HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA74-749BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE 00-bia, 749 -74 vio00.11, i-.-_-__4 /7.76‘rc, C44<.7c L , toCATIONIIECT_ DATE60DATE69E _70DATE . 71 , DATE *411 s:1hi_hii:.Swi. .4.4f___4441_ __tl__SOD.01-t!_-42t1:'. t..‘ j.4!, .Wad--.1)_•.%w •ttr4 _. •1_alit141_ 4,,M. .E-1052-ri tti11. y lls4_l144_$._04L i "e4o4l_4!.1..i1_.Ill/ __-____-, 2ot44-41r-3ttr t•kto.4_Dt•____________....1_.tnt) .J,41L..D1_6 :._._....-,.._-._._.. .1-.11_ 140.1..__ _1:4.4..,_ I. 1A,•16_4ys_r# ti..110J1'1$44tt.. w 3-to143 Ste,Lit• tp_b. 11$ _ to '$Q I. 4ar• 1•toI%Az is_ !s• !lvet,:...t_4.1N• _. Ndlikerui. ______.. w__..}._._____-..__.I .51.1p.i-Itte11 ae4NM. _..?1_ ,__i:lam10; , 9-IIe_lie- rp ___- IAwal% H+• N•@•.--- it% t-tee.._ , gI..SP-%.iITS1 ., 1.•:t. le4.1.r3 ,4L. Nr.-e...N•t.,TMSt.--- 59r e.•tt „1Z.411ij.93i1i: f i 146%."--I61'4. 14.5•, . --.-4,*A'S•04%4 '-t0,-$ .b $- 1.__Iz4, 1r•=t. .101‘_ 14•11IMO* II- Iisc f _ pl._vrosyr .tji.leu1, '-ta .1141_ -11-t7 . 121.4 : Ir;t. nt$O440iftt4eID30110 tien. Avt. N•E.s _______f14•11wn4 , ,-2P.. 1t1r2 ., i•:2_-.115=e_ 4•sZ.__,..13_ i ' iw.hw4 %WAe.._..11*• 9•ZoI0 .{.` Z t._._ 1. ` r_.44, I — b %leibrhoe, N•13. _ iNelli+ . '11-t6No, ,, $•2.7 !ISS$ ' 4-16.-•1fii. 1. Il-b148` tt. s4Kt.S ..uai14.4.14esr+a111-s5 , loopiA•L9 ;I458 ., 4•11•__144‘ .—_.__ 11-5I81_ 1 01t* rho*•-Co- ---10,10.---.s•s' . .It11. S-tl._1,51' 1-11 __MN.'_z-I19t: . 14.of.S.firbayWay .__-I .0414•Mlerr. _..... . ... .._. 1-10tesa ;. .__..____...----- --_ _Li4"J _-1011 j S. 04S. lea8''• ..._.. bit•M`r____._._----- 1 wrttel -kee111,-_...,__1Mi...Lh;4$44 ___ ___---. .. - 1,. rlts _1hN. $4,_...._ I.4ec .4__3.041-17.1 .______I7-to1.B ._TAAID4fL With*_.A+ts..l _____ I1i-tZ_144' 1140t:!1 , I•I2 . ILL. w. VileN• kyr. 14.1Reiis-_ I --tie454. 1. --_-_... N, 94.!4.1.^ 1?,._ emit"MC: CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No . SA- - -. Filing Date APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1 . Name RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Phone BA6-0880 Address 221 Hardie N.W. / Renton, Washington 98055 2. Property location S.W. of intersection of Tayler Ave. and 2nd PI. N.W. on Block 60 as indicated below. Three lots. 3 . Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) SEE ATTACHED SHEET 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft. 126,875 sq.ft. Present zoning R-1 & R-3 5 . What do , ,Du propose to develop on this property? Plans call for an additional building to accommodate Christian Education and Recreational functions. This with parking development is illustrated in submitted plans. 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site: and access plan (include setbacks , existing structures , easements, and other factors limiting development) 1"=10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan. . 1"=10 ' C . Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7 . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION : Date approved Date denied Date appealed Appeal action Remarks Planning Dept. 2-73 L • na(2 ,EL A That portion of lots 1 and 2, block 30, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to plat recorded in volume 15 of plats, page 84, in King County, Washington, lying northwesterly of Renton Avenue Extension, as sane was deeded to King County, Washington by deed recorded under auditor's file No. 3511298; TOGETHER with any portion of the southeast quarter of the north-- west, quarter of section 18, township 23 north, range 5 east, W.f. , in King County, Washington, lying easterly of the above described property, between the easterly production of the northerly and southerly lines thereof, and westerly of the southwesterly line of the D. C. Mitchell Extension Road (Rainier Avenue) . pe .g.aEL g 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED PARCEL 1: The South 45 feet of Tract 54 , N.H. Latimer' s Lake Washington Plat, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 70, in King County Washington ; EXCEPT portion for County Road; TOGETHER WITH