HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA75-829BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE ffj%C * OFLLMED 5 L.ivJI!Ilil.... 117 EI1I1J1L Y C ° M i \ J 1'uORNE 9T W 1iiiirift , 17 JiI T i, i '1 1 , J ai lu1 pii g ,_ _, , rn'\ z AIRPORT SPECIALTIES as ^ __ SITE APPROVAL I. iMill. .- - S - 1 T l . Y T 6 ,i ST _ 1:1/ 1144 1lIE1l1 I ull prn S '\ o Iu 1ra I$16 T eT a 99 i 1 P` u 1\ I ry I fo ' i, IINIIIGhIN= 1~ rr` . . 6 s r. I1L!1 il 'Pollak o i •4- E bm G O4-, F7—•1. W1. 7,;., Eafa WC1E—, mM- r, i„ n(>, 111i]Q 7 3 t a ai5 NI RE r,I 6',1 ii ul I , i) ./, ate 4. •vim r Q STA A \ \\ _. R/UMa. yr-, 7 sm 1 CAI w n w er w 00,i1\\:1(10 ii Wig 44 J 45 u.;-V. ,p' t 7 J :+ . il.1a i 4) Ett . j .,...: . Jae ; 7_'•iNil - '-- 2 ` w 1. Q t,7 AIR O 1 m . Alice l 911 I 7>•L'\ spd Qlf fS Y E i l SI(1 4 • 1 . T T ray IL --. 1 i\--0. .c \\ i , 7 - 1 1 1- 11-, 1-1L` P-1 1 ._:__ mi, --„., * I• 1 1 x , \\B_ WI 0'11I . J m-', a f SENIOR JUNIOR , •a- me ._,A4 SITE APPROVAL : AIRPORT SPECIALTIES ; Site Approval for Aircraft Hangers in a P- 1 zone ; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to the Cedar River. Appl . No . SA-829-75 APPLICANT . AIRPORT SPECIALTIES TOTAL AREA ± 2 . 1 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Perimeter Road , EXISTING ZONING P- 1 and Cedar River Waterway EXISTING USE Vacant PROPOSED USE Aircraft Hangers COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Public Use District & Recreational Green Belt Area . COMMENTS r/ / ' - .v.OF li- kjfr v CITY OF RENTON ergEIVEb o APPLICATION JUN\ - FOR75SITE APPROVAL OFFICE USE ONLY DEP File No . SA- gaf- 76- Fee $100 . 00 Filing Date £ - '-7 Receipt No . ,c 4-3 APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name AIRPORT SPEC=ALTIES Phone 271-1107 i Address 20850 S . . ' 123rd Street Issaquah, Wash. 98027 2 . Property location i East 'side of Renton Airport 3. Legal description. : (• e,aattach additional sheet if necessary)I Within section .7 .olf Township . 23N, Range 5. W. M. in the i City of Ronton,. K-1nE rnunty i I 4 . Number of acres .or I,sq. ft., 90, 000 Present zoning fl ( 5. What do you propose:, to develop on this property? Aircraft Hare rs I 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application: Scale A. Site and access plan (include setbacks, existing structures, easements, and other factors limiti*g development) . . . o . 1"=10 ' or. 20 ' B. Parking, lands0aping and screening plan. . . 1"=10 ' C. Vicinity map ( include .land use and zoning on adjacent pa cels) . . . . . m . . . . . 1"= 200 ' - 800 ' , D. Building heighl and area (existing and proposed) 7 . PLANNING COMMISSIO11 ACTION: Date approved Date denied : Date appealed Appeal action Remarks Planning Dept. 2-73 revised 1-75 F./ vILU; CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Ji= ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET 4 iD7 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY : 114— :)//pEpP1 Application No . /Gr'. 7 -7.5. Negative Dec . Date Received EIS INSTRUCTIONS : The purpose of this information is to assist the vari - ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project . Single family residential uses in non sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34. In addition to the following information , please submit a vicinity map recommend scale : 1" representing 200 ' to 800 ' ) and a site map (rec- ommended scale : 1 " representing 10 ' to 40 ' ) . APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW : 1 . Name of applicant ,4 RPoR ?" 2 . Mailing address ,206,6p S ' E ,' ? 3 tE 5Sa9 //1A4N w4s/ Telephone 027 ( — /ics7' 3. Applicant is.: I 'Owner f (Lessee I_ iContract purchaser F 10ther (specify) ZNi- /Y) - ,Z L as 4 . Name and address of owner , if other than applicant : C/ OF RF/V771/,0 A /hj rC) I T /h#cv'Ari-R Telephone o2,3,s-a,5'9/ 5 . General location of proposed project ( give street address if any or nearest street and intersection 3ST S/,1)F. OF 1'FiV7 O11 fF R poPT pa 2 _ 6 . Legal description ( if lengthy , attach as separate sheet ) r{o 27"1--1 E-19-.5 i SECT/o IV OF THE geNTo N /j'I U N I C I PAL 7 . Area gmi o o o ce Dimensions 9pO )C /6 o 8. Intended use of property or project ( include details : number of units , volume , etc . ) : coNS7 Ucr-r- t SfN 6 LE £e-e/ - D /NG C7-71A/o6-hie) To 14 G{S /. 4 /R C/42 H FT 9 . Generally describe the property and existing improvements : T/{E 'Rdf'EieT L/ /Yow HAS 7Wa JELAP/ T/re.) 1/9 A/a/4 RS 4d/v UJJ WILL / A/sE ?ffE/73 AW-b CoN57- eieY A A/ ai A/E. oN 77-/E EX /ST/N6 FLAT L,4dvO. 10 . Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated : 57), o o C Fo ' Th'E //i NG,,' g o FO Q N-tv -7741/U/4-y 7)0 /=o I- L R(VD r'//VG-- 11 . Construction dates (month and year) for which permit is requested : Begin Q--z{L y /9 7 5 End No V ET/W3 A l 9 7 3 - 12 . List any other permits for. this project from state , federal , or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply, including the name of the issuing agency , whether the permit has been applied for , and if so , the date of the applica- tion , whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same , and the number of the application or permit : Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** C fy ' C.F RFAJ7t)/J ,5tI/L bJN6- W1'-- i`i PPLi/ 0IT'l OF kENT-01N) PLEC-TR/Cf}L 1,UjLL APP nF g eNTD 4 P A iV rV i N a- WILLL ApPL_y Leave blank if not submitted . Approved , denied or pending . 13 . Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? l-11 yes R no If "yes " submit copy with this environmental impact worksheet . 14. Are there similar projects , both public and private , existing or planned in the immediate area : yes 1 ino 1 v on ` t know If "yes " explain . 15 . Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional historic , cultural , or other values considered important by some sectors of the popu- lation? i l yes i /mo If "yes " explain . 16 . iIs the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion , landslides , floods , etc . ? yes Ll no If "yes " explain . N nIe CED,qP RI vE 4 - 17 . Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas , waterways , marshes or wildlife? eyes no If "yes " explain . GILL Be NEAR CEDAR R/ E, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT : In the following questions summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact , both beneficial and adverse , of the proposed project . Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical , social , and aesthetic aspect . For projects which are part of a more extensive plan , consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed . 18 . Land Use : Will the project have a significant effect on land use in the surrounding area? eyes I 7Jno Explain : rlh&-RE /?€E O ,e E.f /s r//U& STRU c TU,Q Es OF -/-/E 5,q/.7E $Sc/-/c/rJE• tiE 4J/4-4- o/v L. 't aT AV)K//1/6- /9-N //'IPAo1JE, V7 To ?71E A,eEI• 7/HE LA}N[7 /s //V TEN a Ice ,41// /+T'/o N use 19 . Project Design and Appearance : Will the project design , appear- ance , landscaping , etc . , assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? eyes Lino Explain : TYE (6,U/L J/A/ t/(L L /-/A i/E r9 i/e/tT, 7970 E,'/Vl L--6U1 S/L O It E, 9 N 3 W/LL e E GENE r2,4 Li- `f it.e4s/iv G //10 i9 I EffRt4iV 20. . Ground Contours : Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? I1yes Ltino . Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? I —lyes no? If "yes " to either , explain . 5 21 . Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas , chemicals , smoke , dust , particulate matter , and odors ) ? yes i no If "yes " explain . 22 . Water Quality : Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely endpoint of any liquids draining from the project. )I , yes v,no . Is there a good possibility that this project will requir an expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities? yes no If "yes" to either , explain . 23 . Noise : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? Elyes EIno . Will the project be affected by airports , freeways , railroads or other sources of noise? El yes [71no If "yes" to either , explain . 24. Population Density : Will a noticeable population change result from this project? ( Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density . ) lyes L "jno . Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fluctuations in population due to tourism , employment , shopping , schools , etc . I - lyes k/jno . If "yes" to either , explain . 6 - 25 . Effect on Population : Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? 1 yes F71no If "yes" explain . 26 . Schools and Parks : Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? ryes Hno If "yes" explain . 27 . Transportation : Will construction of the project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? i-m. yes no Explain : T e.,v/ct A L.LOL!J /3 tre' /VU/11 P- OF AiP CRAFT 7-0 ' 5 iDE "I N-7-0 Al 4/f Po R T. 28. Public Use : Will the project be available for use by all sectors of the public? yes L_I no Explain : 29 . Other impacts : Identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of the proposed project . 7 - 30 . VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS : Have you made your plans known to interested community roups or neighbors in the vicinity of the project? [ 'yes r Ino If "yes" what are their reactions? If "no" do you intend to ccntact these people?' ! yes Jno HAVE gE c I E.D /q E/ '/ F/- V o 4 CC-6- o P/AO DIN/ O%- 0cl/ P2U7EC j' 4AID I-EH-VE Y8&EW O[-O OF T/fE N&E a of hrop2O(/E/YJE NT ON THe Figs i•Si c of RENI-oN RPa T. CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in Item No . 1 or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge . eL D te"-Signature Title a'te 8 - TO BE 'FILLED IN 'BY CITY DEPARTMENTS REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 8 TO BE 'FILLED rN BY Criy DEPARTMENTS REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: T2,6 (L. MIV S14y%) Comments : NO I r'4"D -T' IA'&AU J 19-7sSignatureofDirectororAuthorizedRepresentativeDate REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: j//7' t s Srr Comments : No c;iy war S: Seitiact /141a,A61P 44,41s s TAl J /S 4 5'e,s /7'rt « 1- 4 ope M A Ar ii i -( c /e u.r. iae. m.4, 4,1 4e. ea4,1) 4 LA....fA Y-c& s ha,c, j er yes A4 at0. dun I`v/,dv/, e x c.^ ailtpIc, Pf4d4ckweFl Au r exeehi is uses - 4,ajS75-A•71 Jv /Signature of Directorvor Authorized Representative Date 19 9 REVIEW 8f OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: 1-3 Comments : 1 Z / ? Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: h./12 Comments : 4446 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 9 REVIEW sr OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department: Comments : Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 10 - ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE oFFrCrAL A. Staff review determined that project: Has no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects . May have significant environmental impact and a complete environmental assessment should be prepared by applicant prior to further action on request for permit. B. Reasons for above conclusion : Signature of Responsible Official or Authorized Representative Date : Form : EIS-1 Planning Department October 15 , 1973 1 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION IN TIE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON JUNE 25, 1975 8 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE ITEM DESCRIBED BELOW: M1110s SITE APPROVAL : AIRPORT SPECIALTIES ; Site Approval for Aircraft Hangers in a P-1 zone ; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to the Cedar River. 7 Appl . No . SA-829-75 • ' uuir14y.. 1 L:LikiVi [ • 1 li!I lU s L i i1117Ti 0 M L., / 37IIIII I IIIII, T` i IIII Mill lII s, i c- • u' `` l- 0 -c.J .—ia f, AIRPRTCIALTIES Ililill z TTrr T A!4 l illl, it W 1 Illlii Iilll. IIII , 11 " Q Ill II„C lI III IL r .,,; sJ al IIIIIIIIIII I I I IllllllIl -- ... a o • I W 106. „z. , ,. ... ., ,., AA 7.1lk r, f .• 4 x . .uI Vogl.'I - u Y i Pr ' I N LL 9 t J Imu MU! *i mil";Q t : r. „..)A r.: ,- . :, t J IL i• mil r •... a 14 II: 11II K. Q Z ,r a AP ` ' . t ,y Valg Q_. 0 gyp! .i 1 1 rrt t.:2!::: r i 0:/* , it ) 1%0 11. ... ' i,H • • /41 a ., iliKtat:ii91 C.,/iii51::': .2 r 55 Izi I-. 'II:CI:II 1 ri:1; 1. FL14: 1,?;',' 1 1,Litior .4;10!.,.., 4 - t 1fASr. F` 7 - fit`' AuRYOF T:.._..f_.\N_.AV THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND AND TO EXPRESS OPINIONS OR SUBMIT 1 COMMENTS IN WRITING. IF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS DESIRED, CONTACT: CITY OF RENTON - PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 235-2550 MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 200 MILL AVE. S. RENTON, .WA. 98055 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON JULY 23 1975 , AT 8 :00 P . M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . REZONE FROM G TO B-1 , file No . R-821-75 ; property located on east side of Union Ave . N . E . approximately 400 feet south of N . E . 