HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA87-0347r.r TTTI'?' wRIoAnal SOURCE CONNECTION STW ronAgoke NRI(j114N NOTES F ; y o• 01241,22,2t212.1.11 TO Mom. 8 F°•3 aeon at off.Ma f of*t.,f.. 7 1,. e.'—ti cow.,..., RRIGATION SCHEDULE AG\ r \ n esw n.__xn .s a 1 S -Ver xcznae 4214.2 -.n nova cc ..i s v' o b v V iL V S21.0M4.410 GtugwGG,,,,,,P4Mw 4'WQPa .4o.e. Sc .-2 4• eb or TA.,W. La.,O.uC*r 9'Kt N'(.viI a'IAA",6CCM.'VYn 24 t.? it' L ee MO 4LPA'.0 A6.0 24 t-, /T' me SW.axST, o i alr, a 2 Nam i+ay rcc.m.x.c a ry i aw u,c a s. .r ace s.v.., a 8 s.,.., wr. ...np n g 3 Al/ 7" r N. . s4 Arr.11.. +.; / 6"/ It' i _ t''''' F 1 W S L W a Z" Ma w ... w R". R.+www I ammo e/ ,•• wan to 0 IJ '•14 16 n,p.w,..ewcxu gj'I,i I I I 1 I I "I I I I I'I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I )' .h,,r-__- s.ev7,o_„un ft2 — l Gl 3CC `:' e IRRIGATION PLAN e;.". 4..,:r, (j 0. ,.. BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLErLt1IjIA4sl1a.1. Y \ 3AHa3487 1000 CITY OF RENTON sal BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director MEMORANDUM DATE : FEBRUARY 29 , 1988 TO : CITY CLERK FROM: BUILDING AND ZONING \ S) SUBJECT: BERKLEY STRUCTURES SITE APPROVAL: SA-034-87 TRANSMITTED HEREWITHIN IS FILE SA-034-87 . READY TO BE FILED. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 4 4) ) SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: Berkley Structures, Inc. LOCATION: Located approximately at the 800 block of S.W. 34th St. SUMMARY OF REQUEST:Application for Site Plan Approval to allow the construction of a two-story office building having approximately 77 , 170 square feet on a 4. 79 acre site east of Springbrook Creek and west of Lind Avenue between S .W. 34th Street and S .W. 39th Street. COMMIT= REVIEW: The review was conducted at 10: 00 a.m. on December 8 , 1987, in the third floor conference room of the Renton Municipal Building. The Committee review was conducted after receiving written comment from all divisions of the Public Works Department, both divisions of the Building and Zoning Department, and the Fire, Police, Parks and Policy Development Departments. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1 Yellow file containing application, proof of posting and publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exzibit No. 2 Site plan (received June 8, 1987) . Exhibit No. 3 Landscape plan (received April 13 , 1987) . Exhibit No. 4 Building elevation plans. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND DECISION Having reviewed the written record in the matter, and conducted individual on-site inspections by each member of the Site Plan Review Committee, the Site Plan Review Committee now makes and enters The following: Findings: 1. The applicant, Berkeley Structures, Inc. , has requested site plan approval to allow the construction of a two-story office complex totaling 77, 170 sq. ft. of gross area and parking for some 636 cars. 2 . The applicant ' s file containing the application, the state Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation, the comments from various City departments, the public notices requesting citizen comment, and other pertinent documents was entered as Exhibit No. 1. 3 . Pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43 . 21C 1971 as amended) , a mitigated declaration of non-significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee, the responsible official . The mitigated declaration of non-significance was based upon the applicant complying with the following six conditions: Site Plan Review Cc______ittee City of Renton Report and Decision Berkley Structures, Inc. Page 2 a. That the applicant provide an unobstructed emergency vehicle lane; b. That the applicant participate in the Valley Traffic Benefit District by paying an assessment fee of 256, 791. 88 at the time of building permit submittal; c. That the applicant not exceed the City' s Parking Code requirements; d. That the applicant participate in an aggressive TSM program or pay the City the sum of $12 , 293 . 19 ($9 . 00 per vehicle trip) ; e. That additional on-site landscaping be provided, and f. That passive indoor employee amenity space be provided. 4 . Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all City departments affected by the impact of this proposal. 5. The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Manufacturing Park. 6 . The site plan as presented provides sufficient parking to comply with the Parking and Loading Ordinance of the City of Re:zton. Actually the proposal exceeds the required amount of off-street parking by approximately 250 spaces. 7 . Se:;tion 4-738 (D, 1) lists ten criteria that the Hearing Examiner and City staff are asked to consider along with all other relevant information in making a decision on a Site Approval application. These include the following: Ge:zeral Criteria: a. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, its elements and policies; The subject proposal is in general compliance with the Industrial Objectives and Policies of the Plan. The Valley Plan encourages "good design of industrial and commercial buildings and sites" noting that this will make development more attractive, improve business and enhance the community' s image. In addition design standards or restrictive covenants executed between property owners and subsequent tenants or purchasers are encouraged to ensure a high quality of design in the Valley. These same policies encourage the provision of ample landscaping throughout a developed site, including along property lines and along established public rights-of- way, between areas of incompatible land use, and along water channels and wildlife habitats. They also require that the applicant provide an "additional 2% natural landscaping required for developed sites in the Valley by the Soil Conservation Service environmental Mitigation Agreement" . This landscaping is to be aggregated in one portion of the property. In reviewing the subject proposal Staff found the project to be deficient in the amount of landscaping being provided on site. Parking areas could use more significant street type trees for helping to break up the large visual expanse of parked cars as well as to provide additional shade for cooling and habitat for birdlife. Site Plan Review Committee City of Renton Report and Decision Berkley Structures, Inc. Page 3 The site also appears to be deficient in terms of providing the additional 2% natural landscaping aggregated in one portion of the site. No such space is indicated on the applicant' s drawings. b. Conformance with existing land use regulations; Except for the 2% natural aggregated landscape area, the subject proposal appears to comply with the M-P Zone regulations. Preliminary staff review indicates that the proposal complies with the lot area, setback, and height requirements of this zone. The Environmental Review Committee reviewed this project against the Environmental Performance Standards contained in Section 4-730 (C) l0. of this zone and found the project acceptable. c. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses; The only known impacts of this development on surrounding property will primarily be to the Springbrook Creek Greenbelt to the north/northwest of the proposed building. Properties to the south and southeast are part of the same manufacturing/office park. The primary concern in mitigating impacts to the adjacent greenbelt would be in ensuring that surface water runoff from the parking lots is adequately treated to remove oil and other water contaminates before allowing it to enter Springbrook Creek. d. Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site; This is one of the areas of greatest deficiency in this site plan. Emergency access to the the proposed two-story office building is not clearly delineated or very direct. Staff believe a separate access drive for dropping off and picking up people as well as providing direct access to the building for emergency and service vehicles should be provided so that this traffic does not have to work its way through potentially congested parking lots. Another area that warrants attention is the treatment of pedestrian circulation through these same lots and between this site and the Springbrook Creek Greenbelt to the northwest of the subject property. Pedestrian circulation has not yet been adequately addressed. e. Conservation of area-wide property values; The subject proposal is consistent with nearby office type developments and should not detract from area-wide property values. f. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; Site Plan Review Co u«ttee City of Renton Report and Decision Berkley Structures, Inc. Page 4 As noted above this is an area that Staff believe warrants much further attention. By reducing the number of excess parking spaces, additional space can be provided on site for common open space for employees, the above mentioned emergency service vehicle access lane, street trees, and grade separated pedestrian walkways. It should be noted that the applicants landscape plan does show one pedestrian walkway (on axis with the building) through the north parking lot. What this walkway needs are some cross walkways that will branch off of it and serve the aisles to either side of it. By grouping the compact car parking and providing more of it (the code allows up to 40%) , such cross walkways could be provided. The applicant has already grouped some of these smaller stalls to create planters, which in this case, we are suggesting become walkways. (These more shrubbed type areas do little in terms of breaking up the large expanse of parking and could poise a threat to pedestrians in terms of defensible space and should, in Staff ' s view, be replaced with mature street trees such as Norway Maple. ) Such walkways should be elevated to keep vehicles from intruding on them and to give the user a greater sense of security. It would also increase their legibility. g. Provision of adequate light and air; The subject building is well spaced from any obstructions except on its south side where Building 14 is sited some 60 feet away. The nearest other building is some 175 feet away to the east. As a consequence, the subject building should have good solar exposure on all sides except possibly the south facade during the winter months where some overshadowing might occur during or near the noon hour. h. Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions; The subject proposal is not expected to have any adverse effects in terms of noise, odors or other identified harmful impacts. The only use applied for and being approved is that of commercial office use. i. Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use; The subject site is well served by public utilities and facilities. An eight-inch sanitary sewer line exists along S.W. 34th Street west of Springbrook Creek. This can easily be extended to provide access to the site. In addition, an eight-inch sewer line serves the southern portion of the campus off of S.W. 39th Street. Twelve- inch water mains serve the site along S.W. 34th and S.W. 39th Streets. j . Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight. As noted above, the subject proposal is not expected to have any deleterious effect on the surrounding area. Conclusions: 1. The subject proposal is a development that is generally consistent with all relevant policies, specifications, and codes of the City of Renton. 2 . Specific site plan related issues were raised by various City departments which focused on, among other things: Site Plan Review Co Lttee City of Renton Report and Decision Berkley Structures, Inc. Page 5 a. Improved access from the proposed development to Springbrook Creek and the recreational trail system there; b. Improved vehicular access be provided to S.W. 34th Street by providing a second driveway at the east edge of the site to this arterial; c. That there was a need for more on-site recreational opportunities for employees of the proposed complex; and d. That additional landscaping should be considered as a buffer between the subject site and Springbrook Creek. 