Vacated 131st Street ('Kalumet Street) , as shown or< the plat of N. H. Latimer' s Lake Washington Plat, lying east of the east line of 90th Avenue South (Adsit Avenue) , and lying westerly of the westerly line of 91st Avenue South, as establish d by condemnation proceedings in King County Superior Court Cause No. 100524, PARCEL e: The North 45 feet of the South 90 feet of Tract 54 , N. H. Latimer's Lake Washington Plat, according to plat recorded in Volume 6 of Plats , page 70, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT Portion of County. Road; PARCEL j): The North half of the North half of Block 61, N. H. a mer' s Lake Washington Plat, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 6 of Plats , page 70, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT portion within D. C. Mitchell Road and EXCEPT Portion, if any, within Seattle, Renton, and Southern Railway right of way. THE NORTH 45 FEET OF THE EAST 100 FEET OF BLOCK 60o Na He LATIMER'S LAKE WASHINGTON PLATo ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS9 PAGE 709 IN KING COUNTY9 WASHINGTON° p4 exec- F EAST 100 FEET OF BLOCK 60o N• H. LATIMER'S LAKE WASHINGTON PLATo ACCORDING TO THE PLAT• RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS° PAGE 70 IN KING COUNTYo WASHINGTONa EXCEPT THE NORTH 45 FEET THEREOF AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 100 FEET THEREOF° AFFIDAVIT Norman D. Chilton, Sectetary )Renton Assembly of Gqd chirtthI , John M. Tappero, President ) being duly sworn, declare that I m the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knov ledge and belief . Subscribed and sworn before me this_t h day of January 19 74 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle 4,4Le=a0---/ Pd of NNota in Public) Xcx fGi Ka leen i. Coan 3704 South 172nd Street Norman D. Chilton, Secretary Seattle, Washington 98188 577 John M. Tappero, Pr sident Adr dress ' Address 5 221 Hardie Ave. N. W. Renton, Washington 98055 City) State) BA 6-0880 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE' ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conforn; to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received 19 By : Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 t Nr/,f/ Gob Affidavit of Publication 4`( of STATE OF WASHINGTON 7 t/$ %' COUNTY OF KINGss. y K"'",-..—...----"jz-4 I O Barbara Cale ru9beingfirstdulyswornon also ahiaf clerk GI 0F ARTM oath, deposes and says that is the of E THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now NOTICE OF HEARING PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONSandduringallofsaidtimewasprintedinanofficemaintainedattheRENTONOFPUBLICCOMMISSIONSAMEaforesaidplaceofpublicationofsaidnewspaper. That the Renton RENTON, PLANNING COMMISSION BYLUND V.W Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE SECRETARY RENT( the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSI( County, PLAN- NING COMMISSION AT ITS REGU- PUBLISHED JANUARY 13, 1974 LAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL C Washington.That the annexed is a Public hearing re= CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, I, Michael LIFI Smith, HERE, WASHINGTON, ON JANUARY 23, CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES 1974, AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WE. petitions THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS:POSTED BY ME IN THREE CO 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- SPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PR( STRUCT A PETROLEUM MARKET- ERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE as it was published in regular issues (and ING PLANT IN "H-1" ZONE, file PRESCRIBED BY LAW. No. SP-734-73; property located SIGNED Michael L. Sm not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each Issue for a period approx. mile west of East Val- ATTEST; Subscribed and sworn ley Highway, midway between before me, a Notary Public, of 011b consecutive issues, commencing on the Olympic Pipeline - Mobil Oil site the 9 day of January, 1974. and Longacres Race Track. Legal Harriet M. Hilder description on file in Planning Published in the Renton I, Department office. cord- Chronicle January 13, 19 13 day of tan. 19 ..74...., and ending the 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- R2080. STRUCT A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING (MEDICAL) IN "R-3" day of 19 , both dates ZONE, file No. SP-750.74; proper- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its ty located at 401 South 43rd subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Street, Legal description on file in Planning Department office. 