HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA74-772BEGINNINU OF FILE FILE TITLE ovaAi, d, 771- 74 1 CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No. SA- 7. - 75/ Filing Date lye APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : Washington Jockey Club & 624-2455 1. Name Washington Horse Breeders Assoc. , Inc. Phone BA-6-2620 Skinner Building, Seattle, Wa. or Address 13470 Empire Way S. , Seattle, Wa. 2 . Property location on Long Acres Racetrack between southerly horsebarns and most southerly property line. k 3 . Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) See Attachment A part B-1 & 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft. 76,986 S.F. Present zoning part G 5 . What do -oil propose to develop on this property? Provide an Auction Facility for the Assoc. for auctions to be conducted three times annually, and permanent General Offices and Library for the Association's year-around activities. 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , existing structures , easements, and other factors limiting development) 1"=10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan. . 1"=10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7 . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION : Date approved .S.zA- / Date denied Date appealed Appeal action Remarks -S- feel 4,, re2on pproda/ 6yn Planning Dept. 2-73 EXHIBIT "A" — LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION — PARCEL A That portion of the NE 4 of Sec. 25, T23N. , R4E. , W•M• , King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the intersection righthoe feway mouththe Northern Pacfic Railway p Y S.W. 16th St .) ; margin N Pacific HighwayBlong26 said° . 153rd southerlydmargin, a dist . of thence N 80 49 ' 30" said southerly 43.03 ft. to a pt. of thevarcthence curvecont.tolthe left, sai curve margin easterly along 04' 30" having a rad. of 603. 14 ft. through a central angle of 19 a diet.of 200.80 ft. ; thence cont. along said southerly margin, N 61 45' 00" E, a dist . of 90. 32 ft. to a pt . of curve; thence cont. along said southerlcumargin veag erla adalong543e1arc oftarough curve to the right, said 45' 00" a gist . of 253.58 ft. ; thence cont . a central angle of 26 0' 00" E a dist . of 295.42 ft. ; thence S 0 35' 38" E,along said sout erly margin, aN dist .3of 300.81 ft. to a pt. on the arc of a curve, the center of which bears S 4° 51 ' 31 " W; thence southerly along the arc through arve ° the c ntralght, said angle of curve having a rad. thence S 0 08" 12" E, a dist. 85 00' 17" a dist . of 722•g7 ft. ; thence E a dist. of 181 .65 ft . ; of 2280. 37 ft. ; thence S 87 55' 4 thence S 0° 29' 31 " W, a dist of 30.96 ft. to the True Pointof Beginning (Said point to be designated as Point "A") ; nce S t 30' 29" cont. snce S 0a 29 ' 31 " W, a dist. of 259624 ft. ; „a dist . of E, adist. of 300.00 ft6; thence N 0a dist .' 1 "fB, a 300.05 to the 254.00 ft. ; thence N 88 30 29" , True Point of Beginning. EXCEPT ant portion thereof lying East of the East line of Govt . Lot tOdescribedinsaid Sin.Deed aperlAudg File South of the South line of 6289892. OF R&At?, t c OW 45 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON QFREN \ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET J1 O FOR OFFICE USE ONLY : jt(kY 16 1974 Application No . Negative Dec . -0 Date Received G - 7 EIS 1// ft't ' INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34. In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to 800 ' ) and a site map ( rec- ommended scale : 1" representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : Washington Horse Breeders Association & Washington Jockey Club 1 . Name of applicant 13470 Empire Way So.,Seattle,Wn. - Assoc. 2 . Mailing address Skinner Building, Seattle.Wn. - Iockey Club 226-2620 or Telephone 624-2455 3. Applicant is : XjOwne r xlLessee Contract purchaser I !Other (specify ) 4. Name and address of owner, if other than applicant : Telephone 5 . General location of proposed project (give street address if any or nearest street and intersection Located between the most southerly horse barns and the most southerly property line of Longacres. 2 - 6 . Legal description (if lengthy , attach as separate sheet ) 7 . Area approx. 76,986 S.F. Dimensions ± 300' x E 256.62' average 8. Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : l'o provide an Auction Facility for the Washington Ilorse Breeders Association which will be conducted three times annually and for the permanent General Offices and Library which is a year around activity. 9 . Generally describe the property and existing improvements : The property is generally flat and is surrounded on two sides by large trees and sod covered. 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : 125,000.00 approx. 1st phase 75,000.00 aprox. 2nd phase 11 . Construction dates (month and year) for which permit is requested : Begin June, 1974 End Oct., 1974 (1st phase) 3 - 12 . List any other permits for this project from state , federal , or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply, including the name of the issuing agency , whether the permit has been applied for , and if so , the date of the applica- tion , whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application or permit : Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** King County Dept. of Iydraulics Flood City of Renton Building Leave blank if not submitted. Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? yes RnoIf "yes" submit copy with this environmental impact worksheet . 14. Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area : x yes Lino don ' t know If "yes" explain . Continuing improvements and existing facilities related to the operation of Longacres Race Track. 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the popu- lation? yes fIno If "yes" explain . 16 . Is the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? l X[ yes lno If "yes" explain . A Flood Control Permit must be applied for at the King County Dept. of Hydraulics. 4 - 17 . Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? 1 xxyes no If "yes" explain . The site has large Poplar trees bordering two property lines which are to remain and be complimented by matching new landscaping. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project . Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social , and aesthetic aspect . For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18. Land Use : Will the project have a significant effect on ,land use in the surrounding area? yes x no Explain : The entire Longacres operation is dedicated to the housing,care.and racing of horses and this project puts in an orderly method for the sale of the animals. 19. Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc. , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? x yes 1] no Explain : The new building and landscaping will assure open space with complimentary landscaping. 20. Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? IXlyes no . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? I--1 yes ' no? If "yes" to either , explain . in order to provide for a sloped auditorium floor, some cuts and fills will occur. Minimum import of fills will be needed. The sloped auditorium floor will be not more than 1'-9" above existing average grade and 1'-3"below that average grade. C so cAA.?Ai 5 - 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors ) ? lyes Tilno If "yes " explain . 22 . Water Quality : Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely endpoint of any liquids draining from the project. )L_ lyes _ x ,no . Is there a good possibility that this project will requiran expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities?I__iyes X no If "yes" to either , explain . 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? Ayes j tno . Will the project be affected by airports , freeways , railroads or other sources of noise? jyes . xLno If "yes" to either , explain . 24. Population Density : Will a noticeable population change result from this project? ( Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density . ) yes Milo . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuations in population due to tourism , employment , shopping , schools , etc . ( (yes kjno . If "yes" to either , explain . 6 - 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? yes x no If "yes" explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? yes i Jno If "yes " explain . 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? eyes I X1 no Explain : Auctions are to be conducted on off-race days so to lessen the impact of vehicles in the area. 28. Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors of the public? I Explain : Alyes L_Ino In so far as the public has interest in the Association and it's related activities. 29 . Other Impacts : Identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of the proposed project. Will be used for cultural and educational activities. 7 - 30 . VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS : Have you made your plans known to interested communitygroups or neighbors in the vicinity of the project? yes I XJno If "yes" what are their reactions? If "no" do you intend to contact these people?[ lyes [jno Will be no residential construction in neighborhood. CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in Item No . 1 or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge . T2kc' I"y Hey /6./ 7 a2Z00116,Ki7,1V467.11,gnature Title i 10 - ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL A. Staff review determined that project : J Has no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration ofenvironmentaleffects . May have significant environmental impact and a completeenvironmentalassessmentshouldbepreparedbyapplicantpriortofurtheractiononrequestforpermit . 3. Reasons for above conclusion : 1• r7p-orosAt, i s Ct,Apr i,13u: u:irk flpSac.ei-rr c.aL,, uStTS z. 51T voec +Uor c_007-Aim A.+Jy 5(q-•..1,F(u4L)T- 6_,14.-01-1Fc 4la31TA-C AezA,S• 3. Si-1- r- - W1u.. 2L=T41.L N xl-4 OF i wce: PuzsL"Ji k W .Ac V En-i s--n .S be rl{-li S A(,, W C l L, As s kySlzoV1.7C.1§J(' r PLAwrr, Akio -DES SUrrABLe FAR-- u.h -P 81Q 17 Fpoc Acw3p 1-'i415 TbT, 4. -SO ROT-v i" Dr pa.a. a )s.;z„"aA 15 0 gr eok- •A1 r-)rr LLy 3004- ;)It- NI 5 L ;EZA F(C. r 12-c1c SfLc, , Signs ure o se Responslb e f i Ial or AuthorizedRepresentativetati Date : S/ %g Form : EIS-1 Planning Department d i r RE; Horse B LedersDProperty Atl'/LongacreeoToiBe Re-Zonjedl ToUM-P Horse Bre p LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 25, T 23 N. , R 4 E. , W.M. , King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the east margin of theNorthernPacificRailwayCompanyright-of-way and thesoutherly margin of Pacific Highway No . 26 ( So . 153rd Rd . S.W. 16th St. ; thence N 80° 49 ' 30" E, along said southerly margin, a dist. of 43.03 ft. to a pt. of curve; thence cont . along said southerly margin easterly along the arc of a curve to the left, said &urve having a rad. of 603. 14 ft . through a central angle of 19 04' 30" a diet. of 200.80 ft. ; thence cont . along said southerly margin, N 61° 45 ' 00" E, a dist. of 90. 32 ft. to a pt. of curve; thence cont. along said southerly margin easterly along the arc of a curve to the right, said curve having a rad . of 543.14 ft. through a central angle of 26° 45' 00" a dig . of 253.58 ft. ; thence cont. along said souherly margin, N 88 30' 00" E a dist. of 295.42 ft. ; thence S 0 35' 38" E, a dist, of 300.81 ft6 to a pt. on the arc of a curve, the hcenterrcoffawhiche h bears S 4 51 ' 31" W; thence southerly along to the right, said curve having a rad. of 486.70 ft.tthrough a central angle of 85 00' 17" a dist. of 722.07t e S 0 08 ' 12" E, a diet. of 2280.3Z ft. ; thence S 87 55' 40" E, a dist. of 181 .65 ft . ; thence S 0 29 ' 31 " W• a dist . of 30.96 ft. to the True Point of Beginning. (Said pence cont. S 0hen pg 29 ' 31 " int to hew•herreinst. of 259.24 Et. ; thence S 9 30designatedasPoint "A") ; 29" E, a dist. of 300.00 gt. ; thenceN 88 thence N 0 29 ' 31" E, a dist. of 254.00 ft. ; 29" of 300.05 ft . to the True Point of Beginning. W, a disc.EXCEPT any portion therof lying East of the East line of Govt. Lot #10 in said Sec. 25 and lying South of the South line of Tract described in Deed per Aud. File #6289892; and EXCEPT any portion of above described Parcel "A" lying North of the South line of the Henry Meader Donation Land Claim No.46. AFFIDAVIT I , Morris J. Alhadeff, President being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 30th day of April 19 74, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle, Wash. BROADACRE , INC. XLe_7( CiX4°-Vr/ 7 Na. e of Notary Pubic) ig 7•re of Owne 600 Bellevue E. , Seattle, Wash. 98102 571A:04Mge404/ Address) Address) Y) t Stat e 7,A efevZ,11 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the fill _ uch application . of RENtk D, Date Received R r, p O3 , 19 By: Xl/7/1( MAY 1 1974 o 9 v Renton Planning Dept . ti N 2-73N/NGDE 'r AFFIDAVIT Breeders Assn,. I , John E. Fletcher,Secy. Wash.Horse being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing sL.atements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 30th day of April 19 74 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle, Wash. . WASHINBTON HORSE BRE DERS ASSN. N 1\\ (- 4/ ;// Sect'-Trt tNartae of Notary PuLlic) Si nature of Owner) 10101 Hemlock St. S.W. 600 Bellevue E. , Seattle, Wash.9810: Tacoma. Wash. 98498 Address) Address) Tacoma, Wash. 98498 City) State) JU 8-1225 Telephone-) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing _application . OF R4j, Date Received Q 19 By: MAY i 1.97.i Renton Planning Dept . 