HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA81-095BEJNNt OF FILE FILE TITLE. Foos @iQCir1 F Li:D 2 F/ RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 4, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF ;N BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DAVID DEAN, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; ROGER BLAYLOCK, Zoning Administrator; RON HEIRET, Parks Superintendent. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BYCLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Subdivision ' and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Ordinance hearing to consider proposed revisions to the Subdivision Revisions Ordinance. David Clemens, Policy Development Director, outlined Planning and Development Committee recommendations for ordinance revisions: 1 ) extension of expiration of preliminary plats from one to three years with option for one year extension to comply with state statutes; 2) special notice of the public hearing mailed to property owners within 300 feet as responsibility of applicant; 3) approval period for final plats within 30 days of submission; and 4) 30-day appeal period to Superior Court. Mr. Clemens discussed correspondence from Assistant City Attorney Dan Kellogg and attorney1Joel Haggard, and explained concept of binding site plan, noting opposition of the concept by staff and the Council committee because of foreseen difficulties in modifying site plans following recording with county agencies. I i Continued The Planning and Development Committee Report of March 7, 1983 was read, and deletion of Section 9-1106.2(C) (3) , mailing require- ments of public hearing notice to landowners, was recommended by Rockhill and Clymer due to potential need for increased staff to administer the program, and difficulties in successfully reaching affected property owners. Mayor Shinpoch advised receipt of correspondence from A.W.C. regarding substitute Senate Bill 3019, which expands requirements for content of public hearing notice and requires mailing of notice to affected property owners, with action on the bill anticipated by the end of the week. Following discussion, it was MOVEDBY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE WITH EXCEPTION OF SECTION 9-1106.2. (C) (3) REGARDING MAILING REQUIREMENTS, WHICH SHOULD BE HELD FOR ONE MONTH, AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Scout Troop 202 Mayor Shinpoch introduced Boy Scout Troop 202 members in attendance to earn a merit badge. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , opposed approval of request by Longacres Tax Longacres Race Track for admission tax exemption for children, Exemption nine years of age and younger, noting unhealthy environment for young children. (See later action.) Waiver of Loren Davis, Holvick de Regt Koering, 1818 Westlake N. , Seattle, Community requested advancement to1 Planning and Development Committee report Facilities regarding request for waiver of Community Facilities Charge. MOVED Charge BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. l T i x 1 Renton City Council April 4, 1983 Page Two Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report regarding request of HDK for review of dedication of 17 Committee acres of property by HDK as part of environmental mitigation HDK Request requirements for the project. However, only 10 acres were actually Vor 1Waiver required for purposes of flood and storage capacity for the project of Community 'with the additional 7 acres being required for. the P-1 Channel . Facilities Additionally, application for the building permit was made in Charge June, 1982, at which time a Systems Development Fee assessment of 13,000 was determined; the city subsequently eliminated the Systems Development Fee in July, 1982. If the application had been filed after July, 1982, .a Utility Connection Charge of $8,000 would have been assessed instead. Therefore, the committee is recommending that the extra dedication of 7 acres amounts to 41% of the total dedication, and the assessment should be reduced in that amount resulting in a fee comparable to the $8,000 Utility Connection Charge. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke requested the record reflect the • fact that he did not sign the committee report. He objected to the recommendation due to considerable time lapse since the city's action, and reimbursement given to the applicant for dedication previously required. Following explanation of the fee structures and changes in circumstances since requirement of original fees and dedications, MOTION CARRIED. Admission Tax Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue S. , opposed exemption of children Exemption at from admission tax requirement at Longacres, and felt the tax Longacres should be affordable to patrons. (See later action. ) CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Monroe Ave. NE Design Engineering/Public Works Department requested approval of and NE 2nd St. final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, commencement of Project 30-day lien period, and release of retainage in the amount of 19,073.82 if no liens or claims are filed against the project located on Monroe Avenue N.E. and N.E. 2nd Street. Gary Merlino Construction Co. , contractor; total cost: $382,473.79. Council concur. Superior Notice of Appeal filed by Joseph W. Thiel and Susan Thiel v City Court Appeal of Renton 3/25/83 regarding LID 322 assessment amount, Superior LID 322 Court No. 83-2-04054-0. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Thiel ) Carrier. Water-Sewer Finance Department requested authorization of issuance of $1 .5 Revenue Bonds million in Water-Sewer Revenue Bonds to provide local financing for 1983 projects, including West Hill Joint Facilities Project and replacements, extensions and betterments to water and sewer system. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Administration was read recommending admission tax Longacres Policy exemption for children (nine & under) at Longacres Race Track since Change regarding free admission policy change being considered by Longacres for this Admission Tax age group. The letter reported no admissions tax at other West Coast tracks for children, exemption should encourage more "paying" customers, and the policy should alleviate problem with unattended children being left in parking lots. Discussion indicated if admittance allowed, children will be restricted to spectator areas, and permission is not requested of Council to approve admission of children, but, rather, approval of exemption of admission tax. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION TO EXEMPT CHILDREN FROM ADMISSION TAX AT LONGACRES RACE TRACK. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 3 NAYS: REED, STREDICKE, CLYMER. MOTION CARRIED. Signal Change Letter was read from Public Works Director Richard Houghton at Williams N. recommending flashing mode placed on signals at Williams Ave. N. 3rd & 4th N. at N. 3rd and N. 4th Streets (Wells reference omitted) . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ' COMMITTEE REPORT APRIL 4, 1983 HOLVICK DEREGT KOERING REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES CHARGE Referred 3-7-83) The Planning and Development Committee heard the request by HDK for a waiver of the Systems Development Charge based upon dedication of 17 acres of rand to the City. The 17 acres of land was 'dedicated as part of an environmental mitigation requirement for this project. However, only 10 acres was actually required for flood and storage capacity for this project with the additional 7 acres being required for the P-1 Channel . Additionally, the request for a building permit which triggered the Systems Development Charge was made in June of 1982 and the legislation outlawing the Systems Development Charge was passed in July of 1982. The ultimate permit was granted in December of 1982. If the permit had been requested closer in time to its granting, the project would have been liable for a special utility connection charge of approximately 8,000.00. The Systems Development Charge is approximately $13,000.00. The 10 acres of dedication needed for the HDK project resulted in a dedication of 7 additional acres out of a total of 17 acres. The extra dedication amounts to 41% of the total dedication. Reducing the Systems Development Charge by 41% would result in a fee that is comparable to what would be charged at this time for a special utilities connection charge. Weighing all of these factors together, the Committee believes that it would be more equitable to reduce the HDK Systems Development Charge by 41% and such action is recommended to the Council . Randy Rockhill , Chairman John Reed Richard Stredicke RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 4 ,I 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P .M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order.. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President Pro tem, ROBERT J. HUGHES, COUNCIL MEMBERS RANDALL ROCKHILL, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL IN ATTENDANCE PARNESS, 'Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Deleted item Mayor Shinpoch announced that item 5b had been withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. LID 320 Interim Finance Department recommended interim financing be provided from Financing the Waterworks Utility Fund for LID 320, water main extension on NE 27th Street just east of Edmonds Avenue NE (Devils Elbow Road) . Interest rate to be established at the prevailing rate at the time of the initial draw down; financing shall be repaid from Bond pro- ceeds after project completion. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Cumulative ; Finance Department requested an ordinance to establish a Cumulative Reserve Fund - Reserve Fund for deposit of Special Utility Connection Charges. Specitl Utility Monies received to be used for support and/or betterment of the Charges Water and Sewer Utility. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Shoreline Master Policy Development Department requested Public Hearing be set for Program Update October 25, 1982 to consider the Shoreline Master Program update. This program, originally adopted in 1976, is to provide specific development regulations for areas within 200 feet of Lake Washingtor: the Cedar and Green Rivers and portions of Springbrook and May Creek 1 Council concur. Unincorporated Policy Development Department requested review of City policy re- Territory Sewer garding sewer service to unincorporated territories within the city, Service ! specifically the "Liberty View" project. Refer to Utilities Committ Repeal of Finance Department/City Clerk requested repeal of Ordinance #3383. Ordinance #3383 Change in Federal law to Social Security reporting requirements removes present exemption of sick pay. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Handicapped Proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the month of October, 1982, Parking Awareness as DAV Handicapped Parking Awareness Month, sponsored by Disabled Month American Veterans. Council concur. Claim before Legal Department requested ordinance be established requiring a Suit Ordinance Claim for Damages be filed prior to suit against the City. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 1 v r^- Renton City Council October 4, 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued Holvick deRegt Holvick deRegt Koering requested a Latecomers Agreement be established for the construction of the traffic signal at the intersection of SW Seventh Street and Edwards Street, pursuant Latecomers approval , Agreement to Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for site plan SA-094-81 , SA-095-81 and Ordinance 3622. Refer to Transportation Committee. Holvick deReqt Holvick deRegt Koering requested a Latecomers Agreement be 5maills. established for the construction of the traffic signal at the tatecomers,intersection of Powell Avenue SW and SW Grady Way, pursuant to A r eft Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for site plan approval , SA-094-81 , SA-095-81 and Ordinance 3622. Refer to Transportation Committee. Holvick deRegt Koering requested review by Council committee ofCow. applyto industrial urb Cuts requirements for common curb cuts as they Requirements and commercial sites. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Construction Holvick deRegt Koering requested a construction funding agreement riailms be established for the construction of the traffic signal at SW Agreement Seventh Street and Edwards Street. Refer to Planning and Develop- ment Committee and City Attorney. J. Clifford Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report on the J. Clifford Gray Gray Rezone Request for Rezone ##R-051-82 of the north side of SW 12th Street R-051-82 between Maple Avenue SW and Lind Avenue SW. Applicant seeks rezone from R-1 to L-1 to construct a warehouse. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Planning Mayor Shinpoch announced reappointment of Virginia Houser to the Commission Planning Commission for a three-year term effective to June 30, Reappointment 1985. Mrs. Houser has served on the Commission since 1980. Other members of the Planning Commission include: Frank Jacobs, Eugene Ledbury, Michael Porter, Barbara Schellert, Joan Walker and Anita Warren. Refer to Ways'and Means Committee. D. W. Bitney Appeal filed by- Dean Bitney regarding Hearing Examiner Decision Rezone Appeal of 9/14/82 - D. W. Bitney Rezone, Variance and Preliminary Mobile R-023-82 Home Park Applications (Files No. R-023-82, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, PMH-029-82 V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82). Applications requested rezoning V-041-82 of the west side of Union Avenue SE and adjacent to the southerly V-042-82 boundary of the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park from V-043-82 G-1 to T along with preliminary mobile home park approval to con- V-044-82 struct a 203-lot mobile home park. Fou; variances from design criteria were sought. Refer to Planning and Development Committee Donald E. Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report on the Donald of ME. c McWilliams Williams Preliminary Plat (File #PP-031-82) for approval Preliminary nine-lot subdivision to allow construction of 18 dwelling units on Plat 1 .88 acres located on the east side of Union Avenue NE between NE Fourth Street and NE Sixth Street (extended). Hearing Examiner PP-031-82 recommendation: Approval with conditions. Council concur. Street Forward Finance Department requested resolution authorizing up to an Thrust Fund additional $500,000 being borrowed from the Street Forward Thrust Borrowing Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE,P SECONDE BY COUNCIL APPROVE THE Approved CONSENT AGENDA RECEIVED HOLVICK deREGT KOERING SEP 27 1982 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR'S OFFICE September 24, 1982 Mayor Barbara Shinpoch Renton CityCouncil CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER - TRAFFIC SIGNAL LATECOMERS AGREEMENT Dear Mayor Shinpoch & Council Members: Holvick deRegt Koering requests that a latecomers agreement be established between the City of Renton and Holvick deRegt Koering, for the construction of the traffic signal at tie intersection of S.W. 7th Street and Edwareds Street. This request is made pursuant to the Report and Decision issued by the Office of the Land Use Hearing Examiner for the site plan approval, file #SA-094-81 and file #SA-095-81, and the City of Renton's Ordinance #3622. Respectfully submitted, HOLVICK deREGT KOERING Loren Davis Project Manager LD/jld cc: Frank Henry, HdK Dick Houghton, City of Renton Traffic Signal File - 7th & Edwards II F Y . RECEIVED HOLVICK deREGT KOERING SEP ',27 1992FFICITYOFREriTO v MAYORS OCE September 24, 1982 Mayor Barbara Shinpoch Renton City. Council CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER - TRAFFIC SIGNAL LATECOMERS AGREEMENT Dear Mayor Shinpoch & Council Members: Holvick deRegt Koering requests that a latecomers agreement be established between i the City of Renton and Holvick deRegt Koering, for the construction of the traffic signal at the intersection of Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way. This request is made pursuant to the Report and Decision issued by the Office of the Land Use Hearing Examiner for the site plan approval, file #SA-094-81 and file #SA-095-81, and the City of Renton's Ordinance #3622. Respectfully submitted, HOLVICK deREGT KOERING Loren Davis Project Manager LD/jld cc: Frank Henry, HdK Dick Houghton, City of Renton Traffic Signal File - Grady & Powell H _ • • RECEIVED HOLVICK deREGT KOERING SEP 27 1982 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR'S OFFICE September 24, 1982 Mayor Barbara Shinpoch Renton City Council CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER - S.W. 7TH STREET & EDWARDS STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND AGREEMENT Dear Mayor Shinpoch & Council Members: Pursuant to the Office of the Land Use Hearing Examiner's Report and Decision for site plan approval, file #SA-094-81 and file #SA-095-81, Holvick deRegt Koering requests that a construction funding agreement be established between Holvick deRegt Koering and the City of Renton for the construction of the traffic signal at S.W. 7th Street and Edwards Street. Subsequent to the decision by the Office of the Land Use Hearing Examiner for the above referenced site plan approvals, the Renton Public Works Dept. has indicated that at the present time, the City of Renton has an existing controller and contributions of $25,200 for the above referenced traffic signal. In addition to these contributions, Holvick deRegt Koering is required to contribute 20% of the cost of the signal at S.W. 7th Street and Edwards Street. Holvick deRegt Koering requests that the agreement identify the existing equipment available for the signal, the amount of cash contributions already available for the signal and the additional cash contribution required to be funded by Holvick deRegt Koering. The city council in acting on the appeal of the site plan approval, modified the hearing examiner's decision as follows. "The deferral of the improvements with appropriate bonding or the installation of signals will be accomplished prior to the issuance of occupancy permit." Holvick deRegt Koering anticipates that an occupancy permit could be requested within four to six months. Therefore, Holvick deRegt Koering request that the agreement be prepared in the most expeditious manner such that the bidding process required by the City of Renton, subsequent signing of the contract, and the required bond, can be completed prior to the request for an occupancy permit. Respectfully submitted, HO VICK deREGT KOERING c‘d-- /-1) Loren Davis Project Manager cc: Frank Henry, HdK Dick Houghton, City of Renton Traffic Signal File - Fj. rds Renton City Council October 4, 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued Holvick deRegt Holvick deRegt Koering requested a Latecomers Agreement be Koering established for the construction of the traffic signal at the Latecomers intersection of SW Seventh Street and Edwards Street, pursuant Agreement to Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for site plan approval , SA-094-81 , SA-095-81 and Ordinance 3622. Refer to Transportation Committee. Holvick deRegt Holvick deRegt Koering requested a Latecomers Agreement be Koering established for the construction of the traffic signal at the Latecomers intersection of Powell Avenue SW and SW Grady Way, pursuant to Agreement Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for site plan approval , SA-094-81 , SA-095-81 and Ordinance 3622. Refer to Transportation Committee. Common Holvick deRegt Koering requested review by Council committee of Curb Cuts requirements for common curb cuts as they apply to industrial Requirements and commercial sites. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Construction Holvick deRegt Koering requested a construction funding agreement Funding be established for the construction of the traffic signal at SW Agreement Seventh Street and Edwards Street. Refer to Planning and Develop- ment Committee and City Attorney. J. Clifford Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report on the J. Clifford Gray Gray Rezone Request for Rezone #R-051-82 of the north side of SW 12th Street R-051-82 between Maple Avenue SW and Lind AVenue SW. Applicant seeks rezone from R-1 to L-1 to construct a warehouse. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Planning Mayor Shinpoch announced reappointment of Virginia Houser to the Commission Planning Commission for a three-year term effective to June 30, Reappointment 1985. Mrs. Houser has served on the Commission since 1980. Other members of the Planning Commission include: Frank Jacobs, Eugene Ledbury, Michael Porter, Barbara Schellert, Joan Walker and Anita Warren. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. D. W. Bitney Appeal filed by Dean Bitney regarding Hearing Examiner Decision Rezone Appeal of 9/14/82 - D. W. Bitney Rezone, Variance and Preliminary Mobile R-023-82 Home Park Applications (Files No. R-023-82, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, PMH-029-82 V-042-82, V-043-82, V-044-82). Applications requested rezoning V-041-82 of the west side of Union Avenue SE and adjacent to the southerly V-042-82 boundary of the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park from V-043-82 G-1 to T along with preliminary mobile home park approval to con- V-044-82 struct a 203-lot mobile home park. Four variances from design criteria were sought. Refer to Planning and Development Committee . Donald E. Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report on the Donald E. Mc McWilliams Williams Preliminary Plat (File #PP-031-82) for approval of a Preliminary nine-lot subdivision to allow construction of 18 dwelling units on Plat 1 .88 acres located on the east side of Union Avenue NE between NE PP-031-82 Fourth Street and NE Sixth Street (extended). Hearing Examiner recommendation: Approval with conditions. Council concur. Street Forward Finance Department requested resolution authorizing up to an Thrust Fund additional $500,000 being borrowed from the Street Forward Thrust Borrowing Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL APPROVE THE Approved CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Renton City Council October 4, 1982 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS continued Common Councilman Rockhill asked if all Council Members had received Driveways 1 a letter from Land Use Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman regarding common driveways. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CORRESPONDENCE FROM MR. KAUFMAN REGARDING COMMON DRIVEWAYS BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch commended City Attorney Warren on his successful REPORT defense in the city's position of the Lakeview Towers case, noting this will reduce the liability of the City.° Government Mayor Shinpoch announced that she had watched the "Government Speaks 'Speaks" program on cable television and, while she believed the format could be improved, did appreciate Councilman Stredicke's contribution to the program. Police Mayor Shinpoch reported that she had received a letter thanking Department the City for providing such competent and qualified police officers. Commendation The letter came from a family (name not given) whose child had been molested and it sent thanks and gratitude to Renton, Police Detective Sheldon Ferguson for his sensitivity, professionalism and valued assistance during this ordeal . ADJOURNMEN T MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9: 15 P.M. Crne i-17 MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk RECEIVED HOLVICK deREGT KOERING SEP 27 1982 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR'S OFFICE September 23, 1982 Mayor Barbara Shinpoch Renton City Council CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER - COMMON DRIVEWAYS FOR COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL USES Dear Mayor Shinpoch & Council Members: Holvick deRegt Koering requested that a variance be granted for common driveway access for its Washington Technical Center business park development in the City of Renton. That variance was granted during August of 1982. Similar variances have been granted for the Koll Industrial Park and the Sunset Park Shopping Center, files SA-269-78 and SA-104-80. Holvick deRegt Koering as a developer has experienced the advantage of providing common driveways to individual properties in several of its business/office park developments. By providing common driveway access, points of ingress/egress are limited along the street frontage; therefore, limiting points of turning movement and thus, eliminating traffic congestion along the public street. A reduction of points of ingress/egress encourages the development of onsite circulation which once again limits the congestion on the public streets. Holvick deRegt Koering requests that the appropriate committee from the City of Renton review the requirements for common curb cuts as they apply to industrial and commercial sites with the intent that; that committee could recommend the drafting of an ordinance that would allow common curb cuts when they are in the best interest of the city and would help alleviate congestion on the public streets. Holvick deRegt Koering thanks you for your review of this matter. Respectfully submitted, HOLVICK deREGT KOERING cC.?