mine hazard assessment letter for the subject project. This letter was prepared at your request in response to a required City of Renton (City) mitigation measure. The coal mine hazard assessment provided herein is intended to update the assessment included in the referenced geotechnical engineering study (ESNW Study) prepared previously by our firm. 1805 -136th Place N.E., Suite 201 • Bcllcv,e, WA 98000 • (425) 449-4704 • FAX 142.IJ 449-4711 Avana Ridge, LLC October 5, 2016 Protect Description ES-4147.01 Page 2 As described in the ESNW Study, we understand the proposed development will include construction of two residential apartment structures, utility improvements, parking and drive areas, and open space areas. Each apartment structure will be four to five stories in height. Rockeries will likely be incorporated into final designs to accommodate grade transitions, where necessary. We anticipate stormwater will be managed by a below-grade detention vault, which is proposed for construction within the southwestern portion of the northern half of the site. Site geologic hazards include a stream and associated buffer space (within the central and southern site areas) and a historic coal mine, known as the Springbrook Mine, as well as the associated coal mine opening (near the southern property line). The proposed development will occur across a currently forested, unimproved property; in general, the southern, geologically sensitive area of the site will not be improved (except as an open space and/or recreational area). Site explorations have been completed previously on several occasions by means of both soil borings and exploratory test pits. The referenced reports, prepared previously by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. (ICE), were discussed within the text of the ESNW Study where relevant to the currently proposed development. The collective term "ICE Reports" was used thereafter when referring to these previously prepared reports, and the term "ICE Reports" will also be used in this letter, where necessary. For reference, the ICE Reports are attached to this letter. If the design assumptions outlined in this section are incorrect or change, ESNW should be contacted to review the recommendations and conclusions provided in this letter. This letter has been prepared for the exclusive use of Avana Ridge, LLC and their representatives. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This letter was prepared in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill that is typical of other members in the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. Updated Coal Mine Hazard Assessment The ESNW Study concluded that, with respect to the historic coal mine, further remediation was not necessary. Based on our review of the referenced site plan, it is our opinion the conclusion provided in the ESNW Study remains applicable. The proposed development will occur within the northern portion of the site, and in general, the southern, geologically sensitive area of the site will not be improved. The mitigation recommendations previously provided by ICE were based on past development intentions, which included construction of a building within the southern site area (nearer to the coal mine and associated hazards). As the currently proposed development will not encroach on the southern area of the site, no further remediation was necessary. The proposed development is apparently set back from the historic coal mine entry by a minimum distance of approximately 125 to 150 feet. Earth Solutions NW, LLC Avana Ridge, LLC October 5, 2016 Minimum Risk Statement ES-4147.01 Page 3 Based on our review of the referenced site plan, it is our opinion the proposed development can be safely accommodated on site. The proposal will not increase the threat of the geological hazard to adjacent or abutting properties beyond pre-development conditions, and the proposal will not adversely affect other critical areas. We trust this letter meets your current needs. Should you have questions regarding the content herein, or if additional information is required, please call. Sincerely, EARTH SOLUTIONS NW, LLC Keven D. Hoffmann, P.E. Project Engineer Attachments: ICE Reports ~'~ ' Raymond A. Coglas, P.E. Principal Earth Solutlona r,m, LLC • Prepared For: Ala Cueini Prepared By: kide Creek Engineers, Inc. ICICLE CREEK ENGINEERS Geotechnkal, Geologic atld Environmental Servlcm January 20, 2009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH Consultants, U.C 733-7"' Avenue, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98033 . . '" '- Repi,rt ... Geolechnieal Eng;iw,;ng Scrvice9 l'nlJ,osed l'roperty DM!opment S~rook Ridge . - K~l:°"1ty Tax Parcel Nos. , , 2923059009 and 2923059148 ~Washington ICE'Flit No. 0336-004 INTRODUCl'ION ,: ·. This report ~~-Creek EngillCll!iS' (ICE's) tie(l(cchnical engineering scrviccs for the proposed devclopmcntofaii:~ly 3.78 acre )llqlClty (referrtd toas the Springb,ookRidgc property -King County Tax ~l!os. 29231&9009 and 2923US9 I 48) located north of the inlelSCdion of I os• AvenueSE(Bcmon.Rnad)~~te~tr.(_!;R)SISinR-, Washington. OurserviceswerecOl11)1eredin gemral e.ccordaor;t,l,'!"ith our Mp.i!'9f ~ ~:~ 2008 and were aulhorizcd by Alex Cugini Jr., tho property o~,on' l?~.f,F" 8, ~-ICE pm-16usly completed coal mine hazard usessmc:ots of the propenr. ibuesults are ~t.ed in Olltrcports dated June 24, 1999 and March 22, 2004. The location of the Sp~ Ridge property .. ,'jlwwn ~10 nearby physical features on the Vicinity Map, Figure I. ~<·-·. •. ·;f'-~-,. .-.. , PROJECT DESCRIPTION Jamie ~ of CPi:J: Coosultanls, LLC (CPH), the projca engineer, provided ICE with the fol lowing inforrnatloi\,~gan!iJ!& the projec1: • CPH, Mardi 4, ~ptual Site Pl.an," sheet I, scale I inch = I 00 feet. • City of Renton Depum,ent of Community&; Economic Development, March 27, 2008, preapplication meeting notes for die Bm~n Road Development, 8 pases. • City of Renton Development Services Division, March 2007, "Submittal Requirements, Sile Plan Review," 8 paps. . Based on our review of the CPH site plan and discuS6ious with Mr. Schroeder, the Springbrook Ridge property will be developed with tclail/commercial buildings along with pllV<ld parking and access. We unc!erstand that the north building may have below-gnule puking. As currently plaoned, slonnwatcr will be detained in two underground vaults (Vaults A and B). Site grading will require cuts up to 16-feei deep, primarily for inslalling Vault B and undeiground parking for the north building. The balance of the site grading for pa,king and access areaa will ll:quire cuts and fill of less than 5 feet 29335 NE 20th Street • o,rnatlon, Washlngton98C14 • www.1c1<:lecreeken9lnee1>.com • (425) 333-0093 phone • {425) 996-4036 r~x Alex. Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH Consultants, U.C Janua,y 20, 2009 Page2 • • A drainage swule crosses the site from east to west. The drainage •wale includes a 25-foot wide buffer on either side of a seasonal stream within the swale. An access drivoway will cross the dIUinage swsle by installation of a culvert and consuuction of a fill embankment up lo l 2-feet thick. The n:mainder of the drainage swale, within tlte buffer, will remain undeveloped. The project site, including the proposed site improvements, is shown on the Sile Plan, Figure 2. SCOPE OP SERVICES The purpose of our services was kt explore subsurface soil/bedrock and ground water oonditions at the •ite as a basis for developing geotechnical recommendations and.deii~ ciiteria for the proposed deveiopmenL Our scope of services was developed, in part, based ~ ~ .1;eview of the Ciay of Renton documents (referenced abovcJ that inc1udoc1 a till of items that shoul~.~ uddn~!A in the seo1cc1mica1 report. Our specitk scope of services includes the following: ., _ ··a, c.,;;~,c • Complete a derailed surface recouoai ssance with particul#l'::CMp)iasis on slopc~lirl!as. • Ex.pl ore shallow subsurlace soil, bedrock and ground~ conditions by comp~ test pits with a ,•,f' ·.:,--···· track-mounted excavalOl'. One of the test pit ~pl~~ _was OO!Dfleted in a Severe~) Coal Mine Hazard area. We suppkmenled these cxplorattoos w,~,bono~~I were completed lit the site for a previous study of coal mine hazards. ,.,,_:;,, ,<:C' ·. · • ...,,'Lu, • Complete laboratory testing on selected, soil samples for rooistilfe contenL • Evaluate pertinent physical and engineerii\~eristies of~'~ipedrock ba,ied.on our observations and site knowledge, and on the results of~~-• compl~?ples obtained from the test ptts. ·., ~:;;.,~ " • Describe aod characterize soil/bedrock and ~d ~~«'!!li.!i?JH1lit the site. • Evaluate the present stsb[lity:'!f!he slope areas~'lhe effecis;efthe proposed development on future 1c·· ,·, -;I: .• -,;;..., ,,,!,,· ' slope stability. .;,:-, .. -· ~'"'.f';:, ·:, ·· • Evaluate the High <:;i,aMme Ha~area and ~fy, if appropriate, aod/or provide reoommeodations to mitigate the High C~Mine JWwd condition. \·,,. • Provide 1ecommendati~~ .. ~•ta•i9D ~. ~ including stripping requiremmts, strucll.md fill criteria -~f onsite ~ted soilV.Stiil'clrock for structural fill. -~.:t:"J,;·.:-...a:=A"<l,~;,:.,. ~-·r '0 "' • Evaln#dewatoniii8,~orinj~ and provide recommendations for excavution and trench ••c!r~pes ro, unc1ti~_unntlii~L: -po . • ~-"teCommcndatioiil~ bedroc91cxcavation including excavatability and mechanical splitting ~ .. ;;i,..... . """"··-... (looscmqt,..as appropnate;,c;;;;_ • • Provide rcqf!l!l,..,dations f~d utility backfill materials including the suitability of excavated materials for ~Ji!.. bacldil~tlid bedding, including recommendations for pla,;ement and compaction of bedding and bacldlll~. • Provide recormtlet'~tiri• for tempoI81)' cuts and permanem cut and fill slopes. • Provide recommcndlitions for foundation support, including minimum footing dimensions, embedment depths, allowable soil bearing pressures and settlement estimates. • Provide recommendations for support of on-grade floor slabs including criteria for a capillary break. • Provide reconur,o,datioos for lateral earth pressures including active pressures for retaining walls and passive earth pressures on footings, including the cocfficiet11 of base friction against sliding. • Provide recomme,idations fur pavement subgradc: preparation. • Provide seismic dosign criteria based on the 2006 International Building Code (IBC). [eiele Cree t: Engineer& 0336004/012009 Alex Cugini clo Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH Consultants, LLC January 20, 2009 Pagc3 • Provide recommendations for erosion conlrOl and surface and subsurface drainage requircmenls, as appropriate. ABANDONED UNDERGROUND COAL MINING As previously mentioned, ICE bus completed coal mine h11211111 assessments of the Springbrook Ridge property (June 1999 and March 2004) at a time when the site was within .King County. The Springbrook Ridge prcpcrty wa:s annexed by the City of Renton in November 2007. The June 1999 swdy was a preliminary asscssrne'ltthat summarized tho coal miu,,hazard conditions; no subsurface explorations wen: completed for the June 1999 study. The Mail:!J 2004 coal mine hazan:I assessment included subsiaiilce explollllioo of tho shallow (less than I Sl!-foot deep) abandoned coal mine worlcings. In the March 2004 study we concluded that the aha~ 11Dderground coal mines were substantially collapsed and most of thi: coal mine baz.ards ~ ''D,,c~cd" (uiing King County Onlinance 13319 terminology). A Declassified Coal Mine Area is defined by K:mg Couni:y'ii,;_"lhoseareasforwlucha nsk of catastropl,ic collapse is not significant and wlridr //re hmititrl .:t&rd........r rq,/,,(lills detumbred require no special engineering or ardrtteCIUml n,commendaJlons_t,, prevent significant risks ~property damage. Declassified coal mine areas may typically include, hui Qr,l 11(>/ /lmited "'· .,,_ underlain orJm/elly affected by coal mines at depths grealer tl,an three hundred feet as ~red.fi1»11 zhe swface bur """1 often tm:lude areas underlain or directly affected h:,o coal mines al deptm i~• t/Jtii, three hundred feet." However, one area -remained as a~ Coal !,.fine H~ ami (cquivalcm to City ofRmloo "Hiab Coal Mine HB7.ard")in the.&Oldh portion_M~ SpringbrookRiciP,prope,fy wbm a formcrJDine~ (inaccessible and filled) wasn>UjJhly located dur!ng'liurMUJCh 2004 s111dy.·As diattime, die speci1ic location oCtbis fonnerminc entry was not known so& reltlivel~•:eirelc identifying the Severe (High) Coal Mine Haz.anl area was established to encompass the mo5t IJIOb,!We tQ!llilion of the former mine cntty. A full description of-~ aJ,aodooed und~ coal niji,.'cs and results of ICE's lllbsurface explorations (ground pn,ofmg) JrW~oned 1111daground coal mmes is presented in ICE',Jum, 1999 and March2004reports. ThiOu1ICDtsludyillcludes adelalied evlliuation of the High Coal Mine.Hazud area(tbe former mine entry) that w-. ~;'W>~in JCE's Morch'~ report. . -. ----_ --•· , ~CSETI1NG Bailed on re~ ,cologlc ~ng by 1.i:s. Geologi,;al Survey (USGS -Mullineaux, D.R, 1965, '"Goolopi Map of the Reniaa:Qiadmnaie,King County, Washington," Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-40S), the Springbrook Ridge pr•' is widcrW.: by glacial till. Glacial till typicllily consists of dense to very dense silty' -~. with gravel nie glacial till is underlain by bedrock of the Remon formation. Renton formation~ consistsof inietb:dded sandstone, sihsllllle, shale, claystnne, carbonaceoua shale and coal beds. Structurally,-lhebedrock~been uplitled, folded and faulted overtime. This structural deformation of the bedrock bas crcate,f1 nonhwest trending syncline. "Syncline" is a geologic term referring to a fold in the bedrock layering that is '*!Give UP (downwud curving). The "limbs" or bedrock layering of the syncline dip u angles ranging from 30 to 70 dcgrccs from horizontal. The unweathered glacial till is typically covered with forest duff and topsoil, and wmthered glacilli till vazying in tctal thickness from a few inches to severol feet Weathered glacial till typically consists of loose silty sand with variable amounts of gn,vel and roots. In historic coal mining areas, it is possible that "mine rock fill" could exist on the surface of the property. Mine rock fill typically consists of coal fines and broken rod<. Jcioh Creek Engipccrs OH6IXM/012009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPH Consultants, LLC January 20, 2009 Page4 SITE CONDITIONS SURJAO: CONDITIONS The Springbrook Ridge property ii located on WI upland area within the cenlnll Puget Sound lowlands commonly referred m as "'Benson Hili" The roughly triangular-shaped property is bordered to the north by SE 17~ Street and residenlial de¥elopment, to the northeast by a child care .facility (Family Circle Leaming Center), to the soulheast by 108" Avenue SE (Benson Rood), wideveloped property and a church, and to the southwest by SR SJ S and commen:ial development. The Springbrook Ridge property is currently undeveloped and is "-~al with mature sccood- growth conifer and deciduous lm:s, and dense brush. A shallow drainage _.;,.'"iile (about I 0-to 15-foet deep) crosses the property fiom east to wesl The ground surface is gently undulating and ranges fiom Elevation 366 feet (where the drainage swale exits the property along the sou~est ~ line) to about Eleva1ion 40 I feet in the east comer of the property. Slopes bordaing the ~lri/ige swal~ ~ from 10 m 25 percent grade and are up m JS.feet high. _): ·'··' ·-,; [~, No ground surface depressions (suggesting a mj~'e' opening or sinkhole)'% ooserved on the Springbrook Ridge property with the exception ofthe~ly deSe~!'ed former mini!~ing area. No surface evidence of mine rock fill was obseNal on the S~ ~4a~_property. ··~:~~~t>c':. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ";,;,k The March 2004 coal mine hazardiili~ssmmt included diillji:,g seven, 6-inch-diameter borings (Borings B-~ through B-11) to depths ranging<·'i.~to 160 feet betw~Felitnary 16 and 24, 2004 using mud-rotarydrillingmethodswithtrack-aJ10untedr!ri)Iiiijf~ownecf~operatedbyGn,goryDri0ing, Inc. The approximate locations of the test borin/explOI1djclm)ijj'S),<,wti on Figure 2. Subsurface conditions ~the current study~'Mluate~ the excavation of nine test pits (Test Pits TP-1 througb TP-9). ~;~~11rere complete"a;,pn Decembei 16, 2008 m depths ranging fiom 6 to 15 feet using a track-mon~l'l!cavatoi~matsu PC 1201.owned and operated by Kelly's Excavating, Jnc. of Pacific, Washingmn:'Th{~,cimaflocations ofthc-~pits are shown on Figure 2. The test pit cxplo~~~!Y.~~d by a geologist from ICE who classifialthc soils, observed grl>lllldci~iililr,9-(!llditio&.,5,i,d prefafedtil~ log of each exploration. The soil consistencies notedo~~,.ks~pitliisi'~~ed-ci~tions o~_ ourexperi~ "?djudgmeot, ~ the difficulty of cxcavatllin. Soils were c~ m geiifalaccordaltc¢ wtth the classiflC81lon system described m Figure 5. The·S~·'1ogs are prcscn~!R, the T~'tiii Logs, Figures 6 through 8. Labomtcry testing including moisture ~ was cotq:1lettii';.'Dn selefud soil samples from the test pits. A summary of the moisture -,,,,-.,_,_ ~- content results "i$ Ill.own oo the ~ratory Testing Moisture Content Resulls, Figure 9. The test Jritsloratioqi;{'I'est Pits TP-1 through TP-8) encountered relatively uniform conditions consistingof appro>•f~it'ly ~lo JY, footoffim,st duffaod topsoil underlain by appro,cimately l 1o3Y. feel ,,_._, .. _ .. ," of weathered glacial till ~isting ofloose to medium dense silty sand with vuriable amounts of gravel and roots. The: weathered glacial till was underlain by unweathered glacial till to thefulldcpthofthccxplorations ~ from 6 lo IO feet below the ground surlace. The unweathen:d glacial till consistal of dense to veiy dense silty sand with variable amounts of gravel and cobbles. l'lllctical digging refusal was oncountered in Test Pits 'IP-3 and TP-5. Test Pit TP-9 was completed in the am, of the suspected former mine entry. Test Pit TP-9 encountered fill for the full depth of the exploration to IS feet below the ground surface. The fill consisted of loose to medium dcose silty sand with a trace of gravel and cobbles and abundant wood debris. This fill appears lo be nonstructural soil that was placed in the mine opening to prevent entry. Icig.lci Creek En1ioeer:s 0336004/012009 • Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH Consultants, U.C J1Ul11U)' 20, 2009 Page5 Based on the test borings that were completed for tbc March 2004 study, the glacial till overlies Renton formation bedrock Renton fonnation bedrodc CODllists of interocdded .5IIDds!onc, siltstone, shale, clays11111e, camonaceous shale and coal beds. The depth to the bedrock ranged from 22 to 43 feel below the ground ...-face. No ground water was observed in the tesl pit explorations with the exceptioo of Test Pit TP-4 which encounteml rapid ground water seepage al a depth of about I Y. feet. Test Pit TP-4 was completed in a low area with spongy ground thal appears to be accumulating in a closed depression. Though ground water was not encountered in the remaining test pit explorations, we expect shallow "~" ground water to occur wilhin the weadicrcd glacial till along the contact with the underlying, neady.iinpermeablc, glacial till during c::,;tended periods of wet weather. The perched ground walilr is cxpl'C)led~ dry out following ~ periods of dry wmlber. · · CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMKNDA.TIONS SLOPE STABILITY . . .·.. . We did not observe surface evidence of slope ~ty, primarily along the dni~dor which is to n:main undeveloped. Based on topogn,phic survey p111Rs and our.lite observations, slopes within the Springbrook Ridge property are less than 25 perocot grade mid. an: !ficrc,fon, not regulated aa a Sensitive or Protecled Slope. . IDGH COAL MINE HAZARD AREA CO~TIONS Test Pit TP-l! appeared to encounter the ~~'CllltrY because"'1'tbe preseoce offill ID deplh (111 least 1'-feet deql). Currently, this area is plannedfirpmblg eiid111u1111ktgroundstormwaterdetcotion vault (VauhB). ht our opinion, this~mine entry, thougli.appweuiijJlllcd toadeplhof at least 15 feet, will need to be excavated during coiistrliiMm to expose Ille plan dimcmions of the tunnel area and to refine our recommendations for rcc;iamation ~ ~bod below: We expect the forimi-.mmc: ~ 1D be about S.:w.8-feet in diameter and inclined at about 55 to60 degrees below horizontal dowii:re tlil.iiou1b .. Tbe diamtter of the former mine entry should be coofamed during site pn:plliatiGII\Uld gradil\gi · : ,, :: ·. ' ~ teclatnati~ mine~ should consist of a structural plug (comrolled density fill -CDf) that wilfrcduce the risk ot\l\ature CIVDI& 111111 support surface facilities sudJ as a parking lot and/or ~.stormwatcr vaul). . The structural plug should consist of Jean concrete that lll used lo fill 8 "prepared -.Valion." A diagtan> showing the schematic details of this reclamlllion for a pamng lot condition is shown in the High <;;ml Mine Hazard Reclamatmn Plan (Parking Area), Figure 3 and for an underground stonn'water vault m 1he High Coal Mine Hazard Reclamation Plan (Stormwater Vault), Figure 4. Based OIi our expe~, this type of mine opening reclamation has been used mquently by the U.S. Oepntmcnt of Interior ·OlJ;i:e of Surface Mining, The prepared excavation should be ~lcted wring site g1"adiog by mnoval of existing fill soils to a depth of al ICIISI IS feet or to al least S feet below the hue of the underground stonnwater vault, or as d~rmilled by a geotc:clmical engineer or geologist during excavation. The prepared excavation should be widened into the native glacial till areas that surround lhc mine opening by at least S feet to form the "plug" and should also be observed by a gcotcclmical engineer or geologist during excavation The vault, where underlain by the former mine entry, should h&ve the hue designed to span at least IO feet os a design redundancy. Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/012009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPH ConsultanlS, LLC January 20, 2009 Page6 SITE PREPARATION AND EARTHWORK Site Prepanition Conventional site preparation procedures for the type of terrain and forest present on the site are expected. We recommend that all trees, fallen logs, brush, low-growi11g vegetation and forest duff be removed from the planned development area. We recommend that any hazardous lrees (e.g., trees that lean toward or may eventually fall onto padting or building areas) be removed or lrimmed. We expect that stripping will beon the orderofl2 to 18 iEcbes unless excessive disturbance is caused by clearing operations. Local areas of brush and tree stumps wiU n,quire additi~ stripping. Tree root balls should be removed and replaced with structural fill. Disturbance toa gn:atcr{ltpd,cin beexpecn,d if clearing openitions are done in wet weatbor. · .,, " The excavated weathered and unweathered glacial till ,oil.$,"' n,;,~itive and difficult to operate on and to compact during wet weatbe1'. Rubber-tired ve~icie; and ev~iioot traffic will disturb this material when it is above-optimum moisture. This material ~y,~orlis moisi~ i•. difficult to dry out, and also has a fairly high erOGion potential. Accordingly,~s,i1.ffences and other erosion~tection measures will be necessary. .,~~;;;". J~--"•;1 Structural FiU ,.,,_, .:?· General -All new fill in building an~ parking areas sbouh(~Jllaced BS structural fill. Structural ftll material should be ftee of debris, organic ~ts and rock'~ts larger than 6inches. The suilllbility of material for use BS structural fill ~~ on the gnula~"°" moisture cootent of die soil. As the amount of fines (soil particles passing·~ U:S:<)~ No. 2oi:;,';ieve) increases, soil becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisturB"epnter,tiiia .le.compaction becomes more difficult to achieve. • .... :~~;-;~, ... _ '-:i\_~:3:· ""'::.::(~--~ Common Borrffl!,":•Wi l~'W""'d that comii1on borrow fill cmform wilh Section 9-03.14(3) of die 2008 WSDOT Stancfe!',.Specifi~ for Road/,;,Bridge and Municipal Construction (Standard Specifications). ~tilm>w wiit:t>e sensitive to ~sin moisture content and compaction will be difficult or impossible to acfu~.~'fil~-,,.:We recommend that common borrow be used BS sttuctural fi~_I, ~~ e'Y w~,_cooditiimi~n proper moisture conditi~ can be achieved. qrivel Bor~)Y,e reco~ that gravel borrow conform with Section 9-03.14(1) of die 2008 S~pecifications. We~dlhat gravel borrow wntain no more than 5 percent fines during wet weatht'·iii;l-,[n wet snbsnide 1,~itions. \, · Re~;~_On-Site ~s -The native soils (weathered ~d un~crcd glacial till) may be reused for struclui:III fill during;penods of extended dry weather. Sotl conlammg more than 20 percent o,ganic matter (~.forest du/T-.,d topsoil) should only be used in landscaping areas or for other pwposes where specific compli,~ cijlfua is ool required. Placement and~ction-For pl~! during wet weather or on wetsubgmdes, structuntlfiU should contain no more~ 5 percent fines. Fill placement over wetgroundsbouldconuuence with an initial lift of about 24 iocbes of gravel borrow with less than 5 percent fines. Thi1 lift should be compacted by rolling without vibration to reduce the potmtial for inducing "pumping" or "yielding" of the underlying soils. During dry weather, the fines content may be up to about 30 JlC"Clll, provided that die fill can be moisture- conditioned and compacted to the degree specified below. Structural fill should be compacted to at least 95 pc,cent of the maximum dry density (MDD) obtained from AS1M Test Method D 1557. This applies to all utility trench backfill as well. Waste fill in landscaping areas need only be compacted to the exteot required for tmfficability of conslruetion equipment Ic.icle Creek Engineers 0336004/012009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPH Consultants, LLC January 20, 2009 Page7 • As a guideline, we recommend that structural fill be placed in horizon Ill! lifts which ""' l O inches or less in loose thickness. The actual lift thickness will depend of the compaction equipmcnl used and lhe qualityoflhe fill. Each lift should be compacted with vibratory equipment to al least95 pen:entoftheMDD. The moisture content of the fill material should be a<ljus!J:d as necessary to achieve the required degree of compaction. Each lift should be compacted to the required specification before placing subsequent layers. Nonstructural fill placed in landscape and waste-fill areas where the existing surw:e slope is no steeper than 4H: 1 V (horizontal to vertical) needs to be compacted only to the dell"'!'c!e9uircd for trafficability of construction equipment and effective surface drainsge. All nonstructura!,l!lli should be sloped oo steeper than 4H: l V. Nonstructural fill is very susceptible to erosion. Thcn:fore, ,~r,commend that all nonstructural fill areas be immediately seeded, planted, or otherwise protected froro"-i:rosi~. We reoommcnd that a represenlalivc ftom our firm o~ the pi;;P$ilion for, placement, and compaction of structural fill, An adequate nwnber of in-placedefuity iests should'bi6~leted in the fill to evaluate if the desiml degree of compaction is being ach~. · ""'~, .. , • '¢." --, • .,.,_ .:,-~;,~t-·;,~j~_;, Fill Settlemeld ·, t'> .>:>-. • We expect tbadill areas will be under. lain by medi.;J,"zto vtj dense s.ilty sand with variable amCWlls of gravel and cobbles (weathered and unweathered g · · , till). Settlement of these underlying materials is expected lo range from Y, to I J~_i,~ should occur~/d[y~ fill is placed Some settlement will also occur within the fill itself, especialfy'.wh~. lhe fill thicknesi;j,Jll!Oiltcr than about S feet W c estimate that the maximwn amowtt of scttlcmc6i ~tlilii·Jbf-.fill will be ~-than I pc,cent of the fill • • • '2 -~·:-,;:·:-_::..-._ • • • thi<:btess. Thus, for a JO-foot thick fill secl1Do, s~·on,~:P1"4•fof 1 to 1.5 inches WJght occur . .. F .•..• '!_" • •?;?,J c._'?'.~~/.1• .· ..... EXCAVATIONS -:: ._,.--... ,~_)\,, ·t _J lo general, ~;;pu,terials "~unt«ed in ·~ test pits and borings can be excavated us.ing conveutional heavy ooni~n ~nt such as a J:liJachi EX4'.IOLC track-mounted excavator. The un..;.ealbered glacial till is~ u,J"i':~,1?~".err ~ coodition and may be difficult to excavate. We expect that ~ional~I~ ~ .\i(; ~J.ti;'the glacial till. Typically, these bouldCl's are less than ..... , ... ~ ....... ~~··_.,._ ·-.,,_ '!-~· -co 6 feet m dwi\eter ~{\n;our ~ce i11 this area, however it is possible that larger boulden may be prcacnt.i"t qii:/1{. -{~;-, · ' '~may be~ Jocaif:iii deep excavations, especially fur the stormwatcr dcu:ntion vaults. Tot beclroaQl\aY be difficult, if~t impossible, lo e,ccavate if lhe trench C!lltends grealer 1han 5 feet into the un....eathered ~-Hard ~le may require mechanical splitting or blasring to loosen. All tem~!'llt sl~'and shoring must comply with the provisions of Title 296 Washington Administrative ~{W'AC),cl!irt N, ''Excavation, Trenching and Shoring." We recommend that temporary excavations, including ~~porary shoring, be made the rC$pOll9ibility of the contractor. The contractor is pre sent al the site continul.usly and is best able to observe changes in site and soil conditions and monitor the pel":klrmance of excavations. SU:ORING It may be necessary to support temporary excavations to maintain the inlegl'ity oflhe surrounding undistUJbed soils and minimize disruption of a<ljacent areas, 118 well as to protect the personnel working witlun the excavations. J,ci de Creek Engiueers 033600411)12009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPH Consultants, LLC January 20, 2009 Pases Because of the divenity of available shoring systems and construction techniques, the design of tcmpo,ary shoring is mott appropriately left up to the contractor proposing to complete the installation. However, we recouunend that the shoring be designed by a licensed professional engineer in Washington, and that the PE-stamped shoring pl1111& wid calculation, be submillcd to the project engineer for revi,:;w and comment prior lo collSll'UCtion. The following paragraphs presentrecommeadatioos for the type of shoring syslcm and daijlll parameters !hat we conclude im: appropriate 1or the subsurface conditions at the Springbrook Ridge property. The majority of the malerials within the project area can be retained using conventi<11181 trench shoring Systems such BS tJeoeh shield, O[ sheet piles, with late,al restl1lint. '.J'lie design of temporary shoring should allow for latmil pressum, e><ertcd by the ailjaccnt soil. and ~ due 10 traffic, construction cquipmml, and temporary stockpiles ailjacent to the excavalioo, etc. Lateral ~ resistance can be mobilized through the use of braces, ti~lr.s, anchor blocks and passive pressilri:s on members that extend below the bottom of the excavatio,,. TClq)OI'IUy shoring utilized to support trench excavauons ~ly uses in1emal bracing such as aluminum bydranlic shoring or trench shi~d bracing. · Temporary treoch shoring with internal braci!lg""'1 hr designed using active soii'pressures. We rccommcod that temporary shoring bedcsignedu,ing a lateal prcssure-1 to an equivalent fluid da1sityof 40 pounds per cubic foot {pct), for oouditioos with a level g~moface adjacent to the excavatioo. If !he ground within ~ feet of the eiwavation rises. at an inclination oC: .ill;-! V or steeper, the shoring should be designed uaing an equivalent fluid density of'b5pcf. For ailjacent~ flatter than IH:IV, soil p,essures can be interpolatm between thi• range of val118'1i Othe,:conditions shouW }le evaluated on a case-by-case basis. . . These lateral soil pressures do not include traf!k,'<!1 ~ surcharges that should be added sepa,ately, if appropriate. It i$ t}<pical for shoring to be'designed fol~ traffic influence equal to a unifOIDI lateral pm;sure of 240 ~ per ~Ul!C foot (psi) acting over a depth of IO feet ftom the gronnd surface. More conservative preuure values ~d be w,ed if'the designer deems them appropriate. These soil pressure rccOJDDJ<:Ddarinns· .,_ prediaued upon the ~ being essentiaHy dewalered; therefore, hydrostatic water pressures m not nlll!~ · CONSTIUICTIONMWATEIUNG . .Based on our Int pd explora6<its and gencml .knowlcdp of the site area, we do not expect that consctucli!il!~ng will binecessary.' However, if pocket, of ground waler seepage are encountered, we expect that~ &om a sump. within-ihe trench may be used for small to moderate amounts of ground water seepage. ·-Wt)I points or pumped wells will be necessary if large amounts of ground water seepage are encwntetcd. We ~ !hat the contr11Ctor be requmd to submit the proposed dewatering system design and plan Jaye>\11 io the _project engineer for review and comment prior to beginning construction. UNDERGROUND UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL All trmeh backfill should consist of structural fill quality material as previously described in the Structunl Fill section of this report. Unless specified otherwise in this report, the following general requirements shall apply lo all fill placement, including pipe bedding, and trench backfilling. • Underground utilities should be bedded in crushed gravel as specified in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications, Section 9-03.12(3) for "Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding." Icicle Creek Ensineers 0336004/012009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH Consuhanls, LLC January 20, 2009 Page9 • Pipe zone beddmg should be extended at least 4 inches below the utility line and 6 inches above the utility line. Bedding .Jtould be worked under the pipe hauoches using hand tools as required. Bedding material should be taqied or ,ibrated (compacted) into place. • Pipe zone bedding for oll non-water underground utilities should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the MDD (ASlMTest MethodD 1557). Pipe zone bedding for all water mains should be compacted to at least 95 percent oftheMDD(ASTM Test Method D 1557). • Backfill placed above the bedding material should consist of structural fiII quality on-site material, or "Common Borrow" as specified in 2008 WSDOT Standard Specificari~~tion 9--03.14(3). During wet weather periods, backfill material should have less than 5 percent,jin.es content • As a guideline, backfill should beplacedin liflsoflO iochesorless ~thickness). Each lift should be ...... '!: '>jJ. con.,actcd prior to pbu:iog the subsequent lift. Prior to compa,:tion, llieJoacl<fill should be moisture conditioned to near optio:aun moisture content. _ · ~· ' t\, • All trench backfill should he compacted in lifts toat least 9~. peroenl of the MDD'(aSTMTestMetbod D 1557). Baclcfill compactioo should be achieved by ~cal means. No jetti;ifJ!9.!llling, or flooding will be allowed for compaction. ,_ f> · ~; ·',ic .. , .•. -~ -!-"•,. i:.: -; .... :~.~ • During trench backfill placement, in-place density tests~d bepoillploted at approx(ti,ately I 00-foot intervals along the trench alignment to evaluate if the req~,eompaciion is being a~hieved . • ·-·rf~ -~;,.e.~ CUT AND FIU,SWPES ta,s-. • ~-::--., ~ .~ f<.,,-,,.,, Cut Slopes ··xs. \:':\~,:"-"1~t~;>,i,,~ It is expected that temporary cuts of up·'!!> 161\:¥:.,..;n be required.for stormwaler Vault B and the underground parking for the north building. The &P.PrOPri.#Sl~lw ~porary cuts is dcpendantoo several factors including !he P~.,8!"~ water, ~;.~l1111d ~ j)f soils, the dep!h of cut, surcharge loading adjacent to the ~ llil,~!.~ of constructi{m. Bccause"many variables are involved, the aciual slope required to main!'iii:;§tability ~\only be apprc)!ima!ed. The following reeommendatioo, apply to tell1)0rary cuts: '" · ':i)tc. f'. 7 .·> • · • Temporary culs m cxcess.llf-f,.~'.:s&ilildke~nosiecpertban l.SH:IV. The cuts may have to he flattened fej:'d.!uli9: if ~;~c"; c~~~~tit~ountcred. --.£"-~~~~ .. ~..... ·qr3r.... . • T~iy cut~oj,e,~pnatioii(~ukl be made in occordancc with applicable OSHA and WISHA ~~OS-""";Zi, '""~>. P.,;:rb4!P!"'I cul slopes :~d be inclined no steeper than 2H: l V. The upper portion of cut slopes will expose loose to~ dense w~hered glacial till soil 1hat may be several feet thick The weathered glacial till ,oil will be .;;'ti[eot to I~ raveling and sloughing and must therefore be sloped no steeper !bait 3H:1V. -':\.e_':;_ ,~ -J· -.,.,i- !. 'i Fill Slopes Structural fill slopes maybe sloped at 2H:IV or flatter. All surfaces which will receive fill should be properly stripped of vegetation and organic matter prior to placing fill. Fill placed on eitisting slopes which are steeper than 4H:IV should be properly keyed into the native slope surface. This can beaCCOIIlplishcd by constructing the fill in a series of 4-to 8-foot-wide horizontal benches cut into the slope. The fill should be pla«d in horizontal lifts. We recoonnend that fill be placed on the cul benches as soon as possible following construction of the bew:hcs. Icicle c .. ieek Ensi:neers 0336004/012009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPH Consultants, LLC January 20, 2009 Pa@e 10 FOUNDATION SUPPORT We recommend that all footings be K>tlllded on either the medium dense or denser weathered or uoweathered glacial till, or struclunll fill overlying glacial till. lfloose weathered glacial till is eocount=d at footing subgrade levels, it may be necessary to compact the weathered till to structural fill specifications. Continuous sttip footings should be at least 18-inches wide; ~ spread footings should have a minimum width of 2 feet. We recommend that all exterior footings be founded at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. The baae of interior footings should be founded at least 12 inches below the finished floor grade. An allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf may be used for design of isolated aod continuous spread footings founded in accordance with our lCCOllllmldations. An .allowable soil bearing pressure of 4,000 psf can be used fur footings bearing on the dense or very WllJ'!"UDWC~ !llacial till. These values apply to the swn of all dead plus !oog-tam live loads, excluding lhe weight of the tooting and IIDY overlyiug backfill These values may be increucd by one-third when eai:tbqtillk~ or wind lill{di .are C011Sidered. The &ettlemcnt of foundation elmnents bearing on dcmc to very dense glacial till wjJJ be nominal (less than Y. inch). ~ e,g)ffled sottlcmenl will increase as,.the struclu!al fill urulerlying the~ increases. We expect the maximwn total settlement offootings founi:ledffl struch1n1Hill prepared as reci,immendcd will be less than about 1 inch. Therefore, provided !here is not an abiui!t 1l'iitsition between foollDgs underlain by fill and the unweatbcredglacial till, weexpec;1differential~wjll be limited to about Y. inch between comparably loaded isolated colwm footings ii, within 50 feet along'¢Qtinuous strip footings. If a sharp lnlDSition between the fill and the wiweatbered ~il till is encountemt'diitjog construction, the llllnSitim can be made more gradual by excavating some o(the ~ glacial tift ~ replacing it with structunl fill or laking the footinss founded on weathered f!)acial @Is~ fill deeper. We recommend that the preparation of the shallow funP<l•lion sub grades and itruchlral fill ~t be observed by a representative of our staff so that -~ can be moilified as needed based oa the actual field conditions encountered during combaction. ' ( · Lateral loads ~-i:.,~sted bf passive resistan<:e;oli the sides oflhe footings and by friction on the base of the footings and floor~ Palin¥c· ... i;tance ~ be evaluated using an equivalent fluid density of 300 pcf. assuminf! ~ soil ami# th~ footingi fur 11 distance of twice the footing depth consists of either doJsc: glacial till or c~ SlnlctaPai ftll. The top of the triangular passive pressure distn'bution showd begin al the bouom of adjaeent j]oor slab( or, paviug or below a depth of I foot where the adjacent area is Ull]l&Ved; ii!i appropriate. Fricue:ml resislai,ce can be evaluated using 0.4 for the coefficient of base friction against footinp:-and the buildin:Jiilab. 1'lic above values iucorporate a factor of safety of about 1.5. SLAB-ON-GRAD}: The sla~-pde subgrade should be prepared in accordance with the previously described SITE PREPARATION ANO ~TIIWORK roconnnendations. We reco1I11Dend that the subgradc surface be compacted such that a mtnimum cornpadion of 95 percent of the MOD (ASTM Test Method D 1557) is achieved befon: placing structural fill or capillary break material. We recommend that a compacted basc-roursc layer consisting of at least4 inches of gravel containing less than 3 percent fines be placed on the subgrade to provide unifurm support and act as a capillary break beneath the slab. A vapor retarder should be placed beneath lhe slab if moisture control in the slab is critical (i.e., where tile or aupeting is to be glued to the slab). This vapor retarder should consist of polyethylene sheeting. A layer of clean sand not more than 2 inches in lhiclrnm may be placed over the polyethylene sheeting. The vapor retarder should be placed immediately below the slab. Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/012009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPH Consul1ants, U.C January 20, 2009 Page II We estimate that the settlement of floor slabs due to uniform areal load,, of 150 psf will be less than \-1 inch. These settlements are expected to occur rapidly upon load application. STORMWATER DETENTION VAULTS We expect that the stonnwate< detention vault structures (Vaults A and B) will be suppor1ed on undistwbcd unwealbered glacial till in a dense or denser condition. We estimate lhat settlement of the vault sttuctunlswill helesstban I inch using an allowable bearingpressureof4,000psf. Settlomentsare.expected to occur mpidly as loads are applied. Batjdill around the vault structures should be placed in boriz<)!ttJI lifts' with a maxitnWl loose thiclcuess of about 8 inches and compacted lo at least 90 percent of the Ml'ID:(ASTM Test Method D 1557). Only band-operated compaction equipment should be permitted witbm 0S fei:l'ofJhe vault suucture walls to avoid Cl<(;CSSive lateral pressures on the walls. ,-. \_ ·":i} For back611 placed u described, we recommend using ii desisn larenil piies,,ure imposed by an equivalent fluid weighing 55 pcf. The design lateral pre~ is based on maintai~~ cooditioos in the soils surroundins the vault structures. If a dminagcf~em camotbe provided at ~~ of the vault s1r11ctures, we recommend designing the stormwater dek:~1,yault ...... for-a lotcral pXeSSUre resulting from an equivalent fluid weighing 90 pcffrom a depth of2 fed'¥,W"the ground surface toihe bottom of the vault A rectangular pressure equal to 0.45 li/nes the weight of ~~aed dead or live loads at the surface should be added where -1. <'.>c.. . . <it;; ,..~-·~:· •• -_ ..;-: Oh k Uplift forces on the underground stom'fwin@l'.~ can be resiste.iJiy-tbeweight of soil located above the structure or slabs which protrude beyond tbe"~a1G·~J1t!i:i.!'tion bet,.;¥itthe wall and dte adjacent soil We recommend tbat soil weight be computed USJ1!8 a d~ily'~fcY, ,pdf above the water table. Frictioo between the wall and the ailj~ l!iJ!:)<fill soil may'be,e~lirnated iisiiig' a coeft"tcient of friction of 0.2. This coefllcient of friction val~~fud~~Th,ctor of safety1'f 1.5. Ifa ~jeering base slab is used, the perimeter area of the· soil on lhe -~' of the ~ formed by ~ base slab and !he vertical distam:e to the ground surface may be used widt'£qoe.fficieoi'10ffriction of0.2J'.t:e·caJculate resistance 10 uplift --~~i. -1-~,~~«=.,..~~·, . -.-t SUB~~~:--:~ ;~;~i~ conruuctiOrL The lateral soil pressores acting on suh~{~ll• depend.;-~~. d~fy,~dcgeometry of the soil behinddte wall and the amount oflateral waRmove'Dillnt which can ocll)iras bacldiU-is placed. F~f'~ls that ore free ~yield at 'ihe top at least one one>-thousandth of the height of the wall, an active p~~f35, 45, and 6Ct'i>cfsbould be used for level backslopcs, 4H:JV baclr:slopes and 2H:1V backslopes, r~y. Thcs!'('Yalucs assume that the soil behind the wall is free draining. For ''at rest" conditions where the'Wii!is ns'itained against movement, an active pressure of 50, 55, and 75 pcf should be used for level backst~i!ir: 1 V backslopes and 2H: IV backslopes, respectively. These values assume Iha! the soil behind the wall .i~ free draining. Surcharge effects should he considered as appropriate. In settlement-sensitive areas, the backfill for subgmdc walls should be compack:d to at least 95 percent of the MDD (ASTM Test Method D 1557). At other locations, wall baclr.611 should be compacted to betwecn90 and92 percent of the MDD(ASTMTestMethod D 1557). Measuresshouldbetakentoprevent the buildup of excess lateral soil pressures due 10 overcompaction of the backfill behind the wall. Care tmJSt · be exercised by the contractor to avoid overcompaction. A drainage zone consisting of olean, free-draining granular material containing less than 5 percent fines at least IS-inches wide should be placed against the back lace of the wall for its full height. Positive Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/012009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Scbroedcr, P .E. CPH Consultants, LLC January 20, 2009 Page 12 dminage behind subgrade walls should also include installing a footing drain a1 the base of 1he wall as described in the DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS section ofdlis report. LATERAL RESISTANCE Lateral loads can be resisted by passive resistance on the sides of the footinjlS and by friction on the base of the footings and floor slab. Passive resistance may be evaluated using an equivalent fluid density of 300,240,290 and 150 pcffor a level foreslopc, 4H:IV foreslope, 3H:IV fmeslopc md 2H:1V foreslope, respectively, assuming that tbe soil .-ound the footings for a distance of at Jci1st twice the footing depth coruisb of either medimn dense native soil or COlllpllcied structural fill. _ J!,i, iop of tho triangular passive pressure distribution should begin at the bottom of adjacent floor slabs, ~ pavement, or below a depth of l foot where the adjacent area is unpaved, as appropriate. Frictio,nm ~ can be evaluated using 0.4 for tbe coefficient of base friction against footings and lhe builc!ingslab. The~. values iftcolporate • facmr of safety of about U. · PAVEMENTSUBGRADE -.. Pavement subgrade should be compac~ to at lea,,1 ~ pen:Cll,l;4jf _tbe MDD (ASTM Test M.etbod D 1557) prior to placing the pavement section. During wet season conslruction or if the subgrade aoi1' l!llf aoft or I00$1:, it may be ~ to excavate soft/loose soils, place a layer of suti~. and/or a suitable g~ fabric sud, as Mirafi 500X or olhcr fabric as suggested by the geotechnical ~. In this case, a ~ thickness of 81 lcast 8 inclies should be provided, although a grealer thickness'.![llly be.~ to stabiliztw:ry wet subgrade conditions. The sub base should CODSist of well-graded sand~ gravof,.;;tt, a:ITll/,irmim particle size of I inc.b. llPd with Jess than 5 percent fines. Wbe,e __ site J!llldes an, ~ usina ·structural fill that meets the subbase specificalions, the structupf :filf!Dl!Y tie considered die subbasc. It is critical that all uaffic be kept off the subbesc and or subgradi:lllil if die •site silty subgnicle soils are wet. It is important to note that a thin subb&se layer will noi prevcot: dislurbalice (rutting and ~ from ocwrring. It is imperative to pil~ j)el~c tlu!.t·backfill in utility line trenches be compaetcd to stxu:tunil fill 5f!Ccllicauons. · · · ·-· ·· . . ·' SEJSMICSITI: CLAs.mlCATION, - · ~ on our review -~fa,vailablc 0 ~ic informalion and our site explorations, we interpret the shallow (less tlian IO feet) soil conditions toeom,spond to Seismic Site Class D, as defined by the 2006IBC. Thi, clll$Sificalioij pertains lo a ,;ciy stiff soil profile with an average Standard Penetration Test (SPn value of IS to ,o. --. EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS The surficialsoiaon the site have a high potential for erosion on slopes greater than about 20percent when distwbcd by consll11Ction activities. Erosion control measures should be implcmeoted prior to tbe start of site preparation, including proper control of sur&cc water runoff, use of straw bales or appropriate geotcxtilc fillers and temporary sedimentation basins. Erosiou control measures should comply with lhe gui.<lelines of die appropriate regulatoty agency. lei clc Creek: Engineers 0336004111!2009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, PE. CPR Coosu ltants, LLC 111DU81)' 20, 2009 Page 13 Based on conditions cncoun1ercd in our test pit explorations, it is possible that ground water may be encountered in temporary excavations orpennanent cuts. We expect that seepage may be adequately handled by installation ofFrcnclt drains, open ditches 11DcVor pumping as necessary. The grading should be done to avoid concentration of runoff onto nalllral slopes. We recmnmend sloping the ground surface away from sbuctun:s. Roof downspouts must be tightlincd to an approved disposal area. Other surface runoff may be addressed by using swale drains, drainage ditches or other drainage measures. We n,commend that perimeiec looting drains be inslalled adjs=it lo ,the outside footill@S of all structun:s. These drains should consist of a minimum 4-inch diwnetef,~~ed smooth-walled pipe surrounded with at least 6 inches of free-dmining sand, sand and gniveLor;J>C!II grave~ with the perforations down and tlte base of the pipe at the base of the adjacent footings. 'fbibedd~~uld be enclosed within a :--• • oE non woven geOleXtile fabric to reduce the potential for fines cooaamination from lheative ooil. The perimeter fooling drain should be connected to a tightline collection ~thai c!isc~"•WiiY ftom the developed areas. Roof drains on sbuctures should be connected di~'to a tightline collectioiio~ disposal system, separate from 1hc footing drain. , "c . . • .·, · . · Perched ground water may result in the dev&~,P,fwet.,~ at finished g,~s. lnten:cptor drams or French drains inslallcd in selected locations is an c:ffe\it(y~..tay to manage perched ground water. The need for and location of these drains should be a field decisiq,\l~. lhe time of construction. The drain should consist of a tm:>cb at least 18-indtes ~~ 24-incltes deep: '~'!iid smooth-walled perforated pipe al least 4 inches in diameter should be placed iii;~~ of the tnmc~~ded with at least 6 inches washed rock or pea gravel and wrapped with a ""!lwov'efJl!'l..t~tile fab~Juch as Mirafi 140N. We recommend that pavement swfaces be'.Japed.~·~~.building area to route drainage away from foundations and floor s~~_toward the s~Jtain systefu~1lrainageofthe pavement base COWliO and subh..., will decrease !he rii]('fi_f~ancnt distr~ Small holes can be provided io that portion of catch basins adjacent to the "1lll1ia,c or base~er, provided ~ 1hc expected water level within the catch basin will always be below the eievaii~ ~fthe ,Ki,les. The holes~ be covered with a suimble gcotextile fabric placed against the outside o~J;awli,~. '9-![CVeDt piping of the subbase or base material into the catch basin. , ;J:·~tr-~ J~~. ·~ . ---~ ~!\~ ; ,""::!/J:';p/-~ .;(-'·'( . -t:VU.OFTHISRl:PORT '·W_-e :!,ave prepared ~?ei,ort ro'i;if;ii, by Alex Cugini. The data and report should be provided to prospectivt:''.90l)trllCIOrs for dielr bidding or estimating purposes, but our report, conclw;ions and •,·---#': .• inte,pretationi~lcl not ho cof!!llrued as a wananty of the subsurface conditions. If 1hcre ari.~es in ,ii'o grades, locations, configurations or types of the facilities planned, the cooclusions and recommiendatic:'tis presented in this report may not be applicable. If design changes me Ill!lde, we request that we be gjW>,'the opportunity to review our oonclusions and recommendations and to provide a written modification or verification. When the design bas been fiu•liz..J, we rec:ommen.d that the 1ioa1 daiign and specifications be reviewed by our firm to see that our recommendations have been interpret..J and implemented as intended. There are possible variations in subsurlilce oondilions between the exploratioos and also with time. A contingency for unexpected conditions shoulcl be included io the budget and schemlc. Sufficient observation, testing and consultation by our firm should be provided during construction to evaluate whether the conditions cneountered are consistent with those indicated by the e:xplorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions encountered during the work differ from those anticipated, and to Ici<dc Creek Engineers 0336004/011009 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH Consultants, LLC January 20, 2009 Page 14 evaluate whether or not earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications and our recommendations. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with genemlly accepted pra,:tices in this area at the time the n,port was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be und=tood. ·········$·········· We trust this report meets your preseotneeds. If you have anyq~ or if we can be of further assistant:~ to you, please call. :J · ":S::,c. ~~··. 0:. I ,:~,~~.- JC/Yours v= truii.'.;· "'· , , . --., 3i,;,;:.- ,. Icicle Oeck Eng;4Jnc . . "i; -~_,~ -- ~ :~;"'(i,,~ ·. '),;.--. ,.;. ;~!i: · -~ R. Beaman, P.E., L.G. :,;~"~'.',-,.,,_, -.-. P~I-Engin..er/Geologilll ,· -~·-_;s cc. _. \~ i-t.,. ..... " ,. ·.:'i-.-£-~· ·,,-·i-'" -~=J~-;~;;t'g~!:-:·~' ~/ . ,.. ·,,y, · 'Kitliy S. Killman. L.E.G. ;:!'' '.!(;!, ,, Principal Engineering Geologist "\;~,; ,-, (~, ',[.!-';~%~ (·:~$(: .:):\~~;'./. i.\ /'' ~ ~~~;. -~ . ~ i.~~> =-~·:':t·1 , :;::.---~-.""- ~ID{~.REP : ' Artachm<nts: Vil ~~-Figure 1J Site P..:.i~l!!j~ 2 { High Coal}~~ Ra:bima1ioe Pion (Paoong Area) -Fipe 3 High Coal Mine\~ Ra:kmlatioe Plan (StDmlW&ler \lauh)-F,gu,e 4 Soil Clasif,.. System -Figure 5 Test Pit Lop -Fig,n, 6. 7 and 8 Moi.imo Contat1 Rosula -Figure 9 F ow copies IA.lbmitted Icioh Creek Enginc:ors 03WI04/012009 ~r---------------------.. i _§ 0 2,000 Scale in Feet ~ Icicle Creek Engineers N 4,000 Vicinity Map -Figure 1 ICE File No. 0336-004 ~~.....,.. -.. ..... ~-"'T'9'. Explanation $TP-1 Test Pit Location ~-1 • Boring Location (ICE pmlous study • Marth 2004) High Coal Mine Hazard .Araa (former mine opening; ICE previous study· Men:h 2004) 9 100 200 Approximate Scale in Feet Icicle Creek Engineers 1IBB:Ot116/09 N i 1 I -T. , , I I . : Site Plan -Fi ·e2 Nol98:. , ) Nat for Conllrudf 1)(1 2) The~ may ce UMd Jar p1...,i~ puq,oses bUth ac:fual dlmelllions and rruMflM UBecl In Ndamadon may .,.,y from lhel llhown. 3) COF = controlled O.nd)I FIi 0 5 10 ~ Approximate Scale in Feet 3l ~ Icicle Creek Engineers Schematic Mine Hazard Reclamation Plan for Parking Area ~ Weathered Glacial Till ~ Older Fill (mine opening) • Bedrock (Renton formation} High Coal Mine Hazard Reclamation Plan (Parking Area)-Fi e3 ~.------------'------------------------------ ~ i m NcJIM: 1) Nat'-~ 21 The Sodlemallc may ti. uted fot pa.Ming 1)1.lrPQee• tlUt llt.a adial clllWlll<>n5 inl ~ mad In llldanldOn 1'118¥ _., t'om h1 lhoWn. 3) CDF -Cor*oled 09!,aily Fa 0 s IO Approximate Scale in Feet "" Icicle Creek En ·neers Schematic Mine Hazard Reclamation Plan for Stormwater Vault B Older Fill (mine opening) b~~,'.~ Unweathered Glacial 1111 fiB Bedrock (Rentorr formation) High Coal Mine Hazard Reclamation Plan (Stormwater Vault) -Fi e4 Unified Soil Cl1sslflcadou Smem Soil Classification and MAJOR DMSIONS Oeneralized Group Descriplicn Coane-GRAVEL GW Wcll-g,,dcd pvc~ Groined CLEAN GRAVEL Mon: 1hlm SO% GP Poooy-.adedgn,...t, Seib or come hl;::licn retairwd Ori ctie GRAVELWTIH GM Gravel and ill! mi.xtutl!II No.4liitv-i: FINES GC Gravel and cby mix.tu res SAND CLEAN SAND SW W<ll-p4od,-t More tbl.11 SO% SP Poorly-pied sand Monetlan50% or CMne hction SANDW11li SM Saod. IIAd silt mUlmn:s retained. on the ,,..,..11,c PINES No.200mc No.4"0\'e SC 8&nd Nld day mi'UUf'CS Fine-SILT ANO CLAY ML IA>w-pla,Ci<l!y ,nu Onlined 1NOROA1'11C Soila CL Low-platigil}' 1:lays Licpdd Llmit ORGANIC OL L(Mf pASttll)' argmuc.11Lfts IM1 tharl '° and orpaic clays. SILT ANDCLAY MH Hip,pluticity lilts INORGANIC CH lli~ici<y ,lay, Mono than Sil% passing tltc Uqukl Lhnit OROANIC OH Hifh-pkMicity orpllle ,ills No .. ,,n,r •levc _,...,lO 111Jd -l-,;la ... Hlgh1y Orplric Solll Priimnlyorpnic motlief Wl1II orpt1M: odor PT IP,.. . Nolm: L) !lnilclr.ll~a-dmW...l~f#dilpa:nl~•iAAITMD~. :2) W ~1-1&... ..... ~.u .b: ...SoaASJM mA11.00. lJo..cd:Plimo0fJtll*-ib'or~yii,IIMtd• -.--.•fl,llnr RIIIIIIUland.•« 11,11t,.,,, Soil Putide Size Definitions Component Size R.toge 8cuJdoB °"""" than 12 .... c.bl>~, 3 ind!. lo 12 inch Soil Moisture Modifiers °"""' 3 illCh to No. 4 (4.78 mm) °"""' 1 inch to 3M in::b F""' 3/; inchtoNo.4 (4.78mm) $aNI No. 4 ("4.,78 mm) 1a No. 200 Soil Moisture DcscriptiOtt (0,074mm) eoa,.. No.-4 {.f..71 mm) to No. JO (2.0mm) Dr)' Abllfflee or momure Moi1t Damp. bat no vitiblc water Medium No. 10(2.0mm)toNo.,40 (O.<t!nvn) -Vi:li:iblc waler Fmo No.«} (0.'42 D1'11) to No. zoo (0.074mm) Silt and CJay Lc~JthaD ffo. 200 (0,074 mm) Icicle Creek En 1neers Soil Classification S stem -Figure 5 1.0 • 3.0 3.0 • 4.5 4.5. 9.0 3.0. 10.0 0.0-J.O 1.0 -3.5 3.S-10.0 0.0 • 1.5 1.5 • 4.S 4.5 -10.0 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM Icicle Creek Engineers Tc&t Pit D<,criptioo (3) dufhnd topooil silty tine to medium SAND ,.-ith occuionol g,:avel llld abuudllll Ol]!lllico ond fine roots (loose, moist) (weathered glacial till) Mollled B"'Y and brown silty fine IO medium SAND with occa,jomJ gravel (medi11m dense, moist) (wealheml glacial till) Gray silty fine to medium SAND with oocasional pvel (dc:ru,c: to ve,y dmse, moiol) (sllcial hlQ Test pit eomplct.d at 9.0 fc,:t on 12116/08 Disturbed toil sample, obtained at o.s, 1.S 4.0 md 8.0 rm around wot<r,c:q,age obaenl<d No anr' oftest · wall cbscr,ed Test pil completed at 10.0 fa:t on 12/11>'08 Dilturmhoil samples obtained at 2. 5 and s. o re.et NognnmdWBWKCpQICObselved No er,· of test · wall oboervod Forest duff and IOpaoil Mottled gray and brown silty fine to medium SAND with a tm:e of gn,vol 1111d r ... rooes (medium dcose, moist) (weatherod glacial till) Gray silty fine to nt<dilDll SAND with a trace of pvel and cobbles (dcose to very dcme, moist) (glacial till) TCSlpit oompleti:d at 10.0 feet on 12116/08 because of praclical digging refilsal Disturbed aoil samples obtained at 6.0 and 8.S feet Nognnmd..-_...obsaved No . oftest 't wall obscm,d Fomit dutrmd IOp80il Mottled 8f11Y and brown •illy fme to medi1DD SAND with a tm:e of gmvo! (loo,e to mcdium dc:n,e, wet to moist) (w,:,thercd glac"'1 till) Gray >ilty fine to medium SAND with a hacc of l!"'vel and cobbles (medium de""' to dense, moiot) (glacial 611) Teat pit completed at 10.0 feet on 12116/08 Diaturbcd ,oil sample; oi,t,ri,,,dat 7.0 fi:ct R.pid ground wal<T-ob,cn,cd at 1.5 feet S= · of DOrtb teot ·1 wall observed above about 2fcet OJJ,6-004/ lZUOI Test Pit Logs -Figure 6 Dcplh 0.8 -2.0 2.0 -6.0 0.0 -1.0 1.0 -2.0 2.0 -3.0 3.0-10.0 SM SM SM SM SM Test Pit Dacription (3) Fomt dufl' and '"""°ii Mottled py and brown silty fine to mcdiwo SAND with a trace of l!lll"<I (medium dense, moot) (w .. lhered glacial till) Gray silty line to medium SAND with a 1raCC of gravel and cobbles (dense to VOf'j dcllsc, moist) (!JaciaJ till) Fotat dufl' u,d t_,il Brown silty Jiu to medium SAND with a rracc gnovcl and abundant organics and fine roots (loose, ttlOist) (wcathm:d glacial tiff) MOltled s,ay aid brown oilty fine to m<:dium SAND with a trace of gravel (medium dense, moiot) (w.a1hercd glacial till) Gray silty line to medium SAND with a trace of gravel (dcn,c l<J V<f'J dcnK., moist) (glacial till) Orodos to occasioaal gravel mu! cobbles at 8 feet Tcstpitcomplet<d at 10.0 fed on 12/16/08 Disturbed ,oil ,amples obtained at 1.5 and 2.5 feet No ground WK<r SCCJ>OF obll<IVod N · of tat ·1 ...U omaved "' II I LC.t"£t;r}£J .-.. ~~1~?t?.~~~t1:?/!~f~?):=::: ~ 1·:::~1~:1"~11~~~~-=;~~£..6~~~~-~ 0.0 -0.!5 O.S -I.S 1.5 -4.0 1.S-10.0 0.0 • J.O 1.0 -4.0 4.0 -6.0 Plp.lofl SM SM SM SM SM Icicle Creek Engineers Fmzt dufl' and 1<,pooil Brown silty fiM to medium SAND with oecasioml gravel and abuadant organia and fiao root> (loose, moiol) (wcatbeftd elacial till) Mottled ll"'Y ..d brown silty fine to mtdimn SAND with occasional l!J"vcl (medium dense, IDOOlt) (weathcnxl glacial till) Gray silty fine to medium SAND with occasional B'"'"'l and cobbles (dense ta veey dense, moist) (glacial till) Fcrat dull' and topsoil Mottled ll"'Y aod brown oilty f"me to mednan SAND with oc:ca,;iooal gravel (medium dense, 1DOist) (weathmd glocial till) Gray mty ftnc to mcdiwn SAND wilh aoea,iooal gravel and oobble, (dense, moist) (glacial riR) T<SI pit compldcd at 6.0 feet on 12/16/08 No ground water seepage observed · of teat · t wall ob1<1Ved 03J6.004fl2l808 Test Pit Logs -Figure 7 0.8. 15.0 SM .... , .. , Icicle Creek Engineers FOl<lt duff and topsoil Brown 1ilty fine lo medium SAND with • lrace of grovel and i:oobb and abundant wood debris (loox to mcdiwn dcme. d,y lo moist) (fill) Tost pit <0111pleled <t 15.0 f""' on 04/10103 Disturbod soil sample obtained at ~.o feet NogroundMlcrseepogeolisetwd No · of1C9l · wail!i observed Test Pit Logs -Figme 8 TP-1 S-1 0.5 44 S-2 2.5 15 S-3 4.0 11 S-4 8.0 12 TP-2 S-1 2.5 10 S-2 5.0 8 TP-3 S-1 6.0 9 S-2 8.5 9 TP-4 S-1 7.0 8 TP-5 S-1 8.0 12 TP-6 S-1 1.5 19 S-2 2.5 12 TP-9 S-1 4.0 7 03J600<Ml2009 Icicle Creek Engineers Moisture Content Results -Figure 9 I C E Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. Geotechnical, Geologic and Environmental Services June 24, 1999 Phil Davidson Claremont Development Company, Inc. 515 -1161h Avenue NE, Suite 108 Bellevue, Washington 98004 INTRODUCTION Report Geological Engineering Services Coal Mine Hazard Assessment Cugini Property 108th Avenue SE and State Route S 15 Renton, (King County), Washington File No. 0336-00 I This report summarizes Icicle Creek Engineers' (ICE's) geological engineering services regarding a preliminary coal mine hazard assessment of two l811d parcels located near the intersection of l osth Avenue SE and State Route (SR) 515 in Renton (King County), Washington. In this report, the land parcels are referred to as the Southeast and the Northwest Parcels; collectively, the land parcels are referred to as the "Cugini property." Our services have been completed in general accordance with our Services Agreement dated June 2, 1999 and were authorized by Alex Cugini on June 4, 1999. The property is situated in southeast Renton in an area where historic underground coal mining has occurred. The property is shown relative to nearby physical features on the Vicinity Map, Figure I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION We understand that this property is being considered for development. The type of development is not known. Portions of this property are underlain by the underground workings of the Springbrook Mine. King County Ordinance No. 13319 describes general policy for land use in "Coal Mine Hazard Areas" within King County. Recently, draft Administrative Guidelines (DAG) have been developed by King County Department of Development and Envirorunental Services (ODES) that generally outline the requirements for technical review and evaluation of Coal Mine Hanrd Areas. SCOPE OF SERIVCES GENERAL The purpose of our services was to conduct a coal mine hazard assessment of the Cugini property following the review and evaluation guidelines presented in DAG. Our specific scope of services included the following: lcic.lc Creek Engineers, Inc., Meadow Creek Professional Center, 22525 SE 64th Place. Suite 202, ($!8.qullh, Washington 98027 Telephon<: (42S) S57-4368 Fox: (425) SS7-4369 Claremont Development Company, Inc. June 24, 1999 Page2 1. Geologic Information Review -Review available infonnation concerning project site topography, geology, soil oonditions and other relevant site characteristics. Published materials include geologic maps prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and a variety of maps pub!islied by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. 2. Mine Record• Review -Review of available mine records to evaluate the location of the mined-out areas, together with the depth of mining, thickness of zone mined and mining methods. This information was reviewed in conccn with ground surface topography to evaluate if there has been any surface expression or collapse of underground openings. 3. Geologic, Reconnaissance -Surface reconnaissance mapping to identify mine openings such as adits or air shafts, together with stockpiles of tailings or other areas in which the original ground surface has been disturbed. In addition, we noted any surface topographic anomaly that might indicate collapse of underground workings. 4. Mine Mapping-Mine mapping included superimposing the identified mines onto a project site base map. This map was used to develop geologic cross-sections showing the depth to mined-out areas and a preliminary interpretation of mine overburden conditions. The cross-sections were used to develop a map showing the estimated depth below the ground surface to the mine workings. 5. Evaluation -Based on the findings of Scope Items 1 through 4, classify the mine hazards as either: I) severe coal mine hazard areas, 2) moderate coal mine hazard areas, or 3) declassified coal mine hazard areas. Evaluate the potential for regional ground subsidence in moderate coal mine hazard areas (vertical ground subsidence, ground tilt and ground strain). 6. Mitigation • Develop mitigation for development within severe and moderate coal mine hazard areas, as appropriate. 7. Additional Study· Provide recommendations for additional study, as appropriate. EXISTING INFORMATION The following doc1D11ents were reviewed regarding the geology, historic coal mining and regulatory status (related to coal mine haz.ards) in the Cugini property area: • Morrison Knudsen, January 1985, "Engineering Investigation for the Renton, Washington Area," prepared for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Surface Mining. • Warren, W.C., Norbisrath, H., Grivetti, R.M., and Brown, S.P., 1945, "Preliminary Geologic Map and Brief Description of the Coal Fields of King County, Washington," United States Geological Survey, 1 plate. • Washington State Department of Natural Resources, 1948, historic map of the Springbrook Mine including surface features and underground mine workings. GEOLOGIC SETIING The Cugini propeny is underlain by bedrock of the Renton formation. Renwn formation bedrock consists of interbedded sandstone, siltstone, shale, claystone, carbonaceous shale and coal beds. Structurally, the bedrock has been uplifted, folded and faulted over time. This structural defonnation of the bedrock has created a northwest trending syncline. "Syncline" is a geologic tenn refening to a fold in the bedrock layering that is concave up. The "limbs" or layering of the syncline dip at angles ranging from 30 to 70 degrees from horizontal. The bedrock is covered with weathered soil and glacial sediments varying in thickness from a few feet to several tens of feet The glacial sediments are referred to as Vashon age glacial till consisting primarily of dense to very dense silty sand with gravel. Icicle Creek Engineers 033600111)62499 Claremont Development Company, Inc. June 24, 1999 Page 3 MINING HISTORY GENERAL The Springbrook Mine is one of several small underground mines in this area and it underlies portions of the Cugini property as shown on the Underground Mine Map, Figure 2. Presently, there are no active coal mining operations on or adjacent to the Cugini property. MINING METHODS The Springbrook Mine was an underground mine developed using "room-and-pillar" (also referred to as "chute-and-pillar") mining methods. Initial development of the mine was from a ''water slope" or entry tunnel driven along the strike of the mine to facilitate drainage. The entry tunnel serves as the main haulageway for coal out of the mine. The entry tunnel is usually paired with a second tunnel driven parallel to the main slope to serve as an "air shaft." The entry tunnel and air shaft were connected al certain intervnls with cross-cutting tunnels. Air would then be mechanically forced (a fan) down the air shaft to provide air circulation within the mine. Air shafts in other areas were driven depending on the circulation requirements for the mine. Usually the main slope and air shafts were heavily shored with timber posts/beams or reinforced concrere to prevent collapse. The main slope was used to remove coal from the mine using coal cars on tracks that were lifted up the main slope using a hoist. At specified intervals along the main haulageway, "chutes" were driven up the coal seam. "Cross- cuts" were then driven between the chutes. The chutes and cross-cuts were then widened until the coal left in place (pillars) and rooms comprised about a I to I ratio. Most or all of the pillars were removed before abandonment of a level. This mining method is referred to as "full pillar extraction." Full pillar extraction is a normal underground mining process designed to maximize coal extraction and to promote short term collapse of the mined-out areas. As designed, the removal of the pillars causes the mined-out area to collapse within a few days to a few weeks following retreat since backfilling was not intended. Based on engineering studies of the mines conducted at the time of mining, caving of the mined-out areas (rooms) was desirable upon retreat of production areas. Room caving was desired to allow the overburden pressures in the mines to adjust. If mined-out rooms remained open, then "bumps" became a major concern. Bumps occur when a large room remains open for a long period of time followed by a catastrophic collapse sending an air blast through the mine that could injure the miners. SPRINGBROOK MINE The Springbrook Mine was active from the early 1900s to about 1948. The primary coal seam that was mined in this area is called the Springbrook Seam. The Springbrook Scam is inclined downward to the south at 54 to 57 degrees al this location; a horizontal line on the coal seam would be oriented roughly cast- west. The Springbrook Seam was mined for a total thickness of about 5 feet. The percentage of coal mined from production room and pillar areas is not confidently known. Based on our review of the historic mine maps and review of production records, it appears that about 80 percent of the coal was mined from the production areas. The mined-out areas are shown on Figure 2. Geologic cross-sections showing the general orientation of the mined-out zones are shown on Figure 3. The depth to the underground mine workings (35 to 450 feet below the existing ground surface) is shown on the Depth to Underground Mine Workings, Figure 4. A surface feature (an airshaft) for the Springbrook Mino (located about 350 feet west of the Northwest Parcel) is shown on Figure 4. No other surface features such as mine entries, mine rock fill stockpiles or buildings associated with the mining in this area are indicated within the Cugini property on the historic mine map. fclcle Creek Engineers 0336001/062499 • Claremont Development Company, Inc. lune 24, 1999 Page4 SURFACE CONDITIONS GENERAL • The surface conditions on the Cugini property were evaluated based on detailed geologic reconnaissance on June 17, 1999 by Brian Beaman of ICE and review of historical mine maps. IDSTORIC MlNE MAP REVIEW As previously described, no mining-related surf.ice foatures were indicated within the C~gini property based on our review of the historic mine maps. The property on the historic mine maps (1948) is shown to be bordered to the east by 108th Avenue SE and to the north by SE 172nd Place. The cunrent location of 103th Avenue SE where it crosses between the Northwest and Southeast Parcels and SR 5 I 5 did not exist in 1948. CURRENT SITE CONDffiONS The Cugini property is currently undeveloped and is vegetated with second-growth conifer and deciduous trees and dense brush. The ground surface is level to gently sloping. A shallow drainage swale (about 10 to 1S feet deep) crosses the Notthwest Parcel from east lo west. No ground surfuce depressions (suggesting n mine opening or sinkhole) were observed on the Cugini property. No surface evidence of mine rock fill was observed on the Cugini property. COAL MINE HAZARD DESCRIPTION GENERAL The principal physical hazards associated with abandoned coal mines include I) mine openings, sinkholes and related gas emissions or concentrations (Severe Coal Mine Hazards), 2) regional ground subsidence (Moderate and Declassified Coal Mine Hnzards), and 3) mine rock fill. Sinkholes form shallow depressions in the ground surface, or in extreme cases, a vertically-sided pit caused by collapse of poorly backfilled mine openings or progressive failure of the mine roof (sloping). Regional ground subsidence occurs as regional plastic deformation of the ground surface as the mine collapses. Mine rock fill includes stockpiles of mining by-products consisting of broken rock and coal. Other considerations are the potential for ''Wildcat" or "gypo" mining (undocumented mining) and the accuracy of the historic mine maps when being used to evaluate the subsurface geometry of these mines and associated development constraints. SEVERE COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS Severe coal mine hazard areas are typically underlain by underground mine workings that are less than 200 feet below the ground surface. In these areas surface features such as mine openings, shafts and sinkholes may be present. SinkhQles form because of progressive caving of the mine roof or by the settling of backfill in improperly reclaimed mine openings. Sinkholes are usually preceded by a sag in the ground surface that typically deepens during a period of several days or weeks before collapse. Sinkholes are generally circular or elongated and are typically a few feet to (more rarely) tens of feet in diameter. The typical effect of a sinkhole is the loss of ground support of surface structures. No evidence of mine openings, shafts or sinkholes were observed within the Cugini property at the time of our surface reconnaissance. Gases associated with abandoned mines (predominantly methane gas and carbon dioxide) are typically greatest at mine openings or in "air-traps" within the mine workings. Since methane and other volatile gases are lighter than air, dissipation into the atmosphere occurs rapidly at or slightly below the Icicle Creek Engineers 033600(/062499 Claremont Development Company, Inc. June 24, 1999 Page 5 ground surface. Mines such as the Springbrook Mine have not been undisturbed for more than 50 years and are not likely to emit gas quantities that are hazardous. MODERATE AND DECLASSIFIED COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS Moderate and Declassified Coal Mine Hazard Areas are generally areas where the mine workings are more than 200 feet below the ground surface and are potentially affected by "regional ground subsidence." Regional ground subsidence occurs when the ground surface subsides over a large area. Surface deflection is caused by plastic deformation of the strain overlying the mine as the roof sags into the mine. The affected area is expected to be much larger than the vertical projection of the underground mine workings. The effects of regional ground subsidence include ground subsidence (settlement), ground tilt and ground strain. Based on case histories in mining districts in other stntes and countries, regional ground subsidence usually occurs within a few days to years following abandonment of the mines. Regional ground subsidence is nQ! a public health and safety issue; the potential hazard is related directly to property damage. The following are the defmitions for Moderate and Declassified Coal Mine Hazards Areas as presented in DAG: • Moderate Coal Mine HllZllrd Areas -Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas require special engineering or architectural measures to mitigate excessive ground displacement, and ground tilt and strain. • Declassified Coal Mine HllZllrd Areas -Declassified Coal Mine Hazard Areas are those areas affected by regional ground subsidence, but no special engineering or architectural measures are needed as mitigation. No manifestntion of regional ground subsidence was observed during our reconnaissance within the Cugini property and adjacent areas. MINE ROCK FILL Mine rock fill consists of loose rock and soil mixed with inferior grade coal from underground worldngs and fines from coal washing operations. These materials were not compacted and are potentially compressible because of the loose texture and long-tenn air degradation of the coal. No mine rock fill was observed during our surface reconnaissance of the Cugini property. UNDOCUMENTED MINING No undocumented mining is known to have occurred within the Cugini property. This is based on the detailed surface reconnaissance, review of extensive mine records and personal knowledge of this area dating over 40 years. ANALYSIS OF COAL MINE HAZARDS METHODOLOGY The evaluation of development issues associated with abandoned underground coal mines is based on methods that have evolved over the past several years, primarily in King County. During the past three years, King County DDES has developed specific policy and has drafted guidelines for technical evaluation of areas underlain by abandoned underground coal mines. These draft development guidelines developed by King County are referred to as the "Administrative Guidelines to Implement Coal Mine Hazard Assessment and Mitigation Plans," and are referred to in this report as the Draft Administrative Guidelines Icicle Creek Engineers 0036001/062499 Claremont Development Company, Inc. June 24, 1999 Page6 (DAG). The method recommended in DAG was used io this study to evaluate these development issues and is consistent with current and local standards of engineering practice. The results of our analysis are attached to this report. ANALYSIS Severe Mine Hazan! Areas The Severe Mine Hazard Areas are underlain by abandoned underground coal mines at a depth of less than 200 feet and are shown on the Mine Hazards Map, Figure 5. These are areas where a risk of sinkholes ex.ist (greater than I percent risk). Moderate and Declassified Coal Mine Hazard Areas Modetate and Declassified Coal Mine Hazard Areas are underlain by abandoned underground coal mines at a depth of more than 200 feet. These are areas where regional ground subsidence may occur, but not sinkholes. The primary difference between these classifications is that a Declassified Coal Mine Hazard Area does not require special engineering or architectural measure to mitigate for regional ground subsidence. Our evaluation assumes a scenario in which the mined-out zones shallower than 200 feet are not collapsed and may collapse during the next 100 years. The original mined height of the Springbrook Seam used in our calculations is 5 feet. Based on our analysis and empirical methods suggested by DAG, total potential ground subsidence is estimated to be up to 27 to 28 inches during the lifetime of the development (assumed to be I 00 years) on the Cugini property. The predicted distribution of ground subsidence is shown on Figure S. We also predicted maximum ground strain. Maximum extension and compression of the ground surface is predicted to be more than 0.003 inches per inch. This excessive ground strain (strain greater than 0.003 inches per inch) occurs south of the Cugini property. The strain values were calculated using methods described in the Subsidence Engineers' Handbook (1975) and suggested by DAG. Predicted ground tilt values are a function oftlle subsidence profile. Ground tilt is excessive (Jess than l V:350H (vertical to horizontal) in the area south of the Springbrook Mine. A IV:3SOH tilt means that there is the potential for differential settlement of the ground surface that may be one foot of vertical settlement in 350 horizontal feet Developable Areas Developable areas are all other areas not affected by underground coal mines. lbese areas may have other building constraints such as wetlands, steep slopes, etc., and require additional critical areas review, as appropriate. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMc'\fENDATIONS GENERAL Based on our review of available information and analysis of coal mine hazards at the Cugini property. we have developed the following conclusions: • Portions of the Cugini property are underlain by the Springbrook Mine as shown on Figure 2. • The depth to the mine workings that underlie the Cugini property varies from aliout 35 to 450 feet below the ground surface. • 11,at portion of the Southeast Parcel north <lfthe Line on Figure 5 indicated as having "Less than 1 inch" of vertical ground subsidence requires special e11gineering or architectural measures for mitigation of vertical ground displacement, ground tilt and graund strain (Moderate Coal Mine H87.ard Area). Icicle Crc:ck Engineers 0336001/062499 • Cl•remont Development Company, Inc. June 24, 1999 Page 7 • That portion of the Southeast Parcel south of the line on Figure 5 indicated as having "Less than I inch" of vertical ground subsidence does not require special engineering or architectural measures for mitigation of regional ground subsidence (Declassified Coal Mine Hazard Area). • That portion of the Northwest Parcel north of the area shown on Figure 5 as a "Severe Mine Hazard Area" is not affected by coal mine haz.ards (Developable Area). SEVERE COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS Based on our review of available information, a portion of the Springbrook Mine underlies the Cugini property within 200 feet of the ground surface. Currently, the generally accepted depth or thickness of overburden for "safe" surface development over underground mines in this area is 200 feet. In our opinion, there is a high risk of sinkhole development at the Cugini properly within the area shown as• Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area Pn Figure 5. The Sc\'erc Coal Mine Hazard Area includes a 45-foot-wide buffer along the updip (north) projection of the coal seam. We recommend against development of buildings, roads, parking lot, or trails in this area unless the status of mine collapse is evaluated by subsurface exploration and reclamation, as necessary. MODERATE COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS It is our opinion that the oreas north of the "Less than I inch" contour line and south of the Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area as shown on Figure 5 are Moderate Coal Mine Ha2llrd Areas. Conceptual mitigation measures for structures, roads and utilities within d1is area include the following: • Use of rigid foundations (convenlional reinforced concrete spread footings) supporting a flexible superstructure (wood-frame). • Small, square or nearly square-shaped building pads should be favored over large, irregularly shaped building pads. • Crawl-space construction rather than slab-on-grade. However, slab-on-grade may be used in garage and driveway areas. • Buildings should be constructed such that they could be easily releveled. • No brick or basement construction. • Edges of foundations should be backfilled with loose soil or other compressible material tn allow for potential ground compression. • Underground utilities should be designed with flexible and/or telescopic couplings or fittings. • Utilities that depend on gravity for Oow (sewers and storm drain) should be designed to compensate for the potential for ground subsidence. DECLASSIFIED COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS It is our opinion that the area south of the "Less than I inch" contour shown on Figure 5 within the Southeast Parcel is a Declassified Coal Mine Hazard Area. No special engineering or architectural measures are needed in this area to mitigate coal mine hazards. DEVELOPABLE AREAS It is our opinion dial the area north of the Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area within the Northwest Parcel is a "Developable Area." Based on available infonnation, this area is not underlain by, or affected by regional ground subsidence. These areas may have other building constraints such as wetlands, steep slopes, etc., and require additional critical areas review, as appropriate. Icicle Creek Engineers 0336001/062499 Claremont Development Company, Inc. June 24, 1999 Page8 MINE ROCK FILL No mine rock fill occurs within the Cugini property based on our surface reconnaissance. ICE should be contacted for review and evaluation i.f mine rock fill is encountered during site grading GROUND PROOFING (PtJNE. ,r t.~.l IN ,u,o._) Coal mine hazards exist because of the potential for collapse of the underground mines. No coal mine hazards exist if the mines have collapoed or been properly filled/reclaimed. It is our opinion that severe coal mine hazard meas may be developed without restrictbn provided that the underground mines are demonstrated to haw oollapsed or arc properly teclaimcd. This may be accomplished by a drilling program (ground proofing). The purpose of ground proof mg is to obtain specific subsurface data that can be used to evaluate the status of collapse, assess the risk of sinkholes and to validate historic coal mine map survey accuracy. Ground proofing requires drilling test holes through the underground workings lo assess the overburden character and the condition oftbe underground workings. If the ch:tracte1 of the <>wrburden can be shown to be more rompctoot than wumed, and/or the mine worlcinss are collapsed or partiollr collaps,,d, then our assessment of coal min;, hazards al the Cugini property will be revised. The ground proofing program, if undertaken, should be designed to account for the possibility of drilling through existing pillars rather than the mined-out areas. The purpose of having several drill holes is to increase the probability of encountering an underground mine, if present, to an acceptable confidence level. USE OF THIS REPORT We have prepared this report for Claremont Development Company, Inc. for use in evaluating coal mine hazards at the property subject to this consultation. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions at the site. Within the I imitations of scope, scliedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time the report was prepared. No warranties or other conditions, express or implied, should be understood. ················~··· Icicle Creek Engineers: 0336001/062499 Claremont Development Company, Inc. June 24, 1999 Page 9 We trust that this report provides the information you need at this time. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. Dooument ID: 0336001.REP Two copies submitted Actachments Icicle Creek Engineers Yours very truly, Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. ~Se ... Brian R. Beaman, P.E., P.G. Principal Engineer/Geologist ~:~~ Principal Geologist 0336001/062499 N 0 2,000 4,000 Scale in Feet ! l1 ~ Icicle Creek Engineers Vicinity Map -Figure 1 ;,-----------------------------------~ N I a, 0 9 ~ s 0 ':i SPRINGBROOK MINE EXPLANATION / A' Cross-Section Location A (see Figure 3) · cug,~jProp,my · .· A NorttJwest P~rcel • · Notu: 1) Bue map proyided by Glenmont ~tnl Ccmp;111y 2) LocalD'loflnl~mtltwotkhgs r:11'$ 8prlngbtook mine map bued an hisloric map an lie wMh lie Wllshhgton state Olplrtrlenl (II Nllturll ~. (Renhrl IJlio-rQ Ctllflpany, 194fl). B' Cugini Property Sootheast Parcel 0 150 300 Approximate Scale in Feet Springbrook Mine i Icicle Creek Engineers Under round Mine Map -Fi re 2 A (North) 450- Severe Mine Hazard Area Declassified and Modera1e Mine Hazard Area \... Glacial Till A' (South) -450 --------L--------~------;~---------------~-------------------- ll 300- ~ .5 C: 0 j w 150· 0 B (North) 450- 200 feet Severe Mine Hazard Area : Bedrock Declanified and Moderate Mfne Hazard Area \. Glacial Till 300 m f "' 0 :, 5· ... " · 150 !a -0 B' (South) -450 --------------~----------------------------------------------------- ,300 m -300· ! 200 feet .5 C: 0 1 w 150~ 0 Na•1: 1) Lomlkln rt ~ A-A'.11-8' tr10ftn in F°Jg1A 2.. 2J ~ SDI, bear~ aid mWMI mndltlana siawn on lhe CfOIII i!edJan ... beNd Dn rwirlw rl availablll inlornatlon. AcLal ....tnl.riaoa condltkwa m~wry. Bedrock .o ----150c::::======i300 Horizontal Scale = Vertical Scale Springbrook Mine I ""· 0 :, 5· ... 150 [ 0 Icicle Creek Engineers Geologic Cross-Section A-A'/B-B' -Figure 3 ~.------------------------------------ § N ,.. "' I 0 ~ ~ 0 EXPLANATION El Vertical Projection of Underground Mine W>rkings and Depth in Feet Nota: 1) BIIH m11p prvwlcled b)' C.RWIICJIII ~enl Corrtpw?/ 2) LOOlllion af l:fldl~ mne warkirc;II rA Iha Sprir¢rtx*. mM m.11p ba11td on hillaflcmap Cll'lffl wit, ttv, ~A State Dnpatmant ~ Nali.nll ~ (R8IUOl'I Mini'lg Ci;impanv, 1948). I i ., • I . ·I • • ! \ I \\i·· .. ·······.1 . . . i ·,,.. Cugini Property Southeast Parcel 0 150 300 Approximate Scale in Feet Springbrook Mine o z ~ Icicle Creek En ineers De th to Underground Mine Workings -Figure ;r------N-------------------, § ~ ~ iii EXPLANATION Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area Areas where tho underground mine is less than 200 f&et below 1he ground surface (includes a ~5 foo1 buffer on the north side of hazard area). Cugini Property Sou1heast Parcel • ........ ,10 inches Moderate/Declassified Coal Mine Hazard Area Estimated vertical ground subsidence of f-......... 0. mches, ............. . I " • the ground surface caused by regional ground s.ubsidenc.e i Icicle Creek En meers 0 150 300 Approximate Scale in Feet Springbrook Mine Mine Hazards Map -Figure 5 •. Report Geological Engineering Services Coal Mine Hazard Assessment Cugini Property-Northwest Parcel Renton (King County), Washington March 22, 2004 Project No .. 0336-004 Prepared For: Alex Cugini Prepared By: Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. •••• ICICLE CREEK ENGINEERS Geotechnlcal. Geologic and Environmental Services March 22, 2004 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. 515-116"' Avenue NE, Suite 108 Bellevue, Washington 98004 INTRODUCTION Report Geo!ogical Engineering Services Coal Mine Hazard Assessment Cugini Property-Northwest Parcel Renton (King County), Washington File.No. 0336-004 This report summarizes Icicle Creek Engineers' (JCE's) geological engineering services for a coal mine hazard assessment ofa portion of the Cugini property referred to as the "Northwest Parcel" located northwest of the intersection of 108"' Avenue SE and· State Route 51S near Renton in King County, Washington. The Cugini property is shown relative to nearby physical features on the Vicinity Map, Figure l. ICE previously provided a preliminruy coal mine hazard assessment of the Cugini Property that is divided into two parcels referred to as the "Northwest Parcel" and the "Southeast Parcel" as shown on Figure I and the Cugini Property Site Plan,Figure 2. The results of the preliminary coal mine hazard assessment of the two parcels are presented in our report dated June 24, 1999. Subsequent to the June 1999 study, ICE conducted a detailed coal mine hazard assessment of the Southeast Parcel that included ground proofing (subsurface exploration) to evaluate the collapse status of the abandoned underground coal mines. The results of that study for the Southeast Parcel are presented in our report dated November 13, 2001. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ICE' s June 1999 prelimina,y coal mine hazard assessment identified an abandoned underground coal mine, referred to as the "Springbrook Mine," underlying the south portion of the Northwest Parcel. Because no subsurface exploration was conducted to evaluate the collapse status of the abandoned underground coal mines, ICE assumed that the mines were substantially not collapsed which resulted in a portion of the Northwest Parcel being considered a "Severe" and "Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Area." Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area designation results in relatively restrictive conditions for site development in these areas. Severe and Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas are described later in this report. Under current King County regulations (Administrative Guidelines for Coal Mine Hazard Areas - Ordinance 13319),development of buildings, roads, parking lots or trails are not allowed within Severe Coal Mine Hazard Areas and mitigation is required in Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas. However, a detailed coal mine hazard assessment may be conducted including "ground proofing" (subsurface exploration) to physically evaluate the character of the overburden soil and bedrock, and the status of mine collapse. lfthe overburden is shown to be competent and the mine void is substantially collapsed, then development, including paved access and parking and possibly building, may be allowed. 230 ~.JE Jen ·~r :itre~t. SL:i~e 101 • fs~a~iJC:t:, n·asr.· 'lgton ~%27 • ·.·n:, v.:::itlecreeker.,,.L.,.£>:s..cc't • (425) 427-818/ phc,e • (415) 42 7•6629 fax Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page2 SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose ofour services was to conduct a detailed coal mine hazard assessment (ground proofing) of the Northwest Parcel. Specifically, our services included: • Evaluate subsurface soil, bedrock, voids and ground water conditions and historic mine map accuracy by drilling seven test borings (Borings B-5 through B-11 )to depths ranging from 20 to 160 feet in the Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area identified in our June 1999 study. These test borings were supplemented by the four test borings (Borings B-1 through B-4) completed for ICE's November 2001 study. • Based on the findings of!CE's June 1999 preliminary coal mine hazard assessment, ICE's November 2001 ground proofing study of the Southeast Parcel and the current ground proofing program on the Northwest Parcel, classify the coal mine hazards as either: I) Severe Coal Mine Hazard Areas, 2) Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas, or 3) Declassified Coal Mine Areas. • Evaluate the potential for regional ground subsidence in Severe and Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas (vertical ground subsidence, ground tilt and ground strain), if appropriate. • Develop mitigation for development within Severe and Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas, if appropriate. GEOLOGIC SETTING The Cugini Property is underlain by bedrock of the Renton fonnation. Renton formation bedrock consists ofinterbedded sandstone, siltstone, shale, claystone, carbonaceous shale and coal beds. Structurally, the bedrock has been uplifted, folded and faulted over time. This structural defonnation of the bedrock has created a northwest trending syncline. "Syncline" is a geologic term referring to a fold in the bedrock layering that is concave up. The "limbs" or layering of the syncline dip at angles ranging from 30 to 70 degrees from horizontal. The bedrock is typically covered with forest duff and topsoil, weathered soil and glacial drift(glacial till and outwash) varying in total thickness from a few feet to several tens offeet. Weathered soil typically consists of loose silty sand with gravel and abundant roots. Glacial till typically consists of dense to very dense silty sand with gravel. Outwash typically consists of dense gravel with variable amounts of sand and silty sand with a trace of gravel. EXISTING INFORMATION The following documents were reviewed regarding the historic coal mining in the Cugini property area: , Morrison Knudsen, January 1985, "Engineering Investigation for the Renton, Washington Area," prepared for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Surface Mining. , Warren, W.C., Norbisratl1, H., Grivetti, R.M., and Brown, S.P., 1945, ·Preliminary Geologic Map and Brief Description of the Coal Fields of King County, Washington," United States Geological Survey, I plate. • Washington State Department of Natural Resources, 1948, historic map of the Springbrook Mine including surface features and underground mine workings. SPRINGBROOK MINE DESCRIPTION The Springbrook Mine is one of several small underground mines in this area. Based on our review of historic mine maps, the east end of the Springbrook Mine underlies the south portion of the Northwest Parcel as shown on the Springbrook Mine Underground Mine Map, Figure 3. Presently, there are no active coal mining operations on or adjacent to the Nonhwest Parcel. Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page3 The Springbrook Mine was active from the early ! 