HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA73-746BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITIP MICROFILME ' 2 Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 3 , 1973 Minutes - Page 6 E, PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO. , Appl . SA-746-73 ; approval for aircraft maintenance and storage facility , property located on west side , Renton Municipal Airport . Chii „anTeegarden called for comments from the Planning Direc- tor. The Puget Sound Power and Light proposal was described by Mr. Ericksen as a facility for corporate airplanes which is loca- ted directly north of the F .A . A. tower . A metal building is planned ; offsite street parking and landscaping will be pro- vided in keeping with other facilities in the area , when the perimeter road landscaping is undertaken . Development will be consolidated into the total package by the Airport. A brief discussion followed . MOLA, SECONDED BY SCHOLES , MOVED THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ACTION : MOVED BY SCHOLES , SECONDED BY MOLA , THAT THE PUGET SOUND APPLICATION BE GRANTED APPROVAL SUBJECT TO A PERFORMANCE BOND OF 150% OF INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE FOR THREE YEARS . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . Chairman Teegarden called for Committee reports . 3, ADMINISTRATIVE : A. COMMITTEE REPORTS : COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE mect ng will be held on Wednesday , October 17 , at 56 p . m. SHORELINE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Commissioner Scholes reported that this Committee held a public hearing on October 2 regarding its preliminary goals and policies . An additional public hearing will be held in November on the Shorelines Management Master Pro- gram. B. PUGET SOUND GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE RE : SHELL EIS A letter from the Puget Sound Governmental Conference requesting a 30 day extension for their review of the Shell Environmental Impact Statement was read by Chair- nan Tecgarden . It was noted that in view of the hear- ing having been continued until November 28 , a continu- ation as requested is not necessary . C, DOWNTOWN RENTON `ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STUDY" Chairman Teegarden called the Commission ' s attention to the above report and an introductory letter from the Plan- ning Director. It will be presented in detail later at a more leisurely meeting . G P ryI AFFIDAVIT 1 ,Lrs L ice- A E-2p,/NEe' being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this cam, day of 197. , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at _er 7 4,4-4'1..4'7 ,_ Name of Notary Public)Sig ature o Owner 7- 1 coE c.Pl t--t>/Kt 3 POcfa pert/ L. E t i C-1)4\11 o Address) Address) ice-rkrt'E / LLJ 6001 City) State) Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . rF(-----RFA, Date Received n , 19 By: l IED SEP ri 1973 Renton Planning Dept . v;__2-73 V CITY OF RENTON p APPLICATION SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No . SA- Filing Date /746-73 APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS. 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Phone454-6363 Puget Power Building Address P. 0. Box 868, Bellevue, Washington 98009 2 . Property location Renton Airport 3 . Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) Beginning at Station 23+27.07 on the westerly off-set line of said Renton Municipal Airport, said off-set line lying 350 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of said runway; thence North 5°54'56" West along said off-set line a distance of 119.95 feet; thence South 84°05'37" West a distance of 10 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing South 84°05'37" West a distance of 233.77 feet; thence South 21°37'45" East a distance of 124.61 feet; thence North 84°05'37" East a distance of 200.00 feet to a point 10 feet westerly of said off-set line; thence North 5°54'56" West 10 feet westerly of and parallel to said off-set line a distance of 119.95 feet to the true point of beginning. Contains 26,014.88 square feet. 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft. 26,014 Sq.ft. Present zoning 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? An aircraft maintenance and storage facility. 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , existing structures , easements, and other factors limiting development) 1"=i0 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan. . 1"=10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7 . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Date approved g Date denied Date appealed Appeal action Remarks 9r Planning Dept. 2-73 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ONSeEember 26 1973 , AT 8 : 00 P . M . TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . REZONE FROM G6000 to L-1 file No . R-743-73 ; property located on Grady Way South between Lind and Seneca S . W . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 2 . REZONE FROM G to 8-1 , file R-747-73 ; property located approximately 150 feet east of Park Ave . , North , on N . 30th St . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 3 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A PETROLEUM MARKETING PLANT IN " H-1 " ZONE , file No . SP-734-73 ; property located approx . 1 /2 mile west: of East Valley Highway , midway between Olympic Pipeline-Mobil Oil site and Longacres Race Track . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 4 . SITE APPROVAL for addition to Highlands Community Church to provide space for religious education and recreation in an R-1 Zone ; file No . SA-738-73 ; property located on Kirkland Ave . N . E . between N . E . 9th and N . E . 10th Sts . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 5 . SITE APPROVAL for bus storage garage and bus parking facility in R-1 and R-3 Zones (for Renton Assembly of God Church ) ; file No . SA-739-73 ; property located on S . W. corner of Taylor Ave . N . W . and N . W. 2nd Place . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 6 . SITE APPROVAL for multi -phase wire granulating system for recycling of industrial Ise copper and aluminum wire in H-1 Zone ; file No . SA-744- 73 ( for Sternoff Metals Corp . ) ; property located on So . 180th St Legal ' description on file in Planning Department office . 7 . SITE APPROVAL for aircraft research and development facility in P-1 Zone ( for Dominion Aircraft Corp . ) ; file No . SA-745-73 ; property located on NW side , Renton Municipal Airport . Legal description on fil , i-n Planning Department office . 8 . SITE APPROVAL for aircraft maintenance and storage facility in P-1 Zone ( for Puget Sound_Rower &_Light Co . ) ; file No . SA-746-73 ; property oncifinn°ngw68 aimeAtRed ?ceMunicipal Airport . Legal description on f I ALL PERSONS INTERS TED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON September26 , 1973 AT 8 : 00 P . M . TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . Bylund_V . Wik , SECRETARY PUBLISHED SPptemher 16 , 19J3 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION II 1 , kCl\e, 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WEREPOSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED on the \ `1 day of -.),z.0 1 9 `1 3 . L9 r I r Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 3 , 1973 Minutes - Page 6 E. PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO. , Appl . SA-746-73 ; approval for aircraft maintenance and storage facility , property located on west side , Renton Municipal Airport . Chairman Teegarden called for comments from the Planning Direc- tor. The Puget Sound Power and Light proposal was described by Mr. Ericksen as a facility for corporate airplanes which is loca- ted directly north of the F .A .A. tower. A metal building is planned ; offsite street parking and landscaping will be pro- vided in keeping with other facilities in the area , when the perimeter road landscaping is undertaken . Development will be consolidated into the total package by the Airport. A brief discussion followed . MOLA, SECONDED BY SCHOLES , MOVED THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ACTION : MOVED BY SCHOLES . SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT THE PUGET SOUND yr APPLICATION BE GRANTED APPROVAI SURJFCT TO A PFRFORMANCF RONO OF 150% OF INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE FOR THREE YEARS . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . Chairman Teegarden called for Committee reports . 3, ADMINISTRATIVE : A. COMMITTEE REPORTS : COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE A meeting will be held on Wednesday , October 17 , at 7 : s0 p .m. SHORELINE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Commissioner Scholes reported that this Committee held a public hearing on October 2 regarding its preliminary goals and policies . An additional public hearing will be held in November on the Shorelines Management Master Pro- gram. B. PUGET SOUND GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE RE : SHELL EIS A letter from the Puget Sound Governmental Conference requesting a 30 day extension for their review of the Shell Environmental Impact Statement was read by Chair- man Teegarden . It was noted that in view of the hear- ing having been continued until November 28 , a continu- ation as requested is not necessary . C. DOWNTOWN RENTON "ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STUDY" Chairman Teegarden called the Commission ' s attention to the above report and an introductory letter from the Plan- ning Director. It will be presented in detail later at a more leisurely meeting . 