HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA81-097ist:.ih11. CTT1 : • IN!: N NJ c-. i:ii f ji arJ1. r?.fit M• 3 FILE TITLE s p a., • 1 '1- h ri' n i it II!' u AC v Ax k, W fir. Fgei1' i's,is is 1 Y' : r 15.,.w e e.r. "}i, f Yart w'r OF R4,4 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR Z I rnpammoMUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0, 9gTEO SEP,, 10 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM March 12, 1984 TO: Maxine.Motor, City Clerk FROM: Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Austin Company, Special Permit SP-097-81 The applicant, the Austin Company, has not followed through with this application fora special permit to fill the subject site. No action has occurred on the application since December,. 1981. Therefore, this, application file is being transmitted.to your-office for placement with the permanent records. RJB:JMS/dm FINAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE Application No (s) : SP-097-81 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-104-81 Description of Proposal: Request to fill site in the amount of 118, 000 cubic yards to prepare for future commercial development. Proponent: Austin Company Location of Proposal :Southwest corner of S.W. 19th Street and East Valley Road. Lead Agency: Building & Zoning Department. This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on December 16, 1981 , following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Building Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: David Clemens, Ronald Nelson, Richard Houghton, James Hanson, Roger Blaylock, James Matthew, Steve Munson, Gary Norris. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-104-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: Steve Munson DATED: December 15 , 1981 2) Applications : SP-097-81 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Utilities Engineering Division, Fire Department, Traffic Engineering Division. Recommendations for a declaration of significance: Zoning Division, Design Engineering Division, Building Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does have significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is required under RCW 43. 21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental significance: The proposal will have a major impact on ( 1 ) topography (2) water and water courses , (3) plant life, (4) population and employment, (5) public services, and (6) utilities. Signatures : r j.//,,,-, .... .. p.,,-, onald G. Nelson vid R. Clemens. Building Official Policy Development Director J ,a` / Richard C. Houghton', Public Works Director DATE OF PUBLICATION: December 21 , 1981 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: January 4 , 1982 f Date circulate', ; CommentJs due : FAVIRMINEXIAL Ce9ECKEIS1 REVIEW SHEET ECF - 104 _ 81 APPLICATION No (s ) . SP-097-81 PROPONENT : Austin Company PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : Request to fill site in the amount of 118 , 000 cubic yards to prepare for future commercial development. LOCATION : Sni -hwPnt corner of S.W. 19th Street & East Valley Road. SITE AREA :BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes :X 2 ) Direct%Indirect air quality : X 3 ) Water & water courses : X 4 ) Plant life : X 5 ) Animal lire : X 6 ) Noise : X 7 ) Light & glare : X w 8 ) Larid Use ; north : east : south : west. Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources; : X 10 ) Risk of upset : X 11 ) Po,:ulation/Employment : X 12 ) Number or Due l i i n:;5 :X 13 ) lrip ends ( IHE ) : 4720 @ 25 cubic yards/load traffic impacts : Major - plus future development 14 ) Public services : I X 15 ) Energy : X 1 ) Utilities : X 17 ) Human health : X 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : X 20 ) Archeolog /history X COMMENTS : Flood storage, utilities , current and future traffic and land use. Recommendation : DNS1 _ _ DOS X e Inforrat. ur Reviewed by : litie : Date : FORM: ERC-06 t• 1 4r i . y..w Tom` r r i'• 4- . L ' ' 1- , , - i 'n. s s; ink PROPOSED ACTION RFOIIFST Tfl FTLL S TEsIN TALE Q O.I. T F 118,000 CUBIC YARDS TO PRFPARF_FOR FuITURE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS SOUTHWEST CORNER QF S .W. 19TH STREET AND EAST VAI I FY ROAD POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTE lik PEA- SDNS OF A'\ E ' iVIRONIVIENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ,e ' NVIRDNMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE [ E.R.C. : ''AS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION, ' 1 DOES ODukES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADV RSE IMPACT ON THE ENV,RD %I— MENT. 1j.. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, )t4 f` ' MLL WILL T, -_.E REQUIRED. AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERIVOONATOON MAY BE FILED WOTH THE RENTON HEARONG EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M'9 JANUARY 'I, 1982 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARaIWIENT 235-2550 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance for the following projects: McCARTHY, TERRANCE (ECF-105-81) Application for conditional use permit to allow use of condominium unit in R-4 zone for professional office (computer leasing business) , file CU-098-81; property located at Unit #204 of Benson Condominiums, 1425 South Puget Drive. MOBIL OIL CORPORATION (ECF-106-81) Application for special permit to fill site in the amount of approxi- mately 12,000 cubic yards of fill material to build a fire access roadway, file SP-099-81; property located at 2423 Lind Avenue S.W. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has also issued a final declaration of significance for the following project: AUSTIN COMPANY (ECF-104-81) Application for special permit to fill site in the amount of approxi- mately 118,000 cubic yards of fill material• to prepare for future commercial development, file SP-097-81; property located at the southwest corner of S.W. 19th Street and East Valley Road. Further information regarding these actions is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by January 4, 1982. Published: December 21, 1981 P 1 WIENVIN.NMEMTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DECEMBER 16 , 1981 G E N D COMMENCING AT 10: 00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM NEW BUSINESS ECF-104-81 AUSTIN COMPANY SP-097-81 Application for special permit to fill subject site in the amount of +118 , 000 cubic yards to prepare for future commercial development; property located at the southwest corner of S.W. 19th Street and East Valley Road. ECF-105-81 McCARTHY, TERRANCE C. CU-098-81 Application for conditional use premit to allow use of a condominium unit, located in a R-4 zone, as a professional office; property located at 1425 Puget Drive S.E. , Suite 204 . ECF-106-81 MOBILE OIL CORPORATION SP-099-81 Application for special permit to fill site in the amount of +12 , 000 cubic yards in building a roadway 'for fire access and protection; property located in the vicinity of 2423 Lind Avenue S.W. ECF-108-81 LINCOLN PROPERTY R-100-81 Application for rezone from P-1 and "G" to R-3 for future multiple family development , of 186units; property located on the east side of Lake Washington Blvd. N. , south of N. 24th Street. CANDLEWOOD RIDGE Proposal for a planned unit development for 406 multiple-family dwellings; property located north of S.E. Petrovitsky Road and between 148th Avenue S.E. and 152nd Avenue S. E. (CF/CHG Associates Number Three) . 0 A la \ v,A viiii 111Wrirkt, ' 1 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 1, In\ DECEMBER 1 6 , 1 9 8 1 I 1 ...-- la L i'\ LAKE . '' AitN- LINCOLN PROPERTY0,,-, t ,i,.... . ..,, E\01%1\•%N, \X'ASHINGTON ‘ \ r>" i 1 4 •EIA,.. i,i i , _Mill/ --MM.-,. 1" , .." • In --i : i_._ r_. 00C.G hrl 1.....„....._ T-- d 1 -',., -1 ' 'T 1' '‘ lill11111.fikla ' 1 • H I I ' e.• 'rn I ml in trik-'-'7 ___ . 1 1---- 'H (V•N ,\ 7, ek' s----------,.„ • mill= , T___: -'- t-1-)-717, -, 7_,,,.;_z_, 11' ' 4 1- irj\ 4 ---, _ . i 10.., ..,,, •,....,_____,,___, 2 _.. 1-_:;.:-_-,__ - x--\_,.-- - #• ••• t • C. zii i r. _ ...), fr_r-I ,,,, AUSTIN COMPANY 41c.,, nii 4., 2) „,..li• - -----mmL--- * fiti -r II 4 McCARTHY ,,L-__.----"---,---,,,, 11A,----z- N----1--- -1-143 - - '-', MOBILE OIL CORPORATION 1I 4. .. . 1ri . 1% i 1 I IS';1i 1 i 3 ill i 1 f \•,_\H!I.j*i 1.-j— 1 i 1 zjlT 11I 1 t 11 1. pr 1 u. I 1 _1I CA', NDLEWOODI RIDGE L _ HLi-__.\-_ r 1 r I IF----\"- • 1.__-, I r____,1 Hil. . 1 .1H';':, LAKE I1,-] YOUNGSr-1 4.SW. PIT" vrt o- r')S)li‘'Th\---- I1 11 7,. or w G2Jn E , I I L_ : .,,,T DD..: I 1 11 C dl 44 F 1( I 5 11 yt?ii eI. e el 3 i.) 1 4J/ l \ is ia 1 Nap 5\V. 2.1'T.e:E..T e12C! p)Lect ro nil pi$.,,r4 dig rd-7V.^,, r re.,"":, Q - AUSTIN :••• I'.•o• _._SITE PLAN B FILL SECTIONS COMPAI lY =i i y Y OFFIG 6 INQSJ jHIL LPAR6-- =C Q.,.o R A RENTON, VASH.oeawew•ewe.xena•ear ocwa ---- ••°•, ia. . ,,,a,, .•,•',. r,..., ;r• v•skP--:-----W"'t-- i10-143:02V--_.v5•10-1.3 ----- r x., otee'''.- - 1:Z,„, e. i , a 4...47,..v-• - 1""'"3/4'regiais VP.1...ITAN.Pft.: ...4.114 .4o .7.410..000.24427:t `` 1 11 2 tt.--•-•., •...,.• COI I 'L.' 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Vy 1425 pugot drive s.2. s'_:t r^' r2, i` r•. u ;D5 '599 rncrroo November Mr. Roger Blaylock Associate Planner City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Road South Renton , WA 98055 Dear Roger : Enclosed are two copies of the completed Application for SpecialPermit , two copies of the Affidavit of Ownership and two copiesoftheEnvironmentalChecklistForm. We have not encluded a site plan , since all of the building plans.for the Benson Condominium are currently on file at the City ofRenton , and no physical changes are planned. Our request for a conditional use permit , is under the provisionsoftheCityofRentonzoningordinances (4- 7094 ) wherein premiseszonedforresidentialusemaybeusedforprofessionalofficesparagraphA3 (a) ) . The professional office will be occupied by Pacific ComputerLeasing , Inc . (PCL) of which I am the President , and sole shareholder.PCL , as the name implies , arranges financing foruY medium and largeIB -: computer systems in the northwest . These financial servicesrequire (1 ) marketing , which is my responsibility and which takesplaceoutsideoftheunit , and (2) administration which is donebytheonlyotheremployeeattheunie . Our offer to purchase the unit from its previous owner was madesubjecttoMeBensonBoardofDirectrsapprovingasapro:=essiona1 office , which ; given prior to ,-he sale .