HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA81-090t__ Ocf0 -81 EXPANDED ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Lake Terrace Multi- family Rezone November 1982 Prepared by for the City of Renton by R.W. Thorpe & Associates CITY Or RENTON 1 D NOV 22 1982 BUILD NG L,.,i ING DEPT. EXPANDED ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE 1t Prepared for the City of Renton Planning Department by R.W. Thorpe and Associates , Inc. Prepared in Compliance with The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 Chapter 43.21C, Revised Code of Washington, as amended SEPA Guidelines , Effective January 16 , 1976 Chapter 197-10, Washington Administrative Code, as revised EXPANDED CHECKLIST PREPARATION: R.W. Thorpe and Associates, Inc. 815 Seattle Tower Seattle, Washington 98101 Contact: Robert Thorpe or Rick Seaborne - 624-6239 Subconsultants: Architecture: The Nithun Associates 2000 112th Avenue NE Bellevue, Washington 98004 Contact: Don Domain - 454-3344 Traffic: Transportation Planning and Engineering, Inc. 1126 108th Avenue ME Bellevue, Washington 98005 Contact : Dave Enger - 455-5320 Geotechnical: Earth Consultants , Inc. 1805 136th Place NE, Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Contact : Robert Levinson - 643-3780 Engineering: Bush, Roed and Hitchings, Inc. 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98102 Contact: Glenn Clover - 323-4144 TABLE OF CONTENTS Expanded Checklist Preparation i Table of Contents ii List of Figures/Tables iii I. Environmental Checklist Form 1 II. Project and Site Description 7 III. Relationship of the Proposal to Existing Regulations, Plans and Community Goals 13 IV. Elements of the Environment A. Earth 19 B. Land Use 22 C. Traffic Generation and Distribution 23 D. Emergency Services 33 E. Utilities 36 V. Appendices A. Soil Analysis A-1 B. Transportation Analysis B-1 C. Utilities Analysis C-1 D. Zoning Provisions R-3 & T Zones, Renton Zoning Code Sections 4-709A & 4-714 D-1 E. Demographic & Housing Data, City of Renton, Planning Department, Community Development Plan, and Housing Assistance Plan E-1 F. Geotechnical Analysis, for the Lakeside Property, South of Proposal Site F-1 G. Excerpts From Gene Coulon Memeorial Beach Park FEIS G-1 List of Figures 1. Vicinity Map 8 2. Photos 9 3. Conceptual Site Plan - Scheme A 10 4. Conceptual Site Plan - Scheme B 11 5. Conceptual Site Plan - Scheme C 12 6. Northeast Renton Comprehensive Plan Map 15 7. Zoning Map 17 8. Topography 20 9. 1980 Average Daily Traffic Volumes 24 10. Projected 1985 Average Daily Traffic without Development 27 11 . Projected 1985 Average Daily Traffic with Development 29 12. Estimated.Distribution of Site-Generated Traffic 31 13 . Utilities 37 List of Tables 1 . Street Intersection Levels of Service 26 t CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. Environmental Checklist No. PROPOSED, date: FINAL, date: 0 Declaration of Significance Ei Declaration of Significance 0 Declaration of Non-Significance a Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers, include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved'with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal, not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal. If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I. BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent Lake Terrace Park Associates, Attn: Steve Harer & Ken Shellen 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 300 Evergreen Building Renton, WA 98055 Ken Shellen: 228-3860 Steve Harer: 772-0299 3. Date Checklist submitted September 1982 4. Agency requiring Checklist City of Renton 5. Name of proposal, if applicable: Lake Terrace Multi—Family Rezone 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature): _ See "Project and Site Description," page 7 . 1 2- 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal, as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts, including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal): See "Project and Site Description," page 7 . 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal: Project schedule has not been determined. 9. List of all permits, licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal, state and local--including rezones): Zoning reclassification from "T" to "R-3" 10. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: Only as delineated in the conceptual site plan alternatives. 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: No. 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: Development applications subsequent to rezone application. I1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? x yrs-- WATFE H U— b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or over- covering of the soil? x Vr MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? x yE3— FAysr Au— d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? x Try Flues E N b— e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? x YE3— N f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? x yE F><ygE Kb-- Explanation: Future redevelopment of the site will require minor grading. Earth moving equipment will disrupt and compact topsoil. Soils have been previously reworked due to existing mobile home park. Erosion is likely during the future construction phases. See "Earth" discussion, page 19 , and preliminary geotechnical analysis, Earth Consultants, Inc. Appendix A. 2 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? x Yam- ArnE No- b) The creation of objectionable odors? x YFT- must w c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? x YE$ AID Yv Explanation: The 1000 vehicle trips per day increase (over that existing) will contribute to slight increase in vehicular emissions. Objectional odors due to construction vehicle and activities will be temporary. 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? x YES WAY—A AU- b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? x r€ AWAr N- c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? x YES AAYBE AU- d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? x Yam- MAYB AU- e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? x YES MAYBE N- f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? x VET MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents, waterborne virus or bacteria, or other substances into the ground waters? x M W- i) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? x UT- MAYBE AT- Explanation: Impervious coverage would remain similar to that existing. Storm drainage would be diverted to Lake Washington. See discussion of Utilities, Storm Drainage — Impacts," page 38. 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs, grass. crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? x Mrs- H TW b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? YEs' MAYBE AZ-- c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? x Yrs— MAYBE AY- Id) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? YE3— APTST A Explanation: Existing landscaping will be eliminated, however will be replaced with larger landscaped areas. 3 4- 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes In the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of fauna (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms, insects or microfauna)?x YET- MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? x YE- - MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? x Yam- MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? x YES MWIYBr WO-- E•xplanation: Mammals or birds incidental to the site will be disrupted during the construction phases. Future landscaping should enhance the site habitat. 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? x YES MAYBE NT Explanation: Marginal increase in noise levels will result from 1000 vehicle trips per day generated to and from the site. 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? x Y ATTFE R Explanation: Additional light and glare due to the vertical height of the proposal (maximum potential 5-story sections) will marginally impact Lake Washington Boulevard and Coulon Beach Park. 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the altera V2 9f the planned present or planned land use of an area? re seen x X Y E3- M FT Explanation: The proposal will change the land use of the site from a mobile home park (density - 8.4 units per acre) to multi-family resi- dential (at 11.2 - 18.4 units/acre). The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of the site. 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? x YT MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? x Yr MAYBE NU- Explanation: Construction material usage and short and long-term resource utilization within normal range. 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to. oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? x Y€3- FATE. NO Explanation: 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? x PFs— MAYBE AO- Explanation: The number of families residing at the site will increase from a maximum of 105 to a range of from 140 to 230, thus increasing the population by as much as a factor of 2. 4 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? x YET— WATIE NO Explanation: The proposal would increase the supply of residential units at the site by 35 to 125 units. The 105 mobile home lots will be eliminated. 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? x YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking?x VET- FAME N 1O c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? x yr RATITE W15- d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? x Vn— M Y B NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? x VEB MAYB NO- f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles. bicyclists or pedestrians? x VET— WAYBT NU- Explanation: Proposal would generate an additional 1000 vpd, (above that existing at the site) for a total of 1400 vpd. See discussion of Traffic Generation and Distribution," page 18, and Traffic Analaysis by T.P. & E., Appendix B. 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a) Fire protection?x YET— TIME NU- b) Police protection? x VET MAYBE w c) Schools? x YES RAM. NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? x YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? x YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? YES MAYBE WO-- Explanation: Increased demand for public services proportionate to the additional 35 to 125 families residing at the site. See discussion of Emergency Services," page 33. 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? x VET— M YB Nu— b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? x VEB MAYBE WO— Explanation: Short-term construction and long-term residential energy usage lower per capita for multi-family housing than single family housing. 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result In a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? x VEB WATFE WO- O)) Communications systems?x vw WAYTE NO c) Water? Z.__ YES MAYBE NO 5 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? x YES M Y B wa- e) Storm water drainage? x YF- WATaTNO f) Solid waste and disposal? x Yes MAYBE NO Explanation: See discussion of "Utilities," page36, and utilities analysis by Bush, Roed and Hitchings, Inc., Appendix C. 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)?x Y E3— MIT WO-- Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? x YES MAYBE Explanation: The aesthetic quality of the site would likely be considered improved upon redevelopment. 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? x YES— MAYBE NO Explanation: Potential increased access to the Coulon Beach Park for 35 to 125 families (over that existing). 20) Archeological/Historical. Will the proposal result in an alterat on of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? x YES- MAYBE N7— Explanation: III. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in relia, e upon this check st should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful la "of full d 1• su rmy part. Proponent: Al 1L,,I' 4,G/` A ay nte• City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 6 II. Project and Site Description The action sponsor is requesting a rezone of an approximate 12.5 acre site (currently the Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park) from T, Trailer Park to R-3, Multi-Family Residence - 5000. The current mobile home park contains a maximum 105 mobile home lots (83 of which are occu- pied). The proposal is located east of Lake Washington Boulevard between the Renton Golf Range and Griffin Home, and east of the Coulon Beach Park Extension (under construction). The site is a relatively level bench with steep slopes on the east margin of the site (undeveloped) and along portions of the east and west shoulder of Lake Washington Boulevard, to the west. See "Vicinity," Figure 1, and "Photos ," Figure 2. Three conceptual site plans have been developed (see Figures 3-5) which exhibit the proposed alternative multi-family developments. The plans entail 7-8 buildings, portions of 3 which, under "Scheme A" would be a maximum 5 stories in height, with the remainder 3 stories or less. The number of units would range from 140 "Scheme C" to 230 Scheme A," which equals approximately 11 to 18 units per acre for the site. The units would be between 1,200 and 1,300 square feet in size. Parking would be located in basement garages, carports , and outdoor lots and would include between 280 and 460 spaces (2 spaces/unit) . 7 i• _;„;---.--- '1-rf x---:•!-- I v I. \„.• f.1 ,,..;,'• _-...N. '...ii•:\ /)) l'-• - i ':' s i)i)(‘: .: VII—.: I frfir-17—'iVi . .._ ,, , 1 4 i i( • z• r," _.,.., ,k... 1% ',* Sou Point t:. • l• f Ill.4\,"1 _ r ` . - 1 Kennydale .( .J o i' Ii q I 1• '--. -ti / • 1430 tP Coleman Poin °I.t •-•_ .\, ;` BM104 j' ••.. BM 1 6> v-i. • : --- • ) . il . --- v Y SITE `\ 60,1 1 Q • J \C I.. . f ., , ----_, itia/1 . 1 •ass tt w F A1;'i N3ryn Mawr S' ''-'14,cit: clic]1 tigibt;238 L®' Power Plante 1 ram`\ if, I . r iok'_ &%;,• `mm\ - REdTON vI - ••', /• : vv.; 1 `)• - r- 1 •,; *:s"` .:,`, ` ' • lY i \V\\ , , ' l 0 l Ali` y :M !' ! . ill I 1 1 F r ill l eBM i--i• I 1 ' j I 91 fl i '. a ii\392 1 '; r 1 11 -- 5, I i./.1'I: N•.: • E r sal;......i.:::::: ti\\\s'f,A ''—irii \ ` 1-\ • .. .. . ;,,,, 1, IV J li rt., 11 .,. - /,F ilk i •1, ....... ,...:........f..: : c.— ..ri c,aLA \ .,L `1 -- _ •;a°L ,• -E TON\ GG_ p 111 N:-::::: 11;:' r!r T( :I i `` \\ R OR '\\ I •L•h o r " —'----' I-, ice,. ^i rc Thi.;I1'S _ • 'Zi I2\ A? Zubs ta, eM \ 1 Q 359 11,.• i O 'o• I7jN 305, l 3( 717.: -. r I/ J lr F ' I • " 7 aselialt- i s Cernl 1. r' \ IL.,I _ Park • Pc. \ ' tpP4 PIT BM i' ••1•. 1 . . 1 41Pfl 'II/;I•q::J /;6,;\1 1 'I + y, I\ iv : • b l i 32L 1 FIGURE '1 VICINITY LAKE TERRACE REZONE NORTH R.W. THORPE AND ASSOCIATES 8 7, ....... ...4„..-",6, 1/4,.....„. ..: ;Allik.:4711 M y,.,,,,_ rM5 'may'r. 1i rr is.! r t•.I ./ ; i‘;;IT a 1 ry .' 1. h s ..tea ' Proposal site looking west 1-405 in foreground m - vlilqt,. r' it n.1+. l'..'. + lid-ig V. °-\ Proposal site looking west Mercer Island in background FIGURE 2 PHOTOS LAKE TERRACE REZONE AL, NORTH R.W. THORPE AND ASSOCIATES r, 14.0e6 • N= 3 SCHEME A vol ai d= UNITS:230 S.2L, BEDROOM TO 1,300 SO. FT. hQ FLATS. 2 BFUROON AND 2 BEDROOM PLUS DEN h BUILDING TYPE: 3 AND 5 STORY MITI BASEMENT.. PARK- ING6 CART,ELEVATORS 1 T, ._ PARKING: 460 CARS TOTAL. 180 IN BASEMENT mot SURAGE.P ACE PARKINGIN ARPORTS, 230 it" m Z 1 c: R;::;s: z rn INv 11-.16. ( t 1 I n Z , ' i ply Ar 7...„...,.... --, - • Ic0Dpp/411 o cGNrTYAr-C I a G IFIN v401.• i WEc Prr1TTC t-I 13 ?ORY 1' i10NS'.. / _` T- -•.'' •._ ,_ 1 J 1 t....1/1) iPri SITE PLAN NORTH cn' c c) W L d/(\\ N re SCHEME B w,fliLtd 1S:190 TO , , . FLATS, TAL 2 BFOROON1200 AND TO1 2 BEURO300SD.t;NFT.11 wy PLUS DEN C t BUILDING TYPE: 3 STORY, ELEVATOR TAX PARKING, 380 CARS ORGARAGES TOTAL.190 SUREACELARPORTSPANING n, t.•••• 1 v.., O 1 t y m n rAG.0•44c. 4 'l rn t.i+hc: Acir.v_-, N-..,. m C GA"Pc,F'., aD jr FARlAIN: q Ar " LANF.2aFINc N D ccur-rynr_r.., tea Z pihvffGf-EaT1UP1 1 KF w 8 B D +++. III d SITE PLAN NORTH 11 a c cD p -- 1e--c. , bina • r a a SCHEME C yam R3 UNITS:140 101AL, 1,200 TO 1,300 SQ FT. HATS, 2 BEDROON MD 2 BEDROOM piC i'PLUS DEN 1/( BUILDING TYPE: 2 STORY AND 2 STORY WITH BASEMENT, H= NALK-UPS-NO ELEVATORS PARKING: 280 CARS TOTAL. 140 IN CARPORTS I. r1 QM GARAGES, 140 SURFACE PARKING s r 111 I/ D 0 1 fts.• i;-: 1111It1` 7% Cn r. 1 .—* \ Ar-Ae.:*5s,, n., n I1 Frar1Nv 4 vN , 1L/.Nrc cAFIN•u r Z f ir\P-Irr-iN6 fff ---__ C...\ I 7REMAINiprcF r f I SITE PLAN Q NORTH co CD , CTI III. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROPOSAL TO EXISTING REGULATIONS, PLANS, AND COMMUNITY GOALS A. 1965 Renton Urban Area Comprehensive Plan - City of Renton Planning Commission The City of Renton adopted a Comprehensive Plan for the City in 1965. The Comprehensive Plan designated the site of the proposal the exising Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park) as High Density Multi-Family. Comment: The proposed zone change and subsequent development is con- sistent with the general guidelines of the current Comprehen- sive Plan designation. Applicable policies include the following: B. Density Plan 2. Within the multiple-family areas, population densi- ties should not exceed (40) families per acre." Comment: The maximum density, under "Scheme A" (see conceptual site plans, Figures 3 through 5), would be approximately 18 fami- lies per acre. E. Traffic Ways Subdivision plats employing curvilinear streets, cul-de- sacs, modified grid systems, planned unit developments, cluster type designs, and other suitable design arrange- ments are desirable and should be utilized in adapting 13 land to residential use. Properly designed plats relat- ing to terrain conditions will be pleasing to the eye, economically sound, and safe for residents." Comment: The conceptual site plans exhibit design alternatives which vary in density however maintain cluster housing, curvilinear access , and marginal modification to the site's topography. Design details will be determinant upon subsequent applica- tions. B. Northeast Renton Comprehensive Plan - City of Renton Planning Department i! The northeast Planning Area is the third of four areas in the vicinity of Renton targeted for review and update of the original Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 1965. Adoption of the Northeast Comprehensive Plan (published in December, 1981) will supercede those portions of the city-wide plan which are in conflict with the revision. As exhibited in Figure 6, the site of the proposal is designated High Density Multi-Family. Comment: The proposed zone change and subsequent development is consistent with the general guidelines imposed through the proposed Northeast Renton Comprehensive Plan designation. This proposed designation is the same as the existing designation, established in 1965. Applicable policies within the proposed Northeast Renton Compre- hensive Plan are as follows: 14 l L 1 t NORTHEAST RENTON . 114 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN s µ MAP 7E firr — 4-1 f 1.',::,:s:i:..';';.:*...;:.-!.SINGLE COMMERCIALSECA-ST 41I i FAMILY 4 LOW Ii. : , DENS ITYY OFFICE/C E ll 1 l MULTI F AMI YLi ; OF FICE PA RK i MEDIU M DENS ITYTY RECREATIONMULTI-FAMILY r Y 5.... ;;..) •.•. HIGH DENSITY s GREENBELT1;..<.MULTI-FAMILY ELT u 1 c PUBLIC/ 1' . la 1 , LQUASI-PUBLIC LAND USE ELEMENT IN 1164 1, k,,,, IW!ilk a A i.:: :E.:.::il: :-: :.,-,.N. ' In 4,,,',.,,,,, NI,'ii,; ' ,,milINN Y ilz..,..-;,r;`;`, .1 'W.34.riajdrE -, , ‘.., ____\, . , \ ..,,,. , ali 0,), 1 II= NonejhripAi111111.11 f ..s- Zit i_ L i 6. »1 m E`er g '-''Q f 4' '' 1 1/ Wallig[41. . lki°:°4 ilt . 1111111.. 1# 11 %I. Mil at 14IiPO1wji111111L:6-. 7°.°X.7.::::::: 1- 117°X1*:*::*,:°:°:'°:°::-::.;:4131' 41707,-.'451-11.- 1' 157SIIIIL—'1-4-'1 .11"''--::: 4 , 4 imir",,st . - 21: , It- tb,„ 1 .i ::. g. ,,....- Al(v.01 ,2,... , 0„.,, , i , . „ p . A r_____,-...-------v.x.....:, . c... 1 1- 7Illi:.:.go:.:01 4 i = 1111.Lla aik.,,j, Vit" .•°:;::::**:::"CZ°:°:°::::::::::::::::::::-°. laWF:1- - lk. et,,,,:sr„..44.,,,,,,,,, ,_. .,01,..,:x. ih. , .. , ,,,:,,,,,,,„,;,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.::, _1 , . - -j _j ...„,..„ m.i) 1 I iii_j a it s; ;'j=' fli ti 1 Faure 6 `- - Utilities Objectives Policy Number 1 - "The availability of sanitary sewers should be a prerequisite for new land development ." Comment: A metro trunk line exists west of the railroad track (west of site) and a City of Renton line, available to the site, exists (See discussion of "Utilities ," page 28) east of the railroad tracks. Policy Number 2 - "During the life of the plan, City utilities should only be extended to 142nd Avenue SE, south of May Creek and 116th Avenue SE, north of May Creek." Comment The proposal site is located within this designated utility extension area and currently has municipal sewage facilities available to it. C. City of Renton Zoning Code, City of Renton Planning Department As exhibited in Figure 7, the site of the proposal is currently zoned "T" - Trailer Park. This zoning designation reflects the current land use of the site. Comment: The proposal entails a request for a rezone of the site from T" - Trailer Park to "R-3" - Multi-Family Residence (5000 square feet minimum lot size). The current zoning is in I' conflict with the current and proposed Comprehensive Plan designations. The density of the site will increase from a 16 rel ..... ...„,„ ---.ir!r--h---------„,,. -, -, . ,11- 1 i.1 kila, 1.f.r.t.??I,• 49r.,r,!, ', I• 'R OW J. ...i_ il li, o ; ' A : I4T.4. 15.cP IEr.-\ 5 T":=Q:' —: rrli'- . ''\ .- 1.:ti 1 . IF,Js.,"•t-f,;7*-1 r i-r/-r-r I i r-r-r.• r-r-T,-'to A,...- 1/4.1r tt .._,L- ,•‘ 562 1 • '.-'rrt.'. lii gPi••P' r.-:.• 1'1--;;-;-: i"!;,:r-. 1:l'‘, kl ; IL v v ; sz 55 1,1.21118111±...".,:ZI.Z.,-_-±.L._‘-...-' I i G..6000" 2 , .1 .. t.....i_ ., _____..., wr„ .,._.-. ---___ -____ - i 11411 1 Id,'" a. S c.... ....• .rs.• •Z••••_•••.:: ,.„,,± . 3410: a a ;4. . . 7: .4. 75 a. 4 242 2)' 222 L.,..219. Z. 4 • i .;,, a. ! 215 I I . •• 1.77=" I : I.' "_ *,(1;' *,; ' --I;4 !.•••• 6 z ,.•4 t. 5.. 1\_•: 4 , , • I Z la 11i, .. o• I -- 1.:::.: " . t .• 41 . . .. _4r .IL --J ..-----—14 1, ,,i SIT 1 - L - 7'; 1 -. . -7 I ... 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' • •• . 11; :24: .., . . i ` 4.--. 1 g ' as,• ,la , 1 - I I' .' • 1 OM I 11 1 , 1 f -: 30 1. 4.44L.41:.• 1,, ,. 4.. ,..:„.., Z49 ,d ..14.e 234 . :ZE1 Z 1,3 p Z.C ... .. 1.0....... ........... j 7, t. e/IS R-..... L A. KG sv..L.tH. Q) r _ . tms: :147__:. Illiir BEACH 40 1 Ft..,1I i L.1 ' II It 7 1--. 7-G-700iik. il R-4 .,, pmensaizetsimilantml' 1-----"\N---', - 1..1 i— 0,2•';),, 1-D1.- : SC A L : g""‘‘ 4. il Nt I 0) 04 8,00) 16001 4-) fr...--G-"' - --•'''- . 1111 - ZONE USE MIN LOT ZONE USE MIN LOT SECTION R- 1 SING . FAM . RES . 5000 SR- 2 TWO FAM . RES . 5000 SR- 1 SING . FAM . RES . 7500 R - 3 MULTI - FAM. RES . 5000 5 23 5 G SING . FAN . RES . 35000 R-4 MULTI - FAN . RES . 5000 IA G- 6000 SING . FAM. RES . 6000 P - 1 PUBLIC USE A G- 7200 SING . FAM . RES . 7200 B- 1 BUSINESS I: 1 G -8400 SING . FAM . RES . 8400 BP G- 9600 SING . FAM . RES . 9600 L- 1 BUSINESS PARKING LIGHT INDUSTRY ZONING i GS - 1 SING . FAM. RES . 35000 H- 1 HEAVY INDUSTRY S - 1 SING . FAM . RES . 40000 T TRAILER PARK R- 2 TWO FAM . RES . 5000 M-P MANUFACTURING PARK Figure 7 I current full maximum of 8.4 (trailer) units per acre, to from 11.2 to 18.4 (multi—family) units per acre, depending upon the development scheme selected. D. Comprehensive Park and Recreation for Renton, -shington, 1978 The project is supportiive of the goals and policies found in the Park and Recreation Plan, including increased public access to waterfront recreation opportunities. The proposal site is just across Lake Washington Boulevard from the Coulon Beach Park under construction) . 1 1 18 IV. ELEMENTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT A. Earth Soils , Topography, Erosion A preliminary geotechnical analysis was conducted by Earth Consultants, Inc. The full text of their report is included as Appendix A. Existing Conditions A published geologic map of the area indicates that the site is underlain by an unnamed sequence of advance gravels and sands. These soils were deposited in front of the Vashon glacier advance and were subsequently overridden by the ice. The area was once used for a quarry operation. In a previous geotechnical study for the property to the south (Earth Consultants, Inc.), the test pits revealed medium dense to dense granular soils with lenses of hard silt. In addition, miscellaneous fills varying in depth from a few feet to approximately fourteen (14) feet were encoun- tered across the property. These fills appear to be composed of wasted quarry materials. Soil exposures along the eastern margin of the project site were dense granular soils, similar to those encountered at the property to the south. The topography of the site is exhibited in Figure 8. Steep bluffs from the quarry operation still exist along the eastern site margin. The slopes are at a general inclination of about 1:1 (Horizontal:Vertical), approaching 1:2 in local areas, to the eastern edge of the mobile home park. The park area is rela- tively flat, sloping to the west-southwest at about an average slope of 4:1. Total grade change from the eastern site edge to Lake Washington Boulevard is about one hundred ten (110) feet. 19 44x1s14 J's E_s: TH ST_17-- ,.( 1' AN r t': // If a " t7 , Als. - i , 1 git>Al kVir ,, r7 le ;_ti N.\ \\ ` 1 ii k2 . \ \\ N' TR ES14( kIlli s1 4611\ \ \ 53,t z . . - x Il1 J~ II/ X ::\ Ax ill 1()c V/\. 1 41 Ott \J -It1\ \ tit I I I 1\ \ 11, TRAILER., 1\ .\ I \ . ' 1 1 I I 100 HST r I I f 71 — tARKIIII I it II I;x I Ir 1 1,, ®' jos.,,r I 1 \ 1 o s f\ \ i, ---...\ ,--- . N. v 1 \ 1 1,.- # 17 1\\ ,, 1 ' .'1 I,r •• EES k g \\ 1 1 1 (5, Tz Ilki1 ki \\\ I t ,.1 fr 1 IL_:•_ , v.--4.,,,, i\--, qiii ..0.0...„....- --A, I ts: r-- 4: \v-----,\ N (ki (i I \ ‘,,, _62,.... \ II ji IN / ) \ hi/ Ni i 1`ramI • X 66 a \\ BR 4 . SOURCE: City of Renton Engineering Department FIGURE 8 TOPOGRAPHY LAKE TERRACE REZONE NORTH R.W. THORPE AND ASSOCIATES 20 The steep eastern slope does not reveal any past or present signs of instability, however does exhibit local erosion of surficial soils. Impacts The preliminary geotechnical analysis by Earth Consultants, Inc. indicates that the development of the proposal is suitable from a geotechnical point of view. The primary design consideration is the possible existence of unsuitable fill soils and the protec— tion of the existing steep bluff along the eastern site margin. The proposed buildings may be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on firm native soils and/or structural fill. If miscellaneous fills do exist, these materials may have to be removed to some depths and replaced with structural fill. The depth of replacement would depend on the extent, depth and condi— tion of the encountered fills, and structural loads of the plan— ned buildings. Minor erosion of surficial soils is likely during the construc— tion phase. Soils of the site will be compacted and mixed, however the surface soils of the site have already been heavily disturbed due to the quarry operation and current development. The topography of the site will be altered due to minor grading. If widening of Lake Washington Boulevard to it's design width of 36 feet is eventually required, cutting and filling would be necessary due to the steep embankments on either side of the street. Rockery walls may be recommended for slope retention. Mitigating Measures To be determined upon site plan review, however will include consideration of the following: 21 1 . Final design plans should include drainage plans to control runoff and erosion from the bluffs and prevent ponding of water along the toe of the slope. 2. Natural vegetation should be maintained wherever possible on the bluff. 3. When the final design is available, a detailed geotechnical study will be performed to delineate the extent, depth, and condition of possible fills and develop specific foundation and site preparation recommendations. I B. Land Use Existing Conditions The site of the proposed action is approximately 12.5 acres in size and includes the Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park. The present use includes lots for a maximum 105 mobile home units. Circula- tion through the site is provided by two driveway entrances, one at the north, and one at the south portions of the site via Lake Washington Boulevard. The Comprehensive Plan designations of the site is High Density Multi-Family - the present zoning is "T" - Trailer Park. Surrounding land uses are as follows : to the north - Griffin Home, Friends of Youth, to the south - Renton Golf Range, to the southeast - quarry site, to the west - Lake Washington Boulevard, and farther west, the Burlington Northern railroad tracks and Coulon Beach Park. The property represents one of only a few relatively large developable (benched) sites in the vicinity along Lake Washington Boulevard. Much of the area in the immed- iate vicinity of the site and to the south, between Lake Washington Boulevard and 1-405 is steeply sloped. A single family residential neighborhood exists within a "benched" area Ih 22 uphill (not visible) from the site (to the east adjacent to I- 405). Another single family neighborhood exists approximately 1000 feet to the north, east (uphill from) Lake Washington Boule- vard. The general neighborhood along the southeast short of Lake Washington is referred to as West Kennydale. Impacts Immediate plans do not call for a specific schedule to develop the site; as such, actual construction may not occur for a period of several years. Adequate time will exist for coordination of utility connections, roadway improvements and other public ser- vice requirements. The site is currently utilized as a Mobile Home Park at a density (at full capacity) of 8.4 units/acre with a total 105 lots. The proposal would increase the residential density of the site to between 11.2 and 18.4 units/acre with a total 140-230 units. The proposal is consistent with the Compre- hensive Plan description of the site. The planned use of the larger vicinity (Northeast Renton Comprehensive Plan) calla for a range of uses including Recreation, Low Density Multi-Family, High Density Multi-Family, Commercial, and farther uphill (east of) and north of the site, Single Family Residential. C. Traffic Generation and Distribution The traffic analysis for the proposed Lake Terrace Park develop- ment was performed by Transportation Planning and Engineering. The full text of this analysis is included as Appendix B. Existing Conditions Figure 9 shows 1980 average daily traffic volumes in the vicinity of the Lake Terrace Park site. The mobile home park currently generates approximately 400 vehicular trips on an average week- day. A recent one-hour PM peak period traffic volume count at 23 j CE: GF RNTON1980FICFLOWMAPtr N 20 APPROX. S.E.BOTH ST. SCALE a. rI"= I600' N 40TH ST. 1 v0 I N 36TH ,y o 2 Z io . I I INo N.30T H ST oI780 5310 iD s N.E. 27TH ST s in oo v SITE EXISTING LAKE TERRACE I MOBILE HOME PARK) c Y ImyANY 20,930 13 G. o P yG GENE COULON 4#t MEMORIAL 4'F• r R 0: BEACH PAW f m NO BOEING ti1 o R NY o o 1980 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (ADT) FIGURE 1 LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS r 9 24 the two site driveways showed that 80% of the site-generated traffic used the south driveway, and 80% was oriented to or from the south on Lake Washington Boulevard. Table 1 shows peak hour levels of service calculated for perti- nent existing and proposed intersections along Lake Washington Boulevard North. This street serves as a commuter route for workers from Boeing and other nearby industrial plants. Because of the proximity of these industrial plants and the distinct employee shift-change times , Lake Washington Boulevard experiences relatively high traffic volume peaking trends. Al- most 20 percent of the daily traffic on Lake Washington Boulevard occurs during the PM peak hour. Because of the relatively high peak hour traffic volumes, and the long distances between gap- creating traffic control devices , vehicles turning onto Lake Washington Boulevard from side streets, such as Burnett Avenue North, experience some delays. However, during the off-peak times, traffic volumes on Lake Washington Boulevard are low and delays are minimal. Several Metro Transit routes use North Park Drive and provide convenient bus service into the Renton Central Business District and beyond. Some bicyclists use Lake Washington Boulevard as a commuter and recreational route. There is relatively little pedestrian traffic. Impacts Impacts of the proposal on the existing transportation network is compared with traffic conditions to develop independently of the proposal. Figure 10 shows projected 1985 average daily traffic volumes for the study area, without the proposed Lake Terrace Park development. These traffic volumes are based on the 1980 average daily traffic volumes plus 3 percent annual traffic growth, as recommended by the City of Renton. The traffic vol- umes shown in Figure 10 also include an estimated 1000 additional 25 TABLE I Street Intersection Levels of Service During Street Traffic Peak Hours 1981 1985 1985 Intersection Without With All on Lake Existing Lake Terrace Park Development Lk. Terrace Prk. Develop. Washington Blvd. N. ) AM PM AM PM AM PM Pm-nett Avenue N. C to D D D E D E south intersection) Site driveway A/A/C C/B/D A/A/D C/B/E A/A/D D/C/E N.E. Park Drive and D D D D D D Garden Drive Signalized) N Level of Service for left turn from Burnett Only. Individual Levels of Service shown for right turns from driveway (assumed STOP sign)/left turns from T ke Washington Boulevard/left turns from driveway (assumed STOP sign). South driveway of existing mobile home park. Description of Levels of Service: Primary Reference: A Little or no delay. Interim Materials on Highway Capacity B Short traffic delays. Transportation Research Circular No. 212, C Average traffic delays. Transportation Research Board, D Long traffic delays.,January 1980, p. 37 E Very long traffic delays; congestion N I 11 A PPROX. 1 S E.80TH ST. SCA1,E 0 r 1 u= 16OO ao NQ e• N, 40TH ST. v N.36TH Si i OcPcit Ist Yn 1,:.i6.3,0 . Z N hDTH ST F .E. 27TH STcl Gj LAKE TERRACE PARK Ic fL O on Z 1 .GENE COULON ifr%MEMORIAL tiF P R D" H Eli PARK , • y r) BOEING n* pt 1 PROJECTED 1985 ADT ' s WITHOUT LAKE TERRACE DEVELOPMENT FIGURE IR 10 LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC. ANALYSIS 27 vehicle trips generated by the Beach Park Extension project on a summer weekday with sunny weather, based on information from the Beach Park Extension project Final EIS. The 1985 peak hour levels of service calculated for the street intersections in the study area, without the proposed Lake Terrace Park development are given in Table 1. Somewhat higher traffic volumes on Lake Washington Boulevard due to the beach park extension and normal traffic growth will cause somewhat longer delays to side street traffic during the peak periods , such as at Burnett Avenue. However, traffic conditions will still be tolerable and probably will not be noticeably worse than the present conditions. Projected 1985 traffic volumes with the Lake Terrace development are given in Figure 11 (peak-hour trips are exhibited in Figures 9 and 10, Appendix B). Approximately 1400 vehicular trips would be generated by Lake Terrace Park "Scheme A," the most intensive site development concept, on an average weekday at full occupancy. This estimate is based on a rate of 6.1 vehicular trips per unit per average weekday. Approximately 140 trips (10% of the total) would occur during the AM peak hour, with about 80% of them leaving the site. Approximately 160 trips (11.5% of the total) would occur during the PM peak hour, with about 67% of them entering the site. The existing Lake Terrace Park mobile home court and its esti- mated 400 daily vehicular trips will be removed by the proposed multi-family development on the same site. Therefore, the pro- posed Lake Terrace park "Scheme A" would generate approximately 1000 new vehicular trips on an average weekday at full project occupancy. For comparison, this volume of new vehicular trips is less than the. estimated trip generation of the formerly proposed adjacent "Lakeside" multi-family development. Also, the extended 28 1 42-). 1. 1. air A PROX. S.E.80TH ST. SOAL E I"=I6001 o.. a` mo 0v) N. 40TH ST. N.36TH ST _, i h4) 1 Q n N.30TH ST. l---), 23tc —L-r3o 1. M N.E• 27TH ST v LAKE TERRACE PARK A ,o rc co y0S4) cirl ' O 0\\\., GENE COULON t)\ lit .MEMORIAL 1' "`"• -". . 016 D. BEACH PARS( 0 Y;I T, R BOEING a -+ a PROJECTED 1985 ADT ' s WITH LAKE TERRACE DEVELOPMENT FIGURE t11 11 LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS : 29 Coulon Beach Park is expected to generate approximately 1000 new vehicular trips on a sunny summer weekday. Figurel2 shows the estimated distribution of the site-generated traffic. Most of the site generated traffic will be oriented south toward the industrial area and the Renton Central Business District. The most-used route will probably be 1-405 via the interchange at NE Park Drive, while some site-generated traffic will also use the I-405 Interchanges at North 30th Street and at North 44th Street. The traffic generated by Lake Terrace Park is not expected to cause any major traffic capacity problems. Though traffic vol- umes will increase , the signalized intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard, Garden Avenue, and Park Drive will continue to operate at Level of Service "D," with little change in traffic conditions noticeable to motorists. Vehicles turning onto Lake Washington Boulevard during the peak hours will continue to experience delays, including those vehicles at Burnett Avenue. Because of the relatively low volumes which will turn left from Lake Washington Boulevard into the site driveway, a left turn lane will not be necessary on the arterial at this location. Extremely few left turns into the site will occur during the morning peak. More left turns will occur during the evening peak, but the PM southbound through traffic volumes delayed by left turning vehicles will be relatively low. The Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Extension project, currently near completion, will create a new driveway access into the park off of Lake Washington Boulevard, several hundred feet south of Lake Terrace Park. This new park driveway will include two exit lanes and one entrance lane across the railroad tracks. Some residents of the proposal will drive to the beach park, but pedestrian traffic between the two facilities is expected to be minimal. Although the beach park extends along Lake Washington 30 i ESTIMATED LAKE TERRACE (SCHEME A) TRIP GENERATION APPROX. 230 UNITS (MAX) . A -x 6 .1 VEHICLE TRIPS/UNIT* Q: APPROX. 1400 TRIPS/AVERAGE WEEKDAY co Nr/( I AP S.E.80TH ST. SCALEAL r r- 1600' SOURCE: k TRIP GENERATION—AN 0" 4) INFORMATIONAL REPORT Q. N. 40TH ST I.T.E. , 2ND EDITION, 1979 . 7) J N.36TH SLR 1 GO V. 1 N.30TH STLI) ‘ N.E 2>TH ST PV-3 b\ liiii tu Q v il- 1. 4.1 LAKE TERRACE PARK 630.m Tr,( µs 7) 2 s GENE COULON illMEMORIAL t N•F PER,• D' BEACH PARK y Q v W f,.. BOEING nn, i FOGURIE ESTIMATED DISTRIBUTION OF SITE—GENERATED TRAFFIC . II•12 LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS : 31 both north and south of Lake Terrace Park, an effective series of pedestrian barriers separate the two facilities. These barriers include Lake Washington Boulevard itself, a steep bank covered with dense blackberry vines, the Burlington Northern railroad tracks, and the new chain-link fence along the beach park boun- dary. Currently, there are no new plans for additional pedes- trian access across the railroad right-of-way to the beach park. Mitigating Measures To be determined upon subsequent site plan review, however will include consideration of the following: 1. The proposed Lake Terrace Park site driveway should be con- structed wide enough to allow a right turning vehicle and a left turning vehicle to wait side by side, with another lane for traffic entering the site. 2. The driveways and adjacent landscaping should be designed to provide good motorist sight distances. 3. The design width for Lake Washington Boulevard along the frontage of the project is 36 feet (curb to curb). Required improvements will include paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and street lighting, all for the east half of the stret. The proponent agrees to work with the City to develop im- provements through one of the following actions: a. Bond - as needed b. No protest LID 4. Construction vehicles should be scheduled to arrive during the middle of the day to avoid congestion. 32 5. During construction period, build wider than normal driveways to the site with large radii to allow for easy truck access e.g., 24' wide and 20-30 foot radius). 6. Place bicycle racks and/or lockers in a location in the building that is protected from the weather and theft. D. Emergency Services Fire Services Existing Conditions The site of the proposal is served by Fire Station 11, located at 211 Mill Avenue South, approximately two miles south of the site. Station 11 houses one engine company and has a manpower of 10. Station 12 (Highlands) located at 901 Harrington Avenue NE, is also available to serve the site. Station 12 houses one engine company, has a manpower of 3 to 4, and is approximately one and one-half mile from the site. Although Station 12 is closer to the site, the response time would be greater than that of Station 11, due to the presence of hills and turning maneuvers required between Station 12 and the site. The response time to the site is three to three and one-half minutes; the outer range of that acceptable to the Department. An aid unit would be available to the site from Station 11. The Deputy Fire Chief of the Renton Fire Department (telephone conversation with Deputy Chief Geissler, 8/25/82) has indicated that the Department is currently lacking in manpower due to City budget constraints. 33 Impacts The additional fire service impacts which would result from eventual construction of the development would be a function of both the increase in the number of units at the site (35-125 additional units over the number existing) and the greater height including maximum 3-5 story buildings) and cumulative square footages of the detached buildings. Because of existing manpower limitations, ladder power (to serve multi-story developments) is available on only one-third to one-half of the fire call re- sponses made. The response time to the site is not optimum, however within an acceptable range. Additional fire service capacity to the City is desireable regardless of consideration of the additional demand imposed by the proposed development, how- ever specific additional manpower or equipment needs cannot be specified for the proposed development alone. For a full discus- sion of the fire water-flow requirements of the proposal, see Water - Impacts," page 39. Mitigating Measures 1. Building design features, including sprinkler and alarm sys- tems, accessable stairwells, and fireproofing construction materials will be incorporated upon development of specific building plans in order to minimize fire hazards and in order to be consistent with building department requirements. 2. The provision of a second access for emergency purposes at the site would be considered (the conceptual site plans show only one). These would be paved with asphalt or concrete pavement. (See Section 10.207 of the 1979 UFC, a copy of which is attached within Appendix C.) 34 3. During the construction phase, the Fire Department will be notified of any prolonged street blockage which may inhibit emergency access. 4. Access roads must be configured so that a fire truck can drive to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the first floor of the buildings. This is per UFC 10.207 (c). 5. During the construction period, an adequate access roadway for fire equipment will be provided. 6. Sufficient lead time exists, prior to eventual project con- struction, to coordinate specific fire service needs with the City. Police Service Existing Conditions The site is served by the Renton Police Department located at City Hall, approximately two miles south of the site. Two patrol cars serve the "Highlands" - the vicinity of the proposal site. The emergency response time, in most circumstances , is under three minutes, however the time will vary depending on whether patrols out of the vicinity are required for assistance. Impacts Specific determinations of required additional police equipment or manpower cannot be made in relation to the eventual additional demand created by the proposal. Increases in police service capacity are based, in part, on the cumulative demand created by population increases greater than that of the proposal alone telephone conversation with Captain Bourasa, Renton Police Department, 8/25/82). 35 Mitigating Measures 1 . Alternative building security systems will be reviewed upon the development of building plans. 2. Adequate turnaround space will be provided for emergency access. 3 . During the construction phase, the Police Department will be notified for any prolonged street blockage which may inhibit emergency access. E. Utilities Existing Conditions The utilities analysis for this proposal was conducted by Bush, Roed and Hitchings, Inc. Their report is included as Appendix C. A map of existing utilities is included as Figure 13. Storm drainage in the vicinity is currently provided by a culvert and ditch system that exists along and under Lake Washington Boulevard and under the Burlington Northern railroad tracks. , An 8" diameter City of Renton sanitary sewer exists along the east side of the Burlington Northern railroad tracks. This sewer flows to the north and connects to a Metro line in the vicinity of the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and Burnett Avenue North. Ik Water is currently supplied to the existing trailer park water supply by one 6" dead-end line which comes from a 16" line at the intersection of Meadow Avenue North and North 26th Street. There is no existing water main along Lake Washington Boulevard North; I{' 36 r 14 A j I S t_9 : T H ST__ i •''_, 1// .. , Th r-- X Pe lt, v , J S;• \ klia. 0 , , m_tat 2 INC Ii Iiiit( • L_ ,EB- J I TR ES 11 ,, i \0 \53 i,,/ •• .._ Z %X\,\ 1 Jam' j IX\ I di /J xIeI / CINCH i 4t$` a \\ 11 1 i 111111 WATER 2R`'. , A \ I I 1 m LINE I iI I TRAILE I I HST. . 4* i 1 11 I IV II 1 Suppres 0 '5ARK I I en.ch j • \ :,\ 1' \ r 1tLr__ 1 \ IIrI c 1 y„it..,, ,, i IA ,t c\ • f\\\\/ IA- s11. ) f / , r 1 0 hn\'• ! r Il iii.'•1\ t /\\\\/ 1 1..- G rst-4-k, \ / ,/ I,r EES 4 . . k I 9 1,7 \ , r /i- 1 2 1 , I751 A k. ti,.. ,_______„ i r•). / j \\ k \,\\\\ P(/\\\ N&: \,, \\\\ ,,e;\\ ) 1 iL-,\.\\ :',\t,\\\ ,.\,,,e-- 6, 6.:%\\\ / i 6 b 4 ( t., Nt \ II r 1 v, \ . _,--- /i/ ,1 i.\\\/1 X 66 u y litte. \ l' i%,,,..ea., 41 4.• 4,-)., 1 iiill-kyc,,,,‘,BR 1 '11 \. Y SOURCE: City of Renton Engineering Department FIGURE 13 UTILITIES LAKE TERRACE REZONE NORTH R.W. THORPE AND ASSOCIATES 37 a 12" main has been installed to the north in front of the Griffin home. On the west side of the railroad tracks is an 8" line which is not available for use by the proposal due to the pressure zone it is in and its capacity. Impacts Storm Drainage In general., storm detention is not required for this site since it is so close to Lake Washington. The drainage system need only convey the runoff to the lake. Some provision must be made to remove pollutants from the runoff, but since this is a residen- tial development, this can probably be accomplished by the use of outlet trap elbows for oil/water separation in the last down- stream on-site manholes of the system. The proposal's storm drainage system can outlet to the culvert and ditch system that exists under Lake Washington Boulevard and the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and through Coulon Beach Park to Lake Washington. It is the opinion of the Department of Public Works that the current system is adequate to serve the site, but that will have to be verified by calculations accom- panying the design. Sanitary Sewer The proposal can feasibly connect to the Renton sewer line, which, in the opinion of the Department of Public Works, has adequate capacity for the density shown on the conceptual site plan. If a higher density were contemplated, a study would have to be done to determine capacity vs. flow load. The existing 8" diameter sewer line will have to be extended to the south property line of this project, a distance of approxi- mately 600 feet. 38 Water The present water supply grid surrounding the project site is not adequate to supply the potentially required fire flows. Accord- ing to Ron Olsen (Department of Public Works), in order to pro- vide adequate fire flow (3500 plus or minus gallons per minute) for the project, the present 6" line feeding the property will need to be replaced with a 12" line, which must be extended to the south property line and then carried north along Lake Washington Boulevard to connect to the 12" line in front of the Griffin Home (a total of approximately 3500 feet). Additionally, a new 12" line will be required to be extended along North 28th Street between Burnett Avenue North and Meadow Avenue North, a distance of approximately 2000 feet. This second extension will also require some easements to be obtained over a small portion of the route that is not public right-of-way. The project site is on the border between two different pressure zones, so that the main line extensions described above will involve construction of one pressure reducing station and reloca- tion of another. These improvements to the water delivery system should result in a fire flow capacity of approximately 3500 gallons per minute. The exact details and routing of the new mains and the locations of the new and relocated pressure reducing stations will be determined at the time that the actual engineering design for construction is begun. The entire water system of the City of Renton is modeled in a computer data base maintained by RH2 Engineers, so that alternate design schemes can be precisely evaluate prior to final design. Should fire flows in excess of 3500 gallons per minute be re- quired, then further main line upgrading would need to be done, specifically replacement of an existing line along Aberdeen 39 Avenue NE (east of I-405) between NE 16th and NE 24th, a distance of approximately 2500 feet. This would be replaced with either a 12" or 16" line to increase flow capacity to the lines that feed the project site area. This replacement would increase the available fire flow to approximately 4500 gallons per minute. Mitigating Measures Storm Drainage If the existing system is not deemed adequate according to calcu- lations accompanying the subsequent project design, the following alternatives would apply: 1. Upgrade the existing system, which could involve new culverts under Lake Washington Boulevard and/or the railroad tracks; or 2. Provide on-site detention to reduce the flow rate reaching the off-site system. Evaluation of these items would be done as part of the site design, after a detailed topographic survey was done to locate the existing culverts and ditches. Sanitary Sewer Extension of an 8" diameter sewer line a distance of approxi- mately 600 feet to the south property line of the proposal. Water 1. Improvements to water delivery system, as described under Impacts - Water," (above) in order to meet fire flow re- quirements of the City of Renton. 2. Fire flow requirements are determined using the Insurance Services Office method. Based on the fire flow requirement 40 for each building, fire hydrants are required as follows: one hydrant for each 1000 gallons per minute of required fire flow, with all required hydrants placed within 300 feet of the building and one of them within 150 feet of the building. All fire hydrants must be adjacent to an access road so that a fire truck can get within 12 feet of the hydrant. 3. The water system on the site will be serviceable prior to the start of framing work on the site. 4. See "Mitigating Measures - Fire Service," page 34. 41 APPENDICES A. Soil Analysis, Earth Consultants B. Transportation Analysis, T.P. & E. C. Utilities Analysis, Bush, Roed & Hitchings D. Zoning Provisions R-3 & T Zones, Renton Zoning Code, Sections 4-709A & 4-714 E. Demographic & Housing Data, City of Renton, Planning Department, Community Development Plan, and Housing Assistance Plan APPENDIX A Ear i ti . iet: Consu A A ! r{ :, Inc. Mr,k ,j NI*,-, ty Geotechnical Engineering and Geology 1805- 136th Place N.E., Suite 101, Bellevue,Washington 98005 Phone: (206) 643-3780 /Seattle (206) 464-1584 September 14, 1982 E-1848 Mr. Ken Shellen Lake Washington Terrace Association 300 Evergreen Building Renton, Washington 98055 t '-3 r ^ r, Subject:Geotechnical Professional Opinion J 10 Acre Site SEP ! A v.— Lake Washington Boulevard Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Shellen: m At your request and as outlined in our proposal of August 18, __ 1982 this report presents our professional opinion concerning the suitability of site development from a geotechnical point of view. The scope of our study included visual reconnaissance of the subject site, review of published geologic data and information in our files from an adjacent site, geotechnical engineering analyses, and preparation of this report . From a geotechnical point of view, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed multi-family housing development. The primary design consideration is the possible existence ofunsuitablefillsoilsandtheprotectionoftheexistingsteep bluff along the eastern site margin. It is our understanding that preliminary plans for the site are for a multi-family development comprised of approximately seven to eight two and/or possibly three-story complexes . Probable construc- tion would be wood-frame with relatively light loads. Perimeter loads could be on the order of three kips per lineal foot, dead plus live loads. Some cuts and fills will be required for final grades. Site Conditions A visual reconnaissance of the site was conducted by a staff engineer from our firm. The site is located at about the 2400 block on the east side of Lake Washington Boulevard North in Renton, Washington. The site is irregular in shape and covers about ten acres in plan dimension. Currently the site is developed as a mobile home park with about 105 spaces, one conventional single-family A-1 Lake Washington Terrace Association E-1848 September 14, 1982 Page Two house, and a number of service buildings. Two asphalt driveways enter the site from Lake Washington Boulevard, with paved streets crossing the park. The area has been landscaped. The site is bordered by undeveloped land and a golf driving range to the south, undeveloped land to the east, and a housing development to the north. The area was once used for a quarry operation. Steep bluffs from the quarry operation still exist along the eastern site margin. These slopes are at a general inclination of about 1:1 (Horizon- tal:Vertical ) , approaching 1:2 in local areas, to the eastern edge of the mobile home park. The park area is relatively flat, sloping to the west-southwest at about an average slope of 4:1. Total grade change from the eastern site edge to Lake Washington Boulevard is about one hundred ten (110) feet. A published geologic map of the area indicates that the site is underlain by an unnamed sequence of advance gravels and sands. These soils were deposited in front of the Vashon Stade glacier advance and were subsequently overridden by the ice . In our geotechnical study for the property to the south, the test pits revealed medium dense to dense granular soils with lenses of hard silt. In addition, miscella- neous fills varying in depth from a few feet to approximately fourteen (14) feet were encountered across the property. These fills appear to be composed of wasted quarry materials. Soil exposures along the eastern margin of the project site were dense granular soils, similar to those encountered at the property to the south. Discussion Based on our visual site reconnaissance , review of our previous work in the area, published geologic maps, and engineering analyses, it is our opinion that development of the proposed multi-family housing development is suitable from a geotechnical point of view. The site appears to be stable in its present state. The steep eastern slope does not reveal any past or present signs of instability. The primary design consideration is the possible presence of loose miscellaneous fills. For planning purposes, it is our opinion the proposed buildings may be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on firm native soils and/or structural fill. If miscellaneous fills do exist, these materials may have to be removed to some depths and replaced with structural fill. The depth of replacement would depend on the extent, depth and condition of the encountered fills, and structural loads of the planned buildings. Specific recommendations Earth Consultants, Inc. A-2 Lake Washington Terrace Association E-1848 September 14, 1982 Page Three for foundations, site preparation and slope stability should be developed in a detailed geotechnical study of the site when the preliminary site plan is available. The steep bluffs along the eastern site margin are at existing steep grades, but appear to be stable. Final design plans should include drainage plans to control runoff and erosion from the bluffs and prevent ponding of water along the toe of the slope. Natural vegetation should be maintained wherever possible on the bluff. Because of the preliminary nature of this investigation, it is recommended that Earth Consultants, Inc. be provided the opportunity for a general review of the final design and specifications. It is also recommended that when final design is available, a detailed geotechnical study be performed to delineate the extent, depth and condition of possible fills and develop specific foundation and site preparation recommendations . We trust the information presented is adequate for your requirements . If you need additional information or clarification, please call. S. L Respectfully submitted, 411 E wASy cgs EA ONSULTANTS, INC. G 0 `z 'L k cc W o 'Pe 14691 4, C)Lkinson, P. E. SS STeP C dr President s S/oNAL e JRD/RSL/jg cc: R. W. Thorpe Earth Consultants, Inc. A-3 APPENDIX B LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Prepared for: Lake Terrace Associates 300 Evergreen Building Renton, Washington 98055 Prepared by: Transportation Planning & Engineering, Inc. 1126 108th Avenue N.E. , Bellevue, Washington 98004 September, 1982 B-1 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. 1126 108th AVENUE NORTHEAST— BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 TELEPHONE 455-5320— AREA CODE 206 VICTOR H.BISHOP P.E. President September 10, 1982 Mr. Steve Harer Lake Terrace Associates 300 Evergreen Building Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Lake Terrace park Traffic Analysis Dear Mr. Harer: Enclosed is our report on the Transportation Impacts of the proposed Lake Terrace Park multifamily residential development on Lake Washington Boulevard in Renton, Washington. Please contact me if you have any further questions. Very truly yours, TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ENGINEERING, INC. 1 Victor H. Bishop, P. E. , President DHE: th Enclosure B-2 LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Project Description Lake Terrace Park is a proposed multi-family residential development to be located on the east side of Lake Washington Boulevard North, approximately 0. 7 miles north of North Park Drive in Renton, Washington. The site is presently occupied by the Lake Terrace Park mobile home court. The immediate request is for a rezone of the property from T (trailer park) to R-3 multi-family residential ) . Although the exact size of the proposed development has not yet been decided, three conceptual site plans have been Bevel- oped. All three plans would provide two-bedroom residential units of 1, 200 to 1, 300 square feet floor area. Schemes A, B, and C primarily vary in density of development. Scheme A would construct 230 residential units in three and five story build- ings with elevators. Parking for 460 cars would be provided, in- cluding 180 in basement garages, 50 in carports, and 230 in sur- face lots. Scheme B would construct 190 units in three story el- evator buildings. Parking for 380 cars would be provided, in- cluding 190 in carports or garages and 190 on the surface. Scheme C would construct 140 units in two story walk-up build- ings. Parking for 280 cars would be provided, with half of them in garages or carports and half on the surface. For the purposes of this traffic analysis, Scheme A, the most intensive development, is assumed to be constructed. Traf- fic impacts due to Scheme B or C would be less, approximately in proportion to the number of residential units constructed. Al- so, for the purposes of this traffic analysis the horizon year for full occupancy of the proposed development is assumed to be 1985, though a formal site development schedule has not been i- dentified. The street network shown in Figure 1 is the study ar- ea for this traffic analysis, except for Interstate Highway 405 and its interchanges, which are shown for reference only. The proposed vehicular access will be via one driveway onto Lake Washington Boulevard near the south end of the site. The driveway entrance may have a landscaped median, and will connect to the access road along the east property line. This on-site road will lead to the parking areas to the north. The roadway, buildings, parking areas, and recreation areas will be connected by a system of on-site walkways. 1- B-3 Existing Conditions Figure 1 illustrates the functional roadway classifica- tions, traffic control signal and stop sign locations, and perti- nent roadway characteristics of the existing public street net- work. The functional roadway classifications shown in Figure 1 are those adopted by City of Renton Resolution #2345. Speed lim- its are posted for 35 MPH on Lake Washington Boulevard, and 30 MPH on Park Drive, while the remainder of the streets shown in Figure 1 have 25 MPH speed limits. The traffic signal at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard North, Garden Avenue North, Park Avenue North, and North Park Drive presently operates in a four-phase fully actu- ated mode, with one phase for each approach (with green arrows for left turns ) . Lake Washington Boulevard has three approach lanes ( left only, left or through or right, right only) , Garden Avenue has two approach lanes ( left or through or right, right only) , the east leg has four approach lanes ( left only, left or through, through only, right only) , and the west leg has three approach lanes ( left only, through only, through or right) . Lake Washington Boulevard North has one through lane in each direction, with a northbound left turn lane into the pres- ent entrance to Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, and a south- bound left turn lane into Houser Way. The Beach Park contains a heavily-used small boat launching ramp. The Burlington Northern Railroad operates approximately two trains per day on the single- track railroad line located between Lake Washington Boulevard and the Lake. The railroad crossing of Lake Washington Boule- vard immediately south of Houser Way is signalized. The Lake Terrace Park mobile home court presently on the site has 105 trailer stalls, about 83 of which were occupied dur- ing a recent count. Average weekday vehicular trip generation rates for mobile home parks vary from 2. 8 to 6. 8 trips per unit, with an average of 5. 38 (Trip Generation - An Informational Re- port, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Second Edition - 1979 ) . A conservative estimate is that the mobile home park cur- rently generates about 400 vehicular trips on an average week- day, assuming a rate slightly less than the I.T. E. average. A recent one-hour PM peak period traffic volume count at the two site driveways tended to confirm this low trip generation. The count showed about 80% of the site-generated traffic using the south driveway, about 80% oriented to or from the south on Lake Washington Boulevard, and about 65% entering the site. Figure 2 shows 1980 average daily traffic volumes in the vi- cinity of the Lake Terrace Park site. Figures 3 and 4 show ex- isting AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes at the pertinent street intersections in the vicinity of the site. Truck traffic 2- B-4 volumes within the study area are generally low. Several Metro Transit routes use North Park Drive and provide convenient bus service into the Renton Central Business District and beyond. Some bicyclists use Lake Washington Boulevard as a commuter and recreational route. There is relatively little pedestrian traf- fic. Table 1 shows peak hour levels of service calculated for pertinent existing and proposed intersections along Lake Washing- ton Boulevard North. This street serves as a commuter route for workers from Boeing and other nearby industrial plants. Because of the proximity of these industrial plants and the distinct em- ployee shift-change times, Lake Washington Boulevard experiences relatively high traffic volume peaking trends. Almost 20 per- cent of the daily traffic on Lake Washington Boulevard occurs during the PM peak hour. Because of the relatively high peak hour traffic volumes, and the long distances between gap-creat- ing traffic control devices, vehicles turning onto Lake Washing- ton Boulevard from side streets, such as Burnett Avenue North, experience some delays. However, during the off-peak times, traffic volumes on Lake Washington Boulevard are low and delays are minimal. City of Renton accident records indicate that the recent traffic accident history of the streets within the study area has not been unusually serious. Future Conditions Without Lake Terrace Park Several arterial street improvement projects have been pro- posed within the vicinity of Lake Terrace Park. The Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Extension project, currently near comple- tion, will create a new driveway access into the park off of Lake Washington Boulevard, several hundred feet south of Lake Terrace Park. This new park driveway will include two exit lanes and one entrance lane across the railroad tracks. The park extension project will also include the widening of Lake Washington Boulevard at this new driveway entrance, in -order to provide a northbound left-turn lane. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT ) has recently reconstructed the I-405 freeway interchange at North 30th Street. The street overpass across the freeway has been widened and is now open to traffic. The City of Renton Six Year Transportation Improvement Pro- gram (1981 to 1986 ) lists several proposed street improvement projects in the vicinity of the Lake Terrace Park site. One pro- posed project would improve Lake Washington Boulevard from North Park Drive to the north city limits, with drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, illumination, and channelization. Other pro- posed projects would improve Burnett Avenue North, North 30th 3- B-5 Street, and Park Avenue North with similar types of roadway im- provements. All of these projects have been assigned low priori- ties by the City of Renton and none of the projects are funded. An adjacent 186 unit multifamily residential development known as "The Lakeside" was proposed by the Lincoln Property Company N.C. , Inc. The Lakeside would have been constructed im- mediately south of Lake Terrace Park, on the site presently oc- cupied by the Renton Golf Range. "The Lakeside Traffic Analy- sis" released in December, 1981 by Transportation Planning & Eng- ineering, Inc. , projected 1135 vehicular trips generated by the project on an average weekday at full occupancy in 1983. How- ever, recent conversations indicate that the project is now in- active, and it is assumed that construction will not occur with- in the time period considered in this Lake Terrace Park traffic analysis. "The Lakeside Traffic Analysis" predicted increased traffic volumes in the area, but no major traffic problems due to that project. Figure 5 shows projected 1985 average daily traffic volumes for the study area, without the proposed Lake Terrace Park devel- opment. These traffic volumes are based on the 1980 average daily traffic volumes plus 3 percent annual traffic growth, as recommended by the City of Renton. The traffic volumes shown in Figure 5 also include an estimated 1000 additional vehicle trips generated by the Beach Park Extension project on a summer week- day with sunny weather, based on information from the Beach Park Extension project Final EIS. Figures 6 and 7 show projected 1985 AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes without the proposed Lake Terrace Park development, but including the increased beach peak traffic. Table 1 shows 1985 peak hour levels of service calculated for the street intersections in the study area, without the pro- posed Lake Terrace Park development. Somewhat higher traffic volumes on Lake Washington Boulevard due to the beach park exten- sion and normal traffic growth will cause somewhat longer delays to side street traffic during the peak periods, such as at Burn- ett Avenue. However, traffic conditions will still be tolerable and probably will not be noticeably worse than the present condi- tions. Impacts of Lake: Terrace Park It is estimated that approximately 1400 vehicular trips would be generated by Lake Terrace Park Scheme A, the most in- tensive site development concept, on an average weekday at1 full occupancy. A lower housing density would generate proportionat- ely fewer vehicular trips. A vehicular trip is defined as "A single or one-direction vehicle movement with either the origin or destination (exiting or entering ) inside the study site" 4- B-6 Trip Generation - An Information Report, I.T. E. ) . As shown in Figure 8, this estimate is based on the Scheme A maximum of 230 multifamily units and a rate of 6. 1 vehicular trips per unit per average weekday. Approximately 140 trips (10% of the total ) would occur during the AM peak hour, with about 80% of them leaving the site. Approximately 160 trips (11. 5% of the total ) would occur during the PM peak hour, with about 67% of them entering the site. Figure 8 shows the estimated distribution of the site- generated traffic onto the street network. Most of the site gen- erted traffic will be oriented south toward the industrial area and the Renton Central Business District. The most-used route will probably be I-405 via the interchange at N.E. Park Drive, while some site-generated traffic will also use the I-405 Inter- changes at North 30th Street and at North 44th Street. It is important to note that the existing Lake Terrace Park mobile home court and its estimated 400 daily vehicular trips will be removed by the proposed multifamily development on the same site. Therefore, the proposed Lake Terrace Park Scheme A would generate approximately 1000 new vehicular trips on an aver- age weekday at full project occupancy. For comparison, this vol- ume of new vehicular trips is less than the estimated trip gener- ation of the formerly proposed adjacent "Lakeside" multifamily development. Also, the extended Coulon Beach Park is expected to generate approximately 1000 new vehicular trips on a sunny summer weekday. Figure 9 shows projected 1985 average daily traffic volumes with the Lake Terrace Park multifamily development fully occu- pied. Figures 10 and 11 show projected 1985 AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes with the development, for the pertinent street intersections within the study area. These peak hour traffic volume projections are conseratively high, because they assume that the peak generation hours for the site coincide with- the on- street traffic peak hours. Because of the many industrial plant commuters, the on-street peak hours occur earlier than normal , perhaps actually before the Lake Terrace Park site traffic gener- ation peak hours. Computed levels of service for these inter- sections, assuming the projected traffic volumes, are shown in Table 1. The traffic generated by Lake Terrace Park is not expected to cause any major traffic capacity problems. Though traffic volumes will increase, the signalized intersection of Lake Wash- ington Boulevard, Garden Avenue, and Park Drive will continue to operate at Level of Service "D" , with little change in traffic conditions noticeable to motorists. Vehicles turning onto Lake Washington Boulevard during the peak hours will continue to ex- perience delays, including those vehicles at Burnett Avenue. 5- B-7 Because of the relatively low volumes which will turn left from Lake Washington Boulevard into the site driveway, a left turn lane will not be necessary on the arterial at this location. Extremely few left turns into the site will occur during the morning peak. More left turns will occur during the evening peak, but the PM southbound through traffic volumes delayed by left turning vehicles will be relatively low. The proposed Lake Terrace Park site driveway should be constructed wide enough to allow a right turning vehicle and a left turning vehicle to wait side by side, with another lane for traffic entering the site.The driveways and adjacent landscaping should be designed to provide good motorist sight distances. Although the extended Coulon beach park will be an aesthe- tic and environmental amenity to the Lake Terrace Park develop- ment, actual usage of the beach park by residents probably will be low. The closest legitimate access to the beach park will be via the new beach park driveway several hundred feet south of Lake Terrace Park, along Lake Washington Boulevard. Some resi- dents will drive to the beach park, but pedestrian traffic be- tween the two facilities is expected to be minimal. Although the beach park extends along Lake Washington both north and south of Lake Terrace Park, an effective series of pedestrian barriers separate the two facilities. These barriers include Lake Washington Boulevard itself, a steep bank covered with dense blackberry vines, the Burlington Northern railroad tracks, and the new chain-link fence along the beach park boundary. Cur- rently, there are no new plans for additional pedestrian access across the railroad right-of-way to the beach park. 6- B-8 TABLE I Street Intersection Levels of Service During Street Traffic Peak Hours 1981 1985 1985 Intersection Without With All on Lake Existing Lake Terrace Park Development Lk. Terrace Prk. Develop. Washington Blvd. N. ) AM PM AM PM AM PM pornett Avenue N. C to D D D E D E south intersection) Site driveway A/A/C C/B/D r,/A/D C/B/E A/A/D D/C/E N.E. Park Drive and D D D D D D Garden Drive Signalized) Level of Service for left turn from Burnett Only. Individual Levels of Service shown for right turns from driveway (assumed STOP sign)/left turns from Take Washington Boulevard/left turns from driveway (assumed STOP sign). South driveway of existing mobile home park. Description of Levels of Service: Primary Reference: A Little or no delay. Interim Materials on Highway Capacity B Short traffic delays. Transportation Research Circular No. 212, C Average traffic delays. Transportation Research Board, D Long traffic delays.,January 1980, p. 37 E Very long traffic delays; congestion I FUNCTIONAL ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION, FREEWAY MAJOR ARTERIAL ASECONDARYARTERIAL COLLECTOR ARTERIAL N LOCAL ACCESS APPROX. S.E 80TH ST.SCALE. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL W fr. I"=1600' y STOP SIGNS AT MAJOR INTERSECTIONS coV NOTE: ALL LOCAL ACCESS Q 4N. 40TH ST. lec2) z STREETS STOP AT r N! ARTERIALS ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS 7 N.36TH S J N 20' APPROX. PAVEMENT WIDTH I2) NO. OF LANES I I P PAVED SHOULDERS G GRAVEL SHOULDERS I N I N NO. SHOULDERS o al C CURBS I I2N.30TH ST2L tA 14 24(2)2P T fN c:'N E.` TH S7 ... a0. V SITE EXISTING LAKE TERRACE MOBILE HOME PARK) m \x 2l N Z o z ti GENE COULON MEMORIAL N` ARRlio"" BEACH PARK 40(2)C h O\ BOEING 0 V, it Al82 (7)6P EYISTING STREET NETWORK FIGURE 114LAKETERRACEPARKTRAFFICANALYSIS I B-10 SOURCE : CITY OF RENTON 1980 TRAFFIC FLOW MAP 0t N APPROX.11 S.E.80TH ST. SCALE p I"= 1600' CO NQ N. 40TH ST. 1 ga a N 36TH ST _ O O , O 0 t i I r p I' a N a. N.30TH ST. 01780 5310 z N E 27T H ST s Ns o 0 j o I Q SITE EXISTING LA1 E TERRACE MOTILE HOME P ARX) la 1133: C-u20,930 GO Z GENE COULON MEMORIAL HF PAW ICPA H= T. •ry BOEING O c j o o 1980 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (ADT) FIGURE` LACE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS IR 2 J B-11 i c Cr ti° I N. 36TH ST. 1 'nMo N o / NOT TO v "- n oo w SCALE ti i a z l a1 i° 5 N I I fro—23 ST z N 30TH --•1 4) w 3 - gr. I r J 41 O (.0 i 1 ,,, k T., lk.___.. _ 0 0 1. 