HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA74-770BEGINN1 ,46, OF FILE FILE TITLE 770 , 7 a 4 CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION SITE APPROVAL iI FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No . SA- 77a Filing Date' ./- 4 -7jZ APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name Richard Bouillon.& Associates/Architects_ Phone 325-2553 . Address 130 Lakeside, Suite F, Seattle, WA 98122 2. Property location West Valley Road & S.W. 43rd 3 . Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) ee attached. 4 . Number 'of acres or sq. ft. 2.333 acres Present zoning M-P 5. What' do you propose to develop on this property? Office - Warehouse Facility 6 . Thep vowing information shall be submitted with this application: 4' Scale A. 2 e and access plan (include setbacks , existing structures , easements, and other factors limiting development) 1"=10 ' or 20 ' . , F B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan. . 1"=10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7 . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Date approved OF Fs, 17‘ . Date denied 1-Date appealed R F V,Appeal action t VLF. ' Remarks r.. ,2e1 e 941G DEPN,x: Planning Dept. 2-73 AFFIDAVIT e, i duly sworn, declare that Vi am t e ownerco t e pr pe ty invo ed in i application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of knowledge and belief. y. subscribed and sworn before me this //4 day of e G 19 iy, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Met4 /, Nam ier' ,7),(. \,,Z/6-Aex.,e, -,(__i I .. o ary Public) ignature o Owner Y 4'2 a5 / dJ Address) t Address) it 40 e.!4.--c...e.t.,a.,4„ , 442._ City) State) 4- z 7S-2:2-e) Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE' ONLY) CERTIFICATION i This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found t• - thorough and complete in every particular and Co conform to the r =`n` - ulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the f - n- A4 - • • b, • pplication. REDIED o 1 Date Received 19 By; 0 92 G1 ' G DE?PR Renton Planning Dept. 2-73 PLN ! UN PLANN1N6 O: RI NIUN , WA ON PUBLIC BLARING WILL BL III-,. 0 NY THE RI NIU'N P! ANNICG COMMISSION AI If ') UI_ER MELTING IN HIE COUNCIL CUAMIR:, , ( t1Y HA II , Itlf-, IoN , WAS H1N•61ON , MAY 22 1 `) 74 , AI t .'t I III I t)LL iW ; NO 1 . REZONE FROM G6000 TO R-3 ; file No . R-756-74 ; property located on Lake Washington , south of and adjacent to N . E . 52nd St . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 2 . REZONE FROM G TO M-P ; file No . R-773-74 ; property located southeast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A PETROLEUM MARKETING PLANT IN H- 1 ZONE : file No . SP-734-73 ; property located approx . 1/2 mile west of East Valley Highway , midway between Olympic Pipeline - Mobil Oil site and Longacres Race Track . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 4 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW FILLING AND GRADING IN L-1 ZONE , file No . SP-768-74 ; property located .at 3000 East Valley Road . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 5 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW FILLING AND GRADING IN M-P ZONE ; file No . SP-769-74 ; property located on West Va 1 ley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 6 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT TWO TOWNHOUSE DUPLEX UNITS IN R-2 ZONE ; File No . SP-771-74 ; property located at southeast corner of intersection N . E . Sunset Blvd . and Queen Ave . N . E . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 7 . SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE-WAREHOUSE FACILITY IN M-P ZONE ; file No . SA-770-74 ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 8 . SITE APPROVAL FOR AUCTION FACILITY AND OFFICE/LIBRARY FACILITY ; file No . SA-772-74 ; property located southeast of Longacres Race Track at east end of Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THL PLANNING COMMISSION MELTING ON Mai 22_ 1974_____, AT 8 : 00 P . M . TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . BYLUND V . WIK , SECRETARY PUBLISHED May 12 , 1974 RLNION PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , Michael L . Smith HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE-TOST[D BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THL PROPLRTY UESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . ATTEST : Subscribed and worn JM to before me , a Notary Public , r/ SIGPJLtI `' i on the 9th day of May i 74 - 1i 4/.'// f nn 4/e y; 6,*lee /.O/ora 4 / ' rt Public Notices •Public Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ImilewestofEastValleyTIONFACILITYANDRENTON, WASHINGTON Highway, midway between OFFICE/LIBRARY FACILITY; 4'•` "iZ"1.1 Olympic Pipeline - Mobil file No. SA-772-74; proper-A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE Oil site and Longacres ty located southeast of HELD- BY THE RENTON PLAN- Race Track. Legal descrip-Longacres Race Track at NING COMMISSION AT ITSCREGU-OUNCILtiononfileinPlanningeastendofLongacresLARMEETINGINTHECOUNCIL Department office. Race Track southerly park• CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO AL-ing area. AT 8:00GTON, ON MAY 22, 1974, LOW FILLING AND GRAD- ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR AT LOW P.MlTI CONSIDER THE ING IN L-1 ZONE, file No. OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS FOLLOWING PETITIONS: SP-768-74; property located ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT 1. REZONE FROM G6000 TO at 3000 East Valley Road. THE PLANNING COMMISSION R-3; file No. R-75674; Legal description on file in MEETING ON May 22, 1974 AT 8: property located on Lake dPlanningDepartmentof- 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PRO- adjacent to N E.h52ndaSt.fice.TESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME. Legal description5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO AL- BYLUND V. WIK,SECRETARY a on file inof-LOW FILLING AND GRAD- RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION Planning DepartmenttINGINM-P ZONE; file No. CERTIFICATION fice. SP-769-74; property