11 Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 3 , 1973 Minutes - Page 5 ACTION : MOVED BY SEYMOUR , SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT THE STERNOFF SITE PLANS BE APPROVED AS PER STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE STAFF REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 26 , 1973 , AND PER SUPPLEMENTAL STAFF REPORT REGARDING LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS , AS TO : ITEM 1 AS RECOMMENDED EXCEPT THAT ON THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY THAT THE LANDSCAPING BE LOCATED INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE FENCE PER STAFF APPROVAL . ITEM 9 THE PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE BOND BE REQUIRED FOR 150% OF THE INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING AND A THREE YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD . ADDITIONAL PROVISION : APPLICANT BRING THE EXISTING OPERATION INTO COMPLIANCE WITH ORIGINAL COVENANTS , ESPECIALLY AS TO LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS . NOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . DOMINION AIRCRAFT CORP. ; Appl . SA-745-73 ; site approval for aircraft research and development facility on N . W . side , Renton Municipal Airport . hairman Teegarden called for comments from the Planning Direc- or. Mr. Ericksen pointed out the location of this facility on the west side of the Renton Municipal Airport . A metal build- ing , 89 ' x 120 ' , will be erected adjacent to the perimeter road to house an aircraft research and development facility . The landscape plan was described. A brief discussion by the Commissioners followed . ACTION : MOVED BY ROSS , SECONDED BY MOLA , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ACTION : MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY ROSS , THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS SUBMITTED . MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY ROSS , THAT THE MOTION BE AMENDED TO INCLUDE PROVISION FOR 150% OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND A THREE YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . Commissioner Seymour requested that it be noted in the record that the site plan is much more in keeping with the designs that the Commission likes to see at the Airport . 7 , i ROUTE SCHEDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED 1 S'/77 PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT J A-74&, -73 7„'V SITE APPROVAL SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE, BEFORE SIGNATURE OR INITIAL DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE 7:71_74:L BUILDING 0 73 TRAFFIC ENG. ENGINEERING 23 F IRE HEALTH REVIEWER'S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS: E Lb 4 - L 4' R. 1 plinaR PLANNING DEPARTMENT • 12ENTON, WASHINGTON Z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 qTFb 1- MEMORANDUMSEP September 13 , 1973 TO : Files FRJM : Mike Smith SU3JECT : Meeting with Puget Power and Olympic Pipeline concerning the Expansion of the Puget Power Substation I net today with Puget Power and Olympic Pipeline officials at the proposed site . The primary item of concern was the land- sclpe screen we required due to the proposed extension of Lind Avenue 30 feet to the east . The gentleman from Olympic Pipeline said that his Company would be leasing the land between the substation and the proposed wes- tern right-of-way line of Lind Avenue from Mobil Oil Co . , which had previously purchased it from Burlington Northern . He stated that the only use this was proposed for was an access road ex- terding from the northern boundary of the Mobil Oil site to Lind AvEnue . This would occur at some future point in time . He said thit the portion of the land adjacent to the substation would remain in its natural state . He agreed to express the fact in writing that Olympic Pipeline would 1 . keep this land in its natural state ; or 2 . if it were developed or altered at some future point in time , they would agree to provide a landscape screen along the outside of the substation fence . We will be receiving a copy of the letter for our files . MS :wr 1 AI I RI I'UR I CITY OF REN1ON PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 26 , 1973 APPLICATION : SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICANT : SHELL OIL COMPANY LOCATION : Approximately 1 /2 mile west of East Valley Road , midway between the Olympic Pipeline/Mobil Oil site and Longacres Race Track . ZONING : H-1 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-713 REQUEST : Special permit by the Planning Commission to con- struct a petroleum receiving/storage/marketing plant on the subject site . COMMENTS : The revised draft of the Environmental Impact Statement has not been submitted as yet . STAFF Continue in order to receive Shell Oil Company RECOMMENDA- input for the Planning Commission and pending TION : the completion and subsequent review of the E . I . S . APPLICATION : SITE APPROVAL APPLICANT : RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD LOCATION : S . W. corner of Taylor Ave . N . W . and N . W . 