HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA81-017D BEGINNINGG OF FILE FILE TITLE 41e A r . - P 7:,n r rk Willt-, , ,,. .. u...,. c.0 v ..,:,, i 1 0/ 77(31 i I OF RA, 4 0j., 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR I' 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL tVE.SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 O9 TFO SE404°' t BARBARA Y. SHI POCH MAYOR 1 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 7, 1983 TO: Larry Warren, City Attorney FROM: Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: BLENCOE/K-MART JOINT USE PARKING LOT The K-Mart Corporation has granted. Harry. Blencoe a five 15) year lease to 1 utilize excess parking on the south side of S. 3rd Place to allow the expansion o Tr. Blencoe' s medical office building on the north side of S. 3rd Place. Th- Land Use Hearing Examiner approved the site plan for the office 1 building expansion, file SA-017-81 , conditioned upon provision of off-site parking. he lease provides'a sufficient number of parking spaces. Under Sect on 4-2204(6) of the Parking and Loading Ordinance, both the Building a d Zoning Department and the City Attorney must approve the parking arrangemen . Please find attached a copy of the lease agreement. The Builbcfril a d Zoni ng Department has approved the;'a 'Peement based on design and function. Please review and comment to our off;ice. I have informed Mr. Bl encoe Yth t a written response would come from the Building and Zoning Departm nt N opRJB:cl 1 43 ' 0022Z SO Attachment 1 1 1 i- 1 A eal )(I ai - ijiz•,1/4)-1-. a ),1 ; A. ...., R L I i • ii.',:,.' -a•-t.,1 LI)k.,/ SC0 )r- 1 ilt C 4,-;'':'7:7-'''-'1 1';:, ';?1 4. :• 14 '; - ;;;" '.• - ; • ., •t k • f• 1_, -a I . -__;,41-7,a`te; , '''• c'aa 1 . s ll, 1... 444H:::-::;':::::-: i• 1.'.r' ' 7'.'''"-•"!.,' • r.';`;'-'4';',7;13'• .. s......'..........,......; I I so• I. ;.. . . _ . . .. _. . t,„,. 6,a , 1_ ...,.. 1-1::,,..,... k.,..,, .•,,....:„k.,,,,_.:, ;,,,,c, -,..,, .'.4.;'4'''. --„„- -.':,- I A' . ' „ ' ..' . -;.'''. 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I m. .13],I P_ " I :' 1 Aly I 4 0 - 1 1 TY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON r i1,'il ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM l u i FOR OFIFICE USE ONLY 'a5,: ii a/7 _ F` OAppliclIationNo. r t Enviroonmental° Checklist No. Eg/' 0.'o-ii ifi PROPOSED, date: • FINAL , date: 11 0 Decilaration of Significance 0 Declaration of Significance aDec IIlaratio,n of Non-Significance t] Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: rl Introduction ' The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, R W, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values oth for their own actions and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whither or not a proposlal is such a major action. Please' answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are require , or where you beilieve an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. Y u should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Y ur answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental revi w now, with- out du"'plicating paperwork in the future. l'il NOTE: , This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal. If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and contir1ue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I I . (;,BACKGROUND' 1. Name of Proponent H. A. BLENCOE and JANET BLENCOE i. l 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: Ih 112 Monterey Dr. NE, Renton, WA 9805,5 I 255-7376 (Home) & 255-4400 (Office) 3. . Date Checklist submitted I 4. Agency requiring Checklist Hearing Examiner 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: New Addition - Second Floor Medical-Dental 1. i Units - Total 6,000 square feet plus new parking for 30 cars, aved. HI 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its r,size, general design elements , and other factors that will give an accurate I^understanding of its scope and nature) : 1 I'; We plan on adding a 6,000 square foot second floor medical-de tal facility on the present site and also update the present building by air conditioning I'' and new heating units as well as adding 30 parking stalls in addition to the II I; ten we already have making a total of 40 parking stalls. l I. II, I t• 2- X 1 7. Location of proposal (describe the ((physical setting of the proposal , as well \ as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : ( Subject location is on 3rd Place' South, one—half block from Rainier Avenue and one—half block from Shattuck Street and just north of the K—Mart Store. li 8. Estimated date for completion of t} e proposal : Estimated date for completion of this proposal will be 18 months. 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local--including rezones) : ri 10. Oo you have any plans for future additions , expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal ? If yes , explain: I This is the only future addition we have in mind for the subject site. di if 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes , explain: IINo iII. ti 12. Attach any other application formithat has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed '' but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of suchIapplication form: See attached application for variance Ci II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "mraybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result sin: ii a) Unstable earth conditions ordin changes in geologic substructures? X DES MAYBE NO I b) Disruptions, displacements , ,'compaction or over- covering of the soil?i. YES MAYBE NO ' f c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? ES MA BE NO i d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physicals features? X it YES MAYBE NO Ij e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? j X fi YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or. changes in siltation , deposition or erosion which ? may modifyOthe channel of ai! river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay,; inlet or lake? YES MBE NO Explanation: fpl it • y, 1I r' ).k. Mr -7'11 3- 01 2) Asir. Will the proposal result in : II a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air X quality? i YES MAYBE NO 1 b) The creation of objectionable odors? X YES MAYBE NO Ij c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, 1 or any change in climate , either locally or regionally? X I, YES MAYBE NO Explanation: I; l 11 PI( 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: l a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of I water movements , in_ either marine or fresh waters? YES MAYBE NO II b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns , or X 1 the rate and amount of surface water runoff? i, YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to the course,or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE Ili d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water II; j body? X YES MAYBE NO s w e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X YES MAYBE NO i I f) , Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X YES MAYBE NO i1 g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either Ithrough direct additions or withdrawals , or through 1 interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations,? YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through 41 direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, t phosphates , detergents, waterborne virus or bacteria, l or other substances into the ground waters? X I YES MAYBE NO ill 1 ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? YES MAYBE NOj Explanation: r1 14 11 1 (4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: 1I • (a) Change in the diversity of species , or numbers of any r species of flora (including trees , shrubs , grass , crops , microflora and aquatic plants)? X li ii1 YES MAYBE NO 1,I b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or X 1i endangered species of flora?YE5 MAYBE NO 111 11 c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area., or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing I; species? X 1 YES MAYBE NO d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? 1; YES MAYBE NO W Explanation: r I U. I, li 4- ._ it. I 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result iris a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, ljbenthic organisms , insects or microfauna)? 1, X i YES MAYBE NO b) •Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or Xendangeredspeciesoffauna? YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? 1 X 1 YES MAYBE NO i d) Deterioration to existing fisph or wildlife habitat? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Ii f' 1 I 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase! existing noise levels? X` YES MAYBE NO Explanation: _ 1! I • dI 7) Light and Glare. Will. the proposal produce new light or glare? is X it YES MAYBE NO Explanation: I I'I rl 8) Land Use. Will' the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 1. 1, 1 11 1 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of useof any natural resources? X i YES MAYBE NO b) .Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X l,, YES MAYBE NO Explanation:'i Ii 1 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposall involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in, the event of an accident or upset conditions'? X ri YES MAYBE NO Explanation:it ' 11 1 o 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rater;of the human population X of an area? a YES MAYBE NO I, 1 11 Explanation: P, ill- II I'1 I( 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing , or create a demand for additional housing? Iy YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Is 14I 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X 111 YES MAYBE NO I` b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking? X - li YES MAYBE NO i c) Impact upon existing transportation systems?X . YES MAYBE NO 1. d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or II movement of people and/or goods? X S YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to 'waterborne, rail or air traffic?l X it YES MAYBE NO 11 f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , X bicyclists or pedestrians? YES MAYBE NO 1,Explanation: Proposed improvements will increase the number pf doctors therefore increase the number of patients seeing the doctor and increase I the number of parking required by a proposed 30 stalls. i, III 1'14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in. any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? X 1 YES MAYBE NO i b) Police protection? X I YES MAYBE NO illi c) Schools? YES MAYBE NO III d;) Parks or other recreational facilities? X YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , •including roads? X YES MAYBE NO Li f) Other governmental services? X YES MAYBE NO 1 Explanation: Ij' 1 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy?X • YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require 1 the development of new sources of energy? X YES MAYBE NO f ,1! Explanation: il 11 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: 1' (a) Power or natural gas? X I YES MAYBE NO 11 b) Communications systems? X I YES MAYBE NO li ( c) Water? 11 YES MAYBE NO ii RICI i y f,. . Y 1 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? i X YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? 