9 c 2-73 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON F SENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET f ca11u) O FOR OFFICE USE ONLY : rApY 16 1914 Application No . ,E/0 - /6- Negative Dec . Date Received .S/G/75/ EIS N/ PPS_ rJ INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34 . In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to 800 ' ) and a site map ( rec- ommended scale : 1 " representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : Washington Horse Breeders Association & Washington Jockey Club 1 . Name of applicant 13470 Empire Way So.,Seattle,Wn. — Assoc. 2 . Mailing address Skinner Building,Seattle. Wn. — lockey Club 226-2620 or Telephone 624.2455 3. Applicant is : xlOwne r I X1Lessee L IContract purchaser I (Other (specify) 4 . Name and address of owner , if other than applicant : Telephone 5 . General location of proposed project (give street address if any or nearest street and intersection Located between the most southerly horse barns and the most southerly property line of Longacres. 2 - 6 . Legal description (if lengthy , attach as separate sheet) 7 . Area approx. 76,986 S.F. Dimensions ± 300' x ±256.62' average 8. Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : To provide an Auction Facility for the Washington Horse Breeders Association which will be conducted three times annually and for the permanent General Offices and Library which is a year around activity. 9. Generally describe the property and existing improvements : The property is generally flat and is surrounded on two sides by large trees and sod covered. 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : 125,000.00 approx. 1st phase 75,000.00 aprox. 2nd phase 11 . Construction dates (month and year) for which permit is requested : Begin June, 1974 End Oct., 1974 (1st phase) 3 - 12 . List any other permits for this project from state , federal , or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply, including the name of the issuing agency , whether the permit has been applied for, and if so , the date of the applica- tion, whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application or permit : Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** King County Dept. of Iydraulics Flood City of Renton Building Leave blank if not submitted. Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? yes Xi no If "yes " submit copy with this environmental impact worksheet . 14. Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area : yes Lino don ' t know If "yes" explain . Continuing improvements and existing facilities related to the operation of Longacres Race Track. 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the popu- lation? yes rno If "yes" explain . 16 . Is the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? IX! yes l no If "yes" explain . A Flood Control Permit must be applied for at the King County Dept. of Hydraulics. 4 - 17 . Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? IXlyes no If "yes " explain . The site has large Poplar trees bordering two property lilies which are to remain and be complimented by matching new landscaping. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project . Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social , and aesthetic aspect . For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18. Land Use : Will the project have a significant effect on •land use in the surrounding area? Liyes L. X no Explain : The entire Longacres operation is dedicated to the housing, care and racing of horses and this project puts in an orderly method for the sale of the animals. 19. Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc. , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? x yes no Explain : The new building and landscaping will assure open space with complimentary landscaping. 20 . Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? Xlyes l Ino . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? r1 yes Eno? If "yes" to either , explain . In order to provide for a sloped auditorium floor, some cuts and fills will occur. Minimum import of fills will be needed. The sloped auditorium floor will be not more than 1'-9" above existing average grade and 1'-3" below that average grade. also cu. w,v 5 - 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors ) ? I Xl (yes no If "yes " explain . 22 . Water Quality : Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely endpoint of any liquids draining from the project . )j yes [ino . Is there a good possibility that this project will requirp an expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities?I__ Iyes I Xlno If "yes" to either , explain . 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? r—lyes jxlno . Will the project be affected by airports , freeways , railroads or other sources of noise? r j yes , x ` no If "yes" to either , explain . 24 . Population Density : Will a noticeable population change result from this project? (Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density . ) e yes OCIno . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuations in population due to tourism , employment , shopping , schools , etc . I lyesjno . If "yes" to either , explain . 6 - 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? yes 5] no If "yes" explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? yes I X no If "yes " explain . 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? I yes I X1no Explain : Auctions are to be conducted on off-race days so to lessen the impact of vehicles in the area. 28. Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors of the public? y e s L_' no Explain : In so far as the public has interest in the Association and it's related activities. 29 . Other Impacts : Identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of the proposed project . Will be used for cultural and educational activities. 7 - 30 . VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS : Have you made your plans known to interested community coups or neighbors in the vicinity of the project? yes Xjno If "yes" what are their reactions? If "no" do you intend to contact these people?rl yes [jno Will be no residential construction in neighborhood. CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in Item No . 1 or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge . r-14 ec,E.L. 3-Ea 4 4:',-AA'y—7-40Uu9,K__iiii Y- &! v gnature Title Mi l l E_ Ui PLIE 1! kLN I UN PLANNING liiMm I I ON Rl £TON , WA':I! I NC ;UN PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RINIoN PLANNING COMMISSION Al I IS tIGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CI1AMbl.R -, , Ct ( Y HALL , I(LNIUN , WASHINGTON , MAY 22 I ` 74Hi., Al ; : DL P . J . ! U i. A4', I Hi 1-6LLU JINL 1- I LION> : -------- ---- 1 . REZONE FROM G6000 TO R-3 ; file No . R-756-74 ; property located on Lake Washington , south of and adjacent to N . E . 52nd St . Legal descript'ion on file in Planning Department office . 2 . REZONE FROM G TO M-P ; file No . R-773-74 ; property located southeast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A PETROLEUM MARKETING PLANT IN H- 1 ZONE : file No . SP-734-73 ; property located approx . 1/2 mile west of East Valley Highway , midway between Olympic Pipeline - Mobil Oil site and Longacres Race Track . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 4 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW FILLING AND GRADING IN L-1 ZONE , file No . . SP-768-74 ; property located ,at 3000 East Valley Road . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 5 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW FILLING AND GRADING IN M-P ZONE ; file No . SP-769-74 ; property located on West Va 1 ley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 6 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT TWO TOWNHOUSE DUPLEX UNITS IN R-2 ZONE ; File No . SP-771-74 ; property located at southeast corner of intersection N . E . Sunset Blvd . and Queen Ave . N . E . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 7 . SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE-WAREHOUSE FACILITY IN M-P ZONE ; file No . SA-770-74 ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Legal description on file in Planning Department office . 8. SITE APPROVAL FOR AUCTION FACILITY AND OFFICE/LIBRARY FACILITY ; file No . SA-772-74 ; property located southeast of Longacres Race Track at east end of Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MELTING ON May 22 , 1974 AT 5 : 00 P . M . TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS 10 SAME . BYLUND V . WIK , SECRETARY PUBLISHED May 12 , 1974 RLNiON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICAT- IUN 1 , Michael L . Smith_ , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE DUSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . ATTEST : Subscribed and worn co before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED `/ ! ,.,L/9! on the 9th day of May 9 74 I ROUTE SCII1;DM; PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED S /j/79 PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT 77L TE APPROVA ,tiydl 7p- 7t y r SHORT PLAT POW SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE, BEFORE // SIGNATURE OR INITIAL DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE BUI DIN 5/3 TRAFF ' l.NC1N1;ERING F IRE HEALTH U f'1 -, 4S v),y REVIEWER'S -COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS: 44" /T 'S -' ' 6u7 7 Co-/S AO E rt.)Tw2 L- /sr!Ftrzv 4,-47 A 5A 6•.2 /973 eg27c-,e..!'.- Pctsl . d 9-j,,/) UE liflt.0 - SG.vr c.s c! uc c. 1h tj, W ,Lt. s/J //(4I `cfvbl/ 17i(C. ji y°tali red. Li I /4 1,,d i& 5 EVi 14; fo c.Ce y c /4/7„/"..-‘21/4. / Staff Report May 22 , 1974 Page Five HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B. ROWLEY (CONTINUED) : 3 . Landscaping plan as initially presented . is not adequate in terms of amount and type of plant material provided . 4 . Parking provided meets ordinance require- ments . 5 . Development of site will create left turn problems on West Valley Highway. STAFF Recommend approval subject to RECOMMENDA- TION : 1 . Staff approval of final detailed landscape plan with incorporation of plant materials suitable to meet Soil Conservation Service requirements and utilization of existing plant materials , especially those at the S . W. corner of the existing house . 2 .. Provision of a performance bond for installa- tion of landscaping and three year maintenance period . APPLICATION : SITE APPROVAL APPLICANT : WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB $ WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . , INC . LOCATION : Southeast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking aiea. ZONING : G APPLICABLE 4-730 and Chapter 22 , Parking and Loading . SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : REQUEST : Applicant requests Planning Commission approval of site development plans for horse auction, office/library facility. COMMENTS : 1 . Applicant anticipates grading and fill in the amount of 450 cubic yards . 2 . Parking for the auction portion of the facility will be provided by joint-use agreement for land owned by Washington Jockey Club directly west of the proposed facility. Parking meets ordinance require- ments for the office and library portion of the facility will be provided on the easterly portion of the site. 3 . Proposal may conflict with the proposed P-1 Channel and North/South Valley Arterial . 4 . Washington Horse Breeders Association will lease the subject site by means of a long- term contract from Washington Jockey Club . Staff Report May 22 , 1974 Page Six WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB F, WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC. (CONT ' D) : STAFF Recommend approval subject to RECOMMENDA- TION : 1 . Staff approval of final landscape plans incorporating Soil Conservation Service landscaping requirements , and additional screening along the south property line . 2 . Provision of a performance bond for installa- tion of landscaping and three year maintenance period. 3 . Applicant agrees to work with the City with respect to development of the North/South Valley Arterial and the P- 1 Channel . 4 . Applicant must provide public access suitable to City requirements to the proposed site . OF O PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 0 44 t MEMORANDUMSECA June 12 , 1974 TO : Files FROM: Joan A. Lankford Assistant Planner/Landscape Designer RE : Landscape completion on Horse Auction Facility and Headquarters for Washington State Horsebreeders Association; Located in the Vicinity of the Southeast Corner of the Washington Jockey Association Property at Longacres Race Track Mrs . Paul Bailey , 14925 S . E . 288th , Kent , Washington, 631-2862) called today requesting information regarding the abovementioned project . Mrs . Bailey who is in charge of the landscape installation , questioned the time of com- pletion of landscape in relation to the proposed mid-August auction . Upon checking with the Building Department , we were informed: 1 . The building would not be completed at time of August auction . 2 . Special provisions would have to be explored regarding the temporary use at time of auction , prior to building completion - Fire Department , Building Safety inspections etc . 3 . Mrs . Bailey was informed that landscaping was to be completed after building construction was completed and prior to occupancy permit . a . ) She was informed of the following options : 1 . Upon application for a "deferral of improvements . " 2 . A check in lieu of bond would be acceptable . 4 Files June 12 , 1974 Page Two 3 . Upon unusual circumstances (i . e . , planting to be completed within a few weeks due to inclement weather -- pro- ject in-work) a waiver of bond could be requested upon approval of Building and Planning Departments . 