HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-24-2015 - Agenda , � � � c�T� a� �� �� ��� AGENDA 2015 Independent Salary Commission Meeting 9:00 AM-Tuesday, November 24,2015 Council Conferencing Room 720, City Hall—1055 S. Grady Way 1. INTRODUCTION a) Selection of Chair/Vice Chair(per RMC 2-20-4) b) Process of 2004 Council Salary Adjustment c) Roles and Responsibilities 2. BACKGROUND a) Councilmember Duties 3. COMPENSATION COMPARISON a) Comparable Cities Information b) Q&A Regarding Compensation 4. COMMITTEE DELIBERATION 5. NEXT STEPS a) Information Regarding Referendum b) Next Meeting? , �r.r � A GENDA ITEM #1, b) Amends ORD 475? CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5090 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHI1�iGTOl�t, AMENDING SECTION 1-5-1.0 OF CHAPTER 5, COUNCII., OF TITLE I (ADMINISTRATIVE) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHII�GTON" BY INCLUDING TIiE DEFERRED COMPENSATION BENEFIT IN THE CITY COUNCII,MEMBERS'SALARY DESCRIPTION. 'THE CITY COUNCII.. OF TI� C1TY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIlV AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L Section 1-5-1.0 of Chapter 5, CounciI, of Title I (Administcative) of Ordinance No. 4260 eIItitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows: C. Tt�e salaries of the Councilmembers are hereby fixed at nine hundred fifty dollars ($950.00) per month plus 2% of salary for deferred compensation, plus for those Councilmembers not participating in PERS, an extxa 1.4%of salary for daferred compensation. However, the compensation of such elected officiais who fix their own compensation shall not be increased during their terms of office, and as limited by the Constitution and statutes of the � Stete of Washington. � i 3ECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, an,d i 3U days after publication ' PASSED BY TF�CITY COUNCIL this i 9 t h day of_ J u 1 y ,2004. �o-�.�:J l�a.e'� � Bonnie I. Watton,City Clerk i 1 � � AGENDA ITEM #1, b) ORDINANCE NO. 5090 APPROVED BY TI�MAYOR this 19 t h day of J u 1 y ,2004, ' �.SG�.P�-- Kathy lker-Wheeler,Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J.W ity Attorney Date ofPublicatioa: �/23/2004 {summary) ORD.1120:6/7/04:ma � � � , � : 0 , Z � „�o�� �" RCW35.21.015:Sal�ycommissinns. "'� AGENDA ITEM #1, c) RCW 35.21.015 Salary commissions. (1) Salaries for elected o�cials of towns and cities may be set by salary commissions established in accordance with city charter or by ordinance and in conformity with this section. (2)The members of such commissions shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of a city charter, or as specified in this subsec�ion: (a) Shall be appointed by the mayor with appraval of the city council; (b) May not be appointed to more than finro terms; (c) May only be removed during their terms of office for cause of incapacity, incompetence, neglect of duty, or rnalfeasance in office or for a disqualifjring change of residence; and (d) May not include any officer, official, or employee of the city or town or any of their immediate family members. "Immediate family member"as used in this subsection means the parents, spouse, siblings, children, or dependent reiatives of the officer, o�cial, or employee,whether or not living in the household of the officer, official, or employee. (3)Any change in salary shall be filed by the commission with the aty clerk and shall become effective and incorporated into the city or tawn budget without further action of the city council or salary commission. (4) Salary increases established by the commission shall be effective as to all city or town elected officials, regardless of their terms of office. (5) Salary decreases established by the commission shall become effective as to incumbent city or town elected officials at the commencement of their next subsequent terms of office. (6) Salary increases and decreases shall be subject to referendum petition by the people of the town or city in the same manner as a city ordinance upon filing of such petition with the city clerk within thirty days after filing af the salary schedule. In the event of the filing of a valid referendum petition, the salary increase or decrease shall not go into effect until approved by vote of the people. (7) Referendum measures under this section shall be submitted to the voters of the city or town at the next following general or municipal election occurring thirty days or more after the petition is filed, and shall be otherwise governed by the provisions of the state Constitution, or city charter, or laws generally applicable to referendum measures. (8)The action fixing the salary by a commission established in conformity with this section