HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA81-079BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE SAQ b rn POLACOLOR 2 .in 12c i r r6-i--REiy?c7i n9 c1il anin9 (v. p o207-A SUNSET BLVD. N. RENTON,WASHINGTON 9805 PHONE: (206) 228-2460 V 14 1981 Se 1~ 4R-/ I•N' Ur,a• t Ll1NNIN(a 'lEPAWI't'I N'1'. 9 NiNG DS/1'U: It i N: JUSTIFICATION EO" REZONE CLASST M'TCATIoN w 16 thieniton'Washington 98055 August 10, 1981 Our request for rezone is based on our desire to redevelop a former building site that over the last several years existed as a low income rental. As a rental unit the house was a prime candidate for condemnation. Its general appearance wws clearly an eye sore to the community and one that was evedent in gross neglect and abuse. In December 1980, we completed the final sales transaction with the former owner and tried to recondition the structure into an office. City Inspector' s advised us that recon- ditioning and bringing the structure up to pity Codes would be close to impossible; suggesting we raise the building and start over again. In May 1981 this project was initiated and is complete, Permit 4B-3295) . Our particular lot location is clearly isolated from any residential association, with commercial interests comprising the "new neighborhood" today. Renton's Comphrehensive Plan has established this area as an Industrial Park. Our business intentions and past reputation within the community make us a good prospect for doing this. Our reclassification would clearly lend itself to the oity' s objective for business growth and at the same time does not conflict with residential interests in the area. Thank you. S3,rerely ours, f .1:i+ it , 4 rt liober't c. I,a .- egor EXTRACTION CARPET CLEANING SERVICES t 11 I RENTON URBAN AREA 1 1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN i ,REVISED JANUA R Y 19 8 0 O'N : 4 e_, 1-1 O iri..E.-i..--'-"-i-.1t'="22-"-5 R 19 SCALA IN FEET sE} 4 w LEGEND I= [' w- 0 SINGLE FAMILY LIGHT INDUSTRY OR M P I` re,' w- F PQLOWDENSITYMULT. FAM.HEAVY " C , \ x V^ MED. " " " © MANUFACTURING PARK • -4 . f RIE-.HIGH 4..A/I RECREATION J'` rll I Ifffff COMMERCIAL ID GREENBELT 1 f- PUBLIC AQUASI-PUBLIC ;f• rt f r__ , N L 1 i r s ,'f LAKI i I- i - Z r e'. \• 'I... f 7A. i111/1I n I 11 11 1 R„, 1 _ `'i: I is 1 1.. ... ....A C 1 f f rj I I 19 tit ic L___-. ; 4 i Wp 11 =a a ____ LI.. .... r Ark 1. !i' 1 waist ,: gpl‘ f /,i f -- -r I ram. OMR.iv , I I,. n ... 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MANAGER RENTON, WA 98055 5 y N Jt„ riiAMiM-A fi L ? dY •,};. y R t ` t qi t 1441 . .xtr'l' nk fi Applicant ROBERT MacGREGOR File No. R-079-31 Project Name SAME Property Location Vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street HEARING EXAMINER: Date 11-19-81 Recommendation Approval subject to restrictivecc c Ccovenants p(,&P U i ) D1 3 es Req./Rec. Date Received Date ponse Appeal - Date Received Council Approval - Date Ord i nance/ 9 7 Date //y/7,3 Mylar to County for Recording Mylar Recording # Remarks: zi r 6/v7 61Y\ November 19, 1981 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT: Robert MacGregor FILE NO. R-079-81 LOCATION: Vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks rezone of the subject site from G-6000 to L-1 for use as a carpet cleaning business with associated storage. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval subject to conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval subject to restrictive covenants. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department preliminary report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on November 11 , 1981 . PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on November 17, 1981 at 10:37 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report. Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner, presented the report, and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1 : Application File containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: King County Assessor's Map Referencing an Engineering Division staff comment attached to the Planning Department staff report, which states that the subject site appears to be below the 100-year flood plain, Mr. Blaylock advised that although the flood plain maps are not always accurate, the subject site actually appears to be located just outside the flood plain. Responding to the Examiner's inquiry regarding whether the lot contains sufficient buildable lot area to allow the zone change to L-1 , Mr. Blaylock stated that the site provides minimal buildable area, but would be suitable to a small , service-related business such as the applicant proposes. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Robert MacGregor 207-A Sunset Boulevard N. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. MacGregor advised that the size of the subject site is ideal for his proposed development, and he indicated that compliance with all required conditions on site will occur. The Examiner requested testimony in support or opposition to the application. Since there was no response, the hearing regarding File No. R-079-81 was closed by the Examiner at 10:47 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 . The applicant, Robert MacGregor, filed a request for reclassification of approximately 5,500 square feet of property from G-6000 (General ; Single Family Residential ; Minimum lot size - 6,000 square feet) to L-1 (Light Industrial ) . 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . 41110 R-079-81 Page Two 3., Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) , responsible official . 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. 6. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. LID 314 will improve water and sewer service in this location. 7. The subject property is located in the vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street immediately southwest of the Rainier Avenue/I-405 interchange. 8. The subject property was annexed into the city by Ordinance No. 1754 in April of 1959. The current G-6000 zoning was applied to the property at that time. 9. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject property is located as suitable for the development of manufacturing park uses. 10. The area is in transition from older single family lots and uses to light industrial , office park and commercial uses. Property south and southwest of the site is zoned for heavy industry (H-1 ) , light industry (L-1 ) , and manufacturing park (M-P) . An auto repair shop is located west of the site and other commercial and manufacturing uses are being developed south and west of the site. 11 . There have been a number of reclassifications of property to L-1 in the general vicinity including the Dahlby Rezone, File No. R-044-80, and Olga Lewis Rezone, File No. R-080-80. 12. The subject site is located on the edge of the area defined to be within the 100- year flood plain. Due to questions about the accuracy of the flood plain maps, there is a question as to whether the subject site is within the flood plain. CONCLUSIONS: 1 . The proponent of a rezone must demonstrate that the request is in the public interest and will not impair the public health, safety and welfare in addition to compliance with at least one of the three criteria listed in Section 4-3014 which provides in part that: a. The subject site has not been considered in a previous area rezone or land use analysis; or b. The subject site is potentially designated for the new classification per the Comprehensive Plan; or c. There has been material and substantial change in the circumstances in the area in which the subject site is located since the last rezoning of the property or area. The applicant has demonstrated the necessary criteria to pemit the reclassification . of the subject site. 2. The uses permitted within the L-1 zone are similar to and included within the uses permitted in a manufacturing park zone, and therefore the proposed classification generally conforms to the designation of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. There have been other similar rezones in the area, and the transitional character of the area and the immediate proximity of 1-405 to the subject site make residential use now permitted by the current zoning inappropriate. 4. The construction of LID 314 will bring further public improvements to the area and will permit more intensive urban development. The location adjacent to the major transportation routes will also serve light industrial uses. 5. Since uses generally established in an M-P zone require site plan approval to assure development compatible with the Comprehensive Plan, site approval should be required in this case. 6. The current status of flood plain information for the subject site is in doubt but S R-079-81 Page Three the site can probably be developed if on-site retention is provided for potential storm waters. Therefore, the applicant should be required to execute restrictive covenants requiring a storm drainage system capable of detaining on-site an amount of water which is equivalent to the current holding capacity of the site. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve the reclassification of the subject site from G-6000 to L-1 subject to the following: 1 . The applicant execute restrictive covenants to provide on site storm water retention/ detention equal to the current water holding capacity of the site. 2. Site plan approval by the Hearing Examiner. ORDERED THIS 19th day of November, 1981 . Fred J. Kau an Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of November, 1981 by Affidavit of Mailing to the party of record: Robert MacGregor, 207-A Sunset Boulevard N. , Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of November, 1981 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Acting Planning Director Michael Porter, Planning Commission Chairman and Members, Planning Commission Ron Nelson, Building Official Lawrence J . Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before December 3, 1981 . Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall , or same may be purchased at cost in said department. N. 4,-- 7 (.,..! FT- - Apkr.rizr"-- ,‘Tr•.Toivz" °-,...,"-- ...1. t, r may p ti L 1),. 4.;_4,- Ag. rli-: zt-- 41r. eIbt tea: /. yam. 1-104l-T li. 1.i I I. e_ S w— 7TH r • . 7 --TT- r- 1T -y - t I tiff• L- ---- gt--------- 1 L..li I 4P-U ice-- ----- 1 1.a a, 9. Ij I I 1 I L. 1 ' , H N IIu1 t IA1IU1r 1 RY DER ice' sa M f•"i1 11' IN'I' ,. 1• 11 1 ' 1- mawI M. Ii.,. Pt - t11• 16. r"° -sc------- • . ..0001111" .1 VI " 0IF!1 A t ilT 0- - ;r'..'--::11 ''' - INIUI Y14/r' int• :.' All , is NI pile -010:til , 7. 00111111,4.. _ le -:,.3. tripaT. T'. _ a VIA! o W 4 is S r_ . 1 y qy f Gs f- :A .C, - +1 -1- i,----_. -C-) : :, . :. $ - . - ,.., t • sit, 1 V** : . , ' E. ....../ 211R-1 -- .'4 . 1_.... I 4, :. . 3 : • ! ie.,'.. 7..,6 G j wSJ. i -.. 1 x ROBERT MacGREGOR - R-079-81 APPL I CANT ROBERT MacGREGOR TOTAL AREA +5500 sq. ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS S.W. 16th St. EXISTING ZONING G-6000 EXISTING USE Former building site - vacant PROPOSED USE Carpet Cleaning Business with Associated Storage COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park 1 COMMENTS Ilr A RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 4, 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M.Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF Earl H. Clymer, Council President, Richard M. Stredicke, John W. COUNCIL MEMBERS Reed, Thomas W. Trimm, Robert J. Hughes and Randall Rockhill were present. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENCE OF CHARLES F. SHANE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor; Delores A. Mead, City Clerk; Daniel IN ATTENDANCE Kellogg, City Attorney; Lt. Don Persson, Police Department; and David Clemens, Policy Development Director. PRESS Greg Anderson, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Minutes of December 21, 1981, Page Three, under Legal Publication, 6 column format" should be deleted. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, MINUTES OF 12/21/81 BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. Minutes of December 28, 1981, Page Two, under AUDIENCE COMMENT, should be corrected to read "Council President Stredicke noted the playfield matter was funded by Community Facility funds and was discussed at public budget hearings." MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MINUTES OF 12/28/81 BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. Community Service Mayor Shinpoch presented Council Member Richard Stredicke an award Award Presentation for outstanding service to the community while serving as 1981 City Council President. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans, 3306 N.E. 11th, Renton, requested Item 8 Ordinances Ordinance and and Resolutions be brought forth at this time to discuss the Resolution ordinance clarifying zoning classifications. MOVED BY CLYMER, Ratifying Zoning SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, TO SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS Classifications AND BRING THE REFERENCED ORDINANCE BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Mr. Evans expressed concern of passage of ordinance due to many unknown impacts. Ways and Means Chairman Clymer expressed the need of passage of ordinance due to pending building permits and later review individual cases with problem rezoning due to reclassification. Moved by Clymer, Seconded by Rockhill, to place ordinance on second and final reading with emergency clause. After reading, roll call was taken. 4-Ayes: Trimm, Clymer, Hughes, Rockhill. 