HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing Comp Plan. Rezones, Zoning Text (10/1/2007) tib, *vivo CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5516 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 8, PERMITS - GENERAL AND APPEALS, AND CHAPTER 9, PERMITS - SPECIFIC, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON",TO AMEND THE PROCESSES RELATED TO AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE TITLE IV DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. WHEREAS, the City has the duty and responsibility to amend its Development Regulations periodically to correct errors, fix omissions, clarify standards, delete outdated provisions, and incorporate new regulations; and WHEREAS, the City updates its Comprehensive Plan annually, in compliance with RCW 36.70A (the Growth Management Act); and WHEREAS, the City desires to have meaningful and easy to understand processes for the amendment of its Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations to encourage public participation in these processes and to ensure the transparency of governmental decision making; and WHEREAS, this matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and the matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and the development regulation text amendment request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 23, 2009, having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support or opposition; 1 640 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 *10 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The subsection labeled "Type IX4i of subsection 4-8-080G, Land Use Permit Procedures, of Chapter 8, Permits - General and Appeals, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is hereby amended to require an open public hearing before the Planning Commission for development regulation text amendments, as shown in Attachment A. SECTION II. The subsection labeled "Type X4" of subsection 4-8-080G, Land Use Permit Procedures, of Chapter 8, Permits - General and Appeals, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is hereby amended to require an open public hearing before the Planning Commission for Comprehensive Plan amendments and associated rezones, and to delete the requirement to refer amendments of development regulations to the Planning Commission, as shown in Attachment B. SECTION III. Section 4-9-020, Comprehensive Plan Adoption and Amendment Process, of Chapter 9, Permits - Specific, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is herby amended to read as follows: 4-9-020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT PROCESS A. PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to describe the procedures and review criteria for Comprehensive Plan amendments. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 B. AUTHORITY The Growth Management Act ("GMA") requires that an adopted Comprehensive Plan shall be subject to continuing review and evaluation and that any amendment or revision to the Comprehensive Plan conform to the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW, and that any change to development regulations or official controls is consistent with and implements the Comprehensive Plan. GMA requires that the City perform its activities and make capital budget decisions in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, GMA specifically requires that the City establish procedures whereby proposed amendments or revisions of the Comprehensive Plan are considered by City Council no more frequently than once every year, with the following exceptions: initial adoption of a subarea plan; adoption or amendment of a Shoreline Master Program; amendment of the Capital Facilities element; and whenever an emergency exists. Proposed amendments must be considered concurrently so the cumulative effect of the proposals can be ascertained. C. INITIATION OF PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS 1. The Mayor, City Council, or Planning Commission may initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment by submitting the request in writing to the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development. 2. The Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development may initiate Comprehensive Plan amendments that are necessary 3 Awe ORDINANCE NO. 5516 to ensure the consistency of the Comprehensive Plan, or other City plans and policies, with GMA. 3. Private parties may initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment by submitting an application by December 15th for consideration the following year. D. APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The application and submittal requirements for amendments initiated by private parties are listed in RMC 4-8-120C, Land Use Applications. City initiated amendments are exempt from formal application. 2. The fee for amendments initiated by private parties is listed in RMC 4-1- 170, Land Use Review Fees. City initiated amendments will not be assessed a fee. 3. Applications for Comprehensive Plan amendments shall not be accepted in the following circumstances, unless the amendment involves the correction of a technical error: a. Applications which were submitted for amendment in the previous Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle that were denied; b. Applications for amendment of the Comprehensive Plan land use map involving properties considered for amendment in the previous Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle; c. Applications for amendment involving properties located within a community planning area in which the community planning process has been initiated; or, where a community plan has been adopted within the two (2) years prior to the amendment cycle. 4 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 ,41000 E. REVIEW PROCESS 1. Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be considered by the City Council concurrently, and no more frequently than once per year, unless the amendment is exempt by GMA from the annual amendment cycle. 2. Applications for Comprehensive Plan amendments by private parties shall be accepted by the Department of Community and Economic Development between October 15t and December 15th for consideration during the following year. 3. City-initiated applications shall be initiated by June 15th for consideration during the current year's amendment cycle. City-initiated applications accepted after June 15th will be considered during the next amendment cycle. This does not apply to amendments exempt by GMA from the annual amendment cycle. 4. The Department of Community and Economic Development shall conduct its review of Comprehensive Plan amendments concurrently with Planning Commission review. However, all departmental reporting and evaluation, including necessary environmental review, shall be completed prior to the Planning Commission making recommendations on the Comprehensive Plan amendments. 5. The Planning Commission shall consider all Comprehensive Plan amendments, unless exempt by GMA from the annual amendment cycle, concurrently so that the cumulative effect of the proposals can be ascertained. 5 "firW ORDINANCE NO. 5516 6. Planning Commission shall forward a recommendation to the City Council after a public hearing. 7. Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be adopted by ordinance of the City Council. F. REVIEW CRITERIA 1. All Comprehensive Plan amendments will be evaluated on their merits based upon the following: a. The effect upon the rate of growth, development, and conversion of land as envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan; b. The effect upon the City's capacity to provide adequate public facilities; c. The effect upon the rate of population and employment growth; d. Whether Comprehensive Plan objectives are being met as specified or remain valid and desirable; e. The effect upon general land values and housing costs; f. Whether capital improvements or expenditures, including transportation, are being made or completed as expected; g. Whether the initiated amendment conforms to the requirements of the GMA, is internally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and is consistent with the County-wide Planning Policies for King County; h. The effect upon critical areas and natural resource lands; 6 . r..r ORDINANCE NO. 5516 ,,,r i. Consistency with locational criteria in the Comprehensive Plan and application requirements established in this section; j. The effect upon other considerations as deemed necessary by the Department of Community and Economic Development. 2. All applications must meet at least one of the following criteria: a. The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan; or b. The request supports the adopted business plan goals established by the City Council; or c. The request eliminates conflicts with existing elements or policies; or d. The request amends the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate new policy directives of the City Council. 3. Proposals that include a concurrent rezone proposal shall also comply with the decision criteria for a change of zone classification in RMC 4-9-180. G. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT PERIOD 1. Public Notice of Application: the applicant and the public shall be notified of the application for a Comprehensive Plan amendment at least ten (10) days prior to the first Planning Commission meeting in which the Department of Community and Economic Development reports on the amendment. Notice should consist of at least two (2) of the following methods: mailings to property owners potentially affected by the proposal, posting of at least three (3) notices in the area affected by the proposal, publication in the official newspaper if one 7 %Pe ORDINANCE NO. 5516 has been designated, or in a newspaper of general circulation if one has not been designated, notice posted on the City's website, or postings at City Hall and public libraries within the City. 2. Notice of Public Hearing before the Planning Commission: the public shall be notified at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the Planning Commission public hearing with a publication in the official newspaper if one has been designated, or a newspaper of general circulation if one has not been designated. The applicant and any parties of record shall also be sent a notice by mail at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing. 3. Comment period for Planning Commission public hearing: written comments will be accepted for ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing until seven (7) days after the date of the public hearing, unless the comment period is extended by a vote of the Commission. Verbal comments will only be accepted at the time of the hearing. All comments, including those sent by electronic means, must be accompanied by the full name and mailing address of the person making the comment. SECTION IV. Section 4-9-025, Title 4 Development Regulation Revision Process, of Chapter 9, Permits - Specific, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is herby amended by changing the name to "Title IV Development Regulation Revision and Interpretation Process", and to read as follows: 8 va...0 ORDINANCE No, 5 516 .,,,,,t 4-9-025 TITLE IV DEVELOPMENT REGULATION REVISION AND INTERPRETATION PROCESS: A. PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to describe the procedures and review criteria for amendments to, and interpretations of, the Development Regulations, Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code. Code interpretations provide temporary clarification of Title IV. Once an interpretation is issued, the subject will be submitted to the docket for Title IV amendments. B. AUTHORITY In accordance with RCW 36.70A.470, a summary containing written comments on suggested development regulation amendments shall be coordinated by the Department of Community and Economic Development. The text revision process is the means to either suggest a change, or to identify needed corrections, or both, in the development regulations. The Planning Director has the authority to issue Title IV code interpretations. C. APPLICABILITY 1. Proposed Title IV Development Regulation Amendments may be suggested by: a. The Mayor, City Council, or Planning Commission by submitting the request in writing to the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development. 9 4111 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 1400 b. The Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development. c. Private parties by submitting an application to the Department of Community and Economic Development. d. Code interpretations issued by the Planning Director. 2. Any person may submit a written request for code interpretation to the Planning Director, regarding any applicable title or any subsequent amendment thereto. D. REVIEW PROCESS FOR TITLE IV AMENDMENTS 1. Applications for Title IV amendments may be accepted at any time and placed on the Title IV docket. Imperative Title IV amendments designated by the Mayor, City Council, or Planning Commission may be given higher priority and processed outside the annual Title IV process outlined in this section. 2. The Department of Community and Economic Development shall keep a docket of suggested Title IV amendments that includes the following: a. Name and address of the person or agency requesting the amendment; b. Description of the amendment; c. Date of the request; d. Map of the affected area, if appropriate. 3. The Council may review the Title IV docket to determine which applications to include in the Planning Commission's annual work program. 10 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 4. The Department of Community and Economic Development shall conduct its review of Title IV concurrently with Planning Commission review. However, all departmental reporting and evaluation, including necessary environmental review, shall be completed prior to the Planning Commission making recommendations on the amendments. 5. The Planning Commission shall forward a recommendation to the City Council after a public hearing. 6. Title IV amendments shall be adopted by ordinance of the City Council after review by the City Council. E. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR TITLE IV AMENDMENTS 1. All Title IV amendments will be evaluated on their merits based upon the following: a. Consistency and compliance with the Comprehensive Plan; and b. All revisions must meet with at least one of the following criteria: (1) The revision eliminates conflicts within the code or between the code and the Comprehensive Plan; or (2) The revision changes code language to provide clarity, consistency, or ease of administration; or (3) The revision directly implements policies of the Comprehensive Plan or City Business Plan; or (4) The revision accommodates new policy directives of the City Council or Administration. 11 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 F. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT PERIOD FOR TITLE IV AMENDMENTS 1. Notice of Public Hearing before the Planning Commission: the public shall be notified at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the Planning Commission public hearing with a publication in the official newspaper if one has been designated, or a newspaper of general circulation if one has not been designated. The applicant and any parties of record shall also be sent a notice by mail at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing. 2. Comment period for Planning Commission public hearing: written comments will be accepted for ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing until seven (7) days after the date of the public hearing, unless the comment period is extended by a vote of the Commission. Verbal comments will only be accepted at the time of the hearing. All comments, including those sent by electronic means, must be accompanied by the full name and mailing address of the person making the comment. G. REVIEW PROCESS FOR TITLE IV CODE INTERPRETATIONS 1. Requests for code interpretations shall include: a. The section of the code that is allegedly ambiguous or needing clarification; b. The subject matter or nature of the request; and c. Any facts that are relevant to the request. 2. The Planning Director may deny or reject the request if there is no ambiguity or need for clarification demonstrated by the requestor. 12 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 3. Only one (1) interpretation per issue shall be rendered by the Planning Director. In the event an interpretation is requested on an issue previously addressed, the Planning Director shall provide a copy of the previous interpretation to satisfy such request. 4. The Planning Director shall post proposed interpretations on the City website for public review comment and possible appeal. 5. Interpretations shall follow the process of Development Regulations amendments and be amended into Title IV annually. SECTION V. Section 4-9-180, Rezone Process, of Chapter 9, Permits - Specific, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", is herby amended to read as follows: 4-9-180 REZONE PROCESS A. PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to describe the procedure for processing applications for rezones in the City of Renton. This section addresses both rezones requiring a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezones that do not require a Comprehensive Plan Amendment. 13 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 B. WHO MAY APPLY An application for a rezone of property may be made by the property owner, or somebody authorized on the owner's behalf, on forms provided by and filed with the Department of Community and Economic Development. C. AUTHORITY FOR REZONES REQUIRING A PLAN AMENDMENT In accordance with RCW 35.63.110 the Planning Commission has the authority to recommend zoning to the legislative body requiring a Comprehensive Plan Amendment after conducting a public hearing thereon. D. AUTHORITY FOR REZONES NOT REQUIRING PLAN AMENDMENT Rezone requests not requiring an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan shall be reviewed in an open public hearing held before the Hearing Examiner under the procedures and rules of the Hearing Examiner, as authorized by RCW 35.63.130. The applicant will have the burden and duty of applying for and pursuing the rezone. E. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND FEES Submittal requirements and fees shall be as specified in RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees, and 4-8-120C, Land Use Applications. F. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION 1. Criteria for Rezones Requiring a Comprehensive Plan Amendment The following findings shall be made: The proposed amendment meets the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020; and 14 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 Nteie a. Is consistent with the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; and b. At least one of the following circumstances applies: (1) The property subject to rezone was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning; or (2) Since the most recent land use analysis or the area zoning of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone significant and material change. 2. Criteria for Rezones Not Requiring Comprehensive Plan Amendment: The Reviewing Official shall make the following findings: a. The rezone is in the public interest, and b. The rezone tends to further the preservation and enjoyment of any substantial property rights of the petitioner, and c. The rezone is not materially detrimental to the public welfare of the properties of other persons located in the vicinity thereof, and d. The rezone meets the review criteria in subsection F.1 of this section. G. TIME LIMITATIONS FOR REZONE APPLICATION RESUBMISSION A petition for a change of zoning classification, seeking the same or substantially same relief as a prior petition, cannot be re-filed or resubmitted within a period of twelve (12) months from the date of final disapproval or rejection of such prior petition. 15 ORDINANCE NO. 5516 Ire SECTION VI. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of December , 2009. 6datt4-7'�� Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of December , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor Approve.s to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/18/2009 (summary) ORD:1606:11/16/09:sc r 16 Attachment A JRDINANCE NO. 5516 4-8-080G LAND USE PERMIT PROCEDURES UZ Q U- 0 m O a F= O a a Q 0 W cc Q U Z CI 0 0 0 0 a Z Q 2 0 L7 Z 0 LU a (� U U 2 ce Z_ O cc G Z Q O Z 2 N z N "" U CO a U W Q U LU 0 W CI D 0. CC O = 0 0. U x TYPE IX4 Development Yes Staff, PC CC GMHB Regulation Text PC Amendments 17 i. , Attachment B itiol ORDINANCE NO. 5516 4-8-080G LAND USE PERMIT PROCEDURES U Z J Z m 0 a LL 0 H O a a 0 < C Q W 0 a. 0 w O tx Q O tx O a V r. Z ULU Q v V 2 ceZ_ _O cc 0 z_ Q o Z cC Z N ce v v w < ri w p Q 6 a Q CC O 2 en 0 V 2 � TYPE X4 Comprehensive Yes Staff, PC CC GMHB Plan PC Amendments Rezones Yes Staff, PC CC GMHB Associated with PC Comprehensive Plan Amendments 18 r *we seri CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5502 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON (NE 24th STREET) FROM RESIDENTIAL-FOUR UNITS PER NET ACRE (R-4) TO RESIDENTIAL-EIGHT UNITS PER NET ACRE (R-8) ZONING, FILE NO. LUA-09- 095 (CPA 2009-M-05). WHEREAS, under Section 4-2-020 of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts— Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described in has heretofore been zoned as Residential Four Units Per Net Acre (R-4); and WHEREAS, the property owner initiated a proceeding and the City expanded the area to an additional two properties for change of zone classification of said properties; and WHEREAS, This matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and the public hearing having been held thereon on or about September 9, 2009; and WHEREAS,this matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended; and WHEREAS, the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support or opposition; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5502 SECTION I. The following property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential Eight Units Per Net Acre (R-8) as herein below specified. The Planning Division is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence the rezoning, to-wit: See Attachment "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16 day of November , 2009. (112g7-1,^- Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16 day of November , 2009. i&i&IA3. 417- Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Oftt.4.4e714.,6-4",A-1/4._ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 11/20/2009 (summary) ORD.1590:9/29/09:scr 2 Attachment A W""' ORDINANCE NO. 5502 NE 25th PI m coco 5. m w z w au z ¢' > Y Q U A 3 2 O d C CO Y M o o .�o- 0 0 0 0 0 _ 8132100010 E 7 0 NE 24th St ''''\ \\ NE 23rd St 2Q'� a Y U_ a) N C C a) Department of Community CPA 2009 - M05: Cowan Rezone :,0' & Economic Development Alex Pietsch,Administrator Rezone from R-4 to R-8 Data/GIS Analysis Services Q Rezone Boundary Adrian Johnson Parcels October 7,2009 Zoning Designation 0 125 250 R-4 Residential 4du/acre Feet L `N 1:2,000 R-8 Residential 8du/acre Produced by City of Renton(c)2009,the City of Renton all rights reserved.No warranties of any sort, including but not limited to File Name::\CED\Planning\GIS\GIS_projects\complan_amendment\2009\cpa09_m05\ accuracy,fitness or merchantability,accompany this product. mads\cpa2009_M05_cowan_rezone from R4_to R8_attachmentA.mxd *110i New° CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5501 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON (MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY) FROM RESIDENTIAL-FOUR UNITS PER NET ACRE (R-4)TO RESIDENTIAL-EIGHT UNITS PER NET ACRE (R-8) ZONING, FILE NO. LUA08-145 (CPA 2009-M-04). WHEREAS, under Section 4-2-020 of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts— Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described in has heretofore been zoned as Residential Four Units Per Net Acre (R-4); and WHEREAS, the property owner initiated a proceeding and the City expanded the area to include the Summerfield Neighborhood, an additional one-hundred and twelve (112) properties for change of zone classification of said properties; and WHEREAS, This matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and the public hearing having been held thereon on or about September 9, 2009; and WHEREAS, this matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended; and WHEREAS, the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support or opposition; 1 11400 ORDINANCE NO._5501 11.0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential Eight Units Per Net Acre (R-8) as herein below specified. The Planning Division is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence the rezoning, to-wit: See Attachment "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16 day of November , 2009. LC/GZa'.�On Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16 day of November , 2009. CittiASc.—LPtr Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 11/20/2009 (summary) ORD.1589:9/29/09:scr 2 woo ORDINANCE NO. 5501 ',me Q J , MI -o " E / / x E _ EI QIits ..0 Mir : Ca ° a) co N g (o L ‘F C ti U L CD _ E i ' La)) c6 c �I of r- ,,' " U a) of I ,,,%4 °s 32 o g p \ ��/ O y y m I >N E % ° 0s�s oh O ° c9 oI offos99ses �0`� To V' 65 1 s� �H v �r OLfO6�SBB °m016gsv > ON ..-c,-c).:, OSE0689S6B - 6Sf2a10010 m g I O ±zIE o 01oos�s� : � C 0.I 0x9. Z gm V u �o�o o U a a z owoss9se9 fi apoo,o v' " !' I Ll. oro0s�sw O Y 1, I — • °m°s�see n 0 zps�ss9 O 08°0688989 1106,06. Na „, r, omos�9� % °s% /Q/� osoos99se9 o {.1.. 0600689988 Fe' 00 - :Illh Li 08bOZ69S8B essses0no iEs owoz�see iii' :5 Z�s„, osyoz�s9, il _ aes�2°mo r ::: & o� 865E,201�`' 56�+ t o Z 44 ,,dt. 1 8856920740 8 ,y f)( 0660169999 `° E r - - - 0f10169988 88520140 5350204940T� o c _ MK/NNW Oli o a 1 r 9x02 ,� - a R C to co .". n ° 0t69S i 0910169986 C Q. N U U o 0 0et,0t .'gg5�2pjp0 .. 0 > ° N c L C N �' � ossoz�s::. 0110zssse9 0 N 'c co 0 m > y c 8 �a ° 0t�sae re o ss0z�s�• U N a 'F o m ^,a °�0 '�� osloz�sw 0 Q o 2 g •, J!' OSMOSES Z6SS.. s L C N 1`o v ocsoz�s9B ,V o ° d Q r ,2 it °�OZ�r °sloz�sw Ism N o .6:>, C7 Q c M �a o ° 0°ZOZ�SBB/ C X �6 �'; d �� ou0z69sw 0 U a O z O T �� N o W N N N 4° � �agp ffi i ffi 1 ig o ozzozwss9 8 m °QOz�se9 „AN• *Ole CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 41 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO RESOURCE CONSERVATION (RC) (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Resource Conservation. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby authorized 1 Aimmrsommir ORDINANCE NO. 5341 and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: Exhibit A, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 27.6 acres, are generally located in the Southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit B, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 43.6 acres, are generally located in the Northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit C, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 2.1 acres, are generally located in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington and lying northwest of the northeasterly extension of the southeasterly lines of Lots 2 and 3 of King County Short Plat 779163R. Exhibit D, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 33.8 acres, are generally located in the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2008. 61511/44,1-e 6/1a Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5341 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, ity Attorney Date of Publication: 2/16/2008 (summary) ORD.143 9:2/4/08:scr. 3 Airnisommanw +tie Noy ORDINANCE NO . 5341 EXHIBIT A RC ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Southeast quarter, thence westerly along the north line thereof to an intersection with the east line of the west 45 feet of the East half of the Northeast quarter of said Southeast quarter; Thence southerly along said east line to the most northerly northwest corner of Renton Park No. 3, as recorded in Volume 80 of Plats, Pages 95 and 96, records of King County, Washington; Thence easterly, southerly and westerly along the north, east and south lines of said Plat to the northeast corner of Renton Park Div. 4, as recorded in Volume 86 of Plats, Page 68, said records; Thence southerly and westerly along the east and south lines of Said Plat to the southwest corner thereof, being a point on the east line of Renton Park, as recorded in Volume 58 of Plats, Page 77, said records; Thence southerly along said east line to the northerly right of way margin of SE Petrovitsky Road; Thence easterly along said northerly margin to an intersection with the east line of said Southeast quarter; Thence northerly along said east line to the Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. RC A,Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 • UKU1NANUK NU. 5341 I —I I . [ i _._.. i it �/ Al \it—1 i I 1— 4k --1----1 1 --- j l1_,L_ I I 1 �__ , ,1. 1 I I I.._... sestt-. _ _ i �sstn ril 7-----7,,,_7' r i @sem. li / ------,i 1----k,,/ \ \\ I y _ t 1 1 ) 11 \ s 69th P� i r —._._ r _pi --7- NN 1," )._ -7-7---i I ' , , . :, . 1),‘,..A,..40,-/- s..., N , 1 , ' I I 1 ih.---7. /7 047/7---,.. *41°**) . I I— i r r __J, _11,:,,, [._._....._.4.._____k 1.._ ....._...._ A i 1 ,''''-„),.' „------ i—� I { 1#lstP 1 u______/— ICY----,,,,..*:?'`,. I I til I � 1 \ i __ 1 � -...1▪.:• ?:-_7\kli-:, i I I i v,-: ____,\I I-------f..- [ --- i Ii I i I (, i _ tI I 1 I� i f----" _ I , I Ir — I'/ f��r ,t. I I i ° 1 e� 1 7 , coo szKli ti,! -— /...,,,, ------>-- -----'1'g It 1 , e sol/%t `r i / I � I 1.\.__\\\j-j:';-\Tl-_,:['l-Lc. 1- _ ____ ' ________--://:,/ � �' Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities c)N.rci,, Neighborhoods and Legend Prezone RC-A • • Strategic Planning r "P�'N f� 1_ :City Limits Alex Pietsch,Administrator P Boundary February 8,2008 Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician , 0 90 180 360 N Parcels RC A, Pg 2 1 IFeet Produced by the City of Renter)(cj 2008,the City cif — 1:4,000 Renton all riphis reserved.No warranties of any sort. including but riot limited to accuracy,Fitness or File Name:IEDNSP\GIS._projectsilegaldescnptionsimxcs\ merchantability,accompany this product. prezoce BensoeHiil RC-A.med 11109 ORDINANCE NO . 5341 EXHIBIT B RC ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows: The Northwest quarter of said Northeast quarter, less the north 30 feet thereof; TOGETHER WITH that portion of the South half of said Northeast quarter lying northerly of Lot 2 of King County Short Plat C1077001, recorded under King County Recording No. 7806080590 and Lots 2 and 3 of King County Short Plat 779163R, recorded under King County Recording No. 8105060679 and lying easterly of a line 749.48 east of and parallel with the west line of said subdivision; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. RC C,Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 • UKDIAAAUt AU. DJ41 i \ i i r.I \ i II i �..�_- -_ ' 1...______4_________...1 ! I 1 L�.� 14 1 Flitt i 1 _ I_ 1 � rt ij Retf° yI 1-------- ::::, =-..,,-;,„ i T —__JL i SE .I 1 f \ =_� i i ..r r -,-..„„_, _. l i i i \ ` - \ ,/ -14,,,,,_,..4:),17.2:), i II 1 r r 1 , i \ _ SE11911P1 E7-. ''' - „: „'' \\, , \ \\\ I i \ \ I 1 '' ; I \ i 1 Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities a���°� Neighborhoods and Legend Prezone RC-B Strategic Planning Qr— � 117 (— C City Limits Alex Pietsch,Administrator `, —___L__PM _8,2008 N ^Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician 0 100 200 400 1 Parcels RC B, Pg 2 Feet 10_ Produced by the City of Rendon IC)2008,the City of 1:4,000 Reston ail rights reserved No warranties of any soli_ inslarlibig out net i rnrted to aeeurary,fitness or fila Name-tEDNSP\GIS_protects'tegai_descriptions\mxds. Erietchantability.accompany this p'„duct prezone BensorrHi'I RC-B.mxd r► 1111, ORDINANCE NO. 5341 EXHIBIT C RC ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the 100 foot wide Puget Sound Power & Light Transmission Line right-of-way lying northwesterly of the northeasterly extension of the southeasterly line of Lot 3 of King County Short Plat 779163R, recorded under King County Recording No. 8105060679 in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. RC C, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 URDIAAAUE AU. D.541 I Y----/. �' I i r.,,,,,,, �f I ver loogie i I 1 //j III I I I _±, i I\ ►e I I I .' ' I 1.1-:".._ ..1 :vA:824,/ 1 --7;-+ \, �_ F }' 1/1\!\:'VT,: i/ II I / I \ \ ` \ i \ i I _I 1 / �i f / )j v. � � �._� r --- I \—j „ �v .1 � a f, 1 I ill , , ,, . i - t ; . I T w,SE 184th PI ,, . / , ,, /r f _ -- ,', -------7-4., \`\ —� i ! _I I i \ i f_,,,:t ._1 ni, �— i „,,,,,,,W1850.44% Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities ost e� °: Neighborhoods and Legend Prezone RC-C Strategic Planning r- 1,.'N'r0� 1— p City Limits Alex Pietsch,Administrator tali PAA Boundary ry 8,2008 N Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician Parcels 1 0 100 200 400 Produced by the City of Renton n(c)2008,the City ofRC C,Pg 2 Feet -EP- Penton all rigtils reserved-No warranties of ry soh. ted e bw not babied accuracy,fitness of 1:4,000 n rner . Fila:Name: EDNSP S_projectsIela descriptions\mads! chantabil.ty accompany this product. prezone _5ersonHal RG-C.rnrd ORDINANCE NO . 5341 EXHIBIT D RC ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the west line of said Southeast quarter with the northerly right of way margin of SE 192m1 Street; Thence northerly along said west line to the westernmost northwest corner of Lot 4 of King County Short Plat 775088, recorded under King County Recording No. 7710200755; Thence easterly and northerly along the east line of said Lot 4 to the northernmost northwest corner thereof, said corner being on the south line of said Northeast quarter; Thence easterly along said south line to an intersection a line 350 feet east of the east line of said subdivision; Thence northerly along the east line of the west 350 feet of said subdivision to an intersection with the north line of the south 300 feet of said subdivision; Thence easterly along said north line to an intersection with the west line of the east 75 feet of the west 749.48 feet of said subdivision; Thence northerly along said west line to an intersection with the south line of Lot B of King County Lot Line Adjustment S90M0116, recorded under King County Recording No. 9205061313; Thence easterly along said south line to an intersection with the east line of the west 749.48 feet of said Northwest quarter; Thence southerly along said east line to the south line of said subdivision; Thence easterly along said south line to the northeast corner of Lot 4 of said King County Short Plat 775088; Thence southwesterly along the east line of said Lot 4 to the southeast corner thereof, said corner also being on the northwesterly line of Boulevard Lane Division No. 2, as recorded under Volume 82 of Plats, Pages 20 and 21, records of King County, Washington; Thence continuing southwesterly along said northwesterly line, and southerly along the westerly line of Boulevard Lane Division 1, as recorded under Volume 80 of Plats, Pages 89 and 90, said records, to the westernmost southwest corner of said Plat, said southwest corner also being on a line 1073.56 feet north of and parallel with the south line of said Southeast quarter; RC D,Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 ORDINANCE NO. 5341 Thence westerly along said parallel line to a point 300.00 feet easterly of the west line of said subdivision, as measured perpendicular thereto, said point also being on the north line of Boulevard Lane Park, as deeded to King County under King County Recording No. 19991011001557; Thence southeasterly along the east line of said Park to the point of intersection of a line 422 feet east of and parallel with the west line of said subdivision and a line 300 feet north of and parallel with the south line of said subdivision; Thence continuing southerly along said east line, parallel with the west line of said subdivision to a point on the northerly right of way margin of SE 192nd Street, said northerly margin being 50 feet northerly of the south line of said Section 33 and the centerline of SE 192nd Street; Thence westerly along said northerly margin to the Point of Beginning. RC D, Pg. 2, 2/7/2008 4 U.K.U.Liiyur, INV . 3.341 11 1 \ 1 ____, \ \ \ , Nie . \ . $ \ , — , \: 1 Or \ \ . \ I 1 \ , 3 ----- ro 6 1 i \ $ I 1 \ \ 7 ":15 i 1 \ \ 4,,,,,,,.......,.........:...SE:484til-St,14,....:=-7, --,1,-..- ----- 'ii!: (— ii I!' —\ li 4. 1 1 11 I i I , I 1 \ \ 1 1 1 \ I • .,...,,,,,,... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 I ! -----7,„_/-_----7t- r, 1 , . , ,j 1 I _. , Li--i-if__ ' r-T-7-1-i-i--, .1--TH T-T-r-T---r. 11 , , 1 . : 1 , ,---- -.1._1__i_L...I i i I r_l_ 1 I 1 --- 0 I 1 I \ - ] I \ , , , — 1 \/ • , \ --- , I , , . ! i L.. .., • , I I \ r A\•.....,_/, -- \ ,__,,Nk .,-- I I I I \ I I , , I I --------, I II I _ 1.,____kl.,, ---1 i 2- 1 .._ _ ,,„. .,__. __4 i ,;, ; ,, I Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities Neighborhoods and Legend Prezone RC-D • • Strategic Planning 1.—"- City Limits 2008 8, Alex Pietsch,Administrator it :'PAA Boundary February N Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician 0 100 200 400 Parcels RC D, Pg 3 Feet pricaticel by toe Oty of Rental(c)2008, re Cif),of Penton of(. hs cesentiten No woli'antniits of any sor,. 1:4,800 including but net 110)0(1 to acc.ancy,fitness or File Name`iEDNSP\GIS_projectstlegai descriptions,naut,,sk rnerchantability,accompany this product prezore_BensonH II_R(3-0 r'xd CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD (CN) ZONING (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Commercial Neighborhood. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby 1 Ar' *NW Nue ORDINANCE NO. 534 2 authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: See Exhibit A, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 2.16 acres, are generally located in the Southeast and Southwest quarters of Section 32, Township 23 North and the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, both in Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2008. )1641-11424-6,41 Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. l&ettic, Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: I r 4 Lawrence J. Warren, ity Attorney Date of Publication: 2/16/2008 (summary) ORD.1430:2/4/08:scr. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5342 EXHIBIT A CN ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Southeast and Southwest quarters of Section 32, Township 23 North, and the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, both in Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: The west 147.5 feet of the south 466.69 feet lying northerly of the north right of way margin of SE 192" Street of said Southeast quarter; TOGETHER WITH Lot 2 of King County Short Plat 584027, recorded under King County Recording No. 8505140551 in said Southwest quarter; and TOGETHER WITH that portion of Tract 18 of Panther Lake Garden Tracts, recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, Page 25, records of King County, Washington in said Northwest quarter, lying northerly of the north line of the south 368 feet thereof; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. CN A,Pg. 1,2/7/2008 ar.rrr- "---..i...._-, ,___,..... , _1.-..--- ( \ till, ( , , IOW Z. 1 1 �M uaedi i CD LL f 1-6 aL1- _ __ U ( j V C S N C L d\ 0I __ I o} .__ —jI a) CO o I I 1 ' 1 N Co 11.1-_—_--1..._/:—_-: -yr 1 . j I I II , 1N:„'s 3seAyydaor — —.-. ,_,\ � ,_,,,.,,,,,.„,,,ii,.. `I . m\� ,_. I i.101011k\: o c 'fS c J m N F, I 1 N rn 3CD U a a am I�- +_.__ __, .may, �..— i —I_ i F il i 1 1 , 1 � I —i -— .. .1j-3S° V4190L — ! __----_,!„.,,,----1_ i � ...._ 1�...1. 1 I \ i '_.__._...._ I I - ;`-`L . \t A I I1 1` I / \ I } .._.ti j _ I 1...— I I_...... I _ 11 1 1 ,e\ P7------,_ \-............±._..J I--- li__. _ _..„) ik S y;064 351 r I— T a. o c– lull m ti! I\ ili i i I TD 10 (0 v c J F ` � > p d Q o 0 m a S % _.... _ O V c z r---- --------- i �_ — O (LO Q v c w \3S'dd 4 n U U G`3,. . ` Odif0, Q DoE r ° '' a.c t I i i *so Now CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) ZONING (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Commercial Office. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby authorized 1 41110 110 ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 3 and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: See Exhibit A including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 8.95 acres, are generally located in the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2008. 166241,Ge. /. LI/o Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. enis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. WarrenCit Attorney Y Date of Publication: 2/16/2008 (summary) ORD.1431:2/4/08:scr. 2 ORDINANCE NO . 5343 EXHIBIT A CO ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Lots 1 - 8, 16— 18, 22, 23, 29 and 40—42 of Scott's Terrace, as recorded in Volume 72 of Plats, Pages 39 and 40, records of King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH that portion of said subdivision lying northerly of the north line of said Plat, easterly of the easterly right of way margin of Talbot Road S and westerly of a line 329 feet as measured perpendicular to, east of and parallel with the centerline of Talbot Road S; and TOGETHER WITH that portion of said subdivision lying southerly of the south line of said Plat, easterly of the easterly right of way margin of Talbot Road S and northerly and easterly of the northerly right of way margin of Carr Road; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. CO A, Pg. 1,2/4/2008 amisommosommomor i Ny7 - — 5;�a If1�_..__ z 1 c 1 \\N\ Ep 1 1 ,,Li, 1 l—_. � U � I • 1 \---1 U C civ o • '( _ vo co 2 o a Il__... _..._-_ v I O u 8 1 j I . W , I u) r_.. i �I C a) o CO 1 I _.._ _ !,. _. )._. _..._-----..--_-- }_ -- as f _ ! C 1.I P �` 1-<,---- 1J ' atn.� \ x l \ CD r y��s/NIN: 1, 111444,` 1\0 \ ! I --,'8 0 U 0- 0- fIT k\i4 h 1,1/4\1\1\0„ x :____ _ * - k,..\‘‘..1/4 NN \\ / / ''''', S-',0,6, \s‘7 : ..,.,0„ , : , __. ,,,, ... �w a , _i ...... b, I S / / y % /�1` 1 •� / / 1. r 2 / / 1, / fl\N o ° % / aC/ o cn T15 -8 c <2T± / �{ t U V C c`z E J O CrUu (� - .° 1) (1) my V> � E LIJO� ♦ co Umfl S <9,,,,„ 0.4� I ,�7-------- .` 191 c`1S ds ' CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO RMF (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY)) (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES,FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Residential Multi-Family. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby 1 Amok - ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 4 authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: See Exhibit A including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 10.7 acres, are generally located in the Southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit B, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 54.3 acres, are generally located in the Southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit C, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 0.6 acres, are generally located in the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2008. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. ic<24,A; 184,, Denis Law, Mayor 2 Nine Noe ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 4 Approved as to form: .!i' Lawrence J. Warren, ity Attorney Date of Publication: 2/16/2008 (summary) ORD.1434:2/4/08:scr. 3 Amok 441.0 ORDINANCE NO . 5344 EXHIBIT A RMF ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying easterly of the easterly right of way margin of 103rd Avenue SE, southerly of southerly right of way margin of SE 174th Street and westerly of the westerly right of way margin of 106th Place SE, said margins all previously common to Carr Road SE. RMF A,Pg. 1,2/4/2008 i .___1 _ -; � 1--,-7 7.t .dr.� 1 1 1 1 co ze .__ 3S any 41011 / , 1 T _ ot Sg 10 n �I I I___......1_ . 1.j li f " _�11 --� ; . t o I ' - 0 b Ell I I = N N 0 0_ LL r 3S ank V)sOt t —.__ —. { 3S and 41801 0) o co SI 1 I — __ / I i \ a I 1 �l5 / I � 3S Id 41901 w --- __......__...__.....A.,I / � ^._._.—__ \\ 3Sand4]906 ! j �0°� �. ! a I^ �/ `, _ i i ---.3S--1.4-4190t I f 3SanfY41S01' i j 1 \ z /' 1 33 andJepeo \ "Ti r 11-‘\ I .... •z, TD I 1 !:' �g \ Ii I ; I H '"'..n,w..5.4 Lo-------------"-----2'',� . . . - '';4 ' - L. 1 --I T--{—\` --, ' ti \� f- \ - I I i I Ir � r 1 i I5.1 — i _______I I r L_._i j F ; C- _ ; c_._. 1 1 � � ) i P.------7I c " o jj 1 c a I_ j � �' F l ` a � c y2 ,L1 ST I f > oa ¢�° o � \/ 1 rj t _CL. c 2I P r. ' i \� I 0 L .V Ln U c v m 1 , =:= I i' o . rn�"C CO n a � v�� _ O Z N L n C ------L---, t � • \ aWv r UI ti \ �---tAyeLS l� ccI y/- -_ lL---- -` -- 1 yiH 1I ORDINANCE NO. 5344 EXHIBIT B RMF ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION All those portions of the Southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows: Lots 10— 16, Block 1 of Benson Heights, as recorded in Volume 48 of Plats, Page 98, records of King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 - 3 of King County Short Plat 582061, recorded under King County Recording No. 8304270912; and TOGETHER WITH Lot 2 of King County Short Plat 784087, recorded under King County Recording No. 8502250488; and TOGETHER WITH Cascade Park, A Condominium, as recorded in Volume 60 of Condominiums, Pages 23 —26 (Phase 1), Volume 66 of Condominiums, Pages 36— 38 (Phase 2), and Volume 70 of Condominiums, Pages 64—66 (Phase 3), said records; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. RMF-B,Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 �a S aAv.,a9Zt I (f) z. \ --' '- --' ‘\------\ — -TI oLL ____\ o _. .I I I I __ � i'•---;--/1 17 1 I I I I I I j I l 'i \ =, I Eli r I �.._ �� r _ —}— �— —_-_ 0 c co a) a 0 0 C co in o f— -----+—. --r- I I I I = ozN 1_ I I `` I N N -8 u1 _ 3S a;*wii. t i L o ., '.-' l' 4-------- \ . .... .. _ i ! f I I , '_ I N I I I 1 [ I \ I I I__. 1_ I_ I__,_____I_____L__.,_____! J ____...„.,.._ _ 1 7 i 1, i -- 1 r / i =,.. 1 j 3SaAF/)sGZG �._.. __� , L" 0 \>,, ,t.,,,\:‘ /}_.: \/ :..., _,,_ NI _ ___.! 1:3 E ,, .:. - - 167. a° . '1\ ''-, : i, 1'. ,I-------_,----1: ......NI''s ._. ri, w U n. L'::e.d I lit l L _.i>,__.: mer ,Imor 114 1\4i, 6‘ , Ire ji I II I ; l I e w�.� .� ll —__-'/...'� H 1 I I c) 1.,:.- N .c 6�'o I oc ;� oI sri — 1: U ID . c >T--- i_I I 1 � U }� od Qaa tV Ze . r � c __.1._l_.L. 1 _,._t—.._t_ I 3S8At/4791t _ �....�_. U2 N y c r E =_ co a_r • .co VJ O,D12 5 u '-Ll�.f V s c r E 1 - Ir, I �' 6 I II z 1,?2 O _ )_ - r0+ ,. I — j- ORDINANCE NO . 5344 EXHIBIT C RMF ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Lots 1 and 2 of King County Short Plat 781089 (Revised), recorded under King County Recording No. 8505200656. • RMF-A, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 I • / J� v a a a.•A-11,1.111 v i al v I 1 E loll , i ,'S '''-',,„,,,,,:_d t I ' i Altiloe cn .G a5 r\.; j I I U cc o L.__. 1 1 _ a) N o .._Jfit c a0 O -——- 7---- •— 0 @ 00 a C 2 W N ) Q LL O ______-_---_ L a. j ! I I N 1, I I1 ak 1 ak I 1` I Et f o F_ ___ I w s. L1 I 1 3S a�b•4180! — r ry r — ca —._ is } - I I i \- 1 � QQ ; I. r- ._y...__.�I I I1 is , I I .—..._- �___. r_.._... '1r-- - 1 I I W I I I 3S b 4190 1 , 1 1 i 1 I - cn I ,1 _....__� _ ._`.� mow, I___ III . 1 1...— v I -------,_ 41S K4106t 3 j % \-------',(_ _ ,-_ — (U •C N c °' a.,,�a Ei 1 —1j.. N p '-c- ,E- G —_ (i U O CD w Oco w NI I—r 3S- u + _ 00 Z cn O ; co �qI , � otv e M aooc; 1 14W-_ 2- L I °.i /. II NOW '1110t CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO RMH (RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME PARK) (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Residential Manufactured Home Park. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is 1 • ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 5 hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: See Exhibit A, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 38.5 acres, are generally located in the Northwest and Southwest quarters of Section 32 Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11 t h day of February , 2008. �d. 1. a 7t Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: 61:4".°"‘""4-40.' 71426-4-15A%--- Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 2/16/2008 (summary) ORD.143 5:2/4/08:scr. 2 Noe' Niu ORDINANCE NO. 5345 EXHIBIT A RMH ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Northwest and Southwest quarters of Section 32 Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows: Lot A of King County Lot Line Adjustment S92L0098, approved June 26, 1992; TOGETHER WITH the north 37 feet of the south 400 feet of the east 365 feet of the west 465 feet of the Northeast quarter of said Northwest quarter; RMF-A, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 • _-� ___3$l 01 _ � r -/; _ _ , r- _ _ cn ze CO Lu �3S d 4>Z011 —1 — — � \t a� 1CO t - w W Ii __COI 0 o3 _.: I _ ......... _ N o- -i_- I' _l_ L ' I ' w� _ o H r = m oi ' I 2 NI J. i —I co W - —. �— ` O � o35WV _ _ 11 F .-r. r 7 f cnC ca 0 .--\\ ! { \\ 3S anb'4J801 ei dA i \\ I a x 1 , , ,, ,„V I ' I = (13 I L I N C c� 13 7 y (U a4 a1°. m' ir J a�! .(. .,1. ti� 1' i \\,4 c. aa�.aa�.aa� 1 N. 1 1 i 1 1 1 ,----- --_, 1 / .-- y / , i n i ._ U C m ' Q -a cr, A N r•-0 o xd V j 0 N � 2 �� m -p.. L._ — — — ro - - I O = u T CC — — -- - _ , Q7,-('' as 2 11 �' j r _,. p .- E z �) U j { U2 O .y. N as m W I I r ( 1 O .- ,,- d o 0c�,--a -11 HIH U Z Qc.S� r w � Cn � � -E1 000 0a - o z2 = v -_- --- __ —. Flo•Qk i � 5 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) ZONING (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Commercial Arterial. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5346 hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: Exhibit A, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 58.87 acres, are generally located in the Southwest and Southeast quarters of Section 29 and the Northwest and Northeast quarters of Section 32, all in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit B, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 22.1 acres, are generally located in the Southwest and Northwest quarters of Section 28 and the Southeast quarter of Section 29, all in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit C, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 1.5 acres, are generally located in the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 23, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11 th day of February , 2008. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 2 44.0, Nimie ORDINANCE NO. 5 34 6 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. p6/4 1/4-24tar, Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: or Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Date of Publication: 2/16/2 00 8 (summary) ORD.1440:2/4/08:scr. 3 • Gln►+ ori ORDINANCE NO. 5346 EXHIBIT A CA ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION The lands within this description are situated in portions of the Southwest and Southeast quarters of Section 29 and the Northwest and Northeast quarters of Section 32, all in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, and are more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of said Southeast, being the intersection of State Route 515 (108th Avenue SE) and SE 172nd Street; Thence southerly along the west line of said subdivision, also being the centerline of State Route 515, to an intersection with the south line of the north 300 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Southeast quarter; Thence easterly along said south line to the northwest corner of Lot A of King County Lot Line Adjustment 8903032 approved June 16, 1989; Thence easterly and southerly along the north and east lines, respectively, of said Lot A, and continuing southerly along the southerly extension of said east line to the centerline of SE 176th Street; Thence easterly along said centerline to an intersection with the northerly extension of the west line of Serenity Ridge, as recorded in Volume 201 of Plats, Pages 61 through 65, records of King County, Washington; Thence southerly along said west line to the northeast corner of Lot 1 of Melridge, as recorded in Volume 72 of Plats, Page 66, said records; Thence westerly along the north line of Lot 1, crossing 110th Avenue NE, to the northwest corner of Lot 19, of said Plat, said corner being on the east line of Bristow Addition, as recorded in Volume 63 of Plats, Page 55, said records; Thence southerly along said east line to the northeast corner of Lot 3 of said Plat; Thence westerly along the north line of said Lot 3 and its westerly extension to the westerly right of way margin of 109th Avenue SE; Thence southerly along said west margin to the northwest corner of Lot 15 of said Plat; Thence southerly along the west line of said Lot 15 to the southwest corner, also being the northwest corner of Lot 1 of Block 1, Benson Terrace Div. No. 3, as recorded in Volume 62 of Plats, Page 4, said records; CA-A,Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 ORDINANCE NO. 5346 Note Thence continuing southerly, along the west line of said Lot 1 to the southwest corner thereof, said corner being a point on the northerly right of way margin of SE 180th Place; Thence southerly and easterly along said northerly margin and continuing easterly along the north line of said Plat to an intersection with the easterly right of way margin of State Route 515 (108th Avenue SE); Thence northerly along said easterly margin to an intersection with the easterly extension of the northerly margin of SE 180th Street; Thence westerly and northerly along said northerly margin of SE 180th Street and the easterly right of way margin of 105th Place SE, respectively, to an intersection with the north line of the south 400 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 32; Thence westerly along said north line to the west line of said subdivision, also being the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance No. 4142; Thence northerly along said west line and said existing limits line to the northwest corner of said subdivision, also being the southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 29; Thence easterly along the south line of said subdivision to an intersection with the centerline of 106th Place SE; Thence northwesterly and westerly along the centerlines of 106th Place SE and SE 174th Street, respectively to an intersection with the west line of said subdivision, also being the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance No. 4476; Thence northerly along said west line and existing limits line to the northwest corner of said subdivision, also being the centerline of SE 172nd Street; Thence easterly along the north line of said subdivision and said centerline to the Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. CA-A, Pg. 2, 2/7/2008 ORDINANCE NO . 5346 ,_, --J--it- 1,\ \- ' — 1-------). I, , I i 1 5th --- -"--\ ; %Ile i __.-- I 1 \ ! L______\_____ 1 sE1--1.72n. SE 172nd St ,1c; ___A, ... ... I - -- -- /..„ •C', 1)5/- I''''',I i.,...__.. t1 i I I I . , • 1 , co s,,. _....... ----.............. 1 I 4e, • ___ ----------„4 - 1 , _____ ,...._,,,,,,,........., , ... i_,----------, ....., , \\%-5,,,,,,tsz71/ 01/>•1° '",,,,,o1i' ' 1 i r r I I , , ,......--- Aprdord" __ r jiri:Ar.for lerAl10° / .' 4 I , ecer s , _.....___._ r'(-- -., . „ / / / / / / / • ---• - - • Lu co , ...___...._ -- --- ---- __. -L._._. _----..------: ../- / 1 i • " - -. co I ' —t '.-------I• .•-• 4111°110 , •. _ _ . I- ---1 1-- ‘ ,... ._ .1 i I I I 1 I . 1 1 , A- ,,-,-- SE 17th Pt ____,..........„., 1 i I • ' -) J i 1 s ____ SE_1 76th StSE 180th St I 1 , / I 1;' I CICth St ; _a —.i 2 S '‘.43(‘ / , ,- ---- Economic Development, Leg end Benson Hill Communities Neighborhoods and Limits Prezone CA-A • • Strategic Planning i-,-73 City ''N Ajax Pietsch,Admnistrator 1- 1 Parcels February 8,2008 N Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician 0 100 200 400 • ',''L,';'.-:) ';',';','.','ZC''''''''''''' CA-A,Pg 3 1:4,000 Feet '41"04 ORDINANCE NO. 5346 `ire EXHIBIT B CA ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Southwest and Northwest quarters of Section 28 and the Southeast quarter of Section 29, all in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of 116th Avenue SE with SE 168th Street, thence westerly along the centerline of SE 168th Street to an intersection with the northerly extension of the east line of the west 170 feet of Lot 5 of Block 2 of Green Tracts No. 1, as recorded in Volume 48 of Plats, Pages 1 and 2, records of King County, Washington; Thence southerly along said extension and east line to an intersection with the north line of the south 100 feet of said Lot 5; Thence easterly along said north line and its easterly extension to an intersection with the easterly right of way margin of 116th Avenue SE; Thence southerly along said easterly margin to an intersection with the south line of the north 150 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 28; Thence easterly along said south line to southwest corner of Lot 2 of King County Short Plat 784087, recorded under King County Recording No. 8502250488; Thence northerly, easterly and northerly along the west lines of said Lot 2 to the northwest corner thereof; Thence easterly along the north line of said Lot 2 to an intersection with the southwest line of Cascade Vista, as recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, Pages 33 through 35, said records; Thence northwesterly along the said southwest line, crossing SE 168th Street, and continuing northwesterly along the southwest line of Cascade Hills No. 5, as recorded in Volume 72 of Plats, Pages 23 and 24, said records to the centerline of 116th Avenue SE; Thence southerly along the centerline of 116th Avenue SE to the Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. CA-B, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 ORDINANCE NO. 5346 \ i 1 � / j � L - .6th _O Q \ __' APt I _ t -- i - ,\NN.,: .I I __ ' / 4/ —.__ — ----- - ___ - �fi� S_ 67th S / \ h,oys� f � SE'168th St - — I i_ Lla__y I_____!___- L _ A / , 1 [ _,...____....._..., , , \--- fr----- .--i--- i . 1 , ; ‘ , -_..._<fi____[__.] _ _,_____ 1...„1I,...._............__J , ,,, / \/, ,/,,,_ ,1______._1. 1_.. : 1 e./ , tr. SE 169th St / 1 Yi— j Ic,...' [ , r II -, I i 1 1i 1 1.1 \ SE:172110 St..-...{ I .I- I .__-, i .,\ I II St II �_.... 7J N \` 9!. �g rd �,.. I �-0 \v iEl N Economic Development, Legend Benson Hill Communities jY C),,, Neighborhoods and City Limits Prezone CA- B Strategic Planning •Ero Alex Pietsch,Administrator ,,,, Boundary Adrian P Johnson,Planning Technician J Parcels February 8,2008 N 0 100 200 400 Produced t he Cay of F'a,ron-c)2008.:he Cay of Feet Nfadton of culdts reserved No warranties anties of any sort, 1:4,000 rs oud rout no:Irl ed to coon c y ffr:E s or File Name EDNSP\GIS_projects\krgal descriptions'mxds\ merct,antabdty.accompany ths rroducttx zone_BansonHill_CA_B rnxd CA-B, pg 2' ``✓ ORDINANCE NO. 5346 EXHIBIT C CA ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter and the north 150 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 23, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying southwesterly of Cascade Vista, as recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, Pages 33 through 35, records of King County, Washington. CA-C, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 ORDINANCE NO. 5346 F ..._ L I 1 , -f- 1 I I i,....., ....L / 1_ ----.1 \ \ I i I *Ai" I li 1 , I I- - ....-, -- --r---;--- --- t- -..-4-- 1 --r--J-T-- - ---= \ \ 1 1-1 i , 1 i I I 1 i 7 1 ', ' I J Hii1 illiiIiiij1 _.__.. ._ . s...____ __.,______ ___,. ,.___,_____,_____, i i SE468th-St---------- - ' -- --, -- -\ , 7 I ! i---1 ---1 1—T--114'1----- 11—-7- 1 I —1 I -----\ I \ ( , \ . i I ___I I I- - ---„,...L_j_. __ 1 ---_. ---T 1-------.---- r----I— -----1 r z , — — A i zr...___„; __1_...._ L--1--._ 1 _ t , I , c, / z I. 1.\-1 1 , r______. ,_______ „„ _ _ ________, sIt " i 1 --I H- - • [--- , -__ . , / \ \ .... ,>/N ,/N/Ai,/i_•.- __c 0g> I,1i—.._ 4._.._- 1-, ' _ _ _ - I1 1r1 _- - • '''' Y\ / \ _____L__ ,----i t, 1 \ [ I , , ,- - i--- I 1 \9;i' i 1 - - --I--1 1 -< 7/------,r--1 1, --. , i i---j--- I . , --I [.- i --,----- 1 -----I 1-1 ev -/ ir i . ,- - - ----T-J ' / /-----.11 ...-. II r---..-1--- 1 L ---1 \ \< A —SE 172nd St ' r . , / '---, i-- '--T- -r----i---r----T- l ,--T----"--------\ i ' - I , ‘ I 1 I . i, \ ,p = ,. I I I I 1 I E9'Ijiirl i 1 _I It ---.---. LO i -5 1 • 1 F < -, 1 r-=-- . . ----------1 tp i'-'• i - - I , \ , 1 , 1 , i I i I _1 __--- - I -j__.. - - . i _____i , H-„------__--- i-- — 1 z _____ 1 , „ I i I i 1 I ' 1 ------i I ....i......._ 1 , - / / I I-------1 ! H 1 / i i I , i I lu ! 1 1 I ' 1 I 1----------; ;co i II _______I I_ ____.1..„.,__. ! I H . J.z __.1 _ ---------- - -,' - - • .. .. ------- _J i _. mr---- .z _ _ _____.____; ____--,---- T- _____ _,..TISE Petro Rd -1)_____ ---------. Z- --_,==XI_7 ---'_____Ii_ T- i-- -- --'- -I r 1 I I 1\, --Tr- ; 1 -T \ \ ! I ,4 1••=1 1 I I L.______I 1 . ,-------- 1 1 / / ) \ / / 1 \ \ „ „ \ --------I 1 \ Economic Development, Legend ( *, Neighborhoods and Benson Hill Communities Strategic Planning os N'O' Alex Pietsch,Admhistrator , -.....City Limits ' PAA Boundary 1 1 Parcels January 30,2008 N Prezone CA- C Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician 230 4%. 1 CA-C,Pg2 0 115 14000 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO RESIDENTIAL-1 (RESIDENTIAL ONE DWELLING UNIT PER ACRE) (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Residential -1. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby authorized and 1 wlrr' 44010 ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 7 directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: Exhibit A, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 42.1 acres, are generally located in the Northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington. Exhibit B, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 41.5 acres, are generally located in the south half of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, lying north of the northerly right of way margin of SE 20th St., lying west of the westerly margin of State Route 515 (108th Avenue SE), and lying east of the existing limits of the City of Renton. Exhibit C, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 25.2 acres, are generally located in Lot 2 of King County Short Plat C1077001 and Lots 2 and 3 of King County Short Plat 779163R. Exhibit D, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 21.4 acres, are generally located in Tract 'A' of Fairwood Park Division 7 and lying west of a line 100 feet of the easterly top of bank of Molasses Creek. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2008. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 2 Iwo, ftio' ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 7 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. i(L.0 iead.... Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: ' ' 444""4414-4--te'" 7.1426--.-.VA____ of Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 2/16/2008 (summary) ORD.143 6:2/4/08:scr. 3 • *kw iirof ORDINANCE NO. 5347 EXHIBIT A R-1 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W. M., in King County, Washington, lying south and west of the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance Nos. 3286 and 3751 respectively, and lying southerly, easterly and northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the most northerly corner of Tract 8 of Spring Brook Acre Tracts, as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 60, records of King County, Washington, also being an angle point on the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance No. 3751; Thence S74°50'E along the northeasterly line of said Tract 8 and said existing limits a distance of 189 feet; Thence SO°44'E along said northeasterly line of said Tract 8 and said existing limits a distance of 188.4 feet to an angle point thereon; Thence West leaving said existing limits, crossing Talbot Rd. to the westerly right of way margin thereof; Thence southwesterly along said westerly margin to the southeast corner of Tract 1 of said Plat; Thence westerly along the south line of said Tract 1 to the northeast corner of King county Short Plat S89S0246, recorded under King County Recording No. 9305269003; Thence southerly along the east line of said Short Plat to the southeast corner thereof; Thence westerly along the south line of said Short Plat to an intersection with the west line of said Northeast quarter and the terminus of this line description; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-1 A,Pg. 1,2/5/2008 ORDINANCE NO . 5347 I ./1 .\< 1 Ntio,A),,,, _______I 1 , / (0 z. 1 . i : \ I i (////lie i / o Ri ,__/ Z N mr I i / N o fit, m t �' y �\ `\ ........._. N _Ns ie i r 01 i 1;: \.,1 1 , .,\ \ ,, . tt 0.4 1 —\\\§\11% - "\-4\-....44:::-------,,,,,,,, ,,,,__ / N C i I,, hi\i-\:;/\);\:')11\ ; 4 r, , .41411114:. „, = N J ••c Li- i _ _ 1\11\tt,,,,\ \_ __a:1,17 \__._ 1 a i iti - e,1 z I \\\\, \ I ' _ 1\--\\ 1//'4*"411": " \-\\-Ill_ co i C (0 ! ,flIfli .0 O ._ E x cO Z v) Q m ci im Ci FQ a, ry ORDINANCE NO. 5347 EXHIBIT B R-1 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W. M., in King County, Washington, lying north of the northerly right of way margin of SE 200th Street, west of the westerly margin of State Route 515 (108th Avenue SE), and east of the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3885; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-1 B,Pg. 1,2/5/2008 v....i.ar narvL ary • .�,�Y 1 • i (n z I1 C 0 LL O) I r?' • M O 4.1c9 1m 0a) g N O M M C I 3 �rtV i1 O . , 1 ‘4,1 yl ••••4‘. 411„. , 1 1 oss,,,I,,1 coE \i,. ,:i I k\k.NX l'i irs4k,,__ ,,:-- gR-eAvArvot-IL- lc" %,, 1 „,,,,\ cd 33 fOA 4,"6„'IS\h.. .1 ,11„,,,i1S1 I& IN '' 'N. rx L ____ _3s oily tn9at_, -—:- 01\ — _ i 3S env 4390t. co 'W I 11\lk , i . __ _ , t , d J \\\ ' v 2S!enbN90t.e... .�, ,_. __. ..._ _. . _. y i IIIo ,\14' , ' ' ' : ' a .?... 1 - a 1 sm 1 i 60 3S aA by�bot_. crc- � \\ ; : \N\s 7 _ 1 , I 0 c Lu 1 1 r^ C . —. _... j O u C C oS ' j I C ftfliffl - 2 cp 1 - �>.17...e t5�U O 5 y� C' V'-C1 Z C ' a € W 9T j�� O� + AQ z. N.b pil / i-tae*-f r6+4W 1 *160 4.00 ORDINANCE NO. 5347 EXHIBIT C R-1 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 2 of King County Short Plat C1077001, recorded under King County Recording No. 7806080590 and Lots 2 and 3 of King County Short Plat 779163R, recorded under King County Recording No. 8105060679, all within the Northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. R-1 C, Pg. 1,2/5/2008 ORDINANCE NO. 5347 , v ctoI s____ _i , L__ .,,::,.----- Nue Z dti � I ':-.P: — 2 z i_—__ I i/' I j I I l i = U E 1 _,4,,,,.0-: ago 0 i1 , 4 I N ..______ 1,1' ' ----__ _,;:tit ___N, uS CL -I W O 1 / ' ___---------- ' r- E I / -'' i v/ r N "7. / 1 / ::: -:',,J4-,,, tt)/ / // I -- / / ,4 / / / / ,------A i . 14.\ ...0 ------------'''•• [ CDI:ili a ic Lc' !,',,,'.2 J f It 1 1 \ ------C--•-- f 1 1 ' I i i j 1 1 i c o-_ 'y +n, I v O Z Q c �c :_ r s€ �_L17: I ? Z a`,_v — ! I 1 �1 I *4110 ORDINANCE NO. 5347 EXHIBIT D R-1 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Tract A of Fairwood Park Division 7, as recorded in Volume 116 of Plats, Pages 88 —90, records of King County, Washington, lying west of a line 100 feet east of the top of the easterly bank of Molasses Creek; Situate in the West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. R-1 D,Pg. 1,2/5/2008 H.,, /`� y \ `--- -I v cf I i i I i �_.___. --I I -----/ , --1 \------A _A \ \\,/ 1 two", I / / -----,./ u) z. - �`-" / N, p'\ � � l` 3S any 4�8G Q *4-7 ......_....1 1 �` �---\ A �, � „....7 r-- I '° \ \--~ -\ ; !lJ l �i � --1 �' / c 1---_—_jr \ - --'\ ms's a �! � , 7 E W S �y O o I / a, �. , / i'--- ! ---/ /! = C w o CO /' / / �- ` ! / ` /"�/.. ', O v r------....„ ----.R.%----.0.,„,4,.j: 7----7 ' 0 0_ 11" 8 i ; __l----7- Y 1--- I r---- I j I � I i ,�\ ___-\--- j , _ bk 1, •I I -pie sE-� -.-- ,M \ \ / 1 , - �1 T-I I N r-- i , , ; >--t i 1 ; � may_...._ ;w i a 1 1 ~-I / I 1 1 ` ! �______1 1 1 '�... I 1 , 1 J ID / w c ^c i.\\\\\ S{ c I IIj \ p .I \\ 1 ' I ` I Ij ; I j I I L , r T / / , N I I I 1 — 4 .___.______ 1 ~ S'aid'poi'. - -___, -__ , . , �i i I 1 I I I 1 .1._...1...i..._____. , d T I _.__j LI,_ ,_ �._ � I I 1 1 1 1 1 , l �— 0 III , I � 1 l___j I ' _ I_ 1 — I L I i I I I I I I O ' c c N"m::"° l I �.._�._,_ ,—_----�� an ami a o I i 1 T— r—r— r d 416ZG • p Lo` - w z �____ 1 ; __i ;_ {I 1 _I I ISI2 1 I t V a 1_,____II11 1 j � �t------1--1-------------------f------I- - 1 1 1 1 Uzi T Q � m c7� _ 3S e1 y 4l8ZL i—.T. I__�_ �__._i w p 'M $ 0 o E HT , . I I Norof Nero CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO RESIDENTIAL-4 (RESIDENTIAL FOUR DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Residential -4. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby authorized and 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 8 directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: See Exhibit A, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 55.7 acres, are generally located in the Northwest quarter of Section 5 and the Northeast quarter of Section 6, both in Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, lying north of the northerly right of way margin of 200th St. and SE 200th St., westerly and southerly of the existing limits of the City of Renton. Exhibit B, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 0.5 acres, are generally located in the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying north of the northerly right of way margin of SE 200th St, westerly and southerly of the existing limits of the City of Renton. Exhibit C, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 79.3 acres, are generally located in the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County Washington, except that portion lying in Lots 1 and 2 of King County; the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County Washington; and the Northwest quarter of said Southwest quarter lying south of the existing limits of the City of Renton. Exhibit D, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 330.9 acres, are generally located in Section 33 and the South half of Section 28, all in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County Washington. Exhibit E, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 6.34 acres, are generally located in the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying within the Plats of Talbot Estates, Springbrook Terrace, First Amendment, and Hi-Park Tracts, First Addition. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. 2 406.0 Nuo, ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 8 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2008. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. /04Ztao i‘etit Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, ity Attorney Date of Publication: 2/1 6/2 0 0 8 (summary) ORD.143 8:2/4/08:scr. 3 tkir Nee ORDINANCE NO . 5348 EXHIBIT A R-4 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, and the Northeast quarter of Section 6, both in Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County Washington, lying north of the northerly right of way margin of SE 200th Street, westerly and southerly of the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance Nos. 3751 and 3109, and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of Tract 8 of Spring Brook Acre Tracts, as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 60 records of King County, Washington, said corner also being a point on the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance no. 3751; Thence S74°50'E along the northeasterly line of said Tract 8 and said existing limits a distance of 189 feet; Thence SO°44'E along said northeasterly line of said Tract 8 and said existing limits a distance of 188.4 feet to an angle point thereon and the Point of Beginning; Thence West leaving said existing limits, crossing Talbot Road (96th Avenue S) to the westerly right of way margin thereof; Thence southwesterly along said westerly margin to the northeast corner of Olympic Peak Estates, as recorded in Volume 223 of Plats, Pages 21 —24, said records; Thence westerly along the north line of said Plat to the northwest corner thereof; Thence southerly along the west line of said Plat to the southwest corner thereof, said corner being on the north line of Tract 3 of said Spring Brook Acre Tracts; Thence westerly along said north line to an intersection with the west line of said Northeast quarter and the terminus of this line description. EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-4 A,Pg. 1,2/5/2008 • ORDINANCE NO. 5348 —. I k _t_L_. I L . +_( 1 i _L_1 l _� , `�! — 71T ....,. 7:7\-_,,, />N,__ ,t i t1 ' 1 , •. - i �_ I i I/ \ i 1 7---7-7'..-7----4 , I I I/ ) i ____----- _—. ` ; I st - __� �� r - li IS9 � _ L ii [l L...__..._...__ / , ..` yr ' \\\ 1 i / :,::Ti_ ___ r ,,,,,,, i \ 1, 1 II i A f4filiPrOr rr .4;1 / : \,...\,.., t 0 4014, / Arioutli :s, /14":"007r A 1 1, / ,/1111 ''./.161, ,---. 1"id"/"../1 r iiii 44:a A,///1/ er/A ';',41'''' '''''''''''''''',,, \\ "f"/1 - ,. 7 7 vol � , _/if �"" AM 41 , ,,,...4/r/i .j,,i-efr-? _ , , „de,. 4.. , . fril. , _,-- i 4 ':I i i A A 4 A/ // 10 /11%e" AA,/,7)04/0"e 'd reiPs ;10 „T., 4., 4,40 1 ,,,,, . i A004,4,4 eh _.__ . . ; ; _.__.._ ._____..._____._. _ _ , „, i , , ,, , , .:, ... , cn Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities c,, Y °.n Neighborhoods and Legend Prezone R4-A ' Strategic Planning j_71 City Limits Sq111117 - Nzo� Alex Pietsch,Administrator ox PAA Boundary February 8,2008 N Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician 0 150 300 600 arcels Fee sCi) P R-4 A, Pg2 t Produced t y:re City of Renton,i 2008,The City cf 1:4800 R..n n all r ur8s :e,.+ed.No writrantles of ary sori. including but act Nn red:o accuracy,,tress or File Name:,EDNSPyGIS projects`-legai_ceaceptions,mxcs: ;'chartatnl ty.accompany this EvCdUCI. prezore_Bers0nH.II.R4__A.mxc ORDINANCE NO. 5348 EXHIBIT B R-4 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County Washington, lying north of the northerly right of way margin of SE 200th Street, westerly and southerly of the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance No. 3885, and easterly the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance No. 3109. R-4 B,Pg. 1,2/5/2008 ` ' uuuImam�r, 1No . J.34o / \ \ ('-'" \* ...-I .17.. CO I o S 204th St Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities 004, Neighborhoodoend Legend Prezone R-4 [� Strategic Planning City Limits AJexPio�oU Administrator PAA Boundary January 2008 AdhanaJohnnon.'|unning7�oAni�un � R-4 ��' ]��� 0 150 300 ' 000N ~ _- 1Lp^nm/» Feet 2i p=o"b°d b,,:°c",",n°m""wuvoo.,x°o*'`' 1:4OOOmem""x,' m o Non of �---- ~-~~`� '~'~` m^wa"e.sowor�/ �r"��«*�����bil *ft, ORDINANCE NO. 5348 EXHIBIT C R-4 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION The northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, except that portion lying within Lots 1 and 2 of King County Short Plat 481006, recorded under King County Recording No. 8111230257 and except the east 30 feet of the north 30 feet of said subdivision; TOGETHER WITH the southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said County; and TOGETHER WITH that portion of the Northwest quarter of said Southwest quarter lying south of the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance no. 5205, and lying west of the westerly right of way margin of 102nd Avenue SE; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-4 C,Pg. 1,2/5/2008 .. ^ " A.",,.~~.� ^.. , '— • — | -71--- i I - ii - r/0,:, , 41 , , , h__ ___t_r__< 8,- ,___i_s_„1„ _ A, ,_ N------A \--);A:\ [ I 1 1 , i. , , , , . 2-----,,_,— , \ _,.., ___, i 1 sb-.& /r 4 i _____ ----i --------1 ----* Admo 1 --(:---- \.. ' ) .1,------ \\--, I /jildi ; ' ...,, 1 AreA 1 / . 1_ .1 __, 1 \ \ -,---; r.,4014rir - ,,,,,,,, F. .dr.." 1 NI )1 OP . .Ati FA . ----z. A r-- i -- 11-7 -//' '.# 4,rd r , , , ,,,,,, „„_ \ ,......, \ \ , \\ --- , ,1 ,r, 0 0 i 0 4,,rp. ,,V/tii, \\ 0.% \ , r ___...._\=\-_,._---"--: L___,.,...._ \ / ;/°•/"v , r),,,,,,, Ap2 r, ___," -,, ,_,, , 2,,, ,7, -T------ ------r . ' ' I eiropor 4111111 40,1rool _j r__ __. I i ___ ,41/4 etrjr,e#4,„„ ...., IE. \ 1 .---i7---/- __ . L . erAff0j or/y/9 .c./,;f,„--/ 'f I 4 i 7 I ' Ar / /Al .1° i _1 , , , ,____ .4 .40 Al , I 1 1 , 1 --:-.:-...- --.--,.',...7.-71 . \'4---------\-.-s!, -;-;" ., d . 'SE 1"92rid-St-------L----' ---'''II-I"II L_____-1--- , 7:-..-\--:‘,N /, ,,d,v.(Id i •-,.. ,,,, i\ / 1 /17-//77.// ' Aril ' r-----------r-7 _y ,_ _ _.r__.._, L....1.,2,__., _,,,_._ !,,_ 2) !////1A/rr ''' ' -./: 'is0/1:--A[ -1--1 -1 'li/._ I— '9''-H-11- , " /141 #/iii ''')-—11' .I I ' ' 1 1 'F)' ; , 1 ._ t ii /J/ A ,.. 1 iLti 1 F---11' 1 1: 1 i - Economic Development, [�8OSOO ��ill [�OD101UO�8S cu.,,,, N�kghbo�oodsond Legend Prezone R-4 C Strategic Planning City Limits 'sAlex Fqe�oh.Adminio�o�, � PAA January Johnson,AdhunaPlanning7�ohni�an -,::-"..2._.-':,'= 0 145 290 580 N panmw Feet p=* =� m r. of Renton(0)2008,toec. ' `--- ��� ��, ]�� � 1�^.00U ( � ) .`~.`~.all. ~ .,,^.~.'°"., ,. indudong hut not .rnslpd 000unany boss or HeName:`s aF8o ctmnm�hdh\ 4 ORDINANCE NO . 5348 EXHIBIT D R-4 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of Section 33 and the South half of Section 28, both in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: The West half of said Section 33 lying northerly of the north right of way margin of SE 192nd Street, except Tract 8 of Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. No. 4, as recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington and except that portion of Tract 7 of said Plat lying westerly of Jessie Glen, as recorded in Volume 241 of Plats, Page 8-12, said records; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Revised King County Short Plat 775088, recorded under King County Recording No. 7710200755 in the Southwest quarter and the Northeast quarter of said Section 33; and TOGETHER WITH the west 749.48 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 33, less the south 300 feet and the east 75 feet of thereof lying easterly of a line 350 feet east of and parallel with the west line of said subdivision and southerly of the south line of Lot B of King County Lot Line Adjustment S90M0116, recorded under King County Recording No. 9205061313; and TOGETHER WITH that portion of the Southwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 28 lying southerly of the southerly right of way margin of SE Petrovitsky Road; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-4 D,Pg. 1,2/7/2008 - . UKDl0A0CE NO . 5348 I .-1-1,- -""- I/ ' I 1 f--------T-1 I I 1 r-----r-------1-1 i ___L----- , ti,--L---i:ji L_ IT-. .,,,r7..:----Ti 9- r - _, v.vriz• , , er raerhie-_/.. ( _.,_4...______:_11-. , ,,,-4 _ _____ _, __Iir.,_T.._ AI -----"" ,--4 1 4.041 PlirP7* _i_ 1110- r r j,,,,,,i. A / _-:, ,r,lr_. er forir / ,i0,04, 1\.._,__/ ". i I r ',Or?' d 1 --- ..,..- .; ,--17 • - - . , 410" Aril\ /IV , ..die. / -,,,,',.. 12p--i--_i_l_...... ArA, . f Arlril ir,Arr 10 \ h-- I , ,/ OA, ,,,/ 1/41, / _41 i j i IffSit II .1_ F. 1 '4,1 L-1 fri 0,I*4w, 11 '0,:r. ,' 1 A dA4 i i 04 — , dr}... _, or, _ , j , or , , 0, Adir 47 reeffr 1 L-1-- ' . 1 r, pOr . af: WI 4'414, I r . : _L__L i 4 , ' • - -i-0,0, ._ "or 40 4,,,te / 1011r , 4 -Zto !-4,. 4 \ \ nef t - - - 1- 0,-,/,,o0r7 _or_ ._ \ \ \ \ , . ._...., '1 . \ \</ , .,1 \ \ 1 i j yer<,/ 000e, tit __ 1 .7v._.T .f....,._,.._.T../ „._ ...._ .>*. ' --I Z AA 'IP iti 1,\ ',,, i 1SF 184th is, . r , di r",/ I IT p #7 , \ , i I ti 1\ \ yi; i ,--,„ 1 I ii.-7 T 1-71 ,,„,,,, „...--T--- . , 1,—..._.7 i / ' I __ _. . - ,;-- a 1' r _ ,,,r Ar , Ali __ -i -I f.- -c.,..j., , 41,,A,A KrIVF). ---- LIP111411111,JV -11 / -- 1 ' /---/--k,, ," .?\!---"`"/--,/-- I 1 I --- , , .i rill r...Z._ ' ' _ i..- -4 ',.-i,----,> \-) :-----,---L,z /./, ',"!_\1.,, ...S,E 188th St__I: I ' ' " ' 1 i'AVM . ' ' Ad i-------- --- -'\\-'7<,Y''--'1-'---7/------J ri--)----_---4',--- ; 1 rrIr.:37,;,vi 7, / , , . i. ,--r ,) \-7,c-- ---- _i ''''. '' rm -1 V 1 / fior I , ,?1 i I p iettiO' 4 4 40 i ,,,r---1 I ezfrp,0 410 4. / / 1 1 ././A 0 ., / , iiii i— 7\--<:_y: rva .> 1 1.-H1 . ryie , .L.-II. ! , [II 1 1.1\ t.,,, 1 _1:1: t/ . ' :I I I A i/r A i/0 ri 0 I 0 I/4 1/1 /1 111' Economic Development, Benson H ill Communities ,SY ID Neighborhoods and Legend Prezone [�-4 [l Strategic Planning ���� City Limits Nr`- A]oxPie�cm.^dminisuamr PAA Fobmary8.2oO8 , Adriana JohnsonPlanningl�ohni�an ���� N [--- Parcels0 255 510 1ocu � J ��� X�, Pg2 ' Feet Produced b,m°o","'n"",=wzoou,m°o�"/ \�/ msu""/mom"��=mn=°~""m.�many u"'� r8OOO �� *m��uwvmu"�mmmm m�u� hie Nome.\EomuR,a Ammimisummer SIO ORDINANCE NO. 5348 EXHIBIT E R-4 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Lot 2 of Block 1 of Benson Heights, as recorded in Volume 48 of Plats, Page 98, records of King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH Lots B and C of King County Lot Line Adjustment LO1L0082, recorded under King County Recording No. 20021107900008 in said Section 28; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-4 E,Pg. 1,02/07/2008 • UKUINANUK NU. 5348 —t-----11 ----1______I \.,-`'--- SE 1691-1775i7--- ___._' j t-1 plow _ 1.---1------J ,-_� s 4-iH- 1_ � __ y '1----H „L------1 ____I_____I 1,__._1._....." 1,_______]._i ,-----,__(7—,,,„\----:,\ 1 I —I-- 1 1 --,--- - i , ---L,..i- j .70ith li , I IA , i_ 1I 1 i 1 __j , I L1' 1 11f 11 1 - -1-----1 _ I1H1iI l ( j - -� _ 1 �I _. 1 1 F- i , . 1-----1 _1- I _ I 1-- i r 1 1 I - r I --1 I IT 1 _i f —r-- t __ ^--- _J 1 -___-_i._i ) ., 1___1 �.__1 _L 1 ; 1 I 1 _..a 1 — I- -) ( I i I I I / 1 / 1 1 ----�- 1 I -r--T---h , r____________., _i_ � ; _� . 1 - 1 1 1_ 1, 1 I 1 1 ! 1 I I i 1II_. I ( 1 j i L._.1 1 I 1 ( i — r I 1 I \ 11 ' I I I - '// —'j : : : 1 I • 1 ii j—�i 1 F�-�' I I I L__ �___- -I : _ if f. ir i I I I 1 _= I1------1------I 1 1 --- . 1 1 h 1 , , _ I 4 1 1 _ 1-- -I 1--- _] 1 I 1 -J-1--- I 1 `= yam -�i I I I Illf< - i I i \_ I -; -- _f\\f I I r-, 'T ,/) i i 1 I I I I I j 1` \ ' i )----;---T \-1 Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities 06,),„ Neighborhoods and Legend Prezone R-4 E Strategic Planning —••-; '1 (— City Limits Alex Pietsch,Administrator ;PAA Boundary February 8,2008 N Adriana Johnson, Planning Technician 0 150 300 600 _____) Parcels R-4 E, Pg 2 Feet P'Cdu f bb t:e City al Renton(c)2008 -the City of 1:4800 Renton l r orris reserved.No warranties panties of any scat. including but riot limited to accuracy,fitness or File Name:\EONSP\UIS__projectsllegalCes.riptiens^'xds\ merchantability.accompany this product. prezone,BensonHll_R4_E.rnxd ter. rn✓ *11104 Nov ,v00. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO RESIDENTIAL — 8 (RESIDENTIAL EIGHT DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Residential —8. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby authorized 1 Aft *me 44000 ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 9 and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: Exhibit A, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 554.3 acres, are generally located in portions of Sections 21, 28 and 29 in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit B, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 39.8 acres, are generally located in the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit C, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 11.3 acres, are generally located in the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit D, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 11.8 acres, are generally located in the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying east of a line 100 feet east of the easterly top of bank of Molasses Creek. Exhibit E, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 13.6 acres, are generally located in the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit F, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 353.8 acres, are generally located in portions of Section 32 and 33, Township 23 North and Section 5, Township 22 North, all in Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 4 9 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2008. /GUS - Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: r _ _ Lawrence J. Warren, ity Attorney Date of Publication: 2/1 6/2 0 0 8 (summary) ORD.143 3:2/4/08:scr. 3 vtire ORDINANCE NO. 5349 EXHIBIT A R-8 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION The lands within this description are situated in Sections 21, 28 and 29 Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as lying southerly and easterly of the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance Nos. (in order from west to east) 5236, 1971,3742, 1971, 3108, 1909, 5208, 3730, 2224, 1871 and 1961 and lying easterly and northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the on the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance No. 5236, said point being the northwest corner of Tract A of Threshold 1 as recorded in Volume 164 of Plats, Pages 8-12, records of King County, Washington; Thence generally southerly along the various course of the western boundary of said Tract A to the southwest corner thereof; Thence easterly along the southern boundary of said Tract A to the southeast corner thereof, said corner lying on the west line of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 29; Thence southerly along said west line to the southwest corner of said subdivision; Thence easterly along the south line of said subdivision to the southeast corner of Green Tracts 2, as recorded in Volume 67 of Plats, Page 68, said records; Thence northerly along the east boundary of said Plat to the southwest corner of Lot 1 of King County Short Plat 1183039, recorded under King County Recording No. 8410100808; Thence easterly along the south line of said Lot 1 to the southeast corner thereof, said corner along being on the westerly right of way margin of 114th Avenue SE; Thence northerly along said westerly margin to an intersection with the southerly right of way margin of SE 169th Street; Thence westerly along said southerly margin crossing 113th Avenue SE to an intersection with the westerly right of way margin of said 113th Avenue SE; Thence northerly along said westerly margin and the northerly extension thereof to an intersection with the westerly extension of the southerly right of way margin of SE 168th Street; R-8-A, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 1400. Niro ORDINANCE NO . 5349 Thence easterly along said westerly extension and said southerly margin, crossing said 113th Avenue SE, and continuing easterly along the easterly extension thereof, crossing 116th Avenue SE, to an intersection with the southerly extension of the easterly right of way margin of said 116th Avenue SE; Thence northerly along said southerly extension and said easterly margin, crossing SE 168th Street, to an intersection with the southwest line of Cascade Hills No. 5, as recorded in Volume 72 of Plats, Pages 23 - 24, said records; Thence southeasterly along said southwest line to the northwest corner of Cascade Vista, as recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, Page 33, said records; Thence southeasterly, easterly, southerly and southeasterly along the southwesterly boundary of said Plat, crossing SE 168th Street, to the southwest corner of said Plat; Thence easterly along the south line of said plat, crossing the west half of 125th Avenue SE and continuing easterly along the south line of Cascade Vista No. 3, as recorded in Volume 62 of Plats, Pages 22 - 23, said records and its easterly extension to an intersection with the easterly right of way margin of 128th Avenue SE; Thence southerly along said easterly margin to an intersection with the northerly right of way margin of SE Petrovitsky Rd.; Thence southeasterly along said northerly margin to an intersection with east line of Renton Park, as recorded in Volume 58 of Plats, Page 77, said records; Thence northerly along said east line to the southeast corner of Renton Park Div. 4, as recorded in Volume 58 of Plats, Page 77, said records; Thence easterly and northerly along the south and east lines, respectively, of said Plat to the northeast corner thereof, said northeast corner being on the south line of Renton Park Div. 3, as recorded in Volume 80 of Plats, Pages 95 and 96, said records; Thence easterly, northerly and westerly along said southern boundary and the east line and a portion of the northern boundary to the northernmost northwest corner of said Plat, said corner also being on the east line of the west 45 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 28; Thence northerly along said east line to an intersection with the south line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 28; Thence easterly along said south line to the southeast corner of said subdivision; Thence northerly along the east line of said subdivision to the northeast corner thereof; R-8-A, Pg. 2, 2/7/2008 r 41010 ORDINANCE NO . 5349 Thence westerly along the north line of said subdivision, to an intersection with the easterly right of way margin of 128th Avenue SE; Thence northerly along said easterly margin and its northerly extension to an intersection with the northerly right of way margin of SE 164th Street; Thence westerly along said northerly margin to an intersection with the east line of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 28; Thence northerly along said east line to an intersection with the south line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 21; Thence easterly along the south line of said subdivision to the an intersection with the southwesterly right of way margin of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line; Thence northwesterly along said southwesterly margin, crossing SE 160th Street to the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance No. 1961 and the terminus of this line description. EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-8-A, Pg. 3, 2/7/2008 } Ni _,6t1fi'>,7 )r,..4-2 ../ \ j -,1, r { i --r--,-n-,--,-- I Lisiot 1 1 • ,-.*/.1,-......,,,/ i Z-IEW: S yIt .1 / maF / or zi '.(-----1-t _ " 7- f-y \\\\•� L I i 1 I + -). --Tii 1 }-- it 001J- i----4 4 ... 1;4r-tit-r ' (--/ i 'Lai]211-2,-5,:(i,,' 4-,-,---/� �"�. E Q o 'y coO - _ - _ :--%_� 1111: ■L ,t 11 LI.1.1 'Qs-/?7-1-',11-1771-17-7-7717-7 ' . o N fi"► F _. C= �_ _" U = I.-L\ .,---, I: 4 *41 41,-;:114.4 IiiN .,-- \ 4 lk \fob Nitti,. .NIC . NB wp,t-v,ioNt N‘ 4,74c.ii,-1 kik-mt‘ pc —Iry Ati' oe `! i MVV y %,,,,,46,, 1 - ---\ ,,-\ ,,,,& Nia\ 44. Itt(Nri . ,..,. i ,.1itICSikt.b *AI, k F a r_ji. +�. a,, ___..._ j, �, �` ,kms.�14 . . �a1wia 1 G -_r(,-,111-2,-,\I'- I - x ,,,,,\ ,.,,,„ 0- --fi, .„..4 IL.4- ..,.4%%\\itocith.L..ki itlilit kkil Etb6.4S14114%.1T.'%.4%..414t611‘64111J Lk!----- 1 'g ,-::;•-,e;-;.,:-",‘,,.__; its4111..„ i 1 \ t.. ..._.:._. .a„._,, \„-L---\--1,kiploi.i. 1441,14; tilt ,. ..._, : k ,.. , .. , 011 i___....._: _ _th..„), .,: ,,..,, 0.44, . 1,to.10.. . . .Ili.Nit,‘ - 4 • I 7' -„)-,_7, ; ,,`.--\<", -),!-_-_:::::-.1 "I.:a:4a',laic c ' I '._: ! '.' I._, '.:. :,, illitiNV .- - i•& N• - .: 4 ' 0 1 '-' 17)= >,,/, , - \<• #%sv; 141. A%ialikkekakilVikkiN I 141% i NtaNNIkli '1114 i LV;10,41**4v4t.°:,:ii i_i iii; ii-i Tii-i— -16//lii 1..--ni i t:',11, k\ki. i i. >i i i•i\i c -°it 4:Atk.44:;•A Oki 1 74\ • ./ NI \ kill& 14,40#7.,, ..., . <,,,,,„..,... ..,„c-10, ,16...4 sati..,,,,,41, ,,,, „. .‘t ,„,,, , , ,Im.„41:\,,,ii„ 4,1; 40,,,,, .?.1 ...`,:,7.. 0.1*VIv#..A„,. lit NI 0:41krliN lil 47,4* 14007 .,.,;',1 ,,, ai •"/,,/,‘"`•-•i‘ z mi "'gic1/4,400‘10. NM Ilia Zi ' s >>. 4 NNNtis4 140, .,- 1 "NISI .1 t It tkii:Zt ha i 4►I h I 40 - It, chl i \ �L..._ T.__`� , 1 ITL-1"1c i1, ► ,Ii_, r _r I '- ,- ,;;.(,,,,,,,-5--,' ._,.(.1 ., .., N :7. _., - , IS - [ ..,_,,....„-r--1 r-=-1 -' ,- E--1I!„< ,7,,v.. * 2,,,Q__,, , k.,._T_ __..[.,:sss,[ N - N N. , __LT”. --,.__:,0.:..-r_ir-9\:.:.' \\\\ ____,,, -----7±---111, __,, _-, : 1,„::::_„,,„,,,L,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,..,/,„7:,,,,,,,,. . , . .72\\\.\,,,,,_, :1104...;,,,k,„44,4,10„,,, ,,,, :,,,,,, s\i„.., ._ , . . ih, ,._...i..7.1,:_i.j.r.t.._-----t..41,-f±:„.:.i,„,:lu,b,.--:-.,...,,,,t,--,-:::_-_-..-L_______'.......7.„.___. .,s. _. . : , . ..N.,\/ „ /<,, ,:, ..._.) . . k.t _ „..,...-- : - f4.'_ • ! \\ ‘1 NV4A111—;71-j=: . r1. .-- L---4---------.-----.1 1.. "i5 t '21, "Y /�Y � 511- I �. %116,Hkli‘th, Nik'kIkt44....) F ■ �. t —, L.... .L v cotta ,:�//�r7----7.,..,-; \--,41._,11 lam I� ai -- ---.1 .7-1.1 _ ,. . , _ �---1I c s -� r II__ i ,��� f�f R[ rTD ' ,r— r V� myoaE8 1/41 - �� -r-- -r'-- ti I -�- .1-7—A,''''�901 1. i' ° $ v,, E ' - l I__; ,tom, s\--7f70/4-----,-cF -,,-,-,--...,„...4.:._L _ {�-- 'bore `114100 ORDINANCE NO . 5349 EXHIBIT B R-8 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying east of the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance Nos. (in order from south to north) 4476, 1971, 3864 and 1971, lying southwest of said limits as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance No. 1971, lying west of the north-south centerline of Block 4, Aker's Farms No. 5, as recorded in Volume 40 of Plats, Page 27, records of King County, Washington, and lying north of the northerly right of way margin of SE 172' ' Street; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-8 B,Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 • TT _ T t L-1. f _:_1 J.'i'-+T 1 Blit.`..1 r 't }-_: —l— '.Lt_..L� _.L.0 -1...i ._..-__. �._... _.-�.._�_i 1 • Y —i 1. 1 ,. ITT_Ii-Ti _i„, , . , i r— , ,...___,-, .. _......m....._.,_=4. _ , :,„..-Friv. ' 1 '-i---'' ' - i 4,• Alml ' • �� i Cn in,-77 7 - 4► �� a) COW _ 1 i IL 1 10,11 4,•:_vj i. an o tLyriii,raT-T----, ,\,:- ,(1; F-7----'*:_. 4-7,- -- .,-- -4_4,- ),__.., ___, _ _ 1 .L..„ � ./ L1 1�i.LCH r i 1 - 4 iii rilicifi\u' i,.......,;: 1- -1 r :. • ,1:1,7111.1'1 1 ril mcD I wg -! I I ' , ` �L.r i_I .11 I I 1..I � f."�tl N rl I._.._ I- L� _ SSV. ' a 4_+-----E_L-d,,! 4 , i_i_ k t I 1 00 51 T I Lflr. F— —T-1 �I� 1`` j , i fi .... ...„..„__.„. ..„.,_ i 1 I I , 1_..._, I c� M 4 K - � >_I _� / keet oltal � laciii. J LLL` ,__� .,,g.. ` L/ \ !I U m. '' .4' i ! ;!!'4.411,‘ Illik11% ,� i II \-,1_-3,, \ l ._ 1,..1 T,/ J-,' = rf'l,-. ,__ __. i .T . u ak a 1 . --c— ' Lam-. ! )..1.--` : I 1 Lj Iq--' { 1 j\ %j�(� ?/�-,',(t y� • ;' , :\,,,i L t ��i it k.. �r j — _)) I F J � � �'11��.i 1�"`.J,.v .�"f't � �!- �, � .y1 _fa ,..-j �f� ��J t�t�11�-.-�-1 - \ � ..__-- �( 1,--k, ,,; .'\-�\3,� {^� f �-- —, = I _. Ili KL . -„ ---..„_4,_i_,--,-;-,,--(I), t . yy- ,i--,:„..,,,..,,,, 0,-.4 Ir �; Ki1 ,�.; rn,+ / r�i�r � __ c > C. .. j I z rl rrr I TK\ \ I r1 ; i ; I ,L /, '\.'`---r j _fit`` l i 1 `L rid \` Y\' ' I �x_1_1 1 , , ' '‘`S-4;',' '''-..'(--Y , r" I'. I w' fir-%r ;_-.0t.' ;Ii., 'Si l� 1� —� 1 11 1--L-H:1--1",- t —� ��J l ' c b 5, o ` 5- _ H + - =-=iK l / E cC N-po Iu_f / O-s Nir_ foZ._ 7‘ 1 I ORDINANCE NO . 5349 EXHIBIT C R-8 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION The west 495 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, less the north 150 feet thereof; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-8 C, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 VKUIINMNL. AU . .7,34'9 '��i ���/ " iii��, ,��•+ viliviumanio IP of v. IIw`��rir"r/ 1.1Pairs z. ;keine 114 ri- I iiiilt �i MIN"iin, iiir- Arii:; N i� ti1 rpm. , �, :a' 1 1 str: robtann MIA' it maim ■111■11111% , Ife-81Arriiii E�j /I m1//iI I/i�i�iillli/' �ii" v cp o NII III/// IMEMMille P141 Wll►�� /��iii/�� rrr`r r+iy r ®O 1111r�� AI = O 1 �i iumuu■ Mr. 41.11 "MP • ip,iL*$ i1iIII1iiiiii__i ir i/ �' � �iiifG 11t- ,`fit/ m 111111/11//: I►�* øØ011 : i /iiil/iiiiii it�`�,�t,�•.Ià1IJI1 imiiliiiii iiiil/llliiill gallifill. to i// iiiii iiiii��■■iii�iiii .' p"' 11iii/r/p iii■■ii1■iiiiiiii Ei��' ■-fi . �"®r U •iii■ �/ E ii►i ir:uiii/■■ill /iii .i■: :M/� ��� 00 �..i►�. �r<��iiiiii�iiiiiiiiri 7n1.1.......111112: ■ • �e ■ .� '�. ��1 Irl x MI c •io g.,,�i■iiis/iiiium �i"1i lippli' I tea'►� : +iiiiiiltiiiiiiiii ■" 'rliii/i i��ilii/i//:iii/tii4 ■ .s IR/mg�!'■iiiili■■:iii.. li.oppowiria ►1i►1 //iiil/• si 1� ♦ mop Ilii►t►+'Ilor : ilii' ♦ ♦1 AollIll , Litiai.■ E 011WirPlak;Iv:: �Paik i�s ---> 00-1 ■ 1111 ■I E NB 1 11111,44. In go ,6.7 , _ , ,. nii gag aim ,s: ' ,-: ,' la All 11 I Mal nmomitild ,_,, ..,,,, iii' �� R ��hh \► Cf� �P�' �►�`IUIJIIIIIlj.iIIIIiIjIil iIiIiIIiIItLfiuIiI1tIIII on as��,���``���� . a ti i..� 1I' I:!L :�: •,.11• ,11111 •►�\.►�1\� : 1 o ■ 1nu= A0110111 . I li ■nlnm n. ...... ,....-- g a m �111[�hllhlmm-s ■, isrinnikeoliti ■ adlirp„LP"!■■ �i�■■�■Ir�■ 1111 ; X11 s�1m C;���I 1 ■■i 1111111 ,_'111§Akw 1i leMtar�� fimeci 1llod !1 #I' :!: � i orIIM. "LISI%� ...0■■■i ■I!lm-! ■ �- ��-�- �:.� _ lis.-■ ►,o iiii■i■iiiii■i ■■i t■i/ ilii/ injNI N;�'Vii ■i1//IIIIII1111I1�6�igis!_ ■r i■ ■r'1... irea n�� i i'�l�i' �i'i�. :i ii i■ a ■,11111110 �� : ROL. . p u/111111IIIIiI p iii: :: :: .�1►gl p is ■ .:� i ■i ■/II/IIi.I■III: .■d■■ ._ .m _ iama ■ nimganni. mi pus Ass ...m....11111 or_111MWORMInal kiln Or,iiim al li ',- ,,, IIN al .. 1111P 111 11111 *rump= .T. Nag 2 an am II dillitill swim. • al OM 0 u> Lt4t1It!IPATII1 � ��,� . .' HhI9JiI, IN AP \ m nribi Immomommo i1111' , 1 '� ma• ;_ _,_ ____, ■1'■■ 1111■■■ ' ' �.�,-,,..r ! m m�,. 1111!■ � LI��r�/- rilll �'' ima.titip� W� •M a r,,��''+�0 nspn.`/.tl���� iti 111. i���' ,�' 111111 � ORDINANCE NO . 5349 EXHIBIT D R-8 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County Washington, more particularly described as follows: That portion of Tract 'A' of Fairwood Park Division 7, as recorded under Volume 116 of Plats, Pages 88 through 90, records of King County, Washington, lying within the lying east of a line 100 feet east of the top of easterly bank of Molasses Creek; TOGETHER WITH Lot 22 of said Plat. R-8 D,Pg. 1,2/7/2008 T. , '',,), ', '' , fat:1',.Z.. i / T �(J P _.1, , 7'/ a� ) ''- r,,, •,...1,,,,. 41ktt,,,,Sfr ,1 144,,r-b6'."41,4'. 4 44411100 i ii 1t n O NL 4 OM '''''''.44 . kt alt", 0 //)\ 'I (-...."' ... '1111111111Hi __.. m7=!c ct_a)N° I "' N ., / ..iiiiiim" . `""iti , < \\ * ^ e 4 *dp r 4 11121, \,\\ "Nkr"--.;c-.-4.4. '-'ici /it 1_11P ''''''''\..\--.1 ,,,- ii J _—� L = , Fi i ---,L: . __J L11 i /7 _/ _ CUD I : -1:11— I ri ---7----7771-TN---7L- ..-r`-`r , I 1. .-...._ .,-___�., 1 1.---'1.--.. � — " if 1 / _i_:..1. 00 '.4 '4„,/ rte, a,. , a },,4!1-1r-):J„,..„)1t.,./:,,11.1,-;7/ ''' ,..)"•••,,, / '---q t.--_,,-/ -nI rte, ��� ,r ` a i r .401. to �� 1C ,t.— —.._— c c ! Lici....]f__i_7171 f----4,\,. a 11—wilim.: r-'' .- '?".''', \ \� ami —111-.1.1-17-L4� V �Tf 1 r�i �I i ��-i \/ \_-^.._\ '\ ------7"- J i I L ,?, a ------7;---A-'_---4-,-,` �, ./ A- _11- _ . 1'LIy ) � L�f i I I i._ k. — _ T ..—. _..__� c } ` - - n:Pa►' �' I t_u r -T-y 1. it w._. 2...(\>_,_,...,__ T r-T / , - _-_ iL, LE. 50 I ? F- ��.. ..�i i_1 , r,r Z`--I1=1-----7-----7:7=z; — � . _ rtesFLi_:, L 1TT Tr r - _ _-: , 1N_r �- + ; T i , > i_+-117 t -1-- \7 _> /'j` Tib? --_ ... -r--\-,--., \4=— j ;, � g�fiiI , rtt ,r, 7 .; 1 ,-__4T , ' )f --77--;1.:'Jr::` E._ –1 r' r-illi/ j —. / )( o N D ..rel._.,.' i --._ _ _ .� ' (7)� ��(� _ .L .- ----- i a o ,L i :-. �!ybi�._._L�.- __a-- -."a r 'L 1 _ — ._1....... '-I--..._.. i �� :- y O-5 a' v Z c • J ` Trr J o ¢ � 5� 1 ' t ,,y 1Ty ` :. { Usc � s iV ?� L 20th In- 1 _ t� `a-- � .{ , diATI—T„ 4Ilk# {: I TfT r a i ' -- ' ' r— fir►' 100 ORDINANCE NO. 5349 EXHIBIT E R-8 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Lots 9— 15, 19—21, 24—28 and 30—39 of Scott's Terrace, as recorded in Volume 72 of Plats, Pages 39—40, records of King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH that portion of said Northeast quarter lying northerly of the existing City limits of the City of Renton as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance No. 4142, easterly and northerly of said Plat and easterly of a line 329 feet as measured perpendicular to, east of and parallel with the centerline of Talbot Road S; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-8 E, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 ORDINANCE NO. 5349 Noe I i I 1 \ I I .12, Z 00 - - co __ .11_._ _ -1-- I , ---1"----- may _ W I E 00 L1 z _ - ___..1 i .--... ....______ -„--1 --------A\ v cf:_.. __.. CD ao L i ok : ) __--, i ___- _ 1 00 l I x ,>'/,_,) b TJ , \2-1--p IT 1 1 ; 1 - \\‘s\N\ _ 1 ,z,,,, 1 .„ vitih\---\ i 1:3S,anv ✓ c - Q y 3/LOQ ` �\ \ >` m Ury MI ,s.. I ' r._---- \ U 3 L c J Z WIL ‘tINNIIIN \ i --) i \ 1 h ,,, ,,,. --` i„), Y �I ) �! .44.. . `` (' to ` i I v f 1 ‘,.. \ , r 1 ( r — I .,,....r--'-1::--LI ~'` 1 / fir/ _<<_1 1 / 1 1 / , r / / iJ 0-t 1 c d f =N co oEy.