shall supersede any other provision of state statute or city or town ordinance related to muniapal budgets or to the fixing of salaries. (9) Salaries for mayors and councilmembers established under an ordinance or charter provision in existence on July 22, 2001, that substantially complies with this section shall remain in effect httpJ/�p.leg.wa.gov/rcw/defa��La�spx?Cite=3521.015 �� � 1112/2015 �r✓' RCW35.21.015:Salarycommissions. r„�yi unless and until changed in accordance with such charter provisian or ordinan'c�GENDA ITEM #1. C) [2001 c 73 §4.] Notes: Findings --Intent--2001 c 73: "The legislature hereby finds and declares that: (1)Article XXX, section 1 of the state Constitution permits midterm salary increases for municipal officers who do not fix their own compensation; (2)The Washington citizens' commission on salaries for elected officials estabfished pursuant to Article XXVIII, section 1 of the state Constitution with voter approval has assured that the compensation for state and county elected officials will be fair and certain, while minimizing the dangers of midterm salary increases being used to influence those officers in the perFormance of their duties; (3)The same public benefits of independent salary commissions should be extended to the setting of compensation of muniapal elected officers; and (4)This act is intended to darify the intent of the tegislature that existing state law authorizes: (a)The establishment of independent salary commissions to set the salaries of city or town elected officials, county commissioners, and county councilmembers; and (b)The authority of the voters of such cities, towns, and counties to review commission decisions to increase or decrease such salaries by means of referendum."(2001 c 73 § 1.] Severability--2001 c 73: "If any provision of this act or ifs application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [2001 c 73 § 6.] hltp://epp.leg.wa.gov/rcwldefiault�px?Cit�3521.015 y2 ---.--. _.. ._�.._ _ ----- _. ._..._.._ .._._....._..____.�__ _... .. --� � `� AGENDA I TEM #1, c) CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON G ORDINANCE NO. 5773 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON,AMENDING SECTfON ! 1-5-1 OF CHAPTER 5, C�UNCIL, OF TITLE ! (ADMINISTRATIVE), ADOPTING A ' NEW CHAPTER 20, ENTITLED "INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION;' OF TITLE II (COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS),AND AMENDING SECTION 53-1 OF CHAPTER 3, SALARIES, OF TITLE V (�INANCE AND BUSINESS REGULATIONS) OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING AN INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the Revised Code of Washingtan (RCW) section 35.21.015 authorizes municipalities to establish an independent salary commissions to review and set the salaries for elected officials;and WHEREAS, The City Council currently reviews and sets compensation fo�the members of the City Council,which was most recently dane in luly 2004 via Ordinance No. 5090;and 1 WHEREAS, The City Council currently sets compensation for the Mayor by ordinance i� conjundion with regular budget processes;and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 5245 adopted on December 11, 2006 sets the compensation for the elected Judge to be at least ninety-five percent (95%) of a distrid court judge salary which is adjusted regularly;and i WHEREAS, the Council wishes to address the compensation of the City Council ' Members in a more consistent and uniform manner as other elected city officials; � NOW, THEREfORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASNINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 � 1 � � � AGENDA ITEM #1, c) I ORDINANCE NO. 5773 SECTION I. Subsection 1-5-1.0 of subsection 1-5-1, Number of Councilmembers; Duties; Salaries,of Chapter 5, Council, of Titie I (Administrativej of the Renton Municipai Code, � is hereby amended as foliows: C. The salaries of the Counciimembers are hereby fixed at nine hundred fifty dollars ($950.00) per month plus two percent (2°�) of salary for deferred � compensation, plus for those Councilmembers not participating in PERS, an extra one aoint four aercent(1.4%�of salary for deferred compensation. However,the compensation of such elected officials who fix their own compensation shall not be increased during their terms of office, and as limited by the Constitution and statutes of the State of Washington.The salaries of Councilmembers mav also be � adiusted accordina to the arocedures and rules established bv chanter RMC 2- 20. Independent Salarv Commission. SECTION II. Title II (Commissions and Boards) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended to add a new Chapter 20, entitled "Independent Salary Commission" to read as follows: CHAPTER 20 INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION SECTION: 2-20-1 Commission Established 2-20-2 Purpose � 2-20-3 Qualifications i � 2-20-4 Membership 2-20-5 Meetin�s 2 � �__...._ .