4th St . 2 . REZONE FROM G TO R-3 , file No . R-827-75 ; property located on east side of Union Ave . N . E . approximately- 500 feet south of N . E . 4th St. 3 . SITE APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT HANGARS IN P-1 ZONE AND CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY , file No . SA-829-75 ; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to the Cedar River . 4. SITE APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT AT CHURCH IN A GS-1 ZONE , file No. SA-830-75 ; property located on the N . E . corner of N . E . 10th Ave . and Monroe Ave . N . E . 5 . SITE APPROVAL FOR WAREHOUSE ADDITION IN AN M-P ZONE , file No . SA-831-75 ; property located at 865 Lind Ave . S . W. 6 . SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL AND GRADE IN M-P ZONE ; file No . SP-834-75 ; property located on East Valley Freeway between Southwest 21st St. and Southwest 23rd St. 7 . WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS . IN R-2 ZONE , file No . W-833-75 ; property located on Union Ave . N . E . between N . E . 15th St . and Glencoe Subdivision . ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JULY 23 , 1975 AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . LARRY GIBSON , SECRETARY PUBLISHED July 13 , 1975 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , WILLIAM C. TURNER . , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED : on the 10thday of July 1975 . 3--(1rpOf-- - f--- s , FCG\--EIV_.3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL , RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON JUNE 25 19 75 , AT 8 : 00 P. M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION , file No . PP-824-75 ; property located on north side of N . 38th St . between Lake Washington Blvd . N . and Park Ave . N . 2 . REZONE FROM G TO B-1 , file No . R-821-75 ; property located on east .s'ide of Union Ave . N . E . approximately 400 feet south of N . E . 4th St . 3 . REZONE FROM G TO R-3 , file No . R-827-75; property located on east side of Union Ave . N . E . approximately 500 feet south of N . E . 4th St . 4 . SPECIAL PERMIT FOR EXISTING GRAVEL AND SAND EXCAVATING OPERATION IN S- 1 ZONE , file No . SP-752-74; property located at 2930 S . E . 5th St . V 5 . SITE APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT HANGARS IN P- 1 ZONE AND CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY , file No . SA-829-75 ; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to the Cedar River. 6 . SITE APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT A CHURCH IN A GS-1 ZONE , file No . SA-830-75; property located on the N . E . corner of N . E . 10th Ave . and Monroe Ave . N . E . 7 . SITE APPROVAL FOR WAREHOUSE ADDITION IN AN M-P ZONE , file No . SA-831-75 ; property located at 865 Lind Ave . S .W . ' 8. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTSIN G-7200 ZONE , file No . W-826-75; property located on east side of Jones Ave . N . E . approximately 500 feet north of N . E . 24th St . ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JUNE 25 , 1975 AT 8 : 00 P . M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . LARRY GIBSON , SECRETARY PUBLISHED June 15 , 1975 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , William C. Turner , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , SIGNED4'/J r/aN--to. -konthe . l2thday of June 1975 . F Affidavit of Publication 7\-cic..., V o\ K....STATE OF i'ASHINGTONCOUNTYOFKINGss. G o. 1) C PA R'TVC"\ iY. being first duly sworn on I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. RENTON PLANNING LARRY GIBSOD f 0} j-r j =1.< 1' " COMMISSION SECRETARI oath, deposes and says that " is the of RENTON PLANNINC THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That RENTON,WASHINGTON COMMISSIOt said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE Published in the Renton Record more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, HELD BY THE RENTON PLAN- Chronicle June 15, 1975.R3305 printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- NING COMMISSION AT ITS REG- • weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at'the CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of JUNE 25, 1975, AT 8:00 P.M.TO the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING County, 1 PETITIONS: F1. PRELIMINARY.PLAT FOR Lai1111?1g CO1 J IZ s:1 on - RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION,Washington.That the annexed is a file No. PP-824-75; property 12-Vj- located on north side of N.38th i F : re S. ?i -7.t 71,,:i on — E t(. St. between Lake Washington Blvd.N.and Park Ave.N. 2.REZONE FROM G TO B-1,file Noated as it waspublished in regular issues (and on eastR- side of Uprnion Ale.N.E.g on side Union Ave.N.E. not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period approximately 400 feet south of N.E.4th St. of r consecutive issues, commencingthe 3. REZONE FROM G TO R-3, on file No. R-827-75; property located on east side of Union i 1 i11pr I-) Ave.N.E.approximately 500feet day of 19 and ending the south of N.E.4th St. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR EXISTING GRAVEL AND SAND day of 19 both dates • 4 EXCAVATING OPERATION IN inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its S-1 ZONE, file No. SP-752-74; subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee property located at 2930 S.E.5th v• St. a y, 5.SITE APPROVAL FOR CON- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ which T STRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words HANGARS IN P-1 ZONE AND for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each • CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY, subsequent insertion. i file No. the - 75; property a, located in the Renton Municipal 4 a Airport adjacent to the Cedar River. 1 4 4 i'+ rt ht }1Cti fix.& 6. SITE APPROVAL TO CdN- I C •.L f c t J/STRUCT A CHURCH IN A GS-1 ZONE, file No. SA-830-75; property located on the N.E. ner of N.E. 10th Ave. and1 onroe Ave. N.E. A Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of :- 7 SITE APPROVAL FOR WAREHOUSE ADDITION IN AN june. 19 75 M-P ZONE,file No.SA-831-75; property located at 865 Lind Ave. S.W. LL.(_c_. cl—r-V 8. VER OF OFF-SITE IM-F. P OVIEMENTS IN G-7200NotaryPublicinandfortheStateofWashington, ZONE. file No. W-826-75; residing at Renton,King County.property located on east side of Jones Ave. N.E. approximately 500 feet north of N.E.24th St. Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Tune 9th,1955. TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED j TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLAN- We,tcr Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, NING COMMISSION MEETING ON adopt eci by the newspapers of the State.UNE, 5. 1975 at 8:00 P.M. TO I Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Arb.aa o cnricIa.`•:•'.".t being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that Si is the ahicf Cifr1 - of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That NOTICE OF said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for RENTON PLANNING more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, COMMISSION printed and published in the English language continually as a tri RENTON,WASHINGTON weekly new paper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now A public hearing will be held by and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the the Renton Planning Commission at aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton its regular meeting in the Council Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of Chambers, City Hall, Rentoh, the Superior Court of the CountyWashington, on July 23, 1975 atpinwhichitispublished, to-wit, King 8:00 p.m.to consider the followingCounty, petitions: Washington.That the annexed is a f ZOfc ' to ;i rate.1.REZONE FROM G TO B-1 ftlie No.R-821-75;Property located on east side of Union Ave.N.E. approximately 400 feet south of N.E.4th St. 2.REZONE FROM G TO R-3, as it was published in regular issues (and file.No. R-827-75; property not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period located on east side of Union Ave. N.E. approximately 500 I, feet south of N.E.4th St.• of o1`F consecutive issues, commencing on the 3.SITE APPROVAL FOR CON- STRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT HANGARS IN P-1 ZONE AND 13. day of u.L:? 19 75., and ending the CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY; fife No. SA-829-75; property located in the RentonMunicipai' between Southwest 21st St day of 19 both dates Airport adjacent to the Cedar;';: and Southwest 23rd St.inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its River.-, -7.WAIVER OF OFF-SITE 1M. subscriber during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee 4.SITE,APPROVAL TO CON '. PROVEMENTS IN.R-2ZONE STRUCTA CHURCH IN AGS.- file'No. W-833-75;_property 20 1C: 1 ZONE, file No. SA-630-75;: located on Union Ave.N.E.bechargedfortheforegoingpublicationisthesumof$ which property located on the N.E. tween N.E. 15th St: anc has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words corner of N.E. 10th Ave..and ' Glencoe Subdivision. • for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each Monroe Ave.N.E. All interested persons to said peti- 5.SITE APPROVAL FOR .Lions are invited to be present at thesubsequentinsertion. WAREHOUSE ADDITION IN Planning-Commissio meeting on y AN M-PZONE,file No. SA- July 23, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. toke_f:-, (4-j, a ; 831-75;property located at 865 express their opinions. chief C& Lind Ave.S.W. LARRY GIBBON,SECRETARY 6.SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL RENTON PLANNING AND GRADE IN'M-P ZONE; COMMISSION 14 file No. SP-834-75; property Published in the Renton Record- Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of located on East Valley Freeway Chronicle'July 13,1975.R3350. 1., i'i115, 75 19 A21";--‘,.----67Cr14^9i Notary Pu i in and for the State of Washington, re i ng at Renton,King County. OF J Passed b,the Legislature, 1955,known as Senate Bill 281, effective 7 f l. UtO+,June 9th,1955. O" Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, JUL Z adopted by the newspapers of the State. 0 23 19 5r 9y4N0 DEPART* 1 ROUTE SC1lEDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED ` Z 7S PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT SITE APPROVAL Ai{?roI T cr 1;ije:40.1SZT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT iWITHANYCOALIENTSYOUMIGHTHAVE, BEFORE / I a1/5 SIGNATURE OR INITIAL DEPARTMENT, _//APPROVAL DATE UILDIN 6 .—/` 7_?-- 7J I.4 FFIC LNG. i jp. 4r I'NGINEERING C1-- f.3- FIRE HEALTH R u46 I14, c 6./to/ RL\'iL\ L1."S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS: C7)-(`i i C-i&- /-/ .r z i C/' ,t , ' Z-C) AQ— 2 6,--"Jr_e"--/ e.,y, l/ 4 Nv C'g6 U/. I4 t 11r01 44 • P/cast s. 1j pia ., t G 44477p- - A 1 ROUTE SCHEDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED 0.5- PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR; REZONE MAJOR PLAT SITE APPROVAL SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHO: NE MANAGEMENT y u OR EXEMPT NO ect T453IU/ AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE, BEFORE 7.7 7 SIGNATURE OR INITIA DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE BUILDING 5 - TRAFFIC ENG. 6/ f/75 ENGINEERIN v C F IRD 7S ALTH C./Ver- REVIEWER'S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS: 41/41- U i WI;c rat) re , -e- - X it-°r_ A/ /?.2 - Z 7')/V C / << /9a:77 1/" i II r STAFF REPORT JULY 23, 1975 APPLICATION : SITE APPROVAL APPLICANT : AIRPORT SPECIALTIES LOCATION : The property is located in the Renton City Airport, adjacent to the Cedar River. ZONING : P- 1 and Cedar River Waterway APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-710 ; 4-719 ; 4-720 ; 4-722 REQUEST: Applicant requests to construct an aircraft hangar facility in a P- 1 zone and .in the Cedar River Waterway. COMMENTS : 1 . The Cedar River Waterway is designated as a green belt on the Comprehensive Plan in this area . 2 . The site in question is presently occupied by old aircraft hangars that will be removed to allow for the new facilities . 3. The building setback line for this portion of the airport is 350 feet. The proposed structures meet this requirement. 4. The City Attorney has determined that the P- 1 zone for the City of Renton Municipal Airport extends to the banks of the Cedar River. Therefore , this application must conform to the require- ment of the P- 1 zone . 5 . A 10 foot lease line setback from --the Cedar River exists in this location . 6 . The landscape plan as submitted has been revised and reviewed with the applicant. 