HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA83-072BEGINAH1-4 OF FILE FILE TITLE ovedc: 07(2 .0_085 VIONIT' MAP SHEET NOD( 5 N W : oI srre n.eJ/viu.m wvl. rfT iNpee "1 -s Ll CONCEPTUAL L.. C..Pe PWN/cswoi.IG a 5 eG woaeioPED 14oP1aTr eaeT .!.[ AVG., \ t 1 «.d fad. a..o' fe>•.' d ,ed` sd IN s. I ' r i rr r L rzt .'..1-III- a few sOA 177 I-t. 1 8 I, EIMrt Pewee AaLe c•NP,—.}^r r i 1 ly r. /// I I , 4L. r b rooPoo uNme i za /TAUR.0 I I-Oa u se .) ra.e4a":• -' a III j I iII 1 i'`° r Ji cu 1 I q a I; 4N4T coat. r MP/ . d p18 cvE.,.P,a,'e•e a, 0 4*T p'e OP aN.Ld.w..L a i I r 1.0.. 4ed ;adl' I xd nd r a 1 Z I i i r \ I I 3 EXIYfNOuASNOPPNC. CENTERiI77dd19IIIW EXISTNCI MOdL 5lRMCE 991710N EX NO ?L C0 I th L. y SERVICE 9TG J L 1 U Q I p T bI d J fe r ti104a yy F• fft.w 1\l 1 14mme A 4M64.7 IIM* UNION A NLlE NE __e 0T SITE PLAN t'10Lo' Lll!1J LANDSCAPE LEGEND F n7. 6 . rea uu,_m a oKou«,e-vat I fA t NP;tgM" 4111 uoe r+eirw sraa 6a I2u: 1 Me.amo. F- a t , w. .,.n..cw 7.e. 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CORNER,nrl.wv Wt.' 1 ITYP C./AU WALL H•0+rW me., SY ehlsel NOON CitscTc© pAM NO11.-, ag ) NITIIIIQ a 7 ill R b 1 El a p p r fT r ll II [ 7 kJI a Ii a ii D o p II > t II u 1 u ii u ii ii I I 1 I L d e- aw NOILOina 1G19 NOILOh3" Ig N1. r10S 1 ! 1.NV Ii or,... NoLov 13 kLli0N r, wn NOILM3' l3 163^ n 0. 00 n III a m s I lf Oct 1., 21..., 011 7._, 11uc I t IL r- 0 L i f I eN u OF R 4, THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 seLL o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER o P FRED J. KAUFMAN, 235-2593 F0 SEP1° O March 30, 1984 George & Delores Darby Smith 10717 N.E. 4th Street Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: File No.:SA-072-83; Site Approval Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith: The Examiner's Report regarding the referenced application which was published on December 19, 1983, has not been appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered final and is being transmitted to the City Clerk this date for filing. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, Fred J. Kauf an Hearing Examiner cc: City Clerk Building & Zoning Department AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King WI LL I S ROBERTS being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 19th day of December 19 83 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. ife_244;) Subscribed and sworn to me this 21 s t day of December 1983. ye },49-/Le (25, Ze. No ry Public in and fo the State of Washington, residing at ,-y j, therein. Application, Petition or Case : GEORGE & DELORES DARBY SMITH: SA-072-83 The minutes contain a list of the parties of record.) December 19, 1983 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION. APPLICANT: GEORGE & DELORES DARBY SMITH FILE NO. SA-072-83 LOCATION: 4100 block of N.E. 4th Street on the south side of N.E. 4th Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant seeks site plan approval to allow construction of an automated car wash. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building and Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval, subject to conditions. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval, subject to conditions. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department Report was DEPARTMENT REPORT: received by the Examiner on December 6, 1983. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building and Zoning Department Report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on December 13, 1983, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following were entered into the record, as follows: Exhibit #1: Yellow file containing the application, staff report, and other pertinent documents pertaining to posting and publication. Exhibit #2: Site Plan map. Exhibit #3: Proposed landscaping plan. Rober Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the staff report. He indicated this request was the second part of a special permit previously issued to fill the subject site in 1981 SP-032-80), and that an additional site plan approval would be required at the time of development. Also, this applicant has a pending appeal for a short plat to be heard in January. Mr. Blaylock noted the proposed use is for an automated car washing facility; that there is direct access onto N.E. 4th Street and no access onto Union Avenue N.E.; the Comprehensive Plan designates the area as Commercial and the present zoning on the site is B-1 which would allow this facility under the new B-1 code. It was pointed out by Mr. Blaylock that the sedimentation pond will be removed and will be level at that point. The ERC has issued .a declaration of non-significance on the proposal subject to the following conditions: 1. A revised site plan submitted to the Building & Zoning Department on November 16, 1983 to retain the two Douglas Fir trees existing on the site. 2. Storm drainage participation shall be required in the Downstream Water Fund in the amount of $76.85 (1.88 acres x $40.88 per acre). 3. A minimum fifteen (15) foot easement is to be provided for drainage course. (This will cover the existing underground storm drain line that crosses diagonally across the northern portion of the subject site.) GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH SA-072-83 DECEMBER 19, 1983 Page 2 Mr. Blaylock continued by stating the City wishes to retain a 15 foot sanitary sewer easement along the eastern boundary of the subject property to allow for construction of a new 12 inch line to be placed in that area. The Examiner inquired if the current water capacity is adequate for a proposal of this type. Mr. Blaylock indicated that it was adequate to handle it. The Examiner then inquired how the vehicle trips generated per day was computed. Mr. Blaylock answered that they used the estimated employee traffic that will be generated and further based their computation upon the size of a commercial structure Mr. Blaylock continued with the report stating that there seems to be a problem with the curb cut onto N.E. 4th Street and that staff has recommended redesigning that to provide for a 60 degree angled curb cut to eliminate any left-turn movements. The Examiner inquired if there was provision made along the eastern boundary of the site to provide for a buffer from the G-1 property. Mr. Blaylock stated that none had been made since the property is in a transition status and staff did not feel the need for this. The Examiner then called on the applicant or representative for testimony. Responding was: Larry Baylis Bayliss Architects 500 - 108th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, WA 98004 Mr. Bayliss stated his firm has looked at this entire piece of property for master planning and also for architectural services for the carwash itself; that the driveway along the easement is intended to extend around the carwash and back to Union Avenue N.E. to provide for through traffic at some point in the future. Mr. Bayliss further stated that they have designed the area to allow vehicles to wait on the property itself, rather than backing up onto the street. In answer to a question by the Examiner, Mr. Bayliss stated they intend to appeal to the traffic already using the streets in the area and do not feel they will generate much additional traffic. With respect to the recommendations of staff, Mr. Bayliss commented as follows: 1. With respect to the off-site improvements, they do not have any objections; however, they would hope to delay those improvements on Union until such time as future development of the entire property is known to eliminate any repetition of improvements and added expense to the project. 2. It seems to the applicant that they are being required to pay for two sewer systems by means of the latercomer's charge and through the LID they are being asked to participate in for sewers for the entire area. Mr. Bayliss asked that perhaps the latecomer's charge be credited towards the applicant's share of the LID at that time. 3. It seems to the applicant that the easement requirement may be an unfair burden on this property in that the applicant is being asked to grant the entire easement; this sewer line will serve a very broad area of the community. Mr. Bayliss asked if it would be possible to ask for one-half of the easement on the applicant's property and the other one-half on the adjoining property. 4. With respect to redesign of the westerly driveway, Mr. Bayliss pointed out the applicant feels the straight cut with proper signing is better than the 60 degree angled curb cut. The Examiner pointed out to Mr. Bayliss that he does not have the authority to alter the assessment for latecomer's charges vs. LID charges and suggested the applicant take this matter up with the Public Works Department and also the City Council for a resolution of the matter. GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH SA-072-83 DECEMBER 19, 1983 Page 3 Mr. Bayliss indicated that other than the concerns expressed above, the applicant was satisfied with the staff's report and recommendation. The Examiner called for further testimony in support of the application. There was none. The Examiner then called for testimony in opposition to the application, or comments. Responding was: Mary Merbach Maplewood Heights Maintenance Corporation 13732 S.E. 141st Street Renton, WA 98056 Mrs. Merbach asked how large the retention and detention requirements would be for the project and how long it will be detained. She stated their greenbelt area is rapidly filling with water now and she wants to go on record stating they do not want any more surface water runoff into their greenbelt area; that the area cannot handle anymore. Mr. Blaylock stated calculations will be made at the time of building permit application. Mrs. Merbach asked where the water retentions will be directed. Mr. Blaylock stated he could not answer that question. Mr. Baylis stated they have not completed the design of the storm water system, but that it would be reviewed as part of the building permit process; that the development will not create much more runoff because the water from the carwash is recycled, cleaned, and used again. The Examiner called for further testimony. There being none, the Examiner closed the public hearing at 9:50 a.m. and advised he would issue his report and decision within two weeks. He further advised the applicant to contact the Board of Public Works , the Public Works Department, and the City Council with respect to the dual charge for the sewer system. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicants, George and Delores Darby Smith, filed a request for approval of a site plan for a car wash. 2. The application file containing the application, the State Environmental Policy Act SEPA) documentation, the Building & Zoning Department Report, and other pertinent documents, was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC), responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The subject proposal met with no opposition from the public. 6. The subject site is located on the south side of the 4100 block of N.E. 4th Street. The site is east of Union Avenue N.E. 7. The subject site is essentially level, and will be leveled with the elimination of a detention pond near the northwest corner of the site. The site was leveled after approval of a fill and grade permit. The issuance of such a permit requires subsequent site plan review of the filled property. GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH SA-072-83 DECEMBER 19, 1983 Page 4 8. The subject site was annexed into the city in March of 1967 by Ordinance 4t2308. The site was reclassified from its original G (single-family) zoning to B-1 (Business/Commercial) zoning by Ordinance #2317 in April of 1967. The special permit to fill and grade the site was issued in April of 1981 (SP-032-81). 9. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of commercial and business uses. 10. The grading of the subject site permitted the culverting of an existing creek which the ERC has required an easement for in order to permit maintenance. 11. The car wash is equipped with facilities to reclaim waste water, thereby limiting the amount of waste water entering the sanitary sewer system. 12. The subject site is not served by sewers and connection to a line in Union Avenue N.E. will be required. Connection fees will be applicable. A new sewer line will be installed as a result of the approval of the Northward rezones. Files Nos. R-018-82 and R-019-82.) The line would run along the eastern boundary of the subject site and an easement from the applicant for this purpose has been requested by the city. The applicant indicates that if such an easement is necessary, the city should pay the costs of acquisition. The applicant would also be required to hook into the new system per the Department of Public Works review and would have to participate in funding the new line. The applicant objects to the double payment for sewer service. 13. The subject site actually has frontage along both N.E. 4th and Union; therefore the applicant is responsible for off-site improvements on both streets. The applicant may choose to delay installation if approved by the Board of Public Works. 14. The proposed plan has its westerly most drive aligned across from a traffic island intended to end a two-way left turn lane. The alignment is such that cars may attempt to thwart its purpose by obliquely crossing the eastbound lanes to make a left turn. Traffic Engineering recommends a signed driveway oriented 60 degrees to the east to avoid this situation. The applicant suggests this could encourage the turn and require difficult sighting maneuvers. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed site plan appears to serve the public use and interest. The development will permit conversion of an empty parcel to a business opportunity. 2. The Traffic Engineering request for the 60 degree driveway appears likely to aid in preventing unwanted and unsafe turning movements. These movements may also be eliminated if the island were extended easterly, increasing its length and clearly limiting such turns. 3. There does not appear any basis for requiring the applicant to dedicate a fifteen foot sewer easement along the eastern boundary of the subject site. This especially appears to be the case since the applicant will be required to hook up to an entirely different sewer line when operation at the car wash commences. 4. The installation of off-site improvements is governed by provisions of the Building Code and by certain provisions of the Subdivision Code. There is no reason to additionally require the installation of those improvements at this stage of the development. DECISION: The site plan is approved subject to the provision of a 60 degree driveway, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineering Division. GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH SA-072-83 DECEMBER 19, 1983 Page 5 ORDERED THIS 19th day of December, 1983. Fred auf Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of December, 1983 to the parties of record: Larry Baylis Baylis Architects 500 - 108th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, WA 98004 TRANSMITTED THIS 19th day of December, 1983 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Policy Development Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Ronald Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before January 3, 1984. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the the proposal must be made in public. This permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. 0473Z BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 13, 1983 APPLICANT: GEORGE & DELORES DARBY SMITH FILE NUMBER: SA-072-83 A. SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Applicant seeks site plan approval to allow construction of an automated car wash. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: George A. & Delores Darby Smith 2. Applicant: George A. & Delores Darby Smith 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached) 4100 block of N.E. 4th Street. on the south side of N.E. 4th Street 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. 5. Size of Property: 61 acres 6. Access: N.E. 4th Street 7. Existing Zoning: B-1, Business Zone 8. Existing Zoning in the Area: G-1, General use; R-3, Residential Multiple Family; and B-1, Business Use. 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan:Commercial 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on December 2, 1983, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on December 2, 1983. C. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The subject site was annexed into the City of Renton by Ordinance #2308 of March 13, 1967. At the time of annexation, the property was zoned G. This zoning designation was later changed to B-1 by Ordinance #2317 of April 10, 1967. A special permit (SP-032-80) was approved to place approximately 2,000 cubic yards of fill on April 6, 1981. D. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The subject site is relatively level. The temporary sedimentation pond will be removed. 2. Soils: Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam (AgC), 6 to 15% slopes. Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum. Runoff is slow to medium and the erosion hazard is moderate. This soil is used for timber, pasture, berries, row crops and for urban development. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH: SA-072-83 DECEMBER 13, 1983 PAGE 2 3. Vegetation: The subject site has little vegetation since the site was recently graded and filled. The site has some grasses and two Douglas fir trees, which were required to be retained by the ERC. 4. Wildlife: The vegetation provides suitable habitat for birds. 5. Water: Staff made a field visit to the subject site on December 5, 1983. On this day. a retention pond was seen on the northern end of the property fronting on N.E. 4th Street. This pond was approximately 5 feet deep and approximately 40'x40' in size. On the day of the survey, it was approximately half full. In addition to the pond, there was a drainage ditch along the eastern property line, extending the length of the property and emptying into the retention pond. 6. Land Use: The subject site is currently vacant. E. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The surrounding area consists of a shopping center (restaurant, supermarket, service station) to tht north; undeveloped properties to the east and south; and a service station to the west. F. PUBLIC SERVICES: i. Utilities: a. Water - An 8 inch water line extends along N.E. 4th Street adjacent to the subject property and a 16 inch water line extends along Union Avenue N.E. b. Sanitary Sewer An 8 inch sanitary sewer extends approximately 500 feet southward from the intersection of N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E. This will need to be extended onto the site, but will only provide temporary service. c. Storm Water Drainage - A storm water retention/detention system is required by the Public Works Department. The system is to have a 25-year rain storage capacity with a 5-year release rate. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3.Transit: METRO Transit Routes #107 and #108 operate along Union Avenue N.E. approximately 2.200 feet north of the subject site. 4. Schools: Not applicable. 5. Recreation: Not applicable. G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-711, Business District (B-1). H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1. Northeast Comprehensive Plan, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium. p. 40-45. 2.Policies Element, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, Section 5A(Commercial Areas Objective) and Section 5B (Commercial Structures and Sites Objective, p. 16-17. 3.Section 4-3010, Duties of the Examiner (Land Use Hearing Examiner Ordinance.) PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH: SA-072-83 DECEMBER 13, 1983 PAGE 3 IMPACT ON THE NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: 1. Natural Systems: Minor. 2. Population/Employment: The subject project is expected to have minor impact on employment. More information is required to know exactly how many individuals will be employed on the site. 3. Schools: Not applicable. 4. Social: Not applicable. 5. Traffic: The subject proposal is expected to generate 60 average daily trips on N.E. 4th Street. Overall, the traffic impact should be minor. J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, a final declaration of non-significance was issued by the Environmental Review Committee on November 16, 1983. The Committee also required three conditions which are discussed in the following staff analysis. K. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1. City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2. City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5. City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau. 6. City of Renton Policy Development Department. 7. City of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. L. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS; 1. The applicant is seeking a site plan approval to allow construction of an automated car wash on approximately .6 of an acre site. This is part of an approximately 2 acre site that was filled in 1981 under Special Permit, SP-024-81. The proposed facility will include one primary building along with outside self service vacuum stations. 2. The proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial and the present zoning classification of B-1. Business Use. 3.The Environmental Review Committee issued a declaration of non-significance subject to the following three conditions: a. The revised site plan submitted to the Building and Zoning Department on November 16, 1983. b. Storm drainage participation shall be required in the Downstream Water Fund in the amount of $76.85 (1.88 acres x $40.88 per acre). c. A minimum fifteen (15) foot easement is to be provided for drainage course. (This will cover the existing underground storm drain line that crosses diagonally across the northern portion of the subject site.) 4. The general vicinity has undergone major development within the last three years. A new Safeway store and restaurant are located immediately across the street to the north. A new Texaco service station was recently constructed to the northwest of the subject site while immediately to the west of the subject site is a Mobil service station. The property to the south and east is undeveloped at this time and designated on the Comprehensive Plan as Commercial. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH: SA-072-83 DECEMBER 13, 1983 PAGE 4 5.All of the departments except the Public Works Department had minor comments concerning the proposed development. The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department specifically stated that the following shall apply: a. Off-site improvements will be required on both N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E. since the property is part of a larger parcel which fronts on both streets. b. Storm water retention/detension requirements shall be for a 25 year storage and a 5 year release. It will be necessary to provide supporting calculations. c. The property should be covenanted to participate in future cost for sanitary sewers which will drain to the south. The sanitary sewer service will be a temporary service agreement. The proposal is located within the sewage drainage basin that also services the GM rezone development. Major extensions are necessary from the Heatherdowns connector located in the Fernwood Subdivision at this time. Utility Engineering notes that a twelve (12) inch sanitary sewer extension will probably be required on the east side of the parcel. This has been determined to be the logical location for the main trunk to service the entire basin. It would be appropriate to obtain the necessary fifteen (15) foot wide utility easement along the entire eastern property line at this time. d. Provide plan and profile for the above utilities on 22 x 34 inch mylar sheets. 6.The Traffic Engineering Division is concerned with the western most curb cut onto N.E. 4th Street. A complex situation arises with the incompatability of left turns out of the driveway into a protected left turn lane for turns from N.E. 4th Street onto Union Avenue N.E. going south. Traffic Engineering advises that the driveway should be redesigned to specifically a 60 degree angle and dalong with the installation of a " Not Enter" signs. 7.The two existing 30 inch fir trees located along the-mein property have been retained and a landscaping plan has been modified to blend those trees into the landscape theme. M. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the site approval, SA-072-83, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Installation of off-site improvements on both N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E. 2. Filing of restrictive covenants requiring the participation in the future cost for a sanitary sewer which will drain to the south across the property. 3. Granting of a fifteen (15) foot wide easement along the eastern property line of the entire parcel for the extension of the sanitary sewer. 4. Redesign of the westerly driveway to a sixty (60) degree angle along with the installation of "Do Not Enter" signs facing onto N.E. 4th Street. w Li.1 IIII1 I 1 R-2 i 1 R- 3 J I R-3 r R-3 TT— I B_ I B- 1 • , I _3 1' F: 1 I . 7 1 i 0 l ; ta. TM i r--—= I I 1 1 T O y J 4 P-1, r i i 11141z l G Q E E r'w OO D 6,6)153 r 1 • .i I ER T r 1 i , , ,4... 1 G-1 R-3 0 R-3 G-1- 1 1 1 p C I kJ74 I 1 j I I I. 1 I R—1l 1 I I , I I. a • .. .,u`' 421 G-1 Y f I k+, t' . . t =tom I I:,, , J laL1ll:l. 1. at II i'I I A • • N, yn I I 3 11r` jIII I I I r-r'. G SQUEAKY CLEAN CAR WASH GEORGE AND DELORES DARBY SMITH SA-072-83 APPLICANT GEORGE &DELORES DARBY SMITH TOTAL AREA - 0.61 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 4TH ST. EXISTING ZONING B-1, BUINESS DISTRICT EXISTING USE VACANT PROPOSED USE AUTOMATED CAR WASH COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN COMMERCIAL COMMENTS APPROVED n PROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 7::15 Dkoz, A. 1;;4c.e-d 4 ,3-r e. ,2-vot-n LIAz-,/,_ 11"karg'''' IS)-9 DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AU1 'THORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7) C n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED f2G C 4/4 %--- DATE : SIGNATUR DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7— ( l ! APPROVED JJ APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 7,1froZ/7 2/a- Ze-e,;-. 7,, /447,7 Atee,_14,e_rd 7. 4 ,5/7 , 05 DATE : / SIGNATURE DI ECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE l REVISION 5/1982 I ! APPROVED pd PROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED rtxtit.- 0YE"--(4-44.--"-twtoucey,.NE'1 "'Ssir wv w..T A.'K':a..o. a .0•-. Y" r Syr /44 vfvvi•4— Sty n /C. /. 4..416,A, 9 'It • A•40 S.04.CAP Ste. Se e.erZt. f°royi we. /a.•. d°v'io7• A- . Garen. sr•... V.1•0 X 3 - 0/3//• DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVI ION ; t,t c(ry I ( APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS fl NOT APPROVED UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - WATER C S ti -24C LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEWER yt`3 Gt. -}S SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WATER VC''S c4/5,1 I l SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER IC5 04/50 Ft. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER No SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE SEWER }iu 7,1 5O SRwe*• j1 41%0 APPROVED WATER PLAN 8S IF fty-,rtlil" 19 6t o/01 e.3* Si .F 7` rfl. ht APPROVED SEWER PLAN NO rrias.1 APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS 1eS BY FIRE DEPT. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS No r DATE : 11113 SIGNATURE OF RECTOR OR AU HORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; K .QE//c_ A ,/V NC r-1 APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED t It aS t R T!v r k ...s.." e-/ Cc, N K fir- S.