4 . Since the building is not due for completion prior to the August auction , and special arrangements need to be made with the Building Department (see Item #2) , I advised that Mrs . Bailey include her landscape schedule and provisions with the special consideration application by the Horsebreeders ' Association prior to the August auction . JAL/ms I , a s 4. Joe 'C'e Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Five 4- PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : REZONE AND SPECIAL PERMIT: A, WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB ; WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . ; Appl . R-773-74 ; rezone from G to M-P ; and Appl . SA-772-74 ; site approval for auction facility and office/library facility ; property located south- east of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . REZONE Noting that the applicants had requested both a rezone of their property from G to M-P and approval of their site development plan for an auction facility and office/library , the Chairman suggested considering them simultaneously and requested background informa- tion from the Planning Director. Mr. Ericksen v I e•: i 'i"i. Lite site on the map and noze4 its relationship to Longacres Race Track area and the P-1 Channel . The site is presentlya 11 part of the over- flow parking area of Longacres and comprises approxi - mately two acres . The Planning Director stated that a north/south arterial highway facility is proposed to be situated either to the west or the east of the P-1 Channel but that the Traffic Engineer had advised that the location is subject to further study. Approval is recommended by the staff subject to the applicant incor- porating requirements of the Soil Conservation Service with reference to preservation of two percent natural area into their site development plan and subject to the applicant agreeing to work with the City with respect to development of the proposed north/south valley arterial . Mr. Ericksen suggested that the appli - cant ' s ;eque; i- for cite a7,1 val di `o be considered with possible arterial conflict . Chairman Teegarden invited comment from the applicant . Mr. Lawrence Campbell , architect , stated that they were prepared to shift their building thirty feet to the west in order to avoid conflict with the proposed arterial . He indicated that required setbacks would continue to be met . Discussion followed regarding the effect of the pro- posed arterial on the planned development . Public Works Department representative Touma stated that to provide access it would be necessary for owners on each side of a major arterial to give a minimum of thirty feet from their property line for right-of-way . Mr- 7ra_entcd an arterial street map to the ann<i ng Director , noting that the proposed facility is planned as a major arterial , pointed out its location and significant development in the vicinity on the map . He discussed possible effects on the site should it be constructed to the east of the P- 1 Channel and to the west . Mr . Erick- sen indicated that in order to obtain a building per- mit , pubic access is required . Mr. Kyle Johnson , 3822 Seattle First National Bank Building , Seattle , attorney for the Washington Horse Breeders Association spoke in favor of the application . 1 Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Pag Six Mr. James Plemmons , 1819 South Central , Kent , contractor, noted the present parking area for the Commission and stated that the parcel is owned by Broadacres , as is the entire track facility . He indicated that the purpose of the facility is for an auction to be held three times a year. In fifty years the facility will revert to the track and be a part of Longacres . The site was selected so that it would not interfere with parking on race days . Mr . Blair Bernson , 2000 IBM Building , Seattle , attorney for Broadacres , Washington Jockey Club and Longacres , discussed development plans , stating that they were neces- sarily tied in with barn facilities and separated from track activities . Public access to the area will be via the present public route from the west ; and the East Barn Road ( S. W. 16th ) , a private road , will be available for emergency use . Mr. Bernson noted their intentions for making the facility available for the use of community groups , theater groups , etc . The Chairman invited comments in opposition from the audience . None were offered. Mr. Kyle Johnson read letters to the Renton City Council from the Washington Division of the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association , urging granting of the re- quest and from the Washington Horse Racing Commission , stating that they have no objection to the plan . Responding to Commissioner Ross , Public Works representa- tive Touma stated that deferment of off-site improvements would be considered at the time of off-site approval . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT THE PUBLIC HEAR- ING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE REZONE FROM G TO M-P OF THE APPLICATION FROM WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB AND WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW, AS THE REQUEST AGREES WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN. 1 . THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE TWO PERCENT NATURAL AREA AS REQUESTED BY SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. 2. THE AGREEMENT TO WORK WITH THE CITY WITH RESPECT TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH/SOUTH VALLEY ARTERIAL AND EASTERLY SETBACKS AND THE P-1 CHANNEL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Chairman advised the applicant that they would be ad- vised , when the rezone is recommended to the City Council . SITE APPROVAL Inasmuch as the applicants ' request for consideration of their site development plan had been deemed appropriate I Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Seven with their rezone request , the Chairman invited fur- ther comment from the audience but received no response . There was discussion among the Commissioners regarding public access to the site , especially as it affected the private East Barn Road . It was concluded that ade- quate access for the public and fire protection would be provided . ACTION: MOVED BY ROSS, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BtT CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION : MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY ROSS, THAT THE WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB AND WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN, AS AMENDED SHIFT- ING THE BUILDING THIRTY FEET WESTERLY, BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO: 1 . PROPOSED USE OF THE SITE IS FOR A COMBINATION HORSE AUCTION FACILITY AND GENERAL OFFICES AND LIBRARY FOR THE WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION . 2 . AUCTION WILL BE HELD THREE TIMES ANNUALLY, ONE OF WHICH WOULD BE DURING THE RACING SEASON ON AN OFF- RACING DAY. 3. APPLICANT PROPOSED JOINT-USE PARKING AGREEMENT FOR THE AUCTION PORTION OF THE FACILITY. 4 . APPLICANT MEETS PARKING REQUIREMENT FOR THE OFFICES AND LIBRARY PORTION OF THE FACILITY. 5 . SUBJECT TO REZONING BY THE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SPECIAL PERMIT: B. MERLINO , GARY ; Appl . SP-768-74 ; special permit to allow filling and grading in L-1 zone ; property located at 3000 East Valley Road . Noting that the request involved filling and grading in an L-1 zone , the Chairman asked for a description from the Planning Director. Mr. Ericksen pointed out the 5 . 8 acre site on the map , noting other development in the vicinity . He stated that the site was partially filled prior to adoption of the Mining , Excavation and Grading Ordinance ; and there is existing fill to the south and north . Fifty thousand cubic yards of fill are planned . He noted recommendation by the staff for continuance to allow for additional study regarding proposed development and possible environmental assessment. The Chairman invited comment from the applicant. Mr . Gary Merlino , 8630 Fauntlee Cr. S . W . , Seattle , ques- tioned the need for additional study , stating that the season for this type of work was limited . w Rentbn Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Eight Discussion followed regarding the necessity for a flood- plain permit from the King County Department of Hydraulics , consideration of the Soil Conservation Service position regarding fills in the area and potential location of a drainage channel in the vicinity. Mr. Merlino stated that filling had been accomplished on a haphazard basis in accordance with agreement from the City of Renton prior to enactment of Ordinance 2820 . Following discussion , it was determined that the appli - cant planned to accomplish the work starting in early July. 1ACTION: MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY WIK, THAT THE GARY MERLIN() APPLICATION BE CONTINUED UNTIL THE JUNE 26 PUBLIC HEAR— ING AND REFERRED TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK AT THAT TIME . MOTION CARRIED UNANI— MOUSLY. The Chairman requested permission to consider th James C . Kirk- man special permit application out o order. It was MOVED BY ROS , SECONDED BY GIBSON , TO CONSIDER THE KIRKMAN APPLICATION AT HIS TIME . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . SPECIAL PERMIT: lC, KIRKMAN , JAMES C . ; Appl . SP-771-74 ; special permit to construct two townhouse duplex units in R-2 zone ; prop- erty located at southeast corner of intersection N . E . Sunset Blvd . and Queen Ave . N . E . The Chairman asked for a presentation from the Planning Director. Mr. Ericksen pointed out the site on the map and noted that the planned development of two townhouse duplex units is a revision of a plan previously approved by the Planning Commission . He described the proposal and displayed the plot plans . He noted that the Offsite Improvement Ordi - nance would apply and ghat or +hn cr rin l request a wai - ver of improvements until completion of construction had been granted . He stated that the staff felt the proposal is an improvement over that previously approved but that additional consideration should be given to landscaping and public right-of-way improvements . Mr . Ericksen reported the receipt of a communication from Mr. Lawrence S . Saviage , a neighbor , regarding complaints concerning street improvements and sidewalks affecting the neighborhood of Mr . Kirkman ' s present development and hardships endured by neighbors during sewer and water con- struction . The Chairman invited comment from the applicant , but he was noted as not being present . A request for comments in favor received no response . Speaking in opposition , Mr . Donald A. Lowe , 1411 Queen Ave . , N . E . , Renton , described unfinished street and side- walk conditions which have existed for three years . IvToc et,y — ( c Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22, 1974 Page Five 4- PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : REZONE AND SPECIAL PERMIT: A. WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB ; WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . ; Appl . R-773-74 ; rezone from G to M-P ; and Appl . SA-772-74 ; site approval for auction facility and office/library facility ; property located south- east of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . REZONE Noting that the applicants had requested both a rezone of their property from G to M-P and approval of their site development plan for an auction facility and office/library , the Chairman suggested considering them simultaneously and requested background informa- tion from the Planning Director. Mr. Erickson i i i.e=d olJt_ i.he_ site cn the map and nc,-r. s rc : atiunship to Longacres Race Track area and the P-1 Channel . The site is presently a part of the over- flow parking area of Longacres and comprises approxi - mately two acres . The Planning Director stated that a north/south arterial highway facility is proposed to be situated either to the west or the east of the P-1 Channel but that the Traffic Engineer had advised that the location is subject to further study. Approval is recommended by the staff subject to the applicant incor- porating requirements of the Soil Conservation Service with reference to preservation of two percent natural area into their site development plan and subject to the applicant agreeing to work with the City with respect to development of the proposed north/south valley arterial . Mr. Ericksen suggested that the appli - cant ' s request for e . ^; , c ,ai diso be considered with rnlatio ss blearterial conflict . Chairman Teegarden invited comment from the applicant . Mr. Lawrence Campbell , architect , stated that they were prepared to shift their building thirty feet to the west in order to avoid conflict with the proposed arterial . He indicated that required setbacks would continue to be met. Discussion followed regarding the effect of the pro- posed arterial on the planned development. Public Works Department representative Touma stated that to providt access it would be necessary for owners on each side of a major arterial to give a minimum of thirty feet from their property line for right-of-way . Toum . -h Tr _e t ted are arterial street map to the i- i ann ong Director , noting that the proposed facility is planned as a major arterial , pointed out its location and significant development in the vicinity on the map . He discussed possible effects on the site should it be constructed to the east of the P- 1 Channel and to the west . Mr. Erick- sen indicated that in order to obtain a building per- mit , pubic access is required . Mr. Kyle Johnson , 3822 Seattle First National Bank Building , Seattle , attorney for the Washington Horse Breeders Association spoke in favor of the application . 