HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA83-027rJ J t y ,' Y.tS s Fr,. i r ., k i•.. d rr.rYe ' 1 1 IP'4. aFILETITLE r R_ n 1j txt i 1c Y e x 3 jYaj 9 fi. 0 H tr. 0 eEz00.)E 1 2 3 4 5 6 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON, 8 Plaintiff , ) 9 v. 10 JAMES L. COLT, et al . ,NO. 80-2-09783-1 11 Defendants . ) THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT OF JAMES L. COLT, AMERICAN 12 MEMORIAL SERVICES , INC. AND JAMES L. COLT, AMERICAN MEMORIAL ) MT. OLIVET CEMETERY COMPANY, 13 SERVICES , INC. and MT. OLIVET INC. CEMETERY COMPANY , INC. , 14 Third Party Plaintiffs , ) 15 v . 16 KENT-HIGHLANDS , INC. , a 17 Washington corporation; ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND 18 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Washington corporation ; MONTEREY ) 19 TERRACE ASSOCIATES , a Limited 20 Partnership, Third Party Defendants . ) 21 22 COMES NOW defendants and third party plaintiffs James L. Colt, 23 American Memorial Services , Inc . and Mt. Olivet Cemetery Company, 24 Inc . , and make the following third party claim against Kent- 25 Highlands , Inc . , Environmental Research and Development Corporation 26 and Monterey Terrace Associates : 27 I . PARTIES 28 1 . Third Party Plaintiffs . James L. Colt is a resident of 29 King County , Washington . American Memorial Services , Inc . is a 30 Washington corporation with its principal offices in Renton, King 31 County , Washington . American Memorial Services , Inc . is duly 32 Third Party Complaint - 1 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Lav+ 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328.2204 i 1 licensed to do business in the State of Washington. Mt. Olivet 2 Cemetery Company, Inc . is a Washington corporation with its 3 principal offices in Renton, King County, Washington. Mt. Olivet 4 Cemetery Company, Inc . is duly licensed to do business in the State 5 of Washington. 6 2. Third Party Defendants . Kent-Highlands , Inc . , is a 7 Washington corporation with its principal offices in Renton, King 8 County, Washington. Environmental Research and Development 9 Corporation is a Washington corporation with its principal place of 10 business in Seattle, King County, Washington. Monterey Terrace 11 Associates is a Washington limited partnership doing business in 12 King County, Washington, whose general partner is Environmental 13 Research and Development Company, a Washington corporation. 14 II. CLAIM FOR RELIEF 15 3 . James L. Colt, American Memorial Services , Inc . and Mt. 16 Olivet Cemetery Company, Inc . are several of the defendants in an 17 action brought by the .State of Washington alleging, in part, 18 violations of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act . Para- 19 graph 8 of the Fifth Cause of Action of said lawsuit reads as 20 fellows : 21 48. In the regular course of business , defendants James L. Colt, AMS, ODC, and Mt. Olivet have sold unde- 22 veloped cemetery property and mausoleum space and have 23 represented to consumers , directly and by implication, that such properties would be developed or construction 24 commenced by a certain date . In truth and in fact, such properties were not developed and construction was not 25 commenced by the dates stated or within a reasonable time thereafter. 26 49. The conduct described above constitutes unfair and deceptive acts and practices and an unfair method of27competitioninviolationofRCW19.86 .020." 28 4. In approximately 1978, American Memorial Services (here- 29 inafter "AMS") entered into an agreement with Kent-Highlands , Inc . 30 wherein AMS granted an easement to Kent-Highlands across certain 31 32 Third Party Complaint - 2 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Law 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328-2204 1 property owned by. AMS and Mt. Olivet Cemetery Company, Inc. , in 2 exchange for an agreement to construct a road on the perimeter of 3 said cemetery property, which would in turn permit a filling opera- 4 tion and the eventual construction of a mausoleum, which had been 5 scheduled to be constructed on Mt. Olivet Cemetery property . There- 6 after, Kent-Highlands , Inc . conveyed said easement rights to 7 Environmental Research and Development Corporation and to Monterey 8 Terrace Associates , a Washington limited partnership, who were the 9 owners of property adjacent to Mt. Olivet Cemetery . 10 5 . Despite repeated demands , Kent-Highlands , Inc . and 11 Environmental Research and Development Corporation and Monterey 12 Terrace Associates have failed and/or refused to construct the 13 roadway described herein, which has directly resulted in the 14 inability of AMS and Mt. Olivet Cemetery to construct and complete 15 the New Dawn Mausoleum project. 16 6. Third party plaintiffs allege that the failure of third 17 party defendants to complete the roadway in accordance with the 18 terms of the parties agreement have directly resulted in the 19 bringing of the Fifth Cause of Action of the above-encaptioned 20 1pwsuit against third party plaintiffs , and that in the event 21 judgment is entered against third party plaintiffs named herein, 22 third party plaintiffs 'are entitled to contribution and/or indemni- 23 fication from third party defendants jointly and severally. 24 III. PRAYER FOR RELIEF 25 WHEREFORE, third party plaintiffs pray for relief as follows : 26 1 . In the event judgment is entered against third party 27 plaintiffs , then third party plaintiffs shall be awarded judgment 28 over and against third party defendants jointly and severally by 29 way of contribution and/or indemnification. 30 2. Third party plaintiffs be awarded attorney' s fees , costs 31 and disbursements incurred in defending this action. 32 Third Party Complaint 3 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Law 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328.2204 1 3 . For such other and further relief as the court deems 2 appropriate in this action. 3 DATED this )L 77' day of ac4,-(.. 1983 . 4 THEODORE H. GATHE, P.S. 6 By l.e4 Theodore H Gathe 7 Attorney- for Third Party Plaintiffs 8 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss . 9 COUNTY OF KING 10 JAMES L. COLT,, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and 11 says : 12 I am one of the third party plaintiffs in the above- encaptioned matter ; I have read the foregoing Third Party Complaint 14 of James L. Colt, American Memorial Services , Inc . and Mt. Olivet 15 Cemetery Company, Inc . , know the contents thereof , and believe the 16 same to be true . r17 18 Vidi..r1/rir 19 James L. Co t 20 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to be 'oreime this 2-7" day of 21 Z C i.._.198 . f 22 y/.7)Pt 23 NOTARY PUBLIC in d for the State 24 of Washington re ding at 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 . 32 Third Party Complaint - 4 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Law 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328-2204 ZENliat 2 Ig u ;;_ ''b ` F)AlS 3 L M IY 1 9 1983 4 q.1 !': :• D E'°T. 5 6 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY 7 MT. OLIVET CEMETERY, a Washington corporation, NO.8 Appellant, ) 9 vs. NOTICE OF APPEAL 10 Writ of Review) CITY OF RENTON, 11 Appellee. 12 13 14 COMES NOW, the Appellant, MT. OLIVET CEMETERY, by and 15 through its attorney, WILLIAM F. BULCHIS, of BULCHIS & GARRISON, 16 and gives this Notice of Appeal of the above-entitled case to 17 the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. 18 Appellant, pursuant' to the revised and compiled ordinance 19 of the 'City of Renton, Section 4-3011 (B)5 respectfully seeks from 20 the above-captioned Court a review of the City of Renton ' s hearing 21 examiner ' s denial of the Appellant 's appeal' concerning the issue 22 as to whether Appellant was obligated to dedicate a roadway ease- 23 ment to the City of Renton. 24 The attorney for the City of Renton is believed to be 25 LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney, 100 South Second, Renton, 26 Washington, telephone number, 255-8678, the Attorney for the 27 BULCHIS & GARRISON NOTICE OF APPEAL -1 ATTORNEYS AT JAW AIRPORT PLAZA BUILDING.a404 19415 PACIFIC HWY.SO. SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98188 206)878-1890 206)292-9357 0 1 Appellant is WILLIAM F. BULCHIS, of BULCHIS & GARRISON, Suite 404 , 2 Airport Plaza Building, 19415 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, 3 Washington 98188 , telephone number : 878-1890 4 y j 5 DATED this / T day of May, 1983 . 6 7 8SAL- 12TirCel WILLIAM F. BULCHIS• 9 of BULCHIS & GARRISON 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BULCHIS & GARRISON NOTICE OF APPEAL -2 ATTORNEYS AT I.AW AIRPORT PLAZA BUILDING.4404 19415 PACIFIC HWY.SO. SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98188 12081 878.1890 OF R4, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON O POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 S 2nd STREET • RENTON. WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 Z O LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY o9.1 E Q MARK E. BARBE 3;j-T t $I Tn1;•• 2Y ATTORNEYFpSEPl E5,-,s,:s nr1 _ ZANETTA L:r:fr iq) 4 Isgr Nr `li y WrT'' RrYEv January 17, 1983 n< "`= '?' F. i< i.? , Mr. Roger Blaylock, i JAi 18 198.3 Zoning Administrator City of Renton Municipal Bldg. Renton, WA 98055 Re: Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Inc. Dear Roger: I thought that you should be aware that the trial in the declaratory judgment action brought by Mt. Olivet against the City of Renton has been continued to the date of April 25 , 1983. The case will undoubtedly not go to trial since the subject zoning on the Eradco parcel lapses according to its terms on February 1, 1983. However, I will keep you informed as to whether or not the case will go to trial. I wanted to inform you that your decision as to whether or not the zoning has truly lapsed on February 1st should be made without regard to this lawsuit. The law presumes that our ordinance is valid until a court tell us that it is invalid. There will be no such decision as .of the time that you need to make your decision about the reversion of the zoning. I would also suggest that after you have made your decision, that the matter be referred to the City Council for adoption of a formal ordinance. Since the matter has come about because of restrictive covenants voluntarily signed by the owners of the property, I do not think there is a necessity for a public hearing. If you have any questions about this , please let me know. If you have any problems at all with the timing I would suggest you give me a call sometime before February 1st and inform me. This letter is a confidential attorney-client correspondence and need not be put in the zoning file. V y truly , •• rs , Lawrence Jt./Warren LJW: ds cc : Messrs Kautaimy Clemens , Trimm cc: Mayor Shinpoch OF I? y THE CITY OF RENTON0MUNICIPALBUILDING200MILLAVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AO P FRED J. KAUFMAN, 235-25939 TF0 SEP100 n City of Redd 711May5, 1983 I I !! Building&Zoning Dept. Mr. James Colt P. O. Box 547 MAY 9 198S Renton, WA 98057 Re: AAD-027-63: Dismissal Dear Mr. Colt: After a thorough review of the files in this matter, as well as the additional input at thePublicHearingonMay3, 1983, I find that this office had no choice but to dismiss theappealasimprovidentlygranted. The record demonstrates that any administrative determination that might have grantedthisofficejurisdictionoccurredmorethan14dayspriortothefilingoftheappeal. The appeal was not timely perfected, and therefore this office had no proper jurisdiction in the matter and no ability to hear the appeal. Very truly yours, Fred J. Kaufman Land Use Hearing Examiner FJK:se cc: Mayor City Attorney City Clerk Building & Zonings William Bulchis, Attorney CITY OF RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING MAY 3, 1983 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 A.M.: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. COLT/MT. OLIVET APPEAL Appeal by James Colt, President, Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co., Inc., file AAD-027-83, of an enforcement decision of the Building and Zoning Director to require the dedication of the sixty (60) foot right-of-way along the easterly boundary of Mt. Olivet Cemetery as required under special permit, file SP-047-80, prior renewal of annual grading license; located north and east of the existing platted cemetery, east of N.E. 3rd Street, in the vicinity of 100 Blaine Avenue N.E. and the powerline right-of-way. Ug f%t. 1 2 3 MAY 3 1983 4 5 IN RE THE APPEAL OF MT. OLIVET ) AAD - 026-83 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING 6 LEGAL ISSUES 7 8 FACTUAL SUMMARY 9 A synopsis of the facts in this appeal has been prepared 10 and tendered to the Examiner separately in a document entitled 11 Memorandum in Support of City' s Motion to Dismiss Appeal . 12 References to documents in this brief will be to the numbered 13 exhibits in that memorandum . 14 This appeal was started by letter of Mt . Olivet Cemetary 15 Co . , Inc . , dated March 28, 1983 ( Exhibit 27) . That letter 16 consists of an extensive argument , rather than a statement of 17 an appeal and then includes , in part , the followinng statement 18 in its last sentence : 19 Your clarification , based on the record , or the 20 granting of a public hearing based on our appeal of this new administrative decision is required to 21 resolve this matter . . ." 22 Therefore , this proceeding is an attempt to clarify Examiner ' s 23 decision of March 13, 1981 but also serves as an appeal . 24 Unfortunately , the letter does not address what administrative 25 decision is being appealed and when that administrative 26 decision was made . This brief will attempt to explore the 27 factual record and the law to determine what administrative 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 1 100 ATTORNEYS AT LAW SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 decision is being appealed and whether the Examiner now has 2 jurisdiction to consider this appeal . 3 ISSUES 4 1 . Does the Examiner have jurisdiction to clarify his 5 decision of March 13, 1981? 6 2 . If this appeal is truly an appeal from an 7 administrative decision , when was the administrative decision 8 made and was the appeal timely filed? 9 3 . What is Appellant' s burden of proof in this appeal , 10 and has Appellant met its burden? 11 4 . Is the refusal by an administrative officer to grant 12 a permit until all of the conditions for that permit have been 13 met an appealable administrative decision? 14 15 DOES THE EXAMINER HAVE JURISDICTION TO CLARIFY HIS DECISION OF 16 MARCH 13 , 1981 ? 17 18 As previously mentioned Appellant , in its appeal letter , 19 ( Exhibit 27) , states that it wishes a "clarification based on 20 the record" . Appellant does not state what it wishes 21 clarified but a review of the letter shows extensive 22 discussions and quotations from the Hearing Examiner ' s 23 decision of March 13, 1981 . Since the Appellant seeks a 24 clarification from the Examiner and the Examiner ' s last 25 official decision on this file is the Examiner' s decision cf 26 March 13, 1981 it may be presumed that this is the decision 27 the Appellant wishes clarified . Such a request is not timely 28 and should be rejected by the Examiner . BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN& KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 2 100 SO.SECOND T., ATTORN ST.,P.O.P. AW BOX 626 RF^.1ON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 The request for "clarification" would be a motion for 2 reconsideration under City Code . City Code Section 4-3015 3 states in relevant part : 4 RECONSIDERATION: Any interested person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on an 5 erroneous procedure , errors of law or fact , error in judgment , or the discovery of new evidence which 6 could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing , may make a written application for review 7 by the Examiner within fourteen ( 14) days after the written decision of the Examiner has been rendered . 8 The application shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant . . . 9 Renton City Code Section 4-3016 sets forth the applicable time 10 limits for an appeal . That section states in relevant part : 11 APPEAL: Unless an ordinance providing for review of 12 decision of . the Examiner requires review thereof by the Superior Court , any interested party aggrieved 13 by the Examiner's written decision or recommendation may submit a Notice of Appeal to the City Clerk upon 14 a form furnished by the. City Clerk , within fourteen 14) calendar days from the date of the Examiner ' s 15 written report . . . ." 16 It should be remembered that Appellant utilized this 17 section of the City Code and appealed the Examiner' s original 18 decision (Exhibit 4) . The City Council heard the appeal and 19 slightly modified the Hearing Examiner' s decision (Exhibit 5) . 20 Appellant did not raise the questions now being raised in the 21 appeal and therefore this decision is final . 22 It is beyond the scope of this brief to discuss the 23 judicial and quasi-judicial power of the Hearing Examiner and 24 the large body of case law holding Hearing Examiner decisions 25 binding unless timely appealed to a court of competent 26 27 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 jurisdiction. As stated in Wright v . Woodward , 83 Wn 2d 378 , 2 518 P. 2d 718 ( 1974 ) : 3 It is the general rule that when an adequate administrative remedy is provided , it must be 4 exhausted before the courts will intervene . State ex rel Ass' n of Wash. Indus . v . Johnson , 56 Wn . 2d 5 407 , 353 P . 2d 881 (1960) ; Sunny Brook Farms v . 6 Omdahl , 42 Wn . 2d 788, 259 P.2d 383 ." ' Suffice it to say that the Examiner made a decision in 7 March of 1981 which was slightly amended by the City Council . 8 No further action was taken to amend , alter or appeal that 9 decision until this motion for clarification. What makes this 10 request most vexing is that the Appellant has sought 11 clarification after clarification from the City' s 12 administrative officers and has offered to accomplish the 13 condition that it now seeks to clarify , but in each 14 instantance conditioned its performance on matters outside of 15 the record and beyond the scope of the Examiner' s decision . 