2-Nos: . Stredicke, Reed. Motion failed due to lack of affirmative vote required by law. Stredicke indicated he voted against the ordinance due to past scheduling of the related public hearing during holiday week. (See later adoption action.) CONSENT AGENDA MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, TO REMOVE ITEM 5a FROM AGENDA, "MAYOR SHINPOCH'S APPOINTMENT OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI TO PARK BOARD TO COMPLETE THE TERM OF NANCY MATHEWS. . ." CARRIED. Audit Examination Fifty-fourth Audit Examination Report, January 1, 1980 through Report December 31, 1980, is on file for record in City Clerk's Department. 1/1/80 through MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, TO ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA 12/31/80 AS PRESENTED WITH DELETION. CARRIED. Appointment of MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINT- Charles Delaurenti MENT OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI TO PARK BOARD. CARRIED. Mr. Delaurenti, to Park Board being present and known by all, will be replacing Nancy Mathews, who has been elected to City Council. Park Board term is effective to June 1, 1985. Mr. Delaurenti was introduced and stated he will assist in continuing to have the best park system in the state. Renton City Council 1/4/82 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS Chairman Stredicke presented Committee on Committees report with Committee on assignments as follows (first name listed being chairperson) : Committees Ways and Means Committee Community Service Richard Stredicke John Reed Randall Rockhill Nancy Mathews Robert Hughes Richard Stredicke Planning and Development Public Safety Randall Rockhill Robert Hughes John Reed Nancy Mathews Robert Hughes Tom Trimm Transportation Utilities Tom Trimm Nancy Mathews John Reed Tom Trimm Randy Rockhill Richard Stredicke Committee on Chairman Stredicke presented his Minority Report of the Committee Committees on Committees due to same committee chairman year after year. Minority MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE MAJORITY REPORT Report OF COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer recommended concurrence Committee in Mayor's reappointments of following persons to Municipal Arts Report Commission for three year terms effective to December 31, 1934: Sylva Coppock, Peggy Cummins, Karen Lunder. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final Committee reading of the following ordinance which had been on first reading Ordinance #3597 on 12/28/81: MacGregor Rezone R-079-81 An ordinance was read changing zoning classification from general G-6000) to light industrial (L-1) in MacGregor Rezone R-079-81, vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, TO CONCUR IN REPORT AND ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3598 Upon commentary by Policy Development Director Clemens,as to need Ratifying Past for ordinance action, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ZoningActions AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING PAST ZONING ACTIONS BE PLACED ON FIRST READING EXCLUDING EMERGENCY CLAUSE) . CARRIED. The ordinance was read. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, TO SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. The ordinance was read. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: TRIMM, CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL. 2-NOS: STREDICKE, REED. CARRIED. First Reading The committee recommended first reading for an ordinance appropriating Sunset/Union and transferring funds from Environmental Review Committee Fees to Channelization Sunset/Union Channelization Project in the amount of $2,500. MOVED Project BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Senior Housing The committee recommended first reading for an ordinance appropriating and Pedestrian and transferring funds from unanticipated revenue Housing and Community Corridor Development Block Grant to current fund of senior housing re housing and pedestrian corridor development in the amount of $73,691. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/28/81 Page 3 Consent Agenda• MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN CONSENT AGENDA Approval AND ADOPT AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Fire Fighters Letter from Renton Fire Fighters Local 864 expressed gratitude Local 864 that benefits gained by 21-R for vision care have been granted to the fire fighters and expressed thanks for non-hostile negotiating atmosphere. Health Services Letter from Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, Jesse W. Tapp, Director, presented health services contract for 1982 calling attention to former negotiations and formulas for charges, noting Section 6 concerning enforcement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Vice-Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee report recomming award of contract for LID 4#321 sanitary sewer LID #321 improvements in the NE Sunset Blvd. and Duvall NE area. Three Contract Award bids were received at 12/16/81 bid opening and the committee recom- mended that the low bid submitted by Cascade Septic Service in the amount of $56,545.22 be accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community MOVED BY REED, SECOND STREDICKE, BRING THE COMMUNITY SERVICES Services COMMITTEE REPORT RE CITY SHOPS, TABLED ON 12/21/81,BEFORE COUNCIL. Committee Report CARRIED. See 12/21/81 Council Minutes Page 3, Paragraph 3, Com- Removed from munity Services Committee report and four recommendations includ- the Table ing review of the first phase Schematic Design Plans at the next Committee of the Whole meeting. It was MOVED BY REED, SECOND City Shops BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Project REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final Committee reading of the following ordinances which had been on first read- ing 12/21/81: Ordinance #3594 An ordinance was read amending the City Code relating to metered Metered Water water service rates. MOVED BY REED, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN Service Rates REPORT AND ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3595 An ordinance was read amending the City Code relating to sewage Sewer Service disposal charges (single family dwelling rate $2.55 per month). Rates MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3596 An ordinance was read adopting the 1982 Equipment Rental Rates. Equipment Rental MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL Rates for 1982 CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The committee recommended first reading for an ordinance changing the zoning classification from General Classification G-6000 to L-1 located in the vicinity of 194 SW 16th St. ; known as the MacGregor Rezone R-079-81. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Voucher Approval The Ways and Means Committee recommended Council approval for payment of Vouchers No. 37162 through No. 37366 in the amount of 824,699.89 having received departmental certification. Approval includes LID #314 Revenue Warrants #R-9 in amount of $175,136.95 and R-10 $9,220.39; LID #317 Revenue Warrant R-6 $1,989.54; LID 321 Revenue Warrant R-2 $1,974.73 and LID #322 R-10 in amount of 12,952.80. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES ADOPT THE VOUCHERS AS RECOMMENDED AND PRESENTED. CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/28/81 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS Committee on Committees Chairman Stredicke invited committee preference statements from Council Members and/or attendance at meeting Tuesday (See schedule). ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch commended Richard Stredicke for fine job/good year REPORT as Council President. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. 10:00 P.M. CARRIED. Delores A. Mea , C. C. City Clerk Ex!111 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 12/28/81 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.#37157-#37161 CURRENT 117, 684. 11 PARKS 25,275.50 ARTERIAL STREETS 1, 53809 STREETS 55, 937407 LIBRARY 2s 866, 72 STREET FORWARD T-MUST 10, 238. 37 G COULON 5CH PK( CONSTR 412 356.52 MUNICIPAL FACILITIES 705. 00 WATERwOWKS UTILITY 129, 421 . 12 AIRPORT 6, 285.07 1975 w b S CCNSTRUCTIDN 2, 595. 79 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 18, 167. 39 FIREMEN 'S PENSION 15, 491 . 38 LID CONTROL 26, 137.46 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 824, 699. 89 wE, THE UNDERSIGNLO MEMBtHS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAYING RELEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES WAVE BLLN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU• 37162 THROUGH NO. 37366 IN THE AMOUNT OF 824, 699. 89 THIS d8TH QAY OF UECEMBER 19810 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN a MEMBER • G2(1 b/ 4 L.I.D#314 REVENUE WARRANT NO.# R- 9 $175,136.9 5 MEMBER REVENUE WARRANT NO.# .2-10 $ 9,220.39 L.I.D.#317 REVENUE WARRANT NO.# R- 6 $ 1,989.54 I.D.#321 REVENUE WARRANT NO.# R- 2 $ 1,974.73 L.I.D. 322 Renton City 2ouncil 12/14/81 Page 2 Consent Agenda - Continued Water/Sewer Letter from Ted Bennett, Acting Finance Director, requested Rates amendment to Ordinance No. 3524 to adjust sewer rates effective 1/1/82 and amendment to Ordinance No. 3531 to adjust water rates effective 1/1/82. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Equipment Runtal Letter from Ted Bennett, Acting Finance Director, requested Rates for 1982 amendment to Ordinance No. 3504 to adopt revised Equipment Rental Rates effective 1/1/82. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. PUD Filing Letter from David R. Clemens, Policy Development Director, re- Requirements quested revision of the Planned Unit Development filing specifi- cations in City Code Section 4-2710-2 as concerns language. Refer to the Planning and Development Committee. Municipal Arts Letter from Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Municipal Arts Commission Commission Members to a three year term effective to 12/31/84: Sylva Coppock, Reappointments Peggy Cummins and Karen Lunder. The report listed other Commission Members: Charmaine Baker, Gerald Edlund, Dr. Harold Kloes, Ronald Ringwood, Connie Tajon, Clark Teegarden, Joan Yoshitomi and Peggy Ziebarth. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Damages Claim Claim for damages was filed by Wayne Vandeway in the amount of 721.23 alleging damage to auto by Street Department vehicle City street flusher) in the vicinity of Logan Ave. N and N 6th Street. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Robert MacGregor Land Use Hear Examiner Fred Kaufman recommended on 11/19/81 Rezone R-C79-81 approval of Rezone R-079-81 subject to restrictive covenants for property located at 194 SW 16th St. ; G-6000 to L-1; purpose: carpet cleaning business; known as the Robert MacGregor Rezone. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Policy Development Director Clemens requested a Zoning Ordinance public hearing be set for 12/28/81 to consider legislation Public Hearing clarifying ambiguous zoning ordinance language affecting rezone 12/28/81 actions between 1954 to 1961 and to present. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND SET PUBLIC HEARING 12/28/81. CARRIED. Consent Agenda MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER, APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSIrESS Committee of the Whole Council President Stredicke submitted Committee of the Whole Garbage ,;ontract report requesting the Administration prepare specifications for bid call for the garbage contract for presentation at the 12/21/81 Council meeting. (See following motion.) Utility Rate The Committee of the Whole report recommended the subject of _ Increases future utility rate increases be referred to the Utilities Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE _ REPORT (CONCERNING BOTH ITEMS) . CARRIED. Delinquent The Committee of the Whole recommended that the collection of Parking Fines delinquent parking fines be referred to the Public Safety Com- mittee to meet with Judge Lewis to discuss follow up and collec- tion of delinquent parking fines. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police .'ourt Cost The Committee of the Whole recommended that the matter of recovery of Police Court overtime costs be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Fund Transfer The Committee of the Whole recommended drafting a resolution to Unemplcyment transfer the remaining funds in Cumulative Reserve Fund #3278 Compensation Unemployment Compensation) to Unemployment Compensation Operat- ing Fund #i608 with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for Submittal to Council January 1982. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 14 , 1981 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT J. HUGHES ,EARL H. CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIM, JOHN W. REED. CHARLES F. SHANE arrived at 8:05 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk; LAWRENCE IN ATTENDANCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assis- tant; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department; M. Motor, Recorder. PRESS Greg Anderson, Renton Record Chronicle. (See Audience Comment.) MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 1981 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Lori Johnson, P.O. Box 161, presented letter from Rolling Hills Village Homeowners Association, Darlene Vachon, President; Street Vacation J. Korvas and K. Tuft, adjacent property owners to portion of Portion SE 18th SE 18th St. vacated by Council at Public Hearing 12/7/81. The Rolling Hills letter asked that the vacation fee of $4.20 per sq. ft. be waived VAC-05-81 claiming the appraisal is higher than actual value of the property noting easements and small size make property useless for build- ing and area to be retained as open space. The letter also noted review of Council minutes of 1980 and 1981 claiming appraisal is higher than previous vacations by Council. Council discussion Y ensued. Moved by Clymer, Second Reed, refer matter to the Com- C `D munity Services Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECOND STREDICKE, tZ\, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ALLOW LORI JOHNSON TO SPEAK. CARRIED. Lori Johnson presented appraisal letter from Gary Masterjohn, J G f, General Manager of Comstock Realty agreeing to land values of 3 O) ,-' 4.00 to $4.50 per sq. ft. for useable building property, however, due to very restricted use of vacation area, submitted appraisal amount of $3,000. Following further discussion, Mayor Shinpoch LA N N1^G objected to giving public property to private parties. Previous motion withdrawn. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, MATTER OF VACA- TION FEE FOR ROLLING HILLS STREET BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, POLICY REGARDING VACATION OF STREETS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES See later)COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Valley Publishing Greg..Anderson, Renton Record Chronicle Newspaper Reporter, Company sold announced sale pf Fournier Newspapers to the Donrey Media Group of Fort Smith, Arkansas. Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S, inquired re position title of David Clemens formerly known as Acting Planning Director, and was advised by Mayor Shinpoch that the Policy Development Director was correct title. Street Vacation Upon inquiry by Lori Johnson, Mayor Shinpoch advised Committee SE 18th St. of the Whole meetings open to the public and the Rolling Hills Continued Association would be advised of meeting date/time. Upon inquiry by Councilman Reed, City Attorney Warren recalled Council policy adopted two years ago that if street vacation fees are not paid within six months time period, the matter is automatically null and void. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted in one motion which follows those business matters included: Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported 12/9/81 bid opening for Traffic Signal Traffic Signals Improvements on NE Sunset Blvd. Three bids received. See attached tabulation. Refer to Traffic Engineering Division. 1 Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice CITY OF RENTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF tion. WASHINGTON THE CITY OF RENTON, PASSED BY THE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 3597 WASHINGTON, DO OR- COUNCIL this 4th day of AN ORDINANCE OF PAIN AS FOLLOWS: January, 1982. THE CITY OF RENTON, SECTION I:The following Delores A. Mead WASHINGTON , described property in the City Clerk CHANGING THE ZON- City of Renton is hereby APPROVED BY THE ING CLASSIFICATION rezoned to Light Industrial MAYOR this 4th day of OF CERTAIN PROPER- District(L-1)as hereinbelow January, 1982. TIES WITHIN THE CITY specified;subject tothefind- Barbara Y. Shinpoch OF RENTON FROM ings, conclusions and deci-Mayor GENERAL CLASSIFI- sion of the Hearing Examin- Approved as to form: CATION DISTRICT (G- er dated November 19, Lawrence J. Warren 6000) TO LIGHT IN- 1981;the Building and zon- City Attorney DUSTRIAL DISTRICT ing official is hereby au- Published in the Daily Re- L-1) (R-079-81 MAC thorized and directed to cord Chronicle January 15, GREGOR) change the maps of the 1982. R6909 WHEREAS under Chap- Zoning Ordinance, as — ter 7,Title IV(Building Regu- amended, to evidence said lations) of Ordinance No, rezoning,to-wit: 1628 known as the"Code of Lots 30, 31, 32, 33 and General Ordinances of the 34, Block 18, C.D. Hill- City of Renton," as amend- man's Farlington Gar- ed, and the maps and re- dens Addition to the City ports adopted in conjunction of Seattle, according to therewith, the property the plat thereof recorded hereinbelow described has in Volume 17 of Plats, been zoned as General page 74,records of King Classification District (G- County, Washington; 6000); and EXCEPT those portions WHEREAS a proper peti- thereof conveyed to the tion for change of zone State of Washington for classification of said proper- Primary Highway No. 1. ty has been filed with the Situated in the City of Planning Department on or Renton, County of King, about September 14, 1981, State of Washington. which petition was duly re- (Said property being lo- ferred to the Hearing Ex- ,sated in the vicinity of a miner for investigation, '194 S.W. 16th Street) study and public hearing, AND SUBJECT FURTHER and a public hearing having to that certain Declaration of been held thereon on or Restrictive Convenants ex- about November 17, 1981, ecuted by Petitioner-Own- and said matter having been ers on or about December 8, duly considered by the Hear- 1981 and recorded in the ing Examiner and said zon- office of the Director of Re- ing request being in confir- cords and Elections,Receiv- mity with the City's Com- ing No. 8201120463 and prehensive Plan,as amend- which said convenants are ed, and the City Council hereby incorporated and having duly considered all made a part hereof as if fully matters relevant thereto, set forth. and all parties having been SECTION II: This Ordi- heard appearing in support nance shall be effective up- thereof or in opposition on its passage,approval and thereto,NOW THEREFORE five days after its publica- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Ginn being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that....y,heis the OLEL OLD e1 e.. of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, Washington.That the annexed is a _Ird3 nanaa 3;; 1 b9©9 as it was published in regular issues(and not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period of consecutive issues,commencing on the 1 5tbay of January 19 J2 ,and ending the day of 19 ,both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.:l, .* .,,Uwhich has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. 45-2/Agr a i..f....c1er.: Subscribed and sworn to before me this I L.trh day of January 19 Notary Pub c in a for the State•of Washington, es ding at KeiaKing County. fi Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 CITY OF RENTON, WASHIINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 31)97 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT 0G-6000) TO LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (L-1) (R-079-81 MAC GREGOR) WHEREAS under Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton," as amended , and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith , the property hereinbelow described has been zoned as General Classification District (G-6000) ; and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the Planning Department on or about September 14 , 1981 , which petition was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation, study and public hearing , and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about November 17 , 1981 , and said matter having been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner and said zoning request being in conformity with the City ' s Comprehensive Plan , as amended , and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto , and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Light Industrial District (L-1) as hereinbelow specified; subject to the findings , conclusions and decision of the Hearing Examiner dated November 19 , 1981 ; the Building and Zoning Official is hereby authorized and directed to change the baps of the Zoning Ordinance , as amended, to evidence said rezoning , to-wit : See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. Said property being located in the vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street AND SUBJECT FURTHER to that certain Declaration of Restrictive Covenants executed by Petitioner-Owners on or about December 8 , 1981 and recorded in the office of the Director of Records and Elections , Receiving No .8201120463 and which said covenants arc hereby incorporated and made a part hereof as if fully set forth forth . SECTION II : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 4th day of January, 1982. eloDres A . Mead, C-ty Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 4th day of January, 1982. i3U)k.b4A.4.) kuN Barbara Y . Shinpoch ,packsay r APproved as to form: Laurence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: January 16, 1982 MAt GREGOR REZONE G-6000 to L-1 R_-()79-81 EXHIBIT " A " Lots 30, 31 , 32 , 33 and 34, Block 18 , C .D. Hillman ' s Farlin_vton gardens Addition to the City of Seattle , according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats , page 74, records of King County, Washington; FXCFDT those portions thereof conveyed to the State of Washington for primary Highway No . 1 . Situated in the City of Renton, County of King , State of Washington. Renton City Council 12/14/81 Page 2 Consent Agenda - Continued Water/Sewer Letter from Ted Bennett, Acting Finance Director, requested Rates amendment to Ordinance No. 3524 to adjust sewer rates effective 1/1/82 and amendment to Ordinance No. 3531 to adjust water rates effective 1/1/82. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Equipment Rental Letter from Ted Bennett, Acting Finance Director, requested Rates for 1982 amendment to Ordinance No. 3504 to adopt revised Equipment Rental Rates effective 1/1/82. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. PUD Filing Letter from David R. Clemens, Policy Development Director, re- Requirements quested revision of the Planned Unit Development filing specifi- cations in City Code Section 4-2710-2 as concerns language. Refer to the Planning and Development Committee. Municipal Arts Letter from Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Municipal Arts Commission Commission Members to a three year term effective to 12/31/84: Sylva Coppock, Reappointments Peggy Cummins and Karen Lunder. The report listed other Commission Members: Charmaine Baker, Gerald Edlund, Dr. Harold Kloes, Ronald Ringwood, Connie Tajon, Clark Teegarden, Joan Yoshitomi and Peggy Ziebarth. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Damages Claim Claim for damages was filed by Wayne Vandeway in the amount of 721.23 alleging damage to auto by Street Department vehicle City street flusher) in the vicinity of Logan Ave. N and N 6th Street. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Robert MacGregor Land Use Hear Examiner Fred Kaufman recommended on 11/19/81 Rezone R-079-81 approval of Rezone R-079-81 subject to restrictive covenants for property located at 194 SW 16th St. ; G-6000 to L-l; purpose: carpet cleaning business; known as the Robert MacGregor Rezone. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Policy Development Director Clemens requested a Zoning Ordinance public hearing be set for 12/28/81 to consider legislation Public Hearing clarifying ambiguous zoning ordinance language affecting rezone 12/28/81 actions between 1954 to 1961 and to present. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND SET PUBLIC HEARING 12/28/81. CARRIED. Consent Agenda MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER, APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Council President Stredicke submitted Committee of the Whole Garbage Contract report requesting the Administration prepare specifications for bid call for the garbage contract for presentation at the 12/21/81 Council meeting. (See following motion.) Utility .ate The Committee of the Whole report recommended the subject of Increases future utility rate increases be referred to the Utilities Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT (CONCERNING BOTH ITEMS) . CARRIED. Delinquert The Committee of the Whole recommended that the collection of Parking tines delinquent parking fines be referred to the Public Safety Com- mittee to meet with Judge Lewis to discuss follow up and collec- tion of delinquent parking fines. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police Coirt Cost The Committee of the Whole recommended that the matter of recovery of Police Court overtime costs be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Fund Tran:;fer The Committee of the Whole recommended drafting a resolution to Unemployment transfer the remaining funds in Cumulative Reserve Fund #3278 Compensation Unemployment Compensation) to Unemployment Compensation Operat- ing Fund #608 with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for Submittal to Council January 1982. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. I For Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Land Use Hearing Examiner For Agenda Of December 14, 1981 Meeting Date) Staff Contact Marilyn Petersen Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Filf No. R-079-81 ; Robert Consent X Mac(;regor; Request for Rezone Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Exam ner 's Report . 