- nm/ I g" % o � g �zfopmN cJC m W , w S�LSL{ls � �IT aiys 1 l AE. `411th ORDINANCE NO. 5349 EXHIBIT F R-8 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION The lands within this description are situated in portions of Sections 32 and 33, Township 23 North and Section 5, Township 22 North, all in Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, and are more particularly described as lying within the following described boundary: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Section 32, thence southerly along the east lines of the Northeast and Southeast quarters thereof, being the centerline of 116th Avenue SE, to an intersection with the westerly extension of the north line of Lot 7 of Northwestern Garden Tracts, as recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington; Thence easterly along said extension and north line to the east line of the west 225 feet of said Lot 7; Thence southerly along said east line to the south line of the north 70 feet of said lot 7; Thence easterly along said south line to the east line of said Lot 7; Thence southerly along said east line and the east line of Lot 8 of said Plat to the north right of way margin of SE 192nd Street; Thence westerly along the various courses of said north margin, crossing 116th Avenue SE, 114th Place SE and 113th Way SE to an intersection with the east line of Lot 12 of Panther Lake Garden Tracts, as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, Page 25, said records; Thence northerly along said east line to the southwest corner of Lot 4 of King County Short Plat L94S0042, as recorded under King County Recording No. 9702119001; Thence northerly along said east line to the southerly right of way margin of SE 189th Street; Thence westerly along said southerly margin to an intersection with the east line of Belgrove at Renton, Div. No. 2, a Binding Site Plan, Alteration No. 1, as recorded in Volume 229 of Plats, Pages 51 through 58, said records; Thence northerly along said east line to the northeast corner thereof, also being the southwest corner of Ruddell's 1st Addition, as recorded in Volume 108 of Plats, Pages 18 and 19, said records; Thence continuing northerly along the west line thereof to the southeast corner of Panther Lake Estates, as recorded in Volume 125 of Plats, Pages 12 and 13, said records; R-8 F,Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 NowORDINANCE NO. 5349 `"r Thence westerly along the southerly line thereof and its westerly extension to the westerly right of way margin of State Route 515 (108th Avenue SE); Thence southerly along said westerly margin to the south line of the north 290 feet of Lot 9 of Panther Lake Garden Tracts, as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, Page 25, said records; Thence westerly along said south line to the east line of the west 300 feet of said Lot 9; Thence southerly along said east line to the south line of said Lot 9; Thence westerly on said south line to the northeast corner of King County Short Plat 775013, recorded under King County Recording No. 7602040485; Thence southerly along the east lines of Lot 1 and Lot 4 of said Short Plat to the northerly right of way margin of SE 192nd Street; Thence easterly along said northerly margin to an intersection with the northerly extension of the easterly right of way margin 107th Avenue SE; Thence southerly along said northerly extension and said easterly margin to the north line of King County Short Plat 781089 (Revised), recorded under King County Recording No. 8505200656; Thence easterly along said north line to the northeast corner of Lot 4 of said Short Plat; Thence southerly along the east lines of Lots 4 and 3 of said Short Plat, also being the west line of the east 165 feet of Lot 18 of said Panther Lake Garden Tracts, to the southeast corner of said Lot 3; Thence continuing south along said west line to the south line of said Lot 18, also being the north line of Lot 23 of said Plat; Thence westerly along said north line to the northwest corner of said Lot 23; Thence southerly along the west line thereof to an intersection with the south line of the north 150 feet of the south half of said Lot 23; Thence easterly along said south line to an intersection with the east line of the west 100 feet of said Lot 23; Thence southerly along said east line to the northerly right of way margin of SE196th Street; Thence westerly along said northerly right of way margin, crossing 106th Avenue SE to the southwest corner of Olympic Vista, as recorded in Volume 75 of Plats, Pages 76 through 78, said records; R-8 F, Pg. 2, 2/7/2008 ORDINANCE NO. 5349 Thence northerly along the west line of said Plat to an intersection with the south line of King County Short Plat 481006, recorded under King County Recording No. 8111230257; Thence westerly along said south line to the southwest corner thereof; Thence northerly along the west line thereof, and its northerly extension, to the southerly right of way margin of SE 192nd Street; Thence easterly along said southerly margin to an intersection with the southerly extension of the west line of Eaglebrook, as recorded in Volume 137, Pages 66 & 67, said records; Thence northerly along said east line and the east line of Cougar Meadows, as recorded in Volume 161, Page 47, said records to the northwest corner thereof, said corner also being on the south line of Fredricks Place, as recorded in Volume 169, Pages 30 - 36, said records;; Thence easterly along said south line to the easterly right of way margin of 102nd Avenue SE; Thence northerly along said easterly margin to an intersection with the existing limits of the City of Renton, as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance 5205; Thence easterly, northerly and easterly along the various courses of the existing limits of the City of Renton, as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance Nos. (in order from south to north) 5205, 5041 and 3268 to the northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 32, also being a point on the west line of Lot A of King County Lot Line Adjustment S92L0098, approved June 26, 1992; Thence southerly along said west line to the southwest corner of said Lot A; Thence generally easterly and northerly along the various courses of said Lot A to an intersection with the north line of the south 210 feet of the Northwest quarter of said Section 32; Thence westerly along said north line to an intersection with the west line of the east 430 feet of said Northwest quarter; Thence northerly along said west line to an intersection with the north line of the south 15 feet of the North half of the Southeast quarter of said Northwest quarter; Thence easterly along said north line and its easterly extension to an intersection with the easterly right of way margin of State Route 515 (108th Avenue SE), in the Northeast quarter of Section 32; Thence northerly along said easterly margin line to the north line of Lot 8 of Block 2 of Benson Terrace Div. No. 3, as recorded in Volume 62 of Plats, Page 4, said records; R-8 F, Pg. 3, 2/7/2008 'ow ORDINANCE NO. 5349 %NO Thence easterly along said north line to the northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 2 of said Plat, said corner being a point on the northerly right of way margin of SE 180th Place; Thence easterly and northerly along said northerly margin, to the southwest corner of Lot 1 of Block 1 of said Plat; Thence northerly along the west line of said Lot to the northwest corner of thereof, said corner also being the Southwest corner of Bristow Addition, as recorded in Volume 63 of Plats, Page 55, said records; Thence northerly along the west line of said Plat to the northwest corner of Lot 15 thereof, also being a point on the west right of way margin of 109th Avenue SE; Thence northerly along said margin to an intersection with the westerly extension of the north line of Lot 3 of said Plat; Thence easterly along said extension and north line to the northeast corner of said Lot 3, also being a point on the west line of Melridge, as recorded in Volume 72 of Plats, Page 66, said records; Thence northerly along said west line to the northwest corner of Lot 19 of said Plat; Thence easterly along the north lines of Lots 19 and 1, crossing 110th Avenue SE, to the northeast corner of said Lot 1, also being a point on the west line of Serenity Ridge, as recorded in Volume 201 of Plats, Pages 61 through 65, said records; Thence northerly along said west line to an intersection with the centerline of SE 176th Street; Thence easterly along said centerline to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within publicly dedicated roadways. R-8 F, Pg. 4, 2/7/2008 1 r r I _`_1I \. ..1T_.__ ..J i i 'I I 1 i I _'' � _ � _.... + z-(1;_ r }r S r I_1 _ _ _ I — , o I :; i ?� _ O —` — o ._. ``ter r'-- ; i 1 a I —. o 1 I l ) I + l I.. IL_. LS_1 __ 1 I ' C O p N _ LL �_l I H --j 1 Ir] 11 1[J' I i [ I �_ ! 1-7-7-111-1 -7- — 111-1 I : Ce:a ...�. _...— V O LL -{j L..I z a. 6 H I 11.2._ r-- o 0 I c oe,..::,vscn co �-T :_� !Ii ' ' IPS, +-I ! 1 '' -7-11:----17-----TI ,` 1 — I ----p__ ami Li i 1 j: _-t L.L� I ! .i I-r I _ I r ___ ,: It_ J 'IIi i ---1-..tILu ' l ' l iiretk Aix ,Ni XN L00 !( )) °° �, – ` `�+ �► „• ►� Ate. . ;— �4 itlittkl..z.7.,,-.22ANkx Itt4,,N•Nsit,44.141 .....,, 4/ I g1:44,1ifciii."101114* .A� ,�►�►�� ®:,,aha,glia . ® ` ;� ?lM! �'�� ! I ��1 crt:wqmosmtve kNxtit, vittil,„,,me - 16-3s-Ne m-ppal ..T lam` E ,,,,, li \ .31 lk . _�' • nen ,..r , ,x d�er:re:wnuu\ \ 4- LL 111 If i mosini 1,N141,,,t114[7.i.--.4 ki,,,,,- . NI. . kit. 5 - -E1F.,:..., rill— ! _.; 1 TT". 1 'kitrAlal LINtk•N'Lv'1* I c17-',1,-7]DLL 1:1:=1:1 1.t'i'11 1 i -.1„ ' I-- L-1---L____\l '---„: '.' .._,,, , NI t7-..1.,..ANio- .,,\N ,10,„.-\§i,,,s , .--A,,,..:-,.. \ mo, ,.,,,.... ,J.,,,„,..*.. „,, ri ,,,,,,Is , , ,N.NN.0.71)411ININ%141,* z i-\\- [[[�t��/d- 40 --/ It1J13IIfk!, i. iiiei ,SN 164;414 L114)0*OsIk141, .- ''-'''' _4_I,,,,i illf I m ,J . i rr •.if: - i _ — o _--� i .11.1 I I i _— �,�—" =.1 rJ c u c d' c. iii ---L _._ ..._. c ff 1 Fs..-III ct N - �LaJ r T T� —� J t Ij '_� ! —ami m 0 4 J _ 1 : �'�. > oo_ as <Sz. E / u - ---1:-CEI � C i ____147.......,...._ v� dC V m i i per. 0 (T La ' -G �(A- .\�J/ 1 ' 9 T-i I.I I _7_-�_ I f'. .._..– ...'i I �� ( ��e~,.®®4 e W Z a 1---3 i , z C ---- - - — amP R167R ! — Nome CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 5 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO RESIDENTIAL-10 (RESIDENTIAL TEN DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Residential -10. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby authorized 1 1 Nise 1140 ORDINANCE NO. 5350 and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: Exhibit A, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 7.6 acres, are generally located in the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit B, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 7.5 acres, are generally located in the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit C, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 18.1 acres, are generally located in the South half of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit D, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 2.18 acres, are generally located in the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2008. )6671.44A1- G(/a Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 2 Noe *le ORDINANCE NO. 5350 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Or01.4.4"...et4-40.714;6— - Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 2/16/2008 (summary) ORD.143 7:2/4/0 8:scr. 3 rr11111•111. *NW Vie ORDINANCE NO. 5350 EXHIBIT A R-10 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: All of Threshold 1, as recorded in Volume 164 of Plats, Pages 8-12, records of King County, Washington, except Tract A; TOGETHER WITH the east 245 of the south 157 feet of the North half of the Southwest quarter of said Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; and TOGETHER WITH the east 288 feet of the north 161 feet of said North half, less the west 10 feet of the south 10 feet thereof; and TOGETHER WITH Lots A and B of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. 184022 approved January 6th, 1984; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-10 A,Pg. 1,2/3/2008 1 I R i 1 i , , ,..,,, , , z. LJLrIIJTrJ , a.) = a o;i Eo i E M 0 o 0 a) N — 0 0 p e.O N I N ...-.._.._._.._.____.___..._-----._.___ I C a� \ m 0 I N tu 1` d o ._ ________.t..- - 1%01$ f ''" \_* '‘''''"‘N‘\\\* .-' Ai\\\N. V ,,,..‘4,',:;,,,.,„,;;; 1S Nk ' \ •, \ _ I': Niii. i ,_. sL_\.. :. lib, ;,\, ---... ..,.';' ., 1, , h. 7 ,,i'siiiiL-,.': ---:- ' ''' -, , ' '..,, N\'''' _ ,_ 1. 7,1„ r...___. __ ..._ ______ .____ \,,,,,, , \. e , ,. .. .. _,_ ,... _ . i , ._ c , c2 _,> „:„., J J 1114\ , . .!.1 . n Z y i -- -----,-1 ,,,.. .*:,;; _ 1\ : - - __ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ : ;, y, LL 1 & \ ..V ' r ; i i ri i 1 CO UOSt�B€]» c c ai 6 ---;-----1-- — ;;;; ,;;, 0 CI- I; i I I. I I I I I I I fill 0 iiI C • 1 I i _ — I I oz `s °' -o =L '2 K i ! I LU U Q c „;.-E,---„2 j I I I � I 0408 a .g n E 1 4,,,,„ ,_ i I.,' m _,_._.._.±.._ 4_ ! _ ..L.... ._ I I 1 10 ORDINANCE NO . 5350 EXHIBIT B R-10 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Block 2 of Green Tracts No. 1, as recorded in Volume 48 of Plats, Pages 1 and 2, records of King County, Washington, except that portion of Lot 5, lying east of the west 170 feet and north of the south 100 feet thereof. R-10 B,Pg. 1,2/3/2008 Z-E;1'.1',1[ F-./ ?� ( m�. � 0 h\6' / o I Si vas 2 cy \ I ..=_ 0 2 o LL CD \ _.--/ ‘\-._ / U3 o I /\, / 1 . i N OA— ---T r-- 6.\\ C.,i '1 , \ \ ---- X. 1 f I CO.. alb 0 .N I -::47'''c:''''.;!: •c _ .. ________ __''''.--::m_. ,______\_-_--___-_\_.-L__,, .14;2 C n d rCJ L I ..' _ [ — 1 IT i —.,_i_— . ILI 1 j . lri L.__ i.. !.__._ 3S`eAV 4l£Gl 65 ' I o i. I w ` I E T Li 0 C O U `.7.) m �uI OlN H ° ta OCy C -Eu �,ia":4 4e O O 03 . _..,� c,e > O QQ a oo m n • omj QOU = "q,-g'• U p�'CO d.cc f,',)= > PT •� O O1 J c y E I j i 1 1 ORDINANCE NO 5350 EXHIBIT C R-10 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the South half of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Lots 6—9, of Block 1 of Benson Heights as recorded in Volume 48 of Plats, Page 98, records of King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH that portion of Lot 5 of said Plat lying southerly and westerly of Lot B of King County Lot Line Adjustment LO1L0082, recorded under King County Recording No. 20021107900008; and TOGETHER WITH Lot A of said Lot Line Adjustment; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-10 C,Pg. 1,2/7/2008 ,.._, r____4_____________ __________ , . )000:-------- z--Er IF W I 1__________ }' --) I 1 C I , oLL ' I / O N O 0 o / O _-- = N CO o i __I , I \--1- a o -\ (------- i‘ \ \\:::1-1-1--- \\\ x 1 : \ IN1 * '\ \\‘‘\\ � lY_C E J N ,- S ____—-- U ti 2 d a ....,:i i; �. cn c I \ , ` i a i .t ,\,\\\.\,.\\1k, ‘,\\%'‘,\, • \ 1 1 1 i%\\II 1\h,.\s ksd\i 1\k\\i s i 111 1 I i I hr\ ,\\I 1 I I 1\\ \ \\1Ilk 1 i .4\4 \\,,,-\\k \ii\N„ \ '..1 1 -1/4\ 1\'' , 's ec1 c C e 17.' 0 n 1 k O 0) y ...-s y,3 3 -1 4J 1' —_ _ — COCC n~ w o. In ( I — O'Et. N C cc �6 ,9 Tll O (1 g C v@ ,E.", i I QLd toZn v tt i.�._..__. C fl C d' m o o O Z N ' U Q C a c'sr W ._ ._ I a -8 8c2EI ra _ as o� L I • 111110 ORDINANCE NO. 5350 EXHIBIT D R-10 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Lot 1 of Block 1 of Benson Heights, as recorded in Volume 48 of Plats, Page 98, records of King County, Washington, except any portion of the thereof lying with public rights of way. R-10 D, Pg. 1,2/7/2008 11\nl\VL 1\V • ✓✓✓v I I \ Z-.E j _ I i v �J I I r C v ! I I I I I� 4 o N� I I I E o "' _� 3S a�y4�OPG i O N O I i ! 1 — C N Il I ' I o �I- -- ---J ___________LL_ I - _ �, ! oa o '� � i / //1/ � I j I I � � I aci I LLLLL � I I I j I �' �I II r N I — 7 -- _ r 3S enb �Ij6LG it /7/ bA I M _ a } I I I li I I I _j j -I- I -f t� A I III I i I I '� © ,fr tt i; , II I 1 I , 1 I i1 _ r , „...,,,,,..,, I7) k4iN ` i ,..., ..,„.._ ,,,,, y, , ,, , G1 U � I 1. :HLtTTiI1 I I I I 1 ------- ---- , I I i I Li ' I \`-\ \ c ic Ii a) -0 ca 2� =opoi F- j II .--_ _ ------ - I r____ i 3y `, \ -- V _c N O LJ C E L a c >,�_ __._ I. I-.-__.-_.--__-I \ \ C • -_ a m ry i' •� VJ L.. "C o iE \I ¢{ aI s IOW Nur .Now NNW CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 51 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON", ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM KING COUNTY ZONING TO R-14 (RESIDENTIAL 14; FOURTEEN DWELLING UNITS PER NET ACRE) (BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES, FILE NO. CPA 2007-M-06). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein below described has not been zoned in the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, registered voters petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent rezoning, which annexation having been approved and the property annexed to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings to consider this zoning application, the first hearing being held on July 25, 2007, and the second hearing being held on October 1, 2007, and the zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is zoned to Residential —14. The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City's zoning ordinance is hereby amended to evidence said rezoning and the EDNSP Administrator is hereby authorized 1 �rrr► stse *le ORDINANCE NO. 5351 and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to wit: Exhibit A, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 21.3 acres, are generally located in the Northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit B, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 102.2 acres, are generally located in the Southwest and Southeast quarters of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit C, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 31.0 acres, are generally located in the Southwest and Northwest quarters of the Southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit D, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 2.4 acres, are generally located in the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, and the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, both in Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Exhibit E, including a legal description and map, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein: The properties, approximately 3.9 acres, are generally located in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2008. 607441,‘2 Bonnie 1. Walton, City Clerk 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 51 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of February , 2008. (4114,0 4447, Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: dp, awrence J. Warren, ty Attorney Date of Publication: 2/16/2008 (summary) ORD.143 2:2/4/08:scr. 3 :�nnrr► ti ORDINANCE NO . 5351 EXHIBIT A R-14 ZONE LEGALDESCRIPTION That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying north of the existing limits of the City of Renton as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance No. 4142. EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-14 A, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 VlCL11VAIYl.,L 1V V. 3331 — — _..._. I )' tf _xi - L , f I l I ( t I j 1 i - , I\ , l ! - P H..""........._ ----&--- —N riT i_ -,- II , , F ....j_i 18, , t i , s y-- ' 7 1 L t rh.. wrw��.r C _ 17/(WS A _ , . ..._ ..H.L._, , ., .. ,.'-' 1 j_—k-----A ,------] :, : ', .../ r It et : '' '''.1- ' ' '-6-0:1-1-1 ., i ,/ ,,P\ \,....,s••• ----:. , /Ai La i 2 h..... o i i L l I sE 181st St n L r ___ 'SE 182nd PI', i t ` I iI Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities c,,s`iY Neighborhoods and Prezone R14-A : Strategic Planning Legend ��r� Alex Pietsch,Administratorr—"� January 10,2008 �_..r City Limits N Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician ..__.__._l 0 190 380 760 I Parcels R-14 A, Pg 2 Feet t !-d� i ;the C r y 'f Rar n Si Ott c` YWWY Reflien an rights ved.No rrantie of any sort. 1:6,000 including but not I'm ed to accuracy, 'tndss or File Name:\ERNSP\GIS__projects lega_cescriptions\mxds\ merchantability,accompany this product. prezone BensonH.i pi -F.mxd mimmir 4.119 ORDINANCE NO . 5351 EXHIBIT B R-14 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Southwest and Southeast quarters of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: The South half of said Southeast quarter, less the West half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter, less the north 300 feet thereof, and less the west 217.61 feet of the south 340.61 feet of the East half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; TOGETHER WITH All of Glacier View Town Homes A Binding Site Plan, as recorded in Volume 225 of Plats, Pages 83-93, records of King County, Washington and that portion of the Northeast quarter of said Southeast quarter lying south of the south right of way margin of SE 169th Street and northerly and westerly of the east line of said Binding Site Plan and east of the east right of way margin of 114th Avenue SE; and TOGETHER WITH that portion of South three quarters of the Northwest quarter of said Southeast quarter lying south and west of Threshold 1 as recorded in Volume 164 of Plats, Pages 8-12, said records, less the east 245 of the south 157 feet of the North half of the Southwest quarter of said Northwest quarter, less the east 288 feet of the north 161 feet of said North half, except the west 10 feet of the south 10 feet thereof, less Lots A and B of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. 184022 approved January 6th, 1984 and less that portion annexed to the City of Renton under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3864; and TOGETHER WITH Lots 14— 19, Block 4 of Aker's Farms No. 5, as recorded in Volume 40 of Plats, Page 27, said records, in said Southwest quarter; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-14 B,Pg. 1,2/7/2008 • UflJINANUJ NU. 5351 I-] --H-117-7"' 1------7 '--- --------- ----..- --- ' 2 th-sr _ J �I_ — ?-4--- ' .,----- -1 , : 1 ' ...._i_._L ----Y\---111 li\\.\\ il 1 j . f 1 i® r3�Ay/ .• ur -_ t S / _ _ d .i rAre l' I I , 1 — '2 r 14A4 (' ' 1 ,r1--- ___, ,003 ..4,i,0 op, 4 fir __ 7 Ai k --II 0,- 4 Atedigroc„, '-- L-717,, r j' 4:?..r, , /7"; Ao IT:, , 1 _Jr I NN.,s \ I \ , , , \\., 43 4/0//// d 1i ( 1-7_,.1-1:111.117:1 ji:j111 -111-11111-11111 i I, 4/ T � , , i--- I—E 176th St -----j-- f � I Ii1 :�— _ i ___ W - -- � _ _i 1- aj11 ; _ L-----_,, �.___ -� r 777t P 41 :---I-I--- 1---fillifFilit:11 (E1:71-? -111-triliE :::: :-]?-- 21--- -17-1i.E.-.11;-1 Lt--:2-1------__1_____r____ —__ Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities :tip��°t, Neighborhoods and Prezone R14-B Aill Strategic Planning Legend - NTo Alex Pietsch,Administrator Februa 6,2008 ��_. :City Limits rYN Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician _..-._..- 0 195 390 780 I Parcels R-14 B, Pg 2 Feet F'odu e i Dy hi;CA),01 Renton tc1 2008 tle City of Re-ton al,r gh,s'es r eed.No war-unties of any son, 1:6,000 (n:l aH'- a bill not I m:pit in itcc..racy,Rnf;4s or rile Name.1EDNSPVGIS projects;lega aescriptionsmxesr. r-hantability accompany ompany this txcd.jct. prezone_Berea-H;Il R14-B.mxd Arrr ORDINANCE NO. 5351 EXHIBIT C R-14 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southwest and Northwest quarters of the Southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly right of way margin of SE 192°a Street with the east line of Lot 12 of Panther Lake Garden Tracts, as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, Page 25, records of King County, Washington; Thence northerly along said east line to the northeast corner of said Lot 12, also being the southeast corner of Benson Woods, as recorded in Volume 159 of Plats, Pages 41-43, said records; Thence northerly along the east line of said Plat to the northeast corner thereof, also being a point on the south right of way margin of SE 189th Street; Thence westerly along said margin to an intersection with the east line of Belgrove at Renton, Div. No. 2, a Binding Site Plan, Alteration No. 1, as recorded in Volume 229 of Plats, Pages 51 through 58, said records; Thence northerly along said east line to the northeast corner thereof, also being the southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of said Northwest quarter; Thence continuing northerly along the east line of said subdivision to the northeast corner of Morgan Court, A Condominium, as recorded in Volume 169 of Condominiums, Pages 38 —44, said records; Thence westerly along the north line of said Condominium to the easterly right of way margin of 108th Avenue SE; Thence southerly along said easterly margin, crossing SE 190th Street to south line of Lot 11 of said Panther Lake Garden Tracts; Thence easterly along said south line to an intersection with the east line of the west 147.5 feet of the Southeast quarter of said Section; Thence southerly along said east line to an intersection with the northerly right of way margin of SE 192" Street; Thence easterly along the various courses of said margin to the Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-14 C,Pg. 1,2/7/2008 URD1NANUJ NO. 5351 l �, - \ f _sE 1:31 . •PI ; I / L_.L. _ , I t ►1► _ � ' I r /_; I 110 1 Q� 1 f r- 1 [� _1 r�_ i 4 I __ i i ) 1 I 1 I 1 f� I T �� F- - IE186t ) �' s€- 86t t Q' :r-. _—I 1 i 11IL " ' ' v i ii ) L � jiuCCIjc: I r i i 1 I 1 7 I XA I J / 11 -- ).. i i -il SETB s ___ 4 ' / I 1� 1 , i �►� i 18 b-st r- r __- tl`7. "---_,)„-\ L.. i_� .___� } i„--in,thy` 1- 8gt I w<,,I, s9t St rao „rue, dr./0; r----1- f I :11- 1--- '-'-j'''” 1 '-'-'1 ---1---------- .. rilertiloCer 1 / j. ..,0„, p / —7 (--- ., -.I p 1 '''''''/' k-----1 i- 1 -/ /1---•••,,i. &):-,,-- i - 7/ i r 1 1 1 i_._\r i__-_-_-___-1, ' \ -----1-1--_Ei 1 f --------7-----7 S_, _?'9? 514- — E 192nd st .�--*---4•-•----.4—"`"-----4-----z I 1 _ , S 1,,s,•:-/9,....-- i — j,T 1 - r 5E 1•5thSt- h ± JLTI: I _-_ r ,•;,, t I Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities +tip °: Neighborhoods and Prezone R14-C Strategic Planning Legend �NTo Alex Pietsch,Administrator r-."' February 6,2008 �� .�City Limits N Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician _ 0 150 300 600 �_ ___] Parcels R-14 C,Pg 2 Feet Produced by the CHy of Renton(c)2008,the City of 1:6,000 (1) Renton all rghis reserved-No warranties of coy sott including but not I:rt,d to nccu acy, itness or File Name:AEDNSPVGIS projects Iega cescriptionsn: � xds. —leichantability,accompany this oroduoi prezone_BensonHif_R 14-C.mzd *tote '440 ORDINANCE NO. 5351 EXHIBIT D R-14 ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Those portions of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, and the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, both in Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Lot 2 of King County Short Plat 777097, recorded under King County Recording No. 7810090778; TOGETHER WITH Lot 1 of King County Short Plat 584027, recorded under King County Recording No. 8505140551; and TOGETHER WITH the north 140 feet of the west 300 feet of the east 340 feet of Tract 10 of said Plat; and TOGETHER WITH the west 340 feet less the north 290 feet and the east 40 feet of Tract 9 of Panther Lake Garden Tracts, recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, Page 25, records of King County, Washington. R-14 D,Pg. 1,2/7/2008 , Uxul080Ch 0U , .7JD1 L____j j I 1 f ill- ' .\ ' --F-T,T-1 -T1-7.1-ir- . , -r- 1 T 1 I , I i--1-Th a I ; ------ ' ____... j 1 , r / / s . L ?- 4 , ETT l I l T---• rt ! I, 1 I .7--itA 1--, 1 # \ v- - i• , Ol ;-----, _._.,..4 ,-- \ 1 e, „...\,,,--, A , 1 t,/_,JI:jj,Iiii H:ji- (1--__77__- ---] 1-7r- I_ _ ____....j://-11L 1 ri ---' , '-'-'i-----' 1 , _ , . i, ,,•:_, .., g it.9th sr:: , __,,_, L.__. , ... , ____\ ......-c---.... : --- , _.- 1 I 1 —I I I 'ri --"--./., 1-/--.-----i __ - .,..._...._._...jrzApP.40 ,FAA r.___„, 1 ...,...__Li,L,,,___, i , ,„.__.,______,,,_,T, ,,,,::,.., : , : __.., i . ____ ._ ,... _ , 1 ' ;‘_,. ,/ / . ,....,..._,.. -- . __ .,.. : „_____ FAk."... I, 1 ___... ••••__-1--- i ,i ! I \ [ -1 r___41.--------, [L. , , ,_........, , ,,. „,_ ..,___., ,,,,,,,,,,,.._.__„----i „•__-----4' rl t 1----1 ; Sti9j / 1 .:TI.----- :4"------- , SE 196th St '- EuonomioDeva�onBenson eOSOO ��ill (�OrO0nUni�8S Neighborhoods and Legend ��[8zOOe ��14-[] ° Strategic Planning //Anw'n '`- AlexPiamoh.Adr�nio�a�, ��~7Limits February 6,2008 N *dhanoJohnson, �anningleohni�an `—~^-City0 185 370 740 Parcels Feet -)�—' - i | �,Y� �, 8 � �p=*""mwm°c.^me�,x=!*sme.m°C/w", 1:6,000 Renton n" o w * of incl—nm~^ ~i�����t~ mow�e.�owspm ORDINANCE NO . 5351 Ntrof EXHIBIT E R-14 ZONE LEGALDESCRIPTION Those portions of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows: The south 140 feet of the east 165 feet of Tract 18 of Panther Lake Garden Tracts, as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, Page 25, records of King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH Tract 23 of said Plat, less the west 100 feet of the south half said Tract 23 lying southerly of the north 150 feet thereof; EXCEPT any portion of the foregoing description lying within public rights of way. R-14 E, Pg. 1, 2/7/2008 VAL11Vtt1YL11 NU. JJJ1 110P . L_._J1 1.. f \'_.___,\\\ - 4bJ ,. ti -----.._.0 1 ____.,,..,c—i(-= -- s -----\ r 7 H. LI 1{I'LI" , ; r iiiii V-11E17 L171-ri 1 I i____ I 111 . H ; LI .....1_ r 1 I i , , , . 1-- _ i i ✓ I ---7 Aft1.4 �.� I E, ..._____ ii_ 1i � i ( I --. it /t i I �r/ sot „. 1 I l [ / 7, ' f i I I I �N / , I ILl— ...1 - _, ,�..., C it `192nd St "'�------ r .1L-. 1,_., 1 i C -1_-_� 1 J i ----r- . , . . 1 / ' 7:41C , .0 _r___...._1_ . r ,..z„40..2„._._r•000. , . , . .,_-1 _.1 „1 " , _1 _.. ._1 R _._ __ ,l 4. ,.3.4.:,;-1--N_ : ..., 1 1,., i ______, .., 4.,,.., . j SE'f9�th St 1 i. ._ _ _____---t- I__ f _ I i ts _ ___ ... ,_._ , __ 1 1 i !, ,, , , .9-th Vii` '4 —L _ 11' I 1 J \l't-°':,,.::':::,',,--,-; f r U I Economic Development, Benson Hill Communities 'tiz °� Neighborhoods and Prezone R14-E Strategic Planning Legend �NTo Alex Pietsch,Administrator '— February 6,2008 �_..�City Limits N • Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician 0 150 300 600 I ] Parcels R-14 E, Pg 2 Feet P ndu:.E 7 by tne City of Renton(c)2008,trip Cay of Renton all rights,es road.No v r antics of any sot., inclu t but n^t mirod to ancJitacy. ns ss or File Name:'EDMSP\GIS projects\legal descriptionsVr^i:Csr 1:6,000 rn r hnntobit ty,accompany this gredu;t prezone_BensonH;It F71 -Emxo %ire February 11, 2008 v,is„% Renton City Council Minutes 'tome Page 48 The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5341 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, RC Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Resource Conservation (RC) zoning; Benson Hill Y Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5342 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, CN Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5343 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, CO Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Commercial Office (CO) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5344 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, RM-F Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #5345 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, RMH Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Residential Manufactured Home (RMH)zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5346 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, CA Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5347 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, R-1 Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-1 (Residential - one dwelling unit per net acre) - ‘,110 *100 February 11, 2008 `fir►` Renton City Council Minutes Page 49 zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5348 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, R-4 Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-4 (Residential- four dwelling units per net acre) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5349 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, R-8 Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-8 (Residential - eight dwelling units per net acre) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5350 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, R-10 Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per net acre) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5351 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Annexation: Benson Hill Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code establishing the Communities, R-14 Zoning zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-14 (Residential - 14 dwelling units per net acre) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER Finance: Benson Hill THE FOLLOWING THREE TOPICS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: Communities Annexation CONTINUED FUNDING FOR THE BENSON HILL COMMUNITIES Funding, Capital Funding ANNEXATION PLAN, FINANCIAL POLICY FOR CAPITAL FUNDING Financial Policy, Newly PLAN, AND FRANCHISE/UTILITY FEES FOR NEWLY ANNEXED Annexed Areas AREAS. CARRIED. Franchise/Utility Fees Citizen Comment: Various - Councilmember Parker reported receipt of letters from Valerie and Michael Monopole Conditional Use O'Halloran (Renton), and Chuck and Fran Gitchel (Renton)regarding the appeal Permit Appeal, T-Mobile, CU- of the Hearing Examiner's decision concerning the T-Mobile monopole 07-041 conditional use permit application. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Newton Ellifrits (Renton) noted a correction to the consent agenda item Citizen Comment: Ellifrits - concerning the appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the T- Monopole Conditional Use Mobile monopole conditional use permit application. He pointed out that the Permit Appeal, T-Mobile, CU- location is SE 3rd P1., not S. 3rd P1. as stated. 07-041 1110° February 4,2008 *toe Renton City Council Minutes ImoPage 37 Following discussion regarding sidewalks as public forums, First Amendment rights, and sign regulations, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR FURTHER RESEARCH. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Pelton - Mel Pelton(Renton) expressed her agreement with the previous speaker's Graphic and Obscene Images comments, indicating that although she supports sidewalk protesters and free Displayed at Talbot Rd S & S speech, the images being displayed are not appropriate. 43rd St CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 1/28/2008. Council concur. 1/28/2008 Community Services: Cedar Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement in the River Natural Zone Boundary amount of$79,500 with PACE Engineers, Inc. to perform a property boundary Survey, PACE Engineers survey of parcels comprising the Cedar River Natural Zone. Refer to Finance Committee. Development Services: Camie Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of Ng Short Plat, ROW dedication for additional right-of-way to extend NE 21st St. to fulfill a Dedication, NE 21st St requirement of the Camie Ng Short Plat(SHP-07-043). Council concur. Human Services: Housing Human Services Division recommended approval of the revisions to the Repair Assistance Program Housing Repair Assistance Program policies. Refer to Community Services Policies Committee. Municipal Court: Judicial Municipal Court requested authorization to hire a Judicial Specialist at Step E of Specialist Hire at Step E the salary range. Refer to Finance Committee. Utility: Hazen 565 Zone Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement in the amount Reservoir Telemetry System, of$33,203.17 with Reid Instruments for installation and programming of the Reid Instruments telemetry system for the new Hazen 565 Zone Reservoir. Council concur. Utility: Upper Springbrook Utility Systems Division requested approval of an agreement with U.S. Army Creek Restoration, US Army Corps of Engineers regarding design and permitting for the Upper Springbrook Corps of Engineers Creek Restoration project. City's cost share is $95,650. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES Council meeting of 2/11/2008 for second and final reading: Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, RC Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Resource Conservation (RC) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. -PT 2)"."1 MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, CN Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. low *4400 - February 4, 2008 'Niro Renton City Council Minutes „wePage 38 Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, CO Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Commercial Office (CO) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, RM-F Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Residential Multi-Family(RM-F)zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, RMH Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Residential Manufactured Home (RMH) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M- 06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, CA Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, R-1 Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-1 (Residential - one dwelling unit per net acre)zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, R-4 Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-4 (Residential - four dwelling units per net acre) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, R-8 Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-8 (Residential - eight dwelling units per net acre) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, R-10 Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-10 (Residential -ten dwelling units per net acre)zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. 1401 February 4,2008 `fir/ Renton City Council Minutes Page 39 - Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain property Communities, R-14 Zoning annexed within the City of Renton from King County zoning to R-14 (Residential - 14 dwelling units per net acre) zoning; Benson Hill Communities; CPA 2007-M-06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/11/2008. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5338 An ordinance was read amending the City of Renton annual 2008 Budget, as Budget: 2008 Amendments adopted by Ordinance 5325, in the total amount of$12,169,435. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5339 An ordinance was read amending Section 10-12-26, Truck Routes, of Chapter Transportation: Truck Route 12 of Title X (Traffic) of City Code by adding new streets as designated. Designation, Houser Way MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Bypass &N 8th St& Logan ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ave N Ordinance#5340 An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget in the amount of$3,433,000 Fire: King County Fire District and authorizing 31 additional staff positions as a result of the contract with Fire #40 Interlocal, Additional District#40 to provide fire and emergency services to the district. MOVED BY Employees, 2008 Budget TAYLOR, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Amend ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Palmer announced that a Neighbors Meeting Neighbors EDNSP: 2008 Neighborhood Leadership Workshop, sponsored by the Renton Neighborhood Program, will Program, Workshop be held on February 9 at the Senior Activity Center. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL RECESS AND ADJOURNMENT INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LITIGATION WITH NO OFFICIAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AND THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED WHEN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION IS ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Time: 8:18 p.m. Executive session was conducted. There was no action taken. The executive session and the Council meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m. 6611444e, Wa-ere'") Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann February 4, 2008 *NI rw.r►' 5 0 Z y. � �� d".'1111, oa e,-, 3 cAc °°AZ°c� coCo 0 4 `n° � �y r "� ., .^'yu2 6- C4oy3 3, a�". 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O �'aYoi v to 03 a o p CY t. °' 0 7/ °• i t s ° �� .� ' "c$ (° '�- •- ami '° • 4.. o a°i 0.z a0i 4 .o RI ,C w ,\j ‘` A o O Ao .-aa m •o o oa00Ha � ° 3 E- o f1 .4 v) 0.1Za *11100 IWO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 336 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON(PARK AVENUE NORTH) FROM RESIDENTIAL 10 DU/AC (R-10) TO COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD (CN) ZONING, FILE NO. LUA-06-160(CPA 2007-M-01). WHEREAS, under Section 4-2-020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 known as "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described in Attachments A &B, has heretofore been zoned as Commercial Neighborhood (CN); and WHEREAS, the property owner initiated a proceeding for change of zone classification of said properties, and the City expanded the area to an additional six properties. This matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about August 1, 2007, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and said zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Commercial Neighborhood as hereinbelow specified. The Neighborhoods and %111015336' ORDINANCE NO. Strategic Planning Division is hereby authorized and directed to change the Zoning Map, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: See Attachments "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. (Park Avenue North). SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of December , 2007. 631-744/tzt4 6da ft Bonnie Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of December , 2007. 41A7 e-ereire Kathy Keolker, Mayor Approved as to form: 019 Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/15/2007 (summary) ORD.1413:11/20/07:ch 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5336 ,,mss 'mow►° PARK AVENUE N 2007-M-01 REZONE FROM R-10 TO CN LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 6 through 9, Block 6, and Lots 7 through 9, Block 7, all in Renton Farm Plat, as recorded in Volume 10, Page 97, records of King County, Washington. Situate in the Northwest quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH that portion of Park Ave N lying between Lots 7 through 9 of Blocks 6 and 7 in said Renton Farm Plat. AND that portion of Park Ave N lying southerly of the above described portion of said Park Ave N, easterly of the centerline of said Park Ave N and northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of said Lot 6, Block 6. AND that portion of the Alley between said Park Ave N and Pelly Ave N lying southerly of the westerly extension of the north line of said Lot 9, Block 6, northerly of the westerly extension of the south line of said Lot 6, Block 6 and easterly of the centerline thereof. 1 of 1 09/20/2007 11:22 AM Arr. ORDINANCE NO. 5336 i 1 I %we I I / / 4100 1111111111111 AI o,,,, 30 Uri icr� s Ave /V ,,dy gy <% o D �2> CD otic _3 rn N _i/ Q. ' .E^, �O E. v (., O / /r- - ells Ave \ Cro 8 = I5',• 5- go c F I go � e , y Ave \ 5. cro I' Ave \ Z �° � , - - F. h5 - Q r + Z —& CD CD O cn1 CJ / CS ' U) A o Gcrde ^ Ave \ 3 O I Vecccc Ave \ II N NO O O 1 F ctcry . \y _ P 1 } ,4004 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5335 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING 'FILE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON(QIP PROPERTY SOUTH OF SUNSET BOULEVARD) FROM INDUSTRIAL- HEAVY (I-H) ZONING TO RESIDENTIAL 10 DU/AC (R-10) ZONING,FILE NO. LUA-06-167(CPA 2007-M-05). WHEREAS, under Section 4-2-020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described in Attachments A and B has heretofore been zoned as Industrial-Heavy(I-H); and WHEREAS, the property owner initiated a proceeding for change of zone classification of said property, and the City expanded the area to an additional five properties. This matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about August 1, 2007, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and said zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential 10 du/ac as hereinbelow specified. The Neighborhoods and 101101 ORDINANCE NO. 5335 Strategic Planning Division is hereby authorized and directed to change the Zoning Map, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: See Attachments "A" and "B" and attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. (QIP Property south of Sunset Boulevard). SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of December , 2007. Bonnie Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of December , 2007. Kathy Keo , Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/15/2007 (summary) ORD.1418:11/20/07:ch 2 _ORDINANCE NO. 5335 ,W 1 C _m -r- v I ' I" �.._ ,-i--,--->T-1 � , III � 1 I i_ 1 N I m --"" I , S- '.th St _-i J —� �_. 1 S+langoonrRd I I r!--,/,f!--, I t ; III . 1 I�� i i j \ ` 1 , r I \. 602 I ndrst . S133[d_St I— S 132 I-----" _ I I 1 I i IrTT1-.,',,..,„„,:',.‘,..„;s,,111----; I [ — � H t __-- i I I-1 1 1 1 I I _ 1 _1 I >~T rt I j � 4�J TT-1:T iii111 ; � t-jf `I Tr \ I "-I j i �� �<a r, S'135thrI 1 �. �.-tI •, I I �y l ---7-• -.,� 4t/�,Sti i 1 '- , ; I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 ( I 1 r� y --- lit il y 1 ...._ moo, ' Q Q4. �\\ \ `-, /` _ ---:::__,,-------,-1-7-1:.1-,,,,,`,N - mks, ® - >>� t --r-__-71:7--1:11-5----.-T � \� i�. \\\\\\ C. / ______:::1:4.14pre, , r �- N. �� T 143rd o-r'\ v --- `, /, / / /. \:\ ti,.„,1 �a 1 �a �, St, � , 7 e 1 o 1 Iv 0. tTLFIL I .;. _ - 1 Sunset Blvd Rezone from I-H to R-10 ticY � , Economic Development, • Neighborhoods and Attachment A � Strategic Planning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A.Johnson,Planning Technician N Legend 7.November 26,2007 l• ,: /......../7_.._,,,,I.. Rezone from I-H to R-10 0 300 600 1,200 Feet 1:9,600 Produced by City of Renton(c)2007,the City of Renton File Name:H:IEDNSP\GIS projects\rezoneslmxdsl all rights reserved.No warrantiesrchof any sort,including but not rezone_from_IH_to_R10.mxd limited to accuracy,fitness or meantability,accompany this product. Amerna ORDINANCE NO. 5335 ATTACHMENT B talie *41400 SUNSET BLVD/QIP 2007-M-05 REZONE FROM I-H TO R-10 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 1, 2, 3 and the East 9.70 feet of Lot 4, all in Junction Addition, as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats,page 75, Records of King County, Washington, lying northerly of the southerly right of way margin of the former Beacon Coal Mine Road, as vacated by King County Commissioners Journal, Volume 29, page 3. All situate in the Southwest quarter, Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. 1 of 1 12/04/2007 8:38 AM 410( Nose CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 3 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON (VIRTU PROPERTY SOUTH OF SUNSET BOULEVARD) FROM RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RMF) ZONING TO RESIDENTIAL 10 DU/AC (R-10) ZONING, FILE NO. LUA-06-167 (CPA 2007-M-05). WHEREAS, under Section 4-2-020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described in Attachments A and B has heretofore been zoned as Residential Multi-Family (RM-F); and WHEREAS, the property owner initiated a proceeding for change of zone classification of said property. This matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about August 1, 2007, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and said zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, 'THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential 10 du/ac as hereinbelow specified. The Neighborhoods and 4 '' / ORDINANCE NO. 5334 Strategic Planning Division is hereby authorized and directed to change the Zoning Map, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: See Attachments "A" and "B" and attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. (Virtu Property south of Sunset Boulevard). SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this l0thday of December , 2007. l �4. CJa.1,ta,,L) Bonnie Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of December , 2007. -Ke476/;4K--e Kathy Keo r, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/15/2007 (summary) ORD.1420:11/27/07:sr 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5334 �,, �,ai ! l r y — 1 Lailhiv.: 101:.:,,tsj: 1 a ttf, \ I , S 129 tt J• j li 1-�- J i I (-_ �... i._ f . , VJ Ir- \ y r • > �:, r==.76,,:___, / S"130th a II w �� S Langston i ' 1 - L----1):-. I I I , l- i I- j i Q r� -' s7133[d St._r 1 .1j / ilTI I j , , � 1iI I �Ir_."T-,'34St � ; t- _, � ; j thz I \ Cfi� 'g✓r 1 1 "''il I I i 1 1,,,.._1.1 [---Hi i � I � •�--..--16,31542' � �"��a .... i I III 1 1 1• 1 �, �� �` may .. , 407),147 I / 3 I /� �o it Pr'''';:' ''''''PT:41‘77141)!ri... / — `��Vliv 11 rilr7i1rirr. /A \ \\ \‘ 44‘1"/Z''' l' '''N'''''';,...,,,;., ,,,,,,<----- I ____---1 i I ,:_••:„,/ 1 ii i, ,41, ' — ----/— I - . - i i ,„, \\\ „ ., _I A V ' / \ � �� Wlt S / t; y�o V —_ �s� Oak da 3 \ \ / j v"- /QAAe s� mac ', i �� D to to J \;,. 1-11,- I i -7I il Y 3 ;Cy'o� Economic Development, Sunset Blvd Rezone from RM-F to R-10 e� Neighborhoods and Attachment A ,.. .. Strategic PLanning Alex Pietsch,Administrator A.Johnson,Planning Technician N Legend November 26,2007 rdrA Rezone from RM-F to R-10 0 300 600 1,200 Feet 1:9,600 Produced by City of Renton(c)2007,the City of Renton all File Name:H:\EDNSP\GIS projects\rezones\mxds\ rights reserved.No warranties of any sort,including but not rezone_from_RMF_to_R10.mxd limited to accuracy,fitness or merchantability,accompany this product. ORDINANCE NO. 5334 ATTACHMENT B SUNSET BLVD/VIRTU 2007-M-05 REZONE FROM RMF TO R-10 LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the easterly 716.8 feet of the northerly 1510.74 feet of the Donation Land Claim of C.E. Brownell, designated as Claim No. 41, said Land Claim being a portion of Sections 13 and 14, both in Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of said Donation Land Claim with the South line of said northerly 1510.74 feet thereof; THENCE North 88° 34' 18" West, a distance of 426.25 feet along said South line; THENCE North 68° 00' 36" East, a distance of 464.60 feet, to a point on the East line of said Donation Land Claim, said point also being 184.65 feet north of said intersection; THENCE South 01°27'12" East, a distance of 184.65 feet along said East line, to the Point of Beginning. Situate in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. 1 of 1 11/14/2007 4:22 PM CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 333 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON (RAINIER AVENUE) FROM RESIDENTIAL 10 DU/AC (R-10) TO COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) ZONING, FILE NO. LUA-06-161 (CPA 2007-M-02). WHEREAS, under Section 4-2-020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described in Attachments A and B, has heretofore been zoned as Commercial Arterial (CA); and WHEREAS, the property owner initiated a proceeding for change of zone classification of said properties, and the City expanded the area to an additional four properties. This matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about August 1, 2007, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and said zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Commercial Arterial as hereinbelow specified. The Neighborhoods and ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 3 3 Strategic Planning Division is hereby authorized and directed to change the Zoning Map, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: See Attachments "A" and "B" and attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. (Rainier Avenue). SECTION U. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of December , 2007. Bonnie Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of December , 2007. Kathy Keolkot, Mayor Approved as to form: o�w�.�►<�� V u�_ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/15/2007 (summary) ORD.1415:11/20!07:ch 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5333 RAINIER AVE S 2007-M-02 REZONE FROM R-10 TO CA LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter and of Government Lot 4 in Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the westerly margin of the D.C. Mitchell County Road (Rainier Ave S) with the northerly margin of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line right of way; Thence North 02° 18' 49"East, a distance of 200.02 feet along said westerly margin; Thence North 89° 51' 11" West, a distance of 2.97 feet, to the westerly right of way margin of State Highway No. 2 (Rainier Ave S); Thence continuing North 89° 51' 11" West, parallel with said Pipe Line right of way, a distance of 156.11 feet; Thence North 06° 32' 49" East, a distance of 50.32 feet; Thence North 89° 51' 11" West, a distance of 143.50 feet, to the easterly right of way margin of Hardie Ave SW (91St Ave S) and the True Point of Beginning; Thence northerly along said easterly right of way margin, to an intersection with the southerly right of way line of a 25 feet wide County Road (SW Victoria St); Thence easterly along said southerly right of way line, a distance of 103 feet; Thence southerly, perpendicular to said southerly right of way line, a distance of 165.59 feet, to an intersection with a line 406 feet north of and parallel with said northerly margin of said Pipe Line right of way; Thence North 89° 51' 11" West along said line 406 feet north of and parallel with said northerly margin, to the Northwest corner of that Tract of land conveyed by Deed recorded under Rec. No. 6469261; Thence South 06° 32' 49" West, a distance of 157.14; Thence North 89° 51' 11" West, a distance of 128.40, to the True Point of Beginning. 1 of 1 11/14/2007 4:49 PM t lk ORDINANCE NO. 5333 v ‘1100 *lie O O O O O N i-- ON I II L o v r CN -5 - ID CID1 ' I cd C C N CC and Jai U i c O cisa> 5 E �CD E CDG cn C Q 0• N +-. -!- S CID A 0__ I as m \ �— at* c . U — c N cA .23 \ CV v 0 0 A cD .. O N • y `g o X a) f t' y (--/-_, i . N >CIL) 1 Ego r ``i G N cc .�) NS1 V N __�_ W 9 A V pui-� -c wa�� 0 0 Er _ 46 CC 1W Z /, J • CC N\.., 'ie e Amends ORD 5100 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 3 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 4-2, ZONING DISTRICTS —USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY ALLOWING RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME (RMH) ZONING TO IMPLEMENT THE RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY (RLD) LAND USE DESIGNATION. WHEREAS, the City of Renton amended its Comprehensive Plan to allow the Residential Manufactured Home (RMH) zone to implement the Residential Low Density (RLD) land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, changes in the Renton Municipal Code are needed to implement the Comprehensive Plan policy change; and WHEREAS, this matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about September 20, 2006, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and said zoning text amendment request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 4-2-010D of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 3 2 General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown on Attachment 'A'. SECTION II. Section 4-2-020 F of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts—Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows: The Residential Manufactured Home Park Zone (RMH) is established to promote development that is single family in character and developed to offer a choice in land tenancy. Standards provide for safe and high-quality manufactured home neighborhoods. It is intended to implement the Low Density, Single Family, and Medium Density Land Use Comprehensive Plan designation. The RMH Zone is intended to protect established manufactured home parks and to expand the variety of affordable housing types available within the City. Interpretation of uses and project review in this zone shall be based on the purpose statement, objectives and policy direction established in the Residential Low Density land use designation, Objective LU-DD through LU-EE, Policies LU-133 through LU-146, Residential Single Family land use designation, Objective LU-FF, Policies LU-147 through LU-156, or the Residential Medium Density land use designation, Objective LU- GG through LU-II, Policies LU-157 through LU-181 and the Community Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5332 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of December , 2007. d Bonnie Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th.'day of December , 2007. 1 , oele Kathy Keo r, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/15/2007 (summary) ORD.1417:11/16/07:ch 3 ORDINANCE NO. 5322 ATTACHMENT A I'` D. ZONES IMPLEMENTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan Designations are implementing by certain zones: Comprehensive Plan Designation Implementing Zones Residential Low Density(RLD) Resource Conservation(RC) Residential— 1 DU/AC (R-1) Residential—4 DU/AC (R-4) Residential Manufactured.Home (RMH) Residential Single Family(RS) Residential— 8 DU/AC (R-8) Residential Manufactured Home (RMH) Residential Medium Density(RMD) Residential— 10 DU/AC (R-10) Residential Manufactured Home(RMH) Residential— 14 DU/AC (R-14) Residential Multi-Family(RM) Residential Multi-Family(RM-V, RM-I, RM-F) Urban Center Downtown (UC-D) Center Downtown (CD) Residential Multi-Family(RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Traditional (RM- T) Urban Center North(UC-N) Urban Center—North 1 (UC-N1) Urban Center—North 2 (UC-N2) Commercial/Office/Residential (COR) Commercial/Office/Residential (COR) Center Village (CV) Residential— 14 DU/AC (R-14) Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) Residential Multi-Family Urban(RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Traditional (RM- T) Center Village (CV) Commercial Corridor(CC) Commercial Arterial (CA) Commercial Office (CO) Light Industrial (IL) Employment Area Industrial (EAI) Light Industrial (IL) Medium Industrial (IM) Heavy Industrial (IH) Employment Area Valley(EAV) Commercial Arterial (CA) Commercial Office(CO) Light Industrial (IL) Medium Industrial (IM) Heavy Industrial (IH) Resource Conservation(RC) Commercial Neighborhood (CN) Commercial Neighborhood(CN) "%.r wry CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5331 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 4-2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" TO AMEND THE REGULATIONS REGARDING THE RAINIER BUSINESS DISTRICT OVERLAY AND THE DECISION CRITERIA FOR STAND ALONE RESIDENTIAL IN NE 4th, SUNSET,AND PUGET BUSINESS DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use element supports efficient use of urban services and infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use element establishes policies for the Corridor Commercial designation that encourage employment, commercial, and residential opportunities; and WHEREAS, the Commercial Corridor designation is implemented by Business Overlay Districts in Title IV that include additional regulations for site design and residential uses; and WHEREAS, the standards for residential development in the Business Districts require amendments to implement the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the boundary of the Rainier Business District requires an amendment to better implement the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for mixed use urban development; and WHEREAS, this matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about August 1, 2007, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning • ORDINANCE NO. 5 331 Commission, and said zoning text amendment request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and WHEREAS, the City Council held a second public hearing on October 1, 2007 having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 4-2-120A of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended as shown in Attachment A. SECTION H. Section 4-3-040J (Rainier Avenue Business District) of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended as shown in Attachment B. SECTION III. Section 4-3-040B(4) Rainier Ave. Business District, of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows: 4. Rainier Ave. Business District: The area (RMC 4-3-040J) along Rainier Avenue to Airport Way on the north and to the Houser railroad trestle on the south where it abuts the Renton Automall District. (Amd. Ord. 4839, 5-8-2000) 2 %we ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 31 SECTION IV. Section 4-3-040F (Development Standards for Uses Located Within the Northeast Fourth Street, Puget Drive, Rainier Avenue, and Sunset Boulevard Business Districts) of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is amended to read as follows: 1. Northeast Fourth, Puget, Rainier, and Sunset Business Districts: a. Maximum Front Yard Setback: Maximum front setback of fifteen feet (15') from the property line. In the NE Fourth Business District, the fifteen-foot (15') setback may be modified to accommodate the Boulevard Improvement Plan. When the fifteen-foot (15') setback is modified, a fifteen-foot (15') landscaped buffer shall be required within the enlarged setback. Required parking shall not be located within a modified setback. b. Public Plazas: There shall be provision of a public plaza of no less than one thousand (1,000) square feet with a minimum dimension of twenty feet (20') on one side abutting the sidewalk. The public plaza must be landscaped consistent with RMC 4-4-070, including at minimum street trees, decorative paving, pedestrian- scaled lighting, and seating. These public plazas are to be provided at all intersections in the business districts at the intersections identified: 3 410 144.9 ORDINANCE NO. 5 331 i. In the NE 4th Business District, any intersection with NE 4th Street. ii. In the Sunset Business District, any intersection with Sunset Boulevard. iii. In the Puget Business District, at the intersection of Benson Road and Puget Drive. iv. In the Rainier Avenue Business District, at the intersections of Rainier Avenue and South 3rd, as well as Rainier Avenue and Airport Way. c. Future Commercial Development Pads: For parcels that are not fully developed, designate appropriate areas for future pad development to occur in later phases. d. Parking: The maximum number of parking spaces provided for uses within the corridor designation is limited to the minimum requirement in RMC 4-4- 080F10, Number of Required Parking Spaces. Garage structures shall not open directly onto a principal arterial or street. Parking lots shall be oriented to minimize their visual impact on the site. No more than six (6) stalls may be consecutively clustered without an intervening landscaped area a minimum of five feet (5') in width and the length of the stall. e. Pedestrian Connections: 4 ..r ORDINANCE NO. 5331 i. Location of Pedestrian Connections: (a) A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided to connect the entry or entries of each detached building to the street in addition to sidewalks required in RMC 4-6-060F. (b) A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided from each parking field located on the back and/or side of a building to the entry or entries. (c) A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided from each side of a property or development abutting or adjacent to commercial and/or residential uses. (d) Space for the minimum required pedestrian connections above shall be reserved for future pad development and when the proposed development is abutting or adjacent to an unused parcel. ii. Design Standard for Internal Pedestrian Connections: 5 %00 *iisov ORDINANCE NO. 5 331 (a) Pedestrian connections shall be ADA accessible and a minimum of five feet (5') in width. (b) At least one of the following materials shall be used to define the walkway: pavers, changes in texture, or changes in the composition of the paving. (c) The entry and exit of the walkway shall be defined with a trellis, special railing, bollards, or other architectural features, as approved by the Reviewing Official. (d)Planting strips required in RMC 4-6- 060F shall be located between the road and the required sidewalk. Trees, shrubs, groundcovers, and perennial planting are required components of landscaping. Landscaping is subject to the requirements of RMC 4-4-070. (e)Bollards or other decorative features may be provided at the pedestrian access points between commercial and residential uses. Chains across vehicular 6 ORDINANCE NO. 5331 or pedestrian access points are prohibited. f. Additional Standards for Stand Alone Residential Uses: Site design shall include design elements that support a quality mixed use business district. The following minimum standards shall be met; however, the Reviewing Official may require additional elements consistent with site plan review criteria when determined necessary to integrate commercial and residential uses within this district. i. Street Grid: The project shall use a modified street grid system where residential buildings are oriented to a street. A public street grid system within the project shall be provided. No cul-de sacs allowed. Hammerhead turnarounds may only be used if the ends are able to accommodate future connection as part of the modified street grid system. Emergency fire access shall be provided through public streets or private easements connecting to the adjacent commercial or residential area. ii. Site Design: Each unit shall address the public street, private street, or court with a private 7 ORDINANCE NO. 5 a31 residential entry on the front facade of the structure designed to provide individual ground floor connection to the outside. iii. Residential Building Size: A maximum of four (4) consecutively attached units shall be allowed. iv. Minimum Land Area: A minimum of one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet of land area per dwelling unit is required. Each dwelling shall have a ground-related private useable outdoor space of at least two hundred (200) square feet with a minimum dimension of ten feet (10'). v. Building Design Standards: Urban Design Regulations District B standards shall be required. See RMC 4-3-100. Distinctive building design shall be provided with a superior level of quality for materials, details, and window placement. A consistent visual identity shall be applied to all sides of building that can be seen by the general public. Buildings should integrate pitched roofs, dormer windows, etc., to illustrate residential massing. Variation 8 Nfte ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 31 of modulation of vertical and horizontal facades of a minimum of six feet (6') depth and twenty feet (20') length is required at a minimum of a forty-foot (40') interval to reduce overall bulk and add interest and quality. Facades may be articulated with bays, terraces, balconies, awnings, stoops, recessed openings, etc. Large "boxes" without articulation are not allowed. No parapet or roofline shall exceed one-half the length of the building facade without a change in elevation. Building entries should be the most prominent feature of the facade, emphasized through the use of materials and architectural detail such as tower, projections, varied roofs, trellis work, pergolas, or covered entryways. vi. Walling and Fencing: Any walling or fencing shall use materials used in the architectural treatment of the dwellings. In addition, where fencing occurs between residential and commercial uses, a minimum of one pedestrian access point shall be required consistent with the standards above. 9 ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 31 vii. Additional Residential Parking Standards: Parking must be within an enclosed structure located to the rear of the primary structure or in a detached garage with rear access. If this absolutely cannot be accomplished due to physical constraints of the site, then garages shall be designed to have minimum impact on streetscape appearance and function through the use of shared drives, architectural detailing, or facade design. The required guest spaces for attached residential uses may be surface parking. g. Additional Standards for Mixed Use (Within the Same Building) Commercial and Residential Uses: Site design shall include design elements that support a quality mixed use business district. The following minimum standards shall be met; however, the Reviewing Official may require additional elements consistent with site plan review criteria when determined necessary to integrate commercial and residential uses within this district. i. Access: Hammerhead turnarounds may only be used if the ends are able to accommodate future 10 ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 31 N.., connection as part of a modified street grid system. Emergency fire access shall be provided through public streets or private easements connecting to the adjacent commercial or residential area. ii. Site Design: Commercial space must be reserved on the ground floor of all mixed used buildings, at a minimum depth of thirty feet (30) along the street frontage on the ground floor in the NE 4th, Sunset, Rainier, and Puget Business District Overlay. Residential uses shall not be located in the ground floor commercial space, except for a residential entry feature linking the residential portion of the development to the street. iii. Building Design Standards: Urban Design Regulations District B standards shall be required. See RMC 4-3-100. Distinctive building design shall be provided with a superior level of quality for materials, details, and window placement. A consistent visual identity shall be applied to all sides of building that can be seen by the general public. Variation 11 %JO 410 ORDINANCE NO. 5331 of modulation of vertical and horizontal facades of a minimum of six feet (6') depth and twenty feet (20') length is required at a minimum of a forty-foot (40') interval to reduce overall bulk and add interest and quality. Facades may be articulated with bays, terraces, balconies, awnings, stoops, recessed openings, etc. Large "boxes" without articulation are not allowed. No parapet or roofline shall exceed one-half the length of the building facade without a change in elevation. Building entries should be the most prominent feature of the facade, emphasized through the use of materials and architectural detail such as tower, projections, varied roofs, trellis work, pergolas, or covered entryways. iv. Additional Mixed Use Parking Standards: Parking for the residential units must be within an enclosed structure located under the residential portion of the building. The required guest spaces for residential uses may be surface parking. 2. Rainier Avenue Business District: The district shall have the following additional requirements: 12 ORDINANCE NO. 5331 a. Access points are to be consolidated to properties. b. New billboards prohibited. c. Freestanding signs are restricted to monument signs. d. Sidewalk width at the intersections of Rainier Avenue and SW Sunset Boulevard/South Third Street, Rainier Avenue and South Third Place, and Rainier Avenue and South Fourth Place shall be ten feet (10'), minimum. e. Maximum setback of fifteen feet (15'). Building setback for a primary use may exceed the maximum; provided, that a designated area for a future pad development that will conform to the maximum setback is established through a recorded document. f. The number of parking spaces provided for uses within the district is limited to the minimum requirement. SECTION V. Section 4-3-100B of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to add a new subsection, to read as follows: 4. This Section shall also apply to residential and mixed-use residential projects located in the Sunset, Northeast Fourth Street, Rainier Avenue, and Puget Drive Business Districts. See RMC 4-3-040. (Ord. 5191, 12-12-2005) 13 ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 31 41100 SECTION VI. Section 4-9-030K Special Decision Criteria for Stand Alone Residential Uses in the NE 4th, Sunset, or Puget Business Districts of Chapter 9, Permits- Specific, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows: K. SPECIAL DECISION CRITERIA FOR STAND ALONE RESIDENTIAL USES IN THE NE 4TH, SUNSET, OR PUGET BUSINESS DISTRICTS: 1. Stand alone residential is not allowed to be located within one hundred fifty feet (150') of an adjacent or abutting arterial street, or in the Rainier Avenue Business District. The arterial streets are to include Sunset Boulevard, Duvall Avenue, Anacortes Avenue, or Union Avenue in the Sunset Business District;NE 4th Street, Union Avenue, or Duvall Avenue in the NE 4th Street Business District; and Puget Drive or South Benson Road in the Puget Drive Business District, as shown on the Business District Maps in RMC 4-3-040. 2. Stand alone residential use may be allowed when it is located a minimum distance of one hundred fifty feet (150') from an adjacent or abutting arterial street, subject to an administrative conditional use permit (see RMC 4-2-080A.18.c). The arterial streets to be included are identified in 4-9-030.K.1. 14 ORDINANCE NO. 5331 3. A conditional use permit may be issued when it has been found that: a. A mix of commercial, service, and residential uses exist within a one hundred fifty foot (150') radius of the proposed residential use, and b. Commercial use of the property is not feasible for reasons including, but not limited to: lack of commercial frontage, lack of access, critical areas and/or critical area buffers, or property configuration, and c. Residential use will augment the primary purpose of the commercial arterial zone, and d. A pedestrian oriented physical connection between the residential and the commercial uses will be provided, and e. The use as stand alone residential serves as a transition between the commercial and any lower density R-10 and/or R-8 zoned areas in proximity and a visual, pedestrian, and vehicular connection from the residential zoned areas to the commercial arterial zoned areas will be provided, and f. Development standards from RMC 4-3-040F are met unless the applicant opts for a planned urban 15 'ORDINANCE NO. 5331 development, subject to RMC 4-9-150. Pedestrian connection standards from this section are met without modification. (Ord. 5191, 12-12-2005). SECTION VII. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of December , 2007. Wa Bonnie Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of December , 2007. Kathy Keolleer, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/15/2007 (summary) ORD.1416:11/27/07:sr 16 • Noe' Nene uu)i 0 C co ` W 2 C y ° co a) ZI a) .� a) c U c c ° E Q a) .;7,c 3 > > cca o m e a)r-s a) • CD ° a) .i -5. a) ° a) a) _a ca ° _c � ° rs � m Cca) ° �? a c ° O L _ ° 0) a) (0 ' ;c2a) • d) � Eu) u) -di o o 0) o 5 .S 0 5 " c 70 Ts )- O ,� a) c § Li- OEi: -CI (/ 4) p Cr m O L ,� • W a) ° •. .. o a) LL �c ° ca u) aC'? o 5 ai p7 c ca ., -0 ° -- y a) v) 0. ° o �v as -c' Z u, o L ° cs E ° 0 o O ° 22 co a) mu) •- a ° .E caHa) cu) Eos N Q_ U c a) •• c•a . ca 0): .0 Q- O .O O .- .° 2 .. c c o w c c ca > c N " cuL ° C °) .. v) gid• c c . , mla ca o E = , I- a) Z a) •S i O -omM 0) o ° E = c a) 'EO c ca c) s u> 0 ca ° c C • olE ° � (q o a) cn H aa)• c co o ami • aXi U �i � d .^Y� ° a) Y ..0 -0 a To Q a.) u_ a) ° ° ai ••°) 2 ° 3 � � o -0 ci o C F- o o Z Q O W a) C c C .0 ca O O ., K c� L a _ _ > C (' a) 0 cn 0 C O O N O O O Q) a) CO c O O O U ZZU) Z o Qo Z Nom , O. 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E U / / k $ k \ $ ƒ f § � $ % baa EO7 m7 = co co 2 N cL Cl) cO ± cL ® f ca c / -5cC « o c / .- w % o ,_ to e 5 \ \ U2 z / ± 0 o \ \ 2 1 k d co b Q o 9 / 0 / k\ \ - ni / c 9 0 \ 0 4 r o N 7 _1 # « # r / Q ee7CC o L « _ cn 2 0 2 5 2 E 2 K 2 m \ 4 z f th / % » � o ± ± o 0 CD I)) z o 5 £ 2 th = a) < m In o ° n / @ _c n -I o Q o re 0 3 3 m o 2 6 U m E m z m ± o g £ o& th r w 0 oo0 w - CL CO\\ \ \ � ® k ¢ CI) ,_ 9 43 ca rI o 9 0 4 / tet § 9 % # f - 2 ,co . 4 # 2 2 2 0 0) 0 2 a CC / % / W \ < / / Cl) U) o - / u) 2 0 k Ce ■ o cCOo E RI CD q -J 0 C '0 C 2 0 C - (0 F2 ■ o � g c k a) 0 c c CD 0 ( ce CD CD ORDINANCE NO. 5331 Attachment B [ i / - ,`... i 1 I C - r-,----------,... 7--- / CA1 ' CA ---, M 1 -•`,--__ -.___ ----.*---..- / - ----/ - _ CA CA ------ - - _ ..... ---- CA A I 1 , / CA CA , I) // J/ \ 7( 7,// CA _.-----1-----r 1-- -1- ---I - -, p \ , \\\ , -_---_=-----i--- ji 1 /I - -- L__ / I -- --7 T i A _1----/ _ ___ I _ //----- \c K _ i_ Rainier Business District , ,,<• —0 Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning + + Alex Eietsch,Administrator — CE.Feasel U ,c0 19 June 2007 N *so *4•01 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5 3 2 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON (HIGHLANDS STUDY AREA) FROM RESIDENTIAL- 10 DU/AC (R-10) ZONING TO RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RM-F), FILE NO. LUA-06- 128 (CPA 2006-M-6). WHEREAS, under Section 4.2.020 of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 known as the "Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Renton," as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described in Attachments A and B has heretofore been zoned as Residential- 10 du/ac; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton initiated a proceeding for change of zone classification of said property. This matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study, and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about September 20, 2006, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and said zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5285 on May 14, 2007, which changed the Comprehensive Plan land use designation for these properties from Residential Medium Density(RMD)to Residential Multi-Family(RMF); and WHEREAS, the RM-F zoning designation is consistent with the RMF land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan; ORDINANCE NO. 53 28 WHEREAS, the RM-F zoning designation is consistent with the RMF land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential Multi-Family as hereinbelow specified. The Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Division is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: See Attachments "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. (Highlands Study Area). SECTION H. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of December , 2047. (,iJa1 c Bonnie Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of December , 2007. Kathy Keolldr, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/15/2007 (summary) ORD.1409:11/14/07:ch 2 mom, -, Attachment A ORDINANCE NO. 5328 ......, ...fe >• 1. , . , 00 - _:. - --. , - .. \ i , _\ • . , .0 .- . ... , . . . .. '' ,- \ s\=_, ..,. . .%. •'6:6... r : -5. 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Fr 1 j, Rezone from Residential-10 du/ac to 0 1000 2000 S ....14,,...4 Residential Multi-Family 1 : 12000 ORDINANCE NO. 5328 No HIGHLANDS REZONE REZONE FROM R-10 TO RMF LEGAL DESCRIPTION Attachment B The North five acres of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington; EXCEPT roads. , December 10,2007 Renton City Council Minutes ripoe Page 438 department divisions. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5325 An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 2008 in the total Budget: 2008 Annual City of amount of$234,638,924. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, Renton COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5326 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, Utility: System Development of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code to allow for adjustments to Charges System Development Charges. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5327 An ordinance was read annexing approximately 2,406 acres of property Annexation: Benson Hill generally bounded by the City of Renton corporate boundary on the west and Communities, S 200th St& north, SE 192nd St. and S. 200th St. on the south and on the east, 108th Ave. 128th Ave SE SE, the eastern edge of Boulevard Lane Park, the western edge of Boulevard Lane Division No. 2, and 128th Ave. SE, if extended, but including Renton Park and Charles Lindberg High School; Benson Hill Communities Annexation. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5328 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties Planning: Highlands Study within the Highlands Study Area from R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per Area Zoning Correction, acre) to RM-F(Residential Multi-Family)zoning; LUA-06-128; CPA 2006-M- Monroe Ave NE 06. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5329 An ordinance was read adopting the 2007 amendments to the City's 2004 Comprehensive Plan: 2007 Comprehensive Plan, maps and data in conjunction therewith. MOVED BY Amendments BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5330 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Comprehensive Plan: 2007 Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code to amend the Amendments, CN Zone regulations regarding the location of required parking in the Commercial Parking Regulations Neighborhood zone. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5331 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Zoning Districts- Uses and Comprehensive Plan: 2007 Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code to amend the Amendments, Business regulations regarding the Rainier Business District Overlay and the decision Districts Regulations criteria for stand alone residential in the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget business districts. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5332 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Zoning Districts-Uses and Comprehensive Plan: 2007 Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code by allowing Amendments, Allowing RMH Residential Manufactured Home(RMH)zoning to implement the Residential to Implement RLD Low Density (RLD) land use designation. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Alek 44140 December 10,2007 Renton City Council Minutes , Page 439 Ordinance#5333 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Rainier Ave. Rezone: Rainier Ave properties from R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per acre)to CA Properties, R-10 to CA, CPA (Commercial Arterial) zoning; LUA-06-161; CPA 2007-M-02. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5334 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Virtu property Rezone: Virtu Property South south of Sunset Blvd. from RMF (Residential Multi-Family) to R-10 of Sunset Blvd, RM-F to R-10, (Residential - ten dwelling units per acre) zoning; LUA-06-167; CPA 2007-M- CPA 05. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5335 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the QIP property Rezone: QIP Property South of south of Sunset Blvd. from IH (Heavy Industrial) to R-10 (Residential- ten Sunset Blvd, IH to R-10, CPA dwelling units per acre) zoning; LUA-06-167; CPA 2007-M-05. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5336 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Park Ave. N. Rezone: Park Ave N properties from R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per acre) to CN Properties, R-10 to CN, CPA (Commercial Neighborhood) zoning; LUA-06-160; CPA 2007-M-01. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL DEFER THE Annexation: Red Mill, COLLECTION OF THE $2,500 PROCESSING FEE FOR THE PROPOSED Application Fee RED MILL ANNEXATION UNTIL IT IS KNOWN WHETHER THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD WILL AGREE TO DELETE IT FROM THE PROPOSED FAIRWOOD INCORPORATION BOUNDARY. CARRIED. King County: Flood Control Councilman Clawson reported that the King County Flood Control Zone Zone District Property Tax District Advisory Committee's recommendation for a property tax levy of ten Levy cents per$1,000 of assessed valuation to repair the levee system was adopted. Noting that this will benefit Renton and the region, he requested that the City express appreciation to the King County Councilmembers who supported this. Council: Resignation Councilmember Clawson read a letter submitting his resignation of office as a Announcement(Clawson) Renton City Councilmember, Position No. 2, effective 1/1/2008. Explaining that he needs to devote more time to his law practice, Councilmember Clawson stated that it is within the best interests of the people of Renton that he step aside in favor of a person who is better able to devote the time and energy necessary to serve effectively on the City Council. Mr. Clawson expressed his appreciation to City staff; elected officials representing Renton, the State of Washington, and other jurisdictions in the region; CAO Covington; Mayor Keolker; and to his family. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ACCEPT COUNCILMEMBER CLAWSON'S RESIGNATION LETTER EFFECTIVE 1/1/2008. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Miller(Bonney Lake) introduced himself as the President of Renton Citizen Comment: Miller- Employees Local 2170 and noted that one of the City's goals is to retain a City Workforce Retention skilled workforce. He claimed that Renton's unwritten guideline to pay within the 60 percentile leads employees to seek work at other municipalities. Mr. Miller emphasized that the retention of skilled employees is important to the City and its growth, and he suggested enhancing recruitment and changing the position reclassification date. %100 **01 December 3, 2007 *ogle Renton City Council Minutes Page 425 NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER Finance: Gambling Tax GAMBLING TAX REVENUES TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Revenues CARRIED. Council: Meeting Cancellation MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CANCEL (12/17/2007) THE 12/17/2007 COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mary Urback(Puyallup), representing O'Farrell Properties (2007 Citizen Comment: Urback- Comprehensive Plan amendment; Rainier properties), expressed her pleasure 2007 Comprehensive Plan regarding working with staff on the Comprehensive Plan amendment process. Amendments She commended staff for educating both the applicant and the public on the amendment process, noting that community involvement is encouraged. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:34 p.m.) Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann December 3, 2007 *01.0 December 3,20071✓" Renton City Council Minutes Page 423 NE, police presence on Union Ave. NE, and four-way stop at NE 24th St./Union Ave. NE. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL HOLD THE RESOLUTION UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING.* Council discussion ensued regarding the additional review by staff of concerns and ideas, and it was agreed that the matter would be discussed at the Transportation (Aviation) Committee on December 5. *MOTION CARRIED. Added A resolution was read declaring a local emergency, as conditions of peril to the Resolution #3921 safety of persons and property have arisen within the City caused by a storm Public Safety: Declaration of with heavy rains. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL Local Emergency ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/10/2007 for second and final reading: Fire: Department Name and An ordinance was read amending Chapter 5, Fire Department, of Title In Responsibility Changes (Departments) of City Code by changing the duties of the Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator and to change the responsibilities of the various department divisions. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Budget: 2008 Annual City of An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 2008 in the total Renton amount of$234,638,924. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Utility: System Development An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, Charges of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code to allow for adjustments to System Development Charges. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read annexing approximately 2,406 acres of property Communities, S 200th St& generally bounded by the City of Renton corporate boundary on the west and 128th Ave SE north, SE 192nd St. and S. 200th St. on the south and on the east, 108th Ave. SE, the eastern edge of Boulevard Lane Park, the western edge of Boulevard Lane Division No. 2, and 128th Ave. SE, if extended, but including Renton Park and Charles Lindberg High School; Benson Hill Communities Annexation. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Planning: Highlands Study An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties Area Zoning Correction, within the Highlands Study Area from R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per Monroe Ave NE acre) to RM-F (Residential Multi-Family) zoning; LUA-06-128; CPA 2006-M- 06. MOVED BY BRIERS, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: 2002 An ordinance was read adopting the 2007 amendments to the City's 2004 Amendments 7. Comprehensive Plan, maps and data in conjunction therewith. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. I✓ 'N December 3,2007 ;v Renton City Council Minutes *id Page 424 Comprehensive Plan: 2007 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2,Zoning Districts - Uses and Amendments, CN Zone Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code to amend the Parking Regulations regulations regarding the location of required parking in the Commercial Neighborhood zone. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: 2007 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Zoning Districts -Uses and Amendments, Business Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code to amend the Districts Regulations regulations regarding the Rainier Business District Overlay and the decision criteria for stand alone residential in the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget business districts. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: 2007 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Amendments, Allowing RMH Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code by allowing to Implement RLD Residential Manufactured Home (RMH) zoning to implement the Residential Low Density (RLD) land use designation. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Rezone: Rainier Ave An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Rainier Ave. Properties, R-10 to CA, CPA properties from R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per acre)to CA (Commercial Arterial) zoning; LUA-06-161; CPA 2007-M-02. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Rezone: Virtu Property South An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Virtu property of Sunset Blvd, RM-F to R-10, south of Sunset Blvd. from RMF (Residential Multi-Family)to R-10 CPA (Residential - ten dwelling units per acre) zoning; LUA-06-167; CPA 2007-M- 05. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Rezone: QIP Property South o i An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the QIP property Sunset Blvd, IH to R-10, CPA south of Sunset Blvd. from IH (Heavy Industrial) to R-10 (Residential -ten dwelling units per acre) zoning; LUA-06-167; CPA 2007-M-05. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Rezone: Park Ave N An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Park Ave. N. Properties, R-10 to CN, CPA properties from R-10 (Residential - ten dwelling units per acre) to CN (Commercial Neighborhood) zoning; LUA-06-160; CPA 2007-M-01. MOVED BY BRIERS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5323 An ordinance was read providing for the 2007 year-end budget amendments in Budget: 2007 Year-End the total amount of$4,141,991. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY Amendments LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. t.imm. %MO ;I December 3,2007 Nor' Renton City Council Minutes Vt Page 421 The second round of applications totaled $7,317, with the remaining balance of $452. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 266537 - 266884 and one wire transfer totaling $159,489.82; and approval of zero Payroll Vouchers, zero wire transfers, and zero direct deposits totaling $382.29. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT TO TAKE OUT THE $382.29. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE AMENDED FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Committee on Committees Council President-Elect Palmer presented a Committee on Committees report Council: 2008 Committee recommending the following Council committee chairmanships and committee Assignments assignments for 2008: Community Services Committee: Terri Briere, Chair; King Parker, Vice Chair; Randy Corman, Member. Finance Committee: Don Persson, Chair; Terri Briere, Vice Chair; King Parker, Member. Planning and Development Committee: King Parker, Chair; Dan Clawson, Vice Chair; Greg Taylor, Member. Public Safety Committee: Greg Taylor, Chair; Randy Corman, Vice Chair; Don Persson, Member. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Randy Corman, Chair; Don Persson, Vice Chair; Dan Clawson, Member. Utilities Committee: Dan Clawson, Chair; Greg Taylor, Vice Chair; Terri Briere, Member. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report Committee regarding the Highlands Study Area rezone correction. The Committee Planning: Highlands Study recommended that Council adopt the rezoning of the parcels located between Area Zoning Correction, Olympia Ave. NE and Monroe Ave. NE, south of NE 12th St. in the Highlands Monroe Ave NE area, to Residential Multi-Family zoning in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the recommendations of the Highlands Task Force on zoning. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 423 for ordinance.) Comprehensive Plan: 2007 Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report Amendments P4 recommending concurrence in the staff and Planning Commission recommendation to approve the 2007 Comprehensive Plan amendments and concurrent rezones as shown on the matrix entitled "2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments," summarized as follows: • 2007-M-01 —Alan Kunovsky applicant; Map amendment to change Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to Commercial December 3,2007Nue' Renton City Council Minutes Page 422 Neighborhood (CN) with CN zoning, and change zoning text amendments related to parking. • 2007-M-02—O'Farrell Properties, LLC &City of Renton applicants; Map amendment to change Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to Commercial Corridor with Commercial Arterial zoning, and change zoning text amendments related to business districts. • 2007-M-03 —City of Renton applicant; Map amendments and concurrent prezoning related to New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation site. • 2007-M-04—Robert Cave & John Cowan applicants; withdrawn. • 2007-M-05 —David Halinen applicant; Map amendment to change Employment Area- Industrial with Heavy Industrial zoning to Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning. • 2007-M-06—City of Renton applicant; Map amendments and concurrent prezoning related to Benson Hill Communities Annexation site. • 2007-M-07—City of Renton applicant; denied. • 2007-T-01 —City of Renton applicant; Text amendment to update Capital Facilities and Transportation elements to reflect housekeeping changes. • 2007-T-05 —City of Renton applicant; Text amendment, updating the Land Use Element, to the Residential Low Density land use designation to allow Residential Manufactured Home as an implementing zone. The Committee recommended that the ordinance for all Comprehensive Plan amendments and all concurrent City Code Title IV text amendments be presented for first reading. The Committee further recommended that the ordinances for concurrent rezones of property included in Applications 2007-M-01, Park Ave.; 2007-M-02, Rainier Ave.; and 2007-M-05, QIP and Virtu properties; be presented for first reading. The ordinances for concurrent rezones of property included in Application 2007-M-06, Benson Hill Communities, that was annexed into Renton as part of the Hudson Annexation will be presented for adoption in January 2008. The ordinances for concurrent prezones of property included in the portion of Application 2007-M-06, Benson Hill Communities, that will be annexed into Renton as part of the Benson Hill Communities Annexation will be presented for adoption prior to the effective date of annexation, 3/1/2008. The ordinances for concurrent prezones of property included in Application 2007-M-03, Maple Valley Hwy. Corridor, will be presented for adoption prior to the effective date of the New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation, estimated as 4/1/2008. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See pages 423 and 424 for ordinances.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Streets: Duvall Ave NE A resolution was read authorizing the temporary total closure of Duvall Ave. Closure, Road Improvements NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way.* Project Councilmember Persson recommended holding the resolution for one week due to the concerns raised during the public hearing, such as parking at Sierra Heights Elementary School, signal light timing at NE Sunset Blvd./Duvall Ave. %00 "ft...? APP O D BY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CiTY COUNCIL s COMMITTEE REPORT Date /g-3-oOG 7 December 3, 2007 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments (Referred 2/26/2007) The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence in the staff and Planning Commission recommendation to approve the 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and concurrent re-zones as shown on the matrix, Attachment A, 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. The ordinance for all Comprehensive Plan amendments, and all concurrent Title IV text amendments is to be presented for first reading on December 3,2007. The ordinances for concurrent re-zones of property included in Applications 2007- M-1 Park Ave, 2007- M-2, Rainier Ave, and 2007 M-5 QIP and Virtu properties, will be presented for first reading December 3, 2007. The ordinances for concurrent re-zones of property included in Application 2007-M-6, Benson Communities, that was annexed into Renton as part of the Hudson Annexation will be presented for adoption in January 2008. The ordinances for concurrent pre-zones of property included in the portion of Application 2007-M-6, Benson Communities, that will be annexed into Renton as part of the Benson Communities Annexation will be presented for adoption prior to the effective date of annexation,March 1, 2008. The ordinances for concurrent pre-zones of property included Application 2007-M-3 Maple Valley Highway Corridor, will be presented for adoption prior to the effective date of the New Life Aqua/Barn Annexation, and'estimated as April 1, 2008. Tern Brere, Chair Dan Clawson,Vice Chair (2/ G ,ccIL •- Marcie Palmer,Member cc: Mayer-Keel e Alex Pietsch,EDNSP Administrator Rebecca L'►td, L'DWSP %.0 Naipo G. : '-� a) � ozzWH2o U X2 4O O f N Wi ) 4) aoO ° d O k",111 -.E. w' . 0 • co •,-W 8 0 z to >'°'19 3 E^ 3 �� 3 co °0 a)o a) ca 0 c Eo t-. Eo L Eo`-' Eton c m >. a_a u ,N ci pEco�t 8 oEN d p2�0 co m o)�'N aUXN ( `N U `1-w .Op..NZ 0 00 Z,w a) m O-2 o U v)2 ca ,a a) N N p ° EU 550.2 m OZ 8 h c �`Q roc E €•- c ZW (Tao cu E p 8 Z V ° ° o ° u E 5'rl ') E m nE N E z a= c 0- 2 8 a 0. O m O 22 O Z z 0 00< . Z5 o o c Qa)c �� m a02, .c a) .C ° La) 0 0 °-E n E E �: °� a,. 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LAI�YOUNOS 'All Ri��! dfild mom d......._ A��waaaaaa...�a���a, ri.rr RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT AREA DESIGNATIONS ED Residential Low Deneiry =Emig° yment Area_InJ A..l UResidential Single Family Q FnPloymcnt Ate-Valley City of Renton o Residential Medium Density • EDNSP Residential Multi-Family Comprehensive Planeclmical Services COMMERCIAI.DESIGNATIONS .DESIGNATIONS ATVdopted D ber 10,zom Land Use Map cn�l Neighborhood Rmide CENTER DESIGNATIONS CmmuciaUg6/Resedmnd 0 2640 5280 0 e.m.vaus. -Commotio Corridor -...,. immemmwomismmemsmm U in Center Downtown ' Udine _ City Limier 1"=1 Mile urt.n Growth Boundary ifee 1 1,4 RECE'EvE+ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, DEC 0 3 2007 NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATE4tiTON City COUNCIL PLANNING DEPARTMENT cin,OF RENT ON ocv - Nrv0 MEMORANDUM DEC 0 3 2007 RECEIVED c TY CLERKS OFFICE DATE: December 3, 2007 TO: Terri Briere, Committee Chair Members of the Planning and Development Committee CC: Kathy Keolker,Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Alex Pietsch, Administrator we , STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind, Long Range Planning Manager(x 6588) SUBJECT: Planning and Development Committee Action on the Benson Hill Communities Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Pre-Zoning(CPA#2007-M-06) The attached documents complete the revisions to the Benson Hill Communities Comprehensive Plan and pre-zoning recommendation. At the direction of the Committee on November 29, 2007, staff made three additional changes. The attached revised recommendations provide necessary documentation and analysis needed to make the mandatory findings for these Comprehensive Plan and zoning actions. 1. Attachment 1: Properties east of 116th Ave SE (PIDs: 6198400161, 6198400163, 198400160, 6198400141, 61198400162, and 6198400142) Jeff Meyer and five contiguous property owners. a. The recommendation is amended from Residential Low Density with R-4 zoning to Residential Single Family with R-8 zoning. 2. Attachment 2: Steve Beck Property(PID#2473360270) a. The recommendation is amended from Residential Low Density with R-1 zoning to a split designation Residential Low Density with R-4 zoning for 21.2-acres and Residential Single Family with R-8 zoning for 11.8-acres. 3. Attachment 3: Washington Investment LLC, Panther Creek Apartments property(PID # 6623400181) a. The recommendation is amended from Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning to Residential Multi-Family with RMF zoning, and b. A Comprehensive Plan text amendment is recommended to add a policy to the mapping criteria for Multi-family zoning h:\ednsp\comp plan\amendments\2007\2007 map amendments\2007-m-06 benson hill\revisions memo p&dc dec3.doc Terri Briere,Planning and Deve' nent Committee Chair +N Page 2 of 2 December 3,2007 Proposed Policy LU-184.1. Properties that are a part of annexations into the City and have existing multi family land use, but do not meet the criteria as stated in Policy LU-184, may be designated Residential Multi-Family when properties meet the following criteria: 1) There is a pre-existing and long term use of multi family development; and 2) The property is 43,560 square feet or less in size, and 3) The designation shall not be used as justification for expanding Residential Multi-Family zone to other properties. h:\ednsp\comp plan\amendments\2007\2007 map amendments\2007-m-06 benson hill\revisions memo p&dc dec3.doc Attachment 1 ,,•,, REVISED RECOMMENDATION Properties east of 116th Ave SE (PIDs: 6198400161, 6198400163, 198400160, 6198400141, 61198400162, and 6198400142) November 30,2007 ISSUE: • Should the existing Comprehensive Plan Designation of Residential Single Family(RS) be changed for these parcels? • Is the Residential Low Density(RLD) designation with R-4 zoning appropriate given the development pattern occurring under King County zoning at the intersection of 116th Ave SE and SE 192nd St? RECOMMENDATION: Retain the RS designation for six parcels located at the intersection of 116th Ave SE and SE 192" St. ANALYSIS: The Comprehensive Plan currently shows RS for these properties. Upon annexation, the implementing zoning under the current Comprehensive Plan for these parcels would be R-8. The policy question is whether Renton policies support continuation of the R-8 density and development type or whether the R-4 density and development type is achievable for this area. The Renton RLD designation provides policy direction stating that the R-4 zoning should be designated in those areas with suitable environments for suburban and/or estate style single- family residential dwelling(Objective LU-EE). Policy LU-143 provides that within the R-4 area, larger lot development that increases the supply of upper income housing should be encouraged. Policy H-9 encourages larger lots on parcels with physical amenity features such as views, significant vegetation or steep slopes. The Renton RS designation provides for"land intended to be used for quality detached residential development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that larger subdivision, infill development and rehabilitation of existing housing be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single family living environments."Purpose p. IX-27. Development vested and planned in this immediate vicinity already sets a pattern similar to Renton's R-8 zone that allows a 5,000 square feet lot size and a 50-foot width. The type of housing created in these plats is typically a standardized stock single-family product, substantially different from the larger and more custom development anticipated in the RLD designation. The development pattern at this location has progressed under King County zoning sufficiently to preclude implementation of Renton's RLD policies at this corner location. These properties are contiguous to the RS and R-8 pre-zoned land west of 116th Ave SE and the six properties abut one another to form a cluster of development. Property owners of the six parcels have proceeded with engineering plans with King County. In addition, these parcels are adjacent to R-8 levels of H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\P&DC Revisions Memo November 30.doc Attachment 1 "olio'' density on the four corners of the intersection including land in the Kent PAA, across 192nd St. and across 116`"Ave SE. The cluster of R-8 density that results at the intersection creates in a different land use pattern than found in other portions of Study Area 16 where larger lots continue to exist. The other properties vested under King County standards throughout this larger area are non-contiguous and do not share an adjacent or abutting boundary with properties designated for the R-8 zone. Because the adopted Renton Comprehensive Plan is RS for these six properties, a Comprehensive Plan amendment is not needed. Upon annexation, R-8 zoning will implement this Comprehensive Plan designation. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of R-8 implements the RS designation. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION: The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F; as indicated above infill development is in compliance with the residential development objectives and purpose of the R-8 zone and as such is in the public interest. b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; The Comprehensive Plan is Single Family Residential and R-8 is the implementing zone, and c. At least one of the following circumstances applies: The subject reclassification to R-8 was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning of this area in 1995. Page 2 of 2 • ■ r . .• 1 .. ..., '• 4.11J SE P r---- skv Rd 1 is ® ■ I ,u♦♦ Ii 9 � • - ill! 11, �ii Ex �r ,,�� 1.� x I i .. Ellai t& 1Pk 11111m- • �11� ■1 IL_EI __1___IN. - - I ! ■■ � _ o- N L N 1 1 ' 14th St ----f--- a am I �iNI H_______ \ kV-- ei ii mor � E,.