16 17 IF THIS APPEAL IS TRULY AN APPEAL FROM AN ADMINISTRATIVE 18 DECISION , WHEN WAS THE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION MADE AND WAS 19 THE APPEAL TIMELY FILED? 20 21 Examiner ' s decision . 22 3 Appellant states that it seeks an appeal from the new administrative determination concerning its permit and 24 license . The "new" determination is not new at all , but 25 rather is a long standing City position .For example , 26 Appellant' s license expired according to its terms on August 27 16, 1982.Appellant chooses to ignore that fact and to 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 4 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 further ignore the fact that it has no right to operate under 2 a Fill and Grade Permit without the license. As discussed , 3 Appellant' s license cannot be renewed because of at least 4 three factors : 5 1 . Failure to dedicate the sixty feet required by 6 Examiner decision Paragraph 6 . 7 2. Failure to post the bond detailed in Examiner ' s 8 decision Paragraphs 2 and 5 . 9 3. Failure to maintain the temporary erosion-siltation 10 control facilities required as a condition of a declaration of 11 non-significance from the Environmental Review Committee . 12 The Examiner was most careful to state in his decision of 13 . March 3 , . 1981 (Exhibit 1 ) as follows : 14 No annual license shall be issued without prior special permit approval and without prior 15 satisfaction of all conditions enumerated below ." 16 From the prior discussion it is abundantly clear that not all 17 of the conditions listed below have been met and that at least 18 conditions 2, 5 and 6 have not been met . 19 As previously stated Appellant seeks review of the "new" 20 administrative determination . That "new" administrative 21 determination was made no later than August 31 , 1982 (Exhibit 22 14) . Appellant does not point to the date of this "new" 23 administrative determination nor does Appellant state from 24 what portion of this "new" administrative determination it 25 appeals . Appellant does not state how it wishes the "new" 26 administrative determination modified nor does Appellant point 27 to the powers of the Examiner to grant the relief it requests . 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 5 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 9SS_A67A 1 Therefore , it is necessary to review the Examiner' s powers 2 vis-a-vis this appeal . 3 4 Examiner ' s appeal powers . 5 Appellant' s request to the Examiner from the "new" 6 administrative determination is apparently made under City 7 Code Section 4-3011 (B) which states in relevant part : 8 Appeals from. the administrative determinations of the City ' s land use regulation codes and from 9 environmental determinations required by the Renton Environmental Ordinance may be taken to the Hearing 10 Examiner by any person aggrieved . . . 11 ' 1 . Any such appeal shall be filed in writing with the Examiner within the following time limits : 12 a) Appeals of a final environmental determination under the Renton Environmental 13 Ordinance shall be filled within fourteen ( 14) days of publication of notice of such determination . 14 b) Appeals from an administrative decision pursuant to this chapter shall be. filed within 15 fourteen ( 14) days of the date that the action was taken ." ( emphasis added) 16 Even . a cursory review of the quoted section will show 17 that the appeal must be from the "land use regulation codes" 18 and any administrative decision appealed may have been made 19 pursuant to this chapter" , meaning Chapter 30 entitled Land 20 Use Hearing Examiner of the Renton City Code . Appeals from 21 administrative determinations from the City' s . Land Use 22 Regulation Codes are also covered but are not relevant to this 23 appeal . 24 25 Appeal analysis. 26 From what then , does Mt . Olivet appeal? That is nearly 27 impossible to determine because of the extremely vague nature 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE G SECON ST.,P. .B100SO.SECONDST.,P.O.BOX626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 of the appeal letter and because of Mt . Olivet' s continual 2 conditioning of its demands and refusals to acknowledge and 3 respond to the City' s concerns . It is clear , however , that 4 Appellant wishes its license reinstated so that it can 5 continue. to fill .That license for purpose of this 6 administrative appeal is the subject of Hearing Examiner' s 7 action and not the City' s land use regulation codes . No code 8 sections are cited by Appellant as a basis for this appeal . 9 To claim that refusal to renew the license is an 10 administrative determination pursuant "to this chapter" is in 11 error , however , because the Examiner' s decision . of March 13, 12 1981 (Exhibit 1) contains the statement : 13 No- annual license shall be issued without prior special permit approval and without prior satisfac- 14 tion of all conditions enumerated below." 15 16 Administrative determination . 17 As previously mentioned , the applicant was notified by 18 letter dated August 31 , 1982. (Exhibit. 14) that its annual 19 license had lapsed, according to its terms . This decision was 20 not appealed . Whereafter , Mt . Olivet was reminded 'that it did- 21 not have an active license by letter dated December 21 , 1982 22 ( Exhibit 16 ) .The bonding required by the Examiner ' s 23 decisions subsequently expired on October 8 , 1982 (Exhibit 23) 24. and other bonds required by the Examiner needed to be posted 25 or increased .The City so notified Appellant' s bonding 26 company on January 12, 1983 ( Exhibit 24) . No appeal has been 27 taken from any of these administrative determinations , if such 28 they can be called .That being the case , each of the BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE ' 7 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 administrative decisions stands as a final adminstrative 2 determination . Appellant is in violation of three (3) .Of the 3 conditions of its special permit , under the Hearing Examiner' s 4 decision of March 13, 1981 , and according to Paragraph 1 of 5 the decision the annual license cannot be issued because all 6 conditions of the Examiner' s decision have not been satisfied . 7 Appellant may claim that the Building Official ' s action 8 in his letter of August 31 , 1982 (Exhibit 14) was not a final 9 action . However , that exact point was dealt with in Bock v . 10 Pilotage Commissioners ,. 9.1 Wn . 2d 94, 99 ,586 P.2d 1173 (1978) . 11 In that case it was alleged that a letter informing the 12 Plaintiff that he had failed a pilotage test did not 13 constitute a final decision . However , the Court held : 14 It . may be argued that this letter was too informal to constitute proper notice of a final- decision of 15 the Board . Certainly it would be preferable to issue a formal denial of .a license or other 16 appropriate order to remove any doubt regarding the significance of a Board communication .In this 17 case , however , the absence of such procedural niceties was harmless , and in holding the letter was 18 a final decision we do not impose an unduly harsh result on Appellant ." 19 In our case , a formal notification of the nullity of the 20 permit was mailed and received and responded to . Therefore , 21 it is clear that that was a final decision .. 22 23 WHAT IS APPELLANT ' S BURDEN OF PROOF IN THIS APPEAL , AND HAS 24 r.. APPELLANT MET ITS BURDEN? 25 26 If the Examiner should decide that he can hear this 27. appeal then Appellant bears a very strong burden of proof. It 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE $ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECONDST.,P.O.BOX626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 must prove that the administrative decision was arbitrary and 2 capricious . There is much case law that analyzes_ that •burden 3 of proof beginning with the case of Lillions v . Gibbs , 47 Wn . 4 2d 629, 633, 289, P.2d . 203 ( 1955 ) : 5 Arbitrary and capricious action of administrative bodies means willful and unreasoning action , without 6 consideration and in disregard of facts or circumstances .Where there is room for two 7 opinions , action is not arbitrary or capricious when exercised honestly and upon due consideration , even 8 though it may be believed that an erroneous conclusion has been reached ." 9 See also State ex rel Kadow v . Board of Adjustment , 77 Wn . 2d . 10 587, 592, 464 P.2d 418 ( 1970 ) : 11 And , we are satisfied the board did not act 12 arbitrarily and capriciously, or unreasonably in granting the exception . The record before us 13 indicates that the board heard without undue limitation the evidence and arguments presented for 14 and against the application at two public hearings ; called for and received staff study and recommenda- 15 tions concerning the proposal and its compliance with applicable setback , height , bulk , coverage , 16 traffic , and density requirements as well as its potential effect upon surrounding properties ; gave 17 careful consideration to all factors involved and reached a decision upon a question about which 18 reasonable minds could differ . Arbitrary unreasoning or capricious action cannot , under these 19 circumstances , be attributed to the board ." 20 Unquestionably , the decisions reached by the City' s 21 administrative authorities are supported by facts and 22 circumstances . At worst , there is room for two opinions . 23 The Examiner must also give great weight to the 24 administrative decision . Generally speaking , the construction 25 or interpretation of a rule by the agency which promulgated it 26 is entitled to great weight .Liquor Control Board v . 27 Personnel Board , 88 Wn . 2d 368 , 379 , '561 P.2d 195 ( 1977) . See 28 also , Kimmel]. v . Crowley Maritime Corp. , 23 Wn . App . 78 , 82., BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE . 9 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 596, P.2d 1069 (1979) review denied 92 Wn . 2d 1926. The rule 2 applies in zoning cases . East v . King County, 22 Wn". App . 3 247, 255, 589 P .2d 805 (1978) . 4 5 IS THE REFUSAL BY AN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER TO GRANT A PERMIT 6 UNTIL ALL OF THE CONDITIONS FOR THAT PERMIT HAVE BEEN MET AN 7 APPEALABLE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION? 8 9 The City has previously quoted from the Code section 10 authorizing administrative appeals and noted that the appeals 11 authorized by the Code are from administrative determination 12 of the City' s land use regulation codes and from 13 administrative decisions rendered pursuant to the Hearing 14 Examiner' s Ordinance . When one applies that test to the 15 decisions of the City, it is clear that there has been no 16 appealable decision made . 17 The City has previously discussed in some detail how the 18 Appellant is seeking a late review of the Hearing Examiner' s 19 decision , and not seeking review of any administrative 20 determination . In this particular instance the right of the 21 City to issue a license and permit to fill and grade amounts 22 to little more than a ministerial act , at least to those 3 issues touched upon by this appeal . The Examiner ' s decision 24 set forth the conditions that had to be met before the City 25 could. issue a license or permit . It is not argued that the 26 administrative officers of the City have the right to modify 27 the- Examiner ' s decision. That is simply not the case . The 28 administrative officers are bound by the Examiner' s decision . BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 10 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 That being the case , no. discretion can be involved in applying 2 the Examiner' s conditions to the issuance of the permit , at 3 least as it is relevant to this appeal . As the , courts have 4 stated : 5 The acts of administering a zoning ordinance do not go back to the questions of policy and discretion 6 which were settled at the time of the adoption of the ordinance . Administrative authorities are 7 properly concerned with questions of compliance with the ordinance , not with its wisdom ." East Lake 8 Community Council v. Roanoke Associates , 82 Wn . 2d 9 I 475, 483, 513 P.2d 36 (1973) ( emphasis added) . The administrative duty to act in this case is . strictly 10 ministerial and involving no discretion . The decision being 11 enforced is the Hearing Examiner' s decision of March 13, 1981 . 12 While some discretion may have been involved in determining 13 that the conditions outlined by the Hearing Examiner had not 14 been met , Appellant did not timely appeal any of those 15 administrative determinations and they must stand as facts . 16 Once those facts, are established it is abundantly clear that 17 Appellant has violated the Hearing Examiner' s conditions and 18 the City could not issue the requested permits according to 19 the Examiner' s decision . 20 CONCLUSION 21 Mt . Olivet is seeking a reconsideration of a' two-year old 22 I Examiner ' s decision. While it has been termed an 23 administrative appeal there has been no administrative 24 decision within the appeal period . Even, if there had been an 25 administrative action within that time period , such action 26 would involve only the implementation of the Examiner ' s 27 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 11 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 decision and would not constitute an appealable decision . 2 Such an appeal would be a collateral attack on the Examiner' s 3 decision , after the appeal period had run .Even if the 4 decision is appealable the administrative action is not 5 arbitrary and capricious . 6 7 Re s ctful submitted , 8 9 LAWRENCE J. WARREN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. ~ = LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 12 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 Ty of con ouddirg&Zow3 C'pt. II 1 m1MU 7 2 3 MAY 3 1983 4 5 IN RE THE APPEAL OF MT. OLIVET .) AAD - 026-83 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING 6 LEGAL ISSUES 7 8 FACTUAL SUMMARY 9 A synopsis of the facts in this appeal has been prepared 10 and tendered to the Examiner separately in a document entitled 11 Memorandum in Support of City's Motion to Dismiss Appeal . 12 References to. documents in this brief will be to the numbered 13 exhibits in that memorandum . 14 This appeal was started by letter of Mt . Olivet Cemetery 15 Co . , Inc . , dated March 28, 1983 ( Exhibit 27) . That letter 16 consists of an extensive argument , rather than a statement of 17 an appeal and then includes , in part , the followinng statement 18 in its last sentence : 19 Your clarification , based on the record , or the 20 granting of a public hearing based on our appeal of this new administrative decision is required to 21 resolve this matter . . ." 22 . Therefore , this proceeding is an attempt to clarify Examiner ' s 23 decision of March 13, 1981 but also serves as an appeal . 24 Unfortunately , the letter does not address what administrative 25 decision is being appealed and when that administrative 26 decision was made . This brief will attempt to explore the 27 factual record and the law to determine what administrative 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 1 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 1 decision is being appealed and whether the Examiner now has 2 jurisdiction to consider this appeal . 3 ISSUES 4 1 . Does the Examiner have jurisdiction to clarify his 5 decision of March 13, 1981? 6 2 . If this appeal is truly an appeal from an 7 administrative decision , when was the administrative decision 8 made and was the appeal timely filed? 9 3 . What is Appellant's burden of proof in this appeal , 10 and has Appellant met its burden? 11 4 . Is the refusal by an administrative officer to grant 12 a permit until all of the conditions for that permit have been 13 met an appealable administrative decision? 14 15 DOES THE EXAMINER HAVE JURISDICTION TO CLARIFY HIS DECISION OF 16 MARCH 13 , 1981 ? 17 18 As previously mentioned Appellant , in its appeal letter , 19 ( Exhibit 27) , states that it wishes a "clarification based on 20 the record" . ' Appellant does not state what it wishes 21 clarified but a review of the letter shows extensive 22 discussions and quotations from the Hearing Examiner ' s 23 decision of March 13, 1981 . Since the Appellant seeks a 24 clarification from the Examiner and the Examiner ' s last 25 official decision on this file is the Examiner' s decision of 26 March 13, 1981 it may be presumed that this is the decision 27 the Appellant wishes clarified . Such a request is not timely 28 and should be rejected by the Examiner . BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&-KELLOGG,-P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 2 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.Q.BOX 626 I I N1ON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 The request for "clarification". would be a motion for 2 ;reconsideration under City Code. City Code Section .4-3015 3 states in relevant part : 4 RECONSIDERATION: Any interested person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on an 5 erroneous procedure , errors of law or fact , error in judgment , or the discovery• of new evidence which 6 could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing , may make a written application for review 7 by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days after the written decision of the Examiner has been rendered . 8 The application shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant . . . 9 Renton City Code Section 4-3016 sets forth the applicable time 10 limits for an appeal. That section states in relevant part : 11 APPEAL: Unless an ordinance providing for review of 12 decision of the Examiner requires review thereof by the Superior Court , any interested party aggrieved 13 by the Examiner's written decision or recommendation may submit a Notice of Appeal to the City Clerk upon 14 a form furnished by the City Clerk, within fourteen 14) calendar days from the date of the Examiner' s 15 written report . . . ." 