-L, oren Davis Project Manager LD/jld cc: Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner City of Renton Corresp. Ur k4 THE CITY OF RENTON Ch MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MLL AVE. SO. RENTON.WASH. 90055 a ma, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER Pe FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 pEO•SEP M; September 28, 1982 Members, Renton City Council Renton, Washington RE: Common driveways. Dear Members of Council : There have been a number of instances where the prohibition of a driveway within five feet of a property line works a hardship or at least an inconvenience upon plans for unified development of more than one legal lot. See letter from Loren Davis, Holvick deRegt Koering, received by City Council on September 27, 1982.) This is especially true in the development of shopping centers and industrial parks where shared driveway access is not only more convenient for the development but also safer for the general public. In such situations it may make sense to permit a shared driveway since doing do will eliminate unnecessary driveways. The number of areas for conflicting turning movements would be limited, and enhanced traffic flow around these centers would generally result. The provision should probably not be eliminated on perimeter property lines where adjacent independent property could be adversely affected by an abutting d rji vewciy. As noted oni the attached diagram, currently, if a common development is proposed for Lots B, C, D and E, driveways cannot be located on or within five feet of the dashed property lines nor on or within five feet of the heavy lines separating Lot A or Lot F from the proposed development. Since Lots A and F are nut part of the proposed development and may be adversely affected by traffic entering or leaving the proposed development on Lots B, C. D and E, it is reasonable to require driveways to be at least five feet from these perimeter property lines. But imposing the same condition internal to the project is generally inappropriate, and therefore the Council should consider'._ modifying the requirement when unified development is proposed. If this office can be of further assistance in this matter, do not hesitate to call . Sincerely, Fred J. K fman Hearing Examiner cc: Mayor Shinpoch Mike Parness ATTACHMENT POSSIBLE SHOPPING CENTER OR INDUSTRIAL PARK CONFIGURATION ON LOTS B, C, D AND E. AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES. LOTS A. F AND G. A 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 OF R d©o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 0, 9gT 0 SEP1 - October 1, 1982 Mr. Loren Davis Holvick, deRegt Koering 1818 Westlake North Seattl , WA 98109 Re: Appeal of Holvick deRegt Koering SA-094-81, SA-095-81 and V-014-82 Dear Mr. Davis: . The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of September 20, 1982, considered the Planning and Development Committee report concerning your appeal . The City Council affirmed the July 16, 1982 decision of the Hearing Examiner and found no error in fact or law. The Council also determined not to consider any new evidence that could have been available at the time of the hearing before the Land Use Hearing Examiner. However, the Planning and Development Committee felt the requirement for installation of traffic signals prior to the issuance of the building permit pursuant to the site plan approval would not be feasible. The City Council concurred in the modification of Condition No. 2 of both site plans as follows: Condition No 2: Deferral of improvements with appropriate bond executions of contracts for installation of signals and issurance of a bond (in an amount and form approved by the City) to complete any uncompleted portion of such contracts for installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way and Hardie and Southwest Seventh Street pursuant to specifications established by the Public Works Department. Council has determined that, in order to obtain occupancy permit for this site, you must either obtain deferral of improvements with the appropriate bonding', or have completed installation of signals pursuant to specifications established by the Public Works Department. I Mr. Loren Davis Flolvick deRegt Koering October 1, 1982 Page 2, If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Maxine, E. Motor Acting City Clerk MEM:jkm afar AMENDED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September 20, 1982 TO: Renton City Council FROM: , Planning and Development Committee RE: Appeal by Holvick DeRegt Koering SA-094-81, SA-095-81 and V4514-82 The Planning and Development Committee has considered the appeal of Holvick DeRegt Koering from the decision of the Hearing Examiner in the above mentioned matter dated July 15 and 16, 1982. Finding no error in the requirement for installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way, and Hardie and SIIW. 7th Street, as a condition of the site plan approval, the Committee recommends that the City Council affirm the decisions of the Hearing Examiner. The appellant has requested that the Committee consider additional traffic study evidence from appellant' s consultant. However, the Committee finds that the evidence could have been available at the hearing before the Hearing Examiner upon timely request by the appellant. Therefore, the Committee recommends that no new evidence be considered by the Council. However, it appears that the requirement for installation of traffic signals prior to issuance of the building permit pursuant to the site plan approval is not feasible. Therefore, the Committee recommends that Conditions No. 2 of both site plan approval decisions be modified to read as follows: No . 2. Deferral of improvements with appropriate bond, executions of contracts for installation of signals and issuance of a bond (in an amount and form approved by the City) to complete any uncompleted portion of such contracts for installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way and Hardie and S .W. 7th Street pursuant to specifications established by the Public Works Department. c 1111."- t./ 11 1x.7 e .. Renton'City Council September 13, 1982 Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT continued Mandatory Ms. Taylor addressed the Council and reiterated her complaints Garbage Service as stated in her letter. Mayor Shinpoch explained that every continued bidder on the city's garbage contract submitted their estimates based on all residences in the city and, in order to provide service to the citizens, all citizens must be included. M. L. Gibson, 1215 North 28th Place, agreed with Ms. Taylor's objections to mandatory garbage service and suggested unified demands by cities would require companies to submit "per residence" bids. Mayor Shinpoch explained reduced garbage rates and the addition of a one-can rate for those needing limited service. Holvick-deRegt Loren Davis, Holvick deRegt Koering, requested that the Planning Koering Appeal and Development Committee report be advanced. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SA 094-81 SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS SA 095-81 AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. V 114-82 CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted a committee report recommending Council affirm the Hearing Examiner decisions of July 15 and 16, 1982, regarding installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way, and Hardy and SW Seventh Street as a condition of the site plan approval . The Committee also recommended that no new evidence be considered by the Council since all evidence could have been available at the hearing before the Hearing Examiner upon timely request by the appellant. The Committee did recommend that Condition 2 of both site plan approval decisions regarding require- ment for installation of traffic signals prior to issuance of the building permit be modified as follows: No. 2 Executions of contracts for installation of signals and issuance of a bond (in an amount and form approved by the City) to complete any uncompleted portion of such contracts for instal- lation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way and Hardie and SW Seventh Street pursuant to specifications established by the Public Works Department. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT.** Councilman Reed questioned the lack of time restriction on actual installation of traffic lights. Following discussion, it was MOVED DY BOCKb111, .SECDIIDED.BY_3EED;__IO ACCEPT_THE AMENDMENT OFFERED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY TO WIT: FOLLOWING "NO. 2" - THE DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENTS WITH APPROPRIATE BONDING OR THE INSTALLATION OF SIGNALS WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMIT. CARRIED. **Original motion as amended: CARRIED. Garbage Pickup Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, commended the present garbage Commendation/ collection firm for its fees, neatness, quietness and observation Mandatory Leash of traffic flow on Mill Avenue South. Mr. Webb also criticized Law Enforcement the enforcement of the mandatory leash law and suggested repeal of the leash law if it is not to be enforced. Councilman Stredicke requested the record reflect that there had been a death of the animal control officer, and recommended strengthening the manpower to more than the current one animal control officer for next year's budget. Mayor Shinpoch left Council Chambers at 10:00 p.m. and did not return for remainder of meeting. Mandatory Leash Karen Lunder, 506 Stevens Court NW, agreed with all comments re- Law Enforcement garding lack of enforcement of the mandatory leash law and suggested additions to the animal control office to supply personnel for more than eight hours a day, weekdays only. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR REPORT BACK BY BUDGET TIME. CARRIED. 1 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT TO: ' Renton City Council August 27, 1982 FROM:: Planning and Development Committee RE: Appeal by Holvick DeRegt Koering SA494-81 , SA-095-81 and V-114-82 The Planning and Development Committee has considered the appeal of Holvick DeRegt Koering from the decision of the Hearing Examiner in the above mentioned matter dated July 15 and 16 , 1982 . Finding no error in the requirement for installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way , and Hardie and S .W. 17th Street , as a condition of the site plan approval , the Committee recommends that the City Council affirm the decisions of the Hearing Examiner. The appellant has requested that the Committee consider additional traffic study evidence from appellant ' s consultant . However , the Committee finds that the evidence could have been available at the hearing before the Hearing Examiner upon timely request by the appellant . Therefore, the Committee recommends that no new evidence be considered by the Council However, 'it appears that the requirement for installation of traffic signals prior to issuance of the building permit pursuant to the site plan' approval is not feasible . Therefore, the Committee recommends that Conditions No . 2 of both site plan approval decisions be modified to read as follows : I No . 2. •Executions of contracts for installation of signals and issuance of a bond (in an amount and form approved by the City) to complete any uncompleted portion of such contracts for installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way 1 and Hardie and S.W. 7th Street pursuant to specifications established by the Public Works Department . OF RA' tO o THE CITY OF RENTON POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • 235-2552 z L MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 9,o Pam. l' EO SEP1°° BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM August 26, 1982 TO: Randy Rockhill, Chairman Planning and Development Committee John Reed Robert Hughes FROM: David R. Clemens Policy Development Director RE: APPEAL BY HOLVICK deREGT AND KOERING File Numbers SA-094-81 and SA-095-81 Holvick deRegt Koering has appealed the Hearing Examiner's decision on the above two applications requiring the immediate installation of traffic signals at Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way and Hardie Avenue' S.W. and S.W. 7th Streets. The appellant indicates that the Examiner erred by placing conditions on these site plan approvals exceeding the recommendations of the staff departments on these issues. The Policy Development, Public Works, and Building and Zoning Depart- ments have reviewed the above-referenced appeal and conclude that the Examiner has not erred in his determination that the signals installa- tions are required at this time. Since the application of the original conditions regarding the improvements to these intersections, the City Council has adopted Ordinance 3622, which provides for the immediate installation of traffic signals, where required, with repayment from other property ownerships through a latecomer's provision. The appellant has proposed techniques for installing these traffic signal improvements in accordance with the Examiner's decisions. Several legal issues remain to be resolved with regards to the use of previously alloca- ted City funds, bid processes, and latecomer agreement language. These items are administrative in scope and must be resolved outside the issue of the appeal. RECOMMENDATION: All departments unanimously agree that the two traffic signals in question are required by this development. In accordance with Ordinance 3622, the Examiner properly required the immediate installation and latecomer reimbursement for these signals. Therefore, the appellant's appeal should be denied. Renton City Council August 9, 1982 Page 2 Consent Agenda continued Garbage Request from Rainier Disposal to include a garbage collection information Collection sheet in the next monthly utility billing. This information sheet complies Information with ordinances and has the concurrence of the Public Works Director. Sheet Council concur. Block Party Request from residents of Dayton Court NE cul-de-sac to close off cul-de- Request sac on 8/21/82 from approximately 3:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. for a block party. Refer to Police Department and Transportation Committee.-`-*See item 3, page 3: Council approve this block party subject to the approval of the Police Department. Municipal Report from Mike Parness, Administrative Assistant, noted Municipal Court Court revenues for 1982 are anticipated to exceed budget estimate by approxi- Appropriation mately $80,000. Due to increased workload, an additional $11 ,500 has been requested to provide for overtime and operational costs for remainder of 1982. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for recommendation. Appeal - Appeal has been filed by Loren Davis of Holvick deRegt Koering of the Holvick Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 7/16/82 for approval with conditions of deRegt Koering site plan approval for construction of five one-story buildings to be SA 095-81 used as a business park or light warehousing; also requested a variance to permit joint access driveways on common property lines. SA 095-81/ V 014-82 (North side of Powell Avenue SW at SW Seventh Street) . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Appeal - Appeal has been filed by Loren Davis of Holvick deRegt Koering of the Holvick Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 7/15/82 for approval with conditions of deRegt Koering site plan approval for construction of four one-story buildings to be SA 094-81 used as business park or light warehousing; also requested a variance to permit joint access driveways on common proeprty lines. SA 094-81/ V 014-82 (Southwest corner of Powell Avenue SW and SW Seventh Street) . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. pMikeMastroReport from Land Use Hearing Examiner regarding Mike Mastro (R.W. Poitras) R.W. Poitras) Final Plat, File FP-093-81 , stating appeal period for this recommendation Final Plat expired on 7/28/82 and the matter is now forwarded to Council for review. FP 093-81 Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. LID 314 Finance Department recommended acceptance of low bid for interim financing Interim of LID 314 (street improvements, sanitary sewers, water mains, fire hy- Financing drants and all associated improvements in the vicinity of SW 16th Street from Lind Avenue SW to East Valley Road and East Valley Road from SW 16th Street to SW 41st Street) in the amount of $4,886,538.56 from Peoples National Bank. Council concur and refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Executive Council President Clymer announced that Council would meet in executive Session session following this meeting to discuss pending legal matters. Pipeline Letter from Lawrence S. Braund, P.E. , JohnsonBraund Design Group P.S. , Right-of-Way Inc. , requested review of existing use of City of Seattle pipeline right- Usage Review of-way between 304 Main Avenue South and Houser Way easterly to Mill Avenue South. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE WITH A REMINDER OF THE CITY' S FISCAL SITUATION. CARRIED. Renton City Council August 9, 1982 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business continued Second-hand Letter from Doug and Helen Beth Betts, Doug's Shooter's Supplies, Firearms 217 Wells Avenue South, and Holger Ingoldby, H&J Leather 6 Firearms, Licensing 224 Wells Avenue South, requested reconsideration of ordinance requiring two business licenses for second-hand firearms dealers and lack of en- forcement for other second-hand dealers. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a committee report recommend- Committee ing Council approve the following priority order for Airport Capital 1983-88 Airport Improvement Projects (1983-88) : 1 . Water main - upgrading of southwest Capital Improve- corner. 2. Water main - completion of loop system. 3. Instrument ment Projects Landing System (ILS) . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Block Party Councilman Stredicke questioned whether the matter of the Dayton Court Approval NE cul-de-sac block party could be considered by the Transportation Committee and reported back to Council by the 8/21/82 party date. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ITEM 6f ON THE CONSENT AGENDA BE RE- WORDED THAT COUNCIL APPROVES THIS BLOCK PARTY SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented committee Development report recommending the proposed revisions and amendments to the Zoning Committee and Other Land Development Codes regarding storage areas as submitted by Storage Area the Building, Zoning and Policy Development Departments be referred to Changes to the Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. Recommended revisions Zoning/Other Land include clarifying the definition of 'bulk storage' uses, creating a defi- Development nition for 'outside storage' , providing screen and surfacing requirements Codes for 'outside storage' , correcting procedural discrepancies in the Bulk Storage Ordinance, amending the definition of 'parking lot' under Parking and Loading Ordinance, adopting a definition for 'storage lot' in the Parking and Loading Ordinance, and establishing screening and surfacing requirements in the Parking and Loading Ordinance for 'storage lots' . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Zoning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill requested a public Subdivision meeting be set for 8/23/82 to obtain public input regarding revisions Filing Fee to the zoning and subdivision filing fees to more adequately reflect the Change City' s true cost for providing this service. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, SET PUBLIC MEETING ON 8/23/82 FOR PUBLIC INPUT ON THE MATTER OF INCREASED FEES. CARRIED. Councilman Rockhill noted that copies of the proposed fee changes would be available. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes gave an informal committee report Committee stating that the matter of collecting delinquent parking fines had been Delinquent discussed with Chief of Police Wallis. Chief Wallis reported he has been Parking Fines using volunteers from the police college and the program has been pro- gressing well . He is also considering using officers on disability to help in this problem. Silent Witness Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes also noted that the Silent Witness Program Program had been discussed with Chief Wallis. This program was started in 1972 as the Citizens' Council Against Crime and offers cash rewards to citizens providing information leading to the arrest of people involved in violent crime. Councilman Hughes explained that no Council action was required; this is informational only. CITY OF RENTON HOLVICK deREGT KOERING akuG - 21982 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. July 30, 1982 Mr. Dick Houghton, Director CITY OF RENTON Departmentiof Public Works 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER - TRAFFIC SIGNALS Dear Dick: On Monday, July 26, 1982, we met with Bob Bergstrom, Gary Norris and Don. Monahan of your staff. David Markley, Dave Hamlin, Frank Henry of HdK and myself, attended also. At that meeting, the requirements to signalize both the 7th and Hardie intersection and the Grady and Powell intersection, were discussed. At that meeting we discussed-the need to signalize both intersections when only approximately 53,000 sq. ft. of business park was being constructed at this time. We at HdK are committed to the requirements of the preliminary plat and the final plat, which require participation in the signalization of both of the referenced intersectiOns. That participation is 20% for the 7th and Hardie intersection and 35% for the Powell and Grady intersection. We are prepared to make payment for our contribution to those signals within sixty (60) days after issuance of building permits. Further,, we have submitted an appeal to the city council requesting that the initial requirements of the preliminary plat and, final plat be honored and the extension of Powell to Grady Way not be opened up until such time as funding for the signal at Powell and Grady is available.' Attached tol this memo is a letter from David Markley discussing traffic impacts and Dave Hamlin is sending you a letter under separate cover, discussing intersection design. The following proposal is based upon recommendations by both Dave Markley and Dave Hamlin and the meeting we had with your staff, last Monday. HdK propose's tha-L in lieu of direct money contribution to the signal at 7th and Hardie and Powell and Grady, the following agreement be executed between the' City of Renton and HdK. The agreement would include the following points: 1. HdK would construct the signal at 7th and Hardie, using the existing controller that the city has, along with the contributions of $21,000 from CHG International and $4,200 from Renton Shopping Center. 2. HdK would then contribute an additional 20% to the cost of the signal. ' 3. The difference in the cost of the signal and the funds made available through item #1 and #2 above, would then be reimbursed to HdK as latecomers fees. ONE OAKMEAD TERRACE•1230 OAKMEAD PARKWAY,SUITE 210•SUNNYVALE,CALIFORNIA 94086-4069 (408)773-0111 e•,.Mr. Dick Houghton July 30, 1982 Page 2 4. The existing temporary signal at Powell and Grady would be upgraded to a 4-way signal, using the existing wire suspension. Detectors would be installed to allow the signals to function properly. Dave Hamlin would provide the design of the upgraded signal. HdK would provide the funds for the upgraded signal. 5. At the time the L.I.D. is formed for the upgrade of Grady Way, the signal would be included in that L.I.D. At that time, HdK would provide their participation for the costs of the signal. That participation would be computed by allocating 35% of the cost of the signal to HdK. That allocation would be paid by, first subtracting the sum still left as latecomers fees for the 7th and Hardie signal, from that 35% participation cost. .HdK would then provide the difference to the City of Renton within sixty (60) days of request for payment. Any latecomers fees then owed and paid for the 7th and Hardie signal, would automatically be transferred to the Grady and Powell signal, to offset the dollars not paid by HdK as referenced above. HdK feels that this is an equitable alternative to constructing. traffic signals at each interseciton,and the direct participation for only a portion of. the traffic signals as' required by the preliminary plat and final plat. This alternative provides for signalization of both intersecitons at this time, and a means to construct a permanent traffic signal at Grady and Powell when the L.I.D. is completed for the Grady Way improvements. By using the L.I.D. vehicle for the permanent signal at Grady and Powell, it allows the City of Renton to assess all of the developments along Grady Way from Lind to Springbrook Creek, their equal share in the contribution of the signal. Once again, HdK feels that this is a more equitable way of allocating the costs for the permanent signal at Grady Way and Powell. HdK would like to meet with yourself, Dave Clemons, Gary Norris and any other of the planning staff, to discuss this matter on Thursday, August 5, 1982, at 9:30 a.m. at the City of Renton. I will contact you on Monday afternoon to confirm the meeting. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, iHO VICK deREGT KOERING 1 r Cz zr rev v Loren Davis LD/jld Attachment cc: Bob Bergstrom, City of Renton Gary Norris, City of Renton CDaTeiielema City -f Renton Dave Markley, Transpo Group Dave Hamlin, J.D. Lighting Engineers Frank Henry, HdK The Transportation Engineering & Planning Consultants MANSPOJulys29, 1982 RECEIVED CrOVp Mr. Loren Davis JUL 2 91982 CITY OF RENTON Hol vi ck deRegt Koering Helvick deRegt& Miffing AUG - 2198218181WestlakeAvenueN. , #308 Seattle, WA 98109 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SUBJECT: WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER - TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS DearIMr. Davis: Thank you for asking us to review and comment on the decision by the CityofRentonHearingExaminerregardingyourapplicationforfinalsiteplanapprovalforsevenbusinessparkorlightindustrialwarehouse-type build-ings ,which are part of the Washington Technical Center. Our comments and opinions are based on the knowledge gained during preparation of the Ear-lington Park Traffic Analysis (former name for this development) ; formal review of the revised site plans and their traffic related impacts; review of the Hearing Examiner's decisions for preliminary and final site approval ;a meeting with Mr. Gary Norris , City Traffic Engineer, and other City stafftodiscussthefinalsiteplanapprovalsdatedJuly15, 1982 and July 16,1982. A review of the preliminary site plan approval carries conditions of ap-proval to: 1) extend Powell Avenue from 10th Street to Grady Way; and2) participate in the cost of construction of the traffic signal systemsattheHardie/SW 7th Street and Powell/Grady Way intersections (20% and35% of the cost respectively) . As input to' the final site plan approvalhearing, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) recommendation to the Hearing Examiner calls for the requirement to construct at the PowellAvenue/Grady Way intersection if Powell Avenue is extended from 10th Street to Grady Way and to participate in the cost of the construction of a signalsystemattheSW7thStreet/Hardie Avenue intersection. A review of theJuly15, 1982 and July 16, 1982 Hearing Examiner Decisions for site planapprovalfortheconstructionofsevenbuildingscarriestheconditions requiring installation of traffic signal systems at the intersections ofPowellAvenue/Grady Way and SW 7th Street/Hardie Avenue intersections. Based on my review of these documents , we cannot find where the HearingExaminerhasspecifiedhowthecostsfor, the signal system improvementsaretobedistributedorwhentheseimprovementsaretobemade. ' The im- plication of the Hearing Examiner's Decision strongly suggests that all improvements are to be. made prior to the issuance of either a buildingpermitoranoccupancypermit. The practical consequences of such a con- dition' will require that HdK contribute a significantly higher proportionofthecostthanwasspecifiedinthepreliminarysiteplanapprovalwith no assurance that you will be reimbursed for any of the remaining. cost. The TRANSPO Group, Inc. • 23-148th Avenue SE, Bellevue, Washington 98007 • (206) 641-3881 The Mr. Loren Davis July 29, 1982 IIMANSPOPage2 t,,•V In our opinion, the consequence of those conditions attached to the final site plan approval for these buildings extends well beyond those conditions established by preliminary site plan approval . Moreover, there does not appear to be any substantial new information that gives the Hearing Examiner reason for changing the original conditions. Other factors you may want to consider have been developed from our work on the Earlington Park Traffic Analysis and subsequent reviews of your most current site plan for the Washington Technical Center. I The original Earlington Park development was forecasted to generate about 19,825 vehicle trips per day (vpd) , and about 2,650 vehicles per hour (vph) during the evening peak hour. The revised Washington Technical Center proposal at full de- velopment is forecasted to generate about 14,230 vpd and 1 ,865 vph during the evening rush hour (about a 30 percent decrease) . The proposed building (53,000 square feet) is forecasted to generate 530 vpd and 70 vph during the PM peak hour (about 2.5 percent of the original site plan) . With the occupancy of the proposed 53,000 square feet of business park but without the extension of Powell Avenue to Grady, Way, the traffic volume at the 7th Street/Hardie Avenue intersection is forecasted to represent a 1.25 percent increase. If the Powell Avenue extension is built, the traffic volume at the 7th Street/ Hardie Avenue and Powell Avenue/Grady Way intersections is fore- casted to increase by about 0.99 percent and 1.06 percent,. respectively. Our meeting with the City brought out several other facts: The desire to signalize the Hardie Avenue/7th Street intersection is long standing , and this desire was implicitly expressed by the recommendation by the Hearing Examiner at the time of preliminary site plan approval . The ,need to construct a signal at the 7th Street/Hardie Avenue intersection at this time was not found to be needed by the ERC in their recent recommendation to the Hearing Examiner. The conditions attached to the preliminary plat approval were based on analysis of conditions at full development of the Earlingtdn Park development. The City is preparing an LID for the purpose of making improve- ments to Grady Way. The LID petition is being circulated, and construction is forecasted to begin within the next one to three years. Tl\e Mr. Loren Davis July 29, 1982 TRANSPOPage3 Grove There is an existing signal at the location where Powell Avenue will intersect with Grady Way that now controls traffic in and out of the property north of Grady Way. From this review, we believe the facts demonstrate that the conditioned traffic signal improvements could be relaxed due to the reduced level of traffic volume at full development. Moreover, the current proposal asks for building permits for only 53 ,000 square feet of development. We also recognize the City's desire to make the signal improvements along access roads to the site and Hdk's willingness to comply with the conditions of the preliminary plat. Recognizing both the City's (general public) per- spective and recognizing Hdk's desires to contribute their fair share to the costs of those improvements that are required by their project development, we suggest the following alternative to the conditions con- tained in the July 15 and July 16, 1982 Decisions. Construct the traffic signal system at the 7th Street/Hardie Avenue intersection in accordance with' City plans provided that in exchange, the City transfers all monies that have been collected from other developers ($25,000 from GHG Inter- national and the Renton Shopping Center) ; the City provides a traffic controller ready to install at the job site; and the City establishes a latecomer's agreement with 7th Avenue Associates and other developments in which their traffic would add to the volume using the intersection. Build the extension of Powell Avenue from 10th Street to Grady Way. Upgrade the existing traffic signal along Grady Way when Powell Avenue is extended to provide safe operation to traffic gener- ated by the project and other non-project traffic. A new signal system can be constructed at the time the LID improvements are made. We believe this solution achieves all of the City's objectives yet does not place an extraordinarily unfair burden on Hdk. I trust this provides you with the information you need to make a decision regarding a reconsideration or appeal of the Hearing Examiner's Decision. If you, the City of Renton staff, or the Hearing Examiner have any further questions , I encourage you to call me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, The TRANSPO Group, Inc. David D. Markley Principal For.Use .By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # (41 AGENDA ,ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. City Clerk For Agenda Of August 9, 1982 Meeting Date) Staff Contact Maxine Motor Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Appeal by Holvick deRegt Koering Consent X File SA '095-81 Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. ,, Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. Appeal Other B. Letter from City Clerk of 7/29/A? c. Hearing Examiner's Decision 7/16/82 Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Refer to Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Planning and Development Committee Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- Expenditure Budgeted Transfer Required. SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) Attach additional pages if necessary.) Appeal filed byLoren Davis of Holvick deRegt Koering - Hearing Examiner's Decision of 7/16/82 for approval with conditions of site plan approval for construction of five one- story buildings to be used as a business park or light warehousing. Also requested a variance to permit joint access driveways on common property lines. SA 095-81/V 014-82 North side of Powell Avenue SW at SW Seventh Street) . PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. OF R4 lv y o THE CITY OF RENTON U ` 400 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 09A •co, 0, 9q O SEP1Sg‘ July' 29,1 1982 1 APPEAL FILED BY LOREN DAVIS FOR HOLVICK deREGT KOERING Re: Holyick deRegt Koeri.ng file No. SA-095-81 To Parties of Record: Pursuant to Title 4, . Chapter 30, City Code, written appeal of Land Use Hearing Examiner's decision has been filed with the City Clerk; along with the proper fee of $25.00. . NOTICE I'S HEREBY GIVEN that the written appeal and other pertinent documents will be reviewed by the Council Planning and Development Committee and will be considered by the City Council when the matter is reported out of Committee. Please contact the Council Secretary 235-2586, for date and time of the committee and council meetings, should you desire to attend. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Maxine .E. Motor, Acting 'City Clerk MEM/ss OF 1 o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 04 0, 94 TFD SEP1 - July 29, ,1982 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASH-INGTON) ss, COUNTY' OF -KING . ) • MAXINE E. MOTOR, 'Acting City Clerk of the City.of Renton, being first:duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that she is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 29th day of July, 1982, at the hour of 5:00 p.m. , your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton.,':King County, Washington, by first class mail , to all parties of record, 'a true and correct NOTICE- OF APPEAL OF THE HEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION FILED BY LOREN DAVIS, REPRESENTATIVE FOR HOLVICK deREGT KOERING. SA-095-81 . Maxine E. Motor, Acting City Clerk SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 29th day of July, 1982. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in King County ss HOLVICK deREGT KOERING July 29, 1982 el, i 4J 2 y e I9821 CITY CLERK The Honorable Randy Rockhill, Chairman Planning & Development Committee CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: HOLVICK deREGT KOERING - FILE NO. SA-094-81 & SA-095-81 Dear Mr. Rockhill: I am writing as representative for Holvick deRegt Koering, the applicant for the above referenced site approvals. Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3016 of the Renton City Code; Holvick deRegt Koering, appeals Examiner Kaufman's July 15 & 16, 1982, Report and Decision. The Examiner's decisions approves the above referenced sites, but requires the construction of two traffic signals as a requirement of that approval. The Examiner's Report and Decision requiring the installation of the two traffic signals, is primarily based upon only partial consideration of the record. Holvick deRegt Koering appeals the requirement of the installation of the traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way, and Hardie and S.W. 7th Street. The preliminary and final plat approvals included mitigating measures imposed upon the development by the Environmental Review Committee. Those mitigating measures included the following measures: Prior to the development of Phase I, the proponents shall: 1. Extend Powell Avenue to S.W. Grady Way. 2. Participate in the signalization of the interseciton of Powell Avenue and S.W. Grady Way, by contributing 35% of the cost of this signalization. 3. Participate in the signalization of the intersection of Edwards Avenue, i.e. , Hardie Avenue) , and S.W. 7th Street, by contributing 20% of the cost of this signalization. The applicant is fully prepared to honor his committment to extend Powell to Grady and provide funds for 35% of the Powell/Grady signal and 20% of the Hardie/S.W. 7th Street signal. ONE OAKMEAD TERRACE•1230 OAKMEAD PARKWAY,SUITE 210•SUNNYVALE,CALIFORNIA 94086-4069•(408)773-0111 r Mr. Rockhill July 29, 1982 Page 2 The city staff had ample opportunity to require the installation of traffic signals during review and comment on the preliminary plat and final plat. Their decision and recommendation for the plat only required participation in the cost of the signal. Further, the memorandum of concurrence by the Environmental Review Committee for both site approvals, did not require the installation of the traffic signals. The Environmental Review Committee recommended that Powell Avenue not be open to Grady Way until signalization is completed. The Building and Zoning Department in their Department Recommendation, arbitrarily required the signalization of the intersection of Grady Way and Powell Avenue, in lieu of not opening the intersection until the signal was installed. Also, the Building and Zoning Department in their Department Recommendation, only required the applicant's payment of their 20% participation in the S.W. 7th and Edwards Avenue signal, in lieu of complete installation of the signal. Finally, no recommendation was made that an occupancy permit would be withheld if the signal at S.W. 7th and Edwards was not installed. Based on the above referenced statements, the applicant feels the Hearing Examiner errored in his decision of site approval SA-094-81 and SA-095-81. The applicant therefore, requests that the City Council modify the Examiner's decision #2 of site approval SA-094-81 and SA-095-81. The modification should require the applicant to make payment of 20% and 35% of the cost of the signal at Edwards Avenue and S.W. 7th Street, and Powell Avenue and Grady Way, respectively. Also, the modification should require the applicant to construct Powell Avenue to Grady Way, but not open the intersection until such time as the traffic signal is constructed by the city. Very truly yours, HOLVICK deREGT KOERING 15-)07--''---z-7C-b-,f-.1-4-- Loren Davis LD/jld cc: Frank Henry, HdK ONE OAKMEAD TERRACE 1230 OPSAD PARKWAY,SUITE 210•SUNNYVALE,CA 94086-4C HOLVICK deREGT KOERING D• O H F- rf O FC 0 O w 0 r 0 F nJ 0 0 H o k.o 0 O (D (D OD 0 c O (D 01 FJ u. (n o rr (D ct O n CD x r• F' r• F J rr rt D CD a r w July 16, 1982 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION, APPLICANT: Holvick deRegt Koering FILE NO. SA-095-81 V-014-82 LOCATION: North side of Powell Avenue S.W. at S.W. 7th Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks site plan approval for construction of five 5) one-story buildings (1-5) to be used as a .business park or for light warehousing. Also requested is a variance to permit joint access driveways on common property lines. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building & Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval with restrictive covenants. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval with conditions. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT REPORT: Examiner on July 7, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was, opened on July 13, 1982 at 11 :57 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The Examiner indicated his intent to direct a letter to the City Council addressing the issue of joint access and parking in a manufacturing park zone and the need for revisions to ordinances for that zone and commercial zones. He suggested that the applicant may also wish to address the City Council regarding the matter. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the Building & Zoning Department report, and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1 : Application File containing Building & Zoning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Site Plan Exhibit #3: Vicinity Map Mr. Blaylock advised that a variance has been requested between lots 2, 3 and 4. He corrected Section M.4 of the staff report to reflect a 20% contribution to signal improvements at S.W. 7th Street and Edwards Avenue S.W. in lieu of 35% as denoted. Responding to the Examiner's inquiry, Mr. Blaylock confirmed that the percentage would apply to the entire plat, not to each individual site approval . The Examiner inquired if a railroad right-of-way exists north of Lot 1 . Mr. Blaylock advised that trackage exists in an arc north of Lot 1 . The Examiner inquired if maneuvering space for parking will be contained within the access easement. Mr. Blaylock responded affirmatively. Referencing Section L.4 which refers to a trip generation of 50 vehicles per 1 ,000 square feet of light warehousing space, Mr. Blaylock corrected the figure to 5.3 trips. He also noted that office use requires the highest number of parking spaces. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Loren Davis Holvick deRegt Koering 1818 Westlake N. , Suite 308 Seattle, WA 98109 Regarding proposed signalization, Mr. Davis pointed out that building permits are being requested for only Building 3 of the site plan, and construction should occur within six to eight months. Upon approval of the site plan, 20% of the funding for the signal at Edwards and 7th will be provided by the applicant, and the signalization and opening of the intersection at Powell and Grady will be deferred pending agreements with the city. Referencing Section M.3 of the staff report pertaining to filing of restrictive covenants to assure site ;plan approval if square footage of certain buildings is exceeded, Mr. Davis had no objection to the requirement; however, he wished to submit a parking ratio matrix which calculates office versus warehouse versus manufacturing park uses proposed for the SA-095-81 Page Two site. He also noted that if covenants are placed on buildings , they should be defined in accordance with parking ratios included in the matrix. The submission was entered as follows: Exhibit #5: Parking Matrix Addressing the subject of parking, Mr. Davis stated that the proposed configuration of one building per lot enables the applicant to be specific regarding parking allocated to each building whether it be an office, manufacturing, or warehouse mix. The office to warehousing average ratio for Buildings 2 and 5 is 7.8%, and when tenants are specified, parking on the west side of Building 2 could be allocated to Building 5. The method of parking allocation was then described by Mr. Davis. Addressing the proposed cul-de-sac on site which has a 50-foot radius , he advised that the street right-of-way width is 40 feet, and the entrance to the site requires revision to assure that on the northern portion of Lot 4, the entrance operates properly with the cul-de-sac configuration. Landscaping will require reduction at this time along the street frontage at the location of the cul-de-sac radius; however, it will be replaced along that frontage. Mr. Davis indicated that the applicant requests approval of site plans for Lots 1 , 2 and 3; however, review of Lot 4 at a later date will be required to establish a final configuration for the entrance and parking adjacent to the cul-de-sac. The Examiner advised that he will dismiss Lot 4 from the application, and the matter will be rescheduled at a later date. It was noted for the record that no other parties were in attendance to speak either for or against the proposal . Since the Building & Zoning Department staff had no further comments , the hearing was closed at 12:20 p.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 . The applicant, Holvick deRegt Koering, filed a request for approval of a site plan for office and warehousing buildings together with a request for variances to permit driveways to be less than five feet from the property lines. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, a draft and final Environmental Impact Statement was prepared for the subject proposal . 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The subject property consists of Lots 1 through 4 of the Washington Technical Center plat. Grading and clearing has been approved for the site, and whatever vegetation remains in the former golf course vicinity consists of scrub brush, grass and weeds. 6. The Comprehensive Plan for the area in which the subject site is located designates it as suitable for the development of manufacturing park uses. The subject site is zoned M-P (Manufacturing Park) . 7. The applicant has requested that the site plan for Lot 4 which contained plans for two buildings be dismissed because a change in the final plat has required a change in the lot lines and square footage of the lot. 8. The applicant proposes constructing only one of the three remaining buildings at this time and that building would be located on Lot 2. 9. The landscape plans and treatment of the buildings are in accordance with the plans submitted during the rezone hearing and comply with the information contained within the EIS prepared for the project. 10. The property is located north of S.W. 7th Street and east of Powell Avenue S.W. 11 . The buildings proposed will include approximately 88,766 square feet. Lot 1 will contain 31 , 146 square feet, Lot 2 - 18,068 square feet, and Lot 3 - 39,552 square feet. The applicant proposes 111 parking stalls , 55 parking stalls and 58 parking stalls , respectively on Lots 1 , 2 and 3. The applicant has not committed the buildings to any specific use, and like the site SA-095-81 Page Three approval for Lot 8 of the plat (See SA-094-81 ) , the number of stalls will limit the ultimate configuration of the buildings for use as either office, light manufacturing and warehousing. These uses respectively required one stall per 200 square feet, one stall per 1 ,000 square feet, and one stall per 1 ,500 square feet. 12. The applicant proposes providing access to the various lots by using shared driveways immediately adjacent to the common property lines of Lots 2, 3 and 4. Because driveways must be greater than five feet' from property lines , a variance for the proposed access method is required (Section 4-2204(2) (A) (1) ) . 13. The subject proposal will generate between 470 trips per day if it were all warehousing to 890 trips per day if it were all office use. The p.m. peak would be slightly more than 10% of those figures , or up to approximately 90 trips. 14. See SA-094-81 for a discussion of the Police Department and other staff input which indicates that traffic signals will be required at both the intersections of Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way and S.W. 7th Street and Hardie Avenue S.W. The staff recommended that the Powell Avenue extension not be opened until a traffic signal is installed at its intersection with Grady. Further, the recommendation was that occupancy permits not issue for the proposed buildings until a signal is installed at the 7th and Hardie intersection. 15. The applicant has contributed 35% for the signal at Powell and Grady and 20% for the 7th and Hardie signal . The city needs additional funds before the signal can be purchased and installed. The fund is contributed to by development within the service area of these various intersections as determined by the Public Works Department. 16. Similar variances to permit shared driveways have been approved for Koll Industrial Park (SA-269-78) and Sunset Square shopping center (SA-104-80) . 17. The subject property is located in an area in which development may impact the flood control measures for the Green River Valley. The applicant will have to provide flood storage capacity equivalent to that lost through development on the subject site. 18. A site approval expires after two years with a potential one year extension. CONCLUSIONS: 1 . The proposed site plan and the variances appear to serve the public use and interest. Both the Comprehensive Plan and the M-P zoning on the subject site permit either the office uses or warehousing the applicant has proposed. 2. The site plans have followed the requirements of the rezone and the subsequent platting in providing significant amounts of landscaping and the architectural treatment of the buildings will present a consistent appearance throughout the development. 3. The parking on each lot is sufficient to serve some combination of office and warehousing use. Occupancy for any particular use will be determined by the Building and Zoning Department as a particular arrangement of uses is proposed and parking will be allocated accordingly. The total parking, though , will act as a limitation on the ultimate uses which may be made of each site. • Any change of use will require substantiation of sufficient parking. 4. The unique characteristics of manufacturing park leads to special demands for access and maneuvering space. Therefore, the applicant has proposed the joint use access or shared driveway configuration. Large trucks require greater turning radius at driveways and greater maneuvering room. 5. The shared driveway will require less curb cuts and actually lessen the impact of the development on city streets by minimizing turning movements and the resultant conflicts. The public safety will be enhanced and the public welfare will not be adversely affected by the variances . 6. Since similar variances have been approved, the applicant will not therefore receive a special privilege. 7. The variance is the minimum variances which can accomplish the purpose while still providing a reasonable access to the subject sites. 8. The applicant will have to provide both of the required traffic signals and may do so by creation of a latecomers fee under Ordinance No. 3622. The Police Department SA-095-81 Page Four cited the intersection of 7th and Hardie as a critical situation, and the original rezone hearing determined that the Powell/Grady intersection would relieve pressure on the 7th and Hardie intersection. The. record indicates that these intersections are required to serve the subject site and other sites the applicant is concurrently developing, and these intersections both require traffic signals to provide safe passage for vehicles. DECISION: The site plan is approved subject to: 1 . Filing of the final plat of Washington Technical Center. 2. Installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way and Hardie and S.W. 7th Street. 