HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA84-044BEGINNING OF FILE MICROFILMED FILE TITLE 6-111L4 ll 'AK 04 4 i.‘„nge V 0 i f I!' Ike); ,d.,, r ., .',.y: , ,+' +:': r '4, 7 7 Applicant EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES File No. R-044-84 J 1 Project Name Property Location 1 .8 acres located between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive at the 1800 Block HEARING EXAMINER: Date May 29, 1984 Recommendation Approval Req./Rec. Date Received Date Response Appeal - Date Received Council Approval - Date Ord i nance/men # 3ci, Z 2 Date 7 2/2V Mylar to County for Recording Mylar,.Recordirtg # Remarks: approval of rezone to O.P. (Office Park) R I: Nr' i'1 jI 1 b', i, al° 5! !'{,, .,, f i ee. K! V r t h L f yy' ya r Y4071 L , F qt. A.''„1 i r ly ?1 ^ ,- 1) W p I F — BI-- - ~ 1 I - `` - ....-- ice'-- - - - - -- i-I QofPazx 1 B-`----------- 1 ' 11811N.F.le°St..,Suite 204 ill Be-1 Ors f06lEverree tst 1. 1 B-1 1'i e/0 i0umt 9tat Corpora..LI Wr?...R-2 e',, i ' Project lam..:Bent. roes South Core Puget Rive 2 I i 4 I theSocha of Benson rood. a 0 1 o`€ i / R_3 I C scale: Puget Cravena,oe soon ft.)Q I l6 I Sire C 91(12,000 e9.ft.) w I- B, Z N. Al 4 PaviM c01.a: Bf 138,912 Mon ft.) I If.99 IN,49614.fL)sons am \B I I c m Bum: R-3 -',\ I R-2 j 1%iefi:g fro+.: 1 a cer Prv1Qa1 f.. Co.i..al Coe with m°ulying IH. Q1, I FCC Professional Office Ilse. 1 - I- - --- vazkLg Rq.LLreO:ITO total 4 R-1 ///'' ill R-I r • 1 span: lo) 1 / ow: nwimAW W+ 11 I I j I R-4 \ • u UI Building 1 type: tGroupry L 1 I Y----\I-' t--Seismic foe: 1 I BR-I R31 1 \\.,J Banally Square...go: 3 A°19.@ 6.950 S.F. QI1 \° 1 B0Iwm0 @ 11.500 S.F. TOTAL-21,00011III'. B-BBGO , i B-72UCZ . 1 Y, Applicable 0.es:city°f xmt.Toning OALwm S.F. Q t-- I Wafmm Building Cie:1979 FG,.m 3 VICINITY SCALE j. PROJECT U U MAP O° J\ , S, STATISTICS ly s t IL SEASON ROAD S0. EDGE OF STREET 40oEASEMENTNORTHWESTBELLCIFC b:t el n OCKERY TYP. N.16°•I6'56°Won 594.11' iO _ y R a,l,, _....-o.-._.:........,........_-(....) .- ,.._. - C one.....-,....-„-.-...„. -...,A„ N- .°• Con con.. .0 C v Oj .V." L 1 I , P, ri TRASH p 90 m r_\ o SITE LIGHTING(TYP) -Q' N a..tig cone; r 41 TREE @„ CO C. C. C.I C C.mC. C. HC. a HC.sopzrzeux.46-74,...9",(1mNPA41N-4, I i l FM eon 2C I' l con G p"F \ \ 4'-0. con O a con I..'rA 2G-+ 24-0 t BLDG SIGN C. iii n=o• a— I \A • con f m 1r Q c m N.16°20'40.W. 609.42' i BLDG. SIGN co y .. ton:_. azQ I-I- WO III SO. PUGET DRIVE I'rn 4 F SITE PLAN ': milz3 1°= se-O W J m JW r® CITY OF P.ENTON 173)R p p W APR BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. Af idavit of Publication STATE OF ASHINGTON COUNT OF KING ss. MAY I % ;hp.A. C i dy Strupp being first duly sworn on oath,deposes'and ays that she is the chief clerk of THE DAILY REC RD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said ne spaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and during al of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record Chronicle has&bee approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior NOTICE OF ENVIRON Court of the Count in which it is published, to-wit,King County, MENTAL DETERMINA-'I Public NOtITION' cord Chro C Notice of Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL 1984,Ry07nicfe g' pnf 23,Washington.That t e annexed is a REVIEW COMMITTEE 8 RENTON,WASHINGTON 1. De ermination The Environmental Re-i view Committee(ERC)has, issued a final declaration of as it was published in regular issues(and non-significance with condi not in supplement orm of said newspaper) once each issue for a period tions for the following project: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES (ECF-038 of iOn" consecutive issues,commencing on the I 84) I Application to rezone 1.8 1 23 acres of property from R-4 toddayofApril1984 ,and ending the O-P (Office Park) to allow' three professional office 1 buildings totaling 24,000 day of ' 19 ,both dates square feet on said site,file inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- i R-044-84; located between scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee k Benson Road South and South Puget Drive at the 1800 block. charged for the fo egoing publication is the sum of $16 r 2 Q which Further information re- has been paid in ful at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the garding this action is avail- first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent able in the Building and insertion. 1 Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington,235-2550.AnyJ ``/N appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing' Chief..Clark Examiner by May 7, 1984. Published in the Daily Re- Subscribed and swo n to before me this 2 3.V..d day of Ap. '3J, ' , 19 84 e2 - Notary Pub is in and, the State of Washington, r iding at Kill King County. Passed by the Le_•islature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western Union T•legraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the n•wspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5/82 I.:.,':CI ,•'OF RENTON,TWASHINGT x, Y I t' AN ORDINAMCE.OF '.YHE:.CITY:.OE' RENTON,'.WA6)1INGTON;i'CHANGING• THE' ZONING'"CLASSIFICATION OF? I CERTAIN'':PROPERTIES•""WITHINi THE' iCITY•OF'RENTON•FROM'RESIDENCE{ DISTRICT•(R-4)TO OFFICE'PARK(O-P)'A fidavit of Publication R-044414•—,,EVER6ki q,w , ge,ir P ,O=;; 0ERTIES),;i;'iEr.l.s-s. '!'";'' .a'.;,.1!).''"i ".,i WHEREAS'under Chapter'''-7,".'Clue."IV STATE OF WASHINGTON n` Building Regutationsyof Ordirlance`f lo.• COUNTY OF KING ss° i,1628`'known•'iaa''the""Code4of(General4 g":Ordinances'of•,the City ot:Renton",;'a8; amended;f'and ahe: maps`^and"reports`l'.adopted'in'conjun on therewiththe'pro=4 party hereinbelow.described'hey;.htreto=:i Cindy...St .upp beingfirst dulysworn on•d;fore been zoned a5 ReeYdentlal`-Multi i Family'(R-4);'and WHEREAS'a proper:petition for changes oath,deposes and says that she is the Chief 0l¢r9C ' of t`,otzone'classification of'said property has; THE DAILY'.REC RD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a been'filed With-the•Building and Zoning;: week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been Department on or about April 5,`1984, for more than sicmonths prior to the date of publication referred to, which'petition was duly referred'to'the.1 printed and publi hed in the English language continually as a newspaper Hearing Examiner for investigation,study published four(4 times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is and public hearing, and a public hearing now and during a 1 of said time was printed in an office maintained at the having been held thereon on or about May aforesaid place o publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record 15,1984,and said matter having been duly Chronicle has bee approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior considered by the Hearing Examiner and Court of the;Cou ty in which it is published,to-wit,King County, said zoning'request'being-in conformity`., I with'the:City's"Comprehensive(Plan,•'as,: 1,jimended,and the City Council haying duly;: Washington.,That the annexed is a Ord•••038.22 considered.'all matters:relevant Ithereto, and aIt'parties having been,heard appear ing •in..support'thereof°'o(in; dlori,, thereto;;NOW THEREFORE 't'` $'•41 THE CITYCOUNCIL'OF:THE'CITY'OF,'7 I RENTON,•.WASHINGTON,:.DO•ORDA1 iAS FOLLOWSasitwaspublishedinregularissues(and ri' .‘'``. i` 5;" "4,-;? ', not in supplemen form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period SECTION 1:The'following .described•: property In-the'City.of:Renton is,hereby,; tezoned to,OfficePark( fie• OP) as-herein- of one consecutive issues,commencing on the below specked; subject to-' 'findings;' LI conclusions"and decision.ot'•the Hearing';; y and Zoning. Examiner aD rect ted r2Is he8reb uthori Blindinghe 2.7.Ohl a 'of... ....4YLl,x 19.4....,and ending the and'directed.to change themaps-of e,, Zoning,Ordinance;'aa'amended,;t0 r ,i:,3 I:dance said'rezoning,'to-witrj• It ;;:Ir%'' .'. day of.' 19 ,both dates See Exhibit"A" attached hereto,and inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- made.a•pan?hereof as-if fully.set':forgiI,''' scribers during a 1 of said period. That the full amount of the fee herein:•, •',.fi'o" `.'•:zi r':;;`, '•,'`',.,f., Said property being:located'between?':J charged for the foregoing Benson Road South and South:Puget..;•: g publication is the sum of $.8 7...5.Q which Drive at the 1800 block).has been paidi in f 11 at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the i r• SECTION,II:'This Ordinance:shall be•Ifirstinsertionandperfolioofhundredwordsforeachsubsequentinsertion. ieBective upon'its.passage, a pproy . `' five days after its publication. 1;` PASSED BY,•THE CITY:gOUNCh,,thla.}I 2nd day ofJuly, 1984:i' ,; . .:Is;:::• ;,;,::•,.r;• Marilyn•J.Petersen,Deputy City'Clerk s o'u„APp,ROVED•BY,•THE.M6YOR this 2nd: h i,:' dayof'Ju 1984.,N I N•Barbara•:7%Shinpoch;Mayori,,9 Approved.as to form;i'.':' t;.:,;:Ih 'i3::.-f'•:1a.fh day of y Subscribed and sw•rn to before me this s'=,, m'Lawrence J.'Warreni,City•Attoey,•t iE*vxIr•,k IDate of•Publication:July 27,`1984{J f.t,'a r. ::! :e_•LEGAL DESCRIPTION :::•if: ;r: July - , 19..8.. r'; ..,EVIERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES,."_' J?:DDOFFICE:'fiAfil(At,;ZOktE;35.i'!?:1g1,1r.:0escription:`: , r:r,;:;,•. :'}.;;1:=>f,•i.,,irt;'• Notary Public in a or the State of Washington, Parcels 8'B combined g That;portion.of the southwest,quar4r',of;'ii residing at KingCounty.k section 20,lownshipt.23 North, Rare t3!u Federal Y East;:W.M,;'described'as follows:''com mencing at the Northwest cornergf'said Passed by the L:gislature,19SS,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June r Southwest quarter•thence.South 2906'301'1 9th, 1955. ii 4; West along the West line'thereot494.944 feet.to the:southerly•line•of•Pugetounc( Western Union 1 elegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, Powerand Light Company's:120footdght;;+ adopted by'the ewspapers of the State. ti.stf-piay;.as described in instrument ecOrd•+ t-`ed under;Recording No.5687370;''ttl :" North'74°32'17"' East.297.53:'feet'to"the' Easterly,margin of.Puget Drilie told the trUQ°' point of beginning';thence South 1 f1°20'40'; Etast'along,said'•Easteriy'marglri•609.42;' teat;thence:North••73"43'04"`EAst430.41ra VN#87 Revised 5/82 feet'•,tof'tfre;-Westerly;margin?:of'B}nsori I Road;•thence North.18t18'58'•'•Westalong:: said-Westerly'=:margin 594:1•t i feet.to`its, intersection with the.Southwesterly line:ot's i Bonneville Power Administration'e'right=ot''i — dray,as described livinstrumen),recorded•4 underis Recording .No.`-.•324110;Nhence North•55°13'32$•West•aionp said'South=';l . .j westerly`line,'17.47'feet to the'`atoresaid'f Southerly line of P aget Sound Power and tight :Company's-=right-of-way;' thence I So uthg4° 92r;c1.^:, 7".Weetekth7l`aa ld•S outhpi ly'line•1Q.;19. g4:0,14' 1.1?:.;trt4..'Fo),nt.9 1' beginning: ;..•;,,,;is ;t,r.a.:r . .. .:, sc SIIJAT :ittielCQun 9i( .5titatte;pf Washington v> .1i 'io 4•„.; ,4G` i 2'i SUBECT. TO,easements reaeryalienf06 and restrictionsotrecord. 1.' ', af() ;, I:Published inhe Dafly }, d;Chronicle` g i,:l .rsJuly2799fi,. p A. t$ 0 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E.MOTOR, 4 O CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500o9egT0 SEPSE July 23, 1984 Kell Farrell 1181 NE 1st #204 Bell:vue, WA 98004 Subj -ct: Evergreen West Properties Rezone 044-84 Gent emen: At i•s regular meeting of July 2, 1984, the Renton City Council adopted Ordi ance No. 3822 rezoning certain properties with the City from Resi.ence District (R-4) to Office Park (0-P) . A copi of the ordinance is enclosed. Sincerely yours, CITY IF RENTON Maxin- E. Motor City lerk enclo ure cc: earing Examiner 1 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3822 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, I I CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-4) TO OFFICE PARK (0-P) 1 R-044-84 - EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES) WHEREAS under Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations)I of Ordin-nce No. .1628 known as the 'Code of General Ordinances 'of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunct'on therewith, , the property hereinbelow described has , I heretofo •e been zoned as Residential - Multiple Family (R-4) ; and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said •roperty has been filed with the Building and Zoning Department on or .b.'ut April 5, 1984, which petition was duly referred toith Hearing 'xaminer for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public h:aring having been held thereon on or about May 15, 1984,, 1 and said matter having, been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner I and said zoning request being in conformity with the City' s Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matter's ' elevant thereto , and all parties having been heard' appe;acing in sup,po t thereof or 'in opposition thereto , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON, DO 1 - ORDAIN A'. FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described property in the City of Renton,i hereby rezoned to Office Park (0-P) as hereinbelow specified; subject o the findings , conclusions and decision of the Hearing Examiner dated May 29, 1984; the Building and Zoning Director is 1- hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit : See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. Said property being located between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive at the 1800 block) . I I SECTION II : ' This Ordinance shall be effective upon Its I I passage, approval and, five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2nd day of July, 1984. CILI%;: 461-a- 4../ Marilyn ``ersen,- Deputy; City Clerl APPROVED BY, THE MAYOR this 2nd day of July, 1984. aGn‘oanw J.+ .SA,i n.pom Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Approved as to form: G-*rah,• ILawrenceJ. Wa en, City Attorney Date of Publication: 7/ 7) gy I I I 2- 1 I I 1 I R4 ' SADL BAR ARD law & AS QC. INC 31218 PACIFIC HIGH AY SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WAS INGTON 98003-5496 TELEPHONE(206)'i941 1599 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES OFFICE PARK REZONE Descriptio' Parcels ,A . B combined That portion of the southwest quarter of section 20 , township 23North, Ran:e 5 East, W..•M. , described as follows : commening at theNorthwestcornerofsaidSouthwestquarter; thence South 2° 06 ' 30"I West along the West line thereof 494 . 94 feet to the southerlylineofPu:et Sound Power and Light Company' s 120 foot right-of-1way, as ';described in instrument recorded under Recording No.5687370;thence North 74° 32 ' 17" East 297.53 feet to the EAsterly marginofPuget' D ive and the true point of beginning; thence South 16°20 ' 40" Eat along said Easterly margin 609. 42 feet ; thence North73°43 ' 04" : ast 130. 41 feet to the Westerly margin of Benson Road;; ' thence *rill 16° 16 ' 56" West along said Westerly margin 594 . 11feettoit . intersection with the Southwesterly line ofBonnevillePowerAdministration' s right-of-way, as described in instrument recorded under Recording No. 324110 ; thence North 55° 13 ' 32" West along said Southwesterly line 17 . 47 feet to the; aforesaid ' outherly line of Puget Sound Power and Light Company' s 'right-of-w-y; thence South 74° 32 ' 17" West along said Southerlyline120". 11 feet to the true point of beginning. SITUATE in the County of King, State of Washington. SUBJECT TO easements , reservations , and restrictions of record. I v. BARS 4, 4,,or 0 1.' or y.. PEG 1ST O%IAll1 7/,J/f II I I I 1.....ciiir I .-112.4k: 5vi 1 codp / M N.,r-T W. % p Cr V c V O 0 4 5, Q I it 13iPI 6N' 6v 4\ . 1 Mo'W O G i. 1 fr a I Vk De t • Ot; f i S Oil. 1 res/ ri i9 *o o c?•• 0 de-\--•-7' M 4A4. 4 . 0,1E b gnh 610_/ 1 T fib .ai 6 Ift on 0- in at j4-, 1: 1! Li mo Dil AD. 11:11- 0 ci{"A ' 4: Is qtWs T/4• , soE or N• oc 5 6 j6 56. Sl7. Of- O' S o_ r• BENS°14 ,-4- y fte p ovr ' i24 ec' o e 1.10 I AO- 4. 41 lir Dlik‘‘1 "' w ti y c Y I I 1 JSALJLARRD AS `QC. INC I 31218 PACIFIC HIGH AY SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WAS INGTON 98003-5496 TELEPHONE(206)1941 1599 I I ! LEGAL DESCRIPTION EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES OFFICE PARK REZONE Descriptio : 1 i I ' I ParcelsA & B combined That portion of the southwest quarter of section 20, township 23 1 North, Ran:e 5 East , W..M. , described as follows : commening at the; Northwest orner of said Southwest quarter; thence South 2° 06 ' 130' West along the West line thereof 494 . 94 feet to the southerly I line of1Puget Sound Power and Light Company' s 120 foot right-of- way, asidescribed in instrument recorded under Recording No. 5687370 ; thence North 74° 32 ' 17" East 297.53 feet to the EAsterly margin of Puget Drive and the true point of beginning; thence South' 16° I 20 ' 40",jE. st along said Easterly margin 609. 42 feet ; thence North; 73°43 ' 04" East 130 . 41 feet to the Westerly margin of Benson Road;, thence No th 16°' 16 ' 56" West along said Westerly margin 594 . 1111 feet to ; its intersection with the Southwesterly line of Bonnevill- Power Administration' s right-of-way, as described in , instrumen recorded under Recording No . 324110 ; thence North 55° 13 ' ' 32" West along said Southwesterly line 17 . 47 feet to the aforesaid Southerly line of Puget Sound Power and Light Company' s' right-of- ay;thence South 74° 32 ' 17" West along said Southerly , line 120 . 10 feet to the true point of beginning. SITUATEdi the County of King, State of Washington. SUBJECT1TI easements , reservations , and restrictions of record. I I 1 i I Ito?o 011 a o it ffJ 4'EG!Sit tb I 7/A3 Il I I I' I Ni' t _+In u0 ‘a N srs/ o 9• 9• C il i. 1 14 z,iii. ••1,15.1.,.. •_._ 1, ,6,, ..„...: .-:'.•, 4,:••:;;;'..--,''''••:,•:;.:_.,,,,, y Z/ t pd' j Ya wh. y / to XVN o. S, 4. . -..,1 - -.70., EV:.-''. 1 (2g6 A StiCI1.1'4. 4. 16' 0// t• us 4% A' o c c. Z w f Cf 0 +„ tea`s\ F' af 11s 9 b N v Ne, 0` e• y N r w bA 20 o en CO et \ 0 4' ••••.. 46 ti• W R. S S ' r 3 1q yr A A!..: / 220. /sue 'p1/4,3 9s s 1 I 4qr' as O\ ^-1 v li h V 1A Gj 13 w r 6 z. 4!. • Zy 5 d yd' d 7 1 ' I•e. 1• 4 .i; t O F s as z ' ae.., G -a N\‘E', 4 a. ski ., O- L I. Cr. O I Renton City ouncil July 2, 19,84 I Page three OLD BUSINE S (continued) 1 Community S rvices Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a, Committee,) report notifying Council of the Committee's meeting with Lon, Group W Cable Hurd, 'cable consultant, regarding Group W Cable's new , commercial rate and their request for a rate increase. Mr. Hurd will present his recommendation on the rate increase to' the Committee on July 10 and will also discuss the commercial' rate. The report also recommended that the issue of completion of construction of the cable system within the City be referred to the Community Services Committee. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bid Opening -Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented al Pedestrian report recommending concurrence in the Park Department's Corridor/Sho•recommendation to accept the low bid of Golf Landscaping, Inc., Site Development in the amount of $343,318 for the Pedestrian Corridor/Shop Site Development. The majority of this project (95%) is being funded by Block Grant (76%) and IAC (19%) monies, and the Committee suggested the City fund the, additional 5% ($34,765) to complete II the project, noting additional funds are available. The Committee further recommended this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for appropriate legislation. MOVED BY KEOLKER, 1 SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. 