located I, Michael L. Smith, HEREBY 2. REZONE FROM G TOpropertyMr or West Valley Highway CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF file eNd. ouR- he. st fnga-loes southeast oft the south of Ralph Leber Co. THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE ores Race Track at theLegaldescriptiononfileinPOSTEDBYMEINTHREECON- east end of the LongacresPlanningDepartmentof- SPICUQUS PLACES ON THE PROP- Race Track southerly park-fice.ERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS ing area. Legal description6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- PRESCRIBED BY LAW. on file In Planning Depart-STRUCT TWO TOWNHOUSE ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to ment office. DUPLEX UNITS IN R-2 before me, a Notary Public, on 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON-ZONE; File No. SP-771-74; the 9th day of May, 1974. STRUCT A PETROLEUM property located at south- Harriet M.Hilder MARKETING PLANT IN H-1eastcornerofintersectionSignedMichaelL. Smith ZONE: file No. SP-734-73;N.E. Sunset Blvd. and property located approx. '/aQueenAve. N.E. Legal de- Published in the Renton Re- scription on file in Plan- cord-Chronicle May .12, 1974. ping Department office. R2747. 7. SITE APPROVAL FOR OF- FICE-WAREHOUSE FACILITYMOST STORESINM-P ZONE; file No. SA- 770-74; property located on NOW OPEN SUN. West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co. Legal 12 - 5 description on file in Plan- RENTONflingDepartmentoffice. 8. SITE APPROVAL FOR AUC- SHOPPING CENTER CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET FOR OFFICE USE ONLY : Application No . Negative Dec . Date Received 1-.4I71' EIS INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing 6 per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34 . In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to 800' ) and a site map (rec- ommended scale : 1" representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : 1 . Name of applicant Richard Rnujllon R AccnciatPc/Architects 2 . Mai 1 i ng address 130 Lakeside, Suite F Seattle, WA 98122 Telephone 325-2553 3. Applicant is : Downer ILessee I 'Contract purchaser 000ther (specify) Architect 4 . Name and address of owner , if other than applicant : Harold W. Hill Construction Co. , Inc. P.O. Box 686, Mercer Island, WA 98040 Telephone 232-7500 5 . General location of proposed project (give street address if any or nearest street and intersection West Valley Road & S.W. 43rd 2 - 6 . Legal description ( if lengthy , attach as separate sheet) The north 321 .90 feet of the south 923.00 feet of that portion of Govt. Lot 7, Section 25, Twp 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M. in King County, Wash. , lying west of the Puget Sound Power and Light Co. right-of-way, and east of the West Valley Road; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the State of Washington for highway purposes as recorded under King County Recording No. 6409834. Security Title Insurance Policy No. 303101 ) . 7 . Area 2.333 Acres Dimensions 240' x 322' 8. Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : Office - Warehouse Facility 9 . Generally describe the property and existing improvements : Distribution facility with truck and rail access 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : 610,000 11 . Construction dates (month and year) for which permit is requested : Begin August 15, 1974 End January 15. 1975 3 - 12 . List any other permits for this project from state , federal , or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply , including the name of the issuing agency , whether the permit has been applied for , and if so , the date of the applica- tion , whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application or permit : Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** King County Dept. of Public Works Hydraulics Pending Renton Planning Comm. 2 - Shoreline Renton Planning Comm. Fill Renton Planning Comm. Site Approval Leave blank if not submitted . Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? lyes Xno If "yes" submit copy with this environmental impact worksheet . 14 . Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area : yes don ' t know If "yes" explain . 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the popu- lation? Ninoyes If "yes " explain . 16 . Is the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? lX l es no If "yer .plia`. o area - permit applied for V REC - Flood control p pp APR 2R 1977 4 - 17 . Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? X yes Ii no If "yes" explain . Green River Frontage ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project . Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social , and aesthetic aspect . For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18. Land Use : Will the project have a significant effect on land use in the surrounding area? jLyes no Explain : Further the planned development 19. Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc . , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? yes lino Explain : 20 . Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? lXlyes Ino . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? r l yes X , no? If "yes" to either , explain . Bldg area to be filled - special permit applied for 5 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors ) ? yes LX lno If "yes " explain . 22 . Water Quality : Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely endpoint of any liquids draining from the project. )Li yes Xino . Is there a good possibility that this project will requir an expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities?Iyes Zino If "yes " to either, explain . 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? (e yes P 1no . Will the project be affected by airports , freeways , railroads or other sources of noise? yes (ono If "yes" to either , explain . Minimal increase in noise level during construction phase. 24 . Population Density : Will a noticeable population change result from this project? ( Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density. ) Ejyes ri1no . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuations in population due to tourism, employment , shopping , schools , etc . 1 Iyes ( Xino . If "yes" to either , explain . 7°‘: PECEIVEb ‘19 v V y APR 26 193 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause ale---relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? yes [ no If "yes " explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? yes I )(lno If "yes" explain . 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? I f yes Vino Explain : Employees only 28. Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors of the public? Explain : r y I noeslX No direct contact with the public 29 . Other Impacts : Identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of the proposed project. No significant impact 7 - 30 . VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS : Have you made your plans known to interested community roues or neighbors in the vicinity of the project? yes Xjno If "yes" what are their reactions? If "no" do you intend to contact these people?r l yes Fine, CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in Item No . I or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge . eve..kweit.AccnriatP April 17, 1q74 Signature Title Date Robert H. Olschewsky e'::* • T[tt 4''' ''' \17 f fit. ., ? , z 8 TO BE FILLED IN BY CITY DEPARTMENTS REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : 111/ V1r,1r, 11 Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 10 - ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL A. Staff review determined that project : IHas no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects . May have significant environmental impact and a complete environmental assessment should be prepared by applicant prior to further action on request for permit . B. Reasons for above conclusion : l . 'lSE vcES Ua-r courAi o Ao-/ : t 61- A4 Sv tTAF (..e. W tLP crAT. MOST JcErcrar otJ i 5 ILIA — t kill2pDUCA C> cum St-r chAJTAI Z-(I ST hoe. - 1 A iJ- F-t'A>e. -rit,uc,TvtZ‘rs OP( aJ uiZT Fr tZ -r5 uJk)ATu ALA L, s-T'A,-1-. s• rgorosED USE tS Cs.&TA 't g v)(1r4 ArI Ac , mot' Ij-:'T S IlOJlse I.AW D SGA1.g H/4s soM E K I Tt(,I.4T'i u 0Ai Jt LT T4-f I K)st, t nc.A Ur I t4rA,c.T aJ 6rzEeks pa Toi t! cue LAB) a"P SST J M-Ley 9ZoAzi> 7sE' S.J 5u eT St,- Arxp R-Je-, to . S1/4 Vee'S 1019; sLo 9151Z, a-11te,-t)Gr.m atay £Vtrw-tuA .y €)J-r - )T' 7 1-1-ke SITE" 1A-4t> 13 i 04211/*Lk,/ C-c.e&p Zgnat re o esponsib a tcia or ut orize epresentative Date : 6//0 Form : EIS-1 Planning Department October 15 , 1973 ROUTE SCHEDULE PLANNINC DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED 03frit PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT SA-770 -74, TE APPROVAL HAIZOLD µAI Louis eery SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE, BEFORE 5 /5- IGNATURE OR NITIAL DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE UILDIN X 67-132/ TRAFFIC ENG ENGINEERING V-' F IRE HEALTH 7kra hilej 11t) *i REVIEWER'S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS: 11410131a rJ SaN.Ta^, _Ce„,.t,,, L 16 j 12,,( (Ain 4c., rla s'v < i- _ cioPr ` I NOLO:.11`1rlrr I 111 ,ItI . I•r 17t.lLO LIi I ll,.:1, I<EAIUIV PLANNING l.fmi i ..`., IU RI NIUN , WA'.IIINGIUN A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD IsV lift RI NFUN PLANNING COMMISSION Al IFS itI iiULAR ME I: I I NG IN I HE COUNCIL CHAMBER', t I I Y IIAI I , IUII I UN , WASH J NG I UN , rh MAY 22_ _.., 74 • Al Ii : 00 P . M . I U i 14 t I !)I. it I III I UL LOW 11G PL 1 I f I UI4 . I . REZONE REZONE FROM G6000 TO R-3 ; file No . R-756-74 ; property located on Lake Washington , south of and adjacent to N . E . 52nd St . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 2 . REZONE FROM G TO M-P ; file No . R-773-74 ; property located southeast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A PETROLEUM MARKETING PLANT IN H- i ZONE : file No . SP-734-73 ; property located approx . 1/2 mile west of East Valley Highway , midway between Olympic Pipeline - Mobil Oil site and Longacres Race Track . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 4 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW FILLING AND GRADING IN L- i ZONE , file No . .SP-768-74 ; property located •at 3000 East Valley Road . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 5 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW FILLING AND GRADING IN M-P ZONE ; file No . SP-769-74 ; property located on West Va lley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co. Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 6 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT TWO TOWNHOUSE DUPLEX UNITS IN R-2 ZONE ; File No. SP-771-74 ; property located at southeast corner of intersection N . E . Sunset Blvd . and Queen Ave . N . E . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 7 . SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE-WAREHOUSE FACILITY IN M-P ZONE ; file 44/ No. SA-770-74 ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 8. SITE APPROVAL FOR AUCTION FACILITY AND OFFICE/LIBRARY FACILITY ; file No . SA-772-74 ; property located southeast of Longacres Race Track at east end of Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR Od3JECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MELTING ON M _22_, 1974 AT ti : 00 P . M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONySTO SAME . BYLUND V . WIK , SECRETARY PUBLISHED May 12 , 1974 PINION PLANNING COMMISSION • CERTIFICATION I , Michael L . Smith HEREBY CER1LFY HAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUME TWERETOSTED BY ML IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn J to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED l Z4 on the 9ith day of May 19 74. LANDSCAPE COMPARISONS BETWEEN S . C . S . 2% REQUIREMENT AND CITY OF RENTON M-P DISTRICT & PARKING/LOADING REQUIREMENTS HAROLD HILL (W. VALLEY ) Total Sq . Ft. of Site 101 ,623 sq . ft . S . C . S . 