16 It should be remembered that Appellant. utilized this 17 section of the City Code and appealed the Examiner' s original 18 decision (Exhibit 4) . The City Council heard the appeal and 19 slightly modified the Hearing Examiner' s decision (Exhibit 5) . 20 Appellant did not raise the questions now being raised in the 21 appeal and therefore this decision is final . 22 It is beyond the scope of this brief to discuss the 23 judicial and quasi-judicial power of the Hearing Examiner and 24 the large body of case law holding Hearing Examiner decisions 25 binding unless timely appealed to a court of competent 26 27 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 .jurisdiction . As stated in Wright v . Woodward , 83 Wn 2d 378, 2 518 P. 2d 718 (1974) : 3 It is the general rule that when an adequate administrative remedy is provided , it must be 4 exhausted before the courts will intervene . State ex rel Ass' n of Wash. Indus. v . Johnson, 56 Wn;2d 5 407 , 353 P . 2d 881 (1960) ; Sunny Brook Farms v . 6 Omdahl , 42 Wn . 2d. 788, 259 11.2d 383 .' ' Suffice it to say that the Examiner made a decision in 7 March of 1981 which was slightly amended by the City Council . 8 No further action was taken to amend , alter or appeal that 9 decision until this motion for clarification. What makes this 10 request most vexing is that the Appellant has sought 11 clarification after clarification from the City' s 12 administrative officers and has offered to accomplish the 13 condition that it now seeks to clarify , but in each 14 instantance conditioned its performance on matters outside of 15 16 the record and beyond the scope of the Examiner' s decision . 17 IF THIS APPEAL IS TRULY AN APPEAL FROM AN ADMINISTRATIVE 18 DECISION , WHEN WAS THE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION MADE AND WAS 19 THE APPEAL TIMELY FILED? 20 21 Examiner ' s decision . 22 Appellant states that it seeks an appeal from the new 23 administrative determination concerning its permit and 24 1 license . The "new" determination is not new at all , but 25 rather is a long standing City position .For example , 26 27 Ap,pellant' s license expired according to its terms on August 16, 1982.Appellant chooses to ignore that fact and to 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LE1GAL ISSUES PAGE 4 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 further ignore the fact that it has no right to operate under 2 a Fill and Grade Permit without the license. As discussed , 3 Appellant' s license cannot be renewed because of at least 4 three factors : 5 1 . Failure to dedicate . the sixty feet required by 6 Examiner decision Paragraph 6. 7 2. Failure to post the bond detailed in Examiner' s 8 decision Paragraphs 2 and 5. 9 3. Failure to maintain the temporary erosion-siltation 10 control facilities required as a condition of a declaration of 11 non-significance from the Environmental Review Committee . 12 The Examiner was most careful to state in his decision of 13 . M rch 3, 1981 (Exhibit 1 ) as follows : 14 No annual license shall be issued without prior special permit approval and without prior 15 satisfaction of all conditions enumerated below ." 16 From the prior discussion it is abundantly clear that not all 17 of the conditions listed below have been met and that at least 18 conditions 2, 5 and 6 have not been met. 19 As previously stated Appellant seeks review of the "new" 20 administrative determination . That "new" administrative 21 determination was made no later than August 31 , 1982 (Exhibit 22 14) . Appellant does not point to the date of this "new" 23 administrative determination nior does Appellant state from 24 what portion of this "new" administrative determination it 25 appeals. Appellant does not state how it wishes the "new" 26 administrative determination modified nor does Appellant point 27 to the powers of the Examiner to gran-t the relief it requests . 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S.- LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 5 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 7SS-0A7A 1 Therefore , it is necessary to review the Examiner' s powers 2 vi!s-a-vis this appeal . 3 4 Exlaminer ' s appeal powers . 5 Appellant' s request to the Examiner from the "new" 6 administrative determination is apparently made under City 7 Code Section 4-3011 (B) which states in relevant part : 8 Appeals from the administrative determinations of the City ' s land use regulation codes and from 9 environmental determinations required by the Renton Environmental Ordinance may be taken to the Hearing 10 1 Examiner by any person aggrieved . . . 11 1 . Any such appeal shall be filed in writing with the Examiner within the following time limits : 12 a) Appeals of a final environmental determination under the Renton Environmental 13. 1 Ordinance shall be filled within fourteen (14) days of publication of notice of such determination . 14 b) Appeals from an administrative decision pursuant to this chapter shall be filed within 15 1 fourteen ( 14) days of the date that the action was taken ." ( emphasis added) 16 Even a cursory review of the quoted section will show 17 1 18 that the appeal must be from the "landuse regulation codes" and any administrative decision appealed may have been made 19 pursuant to this chapter" , meaning Chapter 30 entitled Land 20 21 Use Hearing Examiner of the Renton City Code . Appeals from administrative determinations from the City' s Land Use 22 Regulation Codes are also covered but are not relevant to this 23 appeal . 24 25 26 Appeal analysis . 27 From what then , does Mt . Olivet appeal? That is nearly impossible to determine because of the extremely vague nature 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGGrP.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 6 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 of the appeal letter and because of Mt . Ol ivet' s continual 2 conditioning of its demands and refusals to acknowledge. and 3 respond to the City' s concerns. It is clear , however., that 4 Appellant wishes its license reinstated so that it can 5 continue to fill . 'That license for purpose of this 6 aillministrative appeal is the subject of Hearing Examiner' s 7 action and not the City' s land use regulation codes . No code 8 sections are cited by Appellant as a basis for . this appeal . 9 To claim that refusal to renew the license is an 10 administrative determination pursuant "to this chapter" is in 11 error , however , because the Examiner' s decision . of March 13, 12 1981 (Exhibit 1) contains the statement : 13 No- annual license shall be issued without prior special permit approval and without prior satisfac- 14 tion of all conditions enumerated below." 15 16 Administrative determination . 17 As previously mentioned , the applicant was notified by 18 letter dated August 31 , 1982 (Exhibit. 14) that its annual 19 license had lapsed, according to its terms. This decision was 20 not appealed . .Whereafter , Mt . Olivet was reminded -that it did- 21 not have an active license_ by letter dated December 21 , 1982 22 ( Exhibit 16) .The bonding required by the Examiner ' s 23 decisions subsequently expired on October 8 , 1982 (Exhibit 23) 24 and other bonds required by the Examiner needed to be posted 25 or increased .The City so notified Appellant' s bonding 26 company on January 12, 1983 ( Exhibit 24) . No appeal has been 27 taken from any of these administrative determinations , if such 28 they can be called .That being the case , each of the BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 7 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 administrative decisions stands as a final adminstrative 2 determination. Appellant is in violation of three. (3) .-of the 3 conditions of its special permit , under the Hearing Examiner' s 4 decision of March 13, 1981 , and according to Paragraph 1 of 5 the decision the annual license cannot be issued because all 6 conditions of the Examiner' s decision have not been satisfied . 7 Appellant may claim that the Building Official ' s action 8 in his letter of August 31 , 1982 (Exhibit 14) was not a final 9 action . However , that exact point was dealt with in Bock v. 10 Pilotage Commissioners , 9.1 Wn . 2d 94, 99,586 P.2d 1173 ( 1978) . 11 In that case it was alleged that a letter informing the 12 Plaintiff that he had failed a pilotage test did not 13 constitute a final decision . However , the Court held : 14 It may be argued that this letter was too informal to constitute proper notice of a final decision of 15 the Board . Certainly it would be preferable to issue a formal . denial of .a license or other 16 appropriate order to remove any doubt regarding the significance of a Board communication .In this 17 case , however , the absence of such procedural 18 niceties was harmless , and in holding the letter was a final decision we do not impose an unduly harsh result on Appellant ." 19 In our case , a formal notification of the nullity of the20 permit was mailed and received and responded to . Therefore , 21 it is clear that that was a final decision . 22 23 WHAT IS APPELLANT ' S BURDEN OF PROOF IN THIS APPEAL , AND HAS 24 APPELLANT MET ITS BURDEN? 25 26 If the Examiner should decide that he can hear this 27 appeal then Appellant bears a very strong burden of proof. It 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S.- LEGAL ISSUES PAGE S 100 ATTORNEYS AT LAW SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 I 1 must prove that the administrative decision was arbitrary and 2 capricious. There is much case law that analyzes_ that •burden 3 of proof beginning with the case of Lillions v. Gibbs, 47 Wn . 4 2d 629, 633, 289, P.2d . 203 (1955) : 5 Arbitrary and capricious action of administrative bodies means willful and unreasoning action , without 6 consideration and in disregard of facts or circumstances .Where there is room for two 7 opinions , action is not arbitrary or capricious when exercised honestly and upon due consideration , even 8 though it may be believed that an erroneous conclusion has been reached ." 9 See also State ex rel Kadow v. Board of Adjustment , 77 Wn . 2d . 10 11 587, 592, 464 P.2d 418 ( 1970) : And , we are satisfied the board did not act 12 arbitrarily and capriciously, or unreasonably in granting the exception . The record before us 13 indicates that the board heard without undue limitation the evidence and arguments presented for 14 and against the application at two public hearings ; called for and received staff study and recommenda- 15 tions concerning the proposal and its compliance with applicable setback, height , bulk, coverage , 16 I traffic , ' and density requirements as well as its potential effect upon surrounding properties; gave 17 careful consideration to all factors involved and reached a decision upon a question about which 18 reasonable minds could differ . Arbitrary unreasoning or capricious action cannot , under these 19 circumstances , be attributed to the board ." 20 Unquestionably , the decisions reached by the City' s 21 administrative authorities are supported by facts and 22 circumstances. At worst , there is room for two opinions . 3 The Examiner must also give great weight to the 24 administrative decision . Generally speaking , the construction 5 or interpretation of a rule by the agency which promulgated it 26 isj entitled to great weight .Liquor Control Board v . 27 Personnel Board , 88 Wn . 2d 368, 379, 561 P.2d 195 ( 1977) . See 28 also, Kimmell v. Crowley Maritime Corp. , 23 Wn . App. 78 , 82, BRIEF OF CITY, DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S." LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 9 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.80X 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 1 596, P.2d 1069 (1979) review denied 92 Wn . 2d 1926. The rule 2 applies in zoning cases . East v . King County, 22 Wn'. App . 3 247, 255, 589 P.2d 805 (1978) . 4 5 IS THE REFUSAL BY AN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER TO GRANT A PERMIT 6 UNjTIL ALL OF THE CONDITIONS FOR THAT PERMIT HAVE BEEN MET AN 7 APPEALABLE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION? 8 9 The City has previously quoted from the Code section 10 authorizing administrative appeals and noted that the appeals 11 authorized by the Code are from administrative determination 12 of the City' s land use regulation codes and from 13 administrative decisions rendered pursuant to the Hearing 14 Examiner' s Ordinance . When one applies that test to the 15 decisions of the City, it is clear that there has been no 16 appealable decision made . 17 The City has previously discussed in some detail how the 18 Appellant is seeking a late review of the Hearing Examiner' s 19 decision , and not seeking review of any administrative 20 determination . In this particular instance the right of the 21 City to issue a license and permit to fill and grade amounts 22 to little more than a ministerial act , at least to those 3 issues touched upon by this appeal . The Examiner' s decision 24 set forth the conditions that had to be met before the City 25 could issue a license or permit . It is not argued that the 26 administrative officers of the City have the right to modify 27 the Examiner' s decision . That is simply not the case . The 28 administrative officers are bound by the Examiner' s decision . BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEdAL ISSUES PAGE 10 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 1 That being the case , no discretion can be involved in applying 2 the Examiner' s conditions to the issuance of the permit, at 3 least as it is relevant to this appeal . As the . courts have 4 stated : 5 The acts of administering a zoning ordinance do not go back to the questions of policy and discretion 6 which were settled at the time of the adoption of the ordinance . Administrative authorities are 7 properly concerned with questions of compliance with the ordinance , not with its wisdom ." East Lake 8 Community Council v. Roanoke Associates , 82 Wn . 2d 475, 483, 513 P.2d 36 (1973) Cemphasis added) . 9 The administrative duty to act in this case is strictly 10 ministerial and involving no discretion . The decision being 11 enforced is the Hearing Examiner' s decision of March 13, 1981 . 12 While some discretion may have been involved in determining 13 that the conditions outlined by the Hearing Examiner had not 14 been met, Appellant did not timely appeal any of those 15 administrative determinations and they must stand as facts . 16 Once those facts are established it is abundantly clear that 17 Appellant has violated the Hearing Examiner' s conditions and . 18 the City could not issue the requested permits according to 19 the Examiner' s decision . 20 CONCLUSION 21 Mt. Olivet is seeking a reconsideration of a two-year old 22 Examiner ' s decision . While it has been termed an 23 administrative appeal there has been no administrative 24 decision within the appeal period . Even if there had been an 25 administrative action within that time period , such action 26 would involve only the implementation of the Examiner ' s 27 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 11 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 decision and would not constitute an appealable decision . 2 Such an appeal would be a collateral attack on the Examiner' s 3 decision , after the appeal period had run .Even if the 4 decision is appealable the administrative action is not 5 arbitrary and capricious . 6 7 Res ctful submitted , 8 9 9 LAWRENCE J. WARREN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BRIEF OF CITY DISCUSSING WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. LEGAL ISSUES PAGE 12 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 d4 2 3 MAY .2 1983 n- 5 IN RE THE APPEAL OF MT. OLIVET AAD - 026-83 MOTION TO DISMISS APPEAL 6 7 8 9 COMES NOW the City of Renton, by and through. its City Attorney, 10 Lawrence J. Warren, and moves the Hearing Examiner to dismiss this 11 appeal for the following reasons : 12 1 . The appeal is not timely made in that the Hearing Examiner ' s' 13 Decision that is the basis of the appeal -is dated March 13 , 1981 , 14 and the appeal letter is dated March 28 , 1983 , over two years later. 15 2. The appellant has previously moved for reconsideration, 16 and appealed from this very decision without raising this point . 17 An unappealed finding or conclusion is therefor the law of the case 18 and may not be appealed the second time. . 19 3.. The appellant has previously requested administrative 20 determinations concerning the subject matter of this appeal , which 21 have been rendered: However, appellant has not appealed from those . 22 administrative determinations and is therefore 'estopped to appeal 23 at this point . 24 4. The issue is moot in that appellant has violated other 25 conditions of the special permit and license , the license has lapsed 26 wituout renewal , and the permit is therefore void. 27 Dated April 27 , 1983 . L ence J. War en WARREN & KELLOGG, P.S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 50. SECOND ST.. P. O. BOY. 626 RENTON. NrASHINGTON 98057 255.3673 1 2 s 3 4 5 IN ' THE APPEAL OF MT. OLIVET )MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF CITY' S MOTION TO DISMISS 6 AAD -026-83 APPEAL 7 8 This Memorandum is submitted to support the City' s Motion to 9 dismiss the appeal and is intended to be factual in nature. Another 10 legal memorandum will be submitted discussing the applicable sections 11 of the City Code and State law. 12 PERMIT HISTORY 13 Mt. Olivet Cemetery . Company, Inc. . made an application to the 14 City of Renton for a special permit to fill and grade on a site of 15 appyroximately eleven acres . A public hearing was held on March 16 3 , 1981 which resulted in a Hearing Examiner' s decision March 13 , 17 1981, a copy of which is attached hereto , as Exhibit "1" . This 18 decision will be referred to again in this Memorandum under the 19 Section entitled "Violated Conditions of Permit" . 20 Immediately upon receiving the Hearing Examiner ' s decision 21 the attorney for Mt. Olivet , Mr. Theodore Gathe, filed a request ' 22 for reconsideration- which request for reconsideration is attached 23 hereto as Exhibit "2" . The request for reconsideration was limited 24 to arguments concerning conclusions No . 5 and Conditions No . 