HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA80-059BEI1iIi4 G OF FILE FILE TITLE ICROFILMED 4.e.,/-v1.0_,V byUfa c JO Pg- 99P -s 7/. ' a/,if, OF R4. L<44 0 THE CITY OF RENTON41, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 Z NAL ' '=r' o o BARBARA'. Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR ® LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER O FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 09gTE1)SEP1°* August 8, 1980 Members, Renton City Council Renton, Washington RE: Leased Auxiliary Parking Lots. Dear Council Members: As you will note in the attached report of the Hearing Examiner regarding the requests for a site approval to establish a medical clinic in a P-1 zone and for a special permit to establish an auxiliary parking lot "off site," there has been some difficulty in ascertaining the level of "permanency" of the lease when the property upon which the applicant proposes establishing the parking lot is in a separate ownership. As the report indicates, this is the second time the issue has been raised, and I have forwarded this report for your review. You have already had occasion to study the special permit request of Eugene Horbach (File No. SP-050-80; Fifth and Park Place Building) . I believe the Council may want to reconsider the establishment of such parking lots off site and on land owned by someone other than the applicant in light of the difficulty in meeting the ordinance requirements for permanency as well as other factors. Please retain copies of the Lwai report and decision of the Hearing Examiner for- future reference or need in the event of an appeal . Sincerely, 14:4 . Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: Mayor City Attorney Planning Director AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING . State of Washington) County of King o Marilyn J. Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 8th day of August 19 80 affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. saASubscribedandswornthis0 -- day of N uC v 5\- 1946J . Ws.„) Notary Public in and for the StateofWashington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: Dr. San Lwa i ; SA-059-80, SP-o60-80 The minutes contain a £.L4.t o6 ,the pair-ties os necond) August 8, 1980 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION. APPLICANT: Dr,. San Lwai FILE NO. SA-059-80, SP-060-80 LOCATION: West side of Talbot Road South approximately 1100 feet north of S.W. 43rd Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks site approval for a medical office building in a P-1 zone along with special permit approval for a parking lot and landscaping. SUMMARY OF ACTION:Planning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions Hearing Examiner Decision: Denial PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning •Department preliminary report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on July 31 , 1980. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report , examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on July 29, 1980 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Due to the necessity of receipt of additional information, the hearing was continued for one ,veekto August 5, 1980. CONTINUATION: The hearing was opened on August 5, 1980 at 9: 17 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Examiner requested that an extended 21-day period for review of the matter be approved by the applicant to allow for staff vacations. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report. Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner, reviewed the report , and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1 : Application File for Site Approval containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Application File for Special Permit containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #3: Site Plan for Medical Clinic Exhibit #4: Site Plan for Parking Lot The Examiner inquired regarding the size of the two subject lots. Mr. Blaylock advised that the clinic lot contains 39,780 square feet, and the property leased from the Hospital District for parking purposes consists of 1 . 7 acres. Referencing Section F. l of the Planning' Department report regarding public services, Mr. Blaylock advised that a new water pressure system is currently being installed in the area. Referencing Section L.6 of the portion of the report pertaining to site approval , the Examiner noted that the referenced system development charges were modified at the City Council meeting of August 4, 1980. Mr. Blaylock advised receipt of a legal opinion from the City Attorney which was entered into the record as follows: Exhibit #5: Memorandum to Planning Department from City Attorney, dated August 1 , 1980 The opinion states that the proposed lease agreement between Dr. Lwai and Valley General Hospital for a 25-year period is the best document for the city's protection that can SA-059-80, JP-060-80 Page Two be envisioned. It also reviews a proposed clause in the lease that it would not be terminated by the hospital if the lender cures the default. The City Attorney also indicated concern and reluctance in accepting leases to property intended to serve as parking to satisfy city requirements due to possible violation of lease agreements. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Joe Maw Consulting Engineer 405 Central Building Seattle, WA 98104 Mr. Maw indicated concurrence with the Planning Department recommendations contained in the report. Referencing Section M.l of the site approval portion of the report regarding modification of access to eliminate the southerly access onto Talbot Road S. and inclusion of a new access point to the hospital access road at the southeast corner of the clinic, I Mr. Maw suggested that the matter be addressed by hospital administrators in attendance at the hearing. The Examiner inquired if investigation of an option to purchase the property rather than entering into a lease agreement had occurred. Mr. Maw advised that the possibility had been considered. The Examiner noted that the lease agreement is unsigned and unexecuted, and if the applications are approved, execution of that document would be required. The Examiner referenced a provision in the lease that the occupancy permit must be issued in two years or the lease would be(voided, and inquired if completion of the building would occur in that period of time. Mr. Maw anticipated completion within the specified time frame. The Examiner requested testimony in support of the application. Responding was: Bill Murray Hospital Administrator Valley General Hospital 400 S. 43rd Street Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Murray advised the purpose of attending the hearing to acquaint himself with the details of requirements and conditions to allow acquisition by Dr. Lwai of necessary parking space. He requested the opportunity of reviewing the Examiner's report prior to entering into the lease agreement to allow the Hospital District to determine its course of support regarding the conditions of approval . Mr. Murray advised concern that the state law holds the Hospital District to a 25-year lease arrangement. He also indicated a necessity for determining an accurate figure for parking spaces, and requested that information when available. He advised that the Examiner's report would be reviewed and discussed by the Board of Commissioners which meets the first and third Thursday of the month, and a written response as well as proposed revisions to the draft lease would be forwarded to the Hearing Examiner. He noted that a review period of 21 days previously requested by the Examiner would delay review by the Board until the latter part of September or the first part of October. The Examiner inquired if the Hospital District has been willing to sell the property. Mr. Murray advised that the Hospital District has future plans for the property aid wishes not to sell . The Examiner noted the concern of the city that 197 parking spaces could be eliminated if the Hospital District decides to expand, and inquired. regarding long term development plans. Mr. Murray indicated that acquisition of six acres of property including the subject site had originally occurred for the purpose of future expansion. He expressed concern regarding an existing clinic located directly across the street in the county which has a lesser parking requirement than the city. He indicated support of the development of the proposed facility in the community in close proximity to the hospital . Mr. Murray discussed the long range hospital plan for total utilization of facilities, services and land use which is anticipated for completion in one year by a consulting firm. He noted that the Hospital District is at a disadvantage because they do not wish to impede progress, but have not had the opportunity to project needs of the hospital for a 25-year period. The Examiner indicated that the lease agreement is conjectural depending upon the conditions and requirements of the city, and the possibility exists that the hospital may not ultimately execute the lease. Mr. Murray advised that the applicant has been given a legal document of assurance of support and provision of adequate parking facilities, either within a parking structure or on land parcels. He reiterated his previous request for time to evaluate the Examiner's decision with the Board of Commissioners and transmit a response to the city. . The Examiner inquired if the Hospital District has the option to recondemn the leasehold agreement and retake the property in the next two years. Mr. Murray stated that this proposal is part of the master plan projection, and will be considered since the SA-059-80, SP-060-80 Page Three hospital does not have funds to construct a facility such as the proposal . The Examiner inquired if the hospital could condemn the entire site including the building facility. Mr. Murray confirmed that the proposal is in the master plan. The Examiner requested testimony in support or opposition to the application. Mr. Maw requested that the Examiner publish his report as soon as possible to enable review by the Board of Commissioners within two weeks. The Examiner indicated that every effort would be made to provide the report in a timely manner. The Examiner invited further comments. Since there were none, the hearing regarding File No. SA-059-80 and File No. SP-060-80 was closed by the Examiner at 9:55 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: FINDINGS: 1 . The request is for approval of a site plan for a medical clinic proposed for a P-1 Public/Quasi-Public) district on the west side of Talbot Road South approximately 1100 feet north of S.W. 43rd Street together with an associated special permit to establish an auxiliary parking lot on an adjacent parcel west of the clinic site. 2. The application files containing the applications, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department reports, and other pertinent documents were entered into the record as Exhibits #1 and #2. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , R.C.W. 43.21 . C. , as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee, responsible official . 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. 6. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 7. The proposal is compatible with the required setbacks, lot coverage and height requirements of Section 4-710 (P-1 ) of Title IV, Ordinance No. 1628, Code of General Ordinances. 8. The site plan request has integrally associated with it an application for a special permit to establish an auxiliary parking lot on an adjacent lot. The site approval is requested pursuant to Section 4-710.3 of the Zoning Code. The request for the auxiliary parking facility was filed pursuant to Section 4-2204.3(C) of the Parking and Loading Ordinance. The clinic would be built on a 39,780 square foot parcel , while the parking lot would be constructed on a 1 .75 acre parcel . 9• The subject site is located north of and adjacent to Valley General Hospital . The site slopes downward toward the west and also toward the north. Slopes vary from six to eight percent in a general southeasterly to northwesterly direction. Both the proposed medical clinic and the associated parking areas would be terraced into the sloping topography. 10. The clinic building would be four stories in height but as constructed, the eastern elevation would present only three stories for public view. The building would be four stories on the west, with three stories moderating to four on the north and south exposures. The structure would contain approximately 46,480 square feet., 11 . As proposed, the applicant would provide 40 parking spaces of the required 234 spaces Section 4-2208.2(B)) on the same parcel as the clinic. Another 197 parking spaces would be provided on the auxiliary parking lot. 12. The land for construction of the auxiliary parking lot is owned by the Valley General Hospital and would be leased by the applicant from the hospital . Valley General Hospital is a municipal corporation chartered under state law and possessing powers of eminent domain and condemnation as well as limitations upon its ability to lease or lend property. 