1 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Mea s Ways and Means-Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee, recommending the following ordinances for second and final 1 reading: roOrdinancej#3:21 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of funds from SR-167/South 43rd ERC Fees (Special Deposit Fund) in the amount of $17, 200.'00 Street Sig haI unto Capital Improvement Expenditure Fund for SR-167/South 43rd Street Signalization Project (one-half of traffic impact assess- ment fee/Gateway Apartments) to provide City's share of cost on I Washington Department of Transportation project. MOVED 'BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THIS ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 1 Ordinance #3:22 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Ever.reen,!We.t property located between Benson Road South and South Puget Rezone Drive at the 1800 block from Residence District (R-4) to R-044-84 Office Park (O-P) for Evergreen West Properties, File #R-044-84. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THIS ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 1 1 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a rel'port recommending the following resolution for adoption : 1 Resolution' #2.51 A resolution was read providing for the transfer of funds in the Police Officer amount of $19,300. 00 from Contingency Fund unto Current Fund Promotion/, Expenditures (Police Patrol Division) for the promotion of a Replacement Police Officer to Sergeant and a Police Officer replacement,' effective July 1, 1984. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. l'' Finance Dpa tment Appreciation was noted for Finance Department reporting; Reporting ' keeping Council aware of .Contingency Fund balances . NEW BUSINESS ' Council President Hughes announced an Executive Session Executive would be held immediately following the Audience Comment ' Session portion of the agenda regarding property acquisition. I i Seaborn Pile Letter 'was read from Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman requesting Driving Comp-ny specific Council guidance for granting variances from Shoreline Appeal Master Program requirements if appeal filed by Seaborn Pile V-047-84 ' Driving Company (V-047-84) , pending in Planning and Develop- ment Committee, is approved. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I 1 ' w WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JULY 2, 1984 ORDIIN CES AND RESOLUTIONS 1 The; Ways and Means 'Committee recommends the following ordinances for second and final reading: Fund Transfer. for Traffic Engineering Projects ($17,200 from Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Fund unto Traffic Engineering Capital Improvement Project Funds Evergreen West Properties Rezone - From R-4 to 0-P (Between Benson Road S. and South Puget Drive at the 1800 Block) 1 The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolution for read.in. and adoption: 1 Transfer of Funds for Promotion of a Police. Officer to Sergeant and a Police Officer Replacement - Effective July 1 1 I 1 Earl Clymer, Orman Agtille/ John R-ed I Nancy Ma ews I y r• J Renton City ouncil 6/25/84 Rag three Old Business continued Public Safet MOVED BY, REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE Report Adl pt=d REPORT. CARRIED. Vehicle Impo nd Public Safety Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Ordinance recommending adoption of the proposed vehicle impound ordinance, required as a result of changes in State law and court decisions regarding th'is matter. The Committee further recommended referral of the legislation to Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Towing Contr-cts Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration to provide a report indicating the approximate number of private contracts that businesses or parking lot owners have with towing cdmpanies in Renton, and whether or not any of those areas covered by towing contract can be considered by the public as being City property. He indicated desire to avoid problems such as incurred t'.y City of Seattle when cars were towed from City parking areas by an over-zealous tow operator; and he cited certain areas near Gene Coulon Park which accommodate overflow parking. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee ! recommending the following ordinances for second & final rea ing: Ordinance '3819 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of 1984 1984 Federal Federal Housing & Community Development Block Grants in the Housing & Community amount of $282,085: Housing Assistance Program - $69,113;, I Development Block Highlands Neighborhood Center - $62,659; Highlands NSA Clean- Grant Funds up Project - $7,074; Highlands NSA Improvments, Phase I - 7,427; Senior Services Program - $17,000; Planning and Management - $43,317; Renton Area Multi-Service Center 21 ,337; Renton Housing Rehabilitation - $54,158. MOVED BY, CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ: ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report, recommending the following ordinances for first reading: SR-167/South 3rd An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of funds Street Signal from ERC Fees (Special Deposit Fund) in the amount of $17,200.00 unto Capital Improvement Expenditure Fund for SR-167/South 43rd Street Signalization Project (one-half of traffic impact assessment fee/Gateway Apartments) to provide City' s share of cost on Washington Department of Transportation project. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Evergreen I An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification ofI West Rezone property located between Benson Road South and South Puget R-n44-R4 ! Drive at the 1800 block from Reslidence District (R-4) to Office Park (0-P) for Evergreen West Properties; File No. R-044-84. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First, Second Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report and Final Reading recommending the following ordinance for first reading and ' advancement to second & final reading. LID 324 Bolds An ordinance was read fixing the amount, form, date, interest East Valley rates, maturity and denominations of the Local Improvement Medical Short District No. 324 Bonds; ratifying and confirming the sale and1 Plat (S. 37th St. , providing for the delivery thereof to Foster & Marshall/ S. 38th St6 -nd American Express Inc. in Seattle, Washington; and fixing the Talbot Road S ) interest rate on LID 324 assessment installments. Total amount of assessment roll is $252,922. 12; bonds shall be dated 7/1/84, shall mature on 7/1/96 and shall be numbered from one to 50, inclusive. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance , 38.0 Following second reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it LID 324 Bonds was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. W WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE I COMMITTEE REPORT I JUNE 25, 1984 ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for second and final reading: ppropriation of 1984 Federal Housing & Community Development Block Grants The Ways nd Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for first reading: I I Fund Transfer for Traffic Engineering Projects 1 Evergreen West Properties Rezone R-044-84 - From R-4 to O-P Between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive) i The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for first reading andi further requests suspension of the rules advancing it to second and final reading: LID 324 Permanent Bond Financing - Award to low bid of Foster and Marshall of 10. 1508% The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolution for reading and adoption: Urging Restriction of Sale of Fireworks to Persons Under 16 Years of; Age APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS i The Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of Vouchers No. 886 through No. 1134 in the amount of $561 ,905.39. I ij6L-) (j- //g&-e-- 4(___, E lc•C y er, airman John Reed 7a,14---/-- Nancy Mat"at ws Renton City 'ouncil 6/18/84 fag three Puget Power ezone continued h Puget Power 'ezone isolated from one another; and bring zoning into conformancecontinued, with the Central Renton Comprehensive Plan. Andy Padvorac also indicated that consistency of development standards, such I as setbacks and lanc'scaping, will be assured for both shopping center and substation development with same B-1 zoning class. II ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA City Clerk reported bid opening 6/6/84 for Galvanized Railings Bid Opening at Gene Coulon Beach Park; four bids received; Engineer' s Galvanizeid Estimate: $17,000.00 base bid. Refer to Park Board. Railings at Park Board recommended acceptance of low bid from Rainier Coulon Park Welding in the amount of $14,768.40 ($39.70 per lineal foot) . Council concur. 11 Seaborn Pile Appeal of decision of Land Use Hearing Examiner filed by Driving Co. Seaborn Pile Driving Company for Shoreline Variance, File No.Shoreline V-047-84; property located at 2801 Mountain View Avenue North. VariancelApp-al Refer to Planning and Development Committee. I Ever reenlWest 1Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval of Evergreen Proserties Rezone West Properties, J.V. Rezone; File No. R-044-84 for 1 .8 a'cres R-1 -8 of property located between Benson Road S. and S. Puget Dirilve at the 1800 block from R-4 (Multifamily Residential ) to 0-P 11 Office Park) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Stewart PIreliminary Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval subject to, Plat, PP'1038 84 conditions of Ron Stewart Preliminary Plat and Variance it Requests; File No. PP-039-84, V-040-84, V-041-84, V-042-84; for 17 lots located west of Powell Avenue` SW and north of SW Third Place and south of S. 134th Street. Council concur,.11 Fund Transfer Public Works Department/Traffic Engineering Division requested for Traffic fund transfer in the amount of $17,200 from Environmental Engineeriing Review Committee (ERC) Fund unto Traffic Engineering Capital Projects '! Improvement Project Funds. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. South 41st J. int Public Works/Engineering Departments requested approval of Project Talbot Road South Joint City/County Project Agreement for,II improvement of that roadway from the Renton City limits to South 41st Street (S. 177th Street) . Refer to1 Transportation Committee. Consent Agen•a MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENTAdopted I AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 1 CORRESPONDEN E Letter from John W. Stevens, General Manager of Group W Cable, Group W Cabl - was read submitting notice of intent to raise basic rate from Rate Increas-10.35 to $11 .95 effective September 1 , 1984. The letter noted li that Ordinance No. 3137 requires a recommendation from 32H Management, the City's cable consultant, within 30 days and 1 final action by the City Council within 120 days from this filing. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke regarding questions raised at previous meeting relating to whether commercial cable rates may be raised without Council review, Council President Hughes advised that a report is forthcoming, cable consultant having been loutoftownuntilthisdate. CARRIED. II f Request to Letter from Mills & Cogan Law Offices, representing BENAIR Renegotia;ite Aviation, Inc. , and Plane Space Investments, Inc. , requested Aero-Dyne' Le:se/ a direct lease from the City for hangar facility and fuel, Renton Aiirport farm currently leased by Aero-Dyne Corporation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO I I, THE TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1 I LID 324 B,bnd Added letter from Finance Director Michael J. Mulcahy reporting Financing,Financing, bid results for LID 324 permanent bond financing. Low bid I East Valley for the project, which included off-site improvements for. four Medical Park parcels of property located on Talbot Road South and S. 37th i I Street (East Valley Medical Park) , submitted by Foster & 'Malrshall at an interest rate of 10. 1508%. Acceptance of the bid was recommended by the Finance Director. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE FINANCE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION 1 2 rrz. , For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # ic . j AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING ; . Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. HEARING EXAMINER For Agenda Of June 18, 1984 Staff Contact ,; FRED KAUFMAN Meeting Date) Name) Agenda Status: 1. SUBJECT: Rezone =rom R-4 to 0-P to allow Consent X 3 office buiildi gs totaling 24,000 ,square Public Hearing Correspondence feet on sited Ordinance/Resolution Resol . 1 Old Business Exhibits: (Legl Pescr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach• New Business Study Session A. Examline 's Report of May 99, 19R4 Other B. i, C. Approval : i Legal Dept. Yes_ No. N/A COUNCIL ACTIONIiREIOMMENDED:Finance Dept. Yes_ No. N/A I APPROVA Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT! 11 j Expenditure Requi ed $ Amount $ Appropriation- $ lE Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Backgfou d information, prior action and. effect of implementation)Attach a.dition 1a pages if necessary.. ) . Appeal •eriod. expired on June 12, 1984. File is submitted 'to City Clerk to be placed o!n City Council Agenda of June -18, 1984 ARTIES OF RECORD INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: See Examiner's Report of May 29, 1984. I SUBMI THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING I STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. County of King CAROLYNNE F. LOMBARD being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 2gth day of MAY 1984, affant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties, of record in the below entitled application or petition. 10171 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ,-;Z 9 day of C4fy/ 1984. ea—d01) C Notary Public /, 1n and for the State of Washington, residing atir (i therein. Application, Petition, or Case #: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, J .V. : R-044-84 The minutes contain a list of the parties of record.) i I 1 0557Er May 29, 1984 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AN RECOMMENDATION. APPLICANT: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, J.V. FILE NO. R-044-84 1 LOCATION: Between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive 'at the 1800 block. 1 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant seeks approval to rezone 1.8 acres of property from R-4 (Residential,- Multiple Family) to O-P (Office Park) to allow three office buildings totaling 24,000 square feet on the site. i SUMMARY F ACTION: Building and Zoning Department Recommendation: I Approval. i Hearing Examiner Recommendation: Approval. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department Report was received DEPARTME T REPORT: by the Examiner on May 8, 1984. PUBLIC HEA-ING: After reviewing the Building and Zoning Department Report, examining available information on file with the application and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing 'on the subject as follows: The hearing as opened on May 15, 1984, at 9:20 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Bu lding. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The folloWin s exhibits were entered into the record: I i Exhibit #1: Yellow file containing the application, 1 staff report, and other documents pertaining to posting and publication. Exhibit #2: Assessor's Map showing the- :subject I property. Exhibit #3: Site Plan as approved in the Conditional Use Permit, CU-037-83. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, presented the staff report. He stated that the applicant is seeking a.proval to rezone , 1.8 acres of property from R-4 to Office Park (0-P) to allow three office •uildings totaling approximately 24,000 square feet on the subject site. This is the first request for a rezone to the Office Park zone the City has had since the adoption of the Office Park policies. The site is located between S. Puget Drive on the west and Benson,Road South on!the east. Mr. Blaylock indicated that this is the last segment to be developed between the intersec ions of S. Puget Drive and the major crossing of I-405. I Mr. Blayloc continued with the staff report indicating that the approved conditional use permit on the sine was subject to a very strict interpretation of the term_"professional." Therefore, the applicant is now seeking a rezone to allow general offices, as'allowed in the Office; Park zone, on the subject site.1 Continuing, Mr. Blaylock related the physical background of the subject site. He noted that although the subject site is currently undeveloped, the applicant does have an application) for a, building permit for the site. He then continued with further staff information from the, staff report ori the subject site. 1 Mr. Blaloc indicated that the Environmental Review Committee issued a declarationon of non-signific-nce. He stated that the ERC was concerned that the proposed rockery along the east side of the site will not disturb the Benson Road fill or an approved concrete retaining wall will be requi ed. I I The Hearin. Examiner must review four specific criteria under Section 4-3014(C) to determine that the,cir umstances surrounding the rezone request are adequate to recommend approval of the reclassi ication. Mr. Blaylock presented this evidence. l EVERGREE WEST PROPE',:,"1ES, J.V.: R-044-84 MAY 29,`198 PAGE 3 ii i I i I Mr. Farrell i dicated that there is a note on the Comprehensive Plan stating that the Plan is not a final blke- rint but a general guide for future growth. Mr. Farrell also addressed the criteria of timeliness referring to their conditional use permit (CU-037-83, of January 6, 1984) in which the Hearing Examiner issued a report and decision inferring that Office Use might be appropriate 'n this particular piece of property (item 6 & 8). For just an informational point, Mr. Farrell a so referred the Hearing Examiner to item 11 of the same report. Summarizing Mr. Farrell felt positive about the relationship between the property and the City, the se eral documents that were presented in the process, and felt that the Hearing Examiner sh uld grant the proposal. The Examine then called for further testimony. There was none. I The Examine then called for testimony in opposition of the application. There was none.' The Examine than called for any comments or concerns. Responding was: Mr. David R. Clemens Policy Development Director 200 Mill Avenue S. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Clenen stated that the Policy Development Department generally agreed with, the Building and Zoning Department as to the individuality of the site and surrounding area! He indicatedI;that the other sites referenced by the Building and Zoning Department were limited in scope, wtiere:s this site extends for one-half of a mile and consists of at least five separate parcels. Mr. Clemens then indicated that he felt the appropriate approach to this application should have seen to apply to the Planning Commission for Comprehensive Plan Amendment. He indicated; th-t the Examiner can only consider this parcel, whereas the Planning Commission could have lo.ked at the entire area for an area rezone. The Hearing Examiner suggested that some recommendation from the Policy Development Department •hould be forwarded to the City Council for review no matter what happens'in this case. Mr:! Cl:mens agreed. 1 The Exam ne then called for further testimony. There was none. The Examin=r than asked Mr. Blaylock for further comment.. Mr. Blaylock indicated his agreement w th the Policy Development Department. He indicated that when there was a trend in a specific -rea, the new direction of that area should be included in the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoni g Map. He felt that since this is the last parcel of that trend in that area, it could be handled se.arately. li There being o further testimony offered, the Examiner closed the hearing at 9:55 a.m i He noted his IIrepsrt would be issued within fourteen days as a recommendation to the City Council and that they would then take subsequent action at their City Council meeting. i FINDINGS C•NCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION: 1 11 Having rev, ie ed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: I FINDINGS: 1. The a plicant, Evergreen! West Properties, Joint Venture, filed a request for approval of a reel ssification of approximately 1.8 acres of property from R-4 (High Density Multif mily) to O-P (Office Park). 