900s to about 1948 when it was abandoned. The main entry and airshaft for the Springbrook Mine were located approximately 200 feet southwest of the west end of the Northwest Parcel. Based on information ICE has developed for other coal mine hazard studies in this area, the main entry and airslmft to the Springbrook Mine are collapsed and/or backfilled (not accessible). TI1e Springbrook Mine coal seam is inclined downward to the south at 54 to 57 degrees in this area; a horizontal line on the coal seam would be oriented roughly east-west. The coal seam that was mined is reported to be about 5 feet thick. Based on our review of the historic mine maps and review of production records, it appears that about 80 to JOO percent of the coal was mined from the production areas. Geologic cross-sections showing the general orientation of the mined-out coal seam are shown on the Springbrook Mine Geologic Cross-Sections A-A' and B'B', Figures 4 and 5, respectively_ The historic mine maps also show that some of the coal seam was not mined under the Northwest Parcel in areas that contained coal. Notes on the historic mine maps indicate that the coal was not mined because it was highly fractured and the fragments were too small for commercial use. However, for the purpose of our June 1999 study, we assumed this area to be mined out as a conservative approach as no subsurface explorations were conducted at that time. Based on engineering studies of the mines conducted at the time of mining, caving of the mined-out areas (rooms) was desirable upon retreat of production areas. Room caving was desired to allow the overburden pressures in the mines to adjust. If mined-out rooms remained open, then "bumps" became a major concern. Bumps occur when a large room (a "room" is a mined-out area) remains open for a long period oftime followed by a catastrophic collapse sending an air blast through tile mine that cou.ld injure the miners working in other areas of the mine. The term bump is used because during a catastrophic roof failure, a vibration, or "bump" would be felt at the ground sulface. SURFACE CONDITIONS GENERAL The sulface conditions on the Northwest Parcel were evaluated based on review of historical mine maps and on detailed geologic reconnaissance conducted on June 17, 1999 by Brian Beaman of!CE and on February 16 through 24, 2004 by Brian Beaman and Scott Dobner of!CE. HISTORIC MINE MAP REVIEW No mining-related surface features were indicated within the Northwest Parcel based on our review of the historic mine maps. The property on the historic mine maps (dated 1948) is shown to be bordered to the east by 108th Avenue SE (Benson Road) and to the north by the present location of SE ·172•d Street. The properties to the west and south were undeveloped in 1948 according to the historic mine maps. Within the past 10 years, 108th Avenue SE was· modified resulting in the Cugini Property being "split" into the two parcels. CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS The Northwest Parcel is currently undeveloped and is vegetated with second-growth conifer and deciduous trees, and moderately dense brush. The ground surface is level to gently sloping ranging from about Elevation 354 feet in the west comer of the site to about Elevation 400feet in the east corner of the site. A shallow drainage swale (about IO to 15 feet deep) crosses the Northwest Parcel from east to west. bl ground surface depressions (suggesting a mine opening or sinkhole) were observed on the Nonhwest Parcel. However, a shallow low area along the southwest property line with rock rubble on the surface suggests an area that was filled or otherwise modified. No surface evidence of mine rock fill (mine rock fill is a waste product consisting of coal fines and rock fragments)was observed on the Northwest Parcel. No surface water Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page4 was observed on the Northwest Parcel at the time ofour reconnaissance other than water drainage (less than J gallon per minute) in the floor of the drainage swale that crosses the site. It is likely that the water in the swale varies in volume considerably depending on rainfall. GROUND PROOFING PROGRAM SUMMARY METHODOWG\' The ground proofing program was conducted by drilling seven, 6-inch-diameter borings (Borings B-5 through B-11) to depths ranging from 20 to 160 feet using mud-rotary drilling methods with track-mounted drilling equipment provided and operated by Gregory Drilling, Inc. The test borings were supplemented by explorations (Borings B-1 through B-4) conducted during our November 2001 study that were drilled to depths ranging from 91 to 120 feet also using drilling equipment provided and operated by Gregory Drilling. The test borings for the current study were completed between Fehmary 16 and 24, 2004 and the test borings for the November 200 I study were completed between October 29 and 31, 200 I. The approximate locations of 1he test boring explorations are shown on Figures 2 and 3. Exploration locations were established by measuring from physical features of the site. The number of borings was determined such that the probability of drilling through an anomalous tunnel, pillar or caved area was decreased. The subsurface explorations were continuously logged by an engineering geologist from our finn. Representative samples were generally obtained at 5-foot depth intervals either by using a 1.5-inch diameter split-spoon standard penetration test (SPT) sampler or "grab" samples, as noted on the logs. When the SPT sampling method was used, the sampler was driven 18 inches, if possible, with a 140-pound weight falling a vertical distance of approximately 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches, or other indicated distance, is recorded on tbe boring logs. It should be noted that the blow counts may not be representative (will be overstated) of the formation density when gravel or cobbles are encountered. "Grab" samples were typically obtained at5-foot depth intervals by screening soil cuttings from the discharge pipe, In some zones, no soil samples were obtained because ofloss of drill circulation. The soil classification system and explanation for the test boring logs are shown in Figure 7. Logs of the test borings for the November 2001 study and the current study are included as Figures 8 through 18. Drilling rate, which is an indicator of subsurface conditions associated with lithologic (rock type) changes, caved bedrock and voids, was monitored by ICE. We also monitored drilling fluids circulation (drilling fluids, referred to as "mud," is used to convey drill cuttings to the surface). A circulation loss or partial loss would indicate underground fractures, voids and/or caved bedrock. In addition to evaluating subsurface conditions, the ground proofing program was also used to evaluate historic mine map accuracy. Prior to drilling each test boring, the depth of the coal seam or mine was evaluated based on the historic mine maps. Encountering the coal seam or mine at that predetermined depth would allow for an evaluation of the mine map accuracy. Two geologic cross-sections showing the interpreted subsmface conditions including geology and the Springbrook Mine geometry across the Northwest Parcel, are shown on Figures 4 and 5. GROUND PROOFING RESULTS Boring B-1 (Southeast Parcel) Boring B-1 encountered overburden soils consisting of 6 feet of weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of 24 feet. Glacial till is an unsorted mixture of silt, sand gravel and cobbles often called ''hardpan." Glacial till is in a dense to very dense condition as a result of being overridden by approximately 3,000 feet of glacial ice. Bedrock (Renton formation) was encountered at 24 feet. l11e bedrock consisted of coal from 24 to 54 feet; layers .of carbonaceous shale and coal from 54 to 60 feet; coal from 60 to 69 feet; and carbonaceous shale Icicle Creek EnginC"crs 0336004/032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page 5 with layers of coal and siltstone from 69 to 76 feet. Carbonaceous shale was observed in the sample at 80 feet. Drilling fluid circulation was lost at a depth of76 feet (indicating bedrock fractures or caved bedrock) and was partially restored to a depth of 82 feet at which time drilling fluid circulation never returned (no bedrock samples from 81 to II O feet -the bottom of the test boring). Based on the drilling rate, partially caved rock and one 4-inch void (fracture at 78 to 78.3 feet) was encountered from 76 10 90 feet. Caved bedrock was encountered from a depth of 90 feet lo the completion depth of the test boring at 110 feet (Springbrook Mine zone -completely caved and collapsed). The Springbrook Mine was encountered within 5 feet of the predicied depth. Boring B-2 (Southeast Parcel) Boring B-2 encountered overburden soils consisting of 6 feet of weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of 23 feet. Bedrock (Renton fonnation) was encountered at 23 feet. The bedrock consisted of coa 1 from 23 to 27 feet; siltstone with layers of coal from 27 to 54 feet; coal with layers of carbonaceous shale from 54 to 58 feet; and coal from 58 to 92 feet. Soft drilling and drilling fluid circulation was lost at a depth of92 feet (indicating caved bedrock) to the completion depth of at 120 feet (Springbrook Mine zone -completely caved and collapsed). No voids were encountered in Boring B-2. The Springbrook Mine was encountered within 5 feet of the predicted depth. Boring B-3 (Southeast Parcel) Boring B-3 encountered overburden soils consisting of5 feet of weathered soil, underlain by glacial Iii I to a depth of 28 feet. Bedrock (Renton formation) was encountered at 28 feet. The bedrock consisted of carbonaceous shale with layers of coal from 28 to 34 feet; siltstone with layers of coal from34 to 48 feet; coal with layers of carbonaceous shale from 48 to 72 feet; and coal (the Springbrook Coal Seam-intact-not mined) from 72 feet to the completion depth of Boring B-3 at 91 feet. No voids were encountered in Boring B-3. No soft drilling or drilling fluid circulation was lost during the drilling of Boring B-3. The Springbrook Coal Seam was intact, as predicted, and within 5 feet of the predicted depth. Boring B-4 (Southeast Parcel} Boring B-4 encountered overburden soils consisting of5 feet of weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of 22 feet. Bedrock (Renton foimation) was encountered at 22 feet. The bedrock consisted of coal with layers of siltstone from 22 to 49 feet; coal from 49 to 73 feet; carbonaceous shale with layers of coal from 73 to 79 feet; coal from 79 to 89 feet; siltstone with layers of coal from 89 to 91 feet; coal (the Springbrook Coal Seam- intact -not mined) from 91 to 97 feet; and claystone (very hard -caused drilling refusal) from 97 feet to the completion depth at 100.5 feet. No voids were encountered in Boring B-4. No soft drilling or drilling fluid circulation was lost during the drilling of Boring B-4. TI1e Springbrook Coal Seam was intact, as predicted, and within 5 feet of the predicted depth. Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page6 Boring B-5 (Northwest Parcel) Boring B-5 encountered overburden soils consisting of 4 feet of forest duff, topsoil and weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of32.5 feet. The glacial till was underlain by advance outwash to a depth of 39 feet. Bedrock (Renton formation) was encountered at 39 feet. The bedrock consisted of siltstone toa depth of 91.5 feet (with a thin layer of carbonaceous shale at 47.5 to 48 feet); carbonaceous shale and siltstone with thin layers of coal from 91.5 to 110; and siltstone from 110 feetto the completion depth at 120 feet. No voids were encountered in Boring B-5. No soft drilling or drilling fluid circulation was Jost during the drilling of Boring B-5. The Springbrook Coal Seam was not encountered in Boring B-5 because of the location of the test boring was slightly "updip" of where the Springbrook Coal Seam was "truncated" (eroded) as shown on Figure 5. Boring B-6 (Northwest Parcel) Boring B-6 encountered overburden soils consisting of 6.5 feet of forest duff, topsoil and weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of28.5 feet. The glacial till was underlain by advance outwash to a depth of 43 feet. Bedrock (Renton formation) was encountered at 43 feet. The bedrock consisted of siltstone and carbonaceous shale with thin layers of coal from 43 to 55 feet; coal from 55 to 6).5 feet; carbonaceous shale and siltstone with thin layers of coal, and coal from 61.5 to 90.5 feet; siltstone from 90.5 to 94 feet; coal (the Springbrook Coal Seam-intact-not mined) from 94 to 109 feet; carbonaceous shale with thin layers of coal from I 09 to 114 feet; and siltstone to the completion depth at 160 feet (with a layer of siltstone with thin layers of coal from 133 to 136.5 feet. No voids were encountered in Boring B-6. No soft drilling or drilling fluid circulation was Jost during the drilling of Boring B-6. TI1e Springbrook Coal Seam was intact, as predicted, and within 5 feet of the predicted depth . . * Boring B-7 (Northwest Paree!) Boring B-7 was drilled in the previously mentioned shallow low area along the southwest property line. This location is directly above the north end of a "mine tunnel" of the Springbrook Mine. During drilling, we encountered loose soils and fragments of sandstone rubble in soil that is possibly fill or "caved soil." We were not able to maintain drilling fluid circulation because of the presence ofloose soil therefore the test boring was completed at a depth of 20 feet. It is possible that this is a filled "sinkhole" associated with the Springbrook Mine. Boring B-8 (Northwest Parcel) Boring B-8 encountered overburden soils consisting of2 feet of forest duff, topsoil and weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of 34 feet. Bedrock (Renton fonnation) was encountered at 34 feet. The bedrock consisted of sandstone from 34 to 42.S feet; carbonaceous shale, coal, siltstone and siltstone with thin layers of coal from 42.5 to 70.5 feet; coal, carbonaceous shale, siltstone and siltstone with thin layers of coal from 70.5 to 82 feet; coal (the Springbrook Coal Seam -intact -not mined) from 82 to 96 feet; and carbonaceous shale, siltstone and siltstone with thin layers of coal to the completion depth at I 05 feet. No voids were encountered in Boring B- 8. No soft drilling or drilling fluid circulation was lost during the drilling of Boring B-8. The Springbrook Coal Seam was intact, as predicted, and wilhin 5 feet of the predicted depth. Boring B-9 (Northwest Parcel) Iclcle Creek Engineers 0336000032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page7 Boring B-9 encountered overburden soils consisting of3.5 feet of forest duff, topsoil and weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of35.5 feet. Bedrock (Renton formation) was encountered at 35.5 feet. n,e bedrock consisted of siltstone, carbonaceous shale and sandstone from 35.S to 49 feet; coal, carbonaceous shale and siltstone from 49 to 96 feel; coal (the Springbrook Coal Seam -intact-not mined) from 96 to I 13 feet; and carbonaceous shale to the completion deptfi at 116 feet. No voids were encountered in BoringB-9. No soft drilling or drilling fluid circulation was lost during the drilling of Boring B-9. The Springbrook Coal Seam was intact, as predicted, and within 5 feet of the predicted depth. Boring B-10 (Northwest Parc,,I) Boring B-10 encountered overburden soils consisting of3.5 feet of forest duff; topsoil and weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of34 feet. Bedrock (Renton fonnation) was encountered at 34 feet. The bedrock consisted of siltstone from 34 to 59 feet; "fragments" of siltstone, carbonaceous shale, and coal (the caved/collapsed Springbrook Mine) from 59 to 65.5 feet; and liltstone to the completion depth at 95 feet. The caved/collapsed zone of the Springbrook Mine was characterized by rough drilling and a rapid {indicating soft material) drilling rate. No drilling fluid circulation was lost, including within the caved/collapsed zone of the Springbrook Mine, during the drilling of Boring B-10. No voids were encountered in Boring B-10. The Springbrook Mine was encountered, as predicted, and within 5 feet of the predicted depth. Boring B-11 (Northwest Parcel) Boring B-ll encountered overburden soils consisting of3 feet of forest duff, topsoil and weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of 32 feet. The glacial till was underlain by advance outwash to a depth of3 6 feet. Bedrock(Renton formation) was encountered at 36 feet. The bedrock consisted of siltstone from 36 to 62.5 feet; carbonaceous shale from 62.5 to 72 feet; coal (the Springbrook Coal Seam -intact -not mined) from 72 to 90 feet; and coal with thin layers of carbonaceous shale and siltstone to the completion depth at 99 feet. No voids were encountered in BoringB-11. No soft drilling or drilling fluid circulation was lost during the drilling of Boring B-11. The Springbrook Coal Scam was intact, as predicted, and within 5 feet of the predicted depth. COAL MINE HAZARDS DESCRIPTION In a coal mine hazard assessment for an area proposed for development, certain factors must be evaluated to assess the potential for public health and safety issues, and potential property damage concerns. Fortunately, considerable information is available in the fonn of historic mine maps, historic aerial photographs, engineers reports and production reports. Considerable effort has bee·n undertaken by the local geotecllnical and geologic professional community during the past 15 years to obtain site-specific information regarding the region's abandoned coal mines. As a result of this effort, King County adopted Ordinance 133 I 9 (Administrative Guidelines -AG) to provide guidance in conducting coal mine hazard assessments. At this time, the AG is the most current, comprehensive and generally accepted document for assessing coal mine hazards in western Washington. However, additional information is continuing to be developed by direct observations of the condition of the abandoned coal mines, and is incorporated into lCE's detailed assessment of the Springbrook Mine at the Northwest Parcel. TI1e principal physical hazard classifications described in the AG are 1) Severe Coal Mine Hazard Areas and 2) Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas. A third classification, not related to hazards, is referred to Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page8 as Declassified Coal Mine Areas. The following are definitions of these classifications as presented in the AG: • Senre Coal Mine Hazard Arens -Severe Coal Mine Hazard Areas are "those areas that pose a significant risk of catastrophic ground swface collapse. Severe coal mine ha:ard areas may l)pically include, but are not limited to, areas characterized by 1111mi1igated openings such as entries, portals, adits, mine shafts, air shafts, timber shafts, sinkholes, improperly fl/led sinkholes, and other areas of past or sig11ificant probability for catastrophic ground surface collapse. Severe coal mine ha:ard areas typically i11clude, but are not limited lo, overland surfaces underlain or directly affected by abando11ed coal mine worlcingsfrom a depth of zero to one hundred fifty feet." • Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas -Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas are "those areas that pose significant rislcs of property damage which can be mitigated by special engineering or architectural recommendations. Moderate coal mine hazard areas may typically include, but are not limited to, areas u11derlain or directly affected by abandoned coal mine workings from a deplh of zero to three hundred feet or with overburden-cover-to-seam thickness ratios of less than ten to one dependent on the inclination of the seam." • Declassified Coal Mine Areas -Declassified Coal Mine Areas are "those areas for which a risk of catastrophic collapse is not significant and which the hazard assessment report has determined require no special engineering or architectural recommendations to prevent significant risks of property damage. Declassified coal mine areas may typically include, but are not limited to, areas underlain or directly affected by coal mines at depths greater than three hundred feel as measured from the surface but may often include areas underlain or directly affected by coal mines at depths less than three hundred feet." MINE ROCK FILL Mine rock till consists of loose rock and soil mixed with inferior grade coal from underground workings and fines from coal washing operations. These materials were not compacted and are potentially compressible because of the loose texture and long-term air degradation of the coal. No mine rock fill was observed on the Northwest Parcel. PROSPECTS AND UNDOCUMENTED MINING Based on our review of the historic mine maps and site reconnaissance, we do not expect prospects or undocumented mining within the Northwest Parcel. CONCLUSIONS GENERAL Our conclusions presented in the following sections are based on our review of available infonnation, site observations, ground proofing and analysis of coal miqe hazards at the Northwest Parcel, supplemented by information obtained for a previous study of the Southeast Parcel. Our conclusions, based on our detailed assessment of coal mine hazards at the Northwest Parcel, are described in the following sections of this report, with the results of reclassification of coal mine hazards shown on the Coal Mine Hazards Map, Figure 6. HISTORIC MINE MAP ACCURACY In our opinion, based on the results of the ground proofing program, the historic mine maps for the Springbrook Mine are accurate. This includes the area of the Springbrook Coal Seam that is shown on the maps as being left in place because the coal was "fractured." SEVERE COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS As described above, Severe Coal Mine Hazard Areas are underlain by abandoned underground coal Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page9 mines at a depth of less than 150 feet. However, this delineation can be modified as a result of"ground proofing" as was completed for this study. Our ground proofing program indicated that the shallow workings of the Springbrook Mine beneath the Northwest Parcel are substantially collapsed and caved. However, Boring B-7 was completed in a "suspicious" low area and encountered soft drilling and loss of drilling fluids lo the degree that the boring ha.i to be completed at a shallow depth ofW feet. It is possible th:lt the loose soil may be indicative of past caving into an underground tunnel of the Springbrook Mine. Based on our knowledge of the site conditions, it ls our opinion that the "caving" has stabilized (no future caving). However, the presence of this local area of caved soil or fill does create a condition where a local area of Severe Coal Mine Haz.ards should remain as shown on Figure 6. MODERATE COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS Moderate Coal Mine Hazard-Areas are underlain by abandoned underground coal mines where regional ground subsidence may occur, but not sinkholes. No explorations were conducted in the deeper zones of the Springbrook Mine. However, with the shallow workings being caved and collapsed, it is our judgement that the deeper mine workings (more than I 00 feet below the ground surface) are also caved and collapsed, especially considering the steep inclination of the mined-out coal seam (54 to 57 degrees) as shallow caving tends to fill the deeper sections of the mine. As previously described, our ground prooiing program suggests that the Springbrook Mine is caved and collapsed. In our opinion, no Moderate Coal Mine Hazards presently exist within the Northwest Parcel as the regional ground subsidence has likely already occurred. DECLASSIFIED COAL MINE AREAS The surficial overburden soils encountered in our test borings on the Northwest Parcel generally consist ofabout 34 to 43 feet of glacial till and advance outwash with the exception of the area ofBoringB-7 that was not able to advance deeper than 20 feet because of the loss of drilling fluid circulation. Glacial till and advance outwash are relatively high strength soil types that are resistant to caving and sinkhole fonnation. The areas identified in ICE's June 1999 report as Severe and Moderate Coal Mi~e Hazards in the Northwest Parcel area should be reclassified as a Declassified Coal Mine Area as a resuit of this detailed coal mine hazard assessment, with the exception of the remaining Severe Coal Mirie'Hazard Area in the vicinity of Boring B· 7. The Declassified Coal Mine Area is shown ori Figure 6. \-', RECOMMENDATIONS '. rn our opinion, the Northwest Parcel can bedev~!oped \\'ith structures and paved roads/access without special mitigation or restrictions associated with coal mine hazards with the exception of the remaining localized Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area shown on Figure 6. No development should occur in the Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area wilhout further evaluation as described below. It is our opinion that the Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area could be developed with paved roads/access and parking provided that th: area is further evaluated by loose soil removal with an excavator to better assess the condition of the soils that underlie this area. As previously mentioned, based on our ground proofing program, it appears that the Springbrook Mine is substantially collapsed and the possible caved sinkhole area is stable (no further caving expected). In addition, it is also possible that this area may have been a preexisting low area that was filled with loose soil and is therefore not a sinkhole. Excavation of this area would remove Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/032204 • Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Pagc!O • the loose soil and expose the underlying native, undisturbed soils, if present. The excavation could then be filled with structural fill that would be suitable for support of pavement. USE OF THIS REPORT We have prepared this report for use by Alex Cugini and Claremont Development Company, Inc. and their associates and engineers for their use in planning development of the Northwest Parcel. The data and report should be provided to permitting agencies for their information, but our report conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time the report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be understood. We t~t this infonnation meets your present needs. If you have any questions or ifwe can be of further assistance to you, please call. BRIAN R. BEAMAN Document ID: 0336004.REP Attachments four copies submitted Icicle Creek Engineers Yours very truly, Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. Scott M. Do bner Staff Geologist Brian R. Beaman, P.E., L.G. Principal Engineer/Geologist 0336004/032204 ! "' 0 ::l! " 0 • 2,000 Scale in Feet Ii: ~ Icicle Creek Engineers N 4,000 Vicinity Map -Fi ure 1 ij "' 8 N Base map titled "Cugini Property Ta, Lots 148/9," Ji<e<Bred by Pac.Teen Engin&erlng. Inc .. dated October 7, 1994. 4 if ~ Icicle Creek Engineers 0 150 300 Approximate Scale in Feet Cugini Property Site Plan ~ Fi ·e 2 I ., z " ·~ ,. N SPRINGBROOK MINE Baso --"Cugini Pn,pe,ty Tax Lola 14619." -rwd by P111>Tec:h El'lfillneetlng, Inc.., datld Oe\ober7, 1994, § Icicle Creek Engineers B' EXPLANATION ;/ B-6 \;/ Boring Locallon for Current Study Bo~ng Location for Previous Study Geologic Cross-Section Locatlon (see Figures 4 and 5) 0 150 300 ------===::::, Approximate Scale in Feet Springbrook Mine Under ound Mine Ma -Fi ,1 ii :1 I I I I I· re 3 Cugini Property-Northwest Paroel ~ "? ii A -'iii -.. a, " ca 3l (North) C)~ ,,, _ ·E .e •§ i 400 Co .g;; ca :::. :!. : Glacial Drift .. \ ..,;., ................ ~ ' ',.,.·, -;~. ;',- . :·:~~·>if.i 300 ]i LL C: ·c 200 0 "' .. > ~ 10 Neu: 1) The /1JC1;llon af Gellloglc ~A.-lt· la lhDwri In Fi;ura 3. 2} Sub1urface ,oil a,id bldrod!: oYldlllo111 a;h>wfl on lhll CIUU-Mdion .. baNd oninlerpreWlbi of~riccoalmifl• maps lfld~ data. ""*-1 aibMWfla t:O'dllClnl mar va,,y. Icicle Creek Engineers SlateRcult515 A' (South) 400 · .. ··_., . . Glaci~/. ',·,orjft·.:', 300 200 0 ~ < g- :, s· ~ ~ o .. ____ 1c:00====2::aoo Scale in Feet Horizon1al Scale = Vertical Scale Springbrook Mine Geolo ic Cross-Section A-A' -Fi ure 4 Cugini Property· Northwest Parcel"----! $ u. .E 5 200 "' ! iii Note: 11 The localiDn Df Gedos,k; CfoM-Sectlon B-11' ii lhoM'tln Figura 3. 2) Subll.rfacl IOil •nd Ndrodi i;,ond,'tionli ~ CF1 llhe ~on n DIINd on ~lellon ofl'IIIIOric:coal l'nfllltnept1 and alhai..rface d6ta ~al autisa.face c:ardtlons may ~ [!! "' < D> "' 0 :, s· ~ ~ o. __ "'!'" .... 1 oi::o:::::====i200 Scale in Feet Horizontal Scale = Vertical Scale Springbrook Mine Icicle Creek Engineers Geolo ic Cross-Section B-B' -Fi re 5 I £D 0: "' 0 • N Bae map lllled 'Cugffll l'fl>!*ly Tax Lois 143111," pn,J>U'l(I by Pao-Tech Engineering, In~ dated Oclober7, 1994. Explanation: [[[I] Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area (~CCIII w,M-. lul lh• 150 INC bM1W tflt QIDOl'd aurtac. • h:ludll • 100 Joel( tx.&f' en tt.. Nit Ilda-and SI bx b,ff.-°" lhl WMt liele). Declassified Coal Mine Area (fhr; m1 ... hu ti..\llQIIII\ '° be tllbllanlllly-caro6'collpMCI .,.,......._, __ ) No development restrictions associated with coal mine hazards 0 150 300 ----===== Approximate Scale in Feet i ~ w Icicle Creek En meers Coal Mine Hazards Ma -Fi ure 6 \,!'----------""-----------------------'-----.....L-~==_.:J Geotechnical Enginee11ng Geology Environmental ScieotJ!lb Construction Monitoring - GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY ' AVANARIDGE 10615 SOUTHEAST 172nd STREET RENTON, WASHINGTON ES-4147 PREPARED FOR AYANA RIDGE, LLC December 21, 2015 Keven D. Hoffmann, E.I.T. Project Engineer Raymond A. Cogla, P.E. Prlnclpal GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING S'T\JDY AVANARIDGE 10615 SOUTHEAST 172111J STREET RENTON, WASHINGTON ES-4147 Earth Solutions NW, LLC 1805 -138., Place Northeat, Suite 201 Bellevue, W•hlngton 98005 Phone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425 44M711 Toll Free: 886 336-8710 Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report --- ' , ' ~ , : ' I ~ 1 " , /, ,,' I ' , t J '., , ' ' ' • I., 'I i. ' ' ', :,, .' l~-~' '' I f' ',', I '. ,1 I i. ~ ' Glolldllii:11 lll'Wlcll AN 1'81'111'111111 llr SplClllc PMiiuiil, P•'lllll, 11111 PraJacts Geol!K:hnlcal engineers s1rudiJll their services to meet the specific needs of their cllalts. A geolechnkal engineering sloof conducllld fir a civil qi- near TIIIY not fulfill the needs of a conslru::tion ooltia.tor or even an<fllr civil engineir. Because m geo1BCmical engineering sloof is unicµ,, 19:h geo1ec/Jnical engineering mport Is unlQU8, prepared ~for the c!lent. No one eJllllPI you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without first confelTing with the gedechnical engineer who ~ed It. And no one -not W8l1 j'Oll-shoold ~ly the report for any j)Urpcse or project 8lCIJlll! the ore originally COllElllpl*l. 111111 1111 FIii Rlpart Serious problems have ocamed because those IBlying on a geolschnlc:al engineering report did not read It all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read seieclBd elements only. A Glitlduilcal l'Nlr•ar:.r~ 11111d 111 A ... Bit Of P1'1J1C1 hcllPI Glmcllnlcal qlneers consider a llllTlber of unique, projea-speclfic fac- tors when eslabllshlng the scope of a study. Typical t.l:lols lrdude: the client's goals. obJecttves, and risk managerneri preferllnces; the general nature of the slndure lnvolwd, Ill! size, and configuration; the location of the strucl!Jm oo the site; and ciher plamed or existing she lmpllMHTllnls, such as acress roads, parking lots. and undlrground ullllties. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducl!ld the study specifically lndlca!Bs oth- erwise, do not rely on a ~orechnlcal engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, • not prepared for yoor projeel, • not prepared for the specific site explored, or • CO!lllleted before important project changes were marle. Typical changes that can erode the reliablllly of an existing geot!l;hnical 111gi[lee(jng report Include those Itel affect: • the function of the proposed strudure, as when It's cllanged from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light Industrial plant to a relrigeraled WBRlhouse, • elevalioo, conflguratfon, location, orienlalion, or weight of the proposed structure, • composition of the desian mam, or • project ownership. As a gnraJ rule, always lnlorrn your geobmlital engineer of project ~ minor one,-and request an assesm111d of their impld. GeiJlmlitBI flJ(JIMers cannot 8C(1l(Jt msponsibilily or liab/1//y for prob/lJrm that aa:ur because their /lflOl!S do not consider~ mw/1/ch 1/iey ll!ll'e llli Informed. .. ... late CaELdlU II can On• A geotscilnfcal qireenng ~ Is based on coodltlollS Iha! existed at the tirre the study was performed. Do not rely on a geotH:hnJcal IKl{Jineer- in/J np]ltwhose adequacy ITllY have been alfeded by: the passage of time; bY man-made evmts, such as construction on or adjaallt lo the site; or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwailr fluaua- tions. A/IIIIJ'S contd the geotechnlcal engineer before ~,lying the raport to delermire ff It Is still reliable. A minor ;rnourt of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. MIit 811ttd111CII IIIIIIIII Ari ..,..... .... Sile exploration idenliftes subsur!are conditions only at lhose poirts where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are laken. Gootechnlcal engi- neers mvlew field and laboralDry daa and lhen awly their professional jU<l;Jmenl lo render an opinion about subsurla:e conditions throughout the she. Actual subsurface conditions may dffler-50IIIElirres slgnlflcantly- from those indk:al!ld In your report Retaining lhe geoledmlcal engineer who developed your report 10 provide construalon obseM!ion is !Iv! most e!lecliW method of managing the risks associated wflh unanlfclpaled condltiofls. A RaallPI'• Rlcl1lllllllllllloal ll'e MIi RIii Do not averrely on the constnJ:tlon recomnax!alions Included In your report. 1hosB rerommmdalions BIB not linal because gmchnlcal engi- neers develop thErn principally from Judgmrt and opinion. Geooichnlcal engineer.. can fina!IIE lflelr reconrnendations Cllly by obseriing adual subsurface conditions IBVll3lsd durtng construction. The geotect,nical 811/Tillflllf ltl1o developed your fll(JOrl cannot assume responsibil/ly or liability for lf1e report's lfllXH1ll18fldaons if that engineer does not petform construction obs8rvalion. A G ta:llillll:II E%f Bl •• RlpOrt II IIIIJact ID IIUIIIPll allllln Olher design mm nvmms' rnislmerpraallon of geo(Idri:al llfYJineefing reports ras resul1Bd In costty probl!lllS. Lower that risk by !ming your geo- 1lmlical qilll8f cooler wllh appropriale rremlm of the !Blgn ll!am aflEr stbTiilllng h report. Also Ielain yeti' geoled!nk'al ~ to review perti- ret ekml1ls of h dllsigl1 ktam's plam and specifiailloos. Conllll:ton; ran also misinlerpn,t a ge(eehni<lll engineering report Redooe that risk by having your geotechnlcal "l!ioeer im[ciple in prebld and preconstru;tioo coorereoces, a,d by providing construction ot9lrvalion. DI Nit PI d aw 1111 fl If 31''1 lDlt Geotedmical engi11eers prep;l1l final boring and lestlng logs i-t upoo their interpretllion of field logs and laboralOI)' dala. To preveri errors or omissions, the logs included In a geaedinlcal ei igirm, ig report should never be redrawn for inclusioo in armi111:klral or Dll1el design drawings. Only pt,otographk: or electronic reproouc:tion is im:plable, but recognize that Sl'/}l1flling togs from too nipott am elevate risk. Gin CinlNCbll'I I C&i$llll 01,11 I md G JI u Sorm owners and design professionals mtslNnly belielle they can make to11tr.11ors liable for unariicijall sumutface cornftlions by lllliting wtlll they provide for bid pr1!]313!ion. To 1E4J p11M1111 costly problems, give coo-- tr.l:IDB 1he compllie geotedmiall engll'lflflring report, butprm ft with a cleal1y wri11Bn letter of transmittal. In lllil leUBr, lKMse contr.mrs 1hal: the report was not prepared for purposes of bid dewlopment and that the report's awn:y is llml1ed; ~ them to cooler with lhe !J!D1ectrtical engi11eer who prepared the report (a modest m may be required) andlor to conduct additional study to obtain Ille spreilic types of inlomaion ttiey need oc prefer. A plllbid conlerenoe can also be valuable. Be Sllfl con/la)- tors have sufficiB1t tinr1 to pertonn ;Kjditional study. Only then night you be In a position to giYe contraclOfS the best Jnfoonation available to you, wllile requirtng them to at least sl1ae some of lite firw.cial responsibllilies slemmlng from uoamcipated concitions. 1111d ....... 111111, l'Pa'llll8l8 Clltlllf Some clients, design professionals, and cormctms do not recognize 1hal geotim,lcal engirming is far less eia:t than otller engineering dlsci- plines. This lack Of ullier.!landing has aealed 111realistlc expeclalions 1l1at have led lo disappoiriJrenls, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the rtsk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly lrElude a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled 'llmltllions' many of these provisions indlcale where geoleclmical engineers' responsi- bilities begin and end, to help others recognize tfleir own responsibilities and rlsl<s. RBac/ tfl6S8 provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geoteclmical englnee,-should respond fully am frankly. 111111111 a Ill C&lal•• Ari Nat cnm id The equijmlrll, lecllniques, and personnel U5lld 11! pertorm a goo111wiron- lllflllllllsl.u<t, differ sJ111ificantty from !hose used lo pelform a (J9(iBcfrllcal study. For 1l1at reason, a geotechnical engineering report ooes not usually rele lllY geoenvirorunental findings, conclusions, or recommeodations; e.g., abod the lllcellhood of encountering ullle!ground storage tanks oc n:gulatal contlml nants. Unanticipated environmBrtlal problems lrll'e IBd to mxnerous pro;ect faiiu111s. tt you have not yet o~ned your oo geim- vironmenlal informrtion, ask your geoomnical CO!ISUl1ant for risk man- agerrai guidance. Do not rely on an envlronmenlm lfl(10(I pmpatrJd tor saTlJOll8 Bise. ._ Pl'llls11Dtal Al LI la:i Ta DIii Wiii Maid Dil'erlle strategies can oo applied dlling building design, consw:llon, Dl)OOl!ion, and mainlenance to prf1'1811t significart amDIJl!s ot mold from growing oo itrlxlr surfaces. To oo effective, all Sldl strategies should be deVi9ed for Iha IJX/)ll!//S {llJIPOSe of mold prevention, integrated Imo a com- prehensive p~. and executed with diligent overslgli by a professioml mold p!B'1811ion consullant Because jJst a snmJI amount of water or moistum can lead to lhe dewlopnad of 9IMIIB mold infestations, a num- ber of roold prewntion strateoies focus on keeping building surla<2s dry. While grClllflOllaef. waET infiltration, &'Id similar Issues may lave been addressed as ~ at the geob!clmical englrBll'fng stu(fy whose findings are conver,ed ift-Jhis report, lhe geOOlChnkal engl!leer in charge ol this projea is not a mold p1B'181ltlon consullant; -or lhB ...,,tts, ,,.,_ tonn,d Ill tl1tlMdlol1 willl ,,,. ,,,,.,,,,_ .,,,,,,,_ " ,,,,,,, tm11 ffl/fflft/ or "1lllllll:led tor the ,,,,,., of mold pmen- ttan. l'n/pll inlplllMnlllfOII of tl1e tl#IOlllllllll/lltiOM em,nyed In tllll re,o,t wlll llld of Ille/I be lllftirlBnl to ,,,.,.nt mold fmm ,,,,,.,,,, ill Of Oil the llnldln lmtrJlwld. 1111 •-AIEII 1 IL GIIIICWIII fnlilillll' .. ~ AallllnGw . Membership in ASFf/The Best l'eol)le on Earth exposes geollmllcal engineers to a wi~ array of rtsk managemmt l~miques thal can be of genuine beRllit for everyone Involved with a construction projlrt Confer with you ASfE-member geotechnical engineer for roore lntmma!ion. ·------------______________________ __.,. ASFE tU IHI PIISII H IHII 8811 Colesville Road/SUite 6100, Si1Vll< Spring, MD 20910 Telephone: 301/566-2733 Facsimile: 301/589-2017 e-maU: info@asle.0111 -a.org Copynf/1112004 llr ASFE, /{IC, DIJfJ/(clllln. ~. or~ of lllls ~ In -arln ,-,t, llr Mr/,_ -. II IIMIY ,,-, m:,pt 111111 AS/fl --,,.,,,,,..,.... -,itno, .,,,,.,,.,, ... --sdldng ~ -111/s ilat:arnlnl II P<mlfllld only""" a., -_,,.,_,.,,of AS1t, ""'1 Q/1/y for -of-,tytrffffl/11 «--... On& -otASFEmay_lllls _• 1..,,,,.,.,,,.. ta ara1111-o1,-"'*"'~ ,-t. Any offllr firm, intlMtJ1II/, a,-Mfll¥ t/lat IO I/IIIS this-Wfl/JOUt /Jf/rt/J Ill ASH: --be l/lllllllllllln,,.,,,,,.,. Of lrltlllffOOI( (hul/lJllln1/ m/r-""1. H6ER0800.IIM December 21, 2015 ES-4147 Avana Ridge, LLC 9675 Southeast 3fit' street, Suite 105 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Attention: Mr. Justin Lagers Dear Mr. Lagers: Earth Solutions NW LLC • Geoa,chnical Engineering • Construction Monitoring • Emiironrnental Sciences Earth Solutions mv, LLC (ESNW) is pleased to present this report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, Avana Ridge, 10615 Southeast 172nd street. Renton, Washington". In our opinion, the proposed resldentlal development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint Our subsurface exploration indicates the site is primarily underlain by Vashon till and bedrock of the Renton fonnation. During our subsurface exploration completed on October 1, 2015, groundwater seepage was not encountered at the lest pit locations. At. the tine of Icicle Creek Engineers' most recent subsurface exploration (December 16, 2008), groundwater seepage was reported at one test pit location at approximately one-and-one-half feet below existing grades. In our opinion, discrete, perched seepage zones should be anticipated during construction depending on the time of year gradircJ activities take place. In our opinion, the proposed reeldential structures may be supported a1Dp c:onventlonal continuous and spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soH, racornpacted native soil, or new structural fill. In general, competent native soil suitable for support of new foundations will be encountered within the upper two to three feet of existing grades. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of the soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavation and replacement with a suitable structural fiB material, will be necessary. Construction of the proposed vault within the southwestern portion of the northern half of the site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint We anticipate competent, dense to very dense, undisturbed Vashon till will be encountered within excavations at depth for the ~uit foundation subgrade elevation. With respect to infiltration, it Is our opinion native soils will not accommodate large-scale or full Infiltration facility design; however, native soils are a good candidate for llmited infiib ation and/or bioretentlon applications. Recommendations for foundation design, site preparation, drainage, aiUcal area mitigation, preliminary stonnwater detention vault design, and other pertinent development aspecta are provided in this study. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have questions regarding the content of this geotechnical engineering study, please call. Sincerely, EARTH SOLUTIONS NW, LLC ~~-- Keven D. Hoffmann, E.I.T. Project Engineer 1805 -136th Place N.E., Suite 201 • Bellevue, WA 98005 • {425) 449-4704 • FAX {425) 449-4711 Table of Contenbl ES-4147 PAGE INTRODUCTION ........................ ,, .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . 1 General .. ~···................................................................... 1 ProJect Deacrlptlon................... . ... ... . .. .. ... .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 2 SITE CONDITIONS.................................................................. 2 Surface........................................................................ 2 Subsurface............................................. . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . 3 Topeoll and FIii..................................................... 3 Native Soll ....... , . . .. . . . . . ..... . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .... 3 Geologic Setting...................................... . .. . ... ... .. 4 Groundwllt8r ............................... ;.... .. ... .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. ... 4 Critical Arepe ............................................. ,1 ....... I............. 4 Steep Slope Hazard............ .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 5 Coal Mine Hazard................................................. 5 · Minimum Risk Statement.................. .. . .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. 6 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................. 6 General........................................................................ 6 Site Preparation and Earthwork ... ,....................... . .. .. . .. .. .. 6 Temporary Erosion Control........................... .............. 7 Stripping......................................................................... 7 ln-altu Solls ......................... ., .............................. _ ... --.... 7 Imported Soils .................................... , .. o,,,....... ............. 8 Subgrade Preparation.......... . ... .. . .... . .. . .. .. . ... .. . . ... B S1ructural Fill................................................................. B F oundatlons... . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . • .. .. .. 8 Seismic PltlaD··· .................. ., .................... , ........... ··4··· 9 Sla~n-Grade Floors......... .. ... . . ... .... . .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . 9 Retaining Walls. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . • .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . • . . .. • .. .. . . . .... .. 1 O Drainage .......................................... _ .... .., ................................ ,.. 10 Infiltration Feasibility .................... .,...................... 11 Preliminary Det&ntion Vault Design ... .,.................... 11 Excayat1oDf and Slopes ............................................. ,......... 12 Pavement Seetlons .......................... ; . ... ... ... . ... ... .. . ... .. . .... 13 Utilltv Support and Trench Backfill................................... 13 LIMITATIONS.......................................................................... 14 Additional Services........................................................ 14 Earth So!Utlons NW, LlC GRAPHICS Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 APPENDICES Appendix A AppendlxB AppendlxC Table of Contents Confd ES-4147 Vicinity Map Teat PH Location Plan Retaining Wall Drainage Detail Footing Drain Detail Subsurface Exploration Test PH Logs Laboratory Test Results Reports by Others Earth S0Jutlor11 IN/, LLC General GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY AVANARIDGE 10816 SOUTHEAST 172ND STREET RENTON, WASHINGTON ES-4147 INTRODUCTION This geotechnlcal engineering study was prepared for the proposed Avana Ridge apartment complex development to be completed at 10615 Southeast 172nd Street in Renton, Washington. The purpose of this study was to provide geotechnical recommendations for currently proposed development plans. Our scope of services for completing this geotechnical engineering study included the following: • Reviewing site-specific reports, prepared previously by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc., for geotechnically relevant information pertinent to the proposed development; • Completing subsurface test pits for purposes of characterizing site soils; • Completing laboratory testing of soil samples collected at the test pit locations; , Conducting engineering analyses, and; • Preparation of this report. The following documents and maps were reviewed as part of our report preparation: • Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington, by D. R. Mullineaux, 1965. • Preliminary Coal Mine Hazard Assessment, prepared by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc., dated June 24, 1999; • Coal Mine Hazard Assessment, prepared by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc., dated March 22, 2004; • Geotechnical Engineering Services Report, prepared by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc., dated January 20, 2009; • Liquefaction Susceptibility of King County (Map 11-5), prepared by the King County Flood Control District, May 201 O; • Sensitive Areas maps for the City of Renton, printed August 2012; • Pre-Application Site Plan, Sheet No. PA-00.1, prepared by Baylis Architects, dated August 28, 2015, and; • Online Web Soll Survey (WSS) resource, provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service under the United States Department of Agriculture. Avans Ridge, U.C December 21, 2015 Project Description ES-4147 Page2 We understand the proposed development will include construction of two resldential apartment structures, utility improvements, parking and drive areas, and open space areas. Each apartment structl.re will be four to five stories in height. Rockertes wlll likely be incorporated into final designs to accommodate grade transitions, where necessary. We anticipate stormwater wm be managed Hkely by a below-grade detention vault (vault) which is proposed for construction within the southwestern portion of the northern half of the site. Site geologic hazards Include a stream and associated buffer space (within the central and southern site areas) and a historic coal ml~e. known as the Springbrook Mine, and Its associated opening (near the southern property line). The proposed development will occur across a currently forested, unimproved property, and in general, the southern, geologically sensitive area of the site will not be improved. The site has been explored previously on several occasions by means of both soil borings and exploratory test pits. The referenced reports, prepared previously by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. (ICE), are discussed within the text of this report where relevant to the currently proposed development. The coliectlve term "ICE reports• will be used hereafter when referring to these previously prepared reports. For reference, the ICE reports are provided In Appendix C. At the time of report submission, specific grading and building load plans were not available for review; however, based on our experience with similar developments, the proposed residential · structures will likely be constructed at grade (following site mass grading) utilizing relatively lightly-loaded wood framing supported on conventional foundations. Based on the information provided, it is our understanding that underground garage levels are not proposed. We anticipate the residential structures will incorporate slab-on-grade floors or crawl space construction at grade. We anticipate perimeter footing loads on the order of 2 to 4 kips per lineal foot (kif). Slab-on-grade loading is anticipated to be on the order of 150 pounds per square foot (psf). If the above design assumptions are incorrect or change, ESNW should be contacted to review the recommendations in this report. ESNW should review final designs to confirm that our geotechnical recommendations have been incorporated into the plans. SITE CONDITIONS Surface The subject site is located north of the intersection between State Route 515 (Benson Drive South) and Benson Road South in Renton, Washington. The site and the surrounding upland area are commonly referred to as Benson Hill. The approximate location of the property is illustrated on Plate 1 (Vicinity Map). The triangular property is comprised of two adjoining tax parcels (King County Parcel Nos. 292305-9009 and -91-48) totaling approximately 3.78 acres. The site is enveloped to the north by Southeast 172 .... Street, to the southwest by State Route 515, to the southeast by Benson Road South, and to the east by a daycare facility. Earth Solutions Nl'V, LLC Avana Ridge, LLC December 21, 2015 Es-4147 Page3 Both the northern and southern tax parcels are currently undeveloped; scattered vagrant camps, as well as associated debris and rubbish, are present across portions of the site. Site topography descends generally from north to south, and we estimate total elevation change to be on the order of 50 feet or less. Existing vegetation is dense and is representative of undisturbed, forested conditions. Subsurface An ESNW representative observed, logged, and sampled seven test pits, excavated at client- specified locations, on October 1, 2015 using a client-provided excavator and operator. The test pits were completed for purposes of assessing soil conditions, classifying site soils, and investigating the presence of groundwater below the existing ground surface (bgs). The approximate locations of the test pits are depicted on Plate 2 (Test Pit Location Plan). Please refer to the test pit logs provided in Appendix A for a more detailed description of subsurface conditions. Soil samples collected at the test pit locations were analyzed in accordance with both United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) methods and procedures. Topsoil and Fill In general, topsoil was encou11tered within the upper 8 to 10 inches of existing gi:ades at the test pit locations. A more significant topsoil depth of 16 inches bgs was observed at test pit (TP) locatlon TP-5. The topsoil was characterized by dark brown color, the presence of fine organic material, and small root intrusions. Fill was not explicitly encountered at the test pit locations during our fieldwork. Based on our review of the ICE reports, fill was also not encountered at previously explored locations of the site, with the exception of ICE TP-9 which was drilled near the suspected former mine entry. FIii at ICE TP-9 was encountered to the terminus of the exploration pit (15 feet bgs). Native Soil Underlying topsoil, native sells at the test pit locations were comprised primarily of silty sand with gravel (USCS: SM), consistent with the typical makeup of Vashon till. In general, the upper two to three feet of the Vashon till was characterized es "weathered" and was encountered in a loose to medium dense state, while the Vashon till at depth was characterized as "unweathered" and was encountered In a dense to very dense state. The presence of iron oxide staining was also considered in our characterization of upper Vashon till deposits as "weathered". Native soils were primarily encountered in a damp condition and extended to the maximum exploration depth of six-and-one-half feet bgs. Based on our review of the ICE reports, previous soil borings encountered bedrock of the Renton formation at depths of approximately 22 to 43 feet bgs underlying the Vashon till. The bedrock was comprised of sandstone, beds of coal and carbonaceous shale, and claystone. Earth Solullonl tM/, u.c Avana Ridge, LLC Deoember21,2015 Geologlc Setting Es-4147 Page4 The referenced geologic map resource Identifies ground moraine deposits (Qgt), otherwise known as Vashon tiU, as underlying the site and surrounding areas. According to the geologic map resource, Vashon till Is typically a compact, coherent, unsorted mixture of sand, silt, clay, and gravel which is commonly referred to as "hardpan". The referenced WSS resource identifies Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Map Unit Symbol: AgC) across the site and surrounding parcels. The Alderwood series was formed in hills and ridges. Based on our field observations, native solls underlying the subject site, speclfically those llkely to be encountered during construction, are consistent with ground moraine deposits (Vashon tllO as descnbed in this section. The deposits encountered on site are consistent with those areas across the majortty of Benson Hill, which are also mapped to be underlain primarily by Vashon tlll. As indicated in the previous section of this report, soil boring lnfonnation outllned In the ICE reports indicate bedrock of the Renton fonnation is present at depth underlying the Vashon till. Groundwater During our subsurface exploration completed on October 1, 2015, groundwater seepage was not encountered at the test pit locations. Iron oxlde staining was observed within the upper two to four feet of existing grades. In our opinion, discrete, perched groundwater seepage zones may be encountered during construction, particularly within excavations at depth for site utilities and the vault. Groundwater seepage rates and elevations fluctuate depending on many factors, Including precipitation duration and Intensity, the time of year, and soil conditions. In general, groundwater flow rates are higher during the wetter, winter months. Critical Area• The presence of critical areas on the subject site has been investigated by ICE on multiple occasions, and the conclusions of said investigations are summarized within the ICE reports. We also reviewed the referenced sensitive areas maps published by the City of Renton (City) to confirm the presence of critical area hazards within the property boundaries In accordance with Crltlcal Areas Ordinance No. 5137, as edopted by the City. Based on our review, the site is designated as having potential for hazard relating to steep slopes and the historic coal mine. Eerth so1u11o .. NW, LLC Avana Ridge, LLC December 21, 2015 Steep Slope Hazard ES-4147 Page 5 The City steep slope hazard map Identifies slopes with gradients in excess of 15 percent within the city limits. According to the steep slope hazard map, slopes within the property boundaries maintain gradients of al least 25 percent and equal to or less than 40 percent. Steep slopes, as defined by the City, are present at select locations across the site but are mostly concentrated within the central and southern site areas. In our opinion, with respect to the proposed locations of site improvements, the presence of steep slopes will not interfere with the proposed development Where slopes of less than 40 percent are encountered during earthwork activities, those slopes may be successfully re-graded In the Interest of meeting final project designs and finish grades. The soil strength characteristics of the Vashon till, as well as bedrock at depth, support this opinion from a geotechnical standpoint. Coal Mine Hazard Based on our review of the ICE reports, the following Information is pertinent to the historic coal mine and related activity on site: • A coal mine was operated historically within the southern portion of the site, along the southwestern property line. The coal mine is designated by ICE to have high coal mine hazard (City Designation: Ctt). This designation Is consistent with the definition provided within City Ordinance No. 5137 regarding coal mine hazards. • ICE TP-9, completed on December 16, 2008, encountered at least 15 feet of fill at the suspected, former mine entry, which is estimated to be approximately five to eight feet in diameter and inclined at approximately 55 to 60 degrees below horizontal (to the south). • ICE recommended excavation of existing fill soils to a depth of at least 15 feet or to at least five feet below the base of the deepest structural excavation. The excavation was recommended to be widened Into native Vashon till areas and backfilled with a structural plug comprised of controlled density fill (CDF) to help stabilize subsurface areas. As indicated in the Project Description section of this report, the proposed development wlll occur within the northern portion of the site, and in general, the southern, geologically sensitive area of the site will not be improved. The recommendations provided by ICE were based on previous site development intentions, which included construction of a building within the southern site area. As the proposed development will not encroach on the southern area of the site, it is our recommendation no further remediation need be incorporated into the plans. The proposed development is apparently set back from the historic coal mine entry by a minimum distance of approximately 125 to 150 feet. Earth Solutlors NN, LLC Avana Ridge, LLC December 21, 2015 Minimum Risk Statament • • ES-4147 Page6 Based on our review of the preliminary project plans, it is our opinion the proposed development can be safely accommodated on site. The proposal will not Increase the threat of the geological hazard to adjacent properties beyond pre-development conditions, and the proposal will not adversely Impact other critical areas. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General In our opinion, construction of the proposed resldentlal development on the subject site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The primary geotechnical considerations associated with the proposed development Include foundation support, slab-On-grade subgrade support, the suitability of using on-site soils as structural fill, and construction of the vault. In our opinion, the proposed resldentlal structures may be supported atop conventlonal continuous and spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soil, recompacted native soil, or new structural fill. In general, competent native soil suitable for support of new foundations will be encountered within the upper two to three feet of existing grades. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of the soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavatlon and replacement with a suitable structural fill material, will be necessary. Construction of the proposed vault is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. We anticipate competent, dense to very dense, undisturbed Vashon till will be encountered within excavations at depth for the vault foundation subgrade elevation. With respect to infiltration, it is our opinion native soils will not accommoda1e large-scale or full infiltration facility design; however, native soils are a good candidate for limited Infiltration and/or bioretention applications. This study has been prepared for the exclusive use of Avena Ridge, LLC and their representatives. No warranty, expressed or Implied, is made. This study has been prepared in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. Site Preparation and Earthwork lnltlal site preparation activities will consist of installing temporary erosion control measures, establishing grading limits, and performing clearing and site stripping (as necessary). Subsequent earthwork activities will involve mass site grading and related infrastructure improvements. Earth Solullonl IM', u.c Avana Ridge, LLC December 21, 2015 Temporary Erosion Control ES-4147 Page 7 We anticipate entry and egress to the proposed development will be provided off both the Southeast 172rvJ Street and Benson Road South frontages. Prior to finished pavement installation, temporary construction entrances and drive lanes, consisting of at least six inches of quarry spalls, should be considered in order to minimize off-site soil tracking and to provide a stable access entrance surface. Geotextile fabric may also be considered underlying the quarry spalls for greater stability of the temporary construction entrance. Erosion control measures should consist of silt fencing placed around down gradient margins of the site. SoH stockplles should be covered or otherwise protected to reduce soil erosion. Temporary approaches for controlling surface water runoff should be established prior to beginning earthwork activities. Additional Best Management Practices (BMPs), as specified by the project civil engineer and indicated on the plans, should be incorporated into construction activities. Stripping In general, topsoil was encountered within the upper 8 to 10 inches of existing grades at the test pit locations: however, a more significant topsoil depth of 16 inches bgs was observed at TP-5. For preliminary estimation purposes, it is our opinion an average topsoil stripping depth of 12 inches should be anticipated. ESNW should be retained to observe site stripping activities at the time of construction in order to thoroughly assess the required degree of stripping. Over-stripping should be avoided as it is unnecessary and may result in increased project development costs. Topsoil and organic-rich soil is neither suitable for foundation support nor for use as structural fill. Topsoil and organic-rich soil may be used in non-structural areas if desired. In-situ Soila From a geotechnical standpoint, in general, our field observations indicate on-site soils likely to be encountered during construction will be suitable for use as structural fill, provided the soil moisture content is at (or slightly above) the optimum level at the time of placement and compaction. Site soils should be considered highly moisture sensitive, and successful use of on-site soils as structural fill will largely be dictated by the moisture content at the time of placement and compaction. In general, soil that Is near, or slightly above, the optimum moisture content at the time of placement and compaction may be used as structural fill. Conversely, soil that Is found to be dry at the time of installation will likely require moisture conditioning (typically achieved through the application of water) prior to soil compaction. Soil encountered during site excavations that Is excessively over the optimum moisture content will likewise require moisture conditioning (typically achieved through soil aeration) prior to placement and compaction. It should be emphasized native material should never be placed and compacted dry of the optimum moisture content, especially in site utility trench applications. If the on-site soils cannot be successfully compacted, the use of an imported soil may be necessary. Earth Solutions INV, U.C Avana Ridge, LLC December 21, 2015 Imported Solla ES4147 PageB Where necessary, imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a well- graded granular soil with a moisture content that is at or slighUy above the optimum level. During wet weather conditions, imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a well-graded granular soil with e fines content of 5 percent or less (defined as the percent passing the Number 200 sieve, based on the minus three-quarter Inch fraction). Subgrade Preparation Native and structural fill foundation and slab subgrade surfaces should exhibit firm and stable characteristics. Uniform compaction of the foundation end slab subgrade areas may be necessary to establish a consistent subgrade condition below the foundation and slab elements. ESNW should observe the subgrade areas prior to placing fonnwork. Suppltimentary recommendations for subgrade improvement may be provided at the time of construction and would likely include further mechanical compaction or overexcavation and replacement with suitable structural fill. Structural FIii Structural fill Is defined as compacted soil placed In foundation, slab-on-grade, and roadway .. areas. Fills placed to construct permanent .slopas and throughout retaining wall and utility trench backfill. areas are also considered structural fill. Soils placed In structural areas should be placed in loose lifts of 12 inches or less and compacted to a relative compaction of at least 90 percent, based on the laboratory maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor Method (ASTM D1557). Soll placed in the upper 12 Inches of slab-on-grade, utility trench, and pavement areas should be compacted to a relative compaction of at least 95 percent. More stringent compaction specifications may be required for utility trench backfill zones depending on the responsible utility district or Jurisdiction. Foundations In our opinion, the proposed residential structures may be supported atop conventional continuous and spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soil, recompacted native soil, or new structural fill. In general, competent native soil suitable for support of new foundations will be encountered within the upper two to three feet of existing grades. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of the soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavation and replacement with a suitable structural fill material, wlll be necessary. Provided foundations will be supported as described above, the following parameters may be used for design: • Allowable soil bearing capacity • Passive earth pressure • Coefficient of friction Earth Solutions tNI, U.C 2,500 psf 350 pcf (equivalent fluid) 0.40 Avans Ridge, LLC December 21, 2015 ES-4147 Page9 A one-third Increase In the allowable soll bearing capacity may be assumed for short-term wind and seismic loading conditions. The above passive pressure and friction values include a minimum factor-of-safety of 1.5. With structural loading as expected, total settlement in the range of one inch, as well as differential setUernent of approximately one-half inch, is anticipated. The majority of the settlements should occur during construction as dead loads are applied. Seismic o,,Jan The 2012 International Building Code recognizes the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for seismic site class definitions. In accordance with Table 20.3-1 of the ASCE Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures manual, Site Class D should be used for design. The referenced liquefaction susceptibility map indicates the site and surrounding areas maintain very low liquefaction susceptibility. Liquefaction is a phenomenon where saturated or loose soils suddenly lose Internal strength and behave as a fluid. This behavior is In response to increased pore water pressures resulting from an earthquake or other Intense ground shaking. Based on our field observations, it is our opinion site susceptibility to liquefaction during a seismic event may be considered negligible. The relatively consistent densities of native soils at depth and the absence of a unifor.mly established, shallow groundwater table were ~ primary bases for this opinion. · · · Slab-on-Grade Floora Slab-on-grade floors for the proposed residential structures should be supported on a finn and unyielding subgrade. Where feasible, native soil likely to be exposed at the slab-oniJrade subgrade levels can be compacted in situ to the specifications of structural fill. Unstable or yielding areas of the subgrade should be recompacted, or overe,ccavated and replaced with suitable structural fill, prior to construction of the slab. Highly organic soils exposed at slab-on- grade subgrade elevations will likely require overexcavation and replacement with suitable structural fill. A capillary break consisting of at least four inches of free-draining crushed rock or gravel should be placed below the slab. The free-draining material should have a fines content of 5 percent or less (percent passing the Number 200 sieve, based on the minus three-quarter inch fraction). In areas where slab moisture is undeslrable, installation of a vapor barrier below the slab should be considered. If a vapor barrier is to be utilized, it should be a material specifically designed for use as a vapor barrier and should be installed in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer. Earth Solutiorm tNo/, LLC Avena Ridge, LLC December 21, 2015 Retaining Walla ES-4147 Page 10 Retaining walls must be designed to resist earth pressures and applicable surcharge loads. The following parameters may be used for design: • Active earth pressure (yielding condition) • At-rest earth pressure (restrained condition) • Traffic surcharge* (passenger vehicles) • Passive earth pressure • Coefficient of friction • Seismic surcharge • WhMI applicable; H equals the ratained helr,ht (In feel) 35 pcf (equivalent fluid) 50 pcf 70 psf (rectangular distribution) 350 pcf (equivalent fluid) 0.40 6H psf* The above design parameters are based on a level backfill condition and level grade at the wall toe. Revised design values will. be necessary If sloping grades are to be used above or below retaining walls. Additional surcharge loading from adjacent foundations, sloped backfill, or other relevant loads should be included In the retaining wall design. Retaining walls should be backfilled with free-draining material that extends along the height of the wall and a distance of at least 18 inches behind the wall. The upper 12 inches of the wall backfill can consist of a less pem,eable soil, if desired. A perforated drain pipe should be placed along the base of the wall and connected to an approved discharge location. A typical retaining wall drainage detail is provided on Plate 3. If drainage is not provided, hydrostatic pressures should be included in the wall design. Drainage Although groundwater was not explicitly encountered at the test pit locations during our fieldwork, It is our opinion discrete, perched groundwater seepage zones should be anticipated within site excavations depending on the time of year grading operations take place, particular1y within excavations at depth for site utilities and the vault. Temporary measures to control surface water runoff and groundwater during construction would likely involve interceptor trenches and sumps. ESNW should be consulted during preliminary grading to identify areas of seepage and to provide recommendations to reduce the potential for instability related to seepage effects. Finish grades must be designed to direct surface drain water away from structures and slopes. Water must not be allowed to pond adjacent to structures or slopes. In our opinion, foundation drains should be installed along building perimeter footings. A typical foundation drain detail is provided on Plate 4. &rlh 5olulionll tm, LLC Avana Ridge, LLC December 21, 2015 Infiltration Feaalbllity ES-4147 Page 11 As indicated In the Subsurface section of this report, native soils encountered during our fieldwork were characterized primarily as Vashon till. Subsequent to USDA textural analyses, the Vashon till was further classified as either gravelly sandy loam or gravelly loamy sand. From a geotechnical standpoint, the Vashon till should not be considered an ideal geologic feature to accommodate infiltration, especially when encountered in a dense, compact state. In general, the Infiltration capacity of the Vashon till should be considered minimal. It should be noted Vashon till can likely accommodate construction of rain gardens (bioretentlon) and other llmlted-lnfiltration facilities. ESNW can provide further evaluation of, and recommendations for, stormwater flow control BMPs upon request. Preliminary Detention Vault Deeign We anticipate stormwater will be managed likely by a below-grade detention vault which is proposed for construction within the southNestem portion of the northern half of the site. Specific grading plans for the vault were not available for review at the time of report preparation; however, we anticipate grade cuts on the order of 1 O feet will be necessary to achieve the vault foundation subgrade elevation. Based on our field observations, grade cuts for the vault are likely to expose very dense, undisturbed Vashon till. The vault foundation should be supported on competent native soil or crushed rock placed atop competent native soil. The final vault design must incorporate adequate buffer space from property boundaries such that temporary excavations to construct the vault structure may be successfully completed. Perimeter drains should be installed around the vault and conveyed to an approved discharge point. Perched groundwater seepage should be anticipated within excavations for the vault. The following preliminary design parameters may be used for the vault: • Allowable soil bearing capacity (dense Vashon till) 5,000 psf • Active earth pressure (unrestrained) 35 pcf • Active earth pressure {unrestrained, hydrostatic) 80 pcf • At-rest earth pressure {restrained) 50 pcf • At-rest earth pressure (restrained, hydrostatic) 95 pcf • Coefficient of friction O .40 • Passive earth pressure 350 pcf Elorth Solullonls IN/, LLC Avana Ridge, LLC December21,2015 ES-4147 Page 12 Retaining walls should be backfilled with free-draining material or suitable sheet drainage that extends along the height of the walls. Toe upper one foot of the wall backfill may consist of a Jess permeable soil, if desired. A perforated drain pipe should be placed along the base of the wall and connected to an approved discharge location. If the elevation of the vault bottom is such that gravity flow to an outlet is not possible, the portion of the vault below the drain should be designed to Include hydrostatic pressure. ESNW should observe grading operations for the vault and subgrade conditions prior to concrete forming and pouring. If the soil conditions encountered during construction differ from those anticipated, supplementary recommendations may be provided. ESNW should be contacted to review final vault designs to confirm appropriate geotechnlcal parameter& have been incorporated, as necessary. F:wrrefl9DI and Sk>pea The Federal Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act. (WISHA) provide soil classification in terms of temporary slope inclinations. Soils that exhibit a high compressive strength are allowed steeper temporary slope Inclinations than are soils that exhibit a lower compressive strength. Based on the soil conditions encountered at the test pit locations, both loose and medium dense soils, as well as any area where groundwater seepage is exposed, are Classified as Type C by OSHA and WISHA. Where encountered, fill should also be considered Type C soil. Temporary slopes over four feet in height in Type C soils must be sloped no steeper than one- and-one-half horizontal to one vertical (1.5H:1V). Dense, undisturbed native deposits encountered without the presence of groundwater may be classified as Type A by OSHA and WISHA. Temporary slopes over four feet in height in Type A soils must be sloped no steeper than 0.75H:1V. Type A soils that are f1Ssured, subjected to vibrations from heavy traffic, or have been otherwise previously disturbed must be classified as Type B by OSHA and WISHA. Temporary slopes over four feet in height in Type B soils must be sloped no steeper than 1H:1V. Steeper excavations for the vault may be permissible provided the excavations expose very dense, cemented Vashon till. ESNW can provide supplementary recommendations, including field observations of excavations for the vault, during the appropriate phase of construction. Where encountered, the presence of perched groundwater may cause caving of the temporary slopes due to hydrostatic pressure. ESNW should observe site excavations to confirm soil types and allowable slope Inclinations. If the recommended temporary slope inclinations cannot be achieved, temporary shoring may be necessary to support excavations. Permanent slopes should be planted with vegetation to enhance stability and to minimize erosion and should maintain a gradient of 2H:1V or flatter. An ESNW representative should observe temporary and pennanent slopes to confirm the slope Inclinations are suitable for the exposed soil conditions. Supplementary recommendations with respect to excavations and slopes may be provided as conditions warrant. Earth So1utlons IM/, U.C Avana Ridge, LLC December21,2015 Pavement Sections ES-4147 Page 13 The performance of site pavements Is largely related to the condition of the underlying subgrade. To ensure adequate pavement performance, the subgrade should be in a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to proofrolling with a loaded dump truck. Structural fill in pavement areas should be compacted to the specifications previously detailed in this report. It is possible that soft, wet, or otherwise unsultable subgrade areas may still exist after base grading activities. Areas containing unsuitable or yielding subgrade conditions will require remedial measures, such as overexcavation and replacement with crushed rock or structural fill, prior to pavement. We anticipate new pavement sections will be subjected primarily to passenger vehicle traffic. For lightly loaded pavement areas subjected primarily to passenger vehicles, the following preliminary pavement sections may be considered: • A minimum of two inches of hot mix asphalt (HMA) placed over four inches of crushed rock base (CRB), or; • A minimum of two inches of HMA placed over three inches of asphalt treated base (ATB). The HMA, ATB arid CRB materials should conform to WSDOT speclficatlons. All son base material should be compacted to a relative compaction of 95 percent, based on the laboratory maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557. Final pavement design parameters, including recommendations for heavy traffic areas or access roads, may be provided once final traffic loading has been determined. Road standards utilized by the City of Renton may supersede the recommendations provided in this report. Utility Support and Trench Backfill In our opinion, on-site soils will generally be suitable for support of utilities. Remedial measures may be necessary in some areas in order to provide support for utilities, such as overexcavation and replacement with structural fill, or placement of geotextile fabric. Groundwater seepage may be encountered within utility excavations and caving of trench walls may occur where groundwater is encountered. Depending on the time of year and conditions encountered, dewatering, as well as temporary trench shoring, may be necessary during utility excavation and Installation. In general, on-site soils will likely be suitable for use as structural backfill throughout utility trench excavations provided the soil is at or near the optimum moisture content at the time of placement and compaction. Moisture conditioning of the soils may be necessary at some locations prior to use as structural fill. Each section of the utility lines must be adequately supported in the bedding material. Utility trench backfill should be placed and compacted to the specifications of structural fill as previously detailed in this report, or to the applicable specifications of the City of Renton or other responsible jurisdiction or agency. Earlh Solutionl WI, LLC Avans Ridge, LLC December 21, 2015 • LIMITATIONS • ES-4147 Page 14 The recommendations and conclusions provided in this geotechnical engineering study are professional opinions consistent with the level of care and skill that Is typical of other members In the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. A warranty is not expressed or implied. Variations In the soil and groundwater conditions observed at the test pit locations may exist and may not become evident until construction. ESNW should reevaluate the conclusions in this geotechnical engineering study if variations are encountered. Addltlonal Services ESNW should have an opportunity to review final project plans with respect to geotechnical recommendations provided in this report. ESNW should also be retained to provide testing and consultation services during construction. • Earth Solulionl NW, LLC ::u j . .,. ,\ '. : Reference: King County, Washington Map656 By The Thomas Guide Rand McNally 32nd Edition ' , NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the infonnation resulting from black & wh ite reproductions of this plate. .. -... ~·t-' J'1 fj, "'~ ... -~~ :;, .. JI,;:. .~"'' . -· :..·.~ Vicinity Map Avana Ridge Renton, Washington ... ... -..... --. -.··.,,t f.o ('3..,. ' Drwn. MRS Date 12/18/2015 Proj. No. 4147 Checked KOH Date Dec. 2015 Plate 1 • di fj ' ' / / • I • NOTES: • Free-Draining Backfill should consist of soil having less than 5 percent fines. Percent passing #4 should be 25 to 75 percent. • Sheet Drain may be feasible in lieu of Free-Draining Backfill, per ESNW recommendations. • Drain Pipe should consist of perforated, rigid PVC Pipe surrounded with 1-inch Drain Rock. LEGEND: Free-Draining Structural Backfill Bl 1-inch Drain Rock 18" Min. Structural Fill Perforated Drain Pipe (Surround In Drain Rock) SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL Avana Ridge Renton, Washington Drwn. MRS Date 12/21/2015 Proj. No. 4147 Checked KDH Date Dec. 2015 Plate 3 Slope .. .. Perforated Rigid Drain Pipe (Surround with 1" Rock) NOTES: • Do NOT tie roof downspouts to Footing Drain. • Surface Seal to consist of [ill] • 12" of less penneable, suitable soil. Slope away from building. LEGEND: Surface Seal; native soil or other low penneability material. 1" Drain Rock SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • Drwn. MRS FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL Avana Ridge Renton, Washington Date12/2112015 Proj. No. 4147 Checked KOH Date Dec. 2015 Plate 4 Appendix A Subsurface Exploration Teat Pit Logs ES-4147 The subsurface conditions at the site were explored on October 1, 2015 by excavating seven test pits using a client-provided excavator and operator. The approximate locations of the subsurface exploration test pits are Illustrated on Plate 2 of this study. The subsurface test pit logs are provided in this Appendix. The test pits were advanced to a maximum depth of six- and-one-half feat bgs. The final logs represent the interpretations of the field logs and the results of laboratory analyses. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. In actuality, the transitions may be more gradual. Earth SOiutions NW, LLC Earth Solutions NWu.c SOIL CLASSIACATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE1HANlll'II Ol'M\'lffllAI.IS \NIGER 1HAN ND.2D08EVE SIZE FINE GRAINED SOILS GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS IIORE THAN 50'11 OFCOMSE l'MCT1DN RETAINED ON NO, • SIEVE SAND AND SANDY SOILS CLEAN GRAVELS CLEAN SANDS (IJTl1.E OR NO FINES) SANOS WITH IIORE111ANl!O'II FINES OFCOAA&E l'RACT10N PA88ING ON NO. • IIIEIIE W'f'IIECIABLE SILTS AND CV.YB SILTS ANO CLAYS AIIOU<I" OF FINES) UQUllLMT LEll8 'IK'IN SO UQUIDUM!T" GREATER THAN SO HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT WEU.-GRADED GRAVEI.S, GAAVEL- SAND IIIXTURES, UTn.E OR NO FINEii POORL Y-ORADeD GRAlll!UI, GR.\YB.-8AND IIXTUAl!S. Ll11l.E ORNORIES BA.TYGIIAVEI.S,GRAVEL-BAND- 88.T IIXIIJRES CLAYEY GRI\VELS, GRAVB.-BAND- CLAY MIXTURES POORLY-GRADBl 81\N05, GMVB.LY IWll, UTll.E OR NO FINES BL TY IANDII, MND -8L T IIDtTUREB CIAYEY IWIDll, IND-CIAY MIXlUREII, INORGNIIC &LT8 AIID VERY FlfE IMDI, RDCKR.DUI, 8LTY OR CLAYEY FINE llNIDII OR CIAn'f &II.TS W11H SUGIO" PIA811CnY IIORIWIC CIAYS 0/F LOW TO IEDIIII Pl,ASTICITY, GM.VB.LY a.AYS, IIAM>Y CIAYS, SD.TY CLAYS, WIN CLAYS CRWIC BL T8 A11D ORGNl1C &I.TY CIAYS OF LOW PlAST1C1TY INllRGtHC SllTS, IIICACEOU8 OR DIATOIWlEOUS ANE MNJ OR BLTYIOIUI ORGANIC CLAYS OF IEDIUM Ttl HIGH PlASTICITY, ORGNIIC BIi.TS PEAT, IUAUS, -SOLS Wl1H HICHOAG#IIC CONTENTS DUAL SYMBOLS are uaed Ill Indicate borderline aoll cla&Silications. The discussion In the felCl of lhis report Is necessary for a pn>per undenllandlng of the nature of the maleilal presented In 1he atlachad logs. • • EdSol-NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-1 11D6 -1311111 Pllce N.E., 811111201 aenevue. ~ IIII005 PAGE 1 OF 1 Talapholle: 425 449 4704 Fax: 425 448 4711 CUBIT _,41....,. !!!!!11!,_U.C ----··-·~----·---PROJl!CT-..Mt!!!!llM.------·-· PIIOJEl:T NlaEER 4147 --... PROJECT LOCATION _Rpm.Wu~ .. -- DATE STARTED _19!1/15 -----CCJall.ElE) -11111/15 llROIIND ELEVA110N --···--1EIIT PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR CUonl--,c,ND-TERLEVEUI: EXCAVATION IIETHOI) ---·~-----------AT DIE Of EltCAVAllOII UXIQEDBY KDH CHECICEDBY !~H _____ AT END OF EXCAVATION --· -- IIOTEII !!1!1!!!!.J!f'!Cx oclll & Bod 10": brulh, d\!lf. ............ AFTER EXCAVATION -.. - ~@ ~I ~ !.l TESTS I§ W.TERIAL DESCRIPTION It:, a;! C !z :, C, 0 !PSI ' , .. Dld<brown Rllllllo1' --.. I ,•r,. D.I . . .. -IIIJ 51\N), madkim deMI, fflllilll {W811hnd TIQ ---fran1'-2' -. ......, -llalnlng 10 3.5' MCca.20% SM --112' -. . .-... w,y-1113' -......-. ~ . -11-»g,-1 .. MC c 8.9D'II, -Teal pl--at4.5feet below-iiiilttlg g-duem ... H•od 111-No ~-ntlnd during a:avallon. . . -of-plat4.l5feel. r Ii 1 Ii it i i i [ i I • Ear111Sol-NW 1lllli-138111 Pl.-N.E., Sulla 201 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-2 PAGE 1 OF 1 BIUlolue, Wllltlnglan -T...,,.._: •2' .49 H04 Fa: 425 448 4711 CLaNT A-Aidae, U.C PROJECT--4147 ··-----·-------·-----PROJECTIIAIIE .,Avmli="'-"M-"""'!L-----------··-- l'ROJECT LOCATION -. WlllllnalDn DATE BTARIEI ..,1.,.Dl1e..,.l1e..,.5~----coaPL£TED _ _,,1D/,,_1::,;11.,.5 ___ GROUNDB.EVATION _____ tUTPITIIZE ----- EIICAVA110IICOlffllACTOR ~~od ·-··---BROUNDWATl!IILEVELII: EXCAVAllON Ml!11IOD -· --------------·-·-··-····· AT1111EOFEXCAVA110N -----·--··------ LOGGED BY _,KOH='------CIECKEO BY KOij _____ _ ATENDOF l!XCAVA110N _-____ ._. _________ ·--· NO'ID Deplll ofT.,..... & Sadr: bnmh. dull' MATERIAi. DESCRPTION Dart brllwn TOPSOIL. raota to 2' ,....,.,=~===--·----·--l e,-, anty SAND wllll gl'IVIII, medium donle. moilt (WNthered ffl) . -iron mcide 111aini,v lo 4' . -bruwnllh r,,rt, WHY de ... (Unl'Hlherad ti~ MC•&_..,. . SM " ' r I j 5 ~ • f f; i;L......J.__.J,--_.J..........1....-J--------------' • =-s:=-~N.E.,SUll201 Bllewl, Walhlngton INI005 T ....... : -42!i 449 4704 Fu '425 448 4711 CL.ENT -8!!!8!,U.C ---------··· PR0.8:TNUMBl!R 4147 DATE STARTED .c1.:0l:..:.111..,_5,.__, __ _ COla'LETED ...,1,.01.!!111,.,s,__ __ _ TEST PIT NUMBER TP-3 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME .A!t!J!.B!!!ll!L. -----··· _,. __ .. ____ _ PIIOJECT LOCATION Rllr*"' Wa~~ GROUND B.EVATION ----TEIT PIT IIZE ----·- EXCAVATION COlf1RAC1llR _,Cliert"""'"-'-'Plo,ev!!-!!!!!.-------GROUND WA'IJ;R LEVB..11: EXCAVATION IIETHOD ·---------------·-AT'IWEOF EXCAVATION-----·--·---·-·--·- UlCICIED BY KOH CHECKED BY )<DH __ ···-AT END OF EXCAVATION.: ........ _____ ---- NOTES Doplh af Tapooll & Sod II": -· duff. J10U11A -AF'ID EXCAVATION ie: ~lli ~I 12 TESTS MAl'ERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 • . • -;• . MC=8.IIO% SIi . . -GIWl ,M llin lily SAND -a-~ vary delll8 (un.uzal!alld 110 • • ..1.. . 5.5 • Earlh..,_NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-4 1805 -131111 Place N.E.. Sullll 201 -. Walhilg1Dn lillOD5 PAGE 1 OF 1 Telt!lllone. 12li ~48 4704 Fa: 42,j 448 4711 CL.IEIIT ~Rl!!ll!,.Ll.C . -·-_ ...... . ··--· PIIOJECTIIAIIIE AyanaRlp .. ,_ PROJl!CT Nia&ER 4147 -PROJECT LOCATION Ra-. ffll!!lmlll! DA1ESTA11ffl1 10/1/15 COIIPLETED 10/1115 CIROUIID ILEVAllON TEST PIT IIZE --·------ EXCAVATION COIITRACTIIR Client-GROUND WATER LEYBJI: EXCAYATION RlltOD AT,_ OF EXCAYA110N ----· ··--r-~--··•-·--•-UICIGBI BY KDH ____ CHECKBI BY KOH .. -·-··-AT l!ND OF EXCAVA110N -·--·-· -r~---~- NOTE8 Ila ~I af"l'""""'l l Sod B"• B": ~ mbria ~--· AFTER EIICAYA110N .. ---····-· !1 .; () ~6 1ESTS ,; I§ tMTERIAL DESCRIPTION ol 1~ ::S 0 Tl'SL )__'(. . ... -TOPSOIL, IDOla ID 3.5' a;;;... slly iAND, looia, damp (\~ TII) ··----------- --..-on Gldde "91nlnll ID 4' . . -...medlum- MC•8.00% . . Fne = 22.1 D'M. SM (USDA CIIIIIIICllion: gr...u, 1olm)I SANO) ., -. .. -tan Illy SANDwlth g-1, wuy-(lffWlherad IIIQ J.._ ... -mude,ellii ca11w1datkwl .. .. -MC•7.211% . -·-·-----·-·· ~----TIii pit-at B.Oleet belowullliV U.-due lo mUeacl 111 -No 11~.._....red~-atb. Bollom af 1111 pit el 6.0 ......_ f i I f ! ~ I l • 1:111111 Salutlona NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-S 1IIO!i -1311111 Pllce N.E., S... l!01 -. Wlehlnglon 88005 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tellpl,oae.;: 425 448 4704 Fu:~11 CUl!!IIT A .. RLRlllll!.._U..C ··-·---·---· -·----·---..-mcTNAME A¥alJII Rldao ·--·--·----------·-·-·--- PROJECT NUMIIBI •. ~1"7 .. ---· PROJECT LIJCA110N Aentl!n~~·(l!.I~ .. .. DATE 8TARl'l!D ...!!!fl/15 ---· COIIPLE1ED 1MM5 OROUNII ELEVATION BBTPITIIZE EXCAVATION CDN'l11ACTOR Cllenl PIIIVlded GROUND WATD. LEVELi: EXCAVA110N IIE1HOD -·--~····-·---ATUIE 0/F l!XCAVA110N - LOOOB>BY J?i aEC:KalBY -~----AT END OF EXCAYA110N ----·-·--·--- NOTEI ..Q!ll!!h..vf T-& Sod 18": brul!!, duff, l!!l!R!!!!!I Af'IER EXCAYAllON - !lli aS u ~€ ~I TESTS ti J§ MAlERW. DESCRIPTION aS ii :i Cl n .!:....""6. ~. Brawn TOPSOIL. nxa to 1.5' TPSL,. ~..'! . . • 1.2 -------llrown Illy SAN) wlll ~ loole to meclklll CIIW,.diiiiij, ~IICI TUQ . . .....n-llakmg IIC•S.50% -·--del1H -. SM " . -.., • ..._,llh gmy, -lo ""'Y-(un-tlQ "' l-L ..madeade ca1aitatiul1 ·. 6.5 ' .. IIC•7,40% --.. Teat pUonni.-5.5 faat. balow-.ig ~ dueto .-on.d til-No ~~dimg .... iodon. -vi 11111 pl al 5.5 faat. ~ I I i ~ ! i ~ i I I £: i • ::.s:-~N.E.,SUflll201 lllllllvua, w.hln;lon -Tellpllol•: -704 Fu: 425 449 4711 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-6 PAGE 1 OF 1 CLENT AvanaRftU.C ---··---PIIDJKT-~-==Riclae=·=----------·- PIIOJECTNl.alBER::..,;4~147~======~===============-~PROJECT~~~LOC~~~TION~_,gRll~n~~~ •• ~W~blllnqlan~~g,,,==============·~-=-1 DA1EITAR11!D 11V1115 COIFLETED -'1.,,0l1c,,/1'-'6"--- EXCAVATION COlll1IACTOR _,C1.,1ent='-'"""'""'-"""-------- l!IICAYA110N ETH0D ·-----·---·--------- GROUND ELEVATION ----TEITPITIIZE ----- GROUND IWATER L.EVEU: AT'IIIE OF EXCAVATION-------------·-- LOGGEI BY _KIIH -----CIECKEDBY _KOH --·-···· AT IND OF IXCAYATION -------------·-- AflBlll!XCAYA'IIOII NOTE8 ~-ol l)poll & Sod 8": bllllb. ,Mf •. -- -- - .. TESTS SM .. . . MATERIAL DESCRlP110N Dirk -TCPSOIL. roclll lo 3' Bn;iwn ally SAND, -ID medium denii,_dlil_m_111~i-,on,d---··-Tll=-1·--·--------I -ion oxide llalnlng .-moc1un-1D •- -oeco ... tan (un I tlawd Ill) -moderalll Cillllll1tdoll MC =uo,i. -•· -•. J!·,·d .,___i;_es1_p1_1mrm __ 1n1111c1--11°'e'"'.s"'reet='"be-.klw,---~...,...,,-un-1111""',-.-due-.-1o-UIWllllllhored=·= Ill -No-· -- ~e....-llld dlRIQ ....vllion. llollDm of-pit 118.5 feat. l;L-...L-.L...---____i..._.,,l_....J..-----------' • 1:11111 SoUlonl NW TEST PIT NUMBER TP-7 1IDII -1311111 Pllce N.E., Sult 201 llellmle, Wahlnglan 98005 PAGE 1 OF 1 T...,,,,..ne: ~?IM F,x: 4l!li-44M711 CUENT ,. ........ _u.c ·---· ----------·----~ PROJECT NAIE ~ Ridae -~-ER 4147 . -PR0.£1" LOCATION Renlo!!, V'J•hl11a1p, --·--- DATE STARTED 1!!!!/1~ ~ 1Cl/1/15 GROUND B.EVATION .. 1EIIT PIT IIZE EXCAVATION CON111ACTOR _C_ ~ --·· GROUND WATBt LEVEUI: EXCAVATION IIE11IOD AT TIE OF EXCAVATION ---·· -·--· U)AGB)BY ICDH CHl!CICED av __!gi AT END OF EXCAVATION ------·~ .. .. NOTES Death arT-ol I Sod 10": b!l!I!!, dull AF1ER BCAVATION --.. ;€ ~« ,,. I§ ~-TESTS d MA. TERIAL llESCRFTION ~ lz a rPSL l.'!. ~ uan< -I ut"liOIL, l'GOIS lo 1.S 11 ~I I •• -.. --· -------~----. B,-i olty SAND with g,awel, -ID modun-. damp 1\-iad TII) ---Ing -.-.... -. ........ _ " MC = !5.00'lli SU . Flneo =XIAO% _ .. ___ [USO,. Clo..rc.llon: olighll)' grew,lly HIidy LCW,1] -. •, boc -wery ...... (unwolherlld tiH) J_ MC• 7.20% .·U T811 pl '"""inllld 115.0 -below lllllltlng gride due IQ -lad till ii.fual. No ·- g--during -· Ballan of IHI pit at 5.0 -- Appendix B Laboratory Test Results ES-4147 Earth Solutlona NW, LLC • Earth Sclullana NW GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 1805 °136111 Place N.E., SUi1e 201 l!elewe, WA IIB005 T ... pl1011e: 425-284-3300 CLIENT Ava,a -· LLC -PROJl!CTNAME AV111111 Ridpo - PROJECT NUIIBB ES-4147 PROJECT LOCATION Renton -. ----· ------·· - U.S. SIEVJE OPENING IN INCH~ I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I H\'DROMETER 6432 1 1123183 4 6 610 1418 20 30 'IO IO 1001402GO 100 I ! l 1 I I I I! I I I I 85 I . ' ! ,1 T 90 I -·--.. - \ -. " I I ! I 85 ' \ -~ i "' 'a., ' 80 ' l ·- I ._ .... _ '-.._ I •• 75 ---· --.. "" ·--·- i r---..... 70 I -~ 1--I--'·· -·-j i I I i 65 ' ' \ i I ! .-,t \ ! I 80 ' "--. " \ --1 l l ! I t S5 -·-· a: I ·R=1 -it \ I 50 --· ,_ ~---? --·-I ··--· - I 1'i l\ i ll: .. I ; 45 I ~\ .. i 40 ! ! ,1 \ l 35 --- -·1 i j' \\ '' I I 30 ... _ i I' ····---r ··---· ·- I I \ I ! i I ! . -t-25 ~--·· --·· I ' --· .,_ --·+-1----l i ! ! I i ! ! 20 -·+ " --i i ! I 15 ----'1" ' I ' 10 ...... ...•. ---4··. --. -~-·, I-~>n ' ·--. r ·- I 5 LC. ->-• ----- 0 I i I I, i 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILUMETERS r-COBBLES F-i!~VELftne ±...,.. ·rned~D ftne --, SILT OR CLAY I . .,_________ ~.--...L-----.. -~ ________ J Speci.!"9'1 ldentlf1C11tion I -----------Classlficatlon Cc Cu ·-----------.. 1--· • TP-2 Ii.oft. , USDA: Brownish Gray Gravally Fina Sandy Loam. uses: BM with Gravel. Ill TP-4 3.0ft. ! USDA: Brownish Gravelly Loamy Sa~. uses: SM. ·r---·--· -· "'· TP-7 3.0ft. I USDA: Tan Sl!!i!htly Gravelly Sandy Loam. uses: SM. ---·---+---.. --. ----,_ -·-I Specimen Identification D100 ~30 ·==~-,010 LL PL Pl %Slit %Clay " • TP-2 5.0ft. 37.5 1 34.9 ·-----· ------------- Ill TP-4 3.0ft. 19 0.398 • .11& 22.1 - A TP-7 3.oft. 19 D.296 0.088 27.4 --~--___ ... --- c-·----·--~·-· 1---~-·I---! --·-,_ . .... : ' • AppendlxC Reports by Others ES-4147 As indicated in the Project Description section of this report, the site has been previously explored on several occasions by ICE. The following reports, referred to previously within the report text as the "ICE reports", are provided in this Appendix: • Preliminary Coal Mine Hazard Assessment, prepared by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc., dated June 24, 1999; • Coal Mine Hazard Assessment, prepared by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc., dated March 22, 2004, and; • Geotechnlcal Engineering Services Report, prepared by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc., dated January 20, 2009. E1r1h Solutions NW. LlC • I u E Icicle Crook Engineers, Inc. Geoteclmicai, Gcoloaie and F.nviromnenml Savicca Phil Davidson Claremont DcYdopment Compaay, Inc. SIS -I llllh Avenue NE, Suite 108 Bellevue, Wuhington 91004 INTRODUCI'ION lune 24, 1 !1!19 Report Geological Engineering Service& Coll Mine Huard A 11 e1llllellt CupnlPropcrty to,th Awmie SB ad 111* Route SIS Ren1Dn, (King Coullly). Wahington File No. 0336-001 This lq,ort l1lllllllllrize lciclo Cn,ek Bnainecn' (ICB's) geologlcal englneeriag illl'Yi-19fding a preliminary caal mine hllmd m:cnt of two land pall:Cls located i-.r the Ulllmdion of !oath Avenue SE and State R.ou1e (SR) SIS In Rmlllll CKiaa County), Wuhingtlm. In this mport. 1he lllld pacels are mem,d lo utbe Southeul aod die NmlhlYell Parcels; collectively, the land parcel, ue referred to II lhe "Cuiinl property." Our amvice, have been completed In general accardance with our Seftice1 Agn,ement da1ed Juno 2, 1999 indwere llllboriJZd by Alex Cugini on June 4, 1999. The property i9 litualed inso.._.1- in 1111 area where hiiloric 1IJldcrground coal mining bu OCCIIITlld. l'be p,opc.1)· is lbawn .eJative 1o nearby physical features on lbe Vicinity Map, Pipe I. BACKGROUNJ> JM.IORMATION We w11lem1nd that tbil property is being considmed for deYelopmeot The t)lpe of development is not known. Pm1laas of1hill propaty areundcrlain by lbeundcrgtound woikinp oflbo Springbn,ok Mine. King County Orcllnanoe No. 13319 deion'bes general policy filr laNI UICI In "Coal Mlne Hazard Ams" within King Counly. Recently, draft Adminiltntive Guidelines (DAO) have been dm,lopcd by King County Department of Development and Bnviro1UD1111tal Servlcea (DDBS) that gene1111ly outlino tile requinmcnll for technical review and evalustion of Coal Mine, Ha%ard Arcu. SCOPE OF SERIVCJ:S GENERAL The purpose of our servioes was lo coaduct I coal mine i-nt u 11ue,1t of the Cugini property following tho ~iew and eva1uadon guidelines p.w,,lled In DAG. Oar specific ieopc of services included Ille fi>llowina:' • Cllnmont~ Company, me. June 24, 199!1 Page2 l. Geoi.p ldmmllaa Rfflew -Rmtw aYlilablc infixnullion IXIIUlerlling project 1ite topopphy, polosy, toil eondillcas 11111 cchm-rci-at Ille clmaclailtics. Pllblflhed mllaiala include geologlo mapa IIIPllld by !he U.S. Geological Sunoey (USOS), 11111 a wricty of maps publilhecl by 1be WNblngton State l)q,ulmeat ofNldural Reloun:el, l. Mia 8-J'III Rawn-bvitw of available mine records to fMlualc !be location af'lbe mined-out -,, 10pCber widl lhe deplh of minioa. lhic:tnou of Zllll8 mined and miolna mediod,, Thil information wai reviewed in concert with ground lllrfice lrlpojpiplly ID mlllale iflbore bu been any IWflce eqreaion or oollapac of underground openlnp. 3. Geala&f,,.......,..__ SUrfaae---mappingto identify mine apcainll lllllh u 111111 or alr lhaflr, IDplher with lloClq>iles of tailinp or olher-in wbldi the oriaioal ground l1dcc has been dillllrbed. In addition, • DOied any IWface fDIJOlnplic IIIIDmaly that might lodiaam c,olJapn ofuodorgiound ~. 4. MIiie Mapplag-Mine mapping included superimpollD& die ldlnlfied mines 1111D a prqject sila bue map. Thia map wu llled ID develop po logic croa aeclionl llhowlng thc depth to minccl-out ll'CIS and I pnllimlnary iallrpn!lation of mine 01/etbG.deo oanditiam. The -..ectiem-used to deYelop • IIIIP 1howlng the ellimet:ed depth below the ground aurlllce to the 111i11e ~- ~ -Rued on lhBflndlnpofScope llllma I lhrousb 4, clallfythe miac haanls ueitber: 1) -ooal mine buanl -. 2) modenll: i:oal mine buard arcu, or 3) decluslfled ooal mine hazard areas. Evalulle the pmntial fir regional groin! auboidmce In mod1nm coal mine bamd .-(YK!ical ground aubtidrace, glOUlld tilt 111d around llrain). 6. MltlpUall -O.Vclop mitigation for defflopment within -and moderate c:oaI 11\i.lle hmrd area,, • appropriate. 