3 . Tha proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Manufacturing Park and the present zoning classification of M-I? (Manufacturing Park) . 4 . Th : subject proposal generally complies with all the General Site Plan Review Criteria as set forth in Section 4-738 of the Building Regulations of the City of Renton. Decisio l: The site plan, File Number SA-034-87, is subject to the following conditiDns: 1. That the applicants reduce the amount of parking on site to no': exceed a ratio of five spaces per thousand sq. ft. so as to encourage ridesharing and car pooling, to provide more opportunities for open space and vehicular separated pedestrian circulation on site, as well as opportunities for more landscaping within the parking lots themselves as well as along the edges of the site, particularly along the boundary with the Springbrook Creek Greenbelt and along the railroad spur in the northeast portion of the site. 2 . That the applicants provide a contiguous landscaped natural area equal in area to at least 2% of the site along the west property line where it is contiguous with the Springbrook Creek right-of-way; NOTE: This area should be looked at to see if it could be designed as a biofilter to treat surface water runoff. 3 . That a system of east-west pedestrian walkways (these could be incorporated into planters) be provided throughout the larger parking lot that connect to a central walkway directly linked to the proposed office building; 4 . That a series of pedestrian links be provided connecting the subject site to the adjacent Springbrook Creek right-of-way and its trail system; 5. That additional street type trees be provided in the interior of the parking lot to break up larger paved areas and screen and shade parked cars; and 6. That a minimum four foot wide landscape strip be provided along the railroad spur along the northeast portion of the site to soften this edge. For the purpose of these decisions, the term "should" and "shall" are to be considered mandatory and the term "may" is considered discretionary. Site Plan Review Colulu..ttee City of Renton Report .and Decision Berkley Structures, Inc. Page 6 ORDERED THIS 9th day of December, 1987 the..Environm 1 R ' ew Committee I I4,4 Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator TRANSMITTED THIS 10th day of December, 1987 to the parties of record: Michael J. Heavey, Attorney 201 Elliott Avenue W. Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98119 Douglas Gardner 201 Elliott Avenue W. Suite 407 Seattle, WA 98119 TRANSMITTED THIS 10th day of December, 1987, to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director Larry M. Springer, Policy Development Director Ronald G. Nelson, Building and Zoning Director Glen Gordon, Fire Marshal Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Members Renton Planning Commission Valley Daily News REQUESTS FOR RECONSIDERATION must be filed in writing on or before 5 : 00 PNf on December 23 , 1987 . Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Site Plan Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available prior to the meeting date of December 9, 1987, may make a written request to the Zoning Administrator for review by the Site Plan Committee within fourteen (14) days of the decision, which is December 9, 1987 . This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Committee may, after review of the record, take further action as it deems proper. AN APPEAL TO THE HEARING EXAMINER is governed by Title IV, Section 3011 (B) (1) , which requires that such appeals be filed directly with the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be made in writing before 5 p.m. on December 23 , 1987 . THE AP?EARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE provides that no ex parte private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal . Decision-markers in the land use process for site plan approvals include: (1) the Public Works Director, (2) the Building and Zoning Director, (3) The Policy Development Director, (4) the Hearing Examiner, and (5) members of the City Council . Site Plan Review Committee City of Renton Report and Decision Berkley Structures, Inc. Page 7 All communications after the decision date must be made in writing through the Zoning Administrator. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the _nvalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial committee decision, but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the Hearing Examiner. SR - o u_ 87 v Ye, OF RA,A o THE CITY OF RENTON o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9q FRED J. KAUFMAN, 235 -2593 09grQD SEPTE OP MEMORANDUM v JuLy 10, 1987 TO: Members E.R. C. Committee FROM: Fred J. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner RE: Sabey Corporation Appeal AAD-059-87 Enclosed please find a copy of an appeal filed by Sabey Corporation in regard to the above entitled matter. This office needs to know if the appeal was filed in a timely fashion. The appeal was received on July 7, 1987 . Be advised that a hearing date has not been scheduled, but please forward all relevant information regarding this matter to M-is office as soon as possible, but not later then July 17, 1987 . Thanks for your cooperation. cc: Mayor Shinpoch City Attorney City Clerk Don Erickson Mike Parness 1, I 1Z"t -1Z. \i :( :`. APPEAL Michael J. Heavey TO: Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington RE: Berkley Structures Site Plan Approval, File Nos . : ECF- 029- 87, SA-034-87, and SM-008-87 Please be advised that Berkley Structures hereby appeals the following: CONDITION 2 . "2. That the applicant participate in the Valley Traffic benefit District by paying an assessment fee of $256, 791 .88 at the time of building permit submittal . " Said Appeal is premised on $2.82 square foot as shown in CH2M Hill Study and the fact that this building is a part of a complex of buildings that have well over 100, 000 square feet, actually over 300, 000 square feet. DATED THIS 7 DAY OF Vay , 1987 . 5C) Michae, J . Heavey CEINI Attor ey' Re 4‘prei- PU " ? 19a 14611 G,,cH ;3pM COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY 201 Edion,ve.."J.•Suite•:00•':rattta... • ANDREA BEATTY RINIKER t, 4'_ Director 1 1889 v9 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Mail Stop PV-11 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8711 • (206) 459-6000 July 2, 1987 Environmental Review Committee City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Sirs : Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the determination of nonsignificance for the Boeing Electronics Company Build- ing proposed by Berkley Structures, Inc. (ECF-029-87) . We reviewed the environmental checklist and have the following comments. As noted in the checklist, a shoreline permit will be re- quired for this project . The proposed project must comply with the goals and standards of the local shoreline master program. If you have any questions, please call Ms . Linda Rankin of the Shorelands Division at (206) 459-6763 . Sincerely, 3Ct/ik' l--2.-CtilR4/4-e. Barbara J. Ritchie Environmental Review Section BJR: cc: Linda Rankin ILAIEDJUL61987 ENGINEERING DEPT. Ci ,ic FFNinr, c r,: To 3 4' l MEMO CITY OF RENTON TO: Ervironmental Review Committee FROM: John R . Adamson , Program DEvelopment Coordinator SUBJECT: Site Approval for Berkeley Structures Bu i l d i nq 1115 Application SA-034-87 ) . Public Works Conditions DATE : May 4 , 1987 PLEASE: RESPOND BY : N/A Berke ey Structures , Inc . has requested site approval to allow construction of a two story office building having approximately 77 , 170 square feet at SW 34th Street , adjacent to 80 ) SW 39th Street . The application No . is SA-034-87 . The E =C No . is 029-87 . The P'-ogram Development Coordinator and the Public Works Department recommend the following conditions : 1 . All curbs , sidewalks and street lights on the perimeter of the property be constructed as required by City Ordinance . 2 . Driveway from parking lot onto 34th Street to be 30 feet in width . 3 . Valley traffic assessment ( for SEPA) amount to be $188 per vehicle trip for traffic and an additional $9 per vehicle trip for TSM . If an aggressive TSM program is approved by the ERC , the $9 per vehicle trip ( for TSM) will be waived . The calculations are : a .Office trips : 17 .7 trips ( per 1000 sq . ft) * 77 , 170 / 1000 = 1365 .91 trips ) * (cost per trip ) 1365 .91 * $188 = $256 ,791 .08 1365 . 91 * $ 9 =1222a,12 for TSM TOTAL 269 ,084 .27 to mitigate Berkeley Structures portion of the area-wide traffic mitigation fee . 4 . Prepare a traffic analysis to determine the appropriate channelization at the project driveway and SW 34th Street . The study shall also evaluate the traffic signal warrants at the intersection of Lind Ave . SW and SW 34th Street at full development . 5 . Build channelization at parking lot entrance as "site specific" improvement , and participate in construction of r traffic signal at 34th and Lind Ave . , to extent determined by traffic analysis . John R . Adamson NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee ERC) hac sued a Determination of NON- SIGNIFIC ',E-MITIGATED for the efollow-AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Rpro underthe authority the Renton pallCode. The Applicant(s) have cc 1 a mitigation process pursu- ant to 4 7-11-350. A1.I._'ey DeJoie SHAI' O'NEIL (SHANNON'S VIL- being first duly sworn on oath states LAGE) that he'she is the Chief Clerk of the Applica for site plan approval to con- struct thre Ju,ldings and remodel one for retail and Vc!essional office use. Property located east of Duvall Avenue N.E. and ALLEY DAILY NEVUS north of N.E. Sunset Blvd. File Nos. ECF- 027-87,SA-031-87.Kent L . ition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition M.A.SEGALE,INC. Application for special permit to continue Daily newspapers published six (6) times a week. That said newspapers operation of filling existing former borrow are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six pit of approximately 14.4 acres. Property monthsprior to the date ofpublication referred to,File Nos. d •300 block of - 033- Monr 7 Ave. N.E. printed and published File ECF-028-87,SP-033-87. in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King BERKLEY STRUCTURES,INC. Application for site plan approval to buildCounty,Washington.The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal a two-story office complex totaling 77,170 newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for sq. ft. building on 4.79 acres and applica- King County. tion for substantial shorelines development permit to allow the subject development within 200 feet of Springbrook Creek. Prop- ertyThenoticeintheexactformattached,was published in the Kent Edition locatedL east Avenueofand SpringbrookbetweenCre and Renton Edition X Auburn Edition westStreetLindS.W. nd Street. S.W. and not in 34th and S.4"J 39th File Nos. supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers ECF-029-87,SA-034-87,SM-008-87. CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS during the below stated period.The annexed notice a _ DEPARTMENT Dtice of =nvironrr.ental Determination Application for environmental review and substantial shoreline permit to allow exten- was published on Jul-1 13, 1987 a23c sion of sanitary sewer of the Cedar River. Property located at S.E. 5th Street and Maple Valley Road. File Nos. ECF-030-87, SA-034-87,SM-005.87. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning sum of S •90 Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2540. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the City of Renton 7 Hearing Examiner by July 27, 1987. Published in the Valley Daily News July 13, 1937.R2398. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 3-ne day of_ Jul y 19 87 Notary Public for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, King County, Washington. ION•d 7 Rev sec••95 I 1 i 1r 1 . rfrr NotEnvirDet/Dsk l Pub71387 NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of NON- SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED for the following project(s) under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. The Applicant(s) have completed a mitigation process pursuant to WAC 197-11- 350. SHANNON O'NEIL (SHANNON'S VILLAGE) Application for site plan approval to construct three buildings and remodel one for retail and professional office use. Property located east of Duvall Avenue N.E. and north of N.E. Sunset Blvd. File Nos. ECF-027-87, SA-031-87. M.A. SEGALE, INC. Application for special permit to continue operation of filling existing former borrow pit of approximately 14.4 acres. Property located at 300 block of Monroe Ave. N.E. File Nos. ECF-028-87, SP-033-87. VBERELEY STRUCTURES, INC. Application for site plan approval to build a two-story office complex totaling 77,170 sq. ft. building on 4.79 acres and application for substantial shorelines development permit to allow the subject development within 200 feet of Springbrook Creek. Property located east of Springbrook Creek and west of Lind Avenue and between S.W. 34th Street and S.W. 39th Street. File Nos. ECF-029-87, SA-034-87, SM-008-87. CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Application for environmental review and substantial shoreline permit to allow extension of sanitary sewer of the Cedar River. Property located at S.E. 5th Street and Maple Valley Road. File NOs. ECF-030-87, SM-005-87 Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2540. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the City of Kenton Hearing Examiner by July 27, 1987. Published: July 13, 1987 t$CITY OF RENTON mu. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director June 25, 1987 Dolglas N. Gardner 201 Elliott Ave. West, Suite 407 Seattle, WA 98119 RE: Berkley Structures Site Plan Approval, File Nos. : ECF- 029-87, SA-034-87, and SM-008-87 Dear Mr. Gardner: This letter is to inform you that the Environmental Review Committee completed their review of the environmental impacts of your site plan approval request for propertylocatedadjacentto800S.W. 39th Street. The Committee on June 17, 1987, decided that your project may be issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated with the following conditions: 1. That the applicant provide an unobstructed emergency vehicle lane. 2 . That the applicant participate in the Valley Traffic Benefit District by paying an assessment fee of 256, 791. 88 at the time of building permit submittal. 3 . That the applicant not exceed the City' s Parking Code Requirements. 4 . That the applicant participate in an aggressive TSM program or pay the City the amount of $9 . 00 per vehicle trip. 5. That additional on-site landscaping be provided and that passive indoor employee amenity space be provided. Because the Environmental Review Committee imposed specific mitigation measures rather than issue a Determination of Significance, there is a required fifteen (15) day comment period during which comments are solicited from various agencies, jurisdictions or individuals who may have an 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 Douglas N. Gardner Berkley Structures Site Plan Approval June 25, 1987 Page 2 interest in the Committee' s decision. The comment period will end July 6, 1987. Following the end of the comment period, the City will finalize it ' s Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation. Following the finalization of the Determination, there is a required 14 day appeal period. Appeals are made to the City' s Hearing Examiner. In addition, by the end of the comment period, we should be able to establish a tentative public hearing date before the Hearing Examiner. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call our office at 235-2540 and ask for myself or Jeanette Samek-McKague. For the Envir en 1 view Committee. 444 7 aa- K. Erickson, AICP Zoiing Administrator DK: BG:cb:dskl LtGardnr MEMO CITY OF RENTON TO: Environmental Review Committee FROM: John R . Adamson , Program Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Sabey Corporation (Berkley Structures ) request to reduce bond DA1E :June 24 , 1987 PROBLEM: Berkley Structures submitted four bonds on March 19, 1987 , in lieu of providing traffic signals , street wicening and channelization improvements associated with BECO Buildings 8, 9,10 and 11 . One of the required improvements was the installation of the signal at SW 39th and Lind Ave . Berkley Structures notified the City of completion of the signal in January , 1987 , and asked for reduction of their bond . The City , based upon previous correspondence , stated that $100 ,000 would be credited towards the cost of the signal installation . Berkley Structures requested $133 ,060 . DISCUSSION : Hearing Examiner File No . SA-100-85 approved the site plan for the BECO Office buildings at Lind and SW 39th . A condition of approval was a trip mitigation fee which cot. ld be satisfied in whole or part by the installation of a traffic signal at SW 39th and Lind . In a letter dated February 24, 1986 , Douglas Gardner , Project Manager for Berkley Structures , stated the light at SW 39th and Lind would cost $182,000 . In a letter dated March 3 , 1986 , Roger Blaylock , City of Rerton Zoning Administrator , stated that the ERC had approved the installation of this light at a credit of 100 ,000 as agreed in a "previously negotiated agreement ." Apparently there was a verbal request for the reduction of 133 ,060 by Berkley Structures in early January , 1987 . I have no record of any written correspondence . On January 14, 1987 , Ron Nelson sent Douglas Gardner a letter indicating that the City could reduce the bond by 1C0 ,000 . On January 19, 1987 , Douglas Gardner forwarded a lengthy explanation of the discussion to Ron Nelson indicating that Berkley Structures had never agreed to the traffic mitigation fee . RECOMMENDATION : The City 's correspondence states that 100 ,000 would be allowed for the cost of the traffic signal . Neither this amount nor the imposition of a traffic mitigation fee was disputed by Berkley Structures during 1986 . The fact that Berkley Structures accepted a building permit and constructed the buildings implies acceptance of the conditions ( including traffic mitigation ) accompanying the building permit . I recommend that the City credit Berkley Structures $100 ,000 for the traffic signal installation . ( See attached letter . ) A second point is the usefulness of the existing bonds . I recommend that they be substituted with Letters of Credit . ohn R . Adamson r July 1 , 1987 Mr . Michael J . Heavey Attorney Sabey Corporation 201 Elliot Avenue West Suite 400 PO Box 9847 Seattle , Washington 98109 Subject: Berkley Structures , Inc . Bonds for Traffic Signal at SW 39th and Lind Ave , City of Renton Dear Mr . Heavey : The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has reviewed your request for reduction of your traffic mitigation bond . Your request was for $133 ,060 .00 , based upon figures supplied by your office . A review of the Hearing Examiner ' s report and the correspondence surrounding this issue reveals that this issue had previously been discussed by the Environmental Review Committee and representatives of Berkley Structures , Inc . A letter from Roger Blaylock , Zoning Administrator , dated March 3 , 1986 , states that the Environmental Review Committee had met on February 26 , 1986 to "clarify" the conditions imposed on the Orillia Properties . The Committee authorized a total of $100 ,000 credit for the construction of the traffic signal at SW 39th and Lind Ave . By acceptance of a building permit and construction of a building pursuant to that permit and the accompanying conditions without any written objection at the time , you have accepted this condition . The Environmental Review Committee approved the reduction of your bond by $100 ,000 to reflect the agreed upon credit for completion of the traffic signal at SW 39th and Lind Ave . . Sincerely , John R . Adamson Program Development Coordinator DS/Dskl ECF02987 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATED) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-029-87 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA-034-87, SM-008-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for site plan approval to build a two-story office complex totaling 77, 170 sq. ft. building on 4 . 79 acres. Application for substantial shoreline permit to allow the construction. PROPONENT: Berkley Structures, Inc. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Property located on S.W. 34th Street adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton, Building and Zoning Department. The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43 . 21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decisioh was made after review of an expanded environmental checklist and preliminary site plan, on file with the lead agency. Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-2822 (D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet) . These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340. The lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen (15) days from June 22 , 1987. Anyinterestedpartymaysubmitwrittencommentswhichmustbesubmitted by 5: 00 p.m. , July 7, 1987, in order to be considered. A fourteen 14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of the DNS. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 235-2500 DATE OF DECISION: June 17 , 1987 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 22, 1987 Ro iald- G. Nelson 44 r A Spring=4BuildingandZoningDirectorpolicy '-velopme t Director Richard Cy/Houghton Public Works Director DS/Dskl BerklyMM CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATION MEASURES) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-029-87 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SA-034-87, SM-008-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for site plan approval to build a two-story office complex totaling 77,170 sq. ft. building on 4. 79 acres. Application for substantial shoreline permit to allow the construction. PROPONENT: Berkley Structures, Inc. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Property located on S.W. 34th Street adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton, Building and Zoning Department. CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant provide an unobstructed emergency vehicle lane. 2 . That the applicant participate in the Valley Traffic Benefit District by paying an assessment fee of 256, 791. 88 at the time of building permit submittal. 3 . That the applicant not exceed the City's Parking Code requirements. 4 . That t1e applicant participate in an aggressive TSM program or pay the City the amount of $9. 00 per vehicle trip. 5. That additional on-site landscaping be provided. 6. That passive indoor employee amenity space be provided. oT. 5" JS'__ .:. _ ... N E ENVIRONMENTAL DEcLARATION APPLICATION NO. ECF-029-S7, SA-034-87, SM-008-87 APPLICANT BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC . PROPOSED ACTION APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO BUILD A 2 STORY )FFICE COMPLEX TOTALING 77,170 SQ , FT, BUILDING ON 4 . 