3. SITE APPROVAL FOR AN charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ 17•9,8which ADDITION OF GYMNASIUM AND FACIL- has been paid in full at the rate of CLASSROOMS TO EXISTING per folio of one hundred words Ill IN R-1 AND R-3 ZONES, file for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each No. SA-749-74; property located subsequent insertion. on S.W. corner of Taylor Avenue, I N.W. and N.W. 2nd Place. Legal description on file in Planning4_, Department office. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS chief clerk ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JANUARY 23, 1974 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR 3C22Subscribedandsworntobeforemethis 14 day of 2t, 4, alvt-t:C.1... alA2L17.7 Not ry Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton,King County. is Q "./` LPassedbytheLegislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281,effective 6 QJune9th,1955.9 Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. I i ..ii k.S. i f.. 4 0) 111 7...;.---- IV I la 1 .......ii,z;. 1•-s.-1:1......, ..,a,„,,,....,. ' 1..ri .1 •1 i x _.--..-:".•., k E I N• Vit• it W Ittl,„(1)1.1; . i .. 0 7 1.,: s:;I: ... i,!•":,••••• otolt-At-sva••••:-••••,,,t,":••,.kt..,:•;•••••,•,1.,-...4.,..,.. 7•... VA...r••.)..•....,,,,,,. ,,, . „.,p..,... , , •-. k.... r..., 4...,;„.: „...: tt1u.)ro,. t....ifj X 1 ril ' 1..•?'?Or'..r.,'..ii/V..N.4 h.. i ill V''' 11.03•210 1. eimillfift, s. .,' 111:114. ii: • 0 I.1 I. TA A..•a 1 74 I in z 0--- ri.i, , . -- I Z 1 I I 4 •••••••• q. IA'.' 1': Wi''''". .".*?, 1•41•1141•1/Vitall li 1 I I iti I I. 5 if'..• - ''4,/, ,..1,.:Ls?.4.. LLL111 0• > Z 7.7y1.:.cie.—.....j.A.V_ . z 0 — 41:,• —\-:,,. q- mmirrr f I ra -< 1• . el.' i,:.' .arrnr16111111 iiiiiii rIttzttlill Iniirg I i 1.t- 44111 Mill 4X a• 117Trinrini 1111 r 03 uk .71 I C 5/ flit . ''... N K I 1 Z .< 3›. n a 4 i2, 7::) ..,... ..I r --I 4:3 4 0 5 I 1 C ele L EA SI, I I tr: co 0.II . V • 40,,,za.a.a.. ... ..........t.a.. . • ... . . e 1 N . • 11.', 12224:11WWWP.t!,4•111•111141144/AX 0 . l'All"L2J ..' . ...i.tL , . . ,„ 7.t,c, V• AL.AS.V.14 •:•.ILIJ.. ''. '..:1•17.'' •:•.. i- ::. ti.,. i i:*,. 14A.RP I E.... AVE_..N.W 2 c I • II Z•••••••••••••••••••••m••••„ rl CP C)Ie? I 32.. i zt ••, \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON JANUARY 23 19 74 , AT 8 : 00 P . M . TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A PETROLEUM MARKETING PLANT IN "H-1" ZONE , file No . SP- 734-73 ; property located approx. 1/2 mile west of East Valley Highway, midway between Olympic Pipeline - Mobil Oil site and Longacres Race Track . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 2 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING (MEDICAL) IN "R-3" ZONE , file No . SP-750-74 ; property located at 401 South 43rd Street . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 3. SITE APPROVAL FOR AN ADDITION OF GYMNASIUM AND CLASSROOMS TO EXISTING FACILITY IN R-1 AND R-3 ZONES , file No . SA-749- 74 ; property located on S . W. corner of Taylor Avenue , N . W. and N.W. 2nd Place . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JANUARY 23 , 1974 AT 8 : 00 P .M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . BYLUND V. WIK , SECRETARY PUBLISHED JANUARY 13, 1974 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , Michael L . Smith , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Nota_y Public , SIGNED on the q day of ckk, 19 - 1 . A. W. M YER S Richfield Products P.O. BOX 413 RENTON, WASHINGTON December 21, 1973 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that for the past ten years Renton Assembly of God located at 221 Hardie N.W. in Renton has been using our property on which to park some thirty cars. We have been happy with this agreement with the church and as long as we are in business it will continue to be a satisfactory arrangement with us. The church parks its cars on our property that fronts on Hardie N.W. Sincerely yours, J. J. Pellegrino Myers '1 Crpany 1,1 STAFF REPORT CITY OF RENTON JANUARY 23, 1974 APPLICATION : SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICANT : SHELL OIL COMPANY LOCATION : Approximately 1/2 mile west of East Valley Road, midway between the Olympic Pipeline/Mobil Oil site and Longacres Race Track . ZONING : H- 1 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4- 713 REQUEST : Special permit by the Planning Commission to construct a petroleum receiving/storage/marketing plant on the subject site . COMMENTS : The Planning Department has received a letter from Shell Oil requesting that the hearing date be postponed until the February Planning Commission Public Hearing. Because they are still in the process of revising the Draft Environmental Impact Statement . STAFF Continue as per Shell Oil Company request . RECOMMENDA- TION : APPLICATION : SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICANT : UNI -PHASE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LOCATION : S .W. 43rd and Spring Brook Road ZONING : R-3 APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-709A; 4- 722 (B) ; Chapter 22 , Parking F, Loading REQUEST : Special permit by the Planning Commission to construct a Medical Clinic in an R-3 Zone . COMMENTS : 1 . Proposal is compatible with similar uses in the area . 2 . Parking spaces required = 61 ; Parking spaces provided = 61 . 3. Detailed landscape plan to be provided, in- cluding proper screening from residential properties . 4 . A minimum 10 foot setback is required along Spring Brook Road . 5 . Large parking area could create drainage problems without properly designed drainage system. 4. Staff Report cont . January 23 , 1974 Page Two STAFF Recommend approval subject to staff approval a RECOMMENDA- detailed landscape plan including the provision TION : of substantial landscape screening along the south and west property line . A suitable drain- age plan must be approved by the City Engineering Department . APPLICATION : SITE APPROVAL APPLICANT : RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD LOCATION : 200 Block of Hardie N . W . ZONING : R- 1 and R-3 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4- 706 ; 4- 709 A; Chapter 22 , Parking and Loading. REQUEST : Applicant requests approval by the Planning Commission of plans for a gymnasium/classroom addition to the existing church . COMMENTS : 1 . The small parking lot on the west side of Taylor Ave . may require extensive excavation . This lot also should have access onto Taylor Ave . to improve circulation . Also the steep- ness of N. W. 2nd Place precludes its use as a primary ingress/egress . 2 . Parking requirement- Gymnasium/auditorium = 3822# @ 1/100 = 38 spaces existing sanctuary seating capicity 650 @ 1/5 = 130 spaces total requirement 168 spaces . Parking provided- 157 spaces on site plus + 30 spaces joint-use with Myers Oil Company total provided 187 spaces . 3. Applicant has submitted letter indicating over- flow agreement with Myers Oil Company for approximately 30 spaces . 4 . Applicant agrees to remove the illegal parking area adjacent to the existing structure along Taylor Ave . N. W. 5 . Off-site improvements (curbs , gutters , sidewalks , etc . ) must be provided. STAFF Recommend approval subject to : RECOMMENDA- 1 . Staff approval of detailed landscape plan for the TION : entire development including proper erosion control and landscape screening around parking lot on the west side of Taylor Ave . N. W. 2 . The provision of 2 access points to the parking lot on the west side of Taylor Ave . N .W. 3 . Provision of substantial landscape screening along the north boundary of the proposed gymnasium site . Staff Report cont . January 23, 1974 Page Three 4 . Average height above existing grade not to exceed 40 feet . 