� A111111 � ��� ;ma _ � �t�72, �111.1 ■■!i =ns.ty Qr _, � II I t.,[7- \ ---'- ,l ■ z 4 / � ■1■ 10Th■M1IIIIII �,� ��r Z- , ,T- `' 1 j o \ (, \--- - v-- An MI 44 W _ _II , PI, i ., CD Mr , V!',:i..,',.i 'Ai. w iiin .1ms mg _ it1 � $n ® 1I1I �ir�11 r i KeIRSA 4' B r Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map 14 *kW ,,fir Attachment 2wr .,,ars REVISED RECOMMENDATION Steve Beck Property (PID #2473360270) December 3, 2007 ISSUE: • Should the existing Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Single Family(RS) be changed for this parcel? • Should the implementing zone be R-8? • Is the Residential Low Density(RLD) designation with R-4 zoning appropriate on a portion of the property given the documented critical areas bisecting the property? RECOMMENDATION: • Retain the RS designation for the portion of the property east of the 100 foot wetland buffer associated with the Molasses Creek stream and wetland as documented in the City of Renton GIS data. • Change the portion of the property constrained by critical areas to RLD implemented by R-4 zoning. ANALYSIS: This property is part of Study Area 1 of the Benson Hill Communities. The staff report of September 27, 2007, presented an analysis and findings for changing the area from Residential Single Family with R-8 zoning to Residential Low Density with R-4 zoning. The recommendation is revised as a result of additional information submitted by the property owner to the Planning and Development Committee on November 29, 2007. The original recommendation of Residential Low Density with R-1 zoning was based on the assumption that this parcel was part of a homeowner's association tract. Upon notification by the property owner, Steve Beck, that this assumption in incorrect, and that this is a separate private parcel, staff evaluated a combination of Residential Low Density with R-4 zoning and Residential Single Family with R-8 zoning for pre-zoning the property prior to annexation. The westerly 21.2-acres of the site is constrained by two streams identified in the City's GIS database and a pervasive wetland. This portion of the site meets Renton policies for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to RLD with R-4 zoning(Objective LU-EE). The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan sets aside land for residential low-density use, including lands appropriate for larger lot housing stock at four dwelling units per acre and lands inappropriate for urban densities. Under Objective LU-DD, the purpose of the RLD designation is to provide for a range of lifestyles, protect critical areas, provide for urban separators, promote compatible uses, and to provide a transition area to rural designations in King County. The RLD designation in the Comprehensive Plan is implemented using three zoning districts: Resource Conservation (RC), Residential 1 dwelling units per acre (R-1), and Residential four dwelling units per acre (R-4). The Comprehensive Plan makes a distinction between R-4 zoning and lower density zoning in the policies under Objective LU-DD. R-4 zoning should provide for urban, estate-style, and higher income housing on lands without pervasive critical areas. Lower density zoning in the H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\P&DC Revisions Beck Prop Dec. 3.doc *OW VISF Attachment 2 RC and R-1 zones should be implemented in areas with a prevalence of significant environmental constraints. R-4 zoning should be used for lands available for urban development with portions of unconstrained land (Objective LU-EE). The 21-acre portion of this parcel includes at least one large net 3.46-acre area that is available for urban development and large enough to provide an opportunity for infill development using the standard of Renton's R-4 zone. Renton regulations would require an 8,000 square feet lot size with a 70-foot lot width and compliance with the four dwelling units per net acre density standard. The easterly 11.8-acres of the site is unconstrained and meets adopted policies for Residential Single Family with R-8 zoning. New development occurring in other parts of Renton under Renton's R-8 zone is occurring with a 5,000 square feet lot size and a 50-foot width. The type of housing created in these plats is typically a standardized stock single-family product, rather than a custom designed house. Houses are closer together with smaller lots, higher density, and smaller yard areas than the type of housing created in the Renton R-4 zone. The Renton RS designation provides for"land intended to be used for quality detached residential development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that larger subdivision, infill development and rehabilitation of existing housing be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single family living environments."Purpose p. IX-27. Because the adopted Renton Comprehensive Plan is Residential Single Family, a Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning findings are needed to change the 21-acre portion to Residential Low Density with R-4 zoning. The Comprehensive Plan designation does not need to be changed for the easterly 11.8-acre site, however, zoning amendment findings is needed for implementation of the R-8 zoning. FINDINGS FOR RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY,R-8 PORTION ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of R-8 implements the existing Residential Single Family designation. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION: The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180; as indicated above, infill development is in compliance with the residential development objectives and purpose of the R-8 zone and as such is in the public interest. b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; The Comprehensive Plan is Residential Single Family and R-8 is the implementing zone, and c. The subject reclassification to R-8 was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning of this area in 1995. Page 2 of 3 Attachment 2 Now �..r FINDINGS FOR RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY R-4 PORTION The proposed amendments for RLD reviewed meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G. The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan,by providing an adequate land supply for future infill single family housing and adding to the housing stock to accommodate a diverse population. The housing stock will range from larger"move-up"homes to smaller single-family homes (Vision p. II-2, paragraphs 2 and 3). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The recommended changes comply with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan Objective LU-DD and LU-EE as indicated in the analysis section. The site is a large parcel with both streams and wetlands present based on the City's GIS database. However, there is sufficient net developable area to provide infill housing development meeting adopted policies for residential development in the R-4 zone. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of R-4 implements the Residential Low Density designation in the Comprehensive Plan. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; as indicated in the analysis section this report. The proposed amendment complies with the vision and policies of the Comprehensive Plan b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; With the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments, the RLD designation required for R-4 zoning will be established. c. At least one of the following circumstances applies The re-classification to R-4 was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning review for this area in 1995. Page 3 of 3 t t SSS p?. 'r, .0'.;'.''-;,-.., \ ' / 1 i ' *P,!5‘.`\ ; ti. ruR 7 517,059.98 Sq Ft. 4. E 170th St , ' _:-' ‘...,,,"1.2:,. '•''': ; -.,.'`-%-f,;.0...."- '''' d'''' " ( ) '', R ,,,:..,.,-, ,,, ,,- s- , '--, '''t,..:,;',',','[,,;:; 'C':e-:','''-'' -/'' -''. - \ .../ F I , r'-'•,-..-- . , ( • ® , i SE dPt 3 2 a � 17 c. �� ' ,i,„ )-' ,• , : i ! . 1/11 _ j . ��e. (-7-,„7---7„.,,,,,____,________.„___, 57731 � �� '� / 150,837.19 , _ , � � Sq.Ft #4e*efi‘*;\\'''.44'10',1',..,itfli‘-;;#' 0:;7:, - 1 '• ; .;,' - -„ ,‘ ,.. ...-;,6,-4,0'„A,;„$,..4/40,$:",,....4;,4241'6,°,..410.1:', ,,-- ,,,,,,?y,";."151/•,1',„,,:v""•+•;r,',;(•,'„4•.e,"";;"<*':"de ",igc•''..,4'4,/ 1 -" R‘4",..';';,<P,: `;',= '-',107i4r,.:O.Aso 7-` ' ,,_ , - ,,-_'--;,'' , -...,;,........ ,-•-•,. , ' -...,,,,,_,,, ., d M 2„ ' SE Petro • Benson Hill Annexation Area Legend Map Section 1 Economic Development, _••._•••, ��� �� Neighborhoods and �,,,,_J Benson Hill Annex Boundary Revised Recommendation .,„6,:. c� Strategic Planning Buffer 75F Buffer 100F N Alex Pietsch,Administrator December 3,2007 Adriana Johnson,Planning Technician R-1 Zoning 0 100 200 aoo Feet l _ Produced by City of Renton cc)2007..the City of Renton all R-8 Proposed from R-1 1:4,000 rights reserved No warranties of any so .including but not H:\EDNSP\GIS_projeCts\benson htII1mXdS\ limited to accuracy.fitness or merchantability..accompany this product. section1_revised_recommendation.mXd Attachment 3 Noe — REVISED RECOMMENDATION Panther Creek Apartments November 30, 2007 ISSUE: Property owners are requesting consideration of Residential Multi-Family(RMF) zoning rather than R-14 zoning for this site. The property is a stand-alone multi-family property with R-48 zoning in King County. At the last Planning and Development Committee meeting, the Committee asked for additional information about citywide multi-family mapping policies and directed staff to look for a way to resolve the zoning issues on this property. RECOMMENDATION: Revise the Comprehensive Plan text to adopt a policy allowing the mapping of Residential Multi-family for stand-alone existing multi-family development in annexation areas. Map the Panther Creek Apartments property(PID 6623400181) as RMF in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and approve concurrent RMF pre-zoning. BACKGROUND: Residential Multi-Family (RMF) Zoning The property involved in this request does not meet the adopted and current policy for mapping multi-family uses. In addition, the property would be legal non-conforming under either the R- 14 or the RMF zoning because it is an older multi-family complex with density of approximately 35 dwelling units per acre. The RMF designation has a maximum density of 20 dwelling units per net acre. The R-14 designation has a density of 14 dwelling units per net acre with a bonus to 18. The property owners prefer the RMF to R-14 because the allowed density is a little higher and the zone title recognizes multi-family development. City of Renton policies regarding the zoning of Residential Multi-Family(RMF)have been very consistent and have restricted new multi-family zoning to locations that have existing multi- family contiguous on two sides. Access to any new multi-family is restricted through a lower density land use designation. Policy LU-184. Expansion of the residential Multi family designation is limited to properties meeting the following criteria: 1) Properties under consideration should take access from a principal arterial, minor arterial, or collector. Direct access should not be through a less intense land use designation area. 2) Properties under consideration must abut an existing Residential Multi family land use designation on at least two (2) sides and be on the same side of the principal arterial, minor arterial, or collector serving it; and 3) Any such expansion of the residential Multi family land use designation should not bisect or truncate another contiguous land use district. The resulting pattern of development for multi-family housing in Renton places most apartments and condominiums in locations where the need for services and infrastructure can be easily accommodated. These policies have also helped to ensure that areas of lower density are H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Panther Creek ApartmentsRevi sedNo v.3 0.doc Attachment 3 tow buffered from the higher density RMF land use. In a recent evaluation regarding the zoning of multi-family in the City, it was found that the RMF zone is almost exclusively placed on areas: • Where there are multiple and/or contiguous properties of multi-family housing, • Or where a single parcel is large in size and has many units of housing. For example, west of the Renton Municipal Airport, the RMF zone has been applied to an area that has ten properties with 100 units in an area that is 3.99 acres in size and the Benson Downs Apartments with 312 units is located on a single parcel of land that is over 25 acres in size. It is these principles and precedent that were applied to the pre-zoning of RMF in the Benson Hills Communities. Residential 14 (R-14) Zoning The R-14 zone has a density bonus that allows properties to be developed to a maximum of 18 units per acre. The zone has a fair amount of flexibility in regards to the resulting form of residential development, including: • Multi-story apartment style development, • Town homes, • And single-family dwellings. In regards to the pre-zoning of R-14 in the Benson Hill Communities, the zone was frequently applied to areas where the existing density is higher than what is allowed. New Multi-Family Mapping Policy The City Council's direction for new policy is to allow long standing multi-family uses to be appropriately zoned without undermining existing multi-family zone mapping policies. Council directed that the new policy should recognize existing use and reduce non-conformity,but not allow the further expansion or create a precedent for extension of multi-family zoning. The proposed policy language ensures that the new mapping criteria would strictly apply to properties that have pre-existing multi-family development, are on small parcels of land, and are in annexation areas. Proposed Policy LU-184.1. Properties that are a part of annexations into the City and have existing multi family land use, but do not meet the criteria as stated in Policy LU-184, may be designated Residential Multi-Family when properties meet the following criteria: 1) There is a pre-existing and long term use of multi family development; and 2) The property is 43,560 square feet or less in size, and 3) The designation shall not be used as justification for expanding Residential Multi-Family zone to other properties. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The recommended land use change from Residential Single Family(RS) to RMF more closely recognizes King County zoning and existing developed conditions on the site. Policy LU-44 Page 2 of 3 Attachment 3 ,.r *my provides that existing land uses should be considered during the annexation process. Objective LU-Q provides that the effect on non-conforming structures on character of the conforming patterns of Renton's neighborhoods should be minimized. The policy would indicate that zoning that minimizes non-conformity should be supported. With the new Policy LU-184.1, the site will meet required mapping criteria. The parcel is developed with long standing multi-family use and is less than 43, 560 square feet. Amendment of the Comprehensive Plan complies with Section 4-9-020G. Review Criteria number 4 by amending the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate new policy directives of the City Council. Both the text amendment and the implementation of the mapping criteria to allow existing stand along multi-family to be zoned in the more conforming multi-family zone are new policy directives. The new Policy LU-184.1 implements Policy LU-44 and LU-Q. The purpose statement of the multi-family zone states that multi family zoning is intended to encourage a range of multi family living environments that provide shelter for a wide variety of people in differing living situations,from all income levels, and in all stages of life. The existing multi-family project at this location provides affordable rental housing opportunities for small sized households and is consistent with the overall purpose of this zone. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of RMF implements the Residential Multi-Family designation as amended. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION: The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; as the amendment responds to new policy direction of the Council, and b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; see Comprehensive Plan Compliance and c. At least one of the following circumstances applies: The subject reclassification to Residential Multifamily was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning of this area in 1995. Page 3 of 3 *ir Nero miimmimmonimiiimi 1NNIM1II1I1 M1 ,■ ,■ mow 111 ' kw.. am Now1i■111131 Emmiam E. III �u :11!__ EN i1i!Ir mil - Ill* 4 "NI ir mi RE drikkt."1144A IAN& IN al I • il alivo, NEI w!+ R-8 LLJ MI ■ • /MOO kir._ ad_ _� � ■ � � Qk 1 . .1,0 = mi sv, MIL 2 - - 1 8• 1 n `► �_ SE 1 SC 1 • ' ) ' Intil :---i ■ �_ ` - n mit , kra \ ----- 1 MI • Residenti.lim -� -- Single - up f ' PI Family > c� R-8 c 1111, --(--+8 1111 (1) R-14 milk Am ra . liai gm �. Residents --NFedium A_ Densly 11111111.111 lin II MIN .pi' 19 6 t 1111.111111 ' Ii 1111111 . 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E Q 43 bli eat cfi - W � >a m: N N , -I a • c z _ mo-_ c0E , c O o at O CO of0ON0 U LLI- O, = e ` nv�ln �2 r1�PJn RECENEd Pt y `3 p 1441?-00-1 NOV 2 9 2007 ��Y 0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, RENTON °Ty COUNCIl ± E; + NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DEC 0 3 2007 RECEVED GCLERK'SOFFICE: DATE: November 27, 2007 TO: Tern Briere, Chair Planning and Development Committee FROM: Alex Pietsch, AAdm�diniatorp STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind, Long Range Planning Manager(ext. 6588) SUBJECT: Revisions to the Recommended 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Zoning/Pre-zoning As a result of public input received at the City Council public hearing, or through letters, email, and telephone correspondence, City staff reviewed several additional issues and areas in greater detail. After considering new information and public input, we made several changes in our Comprehensive Plan and/or pre-zoning recommendations. Issue papers documenting the revised recommendations are attached for your consideration. Issue 1: CPA#2007-M-03, Maple Valley Highway Corridor(Attachment 1) Rick Lennon,property owner of a vacant 6-acre parcel (PID#2223059004), requests change from Residential Single Family with R-8 zoning to Residential Medium Density with R-14. Issues 2 through 7: CPA#2007-M-06,Benson Hills Communities Issue 2: Hudson Property(Attachment 2) Bruce Hudson, property owner at 16627 Benson Rd S (PID# 0087000335),requests reconsideration of the recommendation for the property developed as Hudson Photography from Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning to Commercial Neighborhood with CN zoning. Issue 3: Renton Fire Station (Attachment 3) Staff requests reconsideration of the concurrent zoning recommendation for the Renton Fire Station at 17040 108th Ave SE(PID#2993959168)to Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning. This property is within the existing City limits and should be re-designated R-14, consistent with the pre-zoning of the surrounding area. Issue 4: Village Chapel Church (Attachment 4) Christopher Wagner of the Huntington Heights Condominium Board corresponded with the City Council in September about the proposed zoning for several parcels in the area including h:\ednsp\comp plan\amendments\2007\2007 map amendments\2007-m-06 benson hill\p&dc revisions memo.doc Terri Briere,Planning and Develont Committee Chair 9� Page 2 of 2 November 27,2007 Huntington Heights, the Fire District property, KinderCare Learning Center, Euro Institute, and Village Chapel Church. At the last Planning and Development Committee meeting, a representative of Village Chapel Church addressed the Council and requested commercial zoning for the church property. Mr. Wagner followed up with correspondence and testimony at the City Council meeting of November 5, 2007, noting that the City's mapping criteria states that commercial land use should be mapped to parcels contiguous to an arterial. Staff concurs with this general observation. The proposed pre-zoning map for the Benson Hill communities shows Village Chapel Church as Residential Medium Density and staff continues to support that recommendation. Issue 5: R-4 Area, East of 116th Ave SE (Attachment 5) Jeff Meyer, property owner at 19100 116th Ave SE, requests consideration of higher density zoning for several properties in the area bordered by 116th Ave SE, SE 188th St, 120th Ave SE and SE 192' St. Staff recommends: • Retaining the recommended R-4 zoning based on adopted policy criteria in the Land Use and Housing Elements of the Comprehensive Plan • Consider providing an amendment in the R-4 zone to allow density of four dwelling units per gross acre rather than per net acre on a)parcels of a minimum Y2 acre or b) cluster development on larger parcels. This amendment would require a minor text amendment in the Comprehensive Plan text to allow the gross density calculation. The density change would allow subdivision of parcels of at least one half acre. Issue 6: Panther Creek Apartments,Washington Investment, LLC (Attachment 6) Washington Investment, LLC,property owners of Panther Creek Apartments at 19235 108th Ave SE, request Residential Multi-Family zoning rather than R-14 for parcels fronting 108th Ave SE. These parcels are currently zoned for multi-family zoning in King County. The R-14 zone provides for townhouse development with a bonus to 18 dwelling units per acre. The property is developed with a legal non-conforming multi-family structure. The Planning and Development Committee considered this request at its last meeting and requested some additional information from staff about how similar multi-family developments are handled in other parts of the annexation area and in the existing City. Staff continues to recommend R-14 zoning based on adopted policy direction and consistency in mapping criteria for multi-family properties citywide. Issue 7: Renton School District(Attachment 7) The Renton School District requests designation of the P-Suffix on School District properties throughout the annexation area. This request does not require a Comprehensive Plan amendment but should be included in the overall recommendation to the full Council so that staff can bring the P-suffix proposal forward during pre-zoning adoption. The P-Suffix is applied only to properties owned by public sector entities, and requires an additional public meeting prior to any consideration of surplus or re-use of property. The P-suffix also provides an additional height bonus for designated property. Staff concurs with this request and recommends that all public property in the annexation area be designated with the P-suffix at the time of pre-zoning adoption. h:\ednsp\comp plan\amendments\2007\2007 map amendments\2007-m-06 benson hill\p&dc revisions memo.doc Attachment 1 _ REVISED RECOMMENDATION Maple Valley Highway Corridor,Lennon Property DESCRIPTION: Rick Lennon,property owner of a vacant 6-acre parcel (PID#222305-9004), abutting the south side of the Renton—Maple Valley Highway(SR 900)has requested reconsideration of staff's earlier recommendation for a Comprehensive Plan amendment for this parcel from Residential Single Family(RS) designation implemented with Residential 8 (R-8) zoning. The property owner requests Residential Medium Density(RMD) designation with Residential 14 (R-14) zoning, subject to a development agreement restricting development to no more than 45 dwelling units. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Residential Single Family(RS) to Residential Medium Density(RMD)with the potential for R-14 zoning upon an approved development agreement. 2. Future development on this site should be restricted to a maximum of 45 units and be required to comply with the Condominium Declaration for Molasses Creek, Phase 1, including restricting vehicular access through Phase l's entry road and private road system. 3. Future rezoning to R-14 would be conditional upon an approved development agreement restricting the total number of units on the six-acre site to 45 condominium units that are architecturally compatible with the character of Phase 1 of the Molasses Creek Condominium development. ANALYSIS: The current subject property(Parcel 222305-9005) is a six-acre parcel with a two-story, five- bedroom home built in 1911. This 6-acre parcel is part of the proposed 397-acre New Life— Aqua Barn annexation. The subject 6-acre site was already reviewed by King County as Phase 2 of the Molasses Creek Condominium development project, although it is not yet vested. According to the applicant, a number of improvements have already been completed to allow this 6-acre parcel to be added to the existing condominium project to its west. These include the stormwater control system of Phase 1 that was designed and constructed to serve both Phase 1 and Phase 2. All utilities (water, sewer, etc.)have been designed and constructed to serve Phase 2 and utility lines have already been extended to the western edge of Parcel 222305-9004 to facilitate future connections. Phase 2 is planned and has been designed for approximately 45 units with a density comparable to that of Phase 1. The applicant has requested a Residential Medium Density land use designation with R-12 zoning subject to a restriction limiting the maximum number of units on site to 45. Unfortunately, the City does not have an R-12 zone so the closest future zoning would be either R-10 or R-14. R-10 requires a mix of housing types,both single-family and attached, so that H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-03 Maple Valley Hwy Corridor\P&DC Revisions Memo Att l.doc Attachment 1 ;► X11' Phase 2 could not be built as currently proposed. R-14 zoning allows all units to be built as attached or semi-attached units,but requires that at least 50 percent of the units consist of detached, semi-attached, or up to three consecutively attached townhouses. With density bonus review, four consecutively attached townhouses can be placed in a single building. EXISTING AND PROPOSED COMREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING: The Residential Medium Density Comprehensive Plan designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing, and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types designed to incorporate features from both single-family developments, support cost-efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service, and promote the efficient use of CAPACITY ANALYSIS: Under the current proposed RS land use designation and R-8 zoning, the 6-acre site could accommodate a maximum of 48 single-family detached units, assuming no sensitive areas or other constraints. As a result, for all practical purposes, there will be no change in capacity for this 6-acre site. Staff anticipates a net increase of 44 units with an average household size of 1.8 persons for a total increase of approximately 79 persons. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The recommended changes comply with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as indicated in this analysis. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of R-14 implements the Residential Medium Density designation in the Comprehensive Plan. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; as indicated above and b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; see Comprehensive Plan Compliance and c. At least one of the following circumstances applies: The subject reclassification to Residential 14 and Commercial Neighborhood was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning of this area in 1995. Page 2 of 2 "r"' 'err✓ JOHNSMONROEMITSUNAGA PLL C i Robert D.Johns i Michael P. Monroe i Darrell S.Mitsunaga . Duana T. Kolouskova Mr. Don Erickson October 9, 2006 City of Renton Dept. of Econ. Dev., Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning 1055 So. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Maplewood Annexation Area Parcel 222305-9004 Dear Mr. Erickson: We are the attorneys for Cedar River Lightfoot, Inc., the owner of tax parcel 222305- 9004, also known as Molasses Creek Condominiums, Phase 2. This property is located in the proposed Maplewood Annexation area and is the subject of a pending Comprehensive Plan update for that area. I believe you spoke with Rick Lennon, one of the owners, a few days ago about this. My client was not aware of the pending Comprehensive Plan amendment until last week and has asked that,we request a modification of the proposed amendment on their behalf. We realize that the Planning Commission held public hearings on the Comprehensive Plan amendments before my client learned of the proposed changes, but we also understand that the Planning Commission has not completed its review and that the City Council has not yet started its review. Under the circumstances, we ask that this property and our request be included as part of the ongoing process. My client requests that the Comprehensive Plan amendment be modified to provide a .deation and zoning that will allowthe e completion of this developm As note this property is Phase 2 of the adjacent Molasses Creek Condominiums. The Condominium Declaration for the existing condominiums specifically provides for the expansion of that condominium to include additional similar condominium units on tax parcel 222305-9004. In addition, a number of improvements have already been completed to allow this property to be added to the existing condominium project. Specifically, the existing stormwater control system for Phase 1 was designed and constructed to serve both Phase 1 and Phase 2. All utilities (water, sewer, etc.) have been designed and constructed to T: (425)451-2812 • F: (425)451-2818 Alderwood Building 1601 114th Ave. SE • Suite 110 • Bellevue, WA 98004 4.110 Mr. Don Erickson October 9, 2006 Page 2 have the capacity to serve Phase 2. Moreover, those utility lines have already been extended to the edge of tax parcel 222305-9004 in order to facilitate connection. When Phase 1 was reviewed and approved, WSDOT specifically required that only one access to the Maple Valley Highway would be allowed for the total project. As a result, the only access to Phase 2 is through the Phase 1 entry road and private road system. Phase 2 is planned and designed for approximately 45 units, a density comparable to the density in Phase 1. This is consistent with the current King County zoning of the property. The property has two parts — a flat buildable area of about 3 acres adjacent to the Maple Valley Highway and a steep slope to the south which is classified as a critical area under both County and City standards. Current King County zoning allows the density otherwise attributable to the steep slope area to be clustered on the buildable area. This was the zoning that allowed development of Phase 1 as a clustered project, as well as the nearby Cedarwood Apartments, the River View Apartments, the Valley Springs Condominiums and the Pioneer Place development. We understand that Renton does not have a zoning category that matches the existing King County zoning. As a consequence, we are requesting that the Molasses Creek, Phase 2 site, be designated and zoned R-12, with a restriction that no more than 45 units will be constructed on the site. This will assure that the property is developed in a manner which is consistent with Molasses Creek, Phase 1, and the infrastructure improvements that have already been completed to serve this property. In addition, this would allow this property to be developed in a manner consistent with the existing condominiums and apartments located both east and west of Molasses Creek, Phase 1. Thank you for your consideration of our request. If there are questions, please call either Rick Lennon at 206-399-2775 or the undersigned at 425-467-9960. Very truly yours, t Robert D. Jo -s cc: Rick Lennon Direct Tel: (425)467-9960 Email:johns@jmmlaw.com 1208-2 ltr to Renton 100606 JOHNSt ()N R()F MITSUNAGA PLLC Attachment 2 .► REVISED RECOMMENDATION Residential Medium Density with R-14 Zoning to Commercial Neighborhood Hudson Property ISSUE: The Hudson property includes two lots on 108th Ave SE currently in the Residential Single Family(RS) designation. Prior discussions and correspondence from the property owner resulted in a recommendation to amend the Comprehensive Plan to designate these lots Residential Medium Density. These lots are developed with an existing business that is non-conforming under the RS designation. The existing business is a portrait studio. The property owner requested and was granted consideration of Resdiential Medium Density with R-14 zoning to allow redevelopment of the property. Subsequently, the owner, Bruce Hudson, reconsidered his request and determined that retaining the existing commercial structure and continuing to use the front portion of the property for commercial is more desirable than demolishing this structure and redeveloping the entire parcel for residential townhouse use. The existing photography studio would be conforming under the Commercial Neighborhood(CN) designation. Mr. Hudson is requesting a lot line adjustment to establish a different configuration of the two parcels and creating a lot line separating Lot A and Lot B. This request will be processed through the Development Services Division. RECOMMENDATION: Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning is receommended for Lot A and Commercial Neighborhood with CN zoning is requested for Lot B. staff concurs with this request. Findings for Lot B The purpose of the Commercial Neighborhood designation is to provide small scale, low- intensity commercial areas located within neighborhoods primarily for the convenience of residents who live nearby. Uses should be those that provide goods and services. (Purpose Statement p. IX-70.) The business use at this location complies with Policies LU-424, LU-425, and LU-427 in that the commercial use consists of retail and service, and the scale and intensity of the commercial activity does not change the character of the nearby residential. The area included in Lot A would become Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning. Findings for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and concurrent rezoning to R- 14 were included in the revised staff report for the Benson Hill Communities CPA #2007-M-06, dated September 25, 2007. These findings continue to apply to Lot A. Findings for Lot A Lot A has a development pattern and potential for redevelopment consistent with the Residential Medium Density policies. The area meets the criteria in Policy LU-159 for Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning. It is adjacent to 108th Ave SE, a major h:\ednsp\comp plan\amendments\2007\2007 map amendments\2007-m-06 benson hill\p&dc revisions memo att 2.doc Attachment 2 trof arterial (Criteria 1), is part of an overall area of 20 acres (Criteria 2), has large parcel sizes and can be developed within the density range and unit types typical of the R-14 zone (Criteria 5), is adjacent to the commercial designation at the Petrovitsky Center at the south end of the designation(Criteria 2), and is reasonably buffered from the adjacent single family areas by the plat and road circulation patterns already constructed for those subdivisions (Criteria 3). Eventual development of this area can be achieved consistent with the Purpose Statement of the Residential Medium Density designation: "Residential Medium Density designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types, designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi family developments, support cost-efficient housing,facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure."Purpose Statement p. IX-28. The proposed amendments for Residential Medium Density and Commercial Neighborhood designations reviewed meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G 1. The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan, by providing an adequate land supply for future infill single family housing and adding to the to accommodate the diverse population,from larger "move-up" homes to smaller scale single-family and traditional single family homes. (Vision P. 11-2 paragraphs #2 and#3. The proposed amendments support the portion of Renton's vision that conceptualizes urban living that provides choice and balanced opportunities for resident, employment and housing, recreation and religion Vision p. 11-3 paragraph 2. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The recommended changes comply with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as indicated in this analysis. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of R-14 and Commercial Neighborhood implements the Residential Medium Density and the Commercial Neighborhood designations in the Comprehensive Plan. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; as indicated above and b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; see Comprehensive Plan Compliance and c. At least one of the following circumstances applies: The subject reclassification to Residential 14 and Commercial Neighborhood was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning of this area in 1995. Page 2 of 2 I. EXHIBIT "A " TERRI HUDSON BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT PROPOSED NEW LOTS / ► �� II ll sb't, 40,46,1 2 0 • \ N \LOT "A" o0 57,541 SF+- \ 1.32 AC (25) \ OLD LOT LINE w (24) 50' 30' 3 LOT "B" 17,545 SF+- 0.40 AC I 8'7 50' 50' i I 31 4 23 z rn of z wl � G. NgN 0 WASy/sF# y Jt+ C '' % ► _ 22 -0 o /111t N.,p64 � �s,1' I; STERcAR,` SAL LANDS A EXPIRES: 1/31/08 HANSEN SURVEYING LAND SURVEYORS & CONSULTANTS 17420 116TH AVE. S.E., RENTON, WA 98058 TEL 425-235-8440 FAX 425-235-0266 PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4, N.W. 1/4, SECTION 29, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON i J / / L J L*04. I j Se . -Cf) 0 . • iitio , ,144D;reiLiwilAwyffi111 ■ ■ 111V III MI CD CD it t1ItWti CD # s 41I 11111115101 aR-8 .. Res11‘.1roti P DensityNMI Mal Oal \ 41,W#‘1 ISI ISI 6 III Q _ up �.` merc al 7 Q) hborh od C cu > a Q II • O c (IN - c — _ -4-Residential`��� ed ' �� Cl Single � � ��� CD Family Density A ■ R-8 III ilk Sj / 2nd SE SE 1 / 2 111111. m1 Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #7 Attachment 3 REVISED RECOMMENDATION Renton Fire Station ISSUE: The Renton Fire Station at 17040 108th Ave SE is already within the city limits and is Medium Density Residential Land Use with R-10 zoning. The area surrounding the station will be within the City upon completion of the Benson Communities annexation. This entire area is proposed for Medium Density Land Use with R-14 zoning. This situation creates an island of remaining R-10 zoning at the Fire Station site. RECOMMENDATION: Change the zoning designation to R-10. A Comprehensive Plan amendment is not needed as the Medium Density Residential Designation is implemented by both R-10 and R-14 zoning. ANALYSIS: Public Facilities are allowed in all zones and designations, so the proposed amendment would not change the use or operation of the station in any way. R-10 and R-14 zoning both allow government facilities as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use. Residential Medium Density Land Use does provide for non-residential uses and structures and specifically civic structures (Policy LU-181). The City's Land Use element includes Public Facilities policies that guide siting and development of facilities such as fire stations. Objective LU-R calls for locating and planning for facilities in ways that benefit a broad range of potential public uses. Policy LU-72 states that facilities should be located within walking distance of an existing or planned transit stop. Generally the station and the civic use comply with the intent of these policies. It is located within what will become a neighborhood of a mix of flats, townhouses and single family uses, and it is situated to function as part of that neighborhood. It is located close enough to the Petrovitsky corridor to walk to public transit. Elimination of the R-10 zoning eliminates an inconsistent "spot R-10 zone". COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The recommended changes comply with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as indicated the analysis section. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of R-14 implements the Residential Medium Density land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION: The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; as indicated above and Attachment 3 b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; The Comprehensive Plan Designation of Residential Medium Density is already established on this property. c. The following circumstances applies: The subject reclassification to R-14 was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning in 1995. Mill 1 IFIL atillirill 1111111 11111 IIII IIIIII 1111, LLJ immiV\ NI riiiiii' Ili1111117 w kk 4411 o Mill hi. li fir III Ilk 464 MIMI C3n) 111111111111111M' ap go allit 11 IN MI= lit '"giiiii ___, iiiiiimi -, IIIIPA NI _.,___, N. .,, INIiir•A ,--'_ (. Iii ii•li _.(D ; ', *. f o !1!11' Si , r.1 1 illi I ' -sfqlomir Pi . . 4411 � I I , RAOSukrea 6 R1a Fire Station Proposed Change from R1U7 R-10 Zone to R-14 Zone 1 I ti L a li, I I SuibArea'7 ' l ,_I nc _ s___ Sub Area 6 (� n st I El< R-14 Sidi Are. 5 c_` 11jlr. 1 i I i I Residential - Medium R-14 density P r et, a its SE - 1 — / _______, ill I i — < ; a.) LL-I -------:c_) alli---- 1C-71;1--------11 i 1 J 1111 • El a. Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #6 V Attachment 4 Summary of Proposed Recommendations for Village Chapel Church and Properties Surrounding Huntington Heights Condominiums Sites Current County Current City August 1, 2007 Recommended Land Use Land Use Proposed Land Revised Land Use Designation Designation Use Designation Designation Triangular island CB with CB zoning CC CC with CA CC with CA (A) pre-zoning pre-zoning Village Chapel(B) UR-High with R-18 RMD CC with CA RMD with R-14 pre-zoning pre-zoning Fire District 40(E) CB with CB zoning RMD CC with CA CC with CA pre-zoning pre-zoning Fire District 40(F) CB with CB zoning RMD CC with CA CC with CA pre-zoning pre-zoning Euro Institute(G) CB with CB zoning RMD CC with CA CC with CA pre-zoning pre-zoning Huntington Heights UR-High with R-18 RMD CC with CA RMD with R-14 Condominium(H) zoning pre-zoning pre-zoning KinderCare UR-High with R-18 RMD CC with CA RMD with R-14 Learning Center (I) zoning pre-zoning pre-zoning Village Chapel Church site: This 2.1-acre site has limited accessibility, which could reduce its utility as a commercial site. It currently houses a church that does not require direct access to an arterial. As noted below, Policy LU-333 states that the Commercial Corridor(CC) designation should be mapped in areas located on and having access to streets classified as principal arterials, high traffic volumes, or land use pattern characterized by strip commercial development. Because this site's only access is off of 108th Way SE, a dead end street, and its frontage is not characterized by strip development, it does appear to meet the mapping criteria for the CC designation. Mapping Criteria for Corridor Commercial Land Use Designation Policy LU-333: The Commercial Corridor Land Use designation should be mapped in areas with the following characteristics: 1) Located on and having access to streets classified as principal arterials; 2) High traffic volumes; or 3) Land use pattern characterized by strip commercial development, shopping centers, or office parks. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\P&DC Revisions Memo Att 4.doc Madam Mayor and Ladies & Gentlemen of the City Council, My name is Christopher Wagner (W-A-G-N-E-R), and I live at 11002 SE 176th ST (Huntington Heights Condominium) Unit B201 within Renton's potential annexation area known as the Benson Hill Communities. With regard to land use designation and concurrent zoning recommendations under CPA 2007-M-06 map area 8, I am here to oppose the Commercial Corridor designation to be implemented with Commercial Arterial zoning of a particular neighboring property. The address of the subject property is 17418 108th Way SE and is currently occupied by Village Chapel. As vice president, I speak on behalf of the Board, when I say that we at the condominium enjoy the peace that our current neighbors foster, and we fear the potentially devastating effects that poor zoning would have on that peacefulness. Churches are allowed in all land use designations, so the discussion at hand is truly a matter of what happens if the church were to sell this property. Village Chapel was planted in 1951, and we hope to see it grow in its present location for decades to come. If we absolutely must say goodbye to our neighbors for any reason, we'd like to see equally peaceful neighbors move in. Outside of our own desires, it is inappropriate to designate this parcel for Commercial Corridor land use with Commercial Arterial zoning. According to Policy LU-333, Commercial Corridor land use should be mapped in areas located on and having access to streets classified as principle arterials with high traffic volumes. According to Policy LU-423, Commercial Neighborhood land use should be mapped to parcels contiguous to a street no smaller than those classified at the collector level. 108th Way SE is not an arterial; it's not even a local collector street; it is dead end. A Residential Medium-Density land use designation is the only appropriate designation for any parcel located on this local access street. Residential Medium-Density land use designations have been recommended for properties which abut this parcel, so such a designation for this property would allow the City to maintain contiguous planning boundaries. This property also has an amazing view of the valley and would be very desirable to a developer of town houses, in the event that the church sells this property. We cannot imagine that a commercial developer would be as willing to negotiate a selling price in the church's best interest because of its poor location on a cul-de-sac. Please protect the peacefulness of our residential neighborhood and the resale value of the church's property by appropriately designating this parcel for Residential Medium- Density land use. It is not only the right thing to do according to Renton's land-use policies, but it is the neighborly thing to do. • a "I " sw tom # f.;. w £ ' ,,,IMAL ! ' -1,:-..: b.yt,e ky �: ' ' ' ''' '''' K- or El ,,....•:-•,.1;;T---,.. '1.•';'•' ,.•;•;_k:..:* ---:-.--4.--.1-•if.7•,;,'''iti-. ' X yW�t 1111 { +!� '.`+ t.a to `.*-A.,.'0,0%,1- ` et, -'''..;.;;P'''''V,'"'';,":',';'''''''',"' eV',r::::',,''''\,''. ' Mg;''''''- ;'''''' . ,.. ,-,'.4.',7,','114.',11';',. ',.',,,',-Wir,:,f-f''r,k,i,,,,,-,Ssyf:1.117.0,t',.",Y'.111;,,. ;f 'fir' P� - ,-,43';'.:.,-,....--1.0f.,-,?;:,:-!?.:,-,_;„,,,....,,,„1:..-,1,'.;. r ' �` `� - `• '�”. r � � � ° as {at 'k d � r • : E3 . C ' «• � ,z k �R s y� Existin County Zoning { h Y $ ''�ra'°Pf� F ^! 1 � b s ., ',G, d of r q Y £ : 4 r .�r Recommended Renton Comp Plan and Zoning Attachment 5 .. REVISED RECOMMENDATION Residential Low Density Property east of 116th Ave SE,Jeff Meyer ISSUE: • Is the Residential Low Density designation with R-4 zoning appropriate? • Should gross density be considered in the R-4 zone as an incentive for cluster development? RECOMMENDATION: Retain the Residential Low Density designation. Parcels are large with an existing low-density development pattern. Amend Title IV Development Regulations to allow density of four dwelling units per gross acre in the R-4 zone, rather than net density, as an incentive for cluster development, or for lots with a land area of one half acre where a cluster is not feasible. This code amendment would allow property owners with a half acre of land to subdivide one time even if there are environmental constraints on the land, and allow use of a private access easement or public road to the interior of land locked parcels or the back of lots without penalty under the net density definition. This urban form is preferable to pipe stem or flag lots that are often proposed as a work around to the net density requirement. ANALYSIS AND POLICY BASIS FOR RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY RECOMMENDATION The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan sets aside land for residential low-density use, including lands appropriate for larger lot housing stock at four dwelling units per acre. Under Objective LU-DD, the purpose of the RLD designation is to provide for a range of lifestyles, protect critical areas, provide for urban separators, promote compatible uses, and to provide a transition area to rural designations in King County. The R-4 zone provides for landscaping standards for new plats, residential density at the four dwelling units per acre standard, options for both larger lots and small lot clusters, and setback and yard standards that are larger than higher density single-family areas and smaller than the lower density zones. The development patterns in the area are low density, below four dwelling units per acre. The area lacks the finer detail of established roads that begin to occur with plats at the R-6 to the R-8 density. In addition, this area has a mixture of small and larger parcels that indicate that future infill development is likely to occur. The larger land parcels in this area provide an opportunity for infill development using the larger lot standard of Renton's R-4 zone. Renton regulations would require an 8,000 square feet lot size with a 70-foot lot width. Many of the lots are large enough to accommodate this standard and will provide investment opportunity for property owners. This lot configuration is similar to much of the development already in the area in terms of density, lot configuration, and housing H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\P&DC Revisions Memo Att 5.doc • Attachment 5 'OW setbacks. The land available in this area, however, is still in large enough parcels to allow the flexibility of design and amenity considered desirable in a larger lot and/or higher-end housing products. With the change to gross density, lots of at least 21,740 sq. ft could divide once provided they could meet the lot size and lot width requirements. Renton's R-8 zone would allow a 5,000 square feet lot size and a 50-foot width. The type of housing created in these plats is typically a standardized stock single-family product, rather than a custom designed house. Houses are closer together with smaller lots, higher density, and smaller yard areas than the type of housing created in the Renton R-4 zone. The policy question is whether Renton policies support continuation of the R-8 density and development type or whether the R-4 density and development type is indicated by adopted policies for this area. The Renton RLD designation provides policy direction stating that the R-4 zoning should be designated in those areas with suitable environments for suburban and/or estate style single- family residential dwelling (Objective LU-EE). Policy LU-143 provides that within the R-4 area, larger lot development that increases the supply of upper income housing should be encouraged. Policy H-9 encourages larger lots on parcels with physical amenity features such as views, significant vegetation or steep slopes, and Policy H-8 encourages use of low density single-family areas to provide opportunities for upper income development. The Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan documents the range of housing types in Renton in 2001, and concludes that Renton has a shortage of housing for middle and upper income households, a small surplus of housing for low-income households and a surplus of housing for moderate-income households (Housing Element p. VII-10). The Comprehensive Plan Housing Element sets a goal of 30 percent of new housing units per year to be affordable at the upper income level. Having housing stock in the community to address the housing needs of all economic segments of the community is important to provide locations for Renton business and community leaders, and for families throughout the family life cycle. It creates a viable alternative for residents who are currently underpaying for their housing to "move-up" within the community allowing residents who are economically successful to stay in the community throughout their life cycle. The goal of ensuring that housing exists for all economic segments of the population is an adopted goal in the Housing Element (Housing Element p. VII-5). The Housing Element also establishes the City's desired mix and balance of multi-family and single family housing and states that the potential annexation area is expected to be the location of future single-family housing development (Housing Element p. The proposed density in the R-4 zone would be a city-wide amendment if approved by the City Council. Renton currently has a limited area zoned R-4, mostly located in the East Renton Plateau, and in the Kennydale area adjacent to the Blueberry Farm. Allowing the density change would allow density to increase slightly citywide in the R-4 zone. Recent plats in the R-4 zone were proposed at 3.3-3.7 dwelling units per net acre. Using gross density would implement city policy supporting an average of four dwelling units per net acre within the urban area. Page 2 of 3 • Attachment 5 k.‘.r Development regulations already allow cluster development and a modification of lot width and setbacks when determined necessary to achieve density goals in the R-4 zone. The density change would create a stronger incentive to use these tools. A bonus allowing gross density is used in the R-1 zone within the Urban Separator to allow an incentive for vegetation retention and clustering. If the City Council determines that this amendment is desirable, the Comprehensive Plan text in the Residential Low Density designation would need to be amended to delete the word"net" from the text in the Purpose Statement, Policies LU-134, LU-135, and LU-143 of the Residential Low Density text for consistency. This amendment should be made as part of the 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and included in the Committee Report for this action item. 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':n tib y • „ R w•+3 �{ ▪ Ji'.+ 9 m',- s,, -, , r sl�,r • ?7.2� �"' � �Y'`..,-- a__-r w ,�}:t'r� t". s ,i�" �rZ°t -, • n n • ' ram °�+ t -',21'''''- • r r- �� rk, -i xr. „` r p c}ZEKl5Km_Creunt, � 3 > - b. rimimmommummin ftv a 'Ibe information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice.King County makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to accuracy,completeness,timeliness,or rights to the use of such information fT1is document is not intended for use as a survey product.King County shall not be liable for any general,special,indirect,incidental,or consequential a • ,damages including,but not limited to,lost revenues or lost profits resuItmg from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map.Any sale of King County tlfisreap or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. `.date:1 1127/200 7 Source:King County iMAP-Property Information(http.//www.metrokc.gov/GIS/iMAP) Attachment 6 ,440, Nolte Panther Creek Apartments No Change in Recommendation ISSUE: Property owners are requesting consideration of Residential Multifamily zoning rather than R-14 zoning for this site. At the last Planning and Development Committee meeting the Committee asked for additional information about citywide multi-family mapping policies. { RECOMMENDATION: Affirm the existing City policies that place multi-family zoning in areas that can successfully accommodate the infrastructure and services needed at high densities and retain the proposed Medium Density Residential with R-14 zoning. BACKGROUND Residential Multi-Family (RMF) Zoning For the past several years, policies in the City of Renton regarding the zoning of Residential Multi-Family (RMF) have been very consistent. The resulting pattern of development for multi-family housing in Renton places most apartments and condominiums in locations where the need for services and infrastructure can be easily accommodated. These policies have also helped to ensure that areas of lower density are buffered from the higher density RMF land use. In a recent evaluation regarding the zoning of multi-family in the City, it was found that the RMF zone is almost exclusively placed on areas: • Where there are multiple and/or contiguous properties of multi-family housing, • Or where a single parcel is large in size and has many units of housing. For example, west of the municipal airport the RMF zone has been applied to an area that has 10 properties with 100 units in an area that is 3.99 acres in size and the Benson Downs Apartments with 312 units is located on a single parcel of land that is over 25 acres in size. It is these principles and precedent that were applied to the pre-zoning of RMF in the Benson Hills Communities. Residential 14 (R-14) Zoning The Residential 14 (R-14) zone has a density bonus that allows properties to be developed to a maximum of 18 units per acre. The zone has a fair amount of flexibility in regards to the resulting form of residential development, including: • Multi-story apartment style development, • Townhomes, • And single-family dwellings. The existing and historic application of the R-14 zone also demonstrates flexibility in placement of the zone because it has been located in areas of higher intensity land use, but also in areas that are bordered by low-density land use. The zone also does not necessarily require extensive infrastructure. Attachment 6 ;; In regards to the pre-zoning of R-14 in the Benson Hill Communities, the zone was frequently applied to areas where the existing density is higher than what is allowed because of the flexibility of the type of development that is allowed and the prevalence of lower-density residential land use. For example, the Heron Glen Condominiums have 48 units on 1.59 acres with a density of 30.19 units/acre. These condominiums are not conforming in regards to density, but are an allowed use in the R-14 zone and are located next to an existing single-family subdivision. Alternative Resolution of this Issue If City policy regarding the zoning of RMF were to be amended due to input from property owners in the Benson Hill Communities it would be important to carefully consider the resulting precedent. Further, it would be important to ensure that the zone would strictly apply to properties that have pre-existing multi-family development, are on small parcels of land, and are in annexation areas. Thus, if Council wishes to modify the existing RMF policies it is suggested that the following policy statements are added to the Comprehensive Plan. Policy LU-185. Properties that are a part of annexations into the City and have existing multi-family land use, but do not meet the criteria as stated in Policy LU-184, may be designated Residential Multi-Family when properties meet the following criteria: 1) There is a pre-existing and long term use of multi-family development; and 2) The property is 43,560 square feet or less in size, and 3) The designation shall not be used as justification for expanding Residential Multi-Family zone to other properties. If the Council supports this solution additional re-zoning findings would need to be made. • WashingtonInvestment, LLC P. O. Box 40252, Bellevue, WA 98015 Email:washingtoninvestmentllcOyahoo.com To: Rebecca Lind, Long Range Planning Manager, City of Renton From: Hao Wu, Lan Wang and Frank Song, Washington Investment LLC Re: Panther Creek Apartments, 19235 108th Ave. SE, Renton, WA98055 Dear Rebecca, We are writing to follow up on the discussion we had on the Planning&Development Committee Meeting held on September 20, 2007. First of all, we want to thank you for updating the committee with our concerns in a timely manner so our concerns were addressed at that meeting.We are encouraged by the responses from city officials who expressed understanding on our concerns.We felt that it's a step forward that the city will try to address our concerns by pre-zoning our property to RM-F instead of R-14. Secondly, after more research and consultation with our legal counsel in the past few days, we still have the some concerns about applying RM-F zoning code to the building. RMF allows only 10-20 du/acre.Our 30-unit apartment building will still become a non-conforminq property. Our particular concerns are: 1. Can we rebuild the 30-unit building to its original size and height if it's destroyed by fire, earth quake,explosion or act of God? 2. Will there be any conditions attached to the rebuilding application that make the rebuilding difficult or virtually impossible? We are agreeable to the RM-F zoning, if the City of Renton can issue a letter or a statement stating that the owner(s) can rebuild to the same size and height as the current building in case it would be destroyed. This will provide us with a document to show the future buyers/investors that the non-conforming status will not prevent them from rebuilding it to its original size should it being damaged or destroyed. Would it be possible to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this issue further before the City Council Hearing on October 181, 2007?We know that your time is very precious.We promise to keep the meeting short. Thin. you very ammuc for your time and consideration. ' -�- Frank Song Wu, and Lan Wang L----.— Washington Investment.LLC 110 i ,,.,_,,_i_.1-------F-1 f_. .__ - >.____....._..__.e. ' I l {{ y i-_ L_ ._, � � f 1. i.s {> ; ; 11 ' E ".- '"-'__._. + is ;` ' R i � I I _ i._�_ !_,_ _I__ - Singl__ � trliyt E } R-8 f 1 - f { 133-1:,:,:::.- 1 tf s 3 >_ ts tip -4. -;-;--r,;,) i41 ; r.T ` t 3- � 1 6 • r' I MON: Q� _ : 1 3. ii - Family, 14 i_ Property foro hoer : } ;. .__ ` - , request change e from R-14 to RMF L I F f � 1 R1 f fRei li r' I y( ft....I , ; ii , , mow` : , 1 '; i 1 Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning-Map#16 Page 1 of 1 Attachment 7 Rebecca Lind -Benson Hill Communities Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Pre-zoning Application#2007-M-06 From: "Jack Connell" <jack.connell@renton.wednet.edu> To: <rlind@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 09/27/2007 3:16 PM Subject: Benson Hill Communities Comprehensive Plan Amendment& Pre-zoning Application #2007-M-06 CC: "Rick Stracke" <rick.stracke@renton.wednet.edu> Ms. Rebecca Lind, Thank you for the opportunity to review the amended Staff/Planning Commission Recommendation. The only comment and request that the Renton School District would like to make is please insure that the respective School District property zoning designation is always accompanied with the"p"suffix to trigger the special "overlay"development criteria typical to the public school designation. We ask that this or a similar designation be applied to designate all Renton School District properties located in the various areas of use and zones throughout the areas influenced by your planning and codes. Once again thank you and please do not hesitate to contact either me or Rick Stracke, should you have any further questions. Sincerely, pia a uut& Facilities Project Manager Renton School District No. 403 Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime Capital Projects Office 1220 North 4th Street Renton,WA 98057-5539 Tel. (425)204-4475 Fax. (425)204-4476 Cel. (206)940-8340 file://C:\Documents and Settings\rlind\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00001.HTM 11/28/2007 *110 November 5,2007 si Renton City Council Minutes " Page 383 Citizen Comment: Wagner- Christopher Wagner(King County), who is a resident of Huntington Heights .2007 Comprehensive Plan Condominium(SE 176th St.) in the Benson Hill Communities Annexation area, Amendments opposed the commercial prezoning of the Village Chapel property located at 17418 108th Way SE (2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2007-M-06). He expressed his fear that the commercial zoning designation will disrupt the peacefulness of the neighborhood, especially if the church sells the property. Listing reasons why the proposed commercial zoning does not meet Comprehensive Plan policy criteria, Mr. Wagner indicated that a Residential Medium Density land use designation is the only appropriate designation for any parcel located on 108th Way SE. Citizen Comment: McOmber- Howard McOmber(Renton)expressed appreciation for the City's help in Highlands Community improving the Highlands area, and commented that he is grateful the declaration Association of blight was not used. Mr. McOmber invited everyone to attend the Highlands Community Association's Emergency Preparedness Workshop,which will be held on November 14 at the Highlands Neighborhood Center. Noting that the Highlands is one of the more vulnerable areas in the City due to the diversity of the residents,he voiced his hope that this workshop is the first of many to come. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilmember Persson, item 9.i. was removed for separate consideration. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of October 22, 2007. Council concur. 10/22/2007 Appointment: Municipal Arts Mayor Keolker appointed Dalia Amin to the Municipal Arts Commission Commission (youth position) to fill the unexpired term previously held by Renne Saling (term to expire 12/31/2007). Refer to Community Services Committee. AJLS: Benson Hill Administrative,Judicial and Legal Services Department recommended adoption Communities Annexation, of an ordinance amending the 2007 Budget to recruit,hire, train personnel, and Budget Amend purchase equipment, conditioned upon an affirmative vote for the Benson Hill Communities Annexation on 11/6/2007 and acceptance by City Council. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Court Case: AcuWings, CRT- Complaint filed under 14 CFR Part 16 by AcuWings LLC, represented by Law 07-012 Offices of Douglas N. Owens,with the Federal Aviation Administration for alleged noncompliance with grant assurances,violation of property acquisition terms, and discriminatory leasing conditions. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Court Case: Pro-Flight Complaint filed under 14 CFR Part 16 by Pro-Flight Aviation, Inc.,represented Aviation, CRT-07-013 by Jump Law Group, with the Federal Aviation Administration for alleged economic discriminatory actions and violation of grant assurances. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Community Services: Community Services Department recommended adoption of an ordinance Maplewood Golf Course Fees increasing the golf course green fees and adding a driving range fee for 2008. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Plat: Honey Brooke West,NE Development Services Division recommended approval of the Honey Brooke 6th St, FP-07-067 West Final Plat(aka Sagecrest); 51 single-family lots on 8.33 acres located in the vicinity of NE 6th St. and Hoquiam Ave. NE. Council concur. (See page 386 for resolution.) tto vigo iinimmumumimmoimmeinumum October 1,2007 yr Renton City Council Minutes Nvise Page 336 Lieutenant Myking, Captain Gunsolus, and Deputy Chief Van Horne were each presented with a certificate of promotion by Mayor Keolker and with the badge of the position by family members. Chief Daniels presented Lieutenant Myking and Deputy Chief Van Horne with helmets. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Comprehensive Plan: 2007 accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing Amendments to consider the 2007 amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Maps and Data; concurrent rezoning; prezoning for potential annexation areas; and zoning text amendments to City Code development regulations. Planning Manager Lind and Senior Planner Conkling reviewed the privately-proposed and City-initiated amendments. 2007-M-01, LUA-06-160,326 Park Ave. N.,Alan Kunovsky. Ms. Lind stated that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed change in land use map designation for this .89-acre site from Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to Commercial Neighborhood(CN)with concurrent CN zoning. She noted that the proposal includes zoning text amendments related to parking. 2007-M-02,LUA-06-161, Rainier Ave. S. and Hardie Ave. SW, O'Farrell Properties, LLC. Ms. Lind reported that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed change in land use map designation for 1.6 acres from Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to Commercial Corridor with concurrent Commercial Arterial zoning. She pointed out that the proposal includes zoning text amendments to expand the Rainier Business District Overlay and to modify the allowed residential density. 2007-M-03, LUA-06-166, Maple Valley Hwy. Corridor, City of Renton. Ms. Lind said the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed changes in land use map designations for 284 acres (New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation site) in Renton's Potential Annexation Area. Changes include: Residential Low Density(RLD)to Residential Medium Density with R-14 and Residential Manufactured Home prezoning, and RLD to Residential Single Family with R-8 prezoning. Remaining RLD areas to be prezoned Resource Conservation and R-4. 2007-M-05,LUA-06-167, SW Sunset Blvd.,QIP and Virtu Properties. Ms. Conkling reported that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed change in land use map designation for 8.71 acres from Employment Area- Industrial with Heavy Industrial zoning to Residential Medium Density (RMD) with R-10 zoning, and for.91 acres from Residential Multi-Family to RMD with R-10 zoning. She stated that this proposal will not encroach upon the Black River Riparian Forest property, and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has provided a list of recommended site planning and construction controls that will be discussed during the project level review. 2007-M-06, LUA-06-164, Benson Hill Communities, City of Renton. Ms. Lind reported that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed changes for large portions of the 2,438-acre Benson Hill Communities Annexation area with concurrent prezoning. Changes include: Residential Single Family with R-8 prezoning; Residential Medium Density with R-10, R- 14, and Residential Manufactured Home prezoning; Residential Low Density with Resource Conservation, R-1, and R-4 prezoning; Residential Multi-Family (RMF) with RMF prezoning; Commercial Neighborhood (CN) with CN .r. October 1,2007 '`rrr Renton City Council Minutes Page 337 • prezoning; and Commercial Corridor with Commercial Arterial and Commercial Office prezoning. 2007-M-07, LUA-06-165,Duvall Ave.NE Corridor, 10625, 10703, 13645, and 10733 138th Ave. SE, City of Renton. Ms. Lind stated that the Planning Commission recommends denial of the proposed changes in land use map designation from Residential Single Family to Commercial Corridor with Commercial Arterial prezoning for 1.01 acres (Marshall Annexation area). She indicated that the amendment is not timely for the following reasons: unknown consequences at this time from the widening of Duvall Ave. NE, and undocumented demand for new retail or services in the commercially-zoned NE Sunset Blvd. District. Ms. Lind pointed out that a review of the land use designations for the entire area, including those parcels under consideration, may be appropriate at a later date once the Duvall Ave. NE improvements are in place. 2007-T-01,LUA-06-163, Capital Facilities and Transportation Elements, City of Renton. Ms. Lind said the Planning Commission recommends approval of the bi-annual update of the elements to incorporate and update the level of service information and capital facility projects lists, to amend text and tables summarizing growth, and to update and correct descriptive narrative. 2007-T-05,LUA-06-125, Land Use Element,City of Renton. Ms. Lind reported that the Planning Commission recommends approval to update this element to allow Residential Manufactured Home zoning to be an implementing zone with Residential Low Density land use designation. Ms. Lind explained that a number of properties are still in King County, and any property owners who wish to develop these properties may consider vesting under King County's current zoning prior to the potential annexation of the properties to Renton. In conclusion, she stated that Council action is not requested at this time. Correspondence was read from Lan Wang, Frank Song, and Hao Wu of Washington Investment LLC (Bellevue) who own the 30-unit Panther Creek Apartment complex located at 19235 108th Ave. SE (2007-M-06). The correspondents noted that the property is zoned R-48 in King County and is recommended for R-14 zoning in Renton. The correspondents requested that the proposed prezoning be changed from R-14 to Residential Multi-Family. Correspondence was read from Jack Connell, Facilities Project Manager, Renton School District(Renton),requesting that school district property always be accompanied with the "P" suffix to trigger the special overlay development criteria typical to this public school land use designation (2007-M-06). Public comment was invited. Charles Grass(Renton), who owns property at 10733 138th Ave. S. in the Marshall Annexation area(2007-M-07),pointed out that most commercial properties located in the immediate vicinity of Sunset Blvd. and Duvall Ave. NE are occupied. Mr. Grass requested that Council approve the zoning designation change to his property and to the parcel to the north,primarily because they are surrounded by commercial properties. He indicated that delaying establishment of the zoning status leads to delays in the planning and permitting process for his property. Carolyn Strong(Seattle) introduced herself as the real estate agent who listed the previous speaker's property. She noted the number of people interested in *r' October 1,2007 Noise Renton City Council Minutes Page 338 purchasing the property for commercial use. Ms. Strong indicated that the sale of the property is crippled in its current residential state, and she requested that the property be prezoned commercial at this time. In response to the inquiries of David Gleason (King County), Ms. Lind confirmed that condominiums are allowed in the R-14 zone, and that vesting under King County zoning is allowed until the effective date of the annexation. Mary Urback(Puyallup), who represents the O'Farrell properties (2007-M-02), agreed with the proposed Commercial Arterial zoning and related zoning text amendment to allow 60 units per acre. Ms. Urback urged approval of the Planning Commission's recommendation. Lan Wang, Washington Investment LLC (Bellevue), stated that he is an owner of the Panther Creek Apartments in the Benson Hill Communities Annexation area(2007-M-06). He indicated that the proposed prezone from R-48 to R-14 will render the property non-conforming; thus reducing its market value and limiting the owners' ability to rebuild and secure bank loans. Mr. Wang requested that the property be prezoned Residential Multi-Family, and that the City issue a rebuild letter stating that the owners can rebuild at the same size and height as the current building in case it is destroyed. In response to Councilmember Corman's inquiry, Mr. Wang stated that the building is denser than the R-14 zoning allows. Brent Cawley(King County) spoke against the proposed prezoning for the Maple Valley Hwy. Corridor area(2007-M-03). He explained that his property at 150th Lane SE, along the Matson Creek Bypass, is subject to flooding due to the ill-management of surface water runoff from Fairwood down the bypass into the Cedar River. Mr. Cawley noted that the water from overflowing storage ponds ends up on his property, and emphasized that development will only increase the non-permeable surfaces. If this action moves forward,he asked that the City go above and beyond the current surface water runoff and storage pond plans. Jeff Wolfson(Kent) stated that his property, located west of 108th Ave. SE in the Benson Hill Communities Annexation area(2007-M-06), will be negatively affected by the proposed zoning change from R-12 to R-8. He noted that the land value will decrease, that the area has the infrastructure to support the density, and that the proposal is not equitable. Mr. Wolfson asked that his property be prezoned R-14 as is proposed for nearby properties. David Halinen(Fircrest), who represents Quarry Industrial Park(QIP), LLC in the matter of 2007-M-05, submitted a letter and documentation to the Council in support of the amendment. Christopher Wagner(King County), who is a resident of the Huntington Heights Condominium(SE 176th St.) in the Benson Hill Communities Annexation area(2007-M-06), stated his preference to not abut commercial property. He inquired as to the current prezoning recommendation for the church-owned parcel to the west of the condominium. Ms. Lind stated that the church prefers that the property remain commercial. Jennifer Knickerbocker(Renton) expressed concern that the proposed rezoning on Park Ave. N. from residential to commercial (2007-M-01)may negatively affect her neighborhood due to the increase in traffic. Frank Song, Washington Investment LLC (Bellevue), said he is an owner of the Panther Creek Apartments in the Benson Hill Communities Annexation area .r 11110 tigiO October I,2007 %ore Renton City Council Minutes ``w/" Page 339 (2007-M-06). Mr. Song pointed out that the prezone from R-48 to R-14 will reduce the value of the property. He stated that the area is not conducive to single-family zoning, and properties to the north and east are commercially zoned. Responding to the inquiries of Mayor Keolker and Council President Nelson, Mr. Pietsch reported that the Planning and Development Committee will continue to review the matter and then present a final recommendation to the full Council. He indicated that if Council chooses to do so, the amendments would need to be adopted by the end of the year. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2007 and beyond. Items noted included: Myron Zapata will represent the City of Renton at the Special Olympic World Games in Shanghai, China, October 2 though 11. * A Downtown Wayfinding Open House will be held on October 15 at City Hall. The downtown wayfinding project will create signage to assist visitors and residents into and around downtown Renton. Attendees will have the opportunity to view examples of the signs and preliminary color proposals and to provide comments. AUDIENCE COMMENT Noting that all of the speakers signed-up to comment on the Langley Ridge Plat: Langley Ridge, NE 26th Final Plat, Mayor Keolker reported that a settlement between the Stonegate St, FP-07-059 Homeowners Association and Langley Development was achieved. (See page 341 for action on this matter.) Citizen Comment: Longfellow Happy Longfellow(Renton), Stonegate neighborhood resident, expressed his - Langley Ridge Final Plat,NE appreciation to the City for tabling the Langley Ridge Final Plat approval for a 26th St, FP-07-059 week. He indicated that mediation was sought and an agreement was successfully negotiated between the Stonegate Homeowners Association and Langley Development. Mr. Longfellow reported that the Langley Ridge plat can use the easement on Stonegate plat's Tract C for emergency and maintenance access. Citizen Comment: Foster- Thomas Foster(Seattle), stating that he is the president of Langley Langley Ridge Final Plat, NE Development, voiced appreciation for the City's efforts on the matter of the 26th St, FP-07-059 Langley Ridge Final Plat. Citizen Comment: Rogers - Debra Rogers (Renton), Stonegate neighborhood resident,noted the Langley Ridge Final Plat,NE misunderstandings surrounding issues of the Langley Ridge Final Plat approval, 26th St, FP-07-059 and expressed her hope that the City will learn from this situation and prevent these types of misunderstandings with future plats. Citizen Comment: Bruce Christopherson (Renton), Stonegate neighborhood resident,reviewed Christopherson- Langley points from the Hearing Examiner's report regarding the Langley Ridge Ridge Final Plat,NE 26th St, Preliminary Plat pertaining to open space and access to proposed lots 33 and 34. FP-07-059 He requested that final plat approval not occur before Langley Development complies with the conditions of the plat. Mr. Christopherson noted that if the City allows a roadway from NE 26th St. to be used for emergency and maintenance purposes, that it also allows Stonegate plat residents to use the roadway for non-motorized travel. sow *400 40isi *se /C.)NEO' 2007 AMENDMENTS TO THE 2004 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INCLUDING MAPS AND DATA, CONCURRENT REZONING, PRE- ZONING FOR POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREAS, AND ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS October 1, 2007 The annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPA) reflect changing conditions, expansion of the City's boundaries through annexations, and other land use considerations. This year the City is processing eight CPAs. These are briefly described below: #2007-M-01, LUA 06-160: Alan Kunovsky, 326 Park Avenue Proposed change in land use map designation for a .89-acre site from Residential Medium Density(RMD) with R-10 zoning to Commercial Neighborhood (CN) with concurrent CN zoning. Proposal includes zoning text amendments that would limit business parking to the side or rear of the lot in the CN zone and also allow joint use and off-site parking options for required parking. Planning Commission Recommendation:Approval #2007-M-02, LUA 06-161: O'Farrell Properties, LLC, 188 and 196 Hardie Avenue SW Proposed change in land use map designation for 1.17 acres from Residential Medium Density (RMD) with R-10 zoning to Commercial Corridor(CC) with concurrent Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning. The original proposal was expanded to include 150 Hardie Ave SW, 111 SW Victoria, 176 Hardie Ave SW and 180 Hardie Ave SE. This application also includes a zoning text amendment expanding the Rainier Business District Overlay by 18.06 acres, north to Airport Way. The zoning text amendment also includes modification of the allowed residential density to allow up to 60 units per acre in mixed-use commercial/residential buildings. Planning Commission Recommendation:Approval #2007-M-03, LUA 06-166: Maple Valley Highway Corridor, City of Renton Proposed change in land use map designations for 284 acres outside the City,but within its Potential Annexation Area (PAA)in the Maple Valley Highway Corridor across and uphill from the Maplewood Golf Course and Ron Regis Park. The area includes developed and vacant parcels fronting on SR-169, and includes open space and sensitive areas contiguous to established residential developments. Proposed changes include Residential Low Density(RLD) to Residential Medium Density(RMD) with R-14 and Residential Manufactured Home (RMH) pre-zoning, and RLD to Residential Single Family(RS) land use designation with R-8 pre- zoning. Remaining areas with the RLD land use designation would be prezoned Resource Conservation (RC) and R-4. Pre-zoning designations would only become effective upon annexation. Tonight's hearing would be the second on pre-zoning within the 284-acre New Life —Aqua Barn Annexation site. Planning Commission Recommendation:Approval N► `O #2007-M-05, LUA 06-167: QIP and Virtu Properties, SW Sunset Blvd Proposed change in land use map designation for 8.71 acres within the City from the Employment Area - Industrial (EA-I) designation, with Industrial-Heavy(IH) zoning, to the Residential Medium Density(RMD) designation with R-10 zoning, and .91-acres from the Residential Multi-Family(RMF) designation to RMD designation, also with R-10 zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation:Approval #2007-M-06,LUA 06-164: Benson Hill Communities, City of Renton Proposed change in land use map designations for large portions of the 2,438 acre Benson Hill Communities Annexation area with concurrent pre-zoning. This large area is located within the Soos Creek portion of Renton's PAA. Changes in land use designation include: Residential Single Family(RS) with R-8 pre-zoning, Residential Medium Density(RMD) with R-10, R-14, and RMH pre-zoning, Residential Low Density(RLD) with RC, R-1, and R-4 pre-zoning, Residential Multi-Family(RMF) with RMF pre-zoning, Commercial Neighborhood (CN) with CN pre-zoning, and Commercial Corridor(CC) with Commercial Arterial (CA) and Commercial Office (CO) pre-zoning. This is also the second public hearing on pre-zoning of properties within the Benson Hill Communities Annexation area. Please note that some recommendations have changed from the notice sent out for the July 25, 2007, public hearing. Planning Commission Recommendation:Approval #2007-M-07, LUA 06-165: 10625 138th Ave SE, 10703 138th Ave SE, 13645 SE 107th Pl, and 10733 138th Ave SE, City of Renton Proposed change in land use map designation from Residential Single Family(RS) to Commercial Corridor(CC) with Commercial Arterial (CA)pre-zoning for 1.01 acres. Parcels are in unincorporated King County and pre-zoning would only become effective upon future annexation. Planning Commission Recommendation: Denial #2007-T-01, LUA 06-163: Capital Facilities &Transportation Elements, City of Renton Bi-annual update of the Capital Facilities Element and amendment of the Transportation Element to incorporate and update the level of service (LOS) information and capital facility project lists, amend text and tables summarizing growth, and to update and correct descriptive narrative. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval #2006-T-05, LUA 06-125: Land Use Element, City of Renton Text amendment to update the Land Use Element of allow Residential Manufactured Home (RMH) zoning to be an implementing zone with the Residential Low Density(RLD) land use designation. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval Council Healing Handout 10-01-07.doc\ ',kw, Nee 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Rezonings Existing Proposed Existing Proposed f - ) ii:ii,:i'ii.-Niiiii'iiiiTii,, .i.i;ii i.,r,iiii.,i'iiiiiii8 i '-• " ",r iiiitio:..8..i,iii,,,,iesiiiiii'Vii.,..iiiie'ii-iiiiiiiii,,, /„')'-: a- .........„ , ... ,„ ............................ RR ,,. ,,,..e.,:lperic,;,: oial !p.40 OtAgf0 .,. mio.ii;00. ) ,, .:14 ::,...-., :my.com 1 . 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A,ilagIAPp::.,1.1XIORIti>i'44,,i4izt„;.,:3,KIN*iif .)'„,..je,A;"„4,Min4i]iiWs?..N.-;,„;,:l=„Eo,41: ..twoi41,,a1 LI"'\':'.C5-L46aithei01411P4-4414It'M .._ - _ CPA 0 2007441 and Concurrent Rezoning .... 0 200 400' .-4,......... .,.............?4".S .ii, CPA#20074-02 and Cormorant Rezoning ..... .... ...............,.............., CA•Commodel Ar. ma CO,............ 0 400 800 ss-setessisess ,-.,seeiseseteesseis 1 2400 1.11,...1100.,--11110.*116.1.00" penetr.....antsrennanes 41:1,,,, z,..............E.kobuiovalli 1 9fties.E...11 am arr... ..,....81110-1.1.1•11.oter* 11....14i. . R-Ploarialft0.4 W: ..- M2' —...,... I iIsoo......romm, COG - 4800 I #2007-M-01 #2007-M-02 ,,-- ------ ,_, ), ,'''- ----,77- „ _,,: -:- —,-T. 9 ','_._:. tIT (7:14—" ,--- ', tt'I II I' ---t—I-) '1 1 t.--------- - -------,--. .1,__._ — ''-- 7 t t Itt''' 4- ' 4t.It. /,' is t t'' / --4 I/it.,,,t . 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ETD fit.D.Rolidsra Law Dana,. 0 Eit...7:=7,........”.,....E1.... 141.Radertul I OdiE E , 111,10-41.0............/ I Be*Derelop...E.N.1.1..1*/....*E., .-............ , I C) Wi:,,,..24/ 1.1-1.1•04.11/....1...asa —Stey frese 1 #2007-M-02: Rainier Ave Business District Overlay #2007-M-03 i: j ,,, Existing Koning Existing City of Renton om Pen 1 ,,,,.. i' -i, •-_-_,,,P.-.4 C ZCi -- - ----- ... ... :.•----- -.:.--.2.,----- UR 04 I RS i >;s:.......''.•'-',';',4 , .'i ,.-'',;'',' '- :'',' -' ' - :: ,, 4,.:-,,, _,,,,,..,„ . .00 ez, i ----- 11H),,,,,,,•,,,.. .,,,,,,,,,,z,,,,,i,,:,•,!,,:lii:::,:ii,..;:,:::,.:::.:fit;,,,,::4:: e;,,,i,..,,,,zl .,,!;::':.i.,,,,,;.,: ,,,,.:',":,,,,,,,,-=',<-4-;:, _ _ ed ..,..,,_ ..•:-.•.,4,.-:;v,K,,,,..,<,,..-p..,,,,..,E.A „ -.,,,'W .:-,,....,,% . 1,',"4: , , •-,g;!":':",.,...,.-A, ,,.,„...,,,!.:„,..,; ,,,,,,,,,›,-4 -- v;puo,.---;-;-..? _ ___ _ „.— ..,...._/- _ ------' ,'...,..,:, ,,,...,6.:,.1Wig.?!: :.."-,-,,%';•,,l,":.'/::,- -''',,,,t,;;;;,,,,.'' L ,_--„; - O'''',W;,:•;:-,i:',0"0,, ,,,l';';g,"?,,,V,1:-,''-"`,.-?),,;): Sunset Blvd(20074/45)fto.di.du...dr....,! " 12.0° I:7200 A CPA 8 20074147 and Cormorant Rezoning o 200 soo -- t , 8 It‘attasenrattomo,...6•01,.........11 NM 0C-0001/.1C171901- =11.4 ,t-.its.esisersisiesiFsse as I:2400 r.11%!,,,...................1,1,........* FleeknOIWEE1 V.1117 iii Z1 ro 5754.7'..= #2007-M-05 #2007-M-07 .1► v. L _j Is Renton Village PI If - 1• q ►C IIIA i s' cI: ' I �.j._ 15- ; e�H71a Dr SE � •I Ade ti-ertiv 71 --,--- ----' , or+, „.„,„,„,/,t7j , _- ‘,Ii uur s lets t_ i '& Y�'1• kr ��i�, `1 r'� 1 - t I�t►"r "O d 9 \/ /[,/,,11,[,;;[1,[,-\\\:,:',--t-i `� if-�\ Thy{ SW 19th St LL, wv S,9th en um moi[■r-of .. --� A•4 6i',.i.....,.�� ., ���t-. I, \\__,\ lira ., ,„gr....L.4,,,, ,, , ....,„_ t,...,, ,,„,,, ....„ , p ,.._ ,„• .....16, 7 .' d,4444 14,.. ,_ Sw 21st St 7 Slut `T' ` e \r X161 s� L �i Lim ,�uiO,dr. YV • 1i d4,'/ N i ,-"--.-- L'2 itkt -2 .r. lijj iilw4. '%`11M-1•liFikk 'W,44,1 'a • '• • it th t 5w 27th 6t w ,-.r ,_. Is 2,th st I i:�i_ '�_ � 1 �. L,_,, 111 Orly ,41 'q F'• ,s�,.�. � w�i.Y. t ' 4,,- -4- & :�4.11r41:11i � r_�'-1�--_,,,i -`" 4ti '`" .41 W ce„ f A ��ra ,;> _ is ,--- \;,,,,,,, -.1.• r ,.. . a . ,J• 111"''"4 ' ---+--Lg 1 E **-74 E5 i r.-.4Virtg R-8 0 a 1 \ S 2'h S - ,-.-- 44 •• *in • I !Nil --{ 7,- in E.t 611 III ‘ rt, _ 5eE `�: L-1----14i _ r _L.. 1i11Cd ® 1 - ,.. t a7 r -•'0.. .g'i ric •.l'S�J■.J■ ', �■ "7PP R _. - `! Y l: it X111■ _. - grill. ■% 1 �' T ' Vry"n■n■ ��n/ 3 I@l' L ISL -i: �� 1 ♦� , � r '-' E® - :t TICI Y+1`m,�! ® !i9 guru: 4'sEn3+tu■w sw stn I 3atn _. = Aa" - ■.aila 1 s •t • . ' ' 11112-2 .i'a ' tit;W:'':,..1 .1,-Tipni 'If r m 1- - .1. . 4,,,,po • 0 I "' *.iti • mar - .. ■[.1 I -moo. 1111 R 1 � 7 J 6 1wt -- a '. Pe eitsk Rd 11 i li � �. ,,I HT1- MUUN.• cam% t."I MUSD.. a - e'w �'■tea131111, -au ` I 1...-- sw 41st s f r v , al A y Z / $irt„ n to• ay -._ ._ — I F-- .-. s implet4 .�.... 1, 1 _ -- ..:_71.2.4-41/4. .:_�■ r Bi 1 -�M �,L31,• "1"--1--"'«ss I----�I , �' 6w a31q St s a3w,st• _ i �— Bi d'ffi''— x e.:"..■* .._.—_ ` I t _._ .�• �7s�!1 t ®WCyt exrt►tet aIL +. a. Witrilti ddi :ECM EMI- a ammo rey, (s - sir■r._-?"-,7 �u ... till— IlirDF r ,.4 ean' " ,-- �.l R ,_7,11- 7--17IT*118t 6 e [■_i4311 lia lel ■ .q, -� . T snit Num =sea t „i.e. , - : Ian =� m: ir i. - , - r�r RC1§.. ,6*,_,. . . ., El : ------ - - - o ...As �p R-8 -a® hatter .. _.� = r' __T y __ 1• CN ' T �. rte""-`• a fr ® .,..N 1 36Ei4t# � 4u� U. ., , iA i I--- MV1070;;Ing,olop liki LC”41 sisnot r, .. . ..„.,.......,...„ , I " -" �11 1`..•[,,,,,A4 � ��I : u;: ■tit - w "° '� A IMARMAAUSALA All yam , ..4. • *4 11 11-/.--1 , � Rtuel a n_ u -'re.' 7H' s55thst / iYJ lrellitg� . a .•ar n . _ ..i1E i� x.Y. ! ,i uw'fr. I I11 M 6 ii .sea, x nrl�:-— 'E-1 1 H --.. L_ ,,......lairdia Ili {�axet r Ir ( �` i El ,9 i fir, _ I _I1 t" • �. w. GYM wr� ' 1s:19611 Sl E 196tH S,I sEll•6tfJ�Y I fiC � s�i S NM MI .. � � lit 14 H Not 6. 'Alm,:d A 1,14 w x■ 613 a � \ \ ■nl C{�.::Wifeul�i gipZ 198th St L —11-1111°115i��• I r 1.1 -�� ��i i rallpgs■i it a. .l a Ili# il ssom st SE zoom;•p nr •! n ■ aritio vi is IY '� m �-:i a■ t1. t �v /1 [..........v± v___i.7,..,[1 ,,,,___:_ GiR� 1 ' 1 ' , **Ola 1 gm2 1 i Al _. rill' I r 1 1 IOW Pil -• :1- 40-4 illui ii*I"NI/I�� �� - rVia.; ::CJCiI a /I� Benson Hill Communities, CPA# 2007-M-06 Staff/Planning Commission Recommendation Zoning Designations Comp Plan-Land Use o soo moo R-1-1 DU per Acre RMF-Residential Multi Family Residential Low Density ,a000 R-4-4 DU per Acre RMH-Residential Manufactured Homes CD Residential Single Family R-8-8 DU per Acre CA-Commercial Arterial O Residential Medium Density Economic Developmrnt,Neigfiborhoods&Strategic Plarwng ®Residential Multi Family R-10-10 DU per Acre CN-Commercial Neighborhood Annexation Boundary Alex Naxh,Admmienetm R-14-14 DU per Acre CO-Commercial Office i Commercial Neighborhood CityLimits •' ,• r;LT,L1'11. Commercial Corridor 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process City Council Public Hearing • Planning Commission Briefings-one for T-1;two for M-7 (Duvall),three for M-1(Park),M-2(Rainier),M-3(Maple Valley Highway), and M-5(Sunset);five for M-7(Benson) 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, • Neighborhood or Interested Party Meetings-M-1(Park),M-2 (Rainier),M-5(Sunset),M-7(Duvall) Concurrent Rezones,Concurrent • Environmental Review-Comment Period June 2151-July 5th Prezoning,and Concurrent Zoning Text • Planning Commission Public Hearing-July 25th and August I" Amendments • Planning Commission Deliberations-August Sth October 1, 2007 • Planning and Development Committee Briefings-August 9th and 16th and September 6th and 20th CPA 2007-M-01 Park Avenue Expanded Area e Analyz d • � " � • f • The land use in proximity to "C''',...'''','"'-: ,',:r t K ; i 11 i 3' a the subject property is varied M. • The changes in the area, g t a including development to the north and south,increased "� .rii"rf '°' %it a _ } i e " f,, i •�, traffic volume,and the � _ Y i i',' ) " principal arterial designation �. "4 I� affect all of the residentially ' � . ti designated parcels in this Park Ave y - Y j _ m � i ' 7 block of Park Avenue 9,, ., em,,............_—....++. m..: .'-^..•,' ? ua9 ' 1 ` is Applicant requested a Comprehensive Plan designation change to Commercial Neighborhood with a concurrent rezone to (; 1 � • i� Commercial Neighborhood ..� ) satorischuu� 1 441101° 'tie Planning Commission CPA 2007-M-02 Rainier Avenue Recommendation � ,/� • Amend the Comprehensive " a ' E ,� �a �„�"� Plan designation to �$ ,� � a �F 1 Commercial Neighborhood '':' ,' �r, and concurrently rezone to M t '`� '' Commercial Neighborhood for seven parcels,as shown k fi::, -' '; at the left a e r • Approve,text amendments i ' } 4''. 2,;.- Rainier Ave ..� ,ti''!'-^-`4'.::::' S �,g� regarding the location of ,w - �- required parking for - - businesses Applicant requested ac Comprehensive designachange of "", ; No parking lots in front 1.6 acres to Commercial Comdor withPlan concurrent rezonetion to Park Ave,m,..� �.. Commercial Aa yr andeaa textand amendmentanextension to allowe a 60 nier du/acreu .ess j ."-:;-'1,1Y.'-‘,17,-� � ' Analysis ���` �' ," Recommendation 724' R 7tn `,� • The conditions that affect the ���' ''Y • Redesignate the block to subject parcel affect the entire a�a Commercial Corridor J '� deli ation with Commercial r� block %/ �� !ri < Arterial zoning ' ( • Surrounding area has significant �3 �a amount of commercial _ j� � �"� T, a development and multi-story multi- ''''' ulti- 17,4j4 ,,,,i3"�� -'#' "' family development to the west. 3 r , j rx-- 4 • Expanded area includes 26 v � properties i t,t.,:„.41 -.4k* i ,:il 1--, i'?1,6,:;,- J¢. l 0 000 N00' £ '^,: ,., '+1: -=....- 1;1 —rew 4.ar h i s GBOO 4 ,lj. i_ $' 1 2 .%,...., *me Rainier Overlay District CPA 2007-M-03 CMaple Valley e Recommendation � "'� ��x � b • This atewa area has several � LIT' re-developable parcels that � could be used to create �y� � x visually interesting,mixed- ttrl'i ;'1,,,', , F Z) use focal pointsto 'If ' � QAmend text to include Rainier „,,,,,„.. ,•• = .., � �a „, '-':0,.....:',7-::-i.';,'':::),1::: �; Business Ilistrict Overlay ,,A,,' -.,, t �� ., ,, 1 with other business districts K qa i ��'.'1 that allow 60 du/acre � u�s -.`44”a ; Amend text so that on mixed-use buildings can reach t ! n, z ' e r s Rainier Business dsm�' E 60 du/acre density Planning Commission Recommendation CPA 2007-M:05 Sunset Boulevard� Rezone ��am ��• �\ .7-..... �� � ' 9.61 ' " 'alit acres to ° �""m+q ii a� r _ w"" v RMD f�:> tI «. -.. n'A' �:•.. -,4-4,'4 �,,.g� air y� ` , � land use ; : and . a— ,' 10 ��� u !„ `- , zoning to E � build 55 "fir ,,� ;; riP' ' a �. 60 homes ✓ %' ,\ I Sunset Blvd Roo nwsimua umum , aoo ma f t \.it / l �(4�/ ,.i (` ave ,+ti.� -77.,,,::=7,-- --, .�,,.s„� �++ •@4 9°°° i 3 x Planning Commission a i ' CPA 2007— ' Recommendation and Analysis , • Project meets criteria for RMD land use and R-10 zoning in M-06 It Policy LU-158 Benson i � ,. • Best Available Science from WDFW,Heron's Forever .-4,.,..--, Wildlife Consultant(Kate Stenberg)and Applicant's Wildlife Hill �^ Consultant(Ken Raedeke)supports medium density `", residential use • No partof this proposal will encroach on the Black River Riparian Forest property 1 ; • WDFW has provided a list of recommended site planning Proposed i g and construction controls that will be discussed during the Comprehensive I' project level review Plan Map j.:,,,,• -4....,•••"1••• ° m --- a-.•°,-,m.......___c-mak - _ Y Review Criteria Proposed Residential Low Density • Designated King County Urban Separators • Match use on the ground to Renton's zoning • Change the Comprehensive Plan if needed match existingTalbot Road i uses with Renton zoning1. �� 3 • Match the net density to Renton'se zoning zl't � y • Achieve logical boundaries between zones �� ' '4 a ,",,. **!7":'-'''�` • Retain Renton Residential Single-Family land use 74� a s 8 M 4 a fir✓ Noll Proposed Residential Low Density Proposed Residential Low Density } • Map Area 15 k 75 F � x Map Area I • Map Area 14 .�.. ,,,ti. •. M b Proposed Residential Single Family II Proposed Residential Single Family � -1"•' m x I� F'� f I .���▪ � III a'. 1 I k • Map Area 2 • Map Area 3 • Map Area 5 -- . Map Area 1 5 W Proposed Residential Single Family Proposed Residential Single Family ,..,,:s--- fig '4112;4'0t N w+G $1 1}} I 3,,.i j_ 0 ` . N „._..._ ...... XpnPAAe ........,,..„2_,„_,........_. ..; .• Map Area 10 w • Map Area 7 • Map Area 13 •Map Area 16 Proposed Residential Single Family Proposed Residential Medium Density t '!''';',-:,.,-1,4 . v., Imp . , . .,. . ,, ,, �i � „,,, ,, ,, ,, ..t.1„..„.....,,,,, , ... ,... ,. . ., , kA r�wr..�..rw�..••.n+r.r�.•wru i..r++w...u.•+-�.Yw....�+w...+.w.ti• ...rw..�.`. re.�ww �mm�w..�nw-.r....�c++..ww.A+•u.�v .. • Map Area 12 •Map Area 8 • Map Area 7 •Map Area 13 6 Proposed Residential Medium Density , i,,'; o A ! edium Density I: ''''il., "''.,'4',i.‘1.'...e°°o,O.,70:', " r-----,,;:4--,"'''' '''''S!,,'1..."-;:k!. ;;;.'' ..' '47:'.4tii; ' .::',';,,,-,,!..,::..h.',i..0,,-,:';': ' . ' ,.;1,',-'''' 1,''' , i.: : , , YYy • 5 .�.ww..u�..w•.M..�+.•.e.r�..wm ....wv...u.....w.w=iu.vv wn-.......E • 7 rvw.aws.mm....,... wn,w+ra wv • Map Area 16 • •Map Area]2 -�� y. • Map Area 8 Proposed Residential Medium Density Proposed Residential Multi-Family ,,.',::=41,,,. sf a � •.• I 4� �r } • Map Area 9 •Map Area 6 • Map Area 4 •Map Area 9 7 *4110 liose Proposed Commercial Corridor Proposed Commercial Corridor ir ,.1.:.',..,.,,,.....:f,.L.._.L,-. a ".ate 3 t f et . • mapArea • Map Area 84 • Map Area 10 • Map Area 6 Proposed Commercial Neighborhood Proposed Commercial Neighborhood Ir fF ''^ $ _ M d'" J 1 " ..vy Y1 OpgG <�'. w �. .,... ✓ 7.W PMN. ..r�mw..o+�..�ar..._.wn.wn n._..•Map Area 16 . Area 6 • m.'�Map Area 13 ww • Map Area 7 Map 8 Niiie ww0 Planning Commission 2007-M-07 Duvall Avenue Corridor Recommendation � � Denial- CPA is untimely for the following reasons: � �'4a Saa�''.� �36¢�# i � 1,1li�•'''� • Unknown consequences at this time from the widening 5,,,3-,,,5-11-:,,—,,,,,,I.19.:,,::.:, g ,Hrinninrptirafeof Duvall Ave NE I ;{iii oun ,lq , •. 's ., 3� ' . • Undocumented demand for new retail or services in the = i � . ��'�� commercially zoned NE Sunset Blvd District, h � l�� � gi 3t As4r s �A However,it maybe appropriate at a later date,to review the City's Plalnuse designations for the whole Y' Comp g area,including the parcels under consideration,once Duvall Avenue improvements are in place King County Vesting Comprehensive Plan Text Changes • Any property owner who wishes to develop may consider 2007-T-01 2006-T-05 ▪ Changes to maps,figures, • City initiated amendment vesting under King County's current zoning • If voters approve the Benson Hill Annexation annexation,the tables,and text are needed allows Residential City pre-zoning would not go into effect until March I,2008 to the Capital Facilities Mobile Home zoning for • The Annexation of the unincorporated island near Duvall Element and the Transportation Element to existing mobile home Avenue (Marshall Annexation)is likely to be in effect in ensure consistency parks in the Residential early 2008 between the Low Density land use • The Annexation of the Maple Valley Highway area(New Comprehensive Plan and designation Life-Aqua Bam Annexation)is likely to be in effect mid or the Six-Year TIP and Six- late 2008 Year CFP • Property owners still have adequate time to utilize the King • Planning Commission County zoning. recommends these "housekeeping" amendments 9 arr► NOW *NO 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Concurrent Rezones, Concurrent Prezoning, and Concurrent Zoning Text Amendments No action is requested this evening 10 `SY 0 • 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Final Issue Papers Correspondence Received from Citizens for all CPAs are at Julia's desk #2007-M-01: Park Avenue #2007-M-02: Rainier Avenue #2007-M-03: Maple Valley Highway Corridor #2007-M-05: Sunset Boulevard (QIP/Virtu) #2007-M-06: Benson Hill Communities #2007-M-07: Duvall Avenue #2007-T-01: Capital Facilities & Transportation Attachments are at Julia's desk #2007-T-05: Land Use Element, Residential Policies Council Public Hearing October 1,2007 1 rr l COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND CONCURRENT REZONE 2007-M-01 —PARK AVENUE PUBLIC HEARING FINAL ISSUE PAPER—(REVISED JUNE 29,2007) DESCRIPTION: The owner of the property at 326 Park Avenue North has requested a Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone from the current Residential Medium Density (RMD) designation implemented with Residential 10 (R-10), ten dwelling units per acre, zoning to a Commercial Neighborhood designation implemented with Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zoning. In reviewing this request in the context of the Comprehensive Plan land use, the City expanded this application to include six additional parcels in the 300 block of Park Avenue: 335, 330, 325, and 323 Park Avenue, as well as, two vacant parcels. ISSUE SUMMARY: 1. What is the appropriate zoning for 326 Park Avenue North? 2. If commercial zoning is appropriate for 326 Park Avenue North, is it also appropriate for the other six residentially zoned properties in the 300 block of Park Avenue North? 