7. Addllloul Stlldy-Provide recommmdations fO(' ldditioDal lludy, u appropriam. EXUTJNG INFORMA110N The following documllltl -revimw,c1 n,pnllag 1bc po logy, hiatmic: coal mini111 and reguJmory rrtatus (relatl:d to coal millc huarclr) in Cho Cusioi property ama: • Morrisoa Knudlen, January 1985, "&,gi-1ng loveatiptlon for ~ Rcn1m, Wuhlngloo Arca," prop11od fbr the U.S. Departnurlt of Asric:ulturc Oftk:e ofSwface Mining. • Wanen, W~., Notbinlh, H., Orlvecd, R.M. and 8IOwo, S.P. 1945, "l'Mlimmry~ Map 111d Brief Dmorlption of'the Coal Pieldi of King COllllty, Wuhiag1Dn. b United Sims Geological Survey, lpla. • Wahington Stile Deparlment of NIIDrll Raourc11, 1948, bislllric map of tho SJ,ringbrook Mine Including surface features and 1lllllaground min& workiap. GEOLOGIC IIEI liNG The Cugini property ill underlaln by bedrock of the Redlon formation, Renton formation bedrock consilll of'inta'bodclecl lllldllolle, siltstone, llwo, olay&IDrle, c:mbanaceous ,bale and c:oaI beds. S1nlcanlly, the bedrock bas been upllftm, folded and nulflod OYl:I' time.. This llnlctmal deformation or lbe bedrock hu crullld a northwest llalding syncline. "Syoc[ine" is a pologic tem referring to a fold in the bed!ock layering that is concave up. The "limbs• or layering of the ryocline dip at angles ranging from 30 lo 70 dcgiees mllll borlmntal. The bedrock is ccm,ed with weatbmd soil and glacial sedimentl vmying in lblckncm fmm a &,w feet to several ten, or ftlet. The glacial sediments ae refomd to u Vuhoa age glacial till conlisting primarily of deme to w:ry dense silty 11nd wilh gravel. Icicle Creek Eosln~eu 0331iOOllll62499 Claremont ~lopma,t Compaey, Inc. J1111C24, 11199 PageJ MINING IDSTORY The Sprlnabrook Mine is one of -r ,mall underground Mines in this -ud lt underlies portions oflhe OJglnl property III shown on lhc Undeqpnulld Mine M&p, Figun: 2. P.wtly, llxn ue no active coal mining opc,raliOILI on or ad,j-.t to the Cugini pn,pm1y. MINING METIIODS Tho Sirmat,rnok Mine -10 undmground mine dewloped u1irlg ''mom-ud-pilllr" (allo Nfemd to u ·chllll>-elld-pilllr") mlnina; mlllhodl. Initial dcvelopmcpt of the mine was fn>lll a ..,._ 1lopcn or eotry lwlllel driven aloag tbe strike of the milUI to facll• drainage. The eatry llmnel serves u tbe main baulageway for coal out of lbe mine. Tbe entry twmel is UIIIIJI)' paind with 1 -d twmel driven puallol to Ibo main slope 1D acne u an "air shaft." Th ea11y twmel uid air shaft 'Ml'D connecled II ct:rtaln iDtervall with cross-catting tuuels. Air would then bo meellanieall)' lbrced (a fan) down the air lhaftto provide air circulation within 1he mine. Air llhlfts ill otbor mas -driven depending on the cin:uJalion ~ fbr lbe mlne. Uallllly die main 1Jopa and air aballll 'Mle be&viiy abon,d with timber~ arieinbced cancraeto invent collap-. The main tlope-uted ID remove coe1 fmm 1be mine using coal can on tncb tblt wae liftod up the main •lope using a hoist. At apecificd i!DIIVU alcmg the main haulageway, "dudu" wae drivm up the coal aeam. "Qoa. Cllll• were then driwn ~ the chulel. Tbe chalN and _. were thCID widened untJ111H: 1101l left In p1-(pillans) and IOOIIUI comprilod about a I to I ntio. MOIi or all of the pillars were nm!Mld before ~ of I level. Thia mining IHlbod is reftlrred to u "fllll pillar alnc:don. • Full pillar llldnK:tion ii a nomml underground mlnlng pmce11 designed to maximii.e coal llllmction and to fllffllole llbort tam collapac of'lbe mined-out nu. Al designed, the mmoval oflbe pillan w the mlned-<1111 area 10 collapse within a few daya to a few weelcs following retreat since buldilling 'WIii not intended. 8-d on enain='ins llUdles of !he mines CODductecl at !be time of mining, caving of the mined-out anu (rooms) was d1111irable ll)lOII nmllt of productioa ll'IIIS. Room cavill8 -desired to allow tho overbwdell preasurc, in tbe mh>ea to adjust. lf mined-out ,-ns remained op111, then "bumps" became a m,jor concern. Bumpe oocar when a wse room retnlDII open f'or I Jang poriocl of limo folloMCI by • ,;,alallrOphic collapse sending an air blast tbrough the mine e..t could il\luie tbe minen. SPRINGBROOK MINE The Springbnx,k Mine wu actiff from the early 19009 to about 1948. The prlmmy ooaJ te1m that wu mined in this uea is Gilled the Sprinp'OOk Seam. The Springbrook Scam is iacliaed downward u, tho soath II S4 ID 57 degrees at Ibis location; a harimnal line on the ooal seam would be orieat,d lllUlhly eut- WCII. The Springbroolc Sam wu milled for a total thickness of about 5 feet. The penlllllage of coel mined from produetion room and pillar areu is not confidently known. Based on our review of the hisrorio mine maps and review of producdon record&, lt appears tbat about 80 percent of tho coo wq inlned from 1he pnxluctian -·. The minecklut .-s ue shown on Figure 2. Geologic lll'OIHeClions lhowln& 1he general arienmlon of !he mfned.out zones ue shown on Figme 3. The depth to the undrrpouad mine wodcings (35 1D 450 feat below the lllilling ground uface) ii shown on the Depch ID Underpcund Mine WorldDp, Figun: 4. A 1urfacc feature (au ainihaft) mr the Springbrook Mine (located about 3SO feet wat of 1be Northwest Pan:.el) is mown on Figure 4. No other surw:c fcaturoa such u mine entriee, mine rock ftll ltookplles or buildings IIIIXliated with the mining In 1his na are indicated within the Cllgini property on lbe hillllric mine map. Icicle Creek Englucn Clmemont Development Compeny, Inc. J1111e 24, 1999 Page4 SllllFACE CONDfflONS The lllll"face condition, on Ilic Cugini propc,rty Wlll'D evaluallld band on derailed geologic reconnail-Clll lunc 17, 1999 by Brian Beaman ofIC£and revlewofbiltorical mine map1. mSTOJUC Mm MAP REVIEW Al previously deecribed, no mining-related 111rf.11ie fo?A111re1 -ladic11m Mlhin lhc Cugini pr,.,perty bued on our rc¥iew of the bidoric mine llllpL The JX'Oll'lllY ca the historic mine 1111p1 ( 194.1) ia 1bown to be bonlffld ID the eut by loath Avenue SE 1111d to the north by SE 172nd Place. The CIUl'ellt localion of JC)lllh Avenue SE \llhen: it-between the NwthWNI and Soudieut l'ln:ell llld SR SJ S did not exist in I !MB. CllJtRENT 8ITE CONDinONS The Cuamf property ia canently undeveloped 1111d ii veptated with •IICOlld"IJ'(IWlh conifer and daciduous b'ee1 ad demo btuah. The ground .ur&m II level ID patly sloping. A lhlllow diainage rwaJe (about 10 to 15 feet deep) -the Noctbweat l'lnlol fiom -1: to MIi. · No allllllld .111rfioce dep:atlow (lllgllllng a mine opealng or 1lnkbolo)-olaervecl aa the Cugini property. No surfaoe evidence of mine rack fiD wu oblOIWd oa !be CUainl pRlperty. COAL MINE llAZAltD DUCIUPl'ION GUll'JlAL ' .. The principal physical hazvds 11soolwd with almidmiod cciaJ minea include I) mine DJIIIU1IIJ8, 11nkholn and rdued Pl emialona or coru:enllations (Severe Coal Mine Haarda), 2) regional ground subsidence (Modnm 111d D,,cluaifiod Coal Mine Huanlll), and l) mine rock fill. Sinlclullos bm allow dep:e111oJ11 Ill the ground 1udice, or in extmne -, a vertically-tided pit caused by collapse of poorly backfilled mine op111inga or JIIDIIWIW fallme of the mino roof (lloplo&). Realonal pcund subsidence oocul'I u n,gicmal plulic deformation of die grouqd surface u the minuollaplCI. Mine rock tlll lnclades lll>ckpiles of mining by-pmdllllls consilllng of broken rock and coal Other consldemionr arc the polelllial for "wtldcat" or "r;ypo" mining (uodoc:umialed mining) and the ICC1lrlCY oftbe hismric: mino IDIJlll when being used II> evaium the sublmface scammy oflbele mines and usociafed mlopmcat COlllll'alnll. SEVERE COAL MINE BAZARD AllEAS Severe coal mJne .huard areu an, typically underlain by underground mine workll,gl that are leu lhan 200 feet below 1he ground surface. In 1be1e ll'IIU lllrfilcc features 1uch as mine opooinp, lhaftl and sinkholes may be ...-,nt. Sinklk•lm l'cmn because of progreHIVD caving of the mine roof or by the IIC1tling of baddill in impn,perly reclaimed miue openings. Sinkholes are IIIUally pn,c:eded by a sag In the ground surface lbat typically der,pena durins a piriod of &Veral days or weeks bdbre collapse. Sinkboles an, gennlly circular or elonptechnd are typically a few feet ID (more nn,ly) tens of feet in diamlller. 1be typical effect of a sinlcbole a die Jou of ground IUpport of l1ll'face structureL No evidence of mine openinp, lbafb or sinkholea were ablmed within the Cllgini property at the time of our lllmlCe recoanalaan!le. Gulls aaoclded with abenckwd mines (predominantly n:iedlllle ps 1111d carbon dioule) are typically pemlt at mine opcaings or in "air-tnps• wilhin the mine wortinp. Since methane and Olher volatile gues are ligbm than air, dissipation inlD the ltmospbero OCClll'l rapidly at or slightly below the Icicle Creek Engineers Claremont Developmem Compaey, Inc. lilne24, 1999 PageS ground sLD"fms. MiDl8 auch • the Sprin&brook Mine have not '-1 undisturbed for mon: than 50 )arS and n no1 liblyto emit gu quantities that are hazanlous. MODEKATE AND DJ:CLASSDIED COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS Madnte and Dcdaslfled Coal Mine Hazard Atta are generally mu where the mine wortinp are mon: tblll 200 feet below Iha smund sur&ce and are pollntially affecu!d by "regional ground nhlidence.• Regional ground subalclMec occurs when !he (ll"CJUlld 1111DCO subsides ow:r a fl1p .,.. Surfice dalllll:lion ii cauaed by plastio defixmalion of the llra1a GYerlylng die miae u thc"roof IIIIS into the mine. The dfectiod 11'11 ilcxpected IO be mucli !s.rJerthan theffltical flll!iectiaa oftbD underground mine WO!tinp. The e!11c1, of regional graund subsidmcc illclade ground lllmidc.nce (.ulemeot), arowid till end ground llrain. Buod on caN hillorie.! in mining dislrlctl in Olber lbda ml cauotriel, realonaf poond lllblidence mually occurs~ a fi:w days to yem followilla abandorunent oftbe IIUIIN. Regional ground IUb8idew, is Jll!I a public heallh and safety luue; the potential bawd i1 relllfld dinocdy lo ptcperty damap. The followlng are the ddinitxms for Modenle and Declaaified Coal Mine HUlldl A-. u in-mi,d In DAG: • Modenle c..t Mm llaard A.nu· ~Coal Mine &md Anu n,quin, llpellial qinlering or arc:hiteclwal measures lo mltipte exoealve growid displ._ent, ad ground tilt and llraln. • Dfd_,W Coal Mine Ruard Areu-Decl-ified Coal Mine ffllZlld Areas arc, tboae-. alfected by regional ground IIUblidonirc, blll: no q,ecial ~ or uobiteolmal fflOUIIN!I are nccded u m,itiption. No manifestation of'n,glonal ground subsidonoo wu obscoved during car recoanai111111cc within the Cugini property and adjacent ueu. MINE ROCK llILL Mine roclt fill conailll of loose rock and soil mixed with inferior arado coal from Ulldcrground woddnp and fi~ tom coal washing opellltioas. Th-matllriall were not com(*ted Uld are potentially C0111Jn1181bll becauae oftbe looletmttureand long-ll!lrm air depdatioa of the coal. No mineroek fill wu obaen'ed during our IUl:tice rocoanainance oftbe Cugini property. UNDOCUMENTED MINING No uodoeumen1ed mining is known lo haw occuned withal 1be Cugini pn,perty. This ii bued on the delailed surface reconnaisance, review of exlcnsiw mine nconla and por80llal knowledge of this area datina.over 40 yurs. ANALYSIS OF COAL MINE HAZARDS METHODOLOGY The evaluation of development issues usoeiaim with abandoned lllldm&iom.dcaal mines ii bued on methods 11181 have ewilwd over the put IIWeral years, primarily in King County. During the put three yms, King Coua!y DDES bu clovdoped ,peclfic policy and bu drafted guidelines tor lllcbnical ewJuallon of IU'elS underlain by abandoned undqround coal mines. Theae draft development guidelines developed by King County are refened m u 1l1e •AcfminiMltive Guidelines lo lmplaneot Coal Mine Haard A-11ment and Mitigation Plans," and are refemd to in this report II the Dml Adminittrative Guidelines Icicle Cro,k Bnglnocrs Claremont De¥elopm1111 Ccmpany, Inc. Jmae 24, 1999 Page6 (DAG). The melbod rec:ommeodcd in DAG wu IIICd II, dais lllldy lo CMlhua lbne developmcmt-. and ii conBiseml with elllRIII and local llandaids of engineering practice. The iaulls of our analysis are lll1adicd to this NpOrt, ANALYSIS 11nere Miu Huard ArM1 1be S-. Mine Huani Arms are underlain by abandoned undergrouDcl coal mina It a depda of lea than 200 feet IDd are shown on the Mine Haanls Map, Fipe S. ThNo are 11U11 when, a risk of sinkholes exist (gremr lhan I pcn:oat rilk). Moderate ud Dlelallfted CllaJ Mme BIiiard Aral Modcnle ud Decllllified Coal Mine Hamd A.-are unclerlaiD by ahlndonm nnder&n,uiid coal mines It a daplb of mon: than 200 fllllt. n-mi -wbae regl-111'0U111hubsldaice may oa:nr, but not sinkbolcl The prhmlydllfercac:e bet • .-tlmeclenifiations is!hataDeclaailledCoal M"u. Hmrd Area doa .aot iequin spocial engl.-iag or archhmmal lllllUm'e ID mltlptc far Ngional px,nd subsidence. Our cvaluatioa -· • ~ in \\fiich 1he 1Dined-oat2lDlllll lballawer 1han 200 feet ue not collapled 111d may collapto durlaa die next 100 years. The original mined bei&ht of the Springbraok 8-1 nod in our c,lmll!iool ii 5 liel. · B-' on our wlylls and empirical mcdiodl II'&. 41ol by DAO, llDIB1 polmtial pound 111bllidenc:o ilestimul fD bcapto27to28 iDGIJa during tbe llfetim.eoflhedewlopnent (uanncd1D be 100)'11111) D11 the Cugini property. The predlcled dlatribillion of pouad ,utiildenr,e 19 lhllMI on Figuro S. We mo prollded maximum puund lllnia. Mwmwn mdlalion 1111d comprmion oflhe p,aad IUlface a pndiclol ID be more than 0,003 Inda per illOb. This -iw, pound 11r1in (lllain a;remr 1ba,i 0.003 illllhll per incl!) OCOIIJ1 IOulh oflbe CUgini pn,pert,y. The lllain values-calcmlmd llling methods clacribcd in dlG Subaidwe &glneen' Handbook (I 97S) 111d IUggc:slal by DAG. Pndieto:I &fOUlld tilt val-aro a fimc:tion oftbe 1ublidence pn,filc. <Jruund tilt Is exceuiw (leu than IV:3SOH (v.rtlcal to ho.izonlal) in the.,..,. IOUlh oftbo Sprlnglxuak Mine. A IV:JSOH tilt-. that there is lbc po4entill for dlfl'crential Hltlemmt of the around smfaot !hit may be ane foot of V1Xtica1 M1tiem.nt in 3SO horimlllal ieet. Develop111Je Arm DDl<clopable....., me all adu!r mu not aft'ec1rd by andergrcund ca.I mines. 1-inu maybml Olhw building CD1l111'ai1111 llldi u wetland&, st,ep 1lopca. elc., and require llddltional critical arcu ffl'icw, u appn,prlate. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMIJO>AllON8 GENERAL Buol on our review of available information and ualyais of anal mine '-'di at the Cugini property, M have developed 1IJo followina GOJU>llllions: • Portions oftbeCusiDi property are underlain bytbe Springbrook Mino• shown on Figure 2. • The doplb lo lbe mine workiap thatundaile the Cugini property wries &om uoat3S ID 4SO feet below the gn,und surface. • That portion of 111e SIJUlhml Parcel I\Olth nf the line on F"ipe S indicated u hmnc "La Ihm ! inch" c-r verticll ground subsidence requires lflCCial easineerinll or IIIVIIIIICllllal tnelllftS for mitigation of ,-ertical l!I01IM dlsrla-en1, around tilt 111d ground lllain (Moderlim Coal Mille limn! AIR). lr:iclc Creek Eaaincr:u Claremont Development Campany, Inc. June 2", 1!199 Pa,e7 • 'Iblt partioo of the Sondicut l'IRel IOldb ofdie llnc oa Pi11R S ladicelncl • havillg "Lea than I inch" of wrtical ground IUbsidenc:e does aot require special qiDeerlng or an:blkoctural IMUUleS for mitigl1ian ofrqpoul ground qideia (Oecluaifiod Coal Mine Huard Arca). • That portion of1hlo Nwlbweat Pan:el llDl1li ofthe u. lbown OIi Fipre 5 • a ql!even Mine HazlJd Arca• ii not ldr.cllld by ooal mine haanll (Dow,loplble Ala). SEVEU COAL HINEJIAZARD AREAS Blled ca our nvicw of available information. a portion of lhe Sprillgbruok Mine underlies the Cugini property wilhia 200 feet oflhe gmund sur&co. Cuneatly, the pnenlly-..,W depth or tblcbe,1 of o.wbllrden for "llfe" 1urfaee uvelopncat over ~ mina in 1llil arca ii 200 feet In OIU" opinion, there ill a hlJh rilik of ,inkholc dmilopmeat II dx: CUglni pn,pcr1)" within die am lhowa u a ~~ Coal Mine Hamd Ala on Fipn: ~ The SeYciv Coal Miae Hmnl Ala includes a 4S-fool.wlde buffer aJons the updip (ncwtb \ pn>jectlon of die ma! m. We rcccauncadapimtclewlopmentoflll1iklingl, roads, JIIIUlllatl ortrails in this am milmlhe 11111111 of mine collapN ii walamd by auhlw6ce expkndon 11111 recheadon, • neceswy. MODERATE COAL MINZ IIAURDAREAS 11 ill oir opinion 1bat the mu norlh ofllle "!.-Ihm I bdJ• ccdDm" line and -iii of tha, S- Coll Mine Hmtd Ai.• sbcNa on Fqpn Sare Mocllnlll Coal Mine Hamd Alai. Com:q,aal mllipllcm _... fir llrar:Cu181, midi 11111 ulililiel within diis -indudc die lbllowin&: • Use of ript fi:a•ndatie..,,. (-.lioml mnfmaed concnte llp"IIII fbotlnp) supporting a flexlllk, super,lnldllre (waad-mim). • Small, sqama or nearly .-.llhlped building pedl llliould be f"lvoNd CMor large, im,p1arly sliaped building pedl. • ~ C011111U1:1ion llllla-than ~ Howe.er, slab-an-pde may he UNCI in ... and 11mnay .... • Buildings should be CIOllllructm melt that they could be euily rel&Mled. • No brlclr: or ~ 11 allllt oonllln1cdaa. • F.clps offoundatiom lbould be bai::kfillcd witll loolo soil or olbar G01Upnaible lllllillrial ID allow for poCentiaJ puuad aompiealon. • Uuc1e111ound ndlltlel lhoukl be deoigned with flexible andlar flelwoopio oouplinp or fitliap. • Ut~ititil that depend on gravfly for Dow (IIIIWlln end llD!m drain) ahould he designed 10 compealllle 1br the palllUlla1 for a,ouad sublldmu,e. DJ:CL.Ulilni:D COAL MINE BAU1ID AREAS It is our oplnial thattbe aralOlllh of the "Less dun I iiu:h• oontouuhown III flgulc 5 wilbin the Soulbeul l'ln:el ii a Declauililld Coel Mine Hmrd Area. No spocial cnginecring or an:hila:llural - ue IINdecl Ill this area ID mitipllD -1 ma haards. DEVELOJ'ABU ARW:AS It ii our opinion that duo -nm1h of the Se-. Coal Mine Hmrd "-within die North- Pa=I is a "Devd.opable Ana." Rued on lYl!lable Information, this an:a is not underlain by, er affioc:tmd by regional ground ~ These areu may have other-buiklillg OD1111nints auoli as -rand,, 5111ep slopca. etc., 111d ff:IJllin: .additioaal crilical areas review, u appraprlam. Jcjch Creek Baalnccu Claremont Development Comp111y, Inc. June 24, 1999 Pagel MINE ROCK FILL No mine rock fill occ:urs wllbin the Cugini property bued on our surface recoanaissaooe. ICI! llhould be c:onladld for rniew 1111d 11\/aluation i.f mino rock fill is cncounlaed duriq 1ilc grading GROUNDPROOJIING (""'4E. ,V ,.~.£ '"' -uo,.) Coal mine huards exist because of the poCutial for collapse of the underground mines. No C<Ja! mio8 hazards emt if the mines have colliqleed or been properly filled/ra:laimcd. It is our opinio11 that MMrc ooal mine hwnl areas may be dlvelaped without restrictioo provided Ihm the undc.jiound mlnca are demMtl!lled to have coltai-1 or me properly n:claimcd. This may be ICCOlllplisllc,d by a drilling pzopm (Jfouod proofing). The puipoae of ground proofrng is to oblain apeclfic IUbaurface da1a that can be u..d ID evaluate the mllll of collapse, useu lhe risk ofsinkholes and to validalD hillork: coal mine map survey ~- Orovnd proofing requires drilling test boles lhtoush the undel111DUDd workings 1o IIINII lhe ovabunlen dimcmr and tho eoadition ofllle unmipound 11W111tinp. If the daar.amr ofd--overburden can be WlW!I to b& mare comp,:lfflt than-.!, udlor tho mine worldnp an, coll&pled or partially collap,ed, Chen our 11 1--m of coal mine hamda at the Cugini property ~ill be revilal. The 8ftllllld proofing propm, If lUldeitabn, sbould be designed to account for the poulbility of drilling lbrough axilling pillaB iatbm-tban die mined-out areas. The purpoac ofhavifll lm!ral drill bola is to increase the probabilit;y of cnc:ountuing ID IIJldera,ound mlm,, If p.-, to ID acceplable confidence level. USE 01' TBJS REPORT We haw pn,plU1ld this report mr Clmmoat Development Company, I~. for uae In evalll&UJli coal m inc bumdl at the property subject to 1h11 c:ousultalion. Our report, ooncluaions 111d ~ should not be COllllnled as • WlfflJl1y of sublurf'lce conditions It the site. Within 1he Iimitrdlons of scope. icliedulc and bwlact, ouraervioes haw '-1 IDCll1lld In WlOldaace with pcrally ~ practicos in Ibis .,.. at the time the n,port was prepan,d. No W11Jn11ties or ocher conditions, expnsr « Implied, tbould be undenfood . .................... Icicle Crcet 1>•1ineeu 0336001/062499 • Claremont Development Company, Inc. Junc 24, 1999 Page9 • We trust that thia ieport provides the infmmatian )'OU need at this lime. If you have any qumions or need additional infunnation, plwc contact us. Doaumont ID: 03,liOOI .REI' 1'wo copies lllbm!tlod Icicle Creek: Engineers YOWll w:iy truly, Icicle Creelt Engincera, Inc. ~&e,,, - Brian R.. Beaman. P.B., P.O. Principal ~/Geclogilt :!l.!hn:!- Prilleipal Oeologilt .. ·/ .. '."J '.· ~:'::,:,. N 0 2,000 4,000 Scale in Foe! I '-Icicle Creek E • Vicinity Ma -Figure l ~ eers I N J EXPLANATION B' _ 1] ___ ., __ .. _ JI)_., ____ .. _ ..... ......-.,~~., .......... --------·-0 150 300 Approxlm.te Scale In Feet I Springbrook Mine Unde ound Mine -Fi 2 .; i Icicle Creek En ineers A (North) 450, • • A' (South) --450 . _______ s.: ........ .;., .. ____ .~~~~~1! .....• ____________________ l ! 300-200.i :aoo r j 150; Bedrock : 160 i ().. B (North) ASO- ·, ·O B' (South) ·450 , '. Glacial lill ___________ #,_ ... ______________ ~-~------------------------------------,-· l 300: 200taat .e j1~ Bedrock O' 0 IIDIIC1) ........ ........aoi\~ ..... h._,.:l. ., ........................ ...,.In .. ___ ................ "' ....... ~--............ 0 160 300 Horizontal Saale • Yertical Scale _,_ Springbrook Mine cicle Creek Engineers Geologic Cross-Section A-A'/B-B' -Figure 3 ,r----------------------~ I N I J ' SE 172nd Street " _.,.._ .. ~~~.·.~~·~··~~~~~· .. ~~-~~~,~~:~rr·i--------7 'C:,~~--~~:~;.;>f;.;'.::c'.,~'~<:;::'.:;/~~-~::):{;."ii {J/ ·,~; .: ·. ·.· :Nottt:wea:t:P.Jln:el·~: :·.-... :;·=' ···~ ·: . _.,·.::··· :J",llll!IP .. .,.. •• -... -~.-·~r ~ EXPLANATION El ND11c 1) ..... ,,......, .. CliraatDli .... ~ J)_ .. ___ .... _ .................................. ........... -.......... --.... -·- ,. -· .. . ' I /'-1 : ·, .-1 ::::-"j f~,j .. · . ,', (1 '··)':-.-·'{.-i ··~t'r·};), i \{"{]; . ·:·.· '•··' I ,, Cugini Praparty ~Parcel 0 150 300 Approximate Scale in Feet f Icicle Creek E Springbrook Mine De th to Und ound Mine Workin -Figure ,r-----------------------. j N I· EXPLANATION ................. ,0 inchaa I I SE 172nd _Street ____ _ r-·-·-.. ···-··--·-- Severe Coal Mine Hazaid Area f .... ModeratelDeclaaalfied Coal Mine Hazard Area Eallmalad Vllfliaal ground 1ublldence of the alDUlld ..race DIUllld br raglonal -.. o lne/tes.. __ ·-...... r,ound 1ubaldenc,a 0 150 300 ApprolCimate Scale In Faet j Icicle Creek En · rs Springbrook Mine Mine Hazards Map -Figure 5 Report Geological Engineering Services Coal Mine Hazard Asseament Cugini Property-Northwest Parcel Renton (Kmg County), Wuhington March 22, 2094 Project ,No •. 0336-004 Prepared For: Alex Cugini Prepared By: Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. Mareh 22, 2004 AlexCuainf ICICLE CREEK ENGINEERS G~lethnlca~ Gecloglc &nd Environmental ServtCH c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. 515-ll~AmmeNE, Su1te108 Bellewo, Washington 98004 INTRODUCTION Report Geo!oglcal F.ngineering Services Coal Mlm Huard A I s mcnt Cugini Plopeaty-Northwest Pmel RaUon (KlngCounty), Wuhinpn FUe No. 0336-004 This report sullllllmiz.es Icicle Creek Engineers' (ICE's) geological engineering services fer a COIi mine hamd assessment of a JJl)!tlon of the Cugini property tmrred 10 es the "No.ldlwat Pan:el" locatm northwest of lhe lntersaction of 101"' Avenue SE anc1·s1ate Route 515 nnr Renton hi King· Coudy, Washington. The Cugini property is shown relative 1ll nearby physical features on the Vicinity Map, Figure I. . . ICE previously provided a preliminary coal mine hmlrd UICssmimt of the Cuafni Propert)' that ls dlvided him MV pan:cls immd to as the "Nol1hwestPan:el· llllll thc-SOutheastl'ln:el" m lbownonFlgure l and the Cugini Property Site Plan, Figure 2. The resulu oftbe preliminary coal mine hmnl asserment or tho two parcels me praenltd In our ieport dated June 24, 1999. Subsequent to the 1uno 1999 study, ICE conducted a detailed coal mine hamd assessment or the Sou1bast l'alcel lbat included grolllld proofing (subsurface exploralion) to ev.-the collap$C 111.tus of the abandoned undeign,und coal mm. Theraul1s. of that study for the Southeut Parcel are presented in OID' report dated November 13, 2001. BACKGROUND OOOR.MATION lCE'sJune1999preliminalycoalmlnebazardessesnnentiden!ified1111bandonedunderp,uudcoal mine, refcmd to u the qSpringbrook Mine," underlying Che soUlb portion oftbe Nonbwest PuceL Because no subslll'f'lee exploiation was conducted to evaluate the collapse status of1hc aballdoned l1llclergroulld coal mines. ICB assumed that the mines were substantially 00$ collapsed whlcll resulted in I portion or the Nol1hwest Parcel being considered a "Severe" and "Modlftte Coal Mine Hazard Ala." Sevem Coll Mine Hamn! Arca doslgnation resulu In relatively restrictlwl:Olldltlons for site deftlopment in these ll'elS. Severe 111d Moderate Coal Mine Hazard AR11S are described Iller in this ,eport. Under current King County ttglllatlons (Adminlslrative Guidelines for Coal Mine Hazan! Areas • Ordinance 13319). development of buildings, roads, parking lots or trails are not allowld within Sevm Coa1 Mine Hazard Areas and mitigation is required in Moderate Coal Mine HIIZlll'd An:u. However, a detailed coal mine hazard assessment may be condu=d including "ground proo(mg" (mbsurface exploration) to physically evaluate the character of the overburden roD and bedrock, and the stalUS of mine collapse. If the overburden is shown to be competent and the mine void is substantially colla~ then development. including paved access and plllklng and possibly building. may be allowed. Alex Cugini clo Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page2 SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of our services was to conduct a delalled coal mine hazard assessment (ground pn,ofing) of the Nollhwat Pan:eL Speclflcally, our services Included: • .Evaluate subsurface soil, bedrock, voids and grouml waterc:onditions and bi&toric Mine map accuncy by drilling seven testboriilgs (BorlngsB-Sthrough B-l l)todepthsranglngfrom 20 to 160 feetlnthe Severe Coal MineHazard Area idendfled in our June 1999 atudy. These test borings wm supplemellh:d by the four test borings (BorlngsB-1 through B-4) completed forlCE'1 November 2001 study. • Based on the tlndlngs ofJCE's June 1999 preliminary coal mine bmrd • s cssmmt, ICE's November 2001 ground proofin& study of the Soutbwt Parcel and the ~ ground p100fing IJl'Olll'Bm on the Northwest Parcel, classify the coal mine hamnls u either: l) Severe Coal Mine HaDrd Ara.s, 2) Moclmle Coll Mino Hazard Areas, or 3) Declassified Coal Mine Areas. • EVlluale the poltlltial for regional ground subaidenee in SeVete abd Modeme Coal Mine Hu.ant Areas (VSlical ground suhsldtmce, ground till and ground rb'lin), if approprla!e. • DevelopmltigatioafordevclopmemwhbinSev=andMoclerateCoalMineHazardAreas, lfappcopri11e.. GEOLOGIC SEfflNG The Cugini Ploperty is underlain by bedrock of the Renton formllllon. Re!IIOII formation bedrock consim ofinterbedded sandstone, siltstone, shale, claystone, c:abDllaceous Ibale and coal beds. S1ructurally, the bedrock bu been uplifted, folded amt faulted over time. This stJUctural · deformation of lite bcdtoc:k has =atcd a northwest trending syncline. "Syncline" Is a geologic term referring 10 a !old In the bedrock layering that Is concave up. The "limbs" or layering of the syncline dip at angles migiog fiom. 30 to 70 dear-from horizontal. The bedrock ls typically covaed with tonst dufl'and topsoil, wealhered son and glacial drift (glacial till and outwasb) vuying In total thickness from a few feet to several tens offeet. Weathered sou typically consists of loose silty sand with gravel and abundant roots. Glacial till typically consists of dense 111 VCI)' dense silty iand with gravel. Outwusb typically ccmsis1s of dense gravel with variable amoUIIIS of sand and silty sand with a trace of gnveL EXISTING INF'ORMAnON 111c following documents wen, reviewed regudlug lbe historic coal mining in the Cugini property uee.: • Monison Knudsen, January 1985, "Engineering Investigation for the lunton, Washington Aru," prepared for the U.S. ~cnt of Agriculture Office ofSwface Mining. • Wamn, W.C., Norbisralh, H., Grivett~ R.M., and Brown. S.P., 1945, "Preliminary Geologic Map and BrlefDcsc:ription oftbe Coal Fields of~ County, Washington," United States Geolo&ical Survey, I plate. • Washington State Department of Natural Resoun:es, l!HI, historic map of the Springbrook Mine Including surface features and underground mine workings. SPRINGBROOK MINE DESCRIPTION The Springbrook Mine Is one of severe! 11111111 underground mines In this area. BIIRd on our review of historic mine maps, the east end of the Springbrook Mine underlies the south portion of the Northwest Pan:el as shown on the Springbrook Mine Underground Mine Map, Figure l. Presently, there are no active coal mining operations on or adjacent to the Northwest Parcel. Icicle Crrck Engfa .. n 0336004/032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Pagel The Springbrook Mine WIS active from the early 19005 to about 1948 when it wu abandoned. The main entry and alrshal\ for lhe Spri11gbrook Mine were loc:a!ed approximately 200 feet southwest of the west end of the Nonhwest Pan:eL Based on information ICE. hu developed for other coal mine hazard studies in this area, tl1emaio eotry and airshlftto the Springbrook Mine IIIC collapsed aad/or bacld'~led (notllCCeSSible). The Springbroolc M"me coal SQlll fs Inclined downward to the south at S4 IO S7 degrees in this area; a horiionlal line on the coal .!e8III would be oriented l'OfJihly east-west. The coal scam thlt was mined Is reported to be about S feetlhick. Based on our review oftbe historic mine map and review ofproductlon records, it appem that about 80 to I 00 pen:ent of the coal was mined &om the podaction areas. Oeologlc cnm-sectlons showing the general orleotallon of the mined-out coal seam are shown on the Springbrook Mine Geologic Cross-Sections A-A' and B'B', Figurei 4 and S, respectively. The historic mine maps also !bow that some of the coal seam was not mined Wider the Northwest Pan:el in areas !hat coomlned coaL Notes on the historic mine maps Indicate that the coal was not mined because it was highly hclured and the ftagments were too small for commcreial use. Howem-, for the pmpose of our June 1999 ltudy, we ISSlll1led this area to be mined out as II cOIISCMtive approach as no subsurflu:e explorations were conducted at that thlie. · Based on ensfneerlng studies of the mines coudllded at thethne of mining, caving ofthemined-i>ut areas (rooms) was deair!ible UJl!l!l retreat of production areas. Room caving was desired to allow the ovm,wden pressures In the mines to adj11St Ifmlned-out rooms mnainecl opcu. than "bumpl" became a najor concern. Bumps occur when a laige room (a "loom" is a mined-ou: lll"CI) mnalns open fpr a 10!>& period of time followed by tcatutlophic eollapse sending an air blast through the mine that could In.Jure the miners wozting lnodlermas ofthemlne. The term bump is used because dllrlngacatastrophicrooft'allure, 1 vibration, or "bump" would be felt at the ground surface. SURFACE CONDmONS GENERAL The surface conditions on the Northwest Parcel were eveluated based on rmew of historical mine maps 111d on detailed geologic reconnaissance conducted on ,Tune 17, 1999 by Brlan Beemm1 oflCE and on Febnuuy 16 through 24, 2004 by Brian Beaman 1111d Scott Dobner of ICE.. HISTORIC MINE MAP REVIEW No ml111ng-relmd surface futures were indicated within the Northwest Parcel based on our review of the historic mine maps. Toe property on the historic mine maps (da1ed 1941) is shown to be bordered to the east by 10s• Avenue SE (Benson Road) and to the north by the present location of SE ·1,2• Slreet. The p-opertles to tbe west and south were undeveloped in 1948 according to the historic mine maps. Within the past JO years, 108.,. Avenue SE w1s' modified mulling In the Cugini Property being "spilt" Into the two pan:els. CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS The Northwest Parcel is currently wxleveloped and Is veg:tated with second-growth conifer and deciduous trees, and moderately dense brush. The ground surface Is level to pntly sloping ranging &om about Elevation 3S4 feet in the westcomerofthe site to about Elevation 400fm in the east comer of the site. A shallow drainage swale (about IO to IS feet deep) crosses the Northwest Parcel from east to west bl ground surface depressions (suggesting a mine opening or sinkhole) were obsel"l'ed on the Nonhwest Parcel However, 1 shallow low ma along the southwest property Une with rock nbble onlhe surface suggesu an area that wu filled. or otherwise modified. No surface evidence of mine rock till (mine rock fill is a waste prcduct consisting of coal fines and rock fragments) was observed on the Northwest Parcel. No surface water Icicle Creek En&laocrs 03)6004/032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. Mln:h 22, 2004 P,ge4 WIS observed on the Nortllwest Parcel at the tlmeof ourreconnaluanceotherthan waterdrainage(Jess than 1 gallon per minute) in the floor of the drainage swale that C1DISeS the site. II is likely that the WIiier in the swale varies In volume considerably depellding on rainfall. GROUND PROOFING PROGRAM SUMMARY METHODOLOGY The sn,und proofing program was conduelcd by drilling seven, 6-inch-diameter borings (Borings B-5 through B-11) to depths ranging 1rom 20 to 160 feet using mlld-rowy drilling methods with lrack-mounted drilling equipment provided and opmted by Ongory Drilling, Inc:. The(est borings were supplcmcnted by explorations (Borinp B-1 through B-4) conducted during our November 2001 study that were drilled to depths ranging from 91 to 120 feet also ming dril!iJw equipmelltprovlded and opeiatlld by OregoryDrilllng. Thi, test borings fDI' the cumnt .study were completed betwecll Febnllll)' 16 and 24, 2004 and the tat borings forlheNovember200151UdywerccompletcdbetweenOctober29and31,2001. TheapproxlmattlOCllions ofdit test boring explorations an shown on Figures 2 lllld 3. Exploration locations wen ntlbllshed by meesurlngfiompbysicalt'catun:softhulte.Thenumberofborinpwasdelmninedsuchtbattheprobabili1y of driUlns through 1111 anomalom tunnel, pillar or caved area was decrwed. The subsurlllce explmations were continuously logged by an engiaeerlng geologist fiom our £inn. bptt:seutative SIDlples were generally obtainM at 5-footdc:pth iDtava!s either by using a 1.5-hlcb diameter split-spoon stmdard pencmtlon tut (Sl't) sampler or "grab" ample.11 as mted on the logs. When !he SPT samt,ling lllCtmd was used, the sampler was driven 18 inches, if possible, wiih a 14().polllld weiaht lilllng a 'Yeltleal distance of approximately 30 inches. The number of blows requbed to drlve the sampler the last 12 inches, ormher indicated dis1am:e, is reccxded on the boring logs. It should be noted that the blow counts may not be. representative (will be ovmtated) of the fmmation density when gravel or cobbles 111' e!ICOUl11ered. "Onlb" samples were typ!cally obtained at S-foot depth inmvals by acreenlog son C1111if15 fiom the discharge pipe, In some zones, no soil -,pies were obtained bcc111se ofloss of drill clrculalion. Tbe soil claulfic:atlon l)'Slem and explanation for the test boring logs are shown in Flgwe 7. Lop of the lat borings for the Novanber 2001 study and thecwrentstudy m lllcluded qFigures 8 through 18. Drilling rate. which Is an indicator ofsubsud'ace conditions moclated with llthologlc (rock: type) c:banga, caved bedrock and voids, wu monitored by ICB. We also IIIOllitored drilling fluids circulation (drlllhlg fluids, tetcmd to as "mud." Is used to convey drill cutt!np to the surlice). A circulatioo loa or panial Joss would Indicate undergrolllld fractures, voids mxl/or caved bedrodc. In addition to evaluating subsurface conditions, 1he ground proofing program WIS also used to evaluate historic mine map aCCW'IIC)'. Prior 1o drilling each lest boring, the depth of the coal seam or mine was evaluated based on the historic mine maps. Encountering tbe c:oal ICBIII. or mine at that preclete:mlned depth would allow for an evaluation of lbe mine map ICCIIIBC)'. Two geologic cross-sections showin& the inteq,raed subsurfllce conditions including geology and lbe Springbrook Mine geometry across the Northwest Parcel, 1m1 shown on Figures 4 and S. GROUND PROOFING RESULTS Borla& B-1 (So111hea1t Parcel) Boring B-1 encountered overburden soils coruisting of 6 feet of weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of 24 feet Olacial till Is an unsorted mixture of silt, sand craver and cobbles often called "hardpan." Glacial till ls In• dense to very dense condition u a result of being ovenidden by approxlmately 3,000 feet of glacial ice. Bedrock {Renton fon11ation} was encountered at 24 lee!. The bedroclc consisted of coal from 24 to S4 feet; layers .of carbonaceous shale and COIi! from S4 lo 60 feet; coal from 60 to 69 feet; and earboimceous shale Jclclc Creek: Engineers 033IIOCMI032204 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development C<fmpany, Inc. March 22, 2004 PageS with laym of coal and siltstone from 69 to 76 feet. Cartlonaceous shale was observed in the sample at 80 feet. Drilling tluid circulation wu Jost at a depth of76 feet (indicating bedrock fi'aclures or caved bedroclc) and was partially resto~ to a deplh of 82 feet at which time drilling fluid cbtulation never returned (no bedrock samples from 81 to 110 ftet-the bottom of the test boring). Based on the drilling rate, partially i:avecl rock and one 4-lnch void (fl'ac1ure at 78 to 78.3 feet) was encounrued from 76 to 90 feet. Caved bedroc:lt wu encountered from a depth of!lO feet 10 the completion depth of the lest boring at 110 feet (Springbrook Mine zone -c:ompletcly caved and collapsed). The Springbrook Mine was encounleied within 5 feet of the predlc'led depth. Boring B-2 (Sonth•st Parcel) BorlngB-2 eMOUlllffld D'mburden solls consisting of6 feetofweathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a dcplh of 23 feet. Bedrocic (Renton fmmation) was eocountered at 23 feet. The bedrock consisted of c:oal from 23 to 27 fl!d; sllistone with Jayms of CCII liom 2710 54 feet; coal with layers of ~us shale fiom S4 to S8 feet; md eoa1 from 58 to 92 feet. . Soft drilling and drilling fluid circulation was lost at a depth of!i12 feet (Indicating caved bedrock) to the completion depth of at 120 ftet (Sprlnabrook Mine mne -C0111plete1y caved and collapsed). No voids wm encountered In Boring B-2. The Springbrook Mine was encountered wltbin s· feet oftlie predicted depth. Boring B-3 (Southeast Parcel) Boring B-3 encoumered oveiburden soils consisting ofS feet of weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of 28 feet · Bedrock (ReJlton formation) was encou.oterecl at :.is feet. The bedrock consisted of carllonaceous shale with layers of coal fi'om 28to 34 feet;slltslonc withlayess of coal from34 to 48feet; coal withllyas of carbonaceous shale ftom 48 to 72 feel; and coal (the Springbrook Coal Seam -intaet-not mined) from 72 feet to the completioodeptbofBorlngB-3 at!ill feet No voids were encountered in Boring B-3. No soft dn1llng or drilling fluid circulation was lost during the drllllng ofBot!ng B-3. The Sprlagbrook Coal Seam wu Intact, as predicted. and within 5 feel of the predicted depth. Borio& B-4 (Soutlleast Parcel) Boring B-4 encoonlered overburden soils conslstingofS feet cfwea1:lleml soil, underlain by gladal till to a depth of22 feet. . Bedrock (Renlon formatioo) wu encouottred at22 feet. Thcbedrockcaisistedofcoal wlthlayera of siltstone fi'om 22 to 49 feet; coal from 49 to 73 feet; carbonaceous shale with layers of coal limn 73 to 79 feet; coal from 79 to 89 feet; illtstone with layen of coal from 89 to !ii I feet; coal (the SPffllibrook. Coal S=n. - inlllet -not mined) from 91 10 97 feel; and claystone (\/Cl')' bard-caused clrDUng refusal) fiom 97 feet to the completion depth at I 00.S feet. No voids were encountered In Boring B-4. No soft drilling or drilling fluid circulation was lost during the drilling of Boring B-4. The Springbrook Coal Seam wu intact, as predicted. and within S feet oftbe predicted depth. lclclt Creek En1laccu 0336004/032204 Alex Cugini c/o Clamnont Dewlopnent Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page6 Borlna B-5 (Nortllwett Pared) Boring B-S encoulllcred overburden ,oils consisting of 4 feet offcrest duff; fllploil and weathered soi~ underlain by alaclal 1111 ID a depth of32.S feet. The glacial till was IDlderlaln by advance outwash to a depth ofl!I feet. Bedrock(Renlon formation) was encountered 8139 feet The bedrock consisted ofliltstonetoadq,th of91 .S feet (with a thin layer of carbonaceous shale 8147 .5 to 48 feet); carboaaccous shale 111d siltstone with thin layen of coal fhlln 91.5 to I IO; and sihstone from 110 feet to the cotnpletion depth Ill 120 feet. No voids were enc:ountered in Boring B-S. No soft drilling or drilling fluid chculation was lOIII during the driJllna ofBorillgB-5. The Springbrook Coal Scam WU not encounllred In Borlng 8-S because of the localion of the ~ ~ WU sllghdy "updlp• ofwb~ the Springbrook Coal•Seam WIS "lnmclted" (eroded) as shown on Flgun: S. Borla( B-6 (Nortlwut P.,-eel) Borina B-6 encountmd overbunlen sollsc:onaisting of6.5 feet offonslduft topsoil and wellheted soil, mxlerlain by glaclal till to a depth of2S.5 feet. The pclal till was UDderllln by adYIIIICC OIIIWISb. to a depch of 43 feel. Bed!OClt (Rmtan fimallan) was eaco1llllaed 11 43 feet. The bedrock consisted of slilslme 1111d cmbouceo• lhllcwlththin laycn of CCIII ftom43 toSS fi:et; coalfiom SSto61.S feet;c11txm1ceo1111hale 111d siltstone with thin layers of coal, aod coal fium 61.5 to !IO.S feel; 1lltstoae fi:cn 90.S to 94 &el; coal (the SpringbrookCoal Seam-intact-not mined) ftom 94 to 109 feel; eaubonaceDus sbaiewld11bln layers of CO&! ftom 109 lo 114 feel; and siltstone to thecompletlondepdJ at 160 k (with a layer ofliltltone with thin layers of coal ftom 133 to 136.S feet No voids were encounlel'ed In Boriqi 8-6. No ,oft drilling or drilling fluid cimilation wu lost duriu& 1be drilling of Boring 8-6. The Springbrook Coal Seam WIS intact, as predicted, and within s fl!l!l of the predicted deplh. . ~ BorJac B-7 (Northwm Para!) Boring B-7 was drilled In the pmiously mentioned shallow low IIIU llong the lll1lthwtst property Urie. Thia location ls directly above the north end of a "mine tunnel" of the Springbrook Mine. Dmlog drilling. we encOIIDlmd !-.soils and fragmcnls ofSlllldstone nibble in aoll that ls JXISll"bly fill cr•caved soil• We were not able to maintain drilling fluid cin:ulatlon beca111e of the pmeoce of1-IIOil 1herefcre the tat boring was completed a1 a depth of 20 feet It is pouible 11111 this Is a filled "smkholc" asmclated with the Springbrook Mine. J3or1D1 B-8 (Norlb-t Parcel) Boring B-8 encollllllred overburden soils consisting of2 fm off crest duff; topsoi1 and~ soil, underlain by glaclal till to a depth of34 feet Bedroclc(Renton fonnation) was encountered m34 feet. The bedroctconsllled oflllldstoncfhlln 34 to 42.S feet; c,rbonaceous slwe, coal, sil1sione and slhslone wllh thin layers of coal from 42.S to 70.S feet; coal, c:arbonaceous sba1c, slllstone 111d siltstone with thin layers of coal from 70.S to 82 feet; coal (the Springbrook Coe! Seam -Intact -DD! mined) from 82 to 96 f'cct; and carbonaceous shale, siltltone 111d slll!tone with thin layers of coal to the compledondepth Ii 10S feet No voids were encountered In Bering B- B. No soft drilling or drilling fluid circulation was IOIII during the drilllna of Boring B-8. The Springbrook Coal Sean, -lnblCI, u predic:led, and wilhin 5 t"cet of1he pn:dieled depth. Borlric ~ (Norfllwest Parc:el) lololo Creek En&ineers 033~2284 Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development Company, Inc. March 22, 2004 Page7 Boring B-9 c:neounteied overburden soils c:onslstlng ofl.5 feet offorest duff, topsoil and weathered soil, underlain by glacial till 10 a depth of 35.S feet. Bedrock (Renton fonnation) was mcounteled at 35.S feet. The bedrock consisted of sDtstone, carbonllCcous shale and sandstone fiorn 3S.5 to 49 feel; coal, carbonaceous shale snd 1i111tone from 49 to 96 feel; coal (the Sprinsbrook Coal Seam-lnllet-not mined) from 96 to 113 feet; and carbonaceous male to the completion deptli at 116 feet. No voids were encoumered in Boring B-9. No soft drilling or drilling 11uld circulation WU IOSI during the drilling of Boring B-9. The Springbrook Coal Seam was iDtm:t, IIS predic:led, and within S feet of the predicted deptb. Boring 8-10 (Nortllweat l'lin:el) Boring B-10 encountered overburden soils conslmng of3.5 feet offorat duff; topsoil and weathered roll, underlain by g1aclal till to a depth of 34 feet. · Bedrock (Renton formation) was eini:ountcred at34 feet. The bedror.k.COJIS!sted of siltstone &oni"34 to S9 feet; "frapea.ts" ofsll1stone. carbonauous shale, and coe1 (the cawd/c:ollnplcd Sprlngbroot Mine) fiom S9 to 6S.S feet; and llltstone to the completion deplb II 95 zet. The csved/collapsed zone of the Springbrook Mine was chlracterlzed by rough drlUlng 111d a rapid (hldicatmg soft mnterlal) drllllna; rate: No drilling fluid circulation was lost, including within the cavedleollllJI* Z1111e of the Springbrook Mine, during the drilling of Boring B-10. No voids were encountered in Boriog B-10. The Springbroolc Mine was encountered, a pmllcud, and wllru!l S feet of the piedicted depth. Borlaa B-11 (Nordnnlt Panel) Boring B-11 encountered overburden soils consisting ofJ feet of forest duff; topsoil and weathered soil, underlain by glacial till to a depth of 32 feet. The glm:ial till was underlain by advance outwasb to a depth of 36 feet. Bedrock(R,cmonformatim) was encountered at36 feet. The bedrock conslsted oflillstone lnJtn 36 to 62.S feet; carbcmnous shale fi'om 62.5 to 72 feet; coe1 (the Springbrook Coal Seam -lmal:t-notmlncd) from 72 to 90 fell!; 111d coal whh thin layers of wbonnc.eous shale and sil1Btone to the completion depth at 99 feet. No voids were eocoUDleled In Boring B-11. No soft drilllDg or drill Ing fluid circulation wu lost durin& the drilling of Boring B· 11. The Springbmolc Coal Seam was Intact, 115 predicted, and within 5 feet of the predicted depth. . °COAL MINE BAZARDS DESCRIPTION In a coal mine hazard wenment for an area proposed for development, certain factors must be cvaluated to assess the potential for public bealth and safety Issues, and potential property damage c:oncems. Fo~ly, com.lderable Information is available In the fonn of historic mine maps. historic aerial photographs, engineers reports and production reporlll. Considerable otrort has been undtnwn by the local potechnical and geologic professional community during the past IS years to ob1ain slte-speclflc lnfmmadoo regan!Jngtbe region's abandoned coal mines. As a result of this effort, King County adopud Ordinance 13319 (Administrative Guidelines-AO) to provide guidance In conducting coal mine hamrd assessments.. At this time, the AG Is the most current, comprehensive and generally acceimd document fbr useulng coal mine hazards in western Washington. However, additlonal lnfonnation is continuing to be developed by direct observations of the condition of the abandoned coal mines, and lw lneorporated into JCE's detailed assessment oftilll Spri~rook Mine at the Northwest Parcel. The principal physical hazard classifications described in the AG are I) Severe Coal Mine Hu.ard Areas and 2) Moderate Coal Mine Hazard Areas. A third classification, not related to hazards, is refened to Icicle Creek En1fau11 033600!/032204 • Alex CUS:ini c/o Cla!emont Development Comp111y, Inc. March 22, 2004 Pagel • as Dec;lusltied Coal Mine Areas. The following are definitions of these classifications IS pn:sented In the AG: • Severe Coal Mine B1Z11rd Are111 .:... Severe Coal Mine Hmrd Areas are "thos11 Ql"f!tU tbat po,e a 1ign(/1canl risk of catQl/rophlc ground~ col/apm. Snere coal mln11 ha=ml ,_ may l)'plca//y lnclulh, bid au 1101 lh1fted to, ana, charoctlrlz«l by ,m,n/Jlgat.J opo,ing, l1iCh a, entrla, ponab, adft1, mine mq/11, air sllqfu, timber 11,q/11, llnlholu, impTJptrly j/U«i 1tnl:hola, and oth,r anas of JJOII or ngnJjlcanJ probability for catcutrophlc ground l1llfaa colUIJft. Snn-e roof mt,,, ~ area, typically brcli,de, but ae "°' limft.J ta, owrltJnd 11/lfacu unthrlaJn or dlnCl/y a.ffect,d by abandoned coal mine worl:ing,fran a dq,th ofzn'O ta OM lnmtlnd/1/1, fo,L" • Moderate Cul MJne Hazard Artas -Moderate Coal Mine Hazard ~IS are Hlhase arwaJJ that pan lign(/1Cf611 ri.rb ofprq,,ty dan,11p which can be mltlgat.J by ,peitll mgl11tlrlng or tnhltfflllral ~la,u. Moleran coal mln11 hcuard tna6 maytyplcaJ/J lnclutle, lnllt1rt1not limilflflta, ana, llllllulaln or dlnctlyq/fecled by abandoned coal minfl.worl:Jng,frt»n adq,tl, ofzm, tot/rru lnindrtld feet or wUh -~a-,,am lhld.nua ratio, of Im than ten la ona · d~ on th, lnc1inalJon a/tlll ·-.. . • DedulUled Coal Mlae Ana• · DeGlasslfied Coal Mine Areas are "tha&e orua for whlcli a rut of catam-ophlc colkrpu II not 1igniftca,,t and which th, hamrd t111U1mrnt rq,art lltll tl81rrm/Md rllpl/n. nospedalrnglnaring11rorchlt,cturalret:t11111T1111topmatllgnl/feantrldsofpr,p.rtydamage. · . IHckwlftu coal mlu t1N101 may typlcaJlJ1 Include, but an not limited to, area, rmdllrlain or dlr,ctly q/fllcted by coal mlnu at d,ptlu lf'flrJlff' than,,,,;, lumiJndfeet a, mllmndftom the ,lllji,ce but may oftm lnch«h ITfllU undulatn or dlrecl/y affectu by coal ,n/nu tll depllu lea than thne hundnd/11111. • MINE ROCK FILL MJne rode: till consists of loose rock and soil mixed with Inferior grade -i fiool underground workings and fines &om coal washing operatl0111. Tbae materials were not eompacted and are poteatially comprealble because of the loose texture and long-tmm air degradation otthe coal. No mine rock fill was observed on the Northwmt Pazcel. · PROSPECTS AND UNDOCUMENTED MINlNG Based on our review oftbe historic mine maps and site raconnel<11nce, we do not expect pn,speas or WJdocumented mining within the Northwest Parcel. CONCLUSIONS GENERAL OUrconclusiOIIS presented in the following sections 111e based on ourrevlewof ivailable infonnation, site observatiolll, ground proofing and analysis of coal miJ)e haDrds at the Nonbwut Parcel, supplem1111ted by lnfonnation obtalned for a previous study oflbe Southeast Pan:eL Our conclusions, based on our detailed assessment of coal mine hazards atthe Northwest Parcel,~ dHCribcd In the following scetions of this report. with the results of reclassification of coal mine hazards shown on the Coal Mine Hmrds Map, Flgurc 6. HISTORIC MINE MAP ACCURACY In our opinion, based on the results of the ground proofing program, the historic mine maps for the Springbrook Mine are accurate. TI1is includes the area of the Sprincbrook Coal Se.m that is shown on the maps IS being left in place because the c:oal WIS "fi"actured." SEVERE COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS As described abov~ Severe Coal Mine Hua.NI Areas are underlain by abandoned underground coal Ialcle Creek Enslaecro Alex Cugini c/o Claremont Development C11111pany, Jnc. March 22, 2004 Plge !l mines at a deJllh of less than I SO feet, However, this delineation can be modified as a result of"ground proofing" as was completed for thiutudy. Our ground proofing program indicated that the shallow woddngs of the Springbrook Mine beneath the NortbweJt Parl:el are substantially collapsed and caved. However, Boring B· 7 was complekd In a "suspicious" low ara and encountered soft drilling and loss llf drillin& fluids to the degiee that the borin& had to be completed au shallow depth of20 feet. Jr is possible that the loose soil may be lndieatlve of !'1151 an•lns into an underground tunnel of the SprillGhrook Mine. Based on our knowled&e of the Sile coodltions, it is our opinion that !he "caving~ has stabilized (no future caving). HOWCYer, the presence of Ibis local area of ca,'ed soil or fill does create a condition where a local ma of Se\lffl Coal Mine Huards should remain u shown on Fiaure 6. MODE.RATE COAL MINE RAZAlU> AREAS Mocleiate Coal Mine Huard'1>.reu are underlain by abandoned underground coal mines where regional pound 1ubsldenc.e may OCCIII', but not llnkhola. No czplomions 'Ylll'e cond• ln the deeper zones of lhe Springbrook Mine. Howmr, with the shallow wo,tbip beln& caYed and collapsed, It ls our judpment1hatlhe deeper mine workings (lllorethan 100 feet belowlhe ground lllrlice) are also caved md collap!led, espcclallyc:onslclering the steep incli!iation oftbe mined-DUI coal seam (S4 to S7 degreea)as sballowci.Yingtends to fill lhcdeeper sectionaofthe mine. As previously detlcn'bed, our ground proof'mg program S\lgeSII that the Sprln&brook Mine is caved and collapsed. In our opinion, no ModClllte Coal Mine~ presently exist whhintbe Northwcstl'm:el as the regional ground subsidence has likely already OCC1llTed. DECLASSIFIED COAL MINE AREAS The IUlflclal ovcrbllrdcn soils encountered In our lesl borinp on the Northwest PaRel generally c:onsistofabout34 to 43 feet of glacial till and advance outwuh with the exceptionofthe meaofBorl~B-7 that wu not able to advance deeper than 20 feet because of tbe Joss of drlllinc fluid circulation. Glaclal till 1111d adYBllCC outwash are relatively hl&fi strellgtblOll types that are resistant to caving and siokhole foimatlon. Tbe areas identified In ICE's June l!l!l!l report as Severe and Moderate Coal MineHm.rdlintbeNorthwest 1'an:el area should bo reclassified as a Declassified Coal Mine Area as a !'$Uh of this detailed coal mine hazard uSCSIIIICllt, with the exception of the remaining Severe Coal Mlrie11mird Alea. in the vicinity of BorlngB-7. The Declmltied CoalMlncAlea iUhowaonFlgure 6. RECOMMENJ>ATIO~ In our opinion, the Northwest Paree I can bede\~oped Milt $1rUCturel and paved l'OIIClslaccess wilhout special mitigation OJ' restrictions associated with coal min~ buards with the e,cceptlon of the remalning ,_umd ~ Coal Mine Hazard Am shown oo Figure 6. No development should occur in the Severe Coal Mine Humd Area without l\inher evalllBlion as described below. rt Is our t1plnion thatthe Severe Coal Mine Hazard Area could be developed with paved IOllds/access and parking provided that the area is funher evalualld by loose soil mnoval with an excavator Ill better mess the condition of the soils that underlie this am. As previously mentioned, based DI! our ground proofi11g program, it appears that the Springbrook Mine Is substantially collapsed and the possible caved sinkhole area Is llablc (no further cavln& expected). In addition, it is also posslbl e 1hat this Illes may have been a preexlsting low area that wu filled with loose soil and is therefore not a sinkhole. Excavation of this am would remove /ololc Creek Ea glncers Oll600<W3l2cM • Alex C1J&lni c/o Clamnont Development Company, Inc. Mardi 22, 2004 Page 10 the loose soil and expose the underlying native, undisturbed soils, if pment. The excavlllion could then be filled with structural fill that would be sul!able for support of pavement. USE OF.THIS REPORT We have prepared this report for use by Alex Cugini and Claremont~lopmentCompany, Inc, and tbcir asociatcs and engineers for their use iD plsnnlng development of the Northwest Parco!. The dl!a and report showd be provided to permitting agencies for their lnformalion, but our report conclusions and lntcrpretatlons should not be construed as a wemnty oflhe subsurface conditions. . Within the limitations of scope. schedule and budget, our services have been executed In accordance with geaer,Jly accepted practices in thlJ area at the time the report was prepared. No wananty or other condiliom. express or imp~. should be undentood • •••••••••••••••••••• We~ this lnfmmation meets your psesent needs. If you have any questions or if we CIII be of further mfstance to you, pleue call DoCU1111111 m: 0336004.ltEP Four c,oplcl 1Uhmillcd Icicle Creek Eagineeu Yours very truly, I • e, Creel: Eagincers, Inc. Brian R. Beam1111, P .E~ L.G. Principal Enginecr/Oeologilt 0336004/l132204 0 i 2,000 Scale in Feet N 4,000 1 ii! 1 ....:I.:..ci....:cl::..:e_:Cre~e....:k;;....E_:n;;.!gi"-· n_ee~rs;_,__ _________ Vi_1_c_inity Map -Fhrure 1 • ' . N 0 150 300 Approximate Scale In Feet N SPRINGBROOK MINE --·---·=:=-....................... --·-----.,- w Icicle Creek En · eers ............. EXPLANATION 6'8-6 BcxqJ I.Otdcn ror Cunwll Slucly &B-4 Bomg 1.-aan for Pmbul !Rudy .o ---,i1ic:50==~300 Approximate Scale In Feet Springbrook Mine Under ound Mine Map • Fi_gure 3 A (North) 400 Icicle Creek Engineers • • 0 100 A' (South) 400 200 scare In Feet Hollzonlal Scale " Vertlcal Scale Springbrook Mine Geolo · c Cross-Section A-A' -Figure 4 Cughl Propeily• No~ P-r---1 1 0 100 [ 200 g 5" l 200 Scale In Feet Horiz'Onlal Scale " Vertical Scale Springbrook Mine Icicle Creek Engineers Geolo · c Cross-Section B-B' -Figure 5 N -.. -~P-'1'Tal.Jlla14111,'~by --EngrM'1I, ..._ __ 7, 1194. Explanation: • [[[I] Severe Coal Mine Hazard Nea ,. ....................... 1111 ........ ..... .......... 1111 .. ....,, ................ ... -.... --. Declassified Coal Mine Area (!loo ____ .... _ ~-...... -~ No de,ialopment nistrldlonl moclated with coal mine hllzerds o .. ___ 1..:so====::1300 Approxlma\9 Scale In Feet ~~Ic::i::::cl::::e~C:::::r:.:e:::ek=En:=I.!=· :.:e.::ers::.:.-_______ ..::C:.=o.:::al:.:M:.::i=n~e .:.:H=az.ards Map -Firure 1, I Report Geotecbnical Engineering Services Proposed Property Development Springbrook Ridge King County Tu Parcel N0t. 2923059009 and 2023059148 Renton, Washington January 26, 2009 Project No. 0336-004 Prepared For: Alu Cugini Prepared By: Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. • ICICLE CREEK ENGINEERS Geotechnlcal, Geologic and Environmental Services Janua,y 26, 2009 Alex.Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH Consultant&, LI..C 733 -7"' Avenue, Suite JOO Kiritland, Wuhington 98033 INTRODUCTION Report Geomdmical F.ngineering Services Proposed Property Development Springbrook Ridge King County Tax Parcel Nos. 2923059009 and 2923059148 Renton, Wuhing1Dn ICE Filo No. 0336-004 This report summariz.es Icielc Creek Engineers' (ICE's) gootochnkal engineering services for the proposed development of an approximately 3. 78 aue property (,efened to as tbe SpringbrookRidge property- King County Tax Pan:el Nos. 2923059009 and 292305914B) located north oflhe inlmection of I OB"' Avenue SE (Benson Road)lllld S1atc Routc(SR) 515 in Renton, Weshington. Our services were completed ingenml accord,nce with our Proposal dated April 2, 200B and W\lJ'C lll1horiz:d by Alex Cugini Jr., the piopcrty owner, on Del.lember 8, 2008. ICE previously completed coal mine haw'd assessments of the property; the resul1s are praented in our reports dated June 24, 1999 and March 22, 2004. The 1oeation of the Springbrook Ridge property is shown relative to nearby physical features on the Vicinity Map, Figure I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Jamie Scbrooder of CPH Consultants, U.C (CPH), the project engineer, provided ICE with the following inftmnation regarding the project: • CPH, March 4, 2008, "Concepmal Site Plan," sheet J, scale I inch = 100 feet. • City of Renton Depsrtment of Community & F.conomic Development, March 27, 2008, pieapplic:ation meeting notes tbr the Benson Road Devclopment, 8 pages. • City of Renton Development Seivices Division, March 2007, "Submittal Requirements, Site Plan Review," B pages. Based on our review of die CPH silt: plan and discussions with Mr. Schroeder, the Springbrook Ridge property will be developed with retsiVcommercial and residential buildings along with paved parking and access. We undersland 1hat the north building {residential) may have below-grade paridng. As currently planned, stonnwatet will be detained in two underground vaults {Vaults A and B). Site grading will require cu1ll up to 16-fect deep, primarily for installing Vauh B and underground parking fot the north building. The balance of the site glllding for patking and 8'lCCSS areas will require cuts and fill oflesll 1ban S feet. 9395 NE 20th Street • carnation, Wuhington 98014 • www.icltlecreekenglneers.com • (425) 333-0093 phone • (425) 995-4036 fax Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPR Consultants, LLC Jamwy 26, 2009 Page2 A Class 4 stream (classified by others) crosses the site from cast to west. The stream includes a 25-to 35-foot wide buffer on either sldc of the stream cbaooel An access driveway will cross thc stn:am corridor by installation of a culvert andc:oostraction of a fill ernbaokrnmt up to 12-feet thick. Thercmaiod.,-ofthe stream and buffer will remain undeveloped. The project site, includiug the proposed site improvemwts, is shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES The JJIIIP08C of our services was to explore subswface soil/bcdrock and ground watcroooclitions at the site as a basis for developing gcotrobnical recommt.ndations and design criteria fortheproposed developmcot. Our acope of services was developed, in part, based on our review of the CityofR.entoo documents (maau:ed above) that included a list of items that should be addrcsaed in the gcotecJ:mioal report. Our spocific scope of services includes the fullowiog: • Complete a detailed surface recomiaissance with particular emphasis on slope areas. • Explore shallow subsurface soil, bedrock and ground Wala" conditions by oomplctiug nine test pits with a track-mounted excavator. One of the test pit c::xplorationa was completed in a Severe (High) Coal Mine Hazard area. We BUppltmcntcd these explorations wilh test borings that were completed at 1he site for a previous study of coal mine huards. • Complete Jaboratoty testing on selected soil samples for moislllre contmt. • Evaluate pertinent physical and engineering cbaractaistics oflhe soils/bedrock based on our observations .. and site knowledge, and on 1he results of laboratory tests completed on samples ob1aioed from the test pita. • Dcscnbc and cbaractcri7.C soillbcdmck and ground water conditions at the site. • Evaluate the present stability of the slope an:as and the effects of the proposed dcwclopmc:nt on future slope stability. • Evaluate the High Coal MineHazard area and reclassify, if appropriate, and/or providcrecommflJdations to mitigate the High Coal Mine Hazard oondition. • Provide nrornrnendations for site preparation and grading including stripping requiremmts, structural fill criteria and reuse of onsite excavated soils and bcclrock for Bll'UCIIII1I! fill. • Evaluate dcwatering and shoring requirements and provide recommendations for excavation and tnmch side slopes fur underground utilities. • Provide 1ecomn 1endations for bedrock excavation including excavatability and moobanical splitting (loosening), as appropriate. • Provide recommendations for underground utility backfill materials including the suitability of excavated materials for use as backfill and bedding, including rtcommeodatiomi for placaneot and oompaction of bedding and bacldill materials. • Provide ItCM11Dcodatlons for trmponuy cuts and permanent cut and fill slopes. • Provide n:commaulations for :foundation support, inch1ding roinimmn footing dirnensions, cmbedment depths, allowable soil bearing pressures and settlement estimates. • Provide n:commendations for support of on-grade floor slabs including criteria for a capillmy break. • Provide rec,, 1111111endations for Jatcral earth pressures including active pressures for tctaining walls and passive earth pressures on fuotings, includlng the coefficient of base fticlion against sliding. • Provide n,commendations for pavement subgrade preparation. • Provide seuroic design criteria based on the 2006 Intcmationsl Building Code (IBC). • Provide =roendations for erosion control and sur1iwe and subsurface drainage requirctnmts, as appropriate. Icicle Creclc Engineer, 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH Consultant5, lLC January 26, 2009 Pagc3 ABANDONED UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ABpm,iouslymentioned,ICEhascooipletedcoalminchawdasses"lllClltsoftheSpringbrookRidge property (June 1999 and March 2004) at a time when the site was within King County. The Springbrook Ridge property was IIIIMXed by the City ofRmton in November 2007. The June 1999 study was a prcliminazy asscssrnent that swmnarizcd the coal mine bawd cond.i1io!lB; no sublllll"DICe eq,lOl"lltions wtte completed fur the June 1999 study. The Marob 2004 coal mine hazard l&!lles51Dcnt included subsurface exploration of the shallow (less than ISO-foot deep) abandoned coal mine wod.ings. In the March 2004 study we concluded that the abandoned unda'ground coal mines Wtte substantially collapsed and most of the coal mine bawds were ''Declassified" (using KingCountyOrdinance 13319 terminology). A Declassified Coal Mine.Area is definod by King County as "thoae areas for which a risk of catastrophic cc/lapse is not significant and which the hazard auesmumt report has ddermined relJUlre no special engineering or architectural recommendations to prevent signljlcant risks of property damage. Declas91jied coal mine are.as may typically include, but are not limited to, areas ""'1erlain or directly affected by coal mines at depths greater than three hundred feet as measund from the surface but may often include areas underlain or directly q/fecled by coal mines at deptJ,s less than three hundred feet. " However, one area mnaiocd as a "Sevt:e Coal MineHMJud" area (equivalent to City ofRcntan "High Coal Mine Hanni") in the south portion of the Springbrook Ridge piopcrty where a former mine en!Jy (inaccesnblc and filled) was roughly located during our Marob 2004 study. At that time, the apeciJic location of this formr.r mine entJy was not mown so a relatively wide circle identifying the Severe (High) CGaJ Mine Huard area was established to encompass the most probable location of the former mine entry. A full description of the abandoned Ulldcrground coal mines and results of ICE's sub&um!CC explorations (ground proofing} of the abandoned underground coal mines is pn:aented in ICE's June 1999 and March 2004 rq,orts. This current study includes a detailed evaluation of 1he High Coal Mine Hazmd area (the form« mine muy) that was established in ICE's March 2004 rq,ort. GEOLOGIC SETI'ING Basod on n,giona1 geologic mapping by U.S. Geological Survey (USOS -Mullineaux, D.R., 1965, "Geologic Map of 1he Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington," Geologic Quadmngle Map OQ-40S), the Springbrook Ridge property is underlain by glacial till. OJacial till typically consists of dense to very dcD8c silty sand with gravel. The glacial till is underlain by bedrock of the Renton formation. Rmton formation brxlroclc consists of in1c:tbeddcd sandstone, siltstone, shale, c1aystone, carbonaceous shale and coal beds. S1ructurally, the bcdroc:k has been uplifted, folded and mu1ted ova-time. This structural demnnation of the bedrock has created a northwest trending syncline. "Syncline" is a geologic te.nn rcfcaing to a fold in the bedrock layering that is concave up (downward cwving). The "limbs" or bedrock layering of the syncline dip at &Dg!es ranging from 30 to 70 degrees from horimnta1. The wiweathcrod g1acial till is typically covcrod with forest duff and topsoil, and westht:red glacial till varying in total thickness from a few inches to several feet. Weathered glacial till typically consists of loose silty sand with variable amounts of gravel and roots. In historic coal mining areas, it is possible that "mine rock fill" could exist on the &umlCC of the propaty. Mine rock fill typically consists of coal fines and broken rock. Icicle Creek En&ineers 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Sclirocdcr, P.E. CPH Consultants, UC January 26, 2009 Pagc4 • SITE CONDffiONS SURFACE CONDITIONS The Springbrook Ridge prq>erty is located on an upland area within the cemra1 Puget Sound lowlands commonly ,efuxcd toas "Benson Hill." Theroughly1riimgulaMhaped property is bordel'ed tothcDOrthbySE 172,,. Street and residcmtial. development, to the nortbcut by a child care filcility (Family Circle Leaming Caitcr}, to the south cut by 1 os• A venue SE (Benson Road), undeveloped property and a chuxch, and to the southwest by SR 51 S and commercial development. Toe Springbrook Ridge property is cum:ntlyundevdoped and is vegetated withmaturcKCODd-growth conifer and deciduous trees, and dense brush. A stream (the previously mentioned Class 4 lllream) within a swalc about 10-to 15-fect deep, croasea the property fi'om cut to west. The ground surlilcc is gmtly undulating and ranges fi'om E~on 366 feet (where the stn:am exits the property along the aouthwest property line) to about Elevation 401 feet in the cut comer of the property. Slopes bordering the stream cbaonel range from 10 to 25 pcxcentgrade and are up to IS-feet high. No ground swfacc depresaions (suggesting a mine opening or sinkhole) were observed on the Springbrook Ridge property with the exception of the previously described former mine opaiiog area. No swfacc evidcoce of mine rock fill wu observed on the Springbrook Ridge property. SUBSURFACE CONDIDONS The Maroh 2004 coal mine hazard BSSCBSIDcot included drilling seven, 6-inch-diarnetcr boriDgll (Borings B-S throughB-11) to depths rangingfi'om20 to 160 feet betweenFcbrumy 16 and 24, 2004uslng mud-rolaly drilling methods with lnek-mounted drilling equipment owned and operated by Gn,gmy Drilling. Inc. The approximate locations of the test boring explorations are shown on Figure 2. Subswfacc conditions for the current studywrre evaluated by the CXC!lvation of nine test pits (!'est Pits TP-1 through TP-9). Thetestpitswcrccompleted onDecembc:c 16, 2008to deptbsnmgingfrom6 to IS feet usiJlg a track-mounted excavator (Komatsu PC120) owned and operated by Kelly's ExcaYB1ing. Inc. of Pacific, Washington. The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on Figure 2. The test pit cxplorations were continuously observed by a geologist from ICE who classified the soils, observed ground wata' conditions, and prq,ared a ddailed log of each cxploration. The soil c:onsurtencics noted on the test pit logs are based on conditions obsClVCd, our cxpcric:ncc andjndgmc:nt, and the difficulty of excavation. Soils were classified in gc:ncral accon1ance with the classification B)'lltml dcscn'l>cd in Figure S. The test pit logs are presented in the Test Pit Logs, Figures 6 through 8. Laboratoxy testing ioolmtingmoisture content, was completed on sclcc:tcd soil samples :fromthckstpits. A summary of the moisture contc:ntresults is shown on the Labonltory Testing Moisture Content Results, Figure 9. The test pit explorations (Test Pits TP-1 through TP-8) eccounti:red relatively lllli1imn conditions consisting of approximately~ to 1 ~ foot of furest duff and ropsoil underlain by epproximately I to 3~ feet of weathered glacial till consisting ofloose to medium dc:nse silty sand with variable 8IXIOlllllll of gram and roots. Toe weathered g1acia1 till was underlain byunweathcred g1acia1 till to the full depth of the cxploratioosnmging ftom 6 to 1 O feet below the ground surface. The unweathcred g1acial till consisted of dense to vecy dense silty sand with variable amounts of gxavel and oobblcs. Pxactical digging refusal wasmcountrred in Teat Pits TP-3 and TP-5. Test Pit TP-9 was completed in the 11m1 of the suspected foaner mine entry. Test Pit TP-9 c:ncountcrcd fill for the full depth of the exploration to IS feet below the ground smface. The fill consisted of loose to mcclium dense silty aand with a trace of gravel and cobbles and abundant wood debris. This fill appears to be nonstructural soil that was placed in the mine opening to prevent entry. Icicle Creek Bnglnceu 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Scbroedcr, P .E. CPH Consultants, LLC January 26, 2009 Pages • Based on the test borings that wac completed for the MIU'Ch 2004 study, the glacial till overlies Renton formation bedrock. R.c:nton formation bedrock consists of intcrbodded sandstone, siltstone, shale, claystonc, carbonaceous &bale and coal beds. The depth to the bedrock ranged from 22 to 43 feet below the ground surficc. No ground watt:t was obsetvcd in the test pit explorations with the exception of Test Pit TP-4 which encountered rapid ground water seepage at a depth of about I~ feet. Test Pit TP-4 was completed in a low an:a with spmigy ground that appears to be accumulllling ina closed depression. Though ground WIiia" WBB not c:ocount=d in the Rlllllinillg test pit explorations, we expect sh.allow "perohcd" ground water lo occur within the weathered glacial till along the contact with the underlying, nearly impermeable, glacial till during extended periods of wet weather. The perched ground water is expected to dry out following extended periods of dry weather. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SLOPE STABILITY We did not observe surfi.ce cvidcncc of slope inslability, primarily aloogthc stR:am cbanneI which is to remain undeveloped. Based on topographic survey plans and our site observations, slopes within the Springbrook Ridge property are less than 25 percent grade and are therefore not regulated as a Senaitive or Protected Slope. WGB COAL MINE HAZARD A.REA CONSIDERATIONS Test Pit TP-9 appeared to CIICOUllterthe formarmmc entry because ofthepreseoce of fill to dq,th (at least 15-fcct deep). Cwrcntly, this area is phmned forparlcingand an undergroundstormwatadetmtion vault (Vault B). In our opinion, this former mine entry, though apparently filled to a depth of at least 15 feet, will need to be excavated during ooil8truction to expose the plan dimellsions of the tunnel area and to refine our TCC('JJJIIJfJ)dations for nx:lamation as dcscnbed below. We expect the furmrz mine entry to be about 5-to 8-fcct in diameter and inclined at about SS to 60 degrees below hori7.0llta1 down to the south. The dimnetcr of the fOilllCf miDc entry should be confirmed during site preparation and grading. The reclamation of the mine entry should consist of a structural plug (controlled density fill-CDP) that will reduce the risk of future caving and support surlacc facilities such as a parl:ing lotand/orUDdc:rground stonnwatec vault. The ldzlwturai plug should consist of lean coocrete that is used to fill a ''pn:pared excavation." A diagram showing the schematic details of this reclamation for a parking lot coo.dition is shown in the High Coal Mine Huard Reclamation Plan (Parking Area), Figure 3 and for an underground stormwater wult in the High Coal Mine Hazard Reclamation Plan (Stormwata-Vawt), Figw-e 4. Basedonourexperilmce, this type of mine opening reclamation has been used frcquc:ntly by the U.S. Dcpartmmt of Interior Office of Surface Mining. Toe prepared excavation should be completed during site grading by n:moval of existing fiJJ soils to a depth of at least 15 feet or to at loast S feet below the base of the underground stonnwater vault, or as detennined by a geotecbnical engineer or geologist during excavation. The prepared excavation should be widened into the native glacial till areas that surround the mine opening by at least 5 feet to fonn the "plug" and should also be observed by a geotechnical c:ngineec or geologist during excavation The vault, where underlain by the former mine entry, should have the hue designed to span at least 10 feet as a design redundancy. Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPR Consultants, U..C January 26, 2009 Page6 SITE PREPARATION AND EARTHWORK Site Preparation Convmrtional site preparation procedUil:S for the type of terrain and forest pn11ent on the site arc expected. We n:oomrneod that all trees, fallen logs, brush, low-growing vegetation and forest duffbe.nmovcd from the plannt.d development area. We recommeru1 that any bu.mdous trees ( e.g., trees that lean toward or may eventually fall onto parlring or building areas) be mnoved or trimmed. We expect that stripping will be on the order of l 2 to 18 inches unless excessive distuJbancc is caused by clearing operations. Local areas ofbrush and tree stumps will require additional stripping. Tree root balls should be rcmovt.d and replaced with structural fill. Distutbance to a greater depth can be fllq)CCted if clearing opcndions arc done in wet weather. The excavated weatba'ed and unweathered glaci& till soils are moisture-acositive and difficult to OJ>Cl'Ale on and to COJnpact during wet weather. Rubber-tirr.d vehicles and even foot traffic will distw:b this material when it is abovo,optimwn moisture. This material readily absoms moisture, is difficuh to dry out, and also has a fairly high erosion potential. Accordingly, silt fmces and other erosion protection measures will be necessary. Structural Fill General -All new fill in building and parldng areas should be placed as Btructural fill. Stnwtural fill material should be ftee of debris, organic contaminants and rockfragmentslargertben6 inches., The suitability of material for use as sfJuctural fill will depend on the gradation and moisture COJJtmt of the soil As the amount of fines (soil particles passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve) increases, soil becomes incmisingly &aJBitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more diftimlt to achieve. ColDIIIOD Borrow-We recommend that COIIlDJOD borrow fill confonn with Section 9-03.14(3) of the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal COns1J'ucti1B1 (Standard Specifications). Common bonow will be scnmive to changes in moisture content and compaction will be difficult or impossible to achieve during wet weather. We recommmd that common bom,w be used as structural fill only during dry weather conditions when proper moisture conditiODing can be achieved. Gravel Borrow-We recommend that gravel borrow CODfo:r:m with Section 9-03.14(1) ofthe2008 Sfalldard Specifications. We recommend that gnivel borrow contain no more than 5 percent fines during wet weather and in wet subgnlde conditions. Reuae of On-Site Materlals -The native sells (weathered and unwe.athered glacial till) may bcreust.d for structural fill during periods of atcndcd dry weathlll'. Soil containing more than 20 percent orgm:rie matter (roots, forest duff and topsoil) should only be used in landscaping areas or for other pmposes where specific compaction criteria is not required. Placement and Compaction -For plarernent during wet weather or on wet sub grades, structwa1 fill should contain no more than 5 percent iincs. Fill placement over wet ground should COIJIIJlC'lP'with minitial lift of about 24 inches of gravel borrow with less than 5 percent fines. This lift should be oompacted by rolling without vibration to n:du.cethepotential for inducing "pumping" or"yiclding" ofthcUDdcrlyingsoils. During myweathcr, the fines content may be up to about 30 percent.provided that the fill can bc~ont.d and compacted to the degree spccifit.d below. StnJctuml fill should be compacted to at least 9S percem of the maxirnnm dJy daJBi1y (MDD) obtained from ASTM Test MetbodD 1557. This applies to all utilitytreocb. backfill as well. Wastcfillinlandlcaping areas need only be compacted to the extent required for tmfficability of construciion equipment. Icicle Creek Engineers 0336004/012609 Alex CUglnl c/o Jamie Schroedct, P.E. CPH Consultanfll, LLC January 26, 2009 Page7 • As a guideline, we recommcrid that struclllral fill be placed in horizontal lifts which are 1 O inches or less in loose thic.kness. The aotua1 lift thickness will depaJd of the compaction equipment used and the quality of the fill. Each lift should be compacted with vibratory equipment to at least 95 percent of the MOD. The moisture content of the fill material should be adjusted as necessary to achieve the required degm: of compaction. F.ach lift should be compacted to the required specification before placing subsequent la)'l:l'B. Nonstructural fill placed in landscape and waste-fill areas when, the existing 1urfiice slope ill no steeper than 4H:1 V (horizontal to vertical) needs to be oompacled only to the degree required for 1rafficability of construc:tion equipment and effective surfilce drainage. All nonstructural fills should be sloped no steq,«than 4H:I V. Nonstructwal fill is very susceptible to erosion. 'I'herefcn, werecommeod that allDOJIBtluctural fill areas be immediately sccdcd, planted, or othcrwiae protected from erosion. We recommend that a 1ep1C&Wtative from our firm observe the pn:paration for, plBC"ZJ:lmt, and oompaction of structural fill. An adequate IIUillbcr of in-plaoe density tests should be completed in the fill to evaluate if the desired degree of compaction is being achieved. Fill Setdelnent We expect that fill areas will be underlain by medium dmsc to very dense silty sand with variable amounts of gravel and cobbles (weathered and unwea!hered glacial till). Settlemcm of these underlying inatmia11 is expected to range from 'h to 1 inch and should occur rapidly as fill is placed. Some sdtJmnrt will also occur within the fill itself; especiallywhm:thefill thickncsa is greater than about S feet. We cstirnafl: that the rnaxirnnrn amount of settlement within the fill will be no more than 1 percent of the fill thickness. Thus, for a 10-foot thick fill section, sc:ttlcments on the order of 1 to 1.S inchc& might occur. EXCAVATIONS In gmral, most rnatcria1s mcountered in our test pits and borings can be excavated using conventional heavy construction equipment such as a Hitachi BX450LC track-mounted c:Kcavator. Thcunwaitbered glaclal till ill generally in a dense to very dense condition and maybe difficult to c:Kcavatc. We expect that occasional boulders will be cooountered in the glacial till. Typically, these boulders are less than 6 feet in diameta: based on our experimce in this area, however it is poS1ible that larger boulders may be present. Bedmckmaybeeccoumered1ocallyindeepexcavadons,especiallyforthestcnmwaterdtttn1lonvaults. The bedrock may be di£6c,J]t, if not irnpOBS1'ble, to excavafl: if the trench extends greater than 5 feet into the unwcath=d bedrodc. Hard bedrock may require moohsnical splitting or blastiDg to loosen. All temporazy cut slopes and shoring must comply with the provisiOllll of Trtle 296 Washington AdrninistrativeCode(WAC), PartN, ''Excavation, Trax:bing and Shoring." Werroornrneod that tcmpomy excavations, including anyternpomy shoring, be made the responsibility of the contractor. The coatractor is present at the site continuously and iii best able to observe changes in site and aoiloonditions and monitor the pcrforrnaDcc of excavations. SHORING It may be ncccB&alY to support tcmponuy ax.cavatiros to maintain the integrity of the 8U1l'OUDding nndish.ll'bed soils and mjnj,ni7.e disruption of sdjarmt areas, as well as toprotcathepenomel worldngwithin the c:utcavations. Because; of the diversity of available shoring systems and construction techniques, the design of tcrnpoiary sJwring iii roost appropriately left up to the contractor proposing to complete the installatiOD. However, we recornrneod that the shoring be designed by a licensed professional engineer in Washington, and Icicle Crock Englncera 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini clo Jamie Schroedel', P.E. CPH Collsultmts, U.C January 26, 2009 PagcS • that the PE-stamped shoring plans and calculations be submitted to the project engineer for review and comment prior to c:onatnwtion. The following pamgraphs present recommendations for the type of shoring systan and design parameters that we conclude arc appropriate for the subsumce conditions at the Springbrook Ridge property. The majority of the materials within the project an:a can bcrelained using con\/Ultiooal trcncl!.shoring systems sud!. as trench shields or sheet piles, with lateral restraint. The design oftcmpormy shoring should allow for lateral pressures exerted by the adjacent soil, and surcbarge loads due to traffic, c:onatnwtion equiprneol, and temporary stoclcpilcs adjacent to the excavation, etc. Lateral load resistance can be mobilized through the use of braces, tiebacb, anchor blocks and passive pressures on JillllDb«s that extend below the bottom of the excavation. Tcmpormy shorinJ! utiJir.cd to 8UppOrt trcoch excavations typically uses intcmal bracing such as aluminum hydraulic shoring or tn::nch shield bracing. Temporary trcm:h shorinJ! with iDtcrnal bracing can be designed using active soil pressures. We iwor11111end that temporary shoring be designed using a lateral pressure equal to an equivalCDt tluid density of 40 pounds per cubic foot (pct), for conditions with a level ground surface adjacent to the excavation. If the ground within S feet of the excavation rises at an inclination of 1 H: IV or steeper, the shoring should be dcsigru,d using an equivalent fluid dalsityof75 pcf. For adjacent slopes flaltlrthan lH:lV, soil pressures can be inrerpolatcd between this range of values. Other conditions should be cvaluatcd on a case-by-case basis. These lataal soil pressures do not include traffic or construction smchargcs that should be added separately, if appropriate. It is typical for shoring to be designed for a traffic influence equal to a unifonn lateral prcasure of 240 pounds per square foot (psf) acting ovr.r a dq,th of 10 feet from the ground llllrliu:e. More conservative pressure values should be used if the dcsigna deems them appropriate. These soil pn:ssurc recommendations arc predicated upon the construction being essentially dcwatered; therefore, hydrostatic water pressures arc not included. CONSTRUCTION DEWATERJNG Based on our teat pit eq,lorationa and general knowledge of the site area, we do not expect that construction dewstcring will be necessary. However, if pockets of ground wat.cr scq,age are CIICOlllltcrod, we expect that pumping from a sump within the trench may be used for small to modmite an:_ioums of ground water seepage. Well points or pumped wells will be nccesli8ly if large amounts of ground water seepage are eru:ountered. We rcoo11111imd that the contractor be required to BUbmit the proposed dcwateriDg S)'Btrmdesign and plan layout to the project engineer for review 811d comment prior to begimrlng construetion. UNDERGROUND UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL All trench bacldill should consist of structural fill quality llllllerial as previously described in the Structural Fill section of this report Unleas specified otherwise in this report, the following general rcquirrments shall apply to all fill plaoc:mcnt, including pipe bedding, 811d traich backfilling • UJJdergrouDd utilities should be bedded in crushed gravel as specified in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specificationa, Section 9-03.12(3) for "Gravel Backfill fur Pipe Zone Bedding." • Pipe zone bedding should be exte:nded at least 4 inc.hes below the utility line and 6 inches above the utility line. Bedding should be worla:d under the pipe haunches uaing hand toola as required. Bedding material should be tamped or Vibrated ( compacled) into place. • Pipe zone bedding for all non-water uruierground utilities should be compacted to at least 90 paa,nt of 1hc MDD (AS1M Test Method D 1 SS7). Pipe 7.0llC bedding for all water mains should be compacted to at least 9S pr.rcent of the MDD (ASTM Teat MethodD JSS7). Icicle: Creek Engineers 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPH Conaultants, LLC January 26, 2009 Page9 • Baclcfill pla=i above the bedding mat.crial should consist of structum1 fill quality on-Bite material, or "Common Borrow" u specified in 2008 WSDOT Standard Specificatiom, Section 9-03.14(3). During wet weather periods, backfill material should have less than S percent fines content. • Asa guideline, bacldill should bepla=iinliftsoflO inchesorless(loosethickness). Each lift should be compacted prior to placing the BUhseque.nt lift. Prior to compaction, the bacldill should be moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content. • All trench backfill should be compacted in lifts to at least 9S percent of the MDD (ASTM Test Method D 1557). Backfill compaction should be achieved bynum•nieal means. Nojetting,poruling, or flooding will be allowed for compaction. • During trench backfill placement, in-place dc:mity tests should be completed at approximately I 00-foot int.ervals along the trench alignment to evaluate if the required oampaction is being achieved. CUT AND Fll.L SLOPF.S CutSlopa It is eitpected thattempwmyc:uts ofup to 16 feet will be required for slotmwater Vault Band the UDdcrground parking fur the north building. The appropriate slope for temporary cuta is dependant on aevaal factors including the presence of ground water, the type and dmsity of soils, the depth of cut, 8IDdiarge loading adjacent to the cut and the time of construction. Because many variables are involved, the actual alope R".CJUired to maintain stability can only be approximated. Toe following l'llCOIIIIDClldtiom apply to temporary cuts: • Tempomry cuts in excess of 4 feet should be sloped DO steeper than I.SH:lV. The cuts may have to be flattened for stsbility if ground water seepage is· e,icounlered. • Temporary cut~lope inclinations should be made in accordance with applicable OSHA and WISHA regulations. Permanent cut slopes should be inclined DO stcq>a"than 2H: 1 V. The UJJP«" portion of cut slopes will expose loose to medilllD dense wealhemi glacial till soil that may be scvecal feet thick. The weathered glacial till soil will be subject to .localiuvl raveling and sloughingandmusttheccforebeslopedno stecpcrthan3H:1V. Fill Slopa Structural fill slopes may be sloped at 2H: 1 V or flatter. All surlaces which will receive fill should be properly stripped of vegetation and organic matter prior to placing fill. Fill pla=i on crisling slopes which are steeper than 4H: l V should be properly keyed into the native slope surfiloc. This can be accomplished by constructing the fill in a series of 4-to 8-foot-wide horimntal benches cut into the slope. The fill should be placed in horizontal lifts. We recommend that fill be placed on the cut benches as soon as posm"ble following construction of the benches. FOUNDATION SUPPORT We recommend that all footings be founded on either the medium dense or dense,-wcatberect' or unweathen:d glacial till, or suuctural fill overlying glacial till. Jflooae weathered g1aoial till is micmmteced at footing subgrade levels, it may be na:essary to oompact the weathtred till to 8lnwlUlll1 fill specifications. ('.nntinnous strip footings should be at least 18.fuchcs wide; isolated spread footingR should hsve a miDilDJJJD width of 2 feet. We ldOOllllnend that all exterior footings be foundoo at least 18 inches below the lowest lcicJc Creek Engineers 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini rlo Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH ConsultantB, UC ]mwuy 26, 2009 Page 10 adjacent finished grade. The base of interior footings should be founded at least 12 inches below the finished floor grade. Au allowable soil bearing pmisure of 2,500 psf may be used for design of isolated and continuous spread footing& fuunded in accordmlCc with our 1t:CODu1eodations. An allowable soil bc:aringp~of 4,000 psf cau be used for footings bearing on the dense: or very dcme unweathered glacial till. These values apply to the sum of all dead plus long-term live loads, excluding the weight of the footing and my overlying backfi!J These values may be increased by oue,third when earthquake or wind loads are considered. The settlcmmt of foundation clements beariJlg on dense to very dense glacial till will be nominal (less than 14 inch). The cxpcctcd settlement will increase Bil the structural fill underlying the fuoting& increases. We CllpCCl the maximum total settlement of footings fuunded on structural fill pn,parcd as w,.1111111CDdcd will be leu than about 1 inch. Thaefore, provided there is not an abrupt transition between footings uodt.dain by fill and the uuweathered g1acial till, we expect dim:nmtial aettlernent& will be limited to about Y.. incl,. belwem comparably loaded isolated column footings or within 50 feet along continuous strip footings. If a sharp transition between the fill and the unweathered glacial till is mcountaal during coustruotion, the transition can be madcmon: gradual by excavating someoftheunwcatherm glacial till and rqilacing it with s1rudural fill or taking the footings founded on wcathcrcd g1acial till/alructuml fill deeper. Wereco, 1111 itlld that theprq,mation of the sballow mundation sub grades and structural fill plarernent be observed by a 1cp.C8Cllhd:ive of our staff so that OW' recmnmendations can be modified as needed based on the actual field conditions cncollllttffil during construction. Laten1 loads can be raisted by passive Iffl8tancc on the aides of the footings and by fiiction on the base of the footings and floor slab. Passive resistance may be evaluated using an equivalent fluid density of 300 pct; assuming that the soil around the footings for a dist1D1x: of twice the footing depth consists of either dcoBe glacial till or compacted structural fill. The top of the triangular passive pressure distribution should begin at the bottom of aqjaccnt floor slabs or paving or below a depth of 1 foot whme the adjllCClll area is wipavcd, as appropriate. Frictional resistance cau be evaluated using 0.4 fur the coefficient of base fiiction against footings and the building slab. The above values incolporate a fitctor of safety of about 1.S. SLAB-ON-GRADE The s1ab-on-gradc subgrade ehouJd be prepared in accordance with the previously descnbed SITE PREPARATION AND EARTHWORK reo 1111111CDdations. We recoJDIDCnd that the subgrade surface be compacted such that a minimum compaction of 95 percent of the MDD {ASTM Test Method D 1557) is achieved before placing structural fill or capillary bresk 1l'Ulmrial. We 1coo111111t:od that a compacted bascH:oune layer consisting of at least 4 iucbes of gravel containing less than 3 poceot fines be placed on the subgrade to provide uniform support and act as a capillary break beneath the slab. A vapor retarder should be placcd beneath the slab if moisture control in the slab is critical (i.e., where tile or carpeting is to be glued to the slab). This vapor retarder sbou1d consist of polyabylcn.e shtding, A layer of clean sand not more than 2 iDcl,.cs in thiclmess may be placed over the polyetbylme sbeding The vapor retarder should be placed immediately below the slab. We estimate tbat the settlc:mcut of floor slabs due to uuifoon areal loads of 150 psf will be Jess than~ inch. These settlements are cxpcctcd to occur rapidly upon load application. STORMWATER DETENTION VAULTS We expect that the stormwata-detention vault structures (Vaults A and B) will be suppcxted on undistUibcd UDWeathered glacial till in a dense or denser eonditiOIL We estimate that settlement of the vault Icicle Creek Enginoors 0336004/012609 Alc:,c Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPH Consultaota, LLC 1anwuy 26, 2009 Page 11 structures will be less than l inch U8ing an allowable bearing pressure of 4,000 ps£ Settlements are c:,cpected to oocur rapidly as loads are applied. Bacldi1l mound the vault structures should be plsced in horiz.onlal lifts with a marimum loose thickness of about 8 incl1ea and compacted to at least 90 pa-cent of the MDD (ASTM Test Method D 1557). Only band-operated oompaclion equipment should be permitted within 5 feet of the vault structure walls to avoid excessive latecal pressures on the walls. For backfill placed as descnl>ed, we recommeud U8ing a design lateral presswe imposed by an equivalent fluid weighing 5S pcf. The design l.atml pmisurc is based on maintaining drained cmlitiODB in the soilll sU1TOimding the vault structures. If s drainage syst<m cmmot be provided at the base of the vault strudurcs, we recommend desigoing the stormwater detention vault structures for a lateral presswe RSU1ting from an equivalent fluid weighing 90 pcf from a depth of 2 feet below the ground aurfaoc to the bottom of the vault. A rectAngUlar pressure equal to 0.4S times the weight of superimposed dead or live loads at the surface should be added where present. Uplift forocs on the underground stormwatervault can be resisted by the weight of soil located above the structure or slabs which protrude beyond the walls and by friction between the wall and the adjaccot soil We recommend that soil weight be computed using a density of 125 pcf above the wate.r table. Friction between the wall and the adjacent bacldill soil may be estirnared U8ing a coefficient of friction of 0.2. This cocfficiait of friction value includes a factor of safety of 1.5. If a projecting base slab is used, the perimeta: area of the soil on the &ides of the prism fomied by the base slab and the vertical distance to the ground sw:6ice may be used with a coefficient of friction of 0.25 to calculate resistance to uplift. SUBGRADE (BASEMENT) WALLS Subgrade walls may be required for building construction. The lateral soil Jl1'CSSllml acting on subgradewalls depend on the type, denaity and geometry of the soil behind the wall and the arnountoflateral wall movement which can occur as backfill is placed. For walls that are free to yield at the top at least one one-thousandth of the height of the wall, an active prcesure of 35, 45, and 60pcf should be used for level backslopes, 4H:IV backslopes and2H:l Vbaclalopes, respectively. These valua; assume that the soil behind the wall is free draining. Far "at rest'' candiUOllll where the wan is rcstr&ined against movement, an active pressure of 50, SS, and 75 pef should be used for level backslopes, 4H: 1 V baeblopes and 2H: l V backslopes, respectively. These values asaurne that the soil behind the wall is free draining. Surcliarge effiicls should be considered as appropriate. In seUlrmcnt-sensitive areas, the backfill for aubgrade walls should be compacted to at least 95 percent oftheMDD (ASTMTcstMethodD 1557). Atotherloestions, wallbacldill should be compacted to between 90and 92 pcn:c:nt oftheMDD (ASTMTest MethodD 1557). Measun:sahould bctakmtopreYQrtthebuildup of excess Jatentl soil pressures due to ovcrcompaction of the bacldill behind the wall. care must be c:,cacised by the contractor to avoid overoompaction. A drai!lage zone consisting of clean, freo-dnrining granular rnat.crial rontsining less 1han 5 pen:ent fines at least 18-inches wide ahould be placed against the back face of the wall far its full }jejgbt. Positive drainage behind subgnide walls should also include in$lling a footing drain at the base of the wall as ciescnl>ed in the DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS seetion of this report. LATERAL RESISTANCE Lateral loads can be resisted by passive resistance on the sides of the fuotings and by friction on the base of the footings and floor slab. Passive resistance may be evaluated U8ing an equivaleot fluid density of Icicle Creek Bngineer, 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini c/o 1mnie Schroeder, P .E. CPH Consultants, ll.C January 26, 2009 Page 12 • 300,240, 290 and 150 pcf for a level fon,slope, 4H:JV forcslope, 3H:JV foreslope and 2H:IV foreslope, ~y, IIS5UDling that the soil IIJ'OWld the footings for a distance of at 1caat twice the footing depth consists of either medium dcDse native soil or compacted stJuclum1 fill. The top of the lriangu1ar pasaive premirc distnbution should begin at the bottom of adjacent floor slabs, roadwaypav=t, or below a depth of 1 foot where the adjacent area is UDp8VCd, as appropriate. Frictional resistance can be evaluated using 0.4 for the cocfficimrt of base friction against footings and the building slab. The above values incoiporatc a filctorof safety of about 1.5. PAVEMENTSUBGRADE Pavcmmt subgradc should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD (ASTM Test Method D I 557) prior to placing the pavan.mt section. During wet scason construction or if the subgmde soils are soft or loose, it may be ncoessary to excavate soft/loose soils, rq,Jacc these soils with frcc.dmming, annpactablc sand and gravd, and/or a suitable gcotcmJe filbric such as Mimi 500X or other fllbric as suggested by the geoteclmical engineer. The free. draining sand and gravel should contain less than 5 pcrcc:nt fines. It is aitical that all traffic be kq,t off the subgradc soil if the on-site silty subgnidc soils are wet. Itis also important thatbacldillin utility line trenches be compacted to stmctural fill specifications. We rm>IDIDcod a pavement section consistiDg of2 inches of Class B asphaltic COllCl'd.C (AC) surfacing ovrz 4 inches of cruahcd rock base COU1"11e (CRBC) for automobile parlcing an:as, and 6 inches ofCRBC and 3 inches of AC in main 8CCCSS and truck UIC an:as. Altcmativcly, a layer of asphalt treated base (A1B) could be placed directly owe the prqiarccl subgrade (noCRBC), and a final layer of Class B AC placed ovrztheA1B ata Jatcrtimc. TheadvmtagcofusjngATB is that it could be used as a relatively durable surfiu:c during construction. Prior to placing a finisb coat of Class B AC, the road surfilcc could be rcleveled with A1B or CRBC. If A1B is used, we =end a minimum thickness of 4 inc.hes. We recommend a minimum tbiclrncss of 2 iru:bes of Class B AC over the ATB fora finished wearing coUTSCforautomobileparkiDg&RaS, and 3 inches ofACinrnaina«1CSS and truck use IIJ'CBS. Any distressed areas in the A TB must be rq,aired prior to placing the AC. SEISMIC SITE CLASSIFICATION Based on our review of available geologic information and our site explorations, we iDtCipret the shallow (less than 1 O feet) soil conditions to correspond to Seismic Site Class D, as defined by the 2006 me. This classification pertains to a very stiff soil profile with an average Standard Pendration Test (SPT) value of 15 to 50. EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS Toe surfioial soils on the Bite have a high potential for erosion on slopes grmm-than about 20 percent when disturbed by construction activities. Erosion colllrolmeasurcs should be implc,nmtcd priortothestartof site preparation, illcluding proper control of surlilCe water nmoff, use of straw bales or appropriate gcotc:xtilc filters and tc:rnporary sedimentation basins. Erosion colllrol measures should comply with the guidelines of the appropriate Iq!Ulatoly agency. Based on corulitions CllCOWltcrcd in our test pit explorations, it is posn"ble that ground water may be c:ncountered in wnporary excavaikms orpamaru:nt cuts. We expect that seepage may be adequately handled by installation ofFrmcli drains, open ditches and/or pumping as necesBIUY· The giading should be done to avoid concentration of nmoff onto natmal slopes. We recommend Icicle Creek Engineer, 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P .E. CPH CODBWtants, ILC January 26, 2009 Page 13 sloping the ground mrface away from sll'uctun:8. Roof downspoutB must be tightlined to an approved disposal area. Other surmce runoff may be addressed by using swale drains, drainage ditches or other drainage measures. We 1ecxnmnend that perimeter footing drains be installed adjacait to tile outside footings of all suuctures. These drains should consist of a minimum 4-i:nch diameter pc:rl'oratcd smooth-walled pipe sun:ounded with at least 6 inches of ftee..draining sand, sand and gravel or pea gravel, with the perforations down and the base of the pipe at the base of the adjacent footings. The bedding should be CDc)osed within a nonwovm geotextilc lilbric to reduce the potential for fines CODtarnination from the native soil. The perimeter footing drain should be connected to a tightline collection system that discharges away from the developed arel!ll. Roof drains on structures should be corurected directly to a tightline collection and disposal systcm, separate from the footing dJain. Pen:hed grmmd watermayresult in the development of wet area& at finished grades. Jntcrceptordniins or Fmich drains insta1led in selected locations is an effective way to managcperohed ground water. The need forand location of these drains should be a field decision at the time of CODBlruction. The drain should consist ofa 1raJCh at least 18-inchcs wide and 24-inchcs deep. A rigid smooth-walled perfui:ated pipe at lcast4 inches in diamct« should bcplaccd in the bDltOn>.ofthetrmdt, surrounded with atlcast6 inches washed rock or pea gravel and wrapped with a nonwovcn gcotcxtile lilbric such as Mirafi 140N. W c l'WIDJmezvl that pavement surlitcea be sloped away from the building area to route drainage away from fu,mdation• and floor slabs and toward the storm drain symem. Dminage of the pavement base course and sub base will dcc.reasc the risk of pavement distress. Small holes can be provided in that portion of catch basins adjacent to the S11bbasc or base layer, provided that the expected water level within the catch basin will always be below the elevation of the holes. The holes should be covered with a tlllitablc gcotextile lilbric placed against the outside of the catch basin to pn:vait piping of the subbase or base matc:ria1 into the catch basin. USE OF THIS REPORT We have prepared this rq>Ol1 for use by Alex Cugini. The data and n:port should be ]ll'OVided to prospective conlraClors for their bidding or estimating puq,oses, but our report, conrJ.usimls and intcrpff:tations should not be construed as a wammty of the subsurmce conditions. · If then: are c.bangcs in the grades, locations, configunrtions or types of the facilities phmncd, the conclusions and recommendations preseoted in this report may not be applicable. If design clianges are made, we request that we be giVCD the opportunity to review our conclusions and =rnmdations and to provide a written modi6ClltiOD or verification. When the design has bcen 6oaUzed, we m,,m,mcnci that the final design and speci.ficatiODB be reviewed by our firm to sec that our reo1111111cndatio111 have been .interpreted and implemented as intended. There llJC possible variations in subsurface conditions between the explorations and also with time. A contingency for unexpected conditions should be iru:luded in the budget and schcclule. Sufficient obsctvation, testing and consultation by our firm should be provided during construclion to evaluate whether1hc conditions CDcount=d are consistent with those indicaled by the explorations, to provide=mcndations for design cb!IDP should the conditions C21C01Dltemi during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not earthwork and fo•rndation installation activities comply with COlllract plans and specifications and our nuoOllllCDd•tions. Icicle Creak Engineers 0336004/012609 Alex Cugini c/o Jamie Schroeder, P.E. CPH Consultants, lLC January 26, 2009 Page 14 Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our sttViccs have been executed in accordance with geoerally accqrtcd practices in this area at the time the report was pn::pan:d. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be urul=tood. •••••••••••••••••••• We tru&I this report meets )QJ(present needs. If you have any questions or ifwc can be of further assistance to you, pleuc call. Document ID: 0336004.Rl!P Attachmonlll: Vicinity Map -Figure I Site P11n-Figure 2 BrianR. Beaman, P.E., L.G. Principal Engineer/Geologist l~~s PrincipaJ Enginca:ing Geologist High Coal Mine Hu.an! Reclamatioo Plan (Porl<ing Arca)-Figure 3 High Coal Mine Hazard ReclamatiOll P11n (Stonnwat« Vault)-1'",gure 4 Soil Clllllific:ation Syotan-Figun: S Test Pit Lop -Figmeo 6, 7 end B Moilturc Content Rcsulll-Figun, 9 Eight oopioa submitted Icicle Creek Engineers 0336()04/012609 • • ~; ' ·- '• "' ;,r----------------------~ t: I 0 2,000 Scale In Feet I ' I "" Icicle Creek Engineers N 4,000 Vicinity Map -Figure 1 ... , ... ~ ,__.M ...... '11111 f -- Explanation _m_ TP-1 -q::r Test Pit Location 4(!-1 Boring Location QCE in,,lolJa o11x1Y. Mar<fl 2004) ·, ·,,_ -High Coal Mine Hazard Area (lilnner mine opening; ICE pnr,toue lllUdy • Marth 2004) 0 100 200 Approximate Scale In Feet Icicle Creek Engineers ' ,_ -,--·-·· I i / . I Base map prtNlded by Baylloa Arcll-. unda1od N _ ..... = .. BRB:0111Ml9 -' ' ! ... \ Site Plan -Figure 2 I ~ Ground sulface Schematic Mine Hazard Reclamation Plan zt I ~·~:--___ ..__\:---~fo=r~P=ark:in:g:Are:a~---~r-r= Natal: 1) Not b' COlllln l:O I 2)'Tho--bo-b"~- bl,rl flll aclulll dlnuatc.w and mallrlllll Uled In ''* ,.ao.., ffll~ wry ffOrn that lhown. 3) C1lf • ~ DonoilY FIi 0 5 10 i Approximate Scale in Feet ~ Icicle Creek En ineers +-,Sructural Fill-+ [ · ·: _ =· .J Weathered Glacial TIii Unwealhered Glacial liR CJ Older Fil (mine opeM!g) ¥4& Bedrock (Renton formation) High Coal Mine Hazard Reclamation Plan (Parkin Area)-Fi re 3 Ground Surface Schematic Mine Hazard Reclamation Plan for Stormwater Vault B .. a:lF • Si~le . ! ~ I '. Nalol: 1) Nol lorCu.atuotkNo 2) The----""·~-butflo-dli1••··--'" 1cdldllllfDft IMy di\' flam dat 9hcMn. 3) CDF. ~ Donolll' FIi 0 s 10 Approximate Scale in Feet i Icicle Creek En . meers DWesthered Glacial Till Ki,$5'.·~ Unweathered Glacial Tin ~ Bedrock (Renton formation) High Coal Mine Haz.ard Reclamation Plan (Stormwater Vault) -Figure 4 • • Unified Soll Clauifieation System · · ---· -----T -Soil CJeuifloation imd MAJOR DIVISIONS , GeMralizcd Group , _ •. I Deacriplion I ~"::-· :--GRAVELJcLBANoRA~· ciwfWe11..-.i1111ve11 -_; Soill Morclhan50% : GP ! P~pvels 1 ofooanefnootion ! ORAVELWITH~-a .... 1anc11ilt•..,---1 I-~";!" j ANFS -!~-, ~~~--, I M010dlanSO% !_~~AND ~p ~~;_,,... -j i Morul1111SO% I ofcomofnolkm 5ANDWITH SM Sm!and1iltmiiduns I .!'1<>-_200 _ ~~Ii""':._ ----SC Sandmlclaymlxturos / Fino-:r ML Low-pmticity ai111 -----= I -k -- Grained Sit AND CLAY INORGANIC ---______ .. _ --· . CL Low-j>lutjci1y claya , Soils . Uquid Lunlt -----oipjiloillji-i j i.., lhan 50 ORGANIC OL and «pDic clay, ! SILT AND CLAY MH lliaft1>luticit lilt, . INORGANIC ,_ ---·-i More !hon 50% CH lliah-pluticlty claya ' . tho Liquid Umil ---------ffi&b-plutioi!ycqamc ,ills f .1,_~ patordrm50 ORGANlC_ PTOH :.-ice•-j [ Hql(vO...,..Sotlo Primlrilympllo-wilb-~odor ,_ . ·--------L---.-----·--··--'-'~--'-- Soll Moilture Modifier• 1-so_n_Moi_.~•-turc-i1----llcs~iption Dry AboeDoeofmo~ Moil! Damp, but .. visible WIIOr j W<t Vlalblew- '-----'---------··--- Icicle Creek EngiIJ.eers Soll Particle Size Definldom Bouldorr Cobbloa Oniwl Come Pine Sand Medium Silt aJIII Clay Si:ooRange Ors.!Mnl2inch llncb to 12 inch 3 inch to No. 4 (4.18 mm) 3 inch to 3/4 ineh 314 imch "No. 4 (4.71! mm) No.4 (4.78 mm)., No. 200 (0.074111111) No.4(4.78 mm) wNo.10 ('2.0mn) No.10(2.0111111) to No. 40 (0.42mm) No. 40 (0.42 mm) " No. 200 (0.074-) LmllanNo. 200(0.074mn) Soil Classification System -FiJ:Ulfe 5 Depth (feet) (I) TenPltTP-1 0.0 -1.0 1.0 • 3.0 3.0 -4.S 4.S • 9.0 utPltTP-Z 0.0 -1.0 l.O • 3.0 3.0 • 10.0 ·o.o. 1.0 1.0 • 3.S 3.S • 10.0 TutPltTP-4 0.0-1.S I.S. 4.S 4.S • 10.0 Pace I of3 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM Icicle Creek Engineers Test Pit Deoaiplion (3) A mate, 011111nd Sur&c:e Slevadon: 400 Feet Forest duff and !DpSoil Brown silty fine to medium SAND with occasional gravel and abundant organic., and fine rool8 (loose, moist) (~ glacial till) Mottled gray and brown silty fine to medium SAND with occasional gravel (medium dense, moist) (wcath=d glacial till) Oray silty fmc to medium SAND with occuional gravel (den .. to very dense, moist) (glacial till) Test pit complelcd al 9.0 feet on 12/16/08 Disturbed soil samples obtained a1 O.S, 2.S 4.0 and 8.0 fcct No ground Wala' seepage observed No cavin of !cat it wall obocrved Fruestdulfandtopsoil Mottled gray and brown silty line to medium SAND wilh a u.ce of gravel (medium dcmc, moist) (wealhercd glacial till) Gray sill)I fine to medium SAND with a trace of gravel (dense to Yfll:Y densc, moist) (glacial tlll) •... :: Forest duff and topsoil • .. , .. ......... _. --·~- Mottled gray and brown silty fmc to medium SAND with a trace of gra\ld and fine mob (medium dense, moist) (weathered glacial till) Gray sill)I fine to medium SAND with a trace of B,Bvel and cobbles (den'"' to WIY denae, moist) (glacial till) Test pit completed al I o.o fcct on 12/16/08 bocau .. of pmctical digging rd'usal Disturbed soil samples obtained at 6.0 and 8.5 feet No ground waler secpaac obi!CM:d No cavin of test it wall obacrved Fon:st duff'and topaoll Mottled gray and brown silty fine to mcdium SAND with a trace of gra\ld (loose to medium dense, wot to moist) (wea1heffil glacial till) Oray silty fine to mcdiwn SAND with a trace of gravel and cobbles (medium dense to dense, moist) (ghK:ial 6ll) Test pit complelcd at 10.0 foct OJI 12116/08 Disturbed soil sample obtained at 7 .0 feet Jupid ground water lCCplgC observed at I .S feet S~cre cavin ofnol1h !cat it wall observed above about 2 feet Test Pit Logs -Figure 6 Dq,lh (feel) (I) PltTP4 · 0.0-0.8 0.8 -2.0 2.0-6.0 Soil Group S bol(2 SM SM Test Pit Description (3) FOICII duff and topaoil Mottled gray 111d brown silty fine lo medium SAND with a trace of gm,,! (medium dCNC, moist) (wc:athctcd glaclal till) Oray silly fine lo medium SAND wilh a trace of gravel and cobbles (dense lo very dense, moist) (glacial till) Test pil complcled at 6.0 fcct OIi 12/16/08 because of practlcal digging refusal Dilturbed soil sample oblaincd at 4.0 feel No ground -"""I"'&" obscrvcd J-------.L...------1:,ii~ cav ofl&:sl -•~ wal. I obscrvcd;;;;-.;;;,;._.,...-. ,,-.-.. .,.,-.,-..-.,"~----------~ ·:K. na ,SIMl!on: .390 Fiit Mt Pit TP-6. 0.0 • 1.0 ).0 • 2.0 2.0-3.0 3.0 -10.0 0.0 -0.5 0.5-1.5 1.5 -4.0 1.5 -10.0 SM SM SM SM SM SM Fora! duff and lopsoil Brown silly fine lo medium SAND with a trace gravel and abundant orpnica and fine root!i (loose, moilll) (wealbaed glacial till) Mottled gray and brown silty fine lo medium SAND with a tracc of gravel (medium clentc, moist) (""'81!teml glacial till) Gray silly fine lo medium SAND wi1h a trace of gravel (dense lo very dense, moist) (glacial dll) Grades to occasional gravel and cobbles at 8 feet Fon:s! duff' and topsoil Brown silly fine to medium SAND with occasional gravel and abundant orpnics and fine roob (loose, moist) (weathen,d glacial till) Mottled gray and brown silty fine lo medium SAND with occasional gravel (medium dense, moist) (weathered glacial 1111) Only silty lino to medium SAND with occuional gravel and cobbles (dense to very dense, moist) (slaclal till) Test pit complelcd 8110.0 feet on i2/16J\l8 No ground water seepage observed ~ist~Pit:==TP::::"8:;t...:-.:-::::o~ h::=-:::":.:"-~--":'.":'. ---,~, No cavin ofl&:sl ii wall obscrwd =~~ ~.:-.: -2:.::C:.':. :~.,..;;_ . - w:=.:;;:o.:.o;:;_;:,:.;.o:;.....;;...,====----....,Fores1 duff 111d topsoil 1 .0 • 4.0 SM Moctlcd gray and brown silty fmc lo medium SAND with occasional gravel 4.0-6.0 SM Pap 2 of3 Icicle Creek Engineers (medium dense, moist) (weathered glacial till) Only lilly fine lo mcdiwn SAND with occasional gravel and cobble, (dense, moist) (alaclal till} Test pit completed 116.0 feet on 12116/08 No ground Wala' acepqe obeerved No · off<llt wall obocrvcd Test Pit Logs -Figure 7 Depth Soil Group (foot) (I) s-bol(2) TIit PII °""' 0.0-0.8 0.8-IS,O SM Nola: l'lp3of3 Icicle Creek Engineers Test Pit Description (3) "--liuroOround,Surl'ice~: 316l'ti&. .. Forat dufhnd toplOII Brown lilly fin• to modium SAND widl a traoo of gravel and cobblOI and abundant wood debris (loose to medium dense, dry to moist) (fill) Test pit comple<ed II IS.0 feet on 04/1 O/Ol Dislllrbcd 11111 sample obllined at 4.0 ft:et No ground WIiier -,.,gc obsoncd No ca""·~ oflclt uit walla obaerved ,: ' -,..-.,-·,.- Test Pit Logs -Figure 8 • T•l>ft S~ple .. ·~1 ~· iaiure ·.ir.-·;..--, ~~ . ; -~-~--·-· . Number . Number ... \{feet) CQr,li!,k~) . ~ -... TP-1 S-1 0.5 44 S-2 2.5 15 S-3 4.0 11 S-4 8.0 12 TP-2 S-1 2.5 10 S-2 5.0 8 TP-3 S-1 6.0 9 S-2 8.5 9 TP-4 S-1 7.0 8 TP-5 S-1 8.0 12 TP-6 S-1 1.5 19 S-2 2.5 12 TP-9 S-1 .. 4.0 7 0336004/01260J Icicle Creek Engineers Moisture Content Results -Figure 9 ~ First American First American Title Insurance Company January 13, 2017 Justin Lagers Avana Ridge, LLC. 9675 SE 36th Street, Suite 105 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Phone: (206)588-1147 Fax: (206)588-0954 Title Officer: Phone: Fax No.: E-Mail: Order Number: Escrow Number: Buyer: Owner: Property: 818 Stewart St, Ste 800 Seattle, WA 98101 Kristi Mathis (206)615-3206 (866)859-0429 kkmathis@firstam.com 2797965 2797965 10615 SE 172nd St & 17249 Benson Rd S Renton, Washington 98055 Attached please find the following item(s): Guarantee Thank You for your confidence and support. We at First American Title Insurance Company maintain the fundamental principle: Customer First! Form 5003353 (7-1-14) 'Page 1 of 10 ,Guarantee Number: 279796s CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75)! Washington! • ~ First American ___ , Guarantee • Subdivision Guarantee ISSUED BY • First American Title Insurance Company GUARANTEE NUMBER • 5003353-2797965 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND THE CONDillONS AND STIPULATIONS OF THIS GUARANTEE, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a Nebraska corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES Avana Ridge, LLC. the Assured named in Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the liability stated in Schedule A, which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. First American Title Insurance Company g,,._//1~ Dennis J Gilmore P~nt ~if~ ,loftroy S Robm:son secreta,y Form 5003353 (7-1-14) 1Page 2 of 10 This jacket was created electronically and constitutes an original document -- Guarantee Number: 2797965 CLTA #14 SUbdivision Guarantee (4-10-75)! Washingtoni SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE OF THIS GUARANTEE 1. Except to the extent that specific assurances are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the following: (a} Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters against the title, whether or not shown by the public records. (b) (!) Taxes or assessments of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property; or, (2) Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not the matters excluded under (1) or (2) are shown by the records of the taxing authority or by the public records. (c) (1) Unpatentec mining claims; (2) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (3) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excluded under (1), (2) or (3) are shown by the public records. 2. Notwithstanding any specific assurances which are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the following: (a) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters affecting the title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described in the description set forth in Schedule (A), (C) or in Part 2 of this Guarantee, or title to streets, roads, avenues, lanes, ways or waterways to which such land abuts, or the right to maintain therein vaults, tunnels, ramps or any structure or improvements; or any rights or easements therein, unless such property, rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in said description. (b) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, whether or not shown by the public records; (!) which are created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by one or more of the Assureds; (2) which result in no loss to the Assured; or (3) which do not result in the invalidity or potential invalidity of any judicial or non-judicial proceecHng which is within the scope and purpose of the assurances provided. (c) The identity of any party shown or referred to in Schedule A. (d) The validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown or referred to in this Guarantee. GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. Definition of Terms. The following terms when used in the Guarantee mean: (a) the "Assurec": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Guarantee 1 or on a supplemental writing executed by the Company. (b) "land": the land described or referred to in Schecule (A)(C) or in Part 2, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in Schedule (A)(C) or in Part 2, nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or water-Nays. (c) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. (d) "public records": records established under state statutes at Date of Guarantee for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without knowledge. (e) "date": the effective date. 2. Notice of Claim to be Given by Assured Claimant. An Assured shall notify the Company promptly in writing in case knowledge shall come to an Assured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate or interest, as stated herein, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this Guarantee. If prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then all liability of the Company shall terminate with regard to the matter or matters for which prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure to notify the Company shall in no case prejudice the rights of any Assured unless the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. 3. No Duty to Defend or Prosecute. The Company shall have no duty to defend or prosecute any action or proceeding to which the Assured is a party, notwithstanding the nature of any allegation in such action or proceeding. 4. Company's Option to Defend or Prosecute Actions; Duty of Assured Claimant to Cooperate. Even though the Company has no duty to defend or prosecute as set forth in Paragraph 3 above: (a) The Company shall have the nght, at its sole option and cost, to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding, interpose a defense, as limited in (b), or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as stated herein, or to establish the lien rights of the Assured, or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Assured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this Guarantee, whether or not it shall be liable hereunder, and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this Guarantee. If the Company shall exercise its rights under this paragraph, it shall do so diligently. (b) If the Company elects to exercise its options as stated in Paragraph 4(a) the Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice (subject to the right of such Assured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Assured and shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel, nor will the Company pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred by an Assured in the defense of those causes of action which allege matters not covered by this Guarantee. (c) Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense as permitted by the provisions of this Guarantee, the Company may pursue any litigation to final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from an adverse judgment or order. (d) In all cases where this Guarantee permits the Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, an Assured shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option, the name of such Assured for this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, an Assured, at the Company's expense, shall give the Company all :Form 5003353 (7·1-14) Page 3 of 10 uarantee Number: 2797965 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington • • GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS (Continued) reasonable aid in any action or proceeding, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting or defending the action or lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as stated herein, or to establish the lien rights of the Assured. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to the Assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. 5. Proof of Loss or Damage. In addition to and after the notices required under Section 2 of these Conditions and Stipulations have been provided to the Company, a proof of loss or damage signed and sworn to by the Assured shall be furnished to the Company within ninety (90) days after the Assured shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof of loss or damage shall describe the matters covered by this Guarantee which constitute the basis of loss or damage and shall state, to the extent possible, the basis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to provide the required proof of loss or damage, the Company's obligation to such assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. In addition, the Assured may reasonably be required to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce for examination, inspection and copying, at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by any authorized representative of the Company, all records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda, whether bearing a date before or after Date of Guarantee, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further, if requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the Assured shall grant its permission, in writing, for any authorized representative of the Company to examine, inspect and copy all records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control of a third party, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information designated as confidential by the Assured provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless, in the reasonable judgment of the Company, it is necessary in the administration of the claim. Failure of the Assured to submit for examination under oath, produce other reasonably requested information or grant permission to secure reasonably necessary information from third parties as required in the above paragraph, unless prohibited by law or governmental regulation, shall terminate any liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured for that claim. 6. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims: Termination of Liability. In case of a claim under this Guarantee, the Company shall have the following additional options: (a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Liability or to Purchase the Indebtedness. The Company shall have the option to pay or settle or compromise for or in the name of the Assured any claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of this Guarantee, or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or, if this Guarantee is issued for the benefit of a holder of a mortgage or a lienholder, the Company shall have the option to purchase the indebtedness secured by said mortgage or said lien for the amount owing thereon, together with any costs, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of purchase. Such purchase, payment or tender of payment of the full amount of the Guarantee shall terminate all liability of the Company hereunder. In the event after notice of claim has been given to the Company by the Assured the Company offers to purchase said indebtedness, the owner of such indebtedness shall transfer and assign said indebtedness, together with any collateral security, to the Company upon payment of the purchase price. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph (a) the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminate, including any obligation to continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4, and the Guarantee shall be surrendered to the Company for cancellation. (b) To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties other Than the Assured or With the Assured Claimant. To pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Assured claimant any claim assured against under this Guarantee, together with any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph (b) the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminate, including any obligation to continue the defense or prosection of any litigation for which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4. 7. Determination and Extent of Liability. This Guarantee is a contract of Indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Assured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of reliance upon the assurances set forth in this Guarantee and only to the extent herein described, and subject to the Exclusions From Coverage of This Guarantee. The liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured shall not exceed the least of: (a) the amount of liability stated in Schedule A or in Part 2; (b) the amount of the unpaid principal indebtedness secured by the mortgage of an Assured mortgagee, as limited or provided under Section 6 of these Conditions and Stipulations or as reduced under Section 9 of these Conditions and Stipulations, at the time the loss or damage assured against by this Guarantee occurs, together with interestthereon; or (c) the difference between the value of the estate or interest covered hereby as stated herein and the value of the estate or interest subject to any defect, lien or encumbrance assured against by this Guarantee. 8. Limitation of Liability. (a) If the Company establishes the title, or removes the alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or cures any other matter assured against by this Guarantee in a reasonably diligent manner by lforn, 5003353 (7-1-14) rge 4 of 10 uarantee Number: 2797965 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington GUARANTEE CONDmONS AND STIPULATIONS (Continued) any method, including litigation and the completion of any appeals therefrom, it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby. (b) In the event of any litigation by the Company or with the Company's consent, the Company shall have no If ability for loss or damage until there has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title, as stated herein. (c) The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to any Assured for liability voluntarily assumed by the Assured in settling any claim or suit without the prior written consent of the Company. 9. Reduction of Liability or Termination of Liability. All payments under this Guarantee, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses pursuant to Paragraph 4 shall reduce the amount of liability pro tanto. 10. Payment of Loss. (a) No payment shall be made without producing this Guarantee for endorsement of the payment unless the Guarantee has been lost or destroyed, in which case proof of loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. (b) When liability and the extent of loss or damage has been definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions and Stipulations, the loss or damage shall be payable within thirty (30) days thereafter. 11. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement. Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this Guarantee, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the Assured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which the Assured would have had against any person or property in respect to the claim had th,s Guarantee not been issued. If requested by the Company, the Assured shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect this right of subrogation. The Assured shall permit the Company to sue, compromise or settle in the name of the Assured and to use the name of the Assured in any transaction or litigation involving these rights or remedies. If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Assured the Company shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies of the Assured after the Assured shall have recovered its principal, interest, and costs of collection. 12. Arbitration. Unless prohibited by applicable law, either the Company or the Assured may demand arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Land Title Association. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim behveen the Company and the Assured arising out of or relating to this Guarantee, any service of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach of a Guarantee provision or other obligation. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Liability is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Assured. All arbitrable matters when the amount of liability is in excess of $2,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Company and the Assured. The Rules in effect at Date of Guarantee shall be binding upon the parties. The award may include attorneys' fees only if the laws of the state in which the land is located permits a court to award attorneys' fees to a prevailing party. Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The law of the situs of the land shall apply to an arbitration under the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules. A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company upon request. 13. Liability Limited to This Guarantee; Guarantee Entire Contract. (a) This Guarantee together with all endorsements, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire Guarantee and contract between the Assured and the Company. In interpreting any provision of this Guarantee, this Guarantee shall be construed as a whole. (b) Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to this Guarantee. (c) No amendment of or endorsement to this Guarantee can be made except by a writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President, a Vice President, the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. 14. Notices, Where Sent. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall include the number of this Guarantee and shall be addressed to the Company at First American Title Insurance Company, Attn: Claims National Intake Center, 1 First American Way, Santa Ana, California 92707 Claims.NIC@firstam.com Phone: 888-632- 1642 Fax: 877-804-7606 First American Title Form 5003353 (7+14) Page 5 of 10 Guarantee Number: 2797965 -6irA #14 Subdivisiori-Guarantee (4-10~75)i Washington! ---- \ . "' .. ~ First American . Subdivision Guarantee . ISSUED BY Schedule A · First American Title Insurance Company GUARANTEE NUMBER 2797965 Order No.: 2797965 Liability: $2,000.00 Name of Assured: Avana Ridge, LLC. Date of Guarantee: January 05, 2017 The assurances referred to on the face page hereof are: 1. Title is vested in: Avana Ridge, LLC, a Washington limited liability company Fee: $350.00 Tax: $33.60 2. That, according to the public records relative to the land described in Schedule C attached hereto (including those records maintained and indexed by name), there are no other documents affecting title to said land or any portion thereof, other than those shown under Record Matters in Schedule B. 3. The following matters are excluded from the coverage of this Guarantee A. Unpatented Mining Claims, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof. B. Water rights, claims or title to water. C. Tax Deeds to the State of Washington. D. Documents pertaining to mineral estates. 4. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown herein. 5. This Guarantee is restricted to the use of the Assured for the purpose of providing title evidence as may be required when subdividing land pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 58.17, R.C.W., and the local regulations and ordinances adopted pursuant to said statute. It is not to be used as a basis for closing any transaction affecting title to said property. 6. Any sketch attached hereto is done so as a courtesy only and is not part of any title commitment, guarantee or policy. It is furnished solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises and First American expressly disclaims any liability which may result from reliance made upon it. Form 5003353 (7-1-14) page 6 of 10 :Guarantee Number: 2797965--CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75)1 Washington! ~ First American Subdivision Guarantee ISSUED BY Schedule B First American Title Insurance Company GUARANTEE NUMBER 2797965 RECORD MATTERS 1. General taxes and assessments, if any, for the year 2017, in an amount not yet available, which cannot be paid until the 15th day of February of said year. 2. Tax Account No.: 292305900907 Assessed Land Value: $ 690,100.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ o.oo Note: Taxes and charges for 2016 were paid in full in the amount of $9,325.44. Affects: Lot 1 General taxes and assessments, if any, for the year 2017, in an amount not yet available, which cannot be paid until the 15th day of February of said year. Tax Account No.: 292305914809 Assessed Land Value: $ Assessed Improvement Value: $ 707,000.00 0.00 Note: Taxes and charges for 2016 were paid in full in the amount of $9,553.50. Affects: Lot 2 3. Taxes which may be assessed and extended on any subsequent roll for the tax year 2017, with respect to new improvements and the first occupancy which may be included on the regular assessment roll and which are an accruing lien not yet due or payable. 4. Reservations and exceptions, including the terms and conditions thereof: Reserving: Minerals Reserved By: Northern Pacific Railway Company, a corporation of the State of Wisconsin Recorded: December 19, 1958 Recording Information: 4978462 We note no examination has been made regarding the transfer or taxation of the reserved rights. 5. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 6275643 In Favor of: King County Water District No. 58, a municipal corporation For: Watermain Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 7 of 10 --Guarantee Number: 2797965----(LTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75}! Washington! 6. Reservations and e --rtions, including the terms and conditions th __ of: Reserving: Reserved By: Recorded: Recording Information: Minerals Northern Pacific Railway Foundation, a charitable corporation of the State of Minnesota April 23, 1969 6500066 We note no examination has been made regarding the transfer or taxation of the reserved rights. 7. Reservations and exceptions, including the terms and conditions thereof: Reserving: Minerals Reserved By: Burlington Northern Foundation, a charitable corporation of the State of Minnesota Recorded: October 21, 1970 Recording Information: 6705976 We note no examination has been made regarding the transfer or taxation of the reserved rights. 8. Reservations and exceptions, including the terms and conditions thereof: Reserving: Minerals Reserved By: Burlington Northern Foundation, a charitable corporation of the State of Minnesota Recorded: Recording Information: August 28, 1972 7208280418 We note no examination has been made regarding the transfer or taxation of the reserved rights. 9. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Developer Extension Reimbursement Contract SOOS Creek Water and Sewer District" 10. 11. 12. 13. Recorded: January 20, 1989 Recording No.: 8901200563 The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Resolution No. 2214-5" Recorded: October 03, 2001 Recording No.: 20011003000193 The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Notice of Claim to Severed Mineral Interest" Recorded: Recording No.: January 25, 2003 20030125002078 The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Notice of Claim to Severed Mineral Interest" Recorded: Recording No.: January 25, 2003 20030125002079 The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Notice of Claim to Severed Mineral Interest" Recorded: Recording No.: December 09, 2008 20081209000691 _Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 8 of 10 uarantee Number: 2797965 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington -------~------ • 14. Terms, covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, boundary discrepancies and encroachments as contained in recorded Lot Line Adjustment (Boundary Line Revisions): Recorded: December 16, 2011 Recording Information: 20111216900001 15. Any facts, rights, interests or claims that may exist or arise by reason of the following matters disclosed by an ALTA/ACSM survey made by AXIS Survey & Mapping on November 13, 2008, last revised April 30, 2013 , designated Job Number 07-125/13-057: (A) Fence crosses the northerly boundary line of Lot 2 by up to 0.8' onto the subject property; (B) Dirt path crosses the northwesterly corner of Lot 1 without benefit of an easement. 16. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Declaration of Lot Combination" Recorded: November 04, 2016 Recording No.: 20161104000652 Said instrument is a re-record of recording no(s). 20161024000454 Informational Notes, if any Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 9 of 10 uarantee Number: 2797965 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington • • • ~ • s ~' ~ First American - Subdivision Guarantee ; ISSUED BY Schedule C ' First American Title Insurance Company GUARANTEE NUMBER 2797965 The land in the County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: LOT 1 TOGETHER WITH LOT 2 OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE AOJUSTMENT NO. LUA-09-024-LLA LND- 30-0349, RECORDED DECEMBER 16, 2011 UNDER RECORDING NO. 20111216900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Form 5003353 (7-1-14) jPag,i1iiof 10 Guarantee Number: 2797965 -·--"(iTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75)! Washington: • • " ----------------------------· --·--·· ____________ ..... 1 .. , fJ, If' 1'l.lB'..ING1'0N !ICRTJ:E.<;!f FC~A1'\0~ I I ~ er tn 0 r- '° FOUNDATIC>!t ~ a t:n'1ri trtb lt' ccrpor!l.t.1 en of th•: ~.._:::.te of" Minnt"sota, succ:~sso.,.. in in- 'w1Th:"SS£TH: ~, Py .. o.1tract ir. vr1ting e-"tereJ into the 2~th day o! June, A.D .. 1966, DB IS:IC!ldt':! b:, supplementtLl a,sree::ient. do.t ... •d (lct.o'ber ! , 1970. t.bc gr"\1\tor contraeted bcco.::a: c.:.a t 1 ;.J,·d ':.o t.. eonvcy81".ce ot the ~·nn:u s,:,5: u.c:-1, ~:::'1:n•::. the s:ra.'lto.r, 1n c:n~i.J.<'ratioc .:r tt'!t ~l:.I: or $73,9cr. wito !t tbt:-ir ziucces11ors 'SCd as-:.1sn:s, tb.,. tolla,.ln~ de~c:r-ibt"d t.rnct ef la!.!d, a!tuat~d in t.hc County of Kipp;:, St.a::.e of Vb!lh.U • .;rton, to--1'1 t.: 6c!-ginnino u.t ttu? intel"S~ctio" or tt.a.~ ....... t.bi:rly !lne or l .C:.Ca:r ~bd (SoUthl!ti.::>t l'fla.tb str~c.t) vith the t:>iut line or the :.o~>t.heart. qUc.rt!:r o'!: t:.ort-" er le:.~. o.l.ao,.:; Uie ~alJ. sout.n.?rl.1 Uue c,.f 1.C .. Ce.r: ~oad. to r.. point !).C'~J.•1u" 1 . .>a..:.t., pa-fill"! wPh 8IH1 'lh''Vlt 6l';t0 ff..'t't ft'Q!"' th-: ~n.!l e~tlb,c Vf the :.:outbc~~ ~uurtPr of th~ ::ic1.1•r.-.··A,~ 11,b.rt ... r f~i:"~:-W'1..~} tn ,.._ P"int on ttie '!'• .. rt'"r oi t,,,I."' w.,,ith .. •·tl qu•i?'t .. r {";il:.," .. 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C'ti.!":" Pond (Sout.hea!tt 171.it.h Street.),. 11ubjc:ct to the t"Ocu•va.tion c,t m.iriel"''ll..:5 in deed f"rcm the Nort.he:-:i Pn:1r1c Rull,1oy ..:cci,nny to the gr;..J.tor, d&te~ OeC"embe,r 10. 1958, a.-id record"d in tne o!ffc(" or the Kin~ County AuJ.it.o:r ~:'.I De~mhe-r 19, 1958, in Vol~ .3060 or Deeds at P~ 5~6. -1"\lbJe-c-t also to 9D eo.::emcnt ln the public tor ary pt ~lie: roo.ds heretofore-laid Q".:t A !!l&teri .. .J _. ~-~~der:.:.t10.1 for this .ieC"d, \o'i t.,ou! vh!ch it "Vould not b~ nade, is t.ie ~iu:•, -..... ::- ~o:1.hern Pac1fi: l\r:.llv"" Caoi:~:~, th"ir succ:-s5oN er ~:11E%13., or otherwise, Md lt ia ~t.J , ... l\.t WJY geological r,r cthe1• report~ turn.i:ihed the i;rantee:.) !>,1 't.he ·---r- 1 I I \ I(\ 501 PAtt 585 r=e Cl"pt !l.'I ug!Un~-: lien:J, ch.u.r4>t!'<; a."ld cr.c~ra."l.:~s o:-!.gina.ting tU'ter t}-A(' di..te or :,.. i'9' th'" u.!'ort-sl\J.d centre.ct or "slc. ~ rn wrI!iESS .r~OF t "'ne gr11Dtar h03 l'!'~S";!'d these prt.·e:~nts to be seEl.l.ed. vi~ it& ~orporate sea..L miil !i1t91~d b;; itJ \.u:e ~isldt'nt ~e cby o.nd year f'irst above 1,.r• tt,:,n. ::i'1"ATF JF \·: •. ,:...:: ·:,, lJurp'JSt-8 therein ceat:1,0JJ,c:c!.~ e:i.J. on Oflt.h ntat...-d. tl:.nt he \o"a!i ll'!.1t.no:i:ed to Ex- corpora.tlon. 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"tbl-coal~ ;1n_._ibe YU1tl.i'J" or tbe--.P1"ea- :sei, -:..r:.::~-.. <ii.::.; N.n! fiUld ~plod.JC/ vh·rlber throl.lgt .th!: :Il!g].igence of ~~ Grar.tO!'., d . "'ii ·;t .. . .,. = . . ~ -:···· --·-.-"-- • --,· ,,.-~_..,;:"·· -~ -~ ---l l 1 i __ ,,,:,__~.:...: :ia.;,: _.,. t,h;.:. .. -:r · , /"?:. r/~£.LV~ --,----- _(, t,..~ n. 1971, '!:lefo:re me penan ... to me ~own toJ>e tbe ----- ' =··-"'-~--::f.' B<JRl..J:S,.':'.Cl'i l!l'Cll'l'Bmll 'tOOICD\TI~, ~he __ "Corpor8,t,ton tliil.t · -. ................. :.. ... -~------ ~-.. ~ - -" ---. . . . . . .,..~.---._· . ·. - .;;-s:.~-: .. -, . -_,-. __ _ ,:~;:,. ~l i ~ U WIEfiil - -- - -, . ·. . 1-.-LP] :~-~~~=srucr wm-J: 1 SElQ ll!Slll!::f .. I · ~ .vamut IO. __,JY f DI.tad _9;QlilllllilJ1,cc...lill•L· -~· H_a_ j :mrs MiREBEfT ade Md entered into by i1Dd h!bteen Soos Creek Irater and ~ _Dlstric:t• • »uhingtna _..iciPt.1 corporathn. hereinafter refe~ to 11.!f District.. ac1 stenr oAl!d r-m !'f.ltrtrn ·,. M!nrlnafter refe'nd tu u flmer/Developer •· llllllESSETH: ~. the Oliftr/Deweleper has instalied md/or agl"l!!t::. to install a •tar or sr,,er •in end/Or facilit,y to serve certain property in Soos Creek Water and ~•r District and has agreed upon tf1-"1)1et1on of nae to tender to the Oh:tr1ct a hill of sale; and IIIEREAS, the District has heretofore by and through its Coafsstoners adopb!d ii resnlutlon pro,ldtng for the execution of a contract to refaburse the OWner/DeYefoper pursuant to the provisions herefm•-fter set forthi and WitEREAS, Ue Coanissioners have determined that specfffc property will be benefited by the utilization of this frvroveaient. NOW, TIIEREFORE, Ii IS AGREED: l. Th1t all properties directly connected to the improveaent 11r.d/or pr·cperty owners allowed to connect by use of laterals or brancht!s, shall pay a fafr pro-rata share of tile cost of the construction of said iq1rovement. Said improvement is described as follO'lfS: 405 ft. a£ B" lllil1n located il'l S.B. 172nd st. The property or properties to 1<1hich said tharqes apply 1s described as follows: 2. That the Owler/Developer shall 89/0!..-'20 RECO F CASHSL 8.00 10563 D ot:**+8.00 55 be entitled to receive refni>ursement from said benefited prt41ertfes for a perfod of 15 year's cOllll'leneing from the date of this contract; pro¥ided, said reilltiursenEnt ts subjuect to the provfsfons hereinafter set forth. 3. That the am:iunt of r<!imbursement that the Owner/De\•eloper shall be entitled to shall bet reasonable sum detennfned bJ competftfve costs of lfke eon5truct1ons within the area and within the t1m period• that the Cwner/Develttt"~• ag~ges to provide to t.h~ District a complete cost record and his clatm for total cast of construction within th1rty days of hfs execution of the b111 of sa.le for the ia.,rove111ent to the 01str1ct. Tbe ONner/Developer agrees that his faflure to provtde satd total cost record ma total cost of construc:Hon within the time period afare- aentfoned, (30 days fna the date of the bill of sale). sh&11 l"Kult 1n his volwntary waiver of any cla1• or rtght to reimbursement pursuant to this contrett. ~~ '-r . ·-:.~·,-.-,-· . -------- 1 ~. ' ~ • ' • \ i ,_ V 1 · -_. :1·~. - ... ;{ -- l ; I ; l i I . -;· ,_,· .. _ . .'', [• [• .. [- ._ ( . ,._.,: .... _ ·--· -i J • ' 1 l I l i ! ·-, • PARCEL A sons· CREBC VATTil AND SMR DJSUiCT MITont. MAIN .EXTENSION LATECIMRS ltO. 114 (SEWER DIVISION] The Westerly 436.45 feet of the Easterly 617.45 feet, fll!asured on the Ncl"'th boundary line from the Northeast corner and the Weste-., 11ne of Benson Road (Secondary State H1~rntay No. !5C) of the folluw1n~ des.cr1bed property= The South 120.00 feet of the rtorth 150.00 feet of that port1on of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of 5ection 29, Township 23 Korth, Range 5 East~ W.H., lying Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and 40!5.00 feet East when measured at rlght angles to !he West 11ne of said Slibd1v1sion; EXCEPT those portfons conveyed to the State of Washinghn by deed recorded under ~cording Ko. 7Jl2u60244 for SR 515. All situated 1n the County of King, 3tate of Mash1ngton. PARCEL B Lot 13 of Block -4 of Aker's Farms No. 5 as recorded 1n Plats, Vol1,1111,e, 40, page 47, 1n K1ng County, Washington; LESS the Horth 60.00 feet of the Vest 130.00 feet thereof. PARCEl C The Uest half of Lot 14 of Block 4 of Aker's fal"l!IS No. 5 as recorded 1n Plats, YolUlle 40, page 47, 1n K1ng County. Washington. RATE• $20.26/F.F. - r ,. -- :o-=. = -~ ( ' !. l ! '- ; l / I j - - - -~ :-··· . ··i.-= AAF.,._ott lio. ~ n..t u,;;.,1 ... ,ia .... 1_. -u.t --... 1-rs ,lion -t11e rlllllt to deUnt.-Hie fdr nl11e of Ille lapro:wwwt • ..a. tut safd N!lala: t wn be based ~ tlllt _Yo1.l• ad aot tht a:t\111 CDBStructiOII ca5t iltClll'nll by tile said ~/Dneloper; Pl'OYtdl!d. thi.t .Hid dttenn1111tfm SU.11 lie fW'HIQt to ll!schtt• ~-·gs • 4. lbt the Dlsbict shi.11 Ju.we the rfgbt to proTia fur m segreg1ttoa ~far ~ ~ O!ll'leT" within th! effKted .irea of tt.E i~111;.wwot9 provided. said segregation shall be liaited to. ii single f•HY da!llfag nJor resident~ md. shall contain not. less than 100 feet cf frontage. 5. Thl.t all sas recaivtd by the District pul"SUlllt to this raillburseRllt contract shall be subject to the reasonable admini:strative charge. tJf bfenty pen;:ent (201). and upon th!' Dlstrkt"s co11@Ct1on of filY flmds from a baiefited real prope_rty OMner. tM District sha11 have the right to deduct said 20I at its sole option. _PROVIDED. that if for ~ reasoo the Owner/Developer and/or the l>enef1cfarfes of thts contract ei:press a desire to ttalve pe)'R!nt by any and/or ail properties affected herebyJ the District shall be entitled to collect the 202: at its sDle option. 6. The duty of the District to reimburse the Owner/Develq>er shall terminate on the /P ~ day of 'fkwn,,kµ , ~~ and all rehabursements collected thereafter shall be the sole and exclusive property of said District; ft being under- stood that after such period of tfme the District maintenance and operation of said facility and sewer/water Nin.over said extended period of time lfDuld entitle the District to the users contribution to said main and /or fa~flity. 7. The Owner/Oevelope:-agree.!. that the District's duty lo enfort:e the reilllbursement contract will be limited to actual utilization of facilities by real property mmers and that any non-utilization resulting fl"01I a real property owner's design of a system and/or re-design of the system cuntemplated pursuant tot bis construction contract shall not be subject to this reimbursement. Provided further, that any costs of the enforcement of this reimbursement contract, including but not limtte~ to attorney fees, shall be chargeable to the Owner/Developer and ~hall be deducttid from pa.)'l!ients received by the District from be;iefited prc.;,erty owners, prior to the District having any duty to pay over to the Owner/Developer;, that in. the event Second P•rty his hetrs, and/or assigns, desire to waive their rights of refmbursellll!!nt hereunder, then in that eve~t. the District shall be entitled to a payment of lOS. on any reimbursement and/or portion of retlllbvrsement waived by the Second Party. 8. That at the time and as part of the Owner/Developer 1s extension agreeirent, the Owner/Oevelo1-.ir 5hal1 notify the District of h1s desire for reimburser.ent of construction costs; that if the Owner/Developer fails to request re11N>Urseirent then all his rights and cla1RIS for re1nilursenent are thereby waived and said reimbursement shall thereafter become the sole and exclusive property of the District, free of any clat1t1S or reimbursement by the °"'1ler'Oeveloper. l 1 1 • I t .. . .... ' . ·--·~-........ ,..~_.>oii4 ' .,f, . -·~f.: ----.---~. . . ( .. - r--... - - l'.c..=.- - ==-- - - ·- . :f t;..i'i·, • . i <. . ·,, IABIIB. Uf Ill •. l.14 .. _,_3 DATED 1H1S .. ~ ' l ' i ! ) ' ly t ' STATE Of' IIASIUIIG11lH) COUNTY OF KIIii )55 On this Jn.ln day of '-1'/,6/11/'()U)U. /, 19.fil before., the under- siQrled, a Notary rui;itc fn andfor theTtateof~~tn, duly coaiss1oned .nd sworn, person~lly appeared.:i_iRJ.J{J fnt±!JD.fl__ and------ • to me knDM'I to be the Pres 1dent and Secretary respectfut ly, ~of~S~oo~,~c~,~ .. ~[~wa~te=r-'and Sewer Distric:, the corporation that executed the foregoing 1nstrunmt and acknowle.Jged the said instrument to be the free ';nd vohmtary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they auth9r1zed the exea.ition of said instrument end that the se111 affixed ts tM! corporate seal of said a,rporation. WITIESS !fl:/ hand and official seal hereto afffxed the day and year first above wrHten. STATE Of WASHINGTON) COU~TY Of Kl!fG f:s On this day personmlly appean:d before 1111! tO Ille tnOwn tO be t·rhe~i~n~d~1V~i~OCUca l~d~e5~C~r~,.~ed~",n~a=n~d "imro~e~x7ec~u"t~e~d~t~hce~wl=th~1~n~an~d~lo=regoing instnnne.nt, and acknowledged that~=~- signed the sane as free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses ~nd purposes therein me11t1oneO. GIVEN under my hand and official seal thfs ___ day of 19-=--. NOTAkY PUBLIC in and for the Stat~ of Washington, res1d1ng in _____ _ STATE Of WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING )55 On thfs day of • 19_, before Ill!, the under sfgned, pE:rsonnaly appeared and to fflft known to be the Prt:.s1dent and Secretary -..,,-,-p-e-ct"1'",~e'°ly-,-o"f-====~--~-~-~~-~·· tht: corporation that exeeuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instn.iment to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporatfon for the uses and purposes thereto mentioned, and on oath jtated that authorized to execute the said fnst,ument and that the seal aff1~ed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITttESS my band and official seal heretofore affixed the day and year f1rst ' l 1 ! l " above writt.et,. NOTARY PUBLIC 1n and for the State of ll ; Washington, res1d1ng In ----~ j ! J 1111,iil.i,..-, ~-------'------"···-· ~-. ,---------.,..,...,···""···--·~l!ll!J\~t-"-:"~;~ ~ ,,j, ".-..iiir" - r • •1 • - - - ( . ., en c:, = = ..., = = ·= = "" Filed for Record at the request of. SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT 14616 SE 192nd St PO Box 58039 Renton, Waslungton 98058-1039 Document T1tle(s). SEWER SPECIAL CONNECTION CHARGE# 120 Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released· NIA Add1t1onal reference numbers on page_ of document(s) Grantor(s) NIA Addiuonal names on page_ of document Grantee(s). SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Addit1onal names on page_ of document Legal Descnpt1on· See Exh1b1t "A" Additional legal is on page_ of document Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s) NIA C) = • • SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT I, -~Ph~il...,1p,_,S=u=ll~1v~an~-~ Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Soos Creek Water and Sewer DtStnct, King County, Washmgton, hereby cemfy that the attached copy of Resolution No 22.11./ -S 1S a tnie and correct copy of the original resolution adopted on the 10-th day of A:u@iust ,J.C\?I DATED this _/_1_~ __ date of ~t,!Sf-, 2001 PHILIP LIVAN, SECRETARY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT = = = er, = = SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2214-S A RESOLUTION of the Board of Comm1ss1oners of Soos Creek Water and Sewer D1stnct, King County, Washington, establishing Special Connection Charge #120 due Soos Creek Water and Sewer Distnct for the Contract 2-82S Proiect WHEREAS, sewer mains and facilrt1es have heretofore been installed as part of the project commonly known as Contract 2-82S, and WHEREAS, said sewer facll1t1es will provide benefits and services to the properties descnbed m Exh1brt "A" attached hereto, which 1s made a part hereof by this reference thereto, and WHEREAS, rt 1s the policy of Soos Creek Water and Sewer District to require reimbursement for any fac1lrt1es built by the D1stnct and/or by an mdMdual when said Imes provide benefit and seMce to other properties, and WHEREAS, the D1stnct engineer has determined the properties benefited and computed the value of said benefit as applied to said properties, and WHEREAS, the Board of Comm1ss1oners finds said benefrts and the cost thereof to be reasonable, and the Special Connection Charge Rate based thereupon to be a fair allocation of such benefits and costs NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Comm1ss1oners of Soos Creek Water and Sewer D1stnct as follows SECTION 1: That Sewer Special Connection Charge No 120 1s hereby established for the properties and in the amounts shown in Exhrblt 'A", whrch rs incorporated herein by this reference Said rate does not include cost of connectrng, atub service, permits or inspections, general faci11t1es charges, or other latecomers that may be due on the properties RESOLUTION NO. 2214-S SUBJECT: Establishing Sewer Special Connection Charge #120 Due SCWSD Pertaining to Contract 2-82S PAGE -1 ,.., a> = = SECTION 2: That no seMce shaU be provided to any of the property descnbed 1n Exhibit "A" pnor to payment to the D,stnct of the above established charges for all property held by the applicant which hes within the area descnbed rn Exhrbrt "A" SECTION 3: That a Nobce of the adoption of this Resolullon as Special Connection Charge shall be recorded wrth the Krng County DMs1on of Records and Electrons ADOPTED by the Board of Comm1ss1oners of Soos Creek Water and Sewer D1stnct, King CLEMENT QUANRUD, Comm1ss1oner )1~ ~-c--- )tANDY REECE,Com1mssmner RESOLUTION NO. 2214-S SUBJECT: Establishing Sewer Special Connection Charge #120 Due SCWSD Perta1mng to Contract 2-82S PAGE-2 = = = er., = = ,- PARCEL A • Exhibit "A" SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CONTRACT 2-825 LATECOMERS NO. 120 (SEWER DIVISION) The East half of Lot 13, Block 3, Aker's Farms No. 5 as recorded 1n Volume 40 of Plats, page 47, records of King County, Washington. LES5 the North 75.00 feet thereof. PARCEL B RI\TE 102 F.F. x $46.66/Foot = $4,759.32 No Stub Constructed = 0. 00 Total Latecomers Charge= $4,759.32 That portion of the North 150.00 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying Easterly of SR 515. LESS the East 665.00 feet thereof. LESS the North 30.00 feet for road. RATE 124.66 F.F. x $46.66/Foot = $5,816.63 Plus Two Stubs@ $344.74/Ea. = 689.48 Total Latecomers Charge = $6,506.11 Burhngton Resources Oil & Gas Co LP Attn: Holly A. Lynch P.O. Box 51810 Midland, Texas 79710-1810 ~-1111111111111-11r-~, 20030125002078 PAG 981 OF 812 nAlL n1 3e.ee 91/ /2913 tt 54 KING COUNTY, WA NOTICE OF CLAIM TO SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST STATEOFWASHJNGTON § § COUNTY OF KING § In accordance with the applicable prov1S1on of law mcludmg Chapter 78 22 040 Revised Code of Washmgton, the following Notice of Claim of Severed Mmeral Interest is given 1 Claimant Burlmgton Resources OJJ & Gas Company LP, a Delaware Corporation (formerly known as Mend1an 01! Product10n Inc) authonzed to conduct busmess m the State of Washington 2 Clannant's pnnc1pal place ofbusmess 1s located at 801 Cherry Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 3 Description of Land Affected by This Notice Attached hereto as E:xlub1t "A" and mcorporated herem by reference 1s a hst and descnphon of the severed mmeral mterests 111 the above capt10ned county owned and claimed by Clanna11t 4 Claimant 1s the owner of the severed mmeral interests m the la11ds descnbed m Exh1b1t "A" that were ongmally held by the Northern Pacific Ratlway Compa11y 5 Natnre and Extent of Claim With respect to the severed nnneral mterests covered hereby, Claimant asserts and claims all nghts and pnvileges appurtenant to such mterests mcludmg, but not hm1ted to, free and unencumbered mgress and egress at all times for the purpose of exploration, mmmg and dnlhng on said lands and conductmg all such other acbV1ties and operations as may be appropnate m searching for and remoV1ng 011, gas and other mmerals of any kmd or nature, mclud1ng, but not hnuted to hydrocarbons of any nature, rare earths, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and ores 6 Non-Waiver Tlus nonce of cla1m 1s expressly made without wa1ver or preJudicc to Claimant's nght, expressly reserved and retamed herem and hereby, to challenge the validity of any statute, ordmance or enactment requmng such nonce as a condit10n to connnued ownership of severed mmeral fee mterests, on the basis that any such statute, ordinance or enactment is V1olatlve of property nghts and procedural nghts afforded and guaranteed under the Consntut:lon of the Umted States of Amenca and the State ofWashmgton, and 1s therefore void EXECUTED this ,3 \S.\-day of October, 2002 STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNIY OF MIDLAND § BURLINGTON RESOURCES OIL & GAS COMP ANY LP By BROG GP Inc , tt.<I sole General Partner By-,X.,J.~"--,0;..,<' ~~~-lf--i::::.=......._~ S KEDH FRANK, Attomey-m-Fact tff!( BEFORE ME, the undersigned authonty, on thts day personally appeared S KEnH FRANK, known to me to be the person whose name 1s subscnbed to the foregomg mstrument as Attorney-in-Fact of BROG GP Inc, a Delaware corporation and the sole General Partner of BURLINGTON RESOURCES OIL & GAS COMP ANY LP, a Delaware llllllted partnerslup, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and cons1deratJ.on therem expressed, m the capacity stated, and as the act and deed of said hm,ted partnershtp GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE th1s31!_ day of October, 2002 ~ """~ HOLLY LYNCH • NOTARY PUBLIC ,,• STATE OF TEXAS "' " Myeomm ExJ1 01-00.2003 -+-kOO .. r--.f My :o~~s~;"eip1ics" 0 ,;,-V<c '" " -N~_ 0 ._ 18 ...,ry=Pu"'A"-c-"""\J()-'-~'+-'-'l1;1=-L....i-'-,...,&-.,~------ 3300 N "A", Bldg 6, Midland, TX 79710 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING EXHIBIT "A" MINERAL OWNERSHIP: OIL, GAS AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS Township O 19 North, Range 007 East Sect.ton 5 NW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) S/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Section 9 N/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) Townshm 020 North, Range 007 East Sect:ton 5 S/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) SE14NW/4 (40 0 acs) SW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Lot 1, Lots 2, 3, Less 10 00 ac BN R/W (98 97 acs) Sect:ton 7 NE/4 (160 0 acs) E/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) E/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 2 (43 62 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (42 64 acs) SE/4 Less 54 01 ac BN R/W (1 0 acs) Sect:ton 9 All (640 0 acs) Sect:ton 15 All ( 640 0 acs) Section 17 Fl2 (320 0 acs) E/2W/2 (160 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) W/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Sect:ton 19 Fl2 (320 0 acs) Fl2SW/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot 1 (41 03 acs) Section 29 W/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) Sect:ton 31 SFJ4NE/4 ( 40 0 acs) SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Sect:ton 33 S/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) E/2W/2 (160 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) Townslnp 020 North, Range 008 East Section 5 All ( 641 25 acs) Section 7 All (591 92 acs) Township 020 North, Range 009 East Seclion 11 N/2 (320 0 acs) Township 020 North, Range 010 East Sectlon 6 NW/4SW/4 of Lot 6 (34 54 acs) Sectton 34 E/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Townshm 021 North. Range 004 East Secllon 27 NE/4 (160 0 acs) E/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) Secllon 3 J NE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot I (32 05 acs) SE/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (33 5 acs) Sectton 35 NW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) Townshm 021 North, Range 005 East Sectton 29 NW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Township 021 North, Range 008 East Section 22 SW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) S/2NW/4SE/4 (20 0 acs) NW/4NW/4SE/4 (10 0 acs) Townshm 021 North. Range 009 East Section 30 SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) SW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Section 32 SW/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) S/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SW /4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) Townslup 021 North, Range 010 East Secnon 3 All (548.96 acs) Sectlon 9 All ( 640 0 acs) Section 11 All (640 0 acs) Section 15 All (640 0 acs) Section 17 All (640 0 acs) Secllon 19 All (640 0 acs) Secbon 26 W/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Sectlon 27 All (640 0 acs) Secbon 28 S/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Section 29 All (640 0 acs) Secbon 31 All (631 08 acs) Section 32 N/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SE/4 of Lot 1 (33 58 acs) SW/4SE/4 of Lot 2 (34 11 acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (34 66 acs) Section 33 All (610 43 acs) Sectlon 34 N/2N/2 (160 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (31 39 acs) Townsh10 021 North, Range 010 East Section 3S All (595 48 acs) Townsh10 022 North, Range 004 East Section 3 6 Lot 4 and Part of Lot 7 (1 64 acs) Township 022 North, Range 010 East Section 31 E/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot l (38 49 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 2 (38 47 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (38 45 acs) SW/4SW/4 of Lot 4 (38 43 acs) Section 33 NE/4 (160 0 acs) S/2 (320 0 acs) Township 022 North, Range O 11 East Section 5 R/W across SE/4SW/4, W/2SE/4 (5 85 acs) Section 17 R/W across W/2NW/4, S/2N/2 (15 89 acs) Townsh10 023 North, Range 004 East Section 13. N/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) Townshm 023 North, Range 005 East Section 1 SW/4SW/4SW/4SW/4 (2 5 acs) Secllon 3 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) NE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 (35 92 acs) W/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 (35 77 acs) Secllon 7 SW/4SW/4 (32 6 acs) Sectton 9 NE/4 (160 0 acs) N/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) Section 11 All ( 640 0 acs) Secllon 18 Portton of SW/4 descnbed by metes and bounds m deed to Milestone (4 80 acs), Those porttons of Tracts 8 and 9, supplemental map of Renton Shorelands, and the SE/4SW/4 described by metes and bounds m deed to Milestone Sectton 19 Portton of Government Lot l descnbed m deed to Milestone (I 53 acs) Section 25 S/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) Part ofSW/4NE/4, S/2NW/4, N/2SW/4, NW/4SE/4 (53 46 acs) Section 27 Tract m NW/4NE/4 (1 0 acs) Secllon 29 SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Part ofSE/4NW/4 ( 5 acs) Sectton 35 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) Townshm 023 North, Range 006 East Section 1 All (626 02 acs) Townshm 023 North, Range 006 East Sechon 3 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) E/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot 1 (31 76 acs) NW/4NW/4 ofLot4 (30 89 acs) Part ofE/2SE/4 bemg a stnp of land 75' wide described m deed to Milestone (4 23 acs) Secbon 5 Part of Lots 3, 4, West of Sunset Highway (22 0 acs) 100' ROW across Lots 3, 4, SW/4NW/4 (24 06 acs) Section 11 All (640 0 acs) Section 17 SW/4'NW/4NW/4SW/4 (2 5 acs) S/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) E/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) 'NW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) N/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) S/2SW/4 (80 O acs) Townshm 023 North. Range 007 East Secbon 1 Section 5 Section 7 Section 9 Section ll Section 13 Secbon 15 Section 17 Sechon 19 Secbon 21· Sechon23 Secbon 25 Seen.on 27 Section 29 Section 31 Section 35 Parts of Lots 1, 2, S/2NE/4 (160 0 acs) All (629 06 acs) All (642 40 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (648 58 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) All Less 4 04 ac BN R/W (635 96 acs) N/2N/2 (160 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) Hwy R/W across Lots 2, 3, NE/4SW/4, W/2NW/4, NW/4NE/4 (25 17 acs) NE/4 (160 0 acs) NE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Township 023 North, Range 008 East Section 3 NE/4NE/4 of Lot 1 (47 80 acs) SE/4NE/4 of Lot 5 (42.9 acs) Township 023 North. Range 009 East Section 1 W/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Lot 1 (19 65 acs) Lot 2 (37 40 acs) Lot 5 (37.40 acs) Lot 6 (3 8 65 acs) Lot 7 (41 40 acs) Lot 8 (40 O acs) Lot 9 (40 0 acs) Lot 10 (21 0 acs) Lot 11 (21 0 acs) Townslup 023 North. Rauge 009 East Section I Lot 12 (40 0 acs) Lot 13 (40 0 acs) Lot 14 (40 0 acs) Lot 15 (37 5 acs) Lot 16 (40 I acs) Lot 17 (40 0 acs) Lot 18 (40 0 acs) Lot 19 (40 0 acs) Section 3 Section S Section 7 Lot 20 (21 O acs) All (593 90 acs) S/2S/2 (160 O acs) W/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot I (35 11 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 2 (34 15 acs) SE/4NW/4 of lot 5 (39 07 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 6 (39 44 acs) SE/4NE/4 of Lot 7 (39 81 acs) Section 9 N/ZNW/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot I (31 4 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 2 (38 4 acs) SE/4NW/4 of Lot 3 (38 6 acs) SW/4NE/4 ofLot4 (32 4 acs) Section 11 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot I (39 05 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (44 2 acs) SW/4SE/4 of lot 3 (44 4 acs) NE/4SW/4 ofl.ot4 (39 75 acs) NW/4SW/4 of lot 5 (44 0 acs) SW/4SW/4 of lot 6 (43 45 acs) Section IS SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) S/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4 (160 O acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot I (44 0 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (46 25 acs) SW/4NE/4 of lot 3 (41 5 acs) NE/4SW/4 of lot 4 (42 0 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 5 (40 8 acs) Section 21 E/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot 1 (37 55 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (38 4 acs) Townshm 024 North, Range 004 East Section 6 City of Seattle, Blocks 5 and 12, David S Maynard's Donation Claim No 43, North 30' Less street of Lots 5. 6, Block 12, North 15' Lot 5, Block S ( 09 acs) Township 024 North, Range 004 East Section 8 Seattle, part of vacated 8th Avenue South Between Blocks 243 and 250, Seattle Tidelands Addition, Seattle, Block 245, Seattle Tidelands, Lot 5, Lots 6 through 9, City of Seattle, Block 248, Seattle Tidelands Subd1V1s1on, Stnp of land 32' wide extendmg North and South through Block 248, also part Of Lots 16 to 19, Block 248 lymg Easterly of a !me parallel and concentnc with Perpendicularly distant 17 O' Easterly of the Easterly !me of 8"' Avenue South, as Established by Ordinance No 23591, City of Seattle, Block 249, Seattle Tidelands, West 27 50' of East 50' of Lots 12 through 14, City of Seattle, Block 250, Seattle Tidelands subdivts10n, West 225' of Lots 1 through 11, except West 114' of Lots 9, 10 and 11 and West 114' of32 25' of Lot 8, Seattle, Block 252, Seattle Tidelands, parts of Lots 3, 4, 17-20, parcel called parts of Lots 1, 2, 3, 20, 21, 22, Block 252, also parts of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 II, Block 252, parcel called part of Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m Block 252, parcel called porhons of Lots 12 through 16 Inclusive as established by ordmance No 23591, all descnbed more fully m deed To Milestone, City of Seattle, Block 253, Seattle Tidelands, Lot 11 and all those Parts of Lots 7 to 10 lymg Southeasterly of a hne distant 15' as measured rad.tally From Railway Track Centerlme descnbed by metes and bounds m deed to Milestone, Also parts of Lots 6 to 9 m Block 253, descnbed as separate parcel m deed, City of Seattle of Block 254, Seattle Tidelands, Part of Lots 7-9 ( 230 acs), City of Seattle of Block 255, Seattle Tidelands, East 22 5' of Lots 1-5, West22 5' of Lots 6-10, City of Seattle, Block 256, Seattle Tidelands, Easterly 25' of Lots 1-4, Westerly 25' of Lots 19 And 20, City of Seattle, Block 278, Seattle Tidelands, East 270' of Lots 17 through 19, City of Seattle, Block 297, Seattle Tidelands SubdtVJsion part of North 50' of vacated Hanford Street adJommg East 183' of Lot 24, and East 183' of the South 20' of Lot 15, The East 183' of Lots 16 through 24 mclus1ve, Block 297, City of Seattle, Block 300, Seattle Tidelands, part of Lots I through 5, City of Seattle, Block 243,250, Seattle Tidelands Bemg the West 60' of Lot 6 except the South 10' thereof, the West 52' of The North22' of Lot 5 which he Southerly of a lme parallel to and 15' Southerly of the Descnbed centerlme bemg Block 243, accordmg to plat thereof, those portions of Lot 17 And 18 of Block 250 which he Easterly of 8th Avenue South as estabhshed by Ordmance No 23591, and Southerly of a !me parallel to and 15' Southerly of centerlme descnbed In Deed to Milestone, Part of vacated 8th Avenue South lymg between Lots 12 to 15 Inclusive m Block 248, and Lots 6 to 9 mclus1ve, Block 245, accordmg to plat thereof ( 49 acs) Township 024 North. Range 005 East Sectton 11 NE/4SE/4 Less 1 43 ac sold (38 57 acs) Section 21 S/2NW/4SW/4 (20 0 acs) Sec!Ion 23 E/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Township 024 North. Range 006 East Sec!Ion 3 SW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Sec!Ion 5 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) Section 13 SW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) S/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Townslup 024 North. Range 006 East Section 15 SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Section 19 W/2SE/4NE/4 (20 0 acs) N/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4NE/4SW/4 (10 0 acs) W/2NE/4NE/4SW/4 (5 0 acs) SW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) West 330' of North 990' of fractional NW/4NW/4, South 200' of the West 99' of Government Lot I (7 5 acs) Section 21 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) NE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 Less I 12 acs BN RR ROW (38 88 acs) Section 23 S/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) Section 2; SE/4NE/4 ( 40 0 acs) SE/4NW/4SFJ4 (IO O acs) Part SW/4SW/4, SE/4SW/4, SE/4SE/4, NE/4SE/4, Less BN R/W, Less State Road (143 01 acs), abandoned R/W across S/2S/2, NW/4SW/4, NE/4SE/4 (13 5 acs) Sectrnn 27 S/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4SE/4, Less 4 09 ac R/W (35 91 acs) Secllon 29 W /2 (3 20 0 acs) Secllon 35 NW/4 (160 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Townslnp 024 North, Range 007 East Section 3 100' wide stnp runmng across Lot 4 and portions of the S/2NW/4, NE/4SW/4, and S/2SE/4 descnbed more fully m deed to M1lestone (14 63 acs) Section I 7 E/2E/2 ( 160 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SW/4SW/4 (40.0 acs) Secllon 21 NE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) SW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Secllon 27 NW/4NE/4NW/4 (10 0 acs) Secllon31 FRL W/2LessNorth 1SO'thereof(30995 acs) 100' ROW across N/2NE/4, NE/4NW/4 and Lot I Sectmn 35 All (626 28 acs) Townslnp 024 North, Range 008 East Sccllon 25 SE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Section 29 City ofSnoqualnue Falls, Block 24, Northeasterly 60' of Lots 17 through 20 And Southeasterly 15' ofNortheasterly60' of Lot 16 ( 18 acs) Secllon 31 NW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Township 024 North. Range 009 East Secllon 25 NE/4 (158 90 acs) .. Townshm 024 North, Range 010 East Section 15 N/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) SW/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) W/2 (320 0 acs) NW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Section 23 SE/4SE/4 of Lot 1 (42 76 acs) SW/4SE/4 of Lot 2 (43 45 acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (44 13 acs) SW/4SW/4 of Lot 4 (44 82 acs) Section 25 NW/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (38 69 acs) NE/4NW/4 of Lot 3 (38 85 acs) NW/4NW/4 ofLot4 (39 12 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 5 (39 0 acs) SE/4NW/4 of Lot 6 (38 73 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 7 (38 77 acs) S E/4SFJ4 of Lot 8 (38 5 acs) Section 27 SW/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) S/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) SW/4 (160 0 acs) W/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4SFJ4 of Lot 2 (33 46 acs) NE/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (33 12 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 4 (32 85 acs) SW/4SW/4 of Lot 5 (32 88 acs) SFJ4SW/4 of Lot 6 (33 15 acs) SW/4SF/4 of Lot 7 (33 46 acs) Township 025 North, Range 003 East Section 2 City of Ballard, Block B, Bryggers 2nd Home Addillon, vacated streets adJoimng Subdivis10n, Block 11, Bryggers 200 Home AddJtion, part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Bryggers 2"" Home Addition, part of said block ( 28 acs), Block 7, Bryggers 2"" Home AddJl!on, Part of Lots 5-7, Parts of Lots 2 and 3, A tnangular parcel m that portion of West 57"' Street, vacated by ordinance No 82757, all parcels descnbed m deed to Milestone Sectmn 11 That part of Section 11 begmrung at the comer of common Sections 11, 12, 13 and 14, Thence North on the !me between Secl!ons I land 12, 62 7' to the South marginal !me OfShilshole Avenue, thence North 66 deg 18 mm West along said marginal !me 352' To the pomt ofbegmmng, thence followmg said margmal lme North 66 deg 18 mm West, 150', thence North 23 deg 42 mm East, 15' and parallel to the Southerly margmal Lme ofShilshore Avenue, 150', thence North 23 deg 42 mm East, 15' Secllon 14 City of Seattle, Block 1, Gilman's Add1tton, Easterly 60' of Lots 20 and 21, Those portions of Lots 4, 19, 20, 21 and portlon of vacated alley, descnbed by Metes and bounds m deed to Milestone Township 025 North, Range 009 East Sectron 13 NE/4 (160 0 acs) S/2 (320 0 acs) Townshm 026 North, Range 005 East Section 3 Stnp ofland m SW/4NE/4 (3 62 acs) • ·. Township 026 North. Range 006 Ea.st Sectton 25 NE/4NW/4 (40 O acs) Township 026 North, Range 009 East Secl1on 1 W/2SE/4 (80.0 acs) SE/4SE/4 of Lot 14 (38 87 acs) Sectton 3 Lot 3 (42 19 acs) Lot4 (41 06 acs) Lot 5 (37 39 acs) Lot 6 (37 39 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 10 (39 17 acs) SE/4NW/4 of Lot 11 (37 69 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 12 (37 69 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 13 (37 94 acs) NE/4SW/4 of Lot 14 (37 81 acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 15 (38 12 acs) SW/4SW/4 of Lot 16 (38 25 acs) Sectton 5 SW/4 (160 0 acs) Lot 1 (39 1 acs) Lot 2 (38 93 acs) Lot 3 (38 77 acs) Lot 4 (38 6 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot 5 (40 0 acs) NE/4NW/4 of Lot 6 (40 0 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot 7 (40 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot 8 (40 0 acs) SE/4NE/4 of Lot 9 (40 0 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 10 (40 0 acs) SE/4NW/4 of Lot 11 (40 0 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 12 (40 0 acs) Section 7 E/2W/2 (160 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot 1 (39.91 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (39 91 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot 3 (45 22 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 4 (44 79 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 5 (39 72 acs) SE/4NE/4 of Lot 6 (39 72 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 7 (44 35 acs) SW/4SW/4 of Lot 8 (43 92 acs) Secl1on 11 SW/4 (159 02 acs) Section 15 NE/4 (160 0 acs) NE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) N/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Townslnp 026 North. Range O IO East Section 1 N/2 (323 68 acs) Section 11 W /2SW /4 (80 0 acs) NE/4SW/4 of Lot 9 (39 I acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 14 (34 45 acs) • ·, Townslup 026 North, Range O 11 East Section 22 SE/4 (160 0 acs) Section 26 Part of Lot 5 (26 90 acs) Section 3'.> City of Skyom1sh, Block 3, Townslte Lots 11 and 12 Township 026 North, Range 012 East Section 31 S/2NE/4NE/4 (20 0 acs) Townshm 026 North. Range 013 East Section 28 SW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Section 29 S/2NW/4SE/4 (20 0 acs) That part ofS/2SE/4, SE/4SW/4, S/2NE/4SW/4 lymg Northerly ofR/W, Includmg 28 ac R/W m SW/4SE/4 (106 65 acs) Willamette 1851 Plat City of Seattle, Block 135, Seattle Tide Lands, part of Lot 4 and parts of vacated alley m Lot 4 City of Seattle, Seattle Tide Lands, Block 139, parts of Lots 8-10 City of Seattle, Block 140, Seattle Tide Lands, parts of Lots 1-3, 14-16, and Lot 6 and parts of Vacated alley therem City of Seattle, Block 103, DaVJd T Denny's 1" Addition, Lots 11-14, Less East 17', Less North 11 36' of Lot 14 and Less West 5' City of Seattle, Block 101, DaVJd T Denny's Add1llon, Lots 11 and 12 City of Seattle, Block 1, BN Norpac Industnal Dist #1 Lot 7 and 8 (2 14 acs) City of Seattle, Block 4, Lots 1-5 and East 110' of Lot 6 (7 41 acs) City of Seattle, Block 18, Lawton Park Subdms1on, All Lot 4, part of Lots 8-13 which are lymg Southwesterly of Gilman Avenue City of Seattle, Ladd's 1" Add1tton, parts of Lots 8-10 ( 35 acs) City of North Seattle, Block 101 D T Denny's 5th Addition, Lots 7-10 Less the West4' thereof City of Seattle, Lawton Park Addit10n, Block 7, those portions of Harley Avenue and Lots 14 And 15 all of which 1s more fully descnbed m a deed to Mtlestone City of Earlmgton Plat City ofEaihngton, Earlmgton Industrial Park #1, Lot 5 (10 01 acs) Burlington Resources OJI & Gas Co LP Attn: Holly A. Lynch P.O. Box 51810 Midland, Texas 79710-1810 I 111111111111111 20030125002079 l'IIIIL n1 za.ee PAGE 111 OF 111 11/ZB/21113 II 54 KING COUNTY , MA NOTICE OF CLAIM TO SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST STATE OF WASHINGTON § § COUNTY OF KING § fu accordance w,th the applicable provmon of law mcludmg Chapter 78 22 040 Revised Code of Washmgton, the followmg Notice of Claim of Severed Mmeral futerest ts given I Claimant Glacier Park Company, a Delaware Corporation (formerly known as Mendtan Land and Mme1al Company) authonzed to conduct busmess m the State of North Dakota 2 Claunant's pnnctpal place ofbusmess ts located at 801 Cherry Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 3 Description of Land Affected by This Notice Attached hereto as Exh1b1t "A" and mcorporated herem by reference ts a hst and descnptton of the severed mmeral mterests m the above captioned county owned and claimed by Claimant 4 Claunant 1s the owner of the severed mmeral mterests m the lands descnbed m Exhibit "A" that were ongmally held by the Northern Pacific Railway Company 5 Nature and Extent of Claim With respect to the severed mmeral mterests covered hereby, Cla1mant aaserts and clauns all nghts and pnvileges appurtenant to such mterests mcludmg, but not hrmted to, free and unencumbered mgress and egress at all ttmes for the purpose of exploration, rmnmg and dnllmg on said lands and conductmg all such other act1VItles and operattons as may be appropnate m searchmg for and removing 011, gas and other rmnerals of any kmd or nature, mcludmg, but not hmtted to hydrocarbons of any nature, rare earths, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and ores 6 Non-Waiver This notice of claun 1s expressly made without waiver or preJud1ce to Claimant's nght, expressly reserved and retamed herem and hereby, to challenge the vahdtty of any statute, mdmance or enactment requmng such nottce aa a condition to conttnued ownerslup of severed mmeral fee mterests, on the basts that any such statute, ordtnance or enactment 1s violative of property nghts and procedural nghts afforded and guaranteed under the Constttutlon of the Umted States of Amen ca and the State of Washington, and 1s therefore v01d • ~--------------· EXECUTED tlus 3 \ SI-day of October, 2002 GLACIBRPARKCOMPANY By_____.....~"'-"'~..e.c.,,~~_....e~~~~ S KEIIB FRANK, Attomey-m-Fac~ STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF MIDLAND § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authonty, on tlus day personally appeared S KEITH FRANK, Attomey-m-Fact of Glacier Park Company, known to me to be the person whose name 1s subscnbed to the foregomg tnstrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and cons1deratton therem expressed and m the capacity stated therem as the act and deed of said corporatton GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE thts ~ day of October, 2002 (~~-~~ . ---... af.·~ 'J-~--;2 My comm1sston expires 07/03/2003 Notary P~icifulyLynch 3300 N "A", Bldg 6, Midland, TX 79710 • STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING EXHIBIT "A" MINERAL OWNERSHIP: ALL MINERALS EXCEPT OIL, GAS AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS Townslnp 019 North, Range 007 East Sect.on 5 NW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) S/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Sect.on 9 N/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) Townshm 020 North. Range 007 East Sectton 5 S/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) SW/4SFJ4 (40 0 acs) Lot 1, Lots 2, 3, Less 10 00 ac BN R/W (98 97 acs) Sectlon 7 NE/4 ( 160 0 acs) FJ2NW/4 (80 0 acs) E/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 2 (43 62 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (42 64 acs) SE/4 Less 54 01 ac BN R/W (1 0 acs) Sectton 9 All ( 640 0 acs) Sectlon 15 All ( 640 0 acs) Sectton 17 FJ2 (320 0 acs) FJ2W 12 (160 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) W/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Sectton 19 FJ2 (320 0 acs) E/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot 1 (41 03 acs) Sect10n 29 W/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) Sectton 31 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Section 33 S/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) E/2W/2 (160 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) Township 020 North, Range 008 East Sectlon 5 All (641 25 acs) Section 7 All (591 92 acs) Townslup 020 North, Range 009 East Sectton 11 N/2 (320 0 acs) . Township 020 North. Range O 10 East Section 6 NW/4SW/4 of Lot 6 (34 54 acs) Section 34 FJ2NW /4 (80 0 acs) NF14SW/4 (40 0 acs) Townshm 021 North. Range 004 East Section 31 NFJ4NFJ4 (40 0 acs) NW/4NFJ4 of Lot I (32 05 acs) SE/4NFJ4 of Lot 2 (33 5 acs) Townslup 021 North, Range 005 East Section 29 NW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Townshm 021 North, Range 008 East Section 22 SW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) S/2NW/4SE/4 (20 0 acs) NW/4NW/4SFJ4 (JOO acs) Township 021 North. Range 009 East Section 30 SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) SW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Section 32 SW/4NFJ4 (40 0 acs) S/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SFJ4SW/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 (160 O acs) Township 021 North. Range O JO East Section 3 Section 9 Section 11 Section 15 Section 17 Section 19 Section 26 Section 27 Section 28 Section 29 Section 31 Sect10n 32 Section 33 Section 34 Section 35 All (548 96 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) W/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) S/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) All (640 0 acs) All ( 631.08 acs) N/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SE/4 of Lot 1 (33 58 acs) SW/4SE/4 ofLot2 (3411 acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (34 66 acs) All (610 43 acs) N/2N/2 ( 160 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (31 39 acs) All (595 48 acs) Township 022 North, Range 010 East Sectmn 31 E/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot I (38 49 acs) SW/4NW/4 ofLot2 (38 47 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (38 45 acs) SW/4SW/4 ofLot4 (38 43 acs) Section 33 NE/4 (160 0 acs) S/2 (320 O acs) Townshm 022 North, Range 011 East Section 5 R/W across SE/4SW/4, W/2SE/4 (5 85 acs) Section 17 R/W across W/2NW/4, S/2N/2 (15 89 acs) Townslup 023 North, Range 004 East Section 13 N/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) Townslµp 023 North, Range 005 East Section I SW/4SW/4SW/4SW/4 (2 5 acs) Section 3 SB/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) SF14SE/4 (40 0 acs) NE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 (35 92 acs) W/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 (35.77 acs) Section 7 SW/4SW/4 (32 6 acs) Section 9 NFJ4 (160 0 acs) N/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) Section 11 All ( 640 0 acs) Section 25 S/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) PartofSW/4NE/4, S/2NW/4, N/2SW/4, NW14SFJ4 (53 46 acs) Secllon 27 Tract m NW/4NE/4 (I O acs) Secllon 29 SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Part of SE/4NW/4 ( 5 acs) Secllon 35 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) Towns!up 023 North. Range 006 East Section I All (626 02 acs) Secbon 3 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) E/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot I (31 76 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot 4 (30 89 acs) Part ofFJ2SE/4 bemg a stnp ofland 75' wide descnbed m deed to Milestone (4 23 acs) Section 5 Part of Lots 3, 4, West of Sunset Highway (22 0 acs) 100' ROW across Lots 3, 4, SW/4NW/4 (24 06 acs) Secllon 11 All (640 0 acs) Secllon 17 SW/4NW/4NW/4SW/4 (2 5 acs) S12NE/4 (80 0 acs) E/2NW 14 (80 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) . Township 023 North, Range 006 East Section 17 N/2SFJ4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SE/4 ( 40 0 acs) S/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Township 023 North. Range 007 East Section 1 Parts of Lots I, 2, S/2NE/4 (160 0 acs) Section 5 All ( 629 06 acs) Section 7 All (642 40 acs) Section 9 All (640 0 acs) Section 11 All (640 0 acs) Section 13 All (640 0 acs) Section 15 All (640.0 acs) Section 17 All (640 0 acs) Section 19 All (648 58 acs) Section 21 All (640 0 acs) Section 23 All ( 640 0 acs) Section 25 All Less 4 04 ac BN R/W (635 96 acs) Section 27 N/2N/2 (160 0 acs) Sec1:!on 29 All (640 0 acs) Section 31 Hwy R/W across Lots 2, 3, NE/4SW/4, W/2NW/4, NW/4NE/4 (25 17 acs) Section 35 NE/4 (160 0 acs) NE/4SE/4 (40.0 acs) Township 023 North, Range 008 East Section 3 NE/4NE/4 of Lot I (47 80 acs) SE/4NE/4 of Lot 5 (42 9 acs) Township 023 North, Range 009 East Section 1 W/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Lot 1(1965 acs) Lot 2 (37 40 acs) Lot 5 (37 40 acs) Lot 6 (38 65 acs) Lot 7 (41 40 acs) Lot 8 (40 0 acs) Lot 9 (40 0 acs) Lot 10 (21 0 acs) Lot 11 (21 0 acs) Lot 12 (40 0 acs) Lot 13 (40 0 acs) Lot 14 (40 0 acs) Lot 15 (37 5 acs) Lot 16 (40 I acs) Lot 17 (40 0 acs) Lot 18 (40 0 acs) Lot 19 (40 0 acs) Lot 20 (21 0 acs) Section 3 All (593 90 acs) Section 5 S/2S/2 (160 0 acs) .• Township 023 North. Range 009 East SectJ.on 7 W/2NF/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot I (35 11 acs) SW/4NW/4 ofLot2 (3415 acs) SE/4NW/4 of Lot 5 (39 07 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 6 (39 44 acs) SE/4NE/4 of Lot 7 (39 81 acs) SectJ.on 9 N/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot I (314 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 2 (38 4 acs) SE/4NW/4 of Lot 3 (38 6 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 4 (32 4 acs) Sectlon 11 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot I (39 05 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (44 2 acs) SW/4SE/4 of Lot 3 (44 4 acs) NE/4SW/4 of Lot 4 (39 75 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 5 (44 0 acs) SW/4SW/4 of Lot 6 (43 45 acs) Section 15 SE/4NE/4 ( 40 0 acs) S/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot 1 (44 0 acs) NW/4NE/4 ofLot2 (46 25 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 3 (41 5 acs) NE/4SW/4 of Lot 4 (42 0 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 5 (40 8 acs) Sectlon 21 E/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NE/4ofLot 1 (37 55 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (38 4 acs) Townshm 024 North. Range 005 East Section 11 NE/4SE/4 Less I 43 ac sold (38 57 acs) Sectmn 21 S/2NW/4SW/4 (20 0 acs) Section 23 E/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Townslup 024 North. Range 006 East Sectton 3 SW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Section 5 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 (160 0 acs) Sectlon 13 SW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) S/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Secnon 15 SE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Sectton 19 W/2SE/4NE/4 (20 0 acs) Township 024 North, Range 006 East Section 19 N/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4NE/4SW/4 (10 0 acs) W/2NE/4NE/4SW/4 (5 0 acs) SW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) West 330' ofNorth 990' of fractional NW/4NW/4, South 200' of the West 99' of Government Lot 1 (7 5 acs) Section 21 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) NE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4 Less 1 12 acs BN RR ROW (38 88 acs) Section 23 S/2NW/4 (80 0 acs) Section 25 SE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) SE/4NW/4SE/4 (10 0 acs) Part SW/4SW/4, SE/4SW/4, SE/4SE/4, NE/4SE/4, Less BN R/W, Less State Road (143 01 acs), abandoned R/W across S/2S/2, NW/4SW/4, NE/4SE/4 (13 5 acs) Section 27 S/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) NE/4SE/4, Less 4 09 ac R/W (35 91 acs) Section 29 W/2 (320 0 acs) Section 35 NW/4 (I 60 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) Townshm 024 North, Range 007 East Section 17 E/2E/2 (160 0 acs) N/2SW/4 (80 0 acs) SW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Section 21 NE/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) NW/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) SW/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) Section 27 NW/4NE/4NW/4 (10 0 acs) Section 31 FRL W/2 Less North 150' thereof(309 95 acs) 100' ROW across N/2NE/4, NE/4NW/4 aod Lot l Sectton 35 All (626 28 acs) Township 024 North, Range 008 East Section 25· SE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Section 31 NW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Townslup 024 North, Range 009 East Secl!on 25 NE/4 (158 90 acs) Towru;lnp 024 North, Range O 10 East Sectton 15 N/2NE/4 (80 0 acs) SW/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) W/2 (320 0 acs) NW/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) Section 23 SE/4SE/4 of Lot 1 (42 76 acs) SW/4SE/4 of Lot 2 (43 45 acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (44 13 acs) SW/4SW/4 ofLot4 (44 82 acs) Townshtp 024 North, Range 010 East Section 25 NW/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (38 69 acs) NE/4NW/4 of Lot 3 (38 85 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot 4 (39 12 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 5 (39 0 acs) SE/4NW/4 of Lot 6 (38 73 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 7 (38 77 acs) SE/4SE/4 of Lot 8 (38 5 acs) Section 27 SW/4NE/4 (40 0 acs) S/2NW /4 (80 0 acs) SW/4 (160 0 acs) W /2SE/4 (80 0 acs) NW/4SE/4 of Lot 2 (33 46 acs) NE/4SW/4 of Lot 3 (33 12 acs) NW/4SW/4 ofLot4 (32 85 acs) SW/4SW/4ofLot5 (32 88 acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 6 (33 15 acs) SW/4SE/4 of Lot 7 (33 46 acs) Townshtp 025 North. Range 009 East Section 13 NE/4 (160 0 acs) S/2 (320 0 acs) Townshm 026 North, Range 006 East Section 25 NE/4NW/4 (40 0 acs) Township 026 North, Range 009 East Section 1 W /2SE/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SE/4 of Lot 14 (38 87 acs) Section 3· Lot 3 (42 19 acs) Lot 4 (41 06 acs) Lot 5 (37 39 acs) Lot 6 (37 39 acs) SW/4NE/4ofLot 10 (3917 acs) SE/4NW/4 of Lot 11(3769 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 12 (37 69 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 13 (37 94 acs) NE/4SW/4 of Lot 14 (37 81 acs) SE/4SW/4 of Lot 15 (38 12 acs) SW/4SW/4 of Lot 16 (38 25 acs) Section 5 SW/4 (160 0 acs) Lot I (39 I acs) Lot 2 (38 93 acs) Lot 3 (38 77 acs) Lot 4 (38 6 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot 5 (40 0 acs) NE/4NW/4 of Lot 6 (40 O acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot 7 (40 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot 8 (40 0 acs) SE/4NE/4 of Lot 9 (40 0 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 10 (40 0 acs) • Townsh1p 026 North. Range 009 East Secnon 5 SE/4NW/4 of Lot 11 (40 0 acs) SW/4NW/4 of Lot 12 (40 0 acs) Section 7 E/2W/2 (160 0 acs) NE/4NE/4 of Lot 1(3991 acs) NW/4NE/4 of Lot 2 (39 91 acs) NW/4NW/4 of Lot 3 (45 22 acs) SW/4NW/4 ofLot4 (44 79 acs) SW/4NE/4 of Lot 5 (39 72 acs) SE/4NE/4 of Lot 6 (39 72 acs) NW/4SW/4 of Lot 7 (44 35 acs) SW/4SW/4 of Lot 8 (43 92 acs) Sec!Jon 11 SW/4 (159 02 acs) Sec!!on 15 NE/4 (160 0 acs) NE/4SW/4 (40 0 acs) N/2SE/4 (80 0 acs) SE/4SE/4 (40 0 acs) • • 20081209000691.:: FILED for Record at Request or Name Wes, et.;\\ i,u c..... Address i'.o \\n: ) s-00 1111111111111111 iJP!812!99001!~91 City !3...:·\t,.~~;\t-c.. OI: 14,,..s--,:s-eo ' PAGEetl OF 668 lZ/89/20118 12:05 KING COUNTY, UA NOTICE OF CLAIM TO SEVERED MINERAL INTERESTS This Statement of Claim is being made for the purpose of preserving mineral interest indicated on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, in the lands described on Exhibit A, located in King County, Washington of the undersigned owner, BURLINGTON RESOURCES OIL & GAS COMPANY L. P., a Delaware Partnership (formerly known as Meridian Oil Inc. and Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company), and a wholly owned subsidiary of ConocoPhillips whose address is P.O. Box 7500, Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74005-7500 EXECUTED this 8th day of October, 2008 BURLINGTON RESOURCES OIL & GAS COMPANY, L.P. BY: --=(le.CL fr'=:· A-·A"--"-'-~-'-""=A"'-"v®=·<.._,_ ~yci:Blevins 'ft b Attorney-in-Fact W 20081209000691 ,: .. -.. STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF OSAGE ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, on this the 8th day of October 2008, personally appeared Cindy D. Blevins, as Attorney-in-Fact for Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company L.P., to me personally known to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposed therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: 11/25/2008 Terri L. Bute Notary Public ·::· .,.., I ... 