1 Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Six Mr. James Plemmons , 1819 South Central , Kent , contractor , noted the present parking area for the Commission and stated that the parcel is owned by Broadacres , as is the entire track facility . He indicated that the purpose of the facility is for an auction to be held three times a year. In fifty years the facility will revert to the track and be a part of Longacres . The site was selected so that it would not interfere with parking on race days . Mr . Blair Bernson , 2000 IBM Building , Seattle , attorney for Broadacres , Washington Jockey Club and Longacres , discussed development plans , stating that they were neces- sarily tied in with barn facilities and separated from track activities . Public access to the area will be via the present public route from the west ; and the East Barn Road ( S. W. 16th ) , a private road , will be available for emergency use . Mr. Bernson noted their intentions for making the facility available for the use of community groups , theater groups , etc . The Chairman invited comments in opposition from the audience . None were offered . Mr. Kyle Johnson read letters to the Renton City Council from the Washington Division of the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association , urging granting of the re- quest and from the Washington Horse Racing Commission , stating that they have no objection to the plan . Responding to Commissioner Ross , Public Works representa- tive Touma stated that deferment of off-site improvements would be considered at the time of off-site approval . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT THE PUBLIC HEAR- ING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE REZONE FROM G TO M-P OF THE APPLICATION FROM WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB AND WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW, AS THE REQUEST AGREES WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN. 1 . THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE TWO PERCENT NATURAL AREA AS REQUESTED BY SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. 2. THE AGREEMENT TO WORK WITH THE CITY WITH RESPECT TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH/SOUTH VALLEY ARTERIAL AND EASTERLY SETBACKS AND THE P-1 CHANNEL . I MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Chairman advised the applicant that they would be ad- vised , when the rezone is recommended to the City Council . SITE APPROVAL Inasmuch as the applicants ' request for consideration of their site development plan had been deemed appropriate 4 0 14,4, O U PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON, WASIIINGTON o MUNICIPAL BUILDING • ltENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 O fp' 4y MEMORANDUMSECA 5-22-74 TO: Files FROM: Mike Smith RE: Washington Jockey Club/Wash. Horsebreeders Assn. Rezone/Site Approval I talked with Larry Campbell today about the subject proposal . I asked him if he had any additional plans that would aid in further explaining the proposal. He said that he may, and that he would be present at the public hearing to answer any ques- tions on the site plan or architecture of the proposed building. I informed him that our Landscape Designers felt that the Poplar trees should be 12-14 high as planted and the trees should be planted along the south property line. The other plant mater- ials used do meet S:C.S. requirements for wild bird food and habitat. I also told him that there may be a requirement to setback from the east property line 60 feet or more to avoid conflict with North South arterial and the P-1 channel . cc:GYE MS:kh j I cI1LC)11, Wash. May 17, 1974 Renton City Council Renton, Wash. Gentlemen: The Washington Horse Breeders Association is desirous to build a Sales Pavilion and headquarters office near Longacres. Proximity to Longacres Barn area is apparent. The Washington Division of the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association, representing nearly two thousand horsemen racing in Washington, strongly urge you to adopt their request for zoning their chosen piece of property. Building this Complex will be a giant step in the advancement of our industry. Sincerely, W. N . Howard, Sect—Treas. Washington Division H. B. P. A. UANILL J, LVANC., uov,,1Nun 4,WAIIII V WIUu11T. III AIRMAN u1111 n,.. •I nu n W II o.111 11 11 IN MAN •A.NI IN• ..II.I Pet. AN.•11YipNVI•JF 4. •A,INr IN•,1 CI.L 1 1•, t 1I1 y 1N• aIjington jrpri5e Racing QComnti c ion SUITES 8 a C 210 EAST UNION OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON 98504 TELEPHONE NUMBER 753-3741. AREA CODE 200 May 16, 1974 Renton City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: The Washington Horse Racing Commission has been advised that • the Washington Horse Breeders Association is proposing to build a combination headquarters office and horse sale pavilion at Longacres racetrack. The members of this Commission have no objection to this plan, and recognize that many benefits will accrue to the large Thoroughbred breeding industry of the state with the comple- tion of an adequate marketing facility. We understand that the Breeders Association has entered into a land use agreement with the Washington Jockey Club. The indicated location will in no way interfere with the conduct and/or supervisioruof racing in so far as we can determine. Sincerely, Howard S. Wright, Cha rman Washington Horse Racing Commission HW:jb r o WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB Operators of Longacres Race Track at Renton 1 E/,,r- 653 SKINNER BUILDING • SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 206)624-2455 v L 1:1l * C I 4 P V/NG = May 16 , 1974 Renton City Planning Commission Renton City Hall 200 South Mills Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: The Washington Horse Breeders Association is planning to build a Thoroughbred Sales Pavilion on property leased from the Washington Jockey Club. It is also contemplated that this structure will eventually house the business offices of that organization. In addition to Thorough- bred sales, the nature of the Pavilion will permit other activities such as public meetings , plays, concerts and musicals . The Washington Jockey Club leases the property from Broadacres, Inc. Both Broadacres, Inc. and the Washington Jockey Club unqualifiedly support this struc- ture. Who knows, someday Renton may be called "the Lexington of the West" . Sincerely, WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB J M. J'. Alhadeff President MJA:ajb ii fr /J,;,p,,,,,'•r / ri./ ,NL, c.S -‘2---19- i Public Notices Public Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ImilewestofEastValley . TION FACILITY AND RENTON, WASHINGTON Highway, midway between - OFFICE/LIBRARY FACILITY; yc,`>LIl-11 Olympic Pipeline • Mobil' file No. SA-772-74; proper-A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE Oil site and Longacres ty located southeast of HELD- BY THE RENTON PLAN- Race Track. Legal descrip-Longacres Race Track at NING COMMISSION AT ITS REGU- tion on file in Planning east end of Longacres CH MEETING IN THE COUNCIL AMBERS• CITY HALL, RENTON,Department office. Race Track southerly park- WASHINGTON, ON MAY 22, 1974,4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO AL-ing area. LOW FILLING AND GRAD- ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR AT L TO NSIDER THE ING IN L-1 ZONE, file No. OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS FOLLOWINGPETITIONS: SP-768-74; property located ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT 1. REZONE FROM G R-756-74; TO at 3000 East Valley Road. THE PLANNING COMMISSION R o; file No, nLakeLegaldescriptiononfileinMEETINGONMay22, 1974 AT 8: Washington, located on Land Planning Department of- 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PRO- a Washington south of and fice.TESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME. adjacenteldescriptionto N. E.onfil52nd St. n 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO AL• BYLUND V. WIK, SECRETARY Planning! r tleDepartment of- LOW FILLING AND GRAD- RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION fice. ING IN M-P ZONE; file No. CERTIFICATION 2. REZONE FROM G TO M-P; SP-769-74; property located I, Michael L. Smith, HEREBY file No. R-773-74; property on West Valley Highway CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF located southeast of Longa- south of Ralph Leber Co. THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE cres Race Track at the Legal description on file in POSTED BY ME IN THREE CON- east end of the Longacres Planning Department of- SPICUQUS PLACES ON THE PROP. Race Track southerly park- fice. ERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS ing area. Legal description 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- PRESCRIBED BY LAW. on file In Planning Depart- STRUCT TWO TOWNHOUSE ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to ment office. DUPLEX UNITS IN R-2 before me, a Notary Public, on 3, SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- ZONE; File No. SP-771-74; the 9th day of May, 1974. STRUCT A PETROLEUM property located at south- Harriet M.Milder •MARKETING PLANT IN H-1 east corner of intersection Signed,Michael L Smith ZONE: file No. SP•734-73; ‘ N.E. Sunset Blvd. and . property located approx. 1 Queen Ave. N.E. Legal de- Published in the Renton Re- scription on file in Plan- 'cord-Ct1rofIClp May 12, 1974. ning Department office. R2747. 7. SITE APPROVAL FOR OF- FICE-WAREHOUSE FACILITY MOST STORESINM-P ZONE; file No. SA- 770-74; property located on NOW OPEN SUN. West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co. Legal 12 —5 description on file in Plan- RENTONningDepartmentoffice. 8. SITE APPROVAL FOR AUC- SHOPPING CENTER Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 8 , 1974 Page Six FIELD TRIP: A field trip was scheduled for Saturday , May 11 , 1974 , with commissioners to meet at 8 : 30 A. M. at the Sheraton Inn . 5 - CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REFERRAL: ZONING OF ANNEXED PROPERTY - Planning Commission review requested . Mr. Ericksen advised that this is a concern that has been reviewed previously . It involves the rezoning of newly annexed areas which currently assume a G classi - fication upon annexation . ACTION: MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE QUESTION BE REFERRED TO THE ZONING COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 . ADMINISTRATIVE : A. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Chairman called for committee reports . 1 . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Commissioner Humble , chairman , reported that the committee has met several times and is preparing a land use proposal for THE VALLEY AREA. A meet- ing was scheduled for May 15 , 1974 , to again con- sider the subject and the Shell Oil Company pro- posed development. Regarding the REQUEST OF THE SEATTLE AUDUBON SOCIETY for re-evaluation of the Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan , the committee is already studying the question of land use in the Green River Valley . 2 . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Commissioner Scholes , chairman , brought the group up-to-date on the HONEYDEW APARTMENTS ' PROPOSAL . Mr . Ericksen advised the Commission regarding Coun- cil plans to conduct a public hearing on a revised plan on May 13 . He indicated that the Public Works Department and Planning Department had met with the applicant in an attempt to answer some of the con- cerns in order to provide the best type of develop- ment for the immediate community and the City . Scholes requested that an opinion from the City Attorney be obtained relative to jurisdiction of SHORELINE MANAGEMENT regarding fill in the Valley. Scholes reported that the committee had met jointly with the Council Community Services Committee regard- ing the OLYMPIC PIPELINE REFERRAL . He noted that an environmental assessment is being considered regard- ing a proposed trail system over the pipeline right- of-way which runs through the City from May Creek on the north to the Mobil site on the south . Oa s!. \725c Bey - Renton Planning L,..,mission For. oLiez/ Me - ting May 8 , 1974 Pa !e Five C, MERLINO , GARY ; Appl . SP-768-74 ; special permit to allow filling and grading in L-1 zone ; property loca- ted at 3000 East Valley Road. The Chairman requested a presentation . The Planning Direc- tor pointed out the location of the 5 . 8 acre site , presently zoned L-1 , on the map . Mr. Ericksen noted significant de- velopment in the vicinity. The area has been partially filled . Approximately 50 ,000 cubic yards of fill are planned ; proposed use is for a storage yard . Ross requested that a survey plan be made available . D, HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B. ROWLEY ; Appl SP-769-74 ; spe- cial permit to allow filling and grading in M-P zone ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Mr . Ericksen pointed out the 2 . 3± acre site located on the West Valley Highway and advised the Commission that the City Council had approved the applicant ' s request to rezone the property to M-P . He noted its relationship to the Green River and other development in the area . Planned fill is 6 ,000 cubic yards . Proposed use is for an office/warehouse . E. KIRKMAN , JAMES C . ; Appl . SP-771-74 ; special permit to construct two townhouse duplex units in R-2 zone ; prop- erty located at southeast corner of intersection N . E . Sunset Blvd . and Queen Ave . N . E . The Planning Director noted the location of the site on the map , indicating landmarks and surrounding zoning in the area . The site is zoned R-2 and requires approval for construction of apartments . This is a revision of a previous plan ap- proved by the Planning Commission to construct duplexes . This revised plan provides for two townhouse duplex units of new configuration and placement . The plan meets with require- ments of the Zoning Ordinance . SITE APPROVAL: F . HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY ; Aul . SA-770-74 ; site approval for office-warehouse facility ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Mr . Ericksen described the proposed use of an office/ware- house and displayed the plot plan . He stated that the appli - cant has increased their landscaping along property lines to a depth of twenty feet ; plans larger landscaping islands and intends to devote seven percent of the site for landscaping purposes . They will meet the Soil Conservation Service re- quirement for two percent preservation of natural areas . 