HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA80-038BEkIP1Ii4i OF FILE MICROFILMEDFILETITLE V w 05850 May 15, 1980 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION, APPLICANT: Renton Aviation FILE NO. SA-038-80 LOCATION: West side of Renton Municipal Airport at the northwest entrance to the airport. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant requests approval of a 37,100 square foot expansion to the existing 6,600 square foot facility to allow merging of the operations of Renton Aviation and its parent company, Robertson Aircraft. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Planning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department preliminary report was received by theREPORT: Examiner on May 2, 1980. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on May 6, 1980 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed thePlanningDepartmentreport. Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner, reviewed the report, and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1: Application File containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Site Plan as submitted Exhibit #3: Site Plan with staff comments The Examiner inquired regarding the method of calculation for parking requirements for the proposal. Mr. Blaylock advised that based on 6800 square feet of office space, 34 parking spaces would be required in accordance to the five spaces required per 1,000 square feet, and 36,900 square feet of hangar or storage space, 25 parking spaces would be required in accordance to one space required per 1500 square feet for a total of 59 required parkingspaces. The Examiner inquired if the tie-down area should be included as storage space and additional parking area required. Mr. Blaylock indicated that tie-down facilities are not addressed. The Examiner referenced Section 4-2208, Parking and Loading Ordinance, uncovered storage areas in industrial activities, which requires one parking space per2,000 square feet. Mr. Blaylock calculated that approximately 20,000 to 24,000 square feet are contained in the two tie-down areas which would require 10 additional parking spaces. The Examiner noted that the applicant's attention should be drawn to the ordinance requirement. Responding was: Charles L. Roberts General Manager, Renton Aviation 840 W. Perimeter Road Renton, WA 98055 Responding to previous comments regarding parking requirements for the tie-down areas, Mr. Roberts indicated that vehicles owned by users of the aircraft could be parked in the space vacated by the craft, and eliminate the need for additional parking requirements. Mr. Blaylock advised that with the correction provided by the Examiner to parking requirements, an additional 25 parking spaces would be required for the proposal, and to accommodate the requirement, either the hangars could be shortened or additional parking space provided in tie-down areas. The Examiner requested review of the dimensions of the parking lot areas, Lot A and Lot B. Mr. Blaylock indicated that Lot B is 60 feet by 108 feet in front and 116 feet on the west F SA-u38-80 Page Two side, and Lot A is 49 feet by 160 feet; and to meet city requirements, an existing fence must be relocated. Mr. Roberts expressed his opinion that instead of increasing, traffic on the northwest portion of the airport would decrease due to proposed relocation of machine shop and stores employees from the airport site following completion of the project. He objected to imposition of parking requirements for the tie-down areas of the proposal, and reiterated previous comments regarding availability of space for parking purposes in areas vacated by aircraft. Mr. Roberts felt that the size of Lots A and B would provide parking for 48 vehicles, and the seven remaining stalls could be provided in Lot C which could be expanded. The Examiner inquired if Rainier Avenue N. is a designated primary state highway. Mr. Blaylock was uncertain, and indicated that the matter would be researched and information provided to the Hearing Examiner following closure of the public hearing. The Examiner referenced Section 4-716 of the Zoning Code which states that all buildings, structures and uses must maintain a 20-foot setback from the lot line from a primary state highway, and it was his belief that Parcel A may be prohibited by the code requirement. Mr. Blaylock indicated that the irregular boundary of the airport may allow additional parking. Mr. Roberts advised that access to the parking lot will be provided from Perimeter Road, not Rainier Avenue N. , and a 20-foot setback exists from Rainier to the proposed parking lots. The Examiner restated the code requirement that no use may be made of 20 feet of property abutting a primary state highway. The Examiner requested further testimony in support or opposition to the application. There was no response. Since there were no further comments, the hearing regarding File No. SA-038-80 was closed by the Examiner at 9:30 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for approval of a site plan for a 37,100 square foot addition to an existing aircraft related facility. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, R.C.W. 43.21.C. , as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. 6. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 7. The subject property was part of the original plat of the City of Renton. It is part of the Renton Municipal Airport and the applicant leases the area for the proposed addition from the city. It is zoned P-1 (Public) . 8. The existing structure, originally constructed by the city, is a 6,600 square foot hangar. The application proposes expanding that structure to 43,700 square feet and plans for structures located in P-1 districts are subject to site review (Section 4-710. 3) . The permitted uses in a P-1 district do not specifically address the construction of private hangar facilities at the airport. The land is leased from the city and the structures pass into city ownership at the termination of the lease. 9. The applicant also proposes to establish a tie-down area of some 20,000 square feet for the outdoor storag e of aircraft. 10. Parking for the proposed facility is required in the following numbers: 34 parking spaces for the 6,800 square feet of office space; 25 parking spaces for the 36,900 square feet of inside storage space (hangars) ; and 10 spaces for the 20,000 square feet of tie-down area (Section 4-2208) . The applicant claims that the tie-down area could serve for parking. SA-U38-80 Page Three 11. The site plan indicates that the applicant has proposed less than the number of required parking spaces, 69 parking spaces required, and in addition, shows the applicant using land fronting and abutting along a primary state highway for parking. The applicant intends to lease this frontage area from the city to provide the additional parking. 12. The parking proposal is inconsistent with the provisions of Section 4-716(a) which requires a 20-foot setback of all uses fronting or abutting on a primary astateant e highway. Rainier Avenue N. is a designated primary state highway. has proposed locating parking for the proposed expansion within 20 feet of Rainier Avenue N. 13. The Comprehensive Plan and the Airport Master Plan both indicate that the areas in question will serve airport related functions. 14. The applicant currently uses a driveway located on land leased by Boeing for access to the site. A second means of access is located at the north end of the subject property and this access has sight clearance difficulties. The Planning Department indicated that this second access must be improved and serve as the primary access. 15. No setbacks are indicated in the proposed expansion plans whereas Section 4-710.5 requires a five foot side yard. The Planning Department indicated that if a setback is not required per the lease agreement that the southern wall meet fire and building code requirements of a four hour fire wall. 16. The airport entrance is located adjacent to the subject site and is landscaped, and the applicant has indicated schematic landscaping plans for the addition. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The site plan and expansion plans for the subject site provide for an acceptable use of the leased space in the airport, and are compatible with the Airport Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan with the exception of side yard setbacks and setbacks from Rainier Avenue N. 2. The property leased by the applicant appears to have enough acreage to permit theconstructionandrenovationoftheexistingfacilitywithsomemodifications indicated below. These modifications will limit somewhat the potential for future expansion. The parking proposed along the Perimeter Road cannot infringe on the 20-foot setback required by Section 4-716(a) which prohibits any use of that 20 feet. The plans should therefore be so modified to maintain that required setback. Parking may be located directly on the site. 3. Section 4-710.5, specifying side yard requirements, rather than the lease, is controlling, and therefore, a minimum five foot side yard is required between the Boeing property to the south and the proposed structure. 4. The tie-down areas qualify as uncovered storage space, and therefore, Section 4-2208.e of the Parking and Loading Ordinance requiresthat the owners ofarkingaaircraft for acan2 000 park in feet of area. The applicant's suggestiontheiraircraft's tie-down space ignores that fact that temporary parking must beprovidedbetweenthetimetheyarriveandmovetheirrespectiveairplanesandrepark the car. The reverse is true upon landing the aircraft and return of the aircraft to its tie-down location. 5. The landscaping treatment of the subject site should be coordinated to conform totheexistinglandscapingoftheentrancetotheairporttowhichthesubjectsite is adjacent. Parking areas should be landscaped as required by the Parking and Loading Ordinance. 6. The Boeing driveway which serves both the subject site and the Boeing faccilitysisinsufficienttoserveastheprimaryaccesstothesubjectsiteandmay at Boeing's option; therefore, the northern driveway should be improved to city standards and the sight problems associated with that driveway should be mitigated. 7. While the P-1 district does not outright permit the use proposed by the applicant,t in e on of th that is hangar and aircraft relate caft would be serviced aYrces, it is pandlstoredhatcthatlfacility Renton Municipal Airport that An airport generally contains and has commonly associated with it hangars, tie own areas, etc. ng A,itcpant - A ttc.act aA nand an watet vthat i4 c chaffing dg6c" pa I eg aneAL and and takea.6 A 06 a i kp.eanez and Aan neee c 38-80 Page Four calLgo and ,that wsuatey hao Saci.Q,itiv, 60AL the 4he -tek, 44upp!y and hepa,uc os p.eaneA. (Webster's Dictionary) Therefore, the proposed use should be permitted. DECISION: The site plan is approved subject to the following: 1. The provision of a five foot side yard along the south property line of the leasehold. 2. The maintenance of the required twenty foot buffer along Rainier Avenue N. 3. The provision of parking for a minimum of 69 automobiles, that number to depend on the ultimate size of the office, hangars, and tie-down areas per the requirements of the Parking and Loading Ordinance. 4. The installation of landscaping subject to the approval of the Planning Department prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. 5. The improvement of the north access to the subject site to improve sight clearance and subject to approval of the Public Works Department. ORDERED THIS 15th day of May, 1980. Fred J. Ka man Land Use He ring Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 15th day of May, 1980 by Affidavit of Mailing to the party of record: Charles L. Roberts, General Manager, Renton Aviation, 840 W. Perimeter Road, Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED THIS 15th day of May, 1980 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Michael Hanis, Planning Commission Chairman Ron Nelson, Building Division Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before May 29, 1980. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen 14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements . Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said department. f k FF r c E 2 rru AFFIDAVIT is° In 484 - ' both, FtL wawj I , Ronald L. Lien being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 4th. day of April 19 80 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Ax9/ Name of Notary ub is Signature of Owner) E 7 f-( P 840 West Perimeter Road A ress) Address) c267. 