0:, g <'I Exhibit A Attached to iimd made a part of that certatn S1atomont of Clalm to Mlnoral lntorHt datod Novombe~ 21, 2008 for King Count)', WA FIie # Suffix Dated M13877 M13878 M13879 Grantors M27389 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27389 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL M27390 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27:390 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27391 000 12/1/1983 t3URLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27392 000 5/26/1988 SURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL M27393 000 5/26}1988 8URLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL M27394 000 5/28/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET Al M27395 000 5/2al1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27395 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27396 000 5/26/HISB BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27396 000 5126/1986 BURLINGTON NORlt-lERN • ET AL M27397 000 5126/1986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL M27398 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al M27399 000 5'26/1986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL M27400 000 5/2611986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· 8 At M27401 000 5J2B/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL Page 1 of66 Book Pago T R Sect ooc--~ · · 8806280226 DOC 8806280226 DOC 8806280226 DOC 8407250712 DOC 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE .8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8007070392 BOOl<JPAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 6907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8807070392 BOOK/PAGE f!.907070392 19 N 6 E 19 N 6 E 19 N 7 E S 19 N 7 E 5 19 N 7 E 9 19 N 10 E 19 N 10 E 3 19 N 1o E 5 19 N 10 E 9 19 N 10 E 9 19 N 10 E 11 19 N 10 E 11 19 N 11 E 19 N 11 E 3 19 N ~1 E 5 1Q N 11 E 7 19 N 11 E 9 QQ NWSW S2SW N2NW ALL ALL ALL N2 NWSW N2 N2S2 ALL ALL All ALL ALL Rec&ptlon Number Legal Description LOTS 1 AND 2 (73.24 acres) PART OF LOT 4, SW/4NW4 NORTH Of THE WHITE RIVER (42.26 acres) Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000' 1.00000000 1.000000cc 1.00000000 1.00000000 '' '' ~ !!! I ~ ~ !,:I Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that cvrtaln St.atomont of Clalm to Mlnoral Into rest datod Novomber 21, 2008 for King County, WA File fl Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pagv T R Sect QQ Reception Numbor M27402 ooo 5/2611 aas BURl..iNciTO~i.NORfH.ERN. er AL BOOK/PAGE 19 N 11 E 11 A.LL 8907070392 Legal DoscrlpUo n Interest M27403 000 6/26/1988 BURUNGTONNORTHERN-ETAL BOOK/PAGE 19 N 11 E 15 1112 8907070392 M27403 000 S/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 19 N 11 E 15 SW 8907070392 M27404 000 51:26/t '986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 19 N 11 E 15 SE 8907070392 M27405 000 6/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 19 N 11 E 17 ALL 8907070392 M27406 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 19 N 11 E 21 NE 8907070392 M27406 000 5/26/1988 SURUNGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 19 N 11 E 21 NENW 8907070392 M27406 000 S/26J1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 19 N 11 E 21 NESE 8907070392 M27407 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE HI N 12 E 3 ALL 8907070392 M27408 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOK/PAGE HI N 12 E 11 ALL 8907070392 M27409 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 5 E 1 NESW DOC.#840725 0712 M27409 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 5 E 1 NWSE DOC.#840725 0712 M27410 000 1211 /1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKIPAGE 20 N 6 E 3 NENE DOC.#840725 0712 M27410 000 121111963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 6 E 3 NWNW DOC.#840725 0712 M27410 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTI-ERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 6 E 3 SENW DOC.#840725 0712 M27411 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORT~RN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 6 E 5 NWNE DOC.#840725 0712 M27412 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 20 N 6 E 7 E2NW DOC.#840?25 0712 M27412 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-5T AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N e E 7 NWNW DOC.#840725 0712 Page2 of66 AKA Lot 20 (27.01 acres) AAA lots (26.7 acres) Al<A Lot 1 (34.57 acres) Al<A Lot 4 (34.27 acres) AKA Lot 2 (37.58 acres) AXA Lot 1 {39.92 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000(} 1.0000000a 1.0000000a 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ::, ,::: ~· jg I ~ I Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statement of Cl~lm to Mlnoral lt'ltorest dated Novomber 21, 2008 tot King County, WA Fl!~_#_ .. su_mx .... o~ted_ _ __ . . .... Grantors Book Page T R Soct QQ Recaptfor1 Number Le-gal DQ$Crlptlon M21~12· ooci 12,111-98a-·euRLiNGTON NoRTHERN". ET AL . Bo0KJPAGE 20 N 6 E 7 SWNW M27413 000 12/1/HIS:3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al M27413 ODO 12/1/1983 BURL.INGTON NORTt-tERN. ET Al M27413 000 1:211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL M27414 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27415 000 1211/1$83 BURl.lNGTON NORTHERN· ET Al M27416 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL f.1127417 000 1:2/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27418 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27419 000 12/1/1983-BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M:27419 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M2741 Q 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27419 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHI:Rl'ol-ET AL M274:20 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERl'ol -ET AL M27420 ODO 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL Page 3 of66 OOC.#840725-AKA Lot 2 (40.28 acres) 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#S40725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 SOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 6907070397 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE C0C.#a4C72S 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 20 N 6 E 11 20 N 6 E 11 20 N 6 E 11 20 N 6 E 13 20 N 6 E 17 20 N 6 E 25 20 N 6 E 35 20N7E5 20 N 7 E 5 20 N 7 E 5 20N7E 5 20 N 7 E 5 20N7E 7 20N7E 7 E;2SW S2NE SE S2NE NWSE $WSW S2NE SENW SWSE E2NW E2SW ALL LESS 11.45 ACS BN R/W, LESS S.16 ACS (625.39 actes) NE:4; PART OF E2SW4, SE4 l YING SLY OF COUNTY ROAD · & NLY Of COUNTY UNE (266.93 acre&) LOT 1, LOTS 2, 3, LESS 10.00 AC BN RJW (98.97 acres) Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ~· a, :g I ~ I Exhibit A Attaclled to and made a part of that cortaln Statornont ofClalm to Mlnotal lntorest datod NoY<!'mbor 21, 2008 for King County, WA Filo# Suffb; Dated Granters Book Page T R Sect QQ Reception Numbor M27420 000 121111·983 BURLi°NGTON NO'i~"T,~ERN-ET AL ··eoCn(jPAGE" -· 20 N 7 E 7 NE ---------------- OOC.#840725 L"eg.~I Description lntoreat 1.00000000 0712 M27420 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 7 NWSW 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 AKA lot 3 (42.64 actes) 0712 M27420 000 12/1'1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOKJPAGE 20 N 7 E 7 SWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 2 (43.62 .acres) 0712 M27420 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOKJPAGE 20 N 7 E 7 DOC.#840725 0712 SE4 LESS 54.01 AC BN RM/ 1.00000000 (105.99 acres} M27421 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 9 ALL 1.00000000 OOC.#B40725 0712 M.27422 000 1211/1$83 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET J>J.. BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 15 ALL 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27423 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 17 E2 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27423 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET N... BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 17 E2W2 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27423 000 12/1/1983 EllRLINGTON NORTHERN. ET l>J.. BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 17 NWN.W 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27423 000 12/1/1983 B~lllllGTON NORTHERN -ET N.. BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 17 W2SW 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27424 000 1 V1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Af. BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 19 E2 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27424 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 19 E2SW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27424 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 19 NWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 1 (41.03 acres) 0712 M27425 ODD 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 29 W2NW 1.00000000 DCC.fte.40725 0712 M27426 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. 8 AL BOOK/PAGS 20 N 7 E 31 SENE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 Page4 ofS6 : ' ,: I ~· a, :g 0 0 a, 0 "' ... Exhibit A "' 0 0 AttachEtd to and made a part of that certain Statomont of Claim lo IUnoral rntorest dated November 21, 200-8 for Klng County, WA "' FIie # Suffix Oated Granton; Book Page T R Sect QQ Recoptlon Numbor Legal Desc::r!ptlon. Interest M27426 000 121111953 euRuNGroN N·oRTHERN. ~-er AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 31 • SESW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27427 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 33 ~W2 1.00000000 DOC.#640725 0712 M27427 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 33 S2NE 1.00000000 DOC.#S40725 0712 M27427 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 7 E 33 SE 1.00000000 DOC.#640725 0712 M27428 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -cT Al BOOK.IPAGE 20 N B E 5 ALL 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27429 000 12:/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N B E 7 ALL 1.00000000 DOC.#$40726 0712 M27430 ooo 6/811989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N B E B N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27430 000 6/811969 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N B E 8 SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M274Sf 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N B E 11 N2N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27432 000 6/811989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 8 E 17 ALL 1.00000000 8007070392 M27433 000 6/6119B9 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 8 E . 18 NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27434 ODO 6/811989 BiJRUNGTOt,i NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 8 E 20 N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27435 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 8 E 24 N2SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27435 000 6/811969 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N B E 24 SESE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27436 000 6/8/1989 BURLING10N NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N B E 25 ~NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27436 000 6/8/1f1B9 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N B E 25 NW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27436 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 8 E 25 W2SE 1.00000000 8807070~9~ M27437 000 6/8/1989 BURLlt«iTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N B E 26 N2SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27437 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 8 E 26 NESW 1.00000000 6907070392 Page 5 of6B ~· l3 C) C) C) "' C) N -Exhibit A "" C) C) Attached to and made a part of thatcertalr1 Statomont ot Claim to Mineral Into rest c:lat,od No1Jember 21, 2008 for King County, WA N Flle # Suffix Dated Granters Sook Page T R Sect QQ Recoptlon ~um_ber Logal Description Interest ·-·------ BOOK/PAGE M27438 000 5/26/15168 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL 20 N 9 E 1 W2 1.00000000 S.907070392 M27439 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 3 ALL 1.00COOOOO 8907070392 M27440 000 5/26/198B BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 4 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27441 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 5 S2 1.00000000 &907070392 M27442 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHffiN. E;.T AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 8 E 5 FRL N2 (307 .25 acres) 1.00000000 13-B06280227 M27443 000 5/26/1968 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 8 E • FRL NE4 & FRI. S2 (460.61 1.00000000 8907070392 acres.) M27444 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 7 NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M:27445 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N • E 8 NW 1.00000000 8907070392 M:27446 000 5/261198S BURLINGTON NORYHffiN -er AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 9 N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27447 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 11 N2 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27448 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 13 SW 1.00000000 890707D392 M27449 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 .N 9 E 15 NW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27449 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 8 E 15 S2 1.00000000 8907070392 -M27450 000 5/26/1968 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N g E 17 ALL 1,00000000 8907070392 M27451 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 19 E2 1.00000000 8907070.392 M27451 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 19 FRL NW4 & FRL N2SW.4 1.00000000 8907070392 (227.21 acres} M:27452 000 SJ2E!/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 21 ALL 1.00000000 8907070l92 M2745J ODO 6126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 23 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27454 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 25 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27455 000 5126/1988 8URLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N • E 27 NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27455 000 5/2611988 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 e 27 NE.NW 1.00000000 8007070392 Page 6 of66 ';• ~· "' ~ 0 "' 0 "' .. Exhibit A co 0 0 Attached to and made ,11 part of ttiat certain Statcmontof Clalm to Mlneral Interest dated Nove,mbar 21, 2008 for Kh~g County, WA "' FIie# Suffix Dated Grantors Book Paf!e T R sect QQ Ra~eption Number Legal D(ls<:rlptlon Interest M27456 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOl<JPAGE 20 N 9 E 29 N2SW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27456 000 5/26/1968 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ST Al. 0001</PAGE 20 N 9 E 29 NENE 1.00000000 8907070392 M2745S 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 0 E 29 NW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27456 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOl<IPAGE 20 N g E 29 W2NE 1.00000000 S.907070392 M27457 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL 8001</PAGE 20 N 9 E 35 NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27457 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL 8001</PAGE 20 N 9 E 35 NENW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27458 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 10 E 1 NW 1.00DOOOOO 8907070392 M27458 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20N10E 1 S2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27459 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al DOC.#840725 20 N 10 E • NWSW AKA Lot 6 (34.54 acres) 1.00000000 0712 M27460 000 512611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 10 E 7 ):RL N2 & FRL SE4 (461.17 1.00000000 8907070392 acres) M27461 000 51'26/1988 BURLINGTON NORHERN -ET AL BOOl<JPAGE 20 N 10 E 9 ALL 1.00000000 8807070392 M27462 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTrERN -ET AL 0001</PAGE 20 N 10 E 11 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27463 000 5'26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 10 E 13 FRL N2 & FRL SW4 (468.5 1.00000000 8907070392 acres} M2746-4 000 5{26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20N10E 15 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27465 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20N10E 17 FRL N2 & FRL SE4 (438.57 1.00000000 8907070392 acres} M27466 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 2DN10E 19 FRL W2 & FRL SE4 (446.05 1.00000000 8907070392 acres) M27467 ODO 6/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al. BOOK/PAGE 20 N 10 E 23 S2S2 1.00000000 8807070392 M274BS 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 10 E 23 PART OF NW4SE4 (TRACT A), t.00000000 6806280227 PART OF NE4 (TRACT B) (57.6 acres) M27469 000 5/26.11988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 10 E 25 ALL 1.00000000 8'907070392 M27470 000 5/2611 988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 10 E 27 FRL S2 & FRL NE4 (540.06 1.00000000 8907070392 acres) M27471 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PA.GE 20 N 10 E 29 FRL S2 & FRL NW4 (527.35 1.00000000 0007070392 acres) Page 7 of66 ' ! -a, ~ I -:g ~ Exhibit A Attaeh.ed' to and made a part of that certain Statement of Clalm to Mineral ln.torcst dated Novo-mber 21, 2008 for King Count~. WA File# Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pago T R Sect OQ Reception Number Legal Ooscrtptlon lnter8$t M27472 ooo 5/2611988 suR1..1NGi'oN·Noffi"HE'RN. Er N.. BOOK/PAGE · " 20 N 10 E 31 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27473 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Af. B00KfpAGE M27474 000 12f1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27474 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL M27475 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27476 000 5/2ei/19813 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27477 000 5/26/19813 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M2747B 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27479 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al M27479 000 5/26/1988 BURL1NGTON NORTHERN• ET AL M27479 000 512611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M2747S 000 5'26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M2HBO 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL M27481 000 5/26/1968 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL M27482 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL Page 8 of66 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOKfPAGE 8806280227 BOOKfPAGE 8907070392 DOC B907070J92 DOC 8907070392 DOC 8907070392 DOC 8907070392 BOOKIPAGE 8806280227 BOOK/PAGE aec7e70392 BOOKfPAGE 8907070392 20 N 10 E 20 N 10 E 20N10E 20 N 10 E 20 N 11 E 20 N 11 E 20 N 11 E '- 20 N 11 E 20 N 11 E 20 N 11 E 20 N 11 E 20 N 11 E 20 N 11 E 20 N 11 E 33 ALL 34 E2NW 34 NESW 35 ALL 3 3 5 ALL • E;2NE • S2SW • SE 9 9 11 ALL 15 All 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 THAT PART S2 AND SE4NE4 1.00000000 LYING SOUTHERLY BN R/W (278 .09 acres) GOVT LOTS 3 & 4 ALL THOSE 1.00000000 PORTIONS OF S2N2 & N2S2 L YlNG NORTHERLY OF THE BNRR R/W & THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVT LOTS 1 & 2 LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE BNRR R/W. (285.32 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 THOSE PORTIONS OF THE 1.00000000 W2NE4,SE4NW4, N2SW4 LYING SOUTI-IERLY OF TllE BNRR RlW (88.n acteS) THOSE PORTIONS OF THE 1.00000000 W2NE4, NW4, N2SW4 LYING NORTH OF THE BNRR R/'IN (180.S3aeres) 1.00000000 ~ .00000000 ''! ... 0) g C) 0) C) "' ... Exhibit A co C) C) Attached to and made a part of that cert.am Statement of Ctalm to MlnCJ"ral lntor~st datod No1o<omber 21, 2008 for King County, WA "' File# Suflix Dated Grantors Book Pago T R Sect QQ RGCopt1on Number Logal Description lnterHt M27483 000 512:s,, e8a BuRL1NGTON NORTHERN • er AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 17 THOSE PORTIONS OF THE 1.00000000 8907070392 NE4. N2SE4, N2S2SE4 LYING EASTERLY OF BNRR RM/ (223.65 acres) M27484 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 17 W2 1.00000000 B808280227 M27484 ODO 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20N11E: 17 THOSE PORTIONS OF W2E2 1.00000000 8806280227 LYING WESTERl Y OF BNRR R/W& THOSE PORTIONS OF S2S2SE4 LYING EASTERLY OF BNRR RIW (2.53 acres) M27485 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. E.T Al BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 21 N2NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27485 000 5126/1986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 21 SENE 1.00000000 8907070392 M274S5 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 21 W2SW 1.00000000 8907070392 M2748S 000 5126/191:11:! BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 21 THE NE DIAGONAL 1/2 OF 1,00000000 8907070392 THE SW4NE4 {20 acres) M274S5 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL 8001</PAGE 20 N 11 E 21 THE SW Q(AGONAL 1/2 OF 1.00000000 8907070392 THE E2SW (40 acres) M27486 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN · ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 21 SE 1.00000000 8806280227 M274fl6 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 21 THE SW DIAGONAL 1/2 OF 1.00000000 8806280227 SW4NE4 & THE NE DIAGONAL 1/2 OF THE E2SW4 {60 acres) M27487 000 S/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 23 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27488 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 25 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27489 000 5/28/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 27 E2E2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27489 000 5/26/18138 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE .20 N 11 E 27 THE NE DIAGIONAL 1/2 OF 1.00000000 8907070392 THEW 3/4 (240 acres) M27490 000 5/26/19S8 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al. BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 27 SW OIAGlONAL 112 OF THE W 1.00000000 8806280227 3/4 (240 acres) M27491 000 Sl26/1988 BURLINGTON t,K>RTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 29 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27492 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20N11E 31 ALL 1.00000000 aeoro?o::!9.2 M27493 000 5/26}1!il86 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 33 ALL 1.00000000 690707039.2 M27494 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 11 E 35 1.00000000 8907070392 Page 9 of66 .. ''! ... I ~ ... :,g ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statemont of Cl.aim to Mlnoral fntcrost datod Novombc-r 21, 2008 for King County, WA Fila# Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pago T R Sect QQ Roceptlon Numbor Legal Ooscr1ptlo n Interest M2749s-··000"·•·512et1988"BiJ'RUNG10i,n~o"i:iTHERN-ETAL 860i<JPAGE 20 N 12 E ii ALL -- 8907070392 M27496 000 6/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL M27.1196 000 512611988 BURLlNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27497 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27497 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27498 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGlON NORTHERN-ET Al M27498 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27408 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M274'99 000 1:2/1/1983 BURl.lNGTON NORTHERN-ET Al M27500 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27500 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27500 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27500 000 6/S/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27500 000 61811989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al,.. M27500 000 618/1989 BURUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27501 000 7/18/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27502 000 6/8/1 989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27502 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTI-ERN-ET AL M27502 000 S/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTI-ERN-ET AL Pag:e 1 o of 86 BOOK/PAGE 6907070382 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 SOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#640725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE 8007070397 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE 89C70703Q2 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 20 N 12 E 35 20 N 12 E 35 20 N 12 E 35 20 N 12 E 35 2i N 4 E 31 21 N 4 E 31 21 N 4 E 31 21N5E29 21 N 6 E 21 N 6 E 21 N 6 E 1· 21 N 6 E 21 N 6 E 21 N 6 E 21N6E2 21 N 6 E 3 21 N 6 E 3 21 N 6 E 3 W2 W2NE E2NE SE NENE NWNE $ENE NWSW NENE NWNE NWSW S2NE S2SW SE S2NE SE AKA Lot 1 (32.05 acres) AKA Lot 2 (33.S acres) AKA Lot 1 (42.46 acres) AKA lol 2 (42.67 acres) 1.00000000 1 .00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ALL, LESS 0.70 ACS BEING A 1.00000000 PARCEL OF LAND LYING SQUT}IERLYOF THE BNR ROW (650.3 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 LOTS 1, 2, 3; EAST 21.47 OF 1.00000000 LOT 4 (149.24 acres) '"! ~ I ~ ~ g N Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statemoot of Cf1;1lm 10 Mlnoral lritcrest dated November 21, 2008 for King County, WA Frie# Suffix Dated Gra ntors Book Page T R Sect QQ Roc!_ptl~n Number Lf)gal Oes-erlptlon M27503 000 "'12/1ii9i·fa 'BURLiN'GToN-NoRTHER'N. ET AL ·eooKJPAGE 21 N 6 E 3 LOTS 6, 6, 7, W2 OF LOT 4 DOC.#840725 (150.18 acres) 0712 M275D4 000 6/8/1909 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -El AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 9 N2NW 8907070329 M27504 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N s e 9 $2 8907070329 M27504 000 6/811989 SURLlNGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 9 SENW 8907070329 M27504 000 6/S/1969 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 9 W2NE 8907070329 M27504 000 6/8/19S!il BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 9 THAT PART OF THE SE4NE4 8907070329 LYING WESTERLY OF COUNTY ROAD, & THE NORTtt 30 FT OF THE SE4NE4 LYING EASTERLY OF COUNTY ROAD. {21 acres) M27505 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 9 LOT 1 & PART OF SE4NE4 (56 OOC.#840725 · 0712 acres) M27506 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 11 W2NW4, LESS 2.0 AC BN INC 8907070392 R/W {78 acres} M27507 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 11 E2NW DOC.#840725 0712 M27507 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 11 NE DOC.#840725 0712 M27507 ODO 12/1/HHl'3 BURLINGTON !l,IQRTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 11 52 DOC.#840725 0712 M27508 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 15 N2SESE 8'807070392 M27508 000 6/811989 BURLINGTON NORTt£RN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 15 NESE 8907070392 M27508 000 6/811989 BURLINGTON NORli-ERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 15 NW 8907070392 M27508 000 8/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTt,.ERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 15 SW 8907070392 M27508 000 6/8/19B9 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 15 SWSESE Si:107070392 M27508 ooo 6fB/1989 BURllNGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E ·15 W2SE SQ07070392 M27509 000 12'1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOKJPAGE 21 N 6 E 15 SESESE OOC.#8407.25 0712 Page 11 of 68 Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1 00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 .. •! -I ~ -g N Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomont of Clalm to Mlnofal lntornstdat-cd November 21, 2008 tor King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Granters Book Pago T R Sect QQ Reception Number Legal Description Interest .... ·-........ 1"2/1/1983 ··suRL1NGTON""NoRTH'ERN: er AL sooKiPAcie· M2750. 000 21 N 6 E 15 W2NE 1.00000000 OOC.#640725 0712 M2751.0 ooo 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 19 $WNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 2 (39.93 acres} 0712 M27511 000 6/8/1989 EIIJRLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 21 E2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27511 000 6/811989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 21 NESW ,.00000000 8907070392 M27611 000 6,'6/1989 8URLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL. BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 21 NW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27512 000 12/1/1983, BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOl</?AGE 21 N 6 E 21 NWSW 1.00000000 OOC.#8'10725 0712 M27512 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL E!OOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 21 S2SW 1.00000000 OOC.#a40725 0712 M27513 ooo 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N • E 23 N2SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27513 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKWAGE 21 N 6 E 23 NENENE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27513 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -El AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 23 NENW 1.00000000 6907070392 M27513 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 23 NENWNW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27513 ooo 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 23 S2N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27513 000 6/al1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 23 S2N2NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27513 000 6/B/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 23 S2NWNW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27513 000 6/&'1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 23 SW4, LESS 5.87 AC R/W SOLD 1.00000000 8907070392 BY DEED DATED 6/14/1948 RECORDED 27531336 (154.13 ·acres} M27514 ooo 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 23 R/W ACROSS A PORTION OF 1.00000000 DOC.#S40725-· NW4N54NE4, N2NW4NE4, 0712 NW4NW4NW4, SW4SE4, SiRIP OF LAND ACROSS E2NE4, NE4SE4 (85.87 acres) Page 12 of66 , .. (~ -I 0 <'I -(IC) ~ Exhibit A Attached to and maefe a part of that certain Statomont of Claim to Mlnoral lntorost dated Novomber 21, 2008 for King Count!i, WA File# Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pago r R Sect QQ Reception Number Legal Description Interest Mzi515 . Ooo···· '6/ii19a·g_· ··suR.°L1NGTON NciRTt-lERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 25 LOTS 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, LOT 2, 1.00000000 B907070392 SE4NE4, SW4SW4, NE4SE4 LESS 9.47 AC SOLD BY DEED DATED 6/1411948, RECORDED 27531336 ALSO THE S2Sf;.4, LESS 54.0 AC. MIL, IN LOTS 2 & 3, & SW4$E4 SOLD BY DEED DATED 06(16/1989, RECORDED AS DOC# A.F.#89051615404 (351.23 acres) BOOK/PAGE ··--------21 N 6 E 25 PARTOFLOT2ELYOF 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27517 000 6/6/1989 BURUNGTON NORTHERN" ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 8907070392 M27517 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 8 E 8907070392 M2751B 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E DOC.#840725 0712 M2751B 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E DOC.#640725 0712 M27518 000 1'2/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E DOC:#840725 0712 M27519 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E DOC.#840725 0712 M27519 000 12/1/1983 BURUJ\IGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOKJPAGE 21 N B E DOC.#840725 0712 M27519 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOKJPAGE 21 N O E OOC.#840725 0712 M27519 000 12/111S63 BURLINGTON NORTKERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E DOC.#840725 0712 Page 13 of 66 27 N2NW 27 27 NWNE 27 SESE 27 29 NWNW 29 SENE 29 29 GREEN RIVER, N 500 FT OF NE4SE4, PART OF SE4NE4 EAST OF GREEN RIVER, STRIP OF LAND ACROSS LOT 5, SW4SW4 {46.07 acres) SW4SW4, LESS 1.40 AC BY DECREE OF COURT IN AMENDED JUDGMENT OF SUPERIOR COURT 3/6f78, R:ECORDEO UNDER S.C.# 765079 (38.6 acres) LOTS2, 4,,9, 12, 14, W2 OF LOT 10 (253.7 acres) AKA Lot 5 (29.6 acres) AAA L'ot 11 (38.9 acres) (10.2 ·acr~s) (12.6 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ., . i: ~ .... I I .... :ig ~ Exhibit A Attached to and mado a part of that certain Statement of Claim to Mlnoral lntorestdated Nov£1mbor 21, 2Cl08 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Page r R. Sect QQ Recoptlon Number Logal Description M2is19 c:ioo 1211/rn$3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 29 Interest 1.00000000 M2/5HI 000 12/1/H183 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27519 000 12/1/1983 SURUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27519 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27520 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27520 ooo 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27520 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27521 000 12/1/1983 BURllNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27522 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27523 000 818/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET M. M27524 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27525 000 6nl/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27526 000 5/2611'988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27527 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27527 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL Page 14of 66 DOC.#840725 (23.25 acres) 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 29 DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 29 DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 29 OOC.#840725- 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 33 OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 33 OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 6 E 33 DOC.#840726 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N e E 35 OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 1 sgo10103g2 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 3 89070703Q2 DOC 21 N 7 E 3 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 5 8ij07070392 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 5 8SD6280227 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 7 9907070392 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 7 8'907070392 E2NE NENW NWNE NWSE ALL W2 E2 E2NE E2W2NE (5.5 acres) (6 aCfes) (9.1 actes) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1,00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 All. FRL, LESS22.11 AC BN 1.00000000 RIW, LESS 25.08 ACS OF RAVER SUBSTATION LANDS SOLD BY DEED RECORDED 12-13-155, 84730, P193, BOOK OF DEEDS, LESS HWY R1W (667 .52 acres) PART OF LOTS 8, 9, NE4SE4 1.00000000 (25.08 acres) 1.00000000 1 .00000000 ... '=! -I ~ -g N Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Stattmont of Cl~lm to Mlnaral Interest clatacl Novomber 21, 2008 for King Count~, WA Fl.le#. Suffl_x ... Dated_ . .. .. ~nmtors _. Book Page T R Sect QQ Rec()ptlon Numbor L&gal Dosc.riptron M27s2s ooO -·6/8i1989 -el.iRLINGTON NORTHeRN··:·ET_AL_ so0KJPAGE. 21 N 7 E 9 · · ALL.--LEss-1-6.i9AC BN RIW. 8907070392 LESS 5.29 ACS DECREE, LESS 1.23 ACS TO USA IN CAUSE #4355 DATED 3/26157, AND LESS 1,23 ACS. TRACT SOLD BY DEED RECORDED 518/59 IN 83909, P543, A.F.# 5029604, TO 1HE U.S.A. LESS 93.00 ACS, M,t., IN NE4SE4, NE4, SE4 NW4, & N2SW4 SOLO BY DEED DATED 6·16-89 RECORDED 6/18/89 UNDER A.F.#8906161504. (524.29 acres) M27529 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTH5RN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 11 N2, LESS 0.70 ACS M27530 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTt-ERN-f:.T AL M27630 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27530 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-E;T Al Page 15 of 66 8907070392 CONVEYEO TO USA BY DtST COURT DECREE BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 11 OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 11 DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 11 OOC.#840725 0712 NWSW SWSE RECORDED UNDER CAUSE NO. 4355 DATED 3128/1957, E2SE4, NW4SE4, NE4SW4, & THAT PORTION OF SW4SW4 LYING NORTHERLY OF THE 8N RR RN/ & SOUTHERLY OF CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RR RIW LESS THE S2NE4NW4, NW4NW4 & THAT PORTION OF THE S2NW4 LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE CHICAGO MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL & PACIFIC RR RIW & NORTHERLY OF SE HUDSON RD. (FORMERLY SE 304 TH STREET), THE NE4SW4, NW4SE4, & THAT PORTION OF THE E2$E4 & S2NE4 LYING NORTHERLY OF SAIDS E HUDSON ROAD AND SOUTHERLY OF SE COURTNEY ROAD. (195.03 acres) $E4SW4 LESS 16.2~AC RIW & PARTS OF W2SW4 DE;SCRIBED IN DEED TO MILESTONE (66.1 acres) Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 I:! I I Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that cortaln Statomont of Claim to Mlnora1 lntorest datod Novomber 21, :2008 for King County, WA FIi& # Suffix Dated Granto-rs Book Pago T R Sect QQ Roe option N umbor Logal Description Interest 1.00000000 .. Mi7531··-o·oo --8/8/1989 BiJRLINGTON-N0RTHE.RN·~ ET AL BOOKJPAGE 21 N 7 E 12 8907070392 M27532 000 6/211989 B~LINGTON NORTHERN -ET .AL M27533 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Af. M27534 000 6/6/1889 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al M27535 000 618/1969 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27536 000 12/111983 BURllNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27537 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27537 000 6i8tl~Bg BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27537 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NOFUHERN -l:.T AL M27537 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27537 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOKJPAGE 8907070392 B001(JpAGE DOC.#640725 0712 BOOl<JPAGE 8907070392 BOOl<JPAGE 8907070392 BOOl<JPAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8'907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 21 N 7 E 13 21 N 7 E 13 21 N 7 E 15 21 N 7 E 17 21 N 7 E 17 21 N 7 E 21 21 N 7 E 21 21 N 7 E 21 21 N 7 E 21 21 N 7 E 21 M27538 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 21 DOC.#840725 0712 Page 16 of66 N2 N2S2 SESE SESW swsw PART OF SW4SW4 (1 O acres) E2NE4, LESS 7.60 ACS 1.00000000 FORMER NP R/W & 2.06 ACS RESV SITE, NW4NW4, S2NW4, 52, LESS 7.30 ACS CONVEYED, 27.77 ACS FORMER NP R/W, 64.63 ACS DECREE, 3.50 AC RESERVOIR SITE (406.94 acres) PART OF S 200 FEET OF 1.00000000 SE4NE4 & PART OF NE4SE4 (5.56 acres) PT N2NE4, SOUTH OF BN 1.00000000 R/W, LESS 18.SOAC DECREE, S2NE4, N2NW4, LESS 5.64 AC BN RNt/, S2NW~. LESS 13.47 AC BN R/W, S2. LESS 25.46 AC BN Rf'IN (549.18 acres) E2, LESS 52,85 ACS SOLD BY 1.00000000 DEED RECORDEC UNDER A.F.#8308180845 (33.87 AC} AND A.F.#8308160846 (33.87}BOOK OF DEEDS, KING COUNTY. {2B7.15 acres) PARTS OF W2NE4 & NW4SE4 {52.65acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 THAT PART OF SW4SE4 1. 00000000 LYING WESTERLY OF BN RR R/W, LESS 3'1.89 AC BN RR MV, 8.96 ACS MiLW RN'i & 0.5,li ACS SOLD (39.72 acres} . ~ ~ f.l 0 0 0 O> 0 N ~ Exhibit A co 0 0 Attached to and made a part of that certain Statement of Clalm to Mlnoral lntctrost dated Novombor 21, 2008 for King Coonty, WA N FIie-# Suffix Dated Grantors Book Page T R Sect QQ Reception Number Legal Ooscrlptlon lnt11rest M27538. 000 .• 12/1··,t9s3· BURUNGTON-NOR1HeRN: ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 21 PARTS OF E2NE4, SE4SW4, 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 NE4SE4, S2SE4 (40.89 acres) M27539 ooo 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 23 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27540 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 25 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27541 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 26 E2W2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27541 000 611311989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 26 NWSE 1.00000000 81.}07070392 M27541 000 B/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 26 SWNE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27S41 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 26 swsw 1.00000000 8907070392 M27542 000 618/1889 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 26 N2NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27542 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKIPAGE 21 N 7 E 26 NESE 1.00000000 8907070382 M2754.2 0.00 6/8/1i89 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 26 S2SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27542 000 618/1989 BURl.JNGTON NORlHE.RN-ET AL BOOKIPAGE 21 N 7 E 26 $ENE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27543 000 7/18/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 27 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27544 000 6/8/198{1 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E ,. EAST 990 FT OF LOTS 1 & 4 1.00000000 89070392 (55.2 acres) M27545 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 29 LOTS 2, 3, LOTS 1, -4 LESS E 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 990 FEET E2SE4 (138.25 0712 acres) M.27546 000 6J8J198tl BURLINGTON NORTHERN~ ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 30 SENW 1.00000000 8807070392 M27547 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 31 E2SW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27547 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 31 N:2NE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27547 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-E.T Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 31 N2SE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27547 000 12/1/1983 BUt.:UNGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 31 1.00000000 DOC.#8407215 LOTS 2-4 {121,89 acres) 0712 Page 17 of 66 ':: i ~ "' ... co g "' Exhibit A Attaehed to and made a part of that cortaln Stafoment of Claim to Mlnoral Interest datod Novomber 21, 2.008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pago r R Se-ct QQ Reeeptlon Number Legal Description Interest 1.00000000 M27S48 000 .. si:i6ii"e88'. BURLiNGT"ON NORfHii:RN-; ET AL BOOKIPAGE. 21 N 7 E 31 NENW 8907070392 M27548 000 5'26/1988 .BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al M2754B 000 5126/1888 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• EJ Al M27S49 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27549 000 6/8(1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27549 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27550 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27550 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27550 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27551 000 8/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27552 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL M27553 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL Page 18 of66 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOKJPAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 6907070392 BOOK/PAGE 6907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8-907070392 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#B4072S 0712 BOOKJPAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 21 N 7 E 31 NWNW 21 N 7 E 31 S2NE 21 N 7 E 33 N2SW 21 N 7 E 33 SE 21 N 7 E 33 21 N 7 E 33 NE 21 N 7 E 33 S2SW 21 N 7 E 33 21N7E34 21 N 7 E 35 ALL 21 N 8 E 22 NWNWSE AKA Lot~ (41.23 acres) 1.00000-000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 NW4, LESS 0.63 AC SOLD IN 1.00000000 NW4NW4 SY DEED RECORDED 11/30f83 UNDER A.F.#8311301224 (159.37 acres) 0.60 ACRE TRACT IN THE NW4NW4 LYING WESTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN WITH AND DISTANT 50' EASTERLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM THE MILWAUKEE ROAD WHITE RIVER BRANCH MAIN LINE CENTERLINE (.6 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 THAT PART OF NW4SW4 1 .00000000 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 428 FT SOUTH OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NW4SW4; THENCE SOUTH 200 FT; THENCE EAST 100 FT; THENCE NORTH 12 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST TO A POINT WHICH BEARS DUE EAST FROM THE POB; THENCE DUE WEST TO THE POe {.57 .:!.!:!"e~) 1.00000000 1.00000000 " ,: ... a, "' C, C, C, a, C, "' -Exhibit A "" C, C, Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomont of Claim to Mlnoral lntoreat datod November 21, 2008 for King County, WA "' FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors BoGk Pago T R Sect QQ Reception Numbi:Jr Legal Oes<:rlptlon lntor-est Mii5iii' ·ooo·-·{z,1-ti"983' BURL'1NGTON" NORTHERN':_ ET AL. ---BOOKiPAGE -21 N 8 E 22 S2NWSE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27553 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 8 E 22 SWSE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27554 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET At BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E • NESW Al<A Loi 7 (30.95 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M27554 000 5.126/1 9S8 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 8 NWSE AKA Lo! 8 (39.99 acres.) 1.00000000 0907070392 M27554 ODO 5i2S/19S8 BURUNG'TON NORTHERN -Ef Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 8 NWSW AKA Lot 6 (37.57 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M27554 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E • S2SW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27554 DOO 5'26/1 988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 8 SWSE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27554 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 8 W2SESE AKA Lot 12 (20.93 acres) 1,00000000 8907070$92 M27554 000 5~1S/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET N.. BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 8 LOT 2 (10.39 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M27554 DOO 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 8 LOT 9 (6.31 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M2755S 000 512B/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 15 SW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27556 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 16 NESE AKA Lot 9 (41.99 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M27556 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 16 SENW AKA lot 5 (32.48 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M27556 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 18 SESE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27556 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTI--IERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 16 SW 1.00000000 6907070392 M27556 000 512611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 16 SWNW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27556 000 5/2611988 BURUNGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 16 W2SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27556 000 S/2e/1988 BURtlNGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 16 LOT 3 {20.'97 acres) 1.00000000 6907070392 M2755S 000 5/26/1988 BUF!,UNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL SOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 16 i.Oi 6 {10.65 acres.) 1.00000000 8907070392 M27557 DOD 5/26(1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 17 N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27558 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 18 SE 1.00000000 8907070392 Page 19 of 66 ,, ,: ~ f.l 0 0 0 0) 0 N ~ Exhibit A OI) 0 0 Attached to and made a part of that certain Statom&nt of Claim to Mlnoral lnto,r&st dated November 21, 2008 for King County, WA N FIie# Suffix Dated Grantors Book .P_a_ge T R Socl QQ Reception Number Logal Ooijcrlptlon lnterelilt ...... ··-·····-·· -. M27558 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 18 W2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27559 ooo 5126/1988 BVRUNGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 19 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27560 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE' 21 N 9 E 20 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27561 000 5126/1988 SURllNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 21 All 1.00000000 8907070392 M27562 000 5126/1988 BURllNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 22 NENW AKA Loi 2 (26.01 Eicres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M27562 000 6/26/1986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 22 NESE AKA Lot 7 (34.8 acres} 1.00000000 8907070392 M.27582 000 5!26f1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Af_ BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 22 NWSE AKA Lot 8 (39.7 acres) 1.00000000 S907070392 M275e2 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET N.. BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 22 S2SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27562 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 22 SENW AKA Lot 3 (39.9 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M27562 000 5/:?t:111988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N • E 22 SW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27562 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N ' E 22 W2NW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27562 000 5126/1986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET 1t.L BOOK/PAGE 21 N ' E 22 LOT 4 (10.06 aeres) 1.00000000 8907070382 M27563 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET _Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 8 E 23 NESE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27563 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N s E 23 NWSW 1.00000000 8907070:392 M27563 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 8 E 23 S.2S2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27564 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 24 NENE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27564 000 5/26/1888 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 24 S2 1.00000000 SSl07070392 M27S64 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 24 S2NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M275l!4 ODO 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET At BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 24 SENW AKA Lot 7 (39.82 acres} 1.00000000 8907070392 M27564 000 5126/1988 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE ,. N 9 E 24 LOT 1 (30.12 acres) '\.00000000 S907070392 M27564 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 24 LOT 4 (7.49 acres) -1.00000000 S907070392 M27564 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOKJPAGE 21 N 9 E 24 LOT 6 (29.97 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 Page 20 of 66 ',, ,: ~ a, co 0 0 0 a, 0 "' -Exhibit A 00 0 0 Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomen1 of Claln1 to Mlnoral Jrilerost ,;lated November 21, 2008 ror King Count~. WA "' FIie # Suffht Dated Granto rs Book Page T R Sect QQ Reception Number Logal Oescrlpllon Interest M27565 000 si26i1 eaB eURi..'ii•i'GTON NORTHeRN .• ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 26 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27566 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET At BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 27 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27567 ODO 5/2811988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· El' Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 28 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27568 ODO 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 29 ALL 1.00000000 8807070382 M27569 ODO 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 E2NW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27569 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al. 800t</PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 E2SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27569 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N • E 30 NE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27569 000 5/2-6/1988 BURLINGTON NORrHE.RN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 NESW 1.00000000 8$07070392 M27569 000 5/26/19613 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 NWNW AKA Lot 1 {39.25 acres) 1.00000000 8EKJ7070382 M27569 000 5/28/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 NWSE 1.00000000 SgQ7070392 M.27569 000 51'2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 NWSW AKA tot a (39.61 acres.) 1.00000000 6907070392 M27569 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 SWNW AKA Lot 2 (39.43 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M2756Q 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 swsw AKA Lot4 (39.79 acres) 1.00000000 8907070392 M27570 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 SESW 1.00000000 DOC.#8,:10725 · 071:2 M27570 000 12/1/1'183 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 30 SWSE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27571 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 31 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27572 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTI--ERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 32 N2N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27572 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 32 SENE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27572 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 32 swsw 1.00000000 8907070392 M27573 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 32 N2SW 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 Page 21 of66 ' I ,:! .... I ~ .... g "' Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomonl of Claim to Minon I Interest dated Novomber 21, 2008 for K:fng Cot1nty, WA File# Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pago T R Sec.t QQ Reception Number .. M27673" Ooo ··,21,,,-~la"iBVRi..'fi..1GT(iN-r:fORrHER~i'"~-ffr AL 's'oOi<iPAGE 21 N 9 E 32 S2NW DOC.#840725 0712 M27573 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 32 SE DOC.#840725 0712 M27573 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N • E 32 SESW DOC.#840725 0712 M27573 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N • E 32 SWNE DOC.#840725 0712 M27574 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N • E 33 E2 8907070392 M27575 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N • E 33 W2 8806280227 M27576 000 5126/1 ~88 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E "" ALL 8907070392 M27577 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 35 N2NW 8907070392 M:27578 ooo 5/26/Hl88 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 9 E 36 ALL 8907070:392 M27579 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORUIERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 3 ALL DOC.#840725 0712 M27580 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 9 ALL OOC.#840725 0712 M27581 ooo 12/1/19B3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N ·10 E 11 ALL DOC.#840725 0712 M27682 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 15 ALL DOC.#840725 0712 M27S83 000 1211/1883 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 17 ALL DOC.#840725 0712 M27584 000 -12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N · 10 E 19 ALL DOC.#840725 0712 M27585 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN~ ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 26 W2SW DOC.#840725 0712 M27586 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKr'PAGE 21 N 10 E 27 ALL OOC.#840725 0712 Page 22 of 66 Legal Octscrlptlon Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1,00000000 1,00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ., ·= I 0) ~ ~ ~ ~ Exhibit A Attached tQ and made a part of tllat certain Statomont ,of Claim to Mlnoral lntorost dated Novombor 2:1, 2008 for King county, WA FIie # Suffix Dat&d Grantors Book Pago T R S«1ct QQ Reception Number Legal Descr!ptlori Interest ·M275a7 ··ooci 12ifr1983 BURLINciioN NORTH'e"Ftl•t"'EfAL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 28 S2SW DOC,#640725 0712 M27588 000 12/1f19B3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 29 ALL DOC.#840725 0712 M27589 ODO 12/1(1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· H Af. BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 31 ALL DOC.#840725 0712 M27590 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 32 N2SE DOC.#64072.5 0712 M27590 000 12(1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 32 N2SW DOC.#840725 0712 M27590 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 32 SESE DOC.#840725 0712 M27690 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET.AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 32 SESW DOC.#840725 0712 M27690 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 32 SWSE DOC.#840725 0712 M27691 000 121111983 BURLINGTON NORTHE~M -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 33 ALL DOC.#840725 0712 M27592 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 34 N2N2 DOC.#840725 0712 M27592 000 121111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 34 N2SW DOC.#840725 0712 M27592 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTQN NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 34 SESW DOC.#840725 0712 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 AKA Lot 1 (33.58 acres) 1.00000000 AKA Lot 3 (34.66 acres) 1.00000000 AKA lot 2 (34.11 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000.0000 1.00000000 AKA Lot 3 (31.39 acres) M27593 000 5l2e/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 34 S2N2 1.00000000 8806280227 M27594 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHE.RN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 10 E 35 All 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27595 000 5/28/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 5 FRL E2 & FRL E2NW4 (395.72 1.00000000 8007070392 acres} M27596 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E H E2 1 .00000000 8907070392 Page 23 of 66 ,:. ,:: ~ 0) ~ 0 0) 0 N ~ Exhibit A co 0 0 Attached to and made a part of tt,at certain StatQmont of Claim to Mlnoral Interest dated Nov&mbor 21, 2008 for King County, WA N FIie # Sufflit Dated Grantors Sook Page T R Soct QQ Reco~tlon Numbor Lega_l _J;)_o::;c:rlption Interest M27596 000 s12s119sa BURLINGTON NoRT-H1{RN. ET AL -·sooK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 17 E2NW 1.00DDOOOO 8907070392 r.427596 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 17 SWNW 1.00000000 8907070392 r.427597 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E l7 SW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27598 ooo 5/28/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN . ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E ,. E2$E 1.00000000 8907070392 M27598 000 5/26/1966 BUAUNGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 19 NE 1.00000000 • 8907070392 M27599 000 5/2611968 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 21 N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27599 000 5/26/1968 BURLINGTON NORIHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 21 SW 1.00000000 89070?03~ M27600 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 21 SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27601 000 5/2.611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKJPAGE 21 N 11 E 23 N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27601 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE; 21 N 11 E 23 N2SE 1,00000000 8907070392 M27601 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 23 SW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27602 000 5/28/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 23 S2SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27603 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 25 ALL, LESS 22.04 AC BN R/W 1.00000000 8907070392 (617.00 acres) M27604 ODO 5/26/1986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 27 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27605 000 5/26/1986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11· E 29 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27606 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 31 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 M27607 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL 600KIPAGE 21 N 11 E 33 N2 1.00000000 8907070392 M27607 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Af.. BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 33 SW 1.00000000 8907070:392 M27608 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHEAA -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 21 N 11 E 33 SE 1,00000000 8907070392 M?.7609 COO 5126/1988 EIURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKJPAGE 21 N 11 E 35 ALL, LESS 9'2.24:'\C SN RNV ,.00000000 8907070392 (547 .76 acres) M27S10 000 121111963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOKIPAGE 22 N 4 E 36 LOT 4 & PART OF LOT7 (1.64 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 acres) Page 24 of 66 " ·= ~ 0) :g §! ~ ~ :g ~ Exhibit A Attached to :and rnade a part ofu1at certain Statomont of Clalm to Mlnoral Interest dated Novornbor 21, 2008 for Kln9 County, WA FIio # SuffJx Dated Granters Book Pagil T R Sect QQ Roooptlon Number . L~g!(l_p~_sc::rlptron M27611 . o"Oo' "'"12,1ii9s3 ·euiiLi'NGTON NORTHERN---:'"Ei"Ai. -· B66"KJPAGE-. 22 "N ..... 6. E 1 ·N2SE OOC.#840725 0712 M27611 000 12/1!1983 8URI.INGION NORTHERN-ET AL 6001</PAGE 22 N 6 E 1 NENE DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 1 (38.87 acres) 0712 M27611 000 1211/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 6 E 1 NWNE OOC.#840725 AKA Lot 2 (38.87 acres) 0712 M27612 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET Al BOOK/PAGE 22 N 6 E 5 N2SW DOC.#1340725 0712 M27612 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 6 E 5 SWNW DOC.#840725 0712 M.27613 000 12/1(1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 6 E 11 NWSE DOC.#840725 0712 M27614 000 121111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 6 E 15 N2NE DOC.#84072:5 0712 M27Ei15 000 616/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 22 N 6 E 23 NENWSW 8'907070392 M27615 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al ooc 22 N e e 23 NESE 8907070392 M27615 000 6/9/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL ooc 22 N 6 E 23 S2SE 8907070392 M27615 000 618/1969 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 22 N 6 E 23 SESW 8907070392 M27615 000 6/B/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 22 N 6 E 23 PART OF LOT 11 SOF 6'907070392 MILWAUKEE RMI LESS 8.1$1 AC CITY OF SEAlTLE R/W, N2 NW4 NW4 SW4 LESS 1.97 AC MILWAUKEE RM' (13.9 acres) . M27615 000 6J8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al DOC 22 N 6 E 23 SOUTH 34 ACS OF SE:4NE4 8907070392 (34 acres) M27616 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N • e 23 PARTS OF LOT 11 AND 1 DO' OOC.#B40725 R/W ACROSS NW4SW4, 0712 DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS 5N DEED TO MILESTONC (<7.08 o,;:;.;s) M27617 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 22 N 6 E 25 NW 8907070392 Page 25 of6B tnterest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000DOO 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.CIOOOOOOO 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 '' I:: I gi N ~ CX) ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of lhat certain Statement of Claim to Mineral Interest d,iiit~d November 21, 2008 for King County, WA File# Suffl:it Dated Granters Book Page T R Soct QQ Rocopt_ton Number Legal Description Mi761'7 QOci'-'"61ai1989 BlJRuNGTONNOR"i'"HSRN=-erAL B0oKJPAGE 22 N 6 E 25 -----. THATPARTOFSE4SW4& M27618 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27618 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27618 000 121111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M2781g 000 613/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al M27620 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27620 000 6/8/1969' BURLINGTON NORHiERN -ET AL M27621 000 12/1/1983 BURUH'GTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27621 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. CT AL M27622 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. 8 AL M27623 000 6.18/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. 8 AL M27624 000 1:2/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL M27524 000 12/1119aJ BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL Page26 of66 8907070392 SW4SE4 l YING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE NO~THEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE KENT-KANGLEY ROAD BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE AF#91020610 75 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE OOC:#B40725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840726 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 22N6E25 22N6E25 22N6E25 22N8E25 22 N 6 E 26 22 N 6 E 26 22 N 6 E 26 22 N 6 E 26 22 N 6 E 27 22 N 6 E 33 22 N 6 E 33 22 N 6 E 33 N2SE NESW SESE N2NW NE $2 S2NW SWNW (51 acres) THAT PART SE4SW4 & SW4SE4 LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE KENT-KANGLEY ROAD (29 acres.) SE4SE4 LESS 4 .66 AC BN RftN (35.34 acres) SE4$W4, SW4SE4, LESS 6.87 AC BN RMI {73.03 acres) THAT PART OF NW4 SW4 LYINGS OF A LINE PARALLEL WITH 8-DISTANT 50 FT SWLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO CENTERLINE (12.75 acres) Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 " ,: ~ I N ~ g N Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that cerU1,ln Statomont of C~im to Mineral Interest datod Novembor 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie#_ ~uffix_ Dated . . ... Granton;... Book _ Pago T . R . Sect QQ ~ecepUonNumber Legal Description M27625" coo··· 1·211/198s""'B-URLINGTOi..i"NORTt-teA:N; ET At' B60K1PAGE ---:i2 N 8 .E 33 ---. SW4NW4 LESS 0.70ACS Interest 1.00000000 M27626 000 6/811989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27627 000 31$0/1987 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27628 000 6/811989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL M27628 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27628 oao 61811'989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al Page 27 of66 NIA $OLD BY DEED RECORDED BOOKJPAGE 89070703;2 BOOK/PAGE AF#91 02061 O 75 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 · BOOK/PAGE 89070703g2 22NBE35 22 N 6 E 35 21 N O E 2 22 N 6 E 35 22 N 6 E 36 D4f7/80 UNDER A.F.#8004070391 BOOK OF DEEDS, THAT PART OF THE NW4SW4 LYING NORTH OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. (62.22 aa-es.) ALL, LESS 14.01 AC BN R/W, 1.00000000 LESS 4.30 ACS SOLO IN SW4SW4, MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL, LESS 14.01 ACS WITHIN BN RR RN>J, LESS 4.30 ACS SOLD IN SW4SW4 AS CONVEYED BY QUITCLAIM DEED Rl:.CORDED 4•7-B7, AF:#8704070510 BOOK OF 0 EEDS, KING COUNTY; LESS THAT roRTION OF THE W2SW4 LYlriG SOUTHERLY OF IBE BR RR R/W -PARCEL 003 DEEDED TO MERIDLAN MINERALS CONSISTING OF 66.0ACS (556.69 acres) TRACT IN SW4SW4 (4.3 acres) 1.00000000 SEE DESCRIPTION AT 1.00000000 SECTION 36-22N-6E SEE DESCRIPTION AT 1.00000000 SECTION a6-22N-E.IE N2, LESS 15.18 ACS SOLD, 1.00CIOOOOO 14.25AC BN R/VV, 3.15 AC SCHOOL SITE, 7 .99 ACS SOLD IN UNRECORDED TOWN PLAT, S2, LESS 4.00 AC SN R/W, MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF lAND LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE BR RR RNJ & NORTHE~LY OF THE RAVENS DALE-BLACK OIAMOND ROAD LOCATED IN THE S54 OF SEC 35 AND THE SW4 OF SEC 36, T22N. R6E, AND THE NE4 OF SEC 2, T21 N, R6E, W.M. MORE PARTICULAR!. Y DESCRIBED ... I ... co ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomo.nt of Clahn to Mlnoral lntoro1t daled No'llombor 21, 2008 for King County, WA File# Sutnx Dated Grantor,; Book Pago T R Sect QQ Reception Numbor .Legal Deserlptloo M27629 000 12/t/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 M27630 000 12/1/1987 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE AF#91020610 75 M27631 000 512611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • S:T AL BOOK/PAGE 8806280227 M27632 ooo 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 M27633 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -H Al BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 M27634 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORlHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE DOC.#84072S , 0712 M27634 000 12.(1/198-3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET l>J.. BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 Page 28 of6S 22 N 6 E 36 22 N 6 E 36 22 N 6 E 36 22 N 7 E 23 22 N 7 E 25 22 N 7 E 26 22 N 7 E 26 SW ALL E2SE AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTER UNES OF THE BR RR RIW&THE RAVENSDALE-BLACK DIAMOND ROAD SOUTH 37 DEGREES 00' WEST 96.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 28 DEGREES 00' WEST 90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH SO DEGREES 00' WEST 850 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 45, DEGREES 30' WEST 850 FEET; TH ENCE SOUTH 45 DEGREES 30' WEST 480 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 40 DEGREES 30' WEST 811 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55 DEGREES 00' WEST 1592 FEET; THENCE NORTH 24 OEGREES 30' WEST 1135 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY R/W LINE OF SAID RR; THENCE NORTH 86 DEGREES 24' EASI 3674.7 FEET, MIL, ALONG SAID RJGHT-OF-WAY LINETOTHE POINTOF BEGINNING (550.25 acres) TRACTS JN NE4 & SE4NW4 (10.49 a<:res} TRACT IN SW4NE4 (3.17 acres) TRACT JN N2NE4 (9.3 acres) 100' R/W IN E:2NE4 (3.41 acres) Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 i.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 "' ,:~ .... I ~ .... g IN Exhibit A Attached to and made a part or thait certain Statomo-nt of Clalrn to Mlnoral lnloirost dated November 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Page T R Sect QQ Reception Nurnbor Legal Description Interest 1,00000000 .M2763-1·--·o()O .. 121111983. BlJRUN.GTONNORfHERN-ETAL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 7 E 26 DOC.#840725 M27635 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al M27635 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET N.. M27636 000 12/1/1£183 BURLINGTON NORfHERN. ET & M27636 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27637 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET .AL M27638 000 618/19851 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27639 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27640 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL M27641 OOD 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27642 000 6/8/198'8 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27643 000 8/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27644 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL M27644 000 12/1/Ut83 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL Page 29 of66 0712 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK,'PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 on2 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#B40725 0712 BOOK/PAGE D0C.#B40725 0712 22 N 7 E 27 22 N 7 E 27 22N7E27 22N7E27 22N7E29 22N7E 30 22 N 7 E :31 22 N 7 E 31 22N7E 32 22 N 7 E 33 22 N 7 E 35 22 N 10 E 31 22 N 10 E 31 N2NE W2 NE4 LESS6.38 AC ROW {153.62 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 S2NE 1.00000000 SE 1.00000000 PORTIONS OF NW4NW4NW4, 1.00000000 SW4NW4NW-4, W2SW4NW4 (14.1 acres) 52 1.00000000 ALL ALL E2NW NESW ALL FRL, LESS21.22AC BN 1.00000000 RNV, LESS THAT PART OF THE EAST 1805.50 FT OF S2NE4, SOUTH OF BN R/W {562.09 acres) 1.00000000 PART OF S2NE4 (10.23 acres} 50 FT R/W IN FRONT OF LOT 1.00000000 4 ACROSS SHORE LANDS, BED AND WATER OF FISH LAKE; PART OF NW4NW4 LYING SOUTH OF KENT-KANGLEY ROAD, ALSO INCLUDES OWNERSHIP OF A 20' WATER PIPELINE R/W ACROSS NW4SW4 AND GOVT LOT 4. (6.07 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ,,, ·=: ~· I ~ ~ g N Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statement of Clalm to Mhaeral lnterost dated November 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pagq T R Sect QQ Reception Number Legal Des crlption anterest "M2764~ 'Ooo·· 12/1i1983 BURLi°NGTi::i'N' NORTHERN~--ET Al eOOKJPAGE 22 N 10 E 31 NWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#B40725 AKA Lot 'f {3S.49 acres) 0712 M27644 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 22 N 10 E 31 NWSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA LotJ (38.45 acres) 0712 M27644 000 12/1/11:183 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 10 E 31 SE 1.00000000 DOC.#8407:l5 0712 M27644 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 22 N 10 E 31 SWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot2 (3B,47 acres) 0712 M27644 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 10 E 31 swsw 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 AKA Lo1 4 {a6.4J acres) 0712 M27645 000 12/1/1ga3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 10 E 33 NE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27645 000 1211/1Q83 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE .22 N 10 E 33 S2 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27646 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTrERN~ ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 11 E 5 R/W ACROSS SE4SW4, 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 W2SE4 {5.85 acres.) M:?'7647 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 11 E 5 PARTS OF SW4, W2SE4 (61.26 1.00000000 8806260227 acres) M2764S 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORltERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 11 E 7 SESE 1.00000000 8806280227 M27649 000 5/28/1968 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 22 N 11 E 17 E2NE 1.00000000 6907070392 M27649 COO 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NOITTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 1"l E 17 SE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27649 000 5/26/1888 BURLINGTON NOR HERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22N11E 17 w, 1.00000000 6907070392 M27649 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTt--ERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 11 E 17 NW4NE4, LESS 12.86 AC RR 1.00000000 8907070392 R/W, 3.35AC H\NY R/W, 1.11 ACS SOLD TO BPA. (22.13 acres) M27650 DOO 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22 N 11 E 17 RfW ACROSS W2NW4, S2N2 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 (? 5.89 ac.--e~} M27651 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 22 N 11 E 17 PARTS OF S2SW4, N2NW4, 1.00000000 8806280227 NW4NE4 (5.01 acres) M27652 000 512611868 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 22N11E 1g ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 Page 30 ofS6 ''' ..... I gi <N ... co ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomont of Clalm to Mlnoral Interest dated Novombor 21, 21)08 for King County, WA FIi& # Suffl,; Dated Grantors Book Page T R Sect aa Rocoptlon Number ·M;:d,i53 -ooo· 12i1'i1963 BURLINGTON NORT'HERN. ET At ·so OK/PAGE . 23 N 4 E 13 N2NW OOC.#840725 logal Doacriptlon Interest 1,00000000 0712 M27654 000 6/2f19S2 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Af. BOOK/PAGE 23 N 4 E 25 PART OF LOTS 9-11, S2NE4, 1.00000000 OOC.#840405 SE4NW4, SE4SW4, SW4SE4 0908 (66.66 acres) M27655 000 6/2(1982 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 4 E 3B R/W ACROSS A PORTION OF 1.00000000 OOC.#840405 NW4NE4, NE4NW4 090B M27656 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N S E 1 swswswsw 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27657 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 3 NENE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27657 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTf,ERN. ET A!. BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 3 NESE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27657 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORlHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 3 NWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27657 000 ·12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N s E 3 SENE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27B57 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL SOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 3 SESE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27857 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 3 W2SW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27658 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKJPAGE 23 N 5 E 7 $WSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27659 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E • N2SE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27659 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE . 23 N 5 E 9 NE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27660 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 11 ALL 1.00000000 D0C.#840?2S 0712 M27661 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKJPAGE 23 N S E 21 NENW AKA Lot 6 (39.95 acres) 1.00000000 8806280227 M27661 oao 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN~ ET Al BOOKJPAGE 23 N S E 21 NWNE AKA Lo14 (25.a acres) 1.00000000 8806280227 Page 31 of66 '' 1::1 -I ~ -~ ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statement of Claim to Mlnoral lntcrost datod Novombor 21, 2008 for King County, WA FUe # Suffix Dated Grantots Book Pago T R Scc:t QQ Rocepllon Number Logal Ooscrlpt:!011 Interest M27661 Oifr> Sr.i6119·ai ··sUR'LiNG'TON.NORiHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N s E 21 NWNW 8806280227 M27&61 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 21 S2NW 88062{10227 M2766i 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET N.. BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 21 SW 8806280227 M27661 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 21 SWNE 8808280227 M27661 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 21 88062-60227 M27662 000 12/111983 BURLlNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 25 S2SE DOC.#840725 0712 M27662 ODO 12/1/1983 BURLlNGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 25 OOC.#840725 0712 M27663 000 512611988 BURL1NGTON NOR1 HERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 20 8806280227 M27664 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 27 DOC.#840725 0712 M27665 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 27 8806280227 M27666 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGlON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 2S SESW OOC.#840725 0712 M27666 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 29 DOC.#1340725 0712 M27667 000 8/2/1982 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 30 DOC.#640405 0908 M27668 ooo 8/2/1962 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 31 DOC.#840405 0908 M27669 000 8/2/1982 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 32 N2N2NESW D0C.il#840405 0908 M27669 000 8r'2/1982 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 32 DOC.#840405 0908 Page 32 of66 W2SE4, LESS 10.54 ACS SOLD, LESS 6.09 ACS CONDEMNED BY CITY OF SEATILE (63.37 acres) PART OF SW4NE4, S2NW4, N2SW4, NW4SE4 (53.46 acres) PART OF SW4NW4 (.86 acres) TRACT IN NW4NE4 (1 acres) 1.00000000 t.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 All LESS 34.45 ACS SOLD & i.00000000 55.94 ACS CONDEMNED BY CITY OF SEATILE (549.61 acres) PART OF SE4NW4 (.5 acres) R/W ACROSS A PORTION OF NW4NW4 PART OF NE4NW4 (24.6S acres) PART OF NW4 MORE FULLY DESCD BY DEED (5.07 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ,::, ,::: .... I ~ ~ I Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statement of Claim to Mlnoral Int.cl rest tlater;t Novombor :21, 2008 for King County, WA FJI&# Suffix Dated Granton. Book Pago T R Sect QQ Recoptlon Number M276'io" 000 "1'2/1i1'9S-s" euRLiNGTOti NOFiTHERN-;··e1 AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E 35 SENE DOC.#840725 legal DescrlpUon Interest 0712 M27571 000 5'26/19S8 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al. BOOK/PAGE 23 N 8806280227 M27871 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 8806280227 M27672 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 M27673 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 M27673 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#'840725 0712 M27873 000 12/1/1983 8URLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 M27673 000 121111983 0URUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 M27674 000 1211/1£183 0URUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 M27675 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 M27676 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N D0C#B407250 712 M27676 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC#B-407250 712 M27676 000 1211/1983 BURL,NGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N D0C#B407250 712 M27e76 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC#640725D 712 M2i676 UOG 12l1ti9S;;; BURUNGTON NORTi-iERN-i:=T Ai. 600NPAGE 23 N D0C#84072;?D 712 M27676 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 00C#8407250 712 Page33 of 66 5 E 35 N2NE 5 E 35 6 E ALL 6 E 3 E2SE 6 E 3 NENE 6 E 3 NWNW 6 E 3 SENE 6 E 5 6 E 11 ALL • E 17 E2NW 6 E 17 N2SE 6 E 17 NWHW 6 E 17 S2NE • E 17 S2SW 6 E 17 $ESE PARTS OF SW4NE4, NW4 (193.52 acres) AKA Lot 1 (31.76 acres) AKA Lot 4 (30.89 acres) PART OF LOTS 3, 4, WEST OF SUNSET HlGHWAY (22 acres} 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000D 1 .00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1J)0000000 1,00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ~' O> ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ FIio # Suffix .. , .~ .. -,.,, .. ,, . M27677 OCO M27677 000 M27677 000 M27677 000 M27677 000 M.27677 000 M27678 000 M27678 000 M27679 000 M27679 000 M27679 000 M27680 00(} Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of tllat c:artain Statomont of Claim to Mln<tral lnteros.t <:lat.Gd November 21, 2008 for King County, WA Dated Grantors Book Pago T R Sect QQ ~oceptlon Nu.mbor Logal Des.erlptlon Interest 12iih'983 ei.iRLiNGi'ON No~·r·HERi,i''. ET AL. BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 19 N2NE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 19 NENW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 12/1/1993 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 19 NWNW 1,00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lott (40.18acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 19 SESW 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 AKA Lot 9 (38.34 aeres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOKr'PAGE 23 N 6 E 19 swse 1.00000000 DOC .#1340725 AKA Lots (31.82 acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 19 swsw 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 1 o (38.24 acres.) 0712 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 27 E2NW 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 27 NWNE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 6/B/1969 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 29 E2E2 1.0000DOOO 8907070392 6/BJ1969 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 29 NWSE 1.00000000 8907070392 8/B/1869 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 29 SWNE 1.00000000 8907070392 12/1/1983 BIJRUNGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 6 E 29 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 LOT 2 (13.25 acres) 0712 Page 34 of86 ,, ·=: ~· I ~ ~ ~ ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomont ot Clalm to Mineral lntoroa:t datod Nov(tmbor 21, 2008 for King County, WA Fl_le# s.ufflx Dated.. . . . Gran_t~rs ·--. Book . Pago T R Soct QQ Rec~pUC:)n Numb_e_r Legal_Oescrl~tlon M21681 ooo SJai1'9a9 eL.iRUNGTON N0RTHE:RN--ET PJ... · Bo'oK/PAGE ·· 23 N 6 E 33 -· · · -· -··NE4: sii4N.W4~NW4SE4, Interest 1.00000000 M27M2 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTI-ERN-ET AL M27682 000 12/1/198:3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27682 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL M27682 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M:27682 000 12/111963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27682 000 12/1/19B3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27882 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al M27682 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL Page 35 of6S 8907070397 DESCRIBED AS: NE4, SE4NW4 LESS THAT PORTlON OF THE S2NE4 & SE4NW4 LYING EASTERLY OF THE BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION POWERLINE RfVV, SOUTHERL V OF SE LAKE DESIRE RD & WESTERLY OF LAKE DESIRE ROAD SE & THE NW4SE4 & ALL THAT PORTION OF THE S2HE4 & SE4NW4 LYING EASTERLY OF BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 -BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 23N6E 33 23N6E 33 23N6E33 23N6E33 E2NENW E2$E NESW SWSE THE BONNEVILLE POWER ADMJNISTRATtON POWERLINE RMI, SOUTHERLY OF SE LAKE DESIRE ROAD & WESTERLY OF LAKE DESIRE ROAD $.I;:. (138.1 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1 .00000000 1.00000000 BOOK/PAGE; DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 23N6E 33 W2NENW LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF 1.00000000 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 07":2 BOOKfPAGE DOC.#840725 0712 23N6E 33 23N8E33 23N6E33 CEDAR GROVE ROAD (50.5 acres) ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 1.00000000 332306-9042-0, SEING THE W2NE4NW4 LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF CEDAR GROVE ROAD (9.5 acres) 1.00000000 LDT 1 (35.95 acres) 1.00000000 LOT 2 (23.95 acres} ':' ~· fg :ii ~ .... "' g N Exhibit A Attached to a,nd made a p11rt of that certain Statomentof Clalm to Mlnol'al lnlor'Ost datod November 21, 2008 for King County, WA File# Suffix Dated __ Granters Book Page T _ R Sect QQ Reception Numbor Legal Description "M276e2 ooo· 12,,-,1983 BuRl1NGToNNorirHERN,ETAL eooKIPAGE-. -·23 N 6 E 33 M27682 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al M27682 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27683 000 6/811969 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET /'J... M27684 000 12/111863 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27685 000 12/30/1986 BLRUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27&86 000 12/1/1983 ~UNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27687 000 12/1/1983 !lURUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M2768S 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27689 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27690 000 12/111~6:3 BURUHGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27691 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27692 000 12(1 /1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27693 000 1.2/1/1983 .0URLINGTON NORTHERN-Er AL M276B4 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL Page 36 of66 DOC.#840725 LOT 3 (11.61 acres) 0712 BOOKJPAGE 23 N DOC.#B40725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 23 N 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 23 N OOC.#840726 0712 BOOK/PAGE 23 N AF#91020610 75 BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 BOOKJPAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC .#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGc 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 23 N DOC.#84072S 0712 BOOKJPAGE 23 N D0C.#B40725 0712 BOOKJPAGE 23 N DOC .#840725 0712 6 E 33 6 E 33 7 E 7 E 7 E 7 E 5 7 E 7 7 E • 7 E 11 7 E 13 7 E 15 7 E 17 7 E 19 7 E 21 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL LOTS {36.8' acres} lOT 6 (1.56 acres) THAT PART OF $E4NE4 LYING SOUTHERLY OF INTERSTATE 90, SE-4 (201.04 acres) PARTS OF LOTS 1, 2, S2NE4 {160 acres) THAT PORTION OF GOV'T LOTS 1 & 2 LYING NORTH OF THE NORlH RM/OF INTERSTATE 90 (12 acres) Interest 1,00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1,00000000 1.00000000 1,00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ':, ,::, I a, 0 N -CX) ~ File# Suffix M27695 ·cDQ M27696 000 M27697 000 M27698 000 M27699 ODO M27700 000 M27701 000 M27701 000 M27702 000 M27702 000 M27703 000 M27704 000 Exhibit A Attached to and m.1u;te a part of that certain Statomont of er aim to Minoral lntorest datod November 21, 2008 for King Count~, WA Dated Grant ors Book Page T R Sect QQ --~!l:co:et~~~. ":l.'.·u_~bcr Legat D-0:Scrlptlon Interest .. -' ............. -. ... . -· ---- BOOKiPAGE E 23 ALL 1.00000000 1211/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN~ ET AL 23 N 7 OOC.#840725 0712 12(1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 7 E 25 ALL LESS 4.04 AC BN R/W 1.00000000 DOC.#340725 (635.9e acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 7 E 27 N2N2 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 12/1/1883 'BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 7 E 29 ALL 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 7 E 31 ALL, LESS 25.17 ACS SOLD 1.00000000 8907070392 TO THE STATE OF WA BY DEED RECORDED 11'23/1961 4116/599,AND LESS 40.00 ACS SOLD BEING lHAT PORTION OF THE N2 LYING EASTERLY OF S.R. 18 (PHS#2), NORTHWESTERLY OF THE WEST BANK OF HOLDER CREEK ANO NORTHERLY OF A LINE WHICH IS 2200 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO THE NORlH LINE OF THE NE4. (587.61 acres) 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23N·7E 31 HWY RM/ ACROSS LOTS 2, 3, 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 NE4SW4, W2NW4, NW4NE4 0712 (25.17 acres} 12/1/1963 SURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 7 E 35 NE 1.00000000 DOC.#640725 0712 12/1/1963 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 7 E 35 NESE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 12/1/19S3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 8 E 3 NENE 1.00000000 DOC.#84072~ 0712 AKALot1 (47.Sacres) 12t1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 8 E 3 SENE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 AKA lot 5 (42.9 acres) 6{8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 8 E 7 ALL 1.00000000 8907070392 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 8 E 11 N2 1.00000000 8806280227 Page 37 of66 '' ~ I ~ ~ g "' Exhibit A Attached to and maele a part of that certain Sta!omont of Claim to Mlnoral lntortl-s.tdated Novombor 21, 2:008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Sook Pago T R Sect QQ Reception Numbor Legal Doserlptloo Interest -M27705 ·ooo· 12ifrf9s3 ·s:uRLiNGTON NORTHERN. ET AL 800KIPAGE M27705 000 12/1l19B3 BURLINGTON NORTHeRN • ET AL M27705 000 12/1'1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27705 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27705 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27705 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27705 000 12/1/1g83 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al. M27705 000 12,rngas BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27705 000 1211J1gg3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -El AL M27705 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -E:T AL M27705 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -El AL M27705 000 12/1/1993 BURUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M2770S 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27705 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTONNORTHERN-ET AL M2nos 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-'ET AL P~ge 38 of 66 DOC.#640725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOKIPAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE D0C.#840n5 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840726 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 071.2 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOKJPAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 00C.#E4C?2S 0712 SOOK/PAGE D0C.ft840725 0712 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 23 N 9 E 1 W2SW 1.00000000 9 E 1.00000000 lot 10 (21 acres) 9 E 1.00000000 Lot 11 (21 acres) 9 E 1.00000000 Lot 1 (19.65 acres) 9 E 1.00000000 Lo112 (40 actes) 9 E 1.00000000 lot 13 (40 acres) 9 E 1.00000000 Lot 14 (40 acres) 9 E 1.00000000 Lot 15 (37.!5 acres} 9 E 1.00000000 lot 16 (40.1 acres) 9 E 1.00000000 Lot 17 (40 acres) 9 E 1.00000000 Lot 18 (40 acres} g E 1.00000000 lot 19 (40 acres) 9 E 1.00000000 Lot 20 ('.21 acres) 9 E 1.00000000 Lot 2 (37.4 acres} 9 E 1,00000000 Lot 5 (37.4 acres} :!? ~ a, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Exhibit A Attached to arid made a part of that certain Statomont of Clalrn to Mioor'al rntoro&t dated November 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Page T R Sect QQ Roccptlon Numbor Legal Description M277os ·ooo ·12i1i198i .. sURLi"Ni:iiON 'NORTHER.t.i'.".e1.-AL BOOl<JPAGE 23 N 9 e 1 DOC.#840726 Lot 6 (38.65 acres) 0712 M27705 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGl"ON NORTHERN -ET Al. BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E DOC.#840725 Lot 7 (41.4 acres) 0712 M27705 000 12/1J1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E DOC.#840725 Lot a. (40 acres) 0712 M.27705 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NOOTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 2' N 9 E DOC.#840726 Lot 9 (40 acres) 0712 M27706 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 20 N 9 E 3 ALL DOC.#B40726 0712 M27707 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E • S2S2 OOC.#840726 0712 M27708 000 1211/1983 8URL.INGTON NORTHERN -ET AL SOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 7 NENW DOC,#840725 0712 M27708 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 7 NWNW DOC.#840725 A¥.A Lot t (36. 11 acres) 0712 M27708 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N ' E 7 SENE DOC.#840726 AKA Lot 7 (39.81 acres) 0712 M27708 000 12/1/198.3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 7 SENW DOC.#840725 Aff.A Lot 5 (39.07 acres) 0712 M27708 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 7 SWNE DOC.#840725 AJ<A. Lot 6 (39.44 acres) 0712 M27708 000 12/1/H:183 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 7 SWNW DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 2 {34.15 acres) 0712 M27708 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N g E 7 W2NE OOC.#S40725 0712 M2no9 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E • N2NW D0C.f#3"lC?25 07t2 M27709 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 9 NWNE DOC.#840725 AKA Loi 1 (31.4 actes) 0712 Page39 of 66 lnteres.t 1.00000000 f.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 .1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ;~ ~ I ~ ~ g "' Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain s,atom~t of Clalm to Mlnaral lntorost datod Novomber 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Page T R Soct QQ Roco~tion ~umber _ L_~Q.~1 _D~.s~_ptlon Interest M2770a Ooo · ·121111983 e·URuNGrON NORri-ER.N··. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N • E 9 SENW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 3 (38 .6 acres) 0712 M27709 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL 8001</PAGE 23 N 9 E 9 SWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot4 {32.4 acres) 0712 M27709 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al 8001</PAGE · 23 N 9 E 9 SWNW 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 AKA Lot 2 (38.4 acres) 0712 M27710 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 11 NENE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 AKA Lot 1 (39.05 acres) 0712 M2TI10 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N • E 11 NESW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 4 (39.75 acres) 0712 M27710 ooo 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN, ET AL 0001</PAGE 23 N 9 E 11 NWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 2 (44.2 acres) 0712 M27710 000 12f1/19B3 BURLINGTON N'ORiHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 11 NWSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 5 (44 acres) 0712 M27710 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOKfPAGE 23 N 9 E 11 SE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27710 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-El AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N • E 11 SENE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27710 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 11 SESW 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27710 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET AL BOOKIPAGE 23 N 9 E 11 SWSE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 3 (44.4 acres) 0712 M27710 000 12:/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 23 N g E 11 swsw 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AJ<.A Lot& (43.45 acres) 0712 M.27711 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 15 N~NE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AI<A Lot 1 (44 acres) 0712 M27711 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE: 23 N 9 E 15 NESIN 1.00000000 DOC.#840-725 AKA tot 4 (42 &Cfesj 0712 M27711 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLlNGTON NORTHERN -1:;.T AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 15 NWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 2 {46.25 acres) 0712 Page40 of ss 5. t-~ § g "' ... ., ~ File# S1dflx M27711 COO M27711 000 M27711 000 M27711 000 M27711 000 M27712 000 M27712 000 M27712 000 M2n13 ooo M27713 000 M27713 000 M27713 000 M27714 000 M27715 ODO M27716 000 M27717 000 M27718 000 Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that eortaln Statomo11t or Claim to Mineral lntc-rost dated Novombcr 21, 2008 for Ktng County, WA Dated Grantors Book Page T R Soct QQ R~c_o.ptl_o~ ~umber Legal Description lnt&ritS1 1·:u1i19a3· BURuNGToN .. NORrHERN. a:r·AL--BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 15 NWSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Loi 5 (40.8 acres) 0712 1V1/1963 6URLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 15 S2SW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 15 SE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 12(1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 15 SENE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 15 SWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Let 3 (41.5 acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 21 E2NE 1,00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 21 NWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 1 (37.55 acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 21 SWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot2 (3B.4 acres) 0712 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 27 NENE AKA Lot 1 (41.97 acres) 1.00000000 8806280.227 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 27 NWNE 1.00000000 8806280227 AKA Lot 2 (43.74 8(;(8S) 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL. BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 27 SENW 1.00000000 8806280227 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -El AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 27 SWNE 1.00000000 8806280227 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 23 N 9 E 35 N2 1.00000000 6806290227 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET l'J.... BOOK/PAGE 24 N 5 E 3 SESW 1.000QOOOO 8806:280227 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 5 E 11 NE4SE4 LESS 1.43 AC SOLO 1.00000000 DOC .