1 G. WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB ; WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . ; Appl . SA-772-74 ; site approval for auction facility and office/library facility . The Planning Director displayed elevations of the proposed circular shaped facility and noted plans for landscaping , pathways and parking areas on the site . The facility will include provisions for a horse auction , permanent general offices and library for Washington Horse Breeders Associ - ation . The proposed use complies with the M/P zone and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . BROADACRES, INC. 634 SKINNER BUILDING] SEATTLE I, WASNINOTON May 6, 1974 Renton Planning Commission Renton City Hall 200 South Mill Street Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: This letter will serve to confirm the commitment of Broadacres, Inc . to provide permanent ingress and egress to the proposed Washington Horse Breeders Association Sales Pavilion site (legal designation number A on ,the plat plan. ) We will also enter into a reciprocal parking agreement on Parcel B on the plat plan. Parcel B will be used by Longacres Race Track on regular racing days and will be used by the Washington Horse Breeders Association on Sale days. (Sales will be conducted on non-race days. ) The. ingress-egress and reciprocal parking agreement. will run concurrently with the land lease agreement for the Sales Pavilion. When our attorneys have completed the necessary papers we will forward copies to you. Very truly yours, BROADACRES, INC. A/ Z'2/ z J. Alhadeff 26 P esident MJA: jab p F ECE11/ MAY 7 1914 G p I '\I II I I 1' I ' I: L'i .4- !r Q I_ , N 1 is I i a .. RT r1 t-kNC I O, INFJ RN' MME ph 0.9114R +ION C LA_1 M 1-_ ' -- i.. IaJ iU 4 4V i l 044, al I 1---- I I uin 1IG I II I o cl _ up U I a O I W 6 NI sont Ft:IPi0i\ I I 797_.....,) I I i.... 7.-_---" 1; L e iI I riN41 II I Of .+4.,QY Mt r,L la C,.-,..n,,o, ,Tr µH 7 I L— 4II WASH . JOCKEY CLUB & 1 r WASH , HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . : 1 REZONE/SITE APPROVAL momm... I I' 1 1- I_ I 71 s HaG Idle II dl O p I I I - : j Z e r .. .o F.4 t : d 1 i ,I o _ 1---{Q r 1 I REZONE/'SITE APPROVAL APPLICATIONS : WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB & WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION , INC . ; APPL . R-773- 74 ; rezone from G to M-P ; property located southeast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area. Washington Jockey Club & TOTAL AREA 76 ,986 Sq. Ft . t //. T APPLICANT j t Horse RvoeriercAssoc . PRINCIPAL ACCESS S . W . 16th Street and private road EXISTING ZONING G EXISTING USE Grass Parking Area Horse Auction facility ; permanent general offices and PROPOSED USE library for Washington Horse Breeders Assnriatinn COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Heavy Industry COMMENTS Auction will he Cnndueted three (3) times annually-_ once during the rasing season on an Off-racing day , and twice during the off-racing season . Auction parking will be by joint use contract with Longacres . Office and library parking will be provided on-site . u IIIIUI lll1 -N.,,,y f" rG-7 s- t,4R t I til " fl;nl Jl v`1' e- 6yit Ilal!`3 1h f1Ti r I{ m i',( \ 1• R' 1 ,-©-I D^ I U- r 5), ya 6 BPotlr 11 w'f vwr'I• 'r II t'i H nu m tlh l I I; i 'IV 1', 1 I pi' r I jn 1 N, + '' ILL I Ili °°,ik,IIIFiti:i BGE NG p RCillaiIIIGM/I 11tiII 1 % 1 I1Rdi' '1 ri ?_,wt,,; 1 IJ I. I Ill l. 1r. H-I Y I I a.'' Y l l l II' j t 4 1. ; r a H..I t • M I t4,4 I I 11111 IIII r till ili.^ ., it w i.- L ti7= c4,1• ,.i: I' 15.7\r. ...\:%!.::t4::111!..c.1).„.:,,,I l7,1' .1 I fir.) ILO.; l U YY" f X ` I I it , M e:/ I.I + A.,, 0, \\ \ { ' d `-1 '[qu.'T Th R-4 -1t r.4 , s 191 it 1 '' 4 I III 1 ,II ..`rl Iu P^1 I q` ' - ')/ ', 1 r• ! 1,I(1a',91 l• . oo d 1 . , 71' f;' i it GS-I n• T I.. Ir. trr}3t : I 1I I I ll N ,1,, Itil I iI f I' , 41 1..._; f aw'' t t1;114 f Imo..11 r 1 v,: 4:7,:. 41 4 B-1 ,, K`, tI I dar... r\. I• `rl.lll c_ 1•C:.1;11 ' IIiI rn Il, : a3 ifrillilll-H-)-1 .: r41.' 1:$ 1.'1 ti r i+,i ,v-- I dI604 - - 3 ',011 R'2:•s: s s kaIll• I , I rti-,u. — I i 1 R; - r "'•-.It it* nm I S-IiiiI•! Y^ I'! 3.. !, IN i•III. , " +1 t= :: 1 i g.lt• Bi ..'''.;,.',,;, ,.-":,, 1or: CGSL.r" wpwhR 4'• ti 4+i II fI his'""i' ` — 9..,• I1y1Yk:-.aF •, 'I x _ w....,.. I ,,,a .- 1 l'.i. .Ir- t • • I L;I s'Gt,r. Ir r os,,,. - ,El.„:Pra :To,7(-1.c.) . _ L____ . , f/r411 I Y" ,: c- otsr RP ,slig 1 1 f•Yr' I GS-I lR I 1',,%.,m r(n 101 fltlfir=.4 4.A .1. ta,'1T: . I\\ I. t 10.- t 11,, i11 J Sr - G7*`piR-4 k, r r Gt Gt 00 : S-G L , (. / 3 . 'iV r y ti' R- I it !/r'. A II li - ' . .. fr. II: 11 \ : : ,-. .- : 41 R-I XX ...:2_1 / •/10:?t,i,.11,1 I G t ' 7II r:: ;),;•;; Ii,"•e R73 S+RI OSY ,% !l.:: 1 1 I1 I j rl'iiG-9.00 I I..., JI - I 1 I .....•I„.,.,.,,.,•... L-I I 4. .r•- I G-7200 I: . II I tt• I#ctl p `' 1e HMI t ' y;L; Il i i P r LB PARGEI"+'t,t A:.:S ti trAt f"''X\•' •I p' II Ili rev,+' R-1 - I ; T,I LT. r. .;.L .:.:,..:,:, .', P.]. . t‘,- its....„:,; 1 i:. J Ili l" l I IIr. liT 4I ili... -_ - 1',.. 7 T' r •T •-'r•l~,.rl,.•fr / t rr+I T-I + G-96170 kh i, 1 I Lim 1 I I f I H-I Intl„ i• i • M14 , 1 i , P"• IM ' 3-1ZGI NING CORRECTED AS OF ORDINANCE ). RB 1CILIMITS CORRECTED AS OF ORDINANCE 0 1. VICINITY MAP BINDING OF FILE FILE TITLE et=JILQ, 772 74 5 /c a/b r0 t/Q/ Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22, 1974 Page Five 4. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : REZONE AND SPECIAL PERMIT: A, WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB ; WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . ; Appl . R-773-74 ; rezone from G to M-P ; and App1 . SA-772-74 ; site approval for auction facility and office/library facility ; property located south- east of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . REZONE Noting that the applicants had requested both a rezone of their property from G to M-P and approval of their site development plan for an auction facility and office/library , the Chairman suggested considering them simultaneously and requested background informa- tion from the Planning Director. Mr. Erickson the site do the map and noted its rc : atiunship to Longacres Race Track area and the P-1 Channel . The site is presently a part of the over- flow parking area of Longacres and comprises approxi - mately two acres . The Planning Director stated that a north/south arterial highway facility is proposed to be situated either to the west or the east of the P-1 Channel but that the Traffic Engineer had advised that the location is subject to further study. Approval is recommended by the staff subject to the applicant incor- porating requirements of the Soil Conservation Service with reference to preservation of two percent natural area into their site development plan and subject to the applicant agreeing to work with the City with respect to development of the proposed north/south valley arterial . Mr. Ericksen suggested that the appli - cant ' s reiu^- t fr,;- z to aooroval ai `o be considered with s ble arterial conflict . Chairman Teegarden invited comment from the applicant . Mr. Lawrence Campbell , architect , stated that they were prepared to shift their building thirty feet to the west in order to avoid conflict with the proposed arterial . He indicated that required setbacks would continue to be met. Discussion followed regarding the effect of the pro- posed arterial on the planned development. Public Works Department representative Touma stated that to provide access it would be necessary for owners on each side of a major arterial to give a minimum of thirty feet from their property line for right-of-way . Mr. T;r..m, r_entcd an arterial street map to the he Harming Director ; noting that the proposed facility is planned as a major arterial , pointed out its location and significant development in the vicinity on the map. He discussed possible effects on the site should it be constructed to the east of the P- 1 Channel and to the west . Mr. Erick- sen indicated that in order to obtain a building per- mit , pubic access is required . Mr. Kyle Johnson , 3822 Seattle First National Bank Building , Seattle , attorney for the Washington Horse Breeders Association spoke in favor of the application . 1 gir Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Six Mr. James Plemmons , 1819 South Central , Kent , contractor,s noted the present parking area for the Commission and stated that the parcel is owned by Broadacres , as is the entire track facility . He indicated that the purpose of the facility is for an auction to be held three times a year. In fifty years the facility will revert to the track and be a part of Longacres . The site was selected so that it would not interfere with parking on race days . Mr. Blair Bernson , 2000 IBM Building , Seattle , attorney for Broadacres , Washington Jockey Club and Longacres , discussed development plans , stating that they were neces- sarily tied in with barn facilities and separated from track activities . Public access to the area will be via the present public route from the west ; and the East Barn Road ( S. W. 16th ) , a private road , will be available for 0 emergency use . Mr. Bernson noted their intentions for making the facility available for the use of community groups , theater groups , etc . The Chairman invited comments in opposition from the audience . None were offered . Mr. Kyle Johnson read letters to the Renton City Council from the Washington Division of the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association , urging granting of the re- quest and from the Washington Horse Racing Commission , stating that they have no objection to the plan . Responding to Commissioner Ross , Public Works representa- tive Touma stated that deferment of off-site improvements would be considered at the time of off-site approval . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT THE PUBLIC HEAR- ING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION : MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE REZONE FROM G TO M-P OF THE APPLICATION FROM WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB AND WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW, AS THE REQUEST AGREES WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN. 1 . THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE TWO PERCENT NATURAL AREA AS REQUESTED BY SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. 2. THE AGREEMENT TO WORK WITH THE CITY WITH RESPECT TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH/SOUTH VALLEY ARTERIAL AND EASTERLY SETBACKS AND THE P-1 CHANNEL . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Chairman advised the applicant that they would be ad- vised , when the rezone is recommended to the City Council . SITE APPROVAL Inasmuch as the applicants ' request for consideration of their site development plan had been deemed appropriate Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Seven with their rezone request , the Chairman invited fur- ther comment from the audience but received no response . There was discussion among the Commissioners regarding public access to the site , especially as it affected the private East Barn Road . It was concluded that ade- quate access for the public and fire protection would be provided . ACTION: MOVED BY ROSS, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING Bpi CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION: MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY ROSS, THAT THE WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB AND WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN, AS AMENDED SHIFT- ING THE BUILDING THIRTY FEET WESTERLY, BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO: 1 . PROPOSED USE OF THE SITE IS FOR A COMBINATION HORSE AUCTION FACILITY AND GENERAL OFFICES AND LIBRARY FOR THE WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION. 2. AUCTION WILL BE HELD THREE TIMES ANNUALLY, ONE OF WHICH WOULD BE DURING THE RACING SEASON ON AN OFF- RACING DAY. 3. APPLICANT PROPOSED JOINT-USE PARKING AGREEMENT FOR THE AUCTION PORTION OF THE FACILITY. 4. APPLICANT MEETS PARKING REQUIREMENT FOR THE OFFICES AND LIBRARY PORTION OF THE FACILITY. 5 . SUBJECT TO REZONING BY THE CITY COUNCIL . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SPECIAL PERMIT: B, MERLINO , GARY ; Appl . SP-768-74 ; special permit to allow filling and grading in L-1 zone ; property located at 3000 East Valley Road . Noting that the request involved filling and grading in an L-1 zone , the Chairman asked for a description from the Planning Director. Mr. Ericksen pointed out the 5 . 8 acre site on the map , noting other development in the vicinity . He stated that the site was partially filled prior to adoption of the Mining , Excavation and Grading Ordinance ; and there is existing fill to the south and north . Fifty thousand cubic yards of fill are planned . He noted recommendation by the staff for continuance to allow for additional study regarding proposed development and possible environmental assessment. The Chairman invited comment from the applicant. Mr . Gary Merlino , 8630 Fauntlee Cr. S . W . , Seattle , ques- tioned the need for additional study , stating that the season for this type of work was limited . 