HomeMy WebLinkAboutEA - Longacres Master Plan - DRAFT SOW Sched Cost - 4.1.24_City CommentsPROJECT APPROACH EA proposes that certain elements of the environment to be analyzed in the Longacres Master Plan EIS will utilize the technical information and analysis to be prepared by the Applicant Team, subject to thorough peer review by the EA Team. The EA Team will provide new technical analysis for those elements of the environment that will not be supported by Applicant-prepared technical analysis and information. The table below summarizes this approach for the EIS technical analyses. It is anticipated that the EIS will analyze two action alternatives and the No Action Alternative. ELEMENT WITH EA TEAM PEER REVIEW ELEMENT WITH EA TEAM NEW ANALYSIS  Earth – Peer Review by EA Team Member AESI Air Quality – EA New Analysis  Water – Peer Review by EA Env. Health (Noise) – Coffman Eng. New Analysis  Critical Areas – Peer review by EA Team Member Raedeke Historic – Fieldwork Studio New Analysis  Transportation – Peer Review by EA Team Member Transpo Cultural – CRC New Analysis      PEER REVIEW An integral task for the Longacres Master Plan EIS will be to coordinate with the City of Renton regarding the technical analysis and information that will be prepared for the project that then can be used in the EIS (i.e. Geotech Report by GeoEngineers, Drainage Report by CPL, Critical Areas/Wetland Report by PACE, Arborist Report by Salish Forestry, and Transportation Report by TENW). The EA Team proposes to use the technical information and analysis to be prepared by the Applicant’s team to form the basis of the Earth, Water, Critical Areas and Transportation Sections of the Longacres Master Plan EIS. Our proposal assumes that the technical reports are generally complete and adequate for purposes of SEPA review and that there will be no further explorations/investigations or technical analysis required by the EA Team for the peer reviewed elements. The EA Team will confirm this through a thorough peer review of the Applicant team’s technical studies at the onset of the project and, as appropriate, through a visual reconnaissance of the site and vicinity. EA has developed a Peer Review Comment and Response Form that provides for a comprehensive and consistent tracking of the peer review comments by the EA Team and corresponding report updates by the Applicant Team. The Peer Review Comment and Response Form allows for the efficient compiling of specific peer review comments and tracking of the status of corresponding Applicant Team report updates (an example of our Peer Review Comment and Response Form is included as Appendix A to this Proposal). Should the peer review determine that additional technical analysis is required, the EA Team will provide detailed comments to direct any additional work required by the Applicant’s team to complete a technical analysis that is suitable to support the EIS. However, if directed by the city, the EA Team is fully capable of conducting the additional analysis in an expeditious and cost-effective manner. TECHNICAL ANALYSIS For the elements of the Environment where the Applicant Team is not anticipated to be preparing supporting technical reports (Air Quality, Noise, Historic Resources, and Cultural Resources) technical reports will be necessary. PHASED APPROACH We propose to provide environmental services for the Longacres Master Plan EIS using a phased approach. This will allow us to pinpoint the scopes of work more effectively, prior to initiating each phase. The primary EIS phases will be: Phase 1 – Project Initiation and EIS Scoping; Phase 2 – Draft EIS; and Phase 3 – Final EIS. More detailed descriptions of the phases follow. Phase 1 | Project Initiation & EIS Scoping EA will implement several First Steps during Phase 1 - Project Initiation & EIS Scoping to facilitate an organized start to the EIS and ultimate completion in an efficient manner. Coordinate with the City of Renton to confirm the City’s goals. Prepare a draft Protocol Document outlining the process for coordination/communication between the project Applicant, the EA Team, and the city during preparation of the EIS. Revise the Protocol Document based on any comments from city. Participate in a meeting with the City and the applicant in order to determine the feasibility of beginning the EIS process before a complete application is formally submitted to the City. Coordinate with the City regarding support materials for EIS Scoping (including for a potential meeting), including slides/boards, information on the SEPA process/EIS Elements/EIS