#840725 0712 (38.57 acres} 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 5 E 21 S2NWSW 1.00000000 DOC.'640725 0712 12/1f19S3 BURUNGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N o E 23 E2NE 1.00000000 D0C.tis40725 0712 Page 41 of66 ( ! I ~ "' ~ "" Exhibit A g "' Attached to and made a part of that certain Statement of Claim to Mlnoral lnterost datod Novembet 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie# Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pago T R Soct QQ Re~_opUon Numbor Legal Oescrlptlon Interest M27716 000 12/1/1983'. 'ai.JRL1NGTOi•fNO"rfr"HERt:(. ·e·r" A( . e·ooK.lPAGE 24 N 5 E 23 NESE 1.00DOOOOO OOC.#840725 0712 M27719 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 3 NWSW 1.00000000 DOC .#840725 0712 M27719 000 12/1/1983 BURI.INGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 8 E 3 SWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27720 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 8 E • SE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27720 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E • SENE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27721 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 13 N2SWSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M2?n1 000 12/1/Ht83 BURLINGTON NORTHERN, ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 13 NWSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840726 0712 M27721 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 13 SESW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27721 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 13 SESWSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27721 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 13 SWNW 1.00000000 DOC .#840725 0712 M27721 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 13 SWSE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27721 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 13 swswsw 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M2i'722 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 15 SE$W 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27723 000 12/1/1883 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 19 N2SE 1.00000000 DOC.#8'!072S 0712 M27723 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 19 NWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 Page 42 of66 :1· ( ·! -~ i ~ -g N Exhibit A Attached to end made a part o1 that cortaln Statomont of Claim to Mlnoral lnterost datod Novcmbor 21, 2ooe for King County, WA Fll,o fl. Suffix Datod Grantors Book Pago T R Sect OQ Reception Number Logal DoscrlpUon lnlel"est M27723 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 19 NWNESW OOC.#840725 1.00000000 M27723 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27723 000 12/1/1003 BUFIUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27723 000 12/1/1003 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27723 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -Er AL M27724 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27724 000 12/1/1983 BURLING TON NORTHERN -ET Al M27725 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL M27726 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Af... M27726 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27726 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27727 000 12/1/i983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN~ ET Al M27728 000 7/20/1987 8URUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27729 000 1211/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27729 000 12/111963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL P~ge 43 of 66 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.i!ll840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#640725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC .#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC .#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC:1840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE 9102061075 BOOK/PAGE D0C.#a40725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 24 N 6 E 19 24 N 6 E 19 24 N 6 E 19 24 N 6 E 18 24 N O E 21 24 N 6 E 21 24 N 6 E 23 24 N 6 E 25 24 N 6 E 25 24 N 6 E 25 24 N 6 E 25 24 N 6 E 25 24 N 6 E 27 24 N 6 E 27 swsw 1.00000000 W2NENESW 1.00000000 W2SENE 1.00000000 NESE SENE S2NW SENE SENWSE S2SE WEST 330 FEET OF NORTH 1.00000000 990 FEET OF FRACTIONAL NWNW, SOUTH 200 FEET OF TI-iE WEST 99 FEET OF GOV'T LOT 1 (7.5 acres) PART SW4SW4, SE4SW4, SE4SE4, NE4$E4, LESS BN PJW, LESS STATE ROAD (143.01 acres.) ABANDONED R1W ACROSS S2S2, NW4SW4, NE4SE4 {13.5 acres) TRACT IN N2NW4SE4 (.51 aeres) NE4SE4, LESS 4.09 AC R,N,/ (35.91 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ., ' i: ~ ~ I ~ ~ g "' Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that cortaln Statoment of Clalm to Mlnoral lnteros.t datod No,,;omber 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Page T R Soc, QQ Reception Number Legal Deacrl pUon rnterest M27730 ooo 12116/la&e EluRLlNGToN NORTHeRN·. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 27 ABANDONED R/W ACROSS 1.00000000 8612291307 E2 ('9. 18 acres) M27731 000 12(1/1983 BURLVI/GTON NORTHERN· ET AL B001</PAGE 24 N 6 E 29 W2 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27732 ODO 12/111963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOl</PAGE 24 N 6 E 35 N2SW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27732 000 12/1/1983 BURLtNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 35 NW 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27733 000 5/26./1888 BURL1NGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 17 NWNW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27733 000 5126}1988 BURL'NGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOl</PAGE 24 N 7 E 17 S2NW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27733 000 5/26,/1988 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOl<IPAGE 24 N 7 E '7 SESW 1.00000000 8907070392 M27733 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 17 SWNE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27733 000 5/26J1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 17 SWSE 1.00000000 8907070392 M27733 000 5l26l19B8 BURLINGTON NORTI-ERN -ET AL BOOKJPAGE 24 N 7 E 17 W2NENW 1.00000000 8S07070392 M27734 000 1211/1883 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 17 E2E2 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27734 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 17 N2S2SWSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27734 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 17 N2SW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27734 000 12/1/1883 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 17 N2SWSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27734 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 17 S2S2SWSW t.00000000 D0C.#840n5 0712 M27735 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. 8 AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 21 NENE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27735 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 21 NWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840125 0712 Page 44 of66 ~! ... 0) ~ 0 0 0) 0 N ... Exhibit A CX) 0 0 Atlachod to and made a part of that certain Stat1Jment of Claim to Mlnoral Interest datod Novomber 21, 2008 for King County, WA N Fl le # Suffix Dated Grant ors, Book Pago y R Soot QQ -~eccpt~_(ln Number Legal DoscrlpUon Interest -M2773s-·ooo ·1:ihi1··~s3· BURL1NcrON NORTHER'N. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 21 swsw 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27736 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 27 NWNENW 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27737 000 5/26/1988 BURtlNGTOl\l NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 27 NENENW 1.00000000 B8062!0227 M27737 000 5/2611!188 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 27 S2NENW 1.00000000 8800280227 M27737 000 5/2fl/1886 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 27 SENW 1.00000000 6806260227 M27738 000 12116!1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 29 ABANDONED RN/ ACROSS 1.00000000 8812291307 SW4 M27739 000 12/16/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 30 ABANDONED RNV ACROSS 1.00000000 8812291307 S2 (7 aeres) M27740 000 6/8/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 31 E2 LESS NORTH 150 FT 1.00000000 8907070392 THEREOF (311.62 acres) M27741 000 12(1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 31 FRL. W2 LESS NORTH 150 FT 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 THEREOF (309,9S acres) M27742 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 35 ALL 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M2n43 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHER.N • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 8 E 25 $ESE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27744 000 2/24/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 8 E 31 LOTS 3 & 4, LESS 20.92 AC 1.00000000 AF#9102061 0 75 HIGHWAY R/W (59.14 acres) M27745 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 8 E 31 NWSE 1.00000000 • DOC.#S4072S 0712 M27746 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 8 E 31 E2SW 1.00000000 8801>280227 M27746 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 8 E 31 SWSE 1.00000000 8806280227 M27746 000 5/2B/1 ll88 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 8 E 31 HIGHWAY R/W ACROSS 1.00000000 8806280227 SW4SW4 (20.92 ~cres) M2?747 000 ~2/1!19'83 81Jl.!l1NGTON NORTHJ:;RN -ET AL 600K.1Pl'.GE 2' N e E 25 NE 1.oooococo OOC.#840725 0712 M2774B 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN ETA!. BOOl(JPAGE 24 N 10 E 7 ALL 1.00000000 8806280227 Page 45 of66 '. -I -I Exhibit A Attached to al'!d made a part of that certain Statomont of Claim to Mlnoral lnterost dated Novembor21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pago T R Sect QQ Roceptkm Number M27749 ooO 5/28119ea .auRLINGTi:iN NOFrTHERN·· er AL eooKJPAGE 24 N ,o e e sw 6907070392 Logal Oe~rlpllon Interest M27750 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -'ET AL BOOK/PAGE 8806280227 M27750 000 512611986 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL BOOK/PAGE 8806280227 M27751 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 6806260227 M27752 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 M2ns2 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL 800K/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 M2n52 000 12/1/1 ~83 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOl<JPAGE DOC.#840725 0712 M27752 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 M27753 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET At BOOK/PAGE 8806280227 M27754 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET N... BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 M27754 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -_ET AL BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 M27754 000 1211/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 M27754 000 1211'1883 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 M27755 ooo 12/1/198:3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE DOC.#640726 0712 M27755 000 12/f/19B3 BURUNGiON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE DOC:#840726 0712 M27755 000 12/\/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 071.2 M27755 000 12/1/198'3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-B Al BOOl<JPAGE DOC .#840725 0712 Page 46 offi& 24 N 10 E 9 24 N 10 E • 24 N 10 E 11 24 N 10 E 15 24 N 10 E 15 24 N 10 E 15 24 N 10 E 15 24N10E ,. 24 H 10 S 23 24 N 1Q E 23 24 N 10 E 23 24 N 10 E 23 24 N 10 E 25 24 N 10 E 25 24 N 10 E 25 24 N 10 E 25 E2 NW ALL N2NE NWSE SWNE W2 ALL SESE SESW SWSE swsw NENW NWNE NWNW SENW AKA Lot 1 (42. 76 aaes) AKA Lot 3 (44.13 acres) AKA Lot2 (43.45 acres) AKA Loi 4 (44.82 acres) AKA Lot 3 (38.85 e.cres) AKA Lot 2 (38.69 acres) AKA Lot 4 (39.12 acres) AKA Lot 6 (38. 73 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1,00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ; !~ -i ~ -a, 0 ~ FIJe # Suffix . ' " .. M27755 000 M27755 000 M27755 000 M27756 000 M27756 000 M27756 OQO M27756 000 M27756 000 M27756 000 M2775B 000 M27756 000 M27756 000 M27756 ooo M27757 000 M27756 000 Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomant of Clalm to Minoral Interest dated November 21, 20081or King County, WA Dated Grantors Book Page T R S1:tct QQ Reeeptlon Numbor L&gal Doscriptlon Interest 126,1.903 Bi.iRLiNGloN NORTHEfrir,i"-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24N10E 25 SESE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 8 (36 .s. acres) 0712 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL B00t</PAGE 24 N 10 E 25 SWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA lot 7 (38.77 acres) 0712 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOt</PAGE 24N10E 25 SWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 5 (39 acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOt</PAGE 24 N 10 E 27 NESW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 3 (33.12 acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL B00t</PAGE 24 N 10 E 27 NWSE 1.00000000 OOC.#840726 AKA Lot 2 (33.46 acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOt</PAGE 24 N 10 E 27 NWSW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 4 (32.85 acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOt</PAGE 24 N 10 E 27 S2NW 1.00000000 DOC.#B4072S 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 10 E 27 SESW 1.00000000 DOC.#040725 AKA Lot 6 (33-.15 acres) 0712 t211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 24 N 10 E 27 SW 1.00000000 DOC.#040725 0712 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET Al BOOt</PAGE 24N10E 27 SWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 10 E 27 SWSE 1.00000000 DOC.#B407:25 AKA Lot 7 {33.46 acres) 0712 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al BOOK/PAGE 24 N 10 E 27 swsw 1.00000000 DOC.#640725 AKA Lot 5 {32.88 acres) 0712 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN"-ET AL BOOK.IPAGE 24 N 10· E 27 W2SE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOt</PAGE 25 N 8 E 5 NW 1.00000000 $S0$2e0227 12/1/1983 Bl.JRLJNGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 25 N 9 E 13 NE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 Page47 of6& .. ::, .... I ~ ~ !i'l Exhibit A Attachod to and made a part of lhat c.ortaln Statomcnt or Claim to Mlnoral lnterost datod Novembor 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix D1;1ted Grantors Book Pago T R So-ct QQ ... ~e.c~pUon Numbor Logal DoscrlpUon M27758 ·o·oo 1zh 6963 ·euRuNGTON NoRTHeR"N _· ET Al BOOK/PAGE . 25 N 9 E 13 S2 DOC.#840725 0712 M27759 000 9/21/1980 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-er Al. DOC 25 N 12 E 6 S2$E #9010310136 M27759 ooo 9121/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al DOC 25 N 12 E 6 GOVT LOT 1 LESS BN RN/, #9010310136 LOT 2 (76.01 acres) M27760 000 12/1/1983 8URLINGiON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOK/PAGE 26 N 5 E 3 STRIP OF LAND IN SW4NE4 DOC.#840725 (3.62 acres.) 0712 M2n61 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 6 E 25 NENW OOC.#840725 0712 M27762 000 5/28/1988 Bl."1:UNGTON NORTHERN-ET Al SOOIWAGE 26 N 6 E 25 W2SE4NE4 ANO LOTS 1 & 3 IN 6806280227 KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO 1280029R LOCATED IN THE E2SE4NE:4 (30 ~res) M27763 000 5/26/1988 B~LINGlON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOl<!PAGE 26 N S E 35 NWSF:. 8806280227 M27764 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGION NORTHERN-ET AL BOOKJPAGE 26 N 9 E 1 $ESE DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 14 (38.87 acres) 0712 M2776'4 000 12/111983 BURLJNGrON NOR'fHERN • ET AL SOOIWAGE 26 N 9 E 1 W2SE DOC.#840725 0712 M27765 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOl<IPAGE 26 N 9 E 3 NESW DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 14 (37.81 acres) 0712 M27765 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 3 NWSW DOC.#640725 AKA Lot 13 (37 .94 acres) 0712 M27765 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOIWAGE 26 N 9 E 3 SENW OOC.#840725 AKA Lot 11 (37.69 acres} 0712 M27765 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 3 SESW DOC.#840725 0712 AKA Lot 15 (38.12 acres) M27765 ODO 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL SOOIWAGE 26 N • E 3 SWNE DOC.#840725 0712 AKA Lot 10 (39.17 acres) ivi2:77S.5 000 12/1i1983 8URLiNGTOri NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 3 SWNW DOC.#840725 0712 AKA Lo112 (37.99 acres) M277S5 000 12/1!1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOIWAGE 26 N 9 E 3 swsw DOC.#840725 0712 AKA Lot 16 (38.25 actesJ Pag&48 Of66 Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.u ,::~ ~ 0) :g I ~ :g ~ Exhibit A Attached to an Cl made a part ofttlat certain Statement or Claim to Mineral lntorostdatod November 21 1 2D08 for King Co1,1nty, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pag.! T R Sec.t QQ .~eceptlon Numbor Legal Description M27765 ·oaO 12iti{s,°s"3 auRl1NG.TOw NORTHifRN. Er AL eOOKIPAGE 26 N 9 E 3 OOC.#840725 0712 LOT 3 (42.1a acres) M27765 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKIPAGE 26 N . " 3 DOC.#840725 0712 LOT 4 {'41.06 acres) M27766 ooo 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHl:RN • ET AL BOOKIPAGE 26 N g E 3 OOC.#840725 0712 LOT 5 {37.39 acres) M2n65 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHE:RN -l:T AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N • E 3 OOC.#84072~ LOT 6 (37.39 acres) 0712 M27766 000 12/1/1963 BURllNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOKIPAGE 26 N 9 E 5 NENE DOC.#840725 0712 AKA Lot 8 (40 acres) M27766 000 121111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOKIPAGE 26 N 9 E 5 NENW DOC.#840725 0712 AKA lot 6 (40 acre&) M27766 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N g E 5 NWNE DOC.#B40725 AKA Lot 7 (40 aetes) 0712 M27766 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 5 NWNW DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 5 (40 acres) 0712 M27766 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 5 SENE DOC.#8407:.?5 AKA Lot 9 (40 acres} 0712 M27766 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHC:RN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 5 SENW DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 11 (40 acres) 0712 M27766 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKIPAGE 26 N g E 5 SW DOC.#840725 0712 M27766 000 121111963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N g E 5 SWNE DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 10 (40 acras) 0712 M27766 000 1.2/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E s SWNW DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 12 (40 acres) 0712 M27766 000 1211/19S3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 5 DOC.#840725 0712 LOT ·i (39. i acres) M27766 000 12/111963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 5 DOC.#840725 LOT 2 (38.93 acres) 0712 Page .t9 of 66 lnterl}St 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 'l.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 " =: ~· a, I N -co g N Exhibit A Att111thed to and made a part of that certain Slatomcnt of Claim to MJooral Interest dated November 21, 2008 for King County, WA FEle # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pll!go T R Sect QQ Reception Numbor Legal Doacriptlon Interest M211Ela ciao ··1211'it'9ifa"' eURi.1NGTONNORTHERN .. ~-ifr AL · BOOKiPAGE-··· 2s N g E 5 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 LOT 3 (38.77 .acres) 0712 M277B6 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 5 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 LOT 4 (36.6 ac,es) 0712 M27767 000 12/1/1983 SURUNGlON NORTHl:RN-E:.I Al BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 7 E2W2 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27767 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET N.. BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 7 NENE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 JJ.J(.A Lot 1 {39.91 acres) 0712 M27767 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 7 NWNE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 2 (39.91 acres) 0712 M27767 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 7 NWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA LQt 3 (45.22 acre&} 0712 M27767 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON t,IORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 7 ,w;sw 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot 7 (44.35 acres) 0712 M27767 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 7 SENE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot6 (39.72 aC<es) 0712 M27767 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOKJPAGE 26 N 9 E 7 SWNE 1.00000000 D0C.#.a40725 AKA Lot5 (39.72 acres) 0712 M277S7 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N O E 7 SWNW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA lot 4 (44.79 acres) 0712 M27767 oco 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-El Al BOOK/f>AGE 26 N 9 E 7 swsw 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 AKA Lot B {43.92 acres} 0712 M27768 000 1211/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 11 SW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27769 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 15 N2SE 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27769 000 12/1/198:3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOKJPAGE 26 N 9 E 15 NE 1.00000000 DOC .#840725 0712 M27769 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN.. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 26 N 9 E 15 NESW 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 Pag&50 of 66 j:, ::: ~· a, "' C, C, :;: C, N ... Exhibit A "' C, C, Attached to and made a part of that c.ortein suitomont of Clalm to Mtn.eral Interest datod November 21, 2008 for King County, WA N FIie # S1.1fflx Dated Gra.ntors Sook Page T R Sect QQ ~~.<:~P!l~n ~um_b~r . Legal Dcsorlptron Interest ..... -. . "' '' -. ' ·-' , .... ··-···. '' ..... ilcio><iPAGE-SESE M27769 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al 26 N 9 E 15 1.00000000 OOC.#840725 0712 M27770 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al BOOK/PAGE 26 N 10 E 1 N2 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27771 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 10 E ' SE 1.00000000 8806280227 M27772 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET Al DOC 26 N 10 E 3 N2NW AKA Lot 3 (49.67 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27772 000 9/21/1980 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 3 NESE AM Lot 5 {23.33 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27772 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 3 NESW AKA Lot 7 (37.2 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310138 M27772 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al DOC 26 N 10 E 3 NWSE AKA Lot 6 (33.95 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M2n72 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al DOC 26N10E 3 SESE AKA Lot 8 (28.58 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M2n72 ODO 9/21/1990 BURLIN.GTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 3 SESW 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27772 000 S/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 3 SWSE 1.00000000 #901031013S M27772 000 8/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 3 W2SENW AKA Lot4 (21.5 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M2n72 000 9/21/1900 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 3 W2SW 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27773 000 9/2111900 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 11 NESE AKA Lot 7 (32.92 aCJes) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27773 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 11 HWSE AKA Lot 8 (36.4 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27773 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 11 S2SWSE AKA Lot 12 (13.61 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27773 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al DOC 2113 N 10 E 11 LOT11 (7.74acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27773 000 9/2111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. -ET AL DOC 26 N 10 E 11 LOT 13 (21.13 acres) 1.00000000 #901031 0136 M27774 ooo 9/2111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN • ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 1 NENE AKA Lot 1 {3{1.95 acres} 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27774 000 8121/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 1 NENW AKA. Lot 3 ($9.74 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27774 000 9/21{1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al DOC 26 N 11 E 1 NWNE AKA Lot 2 {39.84 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27774 ooo 9/2111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN:-ET Al DOC 26 N 11 E 1 NWNW AKA Lot 4 (39.63 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 Page !51 of GB " c:! -"' co 8 0 "' 0 N -Exhibit A co 0 0 Attached to and made a part of that certain Statemont of Clalm to Minor.al Interest datod Novomber 21, 2008 tor Kln9 County, WA N FJle # SUffbc Dated Grc11ntors Book ..... T R Soct QQ Reception .Number _':-og~ Description Interest M27714 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al. . -............ - DOC 26N11E 1 S2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27774 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NOR1HERN -l:.'r AL DOC 26 N 11 E 1 S2N2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27775 000 9/21/1990 BURLING'TON NORTHERN• ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 3 NENE AKA Lot 1 (40,34 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27775 000 9/21/1990 BURUNGTON NORTHERN-ET Al DOC 26 N 11 E 3 NENW AKA 1.ot 3 (40.18 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27775 000 9121h 990 BURLINGTON NOR'THERN • ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 3 NWNE AKA lot 2 {40.26 acres) 1.00000000 #90103~0136 M27775 000 9/21H990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al DOC 26 N 11 E 3 NWNW AXALot4 (40.1 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27775 000 9121/1990 BURL.INGTON NORTHERN -ET N.. DOC 26 N 11 E 3 S2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27IT5 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 2e N 11 E 3 S2N2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27776 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 9 E2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27777 000 9/2111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al DOC 26 N 11 E 10 ALL 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27ITB 000 '9/2111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 12 E2NE 1.00000000 #9010310136 M21na ooo 9'21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al DOC 26 N 11 E 12 SE4SE4 LESS E2NE4SE4SE4 1.00000000 #9010310136 (35 acres) M27779 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al DOC 26 N 11 E 13 N2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27779 ooo 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 13 N2S2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27779 000 9/2111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 13 SESE 1.00000000 #9010310136 AKA. lot 1 (40.91 acres) M27779 000 9/21/1990 13URUNGTON NORTHERN -ET Al DOC 2"N11E 13 SESW AKA Loi 3 (44.54 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27779 000 0/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTI-ERN • ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 13 SWSE t.00000000 #9010310136 AKA Lot 2 (42.72 acres) M27779 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTtERN-ET AL DOC 2"N11E 13 swsw 1,00000000 #9010310136 AKA Lot 4 (46.35 acies) M27780 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORHER.N-ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 15 N2NW 1.00000000 #90103.10136 M27780 000 9/21/1900 FRJRUNC.TON NORTHF:RN-Er Al_ DOC 26 N ~1 E 1S N2SE 1.00000000 #9010310136 M277BO 000 9/2111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 15 NE 1.00000000 #9010310136 M277SO OQO 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 15 FRL N2, FRL SE4 AKA GOVT 1.00000000 1'9010310136 LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4 {216.24 acres) Page 62 of 66 -a, co Q Q Q a, Q N -Exhibit A CICI Q Q Attached to and made a part of that certain Statement of Clalm to Minor.al lntorost dated No'i'ombor 21, 2008 for King County, WA N FIie # Suffix Dated Granton; Book Pago T R Seel aa Rocepllon Numb9r Legl!I D_oscrlptlon Interest M27781 ooo· "6Ji6119ss si..JRliNGTON"N'Oi~THERN-=-ET'A'L .. s06KIPAGE. · 26 N 11 E 18 W2 1.00000000 6806260227 M27782 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 11 E 22 SE 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 M27783 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-E;T AL DOC 26 N 11 E 25 LOTS 1, 2, B, N2NE4 lESS PT 1.00000000 #9010310136 CONVEYED BY DEED TO USA (SPA). PT OF N2NE4NW4 LYING EAST OF BECKLER RIVER, S2N2SW4 LYING WEST OF BECKLER RIVER, PTOF LOT 9 LYING SOUTH OF SN RM/, SE4SE4 LESS SN RIW (224.44 acres) M2778• 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET ftJ.. BOOK/PAGE 28 N 11 E 26 1.00000000 DOC.#840725 0712 PART OF LOT 5 {26.9 acres) M27785 000 912111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 31 NENW AKA Lot 9 ($3.44 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27785 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 28 N 11 E 31 NWNW AKA lot 4 (52.99 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27785 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al DOC 26 N 11 E 31 NWNWNE 1.00000000 #9010310136 AKA lot B (5.9 acres) M277B5 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 31 NWSW AKA Lot 6 (48.46 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27785 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al DOC 26 N 11 E 31 SWNW AKA Lot 5 (48.68 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27785 000 9'21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 31 swsw AKA Lot 7 (48.25 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27766 000 t:1/2111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 33 NWNW AKA Lot 2 (38.3 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M2778B 000 9/2111990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26.N 11 E 33 S2SW 1.00000000 #9010310136 M2778B 000 9121/1990 BURLlNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 11 E 33 SWNW 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27786 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al.. DOC 26 N 11 E 33 GOVT LOTS 4, 5, W2SE4 LESS 1.00000000 IJQ010310136 WEST 264 FT OF NORTH 495 FT M27787 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 11 E 33 NENW 1.00000000 8806280227 AKA Lot 1 (31 acres) M27787 000 5126/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN · ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 11 E 33 SENW 1.00000000 8806280227 AKA lot 3 (32.5 acres} M27788 ODO 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-HAL DOC 26 N 11 E 35 FRL S2 AKA GOVT LOTS 1.00000000 #9010310136 1.2,3.4,5.6,7,B (299.7 acres) Page 53 of 66 . ' ::: ~· I ~ ig ~ Exhibit A Attaehod to and made u part of that certain Statement of Cl,iilm to Mlnoral Interest dated Novembor 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Page T R Sect QQ RecepUon Number Logal Description ·M211a9 o·oo ·9121-i1Q9ij. BliRL1NGToN NoRiHE-RN·#·ET AL Doc · 26 N 12 e 26 THAT PART OF SE4SE4 lntorest 1.00000000 #9010310136 LYING SOUTHERLY OF BN RN.J M277QO DOO 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL. DOC #9010310136 M27781 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC #9010310136 M27792 000 9121/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC #9010310136 M27793 000 9/21/1990 BURUNGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC M27794 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27795 000 3/2/1987 BURLINGTON NORTHERN.· ET AL M27796 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27796 000 9/21/1890 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27796 000 91.2111990 l3URUf.lGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27796 000 9/21/1990 13URL!NGTON NORTHERN -ET Al Page 54 of86 #9010310136 BOOK/PAGE OOC.#840725 0712 BOOKIPAGE AF#91020610 75 DOC #9010310136 DOC .. 010310136 DOC '9010310135 DOC #9010310136 26 N 12 E 27 26 N 12 E 28 26 N 12 E 30 26 N 12 E 31 213 N 12 E 31 26 N 12 E 31 26 N 12 E 32 26 N 12 E 32 26 N 12 E 32 28 N 12 E 32 S2NENE (35.71 acfes) SE4SW4 LYING SOUTHERLY OF BN R!W (38.4 acres) SOUTHERLY OF SN R/W, AKA: PT OF SW4SE4 & SE4SW4 LYING SOUTH OF BN RJW {20.23 acres) SE:4SE4 {20 aeres) RR RNJ, AND LESS COUNTY RD; GOVT LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, SE4 LESS BN RN/; PT OF N2SE4NE4 LYING WEST OF FOSS RIVER & EAST OF BN R/W LESS 100' GREAT NORTHERN R/VI/; E2W2 LESS COUNTY RD, LESS BN RJW, L.SS PT LYING WITHIN THE SHORELINES OF THE TYE RIVER (549.8 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 PART OF NE4NW4 LYING 1.00000000 SOUTHWESTERLY OF SKYKOMISH FtlVER & NORTHEASTERLY OF US HWY 2 (2.7 acres.) NENW 1.00000000 NWSE 1.00000000 SWNE 1.00000000 PT NW4NE4 LYING SOUTH OF 1.00000000 BN RNt/, SE4NW4 LESS 8N R/4, SE4SW4 L YiNG EAST OF BN R!W, W2SW4 LYING WEST OF BN R/W, NE4SW4 LESS BN R/W (19 acres.) ' ' ::: ... G) co a a a G) a .... -Exhibit A CIO a a Attached to and made a part of that certal11 Statemont of Claim to Mineral lntorost dated November 21, 2008 for King County, WA .... FIie # Suffix Dated Grantor.. Book Pag~ T R Soct QQ RccopUon Numbor Logal Doscrlptlon Interest M2n91 ooO 9'21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 12 E 34 N2NE4, NW4NW4, LESS 9.30 1.00000000 #9010310136 AC BN RMJ AKA.; N2NE4, NW4NW4, LESS PT l YING WITHIN BN RJW(110,7 acres) M27798 000 9/21/19QO BURLlNGTON NORTHEAN • ET AL DOC 26 N 13 E 5 NENE AKA Lot 1 (39.36 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27798 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-eT AL DOC 26 N 13 E s NENW AKA LOI 3 (39.04 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27796 000 9f21f1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET At DOC 26 N 13 I: 5 NWNE AJ<A lot 2 (38.2 aeres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M2779B 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL DOC 26 N 13 E 5 NWNW AKA Lot 4 (38.88 acres) 1.00000000 #8010310136 M27798 000 8/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 28 N 13 E 5 S2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M2779a 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL DOC 26 N 13 E s S2N2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M277Q9 000 9/21/1-990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL DOC 26 N 13 E 7 E2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27799 000 9/21!1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL DOC 26 N 13 E 7 E2W2 1.00000000 #9010310136 M2779S 000 9121!1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL DOC 26 N 13 E 7 NWNW AKA Lot 1 (44.11 acres) 1.00000000 #8010310136 M27799 000 9121/1990 6URUNGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 13 E 7 NWSW AKA Lot 3 {43.99 acres) 1.00000000 tao 1031 o 136 M27799 000 9/21/1900 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 26 N 13 E 7 SWNW AKA Lot 2 {44.05 acres} 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27799 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL DOC 28 N 13 E 7 swsw AKA Lot 4 (43.93 acres) 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27800 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL DOC 26 N 13 E 9 ALL 1.00000000 #{)010310136 M27801 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al BOOK/PAGE 26 N 13 E 13 PART OF W2NW4, NW4SW4 1.00000000 8806280227 WEST OF DIVIDE (40 acres) M27802 000 5/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL BOOK/PAGE .26 N 13 E 16 HWY FW\/ ACROSS NE4, SW4, 1.00000000 8808280227 PART OF NE4 LYING NLY OF NLY R/\N LINE OF HWY #15 (113.5Sacr~) M27S03 000 o/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET M.... BOOK/PAGE 26 N 13 E 15 S2NE4 SOUTH OF STATE 1.00000000 6806280227 HIGHWAY, S2 LESS 23.76 AC HIGHWAY RMf (356.44 acres) M278C.io OCO 'S/2~/Hl·M 6:JRLiNGICrii t,lQRTHERN -E.T N.. DOC 26 N 13 E t7 ALL 1.00000000 #9010310136 M27805 000 5/26/1988 .BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 13 E 21 HWY R/W ACROSS E2 (55.55 1.00000000 8806280227 acres) M27806 000 5/28/1988 'BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL BOOK/PAGE 26 N 13 E 23 ALL LESS 25.0 AC SN RMI 1.00000000 6806280227 (616 acres) Page 55 of 66 . ' ::: ~· i ~ ~ I Exhibit A Attach&d to and made a part of that certain Statomont of Clalm to Mfnoral lntorest datod November 21, 2008 for t<lng County, WA Fl!!# S11ttrx Dated Granton. Book Page T R Sect QQ Reception Number Logal Desc,lptlon Interest M27807 000 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-er AL BOOl<IPAGE 26 N 13 E 27 HIGHWAY R/IN ACROSS 1.00000000 S808280227 N2NW (11.63 acres) M27-808 000 $/26/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al BOOKl~AGE 26 N 13 E 27 ALL LESS 1S.76 AC RtW 1.00000000 M27809 ODO 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al M27610 000 12/1/1983 0URLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27810 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET Al M27811 ODO 5/2611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET Al M27811 000 5/26/1968 BURLINGTON NORTHERN" ET AL M27S.12 000 9/21/1990 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27813 000 1/13/1969 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27814 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27B15 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET Al M27816 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET PJ... Page 56 of8i 88062.$0227 (624.24 acres) BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOK/PAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOKIPAGE DOC.#840725 0712 BOOKIPAGE 8806280227 BOOK!PAGE 8806280227 DOC #9010310136 BOOK/PAGE AF#91020610 75 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE POC~ 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 26 N 13 E 28 26 N 13 E 29 26 N 13 E 29 26 N 13 E 29 28 N 13 E 29 26 N 13 E 30 2ei N 13 E 30 24N4E B SWSE S2NWSE NESE 1.00000000 1,00000000 THAT PART OF S2SE4, 1.00000000 SE4SW4, S2NE4SW4 l YING NORTHERLY OF RN.J, INCLUDING 0.28 ACRE RN-I IN SW4SE4 (106,$5 acres) 1.00000000 N2NW4SH. LESS GN RR RJW 1.00000000 (11.72 acres) THAT PART OF $E4 LYING 1.00000000 SOUTHWESTERLY OF BN RM. AKA: SE4 LESS BN PJW AND LESS PT LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF THE NORTHERLY BN R/WLINEAS OEEOED TO STATE OF WASHINGTON UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 902100663 {143.76 acres) THAI PART OF N2SE4 LYING 1.00000000 NORTHEASTERLY OF BN R1W (5.2.4 acres) CITY' OF SEATil..E, PART OF 1.00000000 VACATED 8TH AVE SOUTH LYING BETWEEN LOTS 12 TO 15 INCLUSIVE IN BLOCK 248; AND LOTS 6 TO 9 INCLUSNE, BLOCK 24:5, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF {.49 acres} SEATTLE, CITY OF, BLK 1:.l5, 1.00000000 SEATTLE TIDE. i..ANDS, PART OF LOT 4 AND PARTS OF VACATED ALLEY IN LOT 4 SEATTI.E, CITY OF", SEATTLE 1.00000000 TIDE LANDS, BLK 13-9, PARTS OF LOTS 8-10 . ' ::: ~· I ~ ~ :g ~ • • Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certaln Slatomorlt of Clalm to MJncral Interest datod Novombor 21, 2006 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Pago T R Sect QQ Reception Number Legal Description M27Bt7 o·oo 12m1g,s3 BuRLlNGTON NORrHERN. Et N.. BOOl</PAGE SEATTLE, CITY OF, BLK 140, DOC# SEATLE TIDE LANDS, PARTS 8407250712 OF LOTS 1-3, 14-16, AND LOT 6 AND PARTS OF VACATEO ALLEY THEREIN M27818 000 12f1f1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN• ET M... DOC# 24 N 4 E 8 SEATILE, PART OF VACATED M27819 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -El AL M27820 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-El Al M27821 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL 8407250712 8TH AVENUE SOUTH BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOJ(.IPAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 24 N 4 E 8 24 N 4 E 8 24N4E B BETWEEN BLOCKS 243 AND 250, SEATTLE TIDELANDS ADDITION SEATILE, BLOCK 245, SEATTLE TIDE LANDS, LOT 5, LOTS 6 THROUGH 9 SEATILE, Cl'TY OF, BLK 248, SEA TILE TIDE LANDS SUBDIV, STRIP OF LAND 32" WIDE EXTENDING NORTH & SOUTH THROUGH BLK 248, ALSO PRT OF LOTS 16 TO 19, BLK 248 LYlNG EASTERLY OF A LINE PARALLEL AND CONCENTRIC WITH PERPENOICUlARL Y OISTANT 17.0' EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF 8TH AVENUE SOUTH, AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 23591. (.46 acres) CITY OF SEATTlE, BLOCK 249, SEATTLE TIDE LANDS, WEST 27 .50 FEET OF EAST 50 FEET OF LOTS 12 THROUGH14 Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 M27822 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL BOOK/PAGE DOC# !407250712 24 N 4 E 8 CITY OF SEATTLE, BLOCK 1.00000000 250, SEATTLE TIDE LANDS SUBDMSION, WEST 225 FEET OF L0.S1 THROUGH 11, EXCEPT WEST 114 FEET OF LOTS 9, 10, ANO 11 AND WEST 114 FEET OF 32.25 FEET OF LOTS Page 57 of66 ~' I "' -0:, ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomont Qf Clalm to Mlnoral lntorestdatod Novombor 21, 2008 for King County, WA File # Suffix Dided Grantors M27s23 000.. 1211119,83 eURuNGroN NORTHERN. "er AL M27824 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· El AL M27825 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL M27826 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL M27827 000 12/1/1903 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27S28 000 12/1(1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERl'II-ET AL Page 58 Of66 Book Page eooKiPAGe· DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 T R 24 N 4 E Soct • 24 N 4 E 8 24 N 4 E • 24 N 4 E • 24 N 4 E • 2-4 N 4 E • QQ RecepUon Number Legal Description SEATILE, BLK 252, SEATTLE TIDE LANDS, PARTS OF LOTS 3, 4, 17 • 20; PARCEL CALLED PARTS OF LOIS 1,2,3,20,21,22, BLK252, ALSO PARTS OF LOTS 7,8,9,10,11, BLK 252; PARCEL CALLED PART OF LOTS 1,2,3,4,5,6 IN BLK 252; PARCEL CALLED PORTIONS Of LOTS 12 THROUGH HI INCLUSIVE AS ESTABLlSHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 23581, ALL DESCRIBED MORE FULLY IN DEED TO MILESTONE. rntere-st 1.00000000 SEATTLE,CITYOF, BLK253, 1.00000000 SEA TILE TIDE LANDS, LOT 11 AND ALL THOSE PARTS OF LOTS 7 TO 10 LYING SOUTHEASTERLYOF A LINE DISTANT .15' AS MEASURED RADIALLY FROM RAILWAYTRACK CENTERLINE DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN DEED TO MILESTONE; ALSO PARTS 0 F LOTS 6 TO 9 IN BLK 253, DESCRIBED AS SEPARAi~ . PARCEL IN-DEED. SEATTLE, CITY OF, BLK 254, 1 .00000000 SEATTLE TIDE LANDS, PART OFLOTS 7-9 {.23 acres) SEATTLE, CITYOF, 8tK255, 1.00000000 SEATTLE TIDE LANDS, EAST22.5 FT OF LOTS 1-5, WEST 22.5 FT OF LOTS 6-10 SEATTLE, CITY OF, BLK 256, 1.00000000 $EA.TILE TIOE LANDS, ELY 25 FTOF LOTS 1•4, Wl Y 25 FT OF LOTS 19 AND 20 SEA.1TLE, CITY OF, BLK 278, 1.00000000 SEATILE TIDE LANDS, EAST270 FT OF LOTS 17 THROUGH19 '" ·=~ -I -Cl) ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomont of Claim to Min oral Interest datod November 21, 20D8 for King County, WA FIie # Suffhc: Dated Grantors M27829 ·006"" 1211/i98i"'Bi1Rl1NGTON-NC>frrHERN ._ ET AL M27830 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27B31 000 121111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27832 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27833 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHE'RN-ET Al M27634 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M2783fi 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27836 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN· :ET AL M27837 0-00 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL Page 159 of68 Sook Page BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 3407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 6407250712 BOOKJP/1,GE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE . DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 aOOKIPAGE DOC# 8407250712 T R 24 N 4 e 24 N 4 E 25 N 3 E Soct 8 8 14 QQ Roceptlon_ N~-~.~!.~ ...... _~.?)Description SEATTLE. CITY OF, SLK 297, SEATTLE T1DE LANDS SUBOtV PART OF N 50' OF VACATED HANFORD ST ADJOINING E 183' OF LOT 24: AND EAST 183' OF THE SOUTH 20' OF LOT 15; THE EAST183' OF LOTS 16 THRU 24 INCLUSIVE, BLK 297. SEATTLE, CITY OF, BLK 300, SEATTLE TIDE LANDS, PART OFLOTS 1 THROUGH 5 CITY OF SEATTLE, BLK 103, DAVID T DENNYS 1ST ADDITION, LOTS 11•14, LESS EAST 17', LESS NORTH 11.36' Of LOT 14 AND LESS WEST •• CITY OF SEATTLE, BLOCK 1, GILMAN'S ADDITION, EASTERLY 60 FEET OF LOTS 20AND 21; THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 4, 19, 20, 21 AND PORTION OF VACATED ALLEY, DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN DEED TO MILESTONE Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 SEATTLE, CITY OF, BLK 101, 1.00000000 DAVID 1' DENNY$ ADDITION, LOTS 11 AND 12 SEATILE, CITY OF, BLK f, BN 1.00000000 NORPAC INDUSTRIAL DIST #1 LOT7 &8 (2.14 acres) SEATILE, CrrYOF, BLK 4 1.00000000 LOTS 1-5& E 110' OF LOT 6 {7.41 acres) SEATILE, CITY OF, BLK 18, 1.00000000 LAWTON PARK SUBDMSION, ALL LOT 4, PART OF LOTS 8-13 WHICH ARE LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF GILMAN AV SEA. TTl.E, CITY OF, LAD D'S 1,00000000 1ST ADDITION, PARTS OF LOTS 8-10 (.35 acres} ,,1: '::: -· i -a, ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that cortaln Stalomcnt of Clalm to Minoral tntorest datod Novernber 21,200.8 for King County1 WA FIie # SuffllC Dated Grantors M2°i'83a -ooo· ··12{-i/1 es3 s·URl.iNGTo·N··NoRTHERN. eT AL M2783'9 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN· ET AL M27840 000 12/1/1883 BURLINGTON NORTHERN. ET AL M27841 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27842 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27843 000 12/111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN -ET AL M27844 000 12/1/1963 BURLINGTON NORlt-lERN-ET AL M27845 000 618/1989 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27846 000 12/1/19S3 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-ET AL M27647 000 12/1/1983 BUA:LINGION NORTHERN· ET AL Page 60 of 66 Book Page BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407260712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC'# 840725071~ BOOK/PAGE DOC'# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE 890707CIJ92 BOOK/PAGE DOC'# 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE DOC# 8407250712 T R 24 N 4 E 24 N 4 E 25 N 3 ~ Sect 6 e 2 25N3E2 25N3E;: 2 25 N 3 .E 2 26 N 11 E 35 20N6E25 24NSE29 QQ _ ~OC!l)tlon Numbor Le,gal .DescrlpUon Si:ATILE, CITY OF, BLKS 5. 12, DAVlD S MAYNARD'S DONATIONCLAIM NO, 43, N, 30' LESS STREET Of LOTS 5,6 BLK 12: NORTH 15' LOT 5. BLK 5. (.OS ac,es) SEATTLE, CITY OF, BLK 5, DAVID S MAYNARD'S DONATION LANOCLA!M NO. 43, N. 15' OF LOT 5 (.01 acres} BALLARD, CITY OF, BLK B, BRYGGERS 2 ND HOME ADDITION.VACATED STREETS ADJOIMNG SUBDIVISION lntetest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 BALLARD, CITY OF, BLK 11, 1.00000000 BRYGGERS 2ND HOME ADDITION ,PART OF LOTS 1 AND2 BALLARD, BLK 6, BRYGGERS 1.00000000 2ND HOME ADDITION, PART OF SAJDBLOCK (.28 acres) BALLARD, CITY OF, BLK 7, 1.00000000 BRYGGERS 2ND HOME ADDmON, PART OF LOTS 5-7; PARTS OF LOTS 2 AND 3; A TRIANGULAR PARCEL IN THAT PORTION OF WEST 57TH STREET. VACATED BYORDINANCE NO. 82757, ALL PARCELS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO MILESTONE CITY OF SKYKOMISH, BLOCK 3, TOWNSITE LOTS 11 AND 12 CITY OF ENUMCLAW, BLK 5, 0 H DICKSON CORRECTION PLAT, LOTS 3, 4 (3.16 acres) CllY OF SNOQUALMIE FALLS, BLOCK 24, NORTHEASTERLY 60 FEET OF LOTS 17 THROUGH 20 AND SOUTHEASTERLY \6 FEET OF NORTHEASTERLY 60 FEET OF LOT 16 (.18 acres) EARLINGTON. CITY OF, EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK #1, LOT 5 (10.01 acres) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ,,, ,:, ..... I ~ N .. (IC) ~ Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of tliat coruln Statement of Claim to Mlnorot lntcrost datod Novombc-r 21, 2008 tor King Count)', WA FIie # Su_rtlx .Dated __ _ ___ .. _ _ _ Granto_rs . .. . Book Pago T R Sect QQ Reception Number M30278 -ooo 1211ai1ias BURLiNrirON NORrHERN.R/111.ROAO COMPANY ooc 20 N s e 26 --- Legal Doscrlption M30278 000 12/16/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 000 12116/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 000 12/18/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 000 12/1611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 000 12/16/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M3027S 000 12(16/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 000 12/1811988 BURUNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 ODO 12/1611988 BUA.UNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 ODO 12/1611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 000 12/1611988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 000 12/113/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30278 000 12/16/1988 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY M30290 COO 2/5/1991 PCTCINC. M;'.;02G1 000 GI'2ii19iiC, PCIC INC M30292 000 9/21/1990 PCTC INC Page 61 of66 8812291307 DOC 8812291307 DOC 8812291307 ooc 8612291307 DOC 8812291307 DOC 8812291307 DOC 8812291307 DOC 8812291307 DOC 8812291307 DOC 8812291307 DOC 88122511307 DOC 8612291307 DOC 8812291307 DOC #9010310136 DOC #9010310136 DOC #9010310136 22 N 4 E 22 N 6 E 22 N 6 E 23 N 4 E 23 N 5 E 23 N 5 E 24 N 4 E 24 N 6 E 24 N 6 E 24 N 6 E 24 N & E 24 N 7 E 26 N 12 E 26 N 12 E 26 N 12 E 13 27 ,. 24 6 17 8 23 26 27 30 29 25 ,. 32 PART OF SE4SW4 CITY OF KENT, RAMSEY ADDITION, BLOCK 1: LOTS 1,2,11,12, BLK2: LOiS 1,2,10,11,12, PT l.OTS 3,8,9, BLK 3: LOiS 106; BLK 3, LOT 12 PARTOFW:2SE PARi OF SE4SE4 PART OF NE4NW4 PART OF SE4NE4 AND .44 AC PARCEL JN SE4 CITY OF RENTON, PARCEL A, SHORT PLAT NO 094~85 RECORDED FILE#8602269002, AND CITY OF RENTON, SHORT PLAT NO SP 379-79, N 240'0F PARCEL B, RECORDED AUDITORS FILE #7909249002 CITY OF SEATILE, SEATILE TIDELANDS, BLOCK 282, LOTS 6 AND7 PART OF S2 PART OF E2 PART OF E2 PART OF S2 PARTOFSW4 PART OF $2 LYING SOUTHERLY OF BN RMI (232"2 acres) PART OF S2 LYING SOUTHERLY Of SN RR RNJ (17.25 acres) ALL, LESS 7.06 AC BN RR P.JW (632.94 acres) Interest 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 '·' i: ! I ~ "' ... g "' Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that cortalr1 Statomcnt of Clalm to Mineral lntoro&t datod Novembor 21, 2008 for King County, WA File# Suffix ~a_ted Grantors Book Pago T R Sect QQ Recoptlon Nl.lmbcr Logal Deserlption Interest 1.00000000 M30383 000 1211/1990 GLACIER PARK COMPANY 800t<JPAGE 25 N 3 E 14 CITY OF SEATTLE, GILMAN'$ M30401 000 12/111990 GLACIER PARK COMPANY M30408 000 1211/1990 GLACIER PARK COMPANY M30411 000 12/1/1990 GLACIER PARK COMPANY M30568 000 6/8/1989 PCTC INC M30568 000 6/811989 PCTC INC M30568 000 618/1989 PCTC INC M30568 000 e/8(1989 PCTCINC M30592 000 6/8/1 ;99 BURLINGTON NORTHERN ET AL Page 62 of68 9104050182 ADDITION, BLOCK 1, THAT PART OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 BOOK/PAGE 9104050165 BOOK/PAGE 9104050184 BOOK/PAGE 9104050183 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 SOOKIPAGE 89D7070397 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 24N4E 8 25N4E31 21 N 6 E 1 21 N 8 E 1 21 N 6 E 1 21 N 6 E 1 21 N 6 E 2 NENW NESW NWNW S2NW LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY EXTENSION OF THE S0Ul"HWEST ROW LINE OF GILMAN PLACE WEST SEATTlE. CIT'/ OF, GILMAN 1.00000000 PARK ADOITION. BlK 70, All OF L0T$8,C,AND22-24 SEATTLE. CIT'/ OF, SEATTLE 1.00000000 TIDE LANDS, BLOCK 297, LOTS 15THROUGH 24, INCLUSNE AND BLOCK 313, LOTS 15 THROUGH 24,JNCLUSIVE, DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN DEED TO MERIDIAN OIL INC. SEATTLE, CITY OF, SEATTLE 1.00000000 TIDE LANDS, BLOCK 168, THE WESTERLY 16' OF LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4, ACCORDING TO THE PLATIHERE;OF RECORDED IN VOLUME ST OF PLAiS, PAGE 1, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. AKA Lot 3 (42.88 acres) AKA Lot 4 {43.09 a<:res) 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 A PARCEL OF LAND LYING 1.00000000 SOUTHERLY OF THE BN RR R/W AND NORTHERLY OF THE RAVENSDALE-BLACK 011\MOND ROAD LOCATED IN THE NE/4 MORE PARilCULARL Y DESCRIBED IN DEED TO PLUM CREEK TIMBER CO INC (.7 acres) ::, ,::: ~· a, g ~ "' ... ~ ii:I Exhibit A Attached to and made a part of that certain Statcmont of Claim to Mineral lnterostdatod Novomber 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Grantors Book Peige T R Sect QQ Reception Number Legal Desc:rfption Interest 'M36642 oOO "12/1lfi83'"81iRlff11GTONNORTHERfiEr AL ... ··soOKiPAGE 24 N 4 E 8 SEATTLE, CITY OF. SEATTLE 1.00000000 M30643 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN ET AL M30091 000 12f1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAIL.ROAD CO M30692 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO Page63 of66 NIA TIDELANDS ADDITION, BLK 246, ALL THAT PORTION OF THE MOST EASYERL Y 50' OF LOTS 12 TO 15, JNCLUSIVE ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF. DESCRIBED MORE FULLY IN DEED TO MILESTONE. BOOK/PAGE NIA SEATTLE NORTH, CITY OF, BLK 101 D T DENNY'S S'fH ADDITION, LOTS 7-10 LESS THE WEST 4' THEREOF 1.00000000 BOOK/PAGE 8407250712 24 N 4 E S SEATILE, CITY OF, BLKS24:3, 1.00000000 BOOK/PAGE 6407250712 250, SEATTLE TIDELANDS: BEING THE WEST 60' OF LOT 6 EXCEPT THE SOUTH 10' THEREOF; THE WEST 52' OF THE NORTH 22' OF LOT 5 WHICH LIE SOUTHERLY OF A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 15' SOUTHERLY OF THE DESCRIBED CENTERUNE BEING BLOCK 243, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF; THOSE PORTIONS OF LOT 17 AND 18 OF BLOCK 250 WHICH LIE EASTERLY Of 8TH AVENUE SOUTH N3 ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 23591, AND SOUTHERLY OF A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 15' SOUTHERLY OF CENTERLINE DESCRIBED IN DEED TO MILESTONE. SEATTLE, CITY OF, LAWTON 1.00000000 PARK ADDITION, BLK 7, THOSE PORTIONS OF HARLEY AV AND LOTS 1-4 ANO 15ALL OF WHICH 1$ MORE FULLY DESCRlBEO IJroJ A DEED TO MlLSTONE ~ I ~ I Exhibit A Attached to and made ii part of that certain Statomont Qf Clalm to Mlnoral lntorcst dated November 21, 200S for King County, WA FIie # Suffix Dated Granton. Book Pago T R Soi:t QQ Recepllon Number Legal Description M30B93' 000 't"i;1i198s"-8URL1NGTON 'i•:.ORTHERN "RA1LROAD co BOOK/PAGE 25 N 3 E 11 THAT PART OF SEC 11 ll'lter'est 1.00000000 M3D694 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO M30694 000 1~11/19-83 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO M30695 000 12/1/1983 'BURLINGTON NORTHSRN RAILROAD CO M30698 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO M30697 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO M30698 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAH.RONJ CO M30699 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO Page 64 of 66 8407250712 BEGINNING AT THE CORNER OF COMMON SECS 11, 12, 13 & 14; THENCE NORTH ON THE LINE BETWEEN SECTIONS 11 & 12, 62. 7' TO BOOK/PAGE 21 N 4 E 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE 21 N 4 E 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE 2, N 4 E 8407250712 27 E2SE 27 NE 36 NWNW THE SOUTH MARGINAL LINE OF SHILSHOLE AVE; THENCE N 66 DEG 16 MIN WALONG SAID MARGINAL LINE 352' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE FOLLOWING SAID MARGINAL LINE N 68 DEG 18 MIN W, 150'; THENCE N 23 DEG 42 MIN E,15', & PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGINAL LINE OF SHILSHORE AVE, 150'; THENCE N 23 DEG 42 MIN E, 15'. 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 BOOK/PAGE 23 N 5 E ,. PORTION OF SW4 1.00000000 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE 8407250712 BOOK/PAGE 8407250712 23 N 5 E ,. 23 N 5 E 19 23N6E3 DESCRIBED BY METES & BOUNDS IN DEED TO MILESTONE. (4.8 acres) THOSE PORTIONS OF 1.00000000 TAACTS B & El, SUPPLEMENTAL MAP OF RENTON SHORELANDS. AND1HE SE4SW4 DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUND$ IN DE;ED TO MILESTONE. . PORTION OF GOVERNMENT 1.00000000 LOT 1 DESCRIBED IN DEED TO MILESTONE. {1.S3 acres) PART OF E2SE4 BEING A 1.00000000 STRIP OF i.AfiD 75' WiDE DESCRIBED IN DEED TO MILESTONE. (4.23 acres} ' ' ,: : ~· ti> co 8 C ti> 0 N ~ Exhibit A CX) C 0 Attached to and made a part of that certain Statomcnt of Claim to Mineral lnterost t;tatod NQ'llembor 21, 2008 for King County, WA N FIie # Suffix Dated GrantorS Book Pago T R S(JCl QQ Recept_lo~ ~u_'!l_~_er __ _Logail Description Interest M30700 ooo· 1·2.;:f;:1eas:·-su·RLINGTON"NciRrHER"N RAILROAD co -800i<iPAGE 24 N 7 E 3 100' WIDE STRIP RUNNING 1.00000000 8407250712 ACROSS LOT 4 & PORTIONS OF THE S2NW~. NE4SW4, ANO S2SE4 DESCRIBED MORE FULLY IN DEED TO MILESTONE. (14.63 acres) M30701 000 12/111983 BURUNGTON NORTHl::RN RAfLROAD CO BOOK/PAGE 24 N 6 E 21 SE4 LESS LESS 1.12 AC BN 1.00000000 8407250712 RR ROW (38.88 acres) M30702 ODO 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO BOOKIPAGE 21 N 7 E " 100' STRIP ACROSS NE4NW4, 1.00000000 8407250712 S2NW4 & E2SW4 LESS AND EXCEPT SUCH PORTION OF SAID STRIP AS MAY BE WITHIN THE NORTHERN PACIFIC 400' WIDE ROW ACROSS SAID SECTJON. (9.89 acres) M307D3 000 121111983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO BOOK/PAGE 28 N 10 E 11 NESW AKA Lol 9 (39.1 acres) 1.0000000a 84-7250712 M30703 000 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO BOOK/PAGE 26 N 10 E 11 SESW AKA Lot 14 (34.-45 acres) 1.00000000 64·7250712 M30703 ooo 12/1/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO BOOK/PAGE 26 N 10 E 11 W2SW 1.00000000 84-7250712 MJ0716 ooo 6/8/1989 PCTC INC BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 11 NESW 1.00000000 8907070397 M30716 000 61811 gsg PCTC INC BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 11 NWNW 1.00000000 8907070397 M30716 000 6/8/1989 PCTC tNC BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 11 NWSE 1.00000000 8807070397 M30716 000 6/811989 PCTC INC BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 11 S2NENW 1.00000000 8907070397 M30716 000 6/81198EI PCTC INC BOOK/PAGE 21 N 7 E 11 THAT PORTION OF S2NW4 1.00000000 8907070397 LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST PAUL & PACIFIC RR RfW AND NORTHERLY OF SE HUDSON ROAD (FOR~ERLY S E 304TH STREET) AND THAT PORTION OF THE E2 SE4 AND $2 NE4 LYING NORTHERLY OF SAm SE HUDSON ROAD AND SOUTHERLY OF SE COURTNEY RO. (153 acres} M30781 000 1211/1983 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY 8001</PAGI::: 23 N 6 E 5 1 DO' ROW AC ROSS LOTS 3, 4, 1.00000000 8407250712 SW4NW4 (24.06 acres) M30781 000 12/1/1983 BURUNGTON NORHiERN RAILROAD COMPANY BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 E 31 100' ROW ACROSS N2NE, 1.00000000 8407250712 NENW AND LOT 1 (SEE TRACT 1 FOR ACREAGE TOTAL THIS RECORD) Page 65 of66 ~· I ~ ~ ~ Exhibit A Attache-d to and made a part or that certain Statomont of Claim to Mlnoral lntorosl datod November 21, 2008 for King County, WA FIi& # Suffl;t; Dated Grantors Book Page T R Soct QQ Reception Number L(tgal Cescriptll)n Interest 1.00000000 M301a1 ooci · 12m198i ·suRLiNGTON NORTHERN-RAILROAD COMPANY BOOK/PAGE 24 N 7 c 35 50; ROW ACROSS N2NW. 100' 3407250712 ROW ACROSS NWNW (SEE M307S2 000 12/1/1983 BURLIN'GTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMP;r.NY BOOK/PAGE 8407250712 M31063 000 6/8/1989 BURLIN'GTON NORTHERN RAILROAD 800KtPAGE 8907070397 M31064 ODO 618/1989 BURllf'fGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY BOOK/PAGE 8907070397 M31067 000 6/8/1988 PCTC INC M31068 000 6/8/1$89 PCTC INC M31069 000 6/8/1989 PCTC lNC M31070 000 6/8/1989 PCTC JNC M31071 000 6/,8/198'9 PCTC INC M31072 000 6/8/1989 ?CTC INC Page 68 of 66 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070392 B00KfpAGE 8907070392 BOOK/PAGE 8907070395 BOOK/PAGE 8907070395 BOOK/PAGE 8907070395 23 N 6 E 17 SWNWNWSW 22N6E 35 22N6E 36 21N7E21 21 N 7 E 28 NE.NE 24 N 7 E 31 21 N 6 E 25 21 N 7 E 9 21 N 7 E 9 TRACT 1 FOR ACREAGE TOTAL THIS RECORD) 1.00000000 THAT PORTION OF THE 1.00000000 W2SW4 LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD ROW (65 actes) THAT PORTION OF A TRACT 1,00000000 IN THE $W4 DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN DEED TO PLUM CREEK TIMBER CO, INC. (45.8 acre$) RAILROAD ROW IN E2SE4 AS 1.00000000 CONVEYED TO CHICAGO, MlLW., ST PAUL & PACIFIC RR CO BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER NOS. 872093 & 698291, EXCEPT THAT PART LYING WITHIN KUZACK ROAD. (7.5 acres) 1.00000000 THE SOUTH 100'0F THE 1.00000000 NORTH 150' OF THE NE4 (5.38 acres) PRT OF GOVT LOTS 2, 3 & 1.00000000 SW4SE4 DESCRIBED MORE FU LL Y IN DEED TO PLUM CREEK (54 acres) PRT OF NE4SE4, PRT OF NE4, 1.00000000 SW4NW.4, N2SW4 MORE FULLY UESCRIBED IN DEED TO PLUM CREEK ('93 acres) BNRC ROW ACROSS NE4 & 1.00000000 NW4 DESCRIBED IN DEED TO PLUM CRE~K (16.39 acres) CITY OF RENTON LUA-09-024-LLA LND-30-0349 0EPN'i:1MEJrH Of A911SSMD!T'S RECORDING NO AND [C~OMIC ll[\RQPMl:NI :c ... ·~::,":' .... ~..:' .. ".".::'..:'7i:"C:.,~~,.. >ID<•-.... -.. ,,_,_ --., -· -"""""""''"'"'1 ... f>CJ<IIS(Orllla<Xfll)-""""' ___ _ """"C--...--,,"'"II 00ts NO'!........,, ,0 ~lY IOQ."[ IE.ATID-,,r/UE ....... >. ...,.._,,.,,.,_.......,, .... 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'"""''""''"'-'>UOOmT, .. ...--AUIH<--"'-lH"I>"...,__.._,, ;?,',:.' _, ---,a, to"""""..--evnm, "'-.-. ,.._ .._, LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT FOR CUGINI I I SHIIT ' Of" , CITY OF RENTON LUA-09-024-LLA LN0-30-0349 -·Jr-.,....-.... r '"" ....... ,.,,, _ ...... -·-" ...,,/J"'°'"'""' ~i~:,:···. ,._ CII.APHK.:~"All r'lt-11 i 3 "" I" (;(l' ...... "'~ .. _,.,,., .• ..,._,,.,.,.....,. .... ,.,., ..._,,. , __ "'"""""""'-.. "'"'"~-·'"" :10,•-D.-°'«-"""°"....,_IIE"'""""'"'"" ,.,,....n.--• ""' • l<>J) ,~, '"""'-"'~'""' F"""' W"'TEI' """""' _,.,,., ,.., ........ ,,.,,,,,, . .,,,_._ JM>o. "'" """''· ""r 00.0 "'',.,.,. ,_....,... .. .,.,,._.., .. ,_,,.,.. Q.Il.rac. ..... ,_11,-,111.U', Hll.ll,...,__..., .. .,•c,,•1111- ~----•,..,• ~--.. · R:£COR01NC lsO VOL /PAG[ SCALE 1"""" • OI n P~TlON Qr ~::;,"".T,._"'";,";:~~ "°"·"'C,,11: ~ , --?" ~ \,{/ ..,.,, ..t./ '\ . ,i?" \ -I'-,' ~.11-!!l __ ..';,_~cfe \ ,. / / :: .'!.:"-~'!" .. "':'.I: M'; .. ( i~~-.......... ,. LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT FOR CUGINI 1·-00 ' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Rento~, WA 98057 Title: DECLARATION of LOT COMBINATION Project Ale#: LUAlS-000894 lllllllllllllllil 20161104000652 RENTON cnv OF w '·" PAGE-981 OF 1184 11/14/2111 11:116 KING COUNTY, 11A 20161024000454 ~.,llrter2!!.'1ISC '71,N I /211r1ra1 K COUNTY, WA Property Tax Parcel Number(s): 2923059009 & 2923059148 Address er Intersection: 10615SE.172"' St. & 17249 Bensen !Id. S. Section 29 Townshln 23 North Ran•e < East, W .M., ""'cf Renton, Kine Ccuntv, Washlnotnn Grantor(s): Grantee{s): 1. Avana Ridge, LLC 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation I (We), Avana Ridge, LLC hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property described in Exhibit 'A' on page 3, said property being In common 20161104000652.001 ownership, do hereby petition the City of Renton to allow the separate parcels to be combined into single legal lot(s} of record as described In Exhibit 'B' on page 3, as specifically allowed by the Revised Code of Washington, Section 58.17.040 (6). The Map Exhibit on page 4 depicts the original and the hereby revised parcels. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits to accrue herefrom and by signing hereon, the parties do for themselves, their heirs and assigns, revise the boundary lines of the parcels described In the aforementioned Exhibit 'A' and establish and recognize the parcel legal description(s) in the aforementioned Exhibit 'B' as the new parcel legal description(s). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Granter has caused this instrument to be executed this 13th day of October 2016 ~- )del Mezistrano -Member Cill! of Renton Al!l!roval: The petition of the property owner(s) to combine the separate properties described in the aforementioned Exhibit 'A' Into legal lots of record as described in aforementioned Exhibit 'B'. This lot combination is binding upon recordatlon and the resulting parcel(s) may only be dMded throught the The of Renton's formal subdivision process. ~n~ctf""1{~d= ,o f,-:t £1.~1 c.. Date City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Lm Comolidmon_l S088.docl Pig< I of 4 FORM ll.0001/rtm/ Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Loi Consolidm0ll_l5081.docl 20161104000652.002 INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACJCNOWI.EDGMENr STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS coutm OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satlmctory evidence that ________ _ ----------------•11'""1 thb Instrument and acknowledged ttto be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned In the Instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _____________ _ My appointment expires: ___________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATWE' FORM OF ACKNOWUOGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON . ) 55 COUtm OFKING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Joel Mezistrano ----=----~------•lgnedthb Instrument, on oath stated that (!Ij/sne/tnev c»i/were authori1ed to execute the Instrument and acknowledged It as the Member and__..- of Avana Ridge, LLC to be the free and' wlu_nta_ry_a_ct_of-:-,-uch-,--- party/pacr.the.,. and p71oned In the lnstl'\Jment. Notary Puljl~iG'rn a~J theS_tate of Washington Notary (l'fint) J,,~ ~erS My appointment expires: 9~ -t lt,D Dated: /() • J'J • :;2 O I<,, CORPOIIAll" FORM OF AOCNOWIEOGMENr STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 55 COUNTY OFKING ) On this ___ day of 19~ bofore me personally appeared Jo me known to be .of the corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledge the said Instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said Instrument and that the seal •fflxed Is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _____________ _ My appointment expires:. ___________ _ Dated: Pac<: 2of • FORM 13--000 I lr1ml • • 20161104000652.003 . , EXHIBIT 'A' Original Legal Description Parcel A: Lot l of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-09-024-LLA LND-30-0349, recorded December 16, 201 I under Recording No.20111216900001, in King County, Washington. Parcel B: Lot 2 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-09-024-LLA LND-30-0349, recorded December 16,201 I under Recording No. 201 I 1216900001, in King County, Washington. EXHIBIT 'B' Revised Legal Description Lot 1 together with Lot 2 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-09-024-LLA LND- 30-0349, recorded December 16, 201 I under Recording No. 201 I 1216900001, in King County, Washington. Page: 3 of 4 R:'.2015\0II 5088'12\Documentr\Lot Co,udidationli.ot.Combo _ ExhibitJ A·B _I S088.doc ORIGINAL PARCEL CONFIGURATION PARCEL A TAX PARCEL 292305-9009 ·uNE L1 L2 L3 BEARING N57.33' 42"E N15"23'51"E N78.35' 40"E 20161104000652.004 DISTANCE 71.12' 45.74' 197.57' DELTA ANGLE ARC LENGTH 11•34•55 80.86' ~ ·:----1 I L;s:a::A:_E~ CONFlGURA 110NJ NB8'04'09"E 580.08' . ~ ~ o · I PARCEL A N ~ '09"E TAX PARCEL -NB8"04 h 292305-9009 253,60' ' ~~ AREA AFTI::R COMBINATION It ~. 164,827± SO. FT. re~ ~:.._ (3.7839± ACRES) .4, / "'1>1> .,, ., ....... .~ di' '?" 1'() ' ~~..t,~· j "'' ~"Y ~ "' 61.01' 1# , N85'59 09"W / # V L ' GRAPHIC SCALE Q 100' 2QO' 1 INOI = 200 FT. COP'l'RICiHT @ 2015, D.R. fflONG ca,&1L l\NC £NCINtERS INC. AVANARIDGE LOT COMBINAnON MAP EXHIBIT J.t.wl'° .. -----lfff""'9IUIIIIIIIIIAJA --0.autr..MI ,...,,'1//IJ - PRO.ECT 5UR\o£'l'D?: SIi DRN7FD B~ &l!I F'l£iD BOOK; a, OA'fe..·~ PRO.ECT NO.: ... SHUT ,f OF ,f CITY OF RENTON LUA-09-024-LLA LND-30-0349 ,,, >I ~ IN BOOl<:l.f'f. r;Fjo,d";J~~~/'f-/S°AT '1-<E l!Ec,J>:5T 0, CITY ~ R(NTON DCl'ARTM(MT OF COirll\Nln- --•1""'°""'11P"'f>f:I-~"""..,.._" ,,, • ..__,.,_1:o,_10.---QIO..·lt-"' IPDCA_H!_C<N>_.__,11HA1- --CIIICLOIDrOC""'5..-.. 000C,-"'1'>1:----..... Cl ....... ,.,.......,,...,,.,,11oaa;l'fCT""""'"!RllE<WJ.,.:10L .. ::---~-:.i;r~=~~~~"",:»---::o:.:·~~ _. ........ t, -11 --» •f<' ..,%.";';:'"--TY ..... ,o,c,..,.,,,,.._ ... IHI!...-.....-.- .............. _ "'" -_ .. , ... ' UXA '10J ~.._ '"""" --· ~.,Tf,';"_,~'°'""" "''...,..._ wem,oa,r.-,r-"" "'"""""'"-""'~"'-""'-.0,."-'n.-.. _.., .. ,,,,...,,_ .. ~ "'"""''*"" -...,.,...,....,.,,.,_,_ .. ,,.,.__ .. ,........c,,_,_., •. _. "'"'~'""'"" .,.,,, ..... ~ '"""""""""'"' - =::,,""""""«-Dnl-lM: ,. ''"""'°' ot(-""' -0- ,.., ..,._or""~•·""'"''°'"'"'<,,,..,,.,._,,"''"'•""•'"""'"'·,__"""""'· •ONO!:~ ..... ,. 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(•lao>J R£COR011iG ~O VOL/PAGE .ns 015 5C"'E • .• ·~ POIPION if s~ 1/4, SW '/4 s 29, T 23N., R. 5E.,W.f.4 LOT UNE ADJUSTIIENT FOR CUGINI '" 1/26/10 ,·-~· 0)-125 "<. I'"' I 1,vv . ..,.., L' ' ~""T " "-. -I REVISED P~RCEL ~ONFIGU~ATION ' --J L_ E. 1 Z2ND s~ ,. -_ _____, • ,..." --~N~88~il~4,:':'!09::;.E::-:'.56:::0:-;.08~':-----f-.;:")~ ; O• ' PARCEL A TAX PARCEL 292305-9009 t! ~~~­ (('_ ~ ~~~~O• ~1'~ "'~ d',,'. ~o '~ ;.) • ~ ~ N881J4'09•E 253.60' _ ..... I AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Avana Ridge, LLC 9675 SE 36th Street, Suite 105 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Filed fer Record at Request of: First American TIH• Insurance Company ff t\lllJJII Pl!GE-4e1 OF fNJ2 74. le ll/38/21111 14•37 KING COUNTY, WI E2768843 11/38/2911 14:28 KING COUNTY, 1111 s,l;~ sas,4SB.ee $1,438,990.99 PAGE-891 OF 901 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED File No: 4243-2482190 (CO) Date: November 23, 2015 Grantor(s): Springbrook Ridge LLC Grantee(s): Avana Ridge, LLC Abbreviated Legal: Lots 1 & 2, City of Renton LLA No. LUA-09-024-LLA LND-30-0349, Rec.20111216900001 Additional Legal on page: Assessor's Tax Parcel No(s): 292305-9009-07 and 292305-9148-09 THE GRANTOR(S) Springbrook Ridge LLC, a Washington limited liablllty company for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, conveys, and warrants to Avana Ridge, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Real property in the County of King, State of Washington, desoibed as follows: LOTS 1 AND 2 OF CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT NO. LUA-09-024-LLA LND· 30-0349, RECORDED DECEMBER 16, 2011 UNDER RECORDING NO. 20111216900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Subject To: This conveyance is subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, if any, affecting title, which may appear in the public record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey. Pagel of 2 LPB 10-05 ., . APN: 292305·9009·07 Statutory Warranty Deed • continued File No., 4243·2482190 (CO) Springbrook Ridge LLC, a Washington limited liability company STATE OF Washington COUNTY OF King ) )-ss ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Cathy Cugini O'Ne_i~re the person(s) who appeared before me, and saiS!...J!erson(s) acknowledged that h~they signed this instrument, on oath stated that hef&be,'they ls/are authorized to execute the Instrument and acknowledged it as the Manager of Springbrook Ridge LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party(les) for the uses and purposes on in · I e . Dated: II· ?;C-'2.0P.:) ,,: 'JICOLE LARIE JOHNSON , NOTARY PUBLIC /. f' h\ TE OF WASHINGTON ·~ i;'Jr:· ,'.!SSION EXPIRlS 1 !(,NUARY 29 2018 '. ~ ~<.'.~ No ry c in and for the State of Washington Residing at: ~V\O\;>-.:>c..A ""~ My appointment expires: O 1-2 ',-I'(' Page 2 of 2 NICOLE LARIE JOHNSON NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIR~S JANUARY 29, 2018 LPB 10-05 , -------=--=-----------------' " e l, ~ ~ REFUSE/RECYCLE ENCLOSURE -WEST ELEV 6 SCAlE-1-14'=1'-0" -----l AIJIO --~· ------ r -, CB4' l--~ C REFUSE/RECYCLE ENCLOSURE -EAST ELEV 3 SCALE 1i4" = 1-0"------AIJ10-! JRIGIML SriEEl Silt I" /4"'16" I PIOT UATC 111';/101 I 10 ll 01 AM 4-4-090 -REFUSE AND RECYCLING STANDARDS MATERIALS SCHEDULE RM-F Rtf,JM ANO ~EC'CUN<,~lQUIRE:MENIS CO-~IS II_QW(_.r.!J!!!&~~ >a,:~ ·t:· .'"-'--Jts.:,.., ·'-":»:=,""·'-'.•-<le SMA., i'-l ;.h>.SIE,. \\IIHA'<CHl"((',1Rf Cl P~IW.RY ,~_::,'I(;,:,, -~jpE~-; ::• •• l~'IJNS ANC ;~WA~IORAR(AS SHALL BE SCRc[Mll ~' MIN6FT HIGH' flM:[ OR \\A_ fhl's\ Sic• "Hf CNCLuOVRI YiA,, 6[ AT LI ASI 1/ fl 'NID[ r,,-HEIGHI \\HERf I M:i0$EC-lt' BE '\ '" W.Hs FINISH -l/1 ACTl!RER j fl_NisH SP£Clf ICAIION-1-C6 4 °SHERWIN WILi IAMS SW o004 -Mff\-· ---'rnAS-HEM:l)',URI ci~l"<AJ..LW1'~SE1-.:;·Jw. :t1SuU1~c;; • • QWIJ IMTI F.>.Mll I PIYflQPMt~I} /illQIHOIIAl R[QIJM!ILUT5 FOR ll!PQ'JJT IKJ CQUi(l1()1jAA£A) "'" Sil[ ··~et• C Sf :,,. -c~ ::;, •• E·, • c,APt•S • .... ..., .. ~ :><t c:. '",,,AREA 5 RE•JJ,RED PE~ JC :.v.,. 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SOLID WASTE/RECYCLABLE REQUIREMENTS ~ECJSEOR<tlY~L,;:, J~lfll/10 :·.o,c,,.1u,,,,,c,,,;r ,",; ,,~··, '' ··-~·, ~f·JSE 11,:cu YO ~ONlAIN[RSPROVIDcD ecCYCLE :•:: LLJ 'J CCW•isle\ 'fl·~, GIi 21 11.r 0',--I/' 6" I _..._, ~"---.... ~~· e,..:,>,.; ,,,.,.. , I - 1 I 1\__ It , .. ! 0 VFYWIWASfEMNG1.a.rl' + ' 11 ' :) : --, -----.-------r----r·-----,---------r--------.-----------.------r t--'"" I ------'-----------TT rr-··I , ~.;__ ~ rn • rn • " ' ec ' rn ' REFU_S_E/RECYCLE ENJ;iOSURL SOUTfilLEV SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0• l ~-~- ~--·-------c~--f---+---< ~ --~ ------+------ ~---=·=~ r- i ~- ---:-.- REFUSE/RECYCLE ENCLOSURE -NORTH ELEV SCAl£ 114" c 1"-0" -- " rn ' 5 AC'J -1 -iJ 2 M>O \_(::B-4 J I ' I , YARD Bl~ COl,U.IER(IAL CO~'A,'IER I I i • I I - ~ --~ --'---1...__J..._ j_____t___ J_ ~ - '"' :! ,, ol:,, "'i ' ii ' 4tAROBIN lOll'MERCIAL CONlAINfR 4 tARO BIN Cv....iEJ{;LAL:,JWAl~fR ,,o,R,· ~- '-~"''~,-,.,ml ! 11 REFUSE/RECYCLE ENCLOSURE PLAN SCP.LE 114;·= 1'--0" ------ .. --:-; i' I I ~I -~-, -~ I· ~ ""\~, REf~~~l~LRr ·~---:----;-- /j TRA_S__lj ENCLOSURE K.EY PLAN SCALE 1"=80"-0" 4 >1)10 -,l' tB __J m E Oo ~~ . ~ • g:_ . 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'§ :2 rn "~ ~:§: ~"'" D. • ti ::::J .. f D ~ ~ ~ I,_ bl'I ra] ~~ ~ '. !."~''""'"""~"" "' >RO,lCT AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172nd STREET, RENTON, WA 98055 CL,E~T AVANA RIDGE, LU PROJECT ,ssvto PRtllW!f<IARV PUD 1111!1/l01\ BUILDlr.GPlRlil<T 11/l!l/!01\ 6UILDlr.GPl!WiT HlSUBll 10l181lll16 BUILDINGPlHMIT Rl<;UBl1 1111/201/ flf<IAl PUD 112"/2011 >Hh!OATE \()71'16 ~E,,s>ONS DHAWN LHlCK(O PHOJEC I No $H([''.'.a[ COVERED PAVILION m~ ,_ '" ,s;.uc BUILDING PERMIT RESUBMITTAL A0.11 DR!Ga-SHEET SIZE IS W•36" 1 Pl.OT OATE ---QTY-"" .....,,_ ....... ._. ............... ___ ...........,.,.,_,,_,,,,, .. ,,, LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE CALLDUT I SYJ/BQL I DESCRIPTION z, @ 8" DIAM , 42" HEIGHT ROUND BOLLARD n o--{] LED POLE LIGHT " • ':,UALL SPOT LIGHT ,. • LED WALL scot.CE " i.;J 11· OECORATl\1£ PILLAR I UMP I BALUSC I J/OUNTINC I J/ODEL (1) 42W LED 4000K ELECTRONIC CEILING ,'1SIONAIRE LIGHTING OWK2 BR36 COG 20LC 5 4K UNV {1) LED 4000K ELECTRONIC CEILING \/lSIONAIR[ LIGHTING VMX-1-T4-J2LC-7-4K-UNV {1) 90W METAL ELECTRONIC CEILING PHll lPS HADCO OSP5-PAR30-70CMH HALLIO[ ----------------------------- {32) 35W LED 4000K ELECTRONIC WALL \/lSIONAIRE \ISC-I-T3-32LC-3-4l<-UNV (1) LED JOOOK ELECTRONIC CEILING ATTRACTION LIGHTS 11· ASP[r-. PILLAR 120V lNFfJT l -,,A1TS VOLTS 1 " ! 120V 1P 2W ; PATl-lWAY LIGHTING i ; ----i--------~- NOTES 73.5 1 120V 1P 2W i PARKING LOT LIGI-HING PROVIDE 20' STEEL j : POLE ,0 r-12ov 1P 2w i LANDScAP[--~1-~T1NG ____ J 36 j 120V 1P 2W WALL SCONCE ,c i 120V 1P 2W i SITE LIGHTING ~~ ill " • e •• -g-~ e !i N " ~g ~-N ~-g~ . .., i' :g ~N ~ 1 8 1,...., - ..... u QJ ..... ..c u ,.__ ro D. :::::J 0 .._ bl1 r.J --! ....... n<} ____ j1111 'EMERALD CITY ,ENGINEERS, INC -211111,IT.IIW,SUl!<o200 -T-.WAno,Q •n-1•1·1200 191 I 1201 la>. -c; AVANARIDGE APARTMENTS 17249 BENSON RD. S., RENTON, WA 98055 ,,_ CLJ~NI ~ §~--,; 0 0 0 \, ~'.· .J ~~o 10-28-16 AVANA RIDGE, LLC PF!OJl:CT ,S.SUES BlllWNOPf:-r a'11/l1111 B111WNGl't.-r11t:IU8IITTAL 1illD.'1011 SHUTOATE 111/2t/21111 R£VISJIJNS DAAWN TK CHECI\W M ~C1No 11111-(11)2 SHH1 HllE LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE l5SlJi' 8UIL.DliGPE~11t:B"61111l'T"-. 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FOR LO I I\REAANOZOlil~ Rf.OU ~W:NTS ~HER TO $MEET .l.003 FOf:Hf:IGHi .1.NO EXiSl 1~rf 1N1SH GR,t.OE H E'l,'-ilON INfORMAHON SH RC()f P\.AAOhSNEEl A.n:ie,10.:...:rUAL ~ 1'1£K,,o'IS PR0V1tl"O SEt. C1\ltl.OAA~~S FOAW1NAG£ A.NO~,... ~ll[r.E l1(S 5[[ LA~SCAPE Pl.ANS ~OR l OCA TIONS OF ?ROPOSED PLA~T INGS (TREES SNRl.@S A'£ GROIMOCO\l'ERl S(f GfO"ECH REPOFrs fO R SIJSGRAOE PREPAAA.l lON AND I\DOITIONAJ. Rl.OIREMENTS PARKING: l -~ i couNT SIZE ADA STAL.l STANDARD I 2 fY'-0")(]0'()' 'A0/1.vNiSTAl..l -STANOARD ~)(lQ"-o· COMPACT 20 a·.5· )( 15· o· 's TN()AAO ~~No· 'sr.AJ,()~~ 2~ 9'-0-)(1a·o· TO TAl PA.RIC ING PROVOEO 9' 9' ON SITE PAR,:.NG,, KEYNOTE S: I AOJACENTLOT j. ~RCEL 292305~ / / -~ / 'RE DEP.a.RTMt."11 ,tO<E S,!GRl'SS "oc'!:: "-1i,, "'s"' ( ' ) .. -._--~.-~\ ~--r;1:r:l(~ / / c<,<'.C > l-{ Zzh':-~ / ~; -~ r-~ '-~·" ~p::n:-c_~~ ,"1 .'\\ \1 ! ~l {"J;V ,,' ~ I,,. .J· \ f---· .. 0 !· -=~> ~/ / j ~'. 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C 1 IS SUES Ptl:lllllNARY Pl..() 8Ull.OIN(,P(RMII BlMOINGP(Rtil!l'lfSU8n BUllC*GPlRMII Rt:SU8 '1 flNAL PV0 SHEU OAlE Rf\llS()NS 1212'W201S 12/1'W101S IG'm016 \f11ll011 1/26"Xl11 OIQ&IU 1 0"11116 BUllDINGP(R'-11 1 ~ESU6M1 TT AI QRA-.,..i,. QEC11;EO PROJECT '-lo SI-ICE TTITl.E \Ill) aw '"" PLAN -PATIOS Al 172ND ST ,sS1.E BULIJING P[RMI T R£SUBM1nAL A1.01 i OR IGINALSttH !SllE s2,·,)6· j ?t.OTOATE 1/lWOl110H~1AM 1 • ~ \.A ) # , !Q:-o· -r~- 1 ~ ~.· 0 -~-0'07 Y 333Sf ~1 r-:- AM [ M H PlAl A ~ ~] ® , 11 o· ,- ,L :)I .~~ _) ·-~, D.1 ,,, ,101 }) ~ 'ii! ~----~-~' L -C [_.~ --~~'! AM ENITY LOUNGE ~! ~t ~ ~CJ) ---~~--©_ I ! I ·s·l! KEY NO TES (c'I ' ,,,--, , )' I \::__,I '~3A~~1 LEVEL 1 AREA SUMM ARY -"' ~-~) 31USf 11~SF ~ oa rs; BU ILDING EN VELOPE NOTES 1 l'RO'.'ID( PENETRATION'NRJ<P. H.AShl"lG A' 'IHt001't :! Af't) SLIDERS PER BE DPAW.M'..S l P>i'C)VIOf.f.'fNETAA TQt.ltf<>P&hAS,C'w(;A" SW'',G ~P(~8E ORAM~ l~i\).SHiM:i SfOVEN::E ll.l"htfEPl>,TESroo C,l.J<.)PIESOR RA.1:.1NG5 """-l REOOF<f. A I ?.l::t h.ASH.NG P(R 8 [ DRAWINGS , SH Bl OAAW~S FOO TARGETFlASHlNGtOR M()l)Nl!NG I LAI Pl.A TES TO EXTERIOR WALLS ~ SHB[ ~W!~SFOtlFl.ASl'tNGTERMI N,l1:10N,,;[Rf AT CCH:: WAUS ("'11!10UI A CASI Rf.Vf._Al.j 6 SEE SE ~Wi~FQRhPICA..S£.l,.v.NT JOINT& SAC-ERROO l lNS.AJ.L~LASt11...C.J+P)()"'1SP£R BE CR,l'KNGS 6 ?ROvlDE q ).5,ttf:j @~PE PENE TRAT IONS PERS E :><,MNCS S PROYiOE A ]PIECE t!..AStiNGCCU.AR AT PENETRATK)NS Tl"IAI WIU NOl ACCEPT A 1-P1ECE OR O\JICIIJV.Sh COU.AH S\..CNAS GAS METER PIPING PER il E ~WI NGS ~~1 \ ..... 7 ® FLO OR PLAN GENERA L NOT ES 1 "r,iS~\\1M; ·S lh lENDE O TO RHEREl'(;E OR SHOn U RT~N sn FE,L l~S M1£RE -'PP\.CA&.[ RHE R TOCfVIL ANC ...AAOSCJ,,Pt:W,w.N(,SfOR 1NF~T10NNOlStlOWNf1ER( Sfl StHi .1.1 OOIOH Sil£ P\.ANINfORMA TION.S 2 THIS (1V..'l\'INC IS INTENDED TO Sl10'i'i BUILDING Sl1f tl ON1. Y SH El'I..ARGE OUNI I .t.NDCOMM()l,jAREAPLANS fOR ACO l lONAL 1Nf 0RW.1 ION 3 GR10 P,t,Tf ERHS M1EF!E SriOWN lNOCATE LOCATION Of SCCR£ LINES ExPANSIOh..()INTS OR CC+mw:rlON JOINTS N TOPPING SLABS Al'oOSlASSON GRAC{ AJ.IGN Tr(SE .()INT<,; 'M"M OPEN J01N r<,;1N UNH "A'w[RSQNPEC{STAJ.'.i'M'c:RE il'f: IWO ltol:£" SH !.AN>SCAPEWMNGsr~AO()T()Ml ~~T1Qt. 4 ~ f ,Rf DEPAATl,l;NI COtflEC"IQtiS (f OCl '*,SR[OIJIREO 3v LCCAl FIRE OEPAATMENT F0C-S W LL BE RE.AORY VISIBlE ,t,N[} AO:ESS1 8U: ON A ST REE i ~RON TAG( OR MiERE. OTHERWIS{ .v:'PROV£0A1£l l 0C AHO AI LEAST lOfE tT ,t,WAY FROM Bl.llLD NG EXITS ~PROY;OE RE.CE.SSEO iNAI.L ,iYIJRANl S,t,T PERJ ME TE~ Cf 8tJ1lD1NG WHERE REOUI REO BY lOCAl FIRE DEP.\RTMENT SPROVIOE MI MMl.iM 1 FOOlCA.10,.E EMERGE ~Y tLLUMI NATK;f.Af INTERIOR lOBBIES ANO CORR!~ RESIOEtd W. ANO ENTR" COI.RT'l'AROS TO ?UBI.IC WAY UC.,,II NG FIXluRE.S Sr<lYfN TO I\.LUSTR.A.TE GENERAl. l lGl-tTINGIHT ENT 0111.. l AOEOl.:ATE llLU .. N.AHOPHEVElS IS l l'f. RESPONSBI UT'Y Of T,£ ElKiRICAL CE$1GN-8ULDCON TR,,1,C T~ l E.1.1i SIGNS~ '-'INO,IM REOU!RED CON JAA:101'i TC PR01110[ A.COHa ~L EXIT sic;,.s AS REOUl~08Y Af1J 6 PR01f1DE 30U.AROS ANO/OR OIH€RIMPAC1 PROTECTION MEASURfS Al MEC~ICAl/El(CIRICA!. EOUPMl:Nl WHERE (XPOSE0 T0 MOVING HWf1C St:Ect1All 41"8 0 1 (F··~ '~F 3 \.:__..,I V c--;;..., 0 PLAN LEGEND -,. -, .., -"'\ \_____~I , 2~ 10' a· 61tr ,3'-_ _!'."_ 15·.o· " 3'. g l.1£..__~!:_, 11 10 1~· + 1~' O" ,,~,, " ~ --~ 11' I' , ~J r -. 1 ·~& ... \\7i: .... "' ij! ! I l"p -1 'I c..--=c------ , -uP PA TIO i!-1~1 SF I I 15' O"X10 1 ~3"1 ~ ~ .r------, _r------, <W ~ -----L _r----I ,--._ --.'...J ~ C.l a 212 1102 <fill) "" (Jcy) , ... --I '-------, jUNEXCAVATEDI r----, _f ----------, I L----, ----~---~~~ L-----------~ I ' -- ,'----31.1lDl"'3 Ol,'TLINf .f.8oVt:,'.l Wf.!>J LE'IE.L2 WE S.T BUILDING -LEVE L 1 FLOOR PLAN ___ fT\ SCALE 118" = 1'-0 " 'CJ7 b ... ..,. ~ b l .1 ~1 ~I ,- ~ ~ I :l • ~ ... ,-.. " ,,_ "' " )1-10URR.A.1£0 ASSfl,l8 l Y 2 HOulil R>rrn ASSlltE L v ·~~·£o.1,sS£i.e1.~ ~RA1EC·ASS£t.l&Y ,O.Au ASSE MBI.Y'AC, SH SHEE T A.9 01 2 ' (i ) \...:_ ( 4: , __ ' ' ~ 0 ,,--, ~) 0 11 I ~ b~ I ~ 9 ) ~ "I~ (10 I ...., "' E u 0 O -u <O . "' -5 QJ "' -3: ~ . :::, ...., "'0 E -;i .J:: g N -~ u '5 c, ~~ L- .c._ t:: ' g~ ro "' ' E~ D.. o,N ~ "' ::::J ~ i 0 "' 1:::: L- bll r.J ~111\t<.IK)IJt'ASICMT(Cl oli( PROJECT AVA NA RIDG E PLANNED URBAN DEVELO PM ENT 1061 5 SE 172 nd ST REE T.RENTON.WA 98055 CLICN1 AVA NA RIDGE , Llt PROJEC T ISSUES PRELIMINAR V Pl.JO BUIL DING PE. RMI T BUIL DtNG PC RMrl T R[SUB ,1 BUILDtNG P(MMU RCSUB 11 FINAL PUO SHffTOATE REVISIONS DRAWN CHE Cl!.EO PROJEC T 11tc, Slt.ET lHLE 12fl9{201~ 12/291'201 ~ 1<.'2812016 1mno11 1(16/2011 ·-~ LYO IWf U ...... BJP "" WEST BUILD ING - LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN ,sSUE BUIL DING PERMIT RESUBMlnA L A2.01-W r--- '.A ) \. __ ; @ (01 _.,/ t , 10'-0' ,__ !1 O" , , 10' o· _11·0" ! I ! I I ~b -I I ~ I ~--·· rr· Ir L D ~ r -t~,!P ill m i! I• - '11 ..@}, ... ~ 0.1 0 ,,, ,,.. '';.it (r ;i,I ~ ~)II 0.1 J/1 ''°" r ~! A- / oo:, i'· 10-Kr -r 1-wi-i'1SF ... -- l i-8 Al ,1 . ® ~ "' © 10· o· 11'-o· , L 0RJClr>iA1.5'-IH I Stl1:tS2,·•~' ! PlOTDATE 1'7W01110M01AM KEYNOTES " ,,,---, :c"· '-./ (2~2lt J' ~~ 2~ l(r 25' 10'" t.D i! O\,: tr OISCMRGt OCCURS ON t.!10. .ANDING or ~r.n : SH OW ,~ · 10' a 6 117 ,l , . ., fL "" ~! ~ "" !..:.!...!_ft' , ~~--~~- LEVEL 2 AREA SUMMARY BUILDING ENVELOPE NOTES FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTE S PLAN LE GEND NAMl 1RESl0E NT 1A1 ..-~ E~l 1'11' j 111· AR~ tS90Sfj &590SF ~- (~1~ I 1 PROVOE PENHRATION'M\AP FI.ASrtl-.::: -'l 'MMXM S ... ~ SUDt:RS PHI 6 i ORA'NtNGS 2 PfCJOE ?EM:TRATIONWfW>& ~1.AS,rtNCAT SVtiNG OOORS P£R8 E ~'MMj.S 3 ~Dl eL.AS,,,,NG St.C\!Et£E AT ~"6:fE Pl.ATES fOR ~ES OR AA,l i.GS l h,l,I ~OUIRf: A.:;,.PLECl li.ASriNGPf.RB E DAA~NGS 4 SH S l OAAWINGS FOR TARGE T H.AShlr.G fOR htQUN1"1NG FLAT MIES lOEXTERlOR WALLS ~ SH BE ORAWINGSF~ fLASriNG lERMIJ\AT,Q°'~E!.:f AT CONC WALLS (Wll rCUT A CAST REV'...Al.t 6 SH.SE OOW1 NC!>F°"T¥P'CA1.SiA.:..AA"JOINT & 8ACHRROO 'it.$1..._Lf \.ASttM'...iL.AP )J!Ni S Pt:R Si~'M~ t~Dt:'LAS,,.NCi@?'f'E?E\t:.RAl ~S.>fRBE OAAMNGS ~ PR(N!OEA2PIECt: FLASriNGCOLLAAAT PE~ET~TIONS TH.AT Will ~T ACCE.Pl A H'IECEOR OUCKFLASHCOi.lAR S0CttASCAS METE R PIPING PER SE ~W,NGS ~@ I ® F 0 1 'HIS':)RAWl~.SINTEkOEOTO RH ERf.t,CE OR ~CEWAIN SI IE fE.Allff S ... 'l1ERE. ,Wl,.ICJ..8LE RfHR rocrvH. ANO LNOSC,I.P£ DRAWltGS ~OR INfORM,l,TION M,l SHC'WN ,11:R( St:[ s,u:1 Al OOfOR Sl1E PUN INfORMA.T~S 2 THIS OAAWlNG IS 1NIENOEO 10 SHOW BUILDING &~U Otll V SH EtU.RGfD UNI T /\NOC~NA.REAP!.MSFORACO TIONAl INf()RMAll()N 3 GRIOP•TTERNS "M1ERE St10WN lhOIC>.TE LOCA':'i~Of SCORf LINES E,:P~ JOI NT S ORCC»(RACi lCl N .)()1-.is ,., TO?PlhG SLABS ANO SLABS ON GRADE AJ.IGN '"'IESE J()M S tt Ir, ()P{N .JC,NTSlh i..1'11• PAVE~Ol'tPHlES"A!.S WliE RE 1.-{ !WQMH ' SH lANOSCAPEO,...,Wlt,(,S ~ORAWl~ ~~Tic;. , ~ f lFll: Cf PAA!lof:N T CONNECT10NS (;oq AS REWRED SYLo:::.t.Ln~:OEPAATMENl f0C'SSMI...BE RE.A1X.Y IIISISLEA.ND ltCCcSSISLE ON A STRH T fRONTAGE ORWHE.RE OT~RWIS[ A.WR0\1£DANDLOCATEDAT LEAST tO FEET AWAY FROt.l BI.HI.OING O.JTS S PRQ\r,()E RECESSED WAll tiYDRANISAI PERII.IEIC:R Of 8')1 l[)ING WliERE REOOIREOBY LOCAL flRE DEPAR IMENT 6PR0VlOE MINlt.t.lM 1 H)QlCAtO..E EI.IERGE~Y ll :.UMIN.AT ~ 4 1 INTERIORLOS81ES-.NO CORRl00RS RES;C(NTIAI. AliO ENTR"' COURi'l'ARDS TO P\.ellC '1¥M LJQ1T1"(, F1XTURH ~ 10 +LLUSTRA IE Ge~F?Al LOiTINCi tNTtNT 0,,., Y Ac:f.~TE +l~uMi,.,.,TICff LEVHS 1S Tl-( RESPONSIBtuTv Of it£ ELECl ~L C{SIGN--&..t LDCONTR.AC TOA 'EXJi S.GI\S .&.RE lil~\Uil Rf OUiRt:D CON TRACTOR TOPRJVIDE .t.£0.llet.Al EKJT SIGNS '-S RF"OLIRF D8r "1iJ 8PROV1DE BOL.I..ARDSA.NOIOR OTHER1W#W::.T PROTECTION MEASt.JRES AT MECHA.NIC AI.Jt:l[Cl!OCAJ. EOLNPME~T M,ER[ ExPOSE.010 IIOV!NG TRAfflC SE[ DEl"-1.. 41"801 CE) ~o· , 8'-'ill~ ,'. ,·, 11'-10114' ~-o· . a-ovr , 11' 1' ,~ o· 8 l ?AIIO 15 -crx 1a -1· 151Sf c., 211 "" -..'._) l· u1 6.2 ''fo41 '" ., .. 3a· 111r ,.-e·.911r ...J 1~ (_ lANOSC»<O lff.A,TYP J ~-iN1 T 20$PR~Al[~~~PCE EXTfffi I , .. r~ lrJ ~-mrr '<' "-' . ~1 PATIO "" 11 f"T ). ,c-r "'" ~ B.l 11 1 '"" C.1 "' '103 '! ~ "" " ~ ,,1 P.\110 '7 (j X 17 (r "'" \ff~P- ,.,,1 "T ... r~ it-<W I;;. «,- ~i ~- ~ , .. a:c, 11 S'.O O" "" lANDSCAPf:D AREA. '" ~ ~! A.1 STUDIQ 11 ,,., '\ A 1 '.W! B.1 '" ,101 ~! 0 ~~ __ J 11"-7112'" 11" \' ,______ 1!, O" -t - SOG ""'''7 / WEST BUILDING -LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN SCALE 118· • 1·-0· ~-- 1 "' EB 3 11Cl~Rl\l [OASSi'MBl.V ?l<JVRRA.[04S~Ml:I..Y , nOV"!"IATEO A.SSE u&• ~RATE:J A.SS£t.1&'f l'tALl AS5£MBL VT AG SEEStiEEl A901 o"' "' -:1 ~r ,,_ l b - ' " 1 ,. " i '"3~ (31 ' / / '4 "- 1 '¢" f 5\ ~../ :I, /"------·5 ~I ' I 0 /8\ ~ -~ ~_..,.. I I I ~~J "' E ....... ~8 <X) • "' .c LI "'~ ,. "' a. QJ $5 r: -!i ....... 0 "' ..c ~- ~g LI €~ o>n "'-C <D <1>"' ~~ rn (I)"' > "' 0.. ~ .!!1 1 :::J "' D M Cc "'- bl1 r.J ~~ ~ ... l-1 \fll.~-"l'ID -~-- PROJECT AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 106 15 SE 172nd STREET , RENTON , WA 98055 CUC NI AVANA RIDGE, LLI PROJE CT tSSuES PR:[ LIMIHAR\' PuO 111zw201~ BUILDING Pl R:Mlf 1lfZW201~ BUILDING PCRMH MESUS 11 10/28/2016 8UtLDINC P(RMH RESUB I? 11rn2011 FINAL PuO J/2fJ201 l SMEE T D,t,H. 100&'16 REVlOO NS 1 Ol/17r16 6U lDINGPERMIT RESUBM!TTAI DRAWN CHf.CJ.E D PROJECT No SHEET rme 1vo ,wc uAA1111 8JP ''" WEST BUILDING • LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN ,ssu< BUILOOIG PERMIT RESUBMITI AL A2.02-W L __ _ 0 RIG1NA.J.SNEE151[E 1S24"•36· I Pl OT OATI. 1/M01110H 06 AM KEYNOTES ~--,--" r.-°"' ~ ,--" A ~~/ \~ \..SJ (~3)~J) ---- LEVEL 3 AREA SU MMARY N.WE 1RES£>E N!tAL - ;~ (C.6) '-- AR(A 0,12,SF · gm sf ~ (c.]J ,ro' '-\::_.., 160"~ BUILDING ENV ELOPE NOTES 1 ~Cf~NETRAilON'Nfl>P f l.A5111NG A.1 WI NOOWS AHJ SLI DERSPERBE DRAWINGS ] PROVIDE P(NfTRATION WfW' & f l.ASHING AT SW!~ DOORS PER BE DRA WINGS l ~l(){HASHING SEOUO£EAI Otf E "'..A"EStO:.: CANOP"ES ~'IA.LJMj,S i '1AT ~QI..IQ[ A2PIECE 'L,AS,,ING"ERBE ORA'M~ , SHSE. DFl.AMNGSf~IA.RGf l FL.A SMING f OH. ~Nl1NC FL.Al P...ATES l Ot,:T1:.R1Ci{WA1.L S ~ SH 8£ iJRA WlNGSf0R fl.A5'tt<. I ERMi~IION.'!\ERf AT CONC WAHS (Mlr10UT ACAS! ~ ... EAl l 6 SH S [ ORA ~'f'tGS FOR TYPICAi. SEA1.A .. I .JOlh • .!. aAC ll.f RROO '1hS1 Aa'lASnl'fGL.Af'.0°'iTSPfRB E :iR,l,~,,,......S 5 ~!OE f :.A5HiNG@ P!PE PfNETAA 1K)NS PHl BE OOMNGS 9 PRCN'Ol; A 2 PIECl H ASH NGCOll.AR Af P[N[TAAHONS lhAI 'h1LL NC I ACCEP' A 1 P1E C[ Cfl OUICK fl.A~COl!.J,R SU:ii ASGJ,,Sl,lf r[R PIP,N(i PHi BE MA Nl '-GS ~ /" ·, ~/ (E) 0 FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NO TES 1 THI S DRAWING IS INl[NOE C ·oRHERHICE OR s~ CERT AJN SIT E FEAT~S WHER! APPL.CABL.E R.H ER IOCMt .tH'.J LAN0SCAP{OR>,MN(i$F()Fi 1Nf ~TO.NJI SHCM'NhERf SH SHEET Al 00 FOR SITE P\.M N"~TONS l TH$ ~WING IS ih I ENOEO TO SHOW IAAlOi"NG SHC tt ONLY SEE EIO.RGE O uN T 00~.4.REAPl.ANSFOR ACOTo.AL ·Nf ORMATIOl-4 J GRID PATTERNS 'NHERE s.HOWN INDCATE LOCA TION()f SC ORE LINES, EXPANSK)N .JOrN r S, OH CONTRAC TION J()INIS IN rQPPING SlABS ANO $LABS ON GRADE Ai.ION THE SE £J,N1S W11tt OPf:N .ONT$ INUN T PA\/(QSQNPE(UTA.1..S 'l'IW:R! !t-f TNO lof.[" SH l)J,()SCAP{ OR.'.MN::,$ FOR A.00.ICl""-l. ~ORW.TtOh , PRCM0E ~IRE DEPfJl:Jiil:NI CON'lfCTl()NS (FOC)AS RE CURED :!' LOCAi.. FIRE C(PARl l,lf:N i f OCS SMU BE Rf AOll Y 'll~BLE ANO .tie:CESSBLE ~A.S1Rf.f 1 f RONT,t,GE ORWHE Rf: OT!1£RW1Sf ~ED A.ND LOCA1EO A1 LO ST 10FEfl AWAYfROMSUlOING f )JJ$ 5~DE RECESSED 'i't'"Ll ttYDRAN1SAT PfRl ME TE.RQi Bull()t.G WHERE REOUIREO BY LOCA, F,RE CtPARtlr.U ot l 6~V1/JE MI Nl l,,U,l 1 FOQ':-CJ,1,0..£ EMERGH£Y 1t .1.,1NA"IOh A." 1NIEFtOR L06ai[S ANO COf,N;OCIRS RESIOENl!A.L Ar,()[NlR~ COUR TYARDS TO Pu&.IC WA.¥ L~IING FIXTURES ~N TO UIJSiRAT E GE~IW.. LIGtll lNG INI ENT ONt 'I" A.OE ~TE LL L.M ~l 10N LEVE.L S IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HE El[CT RICAl DESIGN-Bl.llL.0 CONT RAC I OR l EXIT SIGNS AR£ MINIMUM RE OUIREO CONTRACTOR 10 ~VOE .t.00 HOr.-.i. EXI T S:GNS AS RfOORfO BV A.J1J 9PRCN!Of n !AFIOSAIOOA OTrtR iliFACT OROTE CilOII, 1,£ASUR:ES Ai ~ALIELEC !Rx:AJ.. EQ\.l?t.E'N" WHE RE fXPOSEO TO MO .'lNG TRM f(: SU DE 1All "1A8 01 @ f ~ PLAN LEGEND ''"" !G ; "-----r----· :;,: · _ _::_---:--·-·-~ · --· ,-, ,,,r ~ · ,,~ , 9 11!_____~ 11 10 ,,.. _,_ ·-·,, o· ---# ·, "~ ,,·,. ·--~-,,~----,,~ ·-·1 ij ' 1· . . q.,i--=---f"1 I ~,.,-.,~,r---; -i I . 1: l •P -, • ,., :· -/, I i I . ·' 1't /, i 3 '10ok'<.l:ED AS$fMiL V (HOUR RATfD ASSE M&.i 1 ~RATEO ASSE UBI._Y '-ON,.V.TlO ASS(M&~ ·t1AL L l•,SSO.I Bn • ,1,,::, SEESrU T.AS 01 I : I I --'"' " I b:essBtE • I j • ~ •NTR~ , __ --·-·-.. I PATIO t,1,:..------f(-,-.. I . ' 8 0 Q; ._s1 ~ _._, 0 © © © t~ @ ( 1 ; --,. .,,,.,- r ' I!- .1 :t <>I i<:I --,. { I I I -~ -~t 1 .01 w.. "-t II .I --... {I · ... , ?-. I j! ! I ...__ <~:" C.1 ~!-' B.1 o 't B.1 I I L. l__'_) LF) II , Of ~.- 1~• ~ - ~ ~! o/ .Ar- DEC< !J .io-xr.,· "'' "' 2 2 ,,1 -, ,1 1 ~ I ~Qt> ,:io1 1308 ,101 •J.83~ ,,. e'"r C lr---j 0 .1 )fl ""' 0 .1 ,,, ""' 1t1w1P , .. ~ A-1-, (~. ,;:i , ~-~- C.l '" lllll C.1 I "' "°' 0 , ~' ~ ~ WE.ST L08BY ;) $'"~ \ \ ~! ........, ill ~~ ~~ f ~~ - -4\ffi> "" ~ ~) ' '- ,o-O' ~10" ---~ --+-~B 6117 -,~---· 2L.!..!![__ - 160 10 ,~"------ ~ ~r :Ee,. \]. ()' .l ~ Iv ros, .zi G: I I _, -,_, ,. ~,,, .. _J_ 17 1· WEST BU ILDI NG · LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN ~ALE°1~·c1-0--~~---- ! f" -EB ~ r >_/ b I\ 2 \ .. ,,,...... ... ~ 3 ~I I ;· . '4 \ \."._j I 1> ,~ !"! ~I i (s" b , • '-./ :t 'El' ~1 ~) ~ ·~ "' ~ I ,.--'- :1 I ~: /" \ ~ I~, a, E ....., ~~ a, .c u "'~ 3::"' a. QJ "' => Ee "' C) ....., !I C> N .c ~- ·5 C> "' "" u -€~ o«> L. C <O "'"" => '° ru CC> ~N "' D.. ~ "' ;;; :::J f "' 0 ~ ~ bll r.J ~~ ~ PRO.JEC l AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172n d STRE ET,REN TON ,WA 98055 CLIENT AVANA RIDGE , Llt PROJECT ISSUES PR ELI MI NARY PuU BUILDI NG P£R MIT BUILDING P(RMI T RlSUB ll BUILDING Pf:R .. T RE SUB 12 r 1NAL PUO SHEET DA TE Rt VISIONS 121191 2015 121l9120 15 1Q'l lV20 16 T/ll/2'0 11 111&2'0 11 1008116 1 Oll ll/16 BUILDll'Ki PERMI T RESU6J.M1TAJ. DRAWN CHECKED ~OJE CT No SHE ET TI TLE l VO /WW N/IA OJP "" WES T BUILDING • LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN 1SSUE BUILOING PERMIT RESUBMITI AL A2.03-W i -"' A ' '--.J ,---i _ ur o· ·,~~~ #-~ ,--, I B I \.:../ -#--- KEYNOTES f c' ~~ ..... -""" ~ (3l~J) _____l!_!Q"_ ----#-a 61rr~1·,f' 1~'. 0- LE VEL 4 AREA SUMMARY RESIOC~IAJ. I E_:_6' ,,.,.- 9~1Sf-l 91~1SF L '\ ~' :C .8\" D ' ''-....../ ~...,/ ~.!!_!a:_ BUI LDIN G ENVELOPE NOTES 1 PRC1/IOEP£Nt:IRA IIONW'AAP. FlASMl~ AT hl,O::,WS ~ St.lCERS PER Bl DRAWINGS 2 PROVl0£ PENE lR,l,IION 'NRN'& Fl.),SHNGAI SWING ::x::ioRS~RB E OAAW!tGS ] ~.oe H.ASrtt..csrnuENCEAT .... &EP..),l[SH;>R CANOPIES DARAluNGS iMT Rf:OURE .i.)S>i.E-C[ FlJ,Shi NG Pt:R El E DRANP<tGS ( SE.E 8 E OAA~;M,S FOR TARQ:T FLAStHM:.FOR 11()'.JNI INGH.Af PlAIES TOEXlERKIR ~All S 5 SEE El t. t.nW1NGS fO;il 1 LASriNG TERMIMl ()M(ERF J ~ COi£ ft4l$fMHQ,t A. C,.ST Rt:VEAl i 6 5E.E at OAAWiM:.S ~~h'~l S£AL,1.hl .o,.t,,:T & BAC.O:ER ROD Y lNSTALL f l ASttlNGl)PJO.~ISPE~SE QRAWl'GS a PRO..-IOE FLASHING@M PENE IRAll()NS Pf:RS E Cfl),'M~S S ~ A)PlECE Fl).Sri~CO.;AR AI '1:-.fTR).TIO..s ;,,...· N,t . ~T ACCEP' A '-PIECE OR OUC~FlAS,t, CCtL>.R $LCM AS GAS l,lf:TER PIPING om BE ffiii 'MNGS (t :. ~;:,,,--~ ~:~) ® 0 FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES '·111sWW1~1S N1£NDEO TO REFE~hCE ORSt<M'CER'AJN 51 1£ ~U."URE.S MER£ APPI.O&f RHER 'OCMl ~ ~QRA·NJ~SFORP'IFC~MUU)N:.JI SN()M.l"(Rf: SE St-t:ET A100 FORS1l[Pl,AN 1NFORM,,t,T1Ct,S 1 THI S DRAWI NG IS INTl:NDEO TO SHOv, BUtU)NG Sl1£ll OOLY 5Ef. Ett.ARGED ONll .',NO CC>W.ON AREA Pi.ANS FOR .t.OOIIOW.l '-~TION )GRJ0PA11ERNS 'M't.Rl: SMO'NN IN'.::IICAI E LOCA TION Of SC~ l1NES EXPAk5'Qt..OhiS ORCOhiQJ.C:ilOh JO!NTS "4 TQPPtt.j(j s..ABSOOSU.SS°"GRAOE ALJGhTr{Sf.ONIS Mh,~t,. JOI NTS IN UNIT PAYE RS~ PEOESiA.!..S Mi:Rf Tit l'NC-\oEE" SEE lANDSCAPE OAAINlNGS H:Jfl ,t,[OT OMi. INfC:Jfl"""-1·~ 4 P~VIDE FIR£ DEPART ME NT CONNECIK1NS (FOC)AS f,f QUIRf D SY' lOCAl. FIRf [)[P,\RTUENT recs SIVIJ.l BE READllY VI SIBLE ANO ACCESSIBlE ON A Sl~ET iR"JNTAGE OR 'NHE l/f 0T H£RW!SE Ai'!>ROvEOIHJ l OCAl EO A.i LE.ASi 10 HE T A.'hAY FROt,I SUL.DI NG E,JTS !,PROV!OE RECf.SS{C NA.L HYOR,V,IS AT PERIWfTtlo:•0-6l..t.CIM:o WHERE REOUIRfO BY tOCAL FIRE OEPAiHMENT SPROVOE MI NIMIAI 1-rOOTCANDI.E EMERGENCY' llLUMi~llON "' IIIITER:OR L0881ES .t.NOCORRIDORS. RESUNTW. .t.NOENTRY CO,.Rl ~AROS 10 Pt...6UC WAl UGtillP<> f 1,:l uRi:s SHOWN 10 IU.USTRJ,TE GE'11ERAl.. LIGHT ING INT ENT ONl.v ADEQUATE IUUMf\ATl()N t fVHS IS i t1E RESPON5iS.L+IY Of TrtE ELECTR.ICAJ. DESiGH-SVl l DCONiRAC iOR 7 EXH SIGNS.t.Rf MINl)j!IJM REOU1REO CONr~TO?l iQ ?R0',1·()( AO[)ll l()NA! 0 11 SICNS ASR1:0URF00Y Att.J 8PR0V1DE OOllAROS ~OlHER1MP...CI PROTECTION MEA$URE S A.1 rr.E~LECIRICAL EQUIPMENT 'M-tERE. uPOScD TO "'10V'"oNG IR.t.HIC SH DETA.Jl 4/U. 01 (§_) ,,........_ (E_-~) PLAN LEGE ND ~,, " .... ~ 11·~1· , . ., ___ ,,_'-1_Q_11'' #---" ~ __ , ,1 r ,-6 1(]'---------#-----,, ~---~ ·----f 11' ,. )l10UR RJ,1£0 ASSEMBL.r ?~R.A.TEO.t.SSElltll.r ·~~jf.,'.)"5.scW.• NON-RA TEO.o\SSEM0t 1 w-.u ASSE I.IBLY TAG SHSMEET A.~01 °' E ~8 O> .c "'~ 3: ~ ~5 = ~ !i 0 N $- 3o "'"' €~ 0"' C <D .,.., ::, <D c:O O> N > "' ~ "' ~ J "' "' r-- ~lt'i~....._ .. ru :,,. PROJEC I ,&.-I LI QJ ....., ..c LI L. ru D. ::::J 0 ~ bl1 r..J AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN 8 /1 X :D ~) ~J l'.J © © l'. ::s 0 (0 I DEVELOPMENT I o' D<e> . w . ~-c,c, ' "'i I ·-'\ · ... -..::wop f <tW®-11-s--.s -10-~ ~!~~ ~ ,,. . . '2" cr )r er ~· "'r. 1 ' 2 · _, ~---. "" -"" :,i"" / c,;-,) "" ~-_, . wot, ~i j! .. -'"' -b! '-.._ I 10 615 SE 172nd ?!! '-..--~-DEC• ... ~-(._A,)\ © -, V 3 . STREE T REN TON WA ~ l!) •..R> i~ -' n , ? I \_'. / ' ' "... ~! C.1 -<:i;::> B.1a ¢,--'°" l~i r~, '~,! ~ -I 98055 ]12 1 1 1 \..A.·_L_) ~-~-•• ~ u -<l.~_;t' "" "°' . t-~ ' t,i') 38"-Ju•· STAJRW 2 C.3 =a' ~ '\..__.... ------I ' ;~, ~ : / -1\ ITT -r·~ I I I -1 t, ~ ~, I ,!! ~ Q' :1 Yl 1 ---~ ~! ~ -" I AVANA RIDGE , Llt I "· I:? . ' (, I :il ,1 . (5' V :., y-11"21 ~1 4 .03 I (·----'f -'f t! b J ~ ·I ·1 • ,., "'~'' I~.-"'' ~. ~ ~!r§l, "''"''~! ;;!! ~-@_ I ~ ~ <fw® ,~J-.. f , V ~... ~-W .el ~-~ V I ~ .r. :t ~. PROJEC TISSUES ',t11 ----"' f 6 1 PR[LIMINAR\I PUO 12129120 15 !'· 1 I -· '\....__ . ./ BUILffiNG PERMll _ 12J29'llm BUILOO\IG PERMll WlSU0 11 10/28120 16 '. II D.l L-/ L_/ F -...Jo3'/ 1.... BUILDWGPC RMI I IU SU8 '2 1/H/70 11 I .A J )12 1,t:1 f lNAL PUO lfl&/70 11 ~ I ~ ~ ®! j I ti'· SHHTOAIE """" ' ~ . :c T ~/ RE VI SIONS .~. ~ I~' ~ ~ ·I ''" ,,. I 82 -J!}l C.1 <Elf> C.1 . ~-. ,;, 21fl 211 ~ •l'fl ]11 ~ • ~~ I ' LJ ''° 1 404 H O] ~! 1 "'2 -. ,!.! 12 I 1 . , ~\ flai• .a, ~. ~ \ 8 ----~-~ ~r ~ ,-1 :(g)/ DEC,c, 8 ~ ,>---ol -~ ij! . <{'~OJ) ~ i! ~ ll'-0-)l!)'.'\(f O 0 ·,. DRAWN lVO/WE lJAMM "'i j --l!'t< / DECK © I HI! 1 1« _ ?0 Sf · -'\,--_) CHEC,c,EO BJP " 10· ,,... 0 0 I -) "' 0, PROJECT "" ''" G © l~" 61 S,F f A I F ~ -~ SHEET Till~ WEST BUILDING - LEVEL 4 FLOOR , ,o o· __,__ "~ l-,,. ,~· __ , 1 __ 6~ _ u e,r ··--l ,,. ,,,,·~-,,. ,----+----1.L.9.· __ ~ ,, ,. I ~ PLAN #--_____ ---·-_ ____ '" "'7 . -----------+ I ,sse< BUILDING PERMIT RESUBMm AL -- SCALE 118"; 1'-0" ""\I7 • WEST .BU ILDING -lEVEL 4 FLOOR PLAN_ ffi J A2 04 w • 0RIGIMJ..SHEET Stlt.1S 1.f'd6' I PL OTDA TE 1/1~Xl1110H.11 AM ORIGINAi.. SHEE T S!ZE IS 2,·1.J6· l PLO T DATE 1/2!fl011 10 14 16 AM l I ,J "" • 'I r -- ,., ;;,I i<: t l ( /~ A "'-· ~ t~ (!) r .. o· ----+--17 0------+--r ,o· -__[____,__ 17 o· _____,_ f e ...'I If! I m ,~w,2 t, 0 8 .. 1:.c, xr -7 f ·w 1Jy "" " "-' ,;, ~- ~. ~- 1! ---A-2 , O<C< 9· 10·xr r !l SF ~ .....,. ,,,._J ~~ D.1 J ,'] '"" D.1 311 ,,,,, @t, "" "' 0i __ ,'f i€'f 1;>- ~,,i~ CD ''~-~ L __ ,,_·.10'" ~ I! ~! __ _____1_s 10· KEYNOTES LEVEL 5 AREA SUMMARY BUILDING ENVELOPE NOTES FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES PLAN LEGEND ~l l') ® ~-~ (~3)~J ~=! r--ARE:151Sf l ,,-, ·'c \ ~~/ 91~1SF A ~~ 1C 8)!/ D ) , 7 1\..:_., T ~~ICt:Pt:h£1RAIIOt'IWRAP f ..J,.SMM:',A TM~ -~ Sl1 Df.RS Pf R 8 E ORAMNGS 2 PRQVl()(PENE TR,.t,TIO,,.WfW)$FL>,S11N:'.;AI S1'1'1,..C OOORSPE~S[ ~WlriGS 3 PRCVIOC FlASH1 NGSE0UENC£ Al 1:.NlF [ Pl.ATE S f~ CAN(j>l[S OR RA IUNGS TIY.T RfQU1Rf A 1.PtECl f l.ASrfNG PER 8E ~WlNCS 4 SH BE ~ ... ,NG,S ~Q.l ,ARQ T 1.J,.Stt.f\lG ~~ !,,(),..f.T NCHJ T Pl.ATES TQ O .TEIO(~h \A.US ~ SEESE QR.&'NINGS FOR h>.$h.NC TE RMl~l;°",i,,£Rf Al CONC WAl LS 1w1r r10 ur ,..CA ST ~VE.All 6 SH BE OPJ,WINGS FOR l'(PICAJ. S[4,I.M JC)INT & BAC io:.ERROO I INSl -.i_l :LI.SHiJtG..>P ..O NTS PERBE DRAMNGS 8 ?R'.;)V1{'.(Fl,).&1,.Mi@ M?t:P<l:l l<).T~SP£Ra.E ~WINGS 9 ~\llCEA2P1 ECEFLAShlNG COllA RAT PENE IRA IKlNS THAT W,Lt l<Kll ACC EPI A I-PIECE OR QOCKFLASH COU.AR SUCH AS GAS ME TER PIPING P€io: BE DRAWI NGS (~ ~,(c~\ 'P.5; '--' fE\ ~-./ 0 l Tk1S 0RAW1NG 1S INTENDED 10 REF ERH«::E OR SHOWCERl.t.lN sm. FEJ,lURE.S WnERE APPI.ICA&.E REFERT OCJVll A.ND .N()SCt.P£ DRAWINGS I OR INi~Tl()N NOT Stt0WN HER[ SEE St1£ET AI OOFOR Sl 'fPl.).Nl.f'~T()NS 2 T111SOR>.W1NG IS 1'tl£~010SttC'ff BLilLDINGSt1E u 0N..