79 ACRES. APPLIC \TION FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHORELINE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION , GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS PROPERTY LOCATED ON S.W. 34TH STREET ADJACENT TO 800 S. W. 39TH STREET POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL Ki WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JULY 6, 1987 AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of NON-SICNIFICANCE-MITIGATED for the folmwing project(s) under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. The Applicant(s) have completed a mitigation process pursuant to WAC 197-11-350. SHANNON O'NEIL (SHANNON'S VILLAGE) Application for site plan approval to construct three buildings and remodel one for retail and professional office use. Property located east of Duvall Avenue N.E. and north of N.E. Sunset Blvd. File Nos. ECF-027-87, SA-031-87 M.A. SEGALE, INC. Application for special permit to continue operation of filling existing former borrow pit of approximately 14.4 acres. Property located at 300 block of Monroe Ave N.E. File Nos. ECF 028-87, SP 033-87 BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC Application for site plan approval to build a two-story office complex totaling 77,170 sq. ft. building on 4.79 acres. Application for substantial shoreling permit to allow the construction. Property located on S. W. 34th Street adjacent to 800 S. W. 39th Street. File Nos. ECF 029-87, SA 034-87, SM 008-87 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Application for environmental review and substantial shorelinge permit to allow extension of sanitary sewer of the Cedar River. Property located at S. E. 5th Street and Maple Valley Road. File Nos. ECF 030-87, SM 005-87 This decision will be finalized in 15 days. Written comments received after 5:00 P. M. July 6, 1987 will not be considered. A fourteen (14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of DNS. The mitigation measures imposei by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington Phone 235-2540 PUBLISHED: June 22, 1987 NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICA'I'I®N The ENTON,WASHINGTON Environmental Review Committee ERC) has issued a Determination of NON- SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED for the follow- being first duly sworn on oath states ing project(s) under the authority of theludrea1ejZ,e Renton Municipal Code. The Applicant(s)that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the have completed a mitigation process pursu- ant to WAC 197-11-350. SHANNON O'NEIL (SHANNON'S VIL- VALLEY DAILY NEWS LAGE) Application for site plan approval to con- Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition struct three buildings and remodel one for retail and professional office use. Property Daily newspapers published six (6) times a week.That said news papers to east of DuvallAvenuel N.E. and P p nortrthh eo of N.E. Sunset Blvd. File N.E. ECF- are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six , 027-87,SA-031-87. months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published M.A.SEGALE,INC. Application for special permit to continueintheEnglishlanguagecontinuallyasdailynewspapersinKent, King operation of filling existing former borrow County,Washin gton.The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal pit of approximately 14.4 acres. Property located at 300 block of Monroe Ave N.E.newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for File Nos.ECF-028-87,SP 033-87. King County. BERKLEY STRUCTURES,INC Application for site plan approval to build a two-story office complex totaling 77,170Thenoticeintheexactformattached,was published in the Kent Edition sq. ft. building on 4.79 acres. Application for substantial shoreline permit to allow theRentonEditionx , Auburn Edition and not in construction.Property located on S.W.34th supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers Street adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. during the below stated period.The annexed notice a File Nos: ECF 029-87, SA 034-87, SM 008-87. CITY OF Notioe of Environmental Determination DEPARTMENT RENTON PUBIC WORKS was published on Juno 22 1n87 R2358 Application for environmental review and substantial shoreline permit to allow exten- sion of sanitary sewer of the Cedar River. Property located at S.E. 5th Street and Maple Valley Road. File Nos. ECF 030-87, The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the SM 005-87. This decision will be finalized in 15 days. Sum Of $ 36 g_—. Written comments received after 5:00 P.M. July 6, 1987 will not be considered.A four- teen(14)day appeal period will commence following the finalization of DNS. The miti- G gation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Building and Zoning , Department, Municipal Building, Renton, ne 235-2540.Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25 th day of June 19 W ashin Published gton.Ph the Valley Daily News June 22, 1987.R2358 C! f 1:‘ 2:*" Notary Public for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, King County, Washington.C , _. -r 7',117, VCN N87 Rev,sed I1'86 i.1 1_ I" J I_•f is2't'.»I'."Tail1:'fiT^'IITEl'.r:._:«TT ri:'t'.'r:x}:iFa' .p"'y 411 iSr'1; it µ.+i xrr' .* .0 c::,. 7 L E I CIF U L JU JS LJ T (rt1ILt:X'r:-P' .i x+x. ."'L.a: T.ir' .+.}.. Zs»..a. ..r„..y: z. 1 ' ' x:t+ tx+ P.O. Box 9847 Y .fit f+:`t ,.H.,f- f ;+tt Z•• 141 Seattle,Washington 98109 i.z'. ,: 'Y"*` . 4.4-1J '.tf4 . 1Hx. p":±+: + s 206/281 8252 Berkley Structures, Inc.DATE JOB NO. ATTENTIA Te -7 L,h6 TO RE 7" ie-A4.-- Pl by 1.- ,ail/ySis- GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU CAI Attached Under separate cover via the following items: Sho drawings Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION J ? Ltf/tr /7- A.,64) Is d* sj JP THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval I 0 ror your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints 0 For review and comment 0 O FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US EMARKS 1 CITYGig "a° t opt e'J!Lrjli: ,/, .:,.I;JG WWP `. 1 COPY TO SIGNED: 7 4.i I».Q,.44 a-.:i,4.444-. i-ri.1/..... .P. :H T4 i,b.-i t....4.:...... µ, d«.I..i.. ...d ..Y wa;'c0...:i.t't..a., Berkley Structures, Inc. P.O. Box 9847.Seattle, Washington 98109.206/281-8252 CITY+ OF RENTON M n L.x.s ..L..'.,` <,f..aa..i .L P. .. mg I] Y Jerry Lind June 16, 1987 I Land Use Department UU'trytt,, s •' Municipal Building P' !L:.,:N..,,.... .0.46 DEPT.Renton, WA Dear Jerry, Per your request, below is the information regarding building 15's parking lot analysis. Per site plan D dated 6-5-87, the parking lot stalls available for each building is as follows : Building 11 = 228 stalls Building 14 = 398 stalls Building .15 = 652 stalls Total = 1278 stalls It should be noted that there are additional parking stalls for building 11 located on the east and north of the building that are not shown on this plan. The net useable square footage (gross sf. less electrical rooms, janitorial rooms, elevator machine rooms, bathrooms, stairways, etc. ) has been calculated for buildings 11 and 14 based from the actual building. Building 15, being similar in shape to building .14, was calculated by using 14's net/gross ratio. Building 11 = 81,486 sf. (or 15% of gross sf. ) Building 14 = 53,106 sf. (or 11% of gross sf. ) Building 15 = 68,681 sf. (or 11% of gross sf. ) Total = 203,273 net sf. Based on the ratio of 5 stalls per 1000 sf. of net usable space, the three buildings combined have a ratio of 6.29 stalls per 1000 sf. Building 15 alone has 9.49 stalls per 1000 sf. of net usable space. I hope this information will be usefull to you. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me at 251-8427. Sincerely, 7 1— L--- Thomas R. Gallagher Project Manager Berkley Structures 0 1 1_ SW 34th STREET I/ r i SITE PLAN AREA /4 I RELIABLE 01ST. INC. LA D G N Q 4- z CP// // / aGtog BUILDING 9\G, 03 g BUILDING 11 al " m , L 14 N SW 39th STREET I 6.5.87 1 BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-034-87 APPLICANT BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. TOTAL AREA 4.79 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS S.W. 34th STREET AND S.W. 39th STREET. EXISTING ZONING M-P (MANUFACTURING PARK) EXISTING USE UNDEVELOPED PROPOSED USE APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO STORY BUILDING HAVING 77,170 SQUARE FEET (BLDG. NO. 15) . COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN MANUFACTURING PARK/MULTIPLE OPTION COMMENTS LOCATED EAST OF THE SPRINGBROOK GREENBELT AND NORTH OF S.W. 39th STREET AND SOUTH OF S.W. 34th STREET. b EVERGREEN TREE STAKING DETAIL TREE STAKING DETAIL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL ijih , 11! H GENERAL NOTES a aIgara II 4'I 11614 iz 7" PLANT LIST 1.a• ,";t' an aaawrwc i a,ra Ar.r I - A .7. a "um rrwa.aary irewaa.+w'/wa._.rr+•a8.•. C".. ern ppYY" L`) . nw a.o.n ssv cwwr';c.ma axs'uc.e!e i 0, . 70044 area .s.'vs.w.011-40 A J..+./s./61.9 ~II 7'HAL 60- , y 4%Cm,yp OMOM9, GY[xa„Qt.' Jr.a. Q.'4-.. cn.•.crra,..,w,rn+-.vae/.v.9ay..,..w COMM erxu i' Er_ o CO •.r .wmw l..ans/"Aar,. *.A..n z 6-6 a..reox.A..•,.u6..r0 b r0.< O .. rove.crA.sr Y, err a / 1 Q Z O , IWO,WA,. arr+a ti:•• t I 3{I G `,c S asC O ,a 0009.e.«.w•r,999,900.0 n 1.0 t. G r n.•m.rmar v.,,,. ara; 1 r O 3 SS& 4• ,...s c..s"-,c.,./•..+..ear raw r. r.,M. OM .as Art.vsaiavr 99,-0, A: \it O aP .,. nn..rw.'cu..,.ntto,+Ar ,.Am,. it ! al t ro.•. N rt ra s O I 1 rm...svrn,o•-rrov ,sv..a>oc. pf i9YFl./ 7'i ir I ht LLJ it cl!!!E' _ __ o W a z ii III L , iilillll fil 11 I . Ill 3 o ofT co gal I i) = Y. es a LIE w i:G? \\ mn-.,— ,v S:i 't sumo - .... :. NIIaLIM a "r'nrr` I LL coy Ts J ll Im !i ! Oi I ii!_iiii!, i ! II IIII.. I 0`rCAPE IP m` ,ial, "„v" MOM ter I I I SW 34th STREET I I T I r I SITE PLAN AREA / REUABLE DIST. INC. I A\ / / I II I I I w I lvj// //ZI i//' JV Q jV,/ // 0 0 N / / Z J Q`O/ //,// t G/ i// G I BUILDING 9 ao z 9 9 1 BUILDING 11 m I li /! I Ni-___1 V''-SW 39th STREET q.0 6.5.87 I jI BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-034-87 APPLICANT BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. TOTAL AREA 4.79 ACRES PRINCIPAL ACCESS S.W. 34th STREET AND S.W. 39th STREET. EXISTING ZONING M-P (MANUFACTURING PARK) EXISTING USE UNDEVELOPED PROPOSED USE APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO STORY BUILDING HAVING 77,170 SQUARE FEET (BLDG. NO. 15) . COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN MANUFACTURING PARK/MULTIPLE OPTION COMMENTS LOCATED EAST OF THE SPRINGB OOK GREENBELT AND NORTH OF S.W. 39th STREET AND SOUTH OF S.W. 34th STREET. ECF01987 Dskl BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT JUNE 17 , 1987 A. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: PROJ:I]CT:Berkley Structures ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-019-87 APPLICATION NO. : SA-034-87 DESC2IPTION OF PROPOSAL: Site plan approval to allow construction of a two-story office building having approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: S.W. 34th Street, adjacent to 800 S .W. 39th Street B. ISSUES: 1. Whether sufficient information has been provided with respect to the approximate quantities of the filling, the type of material that will be used and the source? The applicant had stated that footing and structural filling will be used and filling may be done for driveways but has not stated the type or source of this material . 2 . Whether or not the grading plan is adequate? The applicant needs to provide the existing and proposed elevations on the site including the heights used with any landscape berm. 3 . Whether or not on-site recreational opportunities have been sufficiently addressed. The applicant needs to show how the proposed building relates to the earlier permits with greenbelt and trail improvements as well as pedestrian connection points that link this site to the trail . 4 . Whether sufficient measures have been taken to ensure pedestrian safety when traveling through the parking lot? The applicant should provide a second walkway that runs northward from the Building and Zoning partment Environmental Reviel ommittee Staff Report ECF-019-87 Berkley Structures June 17 , 1987 Page 2 building to S .W. 34th Street for pedestrians from that part of the site. 5. Whether sufficient measures have been taken to reduce the number of vehicle trips as well as traffic impacts generated by the project. The with the Traffic Engineering Division on the Benefit District Assessment, the width of the driveway on S.W. 34th Street, and the provision of sidewalks on S .W. 34th Street. C. RECOMMENDATIONS : That the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated with the following conditions: D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS: Various City departments have reviewed and commented upon the prcject. These comments are as follows: Police Department: Probable minor impact to public services noted with no further comment. File Prevention Bureau: Probable minor impact to public services noted. No further comment. Engineering: More information requested on utilities. Probable minor impact noted to all other elements with the following comments: Extend sidewalk improvements across railroad right-of-way to east and across creek easement to west. Traffic Engineering: More information requested on transportation with minor impacts noted for other elements. The following comments were made: 1. Estimate Benefit District Assessment: Office Trips: 17 . 