2. The a plication file containing the application, the State Environmental Policy ; Act docum ntation, the Building and Zoning Department Report, and other pertinent docum nts was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. Pu rsua t to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA a Declaration of No n-S'gnificance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Comm ttee (ERC) responsible official. I 4. Plalns or the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impac of this development. 5. The su ject site is located in the 1700 block of South Puget Drive, on the east side'of the street. Benson Road South is located east and to the rear of the subject site. 6. In MI ay of 1956 the subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance 1547. The,site was re lassified to R-4 by Ordinance 2059 in October of 1963. I I I EVERGREEN WEST PROPS.-:,IES, J.V.: R-044-84 MAY 29,! 19 4 PAGE 4 7. Va1ria ces to permit construction within certain required setbacks have been approved for the subject site. A conditional use permit has also been approved subject to limitation on the uses which may be permitted in the proposed office buildings. The uses asI de 'ned by Council may only be "Professional" uses. 8. The a plicant proposes reclassifying the subject site to O-P in order to accommodate a varied of office uses. This is the first request for an Office Park zoning designation in the C'ty since the O-P standards were adopted. I 9. The ap element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site i located as suitable for the development of high density multifamily housing but does of mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the plan. 10. To th east of the subject site across Benson and upslope from the site are multifamily apart ents and undeveloped property. South of the site are office uses permitted under conditional use permit. Office uses are also under construction north of the-subject site. West of the site are undeveloped property and some single family uses. 11. The site has steep slopes providing topographical separation from most uses to the east. While the frontage on Puget ties the site to the developments north and south of it. 12. Rezoning the subject site would limit the potential population increase as residential uses are not permitted in the O-P zone requested. The subject site would generate approximately 295 vehicle trips based upon the conditional use permit issued for the site. Development under R-4 standards would generate up to 380 trips per day. I 13. Benson and Puget are both arterial streets with substantial traffic loads. CONCLUSIO S 1. The p oponent of a rezone must demonstrate that the request is in the public interest, will n t impair the public health, safety and welfare and in addition, is in compliance with -t least one of the three criteria found in Section 4-3010, which provides in part that: a. ' The subject site has not been considered in a previous area-wide rezone or land use analysis; or b. The subject site is potentially designated for the new classification per the Comprehensive Plan; or c. There has been a material and substantial change in the circumstances' in the area in which the subject site is located since the last rezoning of the property or area. 1 I1 The applicant has demonstrated that the requested reclassification of the subject site is warra ted. 2. The C•mprehensive Plan consists of not only a map element but a series of goals1 and pollicie which must be analyzed. While the map element of the Comprehensive Plan shows the site as related to the multifamily housing east of the site, steep topography and an intrusive arterial!street, Benson Rd, separate the site'from the other residential uses t the east. 3. The si e characteristics, location between two arterial streets, and its alignment on Puget between existing and developing commercial and office uses particularly I makes the sit suited for reclassification. It remains in fact the last undeveloped parcel along Puget n this area. It would be an anomaly to restrict the site to residential uses under the c rcumstances, especially when permits for offices, although restricted to profes•ional have already:been approved for the site. it 4. The si le has already been found suitable for office use upon receiving conditional use approv-1 by the City Council. Office park uses are intended to provide a transitional land u e between residential uses and densities on one hand and commercial uses on the other. The proposal appears suitable to help effectuate this policy. 5. The re one would accomplish the applicant goals by permitting occupancy of its proposed - office -tructures by a wide range of uses without adversely affecting the adjacent uses. It ,wo id also increase the tax base without any apparent impact on the ;utility infrast ucture. 6. Based upon the above analysis the City Council should approve the rezone of the subject site to O-P as requested by the applicant. EVERGREE WEST PROPE,.,'IES, J.V.: R-044-84 MAY 29, 19 4 PAGE 5 RECOMM'itENDATION The City,Council should approve the reclassification of the subject site to O-P. ORDERED THIS 29th day of May, 1984. Fred . Kaufm Land se Hearing Examiner TRANSMITT: D THIS 29th day of May, 1984 to the parties of record: Kelly arrell 11611 N.E. 1st, #204 Bellev e, WA 98004 TRANSMITT' D THIS 29th day of May, 1984 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Colmc lman Richard M. Stredicke Rioha d Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Policy Development Director Memb-rs, Renton Planning Commission Ronal Nelson, Building & Zoning Director It Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawre ce J. Warren, City Attorney Rento Record-Chronicle Pursuant to itle IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before June 12, 1984. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision'of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing 'may make a vvritt n request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examine 's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant; an. the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as,he',deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be' l fil-d with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified req irements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Depa tment, first floor of City Hall. The Appear.nce of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communicati Ins may occur concerning land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision ;may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-ma 4ers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All comm uni' ations concerning the the proposal must be made in public. This permits all interested; parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut they ev dence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by th: Court. The Doctrin: applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconside'rati.n as well as Appeals to the City Council. 1 y/ 'EiT11; 1 7:.1 ;.:_.-7 i Liit' 1 \ •- 5T_s I.r 1 • 1 1. •;:e143 .''1. I i p40, 1 1 I; a I,4 , ,i t Q I L S 0"... ------f ice ,-1 Ilpi I I , iv p III 0000,,,....0,. I n I t u B-7.• : ,) 1 i 1011111111.- I li I r , I R 4 oIIIIII t 1 I E--_-_.. _,-_-:,---- ,i .._! J 0 1JW3_ R-4 i 1 I ab !a R-4Anilea: •r • i R\ •\ vIIy •a M si t fill. u 49 al 7 1 lik• . 57 1-- ..:- ' I::; au. „. ;_.•il • \\t K . \,.. ' , _. 1 o 1- oW. T . t r1R4 C 1_I°. mot W 4. - i - u. LL_i1 t . o ill 7i i . It.-- n,/- t.l .• IS ,, '• / 6'-. . 4 ••• -. y .:.` :,\ i 6,.,17 V':r, F R-3 V. J 2 l I.r..• ' r y.V. FR NEI J i LIL130I .11LL 1 , JK ilGl s- 2 • ILL PARK 1.'' ' 1 , SC O'.'. I 1 EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK I EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES) ' I R-044-84 APPL I CANT EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES . TOTAL AREA - .1.82 ACRES i PR INC IIPAL ACCESS - SOUTH PUGET DRIVE, BENSON ROAD SOUTH EXISTING ZONING R 4,' RESIDENTIAL - MULTIPLE FAMILY EXIST ING USE UNDEVELOPED - PROPOSED USE A THREE BUILDING OFFICE COMPLEX COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE , PLAN MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY I COMMENTS I i L'"1 al-// / ` _'1 I I tea'!/En 5 I Fai M-I % ``- ` w - Y. R-4` N 11 y• J' I Pq]ect: bcofflce vert Q a_ I h+vleRc: 11911 N.E.lm St..S:1,e 201 j r , u 1 oe-I lle. i-mss9. t _ ,u \-.---i—RIL: I j ii o.'ec' EverNeen o Inv4e b`e°m raam QIj_19 R' X.''' eeu.m I I R- q / 1't0]acl lmtlm: ve smen;ggtmaeeet4y 222000 fine rec.of. NI Paper fNe 2 I I Inexnecv waa so,en.:a 0 I O 1 3 I OS.400 q.Lc./ W Q I l Coverge: 15.4 112.000 q.fr.) P- u j' 1 // I 414 a Drives: 36.81 R0.47 s1.ft.) a 11 I I 1 litlit .I` I 1 U.04%spa: 0.4 100,496 N.ft.) W R-3 . 1 I R-2I f1-4 f 1 we I I ; m'''+ m:eleim.l Ina.nu Office Ne. n a+. Q1 -I //// roc Rofevlt.e .i.w ezt f9R-1`R-I r Partin;I:s 1I 120 spaces total Q i I ImRact aNta: 30I 1 I 1 m:,t:t1 •pve:v-IIwmP'm'pm: 9, I9J' 0 R-4 I \` \ o-, L-i I Wc: 3 Story II I ---//// an-1 R31 J 4444g seuue ON., MELON.P 6.250 S.P.1'' 1 1 //// o-aeon 11 o-7200` •:j L 5 tauff>mc au.5a9 s.v. row..:6.ao9`•iillI IFs}pliraCle om: an0fram:ro:,,.]v.aaroeII J'qq Wfmm eval0+q fLOe:3909 FGum VICINITY eGAL6 1vv D PROJECT Ap t v .ovevv 3, STATISTICS c CC BENSON ROAD SO. EDGE OF STREET e o EASEMENT TO PACIFIC 4 .1., in OCKERY TYP. o a a A NORTHWEST BELL. 1 N.76..., W. •594.11' i . .a R I, _....fo.....: . ... . a__....._ _ i c .II! _ j. N t -...,: c a a c c I•U N Iii it TRASH p m o SITE LIGHTING(TYP) r= n E%16TING .. 1 I I Q TREES wn. C C. C. C G' G C. C. C. C. HC. Fit..74 4I;! . . - I. . 1 . • I I I F. -" ID ft& 4), ---- --- —k, f." C4-I 7 -\\: j C. CCI L s•• '•'' ' ' •' ' — 74-0° C. CI Di 1 C.111—d-c«- 24'0• r-GO-e - a g C BLDG.SIGN ll. tale) C. c. n , .,a1r C. N.16e20'40'W. 609.42' 31 BLDG. SIGNTTTTTT az0OE1-i- Yf 0 t WI-SO. PUGET DRIVE Q Im SITE PLAN 41 z> 1a. ao.-o° 1_ W J. E®r El c IC w 0850Z CITY OF RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING MAY 15, 1984 AGENDA COMMENCI G AT 9:00 A.M.: COUNCIL C AMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applicati.ns listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the , order in vtlhic they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the ' Hearing Exa iner. I SEAR RN PILE DRIVING ApPlic tion for approval of a variance from the Shoreline Master Program, SectioJ 7.12.03C, dock size specifications, to allow a residential dock to extend 50 feet into Lake Washington instead of 30 feet, file V-047-84 property has already received a Shoreline Exemption, SME-003-84); property located at 2801 Mountain View Avenue North. EVER I REEN WEST PROPERTIES J.V.' Applic-tion to rezone 1.8 acres of property from R-4 (Residential - Multip e Family) to O-P (Office Park) to allow three professional office j buildi gs totaling 24,000, square feet on said site, file R-044-84; property locate. between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive at the 1800 block. HARRISON SHORT PLAT Application for approval to short plat 1.78 acres of property into four (4) lot a d approval of a variance from Section 9-1108(23)(A)(9) to allow a privet, road, a portion of which has less than the required width, to serve the sa'd lots, file Short' Plat-035-874 and V-036-84; property located at 1832 .E. 20th Street. r,08492 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING MAY 15, 1984 APPLICANT: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, J.V. FILE NUMBER: R-044-84 A. SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval to rezone 1.8 acres of property from R-4 (Residential Multiple Family) to O-P (Office Park) to allow three office buildings totaling 24,000 square feet on the subject site. B. GENE ; AL INFORMATION: 1. wner of Record: ;Evergreen West Properties, Joint Venture 2. Applicant: Evergreen West Properties, Joint Venture 3. Location: icinity Map Attached) Between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive at the 1800 block) 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. 5. Size of Property: 1.8 acres 6. Access: Benson Road South and South Puget Drive 7. xisting Zoning: R-4, Residential - Multiple Family 8. xisting Zoning in the Area: G-1, General Use; R-1, Residential Single Family; R-3, Residential - Multiple Family; R-4, Residential - Multiple Family; and B-1, Business Use. 9. omprehensive Land Use Plan: Medium Density Multi-Family 10. otification:_ The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on May 4, 1984, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by city ordinance on May 1, 1984. C. HISTO Y/BACKGROUND: The subject site was annexed into the City of Renton by Ordinance #1547 of May 15, 19 56, at which time it was zoned GS-1. The zoning designation was later chang d from GS-1 to R-4 (Residential - Multiple Family) by Ordinance #2059 of Octob lr 21, 1963. RELIMINARY REPORT __ THE HEARING EXAMINER VERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, J.V.: R-044-84 AY 15, 1984 GE 2 An application was considered for conditional use permit (CU-037-83) to allow three professional office buildings totalling 24,000 square feet together with variances from: 1) Section 4-709(B)(c)(4) to reduce the front yard building setback along South Puget Drive from thirty (30) feet to twelve (12) feet, and 2) Sections 4-716(A) and 4-748(C)(5) to reduce the arterial landscape and parking lot setback along Benson Road South from ten (10) feet to five (5) feet. The Land Use Hearing Examiner reviewed the application and on January 6, 1984, denied the conditional use application and approved the variances. The decision on the conditional use permit was appealed and the City Council approved the conditional use permit, subject to a very strict interpretation of the term "professional.". PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. 'Topography: The topography of the subject property slopes steeply downward from east to west ranging from 20% to 45%. 2. Soils: Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam (AgD), 15 to 30% slopes. Runoff is medium and the erosion hazard is severe. The slippage potential is moderate. This soil is used for timber and pasture. 3. Vegetation: The subject site is covered by trees and vegetation, including scrub alder, berry bushes, grasses, and some cedar and fir trees. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation on the site provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No water was observed on the subject property. 6. Land Use: The subject site is currently undeveloped. E NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The area surrounding the subject property consists of multi-family uses and undeveloped property to the east; office uses to the south; and undeveloped properties to the west, and office uses to the north that are under construction. Preliminary commercial office developments have been approved to the east and north. F. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: a. Water: An 8-inch water line extends along Benson Road South adjacent to the subject property. b. Sewer: An 8-inch sanitary sewer line extends along Benson Road South adjacent to the subject site. c. Storm Water Drainage: Additional information is required to evaluate the applicant's storm water drainage system. The system will need to accommodate a twenty-five year storm with a five year release rate. Major downstream improvements have been completed to help lessen the flooding problem at Renton Village Shopping Center. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: METRO Transit Routes #149 and #156 operate along Puget Drive S.W. adjacent to the subject site'. 4. Schools: a. Elementary Schools: Not applicable. b. Middle Schools: Not applicable. c. High Schools: Not applicable. 5. Recreation: Talbot Hill Park is located approximately 2,000 feet southwest of the subject site. G. ! APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-709B; R-4, Residential - Multiple Family. 2. Section 4-718A; O-P, Office Park. I i I PRELIMINARY REPORT 1 HE HEARING EXAMINER EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, J.V.: R-044-84 MAY 15, 1!984 PAGE 3 1 H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: .. 1. Policies Element, i City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, Residential Goals and Objectives (p. 14-16) and Commercial Goals and Objectives (p. 16-18). 2. Southeast Renton Comprehensive Plan, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium (p. 36139). 3. ffice Park, Comprehensive-Plan Land Use Descriptions, City of Renton omprehensive Plan Compendium (p. 27). 1 4. ection III(B)5, Office Park Design Criteria, Northeast Renton omprehensive Plan, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium (p. 1-42). I.IMPA T ON THE NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: 1. 1 rIlatural Systems: Development of the property will result in some changes to the topography as Well as the elimination of vegetation. Proper construction techniques should mitigate any adverse impacts of development of the site,the removal of vegetation, disturbance of the soils, and increased traffic and storm water runoff! 2. opulation/Employment: The subject proposal.is expected to have a minor i pact on employment in the Renton area. 1 3. Schools: Not.applicable. I 4. Social: Minor. 5. 'I raffic: Development of the site into three professional office buildings shall esult in the generation of approximately 295 average daily trips (24,000 ross square feet of office building X 12.3 ADT per 1,000 gross square feet). J. ENVI ONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursu nt to the City I of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-2IC, a final declaration of non-si nificance was issued by the Environmental Review Committee on April 18, 1984, nd is discussed in the following staff analysis section. K. AGEN. IES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: i 1. ity of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2. City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3. ! City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5. 1 ity of Renton Police Department. 6. ity of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau. 7. ity of Renton Policy Development Department. 8. 1 ity of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. L. DEPA TMENT ANALYSIS: - 1 1. ; The applicant, Evergreen West Properties, J.V., is requesting a rezone of approximately 1.88 acres of property from R-4, Residential Multiple Family, o O-P, Office Park to allow the construction of three general office puildings totalling 24,000 square feet of office space on the subject property.) I 2. The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Declaration of on-Significance for the subject proposal on April 18, 1984. The declaration as predicated upon the fact that the proposed rockery along the east side of he site is not to disturb the Benson Road fill or an approved concrete etaining wall will be required. I I 1 Y PRELIMINARY REPORT .._, IHE HEARING EXAMINER ERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, J.V.: R-044-.84 Y15, 1984 P ` GE 4 3. The Land Use Hearing Examiner must review four specific criteria under Section 4-3014(C) to determine that the circumstances surrounding the rezone request are adequate to recommend approval of the reclassification. The following evidence clearly demonstrates the rezone request is appropriate. a. That substantial evidence was presented demonstrating the subject reclassification appears not to have been specifically considered at thePPPY time of the last area land use analysis and area zoning. The subject area was last considered under the Comprehensive Plan of the Southeast Quadrant in 1979. The official plan was adopted for this area in January, 1980. A rezone request has not been considered on the subject site since the time of the area land use analysis, thus it would appear to comply with this criteria. b. That the property is potentially classified for the proposed zone being requested pursuant to the policies set forth:in the Comprehensive Plan and conditions have been met which would indicate the change is appropriate. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan is the community's land use goal. It is the combination of a general plan map which designates broad areas of development types and the developmental policies. The subject proposal does not specifically comply with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Medium Density Multiple Family. It does comply with the intent and policies as outlined under the Goals and Objectives of the plan. The subject property is bounded on two sides by major arterials, Benson Road South on the east and Puget Drive South on the west. It is also is separated from the uses to the east and west by topographical diferences. The area to the east is much higher while the area to the west drops off into the Valley where SR-515 is located and then proceeds up along the other side. of SR-515 with single family residential developments. The applicant is seeking a rezone to Office Park which would allow development of general use office facilities. The applicant has requested this based upon the general goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and not the specific designation on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map. The following goals and policies support the applicant's request. Districts should be identified and their integrity preserved. Districts should be efficient and a functional relationship between various land uses. Boundaries of districts should be buffered by uses compatible with each district. Districts should project a favorable image. Each district should be encouraged to have its own identity. Development should be harmonious both in intensity and architectural design within a district. Pages 12 and 13 Comprehensive Plan Compendium 1983) The above objectives and policies for districts clearly show that a unified separated land use district should be encouraged. In this specific case, the two arterials separate the subject property from the multiple family development to the east and the single family development to the-west. Topography also complements the separation and creation of this district. PRELUMINA Y REPORT T iE HEARING. EXAMINER EVERGREEN WEST PROPS, ,"LES, J.V.: R-044-84 MAY15, 198 PAGE 5 Approved development to the north of the subject site includes an office structure of much larger scale than anticipated in this proposal. While to the south, we have existing office structures and a commercial development.1 The arterials create the east/west barrier of this proposed district and the proposed office use would be compatible with the existing and planned office uses south and north of the subject site. Introduction of multiple family into this area would seem incompatible with the functional office park district that has already been established. Development of this site into multiple family could beconsideredcompatibleinsomeways, but it would not encourage the most efficient and functional relationship because of the accessibility resulting in the location of the two arterial streets. In fact, the two arterial streets would functionally separate the development from the multiple family areas to the east. The concept I of an Office Park was first proposed in the Northeast Renton Plan.l The first design criteria designated in that (page 41, Comprehensive Plan Compendium), states that it should, "provide for a transition lad use intensity consistent with both commercial and residential areas and the natural environment." Office Parks then appear to be a land use area that creates a transition between dissimilar uses, one of a very high intensity and one of a lower intensity. The areas east of Benson Road South are zoned R H4residentialwhichwould .allow a very high intensity use. In fact, if the subject was I utilized to its fullest under its present R-4 zoning classification; sixty-three dwelling units could be constructed and we would anticipate,a traffic volume of approximately 380 vehicle trips. Under the proposed zoning, it is estimated that traffic volume will generate appioximately 295 trips, which is approximately 23% less thaln theoritically possible under the present zoning. This supports the idea that the use Intensity• is a transitional' one and should be located between the'two different intensities of residential uses. This..concept is further- supported by action in the Central Area Plan that specifically designated the area immediately'north of I-405, which is adjacent to the new proposed Renton Plaza_ complex, immediate adjacent to the north of the subject site, into an Office Park classification. This is only the second Office Park classification in thle entire City; however, the point that is critical here, is that the Central Area Plan's boundary was at 405 and this specific parcel of property was not considered because it was geographically out of the study area. My intent here is to show that there is a change in the.direction of policy for,planning in this area. The Building and Zoning Department believes that, even though the site is not specifically designated as Office Park, the intent of the policies of the Comprehensive Plan clearly shows that the property is unsuitable for multiple Tamil . It is actuallyan intrusion into an established officePY and commercial area and would be more suitable to be designated as Office Park in the zoning code. That since the last previous land use analysis of the area zoning of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other, circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone significant and material change. As stated above, adjacent private development have encouraged development of the area into an ' office/commercial district. The concentration has been primarily f upon office uses. Public improvements, primarily to street arterials in this area, have had the tendency of separating the subject site from other developing areas to the west and I east. These two specific arterials, because of the heavy traffic volumes, create some difficulties in providing left turn movements. P''ELIMINARY REPORT 1HE HEARING EXAMINER E f RGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, J.V.: R-044-84 M Y 15, 1984 P 1IGE 6 The completion of SR-515 has changed some of the traffic demands on Benson Road South. Therefore, it does appear that' there have been both private and public improvements in the area that have tended to separate and direct the development of the subject site more towards an office use than a multiple family residential use. d. The final test to determine whether a rezone is appropriate is to address the question of timeliness. The Land Use Hearing 'Examiner must also determine the issue of timeliness, whether the classification is advisable in the public interest, and is not materially detrimental to the public welfare or the properties or other persons located in the vicinity while at the same time it tends to further preserve the property rights of the petitioner. The ultimate test is whether it provides a harmonious implementation of the purpose and effect of the Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is the last parcel to be developed in this linear strip between Puget Drive South and Benson Road South. The public utilities are available to the subject site and access is provided off of two adjacent arterials. It would appear that under the present R-4 zoning of the subject site, the property could be developed to an intensity much greater than anticipated under the proposed office park development. In fact, the R-4 zone would allow a structure of approximately 95 feet in height, while the Office Park zone would probably maximize the size somewhere between 35 and 45 feet. The applicant's proposal mainly allows the use of the structures for general and administrative office type functions instead of limited professional uses under their approved conditional use permit in the R-4 zone. 4. The Policy Development Department believes that the applicant should have submitted a request for amending the Comprehensive Plan and an area rezone to the Planning Commission. The Building and Zoning Department took the position that the Hearing Examiner had the authority to look at any rezone request and evaluate it based upon the facts. This position was established based upon the concepts presented and accepted by both the Hearing Examiner and the City Council in the application of AAD Investment Company (R-022-80). 5. Other departmental comments concentrate primarily on the design functions of the project. The Public Works Department relates that all detail plans will be required for off-site improvements, including storm drainage, and must be prepared by a licensed civil engineering. The Building Division advises a concern over the rockery versus a retaining wall. Traffic Engineering points to the fact that undergrounding and street lighting plans per City standards will be required. Utility Engineering calculated the cost of system development charges and latecomer's agreement that are applicable on the subject property. The Police Department is concerned about the traffic in the general area especially during peak traffic hours. (This concern has been addressed by the Environmental Review Committee.) The Park Department points to the fact that this development would not create a substantial impact, but should be viewed in an accumulative nature. 6. In review of. the rezone request that does not specifically comply with the Comprehensive Plan • Map, more weight must be given to the goals and policies established by the Comprehensive Plan. The above analsis shows that the goals and policies for establishing a distintive use district have been met because of its physical separation resulting from: 1) topography, 2) location of .arterials, and 3) allowed adjacent office and commercial uses. It appears that all three burdens of proof have been demonstrated and that the issues of timeliness and impact upon the general community have been considered. PRELIMINARY REPORT TL. , ,1E HEARING EXAMINER EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, J.V.: R-044-84 MAY15, 1984 PAGE 7 1 M. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the request by Evergreei West Properties, file R-0144-84, be recommended for approval to the City Council. II I I I 0 7 --- S.T ir C. I I I I I . 1 7 . iv I I 4, \1 i i if_:.k.-?' i/ 2! .t, r— . : ! ! 1 1 • 1 1I • Il lllllipPl i l o li' y',P IIIILI lliTilUllll it i I II III! ;III III B-I 1 a 1! 1 ajll11l l •61 I IIII I,'irr I \''1 1• .I.I.I I^Ii71J=... lill ,r' lily 1 IIL'/ I ' I - { ,-I R 4 IIIIIII yptE lion.!` 2;:.II, L )jiiikl 11c $tJ R4 ' ! I• 3 Del •I .- Irm-.-..9o...0-•—_.—.-----:-----P, m-- m----- r-.--..----.\-.-,---.--..-•.., i, -. I 1 1\11\,...... ,..../)• t...2..\\,, . 1,4, : ‘4 ;: i;,:- 4----: ' ft-4 •• '• B-1 9119•11M1=19 ME iii... 4 uteloirjEggl •- „ II i. !-- 1 T I .1. 1 , lL— l -a Ib. s f4 il.A A . , m .• IA Q . - ST b. • R—4 IA R_ _ Q--=Q R-4 NM . .4p:1=is i ,. .:1„...,_ :, „ -;,./ „i . „. .-..., ..)....e- x'-,,- ....\, mal. [-=-:-.1; --: 'IN ‘'. i T._ - 0. i z, _ • s r ` FR r NEI Y-- I— 1111 6 a • Ill rZLf301^IILL I 1 JR IIG PORK L N SC 0'•'• i EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES)II R-044-84 APPLICANT EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES TOTAL AREA - .1.82 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS ' SOUTH PUGET DRIVE, BENSON ROAD SOUTH EXISTING ZONING R 41, RESIDENTIAL - MULTIPLE FAMILY i EXISTING USE UNDEVELOPED •• PROPOSED USE A THREE BUILDING OFFICE COMPLEX COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY I COMMENTS I I 1 1 1 6-1 `q_, 1 f OB-ice/CO Q p -------- IIP1,a. St:t r: Met affta Par. B R+eltper: I ¢.Ltte lmSartre 90t Bellevue.MA 98005 UII+ f- p - — —--: GB-I xo6l -5035I Propertio B-1 ± q..'% ^ o.er, do t Mete mR Sat-IM b-I R-2 a i dm:Pet.ta:aa:am SmN ed neat Drive 0 t I ra % r\ '-4 / I St<t a P te1¢ a. O fc s north aof Me 2 1 '_. I. !o p_\, \ `•/q- I U dire swm. 1.8 U lark SS.St Drive 0 sq. dA It-) M B I ! 1 E w \\ \'' I I t rat ts: 0.91 07,9u ng.ft.) m PB-KIcr-2 9t P96 ng.Ic J R_3 ` aV et1 I- 1 1 1/`v^///, rer tlR-If f R-1 ra,:la imam 1 vect tote: l0) 1 I jI ct+wm: taStoryw x U L-t 66I6^ I If Building Heights 1 1 1 I-°p.3-I Fire 1 row. .¢. I I BR-I R31 1 \ J aeildan:mate MOW,: t6 P 6,r5D S.F. 7 O I p-BBOO t I 0-720G1 \" Smnms P 11,500 S.P. -1t,600 Q IIII I , 1 1 I I F Applicable IrnPs:City of Rental Wrung rnar,w.>e s 41 1 1 1 t J'r reefer Building Oad:1979 fdalm VICINITY s BCALB Iti Y PROJECT MAP 1 0. nt» eao Maoo J\ 9TAT19TIC9 t a BENSON ROAD SO- z--EDGE OF STREET EASEMENT TO PACIFIC4C., yq° 3\, , lbOCKERY(TYP) N.16°76'56°W. 594.11' 75 NORTHWEST BELL. Is 1:c4; i oLc, a ii_TRASH c m I o SITE LIGHTING(TYP) Isho N 0y m j Nf` 4o may- r I D EX•STING I I m [ .. r i I o f - :. .. Q TREES C C C. O O O C. C. C. C. ^ NC. I HC T F. w 1 1 ri .-- . I 1 \ --.i_ 74t-O. C. QICI. . . . n . t I - B BLDG.SIGN C. G 18'-O o o i o I c. 0 N.16°20'40°W. 809,42' BLDG. SIGN mm Z CICFFIIIa E m F=m QSO. PUGET DRIVE Wmil SITE PLAN il 2 L> W c ROt-au J mJ r r:\ 1 r REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : El APPROVED,, ROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0'ITOI APPROVED i'i freo-fR'cry‘r 6714/apeAi iiSi fir ,44 emiata, Gt.re t-cOQ CEP sr ote er- CAce -. c 5P ay A re .. b af,/(vieJ l4 co-ye,p. iwetvt 0??0,irreo2K‘O>i ICg fge X-4-1-e ,ft-t+14.64A-n-QA DATE: SI NATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 E TREVIEWINGDEPIARTMDIVISION : 26--0(1-N / APPROVED E41 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED or}, __ix5 Gd l l L A A} az.. vim G Gc.J A-)S DATE: i"7 'V SIGNATURE ogbrRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE- REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPiARTMENT/DI.VISION ; l = APPROVEDI APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED 11. Cl'/Il_____._..:DATE: d SLG VAT E OF DIRECTOR OR AUTM ' IZED REPRESENTATIVE REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; eCej 6,..-e.e--‘4.-e-j I El APPROVED El ... :'ROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED 0 i7,-etZe_i__ te,J;6-- 6:wart-e'°-"-I-e- C 9--er'j" P" t- 7'41-"- ri-v-e_ , Zi a3_12.--....,_ el_ . 0,. &z.. x3 Y 4. /' 1y sre-c•ki,t,'1,-,2„,t_ Qj,:zLXJ y/on,-- 4' ,,.e, ,`/- S M- de.t,L.,,e e/4--- -4` p-A '/ c^^-cr C. s.-eriv-A‘ D c.....4.,/,4;.,.... e.el_.,...,;e1.4.t. cJ1 A2e4,,/t SA,.i.,=,-r.1 r,.1.04,---60 4.V..1'e v' Ti le.., r+.. Z 2/e 3 y,` Ld,.- kel ,,,,'k-A.( f j , e iv a a,.--_ CI6 h.._ 'vie.Jai,-„C.0 i soi.. f>:y k. /,,G..,..s,..2 U J J.. DATE 1 32%-°-1//'/'."( lb SIGNAT1IRE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. REVISION 5/1982 I Fonn 182 IREVIEINGDEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; 7/ ;//"/i<- `L'G'//y1-E: //U ' 0 PPPROVED ig] APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT' APPROVED Cow ors 6i()..; fP( ,.Jcvtr44),f:7/2i4N/ JL 1 v G i oZl 1'e-'l..,T G,c..T /41 / lit /1 v.17`./c o TYi/ ClyrJ.r' -u2c kL/wii,- ). . d .5l v4 4ed l,a , , e'er 2 571-vc,-.,e--71 /7 I"- /9/ _..e_ 42) 1 /-- 0&----75e:.}2 ) 2/. ..--,,i--7/--,-27. Q.. sty, C i CY-'--C ) — z/ 7 i ( ?-- '--' ------ DATE: SIGNA 'URE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED 'REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIE ING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : t 7b/Ty .gAi6mzEigP'A8-- El ,l'PROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED UTILITY APPRI AL SUBJECT T91 4/2/ LATE COMERS OIEEMEIT. • Mill YRS' G?/-31 W SI g z/•,p. >u-tZt j 6. iQ it4,ti. LATE CIVETS Ai1EEMEIIT SE,MEI AO (S-7eAXPIZEA) SYSTEM DEVE PME11 CURIE •-MATER y,Es 79'2748;1 X OD. 04Ap.$3,/3G .32 SYSTEM RIVE i PME1T CIRCE • SEVER y.s 7gI4 tI x Igo.AftAJ- 3, /36 32 SPECIAL USE V ME1T AREA CRAKE • WATER A p- t s0G.,a7.2• 69 SPECIAL USE',;1E11 AREA CRAKE • SEVER wD JCArilees+eAAvul gov SO.i APPROVER II r PLAII y, 5,24,..A, 1 otelr-od Qi001 APPROVED SE I Lit P v s q2 ,- APPROVED PI f REMIT LICATISR$ IT RE IEPT. S ME F1S* MISAis _ r /„ S ii____ DATE: 4" iCO 7' THSIGNAUREIRECORORAUORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 4- ( T37,2, _ g4 REVIEWING, DEiPARTMENT/DIVT°Tr* : 1 0 APPROVED LJ Ar1-)ROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED I rk Q F R 1' v D A- 5 III v m P A-c_T` © 6-) [" R—e c s -÷ R (.f L, p 7 r(,1 rib 1- l-E 12 " W i L- L. i L- i N c 0 tf.TF 5 c r i. N P li-o. rc. S Nc- 2 c-0,, (6 A, CTIV1CL)-S ) Bu.0 7 Okuc 5uci-4 0eatec, cc' NI Lrvr ca ru c3 5 ET 20 e u -1.-4- L t S W G (4 C i C, c .r r c:r , 1 t 1 ' 11r-cf i 2- c. DATE: (/7 /&= KSIGNATUREOFD' REC' OR R AUTHORIZED REPR SENTATIVE 1 REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 A&ttfr,REVIEWING DEPA"TMENT/DIVISION : El APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED 40u4d 600-gf. 1 43'74 d114•14,441-ar, 0-sAi Ae-dola 9 Aiit 414441 404frial,o;trjel,,A. y ...LE.14-e ad4d AZ/I"' 2') /44.1114/11. . ' 444- C111161 fueia,, Yezi,14441 fr_44 .elf-e-i- /1•" 1- 74f4s L DATE: i -'/D g, SIGNA RE OF I ( Cilf4" D ECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 II II I i 0829Z FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE A lication o s : R-044-84 Environment 1 Checklist No.:ECF-036-84 Descri.tion of Pro Bose': Application to rezone 1.8 acres of property from R-4 to O-P (Office Park) to allow three professional office buildings totaling 24,000 square feet on said site. Proponent: Evergreen West Properties Location of Pi o s osal: Located between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive at the 1800 block. Lead Agency: Cityof Renton Buildingand Zoning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on April 18, 1984, following a presentation by Jerry Lind of the Building and Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Roger Blaylo k, Ronald Nelson, James Matthew, James Hanson, Gary Norris, Richard Houghton,' Ja es Bourasa, David Clemens, Robert Bergstrom, and Jerry Lind. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-036-84 -re the following: 1. Enviro mental Checklist ;Form, prepared by: James M. Rendahl, DATED April 5; 1984. 2. Applic tions: Rezone (R-044-84). 3. Recommendations for a! declaration of non-significance: Building and Zoning Department, Design Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division, Utilities Engine ring Division, Fire, Prevention Bureau, Policy Development Department; and th Parks and Recreation Department. 