0 c) S Renton, Washington 98055 City) State) 255-1422 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been foun thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the s Er ulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the - a \ çs , application . Date Receive V 80 19 By: I 44/' ING DCY Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 I OF RED THE CITY OF RENTONU *$ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 Z o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER A09 P FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235 -2593 9TEO SEP1 May 30, 1980 Mr. Charles L. Roberts General Manager, Renton Aviation 840 W. Perimeter Road Renton, WA 98055 RE: File No. SA-038-80; Renton Aviation; Site Approval . Dear Mr. Roberts: This is to notify you that the above referenced request , which was approved subject to conditions as noted on the Examiner's report of May 15, 1980, has not been appealed within the time period established by ordinance. Therefore, this application is considered final and is being submitted to the City Clerk effective this date for permanent filing. If we can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely, 4-14.1 K:31•""'" Fred J . Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: Planning Department City Clerk OF RA, o THE CITY OF RENTON 40 ® Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ma BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 co- 235 - 2550 0, 9gT D SEP-C°° MEMORANDUM May 8 , 1980 TO : Fred J . Kaufman, Hearing Examiner FROM : Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director 1 By : Roger J . Blaylock , Associate Planner RE : RAINIER AVENUE/RENTON AVIATION Following up your request of Tuesday, May 6th during the public hearing for Renton Aviation , it has been determined that Rainier Avenue North is designated a primary state high- way and is given the official number of SR 167 . RJB ; sh RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER MAY 91980 AM PM 718,9,%11,)211,2,3.4,5.6 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J. Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 15th day of may 19 80 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. a4(4.1,2 Subscribed and sworn this \ day of 19 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: Renton Aviation; SA-038-80 The minutes contain a £Ast the patties necond) May 15, 1980 I OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EX AM I NER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION APPLICANT: Renton Aviation FILE NO. SA-038-80 LOCATION: West side of Renton Municipal Airport at the northwest entrance to the airport. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant requests approval. of a 37,100 square foot expansion '- to the existing 6,600 square foot facility to allow merging of , the operations of Renton Aviation and its parent company, Robertson Aircraft. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Planning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department preliminary report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on May 2, 1980. I , PUBLIC HEARING:• After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on May 6, 1980 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. It was reported' that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the. Planning Department report. Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner, reviewed the report, and entered the following exhibits into the record: ' Exhibit #1: Application File containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Site Plan as submitted Exhibit. #3: Site Plan with staff comments The Examiner inquired regarding the method of calculation for parking requirements for the proposal. Mr. Blaylock advised ,that based on 6800 square feet of office space, 34 parking spaces would be required in accordance to the five spaces required per 1,000 square feet, and 36,900 square feet of hangar or storage space, 25 parking spaces would be required in accordance to one space required per 1500 square feet for a total of ,59,required parking spaces. The Examiner inquired if the tie-down area should be included as storage space " • and additional parking area required. Mr. Blaylock indicated that tie-down facilities are not addressed. The Examiner referenced Section 4-2208, Parking and Loading Ordinance, uncovered storage areas in industrial activities, which requires one parking space per 2,000 square feet. Mr. Blaylock calculated that approximately 20,000 to 24,000 square feet are contained in the two tie-down areas which would require 10 additional parking spaces. The Examiner noted that the applicant's attention should be drawn to the ordinance requirement. Responding was: Charles L. Roberts General Manager, Renton Aviation 840 W. Perimeter Road Renton, WA 98055 I Responding to previous comments regarding parking requirements for the tie-down areas, Mr. Roberts indicated that vehicles owned by users of the aircraft could be parked in the space '• vacated by the craft, and eliminate the need for additional parking requirements. Mr. Blaylock advised that with the correction provided by the Examiner to parking requirements, an additional 25 parking spaces would be required for the proposal, and to accommodate the requirement, either the hangars could be shortened or additional parking, space prodded in tie-down areas. The Examiner requested review of the dimensions of the parking lot areas, Lot A and Lot B. Mr. Blaylock 'indicated that Lot B is 6,0, feet by 108 feet in front and 116 feet on the west;.;,:. SA-038-80 Page Two side, and Lot A is 49 feet by 160 feet; and to meet city requirements, an existing fence must be relocated. Mr. Roberts expressed his opinion that instead of increasing, traffic on the northwest portion of the airport would decrease due to proposed relocation of machine shop and stores employees from the airport site following completion of the project. He objected to imposition of parking requirements for the tie-down areas of the proposal, and reiterated previous comments regarding availability of space for parking purposes in areas vacated by aircraft. Mr. Roberts felt that the size of Lots A and B would provide parking for 48 vehicles, and the seven remaining stalls could be provided in Lot C which could be expanded. The Examiner inquired if Rainier Avenue N. is a designated primary state highway. Mr. Blaylock was uncertain, and indicated that the matter would be researched and information provided to the Hearing Examiner following closure of the public hearing. The Examiner referenced Section 4-716 of the Zoning Code which states that all buildings, structures and uses must maintain a 20-foot setback from the lot line from a primary state highway, and it was his belief that Parcel A may be prohibited by the code requirement. Mr. Blaylock indicated that the irregular boundary of the airport may allow additional parking. Mr. Roberts advised that access to the parking lot will be provided from Perimeter Road, not Rainier Avenue N. , and a 20-foot setback exists from Rainier to the proposed parking lots. The Examiner restated the code requirement that no use may be made of 20 feet of property abutting a primary state highway. The Examiner requested further testimony in support or opposition to the application. There was no response. Since there were no further comments, the hearing regarding File No. SA-038-80 was closed by the Examiner at 9:30 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for approval of a site plan for a 37,100 square foot addition to an existing aircraft related facility. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, R.C.W. 43.21.C. , as •amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. 6. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 7. The subject property was part of the original plat of the City of Renton. It• is part of the Renton Municipal Airport and the applicant leases the area for the proposed addition from the city. It is zoned P-1 (Public) . 8. The existing structure, originally constructed by the city, is a 6,600 square foot hangar. The application proposes expanding that structure to 43,700 square feet and plans for structures located in P-1 districts are subject to site review (Section 4-710.3) . The permitted uses in a P-1 district do not specifically address the construction of private hangar facilities at the airport. The land is leased from the city and the structures pass into city ownership at the termination of the lease. 9. The applicant also proposes to establish a tie-down area of some 20,000 square feet for the outdoor storag e of aircraft. 10. Parking for the proposed facility is required in the following numbers: 34 parking spaces for the 6,800 square feet of office space; 25 parking spaces for the 36,900 square feet of inside storage space (hangars) ; and 10 spaces for the 20,000 square feet of tie-down area (Section 4-2208) . The applicant claims that the tie-down area could serve for parking. a t ; • SA-.,o8-80 Page Three 11. The site plan indicates that the applicant has proposed less than the number of required parking spaces, 69 parking spaces required, and in addition, shows the applicant using land fronting and abutting along a primary state highway for . parking. The applicant intends to lease this frontage area from the city to provide the additional parking. 12. The parking proposal is inconsistent with the provisions of Section 4-716(a) which requires a 20-foot setback of all uses fronting or abutting on a primary state highway. Rainier Avenue N. is a designated primary state highway. The applicant , has proposed locating parking for the proposed expansion within 20 feet of Rainier Avenue N. 13. The Comprehensive Plan and the Airport Master Plan both indicate that the areas in question will serve airport related functions. 14. The applicant currently uses a driveway located on land leased by Boeing for access to the isite. A second means of access is located at the north end of the subject property and this access has sight clearance difficulties. The Planning Department indicated that this second access must be improved and serve as the primary access. 15. No setbacks are indicated in the proposed expansion plans whereas Section 4-710.5 requires a five foot side yard. The Planning Department indicated that if a setback is notlrequired per the lease agreement that the southern wall meet fire and building code requirements of a four hour fire wall. 16. The airport entrance is located adjacent to the subject site and is landscaped, and the applicant has indicated schematic landscaping plans for the addition. CONCLUSIONS• 1. The site plan and expansion plans for the subject site provide for an acceptable use of the leased space in the airport, and are compatible with the Airport Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan with the exception of side yard setbacks and setbacks from Rainier Avenue N. 2.. The property leased by the applicant appears to have enough acreage to permit the construction and renovation of the existing facility with some modifications indicated below. These modifications will limit somewhat the potential for future. expansion. The parking proposed along the Perimeter Road cannot infringe on the 20-foot setback required by Section 4-716(a) which prohibits any use of that 20 feet. The plans should therefore be so modified to maintain that required setback. Parking may be located directly on the site. 3. Section 4-710.5, specifying side yard requirements, rather than the lease, is controlling, and therefore, a minimum five foot side yard is required between the Boeing ;property to the south and the proposed structure. 4. The tie-down areas qualify as uncovered storage space, and therefore, Section 4-2208.3.0 of the Parking and Loading Ordinance requires one parking space for each 2,000 square feet of area. The applicant's suggestion that the owners of aircraft can park in their aircraft's tie-down space ignores that fact that temporary parking must be provided between the time they arrive and move their respective airplanes and repark the car. The reverse is true upon landing the aircraft and return of the aircraft to itsltie-down location. 1 5. The landscaping treatment of the subject site should be coordinated to conform to the existing landscaping of the entrance to the airport to which the subject site is adjacent. Parking areas should be landscaped as required by the Parking and Loading Ordinance. 