1 X YES - MAYBE NO f) Solid waste and disposal? • j i YES MAYBE NO Explanation: II illIl 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any 'health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)?I. Ali YES MAYBE NO Explanation: I' r I i 18) Aesthetics. Will the .proposal resk,ult in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to Ole public; or will the proposal result in the creation of,ian aesthetically offensive site open to public view? - X YES MAYBE' NO Explanation: a I 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity' of existing recreational opportunities? IL_ YES MAYBE NO Explanation: s4 f a, 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or.'historical site, structure, object or buildi'hg? o,l YES MAYBE NO Explanation: . VI it iI ill III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understoid that -the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this 'checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. P r o p o n e n t: r CJ:0 c---- t a; s gned) 7/ 1/L7 .23 L:-/Ye, ,OE name printed) 1 e1 i'I w,j City of Renton i Planning Department 5-76 1 1 h• 1,1 i`. 1 r DS 313,11 g a.1I N88°4o5O "w 6'. M -y c z 16'far`' SPkd i9_ ti 2 P, ill 516n1100d.541i) 1 5 6 a_ - ? - - s - -CJ -- ' - "o/d poi/Rood C n 1 .• - - l - -L 71- 0 RENT W .1 F A N G S I g. / i P i.: i 1 I' I', I 1 1 I 1 1 a, ! 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I II I I 1 1 1 r : i N',,,,. ^ 13 $ ) ' C 1 I• 5' 21N; Ou`-'.!.. L..?"- G v.- R n r1II S i, . I, I. gyp u k' k 1 , r-' y 51 1JI7,( i 11" . p ) . A, IrI • y.. 1 Iri.. 11Till .! S, ytlll .' cc^ m 1 AFFIDAVIT I, H. A. Blencoe and Janet Blencoe being duly sworn, declare (that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing st tements arid answers herein contained and the information herewith sub itted are lin all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed a d sworn before me this llth dair of February 19 81 , I ' Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton w /_ ,0 1 Na of Not r Public 'i nature of OwnerYIg e,c1.4,-,,,,Li i • 3 ` e 1"Y'112 Monterey Dr. NE Address) Address) Renton WA City) State) 255-7376 (Home) 255-4400 (Office) Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing th- filing of such application . Date Receive 19 By : I I Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 1 Form #116 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE CITY OF RENTON 1 1/- 0 (F-J2/ FOR OFFICE SE ONLY APPLICATION NUMBER V413 `"W DATE OF FILING 6 f- g'D RECEIPT NUMBER 9 14-•d DATE OF HEARING i- -8--- GRANTED DENIED APPEALED r NOTE TO APPLICANT: READ INSTRUCTION' SHEET CAREFULLY BEFORE PREPARING APPLICATION. 1 . Name of Applicant H. A. BLENCOE/JANET BLENCOE 2. Address of Applicant 112 Monterey Dr. NE, Renton, WA 98055 3. Telephone Number of Applicant 255-7376 (Home) & 255-4400 (Office) 4. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY INVOLVED 138, 200, 206 3rd Place So. , Renton, WA 98055 1 5, 6, 7, 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED: Lot 8 & 9 Block 1 Plat Wefancs Addition (See Over) 6. State EXACT Variance Requested Request variance of 20 parking stalls The proposed building improvements require 60 parking stalls total whereas we will have existing and proposed 40, therefore, we are short 20. 7. Why can't the property be developed within the requirements of the ordinance? Our pro osed improvements would be a second floor to the subiect property. therefo e, we are not using any additional land and the land or property is not enough to put on a total of 60 parking stalls as required. 8. What sp cial circumstances or conditions apply to subject property which are peculia to such property and do not apply generally to property in the neighbor- hood? Sublect property has ,an unimproved lot, 100 X 100. This we would develop into a landscaped drained improved blacktop parking lot, whereas at present it is an eyesore to the neighborhood and not used to its best advantage. 9. Present Zoning,p-1 10. Is the Variance requested the minimum Variance necessary to allow the reasonable use of the property? Yes. The proposed improvements and also the requested variance should be in harmony with the development of the overall community in this area and not detrimental (Over) 11 . Will the granting of ,the requested Variance be in harmony with the development of surrounding property and not injurious to the neighborhood or detrimental to the public welfare? See answer in #10 Signature of 6/. 16 0 Date /' / D7 Applicant VA(A I e_ APPLICATION TO: Buildingding Departmentartment 4-.Z.. -d, Renton Municipal Buildi SUBMIT 200. Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone 235-2540 li Revised July, 1973) 10. whatsoever to any of the adjacent property owners. AL DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN UNINCORPORATED KING COUNTY OR IN CITY OF Renton is 5 , 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 1, Wefancs Addition, according to the plat recorded Volume 39 of Plats, page 21, in King County, Washington, except that portion Lot 5 lying West of a line projecting due South from a point on North line of id lot, 55 feet East from Northwest corner of said lot. I CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION SITE APPROVAL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No. SA-U,V7-// Filing Date J / `,12/ Application Fe $ Receipt No . l g') ? VaL1t"G;_e_6/ Environmental eview Fee $ APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 255-4400 Offilce 1. Name H. A. LENCOE and JANET BLENCOE Phone 255-7376 Home, Address 112 Monterey Dr. NE, Renton, WA 98055 2 . Property location` 138, 200, & 206 3rd Place So. , Renton, WA 98055 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Block 1, Wefancs Addition according to the plat recorded in Volume 39 of Plats, page 21 in King County, Washington EXCEPT that portion of Lot 5 lying West of a line projecting due South from a point on the North line of said lot 55 feet Eat from the Northwest corner of said lot. 4 . Number of acres or square feet 30,800 square feet Present zoning 13-1 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? A 6,000 square foot,medical- dental facility addition and to develop the parking lot on the west side with 30 new parking stalls to be drained, black topped, striped, fenced and landscaped. 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application :': A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , Scale existin structures , easements , and other factors limiting development) 1" = 10 ' or 2,0 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan . . . . 1" = 10 ' C. Vicinit map (include land use and zoning on adja ent parcels) 1" = 200 ' to 800 ' D. BuildinF height and area (existing and proposed) 7 . LAND USE HEIRING EXAMINER ACTION : Date Approved Date Denied Date Appealed Ap eal Action Re arks 11 l Planning D,el5t. Rev, 1-7Z 1 I ' r ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MARCH 4 , 1981 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM PENDING BUSINESS: NORTHWEST COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY (AUSTIN COMPANY) ECF-602-80; SA-092-80) FRED BOWSER (ECF-642-80; R-135-80) DAVE BEST (ECF-634-80; R-125-80) FOR RECONSIDERATION: HOMECRAFT LAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. (ECF-013-81; SA-010-81) NEW BUSINESS: ECF-020-81 H. A. AND JANET BLENCOE SA-017-81 Application for site approval to V-019-81 allow expansion of medical/dental facility through second floor addition and application for variance from Parking and Loading Ordinance regarding parking requirements; property located at 138, 200, and 206 South 3rd Place ECF-624-80 CHARLES R. UNGER SM-87-80 Application for Shoreline Manage- ment Substantial Development Permit to allow construction of 20 ' x 20 ' deck; property located at 371.7 Lake Washington Boulevard North ECF-017-81 EMILIO AND RICHARD PIEROTTI SP-013-81 Application for special permit to fill 8+ acres with material from PACCAR, which would consist of dirt and iron scrap; property located in the vicinity of 3315 Talbot Road South ECF-019-81 DAVID G. WOODCOCK, JR. R-015-81 Applications for rezone from R-2 to R-3 and special permit to allow parking lot addition for existing adjacent medical/dental clinic; property located at 123 Pelly Avenue North r.,____, 1 1 W. ENV MENTAL R,,,E EW COMMITTEE 11 REGULA" MEETING 4 MARCH 4, 1981 ilt _ 1 i I1 I IITYOFRENTO 1 r _ UNGER . ' '!,r -- 9i EA .' t; (ECF-624 MAY `N i, 1 11 . 11111 LAKE r WAISH I NGTON .: 3 le r A yy7"J++JJ I441 I 1- ii,MM. . liAgqrfi9 1rf-. ; ' I: L-4 Milliel. s'.1.'"F` '''''''')i.? .• . , I= L... %, al a---r1 g I h ; 1 4 ram+ I Ww ;' 1 N,i 1'1 L,m `-i ; 11 .—r I x a'I it, I • r\k; , t1_, w-. ii TA—. r,[ .- AFT 01 —81 T 1-e\Lz= .r;N ram_ k CEDAR RIVER J ! „.,, , t I r' 'I - ,, ' R -, ,..- pi!:,14: 1,,,10. CK y 6 CF'-019- I I W k` i , LACK i I 1 , IVER e i ` n I,:OE (EC. 0 -8 1, I. I ._t_ ,`,: SPRINGBROOK k;; CREEK 1 f.,. K "1P%—,-- m._...._._..-i— i\Ii. ,,I TAUS' lI r‘ y f` l N, G ECF 1 6 02 0 r, e' i1 Y Tf r, 1 a I an , .• : 1_4_ 1111161 Ilk' ' ' 11 t— 17T. ImisiPu i 74 ;,. . a IERO j TII i `j' i rt1 r Iz)i CF-0- Z: 11111._,_,,, 1 ,.„ , ,___, LI :' il ‘ ' ; 1 t. t_'\ EST EC —63.4 ,810y_ y/ GREEN F (BOWS R (1 CF1=-6 2— 0) RIVER I Lj r tt` I '' l 1 t I LAKE I ( t 1 I f YOUNGS OF RA,A z THE CITY OF RENTONUto /co MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 Z 0OMM BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR o PLANNING DEPARTMENT o P March 5, 1981 235- 2550 94iTF0 SEP.1 . H. A. and Janet Blencoe 112 Monterey Avenue N.E. Renton, Washington 98055 RE: ECF-020-81 , SA-017-81 , V-019-81 Dear H. A. and Janet Blencoe: The Environmental Review Committee at its meeting of March 4 , 1981 , did consider the above applications as it relates to the remodeling and expansion of the medical building located on South Third Place. It is the opinion of the Committee that it cannot issue a Declaration of Non-Significance with the current significant discrepancy between the number of parking spaces that are required for your proposal and the number of parking spaces which you propose to develop. The Committee recommends that you consider alternatives to the size of the proposal, alternative locations for installation of parking, leasing of adjoining property, or other design alternatives which will more nearly meet our ordinance requirements. Until such time as the Environmental Review Committee has sufficient information to issue a Declaration of Non-Significance on your pro- posal, no public hearing on the above applications will be possible. The Committee recommends that you work with the Planning and Public Works Departments and your own design consultants on solutions to this problem. Very truly your David R. Clemens Acting Planning Director Richard Houghton Acting Public Works Director Ronald G. Nelson Building Director DRC :gh OF RA,, 16 0 THE CITY OF RENTON CJ ` 0 Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 1011 0 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 235- 2550 0194 rFD SEP1°*' MEMORANDUM May 2 % , 1981 TO : Files FROM: Willis Roberts Mrs . rlencoe came in this date and picked up a set of their plans , indicating that they are resubmitting them to th- architect for revision. She also indicated that they ish that the application remain open. wr II ENVIRONMENTALTALLu REVIEWIEW COMMIY JL JC E SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10: 00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM PENDING BUSINESS 1 RaMAC, INCORPORATED: (ECF-.061-81 ) RENTON PROPERTIES, INC: (ECF-075-81 ) - B-258 OLD BUSINESS ECF-069-81 PICKLE, LYLE SA-061-81 To consider revised plans : Application for site approval to allow construction of 188 dwelling unit condominium to be known as Isle Lake Mountain View in B-1 zone; property located on the west side of Lincoln Avenue N.E. south of N.E. 44th Street. ECF-020-81 BLENCOE, H.A. AND JANET SA-01 "(081 To consider. revised plans : Application V-019-81 for site approval to allow expansion of medical/dental facility through second floor addition and application' for variance from Parking and Loading,' Ordinance regarding parking requirements; property located at 138, 200, and 206 South 3rd Place. NEW BUSINESS ECF-07-81 CASS, BRUCE B-260 Application for building permit to construct professional office building; property located on south west corner of Rainier Avenue N. and N.W. 3rd Place. ECF-081-81 I COUNTRY HILLS APARTMENTS B-262 Application for variance from Sign Ordinance to install sandblasted cedar property identification sign 100 square feet) ; property located at northwest corner of intersection of Eagle Ridge Drive and Benson Road. ni i IT rENVIRONMENTALREVIEW 1 L a- COMMITTEE I r P. 1 iSEPTEMBER2, 1 981 IRee 1 PICKLE, LYLE I 1 1 limo is., , . _ I la f ----t L., Inum t I r• velks: liNs• LAKE Vir 4 ' \ Illa 11C 7- - IffarIata 14, ....WASHINGTON , Ars_ ,e . •- 1 mu Iii AM brig st\N 1 3 iksiatultammiatcrl, __. iii rig 'oboe. 1 AN r41.4;_itatilibra 46 IeitAraimuslintr 1ii 4%ifflool .1LEIlbPI" 11"1 igrAtillitml i IAA,IiiPlifl mu A. i_... 