2% Requirement 2 ,032 sq . ft . Total Required Landscaping 5 ,776 sq . ft . M-P & Parking/Loading ) IkQu'hk•b of Total Site Area innLandscaping 5 .Q% Total Landscaping Provided 20 ,253 sq . ft . of Total Site411(142416 Leg MC* fvdt-Ps-20% 5% Parking/Loading Interior Requirement 1026 sq . ft . This is 1% of total site . RICHARD VAUGHAN (EARLINGTON PARK) Total Sq . Ft . of Site 56 ,320 sq . ft . S. C . S . 2% Requirement 1 , 126 sq . ft. Total Required .Landscaping 3 ,807 sq . ft. CM-P & Parking/Loading ) 7D. of Total Site Area in/ 1/4,Landscaping 6 .0% Total Landscaping Provided 10 ,207 sq . ft . of Total Site t•t?1)J'6- Q 1242 ° ' 118. 1% 5% Parking/Loading Interior Requirement 632 sq . ft. This is 1 . 1% of total site t5, 'I A . c STAFF REPORT ADDENDUM PLANNING COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING JUNE 12 , 1974 APPLICANT : Harold W. Hill ; Louis B . Rowley West Valley Road STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : Approve subject to the following notations : 1. Staff approval of final landscaping plans . 2 . Revised Landscape Plan, as submitted by Lippold ' s Landscaping represents the plant material compatible with the Soil Conservation Service ' s requirements . Note that the large planter bed fronting the road and the side areas indicate an under- planting of Oregon Grape (to grow as a massed shrub . ) 3. A watering system is required for all planter areas . A manual installed head system is preferred, however, a hose-bib system could be accepted due to the character of plant material that will adopt to native conditions . 4 . The side planter areas adjacent to the north and south ends of building to be landscaped as shown on revised landscape plan to serve as mitigation displaced by buildings and paving . Also important to maintain quality of Manu- facturing Park image anticipated for future Valley development . 5 . Existing trees and vegetation should be incorporated into plan, if at all feasible . Some readjustment of southwest parking area may be required to incorporate large existing trees with- in the parking layout (survey of site would determine feasibility . ) r Staff Report June 12 , 1974 Page Three APPLICATION : SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICANT: HAROLD HILL & LOUIS B. ROWLEY REQUEST: Applicant requests approval from Planning Commis- sion to fill subject site. COMMENTS : Staff has contacted applicant and requested a revised detailed landscaping plan incorporating existing plant material on the site and the S .C.S. landscaping requirements. Applicant has retained a landscaper to develop a plan incorporating these concerns. STAFF Continue until the requested landscape plan RECOMMENDA- is received and reviewed. TION: APPLICATION :SITE APPROVAL APPLICANT: HAROLD HILL & LOUIS B. ROWLEY REQUEST: Planning Commission approval of site develop- ment plans for subject site. STAFF Continue until the requested landscape plan is RECOMMENDA- received and reviewed. TION: 1111111111111. 11..11.... 4'// f' /P`o/`'y Staff Report May 22 , 1974 Page Four APPLICATION : SPECIAL PERMIT KIRKMAN , JAMES C . APPLICANT : E , Sunset ATION : Southeast corneeNtEon of N . E . Boulevard and Queen Avenue ZONING : R-2 APPLICABLE 4-725 ; 4-708 ; Chapter 22 , Parking and Loading . SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : requests special permit to construct Applicant st REQUEST : two townhouse duplex units on a site previously consisting of smaller separate lots . 1 . Applicant wishes to develop the site in COMMENTS : proposed manner in order to utilizesexieting tress and vegetation as much as p 2 . Proposal does not exceed maximum density and height requirements of the R-2 3 • Applicant proposes to grade only those portions of the site to be utilizedarkongthe building foundation and driveway p ark as . off the Offsite Improvement went is subject to the requirements 4 . -D Ordinance . 5 . ': Additional screening in llabe djacecestaryun- along the Property le family resi- nt set Boulevard and the sing dences to the south . subject to staff approval of Recommend approval additionalaf sc f- RE STAFF landscape plan , including the north/south property lines . TI NMMENDA- ing along the TION : APPLICATION : SITE APPROVAL HILL 4 LOUIS B. ROWLEY 1.APPLICANT : HAROLD W. Highway . LOCATION : South of Ralph Leber Co . on West Valley g ZONING: M/P li APPLICABLE 4_730 SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : approval of the site develop- REQUEST : Planning Commission plans for a proposed warehouse/office facility . ment p S : 1 . The Soil Conservatuldion erlicablervice andscaping COMMENT Tequirements 2 . Existing vegetation shuld ae incoraoratadible . into the landscaping plans 3 . 20%* of total site is proposed for landscaping . Renton Planning Come sion Meeting June 12 , 19 Page Six The Chairman asked for a change of order in the agenda to consider the request of Messrs . Neisheim, Bitney and Grouws for further re- view of their rezone application , approval of which had been recom- mended with restrictive covenants on May 8 , 1974. It was MOVED BY SCHOLES , SECONDED BY GIBSON , THAT THE AGENDA BE REVISED TO CONSIDER THE NEISHEIM, BITNEY AND GROUWS REZONE APPLICATION AT THIS TIME . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . REZONE: E. NEISHEIMI BITNEY & GROUWS ; Appi . R-764-74• rezone from GS-1 to L-1; property located on S .W. 16th St. between Oaksdale and Pacific Ave. S.W. The Chairman requested a status report from the Planning staff. Planner Smith reminded the Commission of their prev- ious action, noting that approval was recommended with re- strictive covenants . The covenants were prepared and checked for legality by the City Attorney, but the appli- a4e indicated changes on the covenants that they feel appropriate and request a return to the Commission to present additional information for consideration. It was noted that a new hearing, properly posted and advertised, 71 Id have to be taker into consideration in making the uecis on. It was indicated that it is the Commission ' s preogative to determine if they wish to reconsider. Mr. Smith reviewed the recommendation of the Commission and the restrictive covenants established and also des- cribed the applicants proposed changes . Discussion followed regarding appropriateness of