__._---- _______ _._---- -- � � AGENDA ITEM #1, c) ORDINANCE NO. 5773 2-20-6 Resaonsibi.lities 2-20-7 Effective Date—Salaries 2-20-8 Salarv Schedule Subiect To Referendum Petition 2-20-1 COMMISSION ESTABLISHED: An Indeuendent Salarv Commission is herebv established aursuant to RCW i 35.21.015, hereinafter referred to as the City of Renton Indeoendent Salarv Commission ("Commission"1. 2-20-2 PURPOSE: The Commission shall review and establish the salaries of the ' Councilmembers and exercise the powers and oerform the duties established bv RCW 35.21.015.as now existina or hereafter amended. For the qurposes hereof. the salarv autho�itv of the inde�endent salarv commission shall include all com�ensation that mav be �aid to or �eceived bv councilmembers, whether or not it is identified as salarv. � 2-20-3 QUALIFICATIONS: A. Members must be a resident of the Citv for at ieast one (1) year immediatelv crecedin�such anaointment. and a reaistered voter of King Countv. B. No officer. official, or em�lovee of the Citv or anv of their immediate familv members mav serve on the Commission. "Immediate familv member" as used in this subsection means the aarents. saouse. siblinas, children, or , denendent relatives of the officer, official, or em�lovee,whether or not livina in ; the household of the officer.official.or emalovee. � 3 � __.---- -------_____ ---—-- -- � � � AGENDA ITEM #1, c) � ORDINANCE N0. 5773 � � � 2-20-4 MEMBERSHIP: E f ' A. Number of Members:The Commission shall consist of five IS)members. B,_Appointment: Members shall be apaointed bv the Mavor, subiect to confirmation by the Citv Council. Members shall be selected without resnect to • aolitical affiliations and shall serve without comoensation. C. Terms: Members of the Commission shall serve their term unon aoaointment and Counci!confirmation. until the salarv review is comelete and a salarv schedule has been filed with the Citv Clerk or until determination is made #hat no salarv adiustment is appro�riate. No member mav be aoaointed to more than two (21 terms on the Commission, whether or not those terms are held consecutivelv. ; D. Removal: Members mav be removed bv the Mavor, oniv. durina their ' terms of office for cause includina incaoacitv, incompetence. nealed of dutv. or � malfeasance in office or for a disaualifvina chanae of residence. E. Vacancies: Vacancies occurrina shall be filled for the unexaired terms, in the same manner as apaointments in subsection B of this section. � F. Quorum:Three(3)memhe�s shall constitute a auorum. G. Chair a�d Vice-Chair: The Commission shall elect a chair and vice-chair from amonrt its votin�members. 2-20-5 MEETINGS: A.The Mavor will anaoint appraqriate staff to assist the Commission. 4 � � AGENDA ITEM #1, c) ; ORDINANCE NO. 5773 B.The Commission shal{keen a written record of its n�oceedinas.which shall be a nublic record in accordance with State law. and shaii activelv salicit pubiic comment at all meetinas. The meetinas shall be subiect to the Oaen Public Meetinr�s Act.Chaater 42.30 RCW.as amended or recodified. �. The Commission shall meet as often as necessarv in order to file a schedule with the Citv Clerk, on or before November 30, 2015. Once a schedule has been filed, the Commission will not meet until the Citv Council confirms a new Commission for puraoses of further studvina Citv Council comaensation. 2-20-6 RESPONSIBILITIES: The Commission shall have the followina responsibilities: A. To studv the relationshia of salaries to the duties of Council President and Councilmembers and to studv the costs nersonallv incurred bv Councilmembers in performina such duties; B. To studv the re{ationshio of Renton Council salaries and benefits to those salaries and benefits of Councilmembers in surroundinR Citv iurisdictions and other current market conditions; C. To establish salarv and benefits by either increasinA o� decreasinst the existina salarv and benefits of each oosition by an affirmative vote of not less than three(3)members:and D.To review and file a salarv and compensation schedule with the Citv Clerk no later than November 30, 2015. Future Commissions shall have ninetv (901 5 . . � __..__ ..._- ---.__..._ ._...__.. . __..___._.