2nd P1 . ZONING : R-1 and R-3 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-706 , 3 ; Chapter 22 , Title IV , Parking and Loading . REQUEST : Applicant requests approval by the Planning Com- mission of plans for a bus storage garage and bus parking facility accessory to the Church . COMMENTS : 1 . Architect has reviewed alternative sites with the applicant . 2 . Applicant feels subject site and plans are the most feasible . STAFF RECOMMENDA- i2ecommenu use of a suitable alternate site or TION : denial due to the incompatibility of the proposed use with present and potential uses of adjacent properties . APPLICATION : SITE APPROVAL APPLICANT : HIGHLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH LOCATION : Kirkland Ave . No . between N . E . 9th and N . E . 10th ZONING : R-1 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE 4-706 , 3 ; Chapter 22 , Title IV , Parking and Load- ZONING CODE : ing . REQUEST : Approval of plans to construct a proposed build- ing for religious education and recreation . COMMENTS : 1 . Applicant has shot new elevations of site showing the plans to be fairly accurate as submitted (± 6" ) 2 . The height of the new structure has been suf- ficiently lowered to be well within the legal height limit for the area . 3 . Applicant should be required to upgrade exist- ing parking lot to present standards ( Section 4-2203 , 1 . , Building Additions , of the Parking and Loading Ordinance ) . 4 . Off-site improvements not existing must be installed . 5 . A parking requirement using a joint use con- cept has been developed . Total Requirement = 141 spaces See attachment. ) 6 . Gymnasium/auditorium/classrooms are reason- able and compatible uses for church facilities . The precedent has been set. Many of these combinations exist today . The gymnasium often increases the opportunity for indoor recrea- tion within the community . 7 . Driveway locations for proposed parking lot have been changed to reduce impact on adja- cent properties . STAFF REC- OMMENDATION : Recommend approval subject to : 1 . Fulfillment of the parking requirement set by the Planning Department ( 141 spaces ) . 2 . Finished building height to be equal to or less than but in no way greater than that indicated on the plans . 3. Planning Department approval of a de- tailed landscape plan , for which a maint- enance bond or suitable maintenance con- tract is provided . APPLICATION : REZONE APPLICANT : ADOLPH C . BROWN LOCATION : Approximately 150 feet east of Park Ave . N . on N . 30th St . ZONING : G APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-725 , 4-711 , and Chapter 22 Title IV , Parking and Loading . REQUEST : Approval by the Planning Commission of a pro- posal to rezone the subject property from G to B-1 . COMMENTS : 1 . The proposal is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan . 2 . The particular use contemplated for the subject property is a lawn mower repair and sales shop . 3 . Applicant will be moving this business from a single family residential area . 4 . Applicant has agreed to provide the neces- sary screening from the residentially zoned areas in accordance with the parking and loading ordinance . 5 . Building will be a small metal type structure . 6 . Parking requirement for 45 ' X 25 ' structure approximately 3 spaces . 7 . Proposal should not greatly affect the traf- fic volume in the area . 8. Noise could be a negative factor. Motors should be operated only between the hours STAFF of 9 : 00 a .m. and 5 : 00 p .m . RECOMMENDA- TION : Recommend approval as per the plans submitted . APPLICATION : REZONE APPLICANT : JAY E . HOLMES LOCATION : The southwest corner of S . W. Grady Way and Lind Ave . S . W. ZONING : G-6000 JAY E . HOLMES (Continued ) APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-725 ; 4-712 ; Chapter 22 , Title IV , Parking and Loading . REQUEST : Approval by the Planning Commission of a pro- posal to rezone the subject property from G-6000 to L-1 . COMMENTS : 1 . Proposal is in accordance with the Compre- hensive Plan . 