11 -19-81 Other B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A x COUNCIL ACTI( N RECOMMENDED: Approval with Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A x Other Clearance rest -ictive covenants FISCAL IMPART: Appropriation- Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) Attach additional pages if necessary. ) The appeal period for the attached Examiner's Report and Recommendation expired on December 3, 1981 , and the matter is hereby forwarded to the City Council for review and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for preparation of an ordinance. PARTIES OF FECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: See page 3 of the attached report. SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. OF R44 4. ; , o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o - Gu '," ° BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER O FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 9 TFD SE P1 M0 P Cecember 9, 1981 Mr. Robert MacGregor 207-A Sunset Boulevard N. Renton, WA 98055 RE: File No. R-079-81 ; Robert MacGregor Request for Rezone. Gear Mr. MacGregor: As you are aware, the Examiner' s Report and Recommendation regarding the referenced request has not been appealed within the time period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is being submitted to the City Clerk this date for transmittal to the City Council for review. lou will receive notification of final approval as well as a copy of the enacting ordinance from the City Clerk upon adoption by the Council . If further assistance or information is desired, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufman hearing Examiner cc: Planning Department I-or. Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Land Use Hearing Examiner For Agenda Of December 14, 1981 Meeting Date) Staff Contact Marilyn Petersen Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Fit( No. R-079-81 ; Robert Consent X MacGregor; Request for Rezone Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps , Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Exam ner 's Report. 11-19-81 Other B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A x COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approval with Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A x Other Clearance rest -ictive covenants FISCAL IMPALT: Expenditure Lequired $ Amount $ Appropriation- Expenditure Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Baccground information, prior action and effect of implementation) Attach additional pages if necessary. ) The appeal period for the attached Examiner's Report and Recommendation expired on December 3, 1981 , and the matter is hereby forwarded to the City Council for review and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for 3reparation of an ordinance. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: See page 3 of the attached report . SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. MacGregor File No. R-079-81 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Robert S. MacGregor and his wife Barbara L. MacGregor are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of 0\ Washington, described as follows: Lots 30, 31 , 32, 33 and 34, Block 18, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, records of King County, Washington; EXCEPT those portions thereof conveyed to the State of Washington for Primary State Highway No. 1 . Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. WHEREAS, the owners of said described property, hereinafter "the property," desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the property; NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to the use of the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: STORM WATER DETENTION On site storm water retention/detention equal to the current water holding capacity of the site will be required as part of development. SITE PLAN APPROVAL Site plan approval shall be required to be reviewed by the Land Use Hearing Examiner of the City of Renton. DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31 , 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County may be instigated by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants. Reasonable attorneys ' fees incurred during an enforcement proceeding will be borne by the parties whom the court determines are in error and shall be entered as a judgment in such action. td obert S. MacGreg r Barbara L. MacG egor STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING On this Z?, day of n / , 19 g/ , before me personally appeared Robert S. MacGregor and Barba L. MacGregor, the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed m;' official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for ti-,e tat of Washington, residing in AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J. Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 19th day of November 19 81, affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn this \°\ day of ov2.wx\oev- , 19 q,I . W<N)u -`(\ik . \USW Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at g-er\koh Application, Petition or Case: Robert MacGregor; R-079-81 The minute'ste,s contain a £.izt o6 the panti.e.2 o6 necond. ) November 19, 1981 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AI` D RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT: Robert MacGregor FILE NO. R-079-81 LOCATION: Vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks rezone of the subject site from G-6000 to L-1 for use as a carpet cleaning business with associated storage. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval subject to conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval subject to restrictive covenants. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department preliminary report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on November 11 , 1981 . PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on November 17, 1981 at 10:37 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Plann ng Department report. Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner, presented the report, and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1 : Application File containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: King County Assessor ' s Map Referenciig an Engineering Division staff comment attached to the Planning Department staff report, which states that the subject site appears to be below the 100-year flood plain, Mr. Blaylock advised that although the flood plain maps are not always accurate, the subject site actually appears to be located just outside the flood plain. Responding to the Examiner's inquiry regarding whether the lot contains sufficient buildable lot area to allow the zone change to L-1 , Mr. Blaylock stated that the site provides minimal buildable area, but would be suitable to a small , service-related business such as the applicant proposes. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Robert MacGregor 207-A Sunset Boulevard N. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. MacGregor advised that the size of the subject site is ideal for his proposed development , and he indicated that compliance with all required conditions on site will occur. The Examiner requested testimony in support or opposition to the application. Since there was no response, the hearing regarding File No. R-079-81 was closed by the Examiner at 10:47 a. u. FINDINGS , CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 . The applicant, Robert MacGregor, filed a request for reclassification of approximately 5,5C0 square feet of property from G-6000 (General ; Single Family Residential ; Minimum lot size - 6,000 square feet) to L-1 (Light Industrial ) . 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . R-079-81 Page Two 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) , responsible official . 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. 6. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. LID 314 will improve water and sewer service in this location. 7. The subject property is located in the vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street immediately southwest of the Rainier Avenue/I-405 interchange. 8. The subject property was annexed into the city by Ordinance No. 1754 in April of 1959. The current G-6000 zoning was applied to the property at that time. 9. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject property is located as suitable for the development of manufacturing park uses. 10. The area is in transition from older single family lots and uses to light industrial , office park and commercial uses. Property south and southwest of the site is zoned for heavy industry (H-1 ) , light industry (L-1 ) , and manufacturing park (M-P) . An auto repair shop is located west of the site and other commercial and manufacturing uses are being developed south and west of the site. 11 . There have been a number of reclassifications of property to L-1 in the general vicinity including the Dahlby Rezone, File No. R-044-80, and Olga Lewis Rezone, File No. R-080-80. 12. The subject site is located on the edge of the area defined to be within the 100- year flood plain. Due to questions about the accuracy of the flood plain maps, there is a question as to whether the subject site is within the flood plain. CONCLUSIONS: 1 . The proponent of a rezone must demonstrate that the request is in the public interest and will not impair the public health, safety and welfare in addition to compliance with at least one of the three criteria listed in Section 4-3014 which provides in part that: a. The subject site has not been considered in a previous area rezone or land use analysis; or b. The subject site is potentially designated for the new classification per the Comprehensive Plan; or c. There has been material and substantial change in the circumstances in the area in which the subject site is located since the last rezoning of the property or area. The applicant has demonstrated the necessary criteria to pemit the reclassification of the subject site. 2. The uses permitted within the L-1 zone are similar to and included within the uses permitted in a manufacturing park zone, and therefore the proposed classification generally conforms to the designation of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. There have been other similar rezones in the area, and the transitional character of the area and the immediate proximity of 1-405 to the subject site make residential use now permitted by the current zoning inappropriate. 4. The construction of LID 314 will bring further public improvements to the area and will permit more intensive urban development. The location adjacent to the major transportation routes will also serve light industrial uses. 5. Since uses generally established in an M-P zone require site plan approval to assure development compatible with the Comprehensive Plan, site approval should be required in this case. 6. The current status of flood plain information for the subject site is in doubt but R-079-81 Page Three the site can probably be developed if on-site retention is provided for potential storm waters. Therefore, the applicant should be required to execute restrictive covenants requiring a storm drainage system capable of detaining on-site an amount of water which is equivalent to the current holding capacity of the site. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve the reclassification of the subject site from G-6000 to L-1 subject to the following: 1 . The applicant execute restrictive covenants to provide on site storm water retention/ detention equal to the current water holding capacity of the site. 2. Site plan approval by the Hearing Examiner. ORDERED THIS 19th day of November, 1981 . Fred J. Kau an Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of November, 1981 by Affidavit of Mailing to the party of record: Robert MacGregor, 207-A Sunset Boulevard N. , Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of November, 1981 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Acting Planning Director Michael Porter, Planning Commission Chairman and Members, Planning Commission Ron Nelson, Building Official Lawrence J . Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before December 3, 1981 . Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall , or same may be purchased at cost in said department. t tea. r' ,` j °V IY.a yy;I fJ t-te_4-.14.1 ! r -- --- i CO C. li 7.‘i._ ." 1 It C i I li: 14 / 1 I iml i . 1P i 11.7 i' IVI—', p .. .1...'1.:1 ,Z• 1 ..............----000, er—,,. --,-.:_. '- rd , i I II L•I otf 1 I 1 i H.. I S. a I uw 1n a .G i Y I I. P I.4+ I. .rT• 0/4 111 6" 1. II r /'''' '.: i ‘,', it f¢ a.- s z. i'l 1 If. iir 10.--1--..-:7- .-4 . 4-. -1. G- 4E000 a G 1 4. 1i11 ' c. ~ / 0111u• i Q • ., .,.. .‘c ,..., • Srt, .......t...., , R_1 0SR- ern. aIti 1:te P - i 1 4 te, •*,0, 7. 3,ii ., ROBERT MacGREGOR - R-079-81 APPL I CANT ROBERT MacGREGOR TOTAL AREA +550fl sq• ft. PRINCIPAL ACCESS S.W. 16th St. EXISTING ZONING G-6000 EXISTING USE Former building site - vacant PROPOSED USE Carpet Cleaning Business with Associated Storage COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park COMMENTS PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE REARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 17 , 1981 APPLICANT: MacGREGOR, ROBERT FILE NUMBER: R-079-81 A. SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks rezone of the subject site from G-6000 to L-1 for use as a carpet cleaning business with associated storage. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 . Owner of Record : MacGREGOR, ROBERT 2. Applicant: MacGREGOR, ROBERT 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached) Vicinity of 1945 S.W. 16th Street. 4 . Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: 5500 square feet 6. Access :Via S.W. 16th Street. 7 . Existing Zoning: G-6000, Residence Single Family; Minimun lot size 6000 square feet. 8. Existing Zoning in the Area: G-6000; L-1 , Light Industrial. 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Manufacturing Park. 