Alternatives/schedu le/opportunities to comment, handouts, and Scoping comment forms. Attend and participate in an EIS Scoping meeting, if held. Coordinate with the City of Renton during the EIS Scoping comment period, and prepare a Scoping Document summarizing comments received, and discussion on the elements of the environment and alternatives to be analyzed in the Draft EIS. Participate in a project Kick-off Meeting with the City, the Applicant, and the EA Team key personnel and technical leads to meet (virtually or in-person) and gain a full understanding of the proposal and the City’s expectations as SEPA lead agency. As available, complete initial round of peer review of the existing Applicant technical analyses for the project (including: Geotech Report by GeoEngineers, Drainage Report by CPL, Critical Areas/Wetland Report by PACE, Arborist Report by Salish Forestry, and Transportation Report by TENW ). If draft technical reports are not completed at this point in the process, coordinate with the City and Applicant technical team to review technical report outlines documenting methodologies to the utilized and topics of analysis. The Peer Review Comment and Response Form will be provided and discussed. After completion of EIS scoping and initial round of coordination with the Applicant Team, prepare a “Scope of Work/Methods and Assumptions Memo” describing the methods to be used and, if any additional investigations and technical analysis suggested, for all the elements of the environment to be studied in the EIS, and arrive at a consensus with the City. We propose to meet with the City and Applicant’s team to discuss the Scope/Methods Report. Create an “Information Needs Memo” (This Memo will be the framework moving forward with the EIS analyses and has been a proven and valuable tool to achieve an efficient start to the SEPA process. It ensures a consistent understanding of data needs, responsible parties, and due dates). Establish a Detailed EIS Schedule with team milestones, and circulate to the EA Team, City, and Applicant. Prepare Draft EIS Chapter 2 (Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives) for distribution to the City and Applicant for review/concurrence. Upon completion, Chapter 2 will be distributed to the EA Team and Applicant Team to provide a consistent understanding of the proposal for SEPA analysis. Prepare an EIS Work Plan that includes: the Protocol Document, description of the project and alternatives, Detailed EIS Schedule, Detailed Scope of Work/Methods and Assumptions Report, and, Information Needs Memo. In a sense, the Work Plan will consolidate the results of the initial phase in a single document. The Final Work Plan will be circulated to the city, EA Team, and Applicant Team. Phase 1 Deliverables Protocol Document. Support Materials for EIS Scoping. Scoping Document. Scope of Work/Methods and Assumptions Memo. Information Needs Memo. Detailed EIS Schedule. Draft EIS Chapter 2. EIS Work Plan. Phase 2 | Draft EIS EA will manage preparation of the Draft EIS, under the direction of the City. Tasks that EA will accomplish during this phase include: Serve as the principal author of the Draft EIS. This will include preparing the Fact Sheet, Chapter 1 (Summary Chapter), Chapter 2 (Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives), Chapter 3 (Affected Environment, Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures, and Significant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts). The Draft EIS will consist of the analysis by the EA Team (Air Quality, Noise, Historic Resources, and Cultural Resources), and incorporation of peer review analyses prepared by the Applicant Team (Earth, Water, Critical Areas, and Transportation). Conduct two rounds of peer review of the Applicant Team prepared technical Reports. The Peer Review Comment and Response Form will be utilized to document and track comments. Prepare the 1st Preliminary Draft EIS for review by the City of Renton (and as defined in Phase I, possibly also by the Applicant). Based on comments received, prepare the 2nd Preliminary Draft EIS for final review by the City. Based on comments received, coordinate production of the For-issuance Draft EIS. Help prepare for and assist the City in conducting the Draft EIS public meeting, if held, (either in-person or virtually) during the Draft EIS public comment period to obtain verbal comments and additional written comments (e.g., EA can produce meeting handouts and boards, help set up the meeting, and make a presentation). Regularly meet and coordinate with the city, and as allowed