8 25 and 10 . Each of those conditions related to the contents of the 26 fill to be used on the property or the way in which the fill 27 was to be distributed on the property. No mention was made of 28 condition No . 6 requiring dedication of a 60 foot right of way . MEMORANDUM 1 WARREN & KELLOGG, P.S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO. SECOND ST.. P. 0. BOX 626 RENTON. WASHINGTON 98C57 255.8678 1 The Examiner reconsidered his decision, but denied the request 2 to modify the decision. See Exhibit "3" attached hereto . Subsequently 3 the a was an appeal taken to the City Council by letter dated April 4 4" hereto . The appeal was referred to8, 1981 . See .Exhibit P 5 the Planning. and Development Committee. of the Renton City Council . 6 That Council Committee heard the appeal , recommended modifications 7 of the Hearing Examiner' s . decision. which modifications were duly 8 adopted by. the City Council at its meeting on May 11 , 1981. See 9 Exhibit "5" hereto . 10 PRIOR ADMINISTRATIVE DETERMINATIONS 11 . On the strength. of the City Council ' s modification ,to the 12 Hearing Examiner' s decision, the Building Department issued the 13 requested full. and grade. permit to Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Despite 14 knowing that Mt. Olivet was required to dedicate 60 feet of land 15 for a roadway, Mt. Olivet Cemeteries never delivered that deed. 16 :The ' City of Renton became aware of that fact in April of 1982 and 17 addressed a letter to Mt . Olivet Cemetery dated April 29 , 1982 . 18 See Exhibit "6 Rather than delivering the long overdue dedication 19 Mt . Olivet instead attempted to appeal to the Hearing Examiner a 20 lon . standing requirement of dedication. See Exhibit "7" . ,This 21appealwas filed e i e .the fact that the dedication was a conditionfddspt 22 of the. original grant , that an appeal had been filed challenging 23 certain of the conditions , but not this condition and the exercise 24 of he permit for a substantial period of time . : Mt. Olivet appealed 25 this notification that a condition of the original permit had not 26 been met by letter dated May 13 , 1982 . See Exhibit ' 7" . This letter N7 terms the notice an administrative determination and indicates that 28 Mt. Olivet sought clarification or alternatively , sought to appeal . MEMORANDUM - 2 WARREN & KELLOGG, P.S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO. SECOND ST., P. O. SOX 628 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 259-8678 1 Mt. Olivet then toilowed-.that letter with a iecter dated July 15 , I 2 1982. . See Exhibit "8" . The Examiner refused to consider these two 3 letters ' appeals , terming them- an appeal to the Examinerdecision 4 of March 13 , 1981. See Exhibit "9" . Mt. Olivet apparently abandoned 5 any lattempt to further urge that this was an administrative appeal 6 but 'rcontinued to operate on what was now. a void permit. 7 The City of Renton continued to attempt to obtain the dedication. 8 See ',Exhibit "10" , letter of June 16 , 1982 , and Exhibit "11" , letter 9 dated July 1, 1982. Mt. Olivet ignored these items of correspondence 10 except to answer by telephone. Th.erefore', on August 4, 1982 , the • I . 11 City sent another letter (Exhibit "12") . reaffirming its position. • 12 At or about this time, Mt.. Olivet changed its tactics and tried to 13 condition .its grant of 'the right of way .to the City 'of Renton. 14 Mt.. Olivet tried to require that the City guarantee a volume of • 15 water to Mt. Olivet for its irrigation purposes (See second paragraph. 16 of Exhibit "12") and for the first time claiming• that the Hearing 17 Examiner' s decision could be conditioned upon the. agreement of Mt. 18 Olivet. This last contention was contained in a letter of August 19 16 , 1_982 , attached as Exhibit "13" . This. letter also contained an 20 additional condition, that is - that the City vacate to American 21 Memorial the: Blaine Avenue entrance to Mt . -Olivet Cemeteries . The 22 City responded by' letter dated August .31 , 1982 (See Exhibit "14") 23 rejecting any conditions on what wa-s a clear requirement set forth 24 in the Hearing Examiner' s -decision. Exhibit "14" also notified 25 Mt . Olivet that its annual license had expired and that all require- 26 ments for the granting of the license and special permit must be 27 metiimmediately. No responsive correspondence was received from 28 Mt . 'I0livet for several months and no correspondence addressed WARREN & KELLOGG. P.S. MEMORANDUM - 3 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO. SECOND ST.. P. O. BOX 626 RENTON, WASHINGTON 9.730757 255-E$73 1 th administrative determination that the license was expired. 2 This for the first time was an administrative determination which 3 cold be appealed. There was no appeal from this administrative 4 determination and therefore, the administrative determination stands . 5 VIOLATIONS 'OF PERMIT OR LICENSE 6 Almost from the start the City of Renton had trouble with Mt . 7 Olivet Cemeteries misusing its license and/or .permit . On March 1, 8 1982, the •City found, it necessary to inform Mt. Olivet that it, was 9 not to remove materials from the site. See Exhibit "15" . Apparently, 10 there was no disagreement about this fact as there is no further 11 correspondence nor any appeal . However, the City did find it 12 necessary on December 21, 1982 to again notify Mt . Olivet that no 13 material was to be hauled from 'the site. See Exhibit "16" . That 14 Exhibit also reminded Mt. Olivet that there was no license to haul 15 material onto the site..' 16 The City' s problems with Mt. Olivet were not. limited to 17 removal of materials from the site. or _the lapsed license. The 18 erosion control facilities that Mt . .Olivet had to install were 19 not installed or maintained correctly. The City so notified Mt . 20 Olivet by letter dated July 19, 1982 (Exhibit "17") . Plans 21 submitted to obtain the initial permit were not properly implemented 22 resulting in sediment blocking the existing drainage facilities . 23 See Memo to file dated September 15 , 1982 , Exhibit "18" . The 24 information contained in Exhibit "18" was forwarded to Mt. Olivet 25 Cemeteries by letter dated October 25 , 1982 (Exhibit "19") . 26 Rather than answer any of the City' s concerns , Mt . Olivet once 27` again attempted to condition the grant of the dedication to the 28 City , this time upon the condition that the City guarantee that WARREN & KELLOGG, P.S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW MEMORANDUM - u too SO. SECOND ST.. P. O. BOX 626 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 a building permit be issued to actually construct a road on the - 2 dedicated right-of-way. (See Exhibit "20") . Siltation has remained 3 a problem at the site as can be seen from the photos attached as 4 Exhibit "21" and the Memorandum .to Dick Houghton from the Engineering 5 Department' dated April 4, 1983 , attached hereto as Exhibit "22" . 6 1 In the meantime, a new breach of the permit had occurred. 7 Mt. Olivet was required to post with the City a bond. or' letter of 8 credit to serve as security for funds for cleaning the City streets . 9 (See conditions of Permit., Exhibit "1", Condition No . 5) . . An' 10 irrevocable letter of credit was submitted to. the City which was 11 good sixty days after the deferral date of August 8 , 1982 . See 12 Exhibit "23" . .Approximately October 8 , 1982, that letter of credit 13 expired by its terms and has not. been replaced with another letter 14 of credit. Additionally, further bonds were necessary under 15 Condition No . 2 of the Hearing Examiner' s decision. Those bonds , 16 in adequate amount have not been posted with the City. See City ' s 17 letter of January 12 , 1983 , Exhibit "24". At no time did Mt. 18 Olivet attempt to resolve the problem, but rather blamed the 19 pro'plem on the City, adjoining developers , ERADCO and Kent Highlands , 20 or on Segale Company. See Mt . Olivet letter of January 13 , 1983 , 21 Exhibit "25" . . 22 . Despite several warnings to Mt . Olivet that it was operating 23 without an appropriate permit , Mt . Olivet continued to operate a 24 filland grade operation. Not only did • it operate a fill and grade 25 operation, it continued to violate the permit, operating without 26 a blond, N. E.and tracking dirt .onto N. E Third. The City. found it 27 necessary to issue a stop work order dated March 1 , 1983 , a copy 28 of .which is attached as Exhibit "26" . WARREN & KELLOGG, P.S. 7 T q ATTORNEYS AT LAW MEMOP.ANDlfN - 5 100 SO. SECOND ST.. P. O. BOX 626 RENTON. WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 1 1 For some unknown reason Mt. Olivet now files what can only 2 be called a request for clarification of the original Hearing 3 Examiner' s Decision. See three page letter dated March 28 , 1983 , 4 Exhibit "27". However, Mt. Olivet claims that the letter is 5 an appeal from an administrative determination, I.t does not refer • 6 to any City administrative action, but rather to the totality of 7 events beginning with the Hearing_ Examiner' s decision of March 13 , 8 1981 . (Exhibit "1") . 9 I SUMMARY OF FACTS I 10 1 The document which is being treated as the Notice of Appeal 11 constitutes nothing more than a request for reconsideration of 12 the Examiner' s decision of March 13 , 1981. Mt. Olivet has operated 13' in. violation. of the conditions of the permit and license for over 14 two; years . The project is not currently bonded, has inadequate 15 or destroyed temporary erosion control facilities and has not 16 ded'cated the sixty foot piece of land originally required by the 17 Examiner. While estensibly claiming that it wishes to dedicate 18 sixty feet, Mt. Olivet also appears to claim that it does not have 19 thel title to the property any longer, while at the same time promising 20 the dedication if the City will meet an ever growing list of pre- 21 conditions to that grant. Factually, Mt . Olivet is in violation of 22 a number of conditions of its permit . Mt . Olivet now disingenuously 23 claims that there was some administrative determination which. affects 24 itslnon-existent lapsed, voided permit . The facts state otherwise; 25 Dated April 28 , 1983 . 26 Re ctfull ibmitted, 27 t'W, — 28 awrence J. Warren, City Attorney MEMORANDUM - 6 WARREN & KELLOGG. P.S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 100 SO. SECOND ST., P. O. BOX 626 RENTON. WASHINGTON 93057 255-8678 LiLtkAl.0 March 13, 81 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION; i1.""-,4}4'1."r;•. `. '. f, p, .',.,,, r.r;: •:: „i.. ,.y,,r'.:•r vri.;v,,;:, ,. r, APPLICANT: Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co.,, Inc: FILENO. .SP=047-80 LOCATION:Property located north and east of the existing platted cemetery, east of N.E. 3rd Street, in the vicinity of 100 Blaine Avenue N.E. and the powerline right-of-way. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks special permit approval for fill and grade of an +11 acre site. SUMMARY OF ACTION: . PLanning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department preliminary report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on February 25, 1981 . PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on March 3, 1981 at 9:00 a•.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department preliminary report. Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner, presented the report , and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #l : Application File containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Site Plan with Finished Elevations Exhibit #3: Vicinity Map The Examiner inquired regarding the proposed quantity of fill material and the number of potential truck trips generated by the project. Mr. Blaylock indicated that the subject had not been addressed. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Ted Gathe Attorney at Law 4111 E. Madison Seattle, WA 98112 Mr. Gathe advised that the Planning Department recommendations had been reviewed by the applicant and although there are no objections to the conditions, clarification is required on certain items by the applicant. Responding was: James Colt P.O. Box 547 Renton, WA 98057 Mr. Colt, the applicant, requested clarification of Condition No. 4 of the report which pertains to submission of interim drainage plans. He advised that drainage plans were included with plans for road construction filed previously on numerous occasions. He also indicated that Stoneway Concrete Co. had constructed the roadway and had agreed to correct any drainage problems which currently exist. Referencing Condition No. 11 , hours of operation, Mr. Colt indicated concurrence with the recommended hours as stated in the report. Regarding Condition No. 10, which recommends that the 60-foot easement granted to ERADCO by Mt. Olivet be dedicated to the City of Renton for public street purposes, Mr. Colt stated agreement to the dedication only upon completion of the roadway, noting that upon completion, the existing access on the western portion of the cemetery to t ar-047-80 Page Two Blaine Avenue N.E. would be closed. He requested that as a consideration of the dedication, the city vacate that strip of roadway from Blaine across the cemetery property. Responding to Mr. Blaylock's inquiry regarding the proposed quantity of fill material , Mr. Colt advised that in the original application 25,000 cubic yards of fill had been anticipated; however, due to the phasing procedure, the remaining figure is unknown. • The Examiner requested testimony in support or opposition to the application. There was no response. He then invited final comments from the Planning Department staff. Mr. Blaylock indicated the opinion of the department that dedication of the roadway would be necessary only if the ERADCO property is allowed to develop. Responding to Mr. Blaylock's comments regarding the Planning Department recommendation for vacation of Blaine Avenue N.E. , the Examiner advised that authority for approval of street vacations rests with the City Council . The Examiner requested further comments. Since none were offered, the hearing regarding File No. SP-047-80 was closed by the Examiner at 9:30 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 . The request is for approval of a special permit to fill and grade an approximately +11 acre s;i te. 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy! Act of 1971 , R.C.W. 43.21 .C. , as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance conditioned on hours of operation has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected •by the impact of this development. 5. The subject property is located north and east of the existing Mt. Olivet Cemetery on the' south side of N.E. 3rd Street and east of Blaine Avenue N.E. Access to the cemetery is via Blaine Avenue N.E. through a residential area. Access to the grading site will be via a southerly extension of Edmonds Avenue N.E. 6. The cemetery has been in operation for many years. The area of the proposed fill and grade project was formerly a surface mining operation. A special permit to fill a'nd grade the subject property was issued on March 25, 1977, and that permit has since expired. The applicant did not complete the fill and grade, and has applied for a new permit to continue the operation pursuant to Section 4-722(B) and 4-2301 (3) (A The applicant has also constructed an access to the northwest corner of the site. 7. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of public and quasi-public uses. 8. The subject property is zoned GS-1 (General ; Single Family Residential ; Minimum lot size -i35,000 square feet) . 9. The applicant, the Mt. Olivet Cemetery, proposes expanding the cemetery to encompass the subject property after it is graded and filled. A conditional use permit to allow a cemetery will be required to permit such expansion in the GS-1 zone (Section 4-722(F) (2) (a)) . . 10. To the west are four single family homes and beyond those the Monterey Terrace Subdivision. East of the site is the Puget Power transmission line corridor. Easterly of the powerline is the Edwards/Rainier Sand and Gravel operation (See • Special Permit File No. SP-099-80) . Other existing and former quarry operations :are located south and east of the site. The proposed ERADCO development is located south of the subject site and the Homecraft development is proposed north of the site. 11 . Mt. Olivet Cemetery has granteda 60-foot wide easement along the eastern boundary of the subject site to service the proposed ERADCO development. The city has recommended that this right-of-way be dedicated to the city for the eventual purpose of extending Edmonds Avenue along this alignment. The applicant has agreed to so dedicate the property. SF 7-80 Page Three 12. No information was available on the amount of fill material which will be necessary. to accomplish the work, and, therefore, no estimate can be made on the number of truck trips required to complete the work. This information should be presented in order to fully evaluate the impact of the operation on noise and traffic congestion. Section 4-2307(3) requires the submission of such information as part of the application. 13. The finished grade of the subject site will approach the finished grade of the existing cemetery, that is, approximately 285 feet. The grade to the north will approach this grade by a gradual increase from about 250 feet. The grade on the east will be raised approximately 20 to 35 feet above the level of the former surface mining pit. 14. Stabilization of the various filled slopes will be necessary as well as rehabilitation of the site consisting of both landscaping and hydroseeding. Landscaping will be required to buffer the cemetery from the residential uses to the west of the site and landscaping will be required on the northern property line. The applicant agreed to provide a 50-foot buffer in each of these locations. The Planning Department indicated that the calculated cost of providing assurance of these requirements will be approximately 50 cents per square foot for the buffer and about four cents per square foot for the rehabilitation along the other filled portions of the site. CONCLUSIONS:' 1 . The applicant's proposal to reclaim the former mining site for use as a cemetery appears 'to serve the public use and interest, and, therefore, subject to the conditions listed below, should be approved. 