((letter attached) The unit appears to meet the commercial code in terms of its fireseparationbarriersandloadingrequirements . The Fire Marshallforseesnoproblemswithourutilization. Please call if you have any questions . Ve y tr ly yours , T.C . i , McCarthy President cc : George Akers Montgomery , Purdue , Blankinship & Austin LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING ' May 12, 1981 Mr. Terrance C. McCarthy c/o Mr. Dave Ballard The Benson Sales Office 1425 S. Puget Dr. , Unit #I401 Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. McCarthy: As a condition of your closing, you have requested permission• from The Benson Condominium Board of Directors to establish an office within condominium Unit #1204 in The Benson condominium project. Given the facts in your case, we therefore grant permission for you to establish an office within your unit as long as the following conditions are ob- served: 1. No signage is to be displayed which is, visible from the outside of the unit. 2. Any walk-in traffic which may be associated with the office is to be discouraged. Such traffic, if there is any, shall be restricted to no more than normal traffic from invited guests and acquaintances. 3. Noise levels associated with the proposed office shall not create a threat to the quiet enjoyment of the other residents in the project. 4. Any 'special, electrical or other equipment needed shall not constitute an immediate or continual hazard to other residents and shall be inspected by management prior to operation and from time to time as requested by the Board of Directors. 5. Such office shall be in compliance with local zoning ordinances. Please sign below and return the original to Ralph D. Brinton & Associates, Inc. , c/o Richard P. Dunn, 460 South Tenth East, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102. Signed: BENSON CONDOMINIUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS g Date By: ire or (In behalf of enson oar of Directors) ACKNOWL GED: i By lli Cd 2 0, lge 6.Z..Y. ltL CIVIL ENGINEERS ° SURVEYORS • PLANNERS December 7, 1981 DEI PROJECT NO. 80010 Lincoln' Property Company 11400 S.E. Sixth Street Suite 220 Bellevue, WA 98004 Attention: Scott Springer Ref: Lakeside Apartment Project, Renton Dear Mr. Springer: At yourrequest we have researched the availability of utilities (water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer) to the referenced site. A complete discussion of the alternatives available to provide the site with ade- quate fire flows is contained in the. report. of 20 April 1981 by RH2 Engineering. In essence, the report states that the city' s system can be upgraded and extended to the site through one of several routes and by one of two different funding mechanisms. Sufficient water supply is therefore available to the site. Sanitary sewers are also available to the site by one of two alternatives. An existing 8" line deadends at the northwest corner of the property on the east margin of Lake Washington Blvd. The depth of the line limits the potential service area to the south. Those portions which cannot be served by the existing 8" line can be served by a tap into the METRO trunk which ties on the west side of the Lake Washington Blvd. There are now several storm sewer culverts under Lake Washington Blvd. which drain the site and adjoining lands. Studies done for the park show these structures to be more than ,adequate to carry the anticipated developed flows. Whether these culverts will qualify as "adequate downstream courses" so as to eliminate the need for retention on the developed sites will depend to a certain extent on the development plans, but the possibility is certainly there. In conclusion, there would seem to be no insurmountable problem with providing utilities to this site. Some extension and upgrading of existing facilities will be necessary, but this is neither unusual , nor are the improvements required so extensive that they could not be funded and installed by the developer. Very/truly yours, i Bruce J. Dodd• P. BJD/jk 1550-130TH AVE.N.E.,BELLE VUE.WA 98005 • 12O6)685-7877 OR 454-3743 vr" ,r F= a 1774.. April 20, 1981 S1061 .0 RECEIVED APR 2 3 1981 LINCOLN PROPERTY COMPANY N.C. , INC. 515 116th Avenue N.E. Suite 158 DODDS ENGINEER P2C Bellevue, WA 98004 JOB NO. 8/D ) Attention: Mr. Scott Springer, J.D. Subject: Water system improvement alternatives for the proposed Lakeside development Dear Mr. Springer: This letter surrnarizes water system improvement alternatives for providing various levels of water supply capability for fighting a fire (fire flow) at the proposed Lakeside development in the City of Renton. Fire flow levels of 2700, 3500 and 4200 gallons per minute (gpm) while maintaining 20 pounds per square inch pressure residual , in accordance with Insurance Services Office Criteria, have been considered at the highest development elevation of 100 feet. The attached map illustrates four alternatives for obtaining the fire flow levels mentioned. Alternative 1 and 2 each contain approximately 1 ,900 lineal feet of pipe and will require a pressure reducing station. These two alternatives can provide fire flows of 3500 or 4200 gpm by providing 12 or 16 inch diameter pipe. Alternative 3, a substantially longer length at 3700 feet, consists of two sections of pipeline improvements and can provide a maximum of 3500 gpm. Alternative 4, which can provide 2700 gpm, consists of modifying the pipeline improvements plannned by the City Park Dept. for Gene Conlon Park. The alignment would be adjusted up to Lake Washington Boulevard instead of through the park and the diameter increased to 12 inches from 8 inches . This alternative, although more expensive than Alternatives 1 and 2, could obtain participation by other property owners and the City and we anticipate that the participation would make this the least expensive alternative. The estimated cost for each alternative is summarized in the following table: 300 - 120th Avenue N E Suite 219. Bel;evue. Wa. 93005 (206) 451-05E5 e. •„ Lincoln Property Co ny N.C. , Inc. April 20, 1981 Page 2 Current Alternative Lsti,:.ated Cost 1 or 2 3500 gpm 1900 lineal feet of 12" diameter pipe and a pressure reducing station 80,600 1A or 2A 4200 gpm Same as 1 and 2 except 16" diameter pipe 95,800 3 3500 gpm 3720 lineal feet of 12" diameter pipe and a pressure reducing station 132,400 4 2700 gpm Realignment and size increase to 12" (Cost dependent pipe for 4250 lineal feet and one upon partici- crossing pation) Our recommendation is Alternative 2 or 2A depending on the actual fire flow required. If the fire flow requirement can be reduced to 2700 gpm, then Alternative 4 should be considered in more detail prior to making a deci- sion. (Degree of others ' participation should be established). Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you desire additional information. Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance in your planning efforts. Sincerely, Richard H. Harbert, P.E. RHH:jw cc Bruce Dodds, Dodds Engineers RECEIVED APR 2 3 1981 DODDS ENGINEERS, INC. JOB NO. 7. 5 I iirri'l,Tien.r Fri-i-ri-t-rt-crir !Till r i I"1-1 I:I1 . , -: -,,. '• .,,- - ,. , 1:i ,0.1:LI.1 Li 2.. iilli.4.,I.Pl'-'d 1 I I LI I I [I LI. [ I LLL LLII I 111i..., - • .- - - - - - - - - 40 41 4 a .\ / cs.„ 2- 91,._. _______________1.1.1-1-1-ririr 11 irrirri I 1 ri*N1 mi,..,,...-. -, i t „:,,.. co„,-,_ -, 14.4.,[4., t.1 uu tc LI 1117111T( 1 .1-1-1 I I-111 2 r$ ,..t- - - — - pC . 43\ 44 45 II LIIOOL i s?' 1•' 51 . I ; q; II I 1 I i I I I I Iii L\ • , \\-'---,- ., :, - - - __i 1 , s,'6'\ -- PI i A FY I i,f .:•..„' :".:;:' f-1 Q.,/ / i::F.::'I ' "!•!--' . ; !. !;•,••' • 1 Z - zI 3:1i. 4 i?,,,S-----------Q.b\r;37:,--._ Lip) 7.i .1 0 1 c s.\ , ...., .‘ ,:,,., \/..,,,/••$, i,...._____, a i ---....:___- h ' a j- I ,0 j.. ./ i• IA 5-• q 2' t !3 1 '2 295 20Z ei4 t" I., Z V\ 'f•\ 0 • i i i i il L t I 4 Y1\N 137 333 , s-'_-, 14 .r.,, i 2'.)4 2b3 2 i3 e,,-e L . , --' ,....# 1 \&\\ .., t 11 4.,,,) z„, 338 \... :..::\ ''1111.',1 ?'° A3,, : ,-, il 1 :.:, 1 I I . I i I t._ it:\fk, -•,"! -------:C... 3 `..•:•:: s I c,• 1 1 A : • 1.(i ))' ' \\\ t '-f: s I il339. . • 11 I II I ," /i. .- Pi '/' \ \ ,A i. i r I or N i'• 7, :'..'6' '11N/...;'"..41 I-41 '-n•r'''''''';''''"; 1 II I --— '''I 2C.: 'et••1 :' ' 2(...3 ,i I i 11)i Nit 'e;iftiA:4 7 • i 0.4rA;Z 1 Pti NV-4.'gi•ttl .,1 --7 V \\ .W.:"..4rttep-40-r% • IIuta,:eAN.04-yttrAtglik IcS* ---'---------- 1'rd:kt*''''.41461"4.1f4544''114';'-''' I \q/71__4\ \ ',1' .. ....1.1%1 ‘' ‘' 4- k i ( Nr. i 1 • T'iVr":11''';- • 1:..L.1 1 --- 11 1 1 -•_L t'',1,1-•-,..2P• .344 I, f'. 6_.'_._ 1 ' • 1 i','.I I r '.. \4-; 1,..,-;.--: / 0 \ '-- 1 I i . 1 - ....7. i :• ''' 1 I•/::•%,t1, \\ -\ '4 sse / 1 I 29 t 223 1/-11., ) 1,1 --s ‘, 13 \A \ i \\___ •K: ,i 5 I. ; c._?. :, __ I/ 1 fl. I '' .... • • lC -7. -Ni ( 1. -, \ 3- L-. i i ---,., • - k, : .,( 1 eqi zr..c. tr:• `, — I [ A• ci“;\ 1,,‘ 1' .,, 1 ! ' I ' '' -. 5. ,''..: -' I ' K. .04 /2) i: Z90 1 , , • .0 $ 5 ..., . 1 1 t 3 I 1 2 '' -.:1-- - ; -:- .,. A - •:II. .- i i ' =-=--...— • ' r • • . • ;!.. '._ i 7 '; -- "." ', - "t , • i' jl 11171(. 11 ei . Ali\S/1. •••:. fldr.''''I;I ,1 4 r'•: T1 . s., ti U ----.-1 Richard Carothers Associates December 4, 1981 REZONE APPLICATION COVER LETTER APPLICANT: Anna Phinney, Bruce Larson et. all , Estate of M.W. Lotto and Marjorie L. Lotto The Owners of the property described in the accompanying documents hereby apply for a rezone of the property to an R-3 classification. The property is located east of Lake Washington Boulevard, across the street from the Gene Coulon Park extension presently under construction. The site is currently in operation as a golf drivingrangeonaleasebasis . In the comprehensive plan the property is designated as R-4 for high densitymulti-family use. This classification would allow in excess of fifty units per acre on the site which contains approximately ten acres, thus permitting in the vicinity of 500 dwelling units at maximum site development. The owners are, however, applying for R-3 zoning with a stipulation that not more than 186 units will be constructed on the site. This R• 3 application is being sought, in part, to expedite the environmental review and rezone process. Previous discussions with the City of Renton Planning Department have indicated that an R-3 rezone would likely fall below the threshold otherwise necessitating th? preparation of an environmental impact statement occasioned by project size. The rezone to R-3 and subsequent development of multi-family housing on the pro- perty is appropriate. It is consistent with both the plans and policies of the City of Renton formulated in the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan foresees this pro- perty and adjacent sites along Lake Washington as developing into an affordable multi-family residential community. Such development is particularly important due to its close proximity to the central city core. Renton is experiencing overall rapid growth, much of which is in the outlying areas . Providing housing in or near the city core is recognized as an important priority for the near future, in Renton as well as many other cities. Interstate 405 provides the major traffic linkage of Renton to other parts of the greater Seattle area. As designed currently and for the foreseeable future, access to the Interstate is substantially easier from the project area than it is for many areas east of I-405. The rapid growth of residential areas in eastern Renton has created near saturation of major arterial feeders