• )t:~ ENLARGEO VNl r OOCO I.U)NARf..A Pl.ANS F-"~AOO l,C"'-. INf ORMATIO~ lGRIO PAlTERNS WHER!: SHOWN INDICA TE LOCAl ()N Of SCORE LI NES, EXP..6.NSION .JOINIS. ORCONlRACTION ..IOINIS tN l OPPING S,,1.A8SANO SV.SSON GkAOf. /1.1.IGN lHESE JOINT S 'MI H OPEN J()i NTSIN lJN lPAV[RS ()f,jPE OE S1~S ·Krlf.Rf It'( TWOME El SEE ~C)R>.N,Mj.Sf()RA.OOl1 1°"4A!.l,.rORtM1°' , PR0v1DE f lR( OE PAR11,Et.' Cvl'ffel10NS (fDC}AS REO'..IIRE ) BY LOCAL f1Rf OEPAR Tl,ENT fOC'S Sr-.ALL 8E RUOll Y VI Sl'Blf W, ACCE $$1 BlE ON A STREET FRONTAGE Ofl INHERE Olrf:R'WiSE APPROVEOANO LOCATEOAT LE.AST 10 f HT A'I\IA Y F'«.)'°' 6Ull Dl'1G EXI TS 5 ?RO'Jltl-. RECESSEO WALL HYDAAN1SAT PERIME TE R OF BulLDING 'Nt-E'R£ R£OiJIR[0 B'Y LOCAi. flRE OEP ',RTME:Nl ~ PR(MC{ l,IHil,IJM 1-'00ICANC\.E Et.E.RG£P£Y U V""MHON Al INTERIOFI L0881ES .1.1'> C~OORS RESIOtNT IAJ. OOENTR Y COIJRTY ARDS TO P\.l81.IC "'4 A'I LIGHTffimlURE SS~TO ILLUSTRATE GENERAL LIGHTING INlENT ONl. T AOEOtlATE llLUMINAIION lEVHS !S TH€ RESPONSlBIL ITY Of THE ELECrRlCk 0E SIGN-8UILO CON T RACl OR 1 E.XlT SIGNS .\RE MINJUIJM Rt:00.Rt:D CON T~TOO TO PROVICE A!X)IIONAL f X.IT SIC.NS AS RfQU!RfO RY AK.I 8PRCHIDE BOc...AAOSNO~Ol li:R lt.f'AC T PRO TECTION ~SAT 1,EC~LECT RICA:. fQUAIEh l M'IERE E.XPOSEO 10 MOVI..C TAAFF IC SH DE I AJl 4JAB 01 § @ ((3\ "-.._/ ------------,. _,.......__.L-6 1_,r 1·-1 · ,, ---~-· 91 1''~--11 _,o_,_•·-~~ _rl ·-10 1a-_ 1~· -o· ,_ •. 61r7' 12' 1· ,_ -,, .. 11' 1·-------------,. _, 'WW , .. "W_ ®! ~~ ~ ,D 8 ~) ~, i:~Jt>IU i I~ .,; C.1 111 '"' ?- ··~ , .. ~! '~, ~ ~- 1' ' C.1 111 "'" '.s 8 .1 '" '"" _,________ __,r_.,_· otc, s ,·xr -r '~"'""" \.._~·2) \ 10 ·, :F ~- STAIR W2 @. ~- (~ '-. ........ =,=,.._,"'4', «,'!::? ~ '"' ,D C.1 "' '"' --~ ©I <Wt' J! 1 .... , ~'0 12' 1· occi ,:-0"):i' I!' '"' j• '-sl.WO -' <f:@ !! I ~ A-'2 I ,..-~ .:.! ~~1 A-•i' ®! $'f''-f ::/ ~. ®o C J otC< ~ <,fw,Qt> ~""'==::::::;-111111"'""""'==--II ~ ~-,. ~-,~ ,er ~ ~! 11 O"K~· 10· <!•Ii l I C I I I ,, ,,. . '"' '"' !OSI '.. DECII. 'v '-.: .. ,) r iJ' ,C"AH l" I ....,:... 61St ? 1 1 HT i ~1 ,, .. I 0 I ~,,111r _., ', ' '- IO ,a. 8 ..l. ~· ~ 163"-4 117..._ !' 6 117 ,-. ____j_ ,s .o· ''~'i ,r 1117 -----.t-· 11· r ---,.... -- ;:-- Wf_ST BUILDING -LEVEL 5 fLOQR PLAN SCALE ,,a·= r-0· EB .. -0 1-hR J ~ :. b r ~: t-1 l-(j!Jfi-!A IEO ASSfMS,1 2 1'"()URR,A1f0ASSE M8lT • r()URRAlEDA SS.lMBLY ,'C ... rV,TE O A.SSE MBl.1 hA:..A.SSE MB:.Y T~G S€.E SnEEIASJ1 (:,) r0 3 '-...../ f -\ ' \__~ ~\,. v I ~I ; bl I "' 2 "' ~ ' i) t f/5\ ~! i 'i" \___j 7 ' \.. ~I "? ~, . a " 8 '>--<-., , 9 I \ j '@ _ __J ~~ ....., QC . 0, .c u "'l::' ~ "' a. QJ .92 s :: ~ "' 0, ....., !I C, "' ..c J!l - 5 C, "'<") u €~ O"' '-C <O <l> <") =>"' re Cc, ~"' "' 0.. ~ "' 1)5 ::) t "' 0 ~ ,.__ bfl r.J ~-. ... ,,er.: -..1-1~111:.o1int u PROJE C T AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 106 15 SE 172nd STR EET, RENTON , WA 98055 CllEN T AVANA RIDGE, LLI PROJE CT ISSUlS PR[UMINARY PU0 BUtL DING Pl WM t BUI LDING PE.RMH R(SU8 '1 BUILDING Pf RIIU A(SU8 f l FINAL PUD SHEET DATE REV,SIQNS ORA Wti Ct1ECl'.EO PROJECI No SHEET THlE ,2mno1s l2m/201S 1Qt28tl016 11111201, 1f16/2011 lOOP/1 6 lVOI WILJ AMM .,. ,,., WEST BUILDING- LEVEL 5 FLOOR PLAN 1SS1.< BUILDING PERMI T RESU BMITT AL A2.05-W KE YNOTE S LEVEL 1 AREA SUMMARY BUILDING ENVELOPE NOTE S FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTE S PLAN LEGEND /~ ~, ,-----0 \ @ \ r.~0 czt H H.1 (H.3) (H .~ ,, J / {~~~ '-. __ _./ ----'\.,,) ...____, 190'·0" , - , ,. r _,_,_,._ , 17 1-_,,_,. __ , u· 1111r ~11-7 1/T ,, ~ , -&~ . LEASING MECHMIIC.Al RESIDEN TIAi. SIOAAGE @(0 ~ •IOSF 698Sf . ~ 106ISF -601Sf. 4428Sf f~ -~#-~ , ' PROViOt PENE l R.I.Tl()t,jWR>.f' ~lA$klr,.c.AJ Mf'()OWS .A.NOSLJ0ER5PU1BE CIV.Ko!'.GS '2 PROV'OEPCNETAAIMJN~&ILA5>tNGAI SWING :)OORS?fRB f ~'MNGS )?ROl/i~FLAS,.,11'.GScM~o\r ~'-'fE?\.ALES•C)I;'" c».cY!ESOR RA.Li~$ T""'I R[O,J!R[ A l .i>IECf FlASttNGPfR8E ~·Nl~S 4 SHBE OOW'~Sl'~IAAGE"hASNl'-G;~ I.IOUNT!NGFL.Al PlJ,TES ·o o:!E~ i'I Al..~S S SH0E OO'MNGSFORfLA.St11NGH:RMNAi1Qt'll1<ERf Al CCNC WAl.lS(l'lllt<)UT A CASI R[V(AlJ 6 SEE BE CAAWl~fORl"TPICALSE.Al).NT ~t-.r & BACKER ROO 7 INSTAI..L ft.ASHJNGL.APJO NIS PERB E DAAWINGS 8 PROVIDE F LAStt:NG@PIPE. PE N(IR.lillONS PER BE °"'"'NGS ; ~Of A]PIECE fLASHING COlLARAT P[N(lR,AT K:lNS THA T '111:U HOI ACCEPT A 1-PiECE OR OUCXF L)Sr, COi.i.AR $:..Cl'! AS GAS loEIER PIPiNG PER 8 E QR>.,•1111,~GS CD 0) 1~·. (f 8"·6 112" -- 1 THIS OAAWINGI S INTEN~O TO R1FERH£.E OR SHOWCEi;i iAIN SI TE FEAlURES WrtERE APPUCABI.E REFER IOCIVILNIJ Ui.NDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOO INFOOMAflON NOT St,()WN HERE SEE SltEl At ())f'OR Sl l(PlANINfORMAT IONS 7 l ti1 S ORAMN:; tS l~TENOt:D TO St10W BUILDI NG SHEU ONLY SEE fN.,1,RGED'JNjJ ANQCOMM()NAREA PLANS FOR A.OOHONAl INFQRMA.il()N )GRID PAT l ERHS WHf.R[ $MOWN 1t0a1E t OCATl()N OF SCOR£ LINES £>:P"-"Sl0N.()I N1 S ORCONTRACllON..ot NTS !NT~ SLABSN.O SLABS Oh GAAa: .IJ..IGN THESE .OI NT S Wll h OPEN ..CO.TS INVN1TPA\'£QSONPE0E:Sl.1J..S'M1f.RE lHE TWOME£1 SH ..>.'OSCJ.Pf. DR,t.w,t,Gsr~A!.01~ 1r,J"ORM,lllON ,p~v+OE flRE C(PARTMENT CONNE~TIONS [FOC) AS REa,.;..REc BT tOCA.l. ftRf C(P,VHl,IENT f(X;'S St1"IJ. BE H:l::AOO. Y Yl~BL..t: .,V,O ACCESSBI..E CfO, STRE ET FRONiAGE Cfl MERE OTl1ERW1St APPROVED 00 LOCAiEO AI LEAST 10 FEE ~ AWAY f RC4,i BU;DING EXITS SPR0V10£ RECESS€0 WALL H'l'OAANT S Al PERlliE TER Of 9u,!)...C WHE RE R£0l.~REO ev LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 6PROVIOE MIN!M\J,,11-FOOTCA.NO..E EMERGNCV lllt.!MINA Tl()NAT INTERIOR l0681ESA,()C~S R1:SIC€NTIALA,IJENTR', COURT YA.ROS IOPLEIUC WAY UGHTl l«J Fl~TuRES St,CIWN TO IUUSlRATE GENERAi. LIGHTING INTENT ONLY ADEOU,I.TE lllOMINATION LEVELS IS Tri: A£SP0NSl8IUTY Of THE ELECTRICAL C1SIGN BUILOCONTRACTQR TE.(JT ~SARE YNl"k.JMREOUIRt:0 CONTRACTOR TOPROl/10£: A.COT ICtUu E ~T SIGNS AS RFOORF O B'I' AH.I 4 ?ROVID£ BOllARDS ANO/OR OThER IMPACT PROTECTION ~SAT ME~l(Ci RCAI. EOUIPMENT WHERE EKPOSEOTO IIJ't'ING TWFC Sc:EOE1All 41A8 01 0 ,,,-~ (N.5) '-..__, 75·.10-11 ~ , /Q\1 \:_-__,; 10 o· , r-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-•-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--~ .~~SOG'81M I £ "® I n-----,_ s------, r-L------, ~ 01) ~) ~on ._ _1__41 ....._ OR1GIM!.SHEE TS1lE 1S24",.xi" 1 PI..OIOA T£ 1mn<lll 10l418AM -f~l 6· -~ ~! +ti I ~ i! ;;m l ! ---------L __ _J L----1 ;, .,,- FITNESS ~i w,1.,.,,, PBX/MANAGER [~· LEASING ~! ~ J! /~ ,~ESTm,I '.i PARCEL ~ ,.fl E.AST ENTRY LOBBY ~ tri :6) f '' I I' .., ) I I I @ ~L~ ___ _r---·- ·-·-·-·-=r I I I I L---, r---~ I I I I r----1 I . I r----J L-----~ L __________ J EAST BUILDING · LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN SCALE 118" ; 1'-0" . ---EB r 1 / ''" 311().)R R>,TEDAS.SBoltl .. l ?tiOJR AATE D.i.ssi."8.~ 1 ~AA·rn.i.ssc1i1&..• ~-AATEDASSE.1.6.Y WAU A.SSf"'61. Y TAG SEESli:ETK,01 0 1 bl ' >R ;,-r ' 2 ·r ( 3 I ' \'-..../ s ... r?· I'-../ I ~ " I I(~ b .... ~) ~ ,. (~ '~ h. " ~ f." I "2 / "' ~. t ! (-8 '\, b \_~ :r @, ....,_ ....,_ ' 10 I _/ J ~~ +-' 00 ' O'> .c u n, l::' 3: n, • C. ., " OJ Ee n, 0, !i +-' C) N ~-.£: ~g .C::"' u t: - 0"' cc (0 L.. "'<') "(0 cc C) ro !N ~ D.. n, 1 ::J "' 1:2 D L- bl) r&J C/tll~ .. lj (I .. lw.l ~hllh(kwl"~ PROJEC T AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172nd STR EET ,RENTON,WA 98055 CU(NT AVANA RIDGE, LU PROJECT ISSUES PRELIMINAR'I' Pl.JO BUIU>!NG P£RM11 BUILDING P[RMll R[SUB 11 BUILDING P£RMI T R£SU6 I'/ FINAL PUD SttEET DATE RE\IISIO"IS ll/19f101~ 1l119f101S U)/'/Q/1016 111 11101 , 11'lfJ101J 107&'16 i 01,17tl6 8Ut01NGPER'-41 T A:ESU8M111Al OAAWN lVO l wt:UA.lilll CHECKED BJP PROJECT No ,,., SHEET Hll[ EAST BUILDING - LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN •SSC< BUILDING PUMT RESUBMln Al A2.31-E (~H'I ~~1\ \___,.I _-_;; ,,_______ ~ KEYNOTES LEVEL 2 AREA SUMMARY BUILDING ENVELOPE NOTES FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES PLAN LEGEND ,--NAL€ ~ . _RESIDEN TIAL 107}3 Sf j 101l11SF • ?RO'V!Of P(~TAATIC*, t\'R,\P H.ASrt~AT NINO()WS A,-0 So0ERS?f;R8E ~'H 'GS 2 PROVIDE PEN€1RA.110N W'AAP i fLJ,S,11 NG&l SW~ ~SPERBEC11.1,WJNGS l PROY1DC fLJ,SHING ScQUEOCE Al !(.NIH. P\.A I ESF~ CA.NoP1ES OR R.AJLll'GS THAT RECUR£ ,t, 7 Pit.CE f.AS,ii-.C.PE RBE ffiAWINGS 11H1S ORAWiNG IS1NTEND£0 10 REFEREOCE ~ St10WC£R 1AIN SIT( FEATURES Wrt:RC U'P\.ICA.&.E REFER TQ(l','1L l>.1'0 ..AI-OSCAPf ~W,NGS FOR tNJDRw.TIONNOT Sr()WN tf:Ri. SE E Srf tT Al OOFQR SolTE Pt,\11, INFORMATIONS r 111s l)Rl.,Yh(j IS 1'-TE NOEO :o StCl'i'SIJILi)N(,Sr(,, )NP SH EIURGE.D UNIT ANOCOI.U'.)N AREA Pl.,I.NS FORAOOT'°"""" !NFQruMfl~ • SHSE ~,._,NC,S;,:i;.:·AR"'..,c:1 Fi.ASHt.NGfOR ~hll'<i Fv.1 ;;,,..Arts ~c :xrrrec.i 11.11us )GRI D PAlTERNS WHERl SHOWN INOICATE lOCP,T10N ~ SCORE u~s E.XPANSION .ONTS OR CONTRACTION .IOtNfS I~ TOPPING SLABS 00 SlABS ON G~Ot: AJ.K>N THESE JOINIS 'Ml11 OP EN JOINTS N u,,.-1 PA.V(RSON PEDE5""1.S WHERE 111( "NO IK[T SE£ ~ ~W1NGSFORAIDTIO"""-l.1~0RM,t,l10N ---<:'D ~ ~3 5 SH BE ORAtt,M.SFCiFLJ,SrtNG "ER,,ut,,1,· °"""ERf Al CO i£ WALLS (W\THQUT AC.ISi REVE Ai./ 6 SH BE oo.&WINGS FOR TYPIC AL SlALANT JONI l BAC~ER ROO 'NS l AU F\.ASt1l'G,J.P.O"l1SptRBl Of1).W;N"'..,S 9 PRO'JIOE h.AStC"'G@ PP.. PfM TR.AT10f,;S P(R 8£ """"'"°" Q PR,:W!OE A2-PIECHLJ.Stt1NG C0l.LAfUT P{NETR.AllONS Tl'.AT Wil l NOi ACCEPT A 1-PIECE OR a....c-FLASttCOU.AR-sv:;H ,t,$ GAS METER ?'PING PER BE DAAWINGS 4pqclVIC{ f1RE O(P.-.R"t,E .~· COfffCIO+.S lHX.: 4S REOUIREC Sl L0CA1 F1R( ot:PAR l lolE fll i FOC"S SMALL BE RE.A[)l ) 'I\Sl&.E MO ,ccESSIBlE ()NA srRt:EI FRONTAGc OR WHERE Olrtt:RMSE ~OAN0 l0CAIE0Ai LEAST 10FE"El AWA'¥ 'R0M8IJIL0.tfG E,:,iTS ~ PROVIDE RECESSCD WAU rtYORA.NlSAl PERIMETER Of BUILDING MiERf: REOulAf:DBY LOCAi. f lRE DEPARTMENT 5?A::1v10E t,t"-1 ........ 1.fOOTU.IO.E fi.l:RGENCY ILL.JMI...._T!ON Al 1N1ERIOFI t088IES ANOCQRR:O()RS RESIDENTIAi. OOENTRY CO~i YAROS TO PI.J8u: WAY tJQ,Jo«::; FlX IURt:S 5":)INN TC JU US IRATE GfNt:IW. UGHT INC,INTE~i OM.'f AOEOUAT( ILlUMINAT K)N LEVELS IS Tl-!E RE SPONSl&UTYOf THE HfCl RICAl. 0ESIGN ·8UILDCONTRACT~ 7 EJIJT SIGNS A.RE MINl'-UI REOIJIF!EO CON TR.ACTOR TO PROVIDE .-.COT1etw. D:.11 SIGNS AS REOUREO Bl AHJ S PRO\l!Cf BOllAROS ANO'OR OTrtER lUPAC I PR'OTECT l()N t.eEASlffSAT WE~LECTRJ::Al £0,JIPl,ENT 'MiEF!E EXPOSE D TO liOV'ING TRAFFIC Sf£ CU All .-.&4 01 r·-_·JJ_J ,--_-_·-_~)-._._·~-·~·-·-_·-_·-G)-.@_.. -~·-·-·-;;,~?-.-@A_~---·-_·-~·--·--·-·-C~_--_~---·-·-·-·-·-·-·Ct9--·-·-~}---~l 17 __..!.'. __ , ~5·0·_, ..!I.:....!.:._# 11'6"----+---1~ # 8~_!_'7 ,LJ:...,....-1!..__. ___ , !.~-, ~ # 18" ,t 8 -6112'" __ ,, ____ 25'10" 17~_ 10'0" # ! ,_ h __, -----1L:..!.... _.,._ ~ _.,. 11 -~ ,~·-~ , _1J ~ _,. _,,_. __ ,.__ , 6-6111' ,,.i. 25· 10-" ~--.. ---# 10-~ I '·"" ~ " bj~ 3~RRJ,"E:)A$$E."'8:,.f 2 MOUR RAfEO ASSEMBL '!' I HOOR RA.lf:D AS.S[MBL Y 'i:lN~if0.t.SSf\ol8..Y ltA..._.1,Sst "'81,,ra.., SHSHEf lli.1 CT ~-~:-. --d ~r 1 -__ -.. :=.:.:--·-: --bf -="~OS{TF~l·GE~-... RM; ... :r 1 . --~-1L-~ stRWfROHIAGEWIOSC.IPING _. _ !' ==JLi' r --! I..ANOSCAF\NGPERRM:•--1-010-f, -I bl ~ I J '------+----+--1 L ---···-~CESSIBLEENTRYR,U,F -1---=t=I ' " p==-=---,._, I , =f-: 1t--~1:::~-~ -t~-.-· F-tt===p==:======;=====,----1!:;;.;c:;;~'==~===:c:-c::,r=--=----·---------, ----- ~ Al 01 ~ ~ ' , 21'-4 1/T 26' /112" f' .. UNfi'l07~0PENSPACED: ~IT206PR/V TE OPEN SPACE EXTENTS ~ SPACE EX TENTS -~104PRIVA 1 1' o "" TlQ -j! . _t ---• ?/\Tl() LANDSCAPED I I "I,. I r,. 1~ (l" X.10 rJ O . I ; 15 C' A 17 ,· . .I.RU tYP -) I 1~. ~";'~1 ,-0 I ~ _ 150 ss ""J I o 1i1 Y ~ l!i3$f "" I ..l. ~l 1117 UNIT 206 PR."f'IE OPEN SPACE E.(TENT I.ANOSCA.Pf AREA -----, I I y·1-· (0) I I ~-~ . © I © : (:) I I 8 - ,... ::f±s-;t<,~---, n Cc' 1 , ~ -,j ~,L J . .._ l.'.:.J C"1<PY ABOVE--p I I G I r~, ~1 10 I~ ... l __ ____J 2! JBT-511•:._ ~-'lC" ,..1 ---@7,~- EAS YE NTRY BB ,,1 . ~ )87 "6, 1~! 10 1, ~- C.2 8 ORIGINA.l SHEE T SIZE lS 24'1)6" I Pl.OT DATE 1/2'5n01J 10 34 ;,,Q'-M \, .rm, , .. !'-.. . ....:.of ~! ~·· ... 1"-11 y -.::; ~- C:--~ @) , .. ~! ,01,~ 0 ~i ~- ~) 6.2 111 '110 -, ~ 'T 1 C0 13 -~\. o-Fi,,,,is=~"""'=i "" B.1 1,'1 ,211 ~~ :,.--l! I ~ 1S-O'X 27'-4" ! ~ (;', PAIi() ~ 410 Sf ·-·-·-·-· ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--~~ ~ lcl~P ')-;:· I 0 "'.:._@ <'N '-f '41 IL ~ ii "'\ C.l a 2i2 '111 11::::J1 I' - I~,; /ll: .I -\ :::.w r-:-1:----l.~h, A -----,---..--. Ti .-, I II ,-, ---' ®""'(A-2~/'-.~-C{C,. ""iw ... op ~"· -2 w 1'> ! -11 5·x s -·1 · " -/ 8 DEC~ 111\ 68SF --'~-,, ,i -~~r D' s ,, 8 © :z: / ~ ---u.NOSO,C..""' BELOW ~ ,,. . '! D.1 '" "'" D.1 l/1 '11J w~ .,.- ,1 - ~1 - ' G '-A2 ~ <f!<Oj',, ,.. 110 110 GROu(l LE\1£L?,Ull 14 , r A 1~· r;r m s, I S1t 213 PRIVATE 1 ~ 6 ~ SPACE EAl 1 1S I I I I I I ____ L_ -=~ ' EAST BUILDING · LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN rT\ SCALE 118' 0 1'-0" \]7 bl ,.,. b ' k ~ ' s, ·- b ~ '""' ~! ~ ' ~1 l i /":-'\ (2.; 12', .~ \..::/ 8 ~sJ \..6 -, 7 "·-- \ 8 ' /g'\ ~ ~ ....., g; s u -u ~ -5 QJ ro ~ ~ :g_ . ::, ....., "'0 !i ..c C, N -2 u ·so ~~ L. -"'-t . O"' rn c:~ "' . ~~ D.. "'"' fii "' -"' ro 'i;; f :J "' ~ D ~ bll r.J PROJEC T AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172 nd STREET , REN TO N, WA 980 55 CLIE NT AVANA RIDGE, LLI PROJECT ISSUf.S PRHIMINARY PUO BlULDlNG Pl RMI I BUtLDING PERMII R£SU8 ll BUiLOING PERMIT RC SUB 12 FINA LPUO SHEET OAT[ RE\11SIONS 12JZ'QJ201S llRW201S 1omno1, 1/11/2011 l/2<fi011 \01&'!6 1 01117,16 8Ull.DING P£RM1 RESLtiMI TTAI. OAAWN CHEC~ED PROJECT No SHEf l rmE l\'OI WI.U AMM ... ,,., EAST BUILDING · LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN ISSUE BUI LDING PERMIT RESUBMITIAL A2.32-E KEYNOTES LEVEL 3 AREA SUMMARY BUILDING ENV ELOPE NOTES FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES PLAN LEGEND "iAA4E AREA J 1 PROVIOEPOl£TRA r~·NRJP.fl.AStilNGAT 'lil ~'S Ah() SUDERS PER 8 E [)AAWING,S 1 T11 S ORJ,W1 ~ 1S INTEPO:O TORH ERE/£E OR SHOW CU~t ,tJ~ SIT E ;E,t,TuRES'M"ERE. .tf'PLI0.81..f ~fER TO CM~ 00 lANOSCAPE OR>'N'l'tGSf OR 1~0RM,t,T~ltOi SMOw~ rit:~ S£E St1EE I A1 00 FOA SITE P LAN INfORW..i,C)NS ----------ll1CX.IR RAT E0 ASSE MBL"r / ) ,,_ ---, / ·, /.......___ -·, ' @ @ r_ H (H1) (~-~ Q:t!) (0 {~1 \ J ; '-. ~-/ '--~ ,J 6~ 17 ,· ., 1ti·-o· , 17 -I" #------11· a· U 111,'1' , ! 6 ltr ,r-1 ·, /_i,..________..!J -1' , ....!L![__ , ll-1' ., 11' -~-J,-,,. 1111r • 1 r 1 _ur __ ,,_ - 0 R£SIOE NTIAL ~t07l8St ,onas.r ,-~ ~6 ~. ·---, Gi.·~;l~ /----, ~~ """---- 11 <r ,. 11114" #-,. #------11· 10 111,· "-"---#-n -11rr ----, ·- 2 PROYIDE P£NE TR.ATl()N WRAP & FlASH!~GA.T SWlNG ::oc,RsPERBE ~w:NGs 3 ?ROVlDE flA5tt.~ SEOIJENCl AT ~NH P!J,TES FOR CANOP'ESOR~<INCS 'ii,t,T REOi..1111£ A2 -PiECE fLAStt"-GPERB f ORAW'"IGS ~ SHBE CEl).Wl'wGSFOisT.t.RGE:~F"i.AS,.,.,-.C•OR MOUNT1NGFLAI P!.Ai ES iO EXit~'l h A..1.S ';, SHBE ~'N1 NGS .:0Rt1..ASt11JIIG iERt.lM',()Pwl(.fRf Af COi£ WAl.l S (WI IHOli f A :'.:AS1 REVE.'.:.i 6 SEE BE 00.WINGS FOA TYPICAL SE.A.lANi JOINI & BACKERROO I lNS1AI.L l l.A$h1NGl).PJOINTSPERBE ORA.WINGS s PRO'IIOE f .AShfllG@PIPE PEr-.ETAA ' ONSP£R Sf C1<AW ..OS 9 PRQVlOE '-l~ECE F.J,$,;"A,CQ...AAA i Pt:NCTR.A TIONS t,v.~ 'M U MY ACCEPT A 1 ?'fCE OI, OUIC U LAS,,CC\1.AR -SlJCh AS GAS 1,U E~ Pl'P!M'.iPE ~ BE OOWlf'tGS fl' ~../ /M----, '-.._.) ---· W-0' 9' 61!7 ,~--O' 9 6 117' 2 TrflS ~'MNG IS tNIENOEO roS,OWBUILCH~ SHELL ONL• SH ENlARGED UNIT Al'() COMMON ARfA PLANS fOR AOO TI ONAL INFOR.w.TION 3 GRI O?IITTE.RNS Wl"lRC SriOWN IN~lE l OC AIION Of SCORI. .INES fx.PANSION ..IOINIS ORCOtflRACliON.QiNTS IN TCWING SLABS AP() SLABS ON GRADE AJ.IGN Tt'IE SE JOI NTS WIT H{;PE N .,0;1n 1NL.NTPA"1:RS~~DESlALS"'"fRfll1E TWO t,U l SH .A/'()S(:A?f Cft/\W:J<,('",,$ f()R .-OOTKlNA!. IMfQRw.llOh , P'KJl,'1(:E Flf!E Cl:?ARll,ENT CCfll"'1:C TIONS (fOCJ AS REQ<JIRf:i) 6~" Ltx.A.l. ~IRt:. DU'AAIMt:N I fDC'S $MAU 6i REAOIL f Vl~&( Al() ACCESSIBLE Q.A STREE " FRONTAGE OR 'M-IE RE O~'t.Rw!Sc APPROVEOANO lOCAIEO.ll LEAST 10fEET At.•Y f~ Bl1L0ihG EXITS 5 PROV1CE RECl:SSE DW AU HYDRAN TS AT PE RI ME TER Of &JIL()M:. Wt1f:RE REOUl~C BY LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 6PRO\i1DE W!NlMl.M 1 f OOTCANDl.E Ellf:RGE NC Y 1LlUt.AINA l10t. AT INTERIOR l068iES OOCOAAIDORS RE ~CEN I W. ANO ENIRY C~TYARr,s 10 ?V6LIC "''AY l K,/'HING f"lXT~ES SHOWN TO IULISTRA.IE GENE.RAJ. UGtt lll<G INTf NT OHi. Y AOEC\IA TE IU\AIHAIION lEVHS IS THf RE SPONSISlllfY Of T~ H EC.TIOCAI.. 0ESIGH-&.tl0C0NTRA.CT0R TEAi i ~GNSARE MINlil.lM REWREO CC#,iTAAC TOR TO PRC!V'Ct: AOOrliOOAL EXU SIGNS ASREQUIRE Oar A.HJ g PROVl!X BOllAROS AN[)QA OTHE R rl.flW:.T PROTEC l KlN I.IEASVRE SAI '-ECHANICAUl:LECTRICAI. EOUIPME NT WHERf EXPOSED TO '-(WING TRAFF C SEE CHM 41M 01 ® ,---....,_ ~:) i~ 10' " <r 1) 10· --# 1r .o· 0) • 10·-cr 10'-0' , ~ 1 "" /N0VR AATf0 ASS("'8tY ',)I.JR RATEO ASSf Y& ~ "°"'·AA"E :;)ASSt "61.V ~AlLASSEl,6 . .'Y"AC, SESnf:ET..WC t ,, , s..;.-· (c,, ''J "> /'-. "' /~ 'c' -'E' 0-, i bl r-------,.,..c:;;;:;:::'::,=.,a,,,;..._ c1 'G' l.'.. v ..S, ~/ 0 \ 1 J lf ~';',. ~ ~ roil •f!ill' IJ!C• -..:.-, V '-_./ b !)Sf 7CC\ ~-''" 11 I ,s ~ --. I ~ ~ 0 ,,, cl ' -~ ~) (•2; lei ! <lliP-OJSf i' @ , .. ij! ,.. ~ M ~ 2 , --r-=--.;;..;:;;;a ~ ... . l.'..J <Ml> t b B .w ®' .• '" 1:: • ' ,, !• r;i I ·1 I 0 ·1 ~I 0 I ,., ,. ; . . .. ,! ,'~ . ·.~ ' .~?,, i. /4~• -1 ,1 , ,, ns, \ ~ I . '3<ll '{!:' I / '-._/ I <J;wo t, [ A 2 , \MIi ~If t:'!' ' 7 --1 -~ ;:: ~ ~ 's' i ~1 0 - ;I "I '--I . ril ! . ' ~! . ' . I ts') I r---'*7a ~-~ ~ I ~~t ;~; ~ '9) "'--0.1 '---- -,_, T~t,> EL TOR ,,, "' . I ~ I "" "" ~J '-I ..,..}5 ,o.·! t L -! ~ ,-f ~ L '! ·2 t i 0 I !I i.!l . .,, • 1\'Y, ,. : . rj~ ,~ 8.2 ----B.l C 1 '-'.!tO ns.r ~ -1 l]a, 111 W ,O 111 ~ · ·, ''" ' ~ '! "" ,.. ,111 ,.. ;,,', ,, • -I ... ~ -~ .. (l!i 0 -\ ,, : ~\j,) ~,!v '"! ~~ --0 ~! ®! . • Y! b-r-(8 8 : + ------"''" . ~ w It!> ;I_ 0 ------------,... .. . ., l'iS , f DE C• ''" ~ • • ( 9 "" ~ 0 ~ '--'·i ~;' " ::0 0 (e) ;.. -----: ... ~ \_~_) l-:-v -0 1·1(): \.' / .,...__1.!.:.1..lf'l" :, 1u.:...._ __ 26 ·4 117 11 1 1'7 !~ , ~ o:__--------------+ 73' Bl/2" 1~·. o· 11 1 11r ----+---25 10" , 1r -o·. 10·. ir "" <r EAST BLDG · LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN SCALE 118" = 1'-0" --tB OR1Glt,w, ShEE T SIZE 1S2'"•l6" I PLOT DATE IR~1710.3.U~AM ...., m E u 0 0 -u g:1~ QJ "' -;t ~ -::, ...., Q) 0 E O'> !t ..c ~ ~ - u =>o ~~ '- .c: _ t:: . 0.,., re c:~ ~ :g aiN D.. ~ ~ "' ~ $ ::J D .,., ~ L.. bn r.J ~,'114~.ul(MlfCI & ... , ....... 1,111\tw(C, PROJEC T AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172nd STREE T, RENTON , WA 98055 CUENT AVANA RIDGE, LU PROJE CT ISSUES PAE UMIMR~ PUO BUIL DtHG P£RMH BU1 LD6HG P{Rfril l RESUB 11 BUI LDtHG PlRMI T RlSU811 FINAL PU0 SHE ET DATE REVISK>NS ()RAW N CHECK ED PRO JE CT No SHEE T tlTLE 12/19(101!, 12(191'101 !, 1();21111016 111 11201 ·1 11l&'101 1 1.,..,, lVO I WC U A.IIIM BJP 11'5 EAST BUILDING • LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN ,ssue BUILDING PERMIT RESUBMIIT AL A2.33-E ~ o""' °" b I , 'j :, :i ~ :,I I ~1 !:, ~ r -, H '~-...,.,, i.!l -, 0 ~ ~ 'H.1 '----, l •:, ;_!} 1; _r 17 ,. ::it:::•. ., ,,·-.s -, ,H3) , _ _,, ,, .. ,s .. ~··-...., ·-..: /~ ~ , .. '"' ::.D~2.., Si't '~ ""' ·a n.6 r 6J Sf 10· J 11r , - ft ~- CJ :f.1 1 """ C.2 1,1 "" 0 ... :,, -+----_,a· s· a-, ~- ORIGlhAl SHEET SIZE IS 1.t'1l6· I Pt.OT OAT[ 1(2!"101 1 10 34 )1 AM ,-, ~~ , ,-- ~] ~ l KEYNOTE S (I) G~ ~ ,.---, ~ ' j I {_~{~ \._j \.:_ __ .) "" .. 11 1' 11"-8" • 14 11 1/T , !" 6 UT .. ~3" 1" . " .. ll'-9'" 14 111'"1" 11 '-71/l" " .. .3, " -..:) , ~ ~~ , LEVEL 4 AREA SUMMARY _--~-- ~SIOENTIAI. @@ ,. 'i 114' ,.,- "'" 101 )& Sf ,o,~sr @ 11'-10114" , BUILDING ENVELOP E NOTE S 1 PRO\o1DEPEr£'AA IION WRAP h,AS,,.INCAI WINOOWS 00 SUDERSPERB ~ :R.lo.W'!NGS 21)pQ,10E?t~·RA.t iOh WRAP&f 1ASttN:;A.TS wt"f(; ::o:)RSPERS!~w.t.cS 3 ~Ya f i..-\.Sli!lfGSEOt.10£~ .1,· ~~ll P\.AHS;Cl'< ~ESORRA.lll~l !"Jo l ~().AR[J.;'PiEct H.AShlNG PERS E ORAMNGS , SEES~ ORA'M -.GSiQ'l"ARGf 'FL>SMiNC'OR t,i(H,INTll'K; FL.A l PI..J.IE S TO U TE RtOR 'N.AL l S S SEE 9 E OR.AWit.GS FOR tlASf11'+::i llR'-11 "'.U(Wl;fV Al CONC WAL LS (Wl l!10UI A CA ST REVEAl! 6 SEE 8 E DAAW~GS f 0 !o: I YVICA.! st.ALAM JQINI & BAC"ER ROD ! tNSl&lFLA SiiHG LAP.IOI NTSP(RBE OR.A'NINGS B PROVIDE fLASh1NC@PIP£ PCNE.TRA IIONS Pffl BE DRA.MNGS i PRQ,"0£ A 2 PIECE flASH ING COUAR ll.T PENflRA HOM it<oi,I 'NI U NOi ACCE Pl A 1-P!ECE 0.-:l QIJO.flAS,,COll.AR SlCt1kSG.ASt.E l f Rpt;,1NGPER BE OR.A MNGS (0 j @ 1~· O"" 8"·61f2" ,!,-- ,_ -'?1·1 17" -1~ o· ·-~ e· &11r " 0 0 © DEC< ,, s·x s· 6' (c_..2) l0 ,.. G~ '--' ~<~·~, .!:. 2 {)-~· -~ ' ;~ ... <wn> '"' 63Sf © ,, t_ ___ ~Oj) "" \II .... I: i C l 11:i 1311 B.1 ;---. ~ -. ~ 1%,_ ~,,II r ~ W~J; DEC,:. r ,~ 13'·10'X5 -0" ltt--q:~ ™>-p ~O! i8Sf 0 I "" ,.. "" 11 I 8 26 4 1,7' tJ 1112· -~ ,so· ~'t ~- W-,J ,.. "';', Dfc.< /~'1 0"X$': ' 60Sf ____ _____lL:_!__l_L HC -0" W"YJ 8 @, ~- ,,, ""' 15" O' @ ~ ... STAIR E2 '-~!V 11 7 17 FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTE S PLAN LEGEND © (!) 1 THIS OAAWINGtSIN!ENOEO 10 REFERENCE ORSMOW CE!HAJ N SHE FE.All.ffS WHERE AWtlCA&.E REFER TOCN1L AAD LANOSCAPf ORA'M NGS f OR INfORW,Tl()N 'OT Stt::lWJ-i nERE SH Srf.EI A1 00 FOR SH E Pl.AN 1Nf0RW.110NS 'l l klS ~Wl ~IS !NTENCEO IOSttOW 6UlDNGSl1ELL 0Nt Y SEE EN...ARGEOUt,jii AN0C0 "'4MON ARfA Pl.ANS fOR AOOI TIOOAL 1'4FORIM,T i~ )GRIDPAIIERNS 'MiERE SHOWN lliOCA IE LOCAl l()t,j OF SCORf LINES Efl'AASIOJ<i JOI NT S OR CONTRACTION .IOIN1S IN TOPPING SlABS 00 SI.ABS ON GAA£X A.UGN lHt.SE .X:MiTS WITH Q?E P<I .i0iN1S *'UNT ~A>'f RSON Pi.DEST~$ M1ER£ TH[ TWO MEET SEE .ANOSCAP[DR,l'MNGSFC'lf!AO[)ITIOfrroo\l NfORW.·,o,.i , PROV'DE f rRE C(PARl l,f;N i CQN,IE CTIONS tFOC) "-S Rf.C/lJIRf.D ar LOCAL ilRE DtY ,V<T\il:NI HJC--S ~-BE REAOl ~ Vl$jBI..E ... NO ACCESSl8l!: ON A STRE ET ~RailAGE OR M-tERf Olrt:R1¥St. APPffOV£000 LOC AT ED AT LE AST TO FEET A~J.Y fROM81Jl.!::-M'.'. EXJ TS 5PROV1DE RfCESSEO WAU HYDR,AN TS AT PERME T~ROf Bi.ALOI...C WHERE REOI.JIREO e, l OCAl flRE DEPA.RI ME.NI 6 PROV!OE MINIMUM 1 FOO TCAl'O.f EMERGE.t-CY ILlUMl ~T.O,,.>,i INIERIOR L00Bl f S"-NO CQR.RjOORS RESIOEl'I TIALAM'.l ENT R~· C()I..RIYAROS TO PU8UC WAY LIGHT ING FIX TURES SHOWN re 1..LVSTIU.I [ GENERAL LIGHTING INT ENT OM. Y AC{QUA TE lllVMINAT IC.lNlE'¥EtS IS HE Rf$PON$jB1UfY Of Tr£ EL EC TRICAL. DESIGN 8UllDCONTRACTC'lfl I EXJ I SIGNS AAE MIMMUM R:EOUlRED CONTRAC TOR TOPROv!Of AOOrTIONAL EXJl SIGNS AS REQUIR£0 8 Y A.HJ $~V!OE BOl.~ANO"OROTrt:Rll#'AC T PROTECT ION i.EASURf:SAT MECMNICAI.JHECTRK:AJ. EOUPMENT INM[R[ €XPOSEOT 0 r.JViNGT RAiflC SEEOE:I AJl 4'M 01 IN' ---------(()\ (N.5) ~ \. _ _/ 15 10· i~-10" _J '! ~ 0 1~ 10" __, 11 a· 17 .. ~! /~t •t 1, o· '-·-· , ., ------l.__.., , t Q'.Q' , 10-·0' ~ "' D.1 l i t 1401 D.1 3'1 "13 ·, ~) DfC < 9"-11')./ 3' llSf A -'l ~1 ! ~Ql) r~, ~- ,) ... , _,_o·o __ -~ ~j (;' -· EAST BUILDING -LEVEL 4 FLOOR PLAN ~ SCALE 1/8" ; 1'-0" (1) 1 HR :i t _ l ~I ' !j ~ s ~ '"I b l ~I ""'i ;! ~ ... 1 C, " " b ~ ,,. ~..__ 3'1CXJR R.l:::t ASStM&'f 2~AA·D._SS ~~v l~R.ATE C.1..ssn.e .. • ~-RATED ASSE U61.'f- 'NAl.lASSEMSl.'flAG Sfi 51-i ET "901 (0 1--'::\2 - ~i I 3 "· v ,----..._ , 4 ' .'-..____., f ~\ \~ f 5'\ \..: '.) r, 7 ' \__'._ (-\ 8 / .~ \ / (10) ¥J g 00 u "' .c ~ ~ -a_ ., ::, E£? ro a, !I C) "' ~- ~g ,::_'"' c- Q<C> <= (D ., <') ::, (D <= C) ., "' ~ ~ "' 'iii t ~ ,._ ..... ~ ... THI N; PROJEC i ...., u QJ ...., ..c u L.. ro D.. ::::J D L- bl1 raJ -"\lt~l )'N:~IMD AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172nd STREET ,RENTON,WA 98055 ClfN T AVANA RIDGE, Llt PROJECT ISSUES PR[UMiNARY PUO BWLDING PE AMII Bi.JjLDIN G P[RMII RESUB 11 BlHUMNG P[RMIT RESU B 12 FINAL PUO SHEE T DAT E RE \11Sl()NS ORAWN CHEC KED PROJECT No SHEET rnu: l2/l91'201 ~ l2/l9.'201 S l0i1&'2016 l /11/201} l/?&'201} 11)7&'16 LIJOI W[U AMM BJ!' "" EAST BUILDING · LEVEL 4 FLOOR PLAN 1SSUE BUILDING PERMIT RESUBMITI Al A2.34-E £As: fk.11.D.W ... A.i..lC)','iA8l[ H(.c,-· tt iRM:.::4-2-1100) A(O IIONAL ~C •f (,Mi '6 ·-t't:IGhT AL~OW"8Lf 10 'z' o ,n ~,r I Mi(:POjNT Ofs,,rn ~ 1t"EST B1)l()ir.G ~lOWA.BLEl-tflGH I &IT l'WIYOS€0 HE~T ~; 5· ~ ~ ~~ I ~ n !,,. ----~ --.J. -_ --E'--~ .... ,w I!) b. ~ . - ~ 0 ~ ~~o i'i~ '''." "' . · I : : "' ,~ .J · D n~I, F J; 410' 1114· H1"·3 11'" "' HEIGHT DIAGRAM SCALE 1" = 50'-0' -tB iJ ~( A.l2\'4,i'1 -, r-.. -, 0__,, t -~ -!_) i i ~ ~ --..~ ,,----. ~(r~ (\:-._~ .;:::-:;, ,'---C_)~:38) U~~~J ·~\!_) t~ A.l21W ,-,- r-__s-----, r--L ____ _r--1 r-_r -----, L _...J I I I r-_l L~ : I I I 'l I I : r1 I I I I L, I I I .. --.r--1. _ -.r '----,_ __ _;-'---___ .,-L __ __/"""°-_J ,, ' ~ A)2'0 ft' KE Y PLAN. OVERALL ELEVATION. SCALE 3164" = 1'-0' e~ ' AJ I IE r --'--__,--'---------1... _ .r-_,--I r --1. __ 5--, _J I I I ,-L_J I I L-, I I I I r I ~ I I Al11l 1 L I -, I I ('. rJo / I I ~ r~ i I I ___ _s--, _r--.,---._ ________ "1.. __ _r-._ __ _r--J L_....r L __ ' ''> ,Uli).f '--- (c~, (c;') /'~~\ 1 ~ (@ 0) @ 0)~~ ~~~ G)@ r-Nl . N.5) 'O') 0 "--~~/ \'.._ '--7 \.:../ I 1E -- ~ 8~~~(~X'00 ~ ~·r r,-r -:'\ {~) 1\__1_) -- ~~~ ? OVERALL SITE· SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE 1116" = 1'-0" -[ .~, I ~.,-·, M . L 1 \.__..,.-.. __ / ....., ,,----. (, '- \__o j ~! ~- - ~1GINAJ.SHEE:1S1Zi:rS2t',l6" I P,0 1DATE lfl!ill01J10 ~11~AM ,~ ~, - ,.--..._\(. .......... (~3 ~;;\__~/ 1 G' (F .6'' \.:../ \.'...._-~}) (_F)(E) ,,----.©,.---, .. --.... " ,,...-, ,,.-, ..-·- (~ D -~-~)(~,(2~3)(_c) r:;-.. --,. ' ~) ~--5 , \__A_/ - -~ OVERALL SITE · NORTH ELEVATION 1 1 I SCALE 1116' = r -0· A)O, I __J °' E ..., ~ ~ a, ~ u "'~ 3: ~ QJ .9i 5 "' -"' °' ..., !i 0 "' ..c ~- ·50 "'"'"' u . .,.. ~~ L. C:"' Q) M :, "' ro c:O Q) "' ,. "' 0.. .l!? .!ll "' ::J f ~ D ,-.. L- bf) r..:1 ~~ ~ PROJECT AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172nd STREET ,REN TON ,WA 98055 Ef§8 BsEEf CllENi . , AVANA RIDGE, LU PROJl:C I 1SSVES PRELIMINARY f.'UO 12/191101) BUH DING PlRMI T 12/l9rl'Xl1~ BlHLDING PlRMI T RE SUB 11 l o.'l&/?016 8lNlDtNGP£RM1T R[SUB l 2 111mo11 FINAl PUO 112'&1?01 I SHEE T DATf REll'ISK>NS OAAWN CHEC KED PROJECT Pio 1()7Wl6 lVO I WH BJP "" ----·-- SHEE T TITLE OVERALL PROJECT ELEVATIONS issue BUILDING PERMIT RESUBMIIT Al A3.01 ,,-~\ /~ :,~_,)(~JI ,.----. (H3\ '-.._j (E) GRADE " ORIGl"IAL SHEE T S IZE 152,·,36· I Pl.OT DA.TE 11&"2Clll 10 fl 13AM 10 : 9 8 ------ ,H.6 , '-../ --~ I '\ . •'--I ~ I /,~\ ~o-d 7 ~ ~v 6 ) ( 5 (4 3 \2 )1 i (ca >' -·~ .~' EAST R4~~F. ~ ~; ~ EAST · L 4 E 1 j~L 9 : s EAST · \E~~\~ ~ EAS_T -Li~~: 3~ ~ ~: _/ (E)GRADE -............... -~------- EAST BLDG -AVG ~ L..~~~~~~~~.;;...::::: GRADE 38i"-1 3132" EAST BLDG-EAST ELEVATION 2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" A.)10-f ~ ~ / .-" ~~ I'-~/ (7) ../ @G~ Q_B; - ,.--....., \~~ EXTER IOR MATERIA LS SCHEDU LE "''" EXTERIOfiMATERIAI. 1 BRCK THIN VEl'i:ER JF IN ISH MANJFAC TURER ~NJSti SPEC f lCAIION COIAENTS ... , WTU AL MATERIAL S Sl!WR(;K EBONY cs 1 ~NI BOAR0PANELS SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 603,4 AR~S TING ALIBURN cs, CE '-':NtBOARo PAAHS ShERWIN Willi.AMS SW 6442 f<HU MBA ORANG( CID CEMENT BOARD SIONG SHERWIN Willi.AMS SW 61S1 -ICE CuBE cs, CHE Nl BOARD PA.NHS SHERWIN WlLIAMS sw6004 Ml-.. ----- CONC 1 'AA0111ECTuRAL CONCRE. TE BUILDING ENVELOP E NOTES -ELEVATIONS SH 9 f ClRAWI-.CS !'.()A WOOU(:T w-.·RJ,:,. GENE AAL NOTES ANO SC~OOlES PQQv1Dt Pf:!,('R,l,TIONWR>i'IJ()f\.ASHl ~AT WIN00WSP£R BE OOWINGS PQ()VIDf PE~lRAT10N WfW' Al SWING D00RS ANOSLIOl~PATl0 ~SPER8[ DRAWINGS PRO\/IDt FU.SHI~ ANO PENETRATION WR)J> AT KNlff PU.TE PENETRAT IONS PER BE OAAWING.$ ~V,Df A SOLD£RED0Pf1.ASHl~AT TARGE TS fOR WAlt ~TE0 Al 1ACHMEN1SPER BE ~~INGS ~\/,0£ PENElAA JIOr,, WRAP .t.NO H ASHl r«:iA T UTILITY B0XESPER8E DRAWINGS ,wfJIW.SANOSI M 1TEUSPERBE DR.II.WINGS ~1/,D( A 1-PC FtASii:NG AROUt()Pff,CONOOIT~ S.B PE NE TRATIQhSPERB[ OOWINGS P'RQ'/,0[ i-PC fL.ASr11~ -.1 LOCATION S THAT Wi ll NO i ACCEPT A \-PC PER EH DRAWINGS PfK}'/,D£~LASt1ING ATMETE RS SW1 1ChGEARS.£TC PfRB r DRAWINGS 10 SH SE 00WlNGS~ORFLU~HOSE 8l8 A1 CO,,,CR[TE SH S E ORAWINGSfORA HPICAJ.. SE ALANT JOlNT '? SEE BE DRA~'-GS ~OR A.~ERf Cul l lAs.tilNG TERMINATION AT CON::.::RETE l l SEE BE ORAiNiNGS f OR lYPICA.l f lASHING LAP .ONT ANO WFlS STRIP BE.t11 NCI flAS.tll NG LEG SEE B t CAAWiNGS i OR TYPICAi. MElAI. SIDING ASS[M&.Y It, SEE Bi: DRANiNGS f 0H TYPCAJ..FIB[RC(MENlSl!)NG ASSE~8LY EAST BUIL!lh!G .U.ONA.81..E HEIGrH 46 iRMC '·i·1100) AOOI TIONl.l. i b ,31 ~ 111· Ml{))()i;NT OF Sito ROOf ;,qopose o Mt tG,;t 46' 1 ~ HEIQi T AlLOW.\BLE ro ~ ~~ = 1:rrr -:iJ::~f 1--rtJZ--ir t KEY NOTES 'l'\IE S1 &JtlDI NG .\LLOl,IA&.EHEX.,tfl ,r-6• PROPOSE.D li:1G,11T ,r·-6· ,JOINT PATTERN PER Elf\i.ATION 'a·HORl.lONIAL JOIN T PA TT ERN 'oi, --- 'SMOO rHF N 1SH 0 "' ~ 311 a 1,,· , .. ,. .. ,. n '613 'f "r rl I tm=-1al '° ~ L),, \'--CM) ~ HEIGHT DIAGRAM SCAL E 1" = 50'-0" ~~--- ~ ~- r----. IN .5) '(_./ ~-\__~) tB EAST R4~~£ ~~t-~ ~ EA S T \E,jE_L 95. ~ :. EAS T· L4~~~\~ ~ :. EAST · Lfg~~-L 3~ S EAST · L:ii!~~~f. ~ / 1'AST'at:OG · A~ GRADE ,~ "'I 387' . 1 3132· ~ ;,i I EAS T -LEV~ -------377' · g · "J EAST BLDG -SOUTH ELEVATI ON SCALE: 118" e 1'--0" 1 I ~ --------~---------~~ --_ _J "' E ..... ~ ~ O> .c u "'e ~ "' a. QJ ~e !i ..... 0 N ..c ~- ~g u €~ 0 '° "-C <D Q).., ~ :g ro !l!"" "' D.. ~ "' ~ ~ ::J '° D .., !::: L.. btl r..:J ~~ ~ •.l!!'(,ll(U,~l{(I K PROJECT AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172nd STREE T,RE NTON ,WA 98055 I EOO~ Cl1£N l . 1 AVANA RIDGE , LU PROJECl 1SSuE~ PRH IMU~ARY P'UD BVllOIJrfG PlRMI I BlMLOlfrfG PfRMI T RlSUB ,1 BUILDING P[IUilll R[SUB 1? f llrCAl PUO SHE £1 DA TE REVISIONS OAAWN 1m9/l01~ 121l9/l01~ 10i28/l0 16 1111/2()1/ 1/?G'Xlll 10'21'16 LVO I WEL CHECKED 5JP PROJECT No l~~ SHE.El TITLE EAST BUILD ING ELEVATIONS SM BUILDII«; PERMIT RE SU8Mffl Al A3.10-E o'\ ,,--, (N.5) '-._/ f,-D ,N "- -- ORIGI~ W ET StlE IS ?"1)6· I Pl OT OAT[ l/2~017 10-U )(:,AM 1-) 2 (3) CB 3 ~r "-~) ~~B 1 r:-, . M J '"--' ~·;) -~ .-~ r's'\ (6'· ~,,-, Ii 7 ,, -~ l!J2 ~ \..__j -) \.._j CB,3'. -, __ ,/ . ·c" \.._ / ce4 \.._ CB 1 ) - EAST BLDG-WEST ELEVATION SCALE 118" = ,.--0------ 1~·-5 c$; . ../'-. - @ _E6ST ~~~.F { i; ~ EAST · L 4 E 1 i ~L g~ ~ EAST L4~~~-L0~ ~ _EAST · \\~~-L 3~ EAST-LEVE~ 388Y.6" 'J EAST BLDG · AV(;~ GRAD E 387' -1 3/32" EAST· Liri~\~ ~ 2 r ,1J11 e1 (;Y,~ ~ 1"/) \__ / EXTERIOR MATERIALS SC HEDULE I . MARK r ·[XTERIOR WITERIAl ~~N:.TuRER: F~SHSPECfCAl~ ~ ~lCK THN 111:r,E ER !MUTUAL. WtTERLALS Sll'-tiAICK · EBONY CB-1 ICEMENTBOARO PANEL S 1 51'1ERYt/\NW1Ll lAMS ISW 60J.4 -ARREST~Al..8UR1'1 C&2!~TB0ARDPA.NElS -SHERw'lN'""'w lLLf/11.CS SW64A2 RHJ llllA.OAANGE CB-3 CEI.ENT 80.ARD SIDING ;SHERW IN WILLIAMS SW 6252 · ICE CUBE CS-4 CEMENTOOAAOPANEtS i SHE.RW~WILLIAMS SW6,00,4~ , CON: 1 ARCHI TEciUAAt CONCRC T[~ .--=---- BUILDING ENV ELOPE NOTE S· ELEVATION S SH.B E DRAMNGS ,'QR ~T MA TR:x. GEM:W NOIE S AHJ SC-t:MES PROVIC{ PE NETRA TION WRJoP 00 FI.ASt1hG AT rlf''-OOWS PER 8 E DR,1,'l"tlNGS PRQ',11(.( PE NETRATION WR/li'.4.1 SWINGOOORSA.NO S,.1[)1,-C P.4.IIO DOORSPERS !: DR>.to.c;s PROVtOE Fl.ASHING ANDPEt-1:TRATION WR>P AT ~NIFE Pl.ATE PE""=IRM ~S ?E R B E DAAY.1/IIGS PROVIOf .4. SOI.OE REOC.4.P HASHING AT TARGE TS FOR WAll WUHi EOATTA.CMIIE.N lS P£R 8 E OOYl'"IGS PROVIOE PENE TRA TION WRAP AND Fl.ASHING .4.l UIIU I Y BO XES PER BE DRAWI NGS ~LS ANO S4M ll[MSPERBE DRAWi~ PROVtO( A 1 PC fL.As,t NG AROONO PIP[.CONOVllll10SE BiB PENE TR.AT ,ONSPl:RB E ORA!'VtNGS ~VICE H'CHASHINGAI UX:AJIONS THAT Will NOT ACCEP T" 1-PCPERB E DRAW1NGS S P'tOVtetFlASHiNG ATl,l£TE% SWllCHGEARS flC PER BE Oi:l>.W'liGS •O SEESE ~W.NGS FOR Fll,IS,,r()SEBl6 .4.TCOl'£R£TE SEE BE OR.AW':~ FQfl A ~ SEALANT JCxNT 12 SEESE DR,t,wP<£,SFQfl A~E Rf Ct.T FtASHNG 1ER'-INAI IONI.TC0t£R£1[ 13 SH BE DAA'MNGSF(l'(IY?ICAI.Ft.ASHiNG LN'.O"il .V.O~SiRf>6E rt!'Ol_.s.rt~.EC ,, SHBE (nW:t.GSFOR TY PICAl.1.1£1"1.S,OING.t.SSEM&.~ 15 SH BE W WT~SFOR IYPICAl.fl &RCEMENT S.ONG.4.SSE t.161..Y G~) ........ ·~;> .0": \...J - ~, ~~· (~_3) KEYNOTES I coWNTS- • JOINT PAT TE RN PER ElE'VA TK)H • &' f10Rll0,..1At JOINT P .C..TTERl\i 0 Gll 0 sa.«)()Tt1F1N1S,, I,,,..-·-.....,_ 1.ti J (H) __ Ef<SI R4~~F ; ~f.-~ _ E.8ST · ~E1iE\~ EAST · L4~~~-L O~ ~ EA~: L3~~~~ 3~ ~ EAST BLDG -A VG ORNAMENTAL G RAD~ "'"'" 387' -1 3/3 EAST -LEvel./2 I'\ 388'-~ EAST -\fl~~\: ~ SE 172ND ST · f:AST BUILDING NORTH EL EVATI O~ 1 j SCALE 11s·; r -0· , ,, ", "' E ~ 8 "' .c "'" ;i:"' a. te ![ ~ 2 - -~g €~ O"' C: <O "'('} => <O C: 0 Q)N > "' ~ 1 ... f:2 +J u QJ +J ·-..c u L.. ro 0.. ::) D L. bl'I r.J \>i~ ~ PROJECT AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172 nd STREE T,RENT ON,WA 98055 I 009 ~~ CUENT AVANA RIDGE, LU PROJEC I IS SOt S P RlllMINARV PU O SUIL OING l>(.IU,UI SUltO!lrfG P(RMIT R£SU6 11 ButtOWG PlRMIT R[SUS •2 f lNAl PuO SHEET DATE RE\/'\SIONS 12/~101~ 121nixm 1~2B.1101G 111111011 1/1&1011 1trl&'16 1 01117116 BUI.DING P ERMIT RESL.6MIIT AI DRA WN CHECKED PROJECl No l YU /WH ... SHEET TIT LE EAST BUILDING ELEVATIONS "" 1ssuE BUILDING PERMI T RESUBMITIAL A3.11-E 10' 9 \ 8 ' -f-r", \...:_.,/ (6) (s ') ~8 4 " . ·' CB 3 0 '; {A.5'. '--' t c \ \_:,/ /--, ,,,..., ~3)~J ' B '-- --------------- ORK.IW... Si1((1 Sl?E IS 74°l)6° I PLOT DATE 1/1~11 10·4101 AM ~ ? /''->, . I\~/ I 3 ( 2 \, 1 ' '--\ V{EST~~?A;~:~ _ WEST -Lfo~E\~ ~ WEST -Lfg~E\~ ~ lE!GAADE WEST · Lfs~EL g~ ~ WEST -LEVEL2....ci 3U Ill" 'J ________/ WEST -AVG "(,RADE c, 371 · -4 3116··\J WEST BLDG -EAST ELEVATION I ~~w I SCALE 118"= r -0· --·-- ~ ' -~ ~tl ~.' /" ........ ~, - ~ 4 10- ,----..._ 1D5_\ ~ - E EXTERIOR MATERIALS SCHEDULE FINISH SPECflCA I ION =~---COMJ,l:N1S "'"' .()INT PAT1'ERN PER ELE\IATION ·~AL .)()INT PATT ERN .. --···-· ···---SW 60()( MINI( -----G-32 -- ,r~T••-•· A ~•-~-r•r . _SMOOTHF.f.l l_SH __ BUILDING ENVELOPE NOTES -ELEVATIONS SH 8 E MAW-tlwGS FOR PROO.JCT 1,,1,A TR;i.l. CENFAAI !..OT!-S -'HO sc,.-W1.£S ~VIDEPEJE TRArlONWR>P AN()Fl.1,SMIM:, AT WlNOOwSPf.RBE DR.&M~S ~'tOEPEJE TRAriOH WAAPA TSW.NG ~OOSl..11)NGP &l ll)[X)()RSPHIBE ~Wl~S ~·()E fLAS.-tNGANQ?!:PE TRATl()N WRJ,P &T (Nl;E Pu.I [ PENURA!K)NSP[RB E CIAAl\o~i'fGS ~A so..NRf:00P 'l.}.Sl1NG AT JARGf.lSIOA W"1.l. '-l()UN!£0All4CHMEN1SPER8E ORAW.NGS ~Pff'.f'AAll()N WR,IP~HASriNG I.T UIIUIYBOJHPfRBE OHAl'tlf'fGS ~.S OOSlM 1TEMSP£RB E l',)AAw,,...;;s PROVO( A 1-PC H>,$11NGAA0UNDPIPE.(:0tOJ111t()Sl SIB PENETRATIONS PER BE DRAWINGS PROVO£ 2PC TL.AStfMi Al LOC.t.T IONS lt<,t,T Will r«JT ACCEPT A \-PC PE R BE ORAWl,«;S S ~ HA&11NG AT UE:TERS, SW11CHC£AAS ETC PER BE DRAWINGS 10 SHBE DRA.WINGSF0fl ftUSr1H0SfBiBATC01'(;RE1E 11 SHB E DRA.WINGSFORA IYPICALSEAI.AKT JOINT 11 SC E SE ORA.WINGS fORAi.ERf CUT FLASHING lE RMINATIOt-. Al COOCRETE 1} SH SE DRAWINGS FOR TYPICAL. fl.A SHING LAP JOINT A~ WRS STRIP 8EMIN0FLASH1t-.C l f.G 1, SH Sf ORAWINGSFORTYPICALMElAlS/Ol~ASSEMBLY 1~ SEESE ORAWINGSFORTYPICAL.flBERCEMENTSIDl!'.GASSEM&.¥ KEYNOTE S £.&.S lt1UllUINti NESTSIJLJi ',iG .&.ll°"'11A8lE !'t:IGlil 46' R..::4-1 11 00, A.001~ AU Ot.11.&.E ttflGM T ,1 ~- PRCKlSEO HEIGtH 46 ! "tlG,,I AJ..lO.,.·A&.f JO ~SEO Ht;C,,-11 •T-6" ! t" '31' 1112" \I IJ'O,I Of SltDaoc, b i.~' : --;-"",,,..':,._1.,·· ,,,,. Oob -- 1~,1 ~ § "" ; 8 \."' 1117 '" [&! 8 .11 ::1 -" \!.J 0 ~ WEST HEIGHT DIAGRAM SCALE : 1· = 50'-0" f~ f G\ \_ __ ') EB WEST :,~~F1 i ~: ~ _ WEST -\~~~L} ~ ~ST -L3\~~\~ 5 WEST -\Ea~~g~ ~ ___ WEST -J, 3 ~~EL 0 ~ ~ -------...._ \/VEST AVG \__ GRADE 1' 371' -4 3116" \J _ WEST -~~';'=\~ 5 WEST BLDG-SOUTH ELEVATION ~ SCALE 118" e r-O · J/7 811,· en E ~~ en ~ "'e 3::"' ~g ""~ !i ~ -~ :::, C, "'"' ~~ c:<D <1)"' :::,<O C: C, ~N "' ~ ~ ~ "' ~ ..-J u QJ ..-J ·-..c u L. re 0. ::J D \,_ bll r..:1 ~~ ~ .,ltl iullOUPoUIC .. 'tCI• Ml ll~..,l~llt 'i,U lwl O PROJEC T AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 106 15 SE 172nd STREET , RENTON , WA 98 055 8tffi .,afEE ~ CllE NT AVANA RIDGE, LU PROJECT ISSUES PR( UMIAAA't' PVO SUllOI~ P£RMIT Bult()IJ«; P[J;UMT R[SUB 11 BultOING P£RMH R[SUB 12 flNAl PuO SHEET DAr E RE VISIONS DRAWN CHECKED PROJE CT NO SHEET l !Tl f 12129(201~ 12129(201~ 10/'2812016 11171?011 1126/20 11 UY2&'16 LVO IWf.l OJP 1'41 WEST BUILDING ELEVATIONS ,ssu, BUILDING PERMIT RESU6MIIT AL A3.20-W /-, '. G . '-.../ ORiGlf'W. SnEf l SIZE 1S 24"136" I PLOT OA TE 1l2S/2011 10·•l 21 AM ;;> ." 2 3 ~ _WEST :i'to",{~: ~ _ WEST · Lfo~E\~ ~ WEST · L 3 E 9 -:\~ ~ WEST -L:fs~~\~ ~ WEST -L 3 E7~~\~ ~ WEST · AVG_ GRADE \6' 371' -4 31 16" ,:_y --------------------=-----------------------------------.---------- WEST -L:f6~E-L 3~ ~ f)GRA!>' ,,..-----., e , ~} /:'\ ~ \ ( E ' \._:__/ WEST BLDG -WEST ELEVATION -BENSON DR !~~ SCALE 118' a 1'-0' -- ~ ,,---, (e3 (:) (D)r@.s) 8 ---i~ -·~ ...,...:. 0 . :=-;.,. .: : --~ --·-··-·----~----------·. ,----.._ ~·~ ~~~~·~.;-0-. ·-----, F --1 ----;:::::=-; -___ , ___ _ .,... l ~ . . • []. {~-=-@]-, . ' l ~ . J..!.J· . ·";" .':'.~ ' -- ,--.... -, !C .3, 'C.2, '-./ '-./ ----c '-- EXTERIOR MATERIALS SCHEDULE -~ lnrs.,.~ ;~~~:TER~ BUILDING ENVELOPE NOTES -ELEVATIONS S.Ef SE OOw'lt..cSFORPflCOI..CT """;~,.__ GH•ER>.. MJ IES AJ,/0 SCHEOUl.fS ~JEPfNEIRAtlON 'ltF.,i,P,t.N()~V.S,..U..CA i Ml(X)WSPERBE DRAW NCS P'IDVICE: ::if:t'i:IRAflOh WAAfJ AT S~NG [)(X)RS I.HJ ~ICXNG PATIO CXX)RSPE~ BE OAAW:N"...S ?RO{lCE: Fl.ASrlNGANOPOif TRATl()N'M<,AP Al u•ff Pl.ATE P(Nt:I RAT 10NSP€R BE CAAWlNGS ~ A SCdlEREOCAPFLASti!NG•T i .l.RGETS F~WAH lilOUN'TEOAITACHMEN ISPfR B E DRAWlNGS ~P{P<EJAATl()N 'ttfWJANOFL.ASt1NGAI UTIIITY BOK.E S PER BE DRA.W1NGS r<A~l SA1<l$jlil 1TtWS?ER8E DRAW:l'Gs ~ A l-olC flASHJl'1GA.ROV,.OP1PE..CONOUITJt()SEBIBP£NETRAi 10NS PER8E DRAWINGS ~ 2-PCf"LASl-tNG.O.T tOCAT ~S lHATWlll NOT ACCEPT A 1 PC PER BE DRAWi~ ~D[ Fl.ASHNG Al *,,IETERS. SWHCl"(;EARS ETC P{R BE DRAWINGS 10 Sff BE 0R>,WINGSf0RFlU&1t-0SE.BlBATC0NCRETE 11 SH 8 E DRAWINGS FOR A i YPICAL SEALANT JOINT ,;> SH BE ORAWlNGSFORHERf CUHLASHING TERMINATKlNAI CONCRE T[ 13 SUB E CRAWINGSFORTl'PiCM.fL.ASHING LAP ~NT AJ€J~ STRIP BEH1"()fl>.SHJNGLEG 14 SEE BE DRAWl~SFORtrPO.LMHAL5U)NG,.SSE MBl Y 1~ S£E BE DRAW!NGSFOR IYPiCAl FIBERCHIHH ~NG ASSEMBL'I' (B\ \__'_) ~~ 1"°"\ I A ) \....j :OfMNTS . __ X>INT PA TTE-RNPER ELEVATION ~il~iPATT[RN G-32 · su:xrn, f 1N1SH KEYNOTES WEST :,~~F1 i ~:-~ WEST · \Eo~~-L} ~ WEST · 'fg~E_\~ ~ _ WEST -L 3 E 8 1\~ ~ WEST -L3~~~La~ ~ WEST -A_VG r-1E,GfW:£ GRAOg ~ / 371' -4 31 16" '-I -=_--§ WEST -LE~ 363' · 3" \.~ WES L BLDG -NORlli ELEVATION· SE 172ND_ST b f l SCALE 1/8" a 1'-0" AJ 2d §5 co u 0, .c i ~ • c.. ., :::, Ee !f ~ .,- -~~ .,:;N t: ~ 0.,.; C: <O "'<") :::, <O co !~ 1t "' I ~ ,-... ..,J u QJ ..,J ,_ ..c u L.. ro D.. ::J 0 L. bll r.J \:';~ ~ ~ll"UIOUl'Ml<"l4UI Cl .lf« All""-"'!\1/1.'>f llft O ----. PROJECT AVANA RIDGE PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172nd STREET ,RENT ON,WA 98055 , ,~EifB~ CllENT AVANA RIDGE, LU PMOJE CT ISSUES PRlLIWINARV PU0 SUU DIHG PC RMI T SUILDIHG PCRMIT R:lSUS 11 8.J..MLDIHG PlRMIT R[SUB 11 F INAL PUC SttEEl DATE Rfl/JSiONS 1Vl91'201~ 1112W201~ 11Y18/2016 1117/2011 1/1fi2017 la'/8'16 \ 011 111 16 8UN..DrNG PERMIT RESUBMl~TAI. Dl<AN N CHECKED PROJEC T~ SHEET HTLr !VOI WEL 8/P "" WEST BUILDING ELEVATIONS ,ssue BUILDIHG PERMIT RESUBMIITAL A3.21-W ~ ~ :.:: _J --' 1 ~~0LLC ------I \ II I ~ --· ~ "::::::::, --:::.==:::::::---' ·----c c c.---c----e~ c-----___i__ .----OP ___ ~ . . s....2,0 ,. ' . ~--~,-' = = -t =g -··• -~--°" y -·-····-··,-, -·-"'" "' ~• ' -----·----««S < 0~ >-----OP -OP----OP OP-04-' ...,..,-"""'-·X1120t OIIClr ---~---~.--------,--,----' ' ,____,;--' ' '! ,=.tf=-, ' ... --,. ----·-;;-Tc =-------------------··· ~ ·-. ;;-------::::: ~ ' ,, .. -. -·--· .. :.; . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ,_ ---:::::.._ ~ · ------------:.sE.1Z2b1DS~°'Jd --1-------r~-----------------G_, "' ~ ~ -------------------- ,-.__ ' --.,,,-------' ' ' -~ _, ·=-~--' "'W" ' = . ... " ' ' :---..._ ~C 4 I RANSf0 RU[R ff~ ,.. \ ---, I 11// L ~ \ ----' 1' ' I \!-~ C . I / -4-= •C ' \ c C I i ~If I II -t C , -/ C c~~~ ~ =~h~= e-~~~-~ ~ C == =P = = l ~ ORICNAt. SriEET Sil£ IS 24'u6° I Pl.OT D,t,li: ' =\ -========'>'== ==--- -=== ij 5'Dt:~ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . .), ' ~ ~ ,-BOLLAA D LICHT, TYP , SEE LIGHTI NG PLAN U/LDING 4 · HIGH CHAIN UNK FENCE . SEE CIVIL OWGS ~ ~ ~ ---~ !? ' ~ ~STINC $10[WAL.K "' ro REMAIN ~ ' 1's~Jo. s.,..._ !;:) 11 ' 11 ''©' , , , ~, ( I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ! / I \ I e;,-..... I\ ~ = LIGHT POLE, TYP , 5(£ UCHllNC Pl.AA CEDAR POST & RAJL f(NCE. TYP SEE CRiTICAL AREA MITtGATION ?L..ANS EAST BUILDING __ J , C C C C -..;,---...... -----s.. .-.-~~_;.... .. .,.......-'"' CJ C IJ\. ao;~o UGHT. IYP UG~TING pl_AN \T\Ul~N e,-,., (")_,.,~ -1"'-o Al 'Z. 'Z. • ------·--------- ;-_ ---------...,._1ct1 ut1E. sEE st1EE1 L02 , 6.,~, , , --i (j 0 0 10 20 ~ 40 ,· -20·-o- II <&-- R ... __, u in ,-- &O °' E +,-I 0 0 -u co . u ~~ ~~ QJ .Ei 5 t: -:r +,-I ·-N ..c .s - 5o u "'M ·N ""-1: . '--g l8 M ~ :g ro ! "' 1 Cl.. = "' $ :J .,, D "" ~ ~ bll r.J ~ STATE OF _. ... ,,m,,, ~~TECT f4LW<IC~ c:utT.-:ICATt:NO ... PROJECl AVANARIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172ND ST. RENTON , WA 98055 Cllf:NT AVANA RIDGE, LLC ~cr1SSLIE.S SITE DEVl LOf'MENf P{RJllf BUl..l»KiPERIIIT SULCUrtG PfRMIT A£SU8MITTAl 6UtLDINCi PERMIT A£SU8MlflAL Sift DEV£L0f'MENT PERMIT RESUBMITTAl l?IO'l/101! 12/MO'lt 10t2f,t20U 011trt2011 Q11Mn017 !:>HE.t:1 OAIE Rt:VISK".lNS OOAWN Cf1EOIED PROJECT No ,HEE T Till£ ,_, '"' .. .. , ... SITE LAYOUT PLA~ ,ssue 8UIUlllG PEIIIIT RESUBIIITTAL L01 r-----------------------N88·0~·09·E bk614M 11 1 I I l I I Ill I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 11 ! ! w.JI /11111 1 ti I I I I 1111 I I I I I I I I I I ti I I I I l ll li)U I I I I II I I ii I I I I I I Ill bkN401 I l l l ~~udiouc --~ entittement 1$200 ~-So..l,, ~210 5-.WAtt•• ~2Ql 2Q,ll*)I '~ I I I C H ,.,_ .,.c\-\ ul-lE _ sEE s\-\EEi LO~ "'''"'' ------ ~----~~· ""' BRIOCE SH SiRUCTURAJ.. ----------------. ,..--- , ~ , , , , , , ,.,., 6'7~ ~ ~~~ , "" u'a , "" ~6 ' '~ ~% '~ ~ ~Kilt.Al SttET Silt: 1S74°1.Jb· ! F\0 1 O,l,.lE ·'> .... "'zx:1STING SIO(WA.1...1< ~ 10 R(MAIN ' "· ClOAR POS1 & RAIL FENCE. TYP , SEE CRlllCAL AREA MI TIG,\TION PLAN S LASER -CU ! SJ[(L PIL LAR uCri l. fYP (2 TOT~) SEE SIT[ LIGHTING ?LAN F;~PAD~ 6885 s; ~ r •. 1 '"'""'","~""" ' ~ ~ ,t ~~ ( J ) WOOD CH IP PAl S ,.f IQ-••-• --0' <,._"V . J 0: Qj ~ ~ -~ ' ~~ ~ ~"" ' ~ ~ ~' ~ "-~ "" '~ CEDAR POSI & RAIL FENCE , TYP., SEE CRlTICAl AR[A ~ITICA Tl()N Pi.ANS BENCH TYP 1 \ [M8(D MOUNT Ll)1 DOG RU N 1.4AT[RtAL. & CROSS SECTION SIMllAR TO WOOO CHIP PATH PIC NIC TABLE PL -• (1.4BED t,,10\JNT • // " ,,. ,,. "~ / // ,,. // // ,,. ~ " // // // // ,,. / /Y PROJECT MONU MENT S!CN LOCAHON ~ {MONUMENT S,CN 0£51CN TO BE SUB Ml nEO AS PAAT or SiCN P[R~.w AP PLICAl K>N) -~ J '//// " " " ,, // //, r ELE CTRI CAL S WIT CH 4' HT . BlACK VINYL COA TED CHAI N LI NK FENC E AROUND DOC RUN , ToP AND BOTTOM RAJLS. lrA.A T(H CML ()[l"L / SEE CIVIi.. " " " .,..ocs> ~ / ~co--.;;:,~~:= "~o ~ , ,· -20 ·-o · ~ ~ ~ i3 i ~ <Ii 8 B ~ ~f ~ jg -N .c -g~ !!l8 IN i l "' "" I'- ~ u QJ ~ ·-.c u 1.- ro D.. :::J D L. bll r.J ~ 8TAff OF _,.,.. AliOl8,l"li:AED ~_,,..TECT wrn..:!1'!?-CPIT•te,'11[ f,C __ PSO,ECl AVANARIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172ND ST. RENTON . WA 98055 Cl~Nl AVANA RIDGE, LLC PROJECT 1SSLES SITE OE't'ELOPMENT PERYT 12101QOH BUILC:W.O PERMIT 1V2tQ01f BUILOWG PERMIT RESUBMITTAL 10/2ll10U 8Ul.DIHGPERIIT AESU8MITTAl Ot M7QOO SITE DEVE1.0PW:HT PERIIT 01l'Mn011 RfSUBM n Al SHEE1 D,i,,TE fUJIQllt j REVISI-OOS """" CtiEC;!,EO WOJECT No SI-£[! T:T~E co, -... , .. SITE LAYOUT PLA~ ISSUE IIUUllllG PERMIT RE~AI L02 t / ~ ~:;;:':;,_~~: ~00:::. ~~~~~ IN DEPTH wm-1 ROUND [DC[S , 11•·-:;r RA01us 1r ~oou:o u • • U • 11 -4. CON( R[iNf AS R(OUIR[D ~-DE PTH 5/8 " MINUS CR , COMPACT TO 95:,; MAX OCNSl l'T' COMPACTED SUBGRA[)f _..,.---EX CA\IAT[ FOR PATH ro A O(PI H OF 3· AND CROWN DG 0 1 5 ,: Al C(NT[RUNE or PAT H -2" MIN DEPT H CO J.iPACTED Y6 " MIN US D£C 0 MP0SE0 GRANITE 2" DEP !H OPEN -CIWJED ACCR(C,l[ BA;f W[Ll -CO I.IPAC TED GCOTE.XTIU: FASRK: FULL 'Nl ()Th OF ().CAVATION -.:OMPAC TEO SUBGRAO[ ~ CONCRETE SIDEWALK SCALE: 3M•• 1'-0" ~ ~~~~~OSED GRANITE PATH EAS( All l DGf..S SLEEVE FOF• POST 6" OEP i H S(T POST ,N .o:;~1K-SET CROUT f 4 REBAR O 12" O.C Cl.ASS JOOO PORfl_N,j O CEMENT CON CRE1 £ ,£= ~ CONC R ETE STA IRS 1f2'".a 1'-0' uAIGlfoiAI. f>HEE"l S1lE1:,],·.J6· I Pt.Oi DAIE 1)i" ALU MINUM TUB[ RAIUNC .If [XP. JOINT MATER1AL FULL D£PT1-t TYP '5l.E M FOR POST 6 " DEPTH SET POS T IN KWIK-SEl CROUl fllOOl[D de CROOVIO W ElY Si£P • DEPTH CROOVES O r.• O.C )l"R _..,..,.-NOS£. BAR PER PLAN ----~. BAITER TY P ~ SAFETY GROOVE SCAl.£: 3". 1'-0" ~ EXCAVATE FOR PATH TO A O(~l ti __-Of .3" AN D CROWN WOOD CMIP":> ~ AT CENTERLI NE or PA TH ./ ~ WOOD CHIP PA TH SCALE: 314•,. 1·-0" 2" CLEAR TYP 14 \/[RT & HORIZ O 12· 1--t 0 C OOH, f"M:(5 Of WALL f ' CONT BOTH 510(5 f, O 12' 0 C / fW J69 66 V[RlfY lD CLASS JOOO POR TLAND 1·-,· ~, / CE•ENT CONCRET E .If [XP JOINT 1.tA.TERIAL n.1u D[PTH TYP CONCRCT E S1D£WAJ.K T'YP S[CTI~ -1 /L03 ~ CONCRETE SEAT WALL 1fl"'•1'-0" 1~~ ~ =:-=~ MATEBW-NO TES .. n o S-w.t. .. 1 .. ..,..... :ao&20I Cle01 1 CONCR[l[ SURfAC( AROU ND Pil l.AA UGH1S !O BE MEDIU M BROOM t\NISH ,./ OA\l'IS COLOR 164 1 "ft.AGSTONE BROWN~. 2 ALL SIO (WAL K SURF ACE S 10 BE MEDIUM BROO M FINISH w/ NATURAL GRAY PORTLAN D CEMENT COLOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED j WOOD CHIP PATH I'S 10 BE ARB0RIS1 WOOD CHIP'S SUBMI T 1 QI SIZE SAM PLE rQR APPROVAL "· O W N LI NK F[NC[ & GATES AT 00G RU N Sl1All 8 ( ,· HT. 1 s;a· 0 .0 (0.140 W'-ll THICKN ESS ) GAi..\/ TOP RAJ L &: BTM RAJL.. 1 7 /6 0 C U N[ POSTS & 2 3/8 0 .0 l[RMI NAL POSTS POS TS &: RAIL TO BE COMM ERCIAL OUALrn GAL\/ STEEL WIT H BLACK VINYL COATIN C SIMILAR TO SE LVAGE FABRIC TO BE BLAC K VIN YL CO AT(D H[AV"f Mi l PVC F\JS[D &: AJ:>H[R (D 10 ZI NC -COATED STEEL WIR( PER AST M f 668 CLASS 2 C> 9 GA GAlV COR[ lfl'IR[ KNUC KLED TOP & oonOM AJ.L flmNCS TO 8[ BLACK V1NYI.-COAT[O W/ COLOR $111otll.AR TO S[L\IAG( ~g <O u a,.<= i ~ . a. "':::, = e "' 0, ;i .~ ~~ .c"' t: .., g :g .,"" :::, <O <:0 ~"' "' -i 1 "' M ,-.. -1,,.,1 u ClJ -1,,.,1 ·-..c u "- re 0. :::J D ~ t)/") ru ~ &'JAt'I: Of' --~=Tm MT£¥--cmt,,,,w;;...n:NO• PROJEC T AVANARIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172ND ST. RE NTON, WA 98055 CUHH AVANA RIDGE , LLC PROJECi IS.Sl..ES SI TE ~LOPMEHT PERY:1 1l J01 Q01: -.ONG P£RWT 12/M01! 8lM..tlNO PERtieT AfSU8MlnAL 1~1/201' 8tA.D1i1G P£RtiST AESUBMIT1"Al 0111112011 snE Ot:YELOPMtNT "-Rllll 0112117011 A£SU8llnAL $HEE1 CM,TE tulmlli Rl:VISIOl'tS """" CH(0,.[0 PRQ.Jt CT NQ Sl-f:E l l tT L[ SITE DETAILS ... -I.A154' ISSUE BUii.DiNG PERIIIT RE~AI L03 u ::j .Q • 'U i l 2 fH Hi ~ !h.u .J H HH I • I, r I ! I •• II 11.1 , .. ! L_ ,_ fe t. :~!~ ~ ·I ~ ~ ~ Ill ~i I I I I I ! I I ~ I i l .. g • ~~ !i • s, 111! ,~:!!!! . 11::11 ! i,li 1:.11.; .,. ::1 a::,_. H\i ! I w !:: ~ ._: :8 . I c,zwu,o ; c:::::>:,:~~ o::Ca.~~ wo~ <z...1wz· · Zzw u,o I i <~>~~ . > W ~w ! <a.c~a:: b a. (3 0 0 u.i (!) C 0:: < z <u ,> ...I ;c( ...I ~U~i L-i<li ~ ~ i r B! ~ ~ ~ !;; liUh ~Uh! ~H~~111 "f ...J a. w ...J co 4: f-- ...J ~ Cl) w 0 w a. t'At:iN.~, I _: ~ -I 111 i i~J: !:~~i! ;:~~~~ :1 g I ~ ·II r!,i!~ ;:11.-1 ;:11.i 11 -.. ~ ~l•h ·!~!fl 1~!!i 1;!::,. a 1 -fa. ,u:,: ~~;H!~ ;m!li mih! 1 ~: -=~ ,!·~~il·····ut.i .. "hljj, h 0: '" -~ -----·-- ...J 4: (.) a:: ~ I :r: (.) z w co a I ! (") ...J a. w ...J co ~ ...J ~ Cl) w 0 w a. E] D I ~ U) ..I ~ C !i_ w 0 - I i I !:: U) I II! '1111::1" i Q ! _. i ~ 0 ,r - ') "' ~ ~ s ~ ~ "----.... ~ ~ ----------------------~ ~ ------ ~ u'"'? .S.7. ~ .s~ ' ~~ "' u'o "' ~o "' ~h "' ~ ~ Ql-llQN,l,J,. SHH! ~ZE 1$]4'.r.)6" I P,~O I DATE ----_J_ ~ ---- MAJN 1 A.CC[SS DR!V( IO' '11110£ SIR[[I I I I _L I I I I l,. ,l I ------' -1 \ SE 172ND STREfiJ ---1------1-----RRJSW!! Efi lt+fo"l l j' H IJ l~-I LI ----. f"RONT AC[ LANDSCAPE -------- ' " ~ ~ LN<OSCl>J'( CLR ON All s,o-ES -' r-10· WIDE STRffl i 60LLARO LICHT. TYP. SEE UCt-HINC P~ WEST VILDING "'- 0. -0. ~ UNOCRCROUN D STORMWATER 1/A.Uli f l(LO LOCAT E '-, 00 NOT PLAN T O[CIDUOUS OR ;-~ (!) CONIFERO US TREES ABOY£ VAULT ' J l ~PU.CE H[UCH(RA 12· FROM ~ g-i BACK or CURS OR SIO£'NAJ.J< & AT 12' 0 C .prj .,' 6'-6' ,- C. EAST BUILDING 48 " DIA. SARK MULC l1 CIRCL[ FOR ST REET IRE£ IN LAWN. J'yp 1~~~, ~ ;,;~~ s-.-•1 .. """°'-:111»:IOIDIOI UllUfY \/AULT\ ·---------------t- TRAASF"ORMER. MAINTAIN J' I.A IN LANDSCAPE CLR ON All SIDES I (MUlCH ONLY) I I 'I C .",-J c/ ~ " ~ '-~ 46" DIA BARK MULCH "" ~~~C L( F"OR STREET ~[ IN LAWN, T't'P. -----·----------.,.,._ ,c\-\ ul'lE. • sE.E. s\-\E.E.1 L ~ ~ PARK ING LOT LANDSCAPE SUMMARY , 0:ISHNG SIDEWALK _// ~f O RE IWN ---------- ~ ~ ~ ,' " , ~ P:',R)ll t:fG LOT l ANDSOJ>l fct UUlt<IU NU M8£R Of PAAKING ST ALLS PR0v10C0 R[QlJIREO LANDSCAPE ARE A P[R STALL TOTAL PARKING LOT LAN DSC,J>( REQUIRED PARKING LOi LANQS(AP[ PROrlPCP PAA><ING LOT P[RIM(l (R L.AN0SCAP£ P~ING LOT lNifR~ LAN DS.CAPE •• 21 Sf 2.J SO SF 800 Sf 1,919$f TOTAL PARKING LOT L.a.N DSCAPf PRO\,()[O 2,727 SF 0 10 20 40 60 0 i......-_,..... ,~ -:w ·-o~ §! ~ ~-~ i a. .; a E -;i ~ .,- "" ii!g €-~ g :l3 ~i ! j $ ~ ,._ -1,,J u QJ -1,,J ·-..c: u '-re 0.. :J D L.. b/l ru ~ SfA tt:Of' --~7iJ;_ MELVIN A EAaft:A ~TWIC,lt,flM) .. ~OJECT AVANAR IDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172ND ST. RENTO N, WA 98055 CUEN! AVANA RIDGE , LLC ~Cl ISSUE S SITE D£YEl0PME.NT PERMIT Bl.Nl.DWG PERMIT BUtLDffKi PERMIT RESUBMHT AL BUILDlttC PER .. T RESUBMtTT AL SITE OEYELOPMUIT PERMIT RESOBMI TTAl ll/011201 ~ 12/291201~ 1G.121120U 0 111712011 01mno11 SHE Er CA TE RE l/l$l0NS °"""" CHECIIED F"IDJECTJ,,o ~t::C!T:Tt E ,_, '"' -...... LANDSCAPE PLAN ,SS<,E 8UI.DIIG PERIIT ~Al L10 MF>-,cl-\ u~E. -sE.E. s\-\E.E.i L" o ---------------------. ,.----, , ,,' ;;. ~ o\~ 6'76' ~ ~<.() ' ~& ~ 0,1; ' <'.)..(',. ~ -r,,,h ~ ~ '~ SEEDED U.WN. ~ ~ ~ OOIGIW.l SHEET SIZE IS 74'136' f Pt.OT OA T£ --------- - laurr:t ADD!T!ON I 6 885 SF (~ISTING SIDEWAL K _/ TO R[MAJN ~ 10' WIDE STREET FRO Nl AGE u<NDSCAPE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ V ~ ~ '~ '~ ~ t ~ ~()' 0 I<<.:. '0? 0'0 ' ' SEEDED LAWN l ~~-~Udi0LLC --· --IIJOOU....""-~ I ..... "'--··· "'-**'*' ---------------------------------~ NSS'O•'o•in EROSION CON TROt.. 5£[01NC \ \ \ \ a uFFCR ADD, TiVN 1.427 S.F -OECOAA TNE PILLAR LJGHl. SH LJGH TtNG PLAN "'SIT( BOUNDARY/ R O W r BOLL.M O UCHT, f'rP. ] S([ LIGHTING Pt...A.N I / I 1 o· WI D-{i'REEl ,RONI~ S ~ND SCAPE I / / I ~~NU"[N; %N ,L 1'/, 1, // I"~/ I Y1-ij / 1-1- / I I SEEOrn'ZP / I I 7oc9 ~ / / I / 46~ DIA~~~ MULCH CIRCLE fOR ST/1 TR[( IN LAWN, T'rP 0 / ~0/ 0~ I ~<",;/ '<)~ I / ~ ---------- -~-'-"'!. 0 MATCH UNE- SEE ABOVE 0 10 20 40 60 ~ ,· -20·-o· °' E ..., ~8 u ~.c: i ~ QJ .; is ..., ~ q> 3! I ·-~-..c: Q) u ]g ·N '--1i 1~ ro 0. Q) 't4i :J 1 '° ~ D Lo- bfl r.J ~ S TATE CY _.,..c,TOOI ~=TECT ~~ CEKtlF~llNOM POO.JECl AVANARIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 106 15 SE 172ND ST. RENTON , WA 98055 Cll(NT AVANA RIDGE, LLC ~OJECT ISSUES SITE ot:'t'f.LOfl'MtHT Pt:RMIT lk.llll.C.0 PfRMIT BUllC*G PERMIT RESU8M1Tl A.l BUll[*G Pt:RMlt R£Suet.MTlAl SI TE ~lOPMENT P£RMIT ~SOBMTTAl 1210,1201? 1l/MOH 10'2112014 Ot1HJ20t1 01/Hrnl11 SME:ET OAT E ~ISIONS """" OtfCl(fD PROJE CT No SHEET TITLE t1IJIIJl11 ai, -LAt~· LANDSCAPE PLAN ISSUE BUILDIIG PElUIIT RESUIIIITTAl L11 B 0 0 ~ 0 0 () '1 ,I'll. ~ 8 @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 @ ~ 0 0 0 ... ) 0 0 PLANT SC HEDULE QTY BOTANICAL NAME DECIDUOUS TREES 40 AC(R CIRCINATU I.I I 1 ACER $ACCrlA?U M 'R(BA :...:u., P:...J,1,.A ·u 1,1 ACfR <;H1RA<;AWANIJM 'AU TUM N hl00N ' CARPINUS BETULUS CORNUS 'RUTGAN ' CERClS CANAOE NSIS CERC IOIP HYUUM .;A.PONICUM rRAXINU':> AM ERICANA 'EMPIR f ' GL[OHSIA TRI. war IN[RMI S 'SHAO[MAST[R' !!OUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA UOU10AU8AR STYRACIFLUA 'RQTUr,,OILOBA ' MACNOUA CRMIOifLORA '(()ITM BOGUE 10 PRUNU S EMERGINATA wor . MOlllS PRUNUS SAfiC[NI II 'COLVMNARIS' 1 1 PRUNUS 1 ·sNOW GOOSE' SOPHOR.A JAPON1CA 'RECENT' TI LLIA COROATA EXISTING TRE ES 10 REMAIN EVERGREEN TREES CAlOCEDRUS O(CURR(NS 10 PINUS CONTORTA CONTOR lA PINUS SYL V[STRIS 19 P'S UEDOTSU CA MENZIESII SHRUBS .-.ucuBA JAPOt.lCA 'P1Cl URAJA' -'M(L.ANCHl [R AJ.J•UFOllA S4 RHOD00[NOR0N °HIN0 -CRIMS0N' CAM[lUA JAPONICA 'APRIL R[M[MB[R[D' 11 BERBERIS THU NB[RCII 'MONOMB. 264 CEANOrHUS CR ISEUS vor H0R1Z .YANK [[ POINT' <,;,7 CORNUS ALBA 'SIBIRICA ' SO CORNUS AJ...BA 'ELEGANTISSIM.A. 186 COTON(AST(R OAMt.i(RI .[!CHHOLZ" 86 COTCt.EASTER HORI ZON TAJ..15 °P(RPUS1LLUS0 84 ESCOLLON~ 'COMPAKTA. 4 1 EUONYMOUS ,1,,LATUS 'CO MPAClus · FAlS!A JAPONtCA 2 1 7 GAUllH[RIA SHALLON 50 KAU.IIA LA rlFOU.A 'ELF. 74 LEUCOTHO( A):ILL.ARlS 05UANOA R(CAUS 'PURPURASCP1S 13.3 PMIL..>.OHPMUS LfW1Sll 'BUZZARD. 29 PHORMIUllol 0Y[LLOW 'NAVE PHORMIUM 'BL.ACK A0D£R' 77 PRUN US LAUROCERASUS "SCH IPKAENS1s· 22 Rl8(5 SANCUINEUM 'KING ED WARD I/II° RIB[S SANCUINFUM 0 WHITE ICICLE° 3 'SAUX IN l(CRA .WJ<URO NISHIK!' 59 $Allx PVRPUREA °CANYON BLUt° 4 7 SARCOCOCC A RUSC1f"Oi.JA 15 SP!RAE,\ JAPONICA 'COLOt.AOUND. .H SPlrW:,t. h 1PPON1CA 5 N0 "'l.A0UN0. 55 SPtR.ALJ. .;APQNl(A '5 HIR0BANA' TA.X US 8ACCATA \,lAAl()l'.:,H IJ' 20 H1UJA OCCIO[NIAUS 'HOI..MSTRUP ' 7 1 1/IBURNUl.4 OPULUS 'NANUM' 34 WEIG[LA FLORIO.A 'VARIEGA IA NANA' ORIGINAi. Sl1EET SIZ!: IS z,·*,J6· I '1.01 ()Al£ COMMON NAM E 'llNE I.I.APL[ BELL[ TO W(R SUCA.R MA?Lt JAPA.N(Sf MAPLE AUTU MN t.AOON MAPLE El..1ROPEAN HORNBEAM STELLAR PthX OOG wOOO E.ASl(RN R£DBU0 KATSU RA TR([ EMPIRE WHITE ASH SHAOEMAST(R THORNL [SS nONE'f'LOCUS T "J.IERfCAt• SwtETCUM RO TUN DILOBA SWfflGUM EDI TH BOGU( MAGNOLIA BI TTER CHERRY COLUMr,...o,,R SARGENT CH[Rf?Y <:.NOW GOOSE CHERRY JAPANESE PA GODA 1RE£ UfTL(LEAf UNOEN INC(NSE CEDAR SHORE PINE SCOTCH PINE DOUGLAS flR PICTURAfA JAPANESE LAUREL WE STERN S£RvlCE8ERRY HINO -CRIMSON >,J_Af_[A APRIL REMEMBERED CAMIUJA CHERRY BOMB JAPAN ESE 8AR8£RRY YANKEE POINT CE.ANOTHUS REO fWlC DOGWOOO EUROP(.4.N VARl [GATEO DOGWOOD EICHH OLZ COTON(AS T[R PROSTATE ROCK COTONEAST[R COMPACT ESCOLLONIA DWARf BURNING BUSH JAPANESE 4.RAUA SAlAL Elf C'NARr MOUNTA.JN LAUREL COAST LEUCOlHOE PURPLE R0 Y1'l. f[RN BUZZARD MOCK ORANG[ YELLOW WAY( N[W ZrAI.ANO fl.AX BLAC K AOOER NEW ZlALAND FLAX SCHIPKA CHERRY LAUREL KING EDWARD 1/11 FLOW[R1NC CUR RAN T ·~HITE ICICLE FLO WfRINC CURR,\NT O,l,.PPlEO WIUOW CANYON BLUE .t.R(T IC BLUE L£AF WILLO W FRAGRANT SW[[l BO X GOl.DMOUNO SPIREA SNOWMOUNO SPIREA SH IROBANA SPIREA COLU M/\!AR GOLDEN YE W HOLMSTRU P (ASTER N ARBORVITAl DWARF CRANBERRY BUSH VAR IEGATED DWARF ~[IC[l.>. SIZE s· HT MIN r (Al MIN . 'r (AL MIN r CAL MIN r CAL 1,11N r CA.I MIN r CAL MIN r CAL MIN 7· CAL M!N r CAL l,UN r CA( MIN 2" CAL . MIN 2" CAL MIN 2" CAL MIN 2" CAI. MIN 2 " CAL MIN 2" CAL MIN 2" CAL lr.llN 6 ° HT. MIN 6 ° HT MIN 6' HT I.I lk 6' HT l,UN ] GAL CONT .. 18 " tH. MI N 2 CAL CONT , 18 " HT MIN 2 CAL CONT 2 GAL CONT 1 GAl CO NT 1 GAL CO NT 1 GAL CONT 1 GAl CO NT 1 GAl CO NT. 1 GAL CO NT 1 GAJ.. CO NT. 10·.10· UtN 1 CAI.. CONT 2 (.J,.l CON T 1 CAI... CO NT 2 CAL CONT 18· HT MIN. 1 GAL CO NT 3 CAL CON T . 18 · HT MIN 2 GAL CONT 'J GAi CONl 2 CAL. CONT 2 GAL CONT 1 GAL CONT 2 GAJ. CONT 2 GAL. CONT 1 GAL CONT 2 GAL CONT 2 GAL CONT 1 GAL CONT 1 GAl CONT 2 GAL CONT 3 GAL CONT 1 GAl CONT 1 CA.I.. CO NT COMM ENTS 8 & 8 OR CONT SPAC( AS SHOWN ON PLJ<N B & B OR CONT SPACE AS SHOWN ON PLAN 8 & B OR CONT S.PACf AS SHO-NN ON PLAN B & B OR CON T sPA.CE AS SHOWN ON PLAN 8 & 8 OR CO~'T , SPAC E A$ S~iOWN ON PLAN B & B OR CONT , SPACE AS $~!OWN ON PLAN B & B OR CONT , $PAC[ A$ StiOWN ON PLA N B & B OR CONT , SPACE AS SHOWN ON PLAN B & B OR CON T., SPACE AS SHOWN ON PLAN 8 & 8 OR CONT SPACE AS SHOWN ON PLAN 8 & B OR CONT . $PACE AS SHOWN ON PLAN 8 & B OR CONT SPAC E A$ SHOWN ON PLAN 8 & 8 OR CONT s.PAC E A$ SHOWN ON PLAN 8 & B OR CONT SP AC E AS SHOWN ON PLAN B & B OR CONT SPACE AS SHOWN ON PLAN B & B OR CONT SPACE AS SHOWN ON PLAN 8 & 8 OR CONT $PAC[ AS SJ-,ONN ON PLAN 8 & 8 OR CONT . SPAC[ .A.~ St10V.'N ON Pv,J,i 8 & B OR CO NT . SP.A.Cf AS SHOWN ON PLAN B & B OR CONT , SP.t,C[ AS SHOWN ON PtM B & B OR CONT .• SP ACE AS SHOWN ON PLAN B & B OR CON T .. SPACE AS SHOWN ON PLAN 5· oc 5· o c 4 . 0 C TRW'-JCULAA 4 ' oc J' DC. 4 ' DC. 4 D C. 4 oc. 4 ' DC • oc 4 OC rR~ULAR 4 ' oc A$ SHO'l'IN ON PLAN ' oc 4 ' oc 4 ' oc. 18 . CL [AR ANY OiR£CT ION 4 o .c 3 0 C .Y O C 4 · OC 4 ' o c 36-CL[AR ANY DIRECHON 5· o.c 3' o.c 4' O.C 2 ·-6-o c 2·-6-oc 2· 0 C y o.c 3'-6-o.c 3· 0 C CJ ~ CJ CJ c:=J c:=J CJ c:=J CJ c:=J c:=J CJ QTY. BOTANICAL NAME GROUNDCOVERS u .960 s r SE£D£D !..>.'NN ARf.),5 g/j Sf EROS IO~i CONTROl SEEOINC J.!>O .,c oRuS GAM IN(~ ·ocoN 1.100 ARCTOS1APH'<LOS UVA -URSI ·wooos COM PACfA ' i , 100 FR.A.GERLA CHJLOENSIS .}8{} H(U(H[RA ·al.AC K B(AUTY- 600 MAHON:A NERVOSA 300 RUBUS P[NTALC8 US 550 SPIRAEA JAPONICA 'WALBUMA 50 OPHIQPOGQf,j PWIISCAPU-S '[8KNIZAU 68 P.t.CHYSANDRA TER MI NAL.IS 'GRE(N SHEE N. 72 YINCA MI NOR 'IUUMIMTION' COMMON NAME SIZE & HEIGHT COLDEN YARl[CATEO SW(ET I LAG 4· POT w ooo·s CO MPAC i KINN IKINNIC K 4 · POT COAS TAL STRAWBERRY 4 N POT BLAC K Bt:AU T'V CORAL BE LLS 4 • POT LONCLEAF M.A H()NIA 4• POT CREEPING TAJWAN BRAMBLE: I GAL CONT. MAGIC CARP(l SP1R(A I GAL CONT EBON'r' KNIGH T MONDO GRASS 1 GAL . CONT GREEN SHEEN JAPANESE SPURGE 1 GAL CONT ILLU I.AINATION DWARF PERlW INKL£ 4 · POT COMM ENTS MIX OF THREE PER ENNIAl RYE VARIETIES. SUBl.1 11 ~IX fOR OWNfR APPROVAL PE R WSDOT STANDAR DS OR AP PROV(D t0UNAJ..EN1 12 ' O.C TRlANG ULAP 0 .C TRIANGULAR 1 '-6" 0 .C TRIANG ULAR 1 r O C TRIANGULAR 2 · 0 C TRIANCULAA j ' 0 C TRIANGU LAR 2' O.C. lRIANCULAR 1 r O C TRLANCULAR 2 · 0 C I RIANG ULAR 0 C TRIANGULAR 1,6 00 SF NA I IV( PLAN r MIX -LO W CROWING SEE LOW GROWING PL.ANT Ml:X NOTES & SC HEDULE 10 C I CO Ni AINERS &: 1 CAL 3 · 0 C TR!ANCUlAR AS NECESSARY SH O[fAJL 8 -L 13 CJ CJ 4.000 SF NA TIVE PLAN T MIX -LO W GROWING MIX •/ SHR UB$ &:: TREES MIX $[[ Pt»H SHRUB & TR([S MIX NOTES & 10 C I CO NTAJ N[RS & 1 GAL SHRUBS & IRffS O 6 . O.C. MIXED w/ SCHi::OUlf AS NEC[SSARY LOW GROWI NG VAR SEE DE1AIL 8 -L 1 J. 3.3-00 SF NATTY[ TURF SEED MIX M1 X Of BUFFALO CRASS & BL UE CR.AMI.I A HYDROSEEOEO O 10 LBS /J.400 SQ n GRASS -S[[ NA l ll/( PLANl' MIX NOT($ OR ,1,s DIR[CTfD BY SUPPLIER '* 16 <:;) 15 (J) J< + 106 • e e2 (le 16 0 62 ORNAMENT AL GRASSES & PERENNIALS A()IAAITU M P[OATUM OIC£NI RA ll LU XURIAN T 1-""(STUCA OVlNA CLAVCA f[SfUCA IOAH O(NSIS 'SISKIYOU BLUt° HEMEROC.AlUS hELICTOl RICHON S£MP[RvlR[NS MAJDE NHAIR FER N LUXURIANT 8LE[Di NC HEA?T CAI.. CON T 1 GAL com ELIJAH BL UE F(SCU[ l GAL CON T ION-10 BLUE F"[SCUE 1 GAL CONT STARBURS T OAYLl l Y -3 VAR Sf.[ NOT( 1 GAL . CONJ. BLUE OAT GRASS 1 GAi. •. CONT SILVERY SUNPROOF ULYlURf 1 GAL CONT MORNING UCH"T M!JD[N GRASS 2 CAL CON T 18" tH ~IN DWARF FOUNTAlN CRASS 1 CAl CO NT 2· oc J ' 0 C 1'-6~ o c 2· o.c 2 ' 0 .C MJN -.f O C MAX ,· oc 2· 0 C 4 ' o c • ill (!) 22 221 59 LJRIOP[ SPICA.TA 'SILVERY SUNPROOF' Ml$CANTHUS SIH[NSJS 'I.IORNINC LICH T' PENN ISCT UM A.LOPEC UROIDES 0HAMELN° PENN ISETUM ALOPLC UROIO[S ·u n LE BUNN Y PO LYSTICHU M MUNITUI.A UrTLE BUNNY FOUNTAIN CRASS S\lt ORD FERN 1 GAL CONT 1 GAi.. CONT l GAi.. CONT 3 ' 0 C TRlANG ULAR 1·-6• 0 .C 3 · O.C 5POROBOLUS HL IEROL(P!S PRAIRI( DROPSEEO NATIVE Pl ANI Ml!: NorES 1 All PLAN TS t.l UST BE LOCAL.LY CROWN &: S0URC£D SUBMIT GROWER'S INFGRW.TlON TO ARCHIT(CT FOR APPROVAL 2 AU. PLANTS WI U 8( O(UV(R(O TO TH( SIT[ rREE OF LW SPOTS. t.41LOCW OR OTH[R INf(CJ10NS J. CONTRACTOR 1S R(SPONSIBLE fOR PRUNING OFT AJo.lY DEAD OR BR0i<(N LIM BS AND REMOVI NG AAIY FOREIGN PLANT MAT(RLALS (GRASS & WEEDS ) f'ROM CONlAJN ERS PRIOR TO PLANTING 4 CONTRACTOR IS RESPONS18L( roR PLAN TING All NATIVE PLAN T MATE R~S IN THE F~ S(ASON ~. THE NATIV[ SHRUBS & lR[(S ARE TO 8[ INTE.RM IXEO WITH rnE LOW CROWING NATIVE PLANTS Al 5 : 1 OR APPROXIMA TELY 1 (VERY 100 SO FT. SEE DETAIL -· L IJ SUGGESTED CONTACT: SOUND NA TIVE PL.ANTS -360.352 4 122 6 NATIV( TURF SEW t.l lX TO BE 80% BOUTELOUA OACTYL OIO(S & 20~ BOUTELO UA GRAC IU.J.S SUBMIT SEED CfRTlflCATION & INfORMATION TO ARC HI TEC T fOR APPROVAL SUCC£STEO CONTACT· N.Ai rv[ AM [R1CAN 5£.ED -1 800 728 4 0 4J GENERAL NOTE S: Tri[ INfORNA nON ON TlitS SHEET IS INCOMPL!T[ UNL[SS ACCOM PANIED BY f H[ CORRESP~DING SP[ClflCA Tl(),! SECnONl S) O(vfi())[O r~ nflS PRO.(CT NATrvE QTY ill 1)5 135 135 135 NAT_IV~ QTY 10 !O 10 10 10 10 2 UNLESS OTH[RW ISE NOIEO. Am [)M[NSIONS SHOWN Al BUll[)NGS AA£ TO OIJTSI[)[ t A([ <Y EX TERIOR 'Ill.ALLS 3 L,t,NDSC APl C(.fo!TRACTOR SHALL 'l[Rlf'f LOCAnON Cl' AU Sit( u run(S PRl(.'f! 10 L.'.NOSCAPl IMP\...D,l(NTAflON PLANT LOC ATIONS WAY 8( A.0.AIST[D 10 •VOD CCtilFUCT 4 LAN0SCAP£ CON TRACTOR SH ALL TAI<[ N[a:SSARY PR[CAUH()NS TO PRO TEC T [X!STING Sil[ IMPROV[Ml N TS. PAVING. WAJ.LS. ANO UNDER GRCKJND VflLI TI[S. DAMAGE SHAL.i BE R[PAIRfO TO TH[ OWNf R'5 SATISF ACTlON AND AT NO ADDITION .Al COST 5 PLAN T COON ! IS F~ l ~[ CON TR AC TOR 'S CON\/£N l£N C[; If' TH£R£ IS A ~SCR[PANcY. TH( PLAN SHALl GOV£RN ACTIJAL Pl.ANT OUANnll(S 10 BC DCITRI.IIN[O 8Y R[OUIREO PLAN T SPA.ONG 6 SU8STI1UT~ Cf Pl.ANT VARIETIES OI.J E 10 l"CK Cf AV AI.A81llfY SIJ8.£Ci 10 APPROVIJ. BY "Trlf l ANDSCAPr ARO ll ire' l flNISH GRAD[ Cf lilUl CH(D LANDSCAPE .-'.RfAS SHAU BC CR.A.DEC fO 1/2 ' WAX. BHO W CCNCR£1t ~ OTHER PAvCO SURfACfS 8 AU P'.J,NllN(; A.Rt:A5 5HAU BE IRR1CAITO W1lH >J'4 AUlOMAHC IRRIGATION SYSTEM P£R CITY OF ti:E"'1"0N 1.tUNICIP.Al COO£ 4 -04 -070-1 9 AJ.L 1..ANDSCAP£ AR£A5 ARE 10 BE MAINTAINED BY A UCENS£0 PROfTSSIONAL LANOSOP£ lrMJN T[WJiC[ COMPANY 10. All PlANl MA.T[R\ALS SHALL 8[ CUARANT[[O FOR A MINIMUM Of ON[ Y(AR f R()M SUB'5l .4HHAt COMPLCTION AN O SHAL.l INCLUOC ONE fUll CROWING stASON (IHROUCH OCT 15) 11. All AREAS LEFT UNPLANrtO SHAUB[ DRESSED 'M TJ, f DEP TH MULO, :f 0 .C. PlANl Ml). -LOW GROWING BOT AN!~ NAM[ COMMON~ ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA -URSI KINN1KINNICK !-""RA.GARIA CH ILOENSIS COASTAL S1R AW 8£RRY GAULTH[RIA S HAUON SAL.Al MAHONIA R(P(NS CR EEPING MAHONIA POLY'STICHU t.4 MINUTUU WE STERN SWORD rERN Pl,AtJT MIX -SHRUBS & TREES B0l'ANICAL NAM( COMMON NAM( AMEI..ANCH l(R ALNIFOUA S(RY!((BERRY CORYLUS CORNUTA W(SlIRN HAZE LNUT FRA)(INUS U.TlfOI..IA OREGON ASH HOLODISCUS DtSCOl.OR OC (ANSPRAY OEMLERIA CERASffORMJS INOIAN PLUM OUERCIJS CARR"f.A.N.A CARRY OAK CONT SIZE & PLANTING NOTES 10 CU IN. D 36" OC 10 CU. IN. 0 36-DC 10 CU IN. 0 35• O C 10 CU IN O 35• OC I GAL.LON CONT O .36 " O C CONT SIZE &:-PL.ANTIN G NO TE$ 10 CU IN O 6. O.C 10 CU IN O 6 ° 0 C. 10 CU. IN O 6 ° O.C. 10 CU. IN O 5• O.C. 10 CU. IN O 5 • 0 C 10 CU. IN O 6 ' 0 C 12 UJP<Wi:l TOPSOL rOR PLAN TING &OS SHALL CONSIS1 Cf" APPROK 33-!>0X COMPOSl ANO 50-65l SAND ~ SA.HOY LOAM .I.NO lr.l (E t TH[ FO..LOWIN G SP£CJFICA1t0NS Cfl:CAHC MA !T[R (DR Y 'IIIOGH T)· 1~·20X CCM>UCnYITY {MMHS/CM} <:J pti 6 .0 -7.5 ere >10 m~/1<X>9 USDA l[):TUR[ SAND Y LO-',M WAC M[IALS: PASS {CED AR GRO I,{ J -WA Y TCf>SOL ANO CfOAR CROvf PtAN llNG 5C4l. AR{ .t.WROll1:0 PROOUCTS ME£TlNC IH!S SPEC.) 13 LOOSEN [KISTINC SUBSOIL TO MIN. 6 " O(P TH PHIQF! 10 PlAC(M[Ni (Y TOPSOIL 14 PLMIT1NC BEDS AND LAIIIN .AR(AS SHALL REC(IIJ[ 12-INCH COMPACT[D DEPTH (85X COMP ACI ) lMPORT TOPSOl flRS I TMH hC>-t Ufl Sl-t ALL 8[ TH~OUCHL Y MI X(D m o [XISTING SUBSOIL TO A 4° WIN ()(PH, l ~~~~LLC --1g;JQUn,::1....._,0,.,.. :::.!.'!.... ill - ~ D »I Cl!01 ~§ a:, u '7> .t::. ~ ~ 4i g- E !:' ; O> of 1sl .l!! ·~g ,: "' "'~ 0...; C:"' Q) <') E8 ~"' .. !i ~ $ ~ ~ .,1-J u QJ .,1-J ·-.c u '--re D. ::) D 1....- bll r..:J ~ ·'IA~~ _,.._,OH Allr.GaSTEHED ~_,..,.c, ;:;;.;i't!f- a:111,,CAlf HO.lN PROJEC T AVANA RIDGE PLANNED UN IT DEVELOPMENT 106 15 SE 172ND ST . RENTON , WA 98055 CUENl AVANA RIDGE , LLC F'ROJECT IS~S SITE DEVELOPMENT PE.AMT 12101/201~ -.o..o P£RMIT 1212t120 1~ lklll.D1Ki PERJilT RESU8Mlf1Al I Wll201t BUM.r.GPERWT RESU8Mlf1Al 0111112011 SIT E OEW:LOPMENT PERMI T 011l11201 1 RE SU8Ml n Al SNE ET OATE tllJIQltli RhlSIQNS C-.,'NN CHECli,£0 ~CT No SI-E:ET TITLE a,p -....... PLANT SC HEDU LE AND NOTES >SSi.< IIUI.OING PERWT RESUIIIITTAI L12 ~ l R(( STAJ(..ES TO t3l v[RTICAL. P lo.RAL.L[l, [V[N TC)PP(D. U~;SCAPP[D ANO DRIV(N INTO IJNDfSTUR8(0 SU9CRAOL PLACl f OR LOCAL 'llll NO CON[)TIONS 2 P\.ANI I R[E 2" 1i tC,HfP T"""-N AO..AC(Nr GRAD{ 'ARBOR TIC OR APPROv£0 EOi.lAI.. TR[[ TICS B-f 001 X 2• DIAM (H R WOOD TR(( STAI<($, 2 PER TR((. J_.,SP(R OR EOUA:.. _,,,.---RCM<M: ~.t..( ANO CORO f"ROM ·R([ IRUNI( ~ 3• DEPT H MEDIU M BARI< MULCh ~ •· WATCHIN G BASI N SUR ROUNOINC TREE -..-~~--~ PlU BURt..AP orr TOP 1; J or ROOTBAU. I ~---P~TINC 8ACKF1 LL U1X (PIT Pt.ANTl!ltG) OR TOPSOIL --SCARlrY PLAHTNC PIT 'tt'AU.S - SLoPL «All LJ --5(1 00018"U. ON M()l.)t,() Of UNDISTURBED BAS( rf) DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING SCALE· 112"' • 1'-06 !I~,;~·"""\ SUBCRAO{ ""~ -" NI :a ~WO,{ £ •C(~'.) C,RA.,'(l ,v,1!) P.r,~ COAR5C TRANSlTK>N rf(()M TOPSOIL TO SUBSOl. ~ GRADING -PARKING LOT PLANTER SCALE HTS L Ve\ ' CROUPS or SIMl c,.R PLANTS 6 ~ / \ ANY LOW CROWING "'' ·'·~ \ SHRU8 OR CRCvNOCOVt'R '-, IN CROUPS <X .l OR ~ , 1 WH£R£V£R POSSl8LC 0 0 7 ._:a __ _gt -, I -ANY SH RUB OR TR£[ -I ~ l<ANOOMLY INSCRT INTO \ I CRIO AT 6' MIN FROM ltHY 0 0 \ 0 / OT H[R St1Rve/T~[ rB\ ~ NATIVE PLANT MIX LAYOUT SCAl.£ tJ.4 · • 1'.V '~SHEEIW(1S14'L)(j• I P\OIOl,.lt: ~ • US£ 1~£ 'ARBOR rll. OR APPROVED COUAL. TR([ 0£S E'VOl.Y SPAC£0 APOJ,.c BAY Of l!iH-PlJ(( r~ t OCA,;. liilt<i(i CONOIIIOhS • PL.AHT IR(( 1· HICHlR ltWI O(PTH CROWN Al NURSCRY °A,RBOR ;(· ()Fl APPR0',1D EO\JAL TR[[ TICS ,--J" D(PIH M.EDtU M BA,Ri< lrrA ULC H PLANTING BA.CKflll MIX -[XISTINC TOPSOIL &: COMPOST ~ 4. WAT(RING BASIN SURROU NOINC TREE ,-2X 2 l'\AROllr'OOO $TM( ORM INTO UN0ISTUR9£0 SUBCRADC -r<NISH GRAD[------- ~ REt.tOY£ TWINE AN O CORD AROU ND TRUNK Of TREE POU BURL..AP OH TOP 1/.5 or ROOTBAu. D,15 TlNC SUBG RAO( ~ EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING SCALE 1,r • 1'4" PA\/1 NC \'i[l CML PLANS) fHSH CRAOC AT 4 I SLOPC (WA.A ). 2:l SlOP{ (TYP tr,liH) NOil PLANT SHR UU 1/2" HIG HlR IHAN DlPlH CRO WN AT Nl,;RSEPY r--3 4 O[PIH MEOtUM S,:.Pt<. ~ULCt- M= 4" WAl[RING BASI N SURROU NDING PLANI -FINISH GRAD E REJ.40V[ BVRW' rROM TOP 1/J or ROOTBAlL LiGHTL Y SCARIFY ROOTBAlL -" or CO NIAIN[R-GROWN Pt.ANTS. PRIOR TO BACKFILLING Pu\NTrNG BACK.ill MIX (P IT PtANTO.G) ~ OR IOPS0,L ,' ', """'di\~ SCARIFY PLANTING Pll WAL LS EXI STI NG SUBGRAO[ SET ROOIBAlL ON MOUND or UND1S1UR8[D SOIL ~ SHRUB PLANTING SCAl.E· 1/T • 1'-0" r 2· tr.lU..Cl"I I.AYER ff/ r ToPSO,. "5 SPfC•l[O 1 r rlNISM CRAOC .T j , SlOPf I __j (MA.<). 10·1 (""') ~ ---CROUNOCOV£ff Pl.,\NT SE£ Pl.MIT UST ---J" D(PTH MECI\.IM SN?~ MULCH =· ,:,,5=,~Ql(!!!:=:!!~-,:,OU,:!e:=--TOPSO<L OCPTH AAO IYP( A~ ~ SP£C1f1[0 EXISTING SUBCRAOC e e e ~ GROUNDCOVER PLANTING SCALE 1/T • 1·~ ('-"~ Cc,<8 P[R CML [)RAWINCS 1.-> (WA,UC SIMILJiP) I rl--{ __ ....... \1 ·-- \ __ l,>Rf PAR[O SUBCRAOl MUl CH CONOIIICIH t ' E},~ ~ ~ PLANTER SECTION DETAIL SCALE HTS ~ MULCH AT CURB DETAIL SCALE NTS I LAstudiOLLc ----. --1,xio,a.....,_....,.. ...-21(1 9-,fllAltl• """-Xll».IIIOJ gi E ~ -8 u ~.c: i ~ QJ .; 8 ~ E ~ ~f ..c ~-Q) u ·"" ~g ·N I... .c::_ t . g~ nJ ~8 ~N D.. .. Q) i ::::J $ ~ M ~ D ~ bll r&J ~ atATI!. Of' --·"" ~~ffCT ... .¥- c:urt•CAU'INO .. """-"Cl AVANA RIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172ND ST. RENTON , WA 98055 CllE "l AVANA RIDGE , LLC PROJECT ISSl.f:S Slrt:OEWLOPll(JOPEJMY ,~~ IIUl..c.NG P£AIIT 12/2tl101~ 8U1lDING PERMI T Rf.SU8MiTTA.L lornntlU IIUUaG PlRMIT RfSUINTT.t.l Ot/11Q011 St<EET 0.-.TE tvrn211; RE'VISiONS """" o«"o PROECT No SttCETTITlE LANDSCAPE DETAILS ..,, -....... 1ssu£ BUR.DING PERIIIT ~Al L13 ~ 8 ,; [ "' . " ~ i ~ C " • "' s ~ 1. .!; " s "' i " s i "' ' i ;:; I ~ "" I l '~~1 " ~ ~'" -......._____ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ i•• ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TESC LEGEND ONSTRUC nON LIIJ /rS &-HIGH YrSIBJL/T'f "TRUCncw rcNCE C .• Pi AS nc CONS T'Rf[S TO B£ RD.IOVfO 1i-'. 0 . DRIPf.lN[ OF RHAINfO TRf[ : (itH'NIN O{',£LOPABI..£ ARCA ) I,.,,. -'-/ .---. '\. r '>'~' r' u-\ [)RIPUN£ OF R[rAIN[D rRff \ '"',., / \ / (l'fFT'HIN oonCAL AR[A/81.JFffR) 0 0£J,.[), Ot'SlASED OR DANGEROUS W[S (PfR ARBOR/S T Rf.PORT) ro,,.L TR£IS· OCAD. OISEASED OR DANCCROUS TREES: ~f£S /Jlo R IGHT-OF-WA Y T1?(£S IN PRIVA re ACC!'SS [AS£MEH rs/~A CTS TRffS IN CR1nCAL ARfAS ANO BUFFERS. NET TRffS. rRff5 TO 8£ R[TAIN£0 . R[OUIR£0: ~ffS TO 8£ R{TAJNED. PROPOSED NO R{F\AC[IJ[NT R[O()IRCO }II (211 X 0.2) • 42 42 I I 0087000211 I ()()8 7000214 I SW 1/4 I~ I !1i '( I I SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE AVANARIDGE 5 £, W.M. l / 008J(X)()282 I I 008100028 0 ()()1)7000285 0087000281 I Ii ----------l __ J ---- L ___ _ )-::-·1 ---- 'oo •o. I -~_j ~ '8 C ~ ' ~ l -............:. -X,; -~, f b --.._f f~ :.? -" ., i ff, '"a>. '% ilO'R.~ J'.,y(I> ~ \ ~ ~-". :_i_ ~ "'~. 1s 1P A 75'-y~ 8 •, ~}77 80 -.,,_,._ 11 -l I x6 ,· I _.,._~o ,~.;., .. --'---, --"-''1} --• 0-' ' -· --, , r ~ '!if!, -:_-: __ -7&--, ">, : Xi ---r:~~L-. ~ 1 ~1 ~·x ~ )><,, " »x ~, . ·l~' --' I-,;,,:--' ' .. -~"'~-" X" I "': ""'\,_}.l ,sx i';i~~-~-,=-I 52 ' .. ! '/'. ~1. V,05><>(~102 I fi" -y I.J '., ...-, " ' XJO 2W. v._~--• ~,J :x; X ' ' ' ' • '" ~" ·¥ ,. "'"' -------v --=-<<' ' X ·"'·· " -""' ""v= =,., ~""' , .. --"'•, . · · , M , "',o ",-s , ><~·;, ~ A"" µ --,o , " , __ •'Tu _ _ '" _ '«<" "' • ' • .,,,,...., --••. ' ' ' ', ----s , ' )sii9 ~ WESTBUILDING,.y_ •J ,1 ~~ V,~~W\ J;~x '! ~ I~ L ----~ -,-i,X~~ " ,q I ' 'y_,_.,~ i ! "9;» "'' " ·"! ",., -I ~x-T, 292.)()59176 -~----~ -~ ,,, 0/ / I ~ . -" •l>( " ,-,, ! ' -{"" ,,UJ,,l; ,X, waC:C.;~~-~: mX:K ")( -~;; "'X~ '• . •'-, . . . V . ' fX•• mX ~ -~~=--:-.----~---:-.o~ -~ -,--:,;_;, ~. ~,{ ' C "'"'"-' --x" "' "';f ?;;~, ,-_,-_, ___ -: -, , ·-:-.-, .. ,, x , ;:;, x, •. --~ -'* "' ~.,,. • </<· : ; ' ~ -~ ~ .... X" ><!:)~~~=~4 ~~ ~;O;:: ?':;'-'c~~~-,1".: ~ ' -~~~-"'")',,.,. • ·~ • / ' ~ '-, d -,,~ --• u> I , S :r/ { ci};<,,,.;,:=--~:;~.)'C-,, _ . ., -,.,, ~ ---t" X )R·9~-=--·:· .,;,;;:;':;~ ',\\l '·w,1 -~~=i,Jt:"'~-=--ii'_.:,>. ;,;:;v,. -~~ "' -!L ,, --, de . "-,, >--. --, ,,_""'">, , .,_ · ••· , , Xe \,¥-_ ~---~:.~:==r-:~~~ J,71 1 ,,s '.sf'J;J~ ~{ _ ~-iii.--,', ... ""-t, , ,; •;",,,._ ,!,,~'l,~'¥,z ,, -~ / / ""'5 l -·~-~-.'¥'! "A ,,"--, . ,, -,•,y,. ,~, , ,. _, , ..,,., , .. , ~ " -,,-:-, ---... '-',,,, • ";,;,-'•1 ' --''..; /,-_,. .-,,_, ,,,, , ... ,,,,,., ' / •If!}.,,,, ',.,.,., ·---~\ }1 \ Ii\-"-"'~"'/\ -j"jj , .· _\ '-t i)s~ ',·· ' _, "~~ ' ., --, '':. >,$,. "'<' '.-, ... ,,,;, " ---''--'• /'%, ' ' C=p ·;;, ' '-' " ' ' ' , ' "' , • , = ' ' ' ' " -1;,_ : ,->,, -, --,--.-;, 1' ,. '-h , '. ?-',,.-, :-: "\ ,, 1" ,,. , "I" _;;,, -;J. , "' , / ' " '-' ' ' -·~ --' ' ' . ' , ' '-' ' ' " ' ' -"' 1,,~ I I (:ii "'l.r•,,. '\A ·r I 11•" ~.i,)97' ' 0-~ -'.~, -[<'~-\_, ·-:' ~ ~1 / '~--.: "287 \ -/ 18"1 •• ,. j,< ., t, ,,..--;_ -. , .,,,._. , ' , , _ ><-~, ,( 278 \ ·,, / '( •• , ,...,,_, \ / ,_, __ , ~ , __ , ,, ~v; ,., , , -.. c.---'°"' . ~ ,-,-v ~ '->';'--,-. -, I~ 1"--'\><\-,,..; f,.1 '<· ,-•• • ' ' 'VO . ,, < '"• ' "'· \.'~, ·--' ' --' ' ' ' " ---. '. . ' ' -, -" ,_,, '~ ~ i'.).t '709 )'-25J ec"1:;,-~I, 1 r ;i.-1!';=-(, 1J8~, ·. · .2~ ~', 1 66 ,.,_ °'\ \18)--I ,, ,., -V -,,o . .k-,{'"-"'-'-i ~90~ y•• .• -"'-" -~ / I ·-"'/ 'J' I / '-. - 1 -~-r.-il6;;:_~~ _ _:, °';:""fiJ ,J,. • f_: 1 ,~7 -~,i'-. )9~' -..) ( ~}.. \fB<I ' _ \•i-::;:\~ . ' >c, . ""'• " O ,o ... ,, "7v-,_ C >,,j •= '"'·\ I 'c C "' --• "' , ·.;;,;;:, '~-~-, ' '~.sJ;° \'-·~ 1 2 "/t~i?~~~',\~'1 ,~ -/,~··_;_: •• • " '~· -,,;.,;,\f-,,,-, \ .(,. / ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ) ~ ~ ~ ~ TREE MONITORING NOTE: TH£ APPUCANT SHALL BE REOUIRED ro PRO V,0£, TO THC CURROH PLANNING PRO.JCCT JJANAGCR. rRf£ R[TfNnON IN5P£CnON/J,ICJMr()RfNG R[PORTS AFTCR INlnAL CLO.RING. FINAL GRADING. AND ANNUALL r FOR row 'rCARS BY A OUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL FORESTER THE tNSP[CnON/i,IOtMORINC R[POIU5 SHALL IO,£NnFr AN'f R[TAJN[D TREES THAT D€VCUJP PROBl..[MS Du[ TO CHANCING SIT[ CONDIT10NS AND Pf?£SCRl8{ '11/nfi.A llON ~ ~ .. ~, C(t_; J,' 1-Y -""-' -7"''.y .. ..,, ,, > A .. ,, •"' f , ,._ • "' " ''" ' • ' ' . '-'---~ --'" . ' '-s,.~ '.. .s.., -/--~. ·3 .,,;j~~.-" 3$-~ "'X.. ,« ~~, , .' ·y '-• , ''l>< -!' j '·>;;;«--1. ,...,. 5Z " -'--, ;.;,, •' -• ~-~~,--2R'' ~ x211 ~ ~,.., . , / . / ' -. ,'<J{t ,;/NJ, ' .. _ ·-' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 23 2 ~,;,_;1·-'·;.124 , '! -._ . ' ~J:,~~2"~ .. ·. \ .!i ••• / ' -· ' / ~~, '"'. ~-------'y '0 '-..._~-> 0 ~ ' ~ "' / / @ NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 40 60 ... _ .. -.. A-NNNNNNN APPROVED FOR CON STRUCTION SUBJECT TO ERRORS ANO OMISSIONS BY:-------- BY: ------------ BY:~--------~ BY: O.,,TE: O.,,TE: O.,,TE: -1=--.~.. I~ 1·""1-1 =: 1-~ -1-=.:..~-JR ~,~~Tg~ ~ ""'"'"0!~·•·~1"•'"c '"" °'" ~ p D.R. STRc.£ ~ ( [RSJ) c::::~=s •~ 0425.621'.J/063 F 42S.62l.2'ZJ OAT [ BY AVANA RIDGE PUD TREE RETENTION PLAN 10615 SE 1 72ND ST, RENTON, WA C15008868 81 5008865 815008867 ,--· 5 -20 DRS PRO JEC T NO. 15088 <X) (0 <X) <X) 0 0 l[) ..... u z z z z z z z I <( .___ ~ ,: ~ ,, C, ~ ~ ~ " "' 3 ~ ~ ~ " " ' ~ t i>l ~ i ~ C "' :, 0 it ~ ; ~ ;;:; ~ <e 3 . ! " w 0 0 a::: <( z <( > <( SW 1/4 SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 5 E, W.M. AVANARIDGE ll?E[ NO D8H SPCCl(S DL s f,HUS LOCA n()N PR~D T1?([ NO D6H SPfC1£S DL s r.HuS LOCAT10N PROPOS£0 TR££ NO. OBH SPfCICS CX sr..trus UX:AnoN PROPOSE.D 7Rff NO 08H 5P£Clf5 Ol STANS LOCAnON PROPOSED TR££ NO OOH SPECIES oil STATUS LOCAr1()N ~ClPOscDl 1 8 D0UGL.AS -f1R ,o i.,.4&.[ D£VCL A RCA RC.WOii(' 99 8 BLACK COTr<)NWO(){) 12 MA&.[" onn ARCA R(lrl(J\£ 199 B 817TCR CHERRY 8 vtAlJL[ ROW Rt410VC 299 ,.. BIGLEAF UA.PLf O OANCCROUS 00£L ARCA RC.WOii£ J99 '" BUCK COTTONW()()() 16 'ltABLC CRlnCM AREA RETAJN , ~.-.-,nR R,rn.1nn1v I ] 22 OOUGLAS-FIR 16 VIAfJL[ O[VfL AREA R[ll,IQ't,£ 100 9 8'GLCAF t,jAPt.£ 14 ,,.,A&.[ Df't1£L ARCA RE.WO't,£ 200 8 BLACK corrcwwoov 10 ~ABLE ROW R£MOVC .JOO 22 81..ACJ< COTTONWOOD 16 \'fA8l.£ oonCAL AR£). R{TA(N 400 10 BLACK CO TTONWOOD 10 "'1A8U {.'RlnCAJ.. AR£A R£r~ I I J ,;; BLACK COrTONWCXXJ 16 'ltABLf onrL ARO RD,l()'IC ,o, ,, 81..ACK COTTCWWO(){) 16 WA&.£ onn ARCA ROIOVC 201 ,.. Bl.AO< COrTONWOOO 12 \'fA&[ D£vn AREA REIJOVC J()I 8 81..ACJ< COTTONWOOD 12 \ofA8L£ CRJnCAL AREA R[TAIN 4 01 10 8tACK CQTTONWOOO 10 VIA&.£ oonCAL AREA R!TAJN 4 14 8'Q.£AF /J APL[ 16 "'1Aa[ onn AREA R£U OI,£ 102 14 BUCK corTONWOOD 16 \.JABLE on£L ARC_A ROIO\'C 202 10 Eh.AC!<. COTTONltOCO 6 DANGEROUS OEVCL AREA R£U OV£ J 02 8 Bl.ACK COrTONtltOOO 12 IAABU CR1nCAL ARE.A RCT.AJH 402 10 8t..ACJ< COTTONWOO(J 10 \lfABLE CRinCAL AREA RETAJN 5 14 8/GLO,F lt,IAPL[ 16 VIA&.[ OCVCL A.REA R[J,1()1,£ ,oJ 8 BUCK COrTO'illtOOO 12 K..a.£ on£L AR(A RfUOYF 20J 8 BL A CK COTT'CWWOOO 8 VIABt.[ 0£VCL AR'EA f?EI/O't£ JOJ 10 8LAQ( COTTONWOOD 6 DANGEROUS CRlnCAL ARE RETAIN 40J 10 BLACK CO TTONWOOIJ 12 VIABl..£ CRlnCAL '4ReA R[TAJN 6 9 ~CK conONW()(X) 8 VIABI.[ D0£L ARO Rf"O'r'C 104 16 BLACK COTTONWOOD 18 ~ABLE on£L AREA R[IIIO\£ 204 14 BLACK COTTONIIOCO 12 VIA&[ OC\U AR[A MTAIN J0-4 20 &.A CK COTTONWOOD 16 'IIABLE CRlnCAL AREA R[TAJN 404 10 BITTER CHERRY 8 \/UBI..[ CRlnCAL AREA R[TA!N 1 6 BIGI.EAF "APL[ 6 \If.A&.[ onn AREA REMO\/£ 105 8 (JJGl..[AF M APLE 14 KABL[ DfYFL ARCA RflJ()i,£ 205 14 St.ACK CO TTCWwoao T2 WA.BL[ 0£VCL ARCA RETAIN JOj 12 BL.ACK COTTONWOOD 10 \lfABU D0fl AR[.A Rfll Ov! 405 12 BL ACK CO TTONWOOD 14 vrABL[ CRlnC.AL AREA R[TAJN ....!__..__ 9 B1Gl..£Af UAPL[ 8 DANGCROUS OCVCL ARO.. R[ltlOVC: 106 ,4 BLACK COTT()NW()()() F6 \19A8i.£ on£L ARCA REMO-.£ 206 6 BICL[Af MAPt..E 12 \lfMJL[ Dl'\£t AR[A RETAIN J06 8 SCOUL[R "S !WU.OW O OANGC.ROUS 0£VH A.RCA RH I OVC 406 12 BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 \IFAB([ CRlncAL A.REA RfTAJN I~-·--1-...-12 81Gl..£Af UA.PL[ 8 OANGCROUS OC~l ARO RCJIO -..£ 107 8 BLACK C0770NWOOD 10 YIASLE D€-..£L ARCA R(l,,l()Vf 207 6 BICUM 61APt.£ 12 KA&.[ DOH ARCA RETAJN JOl 10 BlACK COTTONWOOO 10 VIABLE {)fl,£( ARCA RfllOVf 407 10 Bt..A C,( COTT()HW()()() 12 vrABU CRincAL ARCA R£7AJN 10 J6 8i..AO< COTTONWOOD 18 vtABU {)f\,£L AREA REMO'vf: t08 12 BLACJ< COTTONWOOO ,o Vl.4&.£ OC~l ARCA RCMOVC .__?!!!!_ 18 BLACK CO rTONWOOD 14 VIABLE 0£\lfL ARCA RCIIOVC .JOB 12 81..ACI< COTTONWOOD 12 VIABLE OCYFL A.PC.A RfTAJN 408 10 et.AD< COTTONtWXO 12 vrABU CHlllCAL AREA RETAIN n 18 8'CL£Af" MA.PL[ ,. 0ANG£ROuS onn ARCA ROIOVf 109 8 BfQ..EAF MAP!.£ ,. \lfA&.£ D£'o£L .4RfA R[MOVf 209 _!.2_ 81..ACI< COTTON'NOOD J2 WA.BL [ D€"1"L ARfA RCII OVf J09 8 BITTfR CHERRY 8 VIABl..t CRtnCAL ARCA RETAIN •09 10 BLACK CO TT()N'tll()()() 1J VfABl.£ CRtnCAL AREA RETAIN ....!l__J..--..!.!._ SC0UL£R'S IWLL O W 12 VI.ABU D(Vf1 AIICA R[l,l()'t£ 110 J8 BIGl.[AF MAPLE '8 OANGl-ROUS Ofl£L ARO, REJIO',£ 21 0 8 BLACK CO rTONtll(X){) 10 V,A/J(.[ onn AR[A REIIOIIC J10 18 BLACK COTTONWOOD O D ANGEROUS CRlnCAL 14REA R[TAJN 4 10 16 BL.AC>< COTTONWO<X) 14 \ltABU CRlnCAL AREA R{TAJN /J 10 Bt.ACK CO TTONWOOD 14 VIA&[ onn AR[A R[IIOVf ,,, 22 BC.ACK COTTON'f/1/()(){) 16 '111A8U Dfl£l. ARCA Rf"O',£ 211 10.12.}6,20 BJCLO,.F ll,IAPL,[ 25 DANGEROUS onn ARCA RfMOVf: JJ1 8 BLACX CO TTONW()()() 8 VIJ.BLE CRtnCAL AR£A RETAJN 4 11 16 BLACK COTTONt¥000 14 VIABLE CRfnCAL AR[A R(TAIN f4 24 Be.ACK COTTONWOOD 16 VIA.BL£ Df"VfL ARCA Rf .. ovr '1 2 8 at.AC!< COTTONt/tlOOO 6 {)ANCERW S Dflo£L AR[A R[WO'lt£ 2 12 12 &ACI< COrTONWOOD 14 VU Bi..£ 0€\.fl ARCA R[T.AJH Jl2 10 &ACK COTTONW()()() 10 VIA.BU CRtnCAL A.RCA RETAIN •r2 14.J •• 1' BICI..CAF 4/API..[ 16 VfABU CRtnCAJ., ARCA R{T.AJN 15 10 SCOUtER 'S *HO W 12 '111A8L[ 0€..U AREA R[IIOVC 1/J 16 81..ACI< COTrONWOOD 14 VIA8L[ 0€'o£L ARCA RfMOVf 2/J 12 Bt.A O< CO TTQl,/1111000 12 \If.ABU DC\1£1 ARfA RETAIN JIJ 24 &ACK COTTONWOOD 18 VIA.BL£ CRlnCAL. AR£A R[TAJN 4'J 6.8.8, 10 BIGl.£.AF JJAPI..[ 14 DANCE.ROUS CRlnCAL ARCA RETAIN 16 7 SCOUL.£R 'S ~LLOW 8 WIIB([ DfV(L ARO REMO-.£ H 4 10 BLACK COTTONWOOD 8 DANGCROUS onn AR(A R[l,l()vf: 21• 16 BLACK CO TTONWOOD 16 YIABL[ 0£"1,i('L ARCA ll[TA/N J,4 12 BLACK corT()Nt/1()()() 10 V,AB<.£ CR'lncAL AR£ RfTAIH 414 10 BIGL[AF M APt.[ 10 DANGEROUS CRlnCAL AREA R[TAIN 17 28 &.ACK COTTON'tllOOO O DANGEROUS onu ARCA ROK}VC ,ij 16 BJQ..[AF "APL£ 14 DANGCROuS ono. ARCA REUO VC 21~ 8 BLACX COTTONWOOD 10 OAJo/CCROUS D£1,£L ARCA RCWO'IC Jl5 18 BLACK COTTONWOOD 16 VIABl.£ CR1"CAL ARCA RETAIN 41 5 21 BL ACK COTTCWIKXX> 14 DANGEROUS CRlnCAL ARCA R[T.AJN 18 12 BLACK COTTONWOOO 14 YIABt..£ D{Y!L ARfA R[A,1()1,£ 116 16 8/GLEAF MAPLE 14 DANGEROUS onu AR(A REMOVC: 216 14 8'.ACK COTTONWOOD 14 HA&[ OC\£l ARC.A RCIJOVf J l6 18 &ACK corTONWOOD 16 VIABLE CRtnCAL AR£ R£TAJH 416 8 BLACK CO TTONW()(X) 10 DANGEROUS ooncAL ARCA RCTAJN .'9 ,o BICLEAF lt,IAPL[ 12 OANGCROVS 0£\,fl ARCA R[UOvf: 117 I"} OOUGLAS nR 14 'tfABi..E OC'ICL ARC.A. R[U O'IC 217 14 Be.ACK COrTONWO<XJ 14 VI.ABLC O{ll("L ARCA REWOVE J/7 12 &.ACJ< COTTONWOOO 12 vt.Ailt.E CRtnCAL ARC. R[TAIN 4 17 10 BLACK COTTONIK){X) 10 OANGEROU'S CRinCAL ARCA R[rAJN 20 J5 £Ju.Ci( COTTONWOOD 20 VIA&.£ onn APCA Rf"'O'-£ f/8 14 Bl.ACK COTTCWltQOO 16 WA&£ DHEl ARE.A. REMO',£ 218 14 BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 HABLE onn ARCA RCTAJN JIB 8 BLACK COTTONWOOD 6 DANCCROUS CRlnCAL 14R£A R[TAJN •r8 8.10.12,12 8/CLCA.F U APt.£ 14 DANG£R0US CRlnGAL ARCA RfTAJN 21 J5 BLACK COTTONWOOO O OANGCROUS onn AREA ROIDVf 119 7 Bl.AC>< COTTONWOOO ,0 ',,fA8L[ DE'o£L ARCA RCUO\£ 2 19 8 BLACK COTTONWOOD 10 V,ABL.[ O{\l(l ARCA REU OVf J19 10.18.24 BIQ.EAF lrlAPLE 20 VIABLE on£L ARCA RCMOV( 4 19 10.10 BICLEAr J,IAPL.£ 12 DANGEROUS CRITJCAL ARCA RETAIN 22 10,14 BICl.EAf MAPLE 10 DANGEROUS D(VfL ARCA F?[MOYf 110 9 SU.Cl< COTTONltOOO 12 VIABt.[ ann ARfA REMO'.£ 220 7 ORCCON MfJT[ A SH 12 VIABL E Ofl£L AREA RCTAIN J20 8 81..ACJ( corTONWl'OOD O DA.NCCROUS OC\IEl ARCA ROJO Vf 420 8 BIGL[AF U AP/..£ 12 \.fABL[ DfVCL ARCA R{T.AJN ( 2J 7 B1GL£Ar "APL£ 8 DANGCROUS 0£..U AR{A R(lil0r£ ,21 10 8LACi( COTTo,JWOOD IO YIA Bt.[ Dflfl AREA R{MO'r£ 221 ,o BLACK COTT()NW(){X) J2 ¥fABU onn AREA RHAJH J21 14 BLACK CO TTONWOOO 14 VIABLE onn AR[A R£1,,10 Vf: 421 6.6 BICU:Ar 4/APL.£ 10 V,A&.£ CRlnCAL. ARCA R(TAJN I 2 4 8 OOUCLAS-nR 6 DANGEROUS DfVf"L ARCA RfMO'vf: 122 10 8LAC>< CO TTONW(X)() 12 OANCCROUS 0£r£L AREA RfMOVC: 222 10 BL ACK COTTCWWOOD ,2 \IFABLf OC'.£L ARfA RErAIN J22 J6 Bl.AD< COTTONWOOD 25 _VIABLE CRtnCAJ.. AR£ RCTAJN 422 10 BLAD<. COTTONWOCV 10 llfABL.£ Df"\1£L AREA RfllOVf 25 8 B1GUAF lt,IAPL[ O DANGEROUS onn .ARCA REUO'r£ 12 J 5 (1 4-2 4 ' &GUAF l,IAPI.£ n 0AHG£R0US Dnn ARCA R{l,IQl,f; l2J 10 BL.ACK COrTO\ltKXlD 12 WADLE Ofl£L ARO, REIIOVC JZJ 8 BITTFR 01[RR 'f ,2 VIABl.E CRtnCAL .ARE Rf.TAIN 42J 14 BLACK CO TTCWWOOO 12 VIABLE OC't'CL AREA RCU OVC I 26 8 BiACJ( COTTON"M()(X) 12 VtAiJt..£ Of"VCL AR£A RCJIOV( 124 9 BLACK COTTONWOOD 10 YIABLE DH£L ARCA REMO-.£ 224 10 BLACK corrcw..oc:x:> 12 \IFABLE D£\£L AREA RDIOVf J24 14 BLACI< COTTONl/fOOO O DANGEROUS CRl nCAL MC RCTAJN 41 4 10 BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 \.fABt.£ CR1nCA,L ARCA R[TAIN 27 11 8tACX COTTONttOOO 14 VIABLE D{Vf"L A RCA R{UOV! 125 16 BLACK COTTONWOOD 16 YIA&.E .onn ARO R[l,,l()I,!£ 225 8 BLACK COTTONWOOD 10 Vt.A.BL[ ROW R£410VC 3 25 16 BLACK COTTONWOOD 12 VIA&.£ CRIOCAL. ARC R(TAJN 425 8 WfS1£RIY RED-CEDAR 8 VfABLE CRlnCAL ARE A R[TAIN 28 10 BL.ACK COrrr»IWOOO 8 DANGEROUS onu AP[A R[WOVC 126 8 8t.AC>< COTTONWOOD 10 \ltABt.£ D€\1£L ARCA RCMOVf 226 8 BLACK coTrONwooo 10 \11.ABL.£ ROW RCIIO-..£ J26 18.26 B1Cl.£AF M APLE 18 t,MBL[ CRrnCAL .AREA RCTAIN •26 ,0 81GL £Ar A/APL£ 12 DMCCROUS ooncAL ARCA RC,AJN 29 8 BLA CK COTTONWO<XJ 12 \lfABl.£ DCVfl. ARCA R[W0 \1£ 121 20 SLACK COTTONWOOD 16 \19ABL£ 0€\lf"L ARCA RCJIOVf 227 10 Bl.AO( COTTONIKXX) 12 \IFABL[ OC 'VCL AREA RCTNN J27 16 BL.A C>< corTONWOOD 18 VIABLE 0£V'H ARCA RflllOVE' 427 1• &.AO< COTT()Nt//1()()() 16 0,4NC£ROUS CRinCAL AR[A R[7AIN JO J6 BLAD< COTTONWOOD ,a llf"'8l[ DCvCL AR[A IUMO'r£ 128 12 BLACK COTTON'tlt()(){) 10 VIA&[ on ,£L AR(A PEMO'Vf 228 14 Bl.ACK corTONWOOD 12 VIABLE ocvn AREA RETAIN J28 8 Bi.ACK COTTON~ 8 VIA.Bl£ D0£L A.REA RfJIO VE 428 7 BLACK CO TTONW()()() 10 DANGEROUS CRlnCAL AR[A R{TAIN J1 14 BLACK COTTONWOOD 12 \lfABI...[ onf'L AREA R[MO Vf 129 10 BL ACK COTTONWO<XJ 16 IIIA&.£ CRtnCA.t ARCA RErAJN 2 29 8 SCOUL[R'S Hil'UOW 10 D ANGEROuS D£'v£L APCA ROI()-.£ J29 16 BLACK COTTONWOCX> 14 ',fA8(£ DE-..£L ARCA R(MOVC 429 7 (JITT[R CHERRY 8 \.fA&[ CRlncAL ARCA RHAIN J2 8 8LACX COTT()NWOO() 10 WA8L£ ROW R£tl()vf: I.JO 8 81GL£AF IIAPi.E 14 VIABLE CRITICAL ARCA R£TAffl 2JO IJ.8. Be.ACK corrO'iltl!IOOD 14 VfABl..f ROW RCII0 \1£ JJO 8 Bl.A CK COTTONWOOD J DANGEROUS DC\l'H AREA RfWO'lt£ I ~ ~ :~~ ~~:= ~~ :::~ =~= ::~ ;~; :; :~~ ~~:= ;! :~ :~: =: :~;: :f; 10 ~' 0 :~';AF ~:~tKJOD :: ~"':iROUs ::~ =~ ~:~ ~~; ~; :~~ ~~:= 1: ;::Roos ::~ ==~ ::~~ EXCLUDED TREES NOTE I J.j 8 Bt..ACK COTTONWOOD 12 VIA&.£ ROW RCM0\1£ IJJ 7 BIGI...CAF MAPLE 10 \lfABi..E CRlrlCAL ARCA R[TAJN 2JJ 22 81Cl.£AF l,IAPt.£ 18 DANGEROUS 0£\l'CL .ARCA REMO'.£ JJJ 12 8LAC1< COTTONWCXXJ 10 VIABLE DEVCL ARCA RfU OVE' SC£ ARBORIST R[PORT. OA!CD OlCCMBCR 16, 2015. Br J6 8 81Cl.£Af MA.PL.£ O DANGEROUS DEVCt. AR[A REMO'.£ JJ4 7 81Q...£AF MAPl.£ 10 \lfA8L[ C1hnC.AL AR[) RfTAJN 2J• 12 BLACK COTTONWOOD 10 'AABLE 0£\.£L ARCA REAI0\1£ JJ4 8 BLACK COTTONWOO() 0 DANCCROUS DC'vf:L AR[,'. REIIO'Vf GRITNFOREST INCORPORA TfO FOR INfORMAnON ON DEAD J l 16 8/CI.EAF IIIAPLE 18 111"'8Z.[ DfVH ARCA R[l,l()\1£ JJ5 7 8JQ..fAf UAPU 10 "'1ABI.E CRrTK:AL AREA RETAIN 2 J.5 ID Bi.ACI< CO TTONWOOD B OANGCROUS DO£L ARCA RCWO'IIC J J.5 7 BIGl...[Ar IJAP,..E 14 \ltABI..E D(V[l AREA R(U0'r£ {)(SCASCD. OR DANGt:ROI.JS TREES • 38 12 BIWAF MAPt.£ 16 '111A6U' Row RCMO'I£ t.Jo o 1t£STERN R£D-CEDAR 8 "'1AB1..£ CRtnCAL AREA R£rAJN 236 12 BLACK coTTONMCOD 14 wABLc D£\1£'L ARCA Rewo ve: JJ6 12 BLACK COTTONWOOD 10 Yr ABLE oon A.RE,,. Rew ove TREE TABLE NOTE J9 14 BICUAF 1,/APLE 16 vrABI..[ ROW ROIOVf IJ7 7 BICl[AF UAPt.E IO WA&..[ CRtT7CAl AR£) R[TAJN 2J7 12 BLACK COTT()Ntii,f)(}() 14 VIABLE OCVfL AR[A R[J,10 -..£ JJ7 14 BU,CJ( COTTONWOOD 12 vtABU onn AREA RCltlOVC 40 12 BIG1.£AF A/APL£ 6 OANGCROUS ROW R[ltl0 °1£. I.J8 6 BITTER CHERRY 8 VIA&.[ CRITICAL ARCA RETAIN 2J8 8 ttt:SrrRN H[WlOCI< ,o WABLE DfVFL .ARCA Rflt,IO V[ JJ8 14 8LAQ( COTTONWOOD 12 VIABLE D£\1£L AREA REMOVC ~ f:_H_ -v::c.~:r::i;~; ~i~c:1T IN INC'H[5 41 6 81GUAF ltlAPLE 10 vtABI...( D{VfL AREA RfltlO -..£ 1J9 6 8IGL£Af MAPLE 12 WA&[ CRJnCAL AREA R[TAJN 2J9 IO {)()IJ(J{._A S-FJR 8 t.1.A&..E 0 fl£L ARCA RfTAJN JJ9 !J 8LACX COTTONWOOO ,o VIA8LE DC.fl AREA R(l,10\/( 42 8 BC.ACK COTTONWOOD O DANGEROUS 0£\.£L AREA R[J,10",£ 140 12 &ACK COTTONltOOO 14 \19A8LE DCVEL ARCA ROI 0\1£ 24() ro BLACK corrONWOOC 12 KA.Bi[ Dfl.£L AR[A RCUO \IE 340 14 BL.ACT CO TTONWOOD 14 VIA&£ OCYfL ARCA REMOVf 4J 18 BtCUAF U APLf 8 DANGCROUS onn AREA R(MOVF 141 8 BLA CK' COTTONWOOD ~ YIABLE DEi.fl .A.REA R{410v£ 2 •1 12 Bl.ACK COTT()Ntll()()() 14 OANGEROO S OCVCL ARCA RC.I ()\/( J41 lJ &AO< CO TTONWOOD O CANGE.R OUS Ofv(L AR[A R[UOVC 4 4 8 &.AC!< CO TTONWOOD 14 VIA&.[ 0£\l["L AR(A R[MO Vf 142 ,a BLACK COTTONWOOD 12 \It.AB({ OCl-£1 AREA R[IIOVf 2 42 10 BLACK corrONWOOO 14 VIABLE DEVCL AR[A R£JIO\IE 342 ,o BLACK COTTONWOOD 12 VIA&.£ D£YfL AREA R'EMO'r£ ~ 8 BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 WA&.[ D[VfL AR[A R(lt,IOVf t4J 8 &ACX COTTONW()(){) ro \ltA&.[ Df'o£l. ARCA R{JIO Vf 2 •J 12 BLACK COrTONWOOD 14 VIABLE OC'.£L AR[A RCTAJN ]4J 26 BICUAF 41.APL[ 20 VIABLE D£V[L AREA R£JIOVF_ 46 10 Bi.AC>< COTTONIIIOOD 14 \ltl.8L.f DC'VCL ARCA ffCWO vf: 144 8 BLACK COTTONl"IOOO 8 OANG[ROU5 DH£L ARCA REMO',£ 2 H 12 8t.ACK COTTONWOOD 14 YI.A.BL[ D£\1£L AR(A RC,AJN JH 12 BL ACK CO TTONwtOOO 10 VIABLE DEi/ft. A.RCA REU OV[ 47 12 BL.AO( COTTONltt>OO 14 YIABI..[ D£'VCL ARCA REIIO l/f 14~ 12.14 BLA CK COT10NW()(X) 16 '111ABL£ Dfl£L AREA REJ,l()Vf 245 12 81.ACI< CO T10Nl+(X)O 14 \IFABL[ D£<.£t. AR[A RCT!JN ]45 16 BLACK COTTON~ 14 llfABl.£ D£VfL .AR[A R£1t101/f -I •8 10.16 BLACK COTTONWOOO 16 1/IA/JLE D(\lfL ARCA RflilO 'lt£ 146 14 Bt.AQ( COTTONWOOD 12 ~ABU DfVFL ARCA R["OV,: ....__}46 12 BLACK CO TTON WOO{) 1• vtA8L£ OCVCL AR[.A RUAJN J~ 8 &.ACK COTTONWOOD 6 VU.Bl...£ DC VfL A.RCA REMO vC ~ 9 8 8.LA CI< COTTONv,{)(X) 10 \ltABI..£ 0£\lfL AR(A RCltl0 \1£ 14 7 10 fJLACJ< COTTONWOOD 10 WABL[ D£Vf1 ARCA R£1i10'.£ }47 12 BLACK COTT()NM()OO 14 ~ABLE ROW R£1i10VC J,4 7 8 12.24 BIGLEAF Iii.A.PL[ O 0 ANG£R0US OE-..£L AR(A R[MOY! ~8 10 8LACK COTTONWO<XJ 12 VIABL[ DCY!L ARCA RfM0\1£ 248 8.8.8 BLACK CO TTONWOOD _12 DANGEROUS ROW R£1t10 -..£ J48 14 Bi.AC>< CO TTONW()(){} 11 \lfABI...£ Df'VfL AR[A /?£.U O VC 5 10 BLACK COTTONWOOD 12 VI.AfJL[ 0£VCL AR[A R[lt,IQ\/( 149 10 BLAO< com:wHOa> ,2 \IFA&[ onn AREA R[l,/0'.f: 2 4 9 14 Bl.A.Cl< COTT(WM()(X) 16 DANGEROUS CRITICAL AR[A R[rAJN 349 12 &.ACK CO TTONWOOD 14 VIABLE D(\/(L ARCA RC410\lf' S2 10 Bl.AC>< COTrONwooo 12 ~ABU oon ARCA R[M()vf: 150 ,o BL ACK COTTONWOOD 12 \lfABlC 0£\.£L AR[A R[MOV£ 2 SO 20 BLACK COTTONWOOD 16 KABL£ CRtnCAL ARCA R[TAIN J50 12 BLACK COTTONWOOD ,o "1A8L[ OEVfL AREA Rewove 5J ro &.ACK COrTON'MXXJ 12 VfA&.£ D[VfL AREA ~ 151 ,o RED AC.OCR 14 '111ABU Ol\lf:L A.RCA R010i,£ 251 l1 BLACK COTT()N'M)()() 14 VIABLE -ciiiTICAL AREA RETAIN J 51 12 BL.ACX CO TTONtlll()(X) fO VIA&.£ 0C\.£L A.RCA RE.lilOv! 5 4 16 BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 DANGEROUS OfVfL ARCA R£M()Vf 1'2 14 f?CD ALOCR 16 DANGEROUS OC\IE'L AREA REUO',£ 252 8 81Ct[AF M APL[ 14 '111A8i..£ CRtncAJ.. ARfA R{TAJN J52 ,o 81..ACI< COTTONWOOD 12 VIABl.C DEYfL ARCA REMOVE' .55 12. 16 81Q..EAf ti.APL£ 10 DANCCR'OUS Dl-..£L AREA REU0\1£ ISJ 8 8/TrfR CH[RRY 8 VIA&.£ {)£',fl AREA R[U Oi.,£ 25J 14 BLACI< COTTONWOOD 16 VIA.BL£ CRJnCA.L AR[ R!T.AJN J.SJ 12 BLA CK COTT()NWOOO T4 VIABLE 0£\.£L ARCA R[ltlOV( 56 8.10.,2.,1.H,18 BIGUAF lt,I APLE 2S D.ANC£R0US 0£\.£L AR{A R{J,l()v{ 154 8 91rrrR ~[PRY 8 l-1A8t.£" D{\£L ARCA RfUO\{ 15, 10 Bt.A CK CO TTONWOOO 12 'tfABLf CRIUCN.. AR[A RETAIN ~~ 12 BLACK corrQl'lrr,()()() If VIASc.E OCVfL ~(A Rf.llO't'f .57 18 BfGLCAF 1t,1APLC 16 DANGCROUS Ofl'fL ARCA R[JIOVf 15,5 8 81C1..£AF MAPLE 12 i.fA&.f 0£'o£L ARE.A Rfl,/0",,£ 2 55 10 BLACK COTTONW(X){) r• \lfABi..E CRIDCAL AR[ RCT.AJN J55 • 12 BLACK COTTONWO<XJ 14 I/IAIJL£ O!YfL AREA R[lilO VC 58 8 &ACK COTTONWOOD 10 VIA8L£ OC~l AR{A RfWO Vf T56 8 8'GUAF III APf..£ 12 \11A&.f D0£L ARfA RfU OV[ 258 10 Bt.AO< COrTONWOOC 14 WABLE CRITIC.AL AR[A R[TAIN J.56 t} BLACK COTTONWOOD 1• VIABLE OCVCL AREA R£.110Vf I 59 12 &..ACK CO TTONWOOD f6 YIABt.£ 0£\l'fL AREA ROIOVf 1.57 8 81Cl...£AF IIIAPt.E 12 \IF.A&.[ onn ARCA R[IIOVC: 257 14 BLACK COTrONWOOO ,. VIABLE CRIT1CAI.. ARCA RCT!JN Jj7 11 Bt..ACX COTTONWOOD 14 v,ABL[ Of'i£L .A.RE A R[UOVf I 60 8. ,o BJCLEAF ltlAPLC 14 \.fA&[ D£1,£L ARCA RDIOVf T58 8 81Gt.£AF ltlAPt.E ,2 V,A/JL[ ono. ARCA R[l,/0 11£ 2511 8 BLACK COTTONWOOO 10 VIABL E CRmCN.. ARfA RETAIN JS8 12 81...ACK COTTONWOOD 14 '111A8L£ ocvn ARCA RCltlO Vf 61 6 8'Q...£AF U AP/.£ 10 WA.BL[ onu ARCA R[MOV( 15 9 ,2 BIGL£AF MAPLE ,. \19A8£.[ OEYFL AR[A R[IJOY( 259 16 fJLA CI< COTTONWOOD 16 VIA&.[ CRlnCN.. AREA R[TAIN 3S9 ,2 &ACK co rrONWOOD 14 YrA8l.£ 0£\l(L ARCA R[Jl()\I[ 62 6,6 Bia.EAi' U APL[ 12 VIABLE Dfl£L AREA REUO'.£ 100 28,28 BIC4..£AF JIAP1.£ 25 WA&.[ OC'.£l AREA R(l,,l()Vf 260 16 BLACK COTTONWOOO 14 VIA&.[ DCVCC. ARCA RETAIN J60 12 &.AO< COTTONWOOD 14 '111A.8LE Dnn AREA RCA.tOVf 6J 18 BIQ..EAF 1t,1APL£ 12 DANCCROUS onn AR[A R£J,l()V[ 161 2 4 RCO AL.OCR O DANGEROUS Dflf l AREA REAIOVf 261 14 BL.ACK COTrONWOOO J {)ANGCROuS OCll£l AREA R£1,1()Y[ J61 ,o &TTfR CH[RRY O DANG£R0US onn ARCA R£1i10 Vf 6 4 14 81a.£Af MAPLC 10 OANGCROUS D£VE1 ARCA RfMOV( 162 12 BLACK COTTONWOOD 12 '111ABL£ OOH AR£A Rfl,,I()'-£ 161 10 8'Gl..£AF ".APt..£ 16 '111A8L£ OCVFL AR[A RETAIN J62 12 Bi.ACK COTTONWOOD 14 \lfA.81..£ D£1,£L ARCA R(lilO llf 65 12 8/CL£Af MAPLE 14 OANCEROUS DE\l'fL ARCA R[MOVf l6J 18 &ACK COTTONMXXJ 16 \IFA&.£ Ofl£L ARCA RfMO 'vf: 26J 14 BLACK COTTON'M.XJD 10 vrABL[ DE'.£L AREA R[rAIN .J6J 12 &ACK CO TTONW(X)() 14 VIA&..£ 0(1,££ AR(A RCJJOVC: 66 18 BJGI..EAF IJAPU 18 VIA&..£ DEVCL ARCA R[WO\'£ 164 14 BUCK COTTONK(}()() 16 VI .. BLE DEVFL AREA R["'O\.£ 26 • 14 Bl.ACK corr&wttOOO 10 WABJ..£ DC\1£L AR'f"A R[T~IN J,64 8.18 81Gt..£AF '11APL[ 10 VIABt.£ DE'vf:L AREA R£M0Vf 67 22 &G.EAF UAPL[ 18 OMCEROUS DCVCL ARCA RfAIO'VC 165 8 BITTCR CHCRRr 12 Ill.A&.£ Dflt.l AMA R{JIO V( 26j 8 BL.A O< CO TTO-VIKXXJ 10 VfABLC DE\£L ARE.A REMOVE J65 4 X 8 BICLEAF IIIAPt[ 18 'IIA8L£ DE VFL A.R[A RfltlOVf 68 r6 tt£S TfRN RED -CEDAR 14 DANGEROUS DfVfL ARO ROIOVf 166 16 81.ACK conONWO<XJ 18 DANGCROuS DC\IE'L ARCA R[WO l/f. 266 10 BUCK CO rTONt+OOO IO WABL[ DC\IH ARCA REMOYf .166 1 91GUAF" U APf..[ 12 VIA&[ D{vfL ARCA R£1,10 Vf I 69 1 0 8'GL£AF UAPLf 14 DANGEROUS onn AR£A ROIOVf 167 18 BLAD< COrTGWHOQ? 16 DANGEROUS Ol'Vf.L AREA R[WO VC 267 8 lt£ST'[RN rl[MLOCK 10 V,A8L{ onn AR[A RETAIN 367 8 8'GLEAF U APL{ 14 VI.ABU DCVCL AR[A R{lt,IO '.£ I 7 0 16 BUJUAF /,,IA.Pl[ 14 DANGEROUS onn AREA RCJIOl/f. 168 8 R[O Al.OCR 12 vtABL.E ROW R(l,l()Vf 2 68 12 BLACK COTTONWOOIJ 10 1-fA&[ ocvn AREA REIIO'VE .168 8 .8.8 8/CiEAF U APL{ 16 DANGEROUS 0£\'(L ARCA RfMOVf I 71 10 BICL[Af M APL[ 14 VIABL E 0£VCL AREA R[WOVf 169 20 BUCK COTTONWOOO 18 ~U&.E ROW RCU O\£ 269 ,, BLACK CO TTONWOOD 12 WABL[ DEVfL ARCA R{TAIN J69 10 BLACK COrTCYv~ 14 VIABLE ocvn AR[A R["OVf 72 /4 EJtCl..[M MA.PLC 16 OAN(.CROUS 0£YfL ARfA RCJIOVC 170 8 St.ACK COrTON'MX)() 10 VIA8L £ RO W REltlOVF 2 70 8 BLA CK COTTONWOOD ,2 VIA&( DH£L AR£A RflAIN 370 10,J} BICI...EAF UAPL[ 12 DANGEROUS CRlnCAL AREA RCTAJN 7J ,o BIGl.£.AF U APL{ 14 111.A&.f on n AREA R[UOVC 171 10 OOOCLAS -f1R 6 ~A&.£ Dfl£L AR[A REMO\.£ 21, 10 BLA CK COTTONMX)() 12 '111A8Lf onn /<REA RETAIN J71 8 Bi rT[R 01ERRY 12 WABLE CR1nCAL AR£ RfTAJN 14 6,6, BIGLEAF MAPLE 10 OANGCROUS D£'1£.L AREA RfJIOVf 172 8 R£0 ALOCR 14 V,"'8L£ ROW R[lilO\.£ 271 10 BLA CK C0770Nl'I()(){) 10 '111A8L.£ CR1 TICAL ARCA R[7A1N 372 8 .10.12 BIGUA.F U AP/.£ 12 DANGCROUS CRlnCAL AREA RETAIN I 73 12 BU.CK corrcwwooo 16 \19A8L,[ ROW RDIO\IC 17J 16 BLACK COTTONW()(){) 16 \IFABL[ onn ARCA REU 0\1£" 27J 16 'fll£STERN R[[}-CEDAf,, 12 ~ABL[ CRlnCAL. AREA. R[TAJN J7J 14 BL.AC>< COTTONWOOD 16 1/IABLE 0£\ltl AREA RCU OVC 76 8 BL.A CK C0770NWOOD ,2 VIA&.[ ROW R[l,IOVC 174 r6 81..A CK COTTONWOOD 16 \11A&.E D£1,£L ARCA Rfl,I0',1£ 2 74 26 8/ClEAF JI.APL[ 2 0 VIABL[ CRJTJCAJ.. AREA RETAIN J74 20 &GU.AF I.IA.PL£ ,o DAN<.XROUS CRlnCAJ. ARCA R(rAJN TT= 10 BLACK COTTONWO<XJ 14 VI.A&[ ROW REMO~ 17~ 26 81Gt.£AF l,IAPL{ r6 DANGEROUS Dnf'L AR[A R[MOVf 275 8 BLA CK COTTON 'NOOO 12 DANGCROUS DE~L A,R[A RCJJ0',1£ J75 20 BICl..[M 1,/A.PL[ 10 DANCCROUS CR1nCAL. ARCA RETAIN 78 , 8 &.Ao< COTTON',tl()(XJ 12 VIA&.( R OW R{U OV( 176 16 BLACK COTTONWOOD r4 V,A8££ 0£\IH ARCA RCTAJN 276 26.20 &CLEA!' JI.APL[ 25 OA.NGEROUS D£1/f.L ARCA R£JIO -..£ 376 8.12 BIGLE.AF l,IAP(E 14 VIABLE CRlnCAL AREA RETAJN 79 8 BLACK CO TTONWOOD 12 VIABLE ROW R[MOvf: 177 16 BLACK COT rONW(X)() 1• \IIA&.[ D[~L. ARC.A RCTAIN :277 28 BIGLEAF IIAPl..£ 20 VIABLE CRITICAL ARCA R[TAIN Jll 16 BIGLCAF u APt.£ 16 VIA&.£ CRlnCA.L. ARCA RErAIN 8 0 8 BLACK CO TTONWOOO 12 VIABI.[ ROW ROIOi.f' 178 8 8JCl.£AF MAPLE 14 VIA&[ Dl'l-£L AR£A RETAIN 1 78 24 8JCL£AF WAP(.E 20 VIA&[ CRlnCA.L. ARCA R[TAJH J78 '6.16 81Gf.£Ar JI.A.Pt.[ 14 0A.NG£R0US CRITICAL AREA R[TA/N 81 8 BU,.CI( CO fTONWO(X) 12 \IFA.&.£ RO .. ' RCWO\IC 179 tI BIQ..[AF MAPLE 14 VIABLE Dl"VfL ARCA R[rA'°iii'" 279 8 &ACK COTTONW()(){) 10 VIA&[ CR1nCA.L AR(A RETAIN J79 1• BIGLEAF MAPLE 12 VIABLE CRlnCAL AREA RETAJN I 82 12 BU.CK CO TTONWO<XJ 14 VIA8L£ F?Olt R[1t,10l/f 18() 8 SC0Ut..£R'S ~LLOW 8 OANGCl<OUS ROW ROI OVf 280 10 &ACK COTTONWOOO J2 VIABLE 0€\l!"L AREA R[/rlOVF JBO 8 Bi.AO( COrTONWOOO 12 tllABU CRtnCAL A.RCA R[TAJN 8J ,o BU.CK CO TTONWOOD 12 llfA&.f ROW REIIOVC: ltll 2B.28 8'Cl.£AF MAP!.£ 16 DANGEROUS CRtnCAL ARCA RCTAIN 281 12 BL ACK COTTONWOOD 14 VIABLE Df\.£L ARCA RCUOVf J81 B &AC!< COTTONWOOD 12 KA8LE CR1nCAL ARCA ROAIN 8 4 ,o Bi.ACK COTTONWOOD /4 V,A&.[ ROW R[IIOV£ 18:2 14 BICL£AF UAP(.£ 12 DANGEROU S C1?trlCAL AR[A R[TAIN 282 8 Bl.AO( COTTONWOOD 6 OANGfROUS onn AREA R{MOVf J82 f6 BLACK COTTONW(X)() 14 KA&[ CR1nCAL AREA R[TAJN 85 14 Bla.£Af" MAPLE 16 DANGEROUS ROW RfllO'VC 18J 16 BUCI< COTTONWO<X) 14 \lfABL[ CRIOCAL ARCA RUA!N 28J 14 BL ACK COTTON'MXX) 12 vrABLE CRlnC.AJ... ARCA R[TAJN .J8J 16 8/Gi.(AF U AP(£ 16 'IIAiJJ.£ CRrnCAL AREA R[TAIN BS 14 BIGUAF lt,IAP([ 16 CMNCCROUS RO • Rfltl0r£ 184 20 Bl.ACK co ncwtK>OO 16 \.fA8L£ CRI TICAL AR[A RETAIN 284 14 BL ACK CO TT&wWOOD 12 WA&.£ Cl?tnC.A.L ARCA RETAIN J84 12 BLACK c orrONwooo 14 VIABLE onn AREA R[TAIN BLACK COTTON WOOD J O I DANGEROUS 1 DfVCL AR[A I R£1t,10V£ 8 7 1 2 0 BICLCAF 61APL[ 16 VIABL[ ROW R[J,10V£ 185 16 BLACK COTTONWOOD 12 \lfABl.£ CRtncAL ARC RETAIN 285 14 Bl.ACK corTONIIOOO 14 ~ABLE CRlnCAL AREA R[rAIN J85 8 81..ACK COTTONWOOD 10 VIABLE OCVCL AR[A RCrAJN 88 16.16.20 8IQ..£AF IJAPLE 25 OANCCROUS -ROW R[410V£ ,86 10 BLA(I( conONWOOD 8 WABl.[ CRmCAL .ARCA RCTAJN 286 8,8 BLACK CO rTONWOOD 16 VIABL C c mncAL ARD RETAIN J86 8 BLACK COTTONWOOD 10 '111A&..£ DC\IH AR[A R[TAJN 89 8 BIGLCAF M APLE 1• VIABL [ ROW R[ltlO-..£ t87 16 BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 'lltABLE CRlnCAL ARCA RCTAIN 2 8 1 22 BL ACK COrTONIIOOO 16 WA&[ CRfT'ICAL ARCA RC,AJN J87 12 BLACK COTTONWOOD 10 '111ABL£ DEYfL ARCA RUAIN A-NNNNNNN 90 /4 BLACK CO TTONWO<XJ 16 VIA&[ DC',fl AR{A R[lilOVf 188 10 Bl.ACK COTTONWOOD ,o "'1A &.£ ROW REMO!/£ 2 88 22 &.ACK CO TTONWOOD 16 'tl'IABLC CRmCA.L. .AR[,',, R{T!JN J88 ,o BLACK COTTONWOO() 12 \.fABLE CRfnCAL AREA R[TAJN 91 10 BL.ACK CO TTONWOOD 14 YIABLE Df\lf'L AREA R[IJO\'£ 189 12 BLACK COTTONWOOO 10 VIABLE CRlnC.A.L ARCA RETAIN 2 89 ,o BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 VtABL[ CRITICAJ. ARD RUAJN ~ 10 Bi.ACK COrTONWOOO ,2 DANGCROOS ocvn .AR[A R[/,,1 0~ 92 10 Be.ACK CO TTONWOOD 12 YIABt.[ Df\fl AR{A R(MO Vf 190 1' BLACK COTTONWOOD 16 YIABLf RO W R[IIOVf 290 1:2 Bi.ACK COrTONr,,()()() 14 V,"'9t[ CRrnCAL AREA RCTAIN J90 10 BLACK COTTGWWOOO 12 0ANG£ROUS CRlnCAL ARO RC TAJN 9J 12 BL.ACK COTTONWOOD 14 VIA.&.[ DCVfL AREA REWOVf 191 12 BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 KA&.£ DH(l ARfA RU.AJN 291 8 &AC>< COTTONWOOD 12 V,A8L[ DCvf:L ARCA ROI OVC J91 10 &.ACJ< COTTONWOOD 12 vrA.&.£ CRtnCAL ARCA RfrAJN 9 • 12 BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 YIABI..[ DC 1,,£L ARCA R[l,IO Vf t92 12 8<.ACK C077()Ni/lOO{) 10 \11ABI'...£ CRITICAL ARE.A RC1AJN 292 6 P ACff"IC MADRON[ 8 VIABlf onn AR[A R(MOvF 392 10 BLACK COTTONWOOD ,2 KABI...£ O[V(L AREA R[M0 '1£ 95 16 ,BL ACK conONitOOD 18 V,A8([ ocvn ARCA R!U O~ 19J 10 BLACK COTTONWOOO 12 \IFABL[ onn AREA RUAIN 29J 9 &.A CK CO TT()NtftO(){) 12 v,A&,[ {)£),£( A.RCA R[ltlOVf J9J 14 BLACK corTONWOOD 16 DANGEROUS OCVCL .AR[A REMOVE 96 ,2 BLACK COTTONWOOD 14 VIABI..[ onu AR[A R[MOI/£ 194 8 BLA CK COTTCYvillOOO ,o \lfA&.[ DE\lfl A,RfA R[T~ 294 ,. BLA CI< CO TTON~ 12 DANGEROUS DCVfL AR[A R[M0\1£ J9• 12 BLACI< comJNWOOD 16 KABI..£ CRrncAL AREA R[r.AJN 91 ,o BL.ACK COTTONWOOD 12 VIABL[ Dfl'fl. ARCA R[U O-..£ 195 1 BIQ..EAF l,IAPt.£ IO t.1A&.f Dfl£t AR[A RCTArN 295 6 BICL[AF MAPLE ro '1111\ELE OHH AREA R[JJOV£ J9S 14 &AC!<. cor TOOWOOO 16 111A8LL CRtnCAL ARCA RETAIN 98 16 1 8LACI< con~lt(X;O 18 VIA.BL [ D{Vfl. AR[A R[lt,IQ\1£ 196 8 8/Q.[AF MAPLE TO VIABL[ DEVCL AREA R[TAJN 296 8 81GLEAF JIAP!..C 10 WABLE ocvn ARCA R[WOY[ J 96 1' Bl.ACK cor TONWOOD 16 VIABLE CRtnCAL AREA R[rAJN 197 8.IJ BICUAF U APt.£ 12 \If.A&.[ • ~~ RETAIN t--:297 8 8JGL CAF MA~ ~ 0ANC£R0US DC',£( ARCA RCIIOVf ]97 1' BL.ACK corrONWO<XJ 16 · 'rfABL.£ OOfK:AL ARE.A RfTAIN 198 8 ,8:.ACr COT10N rt'OOD 101 KA&.[ i ROflt J RfMOllt. 298 10 B1CL£AF M APLE 14 '111.ABt f DE Vfl ARCA R£1101,/f J98 14 BiACK COTTONWOOD 16 OANGE.ROUS CR1nCAL .AR[A RETAIN APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION SUBJECT TO ERRORS AND OMISSIONS BY:-------------- BY:------------- BY: ------------- BY:-------------- O,.TE: ___ _ O,.TE: ___ _ O,.T[: ___ _ 0,.T[: ___ _ CX) <.D CX) co 0 0 I.() .,.... u -.;j- 0) co 0 0 0 I I.() .,.... <( ::> _J N N 0) I"') ~ f-u w -:> 0 a:: 0.... w 0 0 ~ I 0:: :3== ~~m (D ,WT,Kl,OR,WA) D.R. STRONG CONSUL TING ENGINEERS Efll().WEERS PU.NNEHS SURVEYORS 620 lTH AVfNI.JE. l(IRl<LANO, WA Slll!IIOJJ om.u,.3063 F~a2T.242J I 1 la1YCOIIMOIIS""1ll)12.0UI I YI.I' :0'-'7·17:...., i -· 0 SJS """'AS N01ED -'/'-":::::",~'";."' ~ /~I TY 0 1:-AYANA RIDGE PUO -10.27.16 <( I I I -, ® c , •··-Z , 1 , _ YI.I' ~ ,~anoN TREE RETENT10N TABLE ~ <( COf 00,( ~ DA1UM . . ..... > I I I I I I "'""''...., I /.:,';'"_"':;,_ I Plann,ng /Bu,id,nq/PuP k ~o«s Dept 10615 SE 172ND ST, RENTON, WA C6 <( NO I RLVISIO N I ~y J DATE I APP R I -..... """'~-· Cl 5008868 815008865 81500886 7 ,-6 ~ 26 DRS PROJE:CT NO, 15088 " '---.. '---.. ----......_ ----......_ -----..... -----~------_J -.:::.::::::_ -.:;:. ~ -----------::::a, :-----C-------C =::-;;..~- ~ ~::- ' ~ ' ' ~ICINAL SHE:EI SILE IS l <&·u· I "'I.OT OAT[ \ ~ -= -"''----1 ;-C G l ~Udi0LLC -----IUCIIQ~--..... _, .. g E +-I -8 ~-u 1i t~ QJ .. O> +-I ~ I -a~---~-·-·-·····-··,-, ' ' ~-'~ ' ·-' . ' I = "=lE=c~ c -. -----I -----__ ~ = _,;-," / · -1 ~~ "' a ---=--. --a'aa a a < < ' S I ,J ~ '"'"'" 1,\l1 '"a•,--__ '-"'~~Tsi 1r2NDSTR4¢ ~- 0 R[~?t-r~E~LS ........... ,. ......... ». .. , I IS SCH£MAl1C ~~~:;:;;i~f,~---/'r ~~;oc11 ":~0 ~~ u, A r P1 .rr-n i .£ ---~ ---t~~:=.=..:....=;l ----=;f=~-.:-- ' ~ ' ,- ! CONI Rou.IR 1.0CAT()N 10 8( COORDINAT[O WITH 0 WN(R ! ~ ' ~ ' ~ WESTlBUILDING ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~, ,' " ,' , , -_J_ EAST BUILDING __ J _ r Pl.AC[ MA,Nl..lN( IN (XCAVAT(O --- ARE.t, 8(tll NO CU RB 00 NOT DISTUR B [XtSriNC rR[[ - ROOTS de OTH(P \'[CflATION ----.- TI --i -----------,------------IA~1CH utlE · SEE sHEE1 \.21 IBR IGATLON MATERIALS J,.EG(ND t<>< ~ [fl 2" SCHED. 