7 . The Environmental Development Committee met on July 15 , 1975 , with the Airport Director and the Council Aviation Com- mittee to clarify certain aspects of the proposal . STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Recommend approval subject to : 1 . The following items to be incorpora- ted into the landscape plan and approved by the Planning Department : a . The ten foot ( 10 ' ) lease set- back area . adjacent to Cedar River shall be maintained in its natural state . b. Addition of a minimum ten foot 10 ' ) landscaped area in the 170 ' between proposed planting areas " B" and "C" and along the northerly portion of landscape area "B . " (See landscape plans . ) This will provide continuity with the River environment and more effectively screen the aircraft hangars . STAFF REPORT CITY OF RENTON ' JULY 9 , 1975 APPLICATION : SITE PLAN APPROVAL IN P-1 ZONE APPLICANT : AIRPORT SPECIALTIES LOCATION : On the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to Cedar River ZONING : P-1 and Cedar River Waterway APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE 4-710 ; 4-719 ; 4-720 ; 4-722 ZONING CODE : RdQUEST : Applicant requests to construct an aircraft hangar facility in a P-1 zone and in the Cedar River Waterway. COMMENTS : 1 . The Airport Committee of the City Council has approved the lease of the property for the proposed purposes . 2 . The approved Airport plan indicates a building setback line along the east side of the Airport of 500 feet from centerline of the runway. 3 . The approved Airport plan indicates the aircraft uncovered area restriction line in this area is 350 feet from the centerline of the runway. 4. The FAA Airport design standards recommend a minimum 350 foot building setback from the centerline of the Airport. Although a precision instrument runway (Renton Airport is attempting to receive this status) should maintan a 750 foot building setback line. 5. The proposed development comes under jurisdiction of the State Shoreline Management Act. Through this Act the immediate and cumulative impacts to the Cedar River and its productivity to the Northwest Salmon Industry must be addressed . Locating pavement directly adjacent to the banks of the river would have a deleterious impact unless a natural separation is maintained and drainage handled properly. 6 . A consultant has been retained to prepare a complete Airport Master Plan . STAFF REPORT JULY 9 , 1975 AIRPORT SPECIALTIES continued ; STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Recommended alternatives ; 1 . Adherence to the existing Airport layout plan until the Airport Master Plan is developed for this area , or 2 . approval of a portion of the facility subject to staff approval of revised plans that would indicate a 20 foot natural area along the Cedar River , staff approval of final detailed land- scape plan , and adequate drainage facilities designed so as not to further impact the Cedar River. i-lJdrT 07/,PCB/a///eseS STAFF REPORT JUNE 25 , 1975 A PLICATION : SITE APPROVAL A PLICANT : AIRPORT SPECIALTIES LOCATION : The property is located in the Renton City Airport , adjacent to the Cedar River . ZONING : P-1 and Cedar River Waterway APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE : 4-710 , 4-719 , 4-720, 4-722 REQUEST : Applicant requests to construct an aircraft hanger facility in a P-1 zone and in the Cedar River. Waterway . COMMENTS : 1 . The Cedar River Waterway is designated as a green belt on the Comprehensive Plan in this area . 2 . The site in question is presently occupied by unusable old aircraft hangers that will be removed to allow for the new facilities . 3. Additional plant material should be added to the landscape plan such as low bushes and ivy . 4. A minimum twenty ( 20) foot wide strip along the Cedar River should be maintained in its natural condition or improved condition for public recreational use . 5 . Zero additional runoff should be required with oil /water separators to control the runoff into the Cedar River . 6 . The City Attorney has determined that the P- 1 zone for the City of Renton Municipal Airport extends to the banks of the Cedar River. Therefore this application must conform to the requirement of the P-1 zone . 7 . The airport committee has reviewed the project with no comments made to date . STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : Recommend : 1 . Zero additional runoff storm drainage facility with oil /water separators . 2 . The proposed parking area is to be constructed according to ordinance . 3. Additional material to be added to land- scape plan and approved by Planning Department 4 . Twenty ( 20) foot wide strip along the Cedar River to remain in natural condition or better for public recreational us-e or natural preservation . 4OF Ft A 07 PLANNING I)I1:PARTMENT • 12 EN TON, WASIIINCITON 7' y. MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • fYAXEKIADO 1!, 235- 2550 1 ' 4, July 25 , 1975opCAPITALE Bernell J . Guthmiller I Airport Specialties 20850 S . E . 123rd Street Issaquah , Washington 98027 Dear Mr . Guthmiller : RE : Airport Specialties Site Plan Approval The Planning Commission at its July 23 , 1975 public hearing approved the plans for the proposed project by Airport Specialties with the following conditions : 1 . the 10 ' foot lease setback area shall be maintained in its natural state . 2 . the lease area be planted in accordance with the revised landscape plan labeled exibit "A" , see attached ) designating a minimum 10 foot continuous landscape strip along the west side of the eastern lease boundary line , and the indicated areas adjacent to the building . 3 . Final approval of the landscaping by the Planning Department . You had also previously agreed to add the cost of installation of the landscaping to your construction bond . Attached is an estimate for that work . It is our understanding that you will be submitting a letter I. of intent to maintain the landscaping yourself . We are also proceeding with the processing of your shoreline permit which was pending Airport Committee• and Planning Commission decisions on the proposal . If you have any further questions please contact this department. Ver truly yo rs , 71. A ,,67Z 66.6:‘ Michael L . Smit Assistant Planner Attachments cc: Airport Director Airport Committee MLS : kh SCHEDULE OF PRICES Note: Unit prices for all items, all extensions and total amount of bid must be shown. Show unit prices in both words and figures and where conflict occurs the written or typed words shall prevail.) ITEM APPROX. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY (Unit Prices to be Written in Words) DOLLARS CMS. DOLLARS CTS. 2 9 ACC ciectNATUM 5'io 'r o© 266 3o 60 RI I . r-ous Coko,,A euS 2 98 i 788r44-Ova-Poo U rH PYef cAMm cocc>,U a I GAL, Cor3T\INE6 a5"( 6111L-n-teriPt SHAL LEctU j CO 38e-i cp oe h1 Ni q 7•E1)cSq C r cam., CJ /I) 2.06 woo U5 ciWeOcEiZ Oc qg 68 gEU Aga 'crro urK PnJ 02 2 1}:2-k W#-1 F-c6Eer/1 Nom 8,9a. 9893 lot,/ RAT Ca s) 80 2-4-1S.mo o,L 20 00 fo cu S , M ULep{ 2 'fDrep ro o 0 c76o o i-ciOy-per 1-7 q C.Q PI PUTET *T /IG Mi nJ/1 e-E" 2.6 pi t 1J. S 18 -t-- 6 t-tes. a t2 baN(s MO-611 woe 6-.6b/me b- Aso 5/4 , sv 0/L 11tt_ 5 /9-o7 tz- Pribc Renton Planning Commission Meeting July 23 , 1975 Page Two Chairman Scholes called for corrections and additions to the minutes of the meeting of July 9 , 1975 . Commissioner Teegarden noted that the action to excuse the absent Com- missioners had been omitted from the preliminary copy . ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT THE MINUTES OF JULY 9, 1975, BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED. MOTION CARRIED . 4 . CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS : REZONES : A, ' GARY MORITZ ; Appl . No . R-821-75 ; Rezone from G to B- 1 ; property located on the E . side of Union Ave . N . E . approximately 400 feet south of N . E . 4th St . DEN.NIS R. OSTER; Appl . No . R-827-75 ; Rezone from G to R-3 ; property located on the east side of Union Ave . N . E . approximately 500 feet south of N . E . 4th St . At the request of the Chairman , Commissioner Mola acting for ' Secretary Rivily , introduced the rezone applications . A presentation was invited by Chairman Scholes . The Planning Director referred the Commission to a letter dated July 18 , 1975 , addressed to the City of Renton Planning Commission from Messrs . Moritz and Oster . In this letter it was requested that consideration of these applications be delayed until the Planning Commission Sep- tember public hearing in order for the applicants to obtain additional information to support their applications . Mr. Ericksen advised that a meeting of the Environmental Development Committee had been held with regard to these items on July 16th but suggested that the report be deferred at this time . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY WIK; THAT THE PLANNING COMMIS- SION GRANT THE EXTENSION REQUESTED BY GARY MORITZ AND DENNIS OSTER WITH REGARD TO THEIR APPLICATIONS FOR REZONE UNTIL THE SEPTEMBER 24, 1975, PUBLIC HEARING . MOTION CAR- RIED. SITE APPROVALS : C. AIRPORT SPECIALTIES ; Appl . No . SA-829-75 ; site approval for Aircraft Hangars in a P- 1 zone and Cedar River Water- way ; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to the Cedar River . Upon' the introduction of the item by the Acting Secretary , a briefing was requested of the staff by Chairman Scholes . The Planning Director noted the two acre site located on the east side of the Renton Municipal Airport and adjacent to the west bank of the Cedar River . The proposal is to remove the presently existing hangars and to replace them with new hangar facilities . He described the initial pro- posal , Phase I , for consideration of a structure containing nineteen bays . Mr. Ericksen advised that the proposal meets a RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING JULY 23, 1975 MINUTES COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Logan Garrison , Anthone Mola , Norman Ross , Arthur Scholes , Clark Teegarden , Joan Walker, Bylund Wik . COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Larry Gibson , Elisabeth Rivily . CITY STAFF PRESENT: Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director ; Michael. Smith , Assistant Planner ; Willis Roberts , Secretary . The July 1975 public hearing meeting of the Renton Planning Commission was called to order at 8 : 05 p . m . by Chairman Ross , who led the Pledge of Allegiance . Approximately fifty people were noted as being present in the audience . i ; INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS : The Chairman requested that Commissioner Scholes assume his newly elected post as Chairman for the year 1975-76 at this time . He described the duties of the Chairman- ship , offered his congratulations , and thanked Commis- sion members for their cooperation during the past year. The new Chairman introduced the new officers : Vice- chairman Wik and Secretary Rivily . He also introduced a newly appointed Planning Commissioner , Joan Walker. Mrs . Walker expressed her appreciation to the Commis- sion and staff for their helpfulness and interest . Chairman Scholes announced the formation of three new committees and their officers : Land Use Commit- tee - Teegarden , Chairman ; Rivily and Scholes , members ; Zoning Committee - Mola , Chairman ; Walker and Ross , members ; and Special Studies Committee - Gibson , Chairman ; Garrison and Wik members . He stated that a list of outstanding activities that are before the Commission would be announced prior to July 30th and committee assignments designated . 2 . ROLL CALL was taken by Commissioner Mola in the absence of Secretary Rivily . All members responded present with the exception 6f Gibson ( vacation ) and Rivily ( illness ) . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY TEEGARDEN, THAT THE ABSENT COMMISSIONERS BE EXCUSED . MOTION CARRIED. 