to the Interstate. Current and projected lgvels of traffic support the desirability of shifting additional growth to the west". The subject property is particularly well suited for development as a residential project of the type proposed. It is situated on a terrace, well above Lake Wash- ington, providing excellent views to the west while reducing its physical and visual impact on the lake and shoreline. The major portion of the site is nestled below steep slopes screening the development from Interstate 405. These slopes provide excellent buffering between the proposed development and neighboring uses Eight Fourteen East Pike Street, Seattle, Washington 98122 Telephone (206) 324-5500OfficesSe'aItIe VVashngir.ri r fi(r,r• Idahr, {I ,,,10: VIrrpruq Rezone Application December 4, 1981 Page 2 to the northeast and southeast. These slopes would, additionally, continue to act as a defacto addition to the greenbelt prevelant in the area. The site has easy access to nearby recreational facilities and the newly developingGeneCoulonParkandtheLakeWashingtonwaterfrontareas . This amenity is partic- ularly valuable to residents of multi-family developments who generally have limited access to outdoor spaces of their own. The proposed rezone and subsequent development is timely. The City of Renton is undergoing steady and continued growth as the focal point of the south Lake Wash- ington area. Rental vacancies are relatively low, particularly when compared with the neighboring areas of Kent, Auburn and Federal Way. As previously discussed, traffic patterns would suggest a preference toward concentrating near term growth in areas of continued good access to downtown Renton and I-405. With the ever increasing need for sensitivity in the area of energy conservation, particularly regarding gasoline use, encouraging housing that is close to major employment and retail areas is a worthwhile priority. The proposed project suits this end particularly well . Although in some cases access to utilities is difficult, there is no question that all the necessary utilities are available to serve the subject property, and that sufficient reserve capacity exists in order to accommodate a project of the size proposed. Copies of a traffic study and soils report are attached to this application. Neither the traffic study or the soils report indicate any significant develop- mental problems with respect to the project itself or with respect to its impact upon Lake Washington Boulevard and the surrounding community. . 1 Roger Blalock, Department. of Planning, City of Renton, Meeting of April 29,1981 . 2 Roger Blalock, Department of Planning, City of Renton, Telephone communication of May 14, 1981 . 3 Don Monihan, Department of Public Works, City of Renton, Telephone communication of May 14, 1981 . Richard Carothers Associates r 1 `6 01, . r l w q L . P s O 1 , 1 I• : Y ! • I4El •, - a 11, sr 011017,•.. A000000,„rrf:,,./ k"' 4. ail, ., .t 1 •. 0:151 '''''. . : .• , c,,,,13 :r ,; s:"i•' l'. ett? . • r ,f•{ / r / : r Ci r•L•y i..• • 4b • • is t a j; - tiJ 00 q . -..• .-.. i* 6: 1.10. ---". ':---i. It % ' 1. . . t i.• n-fit it //` 3 11 .. r 7}4 r' • ' y r•1 / 1 t K9 y H aI_ r•_' h r: {:a. ' 'ln/' ..3t4.,r .. I - ' s.•,! . ottstrov-TII11 Ia< 4t L 4ar = ddd.•— ye • - • * : - - •d•N ii .{ s • V C YG7f/F:li i® a., v i, O F t 1 P N 3 • 0®L V Y :• yam c i.30 l' L. R n Y 0' • I. ii, 0 z.i•ii 1,-tic • i i j_____,----------- 1 . i t; i ar7c,„) 1,./ a 4„ , „.: or r i • • 0-, N,„ I rt;..-% ...kt /,CD z A 1.3- ' CD). A i ld '- ‘:r..l E 6 '. / c,,..3 c., ) ts '' I ‘h' ..\: I E 5) " 1 71 f ff.- A C.14f 1 0 r M ; aAilo7P7lrr7T7r. i'.1 P-7 6L1 .• 1/ o r fU 1 1 AA p. r r .ry• 4-pa. ''•• P. ° W y e M l \ fir• I 1.16 sJ:j Accl ! 7r ,tJB :;;r0 9No•NV 7YyJ• L I 1 l•••• J O•A•'N' W 11 I+.f. :` ••I KM AJ erl H4GHWA _ r 88 HWY 1J0 2 A) f\ RENTOAF•TO KEktdYDQLE o I a FLY SE.0 ST• E 5;,• lN2• 04IG1I AV&. • NeAPPROV[q APRIL IR.1666 7 ..__rr••rr v.y - - E J , srm.F a oz s yt, •.; ' .1p ie „,l/.py,•e/..«.,,,7f c„ w a.). sl` ,serhu. • mry.a t. S 1 I ,.Plr.• O I•.a. aI ' dru,..., 1,4,1j1: j." i.',, 4 t.,'s.- r, 1: i_,A,.. ,..,• W: j.. rk:' li. 2'., 6I .,4iibi 11 •. ... o" i: i.klY IL ey OAO /e a4 L1L. l:=- L l•=44. 1,( AI(lifi 46 . l., p OK 0041 i..."(T‘. i 133 .3 b i 4 — 1 q 4s0 1 1.. k. ci•.- -i 1 o r t• r OF RP, THE CITY OF 1RENTON5gre5) ° i era i` - ;` o POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 235-2552 O F MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 980559, 0 co• P December 11, 19819itEDSEPTE BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR Mr. Ron McConnell, Acting Manager Building and Land Development Division 450 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 RE: CANDLEWOOD RIDGE - A POD 406 MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS Dear Mr. McConnell: The City of Renton has just received the "SEPA Register" and noted that a proposeddeclarationofNON-significance has been issued for the above project. Having notreceivedanyotherreferralbyKingCounty, we are very concerned about the implica-tions of this decision. Due to the short notice, the City's Environmental Review Committee has not had theopportunitytoconsiderthisproposal. However, in light of past actions in thisvicinity (Carriagewood and Shadowood) , this department must strongly recommend anenvironmentalimpactstatementtoconsiderthefollowingpotentiallyadverseeffects : 1. Traffic and associated impacts (noice and air quality)2. Public services, particularly police and fire3. Project scale 