HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA75-807BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE appovalc OT75 . kk V 2•cv S ki CB. c • UCLA ES s0 C1 f J-F•Pt EL I WATER PIPE 23 P.nr OP' EL 32.0 i 8 6 GP , DROP AT• SANITARY PEWTON 'IN cz_2550 SGWEF7 M N INY.EL 220 24'ii ABAfoicE- a .,,, l„,gc.,)1,4 c NOON C.` 1.91$ Mill AN. EL.24.30- ra 6•C.P.- 6•CP C.B. , 24"IC C 4 CJL2gESafrCP 1g.C.f.t L „_....02 c, 1 5_06 7m—tics B'GP STORM E GAYr 6•'C P p,.... eimiiiiaiiirSAKSEWER Q•C p ti FC.O. A'-CP 1 4 P/PG/M( WV GL.ZZ.26 t f S U/4P -J GLZQ I r• 4 6AIrELI !, h4P worcr US,IN, /YIlEL 22.51 fl CLASS IS" t 1 moo i INCEL• ss a'cP co 6 Ypsio STATION MA I.' G A 7.43 GL •• 1 7 I .i O i•• SS Co f 4VKEL 2f2b A ELZQ7 1` • P TVP;C sATi1 CO. WVGLrs•:' A S.;' r+vrFc ?Z9 NV ELAM ircP 24'R C P M ., ' B. CLASS N 1 12III6'CR il 5 AQANOOyyFO INV. EL 11.64 4•GQ.StN SEIM<Q METRO METER/C M.l,l. SFE REF. C$ INN.6L.31.75 s2ArAIETROSEIYER 4. UNDER Ca 00 loo,00 Lit-. • 9 Aill4 4 METRO SEWtR eL0G4 PI T R E y E T ttIy til 0 ia N C lry r l it r' 1 1 Y 1 f ° ^ 4 5 1 1 • ST . 1..1 M1 1•IL,tt l' 1 Q IZC Ott . a+, r .. 1-_. ti . u--- i _ a r._ i PACIFA 1). N S• bTa i U» 6 I II 411. CO i p.. p ( .r R4 jQ Q Sre_n,•+ i u e I, Tom..- 1 s',y Q z1, SITE APPROVAL : h VOLCO , INC. d ItI., . arms f!I7. Fp.ii wI. , ...: .5.---r-::_nik4( ' - 1 , ... La. ,e _ H 3 , ' 1:._ a \\ , 1 ri,-„a„ ,11 irc:471.7m, i..r. , ! 6 W, 6 o'er r- R-4.4::' litt .,f Jy:4121w I' Ti1>- _ 1 To",Nst V al Iv% j F N I , L/BERTY i a r 1Ii I 44;A' AR gRK / e); L+ = Z 1 rw, at., . 1.. - _ M/OM M1OM 1• tiR_ _ .Sc rood. SCMOOtr 1 3 ' P iftrst 1." EXI- n' : WM ril.71 .1 II:-Z - r-') PI- 91013 /Li/ 2.- t ]IIIPI Is usi M e v j L _• WliiiiA Ili 1. a 1 O ,lL11DOr1®, ; 1341121milil 1 1 r -J > Eli k< cv ti,3 it rtialle!IR E7 e. . t'21_14„,_;2;'..1_71 lilt >2 E, -;`.., ..1* R.,4007 ,in.. m i SITE APPROVAL : VOLCO , INC . ; Appl . No . SA-807-75 ; Site Plarf Approval for an aircraft han.gar addition to an existing office/alr.raft hangar facility- in an. P-1 zone ; Property located on the Renton Municipal Airport. APPLICANT VOLCO , INC . TOTAL AREA 69 acre PRINCIPAL ACCESS Perimeter Road off Airport Way EXISTING ZONING P-1 EXISTING USE Aircraft Hangar/Office 1 PROPOSED USE Rehabilitation of existing hangar/office and addition- al ' hangar facility COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Public Use District COMMENTS I V CITY OF RENTON friTII r APPLICATION v L.AJ ' rD r SITE APPROVAL PEAR 5 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1// NG DEP P File No . SA- 1Q1-76" Filing Date Awes, 21 11p1" O 7 Od.\ APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name VQL Cry 1vL . Phone 228 - 2 t5 y Address 209 E. P t =-7- 1,2 2. Property location - v IA J t CJ PAL Aue Poe T 3 . Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) j(x44- V1-cI{a13 4-‘1-T 7- 4 . Number of acres or sq. ft. 30 ,2 4, - , . Present zoning 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , exiting structures , easements, and other factors limiting development) 1"=10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan. . 1"=10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7 . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Date approved ,g-_? Date denied Date appealed Appeal action Remarks .44 y4 004d,,I, ',,S. 1/4/7 .9y, i,.c/ /lo/6.0,90,ny Planning Dept. 2-73 1I AFFIDAVIT l I, Ze 4 - 2 • being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the pr e;zty in of in his application and that the foregoing statements and #nswers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are' inlall respects true and correct to the best .f my knowledge and belief. i! Subscribed and sworn before me this 0 day of 11 197 y r Lf Notary Public in and for the State of f aashington, residing at 6, u/n (LLB 1 6)-4<'1'1/ Name of ATotary Pub ic) Signature of Own ) iZL) 74 S4 >e) V.ec )1/Ti)( l 'SLI 2O g Er, ie/M 4-Trt o.4/) Address)Address) 1 2i.r iTdiv ors/-e •city)State) i1 j 22 ;IP- Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONI,Y) CERTIFICATION his is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me Ind has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to onform to the rules and c,egulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application. ate Received 3 (/7 19 By: I Renton Planning Dept. 2-73 Suppl . #2-75 SUPPLEMENT TOLELEASEAGREEMENT ' ' k City of Renton to Vulco , Inc. )e--6, 1? TilS INDENTURE executed in triplicate and effective as hereinbelow specified by and between the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as "Lessor, " and VOLCO , INC. , a Washington corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee": W 1 'I' N E S S L T ll : WHEREAS the undersigned Lessor has consented to the assign- in'nt of that certain prime lease agreement effective April 1 , 1973 , rem Aero- Dyne Corporation as Lessee unto Volco , Inc , and WHEREAS it is desirable to add certain property as hereinbelow described to said prime lease to be used by Lessee in conformance ti, ith paragraph 3 of the aforesaid lease agreement , and WHEREAS it is necessary and advisable to amend and modify thy: aforesaid lease agreement upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, and to provide 'for such addition and adjustment iii th _: monthly rental necessitated thereby , NOW THEREFORE , it is hereby agreed and covenanted by and between the parties as follows : 1 . Property description contained in-paragraph 1 of the exist fig lease agreement dated April 1 , 1973 , is hereby amended s foilows : BEGINNING at Station 1+00 on a line drawn 350 - feet Easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Renton Municipal Airport ; said point being the equivalent to a one-way centerline Station 1+00 ; thence North 4°54 ' 56" West a distance of 70 feet ; thence North 83°40 ' 18" East a distance of 548 . 