3- 0 I LAI:E I o- TP.RPACI: PARK Ve, jr--- 111 tr vsi, DR O G ,l\ CP P26 ul -1Y Y 6a2/ c1,, p_ 2 QQ 1981 AM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES (6 :45 - 7 : 45 AM) FIGUREle3 LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS 8-11 l P I 3 4 N. 36THST. I. v 2 N wo^h\\ - ; NOT TO a SCALE z o v mN -7 Nr 35 N.30TH sr 3 U,i 4 --* ...%) t i 1_, 0---- 4 _1, v COO NI d r Z 6, O wt \ SOUFCES :rn 2 1 MANUAL COUNTS BY s, ' 2 14THECITYOFRENTON LAKE Ii T. P. & E. O h TERRACE PARK rp, 2 V4.. r---'O tr 3 r 400 i h\r 9 oa, 2 1981 PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES (3 : 45 - 4 : 45 PM) E!GUR LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS IR I I B-12 ct- A A PPROX. t S.E.BOTH ST. SCALE I kv r 1600. Q' T.N. 40TH S 4 N.36TH STD 4)(1111: N,3OTH S . I k N.E. 27T H STV 111 V LAKE TERRACE PARK v 0 Z F , M dGENECOULON W llMEMORIAL NF• P:R D: IBEACHPARK . r 1 O BOEING is1 -\% o. f.1PROJECTED1985ADT ' s WITHOUT LAKE TERRACE DEVELOPMENT FIGURE IR 5 LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC. ANALYSIS J B-13 I7,( - 7 I` o t N. 36TH ST. o x`oori j NOT TO SCALE a 2 19 `(Y t' k S c ay Ar -- S N.30TH Li--/ STen I — 4 p I. O Mn 4.., z c y.s.\ k h; i'- I LAKE TERRACE 0 cA _ PARK v tr Ilili , DR. R L . It G4 I \ Y Y >9 Ssj\ c s PROJECTED 1985 AM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE WITHOUT LAKE TERRACE DEVELOPMENT I R G LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS B-14 c y AN 3 r i N. 36TH ST. N c cNOT TO c \ o SCALE ii://,,://1/ 41:1--/-://ft1.30THN ST w 'fi — r Y d Y 1-- Z 0 - n i I\ 1 r— 2 5 iLAKE vA TERRACE PARK a- ,_Z 1 r v1w DR ... I CO 6).\'In ' 4- \,. 1, X'.SC lib1p /''vpo0SF2 li PROJECTED 1985 PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES WITHOUT LAKE TERRACE DEVELOPMENT FIGURE` ifE 7LAKETERRACEPARKTRAFFICANALYSIS B-15 1 ESTIMATED LAKE TERRACE (SCHEME A) TRIP GENERATION APPROX. 230 UNITS (MAX) . x 6 .1 VEHICLE TRIPS/UNIT* 42- 2- APPROX. 1400 TRIPS/AVERAGE WEEKDAY co N APPROX. S.E.80TH ST. SCALELE A? 111=1600' SOURCE: moo.TRIP GENERATION—AN 0v INFORMATIONAL REPORT n I.T.E. , 2ND EDITION, 1979 . Q N. 4OTH ST 1 N.36TH ST _ J ryo Z Do Ni I• x I'::. 9' N.30TH ST. N.E. 27TH ST 111 5"..-, LAKE TERRACE PARK cµs) 13 GENE COULON litMEMORIAL 41.4- P R D BEACH PARK 0 419 4 BOEING n i It J 1 iFIGUREESTIMATEDDISTRIBUTIONOFSITE—GENERATED TRAFFIC Q A.... LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS : v B-16 72e- N A PPROX. I S.E.BOTH ST. $CAS Q r. 1"=16001 N. 40TH ST. 1 N.36TH STy Z 0 c's ian N.30TN S . 23`fc —Ly3o cr\..........,- 6 a N.E. 27TH STc, i4, r QC LAKE TERRACE PARK I2S,oCc 0: 413: 1- N i, 13 o 0 I GENE COULON itMEMORIAL F :R D: BEACH PARK • y 1 y bBOEINGi,Piii;. a K PROJECTED 1985 ADT ' s WITH LAKE TERRACE DEVELOPMENT FIGURE I LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS : B-17 y JC 0 ipfN. 36TH ST. 77,,N o ,, 'lt NOT TO my (1 °o Lj SCALE a 2 N IJ i —N.30TH I., sr w 3 —t' I I I 1 ' --A O` e oK J 1 ct o 1 LAKE TERRACE t4_ 0, PARK o0-0 -F k__,3 0 o ir 8— t 1w vl N i DR. sb QPPL GSF N Os QY X 4C 1 2 i J PLOJECTED 1985 AM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE WITH LAKE TERRACE DEVELOPMENT II14 1 0 LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS B-1£3 i‘ ,( #______ 31 N. 36TH ST. i tr- i f It,. •t M` N NOT TOva 4 ch""'o >SCALE a 2 N I I r" 1- N.30TH t---J sT 1 -.orw4- -or. 1 Z ----A Mso 31 9 O akir \\ fl s I‘ 1 r t, ' LAKE 4 TERRACE J,,, _ PARK r. o 5 sr-- fo DR. GS P N• QPR 1sue h \ d,, C 6'$ 1G°/'' q,pe). 5 2 PROJECTED 1985 PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIG U gib WITH LAKE TERRACE DEVELOPMENT I E 11 LAKE TERRACE PARK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS B-19 APPENDIX C BUSH, ROED & HITCH INGS, INc. 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98102 Area 206 / 323-4144 September 9, 1982 R. W . Thorpe and Associates 815 Seattle Tower Third Avenue and University Seattle, Washington 98101 Attention : Rick Seaborne Subject : Lake Terrace Associates Renton, Washington BRH #82146 Dear Rick : We have investigated with the City of Renton regarding the Lake Terrace project, concerning the following areas : 1 . Storm Drainage/Detention 2. Sanitary Sewer 3 . Improvements to Lake Washington Boulevard 4. Water supply, including fire marshal ' s comments on site plan . For our investigation we used the "Conceptual Site Plan", schemes A, B and C, dated July 20 , 1982, prepared by The Mithun Associates, P. S. . City of Renton personnel with whom we discussed the project were : Don Monaghan (drainage, sewer, streets ) Ron Olsen & Bob Bergstrom (water ) Jim Matthew ( fire prevention ) This letter will serve to report our findings to you . 1 . Storm Drainage Detention In general , storm detention is not required for this site since it is so close to Lake Washington . The drainage system need only convey the runoff to the lake . Some provision must be made to remove pollutants from the CIVIL ENGINEERS /LAND SURVEYORS C-1 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. Rick Seaborne September 9 , 1982 Page 2 runoff , but since this is a residential development, this can probably be accomplished by the use of outlet trap elbows for oil /water separation in the last downstream onsite manholes of the system. The site system can outlet to the culvert and ditch system that exists under the road and railroad tracks and through the new park to the lake . Don Monaghan feels that this system probably has adequate capacity for our site, but that will have to be verified by calculations accompanying the design. If the existing system is not adequate, the alternates would be to: A. Upgrade the existing system, which could involve new culverts under Lake Washington Boulevard and/or the railroad tracks; or B. Provide on-site detention to reduce the flow rate reaching the off-site system. Evaluation of these items would be done as part of the site design, after a detailed topographic survey was done to locate the existing culverts and ditches. 2 . Sanitary Sewer There is an existing City of Renton sanitary sewer that runs along the east side of the railroad tracks ( between the tracks and Lake Washington Boulevard ) . This sewer flows to the north and connects to a Metro line in the vicinity of the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and Burnett Avenue North . This project can connect to the Renton Iine, which Don Monaghan feels has adequate capacity for the density shown on the conceptual site plan . If higher density were contemplated, a study would have to be done to determine capacity vs. flow load . The existing 8" diameter sewer line will have to be extended to the south property line of this project, a distance of approximately 600 feet. 3 . Improvements to Lake Washington Boulevard The design width for Lake Washington Boulevard along the frontage of the project is 36 feet (curb to curb ) . Required improvements are paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, storm drainage system, and street lighting, all for the east half c-2 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. Rick Seaborne September 9 , 1982 Page 3 of the street. Additional widening on the west side will be required to accommodate a left turn lane it is desired that southbound traffic be able to enter the site. A deceleration lane for northbound traffic will also probably be required . Due to the steep slopes on both sides of the existing roadway, cutting (on the east) and filling (on the west ) will probably be required due to the widening of the street. Rockery walls may be used or slope easements can be provided. If walls over 8 feet high are required, a soils engineer must furnish a report stating that the rockery is acting as erosion control media rather that structural support media. The City also has specific requirememts for rockery construction. 4. Water A. Fire Department Comments : The City uses the 1979 edition of the UnijQtm_EiLe_LQ.a, and may have adopted the 1982 edition by the time this project is submitted for building permits . Two accesses are required to the site ( the conceptual site plans show only one ) . These must be paved with asphalt or concrete pavement. Other requirements for access roads appear in Section 10 .207 of the 1979 UFC, a copy of which is attached . A city of Renton ordinance passed in 1981 requires a fire sprinkler system in all buildings with over 12 ,000 square feet of total floor area . This square footage is without regard to fire walls or other internal separation . Any building with more than 12,000 square feet of floor area must have sprinklers. This ordinance was passed due to the size and manpower capacity of the Renton Fire Department. The buildings shown on the conceptual site plans all appear to have total floor areas in excess of 12,000 square feet and thus would all be required to be sprinklered . Fire flow requirements are determined using the Insurance Services Office method . Based on the fire flow requirement for each building, fire hydrants are required as follows : one hydrant for each 1000 gallons per minute of required fire flow, with all required C-3 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. Rick Seaborne September 9 , 1982 Page 4 hydrants placed within 300 feet of the building and one of them within 150 feet of the building . All fire hydrants must be adjacent to an access road so that a fire truck can get within 12 feet of the hydrant. Access roads must be configured so that a fire truck can drive to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the first floor of the buildings . This is per UFC 10 . 207 (c ) . During the construction period, a good access roadway for fire equipment must be provided . This must be surfaced with ATB (asphalt treated base ) or the equivalent. Heavy rock construction roads do not satisfy this requirement. Also, the water system on the site must be serviceable prior to the start of framing work on the site . Foundation and masonry permits can be issued before the water system is operative but no combustible framing can be started . B. Required water main extension/reconstruction The principal factor affecting this item is the adequacy of flow for fire protection. The present water supply grid surrounding the project site is not adequate to supply the potentially required fire flows. The existing trailer park water supply is one 6" dead-end line which comes from a 16" line at the intersection of Meadow Avenue North and North 26th Street. There is no existing water main along Lake Washington Boulevard North ; a 12" main has been installed to the north in front of the Griffin home. On the west side of the railroad tracks is an 8" line which is not available for our use due to the pressure zone it is in and its capacity . According to Ron Olsen, in order to provide adequate fire flow (3500 plus or minus gallons per minute ) for the project, the present 6" line feeding the property will need to be replaced with a 12" line, which must be extended to the south property line and then carried north along Lake Washington Boulevard North to connect to the 12" Iine in front of the Griffin Home a total of approximatly 3 , 500 feet) . Additionally, a new 12" line will be required to be extended along North 28th Street between Burnett Avenue North and Meadow Avenue North , a distance of approximately C-4 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. Rick Seaborne September 9 , 1982 Page 5 2000 feet. This second extension will also require some easements to be obtained over a small portion of the route that is not public right-of-way . The project site is on the border between two different pressure zones, so that the main line extensions described above will involve construction of one pressure reducing statioa and relocation of another . Mr . Olsen gave approximate cost figures of $15 ,000 and 10,000 respectively for these items of work . According to Mr . Olsen, these improvements should result in a fire flow capacity of approximately 3500 gallons per minute. The exact details and routing of the new mains and the locations of the new and relocated pressure reducing stations will be determined at the time that the actual engineering design for construction is begun . The entire water system of the City of Renton is modelled in a computer data base maintained by RH2 Engineers, so that alternate design schemes can be precisely evaluate prior to final design . Should fire flows in excess of 3500 gallons per minute be required, then further main line upgrading would need to be done, specifically replacement of an existing line along Aberdeen Avenue N . E . (east of 1 -405) between N. E. 16th and N. E . 24th, a distance of approximately 2500 feet. This would be replace with either a 12" or 16"w line to increase flow capacity to the lines that feed the project site area . This replacement would increase the available fire flow to approximately 4500 gallons - per minute. RH2 Engineers has apparently done a study of these improvements for Lincoln Properties, related to either the present site or to one close by . Ron Olsen is trying to obtain a copy of that report and I believe we could review it if he obtains it. Available fire flow should be included in the design parameters for the buildings themselves, so that fire separation walls or other means may be employed so as to reduce fire flow requirements to stay within that which is available. In addition to the off-site improvements described above, an on-site water loop for fire and domestic water supply will be required. There is some possibility that a portion of the first 12" line described above can be located on the property and serve "double duty" as both c-5 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. Rick Seaborne September 9 , 1982 Page 6 the supply line and also as a portion of the on-site system. This would also be determined at the time of final design . As regards sharing the cost of the offsite main extensions, Mr . Olsen indicated that portions of the work could be covered by "direct" latecomers agreements, whereby other properties directly benefitting from the construction are charged ( if and when they connect to the system or develop ) and reimbursement is then made to the original developer of the system . This would probably be the case for the 12" line along N. E . 28th street For the other line along the east, south and west sides of the project property, an "area " latecomers agreement might be feasible. In this type of latecomers agreement, not only the properties immediately adjacent to the new construction are charged, but all properties in the area where the water supply has been improved . Since this area is fairly well defined, Mr . Olsen thought that the "area" agreement might be a possibility , although it is much more complicated and potentially troublesome than the "direct" type. Regarding domestic water meters, the city does not permit "master meters" for an entire development; one meter (minimum ) must be provided for each building . I hope this letter supplies you with the information you need if you have questions or require more information, please call . Sincerely, Glenn I . Clover P. E. GIC/ac C-6 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1979 EDITION 10.205-10.301 Division II to obstruct the entrance to such road or trail. GENERAL PROVISIONS Obstruction of Fire-protection Equipment Sec. 10.206. No person shall place or keep any post, fence, vehicle, Tampering with Fire Equipment growth, trash, storage or other material or thing near any fire hydrant, fire Sec 10.201. No person shall molest, tamper with, damage or otherwise department connection or fire protection system control valve that would disturb any apparatus, equipment or appurtenance belonging to or under prevent such equipment or hydrant from being immediately discernible or the supervision and control of the fire department without authority from in any other manner deter or hinder the fire department from gaining im- the chief or his authorized representative to do so. 4. it arcecc to caiti equipment or hydrant Tampering with Fire Hydrant or Fire Appliance Access Roadways for Fire Apparatus Sec. 10.202. No person shall remove, tamper with or otherwise disturb Sec. 10.207. (a) Every building hereafter constructed shall be accessible any fire hydrant or fire appliance required to be installed or maintained to fire department apparatus by way of access roadways with all-weather under the provisions of this code except for the purpose of extinguishing driving surface of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width, with ade fire, training purposes, recharging, or making necessary repairs, or when quate roadway turning radius capable of supporting the imposed loads of permitted by the fire department. Whenever a fire appliance is removed as fire apparatus and having a minimum of 13 feet, 6 inches of vertical herein permitted, it shall be replaced or reinstalled as soon as the purpose clearance. for which it was removed has been accomplished.EXCEPTION: When there are not more than two Group R, Division 3 or Hydrant Use Approval M Occupancies as defined in the Building Code, the requirement of this sec- tion may be modified when,in the opinion of the chief,fire-fighting or rescue Sec. 10.203. No person shall use or operate any hydrant or other valves operations would not be impaired. installed on any water system intended for use by the chief for fire sup- b)The required width of access roadways shall not be obstructed in any pression purposes and which is accessible to any public highway, alley or manner, including parking of vehicles. "NO PARKING" signs and/or private way open to or generally used by the public, unless such person other appropriate notice prohibiting obstructions may be required andfirstsecuresapermitforusefrontthechief.This section does not apply to shall be maintained. the use of a hydrant or other valves by a person employed by and author- ized to make such use by the water company which supplies water to such c) The access roadway shall be extended to within 150 feet of all por-izedto or such other valves. tions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building. Where the ac- hydrantsTampering with Barricades,etc. cess roadway cannot be provided, approved fire protection system or systems shall be provided as required and approved by the chief. Sec. 10.204. No person, except a person authorized by the chief or a d) Where fire protection systems approved by the chief are provided, public officer acting within the scope of his public duties, shall remove, the above required clearance may be modified.unlock, destroy, tamper with or otherwise molest in any manner any lock, e) The chief shall have the authority to require an increase in thegate, door, barricade, chain, enclosure, sign, tag or seal which has been minimum access widths where such width is not adequate for fire or rescuelawfullyinstalledbythefiredepartmentorbyitsorderorunderits control. operations. 1ises Iaennncation ti Closure of Roads or Trails Sec. 10.208. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new Sec. 10.205. (a)The chief may install one or more gates, cables or other and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible barricades and securely lock the same to prevent the use by unauthorized front the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast persons of any road that is not a public highway and over which the fire with their background. department has the right to pass, whether by easement, license, municipal ownership or otherwise, for purposes relating to fire prevention or con- Division III trol, provided such action does not preclude the authorized users of such INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE-road or trail from using the same. b) No person, except a public officer acting within the scope of his PROTECTION, LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS AND public duties, shall trespass upon any road or trail which has been closed APPLIANCES and obstructed in the manner authorized by this section without the ex- Installation press permission of the chief, nor shall any person park any vehicle so as Sec 10.301.(a)The chief shall designate the type and number of fire ap- 66 67 APPENDIX D 4-708 Zoning Provisions R-3 and T Zones 4-709A Renton Zoning Code c) There shall be a side yard of not less than five feet (5') in width on each side of a one to one and one-half (1 - 11/2) story building, and of not less than six feet (6') for two to two and one-half (2 - 21/2) story building. The side yard along a flanking side street shall not be less than twenty feet 20') in width (except on previous existing platted lots fifty feet [50'] or less in width the side yard shall be ten feet [10'] ; for each foot in width over fifty feet [50'] the required yard shall increase one foot [1'] up to twenty feet [201 ). d) Height is limited to a maximum of thirty five feet (35'). e) Site area not less than seven thousand two hundred (7,200) square feet, provided, however, that where a pre-existing platted lot has less area than herein required, this regulation shall not prohibit the construction of more than one private dwelling and accessory building on such lot so long as there is full compliance of this Section. f) All lots shall have at least sixty five percent (65%) open spaces. 4-709A as amended: R-3 RESIDENCE DISTRICT: In the R-3 Residence District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered unless otherwise provided in this Code, except for one or more of the following or similar uses: A. (1) Any use permitted in R-2 District. 2) Apartments with maximum density of no more than thirty (30) units per acre and boarding and lodging houses. (Ord. 3050, 8-2-76) 3) The following uses may be allowed by special permit if approved by the Hearing Examiner after public hearing thereon, with acceptance of the design, and an examination of the location with a finding by the Hearing Examiner that such proposed uses will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent and surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof: (Ord. 3050, 8-2-76; amd. Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, Eff. 1-1-77) a) Professional offices. b) Clinics. c) Mobile home parks. d) Clubs or fraternal societies, community club houses, memorial buildings, except those the chief activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business. e) Art galleries, libraries, museums. (Ord. 3050, 8-2-76) 559;866;1267;1269;976;277 D-1 4-713 4-715 j) Reducing or refining of aluminum, copper, tin or zinc k) Tar distillation or manufacture I) Tar roofing or tar waterproofing manufacture m) Fat rendering n) Fertilizer or glue manufacture o) Stock yards C) REAR YARD: No rear yard is required except where the industrial district abuts on a non-industrial or manufacturing park district without intervening street or alley, in which case a rear yard of not less than twenty feet (20') is required. D) SIDEYARD: The minimum side yard setback shall be twenty feet (20') unless otherwise specified in Section 4-713(A)2. E) FRONT YARD: The minimum front yard setback shall be sixty feet (60') unless specified otherwise in Section 4--713(A)2 with the initial ten feet 10') contiguous to the public right of way to be landscaped except for ingress and egress areas. Such front yard setback shall be used only for landscaping, parking and loading. (Ord. 2963, 9-8-75; amd.Ord.2968,9-22-75) F) OTHER OR SIMILAR USES: Any other uses or activities which may be reasonably considered similar or related to the uses permitted hereinabove may likewise be permitted upon approval of the Hearing Examiner after application thereto, together with a full description and disclosure of such proposed similar or related use. (Ord. 2963, 9-8-75 amd. Ord. 2968, 9-22-75; amd. Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, Eff. 1-1-77). 4-714: T" TRAILER PARKS: A zone designated solely for mobile home parks. Such zone may be allowed in low, medium and high density multi-family residential and commercial areas as designated on the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Development plans shall comply with City ordinance requirements and shall be subject to approval by the Hearing Examiner after public hearing thereon and the acceptance of the design and an examination of the location with a finding by the Hearing Examiner that such proposed use is in compliance with all provisions of mobile home park regulations and standards and will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent and surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof. (Ord. 2522, 11-24-69; amd. Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, Eff. 1-1-77) 4-715: B-P OFF-STREET PARKING: a) as amended: All business, retail and wholesale, shall provide adequate off-street parking facilities for employees and customers. Proper signs shaly ll designate off-street parking; provided however, that this Section o es center not ppes to the downtown core area described as that area bounded by lin of Smithers Avenue South from South Fourth Place to South Third Avenue and Logan Avenue South from South Third Street to the Cedar River, bounded on the north by Cedar River, east to MilSouth.lAenue Sod. uth,sout 8 2h to 6) South Fourth Street and west to Smithers Ave nue( b) Multiple unit residences and apartment houses shall provideobites foras their tenants, as part of the structure, storage space for172s ma a 53) uto are apartments or housekeeping units. (Ord. 961;362;1069;1269;1075;976;277 D-3 4-709A 4-709B f) Quasi public institutions, churches, non-commercial playgrounds and golf courses, non-public schools and colleges, upon approval by the Hearing Examiner, after public hearing thereon and acceptance of the design and examination of the location with a finding that such proposed use is in compliance with all provisions, regulations and standards and will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent surrounding properties and enjoyment thereof. (Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, Eff. 1-1-77) g) Government owned structures and uses. B. Side Yard Required: There shall be a side yard of not less than five feet (5') in width on each side of a building having a height of twenty feet (20') and one foot (1') for each additional ten feet (10') in height. C. Front Yard Required: There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of twenty feet (20'). D. Rear Yard Required: There shall be a rear yard having a minimum depth of twenty feet (20'). E. Building Height Limit: Not to exceed sixty feet (60') in height, unless adjacent to a developed single family residence district in which case the height limitation shall not exceed forty feet (40'). F. Building Site Area Required: At least five thousand (5,000) square feet, sixty five percent (65%) of said area to be open and free from structures. (Ord. 3050, 8-2-76) 4--709B:R-4 APARTMENT HOUSES AND MULTIPLE DWELLINGS: In the R-4 District, no building or premises shall be used and no buildings shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered unless otherwise provided in this Code, except for one or more of the following or similar uses: a) (1) Any use as permitted in Section 4-709A (2) and (3). 559;866;1269;976;277 D-2 APPENDIX E Demographic Housing A ; a, City of nten Community Development Plan ..id Housing As4stan e Plan 11 e toICONCENTRATION§, OF 7LOWERINCOMEFAMILIES 3Y CENSUS TRACT 17* 0 z 6 f.'-• g 24% To 30% h: ::.. 247 7,7 30% To 40% 4 17 40% OR MORE t.'z., .., 44 0,4. 9 wspeoeftoe,4.4.xe• .,,,14,;. • ................... -z.,:-:, 4)4-q:$,,,,:g4 taOv 7"" v.0.•k,-!. 2521 6 i• 0 r 4 00 999 goo91t.,•:e., ........ .. . . ....tl... 17... 6 9ft. r\-/---"-- 1M1. P.Ar:., Al.., ' 19.all Q.. . '-•"-k,,,c,.g."' -' ilt,da302v.;,;:**-5cr4',4.k,••-:• v,. -A;,,, ....e.A.... 2 51 0,,]k. ,t ."Ic• :9':0',g—r44. e, 41041e. . 4. A-A. v ....'", •• 4, 12avium,4 2 2 5 3 i. 0 0 i 0,:''',.:-.:6k :4:',e't ,,•• 71- .4 0 0 10' ,,,,...,>.••. A- tliri ,... t„ :4 0:-0,0 •,, 0 Ng' •''.''4''•W• •"6"105'N• 003t0 ti-701114-trovireriintrwmcr.---1 0 iv .. .4, *00000- l',_ •i,,,,,, -4, „:„ .• t: • ,...,...'43., >:- . : • - • • 01. , 1., ..,,,.....R.\.• .. ,,, .. vi034 I;, •••• •• ......t' t...*itt:.f.:*XVI• .,"'.'.,,,,,, :..e2,0 6 er.. 4f ......:::::::„to....... .-1. ,. . ., . r4. ,- *.... a". 1 - i • 0107:::511 1 0 Ati„. N.'' ...:4W. A. ,•.,,ttV-0,-;;; .1P6, ............ ....... .... •• .. :......P.,t) ,: ,• 4 258 0 to V.r---1, 4, - 1 .•N•`::: ::""-:::::::::::. :::: ::::...... . ..... 0 4 me°1 ,-A: "'11.:`. :''''' ''''' •''F.4''.,'-4;,y ',,ki 0 4 ,4d 4Vi',4 hz.. ,-,-10i',-,,k-ar- ......•••••••••••2 5 7 1,!-.'. e ,-NNi0A,Aiwz0.1 e 2 5 9 0 ' .:.i.. : i. ,o4i.41,.. - .: :•..:i a „ . 4,i o '0:••A. po.: :. :. . . so . ., .. . :..::: 0a 1) 6.'." '' e4:: 4...; 0 41) 4., 2 5 3 A. osi• .t f,„ , ; 4 t • „ . • „ , Div,, ,,....• •. , .,. , . .:,,,...sArry.,4.06.04y . . k- 4 4...: 4,1V'' ki,14 ,'4, 4tIC* 114 -----..,\ j :. TN I (- ' Cit.- of Renton ii--- t„„„ MMunty tirevegamprinant E-lon- LOWER - INCOME1 FAMILIES, RENTON: 1970 NUMBER OF PERCENT OF CENSUS LOWER-INCOME LOWER-INCOME TRACT FAMILIES FAMILIES 247 17 36.9% 251 61 29.6% 252 326 34. 5% 253 581 46.2% 254 585 43. 5% 255 215 27. 1% 256 115 36.2%41111 257 236 36.7% 258 152 24.3% 259 78 84.7% 260 140 27.2% TOTAL 2,506 36.9% E• 1Families with incomes that are 80% ($9,509) or less of median family income in King County ($11 ,886) Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census Census of Population and Housing: 1970 CENSUS TRACTS Final Report PHC(1 )-195 Seattle-Everett, Washington SMSA E-2 0 e CONCENTRATIONS OF ELDERLY HOUSEHOLDS o BY CKNSUS RACT AND BLOCK ROUP e Yew L7 0% To 11% 4 2 4 7 fl 11% TO 20% e 0 e g 20% To 30% a . a a 30% OR MORE o a - e I\.. e•®•'a. U 64 0 2 .,2 tr, g.‘4,--" 7'• ''''''15 6 4 8 f fl Ap•® tW ek, 1114.t....„ sa a 0 0 °T.•.•.•".•,7•,•.•0• NN ,_,....__ 0a nil...•::•. :.•:::f. 8 9 M 8 4 tla:.::.::. • ` mi - 2 5 1 2g3 6 u f a ro h era.3w*9000t 9 • fsawrrrs HCnI1A 99 2 5 0 i 1 • a ahw C 1( J 3 re60a••a r : r. 2y a 4 Ts. . eto to• 253n• f is, 4,,.,w,•...,, ;ti City of Penton w Coi? - )rnunity lioA • aveloprrizent Plat, 1 PERSONS 62 YEARS AND OLDER ' RENTON : 1970 CENSUS NUMBER OF PERCENT OF TRACT & PERSONS 62 PERSONS 62 BLOCK GROUP YEARS & OLDER YEARS & OLDER CT 253-3 181 41 . 2% CT 253-4 127 17 . 8% CT 253-5 159 27 . 4% CT 253-6 179 20. 9% CT 253-7 141 17 . 8% Aill CT 253-9 131 14 . 9% CT 254-5 285 21 . 4% CT 259-1 30 14 . 6% CT 259-2 5 20. 0% CT 259-9 14 18 . 7% CT 260-7 184 32 . 3% 1This table shows only those block groups that have a greater percent of persons 62 years and older than the King County average ( 10 . 9% ) Source : U . S . Bureau of the Census Census of Housing : 1970 BLOCK STATISTICS Final Report HC ( 3 ) -260 Seattle-Everett , WA . Urbanized Area E-4 ETHNIC MINORITIES' RENTON : 1970 NUMBER PERCENT CENSUS OF ETHNIC OF ETHNIC TRACT MINORITIES MINORITIES 247 0 0% 251 62 7 . 3% 252 81 2 . 2% 253 84 1 . 9% 254 95 2 . 0% 255 88 2. 9% 256 38 2 . 9% 257 54 2 . 1 % 258 63 2 . 6% 259 12 4 . 2% 260 81 4 . 3% Includes non-white persons only , not persons with spanish surnames . Source : U . S . Bureau of the Census Census of Population and Housing : 1970 CENSUS TRACTS Final Re' Jrt PHC ( 1 ) 195 Seattle-Everett , WA . SMSA E-5 t- north ne1 t3rhood sn kennydate :. 4,,..0...,.. kennydaler4„......... . 00::.:-.. ;'south4.4.-5:6••••:,c; kennydale ,--!.., glencoe . 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E. 6th Street, Suite 220 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Study Proposed Apartment Complex Lake Washington Boulevard North 111 Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Henry: igi In accordance with your request and within the scope of our proposal dated July 29, 1981 this report presents the results of our Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Study for the subject project. The purpose of this study was to explore the subsurface soil condi- tions in order to provide preliminary recommendations for site prepar- ation, foundation and retaining wall design. The scope of our study included test pits, laboratory tests, geotechnical engineering analyses and the preparation of this report. Our preliminary study indicates that the site is underlain by igimedium dense native soils at relatively shallow depths. In the relatively level western portion of the site , the native soils are overlain by medium dense granular fills ranging in depth from about three ( 3) to eight ( 8 ) feet. In the southeastern section of the site s.,,.. including the locations of Buildings A, B, C and P ( see Plate 1) , up to fourteen (14 ) feet of fill was encountered. The proposed struc- tures may generally be supported on conventional spread footings bear- ing on the existing granular fills, firm native soils, or on structur- al fill. In the southeastern area of the site where the depth of fill approached fourteen (14 ) feet, we recommend additional explora- tion once plans are finalized. For planning purposes, it may be assumed that building areas in this portion of the site will need to be overexcavated to a depth of about four (4 ) feet and replaced by structural fill. The following sections describe the study and explain our recom- mendations in greater detail. PROJECT DESCRIPTION At the time our study was performed, the site and proposed build- ing locations were as shown schematically on the Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 1. This is based on an undated preliminary Site Plan by Goes , Guthrie & Associates. 4 Lincoln Property Company E-1625 August 24, 1981 Page 2 It is planned to construct a multi-unit apartment complex on the site. At the time of our study, the project was in the planning stage. Seventeen (17) apartment buildings are tentatively planned . The buildings will be two to three story conventional wood-frame structures with relatively light foundation loads. Typical loads for this type of construction are on the order of 2000 pounds per lineal foot for perimeter walls, and column loads of 25 kips, dead plus live loads. Cuts and fills will be dependent on final grades which had not been developed at the time of our study. Buildings planned along the eastern margin against the hill may require cuts and retaining walls from about five ( 5) to ten ( 10 ) feet in height. g The above design criteria are preliminary. Once final plans become available we should be consulted to review the recommendations contained in this report. In any case, it is recommended that Earth Consultants, Inc. be provided the opportunity for a general review of final design. FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Our field exploration was performed on August 12, 1981. The sub- surface conditions were explored by excavating twelve test pits to a maximum depth of fifteen ( 15) feet below the existing surface at the approximate locations shown on Plate 1. The locations of the test pits were approximately determined by pacing from estimated property corners. Elevations of test pits were approximately determined by interpolation between plan contours. Hence, the locations and elevations of the test pits should be consi- jidered approximate only. The field exploration was continuously monitored by a field engi- neer from our firm who classified the soils encountered, maintained a log of each test pit, obtained representative bulk soil samples , mea- sured in-situ strengths and observed pertinent site features. Shear strengths of undisturbed soils were measured where practical in the field with a penetrometer. These results are recorded on the test pit logs at the appropriate depth . Soils were classified visually in the field according to the Unified Soil Classification System which is presented on Plate 2, Legend . Logs of the individual test pits are presented on Plates 3 through 9, Test Pit Logs. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and the results of the laboratory examination and tests of field samples. 11 Representative soil samples from the test pits were placed in closed containers and returned to our laboratory for further examina- tion and testing. Visual classifications were supplemented by index mgtests such as sieve and hydrometer analyses on representative sam- ples. Field moisture determinations were performed on each bulk sam- ple. Results of moisture determinations together with classifica- tions, are shown on the test pit logs included in this report. The Earth Consultants, Inc. ii III 1111 Lincoln Property Company E-1625 August 24, 1981 Page 3 results of the sieve and hydrometer analyses are illustrated on Plates 10 and 11. IIISITE CONDITIONS Surface ill The site is located at and around the existing Renton Golf Range on the east side of Lake Washington Boulevard in the 2000 block. The 111 site covers an area of about eight (8) acres with a trailer court to the north and undeveloped land to the east and south. The golf range occupies the central portion of the site. 11 The site has been used as a fill area for a quarry operationwhichpreviouslyexistedonthesite. Steep bluffs from the quarry operation still exist in the northeastern site margin and southeast IIIof the southern site margin. The site generally slopes to the west. In the extreme eastern portion slopes are as steep as 0. 5:1 ( Horizon- tal :Vertical) , with the relief for the eastern quarter of the site on the order of seventy ( 70) feet. The western three-quarters of the111siteisnearlylevelwithareliefofapproximatelythirty ( 30 ) feet. A trailer and a numbe r of structures with utilities associated0iwiththegolfdrivingrangearepresentinthewestcentralarea. Recent fills have been deposited south of the golf range. d No flowing water was observed at the time of our field explo- ration. A small pond of still water is located east of the southern site margin in a low area. t4' Subsurface 1 Subsurface conditions in the central and northern areas of them- site occupied by the golf range are fairly uniform. These areas are immediately underlain by medium dense miscellaneous granular fills ranging in depth from about one (1) foot to nine (9) feet as observed V' in Test Pits TP-1 through TP-6. Beneath the fills are native soils. The native soils are medium dense to dense slightly silty sand and gravelly silty sand. In Test Pit TP-4 , the top four (4 ) feet of the LI] native soil is a very dense slightly sandy silt. The southwestern portion of the site is immediately south of the 0 golf range and parallel to Lake Washington, is underlain by nativesoilstothedepthexplored. The soils are a medium dense sand with varying amounts of silt .and gravel. IgiIn the southeastern site area south of the golf range the quarryoperationevidentlycontinueddeeper. Test Pits TP-9 and TP-12 en- countered miscellaneous fills ranging in depth from about eight and igione-half ( 8-1/2) to fourteen ( 14 ) feet, respectively. The fill is a Earth Consultants, Inc. Lincoln Property Company E-1625 August 24, 1981 Page 4 Alimedium dense gravelly silty sand containing some debris. Portions of the fill in Test Pit TP-12 contained large amounts of debris includ- ing organics, with moderate groundwater seepage in the last one footAliofthefill. Beneath the miscellaneous fills are medium dense silty gravelly sand in Test Pit TP-9 and medium dense slightly silty sand in Test Pit TP-12. All In the northeastern and east central area, the site extends into the hill. Test Pits TP-7 and TP-8 excavated in this area encountered medium dense silty gravelly sand and hard slightly sandy silt. In the bluff along the northern site margin the silty gravelly sand and hard silt can be observed with approximately ten (10 ) feet of glacial till as a cap.Ail Moderate groundwater seepage was observed in Test Pits TP-7 and TP-12. Ail DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on our preliminary field exploration, laboratory testing and engineering analyses, it is our opinion that the site is suitablejifortheproposedconstruction. The proposed structures may be sup- ported on conventional spread footings bearing on the existing granu- lar fills, firm native soils, or on structural fill. The fills exist- ing over most of the site are generally sufficiently compact to sup- port the planned building loads without reworking. However, some recompaction of these fills may be required in localized areas. In the southeastern portion of the site, including the possible loca-mal tions of Buildings A, B, C and P, the existing fills are deeper and contain significant amounts of debris. At these locations, it will most likely be necessary to overexcavate about four (4 ) to five ( 5) feet of the existing fills and replace them by structural fill. We recommend that additional exploration be conducted in this area once building and grading plans have been finalized. The southeastern area where the fill is deeper, should receive additional investiga- tion as building plans are finalized. The following sections of this report present more detailed Ay]recommendations for various geotechnical engineering aspects of the project which should be incorporated into the project design and construction. This report has been prepared for specific application to this project in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices for the exclusive use of the Lincoln Property Company and their representatives. No other warranty, expressed or implied , is made. I Earth Consultants, Inc. 1 Lincoln Property Company E-1625 August 24, 1981 Page 5 Foundations 10 Based on the design parameters outlined in the Project Descrip- tion section of this report, it is our opinion the proposed struc- tures may be supported on continuous and individual spread footings bearing on the existing granular fills, firm native soils or struc- tural fill placed in accordance with the Site Preparation section of this report. For Buildings A, B, C and P, foundations may be support- ed on a structural fill mat extending to a depth of three (3) feet below the footing bottoms, placed after removing the existing fills. Structural fill should extend a distance beyond footing perimeters equal to the depth of fill placed. Perimeter footings should extend to a minimum depth of eighteen 18) inches below the lowest adjacent final grade and may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of two thousand (2000 ) pounds 4.m per square foot (psf) , for dead plus live loads. Continuous footings should have a minimum width of sixteen (16) inches . Isolated spread footings may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 120 two thousand (2000 ) psf, but should have a minimum width of eighteen 18 ) inches. A one-third increase in allowable bearing pressures is permissible when considering lateral loads due to wind and earth- quakes. Because of possible variations in the existing fill on the site it is recommended that all foundation excavations be thoroughly tamp—ed to detect any possible areas of loose soils. Loose soils, if present, should be overexcavated and replaced with structural fill or crushed rock. We recommend that all footing excavations be examined by a repre- sentative from Earth Consultants, Inc. to observe compliance with the design concepts presented in this report. Floor Slabs Floor slabs may be supported on the recompacted existing fills or firm native soils,or on structural fill placed in accordance with the Site Preparation section of this report. The top four (4 ) inches should be a free draining sand or gravel to act as a capillary break. This requirement may be waived if the fill is free draining or moisture infiltration will not be a problem. siIn areas where moisture is undesirable a vapor barrier may beplacedbeneaththeslab. One (1) to two ( 2) inches of sand may beplacedoverthemembraneforprotectionduringconstruction. The igislab may be isolated from foundations to reduce the detrimental effects of differential settlements between the footings and floorslab. Earth Consultants, Inc. T I T 111 Lincoln Property Company E-1625 August 24, 1981 Page 6 Settlements For the anticipated building loads, we expect that total settle- ments on the order of one-half ( 1/2) to one (1) inch will occur, with about half this amount occurring as differential settlements between T spread and continuous footings, and between slabs and foundations. It is expected that this settlement should occur during construction with the remaining portion during the initial loading of the slab. All Lateral Forces Short term wind or seismic forces may be resisted by passive pressures, and/or friction between concrete and the supporting sub- grade. The passive resistance may be considered as an equivalent fluid load of two hundred fifty ( 250) pounds per cubic foot (pcf) . This value assumes that all footing backfill is compacted in accor- dance with the Site Preparation recommendations in this report. A coefficient of friction of three tenths ( 0. 30 ) may be considered between concrete and soil. Ail Basement and Retaining Walls Basement and retaining walls should be designed to resist late-jil ral earth pressures imposed by the soils retained by these struc- tures. Walls that are free to rotate one-thousandth of their height at the top should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures im-All posed by an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of thirty-five ( 35) pcf. If walls are restrained from free movement at the top, they wit• All should be designed for an additional uniform pressure of one hundred 100 ) psf. The above pressures assume a maximum wall height of ten (10 ) feet and that no surcharge slopes or loads will occur above the walls. If deviations from these criteria are expected, we should be contacted for the appropriate design parameters. jilAll walls should be provided with adequate provisions for subsur- face drainage. Slopesz Varying heights of cuts will be required along the eastern siteJINMISmargindependingonfinalbuildinglocations. _ We recommend all temporary slopes be cut at 3 : 2 (Horizontal :Ver- All tical) . Permanent slopes should be sloped at 2:1. We recommend that all excavated slopes be examined by a representative of Earth Consul- tants, Inc. to evaluate the stability of the exposed soils. The existing slopes appear generally stable and should not be disturbed. However, all permanent exposed slopes should be vegetated to reduce erosion. Earth Consultants, Inc. a Lincoln Property Company E-1625 August 24, 1981 Page 7 Moderate groundwater seepage was encountered at depth in only two test pits which were excavated during a relatively dry period. Although we encountered only minimal groundwater, groundwater seepage111maybeexpectedfromcutsduringrainyperiods. If present, ground- water should be controlled as outlined in the following section. Groundwater Control The subject site contains fine grained soils that will make grad- ing operations difficult during wet weather. For this reason, it is important that groundwater be controlled wherever possible. Seepage should be anticipated from cuts during rainy weather. Surface inter- mmi ceptor ditches may have to be placed along the top of all cuts. Sub- Mil surface drains may have to be placed either along the toe or top of all cuts, whichever location appears to be more feasible. We suggest that appropriate locations of drains be established during grading 2iioperations by a representative of Earth Consultants, Inc. , at which time the seepage areas, which if present, will be more clearly defined. The site should be graded to drain at all times and all loose surfaces sealed at night to prevent the infiltration of rain into the soils. After a rainfall, equipment should remain off the soils until they have had a chance to dry sufficiently. 4434* Site Preparation All building and pavement areas should be cleared of all struc- tures, utility lines, pavements and debris, large vegetation, brush and other deleterious matter. In all areas that will receive build- ings or pavements, the subgrade should be proofrolled under the obser- vation of a representative of Earth Consultants, Inc. This procedure should indicate the presence of any exceptionally loose or unstable areas which, if present, should be overexcavated and replaced by structural fill or crushed rock. All structural fill should be placed in eight (8 ) to ten (10 ) inch thick loose lifts and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent rela- tive compaction as determined by ASTM D-1557-70 (Modified Proctor) . The near surface site soils contain an excessive amount of fines which when wet may be difficult to compact. We therefore do not rec- ommend their use during wet weather. If any of the grading is to beIglconductedduringwetweather, we recommend that granular materials with a maximum size of three ( 3) inches, containing less than 5 per- cent fines, be used for structural fill. During dry weather, other granular materials may be used provided they can be properly com- pacted. Imported fill samples should be submitted to Earth Consul- tants, Inc. prior to bringing on the site. The placement of the 111 structural fill should be observed and tested by Earth Consultants, Inc. I Earth Consultants, Inc. mil mil Lincoln Property Company E-1625 August 24 , 1981 Page 8 Pavement Areas Pavement areas may be supported on the recompacted subgrade orwonstructuralfillplacedinaccordancewiththeSitePreparation section of this report. The upper six ( 6) inches of pavement sub- grade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum den- sity. Below this level a compactive effort of 90 percent would be adequate. The pavement section for lightly loaded traffic or parkingareasshouldconsistoftwo (2) inches of Asphalt Surfacing over four w;. 4 ) inches of Crushed Rock Base or three (3) inches of Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) . Heavier loaded traffic areas will require thicker sections. AllAdditional Services I Because of the preliminary nature of this investigation, it ismgirecommendedthatEarthConsultants, Inc. be provided the opportunityforageneralreviewofthefinaldesignandspecificationsinorder that earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly inter-mg preted and implemented in the design and construction. It is also recommended than when final design is available, that additionalfieldworkbeperformedtodelineatetheextentofthefilland it' s condition in the south eastern area and develop specific recommenda- tions for building in this area. The analyses and recommendations submitted in this report are41baseduponpreliminarythedataobtainedfromthetestpits. The nature and extent of variations between test pits may not become evi-dent until construction. If variations then appear evident, EarthConsultants, Inc. should be allowed to reevaluate the recommendations of this report prior to proceeding with the construction. - It is also recommended that Earth Consultants, Inc. be retainedtoprovidegeotechnicalservicesduringconstruction. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or rec- ommendations and to allow design changes in the event subsurface11conditionsdifferfromthoseanticipatedpriortothestartofcon- struction. ilThe following plates are included and complete this report: Plate 1 Test Pit Location Plan Plate 2 Legend Plates 3 through 9 Test Pit Logsli Plates 10 and 11 Grain Size Analyses 1 Earth Consultants, Inc. I iliLincoln Property Company E-1625 August 24, 1981 Page 9 ili We trust the information presented herein is adequate for yourq requirements. If you need additional information or clarification, ili please call. 011,\`: :.:.,:q/' Respectfully submitted , eP 0` EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. 9 f z 9FC S T P C, ti Fs Anil Butail, P. E. oN Ai,/1 Chief Engineer JRD/AB/jb ill li ill ivIk II 1 ill III Ilia mill Earth Consultants, Inc. s' i'imi —1K-----Let —iggr 1:.--4 is 4 k---1111m- lit lit. II& kik Ilkr14lia, S W as O TP-8 Property /------O SITE Line / Lo114, h,. I 0 Approximatea _ TP 4 Washington0 40 80 I60ft. TP7 i I 91-1 tli N 'r 1 kr.\\--_,0 0 0 TP 6 TP 3 t VICINITYLEGEND t MAP •: O I ii!TP-3 Approximate Test Pit Location 0 Possible Building OO 0 Property Site ON TP-II Line TP-2 • TP-12 4. s, 61-5TP-5 Reference Preliminary Site Plan O TP-I WI By Goes, Guthrie a Associates, Inc. I J Undated i TP9 6 TP-10 ' I CADEarth M n n n Consultants Inc:' 11 GC'JIECIINi(;1 fNGINFF KING 8 GF OL()I, Test Pit Location Plan LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. N. Apartment Site Renton, Washington Proj No 1625 IDate Aup. .81 'Plate I MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONSSYMBOLSYMBOL o-•d oa• II oa,GW WELL-NAMED MAV(L!,SAND BRAvfl O• aMUTVR(S, UTTL( OA MO FIN[! MO CLEAN MAr(LB u D''6 0 0 I GaAs/ILLY M IN/ «re /I...1 :K •-i ISOIL! N. W A.•is• • GP r00RtY•$RAO(S •RA`1L$, ORAV(L- fAAO WSTVR(S, LITTLE 001 MO FINEScoAR!( 0: 0:.0 lit RAIR(D T1Ta..i. SOIL II woad SHAM SO'X III1 i W • GM T[ M. S u,Lrli TURtl a Suo- ICOATI[ FRAC- GRA'(LS NITA FINES 11 • TI ON R(TA IRED Neese r M• w.. 2 d r,_;'x ON RO.• SAW II.gI CLAYEY MAv(Lf, ORAveL-SAMO- r. j GC CLAYrl*Tull(1 7 7' aril.-M AOtO Lama aimLLLLY SAND SW SAIID B, UTTL[ OR NO FIN(! CLEATS L;S SANDY SOILS c r*ORLY•GRAMM SAMOS, SRAV[LLY YORE THAN SOX I SP SAOS, LITTLE ow MO FMCS Q/ NAT(RIAL 17 LAR00R TNAM MO. 11:C"S12 200 21[v[ SIZE SILTY SAME, SAND-ALT MIS TUNES11 NOR( TNAM SO% SMO< COARSE tAMOS WITII FIR[! 1)- ;.4: 1/4.: FRAC- TION Af SIN• loPw•e..«. . —$ •I flees)II M. • SKr[ SC CLAYET SAMS, !AO-CLAY Nix TIARA iM7RtAIC SILTS A00 VUY FIN( ML J.A 0•, ROC* FLOW, SILTY OR CLAYEY FIN( SARDI OR CLAYEY LILT! vino GLINT PLASTICITYt'7. f IRORY RC CLAM OF LOW TO AEOWrFINSSILTS ff MAIMED AMO UOWO UWT CL PLASTICITY, MAV(LLT CL1TS, P SOILS CLAYS LESS TAMS SO 7AlgT CLAYS. SILTY CLAYS, LEAN 4 CLAYS O0'AOIC SILT! LAD °R•AIYC4'1 OL SILTY CLAYS OR LOW rt.AITICITY I S10 ANN•AC SILTS MIC, A C[Ouf OR MH OIATOYActow Flit SAS oA F. SILTY SOILS roll[ TWAIN SOX BILTSiiil OF rATUIIAL 11 UOu10 LIMIT // CH NOIIRAit curl of NIBM lr.11[R TNAM NO CLAYSAND tit ATLR IMAM SO f1 DLAf TICIT FAT CUTS ZOO lIEV( SIC[ OH ORBAIC CLAYS OR r[DIUY TO MIIN Ft.asna Y, OREARIC 71LT7 NIAMIT ORGANIC SOILS PEAT, wlOR1(, SA WI SOIL! PT WITH MIIN ORGANIC CONTENTS ill •TOPSOIL Humus and Dutf Layer II Uncontrolled with FILL 3:':•• Hi hl Variable Constituents 1 0OY1: DUAL SYMBOLS ARt VA(D TO INDICATE SORO5RLINS SOIL CLASSIFICATION! SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART TM[ dSCUf1+ON IN THE TEST OR Tull REPORT 11 NECESSARY FOR A PROPER UNO[RSTAMONNO 0r THE MATURE OF TM( MATERIAL M(2[MTED III TINE ATTACHED LOGS 1 2`0.D.Split Spoon Sampler jj Ring or Shelby Sample -w P Sampler Pushed t it5 - Earth CIF Sample Not Recovered Consultants Ine. 47 Water Level (date) 1 Ts Torvane Reading LEGEND qu Penetrometer Readings i Water Observation Well Proj.No.1625 Date Aug: '81 f Pia to 2tt A i, TEST PIT NO. _.L._ f Logged By JRD Date 8/12/81 Elev. 57± Dept, w ft.) USCS Soil Description 0 SM Brown gravelly silty SAND, medium dense, moist i,, FILL) 11 1:1:1:1 .116 5 i:1:11:ri: i: SM Brown to gray SAND with gravel and silt, medium SP dense to dense, moist 6 I 10 Test Pit terminated at 10.5 feet. No groundwater seepage observed. Jar 15 Logged By JRD gg r,s3" Date 8/12/31 TEST PIT N . ._2 Elev. 65± SM Brown gravelly silty SAND, medium dense, dry to 4 moist (FILL) A 5 3-::: :::: Ot Sf'1 Gray gravelly silty SAND grading to gravelly SAND-c, SP with silt, medium dense to dense, moist idi 10 - ::::::? ITest Pit terminated at 11 .0 feet. Fr No groundwater seepage observed. 15 - jiTEST PIT LOGS 4 li APARTMENT SITE EarthIvo RENTON, WASNINGTON Al Ccitsrulltants Inc. G[OTECHNICAL ENGINEERING & GEOLOGY 1Proj. No. 1625 IData Aug. '81 tte 3 2 i ii I Logged By JRD , TEST PIT NO. Date 8/12/81 Elev. 73±_ Depth w ft.) USCS Soil Description 96) ill 0 ei '. 4•k SM Brown gravelly silty SAND, medium dense, moist 11 41,•• FILL) j: ill 5 :! ':' SM Brown silty SAND with gravel , medium dense, moist 15 Ir.r:!. r:r r:::r 11SMBrownSANDwithsilt, medium dense, moist 11,Test Pit terminated at 11.0 feet. No groundwater seepage observed. 15 Logged By JRD Date 8/12/81 TEST PIT NO. ._4.__ Elev. 81± 0 r SM Brown gravelly silty SAND,medium dense,moist (FILL) r-°. 1i1 21 q u= 4.5 ML Tan SILT with sand, hard, moist tsf i:,:,::, : 16 SA Brown silty fine SAND, medium dense, moist 1 .a:ia? 20 Test Pit terminated at 12.0 feet. No groundwater seepage observed. 1 15 TEST PIT LOGS I+' ' 4' a APARTMENT SITE Earth 0 RENTON, WASHINGTON NIC ulta k c.\'. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING & GEOLOGY Proj. No. 1625 !Date Aug. '81 [Plate 4 ii TEST PIT NO. __I. Logged By JRD Data 8/12/81 Elev. 67± Depth w ft.) USCS Soil Description 8 IT SM Brown gravelly silty SAND, medium dense, dry to 5 moist (FILL) 12 NW i:i:1:10 ---.1:.:1:1:!:!: 14 1..1.::.:•:.: SM Brown SAND with silt and gravel , medium dense, SP moist Test Pit terminated at 12.0 feet.111 No groundwater seepage observed. wino 1 15 Logged By J RD Elev. 74-± Date 8/12/81 TEST PIT NO. ___6,__ 0 Y IA 8 2,ill 5 SM Brown gravelly silty SAND, medium dense, dry to 13 - moist (FILL) lo SM Brown silty SAND, medium dense, moist1-. 261..1..i 121 Test Pit terminated at 12.0 feet. No groundwater seepage observed. L. a 15 i 14 TEST PIT LOGS i APARTMENT SITE Earth I/ Vi RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants Inc.V ‘ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING & GEOLOGY Proj. No. 1625 Data Aug. '81 1Phits 5 i TEST PIT NO. ..7____I Logged By JRD Date 8/12/81 Elev. 100± I Depth L W ft.) USCS Soil Description o 111.1 Q...,.! 9 5 -. ....,3.. , SM Brown silty gravelly SAND, medium dense to dense,ri•:•1•'-:- 141:1•1:447 dry to moist 12 4 22 lo --,ift, ML Tan SILT with sand, very hard, moist 22 q174.5 tsf Test Pit terminated at 13.0 feet. Moderate 15 groundwater seepage observed between 8.5 and 10.5' . Logged By JRD 4-4 Date 8/12/81 TEST PIT NO. .....J Elev. 109±.3_--4 o 6" loose gravelly silty SAND) 21 qu=4.5 tsf I ML Tan SILT with sand to sandy SILT, moist, hard 5 — 27 1 1.4.c.H.: 10 SM Tan silty fine SAND, dense, moist 18V.J.f.::: H ML Tan SILT with sand, hard, moist 25 0.t tsf Test Pit terminated at 13.0 feet. 15 No groundwater seepage observed. I TEST PIT LOGS APARTMENT SITE Earth 1 ..,. . ) RENTON, WASHINGTON 1_, Consultants Inc. 11) ill GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING & GEOLOGY Proj. No. 1625 Date Aug. '81 iflate 6 SI iiii TEST PIT NO. __9 Logged By JRD Data 8/12/81 Elev. 45± iiii Depth W ft.) USCS Soil Description 96) 0 ill 13 Mil SM Brown gravelly silty SAND, medium dense, dry to 5 moist (FILL) 10 1g410 SM Brown silty gravelly SAND, medium dense, moist 9 r::: Test Pit terminated at 13.0 feet. No groundwater seepage observed. 15 Logged By JRD Data 8/12/81 TEST POT NO. Elev. 45± E, 6 5 "``'`1 • SI.1 Brown SAND with gravel and silt, loose grading to qip SP medium dense, dry to moist 10 5 A Test Pit terminated at 12.0 feet. No groundwater seepage observed. 15 1 IS TEST PIT LOGS t ` APARTf TENT SITE RENTON, WASHINGTON Igi Earth 111 su> I' GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING & GEOLOGY Proj. No. 1625 INts Aug. '81 ,Plate 7 TEST PIT NO. II , a ILogged By JRD Date 8/12/81 Elev. 70± Depth w ft.) USCS Soil Description II a:{:I: . 4 7 5 1,':E` SM Tan SAND with silt and gravel , loose to medium SP dense, dry to moist 13 111,10 :: ji.ii i: 22 Test Pit terminated at 12.0 feet. L' No groundwater seepage observed. I. 15 — Nari I i I V y 0 I . TEST PIT LOGS e.:k t t APARTMENT SITE Earth r1 A ¢'RENTON, WASHINGTON 1. Consultants Inc. - , / GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING & GEOLOGY Proj. No. 1625 Date Aug. '81 Platte 8 r. TEST PIT NO. 12 Logged By J RD Data 8/12/81 58±Elev. Depti W j ft.) USCS Soil Description O ••• 5 •••0 SM Brown gravelly silty SAND, medium dense, dry to per moist, with some organic debris and asphalt (FILL) g 17 1 4 i 21 a i i •. 3315 ;. l .'%.'•: SM Tan SAND with silt, medium dense, wet Test Pit terminated at 15.0 feet.A Moderate groundwater seepage at 14.0 feet. 13 i 20. da r 1 a I TEST PIT LOGSzeilAPARTMENTSITE Earth RENTON, WASHINGTON ic onu1t2 3 gksr. I ENGINEERINGCALGEOLOGY1Proj. No. 1625 [Date Aug. '81 [Plate 9 i N NI, nt. 11, 11.tal—II— .',\''',.— '171:.-V2- :a- A 0,....,. 4, ISIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSISSIZEOFOPENINGININCHESINUMBEROFMESHPERINCH. U.S.STANDARD 'GRAIN SIZE IN MM V CO N CO V w0ttMN .- fh M O O O ° O O M N O O O O OA 100 r N a N 0 0 ... 00 00 0 0 0 O 0 minumnimi Hl II 90 m diammommumnimm OM 4114111r0 MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII80I 20 o rr m 70 VI m m M z 7130 0 M A i c1D 41l1e. .fr4.% -ZM 1M1I11II1I1I1M11• M111I11I•M1M111 MIM=IINIIINIIIIIMIMI 11. IIIMI11I1m._. 11.mM• tip 40 o W 50 v D50 cn m7340MmumumM 60 i Ca I MINIIIMIIMI 70 _ m z so 0 10 90r rV 77 G") ui m T. X) 0 II M I•uuu/I ONNIMM llI 1 100 O O O O O O O O O c0 (O O Cl N CO W. V ClN •' O 8 8 O O O O O O O 6O ] . Cl N 0O O lD Q Cl N 0 ( D V Cl N z N GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS o 00 0 0 0 0 c m N COBBLES COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE D z m GRAVEL SAND FINES v cn --1 C = LO I-. N z I r- KEY Boring or DEPTH USCS Moistureco- o m N Test Pit No. (ft.) DESCRIPTION Content (%) LL PL e z N o— TP-1 2 SM Gravelly silty SAND 11 10 0-- TP-5 6 SM Gravelly silty SAND 120.7 CD 4.-- TP-9 2 SM Gravel Ty silty SAND 13TP-11 7 SP/SM SAND with gravel and silt 13 0 1_ kit,IA., 61,--Na1ALi. -la -ta-- -6.- - -''.--‘41 k., SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH,U.S.STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IIN MM co O M N - f`1 V1 ram'} O N 0 O O O O 8 8 23 N O O O O O O A e o N O O 0 0 O O O 0 0m100 O w aH 90 toot r• ly 80 Z1, 4 20 14 77 s o aZ1.4 m70 30 73 A i m Z Z11.100. TI 60 a 40 -I Gl Q, m I p L> 7350 50 D 73 m 0 .41 40 a 60 Xi m CO I 30 r.. 70 m O 20 ye c80 F z O N 10 90 Ql N Ln m 77 0 I f I l i l I 1 I l I l I l [ 1 [ l l l i l L [ 1 I I I I r 100> T' O O O O O O O O O CO tD V C N tp W. at M N W O 8 Cl N O W O CO N O---I .-, 0 OcotD V Cl N "- iC) Z N GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS I? o O O O o m V 3 '-" COBBLES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE FINES 2. m m GRAVEL SAND D Cm —I C = D n z y Boring or DEPTH Moisture c-) --I r-- KEY Test Pit No. Ift.) USCS DESCRIPTION Content 1%) LL PL z m n—TP-12 8 • SM Gravelly silty SAND 17 n o TP-8 2 ML Sandy SILT 21 tv tD Appendix G Excerpts From Gene Coulon Memorial Beach park FEIS 11 Summary of Contents of Draft EIS 1111 THE PROPOSED PROJECT MIThe City of Renton Department of Parks and Recreation proposes to construct a major extension and modifications to Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, 111 located on the south shore of Lake Washington within Renton. The site is a narrow parcel of undeveloped waterfront property that was Ifcreated by fill for the previous industrial use of the site. The fill resulted in angular projections and steep banks into the lake. In many 41 locations rubble such as concrete and lumber are exposed and much of the site supports only sparse vegetation due to the glanular, infertile nature of the 1111 fill . The goal of thee development is to serve the recreational needs of Renton ill citizens through the development of as natural a waterfront and shoreline park as possible with associated improvements and activities not possible in other park areas. tit This goal will be accomplished through:p 1111 Improvements to the existingswimming g park to relieve overcrowding, parking and circulation problems. ill Development of over one mile of Lake Washington shoreline in a manner that enhances its natural and environmental potential while providing LI significant unstructured recreational uses. andad improvement of the water-related activity through the ill expansion of boat launches, landings, day moorage, overwater piers and protected water. I Development of necessary service buildings for the purpose of recrea- 7111 tion and maintenance. 1 Construction of the first phase would begin in the summer of 1980 and wouldIIbecompletedbytheendof1982. 4 The proposed project is •further described in the fold-out plan map on the following page. II It 3 11 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Topography, Geology and Soils The extension area would be extensively graded to reshape shoreline areas to11createamorenatural , sloping shoreline. Small areas of fill (totaling approximately one acre) would be utilized to eliminate existing, artifi- 11 cially angular projections into the lake, and to improve functioning of the boat launch. Shoreline grading and fill operations could result in turbidity and silta- tion of Lake Washington adjacent to the site. Several mitigating measures 11 are identified to control shoreline erosion and minimize turbidity and sil- i tation of the lake. Water ill There may be an increase in stormwater runoff from the site due to increased impermeable surfaces. Siltation of the lake may occur due to construction activity along the shoreline. Water quality within the existing drainage 7,11 ditch would be improved because of the proposed relocation of the ditch, 1 inclusion of an oil/water separator and settling basin, shading and by aera- tion from the proposed weir. The Parks Department will cooperate with Public Works to assure that the proposed settling basin and oil/water separators are constructed. Vegetation Several existing dominant groups of trees and shrubs have been incorporatedTiiintothemasterplanandwouldberetained. Much of the site would be cleared and all disturbed areas would be planted following recontouring.11 An area of marsh vegetation would be established along the relocated drainage9 ditch at the south end of the expansion area and adjacent to the beached11bargesatthenorthendoftheexpansionarea. Wildlife 11 Diversity and extent of upland wildlife habitat would be slightly reduced due to regrading and planting of the site. Fish habitat (salmon) would beTilimprovedbyeliminationofangularprojectionsfromtheshorelinecreatedby, previous fill . Fill projections associated with the boat launch may create 11 minor disruptions to juvenile salmon migration causing confusion and in- creased predation. The Department of Fisheries ' approval and a hydraulics 11 permit will be required prior to any construction activity within the lake or drainage ditch. 7 A small area of marsh habitat would be created along the relocated drainage ditch (including nesting islands) and surrounding the proposed barges at the north end of the park. Air Quality There would be no deterioration in air quality due to the project. The increased traffic and increased emissions resulting would be offset by reduced federal emissions standards. The result would be an overall improve- - ment of air quality conditions. There would be short-term increases in summertime dust levels during construction of the project. Noise There would be temporary increases in noise during construction of the pro- ject. Upon completion, there would be a slight increase in noise levels on the site due to the increased activity. Light and Glare The proposed development would add several sources of light from exterior safety lighting. The lighting would be screened from adjacent residences by vegetation and distance. Land Use The site would be converted from unused land to a use as recreational land. Land use on adjacent properties would not be altered. Natural Resources Normal amounts of non-renewable resources would be consumed by construction of the proposed project. Construction would commit the site to recreational use for the foreseeable future. Risk of Explosion or Hazardous Emission There would be no increased risk of explosion or hazardous emission due to the proposed development of the expansion area. Population and Housing The proposed project would not have a significant effect on the population or housing characteristics in the area. Transportation/Circulation The project would result in generation of approximately 1,200 to 1,500 addi- tional vehicular trips to the site on peak use summer days. Lake Washington Boulevard has sufficient capacity to handle the projected increase without a reduction in the level of service. 8 ill 11111 Proposed entrance and internal circulation improvements and the addition of a second entrance would improve traffic safety associated with the park. 11111 Public Services There would be a significant increase in recreational services offered by the Renton Park Department. Additional funds would be required annually for maintenance and operation of the expanded facility. Energy Increased supplies of energy would be required for the proposed construction and continued operation of the facilities. Increased fuel consumption by recreationists at the site would be offset by reduced fuel consumption in other areas. Visitors would not be using energy at home, while at the park, and the facilities would be closer to the homes of users than other beach parks in the region. Utilities A slight increase in demand for utilities would result in insignificant impacts to utility systems. Health III No conditions would be created by the proposed development which would create health hazards to visitors at the site or to surrounding residents. Public safety would be improved by improvements to the traffic system, stronger separation of the swimming beach and boat launch, and by regrading of the existing steep shorelines to gentler slopes. The expanded park would be of direct benefit to public health providing a new opportunity for active recreation. Aesthetics Aesthetics of the site would be improved by recontouring of the artificially flat fill surfaces and by extensive planting. Several provisions would be Ill made for public enjoyment of lakeside views. IRecreation ill There would be a significant increase in the types-of recreational activities and use of the site. Existing conflicts between user groups would be reduced by physical separation of activities. Archaeology/History There are no known archaeological or historical resources, and impacts due to III the proposed project are unlikely. 9 SUMMARY OF MITIGATING MEASURES Geology and Soils The use of temporary detention facilities during construction would allow settling of silt before runoff enters the lake. Construction during the dry season and planting immediately after construction will also minimize erosion. Water Silt traps and oil/water separators in all catchbasins, in parking or roadway areas, would remove silt, petroleum products and some heavy metals from stormwater runoff. The use of bulkheads or the construction of the leading edge of fill first (filling in behind the leading edge) , and the use of granular fill would minimize the potential for turbidity and siltation of the lake shoreline. Vegetation Planting immediately following regrading would mitigate the loss of vegeta- tion. Wildlife Potential impacts to fish would be mitigated by elimination of angular pro- jections of fill associated with the boat launch preventing potential dis- ruption of juvenile salmon migration along the shoreline. Limiting con- struction activities (particularly pile-driving) to the summer and early fall would avoid potential impacts to incubating salmon eggs. Air Quality a Use of proper operational techniques during construction would minimize the level of dust resulting from construction activities. Improvements to internal circulation would minimize vehicular pollutant emissions by reducing congestion. Transportation/Circulation Traffic congestion and potential hazards would be reduced by proposed improvements to parking, internal circulation and entrances. SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVES The present proposal is a substantially less intensive alternative than was previousl yy proposed (see PROJECT DESCRIPTION) . 10 No-Action A decision not to approve the proposed development would leave the site in its existing state and prohibit recreational use of the land as designated by the Comprehensive Plan. The major result of no action would be to prevent or delay all of the environmental impacts discussed in this document from occur- ring at the expansion site. Less Intensive Development If the amount of fill required for development or the number of facilities and structures were reduced, there could be lower construction and mainte- nance costs to the City than the current proposal . Infinite adjustments could be made to the proposed park extension, such as no fill and no overlook tower or multi-purpose building, fill and dredging only at the boat ramps with no stream relocation, fill only to smooth existing angular projections into the lake, or no boat ramp expansion. Any of these less intensive alternatives would have approximately the same overall impacts. The City expenditure for construction and maintenance would be somewhat less if fewer facilities are constructed. Fish movement would not be improved from existing conditions without fill to smooth out the shoreline; however, fish movement might be slightly improved by elimination of the proposed fill associated with the boat launch ramp. Alternative Location There are no comparable areas of undeveloped shoreline along the south end of Lake Washington that would be suitable for park development. Virtually the entire shoreline is intensively developed for residential , commercial , or industrial use. Development away from the lake would not allow the water-oriented views and activities associated with the proposal . Existing park congestion and con- flicts would continue to become worse. UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE IMPACTS Geology and Soils Decrease in soil permeability due to buildings, paving and compaction. Repo- sitioning and overcovering of soils. Water Possible increase in stormwater runoff volume. Temporary, slight turbidity and siltation associated with fill . 11 Vegetation Elimination of sparse second-growth vegetation and replacement with grass, shrub and tree areas. Wildlife Possible elimination of a few common species from the site resulting from a decrease in extent of habitat but offset by increase in diversity resulting from the new marshes. Noise Slight change in noise patterns due to changes in internal circulation. Natural Resources Consumption of common building materials for construction of new facilities. Transportation/Circulation Increase in traffic volumes to the park. Public Services Significant increase in funding required for maintenance and operation. Energy Consumption of additional quantities of energy for heating and operation of expanded facilities, travel to and from the site, and power boat usage. Utilities Increased consumption of water and electricity requiring internal extensions for each system. 12 1 t' '":// 10/EAC.46. /51./414/D 4561...1-.EWUE 1.% -, •,,-.."---.. '- Kt.--;:r.ciitC f,- ,...........„. s!ern.5'- ''.' ' ' 1 4, tn NI. I. I... 1 II I' " I • ..s.i t..:•• CtI - I i 0/V s s ,, 't75eige-1-1 PA,‹): 5 ., f.,,:..;-:----••• . , Ex-rE/v5/c,N) 0 4 4 , V.., 17iA,C7 4 Ca 11/4 ---->-rtseNecociLok) P/9"------:ex------- / ,z) 1 .:,. ..i .., 1.....b• a II # e . ...• 0 IF 10 4. .". : ' , , 4.; ..,...- ' 1\\,.•... k •' '''.... ' •• .. 1 -‘. it. $ 4, 1 W 1 ' ....'•• N. " . ' ;‘)'i;\- )i., 3. . •.; : r.. - ., 1.......z.z.:..=..,.,..ss. • • 1 6 06 i 1 t 6),q. i t • . - 4-:- \ i 1I 1A A It, A. .. ...., 04 iA 1 i. _. --- • , . • . . 1 r.•, . - a i - . 1 s......__.......................... 0000........ e... 0eoose/ o.....,.: ... .,_ ,,, _ t 6,,s. , t„,,.....,.s..„. . . • 6,- i.-..\ ...'-'"- t. . • f -0 2000 4000 #.1%..r , 1 f----L__r----L____._J 14 ,, •.\\::.,„ cl I 41 : ; ' t) '• ' '1 ' . ' KeNr.: i,-. , _'..- dli .lb 64,IIM • . airMitensk:An VICINITY MAP FIG. 1 , i14 C. _ iii um ii*iht.tii kw 1 it Ind ANA iir Ai v A i+ L. 1,• EXrrrhvG yagr YeAnlPS NF1.1 nwr PA/nP5 TANS WASHINGION tiVv x P/P /u 11/6.a. 61K t" 2,..... f/SNin fiFipS Ci ,,i tf LI(Is r1N/i Q.N[(,OUL,y rA 1 r iM)( l L N MAMNIIk IIM' It ` 7 ij u ir4r,+ I -. • ...• 1=wig.....« LLKs Low/LaSt rR1'1 r U c ..` i•'L i, Jt1NCN tlAYNQl.11ifL •ir±= •• rir r J V ram. Y 7 y f. •....r -.v g OV6QLooK J , . r /; r:••.•••.licII11y4I o ,.e) U c `3. VL S f» C 70tt/Hfi r. -1 V r:/'. ....J,,;•,• LANA W A Y N I N G r O N SOUL!YANG Sr 76LA:4TED /4,4 45'r r TR/I/Z, \Rat77-ftl/VV•3E 0 500 1000 i 4 SITE PLAN mA:-.1.11 i 11.,.. •.!, es...,.. •3 ont., i.,,_ .. . 1.FIG. 2 .l.' ' ir' 5 'iC" 1 I 4111 P t4lik - . J I Elements of the Hu man Environment POPULATION AND HOUSING Existing Conditions The Gene Coulon Beach Park is located in Census Tract 253, shown in Figure 7, which is coincident with PSCOG' s AAM District 3820. For purposes of com- parison, the area was analyzed (see Table IV) to assess the characteristics and growth trends of the population closest to the site, as well as the City of Renton and King County as a whole. Table V shows the projected area growth forjithesurroundingAAMDistrictsascomparedtotheCounty, and Table VI shows the housing characteristics. The housing information is collected from the 1970 Census tables and is therefore ten years out-of-date (especially note dollar figures) . Environmental Impact The proposed park expansion is not expected to have a significant effect on existing population or housing characteristics or trends. Visitors to the park mostly live in southern King County, and as these areas grow in population, the 11 park visitation figures are expected to increase proportionately. The park expansion itself, however, is not expected to draw a significant increase of 11 new people or housing to the Renton area. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION Existing Conditions The City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division has reviewed the proposed park expansion and has provided the following information related to traffic. Access to the park is provided by both Lake Washington Boulevard with vehicular access at the south end, and by water (Lake Washington) for pleasure boat users. Most boat users arrive at the park by means of the street system, so11thissectionwillconcentrateonautomobiletrafficonadjacentstreetsand within the park. The capacity of Lake Washington Boulevard at Level of Service "C" is 1,200 vehicles per hour. The 1979 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is 6,000. Peak hour traffic demand on Lake Washington Boulevard occurs on weekdays between 6:30 and 8:00 AM and between 3:30 and 5:00 PM. The projected 1990 ADT without the proposed park expansion is 8,200. The present two lanes are scheduled in the 1/ 41 I i,• 1 !(. 1 .). i! ' ., 1. 1047- 41- 7-- 77---- i : ii) ii!, i, 4039? 1.,'(, _.... !'-!-, iti;.;_, L2'... 11,-...,-- TT.-• .. 1- 1 L1441111111( -. 2,-,- T•\‘‘!. il' 1 1----'-' et I . i,.. i, s !.,„,„_•,,. 11 1,,, i 1 I j.;:' I' .. 1)( jf. i,,. 1p : 111$ 11. 1Y 1.. lit, k..; .. 1",' 77--- 7 11 -(- 11.- L . J . 1,, '' \ r . f 4111 F l' AftiMA . ,• ' . 11 1 gli ' gar:. i, : 1'.., 11. 1111 Y-` : 1\> V .;:- 1. 11 1. 1111 . 1., Y . L.,..' 411,. Illi . Illik- 1,°- I -" 1 1 • Ili ii i I 1 ! c,- Z7 , :,.. 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' v., r. i t••- II; k' .,( 0..: TABLE IV POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS AND TRENDS AAM Districts: 4000 3850 3860 3820 3840 3830 Renton King County Census Tracts: 247 250 251 252 254 255 253 256 257 258 1970 Population 6,416 5,230 4,156 4,968 4,840 3,036 5,917 3,558 3,488 12,300 25,258 1,159,230 1978 Population* 6,824 5,462 4,628 4,692 4,401 2,754 6,056 3,567 4,871 11,906 29,300 1,186,903 AGE 0-9: 22.3% 23.1% 25. 1% 23.5% 18.5% 23.7% 13.4 27.3% 23.0% 26.9% 19.6% 17.6% 10-19 : 21 .5 25.0 20.9 20.0 16.3 20.6 15.8 16.5 16.2 19.8 17.2 18.7 20-34: 20.1 16.8 25.4 23.7 25.4 23.8 22.0 28.6 30.5 27.1 25.1 22.9 w 35-64: 33.6 33.0 25.6 27.6 30.2 29.3 35.6 24.7 27.2 24.4 30.5 32.0 65+ :2.5 2.1 3.0 5.2 9.6 2.6 13.2 2.9 3. 1 1.8 7.6 8.8 SEX Female: 49.7% 49.6% 48.9% 50.6% 53.5% 49.7% 51 .0% 49.4% 50.8% 49.8% 51 .0% 51.1% RACE Black: 1.1% 1.0% 1.6% 0.5% 0.5% 1.5% 2.0% 0.6% 0.4% 0.8% 3.5% MEDIAN INCOME ($) : 14,757 16,589 11,356 11 ,376 10,248 11,337 10,282 11,74]. 12,212 12,066 11,120 11,886 Source: 1970 Census PSCOG Estimate TABLE V POPULATION GROWTH PROJECTIONS AAM Districts: 3820 3830 3840 3850 3860 4000 King Co.*** 1970 Population* 5,971 11 ,770 7,026 4,156 12,844 11,472 1,136,064 1978 Estimate** 6,056 11,906 8,438 4,628 11,847 12,286 1,186,903 1980 Forecast 5,912 11,931 8,518 5,458 11,626 13,186 1,170,803 1990 Forecast 6,394 12,866 11,310 7,275 12,760 14,079 1,349,136 2000 Forecast 6,629 13,751 14,177 9,561 13,981 16,193 1,529,186 1970 Census data. PSCOG estimate (T-208 run; February, 1977) . Represents urbanized portion of King County only. TABLE VI A HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS AAM Districts: 4000 3850 3860 3820 3840 3830 Renton King County Census Tracts: 247 250 251 252 254 255 253 256 257 258 All Housing Units* 1,942 1,390 1,179 1,524 1,823 930 2,656 1,064 1,719 3,628 9,655 423,783. Percent Owner Occupied 71.7% 86.6% 78.2% 62.7% 48.7% 75.3% 49.4% 83.7% 36.5% 71.3% 52.0% 58.5% Median Value ($) 29,033 31,700 21,186 20,945 17,500 18,545 17,524 22,169 23,976 21,389 19,600 21,700 Median Rent ($) 165 154 120 99 117 120 100 126 118 144 109 114 Persons per Dwelling Unit** 2.91 3.21 2.84. 2.81 2.28 2.82 1.9] 2.88 2.28 3.05 2.42 1970 Census data 1978 PSCOG estimate 1 City of Renton ' s Six-Year Street Capital Improvement Program for widening to four lanes with curbs and gutters, sidewalks, lighting and channelization. The estimated construction period for the improvements is 1983-1985 although funds for the construction have not presently been identified. The improvements will increase the capacity of the boulevard to 1,500 vehicles per hour at Level of Service "C". Traffic generated by the park and using Lake Washington Boulevard fluctuates seasonally, daily and hourly. The heaviest traffic occurs on sunny, summer weekends between 11 :00 AM and 12:00 Noon. The summer peak day traffic averages 11 2,500 vehicle trips with 10% of these occurring between 11:00 AM and Noon. Weekday peak traffic generation is also heaviest in summer with 2,000 ADT, but the peak demands occur between 12:00 Noon and 1:00 PM, and between 5:30 and 6:30 PM. Thus, the peak park traffic generation does not generally coincide with peak commuter traffic on Lake Washington Boulevard. Congestion within the park occurs during peak hours and conflicts arise due to insufficient parking for boat trailers. Congestion at the boat ramp occurs primarily due to inefficient use of the ramp because of a lack of finger piers or other facilities for handling boats in the water. The park is presently served by METRO Bus Route 240. A bicycle route circling Lake Washington and serving the park has been proposed and partially imple- mented, but not within the vicinity of the park. Except for an existing pedestrian walkway from the Renton Highlands beneath Interstate 405 to the entrance, the park is not easily accessible to pedestrians due to a lack of pedestrian routes and heavy automobile traffic in the area. Environmental Impact The expansion of the Gene Coulon Beach Park is expected to increase peak day traffic generation by approximately 1,200 to 1,500 vehicle trips per day. The type of traffic and peak hour demand should remain unchanged after the park expansion. The increased traffic generation is well within the capacity of Lake Washington Boulevard without a reduction in level of service. Access and traffic safety for the park will be improved by the expansion due to 1) provision of a secondary entrance, 2) improved internal circulation includ- ing separation of parking for different park uses, and 3) provision of expanded turning lanes on Lake Washington Boulevard. I 45 Additional finger piers and separation of lanes for the boat launch shoula greatly improve the circulation and efficiency of the boat launch. Additional boat launch parking will be provided. The proposed improvements are shown in the Master Plan (Figure 2) . Bicycle and pedestrian access and circulation will be improved due to the provision of a trail system through the park with possible linkage to future trails outside the park. PUBLIC SERVICES Fire The Renton Fire Department answers all fire and emergency aid calls for Gene Coulon Beach Park; average response time to the park is 21/2 minutes. The main fire station, located at 211 Mill Avenue South, will supply a pumper, ladder and aid-car unit on any fire call , and back-up service, provided by the High- lands Station, will supply a pumper and an aid-car. Problems commonly dealt with include car fires, boat fires, fires set by vandals, and occasionally a call for an injury or accident. The expansion of the park and increase in use would require a slight increase in fire protection services. The design of the expansion area would conform to requirements of the Renton Fire Department and Uniform Fire Code. These requirements include: an emergency access road to the northern end of the expansion area with an adequate turnaround; fire hydrants at 500-foot intervals along access road; fire hydrants within 150 feet of all piers; fire hoses of 12 inches at the moorage pier; portable fire extinguishers in the multi-purpose building. Police Existing Conditions Adequate police protection is currently provided to the park by the Renton Police Department. City-wide, the Department is reported to be understaffed. The City of Renton ratio of. police officers per thousand population is 1.67, slightly below the national average (2.3) and consequently, a request for three additional officers has been submitted in the current City budget. 46 I 74111 Patrol calls to the park deal most commonly with problems of drinking, rowdyism and noise. These problems are greatest in the early summer, as longer days and warm weather promote the heaviest use of park facilities. Problems of parking111enforcementandtrafficcontrolrequirecontinouspoliceattentionduring holiday weekends and Seafair week. Environmental Impact Although some pressures of overcrowding should be alleviated, expansion of the park and an increase in use could require an increase in patrolling by police and park personnel . With the requested additional personnel , there should be no problems of adequate police protection. The proposed observation tower may present opportunities for vandalism, as has occurred previously with the existing tower in the children' s play area. The City of Renton pays for King County patrol boat service along the shore- line, and since the response time of the County patrol is slow, the City wouldliketopurchaseitsownfireandpolicepatrolboat. Moorage space would be provided at the park. In all cases, funding for increased services is a policy issue that must be considered by the City Council . Mitigating Measures The expansion area could provide for a separation of user groups: family groups utilizing the existing beach area and teenagers using the northern expansion11area. This type of voluntary separation happens at several other beach parks in the Seattle area and could reduce any potential conflicts between the two groups (see RECREATION) . Hospitals 11 Valley General Hospital in Hospital District No. 1 serves the areas of Renton and Kent. The hospital is operating above capacity at the present time and as 11 a consequence, an $18 million expansion program is proposed to begin next year. One of the major areas of expansion is to be for emergency services, where la ji demand is projected to approximately double in the next five years. There would be no significant impacts to hospitals associated with the expan- sion of Gene Coulon Beach Park and any calls for emergency treatment could be readily met. I 47 Schools The park expansion would not significantly affect current or future enrollment in the Renton public schools. Increased learning opportunities for study of vegetation and wildlife habitat would become available with the expansion of the park. Maintenance The Renton Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for a maintenance program now in effect for the 22-acre developed portion of the Gene Coulon Beach Park. With the exception of the lifeguard staff, the current total budget for the park is $120,000 for all utilities, supplies and services. While the park expansion is expected to double the site capacity, maintenance costs would only increase by about 65%. An estimated total budget for the expanded park is $200,000, mostly as a result of the addition of two full -time staff members and a part-time summer helper and as a result of increased building maintenance for the multi-purpose building. The current level of care would be continued, but design requirements for the new section call for a substantial return to native vegetative cover which requires little or no long-term maintenance. In the northern portion, initially, irrigation would be used to help establish the native landscape and undesirable species would be weeded out, but this level of care would end after the first year. Parks and Recreation Provision of a large swimming beach and a boat launch ramp make the existing Gene Coulon Beach Park a popular and heavily used recreation site for south King County residents. More than half of the park ' s patrons come from areas other than Renton, according to user surveys. The site provides good, level public access to the Lake Washington shoreline, which is an area largely foreclosed to the public. Other park and recreation sites in the vicinity include Mothers Park, Liberty Park, Cedar River Park and Trail system, Windsor Hills Park, and North High- lands Park. Boat launch ramp are available at the mouth of the Cedar River, at Atlantic City Park and Seward Park in south Seattle, and at Newport Shores in Bellevue. 48 i The addition of four boat launch ramps would relieve some of the demand on the existing launch facility, and would provide additional access for boaters from the metropolitan areas south and east of Lake Washington (see RECREATION) . Expansion is expected to double the capacity of the site and thereby alleviate recreation demands on other surrounding parks. ENERGY Existing Conditions411Energyconsumption at the park is limited to electrical use for lighting and irrigation equipment and fuel used for park maintenance vehicles. Park use of ji electricity was 204,330 KWH in 1977 and 176,670 KWH in 1978, reflecting the conservation efforts of the Department of Parks and Recreation. Energy in the form of gasoline is also used by park patrons traveling to the site and by boaters using the launch facilities. Environmental Impact 111 By providing recreation opportunities in the midst of a heavily urbanized area, the need to travel long distances for such opportunities would be eliminated. In addition, public transportation would be readily available, resulting in a saving of gasoline. The expanded park would require only a slight increase in energy with the addition of a multi-purpose building and lighting for parking areas and piers. Use of low-level , low-intensity lighting would mitigate the added energy costs 11 and, with utilities already in place or nearby, the energy costs of installa- tion would be minimized. 3 Fuel would be needed for equipment during the construction period. Energy costs associated with construction materials for paving roads, trails and parking lots is estimated to be about 5 billion Btus. Site preparation and manufacturing and transportation of materials for the multi-purpose building would require 3.6 billion Btus. UTILITIES Electricity Existing Conditions Electrical service to the park is provided by Puget Sound Power and Light Company and is the only energy source presently utilized there. An underground 49 service of 7200 volts has been furnished and provision made for future develop- ment. The total electrical energy used by the park in 1978 was 176,670 KWH. Environmental Impact There would be an insignificant increase in electrical energy demand asso- ciated with the expansion of the park. The addition of a multi-purpose build- ing, requiring provisions for cooking, and an increase in the amount of light- ing would add to the current demand. An active conservation effort, currently applied by the Renton Parks and Recreation Department, would keep use of electricity to a minimum. Natural Gas Natural gas is available from a trunk main along Lake Washington Boulevard, but it is not used as a source of energy for the present park. If a need for heating of buildings becomes a factor in future development, natural gas could be a primary choice for heat, and connection could be made within two or three weeks of notification to the utility. Communications Adequate telephone service is provided to the area by Pacific Northwest Bell and adequate capacity is available for additional demands. Water Existing Conditions The City of Renton has adequate water supply originating from wells (50%) , springs (40%) , and City of Seattle reserves (10%) . The water receives primary treatment with chlorine. A 6-inch waterline at the south end connects the park with a 12-inch,main that runs along Lake Washington Boulevard. Another 6-inch stub extends to the northern boundary of the proposed expansion area. Environmental Impact Park expansion will have an insignificant effect on the demand for water service. A connecting waterline through the park would be necessary to create a pressure loop for adequate fire protection. The line would also be needed for occasional irrigation during times of drought. With the addition of a multi-purpose building to the park, there would be a need for a fire hydrant for fire protection. The size and uses of the building would dictate the size of the service line needed. 50 Sanitary Sewer Existing Conditions A large METRO gravity sewerline is located along the eastern boundary of the park and an 8-inch cast iron pipe connects park facilities to this sewerline. The City is under contract with the METRO plant in west Renton for primary and secondary sewage treatment. The low elevation along the lakeshore has made the installation of two lift stations necessary, one at the south end of the park and one at the north end. Environmental Impact Only a minimal increase in demand for sewer service is expected from expansion of the park. The needs for additional connections and another lift station would be considered in the final design of park facilities. 11 Storm Drainage Existing Conditions A deeply cut drainage ditch runs through the park. It carries stormwater that originates in the residential/industrial area between Interstate 405 and the Cedar River, plus runoff from the lowlands and hillside area southeast of the park. Erosion is a problem in the watercourse due to upstream flooding, but 11 the depth of the ditch prevents flood problems in the park. Storm detention is required by the City of Renton when any portion of land is 11 paved, and installation of oil/water separators are required in every catch- basin. Environmental Impact A detention pond with the necessary oil/water separators is proposed to be 11 located just outside the southern boundary to improve water quality in the drainage ditch flowing through the park. The drainage ditch would be moved to 11 the other side of the boat launch and a more natural stream bed would be designed according to the proposed plan. Given sufficient funds, the City utility would construct a series of detention basins to alleviate upstream flooding. Solid Waste Solid waste removal is contracted by the City to General Disposal Corporation. The garbage is hauled to the Renton transfer station and subsequently taken to landfills in the Maple Valley and the Newcastle areas. 11 51 HEALTH AND SAFETY Existing Conditions The location of the existing park facilities providing green, open space in the midst of an industrial area is a benefit to many people. This is evidenced by the increase in use of Gene Coulon Beach Park during shift turnovers for Boeinc and Pacific Car and Foundry. The popularity of the park is such that it is often overcrowded, creating some potentially unsafe conditions. Safety considerations at the park include a full complement of lifeguards tc protect the swimming beach area, and a signalized crossing and fenced right-of- way along the railroad. The play tower at the west end of the park has been closed at the upper level because misuse presented a hazard to park patrons. The expansion area is presently hazardous due to steep shoreline and lack of supervision. Environmental Impact Expansion of the park would improve public health and safety by cleaning up a section of shoreline containing debris such as logs, bottles, chains, and metal , and by eliminating hazards from that shoreline. It would also provide community residents with an additional leisure area for outdoor activity and exercise. Several health and safety features of the proposed park design include pro- tection of the area inside of the outer harbor line by a log boom to ensure quiet waters and to eliminate the conflict between motor boats, water skiers and fishermen; improvements in access and circulation (see TRANSPORTA- TION/CIRCULATION section) ; and concentration of bird feeding stations at the proposed marsh area. The conflict of traffic and a railroad crossing would be reduced by the provi- sion of improved parking and internal circulation. A new signalized crossing and an additional crossing into the park would mitigate potential traffic hazards. The water quality of the existing drainage ditch would require improvement. Periodic monitoring of water quality would be necessary to assure the health and safety of visitors that may enter the water or take aquatic life from the ditch. 52 I AESTHETICS Existing Conditions The expansion area is a long (nearly a mile) , narrow (50-350 feet) parcel of11shorelinesetagainstanundeveloped, wooded hillside. It is primarily a flat shelf resting several feet above the lake with fairly steep banks sloping into the lake, making access to the lake difficult. The site is sparsely vegetated due to recent disturbances related to the former industrial use. Litter, discarded lumber and concrete blocks can be found in several locations, and unused pilings occur all along the shoreline, although the pilings provide foreground reference and interest. Views from the site consist of the south end of Lake Washington with Mercer Island to the north. The developed portion of the park, the Puget Sound Power and Light power plant and the huge Boeing manufacturing buildings may be seen to the south and Mt. Rainier can be seen in the distance. Environmental Impact The overall appearance of the site would be improved, primarily due to grading and fill (resulting in a more natural appearing shoreline) and proposed land- scaping. The grading will also result in a more accessible shoreline by reducing the slopes which lead to the water' s edge. A series of small bowls or shallow ravines will be created that will provide a feeling of seclusion and separate beach areas. These areas will be separated by mounds and plantings. The mounds will provide more distant views across the lake. On one of these areas, an observation tower is proposed to provide still longer views. Areas of the park will be linked by a series of walkways that will provide peaceful , quiet walks to the northern, less developed portion of the park. The fishing piers may also provide places for peaceful viewing of the lake. At the 11 southern end, visual interest will be created by the more intense activity associated with the boat launch, boat rentals, moorage and picnic facilities. I Visual and noise conflicts between the swimming beach and boat launch would be reduced by the proposed berm separating the two areas. 11 RECREATION Existing Conditions Records of recreational use of the existing park indicate that it presently receives approximately 300,000 visitors annually. The park is a large swim- ming beach and boat launch with associated lawns, picnic shelters, playground 53 and tennis courts in a formally developed setting. The park primarily serves the residents of the City of Renton and surrounding communities. The variety of activities within the park presently leads to conflicts between some user groups. Boaters utilize the parking lot needed for swimmers and others. Teenagers on the lawns and in parking areas sometimes annoy families using the beach or picnic shelters. Environmental Impact The proposed park expansion is expected to double park patronage within five years. The capacity of the boat launch will be increased by adding additional lanes and associated finger piers. The parking for the boat launch will be greatly expanded and separated from the beach parking. Several fishing piers will be added, along with walks, an observation tower, day moorage facilities for boats, additional picnic shelters, a space far small boat rentals, and other facilities. Collectively, these facilities will result in significantly greater volume and variety of water-related recrea- tional use. Previous conflicts between user groups will be reduced due to the proposed separation of the types of activity. Experience at other park areas indicates, for example, that teenagers will voluntarily separate themselves from other groups if given the opportunity. For this reason, much of the teenage use may be expected to be diverted to the northern parking lots of the expansion area, and thereby reduce conflicts with swimming beach and picnickers. The more passive nature of the proposed park expansion is well-directed toward handicapped and senior citizens. Wide, paved pathways would follow the shore- line and would be connected to the fishing piers which are also wide enough to allow wheelchair access. The ends of the piers would be covered to be usable throughout the year. ARCHAEOLOGY/HISTORY The expansion area of the Gene Coulon Beach Park is located on several feet of previous industrial fill and therefore it appears unlikely that any archae- ological or historical resources would be affected by enlargement of the park. According o the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preser- vation, there are no known resources within the area of the expansion. 54 11 The proposed plan includes placement of two barges on the beach to suggest a visual tie with the historic, industrial use of the site. Vegetation would be 11 allowed to grow around the barges and visitor access would be provided. The historical use of the site would be explained to visitors by means of inter- pretive devices. 11 I I I I 1 I I I I I II 55 I: [ A L OF. FILE FILE TITLE Me re u/ookeks added %(-.0 44' rofl1 Lik<R . ci uz q3 Cs ( - BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE g _ e? tdaz., II 20020326001550 f2etum Address CITY OF RENTON R 10.00 PAGE 001 OF 002 f City Clerk's Office 03/26/2002 11:05 KING COUNTY, WA City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way c' Renton,WA 98055'= RELEASE OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number 229650- 2000 • Project File#. R-090-081 (Lake Terrace Park Associates:..: Street Intersection 2100 Lake Washington Rezone) Boulevard North Grantor(s) Grantee(s)• c.,:, 1. City ofRenton 1. Tamaron Pointe Lp Lc, LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel;:A That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5,Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W M ,inking County,Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard,except thatc=> portion platted as Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats,page 86, in King County,Washington,together with:#hat portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by operation of law cv Parcel B Lots 39,40, and 41, Eldon Acres, according to the:plat'recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, Page 86,o in King County,Washington, except that portion of Lot 41 Conveyed to King County for road purposes by N deed recorded under Auditor's File No 1020457,together with that portiork:of vacated Southeast 100ih ca Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by Operation of law,together with N that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under City of Renton Ordinance No 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law Parcel C That portion of Lot 28, Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, in King County,Washington lying westerly of a straight line extending from a point on the south line of said lot,distant being 122 feet westerly of the southeast corner to a point on the north line of said lot,being 236 feet westerly of the northeast corner of said lot,together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law Parcel D Lot 27,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats,page 86, in King County,Washington,together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law Parcel E That portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W M , in King County,Washington,descnbed as follows Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in King County,Washington,thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning,thence West to the point of intersection of the South line ofTract 27,Eldon Acres,with the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said'•Section5 thence South to the North line of C D Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No 5,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83,in King County,Washington,thence East'to.a point South-of the true point of beginning,thence North to the true point of beginning,except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the_Westerly margin of the abandoned right- of-way(200 feet in width)of Pacific Coast Railroad Compare ClibPDF - www.fastio.com r+• Whereas the Grantee,as named above,is the holder of a restnctive covenant dated December 12, 1983 and recorded under Recording Number 8312120558 of King County,State of Washington, and WHEREAS,the City of Renton,Washington did require certain restrictive covenant as a condition of approval for the rezoning of the subject property in 1983, and, WHEREAS,said restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development of the site, and, , WHEREAS,said restrictive covenants applied to the then current zoning,and, WHEREAS,thezoning of this site has subsequently changed,and, WHEREAS,said restrictive:covenants have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property,and, WHEREAS,the City Councif`authorrized the removal of the restrictive covenants on March 20, 2000, NOW,THEREFORE,the City of Renton does hereby authonze the release of the restrictive covenants described above on the land described above IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said City has caused this instrument to be executed this aZO day of I/eatA-, 20.0.1,; 011111111tillipiin, City of Renton C.j 1/ dleAso'l'Ait'''''' SEAL * Jess nner,Mayor g A Sit yt,(.,C (Natte-r`-) 4'rn/t/fNRillfl%kct,\\Bonnie Walton,City Clerk an ca 7. Q w STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS r'<:•' wae COUNTY OF KING ) c-4.4 aNht I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Jesse Tanner o t a~°' ii, and bonnie I. Walton signed this instrument and p•. 1 acknowledged that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument c.1 b aOT yt. hand acknowledged it as the Mayor and o e.o . r City Clerk of the City of Renton. WA to be the pi free and voluntary of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned P. •• Sin th instrument wAs1%•. `- Notary eitlic in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) Suzann D. Lombard My appointment expires 9/9/05 Dated March 20, 2002 r .• r T r 1` CIibPDF - www.fistio.com CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE March 19, 2002 TO:Bonnie Walton, City Clerk FRONN: ,,f—rLaureen Nicolay, Development Services Division, #7294 SUB T: Correction of Recorded Document Removal of Restrictive Covenants for The Alexan (formerly Tamaron)Apartments City Land Use File#LUA98-123 and City Rezone File#R-090-81 A title report recently obtained for the above-referenced property indicates that covenants the City Council intended to rescind in 2000 (documentation attached) are actually still in effect due to an error in the recorc ed rescission document. I have attached a copy of my March 1st letter to the purchaser of the development, Sobrato Development, which further explains the issue. In order to remove the restrictions from the property's title as intended by the Council, we need to re- record a corrected version of the"Removal of Restrictive Covenants" document previously signed by the Mayor in order reference the correct recording number. Once the Mayor has signed, will you please forward the document by mail for recording with King County? The County recording fees for this recording should be charged to#000/07.532.22.49.14. When your office receives the recorded document back from the County, could you please place copies in both the above-referenced files and also forward a copy to: John Shenk Sobrato Development Co. #792 SI VI, LLC 10600 North De Anza Blvd. Suite 200 Cupertino, CA 95014 Than you for your assistance. Please call me at X-7294 if you have any questions. Attachment 1: Declaration of Restrictive Covenants to be rescinded (#8312120558) Attachment 2: March 16, 2000 P & D Committee Report recommending approval of covenant removal Attac hment 3: March 20, 2000 Council Minutes approval removal of covenants Attac hment 4: March 1, 2002 letter to Sobrato Development explaining history of covenant removal efforts Attachment 5: Initial Release Document(#20000522001420) to be amended Attachment 6: Corrected Release of Covenants Document which references the correct recording number of the covenants to be rescinded cc: Jennifer Henning sr:IrS4 G44 Mgt(T 1 THIS IS A CORRECTION DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS TO CORRECT LEW 7SCRIPTI ON OF THAT CERTAIN COWIN! RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECOR NO. 8 312 0 5 0 53 3 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RECORDED 1 ItIS DAY WHEREAS. Lake Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the telt iottirlyilAti 13 property in the City of Renton.County of King.State of Washington.describedreasgaiiIION Or 1Av.4. 83,12/}likKrA&I.1 i'AVM A• '"•.:•.7144f.-.:7 A*attathed hereto.RECO F liNSCOO41 Y i.•.f.s.-...ifl-% CASHSL 4.***5.00 '....•:-..,.;:.1%.,...>::: CO 22 i in 9.;:;,t.e4._ 141,:i•••'.-4,i in 0 WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to Impose the following cs?,.... Itit..1;::: restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. 7,•• 7. . ••::" ..4:.. NOW, THEREFORE. the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish grant andinipose. I restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned,their successors,heirs and assigns,as follows: r.i..-;...; i A. Prior to•pUblicatiOn of the .rezone ordinance for application 117-090-61. the Oki*than:Provide a total of$4,450,as a voluntary payment to the City s• Rein*:O•tidt'hind shall constitute the total contribution. and shall be used exclusively far the traffic improvements and associated work•Identitled:rin:.I.4-',,:i.„..;:r•;,..,.. 2,ind 3.beirriri.' f.. t 1. Widen BOO lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard appro)dmately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen am tinsel feet of Lake1-.:i:V.1 ". Af...1,.._••'....Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park t•-•::•-.. Drive. ' , cf‘'kf---':Vii'.' tuit,4,1!: 1.;',..::: : • i:••:::.:•:. „1,0:,,,,•• 1.::41-•:-..4 •-: 2. Update the triffic signal control at the Intersection of Lake Washington l'11-•-'..;!.:'-'..i.,:•::' Boulevard and North Park Drive. 1-:..: •414.t 4:rk,•4.-..1.-.i. 3. Improve the intersection of-Burnett Avenue North and tsiko,Viithintibri, 4..1:::.i. :••-•;••`',. wigwag-a-Ai.âccomflwdste.left turns acme'traffic locthhoindt#104461 :' • 1. , ... L...., . • t...1'1,--i-.44-f.(k!PeaPoidd e:•,,5r.-,...: Ar,,_' :;•:S.,--'.;,',.'":.. B. The following rep;aifielikiblIo7itreat Improtemerts shall be yei,- 0.74-„:4-_,;:i:' - 1-• -Nikon leaved by the City and are to be •-' • • i •. •: • •,. , .‘.. 0112-1',; - • with.the.devailOnamt:of the ilte alvould atIch tievalopiiiiht:: 1 f..",•-•,g• ..-:: ' 7.-K_,-,i-af.(•;L:A.4r r•;,-,,,..,..,= 3,ist,.:Av. __'-..•.r.•,. Medi*Wid***16d.t6ct.teeltitY..1116•1106450*-MithilliSitit:,•: •,;:.-;.'t' 'W.....7g:;9.5;,/,EY.i.7,J,'V'i-,••••:-": or Witt tedt ,_...4hilii;Coneidok.'a deferral of any of the Walk In-••• •- •• ih Afit '.-'• e,v•iiet.-;/?:the thinappliolibiti•Cltedides: 34-0-.4i.; ::‘ 1,44,.::: 4.7.,v-:.iv;•_.; C. Prtrilde total cost for Installing the left turn lane appetite the eatienteao the f,:••,,r,,-.41, i'i'!-Ae.'.. Lakeside site.- i.ikttA511:: IA:c-,•,... .,..,, D. Provide off- ita imProvensents. on Lake Washington Bo*** CuIt4.11111.11FF... -.. •i::::•':':-- -;:.17Vtc:• :4; sidewalks, and.ittlit*;11¢..1ifg,together with all necesstafigiOrterstnoit*iititai : ....:•;..!. _s. :-...:',4* 4.0vEz.;- .....7.-:• the frontage Of-010-alioetkit Site. t. ••.....,...--,1E. Provide asphalt Surface. gravel-668W topPorari 11101.410131."6 t•skIP. ,,• • 141:45,:. from the subject.pirogenty to the-antzenoe of-Cane 11.'...'1 t..;,.. 2.,.*1110;c;_. - .,. .f, ,'Ater 744-...., located and aia.••bod:Inconlenl-vth plans the 00petest . kW VW* *:Pl_s.ihndg'.. .4.,.-,..4-411!:-‘ .• 1-.. v" •ewi.-1:.-1.•'A,i- .1:1102600,,,..7***:01iA...., IS,!1*°A•-•;,:r.: ' 27444-vik:,. ;fiqi40•411.`%,.! ..." vse--.. •. 4 'i..447 '., P.U.1111111.1:4114014176.0. 1.'.1.41FT'ir.r.ru"..r"" viestAt10146L.:Z. ."-:*3.74trtallikiT,AilhiP .,voeikalii la the of the north . mete... ._ ,,t,- • 1- n17;.":r.V4-0- . levr.4-ww.rm.x. val.*.pitedded,aschhhiffki eanuel to oo*it.otellifitokolge 054':-.3c...; .-,..ii :• it-litet «kb Adorn& knottivio*****_-,•:-, ,,. - • ' -'' -`'.47e^: '-... ,* • A--.4.:5 applicant le not'required to depth:aka OM laVaitedernate, - t•ifil40.4A. n.v..:.::! THIS IS A CORRECTION DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS TO CORRECT LEGAJ 'SCRIPTION OF -THAT CERTAIN COVTK' RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECOR NO. 8312050533 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS I 1 i. -.....:..... 1; i RECORPFD MS DAY WHEREAS, Lake Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the NtilidakirsglAM 13I tilf4-ApropertyintheCityofRenton.County of King.State of Washington.deenrillidriNgOOKON OF. 7.-f.i,T01 83/1.2ett,,OAS&El iCR11158 A• -''..:.--4":,•:.0-«* i A•attached hereto. RECO F liNSCOON1 Y 5.00. -': ." 4,k1g1,.._ 1.4„CASHEL 7,i;:,,,•,•:03 22 I a 1.A.,.....:,.;;'.:-..,..',:;: l.,..: f--‘ WHEREAS. the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following A.,„. 2- ..,.....,..... V restrictive covenants running with the land .. to use, present and tubes, of the above 5; 4:. s. ..., . .. .2 described real property. 44 4 I. . NOW. THEREFORE. the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish. grant end ifT1P990: s4i: restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with reipect to the use by the undersigned,their successors,heirs and assigns.as follows: A. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-0907411, the 41011d-int shall provide.a total of$6,450,AS a voluntary payment to the:0410f FtentWArt411 fund shell constitute the total contribution. and shall he need exclusively for thethe traffic itnpravements and associated wotic:4dentitlid-In:ift, i',',•; .•..Fi; 2.and 311610*' 7- 1 1. WIden 800.1ineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard appcoxirnately 9 to 10 feet betWeen.Park Drive.'and Houser Way to widen BOO lineal feet of Lake F.:;::";:i$ .1.- Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park - r. Drive. . , i.k.:ik,,,k-oit••• a ro:A..: 2. Update the traffic signal .control at the intersection of Lake Washington 44tBoulevardandNorthParkDrive. if4•PP• 4.1-1.-7,..;•k...-41:.•;,..,...- 3. Improve the intereiction of !Burnett Avenue North end LOW ...•.shlefli,.:-BOUleveril te:aibtOrefeedito left'turns across traffic acrid LiivasiM PiaPoiediti410*iine. '' '• . . -1,..7•14t.;.: 4..4:1ZA:, .•.*- i;'*,B. The follovdng.spef=Sitir PU011c-7-Otrolt improvements shill as if :: :,.. .-, *: 1' 4,.-p. e.:;:::. i.eigqdirilkipmatitpaindt:tesued..by. the City and are to be ,.. AkOZ&I,4M.'" i-,),121:„.".,.-. • 1.../.... with'the'devaiOatint of the site should sudi developrekt: _. .. .:‘ •. :,• sPOlkent e*il *Widr.. _., ..aTtiii0CItY• .11*-4064.1*Mel*iiibiiiketi c.inatAh'i .7'.-"-r4V.•Li;: Q.:•,•Ny:-Ai44-,,:'4:.41::: or Pehlke'eettleiiii.;-00tekier,-a deferral of saw of the Work in a-: . .. ad* the ibilvapliaiiiblieCWcades: 4;;4!#'.-A..,.,,.*;4;.,::, 1.%41:,: zft'7v;,4tV4-',•:- c. Provide total cost for installing the lift turn lane opposite the Valenta Ao the F.. 1,0,?'7An..:.:Tee -1-t.':::.•::: Lakeside sits. t: . ...: .-- ..,- spf.1".• t.,.... . :--::::.- --7-tr'' •1-,•:(*j; D. Provide off-site inikorentente on Lake Washington Boulevard, CoArbe,.gettars, -. 1:Wyer".,f..../0 --: eiderolks. and Wei*lting,together with all necasestri&eitrinenrrnettik 7. ..• :-- the frontage ci(flai:Liikaalds lite.i4,1...A;4.4.-;41.V::::.---':- A.F47-;'' 1 41,."4, stc:'" E. Provide asphalt eurfece, gravel-based temporary • • • 4 tree .in. , •74Y,T, frail the abject.property to the-entomb. of Coil • ..„,4 :. :,... k:._:4:. F.St.„......* located and kid in accordance"With plans and . ;. ,i,..,.- ''. . • ' r. ‘..-i';-;:-..*--‘.!..., thi Deprettorifit ef. Public Vkallo id‘didgnS and:', 4,' • ,.:: . •,,..,' Cr• .:-• 474:4,;it-.4...„-:•:., •.: e‹ .,- iligee.;:! ..',4 nag#1,10. Oilealf00. OrilnsO... • --• - •.:1:.-* sraWil;44eUI•t•i40•44...i,:k.."PodalinitnislOWever.1alai.. xif.-- ,. 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Al ; s. s a et.. 14%.;.. t1, 44,,, Ar, , • _.... „ 0„. 31...•,.,,„,.,.....,)„..,-;. , : 4,....,!(. • Arieral MEM r CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CITY OF RENTON Date MAR 2 2000 RECEIVED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT March 16,2000 Removal of Restrictive Covenants—Tamaron Pointe Apartments March 13, 2000) The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence with staff recommendation to authorize the removal of restrictive covenants that were required as a condition of the rezone of the subject property in 1983 from Trailer(T)to Residence(R-3). The covenants require: 1.Voluntary payment of $6,450 for specific traffic improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. Requirement for specific off-site public street improvements including: installation of a left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site; provision of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting and all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site;provision of asphalt surface temporary sidewalks from the property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Park; traffic control (signage and striping)for pedestrians crossing Lake Washington Boulevard from the east to the west side near the north entrance to Coulon Park, provided that the applicant would not be required to duplicate these improvements. 3. Requirement that no development of the project is to occur to the east of the toe of the slope as defined in the restrictive covenant. 4. Requirement that the number of dwelling units proposed would be restricted to 187;provided, however, that in the event of a zoning change to permit more units than 187, such zoning change would supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. The covenants were required as a condition of rezoning of the property in 1983 (R-90-81). The restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development on the site. The covenants are no longer relevant as they have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property. In addition, approval of the land use permits for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. tampdc\ d- -vrAmmtwr 3 March 20,2000 Renton City Council Minutes Page 97 CARRIED. (See page 98 for ordinance.) EDNSP:Automall Overlay Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report District Amendments(Areas recommending that the Council set a public hearing for April 10,2000 to A"and"B")consider amendments to Area"A"and Area"B"of the Automall Overlay District,and to Section 9-14-11,Administrative Procedures for Right-of-way Vacations. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Development Services: Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Tamaron Pointe Apts Removal recommending concurrence with the staff recommendation to authorize the of Restrictive Covenants(Lk removal of restrictive covenants that were required as a condition of the rezone of Wash Blvd),R-81-090 the Tamaron Pointe Apartments property in 1983 from Trailer(T)to Residential R-3). The covenants require: 1. Voluntary payment of$6,450 for specific traffic improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. Requirement for specific off-site public street improvements including: installation of a left turn lane opposite the entrance to the lakeside site; provision of curbs,gutters,sidewalks,and street lighting and all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the lakeside site; provision of asphalt surface temporary sidewalks from the property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Park;traffic control(signage and striping) for pedestrians crossing Lake Washington Boulevard from the east to the west side near the north entrance to Coulon Park,provided that the applicant would not be required to duplicate these improvements. 3. Requirement that no development of the project is to occur to the east of the toe of the slope as defined in the restrictive covenants. 4. Requirement that the number of dwelling units proposed would be restricted to 187;provided,however,that in the event of a zoning change to permit more units than 187,such zoning change would supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. The covenants were required as a condition of rezoning of the property in 1983 R-81-090). The restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development on the site. The covenants are no longer relevant as they have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property. In addition,approval of the land use permits for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee FinanceCommitteeCoimittee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance:Vouchers Payroll Vouchers 24534-24755,and 527 direct deposits totaling$983,404.44. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility:Utility Shutoffs(City Councilman Parker announced that in 1993,at the request of then- Policy and Procedures) Councilmember Nancy Mathews,the City Council had referred the subject of enforcement of utility liens and related claims for damages to the Finance Committee. He felt that this subject would best be broached in Committee of the Whole so all Councilmembers could participate in the discussion and any Afrjr, /1140 NT. ÷ C r.)117 AENTC)N NA1 Nbil, Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman RE.,Administrator March 1, 2002 John Shenk Sobrato Development Co. #792 SI VI, LLC 10600 North De Anza Blvd. Suite 200 Cupertino, CA 95014 Subject: Rescission of Restrictive Covenants #8312120558 Alexan Multi Family Residential Development 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N., Renton City Land Use File #LUA98-123- - Dear Mr. Shenk: This letter is to advise you that the City intends to finalize the rescission of the above-referenced restrictive covenants. We found after researching our files that it was clearly the City Council's intent to rescind these covenants in May of 2000 (see attached recorded Release of Restrictive Covenants document recorded under King County recording number 20000522001420). I have enclosed a copy of a City Council Planning and Development Committee report indicating the Council's intent to eliminate the covenants. Unfortunately, the Release of Restrictive Covenants document actually filed by the City did not accomplish the Council's intent as it inadvertently referenced a previous version of the covenants 8312050533) and did not extinguish the current version of the covenants in question. In order to rectify this situation, Development Services staff will immediately begin work processing a corrected version of the "Release of Covenants" document and will ensure that it is recorded with King County. This process should take approximately 2-3 weeks. Please feel free to contact me at 425-430-7294 with any questions you may have about this letter. Sincerely, Laureen Nicolay Senior Planner, Development Services Division enclosures cc: Michael Collins, Trammel Crow Residential Douglas L. Daley, Trammel Crow Residential Jennifer Henning City Land Use File #LUA98-123 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 Tn.a wap r cen'z-e 30%recyclee,^stsnal.20%post consumer rt.AC 44 MAN T. 511) Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way 0111000111111011111111011RentonWA98055 20000522001420 CITY OF RENTON R 9.00 PAGE 001 OF 002 05/22/2000 14:31 KING COUNTY, WA l ,, a,te'{. RELEASE OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Numbe 229650-200 Project File#: R-090-081 (Lake Terrace Park Associates Street Intersection: 2100 Lake Washin:on tfou evard Rezone) North Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton 1. Alex Cugini,Jr.,J.Steve Harer LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5,Township 23 North,Range 5 East, W.M.,.in King County,Washington,lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard;except that portion platted as Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats,page 86,in King County,Washington;together with that cv portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by operation of law. Parcel B: Lots 39,40,and 41,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in King County,Washington;except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1020457;together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street(formerly known as Mildred N Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by operation of law,together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel C: That portion of Lot 28,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in King County,Washington lying westerly of a straight line extending from a point on the south line of said lot,distant being 122 o feet westerly of the southeast corner to a point on the north line of said lot,being 236 feet westerly of the northeast corner 0 of said lot;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under City of Renton Ordinance No.3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel D: Lot 27,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats,page 86,in King county, Washington;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under City of Renton Ordinance No.3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel E: That portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5,Township 23 North,Range 5 East,W.M.,in King County,Washington,described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in King County,Washington;thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning;thence West to the point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27,Eldon Acres,with the West line of the Fast half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5:thence South to the North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden,Division No.5,according to the plat recordedin Volume 11 of Plats,page 83,in King County,Washington;thence East to a point South of the true point of beginning;thence North to the true point of beginning;except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right-of-way(200 feet in width)of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. Whereas the Grantee,as named above,is the holder of a restrictive covenantkcquired from the above named Grantor dated December 12,1983 and recorded under Recording Number(831205053.Dbf King County,State of Washington; and L. I,^c-Orr:;c rCCo(C * re-corer-Ace WHEREAS,the City of Renton,Washington did require certain restrictive covenant as a condition of approval for the rezoning of the subject property in 1983;and, WHEREAS,EREAS,said restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development of the site;and, WHEREAS;said restrictive covenants applied to the then current zoning;and, WHEREAS,the zoning of this site has subsequently changed;and, WHEREAS,said restrictive covenants have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property;and, WHEREAS,the City Council authorized the removal of the restrictive covenants on March 20,2000; NOW,THEREFORE,the City of Renton does hereby authorize the release of the restrictive covenants described above on the land described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said City has caused this instrument to be executed this/(%day of iii.1 20O 0AI4111!t!!yi, / City of Renton Os 2---, Xis a",,,,ksvi-c"........./ SEAL *_ Jesse er,Mayor 7C f 6- 46it-ii , onmironnnn0 Marilyn Pet4,7 I 0 ty Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that je55G 1 n n c r andnfilyn Pe I'L f signed this instrument and 0 acknowledgdd that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and 0„ 4& A. ofknowledged it as the fY'\& Or and ( _tZZ W4L feAti PI"tilirl to be the free and voluntary of such r party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. x. J4 V 1 w 1,L$ yir 74 ,,... Notary Public man for the State of Washington IT° g.:PtA±1 ; Cd - Notary(Print) IIel-e, 0eJkyYI AO VA r 4:'% ' f My appointment expires: q 1 l l 12.00 I Dated: SIIB 1AOo I J o Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 RELEASE OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number: 229650- 2000 Project File#: R-090-081 (Lake Terrace Park Associates Street Intersection:2100 Lake Washington Rezone) Boulevard North Grantor(s):Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton 1. Tamaron Pointe Lp LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5,Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M., in King County,Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard;except that portion platted as Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County,Washington;together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100`h Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach byoperation of law. Parcel B: Lots 39, 40, and 41, Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, Page 86, in King County,Washington;except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1020457;together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100"' Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by operation of law;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel C: That portion of Lot 28, Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, in King County,Washington lying westerly of a straight line extending from a point on the south line of said lot, distant being 122 feet westerly of the southeast corner to a point on the north line of said lot, being 236 feet westerly of the northeast corner of said lot;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel D: Lot 27, Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County,Washington;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel E: That portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M., in King County,Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26, Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, in King County,Washington;thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning;thence West to the point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27, Eldon Acres,with the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5:thence South to the North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. 5,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83, in King County,Washington;thence East to a point South of the true point of beginning;thence North to the true point of beginning;except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right- of-way(200 feet in width)of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. Whereas the Grantee, as named above, is the holder of a restrictive covenant acquired from the above named Grantor dated December 12, 1983 and recorded under Recording Number 8312120558 of King County, State of Washington; and WHEREAS,the City of Renton,Washington did require certain restrictive covenant as a condition of approval for the rezoning of the subject property in 1983; and, WHEREAS, said restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development of the site; and, WHEREAS, said restrictive covenants applied to the then current zoning; and, WHEREAS,the zoning of this site has subsequently changed; and, WHEREAS, said restrictive covenants have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property; and, WHEREAS,the City Council authorized the removal of the restrictive covenants on March 20, 2000; NOW,THEREFORE,the City of Renton does hereby authorize the release of the restrictive covenants described above on the land described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said City has caused this instrument to be executed this day of 20 City of Renton Jesse Tanner, Mayor Bonnie Walton,City Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that and signed this instrument and acknowledged that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: IL '`'•:,,Planning/Building/Public Works Department J eTanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator March 1, 2002 John Shenk Sobrato Development Co. #792 SI VI, LLC 10600 North De Anza Blvd. Suite 200 Cupertino, CA 95014 Subject: Rescission of Restrictive Covenants #8312120558 Alexan Multi Family Residential Development 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N., Renton City Land Use File #LUA98-123 Dear Mr. Shenk: This letter is to advise you that the City intends to finalize the rescission of the above-referenced restrictive covenants. We found after researching our files that it was clearly the City Council's intent to rescind these covenants in May of 2000 (see attached recorded Release of Restrictive Covenants document recorded under King County recording number 20000522001420). I have enclosed a copy of a City Council Planning and Development Committee report indicating the Council's intent to eliminate the covenants. Unfortunately, the Release of Restrictive Covenants document actually filed by the City did not accomplish the Council's intent as it inadvertently referenced a previous version of the covenants 8312050533) and did not extinguish the current version of the covenants in question. In order to rectify this situation, Development Services staff will immediately begin work processing a corrected version of the "Release of Covenants" document and will ensure that it is recorded with King County. This process should take approximately 2-3 weeks. Please feel free to contact me at 425-430-7294 with any questions you may have about this letter. Sincerely, Laureen Nicolay Senior Planner, Development Services Division enclosures cc: Michael Collins, Trammel Crow Residential Douglas L. Daley, Trammel Crow Residential Jennifer Henning City Land Use File #LUA98-123 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 This paper contains 50%recycled material.20%post consumer TCR Douglas L.Daley Chief Financial Officer TRAMMELL CROW RESIDENTIAL West Coast Group 4010 Lake Washington Blvd.,N.E. Suite 330 Kirkland,WA 98033-7866 425)828-3003 FAX(425)828-0904 CITY OF RENTONRECEIVE Demail: ddaley@tcresidential.com FEB 2 2 2002 BUILDING DIVISION February 20, 2002 jll/h 4_ ili,,, City of Renton 1055 S Grady Renton,WA 98055 Re: Alexan Lake Washington Notice of Boundary Line Agreement Gentlemen: We are in the process of selling our Alexan Lake Washington apartment community located in Renton, Washington. The Buyer(Sobrato Development Company)has requested written confirmation from the City of Renton that the terms and conditions as stated in the Notice of Boundary Line Agreement have been met and that no further obligations are outstanding. For your convenience I have prepared a draft form of letter for your review. If the form of this letter is acceptable,please re-type on City of Renton letterhead, sign and return the original to my attention. I will forward this on to the Buyer for their records. Please feel free to give me a call should you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, Dou as L. Daley DLD/kb G:\SEA\SEA DEV\Seattle\TCR Projects\Complete Deals\TamaronPoint\LETTERS\City of Renton,Boundary Line.doc 1111 CIT1 )F RENTONc 1L Office of the City Attorney Jesse Tanner,Mayor Lawrence J.Warren DEVELOPMENT MANNINOMEMORANDUMrr-F RENTON Mh,? 19 2002 To: Laureen Nicolay, Senior Planner Rt .,L IVED From: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date: March 18, 2002 Subject: Grantee's Block on Release of Restrictive Covenants You forwarded to me a release of restrictive covenants on the Lake Terrace Park Associates property and noted that the original grantors of the restrictive covenants, Alex Cugini Jr. and J. Steve Harer, are no longer the owners of the property and wondered whose names should be filled in the grantees box. I see two ways of proceeding. The first way of proceeding is to eliminate the grantor/grantee box all together and refer to the City of Renton in the body of the release rather than using grantee. That way the document would be a release of restrictive covenants no matter who owns the property. The second way of proceeding is to find out the name of the current owner of the property and use that as the grantees name. The Development Services Division should have the current name. Sue Carlson might also have that name. Either way of proceeding would appear fine to me. r., Z2 awrence J. Wa en LJW:tny cc: Jay Covington Sue Carlson Neil Watts T10.34:15 Post Office Box 626-Renton,Washington 98057-(425)255-8678/FAX(425)255-5474 RENTON n AHEAD OF THE CURVE L? This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer d Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator March 1, 2002 John Shenk Sobrato Development Co. #792 SI VI, LLC 10600 North De Anza Blvd. Suite 200 Cupertino, CA 95014 Subject: Rescission of Restrictive Covenants#8312120558 Alexan Multi Family Residential Development 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N., Renton City Land Use File #LUA98-123 Dear Mr. Shenk: This letter is to advise you that the City intends to finalize the rescission of the above-referenced restrictive covenants. We found after researching our files that it was clearly the City Council's intent to rescind these covenants in May of 2000 (see attached recorded Release of Restrictive Covenants document recorded under King County recording number 20000522001420). I have enclosed a copy of a City Council Planning and Development Committee report indicating the Council's intent to eliminate the covenants. Unfortunately, the Release of Restrictive Covenants document actually filed by the City did not accomplish the Council's intent as it inadvertently referenced a previous version of the covenants 8312050533) and did not extinguish the current version of the covenants in question. In order to rectify this situation, Development Services staff will immediately begin work processing a corrected version of the "Release of Covenants" document and will ensure that it is recorded with King County. This process should take approximately 2-3 weeks. Please feel free to contact me at 425-430-7294 with any questions you may have about this letter. Sincerely, Laureen Nicolay Senior Planner, Development Services Division enclosures cc: Michael Collins, Trammel Crow Residential Douglas L. Daley, Trammel Crow Residential Jennifer Henning City Land Use File #LUA98-123 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 121 This paper contains 50%recycled materi-1,20%post consumer r 1 c Douglas L.Daley Chief Financial Officer TRAMMELL CROW RESIDENTIAL West Coast Group 4010 Lake Washington Blvd.,N.E. Suite 330 Kirkland,WA 98033-7866 CITY OF RENTON 425)828-3003 RECEIVED FAX(425)828-0904 email: ddaley@tcresidential.com FEB 2 2 2002 BUILDING DIVISION February 20,2002 City of Renton 1055 S Grady Renton,WA 98055 Re: Alexan Lake Washington Declaration of Native Growth Protection Restriction Gentlemen: We are in the process of selling our Alexan Lake Washington apartment community located in Renton, Washington. The Buyer(Sobrato Development Company)has requested written confirmation from the City of Renton that the terms and conditions as stated in the Declaration of Native Growth Protection Restriction have been met and that no further obligations are outstanding. For your convenience I have prepared a draft form of letter for your review. If the form of this letter is acceptable,please re-type on City of Renton letterhead, sign and return the original to my attention. I will forward this on to the Buyer for their records. Please feel free to give me a call should you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, 41/ Doug 7L.Daley DLD/kb G:\SEA\SEA_DEV\Seattle\TCR Projects\Complete Deals\TamaronPoint\LETTERS\City of Renton,Native Growth.doc CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 19, 2002 TO: Bonnie Walton, City Clerk FROM: Laureen Nicolay, Development Services Division, #7294 SUB T: Correction of Recorded Document Removal of Restrictive Covenants for The Alexan (formerly Tamaron)Apartments City Land Use File#LUA98-123 and City Rezone File#R-090-81 A title report recently obtained for the above-referenced property indicates that covenants the City Council intended to rescind in 2000 (documentation attached) are actually still in effect due to an error in the recorded rescission document. I have attached a copy of my March 1st letter to the purchaser of the development, Sobrato Development, which further explains the issue. In order to remove the restrictions from the property's title as intended by the Council, we need to re- record a corrected version of the"Removal of Restrictive Covenants"document previously signed by the Mayor in order reference the correct recording number. Once the Mayor has signed, will you please forward the document by mail for recording with King County? The County recording fees for this recording should be charged to#000/07.532.22.49.14. When your office receives the recorded document back from the County, could you please place copies in both the above-referenced files and also forward a copy to: John Shenk Sobrato Development Co. #792 SI VI, LLC 10600 North De Anza Blvd. Suite 200 Cupertino, CA 95014 Thank you for your assistance. Please call me at X-7294 if you have any questions. Attachment 1: Declaration of Restrictive Covenants to be rescinded (#8312120558) Attachment 2: March 16, 2000 P& D Committee Report recommending approval of covenant removal Attachment 3: March 20, 2000 Council Minutes approval removal of covenants Attachment 4: March 1, 2002 letter to Sobrato Development explaining history of covenant removal efforts Attachment 5: Initial Release Document(#20000522001420) to be amended Attachment 6: Corrected Release of Covenants Document which references the correct recording number of the covenants to be rescinded cc: Jennifer Henning 04T'4 MEtIT THIS IS A CORRECTION DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS TO CORRECT LEGAT ISCRIPTION OF THAT CERTAIN COV1SN7 RECORDED UNDER RING COUNTY RECOR NO. 8312050533 1 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS fRECOROFD 1111S Ol Y y"WHEREAS, Lake Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the IffilletriniAN 13 property in the Cityof Renton Countyof King,State of W daaipa wtON Q hereto. 83r12/FiL(KDs R f f A• -••`i.,A. A"attachedRECO F h'tiS COON1 Y f yt..`k's CRSHSL S.00 ra : i i WHEREAS. the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use. present and future, of the aboveV described real property. A 1 taN d' NOW. THEREFORE. the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish. grant and'"imp0aq•. f; restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned.their 1. successors.heirs and assigns,as follows: A. Prior to.publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, the applicant shall:provide a total of$6,450,:I,a voluntary payment to the City.of Renton o aN tddi fund shall Constitute the total contribution, and shalljbe used: _ exclusively for.the traffic Improvements and associated wick• dent1t ad 1 h:4i. P. 1. Widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between.Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake. x' . t Washington Boulevard at its approach to the Intersection of North Park L• -. 3. Drive. 4' 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington s''.. Boulevard and North Pack Drive.r rz h"R.+ 3. Improve the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and boles!.hill en' tst 'r .h r Boulevard to iboommodate left-turns across traffic.otithbolk d flwr t• to proposed dsNS Yr r fi, B. The.following aft-dbW'pibiic street impr vements than#la'ot L F-,p4 mLt'Issued by the.City and are to be ti .rF , r 1,, w of the:Site should such iapltMii+it 1?! '- Y S appilcant enirf by:U •City• TlieapplbCrtit may 4Atl' s t of M1ra oofiiii)f e_:a deferral of any of the woik in wth the the n'.ppliW .C*ty o1 d L • Lr rtfl.; C. Provide total cod for installing the left turn lane appetite the enteenGff;to the - n-.DN-Q t f Lakeside site. 41 -r' 1: D. Provide off-site Improvements on Lake Washington BouMwcd. abs.0 gilltbree,. S , +' sidsw elks, and*taat,Ililtleg,together with all necessary appditanindla V rr the frontage of teat'Lakeside rite. z,.. n'`. Q a E. Provide asphalt surface. gravel-based skiw s. 6 f+eR..01dtemporary r ; , 1`- h r• from the sd jrr.preparty to the anftwhoe of Cans 'i.,.C;: n v 1.t. r hosted and 1611.1 lad-iA acwrdinal with'plane and • x hr t e .dip ttptdit n1' Piskic d.plans andi ; • 0it->• 7,1 pNMd ie t s Am.i`I?+ C •„ Sri Y ' T trothV010 (yakhlta1NC control Co.oar*sit iGl `!7e a". „ X rar o v 4 f R..1- appll_anht is not tagitirid to dkomk t aMN loot tvolke THIS is A CORRECTION DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS TO CORRECT LEGAL 'SCRIPTION OF THAT CERTAIN CO'T!NI RECORDED UNDER RING COUNTY RECOR - NO. 8312050533 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Rc R ED 1111$p Y WHEREAS, Lake Terrace Park Associates is the °Parlor of the lnIrI H 13 property in the City of Renton, s.<ja County irg, to of WaehI gton. ON OF l', of K State w w 83/12/I i.('S R t i A - « A attached hereto. RECD F K i5COflN1Y t CASHSL 5.00 f'" I s. O WHEREAS, the owners) of said described property desire to Impose the following mot>:eV 4-4..::- estrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above r iescribed real property. 1-` NOW, THEREFORE. the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and -leigose:. restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with re:apecfto the use by the undersigned,their successor's.heirs and assigns.as follows: i 1 A. Prior. to_. applicant shhall:provideordinanceatotalof$6,450• s a voluntary payment to the:air of. Renton, which fund shall constitute the total contribution. and shall.be, toed; exclusively for.the traffic improvements and associated work identified:1n il. 0 ,.p- 2.and3bob, :.i 1. Widen 800.lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake T. Washington Boulevard at Its approach to the intersection of North Paris Drive. fir.,:}2. Update the traffic signal .control at the intersection of Lake Washington i '-': Boulevard and North Park Drive. hIntersection of Burnett Avenue North end i.eiee W li taj(i: 3. Improve the Boulevard'to iibcoMaitiditeleft-turns across traffic.otitfi66Uiid' r•ny„ Y•z., proposed. F- s:: VI, . fi:Z:S: B. The,following.riff-sil*'piblicitreet shall ba alr atigmof it; ds p mat issued.by.the City and are to be ti 1 with art of the sine should such d , yam s } JJ apigiOani arnd by t e Cit _Th- nevi'I r. of of Gon eider.a deferral of any of the Whirr in "' .firth i 4 e?y 3 the than etbdee. 1! • -st' n ,,y • C. Provide total cost for Installing the left turn lane opposite the entianteato the Lakeelde site.' r D. Provide off-sits Improvements on Lake Washington Ba1Mverd, Cu bs,'guZloes. a' r " sidewalks, and::aireet:•li¢lthq,together'with all nscs,.ety alppoe ar sMartin 1. the frontage of:that t:akadde Ott. E. Provide asplwlt sutface. gravel-based tempore y • 4 feet .1n 4k tiara the abjgci. arty to the'atr_ttanoa of-Owe r k4 t, llrocated and I sdht aooarditoi with and r am' r iJoe' w - 8,: P . oesvi¢ i suoil*Offhc Central to AC+x's C tiF!eip applk+erlt"M not tel yl< 1: vl'. u y Y - r' 1•. tit• iZgS•' a t . - I S r'..:' v r ll x, ,. t ttg ' r i it•'+ w t 3, G;} S t1.,•, .• t t ! t f . 7 L i' s4, 1,'`.*\ 4J• , tt? r C•„ ,, v- v, - y' V. . I4 t r ? j, r.2, ` iki: 1a, L4, t;- '' : t r. { F f . A • 4 ' j ! , a - 1 i2.. ' - c. is 04.1. t- Uir' .' i• ,: `' 1' 4: e`..: '' f•„? : h•.+ t t ti. G' y„ 4'. T ,• f'` ,; r . . , i • 1. 1 • 1 r 1 i vti . y`• v ` I • f'''' v1 f' Z', rt.. i a d. i r.. A7 r`; '/•} e!."' its{ t ,`: a ti• itr fY x lr1' 1 7 ,'.• r A f, .' 1 r, wr„ t: }:, t S^.- ! ..) 1 r • i 1 - lf C, .' Y• '` T^.'. 1 Y.' 1 k t r A' If" i C, 4. :.. « S• SS •>,: 5Si'.. f 4: i.' rl} a- 4} 1 il' ll yf C, t, uy!. , i. J t i s_ t. 1' ; rCr • yl* 5.• y: . • 7; '• r : y. 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CITY OF RENTON Date MAR 2 2 2000 RECEIVED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT March 16, 2000 Removal of Restrictive Covenants—Tamaron Pointe Apartments March 13, 2000) The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence with staff recommendation to authorize the removal of restrictive covenants that were required as a condition of the rezone of the subject property in 1983 from Trailer(T)to Residence(R-3). The covenants require: 1.Voluntary payment of $6,450 for specific traffic improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. Requirement for specific off-site public street improvements including: installation of a left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site; provision of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting and all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site;provision of asphalt surface temporary sidewalks from the property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Park; traffic control (signage and striping)for pedestrians crossing Lake Washington Boulevard from the east to the west side near the north entrance to Coulon Park, provided that the applicant would not be required to duplicate these improvements. 3. Requirement that no development of the project is to occur to the east of the toe of the slope as defined in the restrictive covenant. 4. Requirement that the number of dwelling units proposed would be restricted to 187;provided, however, that in the event of a zoning change to permit more units than 187, such zoning change would supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. The covenants were required as a condition of rezoning of the property in 1983 (R-90-81). The restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development on the site. The covenants are no longer relevant as they have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property. In addition, approval of the land use permits for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. tarnpdc\ flA(k4t*1M13 March 20,2000 Renton City Council Minutes Page 97 CARRIED. (See page 98 for ordinance.) EDNSP:Automall Overlay Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report District Amendments(Areas recommending that the Council set a public hearing for April 10,2000 to A"and`B")consider amendments to Area"A"and Area`B"of the Automall Overlay District,and to Section 9-14-11,Administrative Procedures for Right-of-way Vacations. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Development Services: Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Tamaron Pointe Apts Removal recommending concurrence with the staff recommendation to authorize the of Restrictive Covenants(Lk removal of restrictive covenants that were required as a condition of the rezone of Wash Blvd),R-81-090 the Tamaron Pointe Apartments property in 1983 from Trailer(T)to Residential R-3). The covenants require: 1. Voluntary payment of$6,450 for specific traffic improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. Requirement for specific off-site public street improvements including: installation of a left turn lane opposite the entrance to the lakeside site; provision of curbs,gutters,sidewalks,and street lighting and all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the lakeside site; provision of asphalt surface temporary sidewalks from the property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Park;traffic control(signage and striping) for pedestrians crossing Lake Washington Boulevard from the east to the west side near the north entrance to Coulon Park,provided that the applicant would not be required to duplicate these improvements. 3. Requirement that no development of the project is to occur to the east of the toe of the slope as defined in the restrictive covenants. 4. Requirement that the number of dwelling units proposed would be restricted to 187;provided,however,that in the event of a zoning change to permit more units than 187,such zoning change would supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. The covenants were required as a condition of rezoning of the property in 1983 R-81-090). The restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development on the site. The covenants are no longer relevant as they have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property. In addition,approval of the land use permits for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finan Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance:Vouchers Payroll Vouchers 24534-24755,and 527 direct deposits totaling$983,404.44. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility:Utility Shutoffs(City Councilman Parker announced that in 1993,at the request of then- Policy and Procedures) Councilmember Nancy Mathews,the City Council had referred the subject of enforcement of utility liens and related claims for damages to the Finance Committee. He felt that this subject would best be broached in Committee of the Whole so all Councilmembers could participate in the discussion and any Afri4fmmoN-r +c, r T N Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator March 1, 2002 John Shenk Sobrato Development Co. #792 SI VI, LLC 10600 North De Anza Blvd. Suite 200 Cupertino, CA 95014 Subject: Rescission of Restrictive Covenants #8312120558 Alexan Multi Family Residential Development 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N., Renton City Land Use File #LUA98-123- Dear Mr. Shenk: This letter is to advise you that the City intends to finalize the rescission of the above-referenced restrictive covenants. We found after researching our files that it was clearly the City Council's intent to rescind these covenants in May of 2000 (see attached recorded Release of Restrictive Covenants document recorded under King County recording number 20000522001420). I have enclosed a copy of a City Council Planning and Development Committee report indicating the Council's intent to eliminate the covenants. Unfortunately, the Release of Restrictive Covenants document actually filed by the City did not accomplish the Council's intent as it inadvertently referenced a previous version of the covenants 8312050533) and did not extinguish the current version of the covenants in question. In order to rectify this situation, Development Services staff will immediately begin work processing a corrected version of the "Release of Covenants" document and will ensure that it is recorded with King County. This process should take approximately 2-3 weeks. Please feel free to contact me at 425-430-7294 with any questions you may have about this letter. Sincerely, Laureen Nicolay Senior Planner, Development Services Division enclosures cc: Michael Collins, Trammel Crow Residential Douglas L. Daley, Trammel Crow Residential Jennifer Henning City Land Use File #LUA98-123 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 caper 50%recl,clea ^.atsnal.20%pns!consumer rrr'AC 4 M N 1_ Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 20000522001420 CITY OF RENTON R 9.00 PAGE 001 OF 002 0N22C2000 14:31 r "" _ KING COUNTY, WA RELEASE OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Numbe 229650-200 Project File#: R-090-081 (Lake Terrace Park Associates Street Intersection: 2100 Lake Washin:on-t3ou evard Rezone) North Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton 1. Alex Cugini,Jr.,J.Steve Harer LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5,Township 23 North,Range 5 East, W.M,.in King County,Washington,lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard;except that portion platted as Eldon o Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats,page 86,in King County,Washington;together with that car portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by operation of law. oParcel B: Lots 39,40,and 41,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in King County,Washington;except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1020457;together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100a'Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by operation of law,together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under Lr) City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel C: That portion of Lot 28,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in Ktng County,Washington lying westerly of a straight line extending from a point on the south line of said lot,distant being 122 o feet westerly of the southeast corner to a point on the north line of said lot,being 236 feet westerly of the northeast corner 0 of said lot;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property byoperation of law.PeT Parcel D: Lot 27,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats,page 86,in King county, Washington;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under City of Renton Ordinance No.3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel E: That portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5,Township 23 North,Range 5 East,W.M.,in King County,Washington,described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in King County,Washington;thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning;thence West to the point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27,Eldon Acres,with the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5:thence South to the North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden,Division No. 5,according to the plat recordedin Volume 11 of Plats,page 83,in King County,Washington;thence East to a point South of the true point of beginning;thence North to the true point of beginning;except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right-of-way(200 feet in width)of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. Whereas the Grantee,as named above,is the holder of a restrictive cov cquired from the above named Grantor dated December 12,1983 and recorded under Recording Number(8312050533 f King County,State of Washington; and iy 7rn.c reCora-L:934 re,cexence, WHEREAS,the City of Renton,Washington did require certain restrictive covenant as a condition of approval for the rezoning of the subject property in 1983;and, WHEREAS,said restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development of the site;and, WHEREAS;said restrictive covenants applied to the then current zoning;and, WHEREAS,the zoning of this site has subsequently changed;and, WHEREAS,said restrictive covenants have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property;and, WHEREAS,the City Council authorized the removal of the restrictive covenants on March 20,2000; NOW,THEREFORE,the City of Renton does hereby authorize the release of the restrictive covenants described above on the land described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said City has caused this instrument to be executed this/ /(day of 'AA/2060 O RFMb City of Renton lI C) O c7 "L- S AL * E Jesse er, Mayor 0 c), do ...ej yiliiIiiiiti INIIl11 1 \ a Marilyn Pet1. 0 ty Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Je5Sc Titn n c r a. _.- . a and mos i t,,n P6 c r6e" signed this instrument and acknowledg d that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and y„E ,j ._ acknowledged it as the IY1nyor and Cl t f .1,1,L of e^ti 9 ,eAri4mn to be the free and voluntary of such o.<. `r party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. s ,., '•Notary Public m 4no.for the State of Washington tt 4 i 4 Notary(Print) I al IJP,I,,,01 A 1 r T .. My appointment expires: 91 t°I 4 2O Dated: 5111 UDO J J 1 2 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 RELEASE OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number: 229650- 2000 Project File#: R-090-081 (Lake Terrace Park Associates Street Intersection:2100 Lake Washington Rezone) Boulevard North Grantor(s):Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton 1. Tamaron Pointe Lp LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5,Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M., in King County,Washington,lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard;except that portion platted as Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County,Washington;together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by_operation of law. Parcel B: Lots 39,40,and 41, Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, Page 86, in King County,Washington;except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1020457;together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by operation of law;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel C: That portion of Lot 28, Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, in King County,Washington lying westerly of a straight line extending from a point on the south line of said lot, distant being 122 feet westerly of the southeast corner to a point on the north line of said lot, being 236 feet westerly of the northeast corner of said lot;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel D: Lot 27, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County,Washington;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No.3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel E: That portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M., in King County,Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, in King County,Washington;thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West to the point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27, Eldon Acres,with the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5:thence South to the North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. 5,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83, in King County,Washington;thence East to a point South of the true point of beginning; thence North to the true point of beginning;except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right- of-way(200 feet in width)of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. Whereas the Grantee, as named above, is the holder of a restrictive covenant acquired from the above named Grantor dated December 12, 1983 and recorded under Recording Number 8312120558 of King County, State of Washington; and WHEREAS,the City of Renton,Washington did require certain restrictive covenant as a condition of approval for the rezoning of the subject property in 1983; and, WHEREAS, said restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development of the site;and, WHEREAS, said restrictive covenants applied to the then current zoning; and, WHEREAS,the zoning of this site has subsequently changed; and, WHEREAS, said restrictive covenants have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property; and, WHEREAS,the City Council authorized the removal of the restrictive covenants on March 20,2000; NOW,THEREFORE,the City of Renton does hereby authorize the release of the restrictive covenants described above on the land described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said City has caused this instrument to be executed this day of 20 City of Renton Jesse Tanner, Mayor Bonnie Walton, City Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that and signed this instrument and acknowledged that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: K—BI—090 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 20000522001420CITYOFRENTONR9.00PAGE001OF002 05/22/2000 14:31 KING COUNTY, WA RELEASE OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number. 229650-200ProjectFileH: R-090-081(Lake Terrace Park Associates Street Intersection: 2100 Lake Washington BoulevardRezone) North Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton 1. Alex Cugini,Jr.,J. Steve Harer LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5,Township 23 North,Range 5 East, W.M.,.in King County,Washington,lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard;except that portion platted as EldonAcres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats,page 86,in King County,Washington;together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street(formerly known as Mildred Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by operationoflaw. Parcel B: Lots 39,40,and 41,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in KingCounty,Washington;except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1020457;together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100t Street(formerly known as Mildred N Avenue)adjoining,that would attach by operation of law,together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under cri City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. o Parcel C: That portion of Lot 28,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in King o County,Washington lying westerly of a straight line extending from a point on the south line of said lot,distant being 122feetwesterlyofthesoutheastcornertoapointonthenorthlineofsaidlot,being 236 feet westerly of the northeast corner0ofsaidlot;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel D: Lot 27,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats,page 86,in King county, Washington;together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North,under City of Renton Ordinance No.3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Parcel E: That portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5,Township 23 North,Range 5 East,W.M,in King County,Washington,described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26,Eldon Acres,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 86,in King County,Washington;thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning;thence West to the point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27,Eldon Acres,with the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5:thence South to the North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden,Division No.5,according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 83,in King County,Washington;thence East to a point South of the true point of beginning;thence North to the true point of beginning;except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right-of-way(200 feet in width)of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. Whereas the Grantee,as named above,is the holder of a restrictive covenant acquired from the above named Grantor dated December 12, 1983 and recorded under Recording Number 8312050533 of King County,State of Washington; and WHEREAS,the City of Renton,Washington did require certain restrictive covenant as a condition of approval for the rezoning of the subject property in 1983;and, WHEREAS,said restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development of the site;and, WHEREAS;said restrictive covenants applied to the then current zoning;and, WHEREAS,the zoning of this site has subsequently changed;and, WHEREAS,said restrictive covenants have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of 1 the property;and, WHEREAS,the City Council authorized the removal of the restrictive covenants on March 20,2000; NOW,THEREFORE,the City of Renton does hereby authorize the release of the restrictive covenants described above on the land described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said City has caused this instrument to be executed this I f'%day of itiduf 206D of uR iiiii i City of Renton Cir.-- s c-.7:0t•sisyt-c S A Jesse er,Mayor QU/IHuuulIlt \0 Marilyn Pet o ty Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that-C'S5 -an ii c r 1and of i 1y ft Pe IC 1 instrument and Z.acknowledg d that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Mel or and (.AA tv- of tktivi. NAN by.to be the free and voluntary of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in an for the State of Washington Notary(Print) and A1 f tit N , INI A 0 in My appointment expires: (AI I`11 RUC I Dated: 5111I Up 0 2 CITY 7F RENTON I City Clerk Jesse Tanner, Mayor Marilyn J. Petersen Marc h 22, 2000 Mr. Robert A.Hinnen Development Associate Trammell Crow Residential 2001 SW River Drive Portland, OR 97201 Re: Removal of Restrictive Covenants and Abandonment of Utility Easements for Tamaron Pointe Apartments Property; File No. R-81-090 Dear Mr. Hinnen: At the regular Council meeting of March 20, 2000,the Renton City:Council adopted the recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee to authorize the removal of restrictive covenants required as a condition of the Lake Terrace Park Associates Rezone in 1983 from Trailer(T) to Residence(R-3) zone. The Council found that the covenants are no longer relevant as they have either been satisfied or supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property. In addition, approval of the land use permits for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. If you have questions or require assistance,please contact Jennifer Henning, Development Services Division, at 425-430-7286. Sincerely, Marilyn . ersen City Clerk/Cable Manager cc: Mayor Jesse Tanner Council President Randy Corman Jennifer Henning,Development Services 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425)430-6510 / FAX(425)430-6516 This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer APPROVED DV CITY COUNCIL Date PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT March 16,2000 Removal of Restrictive Covenants—Tamaron Pointe Apartments March 13, 2000) The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence with staff recommendation to authorize the removal of restrictive covenants that were required as a condition of the rezone of the subject property in 1983 from Trailer(T)to Residence(R-3). The covenants require: 1.Voluntary payment of $6,450 for specific traffic improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. Requirement for specific off-site public street improvements including: installation of a left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site; provision of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting and all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site;provision of asphalt surface temporary sidewalks from the property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Park; traffic control (signage and striping)for pedestrians crossing Lake Washington Boulevard from the east to the west side near the north entrance to Coulon Park, provided that the applicant would not be required to duplicate these improvements. 3. Requirement that no development of the project is to occur to the east of the toe of the slope as defined in the restrictive covenant. 4. Requirement that the number of dwelling units proposed would be restricted to 187;provided, however, that in the event of a zoning change to permit more units than 187, such zoning change would supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. The covenants were required as a condition of rezoning of the property in 1983 (R-90-81). The restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development on the site. The covenants are no longer relevant as they have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property. In addition, approval of the land use permits for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. tampdc\ CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA IiiLL AID: 8• A.• For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Planning/Building/Public Works 3/13/00 Development Services Division Staff Contact Jennifer Toth Henning Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Request to Remove Restrictive Covenants from Public Hearing.. REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (Lake Correspondence.. Ordinance Terrace Park Associates Rezone R-090-81) Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Study Sessions Information Issue Paper Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Planning and Development Committee for March Legal Dept Finance Dept 17, 2000 Meeting Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Total Project Budget N/A City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Trammell Crow Residential has requested that the City Council remove Restrictive Covenants imposed on the subject site per rezone File No. R-90-81. The covenants require: 1. Voluntary payment of$6,450 for specific traffic improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. Requirement for specific off-site public street improvements including: installation of a left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site;provision of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting and all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site; provision of asphalt surface temporary sidewalks from the property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Park; traffic control (signage and striping)for pedestrians crossing Lake Washington Boulevard from the east to the west side near the north entrance to Coulon Park, provided that the applicant would not be required to duplicate these improvements. 3. No development of the project is to occur to the east of the toe of the slope as defined in the restrictive covenant. 4. The maximum number of dwelling units proposed would be restricted to 187;provided, however, that in the event of a zoning change to permit more units than 187, such zoning change would supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. City Council approved a rezone of the property from Trailer (T) to Residence (R-3) in December 1983, subject to the filing of Restrictive Covenants as summarized above. In 1993, the southern three-quarters of the property was rezoned to Trailer (T), and the northern one-quarter of the property was rezoned to MultiFamily - Infill (MF-I) during the citywide zoning update. In 1994, the interim zoning map of the City was amended to change the zoning classification of the southern H:\DIV ISION.S\DEV ELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.INGUTH\tamagd.doc/ three-quarters of the property from Trailer (T) to Multi-Family - Infill (MF-I) as a Comprehensive Plan Errata request. The owner has requested that the restrictive covenants be removed from the property title. The covenants place an unnecessary burden on the property inconsistent with property development standards adopted by the City. The covenants sunset in December 2025, however, many of the conditions have either been met, or no longer apply to the property. City Policy and Procedure No. 400-13 establishes a formal process that allows the City to review an applicant's request to remove a restrictive covenant. The covenant removal process requires tht approval of the original decision-making body. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council approve the request to remove the restrictive covenants. H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.INGUTH\tamagd.doc/ CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE:03/05/00 TO: Randy Corman, President City Council Members VIA. Mayor Jesse Tanner FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator G STAFF CONTACT: Jennifer Henning(X7286) SUBJECT: Request to Remove Restrictive Covenants ISSUE: The applicant requests that the City Council authorize the removal of Restrictive Covenants imposed on the subject site per Rezone File No. R-90-81. The property was rezoned in 1983 from Trailer(T)to a medium density residential designation, Residence(R-3) subject to the recording of restrictive covenants. The covenants are as follows: A. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, the applicant shall provide a total of$6,450 as a voluntary payment to the City of Renton, which shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be used exclusively for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in #1, 2, and 3 below: 1. Widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake at its approach to the intersection ofNorth Park Drive. 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection ofLake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Improve the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turns across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. B. The following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the City and are to be accomplished coincident with the development of the site should such development be pursued by the applicant and approved by the City. The applicant may request, and the Board ofPublic Works may consider, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City codes. C. Provide the total cost for installing the left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site. H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DE V&PLAN.INGUTH\tamiss.doc\cor D. Provide the off-site improvements of Lake Washington Boulevard, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. E. Provide asphalt surface, gravel-based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park, to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department ofPublic Works, said plans and improvements to include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing to the extent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. F. No development of this project is to occur east of the toe of the slope as identified on that certain survey recorded under King County Auditor File#7912119007, Book 21,pg. 168 of Surveys. G. Lake Terrace Associates shall amend their reclassification application to limit the maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187;provided, however, that in the event that the zoning limitation of the subject area described in Exhibit "A"should change by ordinance so as to permit more units than 187, then such zoning change shall supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. On July 14, 1983, Lake Terrace Park Associates represented by Gerard M. Shellan,formally amended their rezone application pursuant to the stipulations executed by both parties on June 15, 1983, and subsequently included in the decision of the Hearing Examiner dated June 23, 1983. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approve the request to remove the restrictive covenants. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: Restrictive covenants were required by the City Council in 1983 as a condition of approval of a rezone for the property located east of Gene Coulon Park at 2100 Lake Washington Boulevard. The property was rezoned from Trailer(T)to Residence (R-3) in December 1983, subject to the filing of restrictive covenants as noted above. In 1993,the southern three-quarters of the property was rezoned to Trailer(T), and the northern one-quarter of the property was rezoned to Multi- Family—Infill (MF-I)during the citywide zoning update. In 1994,the interim zoning map of the City was amended to change the zoning classification of the southern three-quarters of the property from Trailer(T)to Multi-Family—Infill (MF-I) as a Comprehensive Plan Errata request. The owner, Trammell Crow Residential, has requested that the restrictive covenants be removed from the property title. The covenants plan an unnecessary burden on the property inconsistent with property development standards adopted by the City. The covenants sunset in December 2025, however, many of the covenants have been satisfied, either previously or via conditions imposed on the approved land use development currently underway. H:\DI VISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.INGUTH\tamiss.doc\cor Item 'A", the payment of funds totaling$6,450,was paid to the City of Renton Building Department on December 22, 1983,thus satisfying this requirement. Traffic improvements specified in"A 1"through"A 3"were accomplished by the City utilizing the funds received from the owner. Item "B" identifies off-site public street improvements that should be a condition of any development permit issued by the City coincident with site development. The street improvements are specified in Items "C, D, and E." Item "C" refers to the "Lakeside site"which is understood to be the Marina Landing Apartments developed by Lincoln Lakeside Associates. The left-turn lane referred to in Item "C,"and the off-site street improvements specified in Item D" along Lake Washington Boulevard "curbs, gutters sidewalks, and street lighting"were installed at the time that Marina Landing was constructed. Likewise,the improvements for the benefit of pedestrians, as required by Item "E"(sidewalks, signage,and crosswalks to Coulon Park)have also been previously installed. Item "F" limits development of the Tamaron Pointe site such that none is to occur east of the toe of the slope as referenced in the covenant. No development has been proposed or approved east of the toe of the slope on the subject site. The site is presently under construction, and City Codes preclude development of the steep slope areas referenced, rendering Item "F"unnecessary. Item "G"established a limit of 187 dwelling units on the subject site, but allows for subsequent zoning changes to supercede and supplant this portion of the restrictive covenants. The Tamaron Pointe Apartments are being developed with 182 units, meeting both Item "G" and the density requirements of the current RM-I Zone. CONCLUSION: As discussed in the Background Summary above, improvements and restrictions to development as specified in Restrictive Covenants imposed as a condition of rezoning the property in 1983 have been satisfied. Subsequent changes to the site's zoning, and approval of a development plan for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments (currently under construction)further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. The covenants have either been met or are no longer relevant to the subject site. Jana Hanson H:DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DE V&PLAN.INGVTII\tamiss.doc\cor COUNTY RECORDIN't, NO. 8312050533 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE TENANTS ten:,^;'SCR n; DAY WHEREAS, Lake Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the following reealLu '8 property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit'?: OF 3 k0:!3 f12%1 A" attached hereto. RECE:' F i I CPrHam•}.00 CO 22 Q WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following ri restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. c NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: A. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, the applicant shall provide a total of $6,450 as a voluntary payment to the City of Renton, which fund shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be used exclusively for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in #F1, 2, and 3 below: 1. Widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Improve the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left,turns across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. B. The following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the City and are to be accomplished coincident with the development of the site should such development be pursued by the applicant and approved by the City. The applicant may request, and the Board of Public Works may consider, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City codes. C. Provide total cost for installing the left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site. D. Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. E. Provide asphalt surface, gravel-based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park, to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, said plans and improvements to include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing to the extent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. F. D development of this project is to occur t of the toe of slope as identified on that certain survey recorded under King County Auditor File #7912119007, Book 21, pg. 168 of Surveys. G. Lake Terrace Associates shall amend their reclassification application to limit the maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187; provided, however, that in the event that the zoning limitation of the subject area described in Exhibit "A" should change by ordinance so as to permit more units than 187, then such zoning change shall supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. On July 14, 1983, Lake Terrace Park Associates represented by Gerard M. Shellan, formally amended their rezone application pursuant to the stipulations X) executed by both parties on June 15, 1983, and subsequently included in the U decision of the Hearing Examiner dated June 23, 1983. C THESE COVENANTS shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. e-t GO Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. Managing Partners: ALEX CUGINIf R. J. S VE RARER STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King On this 94-k day of November, 1983, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ALEX CUGINI, JR., & STEVE HARER, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they signed the said instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the..uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. Ja-9--)o i. c (P'- ,t o,- _ Notary Public in _.,d for the State of ! Washington, residing at $73 o so. ((3//f ,, therein. Secd-6(t 1,J4 51. 2_ l 817 4 FILED for P rr.rd at Reouest or RE wSCMI RE MS.K. th _,j- 1 .. Y f•` r. III''% Z j:. gill:..., i 1017.---<// ,- ;e°4ThThillegfA,47,e)*11% INF:A ,yr,„/ E.,\.'"2"*":-TT--1-7-71_1 -__ ,Ole 7."...,_ 15/1001,Attit,4 ;i407iiiA3!.:**:.',".e.:,. 5 i 7.,< :,..... ,:% 1 .••':f:,: ....,,,,,,,,,,._,_;--;.::-:<„,-,00:41,......,"2,01..eirialiffat.a.....e3.:....V‘,-,41,1cre /ip •2'%.-.,P?.--"-.-- '';. ':". .•::' ''',:.• 10.4i0S6),;.=\111rAlrik r AW;), ‘ 4. 624 Ader4 ...If-tes' .1.:.... if.t.:.,-.„..._, .. .,:.,.,.„::.:...-, ,,-;-;.,....:.,,...-- iIi0P71.-,,,4111vVekA....,.4., . n• A ,Ith. e g 6 il 4., ...,,.. ..i---,-, 04111.----ritm,. - dkl% d_ \064\11h\O ona.,,d6 vs„;Awie., ..444*-,./- 4,...,,,,i 4. • , S' tr Rom' .V% ......:- Ilk - MINIM I II "I iiiiiikl" R--___\ %., 1. :t. S 071.° I./. ‘.-atf'..%.-.--- f; Aes. 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'... le1111100L'S,A #, .. 11134-0 IL DA TX 7. -.--14„,giti re .-i ,,,,cri, ..,,,,.----.L. - 6: gei n..a ./// /-'N SCALE•1'-50' P/""i T-_-_ __ _________j" © o PACIFIC ENGINEERING DESIGN INC. o PLACIVILENGINEERING, AND PLANNING CONSULTANTS POLICY & PROCEDURE Subject: I Index: PLANNING/BUILDING/ REMOVAL AND/OR MODIFICATION OF I PUBLIC WORKS • RESTRICTIVE.COVENANTS Number: 400-13 Effective Date I Supersedes I Page . I StaffContact I. vApprove By I I 2/9/9$LI I a.),I N/A I 1 of 1 I Jim Hanson 1.0 PURPOSE: To establish a procedure for the removal and/or modification of restrictive covenants. 2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED: • , All departments/divisions . 3.0 REFERENCES: N/A 4.0 POLICY: It shall be the policy of the City of Renton to formally consider the applicant's request for the removal or modification of restrictive covenants. Over time, the conditions prompting the original covenants may change. A formal process to allow the removal of restrictive covenants will allow the City to be responsive to changing site conditions. 5.0 J)EFINITIONS: Restrictive Covenants: A restriction on the use of land usually set forth in the deed, but may also be added by the use of another recorded document. Restrictive covenants usually run with the land and, if running with the land, are binding upon subsequent owners of the properly. However, some restrictive covenants may run for specific periods of time. 6.0 PROCEDURE: 6.1 Property owners wishing to remove or alter restrictive covenants must submit a written application to the decision-making body, or its successor body or individual, which had the final. authority to require the covenant originally. At minimum, the application must include a recorded copy of the restrictive covenants to be altered, legal description, and a letter explaining the need for removal/modification. 6.1.1 The fee, if any, will be as set forth in Section 5-5-1 or the Renton Municipal Code. 6.1.2 The City may require notification of surrounding property owners, beneficiaries of tr covenant other than the general public and any parties of record. 6.1.3 The applicant must be able to demonstrate to the original decision-making bod successor that there has been a change in circumstances (i.e. new Comprehe• designation or zoning designation) so as to make the covenant undesirable standpoint or that the covenants are duly burdensome on the property oi: taken by the property owner cannot be used as a basis to claim undue F TC !Robert Hinnen TRAMMELL CROW RESIDENTIAL I)crelop lent Associate uific Northwest 001 S.W.River Drive ortland,OR 97201 303)952-7739 503)241-3462 DEVELOPMENT PL NN1Z CITY OF RENTON SEP 1999 RECEIVED August 30, 1999 Ms. Jennifer Henning City of Renton City Hall, 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: Removal of Restrictive Covenants and Abandonment of Utility Easements for Tamaron Pointe Apartments Property Dear Jennifer: Per our discussions in June, Tamaron Pointe Limited Partnership, the current owner of the property formerly used as the Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park, hereby requests removal of the Declarations of Restrictive Covenants recorded on December 5, 1983 and December 12, 1983, under Recording Nos. 8312050533 and 8312120558 (copies enclosed). The restrictive covenants set forth in these documents (1) have previously been satisfied, (2) are no longer desired by the Department of Public Works (per conversation with Neil Watts) or (3) have been incorporated into the approvals for the project currently under construction. Tamaron Pointe Limited Partnership needs confirmation that the restrictive covenants no longer apply. Alternatively, Tamaron Pointe Limited Partnership hereby requests that the restrictive covenants be modified to reflect only those that are still in effect, if any. Similarly, under Ordinance No. 3447 of the City of Renton, recorded under Recording Nos. 801006060646 and 8012120762, the City reserved an easement for utility purposes when it vacated a portion of Pelly Place N. Pelly Place N. terminated in the middle of the site currently being developed as an apartment community. There are no public utilities located within the easement area. All existing utilities are being replaced as part of the apartment development. Public utilities serving the apartment community will be in public utility easements as required by the Department of Public Works and/or the applicable utility provider. Copies of the two recordings of the Ordinance are enclosed for your reference. Ms. Jennifer Henning August 30, 1999 Page 2 Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. We very much appreciate your continuing assistance on these matters. Sincerely, 14t4e41 Robert A. Hinnen Development Associate Enclosures cc: John Wayland (w/o enclosures) Mike Ording (w/o enclosures) Greg Diener (w/o enclosures) Bill Rutledge (w/o enclosures) r F fjii a - a DECL-ARA1 ION OF I ESi niC I IVE COVENANTS r WHIRLAS, l.ako Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the following real Ai. •, property in the City of Renton..Connty of King. State of Washington. described as Exhibit r= A`attached hereto. r it 7-, r : WHEREAS the Owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following t I?. i.n restrictive`covenants running with the land as to use, present and future. of the above t described real property. i ems"4 A a 'S NOW,:1HEREFORF, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose , A v,-, if-. ' res rictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned. their successors,heirs and assigns as follows A."--:Prim to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81. the applicant shall provide a total of $6 450 as a voluntary payment to the City of :_e, L total contribution and shall be used F r 4,Renton, which fund shall constitute the exclusively for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in 11. • 2 and 3 below: 1. Widen 800 lineal feet of.Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park:Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington"Boulevard at-its approach to the intersection of North Park i' Drive. Y,' 2. -Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington 1 Y.2. _, Boulevard and North Park.Drive try , ." .: Improve the Intersection.. f Burnett Avenue,,North and Lake Washington:t. l, 1 i zs+ 7 v Boulevard toaccommodate left turns across traffic southbound toward the as.; ;' 1a ti ''; " Primed development 4 • .{ • at _-'.•, i :• t; .-11.??1;,a-.'may, 1 i f `t- n B , The following"off site public'street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the City and are to be accomplished coincident"- err 33 with the,development of-the site should such'development be pursued by the lT17F.,:"-f-7;:e.;;',...,VZ6..-:: applicant__and approved by,the City ,The applicant may° request, and the Board t°'" 1 . i' `'` of Public Works may consider, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with 7 4"5* 1 the then applicable City codes. • C. Provide total cost for installing the left turn lane opposite the entrance to the fir; .'` t :' Lakeside site: D. .Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. curbs. gutters. sidewalks: and street lighting..together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. 1 E Provide asphalt surface gravel based temporary sidewalks. 6 feet in width from`the subject property to the entrance of Gene_Coulon Beach Park. to be f' tom: .4 i, is 1 located cad.installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by 0 !"ti* j the:'Depertment:'of Public.,Works, said'plans and. improvements: to include e, kh. necessary associated'drainage `appurtenances. Further. traffic'control for R ram. Ef i pedestrian::'crossing over Lake Boulevard from its east side to its 1 • west'side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing to the 7"- I extent"that such sidewalk-improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. r . 1. 7.14 %.i•:_i..;.',.. i:,,,.....::e. z- , t•it :--.,-,7 '. 7 ,.:'..• ..,. :-.--, A ;:tc.-.:;:e.; s1-' • N1 411,-.•-. 1 ol,:r.ent et t III s pro jer t i s to OCCUr ea s t : of fi.. .,,, ..„,.....4;.,:i t).1', 105-foot cent eta- e Itv:al on. z t, '.•L'',....,.. ,...3,41,.. G. Like Tot-race Assnel:Ites shall amend. their reclassi- . • • Ical-20:1 apP 1 i cat ion to 1 imi g the" maximum number''' of dwelling in it s recluksst c.:.1 to 137; provided, hcweVer, 7:-,A-..„7: t hat in t he event I it. t he zoning 1 imitation of, the s.;•!,',.gi ,..,•,./7:s•„::::7.: i•-;-:•••• "-:•:.•,:ii.•"41.1.:subject. area described in Exhibit. "A" should change, .•-,,. . . : •:_,,,• by oi'd inane° so .as to permit .,.ppre units:: than 187.': -:•' ...,,''....- '-',..,1,..z tt•en such zoning Change shall .supercede...c.and supplant ,• • i'•;•.1-.. f.'..7..t.:. 4.,,.`7,, ::1;: k.$ that, portion of .. the" restrictive. c9veilant*•cic914?...r...r•;„," : .. - . .,-.,. - .,•.,- ,T-T z cl • .. - • thereto.7.. ' -:'::.:';'9:-;'-i";''''''P'1*-474.-r:. --; ' . . -.- "' %;`W' ....gi*', 21',7-'` C1 '..':'.:••••:-: :: 7-f:.$'2Xtr>1..,2"0.,..-i-i.,-.:,-.,:- .-, : '....•••. .••••s-, ,,1 ;--• 1.1 •', z'!:.-•, '.. . •:. 7.-,-..-k*Peti-... ..:;.,-;:,.,r_...:'.- - ' :\..-1-3? sr- i:•••:•:' ,-,W-;,..-:s'• -•'. - ..'. ..v !.. , _'On July 14. 1983,- Lake Terrace Park Associates. rept.e7;,;:' -•'•"..• ' • ..3- . P.4::T.ViS:t• G. , :.„- . scntcd by Gerard M. Shell:•.h, formally' amendect•i,;:their..::. :,. ,.....,:.4,.,:,,,., .,1„,:. . ,., •- s,..,., rezone application pursuant • t9 ,._the --stipulations .,,ex- ecuted- by both parties .on June --. 15,, :1983-,- and subse- quently 7...z-.:.:.:::::::-,..,-1:-,-.?-11,,f4 •::.,•:-.4'...?,t, CO••; ., -; .,- z. - •-.:: included in t -ie decision of the Hearirtg.,,,'EXIi,‘,,,:•-..,-',:ls-..,;;kit-4"1---:- .:-.. +„. ri•:.4. 1%-.1"-1.,„,, t.:-•!. amincr d a t,-?,i June 23, 2.983...-- - .-. : - : • ',:.r•••"--454./..--,S;.-4.?-4.1,7,3•AC-At.z:4,:r.V,--.1'.71:-i;:'::Clf-'''' ," ' z,--•:-.7-z" - _ ', -•.:.;-:.:•......".1r.," - • ir,:..i,.*,,r,...46gz;,,:-..,...•:•,,, .4•1:•% e. , r•- • • 1,•• .. 4 • -,,,,, :-....:..1.--,:•, •,_- ..„,;•.4_ a„..-,...:. .I.:2. z..,,;....i.1, •.',.:---.V.-,1 '..- ..-.7 7 i-,.. ''''4.4 f.''.1 THESE COVENANTS - shall run with the..:7 land and 'expire z.s.cm'',1,f'•::--;--,. ...-..... ..-:-,<..._,,:. 1.: i'l''';' . - - * ' ' sz ..,- : , -. : .. , ,':.i.'1',.5".;;•".•..W*,,.i.. -=.4;•:.;:•-•,.1-•.-.•ftI -4zi;•- P. •••••••;•;:.:,•:•'•-• .- v; ,.•i,_.....11 .,.., „..;•1?-T,7,,..9,,!,..-.•,-;'-' 4-- e cembe r 31, 2025.s4.!. 7.- ff;-..... -,..4,.;-: : ':-,....,:,,, ,..••:;:t' 4r4.,:--4'4'.' '"..:::''-' 8 .....',-;.. -7.5:2. tt 7 " fr..' ...;'-. itt 1!*4 Any violation or breach of these.. restrictive 'covenants '..'. -. ,•-,. st, --. Alt-4,11.z. •.;•:. _ - 7! '' .-'' • ' 'nay be enforced by proper le ,al .'Procedui7eS in the Superior 3.::•?: T.;;;,t-i•.-?;;.t, 1 ..f:,--.:-...,..-, F,:::::-' Court of King County by ez.ther ..the City Of7.1Renton or any prop-• 51:0- .: - efi ----.47:'''.:. 1•••• ..; .. •=•*.•:•.• .,,,' ,',,;-erty. ,:Owners;.,. adjoin.ing. subject propertY,.who...". are,-...-.adversely;,,40444r0,, tt-J"_%i.cf,; 4 -.,.±,..-• - - , ,, -,fected,_by said breach. ,' - J.:::•-- •••: . • • ::,.• 1t:e,„,:::,,47; 1,.. :egic.',: ..<.-''..."--.)i. 1' 1;;;...?..,-, ::::,,,',;;„, 7 ..„;,'..,,'",7-,;1 Z..,-' 7.",•- : ' . : 7 .'-' 7. 7 T ':'11: ..:-: ': ':'' :1,1;i-,',4-.,iti,1‘$1.51'A'`-',%.., , i", ..-i:,c4.:;-•n P4 9 1.,?•:;Partners: .:; •-•'..--:. ,-,-.:-.-',. . .:. %.- - ' 2‘::•2'.'-;..-.*''';-:-?:;;-';'..'. .1-.L':.,',.':'ii-i•A:iii:i.'!..4.".?i: 4%‘404,4: ,, -'. : t-.1',g2.04i.9'.4 ,•..:'-': . •rj,e'•,,i'AiLit,(4,-;:f,:.:f''f' 7 -,,- --... - -,-,-;J.:. ,,.,z, -:,.,24-;? . „--.:,s.,-,:„„-r, V.....;.-.l.-.:4,:•?-§"14-.:Atv:',.'. - ,1 • IV1ftp,j.. .3wzg7k: ..-. •t :;.".;- 7 --...,,,,,..T ''.:" .,-.;,-;...:. ,t•,!7%.'' "_;i:''',;.•• 1'.: ' d:'''''' '14',....::`.,.."*:_%'5:' ,,i4 .,", 74,4 ,-;i-1 ,.„....,i:,: -0",_ . . - : ef_7,..../.4'_ -'-_.;•;,,!;"Vi-3.--•,'•,t• . 1,e,. ....!,-.4-•-,, - 7‘•;:-. ,-.7.1,:.4,4.-A k-!..!.. ALEX:-CUG I N I," ,,,T lc. : . . J. EVM:::HARER •;:-'7,- :....-.4.e...--4,,''';''..,::tt ,-.,Elr-2.v 7 ;It .....---•:',- --:-, ,','.i.----...--.4:'-'....::: - k .: . - .. -:' . -...,, -,;-. :.- . t'I'' '..... r•-yr.:;--r-..:- ::::"'‘'.W',.-::.-.-- - .,. 2 ' '..-..f.. -. . - . a'v,. e' •izc.,•-• -. ----. STATE-;;OF WASH1 GTON..-•:-)•,- ' • . ,' . -• ..'-...2'-.C'..•C': Y.-- •::.. ' .'-'-' . ' '7,4 ,•,--;;;IT7-Z*:;,`".4: ii 4•:::':.i.•:, i,•.'-7...22.,:-,., ....,,,ss COU14TY .OF KING 7,.-Lv;r•I -1--.L.,,,,,. .,... 4....1._'. ,..: ., : . - ': •z--:' On: this c.? day of November, 1983, before me, the .under-,. 1,:-.•'• ' ' - signed,”-- a Notary ..Public in and for the. State of- Washington, duly. commissioned and swornpersonallyappeared ALEX CtIGINI, t ...T.'••;,...7, k..-.:._ JR., V,-,.-and.:-.,.J. STEE HARER, to me known:.to ,be the individuals::de- i,,.. 2..?.-. : ',.14*..r: •i--. "-scribed in and who _executed the.within and foregoing instrument 1.'?i ..''-ic,„, ;,:•.:7 and acknowledged to me that they signed the ..same as their free . ••. t4 ••,...,..:,,a.;.....ii;;;.. and?.:•-voluntary act • and deed for the Uses•-:.and :purposes. therein ,, ._,,,,:_.:.,- ....:.:;:: .• i'::-;:i: ,:,-',.... ...',1):: mentioried. .:- 1- • -.• WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day e. . , 744'.. and SrOar:,•first above written. : : .. -..' ..-.- '- : ,,,.,,,..-•1-, _- ,,, -__ .. 1'.-7=‘`.! ',._•• -•--;.--r.- z. ..-:' t• :.:T.:e,f....,..56, 4„;,.--•.:, i :4;Zi:'.. 2 _ •. . -•- . '''• -.-' - - ' NOTA1tV 1,11 ,IALC .in and for the State of Washington, residing at 3730.....,,,..-,s,:,., Li 2.i_i_ s. , • -•;,.. le.::.. , • A... .• c._ , , .„. . 1-' r'l i' 7.14 •-• ie-ck-r(fis7.-!:,'•:.:„...10 s •-••:::9 s 1 7 C. . I .... '4, t :. • q. Ct, 1:`.7- 2 7"...1,“0" i.AKE itRRACE PARK ASSUC!A 11 S LEGAL DESCItIP1ION l'AIti;F.I A: t I hat port ion of (:ovet nmeret I ot in Sect ion 5, I cwnship 75 North, Range 5, i.a,:. W.M., in King County, Washington, lying F asterly of I ake Washinytr,n Boulevard; except that portion platted as F icion Ac:re$. according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, p.eyc 8(., in King County, Washington; together with that portion of vacated Soothe Est 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law. PARCEL 13: C? Lots 39, 40, and 41. Fldon Acres, according to the plot recorded in Volume 11 of Plats. page 86. in King County, Washington; except that portion of 1 ut 41 conveyed 0 to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's F ile No. 107045/; together with that portion of vacated Southeost IO0th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; together with that portion of vacated Petty Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. PARCEL C: That portion of Lot 28, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, in King County. Washington, lying westerly of a straight line extending from a point oci the south line of said lot, distant 172 feet westerly of the southeast corner to a point on the north line of said lot,being 236 feet westerly of the northeast corner of said lot; together with that portion of vacated Petty Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. PARCEL D: Lot 2/. Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 8C.. in King County, Washington; together with that portion of vacated Petty Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. PARCEL. F: 1 hat portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5. Township 23 North, Range S East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 16, r.idon Acres. according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86 , in King County. Was:ington; thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West to the point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27, E ldon Acres, with the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5; thence South to the North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden. Division No. 5, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83 , in King County. Washington; thence East to a point South of the true point of beginning; thence North to the true point of beginning; except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the W'•sterly margin of the abandoned right-of-way (200 feet in width) of Pacific., Coast Railroad Company. 11 oe „I March 20, 2000 Renton City Council Minutes Page 97 District, and to Section 9-14-11,Administrative Procedures for Right-of-way Vacations. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Development Services: Planning &Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Tamaron Pointe Apts Removal recommending concurrence with the staff recommendation to authorize the of Restrictive Covenants (Lk removal of restrictive covenants that were required as a condition of the rezone Wash Blvd),R-81-090 of the Tamaron Pointe Apartments property in 1983 from Trailer(T) to Residential (R-3). The covenants require: 1. Voluntary payment of$6,450 for specific traffic improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. Requirement for specific off-site public street improvements including: installation of a left turn lane opposite the entrance to the lakeside site; provision of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting and all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the lakeside site; provision of asphalt surface temporary sidewalks from the property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Park; traffic control (signage and striping) for pedestrians crossing Lake Washington Boulevard from the east to the west side near the north entrance to Coulon Park,provided that the applicant would not be required to duplicate these improvements. 3. Requirement that no development of the project is to occur to the east of the toe of the slope as defined in the restrictive covenants. 4. Requirement that the number of dwelling units proposed would be restricted to 187; provided,however, that in the event of a zoning change to permit more units than 187, such zoning change would supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. The covenants were required as a condition of rezoning of the property in 1983 R-81-090). The restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development on the site. The covenants are no longer relevant as they have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property. In addition, approval of the land use permits for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Payroll Vouchers 24534-24755, and 527 direct deposits totaling$983,404.44. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Utility Shutoffs (City Councilman Parker announced that in 1993, at the request of then- Policy and Procedures) Councilmember Nancy Mathews, the City Council had referred the subject of enforcement of utility liens and related claims for damages to the Finance Committee. He felt that this subject would best be broached in Committee of the Whole so all Councilmembers could participate in the discussion and any decision-making. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF UTILITY SHUTOFFS (CITY POLICY AND PROCEDURES) TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. APPROWiD DY CITY COUNCIL Date PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT March 16,2000 Removal of Restrictive Covenants—Tamaron Pointe Apartments March 13, 2000) The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence with staff recommendation to authorize the removal of restrictive covenants that were required as a condition of the rezone of the subject property in 1983 from Trailer(T)to Residence(R-3). The covenants require: 1.Voluntary payment of $6,450 for specific traffic improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. Requirement for specific off-site public street improvements including: installation of a left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site; provision of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting and all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site;provision of asphalt surface temporary sidewalks from the property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Park; traffic control (signage and striping)for pedestrians crossing Lake Washington Boulevard from the east to the west side near the north entrance to Coulon Park, provided that the applicant would not be required to duplicate these improvements. 3. Requirement that no development of the project is to occur to the east of the toe of the slope as defined in the restrictive covenant. 4. Requirement that the number of dwelling units proposed would be restricted to 187;provided, however, that in the event of a zoning change to permit more units than 187, such zoning change would supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. The covenants were required as a condition of rezoning of the property in 1983 (R-90-81). The restrictive covenants require certain off-site improvements or restrict development on the site. The covenants are no longer relevant as they have either been satisfied or have been supplanted by subsequent rezoning of the property. In addition, approval of the land use permits for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. tampdc\ III`!/A%'^`IF/(!1`'` • - VV Kathy K lker-Wheeler, Chair im Schlitzer, hair Dan Clawson,Member cc: Jennifer Toth Henning Document9\ tampdc\ f • March 13, 2000 Renton City Council Minutes Page 85 immediately upon the effective date of the adoption of the 4(d)rule. Within the first two years,an Early Action Program(EAP)must be implemented which addresses improved land use regulations,a comprehensive storm water program,road maintenance procedures,acquisition and restoration of habitat, watershed assessment and participation in comprehensive watershed-based salmon conservation efforts. Phase one ends with the completion of the comprehensive watershed based conservation plan. Phase two starts after five years and continues until the species is recovered. During phase two,cities are required to implement the watershed-based conservation plan. Implementation, she explained,will require revisiting critical area ordinances and adopting a shoreline management program and development regulations that include management zones(buffers)from 50 to 300 feet from water bodies,a stormwater program,a road maintenance program and a habitat acquisition and restoration program. In conclusion,Ms.Hanson described staff concerns regarding the proposed Tri- County framework. Explaining that there are several gaps within the framework,she pointed out that there is no mention of redevelopment activities and how those are to be treated through the framework process. Utility Engineering Supervisor Ron Straka reported that the proposed Tri- County framework includes a comprehensive 14 element stormwater program. He said that although the City currently has programs that implement many of the elements,due to the lack of detail in the framework,the City cannot determine if its current level of efforts is sufficient for every element. The framework requires the adoption of technical standards which will require a strengthening of the City's current stormwater standards regarding detention and water quality. Mr. Straka confirmed that the proposed framework will have a significant impact on the City's ability to conduct business,will require a large commitment of staff resources,and will potentially redirect capital funds. He concluded by saying that staff recommends that Council authorize the Mayor to send a letter to the Tri-County Executive Committee summarizing the staff's comments which will point out the overall vagueness of the framework,the undefined mandates,the one size fits all approach to stormwater and management zones as applied to urban areas,and the lack of opportunity to review and comment on all of the framework implementation guidelines. Councilmember Clawson inquired as to how much more stringent the regulations in the State Department of Ecology's Stormwater Manual are than what the City currently has in place. Mr. Straka answered that although it will vary on a site-to-site basis,generally it could mean as much as a doubling or tripling of detention volume required for on-sight peak flow control. Responding to Councilmember Schlitzer,Mayor Tanner said that it is not mandated that the City comply with proposed regulations,however, if they are not followed the City won't be able to develop. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER,COUNCIL AUTHORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO SEND A LETTER TO THE TRI- COUNTY GROUP SUMMARIZING THE CITY'S CONCERNS REGARDING THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT 4(d)RULE FRAMEWORK. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Development Services: Development Services Division recommended approval of the request from March 13,2000 Renton City Council Minutes Page 86 Removal of Restrictive Trammell Crow Residential for the removal of restrictive covenants on Covenants for Trammell Crow property located at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. as the site has been rezoned 2100 Lk Wash Blvd) Lake Terrace Park Associates Rezone,R-90-08 and many of the conditions have either been met or no longer apply to the property. Refer to Planning& Development Committee. Finance: Valley Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval of an Communications Center PDA interlocal agreement creating a Public Development Authority for the purpose of issuing debt to construct a new Valley Communications Center for five south King County jurisdictions. Refer to Finance Committee. Plat: Elizabeth, 1221 Edmonds Hearing Examiner recommended approval,with conditions,of the Elizabeth Ave NE(PP-99-150)Place preliminary plat; 17 single family lots on 1.67 acres located at 1221 Edmonds Ave.NE(PP-99-150). Council concur. King County: Transit Center Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a Memorandum of Agreement Agreement with King County for the construction,operation and maintenance of the Renton Transit Center. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Andee Jorgensen, 2411 Garden Ct.N., 98056, Citizen Comment: Jorgensen— commending the Mayor and Council for building a park for pedestrian activity Naming of Downtown in downtown Renton. She supports naming the park Piazza Renton. MOVED Pedestrian Park BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding Community Services criminal activity at Sunset Court Park. Sunset Court Park was inspected by the Committee Parks Department regarding criminal activity,cleanliness and lighting. With Parks: Sunset Court Park the exception of one lighter,the park was free from litter,broken glass,drug Criminal Activity(Lighting paraphernalia,and prophylactics. Further,there is an area light in the park set Request) with an electronic eye that operates from dusk to dawn seven days per week. Police Department records verify that no calls have been received for the past year regarding illegal activities in Sunset Court Park. It was noted that the gravel area between the asphalt alley and the park fence was fairly clean except for one used prophylactic and broken glass,which park department personnel removed. The alley to the east of the park contained considerable litter including bottles,cans, chairs,bingo cards, leaves and illegal brush dumping. The private property adjacent to and north of the park was extensively overgrown and contained a homeless camp. The Community Services Committee concurred with the staff recommendation that additional lighting is not required for this park as no calls have been received regarding illegal activities and it may negatively impact area residents. The Committee further recommended that the City's Code Compliance Office with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department contact the private property owner adjacent to and north of the park for cleanup and removal of the overgrown vegetation on the site. Further, it was recommended that the Code Compliance Officer coordinate the removal of the homeless camp. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Municipal Arts Community Services Committee Chair Nelson recommended concurrence in Commission the Mayor's appointment of Nancy Clendaniel to the Municipal Arts C ( OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENt SILL AI#: $. k. For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board Planning/Building/Public Works 3/13/00 Development Services Division Staff Contact Jennifer Toth Henning Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Request to Remove Restrictive Covenants from Public Hearing.. REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (Lake Correspondence.. Ordinance Terrace Park Associates Rezone R-090-81) Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Study Sessions Information Issue Paper Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Planning and Development Committee for March Legal Dept Finance Dept 17, 2000 Meeting Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required...Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Total Project Budget N/A City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Trammell Crow Residential has requested that the City Council remove Restrictive Covenants imposed on the subject site per rezone File No. R-90-81. The covenants require: 1. Voluntary payment of$6,450 for specific traffic improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard. 2. Requirement for specific off-site public street improvements including: installation of a left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site;provision of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting and all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site; provision of asphalt surface temporary sidewalks from the property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Park; traffic control (signage and striping)for pedestrians crossing Lake Washington Boulevard from the east to the west side near the north entrance to Coulon Park, provided that the applicant would not be required to duplicate these improvements. 3. No development of the project is to occur to the east of the toe of the slope as defined in the restrictive covenant. 4. The maximum number of dwelling units proposed would be restricted to 187;provided, however, that in the event of a zoning change to permit more units than 187, such zoning change would supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. City Council approved a rezone of the property from Trailer (T) to Residence (R-3) in December 1983, subject to the filing of Restrictive Covenants as summarized above. In 1993, the southern three-quarters of the property was rezoned to Trailer (T), and the northern one-quarter of the property was rezoned to MultiFamily - Infill (MF-I) during the citywide zoning update. In 1994, the interim zoning map of the City was amended to change the zoning classification of the southern H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.INGUTH\tamagd.doc/ three-quarters of the prop__., from Trailer (T) to Multi-Family - _____ll (MF-I) as a Comprehensive Plan Errata request. The owner has requested that the restrictive covenants be removed from the property title. The covenants place an unnecessary burden on the property inconsistent with property development standards adopted by the City. The covenants sunset in December 2025, however, many of the conditions have either been met, or no longer apply to the property. City Policy and Procedure No. 400-13 establishes a formal process that allows the City to review an applicant's request to remove a restrictive covenant. The covenant removal process requires tht approval of the original decision-making body. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council approve the request to remove the restrictive covenants. H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.INGUTH\tamagd.doc/ CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE:03/05/00 TO: Randy Corman, President City Council Members VIA: 1--('Mayor Jesse Tanner FROM: Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator G STAFF CONTACT: Jennifer Henning(X7286) SUBJECT: Request to Remove Restrictive Covenants ISSUE: The applicant requests that the City Council authorize the removal of Restrictive Covenants imposed on the subject site per Rezone File No. R-90-81. The property was rezoned in 1983 from Trailer(T)to a medium density residential designation, Residence (R-3) subject to the recording of restrictive covenants. The covenants are as follows: A. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, the applicant shall provide a total of$6,450 as a voluntary payment to the City of Renton, which shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be used exclusively for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in #1, 2, and 3 below: 1. Widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection ofLake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Improve the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turns across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. B. The following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the City and are to be accomplished coincident with the development of the site should such development be pursued by the applicant and approved by the City. The applicant may request, and the Board ofPublic Works may consider, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City codes. C. Provide the total cost for installing the left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site. H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.S E R\DE V&PLAN.IN GUTH\tamiss.doc\cor D. Provide the off-site improvements of Lake Washington Boulevard, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. E. Provide asphalt surface, gravel-based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park, to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, said plans and improvements to include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing to the extent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. F. No development of this project is to occur east of the toe of the slope as identified on that certain survey recorded under King County Auditor File #7912119007, Book 21,pg. 168 of Surveys. G. Lake Terrace Associates shall amend their reclassification application to limit the maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187;provided, however, that in the event that the zoning limitation of the subject area described in Exhibit "A"should change by ordinance so as to permit more units than 187, then such zoning change shall supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. On July 14, 1983, Lake Terrace Park Associates represented by Gerard M. Shellan,formally amended their rezone application pursuant to the stipulations executed by both parties on June 15, 1983, and subsequently included in the decision of the Hearing Examiner dated June 23, 1983. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approve the request to remove the restrictive covenants. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: Restrictive covenants were required by the City Council in 1983 as a condition of approval of a rezone for the property located east of Gene Coulon Park at 2100 Lake Washington Boulevard. The property was rezoned from Trailer(T)to Residence(R-3) in December 1983, subject to the filing of restrictive covenants as noted above. In 1993,the southern three-quarters of the property was rezoned to Trailer(T), and the northern one-quarter of the property was rezoned to Multi- Family—Infill (MF-I) during the citywide zoning update. In 1994,the interim zoning map of the City was amended to change the zoning classification of the southern three-quarters of the property from Trailer(T)to Multi-Family—Infill (MF-I)as a Comprehensive Plan Errata request. The owner, Trammell Crow Residential, has requested that the restrictive covenants be removed from the property title. The covenants plan an unnecessary burden on the property inconsistent with property development standards adopted by the City. The covenants sunset in December 2025, however, many of the covenants have been satisfied, either previously or via conditions imposed on the approved land use development currently underway. H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DE V&PLAN.INGUTH\tamiss.doc\cor Item "A", the payment of funds totaling$6,450,was paid to the City of Renton Building Department on December 22, 1983,thus satisfying this requirement. Traffic improvements specified in"A 1"through"A 3"were accomplished by the City utilizing the funds received from the owner. Item "B" identifies off-site public street improvements that should be a condition of any development permit issued by the City coincident with site development. The street improvements are specified in Items "C, D, and E." Item "C"refers to the "Lakeside site"which is understood to be the Marina Landing Apartments developed by Lincoln Lakeside Associates. The left-turn lane referred to in Item "C,"and the off-site street improvements specified in Item D"along Lake Washington Boulevard "curbs, gutters sidewalks, and street lighting"were installed at the time that Marina Landing was constructed. Likewise,the improvements for the benefit of pedestrians, as required by Item "E" (sidewalks, signage, and crosswalks to Coulon Park)have also been previously installed. Item "F" limits development of the Tamaron Pointe site such that none is to occur east of the toe of the slope as referenced in the covenant. No development has been proposed or approved east of the toe of the slope on the subject site. The site is presently under construction, and City Codes preclude development of the steep slope areas referenced, rendering Item "F" unnecessary. Item "G"established a limit of 187 dwelling units on the subject site,but allows for subsequent zoning changes to supercede and supplant this portion of the restrictive covenants. The Tamaron Pointe Apartments are being developed with 182 units,meeting both Item "G" and the density requirements of the current RM-I Zone. CONCLUSION: As discussed in the Background Summary above, improvements and restrictions to development as specified in Restrictive Covenants imposed as a condition of rezoning the property in 1983 have been satisfied. Subsequent changes to the site's zoning, and approval of a development plan for the Tamaron Pointe Apartments (currently under construction) further render the restrictive covenants unnecessary. The covenants have either been met or are no longer relevant to the subject site. cc: Jana Hanson H:\DIVISION.S\DE VELOP.SER\DE V&PLANJNGVTH\tamiss.doc\cor COUNTY 1 LWWiNV, NU. ts.31LUDu».., DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVI )VENANTS III'! ,.. 11, WHEREAS, Lake Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the follo,tving'realLu 181 property in the City of Renton, County of King. State of Washington, described as Exhibit ?!: OF 830'12/12 tk0.• 3 F A" attached hereto. RECG F '. I CASHSLGC22 tl) WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: A. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, the applicant shall provide a total of $6,450 as a voluntary payment to the City of Renton, which fund shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be used exclusively for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in Ill, 2, and 3 below: 1. Widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Improve the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left'turns across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. B. The following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the City and are to be accomplished coincident with the development of the site should such development be pursued by the applicant and approved by the City. The applicant may request, and the Board of Public Works may consider, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City codes. C. Provide total cost for installing the left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site. D. Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. E. Provide asphalt surface, gravel-based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park, to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, said plans and improvements to include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing to the extent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. F. o development of this project is to occur t of the toe of slope as identified i that certain survey recorded under Ki.,,, .;ounty Auditor File 07912119007, k Book 21, pg. 168 of Surveys. G. Lake Terrace Associates shall amend their reclassification application to limit the maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187; provided, however, that in the event that the zoning limitation of the subject area described in Exhibit "A" should change by ordinance so as to permit more units than 187. then such zoning change shall supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. On July 14, 1983, Lake Terrace Park Associates represented by Gerard M. Shellan, formally amended their rezone application pursuant to the stipulations executed by both parties on June 15, 1983, and subsequently included in the decision of the Hearing Examiner dated June 23, 1983. a e"'1 THESE COVENANTS shall run with the land and expire on December 31. 2025. e-i c") Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. Managing Partners: ALE% CUGINI` R. J. S VE HARER Ask STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King On this 94-k day of November, 1983, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ALEX CUGINI, JR., & STEVE HARER, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they signed the said instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the..uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. Notary Public in ,.,,d for the State of Washington, residing at 8730 So. f/3// therein. 3e (e gash. 2 - 817S' FILED for P-mIrd at Reauest CT Irl •[ MSKwi K.Sto PER Li qg Y t I If ins• 01 *4114'70 -4gel,.....31a f!.. q 1 Jai`I 5I i610' s s•-• ''';%-; e:re44.V.4•111'-dtt k$.4"(OW 1*::411*. it7,410r•-; '* 011,4, '' / ! 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ZA •fifft•••ft'' i ../0(+‘ .fr . ...• , '•&..4• - --%..--". si,--4,101 c.\:.... -Ite0%,c_„... ......••• s, ip,-- #.-.7.-40";" ve. rjr)Pri.„,ii,,,,.g.,. v.\216t 1,, i loto.p...., , .... ib,ib) i.cr' , • s<\., M..,. ,1S•' 4#464,„a1r11 l y, „ am1 t! . of' i 72908 TT, 7 :ipAllt % 40 Jam' l r , SCALE r SO'Z...•• ,: it J r'r _ ''.1 errs"4 Y irr, I O PACIFIC ENGINEERING DESIGN INC. ' ; PLANNING INENGINEERING AND PLANNING CONSULTANTS POLICY & PROCEDURE C Subject: I Index: PLANNING/BUILDING/ REMOVAL AND/OR MODIFICATION OF I PUBLIC WORKS • RESTRICTIVE.COVENANTS Number: 400-13 Effective Date I Supersedes Page . I .Staff Contact I. ,Apcprove By 2/9/9A I N/A I 1 of 1 1 Jim Hanson I M 4 1.0 . PURPOSE: To establish a procedure for the removal and/or modification of restrictive covenants. 2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED: ' , All departments/divisions . 3.0 REFERENCES: N/A 4.0 ,POLICY: It shall be the policy of the City of Renton to formally consider the applicant's request for the removal or modification of restrictive covenants. Over time, the conditions prompting the original covenants may change. A formal process to allow the removal of restrictive covenants will allow the City to be responsive to changing site conditions. 5.0 pEFINITIONS: Restrictive Covenants: A restriction on the use of land usually set forth in the deed, but may also be added by the use of another recorded document. Restrictive covenants usually run with the land and, if running with the land, are binding upon subsequent owners of the properly. However, some restrictive covenants may run for specific periods of time. 6.0 PROCEDURE: 6.1 Property owners wishing to remove or alter restrictive covenants must submit a writtenapplicationtothedecision-making body, or its successor body or individual, which had the final. authority to require the covenant originally. At minimum, the application must include a recordedcopyoftherestrictivecovenantstobealtered, legal description, and a letter explaining the need for removal/modification. 6.1.1 The fee, if any, will be as set forth in Section 5-5-1 or the Renton Municipal Code. 6.1.2 The City may require notification of surrounding property owners, beneficiaries of t} covenant other than the general public and any parties of record. 6.1.3 The applicant must be able to demonstrate to the original decision-making bocl successor that there has been a change in circumstances (i.e. new Comprehe• designation or zoning designation) so as to make the covenant undesirable standpoint or that the covenants are duly burdensome on the property o"' taken by the property owner cannot be used as a basis to claim undue r BEGINNINU OF FILE FILE TITLE 4 -. t: tCROFILMED lia-m 090 -8 I POV3YakMatt Ctaa&Idiko w Ole id..