HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA75-804BEGINNINU OF FILE FILE TITLE 21CROFILMED SI&17)611 00415 w Ol G P - 4 w— 77/, l 3i B—;—;:1:1 ' N ''\,\ ti F M iZ lak T u vc,t-1 z, 4-,V., i—_, I E T R M7P ;•-.,... ,::rr f, r.r, 9. i 62- oA w,c .-1s C yII _ plp i, P 0 S AIL tNERN Ilu II UIRwonjii .yl a, Ui- 61410. Ml{ u u-i,t1111:iln u Ili AMP i_ iW I Prilli dll{ III i it d s:s: 14 1100 i i • il'lG' , y T 14II1N fie=4 +Mi ai ,r Nr"""""ull'ultailliklan ' ' - . 'F. 11, -: . 1.'4 bi, . . , fir. • SITE APPROVAL : ro ... 11;' 1 , , / oW GROUWS & BITNEY zl'I LJ 11' i4; 314 I. ' 0 , ,..1., e-4.41 1 MF,.•.17FR DOM1T iOh. C1....k 1M 54i __ ' cl 1 4\i1 1-1 G d Wiltr.:7 -, -- jIO2 1 A—= 4- T -- , _ • 40 l SITE APPROVAL : CHARLES H . GROUWS & DEAN W. BITNEY ; Appl . No . SA-804-75 ; Site Plan Approval for office addition to a warehouse in an L- 1 zone ; property located at 1120 S . W. 16th Street . i is CHARLES H . GROUWS and t' APPLICANT DEAN W. BITNEY TOTAL AREA 1 . 48 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS S .W . 16th Street 1. EXISTING ZONING L-1 EXISTING USE Office/Warehouse PROPOSED USE Designed addition to south side of existing office/ warehouse COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Commercial COMMENTS Previous plans were approved by Planning Commission pursuant o restrictive covenants filed at the time of rezoning . Addition i will not conflict with those covenants . ti o F 411 THE CITY OF RENTON J 0 © MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO RENTON, WASH. 98055 omiL CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD co CITY CLERK 49'( o SEPI° 1 May 23, 1978 n\ ' 111g, o CERTIFIED MAIL Igr d zit G&H Construction Co. cvec,cPP. 0. Box 78098 Q` Seattle, Washington 98178 G Attention: Mr. Charles Grouws Re: G&H Construction Landscape Installation Performance Bond Rebate - $1 ,792.75 Gentlemen: Release of cashier' s check No. 205001 has been authorized by G. Y. Erickson, Planning Director. Please sign acknowledgment of return of the performance bond deposit on the second copy of this letter and return in the enclosed self addressed envelope. Thank you for your transmittal courtesies. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON C - 74€41A/L Delores A. Mead DM:bh City Clerk enc. RiCEIPT OF CASHIER'S C ECK NO. 205001 IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED. 6- ` q Pe rt.) k F Prerilh j9s0CITYOFRENTO1 APPLICATION MAR s r5 A, SITE APPROVAL L DEPO+ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No . SA- ye / - 4.( Filing Date 75._ Z.6 pr rt 4(o ` _ APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1 . Name Charles H. Grouws & Dean W. Bitney Phone 772-1963 Address Y. O. Box 78098, Seattle , Washington 98178 2 . Property location 112r.: S.W. 16th Renton, Washington 3 . Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) Lots `` 1 through 10 and 20 through 27 Block 35 all in C .D. Hillman Earlington Garden addition to the City of Renton Division 1 all situated in the city of Renton King County Washington 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft. 64,698 Present zoning 5 . What do } ou propose to develop on this property? Add 32' Plush office to the front of our metal warehouse office portion to be of masonayy construction. 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site: and access plan (include setbacks , existing structures , easements, and other factors limiting development) 1"=10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan. . 1"=10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and propsed) 7 . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION : Date approved Date denied Date appealed Appeal action Remarks Planning Dept . 2-73 AFFIDAVIT Jean W. Bitney being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 5 day of rt,arch 19 75 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle 71 Charles Grouws j,j G.z-„c - Thlame of Notary Public) Signature of Owner) ' 1082 Anacortes N.E. 72C1 So. 115th Seattle , Washington Renton, Washington IA 6-1748 Address) Address) City) State) Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rul gulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the fi r of 41.1 application . pECFIUFb 'o Date Received — 19 By : Cj4/1 Aae 5 1975 NP fi t;Renton Planning Dept . G DEPP . 