68 feet ; thence South 59°59 ' 22" East a distance of 83 . 63 feet to the true beginning of said lease description; THENCE North 48°49 ' 56" East a distance of 50 . 21 feet ; THENCE South 42°31 ' 45" East a distance of 266 . 74 feet; THENCE South 17°43 ' O1" East a distance of 90 feet ; thence North 59°46 ' 36" West a distance of 331 . 83 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right radius 20 feet ; through a central angle of 101°34 ' 38" an arc distance of 35 . 46 feet ; .thence North 41°48 ' 02" East a distance of 69 . 19- feet to the true point of beginning of this description . SAID area includes 30 ,024 . 70 square feet . 1 . Paragraph 2 el the aforesaid lease agreement is li Of Eiy ,\ amended ;.n the amount o r monthly rental to he paid unt enh iNo, MAR 5 1975 1 - 24,1NGDEPtk i EASE AGREEMEIr). City of Renton to Aero-Dyne Corporation , Inc . ) R THIS INDENTURE OF LEASE executed in triplicate , effective as of April 1 , 1973 , by and between the CITY OF RENTON , a municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as Lessor , acting by and through the RENTON AVIATION BOARD at the request of which Board this Indenture is executed by the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Renton ; and AERO-DYNE CORPORATION , INC . , a Washington Corporation , hereinafter referred to as Lessee : WITNESSETH : 1 . In consideration of the covenants and agreements of the Lessee hereinafter set forth , Lessor does hereby lease and demise unto Lessee the following described parcel of real estate accepted by the Lessee in its "as-is " condition , being located within the confines of the Renton Airport , Renton , King County , Washington , to-wit : BEGINNING at Station 1 +00 on a line drawn 350 feet Easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Renton Municipal Airport ; said point being the equivalent to a one-way centerline Station 1 +00 ; thence North 4°54 ' 56 " West a distance of 70 feet ; thence North 83°40 ' 18" East a distance of 548 . 68 feet ; thence South 59°59 ' 22" East a distance of 83 . 63 feet to the true beginning of said lease description ; thence continuing South 59 °59 ' 15" East a distance of 96 . 81 _ feet ; thence South 27°59 ' 12" West a distance of 32 . 19 feet ; thence South 59°52 ' 47 " East a distance of 172 . 69 feet ; thence South 17°43 ' O1 " East a distance of 90 feet ; thence North 59°46 ' 36" West a distance of 331 . 83 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right , radius 20 feet ; through a central angle of 101 °34 ' 38" an arc distance of 35 . 46 feet ; thence North 41 °48 ' 02" East a distance of 69 . 19 feet to the true point of beginning of this description . Said area includes 22 , 125 . 60 square feet. Together with the City-owned structure containing approximately 900 square feet formerly known as " the old State Patrol building . " Subject to restrictions and reservations of record and as further set forth herein . Together with the privilege of Lessee to use the public portion of the airport , including runway and other public facilities provided thereon , on a non-exclusive basis , and subject to such rules and regulations as now exist ar may hereafter be promulgated by the Lessor from time to time , and further subject to all such nondiscriminatory charges and fees for such use as may be established from time to time by Lessor . 1 - CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET 774, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY :DEPP Application No . S' - 75 Negative Dec . Date Received EIS INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34 . In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to 800' ) and a site map ( rec- ommended scale : 1" representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION// REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : 1 . Name of applicant Vnt 2 . Mailing address S CA- t 6110A) c_ktoAt- Aue Ft,,<T Telephone 22 S' - Z15 ' 3. Applicant is : n Owner fKlLessee f—JContract purchaser J0ther ( specify) 4 . Name and address of owner , if other than applicant : Ct CDt= Telephone 5 . General location of proposed project (give street address if any or nearest street and intersection R 9 e PC 42 inn CI.TL 42 POP-0 2 - 6 . Legal description (if lengthy , attach as separate sheet ) D - An t-4c,o St-4a 1. ) 7 . Area 30 624. -Lo c-,e. Fi Dimensions CStic 1.41'Act4o SHout 8. Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : t_ a 1-1,ti c1 9 . Generally describe the property and existing improvements : O1Nc- I. C.%Ftct'.WITt-R C x.t S i ti C VA w,. c, a 2 p 3'pi r.t e.-3 e-, A l yeG l2 r-1 r i l PkuT000e. i L ti PAXkc i G, . 