HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA83-047 Large Format1 i qF w'-r !! ,QAG:fa.b c$ oR ` I.-o" - - -- _- _ .. -- ___ _ -- - ).KA * ' I !•+,Diln l t'. r.ta t5 c-..F.f .. 4,iHT SViP CTYP. woo t? ti E C`aEE p7t,, b/A-b.) - GONGRET PAD FoR LAR ft(1 GAtJ — project data j Ztli" 3'1 i pE OF GONSj, iv-N 0;;60PANCT C O,' 1 US E 01'! I G ii O GUphNT LrAD !TF- AAA I s, i/.4 5. F, 4te.Fi i I i.4 ; `PF( S 14 S,F A o j.-F I.GNEk '2v7 .F Gi S off E i,v "b7AL (e74 i2 -5.F. svi MlG Z;I S C:5 nrr G}4-7 Pi r Ar 1% T?, > F:T. PA!ErS 1;r0 -,fib _ G S A;C 5 G WA8 It* Fei T i Ift i J co b MiN. ' -0 3h.,i'. 3'-0 a 4, 2 F I # ` j. l)rF i E; {{ r 1_ 4 HA': s- TI) Af 2x41 1 !NI PA! it WAIA,' AlKa+.i f 11 Nt 1 11e ?Yi' yVJt4 WW 10 HA` ,. 5aT i SIDt, W1 {1 /S 0_ x 4 iV" F r r AL f , ,.'-_. } ,'.: t5?t ., , , 4 a -,. ii io' w , . O d f ' b"jf '°a'-r, ' 4'• i !' i ca -r r F x i r d t? t`'° / ' G Z tF e :care 1114, W ' _> R3l D+t'FiE an3.fi.4 - - - - _ - 4 r G: r A' 54 o! N- 1 5 - 7.Jx+4 a }j"..:. Q, y, s• MT iY R' - F i! jx4 Tf UAk S,tD+Nv fill tY / IyH tl I _, aViav _ J 1 b lye 3`06 !r i1 ykw 6" _ '7's /-,. 9t0" r! . A 1, It , 1.'ATitP5, rr a., u K .. } ., ft 117 41; }} nP c AM * LOtic XLN A+o -- 1 i 1 WiRE 6,L-A4G LTL OF J. g Renton, Washington I T .moo , PLAN N.0 A R 8 Reg. Na.10,672 w A•MINGTON T L 57. OHEGON 15ha CALIFORNIAC6884 NE V ADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C 1098 ALASKA 3805-A IDAHO AR '9F. r G fl Q' r Vol 4 14 1. All construction shall comply with the 1982 Uniform Build- ing Code (U.B.C.), local codes, ordinances, and standards. 2. Contractor is to verify all existing conditions, dimensions, details, etc., and notify the architect of any and all dis- crepancies prior to proceeding with the work. 3. See Sheet S-5 for structural general notes regarding: lum- ber, nailing, concrete, reinforcing and structural steel. 4. All items marked "N.I.C." are not a part of this contract unless otherwise noted, whereas such items shall be supplied by the owner but will be installed by the contractor. 5. All work shall be applied in accordance with the manufac- turer's latest recommendations or written directions. 6. Do not scale drawings- dimensions govern. The contractor shall notify architect/owner immediately of any and all discrepancies.. 7. All dimensions are to face of stud or centerline of stud unless otherwise noted. 8. Where construction details are not shown or noted for arty part of the work, the details shall be the same as for other similar work. t 9. Contractor shall provide temporary water, power, and toilet facilities. 10. If required, a construction barricade shall be installed by the contractor, painted, detailed, and illuminated as per architect's direction. No signs other than those authorised by the architect will be permitted on this barricade. 11. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to locate all existing utilities whether shown hereon or not and to protect them from damage. The contractor shall bear all expense of repair or replacement of utilities or other pro- perty damaged by operations in conjunction with the execu- tion of his work 12. Verify and conform to all requirements of all utility companies unless otherwise noted in the plans and specifi- cations, 13. Existing elevations and locations to be joined shall be verified by the contractor before construction staking. if they differ from those shown on the drawings, the contractor shall notify the architect so that modifications can be made before proceeding with the work. 14. Finish floor, top of concrete slab, datum +0.001. 15. Grading, trenching, etc. Notify architect for instructions prior to continuation of work should any unusual condition become apparent during grading or foundation construction. 16. Electrical rough -in and reflected ceiling plan are for the general information of the contractor. Exact locations should be verified. 17. All wood members in contact with concrete shall be press,..Ire treated. 18. Attic access, area separation and ;;entillation shall conform to U.B.C. Sections 3Z05 251Ca, 19. Lathing, plaster, gypsum wall board, and suspended ceiling systems shall conform to Chapter 47 of the U.B.C. 20. All glass and glazing shall comply with Chapter 54 of the U.B.C. and U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Safety standard for architectural glazing materials (42 FR 1426- 16 CFR Part 1201) . 