13. While there are scattered single family uses in the area surrounding the subject site and a moderately sized single family subdivision east of Talbot Road in King County, the area' is fast emerging as regional medical complex with Valley General Hospital serving as the nucleus for an ever growing area of medical , dental and associated service facilities. SA-059-80, SP-060-80 Page Four 14. Talbot Road South in this vicinity is a heavily used arterial serving Valley General Hospital and the numerous clinics which have been established in close proximity to the hospital . 15. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for public and quasi-public uses as well as greenbelt in the northern extreme along a small drainage channel . 16. In the major portion of that area surrounding the subject site within the City of Renton, the zoning is P-l . To the east across Talbot Road in King County, zoning is residential . There is R-3 (Medium Density Multifamily) zoning south of the subject site, south of S.W. 43rd Street. 17. The applicant had proposed two access driveways for the subject property from Talbot Road South, but has concurred in the Planning Department recommendation which limits access to only the northern driveway..in order to decrease turning movements along this portion of Talbot Road S. A major driveway serving the hospital 's north parking area is immediately south of the proposed clinic. This modification would eliminate three parking spaces but as proposed, the required parking will be provided. 18. Both specific landscape plans and storm drainage plans are required prior to issuance of a building permit. 19. That end of the parking area furthest from the clinic is 490 feet away. The parking lot will be at least 320 feet from Talbot Road South. The plans indicate that the parking facility will serve exclusively parking requirements and that no charge will be made for the parking lot. 20. The record indicates that the lease for the parking lot parcel is still in draft form and is still subject to negotiation. Any lease would be subject to review by the Board of Commissioners of the_ Hospital District with final approval in that body. The hospital , a quasi-public agency, cannot enter into leases greater than 25 years. The draft lease would run only that long. No options to renew may be permitted although a clause has made negotiation of a new lease a "good faith" undertaking by both parties. The hospital 's plans for expansion include the parcel upon which the parking facility would be located. The record indicated that these plans are under review and expansion plans for the next five years will be reviewed within the year. The hospital may at any time use its powers of condemnation to terminate the lease agreement if the hospital needs the leased land back for expansion. 21 . The hospital is not willing to sell the property to the applicant for construction of the parking facility. As a matter of fact, they contemplated condemning the clinic site for potential expansion. The record further indicates that the hospital wants to help the applicant establish the clinic but its own plans for land acquisition and expansion are paramount and are subject to a Board of Commissioners. The Hospital Board will only review the lease after the decision by the Examiner is issued and they may then impose, other conditions. CONCLUSIONS: 1 , As was indicated in the findings, the two applications, a site approval and a special permit, are integrally related and so are considered together. Since they are an integral concept and must be developed as a unit, both requests must be denied. A medical clinic in general is compatible with the area the applicant has proposed. Valley General Hospital is located immediately adjacent to the site on the south. Similar uses including medical and dental clinics and related service facilities are developed and proposed for the area surrounding the subject site. The Comprehensive Plan and the zoning designate the area for public and quasi-public uses such as medical facilities. 2. The proposed clinic building itself, approximately 46,000 square feet, is to be constructed on a lot with an area of about 40,000 square feet. The four-story building will require just under 250 parking spaces of which only 37 can be accommodated on site. The remaining .197 parking spaces would be provided in an auxiliary parking lot on an adjacent lot leased (still subject to negotiation and approval by the Hospital Board) from Valley General Hospital . The record, while not absolutely conclusive, indicates that the hospital 's expansion plans definitely include use' of the proposed auxiliary parking lot parcel . These plans will be decided within the next year or two. While expansion may be 10 or more years away, the hospital has only recently, but not definitely, abandoned an expansion plan including not only the parking lot parcel but the clinic parcel as well . The lease is subject to the hospital 's power of condemnation. Section 4-2209 requires that when the required parking is not on the same lot with SA-059-8u, SP-060-80 Page Five the principal use that an agreement contemplating permanency be submitted. The record indicates that such permanency is lacking in the present case. The record discloses that the hospital cannot assure the applicant of any reasonable term use. The lease could be void in little more than a year. 3. It is with reluctance that the requests are denied, but denial is necessary. The record discloses that the draft lease is illusory. The Hospital Board would only review the lease subject to this decision and then impose its own conditions; refuse to enter into the lease; 'or terminate it in the near future. The proposed use, a medical clinic, is a good one; the proposal structure appears well designed and would be well integrated into the community and development in the area. The parking lot is well layed out, and complies with the criteria required of auxiliary parking lots; it is within 500 feet of the use it will serve (it is immediately adjacent) ; it is not within a residential zone; it provides sufficient front yard setback; and no charge will be collected for its use. It is closely associated with the principal use and would not adversely affect neighboring properties, but as indicated above, the permanency required is lacking. 4. The applicant has other options available. Within the limited constraints of lot size, the applicant could either scale down the clinic so that parking may be accommodated on the same lot with the clinic or the applicant could acquire outright ownership. of sufficient land to construct a multi-tiered parking facility to serve a clinic of the size proposed. The site plan submitted is too far removed from either of these options to be approved as is. As proposed, with the required parking provided on an auxiliary leased parking lot, the proposal cannot be approved. The record discloses that the lease, if it is ever executed, is subject to too many independent factors to provide the permanency Section 4-2209 requires. 5. The issue of auxiliary parking lots established on lots in an ownership other than the ownership of the parcel or use they are intended to serve has now been raised twice within a short time period. The facts in both cases disclose (the City Attorney i.n memoranda has indicated that the leases in both cases left something to be desired in terms of guaranteeing the required permanency and surety to the city that required parking for large facilities would always be available) that it is difficult to provide by lease the needed permanency. While the city has the legal authority to terminate a use which becomes non-conforming as to the parking requirements , it can do so only with extreme difficulty both in a legal sense and as a practical matter. This provision should be reviewed by the City Council in order to determine whether or not such auxiliary parking should be permitted on a lot which is not owned by the owner of the parcel upon which the principal use is established. Common ownership would permit the city to require covenants providing for a permanent association of the auxiliary parking parcel with the separate parcel upon which the principal use is established. The question of permanency when coupled with the impacts which "outlying" and numerous lots may have on the public welfare are issues which should be thoroughly considered in any rethinking of the auxiliary parking provisions of the Parking and Loading Ordinance. DECISION: Denial . ORDERED THIS 8th day of August, 1980. Fred J . Ka man Land Use He ring Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 8th day of August, 1980 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Joe Maw, Consulting Engineer, 405 Central Building, Seattle, WA 98104 Bill Murray, Hospital Administrator, Valley General Hospital , 400 -S. 43rd Street, Renton, WA 98055 Dr. San Lwai , 12001 S.E. 200th, Kent, WA 98031 TRANSMITTED THIS 8th day of August, 1980 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Michael Porter, Planning Commission Chairman SA-059-8u, SP-060-80 Page Six Ron Nelson, Building Division Supervisor Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before August 22, .1980. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall , or same may be purchased at cost in said department. i11. •..A. 11.tr Z' .. /-.%.Y9 r../ N• . N . 1 i; '7..' ‘j. 3TV S El . 651:4„4' s•-... 4:2 of-W ctsat..• i `A i'31r?...V.: . V‘••i r . 111k14: N. r 30.i frk, c 14,1 1 ,----..-- i• ,t • id- 1 i 1.1ST • : s ',,_3 1ST j Iii rarso .1•;;;•,- 1.•• • .:‘,...1 lezzl.tyr,,,,,,;4:::.---m.,,t- , i 1 I ?k,1, PIC : - .id i i ILI .7 tit 1 , i In co t1_,4....) i.. .m i 41 , 111 W ) 1.4)b.. li1A674 ! '1.• r I 1 dt • VI,' 1) 1' ..,• I 1 4`'f'ii 1 ida i 70 X • X , fje i•,. ,i t,3%.: 7:2 0. 1 133 0 1 0 ".... , up4 • a.4011 4. 0 5' :).•• '1 '4;' • " , 10, '•,•••1:. ) 1 SE 112N ' •L1.4 t rte:. -e . 3 44.• 1 Lis).•,;,, i J i,4.,,,•,. r • s - , ,',3 Z..;in 0.. it- , Ir. • C/Ipe p. ,1 iel, t . ca ,to gr.t..e.:1 ,11.4., J. STfc / s ; 0 i.,,.1"It't 1?• A* 1 4 r n114,111 1 74 ‘‘I44.r,t1)Cr S 37 ii ;1 74?X A thif t. 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LL..,HOSPITA 0 uoil iip 0 b-rrill-rrrili -; ..r.,11, i'l. 1 a• 4,,s9110 V III3••••• 41;44,1'• 1 11-1144; ff.w.. 77!.1,4, i 0 . : c CIL I Ili I 111.111.i V `41111.!i"1-r-.11 •:‘ w. itr.t / 0 1 bl & , vetzt 1 1 .c.',:.nr•nE 1,0,,,F,yri r8, ri Iv i I 74.74,5_,75,111,:miii1,71, i ::'".. ....• Fri I Proposed Medical Office Building It; 7:.1.1!"12 • • ' —- • • . . . 611;1,.>)- 1111.11111 att\ \.iiier.;\ ,%,t r • 4 1 I 1 r''''' i- I. .-..- 1 1 c:). repy... r,ii j 1,•"'TII .1.11.11 I I. t, ''A--,-..)-2.:, 4 [—"I a MISTING • 1Tq't•rik TI.4:1,3 \\•':•....•'•.•-•:":4•..'. 1 er.f. tj t I 1 FR__nil intrri. 71-11 - , -...;•-•=!.,.,..k 4 A ki . t .. 0..1... \ % 71moots'I OrYlek ...1 PPOPOSSO t 91511PaerOnarZP.2. 06 ,4111 QV11.11. III• n i .. riiii. 11\--6„ 'fk--.:. \ A .L,ITIII WORK 11 :II:. C.P..10:;11111:111.11H110 :, t• • . . I 1 1 111 t 3 ••*1- ' A Fl S qg 0 t11....usip:.: tans & 1/HIH/r PH,OW A 5,:, • 0. , dRnim. L1-11 rnTrn_ UrTrriTTEB.1.11.1.liriiiii!II iftDi Po tittli aililli6Tm.1 cEtnii111111,01 e. .- - \-- %.1., g3is r.. 1 ii111111-11-Liin i I;li I I I IILL111 1101111111L111.1111.111L1IF-Of;:}1 t_t - - -641'.•'. • . 22',.. . _ 1' . 61 4.0 I 1 le to 104-00049024,1 , v.4.../ 2,-.••• - SITE PLAN TALINOT POACI 1.--, q_.,___11/1313 N-• z. • .:•.`...-Y-- 1,---_:', • OF 24,4 OD }J .: O OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY a RENTON,WASHINGTONLIa k©'4 POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING 0 RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 n LAWRENCE L WARREN. CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY09°' 91t Me`< Q°, August 1, 1980 y' . c l t1// 0'6 SEP E O cc1\ I O . i,.its. 4,.. i i\.