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : 47 -S newtdne ,oa 'Te g t0,nc10 i a c 11 . Construction dates (month and year) for which permit is requested : Begin Enid 3 12 . List any other permits for this project from state , federal , or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply , including the name of the issuing agency , whether the permit has been applied for , and if so , the date of the applica- tion , whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application or permit : Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** Leave blank if not submitted . Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? IX yes pi noIf "yes " submit copy with this environmental impact worksheet . 14 . Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area : 11Yes Ino don ' t know If "yes" explain . 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the popu- lation? yes I ti no If "yes " explain . 16 . Is the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? yes X no If "yes" explain . 4 - 17 . Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? Xyes l no If "yes" explain . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project. Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social , and aesthetic aspect . For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18. Land Use : Will the project have a significant effect on land use in the surrounding area? Iyes 1YJno Explain : 19. Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc. , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? Nlyes Lino Explain : 20. Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? PIyes Dklno . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? I—lyes Nno? If "yes" to either , explain . 5 - 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors ) ? Jyes ino If "yes " explain . 22 . Water Quality : Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? ( Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely endpoint of any liquids draining from the project . )lyes ["no . Is there a good possibility that this project will requir 4n expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities?I_j yes no If "yes " to either , explain . 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? yes >ano . Will the project be affected by airports , freeways1_railroads or other sources of noise? yes I no If "yes" to either , explain . 24 . Population Density : Will a noticeable population change result from this project? ( Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density . ) J yes 5<no . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuationi in population due to tourism , employment , shopping , srhnrils , etc . ; __dyes ?')jno . If "yes " to either , explain . 6 - 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? Iyes X no If "yes " explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? yes jno If "yes " explain . 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? yes no Explain :Explain : 28 . Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors 61 the public? yes h4Kno Explain : 29 . Other impacts : Ident fy any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of the proposed project . w i LL t C r2CON S C- L. A i re P c ,zT n.)TO r% U• 7 - 30 . VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS : Have you made your plans known to interested community groups or neighbors in the vicinity of the project? l . yes [)no If yes what are their reactions? If " no" do you intend to c:ntact these people?( l yes [no CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in Item No . 1 or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge . 3- - 7 StgnaturV Title Date 8 - TO BE FILLED IN BY CITY DEPART"F Ts REVIEW 3Y OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department :EA%C iZ Comments : L'I-LAD'''. , Thc:----- 4--. /42- 6,------" 5=AA/7 f---- Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEtI BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 9 - REVIEW By OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : S gnature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 10 - ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL Staff review determined that project : Has no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects . May have significant environmental impact and a complete environmental assessment should be prepared by applicant prior to further action on request for permit. 3 . Reaso s for above conclusion ; 1 off f/stiR 5 :: 14eG Lba_ 7 --' Signature ofResp nsible Offic aT or Authorized Representative Date :S 5 7 S Form : EIS-1 Planning Department October 15 , 1973 Affidavit of Publication 0' ~ 1 , cj.