__ � � AGENDA ITEM #1, c) ORDINANCE NO. 5773 davs after confirmation bv the Citv Council to comniete their review and file the necessanr salarv and comaensation schedule. < 2-20-7 EFFECTIVE DATE—SALARIES: A. The Commission established or amended salarv schedule wiil become � effective in the amounts, at the times. and under the conditions established in the schedule. B.Anv inc�ease or decrease in salarv shall become effective and incorqorated into the Citv budget without further action of the Citv Council or the Commission. � C. Salarv increases established bv the Commission shall be effective as to all � Council elected offitials,reaardless of their terms of office. � i D. Salarv decreases established bv the Commission shall become effective as I to incumbent Councii elected officials at the commencement of their next � � subseQuent terms of office. E. Anv adiustment of salarv bv the Commission shall supersede anv Citv ordinance related to the budaet or to the fixin�of salaries. 2-20.8 SALARY SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO REFERENDUM PETITION: A. Salarv increases and decreases shall be subiect to referendum petition in the same manner as an ordinance upon filina of such oetition with the Citv Clerk within thirtv(301 davs after filina of the salarv schedule. In the event of the filina of a valid referendum netition. the salarv increase or decrease shall not oR into effect until aonroved bv vote of the aeople. � 6 I I � � AGENDA ITEM #1. c) ORDINANCE NO. 5773 B. Referendum measures under this sectian shall be submitted to the voters of the Citv at the next followinA aenerai or municipai election occurring thirty (301 davs or more after the aetition is filed, and shali be otherwise Qoverned bv the arovisions of the WashinRton State Constitution. Chaater 1-2 Renton Municioal Code,or(aws rreneraliv appiicable to referendum measures. SECTION III. Section 5-3-1,Salaries of Elective Officers,of Chapter 3,Salaries,of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is he�eby amended as follows: � # 5-3-1 SALARIES OF ELECTIVE OFFIC�RIALS: The elective officials, consisting of the Mayor and members of the City Council, shall receive the salaries fixed and established by City ordinances f�om time to time and as otherwise provided by law. The salaries of Cauncilmembers mav also be adiusted accordina to the arocedures and rules established bv i chaater RMC 2-20, Inde�endent Salarv Commission. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after publicatian. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 19th day of October , 2015. , i ! � Jaso A.Seth, ity Clerk I � � 7 ! , `�r,r ,�,—---- - - ------___.----- ---- AGENDA ITEM #1.c ORDINANCE NO. 5773 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 19th day of October . 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Of R��� Approved as to form: �"� ��L . V � SEA►L * "�,..�����-- �c � Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney � �� 7Q�`�. Date of Publication: 10/23/2015 (summary) ������"� ORD:1885:10/5/15:scr 8 � � AGENDA ITEM #2, a) 2014 COUNCIL MEETINGS Council Meeting 37 Committee of the Whole 34 Finance Committee 21 Community Services Committee 5 Planning & Development Committee 17 Transportation Committee 12 Public Safety Committee 8 Utilities Committee 8 TOTAL 142 2015 COUNCIL MEETINGS Council Meeting 33 Committee of the Whole 35 Finance Committee 17 Community Services Committee 9 Planning & Development Committee 17 Transportation Committee 14 Public Safety Committee 9 Utilities Committee 5 TOTAL 139 Additional Meetin�s Council Retreat—2 eight-hour days each year Legislative Action Day-Annually councilmembers (2-3) go to Olympia in February to spend an entire day meeting with State Legislators regarding Renton's Legislative Priorities. Budget Workshops—Typically 1 eight hour day or numerous extended Committees of the Whole Inclusion Task Force (two councilmembers appointed by mayor) —bi-monthly Firemen's Pension Board (Finance Committee Chair)—monthly LEOFF Board (two councilmembers appointed by mayor)—monthly 2 RFA Planning Committees (three councilmembers each) - monthly Investment Committee (Finance Committee Chair) —quarterly Hotel/Motel Tax Advisory Board (one councilmember)—quarterly Renton Airport Advisory Committee (one councilmember from Trans. Comm.) —bi-monthly � � AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Re�ional Representation South County Area Transportation Board (one councilmember) - monthly Eastside Transportation Partnership (one councilmember)—monthly Regional Transit Committee (one councilmember)—monthly Regional Water Quality Committee (one councilmember)—monthly Economic Development Council (one councilmember) —monthly Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee (one councilmember)—monthly Emergency Management Advisory Council (one councilmember)—monthly I-405 Executive Board (one councilmember)—monthly Growth Management Planning Council (one councilmember)—monthly Domestic Violence Initiative Board (one