3 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES : The Chairman invited corrections or additions to the min- utes of the June 25 , 1975 , meeting . Commissioner Teegar- den requested that the word " rezone" in the first Para- graph. of item 3 , referring to an addition to the minutes of June 11 , 1975 , by Commissioner Mola , be corrected to read " reason . " He also noted with regard to the discus- sion concerning the John C . Edwards ' application on page ten an apparent misinterpretation in the first paragraph in the statement by Mrs . Bala and requested that the word "moss " be changed to "marsh . " In the same para- graph in one instance Mrs . Bala was referred to as "Mr . " ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY GIBSON, THAT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 25, J975, BE APPROVED AND AMENDED. MOTION CAR- " RIED. Menton Planning Commission Meeting July 23 , 1975 Page Three Federal Aviation Administration requirements , also that the proposal had been extensively reviewed by the staff and that the Environmental Development Committee had met with the City Council Aviation Committee . Revised landscape plans were described by the Planning Director , who stated that the staff recommends approval . • He noted the presence in the audience of Airport Director Bennett , who was avail - able to answer any questions from the Commission . Commissioner Teegarden requested that the staff review , with special emphasis on provisions for landscaping , the staff report . Michael Smith , Assistant Planner , outlined the areas planned for landscaping--the ten foot lease line setback from the top of the River bank and an additional ten feet adjacent to the leased property , for a total- of twenty feet of landscaping--and itemized the low profile landscaping of natural materials planned for the area so that it would not conflict with airport activities . Mr . Smith contrasted current landscape plans with the original proposal . It was noted by the Planning Director that these_ revised' plans had been reviewed by the lease-holder and the Airport Director and had received their concur- rence . Discussion followed with regard to possible relocation of the structure , but it was noted that a tower located to the north of the site could prevent its considera- tion . The Planning Director pointed out that areas north of the leased area could be used for tie-down purposes , however . The Assistant Planner confirmed , in response to Commissioner Ross , that unless the applicant were to change the shape of the proposed planting , no further site review would be required for the development of Phase II . There was further discussion relative to proposed development along the Cedar River , and it was noted by Mr. Ericksen that a trail system was planned along both sides to the Boeing Bridge but only along the east side to the mouth of the River for safety rea- sons . He stated that it was the intent of the Aviation Committee to discourage casual use by people on the west side within the airport boundaries . In response to questioning from Commissioner Scholes with regard to F . A. A. approval , the Planning Director stated that the proposal had been reviewed and approved by that agency. Comment was invited from the Airport Director. Del Bennett , Airport Director , stated that he had met with the applicant who has agreed to the recommenda- tions of the Planning Department and is anxious to proceed with his development . He noted the presence of Aviation Committee - Chairman Dick Stredicke in the audience . Questions were invited of the airport representatives , but none were offered . Chairman Scholes then called for comment from the audience , but none were received . It was noted that the Commission had been requested to make an advisory recommendation to the Council Aviation Committee . IT WAS THEN MOVED BY WIK, SECONDED BY ROSS , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AIRPORT SPE- CIALTIES SITE APPROVAL APPLICATION BE CLOSED . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . r, i Renton Planning Commission Meeting July 23 , 1975 Page Four Discussion followed regarding the possibility of limiting the size of the structure to. facilitate circulation . The Chairman also called for a report from the Environmental Development Committee . Committee Chairman Mola noted that they had met with the Aviation Committee on July 16th to discuss the issues involved and the role of the Planning Commission . ACTION: MOVED BY ROSS, SECONDED BY WIK, THAT THE PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REQUESTED SITE APPROVAL BY AIRPORT SPECIALTIES TO THE COUNCIL AVIATION COMMITTEE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1 . THAT THE 10 ' LEASE SETBACK AREA SHALL BE MAIN- TAINED IN ITS NATURAL STATE. 2. THAT THE LEASE AREA BE PLANTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EXHIBIT "A" OF THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. 3 . THAT THE SHUBBERY DESIGNATED BE REVIEWED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL. MOTION CARRIED, TEEGARDEN DISSENTING. Commissioner Teegarden commented that regarding the rea- son for his dissent , noting that he could understand the City ' s desire for income , he felt the site was too limited for the planned construction . He stated that he did not vote against the proposal in view of the landscaping agree- ment. D. HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF CHRIST ; Appl . No . SA-830-75 ; Site Approval to construct a church in a GS-1 zone ; property located on the N . E . corner of N . E . 10th - Ave . and Monroe Ave . N . E. Noting that the item had been continued from the June pub-, lic hearing , Acting Secretary Mola introduced the site. approval application . A briefing was requested of the staff by Chairman Scholes . The ° Planning Director located the three acre site in the Highlands area situated on the N . E . corner of N . E . - 10th Street and Monroe Ave . N . E . on the vicinity map . He cited adjacent zoning , primarily residential , and noted other existing churches in the vicinity . He noted that the request had been the subject of considerable study by both . the staff and the Commission , including a field trip to Mountlake Terrace to visit a similarly designed church. ; In addition , a meeting was held by the Environmental Development Committee with church representatives and neighbors on July 16th . The proposed site plan has also been studied by interested City departments , and input received from Traffic Engineering related to traffic con- ditions and the Public Works Department with regard to utilities and drainage , which was. reviewed by the Planning Director . The traffic situation on Monroe was discussed extensively by Mr . Ericksen , who advised that the present capacity of Monroe was adequate for the average number of vehicles per day and that while the arterial was a candidate for improvement on the City ' s Six Year Street Program , funds for that purpose were lacking . He stated that certain 4 0 R' a A O V Z PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 4TfDSErix MEMORANDUM July 22 , 1975 TO: Files FROM: Phyllis Meck-Emery SUBJECT: Meeting with Airport Specialties on Landscape Plan and Staff Recommendations . On July 21 , 1975 , Mike Smith and I met with Del Bennett and Bernell Guthmiller in regard to the Airport -Specialties landscape plan and staff recommendations . We presented them with a revised landscape plan which we felt more adequately expressed the goals of the department in terms of retention of habitat area while serving as screening for the proposed structures from the Cedar River. The revised landscape plan was generally acceptable to the client, however, he wanted to remain flexible enough so as not to be forced into plantings that would serve as obstacles to the maneuvering of aircraft. The staff recommendations were agreed to except for the following comments : 1 . Mr. Guthmiller is not in agreement with the necessity for the 150% installation and maintenance bond. However, it may be possible for the installation por- tion of the bond to be attached to his building bond. 2. Relocation of the Phase I building to the north would eliminate the possibility of taxi space between the b u±1-di-n-g-a-n d-a-n-e-x is-t-i-n-g-s-t r u c-t ur e. This i s considered - undesirable by Mr. Guthmiller in view of possible future expansion to the south which would necessitate taxi space at both ends of the Phase I building . PME : kh jThIlE3 llFAA THE CITY OF RENTON 2IN.F! $ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 D AVERYGARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT11) 0 2 35 0 2 5 50 4rf SEP1 July 21 , 1975 k MEMORANDUM III TO: Del Bennett, Airport Director FROM: Michael L. Smith , Assistant Planner SUBJECT: Airport Specialties Site Plan Approval Attached for your review is a copy of the staff recommendations for the subject item which will be reviewed with the applicant. 11Attachment MLS : kh I I fY it I tj j P OV C.) G 211.THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 0 4 AVERY GARRETT,MAYOR Planning Department 0 4r6-13SEP1c_43 July 16 , 1975 . MEMORANDUM TO : Files FROM: Phyllis Meck-Emery SUBJECT: Airport Specialties Landscape Plan After having reviewed the. airport specialties site and the proposed landscape plan , I feel the planting material is insufficient in nature for the site . Approval of the landscape plan will be contingent on the follwing items being incorporated into the landscape plan : 1 . The ten foot C10 ' ) lease setback area adjacent to Cedar River shall be maintained in its natural state . 2. Addition of a ten foot (10 ' ) landscaped areas in the ±170 ' between proposed plantinc. areas "B" and "C" to provide continuity with the river environment and more effectively screen the aircraft hangers . 3 . Enhancement of existing natural river bank area by using planting materials in proposed planting areas that will compliment .this character visually as well as provide additional wildlife habitat . Suggestions follow: a) Large shrubs and shrubby trees : Acer circinatum - Vine maple (10 '--15 ' ) Ribes sanguineum - Red flowering current (8 ' ) Holodiscus discolor - Ocean spray (12 ' ) Mahonia aquifolium - Or'egon Grape (8 ' ) Garrya elleptica - Silk Tasstle (8 ' ) b) Low plants 18"-3 ' Gaultheria shallon Potentilla Fruticosa Airport Specialties Landscape Plan July 16 , 1975 Page Two c) Ground Covers Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Kinnikinik Hedera Helix 4. Provide minimum five (5 ') foot planter areas adjacent to building between unit doors to reduce expanstveness of building facade. 5. A landscape bond shall be posted in the amount of 150% of installation and three year maintenance period . PME : kh 40 RENTON CITY COUNCIL. Aviation Committee Page ' 3 July , 15 , 1975 per square foot per year plus $200 . 00 per month for the hangar building. Mr. Beu requested a 10-year term and agreed to demolish the hangar building within 24 months after execution of the lease agreement , at which time the rent would be adjusted accordingly . After some discussion, it was moved by COUNCILMAN DELAURENTI and seconded that the Airport Director be authorized to prepare a lease agreement containing the provisions recommended above and present it to the City Council for approval. MOTION CARRIED. The Aviation Committee commended Mr . Beu for the landscaping recently installed at the Northwest Avionics building. 5 . COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Renton Air Fair- -The Chairman suggested that a letter be sent to the Kiwanis Club congratulating them on the Air Fair held on July 12 and 13 and indicating that the Committee would like to meet with the Air Fair Committee as soon as possible to review this and prior shows to determine if there is any way the City can assist in making next year ' s show even more inviting. The Committee also thanked Cheryl for her efforts in securing the waiver from FAA for the aerobatic performances . 4T bi. Airport Specialties Development- -Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, introduced the members of the Planning Commission' s Environmental Development Committee : Art Scholes , chairman; Elisabeth Rivil'y, and Tony Mola . The Committee was inattendance as a result of the Planning Director' s memo of July 10 which indicated a number of questions raised by the Planning Commission during its review of Airport Specialties ' proposed development , including: FAA setback and height requirements , relationship of the proposed use to the Airport Master Plan, and the effects of this project on the development of the Cedar River. The Airport Director summarized Airport Specialties ' development proposal and discussed FAA setback requirements for Renton Airport , which is categorized as a general aviation type airport with manufacturing use . Adequate building setbacks are being maintained in the event the airport is upgraded to the "basic transport" category. Mr. Bennett pointed out that normally it would be preferable to construct the hangars perpendicular to the runway ; however, in order to maximize the use of the limited space that is available , Airport Specialties ' plan provides for the hangar structures to be constructed parallel to the runway. The new structure will be located completely west of the existing building, so it will represent an improvement in the setback from the river . The east boundary of the lease was established by maintaining a 10-foot property setback from the river. A 30-foot building setback line will be maintained from the bank of the river to the closest portion of the building. 