=,„„. ,,,,,,.. Applicant LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES File No. R-090-81 Project Name Property Location E of Lake Wash. Blvd. , between Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home, and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. 111 HEARING EXAMINER: Date October 11 , 1983 Recommendation Approval , subject to conditions/covenants V (2Cts(C .1 nri Uo c6 ) 1, ) ban Req./Rec. Date Received Date Response Appeal - Date Received Council Approval - Date y` s! Ordinance/ 3esa.i o.a--- . 7( O., Date jr///Z 3 Mylar to County for Recording r 1 Mylar Recording rf pi Remarks: Appeal period expired 11/7/83; covenants rt received and filed. File being transmitted to Council for concurrence. 14 tA. ee fit:, s41 I% kVill A,tx 5 ' # ' i, 4 S n..-.; f 11 V e i`` V1 M; ;3 '*+'x 1. It i p, . ,. sj t+. y '+'rig.-.. I I11J 10 IA l.v t\i\t:,..tiviv .i..LJ..."-A.-s-..... ...- _..-_,------- CORRECT LEGAL DE---IPTION OF THAT CERTAIN COVFNATS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING . 8312050533 i, bve i DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS r". f 1 t11', D A Y WHEREAS, Lake Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the following r 91MH '1 property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit:1N OF 83 12 '12 CAW N A" attached hereto. RECD F 5.' :.'rl Y 1_PSHc,L 4:4h: .00 GO WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following CV T-1 restrictiv': covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above CV cldescribed real property. Cr NON, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by tF e undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: A. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, the applicant shall provide a total of $6,450 as a voluntary payment to the City of Renton, which fund shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be used exclusively for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in #1, 2, and 3 below: 1. Widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Improve the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turns across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. 13. The following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the City and are to be accomplished coincident with the development of the site should such development be pursued by the applicant and approved by the City. The applicant may request, and the Board of Public Works may consider, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City codes. C. Provide total cost for installing the left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site. D. Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. E. Provide asphalt surface, gravel-based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park, to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, said plans and improvements to include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing to the extent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. F. Nc, development of this project is to occur east of the toe of slope as identified or that certain survey recorded under Kinq County Auditor File #7912119007, Bc ok 21, pq. 168 of Surveys. G. Li1ke Terrace Associates shall amend their reclassification application to limit the maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187; provided, however, tat in the event that the zoning limitation of the subject area described in E:<hibit "A" should change by ordinance so as to permit more units than 187, then such zoning change shall supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. On July 14, 1983, Lake Terrace Park Associates represented by Gerard M. Shellan, formally amended their rezone application pursuant to the stipulations executed by both parties on June 15, 1983, and subsequently included in the 11, decision of the Hearing Examiner dated June 23, 1983. In CV THESE COVENANTS shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. ei c") Any iiolation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of Kinq County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. Managing Partners: OLQ)cL 4- ALEX CUGYNI/ R. J. S V6 HARER STATE O = WASHINGTON ) ss. County o King On this 9f`), day of November, 1983, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and fl,r the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ALEX CI JGINI, JR., & STEVE HARER, to me known to be the individuals described in and who exe:uted the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they signed tie said instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WI[NESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certifici to above written. GQJCP/ Notary Public in ,d for the State of Washington, residing at g 7 3 o I.3,f h, therein. c Jecri-f(e Luu s 2 - ci8172 Fit ED fr,7 n . ,..., Reeupst e! 5-24 4 - / e/220Y1) D 0 L ss LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard; except that portion platted as Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; together with that GO pertion of vacated Southeast 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) ac joining, that would attach by operation of law. 0 PARCEL B: L ots 39, 40, and 41, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1 J20457; together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Cindy Strupp being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that She is the Chief clerk of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the NOTICE OF Public Notice aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record PUBLIC HEARING Ronald G.Nelson Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior I RENTON LAND USE Building and Zoning Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, I HEARING EXAMINER Director RENTON WASHINGTON published in the Daily Re Washington.That the annexed is a La id...US.e...He,ar.ing A Public Hearing will be cord Chronicle Sept. 30, held by the Renton Land 1g83. R6746 Use Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Coun- cil Chambers,City Hall,Re- nton,Washington on Octob- as it was published in regular issues(and er 11, 1983, at 1:30 p.m.to not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period consider the following peti- tions: LAKE TERRACE PARK AS- ore SOCIATES of consecutive issues,commencing on the Application to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to 3 Othd September 3 and ending the R-3 for a medium-density ay of p 19 housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre, total devlopment not to exceed 187 units (14.96 units per day of 19 both dates acre),File R-090-81;proper- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- ty located east of Lake scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Washington Blvd. between the Renton Golf Range and charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $19• 89 which the Griffin Home and east of has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the Gene Coulon Beach Park. first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent Legal descriptions of the insertion. files noted above are on file in the Renton Building andc‘Ni** Zoning Department. p_,\...r.i4Z-\" All interested persons to said petitions are invited to Chief C.erJ be present at the Public Hearing on October 11, 1983, at 1:30 p.m. to ex- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3 0#h day of press their opinions. S.epteuber , 19....3.3 e...„.4....„,,,, , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at it§nt King County. CITY OF RENTON MN If', 1?-3.. 11 WI '- Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June D9th, 1955. DEC 2 8 19S3 Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5/82 v90 -K/ Affidavit oil' 3 iag3 P2F_ . § °' mmm ,V7 87q°.°DSm 0-4 n m mom wom Tm =D Quo y 5 o m g * m ag ,cam-1m x- l (A Am 0 2.l° a D a' m xi g mrm*m06(nn0 STATE OFWASHINGTON gc g6 2el7 a 5 k_a64a3 -<)' A5 -zY-1 zx00 COUNTY OF KING m m o ?&' -..o z Ing _m 0 m v-i Ay0_m 10 °' = m m 5 w _ °Qcc 0mm Ozz(n z izm m2 a m 'i ao ~ 3ggv 8 ,' m ' ' m( zm 0mz m w . jgmr0•m g' 3a0wa 7°-- t mrnQ m• -1 ra m a) roa)'.a, Q or, n30 30 >D (viN 1 w0 CindyStrU ' a 0 5m'-.' * dt g o•m m yS w 05-10 m000 0v2P -n co_ m ? HAS (Pnas. m-10E z zZnki c5' 2 33 o Z 2I31 o-- n Cn a a 3 c a cm 5.(8 m '..m ng 0$-1 -I oath,deposes and says that She d 0 c o w m m a > D' a m o 3c2 N A = _ 2 y 85 to f m a» ( n o 3,o wmacp $ m $ ' n 0omo a 8m2(nm=m 5.^ 3 mcm THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICI, o-< $ c n - m 5n mT $ o- H -858a33ag, 14A3:nmmg_.'- 0$ gm3_ week.That said newspaper is a leg '' a a E ma11) a m wi m t c gm gam,o' m -' ti wBD 0_,0 c OT5v m fD sr ' t a_for more than six months prior o n 5 m m n g n m a., a-=c c m z I o a n mo n om ifl3 mm aY'.Q 3).2 O -<3)._ 3 c n, - printed and published in the Engli =.< 0- w m , . c 3 > o `° o o•1 -a o 5 moo _F.O O m 7 w -' 2) , 7m a A m y 5= w w N rZ ( m o published four(4)times a week in t 'w m c w o fD o a a sr H m m g 0.2.sk m N ,2 0, m a. v o- m O m g d a m s m 5 now and during all of said time w: ,Z m m n © &- 5(`) cu e o ' a o y y 33 e m tt 8 3 Ow37r7pD,Pi-3, O o o D, aforesaid place of publication of in o -i m 0 d o o` o, n o 'lap 7"-, o (• 0 m n @ 3_g Chronicle has been approved as a l a, 3.o$ m 4 O m =.rn ,o% n a''),g m ' ° 1 i= z y ro m N C7 com CDCourtoftheCountyinwhichitis7 " o m m a f,< nmaOa U.af -c laO0 O° pox< c ,, m3 =. zT 25 H .za?•Zoo w wcdm 8 5 m-- 'o m D n v 3 on - -o awn, D Washington.That the annexed is a 5 O. 0 m'< *y{ m g 3t m I- F-o A 8 0-0 0 m ' 3 -m in a ep m!v a DmOtO On=rooy_ 7rm . am>3)A=zo< tp3O 3z(n ED $ oammf580 0 fSt -,0 _, _c $n ? rr7cxo a 337D gC)rnism -, ,. 3C+Doo c p 0 5 D m= m ggr. rm w ?- 1. m gw m x( 6 ;NND... m(Ai>-lam .U' y ." g,0 0 Z nsg o o = uu, m 3 w(nm o, ym Q gw mg- 7 K _. g-o n. os`Uomm_m 505 o 37 cu rn m_ m oom"a Cn a 0 n^Xa o 37C7/ o < 0 m' m w—ate Z C)-w o not in supplement form of said n n$ m` -" N 'pp a m? 0 c ' 3 ? {n m D-= a 8 a Z- w o -a g O O w i -romoD Omm K' w O nm c y <. rn "' kmru,paa n. Ao._. ?li m' amo m zw d .< -1(y0= 0 Q-(Do 20 o m CDagrSawmcn3T :K c n w 3 one 4 a g5g of consecutive issues,commencing on the 16th December 8 3 3w-s o 3300 13day ,f 19 and ending the 8.2 WI a . <n- Z1dayof19bothdates34g' D' d inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub-3 n a ^ O scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 7 m5. o a C 8 a f CD charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $6 8.4 , which m a°' has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent m ' 3 g'm g 8 a m insertion. g g c a n$ cQ.:\:)-,..,44„,..\ \A"...tcga _o Qc2.3oV nc.. A ' Chief erk m 4N< o ago on a* 0g w m fO_K, a Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of R$ December , 19 83 / n l a ' ` `,mg 55 g cCli-, o. ''- CTLWA?, Notary Public in for the S f Washington, 5 m a A residing at King County. is 5* - R v g ZFederalWay_ g o o m 2 o o 3"Z. 4 g 9fas 0PassedbytheLegislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June o 9th, 1955. P . g s - a Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, l. adopted by the newspapers of the State. d d" VN#87 Revised 5/82 G.Broti c.... 4,- ;447 -10 properties December 20, 1983 Mr. Ron Nelson Renton Building Department 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Rezone Lake Terrace Mobile home Park. Dear Ron, Enclosed is a check for $6,450.00 representing our payment in full to the City of Renton for traffic improvements and associated work as outlined in Paragraph A - #1 , #2, and #3 of the Declara- tion of Restrictive Covenants signed by Lake Terrace Associates to the City of Renton. This should complete the application for rezone ordinance R-090-81 . If there is anything else you need p:,ease contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you, 4.--C- 1rIt'ee-i---/ Steve Harer Lake Terrace Associates J SH/rh CITY ®T RENTON h F F- closure: 1 r ti ri \ \ti u DEC 2 2 1,983 BUILDIN5/2.,,ANG OUT. 11448 Rainier Avenue South Seattle,Washington 98178 206)772-0299 09 o F 1 n CIT R 0FE1VE15 c 4, • Lntn(Affirm f1E4AIG RENTpW of pp E Amit , 7&ennetit ' . Flinn 83 Yk nwb 321 urnett AGenue autft i8r9r104/2,j n PM kC - // ast tA fficeiax 26 345r6` e-t. e ,,5 3Rentan, ttsiiingtan 98057 4 14 - oat.- ' e 206) 255-5600 March 25th, 1883 Hearing Examiner City of Renton Renton City Hall Renton, WA. 98055 Re : Lake Terrace Associates appeal of ERC decision/ Application No. R-090-81 Dear Sir or Madam: Please find the DNS ERC decision alluded to in my Notice of Appeal (dated March 24th, 1983) enclosed and a check for $75. 00 to defray the cost of appeal. Very truly yours , Kenneth B. Shellan E O E APR 4. A3 CITY CLERK t oy'o -W OF A4,, THE CITY OF RENTONUZ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o moor 92 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E.MOTOR, 9,0 CITY CLERK • (206) 235-250009..q SEP1 c e P December 30, 1983 Kenneth B. Shellan 3:11 Burnett Ave. S. P 0. Box 26 Renton, WA 98057 Subject: City of Renton - Ordinance No. 3762 Rezone 090-81 Lake Terrace Park Assoc. D:ar Mr. Shellan: Tze Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of December 12 , 1983, has adopted Ordinance No. 3762 changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Trailer Parks (T) to Residence District (R-3) (Lake Terrace Fark Assoc. R 090-81) . A copy of the ordinance is enclosed. s a condition of the rezone a restrictive covenant was required, filed with King Co. Records & Elections , received recording no. 312120558 . A copy will be sent when we receive the original from King. Co. sincerely yours , CITY OF RENTON Aaxine E. Motor ity Clerk 4EM:db enclosure CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . 3762 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON ,WASHINGTON CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM TRAILER PARKS (T) TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-3) LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOC . R-090-81) WHEREAS under Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as Trailer Parks (T) ; and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the Building and Zoning Departmen on or about October 23 , 1981 , which petition was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation, study and public hearing, ard a public hearing having been held thereon on or about October 11 , 1' 83 , and said matter having been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner and said zoning request being in conformity with the C:_ty ' s Comprehensive Plan , as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto , and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, DO C'RDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residence District (R-3) as hereinbelow specified; subject to the findings , conclusions and decision of the Hearing Examiner dated October 25 , 1983 ; the Building and Zoning Director is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance , as amended, to evidence said rezoning , to-wit : See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein Said property being located East of Lake Washington Blvd. between the Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home , and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park) AND SUBJECT FURTHER to that certain Declaration of Restrictive Covenants executed by Petitioner-Owners on or about December 12 , 19E3 , and recorded in the office of the Director of Records and ElEctions , Receiving No . 8312120558 and which said Covenants are hereby incorporated and made a part hereof as if fully set fo: th. SECTION II : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of December 1983 Maxine E. Motor , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of December 1983 . Barbara Y. Shinpoch , Mayor Approved as to form: 72 dwrence J. en, City Attorney Date of Publication : December 16 , 1983 LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5, Township 23 North. Range 5, East. W.M., in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard; except that portion platted as Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law. PARCEL B: Lots 39, 40, and 41. Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plat page 86, in King County, Washington; except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to ping County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 102(.457; together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; tog€ther with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ord.nance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 12, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8: 00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL T ) ORDER Mayor Barbara Y . Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE. J. WARREN , ATTENDANCE City Attorney; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MICHAEL J . MULCAHY, Finance Director; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; DAVID R. CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. PRESS Deeann Glamser, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 5, 1983 AS WRITTEN . CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been LID 324 - East posted and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch Valley Medical opened the public hearing to consider the final assessment Short Plat roll for Local Improvement District No. 324, East Valley Medical Short Plat, located in the vicinity of Talbot Road South and South 37th Street, which includes installation of curbs, gutters, storm drainage, street lighting, paving, sanitary sewer and watermain. Correspondence was read from Richard C. Houghton, Public Works Director, reporting that as of 5: 00 p.m. this date, the city has received no protests to the project for which the total assessment roll is $252, 922. 12. Since there was no audience comment, it was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Houghton read the names of the four assessed property owners listed on the roll; and indicated he had no knowledge of other owners than those provided by the King County Assessor. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR LID 324 AS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION . CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT ~Alex Cugini, 911 Renton Avenue S. , requested advancement Lake Terrace Park to Ordinances and Resolutions, adoption of Lake Terrace Rezone Ordinance Park Rezone. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Ways aid Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a Committee report recommending first reading of the following ordinance: First Reading - An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification Lake Terrace of property located east of Lake Washington Boulevard Park Associates between the Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home, and Rezone east of Gene Coulon Beach Park from Trailer Park (T) to R-090-81 Residence District (R-3) for Lake Terrace Park Associates, File No. R-090-81. (Ordinance on first reading 12/5/83, but was read again due to changes to legal description. ) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THIS ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3762 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification Lake Terrace of property located east of Lake Washington Boulevard Park A ssociates between the Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home, and Rezon€ R-090-81 Renton City Council 12/12/83 - Page Two Ways anc Means Committee - Continued Ordinance #3762 east of Gene Coulon Beach Park from Trailer Park (T) to continued Residence District (R-3) for Lake Terrace Park Associates, File No. R-090-81 . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. City Clerk Motor reported that corrected legal had been filed with King County this date amending restrictive covenants. Ways anc Means Noting attendance of insurance representatives, Chairman Committee Clymer presented a Ways and Means Committee report City of Renton recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Insurance Program Finance Director to accept the lowest and best bid of Arthur Gallagher and Company for the city's self-insurance program to be effective January 1, 1984. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contracts and agreements. Letter from Finance Director Michael Mulcahy indicated that estimated first year costs for the new program are $272, 450, a savings of approximately $70, 000 over the existing program ; withdrawal from State Workmen's Compensation Program is proposed with the city self-insuring under provisions of that program; coverages will be broadened; 11 unnecessary policies will be eliminated; umbrella protection will be increased from $5 million per year to $20 million per year and property loss limas from $18. 9 million to $22 million per year. The letter also stated that the city's self-insurance reserve, together with already budgeted insurance premiums for next year, will be more than enough to fund the program. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT ACCEPTING THE ARTHUR GALLAGHER COMPANY FOR THE CITY'S SELF- INSURANCE PROGRAM EFFECTIVE JANUARY, 1984. CARRIED. Mr. Mulcahy introduced Michael Kaddatz , ARMTECH Consultant, and Clark W. Johnson and David A. Pons, representatives of Arthur Gallagher and Company, insurance carrier. CONSENT AGENDA City Clerk submitted official King County Certification of General General Election Election Canvass 11 /23/83: Mayor: Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Canvass 6, 142 (elected ) ; Sanford E. Webb, 2, 898. City Council Position No. 1 : Robert J . Hughes, 6, 272 (elected) . Position No. 2: Thomas Trimm, 6, 418 (elected). Position No. 3: Kathy Keolker, 5, 598 (elected) ; M. B. Webb, 2, 381 . Position No. 4: Richard M. Stredicke, 6, 407 (elected) . Information. Municipal Court Mayor Shinpoch reappointed the following Municipal Court Judges Pro Tern Judges Pro Tern to serve in 1984: Robert Anderson, 111 1984 Reappointment Williams Avenue S.; Peter Banks, 321 Burnett Avenue S. ; Karneron Kayce, 410 Burnett Avenue S. ; Gary Faull, 321 Burnett Avenue S. ; Deborah Fleck, 410 Burnett Avenue S. ; Richard Jackson, 111 Williams Avenue S. ; Dave Tracy, 311 Morris Avenue S. (all Renton) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Reappointments Mayor Shinpoch reappointed the following persons to the to Municipal Arts Municipal Arts Commission, all for three-year terms effective Commission to December 31, 1986: Charmaine Baker, 3713 Meadow Avenue N . ; Clark Teegarden, 264 Seneca Place NW; and Peggy Ziebarth, 17020 SE 128th Street (all Renton) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Special Assessments Public Works/Utilities Departments requested an ordinance for Water Projects to establish boundaries of Special Assessment Districts W-599 and W-600 W -599 for Talbot Hill Pipeline, and W-600 for SW 43rd Street Booster Pump Station; and establishment of rates to be charged for connection to the system. Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG 0E 1-83, Public Works Department submitted CAG 061-83, Glencoe GlencoE Division Division #1 Storm Drain Revision, and requests approval of 1 Storm Drain the project, authorization for final payment, commencement Revision, Final of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of Payment 2,682. 07 to Kohl Excavating, Inc. if all taxes have been paid and no liens have been filed during that period. Council concur. r ' Renton City Council 12/05/83 Page Two Special Fresentation Continued Reporter Jan effective December 12, 1983. Mrs. Hinman has reported the Hinman Hcnored news of City Hall with the utmost accuracy, impartiality, intelligence, wit and humor; and the Council , Mayor and staff of the City offer their appreciation for a job well-done for Renton and sincere congratulations for her promotion. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Houlbjerg, 14319 SE 100th Place, Renton, inquired regarding LID 326/hE Fourth timing of LID 326 (left turn lane on NE Fourth Street between Street Project Monroe and Union Avenue NE) . Administrative Assistant Parness advised progress is being made on preliminary designs and funds and approvals continue to be sought through the State. Lake Terrace Ken Shellan , Attorney, 3820 38th Avenue SW, Seattle, requested Park Associates he Lake Terrace Perk Associates rezone ordinance be held for Rezone Ordinance one week. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND R-090-81 THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES REZONE ORDINANCE BE HELD ONE WEEK TO ALLOW CORRECTION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION. CARRIED. Shoreline Andy Padvorac, Puget Sound Power & Light Company, Puget Power Master Program Building, Bellevue, requested advancement to Shoreline Master Program ordinance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Ordinance #3758 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 25 of the City Code Shoreline Master relating to the Shoreline Master Program. MOVED BY CLYMER, Program SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Councilman Mathews suggested deleting the language specifying certain number of feet from Section 7.08.01 , Issue 3.d. on Page 43 of the Program to allow owners of single family residential lakeside lots to fill to the line of conformity with existing bulkheads , develop their property, and increase Renton' s tax base. Councilman Stredicke questioned clarity of Section 7.07.02 which states industrial structures should be permitted where they are set back 25 feet from the water' s edge. City Attorney Warren felt the language would allow replacement of structures within the setback should they be destroyed. Mr. Padvorac indicated his opinion that the verb "should" implies permissiveness and certain flexiblity in interpretation of that section. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, HUGHES, CLYMER. 2 NAYS: REED, STREDICKE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Executive Department requested study of municipal access cable TV Municipal Access programming in the City of Renton to determine use of 574, 100 Cable TV contained in the city' s Cable Communications Development Fund. Programming Refer to Community Services Committee for analysis and report back. Fund Traisfer Parks Department requested fund transfer to purchase self-propelled to Purchase sweeper for Coulon Beach Park to remove fowl droppings and refuse Sweeper from sidewalks and lawns in the amount of $8,416.20. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Cost Revenue Policy Development Department submitted Cost Revenue Summary to Summary evaluate the current fiscal effect of on-going services to their different land uses. Refer to Committee of the Whole for briefing at December 15th meeting. Washington Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval of rezone Horsebreeders ' requested by Washington Horsebreeders' Assocaition, File No. Association R-066-83, from G-1 to B-1 for property located adjacent to Rezone 2600 Oaksdale Avenue SW to allow construction of seven low- R-066-83 rise barn buildings. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Seaplane Ramp Public Works (Airport) Department recommended reduction in Rental Fate Seaplane Ramp rental rate for Renton Aviation, Inc. due to Reduced 40% reduction in ramp capacity because of siltation deposit. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. OF R 0 THE CITY OF RENTON i . z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 n rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E.MOTOR, D9o0 Pam. CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 17- SEP1 O December 2, 1983 TO : Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner RE : Lake Terrace Park Associates Rezone, File No. R-090-81, Restrictive Covenants. We are returning the referenced file to your office for clarification of the legal description attached to the covenants. We have been unable to reach Ken Shellan to authorize changes made by our Engineering Department to the legal he submitted yesterday. However, Judge Shellan has indicated that because there is a density restriction on Parcel "C", that parcel should not be included in the legal. In the past, we have included the entire rezone site in the legal description, and restrictions placed on development of certain parcels have been specified in the language of the covenants. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We will be holding the ordinance until further notice from your office. Deputy C. 0/4 12/5/83 Legal to be filed with County per Fredn. LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A : Tha portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard; except that portion platted as Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; together with that port ion of vacated Southeast 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law. PARCEL E Lots 39, 40, and 41, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 10213457; together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Orc finance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. PARCEL (:: Tha t portion of Lot 28, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Pla :s, page 86, in King County, Washington, lying westerly of a straight line ext ending from a point on the south line of said lot, distant 122 feet westerly of the southeast corner to a point on the north line of said lot, being 236 feet westerly of :he northeast corner of said lot; together with that portion of vacated Pelly Pla;e North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said pro)erty by operation of law. PARCEL1): Lot 27, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in <ing County, Washington; together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place No]th, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by eperation of law. PARCEL I:: Th<:t portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86 , in King County, Washington; thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West to the point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27, Eldon Acres, with the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5; thence South to the North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. 5, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83 , in King County, Wahington; thence East to a point South of the true point of beginning; thence No•th to the true point of beginning; except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right-of-way (200 feet in width) of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. 4111 41, LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5, E: ,t, W.M. , in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Wash'. gton Boulevard; except that portion platted as Eldon Acres, accord'yg tothe plat recorded in Volume 111 of plats, page 86, in King County, 'washington; together with that ortion of vacated Southeast 100th :'greet ( formerly known as Mildr d Avenue ) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; PARCEL B: Lots 39 , 40 and 41, Elio Acres, accordin• to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, oa•e 86 , in King ounty, Washington; except that portion of Lot 41 coon -yed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Au,•i •r' s File Ho. 1020457; together with that portion of vacated So t -ast 100 ' h Street ( formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, th.t woul, attached by operation of law; PARCEL D: That portion of Lot 27 , West of e 105 foot contour, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded inV olume 11 of plats , page 86, in King County, Washington; PARCEL E : That portion of the Nor h half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of S -ction 5 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, describ-d as follows : Beginning at the Southeast cor er of Tract 26, Eldo Acres , according to the plat recorded in V• ume 11 of Plats, page 6, in King County, Washington; thenc: West 172 feet to the tru point of beginning; thence West to t e point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27 , Eldon Acres with the West line of the East half of the North- west quarter o said Section 5; thence South to the North line of C. D. Hillman' - Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. 5, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 83, in King County, Washington; thence East to a point outh of the true point of beginning; thence North to the true poi t of beginning; except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right-of-way ( 200 feet in width) of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Pelly Place North abutting h Lots 40 and 41 .d V LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5 , Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard; except that portion platted as Eldon Acres, according tothe plat recorded in V•lume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; together wit that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street ( formerly known .s Mildred Avenue ) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; PARCEL B: Lots 39 , 40 and , Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of P .ts, page 86 , in K, ng County, Washington; except that portion of Lo 41 conveyed to 'ing County for road purposes by deed recorded un. -r Auditor' s File No. 1020457; together with that portion of vacat-d Southeast 00th Street ( formerly known as Mildred Avenue ) adjoining, that w• ld attached by operation of law; PARCEL D: That portion of Lot 27 , Wes or the 105 foot contour, Eldon Acres, according to the plat record- % in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; PARCEL E : That portion of the North alf of e Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Sect on 5, Tow ship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, de• cribed as follows : Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26, . ldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volum- 11 of Plats, p;ge 86, in King County, Washington; thence Wes 172 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West to the point of intersectio of the South line of Tract 27, Eldon Acres, wit the West line of t e East half of the North- west quarter of said Section 5; thence South to the North line of C. D. Hillman' s Lake ashington Garden of E'en, Division No. 5, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats , page 83, in King County, Washi gton; thence East to a p• ' nt South of the true point of beginnin• ; thence North to the true .oint of beginning; except that porti;n thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right-of-way ( 200 feet in width) of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Pelly Place North abutting Lots 40 and 41 . Sjj TO: DA'I t: FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT: Please furnish the following to the City Clerk's Office: Certification of Posting Legal Description Certification of Valid Petition Map Deed Pro Rata Share of Costs Easement Restrictive Covenants THANK YOU! Requested by: INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE 12-1-83 Date TO: Maxine Motor - City Clerk EB0m:Abdoul Gafour - Engineering Dept. SUBJECT: Rezone 090-81 Lake Terrace Park Associates . We have reviewed the legal description for the subject rezone as submitted and found it to be unacceptable. A portion of land within the rezone area is missing ie : Parcel C. Attached please find the revised legal description which will have to be retyped. V LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard; except that portion platted as Eldon Acres, according tothe plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street ( formerly known as Mildred Avenue ) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; PARCEL B: Lots 39, 40 and 41 , Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86 , in King County, Washington; except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor' s File No. 1020457; together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street ( formerly known as 4 Mildred Avenue ) LL adjoining, that would 1 attached; by operation ofo law; fogt,A'tir1t W 4' ;AAA" b0hiann ., Ve.t&fcd eV [ tcu Or ur1(kK col Ocdina„u K.. 3441 tilak woul cat-a, M At, Scii,d. roe) bl o ca+on o{ ta,,,, IAIC L C : 16,V rkim, LA Z$ , Eiden 11tre% , aeeerdiA ko ,irke eak recordei. Uolu.Me II c TkcAs o11. 8G , -6" \.. (our , UiaSlu, \1'4 e-%\"" 0 a 6-rek, ( .Qine -QcI"e..6nc_ Afro`a ?0%%t o+n M Sou. Vat_ c sojk tr c1C, \-ttr 122 vskers Rea64. avow( A" 13'6W- do enoi .Ire. p Saud Qr , tytine 23 jeek weokefQ,0 c AAA. morl-va dr Co '- r oe (4 scn id Q0 . 1 00.cata. ctaoQA 14uh4,, , u,tdr G+,) erit 0tkiAcv 2 to. 3447 kW( usemil atcAti, 'kb Sava TvAl 1, 3 o PARCEL D: Lot 27 , he ' "S f^ } eo 9 , Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats , page 86, in King County, Washington; rt;ar, kkkrattttl, (417Pk tiW-h ( c ` ' ard;h4riat N o• 3441 +1 s as 1)co rer ore ca 'n tetw . PARCEL E: That portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of Chet, Northwest quarter of Section 5 , Township 23 North, Range 5W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as follows : Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26, Eldon Acres , according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats , page 86 , in King County, Washington; thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning;thence West to the point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27 , Eldon Acres , with the West line of the East half of the North- west quarter of said Section 5; thence South to the North line of C. D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. 83 , i. n according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 Plats,h pagepf the true King County, Washington; thence East to a point point of beginning; thence North to the true point of beginning; except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right-of-way ( 200 feet in width) of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. 1 41111 LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: Th 3t portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.vI., in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Washington Boulevard; exgept that portion platted as Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) ad oining, that would attach by operation of law. PARCEL B: Lots 39, 40, and 41, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1020457; together with that portion of vacated Southeast 100th Street (formerly kn'wn as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Or finance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. PARCEL C: That portion of Lot 28, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plaits, page 86, in King County, Washington, lying westerly of a straight line ex:ending from a point on the south line of said lot, distant 122 feet westerly of thy: southeast corner to a point on the north line of said lot, being 236 feet westerly of the northeast corner of said lot; together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place North, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. PARCEL D: Lot 27, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86, in King County, Washington; together with that portion of vacated Pelly Place Nc rth, under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3447 that would attach to said property by operation of law. PARCEL E: 11-at portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, de scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86 , in King County, Washington; thence West 172 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West to the point of intersection of the South line of Tract 27, Eldon Acres, with the West lire of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5; thence South to th3 North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. 5, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83 , in King County, Wgshington; thence East to a point South of the true point of beginning; thence North to the true point of beginning; except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the Westerly margin of the abandoned right-of-way (200 feet in width) of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. I Renton City Council November 28, 1983 Page Two Ways and Means Noting interested parties in the audience, Chairman Clymer Committee advanced the followings ordinance for first reading: l ak,TQ,rra," ce An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification Park A o eat c of certain properties located east of Lake Washington R-090-al., Boulevard between the Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home, and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park from Trailer Park (T) to Residence District (R-3) for owner-petitioner, Lake Terrace Park Associates, R-090-81. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK . Councilman Stredicke asked if restrictive covenants required as a condition of approval of the rezone have been filed with King County. Chairman Clymer indicated that although not yet filed, covenants have been submitted to the city. MOTION CARRIED. No- CONSEN AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Honeydew Interceptor Public Works Department requested re-establishment of Drainage Basin Trunk latecomer/special connection charges for the Honeydew Mains/Latecomer Interceptor Drainage Basin trunk mains. Refer to Agreement Utilities Committee. Stratton Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $800+ filed by for Damages Veronica M. Stratton, 9703 40th Avenue NE, Seattle, CL 43-83 for injuries sustained in automobile accident allegedly caused by unmarked "excavation" on SW 27th, joining East Valley Road (9/05/83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Springbrook Springs Public Works/Parks Department requested resolution Watershed Property transferring $70, 000 in King County Forward Thrust Acquisition Funds for use by the City in acquiring property adjacent to Springbrook Springs Watershed. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Green Ri er Flood Public Works Department requested staff review of King Control Management County /Valley City Study for Green River Flood Control Plan Study by King Management Plan for which the City Council authorized County and Valley 4, 000 as Renton's share in study funding. Refer to Cities Utilities Committee for staff briefing. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CNOSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESFONDENCE Letter from Patricia Weller, 1075 Anacortes Avenue NE, Crime Prevention supported continuation of Police Department Crime Prevention Program Program, and cited benefits received from the program by residents of Honeydew Estates, an area subjected to high crime incidence. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a Cable TV Conduit report recommending that the Cable TV Conduit Ordinance Ordinance be amended, or incorporated into the proposed Utility Undergrounding Ordinance, to show that the cable TV companies are required to: 1) underground in the same manner as the power and telephone companies; and 2) bear the cost of all conduit, cable, vault, trenching, etc. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the Committee following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #3756 An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of Heitman Condemnation certain property and property rights by eminent domain providing for the payment thereof; authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a petition for condemnation in the I Renton, City Council November 21, 1983 Page Four CONSENT AGENDA to either committee would be acceptable. MOTION CARRIED. continued Noise Barrier Administration submitted letter from Rhoda R. Palermo, on SR-515 representing Victoria Hills neighborhood, requesting city action towards improvement of SR-515 (Benson Road) by increasina height of existing barrier or planting evergreen trees to reduce pollution and noise from passing vehicles. Refer to Community Services Committee. Beckmann Homes, Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with Inc. Rezone restrictive covenants of Beckmann Homes, Inc. request for R-060-83 rezone from R-1 to L-1 for property located at 708 and 712 SW 13th Street (File No. R-060-83) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Lake Terrace Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with Park Associates restrictive covenants of Lake Terrace Park Associates Rezone request for rezone from T to R-3 for property located R-090-81 east of Lake Washington Boulevard between Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home, and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park (File No. R-090-81) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Rockhill advised delays on completion of binding Binding Site Plan site plan review are due to complications in ambiguous language of State law; however, staff has been asked to provide a report by December 8, 1983. Political Signs Councilman Stredicke commended political candidates for expeditious removal of signs from public right-of-way and private property after recent election. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Heather Downs concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Storm Drainage Department to purchase Lot 1, Block 1, Heather Downs II Problem from Leonard Construction for the agreed amount of $17,200 plus remaining sewer assessment against the property. The Committee further recommended that the matter of transfer of funds in the amount of $55, 000 from the RE Excise Tax Account unto 103/036/15. 541. 00. 00.00 for the purchase of the site and construction of the retention pond in Heather Downs be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Bid Award - Water Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Project W-717, West concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Hill Transmission Department that Grant Construction be awarded the Main, 80th Ave. S. contract for the West Hill Transmission Main, 80th Avenue South, Water Project No. W-717, Schedule "A", in the amount of $309, 546.51. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. Councilman 5tredicke requested the Administration provide notification of the impending project to residents of the West Hill area to avoid complaints at a later date. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a Committee report recommending the following ordinances be placed on first reading: Ordinance Adopting An ordinance was read adopting by reference certain State Certain State Laws laws concerning certain offenses on school grounds, custodial by Reference interference, violation of restraining orders, and amendments to laws prohibiting driving while under the influence of intoxicants and/or drugs and penalties. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. r DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Lake Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit A" attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restricti,'e covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above describe i real property. NC W, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by tF a undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: A. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, the applicant shall provide a total of $6,450 as a voluntary payment to the City of Renton, which fund shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be used exclusively for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in #1, 2, and 3 below: 1. Widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Improve the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turns across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. B. The following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the City and are to be accomplished coincident with the development of the site should such development be pursued by the applicant and approved by the City. The applicant may request, and the Board of Public Works may consider, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City codes. C. Provide total cost for installing the left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site. D. Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. E. Provide asphalt surface, gravel-based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park, to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, said plans and improvements to include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing to the extent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. F. No development of this project is to occur east of the 105-foot contour elevation. G. Lake Terrace Associates shall amend their reclassi- fication application to limit the maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187; provided, however, that in the event that the zoning limitation of the subject area described in Exhibit "A" should change by ordinance so as to permit more units than 187, then such zoning change shall supercede and supplant that portion of the restrictive covenants contrary thereto. On July 14 , 1983, Lake Terrace Park Associates repre- sented by Gerard M. Shellan, formally amended their rezone application pursuant to the stipulations ex- ecuted by both parties on June 15, 1983, and subse- quently included in the decision of the Hearing Ex- aminer dated June 23, 1983 . THESE COVENANTS shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025 . Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any prop- erty owners adjoining subject property who are adversely af- fected by said breach. Managing Partners : Ce..1(-2,ge.4.1 e4/../L ALEX CUG NI, J. EVE RARER STATE OF WAS GTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING On this 2 84-3 day of November, 1983, before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ALEX CUGINI, JR. and J. STEVE HARER, to me known to be the individuals de- scribed in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, rgsiding at 2730 So , ( (3 Seek-We / iJg sA. c1 $ o 7 2 - TO: DATE: FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT: Please furnish the following to the City Clerk's Office: Certification of Posting Legal Description Certification of Valid Petition Map Deed Pro Rata Share of Costs Easement Restrictive Covenants Vo.,.ifv c ten Please check second pane of the covenants--it has been changed from the original. Secondly. two of the ten property owners have signed the covenants on behalf of the others. Is this a corporation? THANK YOLJ! Requested by: Jn OF ! OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON U t0 0 O% Z POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 S 2nd STREET • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 imiL LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 0917' SEPTE P MARK E. BARBER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ZANETTA L.FONTES, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY November 29 , 1983 MARTHA A.FRENCH, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO : Marilyn Peterson, Deputy City Clerk FROM: Daniel Kellogg, Assistant City Attorney RE : Lake Terrace Park Associates Rezone ; R-090-81 ; Restrictive Covenants We have reviewed the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and particularly page 2 which has been altered by the applicant . We are of the opinion that the change is inconsequential since it merely provides that the applicant shall be able to increase the zoning density for that property in the event that the zone density for that zoning classification is increased by Ordinance . We have also reviewed the law regarding execution of conveyances by partnerships . We are of the opinion that Mr. Cugini and Mr . Harer, if they are in fact managing partners as represented, are authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the partnership . An interest in real property held by a partnership is an interest in personal property to the individual partners and therefore does not require conveyance by all partners and their spouses . As with a corporation, a managing agent or officer is authorized to bind the partnership . The face of the document represents that Mr . Cugini and Mr . Harer are the managing partners . Therefore , we are of the opinion that this Declaration of Restrictive Covenants is a binding obligation of the partnership and should be accepted by the City . As I am sure you are aware , we have represented nearly all of the present partners of the Lake Terrace Park Associates which places us in a position of potential conflict of interest . If this is a concern to you or other members of the City staff, please advise and we will obtain a separate opinion regarding this matter . 1.71 Daniel Ke ogg DK:nd DALIV3.0. . cc : Mayor MY CLERK 111 For Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # G • c AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Hearing Examiner For Agenda Of November 21 , 1983 Meeting Date) Staff Contact_ Soe El l iston Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT:LAI:E TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES Consent X R-090-81 Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A.Examiner's Report/Recommendation Other dated 10/25/83 B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A X COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED:Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A X Other Clearance Approval , subject to conditions/covenants FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Recuired $ Amount $ Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) Attach additional pages if necessary. ) Applicant seeks approval to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium-density housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre. Applicant has agreed to limit the maximum number of dwellings to 187. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: See Examiner's Report/Recommendation of 10/25/83. SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. Jlntn Offices of Attuietti _ Blinn RezttIIu O ff ire eattle (Office 321 Aiurnett A6enue c*outh 300(Srantt(Qentral on the Park Vie Century uilling) Tease Xteplg to the Pin Pioneer A6quare) Past 1:2ffire ox 26 Renton Office 216 Jfirst Abenue South Benton, giashingtan 98057 c*eattle, Washington 98104 206)255-5600 November 3 , 1983 206) 292-9800 Clerk Renton City Counsel Muninciple Bldg. 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 RE: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES rezone file No. R-090-81) Dear Clerk: The Renton Hearing Examinor on October 25, 1983 recommended approval of the above reference rezone. We would appreciate if you would schedule this matter before the Renton City Counsel as soon as possible so that the counsel can rule on the rezone. Very truly yours , Kenneth B. Shellan mlk N O V 7. 1983 CITY CLERK V AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King SUE ELLISTON being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 25th day of October 19 83, affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn this day day of 19 20 ( ., Notaiy Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOC. : R-090-81 The mi.nuta contain a U t os the paAtie)s of necond. ) V TO:A- DATE: FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT: '.- I<.e Park Associates Rezone. P--09Q-81; P,,,_,trictive Please furnish the following to the City Clerk's Office: Certification of Posting Legal Description Certification of Valid Petition Map Deed Pro Rata Share of Costs Easement Restrictive Covenants ev fy cont'ant Tease check second page of the covenants--it has been changed from the original. Secondly, two of the ten property owners have signed the covenants on bhbalf of the others. Is this a corporation? Lastly, there was no Exhibit "A" attached. 1 THANK YOU! Requested by: OF RAC. y z THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON.WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR 0 LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER pp Q3 FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 9 T6.0 SE PI- November 10, 1983 Mr. Kenneth B. Shellan Attorney at Law P. 0. Boy°- 26 Renton, `,IUA 98057 RE: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES - RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Dear Rem: Enclosed please find Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for the above referenced project. Please obtain the necessary signatures and return to this office, along with a complete legal description we discussed on the phone today. As soon as we receive the covenants, we will schedule the matter for the City Council to consider (probably 11-21). If you ha,ie any questions, please feel free to call this office. Sincerely, Sue Elliston Secretary to the Land Use Hearing Examiner se 0327E Enclosure DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHERE AS, Lake Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit A" attached hereto. WHERE AS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW. THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions a nd covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the unlersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: A. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, the applicant shall provide a total of $6,450 as a voluntary payment to the City of Re iton, which fund shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be used exclusively for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in 1#1, 2. 4:ind 3 below: 1. Widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Improve the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turns across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. B. They following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any dev elopment permit issued by the City and are to be accomplished coincident with the development of the site s;;ould such development be pursued by the app licant and approved by the City. The applicant may request. and the Board of Public Works may consider, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City codes. C. Provide total cost for installing the left turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lai(eside site. D. Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. E. Provide asphalt surface, gravel-based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park. to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, said plans and improvements to Include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be pro Tided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing to the exti:nt that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided. this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. F. No development of this project is to occur east of the 105-foot contour elevation. G. Lake Terrace Associates shall amend their reclassification application to limit the maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187. On July 14, 1983, Lake Terrace Park Associates represented by Gerard M. Shellan, formally amended their rezone application pursuant to the stipulations executed by both parties on June 15, 1983, and subsequently included in the decision of the Hearing Examiner dated June 23, 1983. THESE COVENANTS shall run with the land and expire on December 31. 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants. the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City c f Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrict_ve covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. Gerard M. Shellan Barbara J. Shellan Alex Cugini , Jr. Norma J. Cugini Mike W. Lott.o Marjorie L. Lotto Tom Tobacco Nina D. Tobacco J. Steve Barer Nancy L. Barer STATE OF W ASHINGTON ss. County of King On this day of November, 1983. before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared GERARD M. SHELLAN & BARBARA J. SHELLAN; ALEX CUGINI. JR.. & NORMA J. CUGINI; MIKE W. LOTTO & MARJORIE L. LOTTO; TOM TOBACCO & NINA D. TOBACCO; .I. STEVE HARER & NANCY L. HARER, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the) signed the said instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purr ores therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at therein. 2 - F R4,. A Q z THE CITY OF RENTON4$ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 am= BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR it LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9,0 co• p Q. FRED 1. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 94-" ea SE PIE O November 10, 1983 Mr. Kenneth B. Shellan Attorney at Law P. 0. Boa 26 Renton, WA 98057 RE: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES - RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Dear Rer: Enclosed please find Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for the above referenced project. Please obtain the necessary signatures and return to this office, along with a complete legal description we discussed on the phone today. As soon as we receive the covenant., we will schedule the matter for the City Council to consider (probably 11-21). If you hare any questions, please feel free to call this office. Sincerely 5dt,Gt. Sue Ellistan Secretary to the Land Use Hearing Examiner se 0327E Enclosure DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEF EAS, Lake Terrace Park Associates is the owner of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit A" attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive :ovenants running with the land as to use. present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors. heirs and assigns, as follows: A. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, the applicant shall provide a total of $6,450 as a voluntary payment to the City of R 3nton, which fund shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be used e)elusively for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in 111, 2. and 3 below: I. Widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 lineal feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Improve the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turns across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. B. The following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the City and are to be accomplished coincident with the development of the site s,.ould such development be pursued by the applicant and approved by the City. The applicant may request, and the Board of Public Works may consider, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City codes. C. Provide total cost for installing the left turn lane opposite the entrance to the L keside site. D. Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting. together with all necessary appurtenances across th3 frontage of the Lakeside site. E. Provide asphalt surface, gravel-based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park. to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by th3 Department of Public Works, said plans and improvements to Include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its wE st side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be pr)vided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing to the extent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. F. No development of this project is to occur east of the 105-foot contour elevation. G. Lake Terrace Associates shall amend their reclassification application to limit t'ie maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187. C n July 14, 1983, Lake Terrace Park Associates represented by Gerard M. Siellan. formally amended their rezone application pursuant to the stipulations e4ecuted by both parties on June 15. 1983, and subsequently included in the d3cision of the Hearing Examiner dated June 23. 1983. THESE COVENANTS shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time i nprovements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed Improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City 3f Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procecures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owiers adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. Gerard M. : hellan Barbara J. Shellan Alex Cugini , Jr. Norma J. Cugini Mike W. Lotto Marjorie L. Lotto Tom Tobaccc Nina D. Tobacco J. Steve Harer Nancy L. Harer STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. County of King On thi! day of November, 1983, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for tie State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn. personally appearedGERARDMSHELLAN & BARBARA J. SHELLAN; ALEX CUGINI, JR., & NORMA J.CUGINI; MI<E W. LOTTO & MARJORIE L. LOTTO; TOM TOBACCO & NINA D.TOBACCO; 3. STEVE HARER & NANCY L. HARER, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged to me that the) signed the said instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for theusesandpurEoresthereinmentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in thiscertificateabovewritten. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. residing at therein. 2 - AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King SUE ELLISTON being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 25th day of October 19 83, affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn this.;,% day of (9 ri 7,1( Zo-L„ Nota Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOC . : R-090-81 The minutes contain a tint os .the pantti.eis os necond. ) f • October 25, 1983 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION: APPLICANT: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES FILE NO. R-090-81 LOCATIC N: East of Lake Washington Blvd. between the Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home, and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant seeks approval to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium-density housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre. The applicant has agreed to limit the maximum number of dwelling units to 187 (14.6 units per acre). SUMMAI Y OF ACTION: Building and Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval, subject to conditions. Hearing Examiner Recommendation: Approval, subject to execution of restrictive covenants. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department Report was DEPARTMENT REPORT: received by the Examiner on October 5, 1983. PUBLIC TEARING: After reviewing the Building and Zoning Department Report, examining available information on file with the application and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The healing was opened on October 11, 1983, at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following documents were entered into the record: Exhibit #1: Yellow file containing the application, staff report and other pertinent documents on posting and publication. Exhibit #2: Assessor's Map showing the general vicinity of the subject site, and with subject site outlined in red. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the staff report. He noted the maximum development of the subject site will be 187 dwelling units, which is 14.6 units per acre; that under the R-3 zoning, 25 units per acre are allowed. He also noted the neighborhood is in a transitional state at the present time; that the applicant is changing the mobile home park to multi-family, and the proposed change seems to be in a timely fashion. Mr. Bla}lock further noted that a survey taken indicated approximately 25% of the existing resident: would be able to relocate to another mobile home park within the city. Mr. B1a}lock stated the staff recommends approval of the requested zone change, R-090-81, subject to the following conditions: 1. The filing of restrictive covenants which delineate the stipulation agreed to on June 23, 1983 to inform all future property owners of the actual contract rezone between the City of Renton and the developer. The covenants should have a reversionary clause in case the property is subsequently rezoned in the future. LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES R-090-81 October 25, 1983 Page 2 2.Submission of a site plan to the Land Use Hearing Examiner for review and approval to include a relocation plan of the mobile home residents, if any still remain at the planning stages of the actual multiple family development proposal. The Hearing Examiner noted there has been testimony in the past with regard to the sewer capacity along Lake Washington Boulevard and inquired of Mr. Blaylock regarding the status of that subject. Mr. Blaylock stated that the City has installed a new sewer line through Gene Coulon Beach Park which is available to the developer at some cost, and the water line would be extended from the east to intertie into the general area. The Examiner then inquired if Lake Washington Boulevard was capable of handling the traffic to be generated by this proposal. Mr. Blaylock indicated Lake Washington Boulevard is unique in that it has a tremendous amount of overall capacity; the peak hour when Boeing lets out is extremely high, but that a left turn lane was installed, widening has taken place, and modernization of the traffic signal was completed; that the capacity is there, but that Lake Washington Boulevard will have to be redesigned at some point in the future. The Examiner called on the applicant or representative. Responding was: Gerard Shellan P. O. Box 626 Renton, WA 98057 Mr. Shellan commended Mr. Blaylock for the very thorough report presented today. He noted it should be kept in mind that not all of the 12-1/2 acres of property will be developed, and that there is a mathematical error on page 3 of the staff report with respect to the increase in population created by the proposed development. He noted that number should be around 300, rather than 467. Mr. Shellan stated he did not believe restrictive covenants should be required of an applicant for payment of monies to the city; that if those monies are not paid, the services would not be provided. He further stated that this change was not going to occur overnight; it may be one year or three years away. It was pointed out by Mr. Shellan that they wish to develop high grade, high class units, with more open areas, and primarily an adult community. He stated this type of development is necessary in this city. Also, approximately 30 - 32% of the people now occupying the mobile home park were advised when they moved into the park that this proposal would be coming up and that they would have to move in the forseeable future. Mr. Shellan presented a series of ten photographs of the existing mobile home park. The photographs were entered into the record as follows: Exhibit #3: Series of 10 photographs showing conditions of the existing mobile home park. Also entered into the record at this time was: Exhibit #4: Legal memorandum from Kenneth B. Shellan, Attorney for Lake Terrace Park Associates, to the Hearing Examiner dated September 23, 1983, concerning relocating mobile home tenants. Gerard Shellan stated he believes that at the time the change of use occurs and multiple units are built, the owners would be willing to provide that the former renters would be given priority 90 days) to purchase any of the units that have been offered for sale; that the owners also would be willing to give a one-year notice prior to any vacation of any of the property. Further, that every effort will be made by the owners to relocate the then-existing renters into other mobile home parks if they so desire. He stated that after 22 years, values have changed and there is a need for up-grading and up-lifting the total area. LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES R-090-El October 25, 1983 Page 3 The Examiner indicated he believes relocation should be considered in the environmental review and there will be an opportunity for that when the building plans are submitted for review. Mr. Shelian stated there will be prepared and furnished, a list of all of the mobile home parks in this vic .pity with their rates, standards and occupancy rate and that he does not feel a consultant is necessary to provide such plan. The Examiner called for further testimony in support of the application. There was none. The Exa niner then called for testimony in opposition to the application, or questions concerning the appl:cation. Responding was: Carl Stixrood 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N., Space #50 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Stix7ood indicated he was a resident of the mobile home park; that he is not against the rezone i nd he does agree that the use of the property should be upgraded. He stated he believes the responsibility lies with the city to provide more opportunity for mobile home parks since tht y should provide space for every land use and Renton provides only about 1/10th of the space th:y should for mobile homes. There being no further testimony offered, the Examiner closed the hearing at 2:30 p.m. and noted he would issue his recommendation to the Council within 14 days. FINDINC S, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, '.he Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINC S: 1. Thy: applicant, Lake Terrace Park Associates, filed a request for approval of a reclassification of approximately 12.5 acres of property from T (Mobile Home Park) to R- i (Medium Density Multiple Family) subject to construction of a maximum of 187 units. 2. Thf application file, containing the application, the State Environmental Policy Act SEPA) documentation, the Building and Zoning Department Report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. Pui suant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Co•nmittee (ER C), responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of '.his development. 5. The subject site is located above Lake Washington Boulevard on a relatively level bench. Steeper slopes are located on the eastern boundary of the subject site. The site is on the east side of Lake Washington Blvd. approximately 800 feet from the north entrance of the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. 6. The subject site was annexed into the city by Ordinance 1791 in September of 1959. The G zoning which the site automatically acquired upon annexation was changed to T by Ordinance 1884 in May of 1961. 7. Pursuant to environmental review, the applicant agreed to certain conditions which would become effective if the site were reclassified as requested. Two of the conditions relate to ,ictual site development - a maximum number of units (187); and no development east of `:he 105 foot contour, thereby preserving the steeper slopes at the eastern edge of the subject site. 8. Otter conditions related to participation in certain roadway, signalization, intersection and off-site improvements (See AAD-022-83). LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES R-090-81 October 25, 1983 Page 4 9. The site is currently developed with a mobile home/trailer park. The homes vary in age, condition, and ability to withstand relocation. The subject of the current review is limited to whether or not the subject site is suitable for the level of development proposed. The secondary question of the impacts of development of the site on displacement of the mobile home park's residents are not properly part of this review. They should be reviewed, if at all, in subsequent environmental review. 10. North of the subject site is the Griffin Home for Boys. East of the subject site is an undeveloped area, while a golf driving range is located to the south. The Gene Coulon Beach Park is located west of the subject site. 11. The Beach Park is zoned H-1 (Heavy Industrial); while the majority of the property north, east and south of the subject site is zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential; minimum lot size - 7,200 sq. ft.). There is a P-1 (Public/Quasi Public) district located to the immediate south of the subject site. 12. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of high density multifamily development in areas generally along Lake Washington Blvd., and greenbelt/open space along the steeper areas generally at the eastern fringe of the subject site. 13. Development of the stipulated number of units, 187, will permit a population of approximately 467 persons; generate approximately 47 school age children distributed throughout the school system; and generate approximately 1,141 vehicle trips per day. The existing approximately 93 unit trailer park currently contributes to each of these impacts, but to a lesser degree. 14. The current level of service (LOS), a measure of traffic movements along a corridor or through an intersection, varies considerably for the intersections north and south of the subject site. An LOS of A refers to little or no delay, D to a long delay and E to very protracted delays. The intersection of the site's major access has an existing LOS of C to D. The LOS is predicted to fall from D to E for 1985 with the project, especially for left turns to the site and right turns from the site. Traffic at two other studied intersections, Burnett and Park, appear to be subject to deterioration to E and D respectively by 1985, whether or not the project is developed. 