21. Exit signs and illumination shall be provided r ,~ a r CHhf V--. Ai22. Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. EXCEPTION: This requirement shall not apply to exterior exit doors if there is a readily visible, durable sign on or adjacent to the door stating THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS. The sign shall be in letters not less than 1 inch high on a contrasting background. The locking device must by a type that will be readily distinguishable as locked. 23. Fire extinguishers: Verify requirements and locations with fire marshall and architect. 24. Flammable liquids shall not be placed, stored, or dispensed in this occupancy except as provided in N.F.P.A. Standard 30 and the Uniform Fire Code. Permit may be required. 25. All drapes, hangings, curtains, drops, and all other decora- tive material, including Christmas Trees that would tend to increase the fire and panic hazard shall be made from non- flammable material, or shall be treated and maintained in a fire retardant condition by means of a flame retardant solu- tion or process approved by the state fire marshall, Provide certification to this effect. A. Exit doors, exit lights, and fire extinguisher locations shall not be concealed or obstructed by any decorative material. B. Minimum flame spread classification of interior finishes shall be per Table 42-B 148L U.H.C. 26. The contractor to secure permits required by fire department from the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to building occupation. 27. All debris shall be removed from premises and all areas shall be left in a clean(broom) condition at all times. 28. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the occupants and workers at all times. 29. Approved plans shall be kept in a plan box and shall not be used by any workmen. All construction sets shall reflect the same information. The contractor shall also maintain in good condition, one complete set of plans with all revision, adenda, and change orders, on the premises at all times and are to be under the care of the job superintendent. 30. Contractor shall be responsible for the complete secur-Lty of the building and site while job is in progress and until job is completed. 31. All work shall be guaranteed for a period of one(1) year after completion, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so stated in contractor's written proposal and agreement. All repairs, corrections, discrepancies, etc., must be made without any additional cost to the owner, and within five(5) days after notice is given. L D IFT10N first f loor_._plan OT rob 1 c.?C.t G f " TC , - " t•'L MA1`i'G1 i1t it.i(TON ekF C)6 S ApDIT OS r-- 76 - HF, ,.sly OF WT?Lf, PIV1c-1014 ' AL-L, ACC •tO r=^ AC,(,0 -TEE PLAT 't'HFC OF R& fttEv t f Curl c '- "'T , I - 14 rk §,1 IN VOLUME 17 O P IT45 PAGE RF,Gp ps 1 1 Or KIND AUNTY, -61TOATW N THE t-ITY de RfrWot4, co0NT1f OF KING, BUlfgf.3!NGr' r. rrl; 5Z acr_,cicarn RODERiCK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RICHARD 0 FREIHEIT LAWW- .E K.L HO ASgCp(,- i kT F .A&;,X G AT E 400- 108M Avetnre N.E.. BeAevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 SHEET NO. Sde iock efeN! G4 TtTAOFWASHliOMj rn 1 EDATE- 3OF I m s.Mm»w.uox+xuac uW •mvw a-A-Nt`s.^r-t,-,:zr .ra^`_r.:.=rY. u4 Am P.3.4 . .s=k .._ra'M`n..A..'=. T * 6, R S!D'NG 14" YP `iHF%ATHAIN61 Zx4 (6, !(t'OC, i)A77, :14SQLA-Ti GYP 60 t7YP (', c--7hiF 4, HAS.) i 4 J r KoDF },,.lbc ve AD- T 1 i AND HAS;, To eF 2 4 w c ig'' T'(PE ` X' C;YP BD 'TH d I' iDElf;, FLR. IN N rt. L. s THI`W NPOW ?) HAVE 'MFP— \ 1 s 41.- 1 k') 4 Qt Q _ Ma:r- A r `o EN w 1 f Y, µl.f.. t i . L -f — OjL' Ai.-..iz 4Tr't! (G'1gAl iJ}f f I+ j L-- - - Tt I tN.9 OVAL., ANC CTIiff ITT { i A, R. 11 {-ems ES —•-- -- _ i rid 1 I H oyp GH!p. HIN0 istX I " YP 4 STA I R !, OPT1 v I iF t i d NINDOV K•) HAVE Vv t Ne (7 L AT; f4 s a h I• r l tr v- I ' Y t, if 'Jf mot„ s3h ; e' j 4 ,:' , ' - r ?' i 10 Ili . 0 2'a 3 yr ftnton. Wastinill i N C A.R.B Reg No.10,6T2 NASHIINGTON TL 52 OREGON 561 CALIFORNIA C6864 4EVADA 7142 MON T ANA n5 - COt ORADC: C x"* ALASKA?-'- IDANO AR 7& v AIL7 / 1 I ! ' i f F-i tom•+ `. / .