HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA85-097EAMON& VEL•69.10,1 To ILE.1.1N 00 PARx PI PL.P57.00' 1' faa1.-6 10 Ke1lA1M etrlovE. Ex19T,Hla buAeDKNL 7 HE./ aSPHALT pavlNv JL7 o 1 1 P Ex1ENP Ex15T,N& Yu,Tp KaLA"ID ALRAti&eMG{E. LowrRUL7 Mew NJ I ) ) \. 1 3 Pulp ,9LayD6 w/NEW Dust P6peH96L9 mg, New a 12' 8 i 8 Pw ' ' 9TLeL 5PLe9 'Ua6C. I tiI 11 1 1 w o f o o pIINSTPLL g000(!N. NII ----P 9Eevu n ti•o,.V as'I I I 7e,M1u wrtH Conic xAa PC.zs7OO II W Ex 151I o"__ _ a REH Px,9T,HL VEve7PR 0,1 PROPERTY MAP n n ' To eery.,. KALE ,'..uo'_o IrMu ® Exl9i'H ® xx1 4 e%1ENo Ex,57,Hv I , f. . Og'_o" Lra19LKI571NUDV8 ° D¢,vL9,M ° vL yr glDHaw1 U p7R'r' HauD NV Eve1vDWjvEIEx LAH pP56Lv,CE 6TA1'q,.I6u,LDIN&II jj I EA PNv It IVFGET ,oN RArr'1N 0 NVE Ri T REAL 1 1 I blip( LU6E EAT 1 LLODE EA,ST,Nb In L I I 1 I WOE DAY wee 0"T Poop I f--1oPEN,H!/, i U w I II 1 1 iI L_—_-----J I 9uARPRd1L/ , 1 P--i Fti P WI RErTove c+,6YNv6Tee I r-------- 111111111 HEw LMp XA INvIIInenHvEXCAVATEIIISu.OL Tcoriple¢LY I I I 1 T e-AP6 AMP I JJ 1 n CON.,1'GJCT HEW eEYA,Nu.WALL In IC)0 IS'HE• IVNT 11 i 7uv it PgALT pp..Wu ---RYuuTE exnY c-n 1 1 r s ' I w S,uM j fl o e O I CO 4' 11 1 O O d ,I SI(.r., 9ETeocK LINE I 1..1..1 i E 111 PROPERTY LINE 257.00' r- I rgeW LAHM NIA 171-0' U 4/i-o'' II le " MEN LAr1179°AY1nlm eA,9PNu 61p6wALE Hew K,conic.AppRoAcH \New 910LWAIY / WA 40'.come.APPROA°M _\New coNCRETe s,DewALe Hew WULet AHP Er,9T,.iW v1TLH To 6L filler, wTT6i66 crieRAL AeRANtoGr1eriT WO Chevron U.SA.Inc. 5ePIGt trkr1ON °J8T8 hi. 5oiii STKEET 141°> N.347m°Jt 1• REVISIONS RLHToN, Nikt HCNbT2N. O 9CRLE, I'.1D' OIITE,E/I N.Pn eAlr a. OPP. O 5 5-7090 GENERAL NOTES: I.CMEYRON.u.S.A..INC.CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS O.S.2431 APPLY TO ALL ICMI PERFORMED AT IRIS SITE.PAINTING SPECIFICATIONS IH.D.S.2531 APPLY TD ON-SITE PAINTING AID DECALING. PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS AID CANOPIES.(SPECIFICATION RLN-ID-AI APPLIES TO OFF-SITE FABRICATION AID ON-SITE ERECTION BY STEEL FABRICATOR. 2.ADOPTED TIIONOANCECOHEB AASSEMBLIES RHOIRYAOOCCDDNYHCE ARC TO FC.LCE LOCALLY L OCCURS BETWEENCONTOR SREP LOCAL COVE AND INFORMATION AIIOIIN ON THE PLANS.1 RIT•• CONSULT COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE CDRCC RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCINGPLANS.WORK. tICIhTIHE/ 5' FENLe V R1 PL, 3.Gf NERAL CONTRACTOR ISTD MOi IiYCOMPANYREPRESENTAiIVEIROPTLYIFSITEPCcQE.ETY L Fs.,..._,,,CDRDI NGS. OR DIS NOT TO DISAGREE WITH SUCH DAl1ONNCESONTK\/25ioo NDRAW( RCS. NOEL IS NOT TO PROCEED WAIL SUCH DIFFERENCES ARE RE50. VE0OV0NIH0SCALEEDNDTBELISTED.IH N ION SMAL DVEERN. INDICATESfpIDl10SCALE•AND THE LISTED DIMENSION SMALL GOVERN. fT 5.THE BUILDINGISI.CANOPY AND TRASH ENCLOSURE SHORN DR THESE PLANS ARE N iMR PARTIALLY OR FULLY FACIORT-ASSEMBLED AND FINISHED.THEY ARE 10 BEM DELIVERED TO 1K SITE AID ERECTED BY THE STEEL FABRICATOR WEER A VV3 ' am SITE PREPARATION.CONCRETE FOUNDATIONSAND SLABS.SIGH COLUMNS.OVERALLER i - ` J MURiL• COORDINATION AND CLEAN-UP.ETC..AS SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS ATE V / 6y INb 1 P A 3'0 0.e. TIE SCOPE OF NDRK.AND ON THESE DRAWINGS. 10 REI'WN VEST. S.INSTALLATIONCONTRACTS FOR SUCH HORK IG TING G.LANDSCAPING AID SIGN E\/`'-// SEPARATE ION MAY BE OAMMO.R SUCH By K AS AA. S.A..INC.NG ADDITION. CERTAIN SPECIALTY ITEMS SU[N AS LIONI]NC fIKTURES.OISPLNSERS.ETC.AAE TOE Or HEW 3'LODE G`` r I..1 A. A PURCHASED DIRECTLY BT CIEVRON.U.S.A.. AMC.FOR DELIVERY TD i1E GENERAL 5L 1 IOI N A-A CONTRACTOR.wHO MILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR INSTALLATION.REFER TO THE SCOPE OF NORM FORA LISTING OF SUCH CONTRACTS AND IPMENT. NO SLKE 1HE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COOPERATE NITM AND COORDINATE THE MORK OF SEPARATE CONTRACTORS. T i Top OF NC1'I 5<0PE 7.PROPER DRAINAGE NUS(BE PROVIDED FOR THE-CRANE SPACE-BENEATH THE Y TER PAN FLOORS OF SHOP-FABRICATEDTH BUILDINGS.RE AREAS NCONDG A HIGHATERTABLE. IMPERVIOUS SOIL OR OTHER MOISTURE-RETAININGNINC CONDITIONS. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROvi OE PoROAS ORAIM PIPE ON Ii5 EGuIVALENT. I 1eu,.1g. CONNECTED 10 THE TO THEE STORM SEVER,OR OTHER REAMS FOR DISPOSAL Oi 1 1 G(GLEE IIGE I I TRITER ACCEPTABLE TO CO MANY REPRDSENIATIVE. 1 l tic B.DETAILS FOR THE METAL BUILDINCIS.AND CANCMY.MEMBER SIZES.COMECIIO" EIEW FILL PR.E•-5EE 51IT'S LN4M Hew S b`.s 51 DETAILS,STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS,ETC.ARE ABCPRO pE0 By TONE STEEL N I N rMw•IEt H THE SAS TOE NAT RE RSD ALAAHD Of IETHE OFiOREiETO ILDIEAFiS EAIDNCLMIO SITSPL.Pee. pE11 5H1 alp TELL AS TNF NATURE AND SCOPE OF OTHER MDRK TO BE PERT ORMEO Al lIE SITE. S.EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE fO1 REPAIR OF DAMAGE TO THE IOU I 1 N OTHER TRADES CAUSED BY HIS O'ER TIONS.THE MATURE OF SUCH REPAIR 1 I I MONt MIST RECEIVE THE PRIOR APP OVAL Of THE COWANY REPRESENTATIVE. I,n I I I.•- 10.REFERENCE DRANINCS.TITLE GAMINS ID. 6 I SITE GRADING PLAN 48/5-3 3478-4 jpR"() wfrjrALI.Hew Abe/ f\ O THEELL LONG 5tEb le,Y 1 I LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN won't*.7fPND. \ OTee E6)FOR ,a/uEE IFIh1ALl. New 4ocw.METAL SITE PLAN.UTILITY B PRODUCT PIPING 5676-2 1 I FISRRO Ucs"T ACovt AL1LCNPIG d0 aJ)N NHS 550 f 5SEE27(4TRyAG-'2) a187RI 14SITEPLAN.ELECTRICAL le-. NO.24 HIM•1 HINT Go F'6CG/A'"FI' "fOF•I.t P-]Aer tL(LPN(/,4,.. LONIL. 1A'HKh W/run.,,-Pv'N.1 FaLM R LECePL DE?GTzI P11orIrQPANEyLAdJ,LoHc Nil, Pl 6 \ I ots LppE..pRE• PER IA' THE e•0E I/2 of -rRAcr 41, eAG.erT THE NOR111 12 Feer 1 DETAIVa oil's'+1 q, Ne„y P'"PNALr o 1N21tor caNvv7ev To uNo CoucrY foe. 5E^J4TM 4IEECT CT PEEP P-EYORPEP MJ&Wi1 b,I5U7 UHF- I . C'IH& HEc. EW y)'x77 PAVINLA I YI G G p 21C4¢I AND lilt WEfE V2 or'11k2T 42: reel.UyoPT 1 '1 0 10 d\k ," li NEW /d' PaueeP 6405 Exc2PT-Me- NoR1H 12 feet -f11E?FoF cow VBEEO?o K•IN!> N PARKIHb(5 LOuHT1 P02 5e%FM 4ECEE'E 6f DEED FEroeueD .111He w2,L!' STlE1h)-____-____- _ _-___ _ PER OE-p•IL 5H1 2a erre)1x.e. uNPee- RPmPPINL, Ha 6,042447,ALL.IH C.P.HILU-1AP15 S Fe-p,lt EA.IyElNrs o II 0 1 0. 50=0' - LAv.E wASHIN ryH &E EPl OF EDEN P.DOrfioN 10 Seo5-It g.OF 2'woo, E.t O_. ._. _I No.I,65 Ptt-PLAT RfroRDeD IN v0LRr1E II of P1aEh,off I B'NKt p,66.1/T7,R2tae05 of r.1NV couFttY• IMNovt PveNe. 4 P4N 1 I 511JPTE IH151E GErf Of eeHTOH, LOUNTE Of KIH,15 LANDh,DENt 11Of. 1t'-o' 1 n.speH15tRh 4 C?NoPY 9 ... , Hew 5'eiwN MATE of wfreF11NLaR,-1. 1 CT3 t T',d I GEC.,, o, LIST OF DRAW NGS 1 Ali Al $EGTIoN SNEER REv DATE SMUT TITLE i r u L I I n-11-'. 40eDie.Kp.L ARRANICoeMENI ECEeI I /`J P.y-Io/c Ewyf Nl I 2 uHOZZ.v¢oJNO Tier WWIUL EeiniN/.6 e'rw' I' Y"' 1E 1 :r4°4:tmMe GRAGG ONLEt 6- ES' 1Rs5H EHLIoSucE I 1 i e G9C?VMPRoNfeMENt PIA^( lei,•, II w 41cRMWA1U. LETRA•ItIOPWJ EKI4 I S Toll. 6wsio coNTBOI. i R ----3 I vof _ I mm PU p iL.cr.L P I eu11A'NCA 5 I --- Mrl-I W.UNP. LAYOUT MN LiwERcti I Q 1M-I' JfRJGTuPIL I.YouT d-I r-,MM-I' MINI-MART PeUNPA.TIOTJ9 i NEwvI A`PI-IALt_ 3U Wu.om J ryER A9P5{r-LT__. 'o 451c77'uHer-( ELE/A'TION5 YI t• s53' I Ex15TINv 10000GAL. r --, 1PAVIN6 Oi I < GAHHP1 FouNPA11ON6 Milli ELIEGTI(IGAL *1.N7NE053 ./ I-• y(h+E TO EL N L• R EmuuC -_ J 1 EENOVe. dllvS.To w rpla.11Ee 19 uNpCpytouNP 1ANIL4 PIPING IN5'rLL-'N o'i6.1 W/H1GW PtPIwLE Ex1YSE1N4 LoH I I MIx. 911E I.Z'Ta.IVi LYAffEO pcee6 INfif.eT oERPt W. noun-°o"'N hLPa "'i 21 P.LKi. ,rl0'OLTEPLK-LAID, new el GONG.41A3 PIAH1Et iTt 7,_j NT bE1`7E.At"ail M15G. pefAllP Leypq{R ReI NI• Q 5G roE51RUGTION Spec- 6 nc NorECTE wit 2a7.gp'e n.-Si r N.T2NtctleR HfDRPFiCE, • E/I Pa'wa fM.e N p'y` F" Ew ASNaLT PPVRys- l 3eR G-s IrfNyu PAULu1 Ifh eWIS11NV MOEn/s1.IL Li levy IOHG.TW LONG.-O.R. /INCA Al0'L011AAC\ NG./ VIOT . 51DEVYLIL ,.' I ire MJUR1/.' SMT. I t L 1Lo615TeUCf New 51PI WAUU. T DITc.N tune 4 buffet- pee GAT( \\ Chevron ENer.AL AKR_ANC0 t1 )4r of REP67T 1 SfNIPAe.ve ` EILISTINlio CULVERT Chevron U.S.A.Inc. 3eKVIGt 5IATION 7sie SEE 5H7.4 MMnINDGNNNC SaR IMMIX° ry.3oTd 9'11- j 14 0) N- barn CCCT Re1oDATE a0.1IN!> rbwee9T REVISIONS P_Er170N , INA76'611w•P-'r IDLE Io'-d' 9001-1 TO 6.1.0-g- New 511;swe.Y. SCALE'I'-PO-c, -DATE,,I-.i.e., 11, rulstl Powell co.) DR.PM.6Artt CR.CA& APP. 55-5576- I GENERAL NOTES: I. LLCHEVRON.PEREORME01HAT THHISISITE.NPAINTINCI SPECIFICATIONS?5.0 5.225531TD APPLY TO ON-SITE PAINTING AND OECALINC.-PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS ANT CANOPIES'[SPECIFICATION ALE-HO-AI APPLIES TO OFF-SITE FABRICATION AND ON-SITE ERECTION BY STEEL FABRICATOR. diLlik 2.CONSTRUCTION ATERIALS.ASSEXBL TES ANO PROCEDURES ARE TO FOLLOW LOCALLYADOPTEDBUILOINCCDDESANDSUPPLEMENTARYMDINANCES.MIEN A CONFLICT OCCWS BE TXEEN SUCH LOCAL CODE AND pNORXRl10H SHOXM DM THE PLANS.OnSUII COMPANT REPRESEni ATI VE FOR ESOLUIIDN PRIOR TO CONMEXCINC MpNM. 3.CFMERAI CONTRACT OIN IS 10 ISAGR E GIlD RFPRESFNTRIIVE PROMPTLY IT SITE rrrpfEflt LIN1L 2*noe LDND1l10N5 OR OI MENSI ONS 01 SACREE ITN SUED UIFFEE SHONN ON 1MEORAXINCS.WORA IS NOl 10 PROCEED UxT1L SUCH DIf FERE NLES ARE Rf SOLVE. 1 A.ORAUINCS SHOULD NOT BE SCALED.AN Ux0ERLINE0 OINENSION INDICATES CW1 OT i0 SCALE'AMO TxE LISTED DIMENSION SxgLL GOVERN. SIDE BUILOIXCISI.CANOPY TAD TRASH ENCLOSURE SNOX5 ON THESE PLANS RRE N d PARTIALLY OR FU LY FACT GOY-RESEMBLED AND FINISNFAB 10EY ARE DE BE le6/y® DELIVERED TO THE SITX RNO ERECTED BY THE STEEL FABRICATOR TINDER A F SEPARATE CDN1RACl. E GENERAL CONTRACT OR'S RESPON5181LIilES INCLUDE SITE INATIONl ION,CONCRETE ETC..RNSE ATO SLABS.SIGN COLUMNS.OYFRALLCOOROINATIONANOCLEAN-uP.ETC.. SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS AND eRLI •ie• 11055 TME SCOPE OF MOIN.ANO On iNESE DRANI NCS. rex'IOJE EX1 TO erbe C.SEPARATE CONTRACTS FOR SUCH AGAR AS PAVING.LANDSCAPING AND SION5THb JI"1>I-L 1 INSTALLATION MAY BE AXAROED BY CHEVRON.U.S.A..INC. IN ADDITION. CERTAIN SPECIALTY'LV 2=AS Ler'"G FI%1UoE5.DISPENSERS.EnC.PREpl>MB?ER LauKT '(PLFli CTRA CONTRACTOR.NHO:. T LLATI REF E^•LSNOMHOMILLLISTINGSu.FOR THEIR INSTALLATION.REFER TO THESCOPEOFXORNFORALISiINCOFSU[N CONTRACTS AND EQUIPMENT. TOE P 1 SEPARATERCONTRACTORSOR SHALL COOPERATE N1101 AND COORDINATE THE NORA OF T.PROPER DRAINAGE RUST BE PROVIDED FOR THE"CRAWL SPACE'BENEATH THE METAL PAN E.FLOORS OF SHOP-FABRICATE BUI LOINCS. IN AREAS HAYING A PITCHNprOWEEATERTABLE. IMPERVIOUS SOIL OR OTHER NOISTURF-RETAINING CONDITIONS. I'17GROPlEr'O (LP'1.IH111(/ PILL IY'RMC' I GENERALTE0O70ABLE NEARESTOR T STPANOSETTER.DR OTHER MEANINPIPESFORDISPOSALOF PM PTe Hwy innIciPYM !> HATER ACCEPTABLE TO TOE COWAN.REPRESENTATIVE. I B.DETAILS FOR THE METAL BUILDINCISI ANO CANOPY.MEMBER SIZES.CONNECTION DETAILS.STRUCTURAL CALCULAAIOSS.ETC.ARE PROVIDED BY THE STEEL FABRICATOR.CHEVRON. S.A..INC.°AMIN.ARE INTENDED O ILLLMSTRATE THE SIZE.COLOR.MATERIAL Ax0 FINISH OF THE BUILDINCISI AND CANOPY.AS P WELL AS THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF OTHER MORN TO BE PERFORMED AT THE SITE. 9.0: 1,r[DDD-D o o D o o `` -.Gb\ o AQ oio*o*Q 41 A iE E. o _ o oio °-•°jO--- u,JIMIkd L o orOaoXoi[o o 0 0•y.• y I ID p, I 0 Pnrt;H-flw. fKU1TGo iA/D1111U 2 Cww. 9 IB'I Ilali i o1TKIauTe Hew Dlfru?`f ® N VIP$uQHurl PLIcrNTw-1/tateHTomeurI 4 G..L..r? 6,o.c. ew•ar(RSe, Nlorle, WAVY,aF T 9E 11Hls AA eeIM,Hew 1c77,, O E H7h AI,N'(U./BueHIs1&ttY2H. 9 GA4 B el O. VI i M Q GeP - 1' '.vslr-u5/oeeow OGUOI-I. h lsa..@ 5'0.4.. o O S O a` s 1:11` O 0'115115 j6GpGC/wORAI 1 111% ePAO.1. 5&AL•B p O.G. dp 1t d N t'`' MA GTooPItASTet sN1"PPloPleel2tiootQ_ 5 -.Q 51 ac..6115117. SJURIlff.R.U5 HOR17oH7w4.1 NOG gut. 5 evoy,a to o.c. e.v. i I JuHIPElfuh SiblA{I./ 6RdA'IC>oC 5 N5w F id eat. 'SPKrryItI. l r.+t I one.. mousy etiot,I.AN " 5' I(M PIRA GI. a A o. t Ow HEw IWLIW.tiar'I 41,. illIIyyyTo0e Doc.. ,rl NJp 1Q I I I , wv5rodJ.ev BY beHeZML d. 1 fir AITcx foG IM .CLOLOMIGE rreggm/Z I I I I)OR . IL, w.,- 1 uT7 cf fWloH Q, e tip.y. EU LE RICO a c Dh. Su er•11T Offillfl PUPfT q/fi I I RI --- II RIP 77 WvWCPL eg rod ,AL.. IIII1l10P0 OI I I' o r 3 b REo..wF L--------- J i Il test p.1ee IN eRYT1/// wsTE¢ AI T!R A=,.,.. ..Ili A s ' Chevron L04.1P JGPt Gilt MAN ONO Chevron U.S.A.Inc. 9CICVIGe S1 (IO/N 769b U3A¢IFq ROPIBIAYA San{)4TS)IC0 Fecjh301d5'(RF.Lj 1410) N- jOlH REVISIONS RtN'fON , WA.VliNeriori. O SCALE: Ned-o ORPPTE.:II'It 0 PH.e. & CH.OA& R 0 55- 587b -4 OR FASCIA LETTERING NOTES: BLUE BL-370-5 SEE NOTE w6 \I. PRIOR TO DELIVERY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE DESIGN PLANS B. FUTURE AIR AND WATER REELS i"--'" SHEET METAL FOR THE CANOPY AW BUILDING iWNDA110N5. NCHORABm PROVIDE 14' 6'HOLE IN PUMP BLOCK. FASCIA AW AWHOR BOLL OCAi ION PLANS FROM THE SIEEI F BPI CATOF. INSTALL AIR AND LAER PIPING FROM NEAREST•WRCE T 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONSTRUCT THE iWNWT10N AND INSTALL ANCHOR ON SITE AND CAP. 10 PERMIT FUT^RE INSTALLATION0)©CO MIG)M4 COLOR: BWTS 1N ACCORDANCE witH THE STEEL fABRICA,OR•S DRAWINGS. DF CO%REELS' 2 OR EWAL AIR NO LATER REEL BOX. OFF-WHITE u T—WH-740-5 3. THE STEEL FABRICATOR SHALL DELIVER. SET IN PLACE. LEVEL AND BACK FILL XWF WITH SAW AND SOP WITH 2'Of4SIIyl,`Ilip AWHOR THE CANOPY AND BUILDING,0 THE FOUNDATION_. CONGRETF FLUSH wI TH TOP OF U BLOCK. GLASS: NHE BUILDING NIL-Bf DELIVERED COr.PLEIE ITH LIWTS.RAOLER. O 5 EATER. CO TT W ELECTRICAL DEVICES PRE-WATED.A i EDACTION AIR SWRCE: ASSUMC FUTURE i1L1lY. AVTOWIIVE p P a_'4'}'•'-"(PQ IV6• LAMINATED DRAWER.COUNTER AND SHELVING. gRDWARE.COWLE TELY GLAZED. SERVICE, OR CAR MASK BUILDIWI.v W6ulu U.L.752) AND ALL SHEET LE,AL SURFACES FACTORY-FINISHEL. r TON ' CLEARB. EN PWRING CONCRETE AGAINST BUILDING. CONTRACTOR G D F 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SET IN THE RECESSE FACE SHALLIN FLOOR. A SAFE 0 PROVIDE ORE•4ION UOINT FILLER RACE'SELF- SBLACKTRIMFURNISHEDBYCOWANV)THE FACE OF E SAFE SHALL BE PROTECTED E%PAWING CORK 4J24. ti CBE-IO-SLG) WRING CONSTRUCTION'DROP CHUTE 0 CLEAR INSIDE ALL FACE. AND THE I 11 ' I BEIGE WALL 8 4 TOP ACCESS DOOR DF HE SAFE TO BE FLUSH wITH THE BUILDING FLOOR. AOORS: ONCE ALL CO DUITS.AW THE FLOOR SAFE ARE IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR ID. ALL MORE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE ITH CHEVRON ter_ SHALL AW POUR A CONCRETE SLAG AS PER THIS S ROUND THE SAFE. S.A. INC,CONSTROPTED SPECIE G COLONS M.IO.SNK 2431MENULETTERING' PROTECT ALL FACTORY PAINTED SURFACES FROM DAMAGE AND STAINING. ND ALL LOCALLY ADOPTED BUILDING CODES. ORDINANCES ANC FINISH WHITE WH-835-S REGULATIONS VMICH APPLT,0 THE KBE. 3. THE CONTRACTOR MILL WWITHIT THE CLECTRICAL SERVICE TO THE BUILDINGIFLOORISEENOTEW6ANDELINATEINTERCITHtTEEPHONEICALPLANSASDELLLSACOAPLL N 11 URN CARD READER LOCATION.LINE ELEVATION A`., SCALE: 3/16'=1 -o•ELEVATION 'B`, AND SEPARATE INTERCOM AND TELEPHONE CONDUIT ERCO+. INGEUDIW PULL BONES SEE IWIALL All D TAIL. ELECTRICAL DRAwINc. 4 LEN.1AAINFISHD000VN.I SPEAKERSS... CALLO1 BUTTONS.L0WNVORLTAGES TSTEMIRINGCOETCNENTS WILL BE OVIDED BY OTHERS DOER A SEPARATE CONTRALTI. 12. REFERENCE ALE: DRAWINGS: J__ I BUILDINGL COOLER. FABRICATOR PROVIDES ALL CWRINGPOWER. A. ETC. IRCUITING FOR T. TRICE: HAWING TIC Eo. CANOPY REFLECTED CEILING I/2' 2OOFrIOULY3 COLORS:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE CIRCUITS FOR THE P FRS AND DISPENSERS. PLAN AND fLf VAT IONS II EO. Il- -J UVU4 WALLSr CALL.. AND SITE LIGHTING. ETC.. AS SHOW CN THE ELECTRICAL PLANS ELECTRICAL wIRIW 6 DETAILS __ BLACK: V. Wiemorvesr BK-ID SLG— I..W0580 l 6. T.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL FIRE E%TINWISHER IFURN15Hf0 BY COWAN" FWWATIDNS v-- y.•-.. PANELS: I THE TELEPHONE COBRANY SHALL PROVIDE A WALL MOUNTED TELEPHOE GRWW AND GRADE PLAN • LMMw© fy' / BEIGE: C,I INSIDE BUILDING. PLUACITG,PTPI NG fmo V`JC:14 BR-4 40-SEG-I THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALL SE ALL URFACES.BRO MATERIAL F OM THE6' BLACK (BK-10-5)—+ r,—_.__— E3 BUILDING. IPE CLEAN ALL STEEL SURFACES.BRWM CLEAN iLODR. 6' WHITE SCOTCHL I TE I 1... 6" AETAL `: i J f i AND CLEAN w1W0w3. 6" BLACK IRK-10-S) L_ 12•TYP t-BASE: I ' AXE HINTING CONTRACTOR SHALL BUILDING DECALSBEIGE (BR-440-5)-4-, : l BLACK: _ 4'X 4' STEEL /- 6K-10-SLG 4LL EN FURNISHED By CNE VRON, PER AP LRN. GUARD POSTS ATI T. PLOABING LORE Br CCNTRACTOR: 4-CORNERS. FURNISHED STEEL 8 GLASS ENTRANCE DOOR:A)CONWCL UNDERWWW TYP,COPPER LATER PIPING FROM CONNECTION AND INSTALLED BY SILVER EDAV PAINT POINT IN THE BUILDING i0 THE MA1x LING aN 511[. LAMINATED GLASS GENERAL CONTRACTOR. CLEAR CST GONDOLA 1•/N SITE. SEWER FROM THE COANECIIW POINT TOLOCALHOuSECOD ELEVATION C ELEVATION D PAPER LI E ON OFTL. DEISM ORDER LINE LS EL ON TIC BY WTCODE.C) DEOFPIPEOCKSA ROOF LAVADFROMTCUDSTROEER AREAVEL. A FOAM REQUIREDSBA DISPENSER PWAL CODE.PIPE ROOF LEADERS TO DRY%ELL ON THE SIIE OR TO PEA GRAVELUBLICSTORMSEWER. BACKF ILL THE BUILDING AND CANOPY SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING PUMP BLOCK ARE PARTIALLY OR FULLY SHOP-FABRICATED OF LIGHT-GAUGE GALVANIZED OR PRE-FINISHED STEEL SLAB THICKNESS 3' MIN. 1 w4 REBAR CONT.PANELS AND ROLLED STRUCTURAL STEEL SECTIONS. 2' r3' MIN•(TYP) / EACH CORNERNOTE: OT YARD COLD JOINT RESISTANCE TO MEDIUM POWER SMALL ARMS FIRE EXTEND DRIVE SLAB 10 FT. SURFACE 1. iCafsiC t I mT UCTION OF CASHIER'S AREA IS 1N ACCdtDAWE WITH U.L. >52 B AT FREEWAY LOCATIONS: 3 In.TTP FOR RADIATOR BOIL-OVER. 1-1.50.STEEL WARD POSl3 7 YSEE DOTE ON ELEVATING'C• I L - ti 14•I TYR 2-3•%2•DOWSPWTS I _ I---''. 1.?.;_!?:_,.._ r T rA4 REBAR 'HAIRPIN" FOR SIZE OF OPENIN:_ ELEC ttOSET' DRIVEWAY SLAB THICKNESS TIE FROM COLUMN UNDER DISPENSER. iiI PLUABiAE CONE[TIANEL CANOPY LINE ABOVE 6' IN AREAS SUBJECT TO FOOTING TO DRIVE SEE MANUFACTURER'S O,Tric'T / S FLOOROFMOVABLE PANEL SEE DWG ND. I FREEZING OR GROUND INSTABILITY SLAB INSTALLATION IN Loon INSTRUCTIONS. na. Y LAVAIgtrL - WHERE4' ELSEREINFORCE WITH 6'X6' w10/I0 1n\ _ I i\ i I WELDED WIRE MESH. ll<^/ o I7 SECTION THROUGH SECTION THROUGHFzr_r EDGE OF DRIVEWAY SLAB TYPICAL PUMP BLOCK NIJr_ 1 T - SCALE . 1/2 = I -0 SCALE : I/2 = I -0 a.I A FUTURE AIR P.WATER r SALES Vv. EXPANSION REELS. (TYPICAL) 61 AREA x JOINT NOTE #9, BUILDING I SEE NOTE MS. N ei THIS DETAIL WALLS y t-- I APPEARS AT v! I 1 ANCHOROBNCH OL1 Y 1 CANOPY COLUMN FOOTING. I'-as:..s--• 1 m• CONCRETE.- RECESS IN I SEE FOUNDATION PLAN UNRE INFORCEO 9. FLOOR BY I PREPARED BY STEEL FAB. _ t'T- 1 STEEL FAB. II SEEvIY( VISIBLE JOIN' NOTE CASHIER l;)tl SLOPE - METAL PAN /to Q I:12t MIN \ CONC. FLOOP N w2I L J T - /F ' l _ r I -L ` z Lot-- 4 T--'-'%' I- TRAFFIC 1 -.- 1-. 1 AJ - E ii ' I ' w FLOW o. 1 A SAND OR PEA 4 F O m1 0 1 di.',-. W r•l FUTURE CARD" GRAVEL FILL / -)' u a r o7 % Ne READER (TYPICAL) ANCHOR BOLT L NOTE: I n TXE MIK DIMENSION y C SEE NOTE III. GENERAL CONTACTOR oI SS a 15 B'6•IN LOCI CONCRETE PIER Al TO PROVIDE DRAINAGE TIONS%HERE THE B'D•1 EACH SUPPOPI PIPING BENEATH I- I I u UNIFORM FIRE CODE o D SEE FOUNDATION PLAN BUILDING. I o PPLIES. REFER TO SITE IN Top 1 10• ' VA MIN. CONE. AROUND DRAINAGE PLANS. 1-I '1 •nl 14§z / SAFE. SEE NOTE W4 1— - A oT---- I a a I TTFTAIL AT ANCHOR ROI TS m ' 1 10'-0• HAIRPIN TIE / MAINTAIN ACCESS TO ANCHOR BOLTS AS SHOWN ABOVE OR iLy 1 n T TYP TYPICAL B EACH/____.y(a7 BY EQUIVALENTI MEANS. ATOR FACILITATE FUTURE BUILDINGII1 . j ! - 7 CANOPY COLUMN 1` +' RELOCATION. IF NECESSAR). e I SOUARE COLUMN ROOF LE SECTION THROUGH BUILDING i 4-ROOF LEADERS r', SCALE 1/2" = I'-0' I i 1• alny 1-EA.COL P.B.RI AND P.B.N3) SEE NOTE 7C.al I SELF SERVE 10'X 24' I= 1; I MINI-MART "MM-1" 1 — z•-lo•R J i 3-PRODUCTS CRD JDORS LIYPIGYI rC t1 — J_ GURDRO/DUO DISPENSERSI AIRIMERIOAR00L' cg Chevron PUMP BLOCK PLAN AND SECTIONS S. Z Z f o' 1 T FINISHES SALES UT ILITv ELECTRIC TEONINGTII ryV E YPO FLOW PAVER . ILOOR PUAP. ft. MaHRI(Opelauo sban FrlancnR p __- -__-_ .- t cERAMIc'caNCRETc W HEAT MINI MART BLD'G ELEVS. DETAILS. o= NOTE: 4'•0' 27.-4,• IY 4 TYPO LV Gr.. J rA IOIy !l78 SEE DWG. f I V I I 6 IGH REVISIONS g-GT`H1Pi`-T 'A',HIrl!>1'Nl.r, BABE CERAMIC VINYL 8 GROUND AND GRADE PLAN FOR COY[ f.AXly ep ay. i•36 8 SCALE:AS NOTED DATE:I7'IH1y "'o FACILITIES OCCURRING AT P.B.#1 P.B.#2 P.B.#3 1r6LE- PROPERTY LINE. SUCH AS PAINTED PAINTED PAINTED Alio; oA.I V Wfr H. -DR. CN. APP. est as PLANTERS. SIGN. ETC. SELF SERVE SELF/FULL SERVE (TYPE 4A)SELF SERVE BALLS STEEL STEEL Alt! I _-... PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT R-IS ----- PUMP BLOCK PLAN PAWLS PAWL, PAWLS I WHEN DRIVE SLAB ABUTS 2'E 4' 2'%1• P1D.Sl L. AL: i o SIDEWALK OR PLANTER. CEi,ENGS 8 m LAY-IN••CAT-IN• I Z "MTh S S 7_ MR,I-4/4B' INCAN- TYPE: 'lSCALE: 3/16' I'-C' LIGXriNG rwca. FLUNG. DESCENT R-I1 gN401(WOSTAPPIL.YTUEATMEHEM AND LETTERING FURNISHES BY CO. t CANOPY 8 LETTERING WHITE WA-BOX-S UNIVERS 67 STYLE PPE-FMNIS,TF,SMOOTH STEEL CHEVRON , ALTERNATE: INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FASCIA. PANEL 'ASCII,. COLOP: or,-.,:7 AO-740 S PRE-FINISHED STEEL FASCIA CAP BLACK BK-IS-S INTERCOM SPEAKER/MIC.- i INTERCOM A El A...... .. I ' SPEAKER/MIL .. INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED a.-.. a. - FS/SS, COLUMN SIGN I 3.7:7,,, 6' LIGHTER BOX A Zf, 10.X10" STL. COL,-- _ f, :IPAINTBLACKBK-10-S -----,.- BUILDING TOP OF HIGHEST H------ 1 PUP.,BLOCK s s ' 1 I I I I I I CANOPY—LONGITUDINAL ELEVATION irk, CANOPY—TRANSVERSE ELEVATION 13 SCALE : a." - 1.-0" 7\ SCALE : w." = 1.-0" Lc..§IMILAR (OPP HAND) D, SIMILAR (OPP HAND) 77 77.-0" STEEL CANOPY I AC6EOCED FLUO9ECCEN" 9.-°. ---$...SIX. 29.-6" COL. 29.-6" C COL. 9.-0" i STRI-r-oxiA-IC.'" I I I 6ANOPW-F-.49644-13 -6.-0.1 , 6'-0 ..... . 1 J----.7.<I I 1 II ' 01 -i-- -- —.-i. r I ERNS„ 7 , , IL L MI NA TED 1 El SURFACE MOUNTED M ETAL HALIDE OFF-wHI'E. LIGHTING FIXTuPES.111 WH-740-E SEE NOTE M, TYP. FOP 6) ALL SHEET METAL PRE-FINISHEE HALLMARK FASCIA COLORS I — NO SCALE LIGHTER BOXOTYP. FOP 2) NOTE: d ... 7, STEEL DECK PANELS. SMOOTH SIDE DOW.AF> ,,. .• ,, ,,: PRE-FINISH OFF-WHITE 740RH- -S i GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOP IN' ,. tA"!ON AND CPIS", OF THE f...”GrE6^".""C"I" CC-1. Vti MI.-, IT LIGHTS. I NOTE: FIXTURES ARE FURNISHED By C.E.r. r , r, Ys 2. CEILING PENIAA'IONS FOP CI:',,0:, s TT 1 -.-' DPANINGS 0', 1- 4°0 SCHEE, 4.1,GALA. RIR:" DOWNEmOUT IN 4- COLUMNS 3. CONDUIT FOR POWEF. lISN'.. THE CANDY( COuMN' APE FRCVS:-_ .. - . , -:TATO,,7.... - ELECTPICA CONTS,ACIOR IS RESISTS-Et I ::- v‘:- '.1 _ -__cH le INTERCOM SPEAKER/MI/ 4. (jaM,JNni:xr2 .-4,17:L')MRAA'',:i Li'ai'.:..wWiLc-F'og.'.' ;'1.11-Es.L, TYPICAL: 5.. TAPE FUR TRIM-RI- "ND'"I..-""L“ ' ,"-.6X,LP"( 1--V4IN"TEB'''6'.1"..• FBMPL-PZER 7 1 TYP. 6-PLACES. I G.I. GUTTER r° . 4------ o —45'X 77' LONGSPRN HALLMARK CANOPY. Chevron REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AND 140 Chevron USA he ELEVATIONS.kvag Mvel,,),310,,r INA,„, elz_v ict ,6-ps-potA Wel CANOPY REFLECTED CEILING PLAN : A REVI :ONC. ezki-roN,wA., 1 Nicfroq SCALE : NI.' . .. O. ges/IftP RPe 02, qq37e, SCRii filre(7 I ettliOni, V4P/71.1- CE. C.-. APE. 1171.-"Le, 55- "'SIB-I 1 DO NOT LOCATE PENT R/SERS WITH/N: BILL OF MATERIALS NO. BUILDING of EULEC RO RSC EQUIPMENT ITEM APPROVED REOUIRED 3=O TIO NEON ELECTRODES OR SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR' SEE 5?E PLAN FOR LOGiT/ON OF VENT JUNCTION BOX. pu nrro VApon5-O"DON BOX. ROVERS OR EGECTRK LADArTER ASSEMBLYON OWN 815L d' 61 PSPDAPTEP a'J')TANK LIP TO Y6VT RISER M/IJ-$COPE I4 I I I SIGNS• FIL51DF SEAL,OWN t1S V(B2 TTCAva- 25:0•Of EVAPORATIVE COOLERS VAPORRFCOVFRVCAP J OR NEATER FLUES• RECOVER, M IIL ADAPTER Ovw Lfii 1 AV 3 WI I I I DETAIL[—f Z5=0'O/W/NOOWS OF AQM/N/NG nASSEMBLY OPW 61 T A-IB00ANKI J ALUMINUM AssiMOLv n,sn oroo l5iay.L.r rFET VAwL)II PROPGRT/E S. Pgowo0FILL I rn,HOLDER DPW raTa VMF oarvEN Al V IV ti I I I162) DO NOT LOCATED/OD/NARY- VAN OPW0 I074 V. Y V R F F I HAZARD ELEd7R/CAL RACEWAYS, VAPwiRECOVERYERr PW Tme 2 NI 4 Q Z Z I FITTINGS,LOXES,f,E0U/PMENT 5 7 r j V v1I Ln I I \I W/TN/N 5''O'OF TANK FILL TANK GAUGE Opwl PIA lFT 3 OPENINGS OR VENT R/SERS I_MPAcr VALVE I0 MOS OR rr EMLOAYAL ATONAIS.OR GISuRDN WILL LLNwELw:AL•ar rm+s aw47(''.`- r l i PP Y FABNZER BOB M)MECU i06C T WI 2a2"VENT LINESPOMFCO 1550IBOLT IN.OPFSSFR WAYNFI T Iuinu Fif l u lulu I LA,10SMOOREDINPIAEL, FOR TANK AND SLABN - M:•I•I Mln _I',1 I I I I I I 1 SUPPLIED BY CHEVRON U.S.A I RED IA.Mr H P wG. I iIiIir ryII __II llfl 151RO WDETAIL II—J`I i 162) 1\}\/— O---Q t0¢-- PRODUCTEVRONREGULAR IAL;12 E..4.i)... 1,: i....© 1 _ aH I , I I CHEVRON UNLEADED TAO, 1 VAPOR RECOVERY UNLEADED lA0 T6 CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO} 0 VAPORPoVALVE TA(,ADUALPRODUCTP/P/NG cnutiO+L inEm'LAss mvE 39TAG EI 4---I 2.6-DESK 4ALE- NT /F SPK/F/ED DIPILEME I I' I 1 SEE MOB lS<POR ETHANOL FUEL 1055 2'-O-MIN. UNLEADED DETAIL 8 TRAFFIC PLOY NotE-NOTE: 9EE GEI'I. PA1L2Er1IEr-IT DRAWIyy4l, ALL CROSS OVER P/PING r LINE OF CDA/L^J.ZETE F'- 0•C.1U^L PUrip 17147 LA-foulU? DD945 NO/RT NnyeLE AOI T 1217IYE SLAB(5YR) J i INSTDE LOG4TloN Z-PRODUCT G/NEST DISPEAISEROYP.J OF PUMP BZL17C REGULAR RESERVED FOR. i/ / / / RUM..BLZ3Jf ARO 2 FRP P/PE(7YR) mIM 2"ARP TEE 2"FRP NIPPLEr I U./ / S R / D 2'FRP 45"ELL SAMPLE WELL 1 1 ` III ram I I / / / / // / 1 / / PIPE TReAIcr/ SEE DETAIL / I / / / / / / / / / / /• / / SYEET, u + , u / r , 1/ PIPUVG RUNS TO GSE DOPE f LOCATED DUTBOA77D y o 0,y.e OF PUMP-BLOCKS O RP 5 ALYELNA're• Eslo! TYPICAL PIPING ARRANGEMENT 4'EXCEPTASNOTED rylo',t FIB I.A55 STDRP{ve 7.1e-h 6,eleRA8L. k&Er1 TYPICAL PIPING CROSS OVER I PRODUCT DISPENSER NOTE: PUMP BLOCK P/FYNG LAYOUT FOR/LL45TRAT-o PVR.a7SES ONLY• LAYOUT MAY VARY ACCORD//vG TO LOCAT/ON 7D VCMT RISER OF FAC/L/T/ES ON SITE. AVOID P/P/ND RUNS DETAIL 0 DETAIL © DETAIL e SEE DETAIL O OVER;AUKS. Mr 1 s•1) 1 8 Z) TRAFFIC FLOW INDICATOR IS FOR O/SPE.V SER tee)1B2) C LOCATION ONLY, v ' F S}- Imp It--; eswv i ,# I I I 11I ' [2'PR000CT G/NEB 5LOPE'%1 icT ice\`C L VENT LINE^ I I g I1' _ s - NOTE:UNOf_PEXTREMECO O/T/ONS DETAIL eI, ii I I. Y6 IFF SCOPE/S dLLOWEO I W/TN APPROVAL OF COMPANY 162) REPRESENT/AT/YE.I I 51 UNDERGROUND TRNK 5 I PIPING INSTRLLRTION 1 . . / Chevron Chevron U.S.A.Inc. PRODUCT PIPING ARRANGEMENT ManemgOVvravons San FMncrsm FOR REMOTE SYSTEM 1,-1 jt• REVISIONS f rie N, J o' I Nh?oNora'u.•.. Vn LEV 1 tp ry 55- $38 SCALE: OfliE: RtHTTH I WAss-1' OR. CA. APP. I11•II 459 TYPICAL PIPING SECTION 2,-,Yr78- 3o BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLEMICROFILMED 2teei NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION RENTON LAND• USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HELD BY Audrey De Jo i e THE RENTONARINGLADWILLUSE BE HEARINGbeingfirstdulyswornonoathstatesthat he/she is the Chief Clerk of the EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING• IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RE- NTON, WASHINGTON ON JANUARY 7, VALLEY NEWSPAPERS 1986, AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: ORILLIA PROPERTY ASSOCIATES, Daily News Journal, Daily Record Chronicle, Daily Globe News LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Application for site plan approval to allow Daily newspapers published six (6) times a week.That said newspapers the construction of three, two-story office are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six 1174 buildingsacretetaling 1 file nu0numbersqu feet on a g11.74 site, SA-100-85; months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published located at the northwest corner of Lind in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King Avenue S.W. VRON, USUSand S.W. A, INC. 3 Street. CHE County, Washington. Valley Newspapers have been approved as legal Application for conditional use permit and newspapers by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for site plan approval to allow the expansion of Kingan existing service station by removing theCounty. existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini mart The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the Daily News building,file numbers CU-097-85 and SA- Journal_ DailyRecord Chronicle X DailyGlobe News (and 098-85;located at 1419 North 30th Street. Legal descriptions of the files noted not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its above are on file in the Renton Building and subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice a Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID Notice of Public hearing was published PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRE- SENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON on December 20, 1985 R1278 JANUARY 7, 1986, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. Ronald G. Nelson Building and Zoning Director PUBLISHED in the Daily Record Chroni- The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the cle December 20, 1985. R1278. sum of $ 29.7 0 . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of Dec 19 85 . l is Notary Public for the State of Washington, CITY OF r,ENTo I residingat Federal Wa I c' 1/ [y,0 Ito H- i! King County, Washington. I r,VN d87 Revised 10/84 J A N 2 01986 EU!LD NG/ZJNt •,ira IJEpT. c_.0 - c.-I ( -- w Public N( e Public Notice NOTICE OF ENVIR.,.....ENTAL PANY(ECF-113-85) DETERMINATION Application for substantial shoreline ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW development permit to allow the construc COMMITTEE tion of a swimming pool for the residence c RENTON,WASHINGTON Frank Lee,file number SM-012-85;locate The Environmental Review Committee along the shoreline of Lake Washington a ERC) has issued a declaration of non- 5121 Ripley Lane North. significance for the following projects: ACKERLEY COMMUNICATIONS, INC RAMAC,INCORPORATED(ECF-095-85) ECF-089-85) Application for conditional use permit to Application to allow for the constructioi allow the construction of a one and two of a single faced, off premise advertising AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLI( story self-storage building having 30,850 sign measuring 12 feet by 25 feet;locate square feet of area to be located in a B-1 on the north side of Bronson Way North of zoned district, file number CU-062-85; the Burlington Northern right-of-way bet located at the 100 block of Bronson Way ween Factory Avenue North and SunsebudreyDeoiefirstswornBoulevardNorth(letter attached).being duly N.E. (east of 1-405 and north of Maple he/she is the Chief Clerk of the Valley Highway). GLACIER PARK CO. (ECF-109 85) CHARLES HENDERSON (ECF-106-85) Application for site plan approval fo Application to rezone 30.99 acres from Arby's Restaurant and a short plat of tvwlotsandonetrackforroadwaypurposes VALLEY NEWSPAP G-1 to R-1, file number R-080-85, and file number SA-083-85; property locate application for preliminary plat approval to east side of West Valley Road at the 2701 subdivide said property into 126 single block. Dail News Journal Dail Record Chronicle, D family lots into a plat to be known asYySunsetTrails," file number PP-081-85; Further information regarding this actioi newspapers published ( ) located on the east side of Duvall Avenue is available in the pBuilding and Zonini Dailynews a ers six 6 times a week.7 N.E. at the 2200-2300 block. Department, Municipal Building, Rentor are legal newspapers and are now and have bee CHEVRON, U.S.A., INC. (ECF-117-85) Wng , An appeal cERCashiaction ton must235 be2550.filed withy the Rentoi months prior to the date of publication referred to,i Application for conditional use permit Hearing Examiner by December 23,1985 in the English language continually as daily news and site plan approval to allow the expan- Published in the Daily Record Chronicle Sion of an existing service station by December 9, 1985. R1256 County, Washington. Valley Newspapers have be removing the existing pump islands and newspapers by order of the Superior Court of the St canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating aKingCounty. mini-mart building, file numbers CU-097- 85 and SA-098-85;located at 1419 North 30th Street. The notice in the exact form attached, was publist ORILLIA PROPERTY ASSOCIATES, LI Journal_, Daily Record Chronicle X , Daily C MITED PARTNERSHIP(ECF-119-85) Application for site plan approval to allow not in supplement form) which was regularl; the construction of three, two-story office subscribers during the below stated period. 11 buildings totaling 120,000 square feet on an 11.74 acre site,file number SA-100-85; i' 0T,1ce of Environmental Determine located at the northwest corner of Lind December 9 1985 R1256 Avenue S.W. and S.W. 39th Street. On EVERGREEN SPA AND POOL COM- r.•- - _ The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $56.4 3 . 4:).A c./,,,>. -37.e- '' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12 th day of Dec 19 85 . C ' - Notary Public for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, CITY OF F;,_NTO l King County, Washington.i-- I 1 r: VN#87 Revised 10/84 6 i JAN 201936 BUILDING/zONING DE.E; OF R4, y z THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 Z o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER co FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 09 TED SEPj" O P February 13, 1986 Scott Moline Chevron USA, Inc. P.O.Box 220 Seattle, Washington, 98111 RE: File No. CU-097-85 & SA-098-85; Chee ron, USA, Inc. Dear Mr. M3line: The Examiner's Report regarding the referenced application which was published on January 29, 1986 has not been appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered final and is being transmitted to the City Clerk this date for filing. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufmani-(Hearing Examin FJK:dk 11773 cc: City :2lerk Building & Zoning Department AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. County of King Dotty Klingman being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: 6 That on the 29th day of January 1985', affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. 1. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this aQ !1d day of et*J 1910, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at therein. Application, Petition, or Case #: CU-097-85 & SA-098-85 - CHEVRON, USA, INC . The minutes contain a list of the parties of record.) 1166E January 29, 1986 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION. APPLICANT: CHEVRON, USA, INC. FILE NO. CU-097-85 and SA-098-85 LOCATION: 1419 North 30th Street SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan approval to allow the extension and remodeling of an existing service station by an addition to the existing pump islands, remodeling the existing service bays to allow access from the east, installation of a new fiber glass gasoline storage tank, revision of the main access onto North 30th Street and the general upgrading of landscaping along North 30th Street. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building and Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Hearing Examiner Decision: The Conditional Use and Site Approval requests are approved, with conditions. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department Report was DEPARTMENT REPORT: received by the Examiner on January 7, 1986. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building and Zoning Department Report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on January 21, 1986, at 9:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit #1 - Yellow file containing proof of posting and publication and application of applicant, as well as various other documents pertinent to this request. Exhibit # 2 - Original Site Plan. Exhibit #3 - Revised, present proposal. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator introduced the above exhibits and explained that this hearing is a continued item from January 7, 1986 due to the need to revise the Site Plan. Chevron USA felt the original proposal was too extensive for the site at this time so reduced the proposal and eliminated the mini-mart. He continued, noting the following information: the property is 1.73 acres and is zoned B-1, approximately one-half of the property south of the revised plan will be left undeveloped, access is solely off North 30th Street, there is compatible zoning in the area, and the site is presently used as a service station. New. larger, single-wall fiberglass tanks are proposed for the site, public services are available to the site, and Mr. Blaylock continued with a review of the criteria to be considered when looking at a Conditional Use Permit request. The proposal complies with those criteria. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area as commercial but does not say what type of business could be in the area. There are no major effects on the surrounding neighborhood because the use is already existing on the site. The Parking and Loading Ordinance requires the 10 ft. area adjacent to the public right-of-way be landscaped, curb cuts shown as 40 ft. will have to be revised to 30 ft. to meet City Code, and the applicant is extending curbs, gutters and sidewalks along the frontage of the property as part of the improvements. Chevron USA, Inc. CU-097-85 and SA-098-85 January 29, 1986 Page 2 Mr. Blaylock continued stating the zoning code suggests a 15 ft. vegetation buffer when a commercial area is located adjacent to a single family area; the applicant has approximately 125 ft. of open area behind the station that is not being utilized, and it was suggested that possibly some evergreen trees be planted along the back edge of the property which would create a substantial screen along the southern property line. Reviewing staff comments he mentioned that Fire Prevention requires a permit for removal of a gasoline tank, new tanks will also have to be inspected upon installation; there will be a Latecomers Agreement to be signed, and discussion was held on an alarm system. In the original proposal containing a mini-mart, it was recommended by the ERC that an alarm system be installed. The Renton Police Department was concerned that the employee in the mini-market would be unable to see the gas pumps/outside customers which would place them at a disadvantage. Also, with the premises being located on the edge of town it becomes more of a target for crime, especially with its close proximity to the freeway. Mr. Blaylock stated the plan meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code and complies with the intent of the Conditional Use criteria. There are to be modifications on the Site Plan to include 30 ft. wide curb cuts, landscaping along North 30th, installation of landscaping along the southern edge of the new pavement or installation of a screening fence. Landscape plans are to be approved by the City Landscape Architect. Mr. Blaylock stated the City is becoming concerned about gasoline spills and their possible infiltration into the water system. Due to these concerns the City has been strongly urging the use of double fiberglass tanks, or that tanks be placed into a clay barrier for better protection. He recommended approval with conditions set out in the report of January 21, 1986. The Hearing Examiner called for testimony in support of the application from the applicant or their representative. Responding was: Scott Moline Chevron USA, Inc. P. O. Box 220 Seattle, Wa. 98111 Representing Chevron USA, Mr. Moline stated there are no plans for development of the southern portion of the site or applying for curb cutting on that portion. He did address the concern of gasoline infiltration and stated Chevron is also very concerned about this possibility, and for that reason they design their own tanks and have them tested before they are delivered to the station. He feels the fiberglass tanks and piping at this facility pose no threat to the neighborhood or to the ground water supply in that area. Addressing the suggested alarm system, Mr. Moline said when the mini-market was in the proposal the alarm system may have been necessary, but with this proposal containing only a small 6 X 12 ft. booth for the employee, there is no customer contact. The booth contains bullet resistant glass on all windows, the panels are bullet resistant, there is a telephone inside the booth, and all pumps are visible from inside. Regarding planting on the south side of the property is felt to be adequate at the present time, there will be a retaining wall along the back, and it is felt they provide adequate barriers and screening. Mr. Blaylock clarified the condition requiring the alarm system stating it was originally a recommendation by the Police Department and then a requirement by the ERC. He stated if the facts have changed the ERC has made an error, and he believes the Examiner can modify the condition. The new plans were not circulated to the ERC. It was felt the ERC based their decision on believing there would be a mini-market and there would be exposure to customers with no separation between the customer and cashier. He stated the double tank requirement is recommended by the Building Department when a tank is near a City water supply but this site is not near a pumping station, and he is not aware of any private wells in the area. Calling for further testimony, Mr. Moline wanted to mention that there will be two larger wells installed adjacent to the tank area and they will go to 1 ft. below the bottom of the tank which permits them at any time to go into the wells and check to see if there is a leak anywhere around the tank area. No problems are anticipated with these single-wall tanks by Chevron. The Examiner called for further testimony in support of this application, there was none. There was no one in attendance wishing to speak in opposition to this proposal, and no further staff comments. The hearing was declared closed at 9:45 A.M. Chevron USA, Inc. CU-097-85 and SA-098-85 January 29, 1986 Page 3 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Chevron, USA, Inc., has requested approval of a Conditional Use Permit to renovate an existing gasoline service station located on approximately 1.73 acres of property, together with a Site Approval for the same use. 2. The application file containing the application, the State Environmental Policy Act SEPA) documentation, the Building and Zoning Department Report, and other pertinent documents was entered in the record as Exhibit #1. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971, as amended), a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all City departments affected by the impact of this proposal. 5. There was no opposition to the subject proposal from any member of the public. 6. The subject site is located at 1419 N. 30th Street adjacent to the I-405/30th Street interchange in Kennydale. The south bound on-ramp for I-405 is located immediately east of the subject site. 7. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of commercial uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the plan. 8. The site was annexed into the City in December, 1969 by the adoption of Ordinance 2531. The site was reclassified from G-1 (General: Single Family Residential; Minimum lot size - 35,000 sq ft) to B-1 (Business/Commercial) by the adoption of Ordinance 3926 in July of 1985. 9. Three other small parcels of B-1 zoning are located in the same immediate area as the subject site. The predominant zoning surrounding the subject site is R-1 Single Family Residential; Minimum lot size - 7,200 sq ft) which covers a vast multi-block area west of I-405. 10. Single family, R-1 zoning and development is located immediately south of the subject site. Kennydale Elementary School is located east of I-405. 11. An existing gasoline service station is located on the subject site and occupies approximately one quarter of the site. The service station complies with the setback requirements of the B-1 zone, and the new additions or other changes proposed will continue to abide by the setbacks. 12. Since B-1 zoning would have permitted a building 95 feet tall on the subject site, development or redevelopment of the subject site was contingent on site plan review. 13. The applicant had originally proposed incorporating a mini-market on the site but modified those plans. The change required a continuance of the public hearing to permit staff to review the changes. 14. The applicant proposes enlarging the pump islands, remodeling the the service bays, modifying the 30th Street access, replacing the existing storage tanks, and generally upgrading the subject site. 15. The applicant will add to and enhance the landscaping along the west side of the subject site. The entries to the service bays will be from the east, probably with a view toward increasing the exposure of the site to cars entering the freeway. Chevron USA, Inc. CU-097-85 and SA-098-85 January 29„ 1986 Page 4 16. Staff recommended increased landscaping along the south property line adjacent to the single family homes and the residential zoning district in that location, and at the southern edge of the proposed development. Staff also noted that 10 feet of landscaping is required along the north property line at N.F. 30th Street. The driveway width, staff indicated, will have to be modified to 30 foot driveways. Two separate drives would be acceptable. 17. The applicant proposes supplementing the landscaping along the western portion of the subject site. This area may eventually serve as access to the rear southerly portion of the subject site which remains undeveloped under the current proposal. While a fence type of structure is located on the south, staff recommended additional landscape materials be planted to ensure effective buffering for the single family homes. Fifteen feet was recommended. 18. 1 he City policy does not address double-wall gasoline storage tanks for sites such as the subject site. The applicant will use non-corroding fiberglass. A monitoring well system will be utilized on site to check periodically for leaks. The tanks are pretested, and pressure tested on site prior to use. 19. The cashier's booth will have unbreakable windows, will be locked from the inside, and will have a complete view of all pump islands in order to minimize the risk of theft. CONCLUSIONS Conditional Use Permit 1. The applicant for a Conditional Use Permit must demonstrate that the request is in the public interest, will not impair the public health, safety and welfare, and in addi:ion, is in compliance with the criteria found in Section 4-748(C) which provides in part that: a. The proposal generally conforms with the Comprehensive Plan; b. There is a general community need for the proposed use at the proposed location; c. There will be no undue impacts on adjacent property; d. The proposed use is compatible in scale with the adjacent residential uses, if any; e. Parking will not occur in required side yards, and that traffic movement and circulation will be safe; f. Noise, light and glare will not be adverse; g. Landscaping shall be sufficient to buffer the use; h. Adequate public services are available and will not be burdened by the proposal. The requested conditional use appears justified. 2. The proposal, a gasoline service station, is a commercial use compatible with the same designation in the Comprehensive Plan. 3.There have been no particular problems with the existing station in the area, and presumably its continued operation in the same location demonstrates a community need. Additionally, interchanges for limited access highways, such as I-405, are reasonable locations for gasoline service stations. 4. The landscaping proposed, when coupled with the additional landscaping recommended by staff, should continue to prevent any undue impact on adjacent properties, especially the single family homes south of the site. 5. The applicant indicated the measures used to monitor and prevent accidents involving spills of gasoline will also protect adjacent properties. 6. The .one-story station should not be out of scale with the adjacent residential uses. The .andscaping will soften any harsh contrasts. Chevron USA, Inc. CU-097-85 and SA-098-85 January 29, 1986 Page 5 7. In order to provide efficient circulation around the site, the driveway width will have to be modified. Access to the service bays will be situated away from the pump islands providing freer movements for just the gasoline customers. 8. Noise, light and glare should not be adverse, and any affects, when contrasted with the adjacent highway, should be negligible. 9. The proposed landscaping will have to be increased along the frontage as required by ordinance. Additional landscaping proposed by the applicant along the west perimeter of the site will also buffer the site and cut down on noise and light emanating from the site. To provide additional protection, more should be done along the south side of the property adjacent to the single family uses. While a fence provides some screening, additional plantings to a depth of 15 feet, approved by the Landscape Architect, should be installed to further insure that the single family homes are buffered from the sights and smells of the service station, including restarting engines, night time headlights, and any operations occurring in the service bays. 10. The use of impact resistance glass and the clear view of the pumps from the cashier's window should assist the Police Department, and limit or minimize potential criminal activities at the site. Other services should not be adversely affected by the proposal. Site Plan 11. While similar to the analysis for a conditional use permit, site plan review places additional emphasis on site amenities both from the community standpoint and from employee standpoint. A gasoline service station is moderately uninspiring, but with the landscaping at least it will blend in with the community more effectively. 12. The layout will permit gasoline patrons to use the pumps, while traffic using the service bays will be directed away from the pump islands. DECISION The Conditional Use Permit is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The modification of the curbs to comply with City standards of 30 foot cuts. 2. The installation of the 10 feet of landscaping along the north property line. 3. The installation of landscaping of not less than 10 feet along the southern boundary of the gasoline service station, the current proposal. 4. The installation and supplementation of landscaping along the actual southern property line to provide a 15 foot buffer of effective landscape screening between the subject site and the adjacent residential zone and uses. 5.All landscaping shall be subject to review and approval of the City Landscape Architect. The Site Ran is approved and shall be subject to the same conditions as the conditional use permit. ORDERED THIS 29th day of January, 1986. VILA- FRED J. KA AN H — HEARING EXAMINER TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of January, 1986 to the parties of record: Scott Moline Chevron USA, Inc. P. O. Box 2.20 Seattle, Wa. 98111 Chevron USA, Inc. CU-097-85 and SA-098-85 January 29, 1986 Page 6 TRANSMUTED THIS 29th day of January, 1986 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director Larry M. Springer, Policy Development Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Ronald Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Glen Gordon, Fire Marshal Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before February 12, 1986. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase it the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members o` the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. For purposes of these decisions and recommendations the terms "Should" and "Shall" are to be considered mandatory. The term "May" will be considered discretionary. When the report is a recommendation to the City Council the terms "should" and "shall" are intended to inform the City Council that if they approve the recommendation the items should be mandatory to preserve the intent of the decision. E%ri1INV VE.E T TcH Tp Ani.,.1 I r Pl.m7.00' 1 o,) r-Et,HG 'JIALLS 31 a .ea I,I IA1(/ vEVErA1ny j 10 Plr,1/uy fE4.... z,,,.. 10 bu EPE.VL j MEW A'sfj LT pW IN[s -- EiiWP Eay71yts fu1/ nuND p i-\ ice\ i`` p AERA.i j,+ff. roWarEuc.T 'YEW Q I I \.. lei1W'1f 17lMIDP /MEW PU L i Dvvw+EE, AND NEW '.Iz' 18 I 8 11 g I E-• g I STEEL Ud E. I w 1 0 1 O I I O I I s r o I y I I I I --fME4su»)a7DE.tsE\E I .e: I 1 I I 11 1 T.H rti coat a.e a z27.D0-III11 I I H...Dt.x.. i \_- '- D[-y1 I E..1 I I a I 1 Ex i!',yr, vu e-.qlo,{ PlzoPeerf IMP li L. ve. 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I ____ I111 5` I f77;1;" 7 :' L111 Lail1 I I I11-III EE „ 1, Et-1 1 '! - —' Jit_.a_ 13 { KS SGt. 1. ri (i__11B 1 I11111111 '1 , . fiti^:?•-''r'-tr,"Trll s Il11 b.TA! 11 / KfHurDALE \— •\, t- - 1C '-U4gT- Q1..: i^ .i 11 1 111111 I I F 1 I' I EIfMcNTARY \ Q ` 111.= 11111I11; jl5NI 1Ne- 1._' iU11' rl,L'UI!, I I.'1, I t' 1- "_ C 1 I1 — _ ••t , t o zee !» t. tt + Yz.. .741.4-, R J 7 )r1 1.11 .. i Ito`-. \\.. ,,_ 1.' 7 !n I!j 1,-` 0 7. I :1 gf 1 1 a-. f P-1 CHEVRON, U.S.A. , INC. CU-097-85 SA-098-85 APPLICANT CHEVRON, U.S.A. , INC. TOTAL AREA ± 1.73 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.30 TH STREET EXISTING ZONING B-1, BUSINESS USE EXISTING USE SERVICE STATION PROPOSED USE EXPANSION OF SERVICE STATION: NEW PUMPS, CANOPY AND MINI—MART COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN COMMERCIAL COMMENTS BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT SUPPLIMENTAL REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 21, 1986 APPLICANT: CHEVRON, USA, INC. FILE NUMBER: CU-097-8 SA-098-85 (REVISED) A. SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion and remodeling of an existing service station by (1) addition to the existing pump islands, (2) remodeling the existing service bays to allow access from the east, (3) installation of new fiber glass gasoline storage tank, (4) revision of the main access onto North 30th Street, and (5) the general upgrading of landscaping along North 30th Street. B. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The initial staff report issued for the public hearing scheduled on Tuesday, January 7th is still valid as it relates to the conditional use permit request. 2. The site plan has been modified by reducing the scope of the proposal. A mini-market will not be added to the site at this time. The site will function in basically the same manner as the original proposal, except that the access to the service bays will be changed from the west to the east. This is a result of present and potential conflicts in on site traffic circulation with customers utilizing the gasoline pump islands. 3. The plans as submitted to not comply with the Zoning Code as it relates to landscaping along North 30th Street. Ten (10) feet on landscaping must be provided on site. The plans will have to be modified. The cub cuts as shown are also unacceptable. A maximum curb cut of thirty (30) feet is allowed in commercial areas. Separate two curb cuts are acceptable. 4. Landscaping has been increased on both the northern and western property lines, but some concern should be taken to address any potential further intrusion of the commercial use to the south. South of the new pavement some form of new landscaping or fencing should be introduced. C. DEFARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, our original recommendation concerning approval of the conditional use permit, file number CU-097-85, stands. Revisions to the site plan, file number, SA-098-85, should be approved with the following condtions: 1. Revision of plans to include legal 30 foot wide curb cuts and landscaping along North 30th Street. 2. Installation of screening landscaping along the southern edge of the new pavement or installation of a screening fence. 3. Approval of landscape plans by the City's Landscape Architect. txHT'Nv -r0 r ,1 TO of.1.4 11 PL.MOO* I) r. %-N a, YTALLs t2 DW t vtvc1^i nN To RE'-.I^'H 97Vt8E eeern,w Ij 6wALI LAIL jF.ri:: o C c exrENP exleTlryc furl. IeuNv I ARRP irae'l 11I- ucl Mew 43 I \ / / ..PuhP IslANve /Mew Dust I g I 8 1 1 8 . E.,r .«P. DIePeNette .NP Mt. ('F IV I w,,,y, n weft.s.Lts le,osC. I I I I I 1 II n r I 01e0 _ I 0 I 0 I I 0 I WyrPLL 0, ....(MI-. n 1 J 3 El r I I I I I 1. va wrtN colc1ue \ 1 0 zst.00 I rc 1 i wyirt I ; I ti 3oT+sT. a t / t jacler( 2e'-e \ I 1 Twirl txlhrlNl. vft+e1+T0,1 PRO Par.( MAP I I I I o. I' I c.it* . Exroi W num •a .n. uT i Ncbiuv N / p0 an I 1 MINTINU I De't 6 OWGeVE Ku6 uD • E KamI Ex1U IOLJM{ 1 xor eELVICE eTATnry I I II IWILDINY I U 1K'a'1 lo'-c' D. 24'-0. / , 1d-o 1a r.Sry.IH .1. I cONvEGT 1 Gaot i I Q^WtG1 Lute tr.Y cur* ExbiWb L I j WOG e i PGaL II r WOE OA1 oreN N(/, I r-1I W 1 1 1rurlWtEX'Hr MV I Ili 1 cf) J UuAGP tAiL^ 1 t---i .-1 RE.1ove exi -1,w,j pN utpwPIM!! Ewvale aREi- I mt,i.Nn a, r--------j CitII Logo 10 aRwe Iv I n I ( I GONIETCJCT HEW L— JJI I ee1A,N,Nv WALL f SB'HFivNi Z^ CO 00 fEucige EYHT G-7I yew .nMAL1 w+wb v.e1bN t N^tret U t\ COrIJ6, Ol 0 t.S'W 9Gie+ele UNET_ C few LAHPSuNNb U U Cn Z L o rr_ II PROPERTY LINE 257 00' I._J NEVI LANP4U.r•jb 7/13 ryEw UHD'Sv7 yV 7'-0' 4li-o Nw L.Ncrrr'yb 1 I eo T'Nb wt HGw E,cwW Appfw.ul \•I New 40'mye.Arrw,•eN \New ee Neve a onewtr 111 40 1644 AND ttyT_NY DrrLR TO ft. r1ut06.1 Chews,U.SA Inc. lsc-rRA1. pzEAN/er'1r IWO L,E,I,• v1GG ' TIDN '818 tt N. 90 5TRtCT 1410) N.. om og¢G6J IIIOISICIMS PtHToH, 1^1AtriV, Pi 0 DE.PrS 661.00 cit. W. 0 9 7-•,090 2165Z CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 21, 1986 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 A.M.: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. CHEVRON, USA, INC. Application for approval of a conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion and remodeling of an existing service station by (1) addition to the existing pump islands, (2) remodeling the existing service bays to allow access from the east, (3) installation of new fiber glass gaso.ine storage tank, (4) revision of the main access onto North 30th Street, and (5) the general upgrading of landscaping along North 30th Street, file CU-097-85 and SA-098-85; property located at 1419 North 30th Street. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT SUPPLIMENTAL REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 21. 1986 APPLICANT: CHEVRON, USA, INC. FILE NUMBER: CU-097-8 5 SA-098-85 (REVISED) A. SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion and remodeling of an existing service station by (1) addition to the existing pump islands, (2) remodeling the existing service bays to allow access from the east, (3) installation of new fiber glass gasoline storage tank, (4) revision of the main access onto North 30th Street, and (5) the general upgrading of landscaping along North 30th Street. B. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: I. The initial staff report issued for the public hearing scheduled on Tuesday, January 7th is still valid as it relates to the conditional use permit request. 2. The site plan has been modified by reducing the scope of the proposal. A mini-market will not be added to the site at this time. The site will function in basically the same manner as the original proposal, except that the access to the service bays will be changed from the west to the east. This is a result of present and potential conflicts in on site traffic circulation with customers utilizing the gasoline pump islands. 3. The plans as submitted to not comply with the Zoning Code as it relates to landscaping along North 30th Street. Ten (10) feet on landscaping must be provided on site. The plans will have to be modified. The curb cuts as shown are also unacceptable. A maximum curb cut of thirty (30) feet is allowed in commercial areas. Separate two curb cuts are acceptable. 4. Landscaping has been increased on both the northern and western property lines, but some concern should be taken to address any potential further intrusion of the commercial use to the south. South of the new pavement some form of new landscaping or fencing should be introduced. C. DEF ARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, our original recommendation concerning approval of the conditional use permit, file number CU-097-85, stands. Revisions to the site plan, file number, SA-098-85, should be approved with the following condtions: 1. Revision of plans to include legal 30 foot wide curb cuts and landscaping along North 30th Street. 2. Installation of screening landscaping along the southern edge of the new pavement or installation of a screening fence. 3. Approval of landscape plans by the City's Landscape Architect. ar1TI U' ve&el".1n'1 To 021,..4 I MOO' 00 (..fRl.l fs 'TALLb 1 EKINTIAIu veveTt.T n N Ta 41..4 Ce t EvPW1TI.lb LIIAtPRN1, F.II: O woo Eai S11.p. rump ISU.'10 0o r`p. 1 , / jAEEANLGI4gT. f 1LUGT HEw m I \- 1 Pu f 1 u+dDs /HEW PU 1 p ( p O I. j DI Ey%FS AND NEw L'E 12' I O O 0 fie. rm.SALE•.IGd.C. I I I i I j c Y.o w I I I I 1•• nALL (+) ocoo rsv. 1i' I I -f,P,e,ur, e1PEwe J I h I I H rtH C C*LAIN n x5700 l I II 0II 1 t I s••'.e• a, ec'el I E-xl.{L vfvE1kT1P'1 n R E2''f r1AP111... n L--J I I ^ iI I i I To E(rlH.l yaz 90'-0 I` I I I E%TEND 0,4,41 1&O eAr,I,*,ecorl NIu nl.n Ib Ner aa,I C•4VI' 2Y' NCL uvINu 17 eK IMTIN4 I Pe1Ve'AM a OWGIVE 0 K"'E•'b KIu64P '°°'"°I E+jar lAUH11 21,3• 4EevIGt:94" I I IuILDINu I VEGE1A.TI0t1 iPi-o' ESSo' 24.-0' / , 19.0 110 I0IES"N H 6 EIRWDE NYa.F I clvx e,4,61,b e Coq Paolo.wee erY 04.64-Ve r U W we Eu1 a H1Y(INu Ir-------- I He+ VH xwflNv W EK-' TE •4fA k E.TEEL TAW/ANC I I I I I 064,HP e.,.PNb 91we '11UAIC1.1 1 j --N 1'„Ed I [ ---- J EE1siV1I. wAw l.I) L.C) IP SB'HEIVNj cc cc RELau1E EryT G-11 z I I hew MMAL1 Vrr'Hu I 1.P.s1&N P PI•"ITeL U N- CO 6+bvfrlL1 n d, Q i. t.Slby 9eTO.cic LWEt I eIj _ LL.I I z 11.1MMI PROPERTY LINE 257WW. 00' xLiNJcME1PIyr M LIu9TWV 41ptNALC R•A'V'CONC.Allfo+c'1 e.g.•Iper•YY/ Ht. 40 CoNc.•,frter.erl NCO CONCfele OIPEMMLIC 1; NON wcM A4P ts1JTINO V icI 10 00 (IULD wT1EN illigil Cbinw U.SA Inc & C U AeRiw,1 1- 101 SGRVIGG tlQN Ob78 H. Qom STR - T 14I0) y-pow trete 1Er14104S arI'foM. WMHIMb I,H. ICkfLIIM.Pr I•.Io'- Qs 7r M&WI CE. M. 5'5-7p90 E OG OF R4 1/ o z BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT z awl RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR o 09 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 09gT D S Q< EP1E BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: January 8, 1986 TO: ERC Reviewers FROM" Roger RE: CU 097-85 and SA 098-85 Chevron Oil Please review the attached site plan noting that Chevron has reduced the scope of the project by reducing the pavement to the south, modified the access by expanding pavement to the east along with a other modifications Please return with comments by January 15 COMMENTS: 2126Z BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 7, 1986 APPLICANT: CHEVRON, USA, INC. FILE NUMBER: CU-097-85 SA-098-85 A.SUMMARY & PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion of an existing service station by removing the existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini-mart building. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Chevron, USA, Inc. 2.Applicant: Chevron, USA, Inc. 3. Location: Vicinity Map Attached)1419 North 30th Street 4. Existing Zoning: B-1, Business Use 5. Existing Zoning in the Area: General Use, G-1; R-1, Residential-Single Family; R-3, Residential-Multiple Family; and B-1, Business Use 6. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Commercial 7. Size of Property: 1.73 acres 8.Access:North 30th Street 9. Land Use: Service Station 10. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Commercial; Residential East: I-405; Public Use; Residential South: Undeveloped property; Residential West: Commercial; Residential C.HIE TORY/BACKGROUND: Action File Ordinance Date Annoxation 2531 Dec. 22, 1969 Rezone (G-1 to B-1) R-023-85 3926 July 15, 1985 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: a. Water: A 6-inch water line and a 12-inch water line are located near the north property line. A 16-inch water line is located near the east property line. b. Sewer: An 8-inch sanitary sewer line is located along North 30th Street adjacent to the subject site. c. Storm Water Drainage: Storm water drains into an existing storm drainage system. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. PRELIMINARY REPORT THE HEARING EXAMINER CHEVRON, USA, INC., FILE NO. CU-097-85 AND SA-098-85 JANUARNe 7, 1986 PAGE 2 3.Transit: Metro Transit Routes No. 142 and 144 operate along North 30th Street adjacent to the subject site. 4. Schools: a. Elementary Schools: N/A b. Middle Schools: N/A c. High Schools: N/A 5. Recreation: N/A E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-711, Business Use (B-1). 2. Section 4-748, Conditional Use Permit. F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFF ICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1. Objective A, Commercial Areas, Commercial Goal, Policies Element, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, January 1985, p. 16. 2. Objective B, Commercial Structure and Sites, Commercial Goal, Policies Element, City of Renton Comprehensive Pan Compendium, January 1985, p. 17. 3. Northeast Renton Area Plan, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, January 1985, p. 55-60. G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The applicant, Chevron USA, Inc., is requesting approval of a conditional use permit and a site plan to allow the expansion of an existing service station by removing the existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini-market building. The property is located at 1419 North 30th Street on the southwest corner of the intersection of I-405 and North 30th Street. 2.The site plan approval is required as a result of the recent rezone (R-023-85) of the subject property to B-1, Business Use. Site plan approval was required because of the sensitive nature of the neighborhood commercial area. The conditional use permit is required to allow the construction or expansion of a gasoline service station in the B-1, Business Use, zone (Section 4-711(B)(3)(d)). 3.The Environmental Review Committee has issued a declaration of non-significance for the subject proposal with the appeal period expiring December 23, 1985. The Environmental Review Committee also imposed the following two conditions under their substitive authority: (1) a robbery alarm shall be installed in the facility, and (2) all gasoline pumps shall be clearly visible from the cashier's station or a prepayment system shall be initiated by the owner. CONDITIOVAL USE PERMIT 4. The proposal as submitted generally complies with the 11 conditional use criteria as enumerated in Section 4-748. The Comprehensive Plan clearly identifies this area as a commercial node adjacent to the interchange at I-405 and North 30th Street. The specific intent of land uses in this area were not clearly identified in the Comprehensive Plan. Should the area be developed for commercial servicing of the freeway or should it be developed to support the neighborhood surrounding it? In this specific case, the gasoline service station supports both; however, it would appear that the expansion would generally service more of the freeway users than the neighborhood residents. PRELIMINARY REPORT _ THE HEARING EXAMINER CHEVRON, USA, INC., FILE NO. CU-097-85 AND SA-098-85 JANUARY 7, 1986 PAGE 3 The proposal as submitted complies with the specifics of the Zoning Code for dimensional requirements, and it appears to have a fairly minor effect upon adjacent property. The issue of compatibility with adjacent residential uses is addressed by the fact of the large undeveloped southern portion of the subject site serves as a buffer. Freeway related commercial uses should not be extended into this southern area. It should form more of a transitional area to the residential uses on the south. The provisions related to accessory uses, conversions and public improvements are not really applicable in this case. The issues related to traffic circulation and landscaping become important when looking at the project as presented. The proposal does not meet the standards of the Public Works Department for maximum curb cuts. Instead of one large curb cut across the face of the property, two smaller curb cuts with the intervening area landscaped should be required. The landscaping theme in that island can be of low growing materials so that it does not block site distance. The landscaping that is shown around the perimeter of the site does appear adequate in most cases. The existing planting areas that are shown on the north and east side of the existing building have been very poorly maintained and need to be upgraded as part of the total development. In fact, the concept of landscaping with astroturf has not been utilized in the City of Renton for many years. Therefore, we would encourage the replacement with living landscaped materials to blend the existing building with the proposed structure. SITE APPR OVAL 5.The second portion of the review is site plan approval. In this specific case, the conditional use criteria address almost all of the normal criteria that the staff would review for the Hearing Examiner. Only the issues of (1) pedestrian circulation and (2) usable public open space have not been addressed. In the case of pedestrian circulation, the applicant will be providing a new concrete sidewalk along the south side of North 30th Street to link with the existing sidewalk that crosses the bridge and ties into the bus stop adjacent to I-405. There are no public open spaces on the subject site because the demand will focus solely towards the automobile user in both the function of the gasoline service station and the mini-market. 6. The mini-market is an allowed use in the B-1 zone, but in this case it is actually a combination mini-market and gasoline service station operation. Therefore, there will be an impact of one use upon the other. The Police Department's concern was that often signs in the windows of mini-markets obstruct the view of the cashier seeing the gasoline pumps. In this specific case, the southwest pump appears to be partially blocked by a wall. The Police Department has noted a dramatic increase in gasoline thefts where the pump itself is not visible from the cashier's station. Based on that information, the Environmental Review Committee to protect the general public welfare and safety, required that the cashier be able to see all of the gasoline pumps clearly from the cage. 7. Various City departments have commented on the proposal and all have recommened approval except for the Public Works/Design Engineering Division. The Design Engineering Division specifically rejected the plans because the curb cut exceeds a maximum of 40 feet per the City of Renton standard plan for commercial driveways. The alternative, of course, is to create two driveways and allow easier access into the subject site and separate the two driveways by a landscaped planter. PRELIMINARY REPORT t u THE HEARING EXAMINER CHEVRON, USA, INC., FILE NO. CU-097-85 AND SA-098-85 JANUARY 7, 1986 PAGE 4 The following are comments from the other departments that recommeded approval or approval with conditions: Fire Prevention Bureau: 1. Removal of existing underground tanks will require a permit to remove and enerting (removing all gasoline and gas fumes) tanks with test witnessed by the Fire Department. 2. New installation will require plans review and inspection. Policy Development: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of commercial, and the B-1 zoning for the subject site and is compatible with adjacent land uses in the vicinity. It will serve a community need in the neighborhood as per Section 4-748(C)(2) of the conditional use permit section. Utility Engineering: 1. Latecomer's Water Agreement/W-456. 2. System development charge water/will be required if a larger meter as requested. Estimated cost $77.10. 3. System development charge - sewer/yes, if a larger water meter is requested - $0.04/per square foot. Traffic Engineerinq: Maximum driveway width per vision is 40 feet. Resubmit plans showing proper width. Police Department: 1. All pumps should be visible from cashier booth to deter gas driveoff (thefts). 2. Recommend armed robbery alarm. This is an ideal location for armed robbery due to outskirts of town and freeway access - commonly called "stop and robs." Both the Building and Zoning Department and Parks Department approved without comment. 8. In conclusion, the proposal consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the site plan complies with the City standards except for minor revisions to the maximum curb cut and landscaping areas along North 30th Street. H. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that both the site plan approval and the conditional use permit, file numbers SA-098-85 and CU-097-85, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Revision of plans to include legal curb cuts and a landscaping island. 2. Provide for re-landscaping existing area adjacent to the northeast side of the existing building per City's landscape architect approval. tno J ice' \ .,:,, ,..,,,,, ,,..11 L_ li_.Lt49 s . I .0, i'I = 7 r SE . I f Ra 1 ' • 1 A 1 i L Z 5 1 a II s 1. R-3R-3 / I Sftu•• ] e W• 5 o I 9 o ey to; y, ea • ST 1 ee- ._ '•T 4.-_E_ , o, I Y I l e!_ t os II li Iz` rc12/ 1/ i *.. f r.3. L „4 5' \j 117 R- 1 .' L `71 .O • i .,, I I a 9 r rr a e; I I 1 J. 79 tNl : !1'III•1 I ! LI .: ' t' I1 t.. , te i W71c Is' l! • i. .`• l nalwn•r:5 y:.n; r I Z -_._ — _-S, 7f._ . 7 r .•1 f ' ••1.,I fir! 1.1 !I lr 7.I i I : 7. I t+ i It L.!.y LJ..•,..L.L.L L •. .1. I, ii rn 4.8 1 iL't 1 lil 7 W i . SC 1 t Li yW :t ff 24 r1.; i i 1 i 1 .. l I ' _ l__.—..l 7 s z II. l r, ` ' ' ,' 1 1, 1 111'111.,1'11-1 t-- ,•- Rfi“ii iitT41i1-1ii t •z9 J ,: il R- ,` 1 49 / .4 S t• 11r1. 11j.11.1111i1111M --- . I} 7 , _ f I.;,, ; . _ t . 1 l 1-1 I l l l rr' .4 !, tt I ,, 1 _ ._ -..__ . .__.. Of. n. r. r-rii-;1111! ! ! 11111111 ; 1'1t ! s.z 1I 1 1--,iL1—11 i11 h 1 I j 1 1-1 4 n .---ST 77 a e.. i 3„•fit, Ii,.rt.r,1.1 I nTT 1! Lr}' 1 r to !e f I 'l L T>?-1. T 0 Mpf.1. T? 1[I11., 1 I IIITI:IH4 ?0-t11'111"11G_ 1, 5: I '. I` s7 I, - G min. rr'r. n711 lei I III 1 1 '^ 9 i R-2 ss 1 945 5Fe f? a ? 29 rid 1 t r I II •II N(NNY AIE G,C CO45T- _ L' - FT1 i T l 1111T1•1 1 11 4. if 1 EIEMEMrARr\ ° F i R 4 I 1 '1 I 1 •1I11I[1 I SrN s .. illl' i1ll111.1 i '' s 1- ".- 1:255 a I 2i- I, ,, i I C,\• l, I.O I 299 i 56. LL, i 217! ,^s ' RE 1 1 1 'I' 1•,rt 1 I P-1 I s 27e - 1 . zse fa'L. 1-1 1 CHEVRON, U.S.A. , INC. CU-097-85 SA-098-85 APPLICANT CHEVRON, U.S.A. , INC. TOTAL AREA - 1.73 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.30 TH STREET EXISTING ZONING B-1, BUSINESS USE EXISTING USE SERVICE STATION PROPOSED USE EXPANSION OF SERVICE STATION: NEW PUMPS, CANOPY AND MINI—MART COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN COMMERCIAL COMMENT S 2,......• i / LAND USE ELEMENT t= 1 CommercialIISingleFamily Mkt Low Density Office / Office Park ern.. Multi-Family k if1:i:tL i ,••• 1 1u1til.'I.. 1 00.00.....m, 1 itr , siiiii/M1 Medium DensityPublic/Ouasi-Public u;-;-_ r:' Multi-Family •o00000. m: 1 t YI//.1 High Density Light Industrial Multi-Family e•i mini O l' e'•'. Heavy Industrial F v Recreation i r,I Manufacturing Park 1 :•Greenbelt f, r cui G sr. 6 l Revised March 1983 111; l 11 a k LA Oh— 1,'. WASHINTON U 4:::,,. 1 —• • • • • • •vac _ 00000 ` r' q /00000 e • ° -. fl / o°o° e °•emsr. opoo„- oo°000: go::: 0 • • • • • • • • • • • •. 1 N 1 11 ogogogo00• • • • • • • e • O 0.111. • • iiIIIIIM:• • , 1• o 0 0 0 e r'• ,r•I o°o°000°o u . 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S.VAN OIILOINN IST.CANGPT AA0 TRAw[Ntt OSUA[SNRYA 00 110S[.TARS APE N 0R ruLr PAC^OOP.-ASS(R[O AnO rINIS.[O. K•RA[ 0 1 V,) jCwLE OFtivf ll[D IO .[SITE AND fAF[TEO!r n[STEEL W:C AT OA 11pFA fI M 5(ry Coto ea AEPAR.E CONTRACT.\NSF CENNAL[On TRIRCI •4 R[S.OMIl IL11105 INCLUDE f\ V/\ . AM SINGE EPMAI AON.CONCRETE hM.AA IONS O SLAIN.SI.COLLIERS.OVENKI O COORDINATION ANO CLEAN-UP.ETC..AS SET EMI..IN Tot SPECIFICATIONS 4.13 Fx...,vi.TCEL- ) r-' T a..o.c. • M[score ar.ol,wo w'MU*MANIACS. IL, LE rU•:N `- SEPARATE CONTRACTS EN SKM TCSC AS PAVINE.IYOSCRVIM AND SICK ETAILAl1ON AAT!E EAI1110E0 IN CHEMOM. S.A..INC. IN RODIO.ETC.CERTAIN SPECIALTY Rif RS WO*IS LIORtING its TUPES.lISPERSf RS.ET APE S G N-- PWCMUD D1R[CILT{T CM[.NON.U.S.A.. 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No EIOISM OF PE BUILDING'S;MO CANOPY.AS Q.L./ER PL'{NL hHr,x7 NELL AS N[...at AND SCOPE OO oTNER'MA TO es PERFO.E0 Al ITC SITE. I EACM CONTRACTOR SnKI K Rf SPOx4IR[fOR R[MIS OANIEIR TO TPE TTOIs O OTTER AIDES CAUSED{T Ills OPCRATIOME.TTE UR O PUCE R[AI NOUN NUSi RECCIK iN[MIM MMO.AI OE K[OIwT RFPNIEE[AIIA\IR. 11 N I 1 I." i' 10.REFERENCE MANIACS.IITL[ OR AaM-rIK 1fe.I` 1 SITE LAOIK E PLAN bb70-4 1 NIMPi 7(ANP H ll AoMAL'00 f0R Pu110E Nh1ALL Mlew 400 w.TytTA•L 7016-1 flo eLIBHI E em.e..ONE DOO{Lii 11wHDE A .. L14HTS- SITE PLAN.OMIT,A IROOKT RIPIA[ * 076'14 AL1ELWTe dr• Cs) 0000 I PCTAoL 4PEl z9.(4 itKPi) tIl[ALAN.ELECTRIEK N6w 1o.2L'NM•I TIOIT CAN., /'BCap h'R "IfoRKPG I I-IAet NILEAN 0.v CON(, TAwrn w/HMV.Po•N hLAO i LELvPL DE?GR 1 P1 lollPONE%i.e,.O...He.(UTIP I.00.0179 r C9)PURL A 611__...__. -. New 4f0AN4-!-` Y_' N _. i I N OCTPEEau^OPo P.*IYXJft. DER Lr.NE Gh1 V2 Or 41, ExGEPi 'nt NacTn :2 fGE' DE1AILh p"14nT g. I M 1nEREo( roNVETED .o WIYO r.OuHTYCOo 5t•54T.tratT V PAVIA L. i O o 1 0 01 f PEW R(tARPCP sufautT 0,1947 U!P'C. 1fLQ-71N(. •14 mow 45'x.7' I; 4 LA21•J541,ANPTHIE 9.0TS I/2 of'poora2. Tee!,c..ioPT I 1! 0 1 ,0 E\i E I0.09 11it NP21PI 12 fEE1 mentor td0,dE"+:o EJN'J N ' --PN." 99 F' D ' a t NE., tJ' Pou RCA ( DOP) COUNTY r°L 9E h}*M*-feet{ Pr PEED :"EtoI0W .JNe ICJ.i TA([.Nl _." ___ 1 SONG--ri'1 S EEC DETAIL 55125(TIT') P exlAfflNv - I/(Ir. uNOEe PktARP O4 N'+V4M7,F11• IN GP.NILUTAN'b p I R G ' p 50:0' P I,AIG6 wMryRN4rroH tott'k7eM or [DEN APP11oN Yo 6.rerr-e y.d F0.IC0 1{o.I,A5 Pef-LM( RileLPP7 IN Vol 1E 11 Of P,JNpu,OTi REJ'IOVC e+clh O r>r 6'CVN0 6'e 40%ReCa.P9 or F(NG•courfry. 11Hv pulp SITUATE IN THE a of Rtr1' IroN. CouNT( or 14N. INIANP4E OL NE hVln 9 le-o New 5'C W'! SPATE of wft .t 4(M .I.P i(E7.15tE5 4 lswoer 1 HERE PCEycE :N 1 7'•tf LIST OF DRAWINGS L J I III p•1 SECTION A-A LIEEi Nov. MI[ MEr TITLE L I 1 I I 11-o-64 CIbi ELO•L 4.RLPM(fE 104'( o,,,,e_ II 2 uHPL2EsCaUNO T'T PIANIUL. 1 I 8 1 RFr1P+E EwST:NL+ i j Z0142. 4Il 0404 N(. Br2o'_ r i f(/HP{C QDv{NS1 1[Ii ENGLp IGE -I 1 1 IdIJDSCAPE LATOuf 4 t-1 5 Ofp4ffC INS Pao./er1ENT P!..4 iid• n I _ G 4ToE01W.1 . 0e1ENTlor.l PLAN I, egg foCIh1,Nb 11 s 7 1 1P. CW IOF CONTeeL ftft.$ a VD I hEevILE I 8 PUP1 0L1`1'.K PLwwI O j l' 491104Ib11tAINb 1- 1 MI'T-I T [aut/. uYouT /LAN uFRe.T a 10 i r9 1' yiK.[JGTURAL Ye uT I r, INNtnTsv cT TTy M-I T P11N1-r1KT rbTJNPATIONS I NEWV'9(NAL?.- L__________J PEE Nei L7___ _ h N01 I'L 4o'Jx 77'UNePY ELFJ ATIONy TI f79' -- n1eTolt, 0.000(ANL. ''-7------I I 1 1412;. EL6GTe•IGA• 4T+WPAi431r1 <a D wL S1°--uv .R EaaNAwA _ 1 ccrlP E 611yT I ryf V4Et TIC TOR Rtr W 1 rPLA 11.e. L7-81 9EL(ic0U.EP TAN[.• EPINW I14TL LyT.if INV 04 P40WN I 1 I LP.OEb,T./ rcv+ eEP1Acc cN 6L-- cw, di S2 nIx SITE Gir.T IAtea /et:ee MotD-Dow •iLA6 w/ Nbf.Cf E>fTICR 1^ new U coNG.51Ab i WAIL. 91Tt pC'P+th PB'7Cb fxNT. `NO'SKftPGIL LWC_ - 0 R LL EI.Ixi•ie 34 ealoLOET•14 GGLOPh, I,Er7EELRN4 PP_I?•NA CVHTEL \ 1 J r HIAiG. DETNIfiKI>1.ew4 f T tevo'THN$ Q N. cowsTL•Iu.TI0,4 'SPL!GS er VENPEFrO 'RTC 257.00' E'cTrp 1 CON 1 . c.TIOPr 6f C.S1IYRyI./Tee, nP.eE One New r• _ Mew Ib L LIh71T.(Es PK.ILIT1l11 4..11.4r TENSHInuC. /I Tcw SC rwtco. .E•m(\New [.Me 0. /lTw.R SeC .nP\ MEw WIC.- 9EPEw.uL YI'A1 91Tr 4uLVGY (fwT. T i I.) s cog4ELUG1 NOW IPTwfLL MIEN e (surfer- ,eGClr( W.". E L ANECAKe.ae-iLvele:r4T_ of RErITb"I STAPIPa{Af Lut /• E.INTT4 Mimse.CULVCLI U.S.A.Inc. teevIGC STATIOry 7ei6 4EE SrIT•5 WMem4(14 mrs Se hN[m 1.goitl 7rr-et-i ------ - --Sal' el. win 9TtCCT Re[xATe a"9T1.1(4 fb•lLe REVISIONS Re4i1 o H I MMeJHIWLrjoH RE.I.e IO'-d' •bJrrl To J e CEwALKNew51 O u SCALE. I.L4 nuyl-0.ORIEL - . 6Y ru0E1 Po..44 co.) OR.PH.60AL[ CH.Gi4RU OPO. I 0 55- 'Da7a - I GENERAL NOTE!'•: 1.Crt NRON. S A.. T. ,IWS,ROrllrw se'C IS::•'•'«S I ^t AAPE,, io•»OR[O(RI•wy` S1.1 •'A.1«C S• Lit t.•ll•O,s 011h,10 ON Si1: •I»r4:r0t ' •• L r'10T1 NONNSTILS•ER[C TII.M i.•,..AN.•••' h TES y•, wi Sl-E I•MI 1{w , , am IRBRII•IV. 7•' D—aur,IDNN .:',', x S,«A.SIYAI'S"'wOC!R:', R*t ,D'ZRan LDEMR• 0' O WSOBTI f IOM«i1II •.AM,S.mrlly VJ:r•`'[A.WN 0»rl1[I CU«SIA 1 cONeA«I• l rl,l• Y R 1•r Vr•,1ZN 4r;+• S. 1 R w ESOLUT I>N r+Y 1C:4R•R N(INL R{Wr, 3.c(o1.oTTiacAs.i.::i:7.:g:inZFrnE w, 0":' s[«,•nn nlwrn,IF sm PEpe(LTY LiHC VST oo _•ORARI«Cs.NVa IS»U, ,u r*OIIIU VRt IL wt••CIii:[«S"C S•+Yi:ISa•[o. ORwI«OS s«ptt0».11.E i'•II U. ph31{L nlY rslO•i«nl{•1[5 L[ L'' j CV1 x01 f0 sc RlE-R«U,«I sn0 ni«[s 10«sw1-. C>rw 1, //. 7 j 1( y) s, P9 RUILDINOIS..CAM),ANn IAA,»(«CIOSUR(MRpw Or,NSI P1wz ARE N 0 Y " 3 I 4/ IRLE.DR,LEST,r r,OR1 R...I•Rr[D Rr:.f :S.I; Y.•R( CL OE DELIMITED O THE Sl iC AND(»ECHO Ai:lrt STITT MICA,OR INONR R uOFSITEPREACONTRACT. 10w CONCRETE II IN 0.,1 NS M. p.,$104 I,11S, OvERMOKNOXWS.SICr(p1•RIS.OVFRMICOORDINATIONA»0 CLEAN-UR,ETC..AS SET FORT..IN INC URIC IT ICAI IONS M. Fa•LIryrIH(> -I[>i 113 THE SCOrM K . AD•rYSFo.Arlles. KE•1 E Ex I Ltr1 1 SFeATE COA: 11 S f0R SUC« 0s r t M•INC.E•Rpl10ls.AY,sION L 0,&0 5r'1.•LL h I«nA,LA,mNB[wAROEo B.c.t RRp.,us.R.. Lc. lw Rml nox.,/ ECFRt11»sP(E IiEK wr»As L10«I I»C rIR1 uR[S.DISMNS(K.EiC. aPIIMCTeFIGLl1F1lrscsCWC0ASEOOI I RT t stcr». U.S.A.. IY. BR OELIR[R•in TAF CF00 75CON1RACTOR. ilE K pEsrrwS tBLE(RR 1Ktt 0»ST h LAT100.R[f[R TO THE- 1C VCE»ERCEOF OAACSMSw IUCOW(RAl[»I CMI*00 0 RDII AND M ETIxE IWrt i_- ' Ept Of .10Pe 1 SErMATE coNDRs.). MVFR DRA INUST BE/PUv1010 FM lrt •CRAG Sraf•RIYRIN tKi 71.oh\_ AL rA»FI or s»Dr-r AB»¢ATre wnol.cs.,N A*F As NAVINc A xlaZ.. EA TWA• RNIOus SOIL ON o,«FR NDISTUNE-RFIAININC CONDITIONs- fiYDRoeteDRL+MIMIr{(sPILL IRl ICEo rtLIED i0BRA¢R"TEsi iTDoo:uIr•0[:a OTYRTEAKFMSDI SrOSKEO( 1 P PitNy,(- r /)f r IPi 1pr AAICRR[CFP, [lD. N co»PAN,RE.R(sEN1Ali.E. DETAILS FOOT,Y NCTAL RUILO1NCIS• ID CANC.,REAM*SIZES.CONNECTION DETAILS.STRUCTuRAL CALCULATIONS.TIC-ARC FOR 0[0 AT INC SIM i '''/%/ij for FABRICATOR.C••EVRON. S-A^. INC.DRAWN" I INTE«OEO 10 ILLUSTRATE I ,-- J y OO`'•,`''/// J`f/ ! - THE SIZE.COLOR. 'ENIAL NO r1o15«Or •[BuIED:NC ISI AND[AAV,.AS IP,'///// ELL AS 1. IRE ND SCOPE CR INFR NOM TO Rs (Rf ORN(0 A, Y Slll. Qi 0 .k_ R p} E l_/I 1 EI.Ari1- _ L CoEr1P_ t•Ir e oz.* OD 000. 0_ Oqw O O O OfF n `.•i 9 o[or xo 0 o r L • law Q PorEs-111LIA P-fulTCoSV.Poj11U.P• 2 Cow B 10•HVoi III I''/.//I 1 VI 1 r-1/14,16“ '1 4 coot- Q 61 o.4. DI1rR16lrm Hew error` L 26URHur1 PLICI.u o50 e.alL(co••rst,Heo-V Y,OP. 9 wlws) HrWHv Ht+T 0 uEoHlnuo PI.T4/8UCH1y,tUSH. 9 6...6. a 9N v.l• r PIPH11Ha R.PrY R VI z Y^\\ ... Ts 0 G6ilhis• 5N.1•(F(uZ/"ow OPm'L h b.t.. , 9'o.c,. N g t O* GYt151Y K/wMr1 51M »7. L•B EO O-c.. tt R l Go(aHe.iiCL T1u1.Tlflo lo{c11e. 54N..p 51 ac.CU'al1Y e < k e MI, JuylPEtuo IawzoHl L1 WEewa 5[.AE.v[oo.c. eesnSWI Eyw/.//+,L uutjI fseu5 5.6IAA,/ CBa Qt1aic S 6+E.F Io QC. •sPcrAoN . T I f E1We . HELIo/ GyoL fN Iv`( I t.o. IR to'C.c. I `) Hew IE&i 11aN 4'1 Te.1 --- .._----r R I r J 10 0c D6'('+r+eV h1D Eip4, I P[ 1 Fly IITHL ^1 KLGtD.HC,e1 w t2. r 1 Y sorerRAOT DbSIWp\ . 1 KotioW I rMlrfly, - 4 ir' fiwwco5. 5ueE(I i R.tiK.Uh Ss I Du1wlMIC I ( I —-- 9 TO vP1P'17 Wv[eet- L-- clop nPPFe.F..l.. I l AIGu(EERDer Di I.0 5E(AII PW1Ee —---CIWYPNv w.1Et. r'IeieR r S_ !ram I c==‘,...... e4'w 1 KWCFtE E'it 17700' .. Yo O.uvu t.-"Nv X"re *ITC P1.14-1 Chowoe U.S.A Inc SC VIGE 51AT10r1 781O h •)01,4 STF T 4...cox.^s Sr he:srr, 14.10) N Oin 'Irreei R[E:SrAs KLNTON , P lIHbiOrj s:R,F, I•-to-O OR[1111•H•55 j CO P.i e..Ctt CA_CK! RPP. 55 - 5b75 -4 R:-..!-E'.3..“3/ Bl uE el-370-5 • NOTES: SEE NOTE 26 , M.OR._ .I. I TO DU PIER,THE E0•0•ACTO•50., 1:M• 3r 0/SN PLAN'.I• 5. SKET NEIN. AZ r•l•hrarr3:15.6tig';;',z.:1-;44" . ... ..' . r,',':-.,..-,••,. I FASCIA L:-.'.-:‘,:-.• :•...'..1';..':'.•.•:r •••"- COLOR. ---- -'-••• 2'IrciTri..."11c•DISZ.cra'ji"...4.1';11143 1354.-:r.:77.•:•:5:',2•1;',....!,::OFF-1.1TE 7.0-S 3. thE STEEL 'AMMAN..5..•:. 1e...5,e. 5/, ,s A,•,. LroL .0. 7,1,... 7.3..zar•w•rilue . .....-1. -- GLASS: 44•0 4-4,bye.-,..1',•J.!:j!,,t' c: 4: 7:•:.i1. -...,i,:i.\'4.•:,.. 2L-L:L.L.„. •,,,..:,.:•• .,,: wr.,1•1 x D•3•w/ 3.• Le i AmINATED,•131•I L 6. t now sw •A•t•a..0 ..:.... RDm...7. •. _IN.r(...•ZI 2 • 01.3. I U.L.752/ .• AND ALS SAO WU.3...Kt 3 r.:0•••r:....--E7: I. ::. - CLEAR 6 4 .CONTRACT.Om.:SC I%T...t NET,F,•10,IN,L 11 0 A: V 1 '.. '. 1, D IP ECM*, .! EA 0 , , AL IS1,E;XE;::A44k.; . C15-.0-SLO, D.AVIND tONSMECTION. b..,1,.'1 15..I A. :vr.D1..A., FAEE. a..ix! I SE I GE wALL I--. -----...-_..... toe ACEESS OD,.D, TM Ms E to gc i,..-4:-.•.: 1,,,,,A0 I.,•, L ,. DOORS: ch.a A..3 CONIVITS.450 1••• I.CIDA SA, ALA ...,A.A., ,.... ,,,..,... SmLL r00••ANs PD.•A t1v."PEK 1.A•As T.5 ••.,••••••. MO.4 ... sA,1 ' !'",.r.,...'"T.:',.'''.!,..!,,..•, •••.‘.7,I.',•:'.•. ,. it,,.,LETTERiN.:- I PREYECT A.,FACTOP•0•E5-10 SLAvaz,,,;am, AN.•STAIN:, FINISH .1TE .-835-S 1., FLOOR SEE NOTE .6 5' 1:1:1,•i.‘"g:Tc!Cji.41..4."."3:.' 'Clw'7,_,Eir'tl'i...."--::::5rE!'••• ' 1•.'' L'''.5;LIT:N. L:NE ELEVATION 'A scALE, 3/16..1.-0 ELEVATION B 050 mAA5AN INTERELA.AND TEL EA,Ni ... :' S•.N A.I••:.,1:N .. . •,:•E• ' ,!....E.17...,2....;.;.,•.'t',1.,••'-/,•,..,,.,,.. ,.,.,„, AND TIM MK 14 At.FAC,COND.:, ....1 :SKIN(0 e. •,,,,..,,•,..., im.,.4 sl,it.. sPEAATTrs. CAA,11,11055.Lt•-•..TA.f MAI.. 1.•.12. MI005:I 00.,A.1• HILL If•wovit3E0 s.o:HEws www:.•$omm:E cahl.ac:. VA:. iqt - -• s.....ffic... THE STEEL FAIRICATOP PRDRICAS ALL NIP..ANDCIO:RUINS FOR. ALIT..COCKER.LIG•111.. ...v.A.c. how, E:c 1• L9- F- -.'.'S'C7-)'-'-:.) 'lg.i S_'''-.' COLORS Or:1•L'O'LIO. ii.U..'' L - .. _. Iht CONTRACTOR MALL...OE OIL CIPCJIIS FOR Nit PW4'S A El5ATNSERD• CAMP,.MO 517E LIGHT...EN.. At 5.0.ON 10(1LECIRICA.P.MWALLS:' BLACK, ELEC,P1(41.1.1•1•5 IL IV MILT 6 1------- 1•-•v../ OK-i0-SLG--- - .7---,,,,,,,,,,1 . FOMPATInrl. 0ELAir',.',2* IV 7NE COMPACTOR SHALL INSTALL FIRE(A,IIMIIMEN tIuNNIMEDOT LUMANT J. hiimmttar ow PANELS: 7...; GROAND A.MAK REAM AK.1,...,i5.• BEIGE: TIC TELEPHONE COMMIT ONNL PROVIDE•HALL AMN:10 Mt... IpA.R..V....-...,-..r. INSIDE BUILDING. ikesi•INT.oPI.:. 6. BLACK (BK-10-53--.-s •--- _., so-.+o-sts T0E CONTRACTOR S.,ROOK ALL CONSTMCNC0.10.11PIAL IP.11.1 6. WHITE SCOTCHL I TE -. J L.. BUILD... MK CLEAN ALL STEEL SuRFACt5.111,0.Ck TAN FLOOR. 6' BLACK EEO:-i 0-S)---.-- 2.TIP i 0 BASE: Aro GLEAN ow300.6. BEIGE CEIR-440-S)-.- --------...... G SLACK; -_ ..„_____. • ge".6.7d4i1f<"V•7'c'oOlO:c4.-o.71 z.--"'ct"- BK i0-SLD4•X 4. STEEL GUARD POSTS AT 1 3.OLLAGING MRA.Sr CONTRACTOR, 4-CORNERS. FURNISHED STEEL A GLASS ENTRANCE DOOre:-- A/CONNECT VAIDERGPOV.TYPE COPPER•AIER PIPING roam cow,c.ION AND INSTALLED BY SILvER GRAY PAINT POINT IN TIE BUILDING 10 7.WIN LINE CN 51.l. NEGERAL CONTRACTOR. LAMINATED GLASS CLEAR 7\ co/CONNECT•••SANITAIK SEPER FPON 10I CRAPACTION RO:AT 70 ms..51. ELEVATION/C\ ELEVATION i'D SOKR LIAR ON SITE. PIK.SIKP EINE AS PICA.1140 BY LOCA.(DUI. TV PIPE 000,ROO,LEADERS 10 DRIO•••LEvAL m Kw Low.3w. OE NAM B.O.'S. Aom MOM CEIS1.1.•AAIA. •A.15 PrO0IPEO ps DIS•F NxE A LOCAL CODE.PLOT ROK LEADERS 1U DR/KLE ON'III SHE Cl'DA PuBLIC 510.SE•y.p. PIA OPAL) I1A4.14.6 1E., THE BUILDING AND CANOPY SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE PARTIALLY OR FULLY SHOP-FAETRICATED OF 4004.ALIN. LIGHT-GAUGE GALVANIZED OR PRE-FINISHED STEEL PANELS AND ROLLED STRUCTURAL STEEL SECTIONS. SLAB THIC,:i_Ill 5' mIN. 4 RESAT, EcN•. NOTE: Z. ie. 30.x. C'''' I.ACH CORN!P 4754UCIION 0,CASNIEP•5•• I I.: CCoRW 117 FREEWAY LOCATIONS: YARD RESISTANCE 10 KDI.POWER SWELSARNS'FIRED'. N"*""''•752 COLT)JOIN. EXTEND DRIVE SLAB i 0 FT. SuRF ACE TyvV FOR RADIATOR BOIL-OvER. I 1 1 I 5 tif 7-... ,.--- • J1--- V"---- ; ----:,......„._....• SO.STEEL MARC,RCS, . 1 , 1 .•. . ' . 1- 14.1-7115-1‘.1'i II, SEE AMIE Oh ELEMTION-C•I ----- --- 1 i f i _. ,.. ,,, .____.,L,8,,r7. 2.3.x 2'WERNSROUTS I?' 12' .. N4 REBA!: NEAIPRIN. F ox...1 a Ki ,,,,i,,,DRIVEWAY SLAB 16:10.•NESS I I I I ROM ILL INN. LI,D(x 1:1!•••1.14.ES. 1A•1.:_.. ALMS..COMECTION POW CANOPY LINE ABOVE 6. IN ARE AS SUBJECT TO FOOTING II:0013F SEE .441,11 Az T UPI.R I ' --••• ,Urn tt• • - .....--LENDER REOMMSLE RAKL SEE GAG NO.____ FREEZING OR GROL:ND INSIAEL 111 SLAB INSTAL!AM', I 5 „V 1.4 FLOOR 4. El SE.ERE I NSI•UC I!IX:3. V x1 i 7:::••• WELDED WIRE 6tS REINJORcE WTI. 6° x10/10 i...! 3-:'3 I 61. 1C: ' 1.---. C:= SECTION THPOUGH 9FCTION THROUGH I , 6: EDGE OF DRIVEWAY SLAB TYPICAL PUMP BLOCK. scALE : 1/2. :':-C.* SCALE : I--I- 2. • 1•-0' r-7- ---= - 7- FUTURE AIR IA WATER '73.•! sALE •AKA ; x• 4" ERRANAIDL REELS. (TYPICAL>1 ----- SEE NOTE •8. xx JOINT NOTt ••••4!":., 3•t• THIS NIA:. APR'AU A' AN•HOR IU'7! CANOE, COLUW:FOOTING. 0 - Nr.Cc81.tZir,'L'." A. I-----SEE FOUNDATION PLAN .. - 7. A. RECESS IN .. r PREPARED BY STEEL FAB. 7 . NO• . ww UN RE:NE 00C I t10 VISIBLE JOINI' _ 9:.e1EEL •As. ,• Se I i 1•"1--- GAMMA,'' SL ON t . l N....:1 •X 1 1/4s••••-•-xiCI . I:i?MIN ri •-,I, j '''' 4? AS • i,'I-;•._-,,,. I.,- `;',',',:,,, j ; c ft•a• TRAF:IC 1 i....i 't i' ••' J 57o A. •1 • WO. FLOw: 1 "JE.II :'•save- Ds PF A GRAvi.• 1;L: i e .7 F,-,..06- 7•Kw.- '' 17.1 • ----- ...SEE ..',IE • -m e 1.4 ION 0:01ARION P ANI.E rONIACioh i•X• IS :••••••:h.m•- -CONChE IF .-..11, AI 1E1 DA /11N 1WAINA01 X • - r.ww,wwwe-Ext- -• •-- • -... Tr•• ... • 0um,cono ri•I cc. 7. 1 AL..•••-•`•,3: 11•IN BIM A, 0 AMLIIS. SET :0,N.I!1,...IN e.., eult t•':.:.• t r h. i.!':;.'L. 4.115 ,1,Ili. 7, E.SA:1 •'.1 E :,•,-: •.: ARAI 143 I I% Tpi - 6 1 - 10•-0. HAIR•IN •IE I.. •:T....II-- 1..1r.,A:N 6:•-••.• ID M.,...... itir 1.". A.. ••••(..1 AI,so 00 1",I - • OT:••• II 1 -- • 0 I I v0;,;!..,. •E s.,..._ ....Z. e. 1.IJI“,f T.' MI AN... II,i Ar,r,!7 A7 i ,004. ,,,,Dir,,,.., SOK ARE COL uM3. PEL 0,A113D. IT3•ICk./ 13:OF,L E AMPS 6136• SECTION THROUGH BuILDINr, I - - 'AA.:OL P.W.•:0 o SC ALI : ./..1 • i' e" 4: I ANC A.h.•3: SE) •KOTE. '1:. SELF SERVE 101X 24' II13-PRODUCTS 74INI-MART "11M-110 . r OURDRO/DUO DISPENSERS I 1 _ 0 RC.. AI• A INTERIOR! PURE bLOCP PLAN AND SIC I IONS154s.....,, , , tltl,.1( fro....„.• Chevron I- i K-X....Lose, "'-' 1%00 Chevron USA.Inc 1MINI-NAP! BLD G REV•S. UfIAILS•2---1-- 1•-..- ri.ce• c'...;:r.v ""-'E'' ,,t.,,, I•Ite. alio i.N.•,,Sitain,San Immo S' O- NOTE: 7 ..--.DTAT 1011 4,67,f,Ivo,: SET '.•••••. 27• .... 4'-0' Iii.V."AILSS gACH-rt,t-i, WAt Hirito-59t+I A; :.•3u•C •E..•TaD GRAD• • cm DO, ES O.:::LWRN,ILL A' P.B.ri P.B.#2 P.B.#3 s..,c "RAMC 10,NTE - CBKIRIeri rmix •,5,-*bib :::,;,:::h'.TK 7 i i Wilt li.li en 7' a; RROPERT, _:NE. SuCh.AS Www.- o_ANTERS. SIGN. SELF SERVE SELF/FULL SERVE (TYPE 4A)SELF SERVE w.k.s ° `f4'er,.D ''VI.;`' '',.. I r-1,41'00,1,vv,,, I-1 ..OS. Es APE 0.• PROy I)E E•PANSICN JOIN' PANELS PORLS EAKLS R.:. e1B veHEN DRIVE SLAB ABUTS SIC:Er:ALA OR P.ANTER. PUMP BLOCK PLAN 11511•55-rg-1;.- -f.:-1,'„,-';,:.'2A• r•-••• 1,_,L,....:E!,....,,,ASC.:A,2:AFI,..s7., I CAW, A E-;IR V. •..,:".. A- 835-••,...!vr.E f• :,....!. CHI v,,,r, IP..,.%F.. 1.4.',..A , I ;,A......rr,A1-A I U r INTERCO.S.EF . _II L.,,..La.,.....•:-. .. L 1. Lai..., 7 10, OF AIEAEST PuNC(MX. N i 8:-ILDINC, 9 Li: GHTEP BOX 41 1 tirx to- sTL. Ca..--, ____ . PA:NT BLACK BA-t 0-5 - ---e..... r---..-7 1—."----1 f I I I CANOPY-LONGITUDINAL ELEVATION -A CANOPY-TRANSVERSE ELEVATION B SCALE : .• . , o-sc.:.:, : ....• - . -, C—SIMILAR (OPP HAND) D SIMILAR (OPP HAN 0 77.-0° STEEL CANOPY E.E.E.SSEIA.,-1.08K-WAEN.1- 9'-0. C-COL•__________C CO_. 9._o• O',1-—".'t. .I-. *Am--0. iif'::;=,;;:::--... 8: 0'8' 0' .... AAL.." 1 1 '•:7'.. RF. 2 Z,Z1 I '?.. 1.'t,r1:•P'....f:IP.'- 0' x 2' 0" Si./WrAC..'E t.13..ATEL Af T•t. I_ LIS.,1!IN:., A SEE NO:F. • k. F?..er. ',.cr;L'';'At_ SLEET NE:A_ PEI.--f I N!.3AEE. jg .... HALLMARK FASCIA COLORS— . NO...CA( i I----.-.----.:. 1.10.7E.R SCx E. PAN:NOTE:I --' ' b S•EEL DEL, '. I 77- SY.7,0,-,S.:DE D.., DE, LAn P• r-ENIAA-OFF " NH-740.S I n t" I --2. CC I.IN,Pi...... ..• •. f '. : ,.. E:.'.,I . LI f I 7----1),;:;NE'iq;5•'1 V:4 E..E-i•N'I u;;..' 4",'i:..v.'P,'-:.. I 11-.. _. i';•re,PEZ•"E"'''''''• 7 7-7-7-- Fg!zr:? I . .___, Cy...A-R:ACES, i 45'X 17- LONGSPRN HRLUIRRK CANOPY. Cnevren REFLECTED CE IL ING PLAN AN: ONO Chevron il S A Inc ELEvATV.W.. so ..,..e12.ViCZ .517',Tot4_'3015CANOPYREFLECTEDCEILINGPLANAL.-.. •.0. gt41op4.,wilostiirk.frorg C• Ce•Y I hE.0 fbe ‘7',*379., ::,. tiory I feqray, v..ra+1,4 .4. KtV1tW1Mi DtPAKIMtNT/DIVIS ION APPROVED l l ... ?ROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED c' mr->os' L. ex/ST/AJ(.0 !///DERG2ov^J a L. O,uP ocO IP/ i 7- Td /eE/r7vsc ,c7A/,o EA./ 7-,h/67iGJK $ w I T/r. TES 7- c "7'1(/E.s J E' 7 r,3y THE ,ci/26 2, / c-) .-/uS -,a G04 rt o ) 4) /e— Ric Q[/iiP6 p 4iv f At 4,7 /n.J5 C.-7-' O.-/ DATE :9. 6 r SIGNATUR DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED c-- Imo- — DATE:5 SIGNAT DIRECTOR OR AUTH RIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : nC-UC—Z.QPmAt?' APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED 64-1)ce-4-0 i•:,- ire 71/I- i714r6AfkteS/ L-S1. 6141 Cil-7(ig .) ie C DATE: ` /3,/ SIGNATURE OF DIRECr0 OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE n APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS U NOT APPROVED 111111EPPA6YAL SUBJECT TO IATE SR=AGREEMENT V,,' y,ES : w-456 LATE CIMS ACREEMEFI r Q ywt t/ a ,L 42.D4/J G .t '7 7•iv SYSv /EEELIIPMENT Cli; M:..: } U ,io.D¢l' 2VDD . e-v it SYSTEM O CHAP C!.-oc:,diZ y-S /( SPECS ANT AREA CHARGE-WATER Al/D SPECIAL ASlfWEMEMT AREA CHARGE-SEWER Az APPROVER M PUN NO OMEN Ian KM NO APPRAWS mNANT LOCATIONS NO FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS NO f-4- Z' DATE : /l SIGNATURE OF DIRE TOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 6 3){12 i • j ri APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED k C1'->• r :/: a f- 2. _ 7` 1 DATE: f 2(,//S'j SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHOR4rZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ErNOT APPROVED p , i) CLe..€ DATE : //- z SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 74-C)--- e OAPPROVED B' 'ROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED 7 71, c-jee 74-.,-,7' 4:,.i..<„,-, ez,./--,,,a& -7.,,,,>-,- - 4,,,,,,„//te,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,... ,t, „„Zz, ,,, . ,9,-,, ,e,,,,-- ----ez-Z-7- e ,dC. i( e Gi-lvt ti C if s--4 671-e>/eeL-71 t--, .2-ISKe `-447 ''--------- C ' • y- Y- 1 ''' t- -. 74:7 1--- 4- '(_--eal0./te/5, 1 mot 7, 4l -p-7 DATE: / /--*D, SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; \W-3 6 2K 474W, El/APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED DATE : S GNATU E OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 Or_ RA 1, 0 ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT rdL RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR oIMMO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-254090co 09• glFO SEP E P BARBARA Y. SHIN POCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: December 9, 1985 TO: Fred J. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner FROM: Environmental Review Committee SUBJECT: CHEVRON U.S.A., INC./ECF-117-85/LOCATED AT 1419 NORTH 30th STREET The Environmental Review Committee, under their substitive authority [Section 4-2822(D)] recommends to the decision maker, the Hearing Examiner, that the conditional use permit and site plan approval request to allow the expansion of an existing gasoline service station by removing the existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini-mart building located at 1419 North 30th treet is subject to the following conditions: 1. A robbery alarm shall be installed in the facility. 2. All gasoline pumps shall be clearly visible from the cashier's station or e prepayment system must be initiated by the owner. The Environmental Review Committee finds that because of the location of the facility adjacent to a major freeway interchange, its design and operational hours that a significant impact is created as it relates to crime prevention. The proposal represents an extreme hazard to the general population by creating what is commonly known in the law enforcement field as a "stop and rob." Therefore, the above conditions are necessary as a minimum for the preservation of the welfare and safety of the general public. Under Section 4-2822(D), the decision maker must accept these conditions as binding upon his ultimate decision unless he identifies in writing a substantial error in fact or conclusion by the Environmental Review Committee. The decision maker then has the option of asking the Environmental Review Committee for reconsideration or revising the conditions. The applicant also has the ability to request reconsideration of these conditions from the Environmental Review Committee or appeal these conditions directly to the Hearing Examiner under authority granted in Section 4-2823(A)(1)(a) within 14 days of the date that the DNS is final. Therefore, the appeal date would be Monday, December 23, 1985, at 5 p.m. Appeals must be submitted in the form prescribed by both the Environmental Ordinance of the City of Renton and the Hearing Examiner Ordinance, Section 4-3011(B). RJB:ss 2095Z cc: Chevron, U.S.A. P. O. B3x 220 Seattle, Washington 98111 Charles A. Gove, P.E. 10335 Main Street, Suite 3 BellevL e, Washington 98004 1 0990N CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO.: ECF-117-85 APPLICATION NO(s).: CU-097-85 SA-098-85 DESCRIPT.ON OF PROPOSAL: Application for conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion of an existing service station by removing the existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini-mart building. PROPONENT: Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. LOCATION, OF PROPOSAL: Located at 1419 North 30th Street. LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton, Building and Zoning Department. The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not regi.ired under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. There is no comment period for this DNS. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 235-2550 APPEAL: You may appeal this determination in writing to Renton Hearing Examiner no later than December 23, 1985. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact City of Renton, Building and Zoning Department to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. DATE OF [DECISION: December 4, 1985 PUBLICAT:ON DATE: December 9, 1985 7 onald G. Nelson Larry M. Spri g r Building and Zoning Director Policy Development Director Richard C. ughton Public Worts Director OF Rpm di :" BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTORZesiLirlAk§9 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 09gt& D BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR December :50, 1985 Chevron, USA, Inc. P. O. Box 220 Seattle, Washington 98111 Re: Application for conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion of an existing service station by removing the existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini mart builcing, file numbers CU-097-85 and SA-098-85; located at 1419 North 30th Street. Dear Sir or Madam: The City of Renton Building and Zoning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on November 15, 1985. A public hearing before the City of RentonLandUseHearingExaminerhasbeenscheduledforJanuary7, 1986. The public hearing commences at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the publichearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. Sincerely, 1\ 61r-4e-7:--- LtI4r-Q- Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:JMM:ss 2127Z.1 OF Rp 4 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Ky RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR2o 0 ommI. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 O1TED 1SEPII*, P BARBARA Y. SH NPOCH MAYOR December 3i), 1985 Charles A. Cove, P.E. 10335 Main 'itreet, Suite 3 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Re: Appli ration for conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion of an existing service station by removing the existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini mart building, file numbers CU-097-85 and SA-098-85; located at 1419 North 30th Street. Dear Mr. Cove: The City of Renton Building and Zoning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on November 15, 1985. A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for January 7, 1986. The public hearing commences at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. Sincerely, Roger J. Blaylock Zoning Administrator RJB:JMM:ss 2127Z.2 2112Z NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENT ON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON JANUARY 7, 1986, AT 9:00 A.M. 10 CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: ORILLIA PROPERTY ASSOCIATES, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP App ication for site plan approval to allow the construction of three, two -story office buildings totaling 120,000 square feet on a 11.74 acre site, file number SA-100-85; located at the northwest corner of Lind Avenue S.W. and S.W. 39th Street. CHEVRON, USA, INC. App ication for conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion of an existing service station by removing the existing pump islards and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facia ity incorporating a mini mart building, file numbers CU-097-85 and SA-1)98-85; located at 1419 North 30th Street. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 7, 1986, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHE[) : December 20, 1985 Ronald G. Nelson Building and Zoning Director CERTIFICATION I, JEANET fE SAMEK-MC KAGUE, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROP=RTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: 'subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Put lic, in and for the State of Washington residing in ({EIVTO/U on the,-,20 j,g da y of December, 1985. C,,cd n SIGNED: 61,1(k4-. I'71 p OF RF flA G Q. City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a PUBLIC HEARING in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS . CITY HALL ON JANUARY 71 1986 BEGINNING AT q!nn A.M. P.M. CONCERNING: CU-097-85, SA-098-85 n REZONE From To X SPECIAL / CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT T Q Al I OW THE FXPANSION OF AN' FXTSTTNG SFRVTrF STATION IX 1 SITE APPROVAL SHORT PLAT/SUBDIVISION of Lots PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT fl VARIANCE FROM n GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: LOCAIE) AT 1419 NORTH 30TH ST, LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION SIGNIFICANT NON—SIGNIFICANT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING&ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION RENTC- 3UILDING & ZONING DEPAI !ENT DE:VELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 117 - 85 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT : ..HEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND SITE APPROVAL TO REMOVE E(ISTINC PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION : 1419 N 30th TO : n PUBLIC WJRKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION pi PRE ENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS :_ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , 'LEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED 5] APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED E/ti1o,/pt. o% el(/ST/AJla d")Z74./26s24,v 7-i4N.'1 [.ice c, 4e QAJ. A"E/P/11, 7— Td /E'E/t7v t/c /i.10o Ee2 Tih/677/g..J.t s !N/r/ry s 7 4„..47".1/ s E'l7 lay T.Y1E .G'i/e.s C•> ..r") c Xt.7'd 0..) IA.) L DATE :f. SIGNATUR F IRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENTC 3UILDING & ZONING DEPAI TENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 117 - 85 APPLICATION N J(S) : CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT : ( HEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND SITE APPROVAL TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION : 11119 N 30th TO : I ( PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 1ENG [NEERING DIVISION I ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION n FIRE PRE"ELATION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT F BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT l l POLICE DLPARTMENT 1 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l ( OTHERS COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : L ElAPPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l lNOT APPROVED DATE : 2 ;PC SIGNATy OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENT( BUILDING & ZONING DEPA RENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 117 - 85 CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION NO(S) : CU 097-85 SA 098-85 NOV 18 1985 POLICY PROPONENT : 2HEVRON, USA OPVrIOPMFhiT rIPPT. PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND SITE APPROVAL TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION : 1419 N 30th TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS :_ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Po Cic ' f&UC-L_oPJ1&A 7 APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 0,x4e-s-L, 761,t, LL0Z-4/ U mto„ J2 Yg .)6).) DATE : `a/ / S - SIGNATURE OF DIREC 0 OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENTUILDING & ZONING DEPAFOIENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 117 - 85 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT : :HEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND SITE APPROVAL TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION : 11,19 N 30th TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS :_ COMMENTS OR SJGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , LEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . )N REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : VIAL try A/l.A/E./4/4- APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Ei NOT APPROVED S IVTIU AL SUBJECT TO I LATE CMOS AGREEMENT Ya^•..? y.5 w 456 LATE CARS NSF LEMEI9r Ale-a.... ywt, /i cc l a O•G¢/Lf CI -t 77 49 SYSTEM DEIIEIJPUENT CKA y " /I U u Io.D¢/4 'a i. ,s/qp• ss SYSTEM SEVELOPMENT CHARGE-::- "R yES i/ SPECIAL AUNT AREA CIIARCE-WATER 1110 SPECIAL AUNT AREA CHARGE-SEWER AiQ 7j APPROVED WAIII RAN NO APPROVED MEP PLAN NO r APPROVED MIL MART LOCATIONS W. EY17AE . . 1 g FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS NO I 0 OaiDATE :: / ?- -gam SIGNATURE OF DIRE TOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Fnrm 182 RENT( - BUILDING & ZONING DEPAI !ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 117 - 85 APPLICATION NOBS) : CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT : 7,HEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND SITE APPROVAL TO REMOVE LUSTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION : 1?19 N 30th TO : 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 1-1 ENGINEERING DIVISION TRA=FIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 1 1UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 1: FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT l ] POLICE DEPARTMENT l 1POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ] OTHERS :_ COMMENTS OR SJGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , ,DLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, JN REVIEWING DEPRTMENT/DIVISION ; n APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED Way d"--/ 1P 4--) 7 74 G DATE : 2 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENTcUILDING & ZONING DEPAIWENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 117 - 85 APPLICATION 1\0(S) : CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT : CHEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND c?TE APPROVAL TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL_ NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION : 1119 N 30th TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION l ( TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU l ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I ! BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT l ( POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ( OTHERS :_ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El] NOT APPROVED Resew b .p/44.44.4 u.. .. wry,kti e,44 -= ,kt, rex=i sic p 1C DATE , SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENT(-- BUILDING & ZONING DEPA RENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 117 - 85 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT : :HEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND SITE APPROVAL TO REMOVE EKISTINC PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION : 1119 N 30th TO : n P• UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : t ! UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION C F• IRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 57 P• OLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ( OTHERS ;_ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVEDJ5 --APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l iNOT APPROVED d<e. 1/fae,)' 7 DATE : /7/,-"S--- SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION S/1982 Form 182 RENT('' BUILDING & ZONING DEPA---JIENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 117 - 85 APPLICATION NO(S) : CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT : :HEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND SITE APPROVAL TO REMOVE EKISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION : 1419 N 30th TO : 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 1 IFIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l IOTHERS :_ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; .--4 0J a L1:‹ P \ E/APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 1-1 NOT APPROVED DATE : S GNATU E OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 FO R> 11 z BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 2, Nail RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR o o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0, 9gT D SEPSE P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: December 9, 1985 TO: Fred J. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner FROM: Environmental Review Committee SUBJECT: CHEVRON U.S.A., INC./ECF-117-85/LOCATED AT 1419 NORTH 30th STREET The Environmental Review Committee, under their substitive authority [Section 4-2822(D)] recommends to the decision maker, the Hearing Examiner, that the conditional use permit and site plan approval request to allow the expansion of an existing gasoline service station by removing the existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini-mart building located at 1419 North 30th street is subject to the following conditions: 1. AA robbery alarm shall be installed in the facility. 2. All gasoline pumps shall be clearly visible from the cashier's station or E, prepayment system must be initiated by the owner. The Environmental Review Committee finds that because of the location of the facility adjacent to a major freeway interchange, its design and operational hours that a significant i rpact is created as it relates to crime prevention. The proposal represents an extreme ha;and to the general population by creating what is commonly known in the law enforcement field as a "stop and rob." Therefore, the above conditions are necessary as a minimum for the preservation of the welfare and safety of the general public. Under Section 4-2822(D), the decision maker must accept these conditions as binding upon his ultimatE decision unless he identifies in writing a substantial error in fact or conclusion by the Environmental Review Committee. The decision maker then has the option of asking the Environmental Review Committee for reconsideration or revising the conditions. Fred J. Kaufman December 9, 1985 Page 2 The applicant also has the ability to request reconsideration of these conditions from the Environmental Review Committee or appeal these conditions directly to the Hearing Examiner under authority granted in Section 4-2823(A)(1)(a) within 14 days of the date that the DNS is final. Therefore, the appeal date would be Monday, December 23, 1985, at 5 p.m. Appeals must be submitted in the form prescribed by both the Environmental Ordinance of the City of Renton and the Hearing Examiner Ordinance, Section 4-3011(B). RJB:ss 2095Z cc: Chevron, U.S.A. P. O. Box 220 Seatte, Washington 98111 Charl,s A. Gove, P.E. 10335 Main Street, Suite 3 Bellevue, Washington 98004 0990N CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO.: ECF-117-85 APPLICATION NO(s).: CU-097-85 SA-098-85 DESCRIPT ION OF PROPOSAL: Application for conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion of an existing service station by removing the existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini-mart building. PROPONENT: Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Located at 1419 North 30th Street. LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton, Building and Zoning Department. The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. There is no comment period for this DNS. Responsibl3 Official: Environmental Review Committee City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 235-2550 APPEAL: You may appeal this determination in writing to Renton Hearing Examiner no later than December 23, 1985. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact City of Renton, Building ar d Zoning Department to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. DATE OF DECISION: December 4, 1985 PUBLICAT ION DATE: December 9, 1985 ZRA onald G. Nelson Larry M. Spri g r Building and Zoning Director Policy Development Director Richard C. ughton Public Wor<s Director FORM 115 NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. CU-097-85, SA-098-85, ECF-117-85 PROPOSED ACTION APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USF PFRMIT ANT) SJTF PI AN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING SERVICE STATION BY REMOVING THE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY AND INSTALLING A NEW LARGER PUMP ISLAND AND CANOPY FACILITY INCORPORAT NG A MINI MART BUILDING, GENERAL LOCATION AND OR ADDRESS LOCAIEU AT 1419 NORTH 30TH STREET, POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE C E.R.C. ] HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPC SED ACTION DOES DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRC)NMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT DWILL iOWILL NOT BE REI3UIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH r. _RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:01) P.M., DELI I. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION 0989N NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a declaration of non-significance for the following projects: RAMAC, INCORPORATED (ECF-095 -85) App1 cation for conditional use permit to allow the construction of a one and two story self-storage building having 30,850 square feet of area to be located in a B-i zoned district, file number CU-062-85; located at the 100 block of Bronson Way N.E. (east of I--405 and north of Maple Valley Highway). CHA RLES HENDERSON (ECF-106-85) Application to rezone 30.99 acres from G-1 to R-1, file number R-080-85, and appli:ation for preliminary plat approval to subdivide said property into 126 single family lots into a plat to be known as "Sunset Trails," file number PP-081-85; located on the east side of Duvall Avenue N.E. at the 2200-2300 block. CHEVRON, U.S.A., INC. (ECF-117-85) Application for conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow the expansion of an existing service station by removing the existing pump islands and canopy and installing a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini-mart building, file numbers CU-097-85 and SA-098-85; located at 1419 North 30th Street. ORII_LIA PROPERTY ASSOCIATES, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (ECF-119-85) Application for site plan approval to allow the construction of three, two-story office: buildings totaling 120,000 square feet on an 11.74 acre site, file number SA-1 )0-85; located at the northwest corner of Lind Avenue S.W. and S.W. 39th Street. EVEF GREEN SPA AND POOL COMPANY (ECF-113-85) Appli ration for substantial shorelines development permit to allow the construction of a swimming pool for the residence of Frank Lee, file number SM-012-85; locati;d along the shoreline of Lake Washington at 5121 Ripley Lane North. ACKI:RLEY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (ECF-089-85) Application to allow for the construction of a single faced, off-premise advertising sign measuring 12 feet by 25 feet; located on the north side of Bronson Way North on the Burlington Northern right-of-way between Factory Avenue North and Sunset Boulevard North (letter attached). GLACIER PARK CO. (ECF-109-85) Appli';ation for site plan approval for Arby's Restaurant and a short plat of two lots and one track for roadway purposes, file number SA--083-85; property located east side of West Valley Road at the 2700 block. Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must )e filed with the Renton Hearing Examiner by December 23, 1985. Published: December 9, 1985 IRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SF REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: BCD G DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 18, 1985 COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 28, 1985 ECF _ 117 85 APPLICATIOV NO(s). CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT: CHEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND STTF APPROVAL TO REMOV = EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION: 1419 N 30th SITE AREA: 75,172. 5 sq ft BUILDING AREA (gross): IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earti 2) Air_ 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aestietics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: C DNS MITIGATED DNS EIS REVIEWED EY: lnGi-C- / _ TITLE: 77 6----- FORM #14DAlE: REVISED 9/10/85 IRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW Si- REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PO L I C C DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 18, 1985 COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 28, 1985 ECF - 117 _ 85 APPLICATION NO(s). CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT: CHEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND STTF APPRnVA' TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION: 1419 N 30th SITE AREA: 75,172.5 sq ft BUILDING AREA (gross): IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: DNS Q MITIGATED DNS n EIS REVIEWED BY: (—)c C /G I TITLE: L;C , DATE: 7/7 KS— FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 IRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SF REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: R DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 18, 1985 COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 28, 1985 ECF - 117 - 85 APPLICATION NO(s). CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT: CHEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND SITF APPROVAI TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION: 1419 N 30th SITE AREA: 75,172. 5 sq ft BUILDING AREA (gross): IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air_ 3) Water 4) Plarts 5) Aninals 6) Eneigy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Lanc and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare X12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Trarsportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: RECOMMENDFTION: r' ' DNS J 1 MITIGATED DNS ri EIS REVIEWED BY: TITLE: p(6 P)Kje —hv0 DATE: NN erker 19 I (35 FORM ##14 REVISED 9/10/85 deetcn Fire Cro IRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SN Si REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: f 1 R.r DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 18, 1985 COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBE3 28, 1985 117 85 NOV 1 1U6o ECF - APPLICATION NO(s). CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT: CHEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND STTF APPROVAL TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION: 1419 N 30th SITE AREA: 75,172.5 sq ft BUILDING AREA (gross): IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: 71 DNS El MITIGATED DNS n EIS REVIEWED BY: TITLE DATE:i q- '3 FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 IRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SI-.__ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:UT I L. I T / C S DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 18, 1985 COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 28, 1985 ECF — 117 _ 85 APPLICATION NO(s). CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT: CHEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND STTF APPROVA TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION: 1419 N 30th SITE AREA: 75,172.5 sq ft BUILDING AREA (gross): IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities e COMMENTS: r RECOMMENDATION: DNS 1 MITIGATED DNS n EIS REVIEWED BY: 0TITLE: /r/ iry //, DATE: 25-D FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 IRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW Sh REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PO L I C V O E v&c V P DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 18, 1985 COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 28, 1985 ECF - 117 - 85 CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION NO(s). CU 097-85 SA 098-85 1,10'V 18 1Q85 PROPONENT: CHEVRON, USA policy DFVFLOPMFI`!T DFPT. PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND STTF APPROVAL TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION: 1419 N 30th SITE AREA: 75,172.5 sq ft BUILDING AREA (gross): IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services y 16) Utilities COMMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: DNS I MITIGATED DNS n EIS REVIEWED BY: S.4c,4'_ M(91il;501 TITLE:_z Z—' K i- DATE: a 3/ FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 IRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SF REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 1 1Z F C" DATE CIRCLLATED: NOVEMBER 18, 1985 COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 28, 1985 ECF - 117 - 85 APPLICATICN NO(s). CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT: CHEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL_ USE AND STTF APPROVAL TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION: 1419 N 30th SITE AREA: 75,172. 5 sq ft BUILDING AREA (gross): IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air_ 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Ligtit and Glare 12) Recl eation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation G 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: o v ` b /4-e RECOMMENDATION: Qj DNS Ti MITIGATED DNS EIS REVIEWED BY: TITLE: DATE: FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 IRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SE REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:DES 1 C 1 ,) DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 18, 1.985 COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 28, 1985 ECF - 117 _ 85 APPLICATION NO(s). CU 097-85 SA 098-85 PROPONENT: CHEVRON, USA PROJECT TITLE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AND SITE APPROVAJ TO REMOVE EXISTING PUMP ISLANDS AND CANOPY, INSTALL NEW PUMP ISLAND AND MINI-MART LOCATION: 1419 N 30th SITE AREA: 75,172.5 sq ft BUILDING AREA (gross): IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air_ 3) WatEr 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Ligt t and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: rte--t-t4„, /0_4444,tfte_14..., Cs oalLe - a " P /"1-"-0-1) RECOMMENDATION: E DNS MITIGATED DNS 1 EIS REVIEWED BY: TITLE: L^1451, DATE: FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 TY OF RENTO_ - FILE NO(S) : ( t- . . _Ys CO fs BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT S 0 TLF- LDS SEND° MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since th!s is a r-;.h+r,aher,siF •)pli:., ;.ion f-rm, only those items related to your specific type of applications) are to be completed. Please print or type. Attoch additional sheets if necessary.) APPLICANT I I TYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES Chevron, U, S.A. , Inc. a REZONE*(FROM TO ADDRESS P. 0. Box '20 0 SPECIAL PERMIT* CITY ZIP TEMPORARY PERMIT* Seattle, Wa. 98111 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT* V-1 SITE PLAN APPROVAL 0 '/ TELEPHONE Q SPECIAL PERMIT FOR GRADE AND FILL 628-5200 No. of Cubic Yards: CONTACT PERSON1 Q VARIANCE* From Section: NAME Justification Required Charles A. Gove, P.E. ADDRESS SUBDIVISIONS: 10335 Main St., Suite 3 Q SHORT PLAT CITY ZIP TENTATIVE PLAT Bellevue, Wa. Cr,_;ED PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE Q FINAL PLAT 451-1212 Q WAIVER Justification Required) OWN E IR NO. OF LOTS: NAME PLAT NAME: same as applicant ADDRESS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: Q PRELIMINARY CITY ZIP CD FINAL P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE Q Residential Q Industrial Commercial Q Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS Q 1419 N. 3Cth (at I-405) TENTATIVE EXISTING USE PRESENTIZONING O FINALMINARYmm Service Station Commercial PROPOSED USE PARK NAME: Service Station NUMBER OF SPACES: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE i50 SQ. FT. I ACRES AREA: TOTAL FEES `11',L)`lt STAFF USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING DATE STAMP I _ ii ; APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: JV..Q ACY .'` NOV 15 j9$5J APPLICATIONDETERMINED TO BE: DIncomplete Notification Sent On By: BUILDING/ZGNiNG DEPT, Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: I ` APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: IIE55 ED Accepted QIncomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: C8 Building Design Eng. y Fire gm Parks I1IXPoliceIXIPolicyDev. IITraffic Eng. El Utilities REVISED 1-31-84 Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). The East 1/2 of Tract 41, EXCEPT the North 12 feet thereof conveyed to King County for SE 94th Street by deed recorded August 8, 1967 under Recording No. 6215541, AND the West 1/2 of Tract 42; EXCEPT the North 12 feet thereof conveyed to King County for SE 94th Street by deed recorded June 15, 1966 under Recording No. 6042497, ALL in C. D. Hillman's ILake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to Seattle No. 1, as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, on page 63, records of King County; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, AFFIDAVIT i, Charles A. Gove, P.E.being duly sworn, declare that I am al authorized representative to act for the property owner, =owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 2 rµDAY OF On 19 T3 NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON,RESIDING AT L164,1-, Name of Notary Public)Signature of Owner)'s Representative) Cs4, 10335 Main St. , Suite 3 Addre) Address) Bellevue, Wa. 98004 Ciiy) i tate) (Zip) 451-1212 Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." Form #174 4.F R 'EC F: LF-// 7 -1 16 Gov 15 1g85 Cityof Renton l u: 0- 9 o n ; nEp 9A ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST OTEO sEPIt° Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). chapter 43,21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for allproposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this check list is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions far Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the cuestions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. ;n most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmenta: agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impa:ts. Use of Checl,list for Nonproject Proposals: (Please Type or Print Legibly) Comp:ete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "dries not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJEC T ACTIONS (part D). For ncnproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the refereno:s in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Chevron Service Station SS 3878 2. Name of applicant: Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Applicant: Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Contact: Charles A. Gove, P.E. P.O. Box 220 10335 Main St., Suite 3 Seattle, Wa. 98111 ph. 628-5200 Bellevue, Wa. 98004 ph. 451-1212 4. Date :hecklist prepared: October 9, 1985 5. A gen.•y regi iac+inn rharklist: City of Renton, Building & Zoning Department 6. Propc sed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applic e : Start construction early January, 1986, finish February, 1986. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? if yes, explain. B. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Site Plan Approval Building Permit 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. Remove existing pump islands and canopy at an existing service station and install a new, larger pump island and canopy facility incorporating a mini-mart building. New product piping will be installed from existing gasoline tanks (to remain) to new pump islands. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topography map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. Chevron Station SS 3878 1419 N. 30th (at I-405) Renton, Wa. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, (Tiling) hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, caly, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Typical Alderwood loam topsoil underlain by clay d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. 2 - e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The purpose of fill and grading is to bring the back portion of the site up to matching grade with existing facility. Approx. 5000 cubic yards of compactible mat'l. to be imported,from commercial ...sources.ces. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? sr, generally describe. Yes. Before placing fill, clearing and grubbing of vegetation will be done. Erosion could occur during construction, but once asphalt paving, drainage system, and landscaping are complete,erosion will not be a problem. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? approx. 521 h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: During construction, haybales and impervious membrane will be used to control runoff. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During construction in Jan. and Feb. , dust should not be a problem. Exhaust emissions from trucks and earth moving machinery will be a short term (about 3 weeks) ocurrence. Gasoline vapors emissions occur as a result of filling cars; existing station has required vapor recovery b. Are there any off-site sources of emission? system; see 2.c. below. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: The existing service station has provisions for vapor recovery on the product transfer from truck to underground storage tanks. This is Stage I Vapor Recovery as required under current law. 3. WATI:R a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. A 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fiii material. A 3 - 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximately quantities if known. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so. note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and appaoximately quantities if known. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals . . .; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. C. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Rain water from building roofs and paved yard area will flow to catch basins inside the property line, and thence via underground drainage piping to the 12" storm drain in the street. This storm drain daylights to open ditch and the runoff eventually flows into Lake Washington, about 1/2 mile to the west. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. In the unlikely event that a tank truck discharging gasoline at the service station were to be involved in an accident causing a a rupture of the truck, product would enter the drainage system as described above (item c.1). 4 - d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Storm water detention system will be designed and installed per City of Renton and King County requirements since the paved area of the site is increased. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: i5 deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other 1D evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other Ip Shrubs grass crop or grain Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulirush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other D other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Brush, including blackberry vines and a grove of small diameter locust trees, will be removed from the vacant portion of the property. One 24" hemlock. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: All areas not occupied by buildings or paved yard will either be landscaped or be left covered with existing natural vegetation. 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: Hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other NA Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other NA Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other NA b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. S - d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Existing service station building has an oil furnace for space heating. New Mini-Mart building will have electric heating. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. N . c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: New Mini-Mart building will have R-11 insulation in the walls, and li R-30 in the ceiling. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. Because site is an existing service station, this proposal does not affect environmental health exposures. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: b. Noise 1) What typas of nuke exisi: to the area rihich may ,,ffcct your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Traffic noise from N. 30th and from adjacent I-405 6 - 2) What types and levals of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. No increase in noise from the site due to this proposal once const- ruction is completed. Moderate noise levels from trucks and earth moving equipment are expected short-term during the first 3 weeks or so of the project. Construction noise will occur from about 7:30 AM to about 4:30 PM. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: 8. Land 1 nd Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The front 1/2 of the site is currently used as a service station, the rear 1/2 of the site is a vacant lot. Property to the west and South is residential. Property to the east is a freeway, I-405. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. 0 c. Describe any structures on the site. Service station building, steel; pump island canopy, also steel. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? Yes. Pump islands and canopy. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? 1 Commercial f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Commercial use g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? There are seven people already employed at service station. Four additional employees will be added for the Mini-Mart. j. Approximately' how many people would the completed project displace? k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: 7 - 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: NA i k;u5 ti3 a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. NA C. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 17'-6". Prefinished steel. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Lighting on new canopy will not be a change from existing service station operation. The station is open until 12:00 midnight Monday thru Saturday, and until 11:00 PM Sunday. 24 hour operation may be instituted some time in the future. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? 1,( d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Canopy light fixtures and area lights are down-directed to minimize glare to the side. e - 12. Recrea:ion a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Kennydale Park on Lake Washington approx. 3/4 mi. away b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. u c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: 13. Histor c and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. TIC, c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Service station site fronts on N. 30th St. on North property line; southbound on-ramp to I-405 is along east property line. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximately distance to the nearest transit stop? c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The proposal increases the size of paved yard, parking spaces would be added according to City of Renton requirement. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe indicate whether public or private). Extend sidewalk, curb, and gutter along N.30th St. frontage from existing sidewalk to west property line. 9 - e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. f. How many vehicular trips per clay wry'!d bP nenerated by the completed project? If known. indicate when peak volumes would occur. Approx. 350 per day; peak vol. early evening g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currentl available at the site: electricit natural gas, te-fuse service telephone sanitary sewe septic system. other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. SIGNATURE I. the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: Name Printed: Charles A. Gove, P.E. 10 - 176 11-8-84 1 r November 15, 1985 CITY OF RENT();.I Mr. Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner NOV 1 5 `1285CityofRenton, Wa. Subject: Justification Letter BU',LDING/ZONING DEPT. Conditional Use Permit Chevron U.S.A. , Inc. Service Station #3878 1419 N. 30th St. Renton, Wa. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE TO CRITERIA FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1. Comprehensive Plan Chevrcn's existing service station at this site is to be remodeled under this proposal with a larger canopy and fuel dispensing facility incorporating a mini-nart building. The site is located adjacent to an I-405 freeway interchange. Both this site and tte Shell Oil service station across the street are in B-1 zoned business area. 2. Community Need The fEct that the existing service station has been a viable business at this location for almost 20 years demonstrates that it is serving a community need. The nEuw facilities proposed, enlarged fueling area and mini-mart, will benefit the community by enhancing the convenience and speed of a customer's fuel stop. 3. Effeci. on Adjacent Properties Lot coverage by buildings is 5100 sq. ft. , or 6.8% of the site, which is 75,16' sq. ft. In the B-1 zone, 65% lot coverage is permitted. The Txd setbacks of existing and proposed facilities meet the requirements of the B- 1 zone. Heigh:, of existing building and new canopy are well below the 95' height lim- itation of the B-1 zone. 4. Compa .ability The low building and canopy height, the small percentage of lot coverage, and the heavy landscaping buffers enhance the compatibility of the service station with Adjoining residential property to the south and commercial property to the west. t Page 2, Rent.on Hearing Examiner 5. Parking Five 9':x20' striped parking stalls are shown. Two for the mini-mart bldg. 230 sq. ft. ) and three for the auto service area (1200 sq. ft. ). 6. Traffic The new driveways will be in the same location but slightly smaller than the existing drive openings. Therefore no adverse impact upon ingress or egress is expected. The applicant expects that the improvements will result in increased business for the facility. The larger number of cars will be easily accommodated be- cause 6 fueling lanes, with dispensing locations for 10 cars simultaneously are provide , compared with 4 lanes and 4 simultaneous fueling locations at the present facility. The resulting increased "stacking area" created by the expanded fueling fac- ility plus the very large parking and circulation yard area means that no con- gestion will be generated in N. 30th St. by this proposal . 7. Noise and Glare Noise would not be noticeably increased by this proposal since there is an existing operational service station on the site. Light and glare impacts would either remain the same or be reduced slightly due to the down-directed design of the canopy and flood lights. 8. Landscaping GeneroLs landscaping is shown, especially on interior property lines. 9. Accesscry Uses Only those accessory uses which are related to the normal operation of a service station will be maintained. 10. Conversion The useage of the existing service building, which is to remain unmodified, will nct be changed from the present use. 11. Public Improvements The existing facility is served by all utilities at present. Sidewalk, curb and gutter will be extended along the N. 30th St. frontage to Chevron's west property line. ENDING OF FILE FILE TITLE 1 C)SaniW g2tO9735-