•J DATE ; // 1/ _: SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRES ENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVI )N : RAPPROVED n APPROVEidi,e,r,e , WITH CONDITIONS Ti NOT APPROVED DATE : ((- 4/-6j 3 SIGNATUR OF DIRE OR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I] NOT APPROVED 1 I ,YOr2 / rn pncr" oti ,, RAs .4. /' ' C Mc / L ' r'e 011. DATE: t; T b SIGNATURE OF DIR CTOR 0 AU RIZED REPRESE ATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 0240N FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No(s): SA-0/2-83 Environmental Checklist No.:ECF -066-83 Description of Proposal:Application for site plan approval t.o allow construction of an automated car wash. Proponent: George A. & Delores Darby Smith. Location of Proposal: Located on the south side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Avenue N.E. Lead Agency:City of Renton Building and Zoning Department. This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on November 9, 1983 and November 16, 1983, following a presentation by Jerry Lind of the Building and Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Ronald Nelson, Robert Bergstrom, David Clemens, James Matthew, Jerry Lind, Richard Houghton, Gary Norris, Robert Hufnagle and James Hanson. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-066-83 are the following: 1. Environmental Checklist Review. prepared by: E.L. Baylis, DATED October 27, 1983. 2.Applications: Site Plan Approval (SA-072-83). 3. Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Design Engineering Division, Utility Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Policy Development Department, Police Department and Building and Zoning Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: The proposed car wash will not adversely impact the environment or adjacent properties and the following conditions are to be complied with: 1. The final declaration of non-significance is subject to the revised site plan submitted to the Building and Zoning Department on November 16, 1983. 2. Storm drainage participation shall be required in the Down Stream Water Fund in the amount of $76.85 (1.88 acres x $40.88 per acre). 3. A minimum fifteen (15) foot easement is to be provided for the drainage course. INFORMATION: Street improvements are planned along Union Avenue which will require curbs, gutters and sidewalks. SIGNAT t 1RES: Ronald G. Nelson David R. Clemens Building and Zoning Director Policy Development Director Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director PUBLISHED: NOVEMBER 21, 1983 APPEAL DATE: DECEMBER 5, 1983 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 _ 83 APPLICATION No(s ) : STTR Pr AN APPROVAT, (SA-072-83) PROPONENT: GDORGE A. & Dr DRES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE: SQUEAKY CLEAN CAR WASH Brief Description of Project :APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW OONSTRUCTION OF AN AUI'OMAThD CAR WASH. LOCATION: THE PROPERTY IS IJOCNAD ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET' APPROXLMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. SITE AREA: 0.61 ACRE BUILDING AREA (Gross ) : 1,900 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENT COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1) Topographic Changes: X 2) Direct/Indirect Air Quality: x 3) Water & Water Courses: X 4) Plant Life: . x 5) Animal Life: x 6) Noise: 7) Light & Glare: 8) Land Use; North: SHOPPTLY; CENTER East : T TNDEm OPE3) South: iINniv rnrrn West : SERVICE SPAT TON Land Use Conflicts : MINOR View Obstruction: NONE ANTICIPATED 9) Natural Resources: X 10) Risk of Upset : X 11) Population/Employment : X 12) Number of Dwellings : X 13) Trip Ends ( ITE) : 60 TRIP ENDS Traffic Impacts: MINOR 14) Public Services : X 15) Energy: X 16) Utilities: X 17) Human Health: X 18) Aesthetics: X 19) Recreation:X 20) Archeology/History: X Signatures: yam RR"onald G. Nelson David R. Clemens Building & Zoning Director Policy Development Director PUBLISHED: NOV_ 21 . 1983 Richard C. Houghton/APPEAL DATE: DEC. 5, 1983 Public Works Director The Baylis Architects 501 :th Avenue Northeast. Bellevue. Washin• s8004 206-454-0566 Letter of Transmittal To c i—ry REtl?,N Date I2/ //j3 uliAINca f zo i ii ter. Re: * I . -kip: rj4•-Qe-]'L—f'3 Attention jEQ LIE,'r`eE 7ArMElL Eol2UE A. lieLot=.es DAPe SMiT Gentlemen: Shop drawings _. `ints Original We are sending you Copy of letter Attached Change order I{ Plans 0 Samples Under separate cover via the following items. Specifications 0 COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION 8/42 l 1 ''MT t.--r lo1•1s SROE.Atcy &e4P4 GAS Wes o DEC 9 1983Thesearetransmittedascheckedbelow: For approvaCAs requested Approved as noted Returned for corrections For your us For review and comment Approved as submitted Resubmit copies for approval Submit copies for distribution Return corrected prints Remarks e i Copy To Signed 0,'VOLL„.L.,AL eriehl CITY OF RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 13, 1983 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 A.M.: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at tho discretion of the Hearing Examiner. VIP'S RESTAURANTS, INC. Appeal by VIP's Restaurant, Inc., file AAD-068-83, of a decision of the Environmental Review Committee to (I) dedicate 12 feet along the east property line; (2) left turn movements at intersection of Maple Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way; (3) installation of left turn barrier at intersection of S.W. Grady Way and Rainier Avenue So.; and (4) payment of 25,622.49 for specific traffic improvements regarding a site approval application, file SA-042-83; property located on the northwest corner of Rainier Avenue So. and S.W. Grady Way. GEORGE SMITH Application for site plan approval to allow construction of an automated car wash, file SA-072-83; property located on the south side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Avenue N.E. OF R4,44 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Z o RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR LL 09 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 Co• 09ITF0 SEP1E-• BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR December 6, 1983 Mrs. Mary E. Merbach, Chairperson Environmental Affairs Committee Maplewood Heights Maintenance Corporation 13732 S.E. 141st Street Renton, WA 98056 RE: GEORGE SMITH/SA-072-83 Dear Mrs. Merbach: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 29, 1983 concerning storm water drainage from the above project. However, the correspondence is misdirected because Mr. Nelson has no authority to overrule the decision of the Environmental Review Committee. Formal appeals must be directed to the Land Use Hearing Examiner under procedures established by Section 4-3011(B). The Building & Zoning Department would appreciate receiving copies of comment letters that the Maplewood Heights Maintenance Corporation is submitting to King County on proposed projects within the drainage basin of Stream 08.0302. Sincerely, Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:se 0343B 13732 S.E. 1 Lj.1 st. Renton, V;A 98056 November 29, 1983 Ronald G. Nelson Building and Zoning Director City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 DEC 2 1983 Dear Mr. Nelson: Re: E.R.C. declaration of None-Significance George A. & Delores Darley Smith(ECF-066-83) File SA-072-83 located on the south side of N.E. lith Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Ave. N. E. The Maplewood Heights Maintenance Corporation does not want the surface water run-off created from this new development added to stream rr8.0302 in our Greenbelt, Sin erely Airs, C y . .terbach, Chair. Environmental Affairs Committee Maplewood Heights Maintenance Corporation cc: Richard C. Boughton Public ' orks Director City of Renton Ray Griffin, President Maplewood Heights Maintenance Corporation Beverly Halladay, Executive Secretary Maplewood Heights Maintenance Corporation NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLI', HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON DECEMBER 13, 1983, AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: VIP'S RESTAURANTS, INC. Appeal by VIP's Restaurant, Inc., file AAD-068-83, of a decision of the Environmental Review Committee to (1) dedicate 12 feet along the east property line; (2) left turn movements at intersection of Maple Avenue S.W. and S.W. Grady Way; (3) installation of left turn barrier at intersection of S.W. Grady Way and Rainier Avenue So.; and (4) payment of 25,622.49 for specific traffic improvements regarding a site approval application, file SA-042-83; property located on the northwest corner of Rainier Avenue So. and S.W. Grady Way. GEORGE SMITH Application for site plan approval to allow construction of an automated car wash, file SA-072-83; property located on the south side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Avenue N.E. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 13, 1983, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED : DECEMBER 2, 1983 Ronald G. Nelson Building and Zoning Director CERTIFICATION I, JERRY LIND, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in the King County, on the 2nd day of December, 1983. J l r' :; SIGNED: v OF RE, CPT I C 1E1 grfD SEPSES f City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a PUBLIC HEARINot, in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL ON DECEMER 13, 1983 BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M. P.M CONCERNING: FILE SA-072-83 I REZONE From_____ To SPECIAL / CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT To X SITE APPROVAL LI SHORT PLAT/SUBDIVISION of Lot PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE FROM H GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS : LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4TH STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FBI EAST OF UNION AVE. N.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION SIGNIFICANT NON—SIGNIFICANT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOU' ' x w vim,acecme a..*va1 v:;aw. VV,Z,a, +..• 'c9 R rn r f$ ^+,. 113 OF R4,4, 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR ea 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0,9 TEo SEPSE P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR December 1. 