3- J RENTpN CITY COUNCIL Aviation Committee Page 4 July 15 , 1975 Mr . Bennett pointed out that the Airport has a long-term lease on the Commercial Waterway and there is now in effect no distinction between Airport property and Waterway property. The south boundary of the Airport Specialties ' parcel abuts an area currently under lease until 1978 .. It is hoped that when that property becomes available , the hangars will be continued south to the vicinity of the Boeing compass rose . Development of that area would include the construction of another taxiway. Mr . Ericksen indicated that the primary concern of the Planning Department and Commission is to maintain a corridor on both sides of the river for landscaping purposes . He suggested that this be taken into consideration in the Master Plan Study currentlybeingdonebytheconsultingfirmofVTNWashington, with the assisltance of Airport staff. After further discussion, it was the consensus that the planned use of the property is proper and consistent with the guidelines established in the Airport Master Plan. Councilman Stredicke indicated that either he or Del Bennet would attend the next Planning Commission meeting to finalize this matter. 6 . ADJOURNMENT- -Meeting adjourned at 9 : 20 p.m. caN IG18jtib PD OSI MINEDEQP4( 4_ 5300-6 AC 150/5300-6 4 Cr. l'agr 114/69 7/14/69 NON-PRECISION RUNWAY 1 PRECISION RUNiA==' 1 BASIC TRANSPORT GENERAL FOR BASIC OR ITEM DIM A/2 1 B TRANSPORT GENERAL TRANSPORT Runway Length A See Figures 5,. 6 As required As required by and 7 by critical critical airplane airplane Width-Runway B 75' 100' 100'150' Taxiway C 40'03 40° /3 40'/3 40'/3 Runway Safety Area D 150' 300' 300'500° NIRunway Centerline to Taxiway Center- CO1 line E 200' 200'_ 300'400' Airplane Parking. mArea F 275' 300' 475°650' m Parallel Runway G As Pej Curren.' FAA Criteria H Taxiway Centerline to al Airplane Parking o µArea H 75' 100' - 175°250' s-s Fixed or Movable s Obstacle I 50° 75' , 100'200' P Parallel Taxiway J A 150' . 1.50' 200'300' Building Restriction Line to r Runway Center- line K 2501 :'s. 300'`: 350'750' Taxiway Center- line - L 50' 75' 00'200' 1 Letters are keyed to those shown as dimensions on Figure 3. 2 Basic Transport Column A is to be used only at those low activity sites where en existing utility runway, having no anticipated need for an instrument approach procedure of any kind, is extended for business jets.. For all other basic transport airports use Column B. 3 Make straight taxiway sections 50 feet when airplanes with a wheel tread over 25 feet will use the airport. A width of 60 feet will be required, for airplanes with tread over 35 feet. Make curved sections conform to Figure 8 FIGURE 2. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS, BASIC AND Y>:;. -- GENERAL TRANSPORT AIRPORTS Par 4. x. CIF 1 THE CITY OF RENTON n MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 O AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT A3 235 - 2550 0 4rF0 SEP1 - MEMORANDUM July 10 , 1975 TO : Dick Stredicke , Chairman Council Aviation Committee FROM: Gordon Y . Ericken , Planning Director RE : Airport Specialties Site Plan Review The Planning Commission at its meeting of July 9 reviewed the proposed request for Airport Specialties for develop- ment of hangars along the easterly perimeter of the air- port. A number of questions were raised with regard to F.A. A. requirements , including setbacks , height of structures permitted, and the relationship of the proposed use to the Airport Master Plan . In addition , the matter of the development of the Cedar River was discussed in its relationship to the proposed plan . Due to the fact that the Airport Director has been on vacation and we were unable to reach the consultants in regard to the Master Plan, the Commission felt the matter should be continued for further study. The Commission , therefore , continued the matter to its public hearing meeting of July 23 and requested me to c'bntact you in order to set up a meeting at a mutually agreeable time with your Committee and the Commission ' s Environmental Development Committee so that they might gain additional input prior to making their recommendations . An early meeting date would be desirable in order to expedite consideration of this matter. Please contact me at your convenience . GYE :wr 144-111; ! RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING JULY 9, 1975 MINUTES COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Anthone Mola , Elisabeth Rivily, Norman Ross , Arthur Scholes , Clark Teegarden . COMMISSION 'MEMBERS ABSENT: Logan Garrison , Larry Gibson , Bylund Wik . CITY STAFF PRESENT: Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director ; Gary Kruger, Associate Planner; Victor Feltin , Zoning Specialist; Willis Roberts , Recording Secretary. The July 1975 ,administrative meeting of the Renton Planning kCommissiog was called to order at 8 : 05 p . m. by Chairman Ross . The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Mola . Four people were noted as being present in the audience . ROLL CALL was taken by Commissioner Mola , acting in the absence of Secretary Gibson . All Commissioners . responded present with the exception of Garrison , Gibson , and Wik , all of whom were on vacation . ACTION: iMOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT THE ABSENT MEMBERS BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. 2 • CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ITEM: SITE APPROVAL: A. AIRPORT SPECIALTIES ; Appl . No . SA-829-75 ; site i approval for Aircraft Hangars in a P- 1 zone and Cedar River Waterway ; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to the Cedar River. The Chairman invited a staff presentation . Noting that the Commission has been requested to review plans , specifications , and use to determine whether or not they conform to the adjacent surroundings and to make their recommendation to the City Council ' s Aviation Committee , the Planning Director read a report from the Aviation Committee relative to the proposal by Airport Specialties . The report recom- mended that the City Council authorize the Mayor and ' City Clerk to execute the proposed lease agreement between Airport Specialties and the Renton Municipal . Airport to rent 85 ,200 square feet of property on the east side of the Airport for the replacement of three existing dilapidated hangar facilities with new hangars . Mr. Ericksen indicated that the proposal had been pre- sented to the Council on July 7th and that they had concurred in the proposed agreement. Mr . Ericksen pointed out the proposed two acre site north of the existing Compass Rose , noting the general area and building setback line . Construction is planned in two phases : the first structure will be ' composed of 19 units and the second of ten . The Planning Director described the design of the one- story structures and the planned location of the air- planes . Proposed landscaping and plans along the Cedar River were reviewed. Mr. Ericksen noted that the Airport Master Plan is currently under study by consultants . The matter falls within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act , and an application is in process . Renton Planning C......nission Meeting July 9 , 1975 Page Two Chairman Ross invited comment from a representative of the applicant , but it was noted that none was present . Discus - sion was then opened to the Commission . In reply to questioning from Commissioner Scholes with regard to fencing , Mr. Ericksen indicated that there is existing fencing on both the north and south sides , and it will be retained or relocated . Also responding to Commissioner Scholes ' inquiry relative to the proximity of the River to the proposed development , the Planning Director indicated that the City Council has jurisdiction over the waterway and is responsible for its administra- tion and development . In answer to queries by Commis- sioner Rivily in reference to the trail system, Mr . Ericksen indicated that trail plans include development on both sides of the Cedar River to the Boeing Bridge and are then limited to the east side . Discussion followed with regard to review by the Federal Aviation Administration , and it was requested by Commis- sioner Scholes that it be determined whether that agency approves the proposal . Further discussion ensued rela- tive to the effects of the project with particular reference to future plans for the development of the River. It was the consensus of the Commission that they would like to see landscaping of the site within twenty feet of the waterway . Screening of the buildings from view from across the River was suggested . Commissioner Mola expressed his concern that this type of development could set a precedent for developing continuously south along the River bank . He stated that it was his opinion ' that it should be made known that there should be some type of trailways , if the Council feels they should develop more public, access and provide for preservation of water rights . It was acknowledged that public access had to be terminated at a specific point due to danger from airport operations . The subject of approval of only the first phase of the construction was considered . Commissioner Teegarden indicated it was his opinion that location of the first structure as proposed would require that the second building also be located as planned . Commissioner Ross noted that approval of only the first phase of construc- tion could nullify the Council ' s evaluation of income from the project .' The Chairman invited comment from the audience . Doug McLean , 7004 South 130th , Seattle , member of the Boeing Joggi-ng Club , stated that they are currently using roads on both sides of the River at this time , which he believes includes the southern two-thirds of the property-. Slides and aerial photographs of the area were viewed . Present and proposed development of Phase One to the west and Phase Two to the east were described by the Planning Director . IT WAS THEN MOVED BY TEEGARDEN , SECONDED BY RIVILY , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED . Discussion followed with Commissioner Scholes noting the necessity for further information relative to F .A.A. , Shoreline Management , and encroachment on the waterway concerns . Noting the' possibility of studying the pro- posed development with the Council Aviation Committee , ` Commissioner Teegarden withdrew his motion with the con- sent of Commissioner Rivily . a , Renton Planni ry Commission Meeting July 9 , 1975 Page Three ACTION: MOVED BY SCHOLES, SECONDED BY TEEGARDEN, THAT THE ITEM BE CONTINUED AND REFERRED TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOP- MENT COMMITTEE TO ACT WITH THE COUNCIL AVIATION COMMIT- TEE TO RESOLVE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS AND REPORT BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION BY JULY 23, 1975. MOTION CAR- RIED. It was requested by Commissioner Scholes that the Plan- ping Director contact the Council Aviation Committee regarding the Commission ' s action and desires regarding a meeting . 3. OLD BUSINESS : REZONES : A, GARY MORITZ ; Appl . No . R-821-75 ; Rezone from G to B-1 ; property located on the E . side of Union Ave . N . E . approximately 400 feet south of N . E . 4th St. B. DENNIS R. OSTER ; Appl . No . R-827-75 ; Rezone from G to R-3 ; property located on the east side of Union Ave . N . E. approximately 500 feet south of N . E . 4th St . SITE APPROVALS : C. HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF CHRIST ; Appl . No . SA-8.30-75 ; Site Approval to construct a church in a GS-1 zone ; property located on the N . E . corner of N . E . 10th Ave . and Monroe Ave . N . E . D. ALASKA FISH FERTILIZER CO. ; Appl . No . SA-831-75 ; Site Approval for a warehouse addition in an M-P zone ; property located at 865 Lind Ave . S . W . It was noted that the above items will be heard at the public hearing on July 23rd . The Planning Director advised that input regarding all of the above items would be presented to the Environmental Development Committee for review . . Commissioner Teegarden advised the Commission regard- ing the field trip to the Mountlake Terrace Church of Christ , attended by church representatives , the Planning Director , and himself. 4 . NEW BUSINESS : SPECIAL PERMIT: A. JOE:' AGOSTINO ; Appl . No . SP-834-75 ; Special Permit to . fi1:1 and grade in M-P zone ; property located on East Valley Highway between Southwest 21st St. and South- west 23rd . St. A staff presentation was requested by the Chairman . The Planning Director pointed out the two acre site situ- ated adjacent to the East Valley Highway, which was recently rezoned to M-P , on the vicinity map . It is proposed to fill the 350 ' x 335 ' site to a depth of 51/2' , to 6 ' . A contractor ' s yard , office and warehouse is planned as the future use . Renton Planning Commission Meeting July 9 , 1975 Page Four The Chairman invited comments and questions from the Commis- sion . Discussion centered around provisions for a street on the southern boundary. The Planning Director noted street right-of-way and waterline easements between the property line and the paved area , the access road to Olympic , and that Olympic Pipe Line Company also has two lines located there . Further discussion ensued with regard to the location of the proposed P-9 Channel , its proposed width , and its relation to the private road . WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS : B. ROBERT C. JACKSON ; Appl . No . W-833-75 ; Applicant requests Waiver -of Off-site Improvements for a Short Plat ; prop- erty located on Union Ave. N . E . between N . E. 15th St . and Glencoe Subdivision . The Planning Director referred the Commission to recent rezoning of the 1 . 