15. In the past twenty years, public and private improvements to the area include the Coulon Beach Park, I-405, additional overpasses, and street construction and modernization in the Kennydale area of the City. 16. The Golf Course located immediately south of the subject site has been proposed for reclassification to a higher density and it is not speculative to suggest that if approved, it will also add to the traffic congestion in the area surrounding the subject site. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proponent of a rezone must demonstrate that the request is in the public interest, will not impair the public health, safety and welfare and in addition, is in compliance with at least one of the three criteria found in Section 4-3010, which provides in part that: a. The subject site has not been considered in a previous area-wide rezone or land use analysis; or b. The subject site is potentially designated for the new classification per the Comprehensive Plan; or c. There has been a material and substantial change in the circumstances in the area in which the subject site is located since the last rezoning of the property or area. LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES R-090-81 October 25, 1983 Page 5 The applicant has demonstrated that the requested reclassification is justified. 2. The site is designated in the Comprehensive Plan for high density multifamily development, while the applicant has requested a zoning designation of R-3 which equates to nedium density and has stipulated to a density of not much more than low density mu]of amily. 3. While the zoning adjacent to the site is generally R-1, single family, it is somewhat rerr ote because of the topographical differences between the subject site and these adjacent properties. The location of a major arterial immediately adjacent to the subject site would also make the site less appropriate for single family uses. Stil., since the site is adjacent to single family zoning and homes, a site plan review to instre adequate buffering, appropriate access and reasonable recreational amendities for a population of approximately 450 residents is reasonable as recommended by staff. 4. Sin( e the site was zoned for mobile home parks, T, the area has undergone substantial cha ages, including the construction of I-405, modernization of local streets, save for Lake Washington Boulevard, and the construction of the Beach Park. 5. The Council should be aware that the area's increasing traffic is placing strains on Lake Washington Boulevard and while the subject site alone will not be solely responsible for the projected decrease in the level of service, the subject site as well as other proposed dev qopments incrementally result in a substantial impact on traffic congestion. 6. The conditions imposed by the ERC are projected to mitigate the traffic impacts, but until sufficient funding becomes available to implement the necessary improvements, traffic will suffer in the areas along Lake Washington Boulevard. Fur her, unless the funds are utilized in a timely manner, they must be restored to the original grantor. This means that unless the City acts to improve the roads and intersections within the allotted time, the funds will be lost, while traffic worsens. 7. As was indicated in the findings, there were certain questions raised concerning the disriacement of local residents and witnesses indicated that the Council should be informed of the specific problems inherent in relocating the residents of the existing motile home park as well as the general inavailability of similar sites in the city and surrounding county. These are not issues relevant to the question of whether the subject site is suitable for the requested reclassification. The site appears suitable for the requested zoning, as conditioned by the ERC and agreed to by the applicant, and therefore the City Council shot.ld approve the request. At the same time, the Council may want to consider the sufficiency of land zoned for, and able to accommodate low cost housing. This could include smaller lot single family zones, as In ell as additional acreage for mobile home parks. As staff indicated, the City of Renton provides considerably more acreage for mobile home parks than many cities and some cities do not permit them within their corporate limits at all. R E C OMM ENDATION: The City Council should approve the reclassification of the subject site to R-3, subject to: 1. The execution of restrictive covenants embodying the conditions imposed by the ERC. 2. The site plan review process. LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES R-090-81 October 25, 1983 Page 6 ORDERED THIS 25th day of October, 1983. Fred J. KaHfe a an Land Use ring Exa er TRANSMITTED THIS 25th day of October, 1983 to the parties of record: Gerard Shellan P. O. Box 626 Renton, WA 98057 Carl Stixrood 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N., Space #50 Renton, WA 98055 The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the the proposal must be made in public. This permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before November 7, 1983. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. CITY OF RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 11, 1983 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 1:30 P.M.: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES Application to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium-density housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre, total development not to to exceed 187 units (14.96 units per acre), File R--090-81; property located east of Lake Washington Blvd. between the Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. r or.f Kit,(Offices of Tennetlf _ Slyllan Renton (Office Seattle O f f ire 321 Aiurnett(Atienue Soot 11 300(J5rttnD Central on tile Park Ile Qlenturg Aiui1Ding) Please 3Rep1p to the glJn Pioneer$quttre) Post(Office?Joy: 26 Renton(Office 216 Airst cAbenue*tuff! IZenton, ia,ttsliington 98057 ettttle, ia:usllington 9810,1 206) 255-5600 206) 292-9800 LEGAL MEMORANDUM CONCERNING RELOCATING MOBILE HOME TENANTS TO: THE HEARING EXAMINER AND COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF RENTON FROM: KENNETH B. SHELLAN, ATTORNEY FOR LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1983 I . LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES WILL USE THEIR BEST EFFORTS TO RELOCATE THE EXISTING MOBILE HOME OWNERS EVEN THOUGH THE LAW IMPOSES NO SUCH RELOCATION REQUIREMENTS. Lake Terrace Park Associates is seeking a rezone so that the associates can substantially upgrade the subject area by building a high quality condominium complex. The complex will permit more people than at present to enjoy the view and other amenities provided at the subject location. But as for any change of this nature, even a change for the better, certain people will have to be relocated (unless , of course, they choose to purchase a condominium on the premises ) . Lake Terrace Park Associates will take extraordinary effort to assist with the relocation process of the existing mobile home tenants . Steve Harer of Bryn Mawr Properties with the cooperation of other mobile home park owners in the Southend have formed what is essentially a mini relocation service for existing Lake Terrace mobile home owners . This service will use best efforts to relocate each and every mobile home owner who wishes to move. EXHIBIT NO. - ITEM NO. R d g° " 1 t Memo Page Two September 23, 1983 Existing mobile home owners have been made aware for some time of the impending rezone and development; each new mobile home tenant was told when his/her tenancy commenced that the subject property would be developed in the near future. The tenants, however, wishing to enjoy the amenities the property had to offer prior to development, nevertheless decided to commence tenancy. Lake Terrace Park Associates will be fully engaged in this effort to relocate tenants even though the law imposes no such relocation requirement. This memorandum briefly highlights the two most important cases on point which underscore this basic legal principle : the owners of the subject land cannot be legally required to relocate existing tenants. II. THE PRIMARY CASES ON POINT INDICATE THAT RELOCATION IS NOT LEGALLY REQUIRED; MOREOVER, A GOVERNMENTAL RE- QUIREMENT OF RELOCATION AS A CONDITION OF DEVELOPMENT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. A. Granat vs . Keasler, 99 Wn. 2d 564 (1983 ) In this case ( setting forth the latest Washington Supreme Court pronouncement on point ) , the court held unconsti- tutional a Seattle Ordinance which required boat moorage owners to relocate floating homeowners upon termination of their landlord/tenancy relationship. The court held that the ordinance was an unconstitutional exercise of police power and amounted to an unconstitutional deprivation without just compensation. B. Kennedy vs . Seattle, 94 Wn. 2d 376 , 617 P2d 713 (1980 ) In this case, the Washington Supreme Court held that the Seattle Ordinance preceding the amended relocation ordin- ance in the Granate v. Keasler case was also unconstitu- tional ; relocation, the court ruled, simply amounted to a legally improper taking without just compensation. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUB).IC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON OCTOBER 11, 1983, AT 1:30 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: LAKE T:3RRACE PARK ASSOCIATES Application to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium-density housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre, total development not to exceed 187 units (14.96 units per acre), File R-090-81; property located east of Lake Washington Blvd. between the Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON OCTOBER 11, 1983, AT 1:30 P.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIOT'S. PUBLISF ED : SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Ronald G. Nelson Building and Zoning Director CERTIFICATION I, JERR't LIND, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT SIX COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN SIX CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE J.S PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary F ublic, in and for the State of Washington residing in the King County, on the 30th day of Se tember, 1983. L4.ih'L"'.l) C,E _..2<--(xO SIGNED: J nt OF R4, C1-1 o 0grtD SEf SEGO City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a puBtle HEARING :, in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL ON OCTO3ER11, 1983 BEGINNING AT A.M. 1:30 P.M..; CONCERNING: FILE R-090-81 I X REZONE From T To R-3 SPECIAL / CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT To SITE APPROVAL P SHORT PLAT/SUBDIVISION of Lots I PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE FROM GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD, BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND THE GRIFFIN HONE AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION SIGNIFICANT NON—SIGNIFICANT FCR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT 21PrInFizt AUTHORIZATI RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON ttta u9ffices HEARING EXAMINER of AUG 2 51983 ennetlir _ *titan AM M 718191161 fl 112111213.4'5'6 Renton (Office eattle Offtre • 321 Alurnett tfienue c*outh 300 ffiranb(Ventral an the Park ale Century!uili)ing) Please RZeplg to the gIn Pioneer,*quare) fast U:ffice!ox 26 Benton 5 ffice 216!first Af enue c*auth Renton, pttshingtan 98057 c*eattle, i,i,nshingtan 98104 206)255-5600 206) 292-9800 August 24, 1983 The Hearing Examiner The City of Renton Renton City Hall 200 Mill Avenue So. Renton, WA 98055 Re: Lake Terrace Park Associates (File No. AAD-_0.&7 83 ) Dear Hearing Examiner: At your earliest convenience, please schedule the necessary public hearing for consideration of the Lake Terrace Park Associates rezone. We would prefer that the hearing be scheduled for 1 : 30 in the afternoon; we would appreciate timely notice of the date of the scheduled hearing. With best regards . Very truly yours, Kenneth B. Shellan KBS: jw cc: Mr. Alex Cugini Mr. Jerry Shellan Mr. Steve Harer J' roCI({ O ilki 4!`0+,"1,j IVrj11!:, J Pp AUG 2 1983 Tfiertnetlt _ ,l-tellztrt Attorney at tarn 321 3urnett A6enue south Zile Century 7guil?ing) Dust Office Vox 26 Xtentun, I ashingtnn 981157 The Hearing Examiner The City of Renton Renton City Hall 200 Mill Avenue So. Renton , WA 98055 T STIPULATION The undersigned attorneys hereby stipulate to the City of Renton Hearing Examiner ' s entrance of an order revising the conditions for the DNS associated with the Lake Terrace Associates reclassification request F-090-81; ECF-095-81) as follows: A.- Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, if any is adopted , the applicant shall provide a total of $6, 450 . 00 as a voluntary payment to the City of Renton, which funds shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be exclusively used, for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in Conditions 1, 2, and 3 below: 1. Widen 800 linear feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 linear feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. 2. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Improving the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turn across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. B. The following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the City (if any is so issued) and are to be accomplished coincident with development of 143 the site should such development be pursued by the applicant and approved by the City. The applicant may request, and the Board of Public Works may consider , a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City Code. 1 . Provide total cost of installing a center left-turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site. e' 2. Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard - curb, gutters, sidewalks and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. C. Provide asphalt surface, gravel based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, said plans and the improvement to include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Beach Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing. To the extent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. D. No development of this project is to occur east of the 105--foor contour elevation. This Stipulation also memorializes the voluntary arqeement by Lake Terrace Associates to amend its pending reclassification application to limit the maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187.-- CI`..'Y OF RENTON LAK T RRACE ASSOCIATES By By: 62_,r( el Hagga 1/` Special C unsel to the Cit DA`..!E: ,1; DATE: s- 4901C 6/6/83 June 23, 1983 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION. APPLICANT: Lake Terrace Park Associates FILE NO. AAD-A82-83 LOCATION: East of Lake Washington Boulevard between the Renton Golf Range and Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. SUMMARY OF APPEAL: Appeal of the seven conditions imposed by the Environmental Review Committee in its Final Declaration of Non-Significance for the proposed development. DECISION OF EXAMINER: Order the stipulations agreed to. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building and Zoning Department Report, examining available information on file with the application and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on May 10, 1983, at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The Examiner explained that the hearing today was solely for the purpose of determining whether the city, through the ERC, has carried out its responsibilities under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and to determine only whether or not the conditions imposed by the ERC were correct. Representing the city was: Joel Haggard Haggard, Tousley & Brain Attorneys at Law 1700 Daon Building 720 Olive Way Seattle, WA 98101 Representing the applicant was: Jerry Shellan E. 942 King County Courthouse Seattle, WA 98104 and Kenneth B. Shellan Attorney at Law P. O. Box 26 Renton, WA 98057 The Examiner entered the following into the record: Exhibit #1: Yellow file containing the initial checklist, supplemental checklist, expanded checklist, and all pertinent documents up to and including the letter of April 25, 1983 continuing this hearing until today's date. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The appellants, Lake Terrace Park Associates, filed an application to reclassify property located east of Lake Washington Boulevard between the Renton Golf Range and the Griffin Home. Lake Terrace Park Associates June 23, 1983 Page 2 2. Pursuant to city and state environmental law, the appellant submitted an environmental checl list for the subject proposal. After a number of reviews and preliminary decisions on the proposal, a Declaration of Non-Significance, subject to the conditions enumerated belov%, was issued by the City's Responsible Official, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC). 3. The appellant thereupon filed this action challenging the conditions imposed by the ERC. While the appellant's letter particularized its objection to the imposition of Condition #6, the appellant objected to all of the conditions during the public hearing. 4. The conditions imposed by the ERC were: a.Lake Washington Boulevard between Park Drive and Houser Way -- provide 8-1/2% of the construction funds to widen 800 linear feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. Width of roadway widening would require approximately 9 to 10 feet. b.Provide 8-1/2% of the funds to update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. c.Provide total cost of installing a center lane left--turn opposite the entrance to the lakeside site. d.Provide 4-1/2% of the cost for improving the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turn cross traffic southbound toward the proposed development. e.Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard - curb, gutters, sidewalks and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances. f.A concrete sidewalk is to be provided from the housing development to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park. Traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard is also to be provided. This traffic control is to be determined by the Public Works Department. g. No development of this project is to occur east of the 105 foot contour elevation. 5. The site is located on a relatively level bench above Lake Washington Blvd. There are steeper slopes along the east margin of the subject site. The site is approximately 750 to 850 f(et from the north entrance to the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. 6. The a )pellant has applied for a reclassification of the approximately 12.5 acre site from T Mobi:e Home Park) to R-3 (Medium Denisty Multiple-Family). 7. The F -3 district proposed by the appellant would permit approximately 230 apartment units on the subject site. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) figures indicate that each snit would generate approximately 6.1 vehicle trips per day, or a total for the project of approximately 1, 400 trips per day. These figures approximate the maximum development permitted in an R-3 zone and a smaller development would generate fewer vehicle trips per day. 8. After extensive testimony, and private discussion between the parties, the city and the appellant reached an understanding and stipulated to the imposition of conditions. Those conditions are set out below and constitute the order and decision in this matter. 9. The conditions enumerated in the order relate solely to the environmental review and shall lot constitute a basis for limiting the authority of the city to further condition and/oi deny substantive proposals regarding this site. The city may condition or deny the reclassification of the subject site and/or the configuration of the ultimate proposal based upon the record at the time of those reviews. Nor &call the city be bound by the conditions imposed by this order if new evidence is develcped regarding the environmental impacts after the passage of time or other substantial change in circumstances. Lake Terrace Park Associates June 23, 198? Page 3 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The conditions to which the parties have stipulated appear to satisfy the ERC's desire to mitigite the environmental consequences of the subject proposal. This office will, therefore, not substitute its judgment and enters the following decision, giving full effect to these stipulations. DECISION: The following conditions shall apply to the Declaration of Non-Significance associated with the Lake Terrace Park Associates reclassification request (R--090-81; ECF-095-81) as follows: 1. Prior to publication of the rezone ordinance for application R-090-81, if any is adopted, the applicant shall provide a total of $6,450.00 as a voluntary payment to the City of Rent(n, which funds shall constitute the total contribution, and shall be exclusively used, for the traffic improvements and associated work identified in Conditions a, b, and c below: a. Widen 800 linear feet of Lake Washington Boulevard approximately 9 to 10 feet between Park Drive and Houser Way to widen 800 linear feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. b. Update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. c. Improving the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turn across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. 2. The following off-site public street improvements shall be a condition of any development permit issued by the city (if any is so issued) and are to be accomplished coincident with development of the site should such development be pursued by the applicant and appro red by the city. The applicant may request, and the Board of Public Works may consicer, a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable City Code. a.Provide total cost of installing a center left--turn lane opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site. b.Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard - curb, gutters, sidewalks and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances across the frontage of the Lakeside site. 3. Provice asphalt surface, gravel based temporary sidewalks, 6 feet in width from the subject property to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park, to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, said plans and the improvement to include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Beach Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing. To the e)tent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant is not required to duplicate those improvements. 4. No development of this project is to occur east of the 105 floor contour elevation. 5. Lake Terrace Park Associates shall amend its pending reclassification application to limit the maximum number of dwelling units requested to 187. ORDERED "HIS 23rd day of June, 1983. Fred J. Kau an Land Use H ing Exam er Lake Terrace Park Associates June 23, 1933 Page 4 TRANSMITTED THIS 23rd day of June, 1983 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Joel Haggard Haggard, Tousley & Brain Attorneys at Law 1700 Daon Building 720 Olive Way Seattle, WA 98101 Jerry Shellan E. 942 King County Courthouse Seattle, WA 98104 Kenneth B. Shellan Attorney at Law P. O. Box 26 Renton, WA 98057 TRANSMITTED THIS 23rd day of June, 1983, to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Policy Development Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Ronald Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision mt y not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-mikers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the the proposal must be made in public. This permits all interested I arties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. Pursuant to Title 1V, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before July 7, 1983. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. Any appeal is governed by Title IV, Section 3011, which requires that such appeal be filed with the Superior Court of Washington for King County within twenty (20) days from the date of the Examiner's ,iecision. OF i A,OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON, ASHINGTON V ` POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 S 2nd STREET • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 ZNIL mum LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 9AO PLO DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 9FD SEP E4O MARK E. BARBER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY June 14, 1983 ZANETTA L.FONTES, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO : Mike Mulcahy , Finance Director FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Dear Mike : Please find enclosed a bill for services rendered in handling the administrative appeal brought by Lake Terrace Associates . As you may know, this office had to withdraw from representing the City of Renton, as Lake Terrace Associates has as one of its principal partners , Jerry Shellan, my former law partner and present business partner. Therefore , the City hired Mr. Joe Haggard to represent the City in this case . Mr . Haggard agreed to represent the City at the rate of $90 . 00 per hour , the same rate at which I charge the City for my litigation cases . Mr . Haggard' s normal hourly rate is substantially higher and he cut his bill back to assist us . Could you please see that this is handled and Mr . Haggard receives payment . Lawrence J. Warren LJW:nd Encl . cc : Environmental Review Committee Mayor I OF R.4,A t$THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9A O FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 94, Q 6-0 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 13, 1983 CITY 0r" NON TO: Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator i u p f 19/ [g 11/ FROM: Fred J. Kaufman, Land Use Hearing Examiner JUL 1 4 1983 SUBJECT: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES This offil:e has, this date, received the attached letter from Ken Shellan regarding the above-referenced rezone application, which I believe should have been directed to your office for processing. FJK:se Attachment sei iirf f Caw iiffices of ennetl! 7g_ *Flinn Benton ®f f ice eattle (Office 321!urnett Abenue South 300 Oranb(Ventral on the Park Cite Qlenturg!uilbing) Please Xleplg to the Pln Pioneer c*quttre) Past *Hire 713ox 26 Renton Ueffire 216 gif irst Abenue South 3Renton, Washington 98057 Seattle, Washington 98104 206)255-5600 206) 292-9800 July 11 , 1983 Hearing Examiner Fenton City Hall 200 Mill Ave. So. Fenton, Washington 98055 Re : Lake Terrace Park Associates Dear Sir: Enclosed please find an Amendment of Rezone Application in regard to the above entitled matter. Very truly yours , Kenneth B. Shellan NED KB S:mkt 0-6BEM s Enclosure CIT( RMG E VO cc: Gerard Shellan NAvI-1 J19 3 Alex Cugini 1 dvt0 4' `6 Tom Tbacco SteveoHarer 7 l itstri CAS l J 1419 3 I AMENDMENT OF REZONE APPLICATION OF LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES Pursuant to the report and decision of the Office of the Land Use Hearing Examiner of the City of Renton dated June 23, 1983, and pursuant to that stipulation executed in June of 1983 by Joel Haggard, special counsel for the City of Renton, and by Gerard M. Shellan, authorized representative of Lake Terrace Park Associates , Lake Terrace Park Associates hereby amends its rezone application for that property located approximately East of Lake Washington Boulevard between the Renton Golf Range and Griffin Home and East of Gene Coulon Beach Park so as to limit the maximum number of dwelling units to 187 under Rezone, Application R-090-81. DATED this ` day of July, 1983. LAKE E RACE PARK ASSOCIATES By : G rard M. Shellan ocAnO% ANItioot‘ jks Ott ti14, ` figc# 0* ‘31`cfs STIPULATIONS AGREED TO BETWEEN PARTIES -LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PUBLIC HEARING - MAY 10, 1983: 1.Applicant would agree to amend its application to rezone the 12 1/2 acres of prcperty from T to R-3 for a maximum number of P.U.'s, not to exceed 187. We would then, on behalf of the ERC, and having considered the files and records available, other information available within the City offices and records and the expertise and personal experiences of the individuals in their employment capacity with the City, be willing to stipulate to a revision in the language of the 7 conditions contained in the final declaration of non-significance (R-090-81) as follows: a. Applicant shall provide $6,450.00 as a voluntary payment to the City of Renton, which funds shall be used for traffic improvements and associated work identified in. Conditions 1, 2, and 4. This then would provide for a deletion of the percentages of construction funds language contained in each one of those conditions. b. Condition #3 and Condition #5 be modified to either require the applicant to pay the total cost or to install at their cost in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the city, the items of work identified in those conditions, such work to be a condition of any development permit issued by the city (if any is so issued) and to be accomplished coincident with development of the site should such development be pursued by the applicant and approved by the city. Interjection by Jerry Shellan: Additional clause "or as otherwise provided by the ordinances of the City of Renton" because you do have provisions of the ordinance which in some cases for good cause shown, it may defer certain improvements if there are no adjoining improvements.) Add: "Provided further that the Board of Public Works approves to a deferral of any of the work in accordance with the then applicable city code; applicant may request such deferral. c. That Condition #6 would be modified to accomplish the substantial intent of the following language: "That applicant would provide an asphalt surface, gravel based sidewalk, 6 feet in width from the housing development to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park to be located and installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, said plans and the improvement to include necessary associated drainage appurtenances. Further, that traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard from its east side to its west side in the location of the north entrance to Gene Coulon Beach Park would be provided, such traffic control to consist of striping and associated signing. I ~ It was pointed out by Joel Haggard that the city is talking about an asphalt, gravel based sidewalk, 6' in width and that is the nature of the improvement, in addition to any associated drainage requirements generally identified by Mr. Houghton. The sidewalk would have to be a condition of any development permit and installed coincident with redevelopment of the site, if approved. At that time, to the extent that such sidewalk improvements have been otherwise provided, this applicant would not be required to duplicate those improvements. If there were a general improvement by LID, state funds or city funds, to Lake Washington Boulevard that provided a sidewalk, or if some other intervening property owner were to provide a sidewalk, then to the extent that it has been provided within the geographic limits, this applicant would not be required to put it in. However, to the extent that that sidewalk is not available at the time of the development permit, if any is issued for this applicant's property, this applicant should place sidewalk in at that time. There is no specific development proposal before us at this time and this requirement would only be required incidental to a development if and when approved; therefore it would be inappropriate for the City at this time to stipulate to a maximum cost. Mr. Shellan asked for an indication on the part of the City that the total cost is estimated at approximately $5,000.00. Mr. Haggard indicated that was so stated by Mr. Houghton in his testimony; however, the City could not guarantee at this time that that would be the total or maximum cost of the sidewalk. d. Condition #7 would remain the same. At this point, Jerry Shellan indicated that the applicant so agrees to the stipulations that have been read into the record and with the further understanding that these conditions are the only conditions and there are no other conditions. Mr. Haggard agreed; however, he indicated that there may be other conditions as a result of the decision by the City Council as to any type of development permit, and possibly further ccnditions brought about during the rezone process. r OF R go ) City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a a;£1 in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL ON MAY JO, 1983 BEGINNING AT A.M. 1:30 _ P.M. CDNC:ERNING: FILE AAD-022-83 CO M TINUA T1 0 W OF i-PulltiaC HEACM Csit 1CGt WA Lot ScilEzuwo FM Anita, Z6, 1963 LEGAL DE: CRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION 0 SIGNIFICANT NON—SIGNIFICANT FOR cURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION ly Or R4., THE CITY OF' RENTON0ZMUNICIPALBUILDING200MILLAVE. SO. RENTON, WASH.98055 milL omooBARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER it p' O FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593o gTFO SEP100 t! April25, 1983 Mr. Kenneth B. Shellan Attorney at Law P. O. Box 26 Renton, WA 98057 Re: Lake Terrace Associates Hearing Dear M Shellan: Please 'De advised that the above-referenced hearing has been tentatively continued to May 10, 1983 at 1:30 p.m., per your written request of April 22, 1983. Sincere y, Fred J. K ufman Land the Hearing Examiner FJK se 0086E tarts(Offices RECEIVED of CITY OF RENTON i nnetlj _ ,Sliellun NEARING EXAMINER 321 liurnett i(enue outh APR 2 51983 Most QOffire Aiox 26 AM PM 7,Ht9ttOf Benton, Washington 98057 lfl?i1 i2f3 4i 6 206) 255-560t1 6 April 22, 1983 Renton City Hearing Examiner Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Street Renton, Washington 98055 RE: Continuance of Lake Terrace Associates hearing Dear Hearing Examiner: As I mentioned in our telephone conversation today, we respectfully request a continuance of our April 26th hearing until May 10 , 1983. The reason for the requested continuance is that we have not yet received a letter from the city indicating their position. Once we receive that letter, the need to appeal to the hearing examiner may be mute. Very truly yours , Kenneth B . Shellan KBS : ig OF I A.o THE CITY OF RENTON y p 7 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • 235-2552 co MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 9,0 co- P01'41. SEP EvO4 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH April, 21, 1983 MAYOR Joel Haggard Haggard Tousley and Brain Suite 1700 720 Olive Way Seattle, Washington HAND DELIVERY RE: LAKE TERRACE PARK ENVIRONMENTAL APPEAL FILE # AAD 022-83 Appeal of Environmental Review Committee Decision Dear Mr. Haggard: Enclosed is a duplicate copy of the above referenced file. This office is available at any time to assist you in background information on this matter. Please, feel free to call at any time. The time of the hearing is 1:30 p.m. so that it may be possible to meet with the Environmental Review Committee in the morning to finalize the presentations which will need to be made. If that would be appropriate, I will be responsible for arranging to have all members present and all materials available. Good to have you on board in this one. Ver my yours, 677, avi R. Clemens Policy Development Director cc; ERC Members NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHING.3TON ON APRIL 26, 1983, AT 1:30 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIO JS: LAKE TERRACE ASSOCIATES Appeal by Lake Terrace Associates, file AAD-022-83, of a decision of the Er vironmentai Review Committee regarding a declaration of ncn-significanee, dated March 9, 1983, which required the construction of an off-site sidewalk and signalization for pedestrian access to the Gene Coulon Beach Park. Project review was under rezone request, file R-090-81; property located east of Lake Washington Blvd. N. between the RE nton Golf Range and Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 26, 1983, AT 1:30 P.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED : APRIL 15, 1983 Ronald G. Nelson Building and Zoning Director CERTIFICATION I, JERRY LIND, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing Li King County, on the 13th day of April, 198 h 4 SIGNED: I OF I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION • 235-2620 z .ELL k o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 9, 0 co- 09 TFD SEFSE Ci,;cfr anithrg&Zctr Cat. BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH sreLWRMAYOR April 18, 1983 APR 1 9 1983 TO : Environmental Review Committee FROM : Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT : Lake Terrace Estates In regard to the subject development, it has been determined that a pedestrian crosswalk located on Lake Washington Blvd. at the inter- section with the northerly entrance to Gene Coulon Park would be adequate at this time. The crosswalk should be installed on the north leg of the intersection in line with the existing sidewalk located on the west corner. Appropriate advanced and intersection signing should be included as a part of the installation. 40/700GAN:ad cc: John Webley Clint Morgan Paul Lumbert 7F RFC OPI% it ... 6 C' 1 1, Lodi 4'ro soil" City of' Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL ON APRIL 2E, 1983 BEGINNING AT A.M. 1:30 _ P.M. sZONCERNING: FILE MD-022-83 REZONE From To. SPECIAL / CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT To SITE APPROVAL . SHORT PLAT/SUBDIVISION of Lots PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE' . FROM XT APPEAL OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION RELATING TO THE REZONE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: PROPERTY LOCALUD EAST OF LAKE WASUINGTON BLVD, NO, BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HONE. AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL . DECLARATION 0 SIGNIFICANT XNON.SIGNIFICANT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF ` RENTON' F BUILDING&ZONING DEPARTMENT 236-2550 11118 NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT , PROPER AUTHORIZATION 4;. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA April 6, 1983 THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM: COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. PENDING BUSINESS: ECF-011-8 3 SCHNEIDER HOMES, INC. PP-020-83 Application for preliminary plat approval for a 15-lot single family development on a 3.42 acre tract; property located on the south side of N.E. 20th Street at Kennewick Avenue N.E. NEW BUSINESS: None. INFORMATION: KING COUNTY - DEPT. OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A Declaration of Non-significance has been given to the proponent, Conifer Construction, Inc., to allow a subdivision and planned unit development consisting of 4.99 acres into 60 lots/units, located on the east side of 108th Avenue (SR-515), 160 feet north of S.E. 186th Street. Any comments are due by April 22, 1983. Letter from James L. Colt to Fred J. Kaufman regarding ERADCO rezone appeal. Letter from Kenneth B. Shellan to Fred J. Kaufman regarding ERADCO rezone appeal. Letter from Fred J. Kaufman to Kenneth B. Shellan and James L. Colt regarding ERADCO appeal, File AAD-012-83 Letter from Fred J. Kaufman to Kenneth B. Shellan re arding Lake Terrace Park Associates appeal of ERC decision, Filee' A22=83 OF RA, y THE CITY OF RENTON U 4 4 z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9 O FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235 -2593 O99TFD SE PSc03 G E dirg Z%i Cdy&c1 E Dept. 117— re 3 OWN DATE: April 1, 1983 TO: Environmental Review Committee APR 1. 1983 FROM: Fred J. Kaufman, Land Use Hearing Examiner SUBJECT, Lake Terrace Appeal: AAD-022-83; R-090-81 Attached is an appeal received by this office regarding the above referenced matter. A public hearing has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26, 1983 in the Council Chambers, Testimony from City staff concerning this matter may be required. Please fo.-ward to this office not later than 5:00 p.m. April 8, 1983, all pertinent information, including applications and correspondence. FJK 5e 0067E cc: Mayor Cit./ Attorney Citi Clerk Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator i:ntn(Offices of Aennetli 713. llel[un 321 !Burnett —Menue Sout11 Fast(Office!lox 26 3Renton, nittoilington 98057 206) 255-5600 RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER MAR 2 51983 4A- AM PM 7,8,911Or11112,l i21314616 March 24 , 1983 City of Renton Hearing Examiner Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Re: Appeal of the Decision of the Environmental Review Committee by Lake Terrace Park Associates Dear Hearing Examiner for City of Renton: Please accept this as formal notification of the appeal by Lake Terrace Associates of that decision summarized in the appended document of the Renton Environmental Committee. In particular, this appeal concerns condition #6 of the declaration of nonsignificance; to-wit, such condition imposes the requirement that Lake Terrace Associates con- struct a concrete sidewalk along contiguous properties as well as pay for a traffic control signal to be located some distance from the appellant's property. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL The decision of the environmental review committee is being appealed as to condition #6 because the environmental review committee is without legal authority for imposing such a condition. The Renton offsite improvement ordinance on its face does not empower the ERC to impose such a con- dition; similarly, the State Environmental Policy Act and its accompanying WAC provisions do not permit imposition of such mitigating measures unless the project would have a significant environmental impact but for the imposition of such mitigating measures. Surely , for the subject project, condition #6 (a sidewalk and traffic signal on neighboring City of Renton Hearing Examiner March 24, 1983 Page Two properties) does not transform an otherwise environmentally significant project into an environmentally insignificant one. Therefore, condition #6 is infallibly opposed. Finally, a preliminary and informal oral opinion from the office-of the City Attorney indicates that the ERC may very well lack power to impose this condition. Yet, the ERC refuses to even consult with the City Attorney's office to discuss this matter. APPEAL DATE Pursuant to this formal notice of appeal and the accom- panying grounds for appeal , please arrange an appeals date at your earliest convenience. With best regards, Very truly yours, KENNETH B. SHELLAN Attorney for Lake Terrace Associates KBS :lb ary EivEd F REa(Office,. HtE,NTpFXAmittiR N' of A! MAR 2a1983ercneth . o hettttn ry k 321 1 urnett Abenue ouch 8 9 jp 11:12 2 3 4, row Vast(Office!ax 26 5'6 r y_c gentan, Agttsljingtan 9805? 1/-/-f3 —4 , 4 ike 206) 255-5600 t.ct a o a k 7/"Ute.. March 25th, 1883 Hearing Examiner City of Renton Renton City Hall Renton, WA. 98055 Re: Lake Terrace Associates appeal of ERC decision/ Application No. R-090-81 Dear Sir or Madam: Please find the DNS ERC decision alluded to in my Notice of Appeal (dated March 24th, 1983) enclosed and a check for $75. 00 to defray the cost of appeal. Very truly yours , Kenneth B. Shellan OF R4 THE CITY urn RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON.WASH.98055 o BARBARA. Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9.0 o. FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 4gTFO >EPI°MO Cityc1P April 1, 1983 D ` e'ia aaoac 31-M314i Mr. Kennith B. Shellan Attorney at Law APR 1 1983 P. O. Box 26 Renton, WA 98057 Re: Lake Terrace Appeal: AAD-022-83; R-090-81 Dear Mr. 3hellan: In response to your referenced appeal, a public hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday,April 26, 983 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Enclosed )lease find a copy of the appeals procedure used by this office in conductingpublichearings. Please feel free to contact this office if further information or assistance is required. Sincerely, 1(4-- Fred J. Kau man Land Use Hearing Examiner FJK:se 0068E cc: Mayor City Attorney Citir Clerk Environmental Review Committee Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator cU tea.COff«.. CITY R OF RENTO of G etc/WM/ER r\. ertnet Pll Ilt r Af? 1 83 321 iiurnett:A8enue South i8i3,/0t11/Zi31 PM Post Office lox 26 516 311enton, "!:ashington 98057 a 206) 255-5600 March 25th, 1883 Hearing Examiner City of Renton Renton City Ball Renton, WA. 98055 Re: Lake Terrace Associates appeal of ERC decision/ Application No. R-090-81 Dear Sir or Madam: Please find the DNS ERC decision alluded to in my P:otice of Appeal (dated March 24th, 1983) enclosed and a check for $75. 00 to defray the cost of appeal. Very truly yours , Kenneth 3. Shellan FINANCE DEPARTMENT AJ . uvvu RENTC11, WASHINGT N 98055 3 - 75 19 €7,3 RECE:;:VED OF Pi -Lif. U 1 4 A T 4-2 .- (4 a- 6J'71-"4 d TOTAL, 731e) pF R4,11? c C z THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 omom BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR ® LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9' 0 c`• FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 9 4' 1) EPSE P Dr Building City&et 7oRenmntgonDept lApril1, 1983 Mr. Kenneth B. Shellan Attorney at Law APR 1. 1983 P. O. Box 26 Renton, V'A 98057 Re: Lake Terrace Appeal: AAD-022-83; R-090-81 Dear Mr. Shellan: In response to your referenced appeal, a public hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, 1983 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Enclosed please find a copy of the appeals procedure used by this office in conducting public het rings. Please feel free to contact this office if further information or assistance is required. Sincerely, \ CITt—JA Fred J.man Land Use Hearing Examiner FJK:se 0068E cc: Ma,Tor City Attorney City Clerk Environmental Review Committee Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator C,T RECEIVED, Vatin(Offices Hf AR G ERENT Ox4MINERoiVfbli-4Q9J eririetlt _ ,Sliellan 1983 321 buruett Atoeuue out 118i9r10,11,12,ji2i3c4 PM Past U)ffire!ox 26 s,6 XKentan, li:ttsltiugtau 98057 206) 255-5600 March 25th , 1883 Hearing Examiner City of Renton Renton City Hall Renton, WA. 98055 Re : Lake Terrace Associates appeal of ERC decision/ Application No. R-090-81 Dear Sir or Madam: Please find the DNS ERC decision alluded to in my Notice of Appeal (dated March 24th, 1983) enclosed and a check for $75. 00 to defray the cost of appeal. Very truly yours , Kenneth B. Shellan CITY OF RENTON N°0659FINANCEDEPARTMEN RENTON, WASHINGT N 98055 k 19 F3 RECEIVED OF 4!/r,1t4 90 -8/ 4 7 -2etc L ,1oGs.c 6of 5 0v TOTAL 7, CJ CJ a '/(---s 70 tH 2 . 3 CI JE i- r U. `3)(. 2(o P v-ro rv, w 9 B U5 7 c/o pirr3,-r 1Ei OF - G°Loci Y. pi\ caioP FY- I OLD m P) , w 9 C 1- icy r i C I-1 PNEs . I - >Pr_ NOT' ICE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. REZONE (R-090-81) ECF_095-81 PROPOSED ACTION ^APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM "T ' TO "R-3" FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNIT; PFR ACRE, GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS PROPFR[' IOCATFIn FAST OF LAKE WASHIGNTON BLVD. BETWEEN THE RENTON Gn1 F RAW AND GRIFFIN HOME ANLFA.SI-1LGENE COIJI OJ1FMORIAL BEACH PARE. POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE [ E.R.C.] HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRI3NMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL WILL NOT BE REI3UIRED. AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:013 R M.,MARCH 28. 1983 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance with conditions for the following projects: LIKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES (ECF-095-81) Application to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium d€nsity housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre, file R-090-81; property located east of Lake Washington Blvd. between the Renton Golf Range and Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. SIJI ULLRICH (ECF-008-83) Application to rezone 0.85 acre from G-1 to R-2 and short plat application to divide property into four lots and variance application to allow reduction of lot width, file R-008-83, Short Plat 009-83, V-010-83; located on the east side of Union Avenue N.E., approximately 1,850 feet north of N.E. 4th Street. (670 Union Avenue N.E.) Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action mist be filed with the Hearing Examiner by March 28, 1983. Publishes': March 14, 1983 0017N Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. oQ 2ri . ¢N E o E 'a- LU Lc)._° ro p ro Cindy Strupp being first duly sworn on Z c6 ro U > m V NQL.n ,C U m c w- a E oath,deposes and says that sheisthe chief clerk of m a,o ; y rL co THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a I.a.c-m c 'U m week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been E N m w m m a of for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, 3 a n w CO o o rnprintedandpublishedintheEnglishlanguagecontinuallyasanewspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is c >,L a) _"0 - now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the cs 4. ° °' m °" aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record U E I'd > `% (Tiro cp c Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior o'x Z¢ °N c,_E Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, O a a o o E o o ` Z7atE ojmo. Notice of Environmental t c7ii°o = a m Washington.That the annexed is a in II CO a) m 0 p1oZ a)ccoo m Determination aim ; • - m 0- c >mauiLL1a) O¢ CD maZ as it was published in regular issues(and not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period 4_a o o w c ao io c-ii rnc.- . o O C o.O0 u. ca 5 a 4= rqmui- w o U o¢ ° ° croioo - of one consecutive issues,commencing on the Z a m 3 C N a= N Q o a"-tp 14t yof March 19 83,andendingthe V m v, h.J , c° c oU co ro c'0aoo n cS;-oa¢ rom 2 o Qo m j 0_ --03ao _ 0 o03 a` a> ¢2 12 a >= day of 19 both dates t o° o' t ? ° o 'o m^¢ r c o m ooa>mOIU ao row > ro laoinclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee z m co.- o Y,n u 2. charged for the foregoing 21• 6 V ¢z¢ F-C7 m U i a ° c' a w a E ogggpublicationisthesumof $ Qvhich 4=, U. O F--z.6 n: Es Y.- w U o 0hasbeenpaidinfullattherateofperfolioofonehundredwordsforthe00zi--z M- OW m - 3 w N w E first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent Z w m z .e E o m m o ¢v P insertion. UzzU¢ o m o ° °Cm °.2 0 1-0¢UU3 > t° ro m wi-- ` a0ccE.2 ° o zZHjwzwE"= g- f-¢ . faro1i ! =i zwz-O o ro - wU o Q I W O W W Z 2 a y , •• ° a N o Chief Clerk mom~ oN `o00 u)=Q CO Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14 t h day of March , 19 83 Notary Public in a r the State of Washington, City of RentonresidingatKWIC, King County. Federal Way 0 ( Building&lonine Dept ) 1 Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. APR 8 1983 VN#87 Revised 5/82 WMrF .. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA MARCH 9, 1983 THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM: COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. OLD BUSINESS: ECF-095-81 LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES R-090-8: Application to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium density housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre; property located east of Lake Washington Blvd. between the Renton Golf Range and Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. A proposed declaration of non-significance was previously given.) SP-006 ;3 METRO CU-307-83 Application for special permit to allow fill and grading on 22 acres and application for conditional use permit to allow the expansion of the treatment plan in a G-1 zone; located at 1200 Monster Road S.W. A final EIS has been prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ECF-00 3-83 SIGI ULLRICH R-008-83 Application to rezone 0.35 acre from G-1 to R-2 and short plat Sh. Plat 009-83 application to divide property into four lots and variance V-010-83 application to allow reduction of lot width; located on the east side of Union Avenue N.E., approximately 1,850 feet north of N.E. 4th Street. ECF-005-83 PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY SP-004-83 Would like reconsideration of conditions imposed for its final declaration of non-significance. ECF-115-81 SOUTHCENTER EAST INVESTMENTS B-269 Participation in the cost of signalization at the intersection of S.W. Grady Way and Powell Avenue S.W. - to be discussed. Vain(nfficrs of ff^^ r CFTu ^ ,AM ennetli _ oa tiettan 321 7gurnett Abenue autt1 VI j1: post (Office Aiux 26 1Rentun, i:iinsttingtan 98057 206) 255-56II0 March 1 , 1983 Mr. Ron Nelson and The Environmental Review Committee Municipal Building Renton, WA. 98055 Re : Personal appearance before the ERC concerning DNS conditions imposed on the Lake Terrace Rezone/R-090-81 Dear Ron and members of the ERC : We respectfully request the opportunity to appear before the next meeting of the ERC to discuss a couple of the conditions imposed on the Lake Terrace Rezone . We feel confident that a few minutes of discussion will resolve any disagreements that now exist. We would appreciate timely notice of the meeting at which we are to appear. With best regards , Very truly yours , Kenneth B. Shellan OF RA4 Ark ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR o Z dl MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0, 9gT O S_PSvt, BARBARA Y SHINPOCH MA)OR January 26, 1983 Mr. Ken Shellan 321 Bu"nett Avenue South P. O. 3ox 26 Renton, Washington 98057 RE: LAKE TERRACE REZONE/R-090-81 Dear M Shellan: In response to your inquiry requesting clarification of the conditions of the Proposed Declaration of Non-significance. For the above rezone, the following dollar amounds can be assigned to Items 1 , 2, and 4: Lake Washington Blvd.-Park Drive 2,600 to Houser Way (widen 9-10 ft. ) 8 1/2% of traffic signal control 5,000 at Lake Washington Blvd. N. and N. Park Drive 4 1/2% of intersection improvements 1 ,000 at Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washi ngton Bl vd. N. Sub-total : 8,600 The Enli ronmental Review Corni ttee does not agree with the general statement of page 30 of the Expanded Environmental Checklist concerning pedestrian traffic; between the site and Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. The Checklist does not provide any information to support its statement. The ERC has based its po :i ti on on pedestrian situation on the following factors: The Park expansion has not been open through the active summer season; therefore, measurable impacts are unknown. The project will double the on-site population from 100 to probably 200 dwelling units. G. It will change the population characteristics from an older passive recreation population of a mobile home park to a younger active group of people. Mr. Ke i Shel l an Januar:, 26, 1983 Page 2 The Committee' s intention was to require a six (6) foot wide concrete sidewalk along .:he east side of Lake Washington Boulevard North from the subject site' s southern property line to the northern entrance of the Beach Park plus provide an appropriate pedestrian crossing control . This requirement does not preclude the applicant from seeking a latecomer' s agreement under Ordinance 3622 from the City Council or form an L.I.D. If the property to the south of your site were developed first, or all of Lake Washington Boulevard North were rebuilt, then the issue would become moot. Estimated costs for these improvEments range between $15,000 to $25,000. The Committee has also discussed the general design problems of reconstructing Lake We shi ngton Boulevard North. Major retai ni ng walls appear probable as a result of the topography. Since you are responsible for adjacent street improvEments, it appears to he a logical mitigating measure to widen the right-cf-way by ten (10) feet and reduce the height of the retaining walls. Lake We shi ngton Boulevard North will be reconstructed to the following profiles. 2 LANE w Es i E AST r2' i2 ' TRAvE L LANES PAVED PEW QD SI ovkD et SKuuLOSit. GoliCkSTE I 3' 5'0E141r t L ArvoScRPro6 Rrrs*T OF W A y Mr. Ken Shel l a n Ja nuarr 26, 1983 Page 3 3 LANES 2 ' I ' 12' 8: cLAlrut• TRRVEL LA/E S 13' pAveo 4, 6' S aout oe eS Ph•v!O cos-.oREtE sMouLoeks sroewsux 7v ` RIGHT vF wr N These EProfiles may be modified in time by the City based upon changes in the adjacent land use patterns, traffic volumes and Comprehensive Plan. I\ 0-924e. 1.0-& Roger L . B1 lock Zoni ng Administrator RJB:ci 0057E T OF RA4 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT C-) A. 0 ; z Z Nal RONALD G. NELSON — DIRECTOR cS 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 9 co o91 rEo SE PZE_, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYJR MEMORANDUM DATE: January 7, 1983 TO: Gary A Norris, Traffic Engineer FROM: ? Roger J. Blaylock, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: LAKE TERRACE MOBILE HOME PARK REZONE The applicant has requested clarification of conditions imposed by the Environmental Review Committee for the rezone request. Specifically, they are interested in maximum dollar amounts that would be associated with conditions No. 1 , 2 and 4 of the ERC decision, as their percentage costs of the improvements at 1 ) Lake Washington Boulevard between Park Drive and Houser Way, 2 ) traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and N. Park Drive, and 3) the intersection of Burnett Avenue N. and Lake tashi ngton Boulevard. Al so in relationship to condition No. 6, provi sion for construction of concrete sidewalk between the project and the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park. It was not specified which side of the street would be the best location of the sidewalk and which entrance of the Beach Park the Committee was talking about. It would be my request that you have some preliminary figures available to ERC so that they can respond to the applicant' s inquiry and issue the final declaration of non-significance. 00.dt ItAt' /v`41.44144A4AA" 1 Ct144411444X1- eill': t-) — 2 600 at, tjet4,HIUX Bid- Pki ILA,. 41) gOtvie4 (,WIA1K q-4° I. 1 o of Wa 041 IU.I 0• 2 Saoo 2.0 i a . 64 ` l/ 000 ClillueN. 600 5 ) 5 ,,, ' iz.a4It s , / 044, 5*„„,,,,i , ,,,.. e Aq-t1-4-e- 6,45, 4-12- le ,& 1 OF R4, z. 406' ® ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT z RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 9 'MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0 94,. iEPZ , 4% BARBARA '. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: January 7, 1983 TO: Gary A Norris, Traffic Engineer FROM: -?9Boger J. Blaylock, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: LAKE TERRACE MOBILE HOME PARK REZONE 2' 00'celI The arplicant has requested clarification of conditions imposed by the Envircnmental Review Committee for the rezone request. Specifically, they are i nterE sted in maximum dollar amounts that would be associated with conditions No. 1 , 2 and 4 of the ERC decision, as their percentage costs of the improvements at 1 ) Lake Washington Boulevard between Park Drive and Houser Way, 2 ) traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and N. Park Drive, and 3) the intersection of Burnett Avenue N. and Lake ttashi ngton Boulevard. Also in relationship to condition No. 6, provi sion for ccnstruction of concrete sidewalk between the project and the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park. It was not specified which side of the street would be the best location of the sidewalk and which entrance of the Beach Park the Committee was talking about. It would be my request that you have some prelimnary figures available-to ERC so that they can respond to the applicant' s inquiry and issue the final declaration of non-significance. Kato(Offices Of 7fiennettl - heilixn 1d a ONlikir?' N101InG3211urnett ,Abenue4aut11 Vast®ffice Alax 26 Z86L g g 330Renton, i:i:u 11ingtan 98057 O206) 255-5600 r 12/21/82 Mr. Ron Nelson Building & Zoning Director Renton City Hall Renton, WA . 98055 Re : Proposed DNS and Conditions Dear Ron: We are in receipt of the Proposed Declaration of Non-Significance published by the City on December 13, 1982. Although we generally agree with and appreciate the City's action on this matter , we are uncertain about what some of the conditions entail. We therefore would like to sit down with the appropriate City personnel to discuss the details of the proposed conditions . So that we are not precluded from discussing this matter during the next several weeks , we will appeal the City's action concerning the conditions . Please accept this letter as formal notice of appeal. Please let us know who we should contact for further discussions. I wish you a joyous Holiday Season. Very truly yours , Kenneth B. Shellan NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a proposed declaration of non-significance for the following project: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES (ECF-090-81 ) Application to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium density housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre, file R-090-81 ; located east of Lake Washington Blvd. North between the Renton Golf Range and Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by December 27 , 1982. Published: December 13, 1982 CITY OF RnnENTON D JAN 18 1983 Affidavit of Publication 3UILDIN3.ZONING DEPT. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Audrey DeJoie being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of c f -m 33 THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a a n m z+<z m z week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been w ° m O m<-I<z , for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, o-, 35 Z O M O- printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper N-8 =o o z K zrn ° a DO,Zmpublishedfour(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is cp a (n now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the o co m =_.m z O aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record a a m z z p-- T. Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior a ° n w -4 m>z D Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County,n)O m Washington.Thattheannexedisallotice of Environmental sgooN .a gw, '--c 3)n (nD— Determination 283.8 5:-.2 o 0 >oomo f 0 o m w o--Dlmcnwmm ° m3J as it was published in regular issues(and n.a p,° a o o to D o_ not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period a a 3 c m =m no^- 7 3° nm- N- cp m- 0-r- N ° n ° N O D of 1 Q tv rn,3 ° (ID jp consecutive issues,commencing on the m co J0;.< -I D o X a a N Q a m w w a1.3.th...day of De. .exab.e.r 19...'.2..,and ending the cn ° a' a s co=6 m-5 - 3 - a0cD D J 3(0 '4w w o w sm 7-m° 7 1.3thdayof December 19 d2,bothdates o °Dc m a w'm Ow inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- way w a o x o , scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee cn 3 w c_0 3 c_5 n)_ a° w ° =o 9.80 ulDO3 K3 ° charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of Si which o° m a ° (D w O has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the n- m 0 ° o first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. m Q w aa ra3 ri-rD am. .. CO CT. 7 73 oh Qf.m Chief Clerk W-Q St II A CD .-. n Co 7- o Cu 14th CD .] 3 0 Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of a `cD w 3 December 193C CD° Ch CC:4‹,,Z. ' ''' ' -l-4e'10.;7-t, Notary Public in andopt the State of Washington, residing at jcA,King County. Federal .,'a;;T Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5/82 r i 1 f PROPOSED DECLARATIONOF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No(s) . : R-090-81 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-095-81 Description of Proposal: Application to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium density housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre. ro?onent: Lake Terrace Park Associates Location of Proposal: Property is located east of Lake Washington Boulevard between the Renton Golf Range and Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. Lead Agency: City of Renton Building & Zoning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on December 8, 1982, following a presentation by Jerry Lind of the Building & Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted frc,m: Ronald Nelson, Donald Persson, David Clemens, Robert Bergstron, Roger BlEkylock, Richard Houghton, Gary Norris and Jerry Lind. Incorporated by reference in the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-095-81 are the following: 1) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: R. W. Thorpe and Associates, INc. Dated: September, 1982. 2) Applications: Rezone (R-090-81) 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Building and Zoning Department, Policy Development Department, Design Engineering Division, Utility Engineering Division, and Traffic Engineering Division. Recommendations for a declaration of significance: Fire Prevention Bureau. More Information: Parks and Recreation Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development has a non-significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS may be required under RCW 43.21C.030(2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for proposed declaration of environmental non-significance: The Environmental Review Committee presents this proposed declaration of non- significance with the following conditions: 1) Lake Washington Boulevard between Park Drive and Houser Way -- provide 8-1/2% of the construction funds to widen 800 linear feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. Width of roadway widening would require approximately 9 to 10 feet. N\ 2) Provide 8-1/2% of the funds to update the traffic signal control at the inter- section of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. L 3) Provide total cost of installing a center lane left-turn opposite the entrance to the lakeside site. 4; Provide 4-1/2% of the cost for improving the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turn cross traffic southbound toward the proposed development. 5 Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard - curb, gutters, sidewalks and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances. g_., Proposed Declaration of Non-Significance Lake Terrace Park Associates, ECF-095-81/R-090-81 December 8, 1982 Page Two 6) A concrete sidewalk is to be provided from the housing development to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park. Traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard is also to be provided. This traffic control is to be determined by the Public Works Department. 7) No development of this project is to occur east of the 105 foot contour elevation. Signatures: 1;,/,// Ronald G. Nelson id R. Clemens Building & Zoning Director Policy Development Director Riphard C. Hougnton Public Works Director DATE OF PUBLICATION: December 13, 1982 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: December 27, 1982 rctol' o'( Date circulated : 22, 1982 Comments .uue : DEC. i , 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - 81 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM T TO R-3 FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. SITE AREA : 12.5 BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : /J„,i;`*,'4; 4/o f tSt View obstruction :66fl4 / ,O/9 lie GS/J 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : 6 dr9e C 4G4e traffic impacts : C2 5,9- j'py(/ flzo014 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : % f1/ I7' /0:0/ QZ,S C/IZJ/aboL,/, eL ded // r0a/444 . L/4r/ / ai ,ra /40 rw // Grl i,4eA 2 J cii 4% 7 ii f res //4c4' ' ,,c/k-e 10-fteA . e//dt4 momiet Recommendation : SI DOS M'6re Information_ Reviewed by : title : 41,/riteeetkfr'.Date :2 2 FORM: ERC-06 CNOt I NEER%14 GI Date circulated : 22, 1982 Comments _..e : DEC. 7 , 1982 EINIVIROINIMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - 81 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM T TO R-3 FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. SITE AREA : 12.5 BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes :r/ 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality :z/ 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 40// 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : i 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : t/ 15 ) Energy : t 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : 1 COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI x DOS More Information____ Reviewed by : f litle : Date : eV/ /8 z_-- FORM: ERC-06 i Date circulated :22, 1982 Comments ode : DEC. 7, 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - 81 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE Brief Description o f Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM T TO R-3 FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. SITE AREA : 12.5 BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 1 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : x 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : C, 1/ 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 2-7 c 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : X 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : X 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : NSI DOS More Information Reviewed by : Title : Date : f7_ FORM: ERC-06 1 YrLu- Date circulated : 22, 1982 Comments -de : DEC. 7, 1982 ENVIRONMENITAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - 81 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM T TO R-3 FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. SITE AREA : 12.5 BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : I 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : VSI 17 DOS More Information Reviewed by : / 1 itle : 1Jra./ry/ „'NG/1/.EEj Date : J.CD /.810 FORM: ERC-06 1 Fib Date circulated : II V , 22, 1982 Comments aue : DEC. i , 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - 81 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM T TO R-3 FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. SITE AREA : 12.5 BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7) Light & glare :j 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : J 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : J 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : V/ 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : F II I 20 ) Archeology/histo4V r COMMENTS : NOV 2 2 1982 Recommendation : DNSI DOSf More Information! Reviewed by : -ID 1c /E-7g() 1 itle : Tim' ,P4P2Fc7dre Date : 7 6 122 FORM: ERC-06 1 G Date circulated : 22, 1982 Comments ..de : DEC. ? , 1982 ENIVIRONMENTAL CHECIKLIST REVIIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - 81 APPL ICAT ION No (s ) . REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM T TO R-3 FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. SITE AREA : 12.5 BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : T 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : J 2 ... 41 fir--j,,, i 3 4, ,s...- • .-o- a.6 ,( .,,,:r ,f Recommendat ion :),/ DNSI4 DOS More Informs tion-_____ Reviewed by : ,'dill j- title : /c-.-z p/ Date : J 71? /p FORM: ERC-06 12-8-82 REZONE DEVELOPMENT LAKE TERRACE MULTI -FAMILY REZONE Due to the poor projected traffic service levels at the following critical locations, the Traffic Engineering Division requests that funding for the following traffic improvements be provided to improve traffic conditions as follows to accommodate the projected growth by the new development: 1 . Lake Washington Blvd. between Park Drive and Houser Way -- provide 8-1/2 percent of the construction funds to widen 800 linear feet of Lake Washington Blvd. at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. Width of roadway widening would require approximately 9 to 10 feet. 2. Provide 8-1/2 percent of the funds to update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Blvd. and North Park Drive. 3. Provide total cost of installing a center lane left-turn opposite the entrance to the Lakeside site. 4. Provide 4-1/2% of the cost for improving the intersection of Burnett Ave. North and Lake Washington Blvd. to accommodate left turn cross traffic southbound toward the proposed development. 5. Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Blvd. - curb, gutters, sidewalks and street lighting. 11-HPFic Date circulated : 22, 1982 Comments —e : DEC. 7 , 1982 EKVIROMIHENITAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - 81 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM T TO R-3 FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. SITE AREA : 12.5 BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes :r 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : c, 5 ) Animal life :c_- 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : L 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) :1 p(') traffic impacts : , rv,<,. , /. - d,.k »Y o a.t 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : ld ) Aesthetics : C. 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : C COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI k DOS More Information Reviewed by : je4tZ l itle : 7:43 ; Date : 7 e1 FORM: ERC-06 1. 1Datecirculatt /z7/ / Comi is due : 1//3/e9/ EACVIROMIE\1Tr1L CHECKEI.'T REVIEu SHEET ECF - 095- - S/ APPLICATION No (s ) 441O^8/ PROPONENT : N0.rer-S4eve. PROJECT TITLE : to T r Pet ce 4rk 4s cietTes Il Brief Descriptiin of Project : e,,,,,fprere e sole q ip,,,.,T,Q-3 4r s 71vre 4 0..1 fas49 6 00,,,4,,, Or alpbrG ct/I'mev d.5 LUCATIUN : UI'GirliTy 0 O2r ef.wjcs-jix, 7h ,e/vc/. / SITE AREA : t /a ,SQ.wds BUILDING AREA (gross ) --- DLVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : — IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 11 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water h voter cour:3es : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : r 7 ) Light & glare : U ) • Land Use ; north : east : south : vest : Land use conflicts : Viev obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : ll ) Populotiun/tmployment : 12 ) Nui,,be r of Duell inys : 13 ) Trip ends ( lIE ) : traffic i f)acts 1=. ) Public service's : xxxxx 1 `> ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Hunan health : 18 ) Aesthetics 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : The development of 12 . 5 acres in this area definitely have an advers impact on the police operations in the area of traffic andpolice service . The impact will be used by the increased number of tenants and increased traff c on Lk. Washington Blvd. which can not take any more traffic . Rrommendation : DNCI DOS XXXX More Information __T Revieved b : J.n f / .QLScovz1 l itle : Da ,o . 1 a., 30-8 -- r '.:.N1: ERC-Pb Date circulat tob-74V Con is due :_ ///3/e9o/ EXVIRO HENTAL CHECKEI.'T REVIEU SHEET E C F - 09.5" - S APPLICATION No ( s ) . 0^8/ PROPONENT : ti0.rertS4ect PROJECT TITLE :T rretce_ Prk 4ss.p 'ict/es it Brief Descripti.in of Project : /Qe' 'e.cp' .eze/7e ,6'A ere 7-Brief Lr 1- u r e de 21,2, apat .S Lookkinigiurks OP" cx€10 lT Gvekt I im e4?5 LOCATION : e'Gi rti'y 01 c / Z.toits-4ii1,?h ,81/4 4• /4 SITE AREA : 24. //a s-ctcees BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEII NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 1- 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water cour;;cs : v ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life: f ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : B ) • Land Use ; north : east : south : vest . land use conflicts : Vier obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Duellinya : 13 ) Trip ends ( lir ) : traffic ipac. ts : xxxx 1 - ) Public services xxxxx 1 I1 `, ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : The development of 12 . 5 acres in this area definitely have an adverse-impact on the police operations in the area of traffic andpolice services. The impact will be c4sed by the increased number of tenants and increased traffic on Lk. Washington Blvd. which can not take any more traffic. Rcommenda 'z ion : DNS ! DOS XXXX More Information Reviewed by4.3-.9 irettsS,Gvz) title : T Da L 0 . 