6. The Boeing driveway which serves both the subject site and the Boeing facility is insufficient to serve as the primary access to the subject site and may be closed at Boeing's option; therefore, the northern driveway should be improved to city standards and the sight problems associated with that driveway should be mitigated. 7. While the P-1 district does not outright permit the use proposed by the applicant, that is hangar and aircraft related facilities, it is implicit in the creation of the Renton Municipal Airport that aircraft would be serviced and stored at that facility. An airport generally contains and has commonly associated with it hangars, tie-down areas, (etc. Ai cpa r t - A ttact o6 Land on waiet that maintained San the Landing and takenSS aS a itpLane,4 and San Receiving and diAchanging pa34engex and 1\ r_ S 38-80 Page Four. catgo and ,that ubuaUy haz 4ac,Lat..ez {soh :the isheLten., bup))PU trod nepa.vc o S peane4. (Webster's Dictionary) Therefore, the proposed use should be permitted. DECISION: The site plan is approved subject to the following: 1. The provision of a five foot side yard along the ,south property line ref the leasehold. 2. The maintenance of the required twenty foot buffer along Rainier Avenue N. 3. The provision of parking for a minimum of 69 automobiles, that number to depend on the ultimate size of the office, hangars, and tie-down areas per the requirements of the Parking and Loading Ordinance. 4. The installation of landscaping subject to the approval of the Planning Department prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. 5. The improvement of the north access to the subject site to improve sight clearance and subject to approval of the Public Works Department. ORDERED THIS 15th day of May, 1980. ANJ Fred J. Ka man Land Use He ring Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 15th day of May, 1980 by Affidavit of Mailing to the party of record: Charles L. Roberts, General Manager, Renton Aviation, 840 W. Perimeter Road, Renton, WA 98055 . TRANSMITTED THIS 15th day of May, 1980 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Michael Hanis, Planning Commission Chairman Ron Nelson, Building Division Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before May 29, 1980. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen ' 14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after ,review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said department. 4 PLll pJINE DEPI!RTMENIT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEA0' INI1 EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING MAY 6 , 1980 APPLICANT : RENTON AVIATION FILE NUMBER : SA-038-80 A . SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant ,requests approval of a 37, 100 square foot expansion to the existing 6 , 600 square foot facility to allow merging of the operations of Renton Aviation and its parent company , Robertson Aircraft. B . GENERAL. I NFORMIRATI.rNI: 1 . Owner of Record : CITY OF RENTON 2 . Applicant : RENTON AVIATION Owned by Robertson Aircraft 3 . Location : Vicinity Map Attached) West side of Renton Municipal Airport at the northwest entrance to the airport 4 . Legal Description : A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Dept . 5 . Size of Property : 6.03 acres 6 . Access :Via Rainier Avenue North 7 . Existing Zoning : P-1 , Public Use District 8 . Existing Zoning in the Area : P-1 , Publc Use District 9 . Comprehensive Land Use Plan : Public/Quasi-Public 10 . Notification : The applicant was notified in of the hearing date . Notice was properly published in the Seattle Times on April 23 , 1980 and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on April 25 , 1980 . C . HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The subject site was part of the original plat of the City of Renton . The present hangars appear to have been originally constructed by the City and remodeled by Renton Aviation in the early 1970 ' s . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : RENTON AVIATION, SA-038-80 MAY 6, 1980 PAGE TWO D. PHYSICAL ;:AE(GROUND: 1 . Topography : The subject site is essentially level east of the airport perimeter road and rises approxi- mately 10-feet on the west side of the perimeter road to Rainier Avenue North. 2 . Soils : Urban Land (Ur ) . This soil has been modified by disturbing the natural layers with the addition of fill to accommodate industry. 3 . Vegetation : All native vegetation has been removed from the site and replaced with asphalt east of the perimeter road and trees and grass west of the perimeter road . 4. Wildlife : Very little of the subject site is suitable for wildlife habitat . 5 . Water : No water is present on the subject site . 6. Land Use : Renton Aviation presently occupies a 6 , 600. square foot building on the subject site . E . tn EIGH TORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS : Most of the surrounding properties are aviation oriented , with most space utilized for hanga:rs.,. taxiways , and runways . To the north of the site is the Sunbird Restaurant . F . PUBLIC SERVICES : 1 . Water and Sewer: An 8" water line was extended along the Perimeter Road to the Sunbird Restaurant in 1977 . Sanitary sewers have existed on the site for years . The sewerage is pumped uphill to the Bryn Mawr sewer interceptor . 2 . Fire Protection : Provided by the Renton Fire Dept. per ordinance requirements. 3 . Transit : The site is serviced by METRO Transit routes on Rainier Avenue North immediately adj.acent to the site . 4 . Schools : Not applicable . 5 . Recreation : Not applicable . G . APPLICA$LE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1 . Section 4-710-4 , Review of Municipal Improvements . 2 . Section 4-710, Public Use District. H . APPLItCA1:,LE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL (CITY DOCUMENT: 1 . Land Use Report , 1965 , Objective 6 , page 18 . 2 . Airport Comprehensive Plan, February, 1978 . I . IMPACT OF THE NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT : 1 . Natural Systems : Minor . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : RENTON AVIATION, SA-038-80 MAY 6, 1980 PAGE THREE 2 . Population/Employment : Minor - Robertson Aircraft presently operates at the Municipal Airport. This expanded facility only slightly increases employment opportunities . 3 . Schools : Not applicable . 4. Social : Not applicable . 5 . Traffic : The Renton Aviation facility creates an additional 2200 trips which represents a 12% increase on Rainier Avenue North. J . ENVIRONMENTALENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINPJTION: Pursuant to the City of Renton ' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended , RCW 43-21C , a declaration of non-significance was issued by the Environmental Review Committee on April 9 , 1980 . The period for appeal expired on April 30th, without appeal . K . AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED : 1 . City of Renton Building Division. 2 . City of Renton Engineering Division. 3 . City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division . 4. City of Renton Utilities Engineering . 5 . City of Renton Fire Department . L . PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS : 1 . The subject proposal is consistent with the pubic use designation of the land use element of the City ' s Comprehensive Plan , the existing zoning and the Airport Master Plan . III 2 . The subject proposal is the expansion of the existing Renton Aviation building of approximately 6,600 square feet to a building of 43, 700 square feet. The structure will include space for both Renton Aivation and Robert Aircraft , the parent firm of Renton Aviation . The subject site plans suggest the addition of 4 light airplane hangars in the future . The applicant will need to submit specific site plans for public hearing and Hearing Examiner approval at the time of construction . 3. Both water and sewer are available on site . Fire hydrants are located at the northwest and southeast corners of the building . 4 . The subject site plan shows parking off the leased site . The City of Renton can lease additional areas to provide only 28 of the necessary 55 parking spaces . On-site parking will have to provide 31. parking spaces to fulfill ordinance requirements . The subject site plan shows only 16 parking spaces east of the Perimeter Road . An additional 15 parking spaces will have to be provided on site . It is possible to locate the necessary parking where the future light airplane hangars are shown . r PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : RENTON AVIATION, SA-038-80 MAY 6, 1980 PAGE FOUR 5 . Schematic landscaping is shown on the site plans. The airport entrance on Rainier Avenue North is presently landscaped . Detailed plans should be approved by the Planning Department at the time of building permit applications . 6 . The site plan does not show access to the parking on site . Access appears to be across Boeing Company ' s leased property to the south. Another entrance should be located north of the proposed building in the vicinity of the proposed small airplane hangars . 7 . The building is shown located on the southern lease line . The leases do not require setbacks therefore the southern wall should be constructed to meet the building and fire codes . M. DEPARTMENTAL iDATH 5: It is recommended that the request for site plan approval , File Number SA-038-80, as requested by RENTON AVIATION be approved subject to the following conditions : 1 . Leasing of additional property west of the Airport Perimeter Road from the Cityof Renton to provide 28 parking spaces. 2 . Revision of the site plan to include 11 additional parking spaces on the east side of the Airport Perimeter Road . 3 . Provision for access to the parking east of the ' Perimeter Road directly over property leased by Renton Aviation north of the proposed building. 4. Approval of landscaping plans by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of the building permit . 4 RENTON AVIATION SITE APPROVAL. 1(( \ FILE NUMBER SA-038-80 IT E PLAIIL-- e 1 11 I i 1.71.114E Kg kilA L — t1.5,Naik•.7 TIE..i.r...W kJ',.. OI 1 1 G.,r•ZAW ':.s. 7. - 4W- 1'. ,7.T.-L.. ----I-,i.,,9-.D-----•2.1:-L-2:441' 1, F4 i_________ ff 1. 1....i.:1:.-1111.e...:'1.14, :z."'..if--:-*-.-_---7-__-;-_--_=:_ jtomMP4zi- tT_. -.--------- 1--_ -.- 2.-_---;7=1 i; ti)].••- •• - t... -_:...:.7?-ff-.1..; .. c• Zi ,•gr'',..z71-° 1 ;-: .. -..-7.::....-..-71 .:-1_7 ,a . 1 • 1-....,.- _..,,: r. l.', t-; •.:„..,:i::,--.-• i'r'i"'fili!71iTi'l fl.r.'1!'! !''.1;...1!.iqq-:i!lyi fflo,ii,.f.,,;,,,,... .•-,..,-,.----------- 7--,•-i. 2.'''','_'-'--i•.`.,":::,-,.:-..,-t.,„ i.:,,-:!:,...;,.:.;:!.,:.•:: i:•.:., :%1:.::::,,, i,.•I..,::,..-,: i,-1! :,!..,,,,i.!, ... ::!:•• •::i.'!!—:.:!!..',".1= r r : .1 ''.i t;:'.:,: :i 1.:4 i!:;.L:.i.:'i.;.•!:.1; :•i'.!.:'i.;:':.!;• ' r r r• '"' .•' i ••:' •• '. • ' J I.:i';1:.,....r r 1 4. 1 .....i 0 i.'. .. i..;:' ; .'.„;.•! ;•'.:,::•;. •. . .1.‘T 4 I' d:: .':':•`''.....'''.1.4....i,.1:.i.[1.!1.1.!1.:.''ILL.i': ::i..Jo'''.1,----d. '''P 6,_4........... 1 ' . .17aPitF 1 IinT. .k'!.i'•: I 1: •. • ',:t lil 1 . W11111111111 I- • - ••••' -'. ' k-r y__._ T___\),._! I A • 79a.,2. . 1;* o,.,, Vlafr PE SJMETEIN FCZZALP, CONN. Exr,r;m1& .."-- A ilty i:".' . s......_ 1.77:. N gi.AFri 0,4. I f i I 1 i I ' t_t_iiiIIIL----'• . --_--.k ,1. i f •1 ! I ! r ! '.F-0-111 : L I I .L.1,.., I I I .-7.`i n ": • s.) J ..1 r'.1 -..._-_,) k..,-.-:-: .. •-• • 4.,.t.-..:,.•. -..- w.,..... .-:•i..--. 2..•:-.c, ...• ' 4:_„,:.4:". RENTON AVIATION SITE APPROVAL FILE NUMBER , SA-038-80 i SITE PLA CKA . 1.,..4(-5-(-,- Q .1 71• r \ WITH STAFF COMMENTS L.:...v.....!.., erx_-.E. -• 5_&±-,.s•-t--1) 1 I I i I PIANr. ....,...', e.... TIE- A w77- i f.i I P t2,_7,,,-.,, 0,4 lc,Is; I. 5 ,.•:,:!•; ... , -,-..-TT -_—_- _ i_ __,:-i I N I CS\ C-t•. k...__,. _ . .1 • 0 • •l','. F.1, .• „„.. ,I•.tt.=::••--7 - =.-f-* , ri, 1 0100111117,Kti poTiiiiwitirtrorifilij..r.;.!:,,,; -.1•14. ,:,;V:.'! :Ir.. ,1;.1,;...-:;.:1..1 '.-1,'.'•4 j 14.:k Ipt . : ., :.1-:...;. t:. i i':! •;' 4 I—.6 t . j .1 4i1',1!.!1;:j :...: ,'!:., .:.i; 1 : ';'l' '! ' i 11,•••,-„!• i,.:.„.: ‘ :.:, .. • ,, ., ..,,,..: L.- 1.1! ..,, i ,, • • i. . ; ,..„r!.-f T • ml ar:11_, s.4'1 $., „ $ ; ; , $ 1, : '.' ' :.'' ;'":;":-;•,-1--,r1-- ' 11: •: ' 1:11;1 '' • ,i. ew-!'eee.ss 1 sax.- 16 Parking Spaces t'.FcS1:17,•Ep,P.Ak!!caNa•;. ,! • .1 ti i il.g II.; • • L.. ; ii ; 1 . . - , ;...,_ 11§ Thl. . 11:‘ 1/ ..fr PER nogrio-V1-- '.'"•-.. 108-`... E 0Zr. I II s•-_- .__• .1.1.1111111110 . 