5 . Joint-use parking agreement with Myers Oil Company must be minimum 5-year written agree- ment and be approved by the City Attorney. At such time that the agreement becomes void a similar agreement will be sought from another adjacent business . 6 . Provision of all off-site improvements adjacent to the development . RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING JANUARY 9 , 1974 MINUTES COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Humble , Larry Gibson , Athone Mola , Norman Ross , Arthur Scholes , Patricia Sey- mour , Clark Teegarden . COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Evelynn Carue , Bylund Wik . CITY STAFF PRESENT : Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director ; Lyman Houk , Public Works Department ; Willis Roberts , Recording Secretary . The January 1974 administrative meeting of the Renton Planning Commission was called to order at 8 : 05 p .m . by Chairman Teegarden . 1, ROLL CALL was taken by Vice-Chairman Mola . All mem- bers responded present with the exception of Carue ill ) , Scholes ( arrived at 8 : 25 p .m . ) , Seymour , arrived at 8 : 20 p . m . ) , and Wik ( ill ) . ACTION : MOVED BY ROSS , SECONDED BY MOLA , TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COMMISSION MEMBERS . 2 , LARRY GIBSON was officially welcomed to the Commission as a new member by Chairman Teegarden . Teegarden asked him to serve on the Community Services Committee . 3, THE MINUTES of the meeting of November 28 , 1973 , were declared approved as written by Chairman Teegarden , as there were no additions or corrections offered . 4 , CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : SPECIAL PERMIT : A. SHELL OIL CO . ; Appl . No . SP-734-73 ; special permit to construct a petroleum marketing plant in H-1 zone ; property located approximately 1/2 mile west of EEast Valley Highway , midway between Olympic Pipeline - Mobil Oil site and Longacres Race Track . Mr . Ericksen reported that the staff has met several times with Shell representatives regarding the Environ- mental Impact Statement ; the Comprehensive Plan Com- mittee has met ; and Gary Kruger , Associate Planner , has conferred with Ed Bergun , Senior Engineer , Market- ing Engineering Division , Shell Oil Company , who ad- vised that the final EIS should be available by mid- February . Copies of all responses to the preliminary EIS have been forwarded to Commission members . An overall discussion followed regarding Shell EIS and the approach to final action on the application . The Planning Director noted that the final EIS has to be finalized before action can be taken by the Planning Commission . Renton Planning Commission Meeting January 9 , 1974 Page Two Commissioner Seymour joined the meeting at this point . Chairman Teegarden called for a meeting of the Comprehen- sive Plan Committee before the next public hearing . Hum- ble requested that the City Attorney be invited to the Committee meeting . Commission members will he advised of the meeting time and place by the Recording Secretary . 5, NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS '. ( For January 23rd meeting ) SPECIAL PERMIT: B, UNI -PHASE DEVELOPMENT CO . ; Appl . No . SP-750-74 ; special permit to construct a professionaioffice building (medical ) in R-3 zone ; property located at 401 South 43rd Street . Chairman Teegarden noted that the Commission had previ - ously approved plans for a medical facility on this site . The application proposes an alternate , more extensive plan . The proposed facility is located in an R-3 zone and is an allowable use . The Planning Director po' nted out the location of the development on the map . A professional two-story office structure is planned with parking underneath and around the building . Parking will meet requirements of the Park- ing and Loading Ordinance . Public Works representative Houk responded to questions concerning road plans in the vicinity . Aerial photographs of the area and slides of models of the structure were shown by Mr . Ericksen . SITE APPROVAL: C. RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD ; App1 . No . SA-749-74 ; site approval for an addition of gymnasium and classrooms to existing facility in R- 1 and R-3 zones ; property located on S . W . corner of Taylor Ave . , N . W . and N . W . 