-i i t rr " ooF' 3D- EAR F,!N;°' 4 TAtH META;- FLkSHINV f P Nv`- 1 5 t V4 KCM 1-:;, 6t-4! FNA, ME ms) p pooj 5 LYMPlI. 'EAYt-it% GR EN yv = MERwiti Wli., AMs P 4, ' PRATT 6. L AMWT sec ond f loon plan 1. _, 1. AL—, Cii1 F.N IohiS %F,6 -T11 OP Ff At`'l t 1;9. RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RtCHARD 0 FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K L HO AS:i( 1CIA7 E ASSOC{A T E 400- 108th Avenue N E-, Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 DRAWN BY SHEET NO.: ItW Roderick Glenr ! i C STA[L OfWASHINGTQNd 110)MINUM aUTTFF, rT''fP) I-UTAfNkjt" Urrmfte ---.a._....-__.w.- -. ____ .- -, to v:6. PIP. 'mI--I ARMJ i4k ,.Fif "fe w tp oaw --- KoFrto TA-L. T Cs l C*,fk 1 east Ill V1 4 i 7- 1 1 I r, L — - r1— -- -- — -- - --_ _ - - --- -- -- — — --- -- --- — --- __ _ -- — - -- - - - -- - - — - - __ 3" 4 A I -L)H. 90-wN15POUT -- -- - C YP.) north Renton, Washington L, EFVA 1" i O,J 1b N.C.A R B. Reg. No:10,672 WASHINGTON TL 57: OREGON 561 CALIFORNIA C6864 NEVADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C "8 ALASKA 3805-A IDAHO AR 796 FIN Is+-+ FI,oCf, _ Y iz-A - ALI- I`tRsT , Fb It;1 jf-i _ F 1'-00E- RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RICHARD O. FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K L. HO ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE 400-108th Avenue N-E., Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 DRAWN BY p fz-L C[SATE : UFMi'' E : I3 g Qoo i 0r of-F-4t0M JUL 1-21983 ARCHITECT Roderick Glenr nett rn STATt OF WASHINGTON Q Z Uj a Lo. A4 RLUMINU(' RL.UMr rr4,U M jiJ-! 1 F,, i ty IMP v-!A, f:IR TRIM IAy v, & FIZZ 71LIM OV. ALL F.x-GF-i-1AL "-0"EFh) Jx HO'JL)2.0-17P L. 7 b C6PA, (- CTIF AL-L. waL-L.S G E-pAA R 4NAr<$h 4i`{ F 1 GA L. p " KDO Fs.) I %' fl v. d. FIR- TRIM (TJFic.a4 A.LL. RooF I) 1,4 TRIP( CTyF14,PL• AL.L, WINDOVih 1" INhULATER GLAZI i6s irl >rrif•>'p=G ALUMINUM >•RA^1 MFId. At- ALL wlticowh) GF JHo SE Ti pe w1i'196 4 CO 1JG c E•r jt p."-o j i rl U v.11.w FINiSN FLOOR 1 1 — -- i p U1 west _ w r _ ter..__—._.... .. _,.-_.--_—._ - r-. ..- ti - _._. _ _•_-•_ r I ff ; r L 71j, 1 T_— T—+ r... __ _..__.___..--. w___•--. _..__...--_.--_--.._...... __._.-.._._.. __.____—.__.. .:_....-:.........._.. _-`.-. -. __. ter_-_._._. __ate_-.._ _ —__—_ _ _-.__._. ___—_-- _- _ z.: I so ift h- 3" 'A J M 'NSPDu ii" h AL>E To l'-o'' F,l, E,dAT O N N.C. A R B Reg. No:10,672 WASHiNG'ON TL 572 OREGCN 561 CALIFCRN,A C6864 NEVADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C 1098 ALASKA 3805- A IDAHO AR 796 Ou FINISH Fl, 00K FIN$H F,00JZ RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RICHARD O. FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K.L. HO ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE 400-108th Avenue N.E., Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 DRAWN BY: 5--& SHEET NO.: DATE: OF: QQ 11 Qr f C . kr- To a J U L 12 1983 BUILDING1Zk„ TL 572 REGISTERED i 4VWA ITEC Rodenn Parr STATE1, w OC) Z 0- i i i i Gka1..4- 11"L fLASva(N[! i A UMIrJUt^ r0U'f&W - -- --- - — - -- -__ -- -_ ENT o— -"yo kALT 5 Ti3RATET7 Fst' c. p;;.AL.---------_ --.._ _ ----- 6•.,•.at: rr0+ A4.'K Av GGIi OF y 104-T UP f OOF INS 4" ptrYw.COD Iq F>A—T JRSULA74W kF hf tCAT6t7} i Q f'fsR• G.NF.3L& I I W, raYpLfLvTa ! l - 'i4. Pl:fwoop TAP-oF ?R"`t ____— ' # 9J P Ns D AGotl aTtGAL G+a.lUlNc. 9 I 1 ! FtNI 'rlao PL Lzcob vrt TILIM 11- — rt svt CrlPi TYP. &OF-PLIDoF t-0+ i;TF-dV—Tio1J I 1 •, F1rJI5N ?Q- u1 vUvQ 1 leFi111CFSGN. `, H p , ,.0 ( 'iPit.G_ WLsLL Gor1bT i 1Cf1 fo CEDA4. CIjAr1 J i. S1 1N{ ia; QY vYf D • — -- --- ! ' TYF 5 •X, bY, 6p. MFgGT FL' 00-Q Gotitb"RUGTioNX { t[eO L. Tor of TWA i l -- P ' ! +tt N tep- -•.ou, t• G t y't (p(-tG{Zt:Tf(t. tSAE _!, t T's tN Jt.aT:olJ I I E + (F ul,`NYf'tR- 5c.k4 Du e 4PIT F-UH hAA,JOL A % M ' GIN14H F• 111 ' ZrJhULIATtONA TYf,)---- r// ! 2'' 3 TYP. section ama SLd.LE= 1/41' To ,L2' — I It- - Pmjios- ue4' if Ito =). ib 'J g!~o+i1pE p 1"Tly VSNTiLATIO rE D`TAIIJ r E R- L1 c+ 5 zo-ss . 4 x 4 roP # PwTTnM - RAIt w/ Ff At-41N& ANLt-P- EA, END 4- x 4 T fzE hTED x 4 GEC^ R V ER` -- 5 ; DE a- y 1 DE GAL,'4 NIlk li-s E-'aK INTO 4?k, 4.- S PER FAL, Z'I X I S'' AU G EK GAs7 CC40• Foo T 1 Nt FEE- DE7A I L. OA- c,, L, F, CO 6• SLAg W/ WIA X W 14 W. W. M. nP . F,XT&FIC41, WALA, b M i L 'J 15t vEetJ 1 PIT RllN GRAVEL r_—# o) s I 46 0 A,6 D'r O Z , Ei r-r' a- itg G'- YrtT TOP # 607TOM FL)-), o4Z FItilISa { -- 1 cR• + EOU E FR- DUt.E . 