111.--4 i Iret.41L7aibla -114 i ' n ii_. )...411 1 mug 1 vegmuLtriCASS, BRUCE V. Ignifilliri `di .-- • IN I N81111011 cI 141110 VW h [1 1 - - I I it. c)\441111"%frz'abigiupp 6...41\ .----1 ' ....0 1inBLENCOE, N.A. AND JANET I atrcil ,,. nil.gq t*,... 11Itoldi111hi , 1161IMM .- 1 " •AWE P' ilh. 4,-. El I ri 1 1 ill V ---- -imippim III t-:-.-- - ' x-•1„. 4 ''' "Zt____,- IA 1: 404ri' i ir- _40.01„-raMdmit 1 is. 424,1"... N...,,,ill COUNTRY HILLS APARTMENTS i111,........,...., I PA1 • ir_o_i_ ?„,-.....1i i I II iii F- it wow 1 I j 4k. I I N+__ Irs• 1 1 Millarlarin& Ar AP ' 1i Im 1- -----1i 0 gimirpga- rgi NT III al soiIfIIIIIITiasim. i MINO li ..._...i r. I ! 4' 1 -4 11 1 -171‘ hil A A r, 1 P ii 1 Iei1 s 1 I 1 k 1 1- i E I 4 1 -(1ir( II YOUNGS r ;i. I 1 1 I liunnei1 , PS . E ANC. SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS P:O. BOX 1031 • PUYALLUP,WA 98371 PUY: 845-8833 SEA: 838-3474 I August 25, 1981 f Mr. Roger J. Blaylock Associate Planner City f Renton Municipal Building 200 Mull Ave. South Renton, Washington 98005 Re: Isle Lake Mountain View Condominiums 81-1903 Dear Mr. Blaylock: This response is t'o your letter of August 6, 1981. Item 1: The 'development of the site has a maximum of 200 units and we propose to (place 188 units on the property in four buildings . The buildings will be constructed of concrete and will be very fire resistant. The site will be well landscaped and blended into the naturab. surroundings. The portion to the South will have a large buffer strip consisting oif the right-of-way which won't. be constricted for vehicletraffic due to the excessive slope. The East portion of the projec has two (2) abutting right-of-ways with a ditch area between them a various points. The area to be developed is Lincoln Avenue which 's the traveled roadway. The adjacent right-of-way to the site is not opened and has a drainage course cutting through it. The draina e area will' be a blend of natural and professional landscaping. The ar a will be enhanced with additional evergreens. The trees will be the type of which are common to the Padific Northwest. The landscaping on the site will be a shown on the plans. The intensity of development will enhance the existing site and surrounding community. Item 2: The property adjacent to the proposal has natural barriers to the East, West and South. The West has a dropoff of about 30 feet to a lower plateau with industrial businesses. This type of use is compatible with tie condominiums proposed. The southerly and easterly adjacent right-Of-way are also natural buffers. The area to the east is elevated above ¶he site and will not be damaged because of the natural vegetation. A two story-stick development was laid out and the site was crowded with 100 units. As the height of the project increased, the ratio of open space increased proportionately. The parking has a better layout and allows 50% to be covered. By using the building concept, the parking is covered and there is a maximum of open space. Therefore, the adjacent property is enhanced, rather than damaged. I 1 Page 2 of 2 Item 3: The storm sewer construction will follow the natural drainage pattern1which exists at the freeway. We have made a complete analysis of the May Creek Basin in this area and the contributing land. The city has approved our design for filling the property down stream at the outfall. We will design the on-site system with 100% retention 1 and require oil-water seperators at 'the outfalls. 'The offset storm water will take its natural course along the easterly property line. The driveways to the project will have culverts large enough to handle a 100 year flood.] All engineering will be examined and approved by the City of Renton Engineer. Item 4: The, utilities will be installed at the developers expense. Water will be extended to the North and intersect with the existing main. This ,rocedure will create a loop system and increase the reliability for fire flow. An adequate number of fire hydrants will be placed stra- tegicilly on the site. The guard on the gate at night will help enchance the police protection. The method of landscaping will not allow the project to be a throughfare. Therefore, a minimum of problems are expected from the residents. 1 Item 5: Theiexisting homes in the area will notice little view blockge because the natural vegetation has already made a barrier which will donceal the new buildings. The property to the east has a continous slope up for the proposed project, this slope gives the existing residents a dis inct advantage in keeping their view. Cordially, ilei‘.--'/-- /‘-/-1 --7# Robert A. Bennett, PLS Project Manager RAB/kd. Isle Lake Mountain View Condominiums Pickle, Lyle' il 6\ P., li! 1 JI °+l V e aa,) 1 111 d o v Z iy$ y y765t sY NE r r M. C' and vicinity a a.,. p Ny45t W- ' I T• : y z ri v 2 NI A Land of Destiny O Map Q ro` o S 104 Str,' Po Y NE 20 S, W N, 3 niche,•9 mda RL d _ a" .c. rA Copyright 1981--All Rights Reserved 9 wz u w bc.ele--APP•o.. P6• C.. 6 Z Z l0 S l 4aa Produced by40 : . Fronts A. Wilber--Auburn, Washington o a^. Z = c 4 tTt 3000 y• Iiilijo WAShINGTON c. y S 112 St _ _ ::, 'N! @. s'rs••,: S t'w S LirniL{n t e M.1 1 P b F t vord ct L4 < <<MUM,' q .lUa ..St E i 4 a O,• a-i Sl7 rrt S r u,,, • a7••i+naN', .., ti'115 - ..e...n w a "Jran.- to N w KA a •M C®.O'- J n I .. r+.. S i - ,C. ,..Q '115 4\ SI1,$1_6 St c t a a -.•••. PL , S116 St m1i 1:f , . 1... N« N oo.. 1G/LSp ZNI b):t d'S116St$ 16StLans ^ ,,stPlG --• ' A ' 8 1474en. 1ra' 117St r AIRCRAFT 17 yrv•. s s1t0s, 118St •.._ tVIM*: 111/10311 mQ, 113 s it ?. , . to C 119 Sl aw H, SKY AY ' al Ci2 ' S c, 1 .O I• OS NOS,• J mn.,. 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I9( 0_. ram --' I- 1 41of j 9x 1 m fi t ao 4 7 is® t r® a1I• i I 9 I IQ w I i F 4 ctT4 t3 Aot? il' 1- 4A1 ii c* 7; a' fl I x 1 M ei: o I 7- 1---\ 1 ' U c. r,r_my.,..„,m4,,,T,F„.T.2.y...gzeia-,f,,,,%=',45' ..s-.476.:6.7,7. 1,-.:... ..4-,,,,,.._..,..,,,,-,----,.-.,..:,:,.s,.....• -.• . 1110 1 I I 2 1 1 1 i 1 i . NI 1 0 F- I i>mmi lirir—A—, i- sr-.. ...1- 4\ 1 J 4, Or Air, 4.1 1 1 @ 1041frr • 3 , r-1- '•- . • --.. 4. 40 v.- -- . . • 4.-#. t• 4,* 1 . 1, , 1 C.121 1 4..r.'" A i i`JO ' i , 1 7 z• I 1 t 11 , I 1 1 I 1 I I Country Hills Apartments Date c_rculated : l /, 8® Comments due : 3/ yygi , ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIIE;,r, SHEET e ECF -- oac. - APPLIC TION No (s )'1. SA-6/7— el ar 1/°--0/9 -8/ PROPONENT : if 8kiIc /J AZ 'ncoe PROJECT TITLE : t'a-A-000,0 o g i11, 4M#CC Brief Description' •of Project : eavoSer, f 70e0at.S3^veta. it- g®6046oteheirp,.. ot.ea(447011,0_41@k at1 d Y'ea./ cf4 e4 eoeiest N'• r 'iee les rJoe rep',1,4iy.IS°,, LOCATION : 1.7g 66f e 0a -s. e°® s gz /S SITE AREA : BUILDING AREA (gross ) I DEVELOP ENTAL COVERAGE (%) : - - IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) To ographic changes : V 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 1/ 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 4 ) Plant life : j Ir.:,..-** 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Lan Use ; north : a-V G..a,,,,, ,,,,, - c' .( 0 e s east': /l(i,.L south : 6*01dp, /( 1(- --west : 1i 1.PeiretOpt4 P ,.4,'e 1, Lan use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Nat ral resources : 10 ) Ris of upset :I 1 11 ) Poplation/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwelllings : 1 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE) : SOa iltiowox( 4r'PsMay (75//000 x6,Ooa4S) traffic impacts : Al // /1 'P rirt. g90 r,tw,srr 14 ) Public services : ov . ` ve o7's- 15 ) Energy : I 3•=/P/. 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Huma-i health : j 18 ) Aesthetics : v 19 ) Recr4ation : 1 k// 20 ) Archology/hisory : v I COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI 77. DOS More InFormation_ Reviewed by : ,. si.< l tL' bi 1 itle : ASS,, t-p4 I, eV— Date : 3111.81 FORM: ERC-06 1 Date car ulated : 312/8/ • Comments due : 3 3 ,g/ 1 EN6VI68®rn1ENT81L CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 1 APPLICAT ON No (s ) . 1S#9-0/7- g/ S /4-Ng? / PROPONENT : #A ,6Ap9ce•ftb 7;NS7L itgArteceo PROJECT TITLE : <SiTo'/j-/1400,%4L 1 aje,00/M/CE` Brief Description off Project : #0,00s c [ /0 eon Siru / u.c ±40004'o q „ji Alit/14'o"a o , is/e het(!4ed..aA6c4••4`4!:nPp&'esf` r r n'a.ce r-0 rJucP re eP ,y.IS riAN 60siiaLlls Yo LOCATION : 139 Roe)/ o?O( S. 3cd 4`0sAe//s SITE AREA : 3o doe 0' BUILDING AREA (gross) --- DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : -- IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) DireFt/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : X 4) Plan life : 5 ) Anim 1 life : 6) Noisa : 7) Ligh & glare : ; X 1 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : I south : west : Land use conflicts :i —e View obstructioln : 6- -z..e 9 ) Natu al resourc'es : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Popu ation/Employment : 12 ) Numbor of Dwellings : X 1 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traf is impacts : 14 ) Public services : X 15 ) Energy : V 16 ) Utilities :Y 17 ) Human health : X 18 ) Aesthetics : X 19 ) Recreation : X- 20 ) Archeology/history : y COMMENTS : Recommenda ion : SI___£ gTle : DOS More Information_ ex).Reviewed b : e 6.-- ji 1h/P‘ Date : FORM: ERC-06 a Date circulated : , ',5, 8/ Comments due : 4.328/ EFH1 1UI98®NMENITAL CHECKLIST REWIEU SHEET E C F - 0010 - 'Rif APPLICATION No (s ) , 5 -®/7- P/ Z I.4-0/ -8/ r PR0PON N T :ekiveC ZzAtee teknC0eD PROJEC TITLE : r AIVA204.014. .9:g /4A/C6— Brief Cescription' of Project : 00 0,502. /o, s vee Adeliill' ii 10 * osi ed uet d a7'aMene4' (v epee(4 ran)kv,p1 ee 6) vduee ref p(-61,,.Ic LOCATION : 13g, ROO, ,goa S, s ®®s SITE AREA : -- -Cr ®® BUILDING AREA (gross ) --- DEVELOP ENTAL COVERAGE (%) : 1 IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) To ographic changes : 2 ) Dit•ect/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 1 5 ) An ' mal life : I 6 ) Nose : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; norlth : east : south : I west : Lan . use conflicts : View obstruction : I 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset :) 11 ) Pop lation/Employment : 12 ) Num.er of Dwellings : 13 ) Trim ends ( ITO : xxxxxxx • tra fic impactlis : T14 ) Public serviceis : I xxxx 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : • I 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesttietics : 19 ) Recration : 20 ) Archeology/history : 1 COMMENTS : Need more information. Recommend. tion : DNS,I DOS More Information xxxx Reviewed •. y : ersson title : Date :3 FORM: ERC-06 I Date circulated : l, Comments due : , I .ri/ki ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - / 45 - IR/ I i APPLICATION No (s ) . .5/9 --0/ -7- ,9/ R 1-4- 0/9 -8/ PROPONENT :R/si bie't izekCoitr r) 1 sPROJECTTITLE :0-; 1)A4,40PAL if.®,44/4 C6- 1 Brief Cescription' of Project : l001tld.ceI Q 4 pvt eked-Ada %cd' Al` e f,e r doe e'er . . LOCATI N : 60sAtilslcc SITE AREA : t 3® 1, 8p®4' BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOP ENTAL COVERAGE (%) : — 1 IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) To ographic changes : 2 ) Di ect/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Pl . nt life : 1 5 ) An ' mal life : 6 ) Noise : li' a 7 ) Light & glare!: 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : I south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : r 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset 11 ) Poptlation/Employment : 12 ) Num er of Dwellings : I 13 ) Tri ends ( ITE') : 9 j..; ids 77e E- l traffic impactls : L "ny_ 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 4------- 16 ) Utilities : l 17 ) Human health : j i/ 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : ! 