3. How should parking be accommodated as residential structures convert to commercial uses on Park Avenue? RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: • 326 Park Avenue North should be changed from a Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to a Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial Neighborhood with CN zoning. • The other six residentially zoned properties in the 300 block of Park Avenue North should also be changed from a Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to a Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial Neighborhood with CN zoning. • Parking in the CN zone on Park Avenue should be accommodated at the back or sides of the structures. ANALYSIS: The original subject property at 326 Park Avenue North is a 5,000 square foot parcel with a single story, 880 square foot, two bedroom home built in 1941. The building grade of the house is classified as low/average in King County records. The area is part of the Renton Farm Plat. The land use in proximity to the subject property is varied. Within the same block there are multiple commercial uses (including a small grocery store and a tavern), homes that have been converted to office use, an apartment building, and single-family dwellings. The Satori School is located to the rear of the property. The following are existing uses in the 300 block of Park Avenue North: (see attachment 1) H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-01 Park Ave\Final Issue Paper.doc Page 1 of 9 1 Public Hearing Final Issue Pape /4110 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-01:Park Avenue 1) In the Corridor Commercial designation,the northern portion of the block: a. Dog and Pony Alehouse, a tavern and restaurant built in 1958 (at corner of North 4th and Park) b. Single family residence, built in 1920 converted to office use c. Happy Hounds Dog Grooming, converted residence built in 1935 d. NW Four Seasons Landscaping, residence converted to business, built in 1923 e. Single family residence, built in 1923 f. Single family residence, built in 1937 2) In the Commercial Neighborhood designation, the southern portion of the block: a. Single family dwelling built in 1940, owned by same owner as Bennett Apartments, rear of property used as parking for apartments b. Bennett Apartments, built in 1965 c. Arnolds Market, built in 1965 3) In the Residential Medium designation, at the middle of the block: a. Single family residence built in 1916 b. Duplex built in 1938 c. Vacant lot d. Single family residence built in 1905 e. Vacant lot f. Single family residence, built in 1919 g. Single family residence, built in 1941 (subject property) Mr. Kunovsky, the proponent of this land use action request, has proposed converting the residence into a small professional office. Surface parking to serve the office use would be located at the rear of the building. If the property were rezoned CN, a fifteen-foot (15') setback would be required along the property line of the subject parcel on the side where it abuts the Residential 10 zoned property. On two sides of Mr. Kunovsky's property, the current land use is more intensive than single- family land use. To the south, the market that is located there has a large parking lot and accommodates many users throughout their business hours. To the east, the Satori School is an alternative high school with approximately 150 students who attend school during regular school hours. The parking lot for the school lies on the portion of the school property that borders the subject property. To the north, is a single-family residence. Across the street to the west, is a vacant lot. In evaluating the potential conversion of this single-family residence to a commercial use, the context of single-family land use along the Park Avenue corridor was analyzed. Park Avenue North is a street that historically had been part of a traditional residential neighborhood. Over time, much of the land use along this street has evolved into commercial uses, including many homes that have been converted to commercial and/or office uses. The land uses outside the most immediate area to the north and to the south have also experienced change. Renton's downtown core has recently begun to regain its vitality with more dense residential developments and the transit center. The area to the north is evolving from an area that was Page 2 of 9 Public Hearing Final Issue Paperme Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-01:Park Avenue largely used by the Boeing Company for airplane production to a center of retail and residential development, including the Landing. Below is a land use map showing Comprehensive Plan Land use designations and zoning in proximity to the subject parcel, as well as, the requested comprehensive plan amendment and concurrent zoning change. Existing Residential Medium Density/R-10 Zoning Proposed Commercial Neighborhood/CN Zoning Residential` ,� dential ,� Rest F ,Single , ru , Employment Single rr ) FamilyIL Family F ( roplat ln_dAUrS9fe(RS) (RS.. ) R-10R;Residential Residential dl Medium Medium 'Density ,,�ix�(d�4rlsetnt)a s2 DBI1Sity r"F'�rr r�r (RMD) (RMD) ff R-10 Residential _... Re$rdenhal Medium Density Density R-8 (RMD) ' R�8 „ (RMD) Residential Residential ial Residntial Residential Single_Sinele R.8 Family Single R-8Fmiy Family (RS) Family (RS) (RS) F (RS) ziai (RMD) R 10 R 10 (RMD) Park Ave(2007-M-01)Land Use&Zoning Zoning Land Use 0 200 400 CA-Commercial Arterial aaaa CN-Commerical Negh alnoO Is11 rT� r CN-Commercial Neighborhood ®CC-Commercial Cougar ��—` Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning R-B-Residential SdWx EA-I-Employment Area Industrial 1 .2400 s \♦ Ece omit, ev ilipme R-10•Residenha110 duhac 7=1 RMD-Residential Medium Density IL-Industrial Light c::_i RS-Residential Single Family N'CO 13 July 2017 Study Area The blocks of Park Avenue to the north of the 300-block are currently designated Commercial Corridor with CA zone, which allows higher intensity land use than residential. The 400 block is entirely zoned Commercial Arterial and the 500 block is zoned Commercial Arterial and Urban Center - North 1 (UC-N1). CA allows land uses such as drive-thru's and residential densities up to 20 du/acre. UC-N1 allows uses such as conference centers and residential densities up to 150 du/acre when in mixed-use buildings. The blocks of Park Avenue to the south of the 300-block are currently designated for both residential and higher intensity land uses. The 200-block is designated both Commercial Neighborhood with CN zoning and Residential Medium Density with Residential 10 zoning. The 300-block of Park Avenue is a street that has changed over time to become an area that contains a diversity of commercial uses at the northern and southern portion of the block. Those commercial uses serve the community in the surrounding area. Additionally, development of the area surrounding this portion of Park Avenue, to the north with the development of former Page 3 of 9 Public Hearing Final Issue Pape 'LN Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-01:Park Avenue Boeing property and to the south with the increased vitality of downtown, has put pressure on this transportation corridor as a linkage. These changes have filtered to the entire middle portion of the 300-block of Park Avenue, not just 326 Park Avenue. In evaluating the potential conversion of the residence at 326 to a commercial use it was found that the conditions at 326 are the same as the conditions for all parcels currently designated Residential Medium Density with zoned R-10 zoning in this block of Park Avenue. These changes in conditions that have occurred at 326 Park have also occurred to the other R-10 zoned properties. This makes Commercial Neighborhood Comprehensive Plan designation and CN zoning appropriate for all parcels that are currently designated R-10 in the 300 block of Park Avenue North. This area includes seven parcels of 38,850 square feet or .89 acres. Staff recommends that all the parcels, as shown below, included in this expanded recommendation be redesignated CN and rezoned CN, they are: • 335 Park Avenue • 330 Park Avenue • 325 Park Avenue • 323 Park Avenue • two vacant parcels Existing Residential Medium Density/R-10 Zoning Proposed Expanded Area Commercial Neighborhood/CN Zoning r t 1Residential �x r :Residential ' � � � Single • Employment Singlep i1fe11t Family "t a"~r fit ILAtea ' Family a Ik eI Industrial (RS) • i"�Xta`a ) ndsfnaf R-10_ (EA-0 R•10 � tI ` Residential z Residential di ,; Medium Medium Density Densityvi r .3 (RMD) { r f , (RMD) `Elf f r: jr R-10 Residential ; Residential j : Medium • z F Medium Density I . Density p,, (RMD) R.8 . (RMD) M R.8 '�t = . "° '"' Residential Residential Residential Single Residential, -., Single Family I Single -4.. R-g Family Single R a • Family ; (RS) Family :P (RS) (RS) (RS) R-10R-10 (RMD) (RMD)--- CPA#2007-M-01 and Concurrent Rezoning Zoning Land Use 0 200 400.,�., CA-Commercial AnNal =Si CN-Commerical Neighborhood CN-Commensal Neighbarlood m CC-Commercial Cortin 1 :2400 R-8-Resdential 8 driac EM-Empbymem Area Industrial iY Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning R-10-Resbenbal 10&Jac RMD-Residential Medium Density �• Akx Piaach.Adminiaraar IL-Industrial Light RS-Residential Single Fray C E.Feasel N O I7 July 2007 —Study Area The Comprehensive Plan indicates the long-term vision of the City; within the Comprehensive Plan the Renton Arterial Plan for 2002 — 2022 shows that a part of the City's vision is that Park Page 4 of 9 Public Hearing Final Issue Papel Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-01:Park Avenue Avenue North will serve as a principal arterial (map below). The 2002-2022 improvements plan includes arterial widening from North 6th to Logan Avenue North. Park Avenue is also planned to serve as a roadway for local transit routes on the Renton 2002-2022 Transit Plan- Conceptual map. As traffic volumes increase, single-family residential use becomes increasingly less appealing to residents. Single-family homes on a principal arterial are typically not perceived as desirable places to live. Additionally, arterials, particularly principal arterials, are opportunities for commercial land use in areas that are not particularly conducive to single family residential uses. RENTON ARTERIAL PLAN Renton Arterial Plan x (A(02�;t3'2) Extend xy ori s �Lima i W. 1/ Trafsportallan % e f .''t cop Rem7mn r 4I Plan '„4. I . `- ,.. #Allltl Area �� '� t•`a` .rte Clo Front 1 IAtroud room r, /it ji i Minor Antall .0[00101. r., r C llomrArrerwl — ad ,, ,.1.111 _-I- - **u*- , , .s... �U■n. 'A ,.' _ tk x1111.\ ` :*a w PtiMul 1\%,...... ' :art, . milloPoi ILL., w E.I. ai-`41, e-tqafefriroginikili,ii _ 1 l 4 F 4i141 1 IV y.. G fit. t its ,��` ICI" lifil Alp ■ „ ♦ �, ` lilt, I _It V 111P fit, -rir-- ilk . iiir :a r`' � ) 1 4 j` ,II :?:4\ i , ;. ;;x i.. \ - ... x, ' i" "'i .t 1 J S. A I 4/ is X .... , „ , ,.+"" NIP 1 L 1r • le ,.,,,, , r, _ , _ _ ,, .... ., ,. __ _ ., , . ,,,,,,,, ,, , rp !--) ----,,, . - . The traffic counts along Park Avenue North are as follows: Page 5 of 9 1r► Public Hearing Final Issue Paper 40110 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-01:Park Avenue • 200 block—9,200 • 300 block— 11,000 • 400 block— 13,300 • 500 block—21,500 • approaching I-405 between 18,100 and 25,500 vehicles per day. Examination of these traffic counts in combination with the understanding that the transportation plan for Park Avenue is for it to be a principal arterial, make it apparent that a commercial designation is appropriate. At this time, the traffic counts on Park are not at the levels of other principal arterials in the city with CA zoning, making CN zoning more appropriate. For example, Grady Way, NE 4th, and Rainier Avenue are all principal arterials with CA zoning that have traffic counts of 20,000 — 40,000+ vehicle trips per day. These traffic volumes on Park Avenue also lend to a parallel transition of intensity in land use. On blocks to the north of the 300 block where traffic volumes are higher, the designation is Commercial Corridor (CC) with CA and UC-N1 zoning. The lower volume 200 block is designated Commercial Neighborhood with the CN zone and Residential Medium Density (RMD) with R-10 zoning. The transition from R-10 to Urban Center coincides with the transition from 9,200 to 21,500 vehicles per day. The remaining RMD designation with R-10 zoning in the 300 block is counter to the transition. The CN designation and zone does facilitate the transition. These factors and the existing commercial uses at the northern and southern ends of the 300 block make commercial neighborhood an appropriate designation for this portion of the 300 block of Park Avenue North. EXISTING AND PROPOSED COMREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING: The Residential Medium Density Comprehensive Plan designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing, and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types designed to: incorporate features from both single-family developments, support cost-efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service, and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure (see attachment 2, RMD purpose statement). The designation is implemented by both the R-10 and R-14 zoning designations (Policy LU-157). The zoning for the properties in the expanded area is R-10. The uses allowed in the Residential 10 zone are primarily various forms of small lot single-family residential development. Existing uses are consistent with Policy LU-165. There are no commercial uses that would be viable in an urban neighborhood permitted in the R-10 zone. The R-14 zoning designation does allow more intensive commercial and residential uses (Policies LU-165 and LU-181). However, the zone requires an area of at least 20 acres in order to be applied (Policy LU-159). The corridor of Park from the Urban Center - North area continuing south to its extent at Bronson does not meet this 20-acre requirement. The area is approximately 11.5 acres total in size. So, R-14 zoning would not be feasible for this location without consideration of a larger area-wide rezone. The purpose of the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) designation, in part "is to provide small scale, low-intensity commercial areas located within neighborhoods primarily for the convenience of residents who live nearby" (page IX-70). The Commercial Neighborhood Page 6 of 9 Public Hearing Final Issue Papeb„r.' ; mai Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-O 1:Park Avenue designation is implemented with Commercial Neighborhood zoning (Policy LU-422). Commercial Neighborhood allows uses that are small in scale and have limited volume of business. Typically, CN businesses are expected to generate low vehicular traffic and require a small amount of on-site parking. Examples of CN uses are eating and drinking establishments (excluding drive-through, fast food service), offices with size restrictions, lower intensity retail, and on-site professional or individual services. Excluded uses include vehicle repair, fitness centers, adult retail sales, dry cleaning, service and social organizations, and off-site services. Residential development is allowed in Commercial Neighborhood, when it is on upper levels at a density of four units per structure with allowed Commercial Neighborhood use on the ground floor. At this time, Park Avenue is in transition toward the long-range vision of a principal arterial. The more intense commercial use of the CA zone is not appropriate for this portion of Park Avenue at this time. The purpose statement in the comprehensive plan for the Commercial Corridor states that the areas are characterized in part by "accommodating large volumes of traffic" (page IX-53). This block of Park does not yet accommodate large volumes of traffic. The policies of the CN designation are more applicable to this portion of Park Avenue than the policies of CC. Policy LU-425 states that small scale uses in CN areas should "not increase in intensity so that the character of the commercial area or that of the nearby residential area is changed". This policy is very appropriate for this area of Park. The next street to the east with traffic counts is Garden Street and in the 300 block it has 600 vehicle trips per day and the 300 block of Wells Avenue North to the west also has 600 vehicle trips per day. These parallel streets are clearly single family residential in their nature and CN policies seek to allow commercial use that does not impact those residential areas. CC policy LU-337 indicates that CA zoning should apply to areas that are served by transit, have strip commercial development patterns, have large surface parking lots, primary development on the sites is located at the rear portion of the property with parking in the front of the buildings, parcel size and configuration is typically defined by a larger parcel fronting the arterial street with multiple buildings and businesses, and the corridor exhibits long block lengths and/or an incomplete grid street network. This middle portion of Park Avenue meets none of these criteria. The area does meet the criteria that it be served by transit. However, the area does not have strip commercial development, it is comprised of smaller parcels of land, there is no capacity for large surface parking lots, development with parking in the front of the buildings is not desired and does not exist, and the street network is a complete and functioning grid network. Thus, the CC designation is not appropriate for this portion of Park Avenue at this time. CAPACITY ANALYSIS: The entire area of the seven parcels on Park Avenue North proposed for rezoning to CN is approximately 38,850 square feet, or .89 acre. There are currently four dwelling units. According the buildable lands methodology, under the current zoning, there is capacity for 8.48 total units. There is no capacity for commercial space because commercial is not allowed with the current zoning designation. Under the proposed zoning, there is capacity for 10,490 square feet of commercial space. According the buildable lands methodology, commercial properties in CN zones utilize 400 square feet of space per employee. Thus, the entire rezone area has the capacity for 26 Page 7 of 9 r► Public Hearing Final Issue Pape Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-01: Park Avenue employees. Renton policy allows residential uses in the CN zone only when it is on upper stories and only at a density of four units per structure. Thus, the residential density capacity of the rezone area is difficult to determine. If all parcels remained as non-consolidated properties, then seven parcels could allow seven separate projects each with four dwelling units for a net 28 dwelling units. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment of the seven parcels on the 300 block of Park Avenue North from Residential Medium Density to Commercial Neighborhood must meet at least one criteria in RMC 4-9-020G. This criteria requires that it be found that: 1) The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan, or 2) The request supports the adopted business plan goals established by the City Council, or 3) The request eliminates conflicts with existing elements or policies, or 4) The request amends the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate new policy directives of the City Council. This expanded CPA proposal meets the first criterion, that the change supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan. The adopted Comprehensive Plan land use element goals seek to "promote new development and neighborhoods" that "are walkable places where people can live, shop,play, and get to work without always having to drive" (goal 7b). The amendment also supports the intent of the Comprehensive Plan transportation element Arterial Plan. "The improvements comprised by the Arterial Plan have been identified through the land use and transportation planning process as improvements that protect or improve neighborhoods, improve safety, improve business access, and are economically feasible (page XI-22). ZONING CONCURRENCY: This concurrent rezone from R-10 to CN complies with the decision criteria for rezones in RMC 4-9-180. This criteria requires that it be found that: 1) The proposed amendment meets the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; and 2) The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; and 3) At least one of the following circumstances applies: a) The subject reclassification was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning; or b) Since the most recent land use analysis or the area zoning of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone significant and material change. This request meets all of the required zoning change criteria above. Criteria number one is met because is supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan as outlined previously. Number two is met because these parcels meet the policies of the proposed Land Use designation of CN as explained in the analysis section. Number three is met through subpart b; this block of Park Avenue North has experienced significant and material change due to authorized public improvements at the Landing and in Downtown. The area has also experienced significant and material change due to permitted private development at the Landing and in Downtown. This Page 8 of 9 Public Hearing Final Issue Papeir✓` Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-01:Park Avenue request is compliant with the Comprehensive Plan and the proposed zoning is consistent with the adopted policies for the CN land use designation. PUBLIC PROCESS FOR EXPANDED AREA: A letter was mailed to all property owners with a property that is adjacent or abutting the expanded study area informing them of the proposed changes, including changing the designation to commercial for the other residentially designated properties, and requesting their input. Five area property owners responded. Of the five respondents three own properties within the expanded study area. Thus, within the expanded study area there are seven properties, four of which are favorable to changing the designation to commercial. One of the non-responsive property owners in the study area is the Renton School District that owns a vacant parcel. CONCURRENT ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT ADDRESSING PARKING: City staff has observed many circumstances where as single-family residences convert to business uses, parking is accommodated in the front of the house. When front yards are covered with gravel and/or pavement and the space is used as a parking lot it degrades the quality of the neighborhood and the feeling of pedestrian friendliness. The type of conversions to business uses the city would like to see occur are the type that add to the visual quality of the neighborhood and the City. Thus, staff recommends that in the Commercial Neighborhood zone businesses located in single-family dwellings or duplexes, be required to accommodate parking in the side or back yard areas of the property. Keeping business parking restricted to the side or rear yards when located in single-family buildings meets the policies set in the Comprehensive Plan Commercial Neighborhood land use designation. Specifically, Policy LU-424, "Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should not increase in scale or size to the point of changing the character of the nearby residential neighborhood". Also, Policy LU-430, "Commercial structures in Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should be compatible with nearby residential areas in height, front yard setbacks, lot coverage, building design, and use". These policies seek to enhance the commercial opportunities for area residents while ensuring the sense and scale of the neighborhood is preserved. The placement of parking at the side and/or rear yard helps to preserve neighborhood character and ensures that commercial uses are compatible with residential areas. To ensure that adequate parking can be provided for these converted business uses without using the front yard area, staff also recommends modifying standards for the location of required parking. First, it is proposed the zoning text be amended so that required parking can be accommodated with off-site parking when sufficient parking cannot be provided on the premises. Second, staff recommends modifying when the use of joint use parking facilities is permitted. This modification would allow the use of joint use facilities for both uses with dissimilar peak hours and when the parking facility is underutilized. Both of these changes would help ensure that adequate parking could be provided for business uses and that the parking would not occur in front of the converted home. These recommended changes to parking standards require a zoning text amendment. Proposed zoning text language is shown in attachment 3a and 3b. Page 9 of 9 mar • 1110r 1111100 . i Attachment 1 —Existing Comprehensive Plan Designations and Uses, 300 Block Park Avenue r Happy ;:,;•4•,:. Hounds e• . Dog & /, , • h Pony •.,,,,.,CC ' Landscaping :; i .. Alehouse r A Business s. 4 , �. .. . SF House wy • , Real Estate - ` , Officer SF House �, . k Flukrillg f Y •SF House j n Vacant.Lot - ' -$ ''''''''-;-•''r ' "trettl:",,P SF House R—M D 4'SF House Vacant Lot • • 326 Park -SF House e n P F , House, t' i Parking lot 1.; �' ,4 A _' CCN . Bennett ; Arnold's *, t Apartments Market , rw ti New Attachment 2 City of Renton Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Element Policies relevant to 2007-M-01: Park Avenue RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY LAND USE DESIGNATION Purpose Statement: The Residential Medium Density designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing, and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi-family developments, support cost- efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service, and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Objective LU-GG: Designate land for Residential Medium Density (RMD) where access, topography and adjacent land uses create conditions appropriate for a variety of unit types designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi-family developments, and to support cost-efficient housing, infill development, transit service, and the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Policy LU-157. Residential Medium Density designated areas should be zoned for either Residential 10 dwelling units per net acre (R-10), Residential 14 dwelling units per net acre (R-14), or new zoning designations that allow housing in this density range. Policy LU-158. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods may be considered for Residential 10 (R-10) zoning if they meet three of the following criteria: 1) The area already has a mix of small-scale multi-family units or has had long standing zoning for flats or other low-density multi-family use; 2) Development patterns conducive to medium-density development are established; 3) Vacant lots exist or parcels have redevelopment potential for medium-density infill development; 4) The project site is adjacent to major arterial(s) and public transit service is located within '/ mile; 5) The site can be buffered from existing single-family residential neighborhoods having densities of eight (8) dwelling units or less; or 6) The site can be buffered from adjacent or abutting incompatible uses. Policy LU-159. Areas may be considered for Residential 14 (R-14) zoning where the site meets the following criteria: 1) Adjacent to major arterial(s); H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-01 Park Ave\COMP PLAN-Park relevant policies(attach 2).doc Page 1 of 5 MIL L I' 11111110 *OW 2) Adjacent to the Urban Center, Highlands Center Village, or Commercial Corridor designations; 3) Part of a designation totaling over 20 acres (acreage may be in separate ownership); 4) Site is buffered from single-family areas or other existing, potentially incompatible uses; and 5) Development within the density range and of similar unit type is achievable given environmental constraints. Objective LU-HH: Residential Medium Density designations should be areas where creative approaches to housing density can be implemented. Policy LU-165. Provision of small lot, single-family detached unit types, townhouses, and multi-family structures compatible with a single-family character should be allowed and encouraged in the Residential Medium Density designation, provided that density standards can be met (see also the Housing Element for housing types). Policy LU-167. A range and variety of lot sizes and building densities should be encouraged. Policy LU-168. Residential developments should include public amenities that function as a gathering place within the development and should include features such as a public square, open space, park, civic or commercial uses in the R-14 zone. The central place should include amenities for passive recreation such as benches and fountains and be unified by a design motif or common theme. COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR LAND USE DESIGNATION Purpose Statement: The Commercial Corridor district is characterized by concentrated, pre- existing commercial activity, primarily in a linear urban form, that provides necessary goods and services for daily living, accessible to near-by neighborhoods, serving a sub-regional market and accommodating large volumes of traffic. It is the intention of City objectives and policies that Commercial Corridor areas evolve from "strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities, and boulevard treatment. Commercial Corridor areas may include designated districts including concentrations of specialized uses such as the Auto Mall, or features such as transit stops and a combination of businesses creating a focal point of pedestrian activity and visual interest. Commercial Corridor areas are characterized by medium intensity levels of activity. It is anticipated, however, that intensity levels in these areas will increase over time as development of vacant space occurs, increased land value makes redevelopment feasible, and land is used H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-01 Park Ave\COMP PLAN-Park relevant policies(attach 2).doc Page 2 of 5 vow more efficiently. In these districts, provision of pedestrian amenities is encouraged, as are opportunities to link adjacent uses and neighborhoods. Objective LU-DDD: The Commercial Corridor land use designation should include: 1) Established commercial and office areas; 2) Developments located on large parcels of land; 3) Projects that may be highly visible from principal arterials; 4) Uses dependent upon or benefiting from high-volume traffic; 5) Uses that provide significant employment; and 6) Businesses that provide necessary or desirable goods and services to the larger community. Policy LU-333. The Commercial Corridor Land Use designation should be mapped in areas with the following characteristics: 1) Located on, and having access to, streets classified as principal arterials; 2) High traffic volumes; or 3) Land use pattern characterized by strip commercial development, shopping centers, or office parks. Policy LU-334. The Commercial Corridor designation should be implemented through Commercial Arterial, Commercial Office, or Light Industrial zoning. Policy LU-335. Increased demand for commercial uses should be accommodated primarily through redevelopment and intensification of existing business area designations rather than expansion of those areas. Objective LU-EEE: Create opportunities for development and re-development of land in portions of the Commercial Corridor designation for general business and service uses. These include a wide range of restaurant, small-scale to big-box retail, offices, auto dealers, light industrial, and residential uses. Policy LU-336. Portions of the Commercial Corridor designation appropriate for a wide range of uses catering to low and medium intensity office, service, and retail uses should be mapped with Commercial Arterial zoning. Policy LU-337. Areas that should be considered for Commercial Arterial zoning should meet the following criteria: 1) The corridor is served by transit or has transit within one-quarter mile; 2) A historical strip commercial urban development pattern predominates; 3) Large, surface parking lots exist; 4) Primary development on the site is located at rear portions of the property with parking in front of the buildings; 5) Parcel size and configuration typically is defined by a larger parcel fronting the arterial street with multiple buildings and businesses; and 6) The corridor exhibits long block lengths and/or an incomplete grid street network. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-01 Park Ave\COMP PLAN-Park relevant policies(attach 2).doc Page 3 of 5 11101e 1111110 Policy LU-338. Commercial Arterial zoned areas should include an opportunity for residential uses and office as part of mixed-use development. Objective LU-GGG: Guide redevelopment of land in the Commercial Corridor designation with Commercial Arterial zoning, from the existing strip commercial forms into more concentrated forms, in which structures and parking evolve from the existing suburban form, to more efficient urban configurations with cohesive site planning. Policy LU-346. Support the redevelopment of commercial business districts located along principal arterials in the City. Policy LU-347. Implement development standards that encourage lively, attractive, medium to high-density commercial areas. Policy LU-348. Encourage consolidation of individual parcels to maximize flexibility of site design and reduce access points. Policy LU-349. Support development plans incorporating the following features: 1) Shared access points and fewer curb cuts; 2) Internal circulation among adjacent parcels; 3) Shared parking facilities; 4) Allowance for future transition to structured parking facilities; 5) Centralized signage; 6) Unified development concepts; and 7) Landscaping and streetscape that softens visual impacts. COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD LAND USE DESIGNATION Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Commercial Neighborhood designation is to provide small scale, low-intensity commercial areas located within neighborhoods primarily for the convenience of residents who live nearby. Uses should be those that provide goods and services. In addition, a limited amount of residential opportunities should be provided. Objective LU-WWW: Commercial Neighborhood designated areas are intended to reduce traffic volumes, permit small-scale business uses, such as commercial/retail, professional office, and services that serve the personal needs of the immediate population in surrounding neighborhoods. Policy LU-422. The Commercial Neighborhood designation should be implemented by Commercial Neighborhood zoning. Policy LU-423. Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should be located: 1) Within one-quarter mile of existing and planned residential areas; H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-01 Park Ave\COMP PLAN-Park relevant policies(attach 2).doc Page 4 of 5 0 • 2) To the extent possible, outside of the trade areas of other small-scale commercial uses offering comparable goods and services; and 3) Contiguous to a street no smaller than those classified at the collector level. Policy LU-424. Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should not increase in scale or size to the point of changing the character of the nearby residential neighborhood. Policy LU-425. The small-scale uses of Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should not increase in intensity so that the character of the commercial area or that of the nearby residential area is changed. Policy LU-426. A mix of uses (e.g. convenience retail, consumer services, offices, residential) should be encouraged in small-scale commercial developments within Commercial Neighborhood designated areas. Policy LU-427. Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should consist primarily of retail and/or service uses. Policy LU-428. Products and services related to large-scale motorized machinery, vehicles, or equipment should not be allowed in Commercial Neighborhood designated areas. Nor should uses that result in emissions, noise, or other potential nuisance conditions be allowed in such areas. Policy LU-429. Residential uses should be located above the ground floor, limited to no more than four units per structure and should be secondary to retail and services uses. Policy LU-430. Commercial structures in Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should be compatible with nearby residential areas in height, front yard setbacks, lot coverage, building design, and use. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-01 Park Ave\COMP PLAN-Park relevant policies(attach 2).doc Page 5 of 5 4 • vow Attachment 3a co u) c t c L a) •.. 0 O 0) C j co a a c 0 Ta .g. (7) -1- - :E O co 4) a E 0 0 a)o Cl _C CO a3 W u) c a� 0o o 7) E ca a) 4 :~ L Z Cd) - > ai E •EmU p c � sa) a) La) c O o �' U _ 0 O p '^ Y 0_ 2 C NY a) p O __ L cv, 0 ~ 'a C co �' O a �O co a) Ca Ti u_ C O • C O 0 a (n Q p C W �_ U U N L o c a 222 a' "co O u) ,- az co , = C!-t co .0 co a) .• a vi L E c cn a EE au. O � zc a3o > jcinU) OEd c ) rara ' - a) mM Q)(n C U � � X Z 0) O 3 X a) 4 • Q) a) O a) Z � N C N 7 a) i a) ..., 6 .,-. ate) a 0 0)V a -0 CO 0) X +-S 1 .0 I- CD- N .L a) O a f a 0 3 _c c .c •E c0 H o ' 0 Q O N p co C 'O ce .�, o •- to a) L a) V U Zo 0 z c`oO o. 0 z cca .5 c cN 3 C -v 3 cC o w a) �i a a L L o .L. a) U Uo ., a) p 0 Y t() = N co O s L O U p V c c C 0 �O 4_ O O Z+ C v 2 C Q a) co a-0 a 0 0 o -c7 4=- 0 v0) 2 'a co m a a � -r .4 � " 0 = . 00) 0 E N N -0 C . cn � U C a� 0 (/) -C i c + +. E m -c) p ++ Z '> L a) N 2 7 6-) "p C co E o O 3 as y C 0 a)U 0. 0) E i` - V C ? 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U ca O (a C C O rr o • N r; 't C _ c = a) Cl) c c o a s .-: en- C f O c o •� E c -c l'2 o o '> U o :c7:3- :-5 a o � _ a) a) 1— et 3 ca c`6 w a) o U a) N c0 U a O o C a?) '5 '5 OL a) aa)) C 4- �' a) m L.L. a .n r- o Co Cl.. u) o ca < 0. — 0..0 O a Cl) C/) CO o 2 CO c) C o L N as a) o 4- 4 C a) o y C 0 m as 0 co a o - 0 < ..) 0) R C V C _ L <a 0 C . o ca c° >, a) d d 0 N y 0 0 —I to Q' r , 0 *NW NOV c�) v U 2 a> a) 0 0 c�) 4 a 2 w CL a) Q J U H ce U 0 0 r) U 2 a) a) a) 0 Attachment 3b 4-4-080 PARKING, LOADING AND DRIVEWAY REGULATIONS: E. LOCATION OF REQUIRED PARKING: 1. On-Site Parking Required: Required parking as specified herein shall be provided upon property in the same ownership as the property upon which the building or use requiring the specified parking is located or upon leased parking. Off-street parking facilities shall be located as hereinafter specified: a. Detached, Semi-Attached and Two (2)Attached Dwellings: On the same lot with the building they are required to serve. b.Attached Dwellings Greater Than Three (3) Units: May be on contiguous lot with the building they are required to serve; provided, the provisions of subsection E2 (Off-Site Parking)of this Section are complied with. c. Boat Moorages: May have parking areas located not more than six hundred feet(600') from such moorage facility nor closer than one hundred feet(100')to the shoreline (see subsection F10 of this Section). Accessible parking as required by the Washington State Barrier Free Standards can be allowed within one hundred feet(100') per subsection F8e of this Section. d. Other Uses: On the same lot with the principal use except when the conditions as mentioned in subsection E2 (Off-Site Parking)of this Section are complied with. (Amd. Ord. 4790, 9-13-1999) 2. Off-Site Parking: a. When Permitted: If sufficient parking is not available on the premises of the use, an offsite private parking area may be utilizedpr-evidcd off site . Off-site parking may not be utilized by except-for single=family residential use and-two-(-2-yfartings or duplexes with residential use. b. Agreement Required: A parking agreement ensuring that off-site parking is available for the duration of the use shall be approved by the Development Services Director, following review by the City Attorney. c.Additional Information Required: The Development Services Division shall review the following as part of the permit process: i. A letter of justification addressing the need for off-site parking and compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. ii.A site plan showing all dimensions of parking spaces, aisles, landscaping areas, adjacent street improvements, curb cuts, and on-site and adjacent uses and buildings. d. Fees: No charge for use of such parking area shall be made in any residential zone except on a weekly or monthly basis. e. Maximum Distance to Off-Site Parking Area: i.All Zones Within the Downtown Core: No distance requirements apply when both the use and off-site parking are located within the Downtown Core. . Vie ii.Within the UC-N1 and UC-N2 Zones: Off-site parking shall be within five hundred feet (500')of the building or use if it is intended to serve residential uses, and within one thousand five hundred feet(1,500')of the building or use if it is intended to serve nonresidential uses. iii.All Other Zones: Off-site parking shall be within five hundred feet(500')of the building or use if it is intended to serve residential uses, and within seven hundred fifty feet(750')of the building or use if it is intended to serve nonresidential uses. f. Transportation Management Plan Exception: The Planning/Building Public Works Department may modify the maximum distance requirements if a Transportation Management Plan or other acceptable transportation system will adequately provide for the parking needs of the use and the conditions outlined in RMC 4-9-250D2 are met. (Ord. 3988,4-28-1986; Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995; Ord. 5030, 11-24-2003; Amd. Ord. 5087, 6- 28-2004) 3.Joint Use Parking Facilities: a. When Permitted: Joint use of parking facilities may be authorized on-Iy-for those uses that have dissimilar peak-hour demands or when it can be demonstrated that the parking facilities that are to be shared are underutilized. b.Agreement Required: A parking agreement ensuring that joint use parking is available for the duration of the uses shall be approved by the Development Services Director, following review by the City Attorney. c. Maximum Distance to Joint Use Parking: i. All Zones Within the Downtown Core: No distance requirements apply when both the use and joint use parking are located within the Downtown Core. ii.Within the UC-N1 and UC-N2 Zones: Joint use parking shall be within seven hundred fifty feet(750')of the building or use if it is intended to serve residential uses, and within one thousand five hundred feet(1,500')of the building or use if it is intended to serve nonresidential uses. iii.All Other Zones: Joint use parking shall be within seven hundred fifty feet(750') of the building or use it is intended to serve. d. Special Provisions for Subdivision of Shopping Center: Parking areas in shopping centers may operate as common parking for all uses. If a shopping center is subdivided, easements and/or restrictive covenants must grant use and provide for maintenance of common parking and access areas. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986; Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995; Ord. 5030, 11-24-2003;Amd. Ord. 5087, 6-28-2004) 6y , COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND CONCURRENT REZONE 2007-M-02—RAINIER AVENUE PUBLIC HEARING FINAL ISSUE PAPER—(REVISED JUNE 29,2007) DESCRIPTION: This map amendment request involves four parcels, two on Rainier Avenue South and two on Hardie Avenue Southwest. The parcels are back-to-back spanning the width of the block and forming a backwards "L" with frontage on Rainier. All parcels are located in the 100-block of their respective streets. This proposal is for a Comprehensive Plan map amendment from Residential Medium Density (RMD) to Commercial Corridor (CC) and a rezone from R-10 to Commercial Arterial (CA) at 188 Hardie Avenue SW. The proposal would also include an expansion of the Rainier Business District overlay to all four subject parcels and a zoning code text change to allow 60 dwelling units per acre in the Rainier Business District overlay. Currently, the maximum density allowed in CA is 20 dwelling units per acre. The City in reviewing this request in the context of the Comprehensive Plan land use element expanded this application to include four additional parcels: 150, 176, 180 Hardie Ave SW, and 111 SW Victoria to be rezoned from R-10 to CA. The application has also been expanded to include the property at 196 Hardie which is zoned CA, but designated incorrectly for RMD land use. Also, the application has been expanded to include an additional 26 properties already designated CC with CA zoning in the Rainier Business District overlay. ISSUE SUMMARY: 1. Should the Comprehensive Plan designation on Hardie Avenue SW be changed to Commercial Corridor and rezoned Commercial Arterial? 2. Should the Rainier Avenue Business District Overlay be extended to the subject properties and should it be extended further north and/or further south? 3. What is the City's vision for multi-family and/or mixed-use development and should it be allowed in the Rainier corridor and if so, at what density? RECOMMENDATION: • The Comprehensive Plan designation for the requested parcels and the expanded area parcels on Hardie should be changed to Commercial Corridor and zoned Commercial Arterial. • The City's established vision for Rainier Avenue is that it is a gateway and that the design, function, and configuration should reflect its status as a key gateway (Objective LU-UUU). The H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page I of 13 Public Hearing Final Issue Parr 441/ Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue overlay should be extended to Airport Way because it facilitates this vision of Rainier as a gateway. • The City's evolving vision for Rainier Avenue is that it serve as a higher intensity land use area with mixed use residential that enhances the commercial tax base but allows urban densities of residential use. 60 dwelling units per acre is the density allowed in the other business districts in the City, this same density should be allowed in the Rainer Avenue Business District. Further, it is recommended that residential use be restricted so that it is only allowed when it is mixed-use and within one building. ANALYSIS Issue One — Re-designation and rezoning from Residential Medium Density to Commercial Corridor The O'Farrell properties total approximately 69,681 square feet, approximately 1.6 acres and have existing uses. Those uses include a 1,872 square foot retail store built in 1968, a 624 square foot storage garage built in 1957, a 316 square foot espresso stand built in 2004, a 1,733 square foot single family home built in 1908, and a 1,470 square foot single family home built in 1950. 1) In the R-10 zone: a. Triplex, multi-family residential, built in 1942 and a duplex, multi-family residential built in 1944 b. Duplex, multi-family residential,built in 1941 c. Single-family residence,built in 1913 d. Single-family residence, built in 1940 e. Single-family residence, built in 1908 2) In the CA zone: a. A-1 Clutch-Brake-Transmission,built in 1955 b. Paved parking area c. Auto rebuild business,built in 1958 d. Retail store and an automotive garages, built in 1965 e. City of Seattle right of way, no buildings f. Pizza Hut restaurant,built in 1978 g. Single story office building,built in 1980 h. Midas automotive,built in 1978 i. Walgreen's, built in 1999 j. Office building,built in 1941 k. Office building, built in 1982 Mr. O'Farrell, the proponent of this land use action request, has proposed developing a mixed-use multi-story building that would utilize all four parcels. Surface parking to serve the commercial use on Rainier would be located at the front of the building on H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 2 of 13 , Public Hearing Final Issue r Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue Rainier. A parking garage that would accommodate 99 residential units would be located under the building with access from the rear and side of the property on Hardie Avenue and Victoria Street. The application requested a comprehensive plan amendment to change the designation from residential with R-10 zoning to commercial with CA zoning, as shown below. The use of these parcels as proposed is consistent with Policy LU-DDD regarding the criteria for Commercial Corridor designations, the area has commercial uses, it would develop a large area of land, it is highly visible from an arterial, and it would provide desirable or necessary goods or services to the larger community. Existing Proposed E ✓ I ii R---0S) 1 • _R-8 ((RS) I A\ Resjden5ium t }�i, Residential.I' _____. Medium t j Density I R,10 I— , II R 10 (RMIJ t i , a fs: A Y`" 3 � � §jags j _t �,LR=8-- — / p r 'L "/ r; Fre gs tiafi f Resiidential f a-- 1 t . , 1 .1 - /., —swayana Rainier Ave c2oo7-M-o2>I and�5e&zoning _DD.DanmercelCrtdo 0 400 800 r RMD-Residential Mod Dennoy -- }xsas exan nem' ��, Economic Dovclopmcnt,NeighMtrhnods&Strategic Planning =RMF.Residential MWli Family `p jl�,. Alex ltielscn,ndmmi.aramr o RS-Reeldan6al SoglFamiy 1 :4800 /Z CS.Fee.cl eA6 UC-D-Urban CiMnl Downtown I I Ifi, la7uly'lW] To the south and east of the subject properties the current land use is generally comprised of high volume single story commercial development. The A-1 Clutch-Brake- Transmission that is located to the immediate south accommodates many users throughout their business hours. To the east, Rainier Avenue South is an arterial street that accommodates approximately 44,600 vehicle trips per day. Rainier Avenue South is a very high traffic volume arterial that serves as a gateway to the City of Renton for people who travel south on Rainier from Seattle. To the north across Victoria Street are two parcels, one with a single-family residence and the Victoria Apartments, a three story building. To the west, is Renton Villa retirement center athree-story building that occupies the entire western portion of the 100-block of Hardie Avenue. H:\EDNSP\Comp P1an\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 3 of 13 d Public Hearing Final Issue Not Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue The parcel located at 188 Hardie Avenue is one of five parcels in the block that are designated RMD and zoned R-10. To the north the four other parcels are designated as RMD and zoned R-10. To the south is 196 Hardie Avenue SW, a parcel that due to an error in 1994 was assigned a Comprehensive Plan designation of residential and is zoned CA. Further to the south and to the east and across Rainier, all parcels in this block are designated CC and zoned CA. Hardie Avenue is a roadway that is currently used as a pass through street during peak traffic hours and also has experienced increased traffic volumes during off peak times in the last few years; this section of Hardie accommodates approximately 10,500 vehicles per day. These changes and the existing three-story retirement home across Hardie Avenue indicate higher intensity land uses than residential medium density and justify a change to a commercial designation for this block of Hardie Avenue. The inclusion of these parcels in a CC designation is consistent with Policy LU-DDD regarding the criteria for Commercial Corridor designations, it is highly visible from an arterial, the area surrounding it has commercial and office uses, and it likely would provide desirable or necessary goods or services to the larger community. The area is not as suitable for the R-10 designation as it is for Commercial Corridor. The R-10 criteria (Policy LU-158) states that the designation is to be in areas that have small-scale multi-family development, Renton Villa is a large scale multi-family development across the street. The traffic volume, development patterns, and presence of Rainier Avenue make the area more appropriate for high-density re-development rather than medium density. Additionally, an appropriate buffer between potentially incompatible uses would not be able to be provided. Thus, staff recommends that in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan designation change, the zoning should be changed from R-10 to CA on Hardie Avenue from 188 Hardie, north to SW Victoria Street. All the properties to be changed from residential designation with R-10 zoning to commercial designation with CA zoning are: • 150 Hardie Avenue Southwest • 111 Southwest Victoria • 176 Hardie Avenue Southwest • 180 Hardie Avenue Southwest • 188 Hardie Avenue Southwest This amendment recommendation seeks to correct the aforementioned error at 196 Hardie Avenue Southwest where the Comprehensive Plan designation was incorrectly assigned in 1994 and correctly designate it with CC. This expanded recommendation is shown in the map below. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 4 of 13 J Public Hearing Final Issue lrer ,� Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue Existing Proposed with Expanded Area �' __1--2 %� R'�'(Rs) ✓ R-8 (RS) jdn6al ` G Medium T - _� Medium Density//i R-10 '' �. D- -4(--------- --:!- (RMD)I� (RMD) a t 1 �del a' ��� .._._t ._ i l ., i d&ntral �z e, .-estdeniai � 1 T e•zLganyir _, / a l -_,05,���v; �Rrr ' / f' 8 �. Viz® a ....j.,-. ` h CPA#2007-M-02 and Concurrent Rezoning za�ing Land Use CA-Commercial Arterial CC-commensal Cortidor 0 400 800 CD.Center Downtown r,.-n RMD-Reeidendal Medium Density -�-"_— i y—�R, Economic Development,Neighborhoods.$Strategic Planning R-8-Rebdanlial8 dWac a RMF-Residential Mule Famiy . Alex Pfetw:h,Ad mm R•10-Residential 111 dobe u RS•Residendal Single Family 1 :4800 C.L.rauel RMFResidential Mulfi Family .UC-D-Urban Center Doentown 1/July 2007 —Study Arne Issue Two-Expansion of the Rainier Business District In reviewing this request in the context of the Comprehensive Plan land use element, City staff found that the properties north and east of the subject properties share many of the same features, such as underutilization and capacity for access points from streets other than Rainier, as the subject properties. Additionally, the properties form an area that is perceived as a gateway into Renton. The City would like to encourage this gateway area to be redeveloped with mixed-use development. The extended area is roughly, north to Airport Way bound by Lake Avenue S. on the east and on the west by Hardie Avenue until it reaches SW Victoria Street to include only the commercially zoned properties in that block and including the block bound by Hayes Place SW on the west and Renton Avenue on the north. The specific properties to be included in the proposed extend Renton Business District Overlay are: • 54 Rainier Avenue South • 59 Rainier Avenue South • 64 Rainier Avenue South H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 5 of 13 a Public Hearing Final Issue Nor Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue • 73 Rainier Avenue South • 74 Rainier Avenue South • 77 Rainier Avenue South • 100 Rainier Avenue South • 104 Rainier Avenue South • 110 Rainier Avenue South • 124 Rainier Avenue South • 134 Rainier Avenue South • 128 Rainier Avenue South • 144 Rainier Avenue South • 151 Rainier Avenue South • 175 Rainier Avenue South • 150 Hardie Avenue Southwest • 176 Hardie Avenue Southwest • 180 Hardie Avenue Southwest • 188 Hardie Avenue Southwest • 106 Southwest Victoria • 111 Southwest Victoria • 81 South Tobin • 85 South Tobin • 100 South 2nd • 125 Hayes Place Southwest • 101 Lake Avenue South H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 6 of 13 Public Hearing Final Issue eer NS Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue nREVnn . 44 k1p. ■mm =- Airport Wa S 132r10--St- Ilitrilligaril I, ala imilik � ��L ' l /mai al . .y �� L . RN-i_ , ®i S 2nd St ilifei t , . , .`, - `� a1 !t4 � 4 X4,4 �S 3d 5� tii i3 I Afte le At . .� 1 Al*tCA midi Ern 9.. -_ m,a ®� ;rrt�'�ar s.tvAik 4th P1 � 11111;i 51 e mE r I i SW 7th St . AiRi !I Rainier Business District- Proposed Overlay r►7 urn —--Proposed Overlay Extet!cai Issue Three – What is the vision for multi-family development in the Rainier corridor and should the density be increased to 60 du/acre for mixed-use development? The purpose statement of the Commercial Corridor land use designation states "it is anticipated that the intensity of activity will increase over time as development of vacant space occurs, increased land value makes redevelopment feasible, and land is used more efficiently" (Land Use Element, page IX-53). Amending the text to allow 60 du/acre is a way to facilitate this purpose statement and increase the intensity of the land use in multi- story buildings, encourage redevelopment, and it is a more efficient use of land than the current existing uses on Rainier Avenue. Mixed-use development places potential commercial users within the same building as their residential use. Encouraging mixed- use development along the Rainier Avenue corridor would also place commercial users within close proximity to an already existing vital commercial area. Thus, staff recommends the Rainier Business District Overlay be amended to allow 60 dwelling units per acre within mixed-use development as the other three business districts in the City currently allow. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 7 of 13 • , Public Hearing Final Issue P yr Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue This more intensive use of land is expected to result in a development pattern that is urban in its nature rather than the generally suburban development pattern than currently exists on Rainier Avenue South. Suburban development being more linear and characterized by single-story strip commercial, rather than an urban development pattern characterized by multi-story, mixed-use development patterns. This type of higher density development is appropriate for designated business districts in the City. These districts are located in areas that are outside the designated urban center, but serve as centralized nodes of commerce for the neighborhoods that surround them. A density of 60-du/acre helps to foster re-development of these designated business districts with mixed-use projects that can develop with urban characteristics. This fulfills the vision expressed in the Comprehensive Plan Vision section, "current policies of the Comprehensive Plan direct future growth to the Urban Center, the core of an economically healthy, working city, and to mixed-use areas created outside of the downtown" (page II-1). EXISTING AND PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING ALTERNATIVES: The parcels on Hardie Avenue SW are currently designated Commercial Corridor and Residential Medium Density and are zoned Commercial Arterial (CA) and Residential 10 (R-10). Both parcels on Rainer are zoned Commercial Arterial and one parcel on Hardie is zoned CA with the other parcel zoned R-10. The Residential Medium Density Comprehensive Plan designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing, and ownership options, but at significantly lower density than needed to create a viable mixed-use commercial/residential project at this location. The zoning for the subject property is R- 10; in R-10 attached residential is allowed but only at 10 du/acre (Policy LU-1 62). The requirements for residential development in the R-10 zone essentially disallow multi- story residential projects. The requirements include: • at minimum 50 percent detached or semi-attached dwelling units are required for multi-family developments on parcels greater than %2 acre , • a maximum of 4 units may be consecutively attached, • a maximum of 4 residential units are allowable on any legal lot within the R-10 zone, and • the maximum number of building stories allowed is two with a maximum building height of 30 feet. In the Comprehensive Plan, the Commercial Corridor designation purpose statement states that the purpose of the CC is to facilitate areas evolving "from strip commercial linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities, and boulevard treatment" (Land Use element, page IX-53). The Commercial Corridor purpose statement states that these areas may include "designated districts including H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 8 of 13 v y Public Hearing Final Issue 44,0er soirri Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue concentrations of specialized uses such as the Auto Mall, or features such as transit stops and a combination of businesses creating a focal point of pedestrian activity and visual interest"(Land Use element,page IX-53). The Commercial Corridor designation is implemented with Commercial Arterial zoning (Policy LU-336). The purpose statement also states the areas are "characterized by concentrated pre-existing commercial activity, primarily in linear form, that provides necessary goods and services for daily living, accessible to near-by neighborhoods, serving a sub-regional market and accommodating large volumes of traffic". Further, "the areas may also include features such as transit stops and a combination of businesses creating a focal point of pedestrian activity and visual interest. In these districts, provision of pedestrian amenities is encouraged, as are opportunities to link adjacent uses and neighborhoods". The CA zone is to evolve into more concentrated forms in which structures and parking evolve from suburban form to more efficient urban configurations (Objective LU-GGG). The intensity level of development is expected to increase over time (Commercial Corridor purpose statement, page IX-53). The increased density to 60 dwelling units per acre is more urban configuration than the existing 20 dwelling units per acre. CA zones should include an opportunity for residential uses and office as part of mixed-use development (Policy LU-338). Other policies that these proposed changes facilitate are: support the redevelopment of commercial business districts located along principal arterials (Policy LU-346), implement development standards that encourage lively, attractive, medium to high-density commercial areas (Policy LU-347), and encourage consolidation of individual parcels to maximize flexibility of site design and reduce access points (Policy LU 348). The land use element in the Comprehensive Plan states that the City seeks to promote new development and neighborhoods in the City that are developed at densities that make efficient use of infrastructure and public transportation, as well as, offer a variety of housing types (Land Use element goal, page IX-23). Mixed-use development should be allowed in the Rainier corridor as it facilitates stated goals while preserving and enhancing commercial viability of the corridor. In the Rainier Business District Overlay all parcels are zoned CA. The residential uses that are allowed in the CA zone is exclusively semi-attached or attached dwelling units in a mixed-use residential/commercial building at a maximum density of 20 dwelling units per acre. Within other designated business districts in the City (Sunset, NE 4th, and Puget), 60 dwelling units are allowed for mixed-use in the same building. The Rainier Business District Overlay currently is not eligible for this additional density but instead requires standards pertinent to commercial development. Those development standards include: consolidated entry points, monument signage, 15 foot setbacks, and parking is limited to the minimum requirements of the CA zone. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 9 of 13 t , Public Hearing Final Issue F *110 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue CAPACITY ANALYSIS: Development of these parcels with the current zoning could possibly yield a fifty-foot high building. Based on buildable lands methodology, in the R- 10 zone a single-family or multi-family residence would develop with a density of 8.44 du/acre. Thus, the parcel that is currently designated R-10 could develop with 2 dwelling units with no change in designation. The same methodology indicates that Commercial Arterial properties develop with a floor area ratio of.19. The three parcels currently with CA zoning total 57,221 square feet, 1.3 acres, would yield a commercial development of 10,759 square feet. The buildable lands methodology also assumes that in the CA zone, there is one employee per 400 square feet, thus this property could employ 27 people if developed commercially. If developed with the proposed zoning change to CA without a text amendment for the higher density on the extended area, the capacity for the 2.48 acre area is for 21 dwelling units and 12,315 square feet of retail employing 31 people. This assumes that, as in the buildable lands report, the CA zone developed with a 60 percent commercial and 40 percent residential. If the proposed request for a rezone and extension of the overlay to the four requested parcels were redeveloped as a mixed-use project, it has been proposed that the project would have 99 residential units, yielding a density of approximately 61.88 dwelling units/acre. The retail/commercial portion of the proposed project would be approximately 7,500 square feet. Using buildable lands methodology in the CA zone, the one employee per 400 square-feet standard would yield a development that would employ 18 people if developed as proposed. An extension of the overlay north to Airport way would encompass approximately 18 acres including roads and 11.92 acres of properties. Using two potential pipeline projects the buildable lands methodology for the 2007 five year update, it was estimated that projects in the CA zone with the overlay would develop at a density of 44.56 du/acre, a floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.40, and a residential-commercial split in mixed use projects of 80% residential and 20% commercial. Thus, it is estimated that there is a total gross capacity for 425 residential units and 145,386 square feet of commercial development. Assuming the same 400 square feet per employee, this area has the total gross capacity to employ 363 people. The Rainier Business District with its current boundaries is 31.51 acres in size. Using the same buildable lands numbers from the above calculation for the 11.92 acre area, the proposed amendment to the zoning text to allow a maximum density of 60 du/acre has the total gross capacity for 1,950 residential units and a gross capacity for 495,699 square feet of commercial, employing 1,239 people. In the Buildable Lands report the densities in the CA zone without the overlay and the 60 du/acre maximum density, residential development develops at 21.38 units per acre, with .19 FAR for commercial development. If the existing Business district area were to develop at 20 dwelling units per acre, it would yield 674 units and 260,789 square feet of commercial development, assuming 400 square feet per employee is a capacity for 652 jobs. Thus, the text amendment to the overlay would allow capacity for an additional gross of 1,276 residential units and 587 jobs. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 10 of 13 Public Hearing Final Issue ,,,,er Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02: Rainier Avenue The buildable lands methodology uses a discount for the expected market factor in zoning categories. The market factor for this CA zone with the overlay has not been accounted for in this calculation. Staff believes that the market factor for mixed-use development in the Rainier Business District will be high, seventy-five percent (75%), because the area is generally very developed with local and national chain commercial developments that are successful. Thus, the chart below reflects a 75% market factor deduction for the Proposed Text Amendment and Proposed Overlay with Extension and Text Amendment calculations. The buildable lands market factor for the CA zone without the overlay is fifteen percent (15%) and is also reflected in the table below. No market factor has been discounted from the two zoning change calculations. Acres Dwelling Units Commercial Jobs (Gross) Square Feet (Gross) (Gross) Existing Zoning 1.6 2 10,759 27 Proposed Zoning Change 2.48 21 12,315 31 (with expanded area) Existing Overlay 31.51 573 215,151 538 (20 du/acre) Proposed Text 31.51 488 123,925 310 Amendment (60 du/acre) Proposed Overlay with 43.43 594 160,271 401 Extension and Text Amendment(Total) * These gross calculations do not reflect the number of existing dwelling units, commercial buildings, or jobs. They are strictly the capacity for what could be developed on vacant land with appropriate market factor deductions. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The proposed map amendment from Residential Medium Density to Commercial Corridor of the northern portion of the 100- block of Hardie Avenue, the extension of the Rainier Business District Overlay and the Comprehensive Plan must meet at least one criteria in RMC 4-9-020G. This criteria requires that it be found that: 1) The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan, or 2) The request supports the adopted business plan goals established by the City Council, or 3) The request eliminates conflicts with existing elements or policies, or 4) The request amends the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate new policy directives of the City Council. All three portions of this request meet the first criterion, that the change supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan that Renton is "a community that is healthy H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 11 of 13 Public Hearing Final Issue Akijor *if Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue and safe, that has cohesive, well-established neighborhoods and a growing diversity of housing to match the diversity of the population with its various needs and wants" (page A mixed-use multi-family project would help to provide a diverse housing stock in the City. The adopted Comprehensive Plan Land Use goal calls for the promotion of new development and neighborhoods that contributes to a strong sense of community and neighborhood identity, as well as, being developed at densities sufficient to support public transportation and make efficient use of urban services and infrastructure (Land Use element, page IX-23). This request also furthers the intentions of the Comprehensive Plan in that it provides vibrancy with higher intensity land use in an area that has been targeted for such growth. It would provide retail and/or employment opportunities and housing to area residents fostering Renton's continued vibrancy. The amendment to the Rainier Business District amends the direction of the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate a new policy direction: To extend the characteristics of urban mixed-use development to the Rainier Corridor. This urban rather than suburban vision of residential character on Rainier Avenue shifts the current commercial focus. ZONING CONCURRENCY: This request complies with the decision criteria for rezones in RMC 4-9-180. This criteria requires that it be found that: 1) The proposed amendment meets the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; and 2) The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; and 3) At least one of the following circumstances applies: a) The subject reclassification was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning; or b) Since the most recent land use analysis or the area zoning of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone significant and material change. This request meets all of the required zoning change criteria above. Criteria number three is met through subpart b. The Rainier Avenue corridor has experienced significant and material change due to authorized public improvements in Downtown. The area has also experienced significant and material change due to permitted private development in Downtown. This request is compliant with the Comprehensive Plan and the proposed zoning is consistent with the adopted policies for the CA land use designation. PUBLIC PROCESS FOR EXPANDED AREA: A letter was mailed to all property owners with a property that is adjacent or abutting the proposed expanded overlay area informing them of the proposed changes, including changing the designation to commercial for residentially designated properties and allowing 60 du/acre, and requesting their input. From the sixty-three letters sent, six responses were received. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 12 of 13 Public Hearing Final Issue ,leer `rwr Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrent Rezone 2007-M-02:Rainier Avenue Staff also hosted a focus group meeting to discuss all of the proposed changes. Three area property owners and the proponent attended the meeting. Of the six responses City staff received two from people who own property in the small area that is proposed to be redesignated from residential (R-10) and rezoned to commercial (CA). Both of them responded stated that they are in favor of the CA zoning. Thus, including the proponent, of five property owners in this area proposed to be zoned CA, three contacted the City and all three are in favor of the change. Of the six total responding property owners and meeting attendees, four stated that they are in favor of extending the overlay and also of amending the text so that the Rainier Business Overlay is included with the other business overlays that allow 60 dwelling units per acre. One owner of property in the vicinity did not disclose his opinion, but indicated he was in favor of positive change in the area. A different owner of property in the vicinity expressed concern that a fifty-foot building height would disrupt the territorial view from his home. The CA zone allows a fifty foot building height, that zoning designation is already in place on all parcels directly in front of his property and to the southeast of his property. The R-10 zone allows a building height of thirty feet. Staff investigated his concerns and found that due to the topography of the area, it is highly unlikely that allowing properties to build to fifty feet (or an additional twenty feet in height) to the northeast of his property would disrupt his view to any greater extent than if they were built to thirty feet. Also because of the topography, those properties to the southeast of him will not impede his territorial view even with a fifty-foot building height. City staff recognizes that Rainier Avenue is a high traffic volume commercial corridor and does not wish to erode the viability of commercial uses, but to enhance them with the allowance of residential use. High-density residential uses in this corridor will place potential customers in walking distance of a multitude of restaurants, shopping, and services. In order to foster a balance between the residential and the commercial uses, staff recommends that stand-alone residential use not be allowed in this corridor. The allowance of lower density townhouse dwellings, at 20 dwelling units per acre, as is allowed as an administrative conditional use in other business districts would detract from the urban environment the city wishes to encourage in the Rainier business district. Therefore, staff recommends that residential use at 60 dwelling units per acre, be only allowed in mixed-use buildings. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-02 Rainier Ave\Final Issue paper.doc Page 13 of 13 *so *00 'tow ,orne COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT and PRE-ZONING AMENDMENT 2007-M-03 —MAPLE VALLEY HWY CORRIDOR ISSUE PAPER(REVISED JULY 19, 2007) DESCRIPTION: This City sponsored map amendment will evaluate development patterns in the Maple Valley Highway Corridor under the King County Comprehensive Plan land use designations and zoning vis-à-vis Renton Comprehensive Plan land use designations and zoning for the area in the New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Area. The area under consideration extends east of the recently annexed Maplewood Addition and includes all properties fronting or accessing from SE Renton Maple Valley Highway (SR-169), out to the Urban Growth Boundary, near 184th Avenue SE, if extended. The area currently includes single-family residential, manufactured housing/mobile home parks, apartments and condominiums, a large church, and a three-acre area zoned in the County for future retail/commercial uses. This area is within an active annexation proposal. The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan designates the majority of the area as Residential Low Density (RLD). The 70.31 acre Maple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge subdivisions are designated Residential Single Family(RS). King County's Comprehensive Plan designates everything, with the exception of a three acre site on the south side of SR-169, Urban Residential, Medium, 4-12 dwelling units per acre. Multi- family and manufactured/mobile home areas are currently zoned Residential, 12 units per gross acre (R-12) in the County and the small three acre commercial area fronting SR-169, south of the new bridge, is zoned Neighborhood Business. ISSUE SUMMARY: 1. Should Renton's existing Comprehensive Plan land use designation of RLD now applied to the properties fronting or accessing from SR-169 be changed to reflect development with higher densities? 2. Should Renton's existing Comprehensive Plan land use designation of RS be retained for the Maple Ridge neighborhoods, which includes the Maple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge subdivisions? 3. Should individual parcels in the subject area be pre-zoned, consistent with these land use designations, thereby facilitating future annexation and improving land use predictability? RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: • Staff is recommending that the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map be amended for portions of the 284-acre study area so that it better reflects existing uses, development patterns and densities. 1. Change from RLD to Residential Medium Density (RMD) land use designation, which would allow R-14 zoning, upon annexation. This designation allows Residential 10 (R-10), R-14, or Residential Manufactured Home Park (RMH) zoning. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-03 Maple Valley Hwy Corridor\2007-M-03 Issue Paper 7-19-07.doc 1 111111. %109 • Lands developed with existing multi-family areas with estimated net densities of 14 dwelling units per acre or above. • Manufactured housing sites with net densities greater than ten dwelling units per acre. RMH zoning is recommended to accommodate existing uses. 2. Change from RLD land use to RS land use designation. • Manufactured housing sites with net densities greater than four dwelling units per acre but less than eight dwelling units per acre are being recommended to change to where they could receive RMH zoning at the time of annexation. • Several parcels are recommended to remain in the RLD designation. 3. Manufactured/mobile home parks with net densities less than four dwelling units per acre are being recommended for the RLD land use designation, which would allow four units per net acre. 4. Steeply sloped, 25 percent or greater, slopes mostly preserved in tracts set aside as part of subdivisions or public open space, be retained in the RLD land use designation, allowing for future Resource Conservation(RC) zoning. 5. Subdivisions with net densities less than four dwelling units per acre are being recommended to have the RLD land use designation, which would allow the City's Residential 4 (R-4) zoning. This recommendation includes the Maple Ridge neighborhood which is currently designated RS. For the Maple Ridge area, the Comprehensive Plan would be changed to RLD and it would be zoned R-4 upon annexation. • Existing single-family detached housing subdivisions with net densities greater than four dwelling units per acre but less than eight dwelling units per acre are being recommended to change from RLD to RS land use designation, which would allow R-8 zoning. • Staff is recommending that the area be pre-zoned at this time. The study area is part of an active annexation proposal. Application of zoning consistent with the amended City Comprehensive Plan would occur upon annexation. (See Exhibit 7) • No change is proposed for the three-acre site at the front of the former Aqua Barn site that has a Commercial Corridor (CC) designation. This will allow Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning. ANALYSIS: As can be seen from Exhibit 1, Vicinity and Critical Slopes, the study area is framed on the south by steep slopes many of which exceed 40 percent in slope. Exhibit 2, King County Comp Plan, depicts the study area with the current King County Comprehensive Plan land use designations for the area. On the south side of SR-169 the majority of the area is designated Urban Residential, Medium, 4-12 dwelling units per gross acre. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-03 Maple Valley Hwy Corridor\2007-M-03 Issue Paper 7-19-07.doc 2 *me Now A small three-acre portion near the intersection of 152nd Avenue SE and SR-169 is designated Neighborhood Business Center. Exhibit 3, Existing Land Use Designations, illustrates the City's current land use designations, most of which date back to the mid-1990s. The former Aqua Barn site, however, was updated in the fall of 2006. Exhibit 4, King Co Zoning, shows the current County zoning designations throughout the study area. Properties on the south side of SR-169 are zoned R-4, four units per gross acre. The three manufactured home sites are zoned R-12, twelve units per gross acre, and the upland portion of the New Life Church site is zoned R-1, one unit per gross acre. Exhibit 5, Gross Densities, depicts the existing density of development throughout the study area on a parcel basis. Densities are depicted as gross density per acre in ranges of 0-0.9, 1-3.9, 4-5.9, 6-7.9, 8-9.9, 10-11.9, and 12 dwelling units per acre and above. Exhibit 6, Net Densities, depicts the existing density of development throughout the study area on a parcel basis but with the densities shown as net densities. Generally, net density is considered as 1.25 times gross density. Exhibit 7, Proposed Land Use Designations, illustrates the proposed land use designations and future zoning, if annexed, for the study area. Issue 1: Should Renton's Comprehensive Plan be amended to reflect the development of properties occurring under King County zoning? Most of the study area is currently developed with only a small portion considered vacant, excluding steep slopes (25 to 40 percent) and wetlands. The remaining vacant site comprises approximately 6.07-acres, and there are several redevelopable sites notably those areas with manufactured home parks. At this point, the prior RLD Vision of the Comprehensive Plan cannot be realized because of the land development patterns already occurring in the area. There is not enough vacant land left to change the development pattern set in motion by the existing County zoning. As a result, it is recommended that the Renton Comprehensive Plan be amended to recognize the project densities and uses that exist. Based upon these existing net densities, comparable Renton zoning would most likely be a combination of R-14, R-8, and RMH in the areas recommended for RMD land use designation, and R-4 and RC for the areas recommended for RLD land use designation. Recommended Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning are shown on Exhibit 6. Issue 2: Should the Maple Ridge Estates neighborhood be changed from RS with potential R-8 zoning to RLD with potential R-4 zoning? This residential area is fully developed with two subdivisions on 70.31 acres. The overall development density is 2.6 gross and 3.2 net units per acre. There are no undeveloped tracts or vacant un-subdivided properties and no future development potential. Lot sizes range from 8,000 to 14,000 square feet. This existing development density and neighborhood character of larger H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-03 Maple Valley Hwy Corridor\2007-M-03 Issue Paper 7-19-07.doc 3 s lot single family fits the purpose and intent of the RLD designation with R-4 zoning better than the existing designation of RS with potential R-8 zoning. Issue 3: Should parcels be pre-zoned at this time? Zoning implements the Comprehensive Plan and provides the legal regulations for development and use of property. Pre-zoning decisions are made prior to annexation and allow residents and property owners to understand how the City would implement the land use in this area. Pre- zoning is adopted by city ordinance but does not go into effect unless an annexation is approved. Pre-zoning is shown on Exhibit 7. If the City does not adopt pre-zoning as part of the current Comprehensive Plan and area wide zoning review, the two additional public hearings on zoning will be required through the annexation process. Completing the zoning work as part of a consolidated review of the Comprehensive Plan amendments is efficient, allows the public to review and comment on these issues at the same time, and gives residents the opportunity to learn about the zoning recommendations prior to and independent of the annexation process. CAPACITY ANALYSIS: Additional capacity is analyzed for three properties and totals a potential additional 226 dwelling units: 1. Vacant 6-acre parcel recommended for RS with potential R-8 zoning. Looking at the 6.07-acre site, it is assumed that 5.2-acres is developable as net acreage. This site is currently being recommended as RS with R-8 zoning. This would provide for 34 new single-family detached dwellings in the study area, based on buildable lands methodology. Figure 1. Vacant 6.07-acre vacant site proposed for RS designation 2. The 55.14-acre New Life Church site includes a large undeveloped land area although it is not anticipated to redevelop from a church at any time in the near future. At some point the church may intensify its use with other church, school or accessory buildings, or decide to incorporate housing as a part of their campus plan. The existing church and school are allowed uses in this zone with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. The existing uses are permitted under King County regulations and would be vested upon annexation. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-03 Maple Valley Hwy Corridor\2007-M-03 Issue Paper 7-19-07.doc 4 11 E_{ W Staff is recommending that the steeply sloped southern 22- �•k,.. r ,'- ; t , acres of this 55.14-acre site be designated RLD with RC , -,....,,, ,?[:i zoning consistent to similar areas on the north side of the Cedar River Valley Corridor. If 20 percent of the remaining 33.1-acres, (approximately 6 acres), were loped with multi-family housing at some time in the futuredeve , at densities of up to 14 units per net acre, up to 92 i new multi-family units could be built. Church facilities, or o an expansion of the existing school could also be accommodated on this site. • 4 Figure 2. The 55.14-acre New Life Church site is being considered for an RMD designation on the front buildable �" .. . , . 33.1-acres and an RLD designation on the more steeply sloped southern 22.1-acres. 3. The existing Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park is designated Urban Residential, 4-12 du/acre, with R-12 zoning in King County. ' — g < 4: This parcel was recently vested under King County v regulations with a 100-unit plat/townhouse project. .. Although the staff recommendation •is to support a ,t' gt •zonin desi ation of RMH on thisparcel upon g gn P ' _.`° annexation, the parcel capacity as vested may eventually , be realized, through redevelopment either prior to or / , °` after annexation. 6 L � d Figure 3. The 12.21-acre Wonderland Estates site lies f`' >< l'..-----,;::-,, immediately west of the New Life Church site and is '` ,i being considered for RMH zoning. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES RELEVANT TO CPA#2007-M-03: Residential Medium Density (RMD) Designation: Purpose: The RMD designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing, and ownership options. RMD neighborhoods should include a variety of •unit types designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi family developments, support cost-efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service, and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. (RMD Purpose Statement, Land Use Element, p. IX-29) Objective LU GG provides for designation of land in RMD where access, topography and adjacent land use create conditions appropriate for a variety of unit types incorporating features from both single-family and multi-family developments. Policy LU-159 provides guidance on H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-03 Maple Valley Hwy Corridor\2007-M-03 Issue Paper 7-19-07.doc 5 4460 4100 mapping criteria for the implementing R-14 zone, and Policy LU-162 provides guidance on allowed development densities. The sites in this study area meet the mapping criteria of Policy LU-159 in that they are: 1) adjacent to major arterials (SE Renton Maple Valley Highway), 2) adjacent to the Corridor Commercial designation (CC designation on the SE Renton Maple Valley Highway on the former Aqua Barn site), 3) part of a designation totaling over 20 acres, 4) are buffered from single-family areas by steep slopes at the back of properties as shown on Exhibit 1, and are developed within the density range and unit types ranges allowed in the RMD designation as shown on Exhibit 5. Table 1, attached, shows the current post-1993 development found along the highway in the area proposed for RMD designation. This information demonstrates that the majority of the existing development is in the net density range encompassed in the RMD designation with R-14 zoning, and that the area meets the required size criteria. Residential Single Family(RS) Designation: Purpose: Land designated Residential Single Family is intended to be used for quality residential detached development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that larger subdivision, infill development, and rehabilitation of existing housing be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments. (RSF Purpose Statement Land Use Element Policies p. IX-28.) Property recommended for redesignation to RS from the existing RLD is implemented by R-8 zoning upon annexation. Policy LU-147 states that net development densities should fall within a range of four to eight units per net acre. Property proposed for RS with R-8 zoning is: • Developed with single family units in the density range of four to eight dwelling units per acre, or • Located between two sites developed at this density. Policy LU-148 states that lots within the RS designation should have a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet. Most of the lots in the existing subdivisions in the area are greater than 5,000 square feet. Policy LU-151 states that height should be two stories. Pursuant to Objective LU- FF, the RS designation should encourage re-investment and rehabilitation of the existing newer subdivisions as they mature as neighborhoods in the coming years. This land use designation also allows for RMH zoning. However, there are no manufactured housing parks in the area proposed for this designation. Pioneer Place Subdivision is proposed for this designation and R-8 zoning. As shown on Table 1, attached, the estimated density of this H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-03 Maple Valley Hwy Corridor\2007-M-03 Issue Paper 7-19-07.doc 6 r10, vire' existing subdivision is 6.82 units per net acre. The other area with the RS designation is the six- acre Lightfoot property adjacent and east of the Molasses Creek Condominiums on SE Renton Maple Valley Highway. This area is currently designated RLD. If annexed, future zoning would be R-8, with a maximum density of eight units per net acre. Residential Low Density (RLD) Designation The Residential Low Density designation is intended to apply to land either constrained by sensitive areas or to be applied to lands that are developed with larger lots at 4 dwelling units per net acre (Purpose Statement, Land Use Element p. IX-26). There are also several single-family detached subdivisions with an estimated net density within the density range of the Renton R-4 zone. This includes Maple Ridge Estates and View Point at Maple Ridge with an estimated net density of 2.96 dwelling units per acre and the Valley Faire No.3 Subdivision, at an estimated net density of 3.78 dwelling units per acre. These are shown on Table 1, attached. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: RMC 4-9-020 G mandates that Comprehensive Plan Amendments must meet at least one of four criteria. 1) The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan, or 2) The request supports the adopted business plan goals established by the City Council, or 3) The request eliminates conflicts with existing elements or policies, or 4) The request amends the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate new policy directives of the City Council. This proposal meets the first criteria. • Land use proposed in this area for RMD with R-14 zoning, and RS with R-8 zoning is consistent with the City's vision of "a community that is healthy and safe, that has cohesive, well-established neighborhoods and a growing diversity of housing to match the diversity of the population with its various needs and wants" (Comprehensive Plan Vision Chapter p. II-1.) o In parts of the area proposed for RMD and RS there is recently constructed housing stock, developed under County zoning, with existing densities and multifamily housing not allowed in the Renton RLD designation. o Other sites in the study area have pre-existing manufactured home developments that are also not allowed under the Renton RLD designation, or have proposed plats vested under King County regulations that would not be approved under Renton RLD. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-03 Maple Valley Hwy Corridor\2007-M-03 Issue Paper 7-19-07.doc 7 4.0v '4400 o Continuing the RLD designation would require zoning of RC, R-1 or R-4 and all the development in the proposed RMD and RS areas would become non- conforming. o Establishing conforming uses enhances the value of property, establishes a cohesive approach that stabilizes a well-established neighborhood. The R-14, R-8, and RMH zones allow a diversity of housing types ranging from manufactured home park to apartments consistent with the vision statement in the Comprehensive Plan Vision,page II-1. Zoning Concurrency: RMC 4-9-180 F mandates that all rezones concurrent with Comprehensive Plan Amendments comply with the Comprehensive Plan, meet the policies of the proposed land use designation, and either was not considered during the last area wide zoning, or has been subjected to a change in circumstances since that time. This proposal complies with the Vision of the Comprehensive Plan, as illustrated in the section above. It also meets the proposed land use policies of the RMD, RS, and RLD designations, as demonstrated in the analysis section. Finally, the zoning of this property was not considered in the last area wide zoning. CONCLUSION: Staff's recommendations for changes to the existing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations and implementing pre-zoning, as shown on Exhibit 7 and Table 1, reflect existing development patterns and densities in this mostly built-out area along the SE Renton Maple Valley Highway. Retaining the existing RLD land use designation on the more steeply sloped areas to the south will continue to allow future zoning that will protect these sensitive areas. Changing the RLD designation to the RMD land use designation, as shown on Exhibit 7, will allow future zoning to reflect existing medium density multi-family housing in the area and make most of these facilities more conforming. Changing the RLD designation to the RS land use designation, will make existing single-family detached subdivisions with net densities greater than four dwelling units per acre more conforming, in terms of density, than under the existing RLD designation. 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N Q- cc� G u) 0 .0 to o C i7--, g C C a N r . r vs 01 m 1 tli 0 o C .,o _ A t� C 0 { �� , 'B 13 Z (,. t� Cl)O M Q o O O "6„. ./ 1 ? : C c Q " G LL. Q Nn �' t— �8�OcUO 0X «? _ w4ci�° .a ' Q O Q- X t S Z ''. i--?(.- . 0 W „) . ,_ • • ‘1111, 410 • a COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT and CONCURRENT REZONE Application 2007-M-05 AND - Sunset Blvd (QIP/Virtu) Rezone ISSUE PAPER(OCTOBER 1, 2007) DESCRIPTION: Applicants are requesting the rezone of 9.61 acres of property to Residential Medium Density (RMD) land use designation with Residential-10 units per net acre (R-10) zoning. Currently the land use and zoning of the property is split, with approximately 0.9 acres in Residential Multi Family (RMF) land use with Residential Multi- Family (RM-F) zoning and 8.71 acres of property in. the Employment Area-Industrial (EA-I) land use designation with Industrial-Heavy(I-H) zoning. ISSUE SUMMARY: 1. Should this property be assigned for residential land use? 2. Does rezoning this property result in the loss of industrial lands? 3. Is R-10 the appropriate zoning designation for this property? RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: This property should be rezoned for RMD land use with R-10 zoning. ANALYSIS: The proposed area for rezone is located near the western edge of the City, in the Existing Proposed s y�j _---_---------17,\ a 3 RMD RMD, RMF -,_ _" _ _ ;V i RMF ""' s q ' i \ ' „,'''A t ,, x. RLQ r' RMD RLQ... ia 44, sh`„,„- `. a '..«,... y. i i= 4,0'. .„.:,,,,„-,07;-- : EAT zNEAV`� _ Sunset Blvd (2007-M-05)Existing and Proposed Land Use RnNs�e SMgbfamT/ 0 800 1600 �•. RMF-R.FAr IduRFamlj r L.o..o I)avelopm�.Nriphbcxhotds&St qd PiMmoR •R..d 44diun D r y .. ...... .....i ;�] ��.p,aKa.Aa� -RasWlaw Derdy 1 :9600 IS Atsni 7W'Y EAV-Er000.AAM.., \2007 Map Amendments\2007 -M-05 Sunset Blvd\Issue Paper 2007-M-05(10-1-07).doc Niaf vis, vicinity of Martin Luther King Way, immediately south of the unimproved right-of-way of South 137th Street and immediately north of the unimproved right-of-way of South 140th Street and the BNSF rail road line. QIP (Quarry Industrial Park, LLC) owns the bulk of the property; 8.71 acres designated for EA-I land use and zoned I-H. A small, triangular shaped portion of this property has been excluded from the application for rezone. That portion is designated for Residential Low Density(RLD) land use and is zoned Resource Conservation (RC). Virtu(V.E.E. Associates, LLC) owns the 0.9 acre triangle, in the south east corner of the Sunset View Apartment Homes property. It is currently designated for RMF land use and zoned RM-F. fii.a; :le ° go •, s ry & ?y., , — —— �;3 ire` �y+�ff+•' f,' `• 4`. s1;ti9i:�`.v''{,yG2,-� _ - 1 gtoie :, � ^ i aSazpk .. f }fs A { A t2£s fr v�•a.,'• •f + '• 1 ' r.-, S304. w. ; sw a ^ afa } a. qf f � atis"*.:7'..Z:.,!::,'' r M.'i# liniViii f , ' a:P�e"r ° ;6 $x** fi$ 4a . lfiMa, 'h • > frf 4:1 `` a . S t$ a 3; ffsi:: 5 :;a,M•:A.�y!,s' . Q —'— .». : ,.}yo;ig $2 a ., ii::, 41YV{ ai ti }a .4„ � A a �S'S .?•iY.'' :.' r:.''i: hiiiier% li0l"a' �i ® o 0: 2b` y ei .. i ;a � a . •$:,:'.: f �iJs ,.,i ,, ik kip , ,v Sg ''r ; K;:sk:Ye.:• • ,n. 1rgJ I 1 .-/ , ._—._. ___---_..gra.,, 0 a2 r":_----- '----------® �----_. ,....- SunseSunset t Blvd (2007-M-05)Sensitive Areas —Study Area 0 400 800 1 >40%Slope 1. Economic rkvelupmenr.Niaghhori oodn&Srns gic Manning n�.ei t Aem�,�w,r� :!.;>'+ Landslide Hazard Area - " ��. 1 :4800 IS Nv 12001 Sensitive areas have been mapped over the entire site of the proposed rezone. Steep slopes separate the proposed rezone area from the Sunset View Apartments to the north. Protected slopes, greater than 40%, fringe the proposed rezone site, and the site itself slopes upward from south to north, with nearly the entire land area ranging between 15-25% slopes, with pockets of slopes up to 40%, and small pockets without regulated slopes. Given this topography, the entire area is mapped as an "unclassified" landslide hazard area in the City's sensitive areas maps. The proposed rezone is also in the vicinity of a wetland and a Great Blue Heron Colony on City of Renton parkland, known as the Black River Riparian Forest and Wetland. Nesting bald eagles also live near the colony, as well as a wide variety of animal species. This area is south of the proposed rezone site, and is separated from the site by the BNSF rail line. On the City of Renton critical areas map, the Black River wetland is shown as more than 200 feet H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-05 Sunset Blvd\Issue Paper 2007-M-05(10-1-07).doc New away from the proposed rezone site. In the applicant's environmental checklist, it states that at the closest point the wetland is 110 feet away from the site, on the Sunset Bluff property. A May 1, 2007, letter from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) indicates that gauging the amount of human disturbance is a key test in determining the compatibility adjacent land uses with the wildlife habitat in the Riparian Forest. Noise levels are specifically identified in this letter as a source of disturbance. Height and lighting have been identified by Herons Forever as other possible disturbances. The January 15, 2007 Great Blue Heron Assessment for the QIP and Virtu Properties by Raedeke Associates, Inc., analyzes the potential effects of the proposed rezone on the Heron Colony. Topographically, the colony's nests are located approximately 800 feet away from the nearest point of the rezone site, and further separated by a 50 foot slope. The report concludes that residential uses, as requested by the applicant, would provide less disturbance to Heron nesting practices than heavy industrial use, which is allowed under the current zoning. WDFW's letter identifies a number of mitigation measures that would lessen disturbance to the wildlife in the Riparian Forest. These measures cover a wide variety of topics, including: site planning measures, protection from temporary construction disturbances, and enhanced landscaping improvements. `; MLK Way/Sunset Blvd Sunset View Apts. SITE Sunset Bluff Plat BNSF ROW Black River Riparian Forest Sunset Blvd(2007-M-05)Vi7Map 0 xoa 1600 —swaynree -- ---- 1:9600 Environmental review of this rezone under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) has already been conducted. On July 9, 2007, the Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued a determination of non-significance (DNS) for the proposal to allow residential land use with zoning up to ten units per acre. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) recommendations to reduce or eliminate potential sources of impact to the Black River Forest wildlife were attached to the ERC report. These measures cover a wide variety of topics for future project specific development including: site planning measures, protection from temporary construction disturbances, and enhanced landscaping improvements. Environmental review of the rezoning proposal, then, is completed. There was a lot of testimony about protecting the Riparian Forest, and the Heron in particular. Information on the adjacent wildlife and potential impacts of development on them, H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-05 Sunset Blvd\Issue Paper 2007-M-05(10-1-07).doc particularly the Heron colony, was collected from a number of sources including: the WDFW, Herons Forever (a group that monitors the Heron at the Black River Forest), and Raedeke Associates (professional wildlife biologist and consultant to the proponent of this project). As in many scientific fields, there is great debate about the underlying causes of growth and decline of the Great Blue Heron population, both regionally and in the local colony. Some combination of global climate change, regional loss of habitat for all types of wildlife, pollution, eagle predation, insensitive development, and natural fluctuation have affected Heron populations locally, regionally, and worldwide. Both the Raedeke Great Blue Heron Assessment and the Stenberg comment (Stenberg is a professional wildlife biologist and consultant to Herons Forever) support residential land use for this property. In regards to potential impacts on wildlife, Raedeke provides many different reasons why the proposed 55-60 units would have no impact on the adjacent wildlife, including the fact that at the nearest point the proposed development is more than 800 feet away from the colony, and is separated by a very steep slope about 50 feet in length. Stenberg states that there should be no more than 50 homes on this property and no attached units, without clear specification of why these particular limits should be in place. Many of the other recommended site development controls appear to be based on the habits and preferences of the Heron, for example timing major construction around breeding times, or general respect for wildlife, such as leaving buffers and avoiding glare. There is no clear justification for the 50 unit standard. Nevertheless, the 50 unit standard is firmly within the RMD land use range which is estimated at 59 units, and could range as low as 22 units under the development regulations of that zone. Thus, the best available science on this issue indicated that medium density residential development is acceptable at this proximity to the Heron colony. At the present time, the proposed area is considered vacant according to King County records. Although the Virtu property is part of the Sunset View Apartment Homes parcel, the portion subject to the proposed rezone is vacant, and is topographically separated from the residential structures. It is lightly wooded with a lot of scrubby vegetation, whereas the QIP parcel has been extensively graded. Formerly part of the Black River Quarry, the QIP site is currently used for the storage of construction materials, storage of construction equipment, and for construction materials recycling activities. Topographically, the site is related to the Sunset Bluff site, the platted but not yet developed residential subdivision immediately east, and the two sites flow together. There is only a slight topographical difference between the QIP site and the Sunset View Apartments, but a large grade change between the site and the BNSF rail line and the Black River Riparian Forest. There is a graded hill, or berm, that separates the QIP site from the rest of the industrial property to the west. On the industrial property to the east, there is construction storage, materials recycling, and a concrete batch plant. Despite the very active and loud activities of rock crushing, trucks, and heavy equipment at the materials recycling operation to the west, it could not be heard from the QIP/Virtu site during a site visit. Freeway noise, from the nearby Martin Luther King Way on ramp to Interstate-5 was noticeable, but not any industrial noise, smells, or odors. The applicant is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone for the QIP and Virtu properties to be designated for RMD land use and zoned Residential 10 units per net acre (R-10) consistent with the property immediately to the east (Sunset Bluff). Applicants estimate that the proposed rezone would allow the construction of 55-60 new homes on the H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-05 Sunset Blvd\Issue Paper 2007-M-05(10-1-07).doc 441000 site. In the project narrative, they state that this is an advantage to the City because it replaces the existing construction storage and recycling use with residential use, which supplements the City's tax base. They also argue that residential uses are in high demand and the proposal is a logical extension of the residential development at Sunset Bluff and Sunset View Apartments. Topography creates a natural boundary between the proposed rezone area and the other industrially zoned land. The applicants also cite a series of Comprehensive Plan policies for residential growth including Policy LU-123, that the City pursue multiple strategies for residential growth; Policy LU-124 to prioritize growth in areas close to the Urban Center; and Policy LU-129 to support small lot single-family development over multi- family development. Also cited are Objective LU-GG and Policies LU-157 and LU-158 regarding the criteria for zoning property within the RMD land use designation. The purpose of the RMD designation is to "...create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing, and ownership options.... " Efficient use of urban services and infrastructure is also stressed, along with facilitating infill development and encouraging transit use. This is emphasized in Objective LU-GG, Objective LU-HH, Objective LU-II, and related policies. Designation criteria for RMD fall under Objective LU-GG and its related policies. Policy LU-158 specifically addresses the criteria for R-10 zoning within the RMD designation: 1) The area already has a mix of small-scale multi family units or has had long standing zoning for flats or other low-density multi family use; 2) Development patterns conducive to medium-density development are established 3) Vacant lots exist or parcels have redevelopment potential for medium-density infill development; 4) The project site is adjacent to major arterial(s) and public transit service is located within 1/4 mile; 5) The site can be buffered from existing single-family residential neighborhoods having densities of eight (8) dwelling units or less; or 6) The site can be buffered from adjacent or abutting incompatible uses. This site must meet at least three of these criteria. The site is vacant and it could be buffered from nearby incompatible uses, these two criteria are clearly met. Although there is no multi- family development within the RMD and proposed RMD areas, there are apartments abutting the site. Sunset Bluff's preliminary plat was approved for single-family development under R-10 standards including lot size and lot dimensions, but the net density calculation comes to only 3.1 units per acre. Topography and location of the QIP/Virtu site limit access, but residential development would take access through the Sunset Bluff development, which does have direct access to Sunset Boulevard/ Martin Luther King Way and the Metro transit lines that run along it. Unfortunately, this site does not meet the criteria in Policy LU-158 which calls for proximity to an arterial and access to transit. Sunset Boulevard contains several lanes of fast moving traffic and there are no crosswalks for pedestrians to cross to the north side of the street for transit access. The City of Renton has contacted the Washington State Department of Transportation, who has jurisdiction over this roadway as state route 900, and asked for pedestrian improvements to be made. Unless WSDOT makes improvements, or authorizes improvements to be made, there will not be pedestrian improvements to this H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-05 Sunset Blvd\Issue Paper 2007-M-05(10-1-07).doc corridor, and no project would have adequate transit access, under any zoning. Any use on this site would be buffered by the hill/berm that separates it from the industrial property to the west, and the steep slope to the south provides an effective barrier to the Riparian Forest. This site does appear to meet at least three of the criteria for R-10 zoning, but there may be other zones to consider as well. Within the RMD designation, there are two possible zoning classifications: R-10 and R-14. There are five criteria that must be met for R-14 zoning: adjacent to an arterial, adjacent to the Urban Center, Highlands Center Village, or a Commercial Corridor, at least 20 acres in size, buffered from incompatible uses, and development densities with multiple unit types is achievable given constrains. Clearly, the QIP/Virtu Site does not meet the criteria for R-14 zoning within the RMD designation as it is not adjacent to one of the specified areas and is only nine acres in size. Since the Virtu portion of the site is already in RMF land use, another possibility for residential designation is RMF. However, Comprehensive Plan Objective LU-JJ encourages new multi-family development as infill in existing RMF districts. Policy LU-183 specifically says that the RMF designation should not be expanded until all the land capacity in the designation is used. If the designation is to be extended, it must meet all of the following criteria: direct arterial access, with no access through a less intense land use, the property must abut an existing RMF district on at least two sides, and the designation should not bisect or truncate another land use district. The QIP site would take access through Sunset Bluff, a lower intensity land use and only abuts an existing RMF district on one side. Thus, RMF land use designation is not a good fit for this property. If a residential use is desired for this property, there is also the possibility of RS or RLD designation. In the RLD land use designation, the purpose is to guide the development of constrained land and add larger-lot housing stock at urban densities. Although there are no policies for designating land RLD, there are policies for zoning land either Resource Conservation (RC) or R-1, or R-4 within the RLD designation. Objective LU-EE states that R-4 zoning is appropriate for suburban, estate-style residences at urban levels of development. It is also appropriate in the vicinity of sensitive areas because it provides a less intensive urban land use. Clustering provisions in the R-4 development standards could allow a similar style of residential development to that of Sunset Bluff, at least in the developed portion of the property. Sunset Bluffs net density is 3.1 units per net acre. Fewer units would be allowed in an R-4 project than in an R-10 or R-8 development, but there would be more open space. Open space could function as a buffer between the single-family area and the adjacent apartments, and as additional buffer to the Riparian Forest to the south. However, given the proximity to the Sunset View Apartments to the north, this is probably not an ideal location for estate-style housing. This makes R-4 an awkward fit to this site. The RS designation, with accompanying R-8 zoning, could be an appropriate designation for this property. The purpose of the RS land use designation is for quality, detached residential development and enhanced single family living environments. As the primary residential zoning district in the City, there are no designation criteria in the Comprehensive Plan for the RS designation. Since the applicant is interested in development of the site for single-family houses, the RS designation would work well. Policy LU-148 specifies a minimum lot size of H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-05 Sunset Blvd\Issue Paper 2007-M-05(10-1-07).doc Now .000 4,500 square feet for infill projects on properties at least one acre in size. This would allow for similar development as is planned for Sunset Bluff, which will have lots sizes in the range of 4,000- 5,500 square feet. However, many of the lots planned in Sunset Bluff are to be 40 feet wide under that site's R-10 zone while RS zoning of the subject site would require a minimum 50-foot width. The mismatch in development standards could prevent the development of a cohesive and attractive property. Since this site is intended to be an extension, or second phase, of the Sunset Bluff development, which was developed under R- 10 zoning and development standards, it makes sense to develop both phases under the same standards to ensure a consistent appearance and high-quality development. It would be a mistake to assume that residential use is the best land use for this property without analysis of the industrial or commercial options. The property is currently in EA-I (Employment Area-Industrial) designation and zoned I-H (Industrial-Heavy). Objective LU- XXX stresses the importance of the Employment Area designations to provide adequate land capacity for employment and business as the City grows. It is the purpose of the EA-I designation to hold that space for industrial and manufacturing uses. These policies are consistent with Economic Development Element Objective ED-C to sustain and expand the City's industrial base. Evaluation of Buildable Lands data shows that the City has a very small supply of vacant and available industrial lands. There are only approximately 113 gross acres of vacant industrial land, which shrinks to just under 64 acres when adjusted to remove critical areas, rights-of- way, and other land dedicated for public purposes. Redevelopable industrial lands add another 58 gross acres, but only 26 net acres of land to this inventory. Thus, there are only about 90 acres of vacant and redevelopable industrially zoned lands in the City of Renton. The calculated net developable area of the QIP site is approximately 5.4 acres. Thus rezoning of the QIP site would result in the loss of about 6% of the vacant and redevelopable industrial land in the City of Renton, and the accompanying loss of future employment potential of approximately 127 jobs. A land use designation that supported commercial or office uses may be one way to ensure space for future employment growth. However, review of amending the land use to a commercial or office land use designation is not appropriate. Access would be prohibited for such uses through the planned Sunset Bluff residential community. As a result, a road would need to be developed through the industrial area to the west. Realistically, the materials recycling and rock crushing business on a portion of this property would prevent the development of the QIP site for commercial or office use, and the development of a road to serve it. Right now, the market is not strong enough to support additional commercial or office development in such a hard to reach area. Commercial office use would only be realistic if a larger portion of the industrially zoned property, between the QIP/Virtu Site and Monster Road, was to be put into Commercial or Office use. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-05 Sunset Blvd\Issue Paper 2007-M-05(10-1-07).doc • 11.100 *IS CAPACITY ANALYSIS: Removing this property from industrial land use and zoning results in a loss of capacity of approximately 6% of the stock of vacant and redevelopable industrial lands in the City of Renton. This equates to a loss of approximately 127 future jobs. Placing this property into RMD land use and R-10 zoning could result in approximately 59 new housing units. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: RMC 4-9-020 G mandates that Comprehensive Plan Amendments must meet at least one of four criteria. This proposal meets the first criterion, to support the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan. One of the major goals of the City as stated in the Comprehensive Plan Vision Element is to increase the supply of single-family housing through infill development. Residential development of this property would meet this goal. It also meets residential policies LU-123, LU-124, LU-125 which support high-quality single-family infill development near the urban center and Objective LU-GG and LU-II (and related policies) for Residential Medium Density land use, which direct the application of RMD land use designation for infill projects. ZONING CONCURRENCY: RMC 4-9-180 F mandates that all rezones concurrent with Comprehensive Plan Amendments comply with the Comprehensive Plan, meet the policies of the proposed Land Use designation, and either was not considered during the last area wide zoning, or has been subjected to a change in circumstances since that time. This proposal complies with the Vision of the Comprehensive Plan and meets the proposed land use policies of the RMD designation, as demonstrated above. Finally, the zoning of this property was not considered in the last area wide zoning. CONCLUSION: Single family residential development appears to be the best use of this property. Multi- family residential use would not meet the policies in the Comprehensive Plan. Commercial use is not viable at this time. Industrial use is equally unlikely to be viable for anything but very heavy industrial uses. Heavy industrial uses are not likely to be compatible with the adjacent wildlife and habitat in the Black River Riparian Forest. Residential uses are more compatible with the adjacent wildlife and the WDFW has provided an extensive list of mitigation measure to reduce project specific impacts. R-10 rezone of this property seems to be the obvious choice after examining applicable land use policies and evaluating the best available science on the Heron colony. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-05 Sunset Blvd\Issue Paper 2007-M-05(10-1-07).doc *ow Nimie COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT and CONCURRENT PRE-ZONING Application #2007-M-06 Benson Hill Communities ISSUE PAPER Amended Staff/Planning Commission Recommendation(September 27, 2007) DESCRIPTION: The Benson Hill Communities proposed annexation area includes approximately 2,438-acres of the Benson Hill Area (Attachment 1, Benson Hill FAA Existing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations Map). This large area is largely residential, with commercial land use in two areas: Benson Hill Shopping Center at Petrovitsky/Carr Rd and 109th Ave SE and the Cascade Shopping Center at 116th Ave SE between SE 168th and SE 172nd Streets. An annexation election for this area is set for November 6, 2007. Since annexation cannot be implemented without concurrent zoning, the City is reviewing the existing zoning in the 2,438- acre Benson Hill Communities annexation area to determine what future zoning should be under the adopted Renton Comprehensive Plan, and to determine if any amendments are needed to Renton's Plan to better reflect development as it has occurred under County regulations over the past decade. The Renton Comprehensive Plan and the King County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning enact different densities, uses, and standards for many properties in this area. (See Attachment 1 for Renton Comprehensive Plan and Attachment 4 for King County zoning). The task before the City is to evaluate the adopted Renton Comprehensive Plan and decide whether changes should be made to accommodate 1) development patterns already in place as a result of County zoning and 2) changes in the County vision or Renton vision for the area. Differences between the County zoning and Renton potential zoning will need to be resolved by either amending the Renton Comprehensive Plan to match the County zoning, or changing the zoning of properties upon annexation. ISSUE STATEMENTS: • Is the City of Renton's current vision for the Benson Hill Communities still appropriate, given land development patterns under County zoning? • Should the City of Renton amend its Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and adopt zoning designations consistent with the existing King County Comprehensive Plan and zoning for the Benson Hill Communities? • Should the City change the current zoning within the area to implement the adopted Renton Comprehensive Plan resulting in down zonings in some areas upon annexation? BACKGROUND: Renton Adopted Growth Strategies and Generalized Land Use Policy The Renton Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan is based on a set of assumptions and visions about future growth and development in the City and the potential annexation areas (Policy LU- 3). The Plan concentrates the highest levels of growth in the emerging Urban Center, which H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson HillIssue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 1 of 28 Nirio includes the traditional Downtown Core and Urban Center-North, the former industrial area and site of the Landing Mixed Use Development. See Attachment 3 for Objective NN and Policies LU-211 through LU-215. Growth is also anticipated in the following locations: 1) Commercial and Multi-family areas surrounding the smaller commercial nodes outside the downtown such as the Highlands, Policy LU-320, NE 4th Corridor and Sunset Blvd. Objective LU-EEE. The Petrovitsky Corridor and the Cascade Shopping Center commercial nodes are also designated for growth. 2) Infill development in single-family residential areas (Policy LU-9). The Plan also maintains a high ratio of two jobs to one housing unit (Policy LU-16). The amount of new stand-alone multi-family growth in the City is restricted outside the Urban Center, and multi-family zoning can only be expanded in areas with multi-family infill sites. Growth is anticipated to occur in areas served by transit and other services that are easier to fund and locate in the Urban Center or around commercial areas. Within the Potential Annexation Areas (PAA), the majority of land use is designated as Residential Single Family (RS) with R-8 zoning, eight dwelling units per net acre. The Plan has an overall goal of a balance between multi-family and single-family (Policy LU-17). It is anticipated that the supply of housing in the PAA would remain single-family to balance the increasingly multi-family development in the Urban Center and around the Highlands, Sunset Blvd, NE 4th Corridor and Petrovitsky commercial areas. Growth Targets and Capacity Renton's growth targets within the existing City in 2003 (last update) were 4,523 units to be provided by 2022. The City's land capacity for residential was 9,653 units. This figure does not include the additional capacity recently added at the Urban Center-North. Renton's current policy is to maintain a land supply 20 percent above target (Policy LU-8). The King County target for 2001 to 2022 is 1,739 units and capacity is 2,897 units for the Benson Hill portion of the PAA. Upon annexation, cities are required to absorb a share of the King County target based on the proportional acreage in the annexation area (Policy LU-5). The specific Benson Hill share of this target is estimated at 770 units. Data from the Puget Sound Regional Council and from King County indicate that the combination of growth occurring in the area since 2001, and the number of permits currently in the King County pipeline, satisfy this target requirement and no additional growth target would be assigned to Renton as a result of annexation. As Renton considers pre-zoning for this area, the excess capacity above targets in the Renton land use system gives the City the ability to make choices about where density will occur as zoning is considered. The City's approach to land use in the PAA is a result of the emphasis on growth in the Urban Center, maintenance of a balance of single-family and multi-family unit types through the City, restrictions on multi-family zoning in outlying areas, and the desire to locate growth where urban services are more easily maintained. As a result, Renton Comprehensive Plan designations and potential zoning under that land use scheme provides for more single-family housing at lower density than the current zoning within King County. Renton is able to plan for primarily single- H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 2 of 28 family growth because it has an Urban Center that is actively being redeveloped with higher density housing. The estimated capacity in the Benson Hill Communities area under proposed Renton zoning is approximately 2,511 units, showing an overall reduction from King County capacity of approximately 386 units. Summary of adopted Renton Comprehensive Plan designations for Benson Hill Communities The Benson Hill Communities area is designated with multiple land use districts in the adopted Renton Comprehensive Plan. The City will review whether to change any of these districts to accommodate differences with the King County land use system. The existing designations include the following approximate acreages: • 108 acres as Residential Low Density(RLD) implemented through three potential zoning districts allowing single family detached dwellings: o R-4 (four dwelling units per net acre) o R-1 (one dwelling units per net acre) o Resource Conservation (resource, agriculture and one dwelling unit per ten acres) • 1,906 acres as Residential Single Family (RS) implemented through one zoning district allowing only single family detached dwellings: o R-8 (eight dwelling units per net acre) • 200 acres as Residential Medium Density (RMD) implemented through two potential zoning districts allowing single family, townhouse, or multi-family: o R-10 (ten dwelling units per net acre) o R-14 (14 dwelling units per net acre with a bonus to 18 dwelling units per net acre) • 91 acres as Residential Multi-family (RMF) implemented through one zoning district allowing townhouses and multi-family: o RMF (20 dwelling units per net acre) • 71 acres as Commercial Corridor (CC) implemented through one zoning district allowing commercial development and mixed use multi-family o CA (20 dwelling units per net acre) A summary of the policy text of each of the Renton land use designations and the zoning that implements them is included in Attachment 2, Land Use Designation Descriptions and Attachment 3, Relevant Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Housing Element Policies. King County Land Use Policy In the King County Comprehensive Plan, the majority of the area is designated Urban Residential (4-12 dwelling units). The implementing zoning is primarily R-6 and R-8. The area also includes areas of R-12 zoning. The County also has large areas mapped as R-18 and Community H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 3 of 28 84110 **10 Business and a few areas with R-24 and R-48 zoning. This zoning strategy results in a significant amount of medium density single-family and multi-family housing capacity. The Community Business designation is comparable to Renton's Corridor Commercial designation although it generally allows greater multi-family density(see Attachment 4). Differences Between City and County Land Use Policy There are several significant differences between County zoning and the zoning that would result if the Renton Comprehensive Plan land use were implemented. First, the King County Comprehensive Plan and zoning has more acreage in higher density use designations that occur in the Renton land use strategy. For example, Renton R-8 vs. King County R-12. The King County system assigns greater capacity to the area than the Renton system would. Second, the County zoning regulations, in zones where the mapped zone category name is the same as the Renton zoning, allow approximately 20 percent more capacity (e.g. R-4 in Renton vs. R-4 in King County). This difference occurs across the board because Renton uses a net development density system, while King County uses a gross density system. County zoning allows the development density to be clustered on one portion of a site and density credit is given for environmentally constrained areas retained in open space. This development pattern does not occur in the Renton zoning system because Renton standards do not allow transfer of development rights from critical areas to other parts of a site. The County's zoning allows bonuses up to 20 percent per gross acre while Renton's zoning system has no density bonuses. In addition, County zoning allows multi-family use in all zones R-4 and above. As a consequence of the density transfer and multi-family allowance, it is possible for a higher density cluster of multi-family use to be built in County zones that appear with lower density designations on a zoning map. Renton zoning does not allow multi-family units on parcels zoned for less than ten dwelling units per net acre. Attachment 5 is a matrix summary of Renton zoning standards compared with King County zoning. This matrix illustrates the difference between County and City density and other development standards for zones that have similar names but will yield different capacities and types of development upon execution. The chart illustrates how County zoning might be translated into an equivalent City zoning. Attachment 6 is a map that illustrates both the current adopted Renton land use policy and the adopted King county zoning. The color on the map represents Renton land use policy; while the zone names printed on the map (e.g. "R-6") represent the County zoning. • The Renton Commercial Corridor designation, in red, is roughly equivalent to the County Community Business designation. However, the County R-48 designation allows greater density than the Renton Commercial Corridor would allow for mixed-use development. • The Renton Residential Medium Density designation is represented in tan. It is generally consistent with County R-12 and R-18 zoning without bonuses. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 4 of 28 • The greatest discrepancy occurs where Renton has mapped areas Residential Single Family that has a maximum density of R-8, net. Many of these areas have County zoning of R-8, which would imply a density under the Renton system closer to R-10. Attachment 7 shows the changes that would be required in the Renton Comprehensive Plan to translate the zoning in the King County system into the Renton density and use equivalents. A comparison of Attachment 6 and 7 will provide a quick summary of the essential discrepancies between Renton and County land use strategies in this area. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: The proposed Comprehensive Plan and Pre-zoning map, divided in analysis areas is shown in Attachment 8, Proposed Prezoning - Key. This map shows the original staff recommended land use for this area divided into sixteen numbered study analysis areas. In response to public comment, the Planning Commission modified the land use recommendation as shown on Attachment 9, Staff/Planning Commission Recommendation. Updated maps of each numbered area are also included. CONCLUSION: The recommendation is to adopt the proposed amendments to the Renton Comprehensive Plan and zoning classifications as proposed. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 5 of 28 IWO "+a/y N AMENDMENT GROUP A RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY(RLD): ANALYSIS AREAS #1,#14,AND #15 • Is the City of Renton's current vision for land use showing predominately Residential Single Family(RS) still appropriate in most of these areas? • Should the portions of these areas be changed to Residential Low Density designation, which would allow Residential 4 (R-4), Residential 1 (R-1), or Resource Conservation (RD) zoning? RECOMMENDATION: Retain the Residential Single Family Designation in the portions of Area #1 developed with public schools and the Renton Park Chapel and designate R-8 zoning for these parcels. Amend the Comprehensive Plan from Residential Single Family to Residential Low Density throughout the remaining portions of Area #1. Retain the RLD designation and expand the designation by amending the Comprehensive Plan to change RS designation to RLD throughout analysis areas, #14, and #15. • Area#1 Parcels are primarily King County Open Space/ Parks or parcels owned by the Renton School District. Parcels owned by the Renton School District and the Renton Park Chapel are recommended to be retained in Residential Single Family land use and have R-8 zoning. The School District properties are developed with Lindbergh High School and Renton Park Elementary School. The remaining portions of Area #1 are King County parcels characterized by critical areas. These parcels should be Residential Low Density with Resource Conservation zoning due to the pervasive wetlands and slopes present on the properties. Private parcels in this area are typically tracts set aside as open space or critical areas during the subdivision process. All publically owned parcels in this area should also be designated with the P-suffix indicating public ownership. • Area#14 Parcels are large with an existing low-density development pattern. • Area#15 Parcels include City of Renton park property, private lands developed at a low-density pattern, and designated urban separators. ANALYSIS FOR AMENDMENT GROUP A: The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan sets aside land for residential low-density use, including lands appropriate for larger lot housing stock at four dwelling units per acre and lands inappropriate for urban densities. Under Objective LU-DD, the purpose of the RLD designation is to provide for a range of lifestyles, protect critical areas, provide for urban separators, promote compatible uses, and to provide a transition area to rural designations in King County. The RLD designation in the Comprehensive Plan is implemented using three zoning districts: Resource H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 6 of 28 two vol Conservation (RC), Residential 1 dwelling units per acre (R-1), and Residential four dwelling units per acre (R-4). The Comprehensive Plan makes a distinction between R-4 zoning and lower density zoning in the policies under Objective LU-DD. R-4 zoning should provide for urban, estate-style, and higher income housing on lands without pervasive critical areas. Lower density zoning in the RC and R-1 zones should be implemented in areas with a prevalence of significant environmental constraints. R-1 and RC zones preserve open space and natural resources and protect environmentally sensitive areas by limiting residential development in critical areas, areas identified as part of a regionally designated urban separator, city-wide or regional open space network, or agricultural lands within the City. Parks are an allowed us within the RLD designation and all of its implementing zones. Significant environmental constraints occur, as defined in Policy LU-135, when: 1) Critical areas encumber a significant percentage of the gross area; 2) Developable areas are separated from one another by pervasive critical areas or occur on isolated portions of the site and access limitations exist; 3) The location of the sensitive area results in a non-contiguous development pattern; 4) The area is a designated urban separator; or 5)Application of the Critical Areas Ordinance setbacks/buffers and/or net density definition would create a situation where the allowed density could not be accommodated on the remaining net developable area without modification or variances to other standards. The differences in the development standards for the zones are in line with the purposes and policies that direct each zone. The R-4 zone provides for, estate-style development through landscaping standards for new plats, residential density at the four dwelling units per acre standard, options for both larger lots and small lot clusters, and setback and yard standards that are larger than higher density single-family areas and smaller than the lower density zones. Development in the RC zone promotes and protects critical areas and agricultural uses through large lot size, very low maximum density, large setbacks, large yard sizes, the absence of landscaping standards, and provisions for agricultural uses. R-1 standards provide an intermediary development standard with urban-style yard and setback standards, like the R-4 zone, but much larger lot sizes and lower densities to provide protection for critical areas and create open space. This zone is used for parks,particularly those with active recreation and small commercial concessions. Area#1 Lands in this area are mostly public City, County, and School District owned parks and open space lands. These public lands have significant wetlands and slope constraints and meet the criteria of Policy LU-135 for R-1 or RC zoning. These lands are not available for development and have no development capacity in the Buildable Lands inventory. The small amount of private land in Area #1 is also constrained by wetlands and slopes. These lands are currently shown in the Renton Comprehensive Plan, as RS because the RLD designation as currently H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 7 of 28 *ow adopted did not exist when the Comprehensive Plan for this area was last reviewed in 1993. These lands meet the purpose of the RLD designation, Objective LU-DD, Policy LU-135, and do not meet the Purpose Statement and policies of the RS land use designation. RS " is intended to be used for quality detached residential development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities" (Purpose Statement P. IX-27). Amending of the Comprehensive Plan to re-designate these areas as RLD with either R-1 or RC implementing zoning is recommended. RC zoning is recommended for publically owned properties, while R-1 is recommended for private parcels and schools. Area #1 is shown on the preliminary pre-zoning map as a combination of R-8, RC, and R-1. The Renton School District lands and Renton Park Chapel are developed parcels used for school and religious purposes. These are allowed uses in the R-8 zone. Area#15 Portions of this study area are currently designated as RLD in the Comprehensive Plan. The expanded RLD is recommended •in the area bounded by SE 200th St, Springbrook Watershed, 196th St and 108th Ave SE because this area is a designated Urban Separator in the King County Comprehensive Plan and in the Countywide Planning Policies (CPP). King County zoning for this area is R-1. The Renton Comprehensive Plan should be amended consistent with the CPP Map and to comply with CPP LU-27 "Urban separators are low-density areas or areas of little development within the Urban Growth Area. Urban separators shall be defined as. permanent low-density lands which protect adjacent resource lands, Rural Areas, and envronmentally sensitive areas and create open space corridors within and between Urban Areas witch provide environmental, visual, recreational and wildlife benefits. Designated urban separators shall not be re-designated in the future (in the 20 year planning cycle) to other urban uses or higher densities. The maintenance of these urban separators is a regional as well as a local concern. Therefore, no modifications should be made to the development regulations governing these areas without King County review and concurrence". RLD designation also complies with Renton Policy LU-141 "Residential Low density areas may be incorporated into Urban Separators". R-1 zoning is required, consistent with these policies. Designated Urban Separators Map g d�4. � ,,,, � � ...swot � .,. � .' ,. .Ren[on Mq . f :g "',8E 464@ St ,S T `s4 4m Si m, 01 ,< 3414i,. . 6qfiriaas Benso Ih&t Talbot Road j i , , k rill! ria, -<. AT i f `` :g.,,,,!1::`:9141 :,,likvir t Panther Lake � ° ,,'' i,: '4,,,i;F:,:ti71,7kt-,,,.::,;.,..3,;,.. S I !, v . 'c 4�,' vb North S a a creek ! €E Source: Countywide Planning Policies H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 8 of 28 soIllr+' Nor Area#14 and Area#15 (44.76 acres in Subarea 1) Land in this area is designated RS in the Renton Comprehensive Plan and has R-6 zoning in King County. The recommendation is to amend the Comprehensive Plan from RS to RLD with R-4 zoning for both of these areas. This land use designation and zoning implement multiple goals and policy of the Renton Comprehensive Plan. The areas include some lands with significant environmental constraints, including a large wetland in the north part of Area #14, larger vacant and re-developable land in Areas #14 and #15, Subarea 1. These portions of the Benson Hill Communities have land use capacity for future single family development as identified through 2007 Buildable Lands review. The development patterns in the area are low density, below four dwelling units per acre. The area lacks the finer detail of established roads that begin to occur with plats at the R-6 to the R-8 density. The larger land parcels in these two areas provide an opportunity for infill development using the larger lot standard of Renton's R-4 zone. Renton regulations would require an 8,000 square feet lot size with a 70-foot lot width. Many of the lots are large enough to accommodate this standard and still provide investment opportunity for property owners. This lot configuration is similar to much of the development already in the area in terms of density, lot configuration, and housing setbacks. New development occurring elsewhere, under either Renton's R-8 zone or the County R-6 zone allows 3,000 square feet (County R-6) to 5,000 square feet (Renton R-8) lot sizes, with no lot width requirement in the King County standard, and a 50-foot width in the Renton standard. The type of housing created in these plats is typically a standardized stock single- family product, rather than a custom designed house. The land available in this area, however, is still in large enough parcels to allow the flexibility of design and amenity considered desirable in higher-end housing products. The Renton RLD designation provides policy direction stating that the R-4 zoning should be designated in those areas with suitable environments for suburban and/or estate style single- family residential dwelling (Objective LU-EE). Policy LU-143 provides that within the R-4 area, larger lot development that increases the supply of upper income housing should be encouraged. Housing Element Policy H-9 encourages larger lots on parcels with physical amenity features such as views, significant vegetation or steep slopes, and Policy H-8 encourages use of low- density single-family areas to provide opportunities for upper income development. The Renton Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan documents the range of housing types in Renton in 2001, and concludes that Renton has a shortage of housing for middle and upper income households, a small surplus of housing for low-income households and a surplus of housing for moderate-income households. (Housing Element p. VII-10). The Comprehensive Plan Housing Element sets a goal of 30 percent of new housing units per year to be affordable at the upper income level. Having housing stock in the community to address the housing needs of all economic segments of the community is important to provide locations for Renton business and community leaders, and for families throughout the family life cycle. It creates a viable alternative for residents who are currently underpaying for their housing to "move-up" within the community allowing residents who are economically successful to stay in the community H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 9 of 28 Now throughout their life cycle. The goal of ensuring that housing exists for all economic segment of the population is an adopted goal in the Housing Element (Housing Element p. VII-5). The Housing Element also establishes the City's desired mix and balance of multi-family and single family housing and states that the potential annexation area is expected to be the location of future single-family housing development. (Housing Element p. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT GROUP A: The proposed amendments for RLD reviewed in Areas#1, #14, and #15 meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G. The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan,by providing an adequate land supply for future infill single family housing and adding to the housing stock to accommodate a diverse population. The housing stock will range from larger"move-up"homes to smaller scale single-family and traditional single family homes. (Vision p. II-2, paragraphs 2 and 3). The RLD land use designation and implementing R-1 zoning provides for parks and recreation uses within neighborhoods, contributing to a community that is healthy and safe, and is a regional center for active and passive recreation(Vision p. II-1, paragraph 1). This request also supports the commitment to protect, restore and enhance environmental quality with the City, ensure quality parks and adequate open space within this environment to meet the recreational needs of residents. (Vision p. II-2 and II-3, paragraph 6). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The recommended changes comply with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as indicated in the analysis for Amendment Group A. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of RC, R-1, and R-4 implements the RLD designation in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed zoning of R-8-P implements the RS designation in the Comprehensive Plan. The P-suffix is affixed to public properties and requires an additional public meeting prior to any proposed land use change. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; as indicated above and b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; With the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments, the RLD designation required for R-1 and R-4 zoning will be established. c. At least one of the following circumstances applies The re-classification to R-1, R-4, and R-8-P was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning review for this area in 1995. 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RC..y , y a . ; >ry y a ^ r t n C C veaw,m x • nom' + r g � r , 4`[ k ° M . w y " 6 , u +° s > a " r Ratone ♦cnt P Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and ProposedRenton Prezoning -Map#1 410* ‘11110 • lilin . im 1E7 . 0:011•111111. am m rj Il m iiiiiiii SE PIl rovitsk Ed Ji11"/ - ---_ -•• • mum wasmigiglifillitivq, lowe nig . . nal .1ff—_.__,______.10 r .. .1 ! - - ,I= m williP1. *ILLIAMilimn.... .amem...,..........''' ;':."....:"- whr p in imi .. an ,.., ::.:-_,.,_,t ..vv....„.„:„......,..;.,.-• :: :.:,.:.H,...-_._...:. 0,0020 vim a no it= MIMI in --- ..::..;.......iiiii..... -:::-.H.-...-...,..:......., 0,,,Ill Lon Ewa iin co .. .numi '''' vrioulh,..,..,_ Enpm mishiy:riiii-r::..:....::: ::.:•:..,.:.,...,i .0„cm IiIk'!111 r•• � ' io.....rr• nehmw: .:....:_, :•,. i.:.:., :•••:::'-fiit MR. 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NI , ime vwl-� is ■ i Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #15 c i✓ `rr+ r AMENDMENT GROUP B RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY (RS): ANALYSIS AREAS #2,#3, #5,#7, #13, AND #16 • Is the City of Renton's current vision for land use showing predominately Residential Single Family(RS) still appropriate in most of these areas? • Should the RMD and RMF portions of these areas be changed to Residential Single Family land use designation, which would allow R-8 zoning? RECOMMENDATION: Retain RS areas and amend the Comprehensive Plan to change several areas from RMD to RS and from Residential Multi-Family(RMF) to RS. • The majority of parcels in areas #2, #3, #13, and #16 are currently designated RS on Renton's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and it is consistent with Renton policy to retain these areas as designated. • Area#5 is currently shown as RMF. This area is proposed for amendment to RS. • The south portion of Area #7, from the extension of SE 168th St to SE 172nd St is currently shown as RMD in the Renton Comprehensive Plan. This portion of Area #7 is recommended for amendment to RS. The remainder of Area #7 north of the extension of SE 168th St is designated RS and should remain in this designation. • The portion of Area #7 fronting 108th Ave SE between SE 172nd St and SE 168th St is shown on the revised detail map #7. This area was previously included in Area #6. It is recommended that the southern portion of this area be Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning. The 108th Ave SE corridor is already developed with several townhouse and commercial developments. The Planning Commission received testimony from property owners supporting additional density at this location. At the intersection of 108th Ave SE and SE 168th St, parcels are shown in Commercial Neighborhood with CN zoning. This area is already developed with commercial uses. • Within Area#13, an approximately 100-lot area of 16.11 acres, identified as Subarea 2, is recommended for amendment from RMD to RS. This area has access from 109th and 110th Streets and south to 181st, 182nd, and 183rd Place along 108th Ave SE. • Within Area #13 Subarea 3, an area with King County R-12 zoning, is bounded by 108th Ave SE and SE 192nd St and is considered for RMD land use with R-14 zoning. • Within Areas #13 and #16, four parcels should be considered for an amendment from RS to Commercial Neighborhood (CN). • Within Area #16, parcels fronting 108th Ave SE between SE 192nd and SE 196th Streets, should be considered for Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning. The Planning H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 11 of 28 Noe Commission also received testimony from property owners supporting additional density at this location. ANALYSIS FOR AMENDMENT GROUP B: King County currently designates all of these areas Urban Residential, Medium, 4 to 12 dwelling units per acre. Most of the areas are currently zoned by the County R-6, six units per gross acre but there are pockets of R-4 and R-8 zoning. The Renton Comprehensive Plan designates these areas primarily as RS, consistent with the City's vision of maintaining quality single family neighborhoods "Land designated Residential Single Family is intended to be used for quality detached residential development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that larger subdivision, infill development, and rehabilitation of existing housing be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments. (Purpose Statement p. IX-27). The R-8 zone implements RS, allowing eight dwelling units per net acre, with a minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet for lots less than one acre in size. Lots in these areas are typically 7,500 to 9,300 square feet in area, although there occasionally are lots found as large as 21,000 square feet in area, and some parcels of an acre. The RMD and RMF areas proposed for amendment to RS are developed areas with an existing pattern of single family use and platting, circulation and street patterns that already divide the land into small parcels that are unlikely to redevelopment into the higher density townhouse and apartment housing types that distinguish the RMD and RMF areas throughout the City. "Residential Medium Density designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types, designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi family developments, support cost-efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure." (Purpose Statement p. IX-28) The Multi family residential land use designation is intended to encourage a range of multi- family living environments that provide shelter for a wide variety of people in differing living situations,from all income levels, and in all stages of life. (Purpose Statement p. IX—32) Area #2 Cascade Neighborhood The 477-acre Cascade Neighborhood is in the northeast section of the proposed Benson Hill Communities Annexation area. 116th Ave SE on the west, the existing City of Renton boundary on the north, 131st Ave SE on the east, and SE 172" St on the south bind this area. Due to the site planning of houses in this area and the small number of lots greater than 10,000 square feet, it is unlikely that additional lots could be created in the neighborhood under the RS land use designation and R-8 zoning. The existing average density in the area is around 4.15 dwelling units per gross acre or about 5.2 dwelling units per net acre. This is 35 percent less dense than what would be allowed under the maximum density in Renton's R-8 zone. The 2007 Buildable Lands analysis identifies no significant land capacity in Area #2 as this as fully subdivided area. H:\EDNSP\Comp P1an\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 12 of 28 Now Renton's R-4 zone might also be considered for this area because of the relatively low density found here. However, the vast majority of lots are in the 7,300 to 7,600 square foot range. The R-4 zone requires an 8,000 square feet lot area, and would result in a majority of lots becoming legal non-conforming. As a consequence, staff is recommending that the Cascade Neighborhood continue to retain the current RS land use designation shown on Renton's Comprehensive Plan with the understanding that if the area annexes into the City of Renton, it would have R-8 zoning with a maximum density of eight units per net acre. Area#3 This area is currently a combination of R-6 and R-8 in King County. It is RS in the Renton Comprehensive Plan. Lot sizes are generally larger than in the Cascade neighborhood and range from platted parcels in the 5,000 to 7,000 square feet range to larger parcels that have redevelopment potential. This area does have potential for future single-family residential subdivisions. The 2007 Buildable Lands study identifies re-developable parcels north of 168th St that would be appropriate for short plats. The density available in the R-8 zone provides an incentive for infill development to occur in this area. The pattern of development occurring under King County regulations is consistent with the City's R-8 zone and 5,000 square feet minimum lot area. Retention of RS land use and adoption of R-8 zoning is recommended. Area# 5 Area #5 includes a number of smaller lots (approximately 45 lots) served by two existing streets. The area is located between two higher density designations, but is designated R-6 in King County zoning. It is shown as RMF in the Renton Comprehensive Plan. Parcel sizes and configurations do not allow for redevelopment at higher density than R-8. Even with the R-8 zone, short plats would be limited to parcels over 11,000 square feet. The R-8 zoning would make existing uses conforming and allow a small amount of future development on the two or three properties identified as re-developable in this area. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment from RMF to RS is recommended with R-8 zoning. The area does not meet the mapping criteria of RMF Policy LU-184 because the interior parcels take access off of existing neighborhood roads, rather than the arterial. While the properties in this study area would be available for infill single family housing consistent with Renton's RS policy Objective LU-FF " Encourage re- investment and rehabilitation of existing housing and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods that: 1) Are planned at urban densities and implement Growth management targets, 2) Promote expansion and use of public transportation, and 3) Make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Area# 7 This area is shown in the Renton Comprehensive Plan as half RMD (south of SE 168th St) and half RS. The County zoning is R-8. The area is characterized by a combination of small and large lot single-family housing built between 1941 and 1960 and includes approximately 60 developable parcels. The existing RMD land use was established in 1993 at the time of adoption of the first Renton Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map prepared under the Growth Management Act. At that time the areas in the Benson Hill Communities were not reviewed under the mapping criteria now required for establishing the RMD land use. The blocks between lath and SE 173rd Streets do H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 13 of 28 w not meet the mapping criteria for RMD except for the properties fronting 108th Ave SE where a pattern of multi-family and townhouse development is evident. Policy LU-158 requires an area to meet three of six criteria for R-10 zoning. The area taking access from 105th Ave SE and 106th Ave SE does not have a mix of small scale multi-family housing or long standing zoning for flats or low density multi-family uses (L U-158 Criteria I), as it is single family with R-6 zoning. It does not have a multi-family development pattern in place, or development patterns conducive to multi-family (LU-158 Criteria 2). While vacant lots are available, the relatively small size and parcel configuration would require assembly for higher density development (LU-158 Criteria 3). The parcels within this single family area could not be easily buffered from adjacent single family areas if developed at higher densities (LU-158 Criteria 4). Changing the designation from RMD to RS in the area between 168th and SE 173rd Streets is more consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for RS than for RMD. The area would be available for infill single family housing consistent with Renton's RS policy Objective LU-FF "Encourage re-investment and rehabilitation of existing housing and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods that: 1) Are planned at urban densities and implement Growth management targets, 2) Promote expansion and use of public transportation, and 3) Make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. The land fronting 108th Ave SE, in contrast does meet the mapping criteria for Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning. The site is adjacent to an arterial (LU-159 Criterion 1) and adjacent at the south end to a Commercial Corridor designation (Criterion 2). Combined with the designation shown on Area #6, the parcels meet the required 20 acres (Criterion 3). Parcels are deep and could easily be buffered from the single family development to the west through adequate landscape architecture, fencing, and site development patterns (Criterion 4). Parcels are larger in this corridor and are of sufficient size to support townhouse site planning(Criterion 5). Area#13 The majority of parcels within Area#13 are designated RS. Subarea 2 Subarea 2 is a 16.11 acre area and consists of approximately 100 lots bounded by the area from 109th and 110th Streets north to the commercial area, and south to 181st, 182" and 1831rd Place along 108th Ave SE. This area was designated RMD in 1993, but has King County R-8 zoning. It is developed with single-family homes and has no redevelopment potential based on Buildable Lands methodology. The area does not meet the Residential Medium Density designation mapping criteria of Policy LU-158. Similar to lands discussed in Area 7, the parcels in sub-area "2" do not have a mix of small-scale multi-family uses, have no long standing zoning for multi- family, and does not have development patterns conducive to multi-family development. Infill multi-family development on parcels of this type could not be easily buffered from adjacent single-family development. This area best matches the Residential Single Family designation as implemented by R-8 zoning. Net development density is between 4 and 8 dwelling units per net, acre, consistent with Policy LU-147. Maintenance and re-investment in the single family housing stock in the area should be encouraged at this location consistent with Objective LU-FF. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 14 of 28 Subarea 3 The largest portion of Subarea 3 is currently mapped as RS in the Renton Comprehensive Plan, but has a development pattern and potential for re-development more consistent with the RMD policies. This area is zoned R-12 in King County, and includes a majority of parcels identified as re-developable in the Buildable Lands methodology. The area meets the criteria in Policy LU- 159 for RMD with R-14 zoning. It is adjacent to 108th Ave SE, a major arterial (Criteria 1), has an area of at least 20 acres (Criteria 3), has large parcel sizes and can be developed within the density range and unit types typical of the R-14 zone (Criteria 5), is adjacent to the commercial designation at the Benson Hill Shopping Center (Criteria 2), and is reasonably buffered from the adjacent single family areas by the plat and road circulation patterns already constructed for those subdivisions (Criteria 4). Eventual development of this area can be achieved consistent with the Purpose statement of the RMD designation. "Residential Medium Density designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types, designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi family developments, support cost-efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure." (Purpose Statement p. IX-28) A small portion of Subarea 3 in Area#13, consisting of two lots on the east side of 108th Ave SE (gas station), and four lots in Area#16 are proposed for amendment from RS to CN. These areas have existing commercial uses. Within Area #16, this small area consists of three lots at the intersection of 108th Ave SE and S 192nd St, and two lots between SE 196th and SE 192nd Streets with frontage on 108th Ave SE. These parcels are developed with a gas station and offices. A re- designation of the parcels from RS to CN will make these uses conforming. Designation of this area as CN implements Objective LU-WW "Commercial Neighborhood designated areas area intended to reduce traffic volumes, permit small-scale business uses, such as commercial/retail, professional office, and services that serve the person needs of the immediate population in surrounding neighborhoods. The designation of these parcels is also consistent with Policy LU- 424 and LU-427 which call for small scale uses that do no change the character of the nearby residential areas, and allow small scale retail and service uses The parcels fronting 108th Ave SE in Area#16 meet the mapping criteria for Residential Medium Density with R-14 zoning. The site is adjacent to an arterial (LU-159 Criterion 1) and adjacent at the south end to a Commercial Corridor designation (Criterion 2). Combined with the designation shown on Area#13, the parcels meet the required 20 acres (Criterion 3). Parcels are deep and could easily be buffered from the single family development to the west through adequate landscape architecture, fencing and site development patterns (Criterion 4). Parcels are larger in this corridor and are of sufficient size to support townhouse site planning (Criterion 5). REVIEW CRITERIA FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT: The proposed amendments for RS, RMD, and CN designations reviewed in Areas #2, #3, #5, #7, #13, and#16 meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 15 of 28 tivie The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan, by providing an adequate land supply for future infill single family housing and adding to the housing stock to accommodate the diverse population, from larger"move-up"homes to smaller scale single- family and traditional single family homes. (Vision p. II-2, paragraphs 2 and 3. The proposed amendments support the portion of Renton's vision that conceptualizes urban living that provides choice and balanced opportunities for resident, employment and housing, recreation and religion (Vision p. 11-3, paragraph 2). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The recommended changes comply with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as indicated in the analysis for Amendment Group B. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of R-8 and CN implements the RS designation and the CN designations in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed zoning of R-14 implements the RMD designation in the Comprehensive Plan. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; as indicated above and b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; with the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments, the RS designation and CN designation required for R-8 and CN will be established. c. See Comprehensive Plan Compliance for Amendment Group B and d. At least one of the following circumstances applies: The subject reclassification to R-14, R-8, and CN was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning of this area in 1995. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue.Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 16 of 28 wow vlikv"e" "- ' "WM .."47 MI1 Pm . , Ns, oil. t 41,41, 4 1 _. 1111111=1111 IOW aia • --5--=' *kW liir alP ill g mi 1111 ► ♦ �I ��r MI 11. 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'i '__ 11 PE li �� lin 11 ■�,1 ■� huh "el ..1SE rovitsk Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #2 tiov 4.00 ii Na I I Y 151st St I . 0 I1 SE 1E2nc—S1 I 1;iei - tial Sing Family _,__, S- 1 �► t h t d- -- St -----(4 ?_______0_ __________ __________ 1 R-8 --� W 1 ll (I) Up - rt 1110 > --1--,a ' __-_U_ -----ED-- > CD Q �- -� -> Q +J __,-_, -+J l-■ co \ IMMO ME ,z Si 158th S T 4 likill ' - ' 69tr) St N/ I L _ \ _ i i 1 -1 H i '_n c- St SE 17 2n c St > 1 r c 1 I Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #3 *No c J R-8 5 Residential Single Family Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #5 Nose ! \ I .oise ._ L / L J milw 11 Ili 111 1 1 1 0 0 .� •- vs -7 ,..., ,iIIIL\ , ------------G_)--- 0 - a' ik , ,_ i• $ s Ogietrillik O 41 131 I I 0 I ilk ___ ----- mow 000, is z_01111110" 111), c)-- 00 ro n EE71 . 6 111 CD 1010 * _________ . 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"VIM 1■■■■■ ■■■■■1 _ ....K.1 �4� -� , V M IIIIWI �- Ilbek '_ ve- ____ �� ■ LillIikiP4lI. 1 �■ ■■ 1 _..10:11. : El ■v mob is inti ■■ ■� • rainlir juin al 111u: ■■uu■■■■ ■m■■■■ miN ■■ II •U ttana■�I■■ ■■■n■n■■ ■■■■■■ IIIII INIE im 4 ■ ��■N IuII 11 ILi ■ ,_,_, Sub Area 3 il li I ii Lo R-8 MI1 111"1116 . kits LI „ MEM WINE 7-, <>c- 'amen row,tommi.ding rummil , _. ,I.,.iu . dh„ 40,. .,,„,,i_rm nom. , 1 -. : si • MO illam fitUrnIM 11111, 1ria LIB"' 61 Lii "I'Mal Milli a --- Mardian ex gr, 0 al 4 II VIIP / II -:1) III Eli a "Er it Co , --,E- „ . 1 1 ■ 1 _ Pl2 cIlII1IIlI ! d St i _ ----- eig' ioio• ims 1 liff nt- iB n) Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #13 taw U -i=,-- 7 S- , 56t^ w ♦ L 6191 ' , C 186 %1t4* > Al Mai N -1 A O!��� R-8 1 1 1 • r .140 _c / • '05 co cip ___, . _____ S_ 1 Ilth `► Oak (r), S` j99ri n St 110 V 1 II ilk' IT Mediu D-nsity liii R-1 SE 1 S 2 n c _ g .orhood Residential W Single up Family Q) H I > (X) 1 R-8 _I--, coR-14 -I , U Reside ti, c Dens y o SI 196t , J Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #16 41/111111M 41110t • • AMENDMENT GROUP C RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY (RMD): ANALYSIS AREAS # 6,#11, AND #12 • Should the City of Renton modify its Comprehensive Plan to match the multi-family development occurring along the north side of Petrovitsky Rd and to allow further infill development at ten dwelling units per acre in portions of this area? • Should the City of Renton amend its Comprehensive Plan to recognize small scale commercial uses in this area? • What is the appropriate land use designation for the Vantage Glen Manufactured Home Park and lands immediately surrounding the park? RECOMMENDATION: • Amend the Residential Single Family (RS) designation shown in Area #6 to RMD and use both R-10 and R-14 zoning in subareas of this study area. • Also, in Area #6, amend the RS designation to Commercial Neighborhood (CN) to recognize the existing businesses on 108th Ave SE. • Retain the RMD designation in Area #12 for Vantage Glen and adopt Residential Manufactured Home Park (RMH) zoning. • Area # 11 is designated RMD and is recommended to stay in this land use with R-14 zoning Area#6 This area is split between RMD and RS in the Renton Comprehensive Plan. Several portions of the RS are proposed for amendment to RMD. Three parcels with access off of 108th Ave SE are proposed for amendment to CN. Area#11 Parcels are park land owned by the City of Renton. Area#12 Area #12 includes the Vantage Glen Manufactured Home Park, shown as RMD, and a 17.5-acre area(Subarea 4) to the south shown as RS. ANALYSIS AMENDMENT GROUP C: Area#6 This study area includes four subareas. Three subareas are groups of parcels that require amendment to Renton's Comprehensive Plan to achieve consistency between existing development and Renton policies. One subarea complies with the Renton Comprehensive Plan but needs a zoning determination. Subarea 5 is north of Petrovitsky Rd as bordered by 116th St to the east and is proposed for amendment from RS to RMD with R-14 zoning. This area is developed with condominiums and apartments within the density range allowed in the R-14 zone. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 17 of 28 Subarea 5 meets the criteria in Policy LU-159 for RMD with R-14 zoning. It is adjacent to 108th Ave SE, a major arterial (Criteria 1), has an area of 20 acres (Criteria 2), has large parcel sizes and can be developed within the density range and unit types typical of the R-14 zone (Criteria 5), is adjacent to the commercial designation at the Benson Hill Shopping Center (Criteria 2), and is reasonably buffered from the adjacent single family areas by the plat and road circulation patterns already constructed for adjacent subdivisions (Criteria 3). Subarea 6 includes three groups of parcels proposed for amendment from RS to RMD with R-10 zoning, including: a) 22 parcels between 116th and 113th Ave SE south of SE 168th St, b) 10 parcels south of SE 168th St between 111th and 108th Ave SE (three parcels are in Subarea 6 and the remaining seven are immediately to the west), and c) 15 parcels in an existing subdivision. Subarea 7 includes the area south of SE 168th St west to Benson Rd S that is currently in RMD and requires no amendment to Comprehensive Plan but would be designated with R-14 zoning. This subarea includes the existing Renton Fire Station surrounded by a larger developable parcel of 9.12 acres. The parcels in Subarea 6 meet the mapping criteria of Policy LU-158 in that 1) the area has a mix of small-scale multi-family units and has had long standing County zoning allowing this mix of unit types, 2) vacant lots exist or parcels have redevelopment potential for medium density infill, 3) development patterns in these areas are conducive to medium-density residential projects. Opportunity for a modest amount of infill development will occur here based on the analysis in the 2007 Buildable Lands Database. Development can be achieved in a manner consistent with the Purpose of the RMD land use designation (Purpose Statement p. IX-28). The parcels in Subarea 7 meet the mapping criteria of Policy LU-159. The site is adjacent to an arterial (LU-159 Criterion 1) and adjacent at the south end to a Commercial Corridor designation at the Benson Center (Criterion 2). Combined with the designation shown on Area#6 Subarea 5, the parcels meet the required 20 acres (Criterion 3). Parcels are deep and could easily be buffered from the single family development to the west through adequate landscape architecture, fencing and site development patterns (Criterion 4). Parcels are larger in this corridor and are of sufficient size to support townhouse site planning (Criterion 5). Two lots on 108th Ave SE and SE 168th St are currently in RS and are proposed for CN designation. These lots are developed with an existing business that is non-conforming under the RS designation. The purpose of the Commercial Neighborhood designation is to provide small scale, low-intensity commercial areas located within neighborhoods primarily for the convenience of residents who live nearby. Uses should be those that provide goods and services. (Purpose Statement p. IX-70.) The business use at this location complies with Policies LU-424, LU-425, and LU-427 in that of the commercial use consists of retail and service, and the scale and intensity of the commercial activity does not change the character of the nearby residential. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 18 of 28 Area#11 This area is entirely owned by the City of Renton and will be used for parkland. The area was designated RMD in 2006 as part of an area wide Comprehensive Plan review and is not eligible for re-designation at this time under RMC 4-9-180F, Decision Criteria for Change of Zone classification. This property was considered for an area wide rezone within the last year and there is no identifiable change of circumstance that provides for a change in zone designation at this time. Potential R-1 zoning was considered in 2006 as part of the area wide review. Area#12 Vantage Glen is a manufactured home park community of owner-occupied units placed on sites leased from the King County Housing Authority. The development is approximately 164 units on 36 acres. The park is fully developed and has no additional capacity for manufactured homes. County zoning is R-12. Although the site is not identified in the Buildable Lands analysis for any housing capacity, the County zoning could create an incentive for redevelopment. It is recommended that this parcel be retained in RMD land use, but that RMH zoning be implemented to preserve the site for the existing use. The Housing Element Policy H-45 states that existing manufactured home parks should be retained when they meet the following criteria: 1) The development provides market rate housing alternatives for low and moderate- income households, 2) The housing is maintained and certified as built to the International Building Code and HUD standards, and 3) Site planning includes pedestrian amenities, landscaping and a community facility. The housing at Vantage Glen meets code standards and the site planning includes the amenities features referenced in the criteria. While the King County Housing Authority subsidizes the land lease for eligible households, the units are market rate and owner occupied. Parcels in the 17.5 acre identified as Subarea 4 are recommended to be retained as RS. This area has a developed church property on 4.9 acres and a vested 22-unit King County plat at 11.7 dwelling units per acre that will be legal non-conforming for density but conforming for use with RS and R-8 zoning. Churches are an allowed use in all zones. There is an additional parcel owned by the King County Housing Authority in this location developed with 30 additional units. "Land designated Residential Single Family is intended to be used for quality detached residential development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that larger subdivision, infill development, and rehabilitation of existing housing be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments. (Purpose Statement p. IX-27). The R-8 zone implements RS, allowing eight dwelling units per net acre, with a minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet for lots less than one acre in size H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\]ssue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 19 of 28 11111'" The Planning Commission received testimony from the King County Housing Authority requesting consideration of either R-14 or Residential Multi-Family zoning for Vantage Glen and for R-14 zoning for Vista Glen. R-14, Option One for King County Housing Authority The R-14 zone allows 10 to 18 dwelling units per net acre, and allows a townhouse form of development. The parcels owned by the King County Housing Authority could at some point be developed with an affordable housing bonus of up to 30 dwelling units per net acre with the R-14 zoning. The 17.5-acre Subarea 4 and the Vantage Glen property could meet the purpose of the RMD designation. "Residential Medium Density designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types, designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi family developments, support cost-efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure." (Purpose Statement p. IX-28) Objective LU-GG states that access, topography and adjacent land uses create conditions appropriate for a variety of unit types designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi-family developments. Policy LU-159 set forth mapping criteria for the R-14 zone. Subarea 4 meets these criteria. It is adjacent to 108th Ave SE, a major arterial (Criteria 1), has large parcel sizes and can be developed within the density range and unit types typical of the R- 14 zone (Criteria 5), is adjacent to the commercial designation at the Benson Hill Shopping Center (Criteria 2), and is reasonably buffered from the adjacent single family areas by the plat and road circulation patterns already constructed for those subdivisions (Criteria 3). Eventual development of this area can be achieved consistent with the Purpose statement of the RMD designation The 17.5 acre portion of the area alone does not meet Criteria 2, requiring an area of 20 acres. This recommendation is revised to support retention of the R-8 zoning on this site. To allow application of the R-14 zone in this location, staff initially recommended that the City consider amending the mapping criteria in LU-159 to allow the R-14 zone on parcels of 10 acres, or combinations of parcels of 10 acres An amendment of this type would have citywide implications and the Planning Commission did not support this alternative. The current recommendation is to retain the 17.5 acre area in Residential Single Family and designate the Vantage Glen parcel as Residential Manufactured Home. The R-14 zone was recently studied and amended as part of the Highlands Task Force review process and it offers incentives for development and a range of opportunities for attached and detached housing, and affordable housing that make a good transition between single family, multi-family, and mixed use/commercial areas. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 20 of 28 • *41111110 Residential Multi-Family, Option Two for King County Housing Authority The Housing Authority has stated a desire to provide additional affordable housing on an undeveloped portion of the Vantage Glen site directly contiguous to the Benson Center and requests consideration of Residential Multi-Family zoning for this portion of the site. The RMF designation is intended to provide a "range of living environments that provide shelter for a wide variety of people in differing living situations,from all income levels, and in all stages of life." (Purpose Statement p. IX-32) Densities are 20 dwelling units per acre (Policy LU-185). Policy LU-182 states that RMF should occur in areas of the City where projects would be compatible with existing uses and where infrastructure is adequate to handle impacts from higher density uses. The Vantage Glen site does not meet the mapping criteria for Residential Multi- family land use and zoning because the parcel does not meet the mapping criteria of Policy LU- 184 that requires abutting RMF designation on two sides. At a future point, review of the zoning should be considered for either an amendment to the multi-family mapping policies for affordable housing, or for consideration of a mixed use designation that would allow affordable housing. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT: The proposed amendments for RMD designations reviewed in Areas #6 and #12 meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G. The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan, by providing land capacity in urban form that will further the goal of a balance between single and multi-family housing and to increase the supply for single family housing through infill development. (Vision p. 11-2 paragraph 2), and a full range of housing types to accommodate the diverse population including manufactured home, single family, multi-family, and condominium developments (Vision P. II-2 paragraph 3). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The recommended changes including map and text amendments comply with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as indicated the analysis for Amendment Group C. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of R-10, R-14 and RMH implements the RMD designation in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed RMH zoning implements the Housing Element Policy H-45. The proposed zoning of R-8 implements the RS designation in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed zoning of CN implements the CN designation in the Comprehensive Plan. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; as indicated above and b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; with the proposed Comprehensive H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 21 of 28 talr " 411110 • Plan amendment, the RMD designations necessary for R-10, R-14, and RMH zoning will be established and c. At least one of the following circumstances applies: The subject reclassification to R-10, R-14, and RMH was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning for this area in 1995. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 22 of 28 ar✓ INN t1Q s f , _ F ►c ra Sub`A 6, $ `r‘,,.,,. i, - L L L .a n� " £ T 'f'^ .:;r:'..,..,—.-1--.?.— h s ._ 1 3 f p ) _. D w I -o- :i t k d e D �; .: , E:i. .. Sub > a 7 c L _.,. f j ,, R-14 �, 5 ,moi , t , a, i 1 x 11 .® 7 t I '''''''F'-'1'''''''''' m .� .. . „ 1. ,.. f Resitierithli '' I , , Medium t .. R-14 D bn tY �..M r t • e7. °` m ',, �`-' 11 I ! ! 1 r q ¢ 3 r ^ a i F , o- x "" '".''K 3 Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoonirig-Map#6 AINIMML. 0 e t ...„. iiiiiiii r_ .7____ - :) ,„_ aiiiiiii _ O __,_ _z„ (, _ II _ .,_ c__.) R-14 Residential 1 1 Medium Density L) --: h s _ libb S 1 7 1 ____ Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #11 I `fir '401110. „g„,. , ....... • Q.) > iii • Q h SY , „ 00II lv 1.___ _ IN RMH 1 12 Residential ' Medium Density I r R-8 Sub Area 4 Residential Single R-8 Family ,-------4 i 11--( ] / N Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #12 4 • AMENDMENT GROUP D COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR(CC)/RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY (RMF): ANALYSIS AREAS #4, # 8, # 9,AND # 10 • What is the appropriate land use designation(s)/pre-zoning for the Cascade Commercial Area and the Benson Hill/Fred Meyer Shopping Center commercial areas? • Should Renton modify is existing Comprehensive Plan to match commercial zoning in King County where there are discrepancies between the two land use systems? • What kind of commercial/employment growth multi-family and mixed-use development is envisioned in this area? RECOMMENDATION: Retain the Renton Commercial Corridor (CC) designation for properties where it currently is in place and amend the Comprehensive Plan to match Renton comparable commercial categories to County commercial categories for properties already developed with commercial uses. Amend the Renton Comprehensive Plan to designate Multi-family Infill for stand alone multi-family projects already developed in the Petrovitsky Corridor, and for parcels that meet multi-family infill policies. • Area#4 This area of existing multi-family development is designated in the Comprehensive Plan RMF and RS. The RMF designation should be expanded to include the existing developed property now designated as RS. This area includes the Cascade Shopping Center that is currently designated RMF is recommended to be more approporiately designated Commercial Corridor (CC). There is also an area that is currently designated RS and is proposed to be designated RMD due to existing higher density residential development. One section of Area #4 is highly constrained by critical areas. The recommendation is revised to support the designation of Residential Low Density with R- 4 zoning on these properties. • Area#8 o This area includes an existing commercial area that is already CC in the Renton plan. Implementing zoning should be Commercial Arterial (CA). It also includes a pre-existing condominium development, Huntington Heights, developed at 30.57 du/ac o The commercial designation and zoning should be expanded to four parcels south of S 179th St (Carr Rd), also to existing developed properties along 108th Ave SE, and to existing commercially developed properties along Petrovitsky Rd. The area also includes four parcels to be designated RS. • Area#9 This area includes both developed and vacant multi-family property that more closely meet the criteria for RMF than CC. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 23 of 28 Atuv vie • Area#10 An existing commercial area that is already CC in the Renton Comprehensive Plan and should be retained and expanded, and given Commercial Office (CO) zoning and an area of RS to be retained and given R-8 zoning. ANALYSIS FOR AMENDMENT GROUP D Recommendations for future zoning of this area are based upon the existing character of the shopping area, as well as any future plans for growth and development. The purpose statement of the CC land use designation fits the existing conditions of this commercial area very closely. Commercial Corridors are areas with a pre-existing, linear commercial district along an arterial that provides daily goods and services for the local neighborhood and surrounding areas. (Purpose Statement p. IX-53) Over time, the purpose of this designation is to transform these districts from purely auto-oriented strips into vibrant districts with coordinated site planning, efficient parking, pedestrian amenities, boulevard treatments, and transit access. Objective LU-DD states that the Commercial Corridor land use designation should "include: 1) established commercial and office areas; 2) developments located on large parcels of land, 3) projects that may be highly visible from principal arterials, and 4) uses dependent upon or benefiting from high-volume traffic." The Fred Meyer big box store and the many restaurant and service uses included in the Petrovitsky corridor commercial area are typical of this form of development. Petrovitsky Rd and 108th Ave SE are both major arterials and high volume traffic corridors. The commercial development is auto-oriented and located on both large and small parcels. Other commercial areas in Renton, the CC land use designation and CA zone, have designated Business Districts policies in place to guide future development and redevelopment in line with the Comprehensive Plan. Some Districts have policies primarily on design or quality development, others on pedestrian orientation, or perhaps the mix of businesses to serve the surrounding area. A set of policies for the Benson Hill Business District is not proposed as part of this review, but would likely be written following annexation to guide future development in this area based upon the identified needs and future vision of the community. Area#4 This area includes the following land use groupings: 1) the Cascade Center, an existing suburban commercial complex, 2) a number of residential multi-family properties developed at the density range allowed in the City's residential multi-family designation, 3) a group of parcels developed under County zoning with townhouse development conforming to the City's Residential Medium Density designation, and 4) land highly constrained by critical areas. Three land use designations were originally proposed to correspond to the form and density of existing development within these areas. 1) Commercial Corridor land use designation should "include: 1) established commercial and office areas; 2) developments located on large parcels of land, 3) projects that may be highly visible from principal arterials, and 4) uses dependent upon or benefiting from high-volume traffic. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Jssue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 24 of 28 2) Residential Multi-Family designation is intended to provide a "range of living environments that provide shelter for a wide variety of people in differing living situations, from all income levels, and in all stages of life." (Purpose Statement p. IX-32) Densities are 20 dwelling units per acre (Policy LU-185). 3) The "Residential Medium Density designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types, designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi family developments, support cost-efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure." (Purpose Statement p. IX-28) One group of properties north of Petrovitsky Road and east of 128th Ave SE are particularly constrained by documented wetlands. The Planning Commission received testimony about these parcels and supported a request to further protect these lands with a lower density residential designation. Residential Low Density with R-4 zoning is proposed for these parcels by the Planning Commission. The Cascade Shopping Center also provides a similar range of use types. The Cascade Shopping Center is visible from 116th St, a major arterial with high traffic volumes. The area includes large parcels and auto-dependent access and uses. CA zoning allows the wide variety of uses already in place in this commercial center, and the development standards are similar to those already in place as well. It allows residential uses in the commercial area, when developed are a mixed use (Objective LU-EEE). Under Objective LU-DD, the purpose of the RLD designation is to provide for a range of lifestyles, protect critical areas, provide for urban separators, promote compatible uses, and to provide a transition area to rural designations in King County. The RLD designation in the Comprehensive Plan is implemented using three zoning districts: Resource Conservation (RC), Residential 1 dwelling units per acre(R-1), and Residential four dwelling units per acre (R-4). The Comprehensive Plan provides guidance for lower density zoning in the policies under Objective LU-DD. The R-4 zone implements this designation and services as a transition zone between lower density and higher density residential areas. RMC 4-2-020D. Area#8 The Benson Hill Shopping Center commercial area is anchored by the big box Fred Meyer building, offering one-stop grocery, home and garden, and clothing shopping. Surrounding the Fred Meyer are smaller shops, services, and restaurants, ranging from small local businesses to national chains. Physically, the commercial area is oriented in a strip on both sides of 108th Ave SE/Benson Hwy with a couple blocks of strip development along Can Road/Petrovitsky Road at that intersection. Access to the commercial area is primarily auto-oriented, as the shopping center draws local traffic as well as traffic en route to Renton, Fairwood, and Kent. Despite its auto-orientation, pedestrians are a common sight in this area. Bus routes run along the Petrovitsky Corridor, as well as along 108th Ave connecting to Renton, Fairwood, Kent, and Tukwila. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\ssue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 25 of 28 woe King County zoning of the shopping center and surrounding area shows a number of zoning classifications. The majority of the commercial area is zoned Commercial Business (CB), although there are a couple parcels zoned Office (0) in the southern portion of the business district, east of 108th Ave SE. Residential development around the commercial area ranges from Residential-8 units per acre (R-8) to Residential-48 units per acre (R-48). Area #8 includes the Benson Hill Shopping Center and several other established commercial business, including KinderCare, learning Center the Euro Institute, Village Chapel, two parcels owned by Fire District 40 several vacant commercial infill sites, and the Huntington Heights condominium. The Huntington Heights property is 96 units with a density of 30 The area is designated for CC land use in the Renton Comprehensive Plan. Possible zoning classifications under the CC designation include CO and CA. It is recommended that this designation be retained and expanded to include commercial properties including the first row of properties along 108th Ave SE, and expanded on the south side of Petrovitsky Rd to the first parcel east of 110th Ave SE and expanded to include a triangular parcel to the north of Can Road, and four properties south of Carr Rd. These parcels are already developed with commercial uses or have commercial infill potential. The parcels in the expanded area of approximately 26 parcels are currently shown as RMD and will require a change to CC. Businesses in this area are located on and have access to the principal arterial, Petrovitsky Road. This area has high traffic volumes, and an existing land use pattern characterized by strip commercial (Policy LU-334). A wide range of low and medium intensity office, service and retail uses are present (Policy L U-337) as are restaurants, and big box retail uses (Policy L U-336). The Planning Commission and Planning and Development Committee received correspondence from the Huntington Heights Condominium Homeowners Association requesting reconsideration of several of the properties in the immediate vicinity. Upon further notification to property owners in the area and subsequent correspondence, staff amends its prior recommendation for this area and recommends that the KinderCare Learning Center and the Huntington Heights Condominium be designated Residential Medium Density Land Use with R-14 zoning. "Residential Medium Density designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types, designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi family developments, support cost-efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure." (Purpose Statement p. IX-28) This area does meet the mapping criteria for Medium Density Residential, with R-14 zoning. The site is adjacent to an arterial (LU-159 Criterion 1) and abuts the Commercial Corridor designation (Criterion 2) Combined with the designation shown on Study Area 6 the parcels meet the required 20 acres (Criterion 3). Parcels do not abut the single family development but are contiguous to other R-14 zoned property (Criterion 4). Parcels are larger in this corridor and are of sufficient size to support townhouse site planning (Criterion 5). H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 26 of 28 • Area#10 This study area is currently designated CC along Talbot Rd and Carr Rd, and with RS. Retention of both designations is recommended. The CC designation should be expanded to include four parcels with frontage on Can Rd and one large, deep parcel with frontage on Talbot Rd. These five parcels are now designated RS and require an amendment to CC. The recommended zoning for the commercial designation in this area is CO. The uses in this area include existing professional office that are part of the Valley Medical node of medical and related services. Existing developments are small office buildings with surface parking lots. This zoning recommendation is consistent with Policy LU-340 stating that small-scale medical uses associated with major institutions should be located in the portions of CC with CO zoning. The RS portion of Area#10 should be retained as modified by the re-mapping to CC, and should be zoned R-8. The existing subdivisions in this area are developed at the range of density allowed in the R-8 zone and zoning of this area as R-8 is consistent with Policy LU-147, and Policy LU-148, which provide for density of four to eight dwelling units per acre with a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet. These developed neighborhoods have no additional development potential. Existing development is consistent with Policy LU-151 and LU-152, addressing height, lot size, lot width, setbacks, open space, and landscaping. Area#9 This study area is shown as RMD in Renton's Comprehensive Plan, and is developed with existing multi-family uses. RMF infill is the best fit for the area in terms of use types and density. There are also several vacant infill sites in this area with County R-24 zoning. The RMF designation is intended to provide a "range of living environments that provide shelter for a wide variety of people in differing living situations,from all income levels, and in all stages of life." (Purpose Statement p. LX-32) Densities are 20 dwelling units per acre (Policy LU-185). Policy LU-182 states that RMF should occur in areas of the City where projects would be compatible with existing uses and where infrastructure is adequate to handle impacts from higher density uses. The existing uses in this area are the 74-unit Vista Highlands Apartments, and the Summer Hill Apartments. Both projects meet the definitions and policies typical of RMF developments. Two vacant parcels in this area do not meet the mapping criteria of Policy LU-184. They do not abut an existing RMF designation on two sides. It is recommended that these parcels be retained in the existing RMD designation and be given R-14 zoning. This designation allows 14 dwelling units per net acre and has a bonus up to 18 dwelling units per acre. A non-profit housing project addressing the needs of low-income households below 50 percent of median income can be developed using a bonus up to 30 dwelling units per acre. These two vacant parcels are contiguous to an already established R-14 designation within the existing city limits and therefore meet the mapping criteria of Policy LU-159 (Criteria 3). The parcels are also contiguous to a CC designation (Criteria 2), have access from an arterial (Criteria 1), can be buffered from single-family, and developed at the appropriate density range given environmental constraints (Criteria 5). H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 27 of 28 11400 REVIEW CRITERIA FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT GROUP D: The proposed amendments for CC and RMD designations reviewed in Analysis Areas #4, #8, #9, and#10 meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G. The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan, by providing sufficient land capacity to accommodate future growth, including Renton's share of projected regional housing needs, while maintaining the quality of life in new and established neighborhoods (Vision p. 11-2, paragraph 2) and by implementing the concept that urban living provides both choice and balanced opportunities for residents: employment and housing, recreation and religion, goods and services (Vision P II-3 paragraph 2). The multi-family and commercial land use and zoning recommendations supports this portion of the vision by providing for conforming zoning for existing uses, opportunities for residential infill, and zoning to support commercial land use. The Residential Low Density portion of the recommendation for Area#4 supports the objective of recognizing the reduced land capacity appropriate on lands with critical areas while allowing residential development to continue to occur. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The recommended changes comply with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as indicated the analysis for Amendment Group D. ZONING CONCURRENCY: The proposed zoning of CA and CO implements the CC land use designation and proposed zoning of R-8 implements the RS designation in the Comprehensive Plan. Proposed R-4 zoning implements the Residential Low Density Designation. The proposed R-10 and R-14 zoning implements the Residential Medium Density Designation. The proposed RMF zoning implements Residential Multi-Family designation. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION: The proposed rezone must meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-180F: a. The proposed amendment meet the review criteria in RMC 4-9-020G; as indicated above and b. The property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan; The Comprehensive Plan Designation of Corridor Commercial is already established in most of this area. With the proposed expansion of CC, the designation required for proposed CA and CO zoning will be in place. Proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan provide the necessary Residential Multi-family designation for the proposed RMF zoning. The RS designation is in place for the proposed R-8 zoning and, c. The following circumstances applies: The subject reclassification to R-8, CA, and CO was not specifically considered at the time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning in 1995. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Issue Paper Amended PC-Staff Recommendation 9- 25.doc Page 28 of 28 t t_ _ N i p 'vi■ - 11 111 St `N' — �� . S iiiiiiiiiiiii Li ♦ vim 1€5t-1 Si1211111y►k j; � 17 , Mil Imilivo • $ , • 111111111111/.. Iiii WV ion #1111111111111 *41 iiimi •P '1* **111 ■■ft ■: nal 1: 1- �i: 'ii in :Q rr♦i ■`t 4 4•N —witsi--c5' x _, iginia**,.•. v kill 11, "144.i'm mai.: --cc) /I valf,iumait 413*. ,„Ni oliar—q, gm. law IN114.** *11. I.. thl SN �/ 1!h!PI!P!! irh, V01111 vimiv Ailmi nib No ' ,ukr4fill11111111 411.1 !1II't.41 L� �� its4I II■ ■ I IP ip.g. i 9 t St ����!!.�I � '�■ ■■ pl �SE� h 6 9-f7 S- 1 so v mai v , - ELIC Q Q :moi Q.) a - 69 .-h p_ I �� ��,.� p ■rW♦ tl. L7011 1St ) 1 * , . ____,_ Lc) ..,.... -, fill111111111111111 I 1 , 1 41. 4.111 •Rffis ____,,! -,__ ---- ' 11 iirsk 1PP ���lir SE liii ■ ,,„ 1 co S. alliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIII all aSItimo - Ldenhlal R10.. II ii' Resi=en; : ■NM al■ pp L w ,en. sity MI 1 I IV 1 I I 1 , 1111 i■ _ M. titin 1111 " ��■��: r- ________________.___ 4 • , 111 II c-'.-'D 1 °Vili) s I� . ► 1W" 0 _ OM 1 I to 1 Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #4 • t Nio 3 h d ...d .. • • 111111, e9 Residential Medium Density R-14 R-8 .Res retial pie F- 0 t {a • 4111.00.111011, _. _. _ ._... _._., ..... Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning-Map#8 t ,/, ,,,-, -- - ------ ----- , , \ III sidential Cj Medium Density R-14 lirAgilIlIll Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #9 mow 11111, *410 • • ... „an .. \ , ,n1■18thmon Ill% Eli IIIIIINUNI , 11111111 II I `= R-8 Residential 00 Single Family i (IIIIIOI 7i,*bso,„ S 1T ile • pa st Proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Renton Prezoning - Map #10 111111' 4100 ' • ATTACHMENT 1 ` .. tC f Z� I 1� i"�'1 , �� R------/ y 44 baa s to<a �.}t ♦44 alp 4,4.0.. k^La�, . ,.s Y I �w•I♦•♦! i> , sA cgN!t'a 4"`►Y'♦Vt qy ilty _ AO FI■ - g-II:c I ' ` _ _ ♦4i♦• i•♦♦i••�•Iq. �►1 ., I1► vii t:.`y'' , EL.:::mom so: !a J' _ I0.411.0:4•4,4,44-70-4...ej■►♦ •O r1 "FI' 1`,. ■C•;�1lllww■ v> ■A■ 1111 sort 0.•♦ I, <<`, r♦ ♦ ►i♦ p■..p 11 my e:.luuu■ : ► .,„ • vs4 • i+v, I1.fir.r■■ 1� eue11_�.., ww.iz•;n►.- 1►. �,� cOvs♦.�y. . . e:1♦♦ /.Q� P '1 ■Lim ♦ t♦ ♦ is I' fir♦ ♦f I1 ♦I 1i I. 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Lands that are not appropriate for urban levels of development are designated either Resource Conservation (RC) or Residential Low Density (RLD), with Resource Conservation (RC) or Residential 1 (R-1) zoning. Lands that either do not have significant sensitive areas, or can be adequately protected by the Critical Areas Ordinance are zoned Residential 4 (R-4). This RLD designation does not allow warehousing, outdoor storage, equipment yards, and/or industrial uses. Where these uses are pre-existing and are therefore non- conforming uses, measures should be taken to negotiate the transition of these uses as residential redevelopment occurs. Clustered development or reduced lot sizes are allowed in order to provide for more efficient development patterns and to preserve open space; in these instances allowable densities in the zone are to be adhered to. The RLD land use designation is implemented with three zones: Resource Conservation (RC) that allows one dwelling unit per ten acres, Residential 1 (R-1) allowing one dwelling unit per acre, and Residential 4 (R-4) that allows four dwelling units per acre. The presence of significant environmental constraints should be used to distinguish between lands that are designated RC or R-1 and those lands with less environmental constraints that are designated R-4. Significant environmental constraints are interpreted to mean: • the gross land area is encumbered by a significant percentage of critical areas, • the developable portions of the land area are separated from one another by pervasive critical areas or are on isolated portions of the site with limited access, • the location of the sensitive areas result in a non-contiguous development pattern, • the area is a designated urban separator, or • the application of the Critical Areas Ordinance setbacks/buffers and/or the net density definition yield an area that cannot accommodate development without modification or variances to other standards. The purpose of the RLD designation is to provide opportunities for a range of lifestyles and appropriate uses adjacent to and compatible with urban development. These areas within the City and Potential Annexation Area are characterized as being constrained by extensive natural features, providing urban separators, and/or providing a transition to rural designations within King County. Resource Conservation Zone: This zone is intended to accommodate very limited residential development on land that is significantly constrained by environmental factors. This land may contain, but is not H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\LU Designation Descriptions.doc 1110" voo' limited to, constraints such as steep slopes, erosion hazards, floodplains, and/or wetlands. It allows a density of one dwelling unit per ten acres. R-1 Zone: This zone is intended to accommodate some residential development on land that is constrained by environmental factors and cannot be adequately protected by the Critical Areas Ordinance. This land may contain, but is not limited to, constraints such as steep slopes, erosion hazards, floodplains, and/or wetlands. It allows a density of one dwelling unit per acre. R-4 Zone: This zone is intended to accommodate residential development on lands that do not have significant environmental constraints. The zone applies to land that is appropriate for urban levels of development that is suitable for suburban and/or estate style, single-family, residential dwellings. It is intended that this zone increase the supply of upper income housing in the City. The zone is to support high quality development with quality building, landscaping standards, and architectural features. It allows a density of four dwelling units per acre. Residential Single Family (RS) Land Use The purpose of the RS land use designation is to encourage quality detached residential development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that larger subdivisions, infill development, and rehabilitation of existing housing be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments. The RS land use is implemented with Residential 8 (R-8), eight dwelling units per acre. Residential development in this zone should encourage reinvestment and rehabilitation of existing housing, and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods. These resulting neighborhoods should have urban densities and implement growth management targets, promote expansion and use of public transit, and make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. R-8 Zone: This zone develops with net densities in the range of four to eight per acre. Allowable lot sizes are 5,000 square feet for parcels that are one acre or more in size and 4,500 square feet on parcels that are less than one acre in size. Lot sizes, lot width, setbacks, and impervious surfaces should be sufficient to allow private open space, landscaping that provides buffers/privacy without extensive fencing, and a sufficient area for maintenance activities to occur. Residential structures are not to exceed a maximum height of two stories. Residential Medium Density (RMD) Land Use The purpose of the RMD designation is to create neighborhoods based on a mix of single family and small to mid-size multi-family development built around amenities such as shopping centers, recreation areas, and other community gathering places. This compact 'Mor • form of urban living supports cost-effective housing, infill development, transit service use, and the efficient provision of services and infrastructure. Two different zones implement the RMD designation: Residential-10, ten units per net acre (R-10) and Residential 14, 14 units per net acre (R-14). New development and infill development in these zones should connect to the existing street grid, avoiding cul-de- sacs and other suburban style patterns. Pedestrian connection between individual developments and between residential and amenity areas should be incorporated into the design of the neighborhood and individual developments. Housing units should be oriented to the street, and parking behind or underneath the structures, preferably with alley access. Although the density in the RMD designation should be higher than a typical single-family neighborhood, most of the dwelling units should be ground related, limited in bulk and scale, and designed to accommodate open space. R-10 Zone: This zone is intended to provide a variety of housing including small lot single-family, infill housing, and small scale attached housing choices. Density ranges from four to ten units per acre. Areas that should be given consideration for R-10 zoning should have a mix of housing types, a development pattern conducive to medium density development, a number of vacant or redevelopable lots, transit service within 1/4 mile, and proximity to a major arterial. R-10 zones act as a buffer between single family and multi-family zones. R-14 Zone: This zone is intended to provide a high quality mix of single- family and multi-family uses in a compact, urban environment. Multi- family uses are limited in bulk and scale to provide for a neighborhood feeling. Residential density ranges from 10-14 units per acre, with a possible density bonus up to 18 units per acre. Some civic and commercial uses are allowed to serve the neighborhood. Areas that should be given consideration for R-14 zoning should be buffered from adjacent single family uses, adjacent to a major arterial, adjacent to a designated Center or Commercial Corridor, and designated in blocks of at least 20 acres. Residential Multi-Family (RMF) Land Use The purpose of the RMF land use designation is to encourage a variety of high quality multi-family living environments for people in differing living situations, from all income levels, and in all stages of life. RMF designation should be limited to areas where there is existing multi-family development and where there is adequate infrastructure to accommodate higher densities with direct access to an arterial and adequate buffering from lower intensity land uses. Project site planning, site and building design, and development regulations should support the creation of high quality environments for residents of all income levels. Three zoning classifications implement the RMF land use designation at different levels of intensity. 