the Applicant (via email, phone, and virtual meetings). EA will directly prepare or oversee preparation of the SEPA analyses required for the Draft EIS, in accordance with the Detailed Scope of Work/Methods and Assumptions concurred to with the City in Phase 1 of the EIS. The EA Team will ensure that the technical analyses that support the EIS are conducted in accordance with applicable regulations, industry standards, and best management practices. EIS sections will be prepared by the EA Team that will describe existing conditions, analyze the EIS alternatives, and identify mitigation measures. Certain technical analyses will be prepared directly by the EA Team (Air Quality, Noise, Historic Resources, and Cultural Resources), or be peer reviewed analyses prepared by the Applicant Team (Earth, Water, Critical Areas, and Transportation). The technical reports will be included in the Appendices to the Draft EIS and summarized in the Draft EIS text. Based on the project information provided by the City, EA has identified the following key approaches for the areas to be studied in the EIS. Earth – AESI Technical Analysis prepared by Applicant Team; Peer Review provided by EA Team member AESI For the Earth element of the EIS, AESI will perform peer review services of the Applicant-prepared information, including the Geotechnical Report to be prepared by GeoEngineers. AESI will: 1) attend a kickoff meeting with the City and team members; 2) coordination and meetings with team members, the applicant, and City of Renton staff, as needed; 3) obtain and review available, relevant information, including the applicants geotechnical report, historic mapping/imagery of the site and surrounding areas, recent geologic mapping, geological hazards maps, and development plans; (4) perform a site reconnaissance to field verify data presented in the applicant geotechnical report and other site features relevant to the study; (5) review and assess the subsurface characterization, engineering analysis and recommendations for the project Alternatives provided in the applicant geotechnical report, identify and data gaps, and provide comments utilizing the Peer Review and Response Form (two rounds assumed); and, 7) summarize findings in the Draft EIS section. Water Resources – EA Technical Analysis prepared by Applicant Team; Peer Review provided by EA For the Water Resources element of the EIS, EA will perform peer review services of the Applicant-prepared information, including peer review of the Drainage Report to be prepared by Coughlin Porter Lundeen (CPL). For this peer review effort, EA will follow a similar process to that describe for Earth, including: 1) obtain and review available, relevant information, including the Drainage Report to be prepared by CPL, critical areas maps, and development plans; 2) review and assess available data and identify data gaps; 3) perform a site reconnaissance to field verify data presented CPL report, and other site features relevant to the study, as necessary; 4) complete an assessment of water resources/stormwater drainage, and assess impacts associated with development, and identify any needed mitigation, and provide comments utilizing the Peer Review Comment and Response Form (two rounds assumed); and 5) summarize findings in the Draft EIS section. Air Quality – EA New Technical Analysis prepared by EA For the Air Quality element of the EIS, EA will provide air quality impacts analysis for each of the three Alternatives. Renton is located in King County, which is in attainment for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for all criteria pollutants and is therefore not subject to the requirements of General Conformity (40 CFR Part 93). Direct air emissions from the alternatives under consideration will arise largely from demolition and construction activities. After completion of construction, indirect air emissions will arise largely from vehicle traffic to and from the site and on-site fuel burning equipment used for building heat (if any). EA will model and create an annualized inventory of direct and indirect emissions for all project years using ACAM (Air Conformity Assessment Model) or a similar application. Although General Conformity does not apply to the project, its de minimis emission threshold will be used as benchmarks for assessing the significance of air quality impacts. EA will also evaluate climate changes based on GHG emissions calculations. The findings of the Air Quality analysis will be summarized in the Draft EIS section. Noise – Coffman Engineering New Technical Analysis