•• w STATE OF WASHINGTON ci\\ to COUNTY OF KING ss. f; i vf G n 0 Barbara Campagna being first duly,urn un NOTICE OF PUBLIC'HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION she chief clerk RENTON,WASHNGTON`oath, deposes and says that is the of A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BETHERENTONRECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That HELD BY THE RENTON PLAN• said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for NING COMMISSION AT ITS REG- more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the MARCH 26, 1975,AT 8.00 P.M.TO aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of PETITIONS. the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King 1. REZONE FROM G6000 TO R•3, tile No. R-803.75;County,property located between Washington.That the annexed is a planning coo vision 87th Ave. and Rainier Ave. No. in the vicinity of vacated portion of S. 119th St. re: rezones 2. REZONE FROM S-1 AND GS-1 TOR-3,tile No.R-802- 75; property located on as it was published in regular issues (and Monroe Ave. between N.E. not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period 6th and N.E. 4th. 3. REZONE FROM G-7200 TO 1R•2, tile No. R•805.75; I of ono consecutive issues, commencing on the property located on Union IAve. N.E. between N.E. 15th Si.and Glencoe Sutxiivision. REZONE FROM B-P to R-3,19 .. day of MaI'C l 19 ....7 ..., and ending the 4. tile No. R-805-75; propertyIlocatedonWilliamsAve. So. 19 both dates between So. 4th St. and So.day of 5th St.inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- STRUCT A MEDICALCLINIC 24.48 IN AN R•3 ZONE,the No.SP- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ which 808.75; property located has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words oft So.42nd St.on westsouth1 l'ur the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each Springtxook Road. subsequent insertion. 6. SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE ADDITION TO A a` 4f.. > WAREHOUSE IN AN L-1 W LL.r.,.... Itr ZONE, the No. SA-804-75; chief c1Qk J pfope"y locatedat 1120S.W. 16th St. 7. SITE APPROVAL FOR AN AIRCRAFT HANGAR ADDI- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19 day of TION TO AN EXISTINGOFFICE/AIRCRAFT HANGAR FACILITY IN A P-1 March 75 ZONE, tile No. SA-807-75; 19 property located on the C:2-4-4--''-el Renton Municipal Airport. 1 Legal descriptions of all ap-L'µ-plicalsons on file in Planning Not• ublic in and for the State of Washington, Department orrice. residing at Renton,King County. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT PLANNING Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective COMMISSIONTHEMEETING ON June 9th,1955. MARCH 26, 1975 AT 8:00 P.M.TO Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for countingwords and figures,VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OB• p JECTIONS TO SAME. adopted by the newspapers of the State. LARRY GIBSON SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION' Published In the Renton Record- Chronicle March 19, 1975.R-3152 y. c ROUTE SCIILDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED ,?j - KS 7 5- PLEA SE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT xSITE APPROVAL SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE, BEFORE \31 / '7S SIGNATURE OR INITIAL DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE 13UILDING L72- 7;14 TRAFFIC L'NG ENGINEERING S 71 FIRE HEALTH REVIEWER'S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS: Staff Report March 26 , 1975 Page Three 4. Posting of a bond for 150% of the installation of landscaping and a three year maintenance period . APPLICATION : SITE APPROVAL APPLICANT : CHARLES H . GROUWS AND DEAN W. BITNEY LOCATION : Property is located at 1120 S . W. 16th St . ZONING: L- 1 APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-712 with restrictive covenants REQUEST : Applicant requests a site approval for the addition of an office area to the front of an existing warehouse in an L- 1 zone . COMMENTS : 1 . Existing office/warehouse facility was previously approved by the Planning Commission . 2 . Proposed office addition will not violate existing restrictive covenants running with the land. 3 . A bond for landscaping as previously approved and a maintenance period has been posted . STAFF Recommend approval subject to conditions of RECOMMENDA- previous site approval including but not TION : limited to staff approval of detailed land- scape plan . APPLICATION: SITE APPROVAL APPLICANT: VOLCO , INC. LOCATION : Property located on the Renton Municipal Airport. ZONING: P- 1 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-710 ; 4-719 REQUEST: Applicant requests a site approval for the construction of an aircraft hangar addition to an existing office/aircraft hangar facility. COMMENTS : 1 . Parking and landscaping plans for previous hangar addition have not as yet been accom- plished as per the approval . 2 . Previously approved plans provided for four parking spaces . Three spaces are required for the new hangar facility . Staff Report March 26, 1975 Page Four 3. Applicant has indicated he will revise plan to provide the necessary parking on the west side of the existing hangar facility and provide landscaping for the entire frontage along Perimeter Road. 4 . Applicant proposes to clean and paint existing and proposed buildings . STAFF Recommend approval subject to : RECOMMENDA- TION: 1 . Staff approval of final landscape plans . 2 . Landscape the existing graveled area between the existing office/warehouse and fence. 3 . Submittal of a bond for 150% of the landscaping and a three year maintenance period. Yale0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON MARCH 26 19 75 , AT 8 : 00 P . M . TO CONSIDER 1HE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . REZONE FROM G6000 TO R-3 , file No . R-803-75 ; property located between 87th Ave . and Rainier Ave . No . in the vicinity of vacated portion of S . 119th St . 