4111100f 41100 RM-F Zone: This Residential Multi-Family zone allows a density of 10 - 20 units per acre and is intended to allow infill projects in existing multi- family zones. RM-T Zone: This Residential Multi-Family-Traditional zone allows a density of 14-35 units per acre and is intended to be placed in areas where traditional, compact, neighborhoods are already developed, or in places where City policy wishes to encourage such neighborhoods. At the current time, the RM-T zone is only in effect for the South Renton neighborhood. RM-U Zone: This Residential Multi-Family-Urban zone allows a density of 25 to 75 units per acre and is intended to provide high intensity multi- family development in the Urban Center. Pedestrian access to urban amenities and transit resources are important to this zone. Commercial Corridor (CC) Land Use The purpose of the CC land use designation is to allow for commercial districts that provide daily goods and services for nearby neighborhoods and on a sub-regional basis, as well as providing local employment opportunities. Many of the existing commercial districts that serve this purpose are oriented in a linear form along major arterials and accommodate large volumes of traffic. However, the CC land use policies call for the enhancement of these areas as redevelopment occurs, with coordinated site planning and design, pedestrian access and amenities, boulevard treatment, development of structured parking, and the efficient infill and intensification of commercial use. Access to transit services, arterial access, and pedestrian connections and amenities are all hallmarks of the CC designation. Uses in the CC designation include a variety of medium intensity uses: general business, services, restaurants, offices, retail, professional services, medical offices, light industrial, storage, and even some limited residential uses. Commercial Corridors may also include concentrations of a specialty use, like the auto mall. CC land use should be designated areas already devoted to commercial and office use. Characteristics of land suitable for CC designation include developments on large parcels that are visible from, and dependent upon the traffic upon, the adjacent arterial. Three zones implement the CC designation: Commercial Office (CO), Commercial Arterial (CA), and Light Industrial (IL). CO Zone: The CO zone provides space for high quality professional, administrative, and business uses. CO zones are located on transit routes and where there are large, highly visible office developments. Business office and medical office uses are typical in this zone, but retail, service, and restaurant uses are allowed if intended to serve the office development. CA Zone: This zone is intended to encourage the redevelopment of strip commercial areas into vibrant business districts that are physically 'ism* • connected to the surrounding community by pedestrian pathways as well as major arterials. CA zoning is placed on land that is dominated by linear commercial development along long blocks and characterized by primary uses located at the rear of the property with surface parking in front. Residential development is allowed in this zone either as part of a mixed commercial and residential use project, or as a stand alone use behind the commercial pad. IL Zone: This zone is intended to provide employment opportunities through low intensity manufacturing, industrial services, distribution, and storage uses. Such uses are contained within a single building and do not produce external emissions such as smoke, noise, odor, or vibrations. S • ATTACHMENT 3 Now NNW RELEVANT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE AND HOUSING ELEMENT POLICIES I. REGIONAL GROWTH POLICIES Goal: Plan for future growth of the Urban Area based on regionally developed growth forecasts, adopted growth targets, and land capacity as determined through implementation of the Growth Management Act. Discussion: "Capacity" is the room for growth provided by the plan. Targets are the politically determined share of growth assigned to each community in the region through the Countywide Planning Policies. Forecasts are the expected growth in the City based on regional employment and population modeling. The objective of this plan is to appropriately analyze regionally generated estimates of both forecast growth and targets and align those estimates with Renton's desire for economic growth and development. Renton has the local land use authority to provide sufficient capacity to meet and exceed both targets and forecast growth. Excess capacity can result in sprawl and discourage redevelopment of inefficient or out-dated land uses, while insufficient capacity can make development difficult due to high land cost. The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan should provide sufficient direction to achieve a balance between excessive and insufficient capacity, in order to avoid difficulty in implementing the Plan. Responsibility for implementing the objectives and policies of the Regional Growth section of this plan lies primarily with the City of Renton. Objective LU-A: Plan for future urban development in the Renton Urban Growth Area(UGA) including the existing City and the unincorporated areas identified in Renton's Potential Annexation Areas (PAA). Policy LU-1. Continue to refine the boundary of the Urban Growth Area (UGA) in cooperation with King County, based on the following criteria: 1) The UGA provides adequate land capacity for forecast growth; 2) Lands within the UGA are appropriate for urban development; and 3) Urban levels of service are required for existing and proposed land uses. Policy LU-2. Designate Potential Annexation Areas (PAAs) as those portions of unincorporated King County outside the existing City limits, but within the Urban Growth Area, where: 1) Renton can logically provide urban services over the planning period; 2) Land use patterns support implementation of Renton's Urban Center objectives; and 3) Development meets overall standards for quality identified for city neighborhoods. Policy LU-3. Provide for land use planning and an overall growth strategy for both the City and land in the designated PAA as part of Renton's regional growth policies. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc • Discussion: The Growth Management Act and the Countywide Planning Policies establish urban growth areas where urban levels of growth will occur within the subsequent 21-year period. These areas include existing cities and unincorporated areas. Within the Urban Growth Area, the Potential Annexation Area(PAA) is designated for future municipal expansion and governance. Policies guiding annexation and provision of services within the PAA are also located in the annexation portion of the Land Use Element; Utilities Element; Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Element and Transportation Element. Objective LU-B: Evaluate and implement growth targets consistent with the Growth Management Act and Countywide Planning Policies. Policy LU-4. Adopt the following growth targets for the period from 2001 to 2022, consistent with the targets adopted for the region by the Growth Management Planning Council for the 2002 Renton City limits and Potential Annexation Areas: 1) City of Renton Housing: 6,198 units 2) City of Renton Jobs: 27,597 jobs 3) Potential Annexation Area Housing 1,976 units 4) Potential Annexation Area Jobs: 458 jobs Policy LU-5. Amend growth targets as annexation occurs to transfer a proportionate share of Potential Annexation Area targets into Renton's targets. Objective LU-C: Ensure sufficient land capacity to accommodate forecast housing and job growth and targets mandated by the Growth Management Act for the next twenty-one years (2001-2022). Policy LU-7. Plan for residential and employment growth based on growth targets established in the Countywide Planning Policies, as a minimum. (See Housing Element Goals and Capacity section and Capital Facilities Element, Policy CFP-1 and Growth Projection section. Policy LU-8. Provide sufficient land, appropriately zoned, so capacity exceeds targets by at least twenty percent (20%). Policy LU-9. Encourage infill development as a means to increase capacity for single-family units within the existing city limits. Policy LU-10. Use buildable lands data and market analysis to establish adopted capacity for either jobs or housing within each adopted zoning classification. Policy LU-11. Minimum density requirements shall be established to ensure that land development practices result in an average development density in each land use designation sufficient to meet adopted growth targets and create greater efficiency in the provision of urban services. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc • Itepow Nu Ed Policy LU-12. Minimum density requirements should: 1) Be based on net land area; 2) Be required in residential zones, with the exception of the Resource Conservation, Residential 1, and Residential 4 zones, 3) Not be required of individual portions or lots within a project; 4) May be reduced due to lot configuration, lack of access, or physical constraints; and 5) Not be applied to construction of a single dwelling unit on a pre-existing legal lot or renovation of existing structures. Policy LU-13. Phasing, shadow-platting, or land reserves should be used to ensure that minimum density can eventually be achieved within proposed developments. Adequate access to potential future development on the site must be ensured. Proposed development should not preclude future additional development. Policy LU-14. Parking should not be considered as a land reserve for future development, except within the Urban Center. Policy LU-15. Amend capacity estimates as annexation and re-zonings occur. Objective LU-D: Maintain a high ratio of jobs to housing in Renton. Policy LU-16. Future residential and employment growth within Renton's planning area should meet the goal of two jobs for each housing unit. Policy LU-17. Sufficient quantities of land should be designated to accommodate the desired single family/multi-family mix outside the Urban Center, and provide for commercial and industrial uses necessary to provide for expected job growth. Policy LU-18. Small-scale home occupations that provide opportunities for people to work in their homes should be allowed in residential areas. Standards should govern the design, size, intensity, and operation of such uses to ensure their compatibility with residential uses. Discussion: The ratio of new jobs to new housing units will affect the future character of the City. Renton currently is an employment center with a high jobs/housing ratio characterized by a high level of daytime activity, a high demand for infrastructure, a high tax base, and a high volume of commuter traffic. Renton's current ratio of jobs to housing units is roughly 2.1 jobs per 1 housing unit. Within King County, the overall ratio is about 1.5 jobs per 1 housing unit. Forecasts from the Puget Sound Regional Council indicate that there will be an even greater number of new jobs within Renton than new housing over the next 20 years. This will increase the discrepancy between jobs and housing units within the City. However, the number of housing units in the unincorporated areas within Renton's Potential Annexation Area is expected to grow faster than jobs so that the balance of jobs to housing will be maintained within the City limits and the Potential Annexation Areas. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc *1400 IX. CENTERS Objective NN: Implement Renton's Urban Center consistent with the "Urban Centers criteria" of the Countywide Planning Policies (CPP) to create an area of concentrated employment and housing with direct service by high capacity transit and a wide range of land uses such as commercial/office/retail, recreation, public facilities, parks and open space. Policy LU-211. Renton's Urban Center should be maintained and redeveloped with supporting land use decisions and projects that accomplish the following objectives: 1) Enhance existing neighborhoods by creating investment opportunities in quality urban scale development; 2) Promote housing opportunities close to employment and commercial areas; 3) Support development of an extensive transportation system to reduce dependency on automobiles; 4) Strive for urban densities that use land more efficiently; 5) Maximize the benefit of public investment in infrastructure and services; 6) Reduce costs of and time required for permitting; and 7) Evaluate and mitigate environmental impacts. Policy LU-212. Establish two sub-areas within Renton's Urban Center. 1) Urban Center-Downtown (UC-D) is Renton's historic commercial district, surrounded by established residential neighborhoods. The UC-D is located from the Cedar River south to South 7th Street and between I-405 on the east and Shattuck Avenue South on the west. 2) Urban Center—North (UC-N) is the area that includes Southport, the Puget Sound Energy sub-station, and the South Lake Washington redevelopment area. The UC-N is located generally from Lake Washington on the north, the Cedar River and Renton Municipal Airport to the west, Sixth Street and Renton Stadium to the south, and Houser Way to the east. Policy LU-213. Maintain zoning that creates capacity for employment levels of 50 employees per gross acre and residential levels of 15 households per gross acre within the Urban Center. Policy LU-214: Support developments that utilize Urban Center levels of capacity. Where market conditions do not support Urban Center employment and residential levels, support site planning and/or phasing alternatives that demonstrate how, over time, infill or redevelopment can meet Urban Center objectives. Policy LU-215. Site and building design should be pedestrian/people oriented with provisions for transit and automobiles where appropriate. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc Never "taxi Relevant Commercial Corridor Land Use Policies: Objective LU-DDD: The Commercial Corridor land use designation should include: 1) Established commercial and office areas; 2). Developments located on large parcels of land; 3) Projects that may be highly visible from principal arterials; 4) Uses dependent upon or benefiting from high-volume traffic; 5) Uses that provide significant employment; and 6) Businesses that provide necessary or desirable goods and services the larger community Policy LU-333. The Commercial Corridor land use designation should be mapped in areas with the following characteristics: 1) Located on, and having access to, streets classified as principle arterials; 2) High traffic volumes; or 3) Land use pattern characterized by strip commercial development, shopping centers, or office parks Policy LU-335. Increased demand for commercial uses should be accommodated primarily through redevelopment and intensification of existing business area designations rather than expansion of those areas. Policy LU-348. Encourage consolidation of individual parcels to maximize flexibility of site design and reduce access points. Relevant Commercial Neighborhood Land Use Policies: Objective LU-WWW: Commercial Neighborhood designated areas are intended to reduce traffic volumes, permit small-scale business uses, such as commercial/retail, professional office, and services that serve the personal needs of the immediate population in surrounding neighborhoods. Policy LU-422. The Commercial Neighborhood designation should be implemented by Commercial Neighborhood zoning. Policy LU-423. Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should be located: 1) Within one-quarter mile of existing and planned residential areas; 2) To the extent possible, outside of the trade areas of other small-scale commercial uses offering comparable goods and services; and 3) Contiguous to a street no smaller than those classified at the collector level. Policy LU-424. Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should not increase in scale or size to the point of changing the character of the nearby residential neighborhood. Policy LU-426. A mix of uses (e.g. convenience retail, consumer services, office, residential) should be encouraged in small-scale commercial developments within Commercial Neighborhood designated areas. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc 11110 • Policy LU-430. Commercial structures in Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should be compatible with nearby residential areas in height, front yard setbacks, lot coverage,building design, and use. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc VIII. RESIDENTIAL POLICIES Goal: Promote new development and neighborhoods in the City that: a) Contribute to a strong sense of community and neighborhood identity; b) Are walkable places where people can shop, play, and get to work without always having to drive; c) Are developed at densities sufficient to support public transportation and make efficient use of urban services and infrastructure; d) Offer a variety of housing types for a population diverse in age, income, and lifestyle; e) Are varied or unique in character; f) Support"grid" and "flexible grid" street and pathway patterns where appropriate; g) Are visually attractive, safe, and healthy environments in which to live; h) Offer connection to the community instead of isolation; and i) Provide a sense of home. Discussion: The purpose of the Residential policies is to provide a citywide residential growth strategy. The Residential policies address the location of housing development, housing densities, non-residential uses allowed in residential areas, site design, and housing types in neighborhoods. (See Public Facilities Section for policies on schools, churches, and other facilities in residential areas. See Housing Element for policies relating to housing types and neighborhoods and the Community Design Element for policies guiding quality design.) Responsibility for residential objectives and policies lies with the City of Renton for implementation and the development community, which should propose projects that meet the residential goals, objectives, and policies of the City. Objective LU-BB: Manage and plan for high quality residential growth in Renton and the Potential Annexation Area that: 1) Supports transit by providing urban densities, 2) Promotes efficient land utilization, and 3) Creates stable neighborhoods incorporating built amenities and natural features. Policy LU-123. Pursue multiple strategies for residential growth including: 1) Development of new neighborhoods on larger land tracts on the hills and plateaus surrounding downtown; 2) Infill development on vacant and underutilized parcels in Renton's established neighborhoods; 3) Multi-family development located in Renton's Urban Center; 4) Infill in existing multi-family areas; and 5) Mixed-use projects and multi-family development in Commercial/Office/Residential and Commercial Corridors Land Use designations. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc 11111, IOW Policy LU-124. Promote the timely and logical progression of residential development. Priority for higher density development should be given to development of land with infrastructure capacity and land located closer to the City's Urban Center. Policy LU-125. Encourage a citywide mix of housing types including: 1) Large-lot single family; 2) Small-lot single family; 3) Small-scale and large-scale rental and condominium multi-family housing; and 4) Residential/commercial mixed-use development. Objective LU-CC: Maintain the goal of a fifty-fifty ratio of single family to multi-family housing outside of the Urban Center. Policy LU-126. A maximum of fifty percent(50%) of future residential land capacity should occur in multi-family housing in parts of the City and PAA located outside of the Urban Center. Policy LU-127. Infrastructure impacts of the goal of 50/50 ratio of single-family to multi-family outside the Urban Center should be evaluated as part of the City's Capital Improvements program. Policy LU-128. Multi-family unit types are encouraged as part of mixed-use developments in the Urban Center, Center Village, Commercial/Office/Residential, and the Commercial Corridor Land Use designations. Policy LU-129. Small-lot, single-family infill developments and plats should be supported as alternatives to multi-family development to both increase the City's supply of single-family detached housing and provide homeownership opportunities. Policy LU-130. Adopt urban density of at least four(4) dwelling units per net acre for residential uses except in areas with identified and documented sensitive areas and/or areas identified as urban separators. Policy LU-131. Encourage larger lot single-family development in areas providing a transition to the Urban Growth Boundary and King County Rural Designation. The City should discourage more intensive platting patterns in these areas. Policy LU-132. Discourage creation of socio-economic enclaves, especially where lower income units would be segregated within a development. I H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY LAND USE DESIGNATION Purpose Statement: Policies in this section are intended to guide development on land appropriate for a range of low intensity residential and employment where land is either constrained by sensitive areas or where the City has the opportunity to add larger-lot housing stock, at urban densities of 4-du/net acre, to its inventory. Lands that are not appropriate for urban levels of development are designated either Resource Conservation or Residential Low Density, with Resource Conservation or Residential 1 zoning. Lands that either do not have significant sensitive areas, or can be adequately protected by the critical areas ordinance, are zoned Residential 4. Responsibility for residential objectives and policies lies with the City of Renton for implementation and the development community, which should propose projects that meet the residential goals, objectives, and policies of the City. Objective LU-DD: Provide opportunities for a range of lifestyles and appropriate uses adjacent to and compatible with urban development in areas of the City and Potential Annexation Area constrained by extensive natural features, providing urban separators and/or providing a transition to Rural Designations within King County. Policy LU-133. Identify and map areas of the City where environmentally sensitive areas such as 100-year floodplains, floodways, and landslide and erosion areas are extensive and the application of critical areas regulations alone is insufficient to guide future development. Policy LU-134. Base development densities should range from 1 home per 10 acres (Resource Conservation) to 1 home per acre (Residential 1) on Residential Low Density (RLD) designated land with significant environmental constraints, including but not limited to: steep slopes, erosion hazard, floodplains, and wetlands or where the area is in a designated Urban Separator. Density should be a maximum of 4-du/net acre (Residential 4) on portions of the Residential Low Density land where these constraints are not extensive and urban densities are appropriate. Policy LU-135. For the purpose of mapping four dwelling units per net acre (4-du/ac) zoned areas as contrasted with lower density Residential 1 (R-1) and Resource Conservation (RC) areas, the prevalence of significant environmental constraints should be interpreted to mean: 1) Critical areas encumber a significant percentage of the gross area; 2) Developable areas are separated from one another by pervasive critical areas or occur on isolated portions of the site and access limitations exist; 3) The location of the sensitive area results in a non-contiguous development pattern; 4) The area is a designated urban separator; or 5) Application of the Critical Areas Ordinance setbacks/buffers and/or net density definition would create a situation where the allowed density could not be accommodated on the remaining net developable area without modifications or variances to other standards. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc 400 'r/ Implementation of this policy should be phased in within three years of the adoption of the 2004 • Update. Policy LU-137. Warehousing, outdoor storage, equipment yards, and industrial uses should not be allowed. Where such uses exist as non-conforming uses, measures should be taken to negotiate the transition of these uses as residential redevelopment occurs. Policy LU-138. To provide for more efficient development patterns and maximum preservation of open space, residential development may be clustered and/or lot sizes reduced within allowed density levels in Residential Low Density designations. Implementation of this policy should be phased in within three years of the adoption of the 2004 Update. Policy LU-140. Control scale and density of accessory buildings and barns to maintain compatibility with other residential uses. Policy LU-141. Residential Low Density areas may be incorporated into Urban Separators. Policy LU-142. Undeveloped portions of Residential Low Density areas may be considered for designation of conservation easements, trail easements or other public benefits through agreements with private parties. Objective LU-EE: Designate Residential 4 du/acre zoning in those portions of the RLD designation appropriate for urban levels of development by providing suitable environments for suburban and/or estate style, single-family residential dwellings. Policy LU-143. Within the Residential 4 du/acre zoned area allow a maximum density of 4 units per net acre to encourage larger lot development and increase the supply of upper income housing consistent with the City's Housing Element. Policy LU-144. Ensure quality development by supporting site plans and plats that incorporate quality building and landscaping standards. Policy LU-145. Interpret development standards to support projects with higher quality housing by requiring: 1) A variety of compatible housing styles making up block fronts; 2) Additional architectural features such as pitched roofs, roof overhangs, and/or decorative cornices, fenestration and trim; and 3) Building modulation and use of durable exterior materials such as wood, masonry, stucco, or brick. Policy LU-146. Interpret development standards to support provision of landscape features as well as innovative site planning. Criteria should include: 1) Attractive residential streetscapes with landscaped front yards that are visible from the street; H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc 2) Landscaping,preferably with drought- resistant plant materials; 3) Large caliper street trees; 4) Irrigated landscape planting strips; 5) Low-impact development using landscaped buffers, open spaces, and other pervious surfaces for surface water runoff; and 6) Significant native tree and vegetation retention and/or replacement. RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY LAND USE DESIGNATION Purpose Statement: Land designated Residential Single Family is intended to be used for quality detached residential development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that larger subdivision, infill development, and rehabilitation of existing housing be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments. Policies in this section are to be considered together with the policies in the Regional Growth, Residential Growth Strategy section of the Land Use Element, the Community Design Element, and the Housing Element. Policies are implemented with R-8 zoning. Objective LU-FF: Encourage re-investment and rehabilitation of existing housing, and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods that: 1) Are planned at urban densities and implement Growth Management targets, 2) Promote expansion and use of public transportation; and 3) Make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Policy LU-147. Net development densities should fall within a range of 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per net acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. Policy LU-148. A minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet should be allowed on in-fill parcels of less than one acre (43,560 sq. ft.) in single-family designations. Allow a reduction in lot size to 4,500 square feet on parcels greater than one acre to create an incentive for aggregation of land. The minimum lot size is not intended to set the standard for density in the designation, but to provide flexibility in subdivision/plat design and facilitate development within the allowed density range. Policy LU-149. Lot size should exclude private sidewalks, easements, private road, and driveway easements, except alley easements. Policy LU-150. Required setbacks should exclude public or private legal access areas, established through or to a lot, and to parking areas. Policy LU-151. Maximum height of structures should not exceed two (2) stories in single- family residential neighborhoods. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc IOW rr� Policy LU-152. Single-family lot size, lot width, setbacks, and impervious surface should be sufficient to allow private open space, landscaping to provide buffers/privacy without extensive fencing, and sufficient area for maintenance activities. Policy LU-152.1: Variances to standards in LU-152 should not be granted to facilitate additional density on an infill site. Policy LU-153. Interpret development standards to support plats designed to incorporate vehicular and pedestrian connections between plats and neighborhoods. Small projects composed of single parcels and/or multiple parcels of insufficient size to provide such connections, should include future street stubs. Future street connections should be clearly identified to notify residents of future roadway connections. Policy LU-154. Interpret development standards to support new plats and infill project designs incorporating street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes that address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. Policy LU-155. New plats proposed at higher densities than adjacent neighborhood developments may be modified within the allowed density range to reduce conflicts between old and new development patterns. However, strict adherence to older standards is not required. Policy LU-156. Interpret development standards to support projects incorporating site features such as distinctive stands of trees and natural slopes that can be retained to enhance neighborhood character and preserve property values where possible. Replanting should occur where trees are not retained due to safety concerns. Retention of unique site features should be balanced with the objective of investing in neighborhoods within the overall context of the Vision Statement of this Comprehensive Plan. RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY LAND USE DESIGNATION Purpose Statement: The Residential Medium Density designation is intended to create the opportunity for neighborhoods that offer a variety of lot sizes, housing, and ownership options. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods should include a variety of unit types designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi-family developments, support cost- efficient housing, facilitate infill development, encourage use of transit service, and promote the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Objective LU-GG: Designate land for Residential Medium Density (RMD)where access, topography and adjacent land uses create conditions appropriate for a variety of unit types designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi-family developments, and to support cost-efficient housing, infill development, transit service, and the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc • Policy LU-157. Residential Medium Density designated areas should be zoned for either Residential 10 dwelling units per net acre (R-10), Residential 14 dwelling units per net acre (R- 14), or new zoning designations that allow housing in this density range. Policy LU-158. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods may be considered for Residential 10 (R-10) zoning if they meet three of the following criteria: 1) The area already has a mix of small-scale multi-family units or has had long standing zoning for flats or other low-density multi-family use; 2) Development patterns conducive to medium-density development are established; 3) Vacant lots exist or parcels have redevelopment potential for medium-density infill development; 4) The project site is adjacent to major arterial(s) and public transit service is located within V4 mile; 5) The site can be buffered from existing single-family residential neighborhoods having densities of eight (8) dwelling units or less; or 6) The site can be buffered from adjacent or abutting incompatible uses. Policy LU-159. Areas may be considered for Residential 14 (R-14) zoning where the site meets the following criteria: 1) Adjacent to major arterial(s); 2) Adjacent to the Urban Center, Highlands Center Village, or Commercial Corridor designations; 3) Part of a designation totaling over 20 acres (acreage may be in separate ownership); 4) Site is buffered from single-family areas or other existing, potentially incompatible uses; and 5) Development within the density range and of similar unit type is achievable given environmental constraints. Policy LU-160. Support projects that create neighborhoods with diverse housing types that achieve continuity through the organization of roads, sidewalks, blocks, setbacks, community gathering places, and amenity features. Policy LU-161. Support residential development incorporating a hierarchy of streets. Street networks should connect through the development to existing streets, avoid "cul-de-sac"or dead end streets, and be arranged in a grid street pattern (or a flexible grid street system if there are environmental constraints). Policy LU-162. Development densities in the Residential Medium Density designation area should range from seven (7) to eighteen (18) dwelling units per net acre, as specified by implementing zoning. Policy LU-163. For attached or semi-attached development in the R-14 zoned portions of the Residential Medium Density designation, a bonus density of four(4) additional dwelling units H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc r IOW ISO per acre should be available, subject to Density Bonus Review and other applicable development conditions. Policy LU-164. When a minimum density is applicable, the minimum development density in the Residential Medium Density designation should be four(4) dwelling units per net acre. Objective LU-HH: Residential Medium Density designations should be areas where creative approaches to housing density can be implemented. Policy LU-165. Provision of small lot, single-family detached unit types, townhouses, and multi-family structures compatible with a single-family character should be allowed and encouraged in the Residential Medium Density designation, provided that density standards can be met (see also the Housing Element for housing types). Policy LU-166. Very small-lot, single-family housing, such as cottages, zero-lot line detached, semi-detached, townhouses, and small scale multi-family units should be allowed in the Residential Medium Density designation in order to provide a wide range of housing types. Implementing code will be put in place within three years of the adoption of the 2004 Update. Policy LU-167. A range and variety of lot sizes and building densities should be encouraged. Policy LU-168. Residential developments should include public amenities that function as a gathering place within the development and should include features such as a public square, open space, park, civic or commercial uses in the R-14 zone. The central place should include amenities for passive recreation such as benches and fountains and be unified by a design motif or common theme. Policy LU-169. Residential Medium Density site development plans having attached or semi- attached housing types should reflect the following criteria for projects: 1) Parking should be encouraged in the rear or side yards or under the structure; 2) Structures should be located on lots or arranged in a manner to appear like a platted development to ensure adequate light and air, and views (if any) are preserved between lots or structures; 3) Buildings should be massed in a manner that promotes a pedestrian scale with a small neighborhood feeling; 4) Each dwelling unit should have an identifiable entrance and front on streets rather than courtyards and parking lots; 5) Fences may be constructed if they contribute to an open, spacious feeling between units and structures; and 6) Streetscapes should include green, open space for each unit. Policy LU-170. Residential Medium Density development should provide condominium or fee simple homeownership opportunities, as well as rental or lease options. Objective LU-II: Residential Medium Density development should be urban in form and fit into existing residential neighborhoods if developed as infill projects. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc Policy LU-171. Buildings should front the street rather than be organized around interior courtyards or parking areas. Policy LU-172. Non-residential structures, such as community recreation buildings, that are part of the development, may have dimensions larger than residential structures, but should be compatible in design and dimensions with surrounding residential development. Policy LU-173. Non-residential structures should be clustered and connected within the overall development through the organization of roads, blocks, yards, focal points, and amenity features to create a neighborhood. Policy LU-174. Single-family detached building types in the Residential Medium Density designation should have maximum lot coverage by the primary structure of fifty(50) percent. Policy LU-175. In the Residential Medium Density designation common open space equal to 1,200-square feet per unit and maintained by a homeowners' association, should be provided for each semi-attached or attached unit. Policy LU-176. Support site plans that transition to and blend with existing development patterns using techniques such as lot size, depth and width, access points, building location setbacks, and landscaping. Sensitivity to unique features and differences among established neighborhoods should be reflected in site plan design. Interpret development standards to support ground-related orientation, coordinated structural design, and private yards or substantial common space areas. Policy LU-177. A minimum of fifty(50)percent of a project in the Residential 14 zone should consist of the following primary residential types: traditional detached, zero lot line detached, or townhouses with individual yards that are scaled appropriately for each unit. Policy LU-178. Longer townhouse buildings or other types of multi-family buildings, considered secondary residential types (see RMC 4-9-065), should be limited in size so that the mass and bulk of the building has a small scale multi-family character, rather than that of a large, garden-style apartment development. Policy LU-179. In the Residential 14 zone, multi-unit townhouses that qualify as a primary residential type (see RMC 4-9-065) should be limited in size so that the mass and bulk is at a human scale. Policy LU-180. Projects in a Residential 14 zone should have no more than fifty(50)percent of the units designed as secondary residential types, i.e. longer townhouse building clusters, or longer multi-family buildings of other types. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc 11100 1.00 Policy LU-181. Mixed-use development in the form of civic, commercial development, or other non-residential structures, may be allowed in the central places of Residential Medium Density development projects within the Residential 14 zone, subject to compliance with criteria established through development regulations. RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY LAND USE DESIGNATION Purpose Statement: The multi-family residential land use designation is intended to encourage a range of multi-family living environments that provide shelter for a wide variety of people in differing living situations, from all income levels, and in all stages of life. Although some people live in multi-family situations because they do not have an alternative, others prefer living in multi-family environments rather than in single-family, detached houses. Regardless of why they live there, they want and deserve the same high standards for their homes and neighborhoods. Single-family and multi-family residential developments have different impacts on the community. The City must identify a housing mix and implement policies that adequately address and balance the needs of both residents and the community as a whole. The Multi-family Residential designation is implemented by Residential Multi-family(RMF) zoning. Objective LU-JJ: Encourage the development of infill parcels with quality projects in existing multi-family districts. Policy LU-182. Residential Multi-family designations should be in areas of the City where projects would be compatible with existing uses and where infrastructure is adequate to handle impacts from higher density uses. Policy LU-183. Land within the Residential Multi-family designation areas should be used to meet multi-family housing needs, without expanding the area boundaries, until land capacity in this designation is used. Residential Multi-family designations have the highest priority for development or redevelopment with multi-family uses. Policy LU-184. Expansion of the Residential Multi-family designation is limited to properties meeting the following criteria: 1) Properties under consideration should take access from a principal arterial, minor arterial, or collector. Direct access should not be through a less intense land use designation area; 2) Properties under consideration must abut an existing Residential Multi-family land use designation on at least two (2) sides and be on the same side of the principal arterial, minor arterial, or collector serving it; and 3) Any such expansion of the Residential Multi-family land use designation should not bisect or truncate another contiguous land use district. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc Policy LU-185. Development density in the Residential Multi-family designation should be within a range of ten (10) dwelling units per acre as a minimum to twenty(20) dwelling units per acre as a maximum. Objective LU-KK: Due to increased impacts to privacy and personal living space inherent in higher density living environments, new development should be designed to create a high quality living environment. Policy LU-186. New stacked flat and townhouse development in Residential Multi-family designations should be compatible in size, scale, bulk, use, and design with existing multi-family developments in the vicinity. Policy LU-187. Detached cottage housing designed to include site amenities with common open space features should be supported in multi-family designations if density goals are met. Implementing code will be put in place within three years of the adoption of the 2004 Update. Policy LU-188. Evaluate project proposals in Residential Multi-family designations to consider the transition to lower density uses where multi-family sites abut lower density zones. Setbacks may be increased, heights reduced, and additional landscape buffering required through site plan review. Implementing code will be put in place within three years of the adoption of the 2004 Update. 1) In order to increase the potential compatibility of multi-family projects, with other projects of similar use and density, minimum setbacks for side yards should be proportional to the total lot width, i.e. wider lots should require larger setback dimensions; 2) Taller buildings (greater than two stories) should have larger side yard setback dimensions; and 3) Heights of buildings should be limited to three stories and thirty-five (35) feet, unless greater heights can be demonstrated to be compatible with existing buildings on abutting and adjacent lots. Objective LU-LL: New Residential Multi-family projects should demonstrate provision of an environment that contributes to a high quality of life for future residents, regardless of income level. Implementing code will be put in place within two years of the adoption of the 2004 Update. Policy LU-189. Support project design that incorporates the following, or similar elements, in architectural design: 1) Variation of facades on all sides of structures visible from the street with vertical and horizontal modulation or articulation; 2) Angular roof lines on multiple planes and with roof edge articulation such as modulated cornices; 3) Private entries from the public sidewalk fronting the building for ground floor units; 4) Ground floor units elevated from sidewalk level; 5) Upper-level access interior to the building; 6) Balconies that serve as functional open space for individual units; and 7) Common entryways with canopy or similar feature. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc 11100 Nierf Policy LU-190. Support project site planning that incorporates the following, or similar elements, in order to meet the intent of the objective: 1) Buildings oriented toward public streets, 2) Private open space for ground-related units, 3) Common open or green space in sufficient amount to be useful, 4) Preferably underground parking or structured parking located under the residential building, 5) Surface parking, if necessary, to be located to the side or rear of the residential building(s), 6) Landscaping of all pervious areas of the property, and 7) Landscaping, consisting of groundcover and street trees (at a minimum), of all setbacks and rights-of way abutting the property. Implementation of this policy should be phased within three years of the adoption of the 2004 Update. Policy LU-191. Residential Multi-family projects in the RMF zone should have a maximum site coverage by buildings of thirty-five (35)percent, or forty-five (45) percent if greater coverage can be demonstrated to be both mitigated on site with amenities and compatible with existing buildings on abutting and adjacent lots. Policy LU-192. Residential Multi-family projects should have maximum site coverage by impervious materials of seventy-five (75) percent. HOUSING ELEMENT POLICIES V. Objectives and Policies A. Single-Family/Multi-Family Balance of Unit Types Objective H-A: Maintain a balance in the number of single-family and multi-family housing units outside of the urban center, through adequately zoned capacity. Policy H-1. Count new unit types as follows when monitoring the single-family/multi-family balance: 1. Count cottages as single-family houses. 2. Count semi-attached houses as single-family houses. 3. Count accessory dwelling units as multi-family units, while continuing to count the primary unit in a house with an ADU as a single-family unit. Policy H-2. Ensure that sufficient multi-family capacity is provided within the city boundaries in order to accommodate housing demand, provide adequate housing options, meet urban center criteria under the Growth Management Act and Countywide Planning Policies, and prevent unnecessary increases in housing costs. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc • New Niue C. Upper Income Housing Objective H-C: Increase housing opportunities for upper income households. Policy H-6. Achieve the target of thirty(30)percent of new housing units annually through 2022 to be affordable to upper income households that earn over 120 percent of county median income, as established by the City in response to the Countywide Planning Policies. Policy H-7. Provide opportunities for large- and medium-lot single-family development. Policy H-8. Utilize low-density, single-family areas and Resource Conservation designations to provide opportunities for upper income development. Policy H-9. Encourage larger lots on parcels with physical amenity features of the land such as views, significant vegetation, or steep slopes. Policy H-10. Encourage construction of upper income homes on larger existing parcels that are exempted from minimum density requirements. Policy H-11. Encourage the construction of luxury condominium developments in mixed-use areas. Policy H-12. Support site plans and subdivisions incorporating amenity features such as private recreation facilities, e.g. pools, tennis courts, and private parks to serve luxury developments. Policy H-13. Increase public awareness of upper income housing opportunities in Renton. H. Manufactured Housing Zone Objective H-H: Continue to allow manufactured home parks and manufactured home subdivisions on land that is specifically zoned for these uses. Policy H-45. Maintain existing manufactured housing developments that meet the following criteria: 1. The development provides market rate housing alternatives for moderate and low-income households. 2. The housing is maintained and certified as built to the International Building Code and Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development standards. 3. Site planning includes pedestrian amenities, landscaping, and a community facility. I. Manufactured, Modular, and Factory Built Homes Objective H-I: Allow the use of quality modular or factory-built homes on permanent foundations. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc 411111. 101' Policy H-46. Allow and encourage the use of"gold seal" modular homes built to the standards of the International Building Code, and "red seal"manufactured homes built to the standards of the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development in any zone allowing residential uses, as long as the housing meets all applicable city codes, looks similar to site-built housing, and is placed on a permanent foundation. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-06 Benson Hill\Relevant Comp Plan Land Use and Housing Elements Policies.doc s ATTACHMENT • • A HMENT 4 ••s y 405 +� edc,� I' , a1 Hills Dr 03 w L ` ES 1.N • ,. ,4o \, .. . ; jj6tht IIIII erPSWhSt ..., . so• St....... ca • • 1 • „_ St22ndip,ct S• SE 1st St, ,,0 ; 161t' ¢ 0 al \ , 7 LuLu r • } 26th a E 163rd S=r• w��� ��, t. \ , , w / S 27th St SE 164th St �¢ j .� �i'' w W ? -BthP ,-gtr co a w. -.. .... 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F� S 200tSt • 1 1.St Elm= SODS ,,,,'�'1'!, // Creek ,,51 .0- ,' �� 8.—Li .E 201st P1 Park �1 E 202nd P andt 111 -E 203rd St T �4 04th' W w s2 .PI SE SE 204th I SR X71 e. SF On. ��A. __ - ttn! o Zoning Classifications: N Benson.... iiiLEGEND: R-1-Resident al,1 DU per acre -RA8 Residen al 48 DU per acre DBenson Hill Communities R-4-Residential,4 DU per acre NB-Neighborhood Business Coilimunities R 8 Residential,8 DU per acre -CB Community Business Q Fairwood Incorporation Area R-8-Residential,8 DU per acre R3-Regional Business Parks and Open Space R-12-Residential,12 DU per acre -o-Office Maplewood Annexation Area R-24-Residential,24 DU per acre I-Industrial ®R-24-Residential,24 DU per acre /fy\ , f St 2116th 5t r �.- -= -i N i P" 1 � D • • R ti ill ATTACHMENT 5 •../ ,. .? -3 j ' N P., o '0 o '0 4 -o 4 w y 0 w 'C', O v U W t. 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Ili:111111!/i�1■ ,.. \rrt;;- L •� •�r.�•q• Q c,u4_11` 'i�••♦ rf1. li• L�4'1�V�F� „ ,,,.. :ice,i♦.�O•x►�:i�!', y��t�'7rry�`♦'p►i •o �'aY��7 ,■ IpA����►Innthdut_a .C: •i1+•��_��7.. 'I�`p• ♦ ; ../:.�.■� 1- •O.1$ ..,Citi w urnt ` . 1€i ,..�.„. C,i•• •p ,,i s �n nuq.,t 111 •. •♦ -. ��.♦ ��i♦ ,Ii; • i'■ s��111 All! 1111/�j .••Ni.AifirINI1111' \ _i r-0i`► �� i► :'���if tel . •••,.... Y.7 -a t•s, •••611/ .:. v L.11.'��11 X11111, c �,.rl ::. ♦� • ,. * ill l��l'�'I"i�� �':�a. •♦••�i.■./1 SZ7NR t1it 149!1'711,_1111.: 11. • u. 41,8 era .. `1♦•II t . � ��'1�♦ ♦•1• � ..i r ill�31� �W ��_i '�', �e . x xq I •y ••p ��■ � ♦i•=.^��♦i•••A� i ♦, �19_.'►a Liiiii �� I �`I . • M a�■ 1�%ii�� �i � �! • I.iii i 1 �-I•►1►�•i`i •� t ;.:l\..1 -min ft gilt 4A 46`q i)11:41;'/.1.1411..,1 -- I� ■i Inl�wwu IV✓ ,I,:!-711 � F MN I F •a . l + -�■- 1. .T:. 1 1111. ■. ■ 'rn• Ler e�J car ut.t „....4,!1, ..:;:,. O■ a��J� �n� e.1117� L.Gt a.:] �.- �'r 'IV 7 g -,A ll. �'.ralh AI n1�11'! � \■ �(� 1■1 II~� .i■ ■-j �. 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M./ter• •�� �0;� -� "WOW.�e+ wIlk ,gall las,,r: ml • r 1 :44 sa era' mi.pl. / ;' �l`�t' -vi LII Ir1.i■ !I iv �_ Lint •!. '. 1; �� ♦, °�'�ar7�'a _. 111 !tir.!aG,r` 1n. , 111 '111 -_ •e: L '►•��• - •+till%.•r� �i.:u, ■x111 111 ■ 1 l.p■. ` ' iiia o P,1.. ...■-. ♦•.•:::e.11 kt r::nr. 1*-7111 ik ■ 1111`� ilk i!F_;itimimi n!_�- nn' ■1I� lantrZE �.■iim 17 uu 11■IU♦♦t ni .- _ �� l ,. WI air dllas:.c 4es..:.,.,Au♦....Y/ \ ( 'j i•"•il Ernm.-..fills•♦•g•• p I.� +i al �3 irr OMNI 1111—. ..�.,1_...� 1;;�:A\ ..'��'0 - ••••1 11■r_ � ^I•,•i�`�=���xT/O.•lin. irli eel:i �iil `t, 0• rgi ,!��_I■i.. r' ►i•1♦_ �..--! ��• i trf�Cln�.11 � CC A'/' Benson Hill Communities Annexation 0,�■ 00 City Land Use if Adapted to King County Zoning ' 9000 RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT AREA DESIGNATIONS KING COUNTY ZONING ®Residential Low UensitY O Empbymmt.Mea-Indusvid O mmt Area-Vallry RK--I±,R4R4a,CRORO,NBO Re.identul SENN Famiy 1=1Empby Otreadmill Mediwn Density Residential MultiTamily City Limit Urban Growth Boundary CENTER DESIGNATIONS COMMERCIAL DESIGNATIONS Brnaon Hill Communities Boandary a �T Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning c urv�ll.6E -cnmmera.INeisnbo<nend d .I�. AIS Pietach,Administrator -Urban cancer nowwown -comrnemiavolBceraaidrnnd C.E.Passel 1111 urban Center-North -Cummemial Corridor 'I' NT 27 February 2007 . ATTACHMENT 8 it =. mar ■=i li hIIII� ' ■-_,I4i1'si.�:`..i';Jibii Wd��r.I. I/��,',0,4,-44N ;mg.■■917�1r1■I 1 ♦ y i, .!►•►O ♦.. • p ..:. ■717 =/ I►r,,iuu9•c"iiAilit: • . • .., ,'�'�,`�Eatiall , my � ��' �- � ► •a:1� x.41• i■ ,!• . ernlef>, ,�'��iii�ilii I. ♦� �♦ ; ■ *. ►�a tI y. 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R-8-8 DU per Acre CA-Commerical Arterial To • _11 ,211 7! �'� ! R-10-10 Dper Acre CN-Commerical Neighborhood .1:�^ • ..■rr --. ._•�., 1�11 man .pi�•� 1111 GI 7_•: 1•i'1 ::•1�t .... R-14-14 DU per Acre CO-Commerical Office mK m► ,...,.., 3•♦• y: :i.,..,az INEI::.jr ql_=min_ . ■ . IIS P Proposed Prezoning - Key 0 2000 4000 Ss ........ :: Annexation Boundary .... :•:: :z:•: GtcY 0T Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning — City Limits 1 : 24000 . 1. Alex ietsch,Administrator C.E.Feasel 4'N TO 26 July 2007 I •< ATTACHMENT 9 III f i���m�=iiiIIIIIIV St a�hr_�J WS Renton Village PI ■ _' r it'‘90V• • , illi A. •44 44ZP., .4 4b1:54,Rile Dr sE * •••• Ate* Rik 11Ettiia-_4 la a ,....',4• ..{.■1.1.11 ;4),, 'y ,,, X10Ili _ �._.�__R'3S�L��-:�'1:'!! ,�ill / .`inp,-ir-tiv,i17,...v- 1:450,4>',,,,- isWu ♦♦� '•u:�ui"'h►.••'ii••ti r• ttili �° 1�• l _ •. amueu' :‘tyliriti- 47 1,11,=TA, ,,,k,...,...,..,,,..).;•,.:, ••4' - ••■n►.• mo � xQ.• �iNw•�• ow 1 ©rl�LI S 19th w..o T -11 i itt immiliki-0.40,. „ ♦• 4,71S,- ik :Ey. Ct < aii ••• Ir.A, •1 eAl .1111{:11111/moi/I� UM 1111211444'*••Q Cj�►♦♦� .<;:n■r• .us..,at, .i9{inp ♦� >,a .jLZI �i'- Jam. ► i ♦ v Q•♦•144 1 '/ i ■■ l\•. ztst st a ri$�;C V pF�.:' WI �.►\�•�.�`..■■.•:"r■i 'l ll ■ •d�•.•`.Oi /GIII .84884 \.-_�{E� lea.��a-,• .� �•1 �Pl■.• av R Jc`� •■In •:-•!i'ossin .►•♦•iy�� i:"Igt1 1•-;1!/ 40 R■..N■g3. f o.t, ,i;e1 Inti 1-n .a•. \,••i1.thi'Z 1.wx■mrr � ••.y 4w�Hni�'•. 9•r 4n... ■■■ ; „ .wigs ■nmmnun►! 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WIZ/ \�mnm.n r I PetYo itsk Rd�� �( / A'NU II'l RC , -'� earn r . "a= �. �/' II , = ����yyy!w i t -* -----.4 FRC YI 1111 N, •• el s 17.th. '� ro i /Hill --7+73. , _ I I , S! ���� LLL--__-■� :"•inu.iil` r g 5 _ 11,�_I $4 ..:min�=■■■ �f1111i•L;i'■.■� Ti tdlttr 4t ±Y 11111 LIMN...iv r;,+ no.p Y t_=1 I -j liii:;O fir � '1. 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NMI.17 M Minn MMIllt.21 la' ' �' .r --; lwlERN& iii 11�� f.�.r.'i 198th St MO■■.n...li'_��_ !�■T • � d ii_,�' .1.R'�3.�'r►�ui Itlllllli`'�� Lill V : •� ►►. 9.1 I1 MEI Ell kw aa. •► nril� • 11/11/11 k •.I •'S ■ i\►`.•� {■ JI 11" , �1•- 12 St nw�l'fi 11200th St .a: �a��'•D..■.■ .r•'y it SE tooth can.na3J M�gattla 1 +i��■,y�i n� .►� .r�: IN11�■■ s■ 1 ��1?■!'i q,/�.,_�_U� r, S m ��� ■•.i%l.SII li . l7T y ..Aga� \ht!. 21-1"1 •,�_ ��MIMI�.NEP - I411a c lif ': . NII �LL�L_r1 • � • f .�� ! 1 v CI=�.. �rJ`.. =,.......,....,,,nnellcsa5[w.a.... ►p Ellie�j vat-. ®\� 111I iit tr.LI��L r��wll�� 1" � I nH:�p MO 1.11111111.111.14 1111/a�'li�� _I � .. ill�I = \\7fs�1 ♦IPI - 1\il� r •rw. 1�. .♦ Lr'9a u Iii•.�di1-Rf wa ri• :D01 e copJ 11. - n I.■ i 1 .♦V.:1.14% 1 \�� i ;.am�.vie 4.167..■ r x 1 -■ �y��L.• pn.♦ NI III III:��Mi 'insotL�VI■-■iiJ r �i : 1-N■� ,'•P= 9%irorzo1MK; ii 1e_-�, Benson Hill Communities, CPA# 2007-M-06 Staff/Planning Commission Recommendation Zoning Designations Comp Plan-Land Useo ras taco - R-1-1 DU per Acre RMF-Residential Multi Family t Residential Low Density t 6000 R-4-4 DU per Acre RMH-Residential Manufactured Homes I=Residential Single Family R-8-8 DU per Acre CA-Commercial Arterial I=Residential Medium Density Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Manning R-10-10 DU per Acre CN-Commercial Neighborhood MI Residential Multi Family , i,imi"Ho' R-14-14 DU per Acre CO-Commercial Office IM Commercial Neighborhood - Annexation Boundary Mt Commercial Corridor - City Limits I z • COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT and CONCURRENT ZONING CPA#2007-M-07, DUVALL AVE PUBLIC HEARING FINAL ISSUE PAPER—(REVISED July 20,2007) DESCRIPTION: The subject area is located immediately north of the NE Sunset Boulevard Corridor District and west of Duvall Avenue NE along the eastern edge of an existing 7.6-acre island of unincorporated King County. Initially, this Comprehensive Plan Amendment(CPA) was proposed by a property owner whose property fronts on Duvall Avenue NE. However, the City Council agreed to make this a City-sponsored application and waived the application fee. The original applicant had requested that the existing Residential Single Family(RS) land use designation be changed to Commercial Corridor(CC) so that three properties fronting on Duvall Avenue NE and one interior property could have the same zoning as those across the street to the east (Exhibit 1). This 7.6-acre island is part of an active annexation proposal, the Marshall Annexation. ISSUE SUMMARY: • Should the City redesignate the single-family properties along the west side of Duvall Avenue NE between NE Sunset Boulevard and NE 17th Place to commercial? • If the Planning Commission decides it is appropriate to change the existing RS designation to a commercial designation, which of the two potential designations, Commercial Neighborhood (CN) or Commercial Corridor(CC), would be most appropriate for this area? RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: Staff recommends denial of the request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for the parcels fronting on Duvall Avenue NE from RS to CC or CN for the following reasons: 1. Although there is new residential in the surrounding area, it has not been shown that there is currently insufficient neighborhood commercial property in the surrounding area to meet demand. NE Sunset Boulevard is a designated commercial overlay district and contains a variety of both large and small consumer oriented uses. 2. The impacts of the widening of Duvall Avenue NE on the adjacent subject properties is unknown in terms of whether residual lot depths are sufficiently viable to accommodate commercial uses, meet required setbacks and off-street parking, and provide safe ingress and egress. For this reason, a change of land use is untimely. 3. The widening of Duvall Avenue NE will be a significant change of circumstance affecting this entire residential area. Land use in this vicinity should be re-evaluated after completion of this major public works project. ANALYSIS: Existing uses are one-story single-family detached dwellings on 8,000 to 11,000 square foot lots. King County's Comprehensive Plan designates the subject area Urban Residential, Medium, 4 to H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-07 Duvall Ave\2007-M-07 Issue Paper 7-20-07.doc 12 dwelling units per acre, and it is currently zoned R-4, four units per gross acre (Exhibit 3). Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates the subject area RS (Exhibit 4). The original application requested Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning consistent with that across Duvall Avenue NE to the east and along NE Sunset Boulevard to the south (Exhibit 5). The area has no steep slopes of other sensitive areas and only slight changes in topography near the intersection of SE 107th Place and Duvall Avenue NE (Exhibit 7). Because the site is located within a proposed major arterial road-widening project involving acquisition of land and frontages for right-of-way improvements, City staff recommended that this CPA be changed to a City-sponsored application and that the fee be waived. Council considered this on December 11, 2006, and agreed. As a City-sponsored CPA, staff determined that only the lots fronting on Duvall Avenue NE should be considered. An interior lot on SE 107th Place was dropped since it did not meet the minimum mapping criteria. The parcels included in the revised City proposal area shown on Exhibits 8 and 9. Portions of the parcel frontages are now being purchased by the City for right-of-way expansion of the Duvall Avenue arterial. On May 10, 2007, the City held an information meeting on this proposed amendment and invited property owners within the larger Marshall Annexation Area. Approximately thirteen residents representing ten households attended. One property owner favored commercial zoning and the majority opposed it. Several owners did not indicate a position. The majority were concerned about noise and parking impacts to their residences. There also were a number concerned about ingress to and egress from their neighborhood and how new commercial and the roadway widening would impact safety. As shown on Exhibit 9, under Renton's Comprehensive Plan, the subject area is currently designated RS. Probable zoning, upon annexation,without a Comprehensive Plan amendment would be R-8, eight dwelling units per net acre. Across Duvall Avenue NE to the east (south of NE 18th Street, if extended), the area is currently designated CC and zoned CA. Immediately south of the 7.6-acre unincorporated island, the properties fronting on NE Sunset Boulevard are also currently designated CC and zoned CA. Duvall Avenue NE is designated as a"minor" arterial in the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. It appears that the proposed road widening along Duvall Avenue NE, south of NE 17th Place, if extended, could impact and potentially lessen the redevelopment potential of property fronting on this designated minor arterial. Changes include a proposed 10- foot street widening along both sides of Duvall Avenue NE that will narrow the frontages of the properties on the west side of the street. With current front yards varying in depth between two feet and 30-feet, widening will impact the five residential properties along the street south of NE 17th Place in different ways. Potential impacts include increased noise, pollution, nighttime glare, and a general loss of privacy. This change would also make it more difficult to provide adequate parking and ingress and egress for commercial uses along this busy north-south minor arterial. Renton's Comprehensive Plan includes two potential commercial land use designations that could be considered for these five parcels. These are: H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-07 Duvall Ave\2007-M-07 Issue Paper 7-20-07.doc 'fir • �.►' 1) Commercial Corridor: Purpose Statement: The Commercial Corridor is characterized by concentrated,pre- existing commercial activity,primarily in a linear urban form, that provides necessary goods and services for daily living, accessible to nearby neighborhoods, serving a sub-regional market and accommodating large volumes of traffic. (Commercial Statement, Land Use Element, p. IX-54). The implementing zone for this designation is Commercial Arterial. 2) Commercial Neighborhood: Purpose Statement: The purpose of Commercial Neighborhood is to provide small scale, low-intensity commercial areas located within neighborhoods and is primarily for the convenience of residents who live nearby. Uses should be those that provide goods and services. (Commercial Neighborhood Statement, Land Use Element,p. IX- 67). The implementing zone for this designation is Commercial Neighborhood. Table 1. Relevant Commercial Land Use Designation Objectives and Policies COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD Objective LU-DDD: The Commercial Objective LU-WWW: Commercial Corridor land use designation should Neighborhood designated areas are include: intended to reduce traffic volumes,permit 1) Established commercial and office small-scale business uses, such as areas; commercial/retail,professional office, and 2) Developments located on large parcels services that serve the personal needs of of land; the immediate population in surrounding 3) Projects that may be highly visible from neighborhoods. principal arterials; 4) Uses dependent upon or benefiting from Policy LU-422. The Commercial high-volume traffic; Neighborhood designation should be 5) Uses that provide significant implemented by Commercial employment; and Neighborhood zoning. 6) Businesses that provide necessary or desirable goods and services the larger community Policy LU-333. The Commercial Corridor Policy LU-423. Commercial land use designation should be mapped in Neighborhood designated areas should be areas with the following characteristics: located: • 1) Located on, and having access to, 1) Within one-quarter mile of existing streets classified as principle arterials; and planned residential areas; 2) High traffic volumes; or 2) To the extent possible, outside of the 3) Land use pattern characterized by strip trade areas of other small-scale commercial development, shopping commercial uses offering comparable centers, or office parks goods and services; and 3) Contiguous to a street no smaller than those classified at the collector level. H*EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-07 Duvall Ave\2007-M-07 Issue Paper 7-20-07.doc COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD Policy LU-335. Increased demand for Policy LU-424. Commercial commercial uses should be accommodated Neighborhood designated areas should not primarily through redevelopment and increase in scale or size to the point of intensification of existing business area changing the character of the nearby designations rather than expansion of those residential neighborhood. areas. Policy LU-348. Encourage consolidation of Policy LU-426. A mix of uses (e.g. individual parcels to maximize flexibility of convenience retail, consumer services, site design and reduce access points. office, residential) should be encouraged in small-scale commercial developments within Commercial Neighborhood designated areas. Policy LU-349. Support development plans Policy LU-430. Commercial structures in incorporating the following features: Commercial Neighborhood designated 1) Shared access points and fewer curb areas should be compatible with nearby cuts; residential areas in height, front yard 2) Internal circulation among adjacent setbacks, lot coverage,building design, parcels; and use. 3) Shared parking facilities; 4) Allowance for future transition to structured parking facilities; 5) Centralized signage; 6) Unified development concepts; and 7) Landscaping and streetscape that softens visual impacts. Relevant land use policies for the RS land use designation are shown below. Policy LU-147. Net development densities should fall within a range of 4 to 8 dwelling units per net acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. Policy LU-148. A minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet should be allowed on parcels less than an acre in size. On parcels greater than one acre in size, allow a reduction in lot size to 4,500 sq. ft. to create an incentive for aggregation of land. Policy LU-150. Required setbacks should exclude public or private legal access areas, established through or to a lot, and parking areas. Table 2 compares the different development criteria and types of uses allowed in the implementing zones of the CC, CN, and RS land use designations. Where existing development patterns are established in an area, a review of potential future zoning can also be informative. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-07 Duvall Ave\2007-M-07 Issue Paper 7-20-07.doc Table 2. Commercial Land Use Designation/Residential Implementing Zones Commercial Commercial Residential-8 Arterial Neighborhood Minimum Lot Size None 5,000 square feet 4,500 square feet Maximum Lot 65%unless in bldg. 65%unless in bldg. 50%unless in Coverage or garage or garage bldg. or garage Minimum/Maximum None/20 dwelling None/4 dwelling 4/8 dwelling units Residential Density units per net acre units per net acre per net acre Minimum/Maximum 10 feet 10 feet/15 feet 15 feet for primary Front Yard structure Minimum Rear Yard None, unless abutting None, unless abutting 20 feet or adjacent to a or adjacent to a residential zone,then residential zone, then 15 feet 15 feet Minimum Side Yard None, unless abutting None, unless abutting 5 feet or adjacent to a or adjacent to a residential zone,then residential zone, then 15 feet 15 feet Vehicular-Oriented Gas stations,Vehicle Small restaurants, None Uses Allowed service and repair, Small offices Car washes, Restaurants, Professional Office Buildings Based upon the above, it would initially appear that there is little difference between the implementing zones for these two land use designations in terms of minimum lot size and required setbacks. Although there is no minimum lot size specified for the CA zone, the scale and vehicular-orientation of uses within it typically dictate larger lot sizes than those under consideration along the west side of Duvall Avenue NE. Typically, CA zoned lots are 20,000 square feet or larger in size and 35,000 square feet is not uncommon for most drive-in type of businesses such as quick-stop markets and service stations. By comparison, the existing residential parcels fronting on Duvall Avenue NE are 9,000 to 11,000 square feet in size and between 104 feet and 110 feet in depth. Future street widening will reduce these to an average depth of around 97 feet. These much smaller sized lots would not lend themselves to the larger, more vehicular-oriented uses such as car washes, gas stations, vehicle repair, and fast food establishments allowed in the CA zone under the CC land use designation. These smaller lots appear more suitable for those smaller scaled, less vehicular-oriented convenience and service type uses found in the CN zone and encouraged in CN designation land use policies. The properties to the east, across Duvall Avenue NE, currently designated CC on the City's Comprehensive Plan, average 157-feet wide and 230-feet deep. In terms of size, these parcels average 36,000 square feet or larger in size. This is equivalent to an aggregation of nearly four of these existing residential zoned, 9,000 to 11,000 square foot lots fronting on Duvall Avenue NE. Lots with these dimensions along the west side of Duvall Avenue NE, in the area under consideration, could only be created by assembling three or four of the existing single-family lots found here and would have to be at least two parcels deep. Given the quality of the homes in the H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Map Amendments\2007-M-07 Duvall Ave\2007-M-07 Issue Paper 7-20-07.doc VIII area and multiple ownership patterns found there, it does not seem likely that these would be consolidated into larger single parcels under the same ownership in the near future. As noted above, the area is currently under consideration for annexation. If this annexation is successful, the County's current R-4 zoning, that allows up to six units per gross acre, would be rezoned to Renton's R-8 zoning which allows a maximum of eight units per net acre. The difference between the County's and the City's maximum density is minimal since the City calculates density based upon net acreage and the County calculates it based upon gross acreage. In considering a land use redesignation for the parcels fronting on Duvall Avenue NE, it also is important to look at them in the context of the surrounding area. The residential uses that would remain to the west are all single-family detached dwellings fronting on what appear to be private access roads. SE 107th Place lacks typical urban street improvements such as curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. This unincorporated area remains on septic, as do the lots fronting on Duvall Avenue NE. Because of the lack of sewers, major new development will not occur until sewer service is provided within the area. CONCLUSION: Although there has been continued residential growth in the surrounding area as a consequence of new annexations and the issuance of sewer certificates for new subdivisions that might justify additional neighborhood-oriented retail and services in the area, there is no indication that there is a current lack of these services in the area at this time. Clearly, the subject parcels would not lend themselves to CA zoning under the CC land use designation. A more appropriate land use redesignation would be from RS to CN for those parcels fronting on Duvall Avenue NE. However, with the widening of Duvall Avenue NE later this year or early next year, it is unclear whether the existing five parcels fronting on Duvall Avenue NE would have adequate access from this heavily traveled arterial (there apparently is no left turn pocket proposed for SE 107th Place) or whether after the road widening, there would be sufficient space for street frontage landscaping (10 feet) and setbacks from adjacent residential uses (15 feet), or on-site parking, if such commercial uses were allowed. Given that there does not appear to be a significant demand for new retail at this time,nor has it been determined what effect on the existing adjacent residential uses new commercial would have, staff believe this proposed CPA is untimely. 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Y LLI 6. :.-- Nik, 1 2 = .-'g lii oco U o z Ct. s U a Ce C6 S G.y O v .c .� __.... __. -.. _... _..._.. Q U C V C n c _ a 6) C m N Ct 00 °'moo 0 w CUN ] 1 CV : I , c.) . r 0_ X �.l _z 1 (_) w � J i COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Application 2007-T-01 Capital Facilities and Transportation Element Updates ISSUE PAPER(REVISED JUNE 29, 2007) DESCRIPTION: Every two years the City updates the Capital Facilities Element (CFE) of the Comprehensive Plan to reflect changes that have been made in the City's Capital Facilities Plan (CFP), which is amended as part of the City's budget process. Concurrent changes are also made to the Transportation Element to reflect the currently adopted Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). ISSUE SUMMARY: 1. Which changes are necessary to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan is consistent with the currently adopted CFP? 2. Which changes are necessary to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan is consistent with the currently adopted TIP? RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: Adopt the proposed changes to the Capital Facilities and Transportation Elements. ANALYSIS: The function of the CFE of the Comprehensive Plan is to demonstrate that the City has the ability to finance anticipated growth in the near future. Although the Comprehensive Plan plans for growth over the next 20 years, the CFE demonstrates the ability to provide necessary urban services to support the next six years of growth. This ability is a key function of Growth Management. An updated and accurate CFP and TIP are important in the operation of the City. Each year the City goes through an extensive budget process. At the end of this process, a CFP is adopted by the Council. The budget and the CFP show all sources of revenue and expenditure; the latter including both growth costs and operations budgets. In the CFE, only growth related costs are shown, along with the anticipated revenue sources to meet the expenditures. Similarly, the City adopts a six-year TIP each year that prioritizes all the transportation related projects and improvements for the next six years. Both the CFP and TIP are important documents that the City uses to demonstrate project support; it is often required for projects to be listed in these documents in order to receive state and federal funding. In the attached documents, the CFE and the Transportation Element have been updated to reflect the most recently adopted CFP and TIP. This includes changes to the data tables that show anticipated revenues and expenditures, as well as adjustments to the text that describes this data. Some of the proposed amendments also reflect the changes and growth that have occurred in the past two years. For example, many of the maps and inventories had to be changed to reflect changes due to annexations, and the table showing growth targets and land use capacity has been updated to reflect the most current data from the City's Buildable Lands analysis. The proposed amendments are truly a housekeeping function, to ensure consistency between City documents, budgets, and policies. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Text Amendments\2007-T-01 Capital Facilities and Transportation\Issue Paper(June 29).doc 14100 Iwo CAPACITY ANALYSIS: The proposed changes do not result in any changes in land use capacity. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: Comprehensive Plan amendments must meet at least one of the four criteria in Renton Municipal Code section 4-9-020 G. This proposal eliminates conflicts with existing elements and policies. Each year the City adopts a new six-year TIP and six-year CFP. The proposed amendments ensure consistency between these policy and budget documents and the Comprehensive Plan. It also supports the Business Plan Goal to meet the service demands that contribute to the livability of the community by planning, developing, and maintaining quality services, infrastructure, and amenities. Consistent comprehensive planning, transportation planning, and capital facilities planning is an important step toward meeting service demands and maintaining quality service, infrastructure, and amenities. ZONING CONCURRENCY: Not applicable. CONCLUSION: Adopt these housekeeping amendments to the Capital Facilities and Transportation Elements to ensure consistency between the Comprehensive Plan and other adopted City plans and policies. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Text Amendments\2007-T-01 Capital Facilities and Transportation\Issue Paper(June 29).doc 'oar ,14 ley COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AMENDED AMENDMENT 2006-T-05 - LAND USE ELEMENT UPDATE RESIDENTIAL POLICIES UPDATED FOR REVIEW IN 2007 PUBLIC HEARING FINAL ISSUE PAPER- (REVISED JUNE 29, 2007) DESCRIPTION: Policy text amendments are proposed to provide a density exception and mapping policy for existing manufactured home parks in the City's lowest density residential designation, Residential Low Density (RLD). This is a citywide amendment but the change in policy would apply primarily in the Potential Annexation Area (PAA). Policy direction is already established for the manufactured home parks within the existing city limits. ISSUE SUMMARY: Should the City support preservation of the manufactured home parks in the Residential Low Density land use designation? RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: Approve a text amendment to the Residential Low Density designation to allow Residential Manufactured Home Park(RMH) zoning to be applied as an implementing zoning. BACKGROUND: Amendment 2006-T-05 was initiated last year in response to residents of the Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park. This amendment would change the Comprehensive Plan text to allow RMH zoning to be an implementing zone within the RLD Comprehensive Plan designation. This change allows the City Council to consider RMH zoning as an implementing zone within the RLD designation for existing affordable mobile home parks without amending the Comprehensive Plan land use map by changing land use designations. At that time, Wonderland Estates was included in the expanded Maplewood Addition Annexation and was listed for sale. Residents of the park requested that the City provide assistance in preserving it through zoning to RMH. The context of this amendment review changed significantly over the course of the year. • The annexation was modified as a result of the Supreme Court decision in Rose Hill nullifying the Boundary Review Board decision to expand the Maplewood Addition Annexation. • Annexation of Maplewood Addition proceeded without Wonderland Estates. • The property owner of Wonderland Estates appealed the text amendment 2006-T-05 SEPA review, causing the Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to be put on hold by the City. That appeal is now resolved so the text amendment can now proceed through the review process. • The property owner of Wonderland Estates applied for and vested a plat for 100 townhouse type units under King County zoning. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Amendments\2007\2007 Text Amendments\T-5 RLD RMH Issue Paper.doc Nov • The City initiated a broader land use review of the Maple Valley Corridor that is currently before the Planning Commission as Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2007- M-03. The Wonderland Estates site is recommended for Residential Medium Density (RMD) land use with RMH zoning as part of CPA 2007-M-03. • A new 10% petition annexation, the New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation is being processed and this petition includes the three parks in the Maple Valley Corridor. This petition is going to the City Council for review on June 4, 2007. • The Aster Park annexation was proposed and is going to City Council June 18, 2007. This annexation includes Fir Grove Park. ANALYSIS: RMH zoning is currently an implementing zone in two Comprehensive Plan designations: Residential Single Family(RS) and Residential Medium Density(RMD). Adding RMH as an implementing zone in a third land use designation, RLD, will allow the City to apply this zoning in the RLD areas without doing a Comprehensive Plan map amendment. As a result, the allowed density remains a maximum of four dwelling units per net acre. In the past, City policy has assigned higher density land use to sites with existing mobile home parks. This policy creates an incentive for redevelopment of the parks because higher density can be achieved with townhouse and multi-family unit types. There are several existing parks located in RLD designated areas. • There are three parks in the Maple Valley Corridor: o Wonderland Estates Mobile Home Park (113 units): proposed for amendment to RMD with RMH zoning o Condo Mobile Home Park (95 units): located farther to the east within the New Life-Aqua Barn annexation area and is proposed for RMD with RMH zoning o Valley View Mobile Home Park (50 units): proposed for RLD with R-4 zoning • The Fir Grove Park (32 units): located on Highway 900 adjacent to 148th St. and is designated Low Density Residential • There are four manufactured home parks in the West Hill PAA: o Located on Rainier Blvd(52 units): designated RMD o Three parks are located on Sunset Blvd and are designated RMD. There are an estimated 132 units in these three parks The Wonderland Estates, Valley View, and Fir Grove Parks are older facilities with a mix of singlewide and doublewide units. Most of those units are not movable and many do not meet current certification and code requirements. These parks are developed on an internal private access loop road with private yards and lot areas. Residents have the opportunity to maintain small yards and have off street parking with either one or two (tandem) spaces available in the side yard. These parks typically include a community room and/or facilities. They offer affordable owner occupied forms of housing. Some are age restricted to occupants age 55 and older. All of these parks currently have higher density zoning in King County. The Condo Mobile A • Home Park in the Maple Valley Corridor offers residents the opportunity to purchase a condominium ownership. Summary of Existing Parks' Density and Zoning in King County Park King County Zoning Existing Density Wonderland Estates R-12 11.5 du/net ac Condo Mobile Home Park R-12 4.1 du/ac Valley View R-12 5.3 du/ac Fir Grove R-48 6.66 du/ac COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The Comprehensive Plan text amendment meets required finding #1 Title IV 4-9-020 "the request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan" by supporting the vision of a transition between rural and urban uses and by supporting affordable housing. The existing manufactured home parks in Renton's PAA are located at the edge of the City in portions of the PAA with lower land costs. These areas abut the Rural Designation. In all cases where the City has designated RLD land use, the areas provide a transition to the rural area. This condition is present along the Maple Valley Highway where the Rural Designation is adjacent to the roadway. It is also present at the Fir Grove property now developed with a manufactured home park along Sunset Blvd adjacent to 148th Street. The RLD policies provide for a transition of uses and densities to the rural area. Manufactured home parks are generally denser than other uses in the RLD designation because they are very small living units occurring in a private park configuration. However, they are also a smaller, non- suburban land use that does provide a type of transition to the rural area. Although they have density like multi-family uses, they really are not comparable to multi-family living environments. The units are typical of the older affordable single-family housing often found in these areas. Individual manufactured homes located on acreage are also frequently located in rural areas. These parks do comply with the Objective LU-DD of the RLD policies in that they provide for a range of lifestyles adjacent to both urban and rural development in areas providing a transition to the rural designations. The lifestyle in this case is a compact community providing affordable housing to individuals who want a small single family detached type of unit in a location adjacent to open space and rural forms of development. Objective LU-DD: Provide for a range of lifestyles and appropriate uses adjacent to and compatible with urban development in areas of the City and Potential Annexation Area constrained by extensive natural features, proving urban separators, and/or providing a transition to rural Designations within King County. The proposed amendment to the purpose statement of the RLD would acknowledge the role these existing parks have in making a transition to the rural area. �y 4 , T "Lands developed with existing manufactured home parks that provide a transition to adjacent Rural Areas and/or are adjacent to critical areas but were established uses in King County prior to annexation may be considered for Residential Manufactured Home Park zoning. " The proposed policy amendment to LU-134 is intended to exempt these parks from the low- density limit. Policy LU-134a A density exception to the 4 dwelling unit per acre maximum is allowed for pre-existing manufactured home parks within the Residential Low Density designation. Upon cessation of the manufactured home park use, these properties should be considered for Residential 4 zoning. The Housing Element also provides policy guidance for low-income housing and for manufactured home parks (the underlined text shown below highlights relevant sections of these policies). The existing parks within the PAA are viable low-income housing for existing residents. If protected through zoning, these units can be maintained and as a result, long term housing opportunities will be expanded (Objective H-E). The parks provide a form of ownership (H-29) and a form of single-family housing. Due to limitations on expansion or redevelopment of parks protected by zoning, preservation of these parks will implement preservation and long-term affordability goals (H-28, H-29, H-33). The location of these parks adjacent to the rural area meets policies for dispersion(H-29). Low Income Housing Policies Objective H-E: Increase housing opportunities for low and very low-income Renton residents and provide a fair share of low-income housing in the future. Policy H-28. Establish the following sub-targets for affordability to households earning 50 percent or less of county median income, to be counted toward the 20 percent target: 1. Ten percent of new housing units constructed in the City. 2. A number equal to five percent of new housing units, to be met by existing units that are given long-term affordability. 3. A number equal to five percent of new housing units, to be met by existing units that are purchased by low-income households through home-buyer assistance programs. Policy H-29. Support proposals for low-income housing for households earning less than 60 percent of area median income based on the following criteria: 1. Dispersion of low-income housing throughout the City. 2. Convenient access to transit for low-income households. 3. A range of unit types including family housing. • r.r 'ti/ 4. Ownership housing when possible. 5. Long-term affordability. Policy H-33. Encourage preservation, maintenance, and improvements to existing subsidized housing and to market-rate housing that is affordable to low and moderate-income households Objective H-H: Continue to allow manufactured home parks and manufactured home subdivisions on land that is specifically zoned for these uses. Policy H-45. Maintain existing manufactured housing developments that meet the following criteria: 1. The development provides market rate housing alternatives for moderate and low- income households. 2. The housing is maintained and certified as built to the International Building Code and Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development standards. 3. Site planning includes pedestrian amenities, landscaping, and a community facility. ZONING CONCURRENCY: Consideration of RMH zoning within the RLD designation would occur as a separate zoning action upon annexation, or as a separate rezoning. However, as this proposed amendment is a new policy, none of the sites to be considered will have been considered for this form of zoning in a prior area-wide land use analysis. This situation will facilitate the required finding for rezoning under Title IV 4-9-190. This amendment also requires zoning text amendments to Title IV Section 4-2-020F Purpose of the Residential Manufactured Home Park Zone, and to 4-2-110D adding the Residential Manufactured Home Park to the chart specifying how zoning classifications implement the Comprehensive Plan. These amendments are housekeeping changes needed to implement the new policy. CAPACITY ANALYSIS: This amendment does not change land use capacity. CONCLUSION: Amending the Comprehensive Plan text to expand the City's ability to protect existing manufactured home parks within the RLD designation supports a number of adopted policies and objectives of the City. The proposed policy change will allow the City to consider zoning for the existing parks that will allow their continued maintenance and operation. 4 • Ph/1 I(eri4� Washington Investment, LLC brrt5 Pat.d `'e/ P. 0. Box 40252, Bellevue, WA 98015 /4- / 2007 Email:washingtoninvestmentllc(&yahoo.com To: Renton City Council From: Lan Wang, Frank Song and Hao Wu, Washington Investment LLC'. Re: RMF zoning code for Panther Creek Apartments, 19235 108th Ave. SE, Renton, WA98055 Date: 9-29-07 Dear Renton City Council Members, As owners of the 30-unit Panther Creek Apartments, located at 19235 108th Ave SE, we are writing regarding the future zoning code for our property associated with the upcoming annexation of Benson Hills Communities. The Issue: Currently, the property is zoned R-48 by King County. The proposed zoning code R14 will render it non-confirming. The Impact: 1. Affordable housing. The `non-conforming" status will limit the owners' ability to rebuild in case of disasters. To make the property conforming, owner will have to eliminate about 20 affordable housing units when rebuilding the structure. 2. Economic hardship. The "non-conforming" status will limit the owners' ability to secure bank loans for necessary major repairs and improvements. 3. Financial injury The "non-conforming" status will also drastically reduce the market value of our property at the time of sale because most buyers/investors want to stay away from "non- conforming" properties; or, ask for a deep discount on price if they decide to take the risk. (This is not 1 or 2 unit nonconforming; it's about 20 units or 2/3 of the building becoming nonconforming.) Our Request: RM-F(Residential Mutil-Family) zoning code applied to the property and a rebuild letter to the owners stating that the owners can rebuild to the same size and height as the current building in case it is destroyed. Although RM-T (Residential Multi-Family Tradition) and RM-U (Residential Mutil-Family Urban) are more appropriate for the existing use, we learned that is very difficult to have those zoning codes assigned to our property. Justifications: Property Rights We are compelled to preserve our property rights by requesting the equivalent zoning code be applied, or zoning code that is the closest to equivalent. It is only logical and reasonable to give a multi-family property a multi-family zoning. Even though RMF's density is still not high enough for our property, it provides a better zoning designation than R14 and have a better potential for the property to become conforming when the city upgrading zoning density in the future. It will also make it more conceivable to lenders, buyers and investors when they buy or finance the property, thus reducing our risk of being injured economically in the future. 9 Best Use Our property is right on 108th Ave SE and near the intersection of SE 192nd Street. 108th Ave. SE (aka "515 Highway") is a major arterial through Renton-Kent area with increasingly heavy traffic. Our property is also surrounded by Panther Creek on its south and west which serves as a natural boundary. The Creek is considered an environmentally sensitive area wtjch prevents any building of bridge, pathway or driveway to cross it. The only way to have ingress and egress to our property is to go through the busy and noisy 108th Ave. It is hard to imagine that people will want to own single family houses or townhouses that the R-14 zoning is intend to encourage at that particular location. The properties to our north and east are commercial zoned and are currently used as medical clinics, office buildings, Renton Athletic Club and gas station. It truly is and will be more so as a small neighborhood commercial hub. High density apartment building is apparently the best use for that location. That's probably why the county zoned it R-48. Affordable Housing-Business Model The Panther Creek Apartments is providing affordable housing to citizens working in the south county area. We have made significant investment in maintaining and improving the conditions of the building and the property. It is our intention to continue to serve our customer base. Considering the projected population growth, the limitation put on urban sprawl by Washington Growth Management Act and the ever tightening affordable housing market, RMF is a better choice not only for us as the owner but also for the city, the county and general population in preserving affordable housing. Uniqueness of Our Situation and City's Concerns In our meetings with the Planning and Development Committee on September 20 and with city staff later, we learned there are 2 things that the city planning staff is concerned about for granting RMF to our property. The first is the concern that other property owners may ask for RMF if our property is granted RMF; the second is that the situation with our property is very unique. The existing "mapping criteria" steered the city planning staff away from granting the RMF to our property. We carefully thought about the 2 issues and come to realize that the 2nd issue actually undoes the first one. Since our property is "very unique" in City of Renton, there will be no comparable properties whose owner can come to city to ask for the same thing. As for the mapping criteria, we learned that an exception (amendment) can be issued by the council to accommodate this unique situation. We humbly ask the council for directing the city staff to change their recommendation of zoning on our property from R14 to RMF. Next Steps City council can make a decision to grant our request for RMF zoning code, and issue a rebuild letter. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Sincerely y , r , Lan Wang, Fran ong and Hao Wu Washington Investment LLC -7:4 Neo'/n� bort 5pd &e From: "Jack Connell" <jack.connell@renton.wednet.edu> /&-1-p2o07 To: <rlind@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 9/27/2007 3:16:48 PM Subject: Benson Hill Communities Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Pre-zoning Application #2007-M-06 Ms. Rebecca Lind, Thank you for the opportunity to review the amended Staff/Planning Commission Recommendation. The only comment and request that the Renton School District would like to make is please insure that the respective School District property zoning designation is always accompanied with the "p" suffix to trigger the special 'overlay" development criteria typical to the public school designation. We ask that this or a similar designation be applied to designate all Renton School District properties located in the various areas of use and zones throughout the areas influenced by your planning and codes. Once again thank you and please do not hesitate to contact either me or Rick Stracke, should you have any further questions. Sincerely, Jack Connell Facilities Project Manager Renton School District No. 403 Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime Capital Projects Office 1220 North 4th Street Renton ,WA 98057-5539 Tel. (425) 204-4475 Fax. (425) 204-4476 Cel. (206)940-8340 I•••••• 1; w Nov Nue CC: "Rick Stracke"<rick.stracke@renton.wednet.edu> 16. DO 7 COrn 5 V Ptah Agenda Item No.:prtIeviSiV • f � m lents MENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETINhed PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING ` SIGN-UP SHEET ��' / T (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: 1,/i/ZOO 7 PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit VI 5eii) Name: eif-64i L E cie4-S S Name: /71KAp/A-d /1/4 , 51 /q /V C: Address: r- Address: f f� /7D/6 /�9 G��2� S�- City �-7V r0 /0 Zip Code ),.1-6, City 6107,/ (41,4 Zip Code 9 2-6„ Topic: 200 7 _II_ 07 LlA A- 06, /(o,/ Topic: i 6top Name: Z-Yom) S'i-zg ov 4 ame: 1/. s4,,t/ 724-1-1A/ C Address: 11-7 £G`-S+ ,, Sv--S i I Address: 1433/ ,Acr 7'//Atl'e f.e-- City "(4--*t j r Zip Code CC I 01 City 0,0-p,,, Zip Code_ / yroc; ©4 - 0 ,15/ 4_04 04 ,./61., Topic: Rrz6-1.-e/9 7 icht.)1 -Da utd G,e_aSo yk Name: 1(W c ya d Name: L A-1`1 P'kl 61- Address: '"' mt- n-W v Address: 414 k 2 2S A\iSE rl t9 , 5J cq44/1/‘ St , City`l p V il-Vel Zip Code ?..)q` City S/-�vv\vvvkin ,i5\ Zip Code 1 So 7 c /pie: 1�-�2CJ\r - gg05�j p --2v nr. \--h el b ZJ 8 Name: /1/Ig1(y af---/8fr k . ame:-- "" ) j ,4\ /A13.t t_ 714 Address: /aq /1-- )Z. 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CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit immiamimmommins iff 13 r � '^ '',^, Name: ,&)?Lam"' T c/9 w 1;671 Name: 640(KX t C 10 0-4 Address: /3-2- L/ 7 / So rig LN 3 Address: 't Mil" Ave- 1-1 City /''''Er 7 a ti Zip Code 2 8 a s"8 City Z/K:hYt, Zip Code )oPic:-IP 2 a4, 7 � r o 3 L i-tIR 4, 6 ., /6 6 Topic: 14 Name: q kjo S Dr\ Name: Address: \ p 6) a )_ £ 4.4ct is J+ Address: City /1‘,/2.).,-k- Zip Code C1 b'rbo City Zip Code Topic: C .=1 ,),,p\)1, -7(4- Q(e Topic: ArAi g)1 ;� \ ame: 7 (�✓ � uvso►�J 15Name: Address: t q (0e- Se lei-Hi- at Address: City Re.--c,---1-0,,, Zip Code "l 0 5(r- City Zip Code Topic: R 1 4 Topic: KI-2-A 16 Ame: SU►'f Name: dress: P. 0 . &O X 4 0 2 SZ Address: ....jel City Be-1)e')1x&_ Zip Code 9 if-DIS City Zip Code Topic: P re Zorn ry Topic: %to *toe' r { SPEAKER CARD Hand to City Clerk prior to addressing Council In order to be contacted by City officials or staff, or to become a party of record to a certain issue, complete this card,providing your name, address,phone number, and/or email address. Name: aq.", //ci,ii'r-,, Phone# (z-116)¢4U--- 3 Address: /O/ 9 ,e. /vdl .5-1„)742.. 2o2E-mail J v, Q/ �a,ati t�hli h�jlccci?coat City 7,- � – State t!' Zip Code ,c(344-‘ Topic: (794- Z 9C`7- 04-(),1„ `,(„ To address the Renton City Council,please walk to the front, hand the speaker card to the City Clerk, stand at the podium microphones facing Council, and state your name and city of residence for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. coo ,-11 • Renton .., ....., .,0:. ... ,_, .. ,,,o..• . -�~- Renton City Limits !::.,: : ,.. ,, , ,.. ,, ”,,,, Parcels Zoning ;Resource Cony... Residential 1 dul... Residential 4 du... y Residential 8 du... Residential Man... Residential 10d... Residential 14 d... Residential Mult... Residential Mutt... Residential Mutt... Center Village Urban Center N... Urban Center N... Center Downtown Commercial/Off... � Commercial Art... <" Commercial Off... . ,,Commercial Nei... 