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on November 2, 1981 and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on November 1 , 1981 . C. HISTORY/BACKGROUND : The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance 1754 of April 14 , 1959 at which time the present zoning classification was applied. f PRELIMINARY REPUtu TO THE HEARING EXAMINER MacGREGOR, ROBERT NOVEMBER 17 , 1981 PAGE TWO D. PHYSICAL RACKG"'ItiuoD 1 . Topography: The site is basically level. 2. Soils': Urban land (Ur) is soil that has been modified by disturbance of the natural layers with addition of fill material several feet thick to accommodate large industrial and housing installations. The erosion hazard is slightly moderate. 3. Vegetation: The only significant vegetation on the site is scrub brush. 4 . Wildlife: The existing vegetation provides little wildlife habitat. 5. Water: No surface water was observed on the subject site (October 23, 1981 ) . 6. Land Use: The subject site is presently undeveloped. To the north and east is I-405 while the property to the south remains undeveloped and an auto repair shop is adjacent to the west. A house was torn down last year on the subject site. 1 E. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The surrounding properties are in a transition from older single family residential to commercial and light industrial uses. F. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer: A 6" water main runs east-west on S.W. 16th Street within 100' to the south-west of the subject site while a 24" sanitary sewer pipe is located on the same street approximately 1/2 mile west. Water and sewer will be improved with the construction of L. I.D. 314 . 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per Ordinance requirements. 3. Transit : METRO Transit Route #161 operates along S.W. Grady Way within 1/4 mile to the northwest of the subject site. 4 . Schools : Not Applicable. 5. Recreation: Not Applicable. G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1 . Section 4-712 , L-1 ; Light Industry District. 2. Section 4-729, "G" ; General Classification District. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMP'' :N:ENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1 . Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan, June 1976 , Objectives, pp. 5-7 . 2. Policies Element, Comprehensive Plan (1981 ) , Policy 6.A.3 , p. 14 . PRELIMINARY REPO1.J TO THE HEARING EXAMINER MacGREGOR, ROBERT NOVEMBER 17 , 1981 PAGE THREE I. IMPACT ON THE NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: 1 . Natural Systems : Rezoning the property will not directly affect the subject site. However, future development would remove the vegetation, disturb the soils, increase storm water runoff, and have an effect on traffic and noise levels in the area. Through proper development controls and procedures, however, these impacts can be mitigated. 2. Population/Employment : Minor. 3. Schools : Not Applicable. 4. Social: Minor. 5. Traffic : These impacts can be better addressed at the time of future development. J. RAMI :NwoOliNTAL ASSESSol- wT/THRESHOLD D TE IUATIO : Pursuant to the City of Renton ' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, a declaration of non-significance was issued for the subject proposal by the City 's ERC on October 26 , 1981 . The appeal period expired November 9, 1981 . K. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1 . City of Renton Building Division. 2. City of Renton Engineering Division. 3 . City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. City of Renton Utilities Division. 5. City of Renton Fire Department. L. PLANNING DEPOT 's'ALYSIS: 1 . Although not directly in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Manufacturing Park for the subject site, the proposed carpet cleaning business ' and rezone to L-1 can be considered consistent with existing land uses and zoning for the surrounding properties. (Section 4-3014-c[b] ) . 2. The subject property was generally considered in the adoptions of the Comprehensive Plan in 1965 and the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan in 1976. Planning Department records do not indicate that an area-wide zoning review of this vicinity has been undertaken. These facts would appear to substantiate Section 4-3014-c (a) . 3. Previous rezones in the vicinity include Olga Lewis R-080-80) and Thomas Dahlby (R-044-80) . Both of these were also reclassified to L-1 with conditions. 4. The Design Engineering Division of the Public Works Department advises that all utilities _will not be present until after installation as part of LID 314 . In addition the subject site appears to be below the 100 year flood plain and future development may be a problem. 5. Due to a curve in S.W. 16th Street, access is to be via Hardie Avenue S.W. as noted by the TrafficEngineeringDivision. f PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER MacGREGOR, ROBERT NQVEMBER 17, 1981 PAGE FOUR 6. The Police Department indicates that all improvements should be installed on S.W. 16th Street and the side street designated as Hardie Avenue S.W. Also, all outdoor lighting is to be placed on the outside edges of the property so as to shine in on the buildings. 7. Future construction shall meet all requirements of the City Fire code as per Fire Department comment. 8. Community facilities charges for water and sewer will apply as well as a latecomer' s agreement for sewer. The Utilities Engineering Division will also require approval of water and sewer plans for LID 314. 9. A 10-foot building setback from I-405 will apply as per the Building Department. 10. The applicant has submitted a site plan which does not comply with the required setbacks of 10 feet from S.W. 16th Street and SR 167. The triangular shape of the lot limites the potential site design alternative. It would appear that the ultimate building might be approximately 1 , 200 to 1 ,400 square feet. M. DEPARTMENTAL f,i,,,,lImo RATIO S Based upon the above analysis recommend approval of the rezone request subject to the satisfaction of items L-5 through L-9. ilt,77#". ' J t . off S i ill' •' b e 1 ' qtr4z t - , is d. ?2.:. •' ,,_ LC-fir j 1 r. C 7` O) I F f 7- : -- S. W— — - 3 1. FG L I i 1 1.- U Q( f moo-•" 1 l0 I -- : 0'1 z. d L-1 I 1 i: H 1 01 UIIIII/.I_I plillllll Im i I G .-' LL I\ ORTNER. Ry,. IIUNIIIIIII I 1 I;IIIIIIII I' P/ °nil°ll I Ii IA Ire v, To o • IpIIfllNllyh .,,p1"ICI 1 .• I,•''" I 1.1,1.,.:. i .:.I:II III ,. 2 1.`i IS 1 IIIlp11N1 ‘I(» 11I ; 4 1° , / I T M#""SIINI .0 I I' tormlioLi 1 l. 0-04 + J .-- !IIIMI I N,aul i I II ILII QeiffirwUIIIIH11'i NINII!IIN, A ow: ia y !E Ih 154 it . . .i soill 7-4-2: .IW., .1:-MIR 4: . 1.-.,11i.;. - ,I '. L. , e.,•-•it.-A m • ., ., , ..4,,sf,ra . t ' 44:ill' %nal Pipt 1 5 iti , tommer 0 -'"- 3 i,/ . _ to tir , Itritz, •.i., h Lepl.....---. .1, ...,_ ..A._. i. ---_,--. - - 4 7-7 . L..i.. Imi, d ., „ .,.. , ,. , , . , . .. 1 A t . 4. -- 1 N .. ''S ' , 4 _ -1,- to t3k II:. EW j.c,R_ G 1 e' er - 71 fit//' • `/, A, 1 I. ivtio:rp :. :. i ' 1L. 1 li ROBERT MacGREGOR - R-079-81 APPLICANT ROBERT MacGREGOR TOTAL AREA +5500 sq. ft. PR I NC I PAL ACCESS S.w. 16th St. EXISTING ZONING G-6000 EXISTING USE Former building site - vacant PROPOSED USE Carpet Cleaning Business with Associated Storage COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park COMMENTS fcy6f4y/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Ai_,p1i(.:ation : PE3oAt C- __Q7 )Alteie. r_e 2OAe ,Sill‘__ r!,A 6 -6000 1.-1EitAse_AL S_moo- - c'4wies has ts_ _ _1(0e_I Location : Pic Iitlily Of /Q1V S1/6 7 Applicant: Ilf aC et"P3trf_Pil!rt LQ.:Public Works Department Engine ng Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: /Q /10 Tr is Eng. Division g , L Ut• ies Eng. Division t ire Department Parks Department Bui oding Department Police Department Others. COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO TILE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. 0 REV IE v'ING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION:— _ Approver Er/Approved with Conditions Not Approved CE %r Inire4,7 L v/'.J L y. i f j,, '4}6!/`. C,/v it._)( i/,7 )z G. /` 1—7 4/L k'e. ` u"/&`,c---eo`>7v DC- C-'l<</ ---7/e JLLT-- s- -_ ..-- --- \ DATE: 76 / /F/ Sigrid urea Director or Authorize epresentative RE - i EWI NG DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 10c t T__ DApproved EApproved with Conditions :pot Approved SEE ,E'E I,eSz stD4. ipI AD L: /3/4(3/g/ iLnatur o Dire .Lor dr Authori .-ed Re;ire.;cyt;itiye UIf1ITT Ac'FROVAL SUBIECT TO LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • NATER LTE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEER S- 97 ! 44S OXPy it'FsD SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER COMM' PACr'" Gam' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA COARSE - SEWER APPROVED WATER PLAN 3 •1.!D A0 3/4 APPROVED SEER PLAN APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS 0 Approved i pproved with Conditions E p Approved s Igt e( # /e ,/''v es 4_1 i/l -• - -4 6..e 6 v-a s 6,„...-74.'/ A,f74.r (ixe i v` et.s 7'.11.4.-744-..._ .c s eR., f- a 74 L / e> 3 t y 4 S.,,. b`j er. "e Y+r.fy •tor7e04,.s 6c 1.e.(d r. %7-e— io o ye.t ,12/o Q p 4. le 12teee cb/a.ve/be M e."7/4 • he a_ 7,ta d/ Signature of Director r AUt lor'lzed Re resentative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: TR,9,PF,c Eeve, jA)cCZ1!lc Approved Er<roved with Conditions 0 Not Approved 3 ,c e- c S i f-c L e 47 . --1 61 I 't At)e eat-.J, el.... -2.7 2. .f-rar "2-,) DATE: ,,,m/tvofDirectororAuthorizedRresentative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: c_--‘-% Approved Approved with Conditions ® Not Approved A —rz=t4 t etri 7,c `T cz ck /-S i? Q,'li ) 7QAA FP .c.t.1 Cl, i' -C _ DATE: ./4 C..`r' S gn;a tore of;-0i ctor or Aut-ori zed Oresentative RE' IEW'ING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: POLICE 6aApproved [ Approved with Conditions [ Not Approved 1) Ail improvements be put in on S.W16th and the side street designated 91st Ae. on attached map. 2) Ill out side lighting be placed on the outside edges of the property so he ight, shines in on the buildings. 10/9/81Lt. .R. ersson DATE: Si i'Ha tore of Di rector or Authorized Representative RE-' :;SWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved Approved with Conditions [ Not Approved uAir 7 T_ 7 4P. Pi-.,is, 1)0 Hc5/ i/- pE• :/ ./ 12 ! P 111 e1 ii i I I I 1 N iI i I N' r1I i N'-/ / Ne'l i I A... LL4 I 1 z,_, ., .1.,. ; , ppo?Ds„r:D J Al/ I -c : i 1\2 S )7 r T7-1010 I ?-- i' pl..m\I s---,..<-/ „- • . - .o i 1 0 I> L C.' I m, I i c4, I N' • , 5=3, ' i. S W. I 6 ' ST 1 i. ..: : 1 I . 4 1• Iei i r .... k .. s __ PROPOSED SITE PLAN t 1 E T:-...... ... - V .... NN-... s, ke....k.....,....r----1 b..— i 1 F 4..-..----.. I k e"...7. ......-1/1 ,A FIB DECLARATI*0 OF Is tN—SIGNIFICAj CE Application Nojs) : R-079-81 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-087-81 Description of Proposal: Application to rezone subject site from G-6000 to L-1 to allow use as a carpet cleaning business with associated storage. a Proponent : MacGREGOR, ROBERT Location of Proposal: Vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street. Lead Agency: Planning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on October 21 , 1981 , following a presentation by Steve Munson of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: David Clemens, Roger Blaylock, Gary Norris, Richard Houghton, Richard Geissler, Ronald Nelson and Steve Munson. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-087-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: Steve Munson DATED: October 21 , 1981 2) Applications: R-079-81 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Police Department, Utilities Engineering Division, Planning Department, Fire Department, Design Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division, and Building Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43. 21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: Will not adversely affect adjacent properties. However, the proponent should be aware that the subject site is in a potential flood zone and that any future permits will only be issued after the applicant has signed a disclaimer with the City of Renton. Furthermore, this declaration of non- significance is conditioned on provision of equal compensation for any loss of existing flood storge, i.e. an equal volume of flood storage below 16 ' MSL must be provided for any areas below 16 'MSL that are removed from available storage through landfill, diking, construction of structures or other means. I FIAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Ma GREGOR, ROBERT OC OBER 21 , 1981 PAGE TWO Signatures : 4 Rona d G. Nelson vid R. Clemens, Acting Building Director Planning Director Q 0 R' and Houghton, Public Works Directo DATE OF PUBLICATION: October 26, 1981 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: November 9, 1981 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Ginny Rabago being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a Public Noticeweek.