HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA81-061 Large FormatLJ,a PROJECT OBJECTIVES Aoylc/l,(ITi) InAP i O dr'i9L"E 1 The purpose of this project is to produce a more desirable and stable housing development with the surrounding area. The advantage of making this project a condominium is to permit flexibility in design placement of buildings, use of open spaces, pedestrian -circulation, off- street parking areas, and road alignment. also to best utlize the potentials of sites characterized by special features of geography, topography, size of shape. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 5 and 3 of Block 2 and Lots 1 and 2 of Block 3 of C.D. Hillmans Lake Washington Garden Of Eden, Division 7 together with vacated city streets; less the south 40 feet of said Lot 2. AREA DEVELOPPIEPIT A R EA PERMIT Building ( coverage) 30,800 SF (0.71 Ac.) 13.23 Road 1,125 SF (0.03 Ac.) 0.49 Parking 149,050 SF (3.41 Ac.) 64.04 Walkway 5,050 SF (0.12 Ac.) 2.17 n nP E Open Space Total 7SF ( 1.07 Ac. 0.0 23232,741 41 SF5.34 Ac.) 100.00 SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS P.O. BO\ 1031 • PUYALI UP, WA 98371 PUY:845- 88-33 SEA: 838-34, ZZ dV WlIT PROPOSALS Plumber of units proposed is 183 (number of units permitted 200) Parking ratio= 2 per unit All units to be sold as condominiums Utilities Water: City of Renton Sewer: City of Renton Power: Puget Sound Power and Light Fire : City of Renton Telephone: Pacific Plorthwest Bell Condominiums consist of four basic floor plans ranging in square footage from 9GO - 1920 20 - 1 bedroom units 160 2 bedroom units 8 - 3 bedroom units Upr ,10R P -: 0C;,; ....' SA Q,-0&( 0- at ELEV. 160 EI-E V. 90 ELtV go Elf V. 70 5L-EV. 60 ELE V. 50 ELE V. 40 ELE V. 30 REV. NO. I DATE DESCRIPTION MADE BYl CHECKED TOP ELEV. /S¢ i d6C7-1,0X B - B VEIVr / „ = SCALE : NDXIz r_50 DESIGNED: DATE : gl,20/g/ DRAWN: z5MI- CHECKED :q8 APPROVED: 6 V. /00 ELE V. 90 ELE V. g0 lE(EV 70 ELEV. GD ELEV. 50 ELE V 40 6 EV 30 Tap ELEV. IGZ.o sEcT1Ov ( -c i j SHEET NO. xl iDe n n i IL IL 1" S INC. z 1M L BOSS SECTION B-%B 61 Cp-C zSURVEYORSandENGINEERS F 3 P.O. BOX 1031 PUYALLUP WA. 98371 ISLE LAKE MOUNTAIN VIEW PUYALLUP 845-$833 SEATTLE 838-3474 J08 NO. N-/903 Y v4C iPtQtCM7 y ontrance i w • is2>W_ ice-= ue sz- -.000 MW 1 , i I ter rats caUrr I wort otes uncovered parking area: CO, 500 sq. ft.. a Pd s cap 7?9 in p2;v encg area: J, 4 90 Jg, ft. (,9 z) Trees aZong east buffer; 20' 0" o. c•, tyP Ala to 7S 5pedmer7 ever Teen trees McQsur D ft, or more 177 he ght'ule It be used to bu er the south ar7d e06t Sides of the 5110 at Pzan&-,-d bfer CNCEPTTIJAL LQNQsCQPZ /PlA/1\/ Lid IsdeCIduous tree uLth s r odi 'nq lawn conoy, e.g. Acer Pa-c amtX r due , t LIS pF RED\ R CEI Eo o, AUG 26 1981 NG DEP P A d0CLd ous trr?e, gnus, Beta10, e compact car C& C Iph trim, CDYjL f2'r'D S fiver Codra, 5, Aind5re ruredszr a9 - heorrndre ns, Vl zz rnzi m o kbba us ox derd ru m J G Mand covers Ju.eh as Nedera, f-lypercecI rl Lu1// to planted 177 pjar t177g bed.5 and mulched aitth bard. Now south , cue6t bout/fries, jP'i lr of Cilia Cer'GQulth t?, i ull w lapted. O C 00 A 5 UON U0 N C 2 UCjQ0- 3C LrjMG CC G 0 M C) G Ly J a: 0 p i to 0 O a L/IOJ O ,- i N CY) C/) D C w Q J W Q f- U Q Cn Q. o V C C a L W z Q Z Z Z — 02 20 0 W Z O QU WJ C CZ O. Cz U C) 0 C Cz Cz CL O U C 0 An M Z:Z, Ab lb OP XV E&StZE PIP 1 60 A,r 0 GD \ \ \ I Y) 1 4 ) , i L PROJECT OBJECTIVES IMMA L 4 00, 00, ii: .