2. The approximately 11 acre site is characteristic of a former surface'mining operation with cut raw slopes. The applicant intends to restore the contours of , the site and raise the level of the site to match the elevations of the existing cemetery. The pit level is currently about 20 to 35 feet below the proposed finished grade. There will have to be a transitional slope between the new grade and the adjacent property to the east. The Public Works Department will have to approve the slope angle. In addition, the area will have to be stabilized by reforestation and hydroseeding. 3. The area west of the site provides the current access via Blaine Avenue N.E. This residential area should not be used to provide access for the large trucks, conveying the fill material to the site. The access road from Blaine to the existing cemetery should be phased out with the construction of Edmonds Avenue N.E. 4. The hours of operation should be limited to minimize interference, with the peak hour traffic on N.E. 3rd Street. The hours of operation should be limited to the weekdays of Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Also to minimize the impact of the fill operation on traffic and city roads, a cash bond in the amount of $2,000 should be posted with the city to provide that city crews can clear the streets of debris generated by the subject operation as necessary if that cleaning is not immediately accomplished by the applicant. 5. The site is not to be utilized as a solid waste dump, and, therefore, only naturally occuring materials such as earth, rock and gravel may be used to fill the site. 6. The permit should be issued for aperiod not to exceed three years. Any additional time increment shall be again subject to a public hearing and shall be applied for six months prior to the expiration of the current special permit. No annual license. shall be issued without issuance of the special permit. 7. The applicant will be required to dedicate to the city for road purposes a 60-foot wide right-of-way which shall be subject to the determination of the City of Renton but such right-of-way shall be in or close to an alignment with a southerly extension of Edmonds Avenue N.E. 8. In order to buffer the residential uses west of the site and generally screen the cemetery use, a 50-foot landscape buffer shall be maintained along the north and west property lines. A bond in the amount of 50 cents per square foot should be posted to assure that the condition is complied with by the applicant. SP-047-80 Page ;Four 9. The slope stability may be accomplished by a combination of methods subject to the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. Hydroseeding efforts and a bond to assure rehabilitation are calculated. to cost four cents per square foot and a bond in this amount shall be posted. 10. The permit is issued solely for the purpose of bringing fill to the site from outsider sources and no on-site removal or redistribution of material is permitted under this permit. 11 . The temporary access road which has been constructed at the northwest corner of the site is to be closed and adequate safety provisions made at this location. 12. The applicant will have to submit sufficient data to allow the estimation of the number of vehicle trips, and this data may be used by the Public Works Department to determine what additional traffic control measures may need to be instituted subject to further review by the Hearing Examiner. DECISION: The special permit to fill and grade the subject site is approved for a period not to exceed three years subject to the following conditions: 1 . The applicant will apply for a renewal of the special permit six months prior to the expiration of this special permit if additional time is required. No annual license shall be issued without prior special permit approval and without prior satisfaction of all conditions enumerated below. 2. The posting of a bond in an amount sufficient to cover the. costs of both landscaping the 501 foot buffers and rehabilitation and hydroseeding the subject site. The costs of such operations are 50 cents per square foot and four cents per square foot, respectively. 3. The hours of operation shall be limited to Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 4. No access by trucks shall be permitted via Blaine Avenue N.E. Both the primary cemetery access and the supplementary access on the northwest corner of the subject property shall be closed as determined by the Planning and Public Works Departments and provision made to provide safe closures of both roadways. 5. A cash bond in the amount of $2,000 shall be posted with the city to permit the city crews to keep the city streets clear of debris generated by the subject fill operation. 6. The dedication of a 60-foot wide right-of-way to the city for the southerly extension of Edmonds Avenue N.E. 7. The prolvision and maintenance of a 50-foot landscape buffer along• the northern and western property lines of the subject site. 8. All fill material shall consist of natural materials such as earth, rock and gravel . 9. Submission of information containing an estimate of the amount of fill material involved in the operation per city requirements, such information shall be subject to review of the Public Works Department and shall be used to determine.what additional traffic control measures are necessary subject to further review of the Hearing Examiner. ORDERED THIS 13th day of March, 1981 . 7L-715 \65.4.% Fred J. K fman Land Use ring Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 13th day of March, 1981 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Ted Gathe, Attorney at Law, 4111 E•. Madison, Seattle, WA 98112 James Colt, P.O. Box 547, Renton, WA 98057 I RECEIVED 1 CITY OF RENTON Q HEARING EX•,M •47q 1_ 2 MF F: 25 iS<;,1 AM f?•9 3 71R191100h121712:2. ry 4 5 6 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON 7 In re Application of 8 File No. SP-047-80 MT. OLIVET CEMETERY CO. , INC. 9 for a special permit REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION 10 11 Comes now Mt. Olivet Cemetery Company, Inc. by and through its 12 attorney Theodore H. Gathe and requests the hearing examiner for 13 the City, of Renton to reconsider and modify the following items. 14 1 . Applicant requests that the hearing examiner reconsider 15 Conclusion No. 5 of the Hearing Examiner ' s Report and Recommen- 16 dation which states as follows: 17 5 . The site is not to be utilized as a solid waste dump, and, therefore , only naturally 18 occurring materials such as earth, rock and gravel may be used to fill the site. 19 2 . Applicant requests that the hearing examiner reconsider 20 and modify Condition No. 8 in the Hearing Examiner ' s Report and 21 Recommendation which reads as follows: 22 8 . All fill materials shall consist of 23 natural materials such as earth, rock and gravel. 24 3 . The applicant requests that the Hearing Examiner recon- 25 sider Conclusion 10 which reads as follows: 26 Conclusion 10: The permit is issued solely 27 for the purpose of bringing fill to the site from outside sources and no non-site removal or 28 redistribution of material is permitted under this permit. 29 ARGUMENT: 30 As the hearing examiner pointed out in Finding No. 6 in the 31 32 Request for Reconsideration -1 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Law 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328-2204 1 • eport and Recommendation, a special permit to fill and grade the 2 ubject property was issued in 1977 and subsequently expired in 3 1980 . The city permitted an interim filling use on the property in 4 iew of the ongoing operation and the fact that the fill and grade 5. .lan had not yet been completed. 6 In a preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner dated April 12, 7 977 (a copy of which is attached hereto) the applicant, Mt. Olivet . 8 emetery Co. , Inc. requested a special permit for a., fill and grade 9 .peration in order to rehabilitate an abandoned surface mining area 10 and; to include that reclaimed area as part of the Mt. Olivet 11 emetery grounds. Page 1 of the Preliminary Report to Hearing 12 Examiner by the Planning Department indicated that the proposed 13 fill shall consist of solid waste, including broken concrete, 14 bricks, wood and other construction rubble. On Page 3 of the 15 Planning Department ' s Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner, 16 Department Analysis No. 3 provided as follows: 17 3 . Fill material will consist of 'construc- tion rubble layered from fill material 'from the 18 construction site. Each lift or layer of con- struction material fill will be covered with 19 suitable fill material from the site at the completion of each work day . . . . 20 On Page 5 of said Preliminary Report, the Planning Department 21 recommended to the Hearing Examiner approval of the special permit 22 for fill and grade subject to certain conditions. Among those con- 23 ditions was the following: 24 6. Sanitary land fill or fill material con- 25 sisting of car bodies, refrigerators, stoves, or other similar bulk items shall not be permitted 26 on the subject site. 27 ; After a land use hearing on April 12, 1977 the land use Hearing 28 Examiner for the City of Renton recommended approval of the appli- 29 cation on April 22, 1977 . Included among his Findings of Fact, 30 Conclusions and Conditions were the following: 31 32 Request for Reconsideration -2 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Law 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328-2204 s. 1 Finding No. 2: The area adjacent to the subject property has been heavily excavated 2 throughout the years leaving large cavities as remnants of those former operations. The appli- 3 cant is proposing to reclaim one of those existing cavities by filling, using a variety of fill 4 materials approved and specified by the City's Mining and Grading Ordinance. (emphasis added) 5 Finding No. 7: The specific types of material 6 that are prohibited are specified in the City's Mining and Grading Ordinance. 7 The recommendation of the Hearing Examiner was approval subject 8 to the Planning Department's Recommendation Nos. 1 through 14. 9 Included among those 14 conditions proposed by the Planning 10 Department was Condition No. 6 cited herein: 11 6 . Sanitary land fill or fill material 12 consisting of car bodies, refrigerators, stoves, or other similar bulk items shall not be per- 13 mitted on the subject site. 14 Based on the Recommendation and Report of the Hearing Examiner, 15 Mt. Olivet proceeded to begin its fill and grade operation. In 16 accordance with the earlier recommendation of the Hearing Examiner, 17 Mt. Olivet accepted only construction debris and other itemp per- 18 mitted under solid waste fills. At no time has Mt. Olivet allowed 19 the dumping of any items permitted under the sanitary land fill 20 provisions or any fill material consisting of plastics, car bodies, 21 refrigerators, stoves, or other similar bulk items not permitted on 22 the subject site. 23 On March 3 , 1981 the Planning Department presented a 24 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner with regard to the above 25 mentioned application. Item 10 of the Planning Department's analy- 26 sis provided as follows: 27 10 . Based upon the description of work 28 methods and rehabilitation A-1 submitted by the applicant, the Planning Department has no concerns 29 except over the type of material used for fill. The site should not become a sanitary land fill or 30 consist of materials such as car bodies, regriger- ators, stoves or other bulk items and plastics. 31 32 Request for Reconsideration -3 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Law 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328-2204 1 Plastics are a non-degradable material and will remain on the site forever causing unusual ground 2 water patterns. 3 The Planning Department recommended approval of the subject 4 site stating as follows: 5 The Planning Department recommendation is almost identical with the recommdation submitted 6 to the Hearing Examiner on April 12, 1977 for the original request. It is recommended by the Depart- 7 ment that the Hearing Examiner approve the special permit for fill and grade file no. SP-047-80 sub- 8 ject to the following conditions: 9 Among those conditions was the following: 10 Condition 6: Sanitary land fill or fill material consisting of plastics, car bodies, 11 refrigerators, stoves or other similar bulk items shall not be permitted on the subject 12 site. 13 As set forth above, the Hearing Examiner in the present appli- 14 cation recommended that the site not be utilized as a solid waste 15 dump and permitted only natural occurring materials such as earth, 16 rock and gravel to be used to fill the site. The applicant has 17 never had any intent to turn the subject site into a sanitary land 18 fill. Its only intent is to reclaim the property in the most effe- 19 cient and timely process. Without the ability to fill the subject 20 area with construction debris which has been the practice in the 21 past under the previous application, and which is a practice which 22 has continued up to the present date, Mt. Olivet does not have the 23 financial resources to complete the fill and grade operation using 24 only earth, rock and gravel. Nor does Mt. Olivet believe that such 25 a filling operation could be completed within the time period 26 allowed under this permit. 27 The applicant is agreeable to any condition restricting the 28 utilization of any materials normally permitted in a solid waste 29 dumping site with the exception of construction debris which has 30 been used to fill the site in the past. 31 32 Request for Reconsideration -4 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Law 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328-2204 1 The applicant did not address itself to the question of the 2 fill material since it concurred with the staff 's preliminary 3 report to the Hearing Examiner including Item 10 on Page 5 referred 4 to herein. The applicant requests that the Hearing Examiner modify 5 Conclusion No. 5 to correspond with the Planning Department's 6 Preliminary Report as set forth in Item 10, Page 5 as follows: 7 The site should not become a sanitary land fill or consist of materials such as car bodies, 8 refrigerators, stoves or other bulk items and plastics. 9 As an alternative to that recommendation, the applicant suggests 10 that the Hearing Examiner permit fill material consisting of 11 construction rubble layered with fill material from the subject 12 site as recommended in the previous application. 13 As described above, under the original application application 14 15 for the fill and grade operation of the subject site, the applicant 16 was using fill material consisting of construction rubble layered 17 with fill material from the subject site. Item 0 of the original 18 Preliminary Report of the Hearing Examiner dated April 12, 1977 19 provided as follows: 20 Each lift or layer of construction material fill will be covered with suitable fill material 21 from the site at the completion of each work day. emphasis added ) 22 A literal reading of Conclusion 10 of the Hearing Examiner 's 23 decision would restrict redistribution of material necessary to 24 cover each layer of construction material fill. Since the granting 25 of the original permit, Mt. Olivet has back filled the construction 26 material with fill material from its own site. To now require it 27 to obtain fill material from an outside source would be prohibiti 28 vely expensive. 29 SUMMARY: 30 With the exceptions noted herein, the applicant is in full 31 32 Request for Reconsideration -5 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Law 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328-2204 I 1 agreement with the decision of the Hearing Examiner with regard to 2 this application. If the applicant is permitted to complete the 3 fill and grade operation on the site using the material that has 4 been used heretofore and back filling that material from the sub- 5 ject site, the Mt. Olivet property can be quickly and efficiently 6 reclaimed and -turned into additional cemetery and green space pro- 7 perty. The applicant requests that the Hearing Examiner reconsider 8 the items mentioned herein and make additional findings, conclu- 9 sions and conditions as are appropriate. 10 Respectfully submitted March o2.5- , 1981. 11 THEODORE H. GATHE, P.S. 12 13 B t /aye Theodore H. Gathe 14 Attorney for Mt. Olivet Cemetery 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Request for Reconsideration -6 THEODORE H.GATHE,P.S. Attorney at Law 4111 East Madison Street Seattle,Washington 98112 206/328-2204 4.78 of I? Sm 6-'-eeZ-ts o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 j;Z IA ' c o P. BARBARA.. Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ''-... pitt,. Ep SEPIE Q FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 i I March 26, 1981 Mr. Ted Gathe Vv • Attorney at Law 4111 E. 'Madison St. Seattle,' WA 98112 RE: File No. SP-047-80; Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co. , Inc. Special IPermit; Request for Reconsideration. ' Dear Mr. Gathe: I have reviewed your request for reconsideration and find that there is YI Ino merit in the request, and, therefore, the request to modify the decision is denied. The subject proposal was processed as 'a fill and grade application and no mention was made that the property was to be utilized as a solid waste fill site. The Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance distinguishes the two types of operations; fills are, processed pursuant to Section 4-2316 while solid waste fills are reviewed pursuant to the procedures of Section 4-2317. Section 4-2316(4) specifies the type and nature of material permitted, and the limitation contained within the Examiner's report is therefore reasonable to provide for the public health, safety and welfare by providing a stable, compact surface on the subject site. A new appeal period has now been established for this matter to expire on April 9, 1981 . Yours very truly, j 4-144.,(.a.\"-•._.., Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: Parties of Record i. 1. Ij4 .. LAW OFFICES OFF:. SETCHELL Si.GATHE . LarrC Setchell,P.S. Theodore H.Cathe,P.S. Seth M.