1/ 20 ) Arch ology/hisory : COMMENTS : 1 1 I Recommend• tion : DNSIv DOS More Information_ Reviewed y : // ' 7 J 1 itle : La&c S -- -74 is Date : I FORM: ERC-06 ii Date c ' rculated : ', ,. / F 1 Comments due : 3 / 30Z/ ENVIRONMENTAL(JJIAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - ke) -zsi APPLICATION No (s ) , 6/9-6/ 7- gf s .A®/ °' a, ,/ PROPONENT : #4 &en Coto,4. PIe t kne043' I PROJEC TITLE : s5 -t , - , 0, Prde.V0/9,04/C6— Brief escription, of Project :J9'0 ®gal ife,eon Sfru a_ g®t,®°o t11A ez 0 wefir eq1 ra/*cat 4 'yo rtheerefti LOCATIO : f, , e®d coi S. 45 1s c 5e®s /®s4. SITE AR A : -- -01, 90c BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOP1ENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO' 1 ) Tolographic changes : r i. 2 ) Di ect/Indirect air quality : V 3 ) Wa er & water courses : 4 ) P1 _ nt life : 5 ) Animal life : ; I/ 6 ) Noise : I 7) Light & glares: 8 ) Land Use ; norlth : 1 I east : south : west : Lan use conflicts : Vie obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : Y 1/ 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Pop lation/Employment : 1/ 12 ) Num er of Dwellings : 13 ) Trio ends ( ITE ) : tra fic impactls : 14 ) Public services :V 1 15 ) Energy : a V 16 ) Utilities : I i/ 17 ) Huma health : V 18 ) Aest etics : i/ 19 ) Recr- ation : i 20 ) Archeology/hisory :l/ 11 COMMENTS : I I I Recomment tion : DNSIJ)( DOS More Information__ t)S.;- (Reviewed y : title : Dater . ?ZA/ 1 I_ FORM: ERC-06 i Date circulated :Zig/ Comments due :__.3427 L E( lI9 I:f fr E JTAL CHECKLIST REVIIEGJ SHEET I ECF - 0r. - ' / ; APPLICATION No (s ) o 5/9-49l7- g/ s 44- 0 9 -8/ PROPONENT : kvo e7 &erneoP PROJEC TITLE : %5;1 "0/4,444 +, G/ /4 C - Brief escription of Project : y/0st, peons/o/c- .. 74.4,060° Reil®dst- i gyp' h°I'0 at saa adieet</co./PA/'CV cefa c ., C peps ' 1r brewteanvice 1z 'Voce rev c ' c +,6 w LOCATI N : 60sAilsYe SITE AR A : — ..1k 947 BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOP ENTAL COVERAGE I IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Toiographic changes : 2 ) Di ect/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Wa er & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) An ' mal life :; 6 ) Noise : 7) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; norl,th : east : south : west : Lan . use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset 11 ) Population/Employment : I. 12 ) Num er of Dwel lings : s 13 ) Tri ends ( ITE ) : tra fic impactlls : 14 ) Public servicels :ti/ 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : I 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aest etics : 19 ) Recr ation : 20 ) Arch ology/history : COMMENTS : Recommend• tion : I SI DOS More Information OkiReviewedb Date : 5/101 FORM: ERC-06 I i Date circulated :81 Comments due : r/g/ ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 0 - / 1 APPLICATION No (s ) 1'. 5,-0 /7- '/ S f/—®/g_s® PROPONENT : jort t1.. P n 74 /,nr,p i PROJECT TITLE : f 0.- A40// X A CC Brief Description of Project : eto s.a. c. 6 lehoes" t d'olfa 4 mehe' 4'1-41e449 1 Cel11 r/ 1 411 e/i, rjoce, i iy. LOCATIO` : J.7S/ ROO (gOC S. 90.ss effs114 e sue/® SITE AR A : ® 3 ®454' BUILDING AREA (gross ) --- DEVELOP 1ENTAL COVERAGE (%) : ®- IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Tosographic changes : quality : 2 ) Di ect/Indirect airY 3 ) Wa er & water' courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 7 6 ) Noise : 17,- 7 ) Light & glarel: 8 ) Lan Use ; north : east : south : west : Lan use conflicts : VielL obstruction : 9 ) Natural resouces : T I 10 ) Risk of upset 11 ) Population/Emp,loyment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : V 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : v 1 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities :_ 11 17 ) Humai health : ,f1P 18 ) Aestietics : 1/ 7 19) Recreation : v° 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : I Recommenda : on : DOS More Information Reviewed : 1 itle :_ AL SaLEDate : 1 FORM: ERC-06 I ENVIROMMENTAL VIEW COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 9 , 1981 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10 :00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM PENDING BUSINESS RaMac , INCORPORATED: (ECF-061-81 ) RENTON PROPERTIES, INC. : (ECF-075-81 ) - B258 SEA-PORT DOZING, INC. : (ECF-587-80) - B-236 MOBIL OIL COMPANY OLD BUSINESS ECF-020-81 BLENCOE, H.A. AND JANET SA-017-81 To consider revised plans : Application V-019-81 for site approval to allow expansion of medical/dental facility through second floor addition and application for variance from Parking and Loading Ordinance regarding parking requirements; property located at 138, 200, and 206 South 3rd Place. PP-056-81 EARLINGTON PARK PLAT AMENDMENT Request for the elimination or adjustment of the cul de sac as existing on the preliminary plat; property located at S.W. 7th Avenue and Powell Avenue S.W. ECF-082-81 CITY OF RENTON ZONING ORDINANCE REVISION Churches in R-3 and R-4 Zones. NEW BUSINESS ECF-079-81 CLARK-RICH, INC. B-263 Application to construct an 8-unit apartment building (Maple Valley Heights - Short Plat 033-81 , Parcel 2; property located at Pierce Avenue S.E. and S.E. 6th Street. ECF-080-81 CLARK-RICH, INC. B-264 Application to construct an 8-unit apartment building (Maple Valley Heights - Short Plat 033-81 , Parcel 3; property located at Pierce Avenue S.E. and S.E. 6th Street. ECF-078-81 STIRSKEY HOLDINGS, LTD. B-261 Application to construct a three story residential building containing 15, one bedroom condominium units 12th Avenue Condominiums) ; property located south of 12th Street between Harrington Avenue N.E. and Harrington Place N.E. la DI It ism 1 1 1 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW I 111111111081‘1 I 1COMMITTEE k ist I tSEPTEMBER9 , 1981 Ea I i StA 1ii16h i H, tr Al lik ALI . emi I 1mil quo! 1,,1 1 I MIIIII 1 t L. al i 011. 1 .,,, witiiiik, LAKE 41, J ir- / 1 WASHINGTON \ r t P iiito.tk&N, AC Vie lik • IIIIi ill 1111 •-,•-•- '' '"+. 1 ii I IP'14 mum - \'‘, A il. HOLDINGS, LTD. I I i nor=h, ,,,,...itat rillok A mAt um,i4 h 4 .1= iiiWisq. El Ktk _ ....._: .Mui 41% cce. r 1111 taillaillitgliat laillib 1 II 1" 11 "t418111011M I i' 1 Allft... 1 111111 I , 166. . mifftii-KOANIM:AM h. MIMI I AihOSURINE1 - ‘-litairMALOWA.. • 1 II:1 VIIIIIIII7/ ' 4_1 1111 lit lijmallillill m rag IR s/MT% d Li II4141111411.114111iii"-'44111141indlidDillitirii 1- --- 7 I f3LENCOE, H.A. AND JANET A'..!•1 .yin il e 1 ... li --7-, 1-;enitn, k L___.1 . 1b.- 6-Tr.b.' lp : .. EARLING PARK PLAT AMENDMENT . ',,:'1 bf:mittgallt AL fri--i 1 Instr::4,CLARK-RIC C. Parce1-42 & #3L I ‘, 1 11P1-------- 47,-- 7--- I roSIP-1, 4.„0.101-'111trAilliii 4P , - , 1 lifilik'61visillar NI ' 1, 1111 Aral_ilri IS ill I qIELii , "Tir III1 umi_imiimrig1,,,, .„ , 0 rsioximm=1101.1a n. IF APPA m.. --,„ „:-.ma- lar , 2 1 I 41 i 11-‘1% mirarnoAlb 1111r11117- i I . i ell11111; -- (1 rt L 4 rli 1 i I bIjr H 1 I01 c C I 1Jr- T---- p, — 1 ‘...' - , yLoAuKNEesIIPi I I i I 1 I r_- I I I C HOLVICK deREGT KOER.ING August 26, 1981 I l Mr. Roger BlaylockPlanningDeartment City of Renton 200 MilI Avenue Renton, Washington 93055 Re : Preliminary Plat - File No. PP 056-80 Earlington Park - BRH II 81079 Dear Mr. Blaylock: The developer of the Earlington Park, Holvick deRegt and Koering is requesting that the environmental review committee consider the elimination or adjustment of the cul de sac as existing on the preliminary plat. Drawings of the alternatives available have been provided for the committees review . It is the Lleveloperls opinion that the overall project would benefit by the elimination or adjustment of the cul de sac as shown on the preliminary plat in light of the following information : Legal access to the back lot is no longer required via the cul de sac but is providedthrough the extension of Powell Avenue . o Traffic across the rail spur could be avoided . o A four way intersection at S.W. 7th Avenue and Thomas Street would also be avoided . o The developer could make better utilization of the lot on which the cul de sac is planned. ONE OAKMEAD TERRACE•1230 OAKMEAD PARKWAY,SUITE 210•SUNNYVALE,CALIFORNIA 94086•(408)736-8533 Y t. Roger Blaylock August 26, 1981 Page 2- II A response from the environmental review committee would be appreciated. Thank you for your reevaluation of this matter and should you require any further information, please feel free to contact Dave Michaelis or myself . Sincerely, Mike Selman Holvick deRegt & Koering MS/ lat II I LAW OFFICES WARD L.SAX SAX L.RUDDY CLYDE H.MAcIVER AND MACIVER PHILIP E.CUTLER JAMES L.MAGEE JAMES P.DONOHUE D.GORDON WILLHITE 1900 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MAUREEN E.RYAN JOHN C.COART I MICHAEL R.GARNER ALAN H.KANE 1415 FIFTH AVENUE JOHN R.RUHL JOHN L.PATTERSON SEATTLE,WASHIN GTON 98171 ERIC F.IVERSON HOWARD C.LINCO IN GAIL P.RUNNFELDT DONALD K.FRANK LJIN THOMAS D.PRICE,JR. ROGER W.JONES,JR.TELEPHONE:206-344-2160 KAY E.BONDEHAGEN DANIEL M.CAINE TELECOPIER:206-344-7839 MICHAEL C.ANDERSON OF COUNSEL August 26, 19 81 STEPHENTHOMASH•C..KEBRIDEKELLY,P.S• Mr. Roger Blaylock Renton Planning Department Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Clearing of Property by Mobil Oil Corporation Dear M7. Blaylock: As we discussed on Monday, I represent Mobil Oil Corporation which wishes to clear a portion of its property adjacent to its existing bulk storage facility. Specifically, we wish to clear a strip which runs on a north/south axis from what is commonly referred to as Strander Boulevard on the south and the existing roadway on the north which strip would be 60 feet wide. The east side would be the existing fence line and the west line 60 feet out from that. In reviewing the building regulations of the City of Renton, I find no requirement that a permit be obtained to undertake such clearing; however, I am concerned that this parcel may be within a greenbelt. Would you please review the applicable regulations of the City of Renton and advise whether a permit is indeed required. As I tjnentioned, the reason for this clearing is in anticipation of filling a portion of this area for the installation of a fire line to make a loop between Lynn Avenue and Strander Boulevard. In addition, access would be provided along the west side of the Mobil. facility. Mr. Robert , the District Engineer for Mobil has been in touch with the Fire Marshal who is in favor of the proposal. Be that as it may, it is my understanding that at the present time, there is a moratorium on all filling in this area. Thanking you in advance for your prompt response, Sincerely yours, AI..-Cte St hen C. Kel SCK: sll cc: Mobil Oil Corporation n 1,• 7429. 980. 002 I I FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No (s) : SA-01 7-81 , V-019-81 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-020-81 Description of Proposal: Request for site approval to allow expansion of medical/dental facility thru second , floor addition and variance to reduce required parking from 60 stalls to 50 stalls. Proponent : BLENCOE, H.A. and JANET Location of Proposal:138 , 200, 206 S. 3rd Place Lead Agency: Planning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on March 4 , 1981 and September 9, 1981 , following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Richard Houghton, David Clemens, Ronald Nelson, Don Persson, Roger Blaylock, Gary Norris, Steve Munson and James Matthew Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-020-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: Steve Munson DATED: March 4 , 1981 2) Applications: SA-017-71 , V-019-81 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Planning Department, Building Department, Fire Department, Utilities Engineering Division, Engineering Department and Traffic Engineering Department. More information:. Police Department Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43. 