4. Impacts upon the site 5. Storm drainage 6. Ut,.lities, particularly sewers and water7. Recreation We believe that the items above have "more than a moderate" effect upon the environ-ment, and thus the project requires evaluation and full public disclosure through anEIS. This matter is set for Environmental Review Committee review on December 16,at which time a formal City position will be formulated. Very/ Duly you : 6 David R. Clemens Policy Development Director DRC:wr cc: Mayor Council Environmental Review Committee mte w ef qr gvq4 p nit 9 Page 2 - Week of Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 1981 ea nvinonm.;..'niCf al A-95• O' Date End ef'i)CH f Lead Agency PropIIosalIssuedReview.OS t t*11 "'' F ` OlgcY s9('. PROPOSED DECLARATIONS o///)-- 0 F N 0 N S I C N I F I C A N C E(2)Act I Whatcom County 146-unit renideotial condominium, 2/1/81 12'i7'elY1-•`'ie•`** directly east and south of intersection Published weekly in accordance with WAC 197-10-831. Listings for publican.. of Tyee Dr. and APA Rd. (point Roberta in thin Register should be sent to the Department of Ecology, Ecviron- -ta'. Yacht Basin Realty, Inc.) Review Section, Mail Stop Pc-11, Olympia, WA 9850.. Phone: (20t) J,,'i_!.i_; 1 Wh.z cons County Expansion of a nonconforming use by 12/1181 2"1?1B: addition of 24x56 ft. to an existing building used fur commercial purposes in an Agricultural zoned area (valleyDoc:•nents Received During Week of Nov. 30-Dec. 4, :981 Pltasbing I Electric) A-95• Da•e ;;na ;fi, 3 Port of Skagit Co. La Conner Marina Master Plan 11/23'El uf - Le+e Agenc-, Proposal Iss,',.: R_evi,.: 5 Ring County Two 60t100-ft. warehouse buildings and 11/24!81 fair underground fuel storage tanks, DRAFT E I Ss 11525..E. Hargioal_.Way S. (Harbor Island Investments) 5 King County Dry Boat Storage Facility, 7 one-at Fi,-v 1:14/81 1'9/92 5 ng County Candlewood Ridge, a pl..Aned unit 11/25!8: 12 15'a'buildings with a capacity fcr 382 boats, development for 406 multiple-familyanoffice, caretaker's sccondattor.s, ca dwellings, north of SE Pstrovitsky Rd. sboatliftsandparking, Kenmore Commu'tity, and between 148th Ave. SE and 1521,Ave.east of 68th Ave. NE and south of NE SE'(It-both..extended).--(GF¢CHC'Fnaociates175thSt. at 7007 NE 175th S_. (Plyv:.od Nxaeber Three) Supply Inc.), 5 King County Kingsgrove, a subdivision of 37.07 11/25/81 12116f!1SCityofBellevueEvergreenHighlandsSubareaPlan, 12/1/81 1!5/822 acres into 121 lots, west of Kit Cor- adoption of a land use and annexation ner Rd. S. between S. 376th St. and S. plan for t'a Evergreen Highlands Sub- 390th St. (if both extended) (Daon Corp.)eras 5 King County Panther Lake North, • planned unit 11/25/81 lb2,16'e'9 D.S. Army Corps Wynoochee Hydropower/Fish Hatchery, 12/3/8! 1/31/82 development for 77 townhouses and of Engineers 10.2-megawatt hydropower addition to apartments, north of SE 200th St. on NWWynoocheeDananda396,000-pound side of Panther Lake, 650 ft. east ofhatcheryforanadromnusfish, 35 mi. 10Bth Ave. SE (SR 515) (Charles north of Montesano in Crays Harbor Henderson Co., Inc.) County 5 King County Terra Cleo, a subdivision of 14.63 • 11/25/81 12/16/B122PendOreilleCountySullivanCreekE,droelectric Project, 12/1/81 1/4/82 acres into 58 lots, vest side of 124thP.C.D. No. I and construct a new dam near the con- Ave. SE, between SE 203d and 205th Ste. BA State Dept. of fluent' of Sullivan and Outlet Creeks if both extended) (Benitz Zinc and Ecology for generation of 18 mg, near Town of Mildred Carmichael) rietaline Falls 5 King County Construct a 38.5-ft. high dish antenna 12/3/81 12/23'g: and an equipment building, 1550 ft.FINAL E I sr+ vest of losaquoh Hobart Rd. SE, vest of the BPA caeevsnt and south of SE Illth5Cato ` Poulabo Liberty Bay Marina, installation of a 17/81 St. (Western Tele-Comxmrnicattons, Inc.)marine complex to include both land- 5 King County Earth Station Antenna System, 37.5-ft. 12/3/91 12123,based and floating structures end high microwave antenna, y activities, 250 ft. NW of junction of R support 3d Ave. with 6th St. (Earl L. Millet) structure and ir.terconnectl g cabling occupying 400 eq. ft., 1000 ft. east of10ThurstonCountyReplatofCapitolCityEstatesto11/25/81 91st Ave. SW, 500 ft. north of SW 159thcreate7lots, 5 for single-family St. (Fisher Broadcasting, Iattachedtownhouee-style units and 2 g' Inc.) for commercial lots, south of Yelm Hwy. and east of Rainier Rd. (Lyle Anderson/ Associates) 2) Only proposed declarations of nonsignificance for proposal. where the Department24CityofSpokaneNorthRiverbankUrbanDesignPlan,12;2/81 of Ecology is en agency with juriadiction are required to be transmitted to the guidelines for public and private Department of Ecology. Environmental assessments (CAs) received from a Federal action and incentives for development agency are also Bated. 1) These dater+ are supplied by the lead agency. Requests for Information or autaittal of comments should be directed to the lead agency. The SEPA Guidelines provide for a 35-day review of draft Elsa and a IS-day review of proposed declarations of nonsignificance. This time period may be extended by the lead agency. These cambers refer to the.ouaber of the A-95 Clearinghouse within whose jurisdiction the project lira. iCITYOFRENTON fl rs• d APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PLKnIT i,„,1 13 0 mO\9 30 19B1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No . SP- D9Q-$',1 Date Rec' d.114443D - 8/ 111 GApplicationFee $Receipt No . Environmental Review Fee $ APPLICANT TO' COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : 1. Name The Austin Company Phone (206) 226-8800 Address 800 S.W. 16th Street Renton, Washington 98055 2. Property location Southwest of S.W. 19th Street midway hetwePn East Valley Road and Lind Ave. S.W. 