HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommuunity Planning-Red Lines COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 2024 1 Draft 1.0  Draft Revised: DATE Community Planning Renton Comprehensive Plan Update  Element Policies Draft Draft 1.0 : Updated: February 15, 2024 Summary of Updates Washington State Law:  N/A VISION 2050:  Support inclusive community planning. King County Countywide Planning Policies:  N/A Plans to be Adopted by Reference:  City Center Community Plan  Benson Hill Community Plan Revision Guide  Added text  Removed text  Hyperlink  To be updated  The numbering system will be updated for the Planning Commission draft. Element Review ▪ Community Planning COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 2024 2 Draft 1.0  Draft Revised: DATE Discussion Table 1. Community Planning Discussion Review 2015 Text Draft Language Through the Community Planning process, communities decide what they want to nurture and what they want to change at a local level and set the vision and goals for the community. Community Plans are a unifying force that identify local characteristics and addresses local issues that are not in the Comprehensive Plan, such as patterns of land use, design, traffic circulation, and services. Community Plans result from a partnership between the City and community residents, businesses, and other stakeholders in the Planning Area. The purpose of Community Planning is to enhance that which the community values, as well as to identify and assure sensible growth and development, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Community Plans align the provision of City services and the allocation of infrastructure investments with community goals and priorities. Community Planning is a process that gives greater voice to the community in the planning and decision-making process. In Community Planning, the City partners with residents, businesses, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders to take a localized approach to topics addressed in the Comprehensive Plan, such as patterns of land use, design, traffic circulation, and services, and applies them to a specific Planning Area or neighborhood. Community Planning is to enhances that which the community values and as well as to identify and assures sensible growth and development, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The City of Renton and its Potential Annexation Areas are comprised of ten distinct communities, each with their own unique districts and neighborhoods Through the Community Planning process, communities set the vision and goals for their respective areas and identify challenges and opportunities..Community Plans are a unifying force that. Community Plans result from a partnership between the City and community. The purpose of Community. Community Plans align the provision of city services and the allocation of infrastructure investments and improvement projects with community goals and priorities. Element Review ▪ Community Planning COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 2024 3 Draft 1.0  Draft Revised: DATE Goals Table 2. Goals Row # 2015 Goal Proposed Language Change Purpose or Rationale 1 CP-A: Engage the public with the opportunity to participate in a partnership with the City shaping the future of their community. CP-A: Engage the Support inclusive community planning in Renton through the Community Planning process to provide residents, businesses, non- profits, and other organizations public with the opportunity to participate in a partnership with the City to shape shaping the future of their community.  Revised for clarity and consistency with PSRC VISION 2050 checklist. 2 CP-B: Through Community Planning, improve the livability of Renton’s neighborhoods, preserve unique identities, foster and enhance community character, and prioritize the provision of City services and investment in infrastructure. CP-B: Through Community Planning, identify goals, priorities, challenges, and visions for Renton’s Community Planning Areas, improve the livability of Renton’s neighborhoods, preserve unique identities, , foster and enhance community character, and prioritize the provision of City services and investment in infrastructure and other improvement projects.  Revision for clarity. 3 CP-C: Ensure Community Plans implement the goals of the City and the Growth Management Act and that there is consistency between the Comprehensive Plan, Community Plans, and Development Regulations. CP-C: Ensure Community Plans implement City and Growth Management Act the goals of the City and the Growth Management Act and that there is consistency between the Comprehensive Plan, Community Plans, and Development Regulations.  Revised for clarity. Element Review ▪ Community Planning COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 2024 4 Draft 1.0  Draft Revised: DATE Policies Table 3. Policies Row # 2015 Policy Proposed Language Change Purpose or Rationale 1 Policy CP-1: Develop Plans in conjunction with the people of the Community; this includes coordinating with recognized neighborhood associations, business associations, and other community groups, as well as, business owners and community residents. Policy CP-1: Develop Community Plans in collaboration conjunction with residents, businesses, and other community groups. Prioritize the involvement of underrepresented and historically marginalized communities. the people of the Community; this includes coordinating with recognized neighborhood associations, business associations, and other community groups, as well as, business owners and community residents.  Revised for clarity and for consistency with PSRC VISION 2050 checklist. 2 Policy CP-2: Engage in consistent and ongoing public participation because it is essential in developing relevant plans and in implementing plans successfully. Policy CP-2: Engage in consistent and ongoing equitable public engagement to ensure development of participation because it is essential in developing relevant plans and successful and equitable plan implementation . in implementing plans successfully.  Revised for clarity. 3 Policy CP-3: Community Plans establish the vision of the Community and identify features and characteristics to retain, develop, preserve, enhance, or correct. They also seek to identify local centers where housing, employment, and services are accommodated in a compact urban form. Finally, plans seek to identify opportunities to enhance community character and mix of uses through infill development, redevelopment, and reuse of existing buildings.  Not a policy. Element Review ▪ Community Planning COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 2024 5 Draft 1.0  Draft Revised: DATE Row # 2015 Policy Proposed Language Change Purpose or Rationale 4 Policy CP-4: Develop plans that supplement and refine the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan within the Community Planning Areas and that make recommendations on land use designations, design standards, and capital improvements within the Community Planning Areas. Policy CP-4: Develop Community Pplans that supplement and refine the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan within the Community Planning Areas and that make recommendations on land use designations, design standards, and capital improvements within the Community Planning Areas.  Revised for clarity. 5 Policy CP-5: Recognize that unique districts and neighborhoods exist within Community Planning Areas and, if appropriate, include provisions for subarea or neighborhood plans for these areas in a Community Plan. Policy CP-5: Recognize that and, if appropriate, Include provisions within Community Plans for subarea or neighborhood plans for unique districts and neighborhoods that exist within Community Planning Areas. For each Community Planning Area, identify features and characteristics to retain, develop, preserve, enhance, protect, or correct.  Reorganized for clarity. 6 Policy CP-6: Implement Community Plans in concert with Community Plan Advisory Boards who make recommendations based on the adopted vision and goals of their Community Plan regarding the provision of City services and infrastructure investment. Policy CP-6: Implement Community Plans in concert with Community Plan Advisory Boards who make recommendations based on the adopted vision and goals of their Community Plan regarding the provision of City services and infrastructure investment and other improvement projects.  Revised for consistency with language in the element.