3. Providing on-site storage of storm water equivalent to that lost by development of the site and not otherwise accommodated by dedications of land for that purpose. The variances are approved. The site approval request for Lot 4 is dismissed. ORDERED THIS 16th day of July, 1982. Fred J . Kau n Land Use Hea ing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of July, 1982 by Affidavit of Mailing to the party of record: Loren Davis, Holvick deRegt Koering, 1818 Westlake N. , Suite 308, Seattle, WA 98109 TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of July, 1982 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton , Public Works Director David Clemens , Policy Development Director Members , Renton Planning Commission Ron Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Don Persson, Police Department Lawrence J . Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before July 30, 1.982. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen 14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements . Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall . CITY OF RENTON N? 23756 FINANCE DEPARTMENT RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 t / 19 . RECEIVED OF //•_'/ > ; . /; r 7 TOTAL J 0 GWEN E. MARSHALL( FINANCE DIRECTOR BY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J . Petersen being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 16th day of July 1982 affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn this h, rn day of JUV 19 C14,• Notary Public in and for th-e State of Washington, residing at e),Aton Application, Petition or Case: Holvick deRegt Koering; SA-095-81 ; V-014-82 The mi,,ntlte.6 COYLtcUJL U. .e,,Lst Qcj the. pcurtc.e6 otc ; eco%t.L(. July 16, 1982 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION. APPLICANT: Holvick deRegt Koering FILE NO. SA-095-81 V-014-82 LOCATION: North side of Powell Avenue S.W. at S.W. 7th Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks site plan approval for construction of five 5) one-story buildings (1-5) to be used as a business park or for light warehousing. Also requested is a variance to permit joint access driveways on common property lines. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building & Zoning Department Recommendation: . Approval with restrictive covenants. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval with conditions. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department report was received by the DEPARTMENT REPORT: Examiner on July 7, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building & Zoning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows : The hearing waslopened on July 13, 1982 at 11 :57 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The Examiner indicated his intent to direct a letter to the City Council addressing the issue of joint access and parking in a manufacturing park zone and the need for revisions to ordinances for that zone and commercial zones. He suggested that the applicant may also wish to address the City Council regarding the matter. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the Building & Zoning Department report, and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1 : Application File containing Building & Zoning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Site Plan Exhibit #3: Vicinity Map Mr. Blaylock advised that a variance has been requested between lots 2, 3 and 4. He corrected Section M.4 of the staff report to reflect a 20% contribution to signal improvements at1S.W. 7th Street and Edwards Avenue S.W. in lieu of 35%—as denoted. Responding to the Examiner's inquiry, Mr. Blaylock confirmed that the percentage would apply to the entire plat, not to each individual site approval . The Examiner inquired if a railroad right-of-way exists north of Lot 1 . Mr. Blaylock advised that trackage exists in an arc north of Lot I . The Examiner inquired if maneuvering space for parking will be contained within the access easement. Mr. Blaylock responded affirmatively. Referencing Section L.4 which refers to a trip generation of 50 vehicles per 1 ,000 square feet of light warehousing space, Mr. Blaylock corrected the figure to 5.3 trips. He also noted that office use requires the highest number of parking. spaces. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Loren Davis Holvick deRegt Koering 1818 Westlake N. . Suite 308 SA-095-81 Page Two site. He also noted that if covenants are placed on buildings , they should be defined in accordance with parking ratios included in the matrix. The submission was entered as follows: Exhibit #5: Parking Matrix Addressing the subject of parking, Mr. Davis stated that the proposed configuration of one building per lot enables the applicant to be specific regarding parking allocated to each building whether it be an office, manufacturing, or warehouse mix. The office to warehousing average ratio for Buildings 2 and 5 is 7.8%, and when tenants are specified, parking on the west side of Building 2 could be allocated to Building 5. The method of parking allocation was then described by Mr. Davis.. Addressing the proposed cul-de-sac on site which has a 50-foot radius , he advised that the street right-of-way width is 40 feet, and the entrance to the site requires revision to assure that on the northern portion of Lot 4, the entrance operates properly with the cul-de-sac configuration. Landscaping will require reduction at this time along the street frontage at the location of the cul-de-sac radius ; however, it will be replaced along that frontage. Mr. Davis indicated that the applicant requests approval of site plans for Lots 1 , 2 and 3; however, review of Lot 4 at a later date will be required to establish a final configuration for the entrance and parking adjacent to the cul-de-sac. The Examiner advised that he will dismiss Lot 4 from the application, and the matter will be rescheduled at a later date. It was noted for the record that no other parties were in attendance to speak either for or against the proposal . Since the Building & Zoning Department staff had no further comments , the hearing was closed at 12:20 p.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 . The applicant, Holvick deRegt Koering, filed a request for approval of a site plan for office and warehousing buildings together with a request for variances to permit driveways to be less than five feet from the property lines. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Building and Zoning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , RCW 43.21C, as amended, a draft and final Environmental Impact Statement was prepared for the subject proposal . 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The subject property consists of Lots 1 through 4 of the Washington Technical Center plat. Grading and clearing has been approved for the site, and whatever vegetation remains in the former golf course vicinity consists of scrub brush, grass and weeds. 6. The Comprehensive Plan for the area in which the subject site is located designates it as suitable for the development of manufacturing park uses. The subject site is zoned M-P .(Manufacturing Park) . 7. The applicant has requested that the site plan for Lot 4 which contained plans for two buildings be dismissed because a change in the final plat has required a change in the lot lines and square footage of the lot. 8. The applicant proposes constructing only one of the three remaining buildings at this time and that building would be located on Lot 2. Q Tkn lnn-crnna nlnnc and trantmant of tha hiiildinnc Ara in Arrnrdance with the Plans SA-095-81 Page Three approval for Lot 8 of the plat (See SA-094-81 ) , the number of stalls will limit the ultimate configuration of the buildings for use as either office, light manufacturing and warehousing. These uses respectively required one stall per 200 square feet, one stall per 1 ,000 square feet, and one stall per 1 ,500 square feet. 12. The applicant proposes providing access to the various lots by using shared driveways immediately ;adjacent to the common property lines of Lots 2, 3 and 4. Because driveways must be greater than five feet from property lines , a variance for the proposed access method is required (Section 4-2204(2) (A) (1) ) . 13. The subject proposal will generate between 470 trips per day if it were all warehousing to 890 trips per day if it were all office use. The p.m. peak would be slightly more than 10% of those figures , or up to approximately 90 trips. 14. See SA-094-81 for a discussion of the Police Department and other staff input which indicates that traffic signals will be required at both the intersections of Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way and S.W. 7th Street and Hardie Avenue S.W. The staff recommended that the Powell Avenue extension not be opened until a traffic signal is installed at its intersection with Grady. Further, the recommendation was that occupancy permits not issue for the proposed buildings until a signal is installed at the 7th and Hardie intersection. 15. The applicant has contributed 35% for the signal at Powell and Grady and 20% for the 7th and, Hardie signal . The city needs additional funds before the signal can be purchased and installed. The fund is contributed to by development within the service area of these various intersections as determined by the Public Works Department. 16. Similar variances to permit shared driveways have been approved for Koll Industrial Park (SA-269-78) and Sunset Square shopping center (SA-104-80) . 17. The subject property is located in an area in which development may impact the flood control measures for the Green River Valley. The applicant will have to provide flood storage capacity equivalent to that lost through development on the subject site. 18. A site approval expires after two years with a potential one year extension. CONCLUSIONS: 1 . The proposed site plan and the variances appear to serve the public use and interest. Both the Comprehensive Plan and the M-P zoning on the subject site permit either the office uses or warehousing the applicant has proposed. 2. The site plans have followed the requirements of the rezone and the subsequent platting in providing significant amounts of landscaping and the architectural treatment of the buildings will present a consistent appearance throughout the development. 3. The parking on each lot is sufficient to serve some combination of office and warehousing use. Occupancy for any particular use will be determined by the Building and Zoning Department as a particular arrangement of uses is proposed and parking will be allocated accordingly. The total parking, though, will act as a limitation ;on the ultimate uses which may be made of each site. • Any change of use will require substantiation of sufficient parking. 4. The unique characteristics of manufacturing park leads to special demands for access and ;maneuvering space. Therefore, the applicant has proposed the joint use access or shared driveway configuration. Large trucks require greater turning radius at driveways and greater maneuvering room. 5. The shared driveway will require less curb cuts and actually lessen the impact of the rievelnnment nn city streets by minimi7ina turning movements and the resultant SA-095-81 Page Four cited the intersection of 7th and Hardie as a critical situation, and the original rezone hearing determined that the Powell/Grady intersection would relieve pressure on the 7th and Hardie intersection. The record indicates that these intersections are required to serve the subject site and other sites the applicant is concurrently developing, and these intersections both require traffic signals to provide safe passage for vehicles . DECISION: The site plan is approved subject to: 1 . Filing of the final plat of Washington Technical Center. 2. Installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way and Hardie and S.W. 7th Street. 3. Providing on-site storage of storm water equivalent to that lost by development of the site and not otherwise accommodated by dedications of land for that purpose. The variances are approved. The site approval request for Lot 4 is dismissed. ORDERED THIS 16th day of July, 1982. Fred J . Kau n Land Use Hea ing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of July, 1982 by Affidavit of Mailing to the party of record: Loren Davis , Holvick deRegt Koering, 1818 Westlake N. , Suite 308, Seattle, WA 98109 TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of July, 1982 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens , Policy Development Director Members , Renton Planning Commission Ron Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Don Persson, Police Department Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before July 30, 1982. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by. the Examiner within fourteen 14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements . Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall . 7/12/82 LD WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER LOTS 1-4 PARKING RATIOS 1)Estimated 2) Total Parking Estimated Parking Manufacturing Parking Parking Lot-#-- - -Building Area -Provided- --Off-ice ---- Requlr-ed or--Warehouse Required . RequiredRequ-i-r-ed- -—--- Building #1 Manufacturing Lot #1 31,146 111 15,573 S.F. 78 15,573 S.F. 16 94 Building #3 Manufacturing Lot #2 18,068 55 •9,034 S.F. 46 9,034 S.F. 9 55 Building #4 Warehouse Lot #3 39,552 58 7,200 S.F. 36 32,352 S.F. 22 58 Building #2 Warehouse Lot #4 29,856 39 4,400 S.F. 22 25,456 17 39 Building #5 Warehouse 41,840 36 1,800 S.F. 9 40,040 27 36 Totals 160,462 38,007 Ratio: Office Area 38,007 _ Total Building Area 160,462 - 240 RECEIVED 1) Office parking @ 1 space per 200 S.F. SCITYOFRENTONEXHIBITNO. 2) Manufacturing parking @ 1 space per 1,000 S.F. HEARING'EXAMINER 3) Warehouse parking @ 1 space per 1,500 S.F. MII 1 31982 ITEM NO. -09c AM PMv-O/,/-.ti mUILDING AND ZONING DE'ARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE mEARING EXAMINEr PUBLIC HEARING JULY 13, 1982 APPLICANTS HOLVICK, deREGT & KOERING FILE NUMBER: SA-095-81 , V-014-82 A. SOU"ri' ,Y & PURPOSE OF ,", QUEST: The applicant seeks Site Plan approval for construction of five (5) one-story buildings (1-5) to be used as a business park or for light warehousing. Also sought is ajVariance to permit joint access driveways on common property lines. B. GENERAL IN'O;I'I TIOO: 1 . Owner of Record: Holvick, deRegt & Koering 2. Applicant: Holvick, deRegt & Koering 3. ;Location: Vicinity Map Attached) North side of Powell Avenue S.W. at S.W. 7th Street. 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal 1 description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. 5. ; Size of Property: 10. 9 acres. 1 6. Access :Via Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. 7th Street. 1 7. Existing Zoning: M-P, Manufacturing Park. 8. lExisting Zoning in the Area: M-P, Manufacturing Park. 9. ;Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Manufacturing Park. 1 10. (Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on July 2 , 1982, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on July 2 , 1982. C. 17IST°O'NY/I G:,SiUl D: The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance No. 1745 of April 14 , 1959 , and rezoned from "G" to M-P by Ordinance No. 3344 of August 17, 1979 . PRELIMINARY REPO-- TO THE HEARING EXAMINER - -- r HOLVICK, deREGT OERING, SA-095-81 JULY 13, 1982 PAGE TWO D. P;:; SJICAL mm ; G'',4 UJ1 D: 1 . Topography: The subject site is basically level. 2. Soils: Woodinville Silt Loam (Wo) . Permeability is moderately slow. There is a seasonal highwater table at or near the surface. Runoff is slow and the erosion hazard is slight. Stream overflow is a severe hazard unless flood protection is provided. This soil is used for row crops, pasture and urban development. 3. Vegetation: The only vegetation on site consists of scrub brush, grass and weeds. 4 . Wildlife: The existing vegetation may provide some habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No surface water was observed on the subject site (July 2 , 1982) . 6. Land Use: The subject site was _part of a golf course but is being prepared for future office and warehousing uses. Similar uses are to the east of the subject site while the property to the south and west is also being prepared for industrial park uses. Some undeveloped land lies between the site and the Sun Pointe condominiums to the north. E. NEI, ,imII v ,v0OD Cm ;..'.\, TERgSTICS: The surrounding properties are a combination of warehousing, storage and office park uses. F. P 11 :LIC SERVICES: 1 . Water and Sewer: Twelve-inch water mains extend east-west on S.W. 7th Street and north-south on Powell Avenue S.W. with a ten-inch sanitary sewer also located on Powell Avenue S.W. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Not applicable. 4 . Schools : Not applicable. 5. Recreation: Not applicable. G. AP•'LJIC BLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1 . Section 4-730, M-P, Manufacturing Park District. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE Cs P ': mE`ESI 'LAN OR OThE', OFFICIAL CITY 1 . Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan, June 1976 . 2. Policies Element, Comprehensive Plan ( 1981 ) . I. IMPACT ON TEE NATURAL OR m m"i 4\,iv ENVIRONMENT: 1 . Natural Systems: Construction on the site will remove the vegetation, disturb the soils, increase storm water runoff and have an effect on traffic and noise levels in the vicinity. Through proper development controls and procedures, however, these impacts can be mitigated. I . PRELIMINARY REPORT .-- THE HEARING EXAMINER HOLVICK, ;deREGT &RING, SA-095-81 JULY 13, 1982 PAGE THREE 2. j Population/Employment: Some increase in employment opportunities may be expected. 3. 1 Schools : Not applicable. 4 . 1 Social Minor. 5. iTraffic : The proposed development will increase traffic in the vicinity by approximately 5, 61 0 average daily trips. J. E Vgi, sin'"iriwTAL ASSES III \iT'/ r SOLD DE'"T'ETr..1'I1Fli!\T]EO : Pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, a Memorandum of Concurrence was issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee in January, 1982. K. AG 4ES/II9EPARTNENTS CONTACTED: 1 . ! City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2. ICity of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. ; City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5. ' City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau. 6. City of Renton Policy Development Department. L. DEmAETNENT ANALYSIS: 1 . IThe proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Manufacturing Park for the subject site and the present zoning of M-P, Manufacturing Park. 2. The proposal is to construct five (5) buildings totaling 159, 780 square feet on proposed Lots 1 , 2, 3 and 4 of Washington Technical Center. The lEIS proposed on the entire project that up to 30% of the floor space would be utilized for office with 70% remaining for light industrial uses. The proposal utilizes common east-west access drives between Lots 2 , 3 and 4 . The applicant has applied for a variance from Section 4-2204 (2) (A) (1 ) which requires the driveways not be closer than five 5) feet to any property line. Applying Section 4-722 (G) (3) it can be determined that the variance is warranted as follows : HARDSHIP: The first criteria requires that a hardship exists as a result of size, shape, topography, or location to surroundings. The size and shape of a lot created in a manufacturing park is a direct result of the industrial function and the market. In this specific case, 200 foot wide lots are proposed. If two accesses were allowed per lot then five or six curb cuts would be constructed on a 600 foot stretch of Powell Avenue S.W. Section 4-2204 (2) (C) (1 ) states that there shall not be more than two driveways for each 330 feet of street frontage on property under unified ownership or control. This clearly shows an attempt to limit access. The applicant PRELIMINARY REPO TO THE HEARING EXAMINER HOLVICK, deREGT OERING, SA-095-81 JULY 13, 1982 PAGE FOUR . is proposing to limit access more by controlling and encouraging on-site circulation. Therefore, strict application of size and the Zoning Ordinance would deprive the applicant the original functional intent of an industrial park. MATERIALLY DETRIMENTAL: Reducing the access points onto major streets would limit the potential points of conflict with traffic flowing on those streets and from a design point of view, it should be encouraged. In actuality, the proposal would ultimately reduce the curb cuts by 40% to 50% and would not create a detrimental impact upon the adjacent properties or. general. public. SPECIAL PRIVILEDGE: The Parking and Loading Ordinance specifically disallows the creation of a common curb cut; however, in the next section it specifically encourages, though indirectly, close consideration of curb cut locations. This consideration in the past has allowed the City in the case of Koll Industrial Park (Files SA-269-78 and FP-362-79) to allow a uniform cohesive development serviced by common curb cuts and access easements. In addition, the Sunset Square proposal (File SA-104-80) allowed joint use, parking and access easements for the development of a shopping center, This would suggest that in cases of coordinated, comprehensively planned commercial or industrial facilities that a variance should not be considered a special priviledge. It would be considered a functional necessity and a reasonable decision. In some cases, the buildings were originally designed to function independently but based upon the market and eventual sales of the property, the buildings function together as an industrial complex. This is the present case of the Benaroya portion of Glacier Park Development along S.W. 43rd Street. In that particular case, curb cuts have been eliminated, security fences installed and access limited to common driveways and gatehouses. MINIMUM NECESSARY VARIANCE: The applicant' s proposal would reduce the number of curb cuts by 40% to 50%. The variance request is the minimum necessary to allow this reduction to happen. However, each site plan review should consider the functional acceptability of placing a common curb cut on a property line. In the case of the western property line, the thirty (30) feet utility and access easement is actually reserved to allow future rail access to the site. Allowing a curb cut at this location would appear to conflict with that ultimate intent. The Building Division advises that other parking variances maybe necessary as a result of the statement that all parking must be on-premise parking. A parking space does not function by itself. Necessary access aisles must be provided. In the case of sharing a common curb cut, . access is then joint and provisions for joint access easements should be provided. Granting of the curb cut variance along with the requirement to provide joint access easements should be sufficient to address this issue. PRELIMINARY REPORT -- THE HEARING EXAMINER HOLVICK, deREGT & ] RING, SA-095-81 JULY 13, 1982 PAGE FIVE1 3. The primary natural issue accompanying the development of this entire site has been the question of present and future flood water storage. The prelimary plat required dedication of sufficient area to construct the fore-bay for the P-1 Channel together with the Environmental Review Committee' s decision to require the applicant to construct sufficient storage to mitigate any filling of the subject site. This primary issue appears to have been resolved. However, final resolution will not occur until the final plat is recorded and the property is transferred to the City of Renton. Therefore, any site approval should be conditioned upon filing of the final plat. 4 . A secondary major issue surrounding the development of the subject site has been traffic generation. The Manufacturing Park Zone would allow all types of development ranging from light industrial through all office. Surprisingly, the heaviest anticipated use would be the light warehousing according to the ITE manual generating 50 trips per 1 ,000 square feet. The EIS prepared suggests a maximum of 30% office over the entire development which would anticipate that one complex may be all office and another complex might be all industrial. In any case, the focus comes back to the two "choke points” that limit access to the general area. The Environmental Review Committee specifically included participation in the traffic signals at S.W. 7th Street and Edwards Avenue S.W. in the amount of 20% and improvements in the intersection of Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way in the amount of 35% with the additional requirement that the developer construct the extension of S.W. Powell Avenue. The Enviromental Review Committee in issuing the Memorandum of Concurrence for the site approval stated clearly that "the intersection of Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way will be unsafe until the intersection is signalized. Therefore, Powell Avenue can not be open to Grady Way until the signalization is completed to City standards . " This is a simple statement which is not a requirement of the Environmental Review Committee. Even though the initial two site approvals probably would not generate sufficient traffic levels to warrent the installation of the traffic signal, it seems inconsistent to require that Powell Avenue be extended prior to the development of Phase 1 , but not be open for public use. The matter could be resolved by requiring the applicant to install the traffic signal and then have him seek a latecomer' s agreement from adjacent developments. In the case of the intersection at S.W. 7th Street and Edwards Avenue S.W. , those improvements are presently included in the bond which the applicant Chas submitted to allow filing of the final plat. However, a bond is a very tenuous instrument to proceed against and the cash should be available to allow the City to develop that intersection at this time. The City has currently designed the revisions for that intersection and has other property owners within the general area committed to proportionate shares in that signalization cost. I T • s PRELIMINARY REPO, TO THE HEARING EXAMINER HOLVICK, deREGT & KOERING, SA-095-82 JULY 13, 1982 PAGE SIX 5. The applicant proposed providing 299 parking spaces. This, would allow 21 . 