4. Recommendation for a declaration of significance: Police Department. Acting as th Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCVIy 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmenta checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration .of environmental non-significance: The subject office park proposal will not adversely impact the environment or adjacent properties and the following areq irement shall be cbmpied with: 1. The pr posed rockery along the east side of the site is not to disturb the Benson Road ill or an approved concrete retaining wall will be required. I I INFORMATION: Be advised t at water and sanitary sewer extension will be required from Talbot Road South to the s uth property line of the subject site. SIGNATURES: I Ronald G.!Nelson David R. Cl mens Building and oning Director Policy Development Director L. Richard C. H ug ton Public Works irector PUBLISHED: April 23, 1984 APPEAL DA E: May 7, 1984 I 1 1 I ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 103 _ 84 APPLICAT ON No(s) : REZONE (R-044-84) i PROPONEN : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT 7 ITLE: EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK Brief De c r i p t i o n of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 T0,0- (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. I 1 LOCATION LOCATFT) RR'TWF.M RFNSC)N 'ROAD SOTTTH AND SC)TTPH PTTC,F'P T)RTVF AT THE 1800 BI SITE ARE 1 _R Ar,. I BUILDING AREA (Gross) : 24,000 SQ.' FT. 1 DEVELOPM NT COVERAGE (I$) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE I INFO 1) To',po raphic Changes : XI 2) Dire t/Indirect Air Quality: X 3) Wate & Water Courses : X1 4) PZan Life: X 5) Anim 1 Life: X 6) Nois : X 7) Light & Glare:X 8) Land Use; North: UNDEVELOPED East : MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL South: OFFICE BUILDING West : UNDEVELOPED Land Use Conflicts : NONE ANTICIPATED View Obstruction:MINOR 9) Natural Resources X 10) Ris of Upset : X 11) Pop lation/Employment : X 12) Nuum er of Dwellings : 3 RTn(;S. X 13) Tii Ends ( ITE) : g 795 TRIP FNT)S Traffic Impacts : 14) Public Services : X 15) Energy: X 16) Uti hies: I x 17) Human Health: x 18) Aes hetics : X 19) Rlec eation: X 20) Alrc eology/History: X Signatures: i f 6° Ro aid G. Nelson avid R. Clemens Building & Zoning Director Policy Development DirectorI G uc.uee c, PUBLISHED: APRIL 23, 1984 Ri hard' C. Hou hton APPEAL DATE:wY 7, 1984 Public dorks Director 6-83 0851Z " NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC I H'ARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER i A HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOG OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON MAY 15, 1984, AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSI ER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: SEABOR PILE DRIVING Application for approval of a variance from the Shoreline Master Program, Section 7.12.03C, dock size specifications, to allow a residential dock to extend 5,0 feet into Lake Washington instead of 30 feet, file V-047-84 property has already received a Shoreline Exemption, SME-003-84); property located at 2801 Mountain View Avenue North. EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, J.V. Application to rezone 1.8 acres of property from R-4 (Residential - Multiple Family) to O-P (Office Park) to allow three professional office buildings totaling 24,000 square feet on said site, file R-044-84; property located etween Benson Road South and South Puget Drive at the 1800 block: Legal descripti ns of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department: ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 15, 1984, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED!: MAY 4, 1984 Ronald G. Nelson Building and Zoning Director CERTIFICATION I I, JEANETTE SAMEK, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS JVERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. it I ATTEST: Subs ribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public. 2an for the State of Washington residing in 9, on the 1st day of May, 1984. v v" e6 SIGNED• i I oF I ci c$ © z 09A - yINIC31- 110E 94T0 SEP1Es City '' of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a PUBLIC.HEARING in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL ON MAY 15,E 19R4 BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M. P.M. CONCERNING: x REZONE From R-4 To 0-P (OFFICE.PARK) SPEPAL / CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT . To SITE APPROVAL I [ SHORTPLAT/SUBDIVISION of Lots u PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE FROM n GENERAL LOCATION AND/.OR ADDRESS: BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION SIGNIFICANT J NON—SIGNIFICANT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION r A OF R-, 1, A. 0 r ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR n i ty o; MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 • 235-2540o9- o Go. 90qTft° SEI'11 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR May 1, 1984 Kelly Farrell Evergreen Wast Properties, Joint Venture 11811 N.E. list. #204 Bellevue.,WA 98005 Re: Rezo a Application. File R-044-84; Property located between Benson Road South and S'uth Puget Drive at the 1800 block. Dear Mr.'Fa tell: The City of Renton Building and Zoning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on April 5. 1984. A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for May 15, 1984. The public hearing commences t 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applica t or representati le(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. , A icopy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. Sincerely, 6,c(pee. G2.-- (1,tkrA Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:JMS:c1 0862Z r i I i l I I OF I R, o BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT f RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR Y o n0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 • '235-2540 094T o SE E e Q BARBARA Y. ;SHINPOCH MAYOR May 1, 1984 I James M. R ndahl Evergreen est Properties, Joint Venture 11811 N.E. 1st, #204 Bellevue, WA 98005 Re: Rezone Application, File R-044-84: Property located between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive at the 1800 block. Dear Mr. R ndahl: Renton Buildingand ZoningDepartment formallyaccepted the aboveTheCityofRenoPP mentioned application on April 5, 1984. A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for May 15, 1984. The public hearing commences at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. Sincerel,, 9:3"ttl,Lvc1_ Roger J.' Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:JMS•cl 0862Z-21 I I II RENT __ i BUILDING & ZONING DEPI. 'MENT 1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET CITY OF RENTON ECF - 036 ! 84 APR ( 1984 APPLICATION NO S) : REZONE (R-044-84) REF: . V-038-83 V-086-83 POLICY PROPONENT : E ERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES I PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM R-4 TO 0-P (OFF CE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITEI. LOCATION : LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. It TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4-18-84 E.] ENIGI EERING DIVISION 0 TRAF IC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : El UTIL_TIES ENG . DIVISION FIRE PREV NTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & R CREATION DEPARTMENT j BUILDING ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE DE ARTMENT j POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 OTHERS :, COMMENTS OR SU ' GESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . P EASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M.' 0 APRIL 17, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Li APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS la 0 APPROVED 4diu1'Se t (ei-17 h CditNeseN -G'r 6714/ateAP..?tSi yr 4i) dhA,n Q.Y IC CEPS( a , oG 0(lce e-Vk. S sP cf r z b - 'f/ ) Con . Pall. oPer keert4->i I• 7I/./f/17,d0 74 I 141.4*Lej-144601.(4.V2-1\DATE. qiteicsFef SI NATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE i REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 r REN --I BTUILDING & ZONING DEP PMENT 1 DE 1ff ELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 036 -- 84 I APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (R-044-84) REF: V-038-83, V-086-83 PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK BRIEF DESCRIPTI ON OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM R-4 TO 0-P (OFF CE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION : LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. I I TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4-18-84 ENGIf1EERING DIVISION TRAFIFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVIISION Ell FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU EilPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DE ELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS ORISUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING ' PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON APRIL 17, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : A-70(7 I APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS fl NOT APPROVED J del./-1/1 6 4C C-S 5i., ems; (' U / L-e G t=IQ t D u t i- 5, 0 Q 6l e-s 6---)C P b — sb /c-i ' 6 3`,, DATE: '1— 70,PV SIGNATURE F"'ITIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPI MENT DE ELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 036 84 APPLICATION 'NO(S) : REZONE -(R-044-84) REF: V-038-83, V-086-83 PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLI'E : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK BRIEF DESCRIPT ON OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM R-4 TO 0-P (OFF CE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION : LOC TED BETWEEN BENS ON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. TO : PUBLIC 'WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4-18-84 EIENGI DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED. HEARING DATE : OUTIL ENG . DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS &' R;CREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DE ARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1 TIOTHERS : COMMENTS OR 'SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON APRIL 17, 1984 REVIEWING DEPA"TMENT/DIVISION : vi APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED I ki DATE: d — S T E OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE i REVISION 5/1982 1 Form 182 REN"--I BUILDING & ZONING DEP !WENT D E ELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 036 •- 84 APPLICATION ,NO(S) : REZONE . (R=044-84) REF: V-038-83, V-086-83 PROPONENT: I EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM R-4 TO O-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION : LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. TO : 0 PUBLIC WO KS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4-18-84 ENGINEERING DIVISIION n TRAF_FIC ENG, DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILTIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS: & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT El POLICY 'DE ELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PiIIEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P ,M, ON APRIL 17, 1984 I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED MAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS fl NOT APPROVED 564 cdvti, ,e_d-A 'ego sue ; l S. j / e/ Gt %rM'e e GC 90 DATE: 40354 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REN1" I BUILDING & ZONING DER 'MAENT DE ELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 036 4 APPLICATION 'NO(S) : REZONE (R=044-84) REF: . V-038-83, V-086-83 PROPONENT: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM R-4 TO 0-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION : LOCITED BETWEEN BENS ON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. TO :II 0 PUBLIC WO KS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : '4-18-84 ENGI EERING DIVISION 0 TRAF IC ENG , DIVISION. SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : El UTIL TIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREV NTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT El POLICE DEPARTMENT El POLICY DE ELOPMENT DEPARTMENT El OTHERS ; COMMENTS OR SU GESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M, ON APRIL 17, 1984 REVIEWING DE;PA TMENT/DIVISION : M,4, a/c- &A16/// e//U APPROVED up APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED co D.7-/o i 6 /'st' vEd O - Ail ; 1 o y Ye ill,4 el&J7-/ca Z 'l'-cli s I,` 117 io 24gy,7 2 Tee/ / i--,-- /9/ ._,..., r .0&----7,55", "Si2cd /:547/ 1-. gt fps c/ 7/ s DATE: // /P/Z---- SIGNATURE OF DTiRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED ENTATIVE 1 REVISION 5/1982N1Form 182 BEN' .I BUILDING & ZONING PEP FMENT DEVELOPME T APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET 03 6ECF 84 APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE (fit-044-84) REF: V-038-83, V-086-83 PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE, 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM R-4 TO 0-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION : 'LOCATED BETWEEN BENS ON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. hl TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4-18-84 ENGINEERING DIVISION 1=1TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION El FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEP RTMENT OTHERS COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M, ON APRIL 17, 1984. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 1%7L/ry APPROVED OAP ROVED WITH CONDITIONS EI NOT APPROVED UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT TB 4/2/4 LATE COMERS AMMO • MATO 1,e6 W-3ff 77/7at/.F.p. iv eI,Ld LATE CRESS IIIEE1101 • SElEt ND _ (6-7 4xp/,ejj)l/ SYSTEM IEIELIPMEIT RAISE • MATER YES 79;&IDSj X OD• o41U=$3,/36 .32 SYSTEM IIVILIPIEIT CORSE • SEWER y.E5 7gi/DrLJx OD.A1A .:: .3,/36•32 SPECIAL ASSESSIE/T ma Cs IRE • WATER ND i t 60,017a•4171 SPECIAL MOOT AtEL C .ALE • SEWER Hp 4. (N-14ea S°A.niwl APPROVED WATriS PiAI APPROVED SEiTi t P1 R9 SP er ti pia Jk /c.I c& 0APPROVEDFIRESTUARTLie-TIIti IT MR_SEPT. , ,dam ES FIE Fill AIALISIS p 1/,ES DATE: 4- it SIGNATURE - DIREC OR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE S-c2. —e7.1) REVISION 5/ 2 tg3-Form 182 Gji6/, •1 4 a i 3 .'r••iL#n:C{.7:1pb., «' A. . M,.. L ell'+ sl • T•VC L ..1r 4S 1 S,.` c.• M;- ryiya «..,.- o... ; ,.......... t 7f f'Fb F^ f `:. v 'S•_.-.-.......,...--, ....., S.iw,..w...-r.....--..:......,.......,. l y. ........... e... ..._... y... «_.«......_. r wn-.-+Y .-a..s..... ..—.w.r.,..w a.+,-P,».c....r......•,1 II II I I 1 RENT I BUILDING & ZONING DEP4 ',WENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET,DEVELOPMENTC 1 ECF - 036 -- 84 APPLICATION NO(S) : REZONE .(R=044-84) REF: V-038-83, V-086-83 PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK I BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM R-4 TO 0-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION : LOCATED BETWEEN BENS ON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. TO : 0 PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4-18-84 ENGINEERING DIVISION OTRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : OUTILITIES ENG . DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT EIPOLICEI,DEPARTMENT OPOLICY , DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS 1' COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . ,; PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M;! ON APRIL 17, 1984 REVIEWING DEP RTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVEDAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED 9 Aizt 64-Pe-ja-, g,,,L /1.4 tv.4. /1047"W aMit ..e( 425.1L- 0?) Ada? 4 li_.aril , 'L DATE: O •- g SIGNA RE OF 11 7'ECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION5/1982 Form 182 REN1 ''I BUILDING & ZONING DEP 'MEN,' DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF 036 4 I APPLICATION [NO S) : REZONE -(R=044-84) REF: V-038-83, V-086-83 PROPONENT : 1 ERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY FROM R-4 TO 0-P (OFF CE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION : LOC TED BETWEEN BENS ON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. TO: 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 4-18-84 Ei ENGINEERING DIVISION 0 TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : EI UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION FIRE PREY NTION BUREAU IZI PARKS & R ' CREATION DEPARTMENT El BUILDING ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DE ARTMENT 0 POLICY 1DE ELOPMENT DEPARTMENT El OTHERS : COMMENTS OR ,SU GESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , P EASE PROVIDE 'COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P ,M. 0 APRIL 17, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : El APPROVED 0-APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROV1ED I i1--Q P R c U D /-- s i o m P i#--(--" a R A-e Ll S 2(r,c, r a xu T"i-F(R. 4 LA.) l C. L, f1, L: r N C Iz- ?A- S IL) tP f1'a tr., s ,4- 2 Lc_f.d r1 G vu t7)-R-V I 'c -g B u -1-- ID eu cfT 5 cs c i-+ 0 e v c., aG rn v T ciao S3 e7 S 2U ) Lu I-cr vi- L v 60 G-- it-(, i C, ( .r u , a f-24 I (2) -e, it DATE: SIGNATURE OF DIREC OR R AUTHORIZED REPR S q/T ENTATIVE REVISION b/1982 I Form 182 r` i 0829Z FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No(s): R-044-84 Environmental Checklist No.:ECF-036-84 Description of Proposal:Application to rezone 1.8 acres of property from R-4 to O-P (Office Park) to allow three professional office buildings totaling 24,000 square feet on said site. Proponent: Evergreen West Properties 1 Location of Proposal: Located between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive a the 1800 block. Lead Agency: City of Renton Building and Zoning Department 1 I 1 This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on April 18, 1984, following a presentation by Jerry Lind of the Building and Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Roger Blaylock, Ronald Nelson, James Matthew, James Hanson, Gary Norris, Richard Houghton,'Ja es Bourasa, David Clemens, Robert Bergstrom, and Jerry Lind. I Incorporated y reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-036-84 re the following: 1. Environmental Checklist Form, prepared by: James M. Rendahl, DATED April 5, 1984. 2. Applic tions: Rezone (R-044-84). 3. Recom endations for a declaration of non-significance: Building and Zoning Depart ent, Design Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division, Utilities Engineering Division, Fire, Prevention Bureau, Policy Development Department, and the Parks and Recreation Department. I 4. Recommendation for a declaration of significance: Police Department. i Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2*). This decision Was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmenta checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for eclaration of environmental non-significance: The subject office park proposal will not adversely irnrn pact the environment or adjacent properties and . the following req irement shall be compied with: 1. The; proposed rockery along the east side of the site is not to disturb the Benson Road Fill or an approved concrete retaining wall will be required. INFORMATIOV: Be advised that water and sanitary sewer extension will be required from Talbot Road South to the south property line of the subject site. SIGNATURES eC Uo Ronald G. 'Nel on David R. Cl mens Building and Z ning Director Policy Development Director 1c c Z,35 Richard C.I Hog ton Public Works irector PUBLISHED: April 23, 1984 APPEAL DATE: May 7, 1984 I 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - ,03' _ 84 APPL ICATfi ON No(s) : REZONE (R-044-84) PROPONENT: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE: EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK d Brief De$c r i p t i o n of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 TO 0-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION TorAT1W) FTW N RF.NS(1N ROAD SC1TJTFT ANT) SOTTTTT PIT TT DRIVE AT THE 1800 BI SITE ARE : 1 R AC'RF BUILDING AREA (Gross) : 24,000 SQ.; FT. DEVELOPM NT COVERAGE (i%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1) Topo raphic Changes : X 2) Direct/Indirect Air Quality: X 3) Water & Water Courses: XI 4) Plant Life: X 5) Aniffal. Life: . X 6) Noisle: X 7) L'ight & Glare: X 8) Lain Use; North:UNDEVELOPID East : MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL South: OFFICIE BUILDING West : UNDEVELOPED Land Use Conflicts : NONE ANPTCIPATED Vier Obstruction:., MINOR 9) Natural Resources: X 10) Reis of Upset: X 11) Plop lation/Employment : X 12) Num er of Dwellings : 3 RTnGS. X 13) Tri Ends (ITE) : 795 TRIP F'Nf)S Traffic Impacts: 14) P,ub1 is Services: X 15) Enefgy:X 16) Utilities : X 17) Hum n Health: X 18) Aes hetics : X 19) Rec eation: X 20) Arc eology/History: _ X Signatures: 1 Ro ald G. Nelson avid R. Clemens Building & Zoning Director Policy Development Director t_et - e r E PUBLISHED: APRIL 23, 1984 Ri hard C. Hou h C ton / V APPEAL DATE:w v 7, 1984 Public Works Director 6-83 F.R('_nF, PnRM dk 7 0381N NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance with conditions for the following project: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES (ECF-036-84) Application to rezone 1.8 acres of property from R-4 to O-P (Office Park) to allow three professional office buildings totaling 24,000 square feet on said site, file R-044-84; located between Benson Road South and South Puget Driv at the 1800 block. Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must)be filed with the Hearing Examiner by May 7, 1984. Published: April 23, 1984 I i I I R A r. . i r. APPLICATION 'NO. " . • R-044-84, FCF-036-84 PROPOSED ACTION APPLICATION TO •'7 41,8•ACRES 'OF PROPERTY FROM R=4, :; TO OFFICE PARK TI) Al'LOW'THRFF PR1)FES.SIONAI` OFFTCF BUILDTN(S TOTAI 11N(; 74;f[lO :SIB. FT. GENERAL , • LOCATION ND OR ''AADDRESS LOOP EI) RI=TWFFN RFNSON 11A l SOI fIH ANI) 'SOI1TH PI ITnRIW AT E 180o R OCK. s} f .. POSTED ,TO NOTIFY INT ERESTED. - ', ,,..,'•-.:::.,-.' ,, PERSONS -• OF ..''AN ENVIRONMENTAL " . ,"`.:,-•r, ACTION. f hr THE CITY OF RENTON' ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMIMITTEE [ E.R.C )'':, ,:.;'HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED 'ACTION'`.:=.; r ' 1 DOES _ - j'DOES •NOT . HAVE A SIGNIFICANT...ADVERSE:,,... IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT.• AN ENVIRONMENTAL' 'IMPACT STATEMENT VILE ' •. WILL. NOT BE •REQUIRED. AN APPEAL . OF THE ABOVE - DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE 'RENTON 'HEARING EXAMINER BY ,5:00 P.M., MAY 7, 1984 • FOR ' FURTHER INFORMATION .• CONTACT 'THE CITY,.OF;`RENTON • BUILDING `& ZONING DEPARTMENT . • ' 235-25.50 r z .. DO NOT REMOVE •THIS 'NOTICE - WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION poL.t c,-c IVD tV Date circulated : APR1L 9, 1984 Comments auc : APRIL 17, 1984 ENIVIIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 036 - 84 CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION No (s ) . , REZONE (R-044-84) APR 1 19814 FOLIC'! PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES DEVELOPMENT DEPT. PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 TO O'P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE.' LOCATION LOCATED BETWEEN BENS ON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 18,00 BLOCK. SITE ARE : 1.8 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross) 24,000 SQ. FT. DEVELOPM NTAL COVERAGE (%) : I IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO1 1 ) T'op graphic changes : L'/ ..- 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : v 1 3) Wl,at7r & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : L 5 ) Ahi. al life : 6) N'oi e : 7) Ligft & glare : 8) Cann d Use ; north : TrA-+'‘S/11 r'S 5t-4Y1 L j h..- Ja s ear e-.-7c 1 east : ppffe4r Yn e.4-z i . south: /roee55 Ovru I 66g'c P SCSCZN 7west : 0 I tte(oped Lllan use conflicts : Uie obstruction :, 9) NNatu,ral resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : Y 11 ) ,Pop lation/Employment : 12 ) NumI er of Dwellings : v 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE) : 467:5-/f,67S traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) El,ne]gy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Ales thetics : I '~ 19) Rec eation : v 20 ) Airceology/history : COMMENTS : 1 %41/76'1 ed Iti'S 4-14, 9.6t i'et-- 1, 07- Pte S,i(4 -0 Caynrktkilt, c.4./ Jet Sit t us'r s r'),t / Qy.aa . 141vevov et C or.1. /e/eorsi veleft..7kte-414a04-1-4/..‘ etp/Okefiere-ske,u tefr k.2 0 4,"le, 'Az. 067-C e Pie'L d e s r'r yt et l r0- Wia-A*5 5 f r re ds¢ea»-,06 f, w Recommendation : DNSI ' DOS More Information A 7i$', Reviewed by :,Title : e i:i:p:.g1 Date : g $' FORM: ERC 06 ff.._tiC11 NI EEIZI+'\.)C3-1 Date circulated : APRIL 9, 1984 Comments due : APRIL 17, 1984 ENIVIIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 036 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-044-84) PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES P R O J E CIT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 TO O-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. SITE AREA : 1.8 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross ) 24,000 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : I I IMPACT REViIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE, INFO'I 1 ) topographic changes : 2 ) Diir ct/Indirect air quality : 3) Wetr & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Anirpal life : 6 ) N,oise : L/ 7) Light & glare : 8) Lan fi Use ; north: east : south : west : Lane use conflicts : Vie obstruction : 9) Neat ral resources : 10 ) R'isk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13) Tlrip ends (ITE) : tra`fic impacts : 14 ) Public services : I 15 ) ,Ene'gy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18) 'Aesthetics : 19 ) Rec eation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Avee-4- 2 4.1 re_eIJ1N 1132-,Aa Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information Reviewed by : Title : Date: 4c"! FORM: ERC 06 Date circulated : APRIL 9, 1984 Comments aue : APRIL 17, 1984 ENVIRONMENTAL CHWCLIST REVIElI SHEET ECF - 036 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-044-84) PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 TO 01P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. 1 LOCATION : LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. SITE AREA : 1.8 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross) 24,000 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE' (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO' 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant 11. fe : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : J 7 ) Light & glare : J 8 ) Lan Use ; north : east : south : west : Lang use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : I 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Popilation/Employment : ll 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : 7Z c d 7/0 T1,iP eAfi g' traflfic impacts : 7b f'r ; /ksp f_iv 4 f44 / 4 C a 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : I 16 ) Uti ities : I 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics :6/ 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Arcieology/historly :L— _ COMMENTS : c o A/D/7-//d A/s , /e PC- l/E L O P &42 i 2e. t3:'s_).!arj0: r 2,--oei,--z x-,./- id.); , Me ElEc —'—'cc._/` - ,d., r'tU//Ji cd7 y oviE e5 i o iGz,,s' 'o ,ci I ex".-zstei.x-" ' cd ./.tears -At:"._ 5 426 v P444 d s et 4,// 1-{-•11-6-- model Re /zr c,r`.f, 4.,„ Re cornm 'n tion : 7DNSI ; l D04 i art More In t n a44"-tIC- , Reviewed by : 14-e-41.7 d'Title : 77,9 tic .S ,/a-&_S Date : ; ' FORM: ERC-06 671LQ irv4 Date circulated : APRIL 9, 1984 Comments aue : APRIL 17, 1984j ENVIIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - O31 - 84 APPLICAT[ON No (s) . REZONE (R-044-84) I I PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK Brief ,Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 T0 d-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. LOCATION : LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. SITE AREA : 1.8 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross) 24,000 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE; INFO, 1 ) T1'iopggraphic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : • 3) WI'ater & water couses : 4) P1ant life : 5 ) Ani al life : 6) Noi e : x 7) Lig t & glare : 8) Lan. Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources K 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE) traffic impacts : j 14 ) Publ ' c services : I 15 ) Ener y : 16 ) Util ' ties : 17 ) Humal health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Arlchology/history : COMMENTS : Recommend. tion : DNSI DOS More Information_ Revieweld by : Title : Date FORM: ERC-06 r'AR K Date circulated : ArLLL 9, 1984 Comments ,,,,a : APRIL 17, 1984' ENIVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REIUIEW& SHEET ECF - 036 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-044-84) PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK Brief D e rs c r i p t i o n of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 TO O-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE„ LOCATION : LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. SITE AREA : 1.8 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross ) 24,000 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) N,oise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Lan use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Nat ral resources ': 10 ) Ris of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14) Public services : I 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : T'l`}I,S '"D C /C%L o? yvl 110 T" LI,) 11_L., i-1 A L)t & i rt t N 0 Cz I l'vl.?/rCC oN PA— s * '1JfCC &2 r41r1C3u Lu u isT` 1-3o la- 0 2 6-Lr T ft 0 <., tJ Ilia ii-T-U I NI P!-C—r 0 P. 'TY\ft-1.I i "rte1 I,6J 0 2, 1114 P l G lTc Recommendation : DNSI( ) DOS More Information, Reviewed by : 12,34A - Title : Date :L1P,nr l 7 r( FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : APRIL 9, 1984 Comments due : APRIL 17, 19841 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - , 036 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . REZONE (R-044-84) PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 TO d P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID S ITE., LOCATION : LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. SITE AREA : 1.8 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross) 24,000 SQ. FT. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) T,op graphic changes :V 2 ) D'lirect/Indirect air quality :V 3) WLater & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Ainimal life :v/ 6) Noi e : 7 ) Lig t & glare : 8 ) Lana Use ; north : east : south : I west : Lians use conflicts : v/ Vie obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources ) T 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employrent : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE) : traffic impacts : 14) Public services : I_ \/ 15 ) Ei ergy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : a/ 18) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : l/ 20 ) Archeology/history : 1/ COMMENTS : Cf.A.PJ .a.v Ul' 75 s ecJ PCZ-Cs- AttASlize fcAdta• Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information__ Reviewed y : 7/4:?d2 / Sl(...d Title : 07-1-/TV ENGIA154,2//VG Date :41If9/V¢ FORM: ERC-06 I Ct'I Date circulated : APRIL, 9, 1984 Comments aufe ! Aigitniy 1,,W , EMIVIROMI 1ENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SWE TEL -- OWE ' 1 ECF - 03 - 84 AP-PLICAT ON No (s) . R ONE (R-044-84)APR .8 i984 PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT ITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK Brief De c r i p t i o n of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 TO 0-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW' THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID SITE. I LOCATION LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. SITE AREA : 1.8 ACRES I BUILDING AREA (gross ) 24,000 SQ. FT. DEVELgPM NTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REViIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Top graphic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : .: 3) Wat r & water courses : 4 ) Fla t life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) NIois,e : 7 ) L gt-t & glare : 8 ) Lanc Use ; north : I east : south : west : Lend use conflicts : 0.ew obstruction : 9) Natural resources 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffIic impacts : 14) Ptiblic services : I // 15 ) E 'I',ery : 16 ) Utiljties : 17 ) Hinman health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : I Recommend- tion : DNSI , DOS Mo e Information Reviewe4 by : Titl . Date : X7 igy FORM: ERC-06 i I f Date circulated : APRIL 9, 1984 Comments due : APRIL 17, 1984 EMIVIRONMENTAL CHECIIKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 03 - 84 APPLIGATI ON No (s) . REZONE (R-044-84) PROPONENT : EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES PROJECT TITLE : EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK Brief ',Description of Project : APPLICATION TO REZONE 1.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY R-4 TO 0-P (OFFICE PARK) TO ALLOW THREE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS ON SAID S ITE.I LOCATION LOCATED BETWEEN BENSON ROAD SOUTH AND SOUTH PUGET DRIVE AT THE 1800 BLOCK. SITE AREA : 1.8 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross) 24,000 SQ. FT. DEVELO'PM NTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO, 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) D',irect/Indirect air quality : 3) W!ater & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) .AniMal life : 6) Noi e : 7) Lig t & glare : 8) Lan Use ; north : east : south : 1 west : Lan• use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) .Natural resources 10 ) :Risk of upset : 11 ) IIPppulation/Employrient : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends (ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14) Public services : 15 ) Enerey :11 16 ) 'Util ' ties : 17 ) Huma health : 18) Aest etics : 19 ) Recration : 20 ) Archeology/history: COMMENTS : 9,4ir .•ir,, _.. 44,4 #44Aeex , v i -7; J ,o rtr I Recomme',ndation : DNSI_ DOS g.. More Information Reviewed by : L_Title.: Date : 74 —gy FORM: ERC-06 0380N ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA APRIL 18, 1984 THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM: COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. PENDINI I BUSINESS: ECF-02S-84 WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY ECF-03(-84 WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY ECF-03l-84 WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY OLD BUSINESS: ECF-011 -84 HONEY CREEK ASSOCIATES R-014-84 Application to rezone 48.5 acres of property from G-1 to G-1, PPUD-015-84 R-1, and R-2, and for approval of a preliminary PUD consisting of a multi-family condominium development having 185 housing units. This revised application is to be constructed in two phases. The first phase will be 100 units to be located on the south side of Honey Creek; property located in the vicinity of the 2200 block of Jefferson Avenue N.E. ECF-63<<-80 GATEWAY APARTMENTS - PHASE II: ERC will need to re-evaluate traffic mitigation fees set in 1981 due to an inflation clause added in the decision. NEW BLSINESS: ECF-03i)-84 EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES R-044-E 4 Application to rezone 1.8 acres of property from R-4 to O-P Office Park) to allow three professional office buildings totaling 24,000 square feet on said site; located between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive at the 1800 block. ECF-05 ?-83 BECKMANN HOMES, INC. SA-046-84 Application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a woodworking shop and office building having 4,872 square feet; located at 708 S.W. 13th Street. An environmental declaration was given for the rezone (R-060-83). A memorandum of concurrence is needed for the site approval. o 1 [TY OF RENTC 1 FILE NO(S): Ei czo BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT cf- ru1 o N MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of application(s) are to be completed. Please print or type. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) APPLICANT I I TYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES Evergreen West Properties, Joint Venture Q REZONE*(FROM R-4 TO OP ) /i3ZO ADDRESS 11811 N.E. 1st #204 0 SPECIAL PERMIT* CITY ZIP l l TEMPORARY PERMIT* Bellevue, WA 98005 Q- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT* TELEPHONE J 1 SITE PLAN APPROVAL ED( 206) 454-5035 GRADING AND FILLING PERMIT No. of Cubic Yards: CONTACT PERSON VARIANCE From Section: Justification Required NAME James M. Rendahl or a Kelly M. Farrell ADDRESS SUBDIVISIONS: 11811 N.E . 1st #204 0 SHORT PLAT CITY Bellevue, WA Z98005 ED TENTATIVE PLAT PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE Q FINAL PLAT 206) 454-5035 0 WAIVER Justification Required) OWNER NO. OF LOTS: 1. NAME PLAT NAME: - Evergreen West Properties ADDRES. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: 11811 N.E. 1st St. #204 Q PRELIMINARY CITY ZIP a FINAL Bellevue, WA 9800 P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE 206) 454-50 35 Q Residential 0 Industrial r,_ p Commercial n Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS 1800 Souti Puget Drive EJ TENTATIVE CD EXISTING USE PRESENT ZONING PRELIMINARY Vacant Land R-4 FINAL PROPOSED USE PARK NAME: Office Park NUMBER OF SPACES: 0 ENVIRONMENTAL REVTEW COS' II'+T=E C.1 6•D SO. FT. ACRES AREA: 78,408 1. 8 le,66iFvf TOTAL. FEES 3 CITY OF R( ENT°"S.Ta, USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING DATE Arl e S 111y ! APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: APR 5 19 8 APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: 2 fLA."-SfEJAccepted 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: 4- rq-64- Accepted QIncomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: Building Design Eng. 4 Fire g Parks 3. Police Policy Dev. El Traffic Eng.Utilities air REVISION 5/10R2 Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). See two separate attached sheets. AFFIDAVIT I, James M. Rendahi being duly sworn, declare that I am ttED( authorized representative to act for the property owner, Downer of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 21st DAY OF March v 19 84 . NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON,RESIDING AT Renton, W shington li} l'ili'r° Name of Nota ry P c ignature of Owner) 9ie A., 11811 N.E. 1st St. #204 Address) Ri Address) Bellevue, WA 98005 City) State) (Zip) 206) 454-5035 Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." Form #174 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Than por ti of of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 20, 'Ibwnship 23 North. Range 5 Fast, WA.M. , described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Southwest 1/4; thence South 2006'30" West along the West line thereof 494.94 feet to the Southerly line of Puget Sound Power & Light Carpany's 120 foot right-of- way, as contained in instrnt recorded under Recording No. 5687370; thence North 74°32'17" East 297.53 feet to the Easterly line of Puget Drive and the ture point of beginning; thence South 16°20'40" East along said Easterly line to the Northwesterly corner of that Parcel of land described by instrument recorded under Recording No. 720428 4235; thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of said Parcel of land to its intersection with the Westerly line of.Benson Road; thence North 16°16'56" West along said Westerly line to its intersection with the Southwesterly line of Bonneville Power Administrations right-of- way, as 'Coitained in instrument recorded under Recording No. 324110; thence North 55°13'32" West along said Southwesterly line 17.47 feet to the aforesid Southerly line of Puget Sound Power & Light Company's right- of-way; thence Sou 74°32°17" West along said Southerly line 120.10 feet to the true point of beginning; Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 Fast, W.M , ALSO BEING a portion of Parcel 32 as described in instruments recorded under Recording No L 5959604 and 6150334, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Southwest 1/4; thence South 02006'30" Wes-0 along the West line thereof 494.94 feet to the Southerly line of Puget Sound Power & Light zany's, 120 foot right-of- way, as contained in instrianent recorded under Recording No. 5687370; thence North 74°32'17" East 297.53 feet to a point on the Easterly line of Puget Driven said point being the true point of beginning of said Parcel 32; thence South 16°20'40" Fastlalong said line 669.42 feet; thence North 73°43'04" East 130.34 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Benson Road. said line being that described in said Parcel 32, said point being the true point of beginning of the tract herein described. thence Sout}i 73°43'04" West' 130.34 feet; thence North 16°20'40" WestI200 feet; thence North 73°43'04" East to a point on the Westerly line of Benson Road; thence Southerly along said Westerly line to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT the Southerly 60 feet thereof; Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTONCVEV y ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM 15 ' p6bAPR51984 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I)ILD§NG/ZONE G Application No. d' - rQ Environmental Checklist No. C PROPOSED, date: FINAL, date: APR. 18iIci Declaration of Significance' Declaration of Significance Declaration of Non-Significance ' m Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: UU11.4 Gp,KIS)iii©Na- N1 -i' L_ ` 1i—Aikk-j1oki; Introductions The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions i nd when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose off this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answel the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently avililable to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe On explanation would be helpful to government decision makers, include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessafry delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are curre{ntly applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should inclu e the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when, it is completed, even though ompletion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washingtor for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does ,not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I. BACKGRO ND 1. Name of Proponent Evergreen West Properties 2. Aci dress and phone number of Proponent: 11811 N.E. 1st St. #204 Bellevue, WA 98005 0206) 454-5035 3. Date Checklist submitted 4. Agency requiring Checklist City of Renton, Zoning Department , 5.