councilmember)—monthly Puget Sound Regional Council—Transportation Policy Board (one councilmember) —monthly Committee to End Homelessness (one councilmember)—monthly WRIA 8 (Salmon Conservation Policy Board) (one councilmember) —monthly Growth Management Policy Board (one councilmember)—monthly Pipeline Safety Committee (one councilmember)—monthly Forensics Investigation Council (one councilmember)—bi-monthly Sound Cities Association Meetings (usually 3-4 councilmembers) - monthly . , °orrr w„r AGENDA ITEM #4. Current Saiary Current Benefits Notes $950 Med coverage for ee only-City pays$535.66, member pays 46.58. City contributes 2%to 457,and 1.4%in-lieu of pension. CURRENT ADJUSTMENT? ❑ OPTION 1: Increase S ❑ OPTION 2: Decrease Decreas+e�tary to: pecrease Benefits#a: Eff�ctive Date: $ 0 OPTION 3: Status Quo FUTURE ADJUSTMENT? ❑ OPTION 1: Index the compensation to a commonly available cost inflator or fixed percentage? If so, which index or percentage? ❑ OPTION 2: Future salary commission to decide. � � � . 2015 City Council5alary/Benefits Survey as of Il/16/2015 lurisdiction Population Form of Salary Cou�cilmember Councii President(or Medical DetailsJOther Government Commission MonthlySalary Equiv)Salary Benefits Auburn 73,235 Mayor/Council x $ 1,200 $ 1,600.00 x $50/meeting up to$200/mo.Medical coverage is for all council or none and is voted on each year,currently they are not covered.No city contribution to 457 optional FSA,car allowance$270/month, phone allowance$65/month,can elect to have 6.2Yo city match into def Bellevue 134,400 Council/Manager* - $ 1,650 $ 1,950.00 x comp in lieu of Social Security. EE only med coverage,city cost ranges from$576-$645/mo based on plan and member cost$19.55-$68 Everett 104,900 Mayor/Council - $ 2,247 $ 2,921.00 x No city contribution to 457 plan. Med coverage is member only and city pays 90%,member pays 10%. City pays for Iife and Itd for member as well. Kent 120,500 Mayor/Council x $ 1,175 $ 1,238.00 x No city contribution to 457 plan. Med coverage is member only and their contribution is same as other non reps Kirkland 81,340 Council/Manager* x $ 1,100 $ 1,400.00 x $zz5/month car allowance. Med coverage is offered or$300 allowance is given in lieu of these benefits. Aiso rec city paid life ins. No city contribution to 457 � Redmond 55,360 Mayor/Council x $ 1,000 5 1,000.00 x $50/month phone allowance. Medical cov is member only and cost to city is$1247/mo,council members pay half is cov is elected. No city contribution to 457 Tukwila 19,210 Mayor/Council - $ 1,250 $ 1,250.00 x Medical coverage is offered for members only and paid 100%by city. No city contribution to 457 plan Federel Way 89,720 Mayor/Council x $ 1,150 $ 1,150.00 _ Receive$475/mo into a VEBA account. Can elect to have 6.2%city match into def comp in lieu of social security, No city contribution to 457 Renton 97,130 Mayor/Council x $ 950 $ 950.00 x Med coverage for ee only-city pays$535.66,member pays 46.58. City contributes 2�o to 457,and 1.4%in-lieu of pension Averege 86,199 $ 1,302 $ 1,495 96difference 12.7% -27.1% -36.5% *Council President is Mayor � ' ' "�""` ",.r - _ _ AG: -._. _ ____._�__._.._..�. r■�--�•,.� ; � � CiTY OF .--. ____ _ . _ ___ _. . I S S A C„ IJA H P.O. Box 1307 Issaquah, WA 98027 W A S H I N G T O N 425-837-3020 issaquahwa.gov �� To: Fred Butler, Mayor Tina Eggers,City Clerk From: 2015 Independent Salary Commission Re: Formal Report, Findings&Conclusions--Salary and Compensation Schedule Date: June 16,2015 The Independent Satary Commission('Commission') is established by IMG 2.90 as an independent decision-making body charged with evaluating the full compensation, including salaries and benefits,for Issaquah City Council positions.The Commission is to review and file a Salary and Compensation Schedule with the City Clerk no later than June 3Q,2015. Commission Membership The Commission is made up of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Commission members serve until the term expires on June 30,2015 or at the time the salary schedule is filed with the City Clerk.The 2015 Independent Salary Commission is composed of the following members: 1. Bernadette Anne,Chair 2. Linda Dunn 3. Charlie Hafenbrack 4. Sean Pedersen 5. Joe Verner,Vice-Chair Process The Commission met for the first time on May 6, 2015 and scheduled seven additional open, public meetings. Each meeting included an opportunity for audience comments.With the expectation of the public hearing, noted further below,there were no public attendees,other than City staff. The Commissioners sought clear and specific data to understand more about the current commitments of Issaquah's Councilmembers as well as to understand the compensation level of Councilmembers of other cities in our region. 