5% of the total building floor area to be utilized for office space with the remaining 78. 5% used for light industrial uses. However, review of the following individualized parking analysis reveals that office space ranges from 1 . 1 % of Buildings 2 and 5 to 64% of Building 1 . PARKING ANALYSIS SITE PLAN PARKING Est./EIS Would Allow Internal 30% Office Use As Follows : Sq, Ft. 70% Lt. Ind.Provided Sq. Ft. Bldg. ' 1 31 , 146 69 111 Office 20, 000 64 . 0 Lot 1 ) Ind. 11 , 146 36. 0 Bldg 2 + 5 71 , 696 158 75 Office 800 1 . 1 Lot 4) Ind. 70, 696 98. 9 Bldg. 3 17, 936 40 55 Office 9 , 200 51 . 3 Lot 2) Ind. 8 , 736 48. 7 Bldg 4 39 , 552 88 58 Office 4, 400 11 . 1 Lot 3) Ind. 35 , 152 88 . 9 TOTALS 159,780 335 299 34 ,400 21 . 5% Providing only slightly more than 1 % of the square footage of a building for office is not realistic. At some future time it will become an administrative headache. All industrial site plans should provide parking to allow a minimum of 5% internal development for office space. In the case of Buildings 2 and 5, approximately 3 , 585 square feet of office space could be constructed. This would require the buildings and site plan to be redesigned providing 85 to 90 parking spaces. With the redesign of Buildings 2 and 5, the percentage of overall office space within the 5 buildings would increase to approximately 25%. Both of the ratios for office space .versus industrial space falls within the ration limits of the EIS. Covenants should be filed allowing maximum office space development based upon the available parking. 6. The Fire Department advise's that all fire hydrants should be installed prior to construction. 7. The landscaping plan meets 'the .intent of the original presentations for the preliminary plat, but lack an irrigation system required by City code. M. DEP' rTNENT 1 CO„m„Ic w*hTIOO Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the variance request, V-014-82, be approved subject to the condition that joint access easements be filed on all affected property lines as they are approved by the Hearing Examiner after site plan approval. PRELIMINARY REPORT THE HEARING EXAMINER HOLVICK, deREGT & h.,L 2ING, SA-095-82 JULY 13, 1982 PAGE SEVEN The site plan request, SA-095-81 , should be partially approved subject to the following conditions : 1 . ; Filing of the final plat for Washington Technical Center. 2. Signalization of the intersection of S.W. Grady and Powell Avenue S.W. prior to occupancy. 3. ; Filing of restrictive covenants requiring site plan approval at the time internal office space exceeds : 20, 000 square feet - Building 1 (Lot 1 ) 9, 200 square feet - Building 3 (Lot 2) 4, 400 square feet - Building 4 (Lot 3) 4 . Require payment of participation (35%) in signal improvements to S.W. 7th Street and Edwards Avenue S.W. within 60 days after issuance of building permits. The site plan approval for Buildings 2 and 5 (Lot 4) should be denied. I77''''W.7/ i / V .. l s.,,. 4•,,te_. , ,44-4. , It.' t. " i 4,....... :,NN.,I,,s 1 ....,„„••, 411 1 • . 41* I great,LEI ..... F• , ws! . OM _2 ..._ 4• . 44C' - /All". " . eriaa 4 /,, • -I: , 44' C71 A i A..• • : ' •s.F-Ili A • VI 141 k ir .. ''' •A ' !..-.,, ;.. '• , 411P4Niff. i 4/Stifg CC Piii. lir 0 i.I.,41ilmii:' 'A ItiOilFir ilf ifo. afgatie' - 4- "a'Zft.,..‘Z""- ''. 4 810',...#.4 li V/ROA/ gifiliit 441i0:, 4 Nia:V/I'V• . 'AtiVilicle. tog •GQ. A,. . ' . ; Atfr;‘,AD 7 •:,',44 1_,,•01:4 • •ff 6)Ws itii 4 Pi*ip.r.qik.N,A ;-:.? fi_FO, ,K;Iti, 7 -10/,: :,..ett7,-- $4tii ,,.t cr., , AVECI•lt- .3 ' 4' •AI*, \Et:: .3- p..-.7;ii,‘,.. . •,,, it id art... .• ii,...""Re/ ' ' . aniffsimmumm.....k hili : -:-04 o• iiiit 4 1 •'117 tit t'\ i SUenCT - • N.• P \ lillit .. : NJ A., • i . • cc\‘, P\-. 1 0.....cr.--• 3 I s 01. O's%• lk. I i'\:..:s '') t ID \-7 N%. 5 4• fl ' vel _.....`, til 4..' e4s ''' . t) -____ _ _ _ J, 0LAJUj 0: >0v < o.. i: v., % ;,•:'..;\: Z N. t . 1. '' '11,, , . t,....,..\ \...,ti....%. ,' A k.•1..' '•A IP V.A." ' ' ui.. . II ____I____, J. 1 HOLVICK, deREGT & KOERING SA-095-81 , V-014-82 APPLICANT HOLVICK, deREGT & KOERING TOTAL AREA +10. 9 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. 7th Street EXISTING ZONING M-P, Manufacturing Park EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Manufacturing Park COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park COMMENTS 1 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET APPlication :y IAPPAIN'4L 6Nor. Ir eonerele tVlidlis_dzole_ .AWItiliS_At iwittei511142 ar_ .ill_ &mere bus L !aF n:WEeznie olven a 0' Applicant. :ko-tu•t Q Lk_ e T O . OPublic Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE:./ Traffic Eng. Division. SCHEDULED FEARING DATE: a .... . .Utilities Eng. Division n Fire Department 11Pa .-°s Di par tmen t 164 tui1ding Department Li Poi ice Department nOthers v:•'.MENTs OR1 SUGGESTIONS RA;ARD1NG THIS APPLICATION SHOULD I3E PROVInED INi-JTING. Pi..[';.ASE PROVIDE COMMENTS To THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. (.1{4./01.491-----. --— - — REVIEWING DEPARTMENTjDIVIS10N : — rEL Approved 0 Approved with Condi Lions ( 'Not Approved A.)FiLL z..si4,5„,...-A/..-t-Qt_e__,,,,,E,-_, 2...00., w 4 FQL/AUCa ,, ' /S p f- /.iJ C/l,Li.d'G eeJ I`- 1 FLc'p b ip{Su 42.AAcv.... g &a tic,.uS.3c.,7 P 6 C o.4 ( A,15 cote iz.E Ui ") 14 s- & -,:z- ) )? (Q cmy,.D) rr... C DATE:ti 1 gna tune o ector or Autnori zee Represen ti ve REVIEWING DCP IRT IFN'P/DIVISION.c- - 11 Approved J Approved with Condi tions 0 Not Approved l i Orr s I le" OjeiriA f 4e - s-B Vila 1p r (. K,i-c 7 l' f Cons fictcz 11 . 0 Qire CXe i aCCeSs , U e /'m v,O[ ,r r rr c O- 0-Or1 S/ri1cl j` DATE: w? -2.' 8-1SignatoreofDirectororAutnoriz;!d ep esenta ti ve/ f.I`'1 ., 4,PATMFNT/DIV1 :',i0N : Others: CoMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIr)ED IN WRITING. la PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. ma/ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/M.171—s Approved J Approv.ed with Conditions Not Approved On s,i . Odtan/s7;.- praViled \--(9,r repQ/0((9•-• lot-Aror-- 7L c-6,n• t der ! access ie ijoi-evt.-deZtt 7/7/ yie_ DATE; A-2 -02/ i gnature of Director or Authorized ep esentati ve 1LV:EW1NL3 DEPARTMENT/DIVISON : OC,r. Approved [ 1-ippro vod with Condi ti on s Not ilm'oved SeG ts4(-L _ sloe- ce- serier DATE• 1A/r/ Snaturee of Dire for or Author i zed—Rresen-ta ti ve I MITT APPROVAL SUOMI TO 30- UTE MFRS AMBIENT • EATER o LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEVER - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WATER 04601/.• irs44SYSTEMDEVROPIERTCHARGE • SEVER Cam. co*. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER Aht • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AUL Cmci . sziER APPROVED WATER PLAN YEA.APPROVED SEVER PLAN APPROVED FIRE ROW LOCUMS IT FIE DEPT. yrsFIREFLOWANALYSIS yaC_ RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEF TTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — 103 - 81_ APPLICATION NO(S) : VARIANCE (V-014-821 PROPONENT : Holvick2 deRegt & Koering PROJECT TITLE : Washington Technical Center BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application for a variance from Section 4-2204 (2) (1) of the Parking and Loading Ordinance to allow the location of driveways at property lines . LOCATION : Property located at Powell Avenue S.W. & S.W. 7th Street. TO: • ' OPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : x ENGINEERING DIVISION OTRAF IC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 7-13-82 OUTIL ENG , DIVISION D5FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING $ ZON:ING, 'DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DE ARTMENT OPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OGTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON A.s,A.P. CIRCULATED: June 30, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: 1 /i ETAFTROVED • APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED Renton Fire Dept. 22iire! r vent n Bureau 0 JUL, 1 1982 6L/J DATE: cfr-< 9 IGNATURE OF DIlECTOR OR AUTi RIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF R4,4? O. THE CITY OF RENTONe MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 momL ;, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR POLICE DEPARTMENT09 HUGH R.DARBY, CHIEF 14rF0 SEPg00 CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM o ff?, r` 1 Ul DEC u 1981 TO: The Environmental Review Committee FROM: Lieutenant D. R. Persson BUILDING D PARTME RE: Springbrook Technical Center After reviewing both applications for site approval in the Springbrook Technical Center, I find that both requests will have a substantial impact on the Renton Police Department' s operation. As I am sure you are aware, the Renton Police Department requested six additional officers for 1982. This amount of officers was necessary to meet the increasing demands placed upon the police department by the general public. The six positions were denied in the 1982 budget, which means that we cannot continue to offer the same level of service to the citizens of Renton if building is allowed to continue without additional help for the police department. Naturally the impacts that a development such as this will place on the department can be mitigated to some extent by proper building methods. These methods include but are not limited to such things as proper placement of outside lighting;; burglar alarm systems; security windows, doors, and locks. Another major concern of this development is the traffic that will be generated. At the present time we have a traffic situation at Southwest 7th and Hardie that is unbelievable. Everyone agrees that a traffic signal is necessary at this intersection, however, the signal and funds for the signal do not appear to be present or even available in the immediate future. This development will further impact this particular intersection as well as the intersections of 7th and Lind, 10th and Lind, Lind and Grady Way, as those intersections will be the major access points' to the new development. Therefore, it is my suggestion that this development not be allowed until :. 1 There is a signal at 7th and Hardie. 2) Powell Avenue Southwest be completed all the way through to Grady . Way, and the intersection at Grady Way and Powell be signalized. 3) The intersection at Lind and Grady Way be improved; some fairly inexpensive improvements at the intersection of Lind and Grady can be accomplished which would greatly enhance the traffic flow on a short term basis. Because of the above reasons, I strongly urge a declaration of significance be issued on this project. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 0 Approved gi Approved with Conditions Not Approved ler ylo vd•-/tit i Stk/lJ t--J - 'lute Ct C„,•z o., ag-c c e ss - a-l'- fie,v e c-lvi've ram`y s 4 ..e c ` '%---c'S0,14",-.\ *a ,'` k ee./c DATE: 12-4 z (_ gnature of Director or Au uorized Rear sentative REVIEWING DEPARTMEN IVISION : Tik78 OAPPROVED i APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS MOT APPROVED 762 &ee./ i)071 t 01414-Q-- / //-261Y/ 7 4rI7 4 .C. 1 I C.Y.7''.- 411r.1 /21e),,CAIC i/.44e/. '---- DATE: 3 4) 47 Z_ SIGNATUR "' ' IRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 6/191 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: 4i(/ g(61 .ef,,ed . pj/ APPROVED 0 APPROVED •WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED I a.a#ci al)( 04 fr /e(ae-/44/ a , ,/b '`/' 6 ,t,tiv ./1,// . f,. SA/, j • , - i i' Vg/ieDATE: SIGNATURE 'OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 6/16 i I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Arq) It . faAPPROVED El APPROVED •WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED I i i g a• Al.La.'s u: June JO, 1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/uJVISION : J Li1'I DAPPROVED • APPROVED 'WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED SIGNATUR OF DIRECTORDATE:7 Z/Z OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : EAPPROVED • EIJ APPROVED 'WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED DATE: 7r2-4 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORI ED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 ref.! R• i ph I I = 1 i -1 .-- i----- ----- , milimes.. , .. eitL,H._ i_, I, -- i 1 rL, . .,i I Jr/ i y I"ems 1 1 . l___ 11Iillar 4111-' z) -.- i_.. ,, 2 a illNN\ • A__0-., t. l Feel y i: my :—,1si 0 1:11/4 QIII Y 0Eiigi1.. rnn7 r O iii' .., `• V.. . ....., , b,•4\ si+ 1 I ill I.,. Inanpj'.a:% inr r.0 Q11 I! q I 1 2 El 4. r'' r- :is 6 • i iiu.[r - TUKWI A . . RENTON VICINITY MAP ma_ I L--- 7. L---- .-4 _- 61T6 PLAN - (e.a..,n...,...,,.....>.n. .) 1, u....... i t. SA-0 9 5-81 H ill i A 1 J.. i ),••4 11 !! __;:,,____. ._____,_•,si 1, -.. ,i I •, e ii 4 4 tPOL...7.N,, •r> 4,.,..,. „ t•1 I,' 111.1 11 I l' 6-- • ' 1 ...„ I -;.".."..::?.... ,: 11 '•,,, 77.).•••*. I:, • • ,-- li U'I .....• . • .'• . 1... ..• 1 ... 1 • 1 Iit•••LANI 1 -.---.1.:----r,.. 7r 1 •-• ' •, - ........•.........., zt...... 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LEAD AGENCY: Building and Zoning Department DATE OF ERC REVIEW: Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined that the requested modifications to the initial proposal reviewed under PP-056-8.0, R-057-80 on February 1980, are within the scope of that original proposal and the environmental determination of non-significance is still valid. This. decision was reached following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Building and Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Ronald Nelson, David Clemens, Richard Houghton, Roger Blayloc, Gary Norris, Steve Munson, and James Matthew Incorporated by reference in the record of proceedings of the ERC on application SA-095-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Impact Statement : Earlington Park Dated: February 1981 2) Application(s) : PP-056-80, R-057-80, FP-096-81 This Memorandum of Concurrence is issued subject to the following conditions: 1 ) Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way will be unsafe until the intersection is signalized. Therefore, Powell Avenue cannot be opened to Grady Way until the signalization is completed to City standards. 2) The Final Plat for Washington Technical Center, must be recorded prior to the issuance of building permits. SIGNATU ' ES: 14//: 4..), Ronald G. Nelson vid R. Clemens Building & Zoning Director Policy Development Director R c and C`. Houghto ublic Works Direct: Date circulate__ C mmen%s due : ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 102_ 81 APPLICATION No(s) . SA-095-81 PROPONENT : Koering, Holvick de Regt PROJECT TITLE : Washington Technical Center Brief Description of Project : Proposal to construct five (5) one-story concrete tilt-up buildings (1-5) to be used as a business park orfC2_1 iQht a eh0u5 i na. LOCATION : Northeast corner of Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. 7th Street. SITE AREA : 475,800 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross) 160,330 sq. ft. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : 33.7% IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : X 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality :X 3 ) Water & water courses : X 4 ) Plant life : X 5 ) Animal ' life : X 6 ) Noise : X r 7 ) Light & glare :X 8 ) Land Use ; north: Undeveloped east :Industrial south: Undeveloped west :Undeveloped Land use conflicts : Minimal View obstruction : Further evaluation with individual buildings 9) Natural resources : X 10 ) Risk of upset : X 11 ) Population/Employment : X 12 ) Number of Dwellings : NOT APPLICABLE 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) ; Assuming 50% orrice ana 30w lsfht rnaustr al ram1?Ap tri ,c traffic impacts : Major 14 ) Public services :' X 15 ) Energy : X 16 ) Utilities : X 17 ) Human health : X 18) Aesthetics : X 19) Recreation: X 20 ) Archeology/history : X COMMENTS: EIS previously prepared. Supplemental traffic data provided.1 ) Project generally conforms to EIS. 2) Traffic impacts remain crucial although somewhat reduced. 3) Flood hazard remains unresolved. Signatures: IN 1.1 e Rahald G. Nelson Da id R. Clemens Building Official Policy Development Director chard C. Ho ghto Public Works Director NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON JULY 13, 1982, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: ALTERRA CORPORATION (BLACK RIVER OFFICE PARK) Appeal by Alterra Corporation, File AAD-052-82, of a decision by the Environmental Review Committee regarding imposition of certain mitigating measures upon a rezone request, File R-129-80, for a 71 . 16 acre parcel from G-1 , General Zone, to M-P, Manufacturing Park; located north of S.W. 7th Street, east of the proposed P-1 Channel, south of the old Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul Railroad Right-of-way, and west of the extension of Thomas Avenue S. HOLVICK, deREGT & KOERING Application for site approval to locate four (4 ) one-story building (12-15) on the subject site to be used as a business park or for light warehousing, File SA-094-81 ; property located at the southwest corner of S.W. 7th Street & Powell Avenue S.W. HOLVICK, deREGT & KOERING Application for site approval to locate five (5) one-story buildings (1-5) on the subject site to be used as a business park or for light warehousing, File SA-095-81 ; property located at the northwest corner of Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. 7th Street. HOLVICK deREGT & KOERING Application for a variance from Section 4-2204 ( 2) (A) (1 ) of the Parking and Loading Ordinance to allow the location of driveways at property lines, File V-014-82, to be asociated with Washington Technical Center, Final Plat, File FP-096-81 . Specifically related to site plan reviews SA-094-81 , SA-095-81 and SA-101-81 for Holvick, deRegt Koering. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 13, 1982, AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: July 2 , 1982 RONALD G. NELSON BUILDING AND ZONING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I, STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in King County, on the 30th day of June, 1982. SIGNED: AO . :71/L014,4e71 r<ev r s ion .1/ 1 I 194;;PlifSlif RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application:1 • i. ii.,i ' 4 ` +' oits-18/ ,, 6- l ) ';', orsilecr© i rE ! . •te goosed aS A60ite rk A tiereA®vg:ot g LL. a f n •AtEconikeintift _,,, : 1 444,CCSiviLsta712134 Applicant r i i• P P 4, 4 1vi, i L, i :r l `li Public Works Departmentar10 :p t Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: gi 0 Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department aPa.4 Department 5151Building Department Police Department 0 Others -- — — — — — I COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONSREGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE• PROVIr)ED IN WRITING. PL•EiSE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON AI P ibitt REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ri3(.7,b6-. Approved Approved with Conditions Not Approved I pP Fl f_(: th.L,L..'0 /jo't 3 A-z-L--0 c.,d a3=. L-c i cAi `' w- T la/A.)6 P i S 0-i— i,t) Gd>/17 4/4 -/C,G cAJ 1- G ©` /cc/S u sZ-4 , ( 6ec-z j-/c.cJS_3 e rr 6 -c- 9 4a-(ate —rid Q-( O c 'o & ci c-G C.4 ( / c.pA - Pizvr 4$ a —-ti se .2;)u ) DATE:46Signatureo e s',r ctor or Autirori ze Represen ati ve REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: 0 Approved 0 Approved with Conditions 0 Not Approved III DATE:_ Signature of_Director or Authorized Representative J 1 vl I Ji I: i I Appl Ds RENT.ON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application : Slr .w°, ki ' 0 I L ^i' - , r4S 'cr_ _,[4..,-!e-.2Ls.d9f t eiVieroiff kdA4 .1t es isA.a..r_76E1e• r L a n: teer1er it _e.6 7 a 3 Applicant : Kes'Mj saivec Re ft__ . TO :Public Works Department Eng'ineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE:19 1 Traf ' -ng. Division e SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: f tilities Eng. Division ire Department Parks Department u Building Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO TILE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. OF RI;VIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: -- -e t- Approved 4 Approved with Conditions Not Approved 0 - On Su le- /Y lams f e rov,pCe Vor- re t<i--e,e c.• e- Wok) rid,-dr- / 4- o- GonSfru/goy L- l' g- Q (.14 deft access /D j0 e re vp O/e/a r 77/rc 4-1 re i;fi Signature o'f Director or Autnorized ei esentative DATE: A2 `mil"S-1 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : El Apurgved Approved wi th Condi t:ions Not Approved Di TE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative 1.:--------- ------ ---- Key ision 3/ 1981 pladt®1/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application,,: hy+ . ,I ,, .; 4X.. 6>4 s-2,„„d„7„.„,„„,,,,„ce IiaIn:REcioniermiff. i ie Ace 4 s A IS f®ig 0inh logr ..iol L 1 eR®well •v_ 7d o Applicant 4t ` t.aa f8 y; IQ:0 Public Works Department 0 Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE:1 hM 0Traff Eng. Division 1' SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: s....•. tilities Eng. Division e ire Department 0 Parks Department Building Department DPolice Department nOthers:________----------------------- COMMENTS SUGGESTIONS-REGARDTNG THIS APPLICATION",SHOU ..LD.' BE" P-ROVIr)ED IN WRITING. PL•LASE PROVIDE—COMMENTS TO THE - PLANNING;'..,DEI:?ARTM'ENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON laifatql REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION-: ._ . •c'ire - Approved l Approve,d-_with . Conditions —I Not-Approved 0 - ,®n s i /4 __ yo i a A/_s..' - -4 - 1`-e-Vae / -•.Vo i-- -/,- 4 /- 2/ V - Q r r e- dei a CCe_SS 70 ;i e- V,/ 9/"m U v dea/ t kfoi e--1'Z7 1 DATE: w2 -(2/- Signature of Director or Authori zed - esentative S.l — REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: t47?-ity( Oc 't_ Approved dApproved with Conditions u Not Approved sec_ e4CL Sloe- of- Simmer DATE: 1/4-" 1r/ - - - Signature of Dire tor or Authorized R. resentati ve P1T/Le7'y 61NEEke _ J OA/A L.ed ---- - S. L UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO 1 Z•• LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - WATER AffQ LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - SEWER Alo SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WATER eipilul ,4C SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER G®K.•OM-SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER Aid SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA C3,:?`CE • Sd sER p APPROVED WATER PLAN Ye-c.APPROYEU SEVER PLAN 71 APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS BY FIRE DEPT. t/h-$ FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS yegC t Revision 3/1981 faien/g®411 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application : SirEik•os. ,.. likr 520dariNsior comt®Te e see/45 otioekessietrksarlir_h&04 wareAsedsio y . 6 . Applicant: . W jr.:.: .QR° ,x: IQ:Public Woks Department ngineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: ,j , Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: Utilities Eng. Division Fire Department 0 Parks Department Building Department Police Department others: COMMENTS OR, SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIfED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON ICA/CP et/A1 1 . REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Appr,oved Z Approved with Conditions Not Approved Z74,GeNew- vee/ sd mat/r„`_ 4-c-evreie 41,14 /e 0 c ess c-,ei ys DATE: 121z- (Q1 Signature of Director or Au horized Repr sentative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Appr,oved Approved with Conditions Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative OF R44 dO ® o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR POLICE DEPARTMENT 9,0 9a- HUGH R. DARBY, CHIEF 04TOD SEP1 -1 CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM131;1 "1 - 11, l DEC 3 0 1981 '- TO: The Environmental Review Committee FROM: Lieutenant D. R. unntiG DEPARTMENT, RE: Springbrook Technical Center After reviewing both applications for site approval in the Springbrook Technical Center,. I find that both requests will have a substantial impact on the Renton Police Department' s operation. As I am sure you are aware, the Renton Police Department requested six additional officers for 1982. This amount of officers was necessary to meet the increasing demands placed upon the police department by the general public. The six positions were denied in the 1982 budget, which means that we cannot continue to offer the same level of service to the citizens of Renton if building is allowed to continue without additional help for the police department. Naturally the impacts that a development such as this will place on the department can be mitigated to some extent by proper building methods. These methods include but are not limited to such things as proper placementof outside lighting; burglar alarm systems; security windows, doors, and locks. Another major concern of this development is the traffic that will be generated. At the present time we have a traffic situation at Southwest 7th and Hardie that is unbelievable. Everyone agrees that a traffic signal is necessary at this intersection, however, the signal and funds for the signal do not appear to be present or even available in the immediate future. This development will further impact this particular intersection as well as the intersections of 7th and Lind, 10th and Lind, Lind and Grady Way, as those intersections will be the major access points to the new development. Therefore;, it is my suggestion that this development not be allowed until : i) There is a signal at 7th and, Hardie. 2) Powell Avenue Southwest be completed all the way through to Grady Way, and the intersection at Grady Way and Powell be signalized. 