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, four tilt-up concrete build-printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper p published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is ings for lease consisting of now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the office and warehouse uses aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Daily Record in M-P zone,file SA-082-81, Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior and associated application Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit, King County, for Substantial Development Permit to allow construction s within shoreline,file SM-94- Washington.That the annexed is a Notice of Environmenta r NOTICE OF 81; property located on the1ENVIRONMENTALeastsideofWestValley Determination R6803 1 DETERMINATION Road approximately V.mile1EnvironmentalReviewnorthofS.W. 43rd Street f Committee and east of the Green River. I Renton,Washington 3. SMITH-RING, INC. as it was published in regular issues(and i The Environmental Re- (CENTURY 21) (ECF-094-not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period I view Committee(ERC) has 81) —Application to install issued a final declaration of one 3'x4' double-sided off- non-significance for the fol- premise sign, file B-287; 1 ling profs. property located at the corn-of consecutive issues,commencing on the 1 . M a c G R E G O R, er of Union Avenue N.E.and ROBERT (ECF-087-81) — Sunset Blvd.N.E. 26thday 09c tober 19 81 and ending theApplication for rezone from Further information re G-6000 to L-1 to allow use garding these actions is av- as a carpet cleaning busi- ailable in the Planning De- noee with associated stor- partment, Municipal Build- day of 19 both dates . R-079-81;property ing, Renton, Washington, inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- located in the vicinIty of 194 235-2550. Any.appeal of scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee S.W. 1h Street. ERC action must be filed 2. INDUSTRIAL PARK with the Heating Examiner 2 COMPANY (JERRY IVY) by November 9, 1981.charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 3.3 , which (ECF-092-81)—Application Published in1 the Deily Re-has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the for Site approval to construct cord quonide October 26,first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. cf.14... .. ftr-- Public Notice 198.1.RINKS chie clerk U Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of October 19.8.1.. Notary Public in a for the State of Washington, residing at Kc King County. Federal Wag Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.17 Rev.7-79 Rev i t J/ I JtS I/ 446/8/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: AL:s®we C_14.70_2 iqv'V e 4 re'2IAe p/e ter.es. 6-6 00 0 -f a L-1 Eis r uke_g$__ te-ram' c.,t1 ss_ sfto wO Location: 'C/A i7 de N9. cs10/b 5:e• e, Applicant:PP V a t ert°3‘,/ PJ.r1 LQ.:public Works Department Engine ng Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: /Q /11g/ Tr is Eng. Division 3/9/ 4 t. ies Eng. Division t ire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department El Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON 1-01-2-Vek REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: L `j Approved El/Approved with Conditions Not Approved oti /1i rr y/3 _ i'J<y. ;/7.7, iitiS L lO 3// C G /`77t 7 /7 f/ '--eL 777 j' */ God 1 DATE: /s4 / /'U- Signature o Director or Authorize epresentative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: c.I1Y DApproved Elproved with Conditions Not Approved SSE ,eiE A/zar s1 D R • 49 0 D zo Signature a . Director Cr' Authorized Representative LiitilTY AifROVAL SUBJECT Till LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • WATER iVO TTE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEWER 91 LCi1G ,ih4S ,EXPVICF,D SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER F+'K c D J G SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE - WATER 0 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • SEWER Aj17 APPROVED WATER PLAN 31<<p Ai, 314 APPROVED SEWER PLAIT APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS AL0 rcev1s1on s/ Iy3I/4j/9/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: P Oge CAA'v! e=•A r m 6-600 0 -f o L-1.6 r use a S a c t s,' IE:sl sfroe ie 1 + Vor>IPI Location: !/,'CiA W y O /qV 5lei 6 571 Applicant: #d& G 6re3/, Pch.r't 12:Publ ' orks Department ngineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: /Q /ylg/ Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: R/3/$ Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO TIIE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON 10/2 Ve/ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION:G%t1 Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved 1) 4-1( -t, f'4-,ins c.//( f74 i.e/ er as,. .-f ./-,'/ A. r- Ole i/ I1,S 4."/K.; Age.-e 74- O T L / P 3 i y 2) St.. 41 e1-r`l 6 a/fj' .1G''`''s 6e 1e.ldi. %mac_ /a oyes 042/doy( d Re / DATE: /D/pre Signature of Director or Aut;iorize resentative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: 0 Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative 1 Revision 3/1981,414 / RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: pew!,o CA u. 4re21ite' S'I ‹r'OA 1 6-coo 0 101:.1'E'er use 4$ a cer e 4mini h L 1 .55 ssloc#u' Location: 'Ct1t ICY of /c l 5 6 .421 5 6"or tP Applicant:Q, G 6rim3OTP.r1 TO:OPublic Wo s Department E veering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: /Q f/g/ raffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: N3/9/ Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON 104O REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: R.¢ c.iC,' FEZ(NC-' Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved u c C v YVG 1 L Slt C6— C o{af- aCCe2S lS fn Le r4---t 5} c. Su y Gz'z7 liyZ DATE: ie/e/g/ Signature of Director or Aunorized R presentative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved ['Approved with Conditions Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative KUV I51on if Iyt51/w/i/ s/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application:pripooter C*no Acw,.... re2 0 A e „Vie <r,M S'-6000 to L-I<I r ufFe a$ '.rp+e ,44/ttie,_h t. sxtoc or Location : I4't!A iiy of ivy ste'lo 574 __--- Applicant: Ala e, 6rto30/` Po4.rf IQ:Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: /Q /f/g/ Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: /(/MUtilitiesEng. Division Fire Department Par epartment Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON 1.0/2_9/9/- REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: L Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved F©itA FV.-e- cee_i cl z _ DATE: -C Signature of i ector or Authorized resentative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: D Approved ['Approved with Conditions Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Revision 3/1981/0/6/9/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application:kesivpicee. CP Q? v e2IAe SI ro IN -- 6000 -oL-1€ r as a crr _f 4_4in'hysr ss Location: 6 oreLft" Applicant: A/4. 0 Grp / LLQD!4 TO:OPublic Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: /Q y/81 Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: (/// /SJDUtilitiesEng. Division Fire Department Parks Department Bu' ding Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON 10/2 0/9/ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: POLICE Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved 1) All improvements be put in on S .Wl6th and the side street designated 91st Ave. on attached map. 2) All out side lighting be placed on the outside edges of the property so the ight shines in on the buildings. 40; /7. Lt. .R. ersson DATE: 10/9/81 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved []Approved with Conditions Not Approved DAZE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative r C 4% r GIVE. W TIO : Aka OP A)D E t ... Y j T7PROSYP L01 ArED IN THE 'VIC1"sr 1 Ty or 194 S.1 , 1' p <, a xy.1," L.i°'L DI .:Ct: PT ION ON I'I;,I1 IN THr P.CN SON i-'s.AT I N(i 1.!,e'A t`.:s - i I ti nOSTED TO I O f1 1 t -' Isl i.,,sL tP A t, IN C, 2 11 i . CI,4AIVItiEPS, 4PI im P AN,;Va a-i;.z mill, 1./ . 3 081. r..+r.r e fa.4 it ID'W tj i l i A,-z i7. ao.µ..I""+L, .#Y .t l i r0ii,i r ' w i', rA .f i A p• - ..,1 v .4•+4..` '4 f ,} a + . ..., t e:,t4. 4iQ,C1 NCEFININf,,,11 gsfEk'; 1,,,i'l ti y. i 4 i 1 " !,,, i it ' {!'t! _ G—`?CiOO '" T:-1.7 FILE ?..,r', 4'—f ._ a.p 6.r.f,i-, S 1... . a'Jf Y.. , ,.......pis, S i. ,{ ' s i A,_. k4 w l: y "; y. i 1 , ce R A • r 5` fe" : I :1 r 1, r a'1'1%. .a C tY.:+''.5i .. er a .`. T,,,,...11,Aq 4, #,4 t 4b i c t i i4 y 7 y+ y t 4 7i a x' w t :i1 a w .. y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON NOVEMBER 17, 1981 , AT 9 :00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1 . TERRA NORTHWEST HOMES, INC. (COTTAGE LANE) Application for Conditional Use Permit for 7 duplex units in P-1 zone; file CU-072-81 ; and Variance to permit variable setback within the required 20 ' setback, file V-073-81 ; property located on the west side of Monroe Avenue N.E. between Sir Cedric Condominiums and the Seventh Day Adventist Church. 2. MacGREGOR, ROBERT Application for rezone from G-6000 to L-1 to allow use as a carpet cleaning business with associated storage, file R-079-81 ; property located in the vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street. 3. INDUSTRIAL PARK COMPANY (JERRY IVY) Application for site approval to construct four tilt-up concrete buildings for lease consisting of office and warehouse uses in M-P zone, file SA-082-81 ; property located on the east side of West Valley Road approximately 1/4 mile north of S.W. 43rd Street and east of the Green River. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 17, 1981 , AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: November 2, 1981 DAVID R. CLEMENS ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I, STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in King County, on the 30th day of October , 1981 . z-V SIGNED: c/G LC OF I? 11/ 1 © 0 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 0 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 090 235- 2550 94, 0# SEPI October 30, 1981 Robert S MacGregor 15823 S.E. Fairwood Blvd. Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Application to rezone from G-6000 to L-1 to allow use as a carpet cleaning business with associated storage, file R-079-81 ; property located in the vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street. Dear Mr. MacGregor: The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on September 14 , 1981 . A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for November 17, 1981 at 9 : 00 a.m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550. Very truly yours, R ger J. Blaylock Associate Planner NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance for the following projects: 1. MacGREGOR, ROBERT (ECF-087-81) Application for rezone from G-6000 to L-1 to allow use as a carpet cleaning business with associated storage, file R-079-81; property located in the vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street. 2. INDUSTRIAL PARK COMPANY (JERRY IVY) (ECF-092-81) Application for site approval to construct four tilt-up concrete buildings for lease consisting of office and warehouse uses in M-P zone, file SA-082-81, and associated application for Substantial Development Permit to allow construction within shoreline, file SM-94-81; property located on the east side of West Valley Road approximately 1/4 mile north of S.W. 43rd Street and east of the Green River. 3. SMITH-RING, INC. (CENTURY 21) (ECF-094-81) Application to install one 3'x4' double-sided off-premise sign, file B-267; property located at the corner of Union Avenue N.E. and Sunset Blvd. N.E. Further information regarding these actions is available in the Planning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by November 9, 1981. Published: October 26, 1981 ENVIRONMENTAL DEcLARATI\\ NOTICE PROPOSED ACTION APPLICATION FOR REZONE FROM G-6000 TO L-1 TO ALLOW USE AS A CARPET CLEANING TUSINFSS WITH ASSOCTATFI; STORAGF, FTIF R-0a- 1 GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDREZSS PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF 194 SEW, 16TH STREET. POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONM AL REVIEW COMMITTEE C E.R.C. ) HAS DETE INED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION, EJDOES DES NOT, HAVEIVT SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPA T ON THE ENVIRON- MENT. CatENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, DWILL ILL NOT, E REQUIRED. AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE 5:00FILEDLDP.MITH NTVHEE ERRENTON HEARING EXAMINER FOR FURTHER INFORMATC3N CONTACT TI-GE CITY OF RaNTDN PLANNING DEPARTMENT 22 3-2550 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE.n-r , N WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION -- F FINAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE Application No (s) : R-079-81 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-087-81 Description of Proposal: Application to rezone subject site from G-6000 to L-1 to allow use as a carpet cleaning business with associated storage. Proponent : MacGREGOR, ROBERT Location of Proposal: Vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street. Lead Agency: Planning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on October 21 , 1981 , following a presentation by Steve Munson of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: David Clemens, Roger Blaylock, Gary Norris, Richard Houghton, Richard Geissler, Ronald Nelson and Steve Munson. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-087-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: Steve Munson DATED: October 21 , 1981 2) Applications : R-079-81 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Police Department, Utilities Engineering Division, Planning Department, Fire Department, Design Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division, and Building Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: Will not adversely affect adjacent properties. However, the proponent should be aware that the subject site is in a potential flood zone and that any future permits will only be issued after the applicant has signed a disclaimer with the City of Renton. Furthermore, this declaration of non- significance is conditioned on provision of equal compensation for any loss of existing flood storge, i.e. an equal volume of flood storage below 16 ' MSL must be provided for any areas below 16 'MSL that are removed from available storage through landfill, diking, construction of structures or other means. FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MacGREGOR, ROBERT OCTOBER 21 , 1981 PAGE TWO Signatures : i P/ 7, Rona d G. Nelson vid R. Clemens, Acting Building Director Planning Director eaC-ei-4A-Oa) Rnd C. Houghton, Public Works Directo DATE OF PUBLICATION: October 26, 1981 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: November 9, 1981 11Datecirculated . eQ /g/ Comments due : /dV EINVI ONHEINTAL CHECKLIeT REVIEW SHEET ECF - 09? - 8! APPLICATION No (s ) . R• 0794/ PROPONENT : MAC St `erri fr berD PRCJECT TITLE : Oh ZONE. Brief Description of Project : /j j3*.