1 Renton Planning Commission Meting May 22 , 1974 Pa a Eight Discussion followed regarding the necessity for a flood- plain permit from the King County Department of Hydraulics , consideration of the Soil Conservation Service position regarding fills in the area and potential location of a drainage channel in the vicinity. Mr. Merlino stated that filling had been accomplished on a haphazard basis in accordance with agreement from the City of Renton prior to enactment of Ordinance 2820 . Following discussion , it was determined that the appli - cant planned to accomplish the work starting in early July . ACTION : MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY WIK, THAT THE GARY MERLINO APPLICATION BE CONTINUED UNTIL THE JUNE 26 PUBLIC HEAR— ING AND REFERRED TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK AT THAT TIME . MOTION CARRIED UNANI— MOUSLY. The Chairman requested permission to consider the James C . Kirk- man special permit application out of order. It was MOVED BY ROS • , SECONDED BY GIBSON , TO CONSIDER THE KIRKMAN APPLICATION AT HIS TIME . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . SPECIAL PERMIT: C, KIRKMAN , JAMES C . ; Appl . SP-771-74 ; special permit to construct two townhouse duplex units in R-2 zone ; prop- erty located at southeast corner of intersection N . E . Sunset Blvd. and Queen Ave . N . E . The Chairman asked for a presentation from the Planning 1Director. Mr. Ericksen pointed out the site on the map and noted that the planned development of two townhouse duplex units is a revision of a plan previously approved by the Planning Commission . He described the proposal and displayed the plot plans . He noted that the Offsite Improvement Ordi - nance would apply and that On th9 cr '?inapr ., 1 request a wai - ver of improvements until completion of construction had been granted . He stated that the staff felt the proposal is an improvement over that previously approved but that additional consideration should be given to landscaping and public right-of-way improvements . Mr. Ericksen reported the receipt of a communication from Mr. Lawrence S . Saviage , a neighbor , regarding complaints concerning street improvements and sidewalks affecting the neighborhood of Mr. Kirkman ' s present development and hardships endured by neighbors during sewer and water con- struction . The Chairman invited comment from the applicant , but he was noted as not being present. A request for comments in favor received no response . Speaking in opposition , Mr . Donald A. Lowe , 1411 Queen Ave . , N . E . , Renton , described unfinished street and side- walk conditions which have existed for three years . ICi.asXi. oe Py - ( z„ Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Five 4- PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : REZONE AND SPECIAL PERMIT: A, WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB ; WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . ; Appl . R-773-74 ; rezone from G to M-P ; and Appl . SA-772-74 ; site approval for auction facility an , office/library facility ; property located south- east of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area . REZONE Noting that the applicants had requested both a rezone of their property from G to M-P and approval of their site development plan for an auction facility and office/library , the Chairman suggested considering them simultaneously and requested background informa- tion from the Planning Director. Mr. Erickser. poiTitd out the site on the map and none.; its ro k t ionshi p to Longacres Race Track area and the P-1 Channel . The site is presently a part of the over- flow parking area of Longacres and comprises approxi - mately two acres . The Planning Director stated that a north/south arterial highway facility is proposed to be situated either to the west or the east of the P-1 Channel but that the Traffic Engineer had advised that the location is subject to further study . Approval is recommended by the staff subject to the applicant incor- porating requirements of the Soil Conservation Service with reference to preservation of two percent natural area into their site development plan and subject to the applicant agreeing to work with the City with respect to development of the proposed north/south valley arterial . Mr. Ericksen suggested that the appli -1 cant ' s request fOr - ire ap;; oval aiso be considered with rlat- nr to Nossible arterial conflict . Chairman Teegarden invited comment from the applicant . Mr. Lawrence Campbell , architect , stated that they were prepared to shift their building thirty feet to the west in order to avoid conflict with the proposed arterial . He indicated that required setbacks would continue to be met. Discussion followed regarding the effect of the pro- posed arterial on the planned development. Public Works Department representative Touma stated that to providt access it would be necessary for owners on each side of a major arterial to give a minimum of thirty feet from their property line for right-of-way . Tow,17, ent, d an arterial street map to the F ; ann eng Director , noting that the proposed facility is planned as a major arterial , pointed out its location and significant development in the vicinity on the map . He discussed possible effects on the site should it be constructed to the east of the P- 1 Channel and to the west . Mr . Erick- sen indicated that in order to obtain a building per- mit , pubic access is required . Mr. Kyle Johnson , 3822 Seattle First National Bank Building , Seattle , attorney for the Washington Horse Breeders Association spoke in favor of the application . 1 Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 22 , 1974 Page Six Mr. James Plemmons , 1819 South Central , Kent , contractor, noted the present parking area for the Commission and stated that the parcel is owned by Broadacres , as is the entire track facility . He indicated that the purpose of the facility is for an auction to be held three times a year. In fifty years the facility will revert to the track and be a part of Longacres . The site was selected so that it would not interfere with parking on race days . Mr . Blair Bernson , 2000 IBM Building , Seattle , attorney for Broadacres , Washington Jockey Club and Longacres , discussed development plans , stating that they were neces- sarily tied in with barn facilities and separated from track activities . Public access to the area will be via the present public route from the west ; and the East Barn Road (S. W. 16th ) , a private road , will be available for emergency use . Mr. Bernson noted their intentions for making the facility available for the use of community groups , theater groups , etc . The Chairman invited comments in opposition from the audience . None were offered . Mr. Kyle Johnson read letters to the Renton City Council from the Washington Division of the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association , urging granting of the re- quest and from the Washington Horse Racing Commission , stating that they have no objection to the plan . Responding to Commissioner Ross , Public Works representa- tive Touma stated that deferment of off-site improvements would be considered at the time of off-site approval . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT THE PUBLIC HEAR- ING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION : MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR , THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE REZONE FROM G TO M-P OF THE APPLICATION FROM WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB AND WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW, AS THE REQUEST AGREES WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN. 1 . THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE TWO PERCENT NATURAL AREA AS REQUESTED BY SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. 2. THE AGREEMENT TO WORK WITH THE CITY WITH RESPECT TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH/SOUTH VALLEY ARTERIAL AND EASTERLY SETBACKS AND THE P-1 CHANNEL . OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. he Chairman advised the applicant that they would be ad- ised , when the rezone is recommended to the City Council . ITE APPROVAL Inasmuch as the applicants ' request for consideration of heir site development plan had been deemed appropriate 1 O U PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON In • MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 rtD SE w MEMORANDUM 5-22-74 TO: Files FROM: Mike Smith RE: Washington Jockey Club/Wash. Horsebreeders Assn. Rezone/Site Approval I talked with Larry Campbell today about the subject proposal. I asked him if he had any additional plans that would aid in further explaining the proposal. He said that he may, and that he would be present at the public hearing to answer any ques- tions on the site plan or architecture of the proposed building. I informed him that our Landscape Designers felt that the Poplar trees should be 12-14 high as planted and the trees should be planted along the south property line. The other plant mater- ials used do meet S:C.S. requirements for wild bird food and habitat. I also told him that there may be a requirement to setback from the east property line 60 feet or more to avoid conflict with North South arterial and the P-1 channel. cc:GYE MS:kh Renton, Wash. May 17, 1974 Renton City Council Renton, Wash. Gentlemen: The Washington Horse Breeders Association is desirous to build a Sales Pavilion and headquarters office near Longacres. Proximity to Longacres Barn area is apparent. The Washington Division of the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association, representing nearly two thousand horsemen racing in Washington, strongly urge you to adopt their request for zoning their chosen piece of property. Building this Complex will be a giant step in the advancement of our industry. Sincerely, W. N . Howard, Sect-Treas. Washington Division H. B. P. A. UANILL J. LVANG, uuvNnNun r IrW A111r Y W/1111111", ,Ir AInNAN v llllrl I nu n W 11 rll 11 110I14 MAN A I11111 11 III I A111 ANTI•I,YAn V.n MI PAI.INV mn,1 ,• •ll.L 3 r l y, iaajington jor5e Raring Contntilzion SUITES B Q C 210 EAST UNION OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON 98504 TELEPHONE NUMBER 763-3741• AREA CODE 206 May 16, 1974 Renton City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: The Washington Horse Racing Commission has been advised that • the Washington Horse Breeders Association is proposing to build a combination headquarters office and horse sale pavilion at Longacres racetrack. The members of this Commission have no ohjection to this plan, and recognize that many benefits will accrue to the large Thoroughbred breeding industry of the state with the comple- tion of an adequate marketing facility. We understand that the Breeders Association has entered into a land use agreement with the Washington Jockey Club. The indicated location will in no way interfere with the conduct and/or supervisio m of racing in so far as we can determine. Sincerely, d//::;" 7 Howard S. Wright, Cha rman Washington Horse Racing Commission HW:jb a WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB Operators of Longacres Race Track at Renton I!; G 653 SKINNER BUILDING • SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 e_\11t) >1i 206)624-2455 mow'•~•, '-~`! 1/N/NG OEQP"/ May 16 , 1974 Renton City Planning Commission Renton City Hall 200 South Mills Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: The Washington Horse Breeders Association is planning to build a Thoroughbred Sales Pavilion on property leased from the Washington Jockey Club. It is also contemplated that this structure will eventually house the business offices of that organization. In addition to Thorough- bred sales, the nature of the Pavilion will permit other activities such as public meetings, plays, concerts and musicals . The Washington Jockey Club leases the property from Broadacres, Inc. Both Broadacres, Inc . and the Washington Jockey Club unqualifiedly support this struc- ture. Who knows, someday Renton may be called "the Lexington of the West" . Sincerely, , WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB M. J.. Alhadeff President MJA:ajb 3'/ /.— /),:!..