---'TO: Dave Clemens Ir A "15 FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Re: Dr. Lwai/Valley General Hospital rivi NG D...,,,,,..., Dear Dave: This Memo is to confirm our telephone conversation with youofAugust1, 1980. As you know I have a great deal of reluctance in accepting leases to property when that propertyisto• serve as parking to satisfy City requirements. Quite often the building is built, the lease violated and then the City is left with a building that is occupied without sufficient parking. It is very difficult to then close the building down. With that as a premise, it should be stated that the lease that has been tendered to me for review between Dr. Lawi and Valley General Hospital is about the best document for the City' s protection that I can envasion being drafted. The period isfor25years, there is a performance bond required and the Attorneys for the hospital indicate they would be willing to place a clause in the lease that the hospital would not terminate the lease or default if the lender (bank or mortgage company) cures the default. I certainly would like to see that last clause inserted. Unless the City is willing to state that no leased land may serve as' parking and depart from its prior position on that questioni then I believe the City has all the protection thatcanbeaffordeditinthistransaction. Perhaps the whole question of leased land serving as parking should be addressed by the City Council. Until that time, I would suggest that we continue to review the leases on a case by case basis. EXHIBIT l O. 5 ITEM NO. S Fo- , cV e96o-.16) tcc , Lawrence arre ECEIVED LJW:nd CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER cc: Mayor HUG 51980 Council President AM PM Chairman, Ways and Means Committee 71819110,111121 12,31415,0 6 OF R4'' o THE CITY OF RENTON U 40 Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ao co- 235- 2550 4T6'0 SEP1Mo MEMORANDUM July 24, 1980 TO : Fred J . Kaufman Hearing Examiner FROM: Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director 635 By : Roger J . Blaylock , Associate Planner RE : /DR . SAN LWAI SITE APPROVAL AND SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS, Files SA-059-80 and SP-060-80 The City Attorney is reviewing the proposed lease agreement between the Valley General Hospital District and Dr . Lawi . The lease agreement has just been prepared by the Hospital District Attorneys and has not been executed by both parties because Mr . Murray , the Hospital Administrator , is on vacation . Therefore , it is requested that the items be cointinued unil Tuesday, August 5, 1980 . The staff report will be forwarded to you with the items for the August 5th hearing. RJB :wr RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER JUL 241980 AM 7e8e9e10h11e1241 i344e56 Ada®tT Q't i''id vj , ;i4 1 gi.. 4AVvI155Y AIv ova iv 0.111A lia -1 YfD c• 1 Ni Isj.I ei •, - in,1,..,.F `L` ,,,: 1tt°r3'N/1^111100.. flJ 1 ft s y• t S 111 1V A6 P 1 j k „ 1 I r w 3c F-1 driyi -1L-,r10,61 4 1V4',.',„ 1R;•; h' $ •!,-..`- t' f}T.,F cz ra ',i 1f' E 1a}, ':%i•fi• ti a. may,.•.' 1^:•g:1i.4K;ri;.. .} 1. .`M,•, W,;•a•• .,^i f""'.• 1 p•r ,, i,- 1. r` ?1, r'...,..--,.•••r •'' ... 1'` t,4,i0"¢ Y.+,+!' o I.e x`+°ti}`." S ir`lifW 10 E 2 , E f a4AK l.8 i..,...:-•'"' fi t G s V A•1p, s tI i i r t 10 d.6. • Id ,el f¢, 7:1 r. P Li4 a+•. k4R Sfyt,aYllt ,, ,yir,Iv A., r, Y k q,',$:.',‘11..4.::f.:,'L,.:$"4ikii,.! L.::' igtl. '44,f,j4;41. i Ver i t 1 T.. •,,,,,,fat:f l E • ,, yy_y 1 r l ( t- yam l. l h•S, rv! L'.,y'. 6• C( ED?vpr, ,q. .f,r, yY afrr3K' 1,4!_„ r 1 V vV'rt• i ' I'L+( Jl .. ,`,, e eil, t SR t+Z f: @l as 1 ty , i $ Q- r 3 rr gg'. j9 Y i:s. e, r3 , L 4'n rYi r" r,T'J ^' eh 'a• h` x• g '" A, 41s„ a., t ray fn,Y„} la 7 ..• .; a i7 i .'',,x4. i4" v. 3w Y ' TM:, L gip. ;pl j g%•,. p.. ,+ y t Fti; }' A , r p tt' -3\.^\:i Y.,V::. r fMt I b 1 5'.. Y„ r< i _ 1 ew4 Y., i 0„4,,'. a' •• Pk:;< R- W'Y• . ,;, rf P11 5. i V t' yyy, I ,,,t r }Z, a ' t- , i ww JJ 4• t r4. T 4 i ^';N.SAL t'Y cl s ^ t ys . E ','.•i'. ;';'3.',*W4,T,A ;;;,1 ' Yr4•. t -t f', WA rr-s . 4'. ..j,:'" ,fic, t:/ _ r 4'.. i:,' f' 6i,'n1;t.itt ,S2x k 7 r{`s,n? si .). hA r:" T r t a ,A,,•.,:try, .` 1.K .: w, a t-: ;» yiS'? si y, j1(;. d' A r tLLx3 •C t 1, Y wf=Y 1 rovisre. cue`iil i i. i t 3 t .4ajt* S ^Ci fit r A ,:tJ;: `- /- t 1 T 4+ FIt 1 • £ '1 J C' 4b• 1 f ' j 4. 414 IP C r ',..i.l.cf*::: p. 1iiiti i.! . r74-ee.• s:.:,%•• .: t .- f i i,*•, E 04 i • r i.`.. de ; fix' t_ p;x it x t tiP. Itlf‘':'-' 4';';- 4':-.;'''' Iti 1:. 1A . p' 4 > jAea 5 PS tiD'€1 +. vl f7 •t Al,"a: 4 8.18 Tr i PI,,$ 1 11 il j i:i. . i , .. 1' ,, a '1- 0 1.'t,„iie\ 1 ''1.4 N y EJp d may, ryuaay_ i . p/ L{b p,.A- , Y VALLEY INTERNAL MEDICINE, INC., P.E. 17600 Talbot Road South, Suite D. Renton, Washington 98055 206] 228-3550 Sen Lwei, M.D. John L.Bondi, M.D. Donald W. Mitchell, M.D. Gerald S. Lorch, M.D. John F..Hutchinson, M.D. July 25, 1980 Cak c) Roger J. Blaylock, Associate Planner U . SV 25 980 , City of Renton z Municipal Building o 4 200 Mill Avenue S. e Renton, Washington 98055 94/I G RE: Application for site approval for medical office building and special permits for parking lot and -landscaping MP-1 zone, File FA-059-80 and.SP-060-80, property located approximately 1100 feet north of SW 43rd Street and west side of Talbot Road S. (Parcel "B" of the Dr. Brain shortplat 213-78. ) Dear Mr. Blaylock: Pursuant to our conversion dated July 24, 1980, I would like to request a postponement of the hearing of the .above application from July 29, 1980 to that of August 5, 1980. - I will (be represented by my attorney, J. Robert -Walker, my engineers, Kenneth J. Oyler, P.E. and Joe Maw, P.E. of K. M. Maw Associates. I would appreciate it if you could make a confirmation of my , request and the subsequent hearing and inform all my representatives, whose,addresses,are listed below. Very truly yours, San Lwai , M.D. SL/jfd 7-25-80 cc: J. Robert Walker, Attorney 400 108th 'Avenue NE Bellevue, Washington 98004 cc: Kenneth J. Oyler. P.O. Box 2258 - Renton, Washington 98055 cc: K. M. Maw Associates, Consulting Engineers • Attention: Joe Maw, P.E. Central Building 810 Third Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 Valley General Hospita, 400 SOUTH 43RD STREET/RENTON,WA 98055/206-228-3450 Commissioners: LEO POWERS,President /MORTON T.HARDWICK,vice-President CHARLOTTE KURTH COOPER,RN,MN,Secretary /JACK B.KECK/JOHN R.SHIELDS,MD Administrator:WM.E.MURRAY may` July 22, 1980 TO City of Renton t 1°1- Planning Department M Municiple Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 A @ / Attn: Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director NING Dear Mr. Ericksen: Valley General Hospital Has reviewed the building structure and parking plan proposed by San Lwai , MD. The Hospital is in agreement with the plan as pro- posed and requested by Dr. Lwai. We have authorized Mr. Mike Cvitkovic, Projects Coordinator, to represent Valley General Hospital at the Renton Planning Department's Public Hearing on this subject July 29, 1980, at 9:00 AM. Sincerely, 40/1/Z°---// cr— Dennis A. Popp Assistant Administrator DAP:ev cc: M: Cvitkovic S. Lwai , MD Wm. E. Murray ti i;ilr iriCri •+i nlr.ii lr l ::I ( 1 F I .r,rr ! Iv PERKINS, COIE, STONE, OLSEN & WILLIAMS ANCHORAGE OFFICE 1900 WASHINGTON BUILDING WASHINGTON,D.C.OFFICE 420"L" STREET SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 1300.19T. STREET N.W. ANCHORAGE.ALASKA 99501 TELEPHONE:206-602-0770 WASHINGTON,D.C.2003E1 TELEPHONE:907-279-8561 TELEPHONE:202-467-5880 TELECOPIER:206-602-B784 TELECOPIER:907-270-3108 TELEX:89-44B CABLE"PERKINS SEATTLE" AFFILIATED WITH TELEX:32.0319 McHENRY & STAFFIER PLEASE REPLY TO SEATTLE OFFICE July 18 , 1980 i ;dry: ,_:..,'_:,:,;-, .. ,,,,..s. 1 TIIgM . Dennis A. Popp if L Valley General Hospital JUL 25_ 1980 AD^, INIS T RATION 400 S. 43rd Street r Renton, Washington 98055 4, Re: Lease to Dr. Lwai ' v Dear- Mr. Popp: Enclosed is the draft we have:.prepared of a lease between Valley General Hospital, .and Dr. Lwai for property . to be used as a parking area for Dr. Lwai 's . medical office building. • . We were unable to determine from the Agreement to Lease. the precise legal description of the property. The Agreement refers to an "Addendum to Agreement to Sell in Lieu of Condemnation" dated January 10 , 1980 . It is pos- sible that the legal description of .the property is contained in that Addendum, of which we do not have a copy. In connection with this transaction, Dr. Lwai has made two requests of the Hospital. To assist him in obtain- ing financing for his project, Dr. Lwai would like the term of the lease to be for 40 or 50 years and he would also like the Hospital to join in executing a -mortgage, with no personal liability. Unfortunately, we do not believe that the Hospital • is- able to accede to either of his requests . With regard to the term of the lease, a public hospital • district is prohibited by RCW 70 . 44 . 250 from leasing real . property for a term in excess of 25 years. We know of no authority which would permit the Hospital in effect to grant a longer term by means of an option to extend or renew the lease. We have, however, provided in Section 2 -of the - Lease that the- Hospital and Dr. Lwai , not more than two years nor less than one year before-the- expiration of the term- of the Mr. Dennis A. Popp July 18 , 1980 Page Two • lease, will begin negotiations directed at entering .a new 25 year lease to commence on the expiration of the current lease. While there is considerable question as to the enforceability of such a provision, its inclusion may give Dr. Lwai' s lender some assurance that the 'Hospital does contemplate negotiating with Dr. Lwai in good faith with respect to a new lease. With respect to joining in any mortgage , we believe that the Hospital would be absolutely prohibited from doing so by the provisions of Article 8 , Section 7 of the State Constitution. A public hospital district is defined by statute as a municipal corporation and, therefore, falls within the Constitutional prohibition against any municipal corporation loaning credit to any private individual, associa- tion, company or corporation. It seems clear to us 'that joinder by the Hospital in a mortgage, even without personal liability, would be an unconstitutional loan of credit. Dr. Lwai' s lender is most likely concerned about its ability to take over the lease and enjoy the benefits thereof in the event that Dr. Lwai defaults. If that is the case, it .may be possible to satisfy the lender' s concern with an estoppel agreement from the Hospital in which the Hospital. would agree not to terminate the lease on default if the lender cures the default. I would also like to direct your attention to two provisions of the draft lease . One of these is Section 4 , providing for a performance bond. The language in that section is taken substantially from RCW 70 . 44 . 250 . That statute permits the commissioners to accept and approve a surety company or any person or persons satisfactory to the commissioners as surety on. the bond. Moreover, the commis- sioners are also empowered by the statute to accept "a deposit as security of such property as collateral or 'the giving of such other form of security as may be satisfactory to the commissioners. " If you decide not to require the bond called for in the draft lease , , we should revise Section 4 . o Mr. Dennis A. Popp July 18 , 1980 Page Three You will also note that Section 23 , related to insurance, does not specify the amount of insurance coverage which the lessee must provide, since I do not have that information. Please call me, after you have had an opportunity to review the lease and this letter, so that we may discuss any comments you have concerning the lease and the appropriate next step toward closing the transaction. After you have reviewed the lease and we have made any necessary revisions , we will forward copies to Dr. Lwai and his attorney for their review. Very truly yours , PmarY'67/7'(• S. Park r; ,Jr_ OSP:CAL/br Enclosure cc: William A. Gould (w/enc. ) 1,1 f LEASE e THIS LEASE, made in triplicate this day of t 1980, between PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1 OF KING COUNTY, a municipal corporation, Lessor, and SAN LWAI and' CAVELLE LWAI, his wife, Lessee. In consideration of the rents and covenants and under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Lessor does hereby lease to Lessee, and Lessee does hereby lease from Lessor, those certain premises situate in the City of Renton, King 1 County., Washington, described as follows: i See Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein hereinafter called the 'premises." 1. Purpose. The premises are to be used for. the purpose of providing parking and access to Lessee's medical office building located on adjacent property, and for no other business or purpose without the written consent of Lessor. All costs associated with construction, maintenance and operation of said parking area shall be borne. by Lessee. Design and layout of the parking area shall be subject to prior written ' approval of Lessor and of the City of Renton. No construction on or use of the premises may begin unless and until Lessee receives such written approvals. 2. Term. The term of this lease shall be for twenty-five 25) years, and shall commence on the date the City of Renton issues to Lessee a Certificate of Occupancy for the building to be constructed by Lessee on the property adjacent to the premises; provided, however, if such Certificate of Occupancy I is not issued within two (2) years from the date hereof this lease and all duties and obligations of the parties hereto shall cease and terminate. No more than two (2) years, but no less than one (1) year, prior to expiration of the lease term, Lessor and Lessee shall begin negotiation with respect to a new lease of the premises for a term of twenty-five (25) years to commence upon expiration of the term of this lease and upon such other terms and conditions as the parties hereto may agree. 