( t relo"•e ,51 4, G'• ;00C 0t4 4 r u;t• Corpe4 clem t i 4&S,P,eJr5 / $f1 ,ir S/o/ay Ir- LUCATION :t k j N,:4y Y s.54/ SITE AREA : / 6. 567,0415 BUILDING AREA (gross ) --- DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (o) : — IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 )• Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : I" 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16) Utilities : 17 ) Human health: 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : ****The development may improve a dangerous area but someone should be aware that a lot of vehicles do not make the corner and end up in the blackberries on this property. The development should be built with this thought in mind, so protection is added for both personal and building safety. Recommendation : DNSI xxxx DOS More Information Reviewed by : litle : DaLe : FORM: ERC-06 01,Date circulated _ lea y/gi CommenL5 due : 114 g ENVI MENTAL CHECKLIeT REVIEU SHEET ECF - 09? - 8/ APPLICATION No (s ) . R1' 0194/ PROPONENT : elitt 6/elan frpblrima' PROJECT TITLE : R-740NE Brief Description of Project : / 1 reapr+. 1' . G "d000 COL•( u Rr c.r pe'f cIe. K 1460Si heft ks/. $J Giml S4.ar LOCATION :0? 0%4y dE" Y Sw 64( SITE AREA : fi.SSeV 06 BUILDING AREA (gross ) --- DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : — IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 )• Animal life : N. 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : V 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : V• 11 ) Population/Employment : f 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : : S DOS More Information Reviewed by : , litle : ar/L/TY ENEWNEE ram Date : /0/20 FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : / 6/gf Comments due : /Q/ $ LX VI OXIHEXITAL CHECIKLIFT REIVIEU SHEET ECF - 09? - 8! APPLICATION No (s ) . R- 019-9/ PROPONENT : fil aC6r O,I Ro er7- PROJECT TITLE : ihreZONE Brief Description of Project : Prep/461 1110 reatos4w, Si q! 6%- (00O 40L•14 r10341 4 44. Cadent eledll."101460:1"Ple$S i.rssaeiif sr 'm, r LOCATION :b C 114ydi" leg ff sea 6425- SITE AREA : 11.5J4/ BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : — IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : Z/ 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : ell0 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information Reviewed by : evQ mUf.O1 l itle :AS,S%5h1 t P/*...,ep: 1000 FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : / /g/ Comments due : /Q/g/ EXVI O XHEXTAL CHECKLI`'T REVIEU SHEET ECF - 09? - V APPLICATION No (s ) . R• 0194/ PROPONENT : fl c. pe ,1 RpQ"Pt. PROJECT TITLE : RE:710/1 ew Brief Description of Project : fiegoosdhl ea_orsw, Arwk 6.‘15000 40L44 r u V• •. A e /Pet clein t i:,iie f S ivb•ssocemil sttway LOCATION : .'- d Y 6421-S1( SITE AREA : 5' -440 3UILDING AREA (gross ) --- DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : — IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : f 4 ) Plant life : f 5 ). Animal life : v 6 ) Noise : V 7) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north: east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 7 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings :v( 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services :r 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : J COMMENTS : Recommendation : NCI D ;: More Information Reviewed by : itle : ` L.LiSC/ %l2 Da Le : A FORM: ERC-06 ia Date circulated : A, g/ Comments due : Q4 g/ AA EXVI (MENTAL CHECKLI`'T R[VIEU SIHEET ECF - Qa? - 8/ APPLICATION No (s ) . R- 0144-8/ PROPONENT :pber't- PROJECT TITLE : RCZONE Brief Description of Project : Appose&( Iv rdtapOKde, seq.. 01,10. G-d()00 f4L•1 4ru3• du A CdtrO 4 CietILK ill liotiNeIS Lr//w$$ €,w S fie nil It- LOCATION :tke 14 114y d€ /C (( SW 6 4±-deSnyC SITE AREA : 1.5,c(/V 46 BUILDING AREA (gross ) --- DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (o) : — IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE r INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : I 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 1 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : c 5 ). Animal life : 6 ) Noise : F 7 ) Light & glare : x 8 ) Land Use ; north: east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : X 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : K 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : I 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : Pc 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : SI )( DOSy More Information__— Reviewed by : G litle : Da Le : 6 -11 FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : 0 Comments due : Aer/f figy ENVI (MENTAL CHECKLI`'T REYIEH SHEET ECF - 09? - 8/ APPLICATION No (s ) . R- 0794/ PROPONENT : f)l4,c.6rer,.l A46erat-- PROJECT TITLE : RCZoNe Brief Description of Project : fiikroSa,.( 1.0 resOKwSelit. G16000 10L•( 4ru3• •LS # C4gad cies . i sii &ssiw,s Lei/altici:1rWsTe r tr- LOCATION : A j y dE Sea 6 45- SITE AREA : t„SJ4/ BUILDING AREA (gross ) --- DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : — IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes :v 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : c/ 3 ) Water & water courses : G,''' 4 ) Plant life : 5 ). Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 1 - 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : i,e.po..J 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 1..." 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : 0 fr/(4.4,7 -4-'-&[..=, 4 Sw O ro s 'R e be./o'er'' ow 7141.-- god yc0-1 Recommendation : DNSi_DOS Mire Information R 41eviewedby : Title : Date d 47 FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : iQ ig/ Comments due : /eV /2/ DWI O IHENTAL CHECIKLI`_'T REVIEU SHEET ECF - 09? - r APPLICATION No (s ) . I'1' 07946/ PROPONENT : 111446pert I Robert' PROJECT TITLE : 16.74:WE Brief Description of Project : fispOJekj 1go rl:OKweSt ft410-w% G p000 4401 4 r i .ij A carpet cle .K isj in neyS ki/wSjifeedv s e/ a- LOCATION :ael e r 4y dE" t9 gr Sec/ 6 4±'-..S SITE AREA : sSZ BUILDING AREA (gross ) --- DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : — IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : G-% 6 ) Noise : v 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : land use conflicts : View obstruction : T ( r 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment. : L.,- ' 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( 1 I E ) : V tiI LS.fl O CliM, —X — 2.-, .:.:.L ti or" le 55 Tr.P Ends impacts : J.t-v, nrtrafficn 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : r 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 2(1 ) Archeology/history : 1 --- COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Inf ormation__ 4_ ZdkcifAz., c Reviewed by : (, c j itle : .7.a 'c 4 <c iasf Date : /o - b -- 1 FORM: ERC-06 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE OCTOBER 14, 1981 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10 :00 A. M. THIRD FLOOR CONFE1ENCE ROOM PENDING BUSINESS : Sea-Port Dozing, Inc. : ECF-587-80/B-236 Boeing Commercial Airplane Company: ECF-065-81/SM-92-81 NEW BUSINESS : ECF-092-81 INDUSTRIAL PARK COMPANY (JERRY IVY) SA-082-81/SM-94-81 Application for site approval to construct four tilt-up concrete buildings for lease consisting of office and warehouse uses in M-P zone and associated application for Substantial Develop- ment Permit; property located on the east side of West Valley Road approximately 1/4 mile north of S.W. 43rd Street and east of the Green River ECF-087-81 MacGREGOR, ROBERT STAFFORD R-079-81 Application from G-6000 to L-1 to allow use as' a carpet cleaning business with associated storage; property located in the vicinity of 194 S.W. 16th Street ECF-091-81 GARNER, GARY L. AND TOM R-081-81 Application for rezone from G to B-1 to allow expansion of existing floor covering store business; property located in the vicinity of 4508 N.E. 4th Street ECF-013-81 HOMECRAFT LAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. (THE TERRACE) SA-010-81 REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF HEARING EXAMINER DECISION CONCERNING TRAFFIC MITIGATION (see Wm. Snell letter of October 8, 1981) : Applica- tion for site approval to allow construction of . 280 dwelling unit multiple family complex; property located between N.E. 3rd Street and N.E. 4th Street and west of Edmonds Ave. N.E. ROBERT MacGREGOR, R-079-81 - aing c7Cleaning ea. 207-A SUNSET BLVD.N. RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 O F R,PHONE: (206) 228-2460 k nr / cA,, sFp 1 /, Z i 1981 TO. RvIZTOu PLANNING nEPARTI•i-. iT. ' i;: .7USTIi TCAT'IO;c •'O" REZONI CLA;;JTh'ICATI^T, C/i it n,Nashington 98055 G_pEPAR August 10, 1981 Our request for rezone is based on our desire to redevelop a former building site that over the last several years existed as a low income rental. As a rental unit the house was a prime candidate for condemnation. Its general appearance wws clearly an eye sore to the community and one that was evedent in gross neglect and abuse. In December 1980, we completed the final sales transaction with the former owner and tried to recondition the structure into an office. City Inspector' s advised us that recon- ditioning and bringing the structure up to 0.ity Codes would be close to impossible; suggesting we raise the building - and start over again. In May 1981 this project was initiated and is complete, Permit Mr' 3-3295) . Our particular lot location is clearly isolated from any residential association, with commercial interests comprising the "new neighborhood" today. Renton's Comphrehensive Plan has established this area as an Industrial Park. Our business intentions and past reputation within the community make us a good prospect for doing this. Our reclassification would clearly lend itself to the 'ity' s objective for business growth and at the same time does not conflict with residential interests in the area. Thank you. erely ours, fIbe g. I,a egor 5CA-L.E l' 7 1 / i f iiiici 1 f RE E , r—I t 1, t L- 1.- 1 j7 1 k- MDT/ON ' 0 MDT y V`?;1 Low TR E N'''\''',.' N ,,,,, N..,... NN, y ZTRtn 1 S\:V. 1 6 T'N ST ROBERT MAC GREGOR, R-079-81 Ictal 1 .N16.. N v.—. ROBERT MacGregor, R-079-81 1 ,PROPOSED SITE PLAN I s ' it) 1 i 1 7.- -...)... ., 2 tt;.•. -''.:• •• • '•., N. I i i C..• 0 i 1: 1 ' ' • :‘,.. ri;L. •!'s k..4...-- - , ,: 80><-56 -- 4'.i`'' ': 1: 1 di." ,- 1 1 I il 11 L--.5 .i 1,%tJ :• ,1..! to) cJY'Ing Meaning Go. 207-A SUNSET BLVD. N. RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 O F pPHONE: (206) 228-2460 4/ A l SFp 14 2 1-0 1981 1'O: RRNTUT,I PLANNING T EPIUt'I'M1.'NT. ' 9 . EPA. &/ L;: JUSTIFICATION POD REZONE: CL1; ;TPICA1I^N 2it' 16th 1/ Rn,washington 98055 August 10, 1981 Our request for rezone is based on our desire to redevelop a former building site that over the last several years existed as a low income rental. As a rental unit the house was a prime candidate for condemnation. Its general appearance was clearly an eye sore to the community and one that was evedent in gross neglect and abuse. In December 1980, we completed the final sales transaction with the former owner and tried to recondition the structure into an office. City Inspector' s advised us that recon- ditioning and bringing the structure up to City Codes would be close to impossible; suggesting we raise the building and start over again. In May 1981 this project was initiated and is complete, Permit #8-8295) . Our particular lot location is clearly isolated from any residential association, with commercial interests comprising the "new neighborhood" today. Renton"s Comphrehensive Plan has established this area as an Industrial Park. Our business intentions and past reputation within the community make us a good prospect for doing this. Our reclassification would clearly lend itself to the oity' s objective for business growth and at the same time does not conflict with residential interests in the area. Thank you. Sj. erely ours, 1, ' - t ,-, 1' ber't s: I,a egor EXTRACTION CARPET CLEANING SERVICES RENTON URBAN AREA 1-.1iJ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ..REVISED JANiJARl' INaO j f--1,, 1 1-Ti-.cLCI , N ,. ' (;..) ,. Pitififra ( Tli (, \ I : ii 0 CALF IN MI Z. 1 EP 1 19 r ........ 13 es '' LEGEND f0SINGLEFAMILY LIGHT INDUSTRY OR M-P A-.1 I \/ A. Q LOW DENSITY MUL7 FAM.HEAVY " 1. - YY` DEPAR_ MED. u MANUFACTURING PARK J 1 HIGH II " " ":2 RECREATION I LT ir 1 4 1 .# ) } OM COMMERCIAL1 ' 1 i- Q GREENBELT k . ,r , gm PUBLIC • QUASI-PUBLIC r f LAKE. art I 1 1:_t 11! l I I--- I. WASIIINGT(lN f1, I b i 1L i--,- - • E y NP II\ ., _ lis, fill I i- I l E-- 7 • 1 2is :.. mirk, I , ` . Th i'L 1411 J 1 7517 ::--- - ik17 i::: ::::.: :::::::, r --t.....L_ 11 —1 ( 1 :iiiiiiiii: a F:::::::::::::: i - FT tl,,, j, F. r-, , A ill I. I '' la I ;1 I I ill I11.` k, T` J r,, . 11IIII I 11 I 1 1 I i r \ i..,(\ it , ,-,.iI' J •. 1 i ka.. . 