a Planning Commission rehearing versus a hearing to be held by the City Council . It was the consensus that the Commission had considered alternatives at the original hearing and con- curred unanimously in their recommendation to the Council . y7yv1': MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT INASMUCH AS THE COMMISSION FEELS THAT A FAIR PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD REGARD- ING THE NEISHEIM, BITNEY AND GROUWS REZONE APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL MATTERS WERE CONSIDERED, THAT THE COMMISSION WOULD STAND ON ITS PREVIOUS. RECOMMENDATION AND ASK THE COUNCIL TO PROCEED WITH ITS HEARING ON THE MATTER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. NEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: for June 26 meeting The Chairman introduced the new public hearing items and requested a brief summary on each from the Planning staff. REZONE: A, PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK AS TRUSTEE FOR ESTATE D. J . LAVIOLETTE AND M. W. LOTTO; Appl . No. R-774-74; rezone from G to L-1 or M-P ; property located West Valley Highway between N of S.W. 43rd and S of Hill -Raleigh properties . Mr. Smith, planner, pointed out the 12 acre site located on the West Valley Highway and noted significant landmarks in the vicinity. He stated that the property is adjacent to the Scarsella property to the north, and the ponding area on that site also flows onto this one. The ponding area and associated wetlands were noted. At present there are no development plans . Development of the site will require filling , at which time the Mining , Excavation and Grading Ordinance will apply. Site approval will also be required, should M-P zoning be recommended. The site is also within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act. Renton Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 1974 Page Five SPECIAL PERMIT AND SITE APPROVAL: D, HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY ; Appl . SP-769-74; special permit to allow filling and grading in M-P zone • and Appl . SA-770-74 ; site approval for office- warehouse facility ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . SITE APPROVAL The Chairman requested a status report on the continued application from the staff. Mr. Smith, planner, reminded the Commission that the site had been recently rezoned to M-P and the request continued to allow finalization of the landscape plan to provide for Soil Conservation Service preservation of natural area recommendations . The applicants have retained a landscape designer who has submitted a plan that complies with S . C. S. requirements and its approval is recommended by the staff . The Chairman called for comment from the audience but received no response. Following discussion , it was MOVED BY SEYMOUR , SECONDED BY WIK, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CAR- RIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION: MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT THE HAROLD W. HILL AND LOUIS B. ROWLEY SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO: 2 . STAFF APPROVAL OF FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN INCOR— PORATING AS MUCH EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL AS IS REASONABLY POSSIBLE. 2. THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE TWO PERCENT PRESER— VATION OF NATURAL AREA AS REQUESTED BY THE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS . 3. POSTING OF A PERFORMANCE BOND FOR INSTALLATION OP LANDSCAPING AND A THREE YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD, AND OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE STAFF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SPECIAL PERMIT Discussion continued on the Harold W. Hill and Louis By Rowley application for special permit to allow fs ; Hing and grading in an M-P zone. Filling and grading plans were reviewed by Planner Smith . One foot of fill and four feet of preload for the building are proposed for a total of 9,000 cubic yards . Following discussion it was MOVED BY SCHOLES , SECONDED BY GIBSON, THAT THE HILL AND ROWLEY SPECIAL PERMIT PUB- LIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ACTION: MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY GIBSON, THAT : 1I ITLL AND ROWLEY SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR FIL: ';° d GRADING IN AN M—P ZONE BE APPROVED AS SUBMITTED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OFR I 0 1_ PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENT0N,WASH INGTON O MUNICIPAL BUILDING • REN TON, WASHINGTON 98055 • XOXXIX38O( 9 235-2550 04'r CAPITAL May 23, 1974 Richard Bouillon and Associates/Architects 130 Lakeside - Suite F Seattle, Washington 98122 Attention: Mr. Robert Olschewsky Regarding: Landscape Plan for Harold W. Hill Construction Company - West Valley Highway Dear Mr. 0lschewsky: I am forwarding you a copy of the landscape material for wildlife areas recommended by the Soil Conservation Service. In addition, you may be able to receive information from the Audubon Society and the University of Washington Arboretum regarding suitable wildlife vegetation. We hope this will assist you in revising your landscape plan of substantial meterials and density required for wild- life habitation to meet the Soil Conservation Service require- ments. The Planning Commission continued your application until the June 12th Administrative Meeting. We need to meet with you as soon as possible so to resolve this matter in order to expedite a decision on your application. If we can be of further assistance, please contact Mike Smith or Joan Lankford of the Planning Department. Very truly yours, Joan A. Lankford Assistant Planner/ Landscape Designer Enclosures JAL/ms ore /c/ //f Le ai's /u//ey ScaeP/p/ /-2P/-,-)1/7LRentonPlanningCommission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Nine Mr. Lawrence S . Saviage , 1426 Queen Ave . N . E . , Renton , an adjacent owner, cited difficult conditions on hislotasaresultofMr. Kirkman ' s changing the contouroflandinthearea . He stated his concern is