‘i/..1, / e . iPublic Notices Public Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ImilewestofEastValley , ' TION FACILITY AND RENTON, WASHINGTON 11Highway, midwaybetween K ` LL BE 8 Y OFFICE/LIBRARY FACILITY; A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BEOlympicPipeline - Mobil' ' file No. SA-772-74; proper. Oil site and Longacres ty located southeast of HEL13 BY THE RENTON PLAN- Race Track. Legal descrip-Longacres Race Track at NING COMMISSION AT ITS REGU- tion on file in Planning east end of Longacres CH MEETING IN THE COUNCIL Department office. Race Track southerly park-CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO AL-ing area. ASHINGTON, ON MAY 22, 1974, AT LLOWFILLINGANDGRAD- ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR PETITIONS: THE INC IN L-1 ZONE, file No. OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS FOLLOWING SP-768-74; property located ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT 1. REZONE FROM G TO at 3000 East Valley Road. THE PLANNING COMMISSION R 3; file No. R-756-74; Legal description on file in MEETING ON May 22, 1974 AT 8: Wasophirygton, south, of and pr located on Lake a Planning Department of- 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PRO-to 52nd fice.TESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME. adjacent l description N. E. on St. n5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO AL- BYLUND V. WIK,SECRETARY Legal nDep file Planning Department of-LOW FILLING AND GRAD- RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION fice. ING IN M-P ZONE; file No. CERTIFICATION 2. REZONE FROM G TO M-P; SP-769-74; property located I, Michael L. Smith, HEREBY file No. R•773-74; property on West Valley Highway CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF located southeast of Longa- south of Ralph Leber Co. THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE cres Race Track at the Legal description on file in POSTED BY ME IN THREE CON- east end of the Longacres Planning Department of- SPICUQUS PLACES ON THE PROP- Race Track southerly park- fice. ERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS ing area. Legal description 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- PRESCRIBED BY LAW. on file In Planning Depart- STRUCT TWO TOWNHOUSE ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to ment office. DUPLEX UNITS iN R-2 before me, a Notary Public, on 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- ZONE; File No. SP-771-74; the 9th day of May, 1974. STRUCT A PETROLEUM property located at south- Harriet M.Hilder MARKETING PLANT IN H-1 east corner of intersection Signed.Michael L Smith ZONE: file No. SP,734-73; N.E. Sunset Blvd. and . property located approx. 1 Queen Ave. N.E. Legal de- Published in the Renton Re- scription on file in Plan- cord-Ct1roq iclp May ,,12, 1974. ning Department office. R2747. 7. SITE APPROVAL FOR OF• FICE-WAREHOUSE FACILITY MOST STORESINM-P ZONE; file No. SA- 770-74; property located on NOW OPEN SUN. West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co. Legal 12 -5 description on file in Plan- RENTONningDepartmentoffice. X- 8. SITE APPROVAL FOR AUC- SHOPPING CENTER Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 8 , 1974 Page Six FIELD TRIP: A field trip was scheduled for Saturday , May 11 , 1974 , with commissioners to meet at 8 : 30 A . M. at the Sheraton Inn . 5 • CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REFERRAL: ZONING OF ANNEXED PROPERTY — Planning Commission review requested . Mr. Ericksen advised that this is a concern that has been reviewed previously. It involves the rezoning of newly annexed areas which currently assume a G classi - fication upon annexation . ACTION: MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE QUESTION BE REFERRED TO THE ZONING COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. e . ADMINISTRATIVE : A, COMMITTEE REPORTS The Chairman called for committee reports . 1 . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Commissioner Humble , chairman , reported that the committee has met several times and is preparing a land use proposal for THE VALLEY AREA . A meet- ing was scheduled for May 15 , 1974 , to again con- sider the subject and the Shell Oil Company pro- posed development. Regarding the REQUEST OF THE SEATTLE AUDUBON SOCIETY for re-evaluation of the Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan , the committee is already studying the question of land use in the Green River Valley . 2 . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Commissioner Scholes , chairman , brought the group up-to-date on the HONEYDEW APARTMENTS ' PROPOSAL . Mr . Ericksen advised the Commission regarding Coun- cil plans to conduct a public hearing on a revised plan on May 13 . He indicated that the Public Works Department and Planning Department had met with the applicant in an attempt to answer some of the con- cerns in order to provide the best type of develop- ment for the immediate community and the City. Scholes requested that an opinion from the City Attorney be obtained relative to jurisdiction of SHORELINE MANAGEMENT regarding fill in the Valley. Scholes reported that the committee had met jointly with the Council Community Services Committee regard- ing the OLYMPIC PIPELINE REFERRAL . He noted that an environmental assessment is being considered regard- ing a proposed trail system over the pipeline right- of-way which runs through the City from May Creek on the north to the Mobil site on the south . e/a s%i. -,7 c'(ey - Renton Planning 1,.,.,,,mission 5.>lc ' p.-o a/ Meeting May 8 , 1974 Page Five C. MERLINO , GARY ; Appl . SP-768-74 ; special permit to allow filling and grading in L-1 zone ; property loca- ted at 3000 East Valley Road. The Chairman requested a presentation . The Planning Direc- tor pointed out the location of the 5 . 8 acre site , presently zoned L-1 , on the map . Mr. Ericksen noted significant de- velopment in the vicinity . The area has been partially filled . Approximately 50 ,000 cubic yards of fill are planned ; proposed use is for a storage yard . Ross requested that a survey plan be made available . D. HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY ; Appl SP-769-74 ; spe- cial permit to allow filling and grading in M-P zone ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Mr . Ericksen pointed out the 2 . 3± acre site located on the West Valley Highway and advised the Commission that the City Council had approved the applicant ' s request to rezone the property to M-P . He noted its relationship to the Green River and other development in the area . Planned fill is 6 ,000 cubic yards . Proposed use is for an office/warehouse . E, KIRKMAN , JAMES C . ; Appl . SP-771-74 ; special permit to construct two townhouse duplex units in R-2 zone ; prop- erty located at southeast corner of intersection N . E . Sunset Blvd . and Queen Ave . N . E . The Planning Director noted the location of the site on the map , indicating landmarks and surrounding zoning in the area . The site is zoned R-2 and requires approval for construction of apartments . This is a revision of a previous plan ap- proved by the Planning Commission to construct duplexes . This revised plan provides for two townhouse duplex units of new configuration and placement . The plan meets with require- ments of the Zoning Ordinance . SITE APPROVAL: F . HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY ; AQpl . SA-770-74 ; site approval for office-warehouse facility; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . 1 Mr. Ericksen described the proposed use of an office/ware- house and displayed the plot plan . He stated that the appli - cant has increased their landscaping along property lines to a depth of twenty feet ; plans larger landscaping islands and intends to devote seven percent of the site for landscaping purposes . They will meet the Soil Conservation Service re- quirement for two percent preservation of natural areas . G, WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB ; WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . ; Appl . SA-772-74 ; site approval for auction facility and office/library facility . The Planning Director displayed elevations of the proposed circular shaped facility and noted plans for landscaping , pathways and parking areas on the site . The facility will include provisions for a horse auction , permanent general offices and library for Washington Horse Breeders Associ - ation . The proposed use complies with the M/P zone and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . BROADACRES, INC. 634 SKINNER BUILDING SEATTLE I. WASHINGTON May 6 , 1974 Renton Planning Commission Renton City Hall 200 South Mill Street Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: This letter will serve to confirm the commitment of Broadacres, Inc . to provide permanent ingress and egress to the proposed Washington Horse Breeders Association Sales Pavilion site (legal designation number A on ,the plat plan. ) We will also enter into a reciprocal parking agreement on Parcel B on the plat plan. Parcel B will be used by Longacres Race Track on regular racing days and will be used by the Washington Horse Breeders Association on Sale days. (Sales will be conducted on non-race days . ) The. ingress-egress and reciprocal parking agreement. will run concurrently with the land lease agreement for the Sales Pavilion. When our attorneys have completed the necessary papers we will forward copies to you. Very truly yours , BROADACRES, INC. 2/za ,0 J. Alhadeff P esident MJA: jab p F k RE to o MAY 7 1974 y2, ryG DEP AR.ve" 55::----- 1 -I ,1 :. i' - 1 ici' 4. 6 . . ir' 1 \ft A I (-, /I -1 il!L-=-. , o Q 1 1 1 7 1 d I" a 1 4.. Iv KIN 1..,L Ir tyN0.V MkipEii TIOA CLAM1W IZ U I 1 1 O IL m tw In I 0 a". f ,e . I, :0 I G11, _ Ii i -, 1 1 Q u 1 i I z y 1 1 O I I VI [ 1:114t.. 1 1 y_. _. ..,,_,10,_.1, . _ ____ __._ _ _‘, )_ __ _ _ _ _ ,_ r I I r 1 L 1 r aNki1 II I Oi . 1 .0 r F/v Mk ACrk 11 C,rvn r„,... oi. N, 1-1 I I11 1 r II I 1 ual-p-vms. WASH . JOCKEY CLUB $ t , 1 i WASH . HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . 1 ' r 1 I- REZONE/SITE APPROVAL y - . I rilI I I: I III 1 1 ul 1 I al , ! 1 1 iIJpsialG r Itli v 2 ii I c', ,iii ; I i Z I i 11 1.,Ia\\B I ItIG1lI --I - • T- I1. e . .i I ro n tO I, 4 t)I to to t.,t' I 1 ttl REZONE/'SITE APPROVAL APPLICATIONS : WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB & WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION , INC . ; APPL . R-773- 74 ; rezone from G to M-P ; property located southeast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area. Washington Jockey 'Club $ APPLICANT in at_y ttarsP RTPP P,-e t, TOTAL AREA 76 ,986 Sq. Ft . tiA-. PRINCIPAL ACCESS S . W . 16th Street- and private road EXISTING ZONING G EXISTING USE Grass Parking Area Horse Auction facility; permanent general offices and PROPOSED USE library for Washington Horse Breeders Assnrinrinn COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Heavy Industry COMMENTS Auction will _b_e cand))rtPd LIZT1'r. (3) times annual fly • once during the racing season on an off-racing, day _ and twice during the off-racing season . Auction parking will be by joint use contract with Longacres . Office and library parking will be provided on-site . 1 rNj t 'L, , Y , 'N R-1 R,_' cAts. w,111gui (I I lla-73 oo1-. . , 7-, /- I,f/R,11p. kS$ .il fi jtIw19111 4),li(( "' 7,A -°"' ' ri,:I, 0- 1'1II !'1111 1L a A L J u . l NCI, 11 ,,,,„,,! ,u'II I I I C, I 1 o N rwr' Mo L. .. j I'll 1 I l 1JI)( rI M I;I Aluit 9 E l Q R D I r'hv'111LI VI' t,• L,' NN µI, ' I)))IJ/r/• C 1u11l. I I /l III rII Hill%I!I,I I 1 Q M 1 N I',h,H 111 L y I ` T r' !- I L11 r IIlf :I,Yf ' u k I i'IC19^112i,10J„0,1 1 H-I • / Y h l.N" "q!!I III ::.,: '1 i! ' 1:- . 1 -- I Y„Itl,I MgIy it .! I 4 I 1 V. T .i. bn :r-f y mq IK! {,..., vx . li t 1 „ < ' r I• r P-1 1Ir{r'g'Ill IIIMNIIGI 11! ati H•IIiiill! N9d''" 1114,,4 " I II Ohl•'; I H. ,, 1 I .,,,./..,, I , . .1. ..,, . f^ 0::: 9.1'IGYtl,INC: J I , a.. T 1 a , I i.t Jr p t I uu uu I I r fir I flI II pIIIINMl9iP iN I I , IfI'11 Ib.-I I I I 1L4, ..., rt ' , Hit yay 1 k .IMNk'Qtlll"WY191Ni ':I I r-u i i11fr .:. Li '. 41111 ,1.F laLL 1i. . j fry,,?1 I .L4i 1 ' li li i 71-• ' I. Ir tapua I ? II I.,il: 1. R-4 trirl.sf .I -I{I.; L' - a 1 , Ii r iLLi <ltr<< 'l,ll+, •••:, l q 1Ire ' M., I '1.1 .11.. I I•' oo — rll•}t f'i•',I ' k flitIIt, III . TL' 2 t} ]1 i 71.4 0 . : .-I.4 R,i;'.% /L. i 'lit/ ;Ur: Rii, , A ,.,,,:_._- 4 t..1.1I 1. ik.. l 1 17.1atil.: .. ' ll^, -8 1 J / I I{_ ammium II •I N11.41 • ; •l,i,..'' '- • I 4. r -----i re/ ,v rI,Jr`r I "'iii,„. .I,•j ii1 { -` U _ .-. e 1 y 1 I —• •:'., -- - - •ii„ W lit:, '“,„ Th''''• , • r, R l i11 r-4 I II*' 111Q S-I L \ N:l_ ' •fit a ::' 91Eki • •P,,_-. , 111111r. B 1 t ry M \ I L mow:., I Kt S•, i• .aati 41iYti II { v 1 ' '.. 4/...' '' 1• M - 111 I I" " ij--q q I. 1 I rlL. IfrI..f.. • BJ / LTI ,I.: :, B .. G5r1 l R n. I ,, . 0-\,: li'l/.: 1P91raa a lIL I• L ` - Q '„ _III u' i4I; .\ r4; i• nm01) r I. GS-I I .. .3 1 ? i'.,ie, 6......‘. O1.yam/ pp , Lr;,• JR F.I{{'(rrIGN ,.p c'Y r}. I` !• t+ 7t fin` G-72( i I 1 1 V 1-c t,1 f Ste'4' 1 1 ' t 'S rj;-lI : /,II „) kit t• I I G t SR-1• a• •Ii - r. •,!/ r ' 1 • 1 i Y...q 1 hfiG-9p00 I s• L:-,;i:' 1 . 1. ,1 I 1 G-7200 I. a HMI L-I I C.. , ':. N• I .Fµr• 1c:".p: ,1.,. q I- I I PIJ¢E113 PARLEI." I,t''. SR-I M!f_ x$-'.-i''I .:: . I•.II 1''11 1!'tl!•I4f ,;,.:. ._ • 111 \1 11 I I 1- _ vii++:: E II\ ti it)i:/.4 i % 1(j! i JI1IG:9•1 :. , H-'7 I I t-' t .I.I I 1 r I1 r i i r I ' t _ _._ 1 1, I' I(,) li r I+''11{ fi -. 