2nd Place . Slides of new plans for expansion were shown by the Plan- ning Director . They include a new structure housing a gymnasium and additional classrooms , a bus concourse and parking . A brief discussion of the proposal ensued . The Chairman elected to consider Item 6 . C . on the agenda at this point of the meeting . CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL - with reference to Whitman Court Street vacation . Mr. Teegarden requested a description of the Council request from the Planning Director . Mr . Ericksen described Whitman Court as a short stub-end street and pointed out the location . The problem has been referred to the Commission for review and recommendation . ACTION : MOVED BY SEYMOUR , SECONDED BY ROSS , THAT THE QUESTION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . Renton Planning Commission Meeting January 23 , 1974 Page Four The Chairman invited comments from the applicant . Mr . Wen- dell Beckwith , architect , discussed the Taylor Avenue park- lot design . He also indicated that they plan to provide some type of retaining wall arrangement on the north side of the main church property and will meet the City require- ments as to the type of screening . Pastor John Tappero directed the Commission ' s attention to a letter from Myers Oil Company regarding a parking agree- ment between their company and the church . Further discussion followed regarding grading of the site , in particular the Taylor Avenue and Second Place parking lot , and its effects on the streets involved . ACTION : MOVED BY ROSS , SECONDED BY CARUE , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . Further discussion ensued as to which items of concern were covered by ordinance . ACTION : MOVED BY ROSS , SECONDED BY SCHOLES , THAT THE RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION BE GRANTED SUBJECT TO STAFF APPROVAL OF DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR THE ENTIRE DEVELOP- MENT , INCLUDING PROPER EROSION CONTROL AND LANDSCAPE SCREEN- ING AROUND PARKING LOT ON THE WEST SIDE OF TAYLOR AVE . , N . W . ; THE PROVISION OF TWO ACCESS POINTS TO THE PARKING LOT ON THE WEST SIDE OF TAYLOR AVE . , N . W . ; PROVISION OF SUBSTANTIAL LANDSCAPE SCREENING ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE PROPOSED GYMNASIUM SITE . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . 5 , ADMINISTRATIVE : A. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Chairman called for committee reports . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Chairman Scholes reported that a meeting with the Council Transportation Committee regarding the Whitman Court Street vacation is planned to be held within the next week . ZONING COMMITTEE Chairman Ross reported that the committee had toured the Metro sewage plant in conjunction with a meeting of the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association relating to the handling of oil spills . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE A field trip was scheduled for Saturday , January 26 , 9 : 30 a . m. , by Chairman Humble to the site of the W . Stewart Pope property . Mr . Pope has requested a change in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . The Committee is continuing to review land use in the Green River Valley . Renton Planning Commission Meeting January 23 , 1974 Im.I, Page Three Comments from the applicant were invited . Mr . Arnold W . Yager , project architect , cited figures substantiating the need for this type of facility near Valley General Hospital . Mr. Yager stated that final working documents will include land- scaping drawings that meet City requirements . The Chairman invited comments from the audience . Mr. Grover Shegrud , 18216 - 96th Avenue , South , Ren- ton , requested assurance that the applicant would be required to provide good landscaping . He also noted heavy traffic conditions in the vicinity . Discussion followed by the Commission regarding proper landscaping and parking provisions and traffic patterns in the area . ACTION : MOVED BY ROSS , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ACTION : MOVED BY SEYMOUR , SECONDED BY SCHOLES , THAT THE SPECIAL PERMIT BE GRANTED SUBJECT TO STAFF APPROVAL OF THE LAND- SCAPE PLAN , INCLUDING THE PROVISION OF SUBSTANTIAL LAND- SCAPE SCREENING ALONG THE SOUTH AND WEST PROPERTY LINE , SUBJECT TO POSTING OF A BOND FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING , AND SUBJECT TO A SUITABLE DRAINAGE PLAN BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . SITE APPROVAL: C. RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD ; Appl . No . SA-749-74 ; site approval for an addition of gymnasium and classrooms to existing facility in R-1 and R-3 zones ; property located on S . W. corner of Taylor Ave . , N . W. and N . W. 2nd Place . The Site Approval application was introduced to the Commission by Chairman Teegarden , who requested that the Planning Director provide background information on the proposal . Mr. Ericksen pointed out the location of the develop- ment and described the site plan . Expansion plans include a new addition to the existing church compris- ing a gymnasium and classrooms and additional parking on the church grounds , the lot on the west side of Tay- lor Avenue , and added parking space provided by a leased arrangement . Slides and the development plan were reviewed . Commission discussion followed regarding landscaping , off-site improvements , and possible City plans for Taylor Avenue , N . W . and N . W . Second Place . Ross inquired if the staff had reviewed the existing parking in rela- tionship to the existing structure . Mr . Ericksen noted that the question had been reviewed and was covered in the staff report. I 1. ]fr., , i 4 - kii 1\ ij uy ". .itll f ._f=-7 i2 .3,3 PL i w5.illlu ,.L LILil I l i IL s Pw 1tTT JR HIGH SCH 1:1,1 Z fir. r < 7 a 1 \ i ... , 6 VAC 1 r rp-u- 6 ti ge .,, , t. ,!jar' r 1 giro,. 1 I NI. . • .8-1 _ }., C n a er r.\\ \ A insil_: ,i0,4= ` SITE APPROVAL : I. 1a SS3FFF- TL Renton Assembly of God r, -.---, ttitt. tfi. L'''\'ZD-1-- 1- c.,.,'\ 4 Itil ,.?,," '''''.1,,p I$$,jj : II s + $ A < .4 1 r // Y z IA IJR Our T s' V\'A' Sr c . 1 ti T. T B-1 ; .,'1 , ! u 7* , , , ,1+1, •T 1,1. \. I 1,•*,4,\,1 13-7! 1 S-1 1, 0 -'4•'''-' I' " ' I M R-1 ° 4 - at o" o EN I R •4 4 WO kI215o x' , i. , • T L -_ -_ z VFi R-2to SEN/OR JUN/OR ll. t} l . NIGH H GN r R- ' 1 Si HOOL SCHOOL q C T i :• 41)[l'41 f`, I : - '1 ' '1'x p(47 1r S LL AAIYNM` 4 ra a14` 1-1 J r .` .tall.4- g\ I ', ' 1-T.1 l!!/ i "' ,..,ovr o'.Ra4 : . • ; 1/4,,_ T c 11 .I I M r• Il 1'I1r'I'1 1 _• 31' 1:( 1. l it o , 1•/ I L ALL:.:. W' _ s I Iff i*10..17,i / s' \, cO \ \ tt G sU/SET BLVO L'i1II/!/i!',",FJ' OQ" i i P' V 1/?; .c- I+.,e ,,,01/1,,!!; SDI P*NL , s\_ ,. o y , EH_. ' NNO. , TOP fa!!S i'''.'t I PrO ..;.1.'4, 4 4 SITE APPROVAL: RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD ; Appl . No . SA-749-74 ; site approval for addition of gymnasium and classrooms to existing facility in R- 1 and R-3 zones ; property located 221 Hardie Avenue , N . W . AP 'LICANT Renton Assembly of God TOTAL AREA 126 ,87b sq . ft . PRINCIPAL ACCESS Taylor AYenue N . W . R Hardie Ave . , N . W . EXISTING ZONING R- 1 & R-3 EXISTING USE Vacant , church , and single family residential PROPOSED USE Gymnasium, classrooms , and parking COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Medium Density Multi -Family COMMENTS Proposed use as an accessory use to a church is allowed in a residential zone by site approval . die-r_24 1-0 vNDIiVG OF FILE Fig m Gl