7 x 77 , 170 = 1, 365. 91 1, 000 Trip Ends) x (Est/Trip Ends) = Assessment Amount 1, 365. 91 x $188 = $256, 791. 88 2 . Driveway on S .W. 34th Street to be 30 feet in width. 3 . Sidewalks to be provided on S.W. 34th Street. Building and Zoning partment Environmental Revie, ommittee Staff Report ECF-019-87 Berkley Structures June 17 , 1987 Page 3 4 . A traffic analysis required for channelization at parking lot entrance on S.W. 34th Street and traffic signal warrants for the intersection of Lind Ave. S .W. and S.W. 34th Street. Utility Engineering: Probable minor impacts noted to public services and utilities. No further comments were made. Parks and Recreation: Probable major impacts noted for aesthetics and recreation. The following comments were made: 1. On-site passive recreation opportunities need to be addressed. 2 . Springbrook Creek is designated as a major recreation oriented trail corridor by the City' s developing Master Trails Plan. Development of trail links along this corridor will be a great benefit for this site and for other sites in the Valley as well . Building Division: Probable major impacts noted on housing with minor impacts noted for all other elements. No further comments were made. Zoning Division: Major impacts noted for recreation and transportation with probable minor impacts to all other elements. The following comments were made: 1. The net square footage of the building is not given. Parking should not exceed 1: 200 sq. ft. based upon the net usable area. 2 . Pedestrian connection points should be made from the site of this building to the recreation trail along Springbrook Creek. 3 . Will the recreation amenities provided for Building No. 14 be adequate to serve this building as well? 4. Car pool and transit programs should be set up for employees. 5. Provide second driveway onto S.W. 34th Street at northeast corner of parking lot to improve potential traffic congestion. Policy Development: More information requested on earth, water, plants, aesthetics, recreation and transportation. Probable major impact noted on earth, water, recreation and transportation with minor probable impacts noted for other elements. The following comments were made: Building and Zoning apartment Environn.ental Revie.. Committee Staff Report ECF-019-87 Berkley Structures June 17 , 1987 Page 4 1. We need to know the quantity and source of fill. A temporary erosion control plan should be included as part of the checklist. 2 . The checklist states that the proposal will not require any work within 200 feet of Springbrook. This should be checked for accuracy. A stormwater retention/drainage plan should be included as part of the checklist. 3 . Perhaps additional landscaping should be provided to buffer the site from Springbrook. 4 . Applicant should provide a linkage to Springbrook.On-site passive recreation features should be added. 5. No numbers were provided on trips/day. Perhaps the applicant should contribute to the Valley TSM program. 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 7o1-\kr DATE CIRCULATED: April 27, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: May 8, 1987 EFC - 029-87 APPLICATION NO(S). : Sp-04-87 PROPONENT : Berkley Structures, Inc. PROJECT TITLE: Ruilding 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:Sitp plan Approval to allow constriction of a two story office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4.79 acre¢ BUILDING AREA (gross): 77, 170 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants ma/ 5) Animals J` 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 4 9) Housing N)1 , 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: CI) I-1 g7 1 "1'I4C rekr1P c 7146 13u iu Dir‘ Co- ? plkR,KI iNG "31-4ou L-D 5\C(k0 t Zoo 5, r, C' o tA,Poi') r1-1/E Ili tA5 Na.,I ped QS io n C.o n e. ion Ppint old laviacitct-vyy, Q uldin +o fie, 6,0-I w i ( o1' spi,,.lo C 6100Ol.) y'I f kCR,E t ri IQ U,cc0 EC)R tu,t-,1311‘)( UO, 14 Cbe (pEaotair. 1D 3 fww u I LDIr(o GAR _ Pooi., two TRAN31 Pi kAm SHov'n We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or ewh additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal.OVE54-, T-UP,C 60-16'j6•7 Signature of Di litor or Authorized Representative Date 7 P Rov s C_)0IV p DVZ,uug--/ C s: w . - r "31-tZEti, I4T NOt Njs1 t? 0-100 I t ray, TR,N'FFI (0&G6.S-'1ok) RENT^N BUILDING & ZONING DEF TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 029 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-034-87 PROPONENT : BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PROJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATRT Y 77,170 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : . '.w. 34th STREET, ADJACENT TO 800 S.W. 39th STREET. TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU l IPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT I ( POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : Z-01\)II'\)(0 I ( APPROVED I ] APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED 2 7° cs-P mi n ()St \ ow\cl5cci in should cve' to +Lk 13 •Fr,01 PLPIO 2 Bo I ,c4f k CA k °A . uppkm enf i w n w I oide, p DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: fGI1Ct DATE CIRCJLATED: April 27, 087 COMMENTS DUE: h1ay $ hd, NR7 EFC - 029-87 H 1 c fat--- NT(J APPLICATIJN NO(S). : SA-034-87 APR 2 7 1987 PROPONENT : Berkley Structures, Inc. POLICY DEVELOPMFMT fFPT PROJECT TITLE: Ruilding 1 BRIEF DESJRIPTION OF PROJECT:SitP Plan Approval to allow construction of a two story office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4.79 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 77, 170 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION k*I i(3N IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth I 13 2) Air_ l' MAY 71 9R7 '1l 3) Water 4" 2- Li) Plants_ BUILDING / ZONING DEPI•.V 3 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources ye 7) Environmental Health 8) Lanc and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 3 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation_ 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation V 14) Transportation_ V 5 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: 1) • L 4-A-t A4- 7U-4 q l-a.l A.4-0 a, I Aiett-eAsta 4 Z.) . t cat-e-e.k)ad4 A" 7 -1? O k Tir.!""1.4 ti ,p, it.e. .¢.,w. ,., .,001.4a,c,k_a..; c- reotAt-- 1A-3,A-t-d- 1,4-e 3) . f c,. La- evI a- We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 1 U40 V RENTS-. BUILDING & ZONING DEPA 'MENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 029 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-034-87 PROPONENT : BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PROJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING_ HAVING APPROXIMATELY 77.170 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : Jr.W. 34th STREET, ADJACENT TO 800 S.IAL 39th STREET. TO : P• UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : El ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n F• IRE PREVENTION BUREAU I] W it OF RENTON PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT C- ' EV n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 1- inii A ,{ P• OLICE DEPARTMENT h A 7 1997 EI POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BID D!NG / ZONING DEPT. OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P ,M, ON MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : ii-lek..oy nAPPROVED APPROVED WITH`CONDI IONSnT n NOT APPROVED LAA.A.4.4-2A.A-k-sa etit_oLie r4Aria-a-z-0---e /4-.0 t.ty 40"),Kdoo p-e4L-41 44,Le-hroxika- SIGNATURE OF DIRECTy R AUTHOR ED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 V 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 1I*601e DATE CIRCULATED: April 27, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: may 8, 1987 EFC - 029-87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SA-014-87 PROPONENT: Berkley Structures, Inc. PROJECT TITLE: Ruilding 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:SitP Plan Approval to allow construction of a two story office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4,79 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 77, L70 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: jr. RL"r ON iñi W.AY 111987 ILO) E iL9 r c /ZONING GEPI C 7?'/( We hav: eviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have -, pe tise ' , and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addit'ona Alp ,on is needed to properly assess this proposal. j L5-/ e /87 Sign'ture of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENT^N BUILDING & ZONING DEP " "TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 029 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-034-87 PROPONENT : BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PROJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 77.170 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : Ara.W. 34th STREET, ADJACENT TO 800 S.W. 39th STREET_ TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION l ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT El OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, ON MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 0T/1/Tt/ sENif-/AI E1 /A i— n APPROVED El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS r- NOT APPROV Nccos APP( tA`o tAlmire PUIAt UT1UTY APPROVAL SUBJECT TO Ze.46 -A/lee11 3Eieb LATECOMERS AGREEMENT-WATER ytes W-Sds Y '`X3 9l9 7 G adLATECOMERSAGREEMENT-SEWER A/O or SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WATER V,ES WO.U¢/&c FT X 'o8 'ZZ 4'= $ E; SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SEWER. yis x 208(r2Z4_ 8 g— SAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE-WATER NQ 70 7'Qz ASSESSMENT ARE1 CHARGE-SEWER NO At'::4::`)WATER PLAN I47///'4pM. SEWER PLAN 1E5APt,tu%::;,4 FIRE HY©RAN7 LOCATIONS BY ME C-"T. Es Ilw I I DATE ' s! D 8 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: uOckk DATE CIRCULATED: April 27, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: May 8, 1987 EFC - 029-87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SA-04-87 PROPONENT: Berkley Structures, Inc. PROJECT TITLE: minding 1', BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:Site Plan Approval to allow construction of a two story office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4.7q acrec BUILDING AREA (gross): 77, 170 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health i 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we hav expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additio formation is nee ed to properly assess this proposal. e'_ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTAN BUILDING & ZONING DEP" "TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 029 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-034-87 PROPONENT : BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PROJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 77_170 SQUARE FEET_ LOCATION : 3T.W. 34th STREET. ADJACENT TO 800 S.W. 39th STREET_ TO : 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT EBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Ell POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P ,M, ON MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : I ( APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 6)/ z0A "-1 Cc7i t?-' 6 1 s c'D DATE : z7 T SIGNAXTURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKL ST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: i--- f , DATE CIRCULATED: April 27, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: May 8, 1987 EEC - 029-87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SA-034-87 APR 2 7 198?. PROPONENT : Berkley Structures, Inc. IJA" - PROJECT TITLE: Ruilding 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:Site Pl.in Approval to allow construction of a two story office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4.79 arrec BUILDING AREA (gross): 77, 170 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air_ 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: CITY OF RENTON R We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 1r iff, /9 c 7 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENT' BUILDING & ZONING DEP TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 029 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-034-87 PROPONENT : BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PROJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 77.J 70 SQUARE FEET_ LOCATION : _sr.W. 34th STREET, ADJACENT TO 800 S.W. 39th STREET_ TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : ir3 APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED e_xi-Gr-* c " Lam;, i?e s. _7;4. 