3) The intersection at Lind and Grady Way be improved; some fairly inexpensive improvements at the intersection of Lind and Grady can be accomplished which would greatly enhance the traffic flow on a short term basis. Because of the above reasons, I strongly urge a declaration of significance be issued; on this project. OF R A 1 THE CITY OF RENTON r POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • 235-2552 n I ' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055.0, 9 co' 017'ED SEPTE February 5 1982 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR David Schuman First City Equities 800 5th Avenue, Suite 4040 Seattle, WA 98104 SUBJECT: I REZONE APPLICATION ADJACENT TO SPRINGBROOK CREEK Dear Mr. Schuman: Pursuant to our meeting of February 2, 1982, with Mr. Ed Sullivan of Holvick DeRegt and Koering, this letter is to summarize our findings. First, in order to consider the rezone application, the 17 acres required for the P-1 Channel system must be dedicated by separate deed document or by the recording of the proposed final plat currently in our offices. Second, a summary of the findings of your engineering staff regarding the storage capacity within the 17 acres as compared to the required storage from the HDK site should be prepared. Once the dedication of the property has been completed and the summary of the flood storage solution has been provided, this department will be prepared to recommend that the rezoning of the remaining 25 acres within the Washington Technical Center project should be approved. As- a practical matter, we would strongly recommend to the Building and Zoning Department that the application be accepted at such time as the Hearing Examiner has recommended approval of the final plat to the City Council, subject only to the receipt of the flood storage summary. As we also discussed, we can consider your rezone application as an amendment to the prior application so long as we can obtain fresh documentation and application forms so that the'record will be clear and concise. If you have any questions with regard to this matter, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Very ruly your, , 7. c4/2d at6e-, avid R. Clemens Policy Development Director DRC:cl cc: Holvick DeRegt and Koering Roger J. Blaylock, Zoning Administrator r I MEMORANDUM OF CONCURRENCE APPLICATION NO(s) : SA-095-81 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Proposal to construct five (5) one-story concrete tilt-up buildings to be used as a business park or for light warehousing. PROPONENT: Koering, Holvick de Regt (Washington Technical Center) LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:Northeast corner of Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. 7th Street. LEAD AGENCY: Building and Zoning Department DATE OF ERC REVIEW: Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined that the requested modifications to the initial proposal reviewed under PP-056-80, R-057-80 on February 1980, are within the scope of that original proposal and the environmental determination of non-significance is still valid. This decision was reached following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Building and Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Ronald Nelson, David Clemens, Richard Houghton, Roger Blayloc , Gary Norris, Steve Munson, and James Matthew;. Incorporated by reference in the record of proceedings of the ERC, on application SA-095-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Impact Statement: Earlington Park Dated: February 1981 2) Application (s) : PP-056-80, R-057-80, FP-096-81 This Memorandum of Concurrence is issued subject to the following conditions: 1 ) Powell. Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way will be unsafe . until the intersection is signalized. Therefore, Powell Avenue cannot be opened to Grady Way until the signalization is completed to City standards. 2) The Final Plat for Washington Technical Center must be recorded prior to the issuance of building permits. SIGNATURES: Ronald G. Nelson vid R. Clemens Building & Zoning Director Policy Development Director Richard C. Houghto ublic Works Direct i . Date circular:. Comments due : ENVIROINMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 102_ 81 APPLICATION No (s) , SA-095-81 PROPONENT : Koering, Holvick de Regt PROJECT TITLE : Washington Technical Center Brief Description of Project : Proposal to construct five (5) one-story concrete tilt-up buildings (1-5) to be used as a business park or for light warehousing. LOCATION : Northeast corner of Powell Avenue S.W. and S.W. 7th Street. SITE AREA : 475,800 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA (gross) 160,330 sq. ft. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (o) : 33' 7% IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : X 2 ) Dlirect/Indirect air quality :X 3 ) Water & water courses : X 4 ) Plant life : X 5 ) Animal life: X 6) Noise : X 7) Light & glare :X 8 ) Land Use ; north : Undeveloped east :Industrial south : Undeveloped west : Undeveloped Land use conflicts : Minimal View obstruction : Further evaluation with individual buildings 9) Natural resources : 1 X 10 ) Risk of upset : X 11 ) Population/Employment : X 12 ) Number of Dwellings : NOT AtPLICABLE 13 ) Trip ends ( I TE ) ; Assuming 50% ottice ana 5 T% airn-t rnaustrial 2260 tripe traffic impacts : Major 14 ) Public services : X 15) Energy : X 16) Utilities: X 17 ) Human health : X 18) Aesthetics : X 19) Recreation: X 20) Archeology/history : X COMMENTS : EIS previously prepared. Supplemental traffic data provided. 1 ) Project generally conforms to EIS. 2) Traffic impacts remain crucial although somewhat reduced. 3) Flood hazard remains unresolved. Signatures: Ronald G. Nelson Dckds Building Official Policy Development Director chard C. Ho ghton, Public Works Director r + iv vt.wk. The Transportation Engineering & Planning Consultants RA S PO January 11, 1982 gar-OW Mr. Michael Selman 1230 0akmead Parkway Suite 210 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 SUBJECT: SPRINGBROOK TECHNICAL CENTER - TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Dear Mr. Selman: Thank you for asking us to review the revised site plan for the Spring- brook Technical Center and comment on the expected changes in impacts between it and the original site plan which is known as the Earlington Park. As you requested, we made a comparison of changes in the trip generation, the character of the traffic, and the effect of these traf- fic volumes on the street network. In summary, we find the daily trip generation with the Springbrook Site Plan would decrease from approximately 20,190 vehicles per day (vpd) to 13,340 vpd. This represents a 33 percent decrease. The evening peak hour volumes will reduce from about 2,660 vehicles per hour (vph) to about 1,620 vph. This represents a 39 percent decrease from the original proposal . The character or vehicle mix is also expected to change as the number of heavy and medium-duty trucks declines due to the reduction in the amount of heavy and light warehousing associated with the project. Almost as significant as the reduction in trip gen- eration is the change in the Springbrook Technical Center Site Plan which calls for a connection to Monster Road. It is expected that this access could be used by as much as 15-25 percent of daily and peak hour traffic volumes. Vhile the calculated level of service may not change, the average delay at major intersections in the vicinity of the project will definitely be reduced because of the decrease in trip generation, the lower number of heavy trucks, and the effects of traffic diverting onto the new access via Monster Road. The trip generation comparison was made using the same trip generation rates applied in the traffic analysis for the Earlington Park project, so the results would be directly comparable. The significant reduction in trip generation can be attributed to both the reduction in total square feet from approximately 1,981,330 to 1,097,500, and to the reduc- tion in office space from 490,580 square feet to 221,200 square feet. Likewise, there was a large reduction in warehousing from approximately 1,152,280 square feet to 258,460 square feet (about a 77 percent reduc- tion) . Although all of the business park space proposed in the Earlington Site Plan has been replaced by higher intensity business park in the Springbrook Technical Center Site Plan, this is more than offset by the reductions in office and warehousing space. The TRANSPO Group, Inc. • 23-148th Avenue SE, Bellevue, Washington 98007 • (206) 641-3881 I The SPOMr. Michael Selman January 11, 1982 Page 2 ghlrOVID As mentioned above, the percentage of trucks in the traffic stream is expected to reduce significantly as a result of the decrease in heavy and light warehousing activity. It is estimated that these uses would have generated between 2,450 and 4,290 trips per day. The number of heavy ,trucks would be expected to drop by 70 to 80 percent to between 810-1,415 trucks per day. It should be expected that the number of small ,trucks would increase as a result of the increased emphasis on business park activity. Under the original site plan, it was estimated that the business park would generate between 260 and 1,030 trucks per day. Under the revised site plan, it would be expected this number would increase by approximately 15 to 20 percent, resulting in the increased number of trucks generated by business park uses to range between 310 and 1,220 per day. While there will be an increase in the number of small trucks, there will be a net reduction in the number of trucks per day by 1,590 to 2,685, or about half as many as would-be generated under the original site plan. Possibly one of the most significant changes in the proposed Spring- brook Technical Center Site Plan is the connection to Monster Road. While this change will imply the need to make some improvements to Monster Road, it also results in a significant number of daily and PM peak hour trips using this road to gain access to Grady Way and Sunset Boulevard. As indicated above, it is estimated that between 15 and 25 percent of the travel could use this route to travel to and from the site. It is expected that the majority of people using this route Would be employees, since the route is somewhat circuitous for the infrequent visitor, yet offers a very convenient.alternate to the congestion that is expected to exist along Rainier Avenue S. and Grady Way to lthe east of the site. Because of the high volume that already exists along the road system in the :vicinity of the project, and because of continued non-project traffic growth, the calculated levels of service are not expected to change any more than half a level (e.g. , from D-E to D) from those estimated in the Earlington Park Traffic Analysis. The change in con- gestion levels will be realized through the reduction in delay at intersections. In closing, we conclude that the Springbrook Technical Center is fore- casted ;to create noticeably less impact on the surrounding street and transportation system as compared to the impacts anticipated from de- velopment of Earlington Park. I trust this letter responds to your questions relating to changes in the traffic impacts that result from the proposed project. If you or the City of Renton have any questions regarding our findings and conclusions, I encourage you to call me. Sincerely, The TRANSPO Group, Inc. David D. Markley, Principal cc: Loren Davis , Deborah Krouse t Th e 1 N 'I •it : : 11 ; ! y : : i ; ; il 41 it ,! ! 1,t_......_..,_: il __.. .;...-:_1. 4.2-_,_' ._:_i....;_' , '_ .6,10..e.r4nhv/Soledw44Weat ' : '„:.- ; .i . •„ It • ; ifit l ! ii , • • ' ‘721A, de.,jjeja4.7(g..) .colt.14.22.4144 ' H i 1 ' 1 , • •ftiii * Will 111 1 1 " PR/ r It ,I-1ftt t-1 t- 1111t , i ; ' , ; t ; t • t , tif • f . lt1t . t ; . „ , H ; , 11 , titi . ttt ! tilt tii • • • " - • - 1 , . . 1 , 1 , „ , t ; ; ; ; 1.tW1 : 1 ; '1111 ;. ; : i ; ; : ! 1 :i_t__,_1_ _ r_._t_._„__:_r__4_4_1_1_1__,_, ., t ,, ; , i , :. , , I___i i_i_7 :•;____17___;___pi' .:__11_111_,1:_IL_7.1.7 1_4i ; __-i.11 ii_t__ii f_t_ _l_ ____;_;_i_ ; .; llIIlit ! I ' lt1 , 1 HI li tlf , t ! ilt ' its f if itt.lt -s4 14 f4t 4 • ttitii , •L..! ...1-1-4H .....-1...... .1 l • #3 ' ' • ' • efio ' ' t ' ' ' ;1 .E-.421-6J0.70,4 • Peoef4. ; t APSE...7C: . . 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I . .: 1 i , , ,.4 , • ,., . , , I I: I ' 1 Date circulated :MBA:119i Comments due : 1 e2?/9/ ENVIRONMENITAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - dreg - . t APPLICATION No (s) .11,•00•a/ PROPONENT : KoerI i ,: 114a y: PROJECT TITLE : 45/71F ANNRAIMAICA! ' 4$ jionlethrit'efo Cir.) Brief D scri tion of Pro ect :V , Q y l-S) s, . . ' 'liLv 1 f. i ° it x; : el,....,:a.: •,. + .,. i Pilo tie 1 1 at ekrift LOCATION :;":17 4- SITE AREA : Inc, goo. BUILDING AREA (gross) /A01 3$(.: DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : 33:7% IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : X 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 1, , 3) Water & water courses : X. 4) Plnt life : 5 ) Animal life : K. 6) Noise : X 7) Liht & glare :, 8 ) Land Use ; north: east : south: west : Land use conflicts : 7 View obstruction : e K9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset :X 11 ) Population/Employment : X. 12 ) Number of Dwellings : X 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14) Public services : V( 15 ) Energy : X 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health: 18) Aesthetics : X , 19) Recreation : x 20 ) Archeology/history : N COMMENTS : 1-4- /5 GF 0/.-.s- A' J4e t!iJ e Ai A TVs: m14P5 4. E °CD -FZ f'U rot . LL /S moo?`' r4“oCV C1=0 ./ ili T's PtdZ A Recommendation : DNSI_ DOS X-- Y More Information_ Reviewed by : '- Title : Cr& c ' 'k Date : T FORM: ERCf06 Date circulated :I I jl I Comments -due : A/ 29®M1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECNKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - ®®a - ' APPLICATION No (s ) 40•00"N PROPONENT : Kri Wye. PROJECT TITLE : aQ7V ilokoytmut, `dtS 0i e Qeixier. Brief Description of Project :R ,,., Psi yWfe 0A4k#04/0ry i ) KU iS. -r' ,Sk• N} Y a° .`I. •l ' A' Ik / . We 44fAt U. 0 o . . ,` s_ J' 9LOCATION :d eaIP1'@'Zf"xi' f =, SITE ARA : 06;ROO. BUILDING AREA (gross ) Mo 3 3®4 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : 33.7 9a IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) 'Topographic changes : v 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : _ . 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north : i east : s south : 7 west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of_ upset :V il ) Population/Employment : v/- 12 ) Number of Dwellings: 13) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14) Putillic services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : , 17 ) Human health : b.---- 18) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : e/ COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI l/ DOS More Information Reviewed by : a -a/ i ii, Title : r/P -_Tns Date : / FORM: ERC46 1 1 Date circulated :lp p241I1to Comments due : /eVait gi ENVIRONIMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET E C F - APPLICATION No (s) . "O9S" ai PROPONENT : KOG1'jrl IBtJV`4L 4 PROJECT ' TITLE : sire A PA AAL dskit 4Oi4 cA eLII/r.J Brief Description of Project :R Vefffirr.5 lregJoi a IMt'- y p5) contrite*il s q blahs o A ssfatt_aiSidatespo rl hhfWI,ellra" . LOCATION : we-COMer &ad 1At'.Sk) S d Intl Silk SITE AREA: Lj gt$400* BUILDING AREA (gross ) 160g 011) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : 33.7% IMPACT REVIEW , NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Diiect/Indirect air quality : 3) Wafer & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Nofise : 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Nuiber of Dwellings : 13) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Arheology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI_ DOS (X More Information cReviewedby : % R- - Title : Date : /0.- I' 6/ FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated :g121I$j Comments due : lNe24®g1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIIEW SHEET ECF - Pa - SO APPLICATION No (s ) .bAh1 Spgi PROPONENT : Kiler4 it 14 betek 406 I 1jPROJECTTITLE : . 1 AP RMORL 4SAi tri i eAniem I C t m Brief Description of Project :R rSi vp,,I`e(ffj,j 1-5) ce wtre Mil*YLc.'h 11tP4f Pit di.0r€orltyhfViti kW, . L OCA T I ON :nEcoppleir Awe( AveSk) E. VK47th $ SITE AREA : d !75 Q° BUILDING AREA (gross) 16®1 30 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : 33.7% IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes :4/ 2 ) Diiect/Indirect air quality : _ t/ 3) Water & water courses : t/ 4) Pll nt life : 5 ) Animal life :t/ 6) Noise : t/ 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : I Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : P 11 ) Population/Employment : L./ 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : l ' -14 ) Public services : 15 ) En rgy : 16 ) Utilities : 1/ 17 ) Human health : 18) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS, : d c, 1w, c, 4i'e.5 h(iti.Sq{-g b u r.rey,CiM-s,6„ v4 may /71 3 el.e el--46 toe r te va 6 .2 e / ftvapa ./Lb l -de. /'flies . 1 Recommendation : DNSI_ DOS More Information Reviewed by : Iitle : Date :u iZ 01)7e FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated :/ga t 9I Comments due : ifevacilsi1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECNCLIST REVIEW SHEET E C F - /Dj - t APPLICATION No (s ) Q9.51..gj PROPONENT : KOeri* //qjv,eLdu4ipcf PROJECT TITLE : S I AP PROM as 11LL tiforrkeAnIu/Cirj Brief Description of Project :Ref V rSS li#J IVON y 14 CAw,el 41111140 S.11& VNe 434144411eS,frt rl'or"eorhyhf wt eka, LOCATION :RECOrr r. fowdlAveak) ¢ thi% SITE AREA;: 7S OQ. BUILDING AREA (gross ) I601 1304 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : 3" .7% IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View: obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : tom" 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ' ends ( ITE ) : fI CL traffic impacts : l/4J7/A 14 erloit/T-Jlwee 45-0 lie 14) Public services : v 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information_ n 4 Reviewed b y : ,,, 114,2,5- Title : /r- -/J e Date : g /c `? ,/ rr FORM: ERC-06 Date ci:culated :M12119 j Comments due : /t/a9/9/ ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST. REVIEW SHEET ECF - D - ARL APPLICATION No (s ) .V'O S• / PROPONET : K0Cr0 itiffijA40P` < PROJECT TITLE : 45171F APP OML a. a skajlotkeRni ei/C1' 1 Brief Description of Project : Vetf6rSPIO aipta Vy.idE(0 7 1'5) ctw,e *11.u0bYAs.lili es 4.ia is p r ar r/ Ofwi elisa1 . LOCATION :MECOr et-dc &tadlAV Sk) >E, segi,t stA SITE AREA: Inc Poo. BUILDING AREA (gross) M®' 3300 DEVELOP1ENTAL COVERAGE (%) : 33.7% IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Toographic changes :V' 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : _ 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life: 6) Nose : 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : V , 10 ) Rik of upset : ur il ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Nurpber of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14) Public services : 1 V 15 ) Energy : 16) Utilities : 17) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19) Recreation : 20) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : I I I Recommedation : SI_I DOS More Information Reviewed by : litle : L1T FAiGI,IJEEY Date : i/4-lo FORM: ERC[06 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE JANUARY 13, 1982 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM PENDING: ECF-101-81 KOERING, HOLVICK deREGT SA-094-81 WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER) - Bldgs 12-15 ECF-102-81 KOERING, HOLVICK deREGT SA-095-81 WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER) - Bldgs 1-5 OLD BUSINESS: King County LIBERTY VIEW 265-81-R & 1081-24 Proposed reclassification and plat (King County) Rezone from SR (7200) , SR (9600) , SR (15,000) to RS 7200 and RS 9600; 97 lot single-family subdi- vision with clustered lots & townhouses; property located between Talbot Road South and 102nd Ave. South (extended) south of approximately So. 168th St. (extended) . ECF-114-81 WILGEO COMPANY B-268 Application for building permit to allow construc- tion of one-story shopping center, two buildings, VILLAGE SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER; property located at Bronson Way North. NEW BUSINESS: ECF-112-81 VICTORIA HILLS PHASE II PPUD-102-81/V-103-81 FIRST CITY DEVELOPMENTS CORPORATION Applications for preliminary Planned Unit Devel- opment approval of 196 dwelling unit multi- family development and variance to P.U.D. density calculation procedure on that portion with R-4 underlying zoning; property located between Benson Road South and proposed SR-515 immediately south of existing Washington Natural Gas Company plant, east of Talbot Hill Park and Victoria Park Subdivision, and contiguous to Victoria Hills Phase I, 141-lot single family subdivision. ECF-115-81 SOUTHCENTER EAST INVESTMENTS B-269 Application for building permit to allow cons- truction of two-story office building (Office Building #2) on existing paved parking lot; property located in the 700 block of S.W. Grady Way. ECF-113-81 KING COUNTY RENTON DISTRICT COURT CU-104-81 Proposed King County Declaration of Non- significance for your information and comment. King County CANDLEWOOD RIDGE 201-82-P Environmental Assessment for review: proposed PUD for 406 multiple family dwellings; property located north of S.E. Petrovitsky Road and between 148th Ave. S.E. & 152nd Ave. S.E. (if both extended) . ram R+ a 0 • BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Z RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 9 "MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o 235-251,0 1cceb 4,, fD sEPIti January 6, 1982 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR Mike Selman Project Manager 4a Holvick deRegt Koering 1 Oakmead Terrace 1230 Oakmead Park, Suite 210 Sunnyvale, California 94086. RE: WASHINGTON TECHNICAL- CENTER Dear Mr. Selman: Persuant to our telephone conversation of Monday January 4, 1981, there appear numerous issues to be resolved prior to the actual filing of the final plat and approval of site plans for the buildings in Washington Technical Center. The firm of Bush, Roed, and Hitchings has been working on the preparation of the final plat, while the firm Lance Mueller Associates has been working on the specific site designs. As a result of unanticipated delays resulting from the issues of bonding and natural flood storage, the submission of the final plat to the Hearing Examiner by our office has been delayed. Regarding the final plat, two issues remain. First, the fact that the Valley Parkway, if dedicated, would require full improvements or bonding at this time, and secondly, the issue of removing natural flobd storage capacities from the subject site. The first issue may be resolved on the face of the final plat. Both the Public works and Building and Zoning Departments will recommend to the Hearing Examiner that the right-of-way adjacent to the Tracks A and B be acquired by easement, for utilities and future roadways. The Land Use Hearing Examiner does not have to concur with our recommendation and may • subsequently recommend to the City Council that the right-of-way be dedicated and bonded. The Public Works Department agrees with the concept of allowing replacement of'the natural flood storage eliminated in that area that will be dedicated to the City of Renton for the P-I detention basin. However, the applicant needs to submit a specific proposal on how it would accomplish the replacement of this natural flood capacity prior to the City agreeing upon a specific wording to be placed on the face of the final plat. King County has already acquired a filf and grade permit to construct the detention basin between the pump station and SW Grady Way. Any construction done by your firm in this area must correspond to those approved plans or your firm must acquire-a separate special permit for the excavation that you would be conducting. 