2 . Applicant has been operating L-1 use on the subject property prior to rezone request . 3 . There have been other indications of a dif- ferent use for the subject property than the one proposed . (Metal Plating Facility ) 4 . Facility should be developed according to present standards ; i . e . the parking and loading ordinance would apply . 5 . Restrictive covenants governing setbacks , site screening and landscaping should be applied . 6 . Site screening must be provides as per sec- tion 4-712 , (a ) , (5 ) and (20) of the Renton Zoning Code . 7 . A 5 ' landscape strip adjacent to public rights of way is required as per section 4-2204 ,8. of the Parking and Loadin4 Ordi - nance . STAFF Recommend approval subject to the filing of RECOMMENDA- restrictive covenants requiring a 10 ' land- TION : scape strip and a 20 ' setback of structures from public rights of way. APPLICATION : SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICANT : STERNOFF METALS CORPORATION LOCATION : South of the southern fence line of the existing facility , approximately 800 ' north of S . W. 43rd St. , and 270 from existing east property line . ZONING : H-1 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-713 and Chapter 22 , Title IV , Parking and Loading . REQUEST : Applicant requests approval by Planning Commis- sion of plans for a wire granulating facility . COMMENTS : 1 . Restrictive covenants pertaining to site screen- ing , landscaping , and stockpiling were filed at the time of the initial rezone (January 1967 ) . 2 . Applicant agrees to fulfill the requirements set forth in these original covenants . STERNOFF METALS CORPORATION (Continued ) COMMENTS Cont ' d ) : 3. Applicant agrees to provide the required fence and landscaping adjacent to western property line at a later point in time . A performance bond may be a reasonable solu- tion of this problem. 4 . Applicant agrees to replant and maintain poplar trees along the eastern edge of the existing facility at 12 ' O . C . , 6 ' -8 ' high as planted. 5 . Applicant is in the process of removing that storage which is in violation of both the restrictive covenants and the H-1 zone . 6 . There is approximately 75 ' along the south- ern fence line , east of the proposed facil - ity which has not been provided with land- scaping . 7 . Applicant agrees to develop the proposed facility according to the requirements of the restrictive covenants . This includes : a . 8 ' site screening fence around entire existing facility . b . Poplar trees planted at 12 ' O . C . and 6-8 feet high . c . Landscape must be maintained. d . No stockpiling outside the site screen- ing fence . 8. Entire area Of proposed facility is to be blacktopped . 9 . Drainage plan must be approved by Engineer- ing Department. 10 . Parking plan should be revised. 11 . New facility will require stockpiling of material . STAFF RECOMMENDA- TION : Recommend approval subject to the following conditions : 1 . Provision and maintenance of landscaping along entire existing fence line . 2 . Provision of fence and landscaping or perform- ance bond in lieu of this requirement along western boundary of existing facility . 3. A thorough and exhaustive cleanup of all areas outside the existing fence . 4 . Provision and maintenance of landscaping 12 ' O. C . , 61 _81 as planted , and site screening fence around entire proposed site . STERNOFF METALS CORPORATION (Continued ) STAFF RECOMMENDA- TION : 5 . Drainage plan to be approved by Engineering Department . 6 . No storage of materials outside the site screening fence . APPLICATION : SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICANT : PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY LOCATION : Just north of the existing F . A. A . tower on the west side of the Renton Municipal Airport . ZONING : P-1 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-710 , and Chapter 22 , Title IV , Parking and Loading . REQUEST : Planning Commission approval of plans for a proposed aircraft maintenance and storage facil - ity . COMMENTS : 1 . Use is compatible with adjacent uses . 2 . Parking provided 10 spaces ; parking re- quired 5 spaces . 3. Parking to be coordinated with parking lay- out for F .A.A. tower . 4 . Landscaping plan to be coordinated with the F .A. A. tower plan . STAFF RECOMMENDA- Approval subject to Planning Department approval TIONS : plan to be coordinated with F . A.A . Tower Plan . APPLICATION : SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICANT : DOMINION AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LOCATION : Northwest side of Renton Municipal Airport , near new Rainier Ave . entrance . ZONING : P-1 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF . THE ZONING CODE : 4-710 , Chapter 22 , Title IV , Parking and Loading REQUEST: Applicant requests approval by the Planning Com- mission of plans for an aircraft research and development facility . COMMENTS : 1 . Proposed facility is compatible with adjacent uses . 