21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lea agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significence: Will no- adversely affect adjacent properties Signatures : 47teic9,-( J/Jg Alo nal'd Nelson id R. Clemens, Acting Building.Director Planning Director R ' rhard C. Houghton, ing Public Works Director NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance for the following projects : 1 . BLENCOE, H.A. AND JANET (ECF-020-81 ) To consider revised plans : Application for site approval to allow expansion of medical/dental facility through second floor addition, file SA-017-81 , and application for variance from Parking and Loading Ordinance regarding parking requirements, file V-019-81 ; property located at 138, 200, and 206 South 3rd Place. 2. STIRSKEY HOLDINGS, LTD. (ECF-078-81 ) Application to construct a three story residential building containing 15 one-bedroom condominium units (12th Avenue Condominiums) , file B-261 ; property located south of 12th Street between Harrington Avenue N.E. and Harrington Place N.E. 3. CITY OF RENTON (ECF-082-81 ) Zoning Ordinance Revision; To permit churches in R-3 and R-4 zones. Further information regarding this action is available in the Planning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by September 28 , 1981 . Published: September 14 , 1981 i•-- Y r f I 4:;. R .:41-10 : . F PROPOSE® ACTION REVI SED PLANS. . APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL APPROVAL TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF MEDICAL/DENTAL FACILITY THROUGH SECOND FLOOR ADDITION & VARIANCE RE PARKING REQUIREMENTS (ECF-020-81) SA-017-81/V-010- GENEFiAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS 138, 00 AND 20G SQUTH 3RD PLACE P®STE® NO TIFYOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE C E.R.C. ] HAS DETE -;,< INED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION, ®DOES ! .DES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT A iVERSE- IMPACT ON THE ENVIRON- MENT., A .. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, DWILL i of ILL NOT, BE REQUIRED. AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:90 P.M.,SEPTEMBER 28, 1981 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-255C1 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION OF R THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 oBARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT vo co- 235- 2550 AlTFC SEP-N P SEPTEMBER 25 , 1981 H.A. and Janet Blencoe 112 Monterey Drive N.E. Renton, Washington 98056 Re: Applications for site approval in P-1 zone to allow expansion of medical/dental facility through second floor addition and variance from Parking and Loading Ordinance regarding parking requirements; property located at 138 , 200 and 206 South 3rd Place. Gentlemen: The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on September 9 , 1981 . A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for October 13 , 1981 at 9 :00 a.m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550.. Very truly yours , 92v4 Roger J. Blaylock Associate Planner NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON October 13 , 1981 , AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1 . BLENCOE, H.A. AND JANET Applications for site approval in P-1 zone to allow expansion of medical/dental facility through second floor addition, file SA-017-81 , and variance from Parking and Loading Ordinance regarding parking requirements , file V-018-81 ; property located at 138 , 200 and 206 South 3rd Place. 2 . SUPERSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT LTD. Application for site approval in B-1 zone to construct 30-unit housing project for City of Renton Housing Authority, file SA-066-81 ; property located in the vicinity of 2821 N.E. 4th Street. 3 . PICKERING, DRURY Application for three-lot short plat approval (Pick ' s No. 2) , file 076-81 ; property located in the vicinity of 421 Union Avenue N.E. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON OCTOBER 13 , 1981 , AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: September 28, 1981 DAVID R. CLEMENS ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public , in and for the State of Washington residing in King County, on the 25 day of September, 1981 . 119-LLia'"r SIGNED: S PROPERTY I y GENERAL LOCATION: AND, OR ADDRESS 138, 200 AND 206 SOUTH 3RD PLACE >>',-- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Y:;. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT. S POSTED TO NOTIFY PROPERTY OWNERS OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING ON. OCTOBER '13, 1981 BEGINNING AT s:oo A. :. fyy CONCERNING ITEM [i( REZONE 0 SPECIAL PERMIT . ., SITEAPPROVAL- EXPANSION OF MEDICAL/DENTAL FACILITY = • WAIVEREl FILE-SA-017-81 l p HORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT . VARIANCE FROM PARKING AND LOADING ORDINANCE.RE.. PARKING REQUI EMENTS FILE V-018-61 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 235 2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AU •' TiON I PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIM1NARY 4 PORT TO rug: HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 13, 1981 APPLICANT: BLENCOE, H.A./BLENCOE, JANET FILE NUMB R: • SA-017-81 , V-019-81 A. 'AimirgrAmY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The pplicant requests Site Approval for a +6000 square foot second floor addition to an existing medical-dental facility and a Variance to reduce the required...parking from to stalls to 48 stalls. B. GENERAL INFORMATION;ATION 1 . Owner of Record: H.A. Blencoe/Janet Blencoe 2. Applicant: H.A. Blencoe/Janet Blencoe 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached) 138, 200, 206 S. 3rd Place. 4 . Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: 30,800 sugare feet 6. -Access: Via S. 3rd Place 7. Existing Zoning: P-1 , Public Use District 8._ Existing Zoning in the Area: P-1 ; B-1 , Business Use 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Commercial 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on September 28,. 1981 and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on September 25, 1981 . C. s:]CSTORYP• GROUND : The subject site was -annexed into the City by Ordinance 1322 of September 21 , 1948 at which time the present zoning classification was applied. PRELIMINARY REP;--"' TO THE HEARING EXAMINER" h BLENCOE, H.A.%B__ ICOE, JANET OCTOBER 13, 1981 PAGE TWO D. AcimI;•IL n' 1 . Topography: The site is essentially. level. 2. Soils : Urban Land (Ur) is soil that has been modified by disturbance of thenatural layers with additions of fill material several feet thick to accommodate large industrial and housing installations. The erosion hazard is slight to moderate. 3. Vegetation: Lawn grass is the dominant feature with a scattering of evergreen and deciduous trees. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No surface water was observed on the subject site (September 25, 1981 ) . 6. Land Use: An existing medical-dental facility is located on the subject site. To the north are scattered commercial uses and a church is situated • east. The K-Mart shopping center is south of the site while the land adjacent to the west remains undeveloped. E. iv I.;.r::( :I OG1, CHARACTERISTICS: The surrounding properties are a combination of commercial and institutional uses. F. n ;::]LAIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer: A 16" water main extends east-west on S. 3rd Place adjacent to the southerly border of the subject' site while a 6" sanitary sewer runs north-south along the westerly border and an 8" sewer runs east-west on the north portion. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of -Renton as per Ordinance requirements. , 3. Transit: Several METRO Transit routes service the subject site on S. 3rd Place and Rainier Avenue S. in the immediate vicinity. 4 . Schools : Not applicable. 5. Recreation: Not applicable. G. APPLIC I:, S I*0S OF THE Z*'it'IEE CODE: 1 . Sect ion 4-720, P-1 , Public use District 2. Section 4-722B, Special Permits. H. APPLICA] E SECTIONS OF 7HE Cam,.,I II:Il N SIVE PLAN OR i I I:tiI I; OFFICIAL CITY I)* tu moo g': 1 . Policy Element, Comprehensive Plan, 9.G-2, p. 22; Health Care Facilities. I. Impact ON ! I:Irs NATURALAL OR I:1U 1 1 N ENVIRONMENT: 1 . Natral Systems: Minor. I PRELIMINARY REPORT )..THE HEARING EXAMINER BLENCOE, H.A./BLET_`_E, JANET OCTOBER 13,' 1981 PAGE THEE 2. Population/Employment: Additional employment could be approximately 36 assuming 6 employees per 1000 square feet of usable office area (6000 square feet) . 3. Schools : Not applicable: 4 . Social: Expansion 'of the existing facility may result in some additional opportunities for social interaction among the area employees and residents. 5. Traffic: The .proposed expansion will result in approximately 450 .additional daily trips in the area. This would represent an increase of approximately 8% over present levels on S. 3rd Place. J. !N\ ''1*IxiNEN AL ASSESS ;*" / I ;th:1; OLD DETEENINATIE*w: Pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, find a declaration of non-significance was issted for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee on September 14 , 1981 . : K. CIfl.S/DDPAA I r ii, is'TS CONTACTED: 1 . City of Renton Building Division'. 2. City of Renton Engineering Division. 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. City of Renton Utilities Division. 5,. City of Renton Fire Department. L. is'lI ING DEP `•ri i'moT ANALYSIS: 1 . The subject proposal is consistent with 'the existing zoning and land use of the property and surrounding area and can be considered compatible with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial. 2. : It is more appropriate to address the Variance request first because the crux of the proposal is concerned with this aspect. The applicant seeks' a reduction in the required parking from 60 stalls to 48 stalls for the proposed 6,000 square feet . addtion. (Section 4-2208-2B of the Parking and Loading ordinance requires 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area) . The site plan as submitted indicates "a total of 48 stalls-, including 16 compacts. This leaves a deficiency of 12 stalls and also exceeds the maximum 25% compact standard premitted by Section 4-2206-1A. Both the Traffic Engineering L and Police Departments have expressed concerns related to these facts (See comments) . 3. The subje t site is essentially flat and there are no unisual features regarding shape, topography, location, or surroundings as required by Section 4-722-G3a of the conditions necessary for the Hearing Examiner to grant a Variance request. It is true that the parcel is insufficient in size to accommodate the parking necessary for the proposed addition. This fact in itself, however, , does not constitute undue hardship" and is not, therefore, sufficient justification for granting such a substantial request. PRELIMINARY REP---T TO THE HEARING EXAMINER, BLENCOE, H.A./B-_ 1COE, JANET OCTOBER 131 1981 PAGE FOUR 4 . There are some alternatives available for the applicant to consider which will permit expansion and also comply with existing City codes and ordinances. These would include a ground level addition on the S. 3rd Place frontage or a reduced second floor plans. Based upon the parking plan of 48 stalls proposed by the applicant, this would permit an additional 3600 square feet of office space. 