8 RC-Ob 111111116 RE! IN BUILDING & ZONING DE ;TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — o - — al-- APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-090-81) PROPuNENT : LAKE r RCE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE: _ LAKE' TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRFs nF PROPERTY FROM T TO R-3 FOR A MFDIUIi DEI1 _ITY HOIISIN , DEVELOPMENT OF 11 To 18 UNITS PER ACRE, LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEAM PARK. TO : PUF LIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 L_J ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : riUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n F: RE PREVENTION BUREAU l IP,ARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT l ] BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MFOLICE DEPARTMENT l ] POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT F-1 JTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WFITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 00 P .M. ON DECEMBER % , 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : C] APPROVED 11APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l ] NOT APPROVED SEE PREVIOUS COMMENTS 11/3/81 DATE : IGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AU(HORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/ )82 Revision 3/1981 0/27/8I RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: p rg6R-oqo--10 gl a fro. airs' r 4tfte re 41cv'IoMtiite,S eoytaelom Its aits sir.r mertfs. Location: vitisiirre LiAhluatim 8644 N. Applicant:141Q Terrotte /Li Ac'ociorles Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE:ft y 8I Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: a 1 Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department Parks Department Buildi Department olice Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. ON ll1ic/j REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION:POLICE DEPT. Approved (Approved with Conditions Not Approved 1) Lk.Washington Blvd. be improved to a four lane width from the development all the way to Houser Way No. 2) Better access roads be provided to the project than those shown on map. 3) The whole area be fenced to prevent a conflict between the residence of the Griffin Home and the residents of the new development. 4) All units be equi•-d w/burg. alarms, security locks & solid core d000rs. DATE: 10/30/81 Signature of D Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: DApproved 0 Approved with Conditions ONot Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEN COMMITTEE DECEMBER 8 , 1982 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10: 00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM OLD BUSINESS ECF-095-81 LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES R-090-81 Application to rezone 12. 5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium density housing development of 11 to 18 units per acre; property located east of Lake Washington Blvd. between the Renton Golf Range and Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. NEW BUSINESS ECF-076-82 HOLVICK, deREGT, KOERING (HdK) FIRST CITY R-072-82 EQUITIES (FCE) Application to rezone 25 .89 acres of property from G-1 to M-P for office, research and development, and other office/warehouse buildings; located on the western 200 feet of the Washington Technical Center Plat, defined as follows : Bounded on the west by the proposed P-1 Channel, on the south by Grady Way, on the east by Powell Avenue S.W. and on the south and east by S.W. 7th Street. ECF-077-82 RENTON FAMILY PRACTICE CENTER C/O DR. MANFRED TP-073-82 LABAND Application for Termporary Permit to utilize approximately 800 - 1 , 000 square feet of a 2, 100 square foot single family residence for a staff lounge and rest area; property located at 423 Williams Avenue South. ECF-078-82 CLARK-RICH REALTY, INC. FP-074-82 Application for Final Plat approval of a nine 9) lot duplex plat; property located on the east side of Union Avenue N.E. between N.E. 4th Street on N.E. 6th Street (extended) . ECF-079-82 CITY OF RENTON - POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Zoning language clarification , modification of Public District (P-1 ) . ECF-080-82 CITY OF RENTON - POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Establishment of new regulations regarding the development of Office Parks (OP) . ECF-081-82 CITY OF RENTON - POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Establishment of new regulations regarding landscape requirements. ECF-082-82 CITY OF RENTON - POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Establishment of new regulations regarding the enforcement of landscape requirements. OF R4,/1/. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 0 w MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0. y TFD SEPSE O BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR May 12, 1982 Ken Shellan 300 Evergreen Building Renton, WA 98055 RE: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW/LAKE TERRACE MOBILE HOME PARK REZONE Dear Mr, Shellan: Pursuant to the discussion between yourself and the Environmental Review Committee of Wednesday, May 5, 1982, the Environmental Review Committee has decided to keep the final environmental determination on the reduced project for Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park open at this time. We believe further analysis in the areas of: (1) traffic, 2) soils, (3) utilities, including storm drainage and sanitary sewer, and (4) emergency services should be evaluated in more detail before reaching a final environmental determination. Providing this documentation does not assure that they will not still require an Environmental Impact Statement, but it improves the understanding of both the applicant and the City concerning the issues. It would be appropriate at this time to establish a meeting to discuss these specific concerns. Normally, the best days of the week for arranging appointments would be ThursdLy or Friday. Please contact me as to which might be more convenient to you. Sincerely, a Roger 3. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:cl R. W. THORPE & ASSOCIATES 815 Seattle Tower •3rd & University•Seattle, Washington 98101 • (206) 624-6239 Suite 503 • 1110 West Sixth Avenue • Anchorage, Alaska 99503 • (907) 276-6846 Mr. Roger 3lalock DATE November 18, 1982 City of Re:iton SUBJECF Lake Terrace Environmental Checklist Enclosed herewith are 6 copies of the Lake Terrace Rezone Expanded Environmental Checklist for your review. Rick Seaborne or I will be pleased to respond to questions or comments that may arise. Sincerely, Ro ert Wf ho e, AICP FSS:rmc enc 51 CiTY Oi RENICjt4rE iCO jl ti y 2 2 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MAY 5, 1982 AGE ',' DA COMMENCING AT 10 : 00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM OLD BUSINESS ECF-114-81 WILGEO COMPANY B-268 One story shopping center (Village Square Shopping Center) ; located on the north side of Bronson Way N. and Garden Avenue North. ECF-095-81 LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES R-090-81 Application for rezone from "T" to R-3, maximum of 15 units per acre, to allow future development of condominiums or adult apartments; property located in the vicinity of 21 Lake Washington Blvd. North. NEW BUSINESS ECF-039-82 EARLINGTON PARK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SA-035-82 Site approval application for a two-story office building; property located at 303 S.W. 10th Street, between S.W. Grady Way and S.W. 10th Street with the cross street being Thomas Avenue S.W. ETRIIRONMENTAL REVIEW C ITTEE AGENDA II, ' 1 PAGE TWO 1 %i l 1 1 in gal i 1\: im.. 111119 I It1191 I 'e I 4-- i IN 1 Is ,er. imiii.... ; L ____ J 11 1 6,1_,lar_, T A. LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES 3 LAKE i t1 r I I Awl WASHINGTON aIP !1 r ' 1 M11 l'im::-. - - , VMS' "lei trip, m a ,; .... , mrizio", . __ . eil1111111L_ i \ 1 %VImozc--)ie: Imo . i i et* ui il- 1ra 9 WILGEO wlllfll% . P 1 COMPANY -1 ! L s:- • '''/-t '. 1111111%....._____ LigtatioplailIA I Of, -‘,-"qiii,,"4&_) 1`.::7------L L-r ims ii -it 0 : ..:., ., ,..j-. - ii 17 100 - IIII)116 EARLINGTON PARK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Lir/P4—vium- II- mmoraikole.' ' ilir. 147111"-'4,:. P..161 im lift6 111 0 11 1ir L i . nirml*Mme: ...• • -- . , i ,- i i E I.4.,45 II" we 11111 •7 44 NElid —Ilii A r rl L . 1101617- ig a f MN ',..L. I. .., 1 I I II ' 1 l/KE YOlMC3 1 Imo s 1 1 pi •1 ogs_8! OF I cc, ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR NIL 009 ammo co MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SD. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0, 9gT D SEPZe BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR April 22, 1982 Mr. Steve Harer Lake Terrace Associates CIO Bryn Mawr Properties 11448 Rainier Avenue S. Seattle, Washington 98178 Dear Mr. Harer: Me Environmental Review Committee has determined that your proposed rezone request, even though scaled down, is of significant impact and an Enviromental Impact Staterrent will have to be prepared. The City of Renton considers the following consul,ants appropriate to complete the environmental review: SEA ENGINEERS/PLANNERS 33811 9th Avenue S. Federal Way, W;1 98003 TRIAD ASSOCIATES 11415 N.E. 128th Street Kirkland, WA 98033 CH2M HILL 1500 114th Avenue S. Bellevue, WA 98004 WILSEY & HAM, INC. Central Park Building 1980 112th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, WA 98004 R. W. THORPE & ASSOCIATES 815 Seattle Tower Seattle, WA 98101 MR. STEVE HARER APRIL 23, 1982 PAGE TWO The applicant can now negotiate cost with these individual consultants and inform the City which consultant will be used in the environmental process. At that time, we can be informed of the amount to be deposited to cover estimated costs. Sincerely, Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:cl NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance for the following projects : McDONALD' S CORPORATION (ECF-029-82) Application to rebuild an existing McDonald' s Restaurant with a new building similar in style to other McDonald' s Restaurants in the community, file B-274 ; located at 73 Rainier Avenue South. BENNETT-MULTIVEST, ET AL (ECF-022-82) Application for rezoning property currently G-1 and R-3 to B-1 for proposed community shopping center, file R-024-82; located on the north side of N.E. 4th Street between Union Avenue N.E. and a point 945 feet east of Union Avenue N.E. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance subject to conditions for the following projects: VENTURA PARTNERSHIPS (ECF-034-82) Application for construction of apartment complex of 240 multi-family units; located north of N.E. 4th Street between Union Avenue N.E. and Monroe Avenue N. E. DENNIS K. SMART (ECF-019-82) Application for one steel frame building to house multiple automotive maintenance businesses, file B-273 ; located at 3100 block of N.E. 4th Street. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of significance for the following project : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES (STEVE HARER) (ECF-095-81 ) Application for rezone from T to R-3, maximum of 15 units per acre, to allow future development of condominiums or adult apartments, file R-090-81 ; property located in the vicinity of 21 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by April 26, 1982. Published : April 12 , 1982 f CITY OF RENTON RF70'1E APPLICATION Cli't OF RENTON R OFFICE USE ONLY Q11 w LAND USE NEI,RIN( D ' LICATIO.N NO.EXAMINER 'S ("TI _ MAR 24 198? PLICATION FEE $ APPEAL FILED CEIPT NO. CITYCOUNCIL ACTION'`- LING DATE ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE ARING DATE PLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 10 : Name LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES Phone772-0299 Address c/o Bryn Mawr Properties , 11448 Rainier Ave . S . , Seattle , WA 98178 Property petitioned for rezoning is located on 21 Lake Wash. Blvd . between golf driving range and Griffin Home for Boys Square footage or acreage of property app . 12-1/2 acres Legal description of property (if more space is reciu.ired , attach a separate sheet) See attached Exhibit "A" Existing Zoning Mobile Home Park Zoning Requested Medium or High Density for Multi-Family use E To APPLICANT : The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements . ) Submit this form in duplicate. Proposed use of site A. high quality, attractive , multi-family development consisting of condominiums and/or adulTapartments . IC would 6e completeTy fenced or screened , together with security gate , or like amenities , to assure privacy and security. r List the measures to be taken to reduce impact on the surrounding area. The existing topography of the land , partially hillside , is such that any development would not impact any surrounding area ; it would be property fenced or screened ; it would not affect any view of the few residential dwellings located to the east of the site , and below freeway 4U..) . How soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to develop the site? Due to the present financial market for development , it is anticipated that a period of 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 years is required to perfect financing and development; prior notice to the existing mobile home tenants would exceed the period required by statute. Two copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are required. Planning Dept. 1-77 AFFIDAVIT CIiY OF R6NTMON f 1 Terrace. Park. A l is O 1 , Steve Barer . on behalf of Lake / , Deiny uuiy sword';"ll c l t I am/ehh d4enersof the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and taidLniect,ckrimiciapThc, herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the besf my knowledge and belief . Subscribed and sworn before me this day of 19 81 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Public) Name of Notary Signature o Owne r J. Steve parer 11326 Rainier Ave . S . Address) Address) Seattle WA City) State) 772-0299 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every -larticular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received 19 By: Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King SUE ELLISTON being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 25th day of October 19 83, affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn thiss 7 day of Nota Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOC. : R-090-81 The minute's contain a tiz t 0.6 the panti.ez necond. ) 1- - TY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM CITY OP RENTON RUWND FOR OFFICE USE ONLY • MAR 2 4 1982 Application No. Environmental Checklist No. PROPOSED, date:FINAL , date: ElDeclaration of Significance Declaration of Significance Declaration of Non-Significance Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment.The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required , or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed , even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I. BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: c/o Bryn Mawr Properties , 11448 Rainier Ave. S. , Seattle ,WA 98178 3. Date Checklist submitted 1981 4. Agency requiring Checklist Planning Dept. . City of Renton, VA 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: N/A 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements , and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : This site consisting of app. 12-1/2 acres . abuts Lake Washington Blvd. and is located partially on a plateau and hillsite to the west of freeway 405 ; it is to be rezoned to either medium or high density , or a combination of the two (R3 , R4) . It fully complies with the existing City' s Comprehensive Plan, last revised Jan. 1980 , which designates this property as high density. The proposed development will consist of high quality, attractive and exclusive condominiums and/or apartments , or a combination of the two , with complete fencing or screening surrounding the site , security access and oltbertamenitThsp usuniiyrforPdwnia dgbextvnicallveNortnwestsand (OVER) 2- i IlratestejeeielonLakeaaaEVrabne. PMr_ _ daceirto ie west othest 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other inform tion needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : The site is located to the east of and abutting Take Washington Blvd. North. It has unobstnacted views of the 1akP the nl ic's tha aact ch;,rP of Mercer Island, and the proposed City park. The existing use is for mobile Kara r e. 1 erraced. It is anticipated that the existingterracingwouldeul'z ii h proosed development for the construction of condominiums and/or apartmentunits. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : 7_-1/2 to 2-1/2 years c p ndin on financin7; •rezone is required by financingn ittitinnc ac a em -ic inn X r. ar 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : As required by City of Renton ordinances 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal ? If yes , explain : See answer to paragraph 9 and above 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes, explain : None 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: Nbne II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X YES WATTE NO b) Disruptions , displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief Xfeatures? YES MAYBE N d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X YES MAYBE NO e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? X YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation , deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the X bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? YES M YBE TT-- Explanation: Some earth moving will be required in the development of the site but preserving in substance the existing topography of terracing and ontHing out th hillside an hank 2) Air. Will the proposal result in:CITY OFrRENT O N a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient • f ( [ ,r1 [ X quality? MAR 24198 NO b) The creation of objectionable odors? YET- MBE: NO BG/ZONING DEPT. c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or tempera ure,UILDIN or any change in climate , either locally or regionally? YES MAYBE Explanation: Not applicable. 3) Water. Will the proposal result in : a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? X YES MAYBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? X YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? YES MAYBE NO d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body?X-- YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality , including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? YET— MAYBE NO f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X YES MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through X interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection , or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria , Y or other substances into the ground waters? YES MAYBE NO i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies?YES UM- NO Explanation: Drainage pattern facilities will be engineered as per City requirements and specifirarinns; residential water consumption will i eras ' nvPr PX; tin cors1nuption by mobile home park tenants_; Pxact amount ofPtexcess presently known. 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of flora (including trees , shrubs , grass , crops , microflora and aquatic plants)?YES M YBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? X YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? YES MAYBE NO d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? YES MAYBE Explanation: There is no anticipated change as the site has been in use as a mobile home park for over 20 years, and the area to be developed is substantially same as the existing improvements. 4- 4 , '4,,, 1 ( 5 ) Fauna. dill the proposal result in : a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles , fish 'and shellfish, benthic organisms , Xinsectsormicrofauna)? YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or X endangered species of fauna? YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? YES MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: See paragraph 4 above. 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The existing noise levels most likely will decrease by reason of new construction and soundproofing of buildings as compared to nnbile home parlrc 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or X glare? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The change will be from a mobile home park to a medium or nigh density multi-family zone as depicted on the City's Comprehensive Plan. 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including , but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location , distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population X of an area? t MAYBE NN Explanation: There will be an increase in density over the present site which contains approximately 100 mobile home units. e_*'_ _ 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing , or create a demand for additional housing? X YES MAYBE NO Exolanation: Approximately 90 to 100 trailer homes will require removal upon commencement of construction. Every effort will be made to relocate 1'' hrmP t- n nt ;f th o d sire other like facilities. n u rinary reason this cieveiopment project must bg fop; eangef b . ldai42 t4 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: O. ppm- f . a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking? CIV OF RENTONr X rciao %log `L e NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems ' MAR9.YBE NO d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? BUIL LNG/ZONING DBET. NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? YES MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: It is anticipated there will be some increase in the traffic on Lake Washington Blvd. due to additional residential family units over and above the present mobile home park. There will be an increase of traffic on Lake Washington Blvd. due to the proposed park development. 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon , or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? YES MAYBE NO b) Police protection? YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? X YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? X YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , including roads? X YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? YES MAYBE N0 Explanation: Not applicable 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require Xthedevelopmentofnewsourcesofenergy? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? X YES MAYBE NO X c) Water? YES MAYBE NO A -"AL. ,- 6- d) Sewer o X YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? X YES MAYBE N f) Solid waste and disposal? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Existing facilities are now on sanitary sewer system, and the existing sewer capacity is deemed adequate to accommodate the proposed development. 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding X mental health)? YES MAYBE Explanation: Not applicable. 8) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive X site open to public view? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The proposed development, on the contrary, will enhance the existing and surrounding premises and will substantially improve the neighborhood. 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities?YE- MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 20) Archeological Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical X site, structure, object or building? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that -the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of ful discl ure on my part. Proponent: I 144) signed)J. to e er LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 GB n 01/1a141‘ cn' OF REsioti propertiesld MAR 2 41982 March 18, 1982 G`JILCitsiCf"LuNsi G DEPT. City of Renton Building and Zoning Department Environmental Review Committee 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park - pending rezoning application Gentlemen: Reference is hereby made to our application for rezone of the above captioned property which we submitted to you under date of October 23, 1981 . We were advised at that time that the Comprehensive Plan identified the subject property as "proposed high-density". We at no time had any intention of developing a "high density" building project, and therefore specified in our application an R-3/R-4 zoning. It has been our intent all along to develop high-grade, fairly low density, multi-family condominiums. We believe that even- tually between 12 to 15 such condo units per acre would be appropriate. As we previously notified you, it takes a considerable period of time to develop appropriate plans, and at the same time initiate financing commitments. Needless to say, the financing possibilities have greatly deteriorated in the recent past due to the general economic downturn. However, we are proceeding in negotiating with interested financial institutions who will be amenable to provide the necessary funds once a proper change in use has been accomplished. We would therefore request that you consider an amendment to our rezone application by placing the limit of the number of units for development so that it would not cause any significant or major impact resulting in the necessity of an EIS study. At the present there are approximately 100 mobile home spaces, together with one four-bedroom home within the subject area. 11448 Rainier Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98178 206)772-0299 040. Page 2 City of Renton i CITY OF RENTGN March 18, 1982 1!I D MAR 2 4 1982 We may consider limiting the number of units to somewhere between 12 and 16 per acre, which would thus produce only 1:47 4t,,..,,,; \;L, increase in the present usage and impact. The development would be adult oriented, thus minimizing, or eliminating, any impact on schools in the immediate vicinity. We would appreciate therefore if you would take this request under advisement at the earliest possible date and let us know whether a limitation, as above outlined, would be acceptable, making unnecessary any EIS study and also expedite the processing of our application. As you can readily imagine, securing proper financing is a long-range proposition, and we are unable to secure same without having some assurance of the eventual zoning and number of units to be placed on the property, not to mention the substantial cost involved in preparing the necessary architectural drawings. We would appreciate hearing from you as quickly as possible. If you need any additional information, please advise. Respectfully yours, J. S eve Harer, CPM JSH/rh Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss' CITY OF RENTON Ginny Rabago EPARTMENT OF being first duly sworn on BUILD ING AND ZONING EIS CONSULTANT she lief Clerk SERVICES oath,deposes and says that is the of The Renton Building and THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a Zoning Department will con- week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been sider Letters of Interest and for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper a Statement of Qualifica- published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is tions from consulting firms now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the interested in providing en-aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record vironmental consulting ser-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior vices for the followingCourtoftheCountyinwhichitispublished,to-wit,King County, project: g LAKE TERRACE That the annexed is a Eli Cons. service MOBILE HOME PARK RE-Washington. ZONE, R-090-81 LINCOLN PROPERTIES REZONE,R- 100-81 This project involves the preparation of a draft en- as it was published in regular issues(and vironmental impact state- not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period ment that concentrates on the issues of traffic, soils, public services, and and affect on adjacent residen- of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the tial and public uses for a combined 21.5 acre rezone, which could ultimately allow24dayofFebruary19 82 , and ending the a development of 645 multi- ple family dwelling units. Selection of a consultant ntiw•„rry 82 will be based on interviews day of 19 ,both dates with the best qualified firms. inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Letters of Interest should., scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee C clearly indicate present C capabilities and past experi- f charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ r ' 0, which y ence in projects of similar Sup-has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the scopedandmagnitude. r first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent porting materials such as II brochures and photos areinsertion. I not required. Letters of Interest should t j be mailed to Zoning Ad- ministrator,Renton Municip- al Building, 200 Mill Avenue Chief Clerk South, Renton, Washington 98055. Cut off date for re- ceipt of this material is 24th March 5, 1982. AdditionalSubscribedandsworntobeforemethisdayof information may be obr- February 82 tamed from the Zoning Ad- 19 ministrator at 235-2550. The City of Renton is an equal employment oppor- tunity employer. Involve- Notary Public in and f the Sty pf Washington, ment of minority business res ing at K' h? King County. enterprises will be one of the Federal =y criteria used in consultant selection. Roger J. Blaylock Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June Zoning Adminstrator 9th, 1955. Published in the Daily Re- cord— Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for countingwords and figures, Chronicle February 24, g 1982. R6974 adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 CITY OI RENTON DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND ZONING EIS CONSULTANT SERVICES The Renton Building and Zoning Department will consider Letters of Interest and a Statement of Qualifications from consulting firms interested in providing environmental consulting services for the following project: LAKE TERRACE MOBILE HOME PARK REZONE, R-090-81 LINCOLN PROPERTIES REZONE, R-100-81 This project involves the preparation of a draft environmental impact statement that concentrates on the issues of traffic, soils, public services, and affect on adjacent residential and public uses for a combined 21.5 acre rezone, which could ultimately allow a development of 645 multiple family dwelling units. Selection of a consultant will be based on interviews with the best qualified firms. Letters of Interest should clearly indicate present capabilities and past experience in projects of similar scope and magnitude. Supporting materials such as brochures and photos are not required. Letters of Interest should be mailed to Zoning Administrator, Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington 98055. Cut off date for receipt of this material is March 5, 1982. Additional information may be obtained from the Zoning Administrator at 235-2550. The City of Renton is an equal employment opportunity employer. In- volvement of minority business enterprises will be one of the criteria used in consultant selection. Ro er J, Blaylo k Zoning Administrator Published: February 23, 1982 OF R C y o z BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR n0 mom, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0 94TF0 SEPS. February 19, 1982 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR Robert W. Thorpe R.W. Thorpe 815 Seattle Tower Seattle, Washington 98101 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PREPARATION Dear Mr. Thorpe: You are invited to present a proposal for the provision of Environmental Consulting Services in connection with the following rezone applications: 1) Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park T" to R-3 (12.5 acres) 2) Lincoln Properties G" to R-3 (9.0 acres) We have supplied herewith a copy of the Scope of Work and the procedure established under Resolution No. 2186 of the City of Renton. Letters of Interest should be mailed to: Zoning Administrator Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington' 98055 The cut-off date for receipt of this material is 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 5, 1982. Additional information may be obtained from Roger Blaylock at 235-2550. Sincerely, 44e-C27-84" 7( 4 Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:cl Enclosure OF R y © 2. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR rIL 0, 9 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98'055 • 235-2540 o9grFD sEPSE O P February 19, 1982 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR Carl Stixrood CH M Hill 150b - 114th Avenue S.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PREPARATION Dear Mr. Stixrood: You are invited to present a proposal for the provision of Environmental Consulting Services in connection with the following rezone applications: I) Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park T" to R-3 (12.5 acres) 2) Lincoln Properties G" to R-3 (9.0 acres) We have supplied herewith a copy of the Scope of Work and the procedure established under Resolution No. 2186 of the City of Renton. Letters of Interest should be mailed to: Zoning Administrator Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 The cut-off date for receipt of this material is 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 5, 1982. Additional information may be obtained from Roger Blaylock at 235-2550. Sincerely, V(994Q-e97--- GAl.IVA Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:cl Enclosure OF J o THE CITY OF RENTON U '' Z' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR 235-2580 o IIII O Qs 9r E O F0 SEPS February 11, 1982 TO: Roger J. Blaylock, Zoning Administrator FROM: Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor SUBJECT: EIS CONSULTANT SELECTION/LAKE TERRACE MOBILE HOME PARK AND LINCOLN PROPERTIES The Consultant Selection Committee for preparation of an EIS on the above projects shall consist of: 1.Richard C. Houghton, Public Works Director 2.Ronald G. Nelson, Building & Zoning Director 3.David R. Clemens, Policy Development Director 4.John Webley, Parks and Recreation Director 5.Randy Rockhill, Chairman Planning & Development Committee Authorization is granted to advertise for consultant and select the top three after formal interviews by the Consultant Selection Committee. s. LAKE TERRACE MOBILE HOME PARR f AND LINCOLN PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT SELECTION INTERVIEW DATE: Thursday, April 1 , 1982 RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING - THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 1 TIME N5 9: 00 a.m. - 9 : 30 a.m. 10/Ch2m Hill 1500 114th Avenue S.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 453-5000) 9 :40 a.m. - 10 : 10 a.m. Wilsey & Ham, Inc . Central Park Building 9 ' 1980 112th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 454-3250) 10 : 20 a.m. - 10 :50 a.m. 4. W. Thorpe & Associates ict• 815 Seattle Tower Seattle, Washington 98101 624-6239) 11 : 00 a.m. - 11 : 30 a.m. Triad Associates 11415 N.E. 128th Street Kirkland, Washington 98033 821-8448) WA A ROY 11 :40 a.m. - 12 : 10 a.m. Sea Engineers/Planners V 33811 9th Avenue South Federal Way, Washington 98003 838-2111 ) Mai4/1- properties November 20, 1981 k2krA 10)141 ioF. 4% pfCRIF1) rl Dave Clemens Renton Planning Department j V 200 Mill Ave. So.NOV 23 1981 Renton Washington 98055 4 Re: Rezone application for Lake Terrace Trailer Park. Dear Dave, Following is the list of companies we have contacted regarding an Environmental Impact Statement for the rezone application for Lake Terrace Trailer Park: 1. R.W. Thorpe Associates Bob Thorpe) 2. Triad Associates Tom Hauger) 3. Wilsey and Ham, Inc. Bill Dairy) Please keep our file open as we compile the necessary information for the city for this rezone. If there ever are any questions please call me at 772-0299. Cordially, c•2„z:46-f-, Steve Harer JSH/rh 11448 Rainier Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98178 206)772-0299 O NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a proposed declaration of significance for the following project: CARNER, TOM & GARY (ECF-091-81 ) Application for rezone from G to B-1 to allow expansion of existing floor covering store business, file R-081-81 ; property located in the vicinity of 4508 N.E. 4th Street. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC has issued a final declaration of significance for the following project: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES (Steve Harer) (ECF-095-81 ) Application for rezone from T to R-3 to allow future development of condominiums or adult apartments, file R-090-81 ; property located in the vicinity of 21 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Further information regarding this action is available in the Planning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by November 23, 1981 . Published: November 9, 1981 affir.!olt,:ill. ', ' Affidavit of Publication R DE0 t- 1681 STATE OF WASHINGTON ss 2 V jk COUNTY OF KING 9 v she P„fs?"Ginny Rabago beingfirstdulyswornon oath,deposes and says that is the chisel'...C.l ex'.k. of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the signitcan.;r•for the"olio- aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record protect: Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior 47 LAKE TERrtACE FAi4l . Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, ASSOCIATES (Stove Her- t per) (ECF•095-81) -- Appoll- cation for rezone from T to;:, Washington.That the annexed is a-Notice-of-Environmental Rib allow future devd,^p- men't of condorttir t:me or-: eduit apartments,file R ftry'. Determination R6825 81; , Yier:y located in the' ` Voir.'.y of 21 LakeWachirtg toll Blvd. N. as it was published in regular issues(and twiner information re- not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period ______ fou ding this action is avail- NOTICE OF ai'o in the Planning Depart- PNVIRONMENTa— 'neni, Mur,iclpal Building, of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the DETERMINATION Ronion, Washington, 235- ENVIRONMENTAL 2550. Any appeal of ERG Qr1 RGVIEW COMMITTEE action must be filed:Kith t v 9.th.dayof November 19....V.1..,and ending the RENT WASWNGTON i Examiner by The GN Erwironmenfrl Re- N vpmberearing t3. t9ei view Committee (ERC)has Published in the Deily Re- issued a proposed dedara- cord Cnsoniee Noveu )Of a day of 19 both dates Lion of significance for the 431.R61125 inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- following project' scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee C' ' TOM & CAI? r.i4, Appli.' 16.65 foi'' fone Fcm G•w charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $•which allow expansion of o ' has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the °oor cov= ' • s •re • first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent nass, r.. ' insertion. bocci:, if;. in -vi • cf4 s N.E. 'th Streo bt-- airThee Environmental FierviewCommittee (E_RG) chief clerk test pxl a final ;` Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of November 19 Si 1 , 6Y..2 Notary Public in .r! for the Stat of ashington, residing at Ada, King County. Federt Way Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 ed;z77'd - b /11°7- 1:47, k- -ArP)1 O ' a-4axi --ez 1-7-7-- iPz-22--it d>20-c37 e - . 7i.r,„i,r 1 7;z-tr5,a: 07-yprz_cW 171-PM ) 1-fr?7 /-V4,Z 4' 7J /717, e7 Z/1 4 3/ y ok, col:,° i'lie27 . --??' y 1 24?fi P ,N7 ?`7- `3y' 7.?" 11* '`1-7"77-ter7"-P 17/ 2 gr 7 -'° 3-4X. )'P'47,"grX z7440 d ar a Q,-,--1-47-e-e'-r)11 4 cP72. flIP V-ke7 j.-2-ao, A-1--gA J2 , 47 a-i 1 vQ! ' 7y i,w ; , 1 r7r-ir72-0", )-1--e) A OW 1-1/1/ '-7-4n 029 7-" . 31 d 07 %lir t:-\ y E 186 gZ n N Ar 0 II 6L X 90HSVMMNNO001 Z NOlSIVM 3 N TT FINAL, DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE Application No (s) : R-090-81 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-095-81 Description of Proposal: Request to rezone site from "T" to R-3 for future development as condominiums or adult apartments Proponent : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES (Steve Harer) Location of Proposal: Vicinity of 21 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Lead Agency: Planning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on November 4 , 1981 , following a presentation by Steve Munson of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: David Clemens, Richard Houghton, Ronald Nelson, Steve Munson, Roger Blaylock and Donald Monaghan. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-095-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: Steve Munson DATED: November 3, 1981 2) Applications: R-090-81 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Traffic Engineering Division. Recommendations for a declaration of significance: Planning Department, Fire Department, and Police Department. More Information: Building Department and Parks and Recreation Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does have significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is required under RCW 43. 21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental significance: The decision was based on the committee's concerns in the following areas : storm drainage, traffic, sewer, and emergencyservices. FINAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES NOVEMBER 4 , 1981 PAGE TWO Signatures : f ona d G. Nelson David R. Clemens, Acting Building Official Planning Director Ric and C. Hought n, Pu lic Works Director DATE OF PUBLICATION: November 9, 1981 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: November 23, 1981 N OT I C E ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION PROPOSED ACTION REQUEST TO REZONE SITE FROM "T" TO R-3 FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AS CONDOMINIUMS OR AIZUIT APARTMENTS . GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS VICINITY OF 21 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD , N . POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON NVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ( E.R.C. AS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION, OES [JDOES NOT HAJE A SIGNIFICANT ADV RSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRON- MENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, ILL WILL NOT, BE REQUIRED. AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., NOVFMBFR 23, 1921 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION REE - IN BUILDING & ZONING DE ;TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET E C F - 0aL_ - APPLICATIOF NO(S) : REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPFRTv FRO M T TO R-3 IOR A MEnTUM DENSITY HOIISTNG DEVELOPMENT OF 11 To 18 UNITS PER ACRE, LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH_ _PARK. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : FUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I I PARKE & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILEING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT nOTHER3 : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, )N DECEMBER % , 1982 REVIEWING DEP RTMENT/DIVISION : c ROVED F APPROVED WITH CO NDITIONS n NOT APPROVED ald- evr.ore-wv----e-- DATE :c.a SIGNATURE OF EC OR OR UTH RIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REV--N BUILDING & ZONING DEI ITMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - 1 APPLICATIOF NO(S) : REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FRnM T TO R-3 FORA_ =IUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE, LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. TO : LI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 0 pGINEERING DIVISION 0 TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : STUjfILITIES ENG , DIVISION I I FIRE PREVEIJTION BUREAU I ! PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I J BUILDItfG & ZONING DEPARTMENT l i POLICE DEPARTMENT i] POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 PM, ON DECEMBER % , 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :G4rIvT...l pi Q APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l ( NOT APPROVED 1 rr«rty ApFTDAIL uisdeor TD: 2- G-ga- 414Tp Crorri :4EEMENT WATER No ____ LAWCOMEFS Ac EEMER1 - SEWER No ` SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - WATER OSisp.sciAm A/T/4.14 me SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER y COMA/OcT/D/1f C.'h/'9za4 of 1 o9/SQ AT of ry. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE - WATER ND Q4/ " " SAi/V SfrGJ SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE - SEWER ES 0 . 08 Tang lSQ • .APPROVED DATER PLAN APPROVED SEWER PLAN yyEs APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS BYII FIRE DEPT. y,ES FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS y05 CL____DATE : 1/4 OP'- SIGNATUR OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REN- V BUILDING & ZONING DEF TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - R1 APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE: LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION TO RFFZONF 12.5 ACRES nF PRnPFRTY FRnN T TO R-3 F(:R A MEDIUM DEN HOUSING n .V .LOPMENT OF 11 In 18 UNITS PER ACRE, LOCATION : $HE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. TO : Ei PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION E1TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : Ei UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 111 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ri POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l l OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED TN WRITING. , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 F' ,M, ON DECEMBER 7 , 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : P A9 .;'k-9 .0 I ] APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I ] NOT APPROVED ij6,01Q__..,&,7_,.d,„„ift......_e,L, 1-••-;t1L6t-L•=/ i , C-,o zlja}a-.21 ari: -ji6'---7'-'111, ` 74g-' 7 7'/': C6'- ('' '' u 7,f,,,,_/ v i1L 2- 3 L. - A,„„&/ _„4, x„,__.:,, ,„f.„ i)-it ,_, :1 DATE : J --S7-2_- SI NATURE OF DIRECTIR 0 UTH RIZ D R E N0E' EPR SE ATIVE REVISION 5/1982 f FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No(s): R-090-81 Environmental Checklist No.:ECF-095-81 Descriptin of Proposal:Application to rezone 12.5 acres of property from T to R-3 for a medium density housing develop- ment of 11 to 18 units per acre. Proponen : Lake Terrace Park Associates Location f Proposal: Property is located east of Lake Washington Boulevard between the Renton Golf Range and Griffin Home and east of Gene Coulon Beach Park. Lead \gency:City of Renton Building and Zoning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on December 8, 1982, and March 9, 1983, following a presentation by Jerry Lind of the Building and Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Ronald Nelson, David Clemens, Robert Bergstrom, Richard Houghton, Gary Norris, Jerry Lind and James Matthew. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-095.,81 are the following: 1.Environmental Checklist Review, prepared by: R. W. Thorpe and Associates, Inc., DATED September, 1982. 2. Applications: Rezone (R-090-81). 3. Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Building do Zoning Department, Policy Development Department, Design Engineering Division, Utility Engineering Division, and Traffic Engineering Division. Recommendations for a declaration of significance: Fire Prevention Bureau. More Information: Parks and Recreation Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development has a non-significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete envirmmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: The Environmental Review Committee presents this final declaration of non-significance with the following conditions: 1. Lake Washington Boulevard between Park Drive and Houser Way -- provide 8-1/2% of the construction funds to widen 800 linear feet of Lake Washington Boulevard at its approach to the intersection of North Park Drive. Width of roadway widening would require approximately 9 to 10 feet. 2. Provide 8-1/2% of the funds to update the traffic signal control at the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and North Park Drive. 3. Provide total cost of installing a center lane left-turn opposite the entrance to the lakeside site. 4. Provide 4-1/2% of the cost for improving the intersection of Burnett Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard to accommodate left turn across traffic southbound toward the proposed development. a -h FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Lake Terrace Park Associates Page 2 5. Provide off-site improvements on Lake Washington Boulevard - curb, gutters, sidewalks and street lighting, together with all necessary appurtenances. 6. A concrete sidewalk is to be provided from the housing development to the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park. Traffic control for pedestrian crossing over Lake Washington Boulevard is also to be provided. This traffic control is to be ' determined by the Public Works Department. 7. No development of this project is to occur east of the 105 foot contour elevation. SIGNATURES: L'C fit Ronald G. Nelson d R. C emens Building and Zoning Director Policy Development Director R' hard C. Houghton 0 Public Works Director PUBLISHED: March 14, 1983 APPEAL DATE: March 28, 1983 Date circulated : Comments due : ERVIRONNEKTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET E C F - 095 - 81 APPLICATION No(s ) . REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM "T" TO "R-3" FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 to 18 UNITS/ACRE. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED E LOCATION :RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. SITE AREA : 12.5 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : X 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : X 3 ) Water & water courses : X 4 ) Plant life : X 5 ) Animal life :X 6 ) Noise : X 7 ) Light & glare : X 8 ) Land Use ; north : GRIFFIN HOME east : UNDEVELOPED south : RENTON GOLF RANGE west : GENE COULON MEM. BEACH PARK l and use conflicts : POSSIBLE TO NORTH AND EAST View obstruction : NONE ANTICIPATED 9 ) Natural resources : X 10 ) Risk of upset : X 11 ) Population/Employment : X 12 ) Num1-)er of Dwellings : X 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic imparts : LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. & PARK AVENUE NORTH. 14 ) Public services : I X 15 ) Energy : X 16 ) Utilities : X 17 ) Human health: X 18 ) Aesthetics : X 19 ) Recreation : X 20 ) Archeology/history : X COMMENTS : Signatures: 1 ?,t Ronald G. Nelson D id R. Clemens Building Official Policy Development Director R' and C. Houghton Public Works Director REP' ')N BUILDING & ZONING DE- RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET EC F - 095 APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 12. 5 ACRES OF PRnPFRTY FRnM T TO R-3 FCR A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSIrIG DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEAM PARK. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 E ENGINEERING DIVISION F-1 TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I I PARK:: & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT l ] POLICE DEPARTMENT XPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHE 2S : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON DECEMBER 7 , 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :i /i Am441.4K71 APPROVED l ] APPROVED WIT CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED W uI / del/ / be 6/4 r le' 4 eek,b0muiti 6e. 1weej 4t4i-7400seo!Ae4corM,' 1 dil--)44ct, DATE : /2.0/0e. SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ILREVISION 5/1982 REr -7N BUILDING & ZONING DE 1TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 095 - Ri APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRRS OF PRnPFRTY FRnI T TO R-3 F(R A_MEIIUM DENSITY HOUSING. DEVELOPMENT OF Li TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE, LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M , ON DECEMBER 7 , 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 4 L L. E APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED G DATE :IL-C1t 1 SIGNA R OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REFR&S-E-NTATIVE 1 REVISION 5/1982 REI )N BUILDING & ZONING DE RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - off= - I APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACPEE nF PRAPFRTY FRAM T TO R-3 'FORA LEILUThillaaITY HOIISTN , DEVE QpMENT OF 11 To 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. TO : 1PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 I] ENGINEERING DIVISION 0 TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : El UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION tXFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUII.-DING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT I ( POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M, ON DECEMBER 7 , 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : OAPPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED C-c65 S -re)iC 5,--r6 6- -cy 1%Ci// "J .c4479GL C eed vsGG O 7 7-4../0 4dc47)0, /S ,drS Al t'fl o Ay rill tit. #/I L . 4-'4-€ 1- 1/N5 , W4v/;0C gt76402er0 T/24 fLiw Slonz . Q S 7•'SIO se P,ecv/de-e-S r 7-0euc7-/4 Nr Cr-A/C7 IOAZJ 1,ht/S cSWrk Lt iN67 Le1 t. Stre t Cif(Z j ija:4S la 6el/2-6/A-C C_b,t.S-% is 7a.c.J Cd.vS7/zuc7ra/v e/J /44- ?7y ccO,5- ' -/3 eID/Am-A G5--f . DATE : J? /! /e SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REI IN BUILDING & ZONING DE 3TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - saL_ - APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONENT: LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRFs OF PRnPF.RTY FRnM T TO R-3 FOR A MEDIUM DENSITY iQ SING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOTLEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. TO : PUB _IC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION IFITRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION I ! FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I IBUII..DING & ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLICE DEPARTMENT F-1 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITIrIG , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON DECEMBER % , 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : I ( APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l ( NOT APPROVED See Attachment . tJ DATE : /; l ' ,// YZ SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Y n•Date circulat 4/2-7/R/ Com is due : //13,d4/ EX'VIRONME\ITAL CNECkLIrT REVIEW SHEET E C F - O9S- - S/ APPLICATION No ( s ) . —f>QO^8/ PROPONENT : Hare - t Te d PROJECT TITLE : L,c T rrQce. ark l4s.5PCA1A5 n 'Brief Description of' Project : esf71ofr-eze46. Se'74e e4p,lek74° Q- rtdr v u r e Q.n ....ate f toetelo tiniLwyt5 OP- ae4/pL jAa tTerr ev. LUCA T ION :G y D' v f L "vim ?iK lh 1V4, 3 i 1E AREA : t la 5-4cves BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : --- IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 1/ 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & Water courses : a ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 0 ) - Land Use ; north : east : south : nest : Land use conflicts : Vies obstruction : Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Nui:.bcr of Ovellinils : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITC ) : traffic i.wacts : 14 ) Public. services: 1 `' ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Hunan health : 18 ) Aesthetic:, : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : C..,1 IENTS : Rrommznda : inn : DNS, I DOS fore Information Recieved by : Title : Da , Revision 3/1981 ® 2 VS/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: E Ea&-4; 15 j et To R4.3 -fi 41lithaVIEvelopengleutni itilu ass o r£9 rtmertrs Location:irti• 1 C at L.WitsAt '4q Blvd. Ai. Applicant: e_ a(C Pr Los L(_:Public s Department ngineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: d' Y $' Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:j StUtilitiesEng. Division T'T Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department l J Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved 13. Approved with Conditions Not Approved 3 w bJ DATE: /D///. 8,41=7 Signature of Director or Authorized epre entative 4v REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved Approved with Conditions [plot Approved Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date circulat 4/2-7// Coma s due : 1/ff30 / EXIDIR0XPiEh1TAE CIIICCKII''T REVIEU SHEET E C F - 09.E - S/ APPLICATION No (s ) . R-1.79O—B/ PROPONENT : ti0.rerrc.clecte PROJECT TITLE : L,e T rhatee r /ISSPe'itt s if v Brief Description of Project : /Qefveffloreare 7e Ole sp, ,T"5(-.5" his r y u r e pod ort Grua S 41101400ci_iikk tS OP- Aelo/14. 444 I'740n e vds LOCATION : e'Gir.i4y 004e 2) L.wigS4li0,4h S/V4. 4' ItSITEAREA : 1c,S cves BUILDING AkEA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : f 2 ) I Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water d vater courses : fir u ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : pop.. . 7 ) Light cF glare : 8 ) F Land Use ; north : . east : suuth : vest : land use conflicts : V i e v obstruction 0_J6/iyzatq c d C.AiR.fYArgA6LC'004 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) 11 Risk of upset : I1 ) Pupalitiun/Lmployr,ent t/ 1',! ) `u+ ,ber of Ouell inys : 1 V 1 13 ) Trip ends ( 1 1E ) : 1 y traffic iLpacts einje 'Qv/_ c RAse1L t i'l IiZ Y 1 Purl ir. services : 1 `, ) Energy 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : I gam. 19 ) Recreation:__ 10.0""/ 20 ) Archeuloc3y;hl.to y : COMML :\ IS : t, A C Civ6/?Ac. JL AN v "16 C0A)sT i c C 419ti 9.6r "'eat emKurArf'oR c r(j ,,pd,v r o/_ •dcrirc ri9t?6r R'; .- .';da : ion : " ' I DOS+ More Information Revie ed by : , title : (Vc.,._,,,1 rDaLp : J1!Lir(._ F,4 CSC'-Ct Revision 3/1981 4W A O RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET c 117....Application: IP •t fi• plar I" tlty re deI fss eerdomiAtvns O r apitr'hriertfcr Location: # jsj ' 1 uf at LLd,_ Blvd. Al. Applicant Terrace7èrr&ee Re AsocioIes Public Works Department El Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: I/ y g' Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: a Utilities Eng. Division Fir Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. ON illtcig, REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: PA'e S `t G Approved Approved with Conditions [E'Not Approved W d elk o Ado T A Pf Ro ci c.An' ' re7 RA«-- 9-R k R L a/ er rNSl a ci r ,., o ft Lam- !Nr-o 2rn A-n 0Iv. Al[F p A G 67V6/r/JL /mil/¢A)) DATE: M/2/tfSignatureofDirectorVrAuSiorizedRepresentative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved ®Approved with Conditions Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date circulat I4/2-7M/ Coffin :s due : hf 3,80/ EXVIRO HENTAL CNECKLIFT REVIEU SHEET E C F - APPLICATION No (s ) . -4Q0-8/ PROPONENT : NQrer-iSltev PROJECT TITLE : G,c., . 7e-rrctce Prk fQSShG'/Q S Brief Descri 1 11 Ptikin of Project : • v nTo 4r._ 4"to re de reef Poo bn e. 7tef 4=19n4stm j411s. op- a(4/ G{Act/4,1 e s LOCATION : 02/ L,'__IcS11i h Y•y1'o ,vc SITE AREA : 1 /a 5-ete s BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INr-I) 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) 1 Water h water courses : 4 ) i Plant life : 5) Animal life : 6 ) 11 Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) h Land Use ; north : east : south : vest : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 )1 Risk of upset : 1 1 )i Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Ovell ings : 13 ) Trip ends ( lff ) : 2 2 traffic i,i,pacts : —rye 'Faw a K a r . 4.3 1 -. ) Public services : 1 `, ) Energy : 1 10 Utilities : 17 ) Hunan health : 1 18) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation :_ 20 ) Archeology/history C "1ENTS : Ay/4-7 /(J La / ef Pa-r f A0-e C r/¢10?1--.4e.,. I• Se.e 1- L k ,k-'Li, /l 0l 7 1t. ,Y 11/ . -d Tc' d L*. R.-Comnenda : ion : DN', ; DOS More Information Releieved by : / Y,v& 444 11tIe :- DaLo i c '' 2- tab revision s/ I9 i p7/8/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: FQE?ONECR-0,0-8f) ,Ye &D/N11Ttt jo R-3 . t' Gifu re Je s .i* t s it t Op s o r apari'ertfs Location: ;elite'he aI L. Blvd. N. Applicant: L2,41. 77F'ra.te P rjc Ac.cocio 'Ies TO :Public Works Department EIVIgineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: y $! Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:441/1/4"/___Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: i&-/Z-1Z Eit,/C.,/Ai Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved L a K e_ 1,01, 3 l Uci, -j-v a,ct Locity w. P u e va a/o 4-12 rd- \„Av c ...d i kn e, C, ADDii Ic k-i 'fa r ,ter+ 4-( DATE: //>/U" g/ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved ['Approved with Conditions Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date circulat J f4/27/R/ Com_ _..ts due : IVA3A/ EXVIR0MIEN1TAL CHECKLI`'T REVIEII SUM E C F - 09,5- - g/ APPLICATION No s ) . R-^0Qd-81 PROPONENT : NClrer S er< _ PROJECT TITLE : Lerr ke, li'rret.ce. kit)rk t4SS8'ictl.S n '1 Brief Descri/ Jptiuri of Project. : AP,peff 71pretene ,51'1 Q/O,r, T"/Q-3 Co_r fv r G 0,4.n Gn74:0.S Leoile tin/24,ts O r a4 l i- G Aa t r m a d. LOCATION :/(Girti T.t 0 07 L.GrZt c4141,4h SAV 4, * SITE AREA : laSa-ekes BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : --- IMPACT REVIEW NONE N1NU1,MAJOR MORE INFO I ) Topographic changes :_ i.,,,,,/ 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : r/ j ; Water h uatcr courses : 4 ) Plant life : Animal life : t/ 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light glare : 8 ) • Land Use ; north : east : south : vest : said use conflicts : Lieu obstruction : 9 ) fvotural rcsource;; : 10 ) Risk of upset : L 11 ) Pupulotiun/Employment. : 12 ) Nuhber o f .Ouel l ings : 13 ) Trip ends ( 1TE ) : traffic impacts : 1=. ) Public services : L 1 `, ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : L -' 17 ) ,Human health : 18 ) Acsthet ics : 19 ) Recreation : r/ 20 ) Archeology /history : i COMMENTS : Racom enda : ion : DN iI DOS / More Information Reviewed by : IIVI . 7 11tIe : c,'rc_ 5/- 4: T:',\:: iI -.06 W- nry i a i un 3/ M I / OIL p 271g RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: pcsmteCR-0 0-3v A e ow. jo R 34' I" is e)Ml5. Location: VL1FiuIf at L wt. N. Applicant: LJ , 7err*ee /LI Aisscicr!es IQ; Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: #190 $/T fic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: a, tls,L ilities Eng. Division ire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. OP i40 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: cc K-Q /- t Approved EKproved with Conditions (] Not Approved 1/V et e r 1 Alto57 e- cm— V' u r4 DATE: lO '6,2?.-- Signature of Director or A th ized Repres nt ive REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved Approved with Conditions ONot Approved Signature o_f Director or Authorized Representative Date circulai I0/2:74// Com is due : l/f 3f8/ ENVIROXHEhIAL CHECKLIrT R[VIEU SHEET ECF - O9S - S APPLICATION No (s ) . Rie9O—e/ PROPONENT : Harerr 'ltecr PROJECT TITLE : L,e 7erret e t: /, k ASSDG«!/S 11 v Brief Descrip( ikn of Project : , e,v ff fpr te e _$/ rO...., -Q-3 Tif 'tt7ure Cl artGt'Cftmrt60NeI t1 tS or. sta0// t irh LOCATION : 'GirtiT 0 c2 .Wie.s i.914I7 1V4. 4 iTE AREA : s'etrktsBUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE ( o) IMPACT REVIEII NUNL MINOR MAJOR MORE INi U 1 ) Topographic change:; ; I 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) hater valor course':.; : 41 Plant life: 51 Animal life : f Noise : 7 ) Light .4 glare : U ) • Land Lt s e ; n n r t I : 6r06P,1n 1'45.te r east : tide y e 1010 south :GoIe Mr ;Yil p4.(e, vest : Pu h teci4 etc ((.),t le ,.i.e710.)t cn land uset. runfli .:t ., :, 1,'iery obstruction : 9 ) N.rtural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : t/-- 4 11 ) Popul .:t i on/Lmpl oy rreni. : l. ) Nur,ber of Duelling:, : y115 ) Trip e•nd:; ( 1 if ) : a 87 ? rip, /da.l,ra' t. r traffic i ',ji acts : t'v e ' (_s ,DOt f,I ? 3.0 tin.'f! erg i r lQ 1--') Puiel is services : I ) Energy v 16 ) Utilities : 171 Hunan health :_ 1:+ ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeoloq /history : Ld'P1ENTS : R.cammenda ton : DOS S More Information__ ri viewed by : e s[e invft,s0 1 JA I e sSl atit 4/41,1. r Da ,o :_44w/ 1 L4 • Date circulat _ _ , / /Z7/g/ Com...._.,ts due : J113/8/ Ek'VIRONMENTAL CHECKLI'_'T REVIEU SHEET ECF - 095- - V APPLICATION No ( s ) . n' W-8/ PRbPONENT : Hare -fS4eY PROJECT TITLE : Le,. e__ lirrctee Pek 4.5SDciedes ifTv Brief Description of Pro jeci : I ef ,ef7'7 fese,e .S, 1e reoPPN7`W---3 r 711u r e Q,0 a i7 .f tmrtiosti t, 'ls Op' 0 h4G;VO.1 t T m eni LUCA T ION : t•GirtiTit 04e 4=2 L.WAS!liK 4h &'v4, / SITE AREA : It la,$-etereg BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (°b) : IMPACT REVIEW NON .MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) ;later h voter courses : 4 ) Plant life : V/ 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : V/ 7 ) Light & glare : V/ 8 ) • Land Use ; north : east : south : nest : land use conflicts : Viev obstruction : J ) Natural resources :_ V 10 ) . Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment. : 12 ) Nuc,ber of Ovellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( 1EE ) : traffic i.wacts : 1-. ) Public services : 1 `) ) Energy : V 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Hunan health : 18 ) Aesthetics : V( 19 ) Recreation -- 20 Archeology/history : C MMENTS : R?rommenda . ron : DNSI_,_ DOS More Information Reieved by : /iiLl Itle : Oru.(ry 4-4kianlaEle/e1L6- . Da .. f/- (10 $/Cif. S e'` . r :;,\1: LRJ-06 Revision 3/1981 gr.. , - fo/27/417 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: RE ECR-og0du3v " de &0 iv. f- jo 11_3 -fI P' Aft*lifteato eme optrtvt c ce uMt_ ,sQ.r 2P fS Location: V• isi 11y at L.wasA isw Blvd. Al. Applicant: Q 7errg / r& AcscioIes ID:public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: /' 4 g/ Trific Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:eta 1 ltilitiesEng. Division 7 Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. ON Atom REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ct..4-4L, N/0-/- 0Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved GOdite r 1 k c i Zo 574- gar- r u I r c`r L c(o co s r i 0 r l e 0. 9,1.3 r`t.c c1, o DATE: /D '.2 f-- Signature of Director or A th ized Represent ive REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: U/cir y/ 7D0 p7-• Approved []approved with Conditions Not Approved s. 0EviersE SIZE 0,/ , ..42.. ki AZ-DATE: /l- -87 Signature of Director or Autho ized Representative uT/L cry ,E N G/ri/EE,EZ a t . . UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO 4-29-18/ LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • WATER NO LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEWER No SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WATER COMM. FAc. CONK. Cs16, SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER No SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ARrA CEA GE SEWER No APPROVED WATER PLAN YrS APPROVED SEWER PLAN 6S APPROVED FIRE HYDRAyi LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. YRS FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS yo5 CITY OF RENTON RF7ONE APPLI CATJON OR OFFICE USE ONLY LAND USE HEARING _ O gD j/ LICATION NO.EXAMINER 'S i!CTION _ s PPLICATION FEE $ APPEAL FILED ECEIPT NO. CITY COUNCIL ACTION ILING DATE ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE EARING DATE ilkLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 10 : Name LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES phone 772-0299 Address c/o Bryn Mawr Properties , 11448 Rainier Ave . S . , Seattle , WA 98178 Property petitioned for rezoning is located on 21 Lake Wash. Blvd. between golf driving range and Griffin Home for Boys 1 . Square footage or acreage of property app . 12-1/2 acres Legal description of property (if more snace is required, attach a separate sheet) See attached Exhibit "A" Existing Zoning Mobile Home Park(T) Zoning Requested_ Medium y for Multi-Family use( 3 ) 410TE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements. ) Submit this form in duplicate. Proposed use of site A high quality, attractive, multi-family development consisting of condominiums and/or adult apartments . It would be completely fenced or screened, together with security gate , or like amenities , to assure privacy and security. List the measures to be taken to reduce impact on the surrounding area.rill The existing topography of the land , partially hillside , is such that any development would not impact any surrounding area; it would be property fenced or screened; it would not affect any view of the few residential dwellings located to the east of the site , and below freeway 40D . 9. How soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to develop the site? Due to the present financial market for development, it is anticipated that a period of 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 years is required to perfect financing and development; prior notice to the existing mobile home tenants would exceed the period required by statute. 0. Two copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are required. Planning Dept. 1-77 Bry'n MaI4'f propertiesLIPlanningDepartment City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, Washington Re: Justification of Rezone for Lake Terrace Park from Trailer Court to Multi family Medium Density. Gentlemen, The intentions of Lake Terrace Assocites are to develo ;e a high quality, multi— f3mily project which would be an ,.sset to any community. The site is Lake Terrace Trailer Park. It is situated above the new expansion of Gene Coulon Park. The west property line, Lake Washington Boulevard, separates the site from the new city p rk. The east boundary is hillside incapable of being built on, and high enough such that no buildings would interfere with the few residents on top of the hill. The south boundary line is the present golf range and no other buildings occupy the land di— rectly to the south. The north boundary line is the Griffen Home for boys. Therefore there are ro neighborhoods to be adversely -affected by a change from trailer park to high quality multi—fa;;,ily. The site will require little earth moving or work that would disrupt the existing topography. No adverse impacts on the enviornment or quality of life will occur. This is true , especially since it has been used as a trailer park for the past twenty one years. We feel a great improvement can be made to the community by upgrading the site to a modern, architecturally pleasing, multi—family community. Under current, and past Norteast Renton Comprehensive Plans, the site has been designated for high density (R—)4). We are petitioning for a rezone to medium density, R-3). Under a medium density zoning the area would experience minimum impact as the existing facilities presently accomadate approximately 200 people. At this time we can't come to the Planning Commission with our finished design for the project. Two major items preclude us from doing this. One is the relocation of the trailer park residents. We are following closely the progress of the new King County mobile home park being developed near Valley General Hospital. This will aide in absorbing the units seeking new spaces. Secondly we have the current problem of finance. We have been advised by a number of financial institutions, that because of current market con— ditions, it will take a year or two before conditions will permit financing for a pro— ject of this type. They will not invest the time in considering financing before the appropriate zoning requirements are met. This project will require a substantial amount of capital. Therefore we would like to start our planning so that we will be able to build when the economy starts to pick up. For this reason we would like to have the zoning completed so that we know we can proceed with medium density devel— opment. Of course all plans will have to be brought into Renton Planning Department as we progress, so that the development will be in compliance with Renton's building and zoning requirements. Yo s Truly Steve arer Lake Terrace Assoc. 11448 l2ainiler Avenue South Seattle,Washington 98178 206)772-0299 0..1 4 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ' Application No. C) O Environmental Checklist No. 12/ PROPOSED, date:FINAL , date : Declaration of Significance Declaration of Significance L1Declaration of Non-Significance Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment.The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKSROUND 1. Name of Proponent LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: c/o Bryn Mawr Properties 11448 Rainier Ave. So. Seattle, Washington 98178 3. Date Checklist submitted 1981 4. Agency requiring Checklist Planning Dept., City of Renton. WA IMO 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: N/A 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements , and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : This site, consisting of app. 12-1/2 acres, abuts Lake Washington Blvd. and is located partially on a plateau and hillsite to the west of freeway 405; it is to be rezoned to either medium or high density, or a combina- tion of the two (R3, 44.). It fully complies with the existing City's Comprehensive Plan, last revised Jan. 1980, which designates this property as high density. The proposed development will consist of high quality, attractive and exclusive condominiums and/or apartments, or a combination of the two, with complete fencing or screening surrounding the site, security access and other amenities usually found among exclusive developments of this type. The architecture would be typically Northwest 2- Air and compatible with the contemplated extension of the Gene Coulon Lake' Washington Park immediately to the west of the subject site. 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : The site is located to the east of and abutting Lake Washington Blvd. North. It has unobstructed views of the lake, the Olympics, the east shore of Mercer Island, and the proposed City park. The existing use is for mobile homes and ispresently terraced. It is anticipated that the existing terracing would be utilized in the proposed development for the construction of condominiums and/or apartment units. 8. Esti ated date to completion of tie proposal : 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 years depending on financing; rezone is required by financing institutions as a condition to mortgage commitments_ 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : As required by City of Renton ordinances 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion , or further activity related to or connected with this proposal ? If yes , explain : See answer to paragraph 9 and above 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes , explain : None 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: None II . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic X substructures? YES MAYBE NO b) Disruptions , displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? X YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief X features? YET— MAYBE NO d) The destruction, covering or modification of any X unique geologic or physical features? YES MBE NO 401 e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? X YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation , deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Some earth moving will be required in the development of the site but preserving in substance the existing topography of terracing and smoothing out the hillside and banks. 3- v 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air X quality?YES MAYBE NO b) The creation of objectionable odors? X YES MAYBE WU— c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate , either locally or X regionally? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable. p 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: la) Changes in currents , or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? X YES MAYBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or X the rate and amount of surface water runoff? YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE NO d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water X body? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X YES MAYBE f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of X ground waters? YES MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection , or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria, X or other substances into the ground waters? YES MAYBE NO i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available X for public water supplies?Y—MBE NO Explanation: Drainage pattern facilities will be engineered as pPr City requirements and specifications; residential water consumption will increase over existing consumption by mobile home park tenants: exact amount of excess presently unknown. 4) Flora. Will the proposalresu t in: a) Change in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of flora (including trees , shrubs , grass , crops , X microflora and aquatic plants)? YES MATTE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or X endangered species of flora? YES VTR- NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing X species? YES MAYBE NO d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: There is no anticipated change as the site has been in use as a mobile home park for over 20 years, and the area to be developed is substantially same as the existing improvements. A op 4- 5 ) Fauna. 4ill the proposal result in : a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles , fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , X insects or microfauna)? YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? X YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? X YES MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: See paragraph 4 above. 