16 1" REQUIRED PARKING i :....; •...,:rrtr..! \ 6,800 sq. ft. office 34 I ! .! i LOT B ss_ TOTAL 36,900 sq. ft. hangers 25 I 1 I , !la Iperking.0' 1 ‘; • 59 I Lai t 411 ' ." - .• -.-'• , OF AI -1-1 I ' Fano J li•-gi pp.se PARKING PROVIDED: N s!_'!• LOT A 17 160' • LOT B 11 1 j i ". -16 AREAS TO BE!•` 7-W4*.-Mq ‘. fiete0 Planning 12-1979 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET 1,1 Application: , ' 3 Iv i ;7 .*g' I' ''-' , :-14 ' € e)v- - . ter-45407071E 17. 1Predife 6-n5f. Location: Svc Av. Aersr .- 'a" 44'1 (414 " 111.2ee.peel / rPal:f6) Appl i cant: 11043Pr% A Vid 6tot TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: % Sr ., iQ Police Department A.R.C. MEETING DATE: ZU10414, Public Works Department r ' Engineering Division Traffic Engineering Building Division Utilities Engineering Fire Department Other) : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRI G yemia APPLICATION REV EW CONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT9 UAM. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. IF YOUR iPARTMENT/DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE TQ.A TEND THE ARC, PLEA P OV !E THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5S.UU P.M. ON IX x:; A REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7, 57/n0ce/,./t, Approved Approved with Conditions . Not Approved 46,C///lm q/ (4°'*G?f c S O "'1 t- ry / yI e s 7-( 1/--/7'C' -716' 17'e--ee-fr-7,----,/"- .D' G--/ 7/e__ /.0a7 O/^d --)mSGG'/ - Via!G//i4 Ze-7 E'-c._-s-7 L'S7 , -,-/yr7c /el.- t-- O// -I1 lU^. I l. J fM SCi1 7^^"'" uy'"L' C; nnC¢ure of Director' or Au orized Representati ' Oat i REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : le:a -64!.. Z.41-- Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved ciLda--e:____ cue) Sign ' ur cy Director or Authorized Representat, ve Date tifi o Planning 12-19-79 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: y fi'; !I+1 Location: g : a 4.140644144minte 'r i Applicant: RitmiCA Df a_".»1' f49 TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: v: ;, t. : I® Police Department A.R.C. MEETING DATE : ___r4•KPA Public Works Department Egi'neering Division Traffic Engineering' Building Division Utilities Engineering Fire Department Other) : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRI G FO HE APPLICATION R V EW CONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT V:U0 A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. IF YOUR EPARTMENT DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE T TEND THE ARC, P LEA P O EVTHECOMMENTSTOTHEPLANNINGDEPARTMENTBY5:OU P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved ge 9 8 - 0 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 1%- Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved li 7 1 y s-0SignatureofDirectororAuthorizedRepresentativen.,+,, d Wye° Planning 12-1979 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application : .''`I. ® ::i or y. 4x.,, :« ,° p. .`. ,ov if.,. el:5,211n,sle ei eine a t Location : AV. 4 Pa x .Rsw P. °®a ( 4. , icunitmeeqbAlt ltriSoel Applicant: u`IlhoC ,r% 1N4R1 a TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : s.® Police Department A. R. C. MEETING DATE : AT r/do Public Works Department y ; Engineering Division l 1 t. .\; f Traffic Engineering is Build ng Division P..,4 Utilities Engineering r , a'—p r7iJiY ='F -. Fire Department Other) : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRI I G FO HE APPLICATION REVIEW CONFERENCE. (ARC) TO BE HELD ON•; .' AT 9:OU A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. IF YOUR DEPARTMENT/DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE T A TEND THE ARC, PVPLEA E THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY b:OU P .M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : l `' - Approved ' Approved with Conditions Not Approved 77`J/c 'ci i 1/ 9L (3AJ c- / ri-Ve_-— vCrrt)S-i/`'Grp j d/ i(J c'c;A,`/1 ,'L'C'Kc_'G"-( 2G/1i-- _0 V I/ L_ --. ',' ,,' ( cr-- - 2.---1 /7 /90 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Approved Approvedpprved with Conditions Not Approved Yvt. a tJ 6111' 13, J l Signatre of Director or Authorized Representative Date FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No(s) . : SA-038-80 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-557-80 Description of proposal: Application for site approval to expand existing facility for service and maintenance of aircraft Proponent: RENTON AVIATION Location of proposal: 840 W. Perimeter Road, northwest corner of Renton Municipal Airport lead Agency: City of Renton This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on April 10, 1980 following a present..tion by Steve Munson and Dave Clemens of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Warren Gonnason, expressed need for adequate space tobe leased for parking. Gordon Y. Ericksen questioned use of parkway. Gordon Y. Erickson expressed need to address future parking requirements. All expressed likely requirements for additional traffic control devices. ECRF 's were received from the Building Division, Fire Department , and the April 8, 1980 memorandum from the Fire Department. Incorporated by reference in the record of the procedings of the ERC on application ECF-557-80 are the following: 1) Environmental . Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: Steve Munson, Assistant Planner, April 8, 1980 2) Applications: RENTON AVIATION SITE APPROVAL, SA-038-80 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Gordon Y. Ericksen proposed, all concurred. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(e) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. 4.,. ignatures: Cam- 1 , ice C r hn E. Webl 4 t i rCL.i>= .. f `rks Directs. ei'. •on Yt- " f C .k .'en, Planning irecti: jr Warren C. Gonnason, Public • rks Director OF RED o1, h, THE CITY OF RENTON ry orl Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING •200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON.WASH.98055 Is, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT yA ro• 235- 2550 0..9 O Q. gTFO sEer April 18, 1980 Rento Aviation, Inc. 840 West Perimeter Road Renton, Washington 98055 Re: APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN P-1 ZONE TO EXPAND EXISTING FACILITY FOR SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE OF AIRCRAFT , File SA-038-80 ; property located at 840 W. Perimeter Road , northwest corner of the Renton Municipal Airport Gentlemen: The Renton Planning Department formally. accepted the above mentioned application on April 10, 1980. A public hearing. before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for May 6, 1980, at 9:00 a.m. Representatives, of the applicant are asked to be present. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Planning Department , 235-2550 . Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director By :I d3 Roge J. Blay ock Associate Planner RJB:wr cc Geoff Lundquist Associates 120 Lynn St. Seattle , WA 98109 NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON , WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERE ) has issued a final declaration of non-significance for the following project : RENTON AVIATION ECF-557-80 APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN P-1 ZONE TO EXPAND EXISTING FACILITY FOR SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE OF AIRCRAFT , File SA-038-80 ; property located at 840 W . Perimeter Road , northwest corner of of Renton Municipal Airport . Further information regarding this action is available in the 'jPlanning Department , Municipal Building , Renton , Washington , 235.42550 . Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by April 30 , 1980 . , Published : April 16 , 1980 I r t4 Pa' GENE!AL LOCATION: AND, OR ADDRESS: PROPERTY LOCATED AT 840 W. PERIMETE.R ROAD, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT. I S POSTED TO NOTIFY PROPERTY OWNERS OF rh,• a, :to, Yt. TO BE HELD IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING ON MAY 6, 1980 BEGINNING AT 9 :00 A.M. I.M. CONCERNING ITEM iqr REZONE • I SPECIAL PERMIT SITE APPRSVAL I ZONE EXISTING FACILITY EXPAND IEAND SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE WA!V :: R OF AIRCRAFT 111 LINE ANAGEMENT PERK _-; . n ..r• DECLARATION OF NON—SIGNIFICANCE HAS BEEN ISSUED, FORWARD ANY APPEALS TO THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 235 2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL, RENTON , WASHINGTON, ON MAY 6 , 1980, AT 9 :00 A .M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . JOEPETE McCASLIN, APPLICATIONS FOR TWO-LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL , File 034-80, EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REGARDING USE OF AN EASEMENT FOR ACCESS AND UTILITIES , File E-035-80, AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, File W-036-80 ; property located on the west side of Union Avenue N.E . approximately 1820 feet south of N.E . 4th St . 2 . RENTON AVIATION, APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN P-1 ZONE TO EXPAND EXISTING FACILITY FOR SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE OF AIRCRAFT , File SA-038-80 ; property located at 840 W. Perimeter Road, northwest corner of the Renton Municipal Airport. Legal descriptions of files noted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department . ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 6, 1980, AT 9 :00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED : April 23, 1980 GORDON Y . ERICKSEN, RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , STEVE MUNSON , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in King County, on the 18th day of April . SIGNED: 77Z-Ge__.-z--.4rel--- FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No (s ) . : SA-038-80 Environmental Checklist No . : ECF-557-80 Description of proposal : Application for site approval to expand existing facility for service and maintenance of aircraft Proponent : RENTON AVIATION Location of proposal :840 W. Perimeter Road , northwest corner of Renton Municipal Airport Lead Agency : City of Renton This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on April 10 , 1980 following a presentation by Steve Munson and Dave Clemens of the Planning Department . Oral comments were accepted from: Warren Gonnason , expressed need for adequate space tobe leased for parking . Gordon Y. Ericksen questioned use of parkway. Gordon Y. Ericksen expressed need to address future parking requirements . All expressed likely requirements for additional traffic control devices . ECRF ' s were received from the Building Division , Fire Department , and the April 8, 1980 memorandum from the Fire Department . Incorporated by reference in the record of the procedings of the ERC on application ECF-557-80 are the following : 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet , prepared by : Steve Munson, Assistant Planner, April 8, 1980 2 ) Applications : RENTON AVIATION SITE APPROVAL , SA-038-80 3 ) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance : Gordon Y . Ericksen proposed , all concurred. Acting as the Responsible Official , the ERC has determined this development does not have significant adverse impact on the environment . An EIS is not required under RCW 43 .21C .030 ( 2 ) (c ) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. ignatures : i. .' hn E . Webl ;yr-Parks Directo ' • don Y r i k en, Planning erect. G---/Yt ge-<Jamy _ Warren C. Gonnason , Public Irks Director r , . Date circulated : y7, gV Comments due : 8 ey/ ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST RENIEW SHEET ECF - 5S7- '$D . APPLICATION No (s) . SQ-Q3S-a PROPONENT: ii;se _I bbet 4vi da'tepsi PROJECT TITLE : PTav n et.0- S e •'JQrt&j'c•e 6fri- IradeOrl BriefDescription as4o act : P otol sat- 1174 17ego .- r.Q J a.1-7,. r aw, b, i{.tpe :/ 1K1al Peed,s 4Co v S.Al"..-". n C LOCATION : 'y0 W. Pam-,'.rt e ik et- 1404(114,/eivp Mum<r),t 1 /g/%,D,-f SITE AREA: t C.O3acies BUILDING AREA (gross)t ci3t-A004160 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1) Topographic changes: X 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : X 3) Water & water courses: X 4) Plant life : X 5) Animal life: X 6) Noise : X 7) Light & glare : 4- 8) Land Use ; north: ., . Q Tit' •'Ag,,, , 7 a east : Al-p ref /Qt,v".,04.,.., •. rover tear south: $s•.-..../ grea frondb s Ism, • west : ?a i`,tr'r- ,610 e• Al Land use conflicts: MN.. gprs,.0.41- View obstruction : Nov. • - 9) Natural resources : N 10) Risk of upset: X 11) Population/Employment : X 12 ) Number of Dwellings: y 4..dy,6/r) 13) Trip ends (ITE) :_ A ITSItleir CAftereihitt peek. Driik Mr9trafficimpacts: df- „5%i 7 mtr ca-... 