("Kelly")Fulcher, Jr. 64' ,j '' April 8 , 1981 I) a, _ 0C 1 o a Ms. Delores A. Mead 0AC`\eytOE •,City Clerk pt EEC City of Renton c i,'5 ;,L 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington • 98055 1- = 'J+ Re: Appeal Filed by Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Appeal of Land Use Examiner' s Decision dated March 13, 1981, Special Permit; SP047-80 Dear Ms. Mead: j--.__.--/Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 30 , Renton City Code, applicant Mt. Olivet' Cemetery Company, Inc. hereby appeals j the March 13, 1981 decision of the Land Use, Hearing Examiner for the City of Renton to the City Council and encloses the proper filing fee in the amount of $25.00 . Included for the Council ' s consideration of this appeal are the following: 1 . Mt. Olivet Cemetery Company, Inc. incorporates by reference each and every item contained in its request for reconsideration dated March 25, 1981. 2 . Mt. Olivet 'Cemetery Company, Inc. wishes to point out that contrary to the Hearing Examiner' s finding that the subject proposal was processed as a fill and grade operation and not as a solid waste fill site, the Planning Department ' s Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner with regard to this application cited as .an applicable section of the Zoning Code, Cnapter 23 , Mining Excavation and Grading Ordinance. Chapter 23 includes ' the requirements with regard to solid waste fills. Second, as pointed out in the attached Request for Reconsideration, the Planning Department ' s Report consistently referred to the previous materials that were used as fill at the site under the 1977 permit and reiterated the restriction used in the previous permit conditions prohibiting'sanitary land fill or fill material consisting of plastics, car bodies, refrigerators, and stoves. The applicant believes and the record bears out that this application was in fact processed under the , solid waste fill provisions. Had the applicant been aware that this was in fact an issue at the hearing, or had the appli- cant been aware that the Hearing Examiner intended to modify or vary the recommendation by the Planning Department, the applicant would have produced further testimony with regard to the economic unviability of the fill and grade operation Ms. Delores Mead April 8 , 1981 Page Two on 'the subject property using only natural materials. Instead, the applicant agreed to all the terms and con- ditions contained in the Planning Department' s recommen- dation believing that the same would be adopted by the Examiner. 3. Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Inc. is prepared to reapply for special permit specifically under the solid waste fill ordinance provisions . However, it is believed that this is a repetitious and wasteful exercise for both the applicant and the City. The Planning Department and the City have been well aware of the materials used as fill on the Mt. Olivet site and specifically approve the use of said materials under the 1977 permit. Mt. Olivet is agreeable to any condition restricting the utilization of materials nor-mally permitted in the solid waste dumping site with theexceptionofconstructiondebriswhichhasbeenusedto fill the site in the past. Without the use of such debris , Mt. Olivet cannot afford the cost of completing the project with only natural fill. The applicant respectfully requests that the City Council revise the Hearing Examiner' s report and recommendation and those specific conclusions and conditions as specifically set forth in the attached request for reconsideration. Respectfully submitted, THEODORE H. GATHE, P. S . By 24-1L Theodore H . Gat THG/dag Enclosure PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT May 11 , 1981 _ ' APPEAL - MT. OLIVET CEMETERY, INC. SP-047-80 ' (Referred 4/20/81) The Planning and Development Committee has considered the appeal filed by Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Inc. from the Hearing Examiner's decision dated March 13, 1981 and, finding that the Hearing Examiner is in error as a matter of law in limit- ing the fill material to consist only of natural materials instead of materials as provided in Section 4-2317 of the City Code, the Committee recommends that the City Council modify the decision as follows: 1 . Conclusion No. 10 should be modified to strike the words or redistribution". 2. Conclusion No. 5 and Condition No. 8 of the decision should Ci) I be modified to read as follows: t All fill material shall consist of natural materials such as earth, rock and gravel and man-made construction debris such as asphalt, brick, cement, wood and stumps and rebar." 3. Condition No. 9 should be modified to add the following language: The annual license required by Section 4-2308 shall not be issued until the Public Works Department shall have approved an engineer- ing report to be provided by the applicant" pursuant to Section 4-2310 in which the Public Works Department is satisfied that the applicant' s operations are in compliance with Section 4-2317." ie- Randy R hill , Chairman Earl Clymer John Reed y ZONING-DEPARTMENTz . -_ tNG NELSON diR 9 INU1111CIPALBtJILDING '. ZOOrI1MLl`Al/E'SO. :fEi1ON,WASH. 235-2540_' O P9 A 1 e0 2 9• 19 82MSEti RB ARA SI HOC MAYOR Mr. Jim Colt Mt. Olivet Cemetery P.O. Box 547 Renton, Washington Subject: Special Permi"tom SP-047-80, Mt- Olivet Cemetery Dear Mr. Colt: . During our review of the proposed :P.U:D:-'for Monterey Terrace Associates/ERADCO we reviewed all pendingand.;approved land use applications in the general area: . It was.::discovered 'that-you. .. have not complied with theaspecial permit':.requirement .#6 to dedicate the necessary 60.foot right-of-way for the extension of Edmonds Avenue N.E. I! We also checked the special permit for Rainier,'.Sand & Gravel concerning the possible deletion of that requirement It ' appears that only that portion of. the-extension within their. subject property was modified -and did not affect your property. From the record, your attorney at that times,' Mr, Theodore Gathe, was present and did not make -any inquiries or:objections to the i Council action. Since you accepted the special permit and have continued your filling operation and did not file an appeal, we will expect you to comply with all of the conditions and submit the necessarydeedstotheCitybyMay30, .1982. We believe that the situation is just a simple oversight. Also, while I was on vacation you made an inquiry as to the need for permits to expand the cemetery. In the Hearing Examir,.r's report for SP-047-80 he clearly states that it will be necessary for you to go approval.h siteplan9 pproval. In addition, all ceme- teries are required to obtain Conditional Use Permit approval under Section 4-722(F) (2) (a) . Sincerely, Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator MT. OLIVET CEMETERY COMPANY, INC. P.O. BOX 547 RENTON, WA 98055 206) 255-032:3 iy 13 , 1982 taring Examiner ty of Renton 10 Mill Avenue , So. nton, Washington 98055- ar Mr. Kaufman, This letter constitutes Mt . Olivet Cemetery ' s formal notice appeal from any administrative decision determined to be such the letter of April 29th, 1982 ; a copy of which is attached . In discussions with Mr. Blaylock there appears to be ques-ons surrounding this letter. We are seeking a clarification those items cited in his letter that is attached . But to sure our right of appeal in the event this letter is deter- ned to be an administrative decision this letter is our formal quest appealing that decision. c % y mes L. Colt esident Olivet Cemetery Co: , Inc. dkc Roger Blaylock William Bulchis SERVING KING COUNT) SINCE 1875 j, may 1., MT. OLIVET`;.CEMETERY COMPANY, INC. P.O. BOX .547 ti. RENTON, WA 98055 206) 155-O32:3 July 15 , 1982 • RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON Hearing Examiner • HEARING EXAMINER City of Renton JUL151982 Municipal Bldg. AM .. PM200MillAve. , So.. 7181911411L121112%3:45546 Renton , WA 98055 Dear Mr . Kaufman, The City has determined that :, their:Jetter . of. April 29th is an administrative decision..and .with. regard to .our letter of May 13, 1982 requesting an appeal of..' that decision, we here- by request that the Hearing Examiner establish a date for a hearing with regard to`'the; City 's position that the Cemetery now dedicate the ERADCO-Kent-Highlands :easemeent to the City for a public street. At hearings held by the Planning and Development Commi- ttee surrounding the new alignment of Edmonds Avenue , N . E . , the City determined that the requirement for the dedication of property, as a matter of' law,:- to extend Edmonds Avenue , is F not reasonably related to permit applications and was not necessary to make the application compatible with the object- ives of the comprehensive plan. Further testimony on March 13, 1981 in •file : #SP-047-80 H indicates that Mt . Olivet agreed to dedicate the ERADCO ease- ment for public street purposes only upon completion of the Iroadway . Further in Finding #11 , you found that the ease- ment granted to ERADCO on our easement right-of-way be dedi- cated for extending Edmonds Avenue ALONG THIS ALIGNMENT . Mr . Blaylock also testified on paragraph 3 ,y page 2 , para ra h that the ded- ication ication of the roadway would be necessary ONLY if the ERADCO property is allowed to develop . When we attended the Hearing with regard to the appeals filed under the SP-099-80, for which no transcript was kept , the Planning and Development Committee and City departments concurred that the conditions requiring the dedication of properties as a matter of law, was not reasonable . They re- SERVING KI Nd COUNTY SINCE 1875 i....--•?r••• • - ' '•'.: ' -:''••••,•'••••••• '.. i•••''''"..:"-•. 1-, ••-••••:‘;:•-.-- :•--'';'. 1•••''.•••.--•,•••••••••.:..;••-•.'••••••':,:-•-•',',:,,... i..':..."-.:Z.j,..••••••-,-t-• ••' -...:-.-••,:".-:.'..';•;.'\ V-';';'.::::.-,-.-,;:!•:.•.-- • . i •,. ... •••••••,,•,....,;;!',. "-:;;•::: - *••;•-.: 1•"<.;-..,..-:::!1••:,'..•,•••,:.'..,-:: :', •,•:•.1,:.-••,••-,',--.-.:,.,,,;;.'-: :;: k-, •..?::':•••:'•- - • J.',;-"7,-., •-:,•••••••,:i-.4•,‘;••,-,::..••,.,i;: t.'":'•.;:;.:'•'''.'-'.-.• '.1'.,-,17;',...-•f;,.•‘...-•:-:".• i•-•';-•••'1'2....•.:•;. ••• I• .. .•.,:•',•••••••''',. f';:....7.' 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I have reviewed the correspondence and files pertaining to the above entitled matter, and find that the, letters and facts cannot now be read to constitute a timely appeal . The "administrative decision" you are now attempting to appeal is , in fact, related to a condition 'set forth in a'. decision -issued on March 13, 1981 . In fact, you did then appeal, from certain of, the conditions required, but not the condition you now challenger: The time to appeal that decision was within fourteen (14) days of that decision. It would circumvent the time limits established by ordinance to permit an administrative" appeal of the imposition of: conditions required by a decision which had its own time limits for appeal . If further information is required regarding this matter, you may contact our office. Sincerely, vb-4—.1)f Fred J . Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: City Clerk t Building & Zoning Department Mayor City Attorney 4.•-.4:,24.:2‘.:y,• 1 ,-...4'•4;44.t.f:t.:.4.;.Y!,,.•i!.?.;74.7.,717-Ztl- y.,,:. ..,....,:'.:,..'ii..i. :,e4•X;pi•-.1.,..-Z.,.*:‘,:•:,,-••••_-•• ' '',.:?••,:f.... .,..,1::E-:::...,..'•••:.,. : , •- ••••:•••..,.••••••:,:•:-•••;,:-: ?:,'" t'Aift.,--1:143, ' Y.'-':-',.'.'•••••_- ,••PE,--'41 .--j-:-•-'--,4i :',-.::.;: ;',.',:i.,f•g•t•i-,F;',.' " --)•.?_,,,R,';',..„'„1„.-..,......-,....:-..,....,- ,. .: .• ::• :•••..,:;•:::=!•:....:- 4,,,,,,v,,,,,,,z,,. . 7,-_--,;,',T, ',...i:,:'F$1,:-;;:-37„.-...t:1,,-.:ZZY,:;;,:';:,40.';', 42}i1,::: -,-Iiif,,.. .,--.:. --,-.....:...-:-.. -:: Nitr.,*„.., . ty..,ty-;...1:,;,4.. ":,,:ig..t.tiY;:.,,,T.e--..,: l.;,-fg.,:'-,'";',1-_;:',..;:i.,, ,,,,,-..,,;•i,.r:-. 0.:-.:),!. ..--::: -,..•.--,-..,..:;.........,... -. . 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Box 547 i,,•-;-::,,..:-.,••:..J.-,..,-•-2:',., •••:•,,',-.....,:---,-,-,--:,-::;,::•:,,:;-..: 44,::;;I:'..--:',.:;.•••',,,;•'!-Y:•.:;--';.,f,':'?.,•:::,•.:'M,.:.••-•-•. ;,-:'" • - • • -:-....,-,,,,,, :-..•-•:.,..• A-',',-,,Iii-t, •: enton, WA 98055 * .• :.•,.....,;',.,., -*. 7 '.:;:,.y,•:,:•,::,•:•::4ifr.. i•:;.:::;.:..i.,..,..!::y...J.,•_::::;:....::::::,, •,.-,',•.,,,-..i,.;...0",.. :,,,,g.,:•i!....i,:ii,..;?..:,1;'2;;;;.•:;:,,,;,-:•;:.;,-,:::•••:„•:.•: ,-... ..... • • •.. sy.:,.,::,...:,:,:-::,..r.:4-,::,-,,, ,:&..-:..r:..: i..,. •.......:,:. , i,.....,:y::.•-•.:•:: :„.::::.:••‘:„ 1,.. ..,-...-„•:,;.,:,-,:•.%:-...f.. : „;:::;: :', W5i's:Z•':'::::.::::;-51•'il':':•';':-.1.`' ••::"- .. - inent of ear Mr. Colt: . * ..• •: -' •...•••:!..:,•:.- -,:-',..•;'::::-.-:,••••:::••?„, i,:•-:'.;,,,:----.,•,'..."-- -..'..,•-•.,•,.. e. 1.1',':1.1.‘,...,:;,,,..-,,'' — ening the fulfillment a• • -;-::-.:f::.-.,;,...a.::•;,::..:,0-:.:: :,,.Olivet,. file ,...,..:-,. ..t..,-....,-,.!,.-..,;-,•;. 1„.!..:, Ye.a.running --,',-,• s•'-'•;,'',,,,: lii-iie'd-.-,:itp.:Mt. • I. . :::::::::':;-:,:::‘,_•--::::•;':;,, F. 7 •• uiing the last month if for .filling•:::gr4P.4...,,.- . or so-,..We... .1.....: - . .diScUssion,:conce, .,...,... , d the quirement No. 6 of the specia •permit:. • --:-. you returned'- 047-80. Out of all, the general discussions,:.,, i diiii6i4tioh7,4hat. ,.. . .the,SpeciAic.. 0. _ .. ,-.....:,,,,„,-.. :. vidJ:,'.:.Still, havent,i verbal T'.,1-::.4.:', ;e_:!;:fiorri-.just the 1.;.' reached a finite , ..-.. „...:,::::.•;::::,. ...:.;;;;:,.. .. ERADC0-," iii•::.197-,?. lution. We would appreciate, seeing easement:..10,,st9rie*ay• This the ::•'..';•-,*::.:•:...,:::;1•.;.';;•'./....:''. 1 operty to Stoneway. or . 7 It :would-,--appear. . point, that you Examiner.naylhaliq,,F57.:ii..9e.9-P ::: i,,,iii:66iiic-.411y::: required s scussions, at this as a dedication. The Hearing... purposes. 'This mean . . ..... ::,,,..,,;‘..,. .:•,:•,, .' s 1 i not the same t.''otiiiVet:•,;to:the:..CIty.,0. dication of the 60 .feet . from M....-,:.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:•:.,...-,. ..-.-?-:: :......:,!--:,:-_-:,. : • . • to the City of„Renton.for:roadw4Y• at the title .would transfer: in.a .deed iforrn as possible :C::1:Esiq",;• •••••••-"..} :,*•': :'''':.....-'::: . •• i.-'.'•":'.: ':.. * 1 f Renton. . ,. „ .......,:_...,-.. . , 2.- ,-. •i:.•:.-..-;-‘,.:;•::-. .-..,.. .........;',.-?!...,, e,-, -,;:,:•.....:.-..::-.,•„-..:-,,..., . .. ease help us clarify this situation as soon r'..:::'..,::,:;,,„.3, .: -.:,:-.,•.,....,•::•7•.:,,,.:',-. .. 1 r,.. - —'''';,:••':':'•;. '. j. • •:-::: .:.:- . icerely, er'141 ". C7-78 LI" " ger J. Blaylock 1 ling Administrator B:cl i 1 1 i L 11 1 I 1* OF i 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENTz RONALD G. NELSON — DIRECTOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL.AVE.SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 co- IBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR July 1, 1982 Mr. Jim Colt Mt. Olivet Memorial Cemetery P.O. BOX 547 Renton, Washington 98055 . RE: SP-047-80/MT. OLIVET MEMORIAL CEMETERY Dear Mr. Colt: Based upon review of the record of File No. SP-047-80, it is evident that Condition No. 6 has not been complied with by the applicant. It required dedication of a sixty 60) foot right-of-way for a public street along your eastern property line for the extension of Edmonds Avenue N.E. Unless the City of Renton receives the deed to' this property in question by August 17, 1982, the Annual Fill License (B-8527) will not be re-issued and the Special Permit for fill and grade, SP-047-80, will be revoked. Sincerely, le 91-1.. L'44 Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:cl 4 August 4, 1982 Mr. Jim Colt Mt. Olivet Memorial Cemetery P.O.Box 547 Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: Dedication of Property and Water Rights . of Mt. Olivet Memorial Cemetery Dear Mt.. Colt: In regard to our phone conversation of August 4, 1982, we first discussed the dedication of the 60' wide'right of way for the southerly extension of Edmonds Avenue N.E. , as required by the Hearing Examiner, SP-047-80. You stated that you would perform said dedication with the condition that it would be required to be improved to the city's standards. The second item was concerning the irrigation water used by the cemetery. You suggested that participation in an agreement by the city was necessary, to assure that the cemetery has a volume of water to equal• 200gpm and also, that the possibility of a less volume ever happening would I be unlikely. The above is my recollection of the conversation. Please respond with details so that your proposals can be review- ed by the city staff and hopefully resolve these' pending problems. Sincerely, H if Ronald G. Nelson Building & Zoning Director RGN/plp t MT. OLIVET CEMETERY COMPANY, INC. P.O. BOX 547 RENTON, WA 98055 2061 255-0 32:3 CITY OF RENTON W ist 16 , 1982 pr R « 7 of Renton J j Mill Ave. So. AUG 16 1982 ton, WA 98055 SL LCiN.3,alfg; DE PT. antion: Mr. Ron Nelson r Mr. Nelson: rican Memorial Services agreed that it would dedicate the exist- alignment of the ERADCO Easement to the City of Renton in 1980, n. this was to be required of Segale and Mt . Olivet . that time we stated that we wanted the City to vacate the Blaine nue entrance to the cemetery running through American Memorial' s perty. We also agreeCto the dedication of the roadway only er it was built, to assure that it would actually be constructed a timely fashion and in accordance with the plans of Hugh Gold- th which had been filed with the City at that time. sently, there are several questions surrounding the actual loca- n of the roadway and requirements as to the actual, construction the roadway not meeting the original specifications and terms of easement and other documents . I stated earlier this month we want to see the roadway constructed the standards represented. We also would like to see the work pleted as soon as possible. h regard to the City and ERADCO ' S dispute over possible ,alignment h Edmonds Avenue N.E. , Mt . Olivet will agree to dedicate the por- ns of its existing easement that are necessary to the final roved alignment , subject to the acceptance of ERADCO and ' Stoneway hold the existing easements . Olivet will dedicate the easement when the City has : 1) Vacated to American Memorial, the Blaine Ave. entrance. 