1. An online survey was developed to collect information about Issaquah Councilmembers' time commitments for meetings, prep and study time,travel time required for their assignments and time they spend interacting with citizens for their role as a Councilmember. Questions also covered the type and amounts of expenses they incurred, if they sought reimbursement and if not,why not. All seven Councilmembers participated in � r,.,r A�.__ ._ ._. ___...__ __.._...e�. �� P�..� � the survey.The Commission evaluated the results individually and as a whole without regard to the identities of the responders. 2. The Commission asked City staff to collect the following data points for 20 cities in the region,which,coincidentally, each also had seven Councilmembers. Equivalent positions in each jurisdiction were collected. • Date�f Incorporation • Population • Area (square miles) • Assessed Valuation • Median Residence Value • Number of regular council meetings • Councilmember salary and benefits,including any additional amounts for Council President or Deputy Council President On June 8,2015,the Commission held a formal public hearing. Issaquah business owner and resident Connie Marsh recommended that the Councilmembers did not need any additional monetary compensation; however,instead could realfy benefit from a .5 staff FTE to support the Councilmembers' workload to understand the information and to help prepare for their meetings and decisions. A review af the Survey results found that Councilmembers did not make this request,when asked for any additional information the Commission shoufd consider.It was noted that staffing fell outside the authorization granted to the Commission in IMC 2_90. tnformation and Data for Consideration The Commission considered a large amount of salary and compensation data gathered over the course of its meetings. Information from the City of Issaquah included: 1. Issaquah Councilmember's current salary and total compensation levels and the previously established salaries set in 2002 and 1998. 2. 2015 Councilmember Assignments 3. The 2014 and 2015 budget,revenue and expenditures for the City of Issaquah and specifically for the Issaquah City Council. 4. Financia(status report of the City of Issaquah and the General Fund Financial Forecast of May 31, 2015. 5. Current healthcare benefit plans for the City of Issaquah and information on current benefits and retirement issues that may affect Councilmembers. 6. Survey responses that requested information on: a. Number of hours spent(on a monthly basisj by Councilmembers conducting City Council business, including regularly scheduled Council meetings and additional committees,commissions and events. b. Allowable expenses incurred by Councilmembers but not reimbursed. c. Non-allowable expenses incurred by Councilmembers. d. General information about Councilmember's background on the Council. City of Issaquah 2015 Independent Salary Commission Report Dated:June 16,2015 Page 2 of 5 • ''�►' ,,,� AGE_�m��_.,�n,.�., ; � �.. __..._ _ . __ _ __ _ .._: Sources for data for 20 cities in the region included: 1. 2014 Compensation Report of the Association of Washington Cities 2. Municipal Research and Services Center(MRSC)database 3. County tax assessor valuations 4. QuickFacts.Census.Gov 5. Compensation and benefit information from the Human Resources contacts at the cities 6. Financial information from the cities'websites 7. Salary Commission Reports from Mercer Island, Bothell and Kirkland Stephanie Johnson, HR Analyst,and Diane Marcotte, Finance Director,were available at designated meetings to present material on the above topics and to answer Commissioners'questions. Analysis Counci{work requires a substantial time commitment,an ability to grasp complex government funding and financing issues and the expertise to delve deeply and quickly into all phases of City functions. The Commission's goal was to look at all aspects af the work and keep in mind that this is an elected,part- time, public service position. Salary and/or benefits should be set at a level that recognizes the degree of work and commitment,but which does not unduly influence,in either direction,the consideration to run for this public o�ce. Councilmember Hours From the Councilmember Survey Results,the Commission used an average of 55 hours/month for a Councilmember's base hours, plus an additional 8-10 hours when serving as Deputy Council President or an additional 11-20 hours when serving as Council President. Compensation Salary is generally not the only compensation factor for Councilmembers in other cities. Total compensation is calculated as base salary plus a city's actual cost of any benefits offered. The Commission recognized the need to establish a compensation level that reflects the commitment of Issaquah to pay a fair market salary while being fiscally responsible to the citizens. However,the Commission also recognized that it is not possible to compensate the Councilmembers for the true value of the public service they provide to the community of Issaquah. Comparison to Other Cities The Commission compared the salary and benefits of 20 cities through a variety of inethods. 