27 acre site located in the Highlands to R-2 and noted that the applicant is proposing a short sub- division of the property into three parcels and requesting a Waiver of Off-site Improvements . He stated that the improvements would be required on Union Ave . N . E . and that the request would be reviewed by the Public Works Depart- ment . No questions were offered by Commission members . 5- ADMINISTRATIVE: A. FIELD TRIP It was decided not to have a field trip in view of the Commission ' s familiarity with the sites in, connection_ with recent rezone requests . The Planning Director noted that should Commissioner Garrison be interested in visiting the sites , in view of his recent appoint- ment, the staff would be available at his request . A recess was declared at 9 : 40 p . m.. The meeting was resumed at 9 : 50 p . m. with all members noted above in attendance . B. PROPOSED BULK REGULATIONS WITH DEFINITIONS The Planning Director presented for Planning Commission consideration the revised draft " B" of the proposed bulk regulations with definitions . It was noted that the proposed revision incorporated both the input from the Planning Commission and the City Attorney that evolved during the previous work meetings on this sub- ject. Noting the Court ' s deadline requiring the City .to establish definitive , written standards and guidelines regulating the issuance of a special permit pursuant to Subsection 4-713( b) of the Zoning Ordinance , the Planning Director requested Commission concurrence in the revised draft in order that it might be' pre- sented to the City Council at their meeting of July . 14. Gary Kruger , Associate Planner, noted that "Revision A" of the proposed document had been reviewed with the City Attorneyand that his suggestions had been incorporated into "Revision B" also . t 1- Renton City Council AVIATION COMMITTEE REPORT July 7 , 1975 Subject: Eastside Development Proposal , Airport Specialties The Aviation Committee has had under study a proposal by Airport Specialties to lease 85,200 feet of property on the east side of Renton Municipal Airport. Airport Specialties plans to remove three existing dilapidated hangar structures and replace them with new hangar facilities , ultiMately providing 29 units . The Aviation Committee, hereby recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the proposed lease agreement which provides for : 20-yeAr term commencing August 1 , 1975, 10-year renewal option Rental rate at $ . 08 per square foot per year Rental readjustments every 5 years Phase I construction to begin within 15.0 days from date of execution of agreement Three-year period for completion of total construction program The Aviation Committee further recommends that the following special conditions be incorporated into the lease 'Agreement: 1 ) Posting of a performance bond during each phase of the construction program 2) Improvement of adjoining taxiways 3) Participation in the total costNof providing sanitary sewer facilities 'to the leased premises in •the event such facili ies are deemed necessary a4,2442/. The consultant w o is curren ly preparing the Airport Master Plan has reviewed this development proposal and reports that it would be an appropriate use of the subject property. The Finance Director has' reviewed the financial statements submitted by the developers and has found them to be satisfactory . citkla: tredicke , Chairman Earl Clymer 0 j's OtE111h oss, Jul_ 2 1915 Charles Delaurenti e 9* • c n f , et Renton City Council 7/7/7.5 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Comprehensive preserve open space, provide for the mitigation of loss of wildlife Plan Revision habitat and to provide recreational opportunities for citizens of com- Continued munity. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER DOCUMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Councilmen present. AUDIENCE Mrs. Patricia Seymour, 2534 Burnett Court S. , urged adoption of the P.U.D. COMMENT Planned Unit Development) Ordinance as it would allow greater efficiency, retention of existing vegetation by developer, as pertains to rezones and preliminary plats such as two earlier agenda items. Mrs. Seymour also urged Council to reconsider action concerning revision of Comprehensive Plan and set public hearing. Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th, inquired re drawing of numbers for Council positions and was given copy of applicable State law by the City Clerk, advising filing period commenced July 28. Mr. L. Traverso, 519 Cedar Ave. S. , inquired re action taken on complaint filed against 518 and 504 Cedar Ave. S. properties being overrun with blackberries, weeds, etc. and dilapidated. Public Works Director Gonnason explained processing under Dangerous Building Code, that foreclosure procedure pending on one of the properties, however, assured action being taken. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF CITY POLICY ON PIPE STEM LOTS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, history of the P.U.D. ordinance was discussed. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman presented Chairman's report regarding the Committee Report regular 6/24 committee meeting recommending the Council authorize execution by Mayor and Clerk of proposed lease agreement with Airport Eastside Specialties to lease 85,200 feet of property on the east side of Renton Development Municipal Airport, remove three existing dilapidated hangar structures Proposal , for ultimate replacement with 29 units. The proposed lease agreement Airport would provide for 20-yr. term commencing 8/1/75, 10-yr. renewal option, Specialties rental rate of $.08 per sq. ft. per year with five year adjustments, Phase I construction to begin within 150 days from execution date, three year total completion date. The committee further recommended posting of performance bond during each phase, improvement of adjoining taxiways, participation in total cost of providing sanitary sewer facilities to leased premises in the event deemed necessary, and Planning Department review of site plan and setbacks . The report noted approval by consul- tant preparing Airport Master Plan and approval of developer's financial statements by Finance Director. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF AVIATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN'S REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report concur- Committee Report ing in the recommendation of the Public Works Department that the low bid submitted by Kaiser Aluminum in amount of $11 ,279.45 be accepted for Corrugated Pipe corrugated metal pipe (bid opening reported earlier, tabulation attached) . Bid Award The report also recommended that the Utilities Division be authorized to order the material for Springbrook Storm Sewer ByPass. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Springbrook SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Public Works Storm Sewer Director Gonnason explained '72 Springbrook wash out, agreement being ByPass reached with Kent School District, King County and the City regarding restoration. MOTION CARRIED. Finance Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee Committee Report report recommending the City accept bid of Seattle Northwest Securities, LID LID 274 CBD 274 bond sale in amount of $121 ,344.19 and 74% interest. The report Bonds recommended referral to the Legislation Committee for ordinance and Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign agreement. Letter agreement from Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation, Seattle, offered to pur- chase $121 ,344.19 Local Improvement District No. 274, Bond Issue with bonds dated 8/1/75 maturing on or before 8/1/87 annual interest 7 1/2%. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Renton Planning Commission Meeting June 25 , 1975 Page Eleven Charles Guy , 3101 S . E . 5th , Renton , indicating that he had lived in the area for thirty years , spoke in support of the operation and stated that the gravel pit was there , when he moved into the area . He said it was his opinion that Mr. Edwards had the right to make a living off of his property , inasmuch as there are other gravel pits and a garbage dump in the vicinity . He disagreed that dust , dirt , and grime were a problem and that his property had decreased in value , based on the increase in taxes . In response to questioning by Commissioner Teegarden , Mr. Guy stated that the housing development had been built during World War II by the government to assist war workers . Joyce Scott , 3609 S . E . 6th P1 . , Renton , stated that it was not their intention to stop Mr . Edwards from having a business but that they were concerned regard- ing the wooded hillside and meadow area and the animals living there . With regard to the Maplewood Highway , she agreed that there was a lot of traffic at peak hours and on weekends , but that for the most part it is a quiet area and a pleasant place to live . Dan Kingray , 3401 S . E. 7th , Renton , stating that he felt that no one has really given consideration to some of Mr. Edwards ' problems , suggested that a statement of worth relative to the parcel of land be provided . With reference to the matter of runoff, he indicated that he had not noticed any from the property but cited the problem created from the development of the Fairwood area , and therefore he questioned the wisdom of terracing . He said the residents were there with regard to the Val - ley wall , feeling that the operation should be restricted to the center of the property , and that extention of the operation would abut against residential property . Mae Hull , 3428 S . E . 5th , Renton , noting that her husband is a victim of emphysema , stated that the dust does bother him. She also cited unmaintained rental homes owned by Mr . Edwards in the area , including the house next door to their home . Joe Wilson , 3009 S . E . 5th , Renton , stated that seven years ago Mr. Edwards cut the trees down on his site , creating a runoff down that hill . He said his fireplace was affected by the runoff in that it had sunk four to six inches . He requested that the gravel pit be confined to the top of the hill . Commissioner Teegarden stated that in connection with remarks made regarding the Cedar River , he wished to advise the people that the Commission has received a letter from the Public Works Department expressing con- cern over the effects to the River and that would cer- tainly be taken into consideration by the Commission and indicated that the City recognizes the concern . Noting that this is the first hearing on this matter under the Mining , Excavation and Grading Ordinance , Mr. Teegarden said it was his feeling that it would take time to evaluate the application . Chet Hawes , 3121 S . E. 6th , Renton , cited an accident that had occurred the previous winter due to the effects of the Rainier Sand and Gravel trucks traversing the Maple- wood Highway enroute to Earlington and creating hazardous conditions . r r Renton Planning Commission Sip Meeting June 25 , 1975 Page Twelve June Stack , 3018 S. E . 5th Street, Renton , indicated that at least nine of Mr. Edwards ' houses have been torn down due to neglect and stated that others should also be removed for that reason . Noting other items on the agenda , the Chairman invited discussion, from the Commission relative to consideration . of other applications prior to acceptance of further pub- lic input regarding the Edwards ' application . Discussion followed with the Commissioners noting that final action could not be taken until after review of the Environmental Impact Assessment. The suggestion was made by Commissioner Mola that the neighborhood select a spokes - man for the group . ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY MOLA, THAT THE JOHN C. EDWARDS APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AN EXISTING GRAVEL AND SAND EXCAVATING OPERATION IN AN. S-1 ZONE BE CONTINUED AND REFERRED TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR STUDY ALONG WITH THE STAFF WITH THE UNDER- STANDING THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION FEELS THAT NO ACTION CAN BE TAKEN UNTIL AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED. Discussion followed , and it was noted that when the issue of an Environmental Impact Assessment is settled , a com- mittee meeting can be called , a date set for the next pub- lic hearing , and interested parties invited . On the question , MOTION CARRIED. A recess was declared at 12 : 07 a . m. with the meeting resumed at 12 : 15 a . m. All Commissioners noted above were present. SITE ,APPROVAL: E AIRPORT SPECIALTIES ; Appl . No . SA-829-75 ; site approval for Aircraft Hangars in a P- 1 zone and Cedar River Water- way ; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to the Cedar River. The Planning Director noted that pursuant to the request of the Airport Director , consideration of the application should be continued to the July 9th administrative meeting to allow study by the Council Aviation Committee relative to the Shore- line Master Plan . The Chairman asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to comment . Several comments were received with regard to the effect of the development on public access to the Cedar River , to which the Planning Director responded that the area is presently not a public access area . Mark Iozzio , 255 - 1st Ave . N . W. , Issaquah , indicating that he came as a representative of a group that uses the area for jogging , stated 'that they wish to make the Commission aware that the proposal falls within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act and requested that he be notified of a future public hearing . ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY RIVILY, THAT THE APPLICATION BE CONTINUED TO THE JULY 9TH ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING MEETING 11Il1IE MEETING #111-75/JUNE 24, 1975 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Francis Holman, Barbara Lally, Roger Peterson, John Qualls and Gary Smith. CITY STAFF PRESENT James C. Hanson, Developmental Services Division; Mary Pringle, Recording Secretary. 1, CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Adjustment was called to order by Chairman Lally at 8:00 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE As no flag was available in the room in which the meeting was held, it was necessary to omit the flag salute. 3. ROLL CALL The secretary called the roll. All members were present with the exception of CAMPANELLA and SWANIGAN, who had conflicting appointments, and QUALLS, who arrived a short time later. ACTION: Motion made by HOLMAN, 6eeonded by SMITH, that the absent memben.6 be excused. MOTION CARRIED. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: Motion made by SMITH, eeeonded by HOLMAN, that the minutes 06 the May 20, 1975 meeang be appnoved as p,^u,nted. LALLY and PETERSON abstained from voting on the motion, having missed the May 20th meeting. MOTION CARRIED. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED a) V-267-75 JAMES PAULSON and G. ST. GERMAINE request variances to construct addition to building within required 20' side yard and reduce parking aisle width; property located in the vicinity of 865 Lind Avenue S.W. , Renton Continued from May 20, 1975 meeting. Mr. Hanson explained that hearing had been continued to allow time to obtain additional information, including City Attorney's opinion on legality of Board taking action on the application. He advised that two memoranda had been re- ceived from the City Attorney's office and briefly summarized contents of both. He also advised that the matter would be before the Planning Commission at their meeting the following night and that the applicant wanted action by the Board of Adjustment deferred until after the Planning Commission hearing. ACTION: Motion made by HOLMAN, b ee.onded by PETERSON, that Board de6ex heaAin.g until. the next scheduled meeting. Roll call vote followed. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMEivi PUBLIC HEARING MEETING MEETING #111-75/JUNE 24, 1975 PAGE TWO b) V-268-75 JAMES W. SPENCER requests variance to construct patio cover within required rear yard; property located in the vicinity of 2733 Aberdeen Avenue N.E. , Renton Mr. Hanson advised the Board that applicant had planned to be out of town this week and as the meeting scheduled for the previous week had to be postponed he had requested that the hearing on his application be deferred until the next monthly meeting. He read the letter dated June 20, 1975 from Mr. Spencer re- questing the deferment. ACTION: Motion made by HOLMAN, 4eeonded by SMITH, that hearing be desenh.ed until .the next s eheduted meeti.ng. Roll call vote followed. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. c) CUP-269-75 DERRICK D. MacLURG requests conditional use permit to locate temporary display building for two year period; property located in the vicinity of 710 Rainier Avenue South, Renton The Chairman opened the public hearing. Mr. Hanson read applicant's answers to questions on the application, advised that Mr. MacLurg was lessee of property, described present use of the property, and pointed out on a plot plan the pro- posed location of the display building. He advised that the Planning Department had made recommendation that the request be denied and that the Building Division concurred with that recommendation. He then showed slides of the property. Mr. Wesley Busch was present to speak in behalf of the application. He advised that he was the one who wished to place the building on land leased by Mr. MacLurg and had received permission to do so if the conditional use permit were granted. He pointed out the proposed location of the building between O.K. Tire Store and Renton Concrete Products, explained parking area for the two businesses, indicating the display building would not take away any parking, pointed out the three driveways available for egress and ingress, and advised that the building he wished to locate on the property met all City codes. The Board questioned Mr. Busch regarding why this' particular location was desired, the method of securing the building in place, its proximity to the existing telephone booth on the property, and questioned Mr. Hanson regarding square foot- age of the property and distance between various buildings and regarding various types of parking facilities and driveways. The public portion of the hearing was closed. ACTION: Motion made by HOLMAN, .seconded by SMITH, that .the coed tionat use petuni t be granted Sots a pet iod oS six months with the p&ovis.ion that the Board wooed, iS &equested, review the app1Leation at the end oS the .six month pet od Sots a poss.ib.2e extension. Roll call vote followed. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. OLD BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS The Chairman suggested that consideration should be given to changing the meeting date, now scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month, as it had become diffi- cult to obtain a quorum. Discussion ensued regarding dates suitable for all members. ACTION: Motion made by HOLMAN, a eeonded by SMITH, that the monthly meeting of the Board be changed to the oun th Tuesday. Roll call vote followed. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING MEETING MEETING #111-75/JUNE 24, 1975 PAGE THREE 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS None. 9. ADJOURNMENT The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:36 P.M. iv ames C. Hanson, Secretary Renton Board of Adjustment APPROVED 2 7s- ) 6Af te Ot, S'44"01(--I).‘, 610( ceorsiot 7J d 1 4 f—{1'M C,C (t5 F rite rz THE CITY OF RENTON sii.R 8 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 Op o AVERYGARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT O Q 235 - 2550 A)- CO SEP11-' MEMORANDUM June 13 , 1975 TO: Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney ' FROM: Michael L. Smith Assistant Planner RE: Jurisdiction Within Cedar River Commercial Waterway Attached for your review and response are plans for a proposed hangar facility along the East side of the Renton Airport, and adjacent to the Cedar River. It was initially thought that this was within the P- 1 zoning of the Airport and therefore would be reviewed by the Planning Commission . However, after more de- tailed study, the location was determined to be out- side of the Airport Zoning boundary designated on the zoning map . What would be the zoning of the area in question which is part of the Cedar River Commercial Waterway? Does the P-1 zoning extend to the middle of the Waterway similar to a public right-of-way? In any event both the Waterway and the Airport are owned by the City . Whose jurisdiction would the review of the proposed plan come under within the City Govern- ment? The applicant has already submitted an appli - cation for a Substantial Development Permit pursuant to the State Shoreline Act. Thank You. 1 Ii71 wL' 11.1 lip LIM AIRPORT SPECIALTIES SITE APPROVAL CO Ail in lu PL 4 alp OWN 113 Olt en cm cm VU so no 53 CC Li Til Mm r ,_tz 6_1 MY 660 rn JUNIOR SITE APPROVAL :- AIRPORT SPECIALTIES ; Site Approval for Aircraft Hangers in D P-1 zone ; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to th8 Cedar River. Appl . No . SA-829-75 APPLICANT AIRPORT SPECIALTIES TOTAL AREA ± 2 _ l acres dROdPRINCIPALACCESSPerimeter EXI5l {NG ZONING p l and Cedar River Waterway EXISTING USE Vacant PROPOSED USE Aircraft Hangers COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLANpubliC Use District & Recreational Green U8 | t Area . COMMENTS 116- LIV 11 ' V THE CITY OF RENTON z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 AVERYGARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT O 235 - 2550 04Tf0 SEPS- O MEMORANDUM June 13, 1975 TO: Warren Gonnason Public Works Director FROM: Michael L. Smith Assistant Planner RE : Proposed Miantenance Dredging Cedar River Waterway Pursuant to our telephone conversation June Ei , 1975 , we have contacted D. O. E . , and Department of Fisheries re- garding the subject project. Roy Bishop at D. O. E . said that the dredging portion of the project would be exempt under the Shoreline Act as normal maintenance and is necessary to protect property from damage by the ele- ments . However, deposition of the spoils near the Cedar River would require a Shoreline Permit. Both exemption and permit forms are available in this Department. We also talked to Joe Robel of the State Fisheries Depart- ment . He inidcated that a Hydraulics Permit from them would be required and expressed concern about the scope and timing of the project. An Army Corps Permit will also be required for the project . If we can be of any further assistance , please contact this Department. Thank You . MLS : rh x:. JyIJ r 1)( twi') f _11L•C' 4G..sG.tw'e" ?`?3 CanaifY161 'y!a; `a fc'd p Ste- - l f1 G,. Ir p , ` R; 4 Fy J JG`J b r1tiv. µ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2n DESIGN ENGINEERING 235 -2631 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 0 4 00 May 29, 1975aSEPT AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR Planning Department Reference: Letter of Application Gentlemen: The City of Renton herewith requests permit to remove sedimentary deposit from the bed of the Cedar River in the City from the Logan Bridge to the outfall in Lake Washington, a distance approximately 1.5 miles. The water- way has been partially restricted due to extensive accumulation of sand, silt and debris during the past two years which might present a hazardous condition. We are desirous to dredge the waterway in sections throughout the next three to five years as required to restore the waterway to the required hydraulic capacity, and provide adequate characteristic flow. The material will be removed by the City forces utilizing dragline and operated clam shell equipments. This work will be performed in accordance with the "Work in Navigable Waters" regulation during the appropriate time. Enclosed, please find a sketch describing the area affected. We would appreciate it if you expedite this permit to allow the City to perform a portion of the dredging during the month of June 1975. All other permits and applications are being sought. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yo xis, arren C. Gonnason, P.E. Q F RFCPublicWorksDirector RECFNED )•o MHT:sn 4 1975 9 lv= 2/ NG DEPP Renton Planning Commission Meeting June 11 , 1975 Page Eleven SITE APPROVALS: E, AIRPORT SPECIALTIES; Appl . No . SA-829-75 ; site approval for Aircraft Hangars in a P- 1 zone and Cedar River Waterwax; property located in the Renton Municipal Airport adjacent to the Cedar River. The undeveloped approximate two acre site located pri - marily in the Cedar River Waterway and partially in a P- 1 zone was noted by the Assistant Planner. The opinion of the City Attorney is being sought with regard to appro- priate zoning and controls in that area . The proposal is for construction of two hangar facilities . The request also falls under the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Manage- ment Act. A brief discussion followed , and Commissioner Scholes requested, that the matter of a vested right to a public right-of-way be referred to the City Attorney. Commis- sioner Teegarden suggested review by the Council Airport Committee , and Commissioner Wik inquired if the private company had agreements to lease the space . F. HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF CHRIST; Appi . No . SA-830-75 ; Site Approval to construct a church in a GS- 1 zone; prop- erty located on the N. E. corner of N . E. 10th Ave . and Monroe Ave. N. E. The proposal to construct a church on an approximate three acre site in a single family residential district was des- cribed by Mr . Smith . It was noted that there were other church facilities to the north and east. Natural character- istics .of the site were discussed , and it was stated by the Assistant Planner that the church plans to preserve as many of the evergreens as possible . The plot plan , including parking , structures and circulation was described . Planned access from N . E. 10th was discussed in view of no improvements on the street . It was agreed that the staff would explore the possibility of access off Monroe in view of the above . Further discussion ensued with regard to this type of development in a single family residential area , possible height restrictions , and topographical conditions . G. ALASKA FISH FERTILIZER CO. ;. Appl . No . SA-831-75 ; Site Approval for a warehouse addition in an M-P zone ; property located at 865 Lind Ave . S. W. The approximate one acre site located in Earlington Indus- trial Park north of N. E. 10th on Lind Avenue was described by the Assistant Planner . It was noted that there is an existing warehouse/office facility on the property and that a new addition for additional warehouse space is proposed in an area that would eliminate the 20 foot rear yard set- back requirement of the M-P zone . Mr . Smith advised of previous Planning Commission approval of the facility with restrictive covenants for parking . The previous ownership included another warehouse , but a change of ownership is involved with the resulting request. Mr. Smith noted that the applicant had requested a vari - ance to construct the addition to the Renton Board of Adjust- ment but that the item had been continued for further study and also referred to the Planning Commission . Mr. Smith noted proposed installation of 16 parking stalls along the south side of the building . He advised that the matter of whether or not this is a legal use was being studied by the Assistant City Attorney at this time. 1 n Renton Planning Commission Meeting June 11 , 1975 Page Twelve WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: H. RICHARD R. REEVES; Appl . No . W-826-75 ; Request for Waiver of Off-site Improvements for a Short Subdivision ; property located on the east side of Jones Ave. N. E. approximately 500 feet north of N. E. 24th St . A waiver of off-site improvements in conjunction with a one acre short plat in the Kennydale area was described by the Assistant Planner. The property is planned for subdivision into three lots . Existing off-site improvements in the area will be reviewed by the staff. 6• ADM NISTRATIVE : A. FIELD TRIP A tentative field trip was scheduled for Monday , June 16th , at 4 : 30 p . m. B. CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL The Planning Director referred a letter from the Committee Against Unnecessary Sacrifice of the Environment (C . A. U. S . E . ) addressed to the Mayor and Members of the City Council dated June 2 , 1975 , and referred to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation back to the Council with reference to zoning and planning controls . A brief discussion fol - lowed in which it was noted that the questions and suggestions were rather broad and should be referred to the Committee-of- the-Whole with no established time limit in view of the Plan- ning Commission ' s full schedule . C. jCOMMITTEE REPORTS It was reported by Chairman Teegarden of the Community Devel - opment Committee that the main concern at this time was the resolution of the Comprehensive Plan in the Green River Valley . 1 No report was offered by the Environmental Development Com- mittee at this time. D. ELECTION OF OFFICERS It was noted that election of officers will be conducted at the June 25th public hearing in accordance with Planning Commission By-laws . E. OTHER 1 . MICROPHONE FACILITIES Commissioner Gibson requested that the microphone facili - ties in the Chambers be inspected as to possible need for maintenance , particularly those located to the right of the Chairman . He also requested that the possibility of coffee facilities in the lunchroom area during public meetings be explored. 2 . H- 1 ZONING MODIFICATIONS The Planning Director presented for Planning Commission approval data relating to hydrocarbon emissions to be included in Subsection 4-713(6) (4 ) of the proposed H- 1 l oFR. 1 f1> PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 oOQTf 44" D SEPIt AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR June 3, 1975 TO: Planning Department FROM: James C. Hanson, Developmental Services Division SUBJECT: Airport Specialties Shoreline Permit The proposed use seems compatible with the surroundings since it is located on Airport property. There seems to be no pro- vision for automobile parking on the site. The addition of a well defined public area along the river for recreation and/or fishing should tend to mitigate the im- pact of this type of use close to a waterway. JCH/mp RE AVIATION COMMITTEE Page 3 May 20 , 1975 c. East Side Development Proposal, Airport Specialties- - Me. Bennett reported tlhat since the last meeting the proposedleaseareahasbeensurveyedandstaked. Airport Specialties has reviewed a draft lease agreement prepared by the Airport staff and recommended several changes in the provisions of the agreement. These comments will be forwarded to the City Attorneyforhisreview. The Shorelines Management Permit procedurehasalreadybeeninitiated. As previously noted, VTN will review this development proposal as soon as possible. Mr. Judge indicated he would like to begin construction in August. It is estimated that the first phase of the project will take 90 days to complete. The developers ' financial statementswill be .available for review in the Airport Director's office d. Airport Restaurant Development- -The Aviation Committee,the Airport Director, and the City Attorney met with Mr. Don Lundberg last Tuesday evening to outline considerations which must be resolved before proceeding with lease negotiations . A deadline of July 27 was established for the developer to contactR. W. Dennis & Associates and initiate purchase of those leaseholdinterests . e. R. W. Dennis Lease Rent Readjustment--The Airport DirectorsubmitteU-7577WIWUTril a letter to R. W. Dennis $ Associates notifying them of the proposed new rate for the land and buildingeffectiveJune1, 1975. it was moved by COUNCILMAN DELAURENTI, seconded by COUNCILMAN CLYMER, that the Aviation Committee approvethisletterfortransmittal. MOTION CARRIED. 4. NEW BUSINESS Dominion Aircraft Corporation Request to Lease AdditionalSpace- -Mr. Matanski and his architect, Mr. Doug Mulvanny, were introduced. The secretary read Mr. Matanski's letter of May 9 expressing interest in leasing space on Apron C in the event it becomes available for an aircraft assembly facility.Dominion Aircraft Corporation currently leases the R. W. Dennis area. It was pointed out that the restaurant developer was notified that if there is any way the City can assist in relocatingthatbusiness , the City would stand ready to do so . As an alternate proposal, the Committee discussed the possibilityofdevelopingasiteontheeastsideoftheCedarRiveron a parcel of City-owned property which would include the area leased by Mr . Porter on a month-to-month basis for parking. Abridge (probably 24 feet wide) across the river would have to be constructed to provide access to an aircraft parking area, taxiways ,and runway;; The development would not require the area under lease to the State Game Department or Porter 's Marina. Dominion Aircraft anticipates a production rate of 12-15 aircraft per monthandemploymentof400-450 people at this facility. 3- 91i/90 t/ c 0e'C•/ rf'S RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING MEETING MEETING #110-75/MAY 20, 1975 PAGE THREE c) JAMES R. PAULSON and G. ST. GERMAINE request variances to construct addition to building within required 20' side yard and reduce parking aisle width; property located in the vicinity of 865 Lind Avenue S.W. , Renton The Vice-Chairman opened the public hearing. Mr. Hanson read the appliants' answers to questions on the variance application and then read a letter dated April 17, 1975 from Mr. George Mortenson to Mr. St. Germaine regarding 20' parking space purchased for parking, one dated April 21, 1975 from Mr. Geroge Kaczor regarding addition, and one from the manager of Keenan Pipe & Supply Company dated May 1, 1975 regarding availability for lease of space for park- ing. He then showed slides of the area, including applicants' building, the Central Puget Building formerly owned by Mr. Mortenson, the Keenan Pipe & Supply Company building, and pointed out where applicants wished to place addition. He advised that in 1971 a plan was presented to join the two buildings (Alaska Fish building and Central Puget building) , which was re- viewed by the Planning Commission in November of 1971, but the planned addition was never built, adding that Mortenson's building had some struc- tural failures that have now been resolved. He stated that a revised appli- cation was submitted in May of 1972 and plans submitted with that application were the way the building was constructed, noting that Planning Commission re- quired that Mr. Mortenson file restrictive covenants on this property. Mr. G. St. Germaine was present to speak in behalf of his application. He advised that he and Mr. Mortenson were partners in the original (Central Puget) building, that up until 1972 he had approval for the addition, at which time Mr. Mortenson sold his building. He added that because of his agreements with the City he had thought the addition could be constructed if he could provide additional parking space and he had negotiated a five year lease with Keenan Pipe & Supply Company for necessary parking area because that was the period the Planning Department had indicated. The Board questioned agreements with the City that had been mentioned. Mr. Hanson advised that Mr. St. Germaine stated some time ago that he wanted to construct addition to his building and the City had indicated approval if parking could be provided, not knowing the Mortenson building had been sold but thinking that the ownership was still one. Discussion followed regarding legality of sale of 20' strip of land between buildings and restrictive covenants placed on the property, and whether or not the Board could act until legal aspects cleared up. Mr. Hanson read restrictive covenant. advised that he had checked with the City Clerk and determined it had been filled, and advised the document covered the entire east 160' of Central Puget property which is part of the existing building, which he assumed was an error. He explained that applicant was going to pursue matter of having restrictive covenants removed from the deed and that if Board did grant a variance at this time the restrictive covenants would take precedence and construction could not start until they were removed. Councilman Charles Delaurenti was present in the audience. He stated he knew the applicant, knew that he is in dire need of the addition, and stated he felt if the applicant were given some time he could straighten the matter out. ACTION: Motion made by HOLMAN that heaA ng be continued .to the next negu2ah. meeting to glow time to obtain move .ingohmation as to type o4 action that can be taken and eeani4y some oti the entan.gtements . Discussion followed on the motion, the restrictive covenants and legal problems covering property and whether the Board should obtain an opinion from the City Attorney. Applicant stated he would appreciate receiving the Board's decision as soon as possible and was assured a special meeting could be held when neces- sary clarification received. As a result of the discussion HOLMAN amended his motion as follows: Move that hearing be continued on nequa t 4on vafc i.ance to avow time to 1. Detehm.i.ne who holds tease to the 20° strip o4 pn.openty. w RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING MEETING MEETING #110-75/MAY 20, 1975 PAGE FOUR 2. Obtain attonney'4 opinion o4 £egai y o4 'sate o4 20' &tk p. 3. Obtain attonney's opinion on Bowed taking action with. testnictive covenant on £and. Motion beconded by CAMPANELLA. Roll call vote followed. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. OLD BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS None. 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS None. 9. ADJOURNMENT ACTION: Motion made by Sf)ANIGAN, aeconded by HOLMAN, that .the meeting be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. e? (?!.) James C. Hanson, Secretary Renton Board of Adjustment APPROVED ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE