HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA84-078BEkNIi ,G OF FILE FILE TITLE t4)1gUIAL WAC 197-11-970 TO A.. jfL€ tc n 1a-. .. DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Uo ?, , / Descriptior of Proposal Grading and excavation and construction of new spur track and drainage facility in P-1 drainage channel CITY OF RENTON H Proponent_Burlington Northern Railroad13 OCT 2 6- 1984 BUILDING/ZONING DEPT, Location of Proposal , including street address, if any existing track along east margin of City and 1700 feet from southern City limit Lead Agenc,': City of Tukwila File No. EPIC- 245-84 The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement EIS) is lot required under RCW 43.21C.030(2) (c) . This decision was made after review of s completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agenc/. This information is available to the public on request. There is no comment period for this DNS This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this propoal for 15 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by N)vember 7, 1984 Responsible Official Brad Collins Position/Title Planning Director Phone 433-1845 Address 6200 Southcenter Boulevard, Tukwila, WA 98188 Date October 22, 1984 Signature You may appeal this determination to the City Clerk at City Hall , 6200 Southcenter Boulevard, Tukwila, WA 98188 no later than 10 days from the above date by written appeal st< ting the basis of the appeal for specific factual objections. You may be required to bear some of the expenses for an appeal . Copies of the procedures for SEPA appeals are available with the City Clerk and Planning t epartment. This determination is conditioned upon compliance with State and County requirements for development within the P-1 Channel , and adequate provisions per review and approval o•I` the Public Works Department of future utilities extensions. CITY OF TUKWILA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM This questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the application for permit. This questionnaire must be completed by all persons applying for a permit from the City of Tukwila, unless it is determined by the Responsible Official that the permit is exempt or unless the applicant and Responsible Official previously agree an Environmental Impact Statement needs to be completed. A fee of $60.00 must accompany the filling of the Environmental Questionnaire to cover costs of the threshold determination. I. BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent: BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: 2000 FIRST INTERSTATE BUILDING (467 3298) 999 THIRD AVENUE SEATTLE WA 98104 3. Date Checklist Submitted: 31 AUGUST 1984 4. Agency Requiring Checklist:PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5. Name of Proposal , if applicable: ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL 6. Nature and Brief Description of the Proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : PLACE 9,300 C.Y. OF FILL ALONG EXISTING TRACK FILL 1,700' FROM SOUTH CITY LIMITS. EXCAVATE 1,000 C.Y. FOR COMPENSATING FLOOD STORAGE. 7. Location of Proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental im- pacts, including any other information needed to give an accurate under- standing of the environmental setting of the proposal ) : FILL IS WITHIN. R.O.W. OF EXISTING B.N. .MAINLINE TRACK FROM SOUTH CITY LIMITS FOR 1,700' . FLOOD STORAGE IS 350' EAST ALONG FUTURE P 1 CHANNEL 8. Estimated Date for Completion of the Proposal :19/31/84 9. List of all Permits, Licenses or Government Approvals Required for the Proposal (federal , state and local ) : a) Rezone, conditional use, shoreline permit, etc. YES NO X b) . King County Hydraulics Permit YES NO X c) Building permit YES NO X d) Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Permit YES NO X e) Sewer hook up permit YES NO X f) Sign permit YES NO X g) Water hook up permit YES NO X h) Storm water system permit YES NO X i ) Curb cut permit YES NO X j) Electrical permit (State of Washington) YES NO X k) Plumbing permit (King County) YES NO X 1 ) Other: RENTON SPECIAL PERMIT FOR PORTION IN THAT CITY. FLOOD CONTROL ZONE PERMIT. 10. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or futher activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: 11. Do you. know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: NO 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) YES MAYBE NO 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures?X b) Disruptions, displacements , compaction or overcover- ing of the soil ?x c) Change in topography or ground surface relief fea- tures? d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? 2- YES MAYBE NO e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? X f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X Explanation: (B) FILL WILL BE PLACED ON ABOUT 2 ACRES, ABOUT 1/2 ON THE EXISTING TRACK FILL AND 1/2 ON PREVIOUSLY UNFILLED SOIL. 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? b) The creation of objectionable odors? X c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? X Explanation: 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? X c.) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity?X f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through X interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? 3- YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents, waterborne virus or bacteria, or other substances into the ground waters? X i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise avail- able for public water supplies? X Explanation: 4. Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs, X grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? X c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species?X d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X Explanation: 5. Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of fauna (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms, insects or microfauna)? X b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or X endangered species of fauna? c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration X or movement of fauna? d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife X habitat? Explanation: 4- YES MAYBE NO 6. Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X Explanation: 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X Explanation: 8. Land Use.• Will the proposal result in the altera- tion of the present or planned land use of an area?X Explanation: • 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X Explanation: 10. Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil , pesticides, chemicals or radi- ation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Explanation: 5- YES MAYBE NO 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X Explanation: 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, x or create a demand for additional housing? Explanation: 13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? x b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or Xdemandfornewparking? c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? X d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? x e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, x bicyclists or pedestrians? Explanation: 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a) Fire protection?X b) Police protection? x c) Schools? x d) Parks or other recreational facilities? X e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? 6- YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? X Explanation: 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Explanation: 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: X a) Power or natural gas? b) Communications systems? X c) Water? X d) Sewer or septic tanks? X e) Storm water drainage? X f) Solid waste and disposal ?X Explanation: 17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in the crea- tion of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X Explanation: 7- YES MAYBE NO 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruc- tion of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically of- fensive site open to public view? Explanation: 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of exist- Xingrecreationalopportunities? Explanation: 20. Archeological/Histroical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a signifi- cant archeological or his- torical site, structure, Xobjectorbuilding? Explanation: CERTIFICATION BY APPLICANT: I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. rc T 17/ /F i Signature and Title Date 8- 1 I. . l s 1 1 VtT KLIN 1 l ) iN r1Lt null : V rs „CD ' E _DING & ZONING DEPART jT MASTER APPLICA11ON MOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of opplication(s) are to be completed, Please print or type. Attoch odditionol sheets if necessary.) APPLICANT TYPE OF APPLICATION AME FEES JRLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO. INC. DRESS 2000 FIRS1 INTERSTATE BLDG. R£ZONE*(FROM TO 999 THIRD AVENUE I I SPECIAL PER!(IT* ITY ZIP 1 TOCORARY PERMIT* ITT LE WA 98104 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT* LEPHONE SITE PLAN APPROVAL E GRADING AND FILLING PERMIT 351 . 75 206) 46; 3312 No, of Cubic Yards: 9.500 CONTACT PERSON VARIANCEmFrom Section: Justification Required 4ME M A. BELL DRESS 2000 FIRST INTERSTATE BLDG. SUBDIVISIONS: 999 THIRD AVENUE l SHORT PLAT ITY ZIP Q TENTATIVE PLAT EATTLE WA 98104 ED PRELIMINARY PLAT ELEPHONE r--1 FINAL PLAT 206) 46; 3312 ED WAIVER Justification Required) OWNER NO. OF LOTS: VAE PLAT NAME: JRLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO. , INC. DRESS 2000 FIRST INTERSTATE BLDG. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: 999 THIRD AVENUE Q PRELIMINARY TY ZIP a FINAL SEATTLE HA 98104 P.u.D, NAME: LEPHONE 206) 467 3312 Residential El Industrial ElCommercial n Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: 2OPERTY ADDRESS Q TENTATIVE N.A. ISTING USE PRESENT ZONING CD PRELIMINARY FINAL ILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY G - 1 2OPOSED USE PARK NAME: kILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY NUMBER OF SPACES: El ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SQ. Fl . ACRES y REA: 90,000 2.07 TOTAL FEES STAFF USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING ATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: CDAccepted 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initial) 1TE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: 0 Accepted QIncomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) HJTED TO: U Building Q Design Eng. Q Fire Q Parks 0 Police Q Policy Dev. Q Tr off ic Eng. Ej Utilities; REVISION b/ 1 982 Legal c escription of property (if more space Is required, attach a separate sheet). PORTION OF BURL INGTON NORTHERN OPFRAT I NG R I r,HT-nF-WAY WITHIN SECTIONS 25 AND 36 OF TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 4 W, W.M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE NORTH 882. 9 FT. OF THE SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN THE N.W. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 36 THE SOUTH 367. 1 FT. AND THE NORTH 189. 1 FT. OF THE SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 25. AFFIDAVIT being duly sworn, declare that I am Elauthorized representative to act for the property owner, [owner of the property Involved In this .application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 19 NOTARI" PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINIITON,RESIDING AT Name o' Notary Public) Signature of Owner) Address) Address) City) State) (Zip) Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed In the "App (cation Procedure." Affidavit of Publication SEP 12 1984 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING 5s BUILDING;«;,rINC DEPT. C indy...S trupp being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says thatShl.e...is the ....ch.ie.£..c ler.]C of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the RENTON LAND USEaforesaidplaceofpublicationofsaidnewspaper.That the Daily Record HEARING EXAMINERChroniclehasbeenapprovedasalegalnewspaperbyorderoftheSuperior RENTON,WASHINGTONCourtoftheCountyinwhichitispublished,to-wit,King County, A PUBLIC HEAIRNG WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING Washington.That the annexed is a Land Use Hearing E AMI MEETING INCOUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL RE- NTON, WASHINGTON ON AUGUST 14, 1984, AT 9:00 A.M.TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: as it was published in regular issues(and DON THOMAS not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Application for site plan approval to allow a two-story,21,500 square foot office and warehouse building, file SA-075-84; lo- cated along the east side of Senecaofoneconsecutiveissues,commencing on the Avenue S.W. at the 800 block. BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY rd.day of August 19..8.4...,and ending the Application for special permit for fill and grade permit involving 9,500 cubic yards of fill for a switching track, file SP-078-84; day of 19 both dates located at the 1700 block of S.W. 43rd inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub-Street,between S.W.43rd Street and the scribers duringall of said Renton/Tukwila citylimits fora distance ofperiod. That the full amount of the fee about 1,400 feet. SCHOBER ENTERPRISES, INC. charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $..2.J...7,0which Application for temporary•use permit to has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the allow a mobile home to a used as a night first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent watchman resident at tt...Schober Enter- insertion.prises,Inc.facility for a period of less thanC.:2..1S... two years,file TP-084-84;located at 1800 Monster Road S.W. J Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Chief Clerk Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRE- Subscribed3rd dayof SENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ONandsworntobeforemethisAUGUST14, 1984, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. August , 19...a.4 Ronald G. Nelson r Cl /`- Building and Zoning Director Published in the Daily Record Chronicle August 3, 1984 R9309 Notary Public in for the State of Washington, residing at KtDIXKing County.A p i1 i . Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5/82 FLOOD CONTROL ZONE APPLICATION NO. ated June .25 , 1984 APPLICATION is hereby made by ... BURLI.NGTON .NOPTHERN..RAILROAD .COMPANY.. Indntdu..l rorporeteun etc, 2000 1ST INTERSTATE BUILDING of SEATTLE WASH]NGTON 98104. . . for permit to ..MODIFY.........•....,••.. .. . and thereafter operate Post office eddres. e(bnatru,I reevmstNet model" and maintain _ ..F1.LL. FOR SWITCHING TRACK ADJACENT TO EXISTING MAINLINE TRACKS Nature of works bridge dike road rexetment.logging works gravel ptla.etx t to be known as SWITCHING..TRACK..FOR..ORLLLIA,.AUT.O...UNLOADING. FACI.LI.TY. E SWt t4 & NW 1 Name of works structures or(mprue emenl• 4 25 located inNE$ WI; Section 36 Township 23 North. Range . . `'E) IN•t!VW...Me 1 EAST SIDE OF B.N. MAINLINE, NO.RU-i..OF..S.,...1.80TH. ST, .8 .SOUTH...OF.. LQNGACRES Location with reference to nearest town or well known locality) all or portion of which will be located upon the banks or in and over the channel or over and across the flood plain of .. SPRINGBROOK..CREEK a tributary of GREEN. RIVER Name of stream or body of water) Nome of stream nr b,eds of water in GREEN Flood Control Zone No. 2 This permit is sought IN PERPETUITY tln perpetuity or if temp r,iry gate number of dears Definite loca ion and plan of the proposed works, structures or improvements are shown on attached sheets numbered 1 to .3 . inclusive, which are parts of this application. Construction will commence 15 SEPT. ..1984 Ind \will he completed ] 5 MipG-i 1.985 Il t.dre iU.ar, Remarks. 1 sr;f t rfo\ JR.INETON NDRTHERN RA1 LR CO`_1DANYQAD._ lit sent, c I r By . D. A. Be_lll Chief Engineer _ I'Lem Examined and Fleld Esamm.d end Appl alien Mourned PERMIT Reported by b? for Iteratle'et Hymn tnn•nded by Issued Name Date vcsi osol s Roe 7R tea r C? n) A2 x e o 4 S r' OLtii, t fir i 1 s DN RI. TRACM 4.:. /i7. f'1.:91J!//ll/i;i://.jli/Of/ii/,li//l!'fl/„ ii//l...i!7llif///l•:1!/:6 1.' - VD)CT'12 247 Lf Fl L. —j aleoo c'r ctzow=v.no 4: i g cr z P I Gytl HNt!L N i b r n r of i'r A RY)t*r' aTc«rrp .r wr X_ ii)M i. Ur+i1Y7+wc rAc+uTi v r,s k ti.444_. N n— _ i I II II W t1 Z l / .s AI L I I IVI O t.0 6; txf 0 41-'P 3 H 6 t-- E N FLOC !._) CON`r-R0L Z0N 1 S-' .;TC_r I !.JG- 1.2`r , Cli( Fv1R 0 r=, ILLi 4 9ti-'U UNLaf :SING FAcILi-Ty - r- OAKtr.7AL A\`HU 5'1,'>'j CA' RDNCR C1 = I EeR5 INC . , SCf-1 LG I '' = ya p ye, 0 r J u u C 2 I I I q •'-I- A PPLIc ( T l oKJ N CD r6R l s,. 175 Ci2i 1WO I I I I I I ir 4+t TH ' P TRACK 1 Cz- a -_- - -•- - - --- - -- _ - s _- - c *O 11:— j`I<!w L — rs, NTJl iir 7r_714/C rl GMANNn r Q fa.- t P I CHANNEL. N s. is VI—2'%%% %%%%\ tc-ins SRIP tri-c c•APT itio. •..0 vJ AU"CrR 1 r qv I I195I 1 taw I r - - - - Ca - - - - - - - A•.ft l.fe- 1/=1...-- Al- _ r— — LLIT Ii Ci Wa4rL. v I V V eI 1 GREC 1.1 FLooD CO1.17RUL- Z0NE MERH.I TvJ 1- THING TRACK FC ( O RILLI C) ,s. "" S" 4, .7 A 1•0 UN C., AdIreG FA CIL,I"TY — 13 4. ° I Gr+A'' "- i GAr DNtr t INRS INC . S o qF - fo < S.. ALE. 1- Ste. c' o a o fJ Gi$TER C.i 2'J N E 2. 1 , 1 9 G I-I S s/ONAL 4N w faro N I I 1 I 4 1 S I i 1 w i JI} r. Ids'« R7lhy TrII< mil M-a r r-—— - w wire a irroz rr----- el" kfj"grj-7rP 0::, 411 il JIV Ty t P I CHANNEL so— C ICCP ttC.T I ON sir* •00 P 1 (MAN Pit L R.0 We-Yew:.c rift ^•eD w f 1' 3 P 4 15 I i I O Z Nw L, in r--- --- c — L -M pv'J Y7 7xaGK f=i2 r f AtP. .rv+e, ev V V. C 0 of I I i OLP' P i cmANme. '.:w - a. r I _. MERH. T GALL: N F-l.a cON T f L 2_ or 3 E I OQet OF wAs,, 4 0' S N.A.) r c H r lam)G_.C IA o R o l r; c r AL TD UNLo , r, rNG- rAcIL- I1Y - d , t P I Cr;_ANNtl,o C.; E: RE '1 P. ` .J G , c h` . 0•r t.9fC STEa`- •SCALE ' i i __ 8 'O 8 Oss1ONn c.r E 211 Ic :/ S npP - tcr4 b ) No . PERIr OF R4,4 744 THE CITY OF R.E N T O N t$ vt, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n — BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9A O FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 09gT D P SEI'I-® September 7, 1984 Mort Thomas 2001 Wesl ern Avenue Seattle, Washington, 98121 RE: File No. SP-078-84; Burl ington Northern Railroad Co. Dear Mr. Thomas: The Exariiner's Report regarding the referenced application which was published on August 2. , 1984 has not been appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered final and is being transmitted to the City Clerk this date for filing. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, Fred J. K 3uf man Land Use Hearing Examiner FJK:dk 0690E cc: City Clerk Building & Zoning Department Mike Cook AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. County of King DOTTY KLINGMAN being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 23rd day of August 1984, affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. 4 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ,3 day of sa6-(- 1984. Ltee-e—Z / Notary Public and for the State of Washington, residing at _ ` '-,„„a therein. Application, Petition, or Case 41• Burlington Northern Railroad Co. - SP-078-84 The minutes contain a list of the parties of record.) 0664E August 23, 1984 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPOR1 AND DECISION. APPLICANT: BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY FILE NO. SP-078-84 LOCATION: 1700 Block, between S.W. 43rd St. and the Renton/Tukwila city limits. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Special Permit for fill and grade involving 9,500 cu. yds of fill for a switching track, for a distance of 1,400 feet. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building and Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions Hearing Examiner Decision: Approved with conditions BUILDIN a & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department Report was DEPARTMENT REPORT: received by the Examiner on August 9, 1984. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building and Zoning Department Report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on August 14, 1984, at 9:30 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit #1 - Yellow file containing application and other pertinent documents to this request. Exhibit #2 - Site Plan for proposed operation. The hearing was opened and Zoning Administrator, Roger Blaylock reviewed the staff report. This proposal is necessary to fill in a grade of approx. 9500 cu. yds. of material for a switching track, a distance of approximately 1400 feet. For the area of fill within the City of Renton it is intended to bring the current elevation of 16 ft. to approximately 28 to 30 ft. and provide a switching track. An equal portion is also included in the City of Tukwila. Immediately adjacent to the subject site is the proposed P-1 Channel which Burlingtor Northern had already reserved the location for in their previous platting operation. It was noted that the fill would probably be brought in by rail cars instead of trucks. The ERC has requested the applicant to install a crossing when the P-1 channel is constructed and to provide compensating flood storage. Mr. Blaylock stated that compensating flood storage will deal with storm water that would normally go to an elevation of 17 ft. instead of the 30 ft. we are dealing with for the entire fill. Total operation will be approximately 18,800 cu.yds, and part of that fill will be located in Tukwila. Materials out of the storage pond should not be dumped in the same flood basin but disposed above the elevation of the flood storage area. It was noted that although the applicant has no written agreement with the City to provide a crossing of the P-1 Channel, they have accepted building permits with this condition imposed upon them, and it is felt their acceptance of those permits constitutes an agreement to make the improvements at their own expense. It is also requested that the applicant post a $500.00 cash bond to be used for street clean-up if other than rail cars are used to haul the fill. Mr. Blaylock said there was a concern that some of the crossings had not been finalized and approved and the annual license to be issued to complete this work will have to contain detailed plans. Included in the plans should be the cross-sections and elevations supporting the compensating storage issue. He said the applicant has agreed to provide the compensating storage even though it is located outside the City of Renton, and feels the City of Tukwila should issue the appropriate license prior to the City of Renton issuing the annual permit. The actual plans could be reviewed by the engineering departments of both cities. He stated staff would recommend this proposal with conditions. w BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY SP-078-84 August 23, 1984 Page 2 The Examiner called for testimony from the applicant or their representative. Responding was: Mort Thomas 2001 Western Avenue Seattle, Wa. 98121 Mr. Thomas addressed the compensating flood storage aspect of this proposal. He said they located it in Tukwila and could move it into Renton if it is an issue. The excavated material will be stockpiled adjacent to the proposed P-1 channel at an elevation above 17 ft. Mr. Thomas said they are agreeable to submitting detailed plans to the Engineering Department. He verified his agreement to the requirements set out in the staff report. Further testimony was called for in support of this application. Responding was: Mike Cook 999 Third Avenue Seattle, Wa. 98104 Mr. Cook questioned why if there is an existing line, they would be financially tied into the costs required by the City for crossing the P-1 Channel. Mr. Blaylock stated that Burlington Northern recognizes with the construction of the P-1 Channel they are responsit le for building the structure that would cross the Channel for the spur line, which is actual y adjacent to the outside of the fill area. Concern was that in any expansion of the total system there needs to be more of a formal understanding between the applicant and the City. A formal recognition would be more readily accepted than just having the applicant note on the building plans that they accept the conditons. The Examiner interjecti:d that he did not feel it was within his jurisdiction to point out to the City Council or Public Works Department as to whether or not they should pursue a contract. Mr. Blaylock said if that was the feeling of the Examiner then he would recommend that conditions #4 and #5 of the staff report be deleted, recognizing that they are outside of the scope of his jurisdiction. Mr. Cook stated if the City has made such agreements with other par ties, and the City feels they are binding agreements, he did not see why the two conditions had to be made a part of the report. Mr. Blaylock responded they were in the report for clarification, but he was now recommending their removal. The Examiner called for further testimony in support of or in opposition to this proposal. There was none, and the hearing was closed at 9:50 A.M. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1.The applicant, Burlington Northern Railroad Company, filed a request for approval of a grade and fill operation on approximately 2.07 acres of property. 2.The application file containing the application, the State Environmental Policy Act SE:PA) documentation, the Building and Zoning Department Report, and other pe-tinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1911, as amended), a Declaration of Non- Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC), responsible ofi icial. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the im3act of this development. 5.There was no opposition to the subject proposal from any member of the public. 6. The subject site is located in the recently approved Burlington Northern Rail Terminal on the border between Renton and T ukwila. 7. The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance 1745 in April of 1959, as amended by Ordinances 1764 (May, 1959) and 1928 (December, 1961). The subject site was zoned G (General) upon annexation but is currently zoned H-1 (Heavy Industry). BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY SP-078-134 August 23, 1984 Page 3 8.The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of manufacturing park uses, b t does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the plan. 9.The subject site will be graded and filled with approximately 9,500 cubic yards of m aerial to provide a raised rail bed for a new spur track to service the approved at_tomobile unloading facility. 10. The raised bed will cover a distance of approximately 1,400 feet. 11. Approximately 450 cubic yards of material would be placed below elevation 17 feet thereby potentially displacing flood waters. The applicant proposes providing compensating storage by excavating a separate area of 135 feet by 135 feet by 1 fo)t deep. The area to be excavated would lie within the flood area but within the City of Tukwila. The excavated material will be placed outside the flood elevation. 12. T1-e applicant proposes importing the fill material by rail car thereby avoiding su.-face streets, truck trips and spilled debris. 13. Additional fill material will be placed in Tukwila and is subject to their separate cr teria. 14. Discussion of Burlington Northern's obligations regarding crossings of the P-1 Cf•annel are matters outside the jurisdiction of this office relating to contracts, a matter for City Council consideration. CONCLUSIONS 1.The proposed grade and fill permit appears to serve the public interest. The permit wi 1 facilitate an already approved rail transfer facility for automobiles. 2.The fill will infringe upon the flood storage potential of the subject site and the applicant has, therefore, provided equivalent compensating storage elsewhere on the subject property but still within the flood prone area. There should be no adverse impact upon other property or the public welfare. 3. WI-ile the applicant intends importation of the material by rail car, if use of the City roads becomes necessary the applicant will have to post a cash bond to assure street maintenance by City crews if the applicant fails to keep the streets clean. A $500.00 cash bond will be required if truck importation should materialize. DECISIO1 i The grade and fill permit is approved subject to the following conditions. 1.The posting of a cash bond of $500.00 to permit City crews to clear the streets of debris if the applicant uses trucks rather than rail cars to move fill materials. 2. De:ailed grade, fill and elevation plans must be approved by the Public Works Department. ORDERED THIS 23rd day of August, 1984. A-Lj Fred J. Kaufma Land Use Hearin Examiner TRANSMI f TED THIS 23rd day of August, 1984 to the parties of record: Mort Thomas 2001 Western Avenue Seattle, Wa. 98121 Mike Cook 999 Third Avenue Seattle, Wa. 98104 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY SP-078-64 August 25, 1984 Page 4 TRANSMITTED THIS 23rd day of August, 1984 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director Gene Williams, Policy Development Department Members, Renton Planning Commission Ronald Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before September 6, 1984. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appea to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members pf the City Council. All communications concerning the the proposal must be made in public. This permits all interestec parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. t M—P I 11 1 G-1 JI I I 1 4- ; \ i Y/ I. 1 \ I I J I 1 II I 11 1 I d I- I I 5 r fO IN t I 1 11 1' . 1 S it f13t sr 1J 1 1 n 1 azr i s.w 4fwp IF 3 i I I W 1>I Z z 1 I v S. W. , 34TM , a ' IQ - ; a t 1,, 1a 1 J c M-P 11 W I dd„ I 1 1 ' . 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L r 1\ —- LAND USE ELEMENT 1l i r 1 i , Single Family s• Commercial t. 1 ; Love Density y \ Office / Office Park - t Multi-Family I t , Medium Density 00000 Public/Quasi-Public Multi-Family 000.° °• I xh k` High Density Light Industrial si Multi-Family Recreation Heavy Industrial 1 r Greenbelt Manufacturing Park C Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON itY OF RENTON COUNTY OF KING ss. i f fig, fi AUG 10 1984 C.indy....S.trupp being first duly sworn on i`. i' ti.tti;:,a .r. !—f\11NG C PT. oath,deposes and says that..SS.he is the chief cleric of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETER- now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the MINATION aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COM- Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior MITTEE Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee ERC) has issued a final declaration ofWashington.That the annexed is a ERG non-significance with conditions for the following projects: WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COM- PANY(ECF-029-84) Application to install solor cathodic pro- as it was published in regular issues(and tection equipment; property located in the not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period vicinity of 500 Williams Avenue South. WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COM- PANY(ECF-030-84) Application to install cathodic protection of One consecutive issues,commencing on the equipment;property located in the vicinityof900JeffersonAvenueN.E. WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COM-2.3.r..day of...1.T.0 .y 19 84 ,and ending the PANY(ECF-031-84) Application to install cathodic protection equipment; property located in the vicinity dayof 19 both dates of 400 Jefferson Avenue N.E. BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROADinclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- COMPANY(ECF-077-84) scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Application for special permit for fill and grade permit involving 9,500 cubic yards of charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.27.,.Q Owhich fill for a switching track, file SP-078-84; has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the located at the 1700 block of S.W. 43rd first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent Street, between S.W. 43rd Street and the Renton Tukwila city limits for a distance ofinsertion. about 1,400 feet. Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municpal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal ofChiefCI. ERC action must be filed with the HearingExaminerbyAugust6, 1984. Subscribed and sworn to before me this zY'd day of Published in the Daily Record Chronicle July 23, 1984. R9281 July 19...84. z, c--7Y-26" Notary Public in for the State of Washington, residing at next, King County. Fa kieval Way Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5/82 CITY OF RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 14, 1984 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 A.M.: COUNCI_ CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. DON THOMAS Application for site plan approval to allow a two-story, 21,500 square foot office and warehouse building, file SA-075-84; located along the east side of Seneca Avenue S.W. at the 800 block. BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY Application for special permit for fill and grade permit involving 9,500 c-bic yards of fill for a switching track, file SP-078-84; located at the 1700 block of S.W. 43rd Street, between S.W. 43rd Street and the Renton/Tukwila city limits for a distance of about 1,400 feet. SCHOBER ENTERPRISES, INC. Application for temporary use permit to allow a mobile home to be used as a night watchman residence at the Schober Enterprises, Inc., facility for a pE riod of less than two years, file TP-084-84; located at 1800 Monster Road S.W. E DING AND ZONING DEPARTMEP PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 14, 1984 APPLICA VT: BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY FILE NUMBER: SP-078-84 A. SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Tho applicant seeks approval of a special permit for fill and grade involving 9,500 cut is yards of fill for a switching track for a distance of 1,400 feet. B. GE VERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Burlington Northern Railroad Company 2. Applicant: Burlington Northern Railroad Company 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached) Located at the 1700 block, between S.W. 43rd Street and the Renton/Tukwila city limits. 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. 5. Size of Property: 2.07 acres 6.Access: S.W. 43rd Street 7. Existing Zoning: G-1, General Use. 8. Existing Zoning in the Area: G-1, General Use; B-i, Business Use; MP, Manufacturing Park; and H-1, Heavy Industry. 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan:Manufacturing Park 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on August 3, 1984, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by city ordinance on August 3, 1984. C. HIS TORY/BACKGROUND: The subject site was annexed into the City of Renton by Ordinance #1745 of April 14, 1959, which was later corrected by Ordinance #1764 of May 19, 1959 and Ordnance #1928 of December 12, 1961. The property upon annexation was zoned G, General Use. D. PH"SICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The subject site is relatively flat. 2. Soils: Puget Silty Clay Loam (Pu), slopes are less than 1%. Soil is found in small depressions of river valleys. Permeability is slow. The available water capacity is high. Runoff is slow to ponded, and the erosion hazard is slight. Stream overflow is a severe hazard. This soil is used for row crops and pasture. PRELIMINARY REPORT 1 HE HEARING EXAMINER BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY: SP-078-84 AUGUST 14, 1984 PAGE 2 Woodinville Silt Loam (Wo), slopes are less than 2%. Permeability is moderately slow. The available water capacity is high. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of erosion is slight. Stream overflow is a severe hazard unless flood protection is provided. This soil is used for row crops, pasture and urban development. 3. Vegetation: The majority of the vegetation on the subject site consists of grasses. Occassionally there is scrub brush and blackberry brambles. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation on the subject property provides little habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: Water was not observed on the subject site during a field investigation. 6. Land Use: The subject site is utilized as a Burlington Northern right-of-way. E. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The area surrounding the subject site consists of a railroad track and light industrial uses to the north; the proposed P-1 channel and undeveloped property to the east; industrial and commercial uses to the south; and industrial uses and a manufacturing park to the west. F. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: a. Water: Not applicable. b. Sewer: Not applicable. c. Storm Water Drainage: Not applicable. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3.Transit: Not applicable. 4. Schools: a. Elementary Schools: Not applicable. b. Middle Schools: Not applicable. c. High Schools: Not applicable. 5. Recreation: Not applicable. G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-704, General Use. 2. Section 4-722(B), Special Permits. 3. Section 4-732, Mining, Excavation and Grading. 4. Section 4-734(F)(2), Landscaping Requirement - Green River. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1. Green River Valley Plan, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, p. 31-35. 2. Industrial Goal and Policies, Policies Element, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, p. 18-19. IMPACT ON THE NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: 1. Natural Systems: The proposed fill will require that compensating flood water storage be provided by the applicant. Overall, the proposal should have a minor effect on the natural systems. PRELIMINARY REPORT [HE HEARING EXAMINER BURLINC;TON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY: SP-078-84 AUGUST 14, 1984 PAGE 3 2. Population/Employment: Not applicable. 3. Schools: Not applicable. 4. Social: Not applicable. 5.Traffic: The proposal is expected to generate approximately 950 truck hauls. J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, a Final Declaration of Non-significance was issued for the subject site. K. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1.City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2.City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3.City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4. City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5. City of Renton Police Department. 6. City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau. 7. City of Renton Policy Development Department. 8. City of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. L. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The applicant, Burlington Northern Railroad Company, is requesting a special permit for fill and grade to allow the placement of approximatly 9,500 cubic yards of fill material to facilitate the creation of a spur track to help service the auto unloading facility presently under construction along Oakesdale Avenue S.W. In the filling operation, approximately 12,200 cubic feet (450 cubic yards) of fill will be placed below an elevation of 17 feet, which will be within the flood storage area of the Eastside Watershed Project. The larger amount of fill is necessary to bring the road bed up to an elevation of approximately 30 feet. Compensating storage will be provided by excavating a 135' by 135' square, one foot in depth, within the general location of the P-1 Channel in the area inside the city of Tukwila outside the city limits of Renton. 2.The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Declaration of Non-significance subject to the following two conditions: Burlington Northern, Inc. shall install the necessary crossing of the P-1 Channel at no cost to the City of Renton, when directed by the City to facilitate construction of the Channel. Compensating flood storage is to be provided. This basically means that at the time of digging of the P-1 Channel, the City can require Burlington Northern to provide railroad grade crossings for any new projects that they have constructed into this area while the planning process of the drainage program has been under way. The compensating storage is a standard proviso required for anything within the flood plain. Burlington Northern has already stated and located that compensating flood storage area. 3. Part of the fill necessary for the spur line is located within the city of Tukwila. A total of 18,800 cubic yards of fill will be necessary for the total operational development. 4. Various City departments have reviewed the subject proposal and commented. The Police Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Building and Zoning Department, Fire Department, and the Utilities Engineering Division have approved the project without conditions. Both the Engineering and Traffic Engineering Divisions of the Public Works Department and the Policy Development Department have suggested approval of the project with conditions. The conditions of approval by the various departments are as follows: PRELIMINARY REPORT 1 HE HEARING EXAMINER BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY: SP-078-84 1A GUST 14, 1984 P GE 4 Engineering: 1. Provide cross-sections and calculations supporting compensating storage. 2. Identify area to be filled and area and elevations where surplus materials from pond is to be wasted. 3. Commitment by responsible official of Burlington Northern, Inc. agreeing to install necessary crossing of P-1 Channel at no cost to the City of Renton, when directed by the City to facilitate construction of the P-1 Channel. Traffic Engineering: 1. Hauling company should be bonded to City to insure ready clean-up. 2. Prior to the granting of the permit, Burlington Northern should: a. Establish W.U.T.C. (Washington Utility and Transportation Committee) permit for all rail crossings in the Glacier Park Plat. b. Install all railroad crossing improvements in Glacier Park Plat as requested by the City. O Policy Development Department: 1. Hauling hours and routes should be restricted. 2. Detailed cross-sections provided to Public Works Department relative to compensating flood storage and P-1 Channel effects. 5. The comments raised by the various City departments are divided into two basic categories. The first category deals with immediate impact created from the filling operation, while the secondary is related to the interface between the existing and proposed rail extension into the area as it affects public streets. The annual license that will be issued to Burlington Northern to complete this work by the Building and Zoning Department will have to have detailed plans showing the cross-sections and calculations supporting the compensating flood storage issue. Burlington Northern has agreed that they will provide this area even though it is located outside of the city limits in Tukwila. Therefore, this will have to be conditioned so that the City of Tukwila will issue appropriate licensing prior to the City issuing the annual permit. Included in this will be the discussion of where the material excavated from the Tukwila site will be deposited. It should not be deposited within the flood plain because then it would still affect the operation of the P-1 Channel, even though it is outside of the city limits. The issue of bonding for the hauling company is inappropriate in this case. Burlington Northern will actually fill the site by bringing material in on rail cars and dumping along side existing tracks. The specific issues dealing with Burlington Northern's commitment to provide the crossing over the P-1 Channel and to cooperate with the City in obtaining all W.U.P.C. permit approvals for rail crossings in the plat is not a primary issue of the fill and grade permit application. However, issuance of a special permit for fill and grade clearly shows that the City would be encouraging the introduction of more rail lines into this industrial area. The potential conflict should be addressed, and Burlington Northern should be aware that the City may at some point refuse building permits because they have not complied with a total development package as required by both the City and State regulations. The specific issue of crossing the P-1 Channel with PRELIMINARY REPORT .-HE HEARING EXAMINER BURLINC;TON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY: SP-078-84 AUGUST 14, 1984 PAGE 5 Burlington Northern being totally financially responsible for that crossing has been stated on numerous occasions in the past. Burlington Northern has not formally committed in a written agreement at this time. However, because Burlington Northern has accepted building permits with this specific environmental condition imposed upon it, the City's position has been that Burlington Northern has agreed to those improvements at their cost. It appears that the Public Works Department would prefer to have a formal agreement with Burlington Northern. 6. The proposal does appear to comply with all of the provisions as outlined under Section 4-2316 for fills and specifically the one dealing with slopes of all new fill surfaces. M. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Ba3ed upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the special permit for fill and grade, SP-078-84, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the City of Tukwila of necessary permits to allow the excavation of materials for the compensating storm water storage area. 2. Submission of detail plans of that area along with detailed engineering plans for the fill to accompany the annual license. 3. Posting of a $500 bond if, in fact, other than rail cars are utilized to fill the site for street clean up. 4. Formal commitment in writing by Burlington Northern of their responsibility to construct any crossings over the P-1 Channel at a future date. 5. Establish W.U.T.C. permits for all rail crossings in the Glacier Park Plat. jib V r,. III SJJ r•.L_.. y''' .11' c c F r.t: r IF- •'E r, mini.\. 1 I\F.'II I, 1G-1 I b , 7I I o/(4," I I rli I d g1 I -1 t-- s W io rr I I JJ 7 a J 1J Q r l 1 siiIQ . 7 S.W Li NQ ST = 1 N I> a 1 ' I la I I Q . J I a s. w. 34TH ' X:'N 111 '', q ' fM—P, i J I Z ilJnIL_ ier, st a Y I / . H—1 s.„ 70, s'—— -- 1 I 0 1___ 1 5 'fir —_ R I 2 a G-1 i ,s w aisr 151i - - , 1 1 A ____Ii. t____ ---- 9- M—P 1 ,\ 1 I 7 L-1 J111111 1 . 111._ I _./J1 ' BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO. SP-078-84 APPLICANT BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CO TOTAL AREA - 2.07 ACRES 1 PRINCIPAL ACCESS S.W. 43RD STREET i EXISTING ZONING G-1, GENERAL USE 6 EXISTING USE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED USE FILL AND GRADE PERMIT TO DEVELOP A SWITHCHING TRACK. 1 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN MANUFACTURING PARK COMMENTS 1" I ii o_•'o R__ r , ,....:gg...00 • .,. 0 0pQo 0 0 • •• •• • t 2....g....... 1 6'„r•-- '000 A 5OQ0O oo. I ____. . ..• • • • i • 4y 1. 1. o.oo\— i':.opo4, o00 F..... ,.:. . 61. 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Multl-Family `\f 1 Medium Density 0000000; Public/Quasi-Public 1 Multi-Family o000000• iirr*P High Density Light Industrial MSS Multi-Family t,•ti Recreation Heavy Industrial i i. F' Greenbelt Manufacturing Park REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; C , ` L APPROVED El 'ROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 2, e-- C /--4--12--, DATE : '----2— y SIGNi: OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7 APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ri NOT APPROVED UTILITY APPROVAL SVIItgT TO I 7i0/,i LATE COMERS AIREEMENT WATER LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • EWER SYSTEM IEPELIPMEPT CHARGE WATER YSYSTEMIEVELIPNEITCHARGE • WEI SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WA R SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CP=,4GE • 1 WEN APPROVED, WATER PLAN APPROVED SEWER PLAN APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOC IONS IY FIRE DEPT. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS L/; DATE ; / X 0SIGNARFIRECTORORAUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 0 APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED Ypuka QC) I 01.)) s hov« 6e r e.s4;c7'e e. c -eernc pro vd-eifi flO / u 6/,,,&JOY/'s / Zr_kv.e /0 Cd/12/Devirc.Set cti-1, ar.0' riecl e 41 4.0.1 a/ C?64 e 11. gAe 6 %4 ttiA4 / Z1it-f DATE :7/a/ ('T SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE KtV1tW1IVl7 UtvHK I`1tNI /D1V151ON ; Ti G._..4-e--1- , APPROVED n , ROVED WITH CONDITIONS E.NOT APPROVED i)y--0vide_ Cross Seca. 5 c.../. 4L o••L 5(4-drd„ f,1--, O C-,,,ri.e.--.,- s.A..."/-• S.-I-iv, Z) --7- C/ 5 ,a-,.4 - 4 r/ 7 c.4__ 1 -.zr------°..----L 3) pn ;de_ Ca- u ''"— ' 6: y i-e Ste.--5. f s4- ry/cf / P- / , 2 ,,p ` 0 4- (-.A.J 4".".c..._Zi 1 Kg)'%- -- P- / C-X.e.-eL-m_ve: 111--, r.'"i‘e----9DATE :7/ SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZ D EPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; %,. ,7 /-4z. /-' '1. <4c.) /1 El APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS y NOT APPROVED 4i= ' - /---? A/ 1>c A :L_` c ,-.. C', /f 175,, 7<-c .t.-:,,l,l 1_., if, - 2)a- IN -. ' -!cA4;01, A ..tay,.:' ,dvarc in aj,/"sr_L tee ,, ..3 ' 6 ,.Jv,,sztil 'W` A v" i Z!y'721_.c L-, lye K 2 'L 11 i. i/'•' i /1/1". /urim fe-/ / C- 4_, , e t'co .. , DATE : /-'` l, / ,/ SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED/REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 C Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; i i eeY/T 0 APPROVED I ! APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED ITNITY APPROVAL SIIIECT TO 1 D/g¢ LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • WATER NO LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEWER A/Dj SYSTEM DETELIPMENT CHARGE • WATER l/_- SYSTEM IEYEIIPMENT CHARGE - SEWER J4r 77A-1 -OF,v4•- . SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WAGER Aj0 04°-.Li." SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CN' 6E • SEWER A!D alAPPROVEDWATERPLANND APPROVED SEWER PLAN AZD APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT CATIONS MT/47---'7t!!S 77M,g IT FIRE DEP . A/0 FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS VP DATE : 7 0 i SIGNATURE F DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 3 REVISION 5 I\LvlLrrjIVv LLFI-ti\ IIILIVI / LlVl;:1VIVi APPROVED n 'ROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 1 7y-0 Coss Sec d^-s Ga./c..,/.v o 5 rc t,y z) 62--v-4,_ 4.7 ALe., e--5( cy-7/ 6 I— / - C, „</ DATE :7/7 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZ D EPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 18< REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : /, 2 / iL - I.: n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS rg I NOT APPROVED L f /,_., 1/ . c ic/z4;01" ./4 g/t) A,) .44,-‘42 '4„6/ A7,e C `' yll: V c /! c DATE : 7 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED/REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 18' REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; 7t-/// C /1eeK/,' piAPPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED ITILITY APPROVAL SIIIECT TI D,y¢ LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - WATER NO LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • SEWER ND SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WATER I/ S SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER VEs 14r 7/ti/,EQF Z /,E1- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WAGER A At SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ACEA CN`,4GE • SEWER AO APPROVED WATER PLAN j/o APPROVED SEWER PLAN APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT 'CATIONS J T AT 71/S ' /M4- IY FIRE DEP . N0 FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS4S51S1 DATE : 7 0 /7./ SIGNATURE IF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE qt/gisz_ y REVISION REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVI )N : /7 { i'2,'E" , FI-APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED 7 7 d- DATE : l SIGNAT E OF DI OR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 11AFPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 3e 1 e ;_,_,.1., ' DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE r REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 0463N FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application Noss: SP-078-84 Environmental Checklist No.:ECF-077-84 Description of Proposal:Application for special permit for fill and grade permit involving 9,500 cubic yards of fill for a switching track. Proponent Burlington Northern Railroad Company Location cf Proposal: Located at the 1700 block of S.W. 43rd Street, between S.W. 43rd Street and the Renton/Tukwila city limits for a distance of about 1,400 feet. Lead Algercy: City of Renton Building and Zoning Department This propcsal was reviewed by the ERC on July 11, 1984 and July 18, 1984, following a presentatii)n by Jerry Lind of the Building and Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted tram: Roger Blaylock, Ronald Nelson, Robert Bergstrom, Gene Williams, James Matthew, Jerry lind, and Gary Norris. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-077-134 are the following: 1. Environmental Checklist Form, prepared by: D. A. Bell, dated June 27, 1984. 2. App lications: Special Permit (SP-078-84). 3. Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Building and Zoning Department, Design Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division, Utilities Engineering Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Policy Development Department, Par<s and Recreation Department, and the Police Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have a sigiificant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C.03(!(2)(c). This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environme ital checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons fc r declaration of environmental non-significance: The subject special permit for fill and grade will not adversely impact the environment or adjacent p'operties and shall be subject to the following conditions being complied with: 1. Burlington Northern, Inc. shall install the necessaray crossing of the P-1 Channel at no cost to the City of Renton when directed by the City to facilitate construction of the channel. 2. Compensating flood storage is to be provided. SIGNATURES: 19-7-Le )1 /t., C— onald G. Nelson Michael Parness Building and Zoning Director Administrative Assistant co the Mayor Richard C Houghton Public Works Director PUBLISHED: July 23, 1984 APPEAL DATE: August 6, 1984 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 -84 APPLICATION No(s) : SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT: BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE: ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWIL'. LOCATION: CITY LIMITS Fo P A i1TSTANCF OF AR(ITTT 1 d(1CL_FPFT SITE AREA: ____ BUILDING AREA (Gross ) : DEVELOPMENT COVERAGE (%) : N/A IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1) Topographic Changes : x 2) Direct/Indirect Air Quality: x 3) Water & Water Courses : x 4) Plant Life:x 5) Animal Life: x 6) Noise: x 7) Light & Glare: x 8) Land Use; North: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL East : UNDEVELOPED South: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL West : MANUFACTURING PARK Land Use Conflicts : NONE View Obstruction: NONE 9) Natural Resources : x 10) Risk of Upset : X 11) Population/Employment : x 12) Number of Dwellings : X 13) Trip Ends ( ITE) • 950 TRUCK HAULS ESTIMATED Traffic Impacts : MINOR 14) Public Services : x 15) Energy: x 16) Utilities : x 17) Human Health: x 18) Aesthetics: x 19) Recreation: ._ x 20) Archeology/History: x - Signatures: 4,1„, yirAAL:- v- onald G. elson Michael Parness Building & Zoning Director Administrative Assistant to the Mayor PUBLISHED: JULY 23, 1984 Richard C. Houghton APPEAL DATE: AUGUST 6, 1984 Public Works Director OF R4,, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENTC z RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR p rn MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 09g7- 0 SE -‘ 4"- BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR August 3, 1984 D. A. Bell 2000 First Interstate Center 999 Thirc Avenue Seattle, I,VA 98104 Re: Spacial Permit Application for Fill and Grade, File SP-078-84; Property Located Between S.W. 43rd Street and City Limits. Dear Mr. Bell: The City of Renton Building and Zoning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on June 27, 1984. A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Healing Examiner has been scheduled for August 14, 1984. The public hearing commenc 3S at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applidant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. Sincerely, C0.4..i_1,6-_, IV:r03Q_?!.42, Roger J. Elaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:JMM:ci 1030Z o LiELk CAA) F 6 0 'z 1%1 cipTicE 94 1 EO SEPZ° 6 P City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a PUBLIC HEARING in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS . CITY HALL ON AUGIST 14, 1984 BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M. P.M. CONCERNING: FILE SP-078-84 REZONE From To x SPECIAL / CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT To APPLY FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL & GRADE PERMIT FOR 9,500 CU YDS . SITE APPROVAL SHORT PLAT/SUBDIVISION of Loh PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE FROM GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK OF S.W. 43RD STREET, BETWEEN S.W. 43RD STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. LEGAL DE:bCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION D SIGNIFICANT CO NON—SIGNIFICANT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING&ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NCTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOU' ` PROPER AUTHORIZATION RENTO 1UILDING & ZONING DEPAF ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION NOBS) : SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATION : LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. TO : i IPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 7-11-84 n ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT E: BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . ON JULY 10, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 17 APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED DATE :2- SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RENTO UILDING & ZONING DEPAF ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION NO(S) : SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATION : LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 11400 FEET. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 7-11-84 ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION F7 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT l iPOLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TiOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, ON JULY 10, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 2 APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I ( NOT APPROVED UTILITY APPROVAL SYIIEET TO I g// 4if¢ LATE COMERS AGREEMENT WATER LATE COMERS AGREEMENT • EWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • WER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE WA R f SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CP4IGE - ,' WER APPROVED. WATER PLAN APPROVED SEWER PLAN APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOC IONS IT FIRE DEPT. FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS DATE : 7 SIGNA dR 'IF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 inn RENTO lUILDING & ZONING DEPAF ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 — 84 APPLICATION NO(S) SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT ' BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE ' ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATION : LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S .W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 7-11-84 ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ! OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . ON JULY 10, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I ( NOT APPROVED 11161° 10 v( 4.,o ra 4) / u PisC (-1)0Y 1-5 / e !c v e c6m P.ycSGtl z` rQ9e s '"/ t./ 6 ('eclS DATE '7/al gy SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RENTO•UILDING & ZONING DEPAROENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION NO(S) : SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATION : LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOC% BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 7-11-84 ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION l I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . ON JULY 10, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED i ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS EJNOT APPROVED I a vi/c vo S s G, 42- 3 ' 7%-41- ti‘c—eete!„,„-4 c...c.- c^- S D"'°" f,?• 2,) 94.4`7-Gt._ 94. 3) ?vz, ty e v-- DATE :7/ / rSIGNATUREOFDIRECTORORAUTHORIZDEPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RENTO UILDING & ZONING DEPAF ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION NO(S) : SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATION : LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 11400 FEET. TO : I ( PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 7-11-84 ENGINEERING DIVISION T'TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION l ( FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I SPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT I ( POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ri OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, ON JULY 10, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ;d-c) n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 5JNOT APPROVED 2) lw,r,, a.-g 47ct.) „ea fra7c pi-1444:614 rtai_z1 ;(. 40,2--Jerot.s t,z-L A sb e X pa4A ipeot,/` Arte-1,1,-( a Jam" s. DATE :5 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 r_ inn I RENTO UILDING & ZONING DEPAR ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION NO(S) : SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATION : LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOC% BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. TO : l iPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 7-11-84 ENGINEERING DIVISION I iTRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : fl UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ] PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT 0 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . ON JULY 10, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : V74//, j 6/-1- I. eeK/f'I c. pi APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ni NOT APPROVED I MITI APPIIVAL S111ECT TI D/g¢ LATE COMERS AGREEMENT WATER Np LATE COMERS AGREEMENT - SEWER it/D SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHAACE - WATER SYSTEM BEVELIPMENT CHARGE - SEWER vc.es1,47- T/A-1 -CF, !, ,C- . SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE • WATER A/a SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AEA CH RGE • SEWER Air Tr i APPROVED WATER PLAN AtO mr APPROVED SEWER PLAN NO APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT CATIONS Or 147- 2c 7741,E IY FIRE DEP,) AlD FINE FLOW ANALYSIS VQ 1 ca7C DATE : 7 C /7." aSIGNATUREFDIRECTORORAUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVEn REVISION 5 voz ` 7 Form 182 I RENTO•UILDING & ZONING DEPAROENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 — 84 APPLICATION NOBS) : SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATION : LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK BETWEEN S .W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 7-11-84 ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU ii PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ill OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON JULY 10, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :4322.4fL, PROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED fe itG GdV--- DATE : 7,3 v SIGNATJRE OF DI OR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RENTO :UILDING & ZONING DEPAF ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION NO(S) : SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATION : LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 7-11-84 El ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . ON JULY 10, 1984 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED DATE : /e.l_le "-f-r SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AU HORIZED REPRES NTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Fnrm 1R7 0462N NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Enviror1mental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declaration of non-significance with conditions for the following projects: WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY (ECF-029-84) Application to install solor cathodic protection equipment; property located in the vicinity of 500 Williams Avenue South. WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY (ECF-030-84) Application to install solor cathodic protection equipment; property located in the vicinity of 900 Jefferson Avenue N.E. WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY (ECF-031-84) Application to install solor cathodic protection equipment; property located in the vicinity of 400 Jefferson Avenue N.E. BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY (ECF-077-84) Application for special permit for fill and grade permit involving 9,500 cubic yards of fill for a switching track, file SP-078-84; located at the 1700 block of S.W. 43rd Street, between S.W. 43rd Street and the Renton/Tukwila city limits for a distance of about 1,400 feet. Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Departmimt, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action mist be filed with the Hearing Examiner by August 6, 1984. Publishec': July 23, 1984 NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. SP-078-84, FCF-077-84 PROPOSED ACTION APPI ICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL & GRADE PERMIT I4VOLVING 9,500 CU YDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK OF S.W. 43RD STREET, BETWEEN S.W. 43RD STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF AOBUT 1,400 FEET, PD!3TED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ( E.R.C. ] HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT DWILL XIWILL NOT BE REQUIRED. AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:CO P.M., AllGulST 0, 1984 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION 0463N FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application Noss: SP-078-84 Environmental Checklist No.:ECF-077-84 Description of Proposal:Application for special permit for fill and grade permit involving 9,500 cubic yards of fill for a switching track. Proponent; Burlington Northern Railroad Company Location )f Proposal: Located at the 1700 block of S.W. 43rd Street, between S.W. 43rd Street and the Renton/Tukwila city limits for a distance of about 1,400 feet. Lead Age rcy: City of Renton Building and Zoning Department This prop)sal was reviewed by the ERC on July 11, 1984 and July 18, 1984, following a presentat:on by Jerry Lind of the Building and Zoning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Roger Blaylock, Ronald Nelson, Robert Bergstrom, Gene Williams, James Matthew, Jerry lind, and Gary Norris. Incorporal.ed by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-077-84 are the following: 1. Ervironmental Checklist Form, prepared by: D. A. Bell, dated June 27, 1984. 2. Applications: Special Permit (SP-078-84). 3. Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Building and Zoning Department, Design Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division, Utilities Engineering Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Policy Development Department, Parks and Recreation Department, and the Police Department. Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons fur declaration of environmental non-significance: The subject special permit for fill and grade will not adversely impact the environment or adjacent properties and shall be subject to the following conditions being complied with: 1. Burlington Northern, Inc. shall install the necessaray crossing of the P-1 Channel at no cost to the City of Renton when directed by the City to facilitate construction of the channel. 2. Compensating flood storage is to be provided. SIGNATURES: I 1,1,7_ t /de c— onald G. Nelson Michael Parness Building and Zoning Director Administrative Assistant to the Mayor Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director PUBLISHE D: July 23, 1984 APPEAL DATE: August 6, 1984 I.1 '' ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 -84 APPLICATION No(s) : SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT: BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE: ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA LOCATION: CITY T.TMTTS FOR A TITSTANC'F (1F ARnMT 1 Ann FFFT SITE AREA: ____ BUILDING AREA (Gross) : v/4 DEVELOPMENT COVERAGE (%) : N/A IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1) Topographic Changes : x 2) Direct/Indirect Air Quality: x 3) Water & Water Courses : x 4) Plant Life:x 5) Animal Life: x 6) Noise: x 7) Light & Glare: x 8) Land Use; North: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL East : UNDEVELOPED South: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL West : MANUFACTURING PARK Land Use Conflicts : NONE View Obstruction: NONE 9) Natural Resources : x 10) Risk of Upset : x 11) Population/Employment : x 12) Number of Dwellings : x 13) Trip Ends ( ITE) : 950 TRUCK HAULS ESTIMATED Traffic Impacts : MINOR 14) Public Services : x 15) Energy: x 16) Utilities : x 17) Human Health: x 18) Aesthetics: x 19) Recreation: x 20) Archeology/History: x Signatures : G -, C174,zit_____ Fe24 '( to r onald G. Nelson Michael Parness Building & Zoning Director Administrative Assistant to the Mayor PUBLISHED: JULY 23, 1984 Richard C. Houghton APPEAL DATE: AUGUST 6, 1984 Public Works Director Date circulated : JULY 3, 1984 Comments due : JULY 10, 1984 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) ' PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY Jul iJ 841, PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brie f Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/ LOCATION : TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. SITE AREA :BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR ' MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : i 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information Reviewed by Title : Date : ( -7.--- .3 —XV FORM: ERC-06 r .DG, Date circulated : JULY 3, 1984 Comments due : JULY 10, 1984 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/ LOCATION : TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. SITE AREA : BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR • MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : I 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : I 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : l 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 1 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : V• 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : D SI \ DOS More Information Reviewed by : , Z i ; ,- __ title : Date : f - ;_, i FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : JULY 3, 1984 Comments due : JULY 10, 1984 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/ LOCATION : TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. SITE AREA :BUILDING AREA (gross) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR ' MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : L 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings :4-- 13 ) Trip ends ( I T E ) :4--,7/,,=,of- ,J i r,,j - 1 /;`-zez, ,jai ftS traffic impacts : - -_«,4, iryiy.,4 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : L 18 ) Aesthetics : G 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information` Reviewed by : li d itle : %v',?A 76'i Date : `z /G FORM: ERC-06 VPoL j Date circulated : JULY 3, 1984 Comments due : JULY 10, 1984 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION No (s ) . SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) JUL 3 1984 PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY POLICY f1F\/FI r1PRAFNT f1FDT PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brie f Description o f Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/ LOCATION : TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. SITE AREA : BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : f/ 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 18 ) Land Use ; north : t( I`' l/x e r s It 5 o rleeC Zr`q A f.js'e sh-be east : 1r4.v\ south : irsi1fo-fa PvSE'S west :i l[ i< 77G Land use conflicts : le-7 View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : 0/0r9A• 3E6 14', 7...540e0.yh traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : t/ 19 ) Recreation : 17- 20 ) Archeology/history : i COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI v DOS More Information_ Reviewed by : 6..4, Nok.75_ay, l itle : 5/Y 1.4(.4 yie•r"- Date : lJ/gv FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : JULY 3, 1984 Comments due : JULY 10, 1984 ENVIRONMENITAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/ LOCATION : TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. SITE AREA : BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes :L. 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : V 12 ) Number of Dwellings :v/ 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : I 15 ) Energy : 1/ 16 ) Utilities : ti ' 17 ) Human health : l -- 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 1/ 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNSI x DOS More Information Reviewed by : ?ed2 8e,AijM06.— title : Date : i//"2( FORM: ERC-06 PCX,1 Date circulated : JULY 3, 1984 Comments due : JULY 10, 1984 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEIJ SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/ LOCATION : TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. SITE AREA : BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : DNS - DOS More Information Reviewed by : title : Date : 7 - --4;/ FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : JULY 3, 1984 Comments due : JULY 10, 1984 ENVIRONIMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/ LOCATION : TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. SITE AREA : BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : I 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : i!1O f I / 4--e 7 D P `S Id- , 'C Ffi i c. :icr s. Recommendation : DNSI,, , L/ DOS More Information_ Reviewed by : 2r!iu Title : ge Date : U — el FORM: ERC-06 IJTILI-riz s Date circulated : JULY 3, 1984 Comments due : JULY 10, 1984 ENVIRONIMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - 077 - 84 APPLICATION No (s ) . SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-078-84) PROPONENT : BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY PROJECT TITLE : ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL Brief Description of Project : APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FILL AND GRADE PERMIT INVOLVING 9,500 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR A SWITCHING TRACK. LOCATED AT THE 1700 BLOCK, BETWEEN S.W. 43rd STREET AND THE RENTON/ LOCATION : TUKWILA CITY LIMITS FOR A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,400 FEET. SITE AREA : BUILDING AREA (gross ) DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR ' MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality :V 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : v' 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : v% 17 ) Human health : 18 ) Aesthetics : v 19 ) Recreation : V' 20 ) Archeology/history : I/ COMMENTS : Recommendation : D' DOS More Information Reviewed by : ( Title : j7f eery % Date : /7f (P /(4 FORM: ERC-06 SPEED LETTER TO: FP C CCAMM.//4_ DATE: wax! BvL J PROJECT: SUBJECT: Qrt 11Ccc )j Tro- -J- /Ls T vc /0kd c 13N Tro-r.4- fi ci rc cCS C ,v,e-e/- Ai ems. t is e,SSp/-le_ skit -- ep/ 0t Aihe 1 a tom / ! 'C/L[t led.r s. (;, S c II I s iv r eic s /`y Ltfy a v-ai 1Q r c 1 P 1coirS Pia . rvJ pr,6LtytrS la 1/ IitU rd usJ' t/ , o dtcit;c1 tuwk5 Signed) pF R4,'L 40 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON — DIRECTOR JD- 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 09gT4-0 SEPN° 1 c3 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR July 3, 1934 D. A. Bell Burlington Northern Company 2000 Firsl:. Interstate Center 999 Third Avenue Seattle, VIA 98104 Dear Mr. Bell: Enclosed please find a receipt for the fill and grade permit applicatiion for a switching track located at the 1700 block, between S.W. 43rd Street and the Renton/Tukwila city limits. Tie receipt was left in our office on Wednesday. Sincerely, Jeanette M. Samek Zoning Research Technician JMS:0974Z:wr Enclosure f o ITY OF RENTNEavILDING & ZONING DEPART h,IcNT 0.77" -- , Es L MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of application(s) are to be completed. Please print or type. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) I APPLICANT I TYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD C OMP AN Y ADDRESS 2000 FIRST INTERSTATE CENTER REZONE*(FROM TO 999 THIRD AVENUE Ci SPECIAL PERMIT* CITY ZIP 0 TDAPORARY PERMIT* SEATTLE WA 98104 Ey CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT* TELEPHONE J 1 SITE PLAN APPROVAL XX GRADING AND FILLING PERMIT 351. 75 206) 467 3312 No. of Cubic Yards: 9.500 CONTACT PERSON VARIANCE From Section: NAME Justification Required D. A. BELL ADDRESS 2000 FIRST INTERSTATE CENTER SUBDIVISIONS: 999 TH RD AVENUE Q SHORT PLAT CITY ZIP Q TENTATIVE PLAT SEATTLE WA 98104 ED PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE 0 FINAL PLAT 206) 467 3312 WAIVER Justification Required) OWNER NO. OF LOTS: NAME PLAT NAME: BURL INGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY ADDRESS 2000 FIRST INTERSTATE CENTER PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: 999 TF I RD AVENUE Q PRELIMINARY CITY ZIP FINAL SEATTLE WA 98104 P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE 206) 467 3312 Residential 0 Industrial aCommercial Q Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADORES; a TENTATIVE N.A. Q PRELIMINARY EXISTING USE PRESENT ZONING FINAL RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY G - 1 PROPOSED USE PARK NAME: RAI LROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY NUMBER OF SPACES: 0 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE 7 !. 7C SQ. FT. ACRES TOTAL FEES 142.3 ,L(SAREA: 9 ),000 2.07 STAFF USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING 4.3ITU: t. a-i:et41 DATE STAM ro Iva) r7 n ( e!ii APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: j 1/J`' yy I APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: f JUN 2 7 198 ""° Accepted 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: OL, I j II4-- ED Accepted QIncomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: El Building in Design Eng. Fire Parks ElEJPoliceEiPolicyDev. Traffic Eng. Utilities m .. REVISION 5/1982 Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). PORTION OF BURI INGTON NORTHFRN OPFRATTNR RTC,HT-CIF-WAY WITHIN SECTIONS 25 AND 36 OF TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 4 W, W.M. , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE NORTH 882. 9 FT. OF THE SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN THE N.W. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 36 THE SOUTH 367. 1 FT. AND THE NORTH 189. 1 FT. OF THE SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 25. AFFIDAVIT Burlington Northern Railroad Company, I, D.A. Bell, Chief Engineer for/being duly sworn, declare that I am authorized representative to act for the property owner, Downer of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 25th DAY OF June 1984 , NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON,RESIDING AT Laattle Washington BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMP c,AALA-- Z. i. By 9-3-9\- Name of Notary Public)Esther S. Telnes Signature of Owner) D. A. Bell Chief Engineer 2000 First Interstate Center 2000 First Interstate Center Seattle, WA 98104 999 Third Avenue Address) Address) Seattle WA 98104 City) State) (Zip) 206) 467 3312 Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." Form #174 CITY 07 RENTON LI] W/ FCITYOFRENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM JUN 2 7 1984 I UILOING/'ZONING DEFT. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. am- y1:' tr— Environmental Checklist No. E_ F - 0 7 7-64- . QQ aa` PROPOSED, date: FINAL, date: 7'- I C1"C_ - Declaration of Significance Declaration of Significance IDDeclaration of Non-Significance El Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed , even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE : This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals . Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent D. A. BELL, BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMP ANY 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 2000 FIRST INTERSTATE BUILDING, 999 THIRD AVENUE SEATTLE WASHINGTON 98104 467 3312 3. Date Checklist submitted 4. Agency requiring Checklist BUILDING & ZONEING DEPARTMENT 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: ORILLIA SWITCHING TRACK FILL 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : PLACE FILL FOR SWITCHING TRACK ALONG THE EXISTING TRACK FILL FOR DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1,440' BETWEEN S.W. 43RD ST. AND THE RENTON/TUKWILA CITY LIMITS. 2- 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : EXISTING BURLINGTON NORTHERNOPFRATiNG RIGHT—OF—WAY NORTH OF S_W 43RD ST. 1,440' OF FILL WILL BE PLACED ALONG EXISTING FILL, VOLUME WILL BE 9,500 C.Y., AREA FILLED WILL BE 2.07 ACRES. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : 1FC. 31, 19R4 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal federal , state and local--including rezones) : FLOOD CONTROL ZONE PERMIT TUKWILA FILL PERMIT 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion , or further activity related to or connected with this proposal ? If yes , explain : FXPANS I ON OF AUTO UNI OAD I N(; FAC I I I TY (minn RFQU I RF EXTENSION OF THE SWITCHING TRACK 11 . Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal ? If yes , explain: NQ 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal ; if none has been completed , but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: TUKWILA FILL PERMIT II . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) 1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures?X YES MAYBEW b) Disruptions, displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil ? X. YES MAYBE NO c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? YES MAYBE NO d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X YES WIFE N l- e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? X YES MAYBE NO f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X Trs— RATITEB 0-- Explanation : (B) FILL WILL BE PLACED ON ABOUT 2 ACRES, ABOUT 1/2 ON THE EXISTING TRACK FILL AND 1/2 ON PREVIOUSLY UNFILLED SOII . 3- 2) Air. Will the proposal result in: a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? X YET— MAYBE NO b) The creation of objectionable odors? X YET— MAYBE c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 3) Water. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements , in either marine or fresh waters? X YES MAYBE NO b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns , or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? X YES MAYBE NO c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE NO c) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X YES MAYBE NO e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X YES MAYBE WO— W Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X YES MAYBE NO g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X YES MAYBE NO h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates , detergents , waterborne virus or bacteria , or other substances into the ground waters? X YES MAYBE NO i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X YES MAYBE N Explanation: (C) APPROXIMATELY 12,000 CU. FT. OF FLOOD STORAGE BELOW FIFV. 17 WILL BE FILLED. THIS WILL BE COMPENSATED BY EXCAVATION IN THE FUTURE P1 CHANNEI AT NORTH FND OF PROJECT IN TUKWIIA. 4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs , grass, crops , microflora and aquatic plants)? X V! M YB NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of flora? X YET— MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? X YES MAYBE NO d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 4- 5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , insects or microfauna)? X YES MAYS NO b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? X YES MAYBE NO c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement Xoffauna? YES MAYBE NO d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X YES MAYBE WO— Explanation: 8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the X present or planned land use of an area? YES M YBE NO Explanation: 9) Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X YES MAYBE WO— b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X YES RATTE NO Explanation: 10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an erosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions?X YET— M YB WO-- Explanation: 11) Population. Will the proposal alter the location. distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X Yr— MAYBE Nif Explanation: 5- 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? X YES MAYBE WU— Explanation: 13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? YES MAYBE NO b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? X YES MAYBE NO c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? X YES RATFE NO d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? X YES MAYBE NO e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X YES MAYB NO f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? X YES RATITE NO Explanation: 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a) Fire protection? YES MAYBE NO b) Police protection? X YES MAYBE NO c) Schools? X YES MAYBE NO d) Parks or other recreational facilities? X YES MAYBE NO e) Maintenance of public facilities , including roads?X YES MAYBE NO f) Other governmental services? X YES RPIT NO Explanation: 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy?X YES MAYBE NO b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X YES— MAYBE WO-- Explanation: 16) Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? X YES MAYBE NO b) Communications systems? X YES MAYBE NO c) Water? X YES MAYBE NO 6- d) Sewer or septic tanks? X YES MAYBE NO e) Storm water drainage? X YES M YBE N— f) Solid waste and disposal? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? X VT YMBE Explanation: 18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: 20) Archeological Historical . Will the proposal result in an ateration of a significant archeological or historical Xsite, structure, object or building? VES MAYBENO Explanation: III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. BURLI CT N R HERN RAILROAD COMPANY Proponent: U. jBfsigned) e // name printed) D. A. Bell Chief Engineer City of Renton Building G Zoning Department May, 1983 Form M 176 FLOOD CONTROL ZONE APPLICATION NO. Dated June...25.,....19 8.4 APPLICATION is hereby made by BURS,INGTQN..NORT..HERN,,..RA L,ROAlD..C ANY. Indmdua,corpora ion,a c. 2000 1ST INTERSTATE BUILDING of SEATTLE WASHINGTON 9$1Q4 for permit to MODIFY and thereafter operate Post office address) Construct.reconstruct,modify) and maintain FILL FOR SWITCHING TRACK ADJACENT TO EXISTING MAINLINI TRACKS Nature of works: bridge,dike,road.revetment.logging works,gravel pits.etc.) to be known as SWIZCkiING..TRACK..FOR..ORLLLIA..AUTO...UNLOADING...FACI.LIT.Y El SW4 & NW4 25 ( Name of works.structures or improvements) located inNE4 NWZ Section 36 Township 23 North, Range 4 E) (W).W.M., N.h etc 1 EAST SIDE OF B.N. MALNLINE,..,NORTJ- QF..S.,.._.L8RT.H ST.,....&„SOUTH..DE..LQNGACRES Location with reference to nearest town or well known locality) all or portion of which will be located upon the banks or in and over the channel or over and across the flood plain of __._SPRLNGBROOK..CREEK a tributary of GREEN...RIUER Name of stream or body of water) Name of stream or body of water) in GREEN Flood Control Zone No. 2 This permit is sought IN PERPETUITY In perpetuity:or,if temporary,state number of years) Definite location and plan of the proposed works, structures or improvements are shown on attached sheets numbered 1 to 3 , inclusive, which are parts of this application. Construction will commence ..15. SEPT.. ..I9.84 and will be completed 15 MARCH.1.985 sate) Date) Remarks: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAI LRQAO COMPANY t A pplic ant l By ., G.• D. A. Bell, Chief Engineer Plans Examined and Field Examination and Application Returned PERMIT Reported by Report by for Alteration. Recommended by Issued Name Date ECY 050-1—S 400 3 Rev.7/7S GARDNER ENGINEERS, INC. Mortimer H.Thomas, P.E. Leonard J. Locke, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS • SINCE 1883 Thomas P. Fitzmorris, P.E. i 3 . ?t. F ti, rl ii 'icy .,.rJUN 2 7 1984 26 June 1984 `';`- ' .``" NiNG DE.'' File: 5139-2 Building and Zoning Dept. City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton WA 98055 Re: Grading and Filling Permit Burlington Northern Rail- road Switching Track for Orillia Auto Unloading Facility Gentlemen: Enclosed are the applications for Grading and Filling Permit, the Environmental Check List Form, 6 sets of Plans and a check in the amount of $423.45 for fees. The fee is based on $300.00 plus 2.07 acres at $25.00 or 352.75 total for the permit and $60.00 plus $1.00 per 10,000.00 on a value of $117,000 or $71.70 total for the check list. Very truly yours , GARDNER ENGINEERS, INC. Mortimer H. Thomas, P.E. Principal MHT/bet Encs. SUITE 241 • MARKET PLACE ONE 2001 Western Avenue • Seattle, Washington 98121 206) 624-5265 ENDING OF FILE Fig TITLE