0 li:I I ', I Ieili.I% Y' i I 1 ir it 1 I 31 2 NING CORRECTED AS OF ORDINANCE NO R2 " CIo T--LIMITS CORRECTED AS OF ORDINANCE NC' f VICINITY MAP ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE Ca41LQ/ OP 772 74 OV U PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 ti MEMORANDUMQ TfD MEMORANDUM 5-22-74 TO: Files FROM: Mike Smith RE: Washington Jockey Club/Wash. Horsebreeders Assn. Rezone/Site Approval I talked with Larry Campbell today about the subject proposal . I asked him if he had any additional plans that would aid in further explaining the proposal. He said that he may, and that he would be present at the public hearing to answer any ques- tions on the site plan or architecture of the proposed building. I informed him that our Landscape Designers felt that the Poplar trees should be 12-14 high as planted and the trees should be planted along the south property line. The other plant mater- ials used do meet SC.S. requirements for wild bird food and habitat. I also told him that there may be a requirement to setback from the east property line 60 feet or more to avoid conflict with North South arterial and the P-1 channel . cc:GYE MS:kh RenLoll, Wash. May 17, 1974 Renton City Council Renton, Wash. Gentlemen: The Washington Horse Breeders Association is desirous to build a Sales Pavilion and headquarters office near Longacres. Proximity to Longacres Barn area is apparent. The Washington Division of the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association, representing nearly two thousand horsemen racing in Washington, strongly urge you to adopt their request for zoning their chosen piece of property. Building this Complex will be a giant step in the advancement of our industry. Sincerely, f f jV.rG'7•t-_ W. N . Howard, Sect-Treas. Washington Division H. B. P. A. DANILL J. LVANG, uov4.nNun 1,1 WA1111 p. WitIUIIT, ,II AIAMAN U111y 11.11 nu A WII o11// v 011 11•IN0MAry •61,1011N• ••rA•,AA1 IN:•1.1 , •tl.L r'k ANw•I,r•n VI•wM w. AA.IMr Vit 1111U ago jington jDorge Rating Contntilzion SUITES @ @ C 210 EAST UNION OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON 98504 TELEPHONE NUMBER 753-3741, AREA CODE 206 May 16, 1974 Renton City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: The Washington Horse Racing Commission has been advised that • the Washington Horse Breeders Association is proposing to build a combination headquarters office and horse sale pavilion at Longacres racetrack. The members of this Commission have no objection to this plan, and recognize that many benefits will accrue to the large Thoroughbred breeding industry of the state with the comple- tion of an adequate marketing facility. We understand that the Breeders Association has entered into a land use agreement with the Washington Jockey Club. The indicated location will in no way interfere with the conduct and/or supervision' of racing in so far as we can determine. Sincerely, 41 Howard S. Wright, Cha rman Washington Horse Racing Commission HW:jb 3 I x WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB Operators of Longacres Race Track at Renton, ri\ Efvf, a', 653 SKINNER BUILDING • SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 1j( 206)624-2455 V/NG 10C-"!v May 16 , 1974 Renton City Planning Commission Renton City Hall 200 South Mills Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: The Washington Horse Breeders Association is planning to build a Thoroughbred Sales Pavilion on property leased from the Washington Jockey Club. It is also contemplated that this structure will eventually house the business offices of that organization. In addition to Thorough- bred sales, the nature of the Pavilion will permit other activities such as public meetings , plays, concerts and musicals . The Washington Jockey Club leases the property from Broadacres, Inc. Both Broadacres, Inc . and the Washington Jockey Club unqualifiedly support this struc- ture. Who knows, someday Renton may be called "the Lexington of the West" . Sincerely, WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB 1 M. J'. Alhadeff President MJA:ajb f; /J6-440,',i,i., nL. 6-.tz--11- 1 Public Notices Public Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ImilewestofEastValley , TION FACILITY AND RENTON, WASHINGTON Highway, midway between OFFICE/LIBRARY FACILITY; L-`d IT 1 Olympic Pipeline - Mobil' file No. SA-772-74; proper-A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE Oil site and Longacres ty located southeast of HELD- BY THE RENTON PLAN- Race Track. Legal descrip-Longacres Race Track at NING COMMISSION AT ITS REGU- tion on file in Planning east end of Longacres LAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL Department office. Race Track southerly park-WASHINGTON, CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO AL-ing area. 8:00 ON MAY 22, 1974, LOW FILLING AND GRAD- ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR AT LOW G PETITIONS:OCONSIDER THE INC IN L-1 ZONE, file No. OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS FOLLOWING PETITIONS: SP-768-74; property located ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT 1. REZONE FROM G6000 TO at 3000 East Valley Road. THE PLANNING COMMISSION R-o; file No. R•756 Legal description on file in MEETING ON May 22, 1974 AT 8: Washington, rtg located on Lake south of and Planning Department of- 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PRO- adjacent to N. E. 52nd St. fice.TESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME. Legal description on file In 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO AL- BYLUND V. WIK,SECRETARY Planning Department of- LOW FILLING AND GRAD- RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION fice. ING IN M-P ZONE; file No. CERTIFICATION 2. REZONE FROM G TO M-P; SP-769-74; property located I, Michael L. Smith, HEREBY file No. R-773-74; property on West Valley Highway CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF located southeast of Longa- south of-Ralph Leber Co. THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE cres Race Track at the Legal description on file in POSTED BY ME IN THREE CON- east end of the Longacres Planning Department of- SPICUQUS PLACES ON THE PROP- Race Track southerly park- fice. ERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS ing area. Legal description 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- PRESCRIBED BY LAW. on file In Planning Depart- STRUCT TWO TOWNHOUSE ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to ment office. DUPLEX UNITS IN R-2 before me, a Notary Public, on 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- ZONE; File No. SP-771-74; the 9th day of May, 1974. STRUCT A PETROLEUM property located at south- Harriet M.Hilder •MARKETING PLANT IN H-1 east corner of intersection Signed,Michael L Smith ZONE: file No. SP-734-73; N.E. Sunset Blvd. and property located approx. ' Queen Ave. N.E. Legal de- , Published in the Renton Re- scription on file in Plan- '.cnrd-Ctirnnicip May ,,12, 1974. ning Department office. R2747. 7. SITE APPROVAL FOR OF- FICE-WAREHOUSE FACILITY MOST STORESINM-P ZONE; file No. SA- 770.74;property located on NOW OPEN SUN. West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co. Legal 12 —5 description on file in Plan- RENTONningDepartmentoffice. X- 8. SITE APPROVAL FOR AUC; SHOPPING CENTER c Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 8 , 1974 Page Six FIELD TRIP: A field trip was scheduled for Saturday , May 11 , 1974 , with commissioners to meet at 8 : 30 A. M. at the Sheraton Inn . 5 • CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REFERRAL: ZONING OF ANNEXED PROPERTY - Planning Commission review requested . Mr. Ericksen advised that this is a concern that has been reviewed previously . It involves the rezoning of newly annexed areas which currently assume a G classi - fication upon annexation . ACTION : MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR , THAT THE QUESTION BE REFERRED TO THE ZONING COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 . ADMINISTRATIVE : A, COMMITTEE REPORTS The Chairman called for committee reports . 1 . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Commissioner Humble , chairman , reported that the committee has met several times and is preparing a land use proposal for THE VALLEY AREA . A meet- ing was scheduled for May 15 , 1974 , to again con- sider the subject and the Shell Oil Company pro- posed development . Regarding the REQUEST OF THE SEATTLE AUDUBON SOCIETY for re-evaluation of the Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan , the committee is already studying the question of land use in the Green River Valley . 2 . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Commissioner Scholes , chairman , brought the group up-to-date on the HONEYDEW APARTMENTS ' PROPOSAL . Mr . Ericksen advised the Commission regarding Coun- cil plans to conduct a public hearing on a revised plan on May 13 . He indicated that the Public Works Department and Planning Department had met with the applicant in an attempt to answer some of the con- cerns in order to provide the best type of develop- ment for the immediate community and the City . Scholes requested that an opinion from the City Attorney be obtained relative to jurisdiction of SHORELINE MANAGEMENT regarding fill in the Valley. Scholes reported that the committee had met jointly with the Council Community Services Committee regard- ing the OLYMPIC PIPELINE REFERRAL . He noted that an environmental assessment is being considered regard- ing a proposed trail system over the pipeline right- of-way which runs through the City from May Creek on the north to the Mobil site on the south . 4 54. ,Tba'(ey - Ren on Planning L .,.,mission oyez/ Mee ing May 8 , 1974 Pag - Five C. MERLINO , GARY ; Appl . SP-768-74 ; special permit to allow filling and grading in L-1 zone ; property loca- ted at 3000 East Valley Road . The Chairman requested a presentation . The Planning Direc- tor pointed out the location of the 5 . 8 acre site , presently zoned L-1 , on the map . Mr. Ericksen noted significant de- velopment in the vicinity . The area has been partially fled . Approximately 50 ,000 cubic yards of fill are planned ; proposed use is for a storage yard . Ross requested that a survey plan be made available . D, HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY ; Appl SP-769-74 ; spe- cial permit to allow filling and grading in M-P zone ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Mr. Ericksen pointed out the 2 . 3± acre site located on the West Valley Highway and advised the Commission that the City Council had approved the applicant ' s request to rezone the property to M-P . He noted its relationship to the Green River and other development in the area . Planned fill is 6 ,000 cubic yards . Proposed use is for an office/warehouse . E, KIRKMAN , JAMES C . ; Appl . SP-771-74 ; special permit to construct two townhouse duplex units in R-2 zone ; prop- erty located at southeast corner of intersection N . E . Sunset Blvd . and Queen Ave . N . E . The Planning Director noted the location of the site on the map , indicating landmarks and surrounding zoning in the area . The site is zoned R-2 and requires approval for construction of apartments . This is a revision of a previous plan ap- proved by the Planning Commission to construct duplexes . This revised plan provides for two townhouse duplex units of new configuration and placement . The plan meets with require- ments of the Zoning Ordinance . SITE APPROVAL: F . HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B . ROWLEY ; 4pl . SA-770-74 ; site approval for office-warehouse facility ; property located on West Valley Highway south of Ralph Leber Co . Mr . Ericksen described the proposed use of an office/ware- house and displayed the plot plan . He stated that the appli - cant has increased their landscaping along property lines to a depth of twenty feet ; plans larger landscaping islands and intends to devote seven percent of the site for landscaping purposes . They will meet the Soil Conservation Service re- quirement for two percent preservation of natural areas . G, WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB ; WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC . ; Appl . SA-772-74 ; site approval for auction facility and office/library facility . The Planning Director displayed elevations of the proposed circular shaped facility and noted plans for landscaping , pathways and parking areas on the site . The facility will include provisions for a horse auction , permanent general offices and library for Washington Horse Breeders Associ - ation . The proposed use complies with the M/P zone and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . B ROADACRES, I N C. 634 yKINNEFi BUILDING SEATTLE I, WASHINOTON May 6, 1974 Renton Planning Commission Renton City Hall 200 South Mill Street Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: This letter will serve to confirm the commitment of Broadacres, Inc. to provide permanent ingress and egress to the proposed Washington Horse Breeders Association Sales Pavilion site (legal designation number A on :the plat plan. ) We will also enter into a reciprocal parking agreement on Parcel B on the plat plan. Parcel B will be used by Longacres Race Track on regular racing days and will be used by the Washington Horse Breeders Association on Sale days. (Sales will be conducted on non-race days . ) The. ingress-egress and reciprocal parking agreement. will run concurrently with the land lease agreement for the Sales Pavilion. When our attorneys have completed the necessary papers we will forward copies to you. Very truly yours , BROADACRES, INC. J 0(/ J. Alhadeff P esident MJA:jab fRECE116%5 F RF MAY 7 1914 tt DEPP V II x. I ' ' ' 1,1 , : I A j, ',,,J,.c.'i 1. b I Q I I4 rt, N I 1 1 ATM I N! JCF ri N0.Y ME OEQ O k.1 Ti0 CL..1M_ _j 1 - Ty— Y 4 4 Oi I 11t 1 BLA21to I G 01 a irii` I Q U I LO 4 I Wit)4!t'..\-----,- I yl IT 4 i 1 4I , I 1 1 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB $ WASH . HORSE BREEDERS ASSOC. :r - - -11r- --- 7--- --- -- - -- - '" REZONE/SITE APPROVAL 1 III Ml I I W I 1 1I I I I I f . 1S'---——Tgi \ s 1 G p I z pro,- _ 11 Ita 1O lT i J e e I . o i 1^ T 4\\ 4 r::4'I ! rT !I1 L L, , REZONE/'SITE APPROVAL APPLICATIONS : WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB & WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION , INC. ; APPL . R-773- 74 ; rezone from G to M-P ; property located southeast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Longacres Race Track southerly parking area. Washington Jockey 'Club & APPLICANT.] 1shingtop Hnrce RrP.eden,sksc,Qc. TOTAL AREA 76 , 986 Sq. Ft . t 14'-. T PRINCIPAL ACCESS S . W . 16th Street and private road EXISTING ZONING G EXISTING USE Grass Parking Area Horse Auction facility; permanent general offices and PROPOSED USE library for Washington Horce Rre drrc Accnniatinn COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Heavy Industr COMMENTS Auction win. _be ^nndi,etPr1 thx.f, (3) times annually - once during the racing season on an Off-racing day , and twice during the off-racing season . Auction parking will be by joint use contract with Longacres . Office and library parking will be provided on-site . r. tools 1'?tt. _ mail',Il' :`' 7: I 6.. 0. 1111=,.. ::.. 4;,..i...3:... i 0 4! 16y ;l :rNl6 LMll l;;Arjr"Ir.. Ns'I, re. 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