1 ri y I j 2 RIGID FOAM J 1 R - P s. IN`- ULAiION fz' 4•% MIN• 60 t 2vn } L No 1 6 ' SEE DTI-. pSTA IL. AL- 7 FnINDA- 710N-Fi"AIL SGAL.P, '. I'( To ir- pu 1 r VE! 1` T V\l( biRD SG RFC , EAGN VI;N- T `fQ FF 1,5 F j Nf-- T I' F V T A F-FA M IN. 8 r llN FlrJC, uN S!< HiiJ - ANT TF-19 A. GA V t, Tr, sL. F; I r - -- --— i DAi h tRt Es un I So'* FP,L. T ovEIL cA tJ T' 1' E. P- 5 FJZ FA61, 14- Q ro 1 it G E 7P OH 15'* Ft r i ---- — 't P L, woa r7 boFFii P.4tif.% 00 GOt i"jIF1:7ti5L Up WAS Z R} O' , .. I L E.bT I Nam.% U t.o.T tv J = M>7 4.: n a. 14 N.C. A. R.S. Reg. No:10,672 WASHINGTON TL572 RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. CA ORNIA 5 6-4 Architects & Land Planners NEVADA 742 LM' INTA 657 U TT%ft- I x ? F i - I+'44'C-Lb. t,cta c. r-DhR aN 15 cE T JP tavb5 If E:: Fl.` DJI`] Wit:'. ? t t:.t Jtl.s.••`' : k`u{. SHEET NO.: 1. 572 r' C EG U` RICHARD O. FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K.L. HO COLORADO C low ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE IATE i OF GIWN, STAiE , ALASKA 3W5-ADATE : OF: lDAHO AR Tss 400- 108th Avenue N. E, Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 5f e.. r:... .... .,_y. ,.. -. ..•-- .-- ;. ._._ ... .. .: ., __. _ _.. ... .. .'.-. _ .: - .., .. . .. .. .. __ .-.. _._.. -._.. a_ _..___.. - .. _.._... <_ _ _ .. ...,. .. .. _..a _.e _.. ... _.. .._ a .... .._. <. fiE'.. .. >,.. _ _ .. .... _ ..,... _._- - - "-•-- z _ .:F_ r... _-,._-..n _. _ .. - .._._ - _ Washington N.C.A.R B. Reg. NO:10,612 WASHINGTON TL 572 OREGON 561 CALIFORNIA C6864 NE. V ADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C X)Q8 ALASKA 3805-•A IDAHO Alit 7% RO DERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES. Architects +& Land Planners RICHARD 0 FREIHEIT ASSOk"fA T£ 400-108th Avenue N.E., Bellevue, Washington 98004 LAWRENCE K L HO ASSOCIATE 206) 455-1151 EDATE: c j83 d C" cD L) 1 r 0 A AINWA."'* illy N C.A.R.B. Reg. Na 10,672 WASHINGTON TL 5721 OREGON 561 CALIFORNIA C6864 NEVADA 742 MONTANA 65- COLORADO C 1096 ALASKA 3805-A IDAHO AR 796 RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RAWN BY tdl SHEET IN, REGISTERED Renton, Washington M RICHARD O FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K.L HO ASS!X .ATE ASSOCIATE 400-108th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 11J Roderick G(e y row--, 3L-. STATIL OF WASHINGTONDATE: OF_ ' F FoUNDk-r10N Fit-! N.C.A.R.B. Reg. No:10,672 WASHINGTON Tt 572 OREGON 561 CALIFORNI C6864 NEVADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C low ALASKA 3805-A IDAHO AR 796 x }o" E. W ISO C j-JOA; 1< 31 t1 X Id' 4 it r x Iod fol J 2 `- o" 5C 2 `-0 ti 5t' la" i i y Yr' G&F- DETAIL, r2jA-(F09 ^vr& h+A-Tt pF,`fAIL— c)undation V6= I q` -ro I'-vr RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners LAWRENCE K.L. HO ASSOCIATE 206) 455-1151 Ian. SHEET NO.: f Tt 572 L R, 61STEREG C EC RDderick lenn Parr' STAIE W WAe 'G70 r DATE: OF: ..._........._, tp1-4ojP'3 AWN BY. k s i i r f 5) ; x 4.r4 iL A O.c C_wF ~"i A^11Na A i et It t i i r S t l 2,c N. F•'2 1vy o.G. 1 2 17 IL i 2x,4 9 F.i 2 a i(olo-4. I KovF F AMIW& ; C?j floor_ framing & 1st floor shear Renton, Washington DO i A•h'11Nv ALL1 7 r U1 y 5 U N per: 1) FLOOF- CIAPH{-'b'm To Pe iiY' C-D, G•c, PL.YVV00o w/ ;ad NAtLt (E W' &.G. AT ALL. fAkr.L- spbEb L ,71A PH?^m B Asti It e 12" 04. FiEL.p• DIA'f4"M AL.L- EPAE4. I4ApT-AL1. 0%0 b, C>WH 014 DFXWI14w4. 2) ALL WAL1.0 r-- pe 2Y4 !.F.+' 1 +8 i1r° o.c. ter, Fhs 0TNeK„ 0,F_ NOTED. b) YifLUhh M:ar1JFA4,TU&ER- it 06,4Wik43S Aw0 tONh Tb ptltrro i K14o DG P". FLKRJIP*-P 114 Ar41( 4A 166 64oui.D ee -..)0AM1 r'w iv #A4A-rgGY foiL IibVttw 'RIDirC. -b Fi16Rtls.TiorJ. TRLt<h MP NUf<A,(,7JIEeV- Iti -ro VCRI H 'rr fs ; t4&w0,w i 0*g'A& OF fkIh e4• F;E. lh To VopFy AL.f-- fJFROE-! (C-4J7I 'z4j INiL.i1Cto" N C.A R B Reg. Na 10,672 WASNINGTON TL 572 OREGON 561 CALIFORNIA C6864 NEVADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C 10% ALASKA 3805-A IDA+O AR 796 v' NT i flo'11 15"O 1'0, 16WIUHG `'VF4 )AT10W +•rrQU;PEMENT"a- MAf4uFAGTUtLEI- 4NArLL. PitoVIDE PLI. EF-1001iju bRAGINCv A': REQUI(LaD. y) ALA, ; ot,i HW,N F"t-1 rL,9 r- AbOV6 To be I:,waxGo I J aR OTHER Wt6p, ww1 -JEaTSD 1tb 1'Lo0K Pi^ptij . ' 1 C"...,. " 1 it i'' I.,,, ... t`-. 