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S ' •� • r, .. • NNW *411.1 PU/91/ C I-/eok/iij lir HALINEN LAW OFFICES, P.S. 10-1-D7 A Professional Service Corporation David L. Halinen, P.E. 1019 Regents Blvd., Suite 202 Tacoma: (253)627-6680 davidhalinen@halinenlaw.com Fircrest, Washington 98466-6037 Seattle: (206)443-4684 Fax: (253)272-9876 October 1, 2007 HAND-DELIVERED Renton City Council 1055 S. Grady Way, Seventh Floor Renton, Washington 98055 RE: The Proposed "QIP and Virtu Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments and Rezones" (#2007-M-05, LUA06-167) Supplemental Public Hearing Testimony and Written Materials Dear Council Members: On behalf of my client Quarry Industrial Park LLC, I am writing to provide supplemental public hearing testimony and written materials in support of the QIP and Virtu Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments and Rezones (#2007-M-05, LUA06-167). Appropriateness of the Proposal in View of the Site's Surroundings and Under the City's Land Use Policies and Rezone Criteria The proposed Residential Medium Density (RMD) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation with R-10 zoning is appropriate for the subject site in view of the site's surroundings and topography and in view of the City's applicable land use policies and rezone criteria. The attached, colored 11" by 17" exhibit map (dated 8/1/07 and presented to the Planning Commission during the Commission's public hearing) depicts the QIP/Virtu site with a bolded red outline. That map is color-shaded to depict (a) the existing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations for surrounding properties in the site area and (b) the proposed RMD designation for the QIP/Virtu site. As the map illustrates, the proposed RMD designation for the QIP/Virtu site is the same designation that the Sunset Bluff site to the east has and the same designation as the properties to the north of Sunset Boulevard. The subject QIP/Virtu site, which only totals about 9.6 acres, is well-situated to provide for a westerly extension of the 65-lot Sunset Bluff residential subdivision project. Not only is the QIP/Virtu site's topography logically oriented for a development connection to the Sunset Bluff site, the attached colored map illustrates how Sunset Bluff's already-approved road and lot Renton City Council October 1, 2007 Page 2 layout could be slightly modified at the Sunset Bluff site's west end to allow a loop road to be constructed within the QIP/Virtu site. Such a loop would eliminate the need for the cul-de-sac bulb (which the prior Sunset Bluff preliminary plat approval contemplated within the east end of the QIP property), thus improving turnaround capabilities and avoiding a dead end. The map further depicts both (a) a 200-foot spacing between Road A and Road B within the QIP/Virtu site, which would only allow for two rows of approximately 100-foot deep lots, and (b) an approximate 100-foot minimum depth of space outside the north and west edges of Road B, which would only provide for a single row of lots. This would not be a big development. No lots are contemplated along the south edge of depicted Road A because of the lack of space and the steep slope south of Road A. (Note that the alignment of Road A shown on the map within the QIP/Virtu site is generally consistent with the layout of the emergency vehicle access road approved as part of the Sunset Bluff development.) Not only is the proposed R-10 zoning of the QIP/Virtu site the same zoning as that of the R-10-zoned Sunset Bluff site, that zoning will provide an appropriate transition to the already developed Sunset View Apartments site to the north. A lesser intensity residential zone for the QIP/Virtu site would be inconsistent with the zoning of both (a) the apartments to the north (the site of which is zoned Multi-Family) and the Sunset Bluff site's R-10 zoning, through which all residential traffic to the QIP/Virtu site would pass. A detailed explanation of the site's circumstances and a demonstration as to why the proposed Residential Medium Density (RMD) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation with R-10 zoning is appropriate for the subject site under the City's applicable land use policies and rezone criteria are set forth in my attached Project Narrative (which I have updated in "redline" format today to bring it current and to illustrate the revisions that I made to the previous version submitted to the City on January 22, 2007). Unanimous Planning Commission Support for the Proposal as Well as City Staff Support for the Proposal Note that the subject proposal was carefully considered by the Planning Commission. It has been the subject of(a) at least three City Staff briefings of the Planning Commissions, (b) site visits by members of the Planning Commission (accompanied by City Staff) on two occasions, (c) a subsequent public hearing before the Planning Commission, (d) Planning Commission deliberations and, ultimately, (e) the Planning Commission's unanimous recommendation of support for the applicants' proposal for a Residential Medium Density (RMD) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation with R-10 zoning. During the course of those proceedings, City Staff presented to the Planning Commission not only the applicants' R- 10 proposal but two other residential zoning concepts (R-4 and R-8) for consideration by the Commission. Potential application of each of those zones to the subject property was analyzed by the City Staff and discussed by the Commission during the various steps of the Commission's proceedings. Ultimately, shortly before the Planning Commission's vote, City Staff made an unequivocal recommendation of support for the applicants' proposal in a detailed, well-reasoned Staff Recommendation report dated August 8, 2007. I urge you to read that report if you have not already done so. Renton City Council October 1, 2007 Page 3 No Anticipated Adverse Impact to the Black River Heron Colony One of the issues that was carefully considered as part of the proceedings before the Planning Commission was how the proposed rezone relates to the Black River heron colony, the nearest nest of which lies approximately 800 feet to the south in the Black River riparian forest. That issue was not a difficult one because the proposed rezone, is a downzone from the QIP site's existing Heavy Industrial zoning. My client's heron expert, Kenneth Raedeke, PhD, prepared an extensive report dated January 15, 2007 addressing the heron colony and the question of rezone impacts on the colony. That report was submitted to the City along with the application materials for the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezone. On page 16 of his report, Dr. Raedeke states: Conversion of the QIP and Virtu properties to R-10 residential uses, which the proposed non-project action could eventually lead to, should have no adverse impact upon the heron colony in view of the existing heavy industrial uses of the QIP Property and the existing potential for other IH uses on the QIP Property. This conclusion is based on my professional opinion that: (1) disturbance to the colony (if any) would be reduced by residential development of the subject properties; (2) herons in the region have shown great adaptation to residential developments and the Black River herons would be expected to be adaptive as well; (3) the heron colony is highly habituated to a substantial level of surrounding area disturbances (some of which are from areas substantially closer to the colony than the QIP and Virtu properties and some of which are much more intrusive to the colony than any disturbances from R-10 residential development and use of the QIP and Virtu properties would be); and (4) the QIP and Virtu properties are too distant from the colony for activities associated with future residential development and use of those properties from having any adverse impact on the colony, especially in view of the colony's existing urban context. I am herewith providing for the record a letter from Dr. Raedeke as his public hearing testimony. You will find attached to his letter both his curriculum vitae and a copy of his January 15, 2007 report. lee Nue Renton City Council October 1, 2007 Page 4 During the Planning Commission proceedings, the group known as Herons Forever proposed that a limitation to 50 residential lots be placed on the site in conjunction with the proposed R-10 zoning. For at least four reasons, the Planning Commission acted properly in declining to recommend to the Council that any such limitation be imposed. First, as noted above, the proposed rezone is a downzone that will clearly limit the intensity of potential development below that which would be possible under the QIP site's existing Heavy Industrial zoning. In that regard, previous comments in the Planning Commission record from Dr. Raedeke and from Herons Forever as well as from the State of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife make clear that everyone agrees that the development possible under R-10 zoning of the site will have less potential for impact upon the heron colony than would development possible under the site's existing Heavy Industrial zoning. Second, Dr. Raedeke's testimony and documentation provided to the Planning Commission make clear that there is no basis for concluding that residential density differences of the sort that were considered by the Planning Commission (under R-4, R-8 and R-10 zoning scenarios) would be expected to have any statistically different impacts upon herons in the subject heron colony with the circumstances at hand (circumstances such as the large distance between the portion of the site that would be developed and the heron colony, the existing rail line and rail traffic between the City park and the south edge of the subject site, the fact that most of the site is already unvegetated and does not provide heron habitat, and the fact that an emergency vehicle access road is already planned, approved and under construction within the site along the south edge of the top of bank between and Sunset Bluff to extend to Monster Road). Third, as the Staff Recommendation to the Planning Commission correctly noted, there is little difference between the 50-unit cap that Herons Forever proposes and the number of potential units (59) that City Staff estimates for development of the site. Fourth, there is no mechanism for imposing a cap on the number of units unless the City and the applicant are both willing to enter into a development agreement following a special public hearing on such an agreement, which is totally inappropriate under the circumstances and which the applicant opposes. Under the circumstances, the City Council should follow the Commission's lead and approve the proposed R-10 zoning as recommended. Note that my client and I are in the midst of negotiations with Herons Forever. Both sides are seeking to reach a private agreement to address each other's concerns in relation to the ultimate development of the QIP/Virtu site. Conclusion and Request In sum, the proposed Residential Medium Density (RMD) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation with R-10 zoning is appropriate for the subject site in view of the site's surroundings and topography and in view of the City's applicable land use policies and rezone criteria. The Planning Commission has unanimously recommended approval of the proposal r . Renton City Council October 1, 2007 Page 5 with the recommendation of City Staff. No adverse impacts to the distant heron colony are anticipated because the rezone is a downzone from the QIP site's existing Heavy Industrial zoning. For the foregoing reasons, I urge your approval of my client's proposals. Sincerely, HALINEN LAW OFFICES, P.S. (6_ David L. Halin n Enclosures cc: Quarry Industrial Park, LLC Attn: Donald J. Merlino Rebecca Lind, Planning Manager, City of Renton Department of Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Erika Conkling, Senior Planner, City of Renton Department of Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning C:\CF\2441\004\City Council\City Council LT1(10-1-07).doc `9w ..1441.. 18215 72ND AVENUE sum KEN1 Wt 98032 (,5)251-4222 t (420251-8702 FAX y ° b m 1 - UM/1/N �' +e er K sown a Otto. 1 1� J,.-,:44zil ni j l 7-‹.., // ( ----... '""---.L........:`,..,,,, ;':::-:? 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Associates, L.L.C.) are both located in Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian. The 8.71-acre QIP Property is (a) bounded on the south by (i) the South 140th Street unimproved right-of-way (King County addressing system) (along roughly the west half of the QIP Property's south boundary) and (ii) an RC-zoned sliver of land owned by QIP varying in width from 0 feet to 71.05 feet (along roughly the east half of the QIP Property's south boundary), (b) bounded on the north by the South 137th Street unimproved right-of-way, and (c) roughly located between 74th Avenue South (if extended) and 72nd Avenue South (if extended). See the accompanying legal description and map exhibits. The Virtu Property is a triangle-shaped 0.90-acre portion (the southeast corner) of the existing Sunset View Apartment Homes complex site located at 2101 S.W. Sunset Boulevard. See the accompanying legal description and map exhibits. Current Uses: The QIP Property is currently used for storage of construction materials and equipment and for construction materials recycling activities. (It is the east part of the property that was formerly the "Black River Quarry".) The Virtu Property is a vacant portion of the Sunset View Apartment Homes site. Current Comp. Plan Land Use Map Designations: QIP Property: Employment Area - Industrial (EAI) Virtu Property: Residential Multi-family (RMF) Proposed Comp. Plan Land Use Map Designation: Both Properties: Residential Medium Density (RMD) Page 1 of 10 Nue 'o' Current Zoning: QIP Property: Heavy Industrial (IH) Virtu Property: Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) Proposed Zoning: Both Properties: R-10 (Residential-10 Dwelling Units Per Acre) Proposed Land Use: Non-project action. (Future residential development consistent with R-10 zoning is anticipated.) Proposed By: Quarry Industrial Park, LLC (herein referred to as "QIP") and V.E.E. Associates, L.L.C. (herein referred to as "Virtu") 1. The Applicants' Requested Changes to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps Applicant QIP requests (a) an amendment to the QIP Property's City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for the QIP Property from Employment Area - Industrial (EAI) to Residential Medium Density (RMD) and (b) a rezone of the QIP Property from Heavy Industrial (IH) to Residential-10 Dwelling Units Per Acre (R-10). Applicant Virtu requests (a) an amendment to the Virtu Property's City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation from Residential Multi-family (RMF) to Residential Medium Density (RMD) and (b) a rezone of the Virtu Property from Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) to Residential-10 Dwelling Units Per Acre (R-10). 2. Size and Location of the Subject Properties The 8.71-acre QIP Property is located approximately 320 feet south of SW Sunset Boulevard (SR-900), with the 20-foot wide unimproved South 137th Street right-of-way lying along the property's north boundary, the 30-foot wide unimproved South 140th Street right-of-way lying along roughly the west half of the property's south boundary and an RC-zoned sliver of land owned by QIP lying along roughly the east half of the property's south boundary. The QIP Property's west boundary is located approximately in line with 74th Avenue South (if extended) and the QIP Property's east boundary (which is the west boundary of the site of the Sunset Bluff Residential Subdivision (under construction)) is located approximately in line with 72nd Avenue South (if extended). The approximately 0.90-acre Virtu Property is located south of S.W. Sunset Boulevard (SR-900), north of and abutting the 20-foot wide unimproved South Page 2 of 10 'owe se 137th Street right-of-way and north of the east end of the above-described QIP Property. The Virtu Property's east boundary is also the west boundary of the Sunset Bluff Residential Subdivision site and approximately in line with 72nd Avenue South (if extended). 3. Current Use of Site and Any Existing Improvements The QIP Property site is currently used for storage of construction materials and equipment and for construction materials recycling activities. It is the east part of the overall property that was formerly the "Black River Quarry". A private emergency access roadway that serves the site of the Sunset Bluff Residential Subdivision is under construction across the southerly part of the QIP Property. (The site of the Sunset Bluff Residential Subdivision, which is under construction, lies to the east of both the QIP Property and the Virtu Property.) The emergency access roadway connects with Monster Road SW to the southwest of the QIP Property. The Virtu Property is a vacant, undeveloped corner portion of the Sunset View Apartment Homes site. 4. Special Site Features The QIP Property is irregular in shape and slopes generally to the southeast. Existing soil stockpiles lie within parts of the west-central portion of the QIP Property as part of the stockpiling of construction materials. The Virtu Property is triangular in shape and also slopes generally to the southeast. City of Renton slope maps appear to identify relatively small areas of both properties as having "Sensitive Slopes" (i.e., slopes 25 percent to 40 percent) and slopes that may qualify as "Protected Slopes" (i.e., slopes 40 percent or greater and having a minimum vertical rise of 15 feet) as defined by the City of Renton. (On a Slope Exhibit prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers based upon data taken from those City slope maps, about 1.39 acres of the QIP Property and about 0.24 acres of the Virtu Property appear to be sensitive slopes and about 0.17 acres of the QIP Property and about 0.10 acres of the Virtu Property appear to be protected slopes.) However, because the Protected Slopes on the QIP Property were created through mineral and natural resource 1 These estimated acreages of Sensitive Slopes and Protected Slopes are based upon the following assumptions: (a) that all of the areas of slopes 40 percent and greater depicted on the City of Renton slope maps have a minimum vertical rise of 15 feet and (b)that the areas of slopes 25 percent to 40 percent and 40 percent and greater depicted on the City of Renton slope maps are not temporary soil stockpiles or other temporary slope areas. Page 3 of 10 Nay ,i400 recovery activities, under RMC 4-3-050J.5.b they qualify for exemption from the City's ordinary prohibition of development on such slopes. An active Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) railroad line and associated right-of-way, which lie at the base of a steep slope, abut the south edge of the 30-foot wide unimproved South 140th Street right-of-way lying to the south of the QIP Property. No wetlands are known to exist on either the QIP Property or the Virtu Property. The Black River Riparian Forest exists within a City of Renton park to the south of the sites (south of the BNSF railroad line and right-of-way). A great blue heron colony lies within roughly the center of the City park property. The closest distance between the QIP Property and the heron colony is approximately 800 feet. 5. Location of Existing Structures Neither of the two subject properties has existing permanent structures, although construction office trailers are located on the QIP Property. (The Virtu Property is an undeveloped corner portion of the Sunset View Apartment Homes site, a site on which an existing 240-unit apartment complex is located.) 6. Specific Responses to the Following Decision Criteria: A. The CPA and associated Rezone bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety or welfare. The requested Comprehensive Plan Amendments and rezone bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety or welfare because they would: (1) Allow the replacement of the existing contractor's outdoor equipment and material storage and construction materials recycling activities located on the QIP Property with residential housing, a use that would increase the City's tax base and provide a much more desirable neighboring use for the adjacent residential uses to the north and the planned single-family residential use on the "Sunset Bluff" site to the east; (2) Allow the development of the Virtu Property, which currently cannot be readily developed because of topographic constraints on its north edge but which could be developed in conjunction with the development of the QIP Property to the south; and Page 4 of 10 Nov *are (3) Provide for a more logical west boundary for R-10 zoning than does the west boundary of the R-10-zoned Sunset Bluff site to the east of the QIP Property and Virtu Property because: (a) Most of the west boundary of the QIP Property is located at a toe of an abrupt, steep slope (ranging from approximately 45 feet to 100 feet in height) that will shield future residential development on the QIP Property from existing and future industrial uses to the west of the slope--see the accompanying four-sheet Topographic and Cross-Sectional Exhibit prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc.; (b) There is no comparably abrupt grade differential between the west edge of the Sunset Bluff site and the west edge of the QIP Property to shield the Sunset Bluff site from existing and future industrial uses on the QIP Property; and (c) The combination of the sloping topography and relatively narrow2 geometry of the QIP Property do not lend the QIP Property to capital intensive, heavy industrial development but the combination is appropriate for R-10 residential use of the property. B. The CPA and associated Rezone address changing circumstances or the needs of the City as a Whole. The subject CPA and associated rezone proposal would address the changing circumstances of (1) the residential access street that is in the process of being constructed across the abutting Sunset Bluff residential subdivision site to the east into the east portion of the QIP Property and (2) the emergency access road that is in the process of being constructed across the industrial land to the west from Monster Road SW and across the QIP Property to connect to the above-mentioned residential access street. The residential access street will have ample capacity to serve residential development of the QIP Property and Virtu Property. In addition, the emergency access road will have ample capacity to provide 2 The QIP Property encompasses the narrowest portion of the overall assemblage of abutting parcels comprising the site of the former Black River Quarry owned by Quarry Industrial Park, LLC. Page 5 of 10 emergency access to serve residential development of the QIP Property and Virtu Property as well as to provide emergency access to the southeasterly portion of the existing Sunset View Apartment Homes, a portion of that apartment development that sometimes experiences access problems during icy weather. The City of Renton as a whole is continuing to experience a substantial demand for residential real estate of all types. This CPA and associated rezone proposal will allow development of single-family housing on the subject properties, a use that is currently prohibited on both properties by the current zoning and Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations. Single-family housing would be an appropriate land use on the subject properties located between the existing RM-F-zoned Sunset View Apartment Homes neighborhood to the north and the R-10-zoned Sunset Bluff single-family residential subdivision that is in the process of being developed on the property to the east. The industrial property to the west is much higher in elevation than the subject properties, and the elevation differentials between them will substantially screen existing and future industrial uses on the industrial property from single-family homes on the subject properties. The subject CPA and rezone proposal would also address the needs of the City as a whole by providing for close-in single-family housing opportunities for employees of local businesses. C. The CPA and associated Rezone are compatible with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan or other policies or goals of the City The following discussion of applicable Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies demonstrates that the requested Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment and associated rezone are compatible with applicable provisions of the Renton Comprehensive Plan. General Residential Policies Policy LU-123 Pursue multiple strategies for residential growth including: 1) Development of new neighborhoods on larger land tracts on the hills and plateaus surrounding downtown; * * Page 6 of 10 fir+ The subject hillside properties will provide the opportunity for an extension of the new hillside residential subdivision neighborhood that is currently beginning on the abutting hillside Sunset Bluff site to the east, which is currently under construction. This extended neighborhood will be near downtown Renton. Policy LU-124. Promote the timely and logical progression of residential development. Priority for higher density development should be given to development of land with infrastructure capacity and land located closer to the City's Urban Center. The subject CPA and associated rezone would promote the timely and logical progression of residential development on the subject properties. Up until now, street access and utilities have not been available to the subject properties. However, in conjunction with the abutting Sunset Bluff development to the east, (1) a residential access street is in the process of being constructed across the Sunset Bluff site into the east portion of the QIP Property, (2) a sanitary sewer main has recently been constructed from Monster Road SW into the QIP Property and will soon be extended across the QIP Property to serve the Sunset Bluff development, (3) an emergency access road is in the process of being constructed from Monster Road SW (and across the QIP Property) to connect to the above- mentioned residential access street, (4) a 12-inch diameter water main is being constructed across the Sunset Bluff site and into the QIP Property beneath the public street and (5) franchise utilities (electrical power, natural gas, telephone and other communication lines) are also being constructed across the Sunset Bluff site and into the QIP Property beneath or along the edge of the public street. All of these infrastructure improvements will have ample capacity to serve residential development of the QIP Property and Virtu Property. Those street and emergency access road improvements will also provide needed emergency access to the southeasterly portion of the existing Sunset View Apartment Homes, a portion of that apartment development that sometimes experiences access problems during icy weather. In view of the infrastructure improvements now being made available, under LU-124 residential development on the subject properties should be promoted. Policy LU-129. Small-lot, single-family infill developments and plats should be supported as alternatives to multi-family development to both increase the City's supply of single-family detached housing and provide homeownership opportunities. The subject CPA and rezone will encourage development of small-lot single-family infill development of the subject properties. Page 7 of 10 4410, • Residential Medium Land Use Designation Policies Objective LU-GG: Designate land for Residential Medium Density (RMD) where access, topography and adjacent land uses create conditions appropriate for a variety of unit types designed to incorporate features from both single-family and multi-family developments, and to support cost efficient housing, infill development, transit service, and the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. The subject properties have access, topography, and adjacent land use conditions appropriate for a variety of unit types. As mentioned above, access improvements into the QIP Property are currently under construction. Site topography is generally conducive to residential development. Residential development of the subject properties will make cost-efficient use of much of the infrastructure that is already under construction in conjunction with the abutting Sunset Bluff development. The location of the subject properties adjacent to existing multi-family land use to the north and northwest and single-family residential development underway to the east is conducive to a variety of unit types for the subject properties. Policy LU-157. Residential Medium Density designated areas should be zoned for either Residential 10 dwelling units per net acre (R-10), Residential 14 dwelling units per net acre (R-14), or new zoning designations that allow housing in this density range. In view of the fact that the subject properties total only 9.61 acres, the subject properties should be zoned R-10 because of (a) above-quoted Policy LU-157's R-10 and R-14 zoning alternatives for RMD-designated land and (b) Policy LU-159's requirement that R-14-zoned sites must be greater than 20 acres in size, thus leaving R-10 as the only zoning option for the subject properties. Policy LU-158. Residential Medium Density neighborhoods may be considered for Residential 10 (R-10) zoning if they meet three of the following criteria: 1) The area already has a mix of small-scale multi-family units or has had long standing zoning for flats or other low-density multi-family use; 2) Development patterns conducive to medium-density development are established; 3) Vacant lots exist or parcels have redevelopment potential for medium- density infill development; 4) The project site is adjacent to major arterial(s) and public transit service is located within % mile; Page 8 of 10 Niky. Noe 5) The site can be buffered from existing single-family residential neighborhoods having densities of eight (8) dwelling units or less; or 6) The site can be buffered from adjacent or abutting incompatible uses. While only three of Policy LU-158's criteria must be met for R-10 zoning of the subject properties, all six criteria are in fact met with respect to the subject R-10 zoning proposal. First, with respect to item 1, the adjacent Sunset View Apartment Homes site to the north (which is part of the area) has had longstanding zoning for flats. (With that zoning, flats have been in existence on that site since 1969.) Second, the approved, abutting medium-density (R-10) Sunset Bluff development to the east has established a development pattern conducive to medium-density development on the subject properties. Third, as explained above, the subject properties have potential for medium-density infill development. Fourth, residential development of the subject properties will essentially become an extension of the Sunset Bluff project, which abuts major arterial SW Sunset Boulevard and has a public transit stop located about half a block west of the planned Sunset Bluff site entrance intersection with SW Sunset Boulevard. Fifth, the onlyee existing nearby single-family residential neighborhoods having an existing density of eight (8) dwelling units or less per acre is the old, existing hillside single-family area in unincorporated King County lying to the north of Sunset Boulevard (and north of the Sunset View Apartments) and that area is already fully buffered from the QIPNirtu site by the existing Sunset View Apartmentsyet exist, making buffering unnecessary. Sixth, the abrupt slope and grade differential to the west will buffer the site from industrial uses to the west. D. The CPA and associated Rezone are compatible with and not materially detrimental to adjacent Land Uses and surrounding neighborhoods. The proposed RMD Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation and R-10 zoning of the subject properties would amount to an extension of the existing RMD-designated/R-10-zoned Sunset Bluff site to the east. Further, by eliminating IH zoning on the QIP Property, the proposed changes will improve compatibility of the subject properties with the adjacent residential land uses to the north and east. In addition, because of the vertical separation afforded by the abrupt, steep slope to the west of the QIP Property and the abrupt steep slope along the QIP Property's south edge down to the BNSF Railroad right-of-way, the subject CPA and rezone proposal are compatible with and will not be materially detrimental to the adjacent industrial land uses to the west or to the railroad and City park uses to the south. Page 9 of 10 4400, E. The CPA and associated Rezone will not result in development which will adversely impact community facilities, including but not limited to utilities, transportation, parks or schools On the order of 55 to 60 future homes appear to be developable on the subject properties with the proposed CPA and associated R-10 rezone. As noted above, City of Renton sanitary sewer and water mains are already being extended into the QIP property and will be available to serve the subject properties. Traffic associated with the R-10 scale of development that the subject properties will afford is not anticipated to adversely impact existing transportation facilities, especially in view of the City's traffic impact fee requirements (which will apply to future development of the subject property). In view of the City's park mitigation fee requirements and fire department mitigation fee requirements (which will also apply to future development of the subject properties), future development of the site is not anticipated to adversely impact City parks or the City's fire department facilities. The Renton School District has adequate capacity to serve anticipated students who would live in a completed residential development of the subject property. F. The subject property is suitable for development in general conformance with zoning standards under the proposed zoning classification. The subject properties have generally moderate topography that is suitable for residential development in general conformance with zoning standards under the proposed R-10 zoning classification of the properties. Revised January 22, 2007 Further revised October 1, 2007 Page 10 of 10 err v„r'' October 1, 2007 Renton City Council 1055 South Grady Way, Seventh Floor Renton, WA 98055 Re: Public Hearing Testimony concerning the proposed 2007-M-05 Map amendment (Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment of the QIP/Virtu property from Employment Area Industrial to Residential Medium Density with corresponding downzone from IH zoning to R-10 zoning) Public Hearing Testimony I am a wildlife consultant, an affiliate professor in the College of Forest Resources at the University of Washington, and a principal in the 15-person biological sciences consulting firm Raedeke Associates in Seattle, a firm that I founded 28 years ago. I have extensive personal knowledge concerning great blue heron in general and the Black River Heron Colony in Renton in particular. (A professional resume is attached.) I am presenting this letter in regard to the topic of potential impacts (if any)that the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment of the QIP/Virtu property from Employment Area Industrial with IH zoning to Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning is likely to have on the great blue herons that nest in the Black River Riparian Forest(BRRF) and related matters. This letter is based upon (a) the assessment of the potential impacts of the proposed changes described in my January 15, 2007 attached report entitled Great Blue Heron Assessment, QIP and Virtu Properties, (b) subsequent consultations I have had with biologists from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and (c) my recent observations at the colony. Basic Conclusions: All involved biologists (me, Herons Forever's biologist and WDFW's biologist) have agreed that the rezone from heavy industrial to residential use will reduce the potential for disturbance to the heron-nesting colony. The site is part of the historic Black River Quarry site. Residential development of the site would not affect the existing vegetative buffers around the colony since very little of the site is vegetated. The existing vegetated buffer lies within the City park that surrounds the Black River heron colony. R/DEK= /SSOCI/T=S, I\C 5711 \ortneast 63rc St. Sea—e, Wz 98115 (206) 525-8122 *ow, NINO Renton City Council October 1, 2007 Page 2 The approximate 800-foot distance between the closest portion(the west part of the south edge) of the QIP Property and the nearest great blue heron nests in the Black River colony should be more than adequate for preventing impacts to the colony from future development of the QIP/Virtu site for the following reasons: • the 800-foot distance is greater than the distances between the colony and other existing developments around the colony, • the 800-foot distance is greater than the distances between the colony and existing and historic disturbance factors around the colony, including the active BNSF railroad line lying between the site and the colony (on which two freight trains pass six days a week) • two freight trains pass between the proposed development and the colony six days a week, • the entire QIP and Virtu properties lie well beyond the 600-foot"optimum buffer width for protection of the [Black River] heron rookery"that Stenberg (June 12, 1998 letter to Jana Huerter)recommended in 1998 public hearings for the Black River Corporate Park office buildings, • the 800-foot distance is greater than the width of actual buffers around any of the other existing heron colonies in King County (see Stabins 2001 and Stabins and Raedeke 1992), • the railroad, steep slope, the existing fence along the north edge of the Renton park property, a probable future fence that would be associated with the development of the QIP Property, and dense forest communities between the proposed rezone sites and the heron colony will prevent casual human incursion into the buffer area as well as incursion by pet dogs and most pet cats,1 and • the Black River colony is very habituated to human disturbance including the blasting in the quarry that ceased only a few years ago and including the ongoing construction materials recycling operations on the quarry site. There are no documented cases of residential development this far from a heron colony having an adverse effect on the colony. The existing buffer would not increase if the property is not rezoned. An emergency vehicle access road has previously been approved by the City along the QIP's property's south edge and is well under construction. There would be no measurable difference in potential impact to herons for the various housing densities and corresponding potential lot yields that City staff discussed before While some pet cats might conceivably be able to enter the Black River open space despite those obstacles,they would face substantial predators of their own (such as coyotes) in the open space, making risk to the colony from pet cats highly unlikely. Page 2 of 5 a.✓ Renton City Council October 1, 2007 Page 3 the Planning Commission for the site (e.g., City staff-estimated potential yields of 22, 41, and 59 lots under R-4, R-8 or R-10 zoning scenarios) or for the inclusion of some attached single-family units in a residential development of the site. The site has very little existing vegetation and development at any of the different densities considered by the Planning Commission would not result in any potential habitat retention on the site. Numerous heron colonies in the Puget Sound region are thriving within urban residential settings when not preyed on by bald eagles. The major problem for herons is predation by bald eagles, not urban development at the distance that the QIP/Virtu site is away from the Black River heron colony, especially when the heron colony is located in the middle of a nearly 100-acre public park. Heron Population Status: The numbers of pairs of nesting great blue herons has been increasing in Puget Sound and Washington state over the past 40 years, based on: • Christmas Bird Counts conducted by the Audubon Society • Breeding Bird Counts conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service • Numerous regional studies • WDFW Priority Habitat Species database Great blue heron(and bald eagle)numbers have been generally increasing in the United States in general, but with some local areas of decline. The increase is believed to be due to a decrease in use of DDT in the U.S. since the mid-1960s. In King County, the number of nesting pairs of great blue herons reached a new high in 2006 of over 400 nesting pairs (see Figure 3 in my attached report). A reported 6% decline in heron colonies in British Columbia is not consistent with conditions in the United States and has no relevance to the Black River heron colony. Black River Colony Status The number of nesting pairs of herons in the Black River colony has increased over time with(expected2) annual variation. The number of nesting herons was higher in 2006 (after the logging and mass grading of the abutting Sunset Bluff site)than in 2004 before 2 Variations from year-to-year are expected due to conditions away from the colony that affect over-winter survival of the herons. Page 3 of 5 *we Nisi Renton City Council October 1, 2007 Page 4 the work on that site began. Any changes in the number of nesting pairs in 2007 are likely in direct response to the active eagle nest in former heron nest colony tree. Productivity in the Black River colony is high and exceeds the number needed to maintain colony growth. The Renton heron colony's productivity rate in 2006 was 2.5 fledglings per nest. That rate is: • Higher than in 2000 (when it was 2.41), before the Sunset Bluff project work • Higher than the 2000 King County average of 2.42 (with increase in heron since) • Substantially higher than researcher Henny's estimated level of 1.91 needed for colony persistence In 2007, Herons Forever reported eagle predation on the eggs and young in the nest. The eagles likely were the cause of additional adult mortalities observed on the edge of the pond. The delay in the start of the Black River Colony's nesting in 2007 is typical of a regional pattern observed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife at numerous other colonies. Overall Conclusion My overall conclusion is that the proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment and the corresponding downzone from Heavy Industrial to R-10 will not cause any adverse impacts to the Black River heron colony. Residential development and use that would eventually follow such an action would be expected to be more favorable to the heron colony than would heavy industrial development and use of the site. Raedeke A ss e '. es, Inc. i Mr— , Ke -th J. Raedeke, Ph.D. P r ncipal Attachments (Professional Resume and January 15, 2007 Report) Page 4 of 5 4440 Noe Renton City Council October 1, 2007 Page 5 cc: Quarry Industrial Park LLC Attn: Donald J. Merlino David L. Halinen, Halinen Law Offices, P.S. Erika Colliding, Senior Planner, City of Renton Department of Economic Development,Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Page 5 of 5 f ___ ver KENNETH J. RAEDEKE, Ph.D. EDUCATION: Ph.D. 1979 Wildlife Ecology, University of Washington B.S. 1970 Wildlife Ecology, University of Montana PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1979 to Present Principal, Raedeke Associates, Inc. Scientific Consulting, Seattle 2006 to Present Affiliate Professor, College of Forest Resources University of Washington, Seattle July 1985- Research Associate Professor, College of Forest Resources July 2006 University of Washington, Seattle 1983-1984 Affiliate Associate Professor, Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts July 1980- Research Assistant Professor, College of Forest Resources to July 1985 University of Washington, Seattle June 1979- Research Associate, College of Forest Resources to June 1980 University of Washington, Seattle September 1975- Graduate Research Assistant, Wildlife Sciences Group to June 1979 College of Forest Resources, University of Washington May-Sept 1976 Wildlife Biologist, Marine Mammal Division National Marine Fisheries Service, Sandpoint, Seattle, Washington Raedeke Associates, Inc. Page 1 Kenneth J. Raedeke 6/1/2007 • *✓ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (continued): 1972-1975 Wildlife Biologist, Chilean National Forest Corporation Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile Summer 1974 Wildlife Consultant, National Parks Development Program Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Santiago, Chile 1971 Research Associate, College of Forest Resources University of Washington, Seattle 1967-1970 Research Assistant, School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula Summers Research Assistant, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 1968 - 1970 Auke Bay Biological Laboratory, Alaska PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: American Society of Mammalogists Ecological Society of America Pacific Northwest Bird and Mammal Society The Wildlife Society Xi Sigma Pi Society for Conservation Biology PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: Past Vice President, Pacific Northwest Bird and Mammal Society Panel Member, National Wetland Policy Forum Panel Member, King County Environmental Policy Review Commission Member, National Research Review Committee Panel, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Invited Participant, White House Regional Forum on Technology for a Sustainable Future Member, Game Management Advisory Council, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Raedeke Associates, Inc. Page 2 Kenneth J. Raedeke 6/1/2007 GRADUATE STUDENTS CHAIRED AND COMMITTEES: Denis J. DeSilvis. 1989. Seasonal flocking behavior and habitat used by forest birds. Masters thesis. James M. Shields. 1990. Effects of logging on bird populations in southeastern New South Wales. Ph.D. Sonya de Bary Pereda. 1990. Influence of nest-site characteristics on the reproductive success of Magellanic penguins. Masters thesis. Patricia A. Lock. 1991. Old growth riparian birds of the Olympic Peninsula: Effects of stream size on community structure. Masters thesis. Paul S. Anderson. 1993. Distribution and habitat selection by wintering trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) in the lower Skagit Valley, Washington. Masters thesis. Sharon G. S. 1994. Response behavior and habitat use of the Great Horned Owl in Northwest Washington. Masters thesis. Amy J. Stabins. 2001. Great blue herons in King County, Washington. Masters thesis. Raedeke Associates, Inc. Page 3 Kenneth J. Raedeke 6/1/2007 44ale pry RELEVANT WILDLIFE PUBLICATIONS Raedeke, K. 1975. Characteristics and distribution of nesting sites of Coscoroba swans on Isla Grande, Chile. Special Publications, Corporacion Nacional Forestal, Magallanes, Chile (in Spanish). Taber, R., S. West, and K. Raedeke. 1980. Some cumulative effects of forest management on wildlife. Pages 51-66 in Cumulative Effects of Forest Management on California Watersheds. Special Pub. 3268, Div. Agric. Sci., University Calif., Berkeley. 109 pp. Taber, R., D. Manuwal, S. West, K. Raedeke, and D. de Calesta. 1981. Wildlife management in the mesic-temperate forest of Washington and Oregon. Pages 575-587, Proc. Div. I, XVII IUFRO World Congress, Kyoto, Japan. Raedeke, K., and J. Lehmkuhl. 1986. Chapter 53. A simulation procedure for modeling the relationships between wildlife and forest management. Pages 377-381 in J. Verner et al., editors. Wildlife 2000: Modeling habitat relationships of terrestrial vertebrates. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. Raedeke, K. 1987. Incentives to preserve wetlands: An overview. Pages 213- 216 in P. Dyer, editor. Northwest wetlands: What are they? For whom? For what? Institute for Environmental Studies, University Washington, Seattle. 291 pp. Raedeke, K. (ed). 1988. Riparian wildlife and forestry interactions. Contribution 59, Institute of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle. 277 pp. Rochelle, J., L. Hicks, and K. Raedeke. 1988. Management opportunities for wildlife in riparian areas. Pages 135-138 in K. Raedeke, editor. Riparian wildlife and forestry interactions. Contribution 59, Institute of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle. 277 pp. Raedeke, K. 1989. Forest management and wildlife in the Pacific Northwest: a review. Northwest Environmental Journal 4(2):263-279. Raedeke, K., E. Salo, and J. Hulsey. 1989. Effects of slash burning on productivity of fish and wildlife. Pages 113-125 in D. Hanley, J. Kammenga, and C. Oliver, editors. The burning decision: Regional perspectives on slash. Contribution 66, Institute of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle. 374 pp. Raedeke Associates, Inc. Page 4 Kenneth J. Raedeke 6/1/2007 NOW *me Hanley, D., D. Baumgartner, and K. Raedeke. 1992. Coastal Douglas-fir forests and wildlife. Stabins, H., and K. Raedeke. 1992. Status of great blue heron nesting colonies in King County, Washington. Northwest Science 66(2):126. Milligan Raedeke, D., and K. Raedeke. 1994. Wildlife habitat design in urban forest landscapes. Pages 139-149 in G. Bradley, editor. Urban Forest Landscapes: Integrating Multidisciplinary Perspectives. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. Stabins, A., K. Raedeke, and D. Manuwal. 2006. Productivity of great blue herons in King County, Washington. Northwest Science 80(2):116-119. Raedeke, K., and A. Stabins. (in prep). Status of great blue herons in King County, Washington. Raedeke Associates, Inc. Page 5 Kenneth J. Raedeke 6/1/2007 rrr RELEVANT UNPUBLISHED REPORTS: Taber, R. and K. Raedeke. 1975. The Biotic Survey of Ross Lake Basin. Vol. 5. Center for Ecosystems Studies, University of Washington. 115 pp. Raedeke, K. and R. Taber. 1981. Enhancement of wildlife habitat on rights-of- way through application of sewage sludge. Center for Ecosystem Studies, University of Washington. 25 pp. Taber, R., K. Raedeke, and D. Paige. 1982. Wildlife-forest interactions. Mt. St. Helens Blast Zone. Final report to Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Vancouver, Washington. 29 pp. Taber, R. and K. Raedeke. 1982. Old-growth forest habitats: A problem analysis and study plan. Final Report to U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Expt. Sta., Contract PNW-81-190. 155 pp. Raedeke, K. and R. Taber. 1983. Snowmobiles and wildlife in Washington State. Final report to Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. 193 pp. Fox, J., K. Raedeke, and R. Taber. 1983. Off-road vehicles and wildlife in Washington State. A preliminary survey. Final report to Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, Olympia, Washington. 102 pp. Zarnowitz, J., and K. Raedeke. 1984. Winter predation on coho fingerlings by birds and mammals in relation to pond characteristics. Final report to Washington State Dept. of Fisheries, Olympia, Washington. 34 pp. Raedeke, K., et al. 1990. Assessment of Port Ludlow heron colony. Report to Pope Resources, Poulsbo, Washington. Raedeke, K., et al. 1990. Assessment of black river herons. Report to First City of Washington. Raedeke, K. et al. 1993. Plants and animals of the Avondale Lutheran Church site, Redmond Washington. Report to Avondale Lutheran Church. (Includes assessment of Spencer heron colony). Schuerholz, G., K. Raedeke, and R. Demarchi. 1998. Review of the conservation impacts of the PAWS Project, Kenya. Report to The World Bank by TAESCO Consultants, Friedland, Germany. Raedeke Associates, Inc. Page 6 Kenneth J. Raedeke 6/1/2007 Raedeke, K., et al. 1998. Great blue heron assessment. Black River Heron Colony, Renton, WA. Report to Blackriver Rivertech, LLC. Seattle, WA.// Raedeke, K. 2006. Great Blue Heron Management Plan, Alderidge Preliminary Plat Lynnwood, Washington. Cooperative Agreement with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and City of Lynnwood. Raedeke, K. 2007. Great blue heron assessment. QIP and Virtu Properties, Renton, WA. Report to Quarry Industrial Park, LLC., Seattle, WA. Raedeke Associates, Inc. Page 7 Kenneth J. Raedeke 6/1/2007 NOW %NO RELEVANT PRESENTATIONS AND SYMPOSIA: Raedeke, K., R. Taber, and R. Lee. 1980. Costs and benefits of wildlife conservation in developing countries. Proceeding of International Seminar on Wildlife Management in Developing countries. Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar, Pakistan. Raedeke, K. 1988. Monitoring influences of water level changes on wetlands in the Chester Morse Lake Basin. EPA Conference on Wetlands Research in Washington State. EPA Region X, Seattle, Washington. Raedeke, K. and E. Salo. 1988. Effects of slash burning on productivity of fish and wildlife. Invited presentation. The Burning Decision: A Regional Symposium on Slash. College of Forest Resources, Seattle, Washington. Ewing, K. and K. Raedeke. 1991. Vegetation succession of a freshwater deltaic sedge community after alteration of pool-level fluctuation for water storage. Abstract 27.9, Ecological Society of America, San Antonio, Texas. Raedeke, K. and D. Milligan. 1993. Wildlife habitat in urban forest landscapes. Urban Forest Landscapes: Integrating Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Invited presentation. Seattle, Washington. Raedeke, K. 2001. The state of the science and art of wildlife knowledge and how we are using it. Invited keynote speaker, The Wildlife society, Moses Lake, Washington. Raedeke, K. 2002. Private Lands Wildlife Management Agreements and how they help forestland management. Invited presentation. Western Forestry and Conservation Association, Tacoma, WA. Raedeke, K. 2005. Great blue heron populations in an urbanizing environment. Invited presentation, Wildlife Seminar Series, University of Washington. Raedeke Associates, Inc. Page 8 Kenneth J. Raedeke 6/1/2007 GREAT BLUE HERON ASSESSMENT QIP and Virtu Properties—Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments and Rezones Renton, Washington January 15, 2007 RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC. /411110 ail wr Report To: Quarry Industrial Park, LLC Attn: Mr. Don Merlino 9125 — 10th Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98108 r Title: Great Blue Heron Assessment QIP and Virtu Properties--Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments and Rezones ter Renton, Washington Project Number: 2007-002-001 Prepared By: Kenneth J. Raedeke, Ph.D. RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC. 5711 Northeast 63rd Street Seattle, Washington 98115 1111 (206) 525-8122 Date: January 15, 2007 lila R DEK= ASSOCIATES, I\C 5711 \ortheast 63rd St, Seale, WA 98115 (206) 525-8122 two Now Noir rrr TABLE OF CONTENTS les Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 STATUS OF THE GREAT BLUE HERON 2 2.1 Regulatory Status of Great Blue Herons 2 2.2 Historical Status of the Great Blue Heron Population 2 2.3 Heron Population Status in King County 3 2.4 Heron Response to Disturbance 4 2.5 Analysis of Status of Regional Heron Colonies 6 2.6 Studies of Nest Colony Abandonment 9 MS 3.0 HISTORY AND STATUS OF THE BLACK RIVER COLONY 12 3.1 Number of heron nests 12 3.2 History of Colony Disturbance 12 3.3 Existing Buffers on the Heron Colony 14 rio 4.0 ASSESSMENT OF REZONE IMPACTS ON THE BLACK RIVER HERONS 15 Oa 4.1 Description of Existing Conditions 15 4.2 Description of Proposal 15 4.3 Disturbance Impacts of Proposed Rezone 16 4.4 Adequacy of the Buffers on the Heron Colony 16 4.5 Construction Limitation Zone 18 5.0. HABITAT APPROACH TO WILDLIFE PROTECTION 19 6.0 LITERATURE REVIEWED 21 411 FIGURES AND TABLES 29 "' Appendix A. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Priority Habitat& Species Management Recommendations Appendix B. City of Renton Zoning Information •a iii w Nr Iwo1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to provide an assessment of the probable impacts on the status of the Black River great blue heron(Ardea herodias) colony that would result from ,,,,, the pending Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Rezones of the QIP Property and Virtu Property in Renton, Washington. The Black River heron colony is located in the City of Renton north/northwest of the existing Black River Corporate Park, within approximately 100 acres of City-owned permanent park, open space, riparian forest and wildlife habitat. The lands that are the subject of this report in relation to the Black River heron colony are the QIP Property and the Virtu Property located in Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M. north of the BNSF railroad tracks in the City or Renton. See Figures 1 and 2 (the two attached 11"by 17"color aerial photo exhibits) for the boundaries of the properties in relation to the heron colony and its surroundings. The 8.50-acre QIP Property is bounded on the south by the South 140th Street unimproved right-of-way, on r the north by the South 137th Street unimproved right-of-way, and between 74th Avenue South(if extended) and 72nd Avenue south(if extended). The 0.9-acre Virtu Property is the southeast corner of the existing Sunset View Apartment Homes complex site located at 2101 S.W. Sunset Boulevard. Both of these properties abut portions of the west edge of the Sunset Bluff Residential Subdivision development(under construction). The QIP Property is currently used for storage of construction materials and equipment and for construction materials recycling activities. It is the eastern part of the property that was formerly the Black River Quarry. The Virtu Property is a vacant portion of the Sunset View Apartment Homes site. If the proposed Renton Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map amendments and rezones of these properties are adopted, these properties could be developed as residential— 10 dwelling units per acre under Renton R-10 zoning classification(after obtaining necessary project approvals/permits). The lands in question are surrounded by residential land uses to the north, the Sunset Bluff residential development under construction to the east, the BNSF railroad line to the south, and heavy industrial lands and uses to the west. The heron colony is located across the BNSF railroad line from the QIP and Virtu properties, adjacent to the regional stormwater ponds located in the above-mentioned City of Renton park lands. QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 AMY Noe • 2 r�r 2.0 STATUS OF THE GREAT BLUE HERON Nis 2.1 REGULATORY STATUS OF GREAT BLUE HERONS The great blue heron is a protected non-game species. As a type of non-game species, the great blue heron is protected from hunting and any other form of direct harm. It is also illegal to destroy an active heron nest. Additionally, the great blue heron has been classified by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) as one of the Priority Species under Criterion 2 for species with vulnerable aggregations. Great blue heron are considered to be vulnerable due to their inclination to aggregate for breeding purposes(WDFW 1999). It should be noted that WDFW's Priority Species classification of the great blue heron is not based on documented population declines but, rather, by the heron's vulnerability due to the aggregated nature of their nest sites. The WDFW has prepared recommendations for management of the habitat priority species (Appendix A); however, the recommendations are guidelines only and are not regulatory in nature. It should also be noted,that WDFW's recommendations for buffers are based largely on studies of heron colonies in non-urban habitats. None of the studies WDFW cites in the current PHS guidelines on its website in support of its buffer recommendation for the great blue heron were conducted in the Puget Sound region. 2.2 HISTORICAL STATUS OF THE GREAT BLUE HERON POPULATION While historically there is thought to have been a decline in heron populations in the Puget Sound region starting with European settlement during the early 1900s, a review of historical evidence shows that the number of breeding great blue herons in the region has been increasing since the 1960s. Oil Calambokidis et al. (1985) compared available historical data with total nest counts conducted in 1984 in eight of the major great blue heron colonies in western Washington (Table 1), and concluded that there was "no evidence that these heronries were experiencing significant declines in nest numbers over time" (page 97), and further that the "numbers of nesting herons at Samish Island, Dumas Bay, Nisqually, and Totten Inlet have apparently increased over time, while nest numbers at Auburn and Long Island sites have fluctuated, but appear to be stable or possibly increasing" (page 97). QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 rr 3 The data by Calambokidis et al. (1985), presented in Table 1, actually shows a three-fold increase in the number of heron nests in the colonies that they intensively censused as part of their study. Norman (1995)reviewed the status of over 100 heron colonies in the Puget Sound area and concluded that there is no evidence to suggest there has been a decline in heron "" numbers. In his review of the Christmas Bird Count data,Norman(1995 and 1991) concluded that there has been an increase in heron numbers over the past 25 years. The regional observations of Calambokidis et al. (1985) and Norman(1995) are consistent with population trends in great blue heron recorded across North America. Graham et al. (1996)reported a 98% increase in the number of active colonies and a 55% as increase in the number of heron pairs from 1976-81 to 1986-91 as part of an intensive inventory of 1,613 heron colonies in the mid-west. Citing the results of others (e.g., a 150% increase noted by Brechtel 1981; a 100%increase by Martin& Lester 1990, and an undefined increase by McCrimmon 1982), Calambokidis et al. (1985, page 44) concluded that"this species appears to have healthy growing populations in North America". gre Butler(1997) documented a similar increase in great blue heron numbers in the major nesting colonies in British Columbia(see Figure 16,page 127 in Butler 1997) from about ""' 25 nests in 1968 to over 650 nests in 1992. At the same time, he calculated a 6% annual decline in heron numbers in coastal British Columbia between 1966 and 1994, based on the Breeding Bird Surveys. However, over this same period, Audubon's Christmas Bird Counts for the United States as a whole increased 850% (from 5,000 to 42,500 herons), and even higher in Washington State (e.g., 4381% over this entire time period, from 47 to 2059 herons). Corrected for any changes in number of observers or observer effort (using the index of the number of birds observed per party-hour),the rate of increase of the herons in Washington State over the same period is 300%. Scientists have concluded that the elimination of DDT from common use (and, as a result, from the aquatic ecosystems) has contributed to the recovery of the great blue heron and other species such as the bald eagle (see Calambokidis et al. 1985). DDT has been implicated as a cause of eggshell thinning in these birds that feed on aquatic prey. Eggshell thinning results in eggs breaking before hatching, causing a decline in fledging 'n' success. 2.3 HERON POPULATION STATUS IN KING COUNTY err The heron population within the urban lands of King County is also increasing in numbers, following the general trends in North America reported by the authors cited above. Raedeke and Stabins (2007) compiled information on the heron nest colonies from a variety of sources (including the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's ami QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 err • err 4 PHS database) and from intensive monitoring surveys conducted by the authors (Figure 3). Based on the data compiled by Raedeke and Stabins (2007) from the sources cited above, we note the following great blue heron population trends in King County.: • the number of active nesting colonies has increased from a low of one in 1980 to 13 by 2000, • the number of active nests increased from 16 in 1980 to over 400 in 2006, • based on the most recent data, all colonies that Raedeke and Stabins (2007) inventoried are showing increases in number of nests (the average number of active nests has increased from about 12-15 per colony to over 50 per colony), • while some colonies have been abandoned,they appear to have been re- established in nearby locations in subsequent years (e.g.,the Spencer Property colony to Redmond Town Center 3 miles to the south). It should be noted that these data represent the minimum number of nesting herons, as other small heron nest colonies were reported to exist(e.g., two nests on the Montlake fill near the University of Washington's Urban Horticulture Center) and not all nests are observed during field surveys due to concealment by foliage. Smith et al. (1997) mapped •„ 21 confirmed heron nest sites, 2 additional probable nest sites, and 63 additional possible nest sites in King County. 2.4 HERON RESPONSE TO DISTURBANCE The WDFW PHS heron guidelines reference various field research studies of heron response to disturbance and the effect of buffers on the rookeries. Four studies deal with •. observed flushing distances (Taylor et al. 1982, Vos et al. 1985, Parker 1980, and Rogers and Smith 1995); one deals with observed nest distributions in relation to disturbance • (Werschkul et al. 1976). It should be noted that while these studies may be indicative of heron response to disturbance and are the basis of the WDFW heron PHS guidelines, none of the studies was conducted in urban habitats in this region, and several reference „• different heron species. The most informative studies of heron response to disturbance in local urban conditions would be Stabins (2001) and Vennesland(2000). Carlson and McLean(1996) is an informative large scale study of heron response to disturbance in urban areas in the mid- west. Flushing Studies ,,, The flushing studies were all similar in design. The authors subjected a heron-nesting colony to disturbance (generally humans walking or motoring within different distances QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 wr NNW 5 of the colony) and then observed and noted the herons' reactions. The minimum distance at which the birds flushed from the nest was then considered to be the minimum recommended buffer. .• Taylor et al. (1982), studying a single heron colony in Indiana, noted the response of herons in a nesting colony to different types of human disturbance at varying distances. Herons, they found, did not flush in response to: 1111 • mechanized farming within 66 feet if the farmers did not get off the tractor • helicopters within 227 feet • human activities within 280 feet • deliberate vegetation destruction within 495 feet. They recommended a buffer of 577 feet as a no-entry zone for human activity. Vos et al. (1985), studying heron response to boating activity in Colorado, recommended a buffer of 150 meters (492 feet), which was their greatest observed flushing distance plus 50 meters for safety. They hypothesized that, while flushing from the nest is not in itself +■ an impact on the heron, flushing could reduce fledgling production due to heat stress, increased vulnerability to predation, and increased energy expenditure of adults. Rogers and Smith(1995), exposed fifteen species of colonial waterbirds at 17 colonies in Florida in semi-urban and rural areas to three different human disturbance mechanisms to determine recommended setback distances for protecting these nesting assemblages. NW They recommended setbacks (e.g., buffers) of 328 feet for people walking around the nest sites, and smaller buffers for motorboats (270 feet). Logging Disturbance A study of nest distribution in relation to logging disturbance dealt with the impacts of timber harvesting on heron colonies in Oregon(Werschkul et al. 1976). In their study, they noted a lower percentage of active nests in the disturbed colony, and noted that active nests were farther from logging disturbances than inactive nests. However, conclusions cannot be drawn from their data, as even they note: " . . . we realize that fledging rate should have been measured at more disturbed sites . . . " (Werschkul et al. 1976:662). They had only one disturbed site and, while the fledgling rate for the disturbed site (2.20 per nest) was lower than the average for the undisturbed sites, it was within the range observed for the undisturbed sites (2.18 to 2.58 per nest). With a sample size limited to one nesting colony in the disturbed category, the sampling was statistically inadequate and the study's conclusions were thus made without statistical basis. QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 NO low 44110 6 Response to Human and Mechanized Disturbance Carlson and McLean(1996) conducted an evaluation of the impacts of human disturbance on great blue heron nesting colonies. They calculated fledging success for 19 ""' colonies with a variety of associated human disturbance and buffer conditions (from no buffer to a 2,640-foot buffer). Disturbance at each colony was classified as to the type of disturbance (e.g., humans on foot or mechanical activity) and ranked by degree of severity and frequency of disturbance. No correlation was determined to exist between fledging success and the size of a buffer around the colony; that is, the size of the buffer zone has no statistically significant effect on the fledging success of the colony. Carlson and McLean (1996) did find that colonies with frequent foot traffic in the actual colonies had lower nesting success than did colonies with no disturbance or colonies with mechanical disturbances (e.g., farming, vehicle traffic, trains, etc.). They noted that barriers such as water and fences that isolate the colony from human access increased the 1110 fledging success rate of the colony. It is significant to note that mechanical disturbance, such as construction noise, was not found to be a disturbance that affected nesting success. Vennesland (2000) studied heron nesting colonies in coastal southern British Columbia and found that"there was no significant relationship between total human activity within 250 m of 22 colonies and mean heron breeding productivity in 1999 (P>0.15)(including pedestrians, cars,planes and land clearing equipment)." irr These results are consistent with the observations of Taylor et al. (1982)who noted that mechanized farming within 66 feet of the nest did not result in flushing. Based on the results of Carlson and McLean(1996) cited above, Butler(1997, page 132) concluded that "...large forest buffers (e.g., 825 feet)may not be necessary if other means of minimizing human disturbance in the colony are available" (emphasis added). Butler (1997) and Carlson and McLean(1996) note that effective types of buffers include water barriers and vegetation. Such features are found within the Black River riparian forest. The WDFW PHS guidelines failed to consider the results of the Carlson and McLean (1996) or the Vennesland(2000) studies. 2.5 ANALYSIS OF STATUS OF REGIONAL HERON COLONIES The status of King County heronries and their relationship to disturbance has recently been studied and summarized by Stabins (2001). Based on 206 visits to 19 colony sites in King County and a review of the existing inventory data, she found that the number of r colonies and number of breeding herons have increased steadily since the early 1980s. die QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 Alii -► 7 Stabins (2001, see Table 10) found that the average disturbance-free buffer around the ,, heron colonies in King County in 2000 was 59.8 feet. Stabins (2001)conducted a quantitative analysis to determine which landscape features NM affected productivity, size, and success of heron colonies in her King County study area. She determined nest productivity for 354 nests in 13 active colonies during 206 colony site visits. She characterized the landscape habitat conditions around the colonies and compared them with colony characteristics (e.g., productivity, size, and success). Landscape characteristics that Stabins (2001) measured were: • proportion of high and low human activity around the colony • proportion of areas around the colony consisting of roads, houses, and other buildings (high human activity) or consisting of forest, fields, and water(low human activity) • distance to salt water • distance to water body • distance to active bald eagle nest • size of closest stream(e.g., stream"order") Stabins (2001) then used multiple-linear regression to determine which landscape features affected productivity, colony size, and success. She found no correlation between buffer width and the viability and size of the colony. She found that colony success was positively related to amount of human disturbance around the nests and colony size, and negatively related to the distance to bald eagle nests. Simpson(1984)noted similar 11111 results in his study of 15 heron colonies monitored for four years. While these results are somewhat counter-intuitive,both Simpson and Stabins speculated - that proximity to human activity might deter eagle predation. Simpson(1984,page 35) noted that"Nesting herons could benefit from a close association with people if predators are less tolerant of humans". Stabins' and Simpson's results are also consistent with the findings of Carlson and McLean(1996) and Vennesland(2000), who found no correlation between buffer width mor and the success of the colony as measured by the production of viable fledglings. Buffers and Local Heronries The conditions that support local heron colonies in urban areas like Renton are most indicative of the needs of the heron at the Black River heron colony, while studies of dill QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 • Now Imo 8 w herons from other areas under distinctly different conditions in rural and remote areas m• responding to different types of disturbance have less applicability. For example, Werschkul et al. (1976) studied the relationship of herons in relatively •• isolated forests and in relation to forest management practices in Oregon; Parker (1980) studied the responses of herons to recreational activities in riparian forests in Montana; Taylor et al. (1982)noted the responses of herons to recreational use in a park area with a a'" habitat of mixed forest and agricultural uses. The results of those studies do not provide relevant gauges to potential disturbance associated with construction and use of a possible residential subdivision on the QIP Property, a site that (a) already has industrial uses on e" it, (b) lies outside of a roughly 100-acre urban riparian forest and public open space (within which the Black River colony lies) beyond an active freight railroad line and (c) is flanked by existing residential developments and a heavy industrial use (a construction materials recycling operation that includes concrete crushing). The relationship between existing heron colonies and development demonstrates the tolerance of these birds in urban areas. Jones and Stokes, Inc. (1991), Jensen et al. (1990), Butler(1997), Carlson and McLean(1996)and others have shown that heron nesting colonies are tolerant of urban disturbances and, indeed, have increased in numbers within short distances of disturbance (0 to 25 feet). mo Viability of Local Heronries Bayer(1991, comment letter to the City of Renton) questioned the relevancy of a buffer analysis based on local heron colonies. He asserted that none of the local colonies could be considered viable because they were below his theoretical minimum number of fledglings per nest needed for a viable colony. He asserts 2.33 (or 2.11 - 2.53) fledglings per nest as the minimum number required. There are several ways to demonstrate that Bayer's concern is unfounded. First, regardless of Bayer's theoretical threshold number calculated for other areas, the majority of the heronries in the Puget Sound area are increasing in number of nests and the number of heronries is also increasing. This suggests that if the productivity in these heronries is below Bayer's theoretical minimum number of fledglings per nest required for growth, then his calculated theoretical minimum is either incorrect or does not apply to local conditions. For example,the Black River colony had only 2.25-young per nest in 1990 and was increasing at an annual rate of 32 percent until eagle predation in 1991 substantially decimated the colony's population. In 2000, Stabins (2001)recorded productivity of 2.20 for the Black River colony, and over the next three years the colony nearly doubled in m, size. QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 40 .. Nay 4 0 9 Second,there are numerous studies of viable colonies below the fledglings per nest rate listed by Bayer(see Pratt and Winkler 1985, asserting 2.20 on the basis of a 13-year study; Callazo 1981, Idaho study: 2.20; English 1978: 1.96). Based on their long-term studies of great blue heron nesting colonies, Pratt and Winkler (1985) dispute the lo "viability estimates" of Bayer, Henny, and others. Third, Bayer's viability estimate may be based upon migratory heron populations, whereas the herons in the Puget Sound region are non-migratory (Butler 1997). Migratory herons would need to produce a much higher number of young per year to compensate for mortality of young during dispersal and migration. Krebs (1974) and Pratt (1970) concluded that starvation(mainly of fledged young)was the major cause of mortality in herons and that this would be greatest in migratory herons. Bayer(1991, comment letter to City of Renton) and Stenberg (2004, comment letter to City of Renton) suggested that the increase in the number of herons in colonies in King County was due to an influx of birds from other areas. Bayer implied that these rookeries could continue to increase even though they were not viable, based on his opinion that the habitat conditions were sub-marginal. It is not clear, however, where these additional birds would come from. Bayer(1991, comment letter)believes they come from abandoned colonies in the local region. However, based on intensive field data from 2000 (Stabins 2001) and 2006 (Raedeke and Stabins 2007), the growth in the number of heron nests in the active colonies in King County exceeds the number of nests in all abandoned colonies in King County. At the same time, there has been a consistent increase in the number of active heronries in the region since the early 1980s. Finally, Stabins et al. (2006) demonstrated that the productivity of the heron colonies in King County in general, and the Black River colony in particular, exceeded the minimum level required to maintain colony growth. 2.6 STUDIES OF NEST COLONY ABANDONMENT rrY There is no doubt that certain kinds of disturbance during the early nesting season can cause abandonment or nesting failure in great blue heron colonies. What is unclear is the degree and type of disturbance that is required to cause abandonment. WDFW(1991) noted that: "Colonies exist at the same location for many years, but some herons may naturally relocate their colonies in response to increased predation on eggs and young by mammals or other birds, or declines in food availability(Simpson et al. 1986). Heronries built in spruce or Douglas-fir trees may damage the host tree over time, which may also influence colony relocation(Julin 1986)." att QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 ors Nor "'r'` 10 Most reports of heron colony abandonment are based on observations after some new development or disturbance occurs near the colony. However, in the cases reviewed, no cause-and-effect relationships have been established between colony abandonment and the particular development or disturbance. Many authors also note that colonies are often err abandoned for no apparent reason(Washington Department of Wildlife 1991, Kelsall 1979, Simpson 1984, Findholt 1984, Butler 1997, and others). In one of the most comprehensive studies of the dynamics of nest colonies, Graham et al. (1996) studied the fate of 1,614 colonies and found that 48 percent of the colonies inventoried at the start of their study were abandoned, while 67 percent of the colonies e"' present at the end of their study had become established since the start of their study. The average longevity of a heron colony in their study area was 9.0 years. ss It may be that the actual cause of abandonment is coincidental to development or disturbance but is not caused by it. For example, Pratt and Winkler(1985) note that many predators on heron colonies are nocturnal (such as great horned owls and raccoons) and are rarely observed. Such predation could be coincidental to adjacent development or disturbance and be the real cause of abandonment. Murphy (1988) described habitat conditions in heron colonies in King County and noted that six of the 13 colonies had been abandoned (see Table 4 for a description of her conclusions and observations of the authors). Contrary to the popular opinion that the abandonment of these colonies was due to housing or commercial developments, development does not seem to have played a significant role, if any, in any of these ss abandonments. Rather, the abandonment was caused by vandalism to the nests or by human activities within the colony or directly under nests in the colony. In more recent cases, eagle predation and the destruction or loss of nest trees were the primary causes of abandonment. Also, all colonies that were found abandoned by Murphy (1998)were very small (4 to 8 es nests), with the exception of the Crystal Lake colony (22 nests) and the temporary abandonment of the Black River colony (39 nests)in 1991 due to extensive bald eagle predation over a sustained period. Murphy (1988) also reported the Pigeon Point nesting colony to have been abandoned as a result of construction activities, when in actuality, it had relocated a short distance away. Jones and Stokes, Inc. (1991)reported that local residents observed the colony in the area continuously during the entire period described by Murphy. Mr. Ted Muller of the WDFW (1998, personal communication) reported partial abandonment of the Kiwanis Ravine colony in 1991 following railroad repair activities within 95 feet of the colony. He also noted the abandonment of a single heron nest on is QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 +rr WO 4111 0 j 11 r• Whidbey Island when a road was constructed within 75 feet of the nest. However, in both cases, other factors (such as eagle predation, which had also been reported by local residents, especially at the Kiwanis Ravine colony)were not evaluated or studied. r• It should be noted that there has not been a documented case of heron nest colony abandonment in King County due to passive disturbance by residential activities and/or construction. All cases of colony abandonment have resulted from sustained and '•" persistent attacks by bald eagles, direct disturbance by humans in the colonies, shooting of the herons in the colony, or destruction of the nest trees resulting from heron use of the area. es Three cases of heron nest colony abandonment from the destruction of the nest trees have been documented for the region. The Bellfield Office park colony abandoned after the nest trees were killed as a result of guanotrophy(accumulation of feces). The Dumas Bay colony abandoned after an ice storm damaged the nest trees in combination with bald , , eagle predation. The Yarrow Bay colony abandoned after eagle predation and the cottonwood nest tree died and blew over in a windstorm (Jensen and Boersma 1993). In sum, as noted above, nesting colony abandonment is a common occurrence most likely resulting from: rr • predation by bald eagles (Simpson 1974, WDW 1991, Dusi and Dusi 1968, Pratt 1970, Mark 1976, Vermeer 1973, Forbes 1989, Butler 1997), as noted in the Black River colony 11110 • declines in food availability (Simpson 1984, Butler 1997) • colony-caused damage to nesting trees (Julin 1986, Wiese 1978, Butler 1997) • "severe winters" (Krebs 1974) • researchers banding birds in the nests (Simpson 1984) Any of these factors could occur coincidentally with non-critical disturbance, such as development and building construction, and yet be unnoticed at the time. • rr QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 rrr Noe `ew 12 via 3.0 HISTORY AND STATUS OF THE BLACK RIVER COLONY 3.1 NUMBER OF HERON NESTS The history of the number of nesting herons in the Black River colony is given in Figure 4. The Black River nesting colony was first observed as three nests in large cottonwood trees in 1984, at the time of construction of the P-1 Detention Basin (Van Wormer 1989). He observed 25 nests in the three large cottonwoods on the island created in the P-1 Detention Basin during the 1989 nesting period. By 1991, the number of nests increased to 45 located in 12 different trees on the island and in the riparian forest within 100 feet of the P-1 Detention Basin. The colony was abandoned that year, due to continued attacks by bald eagles (Jones and Stokes 1991). Following the temporary abandonment of the colony in 1991, the colony has recovered and expanded into a greater portion of the riparian forest to avoid eagle predation(Jones aft and Stokes 1991). In 2002, 135 nests were reported(see 2004 comment letter of Jay and Sandy Lynch to the City of Renton). Nests were located in the three large cottonwoods on the island in the P-1 Detention Basin and in trees along the north edge of the P-1 ,rr Channel (Dusek 2004). Those riparian forest trees were preferred as re-nesting sites in 1991 as they provided greater cover and protection from attacks by the bald eagles. The data points used in Figure 4 for the years 1986 to 1990, 1997, and 2001 to 2004 were provided by Suzanne Krom to the WDFW PHS data base. The 2005 and 2006 data points were provided by Ms. Krom in a 2005 newsletter of Herons Forever, and in a Seattle newspaper article, respectively. 3.2 HISTORY OF COLONY DISTURBANCE to The Black River colony has been subjected to a variety of disturbances since it was first occupied before construction of the P-1 Detention Basin. As reported by Jones and Stokes, Inc. (1989),the colony was active when the P-1 Detention Basin was constructed within 50 feet of the nest trees. The Basin was constructed from April to September 1984, much of it occurring during the nesting period. Jones and Stokes, Inc. (1989)reported that, in 1987, a large part of the riparian forest between the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and the P-1 Detention Basin was cleared and partially filled. Logging activity took place from February to mid-March, within 200 feet of the colony during the period of mating and nest site selection and building. Van Wormer(1989) reported 8 nests in the colony at that time. 1111 Since 1987, the colony has been subjected to a variety of disturbances, many during the nesting season, including: QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 Nor ` f 13 • construction and operation of the METRO wastewater treatment plant within imp 1,500 feet of the nests in the riparian forest • construction of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. within 800 feet of the nearest heron nest 111.11 • construction of Naches Avenue S.W. within 700 feet of the closest heron nest • continued routine activities of the railroad within 550 of the northwesterly nests in the riparian forest(in contrast, the distance between the nearest portion of the railroad right-of-way along the QIP Property's south edge to the nearest of the existing nests is approximately 800 feet) ++ • frequent blasting (until April 18, 2002) and outdoor heavy industrial equipment activity in the Black River quarry • continued construction materials recycling operations and heavy equipment movement on the QIP Property within 850 feet of the nearest heron nest • construction of the office building and parking lot at the east side of northern end '•` of Naches Avenue S.W. (to the south of the Sunset Bluff subdivision site) within 900 feet and 750 feet, respectively, of the closest heron nest .■ • construction of the Black River Corporate Park office building within 550 feet of the closest heron nest and construction of a parking lot lying between the building and the closest nest • clearing of debris and brush fields north of the riparian forest along the railroad tracks within 300 feet of the closest heron nest in 1998 •r • public use of an open pedestrian trail lying south of the P-1 Detention Basin within 200 feet of the closest heron nest • on-going vehicular traffic on Naches Avenue SW within 700 feet of the closest heron nest and on Oakesdale Avenue SW within 800 feet of the nearest nest • land clearing, site grading and infrastructure work for the Sunset Bluff Residential "•' Subdivision(within 990 feet of the closest heron nest) during portions of 2005 and 2006 As noted by Butler(1998, letter to City of Renton), the Black River colony herons are likely to be acclimated to human disturbance. They have established their nests in an area with extensive on-going human disturbance, but with physical barriers that largely deter the types of direct disturbance caused by humans entering the colony and noted by many authors to be the principal cause of colony abandonment(see Carlson and McLean 1996). ism There has been speculation by Suzanne Krom that the clearing and grading of the Sunset Bluff site located to the north of the heron colony caused a delay in the initiation of the au nesting season in the Black River colony in 2006. However, it appears that this is a QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 .r 14 stis regional condition(perhaps weather-related), as Cahn(2006) reported a similar observation of a delay in the initiation of the nesting season for the Kiwanis Ravine colony. ,,r, 3.3 EXISTING BUFFERS ON THE HERON COLONY The closest existing disturbance to the nests is the highly visible and unregulated public pedestrian trail that lies approximately 200 feet south of several of the nests in the Ile riparian forest. Other existing developments and active roads within close proximity of the colony include: • Naches Avenue S.W. to the east of the site is located within 700 feet of the nests on the island and within 450 feet of the closest nest tree in the riparian forest • the three-story office building at the east side of the north end of Naches Ave. S.W. (south of the Sunset Bluff site) is within 900 feet of the closest nest, and the associated parking lot is between the building and the nest trees • Oakesdale Avenue S.W. is located about 800 feet south of the heron nests • Black River Corporate Park includes a building lying within 550 feet of the nearest nest • construction materials recycling activities and heavy equipment movement on the QIP Property itself within 850 feet of the nearest heron nest dill ,rr QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 '41r `— 15 4.0 ASSESSMENT OF REZONE IMPACTS ON THE BLACK RIVER HERONS 4.1 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS The 0.90-acre Virtu Property is a currently undeveloped corner portion of the existing Sunset View Apartment Homes development and is separated from the forest-lands surrounding the heron colony by (a)the BNSF railroad tracks, (b)the Sunset Bluff residential development(under construction) and (c) the QIP Property. It is currently zoned Residential Multi-Family(RM-F)on the City of Renton zoning map. The Virtu Property is located approximately 1,200 feet from the nearest part of the heron nest colony. The 8.50-acre QIP Property is located approximately 800 feet from the nearest heron nesting area, and is separated from the colony by (a) a 50-foot high slope, (b)the BNSF railroad right-of-way and (c)the riparian forest between the railroad and the nesting area. The QIP Property is currently zoned Heavy Industrial (IH) on the City of Renton zoning map. Most of the site is unvegetated. It is currently used for storage of construction material and construction equipment and for construction materials recycling activities. The purpose of Renton's IH zoning classification is to provide areas for high-intensity industrial activities involving heavy fabrication,processing of raw materials, bulk handling and storage, construction and heavy transportation. A description of the IH zone and allowed uses allowed within it, as defined by the City of Renton, is set forth in s` Appendix A. 4.2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL rrr The proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments and Rezones for the QIP Property and Virtu Property would allow for future development of the properties (after first obtaining development project approvals, such as a preliminary plat approval and approval of construction drawings) into R-10 zone allowed residential uses, with up to 10 dwelling units per acre. A full description of the allowed uses in Renton's R-10 zone is given in Appendix A. With regard to the heron colony, the key element of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments and Rezones would be (a) the ultimate elimination of the disturbance associated with current construction materials recycling and heavy construction equipment on the QIP Property and(b)prohibition of other potential industrial uses of the QIP Property under the IH zone. so QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 law 16 4.3 DISTURBANCE IMPACTS OF PROPOSED REZONE 411. Conversion of the QIP and Virtu properties to R-10 residential uses,which the proposed non-project action could eventually lead to, should have no adverse impact upon the heron colony in view of the existing heavy industrial uses of the QIP Property and the existing potential for other IH uses on the QIP Property. This conclusion is based on my professional opinion that: (1) disturbance to the colony (if any)would be reduced by residential development of the subject properties; • (2) herons in the region have shown great adaptation to residential developments and the Black River herons would be expected to be .• adaptive as well; (3) the heron colony is highly habituated to a substantial level of surrounding area disturbances (some of which are from areas substantially closer to the colony than the QIP and Virtu properties and some of which are much more intrusive to the colony than any disturbances from R-10 residential development and use of the QIP and Virtu properties would be); and MIN (4) the QIP and Virtu properties are too distant from the colony for activities associated with future residential development and use of those properties from having any adverse impact on the colony, am especially in view of the colony's existing urban context. 4.4 ADEQUACY OF THE BUFFERS ON THE HERON COLONY Our assessment of the adequacy of the Black River heron colony buffer distances in relation to the proposed rezone is based on regional observations of heron nesting colonies response to habitat conditions as well as existing local conditions. Local observations provide the best indicator of the range of environmental conditions that are e` conducive to maintaining viable great blue heron colonies in this area. The approximate 800-foot distance between the closest portion of the QIP Property and the nearest great blue heron nests in the Black River colony should be more than adequate for the following reasons: • the 800-foot distance is greater than the distances between the colony and other existing developments around the colony, QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 .ftue 17 • • the 800-foot distance is greater than the distances between the colony and existing and historic disturbance factors around the colony, including the active BNSF railroad line lying between the site and the colony (on which two freight trains pass six days a week) • two freight trains pass between the proposed development and the colony six days a week, • the entire QIP and Virtu properties lie well beyond the 600-foot"optimum buffer width for protection of the [Black River] heron rookery"that Stenberg (June 12, 1998 letter to Jana Huerter)recommended in 1998 public hearings for the Black River Corporate Park office buildings, • the 800-foot distance is greater than the width of actual buffers around any of the other existing heron colonies in King County (see Stabins 2001 and Stabins and Raedeke 1992), • the railroad, steep slope, the existing fence along the north edge of the Renton park property, a probable future fence that would be associated with the development of the QIP Property, and dense forest communities between the proposed rezone sites and the heron colony will prevent casual human incursion into the buffer area as well as incursion by pet dogs and most pet cats' • the Black River colony is very habituated to human disturbance including the blasting in the quarry that ceased only a few years ago and including the ongoing construction materials recycling operations on the quarry site . '•" Vennesland(2000) and Carlson and McLean(1996)both noted that pedestrian access within the buffers around heron colonies was the factor that caused the most impacts on the colonies. The Black River colony has a public access trail within 200 feet of the •. colony and there is heavy year-around foot-traffic on the trail, especially during the nesting season. Despite those other, closer developments and those closer disturbance factors, the Black River colony continues to grow. The most recent, large-scale study of heron colonies in King County (Stabins, 2001, Table 10) showed(a) no correlation between buffer width and colony viability and size and (b)that colony success was positively related to the amount of human disturbance around the nests and colony size. As noted above,these results are consistent with other 1 While some pet cats might conceivably be able to enter the Black River open space despite it those obstacles,they would face substantial predators of their own(such as coyotes) in the open space, making risk to the colony from pet cats highly unlikely. or• QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 Noir 18 11111 such assessments (Simpson 1984, Shipe and Scott 1981, Vennesland 2000, Carlson and McLean 1996). 4.5 Construction Limitation Zone 11111 The WDFW (1999) PHS great blue heron guidelines recommend that activities such as logging and construction should not occur with 1,000 m (3,281 ft) of a colony and no aircraft should fly within a vertical distance of 650 m (2,133 ft) during the nesting season, based on the recommendations of Butler(1991). However, no scientific studies support that recommendation. A review of Butler(1991) finds that his recommendation was based on personal recommendations of Kelsall made without citing any supporting studies. (See Butler (1991)page 10.) Butler then goes on to note that"there are no data on the sensitivity of nesting herons to loud noises such as heavy construction, logging and house iis construction". He then cites the recommendations of Bowman and Siderius (1984) relating to herons in Ontario in support of the 1,000 m buffer purportedly needed for construction related activities. In review of Bowman and Siderius (1984), one finds no supporting studies for a 1,000 m construction season buffer. The only studies of disturbance that they cite are studies of cattle egrets, herons in rural Florida, and colonial nesting birds in national parks in the northeastern region of the USA, and none of these studies deal with a 1,000 m buffer. Note that a construction moratorium within 1,000 meters of the Black River heron colony during the breeding season would encompass lands down to I-405 to the south, east to Lind Avenue SW in the heart of the City of Renton, and west almost to Interurban Ave. MN South. (See Figures 1 and 2.) Obviously, a moratorium in this entire area is unrealistic and/or unenforceable. Further,there has been substantial construction activity within this area during the past heron breeding seasons with no measurable impact on the herons. In view of the location of the QIP Property and Virtu Property in relation to the Black River colony and the other factors discussed above,no construction limitation zone is needed in relation to future construction on those two properties. +rw 410 air QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 410 `are 19 5.0. HABITAT APPROACH TO WILDLIFE PROTECTION les The 1991 Memorandum of Agreement(MOA) among the City of Renton,private property owners to the south, and interested environmental groups concerning the Black River heron colony was based on a habitat approach that provided for consideration of the overall needs of the herons and other wildlife rather than the application of rigid rules applied to a single group of heron nest trees. Habitat approaches have been adopted by the WDFW(1991) and federal agencies as the best way to protect wildlife of special public interest(e.g., bald eagle nest sites and spotted owls). "•' The habitat approach previously adopted for Black River heronry protection in the 1991 MOA included the following design elements: - • a 500-foot buffer from the most northerly of the then-proposed office buildings to the nearest of the nest trees on the island in the P-1 Detention Basin • retained vegetation within that buffer for screening of the office development to the south • a riparian forest separated from development by the P-1 Detention Basin • elimination of development proposals for 62 acres of land around the riparian forest sold by the property owner to the City of Renton as permanent open space and wildlife habitat • an expanded riparian forest providing alternative nest sites and an area of younger trees for new nests that will continue to be available over time as the trees on the island die or blow down • These elements of the MOA augmented the habitat by the City of Renton and the other property owner surrounding the heron colony, including: • dedication of 17.5 acres of land to the City of Renton for construction of the P-1 Detention Basin • planting of vegetative screening along the margins of the P-1 Channel and Detention Basin dili • dedication of 20.0 acres of land to the City of Renton for riparian forest wildlife habitat • sale of 62.2 acres of land to the City of Renton for permanent open space and wildlife habitat The habitat conditions within the entire City of Renton Black River open space complex already greatly exceed the minimum habitat recommendations for heron nest colonies by WDFW (1991). In WDFW's (1991)habitat management guidelines, a minimum 10-acre QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 Nome ,600 20 Oa stand of large trees buffered from disturbance is recommended. The combined 100 acres of riparian forest and retained forest stands, detention basin, open space, and existing buffers around the Black River colony greatly exceeds that habitat recommendation. r�r r�r r Mil rr tom QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 err • Nor iwr� 21 6.0 LITERATURE REVIEWED Anderson, J. 1978. Protection and management of wading birds. National Audubon Society. Wading Birds 7:99-103. 40 Bailey, V., and M. Terman. 1983. A comparative study of a great blue heron colony in Chase County, Kansas. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. 86:81-88. Bayer, R. D., and E. McMahon. 1981. Colony sizes and hatching synchrony on great blue herons in coastal Oregon. 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Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 rir INF w 27 Sullivan, J., and S. Payne. 1988. Aspects of history and nesting mortality at a great blue wee heron(Ardea herodias) colony, Quentico Provincial Park, Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist 102(2):237-241. Taylor, T., M. Reshkin, and K. Brock. 1982. Recreation land use adjacent to an active heron rookery: a management study. Proc. Indiana Academy of Sciences 91:226- 236. ms Thompson, D. 1977. Decline in populations of colonial waterbirds within the upper floodplain of the Mississippi River. Colonial Waterbirds 1:26-37. Thompson, T. 1994. Avondale/Spencer heron colony and"Park 95" development. Letter dated Feb. 9, 1994 to Raedeke Associates, Inc. Washington Dept. Wildlife, Mill Creek, WA. Terres,J. 1980. Heron family. pp. 495, 499 In The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds. New York,NY. .r� Van Wormer, R. 1988. Technical report on recommended setbacks of great blue heron rookery. Independent Ecological Services, Olympia. 10 pp. Van Wormer, R. 1989. Technical report on recommended setbacks of great blue heron rookery. Independent Ecological Services, Olympia. 10 pp. — Vennesland, R. 2000. The effects of disturbance from humans and predators on the breeding decisions and productivity of the great blue heron in south-coastal British Columbia. M.S. thesis, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. 109 pp. Vermeer, K. 1973. Great blue heron and double-crested cormorant colonies in the Prairie Provinces. Canadian Field Naturalist 87:427-432. Vos, D., R. Ryder, and W. Graul. 1985. Response of breeding great blue herons to human disturbance in north-central Colorado. Colonial Waterbirds 8:13-22. Washington Department of Wildlife. 1991. Management Recommendations for Priority Species: Great Blue Herons. Olympia, WA. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 1996. Priority Habitats and Species List. Habitat Program, Olympia, WA. MO am QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 riw low 28 Washington Department of Wildlife. 1999. Management Recommendations for Priority Species: Great Blue Herons. Olympia, WA. Webb, S., and S. Forbes. 1981. Colony establishment in an urban site by great blue herons. Murrelet 63:91-92. Werschkul, D., E. McMahon, and M. Leitschuh. 1976. Some effects of human activities on the great blue heron in Oregon. The Wilson Bulletin 88:660-662. Werschkul, D., E. McMahon, M. Leitschuh, S. English, C. Skibinski, and G. Williamson. 1977. Observations of the reproductive ecology of the great blue heron(Ardea herodias) in Western Oregon. The Murrelet 58:7-12. Wiese, J. 1978. Heron nest site selection and its ecological effects. Wading Birds. Natl. Audubon Soc. Res. Rep. 7:27-34. sup ell ON Ile WI QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 an Nor ,44.0 rir FIGURES AND TABLES arw Ole ow air NilII MIN Oil WM r.... `.�. �.. .... ....r_ mond ....r ..w .�. ...r ..� • •• b , ",',0117..7in n • :may,.` "4 • i � •- �, � t „. .. . 71. t `; IL •• 1 ,Ifff_.:.--- ' -' %. ..,,,,,„_ Y ,..., \ ,. . . .......... 4 ...,,,,:,,..... .„.,,, ..-- s , 111 �` .,.,.. ,. .._,:.= ..... _..: . w . ,...... 2..._ . 4, ..I / ,, / , - ssa+ I • 1 ok "' IM f tet'' �/ . �r , • ff.'s.-.011t2,41, € \ t " 4 = �. E a , tt R , pk s y \ e � \ a at w. 4t a ",,,, „7., iki,,,,s 7,,,,,,, t '` _ '!fie\`\ ., „ ,,,, ,----,',Iii,, -. R 4 V L Q J \ .1W"' , ..___,:,:,":1,:,,5ati.. .....1;',....;1/4 .. 