2 . REZONE FROM S-1 AND GS- 1 TO R-3 , file No . R-802-75 ; property located on Monroe Ave . between N . E . 6th and N . E . 4th . 3 . REZONE FROM G-7200 TO R-2 , file No . R-805-75 ; property located on Union Ave . N . E . between N . E . 15th St . and Glencoe Subdivision . 4 . REZONE FROM B-P to R-3 , file No . R-806-75 ; property located on Williams Ave . So . between So . 4th St . and So . 5th St. 5 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A MEDICAL CLINIC IN AN R-3 ZONE , file No . SP-808-75 ; property located approximately 470 feet south of So . 42nd St . on west side of Springbrook Road . 6 . SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE ADDITION TO A WAREHOUSE IN AN L- 1 ZONE , file No . SA-804-75 ; property located at 1120 S .W . 16th St . X 7 . SITE APPROVAL FOR AN AIRCRAFT HANGAR ADDITION TO AN EXISTING OFFICE/AIRCRAFT HANGAR FACILITY IN A P- 1 ZONE , file No . SA-807-75 ; property located on the Renton Munici - pal Airport . Legal descriptions of all applications on file in Planning Department office . ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON MARCH 26 , 1975 AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME . LARRY GIBSON , SECRETARY PUBLISHED March 16 , 1975 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , WILLIAM C. TURNER , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW . ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn r to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED C/ A on the 13 day of March 19 75 . rillINIIINIIISsor HERO PAINT SYSTEMS, INC. 846 WEST PERIMETER ROAD, RENTON,WA.98055 228-2159 June /7, /975 Renton Planning Dept. 40--bi , Municipal Building 200 Mil l Ave. So. C/ 'L. Renton, Washington 98055 N v Q .-\ Subject: Landscape Estimate for Maintenance IZ f8 in, Z' Hangar (#SA-807-75) 1 ,__Attention: Joan Lankford FPARTT/1/// Dear Mrs. Lankford: The following landscape estimate is based upon labor figures of 5. 50 per hour and materials purchased wholesale from Weber 's Nursery, 17006 SE Wax Road, Kent, Washington, Item Size ty. Price Sub-Total 1 . Birch trees 8-101 13 7.99 103.87 2. Juniper tams 15-18" 6 3.95 67. 15 3. Oregon grape 21-24" 12 6.95 83.40 4. English laurel 48 1 . 98 95.04 5. River rock 20 tons 5. 40 108.00 Labor was computed at 45 min. /tree, 25 min. /shrub and eight hours for soreading rock. Total labor of 50 hours at 05.50/hour equals 275.00 for labor. Labor 275.00 Matl 's 457. 46 Total 732. 46 These figures are for the landscaping of our buildings as outlined on drawings previously submitted. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Gerald A . Lindberg sg- jQ7-76- TILE CITY OF RENTON n MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 opoco AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT op Ic 235 - 2550 r'D SEPTE O March 28 , 1975 Jack Volkel C/O Gerry Lindberg Volco Inc. 289 E. Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington 98055 RE: Volco; Site Approval Application #SA-807-75 Dear Sirs : The Planning Commission at its March 26, 1975, Public Hearing approved your application for a new hangar facil- ity and rehabilitation of existing facilities subject to the following conditions : 1. Staff approval of final landscape plan. 2 . Submittal of a bond for 150% of the land- scaping and a three year maintenance period . 3. Staff approval of the color selection for the three buildings. Joan Lankford, our landscape designer, has reviewed your revised plans dated March 26, 1975, and has made her comments on them. A copy of these comments are attached along with the original of the revised plan. Please make the appropriate changes on the original as per her comments and provide this Department with six (6) copies of those revisions. Once this is accomplished we may proceed with the Shoreline Permit Application review. If you have nay further questions please contact this Department. Very truly yours, C Michael L. Smith Assistant Planner cc : Building Division Airport Director 1IO I Cr. Renton Planning Commission Meeting March 26 , 1975 Page Fourteen ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, THAT THE PLAN- NING COMMISSION APPROVE THE APPLICATION OF DRS. KENNETH KAY AND DONALD HUBBARD SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING : 1 . A MINIMUM 15 ' SETBACK ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE. 2 . STAFF APPROVAL OF DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLANS, INCLUDING RETENTION OF EXISTING TREES SOUTH OF THE STRUCTURE. 3. POSTING OF A BOND FOR 150% OF THE INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING AND A THREE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SITE APPROVAL: D. CHARLES H . GROUWS & DEAN W. BITNEY ; Appl . No . SA-804- 75; Site Plan Approval for office addition to a warehouse in an L- 1 zone ; property located at 1120 S . W. 16th St . The site approval application was introduced by Secre- tary Gibson and the Chairman requested a staff report from the Planning Director. Mr . Ericksen noted that the applicants propose adding an office building to the front of a warehouse structure previously approved by the Planning Commission . The addition will be finished in brick veneer. The proposed office addition complies with ordinance regulations and restrictive covenants running with the land. A