whethertheapplicantwillcarryouthisproposaltoaconclu- sion . Discussion followed regarding the original agreement concerning off-site improvements and possible correc-tion of these conditions . ACTION: In view of the absence of the applicant , it WAS MOVED BY HUMBLE, SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT THE JAMES C. KIRKMAN APPLICATION BE CONTINUED UNTIL THE JUNE 12 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SPECIAL PERMIT AND SITE APPROVAL: D. HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B. ROWLEY ; Appl . SP-769-74 ; special permit to allow filling and _grading in M-P zone ; and Appl . SA-770-74 ; site approval for office- warehouse facility ; property located on West ValleyHighwaysouthofRalphLeberCo . SPECIAL PERMIT The Chairman requested background information from Mr.Ericksen , stating that the special permit for fillingandrequestforsiteapprovalwouldbeconsidered simultaneously. The Planning Director noted that the 2 . 3 acre site hadbeenrezonedrecentlytoM-P . He pointed out its loca- tion on the map , indicating other development in the vicinity. Six thousand cubic yards of fill are planned .He described filling and grading plans , noting that the site has already been partially filled . SITE APPROVAL Proposed development is for a warehouse/office facil - ity which complies with M-P standards . Planned landscaping was described by the Planning Direc-tor and indicated on the plot plan . Mr. Ericksen noted that the plan does not provide adequately for Soil Con- servation Service preservation of natural area recom- mendations , and therefore revisions in terms of quantityandtypeofplantmaterialsarerecommended . Discussion followed regarding planned development of the site . It was noted that the applicants were not present. ACTION: MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY GIBSON, TO CONTINUE THE HAROLD W. HILL AND LOUIS B . ROWLEY APPLICATIONS FOR SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNTIL THE JUNE 12, 1974 , MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Ten 5- ADMINISTRATIVE: A, COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 . ZONING COMMITTEE In view of the late hour , it was agreed that dis- cussion of the Zoning Committee CBD Parking and Building Height Limitations recommendations be considered in a work session on May 29 , 7 : 30 p .m . 2 . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Chairman Humble announced a committee meeting to be held on May 29 , 7 : 30 p .m. , to view a film on development of the Green River Valley. This meet- ing will be held in conjunction with the meeting regarding the Central Business District parking proposal . 3 . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE SPECIAL PERMIT - ROGER PETERSON & STAN WITSOE Chairman Scholes advised that the City Attorney f red his opinion regarding the restric- Lana t concern the Peterson-Witsoe special permit application . A committee meeting was held to consider the proposal but no conclu- sions were reached . Another meeting will be scheduled . TEMPORARY PERMIT - WIECHMANN ENTERPRISES Chairman Scholes announced that a field trip to the Lynnwood - Edmonds area to view a storage garage development similar to the Weichmann proposal will be scheduled for Tues . , May 27 , 6 : 30 p .m. As there was no further business before the Commission , it was MOVED BY ROSS , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR , THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 25 p .m . Bylu Wik , Secretary Clark Teegarden , Chairman 4of Rk;47 ' U PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON, WASHINGTON ti MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 O INIERR Co 0 gTfD E 01 MEMORANDUM S May 22, 1974 TO: Files FROM: Joan Lankford, Landscape Designer RE: Landscape Plan for Harold W. Hill and Louis B. Rowley - West Valley Highway I talked with Bob Olschewsky from Richard Bouillon and Associates/Architects, per telephone, regarding the Planting Design and materials. He was informed ,that the planting areas were adequate, however, a new planting design would be required because the plan, as submitted, was inadequate to meet the Soil Conservation Service's requirements. The purpose of the S.C.S. landscape requirements are to provide a wildlife refuge that includes a mixture of large and small trees, shrubs and groundcover in sufficient quantities to provide screening and nesting areas. It was requested that a new landscape plan be submitted for approval by .the Planning Department. In addition, it was suggested that the existing vegetation be inventoried and save as much as possible. JAL/ms 4 OF R . A7 A Z PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 G MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 O' Ea SEP4*-- Lq- MEMORANDUM May 17 , 1974 TO : Files FROM: Mike Smith SUBJECT : Harold Hill & Louis Rowley Site Approval I talked today with Bob Olchewsky of Boullion and Associates , architects for the applicant. I informed him that his landscape plan although having suitable areas designated for landscaping , was deficient in both quantity of material and type of material pro- vided . I also informed him of the presence of many suitable plant materials on site and that he should make every effort to retain these in his final land- scape plan . He indicated that he would do so . I told him that our landscape architect would be con- tacting him to discuss this matter further. I also told him that certain ingress/egress problems from West Valley Highway would have to be solved through cooperation with the highway department . MS :wr I 1 Fi 4°A. cc C U OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • 'RENTON, WASHINGTON n POST OFFICE GOX 626• 100 2N0 AVENUE (BUILDING. RENTON. WASHINGTON 98OSS ALPINE 5.8678 o p• GERARO M. SNEIIAN, CITY ATTORNEY Q C" JOMIi it, PAIN. J11.. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY R* CDSEP07- May 10 , 1974 (dic) o EIVED MAY 1 / 1974 Mr. Arthur D. Scholes , Chairman Vic). Planning Commission Community Services Committee BuildingMunicipal 4 Renton, Washington7s D PP% Re: Shoreline Management Ju ction Dear Art: This is to acknowledge receipt of your Memo' received this date regarding your two inquiries as to the resent effect of the proposed Shoreline Master Program and the applica i ity of the Shoreline Management Act to a proposed project by the Milwaukee Railroad. As to the first question, it would be our opinion that the proposed Master Program presently has no legal effect since it has to be approved by the City Council. It is , of course , helpful as a • guideline in the interim as to what the City would like to accomplish but since the Planning Commission is merely an advisory body, this program, without Council approval , does not have the force of law. In addition, of course , any such Master Program, once adopted by the. City, has to be submitted to the Department of Ecology for review and approval) pursuant to RCW 90. 58. 090 , et seq. Your second inquiry is an interesting one but the facts submitted by you are somewhat sparse to permit us giving you a legal opinion. You did not submit the total area under the owner's control , the portion within jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act , the distance from the 200 ' jurisdictional line to the proposed project, etc. You also cite the case of Merkel v. Port of Brownsville , 8 Wn. App. 844(509 P. 2d 390(1973), which, of course , has to be limited to the factual situation therein presented. Obviously , if the Railroad plans to develop the totality of its property which would include the area within the 2UU ' strip , then the City would have a right to insist on compliance with the Shoreline Management Act , since the owner should not escape such jurisdiction by making improvements piecemeal. Likewise , if the owner' s plans indicate that there is no present or future intent whatever to utilize any area within the jurisdiction of the Act , including a substantial buffer zone , betweerf the proposed improvements , and the 200 ' line , then it would be our conclusion that the Act is inapplicable to such a situation. t Page Two Mr. Arthur D. Scholes May 10 , 1974 As an example , if an owner controls a ten-acre tract and assuming that a strip of 10 to 50 feet of said property is located within the 200 feet area, and there is a definite commitment that no improvements whatever would be made within the area subject to jurisdiction, then it would be difficult to claim that the total ten acre should be subject to such jurisdiction. The term "wet lands" or "wetland areas'. as defined in the Act, means those lands extending landward for 200 feet in all directions as measured in a horizontal plane from the ordinary high water mark. This appears to be the limit of jurisdiction in the given case. If a different interpretation had been intended by the Legislature, then undoubtedly it could have stated that any parcel of land, regardless of size , would be subject to the jurisdiction of the Act if any portion of said total area were located within the 200 foot radius . The Act does not so express itself. The purpose of the law is to control the shorelands of the State , as well as certain rivers , streams , etc. as defined inthe Act , for a distance of 200 feet from the ordinary high water mark as above stated. If you wish to submit to us any additional information regarding this particular issue , please feel free to do so. We remain, V- truly yours , 1}- ar M, hellan e s City Attorney GMStds Renton Plann . ..g Commission Meeting May 8 , 1974 Page Six FIELD TRIP: A field trip was scheduled for Saturday , May 11 , 1974 , with commissioners to meet at 8 : 30 A . M. at the Sheraton Inn . 5 • CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REFERRAL: ZONING OF ANNEXED PROPERTY - Planning Commission review requested . Mr. Ericksen advised that this is a concern that has been reviewed previously . It involves the rezoning of newly annexed areas which currently assume a G classi - fication upon annexation . ACTION: MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR , THAT THE QUESTION BE REFERRED TO THE ZONING COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 . ADMINISTRATIVE : A. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Chairman called for committee reports . 1 . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Commissioner Humble , chairman , reported that the committee has met several times and is preparing a land use proposal for THE VALLEY AREA . A meet- ing was scheduled for May 15 , 1974 , to again con- sider the subject and the Shell Oil Company pro- posed development . Regarding the REQUEST OF THE SEATTLE AUDUBON SOCIETY for re-evaluation of the Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan , the committee is already studying the question of land use in the Green River Valley . 2 . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Commissioner Scholes , chairman , brought the group up-to-date on the HONEYDEW APARTMENTS ' PROPOSAL . Mr . Ericksen advised the Commission regarding Coun- cil plans to conduct a public hearing on a revised plan on May 13 . He indicated that the Public Works Department and Planning Department had met with the applicant in an attempt to answer some of the con- cerns in order to provide the best type of develop- ment for the immediate community and the City . Scholes requested that an opinion from the City Attorney be obtained relative to jurisdiction of SHORELINE MANAGEMENT regarding fill in the Valley. Scholes reported that the committee had met jointly with the Council Community Services Committee regard- ing the OLYMPIC PIPELINE REFERRAL . He noted that an environmental assessment is being considered regard- ing a proposed trail system over the pipeline right- of-way which runs through the City from May Creek on the north to the Mobil site on the south . it f 4 e.e/Ay Renton Planning emission s,fe 4/..p.re a/ Meeting May 8 , 1974 Page Five C. MERLINO , GARY ; Appl . SP-768-74 ; special permit to allow filling and grading in L-1 zone ; property loca- ted at 3000 East Valley Road . The Chairman requested a presentation . The Planning Direc- tor pointed out the location of the 5 . 