5. The findings of 2, 3, and 4 above do not support the applicant 's request. It is apparent that the basis for the Variance is economic and this is not one of the criteria of Section 4-722-G3a. M. BOWTMENTAL torm'•it I\DAT]tO S Based upon the above analysis it is recommended that the tariance request be denied and that the applicant pursue one of the alternatives outlined in L-5 in a new Site Approval application. 1 i› la7k•• 1''•:.• p lw_11aVl4i.1A,r4Iim3iC1. l n:&..:.. g• icatit,'i.te az- 7lm. N. Umll1. iI.. l5 o, Vmfs. I.. 1.,.." a:.-, 4.- n49., r. 9.: ip, a., J/ 9. 1. I' A, Z1., t•e. ft,'. I..l.l.'\.#ak-•'•- U....„. 9. t.-,. i.. 4. M. A•, 0/,. 1. L„ A'.-...,:. 3I,!'1: 1.,:.u.• m! M-w7 u"_ F.- oi.wi.._m,: A,f;,,- 1I a•. 4XR--a7 nrI. 1• nIca.. e: 1a'e2'1 Iic O..- 1.-( i- v W--• • . \'•,.. 7.\. 11 1_1,=__._; I_" J00 c• ri rn•/ i Tli.ni';" t!- t• w. 4'‘ mrLm,,,,_,".i,-. i',' i;,-.. 7, i31gl37,,-m.aA 1,"=- e4Enw.—!. i.1I9rI,.,,r i.;I77A'-•,,s4IE-M7E...?B t.. 1iIXEIt5IgT.oYMnw'r1ia1.1;_:", l 74i4,. 0an4r4 i, so, a" 1 1 g., miMrw= ImmM• NrIhMemCG. I. 2aOlMaaa• aM.'mm.unlHlM.- i.iMimll' i1a Z a,,.. k,, L," rI,.....'..- i..-,..•. imt-,_,-/ = m u - xi 53 2 .1 L'''.... 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'14 ''‘ * L:- 'a - 1• "U. •• ! iv,7 . r: ), ii• A I ott sly'i mi=•; rim..,,,- Emir , i. ,,, 1.-1; .„,,,,,,•,,, 1_,.7' i . ip...". on; s....m: a:=.• '114.0,4 CT•2If•1.1 111,111 1-Ing: cum 41 A i 4 . I !l .. k I .I h1111- 1 ' t r•• , ' / -• -11 =mal- ma.,..'--411.119111111 9" '• --—7"— j 94 1- ' ' 0• . ‘• • --- .. - ___.. .. '. • !._L - —.- 411".itA.. ""'" IlmillibW— I w -..,.../ R—iv ,. dz: ..... 4,, 21*-1111:f 3 0 • 1.1 l' NW L....1 17.1 1 L.• '9.. = a ; i BLENCOE, H.A./BLENCOE, JANET 1 SA-017-81 & V-019-81 1 APPLICANT Blencoe 1 B.A. & Janet TOTAL AREA + 30r 800 sq. ft. PRINCIPA ACCESS Via S. 3rd Place EXISTING ZONING F-1 , Public Use District EXISTING USE Medical-dental facility PROPOSED USE +6000 square foot addition to existing facility COMPREHE SIVE LAND USE PLAN Commercial COMMENTS 1 1 i 11 BLENCO SITE APPROVAL SA-017-81 VARIANCE V-018-81 South Elevation----facing South 3rd Place Proposal is to add a second floor to the existing office building.' 1 1 11 ! II L IP 1111111 r JIMM 11 [ 11 a:: r7•*,. t Oar: 1=1 .174 •-- mi.. ••••• r•• ti LEL r : i I I I I I I. BLENCO SITE APPROVAL - Professional Office Building Expansion in P-1 Zone SA - 017 - 81 NI VARIANCE - Reduce required parking V - 018 - 81 0 P. I i s,rac i i sc.- 0i a fu,t© El r. I ew scot i Qn se wPMv® i_ I' I sue H J .....____ r_ _ __ __,_ ____ SOUTH 3RD PLACE I I I II Ij I I pls.( al Pl anni r 1 12-197S RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Appli cati • n : ,_ , .T'. I ? " 4.1'4.', :i' f' :sl44.0..0,7 ,a ,t f . µ ,. wet befoor aI k meifreatt@Jew «I e ' c P1'•h` .% ,,,. Cv-wssuar.04e.r oe' opw&di giro toe:. 60 8 ram® 9®S f gLocation : Applicant: is 4, . 1.%;. `_ . a`i ::' f) TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : Police Department A°rR;S. MEETING DATE : Public Works Department ER.C' to ae Engineering Division. Traffic Engineering Building Division Utilities Engineering AD Fire Dep rtment Other) : COMMENTS 0 SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING FO THE APPLICATION REVIEW CONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT 9:UU A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. IF YOUR DEPARTMENT/DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE Tip A TEND THE ARC, PLEASE PROVIDE THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT $Y 5:OU P.M. ON REVIEWING EPARTMENT/DIVISION :cii_--- A proved Approved with Conditions Not Approve S'<7 . 4 /e K ov y - /3uic J/ 7) G' t-/tiS ,eGE-r, cZ Fat e.i. J. 3 ,e-dvrY-L. , s/17 Signature f Director r Aut orized Representative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Uriu r'y Ap roved i Approved with Conditions Not Approve1.A. 61141K1 014 0.1..___ 3/13/e7 Signature.,of Di ector or Authorized Representative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENTanIVISION : % 4{7c1 - W/ 477 c Approved , P / Approved with Conditions Not Ap proved Gf/y S L //5- 1-172c7-C1 6(-% `/ 2,0 N/1, i `A' LUL,J `-)'< c a/. .e Les,L v 1 v-t-rC•L i It l 0- 8)&; Signature of Director or. Authorized Rep esentative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :G . J Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved a) V.-v-4-Z-ed 0 m't 3 Z cP/Signature of Director or Aut razed Re resentatiP ve Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : PC X Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved Signature f erH'ectc ^ or A horized Representative ate REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : POLICE Approved Approved with Conditions xxx Not Approved As presented there is not enough information to do anything but disapporve the request. How' many trips are anticipated? Where will the patrons of the new addition park? Will forty parking spaces adequately serve the addition? These are just a few of the questions that need to be answerE prior to being able to decide if the variance is justified. 7/, Lt. Persson 3/3/81 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Approved,Approved with Conditions Not Approved FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No(s) : SA-017-81 , V-019-81 Environmental Checklist No..: ECF-020-81 Description of Propoal: Request for site approval to allow expansion of medical/dental facility thru second . floor addition and variance to reduce required parking from 60 stalls to 50 stalls. Proponent: BLENCOE, H.A. and JANET Location of Proposal:138, 200, 206 S. 3rd Place Lead Agency: Planning Department This propos 1 was reviewed by the ERC on March 4, 1981 and September 9, 1981 , following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Richard Houghton, David Clemens, Ronald Nelson, Don Persson, Roger Blaylock, Gary Norris, Steve Munson and James Matthew Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-020-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: Steve Munson DATED: March 4, 1981 2) Applic tions: S -017-71 , V-019-81 3) Recomm ndations for a declaration of non-significance: Planni g Department, Building Department, Fire Department; Utilities Engineering Division, Engineering Department and Traffic Engineering Department. More information:: Police Department Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have, significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significence: Will not adversely affect adjacent properties Signatures: 26/2 tics ona e son id R. Clemens, Acting Building Dir ctor Planning Director R and C. H ug ton, ing blic Works Director U Planning 12-1979 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application : e — 460 ,- 46%0I 02404 66 i ® el ecal® e e a 04 `s' '® I / a '.' R- Location : Appl i cant .gs(12 fi (104 a` ilt. eigl TO: Par s Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : ? 'a' Police Department ATRT6. MEETING DATE : Public Works Department IC® 8® es Engineering Division Traffic Engineering Building Division 1 Utilities Engineering 1 Fire Department Other) : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING FOR THE APPLICATION REVIEW CONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON 1 AT 9 :00 A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. IF YOUR DEPARTMENT/DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE TO AITEND THE ARC, PLEASE PROVIDE THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5:0o P .M. ON REVIEWING DE' ARTMENT/DVISION : POLICE Approved Approved with Conditions xxx Not Approved As presented there is not enough information to do anything but disapporve the request. How many trips are anticipated? Where will the patrons of the new addition park? Will forty parking spaces adequately serve the addition? These are just a few of the questions that need to be answered prior to being able to decide if the variance is justified. Lt. . . Persson 3/3/81 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : App oved Approved with Conditions Not Approved 1 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 312l 1 Planning 12-1979 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Appli cation :J/TE oQoaA (574.017..a0 or 46064,02 00r 4idi'' to st e dieeal-derdo. 14.te e'(t4 ! £J4A/ c1 C i.o/$•) Pole, e erAer 6o A% Ia '-7t ` yor r0 w. S/IS Location : 139,a00,secs. 3 X 1 Appl i cant.: I oti. #9. EiVcDimee / .T. N afabit e. e TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 17V7Y/AgY Police Department MEETING DATE : P blic Works Department EAC. " 40 j1V/T-IY, Engineering Division Traffic Engineering Building Division 1I Utilities Engineering Fire Department Other) : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING FOR THE APPLICATION REVIEW CONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT 9 :00 A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. IF YOUR DEPARTMENT/DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE TO ATTEND THE ARC, PLEASE PROVIDE THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : bzoo Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved 1./// s'S// If f/ director or Au/ ignaturerized Representative ate REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date I I I i 311311in Planning 12-1979 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION tREIE.VSHEET Appli 2cation :) /re- ;I4si ' k ,^rot CSA-0170. ` 49r' '=4 ®o®I obstiL I 4....4 erha ca. cifeca7 1 , ..: ( & UeVRijt/.. 4I . rf} e .1 !`mr'df Qta'A®a, 40 Location : Applicant :4w to ID TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : /: ":', wA", Police Department PerRre. MEETING DATE : QQ a @ 4, ;cr,Public .o'rks Department u engineering Division Traffic Engineering Building Division Utilities Engineering Fire Department Other) : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING FOR THE APPLICATION REVIEW CONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT 9 :00 A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. iIF YOUR DEPA TMENT/DIVIISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE T ATTEND THE ARC, PLEASE PROVIbE THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. N REVIEWING DEARTMENT/D VISION : Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved a) d?„,z,..:Z- c.,----re,Le—e----2----as, s.,),..... e___ .7.- 1- A..,_._ Ck___ Z, 3/2 AP7 Signature of Director or Aut rized Repres ntative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date r Planning 12-1979 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Appl i cati on : / e ' 6 , jee, Ir. 2 6 47 0B• 0.eidelistn. eJ iDe ®Sawp Kole ea 1666, 1 I/AV p 1.1§04e041,0, rasa e®&007 Gem vtie. cse) intaff °Ai 90s, ffs Location : r. Applicant : a''6 e,, ic„ e TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE :siZ Police Department MEETING DATE : Public Works Department e RC. ee se Engineering Division 1/ Traffic Engineering Building Division Utilities Engineering Fire Department Other) : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING FOR THE APPLICATION REVIEW CONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT 9 :00 A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. li IF YOUR DEPARTMENT/DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE TO ATTEND THE ARC, PLEASE PROVIDE THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON I I I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : ice, c7Z L ii/G/, F Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved Signature of Director or Authorized Rep esentative Date I I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 1 Planning 12-1979 1 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET APPli cation : / ' i"r L/ki° ('fr 2 ®®,,A 0 GCS •R a t® rya i M ash Po Deg* re itegar&e91,0 $r cam 64 6 iffS (7°A® 9:19S741 g Location : Applicant:, 4' TO: Parks Department SCHEDULED HEARING DATE :_____)4221r4a 1 Police Department Ar r MEETING DATE : Public Works Department R.C. IN e 3/414/ Engiineering Division Traffic Engineering I ' Building Division 1 Uti !1ities Engineering F V Fire Department Other) : I COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING FOR THE APPLICATION REVIEW CONFERENCE (ARC) TO BE HELD ON AT 9 : 00 A.M. IN THE THIRD FLOOR CONFERENC ROOM. IF YOUR DEPARTMENT/DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT ABLE TO AITEND HE ARC, PLEASE PROVIDE THE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 0u P .M. ON 1 I I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved 3-7f /cW/Z v/ i o G(/ — r36e'c:;'7h t lG/f.4/S' ,,,eZ432.f i2 % 12._____ 7 /r7 Signature f Director r Aut orized Representative Date REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/'DIVISION : U,' ry Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approve re2- 026,__3 i 7 Signature of Dictor or Authorized Representative Date E. M. CAPLOW AND ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL ESTATE - INVESTMENTS 16661 VENTURA BLVD., SUITE 3 6 TELEPHONE (213) 995-1341 ENCINO, CALIFORNIA 91436' April 22, 1981 Mr. H. A. Blencoe 112 M.nterey Drive, N.