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) All of Blocks 5 and 6 , C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 17, Page 74 in King County, Washington. 4 . 'Number of acres or square feet 9. 9 Ac Present Zoning G 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? - Preparation for possible future development.F pc.z2 Cy ft 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application : A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , Scale existing structures , easements , and other factors limiting development) 1" = 10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan 1" = 10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels)1" = 200 ' to 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed)' E. A special permit required by the Renton Mining , Excavation and Grading Ordinance shall submit the information listed in Section 4-2307.5 in addition to the above. 7. LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER'S ACTION: Date Approved Date Denied Date Appealed Appeal Action Remarks Planning Dept. 1-77 fNennrDN n _ 6 1 1 I :/ we NroN e J7 ...., O t co. co E NE Q pipplIpP" .------------------- cOMR NOLMEITjTEtSTI*1 1 Peu KQ(S1RTf1Y I All of Kook A. b So. Plllfq•a 4rl lepton Gardens Addition to N•City of Seattle.DlYlalon .1.according to the I I YPietaetingtontiod In W1•A•17 of Plata.Ppe en In King County. .I I I \\\\ I I_ IO tit::LLea!!.C.O.•1t .a•a tarlingfgv CeaSu•Mditl d CO-OPERATIVE r.00rdedfl n tblurtl).page lnlRlog Conti fuDingNOPlat lli O O I Q N ptan I.ELEVATION O- O O N.A. Z DATUM.eIEANI SEA LEVETUM L.DOO PT,MIMS ON CITY )ON•K.C. 7 o 4 YAMS CONfOUR MrO1 Y•:Oflfi.lA PT. NEW IOIT. O 0 = RK4NTI,LL 0 W UCLZ*RSrcf OFALLTREES.SRUSN ANDOTNOI Ofl TRllcnONS Q Z I J TIMT MAY IMPAIR PTLLOPCRATONS. O t I J I Q S-FlHYCROSEUD ALL NEb UPON COMPLETION OI GRDN NOWN_ G.ALL WORK ENALLCCMPLY WITN CITY OFRENTONIIIV)GRADING MOREOINANCE.CN AMOUNTS• MINOR OP ORGANICQSUSSTANCCSANDSHALLNAVENOROCKORSIMILAR IRREDUCIBLE LONOACRES • W MATERIAL WRN A MAKIMUN DIMENSION GREATER THAN S WCNES. RACE 1 L--T.ALL PUBLIC ROADWAYS ADJACENT Tb ANO PROVIDING ACCESS TRACK r W.19M.ST. 1 N CONDITION.TOWNS SITE SHALL SIC MAINTAINED W A CLEAN ANO CLEAR LST:t. y L____I of >;-:-F .<':. •.' of J,;. f @'Q I/ CI TT r,Y>i RI030T COyDELBENNETTRENTONGIP(;T ;'d; ` .'1, RKIRATT TpDq VACANT) W 1^-.h I.'.•+.*`+. Y4 nN...n sees COMMA i al ,,vv {}yK.ry3 '',-t MN taunt ODOOaI lor t Y ty `- I het? F + SW,21e ST. • 1\\\ IIlCANTI I UNIT) I GULF 1 K L wM{WrIY TL._O IMCMITI A11 If SECTION LINE aW OM MKR. t®-uael w osta_eE uvr ` --auk. ` Q THE AUST IN . t.0 r.zoo' RA _YICINITY_PLAN- _.--79519E dR.A KWn-* I_ -NNW.VI I FY_OFFICE.&INDUSTRIAL.-PARK____.T..G•I COMPANY WV RE='d+ W. Dswlee•01ofQ10•0i001S • 4. 1 N, Kr.SficeeT 7 v_, rr n-pro-- 00.0' TIIII 2T00 -- U0 op) R15Kfor f Iwelnan Lt El t. I I 1 7I W./ 11 t 'SOPS ,,. i r II i t aE I r 0ZIli e I• e I 4:s e I r er I N S Ni J 1 I 1 I ap I r '® 17ZIMP^P{, `, f o) t. ® an- -- NOVqo 0 0 7 8.1I `" o., DV 2I'T fKEE- LOGY 5 f LOGK (v lp, e'ej rine: 2 , cm& . . aw 1911 971+C7 in, P,I LI.0 31 -. EP AP:__C` w•" CFtO ll'=4>,•n'I79L£or,.ra-p[tyyr An. k'n'S Q THE AUSTIN . cu ..I 40 .. SITE PLAN 6 FILL SECTIONS __ .A•p 79 519 8 a=iI2I =.... VALLEY OFFICE 9 INDUSTRIAL PARK .•... G'2COMPANY a•RENTON• WASH.hoolonw•owmeon•eutiovxs sr. TY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM ra FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ' Application No.' „nP—'097- 71'/ Environmental Checklist No. FGf-ll)y-81 PROPOSED, date:FINAL, date: 0 Declaration of Significance El Declaration of Significance Declaration of Non-Significance El Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment.The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent The Austin Company 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 800 S.W. 16th Street Renton, Washington 9Rf ; 206) 226-8800 3. Date Checklist submitted 4. Agency requiring Checklist City of Renton. Planning DepartmPn t 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: Grading and Fill Permit 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements , and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : Fill and grading of a 4. 3 and a 5 . 6 acre site to make the sites acceptable for future development in accordance with zoning restrictions. 2- 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : South of Southwest 19th Street midway between East Valley Road and Lind Avenue Southwest 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : June 1982 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : a. Special Permit for Filling and Grading b. This site is currently zoned G General. Application will be made to rezone the site to H-1, Heavy Industrial. 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion , or further activity related to or connected with this proposal ? If yes , explain: No 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes, explain: LID 314 include right-a-way acquisition of Hip NorthwaGt corner of the subject site. 