14) Public services: K 15) Energy :X 16) Utilities: X 17) Human health: X 18) Aesthetics: x , 19) Recreation : 20) krcheology/history :_ _ • .N. J.COMMENTS: Ole li•17 E'JC •`eSiCy*S Gtii/Uevir Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information Revie ed by : ,,g 1 Title : A/41:4-1,42.....-T Date : Q Date circulated; 7/./a/g Comments due: /tb4e5 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET EC.F -40- SD APP ICATION o(s) . S •46 38.120 PROPONENT: p,'I 4 dew aft PRO ECT TITLE:itireitaf noroute 0q4Pr*rlrc (orlS1. Brief Description of Project: H 6sc II& tistpt ereg a•4gp t r i+O Alr • c, I s'' t d LOCATION: i fir. Mi 'ff`4 e egi SITE AREA: . ,e dte rfts BUILDING AREA (gross), 411760444 i DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%): IMPACT REVIEW NONE . MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1) Topographic changes: c-- 2) Direct/Indirect air quality:r. 3) Water A water courses: 1 4) Plant life: Y 5) Animal life: 6) Noise: 7) Light & glares v 8) Land Use; north: east: south: west : Land use conflicts:tie— View obstruction: VC" 9) Natural resources: 10) Risk of upset:, 11) Population/Employment:. V 12) Number of Dwellings: 13) Trip ends (ITE) : traffic impacts: 14) Public services:1 15) Energy: v 16) Utilities: 1 c/ 17) Human health: v 18) Aesthetics: 19) Recreation: t7 gy/history, t o20) Archeolo 1f ).COMMENTS: r:-..'" fIRA ,IL .4, AM 198G 6 i Recommendation: DNS' DOSS More Information_____ E / Reviewed by: ,,`(' c.%. ' . 7/1Title: s!/ Dates d— 1 s Date circulated: frA5Oge Comments due: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ,2/ n"G'f ECF _S® • c 4 CJ7 1 1 •. APPLICATION o(s). 9•g c„, °_ ^ co : 3 s PROPONENT: 1 . t/iet 0.14 fit(: ``ti, '' etAldPROJECtTITLE: w1,t td' •vett*, k/. _.._ Brief Description of Project: If gpv ets H• ád1tP)4rPvJ4áIs?4L#., 4®rlrrAt. idditrovell al LOCATION: gy0i i. A.,1JIii .b. „ eory-wd Oetdowsdetiwy irespo quirt)isSITEAREA: , 4.62 itrvrul BUILDING AREA (gross) 9.1° 7456411 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE OS) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1) Topographic changes: 2) Direct/Indirect air quality: J 3) Water 6 water courses: 4. 4) Plant life: 5) Animal life:, _ 6) Noise: 7) Light do glare: k. 8) Land Use; north: east: south: west : Land use conflicts: View obstruction: 9) Natural resources: 1 10) Risk of upset: 1 1'11) Population/Employment: y 12) Number of Dwellings:1 k 13) Trip ends (ITE) : traffic impacts: 14) Public services: I r 15) E nergy: 16) Utilities:k 1 X 17) Human health: k 18) Aesthetics: k 19) Recreation: k 20) Archeology/history: k, COMMENTS: d, , Recom endation:.--DXVSI DOS More Information 'c' Reviewed by:C.._ /—C''? v W-4--efeiea--Title. Dates 1._. s% —. r;., MEMORANDUM FROM THE DESK OF • . April 8, 1980 JIM MATTHEW FIRE MARSHAL TO: Enviornmental Review Committee SUBJECT: Renton Aviation, Construction of a 43,700 Sq. ft. service & maintenance hanger. Information submitted on site drawing is insufficient to provide specific requirements as to required fire flow and fire hydrants. Primary respon- sibility for fire protection of field area at the airport is that of the City of Renton Fire Department. The impact of this developement on the field area is substantial wheht ' it is considered that the primary source of fire protection water supply is from high pressure water mains owned by the Boeing Aircraft Company. This water is supplied and metered from the Seattle pipeline. It may not be located properly to be considered for protection purposes. In order to provide sufficient water for fire protection, it may be necessary to install additional main capacity -from existing city supplies. In the future it may be necessary for the city to consider acquiring the existing high pressure mains from Boeing, thus servicing its ' responsibil- ities from its ' own sources . This proposed building is intended for the service and maintenance of air- craft and should meet the requirement of the Uniform Building Code for an H-5 building occupancy and those provisions of the Uniform Fire Code:. per- taining to Special Occupancy Uses . Q •CD fi r. i) N. N. Paid Advertisement) NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTALf DETERMINATION i ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW- COMMITTEE RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC)has issued 0 final deciarotlon of non-significance 11 for the following protect: RENTON AVIATION (ECF•SS?•10), AP. • t• PLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN FA-CIL TOYNFOR SERVICE ANO TO EXPDTMA NTE• ! , 1 NANCE OF AIRCRAFT. File SA-03810; 1 property located at 140 W. Perimeter Rood,northwest corner of Renton Muni. • ' i. cleat Airport. I Further Information regarding this actiOn Is 1' available in the Planning.Deportment,Municipal t oeal of ERC action must be filed witht e y Hear-ing Examiner by April 30,1980. Published:April 16,1910 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER I. RENTON,WASHINGTON A public hearing will be held by the Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting In the Council Clambers,City Hall,Renton,Wash- y lnpton,on April 29.1990,at 9:00 A.M.to considerthefollowingpetitions: 1. Kohl excavating (Kohl•Christianson Addl. 1tlion), applications for preliminary Plat approval for 7-tot singe family detached 1 - development,File PP-000-30,and exceptiontosubdivisionordinanceregardingPiper9 tern lots,File E-033.00;property located at ' S.W.Sunset Blvd.and S.W.3rd Place.2.Schneider Construction Company(Hilltop), i applications for preliminary Plot approval for 20-lot single family detoched develop- ment and Tract 1 fluter to be developed as multi-family), File PP-023.30, and excels-Non to subdivision ordinance regarding Pi• j, pastern,lots, File E-031.110;property locat-ed south of N.E.6th St.and east ofMonroe iAve.N.E. 3.The Boeing Company,appllcation for site I approval for Installation of 10 x32'trailer for use as dispatch office in M-P Zone,File SA- I027-30;Property located on site of Building2,Senores,*Business Park,800 S.W.43rd. 4. Renton Elks Club, a0PlicCiion for rezone )from GS-1 to R-3 to construct Dental Clinic, A _File R-02110; property located betweenRentonElksClubandBensonRood, TtS. Renton Elks Club, appiicutlon for two-lot . i i1i. Short Plot approval (Honcteroff Short Plot),File 029410;property located betweenRentonElksClubandBensonRood. 6.City of Renton, applications for two-lotShortPlotapproval,File 040-80,and excite-Non to subdivision ordinance regarding lot f width, File E-041-I1o; property located 13 - the public use area In Block 16 aline Cor• retied Plot of the Renton Highland No.2 which Is bounded by Harrington PI. N.E.,Harrington Ave.N.E.and N.E.12th61. +3Legaldescriptionsoffilesnotedaboveareon ,.-tile in the Renton Planning Department.ALL 7 TO SAID PET!. ftONSAREINVITED INTERSTEDRTOSONSPEBE PRESENT AT. THE PUBLIC HEARING ON April 29,1900,of 9:00 A.M.TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. GORDON Y.ERICKSEN, 1RentonPlanningDirector Published;April 16,1900 r L iti ir'yrc //i Jc J 4.7 SrY:- NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of. non-significance for the following project : RENTON AVIATION . (ECF-557-80) , APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL IN P-1 ZONE TO EXPAND EXISTING FACILITY FOR SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE OF AIRCRAFT , File SA-038-80 ; property located at 840 W. Perimeter Road , northwest corner of of Renton Municipal Airport. Furtier information regarding this action is available in the Planning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by April 30, 1980. Published :. April 16, 1980 A ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APRIL 9, 1980 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10 : 00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 1 . NEW BUSINESS : ECF-557-80 RENTON AVIATION SA-038-80 Application for site approval in P-1 zone to expand existing facility for service and maintenance of aircraft ; property located at 840 W. Perimeter Road , northwest corner of Renton Municipal Airport . Date circulated: ,Mite Comments due: ege ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEY SHEET ECF '-SS?- $0 APPLICATION o(s) . 39. feePROPONENT: 4404 AiIda* sq PROJECT TITLE:Ai 4f 64feir ISEPrWee eon st Brief Description of Project:4;f !# I4d ett p d•viets PI• RAWit' ) pita iddorAb I 4velvAryQt nnd1I/4 i l4 aw •LOCA'TION: $V0 . 1i'.' ft f?N L SITE AREA: e`CO3 wrrejg BUILDING AREA (gross) 4/. 76644 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1) Topographic changes: 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life: 5) Animal life: 6) ' Noise: 7) Light & glare: 8) Land Use; north: east : south: west : Land use conflicts: View obstruction : 9) Natural resources: 10) 'Risk of upset : 11 ) 'Population/Employment: 12) ,Number of Dwellings: 13) Trip ends (ITE) : traffic impacts: 14) Public services: 15) Energy: 16) !Utilities: 17) ';Human health:- 18) Aesthetics : 19) Recreation: 20) Archeology/history: COMMENTS: Recommendation: ONSI DOS More Informationr Reviewed by: Title : Dater CITY OF RENTON 7,,,6 R-57;; AP PLICATION agab a, 0 SITE APPROVAL APR 4 1980 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY R -t3 qN c File No. SA-,mod-/O Filing Date '-:lNr i C.:.- Application Fee $ Receipt No . Environmental Review Fee $ APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1 . Name Renton Aviation Phone 255-1422 Address 840 West Perimeter Road 2 . Property location Renton Municipal Airport 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) eginning at a point located on the Renton Airfield Runway Centerline referred to as Station 0+00; thence N. 4° 49' 43" W. along the Runway Centerline a distance. of 4,272.63 Feet; Thence S. 85° 10' 17" W. a , Distance of 375 Feet to the True. Point of Beginning;- thence continuing S. 84° 50' 50" W. a distance of 373.05 Feet ; thence N. 2° 05' 50" E. a distance of 109.27 Feet; thence N. 00° 10' 25" E. a distance of 90.06 Feet; thence N. - 1° 31 ' 17" W. a distance of 159.48 Feet; thence N. 4° 53' 45" E. a distance of 149.26 Feet; thence N. 12° 12' 51" E. a distance of 198. 78 Feet; thence N. 46° 34' 19" E. a distance of 83.63 Feet; thence N. 85° 20' 29" E. a distance of 171 .61 Feet; thence S. 4° 49' 43" E. a distance of 830.54 Feet to the True Point of Beginning. Area =- 262,850.21 square feet. See Exhibit "A" for Map Plan of Area. 4. Number of acres or square feet 262,850 sq.ft. Present zoning 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? Aircraft Hangar 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application : A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , Scale existing structures , easements , and other factors limiting development) 1" = 10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan 1" = 10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1" = 200 ' to 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 17. LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ACTION : Date Approved Date Denied Date Appealed Appeal Action I , Remarks I I Planning pept. Rev, 1-77-' a v ,' Y k ., ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST. FORD v, , • . L.,. - -. ':-.H-.:-- ',- -,.-., -- . . N refi'it 2'.' I . APR 1980 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1,=d. __ Application NO. cOW-Q er-A y EnvirOnmental Checklist No.V- —S 57<-1'4' R./. T._DEP Pam•:' FINAL. datei; : PROPOSED, date': De:clar.ation of Significance Oeclara,ti:on. of'-`Si'g'nificane Declaration of Non-Significance Declar.a.t•iron' of>.Nona;Si.gnafacance.,. . COMMENTS: Introduct'ion ' The State Environmental Poli.cy :Act 'of,.'1971,: Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires al.l, state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when' licensing private proposals.. The Ac,t al.s.o' requires that an E.IS .be prepared for ,al.l major actions significantly' affecting •the, quality' of 'the environment. -The purpose of this _checklist: is to help the -agencies .involved•'de.termine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as, completely ,as you: can, wi;th, the information presently available to you. Where' expla'nations of •your answers,: are' requir.ed, or Where you .believe an explanation. would be ,helpful to. government decision makers , include your explanation in the space' provided, .or use additional' pages if necessary. You should include 'references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these. questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the 'required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions,,.apply to your'.tota,l,: proposal , not just to' the license for which you are currently applying' or the •proposal for, whichappro'val is. sought. Your answers should 'include the, i,mpacts which will -be':caused by your, pro:posal when it is' completed, H even though ;completion may not occur unt'il. :sometime 'in th-e::future.. This will allow .all of the agencies .which will be involved 'to' complete their• environment'al -review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. ' . . ' - . NOTE: : This Is a standard form' being' used :.by all state and loca'1. agencies in the State Of Washington for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . -If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent •ReArt-0,90 iklitAlriPoj TAN) • . 