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Refer nce: RENTON MART/PARKING Dear r. Blencoe: I have consulted with our attorneys in reference to the Kmart lease and your offer to lease parking from the Kmart site. Of course we would like to cooperate with you, but we cannot do so at this time. We have several requests similar to yours that we are proces- sing t this time. I will keep your letter on file and in the future if it is possible to comply with your request, I will immediately contact you. Very truly yours, E. CAPLOW AND ASSOCIATES, INC. k Kelsey Vice President i MK/elw RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER O C T 13 1931 AM PM 718€9110011L:S192 3 4I516 A E1,. M NO _ 54, 0 /1 -ff/ I HEARING INFORMATION FOR RECEIVED MEDICAL-DENTAL BUILDING CITY OF RENT NON OF RENTON HEARING EXAMJNEFR OCT' 3 1981LOCATEDAT: AM PM 7I8 911o:1119 : 1('- ''i.L`;. ,'s-138, 200, & 206 Third Place So. Renton, Washington ii Our .ecision to build a second floor: 1) Need for doctors and dentists in downtown Renton 2) Hardships for senior citizens and others to get to the Valley General Hospital area a) The reluctance on some people to make the effort to take the trip to the Valley General area b) Lack of transportation c) Cost of transportation 3) Building design lends itself to a second floor 4) Ile will update and modernize the building a) With an elevator b) Air conditioning c) New heating system throughout 5) uilding will be architecturally designed to enhance the area. Our architect is Ben Woo. 6) New landscaped, black topped, paved, drained parking area PROBLEMS: Parking - core area has no requirement Our requirement is 60 parking stalls. Our plan is laid out to give 48 paved/striped parking stalls. We have also secured two parking stalls from the adjacent property to the east. Therefore the proposed improvements will provide for 48 parking stalls plus two or a grand total of 50 parking spaces. We have written to the K-Mart people trying to lease additional parking; we have tried to secure other leased parking spaces. We have also contacted Baugh Construction Company and tried to build a second Hearing Information for Medical-Dental Building Continued PROBLEMS: (continued) level parking on our lot on the West side of the clinic. After considerable study, Baugh Construction told us it was just not practical to put an elevated parking structure on this site. We have also contacted a realtor, Mr. Joe Donoghue, who is the realtor that represents the Pacific National Bank on their real estate transactions and requested that he contact Dr. Vukov, the owner of the Spa property and the bank property to see if it was possible to build an elevated parking lot for all three businesses. Joe Donoghue tells me that he could not generate the interest of these parties to proceed with this sort of plan. At this time we are requesting a variance from the 60 parking stall requirement for a second floor addition with the understanding that we now have or will have 48 parking stalls on the subject property plus two addition l parking next door thatlwe have acquired. We would also like to point out that there seem to be street parking available also for this building, which should minimize our requirement. I I October 16, 1981 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION . APPLICANT: H. A. and Janet Blencoe FILE NO. SA-017781 , V-019-81 LOCATION: i 138,I 200, & 206 S. 3rd Place SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant requests site approval for a +6,000 square foot second floor addition to an existing medical/dental clinic and a variance to reduce the required parking from 60 stalls to 48 stalls. SUMMARY OF ACTION:Planning Department Recommendation: Denial Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval of site plan; Denial o Variance fi PLANNING DEPARTMENT The !Planning Department preliminary report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on October 7,. 1981 . PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on October 13, 1981 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. Steve Munson, Planning Department, presented the Planning Department staff report, and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1 : Application File containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Site Plan with staff comments Exhibit #3: Elevation Drawing The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: I Harry A. Blencoe 112 Monterey Drive N.E. Renton, WA 98056 MrL Blencoe drew the Examiner's attention to the fact that no parking requirements exist for the central business district of Renton. He described efforts to acquire additional parking space to meet the city's requirement for 60 stalls; however, he noted, although contacts with adjacent property owners including the K-Mart Corporation had resulted in acquisition of two additional stalls, a deficiency of 10 stalls remains. Other efforts to; investigate the possibility of construction of an elevated parking structure with combined useage with three other property owners had been unsuccessful . Mr. Blencoe advised that the building lends itself well to a second story addition to fulfill a need fo'r medical facilities in the area, and interest from the medical community has been encouraging. He Submitted a letter received from K-Mart Corporation into the record: 1 1 Exhibit #4: Letter to Mr. Blencoe from E. M. Caplow & Associates,. Inc. , dated April 22, 1981 Responding it support of the application was: I Janet Blencoe 112 Monterey Drive N.E. Renton, WA 98056 Mrs. Blencoe objected to a statement contained in Section L.5 of the staff report indicating that the basis for the variance request is economic which is not one of the criteria of the ordinance. She stated that the facility serves an important function in providing close- in medical services for a large faction of elderly residents in the downtown area of Renton SA-01, :.J Page Two for whom transportation costs, and availability are difficult, and staff at Valley General Hospital recognize the need for satellite clinics, one of which located in the Renton Highlands is functioning well ! She noted 't',+t Ole existing building lends itself well to the addition of a second floor, is needed, in the central downtown area of Renton, and the site is serviced by public transit. Mrs,: Blencoe suggested that the allowable percentage for compact cars be increased from 25% to 50% to accommodate the shortage of stalls and allow additional planting area. The Examiner inquired regarding the extent of the parking exemption for the central business district. Mr. Blaylock stated that the boundary is located approximately four blocks from the site. The Examiner noted that the applicant is actually requesting two variances for the proposal , the first to provide less parking space than required by ordinance, and secondly, to provide additional compact car parking space. There was no response to the Examiner's request for additional testimony. Therefore, the hearing regarding SA-017-81 and V-019-81 was closed by the Examiner at 9:43 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicants, H. A. and Janet Blencoe, filed a request for a site approval for the expansion of a medical clinic together with a variance to provide less than the required number of parking spaces. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) , responsible official . 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 6. The proposal is compatible with the required setbacks, lot coverage and height requirements of Section 4-710 (P-1 ; Public/Quasi-Public) of Title IV, Ordinance No. 1628, Code of General Ordinances. 7. The subject property is located at 138, 200 and 206 S. 3rd Place, just north of the K-Mart Shopping Center. An established medical/dental clinic is located on the subject site. 8: The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for commercial uses. 9. The subject site is zoned P-1 , a classification imposed at the time of the enactment of the original zoning code. The site was annexed into the city in 1948 by Ordinance No. 1322. 10. The current clinic is a one-story facility which the applicant proposes enlarging by the addition of a second story. A site approval for a non-municipal project is required by Section 4-710(3) . The applicants propose adding approximately 6,000 square feet to the\zlinic which would double the floor space of the clinic. 11 . The clinic would require 60 parking spaces based on the figure of one parking stall per 200 square feet pursuant to Section 4-2208(2) (B) , whereas only 50 are proposed. In addition, 16 compact car stalls are proposed, whereas Section 4-2206(1 ) (A) requires that 12 stalls be for compact cars. The applicants have requested a variance under Section 4-722(G) to accomplish the easing of parking requirements. 12. The applicants have made attempts to provide the additional stalls in negotiation with K-Mart and other adjacent property owners. These attempts have not been successful . H 13. The Planning Department indicated that the applicant has not satisfied the criteria necessary to warrant the approval of a variance. jr , SA-017-81 Page Three 14. The subject site is just west of the central business district and immediately adjacent to the large Rainier Avenue commercial/retail trade corridor. The K-Mart store is across the street to the north and a health spa is located to the north along ith other retail businesses. CONCLUSIONS: Variance) 1 . Since the variance would be necessary to permit the proposed expansion, that r quest must be reviewed first. The applicant has failed to demonstrate that they are denied reasonable use of the subject property because of either the unique size, shap , topography, location or surroundings. 2. The lot is level and well serves the existing clinic, and, in fact, a 4,000 square foot addition could be constructed on the second floor without any need for a Variance and without overcrowds g the lot. While the original clinic must provide 30 stalls, the additional 20 stalls the applicant can now provide would accommodate a 4,000 square foot addition. Since each additional stall can accommodate 200 gross square feet of clinic, 20 additional stalls would enable the applicant- to add 4,000 square feet to the clinic. The' failure to grant a variance will not deprive the applicant of reasonable use of tis property. 