- Name of proposal , if applicable: Evergreen West Office Park 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its , size, general design, elements, and other factors that will give an accurate unlderstanding of its scope and nature) : See Attachment No. 1 1 vim_.JR I' r s 2- r Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as we'&1l as the extent of the land .area affected by any environmental impacts, including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the envi'''on- mental setting of the proposal ) : See Attachment No. 1 of three,iilbbuilding,Estimated date for completion of the proposal : The firstg late summer or fall of 1983; the rest, in phases, to follow. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local --including rezones) : Conditional Use Permit, City of Renton Any applicable building permits required by City of Renton. lb. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion, or further activity) related to or connected with this proposal? If yes , explain: No. 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered b1by I your proposal? If yes , explain: No. 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the prlo- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: None. 1 d f 1 1I II. NVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic 1 substructures? x li Y MAYBE NO 1 (b) Disruptions, displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? x YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? x i YET— MAYBE Rb-- d) The destruction, covering or modification of any J unique geologic or physical features? x YES— ; 1 j, (e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? x YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which H may, modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? x J Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 YES MAYBE KV II Ii 1 1 j 3 2) M r. Will the proposal result in: a:) Air emissions or deterioration' of ambient air I uality? x YFB MAYBE Nu- b) The creation of objectionable odors? x Yam— rr°i i'L idU c) Alteration of air 'movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? Y€ FAry A Explanation:See Attachment No. y 3) Waiter. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? x YEB MAYBE AU— b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? x YET— MAYBE Ar c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? x YET— MAYBE W d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? x Yrr- MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? x Y!B MAYBE NB f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? x YIT— , MAYBE NB . q) 'Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? x Yr MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents, waterborne virus or bacteria, or other substances into the- ground waters? x YES MAYBE R i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? x YEB MAYBE AB Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: • a). Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops' x microflora and aquatic plants)? YES MAYBE AU— h) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? YtV axvor A c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or - In a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? x v MAYBE Au' d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? xx Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 1 4- 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of fauna (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , insects or microfauna)? x YES MAYBE NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? x YES MBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? x I. YES MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? x YES MA-B NU— Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 I I I 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? x YES MAYBE NO Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? YES MAYBE N Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 i I 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? x YES MATTE NO Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 I I i li (9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources?x YES MAYBE NO b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? x YES MATTE NO Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil , pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions?x YES MITE Explanation: 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution,density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? x I Y MAYB W Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 I I I 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? x YES MAYBE NO Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 13) Transportation/Circulation.- Will the proposal result in: III al) Generation of additional vehicular movement? x II YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand for new parking? x YES MAYBENO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? x 1 MAYBE di Alterations to present patterns of circulation' or movement of people and/or goods? x YET- M YBE NO x e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Yam- MR-RE NO' f Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? x Yam- MAYBE NO Ex lanation: See Attachment No. 1 r 14) PuLlic Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a ' Fire protection? x YES MAYBE NU— x b) Police protection? YES WEE NO c Schools? x YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? x YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? x YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? x YES MAYBE NO Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? x YES WATIT NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? x YET- MAYBE 0- Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 k 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: a)' , Power or natural gas? x YES RITE NO b) Communications systems? x YES MAYBE NO x '( c) Water? YES MAYBE NO N I 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? x 1 YES MAYBE' NO e) Storm water drainage? x YES MATTE N• f) Solid waste and disposal? YES MAYBEI NO Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding x mental health)? YES MAYBEI W Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive x site open to public view? YES RAM. NO Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? x YES MMAYB NU- it Explanation: See Attachment No. 1 1,1' (20) Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an i alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? x YES MAYBE NO Explanation: III!' SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above i lr formation 1 is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- 1i ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure n my part. Proponent:i si e l name printe 1 City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 CiTy 17-4 YHPPP ! (' g_A, ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM APR 5198d ATTACHMENT NO. 1 EVERGREEN WEST OFFICE PARK 6f_81s !s;,aj lf!'a E `p' RENTON, WASHINGTON I. BACKGROUND 6. This 1. 8 acre (78,408 s. f. ) site is presently zoned R-4. his proposal is for three professional office buildings. The southern most building will have approximately 11, 500 s. f. of office space. The remaining two buildings are approximately 6, 250 s. f. each. On site parking for122cars. Each building is a two story structure. This proposal takes advantage of the sloping site to provide On grade access to each floor. Basic structural materials will be concrete foundations , concrete and/or steel columns , glu-lam beams with wood floor and roof trusses. Roofing materials will be asphalt composition shingles or metal roofing panels on slopedi-oofs and built-up roofing on flat roofs. Exterior N'ails will be combinations of stucco or brick, horizontal wood siding, and insulated glass windows, bronze or grey tint. 7. The site is located between Benson Road South and South Puget Drive; approximately 600 feet north of the intersec- tion of Benson Road South and South Puget Drive, in Renton, Washington. The site is long and rectangular, running south to north. The site slopes down from Benson Road South to South Puget Drive with a change in elevation of approximately 20 feet at the south end of the site. The change of elevation at the north end of the site is approximately 40 feet. Trees and vegetation cover most of the site, there are no existing structures on the site. Scrub Alder, berry bushes and the like are predominant on the site. There are a Iumber of Cedar and Fir trees varying from 4 inches to 12 inches in diameter, three feet above grade. To the north of the site there is a Bonneville Power line easement, to the east of the site, east of Benson Road South, and the Thunderhill Apartments. South of the site is the Westview Professional Office Building and next to that at the intersection of Benson Road South and South Puget Drive isi a Mobil Gas Station. Opposite the site, to the west of South Puget Drive, is an undeveloped area. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Page Two II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 1. Earth b) (c) This proposal will result in some changes to the topographic features of the site. Particularily with re- ' gard to the northern portion of the site. This proposal will result in a balanced cut and fill for approximately 850 of the site., from the southern most property line north. At the northern end of the site approximately 5, 000 cubic yards of fill will be required. e) Exposure of soils during construction could entail some risk of wind and/or water erosion. This hazard will be mitigated by proper construction techniques , such as optimum compaction of exposed surface soils and temporary drainage controls. I 2. ,Air a There may be increases in suspended particles during the course of construction. Upon completion of construction, the increase in vehicular traffic will cause related increases in air contaminants. These increases will not have a measureable affect on the ambient air quality. b, Some odors may be encountered during the paving and ' roofing phases of construction. 3 . Wa-Ler b) Building and paved areas will alter the absorption rates on the site. Storm run-off will be retained on site and controlled in accordance with the requirements of the City of Renton. g1 (h) Groundwaters in the area of the site should not be significantly affected by the proposal. Minor amounts , of road-way pollutants will inevitably leach into the soil but not in quantities sufficient to affect groundwater quality in the area. 4. ,Flora a) (c) The site is presently covered with Scrub Alder, Blackberry Bushes and the like. In addition, there are several groups of Cedar and Fir trees 4" to 12" in diameter at a point 3 feet above grade. Because of the nature of the regrading required on the site, much of the existing flora will not be retained. The larger tree specimans , as ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Page Three noted above, will be tagged and saved where possible. Ned species of flora will be introduced which will help screen the project from adjacent residential areas as well as enhance the commercial nature of the project. See Land- sc ping Plan submitted in drawing package. 5. Fauna a) (c) (d) Numbers and species of fauna are very limited at the present time and will be reduced due to the existing flora being disturbed and the extent of construction required. As a result of landscaping proposed for the site, species of fauna may migrate to those portions of the site after construction. 6. Noise Noise levels will be increased short term by construction and over the long term by increased automobile usage. However, given the site ' proximity to an intersection of two major roads having access to the City of Renton, Intersection 405 and State Highway 167, any increase. in noise will not be significant. Planned landscaped buffers will provide pro- tection for residential development. 7. Light and 'Glare New light will } e produced by the addition of building and parking lighting. Some glare may occur as a result of auto- mobile headlights arriving and leaving from the proposed project. As mot all traffic will occur during normal bu iness hours, this proposal should have a minimal affectonradjacentresidentialuses. In addition, landscaping has been located to screen protentially affected areas. 8 . Land Use The present zoning for the site is R-4 , apartment houses anld multiple dwellings. This proposal is for the con- struction of four professional office buildings. A Conditional Use Permit is required for this use of the site. 9. National Resources a) The type of construction that is proposed (primarily wood makes use of renewable resources. Any steel, concrete or glazing, however minimal, comes from raw materials that are mined. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Page Four 11. & 12 . Population/Housing As a result of the construction of this proposal, there will be no significant change to the existing population base. However a slight demand for housing in the area may arise if employees of business in the proposal desire a short commuting distance to their jobs. 13. Trnasportation/Circulation a (c) Normal business and retail commercial traffic can be anticipated. This consists of passenger vehicles as well as delivery, mail and service vans. Access to and from the site will be at both South Puget Drive and Benson Raod South. f The construction on new sidewalks will be on South Puget Drive and within the site. Most all traffic/pedestrian conflicts should be greatly mitigated because of the location of parking areas with respect to sidewalks and building. However, with increased vehicular traffic, the number of poential conflicts also increase. 14. Public Services The proposed project will increase the tax revenue to all public service departments , and require some attention by th se departments. al (b) Police and fire protection will be required for th health and safety of the residents. d) Persons working in buildings in this proposal may desire to use local parks or recreational areas for noon time or' after hours relaxing. Group activities or functions of office personnel, within the proposal, may be planned for using local facilities. ei Some increase in street maintenance may be anticipatedduetoincreasedvehiculartraffic. However, this traffic will be composed mainly of residents who are now local in nature. f) In addition to potential uses of local parks and recreational facilities, additional use of libraries , health services, etc. may be expected. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Page Five 15. Energy a) It is expected that the proposal will be substantially dependent upon electricity for an energy source for lighting, heating and cooling, and equipment demands. Gas can also be expected to be used as an energy source for heating and cooling. Gas is presently available to the site. 16. Utilities a) (f) All services listed are on site or available to the site. It is expected that alterations to these systems will be limited to project connection and occasional maintenance. 19. Recreation Se response to No. 14 (d) & (f) . wi ;3 Fa I I NVE S T 4EST 5 1 918R4A. TAL FORM CORPORATION 11811 N.E. FIRST STREET • SUITE 204 • BELLEVUE,W GTON 98005 • (206) 454-50 SI LHN /Z_ON NO PEPT. To: cI I G Date: I t • Project: CirAP-!)(060. 9/e_d7;:71- Attention: r // Job No. '1 Gentlemen: We are sending Herewith Under separate cover,via the following,items: Copies J Description dib 7 cr C r ,/,gam These are transmi ed for: Your Information . Dist ibution Bids due 19 Approval Signature 4N As Requested Your Files Review&Comment Remarks: cc: Very truly y urs, MY OF ONION Ur) isn v INVEST EST APR NAN ' TAL FORM CORPORATION BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. 11811 N.E. FIRST STREET SUITE 204 • B LLEH E.WA HINGTON 98005 • (206) 454-5035 O- (gY<To: L d 9 ./ Date: z.d " A_ I Project: '-''GJI -.-/7 OrArr IA/ Attention: Job No. Gentlemen: I We are sending Herewith Under separate cover,via the following items: Copies Description 7 ill These are transmitted for: Your Information Distribution Bids due 19 Approval Signaturep As Requested Your Files Review& Comment Remarks: I cc: Very truly yours, INVEST . @ESTCORPORATION 11811 N.E. FIRST STREET • SUITE 204 • BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98005 • (206) 454-5035 CITY Oh RrNeON q p N n vi 1.' ri.-NS .!f- s) ,!'. 1 ii , uMarch29, 1984Al g APR 5 1984 BUILDING/ ONNG DEP.T Mr. Roger Blaylock City of Renton Building and Zoning De artment 200 Mill Avenue Renton, WA 98055 Re: Evergreen Properties Application for Rezone and Variance Dear Roger: Everg/een West Proper ies will not be applying for variances assoc- iated with our proposed development in the Office Park O-P Zone per Item 11 of the Hearing Examiner's Conclusions regarding our previous application and approval of building, parking and land- scaping setbacks on this site. If 'we are in error, in drawing this conclusion, please notify us immediately. Sincerely 41,0("1" KELL M. F LL Assistant ice President KMF/dp REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CBiy 01 initZ I ON9 EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES 1 01,9 V p, y APPLICATION FOR REZONE FROM R-4 TO 0-P APR 5 1984 BU1LDINf,;/ZONNEi DEFT. Evergreen West's property is currently zoned R-4 and has been classified as such for several years. The 0-P zone was added to the Renton City zoning code subsequent to the zoning of this property. We believe the 0-P zone is an appropriate use for this site based upon the following considerations and references to the goals and policies of the City of Renton comprehensive plan and specific area policies. CONSIDERATIONS & REFERENCES 1. An R-4 Multifamily use on this property lacks the proper identity and cohesion due to the extreme closeness of the abutting major arterials on the eastern and western boundaries and the sloping nature of the site. 2. An 0-P zone will provide a transitional buffer between the single family zoned properties to the west and the multifamily to the east. 3. An 0-P zone here would also buffer the multifamily to the south and east from the B-1 zone to the north. 4. The 95 foot height restriction found in the R-4 zone would be elim- inated and intrusion into the view of the easterly multifamily units on the east side of Benson Road eliminated, due to the require- ments of the height provision found in the 0-P zone. 5. This parcel was not considered at the time of the last comprehensive plain land use analysis and the current zoning preceded the last comprehensive plan amendment in the area. 6. The applicant's proposed rezone is appropriate and timely, as the appllicant has a client for the proposed office park use and a professional" office park use has previously been approved for the property under the R-4 designation which allows "professional" office with the granting of a conditonal use permit. 