1983 George and Delores Darby Smith 10717 N.E. 4th Street Bellevue. WA 98004 Re: Site approval application at the 4100 block of N.E. 4th Street, file SA-072-83 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith: The City of Renton Building and Zoning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on October 27, 1983. A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for December 13, 1983 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. Sincerely, Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:cl 0470Z 0240N FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No(s): SA-072-83 Environmental Checklist No.:ECF-066-83 Description of Proposal:Application for site plan approval Lu allow construction of an automated car wash. Proponent: George A. & Delores Darby Smith. Location of Proposal: Located on the south side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Avenue N.E. Lead Agency:City of Renton Building and Zoning Department. This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on November 9, 1983 and November 16, 1983, following a presentation by Jerry Lind of the Building and Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Ronald Nelson, Robert Bergstrom, David Clemens, James Matthew, Jerry Lind, Richard Houghton, Gary Norris, Robert Hufnagle and James Hanson. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ELF-066-83 are the following: i.Environmental Checklist Review, prepared by: E.L. Baylis, DATED October 27, 1983. 2.Applications: Site Plan App oval (SA-072-83). 3. Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Design Engineering Division, Utility Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Policy Development Department, Police Department and Building and Zoning Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW Ii3.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: The proposed car wash will not adversely impact the environment or adjacent properties and the following conditions are to be complied with: 1.The final declaration of non-significance is subject to the revised site plan submitted to the Building and Zoning Department on November 16, 1983. 2. Storm drainage participation shall be required in the Down Stream Water Fund in the amount of $76.85 (1.88 acres x $40.88 per acre). 3. A minimum fifteen (15) foot easement is to be provided for the drainage course. INFORMATION: Street improvements are planned along Union Avenue which will require curbs, gutters and sidewalks. SIGNAT 11RES: 7 z Ronald G. Nelson David R. Clemens Building and Zoning Director Policy Development Director dt Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director PUBLISHED: NOVEMBER 21, 1983 APPEAL DATE: DECEMBER 5, 1983 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 _ 83 APPLICATION No(s ) : SITE PLAN APPROVAT, (SA-072-83 PROPONENT: GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SIMITH PROJECT TITLE: SQUEAKY CLEAN CAR LASH Brief Description of Project :APpLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION: THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 Fri i' EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. SITE AREA: 0.61 ACRE BUILDING AREA (Gross ) : 1,900 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENT COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1) Topographic Changes : X 2) Direct/Indirect Air Quality: X 3) Water & Water Courses : X 4) Plant Life: X 5) Animal Life: X 6) Noise : X 7) Light & Glare : x 8) Land Use; North: SUOppTNG C'r\TTER East : I NnF vETOPTD South: umpljunpED West : SEEVTCE STATTON Land Use Conflicts : MINOR View Obstruction: NONE ANTICIPATED 9 ) Natural Resources : X 10) Risk of Upset : X 11) Population/Employment : x 12) Number of Dwellings : X 13) Trip Ends ( ITE) : 60 TRIP ENDS Traffic Impacts : MINOR 14 ) Public Services : x 15) Energy: X 16) Utilities : X 17) Human Health: X 18) Aesthetics : X 19) Recreation:X 20) Archeology/History: X Signatures : Ronald G. Nelson David R. Clemens Building & Zoning Director Policy Development Director da-r._ PUBLISHED: NOV. 21 . 1983 Richard C. Houghto APPEAL DATE: DEC. 5, 1983 Public Works Director NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASFiINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERG) has issued a final declaration of non-significance for the following projects: KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (ECF-061-83) Application for conditional use permit to allow placement of a 12' X 60' mobile trailer to house office space in a G-1 zoned district, file CU-070-83; located at the Renton King County Shop facilities complex at 115 Monroe Avenue N.E. ARNOLD HAGG (ECF-067-83) Application for building permit to allow construction of a 27 unit condominium, file B-301; located on the southeast corner of Taylor Avenue N.W. and N.W. 4th Place. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance with conditions for the following project: GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH (ECF-066-83) Application for site plan approval to allow construction of an automated car wash, file SA-072-83; located on the south side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Avenue N.E. Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by December 5, 1983. Published: November 21, 1983 U 1.,':Fk,,47 4 H,, PO l h 7, t i to f F . K }VI i ,. yarn J A:,,:,, , y_ , tH1 ENVIRONMENTAL .::: ,,,,,-, , :,?,,,,, DECLARATIO v_ APPLICATION NO. F I LF SA-072-83, ECF-066-83 v w ' y PROPOSED ACTION APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS LOCAIEU ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4TH STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF 4 UNION AVENUE N 1 E, V POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED r i,PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL , FMk , ACTION q Y e t + s 4 fas ' n i3 i': t ,'' 1,,, + 7n,or`, , "`k 14 ' .0`iv + , `c '. y a;N am t} d 4 a€, i t . 4 4+- d3 +w T fr M sAM t y; a54F+ i t.} V re . a;. 4 n t t i n+ Tv THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW _, "° COMMITTEE ( E.R.C.3 HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION F DDOES DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. q G AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Y WILL WILL NOT try BE REQUIRED. AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION . MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., DRTI1RFR 5, 1983 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTOIV BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION RE )N BUILDING & ZONING DE RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. 8, DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH- LOCATION THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 11-9-83 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : l ( UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT r-1 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 14POLICE DEPARTMENT I ( POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS I ( NOT APPROVED DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRE OR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 1 R 7 RE )N BUILDING & ZONING DE RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : CEORCE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION QF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 11-9-83 E ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : ri UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION El FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU E1PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS :_ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED M ! molt / I'yj loncr" Onv 'mgeA-S ,e / 0&.--G f4c , e. ir7 if?„4-01)i4i Rt.DATE : 3 SIGNATURE OF DIR CTOR 0 AU RIZED REPRESE ATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RE )N BUILDING & ZONING DE RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 11-9-83 ENGINEERING DIVISION r] TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION I] FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : r] APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l INOT APPROVED 440,_ IvEvmsef.oeitzz- z.sole_c4."44.0 4,44 sssirtair S v4)nre'.,/./.,t. A‘cdC- to Y 54%#1/4, *hike. So 5 s k.A4. S a cs, 1,0Y/ bC rt:4 a Ati„/ 4::: "" 77"".... 0/3//ei 7 -7)6 8( DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RE"-1N BUILDING & ZONING DE RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION NO(S) ; SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT ; GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ; APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE ; 11-9-83 111 ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE ; UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU riPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT H BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS ; COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVI ION : Ltric.