2-73 r yof Rk-4; RECEIUEo MAR 5 1975 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET 10 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY : Application No . .E/4I-yly- 7. Negative Dec . Date Received .3 - zr-74-EIS INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34 . In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to 800' ) and a site map ( rec- ommended scale : 1 " representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : 1 . Name of applicant Charles H. Grouws , Dean w. bitney 2 . Mailing address P. O. Box 78098 Seattle , Washington 98178 Telephone 772-1963 3. Applicant is : I xlOwner f ILessee I !Contract purchaser L=Other ( specify ) 4 . Name and address of owner, if other than applicant : Telephone 5 . General location of proposed project (give street address if any or nearest street and intersection 1120 S.W. 16th Renton, Nashington 6 . Legal description ( if lengthy , attach as separate sheet ) Lots 1 through 10 and 20 through 27 Block 35, all in C . D. Hillmans Earlington Garden addition to the City of Renton Division #1 all situated in the city of Renton King Co. Wa. Total area Apprx. 64,698 square feet. 7 . Area 64,698 Dimensions 8. Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : Warehouse one unit with office. 9 . Generally describe the property and existing improvements : Level area erregular shaped with improved street on south side. 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : 200,000. 00 11 . Construction dates (month and year ) for which permit is requested : Begin Oct 30 , 1974 End .Flay 15 , 1975 3 - 12 . List any other permits for this project from state , federal , or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply , including the name of the issuing agency , whether the permit has been applied for , and if so , the date of the applica- tion , whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application or permit : Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** Leave blank if not submitted . Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? yes rXjno If "yes " submit copy with this 1 environmental impact worksheet . 14. Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area : lyes I no f idon ` t know If "yes " explain . 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the popu- lation? yes X no If "yes " explain . 16 . Is the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? j yes X1 no If "yes " explain . 4 - 17 . Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? yes 1;1 no If "yes" explain . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project . Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social , and aesthetic aspect . For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18 . Land Use : Will the project have a significant effect on land use in the surrounding area? lyes l A jno Explain : 19 . Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc . , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? y e s n o Explain : Landscaping 20 . Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? Lj yes xlno . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? I - dyes [Zino? If "yes " to either , explain . 5 - 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors ) ? l lyes IX no If "yes " explain . 22 . Water Quality : Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the_likely endpoint of any liquids draining from the project . )ayes [ i]no . Is there a good possibility that this project will_requirg an expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities ?I lyes I X(no If "yes " to either , explain . 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? J yes [_Xlno . Will the project be affected by airports , freeways ,_railroads or other sources of noise? yes _Xjno If "yes" to either , explain . 24 . Population Density: Will a noticeable population change result from this project? ( Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density . ) L ; yes j-Ano . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuations in population due to tourism , employment , shopping , schools , etc . Liyes If "yes " to either , explain . 6 - 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? lyes Lxjno If "yes " explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools an-c. parks in the area? L. .iyes rxno If "yes " explain . 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? :- - , Ayes LXJno Explain : 28 . Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors oT the public? Xi yes I no Explain : Sales will be available to the public 29 . Othei i pacts : identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of the proposed project . None 7 - 30 . VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS : Have you made your plans known to interested communitygroups or neighbors in the vicin '.y of the project? j _Jayes A Jno If "yes" what are their ructions? If "no" do you intend to contact these people?[ l yes [ jno CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in Item No . 1 or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge . to A 1 ignature T ile Date 8 _ TO BE FILLED IN BY CITY DEPART`'EMTS REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: Comments : he,v ' 4 ii " ec/ , 2io,Z2osc9d c--427.r/Q3 / /S 7 /'S/2c,4 y v s 74 i ash / G _v I s /i'lGtd 2 uite„, <176.4 4(9. - c(--)Q , %GG. j# g c.c.7 act. 44 7/7( Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : —1- F1C_ t c tLst . uinments : WO <1 I PtC_P IT M o4 27 1-17 J l —1 6 Signature of irector or Authorize Representative Date 9 _ REVIEW BrOTHER CITY D ARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 1 10 - ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL A. Staff review determined that project : Has no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects . May have significant environmental impact and a complete environmental assessment should be prepared by applicant prior to further action on request for permit. 3. Reasons for above conclusion : 1 r' N,mv-vr- c-fg(- 1-4.,0 O-APJ,QA-ierirc k\,\,, F R ENS RECEIVED \ 5 ; 41, 4, 4, l M gnatu a of Responsible Offi ial or Authorized Representative Date : S Form : EIS-1 Planning Department October 15 , 1973 03 Affidavit of Publication 1U ,r,- ~ 11 ,.- w STATE OF WASHINGTON QrC.• COUNTY OF KING ss. 4 NfPJG p('.i 0 Barbara Campagna NOTICE RINGbeingfirstdulyswornonRENTONPLANNING COMMISSION oath, deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of RENTON. WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That HELD BY THE RENTON PLAN- said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for NING COMMISSION AT ITS REG- more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now RENTON. WASHINGTON, ON and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the MARCH 26,1975.AT 8:00 P.M.TO aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of PETITIONS: the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King 1. REZONE FROM G6000 TO R-3, file No. R-803-75;County, property located between Washington.That the annexed is a planning cot1II11ision 87th Ave. and Rainier Ave. No. in the vicinity of vacated portion of S. 119th St. re: rezones 2. REZONE FROM S-1 ANO GS•1 TO R•3,file No.R•802- 75; property located on as it was published in regular issues (and Monroe Ave. between N.E. not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period 6th and N.E.4th. 3. REZONE FROM G-7200 TO R•2, file No. R•805.75. of Rile consecutive issues, commencing on the Property located on Union Ave. N.E. between N.E. 15th St.and Glencoe Subdivision. 19... day of March 19 ....75.., and ending the 4. REZONE FROM B-P to R•3, file No. R-805-75; property located on Williams Ave. So. day of 19 both dates between So. 4th St. end So. inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its 5th St. subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- STRUCT A MEDICAL CLINIC 24.48 IN AN R-3 ZONE,hie No.SP• . charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ which 808.75; property located has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words approximately 470 feet south of So.42nd Si.on west Wool for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each Spnngbrook Road. subsequent insertion. 8..SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE ADDITION TO A WAREHOUSE IN AN L•144.W ``s Ll.: .4f.,`ZONE, file No. SA•804.75; chief cltkk v pf0penr mated at 1120 S.W. 16th SI. 7. SITE APPROVAL FOR AN AIRCRAFT HANGAR ADDI- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19 day of TION TO AN EXISTINGOFFICE/AIRCRAFT HANGAR FACILITY IN A P-1 March 5 ZONE, file No. SA-807-75; 19 property located on the Renton Munrc pal Airport. it L`t y 1-y, Legal descriptions of all ap- plicationsplications on file in Planning Not' ublic in and for the State of Washington, Department orrice. residing at Renton,King County. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED L OR OBJECTING TO SAID N PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective COMMENT O THE INN ON June 9th,1955. COMMISSION MEETING ON MARCH 26, 1975 AT 8:00 P.M.TO Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures,VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OB- JECTIONS TO SAME. adopted by the newspapers of the State.LARRY GIBBON SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION' Published in the Renton Record. Chronicle March 19, 1975.R-3152 e r vC,44-3 S 0 1.14 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON MARCH 26 1975 , AT 8 : 00 P . M . TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . REZONE FROM G6000 TO R-3 , file No . R-803-75 ; property located between 87th Ave . and Rainier Ave . No . in the vicinity of vacated portion of S . 119th St . 2 . REZONE FROM S- 1 AND GS - 1 TO R-3 , file No . R-802-75 ; property located on Monroe Ave . between N . E . 6th and N . E . 4th . 3 . REZONE FROM G-7200 TO R-2 , file No . R-805-75 ; property located on Union Ave . N . E . between N . E . 15th St . and Glencoe Subdivision . 4 . REZONE FROM B-P to R-3 , file No . R-806-75 ; property located on Williams Ave . So . between So . 4th St . and So . 5th St . 5 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A MEDICAL CLINIC IN AN R-3 ZONE , file No . SP-808-75 ; property located approximately 470 feet south of So . 42nd St . on west side of Springbrook Road . 6 . SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE ADDITION TO A WAREHOUSE IN AN L- 1 ZONE , file No . SA-804-75 ; property located at 1120 S . W . 16th St . 7 . SITE APPROVAL FOR AN AIRCRAFT HANGAR ADDITION TO AN EXISTING OFFICE/AIRCRAFT HANGAR FACILITY IN A P- 1 ZONE , file No . SA-807-75 ; property located on the Renton Munici - pal Airport . Legal descriptions of all applications on file in Planning Department office . ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON MARCH 26 , 1975 AT 8 : 00 P . M . TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . LARRY GIBSON , SECRETARY PUBLISHED March 16 , 1975 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , WIL _ IAM C. TURNER , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED Ct/7 C_____Apjzzc,_on the 13 day of March 19 75 . -- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGBarbara.••C npagn& being first duly sworn on RENTON PUNNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON oath, deposes and says that ..0..11A icthe .Q>h..Af...cleric of A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE, RENTON PLAN-THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That NING COMMISSION AT ITS REGU- 'said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for LAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri-WASHINGTON, ON NOVEMBER weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now 27, E 1974, H OT L8OW00 G T I IONSI-DER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS:and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the 1. REZONE FROM S-1 TO L-1aforesaidplaceofpublicationofsaidnewspaper. That the Renton file No. R-793-74; propertyRecord-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of located on Grady Way at the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King Talbot Road. Legal descrip- County, lion on tile in Planning MISSION MEETING ON NOVL •Washington.That the annexed is a...1,1ezo.ni requas.ta...of Department office. BER 27, 1974 AT 8:00 P.M. i 2. APPLICATION FOR FINAL VOICE THEIR PROTESTS ROnton..P1a„'inn Cann. PLAT APPROVAL; file No. OBJECTIONS TO SAME. FP-798-74; property located LARRY GIBSON, SECRETA, on N.E. 8th St. between RENTON PLANNII. Harrington and Jefferson COMMISSI( as it was published in regular issues (and Ave. N.E. Legal description Published in the Renton F not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue fora period on file in Planning Depart- cord-Chronicle Nov. 15, 197 ment office.R3005. 3. REZONE FROM S-1 TO G- of one consecutive issues, commencing on the 7200, file No. R-793.74; property located on corner of N.W. 6th Street and Tay- 15 day of.Nov. 19 ....7.4..., and ending the for PI. N.W. Legal descrip- tion on file in Planning Department office. CON- day of 19 both dates 4. SITE APPROVAL TO STRUCT OFFICE AND inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its WAREHOUSE BUILDING IN subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee L•1 ZONE; file No. SA-795- 74; property located on oin S.W. 16 a SPt. between charged for the foreg oingg publication is the sum of$ 17•7which Oaksdaleand Pacific Ave. has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words S.W. Legal description on file in Planning Departmentforthefirstinsertionandperfolioofonehundredwordsforeachoffice. subsequent insertion. 5. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IM- P ROVEMENTS IN G 7200 ZONE; file No. W797.74; L``aa. tl 14thef St. I and dKennewick Chief e2'c Ave. N.E. Legal description on file in Planning Depart- ment office. ftLL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETI-Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15 day of TIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRE- SENT AT THE PLANNING COM- Nay. is....7..k+ a.....1...,_,_ ,_,t, J Notary u lic in and for the State of Washington, iding at Renton,King County.r F R c ECEIVED o`Passed by tl e Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective 2\June 9th,1955. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, NOV 19 1974 adopted by the newspapers of the State. NG DEP Staff Report March 26 , 1975 Page Three 4 . Posting of a bond for 150% of the installation of landscaping and a three year maintenance period . X-APPLICATION : SITE APPROVAL APPLICANT : CHARLES H. GROUWS AND DEAN W. BITNEY OCATION : Property is located at 1120 S . W. 16th St . ZONING: L- 1 APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE ZONING CODE : 4- 712 with restrictive covenants REQUEST : Applicant requests a site approval for the addition of an office area to the front of an existing warehouse in an L- 1 zone . COMMENTS : 1 . Existing office/warehouse facility was previously approved by the Planning Commission . 2 . Proposed office addition will not violate existing restrictive covenants running with the land . 3 . A bond for landscaping as previously approved and a maintenance period has been posted . STAFF Recommend approval subject to conditions of RECOMMENDA- previous site approval including but not TION : limited to staff approval of detailed land- scape plan . APPLICATION : SITE APPROVAL APP _ ICANT : VOLCO , INC. LOCATION : Property located on the Renton Municipal Airport . ZONING : P- 1 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-710 ; 4-719 REQUEST: Applicant requests a site approval for the construction of an aircraft hangar addition to an existing office/aircraft hangar facility . COMMENTS : 1 . Parking and landscaping plans for previous hangar addition have not as yet been accom- plished as per the approval . 2 . Previously approved plans provided for four parking spaces . Three spaces are required for the new hangar facility . J 71i1 R011'1'I: ;a:lll:lliil.1: PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT SITE APPROVAL SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPT ION AND RETURN TO TILE PLANNING DEPARTMENT _ WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT (HAVE, BEFORE / ' -f3 SIGNATURE OR IN IT DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE Cf.,31fLDING-7) TRAFFIC ENC. l7_ 75 NGINEERING F IRE HEALTH REVIEWER'S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS: Pe- 76 A) ed/i,,,deti.it.Z: 41'GC1D f ta-d -‘01 Public Notices t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON,WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLAN- NING COMMISSION AT ITS REG- ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON MARCH 26, 1975,AT 8:00 P.M.TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1. REZONE FROM G6000 TO R-3, file No. R-803.75; property located between 87th Ave. and Rainier Ave No. in the vicinity of vacated portion of S 119th St. 2. REZONE FROM S-1 AND GS-1 TO R-3,file No.R-802- 75; property located on Monroe Ave. between N.E. 6th and N E. 41h. 3. REZONE FROM G-7200 TO R•2, file No. R•805-75: property located on Union Ave. N.E.between N.E. 15th St.and Glencoe Subdivision. 4. REZONE FROM B-P to R-3, file No. R-805-75; property located on Williams Ave So between So. 41b St. and So. 5th St. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON• STRUCT A MEDICAL CLINIC IN AN R-3 ZONE,file No.SP- 808-75; property located approximately 470 feet south of So.42nd St on west side of Springbrook Road. 6. SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE ADDITION TO A WAREHOUSE IN AN L-1 ZONE, tile No. SA-804-75; property located at 1120 S.W. 16th St. 7. SITE APPROVAL FOR AN AIRCRAFT HANGAR ADDI- TION TO AN EXISTING OFFICE/AIRCRAFT HANGAR FACILITY IN AP-1 ZONE, file No. SA-807-75; property located on the Renton Municipal Airport. Legal descriptions of all ap- plications on file in Planning Department office. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON MARCH 26, 1975 AT 8 00 P M.TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OB- JECTIONS TO SAME LARRY GIBSON SECHt TARP RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION Published in the Renton Record- Chronicle March 19, 1975. R-3152 1. Ov it,„ TI-IE CITY OF RFNTON n MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. HENTON. WASH. 98055 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4) 235 - 2550 gTFO SEP1EI0 March 28, 1975 Mr. Charles Grouws & Mr. Dean Bitney P.O. Box 78098 Seattle, Washington 98178 RE: Grouws & Bitney, Site Approval #SA-809-75 For Office Addition To Existing Warehouse/Office Complex Dear Sirs : The Planning Department at its March 26, 1975, Public Hearing approved your plans for additional office area to an existing office/warehouse complex subject to all the conditions of the previous site approval granted on Novem- ber 27, 1974 . This would include, but is not limited to, staff approval of the detailed landscape plan. It is our understanding that the landscaping on the north, west and south sides of the site will be installed during the construction phases, and the landscaping on the east will be installed once vacation procedures for the adjacent street have been finalized. Also it is our feeling that additional plant material is needed adjacent to the building. Please contact Joan Lankford, our landscape designer if you have any further questions. Very truly yours , chael L. Smith Assistant Planner cc: Building Division 0 1' t THE CITY OF RENTON t n 8 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 co AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT o c 235 - 2550P4TDSEPSt March 28, 1975 Mr. Charles Grouws & Mr. Dean Bitney P.O. Box 78098 Seattle, Washington 98178 RE: Grouws & Bi 1iey, Site Approval #SA-809-75 For Office Addition To Existing Warehouse/Office Complex Dear Sirs : The Planning Department at its March 26, 1975 , Public Hearing approved your plans for additional office area to an existing office/warehouse complex subject to all the conditions of the previous site approval granted on Novem- ber 27, 1974 . This would include, but is not limited to, staff approval of the detailed landscape plan. It is our understanding that the landscaping on the north, west and south sides of the site will be installed during the construction phases, and the landscaping on the east will be installed once vacation procedures for the adjacent street have been finalized. Also it is our feeling that additional plant material is needed adjacent to the building. Please contact Joan Lankford, our landscape designer if you have any further questions. Very truly yours,___ a./e/4(//1: chael L. Smith Assistant Planner cc: Building Division 1 Renton Planning Commission Meeting March 26 , 1975 Page Fourteen ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT THE PLAN- NING COMMISSION APPROVE THE APPLICATION OF DRS . KENNETH KAY AND DONALD HUBBARD SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING : 1 . A MINIMUM 15 ' SETBACK ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE. 2 . STAFF APPROVAL OF DETAILED LANDSCAPE FLANS, INCLUDING RETENTION OF EXISTING TREES SOUTH OF THE STRUCTURE. 3. POSTING OF A BOND FOR 150% OF THE INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING AND A THREE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SITE APPROVAL: D. CHARLES H. GROUWS & DEAN W. BITNEY ; Aepl . No . SA-804-75 ; Site PlanApprovaT for office add tion to a warehouse in an L- 1 zone ; property located at 1120 S . W. 16th St . The site approval application was introduced by Secre- tary Gibson and the Chairman requested a staff report from the Planning Director. Mr. Ericksen noted that the applicants propose adding an office building to the front of a warehouse structure previously approved by the Planning Commission . The addition will be finished in brick veneer. The proposed office addition complies with ordinance regulations and restrictive covenants running with the land. A bond has already been posted for the planned landscaping and its maintenance . The Chairman called for comments from the audience . Noting none , IT WAS MOVED BY GIBSON , SECONDED BY TEEGAR- DEN , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY TEEGARDEN, TO APPROVE THE CHARLES B. GROUWS AND DEAN W. BITNEY SITE APPROVAL REQUEST FOR AN OFFICE AUDITION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF THE PREV- IOUS SITE APPROVAL, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STAFF APPROVAL OF A DETAILED .LANDSC.ArL PLAN . In response to Commissioner Scholes ' query relative to adequacy of parking and landscaping due to the addition , Mr. Ericksen stated that the parking configuration had been changed to provide added spaces , and a 60 ' setback from S . W. 16th remains . On the ques-jon , MOTION CARRIED. SITE APPROVAL: E, VOLCO , INC . ; Appl . No . SA-807-75 ; Site Plan Approval for an aircraft hangar addition to an existinjotficr.! aircraft hangar facility in_ a P- 1_ zone ; property located on the Renton Municipal Airport . i. THE CITY OF RENTON 2 o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT A Q 2 3 5 - 2550 fD SEP1 ' MEMORANDUM March 15 , 1975 TO: Gerard Shellan , City Attorney FROM : Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director RE : Appearance of Fairness Doctrine re . Current Planning Commission Review Items The Planning Commission has requested your legal opinion as to whether or not Commissioner Elisebeth Rivily can participate in the hearings on the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan and also a site approval application by Charles H . Grouws and Dean W. Bitney , 1120 S . W. 16th Street , in view of the fact she owns property in the Valley area , adjacent to the Grouws/Bitney site . No change in the Land Use Plan is proposed for either property , since it is presently in the L- 1/M-P desig- nation . (Note attached maps . ) Thank you . Attachments GYE :wr Penton Planning Commission Meeting March 12 , 1975 Page Four He reported that there are single- family residences on the site which are planned for removal . He cited R-3 zoning to the east and north of the property and noted a convales - cent center to the east of the site . A blow-up of the site plan was displayed and described . The setback from Spring- brook is planned to be approximately 70 feet ; landscaping and parking plans were reviewed generally . Elevation draw- ings were viewed . An exposed aggregate structure , approx- maTely 23 feet in height is planned . It was noted by the Planning Director that access and right- of-way requirements would be reviewed by the staff . Commis - sioner Teegarden , referring to a recent news article rela- tive to a planned sports complex south of the property in King County , requested that the staff attempt to obtain information concerning the proposal so that its relation- ship to the Kay/Hubbard application can be determined . SITE APPROVAL: D, CHARLES H . GROUWS & DEAN W . BITNEY ; Appl . No . SA-804- 75 ; site plan approval for office addition to a warehouse in an L- 1 zone ; property located at 1120 S . W . 16th St . The 1 . 48 acre site just north of the proposed Group Health Clinic complex and east of Springbrook Creek was noted on the vicinity map . The proposal is for construction of an office addition to the front of the existing warehouse . Mr . Smith stated that the landscaping plan will remain the same , but additional parking will be required . The add- ition was described as a brick- faced structure and the landscaping in front of the building . Mr. Smith advised that the applicants are in the process of vacating Pacific Ave . S . W. The proposal will be reviewed in view of re- strictive covenants on the property . It was noted in discussion that followed that the proposed P- 1 channel , which will be located on property directly to the west , will have no effect on planned parking . SITE APPROVAL: E, VOLCO , INC . ; Appl . No . SA-807- 75 ; Site Plan Approval for an aircraft hangar addition to an existing office/air- craft hangar facility in a P- 1 zone ; property located on the Renton Municipal Airport . The Assistant Planner located the site , approximately 200 feet north from the corner of Logan and Airport Way , on the vicinity map and noted that Voice plans an additional hangar facility and rehabilitation of an existing hangar facility and office facility . The proposal will be under Shoreline Management jurisdiction due to its proximity to the Cedar River . Site development plans were viewed and described . Mr . Smith advised that landscaping is planned for the front of the building and the area between the buildings and areas near the hangar . Responding to Commissioner Scholes , the Assistant Planner indicated that the setback from the peri - meter road is approximately 10 feet . Referring to development by the applicant approximately one year ago , Commissioner Rivily requested information concerning ENDING OF FILE cis m l 04 -75O