7. There are office building uses on each of the adjacent R-4 parcels to the south which also fall between the Benson Road and Puget Drive arterials. 8. The Building and Zoning Department in their report to the Hearing Examiner regarding Evergreen West's conditional use permit for office use stated: Thee proposal is generally compatible with the purpose, goals and objectives, and standards of the Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is designated on the Comprehensive Plan as Medium Density Multiple Family. However, the goals and policies do not support the direct use of the site as multiple family because of the in- compatibility of the adjacent traffic patterns. The lot is only 129 feet wide and ((wedged between two major arterials. As a result of the access and traffic levels, it would be more appropriate for the area to be developed into a commercial type use. The request for a conditional use permit for office use is halfway between a true commercial activity and the residential activity designated on the Comprehensive Plan." 9. The Hearing Examiner, 1 in Conclusion 8 of his Report and Decision regarding Evergreen West's Conditional Use Permit Application #CU- 037-83, states that the proposed office use would "serve the public use and interest". 10. The applicants proposal for office use in the R-4 met with no public opposition. REFERENCES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN'S GOALS AND POLICIES PURPOSE We have proposed a rezone of our property from R-4 to O-P because we feel it meets certain criteria spelled out in this section. As has been stated by the Hering Examiner, our office use would "serve the public use and interest" Within the Purpose section you'll find that the "overriding consideration (of the plan) is to promote public safety, welfare, and interest". The Hearing Examiner spoke to the "interest" portion of this statement and we feel the public's safety and welfare is better served by having a non-residential, low traffic, buffer type use on this property, due to its close proximity to two major arterials and its narrow sloping topography. The purpose also states that the Comprehensive Plan must be flexible so that it may "promote the public interest and the interest of the City at large" . Furthermore, it is stated that "The Comprehensive Plan is intended to help resolve some of the dilemmas confronting municipal officials and the people th1 y represent. GENE GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES I. Environmental Goal The 20% minimum landscaping requirement of the O-P zone together with the adjacent greenbelt on the north end of the property serve the natural environment. The sites close proximity to major arterials and utilities combined with the development standards of the City of Renton relating to storm water retention and other pertinent items serves the Balanced Development Objectives. II. Economic Goal Our O-P proposal will minimize pollution as the use will be indoor office in nature as opposed to industrial or manufacturing which could i_nvdlve the expulsion of unacceptable levels of air and noise pollution near a residential area. This project will generate additional rev- enues which could take the form of a business license revenues and possible sales tax. Also, the O-P zone will provide a broader range of employment opportunities than the R-4 Professional Office zone. 4 6 III. Urban Design Goal A. Land Development Objective Our project in the proposed O-P zone has developed parcels on its east, west and southern boundaries. To the north of our site is an approved B-1 office building project with parking allowed in an R-4 zone. This project is to be built in the near future. Due to our site's urban setting all utilities are available. B. District's Objective An O-P zoning on our site will fulfill the districts objectiv by continuing the office building development currently existing between Benson Road and Puget Drive further to the north, thus creating a unified district of office uses. We feel the sloping nature of the vacant land between Benson Road and Puget Drive combined with our proposed building designs and heights satisfies the need for a harmonious pattern of development within this office use district. IV. Residential Goal An O-P zone on the R-4 property helps to satisfy the residential goal by limiting building height. This site's narrow nature precludes excessive height ofr lack of enough yard setback area. The effect of limiting building height is to preserve the views of properties in the multi-family districts to the east. The lack of privacy associated with this site and its access only onto major arterials works against the polciies of the residential district also. SOUTHEAST RENTON AREA SPECIFIC POLICIES Our O-P zoning proposal also meets the basic concepts of the Southeast Renton Plan, as our request follows the concepts of managed growth. It does this by taking an existing area between Benson Raod and Puget Drive and con- tinuing a pattern of development which is already set in an office building mode. Aril O-P development here would adhere to the Southeast area plan as it would utilize land, utilities, access, and community facilities that are already available and have capacity to accommodate the projected growth fore- casted for the area. CONCLUSION Evergreen West Properties, for the reasons and justifications stated, re- spectfully requests approval of their application for rezone from R-4 Multi- family to O-P Office Park. Thank you for your consideration. Evergreen West Properties reID No. DATE DOWN INDORSEMENT Attached to and Forming a Part of Commitment Order No. 453267 Issued By SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY This indorsement is made a part of said Commitment including any prior indorsements, and is subject to the Schedules, Terms, Provisions and the Conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof: 1. Schedule A of the above Commitment is hereby amended in the following particulars: . a) The effective date of the Commitment including extension is: No change b) The title to the estate or interest in the land is at the extended effective date hereof vested in: No change 2. Schedule B of the above Commitment including any prior indorsement is hereby amended in the following particulars: a) The special exceptions at the following numbered paragraphs of Schedule B are hereby deleted: None b) The special exceptions at the following numbered paragraphs are hereby added to Schedule B: None c. Paragraph 7 is hereby amended to read as fcllows 7. Ma ters relating t ALTO'\ coverage! Our inspection made on October 21, 1993, disclosed said pretni.ses to he unimproved. Further inspection will be necessary to determine natters relating to such coverage. 1 Dated: November 23, 19:33 guttair'Sce1 Y SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GI il '• r c..j'ly.' 7, ------141''\`\,„.\\ ' Authorized Signature TP-63 1/79 Evergreen West Properties 0 No. DATE DOWN INDORSEMENT Attached to and Forming a Part of Commitment Order No. 45321,7 Issued By SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY This indorsement is made a part of said Commitment including any prior indorsements, and is subject to the Schedules, Terms, Provisions and the Conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof: 1. Schedule A of the above Commitment is hereby amended in the following particulars: a) The effective date of the Commitment including extension is: Vo chan e b) The title t the estate or interes in the land is at the extended effective date hereof vested in: No change c. The :Leg I description• sr t forth in Paragraph 5 of Schedule A is hereby amended to read as fol1_ws: SEE LADED EXHIBIT "IATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF 2. Schedule:B of the above Commitment including any prior indorsement is hereby amended in the following particulars: a) The special exceptions at the following numbered paragraphs of Schedule B are hereby deleted: None b) The special exceptions at the following numbered paragraphs are hereby added to Schedule B: None Dated: Deco ber 7, 1.0 3 t SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Authbrized Signature TP-63 1 79 J11111,17- No. `453267 Date indorsement No. 2 AMENDED EXHIBIT "I" I I ' That. portion of West half of Southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at Northwest corner of said subdivision; thence South 02°06'30" West 494.94 feet to the Southerly margin of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's 120 foot right of way as established by instrument recorded under King County Recording No. 5687370; thence forth 74°32'17" East 297.53 feet to a point on the Easterly margin of Puget Drive as conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under King County Recording No. 5646273; thence south 16°20'40" East along said margin 324.42 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continuing South 16°20'40" East along said Easterly margin 285.00 feet; thence rth 73°43'04" East 130.41 feet to the Westerly margin of Benson Roadlas established Mar h 19, 1912 in Volume 16 of Commissioner's Records, page 592; thence North 16°16'56" est along said road margin 285.00 feet; thence South 73°43'04" West 130.71 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Said prloperty is also known as Parcel B of City of Renton Lot Line AdjuntmeJnt No. LLA-010-83) I I ' I i I I I 69 Evergreen West PropertU — a No. 3 DATE DOWN INDORSEMENT Attached to and Forming a Part of P „;` '71 I ,t ! t, Commitment Order No. 453267 ; APR 1 1 1984 F Issued By SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • js I.;. i',K4/70NING DEPT. This indorsement is made a part of said Commitment including any prior indorsements, and is subject to the Schedules, Terms, Provisions and the Conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof: 1. Schedule A of the above Commitment is hereby amended in the following particulars: a) The effecti e date of the Commitment including extension is: April 4, 1984 at 8:00 a.m. b) The title to the estate or interest in the land is at the extended effective date hereof vested in: No change 2. Schedule B of .he above Commitment including any prior indorsement is hereby amended in the following particulars: a) The special exceptions at the following numbered paragraphs of Schedule B are hereby deleted: Paragraphs 4 and 5 are hereby deleted and may be disregarded. b) The special exceptions at the following numbered paragraphs are hereby added to Schedule B: SEE EXHIBIT "A" AS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. c. The special exception at the following numbered paragraph of Schedule B is hereby amended to read as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" AS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Dated: April 9, 1984 1 cc: Jean Bell at Seattle Mortgage Company 1 cc: Kelly Farrow at Invest West 1 cc: Roger Blaylock at City of Renton-Building and Zoning Department SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANYtt, Ttni! iQ • ill j<<FgAA\ By. Authorized Signature TP•63 1.79 No. 453267 Date Down Indorsement No. 3 EXHIBIT "A" The following special exception is added: 9. Deed of Trust, to secure an indebtedness, including any interest, advances, or other obligations secured thereby, in the principal amount of $150,000.00; Dated:December 23, 1983 Recorded: December 28, 1983 Recording No. : 8312280680 Grantor: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, a joint venture comprised of JAMES M. RENDAHL and SUSAN A. RENDAHL, husband and wife; JAMES H. WHITE and SUSAN E. WHITE, husband and wife; and JAMES C. NORMAN and PATRICIA A. NORMAN, husband and wife. Trustee: SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Beneficiary: SEATTLE MORTGAGE COMPANY, a Washington corporation c. The special exception at the following numbered paragraph is hereby amended to read as follows: 8. General taxes for the year 1984. The first half thereof must be paid on or before April 30, 1984, otherwise the entire amount will be considered delinquent. Amount: 471.94 Affects: Portion of said premises Tax Account No. : 202305-9119-03 General taxes for the year 1984. The first half thereof must be paid on or before April 30, 1984; otherwise the entire amount will be considered delinquent. Amount: 282.58 Affects: Remainder of said premises Tax Account No. : 202305-9131-07 TP.R A/h0 SAFECO TITL INSURANCE COMP NY Fourth & Vine Building P. 0. Box 21987 Seattle, Washington 98111 To: SEATTLE MORTGAGE COMPANY 2291QuFen Anne Avenue Seattle, Washington Attention: Jean Bell Your No. : Our No.:,; 453267 SENIOR TITLE OFFICER: MIKE GILBERTSON Telephone: (206) 292-1310 TITLE OFFICER: DAVE LAWSON Telephone: (206) 292-1310 I I SAFECO 1 . COMMIT ENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE 1 SCHEDULE A I Your No.: Our No. : 453267 1 . Effective Date: Octooer 18, 1983 at 8:00 a.m. 1 2. PolicY or Policies to be issued: ALT Owner's Policy Amount: $ Standard Exten ed Premium: $ Proposed Insured: Tax: $ X ,ALTA Loan Policy Amount: $800,000.00 Premium: $ 2,033.50 Tax: $ 160.65 Rate Applied: Short Term Pr posed Insured: 1 SEATTLE MORTGAGE COMPANY WLIA Standard Coverage Policy Amount: $ Premium: $ Proposed Insured: Tax: $ 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in the Commitment and covered herein is: A FEE 1 4. Title to the said estate or interest in said land is at the effective date herebf vested in: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, a joint venture comprised of JAMES M. RENDAHL and SUSAN A. RENDAHL, hus 'and and wife, and JAMES H. WHITE and SUSAN E. WHITE„ hu.band and wife 5. Tie land referred to in this Commitment is in the State of Washington, County of King, and is described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "I" ATTACHED -IERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. SAFECO i I I I I I No. 453267 I EXHIBIT "I" That po,rti n of West half 9f Southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, ange 5 East, W. . , in King County, Washington, described as follows;': 1 Commencing at Northwest corner of said subdivision; thence Sou h 02°06'30" West 494.94 feet to the Southerly margin of the Puget Sound Power & Light ompany's 120 foot right of way as established ' by instrument recorded under King County Recording No. 5687370; thence No th 74°32'17" East 297.53 feet to a point on the Easterly margin of Puget Drive as conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under King County Recording No. 5646273; thence ;South 16°20'40" East along said margin 324.42 feet to the TRUE POINT OF EGINNING: thencejcor tinuing South 16°20'40" East along said Easterly margin 285.00 feet; thence '1North 73°43'04" East 130.41 feet to the Westerly margin of Benson Road as a tablished March 19, 1912 in Volume 16 of Commissioner's Records, page 592; thencelNorth 16°16'56" West along said road margin 285.00 feet; thence ;South 73°43'04" West 130.71 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Said property is also known as Parcel B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA-010-83) g; I SAFECO COMMIT ENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B No. 453267 I . The following are the requirements to be complied with: A. Instruments necessary to create the estate or interest to be insured must be properly executed, delivered and duly filed for record. B. According to the Joint Venture Agreement of EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, a joint venture, dated July 21 , 1979 and amendments thereto dated October 31 , 1979 and October 28, 1980, said joint venture consists of the following joint venturers : JAMES M. RENDAHL and SUSAN A. RENDAHL, husband and wife, and JAMES H. WHITE and SUSAN E. WHITE, husband and wife. According to application for title insurance, JAMES NORMAN will also be executing the forthcoming document to be insured as a joint venturer. An amendment to said agreement must be submitted reflecting the addition of said JAMES NORMAN to the joint venture. Any conveyance or encumbrance of joint venture property should be executed by each joint venturer, and spouses, individually. II. Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records, or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed Insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. B. Any policy issued pursuant hereto will contain under Schedule B the standard exceptions as set forth and identified as to type of policy on the inside of the back cover hereof. C. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 1 . Covenants, conditions and restrictions contained in instrument Executed: August 10, 1977 Recorded: September 6, 1977 Recording, No.: 7709060796 Records f:King 1County, Washington Executed by: THE WESTVIEW COMPANY, a joint venture, et al continued) SAFECO I• No. 453267 Schedule B (continued) Page 2 A copy Of which is hereto .ttached. Affects': Southerly 140 feet of said premises and other property 2. Reciprocal Easement Agreement entered into by and between: THE WESTVIEW COMPANY, a joint venture; AND THE NOJ WESTVIEW VENTURERS Dated:January 22, 1979 Recorded: January 23, 1979 Recording No.: 7901230956 Records, of:King County, Washington Providing: Establishment and maintenance of reciprocal easements for in and egress approximately 25 feet in width br wider if required. Affects': Southerly 140 feet of said premises and other property 3. Easenent including the terms, covenants and provisions thereof, as granted by instrument Recorded: September 7, 1982 Recording No.: 8209070328 Records col :King County, Washington In favor df: PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY For: 1, Lines of telephone and telegraph, or other signal or commu ication circuits, consisting of such underground conduits, cables, etc. , and appurtenances thereto, as the grantee may from time to time require. Affects: Southerly 35 feet of the East 7 feet of said premises, EXCEPT the Southerly 140 feet thereof I 4. Deed of Trust, to secure an indebtedness, including any interest, advances, or other obligations secured thereby, in the principal amount of $170,0 0.00; Dated: , Janualry 14, 1982 Recorded: August 4, 1982 Recording No. : 8208040503 Grantor: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES Trustee: SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Beneficia y: RAINIER NATIONAL BANK Affects: Said premises and other property 5. Deed of Trust, to secure any and all indebtedness of Grantor evidenced by that cFrtain Guaranty 9f Payment dated August 6, 1982, executed by Grantor t secure all indebtedness of JAMES M. RENDAHL and JAMES H. WHITE,' continued) SAFECO I I No. 453267 Schedule B (continued) Page 3 Dated:August 6, 1982 Recorded: August 12, 1982 Recording No.: 8208120089 Grantor: EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES, a joint venture Trustee: SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Beneficia y: PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON Affects: Said premises and other property 6. Term and conditions of the joint venture under which title is vested 7. Matters relating to LTA Loan Policy coverage: The results of our inspection will be furnished by indorsement. 8. Delinquent general taxes for the year 1981 . Amount: 174. 8, plus interest Affects: Southerly 140 feet of said premises Tax Account No.: 20230 -9131-07 Delinquent general taxes for the years 1982 and 1983 Amounts: 166.97 and $251 .63, respectively, plus interest and penalty Affects: Southerly 140 feet of said premises Tax Account No. : 202305-9131-07 Delinquent general taxes for the year 1982. Amount; 292.11 , plus interest Affects: Remainder of said premises and other property Tax Account No.: 202305-9119-03 Delinquent general taxes for the years 1982 and 1983 Amounts: 278.89 and $420.24, respectively, plus interest and penalty Affects: Remainder of said premises and other property Tax Account No.: 202305-9119-03 END OF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS** BT/jdk I SAFECO ENDING F FILE Fig TITLE li 0 4 4 4