2 6 'k," ,c 2" ` csert? -- i. A M P c i2- V eTA- I L. 1a F sZ F-wa or- U 410 W/ fy- i(oj tJA 1.,, x iG Z 6TUtx EA i~ND RJR- 4ii-IP:xiki U 410 v4/ lii-i1.% riAlLb 4p vole 7 42LU-L.A-H PER- PE'fAIL. b 5-;a X-21" LU-I.AM PER. PeTA)- 1 ix 6 14 F, i il r> F.A e N o X}d F. *2 i hT1!D ESA i~ND a E? a 15JO EA ? hO p f *`Z I 6-r1JD " rpov 4 14 m o 4. r, 1w% 2 yTU D4 611k. 6140 yx10 14,F. •r.L, 1 fjTuG G Ja I + 4 Ale H. F, Lv#1 D N x !u h1 P 7 l '9-T'J O 1A F'• v P. F, 2 yTil Dt EA. H a A. E eA • 5wp 6T:3G ga. Ali 4i x 14- t. Iy 11JV E34. ruD FA E i>7 4.F #2 t;TV0 Y4104 LJ -4 4A it so 2- -fiTLiiX EA st_lp 44 r i 6l+,44)-w 4U 4114 Az;' w%. l.if i. `7 ' -t / i+ 3 i ; i ` Ji f'T'4.i y, hJ Ah4t !.?d64tt f. i:.yt.7. t-w..K, L Komi gip .Ci Vic `TvAv 6f?.. 0111- -44 AFr1G S 4,0 tANI>G 4 4G 1N C d 61W404 RD IH9 f SAME 3)-'IMFI-OW Hp2N b ti nr f 4 hlM r or~i r 2;1 7 SAME 31h HD4)'i M p 50N H p e 4 P'a D -7 i frAMr ImP*-!N jaG 4.14 H IP7 R hIMd wN HI;, N PRICE t4mW-,4 r4V7 6 l M Pr-0IU H P2. i'< h I l'1 Pto.1 4 P7 62 SA•F}G F'Llwoo p 1 tim ONLY) AMe PLYW0017 I ytG'C OwLY) h PMe- P L.(WU%V i sNiPe O RODERICKG. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RICHARD O. FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K:E. HO ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE 400-108th Avenue N.E., Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 F RAWWN BY tW SHEET NO.- r r: DATE : ,F A FLW6 3,4' 40 A C. @ 4'-0" o.G f* AH44t> lL "V,%, PER. hIMP`orl J U L 121983 B L1' r REGISTERED AR To VINGTON R. odencktit.AIL Of WA i M QC J w_ t ZJ 4\ j4L- ;Nt . 15,fi NET[ -7 1 y l Y OF i t lei v. F 1` - - { y. , y` wMa. ; fr+MM. {rl1M.L.,Ar•.+tiw• ! .... .x .: .- .. (n.-x : r.-. w. r.tR""T. s ay..sw.,r-.w.,, ,.r J 1.ws+ ..... ., :k. ...rn.,-•. ...c,..•;.w w. I M— i 1 I 1 l LI _ 4 1 + _ B, 1c,'f6rr..T'---of+ 1 J roof W{° TD I,-ori framing & 2nd -floor shear RMton, W6>•hi 0n I 1 i r N. C.A.R.B Reg. No-10,672 WASHINGTON TL 572 OREGON 561 CALIFORNIA C6864 NEVADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C, ALASKA w5- AAK) AR 7i• vvvr rt ., I5T9- L:c_T i1 A _. } v i3 A Gi 4S ; vt!. •V'/ Cd/,g :. , b, D U ,G- r+:'.. i ic. (ro,.., ru yr{•o'' E i' L;. L L:.-lL• %t'v-u. FA(,4 '- `>F p, rLf '•i.,i0P IN ''•A LL. y, V 1 I li d ^ C, . ecT v, M AID 8S ( STA.C,EaE I2Jr' 7J G AMA. F A- 9 40 H v I No U rb IN4 P i 1- TA t t H AM6 kc c &I' o.G r-;r Avv Y Pt f Wo D To WET t'ALE <%1 tl k Iv ri c, (." 0.4-. 1 b" O. t. V A WZ . P,;Q: E-Y Y d C y" o. c . I Itt d to' 0'r- u!/ Its P' r+- HU 9.• Mv:diGb INb mo. 0 C' TAI L, A bvv c ACK , r. t ice" 6y? w. to'14 vas W/ , d LOoL'e'F.0.-: I. a 0.1, rJ' 7h ME N APx7v E IZ r,I t! lA f.! I rs 4 26 1 T+v5 b.F.JV':r'+b 1 a v: --_ t 3f ESA a D 4 1 s 02. I L iv 5 A E1.17 i y I 7f' j 4 :'f.. M i+ i. `lt:i Q J'.LIvi 1 r.; -- 1 r: O i.-q „ -i z V G .. I• h A r i j 51/ 14 L-i t c, c, STZ-ULTLXiLAL IL APA F%-{ kGVp IWf 8d NAI0' C.G G A.1 j? c•s`c4y i1" FIE4O. PIP-eiEAM ^ UNG:.;:,.KpC) H.-vVaVrsIL ALL KDoP fJ1A IRA S PiJ.T f E RIb,7 i OtJAif4.riaG ter.. ETAtL.A_-. JAM ; FA TLipjel; L :a, TG Uf Mrr tHOF Ab KrO4! j1 LED. IN ANY GAS Er 2 44T'- e k0µ=-G G6 T'o A$-4,W!TEC Ftm_ I.6VIiiPiN PRiva. to FABF-IeATIon1. R4Yr- Ml rtuFA 6%EF t VEp iF 'IZE AQo r4um5sp~ oP 1xi.1.=wfb PbR &A. t,A_ He 16 TO JERIFY A jt0Pp'wLT* GDNptTl:tds 11•6.Wbi)t4&IOUT t40T LINjITSP i0+ 1!FJ+ittNG i F UNDaTIDt1 ;i;GiuiREtjP1JT5, MANUI~AcT`6FLEF_-> AALI_ ALI, 6K.ACIwef m, 1LLvczu'1E©. TRLing i`iAt llPitLTJf P I TD VV?'F'f ALL. MBGHAOIcAL. .16T M—t ;OGA"IPN4 i WgIuNTS TIAKc AU-•0WAAC9'5 F'D- h11GN. ALL WALLS T° E 7xH N,F. $Z cE Ib'Io.G LINt E45 GTI4ERVJ!5 tioT6D. IMANS^Ro NfAj 1'`E EITPIE9. 5Jk,7- jr. FLA4:6 GFi P(t8MA1.1'aPAL?tllZ rcD T('-U#t7EtPSIL G•di.1T, P- AGY?R•5 ap?Ionl. 4Ut3t"+!T htaDP GhavJ r.}o GALG!J.ATto+.1g ?"o I UII,It.tc+ pEPaR.Tr*,E rr N, +B;U!R-EG 1 1 ANC{ 44+ 15 Z. SCTtl aHOULP '!E 'IlbMIT-mV -ra AR:+IrtCGT Fol- x0view PRICK- Ta rA.G1lu.ATtc.t. a i=00'F- To D{ G pvNti A6.AIN4T IiP 1FT Qy 't8 tlt-jrwF4 02.5 xw4+NoR4 6?94#,P MQJALL-? A rw F i- Jt 7) GRhI T c_" ToF6 u MADE OF NTT LeG5 THAN V &ITP. 5KO.. of PI.YWOOP 8) A lZOOF A'- GPA?-4EL- l5 10 M Pi-6vIDf,D AT THIS P01*4T. SAMPLES 'TO 66 SUR MITT11CG TO Al,"ITEUT 50K APFROVAtr RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P. S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RICHARD O. FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K. L HO ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE 400-108th Avenue N.E.. Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 r AWN BY SHEET NO. JAT E . OF r U J U L 12 198 BlILDIT\!C3/&ZQii , LL 572 REGISTERED A koderick Cil Q, H- 01. k. U t OF WASHINGTON i W , Z Ir . II,'I- 83 Q jr fi... LLL_ --- - - . • ; N ?t{LA11oN 'PER AR.1. DR'1ti a i o I yk ALA$ —_ MI-T cTV&E+4 I i) 'bA'4 fA9AboLTh 131G v I rC I/y'I pdit I " --•----____ I Ilk' ,° ry+ 6R, Pc-f t'r `%" 5hf" x >>s'` , ,. I Pt f i frc x %y N 1t f'' %4' A 1&" \ `. jy M 1 t + LATE 104 A i'-I' f t: I ' t I 14 i FLU=LAM , 43 PLAA log p LA T E"t, a , 1 LU LAM t1 1 t '.' Ipt VLATE+b rA°A 44 x 0s`` f wl J 4,+ 4 M 0, i 4- i y j buy, 3ib- V ram •,;¢ x ¢, x ;.;u 9t r1 F otJ Cs LT W/ C, ot» N Ec-TD;r% tPPutrrC A. 0 -LAN, r I. _ NA I e - - - --- 41 i t TO )'- ol 3 _ MFTAL ok UH114UM NA-Ar, WINDOW NA LL ` t. t a SEE DTt. 12rS- 4 FOR ADD. (AL tL tITS, JERT- Is FGQ7i 5 4 50A L E% Id TD 1`- 0" Renton, Washington IMIII iA 9 To mETAL OIL P ±^ac:oE•a Pt rIC. ^' If 12UV- FAc6 Wi3eN yLAE t MAnIt, AF-0 F.Af",iiU t14 TRVA4 i ;< E jrITEK•ra•.:.. M/rtJJ:aRJ rRU,, Wi } ' _ i to I_Yto" 0.(.. Aw r p0; tY; = i6H o.L. A ,.1, PP rJG - DGfr'S, i2" 0.. Ft1rL O 4y jFAN*, i7ls 1: " v,• 0.( r! 1 _. ZXfu,ATE uld ito to a c AcT14 r, k. l Y+D UN'iT t- •,ia'; *: T - PA. N 1.4;1' curI140 GoMPDilrr? ^; 010N1;; 11FfA 6E Fvf- E fouR 46 A v4A`Oz. ,,Tr 43,+.-A.e, N C. A R.B. Reg. No.10,672 WAS'INGTON TL 572 OR EGON 561 CALIFORNIA G6864 NEVADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C 1098 ALASKA 3805- A IDAHO AR 796 t T R: jFj L f E I JUL 12 1983 T" y \ F ,/,-. 20 F t RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RICHARD O FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K.L. HO ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE 400-108th Avenue N.E., Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 DRAWN BY: SHEET NOS; DATE: OF:' l3 l5 IL 572 fEGISTERED Cu CT Rodenck I > Si.., L LF WA3,HINGTON Cn co J f-- w Z ct SA- 04* 7w- 81 JRUCTURAL NOTES: u(:70 cA L- N 0 rE G J Washington N.C.A.R.B. Rey No:10.672 WASHINGTCNv TL 57_ OGRE GON 561 CALIFORNIA C6964 NE V ADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C loge. ALASKA 380b--A AHO Concrete: The selection of materials for, and the mixing and placing of all concrete shall conform to the requirements of the "Uniform Building Code" 1982 edition. Materials shall be proportioned to produce a dens+!, workable mix having a maximum slump of 4", which can be placed without segregation or excess free surface water. Water cement ratios for various concrete strengths (f'c) shall be as shown below. Concrete, strengths shall be verified by standard 28-day cylinder tests. A water reducing mixture, pozzolith, used in strict: accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, shall be incorporated in concrete design mixes. An air entraining agent, confoming to U.B.C. Standard No. 26-9, shall be used in all concrete mixi for work wh,i.<:h is exposed to earth or weather. The amount of entrained air shall be 5%-1% by volume. f'c (psi) f'c (psi) Min.no. of sacks of cement Max. no. of gallons of water Use j Cubic Yard of Concrete Per sack of Cement 2500 1125 5' 6 Slab on grade 3000 1350 6 514 Foundation* The Contractor shall submit: concrete mix designs for approval two weeks prior to placing any concroto. 'rho onerete design mix shall include the amounts of cement, fine and coarse aggregate, water and admixtures, is well. as the water -cement ratio, slup and concrete strength (f'c). The use of calcium chloride shall be limited to a maximum of by weight of cement. RF,INFORCrNG STEEL Unless otherwise noted, all reinforcing steel shall be deformed bars in accordance with ASTM s3peci.ficat_10(l A615, of the sizes shown on the drawings and be Grade 40 (fs=20,000 psi, fy=40,000 psi). Re, i.riforcing foul shall be securely tied in place with #16 double annealed iron wire. Bars in beams and sleab$ shall be detailed in accordance with the A.C.I. Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, latest edition. detail drawings shall be prepared and submitted to the Architect for approval prior to fabrication. Lap all reinforcing bars 30 bar diameters. A minimum lap for all bars atial l be. 1' -6" . PFINFORCING STEEL PROTECTION: UsF slat) c, WalI R irs: coot i nq Bars Structural Steel: Interior Faces . . . . . . . • . Exposed to weather or Earth PROTECTION 3,'4" 2" (#6 & larger) 1* 05 & smaller) 3" Structural steel shall be A.S.T.M. A-36, fy-36,000 psi. Design, fabrication and erection shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the "A.I.S.C. Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings". All bolts shall conform to the latest A.S.T.M. specifi- cation for A307 (fs=20,000 psi). All welding shall conform to the A.W.S. codes for arc and gas weld- ing in building construction. All welds shall be 3I16" minimum unless otherwise noted. Welding electrodes shall be E70XX electrodes for manual shielded metal -arc welding or equal electrode for other welding processes. Welded joints shall conform to A.W.S. prequalified joint details for welded construction. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Architect for approval prior to'fabrication. All welding shall be performed by certified welders. Sawn Lumber" Sawn lumber shall conform to "West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau Grading and Dressing Rules" latest edition. Wall studs (2x4) and blocking shall be Hem -Fir #2 grade, fb=1050 psi, unless otherwise specified. All other beams, joists, purlins, etc. shall be as specified on drawings. Glued Laminated Members: Glued laminated members shall be fabricated in conformance with U.S. Product Standard PS 56-73, for structural glued laminated timber. All members shall be fabricated of industrial grade Douglas Fir - Larch in accordance with American Institute of Timber Construction (A.I.T.C.) specifications, using water resistant glue throughout. Each member shall bear an A.I.T.C. identification mark and be accompanied by an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Conformance. One coat of end sealer shall be applied immediately after trimming in either shop or field. Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval to the Arcitect prior to fabrication. Beams shall be combination 24F, fb=2400 psi, fv=165 psi., camber beams as required. IPlywood: Plywood panels shall meet the requirements of the latest edition of "U.S. Product Standard PS-1 for Softwood Plywood". Each piece shall bear the A.P.A. Grade -Trademark of the American Plywood Associa- tion. Plywood & nailing shall be as shown on the roof framing plan. All nails shall be common wire; nails unless otherwise specified. Soils: IAll footings shall be poured against undisturbed soil with any soft or spongy material removed and back filled with concrete. I Dul s 19 r) Loads: In addition to the dead loads., the following live loads were used for design: ROOF 25 PSF FLOOR 50 PSF (& 20 PSF partition) WIND 20 PSF ASSUMED SOIL PRESSURE 2000 PSF Earthquake loads resisted by plywood shear walls. JA11 construction shall conform to the requirements of the Renton Building Code, Latest Edition. Shop Drawings: If fabricator's shop drawings differ in design or add to the design of the structural drawings, they shall bear the seal and signature of a Washington State Registered Professional Engineer. Said seal and signature to be affixed prior to submission of shop drawings for approval by Architect. IJoists : Shall be as manufactured by Thuss-Span or approved equal. Shop drawings shall be approved by Archi- tect. Shop drawings shall bear the seal and signature of a Washington State Registered Professional Engineer. Truss manufacturer shall provide all necessary bridging and bracing. All sill plates on lower floor to be Doug -Fir #2 (pressure treated). tLe a JUL 12 109 RODERICK G. PARR Architects RICHARD O FREIHEIT ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Land Planners 400- 108th Avenue N.E., Bellevue, Washington 98004 LAWf . NCE K.L HO ASSOCIATE 206) 455-1151 DRAWN BY. E C r) z J _ nM Crc r04l- 8? 625" P;?0P0-5t O C t Lj 7 i x'. lx K x x kf KY ,y'=Jt Y• , x k r t N v K Y k x ' x S. ". 127H. ST12E?