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The existing noise levels most likely will decrease by reason of new construction and soundproofing of buildings as compared to mobile home parks. 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or X glare? YES MAYBE Tr Explanation: Not applicable 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the X present or planned land use of an area?YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The change will be from a mobile home park to a medium or high density multi—family zone as depicted on the City's Comprehensive Plan. 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including , but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population X of an area?Yam- RATTT NN Explanation: There will be an increase in density over the present Aite which contains approximately 100 mobile home units. OB. 5- 12) Hcusing. Will the proposal affect existing housing , or X create a demand for additional housing? YES MAYBE NO Explanation : Approximately 90 to 100 trailer homes will require removal upon commencement of construction. Every effort will be made to relocate existing mobile home tenants, if they so desire, to other like facilities. That is the primary reason this development project must be long range, i.e.1-1/2 tc 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in : 2_1/2 years from date of a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X approval. YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand Xfornewparking. P YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? X YES MAYBE NO d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? X YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X YES MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? X YES MABE NO xplanation: It is anticipated there will be some increase in the traffic on Lake Washington Blvd. due to additional residential family units over and above the present mobile home park. There will be an increase of traffic on Lake Washington Blvd. due to the proposed park development. 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon , or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? X YES MAYBE NO b) Police protection? X YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? X YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities?X YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , including roads? X YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? X YES MAYBE NO Ex_planation: Not applicable 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy?X YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X 11110 YET— MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems , or alterations to the following utilities : a) Power or natural gas? X YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? X YES MAYBE NO c) Water? X YES MAYBE NO 6- d) Sewer ODOCCOMaXXXXXXXX X YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? X YES MAYBE f) Solid waste and disposal? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Existing facilities are now on sanitary sewer system, and the existing sewer capacity is deemed adequate to accommodate the proposed development. 11 17 Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? XYESMAYBENO Explanation: Not applicable. 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive X site open to public view? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The proposed development, on the contrary, will enhance the existing and surrounding premises and will substantially improve the neighborhood. 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical X site, structure, object or building? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: signed)41/01 name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 T - ;fee ' = ' "IP"' t. , EXHIBIT A a t • PARCEL A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5, East . in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of Lake T.lashiugt.un Boulevard; except that portic ted as Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Vo.ltene 11 of plats, page 86, in King r: `' c t4a.shington; Together with that portion of vacated Southc!•',t: 100th Street (formerly known c Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; PARCEL B: Lots 39, 40 and 41, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of page 86, in King County, Washington; except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1020457; Together with that portic vacated Sot.thehst 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would att by .operation of law; PARCEL D: Lot 27, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page in King County, Washington; PARCEL E: That portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quartet Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded Volume 11 of Plat. age 86, in King County, Washington; thence West 172 feet to the true beginn:.::: ;, thence West to the , .nt; of„ intersection of the South line of Tract 27, Eldon A, with the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5; thence Sou 4' to the North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington G<.i :1en of Eden, Division No. 5, accord j to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83, King County, Washington; thence Ea h i to a point South of the true point of beginning; thence ' Ti.-.h to the true point of beginni p except that portion thereof lying Easterly of the We:.tc:r 1 y is argi.n of the abandoned right-o i (200 feet in width) of Pacific Coast Ra:ilrc J Company. t s‘ : 4 7 , 1. 1 i t 1 I 1 1 t` s i j. l o Ce ij,eu cnty wnen all ooligallons as vc". 1)%;n v.);.1 cn.ii•r the rote and this deed of trust. f I TO: TRUSTEE. The undersigned is the legal owner and holder of the note and all ether indebtedness secured by the within Deed o Said note, together with all other indebtedness secured by said Deed of 't'r;::;t, lain bc<:n. fully paid and satisfied; and you a: by requested and directed, on payment to you of any sums owingto you :miler tie ter,: of said Deed of Trust, to cancel Si above mentioned, and all other evidence of indebtedness see ured by s:r.d Dcnd et Trut:t delivered to you herewith,togetF the said Deed of Trust, and to reeonvey, without warranty, to ti.• lvc:i:e:: ;le:>i„not d by the terms of said Deed of Trust estate now held by you thereunder. Dated 19 i Mail reconveyance to__ 1 k PARCEL A : THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT AP! i NORTH, R ANUE EAST , W . M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASNIti,;fON, t.. ',' i,,i; r •1:ifERLY OF LAKE WASHI +NGTC BOULEVARD ; EXCEPT THAT PORTION PLATTED, I ELU(J .i ACRES , ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, P".6L FL , JN K1NE) COUNTY , WASHINGT(fl TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATE[) SOUTHEAST 100TH STREET ( FORMERLY KNOWN AS MILDRED AVENUE ) ADJOINING, THAT WOOL ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LI 106 PARCEL B: LOTS 39, 40, AND 41, ELDON ACRES , ACCURDI t.;;; ';i THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 Cl-, PLATS, PAGE 86, IN KING C("i+.:% , t-:.'. .!IE,OTNN;; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 41 CONVEYED TO KIN;) COUNTY FL.; f'..' PUREOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 1.02(V67 ; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED SOUTHEAST 100TH STREET ( FORMERLY KNOWN AS MILDRED AVENUE) ADJOINING, 1W" E WOULD ATTACHED BY OPERATION OF LAW; PARCEL C. THAT PORTION OF LOT 28, ELDON ACRES,' AffClzr it; THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 86, IN KING COt.° eY, O !NGTON , LYING WESTERLY A STRAIGHT LINE EXTENDING FROM A POINT ON THE :ii .JTN LINE OE SAID LOT , DISTANT 122 FEET WESTERLY OF THE SOUTHEAST C()Th .i TO A POINT ON THE NOR1 LINE OF SAID LOT , BEING 236 FEET WESTERLY G:: '!''. NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAL. LOT; PARCEL. D: LOT 27, ELDON ACRES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT i;c.' .` :`.<?i: ) IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS , PAGE 86, IN KING COUNTY, WASHIN':jeN; PARCL . E : THAT PORTION OF TWE NTH HALF OF 1 . RfLR OF THE NORTH'WES QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 N.;; RAN'., N.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLi..t;r'J.:, BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 6, ELDON ACRES , ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 86,. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE WEST 172 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WEST TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF TRACT 27 , ELDON ACRES,. WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 5: THENCE SOUTH TO THE NORTH LINE OF C.D. HILLMAN' S LAKE WASHY'1 GARDEN OF EDEN, DIVISION NO. 5 , ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDE IN VOL 11 OF .PLATS , PAGE 83, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE EAST A POINT SOUTH OF THE ' TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH TO THE TRUE POINT OF . BEGINNING: EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEl;i,')F LYING EASTERLY OF THE WESTERLY MARGIN ;)F THE ABANDONED RIGHT—OF—WAY ( 200 FEET IN WIDTH) OF PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY. 110 o Eldon Acres add by wly of In Li:' i z pt t. ! !!t .LF2 .ft 'i +.' i..l. cur to ptyIn236wlyofN.S. c(,r IGW per of S.E. etc. 1.`',;_, e,i € : .;. + ;r U i.;n oftedponyplacenorthhiy_.:g cn the v; ut bona:':. L.r TOGETHER WITH vacated portion of to The underytitned Grantor requests that a .opy of any Notice of Default and !. .my Nolo e of Sale hereunder be mailed to him at the address gtercinbeforc set forth. 11. WITNESS the han an • 1(a) of the Grantor(s) on day ancl.yI.a fir:,. ._.. ,ce writte9. Ile./ cr rd M. S ellan y. . r " ( .• ) ,' I 4..- - • \ • _____._ Nairma J.,,Cu,I,in ... -/ e u ins e„ k , r. r. •7.-r• l ( r [• iAz12or b. L. Lo"i:to tyke!':'Y^ o u! ,( _ — f; -,.-<'.. i C...:..e. . .e.•.,°- fZel_ !ter APrATE OF WASHINGTON J• 1:-ve I-i l e_ ti COUNTY OF `• ss. c- ' Nancy / l ar`:r 1day of TcEmber ^_A.D., 13•.- --..., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pub- on this Gerard M. Sh.e llan & Barbara J lie in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personalty appeared '._ hiellan;Alex Cugini,Jr. & Norma J. Cugini; Mike W. Lotto & .•I;.YI1urie L. Lotto; Tom Tobacco & Nina obaeeo;J.5teve Rarer &Nancy L. ilarCrto me known to be the individual, or inctrviduo!O described in and who executed the with- in and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the___'1 signed and alcd the said instrument as____..•---•— thei.r free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certifica above written. It_./..1://-164......>//.4.-e...-ei Notary Publte in if for the State of Washington, a:r.g sit.. • •, - STATE OF WASHING;TON l 1 • COUNTY OF On this_..__._—_.__•___day of— __.___M, A.D., ly_....._,__.-, but me, the undersigned, a Notary Pub- 3 lic in and fur the State of Weshin,;toa, duly commissioned and sworn personally i e rc d..___ ..____—,-. 1 President and and to me known to be the..,.._.__._ Secretary, respectively, of ti:e corporation that executed the within and foregoing in- strument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and pun- y poses t'• • mentioned, and on oath each stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is i the c al of said corporation. i my hand and off cial'seal hereto affixed the day andyear in thus i.rtificate above written.vie. 'SFi y i 1 jNotary Public in and for the State of Washington, I 1 REQUEST FOR FULL RE; 'l.:'A vCE To be used only when all obligations hove been pa tit a::ci:'r bill: nose and this deed of tru:;t. 0, .TO: TRUSTEE. The undersigned is the legal owner and holder of the note and all other indi'btcilnc uc r and satisfied; the withind Deed yo are Trust re Said note", together with all other indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, has been fully 1:,: id by requested and directed, on payment to you of any sums owing to you under the terms of said Deed of Trust, to can together cel said not, above mentioned, and all other evidence of indebtedness ocethe y, said lc: ass*,,, 1' rustydhliv red tofo said ou her Stofh,Trust,all witI to h the said Deed of Trust, and to reconvey, without warranty, parties estate now held by you thereunder. Dated 19 Mail reconvcyance to_ tiX041:4141 WalONA16 K, ) ) HiiaLE ViSURANCSI, I1 Fikd air l'.._ d, at TlcriucLt a 1 . AFTER RECORDING MA/1.. TOI ke t Kiri. c-113 onows...,..,-_-,..„, z.„, , rnewymnagos.r.wozziaiaraN/VIN1/0/1.0.'",;WOONWANS5.allei .1.-:.,,,,,,,,,.. r.,.,===,.,: .•.-- r.,,,sosaacia.a .,.......= asx==.-. 2 :1-, FORM L 56 R Quit THE GRANTOR , JOHN H. CURTENT, receiver for Vaxv .,.:1:-(1 Corporation, to clear title to the following described real estate incorrectly i TI,:•:,'uded in the Sheriff's Deed re- corded under Recording No. 7706290305 out of an c.-.:,,er. ut.ion or: jut-ITN:N-11: against Van- uard Corporation in faver of Thcrras 1.1. Cooke, -end the deed from Thomas H. Weir.° to John H. Current, receiver for Vanguard Corporation, pursuant to court. order, King County Cause No. 837874, recordc.,d under R..-cording No. 7904170688, in which neither Thaws H. Cooke nor Vanguard Corporation had or has any right, title or interest, conveys and quit claims to TROJAN LITHOGRali ooriPoRmicv, the tenoning 11.• described real estate, situtate in the County of ring State of unettnzton tncludin3 any interest therein which crentcr my hereafter acquire: i • li That portion of Lot 28 of Elden Lcres , no per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats , on page C6 , records of Zing County , lying Westerly of a line extending from a point on the South line of said Tract , distant 122 foot Westerly from the Southeast corner to a point en the North line of said Tract , 236 feet Westerly from the Northeast corner thereof; TOGETUER WITH that portion of vacated Polly Place North, ALSO KNOWN AS G317riC011 Avenue end 102nd Place Northeast) adjoining which.upon vacation,ettached to said property by operation of la ; i H Situate in the County oc.,. Zing, Stato of Washington. 0 S" Dated this 41 'rj k( 4..............7. 10 :, L'"_ , , l / 7...... ISEA li ! 0 ' I.".-et'le................____.........,...— ISEA rmal STATE OF WASHINGTON, County of King 1 On this day personally appeared before ma John II, Can:Mt, n2Cei'VVC for Vanguard. Co] to me known to be the individual described in and who crecuted the within and foregolng.lustrument acknowledged that he signed the acme Ad 1.1.j.s free and volunterY wc..11.a.:450d,-.4,.., uses and purposes therein montioned.fos„,c i --.. . :.4) .- -T.....„ GIVEN under my hand and official seal thIs / day of 7- i 49°/".- -7;-- otao_v_ubfic .01 and PA tkt &ate/ SHORT FORM D.ED OF ?_RUS.. . Cdgini, Jr. & ills U :1:1) O : 2th ' u, made th ; _ 2I3TII _ .1, • .,t Ili :,l 1'ti)l:I t 79 Gerard M. Shellan dt Barbaras wife; i11 eN. J. She11an, hi Norma J. Cugini, t mr.. •wEEN ...wife.._ MEI(e 111.,-.1. t.to _h Ili _riorin--I,.. .1.,O.rt;nx...h_'q. vijo; Tom..Tc. sa c.Q._&....Nia1a._a..._.TQbacco, s wife; J. Steve Ilarer & Nancy J. _rer: _ his w: ;ca(:h ar to ., st I);;A ....... .,. , t.tn( , Il ? t at ire:. ELe Terrace Associates, a Joint Venture;C`.i:: C9Willt). {'( ".sail i , `:,?,{(Li?ryt411 98055 and:_PIONEER_NATION,AL_TITLE I7 SUILt ..CE. (OP1I?A?' whose address i:;. _ 719 Second A•:Tr.;1t1^-,_.. eattle. 1. -hing.--on 981 : r _. sand CITTZEF, IEDI:1 ,,1 5AyT Iy;S ND . ,"1 J1.`,t?C T t v 1 ; ' Ile,u•fltra ,L,, 7 whose address is 1409 5TH AVENUE, SEATTLE,i.1.L, WASlI iI.it;'It) 1 tti _...._..._--.-,_..__..._._....___.._._.-.._.-._,...,....._-_....-.._.._._.._-__V__..___..__._A___. E, I Grantor hereby irrevocably l;rants, b,;rl;.::: , ,., and c ills:, . „ ,:,tc • 1:•; , .r:cr ,:f salt, tl::" f:tlluvnng dt..- i rd)esl pr:ri) rty 1n il,o ......... .:':runty, IT , .;:.,. ," Please re1. ::r to L.. 3i1 A a?ttc,c:I' ,1 1, ?veto and t::._ ::: :A. i .. . .. . .. i 1 TOGETHER 191't'l1 all the tenements, Eareditatnant" d ;:,,11Irlenanco.i, now I::.:t ,tf!:'r ;bur:'uruo belonging or in anywise appertan nk. and the rents, issues and nrofii:: there,'f fhrr Itr:".1:crty or 1-1,.L:., .,I innd or nature what outvcr further set forth in the Master form Deed of Trus' lnafter refer, pa, 11U11JLC'1;, IIOWEVI:fi, : , I'.,• right, power and authority hereinafter given to and conferred upon Beneficial. .iiect and apply sot h rents, issues and p;,,f if .. THIS DEED IS FOR THE PU121'i;SE OF Sl:•C USZIINIG PEUI•OI.M.\:' i odch •+':.., ' .'f air ot•,r In,orporated by reference or contained herein and payment of the :AIM of SIX IAIINDIii?1)_1'(i.i. `!,;; Y11.,?( 31 D_A_'.'')..til1/ .flf1Tf'!S tf 1;:645,000.00 h rnta._...t tl„•rt•on .t< . -1'oi: , i;.. It.,.... „ 1. t' t,. ..'Vk n d.+tc I::•rev:tlh, pay- ahlt; to liene(lclury Or order or,:1 not!.• by (;r;t;:1-,r. •.11 renewal •, .,..,I.i:. ..tt':n•., .o . .... :, ,. • . . t!., „ ..1, .Ind ale.:, :.u.h tut 1her sum:; a:. may be advanced or loaned by 1'encftewry to (;a;ti•.1r, or any .,I t', •.. •, .... lour•. , . ,. , , ,,rUter with tnterc'•1 thereon at ouch rate as shall be agreed upon. By executing and delivering this deed of Tro;.t and the Note secured hereby, the parties agree that all provisions of Para- graphs I through 35 Inclusive of the ',taster Fora i3(''.c1 of Trust heremailer referred to, o coht such paragraphs as are specifically excluded or modified herein, art' hvr11t::v itico:purated !:;•rein b,v, rP1erlltlet' and glad+' . ) fat:'1-.faI part hereof for all purposes the same as al set for in at Ieaath, and the tdranter herel;y make- !,:all coeya.:nt5 and ::cr<•I':. to It:: ,; pt•rtorrn all ul said provisions The Master d of Trust ahoci• referred to oa,, tecurded on the Iv eut,.-tilt?) t.:::[t:; ('.;c to •l(1fy, !Witt, lit the t)tlic'tal Records of the wives t,. . County ,find Ior, of the jalloumg counties I(I l•a0tany,t to in th." Ices., ,n;f at the page designated alter the name of each county, t s:it: l'I)ITOR':i A I:r)ITnR'S C:(}Itld'F'y. 1+rtE'K O!t V. C2. NO. III h: NO. I"A(:F. NU. 1,11.1 .NO. Adur.,a 2 ali Record , I.1-10 122987 1.I Iicc file,-1•12 725562 A•otin Microfilrned 1.:11:10r Au:lttnr'c :.o. 101896 lu 311)54r1 It.-nlon 241 of Official Rec. 69SA-C. f 2931 Ft. .. 11( t r.ttne F..'. .-:'• 8 2.16058 C'hetan 104i of Official Rec. If,82-1685 n81844 n tt,..oges :.17-':.Itb, 5n0t,58 Ctuliam 315 of("Metal Rec. 14+5-105 to.3176 I"I: ,i, i, ;o: tie... e49-7,:2 55707 Clara Aucl. Micr.:fl:rn No. 70' 'I- •I;' : . (: •19253 I• .,. ,... t,: . it-I I 126854 iCustbia 49 of De :In ii- .I` 2 I'-fi115 I' r 't •t,, . 707-'/10 2250799 oWOOI.. 47 if Offici::i Rec. 2 .1-,17 7,7S475 11+.,er•. t.t1,;•i. 4',v•:6: 64282 Ir::aKiaa 1-. of Morltbltic• I.:O-I::I l'•1893 t t •!,:;• till Het. 80-tail 711,277 arty 28 of I)oe.1s 41.1-41.t 153150 i:,,I:,.1..1a I' kl1c^•. 41.44 70197 1°r:::aaira II of Official lir.. 1.111.141 3O9ti36 I,.„ h fo.,o1 Pee. 5•70•S4.1 204.12.49 t'iurftefa f"tirr:)fill:w,I .n11rr A:c.ht.,r•s :•,a 13044 SI,•,1,,4:10 14 ' I • 101 rCFF(. 10'8-1051 174,267C Carlini 44 of Net:. 11uc. ,17.1.3it, 1.8241 even„ 4.197 390(.35 Gruy• tiarbor 21 of Geaeutl 31-34 207544 l'la,r;inn 1.1 .! :. • ,.. : .•e. . .1.734 7853S0 Island 181 of Official Rec. 710-713 211628 W..hl.i.;knm 17 • I ;. :,; ele 89-92 24732 Jefferson 4 of Official Sc.-. 316.3(')I 06853 W.,li.t Wall. 5 ••f 41;gs. 711-714 495721 King 5690 of Ga,:s. 411,4 i9 6.182309 V.'::..!.•,•.:n If, ,,.1 keel 11'15-858 1047522 Kitsap 929 of Offictat ifec. 480-4:ff 7.14770 V.h;:!.....1 t: 2'+;-.:94 1172282 Kittita• III of Mortgages 301-3+,1 348693 V.:i.:o::a I: ;;,'heist Rec. 147-ISO 2170555 Klicieitat 101 of Mortgages • 107-110 1.31095 A copy of such Master Voris Deed of Trust i.; hereby form•,:.•d to the p,•r:; •; ''n.;t:Inr•, flur, bred of !'rust and by executing this Deed of Trust the Grantor acknowledges rer.e;pt.of such Rta:-1.'r I-urn„ Uted .if 'l'rc:.t. iX The properly which Is the ..ublc(l of Ilito Deed of Tru••t tl•. t. ,cd p .a.'t;,,:;i•: . ,I r.,..r;lry for at;rtet:lturul or farming pur- poses. ORM NO. I r 1 SCOT-REV. 12/67 et e 4r ENENUE STAMP3 Inoneer le THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER National Tit Insurance Cm WASP INC:..N TITLE DIVISION Filed for Record at Request of L 40 GERAGHTY & VANDERHOEF I• 1010 Dexter Horton Ilida. eattle, Wash. 98104 FoRm L50 Statutory Warranty Doed. I co R PO it A-re: FCM TEE GRANTOR ''''')TrIN H. CURRENT, as rzceivc:, .i',..; VANGUARD CORPORATION, i . for and In consideration TEN ($1 0 . 00) DOLLARS and othar valuable consideration GERARD 1M. SIM:ILAN and 1...;')E...! .•',:••\ J. SHELL , husband and wife,in hand paid, conveys and warrants to as to an undivided 1/5 interest; ALEX CUGTNI and N'al .1!% A . CUGTNI, husband and wife, as to an undivided 1/5 interest; IIIIT W. 11.011110 an.c11\4,',,P-11.;!.;; ;;: I.. Ir.YITO, lirrsbzlnd and wife, as to an undivided 1/5 interest.; TOM TOBACCO and NI!..\FI D. i'f., .:';;7;i.20, husband and wife, as to an undivided 1/5 interest; and J. STEVE FARER and 1 (2\7 I,. HARER, husband and wife, as to an undivided 1/5 interest, doing business a .1.,DL' 9.'c-i.-1.1c.f 1!fsociates, a joint venture, the following described real estate, situated in thf,:. Cc.unty of King, State of IL Washington: LOT 27, ELDON ACRES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT 1 C0f7DLD IN VOLUME II OF PLATS, PAGE 86, nxcaDs oio KING COUNTY, ILT\S:HZ•:(.;,; •‘•,:!.1 :.:.1'1`1.37TE IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NWT .N.,,CE 5 E.W.M, King County Ea. .. ,,:: Ta:: .1-3:::: Jeornbcr 31., 1979, t.r-....:,_.r F 0574320.) IN %VI''NESS WHEREOF, said c wation ha3 caused this in:tettnent #.1) h.2 executed by its proper officers and it' ••ate seal to be hereunto liffix,...-1 th:3 , ' ' day of .•' , i •,, ,;s'C. VAuzilD cc)P.PC, PATION 4;, 1- / r `,.; , . / 7 if- , •,, /f; .• -(4 4_4..4. c.%b II 3.'t.-AI:,2 f..::. 11 t.0 cl Rec. ivr,Msident. Secretary. STATE OF WASHINGTON, '1 County of KING • On this eZ ..-..-• day of 0 • before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washinga, duly comnitietted and trworn, personally appeared JOHN H. CURRENT AX to me known to be the gVAVAXATWXXXXXXXXIgt=2411firl-.1M4 court-appointed Receiver of the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledpd tile said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument and that the :,i aftixed is the corporate sea! of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written.1 i 1. ///' --1-4(:.,..• Notliry Public in and for the State of • ashington, riding at Seattle. 4.III PfGlAy!..; 'f •'.7.....f '.',.7 ?W. If•T! !•f•CA At...,54i". ,.../ 7..7.• 1.V.7 I.:, v.• A .A‘ 13', ,,, ,”-.. 74,4'.4.:::41 4.-:',.!.,V- Ar-t• .• .,•^• .,, 7 CA ., .:7•.-1 fir-- X 7.! .C.,:-.••,A! ' •.••Z• "." .1 1' :.• 11•7 .4 1`..". v.:0.S •• ,C:11-,1 t'i 2"1.1.3•C !' ..• ••••••• ••:t 4.• •• •""" 1.-0 ft...ft Cv A.:••G-...•1• •••$C.,.1-... 7"....i. •••••S. tl •... •,:',..."'"' ...,!•••••-'•I.1 Li`f • f•:.:•:-- •I l-v0 7,! ,C77.44,.5-. ,.7 1 :: 1'• 1, • "•-• 4.,,,,. i;:e) 41:61.1415 .."01,./)11IH I 347•••.! ..17 •",' VW: n: , S....-:".".!-,7,?.., ...,-7 A •.• .,-..... -.. a 9., z e.:-.0 At:AV ',_...71 42,74 7.•.•-.! 11••1.•41 I, •:..;..-. •I- ...,=7,.,. ,-7,... 1 1. A 7.:5".•tif v ..”.51 7..7. 74.• VAT.,1:•• 74 7..7". 7•:4: -77•4:4 iii•••••:A•2. .t.:.....:.. At.-_, A.,-7.,..;..1,,:,,,IA.11,.:C•,;:f..:2 21;',.-7,-„,;;Al. vau,,v1- •-17-.'ji7 5 ‘f 5C. ."7 3-1.' 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AA •!,-.,,,,f"'. .,!.,A., .• -7• r.•tt. 2,• ?.. :;--,-.. 411:-. •!.;$6r.zie.• a 7't a/ t''4.'il VA.: ",."-r. ..T.,•.•1-!••• -":0...:! ••i• f •• • t,',. ,a,t ••,-:. ',.. a PCfOrd. Couelertri — 7747:-"7._ 1"...•1> ,• vi 4t..".4.: .4:7! ..A.rf t.t. A .11"....„;, „i ,:•.-0 '..A.. I 7t. ".• -•':'. • ,;"! :4, .•,....1.7 R, :303 3 a r 4!: N. ""\;, ...3... .....,0 1-,,,•-•*6 s-:p-.... 0-• ,s,•7/.., 7 7.• it'',.1 1 71, iti 1,';'-''" 1 ..,,, m.."•it0 Encroch re eh-i 5 i;'" 441 1h-'• r'',.,...-:, C e-.;:.°‘''''' 1\ I'd i'.'7.- •I,: i'1 I t'ri ..-% c..-"e j,LI r.-.,---- eo, ..q.,..'e s-1----... tia ,-,.•_,-,-..,• -••••--..."--:.; 3 ,:.-- J-1. :', '.,1 - ,,-- j..- i.,:;iL 7-- i. tAON --il' I ....,' 7', :b, PO. 1•68237.:5-A,44 7 7 -' 4POo-I/04 -:::•;-?'Oc,'7t I,07A? Is • 31- P arc el A 1 t i se to.ST L/1/4 Of GOr'71107t Z 0 1 O C., I N i -- ---'- -7,' ;":2- z1 ,,• 4.... 41 !,4 I 1,100°.57',5"E .iS2 3 J9 1 I 41" •Z I it Parcel B A( Z i ,... r *•-• Cr .1`. 1., I w Z.47..Nai, 1 .e•,t3:6.26 -----•---Lt L.. cZi•••• :41 i Le en1 10.393/ 1 I 1.._. C •.95.77 41•/3'02'.23- 1 • " I\Vk,, 8, t 1 e•\\-•i 16 sio.,V3 0 rOand- itleff&Plen74 .V.a;iZI Cf: I. c Se/•//z-Xe•ble w/Piist/c Cap A ,_; \t. 1 l il ill gi- Power-Pole 4\ 4,, Cf• 5, i 7: t. 1;A yes/er P..1;4/Lme of rehimit,,i erd i I la. , t) :•••, i, f_,-,,Paq •-e ..eit' (4borlo,cd) Alirl'h Line. CD Yilimdo`.5 N, •::,LI 1:: il.:."...- ' . dire Wash/m.74ft Ga•-den "," I tn's: •z?. an Na.5. Soutn L,ife:0..^ Yee Acrest'Ve., kidition,t)tyc 1..___. ----ta tile 45 ty ",foat he. 6 Thge 81----• --'NJAre./ Aico..5.3.43-1 •1.• 9/.8ditqas. lie( Pio/2b4b 6Z,-.,,, *.v.-.. 995.Z, rs ',fan Na 44....4. 4,76 A/0.2'53 '43"6" .9asis orgeoriqsN•,, I,00.3.5'43'4" 230997 h Ai 4 l''.70•0ex* 5645./0'<leas.4,s/arme io H.Z.,:te of,v/i2 A clones AY6 /Ve.A pun? -1-14.4.Pt .::@..r)undAfin in 2-,a -- A41 0,4 Pia/ 4,:s/ahee 11 1 i AFFIDAVIT I Terrace Park Associates Seve Harer . on behalf of Lake / einy uuiy sworn, declare that I am/1M @wnersof the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 0 Subscribed and sworn before me this /L'ti day of6K;6 ,„ 19 81 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Name of. r a Pun is g atur Owne p d C(. ujQY 11326 Rainier Ave . S . Addss Address) Seattle WA City) State) 772-0299 Telephone] FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every -articular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application .144 ,`, Date 'Received 19 By: Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 i 1 1 ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE ri W090 REI )N BUILDING & ZONING DE RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - o; - t APPLICAT] ON NO(S) : REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONEN1 : LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT TITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 12.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM T TO R-3 F)R A MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE, LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANGE AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. TO : l I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION tgi FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 11PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT l IPOLICE DEPARTMENT l ] POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I I OTHEFS : COMMENTS CR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P . M, ON DECEMBER % , 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED iC t S S r o/C C7--tC`/2 7' 1/67//e( 3 ,.c/7471zz. .66 0°2a vioc_ 0 d 7 71i dc47io tj s iMflicAo'50 r fM( . 4- € fr1, .ems T Pia`VI;0c` g6tJ u‘2crj r/ ` fiiw S/o"-G CC S 74Z O / <-51e Pecv/d S T C. 7Ruc7id N ME'k i(/c7 eQiO cart yS ,S'ff/x. „et iN4--7-A-4LeK3 A- &Ye f /CLeit/--C 1/ J/j aic S 2 6 S—rgesc 7a.cJ CdAIS-1 c7/ati tu- i7V cdnv-r p sePJA)A+•vc5 . 0r` DATE : A? / / % SIGNATURE CF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REI IN BUILDING & ZONING DE 3TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - ; - Rt APPLICATION NO(S) ; REZONE (R-090-81) PROPONEN1 ; LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES PROJECT 1ITLE : LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION TO REZONE 12. 5 ACRFs OF PROPFRTY FROM T TO R-3 F)R A MEDIUM DENSITY MOUSING DEVELOPMENT OF 11 TO 18 UNITS PER ACRE. LOCATION ; THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOJLEVARD BETWEEN THE RENTON GOLF RANG! AND GRIFFIN HOME AND EAST OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 12-8-82 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION IgLTRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT LI] POLICE DEPARTMENT El POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1OTHEFS : COMMENTS CR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON DECEMBER % , 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ;4,4/=J=/C 7./c/G/ll/4--tic, n APPROVED W-APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED See Attachment . DATE : / ///')Z-- SIGNATURE lUEOFDIRECTORORAUTFfORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Date circulat 02-7/8/ Corn is due : 1//3/8/ EX'VIR0XHE\TAL CHECKLI`.'T REVIEl1 SHEET E C F - 095- - V APPLICATION No (s ) . —den —8/ PROPONENT : f"'+ctr-er- Teve. PROJECT TITLE : L.t-T rretee Prk /4Ss4Pc'/QAS Brief Description 1r P k i o n o f Projectoject : kef ves f fp f.eZen e S t'74e O sv, `- 4r TS re tt fojo e°17tClr Lmnekstm,?#1iJ Off- a h// etP71",45. LOCATION : e'Girli l7 Ott'o2J sA T h 31 TE AREA : t //e2 57:Leve$ BUILDING AREA (gross ) D'. VELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) ' Topographic changes : r/ I 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water d voter courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) • Land Use ; north : east : south : vest : Land use .conflicts : V'ieu obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 1/ 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Nui:,ber of Ouellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( 11f ) : traffic. i..pac,'ts : 14 ) Public services : 11 ` ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) ! Human health : r/ 18 ) Aesthetics 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology /history : COMMENTS : Rconmenda : ion : DN cI DOS More_i Information Rec, ieved by : title : DaL r.., t: LRC-O r .s Revision 3/1981 f0/27/49/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Applica :ion : ELRQfQ"8j Ai* frair" Q `3 . alft 1L CAI iatt vt 4S CQxtd ojpt i ttlasts B p" 1i'llyif Location : VJeiniit/effai L.Wa vJ• AI. Applicant:— TO_:Public s Department ngineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 671FAV Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: T a /VUtilitiesEng. Division Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Ti Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON 1111010 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: 9 Approved El Approved with Conditions [' Not Approved DATE: /U/z8/ Signature of Director or Authorized epre entative, 4v REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved ['Approved with Conditions [] Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date circulat 4/27/ / Coma s due : f/f3,9/ E'VIVIRONHE'WTAL CIIECKLI`'T REVIEW SHUT E C F - 09c - g/ APPLICATION No (s ) - - 0-8/ PROPONENT : barer-tStie(t PROJECT TITLE : Ld., T reefee. ark l4SSeciet/es v Brief' Description of' Project : kerpeff/preJe e „5,• Y'iorr,":2Q-.3 4r v u r t o__ t_ sC S tmrt 0ini1 OP' cce4 b4-ck#44 t r••r1 LOCATION : Uo'GirliT7 0 02/ L. (4..C4itt,TOrr S(Vel. /Y SITE AREA :. fc sctrves BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEIJ NONL MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic chanc1cs : T A - 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & eater courses : tol- 4 ) i Plant life : A 5) Animal life : i ' 6) Noise : 41000. 7 ) Light glare : 8 ) . Land Use ; north : , east : south : 1 uest . land use conflicts : Viet/ obstruct ion Afar/gss ow Faye Kea.004 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset.: • It ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Ouellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( l,TE ) : traffic i pacts :` jPjfk. /rope rif f/C /I R •sr !. eAfe: l lt,ltY-0 1-. ) Public services 16 ) Utilities : f/ 17 ) Human health : 18 ) aesthetic:. : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/hist y 1_ CCM'1EN T S : U'ri,, A G e'`e-e4 e, fL AN — 2 v, /"16 C o,v S TR(' c ri o - JrbefR6r c 4901-1) ,lgirr /twa t J4" • r-, LK 44r07- III O , e v,vr ofi_ 4rerehi r.¢rrfr R-,rotmendd : ion : DN; I DOS. More Information Revieved 5y -_L l itle • 0'e-,_10-1 Da‘:, _ 1/ Z. l r, C-O Revision 3/1981 o/27/8/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: eR-0 42_"1 •S`,Ye fro/1h11 I • @ I. it-3 I reilfiLI_' lops1.tifess d o.a si s-z r'_tw Ct1ie Location:_ iciii['(y of a Il Blvd. N. _1 Applicant:j,ke °erra(ark A-si c S LQ:Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: i/ u 9/ Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:_j'T ier_Utilities Eng. Division Fir Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: P Ft(. $( S G Approved Approved with Conditions [ 'Not Approved 64-) Gut v o T A P/Rd u(TGjRRAct-- 9 /9-'PK Rezdit/ C w / ram/ our ,?? iivco2Aikn01J. CN& G 6- rR/9L ht A)) 1s.rtsc —Dt -- --DATE: ,A/2/t/ Signature of Director r Au iori zed Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date circulat 02-7/8/ Comn ;s due :` ///3,8/ EXVIR01HENTAL CHECKLIFT REVIEU SHEET ECF - O9.5- - gV APPLICATION No (s ) . 01F-470-8/ PROPONENT : Mare,- t 4e PROJECT TITLE : Lei,T rrgte Prk 4sse.cikeyes Brief Descri/ptiin of Project :v 0A-e.rOne 4,.'7 reoo,T_ K 6 r _ 7or e de op,..1G.17tt.Seon/est/n(4ns Or- a 4tha/oett7Inie4s LOCATION :lisciitily 0"e eV L.Wo s41.,4n S/vim * - SITE AREA : /Q7.Sete kes BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (9 ) : --- IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : I 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water h voter courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : v 7 ) Light & glare : c/ 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : vest : Land use conflicts : Vleu obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) PupL,lation/Lmploynent : 12 ) Nur,ber of Ovellinys :CI_I 13 ) Trip ends ( 1 1E ) : j 2-+2 € t r a f f i c 1,I.)a c t s : / _y_.1 v 2.3 C i1r l e^^ rig U c e_ -C 1:. ) Public services : I J 1 `, ) Energy : — 16 ) Utilities : t 17 ) Human health : ib ) Ae thetics: L/ 19 ) Recreation : 4/ 211 ) Archeology/history : CON 1ENTS : CP Al ei r>!--j/1-i /t.)h s / d f a e 7(-14 e e., Sr a 1a7 44.- 741 ;/ /S bee a. 3 1e__ Z.,(--.k)ti, z/i-e it.);// 1e --d ivt, -a....,c 4--'ti on o y'r+.. 4,...'74-5 rZ/Dh P-re"p..4-75-2 FY.0 4citfe R-cammeada ion : J.N`; : 'l/ DOS More Informal l?/Reviewed by : f Y,, - /oy /44, 1 itle : /r2 5-'• al s Dali. Z//3,// Revision 3/1981 ' PP RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: fElm -_4 7__Ye '&o w' R3 -E. ---_ r vtfeas a eisl' Abe ter 4 me.'s__—_ Locatioi :__Yielitiehere 1LL Applicant: j 7èF'r4cer ASSemCiOriell5 TO .Public Works Department E If4tgineeringDivisionSCHEDULEDERCDATE: Efraffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:aii ItUtilitiesEng. Division T Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON IIi* REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: j /i=f-/ E'V Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved Lake.. es. AY, -©ad vs.. P e..,a. a/C) P' c,Q+R' cv o t+<.d y-.. Q \re 24c, ' ut Qc1) a c. GLJ \r- AD llr T 1 Dui Ate. }c2. -r 'r wad Z-r,tsL1tk / DATE: %U 3 '/ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved 0 Approved with Conditions ['Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date circulat _ _ _ to/2-7/ / Com___..ts due : i//// 3/8o/ ENVIROMIE TAL CHECKLI`_'T REV'IEtl SHEET E C F - 09,E - S APPLICATION No (s ) . P-^^4Qd-B/ PROPONENT : N0.rer cctec[ PROJECT TITLE : title_ 7reet ei-/lC 4.5SSCict/eS LBriefDescriptionofProject : /9efpe 11 TGA.eZe4 s/' rido,p1 -3 e.11"^e.s een4stin/40.LS Or. ae4//CV: e t T-rr ev. LUCA T ION : 47 p a/ WA iK7 i "9/v ' SI tE AREA : /a?.Sete-vas BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : -- IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : a 2 ) ' Direct/Indirect air quality : r 3 ) Water h vater courses : c/ v ) Plant life : 5) Animal life ; 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light h glare : 8 ) - Land Use ; north : east : south : uest : land use conflicts : View obstruction : T v9 ) Natural Ct'soUrceU ; 1Ji Risk of upset ; 11 ) Popul t i on/F_mpl oymcnt. : r/ 12 ) Nuw.ber of .L`uell inys : I 1/ 13 ) I Trip ends ( l1E ) : traffic i.!,pacts : 1 ) Public Jcrviccs 1 `i ) Energy 16) Utilities : 17 ) i Hunan health : 18 ) Acsthet ics : 19 ) , Recreation :_ 20 ) Archeology/history: `__ COMMENTS : R?eommenda : ion : JN(1I DOS f/ More Information Revieved by : 444, •7_ Laic : q,'rc_ 54D- Dare •le- —8'/ r s i<J-Pb o427 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: !Q R' a o ' v Ade &ow "' jo A`" FI r Location: Vgisillere LlothugAbgaia 814• ,l. J Applicant: e PL,i AssockcileS ZQ; Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: illy 9/ T . fic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: fa piejiilitiesEng. Division ird ire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. Or AI* REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ci4- _ bfo7'- Approved Approved with Conditions [ Not Approved taller pi4/;,/e-/tekt-el-5,-/e- gor ela ei=0 c'l o w s i'o r DATE: /O Signature of Director or A th ized Repres•nt ive REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved ['Approved with Conditions [Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date circulai : /o/z7/b/ Com is due :_ ///f3f8/ EACVIROXHENTAL CHECKLI`.•T REVIEU SHEET ECF - O9S - 8/ APPLICATION No (s ) . R-0/0-6/ PROPONENT :etre,—,s.S (Lso PROJECT TI ILE : L.r` errette ark 45sec/QAS Brief Descri ff MTu_ 3 11 llPti n or Project : 'li f Gv ZeRe S/•7 An., t` wit '4 7u r e Cat rie,oPt C01174.f coniostinit4ts Orr ocelo fi eKTs LOCATION : ele.isiti4y 0` c GiZt.S`1iiti4It /V4• 4 SITE AREA : t /asetekes BUILDING AREA (gross; ) DLtELOPMENT. L COVERAGE (p) : -- IMPACT REVIEW NO,NL. MINOR MAJOR MORE INTO 1 ) Topographic change:: : I 2 ) Direct/lndirr'ct air quality : 3 ) Water d valor cuuI'. ; : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light .4 glare : 6 • Land Use ; north :_ Grl`nfj';'n / , Q east :(Jey•e oho south :17ol'Ff rk..p Pkft e vest : P1.0 elC (Unler4ns/reie. i'on and use conflicts Viev obstruction : Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : i1 ) PopulJtictr,/t.mployctent. : 1.. Nur.ber of .'vellin,l:, : 1 5 ) Trip ends ( 1 tf ) . c9_9.87 ?`'reps/da;v(/aAP. 4410.tA• 3h 7,S— traftraffic i '.)a( ts :1 ( "51 QJJre O uNI•f/ I YI/rK-Z YI I 1 ) Energy 16 ) Utilities : . 17 ) Hunan health : IS ) Aesthetics ; 00 19 ) Recreation : V 20 ) Archeulouy ;'histury : CJM'IENTS : R-,romnenda tun : DN; I DOS l More Information ri,2 v i e v e d b y : Te ve Anson SS, da K 4/44,1e 1 Date circulat _Z R C o m...,,..t d u u 1/! 3,8/ ENVIRONMENTAL CIIECKLIFT REVIFu SHEET E C F - OQSr - 8/ APPLICATION No (s ) . —49Q0-'8/ PROPONENT : MarertS4ect PROJECT TITLE : Ldt rrctee f, k Ssc,z s VABriefDescriptionofProject_ : /9e'ved710resa e S/7Le' o,r, T -3 1 t 'y Lr e k ey+i4 opt eoatt t Cmrrloininizie S OP- adio/ ,&(II:m evds LOCATION : ei 6e_irt i T st 0'' c / I WA S41.0/ph ,9/Q < SITE AREA : ,Ittla2.sa.cres BUILDING AREA (gross ) ---- DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : -- IMPACT REVIEli NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INrI) 1 ) Topographic ' changes r 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 1 3 ) ,later & eater courses : 1/ v ) Plant life : r IX 5 ) Animal life ; 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light a glare : 8 ) • Land Use ; north : east : south : vest : land use conflicts : Viev obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : V 10 ) Risk of upset : r 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Ni ber of r?vellings : 1 3 )' Trip ends ( 1 ii ) : traffic ii.pacts : 1 . ) Public services : I ' )I Energy : 16 )r Utilities : V i7 ) Human health : i ) Aesthetics : V 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : R,commenda 'zion : /D N; I_ __ DOS M More Information _ Rai ieved by : l itle : OTlG(Tycti!(elhlELt2/K6- F.1: 1: cRC-Pb Revision 3/1981 VP MN RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET etniApplication: tL l, A,Ye fro I" ! , To 3 "I r' Crhar_deAtelOptitei4±46._ecutafartlitithits_Ackr_Apiticur Locati o 1 : i=jgiji eff a1 L.Waili.t mot[. Applicant: 1 Q 7ert gjrjAsododes LQ;public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE:I/ 9/ T fic Eng. Division SCHEDULED !TEARING DATE:la I 1WilitiesEng. Division ml Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON il1i'. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: c bei/0 Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved ito r p14 e 57 4= gor- Tit r eca ci'i- G c/o c4.) s r r a r l e c/, a DATE: /O ",,2 °-- / Signature of Director or A th ized Represent ive REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Oru.ir y 7J0Ep7'. Approved [ pproved with Conditions Not Approved S 1E vier sE 51.7)E l(.i DATE: f - Signature of Director or Autho ized Representative J7'/L/T7/ ,ENG/ri!rE,E,e UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO 14"29 - LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • WATER NO LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - SEWER pJ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - WATER ebniM. PAC. CONK. CEi6-. SYSTEM DEYELOPML'IT CHARGE - SEWER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER ND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT IPA CrR GE SFWER No APPROVED WATER PLAN YES APPROVED SEWER PLAN 6S APPRUVED FIRE HYDRAtii LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. YR FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS S CITY OF RENTON RE701IE APPLICATION OR OFFICE USE ONLY LAND USE HEARING' LICATIOND` - l /NO.EXAMINER 'S ACTION PPLICATION FEE $ APPEAL FILED ECEIPT NO. CITY COUNCIL ACTION ILING DATE ORDINANCE NO. AND DATE EARING DATE 10,-LICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 19 : Name LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES Phone 772-0299 Address c/o Bryn Mawr Properties , 11448 Rainier Ave . S. , Seattle , WA 98178 Property petitioned for rezoning is located on 21 Lake Wash. Blvd. between golf driving range and Griffin Home for Boys Square footage or acreage of property app. 12-1/2 acres Legal description of property (if more snace is required, attach a separate sheet) See attached Exhibit "A" Existing Zoning Mobile Home Park c1' Zoning Requested Medium y for Multi-Family use('{-3 ) 1OTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure Sheet for specific requirements . ) Submit this form in duplicate. Proposed use of site A high quality, attractive , multi-family development consisting of condominiums and/or adult apartments . It would be completely fenced or screened, together with security gate , or like amenities , to assure privacy and security. List the measures to be taken to reduce impact on the surrounding area. The existing topography of the land , partially hillside , is such that any development would not impact any surrounding area; it would be property fenced or screened; it would not affect any view of the few residential dwellings located to the east of the site , and below freeway 4US . 9 . How soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to develop the site? Due to the present financial market for development, it is anticipated that a period of 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 years is required to perfect financing and development; prior notice to the existing mobile home tenants would exceed the period required by statute. 0. Two copies of plot plan and affidavit of ownership are required.li Planning Dept. 1-77 7Wawtb properties Planning Department City of Menton Municipal :Building 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, Washington Re: Justification of Rezone for Lake Terrace Park from Trailer Court to Multi family Medium Density. Gentlemen, The intentions of Lake Terrace Associates are to develoe a high quality, multi- fmily project which would be an ,.sset to any community. The site is Lake Terrace Trailer Park. It is situated above the new expansion of Gene Coulon Park. The west property line, Lake Washington Boulevard, separates the site from the new city p rk. The east boundary is hillside incapable of being built on, and high enough such that no buildings would interfere with the few residents on top of the hill. The south boundary line is the present golf range and no other buildings occupy the land di- rectly to the south. The north boundary line is the Griffen Home for boys. Therefore there are no neighborhoods to be adversely -+ffected by a change from trailer park to high quality multi-family. The site will require little earth moving or work that would disrupt the existing topography. No adverse impacts on the enviornment or quality of life will occur. This is true , especially since it has beLn used as a trailer park for the past twenty one years. We feel a great improvement can be made to the community by upgrading the site to a modern, architecturally pleasing, multi-family community. Under current, and past Norteast Renton Comprehensive Plans, the site has been designated for high density (R-4). We are petitioning for a rezone to medium density, R-3). Under a medium density zoning the area would e .perience minimum impact as the existing facilities presently accomadate approximately 200 people. At this time we can't come to the Planning Commission with our finished design for the project. Two major items preclude us from doing this. One is the relocation of the trailer park residents. We are following closely the progress of the new King County mobile home park being developed near Valley General Hospital. This will aide in absorbing the units seeking new spaces. Secondly we have the current problem of finance. We have been advised by a number of financial institutions, that because of current market con- ditions, it will take a year or two before conditions will permit financing for a pro- ject of this type. They will not invest the time in considering financing before the appropriate zoning requirements are met. This project will require a substantial amount of capital. Therefore we would like to start our planning so that we will be able to build when the economy starts to pick up. For this reason we would like to have the zoning completed so that we know we can proceed with medium density devel- opment. Of course all plans will have to be brought into Renton Planning Department as we progress, so that the development will be in compliance with Renton's building and zoning requirements. Yo s Truly Steve arer Lake Terrace Assoc. 11448 Rainier Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98178 206)772-0299 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. 2 - 0 I0 X/ t Environmental Checklist No. .L21 'f.5 -4/ PROPOSED, date:FINAL , date : 11 Declaration of Significance El Declaration of Significance Declaration of Non-Significance El Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS : Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment.The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE : This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: c/o Bryn Mawr Properties 11448 Rainier Ave. So. Seattle, Washington 98178 3. Date Checklist submitted 1981 4. Agency requiring Checklist Planning Dept., City of Renton, WA IMO 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: N/A 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements , and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : This site, consisting of app. 12-1/2 acres, abuts Lake Washington Blvd. and is located partially on a plateau and hillsite to the west of freeway 405; it is to be rezoned to either medium or high density, or a combina— tion of the two (R3, 4614. It fully complies with the existing City's Comprehensive Plan, last revised Jan. 1980, which designates this property as high density. The proposed development will consist of high quality, attractive and exclusive condominiums and/or apartments, or a combination of the two, with complete fencing or screening surrounding the site, security access and other amenities usually found among exclusive developments of this type. The architecture would be typically Northwest 2- 0 and compatible with the contemplated extension of the Gene Coulon Lake' Washington Park immediately to the west of the subject site. 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : The site is located to the east of and abutting Lake Washington Blvd. North. It has unobstructed views of the lake, the Olympics, the east shore of Mercer Island, and the proposed City park. The existing use is for mobile homes and ispresently terraced. It is anticipated that the existing terracing would be utilized in the proposed development for the construction of condominiums and/or apartment units. 8. Estimated date to completion of tie proposal : 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 years depending on financing; rezone is required by financing institutions as a condition to mortgage commitments_ I 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : As required by City of Renton ordinances 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion , or further activity related to or connected with this proposal ? If yes , explain : See answer to paragraph 9 and above 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes , explain : None 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: None II . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic X substructures? YES MAYBE NO b) Disruptions , displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? X YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief X features? ES MAYBE T — d) The destruction , covering or modification of any X unique geologic or physical features? YES M NO 4101 e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? X YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation , deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Some earth moving will be required in the development of the site but preserving in substance the existing topography of terracing and smoothing out the hillside and banks. 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: E ) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air X quality?YES MAYBE NO b) The creation of objectionable odors? X YES M— E TO-- c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature , or any change in climate , either locally or X regionally? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable. p 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents , or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? X YES MAYBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or X the rate and amount of surface water runoff? YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE NO d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water X body? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X YES MAYBE f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of X ground waters? YES MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection , or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria , X or other substances into the ground waters? YES MAYBE NO i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available X for public water supplies?TEE— MA-Y B E NO Explanation: Drainage pattern facilities will be engineered as f,Pr City requirements and specifications; residential water consumption will increase over existing consumption by mobile home park tenants; exact amount of excess presently unknown. 4) Flora. Will the proposalresult in: a) Change in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of flora (including trees , shrubs , grass , crops , X microflora and aquatic plants)? YET M YBE NO IND b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique , rare or X endangered species of flora? YES HA—YBE NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing X species? YES MAYBE d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X YES WEE NO Explanation: There is no anticipated change as the site has been in use as a mobile home park for over 20 years, and the area to be developed is substantially same as the existing improvements. 4- Is , 5) Fauna. 4i11 the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles , fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , X insects or microfauna)? YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? X YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? X YES MAYBE NO d) Dete\rioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation : See paragraph 4 above. 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The existing noise levels most likely will decrease by reason of new construction and soundproofing of buildings as compared to mobile home parks. 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or X glare? Y MAYBE Explanation: Not applicable 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the X present or planned land use of an area?YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The change will be from a mobile home park to a medium nr high density multi-family zone as depicted on the City's Comprehensive Plan. 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including , but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location , distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population X of an area? Vt M BE Explanation: There will be an increase in density over the prPepnt mite which contains approximately 100 mobile home units. r 5- 12) Housing.. Will the proposal affect existing housing , or X c-eate a demand for additional housing? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Approximately 90 to 100 trailer homes will require removal upon commencement of construction. Every effort will be made to relocate existing mobile home tenants, if they so desire, to other like facilities. that is the primary reason this development project must be long range, i.e.l-1/2 tc 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in : 2-1/2 years from date of a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X approval, YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking? YES MAYBE X c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? O YES MAYBE NO d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? X YES MAYBE NO ie) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X YES MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: It is anticipated there will be some increase in the traffic on Lake Washington Blvd. due to additional residential family units over and above the present mobile home park. There will be an increase of traffic on Lake Washington Blvd. due to the proposed park development. 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon , or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? X YES MAYBE NO b) Police protection? X YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? X YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities?X YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , including roads? X YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in : a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy?X YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X IND YET— MABE 3 Explanation: Not applicable 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities : X a) Power or natural gas? YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? YES MAYBE 0 c) Water? X YES MAYBE NO 6- d) Sewer oVOCCOMOLXIXXXXX X YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? X YES MAYBE NO f) Solid waste and disposal? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Existing facilities are now on sanitary sewer system, and the existing sewer capacity is deemed adequate to accommodate the proposed development. 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X YES Miff NO Explanation: Not applicable. 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive X site open to public view? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: The proposed development, on the contrary. will enhance the existing and surrounding premises and will substantially improve the neighborhood. 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical X site, structure, object or building? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Not applicable III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: signed) name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 rirr- N, il EXHIBIT A PARCEL A: That portion of Government Lot 2 in Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5, East . 1741 .7in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of Lake Flash i iig tun Boulevard; except that portio t. .led as Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of pleats, page 86, in King 1" It;, h t Washington; Together with that portion of vacated Souti:exist 1.00th Street (formerly known a g Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attach by operation of law; PARCEL B: Lots 39, 40 and 41, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of I page 86, in King County, Washington; except that portion of Lot 41 conveyed to King County i road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1020457; Together with that portio vacated Southeast 100th Street (formerly known as Mildred Avenue) adjoining, that would attc by .operation of law; PARCEL D: Lot 27, Eldon Acres, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page in King County, Washington; PARCEL E: That portion of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as ' Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 26, Eldon'Acres, according to the plat recorded : Volume 11 of Plat,. age 86, in King County, Washington; thence West 172 feet to the true p beginning; thence West to the , .lit of_ intersection of the South line of Tract 27, Eldon Ac with the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5; thence Sout to the North line of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington G ::ten of Eden, Division No. 5, accordi Ai to the plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 83, King County, Washington; thence Eas I to a point South of the true pa: nt of beginning,; thEnc ., t.lt to the true point of beginnin I,i except that portion thereof 1,i::3 Easterly of the Wenterly Eiarc,in of the abandoned right-of 200 feet in width) of Pacific Coast Ra:iirc..•1 Company. 7 '.-- tie i I t ct 1 i i 1• t t' I 1` F J o be toots wily w+nen ail ooneafions nave U.:n i::,:.i ie.fcr me note ana MI5 deed of trust. 1" 0 I-To: TRUSTEE. The undersigned is the legal owner and holder of the note and all other indebtedness secured by the within Deed of Said note, together with all ether Indebtedness secured by said Deed of '1'.;:::t, lea:; bc':i•. fully pond and satisfied; and you arc by requested and directed, on payment to you of any sums owing to you under the ter,,is of said Deed of Trust, to cancel sai shove mentioned, and all other evidence of indebtedness secured by sand Deed el Trust delivered to you herewith,togetht the said Deed of Trust, and to reconvey, without warranty, to tl.e ii ii'l; det.i„noted by the terms of said Deed of Trust, 1 estate now held by you thereunder. Dated . 19 j Mimi! roconveyanty to_ FII. PARCEL A : THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 AN i411H I P ?A NORTH, F; AN'..;E EAST , W. 11. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHI;1,,ION,Afi;RLY OF LAKE WASH1 NG1U BOULEVARD ; EXCEPT THAT PORTION PLATTED A`, E..:LUU i ACRES , ACCORDING TO ( HE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PA (iL L'oe IN KlNt) COUNTY , WAS1-HI1iG1UN TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED SUUTHCA.ST 100TH STREET ( FORMERLY KNOWN AS MILDRED AVENUE ) ADJOINING, THAT 1110.:1k ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LA1011PARCELB : LOTS 39, 40, AND 41, ELDON ACRES, AGCOM t. .L ifi.: I"L AT RECORDED) IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PACE 86, IN KING ('.t.J+.N ;1, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 41 CONVEYED TO KIN3 PUR:;USES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO,. '.O20 `i1' ; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED SOU1HL:AS'I' 100TH STREET ( FORMERLY KNOWN AS MILDRED AVENUE) ADJOINING, TWt 4JDULE) A") TACHED BY OPERATION OF LAW; PARCEL. C . THAT PORTION OF LOT 28, ELDON ACRC:S,' ACi C ,1 i D THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 36, IN KING CO=.. 41Y, rl!NG' ON , LYING WESTERLY C A STRAIGHT LINE EXTENDING FROM A POINT ON HIS. :;:",UT11 LINT: OF SAID LOT, DISTANT 122 FEET WESTERLY OF THE SOUTNC:AST (,O:r,.N,. 10 A POINT ON THE NORTt LINE OF SAID LOT , BEING 23G FEET W i STERLY E : 1': NORTHEAST CORNER OF SALE LOT; PARCEL 0: LOT 27, ELDON ACRES, ACCORDING TO THE PEAT I;:.. ' . DE) IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 86, IA KIN3 COUNTY, WA'',HiN';1i_' PARCH, E : THAT PORTION OF TH:1 NaJH HALF OF 1 .1 ICI; OF THE NORTH'wES1 QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 N N.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS BeGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACE 2C., ELDON ACRES , ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE U&,. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE WEST 172 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WEST TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF TRACT 27 , ELDON ACRES,. WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH TO THE NORTH LINE OF C.D. HILLMAN' S LAKE WASHIN 1 GARDEN OF EDEN, DIVISION NO. , ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDE'• IN VDE 11 OF .PLATS , PAGE 63 , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE EAST T A POINT SOUTH OF THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH TO THE TRUE POINT OF ' BEGINNING; EXCEPT 1-HAT PORTION THERI1F LYING EASTERLY OF THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED RIGHT-OF-WA': i2O0 FEET IN WIDTH) OF PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY. 0 raacn Acres ada by wly of in r.:, iscn pt c:1 i::::.' .t ; ;; a,. i.o" to ,tIn236wlyofN.E. cc,r IGW per c:T S.E. eta.i r: ;<,n of y Led pelly place nor1,1hiy ..Y2g on t?,c 1/::mot bouP: L m TOGETHER WITH vacated portion of 4 P.,,.;e• Two The under•ittned Grantor reduentn that a ,opy of any N,,tare of Defa:alt ant t •ny Not“.t: of Sale hereunder be availed to him at the address h reinliefore set forth. 1 104. i t a) of the Grantor(s)on d c„....., ay and.yft ar tare tie v,ritte . l WITNESS he han an •l'7 ft......4-.Z4 4' ',• '.'',':-- ...- 1;..-7:-ii Cc; rd M. ellan p Q....1. L. iarma J.,,N ini--,-..... ,/.. sir/ 410E3 1+1. 1 r`C0 7i • 4../ ( - - f1t l--d—t. c. r C :LtI' -0 - n:1CCo 4...z.-..,e. . .e..,-- ta„,(_/._ Ae,....4.. z/t STATE OF WA H•NGTO.J I s. f! '9~ ' t COUNTY OF /.-vrr Nancy - Fu:"°-i 4 A.U., 19_.-:'-.2'_..-, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pub-y day of December On this Gerard M. Shen.an & Barbara J lic• in and for t e State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally app eared __:w__ h+ellan;Alex Cugi i,Jr. & Norma J. C_ugini; Mike W. Lotto & MarjorieL.. Lotto; Tom Tobacco & Nina t5b8GGO;J.SteVe H rer &Nancy L. 1{arCrto me known to be the individual or individuals described in and who executed the with- in and foregoin' instrument, and acknowledged to me that the. V signed and sealed the said instrument as_._—.._-----• their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WiTNES• my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. c ary Pub1:. in it for the State of Washington, I r: :• ag at._ .•a'f, STATE OF WASli!NG'fON l 1 v.F. COUNTY OF On the _______day ot. r.. ______ __ __ _ , A.D., 19_..._.._.._, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pub- lie in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally ..ppearcd ..___._._....__ President and and to me known to be the, ___---. .----.---_--w— _ r._._ Secretary, respectively, of the cur;ae;ation that executed the within and foregoing in- strument;an. acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and pur- poses t1•- mentioned, end on oath each :dated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the c., rat of said corporation. lfiirirr.SS my hand and cfficial•seal hereto affixed the day anti year in this c,:rtificate above written. Notaary Public in and for the State of Washington, REQUEST I'OR FULL 1R& ':`•;i•' ONCE To be used ditty e:'liert all obligations have been paid c :r t ae. r<te and this deed of trw;l. 4-TO: TRUS EE. The ndersigned is the legal owner and holder of the note and all other indobtc'dne;t‘ :..ccwred by the within Deed of Trust Said note, nether with all other indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, has been fully paid and satisfied; and you are herebyrequestdanddirected, on payment to you of any sums owing to you under the tarns of said Deod of Trust, to cancel said not above'men toned, and all other evidence of indebtedness seare the ysaid 1)10dostlof Tru:ttbydeliveredthe to ofyaid Deedou herewith, Trust, together all witl h the said Deed of Trust, and to reconvey, without warranty, parties estate now,held by you thereunder. Dated 19 Mail reeonveyance to I 1K t y '"C {'T 1 1'"i'.'''a. v'::. M1 r+w, is c ~. W ACs Y i i , : p kd ftor ccicl d al L' 1u,W:.t of x W.L.EUENO.-- Itir a:... wu.. ....,,....,...•. c.w,: W;,' .. •:.::: 1:';_. c.•,...:. Risw—=' G•ZZ."'.SSG-= .:.=,=.---- -.._.. FORM L .5 NT, receiver for V:n rd Corporation,to clear title to Sheriff's Deed re--rcl in the nC'iJI y a; as Va.: T4lE Ga low , de r real estate incorrectly r e 7..• <<:r: judgment against the following described y ,f c": theu deed from Thomas ai stVa undercording No. 7706290305 cut c• m+ av s I I. Cooke, and to Court H.Ce at.>'f.::'T_' of ,[Y".....i3. i pursuant Corporation inand Corporation, in order, r r rye Li!)Y!'f No. 790 l1.70 14, to oho H. Current, No. receiver8forord under I C ' right, or County Cause enor rd Corporation had or has any the titlello rrng h Thomas H. Cooke nor Vanguard t:','fci C0:'tPOI2ATI a, rieitl to TrSXII N I,I'1'I interest, conveys quit claims} County of I'in J 4 des real estate, situtat Cairo: ee:ribod venter may hereafter acquire:I f t therein which { a ccludg-S way interest Grata of Washington 50It'`TA©"3 : tw no per ?1,a3 ;, recorded in of Eldon Loren ,eo FrangrecordedCounty , lyingedi That portion oflPlaLotta ,a2 age CG , records of P point on the South lino Volume l y1 of P l ne el to^d`i n€t from ar f the o th line Westerly r a diotant 122 feet Westerly 2 i i feet Tract , North line of oca.el Tract , corner said point on the No to a corner thereof; Place North, Westerly from the Northeast vacated Polly• portion of Place t ortgDE^at TOGETHERL WITH that P Avenue end 102ne. tort ) Leon l.vc.W... • o said propertyY ALSO ILtJQ I 5 CaaPr a t ° ° 0 e;teacher` t by e1 j oinfn8 jt a ct o P a v3 , is operation of la's° v„f 47nsh£mton. r ,r in the County of King, State Situate day sfi( atcd Chis Yi Y 44 a,.'i -- 1._+ _.._._ISEA 7 i F`\!° ' STATE OF WASHINGTON, s . i County of King for Van Co T•.t:p , ,.,,. t.t.nt, receiver before me JC .1 II. C1.^.;... . Vanguard meni On this day PeYOcaally appeared executed the within and fo:teB°. h' described in and who free and volunt y arOlicT.'.jkl.., f to be t::© individual to me known 13; 1.8',n'J'S ttlo 6C ea acknowledged that = r , _ \ therein Fyc tlerad. L% T- ..-,` uses and purposes y ix y+- day of %' f and official anal this 1 / von ,. under my hand a 1- li GIVEN fit f s _.. Jf4 r' /' t ebti.c An and son ,tkt state driiJO.LG.ny__ .. r ry t SHORT FORM DEED OF TRUS.•,,.. a 28TH D r;1:MBI:,R 79 Tins n :Eno : ..ittti" u. made no,. el,,•. ,i i o .. Gerard i. Shellan & Barbara J. Shel)im, his wife; Alex Cugini,-Jr'. & Norma J. Cugini, i3lsTwl:I.N his t' e.i._ N!,Y,c [ . Lotto & 1-trjorin--T,.. .I-oftnk .la ,3. wff.(',_ ?(ym.Tubac.e..c) ,Ft._..I I.ina.._p_r..._TQbacco, I wife; J. Steve darer & Nan .y J. Hnrer, his w , '1eh ar; to i interest );;11 r.anl ,I Ce Terrace A3socie tcs, a Joint Venture; t" :whul:o'ac{dreg; t:;._,. .__.___._. P.O. I ,1:6Y.,'..), I c..i.3t::)n, i. t :,h ington 98055 ..._..., olioand _ PIONEER tt11 IQNAL_ CTT1 .' f ,:;UILr1L't.l,;, COP1Pt1 ,' as 'l•riu;tee, r 19 Second A.::'(-wi3 Se t• le ' hinar'11 ll;l,"! (' whose address L•:...._ s_-'=.' .. .:'> .. _.cY _1...... and IT;TENS FED3 I ,t.I, SAVINGS AND i \t 1 ,') T. ? d 1'.'\ .-_... fat, ciar , AVENUE, S T,, 7 t• , 9810140( 5TH -..-.— 3It.1 s'I 1 , '7A)h iP.it.;I`t)P1 whose address Is.. Grantor hereby irrecocab!y _;rank. b.,:t; .i1t, :,c ,.., and c ';., I ., .,.,t: . lh , .::er of .,aft, at::' f'.111t)wi11; dt':;- Iisrlt)errl property '; i.'uunt'•, lT : ,„ .' .. P1e, se re . :r to E hii A <:ttL.oi -- 1 1 .'reto iT 1 t::.. !:, i .... ..... ... TOGETHER WI CH all the tenements, herecl:tainentr d appurtenance.;, now or ht:e.:flor :her:unto belonging or in anywise uppertatuink, and the rents, issues and nrof115 thereof then pr:.f:crty or ni±,, • of ; kind or nature whatnot.ver further set forth in the Master F rm Deed of Trust t::i;fter refs:,, eu, ;'liff;JLC'i', IIOWEVEN, ''I Co: right, power and authority hereinafter given to and conferrer upon Benefic=arl .,Beet and apply sot h rents, 11151.1e1.1 and p10i11 t THIS DEED IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING PEtt•ON"1 i` , e let a nit •1 r, 11 ,r rn'•orporated by reference or contained herein aid paymenti,n.,a ent of the sumof_--Si?i HUNDItE i)—I l if •;.Y`',_('.LH11_. ' i'.)._-JJ.^'.)....ti_Q .f0TNS _ D')LLA tt 645,000. 00t'0 t ., t , I , r'. :. 'te .,. II dolt. herewith pay-ail i:)tt-.:., , ti ,:rein a.,, : cl1::i•, tic• Iv,..,.. ; i,; :.. ,,. . ., r f y. mile Po Beneficiary r order.ait:I ea:ti• by ( 11 renewal. , rl:.dti. a:vote.; ,r ... 1!., ,t .1, .1(1(1 ale .,ut!t tulther sums as toay be advanced or loaned by Beneficiary to (>r.i a , or any •.,i 01e•11. ', .,t e: eor'. . . .. .. .. . ...1y.rtfu•r with Inhere:.I thereon at ;.uch rule as shall be agree upon. By executing a d delivering this Deed of 'Trust and the Note secured ht'rohy, Ito- p:rtit'r, agree that all provisions of Para- graphs I through 35 it elusive of the Master Forrn Deed of Trust I reinaitor ri'ferred hi, except such paragraphs as are specifically excluded or modified erein, are here!.y itl('orl)itratt^c! herein b mile:octet. and maidi' :!) Integra! part hereof for all purposes the same as if set tor' in at length, and the (rr.intnr hereby make:, s,:11I cott'a,:nls and ..cirri':, to ti:':@y podium all al said previsions The Master , d lit'l'ni.l alaoea referred to r.as recorded on tho t.lt1•t;t:."ItIth I. :li; t1.11 of ,Illy, Iti•tt1t, in the (IIIu'ial Records of the oflices;A;• ..,. t'iiaty Auditor:- of the {nllaitnr'' counties in t4ashtIi too to ttt;' hunt.. intl at the page designated alter the name of each county, ti)-,.it At'l1ITOR"; At f)ITr1R'S C'OItNTV In Ug CAR L'.'•I . I'A_GP: Jf)( , l 11.fi NO. t t'.,"; .'Y I; oil VOL. 1'Af:i•. NO. DILL: NO. Adaraa 2 0 Recent. 1 % . 1,13-10 I?2987 I.,':•.: so; t Rec. IIt9_1-142 725562 satin M:-rolilrnrd (In3er Auditor':. no. 101896 1 :a l u' ,(. '•..,,0:..,goy 776-7 79 31 b59fi Denton 2.1 of Official lice. ri');A-f.' 12931 ht.:r,.-n I; r! Ott 1•rame 8.!5-:t38 2.16018 Chelan 6118 cf Official Rec. 1682-1685 681844 7.,,a-,',:.an r 1.1:elKnp,e•( 1.17.519A 560658 Ctull:tm 315 cf Official Rec. 195-194 t03176 I'.: ,i,,• tr;iu :.<: Re:. 649-02 55707 Clark Au.. Micr,fi;m Na. 70:: ,;'/- 2 G+',•.. •19253 1'c .ha:8-11 126854 Caltriitbtr 9 of Deed,Deed,a- rl I' 1115 t'oe, I ..f .:i. . 707-710 2250799 Cowltir 747 cf Offiri:a !dec. 2.14—:!37 675475 l uian 1.11,•,•1. 4',v.}a2 69282 Oe:ugisis i25 of Mortg.ives I.!11-1::1 151893 I,,l,:t iol ltet. 60-il.I 716277 Ferry 8 of 1)oo:is 413-416 153 un150a , ,.iauo f I.Itw•. 41-44 70197 t:r.•.-i''in 11 tf Off iri::I tdr. . 1.18-I 11 I0963b Soul,.'1 nett: i.c,.,i I'.rc. °.40-!::4.t 204.15.19 Garfield Si rofil: . ,"'Ier A.nlit.ir' 13044 a, 1.: . . 1762ti7C Grunt 44 f Rec. Io-u'. 373.116 18241 n'r„ 1•197 390635 Grays 'bubo, 21 of (ict:c,al 31-34 207544 1't:.r:lt,r,t 1 :... ,.. ::. .. , •1.734 78.5350 Island 181 f Official Rec. 710-71.3 211628 W'.,taa.,kuct I • 1 i..1 ,,c,;es 89-92 24732 Jefferson 4 f Official I:ec. 316-3t')196853 Wall., li.,ila r , 1 ,.. 711-714 495721 e II,•M1,,,'I Sc,,. BSS.858 1047522 King 5690 of Rai;s. 41b-•ti 1 ba823U V;I:,,t:::n, Kitaap 924 f Official lice. 480-4:13 934770 Sh,u.•,,n io-.'. 91-204 382282 Kittitas III of Mortgages 361-361 348693 V,:icicna I: ". O:i,c,al Ptec. 147.150 2170555 Klicititat 101 of Mortgages - 107-1t0 1.31095 A copy of such Master Form Deed of Trust is hereby ftirni•..F:rd to the l:i're ,ii ''xe,ul lug this Deed of 'trust and by executing thin Deed of Trust th Grantor acknowledges rei a:pt.of such Masaor Farr, Deed of 'l•r:u.t. t . fhe pi-utterly tv 'eh it: the taiblett of the; Deed of Tru.a i•. not used linen tii,,;it, r 1 r1r.•ariIV far agricultural or farming putt- poses. ORM NO. 1 u40T•REV. 12.67 r jl st L_RCVENUE STAMPS THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECOTDIT'SED Four N3tioual 1itEa insurance Cuml _ WASP iND1. ".N TITLE DIVISION l.I t'ited for Record at Request of i 1 HO . GERAGHT'' & VANDERHOEF 1010 Dexter Horton 33ldg. Seattle, Wash. 981.04 W-.___ __ --- __ ._ FOrIM L5D Statutory Warranty Doed CORPORATE FC';::MA'a THE GRANTOR " I-IN H. CURRENT, as R ct ive: VANGUARD CORPORATION, For and a cn sideratiort TEN ($10. 00) DOLLARS and cat.h:.j. valuable consideration in hand paid, conveys and warrants to G.T'.:I c:'I?,D M. ;',IIa 11 1N iri:1 l l 'f 1 ,T. S!IELL N, husband and wife, as to an ividcd 1/5 interest; ALEX C t?t.;1NI E-n..d . 7 , •I , GUGI I, husband and wife, as to an uh.vided 1/5 interest, MI•I0; W. iffinDand i Y.TTO, husband and wife, as sty '.TOM TOBACCO and NI NA D. r.;. 1;\CC husband and wife astoanundivided1/5 interest;c.), hlt. : to an undivi 1/5 interest; and J. SIEVE iU\-,F;R and I'^_2 C:'Y 1;. Iy.I31?R, husband and wife, as to an and vide-•d 1/5 interest, doing busi t"!4^ss ar.; },i-:' '1'4:`: _ :... issoci.etes, a joint venture, the fo11 ing described real estate, situated in VIT...? Chr. .y of King, State of Washing .i ; LOT 27, nDcN ACRES, PECOPDrnG TO THE PLAT r:ECu.T9 D R1 •tfOT,x' II OF PLA S, PAGE 86, RCOMS 0.c' KING COUT•JTY, lIP,:_...,.Ni"..:; ,:1, :';.T"Ui7rE IN SEC II01`.4 5, TOWNSHIP 2:3 NO.R7 .,'s:CI 5 1 W.11, I'' g County I :-t:... .,; Ta::: P•: Jc..2.Nbcr 32., ?IV, Li'....,,_.c ?-' 0574320.) IN WIT:'ESS WHEREOF, said e:t pu .ztion ha; csewve.:1 thi; in,'r!tont he executed by its proper officers and itn .,'to sal to be hereunto<fi :cd th:3 2 - , i.;:_ of 1,'C. i yJ.:1:1',aUtli''1) CO P.i. t:%I.'.ATI.ON 90uI e' ;? r?t.C'.<.d Roc iVeWsident. l` Secretary. STATE OF ASIIINGTON, ss. County of ING 4 On this day of j'_: Y- Y before me, the undersigned, a Notary f'ub is in and for the State of %ashing n, duly coma i;ioned a:1d r-worn, personally appeared JOIN IfH. CURRENT XP"' N':':' to me known ti be the igctsR XXXXXXXX)N9Nt= 111 l',?XI{f court-appointed Receive . of the corporatio that executed the foregoing instrument, arid acknmvledf:;cd the said in;,trmnent to be the free and voluntary act , d deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he i- authorized to execute the said instrument and that the .I.i afiized is the corps ate 'seal of said corporation. Witness hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year I st above written. I R'r f rr Public in and for the State J shiagton, re'sidiraj; at Seatt.a.e ii'.......•--". iT!C1,.7•6771 •'::•.:C: T•M: at.•: S.7'• .-.7Tif>• • I :' :.!lli. /PErr•'• -•• LiSk )> • ' 'a'_ l o a.ilT••:sa- .•. al••)-'f) I. •.., ••r•. .••• - ;.tiIQ itt••.. t't. • ..-. a.IJa.`,:r:i•t. A31f3••f.• : ,.>,^ ':•tit Qt.'-IJ••'.T .[!)rra ... ::V!:aSA:)•ic:Tfv"t{5•. -.....•Z p9 ; —Suurh&u, 1jt. .::,-S , .••7,,..t:aiTa:C:Tti.4., .:.j. . -:S:..cr .• 1 aitC :•I ••'•f• ::•tJ/ w•C !t:as•:?' T!Cr1.'•_•' p iJIC L.>S •. S•)7.cm.:VIA. '.:S:Av:tr•.•- •L-.. 1•' a-YrT'•Ii al • :,T1.•C'••--'4BI• 4,1TYR •i4.1iL.II•i•• .1.•7• -•••fr t:.•);',• I • -Se ••C! 11i. I![7T4r.f .C. f• b •*- w:1.- i1:1 • .::::t.'+•r :[•-_• a :^+ 3y•,• .1: Z a .Ntiffi - .r .l' A.kAYuTr.: •! ••ra,r, 4. a;: .ili/,)e 4toft'IJ^ c loC rS.vK• -• .r Ai:w' • ....fiL1••s _ 11rl- iS. ?. ftStU. {• , : • 197.:3i6 4/me --) \ \ n [J rr. d. Viajam7. YY i3its- J rz i_,:: N encroachrrenf,yirr, Nle' fence17-fr':--01. VJ7iS„W yijy /•;, Fed-71/C1' ''LGY't /ci2 31tP7'. d o!' .'rah !/.77 .,'ci'o< 115i IT nutL COi/74, ofC0r'ttotZ27v s, z, N003;;5d3J9Parcel Bi1ah V^0°3TiS"C et td' , I •29441C •'35.77 oLeQen1t, t. `',.• d,1C'39'3-1" / Ip•/!•02'2J' . 1,, OFound- menGnrri, I\ ; Nwl a1•• I.N. OPSet :'r"Re•tor, r/P.'sticCopy,'LJa al II- PC»erPaid bImo* ti...Wej/ere.'VL,neof(°o/mirlcid . z)• vQaP9d .'A' (4bo/Voned) UaI''hGine. CDlieuransNica frG -dnof"dirtn/asbino el, Ad'df,ion•L),ruten1.15.5, 1SouthI/feo.'c:danAcres fofile.ifyoffaatfie. Yal.i,n9eBJ , i .'Q ` Y.Ifne.ih [!IG ICa'33.431 ' P2b45b.t-.( ' __ 975.2/ rbI'•'enL10_, ,;9rusa,eo:. /44apore oj, 5 — NOJ°33'S'E13C997M ,U;q (;vner - v fGA/00'33 "43"E9as, o/3earrrgs o45.lO,<Seaa. Grrra„re !o (/Gs! ef.m'vfAnf 964141Jf2'a/ ClsAar,re cOrre.V4i - / coon' Non. iy e,se found'1-1y,,n; 1111•rr--7— - w I AFFIDAVIT I Terrace Park Associates am/€HSteve Barer . on behalf of Lake / , meiny uuiy sworn, declare that It@nersofthepropertyinvolvedinthisapplicationandthatthe foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 010 Subscribed and sworn before me this f)ji day of dpc. , 19 81 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at JA f.46.,‘._ i -4/ 1 Name o.: r a Pup lc Signatuz Owne J. St - e H r po o s . l l 11326 Rainier Ave . S. Add ss Address) Seattle WA City) State) 772-0299 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every -articular and toko conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . DateReceAved 19 By: Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 f- ENDING OF FILE FILE TIME yO9OMi'