4•, p SEL.MA,N JANUARY 6; 1982 PAGE TWO The processing of the final plat and subsequent site plan approvals become complicated in the actual sequence of steps to be taken. The site plans as submitted by Lance Mueller Associates do not specifically follow the final plat as proposed. The site plans show common curb cuts and accesses along property lines. This is specifically prohibited by Section 4-2204.2A.1 of the Parking and Loading Ordinance for the City of Renton. This requires that the curb cut be a minimum of five (5) feet from the property line. A specific variance request would have to be sought by the applicant to allow this. This is not an issue if the site plan approvals were granted prior to the actual review of the .final plat by•the Hearing Examiner. However, if the site plans were approved in this' fashion and the final plat was then processed, to the Hearing Examiner it is probable that the Hearing Examiner would deny the final plat because it could not meet this section requirement. Therefore, we would recommend that the final plat be processed first with the site plan request following along with the appropriate variance request to this section. In addition, the site plans as proposed suggesting major modification from the original"intent of the development under First Cities Equities, the railroad spur,' which was anticipated to be focal point of this development, is no longer functional because of the location of the buildings. It is not even identified on the site plan and appears to be in direct conflict with the proposed parking scheme for the buildings. The Environmental. Review Committee has conducted their preliminary review for the site plan approvals and is very concerned about the limitation of the development in respect to the approved EIS. The original EIS only considered a maximum of thirty percent (30%) office in the total development.' The proposed buildings to the designs suggest that a greater_ proportion of the buildings could be used as office than originally covered in the EIS. The building design suggests that somewhere between sixty and seventy percent could, .be utilized for office space. Therefore, the Environmental Review, 'Committee must, request ' a. traffic analysis to consider the theoritical maximum- of the new building design. If there is a significant deviation from the existing EIS, a.supplemental Draft EIS will have to ,be published, circulated and a Final EIS prepared before any hearing on the site plans. We would recommend that the processing of the final plat be completed prior to the processing of the site plan. This may delay the ultimate date of construction, but it will forestall technical and, possible legal difficulties in reaching the final product. If we can be of further assistance please contact me directly at 235-2550. Sincerely, Roger J. Blaylock" Zoning Adminstrator cc: Bol, Roed, Bush Roed and 'Hitchings Bob Fadden, Lance Mueller Assoc-ates Air ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE JANUARY 6, 1982 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM APPEALS: ECF-091-81 CARNER, GARY L. AND TOM R-081-81 Appeal of final declaration of significance : application for rezone from G to B-1 to allow expansion of existing floor covering store business; property located in the vicinity of 4508 N.E. 4th Street ECF-107-81 SCHUMACHER, ROBERT R-086-81 Appeal of final declaration of significance: application for rezone from R-2 to R-3 to allow for future construction of a 9-unit apartment building; property located in the vicinity of 223 Garden Ave. South OLD BUSINESS: ECF-013-81 HOMECRAFT LAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. (THE TERRACE) SA-010-81 Response from Hearing Examiner regarding ERC request for reconsideration of his decision regarding application for site approval to allow construction of 280 dwelling unit multiple family complex; property located between N.E. 3rd Street and N.E. 4th Street and west of Edmonds Ave. N.E. ECF-101-81 KOERING, HOLVICK deREGT (WASHINGTON TECHNICAL SA-094-81 CENTER) Application for site approval to locate four one-story buildings (12-15) to be used as a business park or for light warehousing; property located at the southwest corner of S.W. 7th St. and Powell Ave. S.W. ECF-102-81 KOERING, HOLVICK deREGT (WASHINGTON TECHNICAL SA-095-81 CENTER) Application for site approval to locate five one-story buildings (1-5) to be used as a busi- next park or for light warehousing; property located at the northwest corner of Powell Ave. S.W. and S.W. 7th Street King County LIBERTY VIEW 265-81-R & 1081-24 Proposed reclassification and plat (King County) Rezone from SR (7200) , SR (9600) , SR (15,000) to RS 7200 and RS 9600; 97 lot single-family subdi- vision with clustered lots & townhouses; property located between Talbot Road South and 102nd Ave. South (extended) south of approximately So. 168th St. (extended) . REVIEW OF TRAFFIC COUNTS AND STORM WATER INFORMATION i I 1 milliti. i ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE L ' ftl.ti JANUARY 6, 1982 1111110114 I1A hik 1 i.. ....._ hRONhil- s......-___- 1 1 1 i‘ 1 111111 :,01=.11 r \ 4- LAKE Al. j SITE k.'"F:\le\•%'':,•\, WASHINGTON UNGER.II 114 7 1 •WM I,1IllarElLilliblb- Pr1 ir'z.--guigum mr .4, t_._. mogia piiii k AMIN "tv 1*.-"... '112191116111111101111T --:.- y kiliMitto T um az . Lt. "mailionl Ewa ANUI.Ant. 0 \ ' iii Wirailer:1 .1 i kit.fg*.nal liat \ i ' A MU i 49,411111110: ., • _ ' 1 : 1 CARNER, a.r...:Tr,pssmi II :SCHUMACHER r 7,gAi;if i; , _1 L. . . HOMEC I 'llelitpilli-litilPagrAlp h ----7.. .---L I ItU . --5 ., ---e.fiszmo 1- I * -.41 1.--r I IV N MINI IMP ----. .. I I 4 willeplin 1111\10- i dl. i1IIIVlip WASH.. TECH::- Ili-- ...„.-:-:!.2-•,-.......L--‘. " '..— ':,I Ill voinroW.' 'ANNE vA.Ilk *-111P-. -..........-.0 II- lira PAM A_AIR Ili IIH ...._1ninelifighniNwigailio Al% lar iii --] k Millior 440 A 1 i j I MI . T. 1 it 4 LIBERTY VIEW.' L I I T, f I i ... i eft•Wr 1...=I I ie.,'it '',... 1 I r- E 71 d I YOUNGS r I- •• O Li I z ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DECEMBER 30, 1981 AGENDA i COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM NEW BUSINESS ECF-101-81 KOERING, HOLVICK de REGT SA-094-81 Application for site approval to locate four (4) one-story buildings (12-15) on the subject site to be used as a business park or for light warehousing; property located at the southwest corner of S.W. 7th Street & Powell Avenue S.W. ECF-102-81 KOERING, HOLVICK de REGT SA-095-81 Application for site approval to locate five (5) one-story buildings (1-5) on the subject site to be used as a business park or for light warehousing; property located at the northwest corner of Powell Avenue S.W. & S.W. 7th Street ECF-108-81 LINCOLN PROPERTY R-100-81 Application for rezone from P-1 and "G" to R-3 for future multiple family development of 186 units; property located on the east side of Lake Washington Blvd. N. , south of North 24th Street OLD BUSINESS ECF-095-81 LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES (Steve Rarer) R-090-81 Application to rezone site from "T" to R-3 for future development as condominiums or adult apartments; property located in the vicinity of 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N. (Purpose is to discuss EIS consultant selection.) 17' i ERC -,DECEMBER 30, 1981 IIIIIrd pi j I skti i1 c 1 i. i.:1 41\ NH LAKE TERRACE PARK ASSOCIATES LINCOLN PROPERTY " LAKE 11 \ fy;/ - WASHINGTON .• ' / r,L ii. -.111W4/ A Let Illa..ft- t.---i, 1 1r11 + x r r.._ _ J xr1111111111116 Kg 0 -4...112 :,' 6 R 1_ 1,\ -- KOERING, HOLVICK de REGT t : z • KOOEyRING, HOLVICK de REGT ' rt it- 1 i ‘ jA ti Iti&7411 7 II laminae i . _es -„war - f, ii 4, ..,, 1-----...._ r,........,r,1 lir Am I ; M 7J p! i 1 t //I._1 l LAKE r I, YOUNGS 1 t f, A F F I D A V I T 0_ ,.._ pp HOLVICK deREGT & KOERING, a. California corporation, declares that it is the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best` of ourknowledge' and belief . Subscribed and sworn before me this 9th day of November 19 81 , Notary Public in and for the State of California, County of Santa Clara. cud 4,a.¢v st,,r l Name oft Notary Public)Signature o Owner 5 Palo Alto Square, Suite 101 Iffearaa®carmraieecasauetillnensetsatat®ttotteetett®eatstt Address) MARY JO ALDER ON NOTARY PUBLIC—CAUFORNIA I;i ttiVs PRINCIPAL aFFILE IN ZI' SANTA CLARA COUNTY tUvy Commission Expires duty 25,1983 Palo Alto, C1 t California e iestatsatassss4astssassesnsuatoosuots y) State) 415) 493-0111 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by m, and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received 19 By : Renton Planning Dept . 2-7,3 CITY OF RENTUP! APPLICATION tzySITE. APPROVAL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY lA 0 f/ File No. $A- Q9'>-il Filing Date• Application Fee $ Receipt No. Environmental Review Fee $ APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1 . Name HOLVICK deREGT KOERING Phone 1-408-736-8533 Address 1230 0akmead Parkway, Suite 210, Sunnyvale, California 94086 2 . Property location S.W. 7th and Powell Ave. S.W. , Renton, Washington 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) 4 . Number of acres or square feet Present zoning MP 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? BUSINESS PARK - 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application : A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , Scale existing structures , easements , and other factors' limiting development) 1" = 10 ' or 20' B. Parking , landscaping and screening plan 1" = 10 ' C. Vicinity map (.include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels)1" = 200' to 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) 7. LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ACTION : Date Approved Date Denied Date Appealed Appeal Action Remarks Planning Dot. Rev. 1-7 4/ 1,,,,:,,,,, 0. • ..r,,,.q,-,1,,. .• 4 :; , .. • ,•, ,-;,.. Am,'..! '.,.!•.i ',. - r,f,,o,,,,Ikr.t.I.,.;"0.11,4i,..,,,,,,„,,,,4,.,.!.,4,,,k,,,,i441,:ivoimr,•,, C.:;','"4.,'.'il-,..;,, ,',,',,it,,,, ,..';',..;:,....,:,.':',:,-,•:',. r.,: 41'„ .,.. i..;i..M1TY'0FREMTOM) ,WASHINGTON ,. .' ., • :,..,:11Tr, ,0 .0.. ...',47..':,-1.. 00'Pli0114,1•4 o:w.... ;:'., ,:Y..' . •;:•... :. ,,;'....,i..,:, ! .. 1. •., ,. . .. i.,. -• : 1 , ..:, 1.. ,,i0I,..f.:41 li.'.A.:-',1:':'''-!,:!,: •pi.•,,I:':sA,' :14 1,1';1`,1=: f"-Irr.1./.1"I'0; C ". ' '<- 11'r'"'1:4'i"7''"'11"'"itt E t Ell'EVIONflitiltr 2.;'."...!.!0i!,:1•..:•:`,Y.:;,1.UV T DOH MPNI t:.i ',1);VAli ' '' on ......T.(IL wicAm.lol FORM . '. 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Non-Significance IDeclaration of COMMENTS: '- ' - ---H . • . ' l• . . 1:1j..11.•,,,.,,!:...!, ;:•;.. .i.'..i. .;;..., ..;,.,•-•....:,&,,,.,.,'; 1,!,;.., ,,,,;,.. . 1.,,,I;is...„... -.., . ..s.i, .?,1, .,., .,... , .-,,•,-:.'.,0 '.... ,;,.0!... 4.11••••...,.,.:.,,,.., . • ,-.-.:• ',',,,,i.;:••;11....1..,..,'„i"!•;.:, I i.,•-:.•;..i.„,...1;;,,,,,,,I..„.!-...:;:.,,,,,.;...I,,N,;,••• ,.-; .. . ,..: -.., •:,. .::;.••.41.•;3.,,- •:i...•L...., ; ,..: • .• .. . ••• . 1,..1., .., ,.1':'..,,, L....1 Li ..'•,, i;'• '• 1..... •'• •-?:..:,..•(;•'.;!;•-, 1..y,•.:,:'.1 ... 7 . ,.'..,. . . . - ,.,:.,,ii.7: , . .;;.0 . 6'::',!;'•')!.'(i.-!:.'.. .,f,'.4 ,-.46.';' I. v,:•':' .,i, ":•.,: i,,•.,.,,;:,.t ',,.,6..: •,::.,;,.i:• •• • ;:v'.. r''j•I'i,A,,i'':'1;,''11'. ,' . ' '; 'ti i ' -ky ,1,.,,..,,..r .,,,d,..1,.10,s0..,1.44 -4. ...,),,04..'.HH.Y,,,"A;.', 0 1. !:'.•.,', i:i r. ,. ,.!:•.:1',.:;!,.1 . , .IV', , ,::, 1::".'"1",".' Ili'"::1'4iri.I.,ii:1,1';'1%11;',$tel‘:.,.',!,i.1.':,.^1!'''":. 1.0A41?•::,,,7;11,Y?4;17';;.;.'i Introduction • The:State 'Environmentil.;,Politt-Act 'of 1971, Chapter......41'.1IC:4R04; j: 11,i'etitlfriitWki:P ' all. itateand local governmental,age6cies 'to cohsider erivire.hFlehtW400001-ethTlorHthifM6 : own actions and when licensing .privaie! Proposalt:'. The ACt"altarequir'eslthit4WhIISbe '0%ii . prepared"fcr atl ,major actions significantly affecting the qUalityof,,theepvironmentliiiwnryThepurpOse:Lof. this checklist Is to help the 4gencies ' involVed,'IleterminiWfieth'erjarniiti1K . OroposalAis ,sUCh a major action iY,;‹,. ..' : !' •- .:.: ii.;„•: ,..,.;. ,,,:i...;•';..644iiihAT,p.o,1".1 • ,1,1,11.,1,1:'. I '1',I., i..1,•'l... g0,144q.0,,,,?,,,•!, ,..,. ,SqiIi,i .):•,,,,,41.i.' Please answer the following questions as completely as you 'CeW4ithl-t"helitif4ini4tinWOU417.4 presently available to you. . Where explanations of your. answers are Te4U-rdVar-Whire'fiKAI you believe an explanation wouldlbe' helpful . to government decision makeil..nCIude:yOUri:11:.''.., explanation iw the space provided,1, 6r. use additional pages 'ifnedesseryOlau,..!..lhould %..... g.4 include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware'and1WhiChi:are'rele .:,:A7,j , vant to the answers you provide Complete answers to these questions:.weWj0Whelp .a1M40 agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmenalreview1. 1„ 1,, f,.,...,.,,,,, H,.,,,,.,,',:, .',,:.•..,,. l.'•':.r..' 1w, i..%,tLIh=,,.w4,, lr:eW')..4., hv; out unnecessary delay 0cl. 4 'iV; ,6-4 r••,••:.•-I. y,!;‘P!,,„0,:x• The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to 'thelicensqjor.:.whichI.Fx, - you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is soughtyourantwers0. should include the impacts which' will - be caused by your proposal wheilltlscOmpletedV.;,k*N even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future: LThis.Ywilj:Allowiall *::ixi,!.,?.„ of the agencies which will be Involved 'to complete their environmental out duplicating paperwork in the future. I.••.-2 .' .. , ..1 ...,.....0,..,;....d,...,,!...,.i.:,;,. .;'',''''''''.','::i..•!'.,.. i';'i I NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agapcielk:Che State ,.:1S.,' '.'‘'),,.k.:' of Washington for various types of proposals Many of the questions maY,pOti:',apply• toPYZ17,:,,:f . your proposal . If a question does notapply, just answer it:'!nol' and, cOntAnUe on:to'the .p.' W next question. i ...i.J .,,,,',.1.,.!...,-,;.,.. 3"',:ti.;',.!,....,, ...,,,.• .,,-. J...,.•,.'.1:":'.4•,,.,,:1,• i,.•.i..,•;:•,. ...:„,, . •.' , ,. ,•;,!;....;.:,.,,;,...7R,;;I!.• ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM r...i,.,1..;..,h.., /., . • •••:'-n-:...A..,,,,r.'..'":,'.iq. A.--... 1 •,,•-% i....,,.(.-',...Ax., . d. • ,,.,-,,,• ,,,,,‘..,,,..,L..,61:...,-;.?.... I. BACKGROUND I I • •.••.•: .,:•,,I,Y'-'', ..',.....;.••- 4'.!;,•..:•.'. ., ..,:-.•• ,.i..:....:.1...,':.1-,,..Vo 1. -. Name--of—Proponent HOLVICK. deREGT & KOERING 1 • ., . ••••, :,!..?,,.,,,,, ,-.{.;•'0.,.'.., 1 0, 1 • ,— 2. Address and phone number of. Proponent: . 111.;...".....,'•:•'.:. ' , ...!..J.-,•.1 ,,.1.4,.0...,,•!,.,,,,,-;;,yr,,, 1., i.:,i,,,,.:..,,-..•,;"', ::•;..!'r;,•""2,;::,;"t,','•'-'•:':'!•'i.'1, I,..,i_-..,.--.1, 1230 0akmead Parkway, Suite 210 i.i.,....,A:,,,„::•;.;;;.4 P.,i'i.,.5* e.1,6 r,, 111r1....!, 1 I WIYA0tV1 040, 01',LVi4 Sunnyvale, California 94086 H,., . 1 ',...,' 4-•• ' ";;;;.,,.fr.',,,;400 L..: ''''' ,.0..rPi.•10'W'i.k....-,,,i--..., •:,1;i11.rio.14,,Amr,i...A.;°, H''..b'r,r4!W,.., I c,..,;,.Q,,,,,..,,,.., • , ., ..„;.;,..,y,v;1,..,,,4=1:in,i,,:•,., November 2,. 1981 J .-,', ',.., ..', .6.1.',•4v,Aq11,14Pr..r . :•..m-,-,41.,,,tio,,,,,,-,,,... 3.- Date -Checklist. submitted 9...:.,•',1';.,-,:.4,1,, ,...., .,, City of R •4.- .Agency. requiring Checklist Renton . , , ..., • 1--,;Pitvi;'...pr&a. ,'::.'.:-.W4'!'40 .:?'.;11' r. . , i!;.;;t1, 01c1d,V:i•i.: •''''!'''.4fe:4,t,!','013.!•,!i;.',.,,,,'1,• 5; Name of proposal , If applicable li.Y.L1,,L,...1 i .A4',.NPAOft.;;P.I. UtiMV.p.;1iNF,1- g,4,141fir6W SPRINGBROOK TECHNICAL CENTER = 1:41.DGS. 1 ,2,3,4,5 • , . . . 4::::',OH't,',AM. ',',':', i'i.".'14X,0,:(AY,',5 o..4,,.: I r. 1 r, ,.., !.'1 :.,! .' ',.,.:,1 .11•54',. i.' ''.'':''','''''..'04 ,., ,,1'1,!,(;.;,!:r;..::,, 6. Nature and brief description of the Proposal (incluOing, but,,..notlArliectOts. .0. size, general design elements, and other fectorsj.thitill1giveyeh,„.accurekte401W.,q: q 4, ,4,,,,,.•;, Understanding of its, scope and nature) : pv,:;....,t1.... i:••,. .... . ,......•;4,..;,•..-.;..:,..,;.',;••.' f`'',:''''' .i • 1.'•4 ',i ,,II-.IIII:','I'];) Construction of 5 one-story tile-up concrete bulidipT.Of.,1,00t41s.qurel,p0 ,,,c.., i.F.,s'i v•:q.,...i ,-;,,-;.. . ;•o..-:,:;:i.;•',.::!••:,'..'.,. ', footage of 160,330. The usage of the building; w111 be' of,';a41.business parici • ; 1,;;•,i;',;•p Ii.iAi;f':;'r4;.',..'•:'1,1V,: : s''•I''''''; ,'?';'''4-:'•'.... or light warehousing nature. , ' . J•.,,,,•,, . ., v,vo., ,••,— .:.. • ....,, •.• 1 1,1.,. ,..in:',.. ,„. .,. f - • i. ', ,,, The buildings' are being constructed. _ ,.. ._. ... ... ....._ , as empty. o..i. . . .. .,, ,,, ...r., ,,.,-.,.. . .. . , T.,1;,•.,,,• .4.,.,. ,,,:!:;,,0.,fii%A i r.17...,: ••", ' I I H, ,i• 14P.eib'..1:''',' ,!',' • : ' ,;1,,.•,:, + 1 1, I, ',4 t 1:•', ' ''I 'V" 1'...6 i.,• I0 , •, i I i••, '' ' . '1,vo•1','-:,,,'-. .' •, •,;%., 4'. * II ! 1 1:rl''',HYili' .. ; ',I;A".LO''.4,-.';':!. . .:'...':,'I.4,';,.,•:'.',', ' 1 r. '''!:„:,•il?:(.rf„;..`.") il I' (,R':'',.P.: - 1",' i''" i! ',.1,11":0 V^I,',',',1:`,i,,k4 !,' 'I A 1.,.'.,In,',.,', ,I 1 , . ' I'A.',,',1' 'iT4q4iPAITM°1(P4IV'PWR-11/4VI.;',"i.:b ti;;:.:5.,;;I:;;7:'.;1,ii:.i,,.: '•:-..,,';•.11T'-',1:..: .1,..''',, 'L ' ' ' 'i '1 • , ....: , 41,,,i,r,r.: l' i'1:: 4'1:',''fi i',;';' ''l,,it)',':,,'.M:.A:1I..1.,:1;1: ',.1;.;:',:ri k:f.:1,,,:i; ".. ' .1.:; :i • :;.P;';', 1,', i') :',- i'1' . ! ' .,•' • 'Pj.1)';','f:;;Yr:!•'!!..'!'A., tt'4,k,c0,11!igf.'1,,,,'1, !,;::°;!T.141:111q.7,P41);,r9:410:%,;, 41;i';1; ;' . 1 ,.', ;,,fi';j .1,id‘.0,/,,,,i,L,',t,71:,,:i i i',,'ifIr :(;'..! ,',,,'' ,,.,,.,••; ,,.! '., j' ,, ' . ' ,,• .'..., , I;; :' ,I:1'ii:;'1'il:,1j!,'!'a:i1,1'.1140.,lati0::.q,/j.;,.r'r,11,, ,),'iktql, ,a41,1',•i4.":,r' 1;;',',!1 '1;'' el.';' 1 W10,.i,-,40,. .T,P.',,V , ',Wr;-4r114 1,1,,f)! 7'...'T, r tocati,c19s,19 g ProP4sal (describe the 'physical secti ,,Tthe,. proposal,,, ,es .yiell.rhOkUP1': 4stheiextent of the !land:area affected by any enY1r4nmeptelti.nipiCttirAiclutIOC4W44 any:Jother: information •needed to give an accurate Upderstanding:).OithintianA44A4')j i.z.:.-.. mental setting of the 'propOial ) : ', ' ,' -' ", • Hi.e-;4jHY.,, :j.T.,','.,'W?,.;!W'..i.,",,..: Y4'rg011: i',,';!i.;11,.:',,•. :,'-l','., . ,.,;„‘,..,,!),::.',;,;.. , --..:-. : .' ,-;., ; ., 1 ! .! 1 , . .r.,,1,.... r.. .. i?;! ".1..ii:•,:1-. 1 i ' • • . 1 ' . • • Q..",'.r;"A.."..,..24,'4FInT:4:.:.,,Y44.1:,Pt 'AVOT. V,,iir,iThebuildingsarelocatedinanexistingbusinessparkareaTr.!ft.;The-Tresent . ,4,g,,;.f,v, site' is'',nearly level : The surface is grass covered and significant trees l'iqe 1.,1: .1 H'.'cr,." i,"' A.,.. •,t1, d".H. lf, ICO;1,Y;:, ,H- , VC:,-,,g/','01,!(/:AFF.,,Afi,'i''''. :rill,,: ': will:,:,be retained Where possible. ' ' •1!,,!.:i!.:i,,,,i,-1{d'..,':',,i•:,,,':,1.1:•:, ''',:-/,.:,-,'1,1i1,- 1:'.il.'r;,,i''(.,,IA'!i':',,;•:;A0.,1,;,,,r,1 1 . .::,- i i.:. .'..• ::,;'1.).i.,,,,,,..:1,.:,.., a,..,:.,.:::. .: ...-...',.,:. it. :,•!,1,;,',1..",,:4:;.!,••,T-, 8. Estimated date for 'completion of the proposal : H'• ,.. :',::: ',.. May, 1982 1 l,,''.;/ ii,,... i .„..!,,i:,.;;:• ,:...',,:t,(:. _ 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for-.the propbSaU.', ' p, ,p,, . • •, federal , state and local--including rezones) : . . : . , 1 ?- o.:wi,-..• ; " : r11 v.,....c, ,-Flood Control - King County Hydraulics 1,m41;'',,,',.."'-'"'•''' 4•'•Ii'ii;,i,,.,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,;-, Building, Zoning,' Sewer, Water, Storm Drainage, EleCtrical ' Mecbanical 'Citf:Ofsr,'.; 4. .:, ,q,.-,',.. -4:.11:1-,Ii.,,10.:',,,i:', Renton. Final. plat, appliCation in progress at Citpof RentobAnder Earlington!'ci;,"'; i ; . , industrial; Park. '4 ' 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes , :explain:1 ' .Y.1-,. u' : .- f H, ,'-',',-,,r 1.'' .;.,';,.•':''J,.!.. . '', ., .! l:. 2. 1,.,:.,..'.',)..•,,:,...1 NO 1 , 1 i' ,:,•.,.: i :', ,.'.: 1.;.:':,:.'.' ..,:"..,-,: i': 1.•:: •:,.;::,.:„,.,,,,•, ..' . -,,, ,•;..;:,,t;,k,,,.,,-,..9,,;. I . 1,,,,,!,.',... , ."...4.74.,.;„,:,,,,:. ,;.:., . 1 ._ 1 L.1:1,q.,1,:li:.?...,,... :,, ,-.,:-,.:•.,, ,..,,::-.- ,., 11. . Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered"by',' : : your proposal? If yes, explain: 1h, ,..-, ON i 12. i Attach any other application form that has been completed rega ding the pro-..:,,,,' posal ; if none has: been completed, but is expected to be ' filed it some -futUre,: •: ' .-'.''•,':'-' date, describe the nature of such application form: ' ' , ' - 1 ; 1-,,i1c.,,..!:.m,.. ,, ,', II11..!.:. L.• •••• . -, ):: -,,; • .4...„' ''' NONE 4 . . „, ,,,,0.; 1:.\4 ,;• I It • 4,,;?..: i.,,;i:, 4 il .,:,-'• H. . • ;,:--,41-; -4;,,::.,; •,••• ;4 4 . •.,•,,,,..,. 4 ••:;,.4,,u,;. ,., I 41',".,Y,";•,-,•,. , .,''..;, ' 44,:',i,11..0L') II. ENVIRONMENTAL' IMPACTS IIl Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) it.i',,i!',ir!,., .'j. ,... : , : .,.,':', ..:',.:';'..: o,..,;:,1,..!,,,i.,,•,',, ...., ', •••,,),,,.!t,.. .',, ;;',,:,(,-:t, ,, 4,,,,,, , , • .1,,;r.,,,;„•,.0.;,-,,i., ,r I',t,' 1) Earth. , Will the proposal result in: . F., I ••,, ., . i ,,•:.111 1!.',, ', ,,. •.;...,`,.•„:.:..1' V.1 l • ' P ' 1-1 ' I• ''i' ., 1 i.''!1'1''i':•:qii.,';,1•',,• ',' .••i'0'1'lirir•)V''.,;.;••."‘A a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic44c',4$01AlA4v., :,.1... A., ,,,,,....,: ,,,,:;!-„. substructures?p,,•,,i,,VET- MAYBE 0-i-:,,?1,: , .,i •1 i , , , 1 T.-1 ,..!, ;? 1) , c,b,,i,•,. .,iir,,?:-.!„• .I.,,,.' [,.....:: 1•;''°-1;"'i:6Y(1;,, b) Disruptions, 'displacements, compaction or over- covering of the soil? q•'.: ,-- r••.' YES'Yl,',MAYBE c) Change in topography or ground surface relief,, H . ' features? !1": ,.',. . ' , ',: X ;.'' '''.ie ; ''',..;;.'-' i i Thrr-7. 1.! MA Y B E :-n7;:,,,"i•.•,-,:,: I• . i.,,,,.:! „ :.: ..,,.. . „..,, ,.:•,..,..,: . ;.,•„,•....•••.,..,.:..„ i,,,,i,i•:., :. 1 1''0'';'rlitl'"''I,J'I''';' ".'.4, " :' ' di,'1; :,''•f,.:,',' !ii;')'-t i .J,it;,..,';';•;'' •;;.; '',"'";';;;;'-•!')4;; i';''f,•,'.::4.J.:!.i;F: • ' d) The destruction, covering or modification of any ''','.';,q'''Zi:' eY1"4/M" '' '' ' '.'"i;V..:4;0N'Ti'''''. .1:j unique geologic or physical features? : , T.I'''''''ft6I'''°1); .:Wq4V..!4";.A'','11" ' i. ...„1:......---• "'',71';'i,' L '..'n-A----Wri'..1.,.,‘'1,,'• I ' it.'",•', ',1,...,! -..i+.,.- I ES ''.0'I. }`" .. , , . ,,. i ,,,r,,,..,,,.p,1•01,/,. .i',..:;1', , ,, 10,44:,,f,i,,,,,,,.,,$,:,;,.„,,,,.1 - ,, ..,, ;,:!1., .;.. , ,;,- . . -,,, ..'' ,,,.i. it„ .:.!, i,,i.!;`,!;,Jr.,. ! ,,v,,14,+titt'VO;;X,4.40tp .,, 41Y.,,c1i. e) Any increase, in wind or! water erosion of soily4:;044441i-1.40*,4,010h0Ff1,...,'„hAc,, either on or off the site?' . ' -1,' . . 1 . .....i.,e.,,,0iiE004ii,,A1401i'TgW?.,-P104.'0,X.M04.4W I HH ' 0-1,1,--x--.4?,-,:•!,,..:,,,,;A:,; r .;::1.,''10.0N4P,11' ',1.1137,ril4MAYBC4.4,441;10%'Min1 I 11 11;', 1-:*J.I71-i1'1,111!.,01,,j, 0...111PliAllifIVV..11.11' ,1‘11:1Jr1, Ii'lir T'.1'i 10 .1.11kia ;.1; ':',A11A'514ii . ,1' I, ; f) Changes in deposition or erosion 'of beach gandil.tir iiik 11' 04li:I i1. A0 0 r qo.. ....,,,11. 1,, ,, L., . , --.4.,,,',..1.,,,,:•,,ovi,,,,,,z,-,}•,,,..,„i- ., L.,,,,.,,, A-,1,.?,,•.0,,.„..-',,!ti,,-,. changes in siltation,'.. depositioni.or eros,09.,,w.fflchlAl.,, r;. 0',Iti,11, 414..vv, ,,,,,.!.•1.;",.m.,,',' 1.,..4H may modify the channelpf .4:0Yers9r:' $ ream. orthe44,44.441.t...,104,g,,,wly:‘.1, bed of, the oCean' dr •anyc,bay,:inlet or -lake?,:'$*06.J.14U4 ,01r.q.;;'gi.:::4J.LevIAT 1,. ,. . , ,1 . . , .,..., ::•,-,, ..,) ,, . : ,.„,-... .11,11teil.ii'll1;.04?,',YAE411§4,1477[37%;;I Nii'.'"*I'''''.1.'Yir' Explanation: . (c) Some: filling 'will 'Occur to bringtbuilditle,padsAO 1'11;•;Mlnaf10,9ri:; 1 I : 1,4q1!'i"(P1.tk:iiMiilOgItf0P4pqjlt:1: ';; ;1:, 4:!';.i.It'i''i''''.:7:_';'•:;i:!i.11;;, elevation 16' . (d) Sitel will be graded for' drainag&%*16:x* J,11"Hm:,0:?..('-,-,1 i I 1 • . ,.:,., IfitlAi•st!''‘On. ildiliWpi'PY's' 4.'....' '1,' . it'°r:).;;:!,•.', 1 . Hq::,4,,:,i 4.11' i'l 1,1'',irl'''''''' :•.• • •• •' — '• ., I•T'4i,•;;.;);•1•4i.1:!'!•ig.'',4).'4,'!,ip•!'" ., , ,•:..; •'•' •• 11,, '!,‘ ;•••,;'••,, I 1 1 i g1,, ,11•••,.!,,:,!±'14,j,,!:: :ir•"i;,'!• • ' '. ' •!••!' ";'"'; "." •; .1;1,' v.,!: !';'I :i'... :,1.•;;.1 1 41 i 1•. i I..1 ' ••.•'''• ,'.''r••; ...y.Id , : . ,,,,\• I: .. ',,,,. !. . . „. ..., , ,,: .. ,. ' .,' •! 01,•!.._11'.'''•i'•-'1;.11,4'.i'; t'i•'' '1...1:.s.',..:(,9)Vi).j:''.!,;''!.1.Ti',4'rei!'re';:r:4 0.r1/471"3.,..".9 2.,•......'.'.• .;.'!,•;!1•.;''.!!!:.-, 0 •'',.).• '..!,,.''....'.- - •.11‘,z1l7r. !..,'.•:,?.:'::l'Ic ,.`•.,!• ." .' .'''.7? 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' ••,... .,h•,'X.+J11),•1i,'',.,,i,'!,',,'!'.•!,;:c.,, 1.•• --1•',',...1.• ' •' ' '.'''.,r ';1'6,.....f,,,..if.',',,;•,..,,,, TIT.:''...MA V BE'!':WO7L',.:1,..".:::,';''',-,!'''..!.,','•!?-!!! 1:!' ''.....-'' • '''''.. .•!:''',,,,,,i.i,,,,...:;• •.,.....!...;r:..,',,,) k.,..,,.... .,:,`..4.,:•,,:,),).•• 1. . ,. • .•,!...-.,!.... : aa,•-',, . 1,, . . ,...-. .-i.y..,-, •':,',...,..e','„,,,,.!1'.,,,...;...,',. ..,,',..-,:..,. a'a'-. :a: (h) 1•:,, The creation of objectionable odors?e : .,. : '••• - ';.1,:,•.• '•-• ' •,,':•- •' "-1.-.,:o'(..k.',..%!";.1....:.f;41 1 !. ..:• :!.. TEricr. ),IAY BE.,:,•,,•077fIli.'`.,,,' "...';''','.:‘; r, . ` ! .,.-..':•'..i 1„.• 1 • - .;-... ,-••,:.1..,•,1n.!,' ...N 1'....-1% ' il •— .11,:'."- •.•' • i'i..•,•',',1'..t•{•,',•+.".1.:':!!:‘`.,:,•:'•.‘i•:0,,,11•0C?••••,',4,q•:',1',z f.'••.:,..,..1 e.::••.",•.•;, ,',.•••••;;;••••,...•.';',..:.'N,i1/1‘:4,•'''IW.C‘•:,!,', C) HI Al te rati on of air,movement, .moisture, or temperature., , ,..,,;, c,. !..,.,,•, , ,,!!!(,..,..,.,.:•,!,,....f..,,,.,,i,,,, ,,4",),,,....,,,,.;0„,,,..„;•,,i,i,.,,,c,„,,,, I.' or any change In climate, e i.0) r..locaily or ''.'!...,' . .. . ;,1'.. ':.'0!,,,.:,.' ,.1'..,'•,..,...,. ..,!,,,)(:.,•.%Ki!i4,:,,-...,,,r,-.2,,..!),..,-;,',,,,,,,, regionally? i ,'. r..• .;",..,"••••`•`.; i'..!:;`?-1.;l'',"?,..' T- .• ,. '.• y ES !A...MAYBE,!' I r,..,'!.!!:,!,...!,."!, .,:,. .,,, . 6,:,;!,..,,„,,,:;-,,. ..,::::,:.,,,, 4,;• .• Explanation: L''''....',,''''' I',4,,,..'.',.!! . -....:-!.Y,,••,;,-' '."! ,.! t, ,...,,,,!..!,.!: , 1 -. . - . . ': ...'1 -:•.2.- ....: i'''....',;•,1,;1:- ''' ' r: .'.''' ' L •' ' . ' I.',:;','"1'. l',..:::.11'. 11 .' • • '• '. " ‘'.' ' • . . 1•'!1'''');' 1 ,i'•':'',:. ''''''..,Y*,;:::..:r;i''''''A'''::‘'''itt Y 3) Water'.!,', Will 'the proposal result in: . 1,.,!,•!. ''.•:. .' ' !!..-'.. Y,',"•,',•,1.'!;2`;•!...'''! !• i.,',i,!)•'.,,,',..':';,! '. ;•,. ..1 `...;1?-....,.k. ..:••..., ' ch!,,,",.•,- (a) ';': Changes.-.i n currents i', or the course of direction 9,f,...;;,.., ,,,',.,:,,,•,, 74,,,,!..,.,.,..,,i..,.;,,,,.2. r,c,;•.'1,...:.!;:,',,,-, -',••!, water ..'movementi';-',i'n,..'either 'marine ''er fresh!',waters?!!!,..1(,',,..',,';'$.,,,';-.,,,,,,:...,-„,-.'i,!,i.,,,•!,•:/,",,..,:!... Xl?.•'',1-1..IrriT,,',i..'- r.,'',.;•! 4,',,, !,,,,',,!......,• ,,'''.4 3177;;,.'',;5r MAY BE a, ,..,, „,,.,. . ,,, , ;: , ..,,., ,.; .;•,... 41:0Ak.,;.',{:•;.!ii ,•1•'''•.:ilM'Ili,i:IP,;(,4,:','It'q';',:if:?,'; !0:';',..;';'"',';'.4i,•''1C;f1',••17'1',''.%)•;f;;,!;; a r' ''''‘i ' . :.''. •.'•';.."... '\• . !'",'• ' ' '. ").'•" • ; '.• : I'V:', ','%!•' • 1 f;'''•;;,!.•,'eV!..!,'';;. .','"1',.!' ,I:J:.' '‘..'; :„'1,''11,.:;l1..,),,,,,,,....)4,..z.:r b) , Changes in absorption rates, drainage patternt :',,or'':-',.!„:,-,T,'T?:)!0,1',W** '-,,Y',:fl',.1,1'i!A•,,,,-,... li.c:'.1:,,;0‘',.:}it 1i),Y;rVIY.,'.:Vil.'..::', I ..'the rate and amount of. surf ace'water runoff'!".\'',. ';-.,,','.''!!'! ,•,,,;,.. - ,..111•,..„tf,...,, ,•.,. ..,-...,vp., ,:ck,.:,...,. 115774TATill'!:.,:rari-44?‘ .,ii•'.!.,i.4.•.,,,,,,. i...,.. .,..,:;,, I I''''' '• ;" ,''''.7!‘:'.;•:'i,:,( !il'i- P1';''''.i''.;'V`Ir."."'i,ii.'''',:"1:.....:3''",;',Mr0.d.4i,/,':;,1.V ,...c.jc,q1'111..''. '.'i4);,, C l) —•-•Alterations to the. course or ,fl ow of flood Waters? .. : „!'„,!,,..!f'..,!!,•!.a ..,, ,.,,._.X a.vAi,f..,,..., iy ES,,K!!!'mAy BE.'':.'.•.,,FiZ7,..;:r.„••,'.•, 1:2•: :••',.r.:',,,.a"••• a. ( adi) -') Change In the amount of surf ace water In any water'.. , .,....,,Iii.,,J9)fi,',',...;;•4!....i.p,,'-;',,,''..,',.: ',' '!..'•-;!