bond has already been posted for the planned landscaping and its maintenance . The Chairman called for comments from the audience . Noting none , IT WAS MOVED BY GIBSON , SECONDED BY TEEGAR- DEN , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA, SECONDED BY TEEGARDEN, TO APPROVE THE CHARLES B. GROUWS AND DEAN, W. BITNEY SITE APPROVAL REQUEST FOR AN OFFICE ADDITION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF THE PREV- IOUS SITE APPROVAL, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STAFF APPROVAL OF A DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLAN . In response to Commissioner Scholes ' query relative to adequacy of parking and landscaping due to the addition , Mr. Ericksen stated that the parking configuration had been changed to provide added spaces , and a 60 ' setback from S. W. 16th remains . On the ques.ion , MOTION CARRIED. SITE APPROVAL: E. VOLCO , INC . ; Appl . No . SA-807-75 ; Site Plan Approval for an aircraft hangar addition to an existing office/ aircraft hangar facility in a P- 1 zone ; property located on the Renton Municipal Airport. Renton Planning Commission Meeting March 26 , 1975 Page Fifteen The proposed construction of an aircraft hangar addition to an existing office/aircraft hangar facility at the Aerodyne facil - ity located on Renton Municipal Airport was described by the Planning Director. Mr. Ericksen noted Planning Commission authority to review and make recommendations regarding design control under P- 1 zoning regulations . The structure will be a metal -type building , and the existing structure will be upgraded . It was noted that landscaping agreed to originally had not been installed . The structure will be 10 ' from the Perimeter Road and 40 ' from the Cedar River ; and , therefore , the proposal is covered by Shoreline Management jurisdiction . Discussion followed with regard to the parking provisions , which meet ordinance requirements . Concern was expressed by Commissioner Scholes with regard to the proximity to the Perimeter Road . Reference was made to the Airport Director ' s memorandum, which stated approval of the proposal . In regard to proximity of the structure to the River , it was noted that the Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction applies . The Plan- ning Director stated , in reply to Commissioner Scholes , that placement of the building was affected by the tie-down area . With reference to the possibility of an oil /water separator , Mr. Ericksen stated that the drainage will go into the sani - tary sewer and Code requirements would be met . Commissioner Teegarden also indicated his concern about the proximity of the structure to the River. IT WAS THEN MOVED BY TEEGARDEN , SECONDED BY MOLA , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED . ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY HUMBLE, THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVE THE SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION BY VOLCO, INC. , SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS : 1 . STAFF APPROVAT, OF FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS DATED MARCH 26 , 1975 . 2 . SUBMITTAL OF A BOND FOR 150% OF THE INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING FOR A THREE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD . 3 . STAFF APPROVAL OF THE APPROPRIATE COLOR FOR THE STRUCTURES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5 • ADMINISTRATIVE : A. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Mola , Chairman of the Environmental Develop- ment Committee , announced a meeting to be held on Thursday , April 17th , at 7 : 30 p . m. , to discuss the Robert C . Jackson rezone application . Other committee reports were continued to the April admini - strative meeting . B. RIVER BASIN COORDINATING COMMITTEE The Planning Director noted that RIBCO plans a series of meetings during April to review their final condensed program. Mayor Garrett has requested participation by the Planning Commission in view of issues that affect them, and Planning Commission recommendations are being sought . Commissioners Teegarden , Scholes , Ross and Wik volunteered to participate in the program. ti OF' Rim O PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT U 2 on- 'I sr WARREN C. GON NASON, P. E. • DIRECTOR t. t 4' 4441 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 09 OFF 206 235-2569 44. SEPtt AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR March 26 , 1975 TO : GORDON Y. ERICKSEN. Planning Director FROM: DEL BENNETT Airport Director RE : PLANNING COMMISSION SITE REVIEW Property Located on Southeast Corner of Renton Municipal Airport , Leased by Volco, Inc. I have ' reviewed the staff recommendation concerning the proposed hangar development located on the southeast corner of the Renton Municipal Airport . I concur in those recommendations made by your staff, which are consistent with the latest develop- ments completed at the Airport . I appreciate the assistance and concern of the Planning Commission and the Planning Department in helping to develop the Airport into an aesthetically pleasing facility . Be ett Airport Director DCB : cah 01: I. J1. THE CITY OF RENTON o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT O Q-235 - 2550 O,fl rfO