-+•'- S_ wwww `a-I ice. `?•a`Z1/i,fl/I a J lr` w's Grl r =f1a.s Gs G wiil•.l r:a l T_ 9/1 ' IMM The purpose of this project is to produce a more desirable and stable housing development with the surrounding area. The advantage of making this project a condominium is to permit flexibility in design placement of buildings, use of open spaces, pedestrian circulation, off-street parking areas, and road alignment. Also to best utlize the potentials of sites characterized by special features of geography, topography, size of shape. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 5 and 3 of Flock 2 ar-- )t jn ?m2cifrHi'ans La'Ie Washington Garden Of Eden, 71'1 i _, on ca' i - . • eets . ,s t, _ south 40 feet of said Lo' 2. AREA DE'.'EL IENT RE,` "` SCE',,T Building (cover,,g, SF j :_..Z3 Road ,, SF ) c Parking Walkway :5. 1- ?.li 7r !" Open Space 6•'1F 07 A 1uCCC : 434A: 00 SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS P O [ i . ?ri11 • KI YAI I LIP. WA 98371 PL'Y: 64,1811 SEA: 838-14 1 UNIT PROPOSALS Plumber of units proposed is 188 (number of units permitted 200) Parking ratio= 2 per unit All units to be sold as condominiums Utilities Water: City of Renton Sewer: City of Renton Power: Puget Sound Power and Light Fire : City of Renton ' Telephone: Pacific P;orthwest well Condominiums consist of four basic flog. an gir n ;uE f ige Irc 960 - 1920 20 - 1 bedroorii .units 160 - 2 bedroom units 8 - 3 bedroom units NO. REVISION o 9p VllelllI MAP VI I RENTS kv IMG CfTY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1A5 Z IlX E I DU/VT4W V/E X1 LyZE PICKLE DE= I : NED__ DI -At FILE NO. DRAWN.__-- Ma SCALE__ _ FIELD E00K__ .-. PAGE_.__- CHECKED__ " BYAPPR CA T c I APPROVED— .__. SHEET- OF__ DIR-1 0, FILM I h......+e.-....... .... _..,. e..... 1 UNIT PROPOSALS Plumber of units proposed is 188 (number of units permitted 200) Parking ratio= 2 per unit All units to be sold as condominiums Utilities Water: City of Renton Sewer: City of Renton Power: Puget Sound Power and Light Fire : City of Renton ' Telephone: Pacific P;orthwest well Condominiums consist of four basic flog. an gir n ;uE f ige Irc 960 - 1920 20 - 1 bedroorii .units 160 - 2 bedroom units 8 - 3 bedroom units NO. REVISION o 9p VllelllI MAP VI I RENTS kv IMG CfTY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1A5 Z IlX E I DU/VT4W V/E X1 LyZE PICKLE DE= I : NED__ DI -At FILE NO. DRAWN.__-- Ma SCALE__ _ FIELD E00K__ .-. PAGE_.__- CHECKED__ " BYAPPR CA T c I APPROVED— .__. SHEET- OF__ DIR-1 0, FILM I h......+e.-....... .... _..,. e..... ISLE LAKE MT. V1, Benneff PS&E,1,\,, SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS P.O BOX 1031 • PLI.ALI I!P, WA 48371 M 1 845-8833 . SEA: 838-3474, 4Pa dip nr„_. Q ,_14/1A m 7, N IL A - Pool 0 Jsimi it n r41 4 r r IIII, VortiI ! Votes uncovered parkin ,q area . 60,5oo sq. & 10ndSCOP179 4n parks T& Frees along east buffer : 0 " 0, r. tyP Up to, 15 :t ocLwol) eve,--,'r1roer1 trees 10[t. OrM/0,re 11-7 /10Zybt`1U,111Z 60 tO the 5OU117 0rAY e0&e 6U25 Of Vle I 77teCt CONCEPTUAL Z A lVDSCAIDE PZ A N Legend dOC I dU OU 5 tree uit th 5pradtnw Ca noe.o. aces, boal amb, r J: mdqous tree) 0.g., Betula, C G• r, p y conz sOUS ? Ve hu roe dru. 5Le,, ia, 1q qreV? 517rab5 e VjZ)Li r nU M hod0dendMn,5 0, 4 l AT&YU der7dii ,, Gmund covers 5uch as Heolera NyHrzcum, be planted mptanttn' q