(r-f n APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED FUTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • WATER jt`S LAI'2A-0 LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - SEWER x l.v -l S Z SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WATER y6r -01156t 1 7 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER e5 , 04/561 Ff, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER NO SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • SEWER J I O I Z" S St•ia,- > sowr 4 APPROVED WATER PLAN 16.5it '" H. tam' e vie ma.rhi APPROVED SEWER PLAN No r'cii-44• APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS IC'S BY FIRE DEPT. 1 FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS t40 DATE ; I t Al'P3 SIGNATURE OF RECTOR OR AU HORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RE )N BUILDING & ZONING DE RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH- LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. TO : I ( PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 11-9-83 El ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I JPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1 ! BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : t c'ypAk_t 1/1 --<,e1A1 E; n APPROVED 1,J1APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l ( NOT APPROVED I,4-I(fL " -/Y. Si J 2 C tea';' rlv CnS/-:e/-bp d,-..P ems . DATE : rr 2/" SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REIWN BUILDING & ZONING DIORTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET CITY OF RENTON ECF - 066 - 83 vG% 3 / .-1983 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) roue( PROPONENT : GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH DEVELOPMENT !7EPT: PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION_ OF AN AUTOMATED CAR_ WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 11-9-83 ENGINEERING DIVISION I ' TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU l ! PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT l ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M, ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED VV` 4„;,, 62..„ ,, ,,,,,.,t_, .4„._„/./ ,/„._e,u...,' Q q P,4 _ 1 , DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 V.,,. 101 I RE )N BUILDING & ZONING DE RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH- LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. TO : n P• UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 11-9-83 u ENGINEERING DIVISION ri TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : ri UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n F• IRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ! P• ARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ri DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ri OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON NOVEMBER 8 , 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : C- n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED C- DATE : SIGNATUR IRECTOR OR UTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RE )N BUILDING & ZONING DE RTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTQNATED CAR WASH_ LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. TO : 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 11-9-83 OENGINEERING DIVISION El TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG , DIVISION EIFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING, PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : l ( APPROVED JjJ APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED v*'; K DATE : i- SIGNA RE DI ECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Inn Date circulated : OCTOBER 31, 1983 Comments due : NOVEMBER 8, 1983 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION No (s ) . SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. d DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. SITE AREA : 0.61 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross ) 1,900 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information Reviewed by : title : Date : if-d - 83 FORM: ERC-06 t='oL R(7 c Date circulated : JCTOBER 31, 1983 Comments due : NOVEMBER 8, 1983 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEIi SHEET E C F - 066 - 83 CITY OF REN T ON APPLICATION No (s ) . SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) r il3T 3 1983 PROPONENT : GEORGE A. 6 DELORES DARBY SMITH FOLIC! DEVELOPMET1T DEPT. PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. SITE AREA : 0.61 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross) 1,900 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : 5Ao/ ;rt CgiedtQufav/.SVenNari X&v'eer-5Tu-7`rd) east : ` meleygfoped south : Urleve/ eel west : 6erltiGe ,$7 t./,Dr: Land use conflicts :MKg ,010,2 ] 4- View obstruction : NOite- 9 ) Natural resources : 1/4 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : J "" v 13 ) Trip ends ( I T E ) : iit rl f20!entek li.40 traffic impacts :J rtt i ml y M ovemesi 1S "AI feta exe ?Y'ide? I on et ias'ius, 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : r 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS • 4t eit)A o¢4--rea..44461t s/14 molt ore re-eval eelY h Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information-_ Reviewed by : „C tee,e7 u-sr YL_, l itle :__ did;414,4(owtwe Date : /fief FORM: ERC-06 l) 1rVCr1 7iO I J I rl C, I Date circulated : OCTOBER 31 , 1983 Comments due : NOVEMBER 8, 1983 ENIVIRONMENTAL CHECIKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION No (s ) . SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. 6: DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. SITE AREA : 0.61 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross) 1,900 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : . 3 ) Water & water courses : 8 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : k 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 1 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : k 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : De9 is- duE, z.k)(J Roiu/7) -/trti4C- Deg s w Recommendation DNS DOS More Information Reviewed by : C litle : Date :a FORM: ERC-06 Gi Date circulated : OCTOBER 31, 1983 Comments due : NOVEMBER 8, 1983 ENIVIRONMENITAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET E C F - 066 - 83 APPLICATION No (s ) . SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. SITE AREA : 0.61 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross ) 1 ,900 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 4 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : /46 d j y . ark C_ ,btirs- Art ". L S cyr ci S/r `re,lF.-c YaT,, Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information Reviewed by 7 4u..i ., litle : Date : D//3/ A'3 FORM: ERC-06 TI L'16. Date circulated : OCTOBER 31, 1983 Comments due : NOVEMBER 8, 1983 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECIKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION No (s ) . SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. b DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. SITE AREA : 0.61 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross ) 1,900 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : T 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : I/ 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : f COMMENTS : n)"S',71N -may S e> r - cr.- ecAd scila-. -4 A_ n4..viy 7 Recommendation : I DOS More Information`_` Reviewed by : title : W/Ul7 (frb/kz- Date : 3 IL FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : OCTOBER 31, 1983 Comments due : NOVEMBER 8, 1983 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECIKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION No (s ) . SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. 6: DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. SITE AREA : 0.61 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross ) 1,900 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality :L/ 3 ) Water & water courses : J 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : r/ 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : fin traffic impacts : Av.Of 14 ) Public services : e 15 ) Energy : r 16 ) Utilities : c/ 17 ) Human health : cv 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI ° DOS More Information G: Y K P. s C.i-/Reviewed b Date : V-Ve3 FORM: ERC-06 F I roc Date circulated : OCTOBER 31 , 1983 Comments due : NOVEMBER 8, 1983 ENVIRONMEINTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ri C-7777ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION No (s ) . SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. 6: DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : OCT 3 1 iyt Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. SITE AREA : 0.61 ACRE BUILDING AREA (gross ) 1,900 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : J 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommenda on : DNSI v DO. Mo a Information _ Reviewed i 'GY Date : fZi.l l itle FORM: ERC-06 REN' I BUILDING & ZONING DEP TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 066 - 83 APPLICATION NO(S) : SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SA-072-83) PROPONENT : GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH. LOCATION : THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF N.E. 4th STREET APPROXIMATELY 160 FEET EAST OF UNION AVENUE N.E. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 11-9-83 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION L ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT I ( POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Fnrm 1R7 The Baylis Architects 500 th Avenue Northeast. Bellevue. Washing 8004 206-454-0566 Letter of Transmittal To G oFR Date 117 ENToN I 1(A/83 1'90 Miu. Ave. S. Pew-row )A. 964055 - Re: 4dpu6Ale_y 6LeAN Csp. WAstI Attention P.e34 12, A f LOGIL Gentlemen: 1 I0ShopdrawingsPrints0Original We are sending you "Ceiatletter Attached 0 Change order 0 Plans 0 Samples Under separate cover via the following items. 0 Specifications 0 r JJ' COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION CD l'e frre PUw/N1NcA a 'QCAN Ft.00w. P.A N/E Les.