prepared by Coffman Engineering Coffman Engineering will prepare preliminary draft, draft, and final reports describing the noise impact analysis. The analysis will: 1) characterize the affected environment including noise-sensitive properties, applicable noise limits, and baseline conditions; 2) calculate sound levels from proposed operations, associated traffic, and construction activities to identify environmental noise impacts; 3) recommend noise mitigation measures for operations and construction; and, 4) identify significant unavoidable adverse noise impacts. The findings of the Noise analysis will be summarized in the Draft EIS section. Critical Areas – Raedeke Associates Technical Analysis prepared by Applicant Team; Peer Review provided by Raedeke Associates For the Critical Areas element of the EIS, Raedeke Associates will perform peer review services of the Applicant-prepared information, including the Critical Areas/Wetland Assessment to be prepared by PACE and the Arborist Report to be prepared by Salish Forestry. Raedeke Associates will: 1) attend a kickoff meeting with the City and team members; 2) coordination and meetings with team members, the applicant, and City of Renton staff, as needed; 3) obtain and review available, relevant information, including - City code requirements for wetlands, streams, and wildlife, the applicants critical areas/wetland and arborist reports, GIS mapping/imagery of the site and surrounding areas, mapping of habitat conditions, vegetation cover types, and wildlife/fish species (including listed and priority species), and development plans; (4) perform a site reconnaissance to field verify data presented in the applicant reports (including wetland delineation and stream OHWM boundary). and other site features relevant to the study; (5) review and assess the critical areas and vegetation characterization, impact analysis and recommendations for the project Alternatives provided in the applicant reports, identify and data gaps, and provide comments utilizing the Peer Review and Response Form (two rounds assumed); and, 7) summarize findings in the Draft EIS section. Historic Resources – Fieldwork Studio New Technical Analysis prepared by Fieldwork Studio Fieldwork Studio will prepare preliminary draft, draft and final reports addressing Historic Resources. Fieldwork Studio will gather relevant background information and pertinent similar studies/planning documents, identify the APE and coordinate with DAHP as needed. Historical research and data collection will be performed to identify historic properties and broad historic context(s), in order to analyze any probable significant adverse impacts of Alternatives (including direct, indirect, and cumulative). Sources for research would include DAHP’s WISAARD, King County Historic Preservation Program records, previous documentation of the Longacres property, Renton History Museum, HistoryLink, Puget Sound Regional Archives, and archival newspapers online. Work would include a site visit and visual survey of the study area, to identify and appropriately record any potentially historic buildings with HPI forms in WISAARD. All of these aspects would be provided in a technical report for Historic Resources. The findings of the Historic Resources analysis will be summarized in the Draft EIS section. Cultural Resources – CRC New Technical Analysis prepared by CRC CRC will prepare preliminary draft, draft and final reports addressing Cultural Resources. To produce the cultural resources assessment, CRC will conduct a recorded sites files search using the DAHP database; review relevant correspondence between the client, stakeholders, and DAHP; and conduct a literature and archival review of review of environmental, archaeological, ethnographic, and historical sources appropriate to the project area. CRC will also contact the cultural resources staff of the affected tribes on a technical staff–to–technical staff basis for relevant project information. Following background research, CRC will conduct field investigations of the project location for identification of cultural resources. If previously unrecorded archaeological sites are identified within the project area, CRC will document and record these using Washington State archaeological site forms per DAHP standards. CRC will prepare a technical report describing background research, field methods, results of investigations, and mitigation recommendations. The report will provide supporting documentation of findings, including maps and photographs, and will conform to DAHP reporting standards. CRC will