3. Rent. Lessee covenants and agrees to pay as rental for the premises a minimum monthly rental of a sum computed as nine and one-half percent (9-1/2%) multiplied by an amount equal toI Two and 53/100 Dollars ($2.53) multiplied by the number of . square feet of the premises in lawful money of the United States in advance on the first day of each calendar month of the lease term to Lessor at 400 S. 43rG';- !1enton, Washington, or to such other party or at such other place as Lessor may hereafter. designate. 4. Performance Bond. As required by RCW 70.44.250, this lease is conditioned upon the furnishing by Lessee of a performance bond, which bond shall name Lessor as obligee and which shall secure Lessee's performance of the terms of this lease for a period of not less than five . (5) years. No more than two (2) years, but not less than one (1) year, prior to expiration of the period covered by such bond, Lessee shall deliver another or other like bond covering an_ additional part. of the term in accordance with the foregoing provisions in respect to the original bond and so on until the end of the term so that there will always be in force a bond securing the performance of the terms of this lease, and the penalty in each bond shall be not less than the rental for one-half the period • 2- 071780/7/6687D covered thereby, but no bond shall be construed to secure the furnishing of any other bond. Said bond shall be furnished with a surety satisfactory to Lessor and Lessor shall not be obligated in any manner under this lease unless and until such bond is furnished. 5. Repairs. Lessee will at all times keep the premises neat, clean and in a sanitary condition. Except for reasonable wear and tear and damage by unavoidable casualty, Lessee will at all times preserve the premises in good repair. All repairs' shall be at Lessee's sole cost and expense. Lessee agrees that at the expiration or sooner termination of this lease, Lessee will quit and surrender the premises without notice, and in a neat and clean condition, to Lessor or Lessor 's agents. 6. Utilities. Lessee hereby covenants and agrees to pay all charges for heat, light, water and sewer and for all •other public utilities which shall.,be used in or charged against the premises during the full term of this lease. Lessor shall not be liable .for the failure of any such services for any reason whatsoever'. 7. Taxes. Lessee hereby covenants and agrees to pay any and all taxes assessed in relation to the premises or Lessee's use thereof, including, without limitation, real property taxes. f 8. Accidents. All personal property on the premises shall be at the risk of Lessee. Lessor or Lessor's agents shall not be liable for any damage, either to persons or property, • sustained by Lessee or others, caused by any defects now in the premises or hereafter occurring therein, or caused by any part or appurtenance thereof becoming out of repair, or caused by fire or by the bursting or leaking of water, gas, sewer or steam pipe or caused by any act or neglect of cotenants or 3- 071780/7/6687D 1 4, other occupants of said premises., or caused by any other persons, including Lessor, Lessor 's agents or employees, or due A' to the happening of any accident from whatsoever cause in and about said premises; provided, however, that Lessee shall not be liable for damage to persons or property caused by-the sole negligence of Lessor, Lessor 's agents or employees. Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Lessor and oLessor s agents harmless from any and all claims, except those arising from the sole negligence of Lessor, Lessor 's agents or employees, for damages suffered or alleged to be suffered in or about the premises by any person, firm or corporation. 9. Care of Premises. Lessor shall not be called upon to make any improvement or repair of any kind upon or to the premises. The premises shall at all times be kept and used by Lessee in accordance with the laws or""the State of Washington and ordinances of the City of Renton, and in accordance with all directions, rules and regulations of the health officer, fire marshal, building inspector, or other proper officer of any governing entity, at the sole cost and expense of Lessee; and Lessee will permit no waste,, damage or injury to the premises. Lessee shall be liable for the removal of. ice and . snow from the premises. 10. Use. Lessee shall conduct and carry on in the premises, continuously during each and every business day of the term hereof, the business for which the premises are leased, and shall not use the premises for illegal purposes. Lessee agrees that no stock of goods will be carried, or anything done in or about the premises which will increase the present rate of insurance; provided, however, if Lessee shall engage in such business with the consent of Lessor, which 4- 071780/7/6687D 1 business shall increase. insurance rates, Lessee shall pay such increase. Lessee agrees that it .has determined to Lessee's satisfaction that the premises can be used for the purposes for which they are leased and waives any right to terminate this lease in the event the premises cannot be used for such purposes or for any reason may not be 'used for such purposes during the term of this lease. 11. Liens and Insolvency. Lessee shall keep the premises free from any liens arising out of any work performed, materials furnished or obligations incurred by Lessee. In the event Lessee becomes insolvent, voluntarily or involuntarily bankrupt, or if a receiver, assignee or other liquidating officer is appointed for the business of Lessee, then Lessor ; may cancel this lease at Lessor's option. 12. Assignment. Lessee shall not, without the written consent of Lessor or Lessor 's agents, let or sublet the whole or any part of the premises, or assign this lease or any part. thereof. This lease shall not be assignable by operation of law. If consent is once given by Lessor to the assignment of this lease or any interest therein, Lessor shall not be obligated to consent to any further assignment. 13. Access. Lessee will allow Lessor or Lessor 's agents free access at all reasonable times to the premises for the purpose of inspection or of making repairs, additions or alterations to the premises or• any property owned by or under the control of Lessor, but this right shall not be construed as an agreement on the part of Lessor to make any repairs, all of such repairs to be made by Lessee as aforesaid. In the event that Lessor disturbs or removes improvements on the premises in order to effect repairs or alterations which benefit solely 5- 071780/7/6687D 4 Lessor's property other than .the premises, Lessor shall restore 1 the improvements to their condition at the time of such disturbance or removal. Lessor shall have the right to place and maintain "For Rent" signs in a conspicuous place on the premises for thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of this lease. 14. Notices. Any notice required to be served in accordance with the terms of this lease shall be sent by mail, ' notices from Lessee to be sent to Lessor, and notices from Lessor to be sent to Lessee, directed to the last known address of Lessor or Lessee.. 15. Governmental Fees. All fees arising from or caused by Lessee's use of the premises and payable to the city, county or state during the term of this lease shall be paid by Lessee. 16. Signs. All signs or symbols placed on the premises shall be subject to the approval of Lessor. Any signs so placed on the premises shall be so placed upon the understanding and agreement that Lessee will remove same at the termination of the tenancy herein created and repair any damage or injury to the premises caused thereby, and if not so removed d I by Lessee then Lessor may have same so removed at Lessee's expense. 17. Alterations. Lessee shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements in the premises, without the consent f f of Lessor in writing first had and obtained, 'and all alterations, additions and improvements which shall be made shall be at the sole cost and expense of Lessee, shall become the .property of Lessor, and shall remain in and be surrendered with the premises as a part thereof at the termination of this lease, without disturbance, molestation or injury. If Lessee 11 6- 071780/7/6687D 1. shall perform work with the consent of Lessor, as aforesaid, Lessee agrees to comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Renton or any other authorized public authority. Lessee further agrees to save Lessor free and harmless from damage, loss or expense arising out of the said work. 18. Default and Reentry. If any rents above reserved, or any part thereof, shall be and remain unpaid when the same shall become due, or if Lessee shall violate or default in any of the covenants and agreements herein contained, then Lessor may cancel this lease upon giving the notice required by law, and reenter the premises, but notwithstanding such reentry by Lessor, the liability of Lessee for the rent provided for herein shall not be extinguished for the balance of the term of this lease , and Lessee covenants and agrees to make good to Lessor any deficiency arising irtrm a-e'r entry and reletting of the premises at a lesser rental than herein agreed to. Lessee shall pay such deficiency each month as the amount thereof is ascertained by Lessor. 19. Costs and Attorneys' Fees. If by reason of any act or L I s omission on the part of Lessee it becomes necessary for Lessor 3 to employ an attorney; or in case Lessor shall bring suit to recover any rent due hereunder, or for breach of 'any provision of this lease or to recover possession of the premises; or if Lessee shall bring any action for any relief against Lessor, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this ],ease, then in • any of such events the losing party shall pay to the prevailing party reasonable attorneys' fees and all costs and expenses rh expended or incurred by the prevailing party in connection with • such default or action. 7- 071780/7/6687D r j i 20. Nonwaiver of Breach. The failure of Lessor to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements 1. of this lease, or to exercise any option herein conferred in any one or more instances, shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of any such covenants and agreements, or any other covenants or agreements, but the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. 21. Removal of Property. In the event of any entry in, or. taking possession of, the premises as aforesaid, Lessor shall have the right, but not the obligation, to remove from the premises all personal property located therein, and may store the same in any place selected by 'Lessor, including but not limited to a public warehouse, at the expense and risk of the owners thereof, with the right to sell such stored property, without notice to Lessee, after it has been stored for a period of thirty 30) days or more, the proceeds of -such sale to be applied first, to the cost of such sale, second, to the payment of the charges for storage, if any, third, to the payment of any other sums of money which may then be due from Lessee to Lessor under any of the terms hereof, and the balance, if any, to be paid to Lessee. 1 22. Heirs and Successors. Subject to the provisions hereof pertaining to assignment and subletting, the covenants and agreements of this lease shall be binding upon the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of any or all of the parties hereto. 23. Condemnation. If the premises, or a substantial part or parts thereof, shall be condemned for public use, then, upon the taking of the same for such public use, this lease, at the option of either Lessor or Lessee, shall become null and void, 8— 071780/7/6687D and the term herein granted shall cease, anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding. Unless Lessee or Lessor shall give written notice to the other within thirty (30) days of1 such taking of intent to declare this lease terminated, this lease shall continue in force on the terms and conditions herein provided, except that Lessee's rental obligation shall be reduced by the proportion of the premises so taken. 24. Insurance. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this lease, Lessee shall provide Lessor with a certificate showing that Lessee has in force comprehensive general public liability and property damage insurance applicable to Lessee's i occupancy of the premises and the adjoining streets and walk areas, protecting Lessor and Lessee against any and all liability in an amount not less than Dollars ($combined single limit with respect to injuries to or death of persons and with respect to destruction of or damage to property. Such insurance shall not be cancellable without thirty (30) days' prior written notice thereof to Lessor. Lessee shall further provide such other insurance as Lessor may require due to the nature of Lessee's improvements on the premises. 25. No Other Warranties. Lessee has examined and knows the condition of the premises, and no representations or warranties as to the condition thereof have been made by Lessor, or its agents, that are not herein set forth. 