•4 Seers i.1f These are transmitted as checked below: 0 For approval 0 As requested 0 Approved as noted 0 Returned for corrections XFor your use 0 For review and comment 0 Approved as submitted 0 0 Resubmit copies for approval 0 Submit copies for distribution 0 Return corrected prints Remarks ENCIASet9 IS A LerTe - 112 viI.mMC7 'f1-lE INrot A-ns1 Pegpve5sTeD t THE et /i II2 1Yn 61J-TAL, 1ZEVi t ' awl iy1 , NCe ?NE 5i-re AND tut(.0 INicn 'DESIGN 1445.ve GHANele0) HAVE IIgC.LuDED Cep) N,ew s€T blzAklttc hoR USEO . CITY OF RENTON u \\7E1i'I NOV 16 1983 BU,LDING/LUNING Copy To Signed Jd1L The Baylis Architects 511 18th Avenue Northeast. Bellevue. Wash' - - 98004 206 454 0566 r. November 15, 1983 CITY OF RENTON City of Renton Iii IUJ11J 1`! [ i]i)Building and Zoning Department Municipal Building NOV 16 1983 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 BU1LD;NG/c.)N1NG ATTN: Roger Blaylock RE: Squeaky Clean Car Wash File ECF-066-83, SA-072-83 Dear Mr. Blaylock: We are in receipt of your comments regarding the Renton Environmental Review Committee Meeting of November 9, 1983. Additional information pertaining to these items are as follows: 1 . Sanitary Sewer Please refer to City of Renton Engineering Department Drawing Number 2-3-303. The above referenced drawing shows an 8" concrete sewer pipe which runs approximately 495 feet south of the intersection of N. E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N. E. We plan to run our side sewer west along the south property line of the existing Mobil Station, to intercept the sewer line under Union Avenue N.E. To achieve this the slope on the side sewer line will be less than 2% (which is the required minimum slope). Through meetings with the engineering department we are aware of the requirement for a Hold Harmless' agreement for side sewers less than 2% slope and will comply with this prior to commencement of construction. 2. Storm Drainage A storm water detention system will be provided for impervious areas created by development on the parcel occupied by the car wash. This system shall be designed to store the volume of pre- cipitation anticipated during a 25 year storm. The storm water will then be discharged into the existing storm sewer system per the 5 year release rate. This will be accomplished by a buried corrugated metal pipe with a man hole incorporating a flow re- strictor plate to be located along the east property line. El Baylis.A I Brian Brand,A I A Richard Wagner.A.I.A. 1 Page Two The balance of the site will be planted in a manner to achieve a dense mat of natural vegetation to absorb and impede the flow of surface water. 3. Flora The building has been relocated per the site plan to accommodate the existing fir trees along the western property line. We ho e this information is sufficient to process our application. Sincer , ciikat • E :ay • THE BAYLIS ARCHITECTS EB/dd OF R. y © o BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR o 9 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 O94 1'ED SEPZE'1‘O P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR November 10, 1983 Mr. E. L. Baylis The Baylis Architects 500 - 108th N.E. Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: SQUEAKY CLEAN CAR WASH File ECF-066-83, SA-072-83 Dear Mr. Baylis: On November 9, 1983, the Renton Environmental Review Committee met to discuss the above referenced site plan approval application. In the course of our review, it was determined that more information would be needed before the Committee will issue an environmental declaration for this project. Specifically, items needing more informationareasfollows: 1.Sanitary Sewer No sanitary sewer is currently available to the site. The trunk line running downN.E. 4th Street now ends at Union Avenue N.E. Provide to the Committee how this connection is to be achieved. 2.Storm Drainage The application has not addressed the issue of storm drainage. Storm water retention/detention is required and is to be designed based upon the volume of a 25-year storm and a 5-year release rate. Provide supporting calculations to the Committee on how this is to be handled. As an informational note, be advised that participation will be required in the Down Stream Storm Water Fund in an amount that will be determined by the Public Works Department. 3.Flora There are two large douglas fir trees along the western edge of the site that were saved when the site was previously filled. These trees are to be saved and incorporated in the site plan. Some adjustment may be necessary with the location of the proposed car wash building in relation to these trees. Please survey their location and identify on a revised landscape plan. Mr. E. L. Baylis November 10, 1983 Page 2 Please submit this requested information to the Building & Zoning Department at your earliest convenience so that an environmental determination can be made. Until this is accomplished, the application will remain on our agenda under pending business. For the Environmental Review Committee: Roger"J. Blatlock Zoning Administrator RJB:JFL:se 0230N ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA NOVEMBER 9. 1983 THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM: COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. PENDING BUSINESS: - ECF-033-83 EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES CU-037-83 V-038-83 ECF-041-83 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD PROPERTIES, INC. SP-048-83 OLD BUSINESS: ECF-013-82 EVERGREEN PROPERTIES J.V. SP-015-82 A revised site plan has been submitted for Westridge Plaza, a SA-016-82 retail/commercial and office complex of 61,410 square feet; property located at the northeast corner of Benson Road S. and South Puget Drive. NEW BUSINESS: ECF-065-83 M-V PROPERTIES R-071-83 Application to rezone 1.0 acre of property from G-1 to P-i for a future professional office building, and 5.0 acres from G-1 to R-3 for a 125 unit multi-family complex; located on the south side of S.E. Carr Road approximately 400 feet east of Talbot Road South. ECF-066-83 GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH SA-072-83 Application for site plan approval to allow construction of an automated car wash; located on the south side of N.E. 4th Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Avenue N.E. ECF-067-83 ARNOLD HAGG B-301 Application for building permit to allow construction of a 27 unit condominium; located on the southeast corner of Taylor Avenue N.W. and N.W. 4th Place. SME-004-83 JEFFREY ELLISON V-067-83 Application for a variance to Section 4-706(C)(4)(a) to reduce the V-069-83 front yard setback of a new residence from twenty feet to ten feet and approval of a variance to the Shorelines Master Program to reduce the rear yard setback from the shoreline of Lake Washington from twenty feet to fifteen feet; property located at 2801 Mountain View Avenue North. Y TY OF RENTO FILE NO(S): ` -o Ey BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of application(s) are to be completed. Please print or type. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) APPLICANT I I TYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH Q REZONE*(FROM TO ADDRESS 10717 N.E. 4th STREET n SPECIAL PERMIT* CITY ZIP TEMPORARY PERMIT* BELLEVUE, WA. 98004 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT* 0 TELEPHONE SITE PLAN APPROVAL 1' GRADING A 454-6000 No. of Cubic FILLING ubicYards RMIT CONTACT PERSON VARIANCE From Section: Justification Required NAME EL BAYLIS, THE BAYLIS ARCHITECTS ADDRESS SUBDIVISIONS: 500 108th N.E. 0 SHORT PLAT CITY ZIP 0 TENTATIVE PLAT BELLEVUE, WA. 98004 0 PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE 0 FINAL PLAT 454-0566 0 WAIVER Justification Required) OWNER NO. OF LOTS: NAME PLAT NAME: M GEORGE A. & DELORES DARBY SMITH ADDRESS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: 1 1 10717 N.E. 4th STREET EJ PRELIMINARY CITY ZIP a FINAL BELLEVUE, WA. 98004 P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE 454-6000 0 Residential 0 Industrial Commercial 0 Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS SE CORNER NE 4TH ST AND UNION 0 TENTATIVE AVE NE EXCEPT EXISTING SERVICE STATION ED EXISTING USE PRESENT ZONING PRELIMINARY 0 FINAL VACANT B-1 PROPOSED USE PARK NAME: CAR WASH FACILITY ON PORTION WITH BALANCE NUMBER OF SPACES: UNUSED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE C11• FT. ACRES r a AREA: I i . T. S,F, I TOTAL FEES 40-1, 0 t 1 -81,d Q20 1.88 .(pl A , , STAFF USE ONLY -^ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING DATE'[$ 4AF " 1 n 71I? 0 APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: j'-'- k.ie LL (l li iU.; + APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: Q C j 2r 7 ;9 C 3 Accepted 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) SUILDINC/,I.JNLC !.A..