provide a redacted version of the technical report as an appendix to the EIS. The findings of the Cultural Resources analysis will be summarized in the Draft EIS section. Transportation – Transpo Technical Analysis prepared by Applicant Team; Peer Review by EA Team member Transpo For the Transportation element of the EIS, Transpo will perform peer review services of the Applicant prepared information, including peer review of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) to be prepared by TENW. Review of the transportation discipline report will focus on City standards and policies, technical analysis completed, and mitigation recommendations identified to offset impacts as determined through city standards are defined. The following outlines the primary steps in the technical review process: 1) review/confirm the study area and analysis scope; 2) review core assumptions such as trip generation methodology and calculations, trip distribution patterns, and forecast traffic volumes; 3) conduct review of the technical analysis including review of intersection geometry, signal timing, LOS calculations; 4) review documentation and confirm consistency with technical results; 5) confirm mitigation requirements based on City of Renton standards; 6) provide list of corrections/concerns based on the technical review utilizing the Peer Review Comment and Response Form ; and, 7) review corrections executed by the applicant and finalize peer review process. The findings of the Transportation analysis will be summarized in the Draft EIS section. Phase 2 Deliverables Peer Review Documentation (Peer Review Comment and Response Form). Preliminary and Finalized Technical Reports (Air, Noise, Historic, Cultural). 1st Preliminary Draft EIS. 2nd Preliminary Draft EIS. For Issuance Draft EIS. Draft EIS Public Meeting Support Material (if conducted). Phase 3 | Final EIS EA has developed many effective tools for managing and responding to Draft EIS comments in Final EISs, including: A Summary chapter with a question and answers section to respond to questions the public may have (e.g., on the SEPA review and approval processes); “Key Topic Areas” chapter that addresses the major comment areas to avoid repetitive responses; Comment Matrix that ties comments to collected responses; and Cross-referencing by topic to avoid repetition of responses. Key tasks that will be performed during the Final EIS phase include: Review, key, and assign all comments received during the Draft EIS public comment period to the appropriate EA Team members. Prepare a “Response Strategy Memo” describing the EA Team’s proposed approach to addressing the Draft EIS comments. Meet with the City of Renton to confirm the appropriate response strategy and any potential for need for additional alternatives and/or analysis. Prepare the 1st Preliminary Final EIS for review by the city (and as allowed, the Applicant). Based on comments received, prepare the 2nd Preliminary Final EIS for final review by the city. Based on comments received, produce the For-Issuance Final EIS. Phase 3 Deliverables Response Strategy Memo. 1st Preliminary Final EIS 2nd Preliminary Final EIS For Issuance Final EIS PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE The general schedule below shows that we estimate that the EA Team could complete the Longacres Master Plan EIS in less than one year (8-11 months). This could be accomplished by: proper up-front planning, beginning work on the Draft EIS during Phase 1 (e.g., initiating the Project Description), and gaining buy-in on Preliminary Draft EIS and Final EIS review cycles from the city (and possibly the Applicant). The actual EIS schedule will depend on the amount and nature of any additional technical analysis that is required (based on EIS Scoping and detailed peer review), the number/duration/substance of review cycles of the preliminary Draft and Final EISs, and whether the DEIS public comment period is extended beyond the required 30 days. Project Schedule 2024 2025   April May June July August Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb Mar  Phase 1 – Project Initiation/Scoping               Kick Off /Review Existing Info.               