19-e-A-1- ae-e_e_A.... ./2,-e-c,14- a----, --4e--- a---- i- _74,_,...4.,:e.p._..6 ._..ii-,- CITY OF RE=NTON n --- - APR V1987 BUILDING / ZONING DEPT. DATE : afy f. /9,7 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 5/A it d,tey REQUIRII> FIRE FLOI1 CALCULATION; ;,- LLL 1- 7 toWP 20987 1. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION INFORMATIONatti U NAME c/ 6 U.B.C. CLA ssl"o r3Uf j ADDRESS s _(--> ,_3 7, . . 3 Z:// FIRE MGMT AREA ti 2. DETERM NF TY E OF CONSTRUCTION - CLASS (CIRCLE ONE): I - II IV III IRE-RESIS1I NON-00M3USTIBLE ORDINARY V WOOD FRAME MIXEDMIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR AREA AND BASIC FIRE FLOW)3. DETERMINE AREA: GROUND FLOOR AREA: 3F,SAS FT2 (A) NUMBER OF STORIES: r TOTAL BUILDING AREA: 77 / 764. DETERMINE BASIC FIRE FLOW FROM TABLE Sf1, USING AREA (A):IUD) DETERMINE OCCUPANCY FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: GPM (B) C s. 7s cPMIFLOWHAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 25% OF (B): IF HIGH HAZARD, ADD UP TO 25% OF (B) CC) 6. COMPUTE SUB-TOTAL (B+C): IF B+C IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) 2)S"Q GPM (D) 7. DETERMINE SPRINKLER ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: i /a 3 GPM (E)IF COMPLETELY SPRINKLERED, SUBTRACT UP TO 50% OF (D): IF LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCYANDFIRERESISTIVEORNON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SUBTRACT UP TO 75% OF (D).8. DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT: USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS A GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION AND ADJUSTMENT FOR EACH OFTHE 'FOUR FACES" OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT THE RIGHT: SEPARATION MAX. ADJUSTMENT EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJ. 10 -- 1300 25o MAX. NORTH 4/D' ADD _ % 31 - 60 120% MAX. 5% MAX. EAST 75' ADD ,[,__b 1 -10010% SOUTH 6C ADD /S saMAX. WEST kG'' ADD 10101 -150 5% MAX. TOTAL, % OF ADJUSTMENT150OR 't-HR WALL 0% MAX. NOT TO EXCEED 75%) : TOTAL % ADJUSTMENT TIMES (D) ADJUSTMENT: q i6 '7, 5d GPM (F)9. DETERMINE ROOF AND SIDING COVERING ADJUSTMENT:IF SHINGLE COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: GPM (G)10. COMPUTE ESTIMATED FIRE FLOW REQUIRED: IF D+E+F+G :S LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM)IF D+E+F+G IS GREATER THAN 12,000 GPM, INSERT 12,C30 GPM) IC1IZ . 5 D+E+F+G) REQUIRED FIRE FLOW:Z O O O GPM (H) f 11. SIGNED: li I ATE 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Cnl1Y1e_e.51 DATE CIRCULATED: April 27, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: May 8, 1987 EFC - 029-87 f.. . APPLICATION NO(S). : SA-034-87 PROPONENT: Berkley Structures, Inc. PROJECT TITLE: Ru-ilriing 15 I r 1 11 997 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:Site Plan Apprnval to allow ccnstr.uct,i94.4-a, twor. tort' office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square -iee . LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4.79 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 77, 170 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation v 14) Transportation 15) Public Services j 16) Utilities COMMENTS: ACtrj clAJUIA .73erpt/eit° fle0S12oJeoaJ teies0044° &IS‘1—' e-4ileACS 01. ek40:1# 11 /' w We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional inf rmation is need to properly assess this proposal. he. 5 7 Signet o Director or Authorized Representative Date REN'^N BUILDING & ZONING DEP TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 029 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-034-87 PROPONENT : BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PROJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING; APPROXIMATELY 77•170 _SQUARE FEET_ LOCATION : Ar,W. 34th STREET ADJACENT TO 800 S_.W. 39th STREET_ TO : I ! PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISIONR.TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT l ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OOTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION.: APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 09,r3 vid-c_ C6ILZ<_7A- 614N ,-* , ID/I->e? r----6,%., 0, si L Y/2-5/37 e. t."° PV' t: Ici 4,4 S,A w. ( ' IV ' 4'M gip.41, pir,,,, .6, E4 oe 3 OAK* vec3- irm -:. DATE: SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: [raft, DATE CIRCULATED: April 27, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: May 8, 1987 EFC - 029-87 r nna_`l_,I_ ON APPLICATION NO(S). : SA-034-87 o Cam' I1 v L' PROPONENT : Berkley Structures, Inc.111987 PROJECT TITLE: Ruildling 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: • office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4.79 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 77, 170 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth L/ 2) Air t 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing t-' 10) Aesthetics L-- 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation L' 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: p Ie 5 e G G/ 7L L// 7 1 Y)L * /e's5 e SS I.vt_G e fries f 7r 7, Z X 7 7 i7® = / 3 5, 41 i rig ( ds) x <Q6f4..,. E40 e55 .. f . •row,. ' 3 6 , 9 t' t / B 8 Z` 56 7- 0 E0 Ye 1.43 O fl G 3c) ,et 'b,c/144. O d e E /Si s'7' S24 4- 7-v /L a,a J ysis ?eQ(4,Y•4) fGY C avo-le_Ii I a4, C, ltilq a. sLe) -7; sto a 7waP';')<- S a\ war-v fs 11-e 10-€Y5c4-;Z)L, o1C L mod /4„c sio 45j 571' We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where 0additionalinformationisneededtoproperlyassessthisproposal. ems 97 Signature of Director or uthorized epresentative Date REN""N BUILDING & ZONING DEP TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 029 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-034-87 PROPONENT : BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PROJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTTON OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 77.17D SQUAD E FEET. LOCATION : v.W. 34th STREET. ADJACENT TO BOO S.W. 39th STREET_ TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION FI TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : I ( UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION Ell FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT l ( BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ( OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M, ON MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : twgc ee-u- t APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS J NOT APPROVED e ESit. e-,_yeye;/ 0i;74'0.tc t fi SS eS5 t..t tc.Y T, i /S : /72- X77/ / 7L' 365, ! 7vi E' dS x (zos7V7-i-7P s e s s ,-.t o ? L 1 1. 3 G`, y ( S 8 f 7 `D, 222- Z, LC e W 54(1 -11V : , tin c)Fee74,;w v,•ztt 3 S d 15 ")'o bs'e dam/ scr. DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE t l 4 . rs- c a.ka Y 5i s.eQy 1 Y C a- .Lt ZaTlo 1 Pa rV o g•-}Ya.LL Ora D sJ 3 S7L a.d 7 1",c S,y;'.a"P REVISION 5/1982 18 2 D GV P ._+iSr-SPG7G Na LrH a Ate J J/ _S[. L 1`4 6 mor 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PaY DATE CIRCULATED: April 27, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: May 8, 1987 EFC - 029-87 APPLICATION NO(S). : J 034-87 PROPONENT: Berkley Structures, Inc. PROJECT TITLE: Riiilding l, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:site Plan Approval to allow construction of a two story office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4.79 arrPs BUILDING AREA (gross): 77, 170 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: L l 7ac axeue geed k addreiiec( S r h 6/-4 ,d/C.-- (Pee'/ 7:1 deft(dra/ laja- Il o6 ar/et lic/ ?/-a(-1 fit-t C s d&4f ,/ Atgi ller //-a(1 / geae i'w T 4 a( '/ A i/t w/l/ 6c_ le s i"/.1 in /he e1( f We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additiona inf mation is needed to properly assess this proposal. Pa / //i2 Si ure of Director or Authorized Representative Date J RENT—I BUILDING & ZONING DEP," "TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 029 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SA-034-87 PROPONENT : BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PROJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 77.170 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : V.W. 34t-h STREET. L,D,IACENT TO 800 S.W. 39th STREET_ TO : n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION L ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : I ( UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU RPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT 111 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; /141/ /eecfe°df'4'‘,N. APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 1NOT APPROVED 2JJ/"U c a`r 5//e cot'iw 7L(-d o f b /4ie 4/ aehy e a rli lt 6 e f( Ve ,a/w.Peed y 1Lv,,Gy-Q'V y' Ypc'ifro de halitr 19d,tieol frail 4.1 i// Cilh Ie 6? Ite,W7I-1 0`1, afi 0uv''7 k 11 i 1. a/eft-4-11-c tie ei /ap GvI-A- 4. ,fo.etiy,. -dle 31 A...."--1,4, DATE :U, /aj SIGNATURE DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE irere./71/G6- (arey4r Tzcicrf At,,, Z s EV,,IIS ION 5/1982 1 1*Form 12 'i 741"4,-/ fe/4.1.-i/1se/r fiApJr 67 / .v/L i2..t ifl CC., ,. 1S Aim ° 8r L 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: k)\IC,e, DATE CIRCULATED: April 27, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: May 8, 1987 EFC - 029-87 APPLICATION NO(S). : S( 034-87 PROPONENT: Berkley Structures, Inc. PROJECT TITLE: Riiilding 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:Site Plan Approval to allow construction of a two story office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4.79 acrPc BUILDING AREA (gross): 77, 170 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: r I L ft.Ay 81987 .:_ii n1191 i-iv ,', i 7.171!n,1c DEPT. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. D__r_ez7/4,0,e, 3-7-7-817 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REN7'11 BUILDING & ZONING DEP " —TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — 029 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) ; SA-034-87 PROPONENT : BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PROJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 7711.7_0_ SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : _cr.n7. 34th STREET. ADJACENT TO 800 S.W. 39th STREET. TO : C PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Et POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 ; 00 P ,M, ON MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 2x 4rRe)cd i 5 cork rItyv VF;\ i 1 +'L sib -1mIC•.G DEN. DATE ; l ` SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 ti 2149N ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: DATE CIRCULATED: April 27, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: May 8, 1987 EFC - 029-87 APPLICATION NO(S). : SA-034-87 PROPONENT : Berkley Structures, Inc. PROJECT TITLE: Ruilding 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:Site Plan Approval to a1]ow construction of a two story office buildinghaving approximately 77, 170 square feet. LOCATION: S.W. 34th Street, Adjacent to 800 S.W. 39th Street. SITE AREA: 4.79 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): 77 170 sq ft. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS PROBABLE PROBABLE MORE MINOR MAJOR INFORMATION IMPACT IMPACT NECESSARY 1) Earth 2) Air_ 3) Water 4) Plants_ 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Hous'Lng 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas we have expertise in and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date RENTCOBUILDING & ZONING DEPAIPENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 029 - 87 APPLICATION NJ(S) : SA-034-87 PRCPONENT : BEFKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. PRCJECT TITLE : BUILDING 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 77.170 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION ; .G. 34th STREET. ADJACENT TO 800 S_W_ 9th STREET_ TO : n PUBLIC W;)RKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : n ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRA=FIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTI ._ITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PRE ELATION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n OTHERS COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , 'LEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M . DN MAY 8, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ; n APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 p.O. Box oo4r uean|o.Washington om1wo t 4±j206/281'8252 K Inc. E 7 JOB NO. u.w" xvx.w u. =v^«=. w..wv nnxw, u / ATTENTION . Q)11 ZF rl 7-L~~ TO K n| GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ez *uuchod O Undo, separate cover via the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints m'`|anx U Samples U Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order O oop/ca o^rs NO.osncn/pr/om THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval U Approved as submitted O Resubmit copies for approval O cnr vour use U Approved as noted O Submit copies for distribution 0--As requested O Returned for ouneutinnx O Return oo,motod prints O For /eviow and comment O L7- FOR BIDS DUE 19 U PRINTS RETURNED AFTER L0*m TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: ,v7 Zt'-_ 47:4,cm;IFi. .i.i.C„.,111 q t 1-i e, qa ..' Berkley Structures, Inc. P.O. Box 9847•Seattle, Washington 98109.206/281-8252 i.a.. i i-s A -F 7 ....4...w. i.,. ._i.rii i..: ,., ......,.i is ,..,.,..L.... June 8, 1987 Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrater - City of Renton Municiple Building, Renton, Washington Dear Don, Please find below the information requested in your letter dated June 1, 1987 in regards to Boeing Electronics Facility Building 15, File: SA-034-87. Approximatly 2000 cy of structural fill will be added for slab and footing fill . This material will originate from the Milton Pits. The structural fill will be granular with a maximum size of three inches and no more than 5% fines passing through a number 200 sieve. Grading elevation and landscape berms (see note on site plan) will be approximatly the same as was previously constructed for buildings 8,9,10, and 11. A vicinity map of 1"= 200' scale is enclosed. Access to Springbrook Creek and a pedestrian walkway in the north parking lot has been drawn on the site plan. If there are any questions regarding this, please contact me at 251-8427. Sincerely, f2 Thomas R. Gallagher Project Manager Berkley Structures TRG/jf enclosure ni t' 1` 1 t\\J 1 1 OF R, 4 A, 0i BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON — DIRECTOR 2 solL opmom MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 9,0 co• 0, 9gt 0 SEP-CE' BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR June 1, 1987 Douglas Gardner 201 Elliott Ave. West, Suite 407 Seattle, WA 98119 Subject: Boeing Electronics Company Building No. 15, File: SA-034-87 Dear Mr. Gardner: This letter is written as a follow up to your telephone conversation on May 28, 1987, with Jerry Lind regarding more information this office will need for the above referenced site approval application. Those items we discussed were as follows: 1. Environmental Checklist. The section on "Earth" in the checklist states that footingandstructuralfillingwillbedoneandperhapsfillingatthedriveways. We need to know the approximate quantities of the filling, the type of material that will be used, and where the source of this material will originate from. 2. Grading. Provide more information in regards to what the existing and proposed (if different) elevations of the site will be. Include also what heights will be used with any landscape berming. 3. Vicinity Map. The vicinity map on the submitted blueprints are more useful as a location map, but it does not provide much information as to what is actually developed/undeveloped in the immediate area. A vicinity map at a scale of approximately 1°' = 200' which details the location of existing buildings, parking lots, streets, and Springbrook Creek as it relates to the total site shall be shown. 4. Springbrook Creek Greenbelt. The site plan/landscape plan should show the Springbrook channel and it's greenbelt with the recreation trail and improvements that was constructed with previous permits. We will need to seo how the proposed building relates to this earlier phase. For example, pedestrian connection points should be shown that link this site to the trail. Douglas Gard ier Boeing Electronics Co. Bldg. No. 15 June 1, 1987 Page 2 5. Interior Walkways. The site plan has a well designed walkway that runs in a northeastern direction parallel to the building through the parking lot. We would also like to see a walkway that runs from the building northward to S.W. 34th Street to pick up pedestrians from that portion of the site as well. The City's next environmental meeting will be on Wednesday, June 10, 1987, at 10:00 a.m. If you could get us this additional information by no later than Friday noon, June 5, 1987, we will place this item on that day's agenda. If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact myself or Jerry Lind of this office.. ely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:JFL:csb:3835Z r d r.i 3 . d. i Berkley Structures, Inc. P.O. Box 9847•Seattle, Washington 98109.206/281-8252 NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED LAND USE BUILDING 15 April 10, 1987 The proposed Building 15 would be identical to the existing five buildings located on this site in all manners such as color, type of roof structure, building structure, landscaping, materials , etc. to keep the campus-type setting. The proposed use would be a two-story office complex for the continued use of the Boeing Electronics Company. The construc- tion period would begin in the late fourth quarter of 1987 and last through part of the first quarter of 1988. CITY OP$;;.,r,i t r' I 7fd yiLp 4, r I1,r e ripi L. faPR 131987 L°LP r. el Ink..) OF Co Z NOTICEa 9 O 99rE0 SEOTEN'0 POSTED : MAY 29, 1987 OF PENDING SITE PLAN APPLICATION SITE PLAN APPROVAL : SA-034-87 DESCRIPTION .BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC , APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 2 STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING APPROXIMATELY 77, 170 SQUARE FEET FOR THE BOEING ELECTRONICS COMPANY, GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: EAST OF SPRINGBRUOK CREEK AND BETWEEN S.W. 34TH STREET & S.W. 39TH STREET PUBLIC APPROVALS REQUIRED : 1, SITE PLAN APPROVAL 2, BUILDIPdG PERMIT PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ANYTIME PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARINGS AND DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION c Y O rITY OF RENT (N FILE NO(S): sA-034-8-7 4 rs @ .DING & ZONING DEPARTM r LCr- UZ't "F`-1 A 0 Nr :c0 MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of applications) are to be completed. Please print or type. Attach odditional sheets if necessary.) APPLICANT I I TYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES Berkley Structures, Inc. 0 REzoNE+(FROM TO ADDRESS 201 Elliott Ave. , West, Suite 407 0 SPECIAL PERMIT* CITY 0 TEMPORARY PERMIT* Seattle, Washington 98119 Q CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT* TELEPHONE rn SITE PLAN APPROVAL 9)2 5 d= 0 SPECIAL PERMIT FOR GRADE AND FILL 206) 281-8252 No. of Cubic Yards: CONTACT PERSON 0 VARIANCE* From Section: Justification Required NAME Douglas N. Gardner ADDRESS SUBDIVISIONS; 201 Elliott Ave. , West, Suite 407 , 0 SHORT PLAT CITY ZIP Q TENTATIVE PLAT Seattle, Washington 98119 0 PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE Q FINAL PLAT 206) 281-8252 / 251-8427 0 WAIVER Justification Required) OWNER NO. OF LOTS: NAME PLAT NAME: Orillia Limited Partnership k ADDRESS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: 201 Elliott Ave. , West, Suite 400 0 PRELIMINARY CITY Seattle, Washington 9811 1P 0 FINAL P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE 206) 281-8700 0 Residential 0 Industrial IDCommercial Q Mixed LOCATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS ED TENTATIVE Adjarant t0 800 S. . 39th Street Q PRELIMINARY EXISTING USE PRESENT ZONING FINAL Vacant M.P. PROPOSED USE PARK NAME: Office Complex NUMBER OF SPACES: 1 on ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Li 5 0 SQ. FT. ACRES TOTAL FEES (Pao. f) AREA:208,822 s.f. 4.79 acres liecie t'I 12-6 3• STAFF USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING DATE STAMP (_,7 .`_, « v [; \ APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: 4 e--"- nr APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: Li1/r1 tti,A+ AP P 13 i y Li, 0 Accepted I 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: 0 Accepted 0 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: P Building 0 Design Eng, Fire Q Parks 0 Police 0 Policy Dev. 0 Utilities ter D 1- {1-h.; 111 Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). Lot b, Block 5, of the Plats of Burlinaton Northern Industrial Park Renton II , as filed for record in Volume III . paQe 44 of Platt records King (minty, Wachingtnn r•. AFFIDAVIT I, IC,Vt Cl A b Q 1/ being duly sworn, declare that I am authorized representative to act for the property owner, owner of the property Involved In this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF Cpt,( , 19( I NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON,RESIDING AT Name of Notary Public)Signature of Owner 9' I 1''' ..f,v . 01) Address) Address) a-n LC, wit G( i 1 q City) State) (Zip) 9 - R lob Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed In the "Application Procedure." Form #174 OF R4 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Z o RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTORaga 09 co MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 09gr 0 SEPT°°' BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR May 15, 1987 Berkley Structures, Inc. 201 Elliott Ave. W. Suite 407 Seattle, WA 98119 RE: Two Story Office Complex - ECF 029 87 SA 034 87 SM 008 87 Dear Mr. O'Neil: The City of Renton Building and Zoning Department has formally accepted your Site Plan Approval, Shoreline, and environmental checklist applications for the above referenced project. Your application has been routed and tentatively scheduled for the Environmental Review Committee on May 27, 1987, to consider your environmental checklist. The site plan application will be reviewed by the Site Plan Review Committee after the ERC Committee has issued a Threshold Determination. If you have any questions regarding the scheduling of your project, please contact Dee Beedle of this office at 235-2540. Very truly, j I1 Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DE:3809Z CERTIFICATION OF NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS/SITE PLAN FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY* * PROJECT TITLE: BOEING ELECTRONICS COMPANY, BLDG. NO. 15 APPLICANT:BERKLEY STRUCTURES, INC. APPLICATION NUMBER: SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-034-87 The following is a list of adjacent property owners and their addresses. A notification of the pending site plan application shall be sent to these individuals as prescribed by Renton City Code, Chapter 7 Section 38 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to site plan approval. ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER Burlington Northern Industrial 2000 First Interstate Center 125381-0120-09 Park Renton II 999 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98104-1105 Arnesburg Investments, Inc. 3400 Lind Avenue S.W. 125381-0010-02 Renton, Washington 98055 Orillia Limited Partnership 201 Elliott Avenue West 125381-0020-00 Suite 400 Seattle, Washington 98119 Orillia Limited Partnership 201 Elliott Avenue West 125381-0030-08 Suite 400 Seattle, Washington 98119 Orillia Limited Partnership 201 Elliott Avenue West 125381-0070-09 Suite 400 Seattle, Washington 98119 Burlington Northern Industrial 2000 First Interstate Center 125381-0130-07 Park Renton II 999 Third Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104-1105 r+.PR 121987 c.. rr. r ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER CERTIFICATION I, Z2, ,ts,,,,,/,,., hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property owners and their addr sses were taken from the records of the King County Assessor as prescribed by law. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Publ c, in a for the State of Washington residing at e eu on the _ 1 cay of ?A I j 196) SIGNE cJ CERTIFICATION OF MAILING I, UERI. LikiD , hereby certify that notices of the public meeting on the subject site plan approval were mailed on JU.IE 151 t j 7. to each listed adjacent property owner as prescribed by law. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing at ro (U on the 1 S TB day of DO j E l qi e 14_NitrI,yyioa y 1 4 1 LD,c, ( . o _ SIGNED: J U/Y10 AO O NOg510N c A u TA N yG jsL G, p•:`, Z C R 1 .•'o F ••••..1.•••FORM 208 OF R4. ECF: 029 877 I O City of Renton . l.u:o ; 9A 0 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST911EDSEPjE„, ‘ Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43,21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before makingdecisions. An environmental Impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for allproposalswithprobablesignificantadverseimpactsonthequalityoftheenvironment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide Information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, If it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic Information about yourproposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the bestdescriptionyoucan. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of yourknowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your ownobservationsorprojectplanswithouttheneedtohireexperts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "doesnotapply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, andlandmarkdesignations. Answer these questions If you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even If you plan to dothemoveraperiodoftimeorondifferentparcelsofland. Attach any additionalinformationthatwillhelpdescribeyourproposalorItsenvironmentaleffects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining If there may be significantadverseImpacts. Use of Checklist for Nonproject Proposals: (Please Type or Print Legibly) Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may beanswered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FORNONPROJECTACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs),the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site"should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Boeing Electronics Company 2. Name of applicant: CITY QI- iOrilliaPropertyAssociates, Limited Partnership t ( f'+ 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Douglas. N. Gardn l o h 201 Elott Ave. ew. Seattle, WA 98119 LI APR•1 J 4. Date checklist prepared: 3/30/87 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton Planning 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, If applicable): Building 15 Start Date September 1987 Completion Date November 1987 • 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. None 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, If known. Site Plan Approval, Building Permit, Utility Connections. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later In this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. two story office buildings totaling 77,170. Sq. Ft. building features are smooth painted concrete walls with gray tinted glass. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient Information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, Including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topography map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The site is located on SW 34th Street. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other Flat b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? c. NiP rcc'rnal (\iat gene woe14)s of soils are found on the site (for example, caly, sand, gravel, peat, ,muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Sand & Organic Material d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the Immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No 2 — e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Footing and structural fill, possible fill at driveways. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. No g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces alter project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 82% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Install filter fabric, ditches and rocked layed entrances. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Dust and vehicle emissions during construction. Vehicle emission during regular use. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission? No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: During construction, use of good operational techniques such as watering of exposed areas and regular street cleaning. Efficient layout of parking, driveways to reduce traffic congestion; therefore, 3. WATER less idle time and lower car emissions. a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Springbrook creek (Drainage Channel) 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? if yes, please describe and attach available plans. No 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None 3 - 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general descrition, purpose, and approximately quantities if known. Coin true tion of new storm drainage system that will collect run- off and detaining it prior to discharge to storm drain system located along S.W. 34th Street. 5) Does tlr proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site D1an. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Grourk 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and appaoximately quantities ifknown. No 2) Descme waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals . . .; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems. the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, If known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow Into other waters? If so, describe. See 4 on page 4 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generallydescribe. No, possibility exists though if any of sewer pipesbzuzk. 4 - d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Storm drainage system including catch basins, underground pipes. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: A deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other o evergreen tree: Tir, cedar, pine, other m Shrubs El grass o crop or grain o Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other o water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other o other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Addition of new landscaping, removal of existing ground cover. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: See landscape Plan L-1 S. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: Hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other Crows , Sparrows , Robins , Finches Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No S - d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife. If any: Landscaping of the site (2% for wildlife as required by code. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether It will be used for heating, manufacturing. etc. Electricity b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included In the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, If any: Insulation of roof, walls and slab as required by energy code. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? if so. describe. No 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Tenant will provide emergency services as required. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, If any: See 1 b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Traffic along Lind Avenue. 6 - 2) What types and !ovals of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Noise during cc'struction ,• traffic noise between 6:30 am and 5:30pm.• 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise Impacts. If any: Use of quiet equipment. B. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Site is undeveloped. The site to the north is vacant, to the east is . proposed development, to'the south is SW 39th street and to the west'is . Spring Brook Creek (drainage channel). b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. None d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? MP f. What is the current c npreher iv designation of the site? Connx rcial g• if applicable, what is the urrent silo line master program designation of the site? None h. Flas any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so. specify. No I. Approximately how many people would reside or work In the completed project? 650 Lnployees J. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement Impacts, If any: None 7 - 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Buildings are designed to accomodate primarily office use. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided. if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, If any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. Buildings are constructed of smooth painted concrete walls and gray tinted glass. Tallest height of the building excluding HVAC b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed?is 28 0 None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts. if any: heavily landscaped parking areas and around building elevations. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Parking and building lights at night. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Use of low glare fixtures. 8 - 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? 1. Springbrook Creek - 2 mile trail along canal . 2. Building 660 - Has work-out room with showers 3. Building 800 - Has showers. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so. describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant. If any: None 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on. or proposed for, national, state. or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? if so. generally describe. None b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts. If any: None 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed • access to the existing street system. Show on site plans. if any. Lind Avenue b. Is site currently served by public transit? if not. what is the approximately distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The completed project will provide 1,273 stallt. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets. or Improvements to existing roads or street:, not Including driveways? If so. generally describe indicate whether public or private). None 9 — e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Estimated trips at peak hours are 7:34 AM •and 4 :34 PM. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Staggering of shift hours, improve ride-share and transit utilization. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care. schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer.• b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. hook up of natural gas, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water and telephone. C. SIGNATURE l, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above Information is true and complete. It Is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might Issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: • Name Printed: Douglas N. Gardner In _ 4 I . 1 I . . . . . ;3 .....;.L.1...Ar..--.;—. ...f-/.,:-.1.4s?ii p:". I . . i q I ! ' . , .....t.. .., ..........,,,,. .., . . ...,.... 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