-1. DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: 1i APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: 10 ' - CJ ,0 Accepted 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: BuildingDesign Eng. 53 Fire jszl Parks Police Policy Bev. CGj Traffic Eng. E1 Utilities RFVIAIAN A/10110 Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). The north 3/5 of the west half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter ofthenorthwestquarterofSectioh15, Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M., in KingCounty, Washington. Except the north 30 feet and the west 30 feet thereof for county road, and except the south 12 feet of the north 42 feet of said north 3/5 conveyed to King County forS.E. 128th Street by Deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5853034, and except the south 140 feet of the north 182 feet of the east 160 feet of the west 190 feet of said north 3/5 of the west half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter ofthenorthwestquarterofsaidSection15. AFFIDAVIT I, George A. Smith being duly sworn, declare that I am El authorized representative to act for the property owner, ®owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the 11::1111 information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 26th DAY OF October 19 83 • NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON,RESIDING AT Renton 21-144gaitdi,„/_)(hrike) /1/4k1) Name of Notary Public)Signature of Owner) 11005 S. E. 180th, Renton, WA 98055 6820 96th Ave. S.E. , Mercer Island, Address) Address) WA 98040 Mercer Island, WA 98040 City) State) (Zip) 206) 232-8884 Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." Form #174 CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON fifiENVIRONMENTALCHECKLISTFORM OCT 27 1,983 EiUi4.3 ING/iJNia, DE;1 , FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. Sf) - C 7c - (f3 Environmental Checklist No. ECF —o —4 3 PROPOSED, date: FINAL , date: NOC.). 1(DI igi55 IDDeclaration of Significance El Declaration of Significance ElDeclaration of Non-Significance (21Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: W ITH rCOn 01-TiOi Ih LAIZ IlO\L Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals . The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE : This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent SQUEAKY CLEAN CAR WASHES, INC. 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 10717 NE 4T1-1 STREET BELLEVUE, WA 98004 454-6000 3. Date Checklist submitted 4. Agency requiring Checklist CITY OF RENTON, BUILDING & ZONING DEPT. 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: CAR WASH 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : THIS PROPOSAL IS TO DEVELOP A CAR WASH FACILITY CONSISTING OF ONE STRUCTURE CONTAINING AN AUTOMATED CAR WASH SYSTEM, ALONG WITH ATTENDANT SITE IMPROVEMENTS. ( A SHORT PLAT OF PROPONENTS SITE IS PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. ) THE BUILDING IS ONE STORY BRICK WITH A MTL. FASCIA BAND AND COVERS AN AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 1900 SQ FT. I 2- 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts, including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : THE PROPOSAL IS LOCATED ON APPROX. 21,000 SQ. FT. OF LAND PREVIOUSLY FILLED AND GRADED. SITE IS APPROXIMATELY 140 FEET SOUTH OF INTERSECTION OF NE 4TH STREET AND UNION AVE. NE IN RENTON. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : 1984 9. List of all permits, licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : SHORT PLAT SITE PLAN APPROVAL BUILDING PERMIT 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes , explain: NO 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes, explain: NO 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: NO II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X yr MAYBEND b) Disruptions, displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? X YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X YES unr Ra-- d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X V MAYBE NO e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, Xeitheronoroffthesite? YES ATTrar NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? YES MAYBE Explanation: 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality?X YES ATM" N0 b) The creation of objectionable odors? X Y MAYBE N5— c) Alteration of air movement , moisture or temperature , or any change in climate , either locally or regionally? X YES MAYBE Fir Explanation: 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents , or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? X YES— MABE NO b) Changes in absorption rates , drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? X SEE ATTACHMENT YES M YBE NU— c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE NU d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X Yam— MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? XX YES MAYBE NO f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X Tn. M AY NO 9) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X SEE ATTACHMENT YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria , or other substances into the ground waters? XX YES MAYBE 4 i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees , shrubs , grass , crops , microflora and aquatic plants)? X SEE ATTACHMENT YES MAYBE Nam' b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique , rare or endangered species of flora? X Yr3' MAYBE Nam' c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Yt MAYBE fii— d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? XX MATIT Explanation: 4- 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles , fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , insects or microfauna)?X YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna?X YES M YBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? SET— M YBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X YES MAYBE KU— Explanation: 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: SEE ATTACHMENT 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X YES MAYBE AU— Explanation:SEE ATTACHMENT 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? YET— MAYBE N8 Explanation: 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in : a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X T— MA-Tar NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? in— MAYBE N Explanation: 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil . pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? VET— MAYBE N Explanation: 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? YES MAYBE A Explanation: i 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? X VET- WATif NO Explanation: 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X SEE ATTACHMENT YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking? YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? X VET- MAYBE N- d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? X YES RPM- e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? YES— MAYBE NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? X SEE ATTACHMENT TEE- MAYBE Nir Explanation: 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? X YET- MAYBE HU— b) Police protection? X Y€T— MAYBE la— c) Schools? X YES MAYBE N- d) Parks or other recreational facilities? YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , including roads? X YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? X YES WAE NO Explanation: 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Yes FD b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Yam- MAYBE N Explanation: 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? X Y NO b) Communications systems? X YET- RATITE NO-- c) Water? YES MAYBE NO 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? X YES FITTfir f f) Solid waste and disposal? X YES M NO Explanation: 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X TM MAYBE WY— Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X YES MAYBE 0— Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities?X yrs- MAYBE Explanation: 20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? X YES MAYBE Nb— Explanation: III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the gency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue i relia ce upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful la if full disclosure on my part. Proponent: A-- rlj- sign"l„ THE BA IS ARCHITECTS name pr nt-% EL BAYLIS, PRESIDENT City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 ATTACHMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM 3. (b) and (g) - Proposal includes covering much of the site with the structures or asphalt paving which will effect absorption rates and may slightly change quantity of ground water at selected portions of site. Proposal , however, will also include construction of storm detention system per City of Renton requirements. Site was recently filled and graded and there is little vegetation to hold surface water much of which finds its way to an existing temporary erosion control and detention system which would remain as part of this proposal . 4. (a) Since site was recently filled and graded there is no significant vegetation on site. Proposal will include addition of landscaping consisting of native trees, shrubs and groundcovers mostly at perimeter of site. 6. Since the site is currently vacant, there should be little noise originating from site. Construction equipment will generate some noise during the construction period which would be very brief and controlled by normal working hours. Operation of the car wash is not expected to generate excessive noise levels in that all automatic machinery is located inside a building structure. These impacts on a commercial area should be insignificant. 7. Proposal will add new light source to immediate vicinity since site is presently undeveloped. Sources would be principally from building and area lighting and automobiles. Since the area is already commercial , surrounded by retail and office, service stations, restaurants and a supermarket, impacts would be insignificant. 13. (a) & (f) - Because the site is currently unused, there will be increased vehicular movements onto and off of the site as a result of this proposal . To facilitate this movement and mitigate hazards, street improvements consisting of street widening, curbs , gutters and sidewalks along street frontage are included in this proposal LNDING OF FILE FILE TITLE 616, 10 1 0704? 1• 83