2) Completed construction of the easement roadway as represented. SERVING KING COUNTY SINCE 1875 t City of Renton August 16 , 1982 Page two We are willing to escrow the proper documents to insure the dedication of this property when the City and ERADCO. and Stoneway have reached a final and definite decision regarding alignment and construction. The second subject which needed to be resolved surrounds the Cemetery ' s water rights , the rapid urbanization of the watershed area and the City' s position with regard to enforcement of it ' s ordinances and the protection of the water rights . It has been suggested by the Department of Ecology and developers , and our engineers , that the simplest most direct method to eliminate the con- fusion, potential liability and damage to the Cemetery' s water would be for the City to agree that: 1) If the water available to the Cemetery under it ' s water rights drops below the GPM guaranteed, then the City would offset the loss by making city water available to the Cemetery, without cost, to make up the loss . 2) That the cost of serving the Cemetery' s water needs be born by the City if the water quantity or quality should become unusable or unavailable. 3) -- That taxes and fees for use of City water on our 20+ acres be waived by the City. Assurances and agreements from the City would permit the City to allow development of the watershed area in any manner they saw fit, with only that emphasis the City feels is necessary to protect them from future cost for Cemetery water. In clearing up future questions between the City and the Cemetery, we would like to see definite approval and the appropriate acceptance of all of the Cemetery' s land for the cemetery uses it has always been intended. If these questions can be resolved, and if the City determines the exact direction it wishes to take regarding the easement roadway, the water rights problem and the vacation of the present entrance, and the Cemetery land as a whole, then we are most willing to sit down and discuss these issues in a spi t of cooperation. Very trill yours , M . 0 VE ` ' TERY, INC.. i . s es L. Colt, President C :ks I August 31, 1982 Mr. Jim Colt Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co. , Inc. 100 Blaine Avenue N.E. Renton, Washington 98056 Subject: Annual License for Fill, B-8527 aiIM_ Water Needs Dear Mr. Colts Your letter, dated August 16, 1982, has been reviewed by the staff and the City Attorney. The conditions, as stipulated in your letter, for the dedication of the right of way, which was required by the Hearing Examiner, Permit SP-047-80, and the subsequent license, are not acceptable. •A specific and required condition, such as this, is not negotiable. Your annual license expired on August 16, 1982 but no enforce- ment action was taken because you were working on a solution to the problems associated with the renewal of said license. How- ever, we will not be able to grant any further delays and the requirements of SP-047-80 as well as those for the license, ' must be met immediately. As to the second part of your letter on the water needs, the city cannot participate in an agreement or make assurance as is in your letter. It has been suggested that such an agree- ment would be unconstitutional, as this would be donating the city's credit or property to an individual. The final item has been discussed with you on several occasions, both verbally and in writing, that the expansion of the ceme- tery II requires a conditional use permit under Section 4-748 of the Municipal Code. Approval of a conditional use can be granted only by the Hearing Examiner after a public hearing. If you wish to pursue this matter, we will provide you with the appropriate application forms. Sincerely, Ronald G: Nelson Building & Zoning Director RGN/plp cc: Mayor Shinpoch Larry Warren, City Attorney March 1, 1982 Mr. James L. Colt P.O. Box 547 Renton, Washington 98057 Subject: Fill Permit B-8527 Dear Mr. Colt: 1 This letter: is to inform you that your Permit B-8527 j does not allow for removal of materials from the site. Further violation of these restrictions imposed by the subject permit could mean legal action. Sincerely, Ronald G. Nelson Building Director RGN/RCB/mp II it I Y4 OF R E BUILDING &:;ZONING;:=:DEPARTMENT RON D G :NE. N -a_ AL L0 DIRECTOR O MUNICIPAL BUILDIyNG.- 200 MILL AVER SO ;RENTON,WASH. 980,55 • 235-2540 0 co- O Q. , 947. 0 SEPSE • 4RBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR ecember 21, 1982 r. James Colt resident Olivet Cemetery Co. Est Office Box 547 nton Washington 98057 7BJECT: Fill and Grade License for 100Blaipe Avenue:Northeast_"' ar Mr. Colt. z our meeting of December 16, 1982, we discussed the.'hauZing operations of Bob McCann ith reference to the subject site. You explained he'.washauling.`a number of loads out . F the lower fill site to the top of. the site which.would be Used for cover of fill ma- rial. You also stated there were a number of loads- goingto Bellevue to a construction ite. I informed you again that there was no approval-for the hauling of materials from ze site. You indicated you were aware of•this and would be making application immediate- to the hearing examiner for a permit to do so. I concurred, this was the proper way proceed. flowing that meeting, I was informed by my staff that our last correspondence with you itlining what was necessary to activate your license to fill had not been addressed by u. We therefore have two problems; (1) hauling out of materials and without permit and no active license to haul materials into the site. Both of these problems must be rrected before you can proceed with your present operations. I consider fifteen (15) sys ample time in which to accomplish at least the reactivation of the fill license. The rmit to haul front the site will have to be approved by the hearing examiner and will ake longer. The sooner you make your submittal the sooner we can resolve this problem. incerely, 7N NELSON iilding Director I:mbt 2closure - Copy of October 25, 1982 Letter July 19, 1982 Certified Mail 115672 Mr. Jim Colt Mt. Olivet Memorial Cemetery P.O. Box 547 , Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: Erosion Control at 100 Blaine Avenue N.E. Re: Fill Permit B-8527• Dear Mr. Colt: It has been brought to the attention of this office that the temporary erosion facilities required at this site j ,. have been completely obliterated. Sediment from the site is washing down the roadway and into the streams, as well as mud from the trucks. If this situation is not corrected to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Public Works Department by August 1, 1982, this office will attach your bond for this pro- i ject and will not renew your annual license. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call. Sincerely, P 111 Ronald G. Nelson Building & Zoning Director RGN/KCB/plp cc: Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director OF R4,4, A. P.UBLIC WORKS.:..-DEPARTMENT DESIGN/UTILITY.; ENGINEERING Z. n. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO RENTON,WASH.98055 INTER-OFFICE: MEMORANDUM 17-E0 SEPtE 3ARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR September 15, 1982 To: Jim Hanson, Building Department. . From: Don Monaghan, Design.Engineering Subiect: Mt. .Olivet Cemetery Fill Permit SP-047-82 . Before issuing a license renewal for the referenced project, the aooli- : cant will be required to submit a revised .erosion%sedimentation control plan. The previous plan was never properly :implemented,' resulting in sediment blocking the existing drainage facilities and entering the adjacent stream. Since the topography of the site has been altered since the first issuance, the site plan should be 'revised• to show the existing contours, details of proposed sedimentation' ponds, interceptor ditches and down-stream sedimentation control :: Because of the concern for maintaining the natural ground water within the basin contributing to the Mt. Olivet stream, the fill material used by the applicant should be closely monitored to. assure that the ground water will not be impeded or contaminated. The material should be free of any tires, metals, plastics, or asphaltic materials, and ,should be of sufficient porosity to allow free percolation of the ground water. oczAllerosion/sedimentation control structures should be inspected and operational before resuming filling operations. Also, the revised erosion/sedimentation control , as well as the ultimate drainage for the area, should be designed so as to maximize the recharging of the under- lying aquifer. I RLB:jft October 25, 1982 Mr. James Colt Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co. , Inc. P.O.Box 547 Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: Fill and Grade License for 100 Blaine Avenue N.E. Dear Mr. Colt: Our review of your request for an annual license at. the above referenced location, has not been approved. The-s'c1_W following items need to be submitted and approved prior to issuance: 1. The Public Works Department requires: a. A revised erosion/sedimentation control plan be submitted. b. All erosion/sedimentation control struc- tures be operational prior to resuming filling operations. c. Material used for filling should be of sufficient porosity to allow free perco- lation of ground water. 2. The Building &,Zoning Department requires that the bonds required, which have expired, be renewed and submitted for approval. Filling of the site should not continue until a new annual license- is obtained. L Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Sincerely, James C. Hanson Assistant Building Director JCH:plp 4 Page 2. Mr. James C. Hanson October 25, 1982 Upon completion of construction of this roadway, the. Cemetery would agree to permit the dedication of this street to the City of Renton. If the City will provide the Cemetery with the proper assur- ances that the building permit will be issued to construct this private access right-of-way, the Cemetery is prepared to proceed immediately. t nerely, ; an/es L. Colt Pr sident M . Olivet Cemetery Co . , Inc. JLC: dkc MT° OLIVET October 25 , 1982 OCT 26 1982 Mr. James C . Hanson iv u DEPT. City of Renton G;!} LOi*1:; v' ' Building & Zoning Department Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue, So . Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Hanson, When I came into your office today to discuss the necessary improvements to the private extension of Edmonds Avenue, I was surprised and pleased to see your letter of this date in the file regarding the same condition. In examing the approved plans for our fill and grade, access road and drainage in your files , I requested (as I have in the past) that the appropriate permit be issued to permit Mt . Olivet Cemetery to construct this private access as orig- inally approved. Over the past three months , we have installed a variety of measures , which were approved by Mr . Bob Bray in Engineering and which were temporary solutions at best . We have further met with Mr . Bray and most recently with Mr . Bob Berg- strom, to install additional measures as required by various City Departments , to comply with our permit . As you are aware, the City is requesting the dedication' of this right-of-way to the City for construction of a City street . I don' t know whether the City, upon dedication, is planning to assume (the responsibility for maintenance and erosion control along the dedicated right-of-way. (?) The construction of the private right-of-way in accordance with the plans designed by Hugh Goldsmith & Associates in the Mt . Olivet Special Permit file would alleviate the erosion, drainage and sedimentation problems and the problem of dirt and mud entering the roadway . If the City will provide the Cemetery with any additional requirements , i . e . : sidewalks , street lights , etc . , the Cemetery is prepared to submit the Goldsmith plans for competitive bids and to pursue the immediate construction of this roadway, as required for access to American Memorial and Mt . Olivet Cemetery property. The Cemetery would require written assurance that the permit for construction would be issued by the City in a timely fashion so that construction could be completed as soon as possible . Cemetery, Mausoleum, Crematory & Gardens Box 547 • 100 Blaine Ave. N.E., Renton, WA. 98057 • 206-255-0323 V. j• r t •'.' 71 Y . t, 1,',, . r•-•''-,' .. l - X.Lc •> f..,'+ i I f^,_ t. 1,:. .. 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PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT U 4$ ® Z DESIGN/UTILITY ENGINEERING • 235-2631 n a MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 04 45, 017'ED SEPS O P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM April 4, 1983 TO: Dick Houghton FROM: Don Monaghan SUBJECT: Mt. Olivet Cemetery Fill Permit A field inspection of the referenced site,April 1 , 1983, revealed the following: 1 . The metal standpipe installed at the upper end of the 48" culvert under the entrance road was installed too high, causing water to back up through the closed system to the Segale Pit. This will eventually cause the upstream system to become silted up. 2. A considerable amount of loose material has been dumped along the stream bank upstream of the entrance road. The pond created by installation of the standpipe has silted up and is overflowing the standpipe. 3. Loose material has been piled along the west shoulder of the entrance road and is eroding into the stream. 4. The temporary erosion sedimentation pond has failed, plugging the catch basi.n and culvert at the entrance to the site. 5. No erosion control measures are presently in effect on the site. Potential is great for a massive movement of material from the site into the adjacent stream. BB/ss I IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 3 TO: CITY OF RENTON EVERGREEN Bank does hereby establish this Irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor for the account. of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co. , Inc. 2,000.00 (Two thousand and 00/100)to the extent of Dollars , available by your sight draft drawn on this bank, at Seattle,. Washington, accompanied by the following documents: Responsible official statement that the improvements - secured hereby have not been fully and timely installed. Specifically: Statement of a balance outstanding & unpaid by Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co. , Inc. 30 days after demand for payment by the City to Cemetery for cleaning of street as required by SP-047-80, Decision #5. This credit shall not expire or be revoked until sixty 1 60) days after the end of the deferral date of this project, 60 days after that deferral date being August 8; 1982 Authorized signature: EVERGREEN BANK i A.V.P. • DAN CURTIS January 12, 1983 Skyway Security Inc. P.O.Box 1198 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Attention: Ivars Arnits Subject: Bonds for Mt. Olivet Fill and Grade SP-047-80 Dear Mr. Arnits: Enclosed is a copy of the Bearing Examiner's decision concerning SP-047-80. The bond amount indicated in item 2 has been determined to be $35,000.00. Mt. Olivet has a bond posted for $25,000.00. A bond must be posted for an additional $10,000.00, plus the $2,000.00 cash bond for street cleaning as required in item #5. For your reference, we have included a copy of our ordinance section requiring such bonds. Our standard bond form should be used which we have also enclosed. We hope this will answer any questions you may have con- cerning the bonding requirements in order to reestablish the annual license for Mt. Olivet's permit SP-047-80. Sincerely, James C. Hanson Assistant Building Director JCH/plo Enclosures s MT0 OLIVET January 13 , 1983 CBTY OF RENTON 11 City of Renton ei f? Building Department JAN 13 200 Mill Avenue So . 1983 Renton, WA 98055 Attention : Mr. Ron Nelson Dear Mr. Nelson : Attached herewith is our bond from Bob McCann Enterprises in the amount of $10 , 000 assuring his performance under our permit No. SP 047-80 . After discussion in your office with 9 myself and Mr. McCann , I am sure that he is aware of the 1) terms and conditions of our existing permit. Our annual license application was accepted by your office some months ago with our check in the amount of $200 for the annual fee. With respect to your letter and our discussions over the past few months regarding the Kent -Highlands ' easement roadway and the improvements thereon , the City of Renton on October 31 of 1979 issued a construction permit for this"right-of-way" , your permit No . P-2210 . The city further extended this permit until March 1 , 1980 for the construction according to the plans of Hugh Goldsmith which were submitted with the applica- tion . You are aware that the existing roadway runs over land owned by Puget Power and granted by easement to Kent Highlands and their successor in interest ERADCO and we have further provided you with the Deed of Trust and copy of the Easement Agreement which runs across the eastern boundary of American Memorial property . The many problems with water runoff , errosion and siltation in the right-of-way have been created by the City ' s failure to require ERADCO or Kent Highlands to comply with the con- struction permit and plans for this "public right-of-way" . The City ' s repeated efforts to force American Memorial Services or Mt . Olivet Cemetery to repair, correct , or maintain this roadway which they neither constructed nor own , should be more properly and legally directed at Kent Highlands and ERADCO . The City ' s failure to require construction of this roadway according to the plans submitted, has and is causing American Memorial Services and Mt. Olivet Cemetery considerable monetary damage . As you are aware , legal action is pending in King County Superior Court to have this roadway constructed properly according to the plans that were submitted . I feel Cemetery, Mausoleum, Crematory & Gardens Box 547 '• 100 Blaine Ave. N.E.; Renton, WA. 98057 • 206-255-0323 City of Renton Page 2 the City should make an effort to force compliance with regard to the construction of the roadway under the permit that wasissued to Kent Highlands and ERADCO, so that the • problems surrounding. the easement and right-of-way can be swiftly corrected . Your recent letter indicating that the roadway .can be con- structed in accordance with those plans submitted should be considered in permitting • the'mecessary improvements to bring this access up to appropriate standards . Sincerely Mt. p 'i' e A Co . , Inc . e;. L. Colt , President JLC/el Enclosure: Bond E' 181983 '°' f o J. SENDER: Complete items 1.d;and i. Add your,address;in the"RETURN T1 mice on reverse. 