2 . Parking required , 32 spaces ; parking provided , 34 spaces . 3. Landscape Plan acceptable except that the areas containing English Ivy ground cover should be specifically defined . Also sprink- ler system should be shown . STAFF RECOMMENDA- Recommend approval subject to Planning Depart- TIONS : ment review of landscape plan . Renton Planning Commission Meeting September 12 , 1972 Minutes - Page 5 Mr. Joseph Resnik , General Manager , Sternoff Metals Corpora- tion , also described the proposed operation . He informed the Commission that the shredding machine required would be located inside the building . The storage area will hold un- processed wire in coils or bales , with limited height ( ap- proximately four feet ) . The building will be tilt wall and/or Butler type . Commissioner Seymour queried as to whether or not we can le- gally act on the Sternoff application at this time . Mr. Ericksen reiterated that site approvals do not require a public hearing . However , he noted that in the past the site has been posted and advertised for public information and handled in the same manner as a public hearing item. Chairman Teegarden requested further assurance that screen- ing plans would be accomplished . In response , Mr. Carl Sternoff stated that they are going to hire professional landscapers to take care of screening and will install a proper water system, Commissioner Seymour questioned the urgency of the situation and stated that she felt unprepared to make a decision at this time . With reference to screening , it was noted by Mr . Ericksen that the poplars are approximately 10-12 feet on center and that spacing of 10 feet was desirable . He noted that the original intent was that the storage area be entirely screened by the poplar trees , and for this reason no height restriction was imposed . The Planning Director reviewed the H- 1 requirements as they relate to Sternoff for the Commission : Pulverizing of junk is allowed , when the operation can be fenced and screened ; no storage is allowed outside the fencing ; and all activity is to be carried on within the screened area . Landscaping was an additional requirement specified by the Commission . Discussion ensued as to how the Commission could encourage the applicant to follow through on its original commit- ments to upgrade the facility . Commissioner Humble sug- gested that a bond be required to insure that the trees are planted and also that they make sure that they grow . Commissioner Scholes asked when the original covenants were drawn up on the existing operation . Mr . Erickson requested a recess to allow him to obtain the file . A recess was called at 10 : 30 p . m. The meeting resumed at 10 : 35 p . m. As all members were noted to be present , roll was not called . Mr. Ericksen reviewed from the file on the existing opera- tion . It was noted as follows : application dated July 1966 ; approved by Planning Commission August 1966 ; cove- nants dated January 28 , 1967 . A site plan was submitted dated June 1 , 1966 , including a five foot planting strip around the periphery of the property and a planting strip to include planting of poplar trees 10 feet on center . Scholes inquired if the Planning Department had issued any written communication to Sternoff regarding their non- compliance with the covenants . Mr. Ericksen replied that the matter had been reviewed with the Building Department . Scholes requested a copy of restrictive covenants . Renton Planning Commission Meeting September 12 , 1972 Minutes - Page 6 Chairman Teegarden recognized Carlyle B . Jensen , archi - tect for the Sternoff Corporation , 1266 Mercer , Seattle , Washington . Mr . Jensen stated that in the past ten years he has designed many buildings for this type of property . He stated he feels that with trees around it , the proposed use would not be offensive . Following further discussion by the Commission , it was MOVED BY SCHOLES , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR , THAT THE STERN- OFF MATTER BE CONSIDERED ON SEPTEMBER 26 . MOTION CAR- RIED WITH LEMON DISSENTING . Chairman Teegarden noted to the Sternoff representa- tives that it is obvious that there are questions in the minds of the Commission . In view of the number of difficult items on that agenda , he suggested that they check with the Planning staff regarding their position on the agenda . Scholes requested that the staff post and advertise this application . E. DOMINION AIRCRAFT CORP. ; Appl . SA-745-73 ; site