SEPI- MEMORANDUM March 24 , 1975 TO : Files FROM: Michael L . Smith RE : Volco Site Approval # SA-807-75 Joan Lankford and I met today with Jack Volkel and Jerry Lindberg of Volco Inc . regarding the subject Site Approval application . We indicated that the parking along Perim- eter Road as shown on the plans would be inadequate in terms of the dimentional requirements of the Ordinance . At this discussion and later in a meeting with Del Bennett , Deputy Public Works Director, responsible for airport activities , they indicated they would amend their plans to provide the required seven ( 7) parking stalls at the west end of the existing hangar, provide landscaping similar to that on the previous landscape plan dated March 17 , 1972 , between the office and the existing hangar, and along the entire portion of the property fronting Perimeter Road . MLS : rh 111)O 1. THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ch O AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT p0 P 235 - 2550 94Tf0 SEP1 . O MEMORANDUM March 24 , 1975 TO : Files FROM: Michael L . Smith RE : Volco Site Approval # SA-807-75 Joan Lankford and I met today with Jack Volkel and Jerry Lindberg of Volco Inc . regarding the subject Site Approval application . We indicated that the parking along Perim- eter Road as shown on the plans would be inadequate in terms of the dimentional requirements of the Ordinance . At this discussion and later in a meeting with Del Bennett , Deputy Public Works Director, responsible for airport activities , they indicated they would amend their plans to provide the required seven ( 7 ) parking stalls at the west end of the existing hangar, provide landscaping similar to that on the previous landscape plan dated March 17 , 1972 , between the office and the existing hangar, and along the entire portion of the property fronting Perimeter Road . MLS : rh i-,ccOkCl IL 0-.1I, cic__ Public Notices ' i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON,WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLAN- NING COMMISSION AT ITS REG- ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON MARCH 26,1975,AT 8:00 P.M.TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1. REZONE FROM G6000 TO R-.3, file No. R-803-75; property located between 87th Ave. and Rainier Ave. No. in the vicinity of vacated portion of S. 119th SI. 2. REZONE FROM S-1 AND GS-1 TO R-3,file No.R-802- 75; property located on Monroe Ave. between N.E. 6th and N.E.4th. 3. REZONE FROM G-7200 TO R-2, file No. R-805-75; property located on Union Ave. N.E.between N.E. 15th St.and Glencoe Subdivision. 4. REZONE FROM B-P to R-3, file No. R-805-75; properly located on Williams Ave. So. between So. 4Ib St. and So. 5th St. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- STRUCT A MEDICAL CLINIC IN AN R-3 ZONE,file No SP- 808-75: property located approximately 470 feet south of So.42nd St.on west side of Springbrook Road. 6. SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE ADDITION TO A WAREHOUSE IN AN L-1 ZONE, file No. SA-804-75; property located at 1120 S.W. 16th St. 7. SITE APPROVAL FOR AN AIRCRAFT HANGAR ADDI- TION TO AN EXISTING OFFICE/AIRCRAFT HANGAR FACILITY IN A P-1 ZONE, file No, SA-807-75: property located on the Renton Municipal Airport. Legal descriptions of all ap- plications on file in Planning Department office. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PPESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON MARCH 26, 1975 AT 8 00 P.M.TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OB- JECTIONS TO SAME TARRY GIBSON SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION Published in the Renton Record- Chronicle MarGI 19, 1975.R-3152 L IC 1c- Renton Planning Commission Meeting March 12 , 1975 Page Four He reported that there are single-family residences on the site which are planned for removal . He cited R-3 zoning to the east and north of the property and noted a convales- cent center to the east of the site . A blow-up of the site plan was displayed and described . The setback from Spring- brook is planned to be approximately 70 feet ; landscaping and parking plans were reviewed generally . Elevation draw- ings were viewed . An exposed aggregate structure , approx- maTely 23 feet in height is planned . It was noted by the Planning Director that access and right- of-way requirements would be reviewed by the staff . Commis- sioner Teegarden , referring to a recent news article rela- tive to a planned sports complex south of the property in King County , requested that the staff attempt to obtain information concerning the proposal so that its relation- ship to the Kay/Hubbard application can be determined . SITE APPROVAL: D. CHARLES H . GROUWS & DEAN W . BITNEY ; Appl . No . SA-804-75 ; site plan approval for office addition to a warehouse in an L-1 zone ; property located at 1120 S .W . 16th St . The 1 . 