Public Scoping              Phase 2 – Draft EIS               Compile Preliminary Draft EIS               Prepare and Issue Draft EIS              Phase 3 – Final EIS               Compile Preliminary Final EIS               Prepare and Issue Final EIS               Public Comment Period * Public Meeting/Hearing Complete EIS Scoping and Issue Scoping Summary Issue Draft EIS Issue Final EIS    PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE The EA team’s estimated costs to provide environmental consulting services for the Longacres Master Plan EIS are presented in the Cost Table below; cost assumptions are listed following the table. The total amount represented in the Cost Table will not be exceeded without prior authorization from City of Renton and the Applicant. Pricing is based on the tasks described in Section 2– Experience & Approach; information provided in the Request for Proposals, and EA’s experience on similar EIS projects. Beyond the hourly rates charged for staff time, EA does not charge for the incidental costs which are part of providing our services including: fees for small in-house black and white and color printing; staff computer user fees; and GIS, CAD, MS Project, and SharePoint user fees. Phase I     Team Member Hours Hourly Rate Cost  EA         R. Schipanski 2 $250 500   G. Brunner 5 $230 1,150   M. Sarlitto 32 $195 6,240   K. Hollinger 48 $155 7,440   J. Kumm 1 $295 295   S. Barr 4 $120 480   R. Price 2 $240 480  Subtotal   $16,585  Expenses (mileage, copying, printing, etc.)   $500 $550      Subtotal $17,135           EA Team1    Cost   Raedeke    1,100   AESI    1,612   CRC    875   Fieldwork Studios    853   Transpo Group    1,524   Coffman    1,228  Subtotal     $7,190           TOTAL     $24,325       1 Costs include EA’s 10% handling charge. EA team members providing peer review services for the Preliminary Draft EIS include AESI, Raedeke, and Transpo Group. Remaining team members will be providing technical analysis in support of EIS sections. Phase II     Team Member Hours Hourly Rate Cost  EA         R. Schipanski 15 $250 3,750   G. Brunner 24 $230 5,520   M. Sarlitto 175 $195 34,125   K. Hollinger 200 $155 31,000   J. Kumm 6 $295 1,770   S. Barr 40 $120 4,800   R. Price 20 $240 4,800  Subtotal     $85,765  Expenses (mileage, copying, printing, etc.)   $450 $495      Subtotal $86.260           EA Team1    Cost   Raedeke    28,050   AESI    27,727   CRC    36,551   Fieldwork Studios    18,073   Transpo Group    37,472   Coffman    24,121  Subtotal     $171,993           TOTAL     $258,253       1 Costs include EA’s 10% handling charge. EA team members providing peer review services for the Preliminary Draft EIS include AESI and Transpo Group. The remaining team members will be providing technical analysis in support of EIS sections. Phase III     Team Member Hours Hourly Rate Cost  EA         R. Schipanski 5 $250 1,250   G. Brunner 8 $230 1,840   M. Sarlitto 32 $195 6,240   K. Hollinger 75 $155 11,625   J. Kumm 2 $295 590   S. Barr 8 $120 960   R. Price 4 $240 960  Subtotal     $23,465  Expenses (mileage, copying, printing, etc.)   450 $495      Subtotal $23,960           EA Team1   Cost Marked Up   Raedeke   $11,050 5,555   AESI   $3,500 3,850   CRC   $1,904 2,094   Fieldwork Studios   $4,030 4,433   Transpo Group   $9,580 10,538   Coffman   $6,602 7,262  Subtotal     $33,733           TOTAL     $57,693       PROJECT TOTAL $340,270  1 Costs include EA’s 10% handling charge. EA team members providing peer review services for the Preliminary Draft EIS include AESI and Transpo Group. Remaining team members will be providing technical analysis in support of EIS sections. Budget Assumptions EIS duration (through issuance of the FEIS) not-to-exceed 12 months. Analysis of three alternatives: Proposed Action, another Action Alternative, and No Action. Comments on the PDEIS from the City will be edit-level and will not require additional analysis or alternatives. Response to up to 30 unique comments on the DEIS. No new elements of the environment, EIS alternatives, or analysis will be required for the FEIS. Initial responses to public comments on the DEIS will be provided by the applicable applicant project team member with edits and comments provided by the EA Peer Review Team. The published DEIS and FEIS will be prepared as electronic files and USBs (no hardcopies are assumed). CONTACT INFORMATION – DESIGNATED PROJECT MANAGER Michele Sarlitto | Senior Planner EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 707 Seattle, WA 98121 Voice: 206.452.5357 (direct) Mobile: 425.623.9066 Fax: 206.443.7646 Email: msarlitto@eaest.com Web: www.eaest.com CONTACT INFORMATION – SIGNATORY Jennifer Martin Bouchard, P.G., PMP Vice President and Pacific Business Unit Director EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. PBC 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 707 Seattle, WA 98121 Voice: 206.452.5360 (direct) Mobile: 315.382.0479 Fax: 206.443.7646 Email: jmartin@eaest.com