1. Calculations compared cities based on population,square miles, median residence value, complexity of city functions, and revenue and expenses. 2. Averages were used in multiple iterations. 3. CPI and COLA progressions from 2002 to 2015 were considered. 4. Base salary was compared to total compensation. The Commissioners agreed to each present their analysis of the data and a suggested set of findings independently. All five Commissioners,although approaching the analysis from different directions, came to similar findings regarding an amount for base salary. City of Issaquah 2015 Independent Salary Commission Report Dated:lune 16,2015 Page 3 of 5 ' , i�r' �r„r A G � � -_._.___�.�__ _. ; � in addition,there was a unanimous and strong consensus among the Commissioners that the gap of 13 years without a salary review or increase was deemed unsustainable for the future of Issaquah governance. Recommendations The Commission strongly makes the following recommendations,while recognizing they fall outside of the purview of IMC 2.90. From the results of the Councilmember Survey,combined with the review of the legislative expenditure reports,the Commission learned that many Councilmembers do not request reimbursement for allowable expenses either because (1�they were not aware that reimbursement was possible or(2)they did not want to take the time to track the required information. Therefore,to have a complete understanding of the types of expenses which are reimbursable,and what information/receipts/form is required to seek reimbursements,the Commission recommends that Councilmembers receive re- training on the City of Issaquah's expense reimbursement policies and procedures. The Commission recommends training on eligible benefits for elected officials such as the Public Employees'RetirementSystem(PERS.) The Commission strongly urges the City Council to reconvene the Independent Salary Commission at least every two years and no longer than every three years. This recommended timeframe is more equitable to Councilmembers and more practical for the City's budget. Avoiding large'catch up' increases will allow the City to keep pace with market salary rates and total compensation packages_The Commission is making this recommendation in lieu of an annual cost of living or CPI increase. A salary process which av�ids long gaps is needed to maintain professionalism while recognizing the developing and growing nature of our community which increases the time demand on Councilmembers. Findings&Conclusions The 2015 Independent Salary Commission finds that: 1. Issaquah Councilmembers are paid significantly less than their comparable counterparts,on average, in both base salary and benefits. 2. An increase to base salaries and benefits are in the long term best interest of the City of Issaquah and the citizens of Issaquah. 3. The Salary and Compensation 5chedule is not intended to compensate Councilmembers for work actually performed but rather as recognition of the time,expertise and commitment that this public service work requires. 4. Under Issaquah's expense and reimbursement policies,Councilmembers are eligible for reimbursement of expenses including travel(e.g.mileage, lodging, parking,meals),certain office and operating supplies,and are allowed an annual flat fee reimbursement for internet of$600. However,the City's cell phone reimbursement rate,currently at$20/month,does not extend to the Councilmembers. City of Issaquah 2015 Independent Salary Commission Report Dated:June 16,201S Page 4 of 5 � +rrr � A G� _ __ _.___.._ L �. --_ . ._ . _ � NOW THEREFORE,the Commission concludes and implements the following Salary and Compensation Schedule: Section 1. Salarv. To continue to attract and maintain qualified City Councilmember candidates,to keep Issaquah in line with the current market,and to recognize the time commitment that a Councilmember position requires,the Commission hereby determines an increase in salaries is warranted; and hereby establishes the salaries, with an effective date ofJuly 1,2015,as follows: POSITION CURRENT SALARY NEW SALARY Council President $800/month $1450/month Deputy Council President $750/month $1350/month Councilmembers $700/month $1250/month Section 2. Benefits. To recognize that total compensation for a Councilmember is no longer reflected only by the salary level,the Commission estab{ishes the following new benefits,with the same effective date as set forth in Section 1: a. Councilmembers shall be eligible to participate in the City of Issaquah's 457 deferred compensation plan. b. Councilmembers shall be eligible for the employee monthly cell phone reimbursement rate,currently$20/month. APPROVED by the Independent Salary Commission,and FILED with the City Clerk this 16th day of June, 2015. ,�����C�!.