40 PVC MAINLI NE -DEPTH TO BE 18 " MIN. & 24" MAX . BE LO W SOIL SURFACE DETECTABLE WARNING TAPE REOU IREO IN All MAJNUNE TR ENCHES 2" BRASS DOU BLE CHECK VAL.VE ASSE MBLY •/ SHUT Off VALVES & UNIONS EA ENO. WATlS U007M I QT OR AP PROVED EO UAL 2" THREADED BRASS BALL VAL.VE NIBCO S-500-A OR APPROVED EOUAL. WINTERIZATION STATION -RAJ NBIRD 44 -RC Ou!C K COUPLER •/ HOSE SWIVEL & KEY •/ ENCLOSURE OR APPROVED EOUA!. 120V ELECTRIC AUTOMA TIC CONTROLLER INTERIOR/EXTERIOR LOCATIO N TO BE COO RDINATED w/ OWN ER & ARCHJT£CT IB.RICATI.QN KEY D D SEEDED/SOD UIWN -4 . POP UP SPRAYS MIN. SHRUB BEDS OR NATIVE Pt.ANT MIX AR EAS 6" POP UP SPRAY$ OR ROTORS MIN. P£8 CfJY Of RfNTON MUNICIP N coor 4-1-ozo I ANQSCAPING srcnoN J-~- A A PERMANENT BUILT-IN IRRIGA TION SYSTE M WITH AN AUTOMATIC CON TROLLER SHALL BE INSTALU:O, USED AND MAINTAINED IN WORKING ORO(R IN ALL L,t.NDSCAPED AREAS Of INOUSTRIAL. CO MMERCIAL ANO MULTl-f AMILY DEVELOP MENT. B. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL PROVIDE FULL WATER COVERAGE Of THE PLANTED AREA AS SPECIFIED ON THE PL,t.N. C. THE IRR IGATION SYS TEM MAINTE NANCE PROGRAM SHALL INCLUDE SCHEDULED PROCEDURES fOR WlNTERIZA TION. 11 &= d io ,-- 0 0 10 20 ~~ I 40 6 0 1----· LU 0- ·-~ .c .. - ]g u ,~ L. .. ""l ro :, lS ~"' .. D. .. ~ :J i ~ .... D ~ b/l raJ ~ 8 TAfW C/11' _,.,.. ~~ ""-LV...tt EMRA CUlf Pc.t.r1 -.0.- .... ~fkl ..: PRO..<cr AVANARIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172ND ST. RE NTON , WA 98055 U ENI AVANA RIDGE , LLC ~CTISSU(S SITE DEYELOPM(NJ PUlMI J 1~1nou BUllOINGP(RMfT 12119'10U Bult.a.NGll'(RMJ RE.SU8WlTAL 1°'2"1011 8 lHLDINGPERMT RESU8111TI4l 011,me,, SITE Df'f'l'LOPWENT PERMIT 01IHl20 11 RESU8IITTA1. SHEfIOME 111JiMlt11 Rf'11$1()rr,jS Df<A .... OEO,:.EO PROJECT No St<[T :1?,f Cll'.CA -....... IRRIGATION PLAN ""-" 1ULD1NG PENaT REaa.n Al L20 Mf>.1Cl1 L\l~E.. sE.E. s11E.E.i L?--------' --------,...--------, -/ -~W'!.e""'" "' -------/ -~ ------- ' ', ', ~ E UFFER AODITIONI 6 ,885 SF 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE IS 2~·.36· t vt.o r DArE 1 ~~0LLC --· 1S200S:Z.... ............. s-1,c ...... WA N I M r--------------------------------r ·; ( ------'--~ --------/ ---, ~ ---~ ', I C .............. ', ', ' BUFFER ADD ITION 7 427 S F ' ' ' ' ' ' ' / / ' 'UFF[R ADDIT/01'',, 664 S F - / I / /// / // S) / /0~ /~~ /~01,1 /fy~"// 1-;,~/ L / / /// / / /// I I I ' /// / I ~"c:,, -~.:::;:,. <I / " " " ,, ,, MATCH LINE · SEE ABOVE APPROXIMATE: UlillT OF' lRRIGATEO ARCA -Rff[R TO LAHDSCAPE Pt.AN ~ FUD VERlf'Y I Ir-~:~;~ICAL " " 7oo> ~ ~ " ~-'=-"'cc-oc-.c, I ~o O t,o , 20 40 ~ ,· • 20 ·-o· 6 0 a, E ...., ~ 8 u ~ -5 $~ QJ . ::, <1) 0 ...., E -;_ r ..c ~-<1) u "l~ •N L.. €.., g :2 (tJ "" ~ :g ~N 0.. ., i :::J f D ~ c:: L- bll raJ @8 STATE 0, -.,-,OH ~~ MELVIH R. EA&fifi: ~IC,UliNO __ P!iOJECl AVANARIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172ND ST. RENTON. WA 98055 Cl t:NT AVANA RIDGE, LLC PROJECT ISSVE:S SITE DEVELOPME Nf PERMIT UJOl/2015 BUII..DWfG PERIIT 1V1Wl01S BUilo.NG PERMIT RE.sue.wn.-.i. 1onano11 81..W..ONlPERIIIJRUUSll'nAl 011111201 1 SIJE l)(VELOPMEHT PERMIT 0112"2017 RESU8MITTAL SHEEr ~IE IHIJIQl1J ;:..[VISIONS =- CMECfC.EO PROJECT No SriEET HflE CDP.ca .. .,.,.., IRRIGATION PLAN ,s,uE 8ULDING P8IIIT RfSUIIIIITTAL L21 W""-TER SUPPt.Y LINE ~ PER CM L BY OTHERS r..; ------WATER ME TER PERCtVll WM BY OTHERS ~1'SCHEO<IOGALV 1. oc' v 1---,. OOUBLE CH•C• VALVE,., VALVE ENC,osu.. @ll2 2 ~r . SEE DE.l AIL 2 T HIS SHEET r-----SCHEO 40 GALV ~' MATCH IRRIG/1,TION a.4Al t.lllt.lE SIZE ( I }--~.~:;::~~~~~~~r w ~ SEEO€TAIL 3TH1S SHEET @ ,-----1" SCHEO -40 GAL V L W ._-ININTERIZA TIONSTAHOfll ® -QUICK COUPLER VALVE w1 VALVE ENCLOSURE T Sl:E DETAIL 4 THIS SHEET Ll.2 2" SCHEO 40 GALV t== GALV UNION · LOCA TE 'MTHIN 1:r Of QC v.,i.,1,.ve w / SE P ARA TE ENCLOSURE SCHEO 40 PvC tAA.INLtNl: /1\ POINT OF CONNECTION SC HEMATI C LAYOUT TOPOf" ENCLOSURE TO BE '1' MAX ABOVE SOIL GRADE NOT TO SCALE ENCLOSUR E LID TO BE a.u.Rt<EO AS IRRIGATION EOUtPMENT 2 P~~~~~~~~~-~:~~~ -~, C ,' al SUPPL¥ wl KE ¥ & HOSE S'MVEL l21 ST STEEL HOSE CLAMP OR AP~OVEO EOUAL RISER & ENTIRE SINING JOINT TO BE SCHEO 40GALV PIPE OR BETTER 2• DRAIN ':,°;.K~~~= ~. SCH:T~~~~ ~.'.___ 18" lril:IN -24 " WAX ----------J D - -- ~ QUICK COUPLE R INSTALLATION TYP NO T TO SCALE OR)GINAf Sri:ETS!lt::1~24°•36" I Pl.OTOAT E TOP Of ENCLOSURE TO BE 1" MAX A OOVE SOL GRADE VALVE ENC LOSURE AS SPEC wl EJ< TENSIONS AS NECESSARY DETECTABLE MARKING TAPE C()NTIN \JOUS Al ONG ANY M AI NLINE SEGMENT PLACED A801/E SEDOING SAND LAYER SCHEO 40 GALV --, p ,1 ENCLOSURE LLD TO BE MARll(fD AS IRRIGA H()N EOUIPMEN T i 18" "'" 12·· J,W( GAL V UNIONS BOTH SIDES M ATCH LIN E SIZE DETECTABLE t.AARKING TAPE ALL PIPING & Fill INGS SCH EO •O GALV ~ DOUBLE CHECK VALVE INSTALLATIO N TYP NOT TOSCAlE ENCLOSUR E LID TO SE i.tARt<EO AS \ IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT TOP Of ENCLOSURE TO BE r ~ M A.X ABOVE SOIL GRADE. SOIL GRAD~ 1 _ :, 11 VALVE ENCLOSURE AS SPEC ----: 1 1 .... rEXTENSIQN S AS NECESSAR't' ---........ SCHED 80 PVC UNION TO MA TCH l•NE SIZE 2" DRAIN ROCK SUMP @2"DEPfH SCHED 40 PVC ~IN UNE CAP & PIPE TO BE C L EAR & ACCESSI BLE Ti1RQVGH ENCLOSURE LIO l.........-.t-" SCHED40 CAP 1·0· SCH EO !IO NIPPLE SCHEO 40 ELL 4 NIPPLE S ~ MAINLINE FLU S H/DRAIN VALVE INSTALLATI ON TYP NOT TO SCALE TOP Of ENCLOSURE TO BE :r MAX ABOVE SOIL GR ADE SOIL G RADE VA!.vE ENCLOSURE AS SPEC ""1 EXTENSK:>NSAS NECESSARY Z" DRAIN ROCK SUMP @ rOEPTH · ENCLOSURE LIO 10 Bf f,,IARKE O AS I RRIGA T1QN EQUIPMENT CALV UNION TO MATCH LINE 51.lE i 18 " MIN -24" 1i1AX DETECTABLE I MARKJNG TAPE SCHEO"' GALV --r·=--=-=--=-=--~-·:.....,=nri-lTI::f.---61~·-:.:~:::-~·=--=-=--:.:·-. BOTM S40ES I LAstudiOLLc landplonnjng iancbc:ape ardwedure --· '!l,,200Urlll-~ :s...:1,0 S.....WA NIU "'-le»20&0601 ~ MAINLINE ISOLATION VALVE IN STALLATION TYP NOT TO SCALE ~ ~ ~ . ~~ ~~ "' 0, ;i .~ =>o "'(") ·N f§-: g~ ., (") E :g ~"' "' ~ !!! "' f ~ ~ "'"""' u QJ "'"""' ·-..c: u L. rn D. :::J D L.. b/l r.J ~ S fATf.OI ~~ Ml<LVINl't. ffifiji cumflCAfl NO.- ~0£:CT AVANARIDGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 10615 SE 172ND ST. REN TON . WA 98055 CtlENT AVANA RIDGE, LLC PROJECT ISSUES SHE DEVELOPME NT PERMIT 12/01f2015 BUllOIHGPERMIT 12/2tt20U BOlt.OINGPERMI T At:SU8MITIM. 1«2ll2011 ~PERIIT RESU8Ml-n~ 0 111tno11 StTE OEVELOPMENT PlR',lfT 0 1'2"1011 RUIJ8tirTTAL Sl-iEfl CA TE WJIQl11 RE\1SIQt'5 CAAM< CHEC~(D PROJECT No >"EEiT1llE IRRIGATION DETAILS QP.ta -L.A.,S41 "5<JE IIUl.lllNG PERIIT ~Al L22 ----I I I -· ______ J___ -------------·-----,-T r--....__ ------------. . f... -....__..__ ---------_ ..... ,---;-,·-----·-------·-· ~-SE 172ND STREET _------ .·-._ --·-·-·-·-----· --I --~ ~------..._. __ ~ ------1---,-. . . . . ==t:± ±::±---= -------·-----·---. --> =-=::± i -Q -----. ---. -----, -....__ -c ,__ ----------·"·--.;: -,;:: --s;_: ';:::_ ~ "'-"'-. 40 10 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET CO NTOUR INTE RVAL: 2 FOOT SITE PLAN LEGEND -~-...... ·3 ........ ······ .. ~ SO' STA NDARD STR EAM BUf fi:R LIM I 15 9,115 SF STR EAM BU.HR R(OUCllON 9,527 SF STREAM Bu ff [R [XPANSION 11.S{lOSF [NHAN CEMl NT PlANll NGS -SH DETAIL 2-1 SPUT RAIL f"[NCI NG Al BU FF ER LIMITS (1.060Lf) SH DfTAIL 2-3 C RI TICAL AR EA SIGNAG[ AT BUftER U M ITS (13 TOTAL) SEE DETAIL '} 3 J'~ s-1.s l'~(C'~ :s-o,i, b~ t,(I PRtOR 10 l'LAN 1 INSTALLATION , CO NTROL N O XIO US WEEDS W IT HIN THE HATC HED AREA SHOWN ON THIS Ol TAi l TAR GET NOXI OUS WEED SPECIES $HALL IN(LU OE !Hl FOLLOW IN G: All CLASS "A"', "8"', ANO we• NOXIOUS W EE DS (INCLUDING NON-REGULATE D -9 .. ANO -c-NOXIO US WHDS) IOfNTIF IE.0 ON THE LATEST KING COUNTY NO)(IOUS WEED LIST D U RIN G NOXIOUS WE EO CON TROL WOR K, E.X ISTING N AT IVE VEGETATION SHALL B l PR0T£CT£D J:ROM D AMAGE A LL N OXIOUS W f EO CO NTROL CU TTINGS AND DEBRIS SHALL Bt REMOVED J:ROM THE SITE (ON 1 R0l METH ODS 1. REDUCE TOP GROWTH or NOXIOUS W [£DS ACC EPlABLE M ETHODS IN CLUDE: WALK BEHiN O O R l RACTOR M OUNTED MOWER. EX CAVATOR WITH BUCKET ANO THUMB, POWER SAW, BRUSH HOG, U NE TRI MMER, LOPP ERS, CLIPPERS, HAN D PULLING , OR APPR OVED EQUAL GRUB OUT LARGE ROOT CRO WNS AND MAJOR ROOTS BY H AN O USING CLAW MA TTO(K, PULASKI, OR APPROVED EQUAL ~POT APPLY RODEO• HER810DE TO Rf G ROWTH. HERBICIDE SHALL BE APJ.lLIEO BY A WASHING TON STATE LICEN SED COMMERCI AL APPLICATOR HAVING A CURRE N T "AQU AT IC 10) lNOORSE MEN T ED NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL REQUIREMENTS: 0 40 80 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1 FLAG LIMITS OF PLANTING AREA 2 REQUEST ANO ATIENO PRE -CON ST RUCTION MEE TING WIT H OWNER ANO CITY OF RENTO N 3 CO NTROL NO XIOUS WEED SPECIES WITHIN TU[ ARE A S SHOWN IN DETAIL 1 -1 4 IN STALL N ATIV E PLANTS (SEE SHUT 2) S PLACE MULC H AT BAS£ Of PLA NTS (SH SHH! l) 6 (LEAN-UP AND DEMOBILI ZE FRO M 511( 7 REQUEST FROM A N OAll (N D INSPEC TI O N WITH OWNER 8 OW N ER TO COMPLETE AS-BUil T A N D SU BM IT TO CITY OF RE N TO N 9 CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE l YEAR O F MAINTEN ANCE UNDER DIRECTION OF OWN ER. FUTURE MAIN TENANC[ TO 8 [ PROVIDED BY OWN ER 10 .0 W N ER TO COMPLETE~ YE ARS o r M O NITORING. ~ ~o 0~ .p '?)<,; :r~ q~ q//h 7//////i GENERAL NOTES: 1 . All CON STRUCTION SH ALL BE IN ACCORDAN CE WITH CITY Of RENTON CODES. ORDIN ANCES, A N D APPROVE D PERM IT CONDITIO N S l BEr O R[ THE START Of A NY CON ST RUCTlON, A PRl:-CO NSTRUCTION MEETING MUST BE HELO 8£TW[EN CITY OF RENTON, THE OWNER, A ND THE CO NTRACTOR 3 A COPY or THESE PLAN S MUST BE ON TH E JOB SITE W H FNEVER CON STRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS 4 TtiE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBU FOR PROV IDI NG ADEQUATE SAFEGUARDS, $AH TY DEVICES. PROTE CTIVE EQ UIPMENT. f LAGGERS. AND ANY OTHER NEEDED A CTI ON S TO PROTECT THE. UF(. HEA LT H . A N D SAJE T'Y OF THE PUBLIC, AND TO PROTECT PROPE RTY IN CON N ECTION WITH THE PERFO RMANCE OJ: THE WORK SHOWN O N THESE DRAWINGS. ANY WORK W ITH IN THE TRAVELED RIGHT-OF-W AY THAT MAY INTERRUPT NORMAL TRAFFIC rLOW St!All R(QUIR( TRArFIC CONTROL IN ACCORDANCE W ITH ANY A N D ALL CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS. 5 SITE CONDITION S MAY VARY BASED ON SEASON ANO/OR TIME OF VEAR CONTRACTOR SH ALL ACCOMMODATE REALIZED AND ANTICIPATED SITE CO N DITION S WHEN CO M PLETING TH E WORK SHOWN ON THIS PLAN . MITIGATION PLAN SHEET INDEX: SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION SITE PLAN, N OXIOUS WEED CONTROL, NOT£S PLANTING PLA N , MONITORIN G & MAINTENANCE MITIGATION PLAN NOTES: 1 . THE BOU N DARY/TOPOGRAPH IC M A P AN D SITE PLAN U SED TO G ENERATF TH IS PLAN WAS PRO VID[O BV DR STRONG CON SULT IN G ENGINEERS, IN C. (620 HH AVE - l(IRKlANO. WASHINGTON 98033. SOUR(£ DRAW IN GS HA VE BEE N MOOIH[O roR V ISUA L ENHAN([MENT MAP DATE REFERE N CE: 12/21/201S e Know what's below. Call befont you dig. UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. U TI LI TY LOCATION S A N D CHARACTERIS TICS SHOWN ON r HIS D RAWIN G, IF ANY, ARE BASED ON TH E FI ELD LOCATION OF TH E APPARENT SURFACE EVIDENCE OF EXIST ING STRUCTURES. THE UNDERGROUN D ROU TIN G AND CON DIT ION OF BURIED UTlUTIES HAS N OT BEE N VERIFIED OR CONf lRMEO. ADDITION A L UTILITY LOCATION A N D M APP ING MAY SE REQUIRED. FIELD LO CA TE, VEHIFY D EPTH OF, ANO ADEQUATELY PROTECT All UTILITIES PRIOR TOTH[ START OF W ORK 9 i3 f u E QG C ·.:; "3 "' C 0 u "ti C Ill ll 3: iii i Clj .,, z :3 Q. z 0 i= <( C c:> :, g i= Q. 00 -Qj .>: QC .J::. ~-a "' ii: i <( IV c' WC E ci::: IV C <C ~ ~ _, <C u i= -ci::: u !l( ;:; ~ g .. ~ ~ "'"' "'"' ~ ~ z z ~loo ~ ~ ~ ,-0 0 0 0 C z .... ~,~ C: ,-0 0 "'~ ~ c ~g" ~8 g!..;,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ;; l i C 0 ~ ~ 3 i-v :: : .§ ~ I~ DATE, ll/28/lO!S JO B N UMBtH. IS-1~9 DESIGN BY f::, DRAWN BV lARC CHECK BV £S 0 ~ 0 co en <( 3 ,i C u .!2 .... "' .... - oj ~ 00 u "C ~ ·-"' a::~ Ill ' C - Ill "' > "' ct ;:; V') .s:::: :E M LLI V') u, ,.._ <.D en Site Plan, Noxious Weed Control, Notes SHEET 1 OF 2 MONITORI NG PLAN & M A I NT EN ANCE PLAN PURPOSE OF ANO NEED FO R PLAN : TH l PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO D(S(Rl8 ( Tl1l SIRlAM BUFFER MODlf lCAIION REUUIR[O FOR TH£ CO NSI RUCIION OF A PLANN[D URBAN DEVELOPMEN T WUO) LO CAl[O tN R~NT ON, WASHIN GTO N PLAN GOA LS, OBJECTi VES, AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: PLAN C,OAl). 0 BJE(T1Vf5. AND P[RFORMAN(f ST ANUARDS AR( OUiUNEO IN I ti[ TABLE BUOW THE GO ALS ANO OBJfCTIVES OF Tt115 Pl AN ARF (0N S10FRE0 A(Hlf. VED WHEN HI£ PER~OHMA NCE ST ANOAR DS AR( SATISFIED MONITO RIN G PLAN (DURA TIO N = 5 YE.A AS): ~ SCH[DU LC IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CO NSTRUCTION FOLLOWING (OMPLfTION O F THE W ORK SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. A QUALI FIED PROFESS IO NAl SHAll PREPARE AN AS BU il T. TH E AS -BUil T $HALL SU MMARI ZE TH[ COM PLETED WORK AS WELL AS ANY DEVIATIONS FROM TH[ APPROVED VER SION Of THIS PLAN IN ADDITION TO THE AS-BUILT, BAS[U Nf M O NITORING OAI A SHALL BE COLLECTE:0 ANO P(RMAN[Nl PHOTO POINTS StlALL BE ESTABLISH ED TO DOCUMENT REPRES EN T A tlVL CONDtTtONS W lTH IN {NHANCEO STREAM BUfFER AREAS. BASELINE MON!TORING DATA (OLL E(TE.D AND Rf:PORTED W I Tti Ht[ AS·B UIL 1 SH ALL SE CONSISTE N T W ITH TH AT DESCRIBED FO R ANNUA L M O N ITORIN G JHE AS -BUil T AND BASE.LI N E M ON ITORIN G DA TA SHALL 8[ SUBMlnED TO THE CI TY O F RENTON N O LATER THAN 30 D AYS l'ROM THE D ATE THAT THl: W ORK SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAS B[(N COMPL~ ANNUAL MONITORI NG SCH EDULE:: ANN U ALLY FO R S YEARS FOLLOWING PLANT INST AUATION WLLOWIN G AC CEPTANCE OF THE A S-BUil T, ANNUAL M ON ITORI N G SHALL BE ~g ~:~~;~g ~~~ ~~~R~~~g~;Olrl~10~~~ANA0N~H~~~ ~g~~TR~sR~~Gs~~ALL BE INVl:STIGATION AND R[PORTIN G PER TH E FOLLO W ING INTERVAl · Q UA RTER LY DURING T HE FIRST YEAR (YEAR O FOLLOWIN G PlAN T IN STALLATION: ANO IN A UGUST OR SEPTEMBER O F TH E SECOND THRO UGH flnH YEARS (YEAR 2 THROUGH YE AR S) FOLLOWIN G I NITIAL PLANT INST ALLATION ltil PURPOSE Of THl DflAIL[D SHE ASSE~SM l NTS IS 10 EVALU ATE CONDITIONS W I THIN ENHANCED STH[AM BUF FER AREAS PER I HE CURREN ! YEAR'S PERFORMANCE STAN DARDS. TH£ FOLLOW ING 1N rORMATION SHALL SE CO LLECTED A N O A SSESSED R[LAI I VE 10 Tttl PERH)RMAN Cl ST ANDA RDS E.STABUSHE D FOR THE PROJECT· TKE PERCENT SU RV I V A L Of IN ST ALLED PLANT STOCK CYEAA 1 ANO YEAR 2 ~l~~1 s ~H~~LE~: ~~i;;~NE~EA~~~~~ ~~~C~~ST(~~~~t~:~f T~L; ~~~~~~l!~[ FOR POOR CO NOi l iONS, 1r PRES(Nl , W ilt B[ OfTFRMINEO TO Hlf EX TE NT FEASIBLE . TH E PERCENT COVERAGE PRO VIDED BY INST ALLED PLANT SPEOES (All YEA RS ). INSTALHD PLANT STOCK PER CE N T COV £RAGE SHALL BE ASSES SED ~PPROPRIATE LY SIZED SAMPLE PLOTS OR U N [ I NTE R(EPI TRANSECTS IN ADDIT ION TO TH E OAT A (OLL(CTION ANO ANAL YS!S REGARDING PlAN l COMMUNITY CONDITIONS, PHOTOGRAPHS or ENH ANCED STREAM BUFFER AR EAS St-t AL L BE TAKEN FROM TH[ PrR MAN ENT PHOTO POI NI S ESTABLISHED DURING TH[ AS B UIL T THE RE SULTS Of EACH ANNU A L MONITORING SHALL Bf SUMMARIZED IN A WRITT[N REPORT AND SUBMIT TED TO THE CJTYOF R EN TON NO lAT[R TH AN OCTOBER 31 o r THE R[SP[CII V! MON ITORIN G YEAR CONTINGEN CY PLAN SHOULD ANY MONITORI NG ASS(SSMlN T REVEAL THAT THl PER FORMAN CE STANDARDS FOR THE RESPECTIV E YEAR ARE NOT SATISFIED. THE PE RMI HEE SHAll WORK WITH TH E (ITV Of REN TON 10 D[VELOP ACO N TIN G[NCY PLAN TO ADOR[SS THE DEHCl[NCY(IES) CONTINGENCY PLA N S CAN INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT UMllED 10, THE FOLLOWING ACTION S ADDITIONAL PLANT IN ST AltAllON; EROSION CONTROL; HERBI VOHY PROTECT ION. M OOlflCATION TO THE IRRIG ATION REGIME; AND/OR PLA NT SU BSTITUTION S or TYP(. SILE.. QUANTITY. A N D LOCATION . SUCH CONTINGENCY PLAN SHALL Bl SUBM fflEO TO THE CI TY OF RENTON N O LAT(R THAN iANU ARY 31 Of ANY YEAR WH[N DEFICI ENCIE S ARE 01s(OvERED. UNLESS OTHERWISE APP R0V(0 BY lHE (ITV O f REN TON, ACT JO NS SPECIFIED ON AN APPROVED CO N TIN G{N(Y PLAN MUST 8( (OMPLETED WITHIN 60 DAYS. IF THE FAILURE IS SUBSTANTI A L, THE CITY Of RENTON MAY EXTE N D THE (OM PUAN (t MONITOR ING PERIOD FOR THE STREAM BUFFER ENHANCE M EN1 W O RK MAJNTENANG PLAN THIS SECTION PROVIDES A GENERAL OVERVl[W OF THE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM NECESSARY TO ENSURE THE PE RFORMANCE ST AN DARD S ESTABLISH ED fOR THIS PLAN ARE SAT !SFIED NOXIO U S WEED CON TROL FOLLOWING PLANT INSTALLATION AND AT RE GULAR INTERVAl S DURING THE M O NITOR ING PERIOD, NOXIOUS WEED CON TROL SHALL OCCUR ON A SPOT TR EAT MENT BASIS W 1HIIN TH( AREAS SHOWN IN OElAlL l ·l AN O PER THE SPECIFICATIONS DESCR I BE D IN DETAIL l·l GE NERAL MAINTENANCE INSTALLED PLAN TS SHAU B[ MAINT AINED Al KlGULAR INTERVALS DURIN G THE M ON ITO RING PERIOD TO PRO MOTE THE SU(([SSFU l ESTA BLISHMENT A N O V IGOROUS GROWTH OF INST AILED PLANTS. GfNfRAL MAINTENAN([ S~iA LL IN(LUDE WHDING THE BASE OF EACH INSTALLED PLANT Rf APPLY I NG BARK MULCH TO MAINTAI N A 6" M IN IMUM APPU£0 THICKNESS · YEAR 1 ONLY. THE PRUN IN G OF INST ALL[D PLANTS TO f((MOV[ DEAD WOOD AND PROMOTE V IGOROUS PLANT GR0 W111 AND PROPlH f O RM Ttl( REPLACE M ENT Of" PL ANTS IN DISTRESS A N D/OR THAT ARE D IS[ASLD TH[ REMOVAL or TRASH , LITT ER . AND/OR OTH[R NON-DECOMPOSI NG DEBRIS TEMPORARY IRRIGATION TEMPORARY I RR IGATION SH AL L BE PROVIDED fOR I WO (2) GR OWING SEASO NS FOLLOWING PLA NT INSTALLA TIO N PER THE SPECIFICAllONS SHOWN O N TH IS Pl A N PLAN GOALS , OBJECTIVES, & PERFORMANCE STANDARDS GOAL: OBJ ECTIVE: TO SUCCESSFULLY ESTABLISH A TO INST All AND SlJCCE SSFULL Y NATIVE PLAN T CO MMUNITY (SI ABLISH DENSELY PLANTED NURSE.RV W ITHIN THE STR[AM BUFFER GROWN TREES ANO SHRUBS AREAS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN . TO UMlT N O XIOUS WEED SPECt ES TO PRO V IDE FULL INITIAL CONTROL or W IT HIN THE STREAM BUFFER NO XIOUS W EED SPECIES AND HiEN TO AREAS SHOWN O N THIS PLAN . MIN IMIZE THE GENERAL PRESE N CE OF NOXIOUS WHO SPECIES PLANT QUANTITY CALCULATIONS: FOR P[RM I Tl ING PURPOSES ONLY 1"PE ST REA M BUH ER PLANTING AREA 11,500 Sf PLANT TYPE & SPACI NG TREES (9 OC) SHRUBS (6' 0 () RE QUIRED PER DESI G N GUIDELINES• 138 TRl[S 322 SHRUBS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: 100% SUR VI VAL BY INSTALLE D PLANT STOCK AfTER THE FIRST GROWING SEASON. THIS ST AN OARO CAN BE A(HIEVE O STRICTL Y HiROUGH SURVIVAL OR HtROUGH A COMBINATION OF SU RVIVAL AND PLAN T REPLACE M EN T 80% SURVIVAL BY INSTALLED PLANT STO(I( AFTER 1 H I:. SECON D GRO W ING SE ASON . 60% AVERAGE COVERAGE BY NATIVE W OODY PLAN T SPECIES A FTE R 1 Hf: FIFTH GROWING SEA SON UP TO 20% m lHE NATIVE WOODY PLANT SPE CIES COVERAGE MAY BE COMPRISFD OF DESIRAR l F NA I !VE COLO N IZING SPECIES LESS TH AN 10% COVERAGE BY A ll CLASS "A " ... B~. AN D"(" NOXIOUS WEE DS (IN CLUDIN G NON RE GUlATE O "B" A N D ~C" NOXIOUS WEEDS) IDE NT IFIED ON TH E LAH}T KI NG COUNTY NO XIOUS WEED LI ST . PROPOSE D BY PLAN 138 TR[(S 322 SHRU BS TOT A L 460 TO TA L 460 ' LATEST EDITION Of KING COUNT Y "CRI TICAL AREA MITIGATION GUIDE UNES " TEMPORARY I RRIGATI ON REQU I REMENTS: IRRIGAliO N SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR 2 GRO WING SEASONS FOLLOW ING PLANl IN STALLATION IRRIG ATION SHALL Bl: PROVIDED BY AN ABOV[ GROUND AUTOMATIC SPR INl(LER OR A UTOMATIC DRIP SYSTE M TH AT PROVIDES A MINIMUM RAINrALL EQUI VAL CNT Of l IN CH PER WEE K FRO M JUNE 15 THRO U GH SE PTEM BER 1S IRRIGA TION SHALL BE APPLIED IN A MANNER THAT MAINT A INS PLANT HEAL TH, PRE.VE N TS WILTI NG, AND PRO M OTES DEEP PLANT ROOT SYSTEMS PLANT SCHEDULE : SYMBOL COMMO N NAME SCIENTIFI C NAM E SIZE/FORM QUANTl1" SPACIN G ©---DOUGLAS-FI R ©-WLSTERN REDCE DAR e ---VINE MAPLE ®-IN DI AN PLUM @ ---REDLFOWER CURRA N l @ -c,uSTfR ROSE @ ---SALMONBERRY 9 ~ COMMO N SNOWBERRY P5 EUD0T5UGA Ml NZllSII THUJA PUCA TA ACER CIRONATUM OtMLERIA CfRASlfORMIS RIBfS SA NGUINE UM ROSA Pl5COCARPA RUBUS 5PfCTABILl5 5YMPHORfCARPO S ALBUS 1 .. M IN (Al (ONIAINERIZED 58 1" M IN CAL CONTAINERIZE D 80 2 GALLON lON T AINERIZ ED 4 / '2 GALLON CO N TAI N ERIZED 80 2 GALLO N CO NT AIN[RIZE D Jl 2 GALLO N CONT AINl:.RIZED 51 2 GALLON CO NT AINERIZED 43 2 GALLON CONT AINERIZ EO 68 TOTAl 460 AS-SHOWN AS-SHOWN AS-SHOWN AS-SHOWN A S-SHOWN AS-SHOWN AS-SHOWN AS-SHOWN PLANTS SHALL BE NAllVE TO THE PACIFIC N ORTHWEST, PREFERABLY THE PUGET SO UND REGION O F WASHINGTON SlA IE. PLANT) $HAU BE PROPAGAIED fR OM NATIVE S TOCK. N O CUL TI VAR$ OR H OR IICULTURAL VARIET !E S ARE ALLOWED PLANTS SHALL 8£ N OR MAL IN PA TIE RN OF GROWTH, HEALT HY. WELL -BRANCHED AND HAVE ALL LEADE RS AND BUOS IN TACT. TREES SHALL N O T HAVE SU NSCALOS, DISFIGU RIN G KN 01S. FR ESH CUTS 0 ~ LIMBS. DAMAG ED LEADE RS, AND/OR DEFORMED TRU NKS CO NTAIN ERIZE D PLANT STOCK SHALL BE GROWN IN A CONTAINER LON G EN OUGH TO DEVELOP A ROOT SYSTEM THA T REACHES THE EDGES OF THE CONTAINE R IN WHICH IT HAS GROWN TREES AN O SHRUBS SHALL BE W ELL ROOTED A N D SHALL HAVE SU H ICIEN T ROOT MASS TO HOLD TOGETHE R THE SOil, IN WHICH PLA N T IS GROWING, WHEN REMOVE D fRO M THE POT HIGH ER lEGEND, DOUGLAS FIR WESTERN REDCEO AR VINE MAPLE I NOIAN PLUM RED FLOW£R CURRANT CLUSHR ROS[ SALMON BfRRY COMMON SNOWB[RRY LOW ER PLANTING SCHEM A!!( N O TES: PROTECT ANO A CCOMMODATE EX ISTING NATIVE VEGETATION WITHIN EACH PlAN I IN G ARE A. PLANT MATERIAL QUA LITY A N D LO CATIONS SHALL BE INSPECH D BY THE PLAN DESIGNER PRIOR TO INSTA LL ATION PLAN T LOCA l IO NS St-iOWN ARE APPRQ XIMAr[ ADJUST PLAN T LOCATION S TO ACC 0 MM00A"f[ SITE CON DITIO NS, 10 PRESER V E ANO PROTECT EXISTIN G NATIVE VEGETATIO N. AND/OR PER PLAN DESIG NER AT TIME O f lNSIALLAIIUN PRIO R TO PLAN r IN ST ALLAT ION. C0N TR0l N O XIOUS WEED SPE0£S · SEE "NO XIO US W f.£0 CONTROL SPE(IFl(Al ION S'' (SHCET 1) SH DETAIL 2-2 FOR PLANT INSTALLATION DE !AILS ED PLANTING SCHEMATI C A N D PLA NT SCHEDULE 0 S 10 ~ MULU t AT BASE OF PLAN "f (6" M IN IMUM THIC KN ESS) CUT CIRCLI N G ROOTS AN D SPREAD OR "BUTTERFLY" ROOTBALL BACKFIL L W l TH N A l lVE SO il COMPACT BY HAND I. ... MIN. 1,S.TIMfS [Hf .. I MULCH A I BASE OF PLANT (6" MINIMU M THICKNES S) EB fw,r~~N~!·~2~~;;___r~~'E"' ,1 M ULCH SPE CIFI CATIO N : PLACE f OP OF ROOTBALl 1 IN CH ABOVE THE LEVEL Of NAIIVE SOIL. BEFOR E M ULCH, PO TIING SOIL SHOULD BE VISIBLE M ULC H SHALL 8( COMMERCIAll Y AVAILABLE "DOT W OOO CH IP MULCH " WWW.PACIFI CTOPSOILS.COM; 425-337-2700 , ARB ORIST CHIPS, O R APPR OVED EQUAl. MULCH SHALL NOT CONTAIN RESIN, ·r AN NIN, ROTHER CO M POUN DS IN QUANTITIES THAT WOULD 8£ DETRIMENTAL TO P LAN T LIFE . MULCH SHALL N OT SE OE RIVED FROM STUMP GRINDIN GS AND SHALL NOT CONTAIN SOI L. HOG FUEL O R EQUAL I~ NOT ACCE.PTABLE . SU BJECT TO REVIE W BY THE PLAN DESIGNER, LO CAL ARBOR IST ANO/OR COMMERCI AL TREE TRI MMING COMPANIES MAY BE A LTER NATIVE ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL SO URCES jWWW.CHIPDROP.IN ) PLANT INST ALLATION DETAILS NO SCA LE CRITICAL AREA N ON ·BLiFfER --- BUfFEFI f=,,. ,.,ii,- I 3 MIN DRAIN AWAY FROM POST 2' M IN .';/'-"-~ 1 CRITICAL AREA SIGN -1--------+--EVERY 100 HEl (D ETAIL l) 6 .. MIN. DIA. SQ UARE O R ROU N D ROUGH CU 1 W OOD POST · U NTREATED (TY P) )'." MINU~ CRUSHED ROCl( ·1t:11:' ; BAC Kftll. CO MPACT TO 9S% SPLIT RAIL FENCE NOTES: CRI TI CAL AREA FENCE I I M I N DENSITY l. FE N CE SHALL BE COMMf:RUALLY AVAILABLE POSl AND RAil SYSTEM PER THE ABOVE M IN. SPECIFICATION S ----~~~ NATIVE. SO tL 2 . WOOD SH ALL BE WESTERN R£DCE0AR OR EQUAL EB SPLIT RAIL FENCE AND CRITICAL AREA SIGN INSTALLATION DETAIL NO SCAL> ~ I •1 CRITICAL A REA SIGN NOTES: 1 SIGN SHALL 8( 040 INCH ALUMINU M WITH BAKED ENAMEL. 2 SIGN FA CE SHALL BE A S!LK SCRE EN DES IGN ACCEPTABLE TO l HE CIT Y O F REN 10N 3 SIGN CON TE NT SHOWN 15 FOR ILLUST RA TIVE PURPOSES SIGN CON TE NI SHALL BE ACCEP TABLE 10 TH E CITY OF REN TON. 4 SIGN PLATE SH ALL BE GREE N IN A COLOR A CCEPTABLE TO !HE CITY Of RlN'ION 4 ATTACH SIGN TO ffNC[ USING GALVAN IZED LAG BOLTS SIG NS SHALL FACE AWAY fROM CRITICAL AREA BUFFER .; -= 11D C :.:; 3 "' C 0 u i -c C RI .:; GI J 3 ; i GI V) g lo :2 ; J ,;. 5 ~ = . 0 .. ~ z ~ CL z 0 .:: < 0 C C, ::::> B -c.. ?:° I-cu i: -bl)"' ~ "l:J "' ·-3 a: -< nl g WC c a: ~ ~ < <t ...I < u .:: -a: u 8 II ~ i ~ 0 t;; .. ~~ J :i: zz ~loo ......... >-0 0 O oo z "" ... ,~ :;,, >-0 0 <[ N N 0 ill' gl...; .... OAT£; 1 2/28/1015 JOB NUMBER· 15 1 59 DESIGN BY ES DRAWN BY : EAR( CHECK BV FS 0 ;g 00 0\ <l'. 3 -c' C "' U -... ~ ... ~ • QJ Q.I u Q,11 ~ -a <1J ii ~ "' C - "' <1J > <1J < !:: V) .c '° CV') UJ V) "' r--- "' 0\ Pl a nting Plan, Monitoring & Maintenance S HEET 2 °' 2 • R CITYOF ~ -----~ enton\;/ NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEDI-Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE DF NOTICE DF APPLICATION: February 9, 2017 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Avana Ridge Apartments/ LUA17-000041, FPUD PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Final Planned Urban Development approval for the construction of a multi-family development containing 74 units in two 4-story structure. The vacant 3.78 acre site is located within the Residential Multi-Family {RM-F) zoning classification and Urban Design District B. The development would be comprised of two separate multi-family residential structures resulting in a density of 20.21 du/ac. The subject site is fronted by three public rights-of-way: SE 172nd Street, Benson Road South (108th Ave SE) a:1d Benson Drive South (SR-515). The applicant proposes one entrance off of SE 172nd St to the north of the site between the proposed buildi;;gs, and on~ cr.tra;;.:::c off cf Benson Road South to tlie easte~n side of the site, both meeting to form the primary drive-through access across the site. There is a Class 4 stream which bisects the site, running east/west. Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050 the applicant is proposing impacts to the stream buffer through the use of buffer averaging. Additionally, the site contains critical slopes and Coal Mine Hazards. The FPUD would be used to vary parking, design, open space, and retaining wall standards. The applicant has proposed to provide buffer enhancement as part of the proposed PUD public benefit, along with enhance open space, pedestrian amenities, and landscaping. A Preliminary Planned Urban Development was approved on the site under LUAlS-000894 on May 24, 2016. PROJECT LOCATION: 10619 SE 172nd St PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Final Planned Urban Development APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Justin Lagers/Avana Ridge LLC/9675 SE 36th St, #105/Mercer Island, WA 98040/253-405-5587 /justin@pnwholdings.com Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on Febraury 23, 2017. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-6598. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: JANUARY 26, 2017 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: FEBRUARY 9, 2017 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Avana Ridge Apartments/ LUA17-D00041, FPUD NAME:----------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: ___________________ City/State/Zip:------------- TELEPHONE NO.: ------------------ " t-.-l --------c_Rr®ITD~r©:TJ ~) 1055 South Grady Way -Renton WA 98057-3232 Kamimakis II, LLC P.O. Box 34 Seattle, WA 98111 9i:i~ BF~&~i~Sif\~ ~1.-11 J. NI ;,,: I::. 9SG< ;::: 1035 I) 0 ~?' ::_, 0 'J :;;, .... ~~TJRr; TO S~ND~R ATTE~~TED ~OT ~.NOW\ J~l~S-~ ~a ~07WAr~ ·'"'"n--~-,...,~,-. ::r \:, W' _; ; -' ,:. ::, .. .) r,. _., -, ,-,...,, "' - t.,• "'T <-, •. , -~->:.:, .! ,,_ ., -V ,;;., ! ! '. \ ; : j1 j i I i l ! ] , I ' : i ! i I ! I I i i ii! ii'\ i -----~Kenton ® NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED)-Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: February 9, 2017 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Avana Ridge Apartments/ LUA17-000041, FPUD PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Final Planned Urban Development approval for the co nstru ct ion of a multi-family development containing 74 units in two 4-story structure. Th e vacant 3. 78 acre site is locate d within the Residential Multi-Fami ly (RM -F} zon ing classification and Urban Design District B. The development would be comprised of two separa te multi-family r esidentia l structures resulting in a density of 20 .21 du/ac. The subj ect site is fronted by three public rights-of-way: SE 172nd Street, Benson Ro ad So uth (108th Ave SE) and Benson Driv e South (SR -515). The appl ic ant p ro poses one entran ce o ff of SE 172nd St t o the north of the site betwe<?n t h'! proposed buil d ings, and one entrance off of Be nson Road South to the eastern side of the site, both meeting to form the primary drive-through access across the site. There is a Class 4 stream which bisects the site, running east/west . Pursua nt t o RMC 4 -3-050 the applicant is proposing impac ts to t he str eam buffer through the use of bu ffe r ave ragin g. Addition ally, the site co ntains critical slopes and Coa l M in e Hazards. The FPUD would be used to vary parking, design , open sp ace , and retaining wall standards. The applicant has proposed to provide buffer enhancement as pa rt of the proposed PUD public benefit, along with enhance open space, pedestrian amenities, an d landscap ing. A Prel im ina ry Planned Urban Development was approved on the site und er LUA15-000894 on May 24, 2016. PROJECT LOCATION: 10619 SE 172"d St PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Final Planned Urban Development APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Justin Lagers/Avana Ridge LL C/9675 SE 36th St, #105/Mercer Islan d, WA 98040/253-405-558 7 /justin@p nwholdi ngs. com Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on Febraury 23, 2017. If you have qu esti ons about th is proposal, or wish to be m ade a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, co ntact the Project Manager at (425) 430 -6598. Anyone who su bmits written co mment s will automatically become a party of record and will be no t ified of any decision o n this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION : JANUARY 26, 2017 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: FEBRUARY 9, 2017 If yo u wou ld like to be made a party o f record to receiv e fu rther information o n this p ro posed pr o ject, com plete this form and return t o: City of Renton, CED, Plannin g Division, 1055 South Gr ady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Nam e / No.: Avana Ridge Apartments/ LUA 17-000041, FPUD NAME :---------------------------------------- MAILIN G ADDR ESS : ___________________ City/State/Zi p:------------- TELEPH ONE NO.: ----------------- ---~ItentOll ® NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development {CED)-Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION : February 9, 2017 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Avana Ridge Apartments/ LUAl 7-000041, FPUD PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Final Planned Urban Development approval for the construction of a multi-family development containing 74 units in two 4-sto ry structure. The vacant 3. 78 acre site is located within the Residential Multi-Fami ly (RM-F) zoning class ification and Urban Design Dist rict B. The development would be com prised of two se parate multi-fami ly resident ia l structures resulting in a density of 20.21 du/ac. The subject site is fronted by three public rights-of-way: SE 172nd Street, Benson Road South (108th Ave SE) and Benson Drive South (SR-S15). The appl icant proposes one entrance off of S!: 172nd St to the north of the site between the proposed buildings, and o ne entrance off of Benson Road South to the eastern side of the site, both meeting to form the prima ry drive-through access across the site. There is a Class 4 str eam which bisects the site, running east/west. Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050 the applicant is proposing impacts to the stream buffe r through t he use of buffer averaging. Additionally, the site con tai ns critica l slopes and Coal Mine Hazards. The FPUD wou ld be used to vary parking, design, open space, and retaining wa ll stan da rds. Th e applicant has proposed to provide buffer enhancement as part of the proposed PUD public benefit, alo ng with enhance open space, pedestrian ameni ties, and la nd sca ping. A Preliminary Planned Urban Develop ment was approved on the site u nder LUA15 -000894 on May 24, 2016. PROJECT LOCATION : 10619 SE 172 "d St PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Fina l Planned Urban Development APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Ju sti n Lagers/Avana Ridge LLC/9675 SE 36'h St, #105/Merce r Islan d, WA 98040/25 3-405 -5587 /justi n@pnwhol dings.com Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m . on Febraury 23, 2017. If yo u have quest ions abo ut this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive add itional notificat ion by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-6598. Anyone who submits written comments w ill automatica lly be com e a party of record an d w ill be notified of any decision on t!ii s project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: JANUARY 26, 2017 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: FEBRUARY 9, 2017 If yo u wo u ld like t o be made a party of reco r d to receive furt her i nformation on t his proposed proj ect, co mplete this fo rm and return to: Ci ty of Ren t on, CED, Pl ann ing Divisi on, 1055 So uth Grady Way, Re nton, WA 98057. Fi le Nam e/ No.: Ava n a Ridge Apartments / LUA17-000041, FPUD NA M E: ---------------------------------------- MAILI NG ADDR ESS:-------------------City/State/Zi p :------------- TEL EPH ONE NO.: ----------------- Community & Economic Development Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 --------· ----_____ ,,... __ ":.j_::-,jLJLJ.:..U.: .J1 ....;.:,.:,u .... :.:t 3809000000 STEVENS KRISTIN L 10317 SE 172ND ST #7 -D RENTON, WA 9805 5 J "f.~ Cc:;:;-.. o::::;~:::~~- :;:~ ,:.j. L..Fi'8i"j£fr{F~ ~9$(,: ~ .._-1,-j :) -, > ...) L . ..> - • <J ~ c;~ iy - ') ez:O:: ~ .! $ 00.45 NI XI:: 980 i::E 1036 0002 /20.17 .-;. -· .., '--. NOT RETJPN TO SEND~F D~~IVERA3_E AS ADDPESSED UNA~-E TO =ORw,RD _r,,_~..,""11 ..... ""I.............. of,""'t-o\"'""' _............ ~ .. ,coJ1~,JLJJ ,~u~-u~~~ -~J-•- :11,;·1i ,i·1·il1iiJii1·-1i\'1H,ii,•l'11•\111·1ii 1i.11:i,il,; i·;,.,,i, l I I ) f I 'I .) ! 1 1J\ j • I• ; ! I >,1 ,t _ _____.__.,.-If en tO fl ® NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Communi ty & Economic Development (CED) -Plann i ng Division of the City of Renton. The followi ng bri efly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: February 9, 2 017 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Avana Ri dge Apartments/ LUA1 7-000041, FPU D PROJECT DESCRIPTION : The app li cant i s r equesting a Fi nal Plan ned Ur ba n Development approval fo r the construct io n of a mu lt i-family development contain i ng 74 units in two 4-story st ructu re . The vacan t 3 .78 acre site is located within the Res idential Mult i-F am ily (RM -F} zoning classification and Urban Design District B. The deve lop ment would be compri sed of two sepa r ate mult i-fam ily resident ial structur es re sulting in a de nsity of 20.21 du/ac. The subject sit e is fronted by t hree publi c ri ghts-of -way: SE 172nd Street, Benson Ro ad Sou t h (108 t h Ave SE } and Benson Drive South (SR-515). The applicant p roposes one entrance off of SE 172nd St t o t he north of the site between the pr opo sed bu ildi ngs, and one ent r ance off of Bens o n Road South to t he east ern side of t he site, bot h meeting to fo r m t he pri mary drive-through access across t he site. The r e is a Class 4 stream whi ch bisects the site, r unni ng east/west. Pur suant to RMC 4-3 -0SO the ap plicant is pr opos i ng impacts to the stream b uffer through the use of buffer aver aging. Additional ly, t he site cont ains cr itical slopes and Coa l M ine Haza rds. The FPUD would be used to vary par king, design, open space , and reta i ning wa ll standa r ds. The applicant has proposed to provide buffer enh ancemen t as pa rt of the propose d PUD pu bl ic benefit , along w it h enhance open spa ce, pedestria n amen it ies, and landscaping. A Pr eliminary Plan ned Urban Deve lopment wa s approved on the site under LUA15 -000894 on May 24, 2016 . PROJECT LOCATION : 10619 SE 172 nd St PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED : Fina l Pl an ned Ur ban Develo pme nt APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Just in Lage r s/Ava na Ri dge LLC/967 5 SE 36'h St, #105/Mer cer Island, WA 98040/253-40 5-5587 /j ust in @p nw ho I dings.co m Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Developme nt, 10SS South Grady Way, Renton, WA 980S7, by S:00 p.m . on Febraury 23, 2017. If yo u ha ve questions about this proposa l, or wish to be m ade a pa rty of r eco rd and r eceive add it io nal notification by mail, co ntact the Proje ct Man ager at (425) 430-6598. Anyone who su bmits w r itten commen t s wi l l automatica lly be come a party of re cord and w i ll be not ified of any de cision o n this project. PL EASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION : JANUARY 26, 2017 NOTI CE OF COMPLETE APPLICAT ION : FEBRUARY 9, 2017 If you w o ul d like to be mad e a party of record t o r ec eiv e further informatio n on t h is propose d p roject, complete this form and r eturn to: City of Rento n, CED, Plan n ing Division , 10 55 South Grady Way, Rento n, WA 98057 . Fi l e Name/ No .: Av ana Ridge Apartment s / LU A 17-00004 1, FP UD NA M E:---------------------------------------- M AI LI NG ADD RESS:-------------------Ci ty/St ate/Zip:------------- TELEPHO NE NO.: ----------------- NOTICE C A Master Applica tion has been filed and ace (CE D) -Planning Division of t he City of Rent Public Approvals. DAT E OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION : PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PROJECT DESCR IPTION : the construction of a mu lti-family developm located w ithi n the Residential Multi-Fam ily , would be comprised of two sepa r ate mult subject site is fronted by t hree pub lic r ight: Drive So ut h (SR-51 5). The appl ica nt propos proposed buildings, and one entrance off of primary drive-through access across the si Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050 t he applicant is p 1 Ad ditionally, the site contai ns crit ical slopes open space, and retaining wall standa rds. proposed PUD pub lic benefit , along with e Planned U r ba n Devel opment was approved , PRO JECT LOCATI ON: PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Comments on th e abo ve app li cation mus Community & Economic Development, lOS! If you have quest ions about this proposa l, c mail, contact the Project Manager at (425 become a party of r eco r d and will be notifiec I PL EASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT Nl DAT E OF APPLICATION : N OTI CE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION : f" ::n IT!" ,1:io ~ :;111 ~,, 'Ti( 1.U ul.:' at -IJ ',J :•J ('I ,JJ .. , -·,, -~~, ·'' -. I ···-·'' .. , .•I ,, ·'' ,, ,., m ti > I ··-., ~., ·'' • -· r, 'I /, :z 0 -~ v rn r ;tJ 2 ~i in 1"c-· --1 i:·,,~c • '.);I Al r• l> ;z: Cll -I -~ ::•rn 0 • )> l/1 ::, l/1 ni ;,-. z ~ :p.O i , or" :r.o:ot1 ;~· 7(1 rri Vl 1/1 !Ti Q :~ H >< t-i ,~1 ,p 1'1 '" n 111 IS) 1)1 ,s.:, h.J Iv ,:., I-' -~ ,._. ,,.....,,~-·· ................... -- :,::J I-' m 0 z 00 ---; N 0 I-' (./\ ?-m ~ I-' -..J :l> N I..D z 00 0 0 U> V, ---; V, :t:: .;,. CP ::i v, 0 ...) i 0 1J C C 3 ~-r-t -::;- (D '< \!) C) ~ Qo 00 '"'\ 0 Ill 0 m V, Q_ (D r, -;--J '< 1J 0 w~ Ill ::J N fiJ ~ 0 ~'< r-t 3 3 -· (D r, ::J r-t ~ (D ~ M" 0 ~ ~ -< < w :l> 00 :,::J 0 0 I..D :l> 0 0 z 0 -< 0 :l> 0 z 0 =:s 0 .,, ®I m 0 )> :,::J 0 Vt 0 0 ~ 0, w If you would like t o be made a party o f record to receive further i nformation o n this proposed project, complete t h is form and return to: Ci ty of Rento n, CED, Pl anning Di vision, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 . File Name/ N o .: Avana Ridge Apartments/ LUAl 7-000041 , FPU D NAME :---------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS:-------------------City/State/Zip:------------- TELEPHONE NO.: ----------------- Community & Eco nom ic Development Depa,tment R' en t On ® 1055 South Grad y Way Renton WA 98057-3232 3809000000 CALLIA GINA+RUTLEDGE KEV I N S 00.45'1 10809 SE 1 72ND ST 111 -C "! ! :Y.I::. :? £ ~ ~=-·1tzi3e 0 13 8 Z / 2 13 ./ 1. 7 REN TON, WA 98055 ;. :. :;~ ,:~. L F 1! A P.J-n:? 3:ff;,1 .~ PET,.;f.:1'; TO S~r~Di:R NOT DELIV 5 PASLE AS ADOR~SS!D ~ i !\! A -: · ~ I (: i-(i ~ \\ c. t-· t.) :'..• ·-~ •:!: i j !· :-·--------~ ~~-~~Li~ --.- i , , i 1 l \ , i i 11 . a t , 1 , I ~ i , i ! i • 1 1 1 , • 1 i I i 1 i I , , , , i ~ , : l ~ • : j ; i: °; I : j j -i Ji i j l i ~ ; ' ; j -> 1 I O i ;p ,, ------------ItentOll ® NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: February 9, 2017 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Avana Ridge Apartments/ LUA17-000041, FPUD PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Final Planned Urban Development approval for the construction of a multi-family development contain ing 74 units in two 4-story structure. The vacant 3.78 acre site is located within the Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) zoning classification and Urban Design District B. The development would be comprised of two separate multi-family residential structures resulting in a density of 20.21 du/ac. The subject site is fronted by three public rights-of-way: SE 172nd Street, Benson Road South (108th Ave SE) and Benson Drive South (SR-515). The appl icant proposes one entrance off of SE 172nd St to the north of the site between the proposed buildings, and one entrance off of Benson Road South to the eastern side of the site, both meeting to form the primary drive-through access across the site. There is a Class 4 stream which bisects the site, running east/west. Purs uant to RMC 4-3-050 the applicant is proposing impacts to the stream buffer through the use of buffer averaging. Addit ionally, the site contains critical slopes and Coal Mine Hazards . The FPUD would be used to vary parking, design, open space, and retaining wall standa rds . The applicant has proposed to provide buffer enhancement as part of the proposed PUD public benefit, along w ith enhance open space, pedestrian amenities, and landscaping. A Preliminary Planned Urban Development was approved on the site under LUA 15-000894 on May 24, 2016. PROJECT LOCATION: 10619 SE 172nd St PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Final Planned Urban Development APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Justin lagers/Avana Ridge LLC/9675 SE 36 'h St, #105/Mercer Island, WA 98040/253-405-5587 /j ustin@pnwholdings.com Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on Febraury 23, 2017. If you have quest ions about this proposal, o r wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Pr oject Manager at (425) 430-6598. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of reco rd and will be notified of any de ci sion on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: JANUARY 26, 2017 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: FEBRUARY 9, 2017 If you would like to be made a party of record to r eceive further information on this proposed project, complet e this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Pl anning Divis ion, 1055 Sout h Grady Way, Re nton, WA 9 8057. File Name/ No.: Avana Ridge Apartments/ LUA17-000041, FPUD NAME:---------------------------------------- MAILI NG ADDRESS:-------------------City/State/Zip:------------- TEL EP HONE NO.: ----------------- NOTICE OF Al A M aster Application has been filed and accepted with the De~ (CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following l Public Approvals . DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION : February 9, 2017 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Avana Ri dge Apartrr PROJECT DESCRIPTION : The applica nt is req1 t he co nstruction of a multi-family deve lopment conta in ing 74 u, located wit hin the Res idential Multi-Family (RM-F) zoni ng classi would be comprised of two sepa rate multi-fami ly res id ential subject site is fronted by three public rights-of-way: SE 172nd Drive South (SR -5 15). The appl icant proposes o ne entr ance of proposeJ buildings, and one entrance off of Benson Road So uth primary drive-through access across the site. There is a Clas : Pursuant to RMC 4-3-0 50 the applicant is proposi ng impacts to Add itiona lly, the site co ntains critical slopes and Coa l M ine Haz open space, and retaining wall standards. The applicant has p proposed PUD publ ic benefit, along w ith enhance open space Planned Urban Development was approved on the si te under LU. PROJECT LOCATION: 10619 SE 172"d St PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Fina l Pla nned Urban APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON : Justin Lagers/Avana 98040/253-405 -558; Comments on the above application must be submitted in Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, If you have quest io ns about this pro posa l, or wish to be made mail, con tact the Proj ect Manager at (425) 430-6598. Anya, become a party of record and w ill be notified of any decisi on on 1 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN C DATE OF APPLICATION: JANUARY 26, 2017 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: FEBRUARY 9, 2017 ~ If you would like to be made a party of record to r eceive further informo ..... C u QJ E E ..... 0 ,_ C ro 0 Q_ u QJ wO °" ..... C >, QJ -~ E C o._ ::J 0 E- E g; 0 QJ uo to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Rentv .. , -··. J--~·. Fil e Name/ No.: Avana Ridge Apartments/ LUA 17-000041, FPUD . 0 0 f;h >,N <U l"'"I s: ~ >, r-,. -0 U) <U 0 .... ct::) I..'.) (J\ ..c <{ ..... 3 ::J 0 C l/'\ 0 l/'\ ..... l/'\ C 0 QJ 0::: m u I- z ::::, I-U) U) l/l 0 0 C(, _, z en 0 ....J N <i:: _, r-,. 3 0 -, ..... 0 0 ~ w z 0 l/l 0 w I'-. 0 (J'l <.D ..... I- 0 (.c) 00 z 00 w 0 w m _, ri 0::: NAME: ---------------------------------------- MAILI NG ADDRESS: ___________________ Ci ty/State/Zip :------------- TELEPHONE NO.: ----------------- Gl N 111 0 UI H X H z. C:> U! '11 1/1 IJJ ti~o c,'. (_) n:: UJ c..i <( 0 <(3: z (Y. 111 111 0 l/l <1'. It 01..1 1 0 •-_J 1- 1'.J'l z<!'..u Ci'. 0:: _I -::J iJl ll'1 ~->< u 1Hz ti: J :.> ILi Ci ... 0 z ., d I ··:;, '~ .. ::· t::, • ::: r ..i • ·.: I.)·-::: ~)::: l (I\ -:: tO ::- \' ,f .::=. r..i .:::- • -- v, :::.- l 'l ·= N= (fl ::.: N :- r<'I ::: r, :::- L-, ~.::: c~ ·;::.. ca ··= (I\ =- -------------------,,.---------------------~----------------- Community & Economic Development Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-32 3 2 ~-------. ItentOil ® 2 ::~. 2923059134 Cu rrent Resident 10408 SE 174th St Renton, WA 98055 -' ' - L . :-,: t~:,i 1;,1 r·u,0·, -'::~G_;:;:. ~,: -,_, ,-VT r"'" J't .... J\. .. - $ 00 .45 .-: ;. ... n .:/~ V :-::. ,, A., r .),_ tJ'.> ... •:.. n. i;l-, ·' ·\ C '-'"'LI V"-.'"'°".., =E-~N TO SE~D~f T~~Jc:-r!c~~ ~~OP~SS -~~~-~ ~c -0°wADJ 3 C ~ S.8€'S73;::32·5:: ·~69~-026$9-~~-~3 ·'! .:•1,. : ~ .. ' I ~ 1 • \t •t •. , ,, . l . ,., •: .•• ••;:;t,1,t :!I;; ~.:~~il,;:,('.i,::H! r -----~Kenton ® NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton . The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals . DATE OF NOTICE OF APP LI CATION : February 9, 2017 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER : Avan a Ridge Apartments/ LUA17-0D0 041, FPUD PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The ap pli cant is r equesting a Final Pl anned Ur ban De velop m ent approval fo r t he construction of a mu lti-fa m ily development conta ining 74 units in two 4-s t ory st ructure. The vaca nt 3.78 acre site is l ocated w ithi n the Res iden tial M ulti-Fam ily (RM-F) zoning classi ficat io n and Ur ban Des ign District B. The development would be comprised of two se parate multi-family res idential structu r es resu lting in a de nsity of 20.21 du/ac. Th e subject site is fronted by t h ree pu bl i c rights-of -w ay: SE 172nd Street , Be nson Ro ad So uth (108t h Ave SE) an d Benson Drive South (SR-515). The applicant proposes o ne ent r ance off of SE 172nd St to the no rth of the site between t he pr oposed buildings, and one entrance off o f Be nson Ro ad So uth to t he east ern side of t he si t e, bo t h meeting t o form t he pri mary d rive-th rough access acro ss the site. There is a Class 4 st rea m w hi ch bise cts t he site, run ning east/west. Pursuant to RMC 4-3-05 0 t he applicant is proposing impacts to t he str eam buffer t hr ough the use of buffer averagi ng. Addit ionally , t he site co ntains crit i ca l slopes and Coa l M i ne Hazar ds . Th e FPU D wou ld be used to vary parki ng, des ign, open space , and r etain ing wa ll st an dards. The applica nt has pr opose d t o provide buffer enha ncement as part of t he proposed PUD publi c be nefit , along with enh ance open space, pedestr ia n amenities, and land scaping. A Pr eliminary Pl anned Ur ba n Deve lopment was app roved o n t he si t e und er LUAlS-000894 on May 24 , 2016 . PROJECT LOCATION : 10619 SE 172"d St PE RMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED : Fi nal Pl anned Urban Develo pment APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Justin Lage r s/Avana Ridge LLC/9675 SE 36'h St, #105/Mercer Island, WA 98 040/253-405-5587 /j usti n@pnwhol di ngs . com Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Department of Co mmunity & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on Febraury 23, 2017. If you have questions about t his proposal , o r w ish t o be made a party of recor d and rece ive add itional notifica tion by mai l, co ntact t he Projec t Manage r at (42 5 ) 430-6598. Anyone who su bm its w ritten com me nts w ill automatica lly become a party of r eco r d an d will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION : JANUARY 26, 2017 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: FEBRUARY 9, 2017 If you wou ld like to be made a party of re cord to rece ive fu rther i nfor mat io n on t his proposed project, comple t e t his fo rm and return to : City of Renton , CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Rento n, WA 98057 . Fi le Name/ No.: Avana Ridge Apartmen ts/ LUAl 7-00004 1, FP UD NAM E: ---------------------------------------- MA ILING ADDR ESS:-------------------City/State/Zip:------------- TELEP HONE NO.: ----------------- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------~ItentOll ® AFFIDAVIT OF IN~ PUBLIC OUTR Planning Di 1055 So uth Gra d y W ay, I Phone: 4 2 5-430-7200 I ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF KING sworn o n oath, deposes and says: 1. On t he (p +11_ day of "S e..p 1·e .. w,J outreach sign(s) on t 10 ~1 '5' SE r=,,z. ~ sr., ~e.ri tei V\,W a.... -=h?os-s- 7 • Avt>l,</t: l A V "'1Gt. :,.-<-{ A A .De.. l et...wc.r e... 2 . I have attached a copy of the n eigh b o r hoo1 t he locat ion of the in sta l le d sign. 3. This/these public information sig n(s) was/Vv conforma nce with the re quirement s of Cha the City's "Public I nformatio n Si g n s I n st ti ,,,,, ... ,,,,, ,,,, 1>,.. Riv~'',,., ~·'oJ). ........... ~-.¢ _ ~ $ A..,~-~~'tt,slON c.f~.:-'7 ~ ~ ···~· 19~·· ,:. -. •O tP\ - : :0 NOTARY i : : : BLIC • z -: u>\ PU io: 0:. :.A•. / t,.;;;. ._ , ""',.,.·.. "" ,.d,:).. 0 .:-,, r:t,.. "•:•·06·2\>:,• ~ ~' ., ._, .......... ~,~ ,~ ,,,,, O,: wp,.S~\,,~ ,,,,, .... ,,,, --- residing at __i My co mmiss io 1 3 H :\C ED \Da t a\Forms-Te rn plates\Self-Hel p Hand o uts\Pl an ni ng\Pub Ou ,i;) '·' ,, ') I ' ~) ., ,, .. , )1 ;J ·" ., .l IH n -·= •.\) -·: ,;,1 -·= l!';J .... ·.: 1,,1 ::: -., ••;_: I.II -·=-ri .,,: I.(, :...1·1 ... ::: 1,,l -·:.-· i,,IJ .. :t -··= ., ::::: .. , -·:: :,, .... :.::. ·'' -·;--~;~ ·::;-., __ :;: '·I ··::-,. J ::-· ), !"J r, ,.::,. 1-l >< z l··-i O 1n -I 0 f1l -· I. ;,1 ;, ~-i "l P ,c_ ·t .t i 11i C: -;Q :.() -r J> :Z OJ --r --1 ::•n10 ·; ),, l/1 ::, l/1 ITI ~ z :.. )> i:1 P·o1,1 -t'o~ .:::1 ::::0 fTI (,,1 l/1 rn 0 ~ ti ~ ~j 1¥1 r~ It HJ ~ c. ' .. ., ., Nl ·, t/J 1§;) ,, I.._ .... ·-------·------ V} 0 0 A 01 on ro o < 3 ~3 0 C -cJ ::::) 3 -· ro '< ~ Qo om ro ,.., -cJ 0 OJ ::::) ~ 0 rT 3 3 -· ro ,.., ::::) ..-. , On the 9th da y of February 2017, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Notice of Application and Acceptance documents. Thi s information was sent to: Justin la ge r s Applicant/Contact Avana Ridge LLC Owner See Attached 300' Surrounding Properties {Signature of Sender): ~=~·~'-L..l~~---1-.\------~-------='--------- STATE OF WAS HINGTm1 ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Dated : Notary (Print): ___ .J...C..>::..u,J,,j'----!-~.><.J..:---<------....a...,....,..,~~r,r,..---r--:----,--- M y appointment ex pires: Avana Ridge Apartments LUA17-000041, FPUD template -affidavit of service by mailin g 87000146 Cu rrent Resident 17019 105th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 87000151 CAS IO JAVIER AGOMEZ+LUZ MAR 17031105TH AVE SE RENTON , WA 98055 87000211 HIRANAKA GART H L 10636 SE 166TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 87000 2 14 MARAGH DEIG HTON 5 10526 SE 1 72ND ST RENTON, WA 98055 87000280 Curre nt Resident 17034 106th Ave SE Re nton, WA 98055 8 7000 282 KAIMAKI S II LLC 3 212 W WHEELER ST PO BOX 34 SEATILE, WA 98199 87000291 Cu rrent Res id en t 17029 108th Ave SE Re n ton, WA 98055 87000293 RENTO N SPECIA L CARE CO MMUNITY 273 1 77 TH AVE SE MERCER IS LA ND, WA 98040 1626800010 NGUYEN NGOCHA N T 820 5 28TH CT RE NTON, WA 98055 292305901 2 Curre nt Resident 10636 SE 1 74th St Re nton, WA 98055 87000146 GOOD SHEPHERD OF WA 119 N MAIN ST PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 87000207 KINOSH ITA KYM 17022 105TH AV SE RENTON, WA 98055 87000213 Current Resident 17029 106th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 87000275 RA DT KE MICHAEL T+JULIANN E 17024 106TH AVE SE RENTON , WA 98055 87000281 M IL LER JERALD S+A NA L 10622 SE 172ND ST RENTON, W A 98055 87000283 M CMULLIN WALLACE C+ KIMMI E 1 7030 106TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 8 7000291 TEUNG YAOTA PO BOX 59252 RENTON , WA 98058 1626800005 Current Resident 10804 SE 1 73rd St Renton, WA 98055 1626800035 Current Resid ent 17314 108th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 2923059012 PARTNERS PREFERRED YIELD II DEPT PT -WA 23224 PO BOX 25025 GLENDALE, CA 91201 87000150 STATE OF WA DOT REAL ESTATE SERVICES PO BOX 47338 OLYMPIA, WA 98504 87000211 Current Re sid ent 17028 105th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 87000213 LANZ VAN N+JAMIE 4118 96TH A VE SE MERCER IS LA ND, WA 98040 87000280 CHAU HA M INH 4101150TH AV E SE BELLE VUE, WA 98006 87000282 Curr en t Res i dent 106 18 SE 172n d St Re nton, WA 98055 87000285 RENTON SPE CIA L CAR E COMM UN I 2731 77TH AVE SE #203 MERCER ISLA N D, WA 98040 87000293 Curre nt Resident 17033 108th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 1626800005 KUMAR KA MLESH+S A ROJAN l +PRAS 17314 108TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 2923059009 AVANA RIDG E LLC 9675 SE36THSTSTE105 MERCER ISLA N D, WA 98040 2923059134 Cu rrent Re si dent 10406 SE 174th St Renton , WA 98055 , 2923059134 29230 59134 2923059134 Curren t Res i dent Curre n t Res i dent Current Residen t 10400 SE 174th St 10408 SE 174t h St 10404 SE 174 t h St Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 9805 5 Renton, WA 98055 2923059134 2923059134 2923059 150 Current Resident GRE SU NSET VISTA LLC Cu r r e n t Res i den t 10402 SE 174th St 2801 ALAS KAN WAY STE 310 10405 SE 172nd St Rento n , WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98 121 Renton, WA 98055 2923059150 29 23059 160 2923059160 KC HOUSING AUTHORITY 174TH ST LLC Curr ent Res i de n t 600 A N DOVER PARK W C/0 AZOSE COM MER ICAL PROP 10700 SE 174 th St Su i te 101 TUKWI LA, WA 98188 8451 SE 68TH ST 11200 Re n ton, WA 98055 MERCER ISLAND, WA 9804 0 2923059160 2923059160 29230591 60 Cu rrent Resident Cu r re n t Resident Cu rrent Res i dent 10700 SE 174th St Suite 106 10700 SE 174th St Suite 201 10700 SE 174th Suite 202 Renton, WA 98055 Rent on, WA 98055 Ren t o n, WA 98055 2923059160 2923059160 2923059160 Current Res i d ent Curren t Res i dent Cu r rent Residen t 10700 SE 174th St Suite 104 10700 SE 174th St Suite 204 10700 SE 174th St Su i te 102 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Ren ton, WA 98055 2923059160 2923059174 2923059176 Current Resident PETETI B U ILDERS Cu r r en t Res id ent 10700 SE 174th St 10622 SE CARR RD 10717 SE 172nd St UNIT A Renton, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 2923059176 2923059176 2923059178 Curren t Res i dent RUSSE LL DANIEL BENSON ROAD M I NI LL C 10717 SE 172nd St UNIT B PO BOX 8659 133 EAS T LAKE SAMMAMISH SHORE Renton, WA 98055 KE NT, WA 98042 SAMMAMISH, WA 98074 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 ANDERSON BETTY BACA NI DE NNI S P+MARII\ CI ELO BONIFANT DEANN MARIE 10817 SE 172ND ST #A-3 10813 SE 172ND ST #D2 10825 SE 172TH ST #50 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 BROWN V ALERIE C CA LLI A GINA+RUTLEDGE KEV I N CHANG NIN -JA+KAO CHIAO -LING 10837 SE 172 N D ST #8B 10809 SE 172ND ST #1-D 10825 SE 172N D ST #5-C RENTON , WA 98055 RE NTON, WA 98055 RE NTON, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 COBA N ADEM+SUTA SELJA CO N E CLARA L COPPOCK SY LVA JEAN 1205 THOMAS LN #12 10841SE172NDST#9C 10813 SE 172ND ST #2A RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 , , 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 Current Resident Current Res ident Current Resident 10809 SE 172nd St 10833 SE 172nd St 10841 SE 172nd St Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 10825 SE 172nd St 10813 SE 172nd St 10817 SE 172nd St Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 10837 SE 172nd St 10829 SE 172nd St 10821 SE 172nd St Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 GARANA RICHARD GARCIA DANIEL F+KIMBERLY A GLINES JER EMY 10841 SE 172ND ST #D 9660 MARKET BALL CIRCLE 10817 SE 172ND ST #3B RENTON, WA 98055 ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 RENTON, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 GOLD GLADYS M HART DONNA MAE JAMMEH SAMBOU 10829 SE 172ND ST #06 10813 SE 172ND ST #2B 10833 SE 172ND ST #7B RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 JUANEDA YARA KELLAR ANN MARIE KUMANO COR INE M 10821 SE 172ND ST #4C 10829 SE 172ND ST #A6 PO BOX 1751 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98057 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 LEGGED JILL L LO U IE GARLAN W MARYOTI DANA G 10817 SE 172ND ST UNIT C-3 9311 MAYES COURT SO PO BOX 188 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98118 OCEAN PARK, WA 98640 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 MELLOY RITA M I LES RICHARD D+MILES VIRGINIA C NJEN GAH M IRIAM N+MWANGI SAM 10825SE172ND5T#A5 10809-B SE 172ND ST 10837 SE 172ND ST #8A RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 NUNER DAN IEL ONORATI KAREN M SIMPSON KEYSHA 21610 95TH PL S 10841 SE 172ND ST 9 B 10837 SE 172ND ST #8C KENT, WA 98031 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 SKEA LL C SMI TH LAURA L STANLEY D BRUCE+NANCY A 12705 NE HOLMES PT 10841 SE 172ND ST #A-9 10825 SE 172ND ST #BS KIRKLAND, WA 98034 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 ,,. , 3 809000000 3809000000 3809000000 STEVEN S KR ISTIN L TAMA YAO T ER ESITA T THOMAS DAVIDE 10817 SE 1 72ND ST #7-D 10813SE 172NDST#2C 10817 SE 172ND ST #3-D RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3809000000 3809000000 3809000000 TH OMPSON M I CHAEL VARDANYAN EDUARD WO ODS JENN I FER L 10821 SE 172ND ST 4A 10821 SE 172ND ST #48 10829 SE 172ND ST #6 B RENTON , WA 98055 RE NTON , WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 On the 13th day of March 2017, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope co ntaining Final Planned Urban Development Report and Decision of documents. This information was sent to: Please see attached for complete mailing list Owner, Contact, Parties of Record (SignatureofSender): / ~;4 ~ >-"""" -- STATE OF WASHINGTO COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evide nc e that Gillian Syverson signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hi s/he r/th e ir free and voluntary act for the use s and purposes mentioned in th e instrum e nt. Dated : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): --------------------------My appointment expires: Avana Ridge LUA17-000041, FOUD JENSEN JUSTIN+COLLEl;,N 6518 SE 5TH PL .. RENTON, WA 98059 HENRY STEVEN J & BRENDAL 13801156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 WILLETT CAROL+DAVID 13922 156TH AV SE RENTON, WA 98059 BAGNELL THERESA 13929 154TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 DONNELLY KEITH E+SHIRLEY C 13805 156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 GONZALEZ-RIGATTO LEILA+GONZ 6514 SE 4TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 FATTORE ROBERT L & DEBORAH 13810 152ND AVE SE RENTON , WA 98059 PHAN TRI 2109 BREMERTON AVE NE RENTON , WA 98059 ZHEN MEILING 6523 SE 4TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 LEVACK MORRIS R+VERNA M 13815 154TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 DOWNS BARBARA L PO BOX 2139 RENTON, WA 98056 MCASKILL DENNIS 15618 SE 138TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 NIPERT SALLY LOU 14004 156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 BILL RUTH 104 BURNETTE AVES #101 RENTON , WA 98057 HANSON STEPHEN M+YVONNE M 15611 SE 138TH PL RENTON, WA 98056 CHRISTENSEN SCOTT +DIANE L 14035 154TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 SWANSON JOSHUA+RUSERT CAROL 10760 NE 29 ST #172 BELLEVUE, WA 98004 HARDEBECK JACLYN ANNE+DUCHE 13928 156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 BETTES MARVIN 14009 154TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98056 HARSCH PATTI J HARSCH FAMILY TRUST PO BOX 2344 RENTON, WA 98059 CEREAN IONEL M+LEIA 15621 SE 138TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 FATTORE ROBERT +DEBORAH 13810 152ND AV SE RENTON, WA 98059 BILL RUTH 104 BURNETTE AVES #101 RENTON, WA 98057 FLORESCU IONUS+VASILICA 13806 156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 CLEMENT MICHAEL 6505 SE 4TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 DOWNS-HENRY LL C 22227 76TH AVE S KENT, WA 98032 WILLOUGHBY NANCY 6512 SE 5TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 MISHLER BRIAN DAVID 13908 156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 HANSON NOREL A & EVELYNE D 14024 154TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 FEROGLIA SYDNIE M 6513 SE 5TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 OVERA ROGER+LINDA J 14010 154TH AVE SE RENTON , WA 98059 DENADEL GARY L+BRENDA D 14013 156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98056 FRANKFURTH i\NTHONY D 14009 156TH AV SE ~ RENTON, WA 98059 DEPARTMENT OF COMr ... ~NITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINAL PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT & DECISION REPORT DATE: Project Nome: Own er I Applicant: Contact: Fi le Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Projec t Location: Site Area: March 13, 2017 Avana Ridge Avana Ridge , LLC., 9725 SE 36th St ., Suite 105, M e rcer Island , WA 98040 Justin Lag e r s, Avan a Ridge, LLC , 9725 SE 36th St., Su it e 105, Mercer Isl and , WA 98040 LUA17-000041, FPUD Jill Di ng, Senio r Pla nner The applicant is requesting a Fi nal Pla nne d Urban Development approval for the con struction of a multi-family developm e nt containing 74 units in two 4-s tory structures. Th e vacant 3.78 acre si t e is located within th e Re sidential Multi- Family (RM-F) zoning cl assi fication a nd Urban De sign Dis trict B. The d eve lopment would be co mpris ed of two separate multi-family r esi dential structures re sulting in a density of 20 .2 1 du/a c. The subject site i s fronted by thre e public rights -of-way: SE 172nd Street, Benson Road South (108th Ave SE) and Be nso n Dr ive South (SR -515). The applicant propose s on e entrance off of SE 172nd St to the north of th e site betw ee n the proposed bu i ldings, and one entrance off of Ben so n Road South to the eastern side of th e site, both meeting to form the prim ary drive-through acc ess across the site. Th ere is a Class 4 stream which bis ects the sit e, run ning east/west. Pursuant to RMC 4 -3 -050 the appl icant is proposing im p acts to the stream buffer through the use of buffe r averagin g. Additionally, the site conta i n s critical slopes and Coa l Mine Hazards. The FPUD would b e used to vary parking, des ign, open spac e, and reta ining wal l standards. The applicant h as proposed to prov id e buffer enhance ment as part of the proposed PUD public benefit, along with enhance open space , p ede st rian amen ities, and land scap i ng. A Prelim inary Planned Urban Development wa s approved on the site under LUA15 -000894 on M ay 24 , 2016 . 10619 SE 172nd Street, Renton WA, 98055 3.78 acr es City of Renton Department of Comm unit} conomic Development AVAIi/A RIDGE FINAL PUD Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA17-000041,FPUD Report of March 13, 2017 I A. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Avana Ridge Final PUD Report and Decision Exhibit 2: Detailed Landscape Plan Exhibit 3: Updated Stream Mitigation Study Exhibit 4: Final Stream Mitigation Plan Exhibit 5: Draft Native Growth Protection Easement Exhibit 6: Interpretive Sign Detail Exhibit 7: Lighting Plan Exhibit 8: Site Plan Exhibit 9: Public Outreach Sign Affidavit Exhibit 10: Floor Plans Exhibit 11: Building Elevations Exhibit 12: Refuse and Recycling Enclosure detail Exhibit 13: Updated Coal Mine Hazard Report Exhibit 14: Advisory Notes to Applicant Exhibit 15: Parties of Record I 8. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: 2. Zoning Designation: Avana Ridge, LLC. 9725 SE 36th St., Suite 105 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Residential Multi-Family (RM-F} 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential High Density (RHO} 4. Existing Site Use: Vacant 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: b. East: c. South: d. West: 6. Site Area: Existing Single Family Residential (R-8 Zone) Daycare (RMF Zone) Vacant (RMF Zone) Multi-Family, Public Storage, and a Dental Office (CA Zone) 164,827 SF (3.78 acres) F. ADMINSTRATIVE FINAL PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FINDINGS OF FACT: Page 2 of 12 1. The applicant is requesting approval of a Final Planned Urban Development for the construction of a multi-family development containing 74 units, in two four-story structures. 2. On May 24, 2016, the subject project received approval for the Preliminary Planned Urban Development with 27 conditions of approval, City File number LUA15-000894. No appeals were filed. Final PUD Report City of Renton Deportment of Comm uni --conomic Development AVA/VA RIDGE Fl/VAL PUD Report of March 13, 2017 Administrative Fino! PUD Report & Decision LUAl 7-000041,FPUD Page 3 of 12 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on April 11, 2016, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Avana Ridge PUD. The DNS-M included 3 mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on April 15, 2016 and ended on April 29, 2016. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. 4. A lot combination was processed under City File number LUA15-000894 to consolidate the original two parcels into one parcel for the overall development. The lot combination was recorded at King County on October 24, 2016 under recording number 20161024000454. 5. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on January 26, 2017. The application was determined complete on February 9, 2017 and a 14-day public comment period commenced on February 9, 2017 and ended on February 23, 2017. Therefore, the project complies with the 120-day review period. 6. No public or agency comments were received during the 14-day public comment period. 7. Surrounding uses include: A daycare facility abutting the property to the east (zoned RM-F); existing single family residences to the North (zoned R-8); Southeast of the site, along 108th Ave SE, a vacant parcel (zoned RM-F); and across Benson Drive S, to the West, uses consists of multi-family, public storage, and a dental office (zoned CA). 8. The site is zoned RM-F and has a Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential High Density. 9. The site is located at 10619 SE 172nd Street and is 3.78 acres in area. 10. Under current conditions the site is undeveloped and primarily forested. 11. After deducting 1,237 square feet for access easements and 4,015 square feet for critical areas, from the 164,827 gross square footage of the site, the net square footage would be 159,574 square feet (3.66 net acres). The 74 unit proposal would arrive at a net density of 20.21 dwelling units per acre (74 units/ 3.66 acres= 20.21 du/ac). 12. The development would be comprised of 2 separate multi-family residential structures, the West building would have a total area of 42,559 square feet and the East building would have a total area of 49,340 square feet. The proposed development would include 28 1-bedroom units, 29 2-bedroom units and 17 3-bedroom units. 13. The tallest point of the structures would be approximately 46 feet and 5-inches from the average grade plane to the highest peak of a shed roof element. The proposed building materials would be a combination of concrete masonry, brick, metal canopy, cast-in place concrete, fiber cement board, and wood elements. All concrete walls are proposed to be treated with texturing and/or reveals. 14. Access to the site is proposed via SE 172nd St, between the east and west buildings, and another ingress/egress point via Benson Rd S. The two access points create a through road for emergency vehicle ingress/egress across the property. 15. The proposal is served by a surface parking area to the South of the two structures, flanking the main access drive. A total of 94 parking stalls would be provided in the surface parking area. An additional 20- parking stalls would be provided along the street. 16. A total of 41 bicycle parking spaces would be provided. 17. An unnamed seasonal stream, characterized as Ns pursuant to RMC 4-3-050, bisects the Northern and Southern portions of the site and runs East to West. The applicant is proposing buffer averaging and a stream alteration pursuant to RMC 4-3-050. Final PUD Report City of Renton Department of Comm uni AVANA RIDGE FINAL PUD conomic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA17-000041,FPUD Report of March 13, 2017 Page 4 of 12 18. A historic coal mine, known as the Springbrook Mine, as well as its associated opening is also located on the site near the South property line. The coal mine is designated as a High Coal Mine Hazard pursuant to RMC 4-3-050. 19. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report. 20. The proposal requires Final Planned Urban Development Review. The plan shall be reviewed for substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plan and consistency with the purposes and review criteria of RMC 4-9-lSOG. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with the 27 conditions of approval of the Preliminary Planned Urban Development approval, and the 3 mitigation measures issued as a part of SEPA review under City File number LUAlS-000894: A) Preliminary Planned Urban Development Conditions: ,/ ,/ Final PUD Report 1} The applicant shall comply with the mitigation measures issued as part af the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated ERC Addendum, dated April 7, 2016. Staff Comment: See compliance analysis below under subsection B) SEPA Environmental Review. 2) The applicant shall be required to record formal Lot Combination or Binding Site Plan in order to ensure the proposed buildings are not built across property lines. The instrument shall be recorded prior to building permit approval. 3) The applicant shall be required to submit a detailed landscape plan to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval complying with RMC 4-4-070. 4) The applicant shall be required to submit a detailed landscape plan depicting at least 132, two-inch caliper, trees (or the gross equivalent inches) on site; not including the those trees located within the Native Growth Protection Easement. The detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. Staff Comment: A detailed landscape plan (Exhibit 2) was submitted with the FPUD submittal and includes 196 trees outside of the Native Growth Protection Easement with a minimum caliper of two inches. 5) The applicant shall submit a revised landscoping plan depicting a minimum three-foot landscaped setback from the sidewalk at the base of retaining walls abutting, or within, public rights-of-way. Landscaping shall include a mixture of shrubs and groundcover (trees are optional) in conformance with the standards of RMC 4-4- 070H4, Perimeter Parking Lot Landscaping. The revised landscaping plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to engineering permit approval. Staff Comment: The submitted detailed landscape plan depicts a 3-foot landscaped setback between the base of the wall and the sidewalk. A mix of shrubs and groundcover are proposed within the landscape setback. 6) The applicant shall submit a revised Mitigation plan which addresses the criteria found in RMC 4-3-050.H.2 demonstrating the reduced buffer wouldn't negatively impact the function of the stream. The revised mitigation plan shall be submitted to, City of Renton Deportment of Communi AVANA RIDGE FINAL PUD conomic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision WA17-000041,FPUD Report of March 13, 2017 Page 5 of 12 and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior ta engineering permit approval. Staff Comment: A revised Stream Mitigation Study (Exhibit 3) was submitted, which addresses the criteria found in RMC 4-3-050.H.2. 7) The applicant shall submit a revised Mitigation plan which addresses the criteria found in RMC 4-3-050.H.2 demonstrating the bridged crossing wouldn't negatively ,/ impact the function of the stream. The revised mitigation plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to engineering permit approval. Staff Comment: A revised Stream Mitigation Study (Exhibit 3) was submitted, which addresses the criteria found in RMC 4-3-050.H.2. 8} The applicant shall establish a Native Growth Protection Easement over that part of the site encompassing the stream and buffer area and place split rail fencing and signage along the outer edge of the buffer. The Final Mitigation plan shall include all specifications for fencing and sign age and shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Partially Current Planning Project Manager prior to engineering permit approval. Compliant Staff Comment: A fencing and sign age detail was submitted on the final Stream Mitigation Plan (Exhibit 4). A draft Native Growth Protection Easement (Exhibit 5) was submitted with the FPUD application materials. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the Native Growth Protection Easement be recorded over the portion of the site encompassing the stream and buffer area prior to Certificate of Building Occupancy. 9) The applicant shall be required to provide, to the Current Planning Project Manager, tree retention inspection/monitoring reports after initial clearing, final grading, and annually for two years by a qualified professional forester. The inspection/monitoring Deferred reports shall identify any retained trees that develop problems due to changing site conditions and prescribe mitigation. Staff Comment: As of the writing of this report, no clearing or grading has been authorized on the project site. Staff recommends that the above condition be made a condition of final PUD approval. 10} The applicant shall provide interpretive signage/information regarding differentiating elements (trees, landscaping, drainage, architecture, etc.) of the proposed development at a strategic place(s) on site. The site plan depicting the signage shall Partially met be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit/Final Plat approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: An interpretive sign detail was submitted with the Final PUD application materials (Exhibit 6). Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the sign be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy for the buildings. 11) A detailed fencing plan shall be provided identifying the location and specifications for all fencing on site. All fencing shall be made of quality materials in keeping with the architectural aesthetic of the proposed structures. The fencing plan shall be ,/ submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Staff Comment: Onsite fencing was shown on the submitted Detailed Landscape Plan (Exhibit 2) and the Final Stream mitigation plan (Exhibit 4). ,/ 12) The applicant shall provide a lighting plan that adequately provides for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties; at the time of engineering Final PUD Report City of Renton Deportment of Comm uni AVANA RIDGE FINAL PUD conomic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA17-000041,FPUD Report of March 13, 2017 Page 6 of 12 permit review. Pedestrian scale and down lighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe pedestrian and vehicular movement, unless alternative pedestrian scale lighting has been approved administratively or is specifically listed as exempt from provisions located in RMC 4-4-075 Lighting, Exterior On-Site. Staff Comment: A lighting plan (Exhibit 7) was submitted with the Final PUD application materials. The proposed lighting allows for onsite safe pedestrian and vehicular movement in the dark onsite without generating excessive light or glare to abutting properties. 13} The applicant shall eliminate the proposed access restrictions along SE 172nd St in order to provide full access along SE 172nd St. A revised site plan shall be submitted ,/ ta, and approved by, the Plan Reviewer prior to engineering permit approval. Staff Comment: A revised site plan (Exhibit 8) was submitted with the Final PUD application materials and all proposed access restrictions for SE 172"' Street have been removed. 14) Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits, all common facilities, including but not limited to utilities, storm drainage, streets, recreation facilities, etc., shall be completed by the developer or, if deferred by the Planning/Bui/ding/Public Works Deferred Administrator or his/her designee, assured through a security device to the City equal to the provisions of RMC 4-9-060. Staff Comment: Deferred to Certificate of Occupancy as no construction permits have been issued. 15} All common facilities not dedicated to the City shall be permanently maintained by the planned urban development owner, if there is only one owner, or by the property owners' association, or the agent(s) thereof In the event that such facilities are not Deferred maintained in a responsible manner, as determined by the City, the City shall have the right to provide far the maintenance thereof and bill the owner or property owners' association accordingly. Such bill, if unpaid, shall become a lien against each individual property. 16) The applicant shall create a public outreach sign in coordination with City of Renton to communicate with road users, the general public, area residences and businesses, and appropriate public entities about project information; road conditions in the work ,/ zone area; and the safety and mobility effects of the work zone. The sign shall be placed on site prior to construction commencement. Staff Comment: An affidavit (Exhibit 9) was submitted with the Final PUD application materials indicating that the public outreach sign has been installed. 17} The applicant shall provide a revised site plan demonstrating compliance with the private open space standard of at least 15-feet in every dimension for all ground related units. The revised site plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the ,/ Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: A revised site plan (Exhibit 8) was submitted with the Final PUD application materials, demonstrating compliance with the private open space standard of a minimum 15-foot dimension in every direction for all ground related units. ,/ 18} The applicant shall provide revised elevations demonstrating compliance with the private open space standard af at least 60 square feet in size with no dimension less than 5 feet for all upper story units. The revised elevations shall be submitted to, Final PUD Report City of Renton Deportment of Commun/ AVANA RIDGE FINAL PUD conomic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision WAll-000041,FPUD Report of March 13, 2017 Page 7 of 12 Deferred Final PUD Report and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: Revised floor plans (Exhibit 10) were submitted with the Final PUD application materials including decks for all upper story dwelling units. All proposed decks are at least 60 square feet in size with no dimension less than 5 feet. 19} Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit, the developer shall furnish a security device to the City in an amount equal to the provisions of RMC 4-9-060. Landscaping shall be planted within one year of the date of final approval of the planned urban development, and maintained for a period of 2 years thereafter prior to the release of the security device. A security device for providing maintenance of landscaping may be waived if a landscaping maintenance contract with a reputable landscaping firm licensed to do business in the City of Renton is executed and kept active for a 2 year period. A copy of such contract shall be kept on file with the Planning Division. Staff Comment: Deferred to Certificate of Occupancy. 20) The building entries from a street shall be clearly marked with canopies, architectural elements, ornamental lighting, and/or landscaping and include weather protection at least four and one-half feet (4-1/2'} wide. The revised elevations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Staff Comment: Revised building elevations (Exhibit 11), a lighting plan (Exhibit 7), and a landscape plan (Exhibit 2) were submitted with the Final PUD application materials. All building entries are clearly marked with canopies, ornamental lighting, and/or landscaping. All weather protection is at least 4-1/2' wide. All entries are also marked with wood panel soffiting to add warmth and reflect natural colors onto the building. 21} The applicant shall be required to submit a revised site and landscaping plan depicting entrances and pedestrian connections from ground related residential units, along SE 172nd St, ta the public sidewalk. The revised landscape and site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Staff is aware there may be topographic challenges with entrances along SE 172nd St and the applicant is encouraged to provide stairs to the units or demonstrate separate entrances are not feasible prior to building permit approval. Staff Comment: The applicant submitted a revised site plan (Exhibit 8), revised building elevations (Exhibit 11), a revised landscape plan (Exhibit 2), and a lighting plan (Exhibit 7) with the Final PUD application materials. The applicant has made several changes to the elevations facing SE 172nd Street. The intent of these changes is to add texture/pedestrian-oriented elements and to relate more to the residential uses located along the north side of SE 172nd Street. There is required landscaping located along the entire length of SE 172nd as it fronts the project. Each ground-level unit facing SE 172nd street has its own private entry off the sidewalk. In most cases, care has been taken to turn stairs so that the private nature of those entrances is implied to pedestrians walking along 172nd Street. Overhead weather protection is located at each private unit entry, with signage denoting unit information. Decorative lighting is also provided at each unit entry. Care has been taken to give each unit individual detailing in the form of: private marked patio space, individual walkup entries, individual unit ornamental lighting, overhead canopies, and accented belly band trim at the base units to City of Renton Department of Communi AVANA RIDGE FINAL PUD conomic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA17-000041,FPUD Report of March 13, 2017 Page 8 of 12 Final PUD Report accentuate the ground level units. Each unit is served by a private sidewalk to distribute pedestrian access from the stairs to each individual patio. 22) The applicant shall submit revised refuse and recycle enclosure elevations which include a roof The revised elevations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Staff Comment: The applicant submitted a refuse and recyclable enclosure detail (Exhibit 12) that includes a roof over the enclosure. 23) The applicant shall revise the site plan to depict a differentiation in materials for all pedestrian connections within parking areas and/or drive aisles on site. The revised site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building/engineering permit approval. If this condition af approval is met the proposal would satisfy this standard. Staff Comment: The applicant submitted revised site (Exhibit 8) and landscape (Exhibit 2) plans with the Final PUD application materials. The revised plans now show differentiation in materials for all pedestrian walkways around the site. 24) The applicant shall provide detailed specifications for all site furniture, and art, in order to ensure durable, vandal-and weather-resistant materials are used. The specifications shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior building permit approval. Staff Comment: The applicant provided detailed specifications for all site furniture and art with the Final PUD application materials. All proposed materials are durable, vandal- and weather-resistant. 25) The applicant shall submit revised elevations depicting entrance detailing/weather protection for ground related units, fencing, pedestrian connectivity, lighting fixtures, contrasting materials, and/or special detailing along SE 172nd St. The revised elevations shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval whichever comes first. Staff Comment: Revised building elevations were submitted with the Final PUD application materials (Exhibit 11). Ground-related units each have individual overhead weather protection, as seen on the elevations for the North side of both East and West buildings. These elevations also show lighting fixtures accenting each unit entry, and individual unit signage. Each ground level unit facing SE 172"d Street has a sidewalk connection to the sidewalk on SE 172"d Street as well as contrasting ground materials at each unit's private open space. Each unit is either serviced by a shared stair, and individual stair, or direct sidewalk connections, depending on grade conditions at each unit. 26} The applicant shall submit a materials board subject to the approval of the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. The board shall include color and materials for the following: guardrails, fo,:ade treatments, retaining walls, raised planters, siding, windows/frames, and canopies. Acceptable materials include a combination of brick, integrally colored concrete masonry, pre-finished metal, stone, steel, glass, cast-in-place concrete, or other superior materials approved at the discretion of the Administrator. Staff Comment: A materials board was submitted with the Final PUD application materials. Materials proposed include brick at the primary and secondary entries, metal canopies with wood-veneer soffit trim, fiber-cement board in three colors with reveals City of Renton Deportment of Comm uni AVANA RIDGE FINAL PUD conomic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUAll-000041,FPUD RepGrt of March 13, 2017 Page 9 of 12 to break up the scale and massing of the building, and architectural concrete with reveals. Railings will match the metal detailing of the entry canopies. All materials proposed serve to accent the architectural features of the building and create human- scaled spans of materials, appealing to pedestrian and vehicular traffic along all sides of the development. 27) The current left turn and right turn southbound lanes from Benson Road South to SR Deferred to 515 shall be rechanneled by the applicant to one left turn lane and one combined left site/utility tum/right turn lane and the applicant shall also modify the light signal at the Benson improvement Road South/SR 515 to accommodate the re-channelization. construction Staff Comment: Compliance with this condition will occur during the construction of the required site and frontage improvements as part of an approved Utility Construction Permit. B) SEPA Environmental Review Mitigation Measures 1) An updated Cool Mine Hazard Report shall be submitted demonstrating the proposal will not increase the threat of the geological hazard to adjacent or abutting properties beyond pre-development conditions and the development can be safely accommodated on the site. The report shall alsa discuss any measures employed in the final site/building design which serve to mitigate coal mine subsidence risk. If no measures are employed, the applicant shall provide justification far the exclusion of ,/ additional measures. The updated Cool Mine Hazard Report shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to engineering permit approval. Staff Comment: An updated Coal Mine Hazard Report (Exhibit 13) was submitted with the Final PUD application materials. According to the submitted report, the proposed development would not increase the threat of geological hazard to adjacent or abutting properties and the development can be safely accommodated on the project site. 2) One (1) Electronic Speed Radar Sign shall be installed in the Northbound direction on both 106th Ave SE and 104th Ave SE. The applicant shall install the signs, mounting poles, and associated equipment, at the direction of the City. All improvements shall Deferred be included in the engineering permit submittal for review and approval, and shall be constructed prior to temporary occupancy. Staff Comment: The installation of the sign shall be deferred to construction and shall be completed prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. 3) The applicant shall provide an off-site sidewalk, along the South side of SE 172"d St and the Wwest side of Benson Rd 5, approaching the intersection. The width of the off-site sidewalks shall be consistent with the widths proposed along the frontage of the subject site. ADA ramps shall also be constructed at the Southwest corner of the intersection. Finally, a street lighting analysis is required to be conducted by the Deferred developer at the Southwest corner of the intersection of SE 172"d St and Benson Rd S. If necessary, required street lighting shall be provided according to City standards. All improvements shall be included in the engineering permit submittal for review and approval, and shall be constructed prior to temporary occupancy. Staff Comment: The installation of these off-site improvements would occur upon the issuance of a construction permit and shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Final PUD Report City of Renton Department of Communi AVANA RIDGE FINAL PUD Report of March 13, 2017 I G. CONCLUSIONS: conomic Development Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA17-000041,FPUD Page 10 of 12 1. The proposal complies with the Final PUD review criteria if all conditions of approval are met. 2. The proposal is compliant and consistent with the plans, policies, regulations and approvals. 3. The proposal is compliant with all conditions of the Preliminary PUD and SEPA Environmental Review if all conditions of approval are met. I H. DECISION: The proposed Final Planned Urban Development for Avana Ridge, File No. LUA17-000041, FPUD is approved. The proposal is subject to the following conditions: 1. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be recorded over the portion of the site encompassing the stream and buffer area prior to Certificate of Building Occupancy. 2. The applicant shall be required to provide, to the Current Planning Project Manager, tree retention inspection/monitoring reports after initial clearing, final grading, and annually for two years by a qualified professional forester. The inspection/monitoring reports shall identify any retained trees that develop problems due to changing site conditions and prescribe mitigation. 3. The applicant shall provide interpretive signage/information regarding differentiating elements (trees, landscaping, drainage, architecture, etc.) of the proposed development at a strategic place(s) on site. The submitted sign detail is approved and the interpretive signage shall be installed prior to Certificate of Building Occupancy. 4. Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits, all common facilities, including but not limited to utilities, storm drainage, streets, recreation facilities, etc., shall be completed by the developer or, if deferred by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator or his/her designee, assured through a security device to the City equal to the provisions of RMC 4-9-060. 5. All common facilities not dedicated to the City shall be permanently maintained by the planned urban development owner, if there is only one owner, or by the property owners' association, or the agent(s) thereof. In the event that such facilities are not maintained in a responsible manner, as determined by the City, the City shall have the right to provide for the maintenance thereof and bill the owner or property owners' association accordingly. Such bill, if unpaid, shall become a lien against each individual property. 6. Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit, the developer shall furnish a security device to the City in an amount equal to the provisions of RMC 4-9-060. Landscaping shall be planted within one year of the date of final approval of the planned urban development, and maintained for a period of 2 years thereafter prior to the release of the security device. A security device for providing maintenance of landscaping may be waived if a landscaping maintenance contract with a reputable landscaping firm licensed to do business in the City of Renton is executed and kept active for a 2-year period. A copy of such contract shall be kept on file with the Planning Division. 7. The current left turn and right turn southbound lanes from Benson Road South to SR 515 shall be rechanneled by the applicant to one left turn lane and one combined left turn/right turn lane and the applicant shall also modify the light signal at the Benson Road South/SR 515 to accommodate the re- channelization. 8. One (1) Electronic Speed Radar Sign shall be installed in the Northbound direction on both 106th Ave SE and 104th Ave SE. The applicant shall install the signs, mounting poles, and associated equipment, at the direction of the City. All improvements shall be included in the engineering permit submittal for review and approval, and shall be constructed prior to temporary occupancy. Final PUD Report City of Renton Deportment of Communi Economic Development AVANA RID{iE FINAL PUD Report of March 13, 2017 Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA17-000041,FPUD Page 11 of 12 9. The applicant shall provide an off-site sidewalk, along the South side of SE 172nd St and the Wwest side of Benson Rd S, approaching the intersection. The width of the off-site sidewalks shall be consistent with the widths proposed along the frontage of the subject site. ADA ramps shall also be constructed at the Southwest corner of the intersection. Finally, a street lighting analysis is required to be conducted by the developer at the Southwest corner of the intersection of SE 172nd St and Benson Rd S. If necessary, required street lighting shall be provided according to City standards. All improvements shall be included in the engineering permit submittal for review and approval, and shall be constructed prior to temporary occupancy. Jennifer Henning, Planning Director _ . TRANSMITTED this 13" day af March 2017 ta the Contact/Applicant/Owner: Contact: Owner/Applicant: Justin Lagers Avona Ridge, LLC Avona Ridge, LLC 9675 SE 36'h St., Suite 105 9675 SE 36" St., Suite 105 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Mercer Island, WA 98040 TRANSMITTED this 13" day of March 2017 to the Parties of Record: See attached Exhibit 15 TRANSMITTED this 13" day of March 2017 to the following: Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Brianne Bannworth, Development Engineering Manager Lillian Watson, Property Services Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Clark Close, Senior Planner Fire Marshal Land Use Action Appeals, Request for Reconsideration, & Expiration The Final Planned Urban Development decision will become final if the decisions are not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. Appeals of the administrative decision must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 27, 2017. APPEALS: An appeal of the decision(s) must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the $250.00 application fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that a decision be reopened by the Administrator (Decision-maker). The Administrator (Decision-maker) may modify his decision if material Final PUD Report City of Renton Department of Comm uni Economic Development AVANA RID{iE FINAL PUD Report of March 13, 2017 Administrative Final PUD Report & Decision LUA17-000041,FPUD Page 12 of 12 evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the Administrator (Decision-maker) finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal timeframe. EXPIRATION: The applicant shall prepare and submit building permit applications which are accepted as substantially complete to the Department of Community and Economic Development within six (6) months of the effective date of approval. The developer shall complete the approved planned urban development or any phase thereof included in the approved final plan within two (2) years from the date of the decision to approve the final plan by the Community and Economic Development Administrator, unless a shorter time is designated. Failure to complete the planned urban development, or any phase thereof, within this time limit will require the submittal of a new preliminary and final plan application in order to continue construction of the planned urban development. Failure to submit a new application or to complete the planned urban development once construction has begun shall constitute abandonment of the planned urban development subject to subsection K of this Section. Expiration of any building permit issued for a planned urban development shall be governed by the provisions of the applicable Building Code. Construction of any portion of the planned urban development requires a current approved planned urban development and a current building permit. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. Final PUD Report