1/The following service is requested(check one). Show to whom and date delivered i 0 Show to whom,date,and address of delivery..—it 0'RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show.to whom,and date delivered 4 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show,to whom,date,.and address of delivery.$—I -,`(CONSULT.POSTMASTER FOR FEES) . - 2.'ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: .-. 01 2 Mt. Olivet, ••Inc: '=:`;`:'`:' w v c0i SI P.O:Box 547 m N 994 A 1 Bentnn WAahind"nn 98057 10 d tn 3. ARTICLE'DESCRIPTION:n Uj .00 D 0 I R ERED NO: CERTIFIED NO. 1 INSURED NO. A v 0 .i 115668 03, el A. en PA. 11.4 O N Always obtain signature of addressee or agent) r..( . M ,,t. qq PI R7 O1Ihavereceivedthearticledescribedabove. V 7 'SIGNATURE Addressee Authorized agent r-I A m p eau, •. T 1 a 2 .N t a ' 4. 4mt. F"DE V Y h t 3 D fl•ji A m• toCs.O S.• only if rsqu id) • J d" N aa 31VC]110 Nl1Vi'd1SUd O 81 r-1 r•1 seS?3A ONV 3JFl1SUd lV1U1 -i 716. UNABLE TO'DELIVER BECAUSE: S 3 A8"LtIH(1 01101711:i1)I ;; - IALS n r I H1LN A81h1130 10 SSfiO(17 e a r Q p a ONV MO'NOW Ol MOIIS =I I o F- - - S Fa 00p 1 VVVv., QW V Aalhlununla A}13h1130 ONV ]1V0 Uf01 Uh Ol!AQ!I; I 1 p .,.to" Q le r! fl OI87h17h1 : 7° f.en 14 a i 4.1 31UO(1NV NOIIh1 Ol h1iIIP. n n I i N : I'pp@ AkJ7lJ 13(1(131.')I IJ'-.!!I67 3 is rU9A •-f r1 • li• 1D 1 r-'1 ` V m 0 0 LI jai AkJ7Al-I-IUIVI'+i.!:; Nrc Il1 i O • q B (13 T1 0 • 0 0 rfi Ps 9.4 p pp LS0'86'pM_._ uoq.uag L6S zog.o.d Dui- 14aAT TO 'BLSN +Mor,I, v 1-IIS II IN.1S OSJMAMLI aaS) I]A0Nd 391rVNi03 13N0'il ISNI ON MT0 ®ILIVET RECEI VED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER MAR 231983March28, 1983 AM PM 718t9II8,II112r 11213,415,E Fred J. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: SP-047-$0 Dear Mr. Kaufman: In reviewing the report and decision of your office dated March 13, 1981 , the following excerpts from the report clearly indicate that the cemetery intended and agreed to dedicate the 60 ft. easement granted to Kent Highlands for public street purposes "ONLY UPON COMPLETION OF THE , ROADWAY". Testimony in the file by myself states in the final para- graph on Page 1 , Regarding Condition No. 10, which recommends that the 60 ft. easement granted to ERADCO by Mt. Olivet be dedicated to the City of Renton for public street purposes, Mr. Colt stated agreement to the dedication ONLY (emphasis added) upon com- pletion of the roadway." On Page 2, Para. 3, the Planning Department staff being represented by Mr. Blaylock testified, Mr. Blaylock indicated in the opinion of the department that dedica- tion of the roadway would be necessary ONLY (emphasis added) if the ERADCO property is allowed to develop.". Based on this testimony, your findings state in Finding 11 , the last sentence,. The applicant has agreed to- so dedicate the property." Comment: This is a correct statement when. examined in the context of the above noted testimony, but dedication by the applicant was agreed to ONLY upon completion of the roadway, and was to be required ONLY if the ERADCO property is allowed to develop. In your conclusions, Conclusion No. 7, you state, The applicant will be required to dedicate to the city for road pur- poses a 60 ft. wide right-of-way in or close to an Cemetery, Mausoleum, Crematory & Gardens Box 547 • 100 Blaine Ave. N.E., Renton, WA. 98057 • 206-255-0323 alignment 1, a southerly extension of Edmc =_ Avenue N.E." Comments: The only information on which the examiner could base this conclusion is the preceding testimony cited above regarding dedication of the completed roadway ONLY upon its completion. In your Decisions, Decision No. 6, The dedications of a 60 ft. wide right-of-way to the city for the southerly extension of Edmonds Avenue N.E." was made as 'a condition for approval of the SPECIAL PERMIT (emphasis added) . Your Decision No. 6 must be based upon the testimony referenced above at the public hearing by both Mr. Blaylock and myself, which testi- mony relates to the requirement for dedication upon completion of the construction of the roadway and ONLY if the ERADCO project is permitted to continue. The City of Renton has issued an annual license and permitted the operation under Sp-047-80 for over 2 years from the date of your decision March 13, 1981 . This is correct and in accordance with all of the testi- mony taken in the public hearing. The cemetery, the successor in interest to the land, Kent Highlands, and the successor in interest to the easement, ERADCO, all are willing to dedicate the appropriate property: 1 ) Mt. Olivet when the roadway is constructed, 2) Kent Highlands when the road- way is constructed and 3) ERADCO when and if the city permits their development and requires the same as a condition of their permit. As Mr. Blaylock testified, "Dedication of the roadway would be necessary ONLY if the ERADCO property is allowed to develop." When the entire record is reviewed, it indicates exactly what Mt. Olivet Cemetery agreed to. If the city now wishes to change those representations made by the city •(Mr. Blaylock's testimony) the Mt. Olivet Cemetery is entitled to appeal this new representation, testimony, or administrative decision. As you are aware, the ERADCO project presently is not being developed and development is not permitted in the present zoning. Until ERADCO has approval by the city for their project and permits are issued for the same, there is a question as to-whether Kent Highlands or ERADCO will construct a roadway to their project across the existing easement. This letter requests that in light of the testimony given in the public hearing, that you clarify your decision to conform to the record wherein we agree to dedicate to the city only upon completion of the roadway and that, according to the city, they require the dedication ONLY if and when the ERADCO project is allowed to be developed. Any decision or require- ment other than that based upon the actual testimony is improper and has no foundation in law. Fred J. Kaufman The city has uaiayed since 1977 the reclamation and restoration of the land adjacent. to Mt. Olivet Cemetery, a project which should have taken three years has presently taken six. Your clarification, based on the record, or the granting of a public hearing based on our appeal of this new administrative decision is required to resolve this matter and. , permit the orderly development of this property which is in the best interests of the general public. cer L. Co t, President MT. OLIVET CEMETERY CO. , INC. JLC/esl D cr;, lCBaildirE, -- !1 i : Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON MAY •5 98 COUNTY OF KING as. Cindy...Strupp being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that she..is the chief...c.l ex'k of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a i. ' week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been s• - PUBLIC HEARING,. for more than six mouths prior to the date of publication referred to, RENTONyLAND USE • •! printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper HEARING EXAMINER. ; published four(4)times a week In Kent,King County,Washington,and it is RENTONr WASHINGTON'•1 now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the A::PUBLIC .HEARING.. aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record WILL-BE HELD•BY THE ' Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior RENTON LAND: USE Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, HEARING.EXAMINER-:AT:.', HIS REGULAR MEETING,> Public Hearin Notice IN THE COUNCIL CHAMB- Washington.That the annexed is a E RS,':CITY•HALL; RE t,NTON,WASHINGTON ON MAY 3;1983,AT 9:00;A.M..r TO,CONSIDER THE FOL- I i•LOWING PETITIONS . :i COLT/MT: 'OLIVET;-as it was published in regular issues(and q not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Appeal ,by,James,.Cone r' President,Mt.'OlivetCemet-".# ery Co:,Inc.,file AAD•027=:' of one consecutive issues,commencing on the 83,of an enforcement deck')1 sion of the -Building•,and Zoning'Director to'require '2 2 nd day of April 19 83 , and ending the l the dedlcatlori'of-the'sixty_'41 I:(60)foot right:of-way along, the easterly,boundary of Mt., Olivet Cemetery as required'1dayof19 ,both dates iunderspecalpermit,fileSP-inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- 047-80,prior renewal of anscribersduringallofsaidperiod. That the full amount of the fee nual grading iicense;located.' riorth and east ofthe'existing', charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of S 9. 24 which jplatted Cemetery, etst of has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the N.E.3rd Street;in the vicinity first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent of,1.0O,Brine Avenue N.E.1 insertion. and the pcwertine:right-of way:,.. • ._-'r , , I 0,11.,.... lei l.. Legal`descriptions.of•the.) Miles noted above are onfile?i in the Renton Building and.j Chief Clerk trig Depaitment:, .:- 'i i'ALL INTERESTED-PER<' SONS TO SAID PETITIONS i Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 2 nd day of ARE:INViTEO.•TO BE PRE,;j SENT-AT,.THE- PUBLIC 1 HEARING ON MAY 3,1983; AP .' l 1983 AT 9:00-A.M.TO EXPRESS j' THEIROPINIONS: - 7.)? Ronald 0.Nefeon Notar ublic and for the State of Washington, i and,1 g ZoningiDirector residing atg idt,King County. Pubiialted In the Daily Re-a Pdera1 Way cord.-Ctirs icle.April •22, 1 fitO.Rtf ' Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June t^ w` " 9th, 1955. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5432 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON MAY 3, 1983, AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: COLT/MT. OLIVET APPEAL Appeal by James Colt, President, Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co., Inc., file AAD-027-83, of an enforcement decision of the Building and Zoning Director to require the dedication of the sixty (60) foot right-of-way along the easterly boundary of Mt. Olivet Cemetery as required under special permit, file SP-047-80, prior renewal of annual grading license; located north and east of the existing platted cemetery, east of N.E. 3rd Street, in the vicinity of 100 Blaine Avenue N.E. and the powerline right-of-way. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 3, 1983, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED : APRIL 22, 1983 Ronald G. Nelson Building and Zoning Director CERTIFICATION I, JERRY LIND, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in the King County, on the 22nd day of A '1, 1983. 114,-0)SIGNED:t, C.(: ° ) City of Renton Lill.c . , and •Us.e ' HeoE .,, aring •E_ xaminer i. ., will• hold ,a 1)H .r, :.,ii:,,3 1. ' CITY C OUNCIL CHAMBERS ' °',CITY ,HALL; ON ICY 3. 1983 BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M. P.M. CONCERNING: FILE ADD-027-83 • REZONE , , From T-'' ,. -. o: ;- . . .:.... ': '1' - ,- .. ,. :,..H,',.:',. ,.'! 44, SPECIAL / CONDITIONAL USE ,PERMI, s To4x 41# SITE •APPROVAL L, SHORT: PLAT/SUBDIVISION of PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT . r .4Ta, LII VARIANCE FROM • ci ' ' fly: rji m4i APPEAL BY MT, GENET CE ETERY'C0; INC, OF AN RiFOR DECISION OF . BLD ONIN ' •,:e. s`, DIRECTOR TO REQUIRE-TEE DEDICATION OF TFE (60) FT, OF WAY ALa 6 .11t. , BDHY, OF-.v- GENERAL LOCATIONADDRESS: T'AND O ADDRESS PROPERTY LOCAILU IN THE VICINITY-OF 100 BLAINE AVEN N',E: & TEE POWERLI'NE RIGHT'.OF:WAY';} '' 1,, '.' its' ri} jr, LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON BUILDING 8 ZONING••DEPARTMENT.; • ,`':, ; ENVIRONMENTAL, ,DECLARATION 7 'ry`.. 0 SIGNIFICANT . DNDN.. SIGNIFICANT;. •. , FOR FURTHER INFORMATION'L CALL THE 'CITY O•w"'IH$NTOtii""'"' `±°"''` `` BUILDING& DEPARTMENT .ZONING:DEPARTEN •i235..2550 u t ,u' .•, <<< THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE ,REMOVED: 'V11 ITHt { RPROPEAUTHORRATION, v! N i- ,• r of A z THE CITY . OF RENTONtb MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 o BARBARA' Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9'O o FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 4TcD SEPO' P D Building City of Renton nS Zoning Dept. DATE: April 1, 1983 J ll M[M[]W[ TO: Ron Nelson, Building Official FROM: Fred J. Kaufman, Land Use Hearing Examiner APR 1 1983 SUBJECT: COLT/MT. OLIVET APPEAL: AAD-02.-83 Attached is an appeal received by this office regarding the above referenced matter. A , public hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 1983 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Testimony from City staff concerning this matter may be required. Please forward to this office not later than 5:00 p.m. April 15, 1983, all pertinent information, including applications and correspondence. FJK se Attachment 0070E cc: Mayor City Attorney City Clerk Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator r MT0 OLIVET RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER A74MA• I8 lliI2 R 2 811 19832,3 4 5 6 March 28, 1983 8 9 Fred J. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: SP-047-$0 Dear Mr. Kaufman: In reviewing the report and decision of your office dated March 13, 1981 , the following excerpts from the report clearly indicate that the cemetery intended and agreed to dedicate the 60 ft. easement granted to Kent Highlands for public street purposes "ONLY UPON COMPLETION OF THE ROADWAY". Testimony in the file by myself states in the final para- graph on Page 1 , Regarding Condition No. 10, which recommends that the 60 ft. easement granted to ERADCO by Mt. Olivet be dedicated to the City of Renton for public street purposes, Mr. Colt stated agreement to the dedication ONLY (emphasis added) upon com- pletion of the roadway." On Page 2, Para. 3, the Planning Department staff being represented by Mr. Blaylock testified, ti Mr. Blaylock indicated in the opinion of the department that dedica- tion of the roadway would be necessary ONLY (emphasis added) if the ERADCO property is allowed to develop." Based on this testimony, your findings state in Finding 11 , the last sentence, The applicant has agreed to. so dedicate the property." Comment: This is a correct statement when. examined in the context of the above noted testimony, but dedication by the applicant was agreed to ONLY upon completion of the roadway, and was to be required ONLY if the ERADCO property is allowed to develop. In your conclusions, Conclusion No. 7, you state, The applicant will be required to dedicate to the city for road pur- poses a 60 ft. wide right-of-way in or close to an Cemetery, Mausoleum, Crematory & Gardens Box 547 • 100 Blaine Ave. N.E., Renton, WA. 98057 • 206-255-0323 Fred J. Kaufman Page 2 alignment with a southerly extension of Edmonds Avenue N.E." Comments: The only information on which the examiner could base this conclusion is the preceding testimony cited above regarding dedication of the completed roadway ONLY upon its completion. In your Decisions, Decision No. 6, The dedications of a 60 ft. wide right-of-way to the city for the southerly extension of Edmonds Avenue N.E." was made as 'a condition for approval of the SPECIAL PERMIT (emphasis added) . Your Decision No. 6 must be based upon the testimony referenced above at the public hearing by both Mr. Blaylock and myself, which testi- mony relates to the requirement for dedication upon completion of the construction of the roadway and ONLY if the ERADCO project is permitted to continue. The City of Renton has issued an annual license and permitted the operation under Sp-047-80 for over 2 years from the date of your decision March 13, 1981 . This is correct and in accordance with all of the testi- mony taken in the public hearing. The cemetery, the successor in interest to the land, Kent Highlands, and the successor in interest to the easement, ERADCO, all are willing to dedicate the appropriate property: 1 ) Mt. Olivet when the roadway is constructed, 2) Kent Highlands when the road- way is constructed and 3) ERADCO when and if the city permits their development and requires the same as a condition of their permit. As Mr. Blaylock testified, "Dedication of the roadway would be necessary ONLY if the ERADCO property is allowed to develop." When the entire record is reviewed, it indicates exactly what Mt. Olivet Cemetery agreed to. If the city now wishes to change those representations made by the city (Mr. Blaylock's testimony) the Mt. Olivet Cemetery is entitled to appeal this new representation, testimony, or administrative decision. As you are aware, the ERADCO project presently is not being developed and development is not permitted in the present zoning. Until ERADCO has approval by the city for their project and permits are issued for the same, there is a question as to-whether Kent Highlands or ERADCO will construct a roadway to their project across the existing easement. This letter requests that in light of the testimony given in the public hearing, that you clarify your decision to conform to the record wherein we agree to dedicate to the city only upon completion of the roadway and that, according to the city, they require the dedication ONLY if and when the ERADCO project is allowed to be developed. Any decision or require- ment other than that based upon the actual testimony is improper and has no foundation in law. Fred J. Kaufman Page 2 The city has delayed since 1977 the reclamation and restoration of the land adjacent. to Mt. Olivet Cemetery, a project which should have taken three years has presently taken six. Your clarification, based on the record, or the granting of a public hearing based on our appeal of this new administrative decision is required to resolve this matter and permit the orderly development of this property which is in the best interests of the general publi . i cer y J L. Colt, President MT. OLIVET CEMETERY CO., INC. JLC/esl k K i . 3_. J. ,' 1, w I/a wle 14\ /• . , tin„ FILE TITLE Anc:, ...reps. , z y•' 2At J E/%j. k\ f yy N\ ram s; eym<