9- 071780/7/6687D i . • j IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this lease the day and year first above written. LESSOR LESSEE I PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1 OF KING COUNTY, a municipal j corporation SAN LWAI By Its CAVELLE LWAI By Its STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On this day of 19 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me known to be the persons who signed as and respectively, of PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1 OF KING COUNTY, the municipal corporation that 1 executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were duly elected, qualified and acting as said officers of the municipal corporation, that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On this day of 19 , before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared SAN LWAI , to me known to be the individual who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be his free. and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. 10- 071780/7/6687D 1 GIVEN UNDER my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On this day of 19 , before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared CAVELLE LWAI , to me known to be the individual who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument .to be her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and 1 purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN UNDER my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate above written. 1 .NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State 7i Washi;•. ..t,nn, •residing at 1 11- 071780/7/6687D 1 AGREEMENT TO LEASE Valley General Hospital - Lwai) The undersigned hereby agree that Paragraph 3(b) of that i.' ' "Addendum to Agreement to sell in Lieu of Condemnation" dated January 10, 1980' concerning lease of certain realty belonging to' Public' Hospital District No. 1 of King County, hereinafter raferred `to Ms .the "Hospital District", unto San .Lwai and Cavelle Lwaii.,, :kusBand .and Wife, hereinafter referred to as Lwai",, shall. and does hereby -survive the "closing" of transactions contemplated by said Addendum,.. to-wit: . . Upon Lwai°s request, which shall be made,.within;-:one • year..from date of "this- instrument , the Hospital District shall enter into a lease with Lwai, whereby it will lease him a portion of its property adjaoent...'to:.Parcel "IV' of Valley General Baspital Dr. Brain. Short Plat, as recorded under Auditor's file No. 7812149018,,.records,'of King County, r Washington', filed.December.-14 1978., , in Book 15 of Surveys . . on page 2:;: west.•of- thi, roadway runming. in a westerly, dir- ection face Springbrook'Roac to.-Jthe 'existing dental clinic. located dm the property being;:purchased by the Hospital District under Addendum to Agreement to Sell in Lieu of Condemnattion dated January" ,10, 19.80,. together with the rights or ingress and 'egress ; ` from, the parking area to and from the Building to be located on the aforedescribed realty andi to •and from the new access road which was "con- structed b-„5 t.+ke Hospital District that .abuts the aforedes- cribed reality, so that twat may meet the 'parking standards and requirements; of the City. of, Renton for a N. O;<00O°a,Aquare foot bui1di 'to= be4ocated;^ theAforecclesCribed: realty. ot• such leas' * axes, .Lwai agtees to pay the Hospital. '- DH rict rent; which, shall be.. computed•at nine and. one- salt 91 2. s3Y.. the .number of squarepe^,scent 47= X the, Sm. of ,S. . f• fe of space leased to Lwai,, with trhe• understanding that the parking-spaces developed on ,:.:th&; land the subject of such lease:/shall be for the exclusive use ,of Lwai or his, assigns during .the lease term,. ;,:'The term of such, lease A shall be for twenty-five. (25) years , which shall be secured by a bond as required by R. C.W. 70.44. 250. Such lease term shall commence when the City of Renton issues. Lwai' s Certificate of Occup.andy upon. the building he intends to construct upon the aforedes'cribed realty. The design and layout of parking spaces withdn the lease area- shall .be subject to prior approval .of the City of. Renton° and the' Hospital =District. Further, planned ingress to and egress from such parking spaces , ingress and egress to and from the building to be located on the aforedescribed realty to the. Hospital District's roadway, and the decision as ° to trees that will or will not be disturbed or removed by the development of the parking spaces shall also be subject to the p:r or approval, of the: Hospital District. All costs of development oE parking spaces within such leased area, including, but not Lnnited to, necessary, -ground preparation, utilities, drainage, tights, curbs, walkway ', ways of ingress: to and from the leased ' parking spaces and to and from° the building to be located on the aforedescribed realty to the Hospital District roadway, and landscaping shall be borne by Lwai. DATED this —4 4 day of,. ..', 111the` 1980. PUBLIC H ITA DISTRICT NO.. 1 OF KING 0 N Scar Lwai By 0 c 'n/?iL- t• ai- a iman of the Board Cave a Lwai By W u/ Sec e ar? o the Board. Admi istrator J . STATM OF WASHILi3GT0N ) CO-UNT1 OF KING Oft this date personally appeared before me SAN LWAI, M.D. and CAVELLFE LWAI to me known- to be the -individuals 'described in and who exenuted the within and -'foregoing Agreement, and acknowledged that thay signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVLN under``my hand .and: .official .seal this:?ay of • 1 19s o 4,0 O Notary Public in .end for th Bute. 0.k\\!th 3, of Washington. residing at AM 1960. 9/N.G .UE@'/'' ? a STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING On this (-•day of I)•(/),Xr,/ 1980, before me personally appeared LEO POWERS and CHARLOTTE KURTH COOPER, to me known to be the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Hospital Commissioners of Public Hospital District No. 1 of King County, arid WILLIAM E. MURRA7 - .the Administrator of Valley General Hospital , that executed the vrithin and foregoing Agreement and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said Public Hospital District No. 1 of King County, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated they were authorized to execute said instrument'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above writ en., iiiee....f,(' er /A.-,(4...e.-e a.---------- 4 llotary Public in nd for tile-. *State of Washington, residing at L,r ::• ,,. - h 1 EPA%'` 3- PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 5, 1980 APPLICANT : DR. SAN LWAI FILE NUMBER : SA-059-80, SP-060-80 A . SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks Site Approval for a + 46,480 medical office building in a P-1 zone along with Special Permit approval for a parking lot and landscaping. B . GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 . Owner of Record : DR. SAN LWAI 2 . Applicant : DR. SAN LWAI 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached) West side of Talbot Road South approximately 1100 feet north of S.W. 43rd street 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department . 5. Size of Property: 39, 780 6. Access :Via Talbot Road South 7. Existing Zoning: P-1, Public Use District 8 . Existing Zoning in the Area : P-1 ; k-3, Multiple Family Residential ; G-9600, Single Family Residential District . 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Greenbelt , Publilc and Quasi-Public 10 . Notification : The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Seattle Times on July 16 , - 1980 and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on July 16, 1980. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING: DR. SAN LWAI ,. SA-059-80, SP-060-80 AUGUST 5, 1980 PAGE TWO C. j HISTO;"Y/BACKGROUND: • The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance 1111743 of April 15, 1959 at which time the present zoning I classification was applied. D. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The site slopes downward toward the west in a general southeasterly-northwesterly direction at approximately a 6-8% slope. 2. Soils: Alderwood (AgC) . Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil . Runoff is slow to medium, and the erosion hazard is moderate. This soil is used for timber , pasture , row crops , and urban development. 3. Vegetation: The site is dominated by developed lawn grass with scattered stands of young growth deciduous trees . 4. Wildlife : Existing vegetation on the site may provide suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water : No surface water was observed on the subject site ( 7/16/80) . However , a drainage ditch extends east-west across the property. 6 . Land Use : The subject site in undeveloped. To the south are the grounds of Valley General Hospital with the property to the west consisting of undeveloped woodlands . An existing clinic is located on the property adjacent to the north with similar uses to the east across Talbot Road South. E . NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS : Containing a regional hospital , the area is primarily is medical-dental complex of related professional uses . F. ! PQD,LIC SERVICES : 1 . Water and Sewer: An existing 10" water main and 8" sanitary sewer extend north-south along Talbot Road South adjacent to the subject site. ' 2. Fire Protection : Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements . 3 . Transit : METRO Transit Route 150 operates along Talbot Road South adjacent to the eastern boundary of the subject property . 4. Schools: Talbot Hill Elementary School is located approximately one mile north of the subject site with Fred Nelsen Junior High School located within 11/2 miles to the northeast and Lindbergh Senior High School situated slightly over 2 3/4 miles to the northeast . 5. Recreation: Talbot Hill Park is located within 14; miles north of the subject site while Phillip Arnold and Tiffany Parks are approximately 3 miles to the northeast . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC ,HEARING: DR . SAN LWAI , SA-059-80, SP-060-80 AUGUST 5, 1980 PAGE THREE G. ; APPLICABLE SECTIOlNS OF THE ZOINIING CODE: 1 . Section 4-710, P-1, Public District 2. Section 4-7220, Special Permit H. , APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1 . Comprehensive Plan, 1965 , Land Use Report, Objectives 6, p . 18. I . ; IMPACT OF THE NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT : 1 . Natural Systems : Development of the site will remove the vegetation , disturb the soils, increase storm water runoff, and have an affect on traffic noise levels in the area . However , through proper development controls and procedures, these impacts can be mitigated. 2. Population/Employment : Additional employment will be approximately 280 assuming 6 employees per 1000 square feet of office area (46,480 square feet) . 3. Schools : N/A 4. Social : Completion of the proposed building will provide increased opportunities for social interaction among the future employees . 5. Traffic: The proposed medical office facility will generate approximately 3,486 additional vehicle trips per day (75 trip per 1,000 square feet ) on Talbot Road South. This would represent approximately a 60% increase in traffic volume over the present. level . J. E4NVIP!GI IEINTWL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton 's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, a Declaration of Non-Significance was issued by the ERC for the subject proposals on July 2, 1980 The appeal period ended on July 23, 1980. K. ; AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED : 1. City of Renton Building Division. 2 . City of Renton Engineering Division . 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. City of Renton Utilities Division. 15. City of Renton Fire Division . L . DEPARTEINTAL ANALYSIS: Site Approval ) 1 . The applicant is seeking site plan approval under Section 4-710 (1 ) (G) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a medical office building in the P-i zone. The four-story 46, 840 gross square foot building would be located on a 39, 780 square foot site along PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING : DR. SAN LWAI , SA-059-80, SP-060-80 AUGUST 5, 1980 , PAGE FOUR with provisions for 40 parking spaces . An additional1 197 parking spaces are proposed on adjacent parcel considered under special permit SP-060-80 . The proposal is consistent with the present Comprehensive Plan designation of Public/Quasi-Public for the subject site and the existing zoning of P-1 , Public Use . 2 . The proposal calls for creation of two access points along the 120' frontage on Talbot Road South. In addition, the major access to the Valley General Hospital 's northern parking lots are within 45 ° of the southern entrance of the. proposed clinic. These could result in unecessary traffic confusion and congestion at the site. Only one point allows circulation between the on-site parking and the off-site parking adjacent to the south. By eliminating the southern access to Talbot Road South and replacing it with access to the primary hospital access road to the south of the proposed clinic (labeled point C) , the congestion on Talbot would decrease and circulation around the site would increase . This would 'eliminate three parking spaces . 