•'•,'':',J..;,,,:'.,ii,i,''.',„), .:".'',,!!'',.1,-,:' body? YES.' ,',',..MAYBE NO.,;,...,-,,. . • y.. - e)', Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration ;:-. .,., ..„'- ;•,,,...,,. ,. ,. .... t...,,. ... ., i..,,,,,.,,,,, . ..„ ,,.., surface water quality, Including but not limited. to.:::,', .A.',' '...„'f,.:.,.,.- Iy;„:), temperature,1 dissolved oxygen or turbidity? ,..,'.,.,... . .. ', -.„.. . ., ..,'''',.H.!..,. . , . ____,,,,,•,,,..„,,.„,.,,,,,,X 1;••••••• IH -YE$.:,,,A!MAY BE 6!,;.! 1'., k ,; ;.•••, . f'!' ;• ;'•; I•;t ,,; ‘,, /•;••;.•,;'"•,.1 : •; ; .1!4: ,'PV.••;.;?1".,•2; r•i•,••-'!L ' . ;`,!'',•,::',/..L!•, ',•!;•.'!'..••••!'r 0,-':".: , f) .. Alteration of thedirection or. rate' of flow of . .. ,,. , ., ,,,..,,,,,...,.-!!..,,,J.,,,,,i!,;(.,I.,:-.7;!',.••!,-‘,' 1,,,--!', r,,-,;,•',',... •' •:.ki,'•,,A!'i.,,-..':,•••; .',,,!,•,,,,!,•!!!!',', i. ,,,' . . . ground waters? ,,... .• Ir...4-.„-„, 1 , • , , . .. fES,,...jaAgril-Trg'',F16717:,,'cr., Iv,,,,, ,,!.,,,.I. ' ' .!... ,' ,(',.'•, .`,-.. .,,,;,4,, t:...,.. ':',,-'.... , ,.) W,`.•, 4,•- g) change in the quantity of ground waters , eitherY!.::- ! ' '.. 1:6'V'sli'',rP 'fft..1,4N:j,„:P,..,!.t',,.:1::;:, through direct additions or withdrawals , 'or• through ;',..'';,',;:1,',",;„{' .,,,,',.,,:..,','..1,..!..,',1-.,,,,;.:', ..,!'.,.,,..,!f,,,!,,,,i',4` 1.r ,!,'‘',...;:i;,.!!!.i:','!'.;','• 2;%,A% ;•.:,'''' •••"•:•';,..0."; ''..X.!•:!,::,•'.•,.;;;.,;',,,••,i:,;••, interception ,.of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? --:,„...... ,___. YES,i,...•...MAYBE . NO .;,-",••• •'.•,-,1....j,..... 1.•'':.,•• •,...!'-:',. .,.,.', ),..',•,•,:,,i-.!•!,..r i • v. ,,....,,,....',..:-..,-•,..,,.. !---,, .,: !..!'.1..,,,,,ii,.,,.,,.;,..T.'.,', r. ( h) , Deterioration in ,ground water quality, either;,through,.,,,,..'t,.,..i'. .,,,,,,,,(q,,,,,;.',.!:!, ,-.... ...,,,..,...,,,, i,,,,:.-;;,!,.•,,,,,,;,.,,!,,,,,,,,,,i,•,,2. ,. direct Injection , • or through the seepage of '•1 eaChate, .:, ,! ,...r.,'f, ' 11'..'•• i, '. „. .. :•,..,,c1 phosphates , detergents ,• waterborne virus or bacteria,!,,..1,, •/-,,.:).,...,..,•,.. ,, ..;_,1,,,/!..1,y.,-,!,.-... or other substances into the ground waters? ..',, . ,,-... . •,,: .!, ' •.,,',., - . L __,..!,,,,„,..,,,,•, i. ! ‘.'' - ‘(ES ..,...'ffiS,713-E. NO,,:.,-.1 :.,t 2... ' ', . 1:1-,. -..•,7,,i."..,.,„.).,: . .,..,.......,-..:.. , ..,,,::-...'... 7.' (li ) . Reduction in the, amount of water 'otherwise available 10,',,,',',.,'...,-.,i,irk.„,..,.,,,,, ,•„•,••••':.f.;!;1;,, a.',. ca,',.‘•',':,;.-,•:.-•,' a •,• A !--',44 .'!,-...',,, •:.;,..,-;!:,v,ii,•',,,',•,','Vt,,,,,-!... for public water!' supplies? . 'i•'.;: !.' '' :. :'I'.777. . ,;':•! MAYBE., ;'31/57;,„;,••%.•,;71.1.!:%).%'''''''''::'''"•• ;;'F. i 1 ' • ; d ''i-,.'",,..!., • !",,,,,,,!,,,-.1,:i1,.:,;,‘,,- ExplanationI kb) A' complete drainage system will, be Opslopp , ..,, ,, ,.. .„.... ....„...0.., ,,,,.! 4".,:..,.A.,..,,,,la :•.;.•-•.•: .....-•,,. ,..m..,..,:•-',..•",••• •,-, 1(c) Normal building usage of water will occyr.,;:awlv.?,,-„,,I ,.., .0 ft„„.,.„,,,,,,..„,;:.,,,,,,o a0:4,„.... 1 . . .:, .:., ) • , . .. •....,7.•; , ' ,'• - a, . L c...,'!!"',;•F'v.':•,:,1:•:. :,,,..;,,(•4.i:::;;,:,..iiiilta';',,k• ,:...:a,;a:,i.,'',::..alaN"',1,'I'OE!,,,i4v!..•,,'••;:,1,1,4•:,a.:,.' L.,,,.,•••,, ,,,,,,....),•••:,-, - •---,.. ' aaa,:.!,,: af. .,,t. a va.,,,.0/....,a.ce,a,...,,o,,,,.,1v,1-i: a. • • i,,.I..1.1,..„.:01,.,.,,,hflz.„,,..ava...,„a. • ". ',.',..,`'f....,`;;4.‘.l';',`•':'-.....,i Or 4).. Flora. Will ,the proposal result in:: . 14 ,!,!;i!.';',..'''''..'il•';!;.:•,q;;-,f.i','•41,;.A.';'.4•W:;';.'',..''.•!••"•••''•z%A.4.;',i:;1:',:1;);('4,,P'•••''' i ;; 31i'' ''''. ?'.:!%'''!.."11`4'10{?': ;A" 1 ,''::.!';' ::::" ::.'A.'::!,'F, ;W:!. l' *".•...i„I'f,b.. !!','•:0.:',.!!';;••:'.' •',',..??-,'"!; '. a) Change in, the (diversity of species , or, numbers any .!.',•1i; 9,-,,,,,i4.,;'!;,'•,!,',1,..,;;;!•:'!!!!.,',...,,,..!. 1;,,s...4!..,,,,,..: ,,.,;.,,,,,. ,,,,5•,,t,,,,,,;..,-..;:,. .......,,J;,,,,i, species of; flora (including trees , shrubs ,' grass ,;••croos ,,,„, ,...,...., ,,,,.,,„,..,,,,,,,,,,,,.:..,,i,-,,,..,,,4...,,o..„(..,•,,:!,, r, ,,','2,,''''.'!,'•.,',,, ,'f!!.-411,; !..A...!,',,i,,oqv,,,,....:',:,.„....!!.•.,...4,,,,,t',. .,J.'1',J':,t,,,,,,..;'!! iaamicrofloraandaquaticp1ants)?:: ,.• ,4,.,,.1.,, 1,,,. ..-.0. YES,- . . ler- 7.4%.,-76-,,d,;:-:.,‘,,:ct:,,,:t,' 1. •,: 0,:',..'.-.,,' ...:- • , ..,:,....,,:- . ' , ' '• . . .1• 1•' . ,,1( a,•'',;•'..,'(il1,y'14iSi`414,i.'"e;:-...',;,',‘",;::-''',Ajy.:1*1•::4,.. q,4 a' ' ' . • • 2' :• . ' • "`'...';',iy.i.1,...,.....:'...,',, -1"r..,-`4.,.1ki„...1,11.4,3' •.„...1::,....,'.1:, p,,....n...,•,. I f.,c''I,...,:'•.!!:,-.':‘,'iv f'...;'..•,,r.-KA'.1;','4,.:;•.:.'•••-‘..,-.'...'-,)r'.1,1".....41-.1:•.!!9;:i,zr: b) Reduction of the. numbers 'of any unique, rare,i.9i ,..,,i t••,•? .:ii 1 :,),11,1,•;.,,4;11„-4,,r,,, ...;,...:::•,,,,o,X1,...ti?,.:..;';ki,04 endangered species :of •flora?' 'J',.., •, .,, , a . ! i,,,..i,..„,-J,-,„.,..., .,..,,,,,,.,..,,), i,.....,,,,, ,,,,..,, ,,!•,,',.....,-,..1,,,,:.,;,.....,,.c,_,' r"-‘,,,,,,,'2,1,__.• --,,,%.....',,i4!:_,5.,5,„;.,;?., r,;',.. ',,,...,..., • a,•,:,',,,,,•;;a117,77,!::,,,,•1 VIA Y a E''''''''1:'Nti,„!..1,;:';'20...y.'31,y7'..; J. .,,,,,,,,'. ,r'1',.,„!,,..,. 1,. :. ''‘ !-; •• ' '••,.. ••.•! ! . ' • `..!'',•,* (i.:'.',. , ' i..!,,,',...41::,''!..,i..'!. ,?!.,-,•;!:],',,;',H4',-,t,„':,141...,.)i,,,!,., v•-?..,,!' I area,., or'.: ?111.s!'ii,;:11r:!..-i,'F'''''.!; )',•'-,7' c). Introduction of new species .of.•flora !into ,a n., , . . ..,,,„•,,,,,,... .,:, ,i,•,..,:,..q,31:,,,I,,-..,. 1 ,,k,•..i„.,i..„.,,,',,:,,, ,!,,, in a barrier to 'the normal . replenishment..of existingt.j.,,,,,?..,,,,?,)(...,„.),...0,...,,:;;,,, . Ti..:,,I..,.;,.......5., species? , . ••••,- .. : .- '.!.as t..,.,i.,,r..,1•'!:.2,k; S.N ,,M. ,. :'.:•.;..i....,.;,.....,,,, -.,,-,,ica..a„,,.. a ,k• , , a a • 1i",..,,a;,,;',.;',..i.,,,,',,,•-•.:.:ii,q4;,,,,•, ;1','...'•••• ( `,.a: ,;".',7'-'af'-'„',a;:•.7...,..,'::, a'•,",,,... ; la.,,,,,a0L,k,.„1,I,a1..iyi,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,•,;•.:,.c,i.;','••.-.-,6 r.,-,•7',. .,,•..: 1 • r",j,!,i'..:1)..;•f.'.i',V..jtrig7.1, 04.•‘,,,Of.-.•••,..• 1,',..:•,,,..),,,.,":. d) Reduction in acreage of any .agricultural c r.9 P...*,:i.,.'' . , „.1'.441, --•-,E5 AYBE-',21,11T7'Pr-:-'1: ft,I.,,t„:4:, ....1.i,J,..,.... , ; I ,, ,..!!','....,,,•,',:',..'..!i,,,...--,-,. J , , . q'.rii.,,..,•-•!,..j..',..i!.'",,..,,,,;41','....'.,,,,,,,'':,,,i';‘!!'i!,..,' 'r.'-'• :'•'''''' d 1,'•,•:,4'..!,}inNif4'.13,,O;;!•[1:;•.....`.'.,'.”•...7, :.,..•;,••'•;•.`•,irt,••• .' ''•'.; Explanation: (a) Some existing trees. will be,Tempve . ...,,,,:pilvtc.3,,,,,„:„,,,,... 1 be. , . . • ' j' i.!,1.',••-5.1.4.;i 'il.,, i::'..".;:r.;,'.',.`, C. 1: ' ' • ''' ' ( c) New landscape materials mill : , introduced,f,, aa I a;,..,•.• . ' ,.,, •••,:••,1,':•;17?.,,',,a...;/, a,,.aiar.,,,,,,i(!;, Oq.:1.4,,...,,..:.1.', ., • ,i;'•,`,\.' 1:,,, i,:.,: ',':'i.. („,....,•:',; ,, a.v.I's,. i;10,4,,c,',..1:1,'' ':'•,,:...'[.: "-..:-. ',','•..a . :.,..'I'' I::c.:1:i',,!'!.:',""'•','.1';',' '1 ,,•,,",, '''' "..11:: • •",'.)," ''. '. (' A, 'V,,',•;.1...•k,:II, ..','' .:' .. •! ..-.:.•• ';''''''''•..! ' ,, ..1,.'.'..., ,,,:t...1..Iv,;',....-:-.,''.".- -. ...:0..:):,•,,,,... i:, 1, ..i.: . 1.,' ,' ,,, ...',! ,...;,1,'",i,•.10.,1'','.'..,,,• e. ;.0,'' , ' ' • '. a •a• - . . ...•.,.. .„ I' 1'l l iiihr•,,y:,•: •!cic', ;i111 'r,( ',riu. r! I u: I . it Li,,,,.iOi I I'.1' gt Fi"cite':, 1 ,i:iI•.i r;;J'.r IT„ k';iJr , 1!'I r':1'I ' ;, I; i I''..'l i":i•''' 1 1 Ot,,,, i i"%cl„°'„,1;l,R ; :•Z' r ya}'V;i";d. ..7.rl'V,,',,'4:' Ir 1:11', .''I 1• t .,i l f{i i;c,'•16'i yfifir ,. .1 y+, t'7:I i.''II l yr; lt;,ya• ,1 i' },. ,J,I'i L }t i„ ti'n 1' I' ': I't' t•:ry.,i7T' b'§ 1,. ir,4, l,,'•;l il. .w r.\th i t^ y ''II• p . . i' J l ''t'A.1,y.'!IJ•II'.;I?„%rt,;,.lur ff11}'pol J''71ul'I'.v'',7,, '•4.J'. 1' r r4, ,L. ,,' . , ,,,y 1 .l:r'•'+ .F. Ikti at••Y7 '!' r;, r, ii d'y ,l,I,yy ,.0 ,tl. id ` r 1'I I;l-' 1 P;• I; •,r;,r„' If,Int'„pi,'.• II" i,(i' .t.l; , 'i'?' 4.:•, fI!',: 4 I I d,{ ar 't'V 7'l, I'. ,`'!:t Srl, i• I Ii, :r{''v .p. fll 'I'r,•:' { I . ti ', A, I III t. '. I•. I' l'} 4l, z., l,r,", )., l.i;'1• I' i` resultu t i n. " I'1r`i';'.I,;;,a;+.i.,;',•,),),I.;.ir, .'•.w•i, r3d''''-`I !,.. i]),,,,,. Fa 1na'.` Will the ' posal_ r 1 i 1, t,l.:;,r;,l.,a P t,, 5;11,is r, ;' •,I' hJ 1' I'1k', y(.f:iH:' :7 rf:' S-.,'• I' S•..;t7k.7S'r',S',i,Y,l '..!.'A/!•,1 1,- ,t,:-';' ) hanges in the diversity of species , or numbers of 7'':'' '';,;r`>'i '- l ;.r,r';'" 1', •'!;•: ,':' . any. species. of fauna (birds , land animals including ';,•'!!•' ;, Ii " , reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms 1 , 115'` '` `'` I'!4ilr'. I , .,;''•`' fly '(• insects or microfauna)? I',;J':; 11;' 1.•r''''.}'',,,-,;:.. . MAYBE .NO,,;, ;", ,;':.j :., an 'uni ue rare or. .,' : 1.'i'.,,; .,: r I ''- ,,, " 1' '',(b) Reduction of the numbers ofY Q i i ' , ,,<<< ' ,:'1• endangered speci es i of fauna? 1 4 1. '6;,'r pa•,,T'Y.ES;j '.I YBE NO' _:':"';``;;; i:;., I f w species of fauna into an 'a1rea, : f A l.r Intro duction o new or' result in a barrier to the migration or movement , X,of fauna? , t' ' r 1 YES,',.:,.1,MAYBE ' NO "!, 11,,.. !' 4,'r' 1 1;! I'. i I i t, a ,• d)' Deterioration to existin fish or wildlife habitat' d' ';X1''' YT ,! >MAYBE NO, ) ;',.,' , Explanation •r •L;;_r;; re r I1(HJ.n!F'}.k",.'Tw;,rl y ... .,l/ r.,' A,1'•:I`"".! j";ldg•,' '..*,,: ir; l•.1 r'4i" ;'' r 1. 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels?' ' tX !`i'f YES.•, i,; MAYBE NO. .., I, , New vehicle activity will occur.Ezp,lanation: 7) Li thhtandGlare. !Willlelroos, ppal produce new light 'or i I' • ' • 1 glare?MAYBE liTi 1Explanation.site' lighting will be installed 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the:, 1' present or planned land use of an area? i '" X 1 ` ,r MAYBE iY , Explanation: 9) Natural Resources' Will the proposal • result in i' a) Increase in the rate of use of any ,natural resources? , I ., i;, s.!,,:!' MAYBE,. , NB,.- ,,,v r0.4::i 'i.fir,N'p. l,,u'I•.' ':, +3'n;`:i ,!':. di"• J Ir, fa!w"' b) Deplet y I!'X Depletion ofl an nonrenewable natural resource?' I.,, ' ,.,,,'r'"-•'! i' .•; I; • it 1''Y,d,fi;;l',' 1'11,(;I'li:.t;i :'i'.', ''' - %,fi bubuildingNaturalmaterialswillbe. used during thei 9 1 Explanation; i:,;. construction process and during building operation. :'''i''',il,, .I `''• •i ' ,' 4`>'' I. , I,'. `'''' I;,•''i i?'j.i.',. Al:,• • .,.-:'r.,.' j:r it',I'iij?..`It• I, ,1.,,,.0..,, p+.,.,.. , c '+,U ,:',1 Itl;P,. 10) Risk of Upset. Does t• he proposal involve a risk of an ,,,.',;p, t;+'r,a;':•:r',-:',Ni:i/.,,'; "i' explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including; '17 ,j '',!` ;•;i` '?''''''' ' d,;dP!1 bLt not limited to, oil ,'.pesticides, chemicals orj,radjatlo ;; >,° d("'rA;ii; ,''.•';,.;T', .i'•, ',z f ! event of an accide t or upset cond.it ons?,':, ;,; : ii,i: :,. ..A•d`.;k ;fk/t1i44 '';"r;;::r:, i1X + ;..? .in the e t ltd, I , ,,,, 1 , ,.. ), ':. i, t .MAYetE tip—; Jar }trx' I r1 y}, " j, l;r! ' r.r ii'!iyd 4,+ 1,.i`"11'.,;'a;' , Yr fift{''+ 0'' 1;,., 4 s l -f I', E1!l ,.'f'' i 11tan t'711!r1 11 Explanation. I I f {1 r,R y•,.;:.0I'{:1J :!,{i41 f'''4},ll:;r,4•; , 4 fit; :'.r,liP ti,,.•i' ;,il. '''Iplf?I{:r7!I,"^ ,/'• .r;d.;7ii°•'(!:¢'9 i'n, ,'. , y'j I:, ,,,v{•iy(;.i Fru,r!S q(:. 1' r''' t> a• . i.:'r!, 1 i,7 hL. ; 1;,1••• 1 I 4' i'i Ali; 1. •i, e ,I"•>A.,,11"/+!I':.1'h 61.1'.. P-. ,i''!;;;'.; 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location,'. tt,' `i';i4•41,41.`'!' ? bution, density or growth rate of the human populatioq:.,`' cl'a,;;; t ,, + I 1 of an area?I 1: ii ., .si .,,.. ''. ,. N ' Explanation i. I( 4,,,, " r ; •, I: 1,',.•1"..i!,•!,N,:;,.i,...,,,,.....,.:31.;)),,.•,,,,',,:i IT•,;,.4..I•:.1,,..)11, ,,,,,,;,. •.;••!,.,,,.., ,oiiii;.', ,,,..TI';'', ..1,'„));?...„1,,.,•',•'. ,....'•', 1..1, i.i.,7,,...,",''',:: •; ' " •-, ',,!,•';,,.., 1.!; r2'; .-„t"'":,, v.„,..;•:! 1. ,...!,O.,!1..I,t,"M:,.. .",.3 i:i.#1;,,',i.),1(4,,4,,414f-,1,•;,,Ii.;11-,.11,,,fr-,-Tt.',..'-'.1'.',,,'...*3''.,!!... ;i.'!,1••.1•••:•)•;•-•!,,•:',-„,-.-. ..c,E,:..,..;.'...",•;,n• • "•,'?•:-1,1,,,:'.' • 7 5 7f•IIV'OiiliA P17/:"„f1/,Y,'::--;;,'-q41-',5- ',:,..,',,','..:z,,,,,,,e..' N;,:,-,,,,,...flt-,,q,'"'::.1",ti'''0,:•,,,:,'I''',';','••'.,'-'-'4',:17,• ,(...4"..,i,,,% .,•'••',1.11:,: ,.'• ', :;,...I.•,',,.•t.1:'..‘,,',.,'; ',, • ''.• '' ,''';1.'! ,.t.,:.:1,:.:"T• 1:'T'.,`.4.•;'f,' ilo,i,:j,41?'117. ',,l'orv,ti'11::1':',,,•....44',::',..),4? 1:irlT",,':',.'.;-,1',',"7,i=,: 1;Irt,',-,',:'11•':,1',II:v..,,:,•.'''.• ' ,•: ; '.'1,7:'..-.,..'1 •• ;! , ..•I..:.!il'', •t.,..•,,,j1,..,,"e,:,',g..,' , riors'',":0iliii:VA,,. ' .',','1,,i1,;••„•fjt••,..iity,;t11,,t:10-igt,;'s:.,. 1:-)i-, ;f:12‘1-_,,,,i Ho u ii n'o r!!!!) .TWI 1 1 „:p ro,posal., a f fec t e xi s ti ng ,hou s•I ','o,0_,!,:,!,',:••••.';',•:i!,',•.,,I,r,p.;;:idtvote-ii,•;[!.,*(.!!!,,!,!1;!..!!,,e,„,•,,Gyl,,,..pi,,..4.6•144,u..?),0. ,,,-.4,.•':,,i........ .., ..,..: rt !,••,,,!•••, !','c re ate•a!, demand, tor 'additional ' housing?;',' ' ' !,' ., '•! 1!!!..1.!! 1!!!4;:i',:i,',.?,;.'q'.14'['iltil..!,tiei:,,1011.,,,g'',f.,1!!,!.' ,,'•`..irrkl'N.4.i;',-;.!VI4C.,,t?.7,,, II"..)!...1,./,'.1-".rC f,'"'.,: x—...1 ;;;-----1„„r7f.., iirfi';';'; 6!i: ,0ti, ,..';;,. ' :'', • . ';: . ,, .••.'t:'';'4t:in .•' ' '1,..:H : ;,'. ', n' '- • . ' ,;',: ,,it,;,:,;,',.1..,•,i•A)•,,t.,1...,,)1,t',.11,„1, .:,:ilit';.),')!;),'',f1•!!„.1.,!'„E';V:11,.Y'''t,':b;19(c,t1:.'.4'g'itt.14.o 1.,,''••%,,•F 1.?.,..;•....,..•.i',1•,t..,::,),;,•.tl,,t,':,•:','.• ,) ', ,.- . '•'••• --. .•••.:„ .• :, ',,:• ' ,.:J. •,)1,...• . 1t. .,•;;• ..,. --:- ...,,.,; t,..t,,,...,,,\ . .-,-.•„ ... .... ;... : , r. ' b.. ‘,' ' ,. r• ' .• '. ".. 'I;,I I;4''', .: . }(''4.0;!,..,'.:;, ,:. ,••,,:,.';,;',..,... 4,,;„' 1,'„•5•4-..,.,/:,_(;',.t1,1:,•1„,1,,..d.....; Work force- will come from exiSting:population,13ase.kc,.,:?, ,..M,.,, ,,..',.:.W1,,,-.,Explanation. ..1•!•,!1%.c.'....!•,.:.i,,!....,.J." '•'•••••!::,`!,'!,,*i'',!,'.,q,..- . - ,.. ••••, •i-• ,!! • - • • :- •1.:,:, ,,,,i •••,.!,'.,,,,,...i!!!,;•'...4....1 .1•••!..•!! ! :1,..•..',.;,!,,,,.....0'.'A"..!,••••,1•';.:•4•,...,....•!..:••., t'"..•:'..., •1•1.!1,,•,'••••,..iii'.'•,'•.1:•;i:.,,,...!n•••-': '......•,',•',;'1.ii,!,?,,•.;',;;,,,:,!!!•=.,,,,i,i.,•,?-•,.'•).. J,,-..,,!.•i,!•i fl't-,',..1',! • '' ''''' ' • •1',.:.;',',1",.';',..!. -.....' t,..,..1,•.+,,,•;., ,:!,.i. !, -„,),!..1,,.!,.,..,-,,'•••• . I '.! , . t,.);,..•),,),1-•'... •I'l. t11.''.:.1'.',t7,1.)..,„,'-'%..';'...•t 1.,•.‘,..,:.‘,..,'.:,.t.i.,..;.,.• '; ,.'„:....).• '.: , t ' 1 "'1.''.:! .. ' i,„: ,i.,„, • ...:..'I:e,...1.•,•,..,.,,,.....,4;„,-,..;ii•)....:...t: •;:•'.•,:z.!0:1t,''...',•,•:•-•)•:;•:1,;;I:'• tut ,• .,,.,.•11,.;o1,1•,•?t.,.tv t•'.i•',...:,,.'•-•.:.:(.:,yji).;;•i,,•„....,...,),,,,,,,,'„;;,./4...,,,S, 13).1.'IrallS'POrtatiOrliCi rCU1 ati On. Will the proposal re sul t',.!.i n:•!...!.!:•),,!',..r.;:1,1".:k•-•1!,,,,.,!..;...+•! q••••,,r,-y,ttv,-,...,!;•!,..,‘:,,,,A,,, J.,...1:,.,t•-•,.. ,.,;:,.....,,,,,..,.!•:,..•• v.,,,,,1,....,,,,,,,.,,-,,. ••,,,,,.,...•,..:.?, ,.:••;.,1.1•-•. .:,•:...!..-•,y,1.:!.:•-:••';'-.;,!--'..!:, .."''' (a) Generation!:' of addi ti°nal vehicular movement?,; .,..,.,,:....,, !•,. .....c!,, A -..‘:,,,,!,.,-, ,:--, - ,-. 1.,,, ,r.',4...,!!,y,l,i.,..,3,51,,z•!.., 1.•••;,......,i ,,. ; ,... • - ,,, ••• , -YES ., ,MAYBE .:•!N 0 .!;•(?!,..;•-•14:::!!'•,''.,,,:-.• ••,,! 11.,.N,',..,,,•,,, ... '.! ,-...,-'.•,,:•:•,!,- :.....,:;,.',=•.!•,•!!!•!,,,1!:',,,•: b): Effects on existing parking. facilities , or demanl, ' :!.,!•,,,....H1v.,41•,.,1-,, ,.,,v,;,..',... for• new. parking?! ', i.. ! ,. _ '.!!! •A'•i!!,! l'e, 1!,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.4.9 ,,, i •i . I ....;.... 1,', YE-171,,..11PirE .;NO,I,'„,..,•:).F.,:";S':!'fi'-...'-.:A, j ;i:,•,...., ..",„ :• '.„.. ,,,.....,..i, .,;4)....,..•) ):.‘„,-,„;.: 1 X•il,?1,1''....: I.% . • •,.....,,:• ••:::):', '..).'t...ci.t.t; c) ..',Impact upon!existing transportation systems? , . . .... . .- , • 1,y..,,,_.___ ,......!—,..!,•,;!,,,,•••,,,,.. ,•11717. MAYBE . NO !i H': .. , : ! • . '• 's (;•'• ... • •-' n",,,'-';:!!..%, ! '' cl. !' .:•'!•'". ' • Ii''.,..!',.T•,;:::To.y.,.., ' '• : ,.. ' IT:•:.,',.1,,ii't„.:'::'In:':',•:',. d)-*,' Alterations to present patterns of circulation•.,or . '-' "•'... " ,•,'!'.,!!-- II!".!! .. ,..,;i!..A.,,i••••0').:.,•!,!! !)-!!.!:.(-I. . ,,x,!,,,, k', '. ,... .,,',, r',,;,;',A i,..:,;',, ';•,..:'. movement .of people and/or goods? '..,i' , )! •" •:,,• '...--- YES' l', MAYBE ,!!. NO.,''.,,,,•:"C.4.'.',,...,•'?:!i,, 0, I 1,!,!. . ...•;., T,.!,-,(e) Alterations to waterborne, or air traffic? 1 i•!i,,,•,,...•i-..ci.:,,.,•:. A.••,,,., i..!:tI! i!!' r..'!, J,.:.. s... i.•,'!.,-,;,.i1,-,7-.,.:,,!,\.,,..•!,! I.., •!..... ,...„..,,... .1., „ -,,,„,..t);;.,.. . , . •.1• !,1,1,,;.•;),,.,,I . S!!..,!..'•, !!'.,"•••.',!, . ,. ,, .:,c- •,,.•••••.• ! .i.,', '....1.:!!,Th.'•:.-!..j* .., ;-,' • .:-:, ',.- !!` • . ! . 1 .'''.•'',•4'''•'•;.;''' ''+";'.1•1'.''''t ,',r '''''0•••''•'"•Lq:PIAI''''''')''''' s''' i'••-•!•;':',••:,•,'.!:'' '::',,::',k' ''',11',11',1iq:y;';•••(11'.:i',• c,:k';V:'"0:1;0•,•,'.•;,",1,',A::.1";,).•‘'S::. f) . . - . 1...T... .•,..•••., ,.;,.,.,t.,.1;,,,,,f-t. r!-..;•,.. r.i...;‘,:..1„•iy,•,„;•:,,,,111:(itt:t.:1,J.,?,:r.,T•,1,,,,,i,f,Tc,•,,r.,..Increase in traffic hazards'. to •motor veni c i esf ;,, :.; , ,„1 ..•-••,!,,,,,.6,4,, t.,1-..,i!...,,,,0„,,,,,,,,„!,..,,,,,,,,,i,,r.h4.:,.,,A ,i, .,„tf..,,,,..,.,... bic I...., I. ,.• ,, .--•,,,`,•-,1! 1',I A, ..),I.,,0(.,,'',:i,•''.•,•.1.),,10,,,,,,tr.,,I,.J.,,....:,,...0 .y.c1 ists or pedestrians? , , ,,: •, , gr, 5t•):..I;rrn!--71,14,•.,,••34!,.,,,',..„,,,it„,•,,, i' ':'• fr..`, 177- ,,, ry.,i4.0A!.;'irAi-i!.,.;,,...,. 1•.!,. !!. . , : ', • •-•1, •, • • . -,:r"•.',. !... .. . ; ,.... • i) ii" ,,, movy,,j,',:-.•.,,,•41;! ments, !, 7!.11,,,: .!1•,!•,!,, ,,!:.•;.',..A'.,!,.,''..!,..!i•!1,111:,.'. 1,",,"•:;:3 t•••...,t.tt•,.'• -,.. t,;':',1,4o,-;`,:,.,-,'.:11'.''E Xii-i a nation r ,:' New businesses will generate new traffi C• e and',1:4^-',,Irotokf,111,,y,':',..,-'',,yr• i,,,,!.,,,,,,,,,,,•„,,,,..,.‘,••,,,,,...,..,,,,,!,'(',.(,,,,.e.,) , 'i''''1',',1., . .'j',",,','."110,'.1.0...;111' 1,.1,,,•,•;'.'i I,:••.:V.,l',,-",-;,'A•1,1",,•,c; .;:.,-;;• a requirement for parking., l• '. ' , ' • '. .a ,„ • ..,,..,7:1„..,.„,..t„,c: :.,1.,-;.,o,,,-;•,•.) .t.,t,••)•,•,;,.'.1.:)„,..1:y•:)1,0:1,,•;....f„,',;.) 11-,.,,t).''...•.) 1 • ' :-;„•.': . "'.• . t:-.•.\, , ' ' ' ' •':' '.'' ) . ' •• '',.;:•:,''''':.;:•'1 I 1.'„::.. :,: ,'. )'2: ,;:•,1,•;(„:.7.,.14..•.•;•,•1;:••.;,::...., •• , 1 . 1 ' ". '1-. I 1, : :/,!.(.,',., 1 ,1,0„1, ,.:,•,,,,,,,,•I,.•„:, : . ,,, .;o„,;. • 1 t i':••'i••....'...:, t),....,. ,'- ..:),•:.1.);,'.)it'"•)•4!,,.1'. 14),, Public Services. WillIthe, proposal have an effect upon?, Orr'n:,,,;:f..,..g".,,;..,...,,• t.t.•,`,.:y....,,V,...,W.:',":(;.i,,,v•• . result in a need for new or altered governmental , services ..'•',„;!.,. :...II.,,..,!,,'•,„„!1.1,,,:•;,• .• ....!-:!!:!....,,,',:v,,,,,,!•,),!.: !:',-,t.':.,•v f,-;',''...!!' ':',!il'!',"..,110.,"•'•13;. .!..,),,...,.:,4.:;..!,',P,;;;••.,, ,i,,, ,,,,,v , •in' any of. the following. 'areas : • , .s, ,•••1.-1.'..1 • t-,•".•, ,'.1!•!IIY.11 ,•!)•',1.. •( (‘!.;•'?'!!!:".',,!tt,•''!...0.',0!-•A-11 % t.,i', 1,', 1•••.. .:.• !''•••!!1! '‘.I. 'r•-:,,i,:!,:.,,!'..$1,?!....,.i'.'.!,,•!....,:,.A.',..,,,,,•.,,•„ •:,,,,,,,...,;•, 1,•,,, !,...,,, ..• . .,..., 1.1%' r A,.;,',!,,.'y.•-•If',. ,'9,,•tot: ttr.',..:.1‘..'1":t:.)a) . Fire' protection? ! ,! . !•, . .. II ' j:., .„ .. MAYBE,,..... lrtitg4i:wri,J4i;, ,...,.., 1 1.,.„.....,..„.„„,„. 1,..,,;,1','.,,,:...t,..111 0,::,,..i...,,..,,.., . t,,, 1.,,.,..0......,•/.1',...j.q0.„.• ,,,, ...,,c,,...,i-v,a1,.,:•,t1.::•641:,,,..,.• i.P6 :.:.:'; .. 4.)(4: !'6'1; . , , ;,1.P.2.)qM,),'Iti:J<I,',....,,,( b) Police protection?- . ' I,.,.,'„,', .'. , ' ,-• T.,,t:,:.E:„!,.r...;.',..,'„', t, i',,,,.'.'.,,,'',,,,MAYBE R,i7ii1,., k: , t d , i,,i,.,.,i,... 1.,.,,I,i,lA,t f•-,•*\ti,•,'.,,. v',., t,, ,..:.,,,,,,,,,,..:,..,.,,•.„:„..,..)..., t,y:•,.;,i ;,)„")•,,:.,,:t l't,)',,'•"..,.. c) Schools? . ! . i,;,.„ ,.,, ,.. •:,,...1,,,,+•Ji!,,,„fi4,,..,,,I!,,,li ,,,i).1•4,,,a•11,,.......,.!;!;•i•,!,.,..,. YES•'•,c MAYBE !..';ii-67,41•,..4!,,,V,,, .„!. 141.....,1, 1.,..,,,,A....i.,..,.! i t• 1, ' •• : ';4i.tt1 '11)t.•i',' •.. , :,;-•.•,:,,t-1X,lo ,,...,-„,-••:.i,.. 1),.:',:i•-,,,,'!, ,),It• ', ••:'1 '"?),,X. d) Parks or other recreational facilities?s•4•,.'---,,, i •, . '' IPYES•.t,;,,,,*''' MAYBE,' NO 1•,... •:, i,,, I.,;.,it.'•!,f',,, i ' .'• -i.•01.•,,•,,,'..•,•,.,;:,!,'•,1,!•,••,.• ..,•••; .', ••.;'';:•i.'•.,T.ti'•,•,.....L•ei,•.,Y,-!,-., 5 ,,; 11,,.,,,,,,,,,„ ••.:,.,: •,:••,.• ••.',.,--,•,!.•••;•:..-.,.!:,,,:t.,,:••••,,,,:',,..'. . . i ' . (e) Maintenance of public facilities, :including road ? i• I , 7 • "" •.1.)Y ES-''..:'NATBT: NI i.,:•,:li:11.1.!„. i,',...!.,.,;:••'...: •, .„ •• . . ,:.P,.,,P;'.!:'.•.,;••••,•• '1 1 x,,,,,,,,..„,:•,,,:,,,•. ...,..;;:,,..,..„,..,,..! ,(.:,,,,:f) Other governmental services? -)..• .I. •••,,‘:, -, •P• .,,,.,,,,_.- - ' i -...._:. :,...,•,:1,;3,,,.,k,,..,:.:. 0.•,;• ,' • ; .;:l'''YES „F',..‘,,,MAY bE •.; Nu':•1-.:-..,i,..!,. ..).'..!.- I-ii„,`.•.0:,'!!!),.',...! ..• ,;,•!,..' N'''..,.4,(,,..iin.•:•'••,,•'-,,,..Normal public services will be required. Ht.'„,Explanation: 4.4tv!sf"..!;•''.'. .:,..5, P',,.!:,!;•!'.•: •i•••''..;'.•:,',.111•1'"'„"':•:11'':!:!‘•,.. ..,..!•• !,,!•,'.•,::: :;•:;.:;it..., .•••.!r.:.,, 1 '• •,-.:',.. .•,•. ..,,..!. •:',.,•:',,',,i,,P4 !..,;'' •,.!"'• '',.'e,, !!' l. ,!!,:.!T,-.44, p-1,,,,; P'''.'4!!' ."!!!.;...!!;.•'.-'!', , ‘;.•'•,•!,'!!!1;,,,,,•.,,,,J,••,,,,,,,l'irOt I, . !,.. .„,..,;‘,,J,,..,,, ..,1,„,,!•11,,,,,,,,,-,•,,,...:.;!„..,...l,,•,-,_.!..„!.‘,..,,,,,A•!'!:•:.ii'i!,,,,•!. 15) Energy,. Will the proposal result in: , . T ,:!,..!4•41!!..,'0::•t.',.•c:.- ••::::...,v.:i5.. .,,,,,!tii ti.... T •••/;•opl.,.•:,:••:.:••, ,'., ,i•-:..1.,, ',,,,,,.-1,,,,..,s,:i,,,,,,'•:.„ 1 i.:201:ii.;',c..,'.:..,, -•...::. ' Af.ti!•iv•••Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? , ., ,,, . ,,,,,,no ,,,i,.,. ,,,,.• ! • ••. N,••••e'.:-..,...7!,,,,,,,,,,,t-,,,i,,,),:‘,•••• i TET•17",',MAYBE NI i 1 ••• : • . ••• .1.,,k.,i r -,?,I'4,:',, ,',:;.;.,,d,1&tt:i.,'R':,-1.1;'.2,. 1i',' i:•.., ','A'',:-...:1,•". :,,(1'W',5".,'!V ej'i',..',:.''rty,'..b) Demand upon existing ,sources of: energy, or res99:1r! 1 1 I.I p ii•',' lii,,,,,,i3,1:,•!,,,,,,,,-•.,,,;.,,,.:,,,,,6,4,,,44.,,i,,,-0.„,:0,-,•,,e,,,.,,,;(,!, the development of new sources;.of energy.? ' I ;;,:.,..,;,..„!, 0,I.„. .;. r1H .0".,.truvh".!-.3": "iqlkil.",!-,' j ,''. •• " . ' ,- -'...1.. ' • .. " ' s." 11'.I-',','r"• ,,.j'''''',..'.•tj'".1'4••u:AV.•qt,';'.,;',' '.!j14.:,,..1!,'IVI.i.,EP..",'A'i0'1,'Ir.il; i;:',''',' ' . ''• ••11.":.'r'.•:1•. ,Clq Vr•T'.•••;70''''' ,1.'.:C.ii ril'!";;,',F,c.1: r, tA4,.iii,•,.141:1.!-11..,, Explanation: (b) 'New power-servi ce' to the park will; ' be.. recall red;''.-,,,i."...4.,,,L,H.,',..,, ',',,,,,?,.!,,,,',,,,', it'qt'-''';0. 1f.••','t.:!.5-,-),!"-,1,:it'46'7F.: •:•.).t(!4.i.4•3'1 i; ):),'01'..(•;:.1,„1:1 i ',.t:',:t,t;'..?.,1'., :1,1,0',14;'):iji•ii•I'''. 1. i'')1. ''t."•''.!1.''' '''';; •:''' V"I 1 ,t • , r(t..„,,iij•,1,h,14•"ti"1.'') .'•"-:'•,'.:-''',.'::" );), •il'.',)•,:',t'..' 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Will ,•the proposal result in the creation of. , . .,...,•;.1„ 4i,:,,,...,,,,,., .. .. 2,..,..1,,,,,,., ..,„,,,,,,,,.,•,..),..,2..,,,,,,,,,..,,; any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding , •. , .... . ,. mental health)? 5 1:,.,J.2.,,,. ,...,,,,....,,,,,• v.•,'!;?,.,,),,',,.,;,,:,j1'.!,..,;-,,.;...,..);t0,,,,,,,,i H, : • l-ri:t.1S.MAYBE •-, R177,•'''':).;-'..',',1',','•;!•-•••,:",:,v, 1 , ..-,•'-...,,O. ' :,; - , •c ••' r,...1„.,,, ..,:, • ... ,s,..1.. ,.•,.. ,,,,, Explanation,:- , . .• I L',I-P:a,•:.,,,,!,-,,,;;!.,' 1 .,•"":' • :•,•, 1• 11.." 1..., ,;',.!..•:','"',...,.'-',.•-...'•':':•"i'ij,•,',•;••:',.,;,-ivP,,',..,:',. .: I ' • ',..1.':. .''.!!!'i,,,1. ' 2,,,•..• ''; ' I.':,:::,,,',..i.1!.i.'Z.::•.'1,.,t'.1..,' I i 1;,',1,,,;.,,,, , ,, '. k, ''2,,, ,f,• •1,,,,:••i••••'•„!? 1 18) blittEILSE. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the • ,•,i :‘,' :,., . ., ,', . ,'... '.•‘i•.,,.."., proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive . , k,...,,,„.....,,...:„.;,...,, .site open to public view? ,. . . . I, -,' i '.. Vrs-7 ''.1TATBT.' 07...,,.1' .,'. 1.1:1' i II 1 i./..i:• ,•' ,,,.,.,, ,,,.c.,. ,,,r.,..,!, I,..',i,',.,,,,.'„)!!',i',;,,,,/, Explanation: i,..,..i"HI ,r,. v.I,:,- ,• .i.,‘ -,".•,,•;.-., (..,.; ,',,,,,,,,,,•.•, i,;,1,•,,,r.,.... .', I i.., ,,,•-•‘,-,.•,[ r 1,,,,,..! ...c•,,...,,,,c,,, 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the / ...,,.1„,i quality or quantity of existing recreational oppprunitie4T, 'XI:JT.,, I YES,c;','...( MAY BE 1,4 p,,,,I,-,...,....,-,..,;:q.:', 1;,;.„,. .. „i', • (.,4.r,,,I '..,i,;,,',...,,,:li,?, Explanation: Existing golf course will be closed. •r.),i;:,r),,r. ,; -. . "., .,.... 1,''.:.......,•'.. • '- ':- k, . ..,..!11.!,.. I' g'''•',..:::"..,.11.::::.:%..:.,..'. i....y ,',., ,- ..'• ,,.„•`,i'.',r,:l'`,r,..,i"•:..i., 20) Archeol ogicalfHi stori cal . ,Will the proposal result. in an .'t •,•,,,,,,,.,,,,I.,;,....,,,,,,,, .,,„,,,•,,,.,, ,,.;, ,•,.,,,„•;,..1..,!..,;,„ alteration of a significant archeological or historical . .• •,. . ..:11‘, ..,,,i.,,..• ..;'..• ••...,:1,•:,...1'.. site, structure, object or building?'' • ' i,..•,•'..0i.',•,,,,,-,... ,' •''_:',:,'A'''.1,,,•.••,,'..',;•••'),;.; II i . 1 ,, •• ' .' ,TM'H.MAYBE. ' A-07.';';',::......,•.'••••''''-r.',' R,V,.11:,.......H'. •,....,,- ..- ..)',','. ,.. i,'I.;. Explanation: .• ,i ,.,..;•,;:'',,„', I, , 'ii• ' , , ,,' ' i'::4:'. :• .'.c,' ': M I •:...,,..„,:i,J,,,,,,cr,,,,,i;,,,:,....,,. I.1',,,,,,.',..,.'i..,,,•-•;•;,. . • , .., .q...,,..,,,;(,,,',,,,,)44.1;q,,y, 1, --7.1•1:.,,,..,•,,:1,..• .1,,.-.;••.... ;,,,','' 1 , l' 44;, V•yi,',..,,,.,••••;-..,i:::,..,;.' ',.,.:.,,/,',"i,.;,-,,I.v.,,',..-,,J, 1,.;.,,,,..,. l.)'i.''','.;'.-1 .. ' '...' . I ; . 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