2. Address and phone number• 'of Proponent:' . . 840 West Perimeter, Road Renton-, Washington 98055 - ' 255-1422 • ' ' 3. Date Checklist submitted 4-4-80 4. Agency requiring Checklist. 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: 6. Nature and brief description of the' .proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, ando.ther. factor.s: that will give an accurate understanding of its scope. and—nature,)': ' Renton Aviation'wishes' to expand its present facility (6600 square feet.)'.,.t(“3,700- square feet in the first .phase of constriu'ti nn_ T,ai-pr arlr11 ti"nS of 'four (4) rows of LV vGl Gd 5 f,ui a.gu (ha'nagars) are planned. Expansion is 'needed to','ac:comodate. present business already conducted on Renton Airport with af'lowance' .t.or,:,tuture —growth..— ,. . Renton Aviation's parent company, Robertson .Air.craft, will:,be .co—habitating the new facility ,ng ease property effective July is: 1980. • ' s.'•;r, 1 t-.R'a;, r.4e 1 •fi a„ a ,p:,'.a i:.y J "fir. ^ri, ati'on''of; ra 'os d 1`'st t'i,n :.of 'the proposal , .as we ll7'. Loc P, ,P.. ai:r'i(. e,5'c a be tle;;.p,hys.,i ca 9• as .the,:exte'n,t'`•o,f.;` thela:nd' area• affected, by-'a:n/ en.vi'ronme.ntal impacts,, including any other.;informat e.0;.i;needed :to 'Igi:ve,,:an ,accurate understanding' of the env ron- mental;•, setting .ef'.'a :e'' ro. os'al t'W Constructs on is pl'arined"o.n `Re_i to :,:;Av 'ation'leased: corned of en on; rport' a: 8. Estimated, date •:for: comipl,,etion r:of ,th:ep;ro.po.s.al : 9. List''of:•ail •permits; -:l.i,censes,• or government' approvals required for the proposal 1 (federal , :state' and' focal, i'ncl udi:n.g;,7:rezo'ne•s): • none. . . . 10. , Do• you,.,have;,any'•plans' for.'-:future'''.ad•ditions',;:expan'sion, •or further activity related to, or connected ,w:i.th th..is;'pr.opos;ai1:. ''If yes , explain: 1 None. 'other• than;.sh•own''''in' 's•ubm•itted;;'.plans ' 11. Do you know of, any. plans. by others 'whi'ch.'may,.affect the property covered by your proposal? . If.•yes, explain:, :, . • . , Np' 12. i Attach.any'•:other application form'.th'a;t,',has •been :completed 'regarding the pro- po.sal ; i;f. none has :been. completed;::'.but', iS .expected .to.:.be• filed at some future date, describe .the:,-;nat'ure of"such.-app,l i ca'ti on',form: NONE II: .ENVIRONMENTAL' `IMPACTS ' . ., .,.r::•'.:;,• Expl'anati ons.•o,f;all ''"yes.". ands".maybe": answers, are• requi red) : . 1) . :•Ear.th':> ':iii 11 the-:•propo's.al"r.es'ul-t':'.i n` a) Unstabl.e:' ear th:.:conditions •.or', i n''changes i n• geologic.. substructures?: bg j P M Y B b).: ••:04srupti.ons" d:isplacemen'ts 'compaction or over i,,covering;`of: :the;:soi:l :;i,•r h. YES MAYBE NO c), Change d i'n `.to"pogr° 0Y::::.or' grb•un`d`su•r.face relief' feat'ures?- MAYS E ff d'.) :T n'ykr',iw .®r• mod a`i!c;a'tion ..Of :any-. f byunique'°-.'geol:o9.i`c,•°or'p s'a:cal:' fealtures:?•:;.: Y•ES MAYBE Nam' oils.y,: Anyi.nc'reas+e :n'wi•n.d' or:,`-tip t either:''o i•or`off' ;tn'e=1`s1te?;' t- n1`. ir, YES MAYBE NO s:<<in' de ositi.on, or er°osi:on.:of:,beach`,sands, •o.rf,),.. :Change p. changes-''ina:sil,.t:aIt;iiiii ::.:depa,s:i.tion o'r;e:rosi'on; which' may;mnodi fy the, cha;ntiel" of a;river,'or..stream=:or:the ocean aor,.anybay,a:;.:i:n:le;t. o.r;:lake? - i0 y/V fC //7 bed'' o.,,,, .:he.4•,' . .;> MAYBE I r.:1 a 0 • . ' I D 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal ' resu:l-t in; a) Air 'emissions or deterioration of .ambient: a•i;r'"`,: quality? YES. MAYBE NO b) The creation of objectionable' odors?- V 1 r MAYBE Tir— c) 'Alteration, of air movement.; mo'isture`;,ot,emPer.ature., • or any change in climate, either l.oc•a-l;l'y; ar." regionally? fi Y MAYBE• NO Explanation: 3) Water. .Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents,""or the course'of,'d,irect;ion`;of ' water movements• in -either marine or .fresh waters? VS ,M YBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, :or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? d TES Trkprir NO c) Alterations to the course or flow •of flood waters? ' 7 YES M BE NO d) Change in the amount of surfa'ce•water. "i•n 'any water body.? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not li.mited. to temperature, dissolved oxygen o'r "turbidity? Y S M YB,E NO f) Alteration of the• direction or rate of flow of • ' Y'. . ground waters? YES MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either • through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer. by cuts or excavations? YES MAYBE NO' h) Deterioration in ground water qualityeither.through " direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents,. waterborne virus or bacteria, , or other substances into the ground waters? YES MAYBE .• NO i ) Reduction in the amount, of water otherwise available for public water supplies? LIES' MAYBE NO Explanation: 4) Flora. Will the. proposal :res'ult 'in: . a) Change in the diversity'of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees,, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora. and aquatic plants)?•. YES M BE b) Reduction of the numbers o'f' any unl que, .rare or endangered. species of:flora? YES 1 NO c) Introduction of new •spe:cies 'o,f' f,lora •_I_nto an area, or • in a barrier to the normal; rep,l eni•shment of existing . I species?. i MAYBE i 0 R d) 'Reduction in acreage of` any agri.cul•tura.l' crop?.:::: Y•ES. MAYBE 65..\\IEo E kanati oh s::a APR • 198 1 r 1r p I 0/ A V C`E P P d1 5) Fauna. Will . the _proposal. `result ••in a) Changes in' the;'div.ersity„- of s peel es;;;a'or n.0 hers;.,®, _;:, ; ,. • any species' of fauna`(birds'", l• and animals :,;Including '. ,: reptiles, ,fish' ,and'..'shel-lfish, ' ben.t.hi'c,,,organi;sms ,., '. insects or 'mierof wine)?Y S' MAYBE NO n mber.s"of:•, ,•uni ue., 'a,r.e: b;r j'.b) RedUci:ion.,:of."the u any q r f' .aun t•,c,-,-'endan. e.red`°s„p.eca es.';,'o f a Ffia rea: y;,,s''of:':fauaia°' .in;tt `an a m:;.cl) •. •Int,roducton 'of'?new'.sRec3 e w, or: result..:i n•`a';barrier to: the'-..m :grat;ionc>o°r>moveme`nt;:',;t' of: fauna? 4 ,T YE ` ,'MAYBE' 'NOS: o, Deterioration ;fa :.ex i-s t:I ng? i sli,;,i.f, hab'1'ta't MB 6) Noise. Wi1.1 the 'propos•al :In.crea i'ssei•exting ;'noise 'le'v.els.? YES MAYBE NO Explanation:: 7) Light and-.Glare. • Wi..l l', the. proposal produce. new.:1.'i:ght`.or ', i , MAYBE W Explanation: . 8) Land Use. Will the, .proposal' result' in ,`the .a.l.te.retion, of the" present' or planned land 'use :'of•..an area, Explanation: 9) Natural Resources. • Will- the ,_proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate o.f us'e',of any natural ' resources? fES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any'''nonrenewable; n:at•ura•l;: resource? YEAS` M YBE NO•` Explanation:, • 10) Risk of "Upset. .:..Do'es. the:•propos,,a.l,,.,.i.nvolve a ':ris,k:.of:an explosion or.• the..rel•eas:e;;,of;;;hazar'dous-' substances `•(incl':•u:di ig, but not limited. to;,.;ol'1.:', pesticides,.,.chem.ical,s or`'rad`i.'atio,n,) in the event:of an ac'ciden1t or Upset con.dition`s? n M BE NO Explana.tion:. i o\p ato Wi1 ` h . 1al e r` th: e locaiiol' ' ist i r ,1 . uin. 1te. proposa :`et ; of ihehur anpopul:ati.on:' F I bFut in n, density-, o f'growtih r•aai ,r ,;,,' io .gared I 1iA1 Ex 1 ha,ti:o.n: tirtJ1.Pb ry K'4rW 11k6 t it tY.1;• Yip' r<1 r.J JI.:..sf Fp rf'i~. Y 0, 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing,housing, or create a demand for additional housing? .. .:, .., ,,„;,,,,,.?.: , ,,, ,. t, MAYBE NO Explanation: A:',",,,', : .,-,,. .;-..: .. :: : -, , '' 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the prbp,US41.,:',.result.,10::',:.!:.,-, a) Generation of additional 'vehicular mo*v...pinAk.0,;.:: .L:',..: -::,. : : YES: ' MAYBE NO b) , Effects on existing parking faci'lltiet,1-vr,:demand for new perking? YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon exlstingtransportaiorc:sa!,;,.t.,en!$3 :-, .I.X.„ ,. MAYBE d) .' Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods'I : . YES MAYBE , NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic' 1 f) . Increase in traffic hazards to mcitor. vehicles,' ' : ' bicyclists or. pedestrians?YES MAYBE Fi ' Renton Aviation Igritand Robertaon Aircraft now do business Ex' an a tion in applulu.filal, ly the same location.on Renton Airport, There will actually be a reduction in overall vehicular movement bertaiii., q nril P. n f 1-11r- non ecsential operations are being located off airport,. There will:be ;sOnle relocation of parking roquirood. 14) PUblic Services. Will the proposal have an effeCt upon,,: or result in a need for new or altered governmental servi:ces. . in any, of the following areas : a) Fire protection? YES MAYBE NO b) Police protection? YES -113-BI" wr c) Schodls? i YES. MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? 1.,' YES MAYBE NO I i e) Maintenance of public, facilities', 'including roads? YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services?, .. YES MAYBE' NO Explanation: 1 15) Energy. Will the proposal result ,in: 1 a) Use of substantial amounts Of fuel or energy? ES - MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources ,Of energy?YES ITATTE- Fir- Explanation: 16) Utilities. Will the proposal , result in a ,need for .ifpe..to or alterations to the following utilities: power or, natural gas? 4,. ZiNN.:. U. b) .--COmmunicationt systems?' : . ,,,,,-,-!. ,,, ,,,,, ,,,- .,,,„ , , ;,,,,,...yr—.ifio / t' APR 7 l'',0 MAYBE Water? 4', :::', , : ,;,,, . ,. ; ,.:;:',.' ,..,".; , .AL _... .,'' 1,'..,,',`,."..: .,..,' . ,' •„. ',.. . '., , ,YES' : MAYBE: 'NO ',.."- ::,:, .' r '• V. ‘;:VIC,'::::: ,Lr,';'*:'.1:,:,',..,,f: V'!,','. •• '!:,,,:.,',:' :.t,r:,.,'''' '','Y' '''''.:,;', ‘:'', f, : •'.',.'•,. :,,;!_',' -:I' :,'..: : ::-,.;, ; d) Sewer or .Septic':tanks? IC TES MAYBE NO e) Storm water°'draina.ge?-'yrs.- WOVE NS f) Solid waste and disposal?V/. YES MAYBE NO Explanation: All required utilities required are mow available but will need new hook ups. 17) Human Health. Will,'the-.proposal' result,in the creation of any health hazard- or potential health hazard (excluding a mental health)? IV YES MAYBE WU- Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of anyanysceniic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? I YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result. in in impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? YES MAYBE NO Explanation;, 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological-, or historical 1 ` site, structure, object or building? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: III. SIGNATURE I ,' the undersigned,,, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that-the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration 'of non-significance that it might, issue in reliance2upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful la ofif.ul'l dis 1 ren my part. Proponent: s gned) name printed) tea-_t. o •City of Renton n[tPr E' .< 4 ,, r Planning n Department iJ 11 o APR Pyi1 DEPAR r c z PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. ® DIRECTOR 0 LC MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 0 0. 206 235-2569 09g0T6sEP1$ CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR September 1.9, 1979 D ®) 4 1980 Mr. Charles Roberts 4„ Renton Aviation Co. , Inc. 9/1/ Q' 840 West Perimeter Road G 15-7 Renton Municipal Airport Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Lease Agreement LAG 08-79 Dear Mr. Roberts: Enclosed is a copy of the fully-executed lease agreement as referenced above. Very truly yours, LOUIE GEBENINI Airport Director By: Jean F. Truman Secretary jt Enclosure LAG 08-79 LEASE AGREEMENT City of Renton to Renton Aviation, Inc . ) 1 THIS INI)ENTtJRE OF LEASE executed in triplicate, effective as of June 1 , . 