1.), ‘, 7 1 1 I• 1,. ` LAKE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The Land Use I 7 1 if r r ri 1 7 c-r u 7 / // RE OW i iff.1 1‹..4 1 ihvyY/11 1 , 7 i I I,_N.,... 7 i f i)1 V r 7 / I. tCD1 s z.-, 4c:Q i A._ N. -. I 2 • ' p Rov- Da D 3,,, I C S )T p,..M,.1 p..;.,.. STATION NN:.' ' 6/1„ C.) 1 i I I i 1.-- 1 i 1 N.....,.. 1 4 apt • f 1 TREES i 5' j. 8ny ---N- 4{3 co',:.• I i 40' SWW. 1671' ST 1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN F so5K5c, v pF RE jj 7 / -....-r- Kt,t Ic No r. J t:S('ROW t‘:o. SEP 14 1981 MORTGAGOR Q e ....------"""""....<v, PLAT MAP Vol / 7 Pt o I '.2 2` -17i-.___ 'ao.6 X.4, 'G nEQ_'' 0 y r 44 6Q 0 Ao d 16 4aos/`o v 53 , o I 47 L i I 7 CCi t S ` f o A R T i_T 5 I• w SO 1 1 PR a P I Jjr CT S S li 1Q - API' 19 • ,! O/D!/.lob 4,A r v 3 4YC I pRVN siT .l,vo N rwyt/L50 510f 4-6 t tee; go 45 21 3 t(r 48 = f 7t 190•a. V---- I 9 $ ,C.C4 er.) a d 4r1..- , 2.71. 47 x P . 1 IlY • ‘fq i ' k Q7 SO ` D' 42. _ >' Z4 45 Q 8 3 tJ H l l ipp il.), 4 41 Tp Z5 1 t It. Ae., ,, , .(1 Z• • , , • Fo , s -1-• 1 M c e Z I A i •‘* 4.*< U) , CV ' 4 41'• CIS / ; 1 g4 1-/;,.-4 . . 1 % D ja 28. 4/r j 1 y r...-..., 9S:oy I ,6- / k 1 t c,.., it,. -..., 7.4 : • 016.34t.' :, j = 7.--)\-7..,1 Pa . * 3si c -rt I t:. 3r4 I M If 1 I.,, i 1 4;4 • i : MILLMtil ' 5* 0%9417 ' 0 b 1 All w A 0 4 t‘ 4•r.....,'/ •• 4..,.-#.,..,. T. tv j..,4...._.... T.3I t. 1 d'1„ . k 1itc4 h'' - 1,;-•4- ,§.94,.'4 r1: 0 r , T'R 41 0.f This map does not purpott to show all highways, roads or easements affecting said property; no liability is assumed for variations in dimensions and location. 1 M11 t' I{,, THIS SPACE RESERVEndFOR RE nrpp kR'S I E,/4I ''';/l rpy First American Title L....— INSURANCE COMPANY j 'h { ' HAt,x It. 4 ! 4 kly,i,W+ M w,.... FIRS( A " , C;AN TITLEFiledforRec3rdatRequestofqFOU;ll'H R. ; :.NCHARD BLDG I,'", .., AF'Tk LL RI:CORDING TALL TO E.AtTt t. WA yR12 Name Rollo-rt..S 414c: ..13a-r.}Nara-•-1,-.----14a•GG•rcago ' Address 15823 S .E. Furwood Blvd. Renton, Washington 98055CityandState CD C N.1 i1't , 011411 ') i Iv: r,o y7 JrC 7C... Lt. i f 12 V1. P1' 'orStatutoryWarrantyDeed THE GRANTOR IIAROLD WYNN ANI) f)OROTIIY L. WYNN, husband and wi fe '"l";• ' ' on August 21 , 1965 and :I I I I lines since for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10. 00) AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION in hand paid, conveys and warrants to ROBERT S . MACGREGOR AND BARBARA L. MACGREGOR, husband and wife. the following described real estate, situated in the County of King State of Washington: Lots 30, 31, 32 ,33 ,and 34 , Block 18 , C.D. HILIMAN'S EARLINGTON GARDENS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74 , records of King County, Washington; EXCEPT those portions thereof conveyed to the State of Washington for Pri.mary Stat-0 Highway Nn . 1 . Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. SUBJECT TO: covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations ,n rights , rights of way, and easements of record, if any. 7 D D 9 3. Dated this day of 19 24th December 80 rC. rfai, ra. kynh SEAL SEAL) STATE OF WASHINGTON, Dorothy L. Wyni ss. County of King On this day personally appeared before me Harold Wynn and Dorothy L. Wynn , husband and wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and py poses therein mentioned. 74dIsT uitllg4 t d and official seal this T da of l t,O!December 3, aC e-7A-...-.._ 0,.._.. ..ss....„ so) Notary Public in and for the State of Washingion, 14 19811- residing at /•.2/.4NaWA-26 v g/ CITY OF RENTON U R P57O9E APPLICATION e • r('ci 'y>.\ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY j i. ;/D Q` LAND USE HEARING APPLICATION NO. i l / EXAMINER 'S ACTIO SEP 1 APPLICATION FEE $ APPEAL FILED RECEIPT NO.CITY COUNCIL ACTION FILING DATE ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE DEPNR HEARING DATE APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 10 : I . Name ROBERT STAFFORD MAC GREGOR Phone 228-2460 Address 15823 S.E. FAIRWOOD BLVD. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 3. Property petitioned for rezoning is located on 194 S.W. 16th between XXXXXXX and XXXXXX 4 . Square footage or acreage of property APPROXIMATELY 5500 SQUARE FEET 5 . Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet) LOTS 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34, BLOCK 18 , C.D. HILLMAN' S EARLINGTON GARDENS ADDITION TO THEA CITY OS SEATTLE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 17 OF PLATS , PAGE 74, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON' EXCEPT THOSE PQRTIONS THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1. 6 . Existing Zoning residential G-(OQD7oninq Requested LIGHT INDUSTRIAL NOTE TO APPLICANT : The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements . ) Submit this form in duplicate. 7. Proposed use of site OFFICE AND STORAGE OPERATIONS. BUSINESS: CARPET CLEANING. 8. List the measures to be taken to reduce impact on the surrounding area. BUILDING AND INTENDED PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT ARE ENTIRELY CONSISTANT WITH CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. FORMER BUILDING WAS DEMOLISHED IN MAY 1981 due to "condemed" condition, AND EXCESSIVE 9 . 9907 soonRaRPPItThIS'r2 orgTiYsc(9Pgted do you intend to develop the site? WITHIN SIX MONTHS. 10 . Two copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are required. Planning Dept. 1-77 ITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RENVIRONMENTALCHECKLISTFORMe< 14F//(> Pferil f19 S Ts 18a1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 9 Application No. 1 l / Environmental Checklist No.e DE'PAR% PROPOSED, date:FINAL , date : 0 Declaration of Significance Declaration of Significance ElDeclaration of Non-Significance El Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS : Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required , or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed , even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE : This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND ROBERT STAFFORD MAC GREGOR 1. Name of Proponent 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 15823 S.E.Fairwood Blvd. Renton, Wasshington 3. Date Checklist submitted AUGUST 1981 4. Agency requiring Checklist CITY OF RENTON 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: NA 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements , and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : REUEST FOR ZONING RECLASSIFICATION: RESIDENTIAL TO LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. APP XI Tg 5500 SQUARE FEET. LOT IS CURRENTLY VACANT AND LOCATED WITHIN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF RENTON AS MANUFACTURING PARK. FORMER HOUSE WAS DEMOLISHED IN MAY 1981, due to condemed condition and appearance. 2- 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : 194 SW 16th, located in the Hiliman' s Earlington Gardens area of Renton. The setting of this area is primarily commercial' with current office building and industrial buildings surrounding the entire area. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : June 1982. 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : Rezone application with required building permits as building is identified. 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion , or further activity related to or connected with this proposal ? If yes , explain : due to lot size and limitations of space, a single structure will be the total extent of growth and further development. 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes , explain: NO 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: NOTHING COMPLETED. GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT NEEDED AT LATER DATE. II . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in : a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? YES MAYBE NO b) Disruptions , displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? ES MAYBE r — d) The destruction , covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? v YES M YBE NO e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation , deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? YES MBE Explanation: 2) Air. Will the proposal result in : a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? YES MAYBE NO b) The creation of objectionable odors? YET— MAYBE NO c) Alteration of air movement , moisture or temperature , or any change in climate , either locally or regionally? YES MAYBE NO Explanation : 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents , or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? YES MAYBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? V YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? YES MAYBE NO d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? V YES MAYBE f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? YES MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? V YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection , or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria, or other substances into the ground waters? YES M{BE NO 1 ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Y YET— MAYBE NO Explanation: 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of flora (including trees , shrubs , grass , crops , microflora and aquatic plants)? r MBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? Y YES RTTEE NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? FEY— T d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Y Y ET— MAYBE WU— Explanation: 4- 5) Fauna. will the proposal result in : a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles , fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , j insects or microfauna)? V YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique , rare or endangered species of fauna? YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? YES MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 1// YES MAYBE NO Explanation : 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? YES MBE Explanation: 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area?YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? r YES TOTE NO Explanation: 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including , but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) Y/ in the event of an accident or upset conditions? YES M YBE NO Explanation : 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location , distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? yr - MAYBE WU— Explanation: 5- 12) Housinq. Will the proposal affect existing housing , or create a demand for additional housing? V YES MAYBE NO Explanation : 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in : a) Generation of additional vehicular movement?V YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking?V YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? V YES MAYBE NO d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne , rail or air traffic? V YES MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? V YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon , or result in a need for new or altered governmental services to any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? YES MAYBE NO b) Police protection? V YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? v YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? Y YES MAYBE NO " e) Maintenance of public facilities , including roads? YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? YES MAYbE NO Explanation: 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? V YES MAYBE NO Explanation : 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems , or alterations to the following utilities : a) Power or natural gas? YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? YES MAYBE NO c) Water? YES MAYBE NO 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage?V YES MAYBE II f) Solid waste and disposal? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: FORMER HOUSE WAS ON SEPTIC SYSTEM. CITY CURRENTLY PLANNING TO INSTALL MAJOR SEWER SYSTEM THROUGH AREA. 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? YES TATTE 14/' Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities?V YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful 1 of full disc osure on my part. Proponent: ign d ROBERT S. MAC G name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 iw AFFIDAVIT I , ROBERT STAFFORD MAC GREGOR being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief . Subscribed and sworn before me this $ day of 19 D " , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at SeI4J12(( N of Notary Public)Signa ure of 41r) il I) 15823 S.E. Fairwood Blvd. Address Address) Denton, Washington 98055 City) State) 228-2460 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules ' and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the f ,l4'ng, of such application . o 4 Ic.-,J, :II Date Received c,Q ,,. '.. , 19 By: e C-' Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 1 eceipt # CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT NAME 9 DATE /f PROJECT & LOCATION 4<. r-e..cf./(2`' F I1cr VII, A1'Y AFp1ication Type Basic Fee Acreage Fee Total Environmental Checklist Environmental Checklist Construction Valuation Fee TOTAL FEES Please take this receipt and your payment to the Finance Department on the first floor. Thank you. receipt # CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT NAME DATE PROJECT & LOCATION Application Type Basic Fee Acreage Fee Total Environmental Checklist Environmental Checklist Construction Valuation Fee TOTAL FEES Please take this receipt and your payment to the Finance Department on the first floor. Thank you. ENDING ' OF FILE FILE TITLE ff079 — 8( elyttist ,6 dakeot