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic X substructures? YES MAYBE NO b) Disruptions , displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? X YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief X features? ES MAYBE NO d) The destruction, covering or modification of any X unique geologic or physical features? YES M YBE NO e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , X either on or off the site? YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation , deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the X bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: b) and (c) Grading and filling of the site will result in overlayment of existing soil and change in topography. 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a,) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air X quality? YES MAYBE NO b) The creation of objectionable odors? X YES MAYBE NO c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate , either locally or X regionally? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements ,- in -either marine or fresh waters? X YES MAYBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? X YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE NO d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water X body? YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to X temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? YES MAYBE NO f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of X ground waters? YES MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through X interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents, waterborne virus or bacteria, X or other substances into the ground waters? YES MAYBE NO i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies?YES MAYBE NO Explanation: (b) Water currently backs up onto this site due to inadequate drainage along Southwest 19th Street. This will be remedied by LID 314. (c) Same as (b) . 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops , microflora and aquatic plants)? YES - MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or Xendangeredspeciesofflora?YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing X species? YES MAYBE NO d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: a) Existing grasses will be overcovered with fill. 4- 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , insects or microfauna)? X YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement X of fauna? YES MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: (d) At the present time a portion of the site is swampy due to inadequate drainage along 19th Street. There may be some small mammals inhabiting the• site that will be displaced by the filling operation. 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare?YES MAYBE N0 Explanation: 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources?X YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including , but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) X in the event of an accident or upset conditions? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population X YEofanarea?T— MIT 0— Explanation: 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing . _.X create a demand for additional housing? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand X for new parking? YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing, transportation systems? X YES MAYBE NO d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? X YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X YES MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? X YES MAYBE- NO b) Police protection? X YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? X YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? YES MAYBE NO e)_ Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? X YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 15) Energy,. Will the proposal result in : al_ _Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X YES MAYBE - NO - b) `Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require X the development of new sources of energy? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? X YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? X YES MAYBE NO c) Water? X YES MAYBE NO 6- Xd) Sewer or septic tanks? YES MAYBE 0 e) Storm water drainage? X YES MAYBE NO f) Solid waste and disposal?X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities?X YES MAYBE NO Explanation:_ Explanation: 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? X MMAYES YBE- NO Explanation: III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that -the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or will-fur of full disclosure on my part. Proponen : signe Paul S. Chiado name printed) City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 AFFIDAVIT NOV 30 1981 I, Paul S. Chiado, an Officer of Valley 1,1 _ Office and Industrial Park, Inc. , DrP mz formerly Metro Industrial District being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and 'sworn before me this,j c day of Yt-b-e,— 19 d( Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle I, P1/11/Wtr- Name of Not y Public)Signature o Owner) Donna J. Trulson Paul S. Chiado 800 Southwest 16th Street, Rpntpn, WA VALLEY OFFICE & INDUSTRIAL PARK Address) Address) 800 Southwest 16th Street Renton, Washington City) State) 226-8800 Telephone) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular -and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application. Date Received 19 By: Renton Planning Dept. 2-73 i.N.„- ffl ''' - ".k. V'',., ..ii ...=P*''''y..,,,. i. ... V•• .r,,,. ii,..''.• k 4., 1.- ,... e ..., ,,, ......4 ..,,... --- . re; ,,,,, t- 4,, P V.,r, ,t. 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