3 . The building requires 234 parking spaces per Section 4-2208(6) (A) but the site plan shows a total of 237 on-site and off-site parking spaces . Modification of the access would eliminate 3 parking spaces and the total parking would still comply with that required for the complex. 4. Schematic landscape plans have been presented; however, detailed plans will be necessary at the time of submission of building plans for a building permit . 5 . Public Works Department has advised that detailed drainage plans and improvement plans for Talbot Road South in front of the medical clinic will need to be approved prior to construction of the building by the Public Works Department . These improvements will tie in with the present. improve- ments in front of Valley General Hospital . 6 . The Utilities Division has advised us that watermains will have to be installed in the area since it is included in a general improvement area for water pressure . 1;/ per square foot system development charge will be required for water and 41/ per square foot system development charge will be required for sewer . In addition there is latecomer ' s fee for sewer due upon application in the amount of 1390. 71 . 7 . Attached are other departmental responses . M. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above analysis , the Planning Department recommends approval of the applicant 's request , File SA-059-80 with the following conditions: 1 . Modification of access to eliminate the southerly access onto Talbot Road South and include a new access point to the hospital access road at the southeast corner of the proposed clinic shown as point C . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING: DR. SAN LWAI ,. SA-059-80, SP-060-80 AUGUST 5, 1980 PAGE FIVE 2 . Approval of drainage plans for the subject site and improvement plans for Talbot Road South in Cfront of the medical clinic by the Public Works Department prior to the issuance of a building permit . 3. Installation of the necessary water mains and payment of appropriate system development charges for both sewer and water along with late charges for. sewer. M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Special Permit) 1 . The applicant is seeking a special permit to allow off-street parking under Section 4-2204(C) of the Parking & Loading Ordinance. The total of 2 .14 acres is going to be leased from Valley General Hospital to provide the necessary 197 off-street parking spaces in addition to the 37 parking spaces provided on-site (as amended by the Planning Department recommendation for the site approval ) to meet the required parking needs of the medical clinic. 2 . Valley_ General Hospital has agreed to lease to Dr . Lwai the necessary parking to construct a minimum 40 ,000 square foot building. The document is dated the 24th day of March 1980. The agreement to lease was reached after the hospital district and Dr. Lwai agreed not to condemn the property owned by Dr. Lwai for hospital expansion. The facility will be used in close coordination with the hospital . Both the agreement to lease and the lease agreement are attached for your review . Dr . Lwai requested a 40-50 year lease of property for parking; however, the hospital district has responded that they are prohibited by RCW 70.44.250 from leasing property for in excess of 25 years . However, the RCW does not preclude the hospital from issuing an additional 25-year lease at the time of the original expiration . In addition, RCW 70.44.250 requires that a performance bond be placed to assure compliance with the lease terms or security in the form of real property. This would appear to meet the permanent requirement of the auxiliary parking section of the Parking Loading Ordinance. However, the language of the lease should be clearly evaluated to assure that the lease cannot be broken by either of the parties involved. The question of the legal binding of the lease between the parties has been directed to the City Attorney for comment . An alternative to the lease could possibly be the hospital district granting a parking easement to the City of Renton to assure that the site will always be used for parking for Dr. Lwai 's medical clinic . 3 . Six criteria are established in the Parking & Loading Ordinance to allow auxiliary parking away from the primary structure. The following is an analysis of those six criteria applied to the proposed auxiliary parking lot: Condition A: "The parking lot must be within 500 feet of the use that it is intended to serve" The farthest parking stall is located within 490 feet of the southwest corner of the proposed medical building therefore meeting the requirements of Condition A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING: DR . SAN LWAI , SA-059-80, SP-060-80 AUGUST 5, 1980 PAGE, SIX Condition B: "The parking lot shall be subject to all applicable provisions of this ordinance. " Based upon the plans submitted, the parking lot appears to meet all the dimensional requirements for parking stall width and depth and aisle width. Schematic landscaping plans have been presented at this time and detailed plans will have to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to the construction of the parking lot. Condition C: "The parking lot shall be subject to front yard setbacks of the zoning in which it is located." The proposed parking lot is setback at least 320 feet from Talbot Road South thus complying with this requirement . Condition D: "The parking lot may be located in any zoning district except those zoned exclusively for single and two-family dwellings." The subject site is zoned P-1, Public Use and therefore is an allowable use in the P-1 when associated with an allowed use . _ Condition E : "Except for emergencies , no auto repair or service of any kind shall be conducted on any such parking area ." The plans submitted to not suggest that type of activity will be conducted on the subject parcel . Condition F : "No charge for use of such parking areas shall be made in any residential zone except on a weekly or monthly basis." The subject site involved is zoned P-1 , Public Use and this section is not applicable. M. DEPARTMENT F L RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the Hearing Examiner approve the special permit requested by the applicant , File No . SP-060-80 with the following conditions: 1 . With restrictive language in the lease limiting the ability of either party to violate lease or the filing of restrictive covenants by Valley General Hospital District to assure permanent use of the property for parking to meet the necessary parking srequirements of the proposed Dr. Lwai clinic. 2 . `,Approval of detailed landscaping plans by the Planning Department for the proposed parking lot prior to the issuance of building permits for either the parking lot or the medical clinic . I*N V 1 iees 9'., c D 4 \ t S 8 i45...5:1- li 1'42;7,', . • .K.' n '\,.: 2... le‘.: tr lit !... 0 i II, I' 301. r i, , . A fr 4 t rod'lft \,....;;CD 1 i . I i ff,10 1 4 I iy i t4„?,._ ,sT ..,,, 4rflif , 41' 45 ,it, •I • P° rGI, ' i) r U -- La I la i ' w is. , t i 1.....Cn 4 II) 'ii•_-4..) 1 .1' . 4 1 1 7•Li W 114/ r W in iDe•--- 't i 4 . • K I . it) illoitaf 0,r Pr• tACr . I. i) I '‘. 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I-- I... -........." r \ FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No(s ) : SA-059-00 P i "''' Environmental Checklist No: ECF-577-80 Description of Proposal : Request for site approval for medical office building and special permit for parking lot and landscaping in P-1 zone Proponent :, rsAN i.IJA' :","` Location of Proposal :Approximately 1100' north of S.W. 43rd Street on west side of Springbrook0 Road (Parcel "0") of Dr. Brain Short Plat-213-78 Lead Agency :PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on July 2 , 1980 followingapresentationbyRogerBlaylockofthePlanningDeportment.Oral comments were accepted from: Gordon :. Erickson expressed concern about overall hospitaldevelopmentplans , also grading, landscaping plans of parkinglot ; John %lebley inquired about joint use access and exclusive parking arrangements. Police Department submitted written comments . Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-577-80 are the following: 1 ) 'Environmental Checklist Review Sheet , prepared by:Steve Munson, Assistant Planner, dated June 27, 1980 2) Applications: SA-059-80, SP-060-80 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: I Moved by Warren G. Gonnason, Seconded by John Webley,declaration of non-significance be issued; Gordon Y.Ericksen, concurred. Acting as the Responsible Official , the ERC has determined this development does not have significant adverse impactontheenvironment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2) (c) . Thin decision was made after review by the lead agency 'ofacompleteenvironmentalchecklistandotherinformation on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: Subject proposal is in conformance with the existingzoningandComprehensivePlanfortherca. S`'gnatures :1i -'3 n E . llebley, Parks rirector eft / a / ...' . ./ fo on' Y. Erickgeli, Planningr Director ,/ i W rren G. Gonnason , Director • Public Works Department DATE OF PUBLICATION :July 9, 1900 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: July 23 , 1900 0 "-'.5-1a•cf-4-..-1'10:r.--csr-..t.c.'-,-1,••---• ••A.........;•.:....,.*,.:-..!• --- -`"•-••.1.:-V!',14—"..4.,'"..,':.'Z•-• -• 7 ' - A,' ---' '--AZ ra,..,.."•:-.5...•,..i...W141••- •.-^ 777•1«-83'4f........t'igitt•i•r,:.1•.,,,,,, -..." ..;.-...i-,-. z:-.4----47,,r4,4-1*t.s,....*4-1:i.--,- -;...-4-4...--rzr.tgrwi,---",,-.-:4--:-'5.4s t'' 4•;',---;-?---";':-.4- 'IT I i 4 ii i. i Finn putnes 1crltprairtg: ZIVA it 1"......-- ss\ J15L4:1_ 1) 7., 01213 4.0. 4*„......._,.. . .1.,in,,, ..- —-. 15..1•A, 10614. 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(. h . ®S7-9 arr 40,. I _icy , ttita L K:ie., •! la . * /' 0 ot.J fir .I7 }}• J . ;/ a' , o .. :,Ii4r,' I; , • a' , Lo S ion. o'90 . •r ,'...: r. '' e ., to10 ® /i . '..15 /s,, im .2 3$oife i i: r t t ,auPkf' '4+r • „4 I;- 1Z4 r ; ri";1 . i,% r. a, ram'I .. ,! Pp 6 erlit elat a 13610 - . 'TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : #i L Police Department A.R.C. MEETING DATE: ;f , , + fir:'. Public Works Department XIV. 4e o -,• Engineering Division Traffic Engineering B ralng Division Utilities Engineering Fire Department Other) : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BF PROVIDED INWRITIGFORTHEAPPLICATIONRVIEWCONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON67 01 96. AT 1:(O A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM.IF UR DEPARTMENT/DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE Tp A TEND THE ARC,PLEASE PROVIDE THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5:OU P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : .---" '-, — Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved 72 Cc t.%/ae_ 0ti)L-f 4 r Sig ature o *rector or Autho ze Representat ve Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : b Approved ira01 Approved with Conditions Not Approved LA 1.1.E 7w1e• /c"t of /sq Fr sYc o»a c.a. eh A c•G.3 WiA:Si o4/sq tC ce- h ail tevanna,t, c.c ( ck. (1-"t- '—'- c"r...-. *- (ter-..,wc cZ- iLcrfr . ,lixtiL Iti3.zii - 139o.-It I I ( Or4' - OW——-7/0 0 •':.__ Signature o ' Director or Authorized Reoresentativ•e na*A REVIEW-ING DEPARTMENT/D SION : Approved X Approved with Conditions Not Approved L.'t • 7(et Signature of Director or Authorized Repreese tative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: iwgzAe ,fipja.m 0Q%00 X Approved ____ Approved with Conditions _ Not Approved efle4biu044,4*-' Signature of Director or Authorized epresentative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved 7 r Signature .of..C :rector or Author zed .representative Date J, 1 r....... le Date circulated : o9 0.0 Comments due : —111/ gib ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEE SHEET "`" ECF - Sr - SO APPLICATION No (s ) . S4—D,rq-$a s 6-P-D4O^g0 PROPONENT : inr. ccrr, Zkv,pti 1 IA PROJECT TITLE. :Ship/46 bve ar-Medd caf epee dgfir.J td ries, it 6 r par(C. ir aslsE'aC e' % a- Brief Description of Project t,. I nn rpJ2jp!m. am`-- e . 1111 m I1 C2 l Cf e..4 $. I ct P l a0 W javX l!lam rLt (.j s ero`e ) Approx. IOOr o'l SCt)j on (ss/•Si ' of! L'lc .LOCATION : (t c.c( k r s 14 Zd SITE AREA: t afii7gefr BUILDING AREA (gross) .t4/4.l4/er9/4 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : X 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : X° 3) Water & water courses: X 4) Plant life : 49 5 ) Animal life: 6) Noise: 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north : east : south: west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) ' Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment :>: 12 ) Number of Dwellings : T I 13) Trip ends ( I I E ) :3V56 i • 4,a S r; O410.4-resretordret n. traffic impacts : ale.vats i$ `£. . coua 4-771 PS •a in 7'° ' 1; 14) Public services : X 1 rIAlbiffs is.s Mc. a`let v. 15) Energy : 16) Utilities: X 17) Human health: X 18 ) Aesthetics : X 19) Recreation: 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : r?g i I Recommendation : DNS yIDOSMoreInformation_ Reviewed by : P: z,,impt, rover- Title : 1.4rietC is Date : 3 0— c) FORM: ERC-06 1 Date circulated : 494/RO Comments due : '11 i/ SO ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - S77 - So APPLICATION No (s ) . 