48 acre site just north of the proposed Group Health Clinic complex and east of Springbrook Creek was noted on the vicinity map . The proposal is for construction of an office addition to the front of the existing warehouse . Mr. Smith stated that the landscaping plan will remain the same , but additional parking will be required . The add- ition was described as a brick-faced structure and the landscaping in front of the building . Mr. Smith advised that the applicants are in the process of vacating Pacific Ave . S . W. The proposal will be reviewed in view of re- strictive covenants on the property . It was noted in discussion that followed that the proposed P- 1 channel , which will be located on property directly to the west , will have no effect on planned parking . SITE APPROVAL: E. VOLCO , INC . ; Appl . No . SA-807- 75 ; Site Plan Approval for an aircraft hangar addition to an 'xisting office/air- craft hangar facility in a P- 1 zone; property located on the Renton Municipal Airport . The Assistant Planner located the site , approximately 200 feet north from the corner of Logan and Airport Way , on the vicinity map and noted that Volc.° plans an additional hangar facility and rehabilitation of an existing hangar facility and office facility . The proposal will be under Shoreline Management jurisdiction due to its proximity to the Cedar River . Site development plans were viewed and described . Mr. Smith advised that landscaping is planned for the front of the building and the area between the buildings and areas near the hangar . Responding to Commissioner Scholes , the Assistant Planner indicated that the setback from the peri - meter road is approximately 10 feet . Referring to development by the applicant approximately one year ago , Commissioner Rivily requested information concerning Renton Planning Commission Meeting March 12 , 1975 Page Five it . Mr . Ericksen stated that it included a hangar and rehabilitation of the office structure . Agree- ments were made to make certain improvements , includ- ing landscaping and parking areas , but to date this has not been accomplished . 6 • ADMINISTRATIVE : A, FIELD TRIP Following a discussion with regard to the heavy schedule anticipated for the following few weeks , it was decided to tentatively set a field trip for March 20 at 4 : 30 p .m . Confirmation would be provided by the staff . B . COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Commissioner Humble , Chairman , referred com- mittee members to a copy of an agenda for their March 19th meeting . He requested that members review the proposed new Zoning Ordi - nance as it relates to single family zones in anticipation of a meeting to be scheduled . Referring to the Green River Valley Compre- hensive Plan , Mr . Humble stated that there will be proposed changes to be considered based upon input received . He advised that he had met with Mr . Gonnason to clarify the intent of his letter of March 12 with regard to an east/west arterial . He mentioned a memo from the Fire Department requesting access from the West Valley Highway . He stated that the March 19th meeting will be held in the third floor conference room at 8 : 00 p .m. 2 . ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Commissioner Scholes , Co-chairman , noted the meeting of March 19 , at 7 : 30 p .m. , in the Council Chambers to consider the Schneider and Kingen rezone' proposals . C, OTHER 1 . SCHEDULE OF EVENTS In view of the busy Planning Commission sched- ule , the Planning Director reviewed meetings that had been set: March 19 , Community Develop- ment and Environmental Development Committee work sessions ; March 26 , public hearing ; April 2 , special public hearing with regard to the Compre- hensive Plan in the Green 'River Valley ; and April 9 , administrative meeting . 2 . ASPO/CPAC CONFERENCE , VANCOUVER , B . C . Mr . Ericksen advised that the Council Finance and Personnel Committee concurred that the Commission be authorized to send four represen- tatives to the Conference - - Commissioner Ross , I Rento Planning Commission Meeti g March 12 , 1975 Page ix Teegarden , Scholes and Gibson . Discussion followed with regard to provision for room reservations , transportation , field trips or mobile workshops . Possible staff attendance and provisions for funding were also discussed . 3 . SHELL VS CITY OF RENTON The Planning Director reviewed status of the Shell Oil Company suit against the City . He advised affected commissioners to be sure that they keep the Planning Department or City Attorney ' s office informed as to their whereabouts as much as possible in view of the somewhat indefinite court schedule . 4 . HONEYDEW TOO APARTMENTS Commissioner Scholes advised the Commission members concerning Council action with regard to the proposed Honeydew Too Apartments . He noted that the Council plans a public hearing on the matter to be held April 7 , 1975 . 5 . APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE The effect of this doctrine on the Planning Commission , with particular reference to Commissioner Rivily ' s participation in the consideration of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan and the Grouws and Bitney site approval application was discussed . It was decided to seek the legal opinion of the City Attorney with regard to Mrs . Rivily ' s involvement in the sub- ject matters . As there was no further business before the Commission , IT WAS MOVED BY TjEEGARDEN , SECONDED BY RIVILY , THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED . MOTION CARRIED . The 'meeting was adjourned at 9 : 55 p . m . rry Gibson , ecre J 1 Norman Ross , Chairman IdDING OF FILE FILE nru: 3O775