1979, by and between the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corpora- tion,; hereinafter referred to as Lessor; and Renton Aviation, Inc : , a Washington Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Lessee: WITNESSETII: WHEREAS the above parties have heretofore entered into and executed certain lease agreements effective as of August 1 , 1975 and January 1 , 1974 , further identified as LAG 10- 75 and Supplement #1- 74 to LAG 1091-67 (Northwest Avionics) respectively, further reference being had thereto, and WHEREAS Lessee, by letter dated March 16 , 1979 , has requested consOidation of the aforespecified leases and the addition of certain property as set forth in the legal descriptions below, and extension of their leases out to forty (40) years, and WHEREAS it is necessary and advisable to cancel and supersede the aforesaid lease agreements and combine into one lease and provide for such addition and an adjustment in the monthly rental necessitated the re;by, NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and covenanted by and between the parties as follows : 1 . It is hereby agreed Lessor does hereby lease and demise unto lessee the following described unimproved parcels of real estate accepted by the Lessee in their "as- is" condition, being located within the confines of the Renton Municipal Airport ; Renton, King County, Washington, to wit : Beginning at a pointlocated on the Renton Airfield Runway Centerline referred to as Station 0+00; thence N. 4° 49' 43" W. along the Runway Centerline a distance of 4,272.63 Feet; Thence S. 85° 10' 17" W. a Distance of 375 Feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing S. 84° 50' 50" W. a distance of 373.05 Feet; thence N. 2° 05' 50" E. a distance of 109.27 Feet; thence N. 00° 10' 25" E. a distance of 90.06 Feet; thence N. 1° 31 ' 17" W. a distance of 159.48 Feet; thence N. 4° 53' 45" E. a, distance of 149.26 Feet; thence N. 12° 12' 51" E. a distance of 198.78 Feet; thence N. 46° 34' 19" E. a distance of 83.63 Feet; thence N. 85° 20' 29" E. a distance of 171 .61 Feet; thence S. 4° 49' 43" E. a distance of 830.54 Feet to the True Point of Beginning. Area = 262,850.21 square feet. See Exhibit "A" for Map Plan of Area. SUBJECT to restrictions and reservations of record and as further set forth herein; Together with the privilege of Lessee to use the public por- tion !of the airport , including runway and other public facilities pro- video thereon, on a non-exclusive basis, and subject to such rules and regulations as now exist or may hereafter be promulgated by the Lessor from time to time, and further subject to all such non-discrimi- natory charges and fees for such use as may be established from time to time by Lessor; on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth for 4 period of forty years commencing on the 1st day of June, 1979 and terminating on the 31st day of May, 2019, subject to the condi- tions , however, specified in paragraphs 17 and • 18 hereinbelow. 2 . As rental for the above-described premises during said initial lease term, Lessee shall and will pay unto Lessor a monthly rental of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-Two Dollars and Thirty- Three Cents ($1 , 752 . 33) computed at the annual rate of $ . 08 per square foot , payable promptly in advance on the first day of each and every month, and as further set forth in paragraph 17 hereinbelow. All such payments shall be made to the Director of Finance, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington. 3 . Above-described premises and the structures located thereon are leased to thelessee for the purpose of construction and operation of aircraft storage facilities . Lessee covenants that the premises shall be continuously used . for thosepurposes during the term of the lease, shall not be allowed to stand vacant or idle , and shall I not be used for a. other purpose without Le„Jr ' s written consent first having been. Obtained . Consent of Lessor to other types of activities will not he unreasonably withheld. No advertising matter or signs shall be. at any time displayed on the leased premises or the structures thereat without the written approval' of the Lessor . Construc- tion of the facilitie , on this parcel of land shall begin on or priorMarch1, 1980 &(... 60v to I/; et//1///Ai9/7/9', and, as this construction is. e timated to be over March1, 198.1.('-t_ 500, 0;00, ' it must be completed by P /e /r//l7(/VA'd In the event that March 1, 1980,(- ,- . Lessee has not commenced construction of the facilities by /V , yf V426//l/, C',2 i /1/9`, 'then this Lease Agreement and all rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall cease and terminate in all respects and with- out any further action and notice; and further provided all of such work of every type and nature as shown on the plans and specifica-C.) March 1, 1981. (.,_.. e' ,err tions ,for such construction shall be completed by Y,, Je ldl44k//i (//1/94 L y/ All plans and specifications shall have the prior written approval of Lessor and all construction and/or remodelling shall be in full compliance with all applicable City Codes , ordinances and regulations pertaining to such work. Lessee shall promptly repair and/or replace any and all damage to any utility lines incurred in connection with any such construction. 4 . The leased premises and all the improvements or struc - tures thereon shall be used and maintained by Lessee in a neat , orderly and sanitary manner and shall be kept well painted by Lessee in such prevailing color scheme as may be from time to time established and reciuired by Lessor for such Airport so that the leased premises i and structures located thereon shall be kept and operated in a reasonable harmony with other structures and color schemes on said Airport . Lessee further covenants to keep and operate the leased premises and all struc- tures , improvements, and activities in conformity with all rules , regu- lations and laws now or hereafter adopted by Lessor City or the Civil Aeronautics Author __y or State Aeronautics Commission, or other duly constituted governmental authority, all at Lessee ' s cost and expense. 5 . As further consideration for this Lease, it is stipulated and agreed that at the expiration of the terms of this Lease as pro vided in paragraph 1 herein contained or at any other termination of this Lease, all structures and any and all improvements of any character whatever installed on the leased premises shall be and become the property of the Lessor City and title thereto shall pass .and revert to Lessor City at such termination, and non of such improvements now or hereafter placed on the leased premises shall be removed therefrom at any .time without Lessor ' s written consent. The Lessor shall have the alternative, at its option, to require Lessee to remove any and all improvements and structures from the demised premises and repair any damage caused thereby, at Lessee 's expense. 6 . Lessor shall not be called upon to make any improvements , alterations or repair of any kind upon said premises and . Lessee cove- nants that he will not permit any waste, damage or injury to the pre-1 mises or improvements, nor to allow the maintenance of any nuisance thereonl, nor the use thereof for any illegal purposes or activities , nor for' any purpose or operation preventing the maintenance of fire insurance on the said improvements or activities. 7 . Lessee further agrees to pay, in addition to the rentals hereinabove specified and other charges hereinabove defined, all fees and charges now in effect or hereafter levied or established by Lessor City, or its successors , or by any other governmental agency or autho- rity, being or becoming levied or charged against the premises , struc- tures , t'usiness operations or activities conducted by or use made by • Lessee of, on and from the leased premises which shall include but not be limited to all charges for light, heat , gas, power, garbage, water and other utilities or services rendered to said premises . Lessee hereby agrees and covenants to pay unto Lessor that certain . l.easehold Excise Tax as established by Chapter 61 , Laws of 1975 -7o , 2nd El' Sessior 4th Legislative Session) which said tax shall be in addition to the stipulated monthly rental and be paid separately to the Director of Finance, City of Renton, at the same time the monthly rental is due . In ; the event that the State of Washington or any other governmental authority having jurisdiction thereover shall hereafter levy or impose any similar tax or charge on this Lease or the leasehold estate then Lessee agrees and covenants to pay said tax or charge, when due. Such tax or charge shall be in addition to the regular monthly rentals . 8 . Lessee covenants to indemnify and save harmless Lessor City against any and all claims arising from the conduct and management of , orifrom any work or thing whatsoever done in or about , the demised pre- mises or the improvements or equipment thereof during said Lease term, or; arising from any act or negligence of the Lessee or any of its agent contractors, patrons, customers or employees , or arising from any acci- dent , injury or damage whatsoever, however caused, to any person or ersons or to the property or anyperson, persons or corporation occurpersons, P p Y P ring during said term on, in or about the leased premises and from and against all costs, attorney' s fees, expenses and liabilities incurred inIor from any such claims or any action or proceeding brought thereon ; and in case' any action or proceeding be brought against the Lessor City by reason of any such claim, Lessee, on notice from Lessor, shall resis onndefend such action or proceeding forthwith. 9 . It is further agreed that all personal property in said den premises shall be at the risk of Lessee only and that Lessor or Lessor ' agents shall not be liable for any damage either to personal property , sustained by Lessee or other persons , due to the buildings or said demi prlemises or any part or appurtenance thereof becoming out of repair . 10. Lessee covenants and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Lessor and its agents against any liability, loss , I. t.i claim or damage from any cause directly or .indirectly resulting from Lessee' s use or occupancy of the demised premises or of any structures, activities or business placed on or conducted thereat, by Lessee, its agents, assigns, licensees or invitees1 and Lessee shall keep in full force and effect at all times during this Lease term adequate public liability and property damage insurance, written by a company authorized to do business in ;the State of Washington, with limits of not less than 300, 000/$500, 000 and $100, 000 respetively, and Lessee shall promptly furnish unto Lessor evidence of such insurance by furnishing unto Lessor a copy of each policy of insurance or a certificate thereof evidencing such coverage. 11. This Lease or any part hereof shall not be assigned by II,essee, or by operation of law, or otherwise, nor said 1 premises or any part thereof sublet without the written consent of Lessor endorsed thereon; and in the event such written consent shall be so given, no other subeequent assignment, assignments or subletting, shall be made by such assignee or assignees, or sublessee, without previous consent of Lessor endorsed thereon ; and, in the event such written consent shall be so given, no other subsequent assignmmnt; assignments or subletting, shall be made by such assignee or assignees, or sublessee, without previous consent of Lessor first had and obtained in writing. It is expressly agreed that if consent is once given by the Lessor to the assignment of this Lease or any interest therein or to the subletting of the whole or any part of said leased premises , then t Lessor shall not be barred from afterwards refusing to consent to any further assignment of said Lease or subletting of said leased premises . 