ork a nd lmukhea_ with baft. fizb?q south west &Un4ories pdgrstur of 1-- liazonla, licer F1 W'zaulclherlY, / Z planted. I&I Co/ i/pa C Z Ca r 0 C 0 00 tA Q Q) C C C 0 Q A_ j0C;) Q 3 CI a). C C LA r**. so C) ry- 0 0 U) 3 7C) 0 LnC3C 4 c a: io 0 r_ C3 0 Ulm 00 0 L/I 0j 00 Ui z U) C 2 D Z Z 0 0 0 Uj z 0 QU j Ui j U) 0 CL Cz Cz j CAS 3 4- 1 CL C 0 An Iq A a. 1Ym If -, at ISLE LAKE MT. VIEW of RE OaECFItE U JUL 1981 4 NG DEQ Benneff PS&H i SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1031 • PUYALLUP, WA 98371 P11 845-8833 SEA:838-3474 ac;A opb Alw I .wo Q / v - i9n -, 017 ju)enneff PS&E r SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS P-O. 80V 1031 • PLAA11UP, WA 98371 P1 iv h4:,-8833 SEA: 838-34; + i 50 1—MMMM Nip 3 SeAIE_ /"=40, A° ici t,1iry MAP o Jr.c, MOJECT OBJECTIVES The purpose of this project is to produce a more desirable and stable housing development with the surrounding area. The advantage of making this project a condominium is to permit flexibility in design placement of buildings, use of open spaces, pedestrian circulation, off-street parking areas, and road alignment. ;also to best utlize the potentials of sites characterized by special features of geography, topography, size of shape. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 5 and 3 of Block 2 and Lots 1 and 2 of 31ock 3 of C.D. Hillmans Lake Washington Garden Of Eden, Division 7 together with vacated city streets; less the south 40 feet of said Lot 2. AREA DEVELOPMENT AREA PERCENT Building (cover -age) 30,800 SF (0.71 Ac.) 13.23 M,:: 1,125 SF (0.03 Ac.) 0.49. 149,050 SF (3.41 Ac.) 64.04 C,1'..,.a 5,050 SF (0.12 Ac.) 2.17 Open Space 46,716 SF (1.07 Ac.) 20.07 Total 232,741 Sr 5.34 Ac 100.00 I R vt/ M r~XVE. s. E. 4D I UNJIT PROPOSALS Plumber of units proposed is 182 (number of units permitted 200) Parking ratio= 2 per unit All units to be sold as condominiums Utilities Water: City of Renton Sewer: City of Renton Power: Puget Sound Power and Light Fire : City of Renton Telephone: Pacific Northwest Jell Condominiums consist of four basic floor' plans ranging in square footage from 960 - 1920 20 - 1 bedroom units 160 - 2 'bedroom units 8 - 3 bedroom units 5 Q 0 t 0 DRAWN- N - T_ --- / ii9B SCALE HECKED- _ _ _ -.__._ FIELD LOOK. -_LOOK. -_pace__ C NO REVISION BY APPR ATE APPROVED___ _ _. SHEET_ OF__ DtREC'.1R C,, HUD X SA - INe /_AI TDcnnelti PS&E_ , SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS P O. 130%. 1031 • PUYALL t,P, WA 98371 PUY: 845-8833 SL.A: 838-34: 3 qo 90 goo r PROJECT OBJECTIVES The purpose of this project is to produce a more desirable and stable housing development with the surrounding area. The advantage of making this project a condominium is to permit flexibility in design placement of buildings, use of open spaces, pedestrian circulation, off-street parking areas, and road alignment. ,also to best utlize the potentials of sites characterized by special features of geography, topography, size of shape. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 5 and 0 of Block 2 and Lots I and 2 of "lock ' of C.D. Hillinans Lake Vashir jt )n Garden Of Eden, Division 7 together with vacated city streets; less souttf +0 feet of said I.ot 2. AREA DEVELOPMEltiT PROJECT OBJECTIVES The purpose of this project is to produce a more desirable and stable housing development with the surrounding area. The advantage of making this project a condominium is to permit flexibility in design placement of buildings, use of open spaces, pedestrian circulation, off-street parking areas, and road alignment. ,also to best utlize the potentials of sites characterized by special features of geography, topography, size of shape. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 5 and 0 of Block 2 and Lots I and 2 of "lock ' of C.D. Hillinans Lake Vashir jt )n Garden Of Eden, Division 7 together with vacated city streets; less souttf +0 feet of said I.ot 2. AREA DEVELOPMEltiT REA T Building (cover-lgc) 30,800 SF ; .71 1 Road 1,125 SF (O.G3 Ac. ) Parking 149,050 SF (3.41 Ac.) Walkway 5,050 SF (0.12 Ac,) .17 Open Space 46,716 SF 1.07 Ac. 20.07 Total 232,741 SF (5.34 Ac.) 10C_- U%IT PROPOSALS Number of units proposed is 188 (number of units permitted 200) Par0 ng ratio= 2 per unit A';', units to be sold as condominibms tiIi*.fe> Ci * , of Penton Sewer: it, of Renton Power. ,.uget Sound Power and Light Fi -e : i ty of Qenton Te'ephoni.... Pacific t;orthwest Bell i;ondominiu-, consist of four basic floor plans ranging in square.footage from 9G r, - 192C 20 - 1 bedroor, units 160 - 2 bedroom units 8 - 3 bedroom units REVIS F, DATE VIIJT) MAP a arfzz a 61 i 11 CITY OF RRNTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AAE L lffE 1mVNT41A( V/E 1A1 DESIGNED DLAI DATE___ 7/9/Bl FILE NO.__.8I-/IO3 DRAWN ---- __ CHECKED__ RAB SCALE:__ "- _____ _ FIELD EOOK PACE--- APPROVED_ ______ __—. _ .__ ____. -___ SHEET- .. OF— _. C 'REC-_)ROF PLFLI_ N„RKS r 1AVAI 1 9 M r l 50 11D EiDennel S I SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS P.O. BOV 1031 • PUYAI1.l:P, WA 98371 PUY:84-8833 SEA:838-34 Ao lD "<I V6. d . E. NA Ilia Pi OJECT OBJECTIVES The purpose of this project is to produce a more desirable and stable housing development with the surrounding area. he advantage of making this project a condominium is to permit flexibility in design placement of buildings, use of open spaces, pedestrian circulation, off-street parking areas, and road alignment. Also to best utlize the potentials of sites characterized by special features of geography, topography, size of shape. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 5 and 8 of Block 2 and Lots 1 and 2 of Block 3 of C.D. Hillmans Lake Washington Garden Of Eden, Division 7 together with vacated city streets; less the south 40 feet of said Lot 2. AREA DEVELOPMENT AREA PERCENT Building (coverage) 30,800 SF 0.71 Ac.) 13.23 Road 1,125 SF 0.03 Ac.) 0.49 Parking 149,050 SF 3.41 Ac.) 64.04 all,. "ay 5,050 SF 0.12 Ac.) 2.17 Open Space 46,716 SF 1.07 Ac.) 20.07 Total 232,741 SF 5.34 Ac. 100.00 1 I UNIT PROPOSALS dumber of units proposed is 188 (number of units permitted 200) Parking ratio= 2 per unit All units to be sold as condominiums Utilities + Dater: City of Renton Sewer: City of Renton Power: Puget Sound Power and Light Fire : City of Renton Telephone: Pacific Northwest "Jell Condominiums consist of four basic floor plans ranging in square footage from 960 - 1920 20 - 1 bedroom units 160 - 2 bedroom units 8 - 3 bedroom units M 0 V'4_-1 /TY MAP A LQ 5 F RFC R[CJ[Tl Ea AUG 26 1991 N NG DES/ CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF I" U B I_ I C WORK S L yLE PICKLE DEfri,-,NED M& _.. DATE . 7/9/B/ FILE NO. DRAWN__.__-_ SCALE.- I CHECKED__ - 8 REv'S!ON BY APPR CATE ( APPROVED________ - ___ _.. _. SHEET_ CIF_