8 acre site , presently zoned L-1 , on the map . Mr. Ericksen noted significant de- velopment in the vicinity . The area has been partially filled . Approximately 50 ,000 cubic yards of fill are planned ; proposed use is for a storage yard . Ross requested that a survey plan be made available . D. HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY ; Appl SP-769-74 ; spe- cial permit to allow filling and grading in M-P zone ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Mr . Ericksen pointed out the 2 . 3± acre site located on the West Valley Highway and advised the Commission that the City Council had approved the applicant ' s request to rezone the property to M-P . He noted its relationship to the Green River and other development in the area . Planned fill is 6 ,000 cubic yards . Proposed use is for an office/warehouse . E, KIRKMAN , JAMES C . ; Appl . SP-771-74 ; special permit to construct two townhouse duplex units in R-2 zone ; prop- erty located at southeast corner of intersection N . E . Sunset Blvd . and Queen Ave . N . E . The Planning Director noted the location of the site on the map , indicating landmarks and surrounding zoning in the area . The site is zoned R-2 and requires approval for construction of apartments . This is a revision of a previous plan ap- proved by the Planning Commission to construct duplexes . This revised plan provides for two townhouse duplex units of new configuration and placement . The plan meets with require- ments of the Zoning Ordinance . SITE APPROVAL: F, HAROLD W . HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY ; AEpl . SA-770-74 ; site approval for office-warehouse facility; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Mr. Ericksen described the proposed use of an office/ware- house and displayed the plot plan . He stated that the appli - cant has increased their landscaping along property lines to a depth of twenty feet ; plans larger landscaping islands and intends to devote seven percent of the site for landscaping purposes . They will meet the Soil Conservation Service re- quirement for two percent preservation of natural areas . G . WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB ; WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . ; Appl . SA-772-74 ; site approval for auction facility and office/library facility . The Planning Director displayed elevations of the proposed circular shaped facility and noted plans for landscaping , pathways and parking areas on the site . The facility will include provisions for a horse auction , permanent general offices and library for Washington Horse Breeders Associ - ation . The proposed use complies with the M/P zone and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION : THE NORTH 321 . 90 FEET OF THE SOUTH 923 . 00 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 7, SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST . W. M . , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING WEST OF THE PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND EAST OF THE WEST VALLEY ROAD; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO . 6409834 . SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE POLICY NO . 303101) r _ 0 , \`„,r v; 1 I JI 1.._._..« I rl a// W I____, '!. I i o 1 i o I G[ i 1 Y 1, 1 Ci F I a HILL t ROWLEY : 4 SPECIAL PERMIT/ 1 i i SITE APPROVAL I ,.I p , ez a •o r lad M o J M1 1—I i, 1 1 i N 1 ' 1 1 1 'ITIL.... 1 k.•, . . , _,...,,,,. . ., _,,,..,. .,),,...: — 1. B.—I. I•, 01 I I IVI—p k° ti w 1 iij r I SPECIAL PERMIT/SITE APPROVAL : l HAROLD W . HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY ; APPL . SP- 769- 74 ; special permit to allow filling and grading in M-P zone ; APPL . SA- 770- 74 ; site approval for office-warehouse facility; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Company . Harold W. Hill and I APPLICANT Louis B . Rowley TOTAL AREA 101 ,623 sq . ft . PRINCIPAL ACCESS West Valley Highway EXISTING ZONING M-P EXISTING USE Single Family Residential PROPOSED USE M-P ; Warehouse/Office. ar}d Related Fill COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park/Light Industrial COMMENTS Site has been rezoned tp M-P . Applicant has applied for Shoreline Management Permit for Fill and site deveopment . i tND1NG OF FILE Fig m l 77O74 : Staff Report May 22 , 1974 Page Five HAROLD W. HILL 4 LOUIS B. ROWLEY (CONTINUED) : 3 . Landscaping plan as initially presented is not adequate in terms of amount and type of plant material provided . 4 . Parking provided meets ordinance require- ments . 5 . Development of site will create left turn problems on West Valley Highway. STAFF Recommend approval subject to RECOMMENDA- TION : 1 . Staff approval of final detailed landscape plan with incorporation of plant materials suitable to meet Soil Conservation Service requirements and utilization of existing plant materials , especially those at the S .W. corner of the existing house . 2 . Provision of a performance bond for installa- tion of landscaping and three year maintenance period . APPLICATION : SITE 1PPROVAL APPLICANT : WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB E WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . , INC . LOCATION : Sotitheast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area. ZONING : G APPLICABLE 4-730 and Chapter 22 , Parking and Loading. SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : REQUEST : Applicant requests Planning Commission approval of site development plans for horse auction, office/library facility. COMMENTS : 1 . Applicant anticipates grading and fill in the amount of 450 cubic yards . 2 . Parking for the auction portion of the facility will be provided by joint-use agreement for land owned by Washington Jockey Club directly west of the proposed facility. Parking meets ordinance require- ments for the office and library portion of the facility will be provided on the easterly portion of the site . 3 . Proposal may conflict with the proposed P-1 Channel and North/South Valley Arterial . 4 . Washington Horse Breeders Association will lease the subject site by means of a long- term contract from Washington Jockey Club .