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Comparison of heron colony nest counts in Western Washington from ,„„ Calambokidis et al. (1985). First Count 1984 Date of First Count Samish Island >50 334 1925 March Point nd >42 No previous data West Seattle nd 16 Since 1940's NO Dumas Bay 5 46 1978 Peasley Canyon 0 14 First nests in 1968 210 Nisqually 0 53 First observed in 1977 Totten Inlet 30 75 1978 Long Island 125 128 1981 Total nests 210 692 dill MO INN QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 wr 11W '4010 Will 111 S rid rr111 via oil mai Now' 'tele 35 Table 2. Buffer recommendations and basis for recommendations. Source/Type Buffers (in feet) Comments Research/Direct Observations: Taylor et al. 1982 577 Observations of flushing Vos et al. 1985 492 Flushing distance over water Rogers & Smith 1995 328 Flushing distances Parker 1980 82 Observations of flushing odo Literature Review: WDFW 1999 management 820-980 PHS guidelines King County(1998) 660 Shipe and Scott(?) Schirato (WDW) 1990 175 Comments on Heron Cove Jones & Stokes Inc. 1990 250 North Miller Bay colony WDW 1989 75 Relies on Parker 1980 Shipe & Scott 1981 656 Werschkul et al. 1976 Personal Professional Opinion: do Kelsall 1990 1000 Professional opinion Bayer 1990 800-1000 Professional opinion la Unknown Basis: Koonz and Rakowski 1985 3,300 Involved rural/remote area study Markam and Brechtel 1978 1,650 Based on rural/remote area study Forbes et al. 1985 1,642 Based on rural/remote area study ""' Quebec 1986 660 Forest management guidelines Dunn 1987 660 .� Penland 1986 660 Cites department policies Penland 1987 500 Reference to Pigeon Point Mathiesen and Richards 1978 330 gie Kitsap County 1991 350 City of Seattle 1986 200 Anderson 1978 165 Thompson(WDW) 1994 250 OM QIP Property and Virtu Property Rezones Raedeke Associates, Inc Great Blue Heron Assessment January 15, 2007 rrir w 44019 a r�fr S S no S ma S S w S S S ■r • Appendix A. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Priority Habitat & Species Great Blue Heron Management Guidelines err' Nu rr�l rut sr mai UI UI UI UI I. rr UI UI .w • Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias ad` wr `4' Last updated: 1999 \ { q ' � yeti l l a. a� � �'•.. Written by Timothy Quinn and Ruth Milner GENERAL RANGE AND --- = WASHINGTON DISTRIBUTION Great blue herons are found throughout most of North lex Iy America south of 55 north latitude and into much of " aaCentral and South America.Breeding pairs on the Pacific t 011, coast occur only to about 52 north latitude.Distribution of }' great blue herons within Washington is state-wide(see .. Figure 1). 1 n. RATIONALE k, Figure 1. The great blue heron, Ardea herodias, Great blue herons can be vulnerable because of their occurs throughout Washington. Map derived from the tendency to aggregate during the breeding season.The literature. availability of suitable great blue heron breeding habitat is rtir declining as human population increases in Washington State.In addition,great blue herons may abandon breeding colonies or experience reduced reproductive success when disturbed by humans. ma HABITAT REQUIREMENTS Great blue herons occur near most types of fresh and saltwater wetlands including seashores,rivers,swamps, marshes,and ditches.They are found throughout Washington but are most common in the lowlands. Nesting Great blue herons are colonial breeders that nest in a variety of deciduous and evergreen tree species.Nests are usually constructed in the tallest trees available,presumably to reduce the risk of predation by mammals(Butler 1992,Carlson 1995),but may also be located in bushes and in artificial structures(Bruce 1986,Blus et al. 1980) when trees are absent(Henny and Kurtz 1978).In King and Kitsap counties,great blue herons nested at heights trr Volume IV:Birds. 3-1 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife ilir rW a a a r i a NOW ranging from 9-26 m(30-85 ft)in the tallest trees available(Jensen and Boersma 1993).A British Columbia study found that most great blue heron nests occurring in trees were located>14 m(46 ft)in height.No nests were found under 10 m(33 ft)(Mark 1976).Great blue herons in western Oregon nested at heights ranging from 7-25 m(23-82 ft)(Werschkul et al. 1976). Feeding Great blue herons feed on a wide variety of aquatic and marine animals found in shallow waters.Great blue herons also feed on mice and voles(Calambokidis et al. 1985,Butler 1995),which were an important food for nestlings in �.r Idaho(Collazo 1981)and may be an important food for British Columbia great blue herons during winter(Butler 1995). At large spatial scales(e.g.,great blue heron home range),the location of great blue heron colonies is probably best dm explained by the distribution of foraging habitat(Gibbs 1991,Jensen unpublished data,see human disturbance below for smaller scale considerations).Although great blue herons may forage up to 29 km(18 mi)from a colony, most forage within 2-5 km(1-3 mi)of the colony(Short and Cooper 1985,Butler 1995).The number of nests per .r� colony in British Columbia(Butler 1991),Oregon(Werschkul et al. 1977,Bayer and McMahon 1981),Maine (Gibbs 1991),and Washington(Jensen unpublished data)were positively correlated with the amount of nearby foraging habitat,and in Maine were negatively correlated with the costs of foraging at greater distances(km flown/ha of wetland visited). MI Feeding territory size and location may vary from year to year(Hoover and Wills 1987).The availability of alternative foraging and nesting habitat within close proximity of known foraging sites is probably critical to great blue heron reproductive success.Butler(1995)suggested that food availability strongly affects great blue heron survival,the spacing of their colonies,and their use of habitat.Moreover,great blue heron food supply may be limiting,particulary in areas where foraging areas freeze during winter(Butler 1992). Colonies usually exist at the same location for many years,and productivity(number of fledglings/nesting herons) "u may be positively related to the number of years colonies have been in use(Butler 1995).Great blue herons may relocate their colonies in response to increased predation on eggs and young by mammals and birds such as eagles (Jensen unpublished data),declines in food availability(Simpson et al. 1987),or human disturbance.Jensen r (unpublished data)suggested that 2 of the 5 King County colonies monitored in 1991 were abandoned in late spring due to bald eagle predation,but Butler(1995)found that there was no relationship between the location of great blue heron colonies and the location of areas with high densities of nesting eagles.Thus,abandonment of colonial nesting areas due to predation pressure from eagles may be regionally specific.Great blue heron colonies built in spruce or r Douglas-fir trees may damage host trees over time,which may also influence colony relocation(Julin 1986). LIMITING FACTORS The availability of nesting habitat in close proximity to suitable foraging habitat limits great blue herons. The availability of alternative foraging sites could be critical to nesting success. Great blue herons are generally sensitive to human disturbance and are frequently the target of vandalism(Parker 1980,English 1978).The type and extent of human disturbance can affect great blue heron colony site selection (Gibbs et al. 1987,Watts and Bradshaw 1994).In Virginia,great blue herons chose colony sites further from roads too and human structures than would be expected by chance;a pattern that was apparent up to 400-800 m(1312-2625 ft)from colonies(Watts and Bradshaw 1994).Great blue heron colonies have been abandoned in response to housing and industrial development,highway construction,logging,vehicle traffic,and repeated human intrusions (Leonard 1985,Parker 1980,Kelsall and Simpson 1979,Werschkul et al. 1976).In King and Kitsap counties,Jensen (unpublished data)found that great blue heron colony size decreased as distance to the nearest human disturbance within 300 m(984 ft)decreased,and as the amount of human development within 300 m(984 ft)of the colony increased.Nests occupied first in each of 3 King County colonies in 1991 were furthest from development and had more than twice as many fledgling than nests closer to development(3.13 versus 1.51 young/nest)(Jensen unpublished data). wr Volume IV:Birds. 3-2 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife rr *NW sii Niue Other studies suggested that great blue herons may habituate to non-threatening repeated activities(Webb and — Forbes 1982,Vos et al. 1985,Calambokidis et al. 1985,Shipe and Scott 1981).Thus,different great blue herons may have different tolerance levels to disturbance depending on disturbance history and type(Simpson 1984). Although the effects of visual and auditory buffers have not been well studied,topographic or vegetation obstructions may ameliorate some types of disturbance(Webb and Forbes 1982). MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS We suggest that the most effective way to conserve great blue herons in Washington is through comprehensive land- use planning that considers the needs of all species.In the absence of comprehensive land-use plans,we recommend the protection of existing great blue heron colonies using colony site-specific management plans.Colony site- ""' specific management plans are based on general recommendations from current research,knowledge of the colony, surrounding land uses,and landowner goals.The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife can assist in development of these management plans.All plans designed to conserve great blue heron colonies should consider the following factors,among others: The colony's size,location,relative isolation,and the degree of habituation to disturbance(Henny and Kurtz 1978, Bowman and Siderius 1984).Colonies located in close proximity to existing human activities may tolerate more as disturbance than colonies located in undisturbed areas(Simpson 1984,Webb and Forbes 1982,Bowman and Siderius 1984).While it is currently unclear how colony size affects reproductive success(Butler 1995),larger colonies may be more stable and are probably indicative of more or better foraging habitat and higher productivity (number of fledglings/nesting herons)than smaller colonies.Should priorities need to be set,larger colonies should receive more protection than smaller colonies. Great blue herons are less tolerant of disturbance during the pre-nesting and courtship periods,becoming progressively less likely to temporarily leave or abandon nests after laying eggs(Kelsall 1989,Bowman and "W` Siderius 1984,Rodgers and Smith 1995). To protect colonies from human disturbance,most studies reviewed by Butler(1992)recommended a minimum 300 m(984 ft)buffer zone from the periphery of colonies in which no human activity occurs during the courtship and nesting season(15 February to 31 July).Many authors of these soy studies,however,make recommendations in the absence of data showing the effects of human disturbance on nesting great blue herons.Moreover,colonies in Washington have been established or continue to persist within 300 m(984 ft)of human disturbance.Following experimental work on the disturbance of nesting great blue herons in Ontario,Canada,Vos et al.(1985)recommended that a 250 m(820 ft)buffer zone(their greatest flushing distance) plus 50 m(164 ft)for a total of 300 m(984 ft)would be suitable to minimize disturbance to nesting great blue herons.In a similar study on flushing distance in Florida,Rogers and Smith(1995)recommended a distance of 100 m(328 ft)to avoid disturbance to nesting great blue herons from motorboats and humans on foot. In the absence of comprehensive land-use and/or colony site management plans,we recommend the establishment of permanent,year-round minimum protection areas(buffers)of 250-300 m(820-984 ft)from the peripheries of colonies(Bowman and Siderius 1984,Quebec 1986 in Kelsall 1989,Vos et al. 1985,Buckley and Buckley 1976, Pullin 1988,Short and Cooper 1985,Parker 1980).All human activities likely to cause colony abandonment should as be restricted in this buffer year-round.All human activities likely to cause disturbance(flushing and other behaviors that may reduce fitness)to nesting great blue herons should be restricted in this buffer area from the beginning of courtship behavior through fledging(15 February to 31 July)unless site specific nesting chronology is known(J. so Kelsall,personal communication)in which case timing of restrictions should reflect this knowledge.In addition,we concur with Butler's(1991)recommendation that activities such as logging or construction should not occur within 1,000 m(3,281 ft)of a colony and no aircraft should fly within a vertical distance of 650 m(2,133 ft)during the nesting season unless those activities can be shown to have no effect on great blue heron fitness. r.t Since the proximity of nesting habitat to foraging habitat is important to great blue heron fitness(Butler 1995),the loss or degradation of nesting habitat may be a problem if alternative great blue heron nesting habitat becomes limited.We recommend that several alternative forested stands at least 4 ha(10 ac)in size with dominant trees at so least 17 m(56 ft)in height be left in the vicinity of existing great blue heron breedingcolonies (Parker 1980,Jensen err Volume IV:Birds. 3-3 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife dill S a a a r rr a a a ■r ■r a a rr rri a and Boersma 1993).Large colonies(>50 nests)would likely require more alternative nesting habitat.J.Kelsall (personal communication)suggested leaving large nesting trees in the center of an area having 300 m(984 ft)or more of isolation during the breeding season. Important foraging areas within a minimum radius of 4 km(2.5 mi)of colonies should be protected from „w development(Hoover and Willis 1987).In addition,each foraging area,particulary those that are intensively used, should have a surrounding buffer zone of at least 100 m(328 ft)(Short and Cooper 1985).Human activities that reduce the value of foraging sites should be minimized in these buffer zones.Buffer zones may be critical for foraging areas that are surrounded by intense human development(Short and Cooper 1985,Hoover and Wills 1987). Organochlorine,organophosphate,and carbamate insecticides can be highly toxic to birds,mammals,and fish,and their use should be avoided near great blue heron colonies and upland/wetland foraging habitat(McEwen et al. 1972,Grue et al. 1983,Grue et al. 1986,Smith 1987).Synthetic pyrethroids(e.g.,permethrin)are low in their toxicity to birds and mammals and may be used as alternatives.However,they are highly toxic to fish and should be kept out of water systems(Grue et al. 1986,Smith and Stratton 1986).The use of any insecticide(Smith 1987)or herbicide(Santillo et al. 1989)should be avoided in great blue heron nesting or foraging habitat unless it has been shown to have no effect on great blue heron fitness. Appendix A provides useful contacts to help assess the use of rw pesticides,herbicides,and their alternatives. Buffer zones around great blue heron colonies(300 m[984 ft])and foraging areas within 4 km(2.5 mi)of colonies (100 m[328 ft])should be free of pesticides(Brown 1978,Smith 1987). Suggested buffer widths for insecticide spray application near foraging areas range from 31-500 m(102-1,640 ft)(Kingsbury 1975,Payne et al. 1988, Terrell and Bytnar-Perfetti 1989),but in general buffer widths should increase as the toxicity of the treatment compound increases.Determination of buffer widths should account for pesticide droplet size and volume and rrrr meteorological conditions(Kingsbury 1975,Brown 1978,Payne et al. 1988). Efforts to increase awareness of great blue heron nesting colonies should concentrate on inventories,information exchange,and education.Used and abandoned colony sites should be inventoried regularly and mapped by local and as state agencies.Reproductive success should be monitored,particularly if it is likely to be affected by bald eagles and/or human disturbance. ". REFERENCES Bayer,R.D.,and E.McMahon. 1981.Colony sizes and hatching synchrony of great blue herons in coastal Oregon. Murrelet 62:73-79. Blus,L.J.,C.J.Henny,and T.E.Kaiser. 1980.Pollution ecology of breeding great blue herons in the Columbia Basin,Oregon and Washington.Murrelet 61:63-71. Bowman,I.,and J.Siderius. 1984.Management guidelines for the protection of heronries in Ontario.Ontario Imo Ministry of Natural Resources,Wildlife Branch,Toronto,Ontario,Canada. Brown,A.W.A. 1978.Ecology of pesticides.John Wiley and Sons,New York,New York,USA. Bruce,A.M. 1986.Nesting of great blue herons in young managed forests of western Washington.Unpublished Report,Weyerhaeuser Corporation,Federal Way,Washington,USA. �w Buckley,P.A.,and F.G.Buckley. 1976.Guidelines for the protection and management of colonially nesting waterbirds.U.S.National Park Service,North Atlantic Regional Office,Boston,Massachusetts,USA. Butler,R.W. 1991.A review of the biology and conservation of the great blue heron(Ardea herodias)in British Columbia.Technical Report Number 154.Canadian Wildlife Service,Pacific and Yukon Region,British Columbia,Canada. 1992.Great Blue Heron.No.25 in A.Poole,P.Stettenheim,and F.Gill,editors. The Birds of North America. American Ornithologists Union and Academy of Natural Science,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,USA. — . 1995.The patient predator:foraging and population ecology of the great blue heron(Ardea herodias)in British Columbia.Occasional Paper Number 86.Canadian Wildlife Service,Ottawa,Ontario,Canada. Calambokidis,J.,S.M.Speich,J.Peard,G.H.Steiger,J.C.Cubbage,D.M.Fry,and L.J.Lowenstine. 1985. Biology of Puget Sound marine mammals and marine birds:population health and evidence of pollution on effects.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.Technical Memo NOS.OMA 18. or Volume IV:Birds. 3-4 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife rrr a oil a to oil wr" S err S S ■i rr irrK NNW Carlson,B.A. 1995.Nest site characteristics of great blue herons(Ardea herodias)in Northeast Ohio.Ohio Journal of Science 95:312-315. a"' Collazo,J.A. 1981.Some aspects of the breeding ecology of the great blue heron at Heyburn State Park,Benewah County,Idaho.Thesis,University of Idaho,Moscow,Idaho,USA. English,S.M. 1978.Distribution and ecology of great blue heron colonies on the Willamette River,Oregon.Pages 235-244 in A.Sprunt IV,J.C.Ogden,and S.Winckler,editors.Wading birds.National Audubon Society Research Report Number 7. Gibbs,J.P. 1991.Spatial relationship between nesting colonies and forging areas of great blue herons.Auk 198:764-770. err ,S.Woodward,M.L.Hunter,and A.E.Hutchinson. 1987.Determinants of great blue heron colony distribution in coastal Maine.Auk 104:38-47. Grue,C.E.,W.J.Fleming,D.G.Busby,and E.F.Hill. 1983.Assessing hazards of organophosphate pesticides to wildlife.Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 48:200-220. Air ,L.R.DeWeese,P.Mineau,G.A.Swanson,J.R.Foster,P.M.Arnold,J.N.Huckins,P.J. Sheehan,W.K. Marshall,and A.P.Ludden. 1986.Potential impacts of agricultural chemicals on waterfowl and other wildlife inhabiting prairie wetlands:an evaluation of research needs and approaches.Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 51:357-383. Henny,C.J.and J.E.Kurtz. 1978.Great blue herons respond to nesting habitat loss.Wildlife Society Bulletin 6:35- 37. Hoover,R.L.,and D.L.Wills,editors. 1987.Managing forested lands for wildlife.Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver,Colorado,USA. Jensen,K.E.,and P.D.Boersma. 1993.Land development and human disturbance as factors in determining great blue heron(Ardea herodias)colony size and location in the Puget Sound Region.Unpublished Report, University of Washington,Seattle,Washington,USA. ++� ,and P.Dee Boersma.Unpublished data.Land development and human disturbance influence great blue heron (Ardea herodias)colony size and location.Institute of Environmental Studies,University of Washington, Seattle,Washington,USA. Julin,K.R. 1986.Decline of second growth Douglas-fir in relation to great blue heron nesting.Northwest Science 60:201-205. Kelsall,J.P. 1989.The great blue herons of Point Roberts:history,biology,and management.Unpublished Report. Point Roberts Heron Preservation Committee,Points Roberts,Washington,USA. us ,and K.Simpson. 1979.A three year study of the great blue heron in southwestern British Columbia. Proceedings of the Colonial Waterbird Group 3:69-79. Kingsbury,P.D. 1975.Effects of aerial forest spraying on aquatic fauna in M.L.Prebble,editor.Aerial control of forest insects in Canada.Department of Environment,Ottawa,Ontario,Canada. am, Leonard,W. 1985.Inventory of great blue heron nest colonies in southern and western Puget Sound.Unpublished Report.Washington Department of Wildlife,Olympia,Washington,USA. Mark,D.M. 1976.An inventory of great blue heron(Ardea herodias)nesting colonies in British Columbia. Northwest Science 50:32-41. rr McEwen,L.C.,C.E.Knittle,and M.L.Richmond. 1972.Wildlife effect from grasshopper insecticide sprayed on short-grass range.Journal of Range Management 25:188-194. Parker,J. 1980.Great blue herons(Ardea herodias)in northwestern Montana:nesting habitat use and the effects of human disturbance.Thesis,University of Montana,Missoula,Montana,USA. Payne,N.J.,B.V.Helson,K.M.S.Sundaram,and R.A.Fleming. 1988.Estimating buffer zone widths for pesticide applications.Pesticide Science 24:147-161. Pullin,B.P. 1988.Letter to Ms.Linda George,Point Roberts Heron Preservation Committee.On file with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife,Nongame Program,Olympia,Washington,USA. dili Rogers J.A.Jr.,and H.T.Smith. 1995. Set-back distances to protect nesting bird colonies from human disturbance in Florida.Conservation Biology 9:89-99. Santillo,D.J.,D.M.Leslie,Jr.,and P.W.Brown. 1989.Response of small mammals and habitat to glyphosphate application on clearcuts.Journal of Wildlife Management 53:164-172. Shipe,S.J.,and W.W.Scott. 1981.The great blue heron in King County,Washington.Unpublished Report. Washington Department of Wildlife,Mill Creek,Washington,USA. Short,H.L.,and R.J.Cooper. 1985.Habitat suitability index models:great blue heron.U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,Biological Report 82(10.99). a`. Volume IV:Birds. 3-5 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife °err • es rw uri rr rw* •w rlr Mil vii rrr irr .r NMI Simpson,K. 1984.Factors affecting reproduction in great blue herons(Ardea herodias).Thesis,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,Canada. ,J.N.M.Smith,and J.P.Kelsall. 1987.Correlates and consequences of coloniality in great blue herons. Canadian Journal of Zoology 65:572-577. Smith,G.J. 1987.Pesticide use and toxicology in relation to wildlife:organophosphorous and carbamate compounds.Research Publication Number 170.U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,Washington,D.C.,USA. Smith,T.M.,and G.W.Stratton. 1986.Effects of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides in nontarget organisms.Residue Review 97:93-120. Terrell,C.R.,and P.Bytnar-Perfetti. 1989.Water quality indicators guide:surface waters.SCS-1P-161.U.S. Soil am Conservation Service,Washington,D.C.,USA. Vos,K.K.,R.A.Ryder,and W.D.Graul. 1985.Response of breeding great blue herons to human disturbance in north central Colorado.Colonial Waterbirds 8:13-22. Watts,B.D.,and D.S.Bradshaw. 1994.The influence of human disturbance on the location of great blue heron +� colonies in the Lower Chesapeake Bay.Colonial Waterbird 17:184-186. Webb,R.S.,and L.S.Forbes. 1982.Colony establishment in an urban site by great blue herons.Murrelet 63:91-92. Werschkul,D.F.,E.McMahon,and M.Leitschuh. 1976.Some effects of human activities on the great blue heron in Oregon.Wilson Bulletin 88:660-662. Werschkul,D.,E.McMahon,M.Leitschuh,S.English,C.Skibinski,and G.Williamson. 1977. Observations on the reproductive ecology of the great blue heron(Ardea herodias)in western Oregon.The Murrelet 58:7- 12. ale PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS .rt John P.Kelsall,Wildlife Biologist Retired Delta,British Columbia fav tw aarrt .ri rrt Volume IV:Birds. 3-6 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 'fir►' IrirofS a ■w sit wit Sail OM rir S S rw� S S S .r KEY POINTS Habitat Requirements • Great blue herons are colonial breeders that nest in tall(>7 m[23 ft])deciduous or evergreen trees near fresh and saltwater wetlands. • Great blue herons typically nest at heights ranging from 9-26 m(29-85 ft). • Great blue herons feed on aquatic and marine animals found in shallow water,and sometimes on mice and voles from upland habitats.They usually forage within 2-5 km(1-3 mi)of their breeding colony site. • Alternative nesting and feeding habitat is probably critical to great blue heron reproductive success. • Great blue herons that have experienced few disturbances may not tolerate human activities near their colonies.However,great blue herons that have been frequently or consistently exposed to disturbance may •� be more tolerant of human disturbances. Management Recommendations .t. • Wherever possible,a habitat protection buffer at least 300 m(984 ft)wide should be established around the periphery of a colony.All human activities likely to cause colony abandonment should be restricted in this buffer year-round,and all human activities likely to cause disturbance to nesting great blue herons should ,rr be restricted in this buffer area from 15 February to 31 July. • Site specific management plans should be developed for each great blue heron colony whenever activities that might affect that colony are proposed.Such plans should consider the following: > The colony's size,location,relative isolation,and degree of habituation to disturbance; > Topographic or vegetative features surrounding the colony that might ameliorate the effect of human disturbance; > The availability of foraging areas and their proximity to the colony site; > Proximity of forest lands that could be used as alternative colony sites; > Land-use patterns and potential for long-term availability of nesting and foraging habitat. • Stands of large trees at least 17 m(56 ft)high and at least 4 ha(10 ac)in size that can be buffered from disturbance should be left in the vicinity of great blue heron breeding colonies as alternative nesting habitat. • Foraging areas,especially wetlands,within a minimum radius of 4 km(2.5 mi)of colonies should be protected from development and should have a surrounding disturbance free buffer zone of at least 100 m NW (328 ft). • Attempts should be made to keep all pesticides out of great blue heron foraging and nesting habitat,and associated buffer zones.Refer to Appendix A for contacts useful when assessing pesticides,herbicides,and their alternatives. am • Activities such as logging or construction should not occur within 1,000 m(3,281 ft)of a colony,and no aircraft should fly within a vertical distance of 650 m(2,133 ft)during the nesting season. • Alternative forested stands at least 4 ha(10 ac)in size with dominant trees at least 17 m(56 ft)in height ,n„ should be left in the vicinity of existing great blue heron breeding colonies. nr rw rir Volume IV:Birds. 3-7 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife tilt NNW '✓ rrV rwi r1 S S lig S S S S S vial 4111111, Niair Appendix B. City of Renton MO Zoning Information MS SW EN la NM all MN NNW 'NO lik rr wit mei r Eli till .r rrr ail ■r MIN iri .ri till wit R. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL ZONE (IH): The purpose of the Heavy Industrial Zone (IH) is to provide areas for high-intensity industrial activities involving heavy fabrication, processing of raw materials, bulk handling and storage, construction, and heavy transportation. It is intended to implement the Employment Area Valley Comprehensive Plan designation. Uses in this zone may require large outdoor areas in which to conduct operations. Environmental impacts may be produced that affect off-site areas requiring isolation of the industrial activity from more sensitive land uses. Compatible uses that directly serve the needs of other uses permitted within the district are also allowed. Interpretation of uses and project review in this zone shall be based on the purpose statement objectives and policy direction established in the Employment Area Industrial land use designation, Objective LU-ZZZ, Policies LU-437 through LU-443 or the Employment Area Valley land use designation, Objectives LU-AAAA and LU-BBBB, Policies LU-444 through LU-459, and the Community Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan. MI G. RESIDENTIAL-10 DU/ACRE (R-10): The Residential-10 Dwelling Units Per Net Acre Zone (R-10) is established for medium- density residential development that will provide a mix of residential styles including detached dwellings or semi-attached dwellings on small lots, attached townhouses, and small-scale attached flats. It is intended to implement the Medium Density and Center Village Land Use Comprehensive Plan designation. Development promoted in the zone is intended to increase opportunities for detached and semi-attached single family dwellings as a percent of the housing stock, as well as allow some small-scale attached housing choices and to create high-quality infill development that increases density while maintaining the single family character of the existing neighborhood. Allowable base densities range from four (4) to ten (10) dwelling units per net acre. The zone serves as a transition to higher density multi-family zones. Interpretation of uses and project review in this zone shall be based on the purpose statement, objectives and policy direction established in the Residential Medium Density land use designation, Objectives LU-GG through LU-II, Policies LU-157 through LU-181 or the Center Village land use designation, Objective LU-CCC, Policies LU-317 through LU-332 ,r. and the Community Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan. I. RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RM): 1. Purpose: The Residential Multi-Family Zone (RM) is established to implement the multi-family policies of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The RM Zone provides suitable environments for multi-family dwellings. It is further intended to conditionally allow uses that are compatible with and support a multi-family environment. 2. Classifications: The density allowed under this zone will be identified by the suffix that is applied. This zone will normally be applied with one of three (3) suffixes: NISIO ✓rr ✓r est w ass err rir as IMO rrn .r +rr Now low a. "F" (Multi-Family): The RM-F suffix allows for the development of both infill parcels in existing multi-family districts with compatible projects and other multi- family development. It is intended to implement the Multi-Family or Center Village Land Use Comprehensive Plan designation. Density ranges from ten (10) to twenty (20) du/acre. Interpretation of uses and project review in this suffix shall be based on the purpose statement objectives and policy direction established in the Residential Multi-Family land use designation, Objectives LU-JJ through LU-LL, Policies LU-182 through LU- 192, or the Center Village Land Use designation, Objectives LU-CCC, Policies LU- 317 through LU-332. INN WI NO VW WS a 444110 010101 vat um rrr oil a111 11 011111 0101 01110 01110 01110 ■r 4-2-070F—RESIDENTIAL-10 DU/AC (R-10) .r 4-2-070F RESIDENTIAL-10 DU/AC (R-10) Uses allowed in the R-10 Zone are as follows: NW USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES PARKS Natural resource extraction/recovery H Parks, neighborhood P Parks, regional/community, existing p ANIMALS-AND RELATED USES" Parks, regional/community, new AD " Animal husbandry(20 or fewer small animals per acre) P#51 OTHER.;COMMyNITY AND PUBLIC'FACILITIES Animal husbandry(4 or fewer medium animals Community Facilities „w per acre) P#51 Cemetery H Animal husbandry(maximum of 1 large animal Religious institutions H per acre) P#51 Greater number of animals than allowed above H#36 Service and social organizations H owKennels, hobby AC#37 Public Facilities Pets,common household, up to 3 per dwelling City government offices AD unit or business establishment AC City government facilities H ow Other government offices and facilities H RESIDENTIAL. Detached dwelling p#19 RETAIL 'M Semi-attached dwelling P 4119 Eating and drinking establishments P#1 Attached dwelling P#50 Horticultural nurseries H Flats or townhouses (existing legal) p OW ( Flats or townhouses, no greater than 2 units ENTERTAINMENT AND,RECREATION; __ total per building (existing legal) P Entertainment Manufactured Homes Cultural facilities H or Manufactured homes, designated p#19 SERVICES , OTHER RESIDENTIAL, LODGING AND HOME Services, General OCCUPATIONS ,■. Bed and breakfast house,accessory AD Adult family home P Day Care Services Group homes II for 6 or less P Adult day care I AC doGroup homes II for 7 or more H Adult day care II H Home occupations AC#6 Day care centers H#25 Retirement residences AD Family day care AC MaiHealthcare Services SCHOOLS '. Convalescent centers H K-12 educational institution (public or private) H#9 Medical institutions H K-12 educational institution (public or private), wm' existing P#9 VEHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES Park and ride,shared-use p#108 to TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use All #=Condition(s) P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AD=Administrative Conditional Use ( Uses may be further restricted by:RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions; RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District;RMC 4-3-050,Critical Areas Regulations;RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Requirements am 2-29 (Revised 6/05) taw rr *Se NOY ori so iis rri Mil .ir .mr +rr oiN 4-2-070F—RESIDENTIAL-10 DU/AC(M-10) INV USES: TYPE: UTILITIES ,,, Communications broadcast and relay towers H Utilities, small P Utilities,medium AD mo Utilities, large H WIRELESS COMMUNICATION.FACILITIES ;' ww Macro facility antennas AD#46 Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#44 war Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#49 Monopole I support structures H#45 rr GENERAL ACCESSORY USES., Accessory uses per RMC 4-2-050 and as defined in chapter 4-11 RMC,where not otherwise listed in the Use Table AC TEMPORARY U,SE Model homes in an approved residential development:one model home on an existing lot P#53 Sales/marketing trailers,on-site P#53 i" Temporary or manufactured buildings used for construction P#i o Temporary uses P#53 (Ord.4773,3-22-1999;Ord.4786,7-12-1999;Amd.Ord. 4963,5-13-2002;Ord.4999, 1-13-2003; Ord.5080, 6-14-2004) ar" .�r ar. TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Conditions) P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AD=Administrative Conditional Use Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions; RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District;RMC 4-3-050,Critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements dis (Revised 6/05) 2 -30 +rrr IMO ira No mei i iris • • rir 010 sit .�r rir .ri 4-2-070H–RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY(RM) NO 4-2-070H RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RM) (; Uses allowed in the RM Zone are as follows: gm USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: r■ AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES. OTHER COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC.FACILITIES Natural resource extraction/recovery H {Continued) Public Facilities ANIMALS AND RELATED USES City government offices AD ow Kennels, hobby AC#37 City government facilities H Pets,common household, up to 3 per dwelling Other government offices and facilities H unit or business establishment AC • ' OFFICE AND CONFERENCE RESIDENTIAL Medical and dental offices P#42 Detached dwelling (existing legal) P Offices, general P#42 gm Attached dwelling P#19 Veterinary offices/clinics P#42 Flats or townhouses(existing legal) P Flats or townhouses, no greater than 2 units RETAIL ,,,,,, total per building (existing legal) P Eating and drinking establishments P#42 Horticultural nurseries H OTHER RESIDENTIAL,LODGING AND HOME Retail sales AD NB OCCUPATIONS Adult family home P ENTERTAINMENT.AND RECREATION Congregate residence AD Entertainment Group homes II for 6 or less P ors ( Group homes II for 7 or more H Cultural facilities H Home occupations AC#6 SERVICES Retirement residences p so Services, General Bed and breakfast house, accessory AD SCHOOLS. Bed and breakfast house, professional AD#5 K-12 educational institution (public or private) H#9 ire Off-site services P#42 K-12 educational institution (public or private), On-site services P#42 existing P#9 Day Care Services — PARKS Adult day care I AC Parks, neighborhood P Adult day care II H Parks, regional/community, existing P Day care centers H#25 err Parks, regionaVcommunity, new AD Family day care AC Healthcare Services OTHER COMMUNITY.AND,PUBLIC FACILITIES „.: Convalescent centers H +r. Community Facilities Medical institutions H Cemetery H Religious institutions H STORAGE. miService and social organizations H Self-service storage p#8 TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use - #=Conditions) P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AD=Administrative Conditional Use Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions; RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District; RMC 4-3-050,Critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements air 2-33 (Revised 6/05) We 11 *OW IwoI 11111 lit MIS am r r�r NE oil ■r .rr ari rrr Niro 4-2-070H—RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RM) irr USES: TYPE: VEHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES ,r, Park and ride, shared-use P#108 UTILITIES Communications broadcast and relay towers H Utilities,small P Utilities,medium AD „r, Utilities,large H WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Lattice towers support structures H#48 Macro facility antennas P#44 Micro facility antennas P MillMini facility antennas P#44 Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#49 Monopole I support structures AD#46 Monopole Il support structures H#48 GENERAL ACCESSORY USES . Accessory uses per RMC 4-2-050 and as defined in chapter 4-11 RMC,where not otherwise listed in the Use Table AC ire TEMPORARY USE Model homes in an approved residential development: one model home on an existing lot P#53 Sales/marketing trailers, on-site P#53 Temporary or manufactured buildings used for construction P#10 Temporary uses P#53 w (Ord.4736,8-24-1998;Ord.4773,3-22-1999;Ord.4786, 7-12-1999;Amd. Ord.4963, 5-13-2002;Ord.4971, 6-10-2002; Ord.4999, 1-13-2003;Ord.5080,6-14-2004) rr NIS TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AD=Administrative Conditional Use j Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District;RMC 4-3-050,Critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements (Revised 6/05) 2 -34 ea ' rrr dig .r r�lr rri rri ✓�Y row e il rrr rrr 11110 ✓r r *me vrrr' 4-2-070Q—INDUSTRIAL HEAVY(IH) 4-2-070Q INDUSTRIAL HEAVY (IH) Uses allowed in the IH Zone are as follows: USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE:'AND NATURALRESOURCES 'i OFFICE:AND CONFERENCE(Continued) ; Natural resource extraction/recovery H Medical and dental offices P#38 Offices, general P#13 ANIMALS;AND RELATED USES ! Veterinary offices/clinics P#38 Kennels P#37 Kennels, hobby AC#37 RETAIL„ Pets,common household, up to 3 per dwelling Adult retail use P#43 +■ unit or business establishment AC Big-box retail P#72 Drive-in/drive-through, retail AC OTHER RESIDENTIAL, LODGING AND HOME Eating and drinking establishments P rr OCCUPATIONS :i Horticultural nurseries H Caretaker's residence AC Retail sales P#34 Retail sales, outdoor P#30 �„ SCHOOLS Vehicle sales, large P K-12 educational institution (public or private) H Vehicle sales, small P K-12 educational institution (public or private), existing P#9 ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION Other higher education institution P#38 Schools/studios,arts and crafts P#38 Entertainment Trade or vocational school H Adult entertainment business P#43 rrr Card room P#52 Cultural facilities AD Parks, neighborhood P Dance clubs P#38 Dance halls P#38 Parks, regional/community, existing P Parks, regional/community, new AD Gaming/gambling facilities, not-for-profit H#38 Movie theaters P#38 i"" OTHER,COMM UNITY-AND PUBLIC.FAACILITIES : Sports arenas, auditoriums,exhibition halls, indoor P#38 Community Facilities Sports arenas,auditoriums, exhibition halls, Cemetery H outdoor P#38 4111 Religious institutions H Recreation Service and social organizations H Recreation facilities, indoor P#38 Public Facilities Recreation facilities,outdoor P#32 lig City government offices AD City government facilities H SERVICES Secure community transition facilities H#71 Services, General ++w Other government offices and facilities H Hotel P#38 Motel P#38 OFFICE AND CONFERENCE _..: Off-site services P#38 is Conference center P#38 On-site services P#38 TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use irr #=Condition(s) P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AD=Administrative Conditional Use Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions; RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automat!Improvement District;RMC 4-3-050,Critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements aw (Revised 7/06) 2-52 rw rrr rir ow • w 4-2-070Q—INDUSTRIAL HEAVY(IH) ow USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: SERVICES;(Continued) NwpiRjAkommaiiagaiimogiumovalogaigw Drive-in/drive-through service AC#62 Industrial, General Vehicle rental, small p Assembly and/or packaging operations P Vehicle and equipment rental, large P#29 Commercial laundries,existing P#38 Nip Day Care Services Commercial laundries, new P#38 Adult day care I P#55 Construction/contractor's office P Adult day care II H Laboratories: light manufacturing P#38 No Day care centers P#54 Laboratories: research,development and Family day care AC testing P _ Healthcare Services Manufacturing and fabrication, heavy p#67 ow Medical institutions H#56 Manufacturing and fabrication, light P Manufacturing and fabrication, medium p#67 VEHICLE_RELATED ACTIVITIES' Solid Waste/Recycling „r, Body shops P#31 Recycling collection station and processing Car washes center P#38 P Fuel dealers Recycling collection station P P Industrial engine or transmission rebuild P#31 Sewage disposal and treatment plants H via Parking garage, structured,commercial or Waste recycling and transfer facilities P public p Parking,surface, commercial or public p#38 UTILITIES owPark and ride,shared-use p Communications broadcast and relay towers H#38 Park and ride, dedicated P#105 Electrical power generation and cogeneration H#66 Railroad yards p Utilities,small p Ire ( Tow truck operation/auto impoundment yard P Utilities,medium AD Transit centers H#38 Utilities, large H Truck terminals P "' WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES .! Vehicle fueling stations p _ _. ... :,. _ ;;: Vehicle service and repair, large p Lattice towers support structures AD#47 Vehicle service and repair, small p Macro facility antennas P#44 aur Wrecking yard,auto H Micro facility antennas P Air Transportation Uses Mini facility antennas P#44 Helipads,accessory to primary use H#38 Minor modifications to existing wireless iiiii communication facilities P#49 S Monopole I support structures STORAGE p#14 Hazardous material,storage, onsite or offMonopole II support structures AD#47 ,,,r, site, including treatment H#24 Indoor storage p GENERAL;ACCESSORY USES' ,, Outdoor storage P#57 Accessory uses per RMC 4-2-050 and as ; „ Self-service storage p defined in chapter 4-11 RMC,where not otherwise listed in the Use Table AC Warehousing p We TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use rrr #=Condition(s) P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AD=Adminlstrative Conditional Use l Uses may be further restricted by:RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District;RMC 4-3-050,Critical Areas Regulations;RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements ow 2-53 (Revised 7/06) gra a 1161, 410 a IOC rr +rr wr a rir +rr a 110 .mi • 4-2-070Q—INDUSTRIAL HEAVY(IH) USES: TYPE: TEMPORARY USE 'Ilw Sales/marketing trailers,on-site P#53 Temporary or manufactured buildings used for construction P#10 o„ •Temporary uses P#53 (Ord. 4786,7-12-1999;Ord.4803, 10-25-1999; Ord. 4827, 1-24-2000;Amd.Ord.4963,5-13-2002;Ord.4982, Ila' 9-23-2002; Ord.4999, 1-13-2003;Ord.5080,6-14-2004; Ord.5100, 11-1-2004; Ord.5124, 2-7-2005; Ord. 5201, 4-17-2006) ww Ilia ars ow WM aaa 9rr ww irr TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use - #=Conditions) P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AD=Administrative Conditional Use Uses may be further restricted by:RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District; RMC 4-3-050,Critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements iar (Revised 7/06) 2-54 via 1111 alit err r alt .r .ri 001 • 'OW 411110 4-2-080A r■ 4-2-080 CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ZONING USE TABLES: Melt ( A. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING from any leasable spaces.No outdoor stor- CONDITIONS: age,including vehicle or trailer storage lots. Self service storage uses in this zone are 1. Limited to locations within an existing or subject to the following special develop- new golf course or regional park. ment standards:Temporary customer mov- 2. In addition to the criteria of RMC 4-9-030, ing van/truck parking, if provided, must be Conditional Use Permits,the use must be clearly marked with signage or paint. Side sited in conjunction with a gas station.Size and rear setbacks subject to the Commer- restrictions apply per use in RMC cial Arterial Zone standards of RMC 4-2-120A.In the CN Zone,the use is limited 4-2-120A, Development Standards for to operations enclosed within a building, Commercial Zoning Designations,in lieu of rr and sited in conjunction with an existing the RM-I development standards. gas station. 9. Development consistent with an approved 3. These uses shall not be located on the "Master Plan"is considered to be a permit- - ground floor along street frontage in the ted use. Other activities which are outright "Downtown Pedestrian District."See permitted include the addition of up to four Downtown Pedestrian District Map in RMC (4) new portables,or changes in facilities 4-2-080D. not exceeding ten percent(10%) of gross floor area.Other proposed activities require 4. Existing commercial laundry uses may be a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit. continued and may be re-established for purposes of rebuilding upon unintentional 10. Permitted when approved by the Develop- rim destruction of property. Existing commer- ment Services Division and associated with cial laundry uses may not expand beyond an active building or construction permit, their existing building footprint plus abutting for a period not to exceed the duration of ( easements,loading,or parking areas.Ren- construction. ovations or alterations within the existing 11. Limited to storage of products in conjunc- building footprint are permitted. Existing tion with retail,service,or office uses.Shall commercial laundry uses may add to the not be located along the building street ear height of buildings provided that the height frontage or in areas visible to the public. of the building not exceed forty two feet (42'),and that additional height be used for 12. Shall be developed as part of larger office accessory office to support the commercial structures. Shall not stand alone and shall laundry uses. Existing offsite warehousing not occupy more than twenty five percent uses accessory to existing commercial (25%) per building whose primary use is laundry uses may be continued but may not office. be expanded beyond their existing building 13. a. Administrative Headquarters footprint. Office:These offices shall be associ- 5. Professional bed and breakfast houses are ated with a permitted industrial use only allowed in the RM-U Zone. listed in RMC 4-2-0601. The office mei uses may be developed in conjunction 6. Subject to the requirements of RMC with,or subsequent to,the industrial 4-9-090, Home Occupations,with the writ- use. ten approval of the property owner,if tenant occupied. b. General Offices: Excluding adminis- trative headquarters offices,which are 7. Subject to the development standards permitted consistent with subsection applicable to primary structures. (13)(a) of this Section,general offices 8. Allowed only in the Residential Multi-Family are only allowed in the Employment Infill suffix.Twenty four(24)hour on-site Area Valley(EAV) land use designa- management required.The manager's unit tion;provided that general offices that or" ( is not subject to minimum density require-ments. No estate,garage or other sales permitted outside the EAV. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. rw 2-59 (Revised 3/06) x111 411100 w' err err 411 11 ■r ,rr 1111 N *Ole VIM/ 4-2-080A 14. Except that when operations are predomi- b. Employment Area Valley: Residen- nantly conducted out-of-doors rather than tial uses are not permitted in the completely enclosed within an enclosed Employment Area Valley(EAV) land i structure,an administrative conditional use use designation. See EAV Map in I permit is required. RMC 4-2-080B. 15. Use is limited to building, hardware, and c. Commercial Business Districts: NW garden.Except in the CD Zone,size restric- Townhouse units are allowed without tions apply per RMC 4-2-120A. ground floor retail within the building if 16. Subject to the density limitations located in located more than one hundred fifty the development standards for this zone. feet(150')from an arterial in the NE Residential uses shall not be located along 4th Business District,Sunset Business the street frontage on the ground floor in District, and Puget Business District the"Downtown Pedestrian District." with an administrative conditional use irr permit, subject to the criteria in RMC 17. a. General Office and Medical/Dental 4-9-030K.Residential units developed Offices: Size restrictions apply per as part of a same building mixed-use RMC 4-2-120A.Additionally,the use project are allowed at a maximum of may only be permitted via administra- sixty(60)du/acre if the requirements tive conditional use permit subject to for mixed use development in the the following criteria in addition to con- Business District Overlay are met. r ditional use criteria:(i)activities with a 19. Subject to the density limitations located in limited need for walk-in clientele and the development standards for this zone. (ii)activities for which a reduction in CN Zone—Additional:only permitted within parking standards to one space per a structure containing retail and/or on-site wr five hundred (500) square feet of service uses on the ground floor. gross floor space could be justified. b. Administrative Headquarters 20. Not allowed in locations within the Sunset irr Office: New administrative headquar- Business District,the NE 4th Business Dis- ters offices are not permitted. For trict,and within the Puget Business District. existing, legal administrative head- 21. a. General Requirements:Allowed only quarters offices greater than three in conjunction with offices,residences, thousand (3,000) square feet in size, hotels, and convention centers, or and in existence prior to January 1, research and development facilities. 1999,the following expansions may b. Integration of Uses:The use shall be be allowed:(i)parking expansion may architecturally and functionally inte- be allowed; (ii) a one-time expansion grated into the development. of building square footage, not exceeding three thousand five hun- Except for marinas,the use must be or dred (3,500) square feet, may be per- housed in a structure containing one or mitted subject to site development more of the uses listed in subsection plan review.This provision allowing (21)(a)of this Section.The requirements in expansion of building square footage subsection (21)(b) may be adjusted r. shall expire on December 1,2006, p through the Master Plan process. consistent with any approved develop 22 Size restrictions apply per use in RMC ment agreements or covenants. 4-2-120A. In the CN Zone,fast food estab- 18. a. General Requirements: Subject to lishments are prohibited. the density limits of the development 23. Limited to existing uses. Only those modifi- standards for this zone and only per- cations or expansions which do not mitted within a structure containing increase production levels are permitted in retail and/or on-site service uses on COR 1 and COR 2. Major modifications, the ground floor except in the Employ production increases, or expansions of ment Area Valley or Commercial Busi- '"" ness Districts, as described below. existing use require a Hearing Examiner (Revised 3/06) 2-60 ,w r�r WV r rrr VW rr► VW .�r wi sr a VW low vie 4-2-080A conditional use permit in COR 1 or COR 2. excluded from the area south of 1-405 No modifications or expansions are and north of SW 16th Street. See EAV 61111 C allowed in COR 3. Map in RMC 4-2-080B. 24. Use requires a Hearing Examiner condi- ii. Lumberyards are only allowed in tional use permit, unless accessory in the 1M and IH Zones. However, they which case it is outright permitted. Use is are excluded from the area south of not permissible in the area south of 1-405 1-405 and north of SW 16th Street and north of SW 16th Street, unless acces- 31. Operations must be conducted entirely sory, in which case it is outright permitted. within an enclosed structure. Explosives and natural gas storage are not permissible in the IL Zone. 32. Outdoor recreation facilities are permitted 25. A preschool or day care center, when only in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) accessory to a public or community facility land use designation. (See EAV map in listed in RMC 4-2-060J, is considered a RMC 4-2-080B.) However, amusement permitted use. parks require a Hearing Examiner condi- tional use permit. amp26. Size restrictions apply per use in RMC 33. Indoor or outdoor recreational facilities and/ 4-2-120A. Must be part of a mixed use or eating and drinking establishments,mini- development. marts, laundromats, day care centers, or 27. Shall be architecturally and functionally adult day care II uses are permitted only in integrated into the overall development. conjunction with and intended to serve res- Freestanding establishments may be per- idential development in the R-14 Zone. miffed only if they are five thousand(5,000) Project size limitations of RMC 4-2-110F rr square feet or larger per establishment. apply.A preschool or day care center,when These requirements may be adjusted accessory to public or community facilities through the Master Plan review process. listed in RMC 4-2-060J, is considered a ,,, 28. Accessory drive-through service is permit- permitted use. ,i ted only in association with multi-story 34. a. Accessory retail uses are permitted buildings.The accessory drive-through ser- where ordinarily incidental to the per- vice shall be located to the side and/or rear mitted principal use. a"' of the building,and integrated into the exte- rior wall. Drive-through lanes shall not be b. Principal retail sales uses are only per located between the street and the main miffed in the Employment Area Valley pedestrian access to the buildings.These (EAV)land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. requirements may be adjusted through the Site Plan review process. 35. Provided hives are established on lots a 29. Only allowed in the Employment Area Val- or ley(EAV) land use designation. See EAV other limitations apply per RMC 4-4-010, Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Provided that the Standards and Review Criteria for Keeping use is excluded within the area south of Animals. 1-405 and north of SW 16th Street. 36. A greater number of animals per acre than 30. a. Uses are limited to: Sales of mobile are otherwise allowed in this zone may be or manufactured homes, building/ permitted by the Hearing Examiner; pro- ,,,, hardware/garden materials, lumber- vided: yards,and monuments/tombstones/ a. The keeping of animals must meet the gravestones. conditions of RMC 4-4-010F, General b. Location Restrictions: Requirements for Keeping Animals; and i. Building/hardware/garden sales b. A farm management plan has been and monuments/tombstones/grave adopted based on the King County stones sales are only allowed in the Conservation District's Farm Conser- Employment Area Valley(EAV)land vation and Practice Standards show- use designation. However, they are err 2-61 (Revised 3/06) rr Mb rrr r MI rr rw rr rrr r rig .r rr O.. arm* 4-2-080A ry ing that adequate pasturage to 45. May be allowed via a Hearing Examiner support a larger number of animals is conditional use provided that the site is provided. over one acre in size and the facility has ( — minimum setbacks of one hundred feet 37. a. General Requirements: Subject to (100')from any adjacent residentially requirements of RMC 4-4-010, Stan zoned parcel; otherwise the use is prohib- dards and Review Criteria for Keeping ited. riri Animals. Hobby Kennels require a Hobby Kennel License per RMC 46. Eligible for an administrative conditional 4-9-100. use permit provided that the facility has a ,rr b. IL Zone–Kennels: In the IL Zone, minimum setback of one hundred feet when operations are predominantly (100')from any adjacent residentially conducted out of doors rather than zoned parcel,otherwise a Hearing Exam- completely enclosed within an iner conditional use permit is required. enclosed structure, an administrative 47. May be allowed by an administrative condi- conditional use permit is required. tional use permit if the monopole II facility is c. 1M Zone–Kennels and Hobby Ken- to be constructed on property where wire - dal nels:Within the area south of 1-405 less communication support structures and north of SW 16th Street only presently operate,and the new monopole 11 indoor kennels or indoor hobby ken- facility will not exceed the height of the ,, nels are permitted. existing support structures. Prohibited if located within three hundred feet(300') of 38. Only allowed in the Employment Area Val- an RC, R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10,or R-14 Zone ley(EAV) land use designation. See EAV unless the Development Services Division ssMap in RMC 4-2-080B. determines that all residentially zoned 39. Requirements for uses not associated with property within three hundred feet(300')of a medical institution: Use must be located the proposed facility is undevelopable due within the Center Institution (Cl)Compre- ss to critical areas regulations(RMC 4 3-050); �. hensive Plan land use designation, then the new wireless support structure can be reviewed as an administrative condi- 40. Permitted when located within the Center tional use. Institution (CI) Comprehensive Plan land 48. Prohibited if located within three hundred use designation. feet(300')of an RC,R-1,R-4,R-8,R-10,or 41. Limited to the area south of 1-405 and west R-14 Zone,otherwise may be allowed with of SR-167/Rainier Avenue S. a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit. �rrr 42. Permitted only on the ground-floor level as 49. Whether emergency or routine,so long as part of a residential project on RM-U zoned there is little or no change in the visual properties fronting on South 7th Street. appearance, as determined by the Zoning (Amd. Ord.4971,6-10-2002) Administrator. 43. Subject to the provisions of RMC 4-3-010, 50. a. General Requirements: Permitted Adult Retail and Entertainment Regula- subject to the applicable density limita- +r tions, and chapter 5-12 RMC, Adult Enter- tions,building length,and dwelling unit tainment Standards. In the CO zone, uses type mix requirements of the develop- shall be developed as part of larger office ment standards for this zone. structures, shall not stand alone, and shall b. R-10 Zone: Limited to no more than not occupy more than twenty five percent four (4)attached dwellings per build- (25%) per building whose primary use is office. ing. +` 44. Permitted provided that the facility has a c. R-14 Zone:Buildings shall not exceed minimum setback of one hundred feet six(6)dwelling units per structure (100')from any adjacent residentially except as provided in RMC 4-9-065D, es zoned parcel,otherwise an administrative Bonuses. conditional use permit is required. (Revised 3/06) 2-62 IOW Nil trr NW trrt rrr rrr IN rtr .r` w +rrr 4-2-080A • is 51. a. General Requirements: No animals administrative conditional use permit are allowed on lots less than one acre is required. in• ( size.Animal husbandry uses are subject to the standards listed in RMC b. Adult day care I on a property contain- 4-4-010, Standards and Review Crite ing a residential use requires an ria for Keeping Animals. Only combi administrative conditional use permit NO nations of medium and small animals in any location. or large and small animals may be per- 56. Except not permissible within the Employ- mitted outright on one acre, provided ment Area Valley (EAV). (See EAV Map in that the overall total of animals is con- RMC 4-2-080B.) sistent with the requirements per acre (for example,twenty(20)small ani- 57. Only allowed in the Employment Area Val- mals plus four(4)medium animals). ley(EAV)land use designation, unless the use is accessory in which case it is allowed b. R-8 and R-10 Zones—Small Ani- outside the EAV. See EAV Map in RMC mals: Only six(6)or fewer small ani- 4-2-080B. mals per acre are permitted. 58. Only allowed in the Employment Area Val- ais c. R-8 and R-10 Zones—Large Ani- ley(EAV) land use designation.See EAV mals: Large animals are permitted on Map in RMC 4-2-080B.Outside of the EAV, lots four(4) acres or greater in size. use is allowed as an administrative condi- Only one large animal per two(2) tional use. acres is permitted. 59. Excluded within the area south of 1-405 and 52. Permitted when ancillary to a permitted use north of SW 16th Street. +.r where food and beverages are served on 60. Subject to the size restrictions of RMC the premises and located in an area with an 4-2-120A. Retail sales uses are limited to: Employment Area Valley(EAV) land use flowers/plants and floral supplies; mini designation as shown on the City's Corn- marts;crafts, including supplies and fin- s„ prehensive Plan Land Use Map, and ished products, gift shops,and specialty C located south of 1-405.In the case of the IM Zone,the location is further limited to IM- markets. zoned areas south of SW 16th Street. 61. No drive-through service shall be permit- Should any court of competent jurisdiction ted, except for financial institutions which find that the City zoning for card rooms is are permitted three (3) accessory drive-up unconstitutional or illegal,then the City windows that shall be part of the exterior elects to permit the existing card rooms to wall of the financial institution structure. continue operation as nonconforming legal 62. Outside the Employment Area Valley(EAV) uses and otherwise bans card rooms. land use designation (see EAV Map in 53. Provided a temporary use permit is RMC 4-2-080B),drive-through is permitted obtained consistent with the provisions of only when accessory to a financial institu- RMC 4-9-240,Temporary Use Permits. tion. Financial institutions are permitted 54. Allowed outright in the Employment Area three(3) accessory drive-up windows that gil Valley(EAV) land use designation. (See shall be part of the exterior wall of the finan EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B.) Outside the cial institution structure.Within the EAV, EAV,the use shall be developed as part of drive-through service is permitted. rr larger office structures.Such uses shall not 63. Subject to the size restrictions of RMC stand alone and shall not occupy more than 4-2-120A. On-site services excluding dry twenty five percent(25%) per building cleaning, real estate offices, and fitness whose primary use is office. centers. 55. a. Adult day care I on a property with a 64. Limited to storage in association with rental nonresidential facility is only allowed services. In the CV Zone and within one outright in the Employment Area Val- thousand two hundred feet(1,200') of NE 'r' ley(EAV). See EAV Map in RMC 4th Street within the NE 4th Corridor, an 4-2-080B. Outside of the EAV, an administrative conditional use permit is required. Not allowed within one thousand �r. 2-62.1 (Revised 3/06) r '�w✓ e rri ari rir rrr 41110 1111111 We 6116 INS .rl Oil +rr1 Nor Nu" 4-2-080A two hundred feet(1,200') of Sunset Boule- 70. No drive-through service shall be permit- yard within the Sunset Corridor. Size ted,except for multi-story financial institu- restrictions apply per RMC 4-2-120A. tions which are permitted three (3) ,r. 65. Allowed outright in the Employment Area accessory drive-up windows.The acces- Valley(EAV).land use designation. (See sory drive-through service shall be located EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B.) Outside the to the side and/or rear of the building, and EAV,the use is limited to health clubs/fit- the windows shall be part of the exterior ness centers/sports clubs, which shall be wall. Drive-through lanes shall not be developed as part of larger office struc located between the street and the main tures.Such uses shall not stand alone and pedestrian access to the buildings.These shall not occupy more than twenty five per- requirements may be adjusted through the cent(25%) of any one floor of a building Site Plan review process. whose primary use is office. 71. Only allowed in the Employment Area Val- 66. Requires a Hearing Examiner conditional ley(EAV) land use designation south of use permit, except that electrical power 1-405 subject to a Hearing Examiner Condi- generation and co-generation is permitted tional Use Permit. See EAV Map in RMC as an accessory use when located more 4-2-080B. than one hundred feet(100')from any No secure community transition facility property zoned for residential use,i.e. RC, (SCTF)shall: R-1,R-4,R-8,R-10,R-14,RM,and produc- a. House more than six persons, exclud- ar ing less than ten(10)megawatts of electric- ing resident staff. Any increase in the ity. In the CO Zone,the use must be number of resident beds shall require accessory to a medical institution. an entirely new application. ++� 67. Chemical and allied products manufactur- b. Be allowed within three hundred thirty ing operations, or operations which are feet (330')of any residential zone conducted predominantly out of doors, located within or outside the City limits. require a Hearing Examiner conditional use `i" permit in the IM Zone, and an administra- c. Be allowed adjacent to, abutting, tive conditional use permit in the IH Zone, across a parking lot from,or within the except that these uses are not permissible "line of sight"from a"risk potential in the area south of 1-405 and north of SW activity"as defined in RCW 71.09.020, 16th Street. now or as hereafter amended, or risk 68. Within the NE 4th Business District, within potential facilities in existence at the the Sunset Business District and within the time a site is listed for consideration. err For the purposes of granting a Condi- Puget Drive Business District: tional Use Permit for siting an SCTF, a. Uses are subject to the size restric- the Reviewing Official shall consider a tr,,, tions of RMC 4-2-120A, and permanent, unobstructed visual dis- h. Within Puget and Sunset Business tance of six hundred feet(600')to be Districts, department stores are not within "line of sight."The Reviewing permitted. 69. Within the NE 4th Business District, within the Sunset Business District and within the Puget Drive Business District, uses are do subject to the size restrictions of RMC 4-2-120A.Within the Sunset and Puget Business Districts, only the following on- ions site services are permitted:entertainment media rental,financial and real estate ser- vices, and repair services(excluding auto repair).Rental services require an adminis- ""r trative conditional use permit. (Revised 3/06) 2-62.2 IMO S S Via Nig MO Mil rr1 ail .rt +rr` MN Mai r.W 'err 4-2-080A WO Official may reduce the distance to levard Commercial Corridor within the less than six hundred feet(600') Commercial Arterial (CA)Zone. through the Conditional Use Permit 73. Within the Center Village Zone,Residential process, if the applicant can demon Bonus District,"residential only uses"are strate that a visual barrier exists or can limited to townhouse development in the be created that would reduce the line seven of range (7)to twenty (20) dwelling of sight to less than six hundred feet g (600').Risk potential facilities currently units per net acre.Garden style apartments include,but are not limited to: are prohibited. Flats or townhouses,when in a mixed-use structure that combines res- uo • Community and recreation cen- idential with first floor commercial uses, ters, have a maximum density of eighty(80) • Churches,synagogues,temples dwelling units per net acre. Projects within the Center Village are also subject to the err and mosques, provisions and development standards in • Licensed day care, RMC 4-3-095C and D, Center Village Res- idential• Licensed preschool facilities, Bonus District. Attached dwelling unit developments in the • Public libraries, range of ten (10)to twenty(20)dwelling • Public parks, units per net acre may only be townhouse • Public and private schools, unit types. 74. a. Flats permitted only north of N. 8th • School bus stops, Street unless part of a mixed use • Sports fields,or structure with ground-floor commer- • Publicly dedicated trails. cial. Flats are permitted with a maxi- mum density of eighty five (85)d.u./ d. Be located within one mile from any net acre.All residential parking except MO SCTF,work release, prerelease, or that intended for guests is required to similar facility. be located in structured parking. A "Distance" referenced in paragraphs b,c, bonus of up to one hundred fifty (150) �r+r and d of this section is measured by follow- d.u./net acre permitted for flats in a ing a straight line from the nearest point of mixed use structure with ground-floor the building in which the secure community commercial uses within them. treatment facility is to be located,to the b. Townhouses: Parking is required to nearest point of the zoning boundary line or be provided under a structure.A max- property line of the lot on which the buffered imum height of three stories is allowed use is located. for townhouses. Minimum density of The City may impose conditions to mitigate twenty(20) d.u./net acre permitted any potential adverse impact of the SCTF and maximum of twenty five(25)d.u./ on surrounding uses, except that the Con net acre permitted. „r, ditional Use Permit conditions may not 75. Only permitted west of Park Ave.and south impose restrictions on the SCTF greater of N. 8th Street. than those set forth in RCW 71.09.285 76. Only Grades 9 through 12 permitted. through 71.09.340 inclusive. 77. a. Only permitted north of N. 8th Street 72. Big-box retail uses are subject to compli and as part of a mixed use structure. ance with design regulations applicable to District'C'as detailed in RMC 4-3-100, b. Limited to training related to research except in the Employment Area—Valley and development, arts, computer sci- south of Interstate 405. ences,business,culinary arts, medi- Big-box retail uses are not permitted in the cal related fields and/or other amiNE 4th Street Commercial Corridor, Puget knowledge-based industries. Commercial Corridor, and NE Sunset Bou- 78. No freestanding structures permitted unless architecturally and functionally inte- wr 2-62.3 (Revised 6/05) err+ *I mos an wi r .r rir r sor irr • NOY NNW 4-2-080A 'lli grated into an overall shopping center or 86. Limited to airplane manufacturing, biotech- mixed use development. nology,life science,information technology 79. a. Must function as an anchor to larger (i.e.,hardware,software,computer compo- retail developments that are planned nents),or other high technology industry. as part of an integrated and cohesive 87. a. Attached Dwelling Units, General: center. Not allowed within one thousand feet �,. (1,000')of the centerline of Renton b. Big-box use must be connected to additional structures within a shoppingMunicipal Airport runway.Permitted as mixed use structures with ground-floor center with supporting retail or service uses structures with common walls,or commercial except that parcels may plazas, or other similar features, be developed exclusively for attached excluding pushcarts/kiosks. dwelling units if: c. Buildings oriented along Park Avenue i. The entire frontage of the block is must have one or more pedestrian residential, entries on Park Avenue. ii. Support facilities such as exer- rrr 80. Drive-through windows must abut a build cise facilities, lobbies, etc.,face ing facade or wall and must be located the street frontage and living within the building footprint. areas are in the rear, or 81. No stand-alone structures smaller than five iii. Entries to attached dwelling units orioare slightly elevated above the thousand (5,000)square feet, except for pushcarts/kiosks, unless architecturally sidewalk level. and functionally integrated into a shopping b. Stacked Flats: In addition to required ar. center or mixed use development. provisions of attached dwelling units, 82. a. Multi-story,stand-alone retail buildings general, above,the following provi- greater than seventy five thousand sions are required: .r (75,000)square feet are allowed only i. Structured parking is required with structured parking and a maxi- north of N.8th Street. mum building footprint of sixty five ii. South of N.8th Street, only guest thousand(65,000) square feet. parking may be provided as sur- b. No freestanding structures smaller face parking. than five thousand(5,000)square feet iii. A minimum of twenty(20) dwell are permitted, unless architecturally N' and functionally integrated into overall ing units per net acre are shopping center or mixed use devel- required. 9 opment. c. Townhouses: In addition to required +�+ c. Buildings oriented along Park Avenue provisions of attached dwelling units, must have one or more pedestrian general,above, a minimum density of entries on Park Avenue. twenty(20)dwelling units per net acre is required. r. 83. a. Movie facilities with more than four(4) 88. a. Not permitted within one thousand feet screens must be architecturally and (1,000')of the centerline of Renton functionally integrated into overall shopping center or mixed use Bevel Municipal Airport runway. "r' opment. b. Structured parking is required north of b. Buildings oriented along Park Avenue N. 8th Street. must have one or more pedestrian c. Buildings oriented to pedestrian entries on Park Avenue. streets must have ground-floor com- mercial84. Permitted subject to the conditional use cri uses within them. teria regarding airport compatibility located 89. Not permitted within one thousand feet in RMC 4-3-020. (1,000') of the centerline of Renton Munici- 85. Only permitted south of N. 8th Street. pal Airport runway. rir (Revised 6/05) 2-62.4 NO rr` .rr ■r rr • %NO IMO rr1 MO IS 1111 rri wow 'woo, 4-2-080A 90. Structured parking required north of N. 8th c. Buildings oriented to pedestrian Street. streets must have ground-floor corn- _ o,,, I 91. a. Not permitted within one thousand feet mercial uses within them. (1,000')of the centerline of Renton 97. The use shall be architecturally and func- Municipal Airport runway. tionally integrated into a larger mixed use rs b. Structured parking required north of N. development. 8th Street. 98. a. Not permitted within one thousand feet c. If located north of N. 8th Street,then (1,000')of the centerline of Renton must be located in a mixed use struc- ture. b. Structured parking is required. d. Buildings oriented to pedestrian c. Buildings oriented to pedestrian streets, must have ground-floor corn- streets must have ground-floor com- ma mercial uses within them. mercial uses within them. 92. a. Structured parking required north of N. 99. Must be located within a mixed use struc- 8th Street. ture. ow b. Buildings oriented to pedestrian 100. a. Not permitted within one thousand feet streets must have ground-floor corn- (1,000')of the centerline of Renton mercial uses within them. Municipal Airport runway. ow c. Must be located within a mixed use b. Must be located within a mixed use structure. structure. 93. a. Structured parking required north of N. 101. a. Not permitted within one thousand feet 8th Street. (1,000') of the centerline of Renton b. Buildings oriented to pedestrian Municipal Airport runway. aw ( streets must have ground-floor corn- b. Permitted only south of N. 8th Street. • mercial uses within them. c. Buildings oriented to pedestrian 94. a. Must be located within a mixed use streets must have ground-floor corn- structure. mercial uses within them. b. Structured parking required north of N. 102. Buildings oriented to pedestrian streets 8th Street. must have ground-floor commercial uses +wr 95. a. Multi-story,stand-alone retail buildings within them. greater than seventy five thousand 103. Structured parking•{s required. (75,000)square feet are allowed only 104. a. Limited to airplane manufacturing and with structured parking and a maxi related accessory uses, biotechnol- mum building footprint of sixty five ogy, life science, information technol- thousand (65,000)square feet. ogy(i.e., hardware,software, b. Structured parking required north of N. computer components), or other high w 8th Street. technology industry. 96. a. Not permitted within one thousand feet b. For uses other than airplane manufac- (1,000')of the centerline of Renton turing and related accessory uses, Municipal Airport runway.Beyond one structured parking required north of N. thousand feet(1,000')of the centerline 8th Street. of the Renton Municipal Airport run c. For uses other than airplane manufac- way,this use is allowed subject to the turing and related accessory uses, conditional use criteria regarding air- port compatibility located at RMC buildings oriented to pedestrian 4-3-020. streets must have ground-floor com- mercial uses within them. b. Structured parking required north of N. 8th Street. 105. Not permitted when west or north of 1-405. ow 2-62.5 (Revised 3/06) two Uk Uk Oafie r VIM .r Wig Uk r mai .r Uk w .r NNW Ire 4-2-080A 1111 106. Only structured park and rides are permit- ted in the Center Village Comprehensive Plan designation. ■r 107. Only structured park and rides are permit- ted. 108. Permitted on existing parking required as accessory parking for a nonresidential use. 109. Not permitted in the area bounded by SW 7th Street, Shattuck Avenue, Airport Way d1111 and Hardie Avenue except when part of a mixed-use transit oriented development with structured parking. '"" 110. Limited to existing fueling stations in the Commercial Neighborhood(CN)Zone. (Ord.4186, 11-14-1988; Ord.4404, 6-7-1993; Ord.4432, 12-20-1993;Ord.4466,8-22-1994; Ord.4631,9-9-1996;Ord.4736,8-24-1998;Ord. 4773,3-22-1999; Ord.4777,4-19-1999;Ord. 1111 4786,7-12-1999; Ord.4802, 10-25-1999; Ord. 4803, 10-25-1999; Ord. 4827, 1-24-2000; Ord. 4840,5-8-2000;Ord.4847,6-19-2000;Amd.Ord. 4963, 5-13-2002; Ord.4982, 9-23-2002;Ord. 111r 5001,2-10-2003;Ord. 5018,9-22-2003; Ord. 5027, 11-24-2003; Ord. 5028, 11-24-2003; Ord. 5080,6-14-2004; Ord.5100, 11-1-2004; Ord. 5124,2-7-2005; Ord. 5191, 12-12-2005) 11ir 1111 100 10 r 1111 O 1111 (Revised 3/06) 2-62.6 *011.00 IOW r Uri us se oil air rrf rr rri orb CITY OF RENTON. CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 20th day of September, 2007, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Council Public Hearing Notice, Map, and Annexation Information documents. This information was sent to: _,,.e. .�i4rrt ,�rt re' ,era,.. ' r ice° SRO, �«� tl:... " r ".:4', ?e,4. Council Public Hearing Notice, Map and See Attached Annexation Information (for 2007-M-06) Council Public Hearing Notice and Map (for all See Attached other CPAs) _. 1 (Signature of Sender): Ir UI STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Judith Subia signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ,°..r\tNatbtil0 Dated: ci--a\—O Notary ublic in and rhe Sate of- shingtdh ,01 Aof , 1 Notary (Print): h �� w��rs — . My appointment expires: —lo _ , 41119 F t 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments template-affidavit of service by mailing **00° CITY OF RENTON (cY � fillNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAG U140 RENTON CITY COUNCIL �. N� � 2007 AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S 2004 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, MAPS AND DATA; CONCURRENT REZONING; PRE-ZONING FOR POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREAS; AND ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF CITY CODE 11 Additional information may be found online at: www.rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=2778 or by contacting Strategic Planning at 425.430.6575 Notice is hereby given that the Renton City Council has fixed the first day of October, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, to consider the following: Potential amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, concurrent rezoning or potential zoning of the properties described below, potential amendments to the text of the Comprehensive Plan, and proposed amendments to the text of zoning regulations. #2006-M-1, LUA 06-160: Alan Kunovsky 326 Park Avenue Land Use Element map amendment to change the land use designation of.89 acres from Residential Medium Density (RMD)with R-10 zoning to Commercial Neighborhood (CN)with concurrent Commercial Neighborhood (CN)zoning. The original application was for a 5,000 sq. ft. property at 326 Park Avenue, and was expanded to include properties at 335 Park Ave. N., 330 Park Ave. N., 329 Park Ave N., and 323 Park Ave. N. and two vacant parcels-one on the east side of Park Ave. N, the other on the west side of Park Ave N. Zoning text amendments have also been proposed that would limit business parking to the side or rear of the lot in the CN zone and also to allow joint use and off-site parking options for required parking citywide. #2007-M-02 LUA 06-061: O'Farrell Properties, LLC 188 and 196 Hardie Avenue SW Land Use Element map amendment to change the designation of 1.17 acres of property from Residential Medium Density (RMD)with R-10 zoning to Corridor Commercial (CC)with concurrent Commercial Arterial (CA)zoning. The original application included 188 Hardie Ave SW and was expanded to include 150 Hardie Ave. SW, 111 SW Victoria, 176 Hardie Ave SW, and 180 Hardie Ave SW. The application has also been expanded to include the property at 196 Hardie which is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA)but designated for RMD land use. This proposed amendment would correct this mistake and properly place this parcel in CC land use designation. The application also includes a zoning text amendment to expand the Rainier Business District Overlay. The original application requested extension of the Overlay to the properties at 188 Hardie Ave., 196 Hardie Ave., 151 Rainier Ave S, and 175 Rainier Ave S. In the expanded proposal, the Overlay would include these properties and others, expanding the Overlay by 18.06 acres. This acreage expands the Overlay north to Airport Way, bounded by Lake Avenue S. on the east, and on the west by Hardie Avenue until it reaches SW Victoria Street. Only commercially zoned properties on Victoria Street are included in the Overlay. Zoning text amendment also includes modification of the allowed residential density and standards in the Rainer Business District Overlay District to allow up to 60 dwelling units per acre in mixed use commercial/residential buildings. #2007-M-03 LUA 06-166: City of Renton . Land Use Element map amendment to change the designation of 284 acres within Renton's Potential Annexation Area known as the Maple Valley Highway Corridor. This area includes parcels fronting on Maple Valley Highway(SR 169), and open space and sensitive areas contiguous to established residential developments and extends from the existing city limits to the Urban Growth Boundary. The change in land use is from Residential Low Density(RLD)to the following land use designations: RLD land use with Resource Conservation (RC)and R-4 prezoning; Residential Single Family(RS)with R-8 prezoning; and Residential Medium Density(RMD)land use with R-14 and Residential Manufactured Home Park (RMH) prezoning. Prezoning designations would become effective upon annexation. 19IF' This is the second public hearing on pre-zoning properties in the New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation Area. Some recommendations for property classifications are changed from the notice sent for the July 25, 2007, public hearing. Please see the attached map. #2007-M-05, LUA 06-167: QIP and Virtu Properties Sunset Blvd. Land Use Element map amendment to consider designation of 8.71 acres of property from Employment Area-Industrial (EA-I)with Industrial-Heavy(I-H)zoning and.91 acres of property from Residential Multi-Family(RMF) land use with Residential Multi-Family(RMF)zoning to Residential Medium Density(RMD)with R-10 zoning. Parcels are located south of the Sunset View Apartments on Sunset Blvd, near the western edge of the City and north of the S. 140th unimproved right-of-way and the BNSF rail road. There will also be consideration of the designation of these parcels for lower intensity residential development, such as Residential Single Family(RS) land use designation with R-8 zoning, or Residential Low Density(RLD)with R-4 zoning. #2007-M-06, LUA 06-164: City of Renton Review of land within the proposed Benson Hill Communities annexati$n boundary for Land Use Element amendments and concurrent prezoning consistent with Renton's adopted land use classifications and policies. Properties are located within the Soos Creek portion of the Renton Potential Annexation Area. Current land use designations in this area are Residential Single Family(RS), Residential Medium Density(RMD), Residential Low Density(RLD), Residential Multi- Family(RMF), and Commercial Corridor(CC). The proposal would amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and concurrently pre-zone properties within this area to include: RS land use with R-8 prezoning, RMD land use with R-10, R- 14, and Residential Manufactured Home Park(RMH) prezoning, RLD land use with R-4, R-1, and RC prezoning, RMF land use with Residential Multi-family(RMF) prezoning, Commercial Neighborhood (CN)land use with Commercial Neighborhood (CN) prezoning, and CC land use with Commercial Arterial (CA)and Commercial Office(CO) prezoning. This is the second public hearing on pre-zoning properties in the Benson Hill Communities Annexation Area. Some recommendations for property classifications are changed from the notice sent for the July 25, 2007, public hearing. Please see the attached map. #2007-M-07, LUA 06-165 : 10625 138th Ave. SE, 10703 138th Ave. SE, 13645 SE 107th PI, and 10733 138th Ave. SE. City of Renton Land Use Element map amendment from Single Family Residential (RS)with R-6 zoning to Corridor Commercial (CC) Land Use with concurrent Commercial Arterial (CA) prezoning for four parcels fronting Duvall Avenue NE totaling 1.01 acres: 10625 138th Ave. SE, 10703 138th Ave. SE, 13645 SE 107th PI, and 10733 138th Ave. SE. Parcels are currently in unincorporated King County and prezoning would become effective upon future annexation. #2007-T-01, LUA 06-163: City of Renton Bi-annual update of Capital Facilities Element and amendment of the Transportation Element to incorporate and update the level of service information and capital facility project lists, amend text and tables summarizing growth, and to update and correct descriptive narrative. #2006-T-05, LUA 06-125: City of Renton Text Amendment to update the Land Use Element to allow Residential Manufactured Home zoning to be an implementing zone with the Residential Low Density Comprehensive Plan designation. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposals. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. BONNIE I WALTON,City Clerk Published in Summary: Renton Reporter September 19,2007 , Sw SV l I - �ww•— rS Renton Village PI 0�, • '• D1rw � TI - \ 1HillD, SE� r 117) 1 , J 4. ` ',5f-15th Pt � • ' ffS 971h { '''-.0 � A S7 • _ SW 19th'St"' at S'-: l! A F no \\\\ ` 518th40 '::- ' keit 14.,9th r.- G I SW 21st St _• DO S"21st St 'e Dr • sE sc _ \ \�- •.� � .1:u St " SE Issii,- , ,_ ,_ _ 161st St v, 'SE 4'60.ih .. I S IBt 0 - ti 7� '� ,., 525th-ST a . t ° 154th I _ - . I ahlw ,'F � I527th St —� o-ln sSW 27th St P (i) ., ' LIF4'' SW 2 h 5 1 ',/ iiti - < '.a' ��.�.• 1111 "- - •" �q N -- i -_ �IiE - . _1Mt, r9e Bt ..5t 11 32nd-Pt I �i l s K ?L IS a� qwr s ,SW sora \ I n.a■�� p 34th., ' .i.VI .._p• i❑ Imo, � wit:, Wh -t-70th St • TGtl , J c Ir �y R .]1 36th �c pi... -1 I I z � �`s4a s, � 1 I '� i swilEll :4 J.. 1}$n _ ll agg Spin ,� o I ll <.v.,,:..Wi Pete Ra 1111101001f.t11, .;=`E ....- - j ),...„. SW 41st Si ,...':;,:,j,:',..-.Wil''' 1 (,-' ; _t- 4 9 e 1 ii; t, I +R�1 ' ° :;-'7' ' -P L' '14 I' ' ' 7--; 7\ VF----ii----1 i SW ' i - I 1 1/ .',i1:ILL_-[, .Ths.t....r. ___, __1-___! 43r4 St S 4,.St Y� f 2.. �G Gi6:S`irj *".e.'"1--*.'W �1A e tar s1. .,. .. . _ . nj• a 1°.E ' sL r / 05 RMH :� r 451ti P1 ��rd.Pl,' I I r—.� _, F-' - I R-9R-8 1 111 r1 ••••�i se tar 3 ,,- ►5E-point 31 I t- : �,_-.. I - _ ,ty wI j1tn�J ; ; 4- 11 T w, .. „ ....,.„. , ---.- , .. —L I , fit; :5_ .,, _ :. 11 ': ,,, „. ..e. ,_ , .4 m..R - .., . 1 Id L, ,,,4,_,-,,;> ' offi.T.T.r.""`. ' ' ,,' ;„iii --• -I--! ` 7-,-,,,, . , i iili, ,r: , ,s, ........ , \ _ .....,,...., t ..• a .,.....,...„,„ ..., ., . ,,, . . , . _ . _, , F . S 55th St T ..� -.. .� $i7S I:F7:INN i! �I iiii!leo 0 _� I196th St •E 19616 Sh SE 196th , «- S6 L� liK ���®i •l�� inn ;;� fit. iii F I` 1...--4 111114 2 C.:it: ---. -. - ##��66ii11 r 1 h St aa�� �4Y \ f1 iS 1s wr ,.� :iai..bia _ Si aL u.Zia 1d SE 200th St _ — -� r \ • i se 200th,�. 200th s. tJ Ir-" r" 5 ,1.1 I '''4'',..:....1,•,,,..:',.' , ,".1. i 1 ::j 1 ' SE 204th �.a � L;.--;,,f _ l `O2a IE: Benson Hill Communities, CPA#2007-M-06 Staff/Planning Commission Recommendation Zoning Designations Comp Plan-Land Use o soo taw R-1-1 DU per Acre RMF-Residential Multi Family p Residential Low Density R-4-4 DU per Acre RMH-Residential Manufactured Homes O Residential Single Family R-8-8 DU per Acre CA-Commercial Arterial O Residential Medium Density ernnorm Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning R-10-10 DU per Acre CN-Commercial Neighborhood I Residential Multi Family i C:P s —Pasch. "g R-14-14 DU per Acre CO-Commercial Office NI Commercial Neighborhood Annexation Bounda rY IN Commercial Corridor — City Limits , , `✓ via 0 A 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Rezonings Existing ProposedExisting Proposed Vi' /� � l�/'�� '! r'/'/ ✓ � yf/ R-10 �/ / R-10 , < R-00 0 R4; R41 _ R41 v ON = A4 RR{ CPA f 2007-M-01 and Concurrent Rezoning 0 200 400 1 C.....,,,,,,a,,, CPA/2007 AF02 and Concurrent Rezoning �+ 0 aoo 800(, c, 1:2400 - oar I.vf..1:4 .�:......V....a..M.ma a Same.Fra M�..d r n.a r:..r ra.e,a.l.a.4tioM�.F.•s...s.FWm. Ltanalerc.° retry..a a...wt. ......w•F.w 1......, m.oM, I:4000 #2007-M-01 #2007-M-02 ,—_17 _ f,_ -., _—L _T_, c ew _ ,1 1 R. "um J. J 1 Ali; ` I ` i - ret _L 1 i{ _ = CPA 0 200741-03 and Concurrent Rezoning o 1000 2000 .mi.. 1 __ -. _. ':.; �" 1.... 1:12000 1. Ranvier Business District-Proposed Overlay RC —^•' m. ......_......0, RC-RomeatCeraottitt, •=1. � ��- — 1 E�m.Rt aw Nk9rs•V.FdE M no.. P5-4VMw5RaFMJ C) ,...a.aa,<a. —sw,nM. #2007-M-02: Rainier Ave Business District Overlay #2007-M-03 Ex1811n0 P,opnao Existing KC Zoning Existing CRY of Renton Conte PMn - T- t 4 � P 1� RS ':totw r 4, ' ti 4,1.0 c1���xT' 'G" 110- ,\ 1g ..,.: RC —- ,v.:•• •.y RC - Rt i r• .f J ICS J "ASS S. .: CPA t 20071-05 and Concurrent Rezoning ^ 0 800 1600 CPA d 2001.1-07 and Concurrent Rezoning peavwawa,R. Ia�c.nym.q 0 200 400 i <. „., 1 ..a-Coward Can* R. R.- •� __.. y Ra t `.re R.k.WB.0188i 2 ! ,moo•• ws..lt*•s.......� m a w"``�".e 1:9600 8....a-.. 1 _400 C)1.11.1:144144411114. ,,I.„„,,,,,„,,,,„,^ WM..lbtsvit FM:N:aiswiMs .. i r= ®ti Mpg kiln #2007-M-05 #2007-M-07 s ., Annexan: What Would it mean for the Benson Hill Communities? On November 6, 2007, area voters will s x = ,P 'it y have the opportunity to choose to annex „�' '''' it \ Y �. `':ri' to the City of Renton, or to remain part of �,> j,p* �" unincorporated King County. Benson Hill w` . Communities includes over 16,000 f� r f ; t residents in the neighborhoods of nu, ;' & s u = r Cascade, Benson Hill, Spring Glen and '� .9w. I ; .; 'k „. Spring Brook. Area residents submitted a "' ° X S nix P.PF uNr' E: �a, a petition in January 2007 to vote on t..:7„,,...# ' R x .,p n "a ' annexation to Renton. Q' ?if- z M p � 4 A:-.7. 1. ss my Pi -- S .;.... .a.�fix. Several Kin g County communities are considering annexation because King b"'� County has less funding than cities to provide urban levels of service to areas inside the County's designated urban "', ^ growth area. King County and State growth management policies strongly , F , W s encourage unincorporated urban areas to either annex or incorporate. Recently, the P�P ;' State made funding available to help u""°" ' " a: t"'PAPP 2. cities provide local public services if ~" � �� annexation occurred. The City and County "" """ k"�' n ` P are working together to provide ` '` information to help residents make an �" °�`" M d s„ informed future governance decision. K, Proposed Benson Hill Communities Annexation If residents choose to annex, Renton would y What would change with annexation and be the service provider for many government what will stay the same? Residents would services in the Benson Hill area. Residents see changes in direct local government services, would live within city boundaries, pay the same including police response, parks and recreation, taxes, and receive the services that Renton street maintenance, land use permits and residents enjoy today. planning, and library services. Most residents You're invited to a City Council Public would see a slight decline in the local taxes they Hearing. The hearing will provide you an pay today. Residents would see no change in opportunity to give additional testimony in school district boundaries, water and sewer person or in writing on the proposed service from Soo Creek Water and Sewer Comprehensive Plan and zoning for Benson Hill District, street addresses, zip codes, or King Communities. County Metro bus service. What if voters don't approve annexation? Public Hearing Services would continue to be provided by King on Comprehensive Plan and Zoning County and special-purpose districts. Over time, Monday, October 1, 2007 King County will struggle to maintain local 7:00 p.m. service levels in unincorporated urban areas. Renton City Hall, Council Chambers Smaller areas may choose to incrementally 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 annex to Renton. U ,cY ( -,NT Annexation: What V iId it Mean For the Bens Hill Communities?, • What would happen with police services? third of Fire District 40's current territory to • Today, the King County Sheriff's Office provides become part of Renton, and the City would service in a patrol district that serves Benson close its Fire Station 13. Under state law, Fire Hill and a larger area with a minimum of one District 40 would need to transfer about one- deputy on duty per shift. The 2006 average third of its assets to the City (based on the response time to high-priority calls was about 5 percentage of property that is annexed). State minutes. A school resource officer serves law allows firefighters to transfer to the Lindbergh High School, and patrol officers from annexing city. It may be possible for the two surrounding unincorporated areas support governments to reach an interlocal agreement assigned officers within minutes. The Sheriff has for service and transfer of assets, and a storefront office in Fairwood where residents discussions between the District and the City can talk to deputies or report collisions. All are happening now to resolve these questions. other Sheriff's Office services (investigations, K- 9 units, SWAT, administration) are provided by )Does annexation mean higher taxes? No. central units in south King County. Taxes for the average resident will be about the same or lower, although the combination of If Benson Hill approves annexation, the Renton taxes that residents pay would change. The City Police Department would provide police would begin serving the area with city services services. Renton currently has seven patrol and collecting city property taxes, sales taxes, districts, and would add two patrol districts, and utility taxes to do so. Business owners each staffed with one officer 24 hours a day. would be responsible for a business license fee. Average response time to high-priority calls is The City's surface water utility rates are less about 2.5 minutes. There is a neighborhood than King County utility rates, so residents will traffic unit that addresses complaints and see a reduction in those rates. Some types of conducts speed studies. Crime prevention, taxes, such as the City's utility tax, would be school resource officer, block watch, and new to residents, but the total amount that business watch programs are also available. The each household pays would stay the same. Department has two animal control officers and operates a misdemeanor jail facility. There are King County and Renton 239 police departments in Washington; Renton Tax& Fee Comparison is one of twelve of those agencies that are nationally accredited. King County Renton PER'f Countywide Levy $3.85 $3.85 • Would there be a change to fire and Renton city Levy $0.00 $2.88 emergency medical services?The service Road/Unincorporated Area Levy $1.75 $0.00 provider would change, but response time and Fce Di1$3.45 $0.20 Fire Dstrict 40 $1.09 $0.20 services would be the same. Fire and Hospital District 1 $0.56 $0.56 emergency medical services are now provided King County Library System $0.50 $0.07 by Fire District 40, and in some areas by Fire Emergency Medical Services $0.21 $0.21 District 37. If Benson Hill annexes to Renton, Flood Control District $0.00 $0.00 the Renton Fire Department would become Total Levy Rate(per$1000 AV) $11.41 $11.22 Median Assessed Value $300,000 $300,000 responsible for providing these services. Today, Total Property Tax $3,423 $3,366 Renton provides Fire and EMS services to the City of Renton and King County Fire District 25 OTHERa ity ees FEEs.. $141 bycontract. Five Cityfire stations are staffed $328 Water and Sewer $815 $815 with a total of 23 people on duty 24 hours a Garbage $247 $161 day, on five three-person engine companies, Fire Dist 40 Benefit Charge $164 $0 one three-person ladder company, two two- Total Other Taxes& Fees $1,367 $1,304 person aid cars, and one battalion chief. Total Taxes, Rates and Fees $4,790 $4,670 Savings From Annexation $120 • Would annexation affect fire stations and firefighters? Property owners would no longer For illustration only, based on 2007 estimates, tax levy pay the fire district's property tax levy or code 4250, house value of$300,000. Individual tax benefit charge if the area annexes, but would experience will vary based on consumption by household. Garbage service would not change for 7 still pay the bond proceeds for the district's new years after annexation. Residents would then be station. Annexation would cause about one- required to pay Renton rates. Benson Hill Communities • September 2007 Annexation: What What juld it Mean For the Beni Hill Communities? > What would happen with existing land ) What is the future of Renton libraries? use permits, building permits, and projects There are two studies underway to plan for the under construction?The City of Renton will future of Renton libraries. First is a cross-use honor subdivisions, short plats, and other study to determine who checks out materials projects that have vested under King County and the number of items checked out from development standards. Permit processing and libraries in both systems. This could result in follow-up services such as inspections would be future changes to service. Second is Renton's handled by the City following annexation. library master planning process, to be completed by the end of 2007, that will set the What would happen with zoning?The City course for the future of Renton libraries. KCLS Council is reviewing King County zoning in and Renton recently negotiated an agreement Benson Hill to determine how to amend the to transfer 2004 capital bond levy proceeds City's Comprehensive Plan and create pre- collected from the community to the City of zoning for Benson Hill in case of annexation. Renton to support library services if annexation Pre-zoning using Renton's zoning and occurred, and Renton would purchase any development regulations will provide the library facilities in annexing areas. community more certainty about how future housing and commercial development would ) Would annexation affect parks and occur with annexation. Residents in Benson Hill recreation? King County operates three local are invited to participate in this review now, and parks in the Benson Hill Communities: Renton offer input to the zoning. A public hearing on Park, Boulevard Lane, and Cascade Park, as zoning will occur on October 1, 2007, at 7 p.m. well as Soos Creek Regional Park and Trail. King in the Council Chambers, Floor Seven of Renton County and the City of Renton are negotiating City Hall. the transfer of parks. In all scenarios, these parks will be maintained in the future as public Renton's planning strategy supports the concept parks. Today, the City of Renton Community of centers, where the majority of planned Services' Parks Division maintains and operates density is focused in the City's regionally 26 public parks, 13 miles of trails, 723 acres of adopted growth center (Downtown Renton and public open space, an 18-hole public golf surplus Boeing property), and in smaller course, two lake-front beaches, and a public commercial nodes throughout the City. This boat launch. In addition, residents qualify for means the City can protect single-family lower resident recreation fees. Over the past neighborhoods and limit multi-family few years, significant investments have been development in residential areas. made in acquiring and developing Heritage Park and acquiring other park property. 1> Will my address change? No. Renton's City Council approved an ordinance in August 2006 1> With annexation, how would Renton confirming that newly annexed areas will keep manage surface water detention ponds? their current street addresses. The City of Renton will become responsible to maintain existing surface water detention ponds I use the Fairwood Library. Why is that are currently owned, maintained and Renton not part of King County Library operated by King County in the public right-of- System?The City of Renton has provided way, and tracts or easements dedicated to King library services to city residents from two County. Existing surface water detention ponds branch libraries since 1906, and chose to that are now privately owned and maintained remain independent when King County Library will remain private facilities. System (KCLS), a separate library district, was formed. The two library systems have a long- ) What about Renton's bonded standing reciprocal borrowing agreement that indebtedness? In 2006, Renton had issued provides full borrowing privileges at both $25 million in general obligation debt and $48 systems' libraries for all residents. With million in utility system and golf course debt. annexation, Renton would become responsible This is a manageable amount, as evidenced by for providing library services. Both library an upgrade in the City's bond rating in 2006. systems have a commitment to provide the The fact that a City has debt is just a fact. Like library services that residents value. people and households, governments borrow money to pay for investments that will benefit Benson Hill Communities • September 2007 Annexation: What Auld it Mean For the Bens Hill Communities the community over a long time, and must have )I still have more questions. Who can I 4 the capacity to pay it back. contact? Call City of Renton staff at 425.430.6500 for questions about annexation How will or 425.430.6575 for questions about zoning, or t annexation affect www.rentonwa.gov and search for .�' Renton? Renton "annexations." would become "a ! + Benson Hill's local government service provider. Transition planning to provide services in Benson Hill is underway in case residents vote yes. If Alternative Formats Available voters approve annexation, the City would hire new employees in every City department to 425.430.6575 serve a much larger city of 75,000 residents. 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