HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 Petition processing and observation Cynthia Moya From:Lodge, Jacob <Jacob.Lodge@kingcounty.gov> Sent:Monday, July 10, 2023 10:39 AM To:Jason Seth; Melissa McCain Cc:Plater, Linda; DeMorse, Megan; Kubota, Angela Subject:Petition processing and observation CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Good morning Jason and Melissa, I wanted to reach out to share a little bit about petition process and also opportunities for observation, in case you get any questions. Feel free to forward those along to us if you do. I have reached out to Guillermo to share this information as well. If either of you would like to come by and see how petitions are processed, we would be more than happy to give you an overview of the process, just give us a heads up when you are coming. We will start processing the petition at 9am tomorrow morning. The daily schedule will be 8:30-4:30, with a 1 hour lunch from 12-1, is subject to change as needed. We will be reviewing each petition signer to determine if they are registered in the City of Renton and their petition signature matches their voter registration signature. This process is observable to proponents and opponents of the petition process (policies attached). King County Elections will limit the number of observers to a maximum two (2) observers on each side. We will also be updating our website with the number of signatures verified each morning and you can virtually watch staff process the petition. If you do come to observe, please be mindful that all personal belongings, including cell phones and other electronic devices, will need to be stored prior to observation. We have lockers that you can use while at our office. Also, you do not need to schedule time with us, you can drop in and observe anytime we are open and processing. We will also provide an orientation and overview when people arrive, to help better understand the process. We will also be sending out daily recap emails with how many signatures we reviewed and the status of those signatures. Please reach out to us if you have questions on petition processing, Jacob Lodge pronouns (he/his/him) Voter Services Manager King County Elections 206-477-4142 kingcounty.gov/elections - 1