3. The addition which woulld' be permitted is reasonable in light of the size of th property. Permitting the expansion without the requisite number of parking sp ces would exteld to the applicant a special privilege in violation of Section 4-72 (G) (3) (C) . It would also create similar demand from other establishments in this congeste area located close to Rainier Avenue, a major retail trade area. 4. The applic nt has also asked that the compact car provisions of the code be ex?anded beyond the minimum requirement of the code, and. this also would be granting the applicant a special privilege not available on a general basis and not based op any unique property condition other than that the applicant wishes to expand an operation on a lot which is not large enough for the intended purpose. Further, providing insufficient parking could force users of the clinic to par on the street or use other private parking lots in the area, such lots reserve for the patrons of these other uses. Site Approval 5. The Planni g Department's recommendation to deny the variance 11 -: ,:: revi w of the remrinder of the site plan, but the plans and elevation . r,.. ,= a.;.,.. ;=e r to indicate that the expansion would serve the public use and interest. The 4,000 square foot expansion of the clinic instead of 6,000 square feet as requested ill serve the owntown population of the City of Renton and will provide easier access for these and other patients as the downtown core is easier to reach by public transit. 6. The plans indicate that the parking lot will be landscaped and as long as the addition ma tches the appearance of the original clinic, the expansion will be la well-coordinated addition to the city and prevent the overconcentration of clinics in the area surrounding Valley General Hospital . DECISION: The variance is denied. The site plan is approved to the extent that a 4,000 square foot addition to the second floor may be permitted. ORDERED THIS 16th day of October, 1981 . Fred J. Ka an Land Use H ing Examiner I I SA-017-81 Page Four TRANSMITTED THIS 1 th day of October, 1981 by Affidavit of Mailing to thepartiesofrecord: Harry A. and Janet Blencoe, 112 Monterey Dr. N.E., Renton, WA98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of October, 1981 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Acting Public Works Director , David Clemens, Acting Planning Director Michael Porter, Planning Commission Chairman and Members, Planning Commission (8) Ron Nelson, Building Official Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Bill Seil , Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration mustbefiledinwritingon ;er before October 30, 1981 . Any aggrieved person feeling that thedecisionoftheExaminerisbasedonerroneousprocedure, errors of law or fact, error injudgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available atthepriorhearingmaymakeawrittenrequestforreviewbytheExaminerwithinfourteen14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth thespecificerrorsrelied ,upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of therecord, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires thatsuchappealbefiledwiththeCityClerkaccompanyingafilingfeeof $25.00 and meetingotherspecifiedrequirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection intheFinanceDepartment, first floor of City Hall , or same may be purchased at cost insaiddepartment. I OF R THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 Z 0 o BARBARA'. Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING90XAMINERCO. FRED J. ItAUFMAN. 235 2593 0, 9gT O SEP1EU e- November 16, 1981 Mr. H. A. Blencoe P.O. 'Box 358 Renton, WA 98057 RE: File No. SA-017-81 , V-019-81 ; H. A. & Janet Blencoe; Site Approval and Variance. Dear Mr. Blencoe: The Examiner's Report regarding the referenced application which was published on October 16, 1.981 and. reconsidered on October 30, .1981 has not been appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered final and is being transmitted to the Planning Department this date for filing. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. . Per your request, we have enclosed a copy of Exhibit #4 from the hearing record. Sincerely, Vajtti‘414-- Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: Planning Department J OF R4, o THE CITY OF RENTON z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 Z nJl ' t. o o • BARBARA'. Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR 0 LAND USE HEARING EXA11(IINER 90 FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-25930, 9gTD SEPSE O P October 30,. 1981 Mr. H. A. Blencoe P.O. Box 358 Renton, WA 98057 RE: File No. SA-017-81 , V-019-81 ; H. A. and Janet Blencoe; Request for Reconsideration. I Dear Mr. Blencoe: I have reviewed your request for reconsideration in the above entitled matter and must again, unfortunately, conclude that the criteria necessary to grant a variance are not satisfied by the current record in this matter. The criteria for the granting of a variance are quite specific, and economic considerations must be ignored as most people can justify an economic hardshi if they are required to comply with code requirements. First, the applicant must suffer undue hardship as a result of special circumstances including the size, shape, topography, location or surroundings , and the strict application of the code deprives the applicant of rights enjoyed by others in that zonell. The record does not disclose any evidence which would justify granting the variance under these criteria. The proposed plans are too elaborate and large for the subject site. The applicant can reasonably add 4,000 square feet to the existing structure although a 6,000 square foot addition would spread the costs of expansion over a greater leasable area. Economics do not justify relief. Second, a variance must not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or other properties. The provision of insufficient parking could either force patrons to use the city right-of-way in this area or use the K-Mart parking lot which would diminish the parking available to K-Mart's customers. Finally, the approval must not constitute a grant of special privilege and not be more than the minimum necessary to grant relief. A variance to allow the applicant to provide 10 less parking stalls than required by law would grant the applicant a special privilege, and is not justified in the present case. Either approval of the variance will constitute a special privilege not based upon physical limitations of the site or it will provide a precedent to extend the same waiver of required parking to other projects which are oversized for their respective lots. 1I H. A. Blencoe Page Two October 30, 1' 1981 I I What is to ,prevent other property owners from either acquiring undersized properties for development or trying to inappropriately expand structures on undersized parcels if relief were granted in this instance. The variance must be denied. I A new appeal period has now been established for this matter to expire on November 13, 1981 . Please feel free to contact this office for procedural information. Sincerely, 1; ‘< 494-4-Ncr-go-^---- Fred J. Kau man Hearing Examiner cc: Partiles of Record I I October 30, 1981 REC IVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINE OCT 3 1981Mr. Fred J: Kaufman AM F 7LandUseHearingExaminer 7Ih19;IOilrLs Y c` :3::City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton, WA 98055 Re: H. A. and Janet Blencoe File #SA-017-81 V-019-81 Dear Mr. Kaufman: We wish to appeal the decision of October 13, 1981 by the Land Use Examiner, Mr. Fred Kaufman, for the following reasons: 1) We do not believe that the presentation by Steve Munson, a staff member of the City of Renton Planning Department, showed a true presentation of our application for the variance request. 2) The handout material concerning our application dated October 13, 1981 at the public hearing does not have the correct site drawing which may ,or may not have influenced the hearing examiner. The one on exhibit is the first parking drawing; whereas our Architect, Ben Woo prepared a second parking site drawing dated June 30, 1981, showing 48 parking stalls, plus two stalls on the adjoining property to the east. 3) We think that special circumstances should be considered for this downtown expansion of a Medical-Dental facility where patients can walk to or have minimum transportation expense. 4) The granting of a variance from 60 car parking to 50 car parking should not in any way be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious in anyway to adjacent property owners. 5) The hearing examiner pointed out it takes approximately 6 persons per 1,000 square feet for staffing office space; by inquiring from the doctors we find the following: Dr. Grimm has 2 and sometines 3 nurses Dr. Petrich Dr. Ochs have up to .4 assistants on duty at any time Dr. MacDougall has 2 nurses Therefore a total of 13 in 6,000 square feet of present space. Therefore, we can conclude the figure of 36 is on the upper side and probably 18 persons for staffing per floor is more realistic. Mr. Fred J. !Kaufman Page 2 October 30, 1981 6) The expense of an elevator to service the second floor should cost about $26,000 or on the square foot basis, this cost could be pro rata over the second flior; hence 4,000 square feet equals $6.50 and 6,000 square feet equals $4.33. To make this project a viable one we need 6,000 square feet. Thank you for your past consideration and hopeful reconsideration in this matter. Yours very truly, 4 '6, H. A. Blencoe HAB:sjb I I I j ' October 30, 1981 RECEIV D CITY OF RENTO HEARING EXAMINER OCT 3 1981Mr. Fred J. Kaufman Land Use Hearing Examiner AM PM City of Renton 718i1 Atii:1&syF 200 Mill Ate. So. Renton, WAI 98055 Re: H. A. and Janet Blencoe File #SA-017-81 V--019-81 Dear Mr. Kaufman: We wish to appeal the decision of October 13, 1981 by the Land Use Examiner, Mr. Fred Kaufman, for the following reasons: 1) We do not believe that the presentation by Steve Munson, a staff member of the City of Renton Planning Department, showed a true presentation of our application for the variance request. 2) The handout material concerning our application dated October 13, 1981 at the public hearing does not have the correct site drawing which may or may not have influenced the hearing examiner. The one on exhibit is the first parking drawing; whereas our Architect, Ben Woo prepared a second parking site drawing dated June 30, 1981, showing 48 parking stalls, plus two stalls on the adjoining property to the east. 3) We think that special circumstances should be considered for this downtown expansion of a Medical-Dental facility where patients can walk to or have minimum transportation expense. 4) The granting of a variance from 60 car parking to 50 car parking should not in any way be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious, in anyway to adjacent property owners. 5) The hearing examiner pointed out it takes approximately 6 persons p'er 1,000 square feet for staffing office space; by inquiring from the doctors we find the following: Dr. Grimm has 2 and sometines 3 nurses Dr. Petrick have up to 4 assistants on duty at any one timeDr. Ochs Dr. MacDougall has 2 nurses I Therefore a total of 13 in 6,000 square feet of present space. Therefore, we can conclude the figure of 36 is on the upper side and probably 18 persons for staffing per floor is more realistic. i I IIIIIIIIIr Mr. Fred J. Kaufman Page 2 October 30, 1981 i I 6) The expense of an elevator to service the second floor should cost out $26,000 or on the square foot basis, this cost could be .pro rata over the second floor; hence 4,000 square feet equals $6.50 and 6,0001square feet equals $4.33. To make this project a viable one we need 6,000Isquare feet.J Thank you for your past consideration and hopeful reconsideration in this matter. Yours very truly, H. A. Blencoe HAB:sjb I I I I AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J. Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes land states: I I That on the l6th day of October 19 81 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the i I parties of record in !the below entitled application or petition. 24(4,2•1169-,[2. 1/ i I Subscribed anld sworn this 4 day of 0-0-6 ' 19 A'/. Notary Public in and for th of, Washington, residing at I i I I 81H.A. & Janet Blencoe; SA-01Application, Petition or Case: SA-017-81 I I The minutu contailn a tilt a4 the paAtia of tcecatcd. ) F. FILE FILE TITLE on P J 15 I v./ ' •. ice, .. i. I I I I 1 1 1