�'i �� 2-'"?c�?---.. rnadette Anne,Chair ..ft..__. Linda Du Charlie Hafenbrack �+?E��-�"-------''/ Sean Pedersen - �� Joe Verner,Vice-Chair City of Issaquah 2015 Independent Salary Commission Report Dated:June 16,2015 ' Page 5 of 5 �n✓ ti,,,r Rotes of the mayor and council Policy making &t implementation Council meetings Mayor Council Mayor Council • Keep council informed on • Listen to city residents • Prepare agenda, • Adopt council rules of city affairs. - keep track of their preside over meetings, procedure. • Propose policy. concerns and wishes. report to council on . Participate in • Implement policy • Discuss, develop, and matters involving city preparation of council adopted by council. adopt city policies administration, propose meeting agenda as overnin man as ects policy initiatives or • Report back to council g � y P chan provided in council rules. re ardin olic of city operations. ges. � � g P Y Discuss all policy matters implementation and • Vote on measures to and make decisions possible improvements. the extent allowed following the adopted by the statutes. Veto rules. Personnel matters ordinances, as permitted Mayor Council by statutes. • Hire, fire, supervise • Adopt personnel policies, • As presider, facilitate an and discipline all establish positions, orderly meeting process. city employees (in set wages and benefits some cities council - council should not Land use and planning confirmation of certain meddle in mayor's Mayor Council appointments can be supervision of employees • Supervise planning • Adopt and amend zoning, required). Civil service or interfere with work of staff, who make development regulations, rules and labor contracts employees. recommendations to the and comprehensive plan must be followed, if . Establish bar�aining p�anning commission and after receiving input applicable. parameters and approve council on a broad range from staff, residents, • Negotiate labor contracts final labor contract. of planning issues. planning commission, (sometimes mayor is not • Supervise staff who and others. member of negotiating enforce building codes • Act in quasi-judicial team). and other development capacity to decide land regulations. use issues. City budget • Amend planning Mayor Council documents as necessary. • Work with staff to • Establish goals and develop preliminary priorities which provide City expenditures, contracts budget. framework for budget - Mayor Council • Lead council in process discuss and adopt final • Sign contracts, supervise • Approve contracts and atl of establishing goals and budget - amend budget contract performance, city expenditures. priorities for the city. as needed. enforce contracts. • Implement budget • Set city tax rates, to adopted by council, the extent permitted by Relationships with other entities provide regular financiat statutes. Mayor Council reports, and present • Set utility rates and • Represent city as • Decide whether city alternatives when council other fees as required. official spokesman, in will participate in has to deal with budget accordance with views or optional government problems. goals set by council. organizations, • Act as official head provide guidance to of city for ceremonial mayor or other city events (ribbon cuttings, representatives. sister-city contacts, • May serve as city etc.). representative on certain intergovernmental bodies 36 where mayor is not designated member. 2015 Independent Salary Commission Members 11/24 � 11f 30 ,�� 9:00-10:30 5:30-6:30 AM PM Last first Email Cell Phone Home address Zip I, Aesquivel Violet vca1216@yahoo.com 425-687-8478 425-765-8087 211 Shattuck Ave S.#A-13 98057 ✓ I I Amador Julio julioamador2010@hotmail.com 425-204-9947 425-590-7177 �?,Do S P�ge} DKP�13a. � Amadoii@dshs.wa.�ov �eh�}oh W�F �BoSs II ` Kroeger David kroy�er56@comcast.net 206-240-9664 `��5 �S'R • �t' (Dave) �� �2.t/'R� �.! A- ' � , Lyons Calvin clyons@positiveplace.or� 206-436-1835 ��� Ln� V�h•�Z''� ��� ' -�k k�oy 1� ', �'4�,�„>ti'v,� �y�':,5�� Searing Kimberly ksearin�@cr�events.com 425-736-1029 425-226-6567 2100 � �p f L L 1�a.11vr�, YVA � �i8o�� H:\Finance\City Departments\HRRM\Salary Commission\2015 salary commission roster.xlsxSheetl