approval for aircraft research and development facility on N . W. side , Renton Municipal Airport. ( P- 1 zone ) Mr . Ericksen described the application and pointed out the property location . At present there are existing hangars , that will be removed . The building will be metal . The site is approximately one acre . The Plan- ning Director advised the Commission that the proposed development is similar to adjacent uses in the area . F . PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO . , Appi . SA-746-73 ; site approval for aircraft maintenance and storage facility , property located on west side Renton Municipal Airport . V: Mr. Ericksen described the application and pointed out the property location . He stated that the facility is for the storage of two aircraft . The site is 26 ,000 square feet . The building will be metal . Puget Sound estimates that between $4 ,000 and $5 ,000 is planned for landscaping . The Planning Director advised that the site is compatible with other uses in the area . Chairman Teegarden suggested a Commission field trip to meet at 8 : 30 a . m. , September 22 , at the Renton Inn Coffee Shop . 5. ADMINISTRATIVE : A, COMMITTEE REPORTS : SHORELINE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE activities were des- cribed by Commissioner Scholes . Meetings have been held on a weekly basis . The committee has reviewed the Regional goals and policies and organized into sub-committees with specific areas of concerns to write the goals and policies . Tentative agreement has been reached within the committee on conserva- tion and economic elements . It is expected that the recreational element , public access element and resi - dential element will be discussing these next week . The Shoreline Management Citizen ' s Advisory Commit- tee public hearing is proposed for October 2nd on the policies and goals . The Committee is working toward a November 15th public hearing on the Shore- line Master Program. Jr. - -i------ i BV N L,N1c,iT Ci; L.:....m . ;, ' . ..i 10• \\ B p E QSL. :...J Ill l....0 T 5T E. --- - __--)j,r7r• f II ' i ]T W TE 73 i /, ,1-..,. 7g ' II , ST 1, : ! 1 r 9(;),....,....„BI r 1 -, , _ _._ i_______c44-1 n r--....i111 -- ' l- Gill eT: l L) .r.r A 4 2 r' I " 1011 IIIIII"I°lIz4' 1 I r li r i,i t 1 T phi;7! -'t'W ,PUGET POWERiiIII1111III11E11111,o SITE APPROVAL wI'IrrrrR Ir li'r 11 1 if - 1r II:I;II DT r TrTr it1i11, Nl lll r III4.1112 Ll 11 r i2D .0 PL. I u y4 t '1n it •I'IIit"1 1 I iI 7 751 :i___ ST qN 1"li.. nn _ i { : vi..\.,;.....-, ., .11, , ..) j j•jl, I, fr '.T T 1 1 2 mil g4,i \ I v '• t_ __ O IV 1(!')L 1• J..0 f 1 C % •Q II; Ni IG.t„.j SrA,,iuM))Q Ea N T f tp .--.1 7- fl1s7-T rr r T. J 7 , 00 1 I r y\\' Il'ivaN I 1 xr,4 d r I6 C' 1' 511 D 9y J R _ D3 7 r `f . I ^ 1 ' r, 4., _,- ,, R-2 . W 1 opEl) J4C 1 a 1_IAA < , 4 _..: _ isj AIR b T ,n VV."-,`V T I h ST T •-7-T -r T .j S_ r /' B- I •7 I cI V 1 i . k SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION : Puget Sound Power & Light Co . ; Appl . No . SA-746-73 ; site approval for aircraft maintenance and storage facility ; property located on west side of Renton Municipal Airport near present F .A .A . tower . APPLICANT Puget Sound Power & Light TOTAL AREA 26 ,014 sq . ft . PRINCIPAL ACCESS Perimeter Road EXISTING ZONING P-1 4 EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Aircraft maintenance and storage facility COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Public and Quasi -public COMMENTS Proposed use is compatible to adjacent uses . Landscape plan will be coordinated with the plans for the adjacent facili - ties . r ZONED RESIDENTIAL SINGLE- FAMILY SOLING BUILDINGS I PERM 1[II ROAD Fero SASE OPERATION! BUILDINGS— I AMPORT LNTRINq R CN TON CHAMBER OP COMMERCE tUILDIN0 R!,NlR •u FAB TOWER 8 IAIRIORT tEACON ON TOP Of 70WCR) 7 P[RiKT[R ROAD C`I XI{T1MYrIGr 41'- r.•( .: A. 1111111111 Imk Q nub go.RAINIIi AVE G C .S sr z — ZONED BUSINESS USE NRT gypfr s Ov — - 3 ly- -— _- a' • I' I t r. 7• a P IN SOUND APRON 'C' 11 II . 1,, . 0 '•G AaRMN '3' iS ll.24NCREtE 1 Ll• I'1 : _.l LL.L . I I 22 , N CONCRETE 2 0 II OD ILDIMO RCaI R' INI 16A.0 /" 2L''^'-•-•k FT ' l.-_AINCR Afr PARK INC RA IIOM DURUM VC „C S FPICTIUN LIME z6---------- G AIRCRAFT IARAING R[ TRICTIOM LINE (ARN.LJ--F M ITNIFI.. 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A R it V E R FIXED BASE OPERATIONS wKDINGY 11 LA i _ C E p AIRPORT SHOPSSOEINOBRIDGE _ TALI RAA/4,-- f r I l - ZONED HEAVY INDUSTRIAL xL Ire-'/----SOEING BUILDINGS MIN1 40 ,_- P4A,E5T7C WATER 3UPPL 1PERIMETERROAD r Zis" NIGH FRtS'3 URE WATER (FoR FM, PROTErra U-Boeaw) I f t_4 C) ZONED PUBLIC LAND 1 SCALE IN FELT VEHICULAR BRIDGE I 1 ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE 74 6Th