^ N, LAND5CAPE-. PLAN SC.At 1`611 I. —Oil Nq-re5 , I A 5F';ZlWK .L.e12 SYSTt "" "'!L15T B RDVI b ry a,Lr .r•ar+t 3Co•PEC AF2EAt Pic KZ C,7'Y DPNTDN S'TANt AIRt, A,,Itr+T e j Gpt SiJ,F• SHQt-D ''> ADE. Asir) ,'K=.12iFi >Q,i3 (=OK t p}.15TRUCT+G7?.i 2), AL-L. DEFLGT''E 0Q PL.A.T "AT, Ej.iAL_ `.HALL'- e>E Q'F'rL_AGto "ITHIQ ONE CfRCOWINCr SEASON K=KROM THE TIMV OP I jSTALLATkDN — iN ACCp1,041-LCE WIT4 TWA NEA.EJN1 Renton, Washington , i LA T I NO REVISIONS r 2 RU660I Hoses /lr ItG W1 a (AA, 'Mott X4 cpwt6 "Ac E 2 NAIi^i Pfck gtUE 2A2 tTAKr9t "LACE y DuTsIot or ROOT IIL1- TIMIS TRUUK WMAPPiIII 1 N TREE STAKING DETAI L OVEWj j AP i TM D1EGIaUO 9 /,. 16tROtj3 T1z 1a 5 . \ FRO Tb I'5 0 F ROOT I`SAIlL OKJLi 3 OULC H j PREf-1,+RED TOP SO[L, GHAP=t 5IDE5 of PLANT PtT F r' GONI OF HAW[! $:JCNAf P - TOP yOtV TREE f L.A J71 NG XrA l 1 SYM50L-S NAM& COMMON NAMa No, r SiZe 5PAC'C; i t"f' L.AI.JN - SOD -- 5DD ter. t {rTiAE- HOW, -;I:{UN?:"} Z7 2-tr"'3•' A545++0A Wfit t i i i1 N D — GQ I M jpt A i A <_l . iP I— 2. C4A L.I i 3 rrt u LC N jtjWjPt9Ij5 5 {T p -t ..NI^ z {a;., , PI SAiKE2_ _.. `19 DISIZA P Cr V I I` t .. 1v 4:: l.' ..ir ", l v T P ,-AT i i • ,{ i ,4. A PREPI 12Et TlJ( '.rOtl,,___— 7 S-e c. 5PAt_LO Q c5ALAL. 2a CHAFE SiPE. OF PLA Jr PIT 3 J i C HAkiof`w, as 4 I AC-M PALMATUM 2-" if JUL 121983 4U3 5YC VeS'tM15 SCUTS pjN> y K u,L DID. / . I (, SHRUB 1'IANTING DETAIL N.0 A R B Reg No.10.672 W ASHINGTON TL 572 OREGON 561 CALIFORNIA C68b4 NE VADA 742 MONTANA 657 COLORADO C X)98 ALASKA 3805-A DAHO AR 796 i r j 1 a i I I I h 0 1 I f I RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RICHARD O FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K L. HO ASSOCIATE ASSOCI AT E 400-108th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, WaStitogt, x4 (206) 455-1151 DRAWN BY: P.E o DATE r„ aP+ 2 E iz "t = 9 3 s E /Z "E = 5:5' 000 FEn/G6 TO 2EMA/it/ A O w 77G2o 0(f? GA 5 /'7N le/M = /6. 6o EX AZA/I/TE.e Z ss EX/ST. EOGE r = ', Ai, IA16 .; o T E : :!)E E t*AEET Z. FoR c X t gT. J R/w UT1LITIE._-). r\j j7 I1.lV = I 1 59 L =_2)R PREPARED BY --- T ----- - ---- JOHN R. EWING AND ASSOCIATES C!\. iL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYORS KENT, WASHINGTON (206) 852-6633 JOB NO, Kt QE!/• s rE LA/ E,e ,q,ec y irEcT -------- -- - DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED By y1 3O ---/--SUr OG/EU BJ CG/ENT REV. NO. ! DESCRIPTION BY ICHECKE 8 TEST PLUa 34 x 40 h1 tT REC1U t RED S Mho -1pe,/ M / 9. -a - Z"W _ /0 88 7 SZ 4-- c> we =//• iJ w 1 -1 1-21 , a Q rV-\ u A0 LE_ AiwiAt)APTpR::!) -TYR. 81 PVClimit JJ 8 RUgaER GA'KE.T PLUG VJ/ I *_" Dt A . pRtFtCE c # 1 DETAII. „ r:5 OWNER IV,41ef /I TT14 o,=---_Z_ Aivoz-R501V P R J E T -___ --__ _ zOEZ_ - /11A1e BU/L O/A/G OTT OP s JUL 121983 BUILDING/ZO'NN I° " zf A si 7Z S - .BU/GT V V V i Uw H. STRe mi LAN05GAPE PL At-4 SG.Ia Lar 1/'j11 ._ i '_QII N. NOTES I. l. A SP1211JK1.E1Z SY.STI_ M MUST 5r_ PfZ0\/1Der_> IN ALL_ LAN4t:;>Sc.4Appr_> ARFAS PER CITY DP P-P NT01114 STANt]AJZt», FALIL. ;TIES FDI<Z SUCH SHOUL-0 r->E MADI ANC) 1VE RIFIe4:) g UiZS CONSTRUCT+QN . 2. AI-L DEFLGTIVE Ok 015,4,0 PL4tiT "ATE)ZAL f>HAL.L 5,E FFrL.AGtZ> WITHIkI ONE Cez20W1titG SE6,SON FROM rHE TIME, OF- INSTALLATION — IN ACCOKOAt.Lce WIT4 THe SPEGIGICAMONJS HEADW , U Renton, WasNngton S GAPE F111AN V.C.A R B Reg. No:10,672 WASHING?ON TL 572 OREGON 561 CALIFORNIA C6864 NEVADA 742 MONTANA 657 COL ORADO C 1098 ALASKA 3805-A DAHO AR 796 gYMbot,.s lk"m F. LAWH_- 1500 — COMMON NAMe t t0, i S I ZG ' apAG' Rh D D Nf RC3N`1"H HOW. --- H1140 - 4PAiM4.404 A:ZALP,A JUNIP eUS,NE51S PF TZt. P1=Tz R .1U•tr ..-_ __._.__. _.._ 4 -- - 5 u - -- I - L, 2. I H EZ99A M Ir L I X G N4 I Y Y PLATS I IIrNi.1 CiPaU LT H FJe 1 A 5 AL.Ll.OW SA i_ A L, 12!o. FIATS MT, F U! l (F L0WE12tQr4r CH t9RY) i 3 ; 14/ 4 u 4) I I AC.t,AiL PALMATUM P+Jt 3 YL r'STRlS JGDT'C PitJ> 14 RODERICK G. PARR & ASSOCIATES, P.S., INC. Architects & Land Planners RICHARD O. FREIHEIT LAWRENCE K.L. HO ASSOCIATE ASSOCIAT E 400-108th Avenue N.E., Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206) 455-1151 DRAWN BY: Rao E 2 "OF -It Ho5E5 J TIEC W1 q CIA - 10It6 — 1$ 4 C0055 2,1 Z STAKES , GLACE xi -mot Or. ROOT ObALL MEE T1rUUK WRAF"wq TREE STAKING DETA I L TY P I GA L pMTA I LS FOR PdOTH af.CIDU0 19 1/ l,u t FtRocJ3 TR E5 . ,, FRO{n TO """' AP r S OF 1200T ISALL ONLY - 3" MULCH SAUC f R -- PREP,AR90 TOP SOIL, LHALt SINES of PLAMT pIT GOW£ OAR HAWO fiR#AE© fOP' Sfltb M TREE PLAWTI NCB DATA I L kkk MULCH t _ 7 PREPARED TbP 601L CHAFE $ 106-5 OF PLANT PIT WWf- OF HANO 'e riRWED ? bP wlt, SHRUB P AWT1NG DETAIL, r w I . 1-fiq