12 . It is expressly understood and agreed that Lessor holds and operates said Airport and the demised premises under and subject to a grant and conveyance thereof of Lessor City from the United States of America, acting through its Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and subject to all the reservations , restrictions , rights , conditions and exceptions of the United States therein and thereunder, which grant and conveyance has been filed for record in the office of the County Auditor of said Kijng County, Washington, and recorded in Volume 2668 of Deeds , Page 386 ; and further that Lessor holds and operates said Airport and premises under and subject to the State Aeronautics acts of the State of Washington (Chapter 165 , Laws of 1947 ) , and any subsequent amendments thereof or subsequent legislation of said State and all rules and regulations lawfully promulgated under any act or legislation adopted by the State of Washington or by the United• States or the Federal Aviation Administration. It is expressly stipulated and agreed that the Lessee also accepts and will hold and use this Lease and the respective demised premises subject thereto and to all contingencies , risks and eventualities of or arising out of the foregoing , and if this Lease or the period thereof or any terms or provisions thereof be or become in conflict with or impaired or defeated by any such le is:latioj , rules, regulations , contingencies or risks , the latter shall control and if necessary modify or supersede any provision of this Lease affected thereby, all without any liability on the part of or recourse against the Lessor in favor of Lessee. Nothing in this Lease contained shall operate or be construed to prevent or hinder the future development, improvements or operation of said Renton Airport by Lessor, its agents, successors , or assigns , or any department or agency of the State of Washington or of the United States , or the consummation of, any loan or grant of Federal or State funds in aid of the development, improvement or operation of said Renton Airport . 13 . It is expressly understood and agreed that in case the demised premises shall be deserted or vacated, or if default be made in the payment of the rent or any part thereof as herein specified or if, without consent of the Lessor, the Lessee shall sell, assign or mortgage this Lease, or if default be made in the performance of any of the covenants and agreements in this Lease contained on the part of the Lessee to .be kept and performed, or; if Lessee shall fail to comply with any of the statutes , ordinances, rules, orders, regulations and requirements of the Federal, State and City Government, or if Lessee shall file a petition for bankruptcy or be adjudicted a bankrupt, or make assignment for the benefit of creditors or take advantage of any insolvency act, the Lessor may, if it so elects , at any time thereafter terminatethis Lease and the' term •hereOf', on ogiving to the Lessee ten ( 10) days notice in writing of the Lessor' s intention so to do. Upon the expiration of said ten (10) day notice, this Lease and the term hereof together with any and all Other rights and options of Lessee herein specified, shall expire and come to an end on the day fixed in such notice, except that Lessee' s obligation and liability for any unpaid rentals or other charges heretofore accrued shall. remain unabated. Lessor may thereupon re-enter said premises with or without due process of law, using such force as may be necessary to remove all persons or chattels therefrom, and Lessor shall not be liable for damages by reason of such re-entry or forfeiture. 14 . All terms, conditions and provision of this lease agreement shall be binding upon Lessee, his successors and assigns , if any. 15. If the whole or any substantial part of the premises hereby leased shall be condemned or taken by any County, State or Federal authority for any purpose, then the term of this Lease shall cease on the part so taken from the day the possession of that part shall be required for anyy purpose and the rent shall be paid up to that date , and from that day the Lessee or Lessor shall have the right to either cancel this Lease and declare the same null.. and void, or to continue in the possession of the remainder of the same under the terms herein provided, except that the rent shall be reduced in proportion to the amount of the premises taken for such public purposes . All damages awarded for such taking for any public purpose shall belong to and be the property of the Lessor, whether such damage shall be awarded as coinpensation for the diminution in value to the leasehold or to thi fee of the premises herein leased, 16 . Any notice required to be given or served in accordance with the provisions of this Lease shall be sufficiently given and served if delivered in writing to a party or if sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the other party ' s last known mailing address . 17 . Said rental payments as specified in paragraph 2 hereof shall continue until the first day of August 1, 1980 . Effective as of said date, and every consecutive five ( 5) years thereafter, said rental rate as hereinabove specified shall be reLadjusted by and between the parties to be effective for each ensuing five ( 5) year period, respectively. Minimum base rental for any extended period, that is after August 1, 1980 9 shall not be less than the aforespecified rental of $1, 752 . 33 per month. If, however, the parties are unable to agree upon such adjusted rental for the ensuing five (5) year period, within thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of each such consecutive five ( 5) year period, then the parties shall submit the matter of rentals for such ensuing five ( 5) year period to arbitration. Lessee shall select one arbitrator and Lessor likewise select one and the two so chosen, if unable to agree within a period of 'thirty (30) days after such appointment, shall select a third one and the decision of the majority of such arbitrators shall be 1 final and binding upon the parties hereto . The arbitrators shall be experienced real estate appraisers and be knowledgeable in the field of comparable rentals and use charges in King County and shall likewise give due consideration to any change in 1 t economic conditions from the preceding rental period . Each party shall pay for and be responsible for the fees and costs charged by the arbitrator selected by him and the fee of the third arbitrator, if any, shall be shared equally between them. Leasehold improvements made by the Lessee shall not be considered as part of the leased premises for the purpose of future adjustments or readjustments of the aforesaid rental rates . The arbitrator shall make the decision in writing, within sixty ( 60) days after their appointment, unless the time is extended by the agreement of both parties . The readjusted rental in each case, whether determined by arbitration or by agreement of the parties themselves , shall be effective as of the commencement of each such five ( 5 ) year rental term. 18 . Lessee shall quit and surrender the: premises at the end of the term in as good a condition as the reasonable use thereof would permit and shall not make any alterations , additions or improvements to the premises without the prior written consent of the Lessor; all alterations , additions or improvements which may be made by either of the parties hereto on the premises , except movable office furniture or trade fixtures , put in at the expense of Lessee, shall be and remain the property of the Lessor and shall remain on and be surrendered with the premises as a part thereof at the termination of this Lease without hindrance, molestation or injury . r 19 . Lessee further agrees in addition to the insurance requirements herein set forth, to take out and keep in full force and effect during the full term of this Lease, or any extension or renewal thereof, a policy or policies of fire insuranc together with extended coverage , in standard form, in a companyPY or companies acceptable to and approved by Lessor and in an amount at least equal to the replacement cost of such improvements ; such policy or policies shall name the Lessor as an additional insured as its interest may appear, and true copies of such policy or Policies or a certificate of insurance evidencing such coverage shall be promptly furnished unto Lessor at all times . Such policy shall not be canceled or voided unless at least ten (10) days ' written notice prior thereto has been furnished unto Lessor . 20 . If, without execution of any extension or renewal, Lessee should remain in possession of the premises after expiration or termination of the terms of this Lease, then Lessee shall be deemed to be occupying said premises as a tenant from month to month. All the conditions, terms and provisions of this Lease, insofar as applicable to a month-to-month tenancy, shall likewise be applicable during such period. 21. It is further covenanted and agreed between the parties hereto that no wavier by Lessor of a breach by Lessee of any covenant, agreement, stipulation or condition of this Lease shall be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same covenant, agreement, stipulation or condition or a breach of any other covenant, agreement , stipulation , or condition; also that all ocvenants , conditions, and agreements herein contained shall extend to and be binding on the heirs, executors , administrators , successors and assigns of the parties hereto . The acceptance by the Lessor of rent after any breach by the Lessee of 'any covenant or con- dition by Lessee to be performed or observed shall be construed to be payment for the use and Occupation of the demised premises and shall not waive any such breach or any right of forfeiture arising therefrom. 22 . All notices under this Lease shall be in writing and delivered in person or sent by certified or registered mail unto Lessor at the following address , to-wit: Airport Director Renton Municipal Building Renton, Washington 98055 and in case of any notice unto Lessee, then to the premises leased hereunder, or such address as may hereafter be designated by either party in writing . . 23 . Lessee covenants and agrees to not discriminate against any person or class of persons by reason of race, color, creed or national origin in the use of any of its facilities provided for the public' in the Airport . Lessee further agrees to furnish services on a fair , equal and not unjustly discriminatory basis to all users thereof, and to charge fair, reasonable and not unjustly discriminatory basis for each unit of service, provided that Lessee may make reason- able and non-discriminatory discounts , rebates or other similar types of price reductions to volume purchasers . RENTON AVIATION INC . , a' CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Washington Corporation Corporation c,By Mayor diAex!)By - LESSEE City Clerk Ap roved as to lea__ Form' Cif Att-orney 4 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss COUNTY, OF KING This is to certify that on this / $ day of 029 before; me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Charles J. Delaurenti and Delores A. Mead, to me known to be the duly qualified and acting Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the City of Renton Washington, and acknowledged that they executed the above and foregoing instrument for the City of Renton as the free and voluntary act and deed of said City for the uses and purposes therein set forth, and upon oath stated that such execution of said instrument by them is duly and regularly authorized and that the seal attached thereto is the corporate seal of the City of Renton. Given under By hand and official seal this ' : -- day ofc797 Notary Pu lic in an for the State of Washington, residing in Renton STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss COUNTY ',OF KING • ) This is to certify that on this/7 Alay of4771- /97, before 'me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared z•r s arid to me known to be the officers of Renton Aviation, Inc . , and acknow- ledged ,that they executed the above and foregoing instrument for __. . Renton 'Aviation, Inc . as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes set forth therein, and upon oath stated that such execution of said instrument by them is duly and regularly authorized. Given under my hand and official seal thisi7. iay ofi 57 Notary Public in and Tor the State of Washington, residing in i I•,= ICO' i c k - P.::A., N 54 49 4 i f i l i 1 W N " ` \ \ I yl o41 I A i o LAREA • 262, 850. 21 SQ.FT.i' 2 if 7 C a) Q 6 . n A 9e k 2.N46 34 19'•E 1?'s,. e 4 r± 4.. E-•-w._- 5i7P 9:06' 09 27 F - 3' N 94 E S 0E N 00 1C 25"E ere/45yr ;4' LEASE — RENTON AVIATION mod"• M PA RPORTRENTONMUNICIPALAI k •-;r • •" •• PPR0 EC _ __ DRAWN BY .1A LATE' WAPCH !DTI) r•'; - GP O T CIRECTOR C'•ECKED 61'FIELD BOOK 94,45a EEN1TrING OFFiji. FILE TITLE t y> k 2 / I 8 71, a y, '. l. wf 7 v 2 ` E « 2 , 2 y y y tk z i / ;\\`/y v x ' s62 . z - x,_/ ; w I ` y — y / t vA j 80sp... 0.