6A—Q,Kci_.gO SIP—,64O--eO PROPONENT : /?r. t__ .4ni Lwa ,' PROJECT TITLE :Stir iri Ada er 6:0 1 .eee3V4.1J tdAwer parkerHoff Brief Description of Project : nc r 4/6, 4 RO i trc+tea. ' lergS. pi 4 p_.( 44412._ wlavy.( (G2v r(ci , (3Slort'eis) rox• i. &N. e, (c do W.si ¢s ;et rt a/Q4.LOCATION : ,"„ x;} k3't) rd IxSIiort" ,plel$-5,agi rf oZl,ti`- SITE AREA : t 3/+7gO BUILDING AREA (gross) ` 74./7/ 14 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 4 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north: east : south: west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : r 10 ) Risk of upset : 14 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : 1 traffic impacts : 14) Public services :x 15 ) Energy : I 16) Utilities : 17 ) Human health: 18) Aesthetics :L 1 19 ) Recreation: 20) Archeology/history:X— COMMENTS : Recommendation : DN.I DOS More Information Reviewed by A c f ,,, 1 it„le : Date : 7/ FORM: ERC-06 1 v.1 Date circulated : 71)/4:94/RO Comments due : ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - S7? - 8.0 APPLICATION No (s ) . S,1-6.rq_gO s S'P—oeo-go PROPONENT : inr.Li.0 , n r PROJECT TITLE :S 4,-ovA <erlHe 'c / r!p 'ce f4 .4' P t t Peutit t UUapr c'r ept Brief Descriptilonof Project :s•Yrbcl V'RA`iJ1ec a(OA9fce3( 1 . et illI ZOi,4•22.. W/!kU X l l (Qtw 1 i (36 font e ro x• poly.c"N. dE iYt1{3 d U s,j is i n 4ree e IQd•LOCATION : ,rep( Vitt eixe oath-Sheet Rai--S/+orii-wha'f alA--71 SITE AREA : 1: 347:1 71R BUILDING AREA (gross ) $ 1//‘,1-16104 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life :1/ 6) Noise : 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north: east : south: west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : T 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14) Public services : I 15) Energy : 16 ) Utilities: 17) Human health: r/ 18) Aesthetics : r/ 19) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history :t/ COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSIX DOS More Information Reviewed by : ) , (.-- litle : Date : 6 FORM: ERC-06 OF R 0 © THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9Akr 235- 2550 o P 9 TE0 SEPT°, J,O MEMORANDUM July 24 , 1980 TO : Fred J . Kaufman Hearing Examiner FROM : Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director By : Roger J . Blaylock , Associate Planner RE : '6R . SAN LWAI SITE APPROVAL AND SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS , Files SA-059-80 and SP-060-80 The City Attorney is reviewing the proposed lease agreement between the Valley General Hospital District and Dr . Lawi . The lease agreement has just been prepared by the Hospital District Attorneys and has not been executed by both parties because Mr . Murray , the Hospital Administrator , is on vacation . Therefore , it is requested that the items be cointinued unil Tuesday , August 5, 1980 . The staff report will be forwarded to you with the items for the August 5th hearing . RJB :wr Valley General HospitL. 400 SOUTH 43RD STREET/RENTON,WA 98055/206-228-3450 Commissioners: LEO POWERS,President /MORTON T.HARDWICK,Vice-President CHARLOTTE KURTH COOPER,RN,MN,secretary /JACK B. KECK/JOHN R.SHIELDS,MD Administrator:WM.E.MURRAY July 22, 1980 REN City of Renton N,1 Planning Department Municiple Building s•-• 200 Mill Avenue South Qom/ Renton, Washington 98055 AcANN I Ni Attn: Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Dear Mr. Ericksen: Valley General Hospital Has reviewed the building structure and parking plan proposed by San Lwai , MD. The Hospital is in agreement with the plan as pro- posed and requested by Dr. Lwai . We have authorized Mr. Mike Cvitkovic, Projects Coordinator, to represent Valley General Hospital at the Renton Planning Department's Public Hearing on this subject July 29, 1980, at 9:00 AM. Sincerely, Aziwoot_._ eop f Dennis A. Popp Assistant Administrator DAP:ev cc: M. Cvitkovic S. Lwai , MD Wm. E. Murray PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT I Of KING COUNTY w y,, .' Y ro 3ar i f a , me,µ x'. 4,„ : 4: k F. °''e+ fi ' Vn 1 ..., t.' t _ :-. z t' k F+' 5 ' .+' ` a ` r.eF"'` i ':''"' ,"~v +;t., '}``` r +iYt+4 1 h Y: f AL 3 M r" SY ' fic ,x+ . #+ -;. i' I.14' i'', 4'. i a +'', I}L ; F;, 5'ty'y . to r . 4. It f a.'¢ •+.I :`:' t"7F `'' R' hers s" t 111 f t *w y;' f , • r. # ,: to ti 4.. GENERALDIDPRIESSPROERLOCATION: AND ATELY1100 Y NORTH OF S .W. 43RDPROPERTYLOCATEDAPPR1 STREET ON THE WEST SIDE OF TALBOT ROAD SOUTH (PARCEL B OF THE DR . BRAIN SHORT PLAT 213-78) . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LEGALDESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT. 1 I S ;POSTEI TO NOTIFY PROPERTY OWNERS OF fig r' rL . .: ra. i tt ,v t 10 T * Y, 1 4.r', F w " '.` qi S<; flea' r ,d i 1 ',, +' tY. x 4`. ^.+ F . n ,"", a,4, TO BE HELD IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING ON JULY 29 , 1980 BEGINNING AT 9 :00 A.M. O.I . CONCERNING ITEM Wi REZONE SPECIALPERMIT FOR PARKING LANDSCAPING INTP—ID ZONE SITE APPROVAL - FORINP MICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1EDZONE WAIVER SHORELINE M 1 , i f'° r: A . Gil/ENT PERMIT III FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 235 2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION 1 Date !circulated : 6f=52 61gen Comments due : Ifl ge, ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 47, - d APPLICATION No (s) . OA-9-g0 PROPONENT : Pr. set Lit o' PROJECT TITLE :&117 ot, Qr.nebca./rt~ e l' . 1 f t j r p`t ! ( ;/5e'4y.-l7%h eL '-Brief, Description of Project :e_'prs Uei 4/ra` VAD''11tecCe 'ca( r[°(. Q 9' L Qt W U 1[l4v C 3si®rt'r,) root. {loot .e'F N ISW4' d o W siig o'CS s A:ti)croakLOCATION : arc,. it&Ief .rdtr. t 5horrtmai$-SiiorPleaaf` atA-7d4 SITE AREA : t 34:7i`7g0zfr BUILDING AREA (gross) 4/C,9,540/4 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north : east : south: west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : X 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18) Aesthetics : Y 19 ) Recreation : 20) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI X( DOS More Information Reviewed Lby : itle : Date : 7 — /— gv FORM: ERC-06 N NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON , WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY, HALL , RENTON, WASHINGTON , - ON JULY 29 , 1980 , AT 9 :00 A .M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : 1 . DOMINIC J. COLASURDO , application for special permit to fill an area for future commercial development in the B-1 zone, File SP-032-80 ; property located on the south side of N . E . 4th Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Ave . N .E . 2 . DR . SAN LWAI , application for site approval for medical office building in P-1 zone , File SA-059-80 ; property located approximately 1100 feet north of S .W. 43rd St . on the west side of Talbot Road South (Parcel B of the Dr . Brain Short Plat 213-78 ) . 3 . DR . SAN LWAI , application for special permit for parking lot and landscaping in P-1 zone , File SP-060-80 ; property located approximately 1101 feet north of S. W. 43rd St . on the west side of Talbot Road South (Parcel B of the Dr . Brain Short Plat 213-78) . 4 . DOUGLAS A . WESTON, application for four-lot short plat approval in R-1 zone, File 061-80 ; property located in the vicinity of 338 Renton Avenue South. 5 . DOUGLAS A. WESTON, application for exception to Subdivision Ordinance regarding pipestem lots , File E-062-80 ; property located in the vicinity of 338 Renton Avenue South . 6 . RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT, application for rezone from G-7200 to R-3 for the purpose of future multiple family development , File R-048-80 ; property located on the east side of Benson Road South , south of S .W. 23rd Street . Legal descriptions of files noted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department . ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 29 , 1980 , AT 9 :00 A . M . TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . PUBLISHED : July 16 , 1980 GORDON Y. ERICKSE.N, RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST : Subscribed and sworn to before me , a Notary Public , in and for the State of. Washington residing in King County , on the llth day of July, 1980 . Er ; SIGNED : % , OF R4,4 16 0 THE CITY OF RENTONZ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 90 co' 235- 2550 09gT O SEPcE° P July 15, 1980 Dr . San Lwai Suite D 17800 Talbot Road Renton, WA 98055 Re : APPLICATIONS FOR SITE APPROVAL FOR MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING AND SPECIAL PERMIT FOR PARKING LOT AND LANDSCAPING IN P-1 ZONE , Files SA-059-80 and SP-060-80 ; property located approximately 1100 feet north of S .W. 43rd Street on the west side of Talbot Road South (Parcel B of the Dr . Brain Short Plat 213-78) Dear Dr . Lwai : The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on June 26 , 1980 . A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for July 29 , 1980 at 9 :00 a .m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present . All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing . If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Planning Department , 235-2550 . Very truly yours , Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director 7, By :J3 X-c.C'it Roger` J. Blaylock Associate Planner cc : Wm. E . Murray , Administrator Valley General Hospital 400 South 43rd Street Renton , WA 98055 Kenneth J . Oyler P .O . Box 2258 Renton , WA 98055 FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No (s ) : grI1V.115 9-8 , SP-060-80 Environmental Checklist No : ECF-577-80 Description of Proposal : Request for site approval for medical office building and special permit for parking lot and landscaping in P-1 zone Proponent : 41MpriSiMPALV466-, Location of Proposal : Approximately 1100 ' north of S.W. 43rd Street on west side of Springbrook Road (Parcel "B" ) of Dr . Brain Short Plat-213-78 Lead Agency : PLANNING DEPARTMENT This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on July 2 , 1980 following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Planning Department . Oral comments were accepted from: Gordon Y. Ericksen expressed concern about overall hospital development plans , also grading , landscaping plans of parking lot ; John Webley inquired about joint use access and exclusive parking arrangements . Police Department submitted written comments . Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-577-80 are the following : 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet , prepared by : Steve Munson, Assistant Planner , dated June 27 , 1980 2) Applications : SA-059-80 , SP-060-80 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance : Moved by Warren G . Gonnason, seconded by John Webley , declaration of non-significance be issued; Gordon Y. Ericksen, concurred . Acting as the Responsible Official , the ERC has determined this development does not have significant adverse impact on the environment . An EIS is not required under RCW 43 .21C .030(2 ) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance : Subject proposal is in conformance with the existing zoning and Comprehensive Plan for the rea . S ' gnatures : A/#11, 7 hn E . Webley , Parks Director Y Erickgefi, Planning Director ,' 411g , W rren G . Gonnason , Director Public Works Department DATE OF PUBLICATION :July 9 , 1980 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD : July 23 , 1980 NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance for the following projects : 1 . DOMINIC COLASURDO (ECF-555-80) , application for special permit to fill an area for future commercial development in the B-1 zone; File No . SP-032-80 ; property located on the south side of N .E . 4th Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Avenue N .E . 2 . RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT (ECF-570-80 ) , application for rezone from G-7200 to R-3 for the purpose of future multiple family development ; File No . R-048-80 , property located on the east side of Benson Road South, south of S .W. 23rd Street . 3 . DR . SAN LWAI (ECF-577-80) , application for site approval for medical office building (File No . SA-059-80 ) and application for special permit for parking lot and landscaping in P-1 Zone (File No . SP-060-80 ) ; property located approximately 1101 feet north of S .W. 43rd Street on the west side of Springbrook Road (Parcel "B" of the Dr . Brain Short Plat #213-78) . Further information regarding this action is available in the Planning Department , Municipal Building, Renton, Washington , 235-2550 . Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by July 23 , 1980 . Published : July 9, 1980 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE JULY 2 , 1980 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10 :00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 1 . OLD BUSINESS : R-048-80 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT ECF-570-80 Application for rezone from G-7200 to R-3 for the purpose of future multiple family development ; property located on the east side of Benson . Road South south of S.W. 23rd Street . Continued from June 25, 1980 meeting) 2 . NEW BUSINESS : SA-059-80 DR. SAN LWAI SP-060-80 Application for site approval for ECF-577-80 medical office building and special permit for parking lot and landscaping in a P-1 zone; property located approximately 1101 feet north of S .W. 43rd Street on the west side of Springbrook Road (Parcel "B" of the Dr . Brain Short Plat , File No. 213-78) . it 1 Date circulated: Comments due : / ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEWW SHEET ECF - i ? - 5lio APPLICATION No (s) . . ',9-Q, y..goJ ,0-44'0-go PROPONENT : Dr. 6ezn4 4whi og- PROJECT TITLE : si7 4 'rdf' r ge44«l ee lv.-A f ilrfiot;treeyeee4y BriefDescription of Project : C..-o S4.Oe-ta.. ge, 9R0V. el(4Ire' II l 63--Stori.es 0 etop no. 1100o i(/.o te--St 1113',- ' .OM Gri. j of iafr/e'o of "t L CATION : B" r. = A .5 la .• // SITE AREA: 'r3C( 7$0 BUILDING AREA (gross) 7441091 I DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE J INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : Y 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : j' 3) Water & water courses : 1'' ''''' 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise: 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north: tk.4,,,®o n a d. doe'? s,4 1 east : frai ve e. U fr vS ' l eck) t south : te)e, ° t 1 s ,see,` se-c west : 1 itiairvelopacr.e_ Land use conflicts : /D,'PP f / aerd`Na/f7 1 lx(G tlr kV setovie r files 7r j cVT:A s'liViewobstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : l l'/ .* 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : 37194frop e41/(75-75.9900,40 fcrgeirsege,raili r_ el a-•-04 w«.stc.ale lreel i/t[7f4ekrPP l• . traffic impacts : Revr,pre"ArAtH. itie,aa art('V.V/ope..ot t roof 044•01 tL $ % 14) Public services : a 15 ) Energy : V'. , 16) Utilities : j,/'° q 17 ) Human health: 18) Aesthetics: v _f 17 b 19 ) Recreation: 20 ) Archeology/history : V ' JCOMMENTS35L47e (7')) COUiY,Ltetext.•t idrtm c s e 0 niGJOd S eC c S ireCa.lecari Bs COt4S P CTroh `a'aC Oa I A L'lee 0 Aleit!'• getill cd Je eYf iar Jeee ttett /nay clam' AEI eraimg . 1 Recommendation: DNSI ir DOS More Information_ Reviewed b y : (454Q'r aKf®BI Title : S15/1 Plr, er Date : n A Svb j ee to Sage itIn 0' Q E t( 1IL JA ej4m c /'eii e?& O k& e J e sal Jaen l5 dae0b-e - _/FORM: ERC 06 Y 1, t! P eh S f sS q I A r \ CITY OF RENTON Q~' 4\ I' APPLICATION tie/ SITE APPROVAL x AL A N t\11e '/' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No. SA- t2 9-r6 Filing Date g.-/ -"lrd Application Fee $ /0-37<g- Receipt No . // /1 Environment(nvironment 1 Review Fee $ k3,e.a APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1 . Name Dr. San Lwai Phone 228-3550 Address 17800 Talbot Rd. S. Suite D, Renton, Washington 2 . Property location Talbot Rd. (Springbrook Rd. ) just north and adjacent to Valley General Hospital 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) Parcel B of Valley General Hospital-Dr. Brain Short Plat , as recorded under Auditor' s File 7812149018 , Record of King County, Washington filed December 14 , 1978 in book 10 of Surveys , page 258 . 39780 sf (site) 46 ,840e en ( p-14. Number of acres or square feets t zonrng 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? A medical office building 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application : A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , Scale existing structures , easements , and other factors limiting development) 1" = 10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan . . . . 1" = 10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1" = 200 ' to 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7. LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ACTION : Date Approved Date Denied Date Appealed Appeal Action Remarks Planning Dept. Rev, 1-77`,' AFFIDAVIT I , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this /1 day of 19 g6 Notary Public in and for th State of Washington, residing at Name of Notary P lic) Signature of Owner) Address) Address) City) State) Yc2 — 2Zo‘ Telephone) D.G. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thor o/uugh an•d Z .omplete in every particular and to conform to the rules and reg la . ozig Q. 'Jhe Renton Planning Department governing the filing of suci, <4ppatifon . Date Received 1° rr rsll 0 ` rr` Tji @ /1 CANNIPI,Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM 1-'1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ram / Application No. -®,fig— / S'/ O6O—Y0 Z, r Environmental Checklist No. LE-5-f2r_A® PROPOSED, date: FINAL , date: 0 Declaration of Significance Declaration of Significance Declaration of Non-Significance Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will, allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND Dr San Lwai 1. Name of Proponent 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 17800 Talbot Rd. S. Suite D, Renton Washington. 228-3550 3. Date Checklist submitted 4. Agency requiring Checklist Renton Planning Dept. 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: Medical Office Building 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : A Medical office building with auxiliary parking and land- scaping. The site is adjacent to Valley General Hospital. The proposed building will be approx. 416J4 :0] S. F. (gross) on three stories and basement . The height will be approx 38ft.. The architectural design will be compatible with the hospital. incorporating staggered ribbon windows and a flush panel system. The building will have its own access road to parking and entry off of Spring Brook Road. C c 5 2— r 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as th'e extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal) : The proposal is locateddirectly north of Valley General Hospital on Springbrook Road.Two new medical clinics have recently been built to the north of the site. The site is presently vacant and supports some second growth vegetation.There is a view of the industrial valley to the west which will not_ be blocked by the pro- 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : p o s al Spring 19R1 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local--including rezones) : Siteapvfr,.r. R—L—z-^Wing. (A special approval for an auxiliary parking lot on the parcel of land directly west of the proposal site is being applied tor concurrently. 10J Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion , or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes , explain : None 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes , explain: None except the auxiliary parking lot mentioned above. 12. Attach any other application form that' has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1), Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? YES MAYBE 0 b) Disruptions, displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? J YES MAYBE NO d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? YES MAYBE NO e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in Siltation , deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? YES MAYBE,, 0 Explanation: There will be some grading on the site; however this will be minimized, as the entries have been designed to allow entry at two levels in accordance withc- the present topography. Arc nev. 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a) - Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? YES MAYBE 0 b) The creation of objectionable odors? YES MAYBE 0 c) Alteration of air' movement, moisture br temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents, or the course' of direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? YES MAYBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? YES MAYBE *- d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? YES MAYBE NO f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? YES MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria, or other substances into the ground waters? YES MAYBE NO i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Drainage of site run-off has been discussed with the City Engineering Department and it was agreed theat it was 0. K. to dispose of run-off in the drainage easement at the west tof the site. 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees , shrubs , grass , crops , microflora and aquatic plants)? YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction' of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? YES' MAYBE 0 c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing Ps ecies. YES MAYBE NO d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? YES MAYBE NO No specialbiological conditions Explanation: have been noted. 4- 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , insects or• microfauna)? YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? YES MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? x No special habitat conditions YES MAYBE NO Explanation:havP hPPn noted_ 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? YES M YBE NO Explanation: There will be a sl&•ghtincrPase in the automobile on the site. 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? YES MAYBE NO Explanation:ThP hull-ing will -reflect some light. _Howcver Much of this will be miti g.atci at grn„nvl 1 Pve1 by the trees and landscaping. 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The proposed medical office building is consistent with the current zoning, the hospital' s plans , and the new r11.6irs being built in the area. 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? YES MAYBE NO Not Apilicable Explanation: 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) i in the event of an accident or upset conditions? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: All medical suppl iPs and substances will be handled and stored according to approved safety standards and procedures. V 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Y-MATTE NO Explanation: The medical office building w; 11 aPrvP an existing need by residents in the area. 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing,, or create a demand for additional housing? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not Applicable 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking? YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? YES MAYBE NO d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? x YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? YES MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? 7 YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The location, adjacent to the hospitial; and on an arterial near a freeway interchange is ideal from a traffic access standpoint . Also , the entry to the site is not adjacent to an intersection, thereby reducing traffic hazards. 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect 'upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? YES MAYBE NO b) Police protection? YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? YES MAYBE O7" f) Other governmental services? YES MAYBE NO` Explanation: No increased needs are anticipated. 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The building will be designed using current energy techniques. Also, th% location next to the hospital will make mass transit to medical facilities more feasible. 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities : a) Power or natural gas? YES MAYBE 0 b) Communications systems? YES MAYBE NO c) Water? YES MAYBE NO kµ J 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? YES MAYBE N-0 e) Storm water drainage? YES MAYBE 0 f) Solid waste and disposal? ti YES MAYBE NO` Explanation: " None is anticipated. 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)?p_ YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the . proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? YES MAYBE 0 Explanation: Aview corridor to the -west from Springbrook Road will be maintained. 1 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing 'recreational opportunities? YES MAYBE 0 Site is not presently used for recreation. ' Explanation: 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? C YES MAYBE 1NO\ None has been reported. Explanation: III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or Willful lack of full d' losure on my part. Proponen : signed - name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 IL 1 FILE TITLE ro.'.. r.. td" tr el ft 1 ,#' OP-/i f'•Iyf Y' , ` , iR kf A ,; ry • P. P I S" j I 111 .115)- 9 1111111.1.11. o 0I I r I 1